Avid Media | Distribute Installation And Configuration Guide 2.6 ICG 2 6
User Manual: avid Avid Media Distribute - 2.6 - Installation and Configuration Guide Free User Guide for Avid Media Distribute Software, Manual
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- Title Page
- Contents
- Using This Guide
- Installation for Media | Distribute
- Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute in a Cluster Environment
- Identifying the Master and Non-Master Nodes
- Identifying the Virtual Cluster IP
- Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute
- Configuring Media | Distribute on the Master Node
- Configuring the Media | Distribute Installation on Non-Master Nodes
- Restarting PostgreSQL Service and Verifying the Cluster Installation
- Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute on a Single Server
- Modifying Media | Distribute to Work with a Proxy Server
- Removing Media | Distribute
- Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute in a Cluster Environment
- Configuration for Media | Distribute
- Configuring System Accounts for Media | Distribute
- Configuring the Bitly Link-Shortening Service
- Configuring a Twitter Publication Account
- Configuring a Facebook Publication Account
- Configuring a Facebook Page Publication Account
- Configuring a Vimeo Publication Account
- Configuring a Vimeo V3 Publication Account
- Configuring a YouTube Publication Account
- Configuring a YouTube v3 Publication Account
- Configuring a Brightcove Account
- Configuring a Kaltura Account
- Configuring an Ooyala Account
- Configuring an Atex Polopoly Web CMS Account
- Configuring a WorldNow Web CMS Profile
- Configuring thePlatform Profile
- Configuring a WordPress CMS Profile
- Configuring an InternetBroadcasting CMS Profile
- Configuring a Generic CMS Profile
- Configuring a Generic CMS Extended Profile
- Configuring a NoOpTranscoder Profile
- Configuring a Generic OVP Profile
- Configuring User Profiles for Media | Distribute
- Media | Distribute Checklist
- Working with Media | Distribute Logs
- Modifying the Transcoder Monitoring Interval
- Modifying the Settings for Interlaced Graphics
- Sample XSL for the Generic CMS Extended Profile
- Index

Media | Distribute
Installation and Configuration Guide
Version 2.6
Legal Notices
Product specifications are subject to change without notice and do not represent a commitment on the part of Avid Technology, Inc.
This product is subject to the terms and conditions of a software license agreement provided with the software. The product may only be
used in accordance with the license agreement.
This product may be protected by one or more U.S. and non-U.S patents. Details are available at www.avid.com/patents.
This document is protected under copyright law. An authorized licensee of Media | Distribute may reproduce this publication for the
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Copyright © 2016 Avid Technology, Inc. and its licensors. All rights reserved.
This product includes FFmpeg, which is covered by the GNU Lesser General Public License.
This product includes software that is based in part of the work of the FreeType Team.
This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group.
This product includes libjpeg-turbo, which is covered by the wxWindows Library License, Version 3.1.
Portions copyright 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Funded under Grant
P41-RR02188 by the National Institutes of Health.
Portions copyright 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Boutell.Com, Inc.
Portions relating to GD2 format copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Philip Warner.
Portions relating to PNG copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Greg Roelofs.
Portions relating to gdttf.c copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 John Ellson (ellson@lucent.com).
Portions relating to gdft.c copyright 2001, 2002 John Ellson (ellson@lucent.com).
Portions relating to JPEG and to color quantization copyright 2000, 2001, 2002, Doug Becker and copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997,
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, Thomas G. Lane. This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group. See the file
README-JPEG.TXT for more information. Portions relating to WBMP copyright 2000, 2001, 2002 Maurice Szmurlo and Johan Van den
Permission has been granted to copy, distribute and modify gd in any context without fee, including a commercial application, provided that
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This does not affect your ownership of the derived work itself, and the intent is to assure proper credit for the authors of gd, not to interfere
with your productive use of gd. If you have questions, ask. "Derived works" includes all programs that utilize the library. Credit must be
given in user-accessible documentation.
This software is provided "AS IS." The copyright holders disclaim all warranties, either express or implied, including but not limited to
implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to this code and accompanying documentation.
Although their code does not appear in gd, the authors wish to thank David Koblas, David Rowley, and Hutchison Avenue Software
Corporation for their prior contributions.
This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (http://www.openssl.org/)
MediaCentral may use OpenLDAP. Copyright 1999-2003 The OpenLDAP Foundation, Redwood City, California, USA. All Rights
Reserved. OpenLDAP is a registered trademark of the OpenLDAP Foundation.
Media | Distribute enables its users to access certain YouTube functionality, as a result of Avid's licensed use of YouTube's API. The
charges levied by Avid for use of Media | Distribute are imposed by Avid, not YouTube. YouTube does not charge users for accessing
YouTube site functionality through the YouTube APIs.
Media | Distribute uses the bitly API, but is neither developed nor endorsed by bitly.
Android is a trademark of Google Inc.
The following disclaimer is required by Apple Computer, Inc.:
The following disclaimer is required by Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics, Inc. for the use of their TIFF library:
Copyright © 1988–1997 Sam Leffler
Copyright © 1991–1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software [i.e., the TIFF library] and its documentation for any purpose is hereby
granted without fee, provided that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in all copies of the software and
related documentation, and (ii) the names of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or publicity relating to
the software without the specific, prior written permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics.
The following disclaimer is required by the Independent JPEG Group:
This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group.
This Software may contain components licensed under the following conditions:
Copyright (c) 1989 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, advertising materials, and other materials related to such distribution and use
acknowledge that the software was developed by the University of California, Berkeley. The name of the University may not be used to
endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 by Jef Poskanzer.
Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
supporting documentation. This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
Copyright 1995, Trinity College Computing Center. Written by David Chappell.
Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
supporting documentation. This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
Copyright 1996 Daniel Dardailler.
Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above
copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation,
and that the name of Daniel Dardailler not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific,
written prior permission. Daniel Dardailler makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as
is" without express or implied warranty.
Modifications Copyright 1999 Matt Koss, under the same license as above.
Copyright (c) 1991 by AT&T.
Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any purpose without fee is hereby granted, provided that this entire notice
is included in all copies of any software which is or includes a copy or modification of this software and in all copies of the supporting
documentation for such software.
This product includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors.
The following disclaimer is required by Nexidia Inc.:
© 2010 Nexidia Inc. All rights reserved, worldwide. Nexidia and the Nexidia logo are trademarks of Nexidia Inc. All other trademarks are
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under license from the Georgia Tech Research Corporation USA.
The following disclaimer is required by Paradigm Matrix:
Portions of this software licensed from Paradigm Matrix.
The following disclaimer is required by Ray Sauers Associates, Inc.:
“Install-It” is licensed from Ray Sauers Associates, Inc. End-User is prohibited from taking any action to derive a source code equivalent of
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patent infringement, or lost data, even if Ray Sauers Associates has been advised, knew or should have known of the possibility of such
The following disclaimer is required by Videomedia, Inc.:
“Videomedia, Inc. makes no warranties whatsoever, either express or implied, regarding this product, including warranties with respect to
its merchantability or its fitness for any particular purpose.”
“This software contains V-LAN ver. 3.0 Command Protocols which communicate with V-LAN ver. 3.0 products developed by Videomedia,
Inc. and V-LAN ver. 3.0 compatible products developed by third parties under license from Videomedia, Inc. Use of this software will allow
“frame accurate” editing control of applicable videotape recorder decks, videodisc recorders/players and the like.”
The following disclaimer is required by Altura Software, Inc. for the use of its Mac2Win software and Sample Source
©1993–1998 Altura Software, Inc.
The following disclaimer is required by Ultimatte Corporation:
Certain real-time compositing capabilities are provided under a license of such technology from Ultimatte Corporation and are subject to
copyright protection.
The following disclaimer is required by 3Prong.com Inc.:
Certain waveform and vector monitoring capabilities are provided under a license from 3Prong.com Inc.
The following disclaimer is required by Interplay Entertainment Corp.:
The “Interplay” name is used with the permission of Interplay Entertainment Corp., which bears no responsibility for Avid products.
This product includes portions of the Alloy Look & Feel software from Incors GmbH.
This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/).
© DevelopMentor
This product may include the JCifs library, for which the following notice applies:
JCifs © Copyright 2004, The JCIFS Project, is licensed under LGPL (http://jcifs.samba.org/). See the LGPL.txt file in the Third Party
Software directory on the installation CD.
Avid Interplay contains components licensed from LavanTech. These components may only be used as part of and in connection with Avid
Attn. Government User(s). Restricted Rights Legend
U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS. This Software and its documentation are “commercial computer software” or “commercial
computer software documentation.” In the event that such Software or documentation is acquired by or on behalf of a unit or agency of the
U.S. Government, all rights with respect to this Software and documentation are subject to the terms of the License Agreement, pursuant
to FAR §12.212(a) and/or DFARS §227.7202-1(a), as applicable.
003, 192 Digital I/O, 192 I/O, 96 I/O, 96i I/O, Adrenaline, AirSpeed, ALEX, Alienbrain, AME, AniMatte, Archive, Archive II, Assistant
Station, AudioPages, AudioStation, AutoLoop, AutoSync, Avid, Avid Active, Avid Advanced Response, Avid DNA, Avid DNxcel, Avid
DNxHD, Avid DS Assist Station, Avid Ignite, Avid Liquid, Avid Media Engine, Avid Media Processor, Avid MEDIArray, Avid Mojo, Avid
Remote Response, Avid Unity, Avid Unity ISIS, Avid VideoRAID, AvidRAID, AvidShare, AVIDstripe, AVX, Beat Detective, Beauty Without
The Bandwidth, Beyond Reality, BF Essentials, Bomb Factory, Bruno, C|24, CaptureManager, ChromaCurve, ChromaWheel, Cineractive
Engine, Cineractive Player, Cineractive Viewer, Color Conductor, Command|24, Command|8, Control|24, Cosmonaut Voice, CountDown,
d2, d3, DAE, D-Command, D-Control, Deko, DekoCast, D-Fi, D-fx, Digi 002, Digi 003, DigiBase, Digidesign, Digidesign Audio Engine,
Digidesign Development Partners, Digidesign Intelligent Noise Reduction, Digidesign TDM Bus, DigiLink, DigiMeter, DigiPanner,
DigiProNet, DigiRack, DigiSerial, DigiSnake, DigiSystem, Digital Choreography, Digital Nonlinear Accelerator, DigiTest, DigiTranslator,
DigiWear, DINR, DNxchange, Do More, DPP-1, D-Show, DSP Manager, DS-StorageCalc, DV Toolkit, DVD Complete, D-Verb, Eleven, EM,
Euphonix, EUCON, EveryPhase, Expander, ExpertRender, Fader Pack, Fairchild, FastBreak, Fast Track, Film Cutter, FilmScribe,
Flexevent, FluidMotion, Frame Chase, FXDeko, HD Core, HD Process, HDpack, Home-to-Hollywood, HYBRID, HyperSPACE,
HyperSPACE HDCAM, iKnowledge, Image Independence, Impact, Improv, iNEWS, iNEWS Assign, iNEWS ControlAir, InGame,
Instantwrite, Instinct, Intelligent Content Management, Intelligent Digital Actor Technology, IntelliRender, Intelli-Sat, Intelli-sat Broadcasting
Recording Manager, InterFX, Interplay, inTONE, Intraframe, iS Expander, iS9, iS18, iS23, iS36, ISIS, IsoSync, LaunchPad, LeaderPlus,
LFX, Lightning, Link & Sync, ListSync, LKT-200, Lo-Fi, MachineControl, Magic Mask, Make Anything Hollywood, make manage move |
media, Marquee, MassivePack, Massive Pack Pro, Maxim, Mbox, Media Composer, MediaFlow, MediaLog, MediaMix, Media Reader,
Media Recorder, MEDIArray, MediaServer, MediaShare, MetaFuze, MetaSync, MIDI I/O, Mix Rack, Moviestar, MultiShell, NaturalMatch,
NewsCutter, NewsView, NewsVision, Nitris, NL3D, NLP, NSDOS, NSWIN, OMF, OMF Interchange, OMM, OnDVD, Open Media
Framework, Open Media Management, Painterly Effects, Palladium, Personal Q, PET, Podcast Factory, PowerSwap, PRE, ProControl,
ProEncode, Profiler, Pro Tools, Pro Tools|HD, Pro Tools LE, Pro Tools M-Powered, Pro Transfer, QuickPunch, QuietDrive, Realtime Motion
Synthesis, Recti-Fi, Reel Tape Delay, Reel Tape Flanger, Reel Tape Saturation, Reprise, Res Rocket Surfer, Reso, RetroLoop, Reverb
One, ReVibe, Revolution, rS9, rS18, RTAS, Salesview, Sci-Fi, Scorch, ScriptSync, SecureProductionEnvironment, Serv|GT, Serv|LT,
Shape-to-Shape, ShuttleCase, Sibelius, SimulPlay, SimulRecord, Slightly Rude Compressor, Smack!, Soft SampleCell, Soft-Clip Limiter,
SoundReplacer, SPACE, SPACEShift, SpectraGraph, SpectraMatte, SteadyGlide, Streamfactory, Streamgenie, StreamRAID, SubCap,
Sundance, Sundance Digital, SurroundScope, Symphony, SYNC HD, SYNC I/O, Synchronic, SynchroScope, Syntax, TDM FlexCable,
TechFlix, Tel-Ray, Thunder, TimeLiner, Titansync, Titan, TL Aggro, TL AutoPan, TL Drum Rehab, TL Everyphase, TL Fauxlder, TL In Tune,
TL MasterMeter, TL Metro, TL Space, TL Utilities, tools for storytellers, Transit, TransJammer, Trillium Lane Labs, TruTouch, UnityRAID,
Vari-Fi, Video the Web Way, VideoRAID, VideoSPACE, VTEM, Work-N-Play, Xdeck, X-Form, Xmon and XPAND! are either registered
trademarks or trademarks of Avid Technology, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.
Media | Distribute Installation and Configuration Guide • Created 3/31/16 • This document is distributed by Avid in online
(electronic) form only, and is not available for purchase in printed form.
Using This Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Chapter 1 Installation for Media | Distribute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute in a Cluster Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Identifying the Master and Non-Master Nodes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Identifying the Virtual Cluster IP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Configuring Media | Distribute on the Master Node . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Configuring the Media | Distribute Installation on Non-Master Nodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Restarting PostgreSQL Service and Verifying the Cluster Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute on a Single Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute on a Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Modifying Media | Distribute to Work with a Proxy Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Removing Media | Distribute. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Chapter 2 Configuration for Media | Distribute. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Verifying Your Media | Distribute Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Assigning Media | Distribute Roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
MediaCentral | UX Security for Media | Distribute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Configuring the Transcode Route. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Configuring the Video Transcoding Host . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Send to Playback Configuration for Media | Distribute. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Configuring a Telestream Vantage Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Validating the Vantage Transcode Route Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Configuring the Harmonic ProMedia Carbon Transcoder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Configuring a RadiantGrid Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Chapter 3 Configuring System Accounts for Media | Distribute. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Configuring the Bitly Link-Shortening Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Configuring a Twitter Publication Account . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Configuring a Facebook Publication Account . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Configuring a Facebook Page Publication Account . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Configuring a Vimeo Publication Account. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Configuring a Vimeo V3 Publication Account . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Configuring a YouTube Publication Account . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Configuring a YouTube v3 Publication Account . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Configuring a Brightcove Account. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Configuring a Kaltura Account . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Configuring an Ooyala Account . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Configuring an Atex Polopoly Web CMS Account . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Configuring a WorldNow Web CMS Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Configuring thePlatform Profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Configuring a WordPress CMS Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Configuring an InternetBroadcasting CMS Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Configuring a Generic CMS Profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Configuring a Generic CMS Extended Profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Configuring a NoOpTranscoder Profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Configuring a Generic OVP Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Chapter 4 Configuring User Profiles for Media | Distribute. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Configuring a User Profile for a Personal Twitter Account . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Configuring a User Profile for a Personal Facebook Account. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Configuring a User Profile for a Personal Facebook Page Account . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Appendix A Media | Distribute Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Appendix B Working with Media | Distribute Logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Appendix C Modifying the Transcoder Monitoring Interval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Appendix D Modifying the Settings for Interlaced Graphics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Appendix E Sample XSL for the Generic CMS Extended Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Using This Guide
This guide is intended for users of MediaCentral | UX with the Media | Distribute feature. This guide
describes the installation and configuration procedures for Media Distribute, such as installing the
Media Distribute software and configuring system accounts.
For information on using the publishing features of Media Distribute, see the Media | Distribute
User’s Guide or the MediaCentral | UX Help. For administrative information for MediaCentral | UX,
see the Avid MediaCentral | UX Administration Guide.

