Avid Interplay Engine And Archive Administration Guide 2.6 Manual Admin V2 6

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Avid Interplay Engine and
Avid Interplay Archive Engine
Administration Guide
Version 2.6

Legal Notices
Product specifications are subject to change without notice and do not represent a commitment on the part of Avid Technology, Inc.
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Copyright © 1988–1997 Sam Leffler
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Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 by Jef Poskanzer.


Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby
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Copyright 1995, Trinity College Computing Center. Written by David Chappell.
Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby
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Copyright 1996 Daniel Dardailler.
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Modifications Copyright 1999 Matt Koss, under the same license as above.
Copyright (c) 1991 by AT&T.
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Videomedia, Inc. and V-LAN ver. 3.0 compatible products developed by third parties under license from Videomedia, Inc. Use of this
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The following disclaimer is required by Ultimatte Corporation:
Certain real-time compositing capabilities are provided under a license of such technology from Ultimatte Corporation and are
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Certain waveform and vector monitoring capabilities are provided under a license from 3Prong.com Inc.

The following disclaimer is required by Interplay Entertainment Corp.:
The “Interplay” name is used with the permission of Interplay Entertainment Corp., which bears no responsibility for Avid products.
This product includes portions of the Alloy Look & Feel software from Incors GmbH.
This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/).
© DevelopMentor

This product may include the JCifs library, for which the following notice applies:
JCifs © Copyright 2004, The JCIFS Project, is licensed under LGPL (http://jcifs.samba.org/). See the LGPL.txt file in the Third Party
Software directory on the installation CD.
Avid Interplay contains components licensed from LavanTech. These components may only be used as part of and in connection
with Avid Interplay.

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U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS. This Software and its documentation are “commercial computer software” or
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003, 192 Digital I/O, 192 I/O, 96 I/O, 96i I/O, Adrenaline, AirSpeed, ALEX, Alienbrain, AME, AniMatte, Archive, Archive II, Assistant
Station, AudioPages, AudioStation, AutoLoop, AutoSync, Avid, Avid Active, Avid Advanced Response, Avid DNA, Avid DNxcel, Avid
DNxHD, Avid DS Assist Station, Avid Liquid, Avid Media Engine, Avid Media Processor, Avid MEDIArray, Avid Mojo, Avid Remote
Response, Avid Unity, Avid Unity ISIS, Avid VideoRAID, AvidRAID, AvidShare, AVIDstripe, AVX, Axiom, Beat Detective, Beauty
Without The Bandwidth, Beyond Reality, BF Essentials, Bomb Factory, Boom, Bruno, C|24, CaptureManager, ChromaCurve,
ChromaWheel, Cineractive Engine, Cineractive Player, Cineractive Viewer, Color Conductor, Command|24, Command|8, Conectiv,
Control|24, Cosmonaut Voice, CountDown, d2, d3, DAE, Dazzle, Dazzle Digital Video Creator, D-Command, D-Control, Deko,
DekoCast, D-Fi, D-fx, Digi 003, DigiBase, DigiDelivery, Digidesign, Digidesign Audio Engine, Digidesign Development Partners,
Digidesign Intelligent Noise Reduction, Digidesign TDM Bus, DigiLink, DigiMeter, DigiPanner, DigiProNet, DigiRack, DigiSerial,
DigiSnake, DigiSystem, Digital Choreography, Digital Nonlinear Accelerator, DigiTest, DigiTranslator, DigiWear, DINR, DNxchange,
DPP-1, D-Show, DSP Manager, DS-StorageCalc, DV Toolkit, DVD Complete, D-Verb, Eleven, EM, Euphonix, EUCON, EveryPhase,
Expander, ExpertRender, Fader Pack, Fairchild, FastBreak, Fast Track, Film Cutter, FilmScribe, Flexevent, FluidMotion, Frame
Chase, FXDeko, HD Core, HD Process, HDPack, Home-to-Hollywood, HYBRID, HyperControl, HyperSPACE, HyperSPACE
HDCAM, iKnowledge, Image Independence, Impact, Improv, iNEWS, iNEWS Assign, iNEWS ControlAir, Instantwrite, Instinct,
Intelligent Content Management, Intelligent Digital Actor Technology, IntelliRender, Intelli-Sat, Intelli-sat Broadcasting Recording
Manager, InterFX, Interplay, inTONE, Intraframe, iS Expander, ISIS, IsoSync, iS9, iS18, iS23, iS36, ISIS, IsoSync, KeyRig,
KeyStudio, LaunchPad, LeaderPlus, LFX, Lightning, Link & Sync, ListSync, LKT-200, Lo-Fi, Luna, MachineControl, Magic Mask,
Make Anything Hollywood, make manage move | media, Marquee, MassivePack, Massive Pack Pro, M-Audio, M-Audio Micro,
Maxim, Mbox, Media Composer, MediaFlow, MediaLog, MediaMatch, MediaMix, Media Reader, Media Recorder, MEDIArray,
MediaServer, MediaShare, MetaFuze, MetaSync, MicroTrack, MIDI I/O, Midiman, Mix Rack, MixLab, Moviebox, Moviestar,
MultiShell, NaturalMatch, NewsCutter, NewsView, Nitris, NL3D, NLP, Nova, NRV-10 interFX, NSDOS, NSWIN, Octane, OMF, OMF
Interchange, OMM, OnDVD, Open Media Framework, Open Media Management, Ozone, Ozonic, Painterly Effects, Palladium,
Personal Q, PET, Pinnacle, Pinnacle DistanTV, Pinnacle GenieBox, Pinnacle HomeMusic, Pinnacle MediaSuite, Pinnacle Mobile
Media, Pinnacle Scorefitter, Pinnacle Studio, Pinnacle Studio MovieBoard, Pinnacle Systems, Pinnacle VideoSpin, Podcast Factory,
PowerSwap, PRE, ProControl, ProEncode, Profiler, Pro Tools LE, Pro Tools M-Powered, Pro Transfer, Pro Tools, QuickPunch,
QuietDrive, Realtime Motion Synthesis, Recti-Fi, Reel Tape Delay, Reel Tape Flanger, Reel Tape Saturation, Reprise, Res Rocket
Surfer, Reso, RetroLoop, Reverb One, ReVibe, Revolution, rS9, rS18, RTAS, Salesview, Sci-Fi, Scorch, Scorefitter, ScriptSync,
SecureProductionEnvironment, Serv|LT, Serv|GT, Session, Shape-to-Shape, ShuttleCase, Sibelius, SIDON, SimulPlay,
SimulRecord, Slightly Rude Compressor, Smack!, Soft SampleCell, Soft-Clip Limiter, Solaris, SoundReplacer, SPACE, SPACEShift,
SpectraGraph, SpectraMatte, SteadyGlide, Streamfactory, Streamgenie, StreamRAID, Strike, Structure, Studiophile, SubCap,
Sundance Digital, Sundance, SurroundScope, Symphony, SYNC HD, Synchronic, SynchroScope, SYNC I/O, Syntax, TDM


FlexCable, TechFlix, Tel-Ray, Thunder, Titansync, Titan, TL Aggro, TL AutoPan, TL Drum Rehab, TL Everyphase, TL Fauxlder, TL In
Tune, TL MasterMeter, TL Metro, TL Space, TL Utilities, tools for storytellers, Torq, Torq Xponent, Transfuser, Transit, TransJammer,
Trigger Finger, Trillium Lane Labs, TruTouch, UnityRAID, Vari-Fi, Velvet, Video the Web Way, VideoRAID, VideoSPACE, VideoSpin,
VTEM, Work-N-Play, Xdeck, X-Form, Xmon, XPAND!, Xponent, X-Session, and X-Session Pro are either registered trademarks or
trademarks of Avid Technology, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.
Adobe and Photoshop are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or
other countries. Apple and Macintosh are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Windows
is either a registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other
trademarks contained herein are the property of their respective owners.

Eco Challenge Morocco — Courtesy of Discovery Communications, Inc.
News material provided by WFTV Television Inc.
Ice Island — Courtesy of Kurtis Productions, Ltd.

Avid Interplay Engine and Avid Interplay Archive Engine Administration Guide • 0130-07640-03 Rev G • June 2012
• Created 6/7/12 • This document is distributed by Avid in online (electronic) form only, and is not available for
purchase in printed form.


Using This Guide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Symbols and Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
If You Need Help. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Viewing Help and Documentation on the Interplay Portal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Interplay Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Avid Training Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Chapter 1

Getting Started with the Avid Interplay Administrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Understanding the Interplay Engine and Interplay Workgroups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Using the Avid Interplay Administrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Starting the Avid Interplay Administrator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Using the Avid Interplay Administrator Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Opening an Interplay Administrator View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Opening Interplay Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Exiting the Avid Interplay Administrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Chapter 2

Database Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Creating an Interplay Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Avid Interplay Databases, Folders, and Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Creating and Restoring Database Backups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Types of Interplay Administrator Backups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Recommendations for Backup Configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Setting the Number of Database Backups to Keep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Scheduling Automatic Database Backups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Starting a Backup Manually . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Using an Archiving Tool for Backup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Restoring an Earlier Version of a Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Performing a Consistency Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Viewing Database Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Locking and Unlocking Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Managing Databases: Deactivating, Activating, and Migrating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

Deactivating a Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Activating a Deactivated Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Migrating a Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Moving a Database to Another Server (Non-Clustered Systems). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Moving a Database and Users to Another Server (Non-Clustered Systems) . . . . . . . . . 69
Moving a Database to Another Server (Clustered Systems) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Moving a Database and Users to Another Server (Clustered Systems) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Moving a Database Under Low Disk Space Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Renaming a Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Running Database Maintenance Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

Chapter 3

Server Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Changing the Database and Data Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Viewing Server Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Locking and Unlocking the Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Restarting the Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Managing Licenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Installing a Permanent License . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
License Types and Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Exporting a License . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Troubleshooting Licensing Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Using the License Key Info Tool. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

Chapter 4

User Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Understanding the Central Configuration Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Moving the CCS to Another Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Viewing and Changing the CCS for a Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Adding Users to a Central Configuration Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Setting User Authentication Providers and Importing Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Setting Avid Unity Authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Setting Windows Domain Authentication and Importing Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Setting LDAP Authentication and Importing Users. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
LDAP Server Configuration Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Managing Users, User Groups, and User Rights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Understanding Default User Groups, Users, and Roles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112

Adding User Groups. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Adding Users Manually . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Viewing and Setting Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Understanding Standard Roles and Default Rights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Viewing and Changing Roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Viewing and Setting Authentication Providers for Individual Users . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Deleting Users and User Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Removing Users from User Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Managing Database Roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Viewing General Role Assignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Setting or Changing a General Role Assignment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Blocking Access by a Group or User . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Managing Special Access Folders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Guidelines for User Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129

Chapter 5

Site Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Defining Property Layouts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Setting the Resolutions Available for Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Creating Custom Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Adding a Custom Property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Setting Access Control for Custom Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Working with Lists for Custom Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Configuring Remote Workgroups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
Configuring Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Adding Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Removing Categories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Setting Server Hostnames and the Workgroup Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Configuring the Interplay Streaming Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
Interplay Media Services View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Interplay Transfer Status View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
Interplay Transfer Settings View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
Workgroup Transfer Presets View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
Specifying Remote Servers for Asset Tracking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
Specifying Archive Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158

Archiving Duplicate Versions of Media. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
Adding AAF Metadata to an Archive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Specifying the Archive Server, Segment Size, and Restore Process . . . . . . . . . . 160
Setting the Ownership for New Database Folders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Setting Options for Deletion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Understanding the Deletion Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Scheduling the Deletion of Database Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Setting Options for Deleting Only OMF Media, Only MXF Media, or Both. . . . . . . 172
Setting Options for Deleting Locked Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
Activating the Option to Delete Referenced Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
Using the Delete Kept Media Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
Viewing and Setting the Metadata Override Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177

Chapter 6

Application Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Application Database Settings View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Setting Options in the Editing Settings Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Setting Audio Mixing Defaults for Access and Assist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Sending a Source to Playback in Interplay Assist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Setting the Shotlist Start Timecode for Interplay Access and Interplay Assist . . . . 192
Setting an Automatic Timeout for Interplay Assist and Avid Instinct . . . . . . . . . . . 193
Configuring the Frame Locators Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Setting Instinct/Assist User Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
Instinct/Assist User Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
Pro Tools Plug-Ins Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Installing the Pro Tools Plug-Ins for Interplay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Configuring the Pro Tools Import Plug-In . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Configuring the Pro Tools Export Plug-In. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
Configuring the Pro Tools User Settings Plug-In . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205

Chapter 7

Avid Interplay Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206

Chapter 8

Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Troubleshooting Login Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Troubleshooting Client Connection Problems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
Optimizing Avid Interplay Performance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
Troubleshooting Firewalls and Avid Interplay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210

Troubleshooting the Server Execution User Account . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Creating the Server Execution User Account. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Determining the Server Execution User Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
Re-creating the Server Execution User . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
Shutting Down or Locking the Server Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215

Chapter 9

Configuring Interplay for a Split Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
Understanding a Split Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
Supported Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
Preparing for a Split Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
Splitting a Database for New Interplay Installations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Splitting a Database for Existing Interplay Installations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Configuring the workgroup.xml File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
Identifying the Root Folder of the Interplay Server Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Reuniting a Split Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
Reuniting a Split Database (AvidWG Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
Reuniting a Split Database (AvidWG and _InternalData). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234

Appendix A

Installed Components and Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
Avid Interplay Engine Directory: Folders and Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
Apache Folder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
Data Folder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
Logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
Preview Server Folder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Server Folder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Required TCP/IP Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Avid Interplay Engine Servers and Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Avid Interplay Engine Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
Avid Workgroup HTTP Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Avid Workgroup Server Browser Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
Avid Workgroup Preview Server Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
Avid Workgroup TCP/COM Bridge Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
Avid Workgroup VSS Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
Avid Workgroup Engine Monitor Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256


Appendix B

Interplay Engine Configuration Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
Configuring the Server Event Manager. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
Config.xml File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
Supported Actions in Config.xml . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
Supported Events in Config.xml . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
Server Event Configuration Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
LogWatch.xml. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
Sending E-mail Notifications from LogWatch.xml . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
Configuring Client Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
Setting the Filetransfer Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271

Appendix C

Valid and Invalid Characters in Avid Interplay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272

Appendix D

System Metadata Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273

Appendix E

Server Error Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287

Appendix F

Consistency Check Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
Consistency Check Critical Errors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
Consistency Check Errors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
Consistency Check Warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306


Using This Guide
Congratulations on your purchase of Avid® Interplay®, a powerful system for managing media in
a shared storage environment. This guide describes how to use Avid Interplay Administrator, an
Interplay client application that provides tools to configure the Avid Interplay Engine and to
manage the database on the server.
This guide is intended for all Avid Interplay administrators who are responsible for installing,
configuring and maintaining an Avid Interplay Engine or Avid Interplay Archive Engine
(database, server, and all related client connections and user rights) in an Interplay workgroup.
This guide includes a detailed description of each of the Avid Interplay Administrator task
groups and how you can use them to administer your server and databases. Some of the settings
that you are able to change affect the server itself, while others only affect the database stored on
the server.
The Interplay Administrator is supported on both the Microsoft® Windows® and the Mac OS® X
platforms. When necessary, the guide describes platform-specific differences.


The documentation describes the features and hardware of all models. Therefore, your system
might not contain certain features and hardware that are covered in the documentation.
Limited number of client applications per user per machine: A user can run only one Interplay
Access session and one Interplay Administrator session on one machine. This software does not
support terminal/server sessions.

Symbols and Conventions

Symbols and Conventions
Avid documentation uses the following symbols and conventions:
Symbol or Convention Meaning or Action


A note provides important related information, reminders,
recommendations, and strong suggestions.


A caution means that a specific action you take could cause harm to
your computer or cause you to lose data.


A warning describes an action that could cause you physical harm.
Follow the guidelines in this document or on the unit itself when
handling electrical equipment.
This symbol indicates menu commands (and subcommands) in the
order you select them. For example, File > Import means to open the
File menu and then select the Import command.
This symbol indicates a single-step procedure. Multiple arrows in a list
indicate that you perform one of the actions listed.

(Windows), (Windows
only), (Macintosh), or
(Macintosh only)

This text indicates that the information applies only to the specified
operating system, either Windows or Macintosh OS X.

Bold font

Bold font is primarily used in task instructions to identify user interface
items and keyboard sequences.

Italic font

Italic font is used to emphasize certain words and to indicate variables.

Courier Bold font

Courier Bold font identifies text that you type.

Ctrl+key or mouse action

Press and hold the first key while you press the last key or perform the
mouse action. For example, Command+Option+C or Ctrl+drag.


If You Need Help

If You Need Help
If you are having trouble using your Avid product:
1. Retry the action, carefully following the instructions given for that task in this guide. It is
especially important to check each step of your workflow.
2. Check the latest information that might have become available after the documentation was

If the latest information for your Avid product is provided as printed release notes, they
are shipped with your application and are also available online.


If the latest information for your Avid product is provided as a ReadMe file, it is
supplied on your Avid installation media as a PDF document (README_product.pdf)
and is also available online.

You should always check online for the most up-to-date release notes or ReadMe
because the online version is updated whenever new information becomes available. To
view these online versions, select ReadMe from the Help menu, or visit the Knowledge Base
at www.avid.com/readme.
3. Check the documentation that came with your Avid application or your hardware for
maintenance or hardware-related issues.
4. Visit the online Knowledge Base at www.avid.com/onlinesupport. Online services are
available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Search this online Knowledge Base to find
answers, to view error messages, to access troubleshooting tips, to download updates, and to
read or join online message-board discussions.

Viewing Help and Documentation on the Interplay
You can quickly access the Interplay Help, PDF versions of the Interplay guides, and useful
external links by viewing the Interplay User Information Center on the Interplay Portal. The
Interplay Portal is a web site that runs on the Interplay Engine.
You can access the Interplay User Information Center through a browser from any system in the
Interplay environment. You can also access it through the Help menu in Interplay Access and the
Interplay Administrator.


Interplay Documentation

The Interplay Help combines information from all Interplay guides in one Help system. It
includes a combined index and a full-featured search. From the Interplay Portal, you can run the
Help in a browser or download a compiled (.chm) version for use on other systems, such as a
To open the Interplay User Information Center through a browser:

1. Type the following line in a web browser:

For Interplay_Engine_name substitute the name of the computer running the Interplay
Engine software. For example, the following line opens the portal web page on a system
named docwg:

2. Click the “Avid Interplay Documentation” link to access the User Information Center web
To open the Interplay User Information Center from Interplay Access or the Interplay


Select Help > Documentation Website on Server.

Interplay Documentation
The following documents describe how to use Avid Interplay:

Avid Interplay Best Practices — provides an overview of the major Interplay components,
shows sample configuration diagrams, and describes several of the key features, such as
setting up a user database and using the Avid Interplay Archive Engine.


Avid Interplay Software Installation and Configuration Guide — describes how to use the
Avid Interplay Installer DVD to install and configure software on the various systems that
make up a Interplay environment.


Avid Interplay Engine Failover Guide — describes how to set up a cluster configuration for
the Avid Interplay Engine and the Avid Interplay Archive engine. There are two versions of
this guide: one for SR2500 systems and one for AS3000 systems.


Avid Interplay Engine and Avid Interplay Archive Engine Administration Guide — describes
how to administer your Avid Interplay Engine or Avid Interplay Archive Engine and Avid
Interplay database.


Avid Interplay Access User’s Guide — describes how to use Interplay Access to browse,
search, and work with assets in the Avid Interplay database.


Avid Interplay Assist User’s Guide — describes how to use Interplay Assist for logging,
archiving, and sending to Playback material in an Interplay environment.

Avid Training Services


Avid Instinct User’s Guide — describes how to use the Avid Instinct application to write
iNEWS stories and put together simple audio and video sequences.


Avid Interplay Media Services Setup and User’s Guide — Avid Interplay Media Services
lets you control and automate Transcode, Archive, and ProEncode services.


Avid Interplay Transfer Setup and User’s Guide — describes how to use Interplay Transfer
to transfer media to and from another workgroup, send finished sequences to a configured
playback device, ingest media from a configured ingest device, and perform standalone
transfers between workstations.


Avid Service Framework User’s Guide — describes how to use the logging, monitoring, and
management features of the Avid Service Framework applications.


Avid Low Res Encode Setup and Configuration — describes how to set up and configure an
Avid Low Res Encode system. Includes information on updating the bootset, root disk
image, and configuring a Low Res Encode system to work with CaptureManager.


Avid Interplay Capture User’s Guide — describes how to use Interplay Capture, a newsroom
ingest tool that enables automated recordings.


Avid Interplay Capture Administrator’s Guide — describes administrative concepts, tasks,
and reference material for Avid Interplay Capture.


Avid CaptureManager User’s Guide — describes how to use CaptureManager™ in a
newsroom environment to coordinate video feeds, schedule feed captures at both high and
low resolutions, and record late breaking events instantly.


Avid CaptureManager Installation and Configuration Guide — describes how to set up and
configure CaptureManager.

All documents are available in PDF form on the Interplay Portal and also on the Avid Knowledge
Base at www.avid.com/onlinesupport.

Avid Training Services
Avid makes lifelong learning, career advancement, and personal development easy and
convenient. Avid understands that the knowledge you need to differentiate yourself is always
changing, and Avid continually updates course content and offers new training delivery methods
that accommodate your pressured and competitive work environment.
For information on courses/schedules, training centers, certifications, courseware, and books,
please visit www.avid.com/support and follow the Training links, or call Avid Sales at
800-949-AVID (800-949-2843).


1 Getting Started with the Avid Interplay
The Avid Interplay Administrator provides database administrators and maintenance engineers
with the tools required to configure the Avid Interplay Engine and to manage the database on the
The following topics provide basic information for using the Interplay Administrator:

Understanding the Interplay Engine and Interplay Workgroups


Using the Avid Interplay Administrator


Starting the Avid Interplay Administrator


Using the Avid Interplay Administrator Window


Opening an Interplay Administrator View


Opening Interplay Help


Exiting the Avid Interplay Administrator

For an overview of all Avid Interplay components, see the Avid Interplay Best Practices Guide.

Understanding the Interplay Engine and Interplay
The Avid Interplay Engine forms the backbone of the Interplay environment. The Interplay
Engine is a server that combines an asset database with workflow management software, both of
which are integrated with Avid shared storage and Avid archive solutions. This topic provides
basic information about the functions and components of the Interplay Engine.
One Interplay Engine, One Interplay Database, One Shared Storage Network

The Interplay Engine is one component of an Interplay workgroup. At a minimum, an Interplay
workgroup is composed of one Interplay Engine, one Interplay database, one Avid
shared-storage network (Avid ISIS® or Avid Unity™ MediaNetwork), and associated software
and services.

Understanding the Interplay Engine and Interplay Workgroups

An Interplay database consists of two parts:

A metadata database, which holds information about the assets, or metadata.


Source files for the assets, for example, graphics files and Avid media files. The source files
for file assets can be stored on the Interplay Engine or on an Avid shared-storage system.
The source files for Avid assets are always stored on shared storage.

The following illustration shows the metadata database and the source files for file assets stored
on the internal drive of the Interplay Engine server and the source files for Avid assets stored on
an Avid shared storage workspace.

File Assets
Media for
Avid Assets


Avid Interplay Engine

Shared Storage

For information about all Interplay components and detailed sample configurations, see Avid
Interplay Best Practices.
Avid Assets, File Assets, and Splitting the Database

Interplay manages two different kids of assets. Avid assets are assets that are created by Avid
applications through capture, ingest, import, or transfer. Avid assets include:

Master clips








Motion effects


Rendered effects


Group clips

File assets are any assets that are not created by an Avid application. Any file you can create on
your workstation, through applications such as Adobe Photoshop or Microsoft Word, can be
added to the Interplay database and managed by Interplay as a file asset.

Understanding the Interplay Engine and Interplay Workgroups

Media files for Avid assets are always stored on an Avid shared-storage system. Source files for
file assets can be stored on the Interplay Engine or on an Avid shared-storage workspace. The
location that holds file assets is called the file repository.
When you first install Interplay Engine software, the installation program requires you to set one
root folder for the database on a local drive. By default, this root folder holds both the metadata
database and files for file assets. If the Interplay Engine server does not have adequate local
storage for your Interplay database (for example, if your facility stores a large number of file
assets in the Interplay database), you can configure the Interplay Engine to store only the
metadata database on the Interplay Engine. All other database files and folders can be stored on
an Avid shared-storage workspace. This configuration is called a split database. The following
illustration shows a split database.

File Assets


Media for
Avid Assets

Avid Interplay Engine
Shared Storage


In a split database, source files for file assets and streamed properties for Avid assets (head
frames and AAF information) are stored on a shared storage workspace. Media files for Avid
assets, such as .mxf files, are always stored on a shared storage workspace.
For more information, see “Configuring Interplay for a Split Database” on page 216.
Multiple Workgroups

A large production facility can have more than one Interplay workgroup. Each workgroup must
have its own Interplay Engine, database, and shared storage network. Users on Interplay Access
can view and access assets from more than one workgroup and can transfer them from one to
another using a file copy procedure for file assets and Avid Interplay Transfer for Avid assets.
You can also use the Interplay Delivery service to transfer Avid assets.


Understanding the Interplay Engine and Interplay Workgroups

Interplay Archive Engine

A facility might also include an Interplay Archive Engine. An Interplay Archive Engine is
configured similarly to an Interplay Engine. An Archive Engine is integrated with a third-party
archive system. An Interplay Archive database is always named AvidAM. An Interplay database
is always named AvidWG.
An Interplay Archive database and an Interplay database use different icons, as shown in the
following illustration from Interplay Access. The archive database is represented by a safe, and
archive folders are represented by boxes.

Interplay online

Archive Engine

For more information about the Interplay Archive Engine, see Avid Interplay Best Practices.


Using the Avid Interplay Administrator


In this guide, references to the Interplay Engine also refer to the Archive Engine, unless
otherwise noted.
Central Configuration Server

If a production facility includes more than one Interplay workgroup, you can specify one
Interplay Engine as the Central Configuration Server (CCS). The CCS is an Interplay Engine
module that stores information that is common to all other Interplay Engines. The CCS provides
a means to manage user accounts across multiple workgroups. For more information, see
“Understanding the Central Configuration Server” on page 95.
Server Execution User

The Server Execution User is a Windows operating system user that runs the Interplay Engine
processes. You specify the user name and password for the Server Execution User when you
install the Interplay Engine on the server. The Server Execution User needs local administrator
rights on the operating system for the Interplay Engine server and read/write access to the Avid
shared-storage file system.
For more information, see “Troubleshooting the Server Execution User Account” on page 211.
Avid Interplay as a Client-Server Application

Avid Interplay is designed as a client-server application. The Interplay Engine is configured to
run on a central machine that is accessible to all users through a network. An Avid Interplay
application that runs on a client machine is a client of the Avid Interplay Engine server.
Avid Interplay client applications, such as Interplay Access, Interplay Assist, Avid Instinct®, and
Avid editing applications that use the Interplay Window can access and browse multiple
databases. The Interplay Administrator is also a client application.
Avid Interplay uses TCP/IP and related protocols for its network communication. Therefore,
TCP/IP must be installed on all machines. Since TCP/IP is used to access the Internet, most users
already have this component installed. See “Required TCP/IP Ports” on page 248 for more

Using the Avid Interplay Administrator
The Avid Interplay Administrator is a client application that you use to manage either the
Interplay Engine or the Interplay Archive Engine. The Interplay Administrator is installed at the
same time that you install Interplay Access. You can install the Interplay Administrator as a
client on any computer in your network and then use it to manage any Interplay Engine or
Interplay Archive Engine that is available on the network. For information on installing Interplay
Access and the Interplay Administrator, see the Avid Interplay Software Installation and
Configuration Guide.

Starting the Avid Interplay Administrator

The Interplay Administrator provides you with the tools you need for the following major tasks:

Setting up a new database. See “Creating an Interplay Database” on page 28.


Backing up the database. Backing up the database regularly protects your data, allowing you
to restore the database to a saved state in the event of failure. See “Creating and Restoring
Database Backups” on page 33.


Maintenance tasks, such as locking, unlocking, and restarting the server. See “Server
Settings” on page 82.


Creating, editing, and deleting user accounts and managing user authorization. See “User
Management” on page 95.


Configuring client applications and the workgroup. See “Site Settings” on page 131.


Configuring the Interplay Archive Engine. See “Specifying Archive Settings” on page 158.
For more information on archiving, see Avid Interplay Best Practices and the Avid Interplay
Media Services Setup and User’s Guide..


Configuring Application Settings and Avid Interplay Services. See “Application Settings”
on page 179 and “Avid Interplay Services” on page 206.

Starting the Avid Interplay Administrator
To start the Avid Interplay Administrator:

1. Do one of the following:

Click the Start button and then select All Programs > Avid >
Avid Interplay Access Utilities > Avid Interplay Administrator.


From Interplay Access, select Tools > Open Interplay Administrator.

The Avid Interplay Administrator Server Login screen appears.


Starting the Avid Interplay Administrator

The first time you open the Interplay Administrator, the Server text box is empty. If you have
already logged into a server, the text box shows the last server you logged in to.
2. Select the server you want to work with by doing one of the following:

Accept the server that is displayed.


Type the name of the server that you want to log in to. You can also use an IP address.


Click the arrow for the Server list and select the server name from the list.

The first part of the list shows recent servers, the second part of the list shows servers
that were added manually (not on a local area network), and the third part shows servers
available on your local area network.

Click the arrow for the server list and select Add Server. Type a new server name.


Using the Avid Interplay Administrator Window

3. Type a user name and password for an account with administration rights.
On the first start after installing the Avid Interplay Engine, only the user Administrator
exists. Type “Administrator” in the dialog box. The password is empty by default. Change
the password of the Administrator as soon as possible (see “Viewing and Setting Attributes”
on page 114).


The Interplay Administrator account is different from the Server Execution User account. The
Interplay Administrator account is used to manage users and the database. The Server Execution
User account is used to run the Interplay Engine processes.
4. Click Connect.
The Interplay Administrator window opens.
If you have any problems logging in, see “Troubleshooting Login Problems” on page 208.

Using the Avid Interplay Administrator Window
The Avid Interplay Administrator window is divided into six groups: Database, Server, User
Management, Site Settings, Application Settings, and Avid Interplay Services. The name of the
Interplay Engine server you are connected to is displayed in the upper right of the window.


Using the Avid Interplay Administrator Window

Each group contains views for managing components of the Avid Interplay Engine. Each group
is described in a separate section of this guide:

“Database Settings” on page 28


“Server Settings” on page 82


“User Management” on page 95


“Site Settings” on page 131


“Application Settings” on page 179


“Avid Interplay Services” on page 206


Opening an Interplay Administrator View

Opening an Interplay Administrator View
To open an Interplay Administrator view:


In the Interplay Administrator window, click an icon.
The view you select replaces the Interplay Administrator window. Each view includes a path
that shows the relative location of that view. The following illustration shows part of the
Create Database view. In this example, the path shows that the Create Database view is
included in the Database section of the Interplay Administrator window (In the path, the
Interplay Administrator window is represented as the Interplay Server).

To return to the Interplay Administrator window:


Click the Menu button in the upper left of the view.

Opening Interplay Help
The Interplay Help system is installed when you install the Interplay Engine. The Interplay Help
system provides all user and administrator information that is contained in the Interplay manuals.
The Interplay Administrator Help menu provides five entry points: one for the Welcome screen
and four that correspond to four Interplay applications:

Interplay Administration Help


Interplay Media Services Help


Interplay Transfer Help


Interplay Installation Help

You can access the entire Help system, including the Search and Index tabs, from any of those
entry points.
To access Interplay Help:


Select Help, and then select the desired application.

Exiting the Avid Interplay Administrator


Select Documentation Website on Server.
The Avid Interplay User Information Center page opens. You can open the Help, PDF
versions of the Interplay user guides, and other useful links. See “Viewing Help and
Documentation on the Interplay Portal” on page 14

Exiting the Avid Interplay Administrator
When you are finished using the Avid Interplay Administrator, you should log out or close the
application. Logging out can be convenient if you want to log in to a different database.
To log out:


Click the Log out button in the upper right of the Interplay Administrator window.
The application remains open, with the login screen displayed.

To close the Interplay Administrator, do one of the following:


Select File > Exit.


Click the close button in the upper right of the window.
The Interplay Administrator window closes.


2 Database Settings
The Database settings allow you to create, configure, and manage the Interpla y database. The
following topics describe how to use these settings:

Creating an Interplay Database


Avid Interplay Databases, Folders, and Files


Creating and Restoring Database Backups


Performing a Consistency Check


Viewing Database Information


Locking and Unlocking Databases


Managing Databases: Deactivating, Activating, and Migrating


Moving a Database to Another Server (Non-Clustered Systems)


Moving a Database and Users to Another Server (Non-Clustered Systems)


Moving a Database to Another Server (Clustered Systems)


Moving a Database and Users to Another Server (Clustered Systems)


Moving a Database Under Low Disk Space Conditions


Renaming a Database


Running Database Maintenance Tools

Creating an Interplay Database
The Create Database view lets you name and create a new Interplay database. You need to create
an Interplay database after you install the Interplay Engine and Interplay Access software.


Avid supports only one database for each Interplay Engine. The database must be named
AvidWG, or for an Archive Engine database, AvidAM.
The root folder for a new database is set during the installation of the Interplay Engine software.
By default, the installation program creates one shared folder for both the metadata database and
the source files for file assets (the file repository). The default location is the
D:\Workgroup_Databases folder (or S:\Workgroup_Databases on a cluster system). This folder
is represented by the administrative share name WG_Database$. The $ indicates a hidden share.

Creating an Interplay Database


To identify the actual folder, open a Command Prompt window and type net share.
If the Interplay Engine server does not have adequate local storage for your Interplay database
(for example, if your facility stores a large number of file assets in the Interplay database), you
can configure the Interplay Engine to store only the metadata database on the Interplay Engine.
The file repository and all other database files and folders can be stored on an Avid
shared-storage workspace. This configuration is called a split database.
If you are going to use a split database configuration, the most efficient approach is to specify
how to divide the database before you create it. You specify the locations in the Server Settings
view (see “Changing the Database and Data Locations” on page 82) and then create the database
in the Create Database view.
The following illustration shows the Create Database view with two locations specified:

The metadata database will be installed in \\DOCWG\WG_Database$, which represents a
folder on the Interplay Engine (by default, D:\Workgroup_Databases).


The file repository will be installed in \\AAC-ISIS\File_Assets\, which is a shared storage
workspace that you need to set in the Server Settings view.

For complete information on configuring a split database, see “Configuring Interplay for a Split
Database” on page 216.

Avid Interplay Databases, Folders, and Files

To create an Interplay database:

1. In the Database section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the Create Database
The Create Database view opens.
2. In the New Database Information area, leave the default “AvidWG” in the Database Name
text box. For an archive database, leave the default “AvidAM.” These are the only two
supported database names.
3. Type a description for the database in the Description text box, such as “Main Production
4. Select “Create default Avid Interplay structure.”
After the database is created, a set of default folders within the database are visible in
Interplay Access and other Interplay clients. For more information about these folders, see
the Avid Interplay Access User’s Guide.
5. Keep the root folder for the New Database Location (Meta Data).
The metadata database must reside on the Interplay Engine server.
6. Keep the root folder for the New Data Location (Assets).
If you are creating a split database, this entry should show the Avid shared-storage
workspace that you set in the Server Settings view (see “Changing the Database and Data
Locations” on page 82).
7. Click Create to create directories and files for the database.
The Interplay database is created. For information about the folders and files that compose
the database, see “Avid Interplay Databases, Folders, and Files” on page 30.

Avid Interplay Databases, Folders, and Files
When the Interplay Engine creates a database, it creates a set of directories and files in the
locations you specified in the Create Database view (see “Creating an Interplay Database” on
page 28).
The Interplay Engine also creates a user database, which is located on the server that you
designated as the Central Configuration Server during the installation (see “Understanding the
Central Configuration Server” on page 95).


Avid Interplay Databases, Folders, and Files

Database File Structure

The database file structure is based on the administrative share that was set during the Interplay
Engine installation. By default, this administrative share is named WG_Database$ and is
associated with the folder D:\Workgroup_Databases (S:\Workgroup_Databases for cluster
systems). The “$” indicates a hidden share. To identify the actual folder, open a Command
Prompt window and type net share.
This folder contains either the AvidWG or the AvidAM folder. If the server is functioning as the
Central Configuration server, the folder also includes the _InternalData folder. The following
table describes these folders:


_Internal Data

User database: Contains Central Configuration Server information such as
users and roles.


Interplay Engine database: Contains metadata for Avid assets and file
assets, and source files for file assets.


Interplay Archive Engine database: Contains archived metadata for Avid
assets and file assets, and source files for file assets.

Split Database

If you configured your system to create a split database (either when creating a database or after
installation), an AvidWG folder exists on both the Interplay Engine server and the shared storage
workspace. Only the _Database folder is located on the Interplay Engine server. The other
folders are located on the shared storage workspace. For more information about working with a
split database, see “Configuring Interplay for a Split Database” on page 216.
Database Folders and Files

The following table lists the folders that are included in the AvidWG or AvidAM folders. During
normal work, users or administrators do not need to work directly with these folders and files.
All access for normal work is through Avid Interplay products. You need to work with these files
when splitting a database or possibly when troubleshooting a problem.


You should exclude the _Database and _PropertyStore folders of each database from any
kind of virus checking because virus checking tools might try to lock the database files).


Avid Interplay Databases, Folders, and Files

Database Directories and Files
Directory or File

Directory or File Description


The main database directory, which contains database files and the
database journal. These files contain the database structure and all
metadata. All files within this folder contain binary information and
cannot be viewed or edited with a text editor.
If you are working with a split database, this directory is located on the
Interplay Engine server and other directories are located on a shared
storage workspace.


The main data directory, which contains the source files for file assets that
are managed by the database (the file repository). This directory contains
source files for all versions of the file assets.


Source files for Avid assets are always stored in Avid media folders
on shared storage. If you are working with a split database, this
directory is located on a shared storage workspace.

Handover Directories:
_Import, _CheckIn,

Whenever a file is copied from the client to the server, the file is first
copied into one of these directories, depending on what operation (check
in, import, and so on) was performed. The server then moves the file from
these handover directories into the _Master directory.


The database directory that contains files holding the contents of streamed
properties. Streamed properties include metadata about Avid assets, such
as head frames and AAF information.


The data folder that contains backup versions of the database that are
created through the automated backup process (see “Scheduling
Automatic Database Backups” on page 39).

AvidWG.pro, AvidAM.pro

A cookie file representing the database. It contains no vital information,
but it is needed to activate a deactivated database (see “Activating a
Deactivated Database” on page 62).


A file that informs the server about the location of the _Database directory.
If you set a new location for the file assets, you might need to edit this file.
See “Splitting a Database for Existing Interplay Installations” on
page 222.


Not currently used.


Creating and Restoring Database Backups

Creating and Restoring Database Backups
There are two basic approaches to backing up an Interplay database:

Using a combination of backups scheduled through the Interplay Administrator (automatic
backups) and manual backups of other parts of the database. This approach should be used
as part of a regular backup strategy.


Using a professional backup tool to do a complete backup to offline media. This backup
should include both the Interplay backup and the folders that Interplay backup process does
not include.
Creating a complete copy of the complete database using Robocopy or 7-Zip is useful before
doing a major system upgrade. These tools can be used in place of a professional backup
tool. However, keep in mind that performance and stability might suffer.

The following topics provide information about creating and restoring database backups:

“Types of Interplay Administrator Backups” on page 34


“Recommendations for Backup Configuration” on page 34


“Scheduling Automatic Database Backups” on page 39


“Setting the Number of Database Backups to Keep” on page 38


“Starting a Backup Manually” on page 43


“Using an Archiving Tool for Backup” on page 44


“Restoring an Earlier Version of a Database” on page 46


Creating and Restoring Database Backups

Types of Interplay Administrator Backups
The Interplay Administrator lets you run create two different kinds of metadata backups: a
Complete metadata backup and a Fast metadata backup. You can schedule backups to run
automatically or you can run a backup manually. The following table describes the different
types of backups.
Backup Type


Complete (Full) backup

Creates copies of database files in the _Database folder and streamed
properties files in the _PropertyStore folder. Streamed properties include
metadata about Avid assets, such as head frames and AAF information.
This is the preferred backup.

Fast backups:
- Incremental

Creates copies of database files and streamed properties files that were
added to the database since the last Complete Backup, the last Incremental
Backup, or the last Differential Backup.

