Corel CorelDRAW Essentials Getting Started User Guide Draw 2 Instruction Manual CDRAW Eng
User Manual: corel Corel Draw Essentials - 2 - Instruction Manual Free User Guide for Corel Draw Software, Manual
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Page Count: 59
- Table of Contents
- Index
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- H
- I
- L
- M
- O
- P
- paragraph text
- pasting objects
- positioning objects
- printing drawings
- publishing drawings
- Quick Start
- quitting
- redoing actions
- registering
- saving
- scanner
- selecting
- setting up
- starting
- support
- technical support
- templates
- terminology
- text
- text frames
- training
- TWAIN device
- undoing actions
- uniform fills
- uninstalling
- Web support
- Web training
Table of Contents
Wel come to CorelDRAW Es sen tials 2
About Corel Cor po ra tion .................2
Reg is ter ing Corel prod ucts .................2
Corel Sup port Ser vices ..................2
Cus tomer feed back ...................4
Doc u men ta tion con ven tions ................4
In stall ing and uninstalling ap pli ca tions .............5
Get ting help .....................6
Other re sources ....................7
CorelDRAW Es sen tials workspace tour
Ter mi nol ogy and con cepts .................9
CorelDRAW Es sen tials ap pli ca tion win dow ...........10
CorelDRAW Es sen tials workspace tools ............12
Get ting started
Start ing and open ing draw ings ...............19
Ex plor ing the ba sic fea tures of CorelDRAW Es sen tials .......20
Work ing with tem plates .................21
Un do ing and re do ing ac tions ...............22
Sav ing draw ings....................22
Clos ing draw ings and quit ting CorelDRAW Es sen tials .......23
Work ing with ob jects
Se lect ing ob jects ...................25
Copy ing, du pli cat ing, and de let ing ob jects ...........26
Po si tion ing ob jects ...................27
Out lin ing and fill ing ob jects
For mat ting lines and out lines ...............29
Ap ply ing uni form fills ..................29
Add ing and for mat ting text
Add ing and se lect ing text ................31
Chang ing the ap pear ance of text ..............33
Pub lish ing your work
Ta ble of con tents i
Op ti miz ing bitmaps for the World Wide Web ..........35
Print ing ......................36
Sav ing doc u ments as PDF files ...............37
Im port ing and ex port ing files
Im port ing files ....................39
Ex port ing files ....................40
Us ing Corel Photobook and Corel PhotoAlbum
Us ing the Corel Photobook ap pli ca tion win dow .........43
Us ing the tool box ...................46
The Vi sual toolbar ...................47
Start ing Corel Photobook.................48
Cre at ing im age files ..................48
Open ing im age files ..................48
Ac quir ing im ages ...................49
Clos ing im age files ...................50
Sav ing im age files ...................50
Quit ting Corel Photobook ................51
Us ing Corel PhotoAlbum.................51
In dex ............................53
ii Ta ble of con tents
Welcome to CorelDRAW Essentials 2 1
The Corel DRAW® Essentials 2 suite is an easy-to-use, all-in-one drawing
application, with powerful photo-retouching tools, that lets you learn, explore, and
create professional-looking graphics projects. You can create sophisticated graphics,
correct and enhance photos, lay out your project, and publish your work so others can
easily access and view it. Manipulate ready-made templates for fast results. Correct
common photo problems and add stunning effects. See your work in real time — and
publish it in a range of file formats. Use the Quick Start manager to quickly access
applications and files so you can start on special projects without delay.
The CorelDRAW Essentials 2 suite contains the following applications:
CorelDRAW Essentials –– an intuitive graphics design application that gives you a
more enjoyable work experience. Unique interactive tools set it apart, saving you
time and making the design process easier. CorelDRAW Essentials is built and
designed to help you graphics for print or for the Web.
Corel® Photobook™ –– a fast , eas y, and pow er ful im age ed i tor for Win dows®.
Corel Photobook of fers pow er ful photo re touch ing; ob jects and lay ers;
nat u ral-me dia brushes; over 130 ef fects, mac ros, and wiz ards; and GIF and JPEG
sup port for the Web.
Corel® PhotoAl bum™ –– helps you lo cate, view, or ga nize, and distribute image
In this section, you’ll learn about
Corel Corporation
registering Corel products
customer support
customer feedback
documentation conventions
installing and uninstalling applications
using Quick Start
getting help
other resources
Welcome to CorelDRAW Essentials 2 1
About Corel Corporation
Founded in 1985, Corel Corporation ( is a leading technology
company specializing in content creation tools, business process management and
XML-enabled enterprise solutions. The company’s goal is to give consumers and
enterprise customers the ability to create, exchange and instantly interact with visual
content that is always relevant, accurate, and available. Corel Corporation has its
headquarters in Ottawa, Canada.
Registering Corel products
Registering Corel products is important. Registration provides you with timely access
to the latest product updates, valuable information about product releases, and access
to free downloads, articles, tips and tricks, and special offers.
You can register when you install the application, or choose to register at a later date.
You can register using the following methods:
online — you can launch online registration if you are connected to the Internet
when you install the Corel graphics application. If no Internet connection is
detected, a list of options displays in a dialog box.
FTP — you can complete the registration form and it will be sent automatically
when an Internet connection is detected
by phone — you can call the Corel Customer Service Center nearest you
For more information about registering a Corel product, visit port/reg is ter.
Corel Support Services
Corel Support Services can provide you with prompt and accurate information about
product features, specifications, pricing, availability, services, and technical support.
Online support
For information about online support services, visit Please
note, some of the services are available only in English.
Web services Description
Corel® Knowledge Base
Allows you to read, print, and download
documents that contain answers to many
technical questions
2CorelDRAW Essentials 2 Getting Started User Guide: Chap ter 1
Web services Description
Newsgroups (peer-to-peer forums)
Allow you to exchange information, tips,
and techniques with other users of Corel
Allow you to download product patches,
updates, and trial versions
Telephone support
For detailed information regarding telephone support services, please visit
Live telephone support for this Corel product is available as a fee-based service only.
North America
For pricing, purchasing, or general inquiries about Corel products, you can call
Customer Service toll-free at 1-800-772-6735.
To speak directly to a technician on a Pay-As-You-Go line please dial
1-900-733-8780. To speak directly to a technician on a Pay-Per-Incident line
please dial 1-877-662-6735. The hours of operation are 8:30 A.M. to 7:30 P. M . ,
Monday to Friday, Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Outside North America
For pricing, purchasing, or general inquiries about Corel products, call Customer
Service toll-free. For the most up to date contact details, check the international
support numbers page at
Contact Customer Service for pricing, purchasing, general inquiries, or replacement
CDs. Contact Technical Support should you require technical assistance operating
your Corel software.
Mail and fax support
You can send specific customer-service questions to Corel Support Services
representatives by mail or fax.
Corel Support Services
1600 Carling Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1Z 8R7
Fax: 1-613-761-9176
Welcome to CorelDRAW Essentials 2 3
Customer feedback
If you have any comments or suggestions about CorelDRAW Essentials 2, you can
send them by email to
If you have any comments or suggestions about the user guide and Help, you can
send them by email to or by regular mail to the address below.
