b mobile 30-012 Mobile phone User Manual

b mobile HK Limited Mobile phone

User Manual

  1                      Contents Safety................................................................................................................3 Environment ....................................................................................................4 1 Getting Started..............................................................................................5 1.1 Getting to know your touch phone ..................................................5 1.2 Installing the SIM card and storage card..........................................5 1.3 Charging the Battery .......................................................................5 1.4 Starting up the device......................................................................6 1.5 Status Icons.....................................................................................7 2 Using phone features ....................................................................................8 2.1 Turning the phone function on and off.............................................8 2.2 Making a call ..................................................................................8 2.3 Answering and Ending a call...........................................................9 2.4 In-call options .................................................................................9 2.5 Using call history ..........................................................................10 2.6 Call settings ..................................................................................10 3 Setting on your device.................................................................................10 4 ActiveSync...................................................................................................14 5 Contacts ......................................................................................................16 6 Exchanging Messages.................................................................................19 7 Internet........................................................................................................24 7.1 Ways of Connecting to the Internet................................................24 7.2 Browser.........................................................................................25 8 Experiencing Multimedia...........................................................................26 8.1 Camera & Picture..........................................................................26 8.2 Music ............................................................................................29 8.3 FM Radio......................................................................................31 8.4 Voice Search .................................................................................31 8.5 Sound Recorder.............................................................................31
  2 9 Other applications ......................................................................................32 9.1 Calendar........................................................................................32 9.2 Alarm Clock..................................................................................35 9.3 Calculator......................................................................................36 10,TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS..........................................................37 11 FCC Caution.............................................................................................37
  3    Safety Never  attempt  to disassemble  your  phone.  You  alone  are  responsible  for  how you use your phone and any consequences of its use. As a general rule, always switch off your phone wherever the use of a phone is prohibited. Use of your phone is subject to safety measures designed to protect users and their environment. Do not use your phone  in damp  areas (bathroom, swimming pool…). Protect it from liquids and other moisture.、 Do  not  expose  your  phone  to  extreme  temperatures  lower  than  -  10°C  and higher than + 55°C. The  physicochemical  processes created  by chargers  impose  temperature  limits when  charging  the  battery.  Your  phone  automatically  protects  the  batteries  in extreme temperatures. Do not  leave your phone within the reach of small children (certain removable parts may be accidentally ingested). Electrical safety: Only use the chargers listed in the manufacturer’s catalogue. Using  any  other  charger  may  be  dangerous;  it  would  also  invalidate  your warranty. Line voltage must be exactly the one indicated on the charger’s serial plate. Aircraft safety: When traveling by plane, you will need to  switch  your phone off when so instructed by the cabin crew or the warning signs. Using a mobile phone may be dangerous to the operation of the aircraft and may disrupt the phone network. Its  use  is  illegal  and  you  could  be  prosecuted  or  banned  from  using  cellular networks in the future if you do not abide by these regulations. Explosive materials: Please comply with warning signs at petrol station asking you  to  switch  your  phone off.  You  will  need  to  comply  with radio equipment usage  restrictions  in  places  such  as  chemical  plants,  fuel  depots  and  at  any location where blasting operations are under way. Electronic  equipment:  To  avoid  the  risk  of  demagnetization,  do  not  let electronic devices close to your phone for a long time.
  4 Electronic  medical  equipment: Your  phone  is  a  radio  transmitter  which  may interfere with  electronic  medical equipment  or  implants,  such  as hearing  aids, pacemakers, insulin pumps, etc. It  is recommended that  a minimum separation of 15  cm be maintained between the phone  and  an implant.  Your doctor or the manufacturers of such equipment  will be able to  give you  any advice you may need in this area.   Hospitals: Always make sure that your phone is switched off in hospitals when so instructed by warning signs or by medical staff.   Road safety: Do not use your phone  when  driving.  In order  to  give  your  full attention to driving, stop and park safely before making a call. You must comply with any current legislation. Distance  of  operation:  This  phone  model  has  been  tested  and  meets radiofrequency exposure guidelines when used as follows: • Against the ear: Place or receive a phone call and hold the phone as you would a wire line telephone. •  Body  worn:  When  transmitting,  place  the  phone  in  a  carry  accessory  that contains no metal and positions the phone a minimum of 2.5 cm form your body. Use  of  other  accessories  may  not  ensure  compliance  with  radiofrequency exposure  guidelines.  If  you  do  not  use  a  body  worn  accessory  and  are  not holding the phone at the ear, position the phone a minimum of 2.5 cm from your body, • Data  operation:  When using a data feature, position  the phone a minimum of 2.5 cm from your body for the whole duration of the data transmission. Environment Packaging:  To facilitate  the  recycling  of packaging materials,  please  obey the sorting rules instituted locally for this type of waste. Batteries: Spent batteries must be deposited at the designated collection points. The product: The crossed-out waste bin mark affixed to the product means that it belongs to the family of electrical and electronic equipment. To  promote  the  recycling  and  recovery  of  waste  electrical  and  electronic equipment  (WEEE) and at the same time safeguard the  environment, European regulations require you to obey the sorting rules instituted locally for this type
  5 of waste. 1 Getting Started 1.1 Getting to know your touch phone 1.2 Installing the SIM card and storage card You need to remove the back cover before you can install the SIM card.  Also, make sure  to  always turn off the power before  installing or  replacing the SIM card. Note: The battery can not be uninstalled. To remove the back cover   1. Make sure your device is turned off. 2. Remove the back cover.   To install the SIM card   The  SIM  card  contains  your  phone  number,  service  details,  and  phonebook/ message  memory.  Your  device  is supported both 2G  and  3G (WCDMA)  SIM cards.   1. Locate the SIM card slot, and then insert the SIM card with its gold contacts facing down and its cut-off corner facing out the card slot.   2. Slide the SIM card completely into the slot. To  have  additional  storage  for  your  images,  videos,  music,  and  files,  you  can purchase a memory card and install it into your device. 1. Make sure that your device is turned off, and then remove the back cover. 2. Locate the memory card slot on the upper part of the exposed right panel. 3. Insert the memory card into the slot with its gold contacts facing down until it clicks into place.     Note: To remove the memory card, press it to eject it from the slot. 1.3 Charging the Battery New batteries are shipped partially charged. Before you start using your device, it  is  recommended  that  you  install  and  charge  the  battery.  Some  batteries perform best after several full charge/discharge cycles.     Note: Only the AC adapter and USB sync cable provided with your device must be used to charge the device.
  6 Connect  the  USB connector  of  the  AC adapter to  the  sync connector  on  your device, and then plug in the AC adapter to an electrical  outlet to start charging the battery.     As the battery is  being charged while the  device is on,  a charging icon  appears in the title bar of the  Home screen.  After the battery has been fully charged, a full battery icon appears in the title bar of the Home screen.     Warning: As a safety precaution, the battery stops charging before it overheats. 1.4 Starting up the device Power on/off   To power off your phone, press & hold POWER. On release, the Phone options menu opens. Select ‘Power off’ and confirm.   To power on again, press & hold POWER. Silent mode   To silence your phone quickly, press & hold the – volume button to zero volume. Or on the Home screen, touch Settings >Audio profiles >Silent. Screen sleep   After a period of inactivity, your screen will go to sleep (display will turn black). In sleep, your phone uses less battery power. You can control this behavior:   Set screen timeout period 1. Touch Settings >Display>Sleep 2. Select a time from the menu.   Lock screen & put phone to sleep   Except  when on  a  phone  call, from any  screen,  press POWER (immediately). While  not  on  a  call,  to  lock  your  control  buttons  and  screen  from  accidental touch activation, press POWER. You can increase the security  of  your phone by  setting  Screen  unlock pattern. Once set, in order to unlock your screen, you’ll have to draw the correct unlock pattern. You can set your screen unlock pattern as follows:   1. Select Settings>Security>Screen lock>Pattern.   2.  Set  or  change  your  unlock  pattern  by  selecting  Screen  lock  pattern,  as applicable. 4. Follow the prompts to define your pattern.