- Differential

Creates copies of database files and streamed properties files that were
added to the database since the last Complete Backup. In most cases, this
backup takes longer to perform than an Incremental backup.

- Metadata Only

(Manual backup only) Creates copies of database files in the _Database
folder, but not streamed properties files in the _PropertyStore folder. This
type of Fast backup is less useful than an Incremental or Differential
backup. See “Starting a Backup Manually” on page 43.


The _PropertyStore folder is critical if you need to completely restore Avid assets. Avid
recommends that you schedule a Complete backup once a week and a Fast backup (either
Incremental or Differential) daily.
For information on how to restore a database, see “Restoring a Complete Backup or a Fast
Backup” on page 48.

Recommendations for Backup Configuration
Automatic backups, as scheduled through the Interplay Administrator, do not back up the entire
database, so they are only one component of a complete backup strategy.
The following table lists the different types of backups needed to completely back up the
Interplay database. For an Interplay archive, substitute AvidAM for AvidWG.


Creating and Restoring Database Backups

Type of Backup

Folders or Files Backed Up

Fast Metadata Only backup


Complete (Full) backup
Fast Incremental backup
Fast Differential backup


Automatic Full Backup

This folder is automatically backed up once a week
at 1 a.m. on Sunday.

Manual backup

See “Avid Interplay Databases, Folders, and Files”
on page 30 for descriptions of these folders and
files. It is not necessary to back up
AvidWG\_Backup unless you want to make a
backup of automated backups. Other folders in
AvidWG do not need to be backed up because they
are temporary folders that are automatically

This type of manual backup might involve tape backup or another kind of backup process.


The _Master folder, which holds source files for file assets, is not included in the automatic
backup, which includes only metadata. It must be backed up by another backup method
regularly. Also be aware that the automatic backup process does not back up Avid media
files on shared storage workspaces.
It is extremely important to use the automatic backup process available through the
Interplay Administrator instead of just a tape backup for backing up the _Database and
_PropertyStore folders. Tape backups can be:

Inconsistent: A tape backup of the _Database folder while the server is running can lead to
inconsistent backup files because the server might not have applied all the transactions to the
database yet.


Inconvenient: Because it is not safe to make tape backups of the _Database folder while the
server is running, the server must be completely shut down during tape backup, causing


Unpredictable and dangerous: The backup might lock the database files. This prevents the
server from reading and writing those files. The database could become damaged.


Creating and Restoring Database Backups

Automatic backup ensures database consistency.
Recommended Backup Configuration

Avid recommends the following backup configuration:

Enable a daily Avid Interplay database backup. The backup should be set to run once
daily at night, when the server is not being used or usage is lowest. See “Scheduling
Automatic Database Backups” on page 39.


Decide whether to schedule the daily backup as a Complete backup or Fast backup. If
you have a very large database, you can save time by scheduling a Fast backup daily and a
Complete backup every few days. However, keep in mind that a Complete backup is needed
to restore Avid assets. Because Complete backups can affect system performance, schedule
Complete backups when the server is not being used or when usage is lowest. See “Types of
Interplay Administrator Backups” on page 34.


Check the “number of backups to keep” setting. The Avid Interplay Engine always keeps
the last Complete backup and any later Fast backups. If you want to keep more than one
Complete backup, change the “number of Backups to keep” setting to be larger than the
number of scheduled Fast backups. For more information, see “Setting the Number of
Database Backups to Keep” on page 38.


Determine where to store the automatic backups. By default, the _Backup folder is
located in the Workgroup_Databases folder. Depending on the size of the database, you
might need to change the location to store backups. If you select a custom location, you can
rename the folder from _Backup to another name.
Non-cluster systems: The default path is


If you are working with a split database, by default the _Backup folder is located with the
file repository on the shared-storage workspace, for example:


Storing backups on shared storage is an acceptable configuration, either as part of a split
database or as a custom location.


Prior to Interplay Engine v1.2.4, storing backups on shared storage was not recommended
because of the large number of small files included in the backup. However, the backup
mechanism included with Interplay Engine v1.2.4 or later significantly reduces the number of
files created in the _PropertyStore folder, which reduces the amount of storage required.
Alternatively, you can store the backups on an external file server. You need to use a UNC
path when you specify the location. Make sure the Server Execution User has read/write
access to this external file server and the backup folder. See “Troubleshooting the Server
Execution User Account” on page 211.

Creating and Restoring Database Backups

Cluster systems: The default path is


On cluster systems, Avid recommends that you specify \\?\d:\backup as the path for
Interplay backups. (This syntax, with a question mark, is known as a Long UNC or UNCW
path, and allows for more characters than the 260-character limitation of the short UNC
path.) This path will create backups on the local drive of the active node, rather than the
Infortrend, thus avoiding a single point of failure.


SR2400 systems were shipped with 73 GB drives, which are too small for regular backups. These
systems should be upgraded to include larger drives.

Ensure that the backups are working and actually creating backups. To test the backup,
check that the backup subfolders databasename_date_time are being created at the specified
times (according to the backup configuration) and that these subfolders are not empty. Every
backup should create its own subfolder.
For example, on a non-cluster system, your backup folders might be created in the following

A backup subfolder might be named AvidWG_2007-05-22_03-00.



Enable a different backup mechanism, such as tape backup, for all folders except the
_Database and _PropertyStore folders (see the table at the beginning of this topic). The
_Master folder of each database is the most important for the tape backup. Do not include
the _Database and _PropertyStore folders of each database in the tape backup.


After a Complete backup, copy the backup folder to offline media to prevent data loss.
You can do this as a separate step or as part of a backup of the complete database to offline
media (see the next bullet). Use a backup tool (such as Robocopy or 7-Zip) that can handle
long path names and does not use excessive bandwidth, to avoid slowing down activity on
the Interplay Engine. (See “Using an Archiving Tool for Backup” on page 44).


Perform a backup of the complete database to offline media. Avid recommends a
complete backup to offline media using a professional backup tool. Archive tools such as
Robocopy or 7-Zip are useful before doing a major system upgrade. They can be used in
place of a professional backup tool. However, performance and stability might suffer.


If you schedule a regular restart of the engine, set it after the regular backup is created.
If you restart the Interplay Engine, you cannot create a backup until at least one client
connects to the engine. This could be a problem if you schedule a restart and backup at a
time when there is little or not activity, such as the middle of the night.

The _Database and _PropertyStore folders of each database should be excluded from any
kind of virus checking (virus checking tools might try to lock the database files).


Creating and Restoring Database Backups

Setting the Number of Database Backups to Keep
The Avid Interplay Engine always keeps the last Complete backup and any later Fast backups. If
you want to keep more than one Complete backup, change the “number of Backups to keep”
setting to be larger than the number of scheduled Fast backups. The default setting is 10.
The number of backups to keep includes Complete and Fast backups. After the Interplay Engine
finishes a Complete backup, it checks the number of backups in the _Backup folder. If the
number of backups to keep is exceeded, the Interplay Engine deletes the extra backups regardless
of backup type (Complete or Fast), starting with the oldest. In this way, there is always at least
one Complete Backup available.
Keeping More Than One Complete Backup

If you want to keep more than one complete backup, you must carefully calculate the number of
backups to keep. For example, if you schedule Complete backups once a week and schedule Fast
backups on the other 6 days, the number of backups to keep must be at least 8 (2 Complete
backups and 6 Fast backups). If the number of backups to keep is less than 8, on the day of the
Complete backup the Interplay Engine will delete the second-to-last Complete backup.
The following illustration shows Complete backups on Sundays and Fast backups on the other
days of the week. On Sunday the 8th, after finishing a Complete backup, the Interplay Engine
checks the number of backups. Because the number of backups to keep is 8, it keeps the
Complete backup performed on Sunday the 1st, the 6 Fast backups, and the last Complete
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
















In the same example, the Interplay Engine does not check the number of backups again until it
performs a Complete backup on Sunday the 15th. On that day, it deletes the 7 oldest backups,
leaving 8. The following illustration shows the 7 oldest backups deleted.
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
































If you check the _Backup folder before the Interplay Engine finishes a Complete backup, it is
possible for the _Backup folder to contain more than the specified number of backups to keep.


Creating and Restoring Database Backups

Scheduling Automatic Database Backups
The Schedule Backups view in the Interplay Administrator lets you schedule the type and
frequency of your automatic backups. You can schedule two kinds of backups: Complete and
Fast. You can schedule one of two different Fast backups: Incremental or Differential. For a
description of the different types of backups, see “Types of Interplay Administrator Backups” on
page 34.
The Interplay Engine performs an automatic backup without locking or shutting down the server,
and users can continue to work with the database. During a backup operation, all actions on the
engine are cached to ensure a fully consistent backup. As a result, the performance of the
Interplay Engine is slower. You should not schedule large-scale deletions during a backup
When a backup is in progress, status messages are displayed at the top of the view.

A Backup History section displays information about the most recent backups.
Automatic backups create copies of metadata files, but do not create copies of the assets. You
need to use a different process, such as tape backup, to back up your assets, as described in
“Recommendations for Backup Configuration” on page 34.


Only _Database and _PropertyStore are backed up through the Interplay Administrator
backup process. Other directories, such as _Master, need to be backed up through a
different process.
The _PropertyStore folder is critical if you need to completely restore Avid assets. Avid
recommends that you schedule a Complete backup once a week and a Fast backup (either
Incremental or Differential) daily.


Creating and Restoring Database Backups

By default, backups are stored in the following folder:
You can specify another location, including shared storage. Make sure the Server Execution User
has read/write access this location. For more information, see “Recommendations for Backup
Configuration” on page 34.
For information on restoring a database, see “Restoring a Complete Backup or a Fast Backup”
on page 48.
To schedule database backups:

1. In the Database section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the Schedule Backups
The Schedule Backups view opens.


Creating and Restoring Database Backups

2. In the list on the left side of the view, select the database for which you want to view or
specify automatic backup settings. The current settings are displayed.

Creating and Restoring Database Backups

3. (Option) In the Backup Information area, change your preferences if necessary.
“Backup only if modified” is selected by default to save space and avoid duplicate identical
copies. The default number of versions to keep is 10. The Avid Interplay Engine always
keeps the last Complete backup and later Fast backups. For more information, see
“Recommendations for Backup Configuration” on page 34.
4. (Option) In the Backup Location preference, change the path if desired.

Select Custom.


Click Browse, and navigate to the location you want. For a shared storage location, you
might need to type the path.

The custom location must be specified as a UNC path. You can also change the name of the
folder from _Backup to another name. See “Recommendations for Backup Configuration”
on page 34.
5. (Option) In the Fast Metadata Backup area, select “Fast Metadata Backup Enabled”
(disabled by default).
6. (Option) If Fast Metadata Backup is enabled, you can change the Fast backup frequency.
The default is set to Daily. You can select any number of days on which you would like to
perform Fast backups or you can set a Fast backup for one day a month.
7. (Option) If Fast Metadata Backup is enabled, you can change the Fast backup time by doing
one of the following:

Select Once at and change the hour and minutes (within 10 minute intervals) on which it
occurs using the up and down arrows.


Select Every and set the backup to occur at regular intervals starting at midnight. Use
the down arrow to select the interval.


Select Custom and specify custom backup times. Use the up and down arrows to select
the time, and then select Add. Repeat to add more times to perform the backup. Select a
time and then Remove to cancel a backup.

The Backup time is the Interplay Engine server's local time.
8. In the Complete Metadata Backup area, make sure the option “Complete Metadata Backup
Enabled” is selected (default).
Avid recommends that you schedule a Complete backup once a week.
9. (Option) Change the Complete backup frequency. Because Complete backups can take a
long time and affect system performance, Avid recommends that you perform Complete
backups when the server is not being used or when usage is lowest. The default is set to
Sunday. You can select any number of days you would like to perform Complete backups.


Creating and Restoring Database Backups

10. (Option) Change the Backup time by selecting one of the following:

Select Once at and change the hour and minutes (within 10 minute intervals) on which it
occurs using the up and down arrows.


Select Every and set the backup to occur at regular intervals starting at midnight. Use
the down arrow to select the interval.


Select Custom and specify custom backup times. Use the up and down arrows to select
the time, and then click Add. Repeat to add more times to perform the backup. Select a
time and click Remove to cancel a backup.

11. Click the Apply Changes button.

Starting a Backup Manually
You can start an Interplay Administrator Backup manually, rather than waiting for a scheduled
automatic backup or changing the existing backup schedules.
To start a backup manually:

1. In the Database section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the Schedule Backups
The Schedule Backups view opens.
2. In the list on the left side of the view, select the database for which you want to view or
specify automatic backup settings. The current settings are displayed.
3. At the bottom of the view, click the “Start Backup Now...” button.

4. Select the kind of backup you want to create. For a description of the different types of
backups, see “Types of Interplay Administrator Backups” on page 34.
5. Click OK


Creating and Restoring Database Backups

The backup is created in the location you specified. If you navigate to the location, and the
backup is still being created, the folder name includes the words “backup in progress.”

Using an Archiving Tool for Backup
In some circumstances, such as performing a system upgrade, you might want to use an archive
tool to create a backup copy of the complete database folder (AvidWG or AvidAM) and the user
database folder (_InternalData). For information on the location and contents of the databases,
see “Avid Interplay Databases, Folders, and Files” on page 30.
If you create a backup archive, keep in mind that a complete backup can take several hours,
during which the Interplay database is locked and deactivated. Also, you need to use a backup
tool that can handle long path names (longer than 256 characters). For example, use Robocopy
(contained in rktools.exe, available on Microsoft.com) or 7-Zip (an open source utility) to create
the archive. You can save backup time by removing old backups from the _Backup folder.
To make a backup copy of the database on a non-cluster system:

1. Open the Interplay Administration tool.
2. Use the following steps to lock the database:

Click Lock/Unlock Databases.


Select the database in the Unlocked Databases list.


Click Lock Database.

3. Click Menu and click Manage Databases.
4. Select the AvidWG database and click Deactivate. Select AvidAM for an Archive Engine.
5. Click Menu and click the Restart Server view.
6. Click Restart Server and close the Interplay Administration tool.


Creating and Restoring Database Backups

7. Use a backup tool to make a copy of the following folders and record their location. The
following tables show the default locations.
Interplay Engine or Interplay Archive Engine
Folder Name

Default Location

AvidWG (Interplay Engine database)


AvidAM (Archive Engine database)


_InternalData (user database if engine is a
Central Configuration Server)


Interplay Engine (Split Database)
Folder Name

Default Location

AvidWG (_Database folder only)


AvidWG (all other database folders)


_InternalData (user database if engine is a
Central Configuration Server)


To make a backup copy of the database on a cluster system:

1. Open the Interplay Administration tool.
2. Use the following steps to lock the database:

Click Lock/Unlock Databases.


Select the database in the Unlocked Databases list.


Click Lock Database.

3. Click Menu and click Manage Databases.
4. Select the AvidWG database and click Deactivate. Select AvidAM for an Archive Engine.
5. Close the Interplay Administration tool.
6. Click Start and select Programs > Administrative Tools > Cluster Administrator.
7. Open the Groups folder.
8. Select the Avid Workgroup Server group.
9. Select the Avid Workgroup Engine Monitor resource and take it offline.


Creating and Restoring Database Backups

10. If you performed the previous step correctly, drive S: should still be accessible within the
Windows environment. If it is not available, use the Cluster Administration tool to put drive
S: online by clicking on the disk resource within the “Avid Workgroup Server Group” and
selecting online.
11. Use a backup tool to make a copy of the following folders and record their location.
Interplay Engine or Interplay Archive Engine
Folder Name

Default Location

AvidWG (Interplay Engine database)


AvidAM (Archive Engine database)


_InternalData (user database if engine is a
Central Configuration Server)


Interplay Engine (Split Database)
Folder Name

Default Location

AvidWG (_Database folder only)


AvidWG (all other database folders)


_InternalData (user database if engine is a
Central Configuration Server)



On cluster systems, Avid recommends that you specify \\?\d:\backup as the path for Interplay
backups.See “Recommendations for Backup Configuration” on page 34.

Restoring an Earlier Version of a Database
Restoring a backup version of the _Database and _PropertyStore folders returns a database to the
state it was in when the backup was created. Before restoring a database, make sure that it is
really necessary, because changes since the backup will be lost.
To restore a backup, you need to run the InterplayRestore tool in a Command Prompt window.
The InterplayRestore tool is installed in the following folder:
C:\Program Files\Avid\Avid Interplay Engine\Server
The tool includes in-line help that describes all options for using the tool.


Creating and Restoring Database Backups

The following topics provide instructions for restoring an earlier version of a database:

“Restoring a Complete Backup or a Fast Backup” on page 48


“Using the InterplayRestore Tool on the Interplay Engine Server” on page 51


“Database Restore Session Example” on page 54


“Using the BackupArchive Tool to Restore Files” on page 55


“Restoring Archived Log Files” on page 58

You cannot restore parts of a backup, for example, a specific sequence or folder. You can restore
only a Complete backup or a Fast backup.
How the Restore Tool Works with Streamed Properties Files

Beginning with Interplay Engine v1.2.4, the Interplay backup mechanism consolidates the
streamed properties files (all files in the _PropertyStore folder) into large “archive” files. These
files are written into the _PropertyStore folder of the corresponding backup folder. The archive
files are named streamed_propx.bar, where x is replaced with an increasing number starting with
1. The files are about 1 GB each, except for the last one (with the highest suffix number), which
can be smaller. The exact file size varies depending on the size of the individual streamed
property files, because a single streamed property file is never split up between two .bar files.
The backup mechanism also writes a file named streamed_prop.bin in the same folder. This file
contains a directory of all streamed property files contained in the backup and is used only by the
BackupArchive tool (see “Using the BackupArchive Tool to Restore Files” on page 55). The .bin
file is not required by the InterplayRestore tool.
The InterplayRestore tool is able to work with both the consolidated streamed property files as
well as a backup created by an earlier version of the Interplay Engine. The tool looks for the
streamed_prop1.bar file in the _PropertyStore folder of the backup. If this file does not exist, it
assumes that the backup was created by an earlier version of the engine and resumes with the
restore procedure in the same way as earlier versions of the restore tool. Otherwise, it restores the
streamed properties from the consolidated .bar files.
How the Restore Tool Renames Folders

When the tool begins the restore, it locks the database and then renames the existing folder
_Database to _Database.1. If you are performing a restore from a Complete backup, the tool also
renames _PropertyStore to _PropertyStore.1.
If a folder _Database.1 already exists, the tool creates _Database.2, and so on up to _Database.9.
The tool uses the first free number between 1 and 9 when it renames the _Database and
_PropertyStore folders. If no number is free, you need to delete some of the previously renamed
folders so that the tool can run.


Creating and Restoring Database Backups

If the backup restore is not completed (if you kill the process, if the system crashes, if you get an
error message, and so on), you can restore the system to its previous state by deleting the
_Database folder (and possibly the _PropertyStore folder) that the tool created and renaming
_Database.1 to _Database (and _PropertyStore.1 to _PropertyStore).
After you verify that the backup ran successfully and your database is working correctly, you can
save storage space by deleting the numbered backup folders ( _Database.x and _PropertyStore.x)
created during the restore process.
Restoring a Complete Backup or a Fast Backup
To restore a database, you need to restore a Complete backup, a Fast backup, or both, depending
on the type of backups available. (see “Types of Interplay Administrator Backups” on page 34
for a description of each type of backup).

A Complete backup contains a _Database folder and a _PropertyStore folder. A Complete
backup is needed if the complete database needs to be restored, for example, if a hard disk


A Fast Incremental Backup and a Fast Differential Backup also contain a _Database folder
and a _PropertyStore folder. If you restore a Differential or Incremental backup, all backups
it depends on must be in the same backup location.
The following backups must be in the same folder:

For a Differential backup, the last Complete backup before the backup you are restoring.


For an Incremental backup, the last Complete backup and the necessary Incremental or
Differential backups between the last Complete backup and the backup you are
You do not need all backups between the last Complete backup and the backup you are
restoring. You need the most recent Complete backup, the most recent Differential
backup (if any), and any Incremental backups since the last Complete or Differential
For example, if a sequence of backups looks like this: c(complete)1 -> i(incremental)1
-> i2 -> d(differential)1 -> i3 -> i4 -> d2 -> i5 -> i6, to restore i6 the backups you need
in the same folder are c1, d2, i5, and i6. You need these files because i6 contains the
changes since i5, which contains the changes since d2, which contains the changes since
Deleted streamed properties remain in the _PropertyStore folder until the next Complete


A Fast Metadata Only backup contains only a _Database folder, and can only be run
manually. A Fast Metadata Only backup is limited in its usefulness. You can use it to restore
the database structure if it becomes corrupted, but it does not restore the contents of the


Creating and Restoring Database Backups

_PropertyStore folder. To restore the contents of the _PropertyStore folder, you need to
restore the most recent Complete backup, Incremental backup, or Differential backup, as
described above.
The InterplayRestore tool automatically identifies the type of backup that you select.
Distinguishing Between Types of Backups

To distinguish between a Fast Metadata Only backup and the other types of backups, open the
backup folder and check if a _PropertyStore folder exists. A Fast Metadata Only backup does not
contain a _PropertyStore folder.

Fast Metadata Only
backup folder

Fast Incremental, or
Fast Differential
backup folder

To distinguish between Complete, Fast Incremental, and Fast Differential backups, open the
backup folder and then open the inventory.xml file in Notepad or another text editor. The type of
backup is listed, along with other information.


Creating and Restoring Database Backups

Fast Incremental
backup type

Example of a Complete Restore Process

Imagine that you have a backup schedule of a Complete backup on Saturday and a Fast
Differential backup every other day of the week. If there is a failure on Friday in which the
_Database folder, the _PropertyStore folder, and other Interplay folders are lost or corrupted, you
need to perform the following steps:
1. Use the InterplayRestore tool to restore the latest Fast Differential backup (from Thursday).
2. To add metadata missing from the _PropertyStore folder, check in bins created for projects
since the Thursday backup.
3. Use the InterplayRestore tool to restore the _InternalData folder.
4. Restore the _Master folder and other folders through whatever mechanism you use for
5. Resynchronize media files with shared storage workspaces. In Interplay Access, right-click
the database name and select Resync. For more information, see “Resyncing Media Files
with Avid Shared-Storage Workspaces” in the Avid Interplay Access User’s Guide or the
Interplay Access Help.


Creating and Restoring Database Backups

Using the InterplayRestore Tool on the Interplay Engine Server
To restore a backup, you need to run the InterplayRestore tool in a Command Prompt window.
There are two ways to run the tool:



Without parameters, in which case the tool prompts you for the necessary entries (interactive


With parameters, in which case the tool runs without prompting, depending on the number
of parameters included. You can use these parameters to create a batch file that partially
automates the restore process.

You can use the InterplayRestore tool to restore the AvidAM or the _InternalData folder. In the
following procedure, substitute AvidAM or _InternalData for AvidWG.
To restore an earlier version of a database from a backup using interactive mode:

1. On the Interplay Engine server, click Programs and select Accessories > Command Prompt.
2. At the command line, navigate to the folder that contains InterplayRestore. For example,
cd C:\Program Files\Avid\Avid Interplay Engine\Server

and press Enter.
3. Type:

and press Enter.
4. InterplayRestore prompts you for the database root directory. Type the path and press Enter.
You can use a local path or a UNC path. For example:

You can use the administrative share name WG_Database$ only in a UNC path.
5. The next prompt asks if you are restoring a split database configuration.
If you answer yes, the next prompt asks you to enter the Interplay database asset path, which
is the path to the AvidWG folder on shared storage. Enter a UNC path, for example:

6. At the next prompt, type the backup home directory and press Enter. For example:

If you are working with a split database, this location is probably on the shared storage
server. For example:

Creating and Restoring Database Backups

7. At the next prompt, select the correct backup from the numbered list of available backups.
Complete backups are labeled “full” and Fast backups are labeled “increment” “difference,”
or “metadataonly.” After you select the backup, press Enter.
The restore process begins. For an example of the process, see “Database Restore Session
Example” on page 54. At the end of the process, a message informs you that you need to
restore the _Master directory manually.
8. Restore your _Master folder through whatever mechanism you use for backup.


The _Master database is not backed up by the automated backup feature of Interplay. See
“Recommendations for Backup Configuration” on page 34.
9. Unlock the database by using the Lock/Unlock Database view in the Interplay
10. Check to make sure you can access the restored database from Interplay Access, and that
you can preview clip headframes.
11. Delete the _Database.1 and _PropertyStore.1 directories, or whatever numbered backup
directories were created through the restore process. See “Restoring an Earlier Version of a
Database” on page 46.
To restore an earlier version of a database from a backup by passing parameters to the
tool, do one of the following:


For a non-split database, navigate to the folder that holds InterplayRestore, type the
following, and press Enter:
InterplayRestore /m  /backupdir 

For example:
InterplayRestore /m d:\Workgroup_Databases\AvidWG
/backupdir d:\Workgroup_Databases\AvidWG\_Backup

InterplayRestore prompts you to choose from a numbered list of available backups and then
restores the earlier version. Continue with steps 8 through 11 above.


The parameter /m is a short version of the parameter /metadata. You can view information on
the complete syntax for the tool by entering InterplayRestore /help.
Because the paths for the /metadata and /backupdir parameters are unlikely to change, you
can create a batch file that includes these values, as in the previous example. To restore the
database, run the batch file and select the number of the backup you want to restore.


Creating and Restoring Database Backups


For a split database, navigate to the folder that holds InterplayRestore, type the following,
and press Enter:
InterplayRestore /m 

For example:
InterplayRestore /m d:\Workgroup_Databases\AvidWG
/assets \\isis\workspace1\AvidWG
/backupdir \\isis\workspace1\AvidWG\_Backup

InterplayRestore prompts you to choose from a numbered list of available backups and then
restores the earlier version. Continue with steps 8 through 11 above.


Because the paths for the /metadata ,/assets , and /backupdir parameters are unlikely to
change, you can create a batch file that includes these values, as in the previous example. To
restore the database, run the batch file and select the number of the backup you want to restore.

If you know the specific backup you want to restore, navigate to the folder that holds
InterplayRestore, type the following, and press Enter:
InterplayRestore /m  /backupdir  /backuptorestore 

For example:
InterplayRestore /m d:\Workgroup_Databases\AvidWG
/backupdir d:\Workgroup_Databases\AvidWG\_Backup /backuptorestore

InterplayRestore restores the earlier version. Continue with steps 8 through 11 above.


Creating and Restoring Database Backups

Database Restore Session Example
The following is an example of an interactive session, which begins with the command for
starting the InterplayRestore tool.
C:\>”C:\Program Files\Avid\Avid Interplay Engine\Server\InterplayRestore”
InterplayRestore - Restore Interplay databases from backup
A non interactive mode is also available.
Run "InterplayRestore.exe /?" for help
Enter the Interplay database root or metadata directory:
Is this a split database configuration?  y
Enter the Interplay database asset path: \\isis\workspace1\AvidWG
Enter the backup root directory: \\isis\workspace1\AvidWG\_Backup
Choose a backup to restore from:

Tuesday, June 10, 2010 3:05:00 AM


Thursday, June 12, 2010 3:04:00 AM increment


Friday, June 13, 2010 3:05:00 AM


Saturday, June 14, 2010 3:00:00 AM full

Choose an entry ( 1 - 4 ):




Creating and Restoring Database Backups

Assume you choose 1. The tool locks the project so that no one can access the database and then
copies the files:
Beginning restore from
This is a Full backup
Restoring split database. Metadata restored to
d:\Workgroup_Databases\avidwg\. PropertyStore Assets restored to
Locked project AvidWG
Copying files into d:\Workgroup_Databases\avidwg\_Database
Copying file AvidWG.dor

It leaves the database locked and gives you the following message:
Database AvidWG is still locked because you need to restore _Master
manually, or through your existing tape backup mechanism.
When you are done restoring _Master, use the Lock/Unlock Database view in
Interplay Administrator to unlock the AvidWG database. This will complete
your restore operation.

Using the BackupArchive Tool to Restore Files
The BackupArchive tool is a command-line program that lets you work with files contained in
the _PropertyStore folder contained in a database backup. The _PropertyStore folder holds
streamed properties, which are files that include metadata about Avid assets, such as headframes
and AAF information. The streamed property files are backed up (as an archive) in one or more
.bar files in the _PropertyStore backup folder. For more information about .bar files, see
“Restoring an Earlier Version of a Database” on page 46.
You can use the BackupArchive tool to display a list of all streamed properties files in the
_PropertyStore backup folder. You can also use it in an emergency situation in which the online
database is missing and the backup file is corrupt. In this case, you would use the tool to extract
as many files as possible from the corrupt backup. It is not a replacement for the
InterplayRestore tool.
For example, the following illustration shows the contents of the 0-1999 subfolder in the active
_PropertyStore folder on the Interplay Engine:


Creating and Restoring Database Backups

The following illustration shows the corresponding files as they appear in the archive file

The .bar file is a file that you can only open by using the BackupArchive tool.


In previous versions of Interplay, you could use Windows Explorer to view and work with the
streamed properties files in the _PropertyStore backup folder. Because the current backup
mechanism uses archive files, you need this tool to view and work with files in the _PropertyStore
backup folder.
The following procedures describe how to view a list of streamed properties, how to unpack an
archive, and how to extract specific files. If you need to restore the streamed properties to a
database in an emergency situation, contact Avid support.
The complete syntax for using the BackupArchive tool is provided in the in-line help, which you
can display by typing BackupArchive in a Command Prompt window.
To list all streamed properties files in an archive file:

1. On the Interplay Engine, click Programs and select Accessories > Command Prompt.
2. At the command line, navigate to the folder that contains the BackupArchive tool.


Creating and Restoring Database Backups

For example, type the following and press Enter:
cd C:\Program Files\Avid\Avid Interplay Engine\Server

3. Type the following and press Enter:
backuparchive /L 

Do not use the file extension when typing the name of the archive file. For example,
backuparchive /L

Make sure to type the command on a single line.


To direct the output of this command to a text file for easier review, add > textfile.txt to the
end of the command.
To unpack all streamed properties files:


Type the following and press Enter:
backuparchive /U  

Do not use the file extension when typing the name of the archive file. For example, the
following command unpacks all property store files into a temporary folder on the Interplay
backuparchive /U
ore\streamed_prop D:\Workgroup_Databases\TempPropertyStore

Make sure to type the command on a single line.
To extract and restore specific streamed properties files:


Type the following and press Enter:
backuparchive /E /P:  

Do not use the file extension when typing the name of the archive file. To define a pattern,
you can use the standard Windows syntax. For example, the following command extracts all
files whose names include Scr (screenshots) into a temporary folder on the Interplay Engine:
backuparchive /E /P:*Scr*
ore\streamed_prop D:\Workgroup_Databases\TempPropertyStoreScreenshots

Make sure to type the command on a single line.


Performing a Consistency Check

Restoring Archived Log Files
In Interplay version 1.6 and later, the Interplay Engine compresses and archives log files older
than 7 days. The log compression process runs during project backup. (This process runs at most
once per day, even if multiple backups are scheduled on the same day.) Archive files (with the
extensions .bar and .bin) are stored in the same directory as the log files for 30 days and then are
automatically deleted. You can extract the compressed log files from an archive by using the
BackupArchive tool described in “Using the BackupArchive Tool to Restore Files” on page 55.

Performing a Consistency Check
The database Consistency Check compares the version of the database or databases on the
master directory with the current database file. The Perform Consistency Check view provides a
useful tool for checking if all references are correct, seeing if all necessary files are on the disk,
and checking other aspects of the database.


The Consistency Check is for support purposes. You should perform this check only if
requested by Avid Technical Support.

Viewing Database Information
Use the Database Information view to display information about an Interplay database. This
information includes various statistics and the connected users.
To view the information about a database:

1. In the Database section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the Database
Information icon.
The Database Information view opens.


Viewing Database Information

2. Select the database name from the list.
A summary of information about the database is displayed:

Engine Start Time: The date and time that the Interplay Engine began running.


Name and description: Either AvidWG (Interplay Engine) or AvidAM (Interplay
Archive Engine) with a description supplied when the database was first created.


Root folder for database (Meta Data): See “Creating an Interplay Database” on page 28.


Root folder for data (Assets): See “Creating an Interplay Database” on page 28.

3. Click one of the following tabs:

Database Statistics


Deletion Statistics


Command Statistics


Object Statistics: Total objects for the entire Interplay database, as well as totals for the
most common object types.

Locking and Unlocking Databases



Connected User Information: Users currently connected to the Interplay Engine. The
License Class column lists the license keys that are used internally by the Interplay
Engine. For information about user licenses, see “Managing Licenses” on page 90.

See the Interplay ReadMe for more specific information about these statistics.

Locking and Unlocking Databases
Use the Lock/Unlock Databases view to prevent users from connecting to the database. You
might need to lock the database if you are upgrading the database or using a archive tool to create
a backup of the database. By default, the database is unlocked.
To lock a database:

1. In the Database section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the Lock/Unlock
Database icon.
The Lock/Unlock database view opens.

2. Select the database in the Unlocked Databases list.

Managing Databases: Deactivating, Activating, and Migrating

3. (Option) Type a Lock comment explaining why you are locking the database. This
information appears in the Locked Database Information area for the database.
4. Click Lock Database.
Your user ID and the time at which you locked the database are filled in, and the database is
displayed in Locked Databases.
To unlock a database:

1. Select the database in the Locked Databases list.
2. Click Unlock Database.
The database is displayed in Unlocked Databases.

Managing Databases: Deactivating, Activating, and
Use the Managing Databases view to remove a database from the list of active databases
(deactivate) or to restore it to the list (activate). This view also lets you migrate a database to a
new Central Configuration Server (CCS) when necessary.
The following topics provide more information about activating, deactivating, and migrating

Deactivating a Database


Activating a Deactivated Database


Migrating a Database

Deactivating a Database
You might want to prevent users from connecting to a database if the database has been “retired”
and the files have been moved elsewhere. In other cases, such as when you are backing up or
moving databases, you might need to ensure that no connections can be made to the database to
avoid interference. Deactivating the database removes it from the list of active databases.


Deactivating a database does not delete the database files. It makes the database inactive so
that users cannot connect to it until it is activated again. The database data is kept at the
location that was specified when the database was created.


Managing Databases: Deactivating, Activating, and Migrating

To deactivate a database:

1. In the Database section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the Manage Databases
The Manage Databases view opens.

2. Select the database name in the Databases list.
3. Click Deactivate.
The database name is removed from the Databases list.

Activating a Deactivated Database
If a specific database is not listed in the Databases view, it means that it is unknown to the
Interplay Engine and users cannot connect to it. If the database exists but is not listed, it is
probably deactivated. You activate a database by navigating to the database .pro file
(AvidWG.pro or AvidAM.pro). This file is located in one of two folders:

For a standard database, the .pro file is located in the Workgroup_Databases folder,
represented by the administrative share name WG_Database$ (see “Creating an Interplay
Database” on page 28).


For a split database, the .pro file is located in the Avid_WG folder on the shared storage
workspace (see “Preparing for a Split Database” on page 219).

Managing Databases: Deactivating, Activating, and Migrating

To add an existing but inactive database to the list of active databases:

1. In the Database section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the Manage Databases
The Manage Databases view opens.
2. Do one of the following:

In the “Database (.pro) file to activate” text box, type the full UNC path to the .pro file.
For example:


Click the Browse button, log in if prompted, navigate to the .pro file using a network,
select the file, and click Open.

The following illustration shows the path to AvidWG.pro, using the Microsoft Windows smb
network and the administrative share WG_Database$.


Avid recommends keeping the default share name WG_Database$. If you decide on a different
share name, consider that if the name is longer than 12 characters, you cannot browse to it
graphically. If a share name is longer than 12 characters, you need to type the complete path in
the “Database (pro) file to activate” text box.
Make sure to navigate through a network to select the file (for example, do not navigate
through a mapped network drive). You must use a UNC path.


Managing Databases: Deactivating, Activating, and Migrating

Navigating through a network is also required if you are working with a split database. In
this case, the .pro file is located on the shared storage server. The following illustration
shows the path to AvidWG.pro, using an Avid ISIS network and the workspace where the
AvidWG folder is stored. In an Avid Unity MediaNetwork, the network name is “Avid Unity

The .pro file is displayed in the Activate Database dialog box.


Managing Databases: Deactivating, Activating, and Migrating

3. Make sure the option “Load Database on Activation” is selected. Deselect this option only if
directed by Avid support.
4. Click Activate.
The database is activated and loaded. The database name is displayed in the Databases list
and users can connect to the database. If the option “Load Database on Activation” is
selected, the database is automatically unlocked.

Migrating a Database
You usually need to perform a database migration under the following circumstances:

When you want to remove all users and group-related data from a database. This allows you
to start with new users and groups and maintain the metadata and the data inside the


When you are troubleshooting a problem with customer support. For example, customer
support might ask you to provide a copy of your database.


If you changed the Central Configuration Server (CCS) for a database without first moving
the _InternalData folder. If a database needs to be migrated, the State reads “Database
Requires Migration.”

Managing Databases: Deactivating, Activating, and Migrating

Do not use a database that requires migration; always migrate a database to a CCS. You
cannot administer an unmigrated database.
If a database needs migration, the database icon shows a red box with an X and a yellow
arrow. The database icon appears in several views in the Interplay Administrator, including
the Manage Database Roles view.
(Red box with X and yellow arrow) Database needs migration.


When you migrate a database, the system deletes all the information inside the database
that was stored from the old CCS, including users, user settings and local administration
If you plan to migrate an Interplay Engine or Interplay Archive Engine database, turn off
the database backup process before you perform the migration. If you do not turn off the
backup process and it coincides with the migration, your backup will write out an
inconsistent state of the database (half current and half migrated).
To migrate a database to a new CCS:

1. In the Database section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the Manage Databases
The Manage Databases view opens.


Moving a Database to Another Server (Non-Clustered Systems)

2. In the Manage Databases view, click the name of the database that needs migration. The
State reads “Database Requires Migration.”
A warning explains the consequences of a database migration.
3. Click Migrate Database.
After the migration, the State reads “OK.” The database now has the CCS users and
administration properties of the new CCS you have set.

Moving a Database to Another Server
(Non-Clustered Systems)
Under special circumstances, you might need to move a database to a different server.
The following procedure refers to Interplay Engine servers that are not configured as failover
clusters. For clustered systems, see “Moving a Database to Another Server (Clustered Systems)”
on page 71.


Avid recommends that you have telephone support from Avid during the process in case
complications arise.


Moving a Database to Another Server (Non-Clustered Systems)


If you move a database to a server that points to a different CCS, all the old CCS
information that was stored, including users, user settings, and local administration
settings for the database, will be lost because you will have to migrate the database (see
“Migrating a Database” on page 65). If you move a database to another server and also
move the CCS, however, this information is preserved. To move both a database and a
CCS, see “Moving a Database and Users to Another Server (Non-Clustered Systems)” on
page 69.
To move a database to another server (non-clustered systems):

1. Install the Interplay Engine on a new server (the target server).
Make sure the configuration is the same on both systems. For example, if you are moving an
AvidWG database, create an AvidWG database on the new server. If the original system uses
a split database, the new system should also use a split database (see “Configuring Interplay
for a Split Database” on page 216).
2. On the source server, lock the database by using the Lock/Unlock Database view (see
“Locking and Unlocking Databases” on page 60).
All clients are disconnected from the source server.
3. Deactivate the database by using the Manage Databases view (see “Deactivating a Database”
on page 61).
4. Make sure the database is unloaded from the server by opening the Restart Server view and
clicking Restart.
5. Locate the database folder on the source server.
The default path is \\server_name\WG_Database$\AvidWG (or AvidAM for an Archive
Manager). By default, the administrative share WG_Database$ refers to
D:\Workgroup_Databases. For more information, see “Identifying the Root Folder of the
Interplay Server Database” on page 227.
6. Pack the database folder into a zip file or use Robocopy from the Microsoft Windows
Resource Kit for path names longer than 256 characters.
To save time and storage, you do not need to copy all the backups in the
D:\Workgroup_Databases\AvidWG\_Backup folder. One complete backup and the most
recent Fast backup are sufficient.
If you are moving a split database, create two zip files, one for
D:\Workgroup_Databases\AvidWG and the other for
7. Copy the zipped file or files to a network server, removable media, laptop, or directly to the
target server.
8. Open the Interplay Administrator, log on to the target server, and deactivate the database
(AvidWG or AvidAM) if one is active, using the Manage Databases View.