You can check the product Web site for the latest news, tips and tricks, and product
upgrade information. Go to and fol low the links to the prod uct site.
Creative Products Documentation Manager
Corel Corporation
1600 Carling Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1Z 8R7
Documentation conventions
The table below describes important conventions used in the user guide and Help.
Convention Description Examples
Menu } Menu com mand Click the menu item
followed by the menu
Click File } Open.
list box A list of options that drops
down when a user clicks the
down arrow button.
Choose a lay out style from
the Lay out list box.
A note contains information
that is important to the
preceding steps. It can
describe conditions under
which the procedure can be
The status bar displays a
description of each hidden
object as you select it.
A tip contains suggestions
for performing the
preceding steps. It can
present alternatives to the
steps, and other benefits and
uses of the procedure.
You can also launch Help
by pressing F1.
4CorelDRAW Essentials 2 Getting Started User Guide: Chap ter 1
Installing and uninstalling applications
The application’s Installer makes it easy to install Corel applications and components.
It lets you install and uninstall any Corel applications included in your software
To install an application
1Close all ap pli ca tions.
2In sert Disc 1 in the CD drive.
If the installation wizard does not start automatically, click Start on the Win dows
taskbar, and click Run. Type D:\Setup, where D is the let ter that cor re sponds to
the CD drive.
3Fol low the in struc tions in the in stal la tion wiz ard for in stall ing and reg is ter ing the
ap pli ca tion.
To uninstall applications
1On the Win dows taskbar, click Start } Con trol Panel.
If your operating system is Windows 2000 or earlier, click Start } Set tings }
Con trol Panel.
2Dou ble-click Add/Re move pro grams.
3Choose a Corel ap pli ca tion from the list, click Change/Re move, and en able the
Re move all op tion in the di a log box.
If your operating system is Windows 2000 or earlier, click the Re move but ton.
4Fol low the InstallShield® wiz ard in struc tions.
Using Quick Start
Quick Start lets you receive information and guidance based on the task you select. It
provides easy access to recent files, documentation, tips, and the Corel online store. It
also consolidates support and third-party information.
Welcome to CorelDRAW Essentials 2 5
To use Quick Start
1Click Start } Pro grams } CorelDRAW Essentials 2 } Quick Start.
2Click one of the following tabs:
Ta s k s –– pro vides sev eral pro ject types and loads the re quired CorelDRAW
Essentials 2 ap pli ca tion with the cor re spond ing category in the tem plate wiz ard
Re cent documents –– lists re cent files for CorelDRAW Essentials and Corel
Ap pli ca tions –– pro vides in for ma tion on CorelDRAW Essentials, Corel
Photobook, Corel PhotoAlbum, and the third-party ap pli ca tions in cluded with
CorelDRAW Essentials 2
Tips & Tricks –– provides content, and links to con tent from De
Help & Sup port –– links to the online Help systems, as well as to Corel
sup port re sources on
Up grade now –– links to the lat est in for ma tion on CorelDRAW Graphics
Getting help
You can get help from the accompanying user guide or directly from the user
interface. You can find topics from the Help by us ing the ta ble of con tents and search
tool. You can also print a Help topic and dis play Help top ics rel e vant to the task you
are per form ing.
Help is available through the following tools:
User guide — pro vides com monly used pro ce dures and in for ma tion. Chap ters
end ing with From here ta bles con tain keywords that di rect you to ad di tional
top ics in the Help.
Help — lets you access Help directly from the user interface and find topics using
the contents topic, index, and word/phrase search tool
ToolTips — lets you access tips for using the application’s icons and buttons. To
view a ToolTip, position the cursor over an icon, button, or other application
To use Help
1Click Help } Help top ics.
2Click one of the fol low ing tabs:
Con tents — lets you browse through top ics in the Help
6CorelDRAW Essentials 2 Getting Started User Guide: Chap ter 1
In dex — lets you use the in dex to find a topic
Search — lets you search the full text of the Help for a par tic u lar word. For
ex am ple, if you are look ing for in for ma tion about RGB color mode, you can
type “RGB” to dis play a list of rel e vant topics.
You can also
View Help for a dialog box Click the Help but ton.
Print a specific Help topic Open a Help topic, click the frame you
want to print, and click Print.
You can also launch Help by pressing F1.
Other resources
Corel has training partnerships with other firms and provides professional services for
its software products. The Corel Web site contains a wealth of graphics
Corel Train ing Events
Maximize your skills and attend a Corel® Training Camp — special intensive
Training Events held throughout North America on various Corel products. All
Training Camps are delivered by a Corel Training Specialist, with hands-on
instruction, exercises and practical real-world projects. To look at the training
schedule or to register for a course, please visit:
Corel Cus tom ized Train ing
Once you have Corel applications running on your computers, our team of expert
Corel Training Specialists can help you make the most of them with customized
training, tailored to the specific needs of your work environment. We will help you
develop a custom curriculum which is practical and relevant to the needs of your
organization. For more information about Corel Customized Training, please visit
Welcome to CorelDRAW Essentials 2 7
Corel Train ing Part ners (CTP)
A Corel® Training Partner is an independent, officially accredited local
organization that provides training on Corel products and is located worldwide for
your convenience. To find a partner near you, please visit
Users are encouraged to visit Corel’s Web site. It contains articles, tips
and tricks, free clipart, product news, tutorials, and other graphics resources to
inspire, excite, and illuminate. Visit to start.
8CorelDRAW Essentials 2 Getting Started User Guide: Chap ter 1
CorelDRAW Essentials workspace tour 2
Becoming familiar with the terminology and workspace of CorelDRAW Essentials
will help you easily follow this user guide’s concepts and procedures.
In this section, you’ll learn about
terminology and concepts
CorelDRAW Essentials application window
CorelDRAW Essentials workspace tools
Terminology and concepts
Before you get started with CorelDRAW Essentials, you should be familiar with the
following terms.
Term Description
object An element in a drawing such as an image, shape, line, text,
curve, symbol, or layer.
drawing The work you create in CorelDRAW Essentials; for example,
custom artwork, logos, posters, and newsletters
vector graphic An image generated from mathematical descriptions that
determine the position, length, and direction in which lines are
bitmap An image composed of grids of pixels, or dots; also called a
raster image
Docker window A window containing available commands and settings
relevant to a specific tool or task
flyout A button that opens a group of related tools or menu items
CorelDRAW Essentials workspace tour 9
Term Description
artistic text A type of text to which you can apply special effects, such as
paragraph text A type of text to which you can apply formatting options, and
which can be edited in large blocks
CorelDRAW Essentials application window
When you launch CorelDRAW Essentials, the application window opens containing a
drawing window. The rectangle in the center of the drawing window is the drawing
page where you create your drawing. Although more than one drawing window can
be opened, you can apply commands to the active drawing window only.
The CorelDRAW Essentials application window appears below. A description of its
parts follows.
10 CorelDRAW Essentials 2 Getting Started User Guide: Chap ter 2
Menu bar
Title bar
Part Description
Menu bar The area containing pull-down menu options
Property bar A detachable bar with commands that relate to the active tool
or object. For example, when the text tool is active, the text
property bar displays commands that create and edit text.