  7 Note:  You  must  slide  your  finger  along  the  screen  to  create  the  pattern,  not select individual dots. Connect at least four dots. 1.5 Status Icons Connection status icons Along the top of your phone screen is the status bar. Icons will appear, notifying you of a new message, Missing call, or something else you should notice.    GPRS  service connected,  data flowing   Song is playing   WCDMA service connected,  data flowing   Ringer is off (Silent mode)  SMS/MMS  WLAN  service connected  Call in progress   Wireless  services  are off (Airplane mode)  Missed call   Phone on mute  Call forward  Battery is low  Alarm is set  Battery is very low!       Bluetooth is on   Battery is charging  Connected  the PC   Connected  the earphone Read your notifications   When you see a notification in the status bar, touch the bar and slide your finger down the screen to open the list of notifications displayed in the sliding window.   Ongoing notifications report activities such as call forwarding ON, current call
  8 status, song playing.   Notifications  report  the  arrival of new  messages, calendar  events, and  alarms. You can clear notifications list by selecting ‘Clear’ notifications at the top of the notifications window.   To open the message,  reminder, or other notification,  you can touch  the items. To close the notifications window, slide your finger up the screen.   Notes: On the home screen, touch the bar and slide your finger down the screen to open the list of notifications displayed in the sliding window, you can touch the icon on the top of the screen (such as WLAN, Bluetooth, Data connection,  Airplane  mode,  Brightness)  to  open  or  close  the  selected function, sliding your finger left or right to select more functions.   2 Using phone features 2.1 Turning the phone function on and off To enable or disable Airplane Mode In many countries, you are required by law to turn off the phone while on board an aircraft. Another way to turn off the phone function is to switch your device to Airplane Mode. When you enable Airplane Mode, all wireless radios on your device are turned off, including the phone function, Bluetooth, and WLAN. 1. Settings > More… > Airplane mode. 2. Touch ‘Airplane mode’ to enable or disable. When you disable Airplane mode, the phone function is turned back on and the previous state of Bluetooth and WLAN are restored. Adjusting the volume Press Volume button on the side of the phone to show the volume screen.   If the phone is in vibrating mode, the voice will be muted automatically and the device will vibrate when there is an incoming call. 2.2 Making a call Touch Phone to enter the dial screen. Touch the on-screen dial pad to enter a number, touch ‘Delete’ button to delete
  9 numbers you’ve entered. Touch & hold to delete all the numbers in the field.   To dial a number, touch ‘Voice Call’ button to select SIM1 card or SIM2 card to make a call. To end a call, touch ‘END’ button (Red icon).   1. Call log tab: Select an entry listed in the log to call the number.   2.  Contacts tab: Contacts with phone numbers are listed. Select a  contact,  and then select the phone number to dial the call.   Calling a video call Touch  the  on-screen  dial  pad  to  enter  a  number,  touch  ‘Video  Call’  button to make a video call. *Notice: SIM card must be supported 4G network. • Your phone  must  be in of the  normal  WCDMA /LTE FDDnetwork coverage, and the other side (the receiver’s phone and SIM card) can also be supported the video call function of 4G. 2.3 Answering and Ending a call When  you  receive  a  phone  call,  the  incoming  voice  call  screen  will  appear, allowing you to either answer or ignore the call.   1. To answer an incoming call, slide ‘ANSWER’ (Green icon) button rightward. 2. To reject a call, slide ‘REJECT’ button (Red icon) button leftward. 2.4 In-call options While on a call, reveal the in-call options: Speaker, Mute, Hold, End.   Note  that  if  Bluetooth  services  are  on  and  you  are  connected  to  a  hands-free device, the more menu indicator will show Bluetooth on.   1. Speaker: To use the speaker, select ‘Speaker’ so it shows a green bar. To turn it off, select it again so  the bar  is unfilled. The  status bar will display this icon when the speaker is on.   2.  Mute:  To  mute  your  side  of  the  conversation,  select  ‘Mute’  so  it  shows  a green bar. To turn it off, select it again so the bar is unfilled. The status bar will display this icon when Mute is on.   3.  Hold:  To  put  an  active  call  on  hold,  select  ‘Hold’  so  it become  regain.  To resume the call, or take the call off hold, select it again so the bar is unfilled. If you  take  a  call  while  already  on  a  call,  the  first  call  will  be  placed  on  hold
  10 automatically. The status bar will display this icon when a call is on hold.   4. Add call: If you need to enter numbers while on a call, touch ‘Add call’.   5. Incoming call: During call in progress, if you are on a call (“call in progress”) when another call comes in (“incoming call”), you have a few choices:   •  Answer  the incoming  call  and  place  the  call  in  progress  on  hold.  To  switch calls at any time, touch ‘Swap calls’. • If you don’t want to interrupt your call in progress, then touch ‘END’.   • If you have one call in progress and one caller on hold, to end both calls, touch ‘End all’. 2.5 Using call history 1. The missed call icon   appears in the title bar when you missed a call.   2.  Use  ‘Call  log’  tab  to  check  who  the  caller  was,  or  view  all  your  dialed numbers,  and received  calls.  To open ‘Call log’  tab,  touch  ‘Call log’  button  in the phone screen to enter the call history list. 3. Scroll to select the contact or number you want to dial, touch ‘Call’ button. 4. Tap and hold the selected contact you want to call, and then you can make to do the following options of call, edit number before call, send text message, add to contacts or remove from call log phone on the shortcut menu. 2.6 Call settings On  the  dialing  screen  or  call  log  screen,  press    >  Settings  to  enter  Call settings,you can  make the operation of IP dial, Speed dial, video call and the other settings.     3 Setting on your device Control  phone-wide  settings  from  the  Home  settings  screen:  touch    and select Settings.   3.1 Wireless & networks SIM management You can select to activate or deactivate the SIM card you want to open. Set  the  default  SIM  to  use  Voice  call,  Video  call,  Messaging  and  Data
  11 connection. Wi -Fi WLAN on/off: Select this check box if you  prefer to use WLAN  for your data connection.   WLAN settings: Open the WLAN settings screen; select it from the network list. Provide your username or password if required.   Bluetooth Bluetooth on/off: Use this check box to turn Bluetooth services on or off.   Bluetooth  settings:  With  Bluetooth  services  on,  you  can  open  the  Bluetooth settings screen to: • Rename your device. • Select to be discoverable for up to 120 seconds, or not discoverable.   • Pair or unpair with one of the Bluetooth devices in range - You will be asked to type a PIN before pairing. Refer to the manufacturer’s documentation for the PIN code.   • Rescan for devices. More… Airplane mode on/off: When airplane mode is selected, all wireless connectivity is  off.  This  icon   will  display  in  the  status  bar  when  airplane  mode  is selected.   Mobile network   • Select data roaming capability.   • Select a wireless operator network - Scan for all available networks, or select a network automatically.   • Add or edit network Access Point Names (APNs) - Do not change this setting unless advised to do so by your wireless operator!   3.2 Device Audio profiles Select one user profile and enter the following options: Vibrate: Select to have your phone vibrate for incoming calls.   Volume: Select to open the volume control, and then slide your finger along the volume bar to set an incoming call ring volume or alarm, playing back music,