Moving a Database and Users to Another Server (Non-Clustered Systems)

9. On the target server, rename the existing database folder, for example, rename AvidWG to
10. If you are copying a non-split database, copy the zipped file to the target server and unzip the
file to the Workgroup_Databases folder. Make sure the path on the target server matches the
path on the source server.
If you are copying a split database, copy and unzip both zipped files to the correct locations.
Then edit the FolderLocations.xml file to show the correct paths. See “Splitting a Database
for Existing Interplay Installations” on page 222.
11. Activate the database by using the Manage Databases view (see “Activating a Deactivated
Database” on page 62).
12. On an Interplay Access client, log in to the new server and verify that all data is available.
If all data is available, the new database is ready for use.
If necessary, remove the old database from Interplay Access by right-clicking the database
name and then clicking Remove Databases.
13. (Option) On the source server, rename the original database folder to avoid unwanted future

Moving a Database and Users to Another Server
(Non-Clustered Systems)
Under special circumstances, you might need to move a database and users to a different server.
The following procedure refers to Interplay Engine servers that are not configured as failover
clusters. For cluster systems, see “Moving a Database and Users to Another Server (Clustered
Systems)” on page 73.


Avid recommends that you have telephone support from Avid during the process in case
complications arise.
If you move a database to a server that points to a different CCS, all the old CCS
information that was stored, including users, user settings, and local administration
settings for the database, will be lost because you will have to migrate the database (see
“Migrating a Database” on page 65). If you move a database to another server and also
move the CCS, however, this information is preserved. To move both a database and a
CCS, use this procedure. For more information about a CCS, see “Understanding the
Central Configuration Server” on page 95.


Moving a Database and Users to Another Server (Non-Clustered Systems)

To move a database and users to another server (non-clustered systems):

1. Install the Interplay Engine on a new server (the target server).
Make sure the configuration is the same on both systems. For example, if you are moving an
AvidWG database, create an AvidWG database on the new server. If the original system uses
a split database, the new system should also use a split database (see “Configuring Interplay
for a Split Database” on page 216).
2. On the source server, lock the database by using the Lock/Unlock Database view (see
“Locking and Unlocking Databases” on page 60).
3. Deactivate the database by using the Manage Databases view (see “Deactivating a Database”
on page 61).
4. Make sure the database is unloaded from the server by opening the Restart Server view and
clicking Restart.
5. Lock the server using the Lock Server view (see “Locking and Unlocking the Server” on
page 85).
6. Locate the database folder on the source server.
The default path is \\server_name\WG_Database$\AvidWG (or AvidAM for an Archive
Manager). By default, the administrative share WG_Database$ refers to
D:\Workgroup_Databases. For more information, see “Identifying the Root Folder of the
Interplay Server Database” on page 227.
7. Pack the database folder into a zip file or use Robocopy from the Microsoft Windows
Resource Kit for path names longer than 256 characters.
To save time and storage, you do not need to copy all the backups in the
D:\Workgroup_Databases\AvidWG\_Backup folder. One complete backup and the most
recent Fast backup are sufficient.
If you are moving a split database, create two zip files, one for
D:\Workgroup_Databases\AvidWG and the other for
8. Locate the user folder _InternalData on the source server.
The default path is D:\Workgroup_Databases\_InternalData.
9. Copy the zipped file or files and the _InternalData folder to a network server, removable
media, laptop, or directly to the target server.
10. Open the Interplay Administrator, log in to the target server, and deactivate the database
(AvidWG or AvidAM) using the Manage Databases View.
11. On the target server, rename the existing database folder, for example, rename AvidWG to
12. Make sure all databases are unloaded from the server by opening the Restart Server view and
clicking Restart.

Moving a Database to Another Server (Clustered Systems)

13. Lock the server by using the Lock Server view (see “Locking and Unlocking the Server” on
page 85).
14. Rename the existing _InternalData folder to _InternalData_old.
15. If you are copying a non-split database, copy the zipped file to the target server and unzip the
file to the Workgroup_Databases folder. Copy the _InternalData folder to the
Workgroup_Databases folder. Make sure the path on the target server matches the path on
the source server.
If you are copying a split database, copy and unzip both zipped files to the correct locations.
Then edit the FolderLocations.xml file to show the correct paths. See “Splitting a Database
for Existing Interplay Installations” on page 222. Copy the _InternalData folder to the
Workgroup_Databases folder.
16. Unlock the server using the Lock Server view.
17. Verify that all users are on the system by opening the User Management view and viewing
the lists of user groups.
18. Activate the database by using the Manage Databases view (see “Activating a Deactivated
Database” on page 62).
19. On an Interplay Access client, log in to the new server and verify that all data is available.
If all data is available, the new database is ready for use.
If necessary, remove the old database from Interplay Access by right-clicking the database
name and then clicking Remove Databases.
20. (Option) On the source server, rename the original database folder to avoid unwanted future

Moving a Database to Another Server (Clustered
Under special circumstances, you might need to move a database to a different server.
The following procedure refers to Interplay Engine servers that are configured as failover
clusters. For non-clustered systems, see “Moving a Database to Another Server (Non-Clustered
Systems)” on page 67.


Avid recommends that you have telephone support from Avid during the process in case
complications arise.
If you move a database to a server that points to a different CCS, all the old CCS
information that was stored, including users, user settings, and local administration
settings for the database, will be lost because you will have to migrate the database (see

Moving a Database to Another Server (Clustered Systems)

“Migrating a Database” on page 65). If you move a database to another server and also
move the CCS, however, this information is preserved. To move both a database and a
CCS, see “Moving a Database and Users to Another Server (Clustered Systems)” on
page 73.
To move a database to another server (clustered systems):

1. Install the Interplay Engine on a new server (the target server).
Make sure the configuration is the same on both systems. For example, if you are moving an
AvidWG database, create an AvidWG database on the new server. If the original system uses
a split database, the new system should also use a split database (see “Configuring Interplay
for a Split Database” on page 216).
2. On the source server, lock the database by using the Lock/Unlock Database view (see
“Locking and Unlocking Databases” on page 60).
All clients are disconnected from the source server.
3. Deactivate the database using the Manage Databases view (see “Deactivating a Database” on
page 61).
4. Make sure the database is unloaded by using the Cluster Administrator on one of the cluster



Select Programs > Administrative Tools > Cluster Administrator.


Open the Avid Workgroup Server resource group.


In the list of resources, select Avid Workgroup Engine Monitor and change the state to

Make sure that you change the state to offline for the Avid Workgroup Engine Monitor
resource only, not the entire Avid Workgroup Server group.
d. Close the Cluster Administrator.
5. Locate the database folder on the active node of the source server.
The default path is \\virtual_cluster_name\WG_Database$\AvidWG (or AvidAM for an
Archive Manager). By default, the administrative share WG_Database$ refers to
S:\Workgroup_Databases. For more information, see “Identifying the Root Folder of the
Interplay Server Database” on page 227.


If the S drive is not available on the machine, either this is the offline node or the entire Avid
Workgroup Server group was taken offline instead of only the resource.
6. Pack the database folder into a zip file or use Robocopy from the Microsoft Windows
Resource Kit for path names longer than 256 characters.


Moving a Database and Users to Another Server (Clustered Systems)

To save time and storage, you do not need to copy all the backups in the
S:\Workgroup_Databases\AvidWG\_Backup folder. One complete backup and the most
recent Fast backup are sufficient.
If you are moving a split database, create two zip files, one for
S:\Workgroup_Databases\AvidWG and the other for
7. Copy the zipped file or files to a network server, removable media, a laptop, or directly to the
target server.
8. Open the Interplay Administrator, log on to the target server, and deactivate the database
(AvidWG or AvidAM) using the Manage Databases View.
9. On the target server, rename the existing database folder, for example, rename AvidWG to
10. If you are copying a non-split database, copy the zipped file to the target server and unzip the
file to the Workgroup_Databases folder. Make sure the path on the target server matches the
path on the source server.
If you are copying a split database, copy and unzip both zipped files to the correct locations.
Then edit the FolderLocations.xml file to show the correct paths. See “Splitting a Database
for Existing Interplay Installations” on page 222.
11. Activate the database by using the Manage Databases view (see “Activating a Deactivated
Database” on page 62).
12. On an Interplay Access client, log in to the new server and verify that all data is available.
If all data is available, the new database is ready for use.
If necessary, remove the old database from Interplay Access by right-clicking the database
name and then clicking Remove Databases.
13. (Option) On the source server, rename the original database folder to avoid unwanted future
Use the Cluster Administrator to bring the source server back online. Right-click the Avid
Workgroup Server group (not the resource) and select Bring Online.

Moving a Database and Users to Another Server
(Clustered Systems)
Under special circumstances, you might need to move a database and users to a different server.
The following procedure refers to Interplay Engine servers that are configured as failover
clusters. For non-clustered systems, see “Moving a Database and Users to Another Server
(Non-Clustered Systems)” on page 69.

Moving a Database and Users to Another Server (Clustered Systems)


Avid recommends that you have telephone support from Avid during the process in case
complications arise.
If you move a database to a server that points to a different CCS, all the old CCS
information that was stored, including users, user settings, and local administration
settings for the database, will be lost because you will have to migrate the database (see
“Migrating a Database” on page 65). If you move a database to another server and also
move the CCS, however, this information is preserved. To move both a database and a
CCS, use this procedure. For more information about a CCS, see “Understanding the
Central Configuration Server” on page 95.
To move a database and users to another server (clustered systems):

1. Install the Interplay Engine on a new server (the target server).
Make sure the configuration is the same on both systems. For example, if you are moving an
AvidWG database, create an AvidWG database on the new server. If the original system uses
a split database, the new system should also use a split database (see “Configuring Interplay
for a Split Database” on page 216).
2. On the source server, lock the database by using the Lock/Unlock Database view (see
“Locking and Unlocking Databases” on page 60).
All clients are disconnected from the source server.
3. Deactivate the database using the Manage Databases view (see “Deactivating a Database” on
page 61).
4. Lock the server using the Lock Server view (see “Locking and Unlocking the Server” on
page 85).
5. Make sure the database is unloaded by using the Cluster Administrator on one of the cluster



Select Programs > Administrative Tools > Cluster Administrator.


Open the Avid Workgroup Server resource group.


In the list of resources, select Avid Workgroup Engine Monitor and change the state to

Make sure that you change the state to offline for the Avid Workgroup Engine Monitor
resource only, not the entire Avid Workgroup Server group.
d. Close the Cluster Administrator.
6. Locate the database folder on the source server.


Moving a Database and Users to Another Server (Clustered Systems)

The default path is \\virtual_cluster_name\WG_Database$\AvidWG (or AvidAM for an
Archive Manager). By default, the administrative share WG_Database$ refers to
S:\Workgroup_Databases. For more information, see “Identifying the Root Folder of the
Interplay Server Database” on page 227.


If the S drive is not available on the machine, either this is the offline node or the entire Avid
Workgroup Server group was taken offline instead of only the resource.
7. Pack the database folder into a zip file or use Robocopy from the Microsoft Windows
Resource Kit for path names longer than 256 characters.
To save time and storage, you do not need to copy all the backups in the
S:\Workgroup_Databases\AvidWG\_Backup folder. One complete backup and the most
recent Fast backup are sufficient.
If you are moving a split database, create two zip files, one for
S:\Workgroup_Databases\AvidWG and the other for
8. Locate the user folder _InternalData on the source server.
The default path is S:\Workgroup_Databases\_InternalData.
9. Copy the zipped file and the _InternalData folder to a network server, removable media,
laptop, or directly to the target server.
10. On the target server, rename the existing database folder, for example, rename AvidWG to
11. Open the Interplay Administrator, log on to the target server, and deactivate the database
(AvidWG or AvidAM) using the Manage Databases View.
12. Lock the server using the Lock Server view (see “Locking and Unlocking the Server” on
page 85).
13. Rename the existing _InternalData folder to _InternalData_old.
14. If you are copying a non-split database, copy the zipped file to the target server and unzip the
file to the Workgroup_Databases folder. Copy the _InternalData folder to the
Workgroup_Databases folder. Make sure the path on the target server matches the path on
the source server.
If you are copying a split database, copy and unzip both zipped files to the correct locations.
Then edit the FolderLocations.xml file to show the correct paths. See “Splitting a Database
for Existing Interplay Installations” on page 222. Copy the _InternalData folder to the
Workgroup_Databases folder.
15. Unlock the server using the Lock Server view.
16. Verify that all users are on the system by opening the User Management view and viewing
the lists of user groups.

Moving a Database Under Low Disk Space Conditions

17. Activate the database by using the Manage Databases view (see “Activating a Deactivated
Database” on page 62).
18. On an Interplay Access client, log in to the new server and verify that all data is available.
If all data is available, the new database is ready for use.
If necessary, remove the old database from Interplay Access by right-clicking the database
name and then clicking Remove Databases.
19. (Option) On the source server, rename the original database folder to avoid unwanted future
Use the Cluster Administrator to bring the source server back online. Right-click the Avid
Workgroup Server group (not the resource) and select Bring Online.

Moving a Database Under Low Disk Space
If disk space on the server is critically low, the Interplay Engine refuses client connections and
displays an error message. In this situation, the administrator cannot log in and shut down the
server, and move a database by normal means (as described in “Moving a Database to Another
Server (Non-Clustered Systems)” on page 67 and “Moving a Database and Users to Another
Server (Non-Clustered Systems)” on page 69). In the Server installation directory (by default,
C:\Program Files\Avid\Avid Interplay Engine\Server), there are tools provided to solve such








Before beginning this procedure, be sure to make a backup of the database. See “Creating
and Restoring Database Backups” on page 33 for information on running a backup.
Temporarily change the Backup time field to “Once at” and enter or select from the list the
time in the future closest to the current time.
To move a database under low disk space conditions:

1. Lock the server using NxNServerLock.exe.
2. Shut down the server using NxNServerShutdown.exe, if necessary.
3. Move the database folder (AvidWG or AvidAM) to another drive or free up some disk space.


Renaming a Database

4. Unlock the server by doing one of the following:

Use the Interplay Administrator’s Lock Server view (see “Locking and Unlocking the
Server” on page 85).


Use NxNServerUnlock.exe.

5. Deactivate the moved database using the Manage Databases view (see “Deactivating a
Database” on page 61).
6. Activate the moved database in the correct location using the Manage Databases view (see
“Activating a Deactivated Database” on page 62).

Renaming a Database
Under some circumstances you might need to rename a database For example, if you need to
create a new database with the same name, you can rename the original database. You can keep
the original database as an archive for searching.


Before beginning this procedure, be sure to make a backup of the database. See “Creating
and Restoring Database Backups” on page 33 for information on running a backup.
Temporarily change the Backup time field to “Once at” and enter or select from the list the
time in the future closest to the current time.
To rename a database:

1. In the Database section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the Manage Databases
The Manage Databases view opens.
2. Select the database and click the Deactivate Database button to ensure that the database is
not in use.
3. On the server or at the database location, use the Windows desktop to rename the database
folder, .pro file, and .nif directory, and all files within the _Database folder, that is, replace
the old  with the new name for all files fitting the following mask:

Do not forget to rename the .jrn files correctly: make sure there are no typos in the database
name, and that they are followed by the underscore and the numeric ID.


Running Database Maintenance Tools

4. In the Interplay Administrator, click the Manage Databases icon and activate the database
(see “Activating a Deactivated Database” on page 62).

Running Database Maintenance Tools
The Maintenance view in the Database section of the Interplay Administrator provides the
following tools that you can use to fix database problems. You can use these tools with Interplay
Engine databases v2.4.0.1 or later, except for Validate User Tree, which you can use only with
Interplay Engine v2.6. The tools are not displayed when connected to earlier versions of the
Interplay Engine.

Verify Link Consistency: Use this tool to detect and remove broken links and link
Broken links are objects visible in a database folder that do not refer to an existing asset.
They are displayed with a special X icon and are named with a mob ID (media object ID).
They should be removed because they can cause exceptions during browsing.
Link inconsistencies are not visible. They are obsolete or invalid entries in internal database
tables. A high number might cause slowdowns for certain operations.


Cleanup Invalid Dependencies: Use this tool to detect and remove dependency
Dependency inconsistencies are not visible. They are obsolete or invalid entries in internal
database tables. A high number might cause slowdowns for certain operations.


Remove Duplicated Locators: Use this tool to detect and remove duplicated locators.
Duplicated locators are locators that have the same comment, timestamp, and color as
another locator on the same asset. A high number might cause slowdowns for certain
operations. They were created because of a bug in certain Avid editing products.


Recover Lost Master Mobs: Use this tool to detect and recover assets without a visible
representation in a folder and display them in the Orphan Clips folder.
Lost master mobs are assets (such as sequences, master clips, and subclips) that are stored in
the database but have no visible representation in a folder.


Delete Lost File Mobs: Use this tool to detect and remove media file information objects
containing information about a specific media file, like the resolution, site or location, which
are not associated to an asset.
Lost file mobs are media file information objects that are stored in the database but are not
associated to a master clip or rendered effect.


Running Database Maintenance Tools


Validate User Tree (Interplay Engine v2.6 or later): Use this tool to detect and fix
inconsistencies in the user structure.
The AvidWG or AvidAM database contains a copy of the CCS user database. If the internal
structure of this copy contains inconsistencies, then the synchronization of users between the
CCS and the database might fail.

When to run these tools: You can run any of these tools as part of a troubleshooting procedure,
as recommended by an Avid representative. You can also run them for maintenance during
regular maintenance windows. However, they are not designed to be run on a daily basis, because
they require Exclusive Access to the database (see below).
One approach to using the tools for maintenance is to run them in the first convenient
maintenance window. Note how long it takes to run the tools, and if any problems are reported. If
there are no problems after running the tools a second time, you probably do not need to run
them during every maintenance window. If as a result of running these tools you find an issue
that regularly causes inconsistencies, you must consult with your Avid representative to address
the root cause of the issue.
These tools can take up to an hour to run on large databases, but usually run much quicker, and
you can safely cancel the execution at any time. Each tool includes a window that displays
logging information and options for saving the information.
Exclusive Access: Keep in mind that each tool requires Exclusive Access. Exclusive Access
locks the database to prevent access by a host system other than the one used to acquire
Exclusive Access and the Engine itself. A dialog box asks if you want to acquire Exclusive
Access before running the selected tool. You must click Yes to run the tool. Exclusive Access is
automatically released at the end of the process. Consider sending out a notice to users before
running any of these tools, informing them that the database will be locked. Logged-on clients
will be automatically logged off after the database is locked.
Exclusive Access can be acquired and released in the Lock Server view, independently of the
Maintenance tools (see “Locking and Unlocking the Server” on page 85). In an emergency, such
as the Exclusive Access host crashed and there is no Interplay Administrator installed on the
Engine, you can run a command-line program to release Exclusive Access. The file name of the
tool is NxNServerExclusiveAccessRelease.exe and it is installed by default on the Interplay
Engine in one of the following folders:

32-bit OS: C:\Program Files\Avid\Avid Interplay Engine\Server


64-bit OS: C:\Program Files (x86)\Avid\Avid Interplay Engine\Server

To run a database maintenance tool:

1. In the Database section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the Maintenance icon.
The Maintenance view opens.

Running Database Maintenance Tools

2. In the left column of the view, select the database on which you want to run the tool.
3. Double-click the icon for the tool you want to use.
4. Select options for the tool as described in the following table:


Verify Link Consistency


Fix broken links. Select this option to delete any broken links. If
you do not select this option, the tool reports broken links and
removes link inconsistencies. but does not take action to fix the
broken links.


Verbose Output. Select this option to display the location of the
broken links.

Cleanup Invalid Dependencies


Cleanup Invalid Dependencies. Select this option to remove the
invalid dependencies. If you do not select this option, the tool
reports problems without taking action to fix them.

Remove Duplicated Locators


Remove duplicate locators. Select this option to remove the
duplicated locators. If you do not select this option, the tool
reports problems but does not take action to fix them.


Verbose Output. Select this option to display the names of the
assets with duplicated locators.


Recover into ‘Orphan Clips’ folder. Select this option to create
links for lost master mobs in to the Orphan Clips folder for
deletion. If you do not select this option, the tool reports problems
but does not take action to fix them.


Verbose Output. Select this option to display the names of the lost
master mobs.


Delete File Mobs. Select this option to delete lost media
information objects.


Delete Media. Select this option to delete media associated with
the lost media information objects.

Recover Lost Master Mobs

Delete Lost File Mobs

If you do not select these options, the tool reports problems but
does not take action to fix them.

Validate User Tree (Interplay
Engine v2.6 or later)


Verbose Output. Select this option to display the media path.


Fix Invalid Users. Select this option to repair certain
inconsistencies in the user structure.
If you do not select this option, the tool reports problems but does
not take action to fix them.


Verbose Output. Select this option to display user names.


Running Database Maintenance Tools

5. Click Run.
A dialog box asks if you want to set Exclusive Access to the database.
6. Click Yes.
The tool runs with the options you selected. While the tool is running, information about the
progress and found issues is displayed. When the tool is finished the following options are

Open Log in editor: Opens the displayed information in Notepad or another default text
editor. This version of the runtime information includes specific date and time


Copy Log to Clipboard: Copies the information you see displayed to the clipboard.


Save Log: Saves a version of the displayed information with additional specific date and
time information, like the first option. It uses the following format:

7. Click Close.


3 Server Settings
The Server settings enable you to configure and change server settings and shutdown and restart
the server. The following topics describe how to use these settings:

Changing the Database and Data Locations


Viewing Server Information


Locking and Unlocking the Server


Restarting the Server


Managing Licenses

Changing the Database and Data Locations
The Server Settings view lets you change the default locations for a new database.


Do not change the location for the metadata database. The metadata database must be
stored directly on the local Interplay Engine server because permanent access to these files
is required. This is the only supported setup. You have the option of storing the source files
for file assets on an Avid shared-storage workspace. This configuration is known as a split
Changing the root folder for file assets is part of the process of creating a split database. For
more information and instructions, see “Configuring Interplay for a Split Database” on page 216.
The root folder for a new database is set during the installation of the Interplay Engine software.
By default, the installation program creates a shared folder that functions as the root folder for
both the metadata database and the source files for file assets (the file repository). The default
location is the D:\Workgroup_Databases folder, which is represented by the administrative share
name WG_Database$. The $ indicates a hidden share.


To identify the actual folder, open a Command Prompt window and type net share.
If you need to create a new database, changing these settings does not affect any existing

Viewing Server Information

To change the root folders for a new database:

1. In the Server section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the Server Settings icon.
The Server Settings view opens.

2. For the root folder of the database (metadata), keep the folder that was set during the
installation of the server (the default is \\IEServer\WG_Database$\).
3. For the root folder of the data (file assets), change the folder to a workspace on Avid shared
storage (see “Configuring Interplay for a Split Database” on page 216). Type a UNC path or
browse through the Avid Unity Network or Avid ISIS Network to the workspace.
You might need to provide proper credentials to browse and access the shared storage
4. Click Apply Changes to change the setting for new databases.
5. If you changed the root folder for the file assets, complete the tasks described in “Splitting a
Database for New Interplay Installations” on page 220 or “Splitting a Database for Existing
Interplay Installations” on page 222.

Viewing Server Information
The Server Information view has two areas:

The Server Information area displays information about the following:

The version of the Avid Interplay Engine software


The number of connected clients (through Interplay Access and other client


The number of databases on the server


Viewing Server Information



The Connected User Information area displays information about the following:

Which database users are connected to


Which user is connected to which database


Which machine the user is connected from


What time a user has been connected since

The type of licenses in use (see “License Types and Usage” on page 92)

To view information about the Interplay Engine server:


In the Server section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the Server Information
The Server Information view opens.


Locking and Unlocking the Server

Locking and Unlocking the Server
The Lock Server view allows the administrator to lock the Interplay Engine server for a specific
period of time. Locking the server is useful when carrying out tasks such as:



Server maintenance or upgrading the server software.


Maintaining or rebooting the Avid shared-storage server.

Whenever a database or data location is unavailable, you should lock the database or the server.
The Lock Server view provides two different means of locking the Interplay Engine server: Lock
Server and Exclusive Access.

If Lock Server is activated, the Interplay Engine server is locked, all the clients that are
connected to it are disconnected, and the database is saved.


If Exclusive Access is activated, the server process continues to run and the database can be
used. Access is limited to the following host systems:

The host system used to acquire Exclusive Access, that is, the host system running the
Interplay Administrator you used to set Exclusive Access


The Interplay Engine host, for example, through an Interplay Administrator or Interplay
Access client on the Interplay Engine host system

Exclusive Access is required when running maintenance tools. See “Running Database
Maintenance Tools” on page 78.
In addition to the Interplay Administrator client, any Interplay client running on one of these
hosts (for example, Interplay Access, a Media Services provider, or an Avid editing system)
is allowed to connect to the Interplay Engine and the database. This access allows you to
execute a variety of maintenance tasks from this host while ensuring that no other host can
access the Engine and database.
If the database becomes corrupt, the server might be locked automatically.
The following table summarizes the differences between a server lock, a database lock, and
Exclusive Access:


Server lock
(Lock Server view)

Saves and unloads all databases (including _InternalData). Also prevents access
by the Interplay Administrator. Should be used for maintenance operations that
require access to all database files (in the share WG_Database$). Usually
shutting down the Interplay Engine is a better approach than a server lock.


Locking and Unlocking the Server



Database lock
Database view)

Saves and unloads the database and thus allow maintenance operations on the
database files themselves. Working with the database is not possible. Good for
database file-level maintenance and restoring backups. Still allows access by
the Interplay Administrator for settings such as user management and licensing.
See “Locking and Unlocking Databases” on page 60.

Exclusive Access
(Lock Server view)

Does not unload any database files and therefore allows the owner of the
Exclusive Access to work with the database. Good for executing maintenance
operations in the database itself. Cannot be used for any database file
maintenance operations.

To lock the server and prevent any user access:

1. In the Server section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the Lock Server icon.
The Lock Server view opens.


Locking and Unlocking the Server

2. In the Lock Server section, select one of the following for the locking duration:

Indefinitely: An indefinite shutdown. This is a good choice when shutting down the
server to carry out any vital maintenance, for example replacing hard drives, or making
the first backup of a new database. The server needs to be manually unlocked after
maintenance work.


Minutes: Allows you to stipulate when to restart the server (short time frame). It is
useful when you are making routine backups and you know how much time you need.
Specify the time period by clicking the Up and Down arrows.


Lock until: Allows you to stipulate when to restart the server (longer time frame).
Specify the time period by clicking the Up and Down arrows.


Locking and Unlocking the Server

3. In the “Lock comment” text box, type a comment as to why you are locking the server. This
comment is displayed when an Interplay Administrator tries to log into the Interplay Engine.
4. Click Lock Server.
The Lock Server view changes to display lock information. You cannot return to the
Interplay Administrator window by clicking the Menu button. You can log out of the
Interplay Administrator tool and then log in again.
To manually unlock the server after activating Lock Server, do one of the following:


Log in to the Interplay Administrator, click the Lock Server icon, click Unlock Server and
log in to the Interplay Administrator.


In emergency situations, run the command-line program NxNServerUnlock.exe. It is
installed by default on the Interplay Engine in one of the following folders:

32-bit OS: C:\Program Files\Avid\Avid Interplay Engine\Server


64-bit OS: C:\Program Files (x86)\Avid\Avid Interplay Engine\Server

To lock the server and allow access to the host that acquires the lock:

1. In the Server section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the Lock Server icon.
The Lock Server view opens.
2. In the Exclusive Access section, select one of the following for the locking duration:

Indefinitely: An indefinite shutdown. This is a good choice when shutting down the
server to carry out any vital maintenance, for example replacing hard drives, or making
the first backup of a new database. The server needs to be manually unlocked after
maintenance work.


Minutes: Allows you to stipulate when to restart the server (short time frame). It is
useful when you are making routine backups and you know how much time you need.
Specify the time period by clicking the Up and Down arrows.


Lock until: Allows you to stipulate when to restart the server (longer time frame).
Specify the time period by clicking the Up and Down arrows.

3. In the “Lock comment” text box, type a comment as to why you are locking the server. This
comment is displayed when an Interplay Administrator tries to log into the Interplay Engine.
4. Click Exclusive Access.
Exclusive Access Information is displayed. The “Accessible for” field lists the hostnames of
the host that acquired the lock and the Interplay Engine host.


Restarting the Server

You can return to the Interplay Administrator window by clicking the Menu button, log out
of the Interplay Administrator tool and then log in again, and perform other database tasks.
To manually unlock the server after activating Exclusive Access, do one of the following:


Log in to the Interplay Administrator from the host where you acquired Exclusive Access or
on the Engine host itself, click the Lock Server icon, then click Release Exclusive Access.


In emergency situations, run the command-line program
NxNServerExclusiveAccessRelease.exe. It is installed by default on the Interplay
Engine in one of the following folders:

32-bit OS: C:\Program Files\Avid\Avid Interplay Engine\Server


64-bit OS: C:\Program Files (x86)\Avid\Avid Interplay Engine\Server

Restarting the Server
Restarting the server disconnects any clients and shuts down the database before the server
process is restarted. You rarely need to restart the server. Typically, you restart the server if you
want to disconnect all clients and want to make sure no one is connected to the server so that you
can perform maintenance. For example, you might restart the server and then lock the database
as part of the process of moving the database.
Restarting only restarts the server process and not the server machine itself.


Depending on the size of the database, this process can take several minutes. Do not
attempt to reboot the server under any circumstances before this process is completed.
To restart the server process:

1. In the Server section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the Restart Server icon.
The Restart Server view opens.
2. Click Restart.

Managing Licenses

Managing Licenses
Avid Interplay needs valid licenses in order to function. A license consists of a hardware ID and
a license key. The hardware ID is sometimes associated with the physical application key, or
dongle. The license key is created by a license file and includes information about the license
types for individual applications.
The Licenses view has two areas:


The License Types area displays information about the following:

Your current license types (see “License Types and Usage” on page 92).


Number of license types available.


License types used.


Time limit (days): the total days included in the license. If you have more than one
license loaded that includes the same license type, only one time limit is stored for each


Days remaining: the number of days until expiration. If you have more than one license
loaded that includes the same license type, only one value for the days remaining is
stored for each type.

The Server Information area displays information about the following:

Customer ID. The customer name or ID number.


The permitted number of databases.


Hardware ID, obtained from the physical application key (dongle). The Hardware ID is
required to obtain technical support.


License mode: All Interplay licenses are nodelocked.


Lock timeout: The lock timeout is the time the server freezes a license on the server
before it is freed for use by another user or machine. All Interplay licenses use a setting
of 0 hours, 0 minutes, and 0 seconds.

Managing Licenses

To view information about your licenses:


In the Server section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the Licenses icon.
The Licenses view opens.

For information about importing a license file, see “Installing a Permanent License” on
page 91. For information about exporting a license file, see “Exporting a License” on
page 93.

Installing a Permanent License
During Interplay Engine installation a temporary license for one user is activated automatically
so that you can administer and install the system. There is no time limit for this license. A
permanent license is provided by Avid in the form of a file (*.nxn) on a USB flash drive.
If you purchase additional licenses, the licenses are additive. For example, one license key with 2
Access and 2 Assist users and an additional license key with 2 Access and 3 Assist users yields a
total of 4 Access and 5 Assist clients.


Managing Licenses

A license for an Interplay Engine failover cluster includes two hardware IDs. You only need to
install the license on one node of the cluster.
To install a permanent license:

1. Start and log in to the Interplay Administrator.
2. Make a folder for the license file on the root directory (C:\) of the Interplay Engine server or
another server. For example:
3. Insert the USB flash drive into any USB port.


You can access the license file from the USB flash drive. The advantage of copying the license
file to a server is that you have easy access to installer files if you should ever need them in the
If the USB flash drive does not automatically display:

Double-click the computer icon on the desktop.


Double-click the USB flash drive icon to open it.

4. Copy the license file (*.nxn) into the new folder you created.
5. In the Server section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the Licenses icon.
6. Click the Import license button.
7. Browse for the *.nxn file.
8. Select the file and click Open.
You see information about the permanent license in the License Types area.

License Types and Usage
The following table describes the license types displayed in the Licenses view. Each license type
is associated with a particular license key.
License Types Used for Avid Applications



Interplay Archive Engine


Interplay Streaming Server


Interplay Central full client license


Interplay Central browse client license


Managing Licenses

License Types Used for Avid Applications (Continued)



Interplay Access


Interplay Assist


Avid Editing Applications


Avid Instinct


Digidesign™ Pro Tools®Integration

One Interplay Streaming Server license (KEY_C) is required for each streaming server in an
Interplay workgroup.
If you have an editing application running, then no additional license is needed to run Access at
the same time. For example, if an Avid editing application has been started, KEY-XE also covers
Interplay Access on the same machine. If the editing application is started after Interplay Access
is started, KEY-X is released and KEY-XE is used instead. The same behavior applies to licenses
for Interplay Assist, Avid Instinct, and Digidesign Pro Tools Integration.
When you close an application, its license is released and can be used by another client.

Exporting a License
You might need to export your license information for support purposes.


Export functionality is intended for Avid support purposes. You might not be able to reimport an
exported license.
To export your license to a file:

1. Click the Export license button in the Licenses view.
2. Type or browse to a .nxn file name.
3. Select Save.

Troubleshooting Licensing Problems
If you previously attached one application key (dongle) and loaded the registration file for that
dongle, and then attach a different dongle and try to load a new registration file, the registration
file will not load. You need to delete the Windows registry key for the dongle.


Managing Licenses

To delete the registry key for a dongle:

1. Click Start, then click Run.
2. In the Open text box, type regedit and click OK.
The Registry Editor view opens.
3. Locate the registry key for the original dongle, found here:

Technology\Workgroup\Avid Workgroup Server\FeatureKeys\Permanent


Technology\Workgroup\Avid Workgroup Server\FeatureKeys\Permanent

4. Delete the Permanent folder.
5. Close the Registry Editor window.
6. Reload the new registration file as described in “Installing a Permanent License” on page 91.

Using the License Key Info Tool
You can use the LicenseKeyInfo tool to display and print out the license information for an
Interplay Engine or Interplay Archive Engine. This tool is primarily a support tool. It is useful
when you have only a license file available (and not a server), or you want to know the enabled
features of a license without installing it.
To examine the license key information for an Interplay Engine:

1. Navigate to the following folder:
C:\Program Files\Avid\Avid Interplay Engine\Server
2. Double-click LicenseKeyInfo.exe
The Interplay License Info dialog box opens.
3. Click Get License Info.
4. Select the License file and click OK.
The system displays the license info.
5. (Option) Click Save License Info or Print License Info and follow the on-screen instructions.


4 User Management
An administrator controls access to Avid Interplay through user accounts and user roles. The
following topics provide information about how to manage user accounts and access to the

Understanding the Central Configuration Server


Adding Users to a Central Configuration Server


Setting User Authentication Providers and Importing Users


Managing Users, User Groups, and User Rights


Managing Database Roles


Guidelines for User Management

For specific examples of how to manage user roles, see “Setting Up a Folder Structure and a
User Database” in the Avid Interplay Best Practices.

Understanding the Central Configuration Server
The Central Configuration Server (CCS) is an Interplay Engine with a special module that is
useful if you are working in an environment that includes more than one Interplay Engine
(including an Interplay Archive Engine). The CCS uses this module to store information that is
common to all other Interplay Engines. Cross-database management of administrative tasks is
possible because all of the Interplay Engines under the CCS inherit its settings by default. A
Central Configuration Server is especially useful for user management tasks.
You set a CCS whenever you install an Interplay Engine. At that time, you can set the CCS as the
server on which you are installing, or you can specify a previously installed Interplay Engine,
including an Interplay Archive Engine. The Interplay Engine acts as the CCS as soon as it is
started after the installation. Each Interplay Engine must be associated with a CCS. An Interplay
Engine can be its own CCS.

Understanding the Central Configuration Server

Depending on the number of Interplay Engines that are installed, several CCS configurations are

One Interplay Engine: Configure this server as the CCS.


Several Interplay Engines: Usually you configure only one Interplay Engine as the CCS. The
use of more than one CCS in a company might be useful if there are several independent
domains, departments, or sites where there is no need to share users or other settings in Avid
Interplay. In the case where several sites are located in different locations, having one CCS
for each site could be practical.

If necessary, you can use the Central Configuration Server view to change the CCS that you set
during the Interplay Engine installation.


Do not reset the CCS unless there is real need to do so, such as a space issue. All the
information that was stored on the old CCS, including users and local administration
settings, is lost when the CCS is changed to another server unless you first move the
_InternalData folder to the server that will be used as the new CCS. If you do not or cannot
move the _InternalData folder to the new CCS, and you set the new CCS for the database,
you must migrate the database through the Manage Databases view. In this case, all
previous CCS-related information will be lost.
The following procedures describe how to change the CCS:

“Moving the CCS to Another Server” on page 96


“Viewing and Changing the CCS for a Server” on page 97.

Specifying an incorrect CCS can prevent login. See “Troubleshooting Login Problems” on
page 208.

Moving the CCS to Another Server


Before beginning the following procedure, be sure to make a backup of the database. See
“Creating and Restoring Database Backups” on page 33 for information on running a
backup. You can use the Start Backup Now feature to start a backup immediately.
The following procedure is based on these assumptions:

Server A is the CCS.


You want to keep the CCS settings and user information that exist on server A, but move
them to server B.


You do not want to keep the original CCS information that exists server B.


Understanding the Central Configuration Server


Server B should be created by a clean installation and should serve as its own CCS. No
other database should point to Server B as a CCS, because any existing user data on Server
B will be lost.
To move a CCS to another server:

1. Back up the database. See “Creating and Restoring Database Backups” on page 33.
2. Make sure that the Interplay Engine on both servers is the same version. See “Viewing
Server Information” on page 83.
3. Start Interplay Administrator and log in to server A (which is the current CCS).
4. Lock server A. See “Locking and Unlocking the Server” on page 85.
5. In Interplay Administrator, log out of server A.
6. Log in to server B.
7. Lock server B.
8. Log out of server B.
9. Use Windows Explorer to delete the _InternalData folder on server B.
The folder is located by default in \\IEServer\WG_Database$ (usually
D:\Workgroup_Databases\). See “Identifying the Root Folder of the Interplay Server
Database” on page 227.
10. Copy the _InternalData folder from server A to the default database location of server B.
11. In Interplay Administrator, log in to server A, unlock the server, and log out.
12. Log in to server B and unlock the server.
13. Make sure the CCS for server B is set as server B itself. If necessary, complete “Viewing and
Changing the CCS for a Server” on page 97.
14. Log out of server B.
15. On server A, change the CCS for server A to server B using “Viewing and Changing the
CCS for a Server” on page 97.

Viewing and Changing the CCS for a Server


Before beginning the following procedure, be sure to make a backup of the database. See
“Creating and Restoring Database Backups” on page 33 for information on running a
backup. You can use the Start Backup Now feature to start a backup immediately.


Understanding the Central Configuration Server

The following procedure is based on these assumptions:

Server A is the CCS.


You want server B to be the CCS for server A. You want to use the settings and user
information that exists on server B.


You do not want to keep the CCS information that exists on server A.

To change the CCS for a server:

1. Back up the database. See “Creating and Restoring Database Backups” on page 33.
2. Make sure that server A and server B are the same version, otherwise the CCS does not
reset. See “Viewing Server Information” on page 83.
3. Start the Interplay Administrator on server A, and log in to Server A.
4. In the User Management section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the Central
Configuration Server icon.
The Central Configuration Server view opens.

5. Use the arrow in the Central Configuration Server list to select server B to use as the CCS.
A warning appears explaining the consequences if you have not followed the procedure
“Moving the CCS to Another Server” on page 96 and moved the _InternalData folder to
server B.
Moving the _InternalData folder is usually recommended. If you do not, all users and local
administration settings are lost.


Understanding the Central Configuration Server

6. Do one of the following:

To keep the original CCS, click Cancel.


To change to a new CCS, click Change CCS.

7. If you have not moved the original CCS server (see “Moving the CCS to Another Server” on
page 96), you need to migrate the database to the new CCS and all of your CCS-related data
(such as users and local administration) are lost. Unmigrated databases should not be used;
databases should always be migrated to a CCS. Unmigrated databases cannot be
administered. For more information, see “Migrating a Database” on page 65.