Toolbar A detachable bar that contains shortcuts to menu and other
Title bar The area displaying the title of the currently open drawing
Rulers Horizontal and vertical borders that are used to determine the
size and position of objects in a drawing
Toolbox A floating bar with tools for creating, filling, and modifying
objects in the drawing
Drawing window The area outside the drawing page bordered by the scroll bars
and application controls
Drawing page The rectangular area inside the drawing window. It is the
printable area of your work area.
Color palette A dockable bar that contains color swatches.
Docker window A window containing available commands and settings
relevant to a specific tool or task
Status bar An area at the bottom of the application window that contains
information about object properties such as type, size, color,
fill, and resolution. The status bar also shows the current
mouse position.
Document navigator The area at the bottom left of the application window that
contains controls for moving between pages and adding pages
Navigator A button at the bottom-right corner that opens a smaller
display to help you move around a drawing
To toggle between displaying and hiding the status bar, click Win dow }
Toolbars } Sta tus bar.
To toggle between displaying and hiding the rulers, see “To hide or display
the rulers” in the Help.
CorelDRAW Essentials workspace tour 11
CorelDRAW Essentials workspace tools
Application commands are accessible through the menu bar, toolbars, toolbox,
property bar, and Docker windows. The property bar and Docker windows provide
access to commands that relate to the active tool or current task. The property bar,
Docker windows, toolbars, and toolbox can be opened, closed, and moved around
your screen at any time.
Standard toolbar
The standard toolbar contains buttons that are shortcuts to many of the menu
The standard toolbar displays by default.
Click this button To
Start a new drawing
Open a drawing
Save a drawing
Print a drawing
Cut selected objects to the Clipboard
Copy selected objects to the Clipboard
Paste the Clipboard contents into a drawing
Undo an action
Restore an action that was undone
Import a drawing
12 CorelDRAW Essentials 2 Getting Started User Guide: Chap ter 2
Click this button To
Export a drawing
Set a zoom level
Exploring the toolbox
Flyouts open to display a set of related CorelDRAW Essentials tools. A small arrow in
the bottom, right corner of a toolbox button indicates a flyout; for example, the
Shape edit flyout . Click ing a flyout ar row opens a set of re lated tools. Click ing
and drag ging the grab han dles at the end of the flyout sets the flyout in its ex panded
CorelDRAW Essentials workspace tour 13
You can use the tools in the toolbox to create, fill, and modify the objects in
your drawings.
The following table provides descriptions of the flyouts and tools in the CorelDRAW
Essentials toolbox.
Flyout Description
Shape edit Lets you access the Shape, Knife, and Eraser
Curve Lets you access the Free hand, Bézier, and
Ar tis tic me dia tools
Object Lets you access the Graph pa per, Poly gon, and
Spi ral tools
Perfect Shapes™ Lets you access the Ba sic shapes, Ar row
shapes, Flowchart shapes, Star shapes, and
Callout shapes tools
Interactive tools Lets you access the In ter ac tive blend,
In ter ac tive con tour, In ter ac tive dis tor tion,
In ter ac tive drop shadow, In ter ac tive
en ve lope, In ter ac tive ex trude, and In ter ac tive
trans par ency tools
Out line Lets you access the Out line pen and the
Out line color di a log boxes, and a se lec tion of
out lines of var i ous widths
Fill Lets you access the Fill color, Foun tain fill,
Pat tern fill, and Tex ture fill di a log boxes
14 CorelDRAW Essentials 2 Getting Started User Guide: Chap ter 2
Tool Description
The Pick tool lets you se lect and size, skew, and ro tate ob jects.
The Shape tool lets you edit the shape of ob jects.
The Knife tool lets you cut through ob jects.
The Eraser tool lets you re move ar eas of your draw ing.
The Text tool lets you type words di rectly on the screen as
ar tis tic or para graph text.
The Ba sic shapes tool lets you choose from a full set of shapes,
in clud ing a hexa gram, a smiley face, and a right-an gle tri an gle.
The Ar row shapes tool lets you draw ar rows of var i ous shape,
di rec tion, and num ber of heads.
The Flowchart shapes tool lets you draw flowchart sym bols.
The Star shapes tool lets you draw rib bon ob jects and
ex plo sion shapes.
The Callout shapes tool lets you draw callouts and la bels.
The Free hand tool lets you draw sin gle line seg ments and
The Bézier tool lets you draw curves one seg ment at a time.
The Ar tis tic me dia tool pro vides ac cess to the Brush,
Sprayer, and Cal li graphic tools.
The Graph pa per tool lets you draw a grid of lines sim i lar to
that on graph pa per.
The Poly gon tool lets you draw sym met ri cal poly gons and
CorelDRAW Essentials workspace tour 15
Tool Description
The Spi ral tool lets you draw sym met ri cal and log a rith mic
spi rals.
The Rect an gle tool lets you draw rect an gles and squares.
The El lipse tool lets you draw el lip ses and cir cles.
The In ter ac tive fill tool lets you ap ply var i ous fills.
The In ter ac tive blend tool lets you blend two ob jects.
The In ter ac tive con tour tool lets you ap ply a con tour to an
ob ject.
The In ter ac tive dis tor tion tool lets you ap ply a Push or Pull
dis tor tion, a Zip per dis tor tion, or a Twister dis tor tion to an
The In ter ac tive drop shadow tool lets you ap ply a drop
shadow to an ob ject.
The In ter ac tive en ve lope tool lets you dis tort an ob ject by
drag ging the nodes of the en ve lope.
The In ter ac tive ex trude tool lets you ap ply the il lu sion of
depth to ob jects.
The In ter ac tive trans par ency tool lets you ap ply
trans par en cies to ob jects.
The Zoom tool lets you change the mag ni fi ca tion level in the
draw ing win dow.
The Hand tool lets you con trol which part of the draw ing is
vis i ble in the draw ing win dow
16 CorelDRAW Essentials 2 Getting Started User Guide: Chap ter 2
Property bar
The property bar displays the most commonly used functions that are relevant to the
active tool or to the task you’re performing. Although it looks like a toolbar, the
property bar content changes depending on the tool or task.
For example, when you click the Te x t tool in the toolbox, the property bar displays
only text-related commands. In the example below, the property bar displays text,
formatting, alignment, and editing tools.
Docker windows
Docker windows display the same type of controls as a dialog box, such as command
buttons, options, and list boxes. Unlike most dialog boxes, you can keep Docker
windows open while working on a document, so you can readily access the commands
to experiment with different effects.
Docker windows can be either docked or floating. Docking a Docker window attaches
it to the edge of the application window. Undocking a Docker window detaches it
from other parts of the workspace, so it can be easily moved around. You can also
collapse Docker windows to save screen space.
CorelDRAW Essentials workspace tour 17
An example is the
Object properties
Docker window. When
this Docker window is
open, you can click an
object in the drawing
window and view
formatting, dimensions,
and other properties of
the object.
Status bar
The status bar displays information about selected objects (such as color, fill type, and
outline, cursor position, and relevant commands).
