Cyberlink PowerDirector Help Power Director 15.0 User’s Guide Director15 UG ENU
User Manual: cyberlink PowerDirector - 15.0 - User’s Guide Free User Guide for Cyberlink PowerDirector Software, Manual
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CyberLink PowerDirector User's Guide Copyright and Disclaimer All rights reserved. To the extent allowed by law, PowerDirector IS PROVIDED “AS IS”, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY WARRANTY FOR INFORMATION, SERVICES, OR PRODUCTS PROVIDED THROUGH OR IN CONNECTION WITH PowerDirector AND ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, EXPECTATION OF PRIVACY, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. BY USING THIS SOFTWARE, YOU AGREE THAT CYBERLINK WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL LOSS ARISING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE OR MATERIALS CONTAINED EITHER IN THIS PACKAGE. The terms and conditions here under shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of Taiwan. PowerDirector is a registered trademark along with other company and product names mentioned in this publication, used for identification purposes and remain the exclusive property of their respective owners. Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. Dolby and the double-D symbol are registered trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. Confidential unpublished works. Copyright 1995-2005 Dolby Laboratories. All rights reserved. For DTS patents, see Manufactured under license from DTS Licensing Limited. DTS, the Symbol, & DTS and the Symbol together are registered trademarks, and DTS 5.1 Producer is a trademark of DTS, Inc. © DTS, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Headquarters Mailing Address CyberLink Corporation 15F., No. 100, Minquan Rd., Xindian Dist. New Taipei City 231, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Web Site Telephone 886-2-8667-1298 Fax 886-2-8667-1385 Copyright © 2016 CyberLink Corporation. All rights reserved. Contents ..................................................1 Introduction Welcome ................................................................................................1 Latest .................................................................................................1 Features DirectorZone .................................................................................................2 and CyberLink Cloud PowerDirector .................................................................................................3 Versions System Requirements ................................................................................................5 ..................................................6 PowerDirector Editing Modes Full Feature ................................................................................................7 Editor Easy Editor ................................................................................................8 Slideshow ................................................................................................10 Creator Setting .................................................................................................12 Music Preferences Customizing .................................................................................................13 Slideshows in the Slideshow Designer ..................................................18 PowerDirector Workspace Rooms................................................................................................18 Media .................................................................................................19 Room Effect .................................................................................................20 Room PiP.................................................................................................20 Objects Room Particle .................................................................................................21 Room Title .................................................................................................21 Room Transition .................................................................................................21 Room Audio .................................................................................................22 Mixing Room Voice-Over .................................................................................................22 Recording Room Chapter .................................................................................................22 Room Subtitle .................................................................................................22 Room i CyberLink PowerDirector Help Library................................................................................................22 Window Explorer .................................................................................................24 View Searching .................................................................................................24 the PowerDirector Library Filtering .................................................................................................25 Media in the Library Library .................................................................................................27 Menu Expanding ................................................................................................27 the Workspace Preview ................................................................................................28 Window Preview .................................................................................................29 Player Controls Taking .................................................................................................30 a Screen Snapshot Preview/Display .................................................................................................30 Options Zoom .................................................................................................32 In/Out Undocking .................................................................................................33 the Preview Window Playing .................................................................................................33 360° Media Files Previewing .................................................................................................34 in 3D Mode Editing................................................................................................35 Workspace Timeline .................................................................................................36 View Storyboard .................................................................................................47 View ..................................................49 PowerDirector Projects Setting................................................................................................49 Project Aspect Ratio 360° Video ................................................................................................50 Projects Exporting ................................................................................................52 Projects Reusing ................................................................................................52 PowerDirector Projects CyberLink ................................................................................................55 Cloud Projects Importing Media into ..................................................57 PowerDirector Importing ................................................................................................57 Media Files 360° .................................................................................................58 Media Files 3D.................................................................................................59 Media Importing .................................................................................................61 PowerDirector Projects Capturing ................................................................................................62 Media ii Capturing .................................................................................................62 from a DV Camcorder Capturing .................................................................................................64 from an HDV Camcorder Capturing .................................................................................................64 from a TV Signal Capturing .................................................................................................65 from a Digital TV Signal Capturing .................................................................................................65 from a Webcam Capturing .................................................................................................65 from a Microphone Capturing .................................................................................................65 from a CD Capturing .................................................................................................65 from an AVCHD Camcorder Capturing .................................................................................................66 