  12 videos.   Voice/video ring tone: Select to decide on a ring tone to use for incoming calls. Note that you can override this setting for individual contacts in the Edit contact details screens.   Notification  ring  tone:  Select  a  ring  tone  to  use  for  a  notification  (e.g.,  new message).  Note  that  you  can  override  this  setting  for  new  Calendar  event notifications, text and multimedia message notifications. Go  to the applications settings screens to select specific ring tones.   Audible  touch tones:  Select to  have  a  tone sound  when  you use  the on-screen Dialer.   Audible  selection: Select to  have a sound  play when you select an item on the screen either using touch. Display   Brightness:  Select  to  open  the  brightness  control,  and  then  slide  your  finger along the brightness bar to set the level. In sunlight, increase the level.   Sleep: Select to decide how long your phone must be inactive before the screen turns off.   Storage View and manage the data storage on your phone. Memory  card:  Monitor  and  manage  the  use  of  your  Memory  card  from  this screen: 1. View how much space you are using on your memory card.   2.  Select to  use  your  memory card as USB  mass  storage  when  your  phone  is connected to your computer (selected by default)   3.  Eject  your  memory  card  from  your  phone.  Note  that  when  your  phone  is connected  to  your  computer  via  USB,  you  cannot  view  pictures  or  play  any media stored on the card from your phone.   Applications Manage applications:  View all  the applications stored on  your phone  and how much  space  they  occupy.  If  you’ve  downloaded  an  application  from  Android Market, you can uninstall it from this screen. Select a specific application to:   1.  Clear  your  user  data  (if  you  have  any  associated  with  a  particular application).
  13 2. Disassociate the application with any actions.   3.  Uninstall  -  If  you’ve  downloaded  an  application  from  Android Market,  you will be able to uninstall it from this screen by selecting Uninstall.   3.3 Personal Location services My Location: Select a source for determining your location: Wireless networks, or  GPS  satellites.  Typically  GPS  will  be  more  accurate  (to  street  level)  but  it consumes more battery power.   Security Screen  unlock pattern:  Create  a pattern  you will be asked to draw before your screen will unlock. You can select to make the pattern visible or invisible as you draw it.   SIM  card  lock  settings:  Lock  your  SIM  card  for  extra  security.  You  can  also change your SIM card  PIN from this screen. If you don’t know your  SIM PIN, you can obtain it from your wireless operator.   Visible passwords: Select to have your password display as you type it. Unknown  sources:  Select  this  check  box  if  you  want  the  ability  to  download applications from the  Web. With this check box not selected, you will  only be able  to  download  applications from  Android Market.  To  ensure  your  personal data and phone remain secure; it is recommended you not select this check box.   Backup & reset You can select to reset  your phone to  factory settings. This  will  erase all your data from the phone and require you to sign in and go through the setup screens to use any of the applications.   3.4 Accounts     Turn on/off synchronization for all services. 3.5 System Date & time Set  time, time zone,  and  date:  Use Automatic unless you need to  override  the network values.   Time format: Select from 12 or 24 hour formats.   About phone
  14 View  your  phone  Status:  This  screen  lists  a  variety  of  information,  including your  phone number, the network  you are  currently using,  the  type of  network, signal strength,  whether  you are  roaming  or  not,  any WLAN addresses you’re connected to, and more.   View the model number and version information for your phone.   4 ActiveSync 4.1 Data synchronization   Some applications  on your phone  (Contacts  and  so  on)  give  you  access  to the same personal  information  that  you can add,  view,  and  edit  on  your  computer using Web applications. This  means that when you add, change, or  delete your information  in  any  of  these  applications  on  the  Web,  the updated  information also appears on  your phone, and vice  versa. Also, if  you lose your phone or if your phone is destroyed, your personal  information is  not  lost and  will appear, as before, on a replacement phone.   This  mirroring  of  information  happens  through  over-the-air  data synchronization, or data “syncing”. Data syncing occurs in the background  and shouldn’t  ever  get  in  your  way.  You’ll  know  your  data  is  being  synchronized when you see this icon in the status bar:   Because sending large amounts of data back and forth over the air can take time and  require  considerable bandwidth, there are  some settings on  the phone that allow you to control data sync.   Sync by application   To control synchronization Contacts, you can do the following:   1. Touch    and select Settings.   2. Select Accounts & sync. When any of the applications are synchronizing, you will  see  the  “sync”  icon  .  You  will  also  see  the  last  time  your  data  was synchronized.   3.  By  default,  the  personal  information  in  Contacts  will  sync  whenever  you make a change or receive a new message. You can change this behavior:
  15 Auto-sync: When  selected,  Auto-sync will sync Contacts  automatically, as you make  changes  or  receive  new  messages.  When  OFF,  information  will  not  be synced  automatically,  although  you  can  force  sync  by  using  the  individual application check boxes described below.   4. Sync problems:   If  you  see  this  icon   to  the  left  of  the  sync  check  box,  then  there  was  a temporary problem with the data synchronization.  Check  your  data connection and try again later.   4.2 Bluetooth   You can use  Bluetooth to  send and  receive  calls  using  a  headset  or hands-free car kit.   Turn on Bluetooth services   1. Select Settings > Bluetooth, and then select ‘Bluetooth’ check box to turn on Bluetooth services.   2. When on, the Bluetooth icon appears in the status bar. Discoverability   By  default,  your  phone  is  not  “discoverable”.  This  means  other  Bluetooth devices  will  not  see  your  phone  in  their  scans  for  Bluetooth  devices.  If  you make your phone discoverable, it will be visible to other  Bluetooth devices for up to 120 seconds.   To make your phone discoverable:   1. Make sure you have turned Bluetooth on. 2. Select Settings >Bluetooth> Bluetooth settings.   3.  Select  ‘Discoverable’  check  box  to  make  your  phone  visible  to  other Bluetooth  devices  for  120  seconds.  You  must  stay  on  the  Bluetooth  settings screen to remain discoverable.   4.  Select  ‘Discoverable’  again  during  the  120  seconds,  or  leave  the  Bluetooth settings screen, to make your phone undiscoverable. Name your Bluetooth device   1. Make sure you have turned Bluetooth on. 2. Select Settings > Bluetooth > Bluetooth settings > Device name.   3. Type the name for your device in the dialog box, and then select ‘OK’.