18 CorelDRAW Essentials 2 Getting Started User Guide: Chap ter 2
Getting started 3
Drawings are the work that you create and edit in CorelDRAW Essentials.
In this section, you’ll learn about
starting and opening drawings
exploring the basic features of CorelDRAW Essentials
working with templates
undoing and redoing actions
saving drawings
closing drawings and quitting CorelDRAW Essentials
Starting and opening drawings
CorelDRAW Essentials lets you start a new drawing from a blank page, from a
template, or from an existing drawing.
A blank page gives you the freedom to specify every aspect of a drawing.
A template provides you with a starting point and leaves the amount of customization
up to you.
For more information about using templates, see “Working with templates” on page
Basing a new drawing on an existing drawing lets you reuse objects and page settings.
CorelDRAW Essentials lets you open existing drawings saved to a variety of file
formats. For information about the file formats you can open in CorelDRAW
Essentials, see “File formats” in the Help.
To start CorelDRAW Essentials
Click Start } Pro grams } CorelDRAW Essentials 2 } CorelDRAW Essentials.
Getting started 19
To start a drawing
To Do the following
Start a drawing from a blank page Click File } New.
Start a drawing from a CorelDRAW
Essentials template
Click File } New from tem plate, click the
tab that cor re sponds to the tem plate
cat e gory you want, and choose a tem plate.
You can specify a layout style (template) by clicking Lay out } Page options,
click ing Lay out in the list of cat e go ries, and choos ing a lay out style from the
Lay out list box.
To open a drawing
1Click File } Open.
2Lo cate the folder where the draw ing is stored.
3Click a file name.
4Click Open.
You can also open a drawing by clicking the Open but ton on the toolbar.
If you want to view a thumbnail of the drawing, click the Pre view check
Exploring the basic features of CorelDRAW Essentials
CorelDRAW Essentials has a wide range of tools and capabilities to help you create
drawings. The following table provides you with the basic features of CorelDRAW
Essentials so that you can get started.
For information on See
Drawing lines “Working with lines, outlines, and brush
strokes” in the Help
Drawing shapes “Drawing shapes” in the Help
Creating and manipulating objects “Working with objects” on page 25 and in
the Help
20 CorelDRAW Essentials 2 Getting Started User Guide: Chap ter 3
For information on See
Outlining and filling objects “Outlining and filling objects” on page 29;
“Working with lines, outlines, and brush
strokes” and “Filling objects” in the Help
Adding text to a drawing “Adding and formatting text” on page 31
Publishing your work “Publishing your work” on page 35
Working with templates
A template is a set of styles and page layout settings that govern the layout and
appearance of a drawing. You can choose from a wide variety of preset templates
available in the application. The templates included with CorelDRAW Essentials are
available under the following categories:
Getting started 21
Use a template for drawing designs that you want to reuse.
When you create a new drawing using a template, CorelDRAW Essentials formats the
page using the template’s page layout settings and loads the template’s styles in the
new file.
If none of the preset templates meet your requirements, you can edit an existing
template, or you can create a template based on styles you create or styles taken from
other templates. For more information on editing and creating templates, see
"Working with templates" in the Help.
To create a new file based on a saved template
1Click File } Open.
2Choose CDT - CorelDRAW tem plate from the Files of type list box.
3Lo cate the folder where the tem plate is stored.
4Dou ble-click a tem plate file name.
5En able the New from tem plate check box in the Open di a log box.
Undoing and redoing actions
You can undo the actions you perform in a drawing, starting with the most recent
action. If you don’t like the result of undoing an action, you can redo it.
To undo and redo actions
To Do the following
Undo an action Click Edit } Undo.
Redo an action Click Edit } Redo.
You can also undo or redo actions by clicking the Undo button or Redo
button on the Standard toolbar.
Saving drawings
CorelDRAW Essentials lets you save a drawing as you work.
CorelDRAW Essentials offers advanced options that let you assign notes, keywords,
and thumbnails to drawings so that you can find them more easily.
22 CorelDRAW Essentials 2 Getting Started User Guide: Chap ter 3
By default, drawings are saved to the CorelDRAW file format (.cdr); how ever,
ad vanced save op tions let you choose other file for mats as well. If you are sav ing a
draw ing to use in an other ap pli ca tion, you must save it to a file for mat that is
sup ported by that ap pli ca tion. You can also save a draw ing to another ver sion of
CorelDRAW. For in for ma tion about file for mats sup ported by CorelDRAW Essentials,
see “File for mats” in the Help. For in for ma tion about sav ing files to other for mats, see
“Ex port ing files” on page 40.
To save a drawing
1Click File } Save as.
2Lo cate the folder where you want to save the file.
If you want to save notes or keywords with the file, type them in the
corresponding box.
If you want to specify advanced settings, click Ad vanced, and spec ify the
set tings you want in the Pref er ences di a log box.
3Type a file name in the File name list box.
4Click Save.
If you want to save changes made to a previously saved drawing, click File
} Save.
You can also save a drawing by clicking the Save but ton on the Stan dard
Closing drawings and quitting CorelDRAW Essentials
You can close one or all open drawings at any time before quitting CorelDRAW
To close drawings
To close Do the following
One drawing Click File } Close.
All open drawings Click Win dow } Close all.
Getting started 23
To quit CorelDRAW Essentials
Click File } Exit.
You can also quit CorelDRAW Essentials by pressing Alt + F4.
From here
For more information about In the Help index, see
Finding and inserting drawing content images
Zooming and panning zooming
24 CorelDRAW Essentials 2 Getting Started User Guide: Chap ter 3
Working with objects 4
Working with objects is a central part of creating drawings.
In this section, you’ll learn about
selecting objects
copying, duplicating, and deleting objects
positioning objects
Selecting objects
Before you can change an object, you must select it. You can select visible objects,
hidden objects, and a single object in a group or a nested group, and each object in
the order in which it is created. You can also select all objects at once and deselect
Working with objects 25
A bounding box displays around a selected object, and an “X” appears at
its center.
To select objects
To select Do the following
An object Click an object using the Pick tool .
Multiple objects Hold down Shift, and click each ob ject you
want to se lect.
An object, starting with the first object
created and moving toward the last object
Press Shift + Tab un til a se lec tion box
dis plays around the ob ject you want to
se lect.
An object, starting with the last object
created and moving toward the first object
Press Tab un til a se lec tion box dis plays
around the ob ject you want to se lect.
All objects Click Edit } Se lect all } Ob jects.
The status bar displays a description of each hidden object as you select it.
You can also select one or more objects by dragging around the object or
objects using the Pick tool.
To deselect objects
To deselect Do the following
All objects Click the Pick tool, and click a blank space
in the draw ing win dow.
A single object in multiple selected objects Hold down Shift, and click the ob ject us ing
the Pick tool.
Copying, duplicating, and deleting objects
CorelDRAW Essentials gives you two ways to copy objects. You can cut or copy an
object to place it on the Clipboard and paste it into a drawing or another application,
or you can duplicate an object. Cutting an object to the Clipboard removes it from the
drawing; copying an object to the Clipboard leaves the original in the drawing; and
duplicating an object places a copy directly in the drawing window, not the Clipboard.