from an Optical Device Capture .................................................................................................66 Desktop with Screen Recorder Captured .................................................................................................66 Content Quality .................................................................................................67 Profile Setup Capture .................................................................................................67 Settings Capture .................................................................................................67 Preferences Downloading ................................................................................................68 Media Downloading .................................................................................................68 Photos From Flickr Downloading .................................................................................................69 Content from DirectorZone/CyberLink Cloud Detecting ................................................................................................71 Scenes and Extracting Audio Detecting .................................................................................................71 Scenes in a Video Clip Extracting .................................................................................................73 Audio from a Video Clip ..................................................74 PowerDirector Plug-ins Using the ................................................................................................74 MultiCam Designer Importing .................................................................................................75 Media Synchronizing .................................................................................................77 Clips Creating .................................................................................................78 Recorded Content Changing .................................................................................................80 the Recorded Content Using the ................................................................................................82 Theme Designer Overview .................................................................................................83 Adding .................................................................................................83 Theme Templates/Sequences Adding .................................................................................................86 Media Clips Importing .................................................................................................88 More Media Files Editing .................................................................................................89 Media Clips iii CyberLink PowerDirector Help Editing .................................................................................................91 Background Music Editing .................................................................................................92 Title Text Replacing .................................................................................................92 Background Images Adding .................................................................................................93 Transitions Between Sequences Previewing .................................................................................................93 and Saving Movies Editing .................................................................................................94 Created Movies Editing................................................................................................95 Video in the Action Camera Center Fixing .................................................................................................96 Video Clips Creating .................................................................................................98 Action Effects on Video Clips Action .................................................................................................104 Camera Center Settings Changing .................................................................................................105 the Action Camera Center Content Using................................................................................................106 an Express Project Recording ................................................................................................107 Your Desktop with the Screen Recorder Setting .................................................................................................109 Capture Area Configuring .................................................................................................115 the Screen Recorder Settings Creating ................................................................................................116 Blends in the Blending Effect Designer Blending .................................................................................................117 Image Presets/Templates Arranging Media in Your ..................................................122 Production Adding ................................................................................................123 Video Clips and Images to the Timeline Adding .................................................................................................124 Video Clips and Images Adding .................................................................................................125 Color Boards and Backgrounds Adding ................................................................................................128 Audio Clips Syncing .................................................................................................130 Audio Syncing ................................................................................................133 Clips by Audio Using................................................................................................133 the Magic Movie Wizard Using................................................................................................134 the Slideshow Creator ..................................................135 Editing Your Media Content ................................................................................................135 Aware Editing Using .................................................................................................136 Content Aware Editing iv Splitting ................................................................................................140 a Clip Unlinking ................................................................................................141 Video/Audio Clips Trimming ................................................................................................142 Video and Audio Clips Trimming .................................................................................................142 a Video Clip Trimming .................................................................................................146 an Audio Clip Setting ................................................................................................148 a Media Clip's Duration Setting ................................................................................................149 TV (Video Clip Interlacing) Format Adjusting ................................................................................................149 Video Clip Aspect Ratio Stretching ................................................................................................150 Images Cropping ................................................................................................151 Images Changing ................................................................................................152 the Shape of Media Fixing................................................................................................153 and Enhancing Images/Videos Applying .................................................................................................154 ColorDirector Color Presets Advanced .................................................................................................154 Fixes and Enhancements Utilizing ................................................................................................155 Keyframes on Media Adding .................................................................................................158 Keyframes Muting ................................................................................................161 Audio Advanced ................................................................................................162 Audio Editing Time ................................................................................................162 Info Magic................................................................................................163 Fix Magic................................................................................................163 Cut ..................................................164 Using