1Installation for Media | Distribute
The supported configuration for Media Distribute requires you to install Media Distribute on your
MediaCentral | UX server, which is part of your MediaCentral installation and configuration. For
installation information, see the Avid MediaCentral Platform Services Installation and Configuration
The Media Distribute installation procedures assume you have installed Avid MediaCentral Platform
Services (MCS). You must extract the Media Distribute installation package from
Media_Distribute_[version]Build[xx]_Linux.tar.gz. You run the installation file itself from a shell
script called install.sh. This installs the plug-in needed for MediaCentral UX to access the Media
Distribute functionality, as well as the avid-mpd service which provides the functionality for Media
Distribute workflows.
The procedures for installing Media Distribute depend on whether you install the application
components in a cluster environment or on a single MediaCentral server.
• If you deploy MCS and components on a master node and one or more non-master nodes in a
cluster configuration, see “Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute in a Cluster
Environment” on page 9.
• If you deploy all MCS and components on a single server, see “Installing and Upgrading
Media | Distribute on a Single Server” on page 17.
If necessary for security considerations, you can configure Media Distribute to communicate with the
Internet through a proxy server. For more information, see “Modifying Media | Distribute to Work
with a Proxy Server” on page 20.
The following installed components are necessary for the current version of Media Distribute:
• Avid MediaCentral Platform Services v2.6.x (if you work with a cluster configuration, you need
to ensure that all nodes in the cluster function properly)
• iNEWS 3.4.3 or later (for MCS configurations with iNEWS)
• Avid ISIS v4.7.6 driver
• Red Had Enterprise Linux (RHEL) v6.5
• MediaCentral Distribution Service
You also need to ensure that the following are available for Media Distribute:
• Interplay Media Services Engine
• Interplay Transfer engine
• At least one installed transcode provider
• STP encoder
• Internet connection for publishing to social media sites
Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute in a Cluster Environment
Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute in a Cluster
The procedures in this section assume you have already installed and configured your MediaCentral
Platform Services on your clustered servers. For more information on configuring a MediaCentral
cluster environment, see the Avid MediaCentral Platform Services Installation and Configuration
Guide. To configure Media Distribute, you require the following:
• RHEL and MediaCentral software components are installed on all servers in the cluster.
• All servers are set up and configured correctly for the cluster.
• Failover processes work correctly.
Installing Media Distribute entails the following steps:
• Copying the Media Distribute installation files to a USB drive.
• Identifying the master and non-master nodes in your configuration, and identifying the virtual
cluster IP address (see “Identifying the Master and Non-Master Nodes” on page 10 and
“Identifying the Virtual Cluster IP” on page 10).
• Installing Media Distribute on the master and all non-master nodes in your cluster configuration.
• Setting up the Media Distribute database on the master node of the cluster. You must install
Media Distribute on all nodes, but you only configure the database once.
• Modifying the MCS configuration file to change the host address to the virtual cluster IP of the
cIf you deploy all MCS and components on a single server, see “Installing and Upgrading
Media | Distribute on a Single Server” on page 17.
After you have installed and configured Media Distribute on your master and non-master nodes, you
need to restart some MediaCentral Platform and Media Distribute services.
If you need to remove Media Distribute, see “Removing Media | Distribute” on page 22.
For installation procedures, see the following topics:
•“Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute” on page 11
•“Configuring Media | Distribute on the Master Node” on page 14
•“Configuring the Media | Distribute Installation on Non-Master Nodes” on page 15
The Media Distribute software installation package file
(Media_Distribute_[version]Build[xx]_Linux.tar.gz) is available to Avid Support representatives
only and can be downloaded from the Avid Gold Build repository.
To prepare and mount a USB drive for Media Distribute installation:
1. On a Windows system, format a USB drive as a FAT32 volume.
2. Get the Media Distribute installation package file
(Media_Distribute_[version]Build[xx]_Linux.tar.gz) from your Avid representative.
3. Copy the compressed installation file to the USB drive.
4. Remove the USB device from the Windows system.
Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute in a Cluster Environment
Identifying the Master and Non-Master Nodes
You can use the cluster resource monitoring command, crm, to verify which server functions as the
master node and which as the non-master nodes.
To identify the master and non-master nodes, do the following:
tLog in to any node in the cluster as root and open the cluster resource monitoring utility by
typing the following:
crm resource status
The status of all cluster-related services on all nodes displays in the terminal window.
The master and non-master nodes are indicated as the Master/Slave Set — for example:
Master/Slave Set: ms_drbd_postgres [drbd_postgres]
Masters: [ morpheus-hp1 ]
Slaves: [ morpheus-hp2 ]
Identifying the Virtual Cluster IP
Some configuration files used in the configuration of your Media Distribute installation require the
virtual cluster IP. This is required for the correct configuration of the Media Distribute service in a
cluster installation.
To identify the virtual cluster IP:
tLog in to the master node of the cluster and type the following command:
The following is a example of the output of a typical network interface configuration. The virtual
cluster IP is the IP assigned to the 'eth0:c10' network adapter. In this example, the virtual cluster
IP is
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:26:55:E6:83:E1
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::226:55ff:fee6:83e1/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:4321802 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:3628475 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:1374391088 (1.2 GiB) TX bytes:1086706641 (1.0 GiB)
eth0:cl0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:26:55:E6:83:E1
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
Interrupt:38 Memory:fbde0000-fbe00000
lo Link encap:Local Loopback
Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute in a Cluster Environment
Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute
If you install Media Distribute in a cluster environment, you must install it first on the master node of
the cluster since the database service runs on this node. The installation includes creating a database
for the Media Distribute service. This can only be done on the node with the running PostgreSQL
service. After you install the application on the master node, you must install Media Distribute on all
non-master nodes.
nWhen you finish the master node installation, you might see a message during the installation on
non-master nodes; “Not running a database PG on localhost. Please enter IP of database server.” If
you see this message, press Enter. You do not need to provide an IP address for your database server
when installing Media Distribute on a non-master node.
The procedure for upgrading Media Distribute is similar to the one you used initially to install Media
Distribute. The upgrade procedure overwrites some configuration files. You can restore these files by
using the backup configuration files already in your configuration once the upgrade completes.
nWhen you upgrade your version of Media Distribute, all system and user settings are saved. You do
not need to create new settings, but if the newer version includes new features, you might need to
modify your settings to activate the features. For a list of new features, see the ReadMe
documentation that came with your version of MediaCentral UX. For information on setting up
account profiles, see “Configuring System Accounts for Media | Distribute” on page 52.
cThe Media Distribute installation, upgrade, and configuration disconnects all users logged in to
MediaCentral UX when it restarts some services. Ensure that all users save their sessions and
log off during the installation or upgrade procedures.
To install or upgrade Media Distribute:
1. Insert the Media Distribute installation USB drive into the server.
2. Verify the name of the device by typing the following command:
Linux information relating to hardware appears on the screen.
Information for the USB device appears near the end of the output, near the list of SCSI devices.
The name of the USB device is found inside square brackets (e.g., sdc). This is the name you use
to mount the device.
3. Create a mount point for the USB device by typing the following:
mkdir /media/usb
inet addr: Mask:
inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
RX packets:7331022 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:7331022 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:8040287442 (7.4 GiB) TX bytes:8040287442 (7.4 GiB)

Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute in a Cluster Environment
4. Mount the USB key at the mount point you just created:
mount -t vfat /dev/sdc<?> /media/usb
nThe name of the USB device (sdc, in this case) takes a 1 (one) in the mount command. This simply
indicates a partition exists on the USB device. Formatting the USB device in Windows created the
The USB device is now mounted and available for use.
5. Verify the USB key has been mounted:
df -h
Information displays about all mounted file systems and devices, including information about the
USB device, similar to the following:
6. Unpack the Media Distribute installation file by typing the following command:
tar -xzf /media/usb/Media_Distribute_[version]Build[xx]_Linux.tar.gz
The compressed file extracts to a subfolder within the target directory called
7. Navigate to the installation directory:
cd Media_Distribute_[version]_Build_[xx]_Linux
8. Run the installation script:
nFor master node installations, a default user in the PostgreSQL database is created with a user name
and a password of
. The necessary database tables and schema in PostgreSQL
database are also created.
9. Follow the prompts to install Media Distribute.
10. Do the following to open the MediaCentral Configurator, and then ensure that the Media
Distribute plug-in is enabled within the Configurator:
a. Type the following command:
b. Select MediaDistribute.
When the MediaCentral Configurator completes, a dialog box opens.
11. Press Enter to select No.
The Configurator closes.
File system Size Used Avail Use % Mounted on
/dev/sdc1 7.5 G 4.5 G 3.0 G 61 % /media/usb

Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute in a Cluster Environment
12. To restart the MediaCentral service, type the following command:
crm resource restart AvidIPC
nWhen you restart the services, all users currently logged on to MediaCentral UX are logged out.
Restarting the services might take up to a minute.
13. (Master node only) To verify the version of Media Distribute installed on a master node, type the
following command:
The command returns the installed versions of ServiceMix and Media Distribute. For example:
ServiceMix Version: 4.5.1
MPD Version:
MPD UI Version:
14. (Master node only) To verify the ServiceMix installation on a master node, do the following:
a. Type the following
ssh Administrator@localhost -p 8101
b. Type
to continue connecting to the host, and then type the default password
c. Type
, and press Enter.
All account endpoints display as “Active” and the Social Media Integration route displays as
nIf not all endpoints are active or if the Social Media Integration route is not started, ServiceMix
might not have completed restarting. You can wait a moment and then retry these steps.
d. To quit ServiceMix, type
15. To remove the installation files and unmount the USB drive, do the following:
a. Type
cd /
to ensure you are not currently on the USB key by changing to the root directory.
b. Type the following:
rm -rf [target_directory]
umount /media/usb
c. Remove the USB drive from the server.
Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute in a Cluster Environment
Configuring Media | Distribute on the Master Node
After you install Media Distribute, you must edit several configuration and property files and restart
services on the master cluster node before you can use Media Distribute.
To configure PostgreSQL to allow remote hosts access to the Media Distribute database:
1. Using Linux commands, navigate to the directory containing the PostgreSQL database
configuration file:
cd /mnt/drbd/postgres_data
2. Using the Linux text editor, vi, open the pg_hba.conf file for editing:
vi pg_hba.conf
3. Type
to go to the last line of the file, and then Type
(lower case “i”) to enter insert mode and
move to the new line.
4. Add the following to the last line:
host mpd mpduser trust
5. Press the Escape key to return to command mode, then type
and press Enter to write and quit
the text editor.
To configure the User Management Service (UMS) properties file (new installation only):
1. Using Linux commands, navigate to the directory containing the UMS properties file:
cd /usr/share/apache-servicemix/config
2. Using the Linux text editor, vi, open the application.properties file for editing:
vi application.properties
3. Navigate using the arrow keys to the next line:
4. If the line is commented with a
character, place the cursor over the
character and type
delete the character and uncomment the line.
5. Navigate using the arrow keys to the line containing the parameter for
6. Type a valid UMS REST address.
The default value is
. Use the virtual cluster IP address
as the host for this configuration file — for example, type
7. Press the Escape key to return to command mode, then type
and press Return to write and
quit the text editor.
To configure PostgreSQL to allow remote hosts access to the Media Distribute database (new
installation only):
1. Navigate to the directory containing the Media Distribute database configuration file:
cd /etc/apache-servicemix
2. Using the Linux text editor, vi, open the avid-mpd-wrapper.conf file for editing:
vi avid-mpd-wrapper.conf
Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute in a Cluster Environment
3. Locate the following line, and then navigate using the arrow keys and place the cursor on top of
the # (comment indicator):
# set.default.DB_HOST=hostname or IP
4. Type
(lower case “i”) to enter insert mode, and then use the arrow keys and backspace to erase
(comment indicator).
5. Delete the
hostname or IP
value at the end of the line, and then replace it by typing the virtual
cluster IP address — for example,
6. Press the Escape key to return to command mode, then type
and press Return to write and
quit the text editor.
To modify the bus configuration file (new installation only):
1. Using Linux commands, navigate to the directory containing the MediaCentral configuration
cd /etc/apache-servicemix
2. Using the Linux text editor, vi, open the
com.avid.acs.bus.broker.rabbitmq.RabbitMqBusAccessFactory.cfg file for editing:
vi com.avid.acs.bus.broker.rabbitmq.RabbitMqBusAccessFactory.cfg
3. Navigate using the arrow keys to the line containing the parameter for
4. Type
(lower case “i”) to enter insert mode, and then type a valid URL for the MediaCentral
The default value is
. Use the virtual cluster IP address as the host for
this configuration file — for example,
5. Press the Escape key to return to command mode, then type
and press Return to write and
quit the text editor.
6. To restart the Media Distribute service, type the following command:
service avid-mpd clean-restart
To restore and move the Servicemix configuration files (upgraded systems only):
tFor Media Distribute upgrades, restore the Servicemix configuration files by doing the
a. Type the following to navigate to the Servicemix directory:
cd /etc/apache-servicemix/
b. Type the following commands to restore the backup configuration files:
mv avid-mpd-wrapper.conf.rpmsave avid-mpd-wrapper.conf
Configuring the Media | Distribute Installation on Non-Master Nodes
Once you have installed Media Distribute on the master node, you must install the application on all
non-master nodes. For installation procedures, see “Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute” on
page 11.
Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute in a Cluster Environment
After the installation or upgrade is complete, you must edit several configuration and property files
and restart services on all non-master nodes in your cluster before you can use Media Distribute.
Since the edited configuration and property files are identical to the ones you edited on the master
node, you can copy those files to the non-master nodes.
To copy the edited Media Distribute files from the master to the non-master nodes:
1. Log in to your non-master node server using the root account.
2. Open a Linux terminal window, and then type the following commands:
scp root@[hostname]:/etc/apache-servicemix/avid-mpd-wrapper.conf
scp root@[hostname]:/etc/apache-servicemix/
scp root@[hostname]:/usr/share/apache-servicemix/config/
application.properties /usr/share/apache-servicemix/config/
n[hostname] is the host name of your master node.
The terminal window displays the following message:
The authenticity of host '[hostname (IP address)]' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is [fingerprint alphanumerical id].
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
3. Type
The terminal window displays the following message:
Warning: Permanently added '[hostname, IP address]' (RSA) to the list of
known hosts.
4. If prompted for a password, type the password for your root user account.
The edited files are copied to the non-master node.
5. To restart the Media Distribute service, type the following command:
service avid-mpd clean-restart
To verify the ServiceMix installation, do the following:
1. Type the following
ssh Administrator@localhost -p 8101
2. Type
to continue connecting to the host, and then type the default password

Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute on a Single Server
3. Type
, and press Enter.
All account endpoints display as “Active” and the Social Media Integration route displays as
4. To quit ServiceMix, type
Restarting PostgreSQL Service and Verifying the Cluster Installation
Before you verify your Media Distribute installation on the master and non-master nodes, you need
to perform a failover of the servers. This restarts the PostgreSQL service and validates the mpduser. It
also tests your new installation and verifies that both Media Distribute and MediaCentral Platform
Services are running properly.
To perform a failover and verify your installation:
1. Open a terminal window and log in to any non-master node in the cluster as root and check the
cluster resource status by typing the following:
crm_mon -f
The status of all cluster-related services on all nodes displays in the terminal window. The
Migration summary also displays at the bottom of the screen, which can be useful to view errors
and fail counts per node.
2. On the master node, type the following, and then press Enter:
crm node standby [master
3. Monitor the cluster information displayed on the slave node as it updates its information.
As the slave node becomes the master node, it takes ownership of the PostgreSQL database. This
process takes several seconds to complete.
4. When the updated cluster is stable, type the following and press Enter:
crm node online
[master node]
The node on standby resumes the master node status.
Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute on a Single
The Media Distribute software installation package file
(Media_Distribute_[version]_Build_[xx]_Linux.tar.gz) is available to Avid Support representatives
only and can be downloaded from the Avid Gold Build repository.
Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute on a Single Server
cIf you deploy MCS and components on a master node and one or more non-master nodes in a
cluster configuration, see “Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute in a Cluster
Environment” on page 9.
To prepare and mount a USB drive for Media Distribute installation:
1. On a Windows system, format a USB drive as a FAT32 volume.
2. Get the Media Distribute installation package file
(Media_Distribute_[version]_Build_[xx]_Linux.tar.gz) from your Avid representative.
3. Copy the compressed installation file to the USB drive.
4. Remove the USB device from the Windows system.
Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute on a Server
You can install or upgrade Media Distribute on a single server The installation includes creating a
database for the Media Distribute service.
The procedure for upgrading Media Distribute is similar to the one you used initially to install Media
Distribute. If you need to remove Media Distribute, see “Removing Media | Distribute” on page 22.
nWhen you upgrade your version of Media Distribute, all system and user settings are saved. You do
not need to create new settings, but if the newer version includes new features, you might need to
modify your settings to activate the features. For a list of new features, see the ReadMe
documentation that came with your version of MediaCentral UX. For information on setting up
account profiles, see “Configuring System Accounts for Media | Distribute” on page 52.
cThe Media Distribute installation and configuration disconnects all users logged in to
MediaCentral UX when it restarts some services. Ensure that all users save their sessions and
log off during the installation or upgrade procedures.
To install or upgrade Media Distribute:
1. Insert the Media Distribute installation USB drive into the master node server.
2. Verify the name of the device by typing the following command:
Linux information relating to hardware appears on the screen.
Information for the USB device appears near the end of the output, near the list of SCSI devices.
The name of the USB device is found inside square brackets (e.g., sdc). This is the name you use
to mount the device.
3. Create a mount point for the USB device by typing the following:
mkdir /media/usb
4. Mount the USB key at the mount point you just created:
mount -t vfat /dev/sdc<?> /media/usb
nThe name of the USB device (sdc, in this case) takes a 1 (one) in the mount command. This simply
indicates a partition exists on the USB device. Formatting the USB device in Windows created the
The USB device is now mounted and available for use.

Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute on a Single Server
5. Verify the USB key has been mounted:
df -h
Information displays about all mounted file systems and devices, including information about the
USB device, similar to the following:
6. Unpack the Media Distribute installation file by typing the following command:
tar -xzf /media/usb/Media_Distribute_[version]Build[xx]_Linux.tar.gz
The compressed file extracts to a subfolder within the target directory called
7. Navigate to the installation directory:
cd Media_Distribute_[version]_Build_[xx]_Linux
8. Run the installation script:
nA default user in the PostgreSQL database is created with a user name of
and a password of
. The necessary database tables and schema in PostgreSQL database are also created.
9. Follow the prompts to install Media Distribute.
10. To verify the package has been installed, type the following:
The output should include the following lines:
apache-servicemix.noarch 0:4.5.1-avid.el6.5
11. Type the following to open the MediaCentral Configurator, and then ensure that the Media
Distribute plug-in is enabled within the Configurator:
nWhen you exit MediaCentral Configurator, you are asked to restart the MediaCentral services. When
you restart the services, all users currently logged on to MediaCentral UX are logged out.
12. To verify the ServiceMix installation, do the following:
a. Type the following
ssh Administrator@localhost -p 8101
b. Type
to continue connecting to the host, and then type the default password
File system Size Used Avail Use % Mounted on
/dev/sdc1 7.5 G 4.5 G 3.0 G 61 % /media/usb

Modifying Media | Distribute to Work with a Proxy Server
c. Type
, and press Enter.
If the ServiceMix installation is successful, all account endpoints display as “Active” and the
Social Media Integration route displays as “Started.”
d. To quit ServiceMix, type
13. To unmount the USB drive, do the following:
a. Type
cd /
to ensure you are not currently on the USB key by changing to the root directory.
b. Type the following:
rm -rf [target_directory]
umount /media/usb
c. Remove the USB drive from the server.
Modifying Media | Distribute to Work with a Proxy
Media Distribute installations include an instance of ServiceMix that requires external connectivity
to the Internet — for example, to post packages to Facebook or Twitter. Both Media Distribute and
ServiceMix reside on the MediaCentral server connected to your internal network. This might create
potential security issues for certain customers. For secure deployment considerations, you can
configure Media Distribute to communicate with the Internet through a proxy server.
Using a proxy server — such as a Squid server or any other proxy server running on another machine
in the network — allows you to restrict the ports that ServiceMix uses and the specific Internet sites
with which it communicates. This solution involves configuration changes only and does not require
changes to the existing Media Distribute installation process. After installing Media Distribute, you
need to modify the Service Mix configuration file to include the proxy settings to ensure that all
requests and responses go through the proxy server. When you restart Media Distribute services, any
ServiceMix communication is forwarded to the proxy server.
When you have configured Media Distribute to use a proxy server, you must configure the proxy
server with the following information:
• IP addresses of all ServiceMix instances, so that only data originating from Media Distribute are
allowed to the proxy server
• Social media targets for the destination domains — for example, api.twitter.com
Modifying Media | Distribute to Work with a Proxy Server
You can also specify some systems in your configuration to bypass the proxy server. This can be
useful in some configurations where you need to access the intranet — for example, when using a
Vantage transcoder — where direct access works better.
See the documentation that came with your proxy server installation for more information on how to
configure it for proxy operation.
The following procedure describes how to modify the ServiceMix properties file. It assumes you
have set up and configured a proxy server.
To modify the ServiceMix configuration file for using Media Distribute with a proxy server:
1. Navigate to the directory containing the Media Distribute database configuration file:
cd /etc/apache-servicemix
2. Using the Linux text editor, vi, open the avid-mpd-wrapper.conf file for editing:
vi avid-mpd-wrapper.conf
3. Locate the section called Proxy configuration, and then type
(lower case “i”) to enter insert
4. Locate the following lines, type
(lower case “i”) to enter insert mode, and then use the arrow
keys and backspace to erase the
(comment indicator) on all lines except those for setting the
proxy user name and proxy password (these are optional parameters):
#wrapper.java.additional.n=-Dhttp.proxyHost=<the proxy host>
#wrapper.java.additional.n=-Dhttp.proxyPort=<the proxy port>
#wrapper.java.additional.n=-Dhttp.proxyUser=<the proxy username>
#wrapper.java.additional.n=-Dhttp.proxyPassword=<the proxy password>
#wrapper.java.additional.n=-Dhttps.proxyHost=<the proxy host>
#wrapper.java.additional.n=-Dhttps.proxyPort=<the proxy port>
#wrapper.java.additional.n=-Dhttps.proxyUser=<the proxy username>
#wrapper.java.additional.n=-Dhttps.proxyPassword=<the proxy password>
5. (Optional) If you want to specify some systems to bypass the proxy server, erase the
indicator) on the following line:
#wrapper.java.additional.n=-Dhttp.nonProxyHost=<the proxy host>
nYou can add systems to this exclusion by separating them with a pipe symbol (|).
6. Delete the numeral variable (.n) and number the lines for which you have removed the comment
7. Delete the <proxy host> or <proxy port> variable and then replace it by typing the IP address of
your proxy server or by typing the port configured by your proxy server for both the HTTP and
HTTPS settings.
nTypically the proxy port is 3128.
Removing Media | Distribute
The modified configuration should look like the following example:
#wrapper.java.additional.n=-Dhttp.proxyUser=<the proxy username>
#wrapper.java.additional.n=-Dhttp.proxyPassword=<the proxy password>
#wrapper.java.additional.n=-Dhttps.proxyUser=<the proxy username>
#wrapper.java.additional.n=-Dhttps.proxyPassword=<the proxy password>
8. Press the Escape key to return to command mode, then type
and press Return to write and
quit the text editor.
9. To restart the MediaCentral service, type the following command:
service avid-mpd restart
Removing Media | Distribute
If you want to remove Media Distribute, you can use the procedure described in this section. If you
need to reinstall Media Distribute, see “Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute in a Cluster
Environment” on page 9 or “Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute on a Single Server” on
page 17.
To remove Media Distribute on the master node:
1. To check the correct version and build numbers for your installation, type the following:
The output should include the following lines:
apache-servicemix.noarch 0:4.5.1-avid.el6.5
2. Remove the Media Distribute services by typing the following commands:
rpm -e avid-media-central-mpd
rpm -e avid-mpd
nYou can copy the lines from the output in the previous step and paste them after the
rpm -e
3. To restart the MediaCentral services, type the following commands:
tFor cluster configurations:
crm resource restart AvidIPC
tFor single-node systems:
service avid-interplay-central restart
nWhen you remove Media Distribute, the Media Distribute Producer role remains in
MediaCentral UX.

