Adobe Illustrator CC 2014 Porting Guide (2014) Cc2014 En

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 2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.

Adobe Illustrator CC 2014 Porting Guide
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Adobe Illustrator CC 2014 Porting Guide
This document describes how to update your SDK plug-in code and development environments for
Adobe® Illustrator® CC 2014. It details changes in the public API and other aspects of the SDK since the
previous release.

Download the Illustrator CC 2014 SDK from, along with
installation instructions and documentation.
The Creative Cloud™ 2014 version requires a different development environment from previous releases;
this means that you must recompile plug-ins built with an earlier version of the Illustrator SDK in order for
them to run in Illustrator CC 2014. See “Development environment” on page 4.

SDK organization
The SDK contains these folders and files (locations are relative to the download location, ):

Documentation, including:

Adobe Illustrator CC 2014 Programmer’s Guide


Porting Guide (this document)


Getting Started with Illustrator CC 2014 Development
(guides/getting-started-guide.pdf )


Using the Adobe Text Engine (guides/using-adobe-text-engine.pdf )


API Reference
This document is provided in two formats:

references/index.chm — This compiled HTML file allows text searches

to be performed on the content. See the Getting Started with Illustrator CC
2014 Development for details.

references/sdkdocs.tar.gz — This file contains the API Reference in

HTML format. To view the contents, decompress the archive, then open
index.html in your browser.

API Advisor (references/apiadvisor-ai16-vs-ai17.html)




The Illustrator API header files.


A set of samples for learning about the API. See “Illustrator SDK changes” on
page 6.


Adobe Illustrator CC 2014 Porting Guide



Changes in this release
These are the major changes between this release and the previous release.

Development environment
The version of Visual Studio has changed. When you open an older solution or project file in the new
version of Visual Studio, you are prompted to update the file.
This release supports these platforms for Illustrator plug-in development.




Windows 7 SP1 32-bit or higher
Illustrator CC 2014
Visual Studio 2012 SP4

Visual Studio 2010 replaced the _SECURE_SCL and _HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING flags with an
_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL macro. Illustrator defines _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL=0 for Release, and
_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL=2 for Debug. We recommend that developers do the same in Visual
Studio 2012.

Mac OS®

Mac OS X 10.7 or higher

Deployment target should be Mac OS X 10.7

Apple 10.7 SDK
Xcode 4.5.2

Xcode can be downloaded from

LLVM Clang

Resource handling
In Illustrator release 17.1 and later, all resources are kept in raw format. The change was necessary because
the resource-handling API in Mac OS SDK 10.8 and later has been deprecated.
This change requires that you make some changes in how you provide resources, according to the target
platform. You must provide resource mapping files that identify the file type of each resource, and if
needed, map the resource ID to the resource file name.
You must add a post-build step to your Xcode project to store resources according to their file types, and
handling in map resource IDs to file names if needed.
Mac OS
1. Select the Target
2. Select the Build Phases tab.
3. Click Add Build Phase (the + icon at the bottom) and choose Add Run Script.
4. In the new script, copy your resource files to sub-folders of plugin.aip/Contents/Resources/.
(There is an example of such a script in the Annotator sample.)

Adobe Illustrator CC 2014 Porting Guide



Keep each type of file in a folder named for the file extension. For example, PNG files go into

5. If your code uses any resource ID that is different from the actual file name, you must create a mapping
file called IDToFile.txt. This file is itself a text resource, and your post-build script must copy it into
the folder plugin.aip/Contents/Resources/txt/.
6. For each file that has a resource ID different from the name, add an entry to IDToFile.txt that maps
the resource ID to the file name. For example, if you have a resource file AnnotatorTool.png and you
use 16501.png as resource ID in your code, the IDToFile.txt must have this line:


You do not need separate mapping entries for the additional high-definition icons. Resources for the
high-definition icons are loaded automatically based on the standard icon name.
In a Windows Visual C++ plug-in project, the project contains a resource file named plugin_name.rc. You
handling in must add an entry to this file for each resource that identifies the file type.
1. For each resource file, add an entry to the RC file in the format:



For example, to use a PNG image resource AnnotatorTool.png:



2. If your code uses any resource ID that is different from the actual file name, you must create a mapping
file called IDToFile.txt. This mapping file is itself a text resource, and requires a line in the RC file:



3. Add a line to the mapping file for each resource ID that maps the ID to the file name. For example:


You do not need separate mapping entries for the additional high-definition icons. Resources for the
high-definition icons are loaded automatically based on the standard icon name.
For examples, see SDK samples that contain resources, such as AnnotatorTool and MultiArrowTool.

HiDPI icon resources
In Illustrator 17.1 and later, any plug-in that creates a tool must supply additional icon resources to support
high-definition (HiDPI) icons for all platforms.
A tool plug-in must provide three resource files for each icon: one for the standard icon definition of each
tool icon, one for the 200% (2x) HiDPI version, and one for the 150% (1.5x) HiDPI version.
The resource files should follow these naming conventions:
ResourceName.png for standard image definitions
ResourceName@2x.png for HiDPI image 2x definitions
ResourceName@3to2x.png for HiDPI image 1.5x definitions

All three resource files for each icon must be added to project as appropriate for the platform:

Adobe Illustrator CC 2014 Porting Guide


In Mac OS, copy the PNG files into the plugin.aip/Contents/Resources/png/ folder in the
post-build step. For example:


New features in API

//to specify standard icon
//to specify 200% icon
//to specify 150% icon

In Windows, add an entry for each PNG file in the plugin_name.rc resource file. The file names for the
HiDPI icons must be enclosed in quotes. For example:
AnnotatorTool_at_3to2x png


If you have a mapping file for the resource ID (IDToFile.txt), you do not need separate mapping entries
for the additional high-definition icons. Resources for the high-definition icons are loaded automatically
based on the standard icon name.
Examples of the resource files for high-definition icons are provided with the sample tool plug-ins, such as
AnnotatorTool and MultiArrowTool.

New features in API
This section describes new features that have been added to Adobe Illustrator CC 2014 which are
supported in the SDK.

New Live Shape preference keys added in AIPreferenceKeys.h


Enumeration kTransferLiveShapeProperties added to AIArt.h for specifying Live Shape


New functions for GPU Preview mode added in AIDocumentView.h (in Windows only):
AIAPI AIBoolean (*IsGPUPreviewModeOn)(const AIDocumentViewHandle view);
AIAPI AIErr (*GetGPUPixel)(AIWindowRef window, AIPoint location, AIColor& color);


New notifiers:

kAICSXSExtensionUnloadNotifier added to AICSXSExtension.h (for CEP extension unload


EffectiveToolChangedNotifier added to AITool.h

Ilustrator API changes
This section summarizes the important changes to the API since the prior release. A detailed change list is
provided with the SDK, in the API Advisor page, apiadvisor-report.html.

Illustrator SDK changes
All Flash® -based extensions have been removed from the SDK and replaced with HTML/JavaScript
versions, in order to support the new CC Extension model. See the Adobe Illustrator CC 2014 Programmer’s


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