the Tools Using................................................................................................164 the Power Tools Crop .................................................................................................165 & Zoom Video Adjusting .................................................................................................167 Video Speed in the Video Speed Designer Motion ................................................................................................171 Tracker Tracking .................................................................................................172 the Motion of Objects in Videos Adding .................................................................................................176 and Editing Trackers Adding .................................................................................................178 Motion Tracking Effects v CyberLink PowerDirector Help Action ................................................................................................182 Camera Center Blending ................................................................................................182 Effect View ................................................................................................183 Designer Customizing .................................................................................................184 Direction of View Adding ..................................................189 Effects Blending ................................................................................................189 Clips on the Timeline Adding ................................................................................................191 Video Effects Modifying .................................................................................................193 a Video Effect Using................................................................................................194 Magic Motion Magic .................................................................................................195 Motion Designer Using................................................................................................196 Magic Style Using................................................................................................197 the Freeze Frame Effect Creating..................................................198 PiP Effects Adding ................................................................................................198 PiP Objects Creating .................................................................................................199 Custom PiP Objects Using................................................................................................200 the Paint Designer Creating .................................................................................................201 a Paint Animation Modifying ................................................................................................204 Media in the PiP Designer Mode .................................................................................................206 Selection and Zoom Tools Modifying .................................................................................................206 PiP Media Size and Position Modifying .................................................................................................207 PiP Media Properties Adding .................................................................................................211 Motion to PiP Media Utilizing .................................................................................................215 PiP Keyframes Saving .................................................................................................219 and Sharing PiP Objects Adding ..................................................221 Particle Effects Modifying ................................................................................................223 Particle Effects in the Particle Designer Mode .................................................................................................224 Selection and Zoom Tools Adding .................................................................................................225 Objects, Images, and Backgrounds Modifying .................................................................................................226 Particle Object Range and Position vi Modifying .................................................................................................227 Particle Object Properties Adding .................................................................................................232 Motion to Particle Objects Utilizing .................................................................................................232 Particle Keyframes Saving .................................................................................................234 and Sharing Particle Effect Templates Adding ..................................................237 Title Effects Modifying ................................................................................................239 Titles in the Title Designer Mode .................................................................................................240 Selection and Zoom Tools Adding .................................................................................................245 Text, Particles, Images, and Backgrounds Modifying .................................................................................................246 Title Effect Position Modifying .................................................................................................247 Title Text and Image Properties Applying .................................................................................................255 Animation Effects to Title Text Adding .................................................................................................258 Motion to Title Text Utilizing .................................................................................................261 Title Effect Keyframes Saving .................................................................................................264 and Sharing Title Templates Creating Custom Masks in the ..................................................266 Mask Designer Mode................................................................................................267 Selection and Zoom Tools Selecting ................................................................................................268 Masks Creating ................................................................................................270 Custom Masks Modifying ................................................................................................279 Mask Size and Position Modifying ................................................................................................280 Mask Object Settings Adding ................................................................................................281 Motion to Masks Utilizing ................................................................................................284 Mask Keyframes Saving ................................................................................................288 and Sharing Masks ..................................................289 Using Transitions Adding ................................................................................................289 Transitions to a Single Clip Adding ................................................................................................291 Transitions Between Two Clips Using................................................................................................292 Audio Transitions Setting ................................................................................................293 Transition Behavior vii CyberLink PowerDirector Help Modifying ................................................................................................294 Transition Settings Modifying ................................................................................................295 Alpha Transitions in the Transition Designer Creating .................................................................................................297 New Alpha Transitions Modifying .................................................................................................297 Alpha Transition Properties Saving .................................................................................................310 Alpha Transitions Mixing Audio and Recording ..................................................313 Voice-Overs Adjusting ................................................................................................313 Audio Clip Volume Levels Mixing .................................................................................................313 Audio In-Track Mixing .................................................................................................314 Audio in the Audio Mixing Room Adding .................................................................................................315 Fade Effects to Audio Clips Restoring .................................................................................................316 Audio Clip Volume Levels Recording ................................................................................................316 Voice-Overs Adding ..................................................318 Chapters Adding ................................................................................................318 Chapter Markers Setting ................................................................................................318 Chapter Thumbnails Adding ..................................................319 Subtitles Adding ................................................................................................319 Subtitle Markers Importing ................................................................................................320 Subtitles from a File Extracting ................................................................................................320 Subtitles from an MKV File Editing ................................................................................................321 Subtitles Syncing ................................................................................................322 Subtitles ..................................................323 Producing Your Project Utilizing ................................................................................................323 Intelligent SVRT Produce ................................................................................................324 Window Outputting .................................................................................................325 to a Standard 2D File Producing .................................................................................................328 a 360° Video Outputting .................................................................................................329 in a 3D Format Outputting .................................................................................................332 to a Device viii Uploading .................................................................................................334 Video to Online Media Sites Uploading .................................................................................................343 a 360° Video Batch .................................................................................................345 Produce Creating..................................................347 Discs Importing ................................................................................................348 Additional Disc Content Selecting ................................................................................................350 a Disc Menu Editing ................................................................................................352 Disc Menu Properties Configuring .................................................................................................352 Disc Menu Settings Editing .................................................................................................353 Disc Menu Text Setting .................................................................................................353 Disc Menu Music Adding .................................................................................................354 a First Play Video Setting .................................................................................................355 Disc Playback Mode Specifying .................................................................................................355 Buttons Per Page Modifying .................................................................................................356 Menu Object Properties Customizing ................................................................................................357 Disc Menus in the Menu Designer Mode .................................................................................................358 Selection, Zoom Tools, and Context Menu Setting .................................................................................................359 Menu Opening and Background Adding .................................................................................................361 Title Text and Images to Menus Modifying .................................................................................................362 Text Object and Image Properties Adding .................................................................................................368 and Editing Menu Buttons Enabling .................................................................................................370 3D Depth in Disc Menus Saving .................................................................................................370 and Sharing Disc Menu Templates Burning ................................................................................................372 Your Production to Disc Burning .................................................................................................372 a Disc in 2D Burning .................................................................................................374 a Disc in 3D Configuring .................................................................................................377 Burn Settings Erasing .................................................................................................378 Discs ..................................................379 PowerDirector Preferences General ................................................................................................379 Preferences Capture ................................................................................................380 Preferences Confirmation ................................................................................................381 Preferences ix CyberLink PowerDirector Help DirectorZone ................................................................................................382 Preferences Editing ................................................................................................383 Preferences File Preferences ................................................................................................385 Display ................................................................................................386 Preferences Hardware ................................................................................................387 Acceleration Preferences Project ................................................................................................388 Preferences Produce ................................................................................................388 Preferences Improvement ................................................................................................389 Program Preferences CyberLink ................................................................................................390 Cloud Preferences ..................................................391 PowerDirector Hotkeys Default ................................................................................................391 Keyboard Hotkeys Application .................................................................................................392 Menu Bar Hotkeys System .................................................................................................395 Hotkeys Capture .................................................................................................395 Hotkeys Edit .................................................................................................395 Hotkeys Designer .................................................................................................396 Hotkeys Customizing ................................................................................................397 Keyboard Hotkeys Hotkey .................................................................................................398 Sets ..................................................400 Appendix Intelligent ................................................................................................400 SVRT: When Is Used? Licensing ................................................................................................401 and Copyright Information Licenses .................................................................................................403 and Copyrights ..................................................415 Technical Support Before ................................................................................................415 Contacting Technical Support Web Support ................................................................................................416 Help Resources ................................................................................................416 x Introduction Chapter 1: Introduction This chapter introduces CyberLink