2Configuration for Media | Distribute
Before you use Avid Media Distribute to publish your content to multiple channels and devices, you
need to configure MediaCentral | UX for each platform or service you want to use for publishing.
This allows you to link your media packages and iNEWS stories with distribution to the Web and to
social media outlets and helping you to automate file preparation and transcoding.
Before you configure your system accounts, you need to need to configure MediaCentral UX for
Media Distribute. For more information, see the following topics:
•“Assigning Media | Distribute Roles” on page 23
•“Configuring the Transcode Route” on page 30
You can then configure your system and user accounts for Media Distribute:
•“Configuring System Accounts for Media | Distribute” on page 52
•“Configuring User Profiles for Media | Distribute” on page 109
Once you have configured your platforms and services, users can log in to MediaCentral UX and
start working with the application. For more information on using MediaCentral UX, see the Avid
MediaCentral UX User’s Guide.
Verifying Your Media | Distribute Installation
Before you start to configure Media Distribute, you can test your installation to verify that all Media
Distribute components are functioning correctly.
To verify your Media Distribute installation:
1. Sign in to MediaCentral UX as an administrator.
2. Click the Layout selector and select Media Distribute.
If Media Distribute has installed correctly, the following panes display in the Media Distribute
- Social Message
-Web Story
- Packages
Assigning Media | Distribute Roles
Media Distribute provides two basic roles for publishing to multiple platforms and managing the
layouts and permissions associated with them. Before you assign roles, you need to set up an
administrative account for Media Distribute. Once this administrative account appears in the System
Settings, the necessary roles are available for Media Distribute.

Assigning Media | Distribute Roles
If your MediaCentral configuration includes iNEWS, you need to assign an Advance License to the
two Media Distribute roles before you assign these roles to users. For Interplay Production
configurations, you can use the default Basic License type for these roles.
For more information about licenses and roles, see the Avid MediaCentral | UX Administration
When you have set up an administrative account and assigned the appropriate license type, you can
then assign either the Advance Journalist or the Media Distribute Producer role to Media Distribute
users. Only Media Distribute Producers have access to the review and approval features in the
Packages pane.
You can assign roles in two ways:
• In the Role Details pane
• In the User or Group Details pane.
If you are upgrading from Media Distribute v1.8 to v2.x, you need to add the Media Distribute layout
to the Advance Journalist role and to modify the legacy Interplay Pulse Producer role.
To set up an administrative account for Media Distribute:
1. Sign in to MediaCentral UX as an administrator.
2. Select System Settings from the Layout selector.
The System Settings layout opens.
3. In the Settings pane select Media Distribute > Profiles.
The Settings pane displays the settings in that group.
4. Click the Publication Type menu and select IPC.
5. Click the + (plus) button in the Details section.

Assigning Media | Distribute Roles
6. Specify the required settings:
- Profile Name (type a descriptive name for your administrative profile)
- Administrative Username
- Administrative Password
7. Click Verify Profile Settings to validate the profile settings.
If your profile is valid, a message displays: “Profile configurations is valid.” If any settings are
incorrect, a message displays and indicates which fields are incorrect. All invalid settings names
change to red.
nThe setting, “Transform iNEWS stories to lower case,” applies only to Media Distribute accounts
that publish packages containing iNEWS stories. The option does not affect this setting.
8. Click Apply to save the profile.
The profile displays in the Details section with the new information.
If you are editing a profile, click Revert to return to the original settings. If you want to delete a
profile, select the profile and click the minus (-) button in the Details section.
To assign an Advance License to the Media Distribute roles in the Role Details pane (iNEWS
configurations only):
1. Select Users from the Layout selector.
2. In the Roles pane, double-click either Advance Journalist or Media Distribute Producer to assign
to a user or group.
Information about the role is displayed in the Details pane.
3. In the Details pane, select Advance License as the License Type for the following roles:
- Advance Journalist
- Media Distribute Producer
4. Click Apply to save your changes or click Revert to cancel your changes.

Assigning Media | Distribute Roles
To assign a Media Distribute role to a user in the Role Details pane:
1. Select Users from the Layout selector.
2. In the Roles pane, double-click either Advance Journalist or Media Distribute Producer to assign
to a user or group.
Information about the role is displayed in the Details pane.
3. Click the User Tree pane.
4. Select the user or group to which you which you want to assign the role and drag it to the Users
and Groups by MediaCentral Zone section of the Details pane.
MediaCentral UX User Settings, with the User Tree and Roles panes.
5. Click Apply to save your changes or click Revert to cancel your changes.
To assign the Media Distribute layout and create the Media Distribute Producer role (for
MediaCentral UX upgrade installations only):
1. Select Users from the Layout selector.
2. In the Roles pane, double-click Advance Journalist.
Information about the role is displayed in the Details pane.

Assigning Media | Distribute Roles
3. In the Layouts pane, click the edit button.
The Add or Remove Layouts dialog box opens.
4. Select Media | Distribute, and then click the Close button.
5. Click Apply to save your changes or click Revert to cancel your changes.
6. In the Roles pane, double-click Interplay Pulse Producer.
Information about the role is displayed in the Details pane.
7. Modify the role name in the Role Name text box by typing the following:
Media Distribute Producer
8. Modify the description in the Description text box by typing the following:
Media Distribute Producer
9. In the Layouts pane, click the edit button.
The Add or Remove Layouts dialog box opens.

MediaCentral | UX Security for Media | Distribute
10. Select Media | Distribute, and then click the Close button.
11. Click Apply to save your changes or click Revert to cancel your changes.
To assign a role in the User or Group Details pane (iNEWS configuration only):
1. Select Users from the Layout selector.
2. In the Roles pane, double-click either Advance Journalist or Media Distribute Producer to assign
to a user or group.
Information about the role is displayed in the Details pane.
3. Click the User Tree pane.
4. Select the user or group to which you which you want to assign the role and drag it to the Users
and Groups by MediaCentral Zone section of the Details pane.
MediaCentral UX User Settings, with the User Tree and Roles panes.
5. Click Apply to save your changes or click Revert to cancel your changes.
MediaCentral | UX Security for Media | Distribute
A MediaCentral client requires user login credentials in order to gain access to the underlying
functionality. All data transfer to and from the MediaCentral client (user credentials, session
information, user configuration settings, media images and files, text, and machine instructions) are
transported in a secure manner to the MediaCentral server using HTTPS protocol.
MediaCentral clients that connect through the public Internet require a virtual private network (VPN)
access to the server network. All connections pass through the VPN router/firewall through identified
ports. Once the data has passed into the “house network” it is secured using the customer’s existing
network security infrastructure.
For Media Distribute, ports are used for outgoing HTTP traffic and pass through a network firewall.
In some cases, a platform or a system account might require a separate port for outgoing FTP data.
Media Distribute does not require any ports for incoming data.
cDo not enable a firewall on the servers in your Media Distribute configuration.

MediaCentral | UX Security for Media | Distribute
The following tables list the ports used by MediaCentral UX and Media Distribute that should be
allowed through the VPN and network firewalls.
nOutbound ACLs should be used to allow packets from the MediaCentral Platform Services (MCS)
server to the MediaCentral client over “established” TCP sessions only.
Note that the Interplay Web service and MediaCentral UX application services operate on the same
server, so there are no proxies or firewalls between these components. Access to the MediaCentral
database is also direct, with no database firewall protection required.
Only MediaCentral UX Administrators can access and modify the system data stored within the user
management database (user credentials, user settings, and system attributes).
For more information on MediaCentral security, see the Avid MediaCentral | UX Security
Architecture and Analysis.
VPN Firewall Port Settings
Component Port Usage
MediaCentral UX Web application 80 MediaCentral Platform Playback Services (MCPS)
HTTP calls
443 MediaCentral HTTPS calls
843 Loading the Flash Player for playback
26000 Inbound MCPS data
5000 Serving outbound JPEG images to the Flash player
21 Outgoing FTP data
nCommunication over port 21 is only required
for XML transfer to generic CMS or OVP
endpoints or for media transfers to the
WorldNow CMS system and is not required
as part of any installation that uses standard
Media Distribute third-party connectors.
MediaCentral UX mobile applications 80 MCPS HTTP calls
443 MediaCentral HTTPS calls
Network Firewall Port Settings
Component Port Usage
MediaCentral UX (these ports are used
for outbound communication with
configured endpoints such as Facebook,
Twitter, or YouTube)
80 MediaCentral Platform Playback Services (MCPS)
HTTP calls
443 MediaCentral HTTPS calls
Configuring the Transcode Route
Configuring the Transcode Route
Media Distribute delivers video to the configured online video platforms using the following
workflow. An understanding of this workflow might help to complete the Send to Playback settings.
• The user publishes a bundle to endpoints that include video assets — for example, YouTube and
Vimeo. The source videos are stored in Interplay Production.
• To start the publishing process, Media Distribute sends the source video to the MediaCentral
Distribution server in a send-to-playback operation.
• The Interplay Production media files are mixed down to MXF-wrapped OP1a media. In the
Packages pane, Media Distribute monitors the process as the status displays as “mixing down.”
nYou can send only sequences for mixdown and transfer to an FTP location.
• The Transfer Manager moves the MXF file to the FTP location specified in the Mixing Down
FTP Path in the Send to Playback system settings — see “Send to Playback Configuration for
Media | Distribute” on page 36.
nThis location is independent of the transcoder. The system supports multiple transcode
configurations which you can assign to various endpoints. By not delivering the video directly to a
transcode watch folder, the transcode route is built in a manner that allows for support of multiple
transcode endpoints.
• The Media Distribute orchestration engine monitors the FTP location. Once the MXF media
arrives at the FTP location, Media Distribute delivers it to the appropriate transcoder /in folder,
based on the configuration for your transcoder service (ftp://<transcoder>/transcoding/in).
• Media Distribute submits the transcoding job to the transcoder:
- The File Share in Path value (\\<transcoder_hostname>\avid\transcoding\in) should be
configured and mapped to the FTP “in” path (ftp://<transcoder>/transcoding/in). The file
share folder must have the appropriate read/write permissions set. For more information, see
“Configuring the Video Transcoding Host” on page 32.
- The transcoder workflow should be configured to provide output to the
ftp://<transcoder>/transcoding/out folder.
• After transcoding, the Media Distribute orchestration engine obtains the transcoded video file
from the transcoder “out” folder and delivers it to the designed online video provider (OVP)
endpoint for publication.
In order to enable this workflow, you must configure the Send to Playback system settings to provide
the necessary information.

Configuring the Transcode Route
The following illustration outlines the overall workflow for publishing video using Media Distribute.
Note that some details depend on the specific configuration of your transcoder service — for
example, Telestream Vantage or Harmonic ProMedia Carbon transcoder.
To transcode and publish video with Media Distribute, you need to provide the following
• Configuration requires that the following servers are available: Avid MediaCentral Distribution
Service, Interplay Production Services, Interplay Transfer, and MediaCentral Platform Services.
• You must configure the Send to Playback settings to provide mixdown output to an FTP server.
For more information, see “Configuring for Send to Playback” in the Avid MediaCentral | UX
Administration Guide.
ftp://[transcoder]/transcoding/out ftp://[transcoder]/transcoding/in
File Share in Path (mixing down) folder
Third-Party Transcoder Service
Online Video
(For example:
Vimeo, YouTube (mapped folders)
1 A user creates a media package with video and clicks Post to send it for review and approval. When a
producer approves the package, it is sent for publication.
2 The sequence, with the source files stored in the Interplay Production database, is mixed down to
MXF-wrapped OP1a media. In the Packages pane, the status displays as “mixing down.”
3 Media Distribute uses the MediaCentral Distribution Service to monitor the send-to-playback status.
When the sequence is mixed down, the Transfer Manager profile, configured in Interplay Transfer,
allows Interplay Transfer to move the MXF file to the Mixing Down FTP Host location.
4 Interplay Transfer moves the media to the Mixing Down FTP Path folder. This folder, specified in the
STP profile, matches the configuration the Transfer Manager profile. The folder is configured as a shared
5 Media Distribute monitors the shared folder, and when the media has been transferred, Media Distribute
copies the MXF file from the Mixing Down FTP folder to the transcoding/in FTP folder on the
transcoder service system. The shared folder is mapped to the transcoding/in FTP folder on the
transcoder server. It is transcoded and moved to the transcoding/out folder.
6 Media Distribute downloads the transcoded media from the transcoder service.
7 Media Distribute publishes the video package to the specified online video provider.

Configuring the Transcode Route
• You must configure each transcoding host — for example, Vantage and Carbon Coder. See
“Configuring the Video Transcoding Host” on page 32.
• You also need to configure an STP profile in the System Settings > Media Distribute section. See
“Send to Playback Configuration for Media | Distribute” on page 36.
• You must configure the Media Distribute system accounts as described in “Configuring System
Accounts for Media | Distribute” on page 52.
nIf your iNEWS stories use uppercase characters, you can select the option to transform iNEWS
stories to lowercase. This changes all text to lowercase characters when you load an iNEWS story in
the Media Distribute layout.
Configuring the Video Transcoding Host
You must configure Windows network share folder structure and folders before using a third-party
transcoder such as Telestream Vantage® to transcode video for your media package. You also need a
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) service running on your transcode server. For the FTP process to work,
each media file function must be mapped to specified folders. The following table describes the
required structure of the Windows network share folder and FTP folders on a Vantage host server:
The Windows network folder for incoming media must be accessible and mapped to the FTP folder
(for the transcoded media). This FTP structure is required for retrieving MXF files from Send to
Playback and for providing the transcoded output for Media Distribute workflows.
You also need to set the Interplay Transfer Manager options in the Send to Playback configuration for
Media Distribute. For information on configuring Send to Playback, see “Send to Playback
Configuration for Media | Distribute” on page 36.
To configure your FTP service, you need to install an FTP server application. The procedure in this
section uses the open source FTP server application called FileZilla Server. You can download the
software from the following Web site: https://filezilla-project.org/.
Windows Network Share FTP Folder
avid ftp://<Vantage_hostname>/transcoding/in

Configuring the Transcode Route
To set up Windows network share:
1. On your transcoding server, create the following folder if it does not exist already:
2. Right-click the <transcoder_hostname>\<drive:>\avid folder and select Sharing and Security.
The avid Properties dialog box opens.
3. Click the Sharing tab, and then select the Share this folder option.

Configuring the Transcode Route
4. Click Permissions.
The Permissions dialog box opens.
5. Select Everyone, and then select Allow for all permissions in the Permissions for Everyone list.
6. Click OK to return to the avid Properties dialog box, and then click OK.
7. Open FileZilla Server, and log in to your server.
8. Select Edit > Users.
The Users dialog box opens.

Configuring the Transcode Route
9. Click Add.
The Add User Account dialog box opens.
10. In the text box, type
, and then click OK.
11. In the Users dialog box, select the following options:
- Enable account
- Password, and type a password for the user account
- Bypass userlimit of server
12. In the Page list, select Shared folders.
13. In the Shared folders area, click Add, and then navigate to the <drive:>\avid folder, and then
click OK.
The folder is added to the Shared folders list.
14. Select the following options for Files and Directories:
- Write
Configuring the Transcode Route
15. Click OK.
Send to Playback Configuration for Media | Distribute
The MediaCentral UX administrator needs to specify Send to Playback configuration information
before you can use publish using Media Distribute. The Transfer Manager Destination Profile must
be the same as the profile name specified in the Interplay Transfer settings. The FTP host name, user
name, and password also reflect the same settings in Interplay Transfer.
The send-to-playback operation uses the credentials of the MediaCentral UX workgroup user
specified in the Interplay profile and not the currently logged in user, so the user must have read/write
privileges for the Interplay database used for sending media assets to the FTP host. For information
on setting up MediaCentral UX users and roles, see “Managing Users and Groups” in the Avid
MediaCentral | UX Administration Guide.
nYou can create only one Send to Playback configuration for each Media Distribute installation.
To configure Send to Playback publish settings:
1. Sign in to MediaCentral UX as an administrator.
2. Select System Settings from the Layout selector.
The System Settings layout opens.

Configuring the Transcode Route
3. In the Settings pane select Media Distribute > Profiles.
The Settings pane displays the settings in that group.
4. Click the Publication Type menu and select STP.
5. Click the + (plus) button in the Details section.
An STP profile named “New Profile” is created in the Details section.
6. Specify the required settings:
- Profile Name: use the same name used for the FTP server profile configured in the Interplay
Transfer Configuration tool. For more information, see “Configuring an FTP Server Profile”
in the Interplay | Transfer Setup and User’s Guide.
- Target VCID: Select a VCID from the list of supported resolutions.
- Audio: Options are Direct, Stereo, or Mono. When you use Direct to send a export a clip for
Send to Playback, the channel order reflects the channel order used when you captured the
audio. For example, if your source audio is 5:1 multichannel audio, you should select Direct
to preserve the channel mappings.
- Audio Bit Depth: Options are 16 and 24.
- Audio Target Sample Rate: Options are 32000, 44100, 48000, and 96000.
- Shared ISIS Workspace — The STP service requires this Avid shared storage workspace to
store video prior to delivery to the transcode service. Select a valid shared workspace from
the menu to be used as a temporary location for storing media.