  16 4. Your new device name appears on the Bluetooth settings screen. Pair & connect with Bluetooth devices   Before your phone can communicate with a Bluetooth headset or hands-free car kit, the devices must “pair”, then “connect”:   1. Make sure you have turned Bluetooth on. 2. Select Settings > Bluetooth > Bluetooth settings.   3.  Your  phone  starts  scanning  for Bluetooth devices  within  range. As  they  are found, the devices appear in the list of Bluetooth devices.   4. To pair with a device in the list, select it.   5. Type the device’s PIN and then select ‘OK’.   6.  Once paired,  select  the device  name to  connect. You  can  also touch  & hold the name to open the context menu, and then select Connect.   7. Pairing and connection status appear under the device name.   8.  Once  the  other  Bluetooth  device  shows  “connected”  status,  you  can  start using it to make and receive phone calls.   9.  To disconnect  or unpair with a  device,  touch & hold the device  to open the context  menu.  Select  Disconnect  or  Unpair,  as  appropriate.  If  you  select ‘Unpair’ when connected, you will be disconnected as well.   Notes: The  phone supports only the headset and hands-free Bluetooth profiles, so  if  you  try to  connect  to a  device  that  is not a  headset  or  hands-free car  kit, then you will receive an “unable to connect” message.   If you pair with  a second  headset while connected to the first, the first headset will  remain  connected.  To  switch  connection  to  the  second  headset  you  must manually select that headset again after pairing.   Rescan for Bluetooth devices   If you want to update the list of Bluetooth devices, select ‘Scan for devices’.     5 Contacts The contacts on your phone are synced with your account contacts stored on the Web.
  17 To view the contacts on your phone, touch    and select People. Contacts belonging to a specific group (you can choose which group) are listed in the Contacts tab. Only those contacts you star as “favorites” are  listed in the Favorites  tab.  Browse  through  your  contacts  by  sliding  your  fingertip  up  and down on the screen. Another way to find a contact quickly is to use “SEARCH” button, input the first letter of the name you’re looking for and touch search icon, the matching contacts are appeared on the screen. From the Contacts tab, you can:   1. Take action on a contact: Touch the contact’s name to open the context menu. From  the  menu  you  can  select  to  view  the  Contact  details  screen,  call  the contact’s number,  send  a  text  message,  add  or  remove  a  star,  edit  the  contact details, or delete the contact.   2. Go to Contact details:    Select the contact’s name to open the Contact details screen,  where  all  screen  the  information  you’ve  saved  for  this  contact  is displayed.   Add a contact   1.  On  the  Home  screen,  then  touch    and  select  People.  Your  contact  list appears.   2. Touch the “+” icon on the bottom of the screen to add new contact.   3. Add all the information you want to store for this contact in the appropriate fields.  You must  add  some information  to  save  a contact.  To  change  a default label,  select the label name to open the label  menu.  Select a  different  label or create a custom label. To add more fields, select ‘Add another field’.   4. You can assign a Caller ID icon to your  contact by  touching  Caller ID icon. The  Pictures  application  opens.  Navigate  to  a  picture  and  select  it,  size  the cropper  with  your  fingertips.  When  finished,  select  ‘Crop’.  The  picture  is associated with your contact. If you do not assign an icon, a default android icon will be assigned.   5. To save your contact, press BACK, or touch ‘Done’. Assign favorites   Use  Favorites  as  a  way  to  display  only  those  contacts  you  contact  most frequently. To add a contact to Favorites:
  18 1  From  Contacts,  touch  the  contact  you  want  to  add  to  Favorites to  open  the Contact details screen.   2.  Touch the star icon on the right-top screen, and the color of star is changed from grey to white. 3. Now your contact will be listed in Favorites.   Edit contact details   You can always make changes to the information you’ve stored for a contact:   1  From  Contacts,  touch  the  contact  you  want  to  add  to  Favorites to  open  the Contact details screen.   2. Menu-alter. The alter contact screen appears.   3. Make your edits, then press ‘Done’. Communicate with a contact   From  Contacts  you  can  quickly  call  or  text  a  contact’s  default  number,  as displayed below their name on the screen. However, to view all the information you’ve stored for  a  contact,  and to initiate  other  types of  communication  with that contact, open the Contact details screen. To open a contact’s details screen, simply select their name from Contacts.   1. Call  a contact:  From  the contact list, touch the contact you want to open the Contact  details  screen.  Touch  the  call  number  directly  to  dial  that  contact’s primary number (first in the list on their details screen).   2. To dial a different number for the contact, select the contact’s name, and then select the number on their details screen and then touch the call number that you want. 3. Send a text or multimedia: To send a text or multimedia message to a contact, you must have a message to a contact mobile number stored for them in contact details.  From  the  Contact  details  screen,  select  a  phone  number  and  click ‘Message’ icon, A Compose screen opens for your new message. Complete your message and select ‘Send’.   4.  Send email  to  a  contact:  To  send  an  email  message to a contact,  you must have an email address stored for them in their contact details.   • Select the contact you want to email. Their Contact details screen opens.   • In the Send email section, select the email address. If you are fetching POP3 or
  19 IMAP email accounts to your phone, then select the account you wish to use to send. A Compose screen opens for your new message.   • Complete your message, select ‘Send’.   SIM contacts importer If you  have stored  names and phone  numbers on your SIM card, you  can  add these  to  the  Contacts  stored  on  your  phone  by  selecting  this  settings  option. From  the  contact  list,  press    to  select  ‘Import/export’,  you  can  select  to import  from  SIM  card  or  memory  card,  once  the  list  of  names  and  numbers appears you can:   Import all names/numbers in the list - Press    and select ‘Import all’.   Import  only  certain  names/numbers  in  the  list  -  Select  the  name/number  you want  to  import, then  repeat for others as  you wish.  (As  soon  as  you select the name/number, it is imported)     6 Exchanging Messages 6.1 SMS and MMS messaging   To  open  the  SMS  &  MMS  Messaging  application,  on  the  Home  screen,  then touch    and select the Messaging icon.   About text and multimedia messages   SMS  messages are  also  know  as “text”  messages and  can each  be  around 160 characters. If you continue to type after the limit is reached,  your message will be  delivered  as  one,  but  count  as  more  than  one  message.  These  are  called “concatenated” messages.   MMS messages are also known as “multimedia” or “picture” messages and can contain text, picture, audio, and video files.   When  you  compose  a  message,  the  phone  will  automatically  convert  a  text message  into  a  multimedia  message  as  soon  as  you  add  a  subject  or  an attachment, or if you address  the message using an  email address rather than a phone number.   View the message from the message list
  20 Select  a  message  thread  in  the  list  to  open  it  for  reading.  When  open,  the individual  messages  appear  stacked  on  the  screen,  much  like  with  instant messaging conversations (or chats).   Note that messages you send are also listed in the Read view.   1. Reading multimedia messages   If you  have  selected to  auto-retrieve  your multimedia  messages,  then both  the message header and body will download. If  you  are  downloading  only  the  headers,  then  you  must  first  select  the Download button to retrieve the message body. If you are concerned about the size  of  your  data  downloads,  you  can  check  the  message  size  before  you download.   Once the message has downloaded, select “Play” button to view the message.   From a message read view, you can do the following:   1.  To view details about a particular message, in  the  Read view,  touch &  hold the message to open the context menu. Select View details.   2. Reply to a message: Simply start  typing  your message  in the text box at the bottom of the screen to reply to a message.  You can always press    and select to add subject or contacts. Select ‘Send’ when ready.   3.  Links  in  messages:  If  a  message  contains  a  link  to  a  Web  page,  it  will  be selectable. To view the Web page in the Browser, simply select it.   4.  Delete  messages:  Your  messages  will  be  saved  until  you  explicitly  delete them.   Delete one message in a thread - Touch & hold the individual message you want to delete. Press    > Select message. You can delete the message to the trash.   Delete  all message threads - From the message list,  press    and select  Delete all threads.   Compose text and multimedia messages   1. Touch ‘Compose’ icon. The Compose screen opens.   2. Add recipients by typing a name, phone number, or email address in the ‘To’ field.  Matching  contacts  will  appear.  Select  the  recipient  or  continue  typing. Add  as  many  recipients  as  you  wish.  If  you  send  the  message  to  an  email address,  the  message  will  automatically  convert  from  a  text  to  a  multimedia