PowerDirector and the digital video editing process. It also outlines all of the latest features, available versions, and reviews the minimum system requirements for CyberLink PowerDirector. Note: this document is for reference and informational use only. Its content and the corresponding program are subject to change without notice. For more helpful tips on using the program, please visit our members forum or see the video tutorials at Welcome Welcome to the CyberLink family of digital media tools. CyberLink PowerDirector is a digital video editing program that lets you create professional-looking videos and photo slideshows, complete with music, voice-overs, special effects, transitions, and much more. You can then output your project to a file, camcorder, portable device, upload it directly to various online video sharing web sites, or burn it to a disc, complete with stylish menus. Latest Features Below is a list of some of the latest features within the CyberLink PowerDirector program. · Utilize CyberLink's True360 technology to produce your own 360* virtual reality videos. · Create a conventional video using 360° footage in the View Designer*. · Create unique looking videos by blending clips directly on the timeline or with the Blending Effect Designer. · Use the Mask Designer* to create custom masks with motion using your imported images and title text. · Additional action effects for the Action Camera Center*, including stop motion, and zoom and pan. · More tracking effects on moving objects in the Motion Tracker*. · Performance and usability improvements for the Screen Recorder. 1 CyberLink PowerDirector Help · More performance and usability improvements for the Title and PiP Designer. · An improved TrueTheater algorithm for even smarter and sharper video enhancements in Fix / Enhance. · Support for portrait video projects that use the 9:16* aspect ratio. · Perform simple video trimming and image cropping within the Easy Editor. · Added ease in/out to create smoother rotating and scaling titles and PiP objects in the Title/PiP Designer. · Use clip markers for more precise video editing in the timeline. · Increase the timeline scale for even more precise audio syncing. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. DirectorZone and CyberLink Cloud You can upload/download effects and templates, and back up media, preferences, projects, and more with the DirectorZone and CyberLink Cloud* features. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. DirectorZone DirectorZone is a free web service that lets you search for and download theme templates, PiP objects, paint animations, title templates, particle objects, sound clips, and disc menus created by other users of CyberLink PowerDirector. To access the benefits of DirectorZone, you can sign in by: · clicking the Sign in to DirectorZone link in the top right corner of the CyberLink PowerDirector window. · clicking the button at the top of the window to open the PowerDirector preferences, and then on the DirectorZone tab. See DirectorZone Preferences for more information. 2 Introduction Also, be sure to periodically click the button to check out the latest DirectorZone Bulletin and view the Popular templates on DirectorZone. Just click in either of these sections in the Notifications window to view the bulletin or download these templates. Or go to to find out more information on the features and benefits of the DirectorZone web service. CyberLink Cloud CyberLink Cloud is a cloud storage service from CyberLink where users can upload and download their effects and templates, PowerDirector projects, produced video clips, and more. CyberLink Cloud allows users to back up media, preferences, projects, etc., and ensure their working environment is the same on multiple computers. Note: CyberLink Cloud is a subscription cloud storage service that is included with some CyberLink products, and is available for purchase through our web site. For more detailed information, see http:// PowerDirector Versions The features that are available to you within CyberLink PowerDirector are completely dependent on the version you have installed on your computer. Supported file formats, editing features, disc-making functions, and other features vary depending on the version that you have. To view the PowerDirector version table, please go to our web site: http:// To determine your version of CyberLink PowerDirector, click on the CyberLink PowerDirector logo in the top right corner or select ? > About CyberLink PowerDirector. PowerDirector Live PowerDirector Live is a subscription based version of CyberLink PowerDirector that provides all the editing features you expect, and adds the CyberLink Cloud storage service and more. With a PowerDirector Live subscription, you get: 3 CyberLink PowerDirector Help · All the award-winning features of the Ultimate version of CyberLink PowerDirector, including the production of 4K ultra HD video and stunning 3D movies. · The ability to back up program preferences, projects, project media, and (PiP object, paint animation, title effect, particle effect, disc menu) templates on the cloud storage space CyberLink Cloud. · Guaranteed updates to the latest versions of CyberLink PowerDirector Ultimate. PowerDirector Live is the must-have solution for on-the-go video editors who want easy access to their media and the latest up-to-date editing technologies. Updating PowerDirector Software upgrades and updates (patches) are periodically available from CyberLink. CyberLink PowerDirector automatically prompts you when either is available. Note: you can prevent CyberLink PowerDirector from auto checking for updates/upgrades in General Preferences. To update your software, do this: 1. Click the button to open the Notifications window. 2. Check the New Updates and Upgrade Info sections. 3. Select an item in these sections to open your web browser, where you can purchase product upgrades or download the latest patch update. Note: you must connect to the Internet to use this feature. 4 Introduction System Requirements The system requirements listed below are recommended as minimums for general digital video production work. System Requirements Operating System · Microsoft Windows 10, 8/8.1, 7 (64 bit OS recommended) Screen Resolution · 1024 x 768, 16-bit color or above Memory · 2GB required (6GB or above recommended) CPU · Intel Core™ i-series or AMD Phenom® II and above VGA · 128 MB VGA VRAM or higher Hard Disk Space · 7GB required Burning Drive · Burning drive is required for disc burning purpose Sound Card · Windows compatible sound card is required Internet Connection · Internet connection also required for initial software & file formats activation Note: please consult the CyberLink web site ( products/powerdirector-ultimate/spec_en_US.html) for the most recent system requirements information. * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. 5 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Chapter 2: PowerDirector Editing Modes CyberLink PowerDirector has six separate editors to fit your editing requirements. When you launch the program from the start menu, or the CyberLink PowerDirector shortcut on the desktop, you are prompted to choose one of the following editing modes: Note: before selecting your preferred editing mode, be sure to set the video aspect ratio for your project (16:9, 4:3, or 9:16). · Full Feature Editor: select this option to enter the classic editing mode of CyberLink PowerDirector, where all of the program's features are available to you. · Easy Editor: if you are new to the editing process and not sure how or where to get started, then the Easy Editor can help. The Magic Movie Wizard takes you through a step-by-step process to import, style, adjust, and preview your finished movie, in just a few steps. You can then edit the created production, output it to a video file, or burn it to a disc. · 360° Editor*: select this option to create a 360 virtual reality video. See 360° Media Files for information on importing these types of media files, or 360° Video Projects for information on how to edit them. · Express Project: select this option to choose from a number of project templates that will help you speed up the editing process. See Using an Express Project for more detailed information. · Theme Designer: in the Theme Designer* you can customize the theme templates used in the Magic Movie Wizard to fit your specific project. See Using the Theme Designer for more information and detailed steps on using this feature. · Slideshow Creator: with the Slideshow Creator you can instantly turn your photos into a dynamic slideshow. Follow the steps in the Slideshow Creator to import your photos, add background music, and stylish slideshow templates. Once done, you can preview the slideshow, before outputting it as a video file or burning it to disc. 6 PowerDirector Editing Modes Note: select the Always enter the full feature editor option at the bottom of this dialog to skip this window at startup. You can always reset this selection at any time in Confirmation Preferences. Full Feature Editor In the Full Feature Editor of CyberLink PowerDirector you have the freedom to perform every function and use every feature