Adding Users to a Central Configuration Server

Adding Users to a Central Configuration Server
There are several ways to add users to a Central Configuration Server:

Automatically adding Avid Unity (shared-storage) users. These users are added to the CCS
the first time they log in. They log in using their Avid Unity username and password. For
more information, see “Setting Avid Unity Authentication” on page 102.


Importing users from a Windows domain or LDAP directory. You need to use the User
Authentication Providers view to import these users. They log in using their Windows or
LDAP username and password. For more information, see “Setting Windows Domain
Authentication and Importing Users” on page 103 and “Setting LDAP Authentication and
Importing Users” on page 105.


Individually creating users. You need to use the User Management view to create individual
users. They log in using the username and password that you set. For more information, see
“Adding Users Manually” on page 113.

Setting User Authentication Providers and Importing
The User Authentication Providers view lets you set the type of authentication users need to
provide when logging in to Avid Interplay. You can select one or more of the following
authentication providers:

Avid Unity


Windows Domain



Selecting these providers lets users log in without requiring them to use an additional username
and password for Avid Interplay. You still have the option of creating individual users
specifically for Avid Interplay (see “Adding Users Manually” on page 113).
The User Authentication Providers view lets you import users from a Windows domain or LDAP
server. You do not need to explicitly import Avid Unity users; they are imported at the time they
log in.
Information from this view is saved in the CCS (see “Understanding the Central Configuration
Server” on page 95).


Setting User Authentication Providers and Importing Users


All special characters are allowed in user names except for \ (backslash), / (forward slash),
| (vertical bar), and quotes (" and '). When LDAP and Windows Domain users are imported,
these characters are replaced with “_”. If two users have different user names that are mapped
to the same converted name (for example, dann/o and dann\o become dann_o), only one
converted user name is imported. These users currently cannot be authorized through LDAP or
Windows Domain; they can only be imported.


Setting User Authentication Providers and Importing Users

The users are added to the Imported Users folder in the User Management page, under the
respective subfolder for LDAP, Microsoft, or Avid Unity. Users are also added to the Everyone
folder. The following illustration shows these subfolders with the LDAP folder selected.

These types of user authentication and how users are imported are described in the following

“Setting Avid Unity Authentication” on page 102


“Setting Windows Domain Authentication and Importing Users” on page 103


“Setting LDAP Authentication and Importing Users” on page 105


“LDAP Server Configuration Settings” on page 107

Setting Avid Unity Authentication
If you select the Avid ISIS Authentication option, a user can log in to the Avid Interplay database
using a valid Avid Unity (Avid MediaNetwork or Avid ISIS password). The authentication
mechanism always checks this User Authentication Provider first.

Setting User Authentication Providers and Importing Users

This method of authorization is implicit. In other words, there is no active import of users at the
time the Avid ISIS Authentication is enabled. Instead, the first time that an Avid Unity user logs
in to Avid Interplay, the user is added to the UNITY user group subfolder. By default, this user
group has Read rights.
If your workgroup includes multiple ISIS systems, you need to specify each additional ISIS
server name. Users can then use their Avid ISIS credentials to log in to the Interplay database
and access any additional ISIS servers to which they have access. For more information, see the
Avid Interplay Software Installation and Configuration Guide.
To enable Avid Unity authentication:

1. In the User Management section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the User
Authentication Providers icon.
The User Authentication Providers view opens.
2. Click Avid ISIS Configuration Settings.
3. Type the Avid Unity server name with which the CCS should cross-check for authentication.
In an Avid ISIS environment, type the name of the System Director. In an Avid Unity
MediaNetwork environment, type the name of the File Manager.
In a multiple ISIS workgroup, type the name of the local System Director.
4. In a multiple ISIS workgroup, click the Add Avid ISIS button and type the System Director
hostname for the additional Avid ISIS systems.
5. Click Apply.
The first time an Avid Unity user logs into Interplay, the user is added to the CCS as part of
the UNITY user group under Imported Users, with Read rights by default.
To reassign an Avid Unity user’s Interplay rights:


Move the user to a different user group later if you want to give the user a different role.
For more information, see “Managing Database Roles” on page 120.

Setting Windows Domain Authentication and Importing Users
If you activate Windows Domain authentication, a user is able to log in to an Avid Interplay
database with a Windows domain user name and password. Any time a user tries to access an
Avid Interplay database, the CCS (Central Configuration Server) can use the Windows login
information to authenticate the user and in turn to check which databases the user can access.
To use this feature, the Interplay Engine Server Execution User must be a member of the domain
from which you import users and against which you want to authenticate users. If the user is
logged in to a supported Windows machine, and logged into the same domain as the Interplay
Engine, the user can log in using the domain user name and password.

Setting User Authentication Providers and Importing Users

An administrator needs to assign suitable roles to the imported users before they can access the
database. By default, imported users do not have access rights to the database, which will cause a
login to fail even if a user is properly authenticated by the domain. In this case, the following
error message is displayed:

Note also that for Interplay to import users from an Active Directory, these users must be placed
in groups. Interplay does not support importing of single users. To facilitate administration, Avid
recommends that you align the Interplay group structure with the Active Directory group


Some large organizations might use a hierarchical domain structure called a “forest root
domain.” For example, an organization with a domain named “company.com” might choose to
place its Interplay production system in a sub-domain named “avid.company.com.” In Windows,
users from different parts of this organization can be managed in groups (for example, a
“Universal Group”) and can be authenticated across the entire forest. Interplay domain
authentication does not support this structure. If you select a domain for authentication, users
from other forest domains will be stripped from the group during the import process.
To enable Windows domain authentication:

1. In the User Management section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the User
Authentication Providers icon.
The User Authentication Providers view opens.
2. Select the Windows Domain Authentication option.

3. Click Import Windows Domain Users.
The Import User Groups dialog box opens.
4. Do one of the following:

Select the user groups you want to import into the Avid Interplay system.


Click Select All to import all the user groups into the Avid Interplay system.

Setting User Authentication Providers and Importing Users

5. Click OK.


Depending on the size and complexity of the import, the import operation might prevent users
from logging on, browsing, checking in, or doing on work on the server
Upon import, Interplay creates a new user group and subfolder called MICROSOFT under
Imported Users in the User Management view. It imports all the users authenticated on the
Windows domain that are not currently in the Avid Interplay user database. These users are
imported to the MICROSOFT group and have the default role of No Access. Users can then
be moved to different groups to gain a new user role. See “Managing Database Roles” on
page 120.
Users that are already in the Avid Interplay user database during a Windows Domain User
import are added to the MICROSOFT group again but retain the group placement and role
they already had.


New users added to the Windows domain are not continually imported to the CCS. You need to
add them manually. See “Adding Users Manually” on page 113.

Setting LDAP Authentication and Importing Users
If you select the LDAP Authentication option, a user can log in to Avid Interplay databases with
an LDAP user name and password. Avid Interplay supports LDAP Version 2 and LDAP Version
To properly configure LDAP authentication, you must know the schema of the LDAP database.
Two common schemas are

Microsoft Active Directory LDAP implementation


A freely available LDAP service such as OpenLDAP

The configuration you specify depends on the LDAP schema against which you are
authenticating. The following illustration shows some differences between Active Directory and


Setting User Authentication Providers and Importing Users


Active Directory LDAP


Details on the LDAP schema objects can be found in RFC1274, “The Cosine and Internet X.500
To import LDAP users and enable LDAP authentication:

1. In the User Management section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the User
Authentication Providers icon.
The User Authentication Providers view opens.
2. Select the LDAP Authentication option.
3. Type the information in the edit fields that specifies the individual LDAP settings of your
LDAP server.
The settings are described in “LDAP Server Configuration Settings” on page 107.
4. Click Apply.
5. Click Import LDAP Users to add all the LDAP users to the user group “LDAP Users” for the
Interplay CCS.
The Import LDAP Users dialog box opens.

Setting User Authentication Providers and Importing Users

6. Select the users that you want to import.
7. Click OK.
Interplay creates a new user group and subfolder called LDAP under Imported Users and
imports all the users from the LDAP server that match the filter criteria in the LDAP
configuration, and are not currently available in the Avid Interplay user database. These
users are imported to the LDAP group and have the default role of No Access. Users can
then be moved to different groups to gain a new user role. See “Managing Database Roles”
on page 120.
Users that are already in the Avid Interplay user database during an LDAP User import are
added to the LDAP group again but retain the additional group placement and role they
already have.


New users added to the LDAP server are not continually imported to the CCS. You need to add
them manually. See “Adding Users Manually” on page 113.

LDAP Server Configuration Settings
The following table describes the LDAP server settings that are needed for authentication and


LDAP Server

IP address of the LDAP server.


Port for the LDAP service. For Standard LDAP, accept the default port
389. For Active Directory Global Catalog LDAP, specify port 3268. For
LDAP enabled over SSL (LDAPS), specify port 636


Select this option if the LDAP uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)


Secured LDAP requires an X.509 certificate infrastructure. For
more information, see the Microsoft article “How to enable LDAP
over SSL with a third-party certification authority.”

User DN for Searches

User DN for a user who has the right to query the directory. This DN will
be used for logging on to the LDAP directory and performing a search for
importable objects after you click the Import LDAP Users button.

Password for Searches

Password for a user who has the right to query the directory. This
password will be used for logging on to the LDAP directory after you
click the Import LDAP Users button.


Setting User Authentication Providers and Importing Users



Search Root DN

DN root for searches in the LDAP database. This DN specifies the search
root that will be used after you click the Import LDAP Users button. This
DN typically points to the branch of the LDAP tree where the user objects
are located. Typical examples are
“CN=queryuser,CN=Users,DC=company,DC=com” for Windows Active
Directory LDAP, or “CN=queryuser,DC=company,DC=com” for

User Object Class

Object class attribute of a User. This value will be used as a search filter
after you click the Import LDAP Users button. Interplay will perform an
ldap_search request on the directory, and all returned objects that match
User Object Class will be imported. A typical setting for Microsoft AD
LDAP would be organizationalPerson. For OpenLDAP, a typical object
class would be simpleSecurityObject.

User Name Attribute

Attribute that stores the user name to use for LDAP-authenticated logins.
The content of this attribute becomes the imported user name in Interplay
and defines the user name for LDAP-authenticated login attempts. This
attribute might vary according to the LDAP schema, and there might be
multiple attributes storing different varieties of the user name. For
Microsoft Active Directory LDAP and OpenLDAP, the most standard
attribute is “cn,” the common name as defined in RFC 4519. Other
attributes such as displayName or mailNickname (in an Exchange-enabled
environment) might also exist.

User DN Suffix

Suffix that must be appended to the user name to form a valid
Distinguished User Name (DN). The resulting DN will be used whenever
a user tries to authenticate through LDAP: Interplay will issue a simple
ldap_bind request to the directory service, using a DN constructed
according to the rule given above, and the clear text password as given by
the user.
For example, if the user name specified during login is “journalist” and
the User DN Suffix is “CN=Users,DC=company,DC=com,” Interplay will
try to bind to the LDAP service using a DN of
“CN=journalist,CN=Users,DC=company,DC=com.” Access will be
granted if the bind request is allowed by the LDAP service. Depending on
the LDAP service implementation, there might be other possible ways of
constructing a DN valid for binding to the LDAP service. In Active
Directory LDAP, for example, a DN suffix of “@company.com,” resulting
in a DN of “journalist@company.com” might also work.


Setting User Authentication Providers and Importing Users

The following illustration shows an example of settings for an Active Directory LDAP

The following illustration shows an example of settings for an OpenLDAP implementation.


Managing Users, User Groups, and User Rights

Managing Users, User Groups, and User Rights
The User Management view lets you create, modify, manage and delete users and user groups. It
also lets you define user roles and authentication protocols. If you are working in an environment
that includes more than one Interplay Engine, you should manage users through a CCS (see
“Understanding the Central Configuration Server” on page 95). Managing users through a CCS
lets you manage users across multiple workgroups.
If you work at a relatively small site where all editors and assistants have access to all the current
projects, then you can set all user roles by user groups. If you work at a site where you need to
limit access to some projects, you can set roles for users on specific folders. See “Managing
Database Roles” on page 120.
For more information about managing user roles, with specific examples, see “Setting Up a
Folder Structure and a User Database” in the Avid Interplay Best Practices Guide.
The following illustration shows the User Management view with the Administrators group
selected. In this example, there are three custom user groups: Assistants, Editors, and Graphic


Managing Users, User Groups, and User Rights


Managing Users, User Groups, and User Rights

Understanding Default User Groups, Users, and Roles
The User Management view displays all user groups and users. The user groups created during
the server installation are as follows:

Administrators, with the user Administrator: Users with administrator rights. When you first
log in after the first installation, if you have not yet imported Windows Domain or LDAP
server users, the only user displayed is the user “Administrator” with administrator rights.
This user cannot be deleted, nor can the user rights be restricted in any way.


Everyone: All users. This group contains the master user for every user in all the other
groups. The master user in the Everyone group is the original user object. Instances of a user
in other groups are linked to the master user. By default, the group role is set to No Access.
The following illustration shows the master user for Administrator in the Everyone group
and a link to the master user in the Administrators group. The icon for the linked user
includes a link symbol.

Link to Administrator master u
Administrator master user
(in the Everyone group)



Imported Users: Users imported from Avid Unity, Windows Domain or LDAP (see “Setting
User Authentication Providers and Importing Users” on page 100). By default, the group
roles are set as follows:

LDAP: No Access.




UNITY: Read Access.

Migrated Users: The group for users migrated from an Avid Unity MediaManager
environment to an Avid Interplay environment. By default, the group role is set to No
Access. For more information on migrating users from an Avid Unity MediaManager
environment to an Interplay environment, see your Avid representative.

Adding User Groups
Interplay creates default user groups during the server installation. You can create additional
groups so that you can more easily manage access to the database. For example, you might have
a group of editors that should always have Read/Write/Delete privileges on all files. You might

Managing Users, User Groups, and User Rights

also have a group of assistants that should have Read/Write privileges. In this case you can set up
two user groups that have different sets of privileges: one named Editors, and one named
To create a user group:

1. In the User Management section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the User
Management icon.
The User Management view opens.
2. In the Users pane, select the group into which you want to add a the new user group. To
create a group at the top level, select Users.
3. Do one of the following:

Press Ctrl+G for a new user group.


Click the Create User Group button.

4. Add a name and a description for the new group.
By default, the description is inherited from the group in which you created the group.
All special characters are allowed in user and group names except “\”, “/”, “|” and quotes ("
and '). For more information, see “Viewing and Setting Attributes” on page 114.
5. (Option) Select a role for the new group.
Roles are inherited from the group in which you create the group. For more information, see
“Viewing and Changing Roles” on page 116.
6. Click Apply.

Adding Users Manually
You need to add users manually if you do not automatically add them through Unity
(shared-storage) authentication. Even if you import Windows Domain or LDAP users, you need
to add users manually if they are added to the Windows domain or LDAP server.
To add a user manually:

1. In the User Management section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the User
Management icon.
The User Management view opens.
2. In the Users pane, select the group into which you want to add a user.
3. Do one of the following:

Press Ctrl+U for a new user.


Click the Create User button.


Managing Users, User Groups, and User Rights

4. Add attributes for the new user: name, description (inherited from the user group by default),
password, password confirmation, and email.
All special characters are allowed in user and group names except “\”, “/”, “|” and quotes ("
and '). For more information, see “Viewing and Setting Attributes” on page 114.
5. (Option) Select a role for the new user.
Roles are inherited from the group in which you create the user. For more information, see
“Viewing and Changing Roles” on page 116.
6. Select an authentication provider.
For more information, see “Viewing and Setting Authentication Providers for Individual
Users” on page 118.
7. Click Apply.

Viewing and Setting Attributes
To view attributes for a user group or a user:


In the Users list of the User Management view, select the user group or user.
Attributes for the selected group or user are displayed in the Attributes pane.
If you select a group, the name and description are displayed. For an existing group, you can
add or edit a description.
If you select a user, the name is displayed, plus a description (inherited from the user group
by default), password, password confirmation, and email address, if you have entered them.

By default, the password field in the Attributes text box shows asterisks. If you choose to
allow the user to log in to the server with Internal Authentication, then you need to set the
password in the Attributes text box. For users that log in through other providers, you do not
need to specify the password. For more information, see “Viewing and Setting
Authentication Providers for Individual Users” on page 118.


The password should only include characters from the ASCII the character set. Multibyte
passwords might cause login problems, and the administrator then has to reset the password.


Managing Users, User Groups, and User Rights

To set the internal password:

1. In the Users list, select a user.
2. Type the password and the confirmation in the text box.
3. Click Apply.
The user can change his or her password anytime in the login dialog box.


If you select the Internal Authentication option and do not set a password, anyone can log
in with that user name and no password.

Understanding Standard Roles and Default Rights
After you have created the user groups and individual users, you can review and if necessary
change their roles. The role determines the rights or permissions that the user groups and
individual users have. If you assign a role to a user group, all the users in that group inherit the
group rights. If you add a user to a user group, the user inherits the group rights.
A user might have different roles, depending on the group in which the user belongs. The overall
accumulated inherited role for a user is the highest role (the role with the most rights) that the
user has in any one user group. This is the role that is displayed in the User Management view.
See “Guidelines for User Management” on page 129 for an example of an accumulated inherited
The five standard roles and their default rights are as follows:

Administrator: An Administrator has Read/Write/Delete rights plus the right to carry out
administrative tasks such as logging on to the Interplay Administrator, adding users,
managing groups, and so on. Only Administrators can see all items in the Deleted Items
folder in Interplay Access.


Read/Write/Delete: Users are allowed to view, import, edit, delete, rename, and move any
item in the database. They can view items they have deleted themselves in the Deleted Items
folder in Interplay Access.


Read/Write: This role allows users to view, import, and edit items in the database.


Read: These users can copy files to their local disk, but cannot delete, edit or import any
item into the database. Read-only users cannot change properties.


No Access: This role takes away all user rights, but the user is not removed. This is useful if
you want to control access on a folder basis, for example, if you do not want a particular set
of users to be able to view selected folders in the database. This is the default role for users
in the Everyone, Imported Users, and Migrated Users folders.

You can assign rights for specific users on specific folders in the Manage Database Roles view
(see “Managing Database Roles” on page 120).

Managing Users, User Groups, and User Rights

Viewing and Changing Roles
By default, all users in a group inherit the role assigned to the group. You cannot assign rights to
specific users in the User Management view. If you want to change a user’s rights, you can move
the user to a different group.
For more information about setting up roles correctly, see “Managing Database Roles” on
page 120.
For information about the right to modify properties in Access (displayed in the Additional Roles
pane), see “Setting Access Control for Custom Properties” on page 140.
To view the role of a group or user:


In the Users list of the User Management view, select the group or user.
The role is displayed in the Roles pane. If a user has more than one role, the User
Management view displays the accumulated inherited role, the highest role (the role with the
most rights) that the user has in any one user group.
The groups to which a user or group belongs are shown in the Part of Group(s) pane. These
entries also display the role inherited from each group.
The following illustration shows information about the user Composer1. This user has
Read/Write/Delete access that is inherited from the Editors group.


Managing Users, User Groups, and User Rights

To navigate to the Users tree from the Part of Group(s) pane:

1. Select the user group in the Part of Group(s) pane.
2. For any user group other than the Users group, right-click and select one of the following:

Select “Go To” to switch the focus of the Users tree to the group you selected.


Select “Go to user in this group” to switch the focus of the Users tree to the selected user
in the selected user group. The Part of Group(s) dialog box focus does not update.

To change the role for a user group:

1. In the Users list of the User Management view, select the user group for which you want to
change the role.
2. In the Roles area, select the appropriate role.
3. Click Apply.


Managing Users, User Groups, and User Rights

To change the role for a user, do one of the following:


Right-click the user and select Cut, select the group, right-click the group and select Paste.
This action moves the user from one group to another. You can also drag the user from one
group to another.


Right-click the user and select Copy, select the group, right-click the group and select Paste.
This action removes the user from one group and adds it to another. You can also hold down
the Ctrl key and drag the user from one group to another.

Viewing and Setting Authentication Providers for Individual Users
You set an authentication method in the User Authentication Providers view and these settings
carry over to all users by default. See “Setting User Authentication Providers and Importing
Users” on page 100 for details.
You can change the methods by which individual users can be authenticated. The method must
be enabled in the User Authentication Providers view (a global authentication method) before it
is available for the individual user. If you set an authentication method for an individual user, and
later change the global authentication method, the individual user does not inherit the global
You can select more than one authentication provider. The list of providers is checked on logon
and if one provider authenticates the user, the user can log on.
The following table provides information about the authentication providers you can select:
Type of Authentication


Avid ISIS Authentication

The user can log in to the Interplay database using a valid Avid
Unity password.

Internal Authentication

The user can log in to the Interplay database using the password
you set in the User Management view. By default, the password
field in the Attributes pane is empty. The user can change this
password anytime in the Interplay login dialog box.

LDAP Authentication

The user can log in to the Interplay database using an LDAP user
name and password.

Windows Domain Authentication The user can log in to the Interplay database using a Windows
domain user name and password.


If you do not select an authentication method for a user, the user cannot log in.


Managing Users, User Groups, and User Rights

To change or add an authentication provider:

1. In the Users list of the User Management view, select the user.
2. In the Authentication Providers pane of the User Management view, select the appropriate

3. Click Apply to make the change, or Revert to discard your changes.

Deleting Users and User Groups
You can delete any user except Administrator and you can delete any user group except
Administrators, Migrated Users, and Everyone.
Avid recommends that a user check in all files and log off before you delete the user.


Deleting a user or user group deletes it from all groups in the Users list and from the
Central Configuration Server.
To delete a user group or a user:

1. Select the user group or user in the Users pane.
2. Click the Delete User/Group button.

A user remains in all other user groups it is in, if any.

Removing Users from User Groups
You can remove any user except Administrator from any user group except the Everyone group.
Removing a user does not delete the user from other groups.


Managing Database Roles

To remove a user from a user group:

1. Select the user in the group from which you want it removed.
2. Do one of the following:

Press the Delete key.


Click the Remove User button.

Managing Database Roles
You set and manage global roles for users in the User Management view (see “Managing Users,
User Groups, and User Rights” on page 110). You have the option of limiting or granting rights
for specific users on specific folders. Use the Manage Database Roles view to manage rights on
specific folders.
For example, you might have editors and graphic artists that are working on different projects. To
avoid confusion, you might want to prevent editors on one project from having write and delete
rights on projects that they are not working on. For information about the five standard roles, see
“Understanding Standard Roles and Default Rights” on page 115.
There are two different ways to assign roles to folders:

General role assignments (see “Viewing General Role Assignments” on page 120 and
“Setting or Changing a General Role Assignment” on page 123)


Special access folders (see “Managing Special Access Folders” on page 126)

For more examples of setting up rights on folders, see “Setting Up a Folder Structure and a User
Database” in the Avid Interplay Best Practices Guide.

Viewing General Role Assignments
To view assigned roles for users of the database or a folder:

1. In the User Management section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the Manage
Database Roles icon.
The Manage Database Roles view opens.


Managing Database Roles

2. Select the General Role Assignment option.

General Role Assignment option

3. In the Database pane, select the database or a folder for which you want to view roles.


Managing Database Roles

If the database icon has a red X, you are not connected. Click the database icon to connect.
The database icon shows a green check mark when you are connected. The following table
describes three different states of the database icon.


(Green circle with check mark) Database you are connected to.

(Red box with X) Database you are not connected to.

(Red box with X and yellow arrow) Database needs migration.
See “Migrating a Database” on page 65.

4. In the User/Group pane, select the user or group.

To view roles for all users of the selected folder, select All Users and Groups.


To view roles for a particular user or user group of the selected folder, select that user or
user group.

5. In the Roles pane, select the role you want to view:

To view all roles for the selected users of the selected folder, select “All roles.”


To view particular roles for the selected users of the selected folder, select a role.

The path in the middle of the view displays a formula for what is displayed in the lower
The Node (item in the database), User, and corresponding role are displayed in the lower
panel. Roles that are inherited from a group are grayed out. Roles that have been assigned
directly are black.
The following illustration shows the Projects folder, the Editors group, and All roles
selected. All roles are listed in the lower panel.


Managing Database Roles

Setting or Changing a General Role Assignment
Use the Manage Database Roles view to set or change rights to a particular folder. Note the

To delete items, the user must have deletion rights for the folder, even if the user is the owner
of the item to be deleted.


To move items, the user must have write rights on the object, the folder the object is being
moved out of, and the target folder.


All users are automatically assigned the Read role for the folder Unchecked-in Avid Assets
(but not the contents), and the Read/Write/Delete role for their private folder within the
Unchecked-in Avid Assets folder. All users are automatically assigned the No Access role

Managing Database Roles

for Orphan Clips. Administrators have full access to all folders. For more information about
the Unchecked-in Avid Assets folder and the Orphan Clips folder, see the Avid Interplay
Access User’s Guide.
To set or change a role for users of the database or a folder:

1. In the User Management section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the Manage
Database Roles icon.
The Manage Database Roles view opens.
2. Select the General Role Assignment option.
3. In the Database pane, select the database or a folder for which you want to set a role.
4. In the User/Group column, select the user or user group.
5. In the Roles column, select the role you want to set.
The formula in the middle of the view shows your selection. For example, in the following
illustration, you are going to give Editors the Read role (read-only access) for the Antarctica


Managing Database Roles

6. Click Set Role.
The role appears in the lower panel.

To change a role:


Select the entry in the lower pane, right-click, and select Set Role > role name.

To remove a role for users of the database or a folder:

1. Select the database or a folder in the Database column.
2. Select an entry in the list in the lower pane.
3. Do one of the following:

Click the Remove Role button.


Right-click and select Remove Role.

The role for the users on that item is inherited from the parent user group again.


Managing Database Roles

Blocking Access by a Group or User
When you are trying to block access by a whole group, it is not sufficient to change the user
rights for the user group to NoAccess; individual users who have rights assigned to them
specifically or through memberships in other user groups could still log in.
To block members of an entire group:

1. In the Manage Database Roles view, in the Database pane, select the project from which you
want to block users.
2. In the User/Group pane, expand the group.
3. Select each user, and in the Roles pane select No Access.
4. Click Set Role.
To prevent a user from accessing all databases:


In the User Management view, deselect all authentication providers available to a user.

Managing Special Access Folders
If necessary, you can allow a user to access a specific folder that they otherwise would not have
access to. For example, if a new user is assigned the No Access role for the Projects folder, you
can allow access to a particular project within the folder.
To allow access to a Special Access folder:

1. In the Manage Database Roles view, set the No Access role for the specific user on the
top-level folder that you want to be hidden (see “Setting or Changing a General Role
Assignment” on page 123).
2. On the item for which the user needs access, set the role to Read (or higher).
The “Folder is not visible” dialog box opens, telling you how applying the role to the
selected location will affect the user’s rights on other folders.


Managing Database Roles

3. Click the Apply button for the option “Mark as Special Access Folder: Grant path access and
allow to view path.”
This option allows users to log in to the database and navigate to the specified location. The
tree structure above the folder will be visible, but not the contents of the other folders in the
structure. The first option makes the contents of the tree structure accessible as well (not
After you set the special access, when users connect to the database, they see the structure of
the database above the special access folder, but not the contents of the individual folders.
Only the contents of the folder for which they have Read or higher rights are available.
To view who has been assigned access to Special Access folders:

1. Select the Special Access Folders option.

Special Access
Folders option

2. In the Database pane, select the entire database or the folder for which you want to check for
Special Access folder rights.
3. In the User/Group pane, select All Users to see all users who have special access to the
folders you selected, or select a specific user.
4. The bottom panel displays the users who have special access according to your selections.

Managing Database Roles

The following illustration shows that the user jeditor has special access to the folder /Outside
Productions/Graphics. To view what specific role jeditor has, select the folder in the
Database pane.

User who
can access

To remove a role assigned for Special Access folders:

1. Click the Special Access Folders option.
2. Select the appropriate folder.
3. Select the user in the list in the lower pane.
4. Do one of the following:

Click Remove Role.


Right-click the user and select Remove Role.

The role for the user on that item is inherited from the parent user groups again.


Guidelines for User Management

Guidelines for User Management
This topic provides information and suggestions that can help you manage users and access. For
more information about managing user roles, with specific examples, see “Setting Up a Folder
Structure and a User Database” in Avid Interplay Best Practices.

The fundamental rule of user management is that explicit rights override inherited rights,
and database rights (set in the Database Management view) override CCS rights (set in the
User Management view and stored in the CCS). The exception to this rule is the user who is
a global Administrator set through the User Management view. This Administrator always
has Administrative rights on all folders, even if rights are set otherwise in the Manage
Database Roles view.


By default, the root group Users is assigned the NoAccess role. That means that all user
subgroups (Everyone, Imported Users, Migrated Users and any other groups you add)
except for the Administrators and UNITY (under the Imported Users) have the role
NoAccess through inheritance. NoAccess means that a user cannot even log in to the server.
(The Administrators group is assigned the Administrator role and the UNITY group is
assigned the Read role.)
To override the NoAccess role, create another user group with a different role and copy the
user into that group.


Changing the role for the Users group or the Everyone group (from No Access to Read, for
example) makes it impossible to take away this role from individual users. Avid
recommends that you do not change the role of the Users group or the Everyone group.

You can assign a user to more than one user group (see “Setting or Changing a General Role
Assignment” on page 123) and each group can have a different role. As a result, the user
inherits different roles, which can be useful if a user contributes to different projects in
different ways.


In the User Management view, you can set only group roles. You can set roles for individual
users in the Manage Database Roles view. See “Managing Database Roles” on page 120.

How the Interplay Engine Determines Access

The following steps describe how the Interplay Engine server determines access to an object
(usually a folder). This process can help you understand how to assign roles and access:
1. The server checks on the object in question to see if explicit rights are set. If a user is
assigned a role on the object, the evaluation stops and the server grants the user only the role
allowed and the accompanying rights, if any.
2. If no explicit permissions were found on the object, the server checks the inherited rights on
the object in question.


Guidelines for User Management

3. If there are no inherited permissions, the server checks the global user rights. In this case, the
server determines what role the user has from the CCS settings.
4. In case of a conflict where the evaluation sees a user with multiple roles, for example:

the user has the read role through one group


the user has the read/write role through another group

then the highest ranking role wins. In this case, the user gets the read/write role.
This is an example of an accumulated inherited role. The user’s overall role for the database is
the highest role he or she is assigned to in any group, unless otherwise specified in the Manage
Database Roles view. For example: If User A is in Group 1 (which is assigned a Read role) and
User A is also in Group 2 (which is assigned a No Access role), then User A has the accumulated
inherited role Read. When you select User A in the User Management view, this role is displayed
in the Roles pane.


5 Site Settings
Site settings include configuration options for various Interplay components. The following
topics provide information about site settings:

Defining Property Layouts


Setting the Resolutions Available for Display


Creating Custom Properties


Configuring Remote Workgroups


Configuring Categories


Setting Server Hostnames and the Workgroup Name


Interplay Media Services View


Interplay Transfer Status View


Interplay Transfer Settings View


Workgroup Transfer Presets View


Specifying Archive Settings


Setting the Ownership for New Database Folders


Setting Options for Deletion


Viewing and Setting the Metadata Override Status

Defining Property Layouts
Administrators can use the System Properties tab in the Property Layout view to specify which
properties are available for display in the following client applications:

Interplay Access


Interplay Assist


Avid Instinct


Avid editing systems (Interplay Window)

Defining Property Layouts

These properties are sometimes referred to as system metadata. However, it is only part of the
metadata included in an Avid Interplay database. For a description of available properties, see
“System Metadata Properties” on page 273.
For Interplay Access, administrators select which properties are displayed by default in the
Content tab and Object Inspector Property tabs. Users can then add other available properties to
these tabs. They can also use available properties in an extended search. For the other client
applications, the default properties are preset, and users can add other available properties as
columns in the Research panel.
By default, a set of properties categorized as Broadcast is selected and displayed. You can
customize this set or you can display an alternative set of properties, either Post or Film, and then
customize this set.
The following illustration is an example of properties displayed in the Properties tab of the
Interplay Access Object Inspector.

The administrator can also use the Property Layout view to do the following:

Create custom columns. See “Creating Custom Properties” on page 136.


Control the resolutions that are available for display. See “Setting the Resolutions Available
for Display” on page 134

To set the properties displayed in Interplay Access:

1. In the Site Settings section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the Property Layout
The Property Layout view opens.


Defining Property Layouts

2. Select the database for which you want to set properties.
3. Click the System Properties tab.
4. From the Active Layout options, select one of the following layouts:





This option determines which set of properties is displayed in the client applications.

5. Select and deselect properties as follows:

(Option) To make a property available for users to add into displays on their own, and to
use in an Extended Search in Interplay Access, select the property in the Available
column. To make a property unavailable, deselect it.

Setting the Resolutions Available for Display



(Option) To include a property in the Interplay Access Content tab, select the property in
the Content Default Column. To remove a property from the Content tab, deselect it.


(Option) To include a property in the Interplay Access Object Inspector’s Properties tab,
select properties in the Inspector Default column. To remove a property from the Object
Inspector’s Properties tab, deselect it.

You must select a property in the Available column if you want to display the property in the
Object Inspector or the Content tab.
6. (Option) Click Revert to reset properties to the defaults.
7. Click Apply to save the changes.
The changes appear the next time you log in to Interplay Access.

Setting the Resolutions Available for Display
Administrators can use the Resolutions tab in the Property Layout view to specify which
resolutions are available for display in the following client applications:

Interplay Access


Interplay Assist


Avid Instinct


Avid editing systems (Interplay Window)

Lists of available resolutions appear in various places in these clients. For example, Interplay
Access includes a Resolutions dialog box that lets you select which resolutions to display as
columns in the Content view (available when you click the Presets button). Interplay Assist and
Avid Instinct include a dialog box that lets you select the columns you want to display in the
Research panel.
The Resolutions tab in the Property Layout view displays a list of all current Avid resolutions.
By default, the available resolutions that are currently used in the database are selected and are
displayed in bold.


Setting the Resolutions Available for Display

In some circumstances you might want to make additional resolutions available for display. For
example, if you are using Interplay Access to view the status of assets on remote workgroups,
and the database for the local workgroup does not include resolutions used on the remote
workgroup, you can select those resolutions for display in the local version of Interplay Access.
By default, the option “Enable used resolutions automatically” is selected. If you add an asset
associated with a previously unused resolution to the Interplay database, this option
automatically adds it to the default list. It also prevents you from deselecting currently used
resolutions (check boxes are grayed out). If you want to remove a currently used resolution from
the list for display, deselect this option.
To set the resolutions that are available for display:

1. In the Site Settings section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the Property Layout
The Property Layout view opens.
2. Select the database for which you want to set resolutions.
3. Click the Resolutions tab.
Resolutions that are used in the database are selected by default.
4. To add a resolution, select its check box in the Available column.
The check box for the selected resolution is colored green. The name of the resolution is not
in bold face.


Creating Custom Properties

Resolution in local
grayed-out check box,
name in bold face

Resolution not in local database:
grayed-out check box,
name not n bold face

5. To remove a resolution, deselect its check box in the Available column.
If you want to remove a default resolution, deselect “Enable used resolutions automatically”
and then deselect the resolution’s checkbox. Keep in mind that any new resolutions added to
the database will not be automatically selected as available for display.
6. Click Apply to save your changes.
The changes you made appear the next time you open a list of available resolutions in the client.
If a new resolution is available, a user needs to select it for display. If a resolution was displayed
as a column, the column might remain until the next time you log into the client.

Creating Custom Properties
Administrators can create custom properties and specify how they are displayed in the following

Interplay Access


Interplay Assist


Avid Instinct


Avid editing systems (Interplay Window)

Creating Custom Properties

By default, the user needs to type the value for a custom property. Administrators can import an
XML file that creates a list of values from which the user can select a value.
The following topics describe how to create and use custom properties:

“Adding a Custom Property” on page 137


“Setting Access Control for Custom Properties” on page 140


“Working with Lists for Custom Properties” on page 142

Adding a Custom Property
You can add a custom property (custom metadata) that requires text to be entered as a value. The
same set of custom properties are available in all layouts (Broadcast, Post, and Film).
An entry in a custom property field is limited to 31 characters. If you use multi-byte characters,
this limit is lowered in a variable way.
You can also add a list of values from which users can choose (see “Working with Lists for
Custom Properties” on page 142).
To add a custom property:

1. In the Site Settings section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the Property Layout
The Property Layout view opens.
2. Select the database for which you want to set properties.
3. Click the Custom Meta Data tab.
Any previously defined custom properties are displayed.
4. In the Add Custom Meta Data Field text box, type a name for the custom property.
5. Click the green plus sign (+).
After a few seconds, the custom property appears in the list, with the Available column
selected. The following illustration shows a new Custom Property named “Teams.”


Creating Custom Properties

When the Available column is selected, the custom property is available for users to add into
the application displays, and to use in an Extended search. If the user performs an All
Custom search, only the available custom properties are used in the search.


Deselect the property in the Available column to turn off custom properties that you do not want
displayed in the properties lists. You cannot delete custom properties for this release but you can
turn off their display.
6. Select whether to include the property in the Content tab or the Object Inspector’s Properties
tab, as needed (Access only).
7. (Option) If you created an XML file for a list of values:

Click the Import button for the Custom Property.
The Import Custom Attribute Values dialog box opens.


Navigate to the XML file and click Open.
The Values and Default Value appear in the Custom Meta Data tab. The following
illustration shows the custom property “Teams” with a list of values and the default
value displayed.


Creating Custom Properties

8. Click Apply to save the added custom property and new layout.
9. (Option) If you want to prevent a user or group from supplying a value for a custom
property, change the role in the User Management view (see “Setting Access Control for
Custom Properties” on page 140).
The next time a user starts Interplay Access and logs in, the new custom property is displayed.
The following illustration shows the custom property “Teams” and its list of values, with the
default value highlighted.


Creating Custom Properties

To select a value, click an item in the list, then click Apply. In this example, a user associated the
value Team A to the folder.

Users can add a custom property as a column in Interplay Assist, Avid Instinct, and the Interplay

Setting Access Control for Custom Properties
You can control which users can supply a value for a custom property. This setting applies to
both typing a value and selecting one from a list. By default, users are allowed to supply a value.
To set access control for custom properties:

1. In the User Management section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the User
Management icon.
The User Management view opens.


Creating Custom Properties

Users pane

Edit button

Additional Roles pane

2. In the Users pane, select a group or user.
3. In the Additional Roles pane, select an option for “Can modify properties in Access”:

Inherited: Allows the selected user or group to inherit the role of the parent group


Yes: Allows users to type a value or to select from a menu.


No: Prevents users from typing or selecting from a menu. Users can see the property and
its text box, but cannot supply a value for it.

If the options are grayed out, click the Edit button.
4. Click Apply.

Creating Custom Properties

Working with Lists for Custom Properties
You can create a custom property that includes a list of values from which users can choose (see
“Creating Custom Properties” on page 136). These lists are sometimes referred to as dictionaries
or taxonomies. The following topics provide more information about working with lists for
custom properties:

“Creating and Editing a File for Custom Properties” on page 142


“Removing a List for a Custom Property” on page 144


“Using Custom Properties in an Extended Search” on page 145

Creating and Editing a File for Custom Properties
If you want to provide users with a list of values they can choose from, you need to create an
XML file and then import it into the Interplay Administrator. You can create a simple list of
options, or you can create a hierarchy of options and suboptions. For example, if a user wants to
label clips of sports teams, you can create a file so that the user can select a league, and then
select a team from that league. You can specify a default selection that is highlighted in the list.
The following example shows an XML file that creates a single level set of choices, with Team A
as the default value. Substitute the values you want for the description (which appears in the
Values column of the Custom Meta Data tab) and team names. Use the quotation marks as

The choices will appear in Interplay Access as shown in the following illustration:


Creating Custom Properties

The following example shows an XML file that creates a two-level hierarchy, with “League 1
Team A” as the default value.

The choices will appear in Interplay Access as shown in the following illustration:


Creating Custom Properties


A custom property with a list of values is blank until you select a value. After you select a value,
you cannot return the field to a blank state. If appropriate for your custom property, you can
include a value in the list called “No Value” or something similar. To clear a value and
completely remove a list, see “Removing a List for a Custom Property” on page 144.
To create an XML file of values for a custom property:

1. Use a text editor or XML editor to create a file that matches one of the formats presented
2. Name and save the file.
3. In the Custom Meta Data tab, create a custom property and import the file, as described in
“Adding a Custom Property” on page 137.
To edit a list of values:

1. Do one of the following:

Edit the original file.