Configuring the Transcode Route
nThe user specified in this profile must have read/write privileges for the shared storage workspace.
- Transfer Manager Host — select a Transfer Manager host from the menu. You can use the
values from your Transfer Manager configuration. For more information, see the
Interplay | Transfer Setup and User's Guide.
- Transfer Manager Destination Profile — Select an existing destination profile from the
- TransferManager Profile Type — Select a profile from the following options:
- Mixing Down FTP Host — Type the FTP host name. The FTP host name must be the same
as the FTP server name associated with the destination profile and specified in the FTP
configuration in Interplay Transfer. For more information on FTP configuration in Interplay
Transfer, see Interplay | Transfer Setup and User's Guide.
In the sample profile setting above, the Transfer Manager Destination Profile is listed as
and the Mixing Down FTP Host is
. This corresponds to the
following components of the Interplay Transfer FTP configuration:
- Mixing Down FTP Path — Type the path to the FTP destination where MXF output is
staged for transcode. This should be the same as the destination directory specified in the
FTP configuration in Interplay Transfer. In the example here, the Mixing Down FTP Path is
Profile Type Description
IFrame For send-to-playback operations using I-frame media. The source media clips must
match the target VCID format. The output file uses an OP1a format.
IFrameAMS For send-to-playback operations using I-frame media and sent to an Avid AirSpeed
server. The source media clips must match the target VCID format. The output file
uses an OP Atom format.
LongGoP For send-to-playback operations using Long GOP media. Since the
send-top-playback encoding creates a new media clip, the source media clips do
not need to match the target VCID format. The output file uses an OP1a format.
LongGoPAMS For send-to-playback operations using Long GOP media and sent to an Avid
AirSpeed server. Since the send-top-playback encoding creates a new media clip,
the source media clips do not need to match the target VCID format. The output
file uses an OP Atom format.
Configuring the Transcode Route
cDo not set the Mixing Down FTP Path to the same delivery folders used by your third-party
transcoding application — for example, the FTP Transcode/in Path in your Vantage profile.
The FTP location must be independent of the transcoder path.
- Mixing Down FTP Username — Type the user name for your FTP service credentials.
- Mixing Down FTP Password — Type the password for your FTP service credentials.
nYou cannot use either an at sign (@) or a colon (:) in your password. You can substitute %40 (@) or
%3a (:) instead.
7. Click Verify Profile Settings to validate the profile settings.
If your profile is valid, a message displays: “Profile configurations is valid.” If any settings are
incorrect, a message displays and indicates which fields are incorrect. All invalid settings names
change to red.
8. Click Apply to save the profile.
The profile displays in the Details section with the new information.
If you are editing a profile, click Revert to return to the original settings. If you want to delete a
profile, select the profile and click the minus (-) button in the Details section.
Configuring a Telestream Vantage Profile
Before you can use the Telestream Vantage video transcoding service with Media Distribute, you
must install Telestream Vantage on your system and then configure the Vantage settings in
MediaCentral UX.
Before you set up your Vantage workflow, you must configure your video host transcoding. For more
information, see “Configuring the Video Transcoding Host” on page 32.
The following procedures assume you have created a Vantage account. For more information, see
nYou must select your Telestream Vantage video transcoding service profile when you set up your
system accounts — for example, your YouTube or Vimeo account — for publishing your media
packages. Depending on your configuration, you might need to configure your system accounts
before configuring MediaCentral UX for your Vantage account. For more information, see
“Configuring System Accounts for Media | Distribute” on page 52.
To install and configure Telestream Vantage:
1. Install Vantage on your Windows system.
2. Use the Vantage Management Console to configure your Vantage license.
3. Configure your Vantage workflow, and then edit your Flip tasks to set the output folder to the
\\<hostname>\avid\transcoding\out folder you created when you set up your video host
transcoding. A typical Vantage workflow usually includes at least a Receive and a Flip task. See
your Vantage documentation for more information on creating and configuring workflows.
4. Make sure that you select H.264 as the Encoder and .mp4 as the Extension in your Flip tasks.
nYou cannot change the output file name by adding file name prefixes or suffixes. This causes the
publish job to fail.

Configuring the Transcode Route
5. Type the following URL in a browser address bar to obtain your Vantage workflow ID:
A Web page displays your Vantage workflow ID.
6. Save your workflow ID.
To configure MediaCentral UX for your Vantage account:
1. Sign in to MediaCentral UX as an administrator.
2. Select System Settings from the Layout selector.
The System Settings layout opens.
3. In the Settings pane select Media Distribute > Profiles.
The Settings pane displays the settings in that group.
4. Click the Publication Type menu and select Vantage.
5. Click the + (plus) button in the Details section.
A Vantage profile named “New Profile” is created in the Details section.
6. Specify the required settings, using the configuration on your Vantage system:
- Profile Name (type a descriptive name for your profile)
- Workflow ID (from your Vantage workflow configuration)
- Host Name (your Vantage hostname — for example, vantage-host)
- FTP Hostname (optional — if you use different servers for your FTP transcode in/out
location and for your File Share path, you can specify a different FTP server. If the transcode
in/out and File Share are on the same server, you can leave this setting blank.)
Configuring the Transcode Route
- FTP User Name (from your video host transcoding configuration)
- FTP Password (from your video host transcoding configuration)
- FTP Transcode/In Path (for incoming files, from your video host transcoding configuration.
You can use a subpath expression — for example,
- FTP Transcode/Out Path (for outgoing files, from your video host transcoding configuration.
You can use a subpath expression — for example,
- File Share In Path (from your video host transcoding configuration — see “Configuring the
Video Transcoding Host” on page 32. You must use the path to the Network Share path for
this setting — for example,
7. Click Verify Profile Settings to validate the profile settings.
If your profile is valid, a message displays: “Profile configurations is valid.” If any settings are
incorrect, a message displays and indicates which fields are incorrect. All invalid settings names
change to red.
8. (Optional) If your iNEWS stories use uppercase characters, you can select the option to
transform iNEWS stories to lowercase. This changes all text to lowercase characters when you
load an iNEWS story in the Media Distribute layout.
9. Click Apply to save the profile.
The profile displays in the Details section with the new information.
If you are editing a profile, click Revert to return to the original settings. If you want to delete a
profile, select the profile and click the minus (-) button in the Details section.
Validating the Vantage Transcode Route Configuration
When you have configured video transcoding for your Vantage video host system as well as the
Telestream Vantage profile, you can validate the configuration by publishing a test media package to
make sure all components work successfully. For information on configuring video transcoding and
the Vantage profile, see “Configuring the Video Transcoding Host” on page 32 and “Configuring a
Telestream Vantage Profile” on page 39.
nTo publish a media package, you first need to set up and configure at least one system account. For
more information, see “Configuring System Accounts for Media | Distribute” on page 52.
The validation procedure includes monitoring the progress of the transcode procedure in the
following applications:
• the ServiceMix log in your MediaCentral server
• the Job Status tab of the Vantage Workflow Designer
• the Vantage server Avid transcode folders
• the Media Distribute layout in MediaCentral UX
To validate the Vantage transcode configuration:
1. Log in to the MediaCentral server, either locally or using a terminal emulator application such as
PuTTY, and type the following in a terminal window:
a. To open the ServiceMix application, type the following command:
ssh Administrator@localhost -p 8101
b. Type
to continue connecting to the host, and then type the default password
The ServiceMix interface displays in the terminal window.

Configuring the Transcode Route
c. To move to the end of the log, type
, and press Enter.
2. On your Vantage server, do the following:
a. Open Vantage Workflow Designer, and then select File > Job Status.
b. In a file browser, navigate to <drive>:/avid/transcoding so you can see the following folders:
3. Sign in to MediaCentral UX, and then click the Layout selector and select Media Distribute.
The Media Distribute layout opens.
4. Click the Social Message pane.
The Social Message pane opens.
5. Add some text in the Message text box.
Changes you make in the Message text box apply globally to all social media targets you select.
You can also modify the story text for individual targets in the text boxes for those targets.
6. Select a social media target — for example, YouTube.
7. Click the Profiles menu, and select the Vantage transcoding service profile.
8. Double-click a video asset in the Asset pane or drag the video asset to the Media viewer.
The video asset displays in the Media pane. You can select a master clip, a subclip, or a

Configuring the Transcode Route
9. Click Attach Video.
The video displays in the Video area of the Social Media pane.
10. Click Post, and then click Yes.

Configuring the Transcode Route
11. Click the Packages pane, and then click the Refresh button.
The Packages pane displays the media package status as Pending.
12. Click Publish.
The Packages pane displays the media package status as Mixing Down. When the mixdown
process completes, the status displays as Mixing Down Finished.
13. In the ServiceMix console displaying in the MediaCentral server terminal window, check the log
for the following entries:
- Transcoded MediaItem is found transcodedMediaItemID=<ID number>
- Starting to copy MXF <media object ID> to transcoder machine FTP <Vantage_hostname>
nWhen the media package is published, the ServiceMix log displays the transcoded media item as

Configuring the Transcode Route
14. In the file browser on the Vantage server, check the <drive>:/avid/transcoding/in folder for the
MXF media file to be transcoded.
nWhen the media package is published, the transcoded media item is deleted from the transcoding/in
and transcoding/out folders.
15. In the Job Status tab of the Vantage Workflow Designer, check the status of the transcode job.
16. When the Job Status tab reports the transcode process as completed, check the
<drive>:/avid/transcoding/out folder in the file browser for the transcoded MXF media file.

Configuring the Transcode Route
17. In the MediaCentral UX Packages pane, check the status of the media package.
When the publish procedure completes, the status displays as Published and the link to video
included in the package appears in blue. Clicking the link opens a browser and displays the video
on the Web page for the selected online platform.
Configuring the Harmonic ProMedia Carbon Transcoder
Before you can use the Harmonic ProMedia™ Carbon transcoder with Media Distribute, you must
install ProMedia Carbon on your system and then configure the CarbonCoder settings in
MediaCentral UX.
Before you set up your Carbon system, you must configure your video host transcoding. For more
information, see “Configuring the Video Transcoding Host” on page 32.
The following procedures assume you have created a ProMedia Carbon account. For more
information, see http://www.harmonicinc.com/product/promedia-carbon.
To install and configure ProMedia Carbon:
1. Install Harmonic ProMedia Carbon on your Windows system.
2. Start ProMedia Carbon.
3. In Carbon, create a new profile by doing the following:
a. In the Target tab, add a new target and select a target preset.
b. In the Target Parameters window, modify the Destination Base Name to
and the
Destination Path to \\hostname\avid\transcoding\out.
c. Click Save Profile, and name the new profile
Avid MPD
4. Locate the profile ID by using one of the following:
tThe Preset Editor in Carbon Admin
tListProfiles.exe in the Carbon SDK

Configuring the Transcode Route
To configure MediaCentral UX for your ProMedia Carbon account:
1. Sign in to MediaCentral UX as an administrator.
2. Select System Settings from the Layout selector.
The System Settings layout opens.
3. In the Settings pane select Media Distribute > Profiles.
The Settings pane displays the settings in that group.
4. Click the Publication Type menu and select CarbonCoder.
5. Click the + (plus) button in the Details section.
A CarbonCoder profile named “New Profile” is created in the Details section.
6. Specify the required settings, using the using the parameter fields from ProMedia Carbon:
- Profile Name (type a descriptive name for your profile)
- Workflow ID (from your CarbonCoder profile)
- Host Name (your CarbonCoder hostname — for example, carboncoder-host)
- FTP Hostname (optional — if you use different servers for your FTP transcode in/out
location and for your File Share path, you can specify a different FTP server. If the transcode
in/out and File Share are on the same server, you can leave this setting blank.)
- FTP User Name (from your video host transcoding configuration)
- FTP Password (from your video host transcoding configuration)
- FTP Transcode/In Path (for incoming files, from your video host transcoding configuration)
Configuring the Transcode Route
- FTP Transcode/Out Path (for outgoing files, from your video host transcoding
- File Share In Path (from your video host transcoding configuration — see “Configuring the
Video Transcoding Host” on page 32)
7. Click Verify Profile Settings to validate the profile settings.
If your profile is valid, a message displays: “Profile configurations is valid.” If any settings are
incorrect, a message displays and indicates which fields are incorrect. All invalid settings names
change to red.
8. (Optional) If your iNEWS stories use uppercase characters, you can select the option to
transform iNEWS stories to lowercase. This changes all text to lowercase characters when you
load an iNEWS story in the Media Distribute layout.
9. Click Apply to save the profile.
The profile displays in the Details section with the new information.
If you are editing a profile, click Revert to return to the original settings. If you want to delete a
profile, select the profile and click the minus (-) button in the Details section.
Configuring a RadiantGrid Profile
In order to use the RadiantGrid™ transcoding engine with Media Distribute, you need to install and
configure the RadiantGrid software on a supported server. See your RadiantGrid representative for
more information.
The following procedures assume you have created a RadiantGrid account and password. For more
information, see http://www.wohler.com/RgProduct.aspx.
Once you have your RadiantGrid profile credentials, you need to create new transcode profile. This
profile must transcode media from the MXF format to the H.264 (.mp4) format. The following
procedure does not describe all of the options required for creating the profile using the RadiantGrid

Configuring the Transcode Route
To set up a RadiantGrid profile for use with Media Distribute:
1. Open your browser and log in to your RadiantGrid account.
2. Create a new Transcode profile. For details on creating a RadiantGrid transcoding profile, see
your RadiantGrid documentation.
3. (Optional) Configure a workflow template.
nIf you create a new transcode profile, you might be able to skip this step. However, if you use an
existing transcode profile, you might need to reconfigure your workflow template.
4. Configure an FTP service. For information on configuring the FTP service, see “Configuring the
Video Transcoding Host” on page 32.

Configuring the Transcode Route
To configure MediaCentral UX for your RadiantGrid account:
1. Sign in to MediaCentral UX as an administrator.
2. Select System Settings from the Layout selector.
The System Settings layout opens.
3. In the Settings pane select Media Distribute > Profiles.
The Settings pane displays the settings in that group.
4. Click the Publication Type menu and select RadiantGrid.
5. Click the + (plus) button in the Details section.
A RadiantGrid profile named “New Profile” is created in the Details section.
6. Specify the required settings, using the configuration on your RadiantGrid system and your FTP
- Profile Name (type a descriptive name for your profile)
- RadiantGrid User Name (from your RadiantGrid configuration)
- RadiantGrid Password (from your RadiantGrid configuration)
- Transcoding Profile Name (the profile name is listed on the Workflow > Transcode Web
page of your RadiantGrid configuration)
- Host Name (your RadiantGrid server hostname — for example, radiant-host)
Configuring the Transcode Route
- FTP Hostname (optional — if you use different servers for your FTP transcode in/out
location and for your File Share path, you can specify a different FTP server. If the transcode
in/out and File Share are on the same server, you can leave this setting blank.)
- FTP User Name (from your video host transcoding configuration)
- FTP Password (from your video host transcoding configuration)
- FTP Transcode/In Path (for incoming files, from your video host transcoding configuration)
- FTP Transcode/Out Path (for outgoing files, from your video host transcoding
- File Share In Path (from your video host transcoding configuration)
- File Share Out Path (from your video host transcoding configuration)
7. Click Verify Profile Settings to validate the profile settings.
If your profile is valid, a message displays: “Profile configurations is valid.” If any settings are
incorrect, a message displays and indicates which fields are incorrect. All invalid settings names
change to red.
8. (Optional) If your iNEWS stories use uppercase characters, you can select the option to
transform iNEWS stories to lowercase. This changes all text to lowercase characters when you
load an iNEWS story in the Media Distribute layout.
9. Click Apply to save the profile.
The profile displays in the Details section with the new information.
If you are editing a profile, click Revert to return to the original settings. If you want to delete a
profile, select the profile and click the minus (-) button in the Details section.

3Configuring System Accounts for
Media | Distribute
You can set up multiple accounts in the System Settings layout for the services you want to use for
publishing to multiple platforms. For information on the supported system accounts, see the
following topics:
•“Configuring the Bitly Link-Shortening Service” on page 53
•“Configuring a Twitter Publication Account” on page 54
•“Configuring a Facebook Publication Account” on page 58
•“Configuring a Facebook Page Publication Account” on page 63
•“Configuring a Vimeo Publication Account” on page 68
•“Configuring a Vimeo V3 Publication Account” on page 71
•“Configuring a YouTube Publication Account” on page 73
•“Configuring a YouTube v3 Publication Account” on page 78
•“Configuring a Brightcove Account” on page 81
•“Configuring a Kaltura Account” on page 83
•“Configuring an Ooyala Account” on page 85
•“Configuring an Atex Polopoly Web CMS Account” on page 87
•“Configuring a WorldNow Web CMS Profile” on page 89
•“Configuring thePlatform Profile” on page 93
•“Configuring a WordPress CMS Profile” on page 95
•“Configuring an InternetBroadcasting CMS Profile” on page 97
•“Configuring a Generic CMS Profile” on page 98
•“Configuring a Generic CMS Extended Profile” on page 102
•“Configuring a NoOpTranscoder Profile” on page 106
•“Configuring a Generic OVP Profile” on page 107
nIf your iNEWS stories use uppercase characters, you can select the option in the Media Distribute >
General section of the System Settings to transform iNEWS stories to lowercase. This changes all text
to lowercase characters when you load an iNEWS story in the Media Distribute layout.

Configuring the Bitly Link-Shortening Service
Configuring the Bitly Link-Shortening Service
You can configure the Bitly™ URL shortening service using MediaCentral UX settings. Using a link
shortening service is optional, but it can aid in ensuring that URLs do not exceed character limits on
some social media postings.
The following procedures assume you have created a Bitly account at https://bitly.com/ and you have
generated a Bitly API key at http://dev.bitly.com/.
To configure Bitly for Media Distribute:
1. Sign in to MediaCentral UX as an administrator.
2. Select System Settings from the Layout selector.
The System Settings layout opens.
3. In the Settings pane select Media Distribute > Profiles.
The Settings pane displays the settings in that group.
4. Click the Publication Type menu and select Bitly.
5. Click the + (plus) button in the Details section.
A Bitly profile named “New Profile” is created in the Details section.
6. Specify the required settings:
- Profile Name (type a descriptive name for your profile)
-API Key
7. Click Verify Profile Settings to validate the profile settings.
If your profile is valid, a message displays: “Profile configurations is valid.” If any settings are
incorrect, a message displays and indicates which fields are incorrect. All invalid settings names
change to red.

Configuring a Twitter Publication Account
nThe setting, “Transform iNEWS stories to lower case,” applies only to Media Distribute accounts
that publish packages containing iNEWS stories. The option does not affect this setting.
8. Click Apply to save the profile.
The profile displays in the Details section with the new information.
If you are editing a profile, click Revert to return to the original settings. If you want to delete a
profile, select the profile and click the minus (-) button in the Details section.
Configuring a Twitter Publication Account
Before you can publish a package to Twitter from MediaCentral UX using Media Distribute, you
must first set up a Twitter account to which you want to publish, and you must configure a Twitter
publication account.
This section describes configuring corporate or group house accounts. When you publish to these
accounts, your packages require review and approval For information on configuring a personal
account, see “Configuring a User Profile for a Personal Twitter Account” on page 110.
The following procedures assume you have created a Twitter account at https://twitter.com.
nThe user interface for Twitter might change without notice. The procedure below outlines the general
steps to create the elements needed to configure Media Distribute. For more information on creating
a Twitter application, see your Twitter account documentation.
To set up a Twitter application account for MediaCentral UX multi-platform delivery:
1. Log on to your Twitter account and navigate to the My Applications Web page at
2. Click Create New App.
The Create an application Web page opens.

Configuring a Twitter Publication Account
3. Type your information for the required fields, which might include the following:
- Description
- Website (the public URL for your Twitter application, where users can download your
application or get more information about it; use a placeholder URL if you do not have an
application URL yet)
4. In the Developer Agreement section, read the rules agreement and select Yes, I agree.
5. If required, type the security text.
6. Click Create your Twitter application.
Your Twitter application opens in the Application Management page.
7. Click the Permissions tab.
The Permissions tab opens.
8. In the Access area, select Read, Write and Access direct messages, and then click Update this
Twitter application’s settings.
Your settings are saved.

Configuring a Twitter Publication Account
9. Click the Keys and Access Tokens tab.
The Keys and Access Tokens tab opens.
10. In the Application Settings area, click Create Consumer Key and Secret.
nIf you already created an access token, the button in this area is labeled “Recreate Consumer Key
and Secret.”
11. In the Your Access Token area, click Create My Access Token and Token Secret.
nIf you already created an access token, the button in this area is labeled “Recreate My Access Token
and Token Secret.”

