Corel Photo Paint 11 Operating Instructions EN
User Manual: corel Photo Paint - 11 - Operating Instructions Free User Guide for Corel Photo Paint Software, Manual
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- Table of Contents
- Welcome to Corel PHOTO-PAINT
- Getting help
- Corel PHOTO-PAINT workspace tour
- Viewing images and obtaining image information
- Using the guidelines, grid, and rulers
- Working with color
- Changing color modes
- Undoing, redoing, repeating, and fading
- Bringing images into Corel PHOTO-PAINT
- Cropping, stitching and changing orientation
- Adjusting color and tone
- Changing image dimensions, resolution, and paper size
- Retouching
- Working with lenses
- Masking
- Applying special effects
- Painting
- Filling images
- Working with text
- Working with objects
- Modifying objects
- Creating images for the Web
- Creating and editing movies
- Saving and closing
- Managing color for display, input, and output
- Publishing to PDF
- Printing
- Index
- !
- A
- B
- C
- cameras
- checkpoints 55, 246
- clickable areas 216
- clipart
- Clipboard
- clipping groups 192
- Clone tool 56, 98, 157
- cloning 97
- closing application 4
- closing images 245, 248 - 249
- CMYK color mode 47
- color channels
- color control area 39
- color correction 79, 82
- color depth 47
- color management 251
- color masks 117
- color models
- color modes 47
- color palettes 39, 49
- color profiles 251
- color separations 262
- Color transparency tool 206, 209
- colors 39
- combining 192
- compression
- contacting Corel 5 - 6
- contrast 99
- Contrast enhancement filter 83
- conventions 1
- copying 190
- Corel Corporation 4
- CorelTUTOR 11
- correcting
- Crop tool 71
- cropping 71 - 72
- Cutout command 127
- cutting out images 126
- D
- E
- edges
- editable areas 111
- adding areas 124
- adding areas of similar color 125
- aligning 33
- applying special effects 133
- creating bitmap fills from 171
- creating border-shaped areas 117
- creating lenses from 106
- cropping 73
- defining 113 - 115, 117
- defining in color channels 121
- deleting 126
- expanding 117
- expanding and contracting 121, 125
- inverting 111
- removing 111
- removing holes 125
- rendering as objects 185 - 186
- snapping to grid 34
- snapping to guidelines 33
- subtracting areas 124
- viewing image information 28
- effect filters
- Effect tool 100
- effects 131
- Ellipse mask tool 114
- Ellipse tool 151
- ellipses 151
- Eraser tool 101
- erasing 101
- errors
- EXIF data 67
- exiting application 4
- exporting 245, 247
- extended property bar 22
- Eyedropper tool 157
- F
- fading actions 53, 56, 58
- feathering edges of objects 201 - 202
- feedback
- file formats
- file size
- File transfer protocol 5
- files
- Fill tool 163
- fills 163
- filters 131
- finding
- flattening
- flipping 75 - 76
- flyouts 18
- focusing
- fonts
- foreground color
- foreground objects
- fountain fills 165
- frames
- freehand mask 115
- Freehand mask tool 115
- full-screen preview 25
- G
- H
- I
- image lists 158
- image maps 216
- Image sprayer tool 158
- image windows
- importing 59, 63
- Impressionism clone 98
- indexed color mode 49
- input 59
- inserting files into active image 60, 62
- installing 2
- Interactive dropshadow tool 203
- Interactive fill tool 173
- Interactive object transparency tool 208
- Internet 211
- Invert effect filter 134
- inverting masks 125
- iPhoto
- J
- K
- L
- M
- Magic wand mask tool 118
- Magnetic mask tool 119
- magnification level 28
- mask marquee 111
- mask overlay 111
- masks 111
- adding areas 124
- adding areas of similar color 125
- auto-sensing edges 119
- border-shaped masks 117
- brushing 116
- color 117
- color channels 121
- color masks 120
- creating 113 - 115
- creating from text 177
- creating lenses from 106
- expanding and contracting 117, 121, 125
- freehand 115
- inverting 125 - 126
- multiple masks 121