Export the existing file by clicking Export in the Custom Properties tab and then edit it.

2. Save the file.
3. In the Custom Meta Data tab, select the custom property and import the file.
Removing a List for a Custom Property
To remove a list of values for a custom property, you need to create and import a valid but empty
XML file.


Creating Custom Properties

To remove a list of values for a custom property:

1. Use a text editor or XML editor to create a file that matches the following format. Use
quotation marks as shown:

2. Save the file.
3. In the Custom Meta Data tab, select the custom property and import the file, as described in
“Adding a Custom Property” on page 137.
Using Custom Properties in an Extended Search
Users can select a value for a custom property in the Access Extended Search tab. If a user
selects a custom property that uses a list of values, and selects “is,” “is not,” “starts with, “or
“does not start with” as an operator, the list of values is displayed.
The following illustration shows a list of values for a search that uses the property “Team.”

For more information on searching in Access, see the Avid Interplay Access User’s Guide or the
Access Help.


Configuring Remote Workgroups

Configuring Remote Workgroups
A large site can include more than one workgroup. When a workflow requires searching across
remote workgroups or performing workgroup-to-workgroup transfers through Interplay Access,
you must set up the local workgroup so that a user can access a remote workgroup. You set up
this access in the Configure Remote Workgroups view. You can add an Interplay Archive Engine
as a remote workgroup.
After access to a workgroup is properly configured, an Interplay Access user can select from a
list of remote workgroups when performing a search or a transfer. For example, databases for
properly configured remote workgroups are listed in the Interplay Access Send to Workgroup
dialog box.


Configuring a remote workgroup in this view is not needed for transfer from Interplay Assist,
Avid Instinct, or Avid editing systems.
For complete information on transferring Avid assets, see the Avid Interplay Transfer Setup and
User’s Guide or the Interplay Transfer Help.


You can configure a maximum of 10 hostnames. For example, you can configure for searching
five remote workgroups and five Nearchive servers for a total of 10.
To set up access to a remote workgroup:

1. For transfers, make sure the Transfer Engines for both workgroups are correctly configured.
2. Make sure the list of users for the remote workgroup includes the user name and password of
users in the local workgroup who require access to the remote workgroup. For transfers,
make sure the user name and password match exactly, and that Administrator passwords also
match exactly.
In Interplay Access, if the local user’s account is not included in the remote user database, a
login screen appears. If you log in with an account on the remote workgroup, you can add
the remote workgroup to the accessible remote servers list but you cannot transfer to the
3. In the Site Settings section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the Configure
Remote Workgroups icon.
The Configure Remote Workgroups view opens.


Configuring Remote Workgroups

4. Select a database from the Available Databases list.
5. In the New server pane, add information about the remote workgroup you want to access.


Select the Host Type:

Interplay Server/Remote Search—to add access to a remote Interplay workgroup


TransferManager—to add access to a Workgroup 4 TransferManager


MediaManager—to add access to a Workgroup 4 workgroup or Nearchive™ system


Interplay Server / 3d Party Search—to add access for a third-party plug-in. The
plug-in needs to be properly installed before you can configure it. See “Using
Third-Party Search Plug-Ins” in the Interplay Access User’s Guide or Help.

Type information for the remote workgroup. The fields vary, depending on the Host
Type you selected.

For the Server, you can type the remote workgroup’s IP address instead of the host


For Database, select AvidWG for an Interplay Engine or AvidAM for an Interplay
Archive Engine.


The Nickname is displayed in the Interplay Access Remote Search list and must be
less than 255 characters. If you do not supply a Nickname, the Interplay Engine
creates one that combines the host name and the database.

Configuring Categories


Click Add.
The Server name and other information about the remote workgroup appears in the list
of accessible remote servers.

To remove a remote workgroup from the accessible list:

1. Click the name of the remote workgroup in the list.
2. Click Remove.

Configuring Categories
Categories provide a grouping mechanism for the data that is stored in the database. Categories
are displayed in Interplay Access, Interplay Assist, and Avid Instinct. A user can assign database
items to these categories and use these categories in a search. You can double-click a category to
view a list of the category’s items.

By default, no categories are configured in the Interplay Administrator.


There is no option to rename a category. The database items identify the categories they
belong to by the category name, so this name cannot be changed once it is used.

Adding Categories
To make categories available in Interplay Access:

1. In the Site Settings section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the Configure
Categories icon.
The Configure Categories view opens.


Configuring Categories

2. Select a database from the Available Databases list.
3. In the New Categories text box, type one name for a category, or type a comma-separated list
(commas and spaces are automatically removed).
4. Click Add, and then click Apply.
After refreshing Interplay Access, the categories you specified are visible in the Categories

When performing a search, you can use a Category name to locate items that belong to that


Setting Server Hostnames and the Workgroup Name

Removing Categories
Removing a category only removes it from the Configured Categories list in the Interplay
Administrator. Objects in the database that have this category keep it, even if it is not listed
anymore. If an item was assigned to a category but you removed that category in the Interplay
Administrator, users are informed that the category is not valid anymore in the Interplay Access
Categories tab.

To remove a category:

1. In the Interplay Administrator, click Configure Categories.
2. In the Configure Categories view, from the Configured Categories list, select the category
you want to delete from the Configured Categories list.
3. Click Remove.
4. Click Apply to save the changes, or Revert to discard your changes.
You must refresh Interplay Access to see that the category is no longer available.

Setting Server Hostnames and the Workgroup Name
The Server Hostname Settings view lets you set the following information:

The computer name of the Interplay Media Services Engine. You must register the Interplay
Media Services Engine before you can run the Interplay Media Services view (see “Interplay
Media Services View” on page 155) or use any Interplay Media Services. For more
information, see the Avid Interplay Media Services Setup and User’s Guide.


The hostname and port for the Interplay Delivery Receiver service. You must enter the name
of the system where the Interplay Delivery Receiver service is installed before you can
receive transfers from the Delivery service. By default the port is 33321. For more
information, see the Avid Interplay Media Services Setup and User’s Guide.


Setting Server Hostnames and the Workgroup Name



The name of the Interplay workgroup. You must enter the name of the workgroup so that
Interplay Access, Interplay Assist, and Avid Instinct can locate the Media Indexer, which is
used to monitor shared storage. For more information, see the Avid Service Framework
User’s Guide.

The Workgroup Name field is case sensitive and the name must exactly match the
workgroup name used by the Avid Service Framework. You can view or change this
workgroup name in the Avid Interplay Workgroup Properties, which is an application that
is part of the Avid Service Framework.

The computer name of the fallback shared-storage server. This name is automatically
entered after the first connection from the Interplay Engine to the local shared-storage
system (the shared-storage system configured in the same subnet as the Interplay Engine), so
in most cases you do not need to enter this computer name. Usually the Interplay Engine
gets the name of the shared-storage server from the Media Indexer. If this is not possible, the
Interplay Engine gets the name of the shared-storage server from the Fallback
Shared-Storage Server setting. Use this setting in case you need to change the name of the
shared-storage server.
In a multiple ISIS workgroup, use the name of the local shared-storage system.


The computer name of the server that is running the Interplay Streaming Server, a Windows
service that is used to play clips for WAN browsing. You need to enter this computer name
after you install the Interplay Streaming Server software. See “Configuring the Interplay
Streaming Server” on page 153.


Setting Server Hostnames and the Workgroup Name

To register the Interplay Media Services Engine:

1. In the Site Settings section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the Server
Hostname Settings icon.
The Server Hostname Settings view opens.
2. In the Interplay Media Services Settings area, type the name of the Interplay Media Services
Engine server in the text box.
3. Click Apply Changes.
To set the Interplay Delivery Receiver host and port:

1. In the Interplay Media Services Settings area, type the name of the host and the port number.
By default, the port number is 33321.
2. Click Apply Changes.


Setting Server Hostnames and the Workgroup Name

To set the workgroup name and check Media Indexer:

1. In the Workgroup and Media Indexer Settings area, type the workgroup name.


The Workgroup Name field is case sensitive and the name must exactly match the
workgroup name used by the Avid Service Framework.
2. Click Apply Changes.
3. Click Check Media Indexer to check whether the Media Indexer that monitors shared
storage is running.
If the Media Indexer is running, the system displays the message “Connected to Media
Indexer successfully” in the Notifications area at the bottom of the Interplay Administrator
If there is a problem, an error message is displayed, such as “No lookup service found for
workgroup.” See “Configuring Avid Interplay Media Indexers” in the Avid Interplay Best
Practices Guide.
To change the name of the shared-storage server:

1. Clear the field by deleting the name of the previously used shared-storage server.
2. Click Apply Changes.
The name is automatically entered after the first connection from the Interplay Engine to the
local shared-storage system.

Configuring the Interplay Streaming Server
After you install the Interplay Streaming Server software, you need to enter the name of the
computer on which you installed the software. For installation information, see Avid Interplay
Software Installation and Configuration.


After installation, exclude the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Avid\Avid Interplay
Streaming Server from scanning by any virus protection software. Scanning for virus
protection could cause severe disruptions to the Interplay Stream Server and could cause it
to shut down.
You can add one or more additional Interplay Streaming Servers to a workgroup. See Avid
Interplay Software Installation and Configuration.


Setting Server Hostnames and the Workgroup Name


In Interplay v2.4, the Interplay Streaming Server was re-engineered to directly play
MPEG-4/H.263 and H.264 video media and MPEG1 layer 2 audio media. There is no longer
any need to use the Publishing service or Workflow Engine to create QuickTime reference movies
for streaming play. Double-click a clip that is associated with supported proxy media, and the
clip plays in the Interplay Access Monitor.
For Interplay v2.4, the name of the stream server on the Avid Server Installation USB flash drive
is “Avid Interplay Streaming Server” and the name of the installed Windows service is “Avid
Interplay Streaming Server Service.” For Interplay v2.3 and earlier, the name was “Avid
Interplay Stream Server.”
To add an Interplay Streaming Server to a workgroup:

1. In the Site Settings section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the Server
Hostname Settings icon.
The Server Hostname Settings view opens.
2. In the Stream Server Settings area, click the Add button.
The Add Stream Server and Share dialog box opens.

3. Type the computer name of the system that is running the Interplay Stream Server. You do
not have to type \\ before the name of the server.
4. Click OK.
The computer name is displayed in the Server Hostname Settings view.


The share name listed does not apply to the Interplay Streaming Server v2.4 (it was used in the
Interplay Stream Server v2.3 and earlier). The installer for the Interplay Streaming Server v2.4
does not create this share. However, you cannot remove this share name.


Interplay Media Services View

To rename an Interplay Streaming Server:

1. In the Stream Server Settings area, click the Rename button.
The Rename Stream Server and Share dialog box opens.
2. Type the computer name of the system that is now running the Interplay Streaming Server.
You do not have to type \\ before the name of the server.
3. Click OK.
The computer name is displayed in the Server Hostname Settings view.
To delete an Interplay Streaming Server:

1. In the Stream Server Settings area, click the Remove button.
2. Click OK.
The Interplay Stream Server is deleted.

Interplay Media Services View
The Interplay Media Services view is a tool for administering the Interplay Media Services
Engine and monitoring job status. This view provides settings for the following tasks:



Filtering jobs to monitor


Registering providers


Installing services


Setting up users


Setting up profiles

These options are also available from the Admin Tool in the Avid Interplay Media Services
application dialog box.
Before you can use the Interplay Media Services view, the Interplay Media Services Engine for
the workgroup must be configured in the Server Hostname Settings view. For details, see
“Setting Server Hostnames and the Workgroup Name” on page 150. Also, the Interplay Media
Services Engine must be running.
If the Interplay Media Services connection to the Interplay Media Services Engine fails, the
login panel is displayed to let you manually attempt to login again.
For details on installing and using the Interplay Media Services Engine, see Avid Interplay
Media Services Setup and User's Guide.


Interplay Transfer Status View

Interplay Transfer Status View
The Interplay Transfer Status view is used for monitoring the progress of transactions being
handled by one or more Interplay Transfer Engines in the workgroup. It allows administrators to
quickly view all the relevant details for each transaction. You can choose to have the status
window open at all times in their control center.


The list of Interplay Transfer Engines available from the Interplay Transfer Status filter is
created from the Interplay Transfer Settings. For details, see “Interplay Transfer Settings View”
on page 156.
For descriptions of the various filters and configuration settings, see the Avid Interplay Transfer
Setup and User's Guide.

Interplay Transfer Settings View
The Interplay Transfer Settings view lets an administrator configure the names and locations of
the Interplay Transfer Engines in the workgroup. The settings determine which cache server
monitors which Transfer Engines and Transfer Engine enabled devices. The Interplay Transfer
Status view uses these settings to access the Transfer Engines in the workgroup.
For procedures that explain these settings, see the Avid Interplay Transfer Setup and
User's Guide.

Workgroup Transfer Presets View
When performing workgroup transfers, you can use presets to select a predefined destination for
the transferring files. Transfer presets provide the name of the remote workgroup, a destination
workspace, and a destination folder for the metadata. You can also choose whether to display the
preset in the Send to Workgroup dialog box.


Users with Administration rights can change the configuration to another destination in the Send
to Workgroup dialog box in Interplay Access.
For procedures that explain the Workgroup Transfer Presets view, see the Avid Interplay Transfer
Setup and User's Guide.


Specifying Remote Servers for Asset Tracking

Specifying Remote Servers for Asset Tracking
If your facility includes more than one workgroup, you can use Interplay Access to display
information for assets that are shared by different workgroups. For example, you can determine
if assets stored in one workgroup are correctly archived in an archive workgroup.
In the Interplay Administrator, you need to specify the name of the Interplay Engine server for
the remote workgroup.
For complete information about asset tracking, see the Avid Interplay Access User’s Guide.
To specify a remote server for asset tracking:

1. In the Site Settings section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the Asset
Tracking/Archive Settings icon.
The Asset Tracking/Archive Settings view opens.

2. If you want to track assets in a non-archive server, in the Online server name text box, type
the computer name of the Interplay Engine server and click Add.
The server name is added to the list of configured hosts.

Specifying Archive Settings

3. If you want to track assets on an archive server, in the Archive Server name text box, type
the computer name of the Interplay Archive Engine.
4. Click Apply Changes.

Specifying Archive Settings
The Asset Tracking/Archive Settings view lets you select options for how the Interplay Engine
operates with the Interplay Archive Engine and the Archive Provider. The view displays different
settings, depending on where you are logged in.
If you are logged into an Interplay Archive Engine, the settings include:

Allow duplicate media files )


This option lets you choose whether the Archive Provider archives duplicate versions of
the media.

Allow Metadata Archive

This option lets you choose whether the AAF metadata for Avid assets is sent to the tape
archive along with the media.

If you are logged into an Interplay Engine, the settings include:

Archive server name


Archive Segment size


Use best effort restore

These settings are described in the following topics. For more information about using an
Interplay Archive Engine, see Avid Interplay Best Practices and the Avid Interplay Media
Services Setup and User’s Guide.

Archiving Duplicate Versions of Media
By default, the Archive Provider does not archive duplicate versions of media, however, you can
choose to have it do so.
When you archive a master clip, subclip, or sequence for the first time, the Archive Provider
automatically archives all the associated media. If you are archiving another subclip or sequence
that refers to the original master clip, the Archive Provider does not automatically archive a
duplicate version of the associated media. The Archive Provider archives all of the metadata
associated with the new subclip or sequence but it does not archive duplicate versions of the
media. Selecting “Allow duplicate media file(s)” tells the Archive Provider to create multiple
versions of the media files.


Specifying Archive Settings

The Interplay Archive Engine avoids duplication by default. If you prefer to have the Archive
Engine archive duplicate media files, you can use the Interplay Administrator to change the
This setting appears only when you log in to an Archive Engine database.
To change whether archive operations create duplicate media:

1. Open the Interplay Administrator and log into the system running the Archive Engine.
2. In the Site Settings section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the Asset
Tracking/Archive Settings icon.
The Asset Tracking/Archive Settings view opens.
3. Select the Archive database AvidAM from the database list.
The system displays the Asset Tracking/Archive Settings window for the Interplay Archive

4. Select one of the following settings for “Allow duplicated media files” option:

No — When you archive an Avid asset the first time, the Archive Provider archives all
associated media. If you archive other assets that reference the same media, the Archive
Provider archives the metadata but does not archive duplicate versions of the associated
media (default setting).

Specifying Archive Settings


Yes — The Archive Provider archives the associated media each time you archive an
asset. If you delete an asset that references the duplicated media, the system asks if you
want to delete the associated media files. If you choose the delete the media, the system
deletes all copies of the media.

5. Click Apply Changes.

Adding AAF Metadata to an Archive
The Asset Tracking/Archive Settings view on the Interplay Archive Engine includes an option
labeled “Allow Metadata Archive.” If you select Yes, AAF metadata for Avid assets is sent to the
tape archive along with the media. This option requires special implementation by the tape
archive vendor. If you select No, only media is sent to tape (the default). For the SGL FlashNet™
solution, keep the default selection No.
This setting appears only when you log in to an Archive Engine database.

Specifying the Archive Server, Segment Size, and Restore Process
These settings appear when you log in to an Interplay Engine online database (AvidWG). You
must set the name of the Archive Engine server. You might need to set the other options,
depending on your workflow.
To specify Archive settings for an online database:

1. Open the Avid Interplay Administrator and log into the system running the Interplay Engine.
2. In the Site Settings section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the
Asset Tracking/Archive Settings icon.
The Asset Tracking/Archive Settings view opens.
3. Select the AvidWG database from the database list.
The Archive Settings area displays these options.

4. In the Archive Settings area, do the following:

In the Archive server name text box, type the name of the computer running the Avid
Interplay Archive Engine.

Setting the Ownership for New Database Folders



If you later change the Archive Segment size, the new size applies only to new archives. Partial
restores of media that is already archived use the original segment size.


In the Archive Segment size (frames) text box, type the segment size used for partial
restore operations, in frames. The default and minimum value is 1800 frames.

Use best effort restore - if you select this option, a restore process restores as many files
as it can without returning errors. This option requires special implementation by
supported third-party vendors to ignore any missing files that are no longer in the
archive storage. If you do not select this option, then the restore process fails when there
are any missing files (the default).

The “Use best effort restore” option is not supported by all third-party archive vendors. If
you select this option and your archive vendor supports it, then a restore process restores as
many files as it can without returning errors.
5. Click Apply Changes at the bottom of the window.

Setting the Ownership for New Database Folders
The Ownership Behavior view lets you determine how the owner is assigned when a user creates
a new Interplay folder in the following applications:

Interplay Access


Interplay Assist


Avid Instinct


Interplay Window


Interplay checkin from Avid editing system

By default, the user who creates a folder is set as the owner. As the owner, the user by default has
read/write/delete permission on the folder. In Interplay Access, a problem could develop in the
following situation:
1. Editor 1 owns a folder named Final that contains a sequence named Final_Sequence and has
read/write/delete permission on the folder.
2. Editor 2 has read/write permission on the folder, but not delete rights.
3. Editor 2 creates a folder named Final_2 within folder Final, and thus has read/write/delete
permission on the new folder.


Setting the Ownership for New Database Folders

4. Editor 2 duplicates Final_Sequence, moves it into folder Final_2 and renames it
Final_Sequence_2. Referenced assets are selected to be displayed in folder Final_2 (Tools >
Options > Filter Settings), so the master clips that make up the sequence are displayed in the
5. Editor 2 deletes Final_Sequence_2, its master clips, and its associated media.
As a result, all media for the original Sequence_Final is also deleted (unless there is a reservation
active on the material).
To prevent this situation, you can set an option so that a new folder is owned by the same owner
as the parent folder. If this option is set, in the previous example, Editor 2 inherits read/write
permissions on the new folder but does not have delete permission and thus cannot delete the
sequence or master clips.


An administrator can change the owner and permissions for a folder after it is created. For more
information, see the Avid Interplay Access User’s Guide or Help.
To specify how ownership is set for new folders:

1. In the Site Settings section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the Ownership
Behavior icon.
The Ownership Behavior view opens.

2. Select the database for which you want to set the behavior.
3. Select the option you want.

Setting Options for Deletion


“Set creator as owner” is the default.


“Set same owner as parent folder” sets the owner of a new folder to be the owner of the
folder in which the new folder was created.

4. Click Apply.
The change takes effect immediately.
5. To undo your change, click Revert, then click Apply.

Setting Options for Deletion
The Delete Behavior view let you set options for the Delete dialog box, as described in the
following topics:

“Understanding the Deletion Process” on page 163


“Scheduling the Deletion of Database Assets” on page 169


“Setting Options for Deleting Only OMF Media, Only MXF Media, or Both” on page 172


“Setting Options for Deleting Locked Media” on page 173


“Activating the Option to Delete Referenced Assets” on page 174


“Using the Delete Kept Media Tool” on page 175

Understanding the Deletion Process
When you check in a master clip or other Avid asset to Interplay, Interplay stores the original
asset in the database and creates identically named, visible assets in one or more Interplay
folders. These visible assets are links to the assets that are stored in the database. Links (also
referred to as representations) are the visible means of working with assets. You can have more
than one link to the same asset.
The assets that are stored in the database are referred to as database assets. Database assets
themselves are not visible in the user interface, but are represented by links.
This distinction between links and database assets is important in understanding how the deletion
process works and the how it is affected by a deletion schedule. The following topics describe
the deletion process:

“Three Parts of the Deletion Process” on page 164


“Changes in Interplay v2.4 (Asynchronous Deletion)” on page 165


“Default Deletion Schedule and Custom Deletion Schedules” on page 166


“Changes to the Orphan Clips Folder” on page 167


“How Asynchronous Deletion Works with the Orphan Clips Folder” on page 168

Setting Options for Deletion


“Logs for Deleted Media and Metadata” on page 168


“New Properties for Deletion” on page 169

For information about deletion workflows and recommendations, see “Developing an Interplay
Delete Strategy” in the Avid Interplay Best Practices Guide.
Three Parts of the Deletion Process

If you select to delete assets and media in the Interplay Access Delete dialog box, the deletion
process consists of three major parts:
1. Media files for assets that are not reserved are deleted from shared storage.

Clip 1

V1 media
Clip 1
database asset

Clip 1 copy

A1 media

A2 media

2. Links for assets that are not reserved or referenced by other assets are deleted from the

Clip 1

V1 media
Clip 1
database asset

Clip 1 copy

A1 media

A2 media

3. After the last link for an asset is deleted, database assets are deleted unless they reference
online media.


Setting Options for Deletion

The following illustration shows the completed deletion.

Clip 1

V1 media
Clip 1
database asset

Clip 1 copy

A1 media

A2 media

The last part of the process is the part that takes the longest time and places the heaviest load on
the Interplay Engine. In addition, this part of the process does not provide immediate feedback,
as opposed to media deletion (you can see the files deleted from shared storage) and link deletion
(you can see links are deleted from the Access folder structure).The Interplay Access Delete
dialog box remains open until the entire deletion process is complete, which results in wasted
time for a media manager.


Some files associated with database assets, such as AAF files and headframes, are deleted after
the next complete backup.
Changes in Interplay v2.4 (Asynchronous Deletion)

In Interplay v2.4 and later, the last part of the deletion process (database asset deletion) is
disassociated from the first two parts of the deletion process. When the last link to a database
asset is deleted, the Interplay Engine moves the last link for the database object to the Orphan
Clips folder. This link points to the database asset.

Clip 1

V1 media
Clip 1
database asset

Clip 1 copy

A1 media

A2 media

Orphan Clips folder
Clip 1


Setting Options for Deletion

You can think of deletion prior to v2.4 as synchronous, because all three parts of the process
occur at approximately the same time, during the interactive part of the deletion (that is, while
the Delete dialog box is open). Deletion in v2.4 and later is asynchronous, because deletion of
the database assets takes place after the interactive part of the deletion.


It is important to remember that in Interplay v2.4 and later the deletion process is always
asynchronous. Even if you do not select a custom deletion schedule, deletion of database
assets is separated from interactive deletion of links and media.
Default Deletion Schedule and Custom Deletion Schedules

Deletion of links in the Orphan Clips folder and the database assets always take place
asynchronously, during a scheduled time span. You can use the default deletion schedule or you
can set a custom schedule in the Interplay Administrator.
Default deletion schedule: The default deletion schedule is set as a 24-hour time span (00:00 to
24:00). In this case, the database asset deletion takes place at approximately the same time that
you run the deletion operation. As a result, links to the database assets might not be visible in the
Orphan Clips folder because they are deleted immediately after the interactive part of the
deletion. Links with online media are moved to the Kept Media folder and are not deleted (see
“Changes to the Orphan Clips Folder” on page 167).This default time span results in the least
disruption for established workflows, but it does not lessen the load that the deletion operation
places on the Interplay Engine.
For the default deletion schedule, no options in the Scheduled Deletion Options section are
selected. This is important to keep in mind if you disable a custom deletion schedule with one or
more options selected. The inactive selected options do not indicate the default schedule options
but the last custom schedule options selected.
Custom deletion schedule: To take advantage of the improved process and lessen the load on
the Interplay Engine, you need to set a custom schedule with one or more time spans. Scheduling
a deletion time span results in a faster initial deletion operation and less impact on other
Interplay Engine operations. You set a custom time span in the Interplay Administrator.
Additional options are also available. See “Scheduling the Deletion of Database Assets” on
page 169.
Scheduled deletion works similarly on the Interplay Archive Engine. On the Interplay Archive
Engine, media is flagged for deletion, but the deletion itself takes place through the third-party
archive system.


Setting Options for Deletion

Changes to the Orphan Clips Folder


The function of the Orphan Clips folder and the status of its contents changed in Interplay
Previously the Orphan Clips folder contained links for assets deleted or removed from Interplay
folders that still referenced media files on shared storage (“classic” orphan clips). Now, in
addition to these links, the Orphan Clips folder also contains links for assets whose database
assets are scheduled for deletion, whether or not the assets have online media.


If your deletion time span is set for the default 24-hour period, you might not see links for assets
scheduled for deletion in the Orphan Clips folder, because the database assets are deleted
immediately after the interactive part of the deletion.
You can distinguish links that have online media from links that do not have online media by
displaying the Media Status column. A red icon indicates media offline. Double-click the
column head to sort by the values of the column.

Links with
offline media
Links with
online media

Starting in Interplay v2.4, the Orphan Clips folder includes the following subfolders:

Kept Media folder: You can select an option to include deletion of online media in the
scheduled deletion (“Permanently delete assets and associated online media from the
Orphan Clips folder”). If you do not select this option, the scheduled deletion moves any
links with online media to a subfolder in the Orphan Clips folder named “Kept Media.” This
option to delete is not selected by default, so even if you do not enable custom deletion, the
Interplay Engine creates a Kept Media folder when needed. You can manually delete clips
and media from this folder at a time that is appropriate for your workflow.


Failed to Delete folder: If the deletion process is not able to delete a clip or its media (for
example, if a clip is corrupted), the Interplay Engine creates a subfolder in the Orphan Clips
folder named “Failed to Delete” and moves assets it could not delete to this folder. You can


Setting Options for Deletion

try to manually delete clips and media from this folder as well, but you might need to
determine a different method of deleting these clips and media. For example, check the
shared-storage system workspace to make sure the Server Execution User has delete rights.
These folders are useful in two ways:

It is easier to browse and search a large Orphan Clips folder for assets with online media and
assets that cannot be deleted.


The scheduled deletion process ignores both of these folders, resulting in improved

You can manually delete assets from the Orphan Clips folder at any time.
How Asynchronous Deletion Works with the Orphan Clips Folder

During the scheduled time spans, the Interplay Engine reviews the objects in the Orphan Clips
folder and deletes the links, the database assets, and the media (if the option “Permanently delete
assets and associated online media from the Orphan Clips folder” is selected). At the end of a
time span, the Interplay Engine keeps a record of where it stopped. If not all eligible assets were
deleted, it continues from this position at the start of the next time span. This process also takes
place if the scheduled deletion is interrupted, such as for system maintenance.
Logs for Deleted Media and Metadata

Deletions are logged in two files:

AvDeletes.log. This log lists information about media deleted from shared storage.


AvMetaDataDelete.log This log lists information about assets (metadata) deleted from
Orphan Clips or any other folder. Scheduled deletions are noted.

The following are examples of AvMetaDataDelete logs:

When a user deletes metadata that is moved to the Orphan Clips folder:
[Thu Mar 10 12:12:17 2011] User 'Administrator' on host 'MUC-TReichgr'
deleting metadata:
[Thu Mar 10 12:12:17 2011]

From '/Projects/Test3/'

[Thu Mar 10 12:12:17 2011]
moved to Orphan Clips

'LHJU MOUNTIES -Vakantiekamp' handle 1921

[Thu Mar 10 12:12:17 2011]
moved to Orphan Clips

'MOUNTIES - vakantiekamp' handle 1924


Setting Options for Deletion


When a scheduled deletion permanently deletes metadata from the Orphan Clips folder:
[Tue Mar 08 13:45:00 2011] Scheduled deletion: deleting metadata from
Orphan Clips:
[Tue Mar 08 13:45:00 2011]

'Film BKG.mov' handle 1368 user

[Tue Mar 08 13:45:00 2011]
1361 user 'Administrator'


'computer BLUE internet NN BG.mov' handle

When an administrator user permanently deletes metadata from the Orphan Clips folder:
[Thu Mar 17 20:16:10 2011] User 'Administrator' on host 'MUC-TReichgr'
deleting metadata instantly:
[Thu Mar 17 20:16:10 2011]

From '/Orphan Clips/'

[Thu Mar 17 20:16:10 2011]

'Aftiteling' handle 2100

The AvMove.log file includes entries for links moved to the Kept Media folder.
New Properties for Deletion

The Interplay v2.4 database includes three new properties that are set only for assets in the
Orphan Clips folder that were interactively deleted (that is, manually through the Delete dialog

Date Deleted: Displays the date and time the last link was deleted.


Deleted By: Displays the user name of the person who deleted the last link.


Original Path: Displays the folder path for an asset whose last link was deleted.

To display these properties, an Interplay administrator has to make them available in the Property
Layout view. An Interplay Access user has to select the properties for display as entries in the
Object Inspector or as columns in the Assets pane.

Scheduling the Deletion of Database Assets
Beginning with Interplay Engine v2.4, you can schedule custom time spans and set other options
for deletion of database assets in the Interplay Administrator. This feature lets you schedule a
significant part of the load generated on the Interplay Engine by deletion operations to take place
during times of low activity.


Even if you do not schedule a custom deletion, deletion in v2.4 and later is asynchronous,
because deletion of the database assets takes place after the interactive part of the deletion. For
more information, see “Understanding the Deletion Process” on page 163.


Setting Options for Deletion

To schedule the deletion of database assets:

1. In the Site Settings section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the Delete Behavior
The Scheduled Deletion Options section is at the bottom of the view.

2. In the Scheduled Deletion Options section, select “Enable custom schedule.”
If you select “Enable custom schedule,” select options, and later deselect “Enable custom
schedule,” the options you selected are disabled, but remain set in case you want to enable
them again. However, the selected options are not in effect. Instead, the default deletion
schedule is in effect. See “Default Deletion Schedule and Custom Deletion Schedules” on
page 166.
3. Select the options that you want:

Allow scheduled deletions during database backups
By default, a scheduled deletion stops when an Interplay backup begins, and resumes
when the backup ends or at the next scheduled deletion. Select this option to allow both
processes to operate at the same time.


Permanently delete assets and associated online media from the Orphan Clips folder
Select this option if you want to include assets with media in the scheduled deletion. If
this option is not selected, links with media are moved to the Kept Media folder.


Delay scheduled deletion by at least x days from the asset deletion date


Setting Options for Deletion

Select this option if you want to delay the scheduled deletion by a specified number of
days. You can specify 1 to 30 days. This option gives you the opportunity to review the
contents of the Orphan Clips folder before the scheduled deletion. To help determine
which links will be deleted, you can check the asset deletion date in the Date Deleted
column (see “New Properties for Deletion” on page 169).
For example, imagine that you selected this option with a time period of 1 day (24
hours), and a deletion is scheduled for 2 a.m. to 4 a.m. It's 6 p.m. Friday, March 25, and
you delete a group of assets and media. The assets are moved to the Orphan Clips folder
and scheduled for deletion at 2 a.m. Sunday morning, March 27 (32 hours later). This
scheduled deletion will include any assets deleted at or before 2 a.m. on Saturday,
March 26 (24 hours before the start of the scheduled deletion).
The following diagram illustrates this example.






6 pm

2 am

2 am

1 day (24 hours)

Assets scheduled
for deletion


4. Specify a time span for the deletion.
By default, a 24-hour time span is specified (00:00 to 24:00). This setting means deletion of
database assets take place at approximately the same time that the links and media are
deleted. You should set a more limited time span to cover a time when the Interplay Engine
is not being used very much. For example, a facility might set the time span for 2:00 am to
4:00 am.
One time span must always be present. Each time span is limited to one day (24 hours). If
you want to schedule a deletion period that extends from one day to another, such as 11:00
pm to 1:00 am, you need to create two time spans:

One time span from 23:00 to 23:59


One time span from 00:00 to 01:00

Click Add Time Span to create more than one time span. Click Remove Time Span to
remove the associated time span. Overlapping time spans are not allowed.
In addition to a specific time span, you can select one or more days for that time span. The
following illustration shows an example of three different time spans.


Setting Options for Deletion


The first time span specifies deletions to take place from midnight until 4:00 am every
day of the week.


The second time span specifies deletions from 4:01 am until 8 am every Saturday and


The third time span specifies deletions from 8:30 pm until 11:59 pm every Monday,
Wednesday, and Saturday.

5. When you are satisfied with your settings, click Apply.
Note the following:

By default, all days are selected.


You can use 00:00 for the start of a time span and 24:00 for the end of a time span.


Time spans can “touch.” For example, you can schedule one time span from 02:00 to 04:00
and another from 04:00 to 06:00.


Time spans are not allowed to overlap. For example, you cannot schedule a time span from
midnight until 4:00 am every day and also schedule a time span from 2 am to 4 am on
Saturday and Sunday. If you schedule an overlap, a message describes the problem and how
to correct it.


Scheduling deletion for specific days requires Interplay Engine v2.5. If you connect to an
Interplay Engine running v2.4 or earlier, the days of the week check boxes are displayed but
are inactive.

Setting Options for Deleting Only OMF Media, Only MXF Media, or Both
If a clip is associated with both OMF and MXF media, you might want to delete only the OMF
media or only the MXF media. You can enable an option in the Interplay Administrator so that
the Delete dialog box gives users the option of which media format to delete.


Setting Options for Deletion

To set an option that allows deleting only OMF media or only MXF media:

1. In the Site Settings section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the Delete Behavior
2. In the OMF media handling section, select “Allow user choice for deleting OMF/MXF
3. Click Apply.
The next time a user logs into Interplay Access and opens the Delete dialog box, the
following options are displayed:

MXF and OMF media (default)


Only OMF media


Only MXF media

Setting Options for Deleting Locked Media
Editors working in an Avid editing application can use the Lock feature to lock a clip. This can
cause a problem if the lock is no longer needed and the administrator wants to delete the asset.
The administrator can set an option to control how Interplay Access handles locked clips during
a Delete operation. The default setting is for Interplay Access to skip any locked files.
To set an option for deleting locked media:

1. In the Site Settings section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the Delete Behavior
2. In the Locked media handling section, select one of the following options:

Allow user choice in Delete dialog: Two options are available in the Delete dialog box:
“Skip” and “Force delete.”


Always skip (default): In the Delete dialog box, the “Skip” option is shown but cannot
be changed.


Always force-delete: In the Delete dialog box, the “Force delete” option is shown but
cannot be changed.

Both “Skip” and “Force Delete” options are always active for Interplay Access users with
administrative privileges
3. Click Apply to save any changes.
The next time a user logs into Interplay Access and opens the Delete dialog box, the options
are active or inactive, depending on the current settings in the Delete Behavior view of the
Interplay Administrator.


Setting Options for Deletion

Activating the Option to Delete Referenced Assets
Starting with Interplay Access v2.3, you cannot delete referenced assets (including rendered
effects) without deleting the sequence that references them (see “Restricted Deletion of
Referenced Assets” in the Avid Interplay Access User’s Guide).
This feature was introduced to prevent deletion of referenced assets that were still in use, and
because most customers prefer keeping consistency between a sequence and its referenced
assets. However, you can activate an option to allow deletion of referenced assets and media
without needing to delete the referencing sequence by editing or creating a configuration file for
Interplay Access.


By activating this option, it is possible to delete assets that are still in use by a sequence. If
the deleted assets are moved to the Orphan Clips folder, media might be unintentionally
deleted, resulting in offline media.
To activate the option to delete referenced assets on a Windows system, do one of the


On an Interplay Access client system, check if the following file exists:
%APPDATA% is a Windows environment variable that resolves to the application data
folder of the current user. To open the folder, enter %APPDATA%\Avid\Workgroup in the
address bar of a Windows Explorer and press Enter.
If the file exists, open the file in Notepad and insert the following line between the tags
 and <\bindings>:



If the file does not exist, open Notepad or another text editor and create a file named
configuration.xml. Copy the following code into the file:


Save the file and copy the file to %APPDATA%\Avid\Workgroup.


Setting Options for Deletion

To activate the option to delete referenced assets on a Macintosh system, do one of the


On an Interplay Access client system, check if the following file exists:
If the file exists, open the file in a text editor and insert the following line between the tags
 and <\bindings>:



If the file does not exist, open a text editor and create a file named configuration.xml. Copy
the following code into the file:


Save the file and copy it to $HOME/Library/Preferences/Workgroup/configuration.xml. You
might need to create this folder.
Then restart Interplay Access. There will be an additional option near the top of the Deletion
dialog box “Delete selected clip or clips, even if they are referenced from a composition mob.”
Select this option to allow the deletion of referenced assets.

Using the Delete Kept Media Tool
The Delete Kept Media tool is used to automatically delete the assets and media in the Orphan
Clips\Kept Media folder. The file name of the tool is delete_kept_media.exe and it is
installed by default on the Interplay Engine in the following folder:
C:\Program Files\Avid\Avid Interplay Engine\Server

Setting Options for Deletion

For a cluster engine, you need to execute this tool directly on the online node. You should run
this tool during off hours because it deletes as quickly as possible and therefore puts extra load
on the Interplay Engine, ISIS shared storage system, and Media Indexer.
The syntax of the tool is described in the following in-line help:
delete_kept_media - Deletes assets in Kept Media folder.
delete_kept_media [user:] [psw:] [proj:] [maxAssets:] [maxTime:]
This tool automates the deletion of assets (including media) that were moved
to the Kept Media folder by scheduled deletion.
Name of the user to logon to AvidWG with
Password of the user to logon to AvidWG with
proj: (optional) The name of the database (AvidWG or
AvidAM). If the parameter is omitted "AvidWG" is assumed.
maxAssets:(optional) Maximum number of assets to delete
maxTime: (optional) Maximum run time in minutes; tool will stop
deletion when this period is exceeded
The maxAssets: and maxTime: options are useful if this tool is run as a
scheduled task, e.g. using Windows Task Scheduler.

The maxTime option is especially useful. It allows a media manager to start the deletion process
late in the evening (or generally during low-load or no-load times) and specify a window for the
deletion. You can schedule the deletion before a backup starts or before use of the Interplay
Engine goes up in the morning.d
For example:
C:\Program Files\Avid\Avid Interplay Engine\Server>delete_kept_media.exe
user:Administrator psw:avid maxTime:300

This command starts a deletion process that will stop after 5 hours (300 minutes). The tool
displays its progress so that you can see how many assets were deleted. If you want to direct the
output of the tool to a file, append the following to the command:
>> output_file.txt


This tool is similar to delete_obsolete_rendered_effects.exe, which is described in the Interplay


Viewing and Setting the Metadata Override Status

To run the Delete Kept Media tool:

1. On the Interplay Engine system (or for a cluster system, on the online node), open a
Windows Command Prompt.
2. Navigate to the location of the tool. For example, type
cd C:\Program Files\Avid\Avid Interplay Engine\Server

3. Type the command line for the tool and press Enter, using the following syntax:
delete_kept_media [user:] [psw:] [maxAssets:] [maxTime:]

If you want to direct the output of the tool to a file, append the following to the command:
>> output_file.txt

For example, to run the program for one hour and print the output in a file named results.txt,
type the following and press Enter:
delete_kept_media user:administrator psw:admin maxTime:60 >>results.txt

If you want to schedule the tool to run at a particular time, use a program such as Windows Task

Viewing and Setting the Metadata Override Status
The Metadata Override Settings view lets you manage how the Archive Provider handles
metadata when an asset is archived more than once. This view appears only when the Interplay
Administrator is logged on to an Archive Engine.
By default, the Archive Provider overrides the archived metadata for an Avid asset if you archive
the asset again. You can use the Metadata Override feature in Interplay Access to disable
metadata override on archived folders, or re-enable it if it is disabled. There is currently no visual
indication in Interplay Access whether metadata override is enabled or disabled on a folder.
You can view the metadata override status in the Metadata Override Settings view in the
Interplay Administrator. You can also use this view to enable or disable metadata override for a
To view whether metadata override is enabled:

1. In the Site Settings section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the Metadata
Override Settings icon.
A folder tree displays the archive database.