Configuring a Twitter Publication Account
12. Save the following parameter fields so you can enter them in the appropriate location in the
MediaCentral UX settings:
- Consumer key
- Consumer secret
- Access token
- Access token secret
To configure MediaCentral UX for your Twitter application:
1. Sign in to MediaCentral UX as an administrator.
2. Select System Settings from the Layout selector.
The System Settings layout opens.
3. In the Settings pane select Media Distribute > Profiles.
The Settings pane displays the settings in that group.
4. Click the Publication Type menu and select Twitter.
5. Click the + (plus) button in the Details section.
A Twitter profile named “New Profile” is created in the Details section.
6. Specify the required settings, using the parameter fields you copied from your Twitter
application Web page:
- Profile Name (type a descriptive name for your profile)
- Access Token
- Access Secret
Configuring a Facebook Publication Account
-Consumer Key
- Consumer Secret
7. Click Verify Profile Settings to validate the profile settings.
If your profile is valid, a message displays: “Profile configurations is valid.” If any settings are
incorrect, a message displays and indicates which fields are incorrect. All invalid settings names
change to red.
8. Click Apply to save the profile.
The profile displays in the Details section with the new information.
If you are editing a profile, click Revert to return to the original settings. If you want to delete a
profile, select the profile and click the minus (-) button in the Details section.
nYou can add multiple Twitter profiles.
Configuring a Facebook Publication Account
Before you can publish a package to Facebook from MediaCentral UX using Media Distribute, you
must first set up a Facebook profile account to which you want to publish, and you must configure a
Facebook publication account in MediaCentral UX. You also need to set permissions for your
Facebook application so it can post to your Facebook account.
This section describes configuring corporate or group house accounts. When you publish to these
accounts, your packages require review and approval For information on configuring a personal
account, see “Configuring a User Profile for a Personal Facebook Account” on page 111.
nBefore you attempt to publish your package to Facebook, Avid recommends that you test your
account privileges.
The following procedures assume you have created a Facebook account at
nThe user interface for Facebook developers might change without notice. The procedure below
provides general guidelines to create the elements needed to configure Media Distribute. For more
information on creating a Facebook application, downloading and installing any necessary SDK
applications, see Facebook support documentation.
To set up a Facebook application account for MediaCentral UX multi-platform delivery:
1. Log on to your Facebook account, and then go to the Facebook developers Web page at
2. If you have not registered as a Facebook developer, do the following:
a. Click Apps and select Register as a Developer.
The Register as a Facebook Developer dialog box opens.
b. Follow the prompts to register as a Facebook developer.
3. Click Apps, and select Create New App.
nIf you previously created an app for Facebook, select My Apps > Add a New App.
The Create New App dialog box opens.

Configuring a Facebook Publication Account
4. Select a platform for your app — for example, Android.
5. Type a name for your application in the App Name text box, and then click Create New
Facebook App ID.
The Create New App ID dialog box opens.
6. Select the appropriate options and then click Create App ID.
7. Click Skip Quick Start.
The Facebook app Dashboard opens.
8. Click Settings.
9. Click Add Platform, and then select Website.
The Settings dialog box opens.
10. In the Website area, type a site URL.
nIf you do not have a site URL, you can type
. You can modify the URL later.
11. Click Save Changes.
12. In the Contact Email text box, type an appropriate e-mail address. The contact e-mail address is
necessary to activate the app.
13. Save the following parameter fields so you can enter them in the appropriate location in the
MediaCentral UX settings:
-App ID
- App Secret

Configuring a Facebook Publication Account
To set Facebook permissions for your Media Distribute application:
1. Log on to your Facebook developers account, and click Tools > Graph API Explorer.
The Graph API Explorer Web page displays.
2. Click the Application menu and select your Facebook application.
3. Click the Get Token menu, and then select Get Access Token.
The Select Permissions dialog box opens.
4. Click the User Data Permissions tab, and then select the user_friends, user_photos, and
user_videos options.

Configuring a Facebook Publication Account
5. Click the Extended Permissions tab, and then select the manage_pages, publish_actions, and
publish_pages options.
6. Click Get Access Token.
The Web page generates a new access token and sets the necessary permissions for your
nThis token remains valid for only one hour.
7. Save your access token so you can enter it in the appropriate location in the MediaCentral UX
To make your app available to available to be viewed by the public:
1. Log on to your Facebook developers account, click My Apps, and select your app.
The Dashboard page for your app opens.
2. Click App Review.
3. In the Status tab, click Yes to activate your app.
To configure MediaCentral UX for your Facebook application:
1. Sign in to MediaCentral UX as an administrator.
2. Select System Settings from the Layout selector.
The System Settings layout opens.

Configuring a Facebook Publication Account
3. In the Settings pane select Media Distribute > Profiles.
The Settings pane displays the settings in that group.
4. Click the Publication Type menu and select Facebook.
5. Click the + (plus) button in the Details section.
A Facebook profile named “New Profile” is created in the Details section.
6. Specify the required settings, using the parameter fields you copied from your Facebook Apps
Web page:
- Profile Name (type a descriptive name for your profile — for example, [MyCompany]
Facebook News)
-FB Profile ID
- Application ID
- Application Secret
- Access Token
- (Optional) Album ID
nYou can specify the name of a Facebook album if you want to publish images directly to an album that
you have created for your Facebook account.
Configuring a Facebook Page Publication Account
7. (Optional) Click Transcoding Profile and select one of the available profiles.
nYou cannot publish video directly to Facebook unless you specify a transcoding profile.
8. (Optional) Click Get Expiration Date.
Media Distribute checks the expiration date of your access token and updates the entry in the
Expiration Date field. This shows you how much time is left on your Facebook access token.
9. (Optional) Click Get Long-Term Token.
Media Distribute converts your access token, which often remains valid for a couple of hours, to
a long-lived token. For more information on short-lived and long-lived tokens and their
expiration periods, see your Facebook developer documentation.
10. Click Verify Profile Settings to validate the profile settings.
If your profile is valid, a message displays: “Profile configurations is valid.” If any settings are
incorrect, a message displays and indicates which fields are incorrect. All invalid settings names
change to red.
11. Click Apply to save the profile.
The profile displays in the Details section with the new information.
If you are editing a profile, click Revert to return to the original settings. If you want to delete a
profile, select the profile and click the minus (-) button in the Details section.
nYou can add multiple Facebook profiles.
Configuring a Facebook Page Publication Account
You can publish packages to a corporate Facebook Page account from MediaCentral UX using Media
Distribute. Once you set up a Page account on Facebook, you then can configure a Facebook Page
publication account.
Facebook Pages allow businesses to connect with customers and users. Facebook Page accounts
allow official representatives of a business or organization to create and contribute to Pages. For more
information on Facebook Pages, see Facebook Pages support information at
You do not need to configure a Facebook publication account in Media Distribute in order to publish
to your Facebook Page, but you do need to have a Facebook account to set up a Facebook Page. For
information on configuring a Facebook publication account, see “Configuring a Facebook
Publication Account” on page 58.
nBefore you attempt to publish your package to a Facebook Page, Avid recommends that you test your
account privileges.
The following procedures assume you have created a Facebook account and created a Facebook Page
at https://www.facebook.com/pages/create.
nThe user interface for Facebook developers might change without notice. The procedure below
provides general guidelines to create the elements needed to configure Media Distribute. For more
information on creating a Facebook application, see Facebook support documentation.

Configuring a Facebook Page Publication Account
To set up a Facebook Page for MediaCentral UX multi-platform delivery:
1. Log on to your Facebook account, click the Edit Account button, and select Manage Pages.
The Pages page opens.
2. Click your Page in the Pages list.
Your Facebook Page opens.
3. Click About, and then select Page Info.
Your Facebook Page displays the page information.
4. Save your Facebook Page ID so you can enter it in the appropriate location in the MediaCentral
UX setting.
To set Facebook Page permissions for your Media Distribute application:
1. Log on to your Facebook developers account, and click Tools & Support > Graph API Explorer.
2. Click the Application menu and select the Facebook application associated with your Facebook
The Graph API Explorer Web page displays.

Configuring a Facebook Page Publication Account
3. Click the Get Token menu, and then select Get Access Token.
The Select Permissions dialog box opens.
4. Click the User Data Permissions tab, and then select the user_friends, the user_photos, and
user_videos options.
5. Click the Extended Permissions tab, and then select the manage_pages, publish_actions, and
publish_pages options.
6. Click Get Access Token.
The Web page generates a new access token and sets the necessary permissions for your
nThis token remains valid for only one hour.
7. Save your access token so you can enter it in the appropriate location in the MediaCentral UX

Configuring a Facebook Page Publication Account
8. Click Debug.
The Access Token Debugger page opens and displays information about your access token.
9. Save your App ID and User ID so you can enter them in the appropriate locations in the
MediaCentral UX setting.
10. Select Apps > [your Facebook app].
The Dashboard for your app opens.
11. Click Show to display your App Secret.
12. Save your App Secret so you can enter it in the appropriate locations in the MediaCentral UX
To configure MediaCentral UX for your Facebook Page:
1. Sign in to MediaCentral UX as an administrator.
2. Select System Settings from the Layout selector.
The System Settings layout opens.

Configuring a Facebook Page Publication Account
3. In the Settings pane select Media Distribute > Profiles.
The Settings pane displays the settings in that group.
4. Click the Publication Type menu and select FacebookPage.
5. Click the + (plus) button in the Details section.
A FacebookPage profile named “New Profile” is created in the Details section.
6. Specify the required settings, using the parameter fields you copied from your Facebook Page
Web page:
- Profile Name (type a descriptive name for your profile — for example, [MyCompany] Page)
- FB Profile ID — the Facebook Profile ID of the user who administers your Facebook Page
- FB Page ID — from your Facebook app settings
- Application ID — from your Facebook app settings
- Application Secret — from your Facebook app settings
- Access Token — from your Facebook app settings
- (Optional) Album ID
nYou can specify the name of a Facebook album if you want to publish images directly to an album that
you have created for your Facebook account.
Configuring a Vimeo Publication Account
7. (Optional) Click Transcoding Profile and select one of the available profiles.
nYou cannot publish video directly to Facebook unless you specify a transcoding profile.
8. (Optional) Click Get Expiration Date.
Media Distribute checks the expiration date of your access token and updates the entry in the
Expiration Date field. This shows you how much time is left on your Facebook access token.
9. (Optional) Click Get Long-Term Token.
Media Distribute converts your access token, which often remains valid for a couple of hours, to
a long-lived token. For more information on short-lived and long-lived tokens and their
expiration periods, see your Facebook developer documentation.
10. Click Verify Profile Settings to validate the profile settings.
If your profile is valid, a message displays: “Profile configurations is valid.” If any settings are
incorrect, a message displays and indicates which fields are incorrect. All invalid settings names
change to red.
11. Click Apply to save the profile.
The profile displays in the Details section with the new information.
If you are editing a profile, click Revert to return to the original settings. If you want to delete a
profile, select the profile and click the minus (-) button in the Details section.
nYou can add multiple Facebook page profiles.
Configuring a Vimeo Publication Account
Before you can publish a package to Vimeo from MediaCentral UX using Media Distribute, you
must first set up a Vimeo account to which you want to publish, and you must configure a Vimeo
publication account.
nMedia Distribute works with both the Advanced API and the standard API used by Vimeo
applications. For both, you need to check the OAuth tab in the My Apps Web page for the required
parameters used in configuring your Vimeo account. Media Distribute does not use OAuth2
The following procedures assume you have created a Vimeo account at https://vimeo.com/.
nThe user interface for Vimeo might change without notice. The procedure below outlines the general
steps to create the elements needed to configure Media Distribute. For more information on creating
a Vimeo application, see your Vimeo account documentation.

Configuring a Vimeo Publication Account
To set up a Vimeo application account for MediaCentral UX multi-platform delivery:
1. Log on to your Vimeo account, and then go to the Vimeo My Apps Web page at
2. Click “Create a new app.”
The Create an new App Web page opens.
3. Type your information in the required text fields:
-App Name
-App Description
- App URL (the public URL for your Vimeo application, where users can download your
application or get more information about it; use a placeholder URL if you do not have an
application URL yet)
4. Accept the Vimeo API License Agreement (https://developer.vimeo.com/guidelines/terms) and
the Vimeo Terms of Service (https://vimeo.com/terms), and then click Create app.
The My API Apps Web page opens.
5. Click the OAuth tab, and save the following parameter fields so you can enter them in the
appropriate location in the MediaCentral UX settings:
- Client ID (Also known as Consumer Key or API Key)
- Client Secret (Also known as Consumer Secret or API Secret)
- Access token
- Access token secret
nBy default, Vimeo assigns Read, Write, and Delete permissions for your application.

Configuring a Vimeo Publication Account
To configure MediaCentral UX for your Vimeo application:
1. Sign in to MediaCentral UX as an administrator.
2. Select System Settings from the Layout selector.
The System Settings layout opens.
3. In the Settings pane select Media Distribute > Profiles.
The Settings pane displays the settings in that group.
4. Click the Publication Type menu and select Vimeo.
5. Click the + (plus) button in the Details section.
A Vimeo profile named “New Profile” is created in the Details section.
6. Specify the required settings, using the parameter fields you copied from your Vimeo My
Advanced API Apps Web page:
- Profile Name (type a descriptive name for your profile)
- Access Token
- Access Secret
-Consumer Key
- Consumer Secret
7. Click Transcoding Profile and select one of the available profiles.
8. Click Verify Profile Settings to validate the profile settings.
If your profile is valid, a message displays: “Profile configurations is valid.” If any settings are
incorrect, a message displays and indicates which fields are incorrect. All invalid settings names
change to red.

Configuring a Vimeo V3 Publication Account
9. Click Apply to save the profile.
The profile displays in the Details section with the new information.
If you are editing a profile, click Revert to return to the original settings. If you want to delete a
profile, select the profile and click the minus (-) button in the Details section.
Configuring a Vimeo V3 Publication Account
Before you can publish a package to Vimeo from MediaCentral UX using Media Distribute, you
must first set up a Vimeo account to which you want to publish, and you must configure a Vimeo
publication account.
The Vimeo V3 publication profile uses the V3 API for your Vimeo application. This allows you to
employ the OAuth2 authentication protocol for your app.
The following procedures assume you have created a Vimeo account at https://vimeo.com/.
nThe user interface for Vimeo might change without notice. The procedure below outlines the general
steps to create the elements needed to configure Media Distribute. For more information on creating
a Vimeo application, see your Vimeo account documentation.
To set up a Vimeo application account for MediaCentral UX multi-platform delivery:
1. Log on to your Vimeo account, and then go to the Vimeo My Apps Web page at
2. Click “Create a new app.”
The Create an new App Web page opens.

Configuring a Vimeo V3 Publication Account
3. Type your information in the required text fields:
-App Name
-App Description
- App URL (the public URL for your Vimeo application, where users can download your
application or get more information about it; use a placeholder URL if you do not have an
application URL yet)
4. Accept the Vimeo API License Agreement (https://developer.vimeo.com/guidelines/terms) and
the Vimeo Terms of Service (https://vimeo.com/terms), and then click Create app.
The My API Apps Web page opens.
5. Click the OAuth2 tab.
6. Click Generate Token, and save the access token value displayed in the Your new Access token
field so you can enter it in the appropriate location in the MediaCentral UX settings:
nBy default, Vimeo assigns Read, Write, and Delete permissions for your application.
To configure MediaCentral UX for your Vimeo V3 application:
1. Sign in to MediaCentral UX as an administrator.
2. Select System Settings from the Layout selector.
The System Settings layout opens.
3. In the Settings pane select Media Distribute > Profiles.
The Settings pane displays the settings in that group.
4. Click the Publication Type menu and select Vimeo V3.
5. Click the + (plus) button in the Details section.
A Vimeo V3 profile named “New Profile” is created in the Details section.
Configuring a YouTube Publication Account
6. Specify the required settings, using the access token you copied from your Vimeo My Advanced
API Apps Web page:
- Profile Name (type a descriptive name for your profile)
- Access Token
7. Click Transcoding Profile and select one of the available profiles.
8. Click Verify Profile Settings to validate the profile settings.
If your profile is valid, a message displays: “Profile configurations is valid.” If any settings are
incorrect, a message displays and indicates which fields are incorrect. All invalid settings names
change to red.
9. Click Apply to save the profile.
The profile displays in the Details section with the new information.
If you are editing a profile, click Revert to return to the original settings. If you want to delete a
profile, select the profile and click the minus (-) button in the Details section.
Configuring a YouTube Publication Account
Before you can publish a package to YouTube from MediaCentral UX using Media Distribute, you
must first set up a Google account to manage the publication of your media package to YouTube, and
you must configure a YouTube publication account in MediaCentral UX.
The following procedures assume you have created a Google account at
Google has switched the authorization standard used by YouTube applications to OAuth 2.0. If you
use a YouTube application created before April 2015 to publish videos to the Web, you can follow
the procedures in this section. If you want to use OAuth 2.0 credentials or if you want to create a new
YouTube application, see “Configuring a YouTube v3 Publication Account” on page 78.
nThe user interface for YouTube and Google accounts might change without notice. The procedure
below outlines the general steps to create the elements needed to configure Media Distribute. For
more information on creating and managing a YouTube application, see your Google developer
account documentation.
You need to provide the following information to configure your YouTube account for
Media Distribute:
• Your Google developer account user name and password.
• Your Google project name.
• The server API key.
To create a YouTube application for MediaCentral UX:
1. Log on to your Google account, and then go to the Google Developers Console Web page at

Configuring a YouTube Publication Account
2. Click the name of your existing project.
The Project Dashboard for your project opens.
3. In the navigation panel for your project, click Permissions.
The Permissions page opens.
4. Select the user you want to administer the project and the account for your application and select
the appropriate permissions:
- Is Owner — by default, the user who creates the project is the owner. You can add other
owners who can change the project settings and manage project members.
- Can edit — these users can modify the project settings.
- Can view — these users can read any project settings or information about the project.
nYou can add users clicking the Add Member button.

Configuring a YouTube Publication Account
5. In the APIs & auth section, click Credentials.
The Credentials page opens.
6. Click Add credentials, and then select API key.
The Create a new key dialog box opens.
7. Click Server key in the Create a new key dialog box.
The Create server API key dialog box opens.
8. (Option) In the Accept Requests from These Server IP Addresses text box, type the name of the
server used for your Media Distribute applications. This allows you to restrict your API key so
that requests are only allowed from your servers’ source IP addresses

Configuring a YouTube Publication Account
9. Click Create.
A new API key is created and displays in the Credentials page.
10. If you have never used this account to upload a video, do the following to create a YouTube
a. In your browser, navigate to https://www.youtube.com/my_videos.
b. Create a new channel. For information creating a new YouTube channel, see the YouTube
online help.
To configure MediaCentral UX for your YouTube application:
1. Sign in to MediaCentral UX as an administrator.
2. Select System Settings from the Layout selector.
The System Settings layout opens.