Duplicating is also faster than copying and pasting. You can copy entire objects or
their properties.
26 CorelDRAW Essentials 2 Getting Started User Guide: Chap ter 4
When you no longer need an object, you can delete it.
To cut or copy an object
1Se lect an ob ject.
2Click Edit, and click one of the fol low ing:
You can also cut or copy an object by right-clicking the object and clicking
Cut or Copy.
To paste an object into a drawing
Click Edit } Paste.
To duplicate an object
1Se lect an ob ject.
2Click Edit } Du pli cate.
To delete an object
1Se lect an ob ject.
2Click Edit } De lete.
You can also delete an object by right-clicking the object and clicking
De lete.
Positioning objects
You can position objects by dragging them to a new location.
You can also position objects by nudging, or by specifying their horizontal and vertical
position. For more information, see "Positioning objects" in the Help.
Working with objects 27
To move an object
Drag the X in the object's center to move the object to a new position in the
You can move an object to another page by dragging the object over a page
number tab and then dragging over the page.
From here
For more information about In the Help index, see
aligning, distributing, and snapping objects aligning
changing the order of objects order
sizing objects sizing
grouping objects groups
combining objects combined objects
shaping objects shaping, objects
adding three-dimensional effects to objects three-dimensional effects
28 CorelDRAW Essentials 2 Getting Started User Guide: Chap ter 4
Outlining and filling objects 5
CorelDRAW Essentials lets you format the outlines that surround objects, as well as
add fills to the inside of objects.
In this section, you’ll learn about
formatting lines and outlines
applying uniform fills
Formatting lines and outlines
You can change the appearance of both lines and outlines. For example, you can
specify their color, width, style, corner shape, and cap style.
To specify line and outline settings
1Se lect an ob ject.
2Open the Out line tool flyout , and click the Out line pen
di a log but ton .
3Spec ify the set tings you want.
You can change the outline color of a selected object by choosing a color
from the color picker in the Out line pen di a log box.
You can remove a selected object's outline by opening the Out line tool
flyout and click ing No out line .
Applying uniform fills
You can apply a uniform fill to objects. Uniform fills are solid colors.
You can also apply fountain fills, pattern fills, and texture fills to objects. For more
information, see the Help.
Outlining and filling objects 29
To apply a uniform fill
1Se lect an ob ject.
2Click the In ter ac tive fill tool .
3Choose Uni form fill from the Fill type list box on the prop erty bar.
4Spec ify the set tings you want on the prop erty bar, and press En ter.
You can also fill a selected object by clicking a color on the color palette.
You can mix colors in a uniform fill by selecting a filled object, pressing Ctrl
and clicking another color on the color palette.
You can remove the fill from a selected object by opening the Fill flyout and
click ing the No fill but ton .
From here
For more information about In the Help index, see
working with lines, outlines, and brush
applying fountain fills fountain fills, applying
applying pattern fills pattern fills, applying
applying texture fills texture fills, applying
working with fills fills
30 CorelDRAW Essentials 2 Getting Started User Guide: Chap ter 5
Adding and formatting text 6
CorelDRAW Essentials lets you use text to create documents or annotate drawings.
In this section, you’ll learn about
adding and selecting text
changing the appearance of text
Adding and selecting text
There are two types of text you can add to drawings — artistic text and paragraph
text. Artistic text can be used to add short lines of text to which you can apply a wide
range of effects, such as drop shadows. Paragraph text can be used for larger bodies of
text that have greater formatting requirements. You can add both paragraph and
artistic text directly in the drawing window.
When adding paragraph text, you must first create a text frame. By default,
paragraph text frames remain the same size regardless of how much text they contain.
Any text that continues past the bottom-right border of the text frame is hidden until
you either enlarge the text frame or link it to another text frame.
You can insert a paragraph text frame inside a graphic object. This lets you use objects
as containers for text so that you can use different shapes for text frames. You can also
separate text from an object. When you do, the text retains its shape, and you can
move or modify the text and the object independently.
Adding and formatting text 31
To modify text, you must first select it. You can select entire text objects or specific
To add artistic text
Click anywhere in the drawing window using the Te x t tool , and type.
To add paragraph text
To Do the following
Add paragraph text Click the Text tool . Drag in the
draw ing win dow to size the para graph text
frame, and type.
Add paragraph text inside an object Click the Text tool. Move the pointer over
the ob ject’s out line, and click the ob ject
when the pointer changes to an In sert in
ob ject pointer. Type in side the frame.
Separate a paragraph text frame from an
Select the object using the Pick tool ,
and click Ar range } Break para graph text
in side a path apart.
32 CorelDRAW Essentials 2 Getting Started User Guide: Chap ter 6
Paragraph text placed inside an object. The object is made invisible by
removing its outline.
You can adjust the size of a paragraph text frame by clicking the text frame
using the Pick tool, and drag ging any se lec tion han dle.
To select text
To select Do the following
An entire text object Click the text object using the Pick tool
Specific characters Drag across the text using the Text tool
You can select multiple text objects by holding down Shift and clicking
each text object using the Pick tool.
Changing the appearance of text
You can enhance artistic text and paragraph text by modifying their character
properties. For example, you can change the font type and size or make the text bold
or italic. You can also change the position of text to subscript or superscript, which is
useful if a drawing contains scientific notation. You can add underlines, strikethrough
lines, and overlines to text. You can change the thickness of these lines, as well as the
distance between the lines and the text. You can also change the color of text.
To change character properties
1Select the text.
2Click Text } Format text.
3Click the Character tab.
4Specify the character attributes you want.
You can also make selected text bold, italic or underlined by clicking the
Bold button, Italic button, or Underline button on the property bar.
Adding and formatting text 33
To change the color of text
1Select the text using the Te x t tool .
2Click a color on the color palette.
You can change the color of an entire text object by deselecting any text and
dragging a color swatch from the color palette to the text object.
From here
For more information about In the Help index, see
aligning and spacing text text, aligning
editing, and converting text text, editing
moving text text, moving
fitting text to a path text, fitting to a path
formatting paragraph text text, formatting
combining and linking paragraph text
text, combining paragraph text frames
wrapping paragraph text around objects
and text
text, wrapping
34 CorelDRAW Essentials 2 Getting Started User Guide: Chap ter 6
Publishing your work 7
CorelDRAW Essentials lets you publish your work in various ways.
You can save objects and optimize them for the World Wide Web. You can also print
your work, or save it as an Adobe® Acrobat® PDF file.
In this section, you’ll learn about
optimizing bitmaps for the World Wide Web
saving documents as PDF files
Optimizing bitmaps for the World Wide Web
You can save objects and optimize them for the World Wide Web using the Web
Image Optimizer.
When you optimize an image for the Web, you can export to a GIF, JPEG, PNG
8-bit, and PNG 24-bit file type, choose a Web preset, and compare the previewed
results. The Web presets are optimized for color, dithering, compression, and
smoothing, depending on the file type you choose. You can compare up to four file
types by viewing their download speed, image quality, file size, color range, and
compression size as well as by panning and zooming in the image.