Folders that have metadata override enabled are marked with a blue check mark icon.


Folders with metadata override disabled are marked with a red x icon.


Folders marked with a gray icon indicate the inherited setting.

Viewing and Setting the Metadata Override Status

Folders with metadata override disabled are listed in the Locations window.

Red icon =
metadata override
is disabled
Blue icon =
metadata override
is enabled
Gray icons =
inherited setting

2. (Option) Select a folder in the folder tree to limit the folders displayed in the Locations
window to subfolders.
To enable metadata override:


Select a folder in the folder tree or one or more folders in the Locations window and click
Enable Override.

To disable metadata override:


Select a folder in the folder tree or one or more folders in the Locations window and click
Disable Override.


6 Application Settings
In the Application settings, you can configure application-specific permissions and options, as
described in the following topics:

Application Database Settings View


Setting Instinct/Assist User Options


Pro Tools Plug-Ins Settings

Application Database Settings View
The Application Database Settings view lets you specify on a database or folder level the settings
that are relevant when using an Interplay application.
All files and subfolders of the folder inherit its settings, but you can override the inherited
settings for specific files and subfolders. Inherited settings are grayed out. These settings are
used as the default for all new folders in the database, and are valid for all users unless they are
changed explicitly for a user or user group in the Instinct/Assist User Settings view (see “Setting
Instinct/Assist User Options” on page 195).
The Application Database Settings view has two tabs.


Editor Settings tab. For a description of options in this tab, see the following topics:

“Setting Options in the Editing Settings Tab” on page 180


“Application Database Settings: Editing Settings Tab” on page 182

Application Defaults. For a description of options in this tab, see the following topics:

“Setting Audio Mixing Defaults for Access and Assist” on page 189


“Setting the Shotlist Start Timecode for Interplay Access and Interplay Assist” on
page 192


“Setting an Automatic Timeout for Interplay Assist and Avid Instinct” on page 193


“Configuring the Frame Locators Display” on page 194

Application Database Settings View

Setting Options in the Editing Settings Tab
The Editing Settings tab in the Application Database Settings view includes settings that apply to
several different applications. Some settings apply to Interplay Instinct and Interplay Assist,
some apply to Interplay Instinct only, and one setting (“Check in bins when closing”) applies
only to Avid editing systems such as Media Composer®.
For information about these settings, see “Application Database Settings: Editing Settings Tab”
on page 182.
To change the editor database settings in the Editing Settings tab:

1. In the Editing Settings section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the Application
Database Settings icon.
2. Click the Editing Settings tab.
3. Select a folder in the database.


Application Database Settings View

If the database icon has a red X, you are not connected. Click the database icon to connect.
The database icon shows a green check mark when you are connected. For more
information, see “Viewing General Role Assignments” on page 120.
4. Do one of the following:

Select an option from a drop-down list or by clicking an option button.


Type a setting in the text box.

If a setting is grayed out, click the Edit button to enable editing.

Edit button

5. Click Apply.
A notification box tells you whether or not the changes have been successfully applied.
Users who are currently logged in need to log out and log in again to see the changes.
6. Click Dismiss to close the notification box.
If you do not click Dismiss or the close box, after a few seconds the notification box
minimizes to a green bar at the bottom of the dialog box. To view the notification again,
click the green bar. The green bar is available for approximately 45 seconds.
To undo a setting:

1. Click the red X button.
This button appears only if you have explicitly set the value of the setting. Clicking the red X
button clears the setting, but does not revert the setting to the previous value.
2. Click Apply.
Audio Settings for Two NAT or SOT Tracks in Avid Instinct
Avid Instinct version 2.5 and later supports two channels of input for both NAT (natural sound)
and SOT (sound-on-tape). The following settings in the Editing Settings tab in the Application
Database Settings view apply to this support:

Audio Patching


Audio - Source audio patching


Audio - Storyline audio patching


Send to Playback - Audio Mixdown Mode


Audio Effects - Center-Panned Sound on Tape and Voice Over


Application Database Settings View

These settings are described in “Application Database Settings: Editing Settings Tab” on
page 182. For more information about using these settings, see the Avid Instinct User’s Guide.
Application Database Settings: Editing Settings Tab
You can set options for the Editing Settings tab in the Application Database Settings view as
described in the following table. The Applications column lists which applications are affected
by each option.
Application Database Settings: Editing Settings Tab




Video Format

Sets the default video format for your Avid Instinct
sequences Select a format or select
Any. If you select Any, Avid Instinct
allows you to select a video format for
your sequence when you create a new

Audio Patching

Audio – Track labels

Audio – Source audio


For HDV projects, select the
HD1080i_60 video format.

Natural Sound

Lets you specify whether NAT clips
should be patched to a single channel
or to two channels when added to the

Avid Instinct
Interplay Central

Sound on Tape

Lets you specify whether SOT clips
Avid Instinct
should be patched to a single channel Interplay Central
or to a two channels when added to the

Natural Sound label

Allows you to specify a name for the Avid Instinct
NAT track in source clips. The default Interplay Central
is NAT.

Sound on Tape label Allows you to specify a name for the
SOT track in source clips. The default
is SOT.

Avid Instinct
Interplay Central

Voice Over label

Allows you to specify a name for the
voice-over track in source clips. The
default is VOICE.

Avid Instinct
Interplay Central

Natural Sound track

Specifies which track of the source clip Avid Instinct
is mapped to NAT track 1. The default Interplay Central
is A1.


Application Database Settings View

Application Database Settings: Editing Settings Tab (Continued)




Natural Sound
trackAvid Instinct
Interplay Central 2

If two channels are selected for NAT, Avid Instinct
specifies which track of the source clip Interplay Central
is mapped to NAT track 2. The default
is A4.

Sound on Tape track Specifies which track of the source clip Avid Instinct
is mapped to SOT track 1. The default Interplay Central
is A2.
Sound on Tape track If two channels are selected for SOT, Avid Instinct
specifies which track of the source clip Interplay Central
is mapped to SOT track 2. The default
is A5.
Voice Over track

Audio – Storyline audio Natural Sound track
Natural Sound track

Specifies which track of the source clip Avid Instinct
is mapped to voice-over sound. The
Interplay Central
default is A3.
Specifies which track of the output
sequence is mapped to NAT track 1.
The default is A1.

Avid Instinct
Interplay Central

If two channels are selected for NAT,
specifies which track of the output
sequence is mapped to NAT track 2.
The default is A4.

Avid Instinct
Interplay Central

Sound on Tape track Specifies which track of the output
sequence is mapped to SOT track 1.
The default is A2.

Avid Instinct
Interplay Central

Sound on Tape track If two channels are selected for SOT,
specifies which track of the output
sequence is mapped to SOT track 2.
The default is A5.

Avid Instinct
Interplay Central

Voice Over track

Avid Instinct
Interplay Central

Specifies which track of the output
sequence is mapped to voice-over
sound. The default is A3.


Application Database Settings View

Application Database Settings: Editing Settings Tab (Continued)


Audio – general settings Media Creation



Avid Instinct
Sets the workspace location used for
Interplay Assist
media clips created by users, such as
voice-over recordings and clips created Interplay Central
during send-to-playback operations.
To view a list of available workspaces,
the user logged into the Interplay
Administrator must have a matching
username and password on the Avid
shared-storage system. The list shows
all workspaces to which the logged-in
user has write access.

Audio sample rate

Sets the audio sample rate for audio
Avid Instinct
clips created in the application. The
Interplay Assist
sample rate is used in send-to-playback Interplay Central
operations, and it must match the
setting on your playback device (for
example, an Avid AirSpeed®). The
default sample rate for DV resolutions
is 48 kHz. This setting is not

Sample bit depth

Avid Instinct
Sets the sample bit depth for audio
clips created in the application, such as Interplay Assist
Interplay Central
voice-over recordings and audio
mixdowns. The more bits used to
sample the audio, the more accurately
the amplitude is represented by the
clip. The sample rate is used in
send-to-playback operations, and it
must match the setting on your
playback device (for example, an Avid
AirSpeed). The default is 16 bits.

Ducking [-dB]

Allows you to specify the amount of
audio ducking (automatic lowering of
audio gain in background audio). The
default is 12 dB.

Audio file format

Sets the audio file format to PCM. Not Avid Instinct
Interplay Assist
Interplay Central


Avid Instinct
Interplay Central

Application Database Settings View

Application Database Settings: Editing Settings Tab (Continued)


Dynamic Relink



Enables or disables the Dynamic
Avid Instinct
Relink feature (for MultiRez editing). Interplay Assist
If Dynamic Relink is “true,” all relink
settings in the Send to Playback option
are enabled; if Dynamic Relink is
“false,” these settings are disabled,
with the exception Audio Mixdown
Mode. The default for Dynamic Relink
is “not set.”


You can enable and disable
Dynamic Relink only at the top
level of your database. You
cannot enable or disable
Dynamic Relink at the folder

If Dynamic Relink is “true,” all relink
settings in the Instinct/Assist User
Settings are enabled as well. For
information about user settings, see
“Setting Instinct/Assist User Options”
on page 195.

Send to playback

Target resolution,

This setting does not apply to
Interplay Central. Dynamic
relink is configured on the
Interplay Common Playback

Sets a resolution for output to a
playback device.



If dynamic relink is enabled, this
field is enabled and you must
select an option. The resolutions
that are available depend on the
resolutions available in the
Resolutions tab in the Property
Layout view.
For Interplay Central, the target
resolution is set in a profile
created by the Interplay Central


Avid Instinct
Interplay Assist

Application Database Settings View

Application Database Settings: Editing Settings Tab (Continued)




Target resolution,

Sets a resolution to use for a second
playback device.

Avid Instinct

Secondary target

Leave the field blank to send a
sequence to playback on the primary
device. Enter a value to send the
sequence to the secondary playback

Avid Instinct


Story fields are set in
Avid Instinct.


Application Database Settings View

Application Database Settings: Editing Settings Tab (Continued)




Audio Mixdown

Sets the mixdown mode used for
send-to-playback operations:

Avid Instinct
Interplay Assist


Mono — Maps to a center pan,
which creates a mono mixdown of
all audio tracks and outputs the
resulting track to two channels
when sent to playback. This results
in two identical channels of audio,
each containing the original audio


Stereo — Maps to a left/right
alternating pan (odd tracks on one
channel, even tracks on the other
channel), creates a stereo mixdown
of all audio tracks, and outputs the
resulting two tracks to two
channels when sent to playback.
This results in two channels of
audio. For Avid Instinct, the default
mapping is NAT/VOICE tracks
(A1/A3) on one channel and the
SOT track (A2) on the other
channel. You specify how tracks
are mapped in the Audio Storyline Audio Patching settings.


Direct Out — Does not combine
audio in any way; all audio tracks
remain as they are in the source
media, which creates separate
output channels for each audio
track in the source media when it is
sent to playback. Select this option
to retain the greatest flexibility to
do further audio manipulation after
the source media is sent to the
playback device.

The default mixdown mode is Mono.


Application Database Settings View

Application Database Settings: Editing Settings Tab (Continued)




Audio Target

Sets an audio resolution for output to a Avid Instinct
Interplay Assist
playback device. Currently, the only
option is PCM.
Sample Rate and Bit Depth: sets the
resolution of the source audio for audio


If dynamic relink is enabled, you
must set the audio target
resolution to PCM and select a
Sample Rate and Bit Depth.

If the working resolution differs from
the target resolution, audio clips relink
to the target resolution when they are
sent to playback. However, if the
settings on the playback device differ
from the target resolution, the clips
convert to the playback resolution after

Audio Effects

Prepare Editor
Sequences for

For future use.

Dissolve Duration

Sets the length of an audio dissolve in
frames. For example, to create a
default dissolve of 2 frames (the
default), type 2.

Avid Instinct
Interplay Central

Sound on Tape and
Voice Over

If enabled, maps SOT and VOICE
sounds as center-panned (played on
both channels). This effect applies to
both Mono and Stereo Mixdown

Avid Instinct


Application Database Settings View

Application Database Settings: Editing Settings Tab (Continued)




Auto Reservation

Duration [h]

Allows you to set a default duration (in Avid Instinct
hours) for auto reservations. If you do Interplay Assist
not want auto reservation on a folder,
set the duration to zero. The default
duration is 24 hours.
There are two situations that trigger an
automatic reservation:


Check in bins when


Capturing a master clip to the
Interplay Window


Checking in a new or modified
asset from a bin

Allows you to set the default behavior
for checking in media objects from
open bins to the Interplay database
when closing your Avid editing
application. The default is “Ask user.”

Interplay Common
Playback Service

Avid editing systems

This setting does not apply to
Avid Instinct or Avid Assist.

For future use.

Setting Audio Mixing Defaults for Access and Assist
The Audio Mixing Defaults in the Application Defaults tab apply to Interplay Access and
Interplay Assist.

For Interplay Access, the settings apply to the Audio Mixer controls, which let you enable
and mute tracks and adjust volume. Adjustments that you make with these controls apply
only when you play Avid assets and file assets in Interplay Access. For more information,
see the Avid Interplay Access User’s Guide.


For Interplay Assist, the settings apply to the Local Audio Mixing controls, which let you
edit audio settings for clips or subclips that you load in the Monitor. Adjustments that you
make with these controls apply only when you play clips, subclips, or shotlists in Interplay
Assist. For more information, see the Avid Interplay Assist User’s Guide.

These settings apply to the entire database only. You cannot set them for individual folders.


Application Database Settings View

The following illustration shows audio tracks 1 through 16 enabled, with left/right alternating
pan (the initial default setting). Buttons for enabled tracks display a green icon.

To set audio mixing defaults for Interplay Access and Interplay Assist:

1. In the Application Settings section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the
Application Database Settings icon.
2. Click the Application Defaults tab.
3. Select the Enable Audio Mixing Defaults option so that a green check mark is displayed.
4. For each track that you want to enable, click the corresponding button, so that the button has
a green icon.

Application Database Settings View

5. For each track, select Left, Mono, or Right to assign the track to an output channel (pan
6. Click Apply.

Sending a Source to Playback in Interplay Assist
The target settings for Send to Playback depend on the folder in which a loaded shotlist exists.
The following sections describe how Interplay Assist uses target settings when sending a source
to playback.
Settings in the Interplay Administrator

You set the target audio and video resolution for a folder in the Interplay Administrator. If you
have Dynamic Relink enabled in a workgroup, settings for audio and video target resolutions are
enabled and required in the Interplay Administrator. You should set target resolutions for the root
folder. Subfolders inherit this setting. You can set different target resolutions for subfolders that
override the settings inherited from the root folder.
The following illustration shows DNxHD 1080 115-120-145 and PCM set as target resolutions
on the database root folder.


Application Database Settings View

Sending a Source to Playback

If you send a source to playback (a clip, subclip, or sequence) and a shotlist is open, the send to
playback operation uses the target resolution of the folder that holds the shotlist.
If a shotlist is not open, the send to playback operation uses the target resolution that is set at the
database root. If this resolution is not what you want to use for the source, you need to create or
open a shotlist in a folder that has the desired settings.
To make it easier to select target resolution settings to use when sending a Source to playback,
you can create a set of template shotlists and folders, each in a folder that has been set with the
target resolutions. You can then do one or both of the following:

Create shortcuts to the folders


Create the template shotlists with names that are easily searched, for example,
TRES_DNxHD1080, TRES_MPEG50, and so on.

Then, before you send a source to playback, use a shortcut or search to load the appropriate

Setting the Shotlist Start Timecode for Interplay Access and Interplay
An administrator can set the default starting timecode for shotlists that are created in Interplay
Access or Interplay Assist. The default starting timecode for shotlists is 01;00;00;00 (drop
frame) or 01:00:00:00 (non-drop frame). For example, you can use this setting to change the
starting timecode hour from 01 to 00.
This setting applies to the entire database only. You cannot set it for individual folders.
Interplay Access and Interplay Assist determine the format of the timecode differently:



For Interplay Access, the timecode format is determined by the first clip in the shotlist. You
cannot mix drop-frame and non-drop-frame clips in the same shotlist.


For Interplay Assist, you set the default starting timecode as Drop Frame or Non-Drop
Frame in the Interplay Administrator. If you select Drop Frame, and if the frame rate of the
first clip in the shotlist supports drop-frame timecode (for example, 29.97 fps), the timecode
will be drop-frame. If you select Non-Drop Frame, or the first clip in the shotlist does not
support drop-frame timecode, the default timecode will be non-drop-frame. You can mix
drop-frame and non-drop-frame clips in the same shotlist.

Interplay Assist users can change the starting timecode for an individual shotlist by using the
command Edit > Edit Shotlist Start Timecode.


Application Database Settings View

To set the shotlist start timecode:

1. Start Interplay Administrator and log on to the database for which you want to set the
shotlist start timecode.
2. In the Application Settings section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the
Application Database Settings icon.
3. Click the Application Defaults tab.
4. Select the database (AvidWG).
5. For the Shotlist Start Timecode option, enter the timecode in the format HH:MM:SS.
You cannot enter a default starting frame.
6. For Interplay Assist, specify the Default NTSC Shotlist Format as Drop Frame or Non-Drop
7. Click Apply.

Setting an Automatic Timeout for Interplay Assist and Avid Instinct
An Interplay administrator has the option of letting Interplay Assist and Avid Instinct
automatically time out after a specified period of inactivity. This feature helps in license
management, because it enables an unused license to be freed up without the administrator
manually finding and closing inactive applications on user desktops.
If a timeout period is set, and the application does not detect any activity during that period, the
application displays a message that asks if you want to quit. Click Yes to quit, or click No to keep
the application open. If you do not click Yes or No, the application quits in twenty seconds.
The default setting is one hour. This setting applies to the entire database.
To set the timeout period:

1. Start Interplay Administrator and log on to the database for which you want to set the
automatic timeout.
2. In the Application Settings section of the Interplay Administrator, click the Application
Database Settings icon.
3. Click the Application Defaults tab.
4. Select the database (AvidWG).
5. In the Assist/Instinct - Defaults section, enter a value in hours for the Automatic Timeout
option. Decimal values are allowed. For example, for a timeout period of one and a half
hours, enter:

If you do not want a timeout period, enter 0 (zero).

Application Database Settings View

6. Click Apply.
The timeout period begins the next time you launch the application.

Configuring the Frame Locators Display
The Frame Locators tab in the Object Inspector displays information about locators associated
with an Avid asset. Administrators and users can configure which attributes (as columns) are
displayed in the Frame Locators tab. Administrators can select a default set of columns in the
Interplay Administrator, and users can change the default settings in Interplay Access.
You can display the following columns:
Frame Locators

Default Setting in
Interplay Administrator


Always selected


Always selected


Selected by default


Selected by default


Selected by default

UID (Unique Identifier)

Selected by default

The ability to configure which columns you display can be useful if you use locator information
in another application. You can export locator information in various formats or you can copy
rows of information and paste them into another application by using your desktop copy and
paste commands.
To configure the default display in the Interplay Administrator:

1. Open the Interplay Administrator and log in to the database for which you want to set the
default display.
2. In the Application Settings section, click Application Database Settings.
3. Click the Application Defaults tab.
4. In the Access Frame Locators View section, select the columns that you want to display in
the Frame Locators tab.
The Timecode and Comment columns are always displayed.
5. Click Apply.


Setting Instinct/Assist User Options

To override the default display in Interplay Access:

1. Open Interplay Access and log in to a database.
2. Select Preferences > Options
3. Click the View Settings tab.
4. In the Frame Locators View section, select “Use local column configuration.”
5. Select the columns you want to display, or deselect the columns you do not want to display,
then click OK.
6. Refresh Interplay Access (select View > Refresh or perform an action).

Setting Instinct/Assist User Options
In the Instinct/Assist User Settings view, you can set permissions for various editing functions on
the group or user level (working resolutions for video and audio are not available for groups).
These settings apply to all folders in the database, so in some cases the settings apply to users on
Avid editing systems (NewsCutter, Media Composer, and Symphony) who are checking Avid
assets into the Interplay database.
For information about these settings, see “Instinct/Assist User Settings” on page 197.
The settings in the following illustration are for an Instinct or Assist user who has permission to
use only low-resolution MPEG2 media. In this example, most settings are grayed out, which
indicate that they are inherited from the user group. For this user, the working video resolution is
MPEG2-MPML NTSC and the “Can use higher resolutions” setting is No. The working audio
resolution is MP2.


Setting Instinct/Assist User Options

To change the Instinct/Assist User settings:

1. In the Application Settings section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the
Instinct/Assist User Settings icon.
2. In the Users tree on the left, select a group of users or an individual user.
The settings for the selected user or user group area are displayed in the pane on the right.
3. Do one of the following:

Select an option from the drop-down list or by clicking an option button.


Type a setting in the text box.

If a setting is grayed out (inherited), click the Edit button to enable editing

Setting Instinct/Assist User Options

Edit button

4. Select among the following options for each setting:



The user inherits this setting from the group it is a part of.


Grants the user this setting.


Denies the user this setting.

If you select Inherited, and then click Apply, the option changes to the inherited setting and
the options are grayed out.
5. Click Apply.
A notification box tells you whether or not the changes have been successfully applied.
Users who are currently logged on need to log out and log in again to see the changes.
6. Click Dismiss to close the notification box.
If you do not click Dismiss or the close box, after a few seconds the notification box
minimizes to a green bar at the bottom of the dialog box. To view the notification again,
click the green bar. The green bar is available for approximately 45 seconds.
To undo a setting:

1. Click the red X button.
This button appears only if you have explicitly set the value of the setting. Clicking the red X
button clears the setting, but does not revert the setting to the previous value.
2. Click Apply.

Instinct/Assist User Settings
The following table describes options for the Instinct/Assist User Settings. The table includes
columns that specify which applications the setting applies to.


Instinct Assist

Can send to playback




Avid editing
applications Description

If yes, allows the selected user or
group to send material to a
playback device.


Setting Instinct/Assist User Options


Instinct Assist

Can modify column




Avid editing
applications Description


If yes, allows the selected user or
group to modify the properties of
an asset (such as the name or a
comment). If an editing
application user regularly checks
assets into Interplay, select “yes.”
Administrators and folder owners
have this right set by default.
Other users who have this right
must also have a read/write or
read/write/delete role for at least
one folder that contains the asset.

Can create new column




If yes, allows the selected user or
group to add new properties to an
asset. If an editing application
user regularly checks assets into
Interplay, select “yes.”
Administrators and folder owners
have this right set by default.
Other users who have this right
must also have a read/write or
read/write/delete role for at least
one folder that contains the asset.

Can see other users’ logs



If yes, allows the selected user or
group to see locators and
restrictions set by other users.


Setting Instinct/Assist User Options


Instinct Assist

Can use higher resolutions x



Avid editing
applications Description

If yes, allows the selected user or
group to work with a higher
quality than the working
resolution for video and audio
clips if the working resolution is
not available. If this option is set
to No and the only available
resolution is higher than the
working resolution, the user sees
Media Offline in the Video
If you want a user to work with
any available media, select “yes”
for this option and “Can use lower

Can use lower resolutions



If yes, allows the selected user or
group to work with a lower
quality for video and audio clips
than the working resolution if the
working resolution is not
available. If this option is set to
No and the only available
resolution is lower than the
working resolution, the user sees
Media Offline in the Video
If you want a user to work with
any available media, select “yes”
for this option and “Can use
higher resolutions.”


Setting Instinct/Assist User Options


Can create locators

Instinct Assist



Avid editing
applications Description



If yes, allows the selected user or
group to create locators. If no, a
user of an Avid editing
application can still create
locators for an asset, but can
check in only the asset, not the
locator metadata (an error
message is displayed).
In most cases, if you want a user
to create locators, select "yes" for
both "Can create locators" and
"Can modify locators." Both
settings are needed because
adding text is one aspect of
modifying a locator.
Administrators and owners have
the ability to create locators by
default. Other users must have
“Can create locators” set to “yes”
and must also have a read/write or
read/write/delete role for at least
one folder that contains the asset.

Can modify locators




If yes, allows the selected user or
group to modify or delete
locators. If no, a user of an Avid
editing application can still
modify locators on an asset, but
can check in only the asset, not
the locator metadata (an error
message is displayed).
Administrators and owners have
the ability to modify locators by
default. Other users must have
“Can modify locators” set to
“yes” and must also have a
read/write or read/write/delete
role for at least one folder that
contains the asset.


Setting Instinct/Assist User Options


Instinct Assist

Can create restrictions



Avid editing
applications Description

If yes, allows the selected user or
group to mark a section of a clip
with a restriction locator. In most
cases, if you want a user to create
restrictions, select “yes” for both
“Can create restrictions” and
“Can modify restrictions.” Adding
text is considered modifying a
Administrators and owners have
this right set by default. Other
users who have this right must
also have a read/write or
read/write/delete role for at least
one folder that contains the asset.

Can modify restrictions


If yes, allows the selected user or
group to modify a restriction.
Administrators and owners have
this right set by default. Other
users who have this right must
also have a read/write or
read/write/delete role for at least
one folder that contains the asset.

Video Settings: Working



If Dynamic Relink is enabled,
specifies the default working
video resolution for the selected
user. You cannot apply this setting
to a group.

Audio Settings: Working



If Dynamic Relink is enabled,
specifies the default working
audio resolution for the selected
user. If the working resolution is
set to PCM, you can select a
sample rate and a bit depth for
audio clips. You cannot apply this
setting to a group.


Pro Tools Plug-Ins Settings

Pro Tools Plug-Ins Settings
You can use Interplay Pro Tools Plug-ins to pass audio files back and forth between Avid video
editing systems and Pro Tools audio editing and mixing systems.
The following topics include information for installing and configuring the plug-ins. For details
on using these plug-ins, see the Avid Interplay Best Practices guide.

Installing the Pro Tools Plug-Ins for Interplay
Before you use the Avid editing application to check files into Interplay for Pro Tools, you must
install Interplay Access and the Pro Tools Interplay Option on the Pro Tools system. The
installation software adds the following plug-ins to the Application Settings section in the
Interplay Administrator on the Pro Tools system.

Pro Tools Import Settings


Editor Export Settings for Pro Tools


Pro Tools User Settings

You can install Interplay Access and the Pro Tools Interplay Option on any Windows system that
you want to use to configure the import and export settings. For example, you can install the Pro
Tools option on the Interplay Engine server.
For information on installing the Pro Tools Interplay Option, see the Avid Interplay Software
Installation and Configuration Guide.

Configuring the Pro Tools Import Plug-In
The settings that you configure in the Pro Tools Import plug-in are used by a Pro Tools system
when a Pro Tools editor performs an import. You can select import settings for the entire
database or for particular folders. All files and subfolders in the parent folder inherit the settings
of the parent folder.
If you do not configure Import Plug-in settings for a particular folder, the Pro Tools editor can
modify those settings in the New Session dialog box and the Pro Tools AAF Import dialog box
during the import into Pro Tools.
To configure the Pro Tools Import settings:

1. In the Application Settings section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the Pro
Tools Import Settings icon.
The Pro Tools Import Settings view opens.
2. Select the database or folder for which you want to configure import settings.

Pro Tools Plug-Ins Settings

If the database icon has a red X, you are not connected. Click the database icon to connect.
The database icon shows a green check mark when you are connected. For more
information, see “Viewing General Role Assignments” on page 120.
The following illustration shows the Pro Tools Import Settings view. In this example, the
settings are configured for the entire database AvidWG. You can also select an individual
folder and set specific values for that folder and its subfolders. Settings are inherited from
the parent folder.

3. Select the values that Pro Tools should use to import the files and create a new session. For
more information about these settings, see the Pro Tools documentation.
4. Click Apply.


Pro Tools Plug-Ins Settings

Configuring the Pro Tools Export Plug-In
The settings that you configure in the Pro Tools Export plug-in are used by an Avid editing
application when an editor performs an audio export. You can select export settings for the entire
database or for particular folders. All files and subfolders in the parent folder inherit the settings
of the parent folder.
If you do not configure Export Plug-in settings for a particular folder, the Avid editing
application displays the Pro Tools Export Settings dialog box when you perform the “Check In to
Interplay for Pro Tools” operation to that folder. You can specify the settings for that particular
export in the dialog box.
To configure the Editor Export Settings for Pro Tools:

1. In the Application Settings section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the Editor
Export Settings for Pro Tools icon.
The Editor Export Settings for Pro Tools view opens.
2. Select the database or folder for which you want to configure export settings.
If the database icon has a red X, you are not connected. Click the database icon to connect.
The database icon shows a green check mark when you are connected. For more
information, see “Viewing General Role Assignments” on page 120.
The following illustration shows the settings for a project folder named “PR3 NTSC 30i.”
You can modify the settings for any folder in the hierarchy. Subfolders inherit settings.


Pro Tools Plug-Ins Settings

3. Select options as described in the following table.



Video Details

Transcode Video

The Avid editing application uses this value to perform a
video mixdown when you select the Video Mixdown option
for a “Check In to Interplay for Pro Tools” operation.
The application might also use the value when you perform
a “link to existing media” export. For more information, see
the Avid Interplay Best Practices.

Audio Details

Audio Mixdown

Specifies whether to include an audio mixdown with each
export. Available options are No Mixdown, Stereo, and

Convert Audio Sample

Specifies the audio sample rate for the export. The Project
option refers to the current Avid editor project setting.

Convert Audio Bit Depth Specifies the audio bit depth for the export. The Project
option refers to the current Avid editor project setting.

4. Click Apply.
Changes take effect for the Avid editing application the next time the Avid editor logs into
the Interplay Window. The editor might have to log out of the Interplay Window and log
back in.

Configuring the Pro Tools User Settings Plug-In
This option is for future use.


7 Avid Interplay Services
The Avid Interplay Services settings include the Workgroup Properties and Service
Configuration views, which are identical to parts of the Avid Service Framework. For example,
the following illustration shows the Service Configuration view examining the Avid Interplay
Media Indexer settings for a computer in the Interplay workgroup. You can use the Service
Configuration view to configure services such as the Interplay Media Indexers for all the clients
in your workgroup from one computer.

For more information about the Avid Interplay Services, see the Avid Service Framework User's
Guide or Avid Interplay Best Practices.


Avid Workgroup Properties and Avid Service Configuration are also available from the Interplay
Access View menu.


8 Troubleshooting
The following topics provide information for troubleshooting problems with the Avid Interplay
Engine server:

Troubleshooting Login Problems


Troubleshooting Client Connection Problems


Optimizing Avid Interplay Performance


Troubleshooting Firewalls and Avid Interplay


Troubleshooting the Server Execution User Account


Shutting Down or Locking the Server Process

Troubleshooting Login Problems
If you are not able to log in to the Interplay Administrator even when you are sure you provided
a correct user name and password, verify if the Central Configuration Server for the server is set
correctly. For information about the Central Configuration Server, see “Understanding the
Central Configuration Server” on page 95.
To verify if the Central Configuration Server is set correctly:

1. Click Start, then click Run.
2. Type regedit in the text box.
The Registry Editor opens.
3. Navigate to the following folder:
(32-bit OS) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Avid Technology\
Workgroup\Avid Workgroup\DatabaseServer
(64-bit OS) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Avid Technology\
Workgroup\Avid Workgroup\DatabaseServer
The string value CMS should specify the computer name of the Central Configuration
4. If this value is not correct, shut down the Avid Interplay Engine by locking the server (see
“Locking and Unlocking the Server” on page 85).

Troubleshooting Client Connection Problems

5. In the Registry Editor, double-click CMS, type a valid entry, and click OK.
6. Unlock the server.

Troubleshooting Client Connection Problems
This topic provides suggestions for settings to check if a client system is not connecting properly.
Network Configuration


Check the TCP/IP connection by typing ping  in the Command Prompt on
the client.

Server Settings


Check if there is a user account for the user. See “Managing Users, User Groups, and User
Rights” on page 110.


Check if the password is expired. See “Viewing and Setting Attributes” on page 114.


Check that the user has access to the database (a role other than No Access).


Make sure the user authorization provider includes the user account. See “Setting User
Authentication Providers and Importing Users” on page 100.

Client Settings


Reinstall Interplay Access. This client application hosts Interplay Access, Interplay
Administrator, and the connection package for any connection to Interplay.

Optimizing Avid Interplay Performance
This topic provides some basic items to check if you are running into unexplained slowness
(either server or client side) with Avid Interplay:

Make sure that the server meets the current specifications. See the Avid Interplay ReadMe.


Make sure that the client is running on a system that meets specifications.


Run the client from the server machine.
If Interplay Access runs well on the server machine, it might indicate that the other clients
are communicating slowly with the server because of a network problem. Start the client on
the server machine and see if you have the same problems.


Check for other processes running on the server machine.


Troubleshooting Firewalls and Avid Interplay

Most installations should run the Avid Interplay Engine on a dedicated machine. If you are
relying on the server machine to perform other duties as well, you might have performance
issues. For example, some virus scanners can lock files on a server, and the Avid Interplay
Engine waits until the file is unlocked before it can be moved, renamed, deleted, and so on.

Check the speed of the LAN between the Avid Interplay Engine and the shared storage
Make sure that the Avid Interplay Engine and the Avid shared-storage server are connected
appropriately; for example, the Avid Interplay Engine needs to read the files to create
thumbnails. If the connection is slow, performance can drop.


Check the speed of file operations of the Avid Interplay Engine on the shared storage server.
Make sure that the Avid Interplay Engine can move data quickly on the Avid shared-storage
system. Log in to the Interplay Engine server and use Windows Explorer to transfer files
from an Avid shared-storage workspace to the Interplay Engine server. The speed
performance of these operations should be independent of file size and instantaneous. Make
sure the connectivity and credentials are correct.

Troubleshooting Firewalls and Avid Interplay
Firewalls on client machines interfere with Avid Interplay’s TCP/IP communications.


The list of servers does not appear, for example, when you are connecting to a new database.


Connection establishment to the server fails.


These problems can be caused by personal firewalls installed on the client machine. A typical
example for such a firewall is ZoneAlarm® from ZoneLabs™ or the Windows XP firewall.
These applications intercept all outgoing and incoming network traffic and decide whether to let
the traffic go through or block it. The effect is that applications like Avid Interplay fail to connect
to their servers.
Typically when the client looks for available Avid Interplay Engines in the network, no servers
can be retrieved. When the client is looking for servers, a UDP broadcast is sent out on port


Troubleshooting the Server Execution User Account


Usually these personal firewalls can be configured to allow all network traffic for specific
applications. This should be done for Avid Interplay locally or for Internet access depending on
which servers Avid Interplay should connect to.
For information about ports used by Avid Interplay, see “Required TCP/IP Ports” on page 248
and “Interplay Port Usage” in the Avid Interplay Software Installation and Configuration Guide.

Troubleshooting the Server Execution User Account
The Server Execution User is a Windows operating system user account that is used only to run
the Interplay Engine processes. You specify the user name and password for the Server
Execution User when you install the Interplay Engine on the server. The following topics provide
more information about the Server Execution User account and information about how to
recreate the account.


The Server Execution User account is different from the Interplay Administrator account. The
Server Execution User account is used to run the Interplay Engine processes.The Interplay
Administrator account is used to manage users and the database.
The following topics provide more information about the Server Execution User account:

Creating the Server Execution User Account


Determining the Server Execution User Name


Re-creating the Server Execution User

Creating the Server Execution User Account
When you install the Interplay Engine software you must specify the user name and password of
the Server Execution User account. The Server Execution User is a Windows operating system
user account that is used only to run the Interplay Engine processes.


You should always use the Custom install option when installing the Interplay Engine software
so that you can specify the Server Execution User.


Troubleshooting the Server Execution User Account

You have the following options for creating the Server Execution User:

If your Interplay system is joined to a Windows domain, you can create a domain user (for
example, “IPEngine”). The Interplay Engine installer will associate the appropriate
permissions with the account. If you want to run the Avid Interplay Engine within your
domain and also want to automatically make use of domain user management, such as
Windows Domain or LDAP, you must specify a domain user as the Server Execution User.
For Interplay Engine failover cluster systems, you must specify a Windows domain user.


You have the option of allowing the Interplay Engine installer to create the account. Select a
name before the installation and specify the name and a password during the installation.
The installer will create a local user in the Administrators group with the appropriate


You can also create a local Administrator account manually and specify that account during
the installation. The account must have local administration rights on the operating system
for the Interplay Engine server (both nodes on a cluster system). The account must have the
following local security policy settings set to enabled:

Act as part of the operating system


Back up files and directories


Restore files and directories


Adjust memory quotas for a process


Log on as a service


Increase scheduling priorities


Manage auditing and security log


Impersonate a client after authentication


Debug programs

An account with an identical user name and password must have read/write access to the Avid
shared storage workspaces that contain media (including the workspace used for file asset
sources in a split database). Use the Avid ISIS or Avid Unity MediaNetwork Administration tool
to create this account.


When you install the Interplay Engine or the Interplay Archive Engine, do not select the
default Server Execution User. Create a custom user instead. The default user account is
AVID_WORKGROUP_USER. Do not use this account.
Ideally the Server Execution user should be an account that users do not use to log onto the
system. This prevents accidental changes to the Server User Account during normal
administration duties. For example, if someone changes the password by mistake, users might
not be able to access the Interplay database.

Troubleshooting the Server Execution User Account

For security reasons, do not use the Interplay Engine server operating system Administrator
account. Create a unique account that you use only as the Server Execution User. For example,
you can create an administrative account called “IPEngine.” Avoiding the word Administrator
can help indicate that this account is not used for normal administrative tasks.


The Server Execution User account is different from the Interplay Administrator account. The
Server Execution User account is used to run the Interplay Engine processes. The Interplay
Administrator account is used to manage users and the database.

Determining the Server Execution User Name
If necessary, you can check the user name of the Server Execution User account.
To determine the Server Execution User name:

1. Right-click My Computer and select Manage.
2. Expand the Services and Applications branch, then click Services.
3. Right-click Avid Workgroup TCP COM Bridge and select Properties.
4. Click the Log On tab.
The Log On tab contains the name of the Server Execution User.
On a cluster system, the Server Execution User name and password must match the
Windows user account that is running the cluster service. On a cluster system, perform the
next step.
5. (Cluster only) In the list of services, right-click Cluster Service, select Properties, and click
the Log On tab. This is the Windows user account that is running the Cluster Service. If this
account does not match the Avid Workgroup TCP COM Bridge account and the Avid
Workgroup Engine Monitor account, do one of the following:

Run the cluster-aware version of the NXNServerUser tool (see “Re-creating the Server
Execution User” on page 214).


Use the Custom install option when you upgrade the Interplay Engine software.

6. (Cluster only) In the list of services, right-click Avid Workgroup Engine Monitor, select
Properties, and click the Log On tab. This is the Windows user account that is running the
Avid Workgroup Engine Monitor service. If this account does not match the Avid
Workgroup TCP COM Bridge account and the Cluster Service account, do one of the

Run the cluster-aware version of the NXNServerUser tool (see “Re-creating the Server
Execution User” on page 214).


Use the Custom install option when you upgrade the Interplay Engine software.


Troubleshooting the Server Execution User Account

See the Avid Interplay ReadMe for more information about upgrading and troubleshooting a
cluster system.

Re-creating the Server Execution User
If you need to re-create the Server Execution User, use the NXNServerUser.exe tool.
To re-create the Server Execution User account:

1. Run the tool NxNServerUser.exe on the Avid Interplay Engine server.
The tool is located in the following directory on the Avid Interplay Server:
2. Select Custom User.
3. Type the name, such as MYDOMAIN\IPEngine, and the password of the account.
Make sure that this name exactly matches the user name and password of an account in the
Avid shared-storage Administration tool that has read/write access to the appropriate
workspaces (see “Creating the Server Execution User Account” on page 211).