Configuring a YouTube Publication Account
3. In the Settings pane select Media Distribute > Profiles.
The Settings pane displays the settings in that group.
4. Click the Publication Type menu and select YouTube.
5. Click the + (plus) button in the Details section.
A YouTube profile named “New Profile” is created in the Details section.
6. Specify the required settings, using the parameter fields you copied from your YouTube Product
Dashboard Web page as well as your YouTube credentials:
- Profile Name (type a descriptive name for your profile)
- Application Name (from your Google Developer Console project)
- Developer Key (the API key from your Google Developer Console project)
-User Name
- Password
7. Click Transcoding Profile and select one of the available profiles.
8. Click Verify Profile Settings to validate the profile settings.
If your profile is valid, a message displays: “Profile configurations is valid.” If any settings are
incorrect, a message displays and indicates which fields are incorrect. All invalid settings names
change to red.
nDue to security settings on Google accounts, you might receive an error indicating an incorrect user
name or password, even if your account credentials are correct. You can sign in to your Google
account and change the Sign-in and Security settings to enable access to the account for less secure
apps. For more information, see the Google Accounts Help.
Configuring a YouTube v3 Publication Account
9. Click Apply to save the profile.
The profile displays in the Details section with the new information.
If you are editing a profile, click Revert to return to the original settings. If you want to delete a
profile, select the profile and click the minus (-) button in the Details section.
Configuring a YouTube v3 Publication Account
Before you can publish a package to YouTube from MediaCentral UX using Media Distribute, you
must first set up a Google account to manage the publication of your media package to YouTube, and
you must configure a YouTube v3 publication account in MediaCentral UX.
The following procedures assume you have created a Google account at
nThe user interface for Google accounts might change without notice. The procedure below outlines
the general steps to create the elements needed to configure Media Distribute. For more information
on creating and managing a Google or YouTube application, see your Google developer account
If you use a YouTube profile created before April 2015, you can follow the procedures described in
“Configuring a YouTube Publication Account” on page 73. For new profiles, you can use the Avid
Media Distribute Integration application to generate the necessary access token and refresh token.
MediaCentral UX also supplies the following default parameter values when it creates a new
YouTube v3 profile so it can use the Avid application:
•Client Id
• Client Secret
• Redirect URI
nTo use the Avid Media Distribute Integration application to generate default values for your YouTube
v3 account, you must be logged in to the Google account you use for publishing videos from Media
If you want to create your own YouTube application, you can replace the profile parameter values
with those copied from your YouTube application. You need to generate the Client ID and Client
Secret from the OAuth 2.0 credentials in the Credentials Web page in the APIs and auth section of
your application in the Google Developers Console. You also need to supply the values for the
Scopes and Redirect URI parameters. For more information, see the Google Developers
To configure MediaCentral UX for your YouTube v3 account:
1. Log on to your Google account at https://accounts.google.com/.
2. If you have never used this account to upload a video, do the following to create a YouTube
a. In your browser, navigate to https://www.youtube.com/my_videos.
b. Create a new channel. For information creating a new YouTube channel, see the YouTube
online help.
3. Sign in to MediaCentral UX as an administrator.

Configuring a YouTube v3 Publication Account
4. Select System Settings from the Layout selector.
The System Settings layout opens.
5. In the Settings pane select Media Distribute > Profiles.
The Settings pane displays the settings in that group.
6. Click the Publication Type menu and select YouTube v3.
7. Click the + (plus) button in the Details section.
A YouTube v3 profile named “New Profile” is created in the Details section, and the following
parameter fields are automatically filled by default:
-Client ID
- Client Secret
- Redirect URI
8. Specify a Profile Name by typing a descriptive name for your profile.

Configuring a YouTube v3 Publication Account
9. Click Get Tokens.
The Avid Media Distribute Integration application opens a Web page asking permission to
manage your YouTube account. This allows the application to generate the necessary access
tokens so you can publish videos to your YouTube account.
nIf you already received the access and refresh tokens, clicking Get Tokens does not supply you with
new tokens. You need to click Revoke Tokens, and then click Get Tokens.
10. Click Allow.
The Avid Media Distribute Integration application generates the access tokens and displays them
on the application Web page.
11. Copy the Access Token value to the parameter field for Access Token in your MediaCentral
YouTube v3 profile.
12. Copy the Refresh Token value to the parameter field for Refresh Token in your MediaCentral
YouTube v3 profile.
13. Click Transcoding Profile and select one of the available profiles.
14. Click Verify Profile Settings to validate the profile settings.
If your profile is valid, a message displays: “Profile configurations is valid.” If any settings are
incorrect, a message displays and indicates which fields are incorrect. All invalid settings names
change to red.
15. Click Apply to save the profile.
The profile displays in the Details section with the new information.
If you are editing a profile, click Revert to return to the original settings. If you want to delete a
profile, select the profile and click the minus (-) button in the Details section.

Configuring a Brightcove Account
Configuring a Brightcove Account
Before you can publish a package to Brightcove from MediaCentral UX using Media Distribute, you
must first set up a Brightcove account to which you want to publish, and you must configure the
Brightcove Media API settings for your account.
The following procedures assume you have created a Brightcove account at
nYou must have a paid Brightcove account to use the Brightcove Video Cloud Media API to publish
packages from MediaCentral UX to the Brightcove service.
The Media Distribute settings for Brightcove allow you to select some rendition options when you
publish to your Brightcove account. A rendition is a copy of your video transcoded to a specific bit
rate and resolution. If your video is supported for transcoding, you can use Media Distribute to create
multiple renditions as specified in your transcoding profile. If you use a video with the H.264 format,
you can also retain this format as a rendition when you create multiple renditions.
To set up a Brightcove account for MediaCentral UX multi-platform delivery:
1. Log on to your Brightcove account, and click the Account Settings tab.
The Account Settings Web page opens.
2. In the navigation panel on the left, click API Management.
The API Management Web page opens.
3. To create tokens, do the following:
a. Click the Add a: menu and select Read Token with URL Access, and then click Add.
b. Click the Add a: menu and select Write Token, and then click Add.
The tokens appear in the Token list.
4. Save the following parameter fields from the API Management Web page so you can enter them
in the appropriate location in the MediaCentral UX settings:
- Read Token with URL Access
- Write Token

Configuring a Brightcove Account
To configure MediaCentral UX for your Brightcove account:
1. Sign in to MediaCentral UX as an administrator.
2. Select System Settings from the Layout selector.
The System Settings layout opens.
3. In the Settings pane select Media Distribute > Profiles.
The Settings pane displays the settings in that group.
4. Click the Publication Type menu and select Brightcove.
5. Click the + (plus) button in the Details section.
A Brightcove profile named “New Profile” is created in the Details section.
6. Specify the required settings, using the parameter fields you copied from your Brightcove API
Management Web page:
- Profile Name (type a descriptive name for your profile)
- Read Token
- Write Token
7. Click Transcoding Profile and select one of the available profiles.
8. (Optional) If you want to create multiple transcoded versions of your media as specified in your
transcoding profile, select Create multiple renditions.
9. (Optional) If you want to keep a copy of your video at the source H.264 rendition in addition to
any other renditions created, select Preserve source rendition. This option is selected by default.
10. Click Verify Profile Settings to validate the profile settings.
If your profile is valid, a message displays: “Profile configurations is valid.” If any settings are
incorrect, a message displays and indicates which fields are incorrect. All invalid settings names
change to red.

Configuring a Kaltura Account
11. Click Apply to save the profile.
The profile displays in the Details section with the new information.
If you are editing a profile, click Revert to return to the original settings. If you want to delete a
profile, select the profile and click the minus (-) button in the Details section.
Configuring a Kaltura Account
Before you can publish a package to Kaltura from MediaCentral UX using Media Distribute, you
must first set up a Kaltura account to which you want to publish, and you must configure the Kaltura
Media API settings for your account.
The following procedures assume you have created a Kaltura account at http://corp.kaltura.com/.
To set up a Kaltura account for MediaCentral UX multi-platform delivery:
1. Log on to your Kaltura account at http://corp.kaltura.com/, and click the Settings tab.
The Account Settings Web page opens.
2. Click Integration Settings tab.
The Integration Settings Web page opens.
3. Save the following parameter fields from the Integration Settings Web page so you can enter
them in the appropriate location in the MediaCentral UX settings:
- Partner ID
- Administration Secret
To configure MediaCentral UX for your Kaltura account:
1. Sign in to MediaCentral UX as an administrator.
2. Select System Settings from the Layout selector.
The System Settings layout opens.

Configuring a Kaltura Account
3. In the Settings pane select Media Distribute > Profiles.
The Settings pane displays the settings in that group.
4. Click the Publication Type menu and select Kaltura.
5. Click the + (plus) button in the Details section.
A Kaltura profile named “New Profile” is created in the Details section.
6. Specify the required settings, using the parameter fields you copied from your Kaltura API
Management Web page:
- Profile Name (type a descriptive name for your profile)
- Partner ID
- User ID (your login credential)
- Admin Secret
7. Click Transcoding Profile and select one of the available profiles.
8. Click Verify Profile Settings to validate the profile settings.
If your profile is valid, a message displays: “Profile configurations is valid.” If any settings are
incorrect, a message displays and indicates which fields are incorrect. All invalid settings names
change to red.
9. Click Apply to save the profile.
The profile displays in the Details section with the new information.
If you are editing a profile, click Revert to return to the original settings. If you want to delete a
profile, select the profile and click the minus (-) button in the Details section.

Configuring an Ooyala Account
Configuring an Ooyala Account
Before you can publish a package to Ooyala from MediaCentral UX using Media Distribute, you
must first set up an Ooyala account to which you want to publish, and you must check the Backlot
API settings for your account.
The following procedures assume you have created an Ooyala account at
To set up an Ooyala account for MediaCentral UX multi-platform delivery:
1. Log on to your Ooyala Backlot account.
The Ooyala Backlot Web page opens.
2. Click the Account tab, and then click the Developers tab.
The Backlot API Web page opens.
3. Save the following parameter fields from the Backlot API Web page so you can enter them in the
appropriate location in the MediaCentral UX settings:
-API Key
- API Secret
To configure MediaCentral UX for your Ooyala account:
1. Sign in to MediaCentral UX as an administrator.
2. Select System Settings from the Layout selector.
The System Settings layout opens.

Configuring an Ooyala Account
3. In the Settings pane select Media Distribute > Profiles.
The Settings pane displays the settings in that group.
4. Click the Publication Type menu and select Ooyala.
5. Click the + (plus) button in the Details section.
An Ooyala profile named “New Profile” is created in the Details section.
6. Specify the required settings, using the parameter fields you copied from your Ooyala Backlot
API Web page:
- Profile Name (type a descriptive name for your profile)
-API Key
- API Secret
7. Click Transcoding Profile and select one of the available profiles.
8. Click Verify Profile Settings to validate the profile settings.
If your profile is valid, a message displays: “Profile configurations is valid.” If any settings are
incorrect, a message displays and indicates which fields are incorrect. All invalid settings names
change to red.
9. Click Apply to save the profile.
The profile displays in the Details section with the new information.
If you are editing a profile, click Revert to return to the original settings. If you want to delete a
profile, select the profile and click the minus (-) button in the Details section.
Configuring an Atex Polopoly Web CMS Account
Configuring an Atex Polopoly Web CMS Account
Before you can publish a package to Polopoly from MediaCentral UX using Media Distribute, you
must first have a Polopoly account with Atex and set up a Polopoly environment.
You can create multiple Polopoly profiles in the System Settings layout, but you can only configure
one Web CMS account at a time — for example, you can configure MediaCentral UX either for
Polopoly or for WorldNow, but not for both.
The following procedures assume you have already created the necessary Polopoly environment. See
your Polopoly documentation for more information.
To configure your Polopoly server for MediaCentral UX multi-platform delivery:
1. Log on to your Polopoly server using one of the following set of credentials.
-Log in as
with the your root password.
-Log in as
with your centos password.
SSH is turned off by default.
2. To make the Polopoly user interface accessible through the server firewall, type to following to
open a port:
iptables -I INPUT 1 -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 8080 -j ACCEPT
3. If the Polopoly services are not running, do the following:
a. Type
and press Return.
b. At the prompt, type the password you used to log in to the server.
c. Start the MySQL database by typing the following:
/usr/local/mysql/support-files./mysql.server start
d. Navigate to the Jboss directory by typing
cd /opt/jboss
and then start Jboss by typing the
bin/run.sh -b &
e. Navigate to the Tomcat directory by typing
cd /opt/tomcat
and then start Tomcat by
typing the following:
To configure MediaCentral UX for your Polopoly account:
1. Sign in to MediaCentral UX as an administrator.
2. Select System Settings from the Layout selector.
The System Settings layout opens.

Configuring an Atex Polopoly Web CMS Account
3. In the Settings pane select Media Distribute > Profiles.
The Settings pane displays the settings in that group.
4. Click the Publication Type menu and select Polopoly.
5. Click the + (plus) button in the Details section.
A Polopoly profile named “New Profile” is created in the Details section.
6. Specify the required settings for the following parameter fields:
- Profile Name (type a descriptive name for your profile)
- Server (the name of your Polopoly host — for example, http://localhost :80080)
- User Name (your Polopoly login name)
- Password (your Polopoly login password)
- Service Address (the address of the Polopoly REST service — for example, polopoly)
- External ID (from your Polypoly account settings)
7. Click OVP Profile and select one of the available profiles. OVP profiles are created when you
configure your online video provider settings — for example, when you set up MediaCentral UX
for your Vimeo or YouTube account. For more information, see “Configuring a Vimeo
Publication Account” on page 68 or “Configuring a YouTube Publication Account” on page 73.
8. Click Verify Profile Settings to validate the profile settings.
If your profile is valid, a message displays: “Profile configurations is valid.” If any settings are
incorrect, a message displays and indicates which fields are incorrect. All invalid settings names
change to red.
Configuring a WorldNow Web CMS Profile
9. Click Apply to save the profile.
The profile displays in the Details section with the new information.
If you are editing a profile, click Revert to return to the original settings. If you want to delete a
profile, select the profile and click the minus (-) button in the Details section.
Configuring a WorldNow Web CMS Profile
Before you can publish a package to the WorldNow platform from MediaCentral UX using Media
Distribute, you must first have a WorldNow account and set up a WorldNow environment.
The following procedures assume you have already created the necessary WorldNow environment.
Your WorldNow account provides you with the following information needed to complete your
MediaCentral UX configuration:
• Account user name
• Account password
• Affiliate number
•Producer host
• Ingest FTP host
• Ingest FTP path
• Ingest FTP user name
• Ingest FTP password
The following notes apply to using WorldNow with MediaCentral UX:
• Once you have configured MediaCentral UX for your WorldNow CMS, the fields available to
you in the Web Story pane change to reflect the options and metadata provided by WorldNow.
• You can create multiple WorldNow profiles in the System Settings layout, but you can only
configure one Web CMS account at a time — for example, you can configure MediaCentral UX
either for WorldNow or for Atex Polopoly, but not for both.
• You can set the default values for some options used when you publish to a WorldNow account
so you do not have to set them in the Web Story pane each time you create a story. Some values
display as automatically selected options and some control the size and placement of graphics
when you attach images to your story. These options correspond to those available in your
WorldNow CMS.
See your WorldNow documentation for more information, or see the WorldNow Web site at
nA limitation in the current version of Media Distribute might cause an SSLHandshakeException
error to occur and prevent posting video to WorldNow. This is caused by a problem where the client
and server cannot negotiate the desired level of security. To work around this problem, you can
disable SSL validation for HTTPS connections.
To configure MediaCentral UX for your WorldNow account:
1. Sign in to MediaCentral UX as an administrator.
2. Select System Settings from the Layout selector.
The System Settings layout opens.

Configuring a WorldNow Web CMS Profile
3. In the Settings pane select Media Distribute > Profiles.
The Settings pane displays the settings in that group.
4. Click the Publication Type menu and select WorldNow.
5. Click the + (plus) button in the Details section.
A WorldNow profile named “New Profile” is created in the Details section.
6. Specify the required settings for the following parameter fields:
- Profile Name (type a descriptive name for your profile)
- Username (your WorldNow login name)
- Password (your WorldNow login password)
- Affiliate Number (from your WorldNow account information)
- Producer Host (from your WorldNow account information)
- FTP Ingest Hostname (from your WorldNow account information)
- FTP Path (optional) — if your ingest FTP location is configured to use a directory other than
the root folder, you can specify a different FTP directory or subdirectory. If the transcode
in/out has not changed, you can leave this setting blank.
- FTP Username (from your WorldNow account information)
- FTP Password (from your WorldNow account information)
7. Click Transcoding Profile and select one of the available profiles.

Configuring a WorldNow Web CMS Profile
8. Click Verify Profile Settings to validate the profile settings.
If your profile is valid, a message displays: “Profile configurations is valid.” If any settings are
incorrect, a message displays and indicates which fields are incorrect. All invalid settings names
change to red.
9. Click Apply to save the profile.
The profile displays in the Details section with the new information.
If you are editing a profile, click Revert to return to the original settings. If you want to delete a
profile, select the profile and click the minus (-) button in the Details section.
To set default values in MediaCentral UX for your WorldNow account:
1. Sign in to MediaCentral UX as an administrator.
2. Select System Settings from the Layout selector.
The System Settings layout opens.
3. In the Settings pane select Media Distribute > WorldNow.
The Settings pane displays the WorldNow settings.
4. Select the WorldNow options that you want to use as default values in the Web Story pane.
- Story options can be set to use your Story Headline in some additional areas for your Web
story. You can also select a default classification for your story from the Content
Classification menu.
- Use Headline as Abridged Title
- Use Headline as Browser Title
Configuring a WorldNow Web CMS Profile
- Use Headline as Page URL
- Content Classification
- Graphics options control the default size (in pixels) and alignment of images in your Web
- Story Body Image Size
- Summary Image Size
- Summary Image Alignment
- Abstract Image Size
- Abstract Image Alignment
- Video options can be set to use your Headline in some additional areas for your Web story.
You can also enable closed captions for your story and select a default classification from the
Content Classification menu.
- Use Headline as Abridged Title
- Use Headline as Browser Title
- Use Headline as Page URL
- Enable Closed Captioning
- Content Classification
5. Click Apply to save the settings.
The WorldNow options display in the Details section with the new information.
If you are editing your WorldNow settings, click Revert to return to the original settings.
To disable SSL validation:
1. In a terminal window on the master cluster node, type the following to stop ServiceMix:
service avid-mpd stop
2. Navigate to the directory containing the Media Distribute database configuration file:
cd /etc/apache-servicemix
3. Using the Linux text editor, vi, open the avid-mpd-wrapper.conf file for editing:
vi avid-mpd-wrapper.conf
4. Locate the following line in the JVM Parameters section, and then edit the SSL validation to
# wrapper.java.additional.<NUMBER>=-Dmpd.ssl.trust.all=true
5. Press the Escape key to return to command mode, then type
and press Return to write and
quit the text editor.
6. To restart the Media Distribute service, type the following command:
service avid-mpd restart
Configuring thePlatform Profile
Configuring thePlatform Profile
Before you can publish a package to thePlatform® video CMS from MediaCentral UX using Media
Distribute, you must first have an account for thePlatform and set up an administrative role.
The following procedures assume you have already created the necessary thePlatform environment.
Your thePlatform account provides you with the following information needed to complete your
MediaCentral UX configuration:
• Account user name
• Account password
Once you have configured MediaCentral UX for your thePlatform account, you can use the fields
available to you in a separate thePlatform pane that reflect the options and metadata provided by
thePlatform. You can also specify upload servers for your media package if these servers are part of
your thePlatform configuration. Media Distribute uploads media directly to these servers when you
publish your media package. If you configure an FTP ingest server instead, Media Distribute uploads
your media to this server. If you do not configue either upload servers or an FTP server, Media
Distribute automatically selects an appropriate upload server.
See your thePlatform documentation for more information, or see thePlatform Technical Resource
Center at help.theplatform.com.
To configure MediaCentral UX for your thePlatform account:
1. Sign in to MediaCentral UX as an administrator.
2. Select System Settings from the Layout selector.
The System Settings layout opens.