that is available in your version of the program. The path you take to create your video production is up to you. Use the features you are familiar with to make your movie, or experiment to create something new. In the Full Feature Editor there are four main modules available to you: Module Description Capture Capture media in a number of formats, from a variety of different sources. See Capturing Media. Edit In the Edit module you can edit and trim your imported media, arrange it in your video production, add effects, titles, PiP objects, transitions, music, chapters, subtitles, and much more. See the relevant section of this help file that corresponds with the editing feature you'd like to use. Produce In the Produce module you can output your created production to a video file in a variety of formats (including 3D formats), a device (camcorder, mobile phone, or other portable device), or upload it to YouTube, Facebook, DailyMotion, or Vimeo. See Producing Your Project. Create Disc Use the features in the Create Disc module to design discs with menus, and then burn your video production in a variety of different formats in 2D or 3D. See Creating Discs. When CyberLink PowerDirector launches in the Full Feature Editor, it automatically opens in the Edit module. You can easily switch among the available modules to perform your required task. 7 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Easy Editor If you are new to the editing process and not sure how or where to get started, then the Easy Editor can help. The Magic Movie Wizard takes all of your media and creates a completed video production in just a few steps. To create your video production using the Magic Movie Wizard in the Easy Editor, do this: Note: if you want more creative control than the Magic Movie Wizard provides, you can also use the Theme Designer to create your video production. The Theme Designer allows you to customize the theme templates used and choose the exact images, video clips, and background music you want in your production. See Using the Theme Designer for more information. 1. Select Easy Editor when prompted which mode you prefer at startup. The Magic Movie Wizard displays. Note: if you are in the Full Feature Editor, you can quickly launch the Magic Movie Wizard by clicking on the selecting M agic M ovie Wizard. 2. In the Source window, click to import all of the media you want to use in your video production. Select Import Media Files to import a number of individual video or image files, or select Import a Media Folder if all of your media is in a specific folder on your computer's hard drive. CyberLink PowerDirector will import all of the supported media file formats in the selected folder. Note: click 3. button above the timeline and to remove any unwanted media files from your production. Before proceeding to the next window, you can perform simple trims on video clips and crop any imported images as follows: · hover your mouse over a video clip you want to trim, and then click on its thumbnail to open the Trim window. See Performing a Single Trim for information on how to trim video clips. · hover your mouse over an image you want to crop, and then click on its thumbnail to open the Crop window. See Cropping Images for information on how to crop images. 8 PowerDirector Editing Modes 4. Once you are done importing, trimming and cropping, click Next to continue. Note: once you proceed, you can always click the Previous button to return to the Source window to import more media or trim/crop the imported video clips/images. 5. In the Style window, select from the available movie styles. Each style you select will result in a different outputted video. Select Free Download* to get more style templates. See DirectorZone for more information. Note: the style templates with the 3D icon produce a 3D effect in 3D mode and when outputted in 3D video productions. * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. 5. Click Next to continue. 6. In the Adjustment window, click to add music to your production. Then use the available controls to do the following: · use the button to add more music files to the background music playlist. Use the and buttons to set the order of the music in the playlist. The total duration of all the music added is noted above the playlist. · Mix audio level between music and the video's audio: use the slider to mix the audio level, by deciding whether to have more background music or the original video's audio in the production. · Specify the movie duration: here you can specify how long your movie will be. Select Original duration if you don't want the Magic Movie Wizard to make any edits to your imported media; Select Set output duration to manually specify how long you want the movie to be in the field provided; Select Fit duration to background music if you want your video production to match the duration of the music you imported into the playlist. 7. Click the Settings* button to use the sliders to customize the criteria the Magic Movie Wizard uses to cut your movie. Click OK to save the settings. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. 8. Click Next to continue. 9. In the Preview window the Magic Movie Wizard generates a version of your production. If available, enter a Starting title and Ending title for your 9 CyberLink PowerDirector Help production in the fields provided, and then use the available player controls to preview it. Note: if you are not satisfied with the current video production you can click the Previous button to return to previous windows to add/remove music, select a different style, change the criteria settings, duration, or import more media. You can also click the Reorder M edia button (if available) to shuffle the media files in the created production for a different look, or the Edit in the Theme Designer button if you want to customize the style template used. See Using the Theme Designer for more information. 10. Click Next to continue. 11. You are done. To finish and close the Easy Editor, choose one of the following: · Produce Video: click to enter the Produce module where you can output your production to a video file, device, or upload it to a video sharing web site. See Producing Your Project. · Create Disc: click to burn your production to a disc, complete with a professional looking disc menu, in the Create Disc module. See Creating Discs. · Advanced Editing: click this option if you'd like to perform some more advanced editing on your production in the Edit module. Slideshow Creator The Slideshow Creator is the easiest way to create a dynamic slideshow with your photos. To create a slideshow in the Slideshow Creator, do this: 1. Select Slideshow Creator when prompted which mode you prefer at startup. The first Slideshow Creator window displays. Note: if you are in the Full Feature Mode, you can launch the Slideshow Creator by adding photos to the timeline, selecting them, and then clicking on the Slideshow button above the timeline. See Using the Slideshow Creator for more information. 2. 10 In the Source window, click to import all of the photos you want to use in your slideshow. Select Import Image Files to import a number of individual photos, or select Import an Image Folder if all of your photos are in a specific folder on your computer's hard drive. CyberLink PowerDirector will import all of the supported image formats in the selected folder. PowerDirector Editing Modes Note: you can right-click on a photo and select Set 3D Source Format if required. For more information, please refer to Setting 3D Source Format. You can also click slideshow. to remove any unwanted photos from your 3. Click Next to continue. 4. In the Style & Music window, select a slideshow style. Each style you select will result in a different slideshow. 5. In the Style & Music window, click the button to add background music to your slideshow. After adding music, click the Music Preferences button to customize the music duration and add fades. See Setting Music Preferences for a detail description of the available preferences. 6. In the Style & Music window, click the Slideshow Preferences button to set your slideshow preferences as follows: · Duration: use this option to set the length of your slideshow. Select Fit photos to music to have the length of the slideshow match the duration of the added background music. Select Fit music to photos (if launched in Full Feature Mode) for the length of the music to match the duration of the slideshow, i.e. its specified length on the timeline. · Sequence: use this option to set the order of the photos in the slideshow. Select Timeline order (if launched in Full Feature Mode) to have the sequence match the order the photos are currently displayed in the timeline. Select Date/time taken for the photos to display in chronological order based on the date and time they were taken. · Detect faces: some slideshow templates include this option. When selected, the Slideshow Creator will scan and detect the faces in the photos included in the slideshow. The faces in the photos will then become the area of focus in the created photo slideshows. · Click OK to save your changes. 7. Click Next to continue. 