  21 message.   3. To add a subject, press    and select  ‘Add  subject’. If you add a subject, the message will convert to a multimedia message.   4.  To  add  an  attachment,  touch  ‘+’  icon.  Adding  an  attachment  will  always convert the message to a multimedia message. Select from audio or picture files. You can select to  take a  new picture  if  you  want, or  record an  audio file. Any recordings you make will be stored automatically in the Music application in a play  list  named  “My  recordings”.  To  remove  an  attachment,  select  the attachment’s ‘Remove’ button.   5.  Type  your  message.  As  you  type,  you’ll  be  able  to  track  how  many characters/messages you’re creating. Remember that text messages have a limit around  160 characters. Once  you go over that limit, a new message is actually created but automatically joined into one when received.   6. Select ‘Send’ when ready. You can also save a draft.   7. As your message sends, progress displays in the title bar. If you see this icon to the right of the message, it means your message is still being delivered.   Save message as draft While composing, press BACK, your message automatically saves as a draft. Text and multimedia message settings   To set text and multimedia message preferences, from the message list, press   and select ‘Settings’. You can set the following from this screen:   1. Notification settings   You can receive a notification each time you receive a new message. Select ‘Notifications’ check box to receive a notification in the status bar when a new  message  arrives.  If  you  want  your  phone  to  ring  when  a  new  message arrives,  select  that  check  box  as  well.  Select  Ring  tone  to  open  the  ring  tone menu  and  select  a  ring  tone  specific  to  new  text  and  multimedia  message notifications. Note that when you check a ring tone, it plays briefly.   If  you  want  your  phone  to  vibrate  when  you  receive  a  new  message,  select ‘Vibrate’ check box.   2. Text message settings   Delivery  reports:  To  receive  a  report  on  the  delivery  status  of  your  message,
  22 select this check box.   Manage SIM card messages: Text messages can also be stored on your SIM card. The  exact  SIM  card  number  depends  on  your  card,  but  it  is  usually  around 25-50. To view messages on your SIM card, delete them, and copy them to your phone memory, select this setting.   3. Multimedia message settings   Delivery  reports:  To  receive  a  report  on  the  delivery  status  of  your  message, select this check box.   Read reports: To receive a report on whether each recipient has read or deleted the message without reading it, select this check box. Auto-retrieve:  To  retrieve  all  your  MMS  messages  automatically  (the  header plus  the  message  will  download to your phone),  select this check  box.  If  you clear  this  check  box,  then  only  the  message  headers  will  be  retrieved  and display in your message list. You can retrieve the full message  by selecting  the Download button that displays in the header. Once the message has downloaded, select the “play” button to expand the message. Roaming auto-retrieve: If you are concerned about data traffic and just want the message headers to  download while roaming, clear the  Roaming  auto-retrieve check  box.  Otherwise,  you  can  select  this  check  box  to  have  your  messages download even while roaming.   6.2 POP3 and IMAP email accounts   Add an email account   You can fetch messages from up to five POP3 or IMAP accounts. Follow these steps:   1. On the Home screen, then touch    and select Email application. 2. The Set up new account screen appears. 3. Type your account email address and password. 4.  If  you want,  select  the  Send  email  from this account  by default check box. This setting only applies if you have more than one POP3 or IMAP account set up.   5. Select ‘Next’.   If you  have a  popular email account, the application will set  everything up for
  23 you! Before you go to your Inbox, you can name the account (if you don’t, your email address will be used). You are also asked to type your name as you want it to  display on outgoing messages. You must complete this field before  you can select ‘Next’ and go to your Inbox.   For less popular accounts, follow the prompts to type the email server, protocol, and  other  account  information  yourself.  After your  account settings  have  been verified, select ‘Next’ to go to your Inbox.   6.  To add more accounts (up to five),  from  an Inbox or your  Accounts screen, press    and select ‘Add account’.    Use your POP3 and IMAP email account   Once you’ve set up an account, you can do the following:   1. Refresh Inbox: From the Inbox, press    and  then select  ‘Refresh’ to update your Inbox with any previously-unfetched email.   2.  Read  email:  You  can  display  or  collapse  the  messages  in  your  Inbox  by selecting  Inbox.  Unread  messages display  with  a colored  band.  (Each  account you add will use a different color.)   3.  Forward,  Reply,  Reply  all:  You can forward,  reply, or reply all to  an  email message from the Inbox. From the Inbox, touch & hold the message to open its context menu. Select the action you want to take.   4. Compose new From  the  Inbox:  1.  Select  ‘Compose’. 2.  Add  recipients  by  typing  a  name  or address in the ‘To’ field. Matching contacts will  appear. Select  the recipient  or continue typing the  address.  Add as many as  you wish.  3.  Type a subject and message.  4.  Select  ‘Send’,  ‘Save  as  draft’,  or  ‘Discard’.  Pressing  BACK will also save as draft unless you have not typed anything.   5. Delete message From the Inbox: 1. Expand the Inbox to display the messages. 2. Touch & hold the message you want to delete. 3. Select ‘Delete’. 4. Your message is moved to the Trash.   6. Empty Trash: Once you’ve moved a message to the Trash, to empty messages in the Trash you must delete each message individually.
  24 Note  that  the message is only  deleted  from  your  phone, not  from  the  account server.   Edit account settings   To open your Account settings screen, do the following:   1. From your account Inbox, press    and select ‘Account settings’.   2.  The  Account  settings  screen  appears.  You  can  do  the  following  from  this screen:   Account name: Select to change the name of your account as it appears on your Accounts screen.   Your name: Select to change your name as it appears in outgoing email.   Email  check  frequency:  Select  this  pop-up  menu  to  set  how  frequently  your email  account  is  checked  for  new  messages.  Note  that  whenever  you  open  a folder, email is refreshed, regardless of this setting.   Default account: If you have more than one POP3 or IMAP email account set up on your phone and want to use this account by default when selecting Compose from the Accounts screen, select this check box.   Email notifications: If you want an icon to appear in the status bar when a new message arrives, select this check box.   Incoming  server  settings:  Select  Incoming  settings  if  you  need  to  edit  the username/ password, server, port, or option to delete email from server.   Outgoing server settings: Select Outgoing settings if you need to edit the SMTP server, port, security type, option to require sign-in, or username/password.   Add another POP3 or IMAP   To add another account (you can add up to five), go to your Inbox, press    and select Settings>Add account.    7 Internet   7.1 Ways of Connecting to the Internet   Your device’s  networking  capabilities allow  you to  access the Internet  or your corporate network through WLAN, GPRS, EDGE (if available), or WCDMA (if SIM card supported).