You can also add and delete Web presets of your own.
To save and optimize a drawing to Web-compatible format
1Click File } Web im age optimizer.
2Choose a speed from the Con nec tion speed list box.
3Choose one of the fol low ing pane dis play op tions:
Sin gle pane
Dou ble-ver ti cal panes
Dou ble-hor i zon tal panes
Publishing your work 35
Four panes
4Keep one pane as the orig i nal im age. In one or more of the other panes, choose
from the fol low ing list boxes be low the pre view win dow:
File type
Web pre set
You can also
Edit preset settings for a single preview area Click Ad vanced. In the Ex port di a log box,
cus tom ize the pre set op tions. If you se lect
GIF or PNG8 file for mats, you can mod ify
the color pal ette and set tings in the
Con vert to paletted dialog box.
Save the current configuration of settings
for a preview area.
Click the Save set tings but ton for each
area where you want to save the set tings.
Save a custom preset Click Add .
Delete a preset Click De lete .
Display file information below each preview
Enable the Pre view check box.
Pan to another section of the image Drag in the preview window of the original
Zoom in the preview window Choose a magnification from the Zoom
level list box.
You can compare file types with the original image by choosing Orig i nal
from the File type list box in one of the panes.
In CorelDRAW Essentials, you can print one or more copies of the same drawing.
Before printing a drawing, you can specify printer properties, including paper size and
device options.
36 CorelDRAW Essentials 2 Getting Started User Guide: Chap ter 7
To print your work
1Click File } Print.
2Click the Gen eral tab.
3Choose a printer from the Name list box.
4Type a value in the Num ber of cop ies box.
If you want the copies collated, enable the Col late check box.
5En able one of the fol low ing op tions:
Cur rent doc u ment — prints the ac tive draw ing
Cur rent page — prints the ac tive page
Pages — prints the pages that you spec ify
Doc u ments — prints the doc u ments that you spec ify
Se lec tion — prints the ob jects that you have se lected
You can quickly preview a print job in the Print dialog box by clicking File
} Print, and clicking the Mini preview button .
Saving documents as PDF files
PDF is a file format designed to preserve fonts, images, graphics, and formatting of an
original application file.
You can save a document as a PDF file. A PDF file can be viewed, shared, and printed
on any platform provided that users have Adobe Acrobat or Adobe® Acrobat®
Reader® installed on their computers. A PDF file can also be uploaded to an intranet
or the World Wide Web.
When you save a document as a PDF file, you can choose from three preset PDF
styles, which apply settings that are specific to that particular PDF style. For example,
with the PDF for the Web style, the res o lu tion of the im ages in the PDF file will be
op ti mized for the World Wide Web.
To save a document as a PDF file
1Click File } Pub lish to PDF.
2From the PDF style list box, choose one of the fol low ing:
PDF for doc u ment dis tri bu tion — en ables JPEG bitmap im age com pres sion,
and is best used for gen eral doc u ment de liv ery. These doc u ments can be printed
on a la ser or desk top printer.
Publishing your work 37
PDF for the Web — en ables JPEG bitmap im age com pres sion, em beds fonts,
and com presses text for pub lish ing the doc u ment to the World Wide Web.
PDF for editing –– enables LZW compression and embeds fonts. It displays
the PDF files with all the fonts, and with all of the images at full resolution, so
you can edit the file at a later date.
3Lo cate the folder where you want to save the file.
4Type a file name in the File name box.
From here
For more information about In the Help index, see
laying out print jobs printing, layout
working with imposition layouts printing, imposition layouts
38 CorelDRAW Essentials 2 Getting Started User Guide: Chap ter 7
Importing and exporting files 8
CorelDRAW Essentials provides filters that convert files from one format to another
when you import or export files.
In this section, you will learn about
importing files
exporting files
Importing files
CorelDRAW Essentials lets you import files created in other applications. You can
import a file and place it in the active application window as an object. The imported
file becomes part of the active file.
To import a file into an active drawing
1Click File } Import.
2Choose the folder where the file is stored.
3Choose a file format from the Files of type list box.
4Click the filename.
5Enable any of the following active check boxes:
Link bitmap externally — lets you link a bitmap externally instead of
embedding it in a file
Combine multi-layer bitmap — automatically merges the layers within a
Do not show filter dialog — lets you use the filter’s default settings without
opening its dialog box
Maintain layers and pages — lets you maintain layers and pages when
importing files; if you disable the check box, all layersCorelDRAW Essentials 2
Getting Started User Guide are combined in a single layer
Importing and exporting files 39
6Click Im port.
7Click the draw ing page.
Multi-layered bitmaps can be imported by default.
Exporting files
You can export and save images to a variety of file formats that can be used in other
You can export a file to a selected file format. You can also export a file by saving the
open file under a different name or to a different file format while leaving the open file
in its existing format.
To export a file
1Click File } Ex port.
2Choose the folder where you want to save the file.
3Choose a file for mat from the Files of type list box.
4Type a file name in the File name list box.
5En able any of the fol low ing ac tive check boxes:
Se lected only — saves only the ob jects se lected in the ac tive draw ing
Web_safe_file names — re places the white space in a file name with an
un der score. Spe cial char ac ters are re placed by char ac ters suit able for Web-based
Do not show fil ter di a log — sup presses di a log boxes that pro vide other
op tions when ex port ing
6Click Ex port.
You can also Do the following
Compress a file on export Choose a compression type from the
Com pres sion type list box.
Specify information about a file Type any comments you want in the Notes
40 CorelDRAW Essentials 2 Getting Started User Guide: Chap ter 8
Not all of the options or the compression types in the Ex port di a log are
avail able for all file for mats.
If a dialog box for the export format opens, specify the options you want.
For detailed information about file formats, see “File formats” in the Help.
To save a file to a different format
1Click File } Save as.
2Choose the folder where you want to save the file.
3Choose a file for mat from the Save as type list box.
4Type a file name in the File name list box.
5En able any of the fol low ing ac tive check boxes:
Se lected only — saves only the ob jects se lected in the ac tive draw ing
Web_safe_file names — re places the white space in a file name with an
un der score. Spe cial char ac ters are re placed by char ac ters suit able for Web-based
Em bed fonts us ing Tr u e D o c ® — lets you save fonts to the file us ing TrueDoc
6Click Save.
You can also Do the following
Specify information about a file Type any comments you want in the Notes
Not all of the options or the compression types in the Save draw ing di a log
are avail able for all file for mats.
From here
For more information about In the Help index, see
file formats file formats
Importing and exporting files 41
Using Corel Photobook and
Corel PhotoAlbum 9
Corel Photobook lets you edit images, such as photographs or bitmaps.
Corel PhotoAlbum lets you locate, view, and organize images.
In this section, you'll learn about
using the Corel Photobook application win dow
using the toolbox
using the Vi sual toolbar
starting Corel Photobook
creating image files
opening image file
acquiring images
closing image files
saving image files
quitting Corel Photobook
using Corel PhotoAlbum
Using the Corel Photobook ap pli ca tion win dow
When you launch Corel Photobook, the application window opens containing an
image window. Although more than one image window can be opened, you can apply
commands to the active image window only.