Configuring thePlatform Profile
3. In the Settings pane select Media Distribute > Profiles.
The Settings pane displays the settings in that group.
4. Click the Publication Type menu and select thePlatform.
5. Click the + (plus) button in the Details section.
A new thePlatform profile named “New Profile” is created in the Details section.
6. Specify the required settings for the following parameter fields:
- Profile Name (type a descriptive name for your profile)
- Username (your thePlatform login name)
- Password (your thePlatform login password)
7. Click Transcoding Profile and select one of the available profiles.
8. (Optional) If your thePlatform configuration specifies upload servers, do the following:
a. Click Get Upload Servers by Username and Password.
The upload servers for your thePlatform account are retrieved.
b. Click the Upload Server options used in your thePlatform profile and select the appropriate
server for the following options:
- Metadata Upload Server
- Video Upload Server
Configuring a WordPress CMS Profile
- Image Upload Server
- CC [Closed Captioning] Upload Server
nIf you use an FTP ingest server, do not specify upload servers.
9. If you use an FTP ingest server for publishing to thePlatform, type the hostname of the FTP
ingest server and the path to the FTP server.
10. If applicable, type the FTP user name and the FTP password.
11. Click Verify Profile Settings to validate the profile settings.
If your profile is valid, a message displays: “Profile configurations is valid.” If any settings are
incorrect, a message displays and indicates which fields are incorrect. All invalid settings names
change to red.
12. Click Apply to save the profile.
The profile displays in the Details section with the new information.
If you are editing a profile, click Revert to return to the original settings. If you want to delete a
profile, select the profile and click the minus (-) button in the Details section.
Configuring a WordPress CMS Profile
Before you can publish a package to the WordPress® platform from MediaCentral UX using Media
Distribute, you must first set up your WordPress CMS and have a WordPress administrative account.
The following procedures assume you have already created the necessary WordPress CMS
environment. Your WordPress installation provides you with the following information needed to
complete your MediaCentral UX configuration:
• Blog ID — Media Distribute uses a default blog ID of “1.” If your WordPress configuration uses
multiple blog sites, you might need to assign a different blog ID.
• Administrator account user name
• Administrator account password
• Your WordPress host’s API URL — The default XML-RPC API is
“http://[your_WordPress_IP]/xmlrpc.php. You can disable or reconfigure this URL if needed.
WordPress allows you to configure your site in many ways and the default Media Distribute settings
might not be appropriate for your corporate needs. See your WordPress administrator or the
WordPress documentation for more information on customizing your account details, or see the
WordPress Web site at wordpress.org.
To configure MediaCentral UX for your WordPress account:
1. Sign in to MediaCentral UX as an administrator.
2. Select System Settings from the Layout selector.
The System Settings layout opens.

Configuring a WordPress CMS Profile
3. In the Settings pane select Media Distribute > Profiles.
The Settings pane displays the settings in that group.
4. Click the Publication Type menu and select WordPress.
5. Click the + (plus) button in the Details section.
A WordPress profile named “New Profile” is created in the Details section.
6. Specify the required settings for the following parameter fields:
- Profile Name (type a descriptive name for your profile)
- Blog ID (from your WordPress configuration information — the default blog ID is “1”)
- Username (your WordPress administrator login name)
- Password (your WordPress administrator login password)
- Host’s API URL (from your WordPress configuration information — usually this is your
WordPress URL followed by
7. Click Transcoding Profile and select one of the available profiles.
8. Click Verify Profile Settings to validate the profile settings.
If your profile is valid, a message displays: “Profile configurations is valid.” If any settings are
incorrect, a message displays and indicates which fields are incorrect. All invalid settings names
change to red.
9. Click Apply to save the profile.
The profile displays in the Details section with the new information.
If you are editing a profile, click Revert to return to the original settings. If you want to delete a
profile, select the profile and click the minus (-) button in the Details section.

Configuring an InternetBroadcasting CMS Profile
Configuring an InternetBroadcasting CMS Profile
Before you can publish a package to the InternetBroadcasting Digital Publishing Platform from
MediaCentral UX using Media Distribute, you must first set up your InternetBroadcasting CMS and
have an InternetBroadcasting administrative account.
The following procedures assume you have already created the necessary InternetBroadcasting CMS
environment. Your InternetBroadcasting installation provides you with the following information
needed to complete your MediaCentral UX configuration:
• User name and password — You need InternetBroadcasting account credentials to publish a
media package to the CMS.
• API Key — Use the contribution API key provided by your InternetBroadcasting account.
• Content Path — Media Distribute uses this path to the InternetBroadcasting CMS to upload the
content of your package.
• Category Path — If you use InternetBroadcasting categories, Media Distribute can retrieve the
categories located at this path on the InternetBroadcasting server.
For more information, see your InternetBroadcasting CMS administrator.
To configure MediaCentral UX for your InternetBroadcasting account:
1. Sign in to MediaCentral UX as an administrator.
2. Select System Settings from the Layout selector.
The System Settings layout opens.
3. In the Settings pane select Media Distribute > Profiles.
The Settings pane displays the settings in that group.
Configuring a Generic CMS Profile
4. Click the Publication Type menu and select InternetBroadcasting.
5. Click the + (plus) button in the Details section.
A InternetBroadcasting profile named “New Profile” is created in the Details section.
6. Specify the required settings for the following parameter fields:
- Profile Name (type a descriptive name for your profile)
- Username (your InternetBroadcasting administrator login name)
- Password (your InternetBroadcasting administrator login password)
- API Key (from your InternetBroadcasting configuration information)
- Content Path (the path to the location in the InternetBroadcasting Library where the
uploaded media is placed)
- Category Path (the path to the location in the InternetBroadcasting Library where the
Categories are stored)
7. Click Transcoding Profile and select one of the available profiles.
8. Click Verify Profile Settings to validate the profile settings.
If your profile is valid, a message displays: “Profile configurations is valid.” If any settings are
incorrect, a message displays and indicates which fields are incorrect. All invalid settings names
change to red.
9. Click Apply to save the profile.
The profile displays in the Details section with the new information.
If you are editing a profile, click Revert to return to the original settings. If you want to delete a
profile, select the profile and click the minus (-) button in the Details section.
Configuring a Generic CMS Profile
The Generic CMS profile allows you to integrate a third-party, unsupported CMS with Media
Distribute. Depending on how you configure your Generic CMS profile, you can deliver media files
to your FTP location using one of two methods:
• If you select Archive in the settings, the profile creates a compressed (ZIP) file containing an
XML file with profile information and metadata, as well as an image file (PNG) and a video file
(MP4) if images and video are included in the media package. Media Distribute then delivers the
file to your FTP location.
nYou must select a transcoding profile in order to create the MP4 video file. If you want to deliver your
video as an MXF file, select the NoOpTranscoder profile.
• If you want to deliver images and video to separate FTP locations, you can specify settings to
send images and video to different servers or to different folders on your FTP server. An XML
file also is delivered to the principal FTP host indicated in the profile settings. If you do not
specify separate image and video FTP locations, all files are delivered to the principal FTP
nIf you load an image from the Media pane, the profile retrieves image and video metadata and stores
it with the image. You can view the metadata in the Metadata pane. If you load an image from a local
disk, only basic metadata is included with the information sent to your FTP site.

Configuring a Generic CMS Profile
You need to develop a proxy target that can receive the files from the FTP location listed in the
profile and then deliver them to a CMS using proper API.
The Generic CMS profile should be used only by Avid personnel. See your Avid professional
services representative for more information.
To configure MediaCentral UX for a Generic CMS profile:
1. Sign in to MediaCentral UX as an administrator.
2. Select System Settings from the Layout selector.
The System Settings layout opens.
3. In the Settings pane select Media Distribute > Profiles.
The Settings pane displays the settings in that group.
4. Click the Publication Type menu and select GenericCMS.
5. Click the + (plus) button in the Details section.
A Generic CMS profile named “New Profile” is created in the Details section.

Configuring a Generic CMS Profile
6. Specify the required settings, using the configuration on your CMS and FTP configuration:
- Profile Name (type a descriptive name for your profile)
- Provider ID (The provider ID identifies your CMS and is included in the XML file created
by the profile. If your CMS does not require a specific provider ID, you can type any name
in this field.)
-FTP Hostname (your CMS server hostname)
- FTP Path (for incoming files, from your video host transcoding configuration)
- FTP Username (from your video host transcoding configuration)
- FTP Password (from your video host transcoding configuration)
7. (Optional) Click Transcoding Profile and select one of the available profiles. Transcoding
profiles are created when you configure your transcoding host — for example, when you set up
MediaCentral UX for the Telestream Vantage video transcoder. For more information, see
“Configuring the Transcode Route” on page 30. You can also select the NoOpTranscoder profile,
which delivers the video as an MXF file instead of converting it to MP4 format.
8. (Optional) Click OVP Profile and select one of the available profiles. OVP profiles are created
when you configure your online video provider settings — for example, when you set up
MediaCentral UX for your Vimeo or YouTube account. For more information, see “Configuring
a Vimeo Publication Account” on page 68 or “Configuring a YouTube Publication Account” on
page 73.
9. Do one of the following:
tIf you want to send image and video metadata to the FTP host in a single compressed ZIP
file, select Archive.

Configuring a Generic CMS Profile
tIf you want to deliver the image and video, along with the image and video metadata, to
separate FTP sites, specify the following optional settings:
- Image FTP Host (the FTP server hostname for delivery of image files and metadata)
- Image FTP Path (the path on your FTP server that you want to use for delivery of image files
and metadata)
- Image FTP Login (the account name used to log in to your FTP server)
- Image FTP Password (the password for your FTP server account)
- Video FTP Host (the FTP server hostname for delivery of video files and metadata)
- Video FTP Path (the path on your FTP server that you want to use for delivery of video files
and metadata)
- Video FTP Login (the account name used to log in to your FTP server)
- Video FTP Password (the password for your FTP server account)
Configuring a Generic CMS Extended Profile
10. Click Verify Profile Settings to validate the profile settings.
If your profile is valid, a message displays: “Profile configurations is valid.” If any settings are
incorrect, a message displays and indicates which fields are incorrect. All invalid settings names
change to red.
11. Click Apply to save the profile.
The profile displays in the Details section with the new information.
If you are editing a profile, click Revert to return to the original settings. If you want to delete a
profile, select the profile and click the minus (-) button in the Details section.
Configuring a Generic CMS Extended Profile
The Generic CMS Extended profile allows you to integrate a third-party, unsupported CMS with
Media Distribute, and it allows you to use the Generic CMS Extended pane to publish your media
packages. Depending on how you configure your Generic CMS Extended profile, you can deliver
media files to your FTP location using one of two methods:
• If you select Archive in the settings, the profile creates a compressed (ZIP) file containing an
XML file with profile information and metadata, as well as an image file (PNG) and a video file
(MP4) if images and video are included in the media package. Media Distribute then delivers the
file to your FTP location.
nYou must select a transcoding profile in order to create the MP4 video file. If you want to deliver your
video as an MXF file, select the NoOpTranscoder profile.
• If you want to deliver images and video to separate FTP locations, you can specify settings to
send images and video to different servers or to different folders on your FTP server. An XML
file also is delivered to the principal FTP host indicated in the profile settings. If you do not
specify separate image and video FTP locations, all files are delivered to the principal FTP
If you load an image or video from the Media pane, the profile retrieves image and video metadata
and stores it with the story. Some of the Interplay Production metadata fields are filled automatically
and display in the story form. You can view the full set of metadata in the Metadata pane, and you
can use the Reload Metadata button in the Generic CMS Extended pane to re-load the metadata to the
fields. If you load an image from a local disk, only basic metadata is included with the information
sent to your FTP site.
You also have the option of customizing the categories that display in the Generic XML Extended
pane by including an XSL file that can implement transforms on existing metadata. For more
information, see “Sample XSL for the Generic CMS Extended Profile” on page 128.
You need to develop a proxy target that can receive the files from the FTP location listed in the
profile and then deliver them to a CMS using the proper API.
To configure MediaCentral UX for a Generic CMS Extended profile:
1. Sign in to MediaCentral UX as an administrator.
2. Select System Settings from the Layout selector.
The System Settings layout opens.

Configuring a Generic CMS Extended Profile
3. In the Settings pane select Media Distribute > Profiles.
The Settings pane displays the settings in that group.
4. Click the Publication Type menu and select Generic CMS Extended.
5. Click the + (plus) button in the Details section.
A Generic CMS Extended profile named “New Profile” is created in the Details section.
6. Specify the required settings, using the configuration on your CMS and FTP configuration:
- Profile Name (type a descriptive name for your profile)
- Auto approve (select this option if you want the publishing process to start as soon as the
package is saved; do not select the option if you want to the package to be approved first by
an authorized user.)
- Media Groups (You can use this field for a user-defined property by typing a text string with
each value separated by a semicolon. In the story form, the Media Groups menu contains a
list with all of the properties. You can select a value from the menu in the story form and the
selected entry is exported with the XML file.)

Configuring a Generic CMS Extended Profile
- FTP Hostname (your FTP server hostname)
- FTP Path (for incoming files, from your video host transcoding configuration)
- FTP Username (from your video host transcoding configuration)
- FTP Password (from your video host transcoding configuration)
7. Click Transcoding Profile and select one of the available profiles. Transcoding profiles are
created when you configure your transcoding host — for example, when you set up
MediaCentral UX for the Telestream Vantage video transcoder. For more information, see
“Configuring the Transcode Route” on page 30. You can also select the NoOpTranscoder profile,
which delivers the video as an MXF file instead of converting it to MP4 format.
8. (Optional) Click OVP Profile and select one of the available profiles. OVP profiles are created
when you configure your online video provider settings — for example, when you set up
MediaCentral UX for your Vimeo or YouTube account. For more information, see “Configuring
a Vimeo Publication Account” on page 68 or “Configuring a YouTube Publication Account” on
page 73.
9. Do one of the following:
tIf you want to send image and video metadata to the FTP host in a single compressed ZIP
file, select Archive.
tIf you want to deliver the image and video, along with the image and video metadata, to
separate FTP sites, specify the following optional settings:
- Image FTP Host (the FTP server hostname for delivery of image files and metadata)

Configuring a Generic CMS Extended Profile
- Image FTP Path (the path on your FTP server that you want to use for delivery of image files
and metadata)
- Image FTP Login (the account name used to log in to your FTP server)
- Image FTP Password (the password for your FTP server account)
- Video FTP Host (the FTP server hostname for delivery of video files and metadata)
- Video FTP Path (the path on your FTP server that you want to use for delivery of video files
and metadata)
- Video FTP Login (the account name used to log in to your FTP server)
- Video FTP Password (the password for your FTP server account)
10. Metadata XSL (Type or copy and paste the content of a metadata XSL file into the text box to
allow for metadata transformation and mapping of the attributes. The metadata is exported in the
XML file, according to the naming conventions for your CMS.)

Configuring a NoOpTranscoder Profile
11. Click Apply to save the profile.
The profile displays in the Details section with the new information.
If you are editing a profile, click Revert to return to the original settings. If you want to delete a
profile, select the profile and click the minus (-) button in the Details section.
Configuring a NoOpTranscoder Profile
The NoOpTranscoder profile allows you to deliver video packages without first converting the video
to an MP4 file. This allows you to bypass the transcoding process and to upload MXF files directly to
an online video provider that supports MXF video — for example, YouTube. Using MXF video
instead of MP4 video can improve the video image quality.
To configure MediaCentral UX for publishing MXF video:
1. Sign in to MediaCentral UX as an administrator.
2. Select System Settings from the Layout selector.
The System Settings layout opens.
3. In the Settings pane select Media Distribute > Profiles.
The Settings pane displays the settings in that group.
4. Click the Publication Type menu and select NoOpTranscoder.
5. Click the + (plus) button in the Details section.
A NoOpTranscoder profile named “New Profile” is created in the Details section.
6. Specify a Profile Name (a descriptive name for your profile).
7. Click Apply to save the profile.
The profile displays in the Details section with the new information.
If you are editing a profile, click Revert to return to the original settings. If you want to delete a
profile, select the profile and click the minus (-) button in the Details section.

Configuring a Generic OVP Profile
Configuring a Generic OVP Profile
The Generic OVP profile allows you to post to a third-party, unsupported online video provider
(OVP) using Media Distribute. If you select an OVP profile and a transcode profile, Media Distribute
transcodes your media to the MP4 format and publishes the media to the specified OVP site. The
MP4 media file is contained in a compressed (ZIP) file which also contains an XML file with a link
to the uploaded video. You can select both options to send your media to both an FTP and an OVP
The Generic OVP profile should be used only by Avid personnel. See your Avid professional services
representative for more information.
To configure MediaCentral UX for a Generic OVP profile:
1. Sign in to MediaCentral UX as an administrator.
2. Select System Settings from the Layout selector.
The System Settings layout opens.
3. In the Settings pane select Media Distribute > Profiles.
The Settings pane displays the settings in that group.
4. Click the Publication Type menu and select GenericOVP.
5. Click the + (plus) button in the Details section.
A Generic OVP profile named “New Profile” is created in the Details section.
6. Specify the required settings, using the configuration on your FTP configuration:
- Profile Name (type a descriptive name for your profile)
- FTP Hostname (your FTP server hostname)
- FTP Path (for incoming files, from your video host transcoding configuration)
Configuring a Generic OVP Profile
- FTP Username (from your video host transcoding configuration)
- FTP Password (from your video host transcoding configuration)
7. Click Transcoding Profile and select one of the available profiles.
8. Click Verify Profile Settings to validate the profile settings.
If your profile is valid, a message displays: “Profile configurations is valid.” If any settings are
incorrect, a message displays and indicates which fields are incorrect. All invalid settings names
change to red.
9. Click Apply to save the profile.
The profile displays in the Details section with the new information.
If you are editing a profile, click Revert to return to the original settings. If you want to delete a
profile, select the profile and click the minus (-) button in the Details section.

4Configuring User Profiles for
Media | Distribute
Once your MediaCentral UX administrator had configured your system profiles, you can set up your
user profiles to include your personal accounts for services such as Twitter and Facebook. User roles
allow you to publish your packages automatically and without the requirement of review and
For examples of creating user profiles, see the following topics:
•“Configuring a User Profile for a Personal Twitter Account” on page 110
•“Configuring a User Profile for a Personal Facebook Account” on page 111
•“Configuring a User Profile for a Personal Facebook Page Account” on page 113

Configuring a User Profile for a Personal Twitter Account
Configuring a User Profile for a Personal Twitter
The following procedures assume you have created a Twitter account at https://twitter.com.
To set up a user profile for Twitter:
1. Sign in to MediaCentral UX.
2. Select Home > User Settings.
The User Settings dialog box opens.
3. In the Name pane, select Media Distribute.
4. Click the Publication Type menu and select Twitter.
5. Click the + (plus) button in the Details section.
A Twitter profile named “New Profile” is created in the Details section.
6. Specify the required settings, using the parameter fields from your Twitter application Web page
or from your Twitter profile in the MediaCentral UX System Settings layout (see “Configuring a
Twitter Publication Account” on page 54):
- Profile Name (type a descriptive name for your profile)
- Access Token
- Access Secret
-Consumer Key
- Consumer Secret

Configuring a User Profile for a Personal Facebook Account
7. Click Verify Profile Settings to validate the profile settings.
If your profile is valid, a message displays: “Profile configurations is valid.” If any settings are
incorrect, a message displays and indicates which fields are incorrect. All invalid settings names
change to red.
8. Click Apply to save the profile.
The profile displays in the Details section with the new information.
If you are editing a profile, click Revert to return to the original settings. If you want to delete a
profile, select the profile and click the minus (-) button in the Details section.
Configuring a User Profile for a Personal Facebook
The following procedures assume you have created a Facebook account at
https://www.facebook.com. User roles allow you to publish your packages automatically and without
the requirement of review and approval.
To set up a user profile for Facebook:
1. Sign in to MediaCentral UX.
2. Select Home > User Settings.
The User Settings dialog box opens.
3. In the Name pane, select Media Distribute.
4. Click the Publication Type menu and select Facebook.
Configuring a User Profile for a Personal Facebook Account
5. Click the + (plus) button in the Details section.
A Facebook profile named “New Profile” is created in the Details section.
6. Specify the required settings, using the parameter fields from your Facebook Apps Web page or
from your Facebook profile in the MediaCentral UX System Settings layout (see “Configuring a
Facebook Publication Account” on page 58).
- Profile Name (type a descriptive name for your profile)
-FB Profile ID
- Application ID
- Application Secret
- Application Secret
- Access Token
- (Optional) Album ID
nYou can specify the name of a Facebook album if you want to publish images directly to an album that
you have created for your Facebook account.
7. (Optional) Click Get Expiration Date.
Media Distribute checks the expiration date of your access token and updates the entry in the
Expiration Date field. This shows you how much time is left on your Facebook access token.
8. (Optional) Click Get Long-Term Token.
Media Distribute converts your access token, which often remains valid for a couple of hours, to
a long-lived token. For more information on short-lived and long-lived tokens and their
expiration periods, see your Facebook developer documentation.
9. Click Verify Profile Settings to validate the profile settings.
If your profile is valid, a message displays: “Profile configurations is valid.” If any settings are
incorrect, a message displays and indicates which fields are incorrect. All invalid settings names
change to red.
10. Click Apply to save the profile.
The profile displays in the Details section with the new information.
If you are editing a profile, click Revert to return to the original settings. If you want to delete a
profile, select the profile and click the minus (-) button in the Details section.