  25 You can also add and set up a VPN or proxy connection. WLAN WLAN  provides  wireless  Internet  access  over  distances  of  up  to  100  meters (300 feet). To use  WLAN on your device,  you need access to a wireless access point  or  “hotspot”.  Note:  The  availability  and  range  of  your  device’s  WLAN signal depends on the number,  infrastructure,  and other  objects  through  which the signal passes. 7.2 Browser To open the Browser, touch    and select Browser icon.   The  Browser  always  opens  to  the  last  Web  page  you  were  viewing.  The  first time you enter the Browser after powering on, your home page will display.   You  can  change  your  home  page  by  pressing  ‘menu key’  and  choose  Settings >General > Set homepage.   The Browse screen   From the Browse screen you can do the following:   1.  Go to  a Web  page:  Make  sure  the  focus is  not  on a  text  box  and then start typing the URL.   2. Add a bookmark: Bookmark the Web page you are currently viewing:   • Press ‘menu key’ and select ‘Save to bookmarks’.   • Confirm the URL and name, and then select ‘OK’. To view all your bookmarks, press ‘menu key’ and select Bookmarks.   3. Refresh a Web page: To refresh the contents of the current page,  press ‘menu key’ and select ‘Refresh’. Manage bookmarks   You can store as many bookmarks as you want on your phone.   Press ‘menu key’ and select ‘Bookmarks’. The Bookmarks screen opens. 1. Bookmark any page: Select ‘Add to bookmark’.   2. Send bookmarked page’s URL:  Open the bookmark you  want to share , The context  menu  opens  .Choose  Email  or  Bluetooth  or  Messaging,  edit  the information then sent.     3. View bookmarked page: Touch & hold the bookmark you want to open. The context menu opens. Select View page or Open in new window.
  26 4. Edit bookmark: Touch & hold the bookmark you want to e open. The context menu  opens.  Select  ‘Edit  bookmark’.  The  edit  bookmark  dialog  box  opens. Type your change and select ‘OK’.   5.  Delete  a  bookmark:  Touch  &  hold  the  bookmark  you  want  to  open.  The context menu opens. Select ‘Delete bookmark’. You will be asked to confirm. 6. Bookmark current page: Press ‘menu key’ and select ‘Bookmarks /  History ’. The Bookmarks/ History screen opens. Press  History and select the last-viewed page, Touch the URL of the page, the page open.   Download Web files and applications   Before  you  download  any  files  or  applications  using  the  Browser,  note  the following:   1.  Before  you  can  download  Web  applications,  you  must  explicitly  “allow” downloading from the Home > Settings screen:   On the Home screen,  then  press    and select  Settings. Select ‘Security’,  then select ‘Unknown sources’ check box.   2. All items downloaded form the  Web are  stored on your memory card, so be sure  you  have  a  card  installed  in  your  phone  before  you  download  from  the Browser.   3. The Browser will only allow you to download items that are supported by an application installed on the phone.   Warning! Applications downloaded from the Web can be from unknown sources. To  protect  your  phone  and  personal  data,  only  download  applications  from sources you trust, such as Android Market.     8 Experiencing Multimedia 8.1 Camera & Picture All the pictures you can capture or view on your phone are stored on memory card, which must be installed in your phone. Before you can use the Camera or view pictures in Pictures, make sure you have a card installed.   Load pictures onto your memory card
  27 Read the instructions below to add pictures to your Memory card or the phone storage.   1.  Mount  your memory card to  your computer  by doing  one  of  the  following: Remove  the  memory  card  and  insert  it  into  a  card  reader  attached  to  your computer. 2. On your computer, find the mounted USB drive and open it. 3.  Create  a  folder  at  the  top-level  called  “Pictures”  or  some  other  descriptive name and open it. 4.  Copy  .jpg  or  other  image  files  into  this  folder.  To  organize  pictures  into albums  that  will  display  in  the  Pictures  application,  create  a  folder  and  copy pictures there for each album you want to display.   5. When finished, close the USB drive  window and  eject the drive as required by your computer's operating system.   Take a picture   Captured pictures are saved to the “DCIM” folder on your memory card or the phone.   Tip: Before you take a picture, wipe the sensor window (on the back cover) to remove any small amounts of oil.   1. To open the Camera, on the Home screen, touch   and select Camera icon.   2. The Camera opens in capture mode. Frame your picture within the screen and hold  the  phone steady.  Touch  Camera  button to  capture. Continue  to hold the camera steady for a second after you hear the shutter sound.   3.  Immediately  after  capture,  you  can  select  to  Save,  Set  as  (contact  icon  or wallpaper), Share (via a compatible application), or Delete your picture.   4.  If  you  select  to  save,  set  as,  or  share,  your  picture  is  saved  to  Gallery application.   View your pictures   To  view  the  pictures  you’ve  captured,  as  well  as  any  you’ve  stored  on  your memory card or the phone storage, go to Gallery application:   1. To open Pictures, on the Home screen, touch   and select Gallery icon.   2. Depending on how many pictures you’ve stored, they may take a few minutes to load.
  28 3.  If  you’ve  stored  your  pictures  in  folders  on  your  Memory  card,  then  the folders will display as separate “camera”. The top left album always contains all the pictures in all the albums.   4. The individual pictures display in  a grid in thumbnail  format. You can select picture which you like to display. Picture options   You can do the following while in Pictures. Note: In all the instructions below, you can touch & hold a picture to open the context menu to access all  actions, rather than open the picture in full-screen view. 1. View full-screen: Select a picture to open it in full-screen view.   2. Share a picture: In full-screen view, select Share. Select to share your picture via Bluetooth , or another application (if you have  another application installed on your phone that supports sharing).   3. Set as wallpaper: In full-screen view, press    and select Set picture as. From the  menu that opens select Wallpaper. Touch &  hold an edge of the cropper to reveal the sizing arrows, then drag the  edge in  or out to size. Touch & drag the center of the cropper to move it within the picture. When you’re happy with the cropped area, select ‘Save’.   4. Set as contact picture: In full-screen view,  press    and select Set picture as. From the menu that opens,  select Contact  icon. Your contact list opens. Select the contact you want to associate with the picture. Touch & hold an edge of the cropper to reveal the sizing arrows, then drag the edge in or out to size. Touch & drag the center of the cropper to move it within the picture.   When you’re happy with the cropped area, select ‘Save’. The  picture will now appear  in  the  Contact  details  screen,  as  well  as  on  any  incoming  call notifications.   5. Crop picture: In full-screen view, press    and select Crop. Touch & hold an edge of the cropper to reveal the sizing arrows,  then  drag the edge in or out to size.  Touch  &  drag  the  center  of  the  cropper  to  move  it  within  the  picture.   When  you  are  happy  with  the  cropped  area,  select  ‘Save’.  Select  Discard  to cancel the crop. The cropped picture is saved to Pictures as a copy. Your original is not touched.