Using Corel Photobook and Corel PhotoAlbum 43
The Corel Photobook application window appears below. A description of its parts
Part Description
Con trol menu box The icon, located in the upper left corner of a window, that
opens the Con trol menu. This menu lets you re store, move,
size, min i mize, max i mize, and close the main win dow.
Menu bar The menus are in the menu bar at the top of the window,
under the title bar. The menus are grouped by category. For
example, the Mask menu con tains com mands that let you
load, save, edit, and re move masks.
Min i mize, Max i mize,
and Close but tons
The buttons located in the upper right corner of each window
that are used to reduce or enlarge the window. The left button
minimizes Corel Photobook. The center button maximizes the
Corel Photobook main window. The right button, which
contains an X, lets you exit from Corel Photobook.
44 CorelDRAW Essentials 2 Getting Started User Guide: Chap ter 9
Part Description
Stan dard toolbar The area that displays various tools used with Corel
Photobook. The standard toolbar is dockable at the top,
bottom, left, or right sides of the main window. It can also be
made to float on the main window. To move the Stan dard
toolbar, drag it to a lo ca tion on the win dow and re lease the
mouse but ton.
Ribbon When you click a tool in the toolbox, the rib bon un der the
Stan dard toolbar changes to show op tions that let you spec ify
how you want to use the tool. For ex am ple, if you want to
change the mode for free hand mask ing, click the Mask tool on
the toolbox, then click the Free hand mask tool. The rib bon
dis plays op tions for mask ing, in clud ing modes.
The ribbon is dockable at the top, bottom, left, or right sides of
the main window. It can also be allowed to float in the main
window. To move the ribbon, drag it to the location on the
window and release the mouse button.
Toolbox The toolbox con tains tools that let you edit im ages. The
toolbar con tains the fol low ing tools: Se lec tor, Se lec tor
trans form, View, Mask, Crop, Re touch, Fil ter, Fill, Draw,
Text, Color probe, and Color swatch. The toolbox is
dockable at the top, bot tom, left, or right sides of the main
win dow. It can also be al lowed to float in the main win dow. To
move the toolbox, drag it to the lo ca tion on the win dow and
re lease the mouse button.
Title bar The bar across the top of a window that contains the program
name (Corel Photobook) or the filename. The title bar also
contains the window’s Con trol menu box, and the Min i mize,
Max i mize, and Close but tons.
Image window Different images appear in separate windows within the Corel
Photobook main window. You can display more than one
image at a time, but only the active window receives the
action. For example, when you save an image, only the one in
the active window is saved.
Status bar The Status bar at the bottom of the main window gives a brief
description of the object under the pointer. You can also
determine the status of Corel Photobook operations.
Using Corel Photobook and Corel PhotoAlbum 45
Part Description
ToolTips ToolTips display the name or function of the tool or button the
pointer is over.
Object Manager All objects that have been created on a base image are listed in
the Ob ject Man ager win dow that floats on the im age win dow.
You use the Show Ob ject Man ager com mand on the View
menu to show the Ob ject Man ager.
The Object Manager contains small image buttons for
selecting or deselecting each object. An object that is selected
appears with a highlighted background. Using the Object
Manager, selected objects can be hidden, grouped, deleted, and
moved forward or backward (in layers) on top of the base
Color Pal ette win dow The Color Palette is a collection of colors grouped together for
easy access. Corel Photobook comes with many different
palettes. You can also create your own. The default palette,
called “Default Palette,” contains many of the common colors
such as red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, yellow, black, and
Im age info win dow This window displays information that helps you perform
precise operations, such as aligning pixels and measuring sizes
of areas within an image. The Info window also provides color
(RGB or CMYK) values or grayscale values of the area under
the mouse pointer, depending on the image type.
Im age prop er ties
but ton
Opens the Im age prop er ties di a log box. This di a log box
shows in for ma tion about the im age type, size, num ber of
ob jects, and color man age ment. If a dig i tal cam era was used,
the EXIF tab may show in for ma tion about the cam era and
im age, in clud ing shut ter speed, ap er ture, and focal length.
Using the toolbox
The toolbox gives you easy ac cess to the tools you use most to change and en hance an
im age.
46 CorelDRAW Essentials 2 Getting Started User Guide: Chap ter 9
Tool Description
The Se lec tor tool se lects in di vid ual or mul ti ple ob jects for
trans form ing, group ing, or deleting.
The Se lec tor trans form tool lets you resize, re shape, ro tate,
flip, or move a se lected ob ject.
The View tool changes the view of an im age.
The Mask tool opens the Mask tool set.
The Crop tool lets you cut out un wanted por tions of an im age.
The Re touch tool opens the Re touch tool set.
The Fil ter tool opens the Fil ter tool set.
The Fill tool opens the Fill tool set.
The Draw tool opens the Draw tool set.
The Text tool lets you add text.
The Color probe tool lets you se lect an ac tive color in the
Color Swatch.
The Color Swatch lets you se lect a color.
The Vi sual toolbar
The Vi sual toolbar lets you eas ily per form tasks to com plete a pro ject with out hav ing
to find tools on the menus, on the toolbars, or on the rib bons. Sim ply click the icon or
text of the task you want to per form. The Vi sual toolbar then leads you to the next
set of avail able op tions, and even shows you how to use the se lected tool.
If you close the Vi sual toolbar, Corel Photobook opens the toolbox and the tool
rib bons.
Using Corel Photobook and Corel PhotoAlbum 47
To show or hide the Vi sual toolbar
Click View } Vi sual toolbar.
Starting Corel Photobook
You can start Corel Photobook at any time.
To start Corel Photobook
Click Start } Pro grams } CorelDRAW Essentials 2 } Corel Photobook.
Creating image files
You can create new images in Corel Photobook. There are three types of images you
can create:
Line art –– an im age that uses only black and white; also called a bi-level im age.
Grayscale –– an im age that stores im age data in vary ing shades of gray; also called
a black-and-white im age.
RGB color –– a color im age that stores im age data in shades of red, green, and
The default image type is RGB, the default width is 4 inches, the default height is 5
inches, and the default resolution setting is 96 pixels per inch. The default
background color is white. Increasing the size or resolution of the image increases the
amount of memory Corel Photobook requires to create the image. Corel Photobook
displays the amount of memory required to create the image in the bottom of the
dialog box.
To create a new image
1Click File } New.
2In the Im age type box, choose the type of im age you want.
3In the Width and Height boxes, type the di men sions you want.
If you want a background color other than white for the image, click the Color
but ton to open the Color picker di a log box.
4Click Cre ate.
Opening image files
You can open image files of various formats.
48 CorelDRAW Essentials 2 Getting Started User Guide: Chap ter 9
To open a file
1Click File } Open.
2From the Files of type box, choose the file for mat you want.
3From the Look in box, choose the drive you want to use.
4Click the folder con tain ing the file you want to open.
If you want to display thumbnails, click the Show/hide thumb nails but ton.
5Click the file.
6Click Open.