Make sure that you use the correct password for the specified user because the tool cannot verify
the password.
The tool changes the execution user settings for the following servers and services:

Avid Interplay Engine Server: The Avid Interplay Engine Server runs under the
specified account. The NxNServerUser tool changes the corresponding DCOM settings.
You can verify that the new user has been set using the dcomcnfg tool as described in
“Avid Interplay Engine Server” on page 249.


Avid Interplay TCP/COM Bridge: The Avid Interplay TCP/COM Bridge Service runs
under the specified account. You can verify that the new user has been set in the service
control panel tool as described in “Required TCP/IP Ports” on page 248.


Impersonation of Apache® Modules: The Apache modules that need to access files on
the file server are impersonated to the specified user account (see “Avid Workgroup
HTTP Server” on page 250 and “Avid Workgroup Preview Server Service” on
page 251). You can verify that the new user and the encrypted password has been set in
the following registry keys:

Technology\Workgroup\Avid Workgroup Server\ExecutionUser


Technology\Workgroup\Avid Workgroup Server\ExecutionSettings


Technology\Workgroup\Avid Workgroup Server\ExecutionUser

Shutting Down or Locking the Server Process


Technology\Workgroup\Avid Workgroup Server\ExecutionSettings


(Cluster Only) Avid Interplay Engine Monitor: The Avid Interplay Engine Monitor
Service runs under the specified account. You can verify that the new user has been set
in the service control panel.


(Cluster Only): Cluster Service: The Windows Cluster Service runs under the specified
account. You can verify that the new user has been set in the service control panel.

4. Restart the server.
The Avid Interplay Engine processes have all necessary access rights.

Shutting Down or Locking the Server Process
You might need to shut down or lock the Avid Interplay Engine Server process in certain
circumstances, such as low disk space conditions (see “Moving a Database Under Low Disk
Space Conditions” on page 76). For more information about the process, see “Avid Interplay
Engine Server” on page 249.
To shut down or lock the Avid Interplay Engine Server process, do one of the following:


Lock the server using NxNServerLock.exe in the Avid Interplay Engine installation


Lock the server using the Lock Server view in the Interplay Administrator. See “Locking
and Unlocking the Server” on page 85.


Shut down the server using NxNServerShutdown.exe in the Avid Interplay Engine
installation directory.


9 Configuring Interplay for a Split Database
An Interplay database includes a metadata database and a file repository (for file assets). If you
do not have adequate local storage for your Interplay database, you can configure (or “split”) the
Interplay database so that the metadata database remains on the Interplay Engine server and the
file repository resides on an Avid shared storage workspace.
If your Interplay system uses a cluster configuration, it includes a large amount of local storage
space, and a split database is probably not necessary.


Storing the file repository of a large Interplay database on ISIS shared storage in a
split-database configuration might reduce the maximum number of media files you can store on
the ISIS system. If the number of assets in your Interplay database might exceed 50,000, contact
your Avid representative for a recommendation.
The following topics provide information about this configuration:

Understanding a Split Database


Supported Configurations


Preparing for a Split Database


Splitting a Database for New Interplay Installations


Splitting a Database for Existing Interplay Installations


Reuniting a Split Database

Understanding a Split Database
When you first install Interplay Engine software, the installation program requires you to set one
root folder for the database on a local drive. This folder functions as the root for two parts of the
Interplay database:

A metadata database, which the Interplay Engine uses to store metadata for all assets. These
assets can include both Avid assets and file assets. (File assets include Photoshop files,
Microsoft Office files, and other files that are not created through Avid systems.)


A file repository, which holds the source files for file assets, streamed properties for Avid
assets (such as head frames and AAF information),and other files.

Understanding a Split Database

If the Interplay Engine server does not have adequate local storage for your Interplay database,
you can configure the Interplay Engine to store only the metadata database on the Interplay
Engine. All other database files and folders can be stored on an Avid shared-storage workspace.
This configuration is called a split database.


Storing the file repository of a large Interplay database on ISIS shared storage in a
split-database configuration may reduce the maximum number of media files you can store on
the ISIS system. If the number of assets in your Interplay database might exceed 50,000, contact
your Avid representative for a recommendation.
If your Interplay system uses a cluster configuration, it includes a large amount of local storage
space, and a split database is probably not necessary.
The following illustration shows the metadata database stored on the internal drive of the
Interplay Engine server and the source files for the assets stored on Avid shared-storage

File Assets


Media for
Avid Assets

Avid Interplay Engine
Shared Storage


In a split database, source files for file assets and streamed properties for Avid assets are stored
on a shared storage workspace. Media files for Avid assets, such as .mxf files, are always stored
on a shared storage workspace.
Relationship Between the File Repository and the Metadata Database

The file repository contains folders that hold the file versions created through importing and
checking in files, as well as other files such as preview images and head frames of clips. The
metadata database contains the information needed by the Interplay Engine to access the files in
the database, and stores metadata about the files.


For a description of the files that make up the database, see “Avid Interplay Databases, Folders,
and Files” on page 30.


Supported Configurations

You can configure your system to store the file repository on shared storage. However, for
performance and reliability reasons, Avid requires that the metadata database be stored on the
server running the Interplay Engine. If the metadata database is stored on an external file server,
network problems or unavailability of the shared storage server causes the Interplay Engine to
lock the databases because it cannot write changes persistently.
Methods for Splitting a Database

There are two methods for splitting the database:

Specify how to split the database before you first create it.


Split the database after you create it.

In either case, you need to prepare the shared storage workspace before you split the database.
These procedures are described in the following topics:

“Preparing for a Split Database” on page 219


“Splitting a Database for New Interplay Installations” on page 220


“Splitting a Database for Existing Interplay Installations” on page 222

Supported Configurations
The following table summarizes the supported configurations for the Interplay Engine.
Supported Configurations for the Interplay Engine

Metadata Location

File Repository



Interplay Engine server

Dedicated file server
(Avid Unity MediaNetwork
or Avid ISIS)

High reliability, high
speed performance, large
amount of storage space.

Interplay Engine server

Interplay Engine server


High reliability, high
speed performance,
limited storage space.

Dedicated file server A

Dedicated file server A


Not supported. Metadata
database must be on
Interplay Engine server.

Dedicated file server A

Dedicated file server B


Not supported. Metadata
database must be on
Interplay Engine server.


Preparing for a Split Database

Supported Configurations for the Interplay Engine (Continued)

Metadata Location

File Repository



Dedicated file server

Interplay Engine server


Not supported. Metadata
database must be on
Interplay Engine server.

Preparing for a Split Database
To split the database, you need to prepare the Avid ISIS or Avid Unity MediaNetwork
workspace. A split database is supported on an Avid Unity MediaNetwork if the server can
access the file system over a UNC path, such as \\Unity_Server\WorkspaceName.
To prepare for a split database:

1. Do one of the following:

Select an Avid shared-storage workspace to store the source files for file assets (file


Create and name a new workspace.

For example, you can create a workspace named \\SharedStorageServer\File_Assets. For
SharedStorageServer, substitute the network name of your Avid ISIS System Director or
Avid Unity MediaNetwork File Manager.
Make sure there is adequate space to hold the files that will be created.
2. Make sure that the Server Execution User has full access to the Avid shared-storage
The Server Execution User is usually a domain user, such as \\MYDOMAIN\IPEngine. In
this case, create a user on the Avid shared-storage system that has the identical name and
password as the domain user and the Server Execution User. For more information, see
“Creating the Server Execution User Account” on page 211.
3. Set read-only access on the workspace for all users that will connect to the Interplay Engine.
Users will be able to edit local copies on their client systems.


Splitting a Database for New Interplay Installations

Splitting a Database for New Interplay Installations
To split the database for new Interplay installations:

1. Prepare the shared storage workspace, as described in “Preparing for a Split Database” on
page 219.
2. Install the Interplay Engine. During the installation process, accept the default share on the
Interplay Server as the database location.
3. Edit the workgroup.xml file to include the path for the shared storage workspace (see
“Configuring the workgroup.xml File” on page 226).
4. Open the Interplay Administrator.
5. In the Server section of the Interplay Administrator window, click Server Settings.
The Server Settings view opens. This view shows the settings for two root folders: one for
the metadata database and one for the data (file assets). Leave the root folder for the database
6. In the text box labeled “Root folder for data (Assets),” type the UNC path or browse to the
Avid shared-storage workspace you want to use as a file repository for the file assets.
The following screen capture shows an example.

DOCWG is the Interplay Engine server, and WG_Database$ is the administrative share
name for the folder that holds the metadata database. This location was set during the
installation; by default the folder is named D:\Workgroup_Databases. For more
information, see “Identifying the Root Folder of the Interplay Server Database” on
page 227.


AAC-ISIS is the Avid ISIS server and File_Assets is the workspace.

7. Click Apply Changes.


Splitting a Database for New Interplay Installations

If an error message tells you that the server is not configured to accept the UNC path, make
sure the workgroup.xml file is correctly edited to include the shared storage workspace (see
“Configuring the workgroup.xml File” on page 226).
8. Click the Menu button.
9. In the Database section of the Interplay Administrator window, click the Create Database
The Create Database view opens. The root folders displayed should match those in the
Server Settings view.

10. Accept the Database Name, type a description, and click Create.
The new database is created.

You should find the database folder on the Interplay Engine, for example


You should find the file repository on the Avid shared-storage workspace, for example
\\AAC-ISIS\File_Assets\AvidWG. The AvidWG folder should contain _Master and
other database folders and files.

11. In the Schedule Backups view of the Interplay Administrator, change the backup location to
an external file server.


Splitting a Database for Existing Interplay Installations

By default, the _Backup folder is now located on the shared storage workspace. To avoid
filling up the workspace with backups, select Custom and specify the UNC path for a
different external file server. Make sure the Server Execution User has read/write access to
this external file server.

Splitting a Database for Existing Interplay
In some situations, you might need to split the database after you have created it. The following
procedure assumes that you want to relocate the file repository of database AvidWG from the
Interplay Engine server to an Avid ISIS or Avid Unity MediaNetwork workspace.


During the installation of the Interplay Engine, a shared folder for the database is created on the
Interplay Engine server. In the Interplay Administrator this folder is displayed as
WG_Database$, which is a hidden share name and not an actual folder. By default the folder is
named D:\Workgroup_Databases (non-cluster systems) or S:\Workgroup_Databases (cluster
systems). For more information, see “Identifying the Root Folder of the Interplay Server
Database” on page 227.
The following procedure refers to two different types of backups:

Interplay database backup: A backup copy of the Interplay database created by the
automated backup system built into the Interplay Engine. For more information, see
“Creating and Restoring Database Backups” on page 33.


Archive database backup: A copy of the Interplay database manually created by using a
third-party tool that can handle long path names (longer than 256 characters). Two examples
are Robocopy (contained in rktools.exe, available on Microsoft.com) and 7-Zip. For more
information, see “Using an Archiving Tool for Backup” on page 44 and documentation for
the third-party tool.
If you create an archive backup, keep in mind that creating a complete archive backup can
take several hours. You must lock and deactivate the database before creating the archive.
You can save time by removing old backups from the _Backup folder, located by default in

To split an existing database:

1. Create a full Interplay database backup by using the Interplay Administrator.
Alternatively, manually create an archive database backup of all files and folders in
2. Prepare the shared storage workspace, as described in “Preparing for a Split Database” on
page 219.


Splitting a Database for Existing Interplay Installations

3. On the Interplay Engine server, edit the workgroup.xml file to include the path for the new
folder on the shared storage workspace (see “Configuring the workgroup.xml File” on
page 226).
4. Lock the database to make sure that no user can access it:

In the Database section of the Interplay Administrator window, click Lock/Unlock


Select the database in the Unlocked Databases list.


Click Lock Database.

The database name appears in the Locked Databases list.
5. Deactivate the database:

In the Database section of the Interplay Administrator window, click Manage


Select the database name in the Databases list.


Click Deactivate.

The database name no longer appears in the Databases list.
6. Log out of the Interplay Administrator.
7. Mount the shared storage workspace you prepared, for example, \\AAC-ISIS\File_Assets.
8. Use Windows Explorer to navigate to the shared storage workspace and create a folder
named AvidWG.


This folder name (AvidWG) must exactly match the name of the corresponding folder on
the Interplay Engine server.
9. Copy all files and folders except the _Database folder from
\\IEServer\WG_Database$\AvidWG to the new location
Windows Explorer cannot copy paths longer than 256 characters or Unicode names that are
not in the default operating system language. If the database includes either or both of these
items, use a tool such as Robocopy or 7-Zip.
After copying the files and folders, delete them from the original location (or rename them),
so that this location contains only the _Database folder. The following illustration shows
both locations: the metadata database on the Interplay Engine and the file repository on the
shared storage workspace.


Splitting a Database for Existing Interplay Installations

10. Navigate to the folder \\SharedStorageServer\WorkspaceName\AvidWG and open the
FolderLocations.xml file.
11. Make sure the file includes the correct path for the _Database directory. It should include the

For IEServer, substitute the network name for the Interplay Engine server. This path points
to the metadata database on the Avid Interplay Engine.
If the FolderLocations.xml file does not exist on the workspace, or it is empty, use a text
editor or an XML editor to create the file in the folder AvidWG.


Splitting a Database for Existing Interplay Installations

Add the file location information as follows:


For IEServer, substitute the network name for the Interplay Engine server. Be sure to use a
UNC path. The Interplay Engine effectively maps it to a local path if possible.


Make sure to type this information accurately. Errors in the file can prevent you from
activating the database. XML files are case sensitive. Make sure that a text editor does not
automatically change the XML tags to lower case.
12. Activate the database:

In the Interplay Administrator, click Manage Databases.


In the “Database (.pro) file to activate” text box, type the full UNC path to the .pro file,
which now resides on the shared storage workspace. For example:
You can also navigate through the network to select the file. For example, open My
Network Places > Entire Network > Avid ISIS Network. Then navigate to


Make sure “Load Database on Activation” is selected, and click Activate.
When the database is activated, its name is displayed in the Databases list. The database
is automatically unlocked.
If the following error message is displayed, check the FolderLocations.xml file for
accuracy: “Failed to open the database (the system cannot find the path specified).”

13. Test the setup by doing the following:

Open one Interplay Access client.


Connect to the database and import a new file asset.


Lock and unlock the database.

d. After reconnecting to the database with Interplay Access, check if the file is still in the
14. In the Schedule Backups view of the Interplay Administrator, change the backup location to
an external file server.


Splitting a Database for Existing Interplay Installations

By default, the _Backup folder is now located on the shared storage workspace. To avoid
filling up the workspace with backups, select Custom and specify the UNC path for a
different external file server. Make sure the Server Execution User has read/write access to
this external file server.
15. (Option) In the Server Settings view of the Interplay Administrator, specify the path for the
shared storage workspace as the root folder for data, as described in step 6 in “Splitting a
Database for New Interplay Installations” on page 220.

Configuring the workgroup.xml File
When you move the file repository to a shared storage workspace, you must edit the
workgroup.xml file to include a path for the file repository share.
This file is located in the Interplay Engine installation directory, for example,



C:\Program Files\Avid\Avid Interplay Engine\Data\Apache\conf\workgroup.xml
(non-cluster systems)


S:\WorkgroupData\Apache\conf\workgroup.xml (cluster systems).

On a cluster system, the following file might be installed on both nodes: C:\Program
Files\Avid\Avid Interplay Engine\Data\Apache\conf\workgroup.xml. These files are not currently
used and do not need to be edited.
The default database location that you specified during the Interplay Engine installation is
published through this file as a default. The following example shows the section of
workgroup.xml that includes the database location:

 Administrative Tools > Services):

Avid Workgroup Server Browser service: This service makes the Avid Interplay Engine
visible to the network. It answers requests on the 8313 port, which are called from the
clients. See “Avid Workgroup Server Browser Service” on page 251.


Avid Workgroup Preview Server service: This service is an Apache web server. It provides
the thumbnail images for the Preview facility and the client connection interface. See “Avid
Workgroup Preview Server Service” on page 251.


Avid Workgroup TCP COM Bridge service: This service provides a bridge from TCP calls
to the Avid Workgroup COM interface. See “Avid Workgroup TCP/COM Bridge Service”
on page 254.


Avid Workgroup VSS service: This service provides backup functionality to the Avid
Interplay Engine (Interplay version 2.1 and later only). See “Avid Workgroup VSS Service”
on page 255.

One service is installed only on the Interplay Failover Cluster:

Avid Workgroup Engine Monitor: This service starts the Engine Server process and
monitors the health of the Engine Server, Apache HTTP Server, and TCP/COM Bridge
components (Interplay version 2.3 and later only) See “Avid Workgroup Engine Monitor
Service” on page 256.

Avid Interplay Engine Server
The Avid Interplay Engine Server is the central process where all assets and asset metadata are
managed. The main task of the server is to manage all the information that is in the database and
implement the server-side logic of database operations. The database itself is changed whenever
content in the database has been changed; therefore the Interplay Engine process needs fast
access to the location where the database is installed.

Avid Interplay Engine Servers and Services


The database files, as well as the assets, can be backed up while the Interplay Engine is running.
For details, see “Creating and Restoring Database Backups” on page 33.

The process running is usually listed as NxNServer.exe or NXNSer~3.exe.
This process is automatically launched at startup (machine boot) from the Avid Workgroup
Server Browser Service. If, however, it is not running at any time and clients try to access it, it is
automatically launched.
The Interplay Engine always runs under the user specified in the DCOMConfig Settings.
DCOMCNFG is a Windows utility that allows you to configure various DCOM-specific settings
in the registry. To access it, type dccomcnfg at the Command Prompt.


Do not change the settings using the DCOM configuration tool. Instead, use
NxNServerUser.exe to change the user under which the Avid Interplay Engine Server and
other servers and services run. See “Troubleshooting the Server Execution User Account”
on page 211.
Windows Services

There is no Windows service associated with this server process.


The Avid Interplay Engine Server must run on a Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server
2008. For additional hardware requirements, see the Avid Interplay Software Installation and
Configuration Guide.


The user under which the Avid Interplay Engine Server runs (the Server Execution User)
needs to have full read/write access to the database directory and to the Avid shared-storage

Avid Workgroup HTTP Server
The Avid Workgroup HTTP Server is a module for the Apache server which allows clients to
connect to the Avid Interplay Engine Server using a HTTP protocol.
These modules are run by the same instance of Apache as the Avid Workgroup Preview Server

See “Avid Workgroup Preview Server Service” on page 251.

Avid Interplay Engine Servers and Services


See “Avid Workgroup Preview Server Service” on page 251.


The Avid Interplay HTTP Server uses the Apache modules
NxNworkgroupFileTransferService.nsm and NxNworkgroupInternetBridge.nsm.
Windows Services

See “Avid Workgroup Preview Server Service” on page 251.

See “Avid Workgroup Preview Server Service” on page 251.

Avid Workgroup Server Browser Service
The Avid Workgroup Server Browser service is responsible for providing information about the
Interplay Engine server to Avid Interplay clients and searching for the available servers and
databases. The Avid Workgroup Server Browser listens to port 8313.

The process running is usually listed as NxNworkgroupServerBrowser.exe or NxNworkgroupSe.
This process launches the Avid Interplay Engine Server during startup.
Windows Services

The Avid Workgroup Server Browser is started automatically at system startup. This service
always runs under the local system account. The main task of this service is to start the main
Avid Interplay Engine process (NXNServer.exe). In order to access files on the file server, the
main Interplay Engine process needs to run under a user account that has access to the file server.


The Avid Workgroup Server Browser must run on the same machine as the Avid Interplay
Engine Server.


Port 8313 needs to be open.

Avid Workgroup Preview Server Service
The Avid Workgroup Preview Server service generates upon demand thumbnails and preview
images of items already in the database.
For items only on the local machine (not imported yet), the previews are generated directly on
the client machine.

Avid Interplay Engine Servers and Services

On both the Preview Server and on the local machine, cache directories keep the generated

On the Preview Server: in the directory you specified during installation, by default


On the local machine: C:\Documents and Settings\User\Local Settings\Application

The server is implemented as a module for Apache.

The Preview Server is accessed only from clients via HTTP. It uses the default port 80.


Make sure that no other application allocates port 80. For example, IIS might be installed as the
default HTTP server. In this case, deactivate the corresponding application.

There are two processes of Apache.exe running. One of them is a watchdog whose only task is to
make sure that the main Apache process is running. The main Apache process serves the preview
requests of port 80.


The Avid Interplay Preview Server uses the Apache module NxNworkgroupPreviewService.nsm.
Windows Services

The Avid_Workgroup_Preview_Server is started automatically at system startup. This service
always runs under the local system account.


The Avid Workgroup Preview Server must run on the same machine as the Avid Interplay
Engine Server.


Since the Avid Workgroup Preview Server needs to access the files on the file server during
thumbnail rendering, a user with appropriate access rights must be impersonated for each
preview action. To ensure that the impersonated user can access the files, we strongly advise
setting it to the same user under which the Avid Interplay Engine Server runs.
The user name and encrypted password for the impersonation is stored in the following
registry keys:

Technology\Workgroup\Avid Workgroup Server\ExecutionUser


Technology\Workgroup\Avid Workgroup Server\ExecutionSettings

Avid Interplay Engine Servers and Services



Technology\Workgroup\Avid Workgroup Server\ExecutionUser


Technology\Workgroup\Avid Workgroup Server\ExecutionSettings

Change the impersonation settings for the Avid Interplay Preview Server with the
NXNServerUser.exe tool only. See “Troubleshooting the Server Execution User Account”
on page 211.
Configuring the Preview Service

The Preview Service is responsible for the generation of thumbnails and preview images on the
server, as well as delivering them to the Interplay application.
All settings can be edited in the workgroup.xml file in the  section.
This file is located in the Interplay Engine installation directory, for example,

C:\Program Files\Avid\Avid Interplay Engine\Data\Apache\conf\workgroup.xml
(non-cluster systems)


S:\WorkgroupData\Apache\conf\workgroup.xml (cluster systems).

The settings should look similar to the following. Default settings are shown; the actual file
references the locations you specified during installation:

The Preview Server reads the settings from this file when the service is started. This means
settings become active only after you restart the Preview Server. You can do this without
restarting the whole machine by restarting the service Avid_Workgroup_Preview_Server. Select
Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services, double-click the service, and click Start.


Avid Interplay Engine Servers and Services

Description of Preview Generation Settings in workgroup.xml


CacheRoot: Path where previews and thumbnails generated by the preview server are stored.
This location is used by the preview server to create a cache of converted images. The
preview server can reuse those images for subsequent requests from any client. To ensure
best performance, this path should reside on a disk that has enough free space available to
hold a reasonable working set of cached images. While the default is inside of the database
directory of the Avid Interplay Engine, it is a good idea to place it on a different disk.


IconRoot: Path to a directory where a set of icons is stored, usually pointing into the Avid
Interplay Engine installation directory. The icons stored here are used by the Preview Server
if, for example, a thumbnail generation failed or if an asset has an unknown format or is not
an image/video file.


ServerEnableDiskGuard: If “yes”, the free space on disk is constantly checked and cache
files are purged if necessary. If “no”, cache files are never deleted. “1” and “0” are other
possible notations.


ServerCacheMinFreeDiskSpace: If the disk guard is enabled it tries to ensure that the disk
cache leaves at least this amount of space free on the disk. The disk guard cannot always
ensure this limit because it works in parallel to the normal preview server operation and
other applications might store data on the same disk. Use a value that is high enough to
overcome spike usage on your disk. The disk guard removes the oldest cached files first.
Values are by default (no suffix) in megabytes, but can be specified in gigabytes ('gb'), or
terabytes ('tb'), respectively ('1gb' == '1024').



ThumbnailImageFormat: This is the format used by client application to request thumbnails.
This should always match the requests made by the client application. It is advisable to set
this to “png.” Note: The client does not change the request format if this setting is changed.


ThumbnailsUseAlpha: If “yes,” generated thumbnails use the alpha channel to let a white
background shine through the normal image. Use “no” to ignore alpha channel information.

Generated thumbnails never contain any alpha information. This setting only renders the alpha
channel into the normal image data.

PreviewsUseAlpha: If “yes,” generated preview images are delivered to the client with the
alpha channel included (if it is actually displayed is a client option). Use “no” to generate
previews without any alpha channel information.

Avid Workgroup TCP/COM Bridge Service
The Avid Workgroup TCP/COM Bridge service acts as bridge to the Avid Interplay Engine
The Avid Workgroup HTTP Server needs the Avid Interplay TCP/COM Bridge to connect to the
Avid Interplay Engine Server.

Avid Interplay Engine Servers and Services


The Avid Workgroup TCP/COM Bridge listens to port 8318.

The process running is usually NXNTCP~1.exe from NXNTCPCOMBridge.exe.
Windows Services

The service “Avid Workgroup TCP COM Bridge” is automatically started at system startup and
should be running all the time.


The Avid Workgroup Server Browser must run on the same machine as the Avid Interplay
Engine Server.


The Avid Workgroup TCP/COM bridge needs to run under the same user account as the
Avid Interplay Engine Server. To check under which user the bridge runs, use the Windows
Services Control Panel.
To check the user account, click Start, click Run, and type services.msc. Right-click Avid
Workgroup TCP COM Bridge and select Properties. In the Log On tab, the This Account
option should display the Server Execution User.


Use the tool NXNServerUser.exe to change the Server Execution User. Do not change the
settings in the Control Panel. See “Troubleshooting the Server Execution User Account” on
page 211.

Avid Workgroup VSS Service
The Avid Workgroup VSS service provides backup functionality to the Avid Interplay Engine
(Interplay version 2.1 and later only). By working with the Windows Volume Shadow Copy
service, it significantly reduces the impact of the backup process on other engine operations.
The Avid Interplay Engine needs the Avid Workgroup VSS Service to create scheduled backups
of its databases.

The VSS Service communicates with the Avid Interplay Engine using standard Operating
System pipes.

The process running is usually IEVSSS~1.EXE or IEVSSService.exe.

Avid Interplay Engine Servers and Services

Windows Services

The Avid Workgroup VSS service is automatically started at system startup and should be
running all the time. This service always runs under the local system account. The Avid
Workgroup VSS service requires that the Windows Volume Shadow Copy service is also
running. The Windows Volume Shadow Copy service is installed by default and started


The Avid Workgroup VSS service must run on the same machine as the Avid Interplay
Engine Server.


The Avid Workgroup VSS service requires that the Windows Volume Shadow Copy service
is also running.

Avid Workgroup Engine Monitor Service
The Avid Workgroup Engine Monitor is responsible for creating the Engine Server process and
for monitoring the health of the Engine Server process, the Apache HTTP server, and the
TCP/COM Bridge. On Failover Cluster installations this service is controlled by a cluster
resource of the same name.
The Avid Workgroup Engine Monitor regularly tries to connect to the Engine Server process, the
Apache HTTP server, and the TCP/COM Bridge. If those components are too slow to respond or
do not respond at all, the Engine Monitor will trigger restarts of those components through the
corresponding cluster resources.
The Avid Workgroup Engine Monitor logs actions and health issues to the Application Event
Example 1: Startup:
Avid Workgroup Engine Monitor Event ID 22: Service has been started
Avid Workgroup Engine Monitor Event ID 28: Workgroup Engine process started
Avid Workgroup Engine Monitor Event ID 30: Monitoring thread started:
thorough ping 90 sec, heart beat max idle 90 sec, monitoring interval 15 sec


Avid Interplay Engine Servers and Services

Example 2: COM Failure
Avid Workgroup Engine Monitor Event ID 42: Failed to connect Workgroup
Engine with DCOM 'Error 800706bb happened 8 times within the last 14981
Avid Workgroup Engine Monitor Event ID 31: Thorough check failed: Result
code: 0x800706be
Avid Workgroup Engine Monitor Event ID 33: Monitoring thread terminated


The process running is usually listed as IEMonitorService.exe or IEMONI~1.EXE.
Windows Services

The service Avid Workgroup Engine Monitor is started by the cluster resource “Avid Workgroup
Engine Monitor.”


The Avid Workgroup Engine Monitor must run on the same machine as the Avid Interplay
Engine Server. (This is ensured by the “Avid Workgroup Server” cluster resource group.)


The Avid Workgroup Engine Monitor needs to run under the same user account as the Avid
Interplay Engine Server. To check under which user the Engine Monitor runs, use the
Windows Services Control Panel.

To check the user account, click Start, click Run, and type services.msc. Right-click Avid
Workgroup Engine Monitor and select Properties. In the Log On tab, the This Account option
should display the Server Execution User.


B Interplay Engine Configuration Files
The following topics provide information for configuration that you might need to do only under
certain circumstances, such as troubleshooting:

Configuring the Server Event Manager


Configuring Client Access


Setting the Filetransfer Server

If you are moving the file repository to a shared-storage workspace, you need to edit the
workgroup.xml file. See “Configuring the workgroup.xml File” on page 226.

Configuring the Server Event Manager
The Server Event Manager is a service that automatically informs administrators whenever an
important event occurs on the server, for example, when the hard drive is almost full. Basic
settings are configured in the Config.xml and LogWatch.xml files.
Consider the following:

When the Interplay Engine server sends e-mails, it uses the login of the Server Execution
User. Make sure the mail server is aware of the username and password of this account
(usually a domain account). If the mail server is not aware of this account, it might reject the
e-mail request.


E-mail service might be unreliable if there are too many event notices in a short time frame.
Some events might be dropped. Because a large number of event notices indicates a
problem, the administrator needs to investigate and correct the problem.

Config.xml File
The Avid Interplay Engine reads its event manager settings from a file called Config.xml. By
default, e-mail notification is disabled in the installation program. If you select e-mail
notification during installation, basic settings are created in this file. If you want to add e-mail
notification after installation, you can edit the Config.xml file.
The Config.xml file is located in the Avid Interplay Engine installation directory, for example,
C:\Program Files\Avid\Avid Interplay Engine\Data\Server\Config.

Configuring the Server Event Manager

The configuration file is an XML file that has the following format:

Value of Parameter


Value of Parameter


Value of Parameter


The  block specifies to which events the Avid Interplay Engine should react. The
 block contains  blocks that specify the names of the events that you want
configured here.
Inside each  block is the  block that specifies the actions to be performed
whenever an event occurs. The attribute “Name” describes which action is to be performed.


Configuring the Server Event Manager

The  blocks are used to specify the behavior of an action. It is also possible to
identify a parameter by its “Name” attribute. Parameters are identified by their
“Name” attributes.
Whenever the server performs an action, it searches the parameters from the inside out, which
means it searches the parameter block inside the  block first and then inside the
 block. This allows you to specify a parameter for all events. Alternatively, you can
specify a parameter for all actions of an event.
Note the following:

When the Interplay Engine server sends e-mails, it uses the login of the Server Execution
User. Make sure the mail server is aware of the username and password of this account
(usually a domain account). If the mail server is not aware of this account, it might reject the
e-mail request.


E-mail service might be unreliable if there are too many event notices in a short time frame.
Some events might be dropped. Because a large number of event notices indicates a
problem, the administrator needs to investigate and correct the problem.

Supported Actions in Config.xml
The following section describes the action that is currently supported in Avid Interplay and that
is configured in Config.xml to be performed when an event occurs.


Configuring the Server Event Manager


The SendMail action is configured with the following XML block:


administrator@mydomain.com, info@mydomain.com


The “SenderMachine” parameter specifies the name of the machine on which the server resides.
The “RCPTList” parameter contains a comma separated list of valid e-mail addresses. These
addresses should receive an e-mail whenever the server performs an action.
The “SenderAddress” parameter contains the e-mail address of the sender (the Server Execution
User). The sender should act as the originator of the sent e-mail.
Make sure the mail server is aware of the username and password of this account (usually a
domain account). If the mail server is not aware of this account, it might reject the e-mail
The “SMTPServer” parameter contains a valid IP address of the mail server to which the mail is
to be sent.


Configuring the Server Event Manager

Supported Events in Config.xml
The following sections describe the events that are currently supported in Avid Interplay and that
can be configured in Config.xml as events to which the Avid Interplay Engine should react.
DiskLimit Event

The “DiskLimit” event is configured with the following XML block:

30 100 500

The “FreeSpace” parameter contains a list of numbers that specify the free space on the disk in
megabytes. Whenever the free space falls below one of the specified numbers, it triggers the
server to perform one of the configured actions.
BackupFailed Event

The “BackupFailed” event is triggered whenever the automatic backup of a database fails, that is,
when the _Database folder cannot be copied to the backup location.
The “BackupFailed” event is configured with the following XML block:

To send an e-mail when a “BackupFailed” event is triggered, use the “SendMail” action
described in “Supported Actions in Config.xml” on page 260.
LogEvent Event

The “LogEvent” event is triggered according to the settings in the LogWatch.xml, in which an
administrator can specify what actions should happen if a severe problem inside of the Interplay
Engine occurs (for example, send an e-mail or shut down the server). The file allows a rough
definition by severity of the problem or a very detailed configuration via the message ID of the


Configuring the Server Event Manager

The LogEvent is configured in the Config.xml with the following XML block:

To send an e-mail when a “LogEvent” event is triggered, use the “SendMail” action.
See also “LogWatch.xml” on page 265.
ClusterResourceFailure Event

The “ClusterResourceFailure” event is triggered only in a failover cluster setup. It is sent
whenever a problem inside the cluster is detected.
The “ClusterResourceFailure” event is configured with the following XML block:

To send an e-mail when a “ClusterResourceFailure” event is triggered, use the “SendMail”


Configuring the Server Event Manager

Server Event Configuration Example
The following is an example of the configuration of a server to send e-mails whenever the
backup fails, or the free space on a server disk reaches one of the limits set, in this case 30, 100,
or 500 MB:

30 100 500


administrator@mydomain.com, info@mydomain.com



Configuring the Server Event Manager

Here is an example of an e-mail sent by the Event Manager:
11/23/1999 12:09:14 [WGServer]
This is a message sent by the Event Manager.

Log event notifications are configured in LogWatch.xml, located in the Avid Interplay Engine
installation directory:
C:\Program Files\Avid\Avid Interplay Engine\Data\Server\Config.
Edit this file to assign actions for different log events. Actions can be assigned to all message
events of a given severity or to specific events by message IDs.




Send mail


Shutdown server


Shutdown and lock server





Dump (debug dumps)


Info (internal info)


Message (external info, for users)


Notes (status messages like "database
opened successfully")


Configuring the Server Event Manager




[WARN] (warnings like “loading took
more than 3 sec”)


[ERROR] (normal errors, like “file
couldn't be imported because it exists


[FATAL] (Recoverable critical Errors,
like “couldn't save database - disk


Critical (non-recoverable errors, such
as crashes)

Sending E-mail Notifications from LogWatch.xml
To send e-mail notification on any error with a specific severity level:


Add a mapping entry to LogWatch.xml within the  scope.
For example:

For example, following entry sends an e-mail on every [FATAL]:

To configure how and where the event notification should be sent, see “Supported Actions in
Config.xml” on page 260.
To send e-mail notification on a specific message event:


Add a mapping entry within MessageMapping scope (the message ID is decimal number)


Configuring Client Access

The message ID is the last number in brackets before the actual message string in the log
file. The message ID of the entry below is 0x00004678. Note that the log file displays
hexadecimal ids. You need to convert the numbers to decimal format before adding to the
message mapping.
[Thu Sep 16 17:27:43 2004] [FATAL] [.\NxNDbServer.cpp

] [

[0000034c] [00004678] Could not connect to Central Configuration Service
'XXX' for database 'YYY'

The message mapping for the error [4678] hex (which is 18040 in decimal) triggering “Send
email” action looks like the following:

Configuring Client Access
The configuration file ServerXML.xml allows you to specify the client access when accessing
the server using HTTP from the client. In this configuration file, you specify servers that should
be visible to clients, which databases are available, and which users are allowed to access these
The Configuration file is located in a folder in the Avid Interplay Engine installation directory,
by default, C:\Program Files\Avid\Avid Interplay Engine\Data\TCPCOMBridge. You configure
access for the client in this file.The ServerXML.dll resides at NxN/Workgroup.


Settings you configure in the User Management view through the Avid Interplay Administrator
also apply to the databases (see “Managing Database Roles” on page 120). These settings are
an additional security layer on top of the Avid Interplay User Management.
Configuring Access

The  token specifies the name of the server on your network that should be visible to
clients connecting to a single server machine. Make sure that all of the database directories to be
accessed are shared and visible on the single server machine.
Through  tokens, you specify which databases should be visible to clients connecting
to the single server. The token can have two attributes: “name” and “access.”


Configuring Client Access

The “name” attribute specifies the name of the database. This name must be the same as the
name of the database configured in the Active Database List through the Avid Interplay
Administrator. If a database is not in the Active Database List, it cannot be made visible by
specifying its name in  token either. You can also use the “*” as a wildcard character
representing all databases in the Active Database List.
The “access” attribute specifies the type of access for the database. If it is set to “allow,” clients
can see the database in the database browser and are allowed to access it. If the attribute is set to
“deny,” the database is not accessible and is not even visible to the clients. By default, everything
is set to “deny.”
With the  token, you specify which users are allowed to connect to a database. As with the
 token, the “name” and “access” attributes can also be used here. The name attribute is
the name of a user in the database. The “name” attribute supports the “*” (wildcard) value
representing all users.
Database and user settings are inherited from the parent node in the token tree if the settings are
not specified on the current level. This allows you to specify access permissions for all databases
on a server, or even for all servers.
The additional attribute “emptypassword” is supported for the  and  tokens.
This attribute can be set to the value “allow” or “deny.” If set to “deny,” then all connection
attempts by a user with no password specified are refused by the server or the database,
respectively. By default, whenever you create a user in an Avid Interplay database, the password
is set to empty. Avid highly recommends setting this value to “deny” for security reasons.
Following are some examples illustrating the configuration of database and user access.
Example 1:

The server WGSERVER is visible to the outside, although no databases are accessible.


Configuring Client Access

Example 2:

All users except Administrator and John are allowed to access the databases on server
WGSERVER. For all databases on the server, connection requests with empty passwords are


Configuring Client Access

Example 4:

All databases on the specified servers are accessible only to Administrators.


Setting the Filetransfer Server

Setting the Filetransfer Server
Additional configuration might be required when the Interplay Server is running inside of a
network configured using NAT. In this case, the IP returned by the Avid Interplay Engine is the
internal address and not the external address needed by the client. The following change in the
workgroup.xml configuration file tells the client to connect to the file transfer server via its name
instead of address. This allows clients to connect to the file transfer server in most standard NAT




This file is located in the Interplay Engine installation directory, for example,

C:\Program Files\Avid\Avid Interplay Engine\Data\Apache\conf\workgroup.xml
(non-cluster systems)


S:\WorkgroupData\Apache\conf\workgroup.xml (cluster systems).


C Valid and Invalid Characters in Avid
The following table lists the valid and invalid characters (also known as special characters) for
Avid Interplay.

Avid asset names
File asset names

Not Allowed

Characters: / \ |
All characters allowed Characters: * ? : / \ " < > |
for files in Windows
Names ending with a dot
Names used as DOS devices (LPT1, com1, .., .,, for

Property names
(metadata field

Characters: / \ |

Video ID
metadata field

Spaces, or characters / \ : * ? " < > |

Users and user

Characters: / \ |" '

Although the following characters are valid for users and user groups in Interplay, they are not
supported when naming projects, bins, and users on Avid editing systems:
Do not use these characters in Interplay user names or group names.
For information on International Character Support (ICS), see the Avid Interplay Help.


When you name a Mac OS X computer, use single-byte ASCII characters without spaces.

D System Metadata Properties
Metadata is textual data you can use to identify and describe the creation, contents, and
disposition of the clip or shotlist you are logging. Avid Interplay comes with an extensive list of
system metadata.
The administrator determines some of the metadata properties that can be viewed in
Interplay Access as headings in the Content View and Object Inspector, and also used in
Interplay searches. Some metadata properties are always available and cannot be disabled.
By default, the Interplay Engine includes default sets of properties for Broadcast, Post and Film
layouts, as described in the following table.















Created By


Created By

Created By



Creation Date

Media File

Creation Date

Creation Date








Media File

KN Dur

KN Dur

KN End

KN End

KN Start

KN Start





Media Status
Modified Date

Tape ID

Media Status
Modified Date




Tape ID








The following table lists all system metadata properties.

Search Values and Hints on
Searching in Interplay



All Custom

All custom properties defined in the
Property Layout of the Interplay

Access Rights

The access level or user role assigned to a
particular folder or asset. The column
displays an icon that represents the type
of access.