  29 6. Rotate picture: In  full-screen  view, press    and select Rotate Left  or Rotate right. Your picture rotates and is saved automatically.   7. Delete picture: In full-screen view, press    and select Delete.     The picture will be removed from the Memory card after you confirm.   8.  View  picture  details:  In  full-screen  view,  press    and  select  Details.  The picture details window opens. You can see the title, resolution, file size, and date of the picture.   8.2 Music To  open  your  music  Library,  on  the  Home  screen,  touch   and  select  the Music  icon.  Your  music  is  organized  into  four  categories:  Artists,  Albums, Songs, and Playlists.  Select a  category to view the lists within each. Once in  a category, keep selecting until you reach the music you want to play.   For  example,  if  you  select  the Artists  category,  you  will  see a list  of artists  in A-Z order.  If  you  select an artist, the list  opens to  display  that artist’s albums. Select an album, and the album’s song list displays.   Load music onto your Memory card All the  music you  can listen to on  your  phone is stored on memory card. Read the instructions below to add music to your memory card.   1. Mount your memory card to your computer by doing one of the following:   Remove  the  memory  card  and  insert  it  into  a  card  reader  attached  to  your computer; or, attach your phone to your computer using a USB cable that came in  the box.  If  you  use  this  method,  make  sure  the  Home  screen  >  Settings  > Storage > SD card is selected.   2. On your computer, find the mounted USB drive and open it.   3.  Although  your  phone  will  find  all  music  files  on  your  memory  card,  it’s advisable to keep the number of files or folders at the root level to a minimum. So, if you wish, create a folder at the top-level called “music” (or whatever  you want) to store your files.   4.  Open  this  folder  and  copy  music  files  into  it.  If  you  want,  create  folders within “music” to organize your music further. If you want to use certain music files as phone, notification, or alarm ring tones. Note: If you do not want a ringtone to appear in your music Library but you do
  30 want  it  to  be  available  as  a  ringtone,  and  then  create  the  “ringtones”, “notifications”, or “alarms” folder outside your “music” folder.   5.  When finished  copying,  close the USB  drive  window  and unmount or eject the  drive  as  required  by  your  computer's  operating  system.  Remove  the  USB cable from your phone and computer.   Play back music   At  any level in  your Library, touch &  hold  a  listing  (a  song,  artist,  album,  or playlist)  to  open  the  context  menu.  Select  Play  to  begin  play  and  go  to  the Playback screen. You can do the following using the Playback screen:   1. Shuffle songs: Shuffle plays  songs in random order.  Touch to toggle shuffle on and off. When the con is grey, shuffle is off.   2.  Repeat mode:  Touch to  step  through repeat  modes:  repeat all  songs, repeat current song, don’t repeat (grey icon). 3. Go to any point in song: Slide  fingertip in progress bar to desired  point in a song. 4.  Playback  control:  from  left  to  right  icons:  Go  to  beginning  song,  Pause/ resume play and Go to next of song. If a song is playing  while you are on the Library screen, you can switch to the Playback screen quickly by selecting the lower song bar.    Playlists   You can create as many playlists  as  you  wish.  Note that the “Recently added” playlist is a system playlist and cannot be deleted or renamed. Also, if you make any  voice  recordings  as  part  of  a  MMS  message,  they  will  be  stored automatically in a playlist called “My recordings”.   Create a playlist on your phone 1. From the Library, select a category. From the list that appears, navigate to the artist, album, or song that you want on a playlist.   2. Touch & hold the artist, album, or song to open the context menu.   3. Select Add to playlist.   4. In the Add to playlist menu that opens, select New to create a new playlist, or one of the existing playlists.
  31 5. The song(s) are added.     Manage your playlists   Go to the Library screen and select ‘Playlists’. All your playlists appear.   Touch  & hold the playlist to open the context menu. You can do the following from this screen: Play, Edit (rearrange songs), Delete and Rename. Create ringtones from songs   You can set any of your songs as a phone ringtone:   1. From the Library, navigate to a song you want to use as a phone ringtone.   2. Touch & hold the song in the list to open the context menu.   3.  Select  Use  as  phone ringtone.  The  ringtone is  set as your  default incoming call ringtone.   4. Now,  when you  go to Home screen> Settings > Audio  profiles, and select a phone ringtone, your song will be listed as an option. Delete music from memory card   All  the  music  you  play  on  your  phone is  stored  on the  inserted memory card. From your phone, you can delete music stored on the card:   1. From the Library screen, select the Artists, Albums, or Songs category.   2. Go to the screen that shows the artist, album, or song that you want to delete.   3. Touch & hold the item to open the context menu.   4. Select ‘Delete’. You will be asked to confirm that you want to delete the item from your memory card. 8.3 FM Radio This device provides radio function.   Note:  Within doors or shielded environment, the receiving effect of radio may be  affected. You  can  improve the effect  in  the  following  ways:  Near  window, adjust the position of earphone cable or adopt manual adjustment.   8.4 Voice Search When data connection or WLAN network is connected, input the keywords on the input field to search the web page that matched keywords. 8.5 Sound Recorder The phone can be as sound record.
  32 9 Other applications 9.1 Calendar Calendar views   You can view your calendar in a variety of ways. Touch the date on the left-top of the screen to select from Day, Week, Month or Agenda.   1. Month view   Days are shown  in a month grid. Busy time  slots are shown as  vertical bars in the corresponding part of the day. An all-day event is shown as a small  vertical bar at the top of the slot (it does not fill the entire slot).   View event details - Select a day to view all the events in that day. This will take you  to  either the  Agenda  or  Day  view,  depending  on  which  you  last  visited. Select the event to view its details.   Edit an event - First select a day to  go to  either the Day or  Agenda view. From there, select the event to view its details. Assuming you have write privileges on an event, select ‘Edit’ to  edit. Navigate months - Slide  your fingertip up/down, through  the  days  and  past  the  beginning/end  of  the  month  to  move  to  the previous/next month.   Create new event- Touch & hold a day to  open the context menu. Select ‘New event’. You can also press    and select ‘New event’.   2. Agenda view   Events in  the current  month  are  shown  vertically  in  a list, one  event  after  the other. Days with no events are not displayed.   Repeating events - Marked with icon following the time or date.   View event details - Select the event to view its details.   Edit  an  event  -  First,  select  the  event  to  view  its  details.  Assuming  you  have write privileges on an event, select ‘Edit’ to edit.   Navigate within the current month - Slide your fingertip up/down.   3. Week view Days  are  shown  vertically  within  the  Week  view.  Time  slots  are  defined horizontally in rows. Events are shown as blocks.   View event  details  - Highlight  an  event  to open a small  popup  window  in the
  33 lower part of the screen that provides more event information. This window will stay  open  for  three  seconds.  (Note  that  highlighted  events  are  outlined  in orange.) To view the full event details, touch the pop-up window while it’s open, or select the event itself.   Edit an event - Assuming you have write privileges on an event, select ‘Edit ’ to edit it.   Navigate within the current week -Slide your fingertip up/down.   Navigate to a past or future week - Slide your fingertip left/right.   4. Day view   Days are divided into hour time slots. Events are shown tiled and span the time they last. All-day events are displayed at the top of the day list.   View event  details  - Highlight  an  event  to open a small  popup  window  in the lower part of the screen that provides more event information. This window will stay  open  for  three  seconds.  (Note  that  highlighted  events  are  outlined  in orange.)  To  view  the  full  event  details,  touch  the  pop-up  window  while  the pop-up window is open, or select the event itself. You can also touch & hold the event to open the context menu, then select View event.   Edit  an event - Assuming you have write privileges on an event, select  Edit to edit it.   Navigate within the current day - Slide your fingertip up/down.   Navigate to a past or future day - Slide your fingertip left/right.   Create  new  event  -  Touch  an  empty  time  slot  to  open  the  new  Event  details screen.   Create an event   From any of the views, press    and select ‘New event’ to open the new Event details screen.   • Type the information in the fields.   • Select date & time.   • Name that appears in Day view.   • Description can be as long as you like. • Select a calendar if you display more than one.   • Set a default reminder time.