Acquiring images
The most common way to bring images into Corel Photobook is with a scanner or
digital camera. Before you can use a scanner or digital camera with Corel Photobook,
you must install it by following the instructions provided by the manufacturer.
To receive input from a TWAIN device, such as a video frame grabber or a TWAIN
scanner, you must first set up your device. The operation of devices using TWAIN
differs among manufacturers and products. For help using a TWAIN interface, see the
documents supplied with the product.
The TWAIN driver interface gives you access to scanners, video grabbers, and other
data acquisition devices without requiring special drivers.
To set up a TWAIN device
1Click File } De vice setup } Scan ner.
2Click Se lect source.
A TWAIN setup di a log box dis plays.
3Se lect a TWAIN de vice.
To set up a scanner
1Click File } De vice setup } Scan ner.
2From the Se lect a scan de vice box, choose a scan ner driver.
If your scanner driver is not listed, contact the scanner manufacturer for a TWAIN
3In the Scan ner ad dress box, type a scan ner ad dress, if nec es sary.
Using Corel Photobook and Corel PhotoAlbum 49
To use the TWAIN driver interface
Click File } Ac quire. A di a log box opens.
Each Ac quire di a log box will be dif fer ent, de pend ing on the de vice be ing used.
Re fer to the doc u men ta tion pro vided by the ven dors of those products.
Closing image files
You can close the active image file. If the active image file contains changes you have
not saved, Corel Photobook displays a message asking if you want to save the
To close a file
Click File } Close.
If the image you are working with has been edited, and you did not save it before
closing, Corel Photobook prompts you to choose one of three options:
Ye s –– saves changes to your im age be fore clos ing the im age win dow
No –– closes the im age win dow, but does not save changes to your im age
Can cel –– can cels the Close com mand and re turns you to the cur rent im age
with out sav ing it
Saving image files
You can save the currently active image using the current filename with the same file
type and image settings.
If the file has never been saved and you choose the Save com mand, the Save as di a log
box opens, giving you the option of saving the file using a different format or name.
To save a file
Click File } Save.
50 CorelDRAW Essentials 2 Getting Started User Guide: Chap ter 9
To save a file using a different format or name
1Click File } Save as.
2From the Save as type box, choose the file for mat you want.
3From the Save in box, choose the drive you want to use.
4Click the folder where you want to save the file.
5In the File name box, type a new file name for the im age.
6Click Save.
Quitting Corel Photobook
You can quit Corel Photobook. If you have any image files open in which you have
unsaved changes, Corel Photobook prompts you to save the files before the program
To quit Corel Photobook
Click File } Exit.
If the image you are working with has been edited, and you did not save it before
closing, Corel Photobook prompts you to choose one of three options:
Ye s –– saves changes to your im age be fore clos ing the im age win dow
No –– closes the im age win dow, but does not save changes to your im age
Can cel –– can cels the Close com mand and re turns you to the cur rent im age
with out sav ing it
Using Corel PhotoAlbum
Corel PhotoAlbum is a program that helps you locate, view, and organize image files.
With Corel PhotoAlbum, you can
navigate to images using the familiar tree view of folders and resources, like
Windows Explorer.
view thumbnails of images that help you quickly identify the ones you need.
add properties to image files that help you find them later.
batch rename files or batch convert file formats.
use drag-and-drop to copy, move, or open files or to add items to albums.
use albums to create and maintain collections of files located anywhere on your
computer or the network.
adjust images or open them in Corel Photobook for more extensive editing.
Using Corel Photobook and Corel PhotoAlbum 51
share your images by recording them to CD, creating slide shows, attaching them
to emails, or uploading them over the Web to a print service.
create screen savers and desktop wallpaper for your computer.
To start Corel PhotoAl bum
Click Start } Pro grams } CorelDRAW Essentials 2 } Corel PhotoAl bum.
From here
For more information on using Corel Photobook, see the Help.
52 CorelDRAW Essentials 2 Getting Started User Guide: Chap ter 9
In dex
acquiring images ......49
redoing ........22
undoing ........22
artistic text .......31
adding ........32
optimizing for the Web ....35
drawings ........23
images ........50
redoing ........22
undoing ........22
copying objects .....26 - 27
Corel Corporation ......2
corporate solutions .....7
training ........7
Corel PhotoAlbum......51
starting ........52
Corel Photobook ......43
quitting ........51
starting ........48
Corel Photobook workspace
application window .....43
toolbox ........46
Visual toolbar ......47
CorelDRAW Essentials .....9
features ........20
quitting .......23 - 24
starting ........19
CorelDRAW Essentials workspace
application window .....10
Docker windows ......17
property bars ......17
standard toolbar ......12
status bar .......18
toolbox ........13
tools .........12
drawings ........20
images ........48
cutting objects .....26 - 27
Corel Photobook......43
CorelDRAW Essentials ....9
deleting objects ......27
documentation conventions ....4
closing ........23
creating ........20
creating from a template....22
information about .....18
opening ........20
printing .......36 - 37
publishing .......35
saving .......22 - 23
saving to different formats ...41
starting ........20
starting from a template ....20
using templates with.....21
In dex 53
duplicating objects ....26 - 27
editing images .......43
exporting files......39 - 40
file formats .......22,39
exporting ......39 - 40
importing .......39
applying to objects .....29
colors ........30
uniform ........30
specifying attributes .....33
formatting lines and outlines ...29
Help .........6
printing ........6
search .........6
using .........6
closing ........50
creating ........48
editing ........43
opening .......48 - 49
saving ........50
saving to different formats ...51
starting ........48
importing files .......39
installing ........5
application .......5
lines .........29
formatting .......29
specifying settings for ....29
moving objects.......28
applying uniform fills to ....29
copying ........27
cutting ........27
deleting ........27
deselecting .......26
duplicating .......27
moving ........28
pasting ........27
positioning .......27
selecting ........26
opening images .....48 - 49
optimizing bitmaps .....35
outlines ........29
formatting .......29
specifying settings .....29
paragraph text .......31
adding ........32
adjusting frames automatically ..32
placing inside an object ....32
separating from an object ...32
pasting objects.......27
54 In dex
saving files .......37
positioning objects ......27
printing drawings.....36 - 37
publishing drawings .....35
Quick Start ........5
using .........6
Corel Photobook......51
CorelDRAW Essentials ...23 - 24
redoing actions.......22
Corel products ......2
support ........2
drawings ........23
drawings to different formats ..41
images ........50
images to different formats ...51
PDF files........37
setting up .......49
objects ........26
text .........33
setting up
scanner ........49
TWAIN device ......49
Corel PhotoAlbum .....52
Corel Photobook......48
CorelDRAW Essentials ....19
drawings ........20
images ........48
customer feedback .....4
customer service ......2
registration .......2
training ........7
technical support ......2
templates ........19
loading ........22
Corel Photobook......43
CorelDRAW Essentials ....9
text .........31
adding ........31
changing case ......33
changing color ......34
character properties .....33
placing inside objects ....32
selecting ........33
setting font attributes ....33
types of ........31
underlining .......33
text frames........31
training .........7
TWAIN device
setting up .......49
using driver interface ....50
undoing actions ......22
In dex 55