Audio bit depth used when you work with Type a value or use the arrows to select a
audio files: 16 bit or 24 bit.


Audio format of master clips (AIFF-C,


Audio resolution (sample rate).


Original HDTV sources (1080p/24) or
Type numbers only in the four
audio DATs created for PAL feature film colon-separated entry fields displayed.
productions that use in-camera timecode.

Auxiliary Ink

Auxiliary ink format settings allow you to
display an additional type of ink number.
This lets you track additional types of
film information for different film gauges.
Used for 24p projects, 25p projects, and
matchback projects only. Auxiliary Ink is
the starting frame for the clip.

AuxiliaryTC1 through

You can type an auxiliary timecode or
Type numbers only in the four
another timecode for editing film or audio colon-separated entry fields displayed.
timecode for film.


Length of the clip, expressed in the
auxiliary ink number.


Type of edgecode used in the auxiliary
ink number.


Ending auxiliary ink number for the clip. Type numbers only in the four
colon-separated entry fields displayed.



Searches for all the custom properties that
are set.

Type numbers only in the four
colon-separated entry fields displayed.

Search Values and Hints on
Searching in Interplay




Type of pulldown present on the source
NTSC tapes when in a 23.976 or 24p


Camera used to film this clip. This feature
is used in multicamera shoots.


Camera roll containing this clip. Used for
24p projects, 25p projects, and matchback
projects only.


Assigned category. Categories are defined Set to Ignore by default, change to a
by the administrator in the Configure
category name to search only for items
Categories view of the Interplay
assigned to that category.


Captured frames per second.


The text display color for metadata of the Returns items of selected color found.
selected item in all Interplay Access
The search does not find items colored
only by inheritance (only the parent is


Displays any comments added as
metadata to the media file when it was
originally ingested or captured. You can
edit this field in Interplay Access.

Created by

Displays the name of the user who
created the shotlist.

Creation Date

When the asset was created. The format
of the date and time depends on the local
language and regional options of the
operating system and the Java software.

Type a value or use the arrows to select a

Type text.

Select a time range and a particular date
(for example, 12/4/04 or 12/4/2004) or a
time period from the pop-up menu. Click
the calendar to get clickable calendar.

Current Video Resolution Last resolution checked in with the asset.
Current/Last User

Last user that checked the asset in or out.

Data Format

Data format AAF or OMF.

Date Deleted

(Orphan Clips folder only) Displays the
date and time the last links was deleted.


Select Is and then either AAF or OMF.

Search Values and Hints on
Searching in Interplay



Deleted By

(Orphan Clips folder only) displays the
user name of the person who deleted the
last link.

Disk Label

Displays the XDCAM disk label created
when you import XDCAM media. (This
value is not currently displayed in
Interplay Access.)


Frame-counting field for Digital Picture
Exchange, a SMPTE standard describing
frames scanned from film. The format is
the following: a descriptor of up to 32
alphanumeric characters, followed by a
hyphen (-), followed by a six-digit frame
count, for example,


Digital Rights Management property. Has Depending on the search flags, this search
the special operators Has DRM and Does can retrieve links to the assets, assets or
not have DRM.
links and assets which have at least one
DRM protected media somewhere in the
structure. Searches for DRM should
return all of the sequences, subclips,
rendered effects, and so on that use a
restricted master clip. DRM is referred to
as “restrictions” in Interplay Assist, Avid
Instinct, and Avid editing systems.


The length of the asset in hours, minutes, Type numbers only in the four
seconds, and frames.
colon-separated entry fields displayed.


Timecode of the clip’s tail frame.


Timecode used on film. Used for 24p and Type numbers only in the four
25p projects only.
colon-separated entry fields displayed.


The format of a clip or sequence as
determined by the project type, such as
30i NTSC or 1080i/59.94. This is
especially useful if you have both SD and
HD clips in the same bin.


Type numbers only in the four
colon-separated entry fields displayed.

Search Values and Hints on
Searching in Interplay




Play rate: the number of frames to be
displayed each second. The default is
29.97 for NTSC and 25 for PAL for
video. The play rate can also be 24 or

Frame Chase Expected

Expected length of a clip captured by the Type numbers only in the four
Frame Chase Editing method.
colon-separated entry fields displayed.

Frame Chase Known

Current length of a clip being captured by Type numbers only in the four
the Frame Chase Editing method.
colon-separated entry fields displayed.

In Use

If Is in use, asset is referenced by a
sequence also in the database.

Select Is in use or Is not in use.


The length of the marked segment of a
clip, if any.

Select an operator and then type numbers
only in the four colon-separated entry
fields displayed.

Initial Checkin Date

Date that the asset was first checked in.

Select a time range and a particular date
(for example, 12/4/04 or 12/4/2004) or a
time period from the pop-up menu. Click
the calendar to get clickable calendar.


Length of the clip, expressed in ink
number. Used for 24p projects, 25p
projects, and matchback projects only.
You cannot modify this number.

Select an operator and then type numbers
only in the four colon-separated entry
fields displayed.


Type of edgecode used in the ink number.


Ending ink number for the clip. You
cannot modify this number.


Film gauge for the ink number.


Ink number for the clip. Used for 24p
projects, 25p projects, and matchback
projects only.


Length of the clip, expressed in feet and
frames. Used for 24p projects, 25p
projects, and matchback projects only.


Type a value or use the arrows to select a

Select an operator and then type numbers
only in the four colon-separated entry
fields displayed.

Select an operator and then type numbers
only in the four colon-separated entry
fields displayed.

Search Values and Hints on
Searching in Interplay




Ending key number for the clip. Used for Select an operator and then type numbers
24p projects, 25p projects, and matchback only in the four colon-separated entry
projects only.
fields displayed.


Key number film gauge.


Mark IN and Mark OUT key number for
the clip. Used for 24p projects, 25p
projects, and matchback projects only.


Key number for the IN point, if you set
one for the clip. Used for 24p projects,
25p projects, and matchback projects


Key number for the OUT point, if you set Select an operator and then type numbers
one for the clip. Used for 24p projects,
only in the four colon-separated entry
25p projects, and matchback projects
fields displayed.


Starting key number for the clip. Used for Select an operator and then type numbers
24p projects, 25p projects, and matchback only in the four colon-separated entry
projects only.
fields displayed.


Labroll containing the clip.

Last Checkin Date

Date when the asset was last checked in.


File name of the color look-up table used
for the series of clips or frames.

Mark IN

Timecode for the IN point, if you set one Select an operator and then type numbers
for the clip.
only in the four colon-separated entry
fields displayed.

Mark OUT

Timecode for the OUT point, if you set
one for the clip.

Master Dur

Length of the final master sequence,
Select an operator and then type numbers
expressed in feet and frames. You cannot only in the four colon-separated entry
modify this number.
fields displayed.


Select an operator and then type numbers
only in the four colon-separated entry
fields displayed.

Select a time range and a particular date
(for example, 12/4/04 or 12/4/2004) or a
time period from the pop-up menu. Click
the calendar to get clickable calendar.

Select an operator and then type numbers
only in the four colon-separated entry
fields displayed.

Search Values and Hints on
Searching in Interplay



Master Edge

Type of edgecode used in the final master

Master End

Ending key number for the final master
sequence. You cannot modify this

Master Film

Gauge of the final master sequence.

Master Start

Starting key number of the final master
sequence. Used for 24p projects, 25p
projects, and matchback projects only.

Select an operator and then type numbers
only in the four colon-separated entry
fields displayed.

Media File Format

Clip media format.


Media Size

Media file size.

Specify KB, MB, GB and type a number.
Note that this specification cannot be
saved in a Saved Search.

Media Status

Online, offline, or partially offline status, Select is/is not, and then online, offline,
or exists on another workgroup.
partial, or nearonline.

Modified Date

When the asset was last modified (from
the bin).

Select a time range and a particular date
(for example, 12/4/04 or 12/4/2004) or a
time period from the pop-up menu. Click
the calendar to get clickable calendar.


The name of the asset.

Type text (not case sensitive; spaces

Original Bin

Name of the bin where the media for this
asset was originally captured.

Original Machine Name

Name of the computer where the media
for this asset was originally captured.

Original Path

(Orphan Clips folder only) Displays the
folder path for an asset whose last link
was deleted.

Original Project

Name of the project under which the
media for this asset was originally


Track names for any media files that are


Select an operator and then type numbers
only in the four colon-separated entry
fields displayed.

Project name (dropdown list).

Search Values and Hints on
Searching in Interplay




Path to assets in the Interplay database.

Meant to be used in conjuction with other
search conditions to narrow the area
where the results are coming from: for
example, combine a search for all
masterclips that have been updated in the
last 10 minutes and that are in path
Select is or is not, then click the Select
button and choose a path from the tree.
Alternately, select contains or does not
contain and type text.


Film edge perforations format used for
3-perf projects. Used for projects brought
forward from earlier releases only; now
superseded by the film size and perf
options available in Ink Film, AuxInk
Film, KN Film, and Master Film.

Playable in Access

A green triangle in this column indicates
that a clip is can be played in the Interplay
Access Monitor. Also applies to subclips
or shotlists created from playable clips.


Telecine pulldown of the first frame of the
clip (pulldown phase). Pullin can have the
values A, B, X (matchback only), C, or D.
Used for NTSC 24p projects and
matchback projects only.


Telecine pulldown of the last frame of the
clip. Pullout can have the values A, B, X
(matchback only), C, or D. Used for 24p
projects and matchback projects only.
(NTSC only)

Record Complete

Indicates whether the capture operation is
finished for this asset.

Reel #

Source reel number. Used for 24p and 25p
projects only.


Indicates whether there is a reservation
applied to this asset.


Search Values and Hints on
Searching in Interplay




Indicated item is reserved for specified
timeframe by specifies user.

Select a user and then select a time frame.

S3D Alignment

Displays whether or not the media has
already been aligned by a third-party
application. Presently, this is just an
indicator for the editor. There are no
software functions associated with this

Criterion for Extended Search in Access

S3D Channel


None (Default)


Full: Indicates that media has been
pre-aligned by an external

Displays which channel this master clip
will deliver into the stereoscopic clip.
(Left eye, right eye and monoscopic are
full frame channels, while Side by Side
and Over/Under are frame compatible

Criterion for Extended Search in Access

Left Eye: Indicates that the contents of
this clip are to be used as the Left eye.
Right Eye: Indicates that the contents of
this clip are to be used as the Right eye.
Over/Under: Indicates that this is frame
compatible media in an over/under
Side by side: Indicates that this is frame
compatible media in a side by side
Monoscopic: Indicates that this is a
standard 2D clip (not stereoscopic).
S3D Clip name

Displays the name that was used to name Criterion for Extended Search in Access
the stereoscopic clip when it is created.
The name only needs to be set for one of
the contributing master clips. If no name
is entered for any of the contributing
clips, then the S3D Group name will be
used instead.


Search Values and Hints on
Searching in Interplay



S3D Contributors
(master clip only)

Lists the S3D Channels (master clips) that Criterion for Extended Search in Access
feed into the stereoscopic clip.

S3D Eye Ordering

Only available if the media is in a frame Criterion for Extended Search in Access
compatible format with the S3D Channel
set to either Over/Under or Side by Side.
Specifies which half of the image the eye
is displayed.

For Side by Side format, the Left eye
is on the left, the Right eye is on the


For Over/Under format, the Left eye
is in the top half of the image, Right
eye is in the bottom.


For Side by Side format, the Right eye
is on the left, Left eye is on the right.


For Over/Under format, the Right eye
is in the top half of the image, Left
eye is in the bottom.


Search Values and Hints on
Searching in Interplay



S3D Group name

Criterion for Extended Search in Access
A common name used to identify all
master clips originating from the same
stereoscopic footage. The group name is
used by the application to create a single
stereoscopic clip that references these
master clips. Therefore, this name must
be exactly the same for all clips that need
to be grouped into a stereoscopic clip.
When material is captured from tape, this
field is automatically populated for all the
left and right eye master clips.
When material is imported/linked from
file, this data may not be present. If so,
you can select the clips in the bin and
request for auto-population of the group
If an S3D Clip name is not specified, then
the group name is used to name the
stereoscopic clip when it is created.

S3D Inversion

Displays if and how the contents of this Criterion for Extended Search in Access
clip should be inverted before being used.
This is useful when beam-splitter rigs are
used during filming, and a mirror is used
to create the image for one of the eyes. In
this case, one of the eyes will be inverted
so it needs to be corrected
None: Leaves the image as is.
Horizontal: Inverts the image
Vertical: Inverts the image vertically.
Horizontal/Vertical: Inverts the image
horizontally and vertically.


Search Values and Hints on
Searching in Interplay



S3D InversionR

Only available if the media is in a frame Criterion for Extended Search in Access
compatible format with the S3D Channel
set to either Over/Under or Side by Side.
Displays how the part of the image that
provides the right eye should be inverted
before being used.
None: Leaves the image as is.
Horizontal: Inverts the right eye image
Vertical: Inverts the right eye image
Horizontal/Vertical: Inverts the right eye
image horizontally and vertically.

S3D Leading Eye
(master clip only)

Displays which eye image should be used Criterion for Extended Search in Access
when editing with the leading eye.
This is useful in scenarios where a
beam-splitter rig was used during filming.
In such a case, the leading eye is typically
the non-reflected image.
Left: (Default) Indicates that the left eye
image is the leading eye.
Right: Indicates that the right eye image
is the leading eye.


Scene number of the clip.


Date the footage was shot.


Number and direction of perfs for
subclips (audio clips only).


Timecode for audio.


Sound roll this clip came from. Used for
24p projects, 25p projects, and matchback
projects only.

Type text.

Select an operator and then type numbers
only in the four colon-separated entry
fields displayed.


Search Values and Hints on
Searching in Interplay




Timecode of the clip’s head frame.

Select an operator and then type numbers
only in the four colon-separated entry
fields displayed.


Take number of the scene.

Type a number.


Source tape name (from the bin).

Type text (not case sensitive; spaces


24-fps timecode.

Select an operator and then type numbers
only in the four colon-separated entry
fields displayed.


25-fps timecode, no pulldown. Used for
24p and 25p projects only.

Select an operator and then type numbers
only in the four colon-separated entry
fields displayed.


25-fps timecode with PAL pulldown.
Used for 24p and 25p projects only.

Select an operator and then type numbers
only in the four colon-separated entry
fields displayed.


30-fps timecode with 2:3 pulldown. Used Select an operator and then type numbers
for 24p and 25p projects only.
only in the four colon-separated entry
fields displayed.


30-fps timecode with no pulldown
(frames 00 through 29).

Select an operator and then type numbers
only in the four colon-separated entry
fields displayed.


60-fps timecode. Used for HD projects.

Select an operator and then type numbers
only in the four colon-separated entry
fields displayed.


Combination of Name, Tape, User
Attributes, Comments, and Annotations
attributes. Allows you to search for text in
all attributes at once. Type text (not case
sensitive; spaces permitted).


Displays colored icons that indicate the
status of shared assets across workgroups.
For more information, see “Viewing the
Status Assets Across Workgroups (Asset


All tracks used by the asset (from the bin) Select Video, Audio, or Both.


Search Values and Hints on
Searching in Interplay




Frame-counting field for sources that
have been prepped for transfer. The
format is the following: a descriptor of up
to 32 alphanumeric characters, followed
by a hyphen (-), followed by a six-digit
frame count, for example,


Type of asset.

UNC Path

Universal Naming Convention that
specifies the location of resources on a
server. The location you type becomes a
hyperlink to that location. Ctrl+click the
cell, and then type the location.

Select an operator and then an asset type
from the dropdown list.

Version Comment

Frame-counting field for visual effects.
The format is the following: a descriptor
of up to 32 alphanumeric characters,
followed by a hyphen (-), followed by a
six-digit frame count, for example,

VFX Reel

Source reel identification for the FX shot.

Video ID

Lists the identification number created to
track a clip in a broadcast environment.
This ID is equivalent to the Tape ID in
Avid editors. You can edit this field in
Interplay Access.


Vertical interval timecode.


Name of an Avid shared-storage


Type the name of the workspace.

E Server Error Codes
The following table lists the error codes and the textual expressions that the Interplay Engine can

Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.


The specified user does not exist.


Failed to open the database (catastrophic failure). Contact your
administrator. May require Avid support.


out of memory


Failed to open project: Access denied. The project is deactivated.


not implemented


general failure


out of range


nesting too deep


the operation was only partially successful


operation was canceled


database not initialized


database already initialized


database not available


database not found


database not open


database already exists


cannot load database initialization file


unable to write to database. Please contact your system administrator.


the database is not active


invalid path


invalid name


invalid handle


invalid destination


invalid property


invalid parameter


invalid filename


invalid object


invalid hostname


invalid macro string or tool installation file


object not found


parent not found


the template for the object could not be found


titerator is invalid for this iteration-capable command


property not found


property not set


cannot set property


cannot modify the property


the property is read-only


the object's style sheet was not found


the streamed property name is too long


folder not empty


object is not a folder


an item with that name already exists


dependency usage too long


The operation failed because non-versionable objects cannot live in
versionable folders


cannot delete the root object


tree is not mounted into file system



root object has no parent


invalid operation for root object


cannot open file


cannot write to file


cannot read from file


the file does not exist


file system operation failed


access to file denied


sharing violation


corrupt file


cannot set mount point


object not mounted into file system


cannot create directory


cannot move directory or file


cannot copy file


cannot delete directory or file


cannot create a link to a link


folder does not exist


cannot move the item to another branch. Due to the branch settings, the
source and destination locations are in different branches.


cannot create a share to a file in another branch. Due to the branch settings,
the share and share target locations are in different branches.


The original parent is currently in the recycle bin


The original parent does not exist anymore


database not found


database with that name already exists


default database location not set


workspace not initialized



workspace already initialized


already connected to a server


not connected to a server


cannot connect to server


cannot disconnect from server


The database share on the server is not accessible. Please contact your


client connection was refused


invalid user name or password


client is not logged on


cannot lock folders, only files


cannot lock system items


the object could not be checked out


not authorized for this operation


the item is already checked out


the item is not checked out


the item is checked out by someone else


the object could not be checked in


the working path for the item is not set


error during reversal of transaction, file still pending, you must recover


the item is already checked out to you


the item is checked out exclusively by someone else


multiple check out is not possible for this item


Another check-in operation was performed before yours. Try the merge
again against the correct version.


The item or one of its children is checked out


the server evaluation period expired


limited server license


the dongle is not available on the server


the registration key is invalid


the server and client versions are not compatible


the server could not be instantiated (is the server installed on this


the server is locked by the Administrator


the server is low on virtual memory


the server is low on disk space


the server is out of disk space


the specified search expression is invalid


the database is locked by the Administrator


a temporary key cannot be installed if a permanent key is already active


the server with the CCS is locked by the Administrator


The server is temporarily locked because of a shutdown


cannot init indexed search


The hardware id is invalid


The license key contained one or more expired licenses. These licenses are


The object or one of its sub-objects is locked. It is not possible to make
changes to this object.


the database was created with a newer version and cannot be opened with
this server


The transaction commit failed because a merge is needed


a file or folder has a pending change


setting a property failed because the condition for setting did not match


Object is reserved and cannot be deleted.


An item in a folder was removed while the folder was being enumerated


object cannot be deleted because it is referencing online media


object not initialized



object not found


object already exists


CopyFile command failed


file already exists


file does not exist


cookie file does not exist


can not create cookie file


can not read cookie file


cookie file is corrupt


found cookie does not match wanted cookie


object must support INxNPersistDatabase


object must support INxNPersistDatabaseObj


object must support INxNVersionControlProperty


object must support INxNHandleStore


object must support INxNHandleStoreObj


unknown command passed to RunCommand


requested version was not found


versions are identical


not enough free disk space for new version


can not rollback to latest version


user is not correctly logged on


The specified object was already touched in the current transaction


incorrect cookie


incorrect user name


incorrect password


version control database not found


lookup for vital creation properties failed



version control is disabled for this object


Connect to version control server failed


Copying file from server location to local destination failed


archive is corrupted


file is not of correct type


Disabling version creation for abstract assets is not supported


the user 'UserManagement' is not allowed


user rights do not allow this operation


user/user group exists already


command exists already


user does not exist


user is invalid


user rights do not allow this operation in system folder


user rights do not allow this operation in level


user rights do not allow this operation (no ownership)


the login was disabled for this database


database is not a CCS


The given object is not an action


The given object is not a role


The given object is not an action category


The given action category name already used by another action category


The given action name already used by another action


The given action id is already used by another action


Unable to complete the operation because the action exists with another


The given role name already used by another role


The given role id is already used by another role


Unable to complete the operation because the role exists with another type



The operation cannot be performed on a system defined role


The operation cannot be performed on a system defined action


The action is not assigned to the role


The system id's for roles or actions are out - impossible to create new
system actions or roles


The operation is not permitted on the user administrator


The initialization of the authorization subsystem failed - read message for
more information


The initialization of the user management subsystem failed - read message
for more information


A generic command was called which is not supported for user or group


Internal requirements for user or groups objects are not fulfilled (for
example, link broken)


The given user name is already used


The given user could not be created


The user can neither be moved nor removed (that is, users cannot be moved
from the Everyone group and the Administrator cannot be moved from the
Administrators group)


The given user shall be destroyed but was not deleted before


Not a user


Your user account has been deleted


The given group name is already used


The given group could not be created


The given group can neither be removed nor moved


the member creation for the given group failed


the group cannot be destroyed because it contains children


not a serigraph


the group must not contain other groups


the database is from a different CCS and needs a migration



could not connect to the LDAP server


The operation failed because the object is protected by a reservation


CCS Connection failed


CCS is corrupt (for example, GUID missing)


The authorization config file is missing


The CCS does not have the same version as the server of the database


An LDAP search enum failed


Structural changes are not allowed on that object


No Children can be added to this folder or moved out of this folder


no handler was found


There is no open session for this client. If you are using an older version of
the client, JXDK or MDK please upgrade to a newer version


cannot convert variant to given type


HTTP request error




switching protocols








non-authoritative information


no content


reset content


partial content


multiple choices


permanently moved


moved temporarily


see other


not modified



use proxy


bad request




payment required




not found


method not allowed


not acceptable


proxy authentication required


request timeout






length required


precondition failed


request entity too large


request URI too long


unsupported media type


internal server error


not implemented


bad gateway


service unavailable


gateway timeout


HTTP version not supported


database journal error


database journal initialization failed


database journal recovery failed


invalid entry in database journal found



failed to apply database journal transaction


failed to apply database journal operation


error opening database journal


error reading from database journal


error writing to database journal


database journal file error


SQL error


SQL error, more info available


invalid SQL configuration


the sender of the message does not exist


the recipient of the message does not exist


The sender must be a user. It cannot be a user group


The attachment of the message is invalid


A block size was 0 or negative


A message handle was invalid


the viewing counter of a mailbox is inconsistent with the viewing status of
the messages


the outbox of a user could not be created


the inbox of a user could not be created


Could not open an image because the file could not be found or the caller is
not allowed to open the file.


Could not read an image. The file could be opened but not be read.


Could not create an image file. Maybe the destination folder does not exist
or the caller is not allowed to write to that location.


Could not write an image file. The file was created but writing to the file
failed. This could for example happen if disk has insufficient disk space.


The image could not be read because it does not have a known format.


The image could not be read because the bitmap in it is invalid.


An unknown error occurred in the image lib.



An image could not be loaded or saved because the license for the LZW
algorithm is not available.


The image could not be read or stored because the file or image has an
invalid format.


The LDAP server detected an internal error, LDAP error:


The LDAP server received an invalid request from the server, LDAP error:


A specified time limit was exceeded in a request to the LDAP server,


A specified size limit was exceeded in a request to the LDAP server, LDAP


The LDAP server does not support the authentication method specified by
the server, LDAP error:


The request sent to the LDAP server required strong authentication and
therefore failed, LDAP error: LDAP_STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED(0x8)


A limit set by the LDAP administrator was exceeded in a request to the


The LDAP server was unable to satisfy a request because one or more
critical extensions were not available, LDAP error:


The request sent to the LDAP server required confidentiality by the
transport protocol and therefore failed, LDAP error:


A search request sent to the LDAP server is not compatible with the
attribute syntax specified by the LDAP database, LDAP error:


An LDAP object specified in a request could be found by the LDAP server,


The LDAP server detected an error when trying to dereference an alias,


The syntax of a DN sent to the LDAP server is incorrect, LDAP v:


The LDAP server cannot perform the operation on a leaf entry, LDAP
error: LDAP_IS_LEAF(0x23)


A search request sent to the LDAP server could not dereference an alias
because of missing access rights, LDAP error:


An incorrect authentication method was used when sending a request to the


The credentials sent to the LDAP server are invalid, LDAP error:


The request sent to the LDAP server was not completed because of missing
access rights, LDAP error: LDAP_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS(0x32)


The LDAP server is too busy at the moment to fulfill the request, LDAP v:


The LDAP server is currently unavailable, LDAP v:


The LDAP server cannot process the request due to server-defined
restrictions, LDAP error: LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM(0x35)


A loop was detected in an LDAP alias or referral, LDAP error:


The LDAP server could not complete the request because it violates the
naming convention, LDAP error: LDAP_NAMING_VIOLATION(0x40)


The LDAP server could not complete the request because it violates the
rules set for the object class, LDAP error:


The LDAP server cannot perform the operation on a non-leaf entry, LDAP


The LDAP server cannot perform the operation because it attempts to
change attributes that are necessary for the relative DN of the entry, LDAP


The LDAP server cannot perform the operation because the entry already
exists, LDAP error: LDAP_ALREADY_EXISTS(0x44)


The LDAP server cannot perform the operation because it would change
the structure rules of the object class, LDAP error:


The results of a request to the LDAP server are too large to return them,



The LDAP operation needs to be performed by multiple LDAP servers,
where this operation is not permitted, LDAP error:


The LDAP server cannot perform the operation because of a virtual list
view error, LDAP error: LDAP_VIRTUAL_LIST_VIEW_ERROR(0x4C)


The LDAP server encountered an unknown error, LDAP error:


The LDAP server could not be contacted, LDAP error:


The LDAP client detected an error, LDAP error:


The LDAP protocol detected an encoding error, LDAP error:


The LDAP protocol detected an decoding error, LDAP error:


An LDAP search was aborted because of a timeout, LDAP error:


The LDAP server encountered an unknown authentication error, LDAP
error: LDAP_AUTH_UNKNOWN(0x56)


An LDAP search filter has an invalid format, LDAP error:


An LDAP operation was cancelled by the user, LDAP error:


An LDAP operation failed because an invalid parameter was specified,


n LDAP operation failed because the system is out of memory, LDAP
error: LDAP_NO_MEMORY(0x5a)


The LDAP connection could not be created, LDAP error:


An LDAP operation failed because it is not supported by the LDAP server,


The LDAP server refused to return results, LDAP error:


An LDAP operation failed because a required control was not found,



A loop was detected in an LDAP alias or referral, LDAP error:


An LDAP operation failed because a referral required too many referral


The operation failed because the user authentication provider is not enabled


The authentication failed because empty passwords are not allowed


The CCS was unable to retrieve the users from a user authentication


The specified user authentication provider was not found


The required setting for the LDAP server is not set


The required setting for the LDAP user object class is not set


The required setting for the LDAP user name attribute is not set


The specified search root DN was not found


The Unity API could not be found


F Consistency Check Codes
The following tables explain the codes reported when you run a Consistency Check:



Consistency Check Critical Errors


Consistency Check Errors


Consistency Check Warnings

The Consistency Check is for support purposes. You should perform this check only if
requested by Avid Technical Support.

Consistency Check Critical Errors


If any of the following critical errors are reported, do not use your database; contact Avid
immediately using the protocol outlined in the “If You Need Help” topic in the front of this




object refers to the wrong parent


object is not exist in name directory


object has an invalid BIH


object has an invalid BDH


pending change table inconsistency


pending change table inconsistency


object doesn't have a parent


internal error in database structure


internal error in database structure


streamed properties structure invalid


repository data corruption

Consistency Check Errors




repository data corruption


repository data corruption


repository data corruption


user management failed to initialize

Consistency Check Errors


If any of the following errors are reported, some problems were found related to the particular
object. It is still possible to use your database, but you should contact Avid using the protocol
outlined in the “If You Need Help” topic in the front of this manual to resolve the problem.




Not possible to determine the server master path for the file


file doesn't exist


internal object state is invalid


internal object state is invalid


internal object state is invalid


internal object state is invalid


internal object state is invalid


internal object state is invalid


object history is not accurate


object history is not accurate


internal object state is invalid


internal object state is invalid


internal object state is invalid


internal object state is invalid


internal object state is invalid


internal object state is invalid

Consistency Check Errors




unknown property handle


streamed property flag is not set


unknown streamed property name


invalid streamed property


internal object state is invalid


link is invalid


link is invalid


link is invalid


link is invalid


link is invalid


link is invalid


master user is not valid


master user is not valid


master user does not exist


master user is not valid


master user is not valid


authorization assignment is incorrect


authorization assignment is incorrect


authorization assignment is incorrect


Consistency Check Warnings

Consistency Check Warnings
If any of the following warnings are reported, some problems were found, but no action is
urgently needed.



file size mismatch


invalid dependency source


invalid dependency source


invalid dependency target


invalid dependency target


incorrect dependency type


pending change problem fixed


invalid entry in the authorization role table. This can happen when there is
an entry in the permission table that does not refer back to an object. For
example, an object was deleted or the creation of a folder was cancelled.




_Backup directory
described 30
_Buckets directory
described 30
_Database directory
backing up and restoring 33, 34
described 30
_Master directory
described 30
_PropertyStore directory
backing up and restoring 33, 34
described 30

for Interplay backups 44

AAF metadata
adding to tape archive 160
Access control
for custom properties 140
Accumulated inherited role
described 115
database 62
Administrator role
described 115
Administrators group 112
Apache web server
activating creation of access.log 242
folder and files 241

Application Database Settings view 179, 180
options 182
Application key (dongle) 90
metadata override 177
Archive Engine
setting computer name 160
Archive settings
adding AAF metadata 160
allow duplicate media files 158
allow metadata archive 158
archive segment 158
archive server name 158
best effort restore 160
duplicate versions 158
online database 160
segment size 160
server name 160
use best effort 158
Archive Settings view 158
Archiving 158
setting for users or groups 114
described 100
global 100
setting for individual users 118
Authentication providers
for individual users 118
global 100
Automatic backups
scheduling 39
Automatic reservations 189
Automatic timeout
setting 193
AvDeletes.log 245

Avid Workgroup VSS service 255
AvidAM.pro file
described 30
AvidWG.pro file
described 30
AvMetaDataDelete.log 246
AvMoveEx.log 247

online support 14
training services 16
Avid assets
described 18
Avid Instinct
Application Database options 182
setting Application Database options 179, 180
setting user options 195
user options 197
Avid Interplay
client-server application 21
optimizing performance 209
Avid Interplay Administrator
See Interplay Administrator
Avid Interplay Assist
Application Database options 182
setting Application Database options 179, 180
setting user options 195
user options 197
Avid Interplay Engine directory
Apache folder 241
Data folder 243
folders and files 240
Logs folder 244
Preview Server folder 248
Server folder 248
Avid Interplay Engine Server process 249
locking or shutting down 215
Avid Media Composer
setting Application Database option 179, 180
Avid Service Framework
Services views 206
Avid Unity
authentication 102
file repository on workspace 216
Avid Unity ISIS
workspace for file repository 219
Avid Unity MediaManager
migrating users from 112
Avid Unity MediaNetwork
workspace for file repository 219
Avid Workgroup Engine Monitor service 256
Avid Workgroup HTTP Server process 250
Avid Workgroup Preview Server service 251
Avid Workgroup Server Browser service 251
Avid Workgroup TCP/COM Bridge service 254

BackupArchive tool 55
BackupFailed event 262
described 33, 34
manual, starting 43, 43
number of backups to keep 34
performing 39
recommendations for configuring 34
restoring 46
scheduling 39
scheduling automatic backups 39
using archiving tool 44
Best effort restore
setting 160

adding 148
configuring 148
removing 150
Central Configuration Server (CCS)
adding users 100
caution when moving 95
described 21
moving to another server 96
overview 95
selecting a different server 98
Clean Up Invalid Dependencies tool 78
Client access
configuration 267
Client connections
troubleshooting 209
disconnecting all 89
list of connected 83
ClusterResourceFailure event 262




migrating 65
moving (clustered) 71
moving (non-clustered) 67
moving database and users (clustered) 73
moving database and users (non-clustered) 69
moving when disk space low 76
renaming 77
restoring 33
restoring example 54
splitting 216
supported storage configurations 218
unlocking 60
viewing information about 58
Database asset
deletion 163
Database Information View 58
Database repair tools 78
DCOMConfig Settings 249
database 61
Delete Kept Media tool 175
Delete Lost File Mobs tool 78
options for deleting locked media 173
options for deleting OMF or MXF 172
overview 163
scheduling 169
users and user groups 119
for custom properties 142
Differential backup
described 34
DiskLimit event 262
Dongle 90
DRM (restrictions) 276
Duration attribute 276
Dynamic relink
Editor Database option 182

Complete backup
described 33, 34
Config.xml 258
supported actions 260
supported events 262
Configuration files
Interplay Engine 258
automatic backup 34
categories 148
client access 267
Interplay Engine files 258
Pro Tools Export plug-in 204
Pro Tools Import plug-in 202
project token attributes 267
remote workgroups 146
Consistency Check
critical errors 302
error codes 302
errors 303
performing 58
warnings 305
Create Database view 28
Custom Meta Data tab
using 137
Custom properties
adding 137
creating 136
custom lists for 142
extended search 145
removing a list 144
setting access control 140
XML files for 142

Data folder 243
activating 62
backing up 33
blocking access to 126
changing root folders 82
creating 28
deactivating 61
described 17
directories and files 30
locking 60

E-mail notifications
errors and severity level 266
Engine Monitor Service 256
Error codes
Consistency Check 302
server 287



Hardware ID 90
opening 26

Event Manager settings 258
Everyone group 112
Exclusive Access
for maintenance tools 78
setting and releasing 85
Interplay Administrator 27
license 93
Extended search
custom properties 145

Imported Users group 112
LDAP users 105
license 91
users 100
Windows domain users 103
Incremental backup
described 34
Inherited rights 115
IN-OUT attribute 277
Pro Tools Import plug-in 202
Instinct/Assist User Settings view 195
options 197
Interplay Access
default folders in 28
defining property layouts for 131
enabling login from Windows domain 103
Interplay Administrator
described 21
exiting 27
Help 26
opening a view 26
starting 22
Interplay Administrator views
opening 26
Interplay Administrator window
using 24
Interplay Archive Engine
described 20
Interplay database
described 17
See also Database
Interplay Engine
Avid Interplay Engine Server process 249
Avid Workgroup Engine Monitor service 256
Avid Workgroup HTTP Server process 250
Avid Workgroup Preview Server service 251
Avid Workgroup Server Browser service 251
Avid Workgroup TCP/COM Bridge service 254
Avid Workgroup VSS service 255

Failed to Delete folder 163
Fast backup
described 34
File assets
described 18
source files for 216
File repository
described 216
Filetransfer server 271
troubleshooting 210
described 30
assigning roles to 120
blocking access to 126
setting ownership 161
Frame Locators tab
configuring display 194
Full backup
described 33, 34

General role assignments
setting 123
viewing 120
Global authentication 100

Handover directories
described 30



Lock Server view 85
Lock/Unlock Database view 60
Locked clips
deleting 173
database 60
server process 215
Log files
deletion 163
LogEvent event 262
Logging in
troubleshooting 208
Logging out
Interplay Administrator 27
Logs folder 244
Logwatch.xml 265

configuration files 258
described 17
folders and files 240
optimizing performance 209
ports used 248
servers and services 248
Interplay Media Services Engine
registering 150
Interplay Media Services view 155
Interplay Portal
viewing 14
Interplay Transfer
configuring for remote workgroups 146
Interplay Transfer Settings view 156
Interplay Transfer Status view 156
Interplay Window
automatic reservation 189
Interplay workgroup
described 17
multiple workgroups 19
InterplayRestore tool
described 46
example 54

database repair tools 78
Manage Database Roles view 120
Managing Databases view 61
Manual backup
starting 43, 43
Media Composer
setting Application Database option 179, 180
Media Indexer
registering in Interplay Administrator 150
migrating users from 112
system, list 273
Metadata override
for archive 177
Migrated Users group 112
database 65
database (clustered) 71
database (non-clustered) 67
database and users (clustered) 73
database and users (non-clustered) 69
database when disk space low 76
MXF files
option for deleting 172

Journal files
described 30

Kept Media folder 163

LDAP authentication 105
LDAP server settings 107
LicenseKeyInfo.exe 94
displaying and printing 94
exporting 93
importing 91
managing 90
permanent 91
troubleshooting 93
types 92
Licenses view 90



plug-ins for Interplay 202
User Settings plug-in 205
Property Layout view 131

No Access role
described 115
locking server process 215
moving database with 76
moving database with 76
shutting down server process 215
moving database with 76
recreating Server Execution User 214

Read role
described 115
Read/Write role
described 115
Read/Write/Delete role
described 115
Recover Lost Master Mobs tool 78
Referenced assets
option to delete 174
Remote workgroups
configuring for search or transfer 146
Remove Duplicated Locators tool 78
database 77
automatic 189
setting available in clients 134
Restart Server view 89
server 89
backup version 46
DRM property 276
split database 228
setting 115
See also Roles
for Interplay backups 44
Role assignments
general 120
assigning to folders 120
described 115
viewing and changing 116
Root folders
setting 82

Object Inspector
configuring Frame Locators 194
OMF files
option for deleting 172
Online support 14
Orphan Clips folder
changes for v2.4 163
types of links 169
Ownership Behavior view 161

viewing and setting 114
Perform Consistency Check view 58
optimizing Interplay 209
Permanent license 91
setting 115
See also Roles
workgroup transfer 156
Preview Server folder 248
pro file
described 30
Pro Tools
configuring Export plug-in 204
configuring Import plug-in 202
installing plug-ins 202



Schedule Backups view 39
Scheduled deletion 169
custom properties 145
remote workgroups 146
Send mail action 260
error codes 287
information about 83
locking 85
restarting 89
shutting down 85
unlocking 85
Server Event configuration
example 264
Server Event Manager
configuring 258
Server Execution User
creating 211
described 21
recreating 214
troubleshooting 211
Server folder 248
Server Hostname Settings view 150
Server Information view 83
Server Settings view 82
ServerXML.xml 267
Service Configuration view (Avid Service Framework)
changing default start timecode 192
Shutting down
server process 215
Split database
configuring workgroup.xml file 226
described 216
existing Interplay installations 222
new Interplay installations 220
preparing for 219
reuniting 228
reuniting AvidWG and _InternalData 234
reuniting AvidWG only 231
Start timecode
changing default for shotlist 192

Streamed properties
described 30
System metadata
list 273

for custom properties 142
TCP/COM Bridge service 254
ports required 248
changing default start for shotlist 192
setting automatic 193
Tracks attribute 285
Training services 16
to remote workgroup 146
configuring transfer engines 156
monitoring status 156
preset view 156
Troubleshooting 14
client connection problems 209
firewalls 210
licenses 93
login-in problems 208
optimizing Interplay performance 209
server process 215

database 60
User Authentication Providers view 100
User groups
adding 112
default 112
deleting 119
removing users from 119
roles 115
setting attributes for 114
setting passwords for 114
User management
guidelines 129




User Management view 110
adding from Avid Unity 102
adding manually 113
adding to a CCS 100
default 112
deleting 119
disconnecting all 89
importing 100
importing from LDAP 105
importing from Windows domain 103
list of connected 83
management guidelines 129
managing 110
removing from group 119
roles 115
setting attributes for 114
setting passwords for 114

XML files
for custom properties 142

Validate User Tree tool 78
Verify Link Consistency tool 78
VITC (Vertical Interval Timecode)
in a bin 286
VSS service 255

identifying root folder for 227
Windows Domain authentication 103
Workgroup name
setting 150
Workgroup Properties view (Avid Service Framework)
Workgroup Transfer Presets view 156
workgroup.xml file
configuring for file transfer server 271
configuring for split database 226
described 17
multiple workgroups 19
remote 146




Technical Support (USA)

Product Information

75 Network Drive
Burlington, MA 01803-2756 USA

Visit the Online Support Center at

For company and product information,
visit us on the web at www.avid.com


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