  34 • Set online presence: available or busy.   • Select calendar privacy from Default (as defined when calendar was  created), Private, or Public.   When finished, select ‘Done’. Pressing BACK also saves the event.   Tip:  Create  an  event  quickly  in the  Day  or  Week  view by  selecting  an  empty time  slot.  A  new  Event  details  screen  appears.  The  ‘From’  field  contains  the selected time slot.   Edit an event   To edit an event, you must have the View event screen open and you must have created, or have write privileges, for the event.   1. Navigate to the View event screen. 2. Select ‘Edit’. If Edit event isn’t an option, then you cannot make any changes to that particular event.   Note: If your event repeats, you will be asked to choose which events you want changed  (only  the  current  one  you’re  editing,  all  events  in  the  series,  or  the current event plus future events).   3. Once you have finished your edits, select ‘Done’.   Calendar settings   From any of the calendar views, press    and select Settings.   1. Calendar view setting   Hide  declined  events:  Select  this  check  box  if  you  want  all  the  events  you decline to be hidden from all calendar views.   2. Reminder settings   Set notifications: Select to set the type of event reminder you want:   Select ring tone:    Select Ring tone to open the ring tone menu and select a ring tone specific to new event notifications. Note that when you check a ring tone, it plays briefly.   Vibrate:  Select  this  check  box  to  have  your  phone  vibrate  when  you  are reminded of an event.   Default reminder time: Select to open the default reminder menu.  The time you select  will  appear  by  default  in  the  Reminder  section  when  you  create  a  new event.
  35 9.2 Alarm Clock To  open  Alarm  Clock,  on  the  Home  screen,  then  touch   and  select  Clock icon. The Alarm clock offers as many alarms as you want.   Set an alarm   Two alarms are set up for you, ready to customize. All two alarms are turned off by default. Select the check box to turn on the alarm. If no day shows under the set time, the alarm will go off once when the set time is reached. This alarm  will  go off  at  8:30 am  from  Monday to  Friday and  go  off  at  9:00 from Saturday and Sunday. To begin, select one of the default alarms to open Alarm settings.   Set the following options:   Alarm: Select the check box to turn alarm on (checked) or off (cleared). This is the same check box that appears on the main Alarm Clock screen. Time: The time the alarm will go off is shown. To change this time, select Time to open the time  selector. Slide the finger up  or down to set the time you want, and then select Set.   Repeat:  The  current  repeat  selection  is  shown.  To  change  the  setting,  select Repeat  and make a selection from the  menu.  To have  your  alarm will  only  go off  once  at  the  set  time,  don’t  select  any  of  the  options.  A  one-time  alarm  is shown on the Alarm Clock screen without any days under the set time. Ring tone:  The current  ring  tone  selection  is  shown.  Select  Ring tone  to  pick another  ring tone that will play when the alarm rings. (When you select a ring tone,  it  plays  briefly.)  Note  that  when  your  alarm  goes  off,  the  ring  tone  will play a maximum of five minutes.   Vibrate: Select this check box to have your phone vibrate when it goes off. Once your  alarm goes off, you will receive an  alert with the options to  Snooze (for 10 minutes) or Dismiss.   Add more alarms   To add more than three alarms, from the main  Alarm Clock screen, select ‘Add alarm’.   Change clock display   You can change the appearance of the clock displayed on the main Alarm Clock
  36 screen: 1. Go to the main Alarm Clock screen. 2. Select settings and to open the settings screen. 3. Select style and choose the display you want.  9.3 Calculator To  open  Calculator,  on  the  Home  screen,  then  touch   and  select  the Calculator  icon.  Use  the  Basic  panel  to  enter  numbers  and  perform  basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
  37 10,TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Weight: About 140g Dimensions: 133.4 x 67.5 x 9.75mm Band: GSM850/900/1900/1800, WCDMA 850/1900,FDD B2/4/7/17 Battery Capacity: 1950 mAh Talk Time: about 3-4h Standby Time: about300h Battery Time (No prior or separate notice is required for capacity changes)  Note:  Actual  operating  conditions  depend  on  the  local  network  environment, SIM, and user behavior. Warning: Any consequence caused by misuse, abuse, or not following any and all of the above-written suggestions and instructions shall not  hold  the  producer  in  any  way  responsible  to  any  degree.  Announcement: The  manufacturer  reserves  the  right  to  change  or  upgrade  specifications  or software versions without prior or separate notice. Trademarks mentioned in this material belong to their respective owners.  Any    Changes    or    modifications    not    expressly    approved    by    the   party    responsible    for  compliance  could  void  the  user's  authority  to  operate the equipment.  11 FCC Caution.  § 15.19 Labelling requirements. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two  conditions: (1) This  device may  not  cause harmful  interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  § 15.21 Information to user. Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible
  38 for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.  § 15.105 Information to the user. Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B  digital  device,  pursuant to  part 15  of the  FCC  Rules.  These  limits  are designed  to  provide  reasonable  protection  against  harmful  interference  in  a residential  installation.  This  equipment  generates  uses  and  can  radiate  radio frequency  energy  and,  if  not  installed  and  used  in  accordance  with  the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If  this  equipment  does  cause  harmful  interference  to  radio  or  television reception,  which  can be determined  by  turning  the  equipment  off  and  on,  the user  is  encouraged  to  try  to  correct  the  interference  by  one  or  more  of  the following measures: -Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. -Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. -Connect  the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different  from that to  which the receiver is connected. -Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) information:  This  mobile phone meets the  government's requirements  for exposure to radio waves.  The  guidelines  are  based  on  standards  that  were  developed  by independent  scientific  organizations  through  periodic  and  thorough  evaluation of scientific studies. The standards include a substantial safety margin designed to assure the safety of all persons regardless of age or health. FCC RF Exposure Information and Statement The SAR limit of USA (FCC) is 1.6  W/kg  averaged  over  one  gram  of  tissue.  Device  types:  AX1030/AX1020 (FCC ID: ZSW-30-012) has also been tested against this SAR limit. The highest SAR  value reported  under this standard during product  certification  for use at the  ear  is 0.55W/kg  and when properly  worn  on  the  body is  1.32  W/kg.  This
  39 device was tested for typical body-worn operations with the back of the handset kept  1.0  cm  from  the  body.  To  maintain  compliance  with  FCC  RF  exposure requirements, use accessories that maintain a 1.0cm separation distance between the  user's body and the back of the handset. The use of belt clips, holsters and similar accessories should not contain metallic components in its assembly. The use  of accessories that do  not satisfy  these  requirements  may not comply with FCC RF exposure requirements, and should be avoided.  Body-worn Operation This  device  was  tested  for  typical  body-worn  operations.  To  comply  with  RF exposure  requirements,  a  minimum  separation  distance  of  1.0  cm  must  be maintained  between  the  user’s  body  and  the  handset,  including  the  antenna. Third-party  belt-clips,  holsters,  and  similar  accessories  used  by  this  device should not contain any metallic components. Body-worn accessories that do not meet these requirements  may not  comply  with  RF  exposure  requirements and should be avoided. Use only the supplied or an approved antenna.

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