Configuring a User Profile for a Personal Facebook Page Account
Configuring a User Profile for a Personal Facebook
Page Account
The following procedures assume you have created a Facebook account at
https://www.facebook.com. User roles allow you to publish your packages automatically and without
the requirement of review and approval.
To set up a user profile for Facebook page:
1. Sign in to MediaCentral UX.
2. Select Home > User Settings.
The User Settings dialog box opens.
3. In the Name pane, select Media Distribute.
4. Click the Publication Type menu and select FacebookPage.
5. Click the + (plus) button in the Details section.
A Facebook page profile named “New Profile” is created in the Details section.
6. Specify the required settings, using the parameter fields from your Facebook Apps Web page or
from your Facebook profile in the MediaCentral UX System Settings layout (see “Configuring a
Facebook Page Publication Account” on page 63).
- Profile Name (type a descriptive name for your profile)
-FB Profile ID
-FB Page ID
- Application ID
- Application Secret
- Application Secret
Configuring a User Profile for a Personal Facebook Page Account
- Access Token
- (Optional) Album ID
nYou can specify the name of a Facebook album if you want to publish images directly to an album that
you have created for your Facebook account.
- (Optional) Transcoding Profile
nYou cannot publish video directly to Facebook unless you specify a transcoding profile.
7. (Optional) Click Get Expiration Date.
Media Distribute checks the expiration date of your access token and updates the entry in the
Expiration Date field. This shows you how much time is left on your Facebook access token.
8. (Optional) Click Get Long-Term Token.
Media Distribute converts your access token, which often remains valid for a couple of hours, to
a long-lived token. For more information on short-lived and long-lived tokens and their
expiration periods, see your Facebook developer documentation.
9. Click Verify Profile Settings to validate the profile settings.
If your profile is valid, a message displays: “Profile configurations is valid.” If any settings are
incorrect, a message displays and indicates which fields are incorrect. All invalid settings names
change to red.
10. Click Apply to save the profile.
The profile displays in the Details section with the new information.
If you are editing a profile, click Revert to return to the original settings. If you want to delete a
profile, select the profile and click the minus (-) button in the Details section.

AMedia | Distribute Checklist
Media Distribute Pre-Flight Checklist
Component Notes
MCS Server
Server name
IP Address
Administrator User / Password
MediaCentral | UX Version Must be MediaCentral UX 2.2.
Media Distribute
First Install, Reinstall, or Update?
Twitter Capture data below for each independent Twitter endpoint
Site URL Public URL for the Twitter application
Profile Name Descriptive name for the Twitter Profile
Profile Type User Account or House Account
Access Token
Access Token Secret
Consumer Key
Consumer Secret
Facebook Capture data below for each independent Facebook endpoint
Site URL
Profile Name
Profile Type User Account or House Account
Facebook Profile ID
Application ID
Application Secret
Access Token
Album ID

Facebook Page Capture data below for each independent Facebook endpoint
Site URL
Profile Name
Profile Type User Account or House Account
FB Profile ID
FB Page ID
Application ID
Application Secret
Access Token
Album ID
Send to Playback Capture data below for each independent STP endpoint
Profile Name
Target VCID See list in “Send to Playback Configuration for Media | Distribute” on
page 36.
Audio Direct, Stereo, or Mono
Audio Bit Depth 16 or 24
Audio Target Sample Rate 32000, 44100, 48000, or 96000
Shared ISIS Workspace The STP service requires this Avid shared storage workspace to store
video prior to delivery to the transcode service. Type the name of a valid
shared storage workspace.
Transfer Manager Host You can use the values from your Transfer Manager configuration. For
more information, see the Interplay | Transfer Setup and User's Guide.
Transfer Manager Destination
Transfer Manager Profile Type Frame, IFrameAMS, LongGoP, or LongGoPAMS
Mixing Down FTP Host Type the FTP host name.
Mixing Down FTP Path Type the path to the FTP destination where MXF output is staged for
Mixing Down FTP Username Type the user name for your FTP service credentials.
Mixing Down FTP Password Type the password for your FTP service credentials.
Vimeo Capture data below for each independent Vimeo endpoint
Profile Name
Access Token
Media Distribute Pre-Flight Checklist
Component Notes

Access Secret
Consumer Key
Consumer Secret
Transcoding Profile Profile obtained from Transcoder configuration.
Vimeo V3 Capture data below for each independent Vimeo V3 endpoint
Profile Name
Access Token
Transcoding Profile Profile obtained from Transcoder configuration.
YouTube Capture data below for each independent YouTube endpoint
Profile Name
Application Name
Developer Key
User Name
Transcoding Profile Profile obtained from Transcoder configuration.
YouTube v3 Capture data below for each independent YouTube v3 endpoint
Profile Name
Client Id Auto-filled with default values. You can change these if you use your own
Google application.
Client Secret Auto-filled with default values. You can change these if you use your own
Google application.
Access token Supplied by the Avid Media Distribute Integration application.
Refresh token Supplied by the Avid Media Distribute Integration application.
Scopes Auto-filled with default values. You can change these if you use your own
Google application.
Redirect URI Auto-filled with default values. You can change these if you use your own
Google application.
Transcoding Profile Profile obtained from Transcoder configuration.
Profile Name
Read Token
Write Token
Transcoding Profile Profile obtained from Transcoder configuration.
Media Distribute Pre-Flight Checklist
Component Notes

Profile Name
Partner ID
User ID
User Secret
Administrator Secret
Transcoding Profile Profile obtained from Transcoder configuration.
Atex Polopoly
Profile Name
Server Name http:// (the name of your Polopoly host)
User Name Your Polopoly login name
Password Your Polopoly login password
Service Address Address of the Polopoly REST service
External ID
OVP Profile
Profile Name
User Name Your WorldNow login name
Password Your WorldNow login password
Affiliate Number From your WorldNow account information
Producer Host From your WorldNow account information
FTP Ingest Hostname From your WorldNow account information
FTP Username From your WorldNow account information
FTP Password From your WorldNow account information
Transcoding Profile Profile obtained from Transcoder configuration.
Profile Name
Blog ID From your WordPress configuration information
Username Your WordPress administrator login name
Password Your WordPress administrator login password
Host’s API URL From your WordPress configuration information
Media Distribute Pre-Flight Checklist
Component Notes

Transcoding Profile Profile obtained from Transcoder configuration.
Profile Name
Username Your InternetBroadcasting administrator login name
Password Your InternetBroadcasting administrator login password
API Key From your InternetBroadcasting configuration information)
Content Path The path to the location in the InternetBroadcasting Library where the
uploaded media is placed
Category Path The path to the location in the InternetBroadcasting Library where the
Categories are stored
Transcoding Profile Profile obtained from Transcoder configuration.
Profile Name
Transcode share hostname ftp://hostname. For more information, see “Configuring the Video
Transcoding Host” on page 32.
Telestream Vantage Capture data below for each independent transcoder profile
Profile Name
Workflow ID From your Vantage workflow configuration
Host Name
FTP User Name From Video Transcoding Configuration
FTP Password From Video Transcoding Configuration
FTP Transcode/In Path For incoming files, from your video host transcoding configuration
FTP Transcode/Out Path For outgoing files, from your video host transcoding configuration
File Share In Path From your video host transcoding configuration
Harmonic ProMedia Carbon Capture data below for each independent transcoder profile
Profile Name
Workflow ID From your CarbonCoder profile
Host Name Your CarbonCoder hostname
FTP User Name From your video host transcoding configuration
Media Distribute Pre-Flight Checklist
Component Notes

FTP Password From your video host transcoding configuration
FTP Transcode/In Path For incoming files, from your video host transcoding configuration
FTP Transcode/Out Path For outgoing files, from your video host transcoding configuration
File Share In Path From your video host transcoding configuration
RadiantGrid Capture data below for each independent RadiantGrid transcoding profile
Profile Name
RadiantGrid User Name From your RadiantGrid profile
RadiantGrid Password From your RadiantGrid profile
Transcoding Profile Name The profile name listed on the Workflow > Transcode Web page of your
RadiantGrid configuration)
Host Name The RadiantGrid server hostname
FTP User Name From your video host transcoding configuration
FTP Password From your video host transcoding configuration
FTP Transcode/In Path For incoming files, from your video host transcoding configuration
FTP Transcode/Out Path For outgoing files, from your video host transcoding configuration
File Share In Path From your video host transcoding configuration
thePlatform Capture data below for each independent thePlatform profile
Profile Name
Username Your thePlatform login name
Password Your thePlatform login password
Transcoding Profile Profile obtained from Transcoder configuration.
Upload Servers (Optional) From your thePlatform configuration.
FTP Ingest Server (Optioinal) From your FTP configuration.
Generic CMS
Profile Name
Provider ID The provider ID identifies your CMS and is included in the XML file
created by the profile.
FTP Hostname Your CMS server hostname
FTP Path From your video host transcoding configuration
FTP Username From your video host transcoding configuration
FTP Password From your video host transcoding configuration
Transcoding Profile Profile obtained from Transcoder configuration.
Media Distribute Pre-Flight Checklist
Component Notes

OVP Profile Profile obtained when you configure your online video provider settings
Archive Sends image and video metadata to the FTP host in a single compressed
ZIP file
Image FTP Host FTP server hostname for delivery of image files and metadata
Image FTP Path Path on your FTP server that you want to use for delivery of image files
and metadata
Image FTP Login Account name used to log in to your FTP server
Image FTP Password Password for your FTP server account
Video FTP Host FTP server hostname for delivery of video files and metadata
Video FTP Path Path on your FTP server that you want to use for delivery of video files
and metadata
Video FTP Login Account name used to log in to your FTP server
Video FTP Password Password for your FTP server account
Generic CMS Extended
Profile Name
Auto Approve Allows the publishing process to start as soon as the package is saved.
Media Groups Use this field for a user-defined property by typing a text string with each
value separated by a semicolon.
FTP Hostname Your CMS server hostname
FTP Path From your video host transcoding configuration
FTP Username From your video host transcoding configuration
FTP Password From your video host transcoding configuration
Transcoding Profile Profile obtained from Transcoder configuration.
OVP Profile Profile obtained when you configure your online video provider settings
Archive Sends image and video metadata to the FTP host in a single compressed
ZIP file
Image FTP Host FTP server hostname for delivery of image files and metadata
Image FTP Path Path on your FTP server that you want to use for delivery of image files
and metadata
Image FTP Login Account name used to log in to your FTP server
Image FTP Password Password for your FTP server account
Video FTP Host FTP server hostname for delivery of video files and metadata
Video FTP Path Path on your FTP server that you want to use for delivery of video files
and metadata
Media Distribute Pre-Flight Checklist
Component Notes

Video FTP Login Account name used to log in to your FTP server
Video FTP Password Password for your FTP server account
Metadata XSL Option to type or copy and paste the content of a metadata XSL file into
the text box to allow for metadata transformation and mapping of the
Generic OVP
Profile Name
FTP Hostname Your FTP server hostname
FTP Path From your video host transcoding configuration
FTP Username From your video host transcoding configuration
FTP Password From your video host transcoding configuration
Transcoding Profile Profile obtained from Transcoder configuration.
Profile Name
Media Distribute Pre-Flight Checklist
Component Notes

BWorking with Media | Distribute Logs
Media Distribute provides you with logging capabilities to help you troubleshoot problems with your
installation. Working with the Media Distribute debug logging level can give you more information
to resolve issues.
Enabling the debug logging level increases the amount of logging information saved to the system.
You can configure Media Distribute logging to adjust the maximum size of the log files or the
maximum number of files saved on the system.
nBy default, Media Distribute sets the logging level to INFO.
When you change the logging level, the changes are applied immediately to your system, and you do
not need to restart any Media Distribute services.
To enable the debug logging level:
1. Open a terminal window and log in as root to the server where you installed Media Distribute.
2. Navigate to the directory containing the logging configuration file:
cd /usr/share/apache-servicemix/etc
3. Using the Linux text editor, vi, open the org.ops4j.pax.logging.cfg file for editing:
vi org.ops4j.pax.logging.cfg
4. Locate the following line, and then navigate using the arrow keys to the INFO parameter:
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, out, osgi:VmLogAppender
5. Type
(lower case “i”) to enter insert mode, and then use the arrow keys and backspace to erase
INFO and replace it with DEBUG.
log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG, out, osgi:VmLogAppender
nTo disable the debug logging level, replace DEBUG with INFO.
6. Press the Escape key to return to command mode, then type
and press Return to write and
quit the text editor.
The change is applied immediately. You do not need to restart any Media Distribute services.
To change the default log file size:
1. Open a terminal window and log in as root to the server where you installed Media Distribute.
2. Navigate to the directory containing the logging configuration file:
cd /usr/share/apache-servicemix/etc
3. Using the Linux text editor, vi, open the org.ops4j.pax.logging.cfg file for editing:
vi org.ops4j.pax.logging.cfg
4. Locate the following line, and then navigate using the arrow keys to the 10MB parameter:
5. Type
(lower case “i”) to enter insert mode, and then use the arrow keys and backspace to erase
10MB and replace it with the appropriate maximum file size.
6. Press the Escape key to return to command mode, then type
and press Return to write and
quit the text editor.
The change is applied immediately. You do not need to restart any Media Distribute services.
To change the number of log files saved by the system:
1. Open a terminal window and log in as root to the server where you installed Media Distribute.
2. Navigate to the directory containing the logging configuration file:
cd /usr/share/apache-servicemix/etc
3. Using the Linux text editor, vi, open the org.ops4j.pax.logging.cfg file for editing:
vi org.ops4j.pax.logging.cfg
4. Locate the following line, and then navigate using the arrow keys to the 100 parameter:
5. Type
(lower case “i”) to enter insert mode, and then use the arrow keys and backspace to erase
100 and replace it with the maximum number of files to be saved on the system.
6. Press the Escape key to return to command mode, then type
and press Return to write and
quit the text editor.
The change is applied immediately. You do not need to restart any Media Distribute services.

CModifying the Transcoder Monitoring
Media Distribute uses a default monitoring interval of one minute (60000 ms) for transcode services
(Mixing Down, Mixed Down, and Transcoding). These various transcode processes display in the
status window within the Media Distribute Packages pane for each specific package that requires
video transcoding.
After successful configuration and operation of an Media Distribute instance, you can change these
default monitoring intervals by editing an Media Distribute configuration file.
To modify the transcoder monitoring interval:
1. Open a session on the Media Distribute server.
2. Using Linux commands, navigate to the directory containing the Media Distribute configuration
3. Using the Linux text editor, vi, open the com.avid.mpd.cfg file for editing:
vi com.avid.mpd.cfg
4. Type
(lower case “i”) to enter insert mode, and then use the arrow keys to position the cursor at
the appropriate location.
5. Edit the monitorMixingdownInterval, monitorMixeddownInterval, and
monitorTranscodingJobsInterval values (the default is 60000).
cDo not modify the monitorLockedEntitiesInterval or lockedEntityTimeToLive values.

Avid recommends that you do not set the interval below 10000 (10 seconds).Setting the interval
to a smaller number might improve the response time for the transcode operation, but this change
can also increase the amount of chatter over the service bus.
6. Press the colon key (:) to return to command mode, then type
to write and quit the text editor,
and press Return.
7. Exit the session.

DModifying the Settings for Interlaced
When you attach an image to your media package by clicking the Load from Player button, Media
Distribute takes the image from the frame selected in the Media pane. If your video uses an interlaced
format, this can cause the attached image to display interlacing effects which can degrade the quality
of the image. You can set Media Distribute to deinterlace the graphics file it receives from the Media
viewer by editing the transcoding configuration file.
To change the settings for interlaced graphics:
1. Open a terminal window and log in as root to the server where you installed Media Distribute.
2. Navigate to the directory containing the transcoding configuration file:
cd /usr/share/apache-servicemix/etc/mpd
3. Using the Linux text editor, vi, open the transcoding.cfg file for editing:
vi transcoding.cfg
4. Locate the following line, and then navigate using the arrow keys to the deinterlacing parameter:
5. Type
(lower case “i”) to enter insert mode, and then use the arrow keys and backspace to erase
the bracketed options (including the brackets) and then type
6. Press the Escape key to return to command mode, then type
and press Return to write and
quit the text editor.
7. Restart the Media Distribute services on the server or on all cluster nodes by typing the
service avid-mpd clean-restart

ESample XSL for the Generic CMS Extended
The Generic CMS Extended profile provides you with the option of including custom categories for
publishing your media package to a CMS. You can specify these categories in an extensible
stylesheet language (XSL) file. Using the XSL file, you can remap metadata using XSL
transformations into the attribute names or tags for which your CMS is configured. For example, you
can extract a file name category value from the Video-URL.
The following is an example of a custom XSL file used to create categories for Media Distribute
using the Generic CMS Extended profile. This example is provided for descriptive purposes only.
You must create your own XSL file if you want to use this feature of Media Distribute.
<xsl:value-ofselect="metadata/entry[string[1] =
<xsl:value-ofselect="metadata/entry[string[1] =
<xsl:value-ofselect="metadata/entry[string[1] =
<xsl:value-ofselect="metadata/entry[string[1] =
<xsl:value-ofselect="metadata/entry[string[1] =
<xsl:value-ofselect="metadata/entry[string[1] = 'userMail']/
<xsl:value-ofselect="metadata/entry[string[1] =
entry[string[1] = 'mobId']/string[2]"/>
<xsl:value-ofselect="metadata/entry[string[1] =
<xsl:value-ofselect="metadata/entry[string[1] =
<xsl:value-ofselect="metadata/entry[string[1] =
<xsl:value-ofselect="metadata/entry[string[1] =
Atex Polopoly
setting up an account 87
Bitly link configuration 53
setting up an account 81
Cluster configuration 9
installing on master node 11
master and non-master nodes 10
Deinterlaced graphics 127
setting up a user profile 111, 113
setting up an account 58, 63
Firewall port settings 28
Generic CMS Extended profile
configuring 102
XSL file 128
deinterlacing 127
Media Distribute on a single server 17
Media Distribute on the master node 11
Interlacing effects 127
setting up an account 83
Master and non-master nodes 10
Media Distribute
cluster configuration 9
configuration 23
configuration checklist 115
configuring FTP service 32
firewall settings 28
installing on a single server 17
installing on master node 11
master node, identifying 10
pre-flight checklist 115
prerequisites 8
roles 23
security 28
system accounts 52
transcoder monitoring interval 125
user profiles 109
setting up an account 85
setting up an account 87
ProMedia Carbon
configuration 46
installation 46
RadiantGrid profile 48
administrator 23
setting up 23
users 23
Index A B C D F G I K M O P R S T U V X Y
Send to playback configuration 36
System accounts
Atex Polopoly 87
Brightcove 81
Facebook 58, 63
Kaltura 83
Ooyala 85
Polopoly 87
Twitter 54
Vimeo 68, 71
YouTube 73, 78
System settings
send to playback 36
Telestream Vantage profile 39
Transcode route
bitly link configuration 53
configuring 30
Harmonic ProMedia Carbon transcoder 46
send to playback configuration 36
Telestream Vantage profile 39
Video host configuration 32
Transcoder monitoring interval 125
setting up a user profile 110
setting up an account 54
User profiles
Facebook 111, 113
Twitter 110
setting up an account 68, 71
XSL configuration, example 128
setting up an account 73, 78

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tion, visit us on the web at www.av-