- outlining 115
- removing 125 - 126
- removing holes 125
- subtracting areas 124
- uniform color masks 118
- using color channels 117
- maximizing work area 26
- measurements
- menus
- mirroring 76
- moire
- monitors
- movies 231
- moving 190
- multichannel color mode 47
- N
- O
- Object pick tool 186
- Object transparency brush 208
- objects 183, 195
- active 186
- applying perspective 200
- blending 209
- blending into the background 202
- changing edges 201
- clipping groups 192
- cloning 98
- combining 192
- copying 190
- creating 183
- deleting 190
- deselecting 186
- distorting 200
- drop shadows 203
- duplicating 190
- flipping 199
- grouping 192
- lenses 105
- moving 190
- painting 154
- resizing and scaling 198
- rotating 198
- selecting 186
- skewing 200
- snapping to grid 34
- snapping to guidelines 33
- transforming 195
- transparency 206
- onion skinning 236
- online Help 9
- opening 59
- opening application 4
- optimizing
- orientation 75
- outlining 151
- output
- Overlap mask mode 121, 124
- P
- Paint on mask mode 121
- Paint tool 154
- painting 151
- PAL RGB color mode 47
- paletted color mode 49
- palettes 22
- Pan tool 27
- panning 25, 27
- panoramas 73 - 74
- paper size 87
- paths
- perspective 195
- photos 59
- Pointillism clone 98
- Polygon tool 152
- polygons 151
- Posterize effect filter 134
- Preflight 263
- pressure-sensitive pens 160
- previewing 25, 261
- printing 259
- property bar 22
- protected areas 111
- publishing to PDF 255
- Q
- R
- Rectangle tool 151
- rectangles 151
- Rectangular mask tool 114
- red-eye 94
- redoing actions 53
- registering Corel products 5
- removing masks 125
- repairing images 93
- repeating actions 53, 56, 58
- Replace color brush tool 102
- resampling 87, 89 - 90
- resizing 87 - 88
- resolution 87, 89
- restoring image areas 55 - 56
- restoring photos 93
- restoring work area 26
- retouching 93
- reverting 53
- RGB color mode 47
- rollovers 224
- rotating 75 - 76, 195
- rulers 31
- S
- sampling
- saving 245, 255
- animated GIFs 242
- auto-save settings 245 - 246
- backup settings 245, 247
- for Web 213
- movies 240 - 241
- movies in QuickTime VR format 240
- multiple documents as a PDF 256
- PDF files 255 - 256
- preserving image properties 245 - 246
- QuickTime VR movies 241
- restoring areas from saved version 56
- restoring to checkpoint 56
- reverting to last-saved image 55
- temporary copies 246
- to different file formats 245, 247 - 248
- to different locations 247 - 248
- transparent backgrounds 214 - 215
- using different filenames 247 - 248
- scaling objects 195, 198
- scanned images 93
- scanners
- scanning 59, 63 - 64
- scratches 95
- searching
- seed color 117
- selecting objects 186 - 188
- selections 111
- shadows 203
- shapes 151
- Sharpen filter 99
- sharpening 99, 201
- size 87
- skewing objects 195, 200
- slicing 219
- smearing 102
- smearing colors 103
- smudging colors 102 - 103
- snapshot 55
- snapshots 246
- sound files
- special effects 131
- spraying images 158
- starting application 3 - 4
- starting new images 67
- status bar 23
- stitching 71, 73
- styles
- stylus 160
- Subtractive mask mode 121, 124
- support 5
- T
- tablets 160
- technical support 5
- terminology 13
- text 177
- adding 177
- adjusting to a path 181
- applying perspective to 177
- as an object 177
- color 178
- creating masks from 177
- distorting 177
- editing 177
- filling 177, 179
- fitting to a path 180
- flipping 177
- moving 177
- painting 177 - 178
- rendering 177
- rendering as an editable area 182
- rendering as an object 182
- rotating 177
- sizing 177
- skewing 177
- straightening on a path 182
- texture fills 171
- Threshold effect filter 134
- tiling bitmap fills 168
- tone
- toolbars 16
- toolbox 18
- tools 18
- ToolTips 11
- training 7
- Transform filters 134
- transformations
- transparency 206
- triangles
- tutorials 11
- U
- V
- W
- Z