8. In the Preview window, the Slideshow Creator generates a version of your slideshow. Use the available player controls to preview it. 11 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Note: if you are not satisfied with the current slideshow, you can click the Previous button to return to previous windows to select a different style, or import more photos. Also, if available, click the Replace Background button in the Preview window to replace the background image used in the slideshow, or Customize to fully customize your slideshow in the Slideshow Designer. See Customizing Slideshows in the Slideshow Designer for a detailed description of all the available options for your selected slideshow style. 9. Click Next to continue. 10. You are done. To finish and close the Easy Editor, choose one of the following: · Produce Video: click to enter the Produce window where you can output your slideshow to a video file, device, or upload it to a video sharing web site. See Producing Your Project. · Create Disc: click to burn your slideshow to a disc, complete with a professional looking disc menu, in the Create Disc window. See Creating Disc. · Advanced Editing: click this option if you'd like to perform some more advanced editing on your slideshow in the Edit window. Note: if you select the Advanced Editing option, the Slideshow Creator adds your created slideshow to the timeline in the Edit window as a combined video file. If you'd like to do further editing on this slideshow (combined video file), just select it and click the Customize button above the timeline to edit in the Slideshow Designer. If you would like to remove the slideshow effects added by the template and display each individual photo in the slideshow on the timeline, just right-click on the file and then select Remove Slideshow Effects. Setting Music Preferences If you are using background music in your slideshow, click on the Music Preferences button in the Style & Music window of the Slideshow Creator to configure the preferences as follows: 1. In the Trim audio section you can trim the length of the music file you added as background music as follows: · use the player controls to find the desired start point for the music, and then click 12 . PowerDirector Editing Modes · use the player controls to find the desired end point for the music, and then click . · drag the markers on the music timeline to set the desired start and end times manually. 2. Select the Fade-in option to have the background music gradually fade-in at the beginning of the slideshow. 3. Select the Fade out option to have the background music gradually fade-out at the end of the slideshow. 4. Click OK to save your changes. Customizing Slideshows in the Slideshow Designer In the Preview window of the Slideshow Creator, click on the Customize button to open the Slideshow Designer to modify the selected slideshow style. Note: if the Customize button is not available in the Preview window, the slideshow style template you selected cannot be customized in the Slideshow Designer. 13 CyberLink PowerDirector Help A - Preview Area, B - Editing Area, C - Slide Area, D - Extra Tools Area, E - Selected Slide The editing options and tools that are available in the Slideshow Designer, depend on the slideshow style template you selected. The following outlines the editing options available for the style templates that utilize the Slideshow Designer. Camera/Cell Slideshow When customizing a Camera or Cell slideshow in the Slideshow Designer, you can perform the following functions: 14 PowerDirector Editing Modes · in the slide area, click on a specific slideshow slide to view and edit it. · in the preview area, click and drag a photo to an alternative cell. · in the editing area (Unused photos), click the Add Photos button to import additional photos for use in the slideshow. · in the editing area (Unused photos), indicate the maximum number of photos that are displayed on a slide. · in the editing area, drag and drop the photos from Unused photos to the cell in the preview area where you want it on the slide. You can also highlight a cell by clicking it and use the photos. buttons to add or remove selected · in the preview area, select a cell with a photo and then click on the button to set the focus of that cell on a specific portion of the photo. Manually resize and drag the box to set the desired focus area. · in the extra tools area, click the Remix button to generate a new version of the slideshow. · in the preview area, use the player controls to preview the slideshow. Motion Slideshow When customizing a Motion slideshow in the Slideshow Designer, you can perform the following functions: · in the slide area, click on a specific slideshow slide to view and edit it. · in the editing area (Cropping area), use the Magic Motion Designer to customize the motion on the slide. See Magic Motion Designer for detailed instructions on using all its features. · in the preview area, use the player controls to preview the slideshow. Highlight Slideshow When customizing a Highlight slideshow in the Slideshow Designer, you can perform the following functions: · in the slide area, click on a specific slideshow slide to view and edit it. 15 CyberLink PowerDirector Help · in the extra tools area, select whether you want to edit the foreground or background photo. · in the editing area (Cropping area), resize and drag the box to the area of the photo you want highlighted on the slide. · in the preview area, use the player controls to preview the slideshow. 3D/Balloon/Frozen Space/Outer Space Slideshow When customizing a 3D, Frozen Space, or Future slideshow in the Slideshow Designer, you can perform the following functions: · in the slide area, click on a specific slideshow slide to view and edit it. · in the editing area (Cropping area), resize and drag the box to the area of the photo you want highlighted in the photo on the slide. · click the Replace Background button if you want to import a custom image to use as the slideshow's background. Note: the slideshow background cannot be replaced for slideshows using the Balloon template. · in the preview area, use the player controls to preview the slideshow. Time-Lapse Slideshow When customizing a time-lapse slideshow in the Slideshow Designer, you can specify the following settings: Note: to create a time-lapse slideshow, you need to prepare the photos for it ahead of time. This feature works best with a series of photos taken with a camera that supports time-lapse photography. · Duration of each image: in the field provided, specify how long you want each of the imported images to display. Each image can display for as long as 99 frames, or as short as for 1 single video frame. · For each displayed image, skip: when importing a large number of images that were taken over a period of time, you may find the need to remove some 16 PowerDirector Editing Modes of the images to reduce the slideshow's duration. In the field provided, enter the number of images you want to remove for each displayed image in your slideshow. 17 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Chapter 3: PowerDirector Workspace This chapter outlines the CyberLink PowerDirector workspace, and all of its features. The workspace in the Edit module is where you will spend most of your time when using CyberLink PowerDirector, so getting familiar with everything it has to offer is recommended. A - Rooms, B - Import Media, C - PowerDirector Plug-ins, D - Library Window, E - Expandable Workspace, F - Preview Window, G - Zoom In/Out, H - Undock Preview Window, I - 3D Display Configuration, J - Enable/Disable 3D Mode, K - Preview Quality/Display Options, L - Take Snapshot, M - Preview Player Controls, N - Editing Workspace, O - Range Selection, P - Function Buttons, Q Timeline Ruler, R - View Entire Movie, S - Track Manager, T - Timeline/Storyboard View Rooms The various rooms in the Edit module of CyberLink PowerDirector are where you can access all of your media, effects, titles, and transitions when editing your video production. You can also gain access to controls for recording and mixing audio, adding chapters or subtitles. By default, the library window displays the Media Room. 18 PowerDirector Workspace Media Room The Media Room provides access to your media library and the PowerDirector plugins. The media library contains your video, audio, and image files. You can also access a number of useful color boards and backgrounds for use in your video productions, or view your library of saved and express projects. Click to access the PowerDirector plug-ins. See PowerDirector Plug-ins for a detailed description of the plug-ins and their available features. Managing the Media Library Use the button to manage the media in your media library. You can sort the media, change the media thumbnail icon size, or select Details to view file information instead of a thumbnail. Note: if you cannot find this button when in the media library, you may need to resize the preview window to reveal it. See Expanding the Workspace for more information. Other media library management options include: Note: see Library Window for more information about the library menu options available in all rooms. · Export Library: select to export your entire media library as a file for backup, in the PDL (PowerDirector Library) format. · Import Library: select to import a media library PDL file, exported from another project or version of CyberLink PowerDirector. · Empty the Library: select to empty the entire contents of the media library. · Remove All Unused Content from Library: select if you just want to remove the media that is not being used in the current project. Content Aware Details When in the Media Room, you can select the Content Aware Details* option from the library menu to view the analysis results for all the video clips analyzed and 19 CyberLink PowerDirector Help edited in Content Aware Editing. Clips that were previously analyzed are indicated by the green (good parts) and light brown (bad parts) dots in the specific columns. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. To analyze video clips in this view, select them in the Analyze column and then click the Analyze button. To edit a video clip using Content Aware Editing, click . If the video clip has not yet been analyzed, CyberLink PowerDirector will do this first before opening the Content Aware Editing window. See Content Aware Editing for more detailed information on this feature. Effect Room The Effect Room contains a library of special effects that are used on the video files and images in your project. For more information, see Adding Effects. Note: the video effects with the 3D icon produce a 3D effect in 3D mode and when outputted in 3D video productions. PiP Objects Room The PiP Objects Room contains a library of PiP objects, or graphics, that you can add on top of the video or images on a video track. You can place PiP objects onto any track in the timeline. The PiP Objects Room also includes paint animation objects and access to the Paint Designer. Note: the PiP objects with the 3D icon produce a 3D effect in 3D mode and when outputted in 3D video productions. There are four main types of objects in the PiP Objects Room: · static graphics. · motion graphics that move through clips. · decorative borders that are added to frame your video. · hand drawn paint animation objects you create in the Paint Designer. 20 PowerDirector Workspace For information on adding PiP objects, see Adding PiP Objects. For information on the hand drawn paint animation objects you can create in the Paint Designer, see Using the Paint Designer. Particle Room The Particle Room contains a library of effects you can place on a video track to add a particle object (snow, clouds, smoke, etc.) on top of a video or image on a video track. Note: the particle effects with the 3D icon produce a 3D effect in 3D mode and when outputted in 3D video productions. You can modify particles in the Particle Designer. For more information, see Adding Particle Effects. Title Room The Title Room contains the library of title effects that when applied to your project, add credits or comments to your production. For more information, see Adding Title Effects. Note: the title templates with the 3D icon produce a 3D effect in 3D mode and when outputted in 3D video productions. See The Difference Between 3D and 3D-Like Effects to learn more about both types of effects. Transition Room The Transition Room contains transitions that you can use on or between clips in your project. Transitions let you control how media appears and disappears in your project, and changes from one clip to the next. For more information, see Using Transitions. Note: you can create your own custom transitions, or edit existing alpha transitions, using the Transition Designer. See Modifying Alpha Transitions in the Transition Designer for more information. The transitions with the 3D icon produce a 3D effect in 3D mode and when outputted in 3D video productions. See The Difference Between 3D and 3D-Like Effects to learn more about both types of effects. 21 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Audio Mixing Room In the Audio Mixing Room you can use controls to mix all of the audio tracks in your project. For more information, see Mixing Audio and Recording Voice-Overs. Voice-Over Recording Room In the Voice-Over Recording Room you can record a voice over for your video production, while you are watching it play back. For more information, see Recording Voice-Overs. Chapter Room In the Chapter Room* you can automatically or manually set chapter markers for your project. Setting chapters on your final disc allows viewers to jump from the menu page to the chapter markers you have set in order to navigate through your disc. For more information, see Adding Chapters. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Subtitle Room In the Subtitle Room you can add subtitles to your video production manually or through the import of a TXT, SRT, or MKV file. For more information, see Adding Subtitles. Library Window The library window contains all of the media in CyberLink PowerDirector, including your video, images, and audio files. When you are in other rooms (Effect Room, PiP Objects Room, etc.), it contains the effects, titles, and transitions you apply to your media. The media content and available buttons that display in the library window depend on the room you are currently in. Click the button above the library window and then use the slider to adjust the size of the media thumbnails in the library. 22 PowerDirector Workspace You can also resize the media thumbnails by selecting a default size from the library menu. 23 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Explorer View Select the button to display the explorer view within the library windows. In the explorer view you can use tags to categorize the media, templates, and effects in your library. This lets you quickly browse through and filter what is in each room. Note: you can also use tags to filter the express projects in your library. See Using an Express Project for more information on express projects. In the explorer view you can: · click on to add a new tag in a library window. · select an existing tag and then click to delete a previously created tag. · filter the media in the library window by selecting an existing tag. Searching the PowerDirector Library If you are looking for specific media, effects, or templates in a library window, use the search function to find it. To search in the library, do this: 1. Enter in a keyword in the search field located on top of the library window. 2. CyberLink PowerDirector filters the content in the library window based on the keywords entered. 24 PowerDirector Workspace Note: click on to clear the search results. Filtering Media in the Library Use the available drop-down menus at the top of the library window to filter the media that is displayed. For example, when viewing the media in the Media Room, use the Media Content drop-down to display just your media content, the available color boards, backgrounds, your saved projects, or to select a tag. Select Express Projects to view a library of project templates you can use. See Using an Express Project for more information. If you'd like to filter the media files that are in the library by file type, use the three buttons above the library window. Click these buttons to hide media so you can more easily find what you are looking for. 25 CyberLink PowerDirector Help 26 PowerDirector Workspace Library Menu Click on to access the library menu. In the library menu you can sort the content in a room by name, date created, file size, and more. You can also select all the content in the room or change the media/effect thumbnail display size. Other options that are available in the library menu, but are dependent on the specific room you are in. Note: if you cannot find this button when in the media library, you may need to resize the preview window to reveal it. See Expanding the Workspace for more information. Expanding the Workspace The look and layout of the CyberLink PowerDirector workspace is fully expandable and customizable based on your personal preference. 27 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Simply drag the borders of the preview window and timeline to resize them to your liking. This allows you to get the most out of your display device space and customize the size of the preview window and timeline as you work. Note: you can also undock the preview window for a much larger timeline and library view. See Undocking the Preview Window for more information. Preview Window While creating your video production, you can preview it in the preview window using the available player controls. 28 PowerDirector Workspace Preview Player Controls With the player controls you can preview your production as you edit, including playing your project from the current timeline position, or pausing and stopping playback. Click the Clip button to play back only the clip that is selected in the timeline, or Movie to play the entire video production. When viewing media in Clip mode, the cross hairs and grid lines/TV safe zone (if enabled) are visible to help with the placement of the selected clip in the video display area. When in Movie mode, these items are hidden. Note: you can set PowerDirector to auto switch the playback mode to M ovie mode in Editing Preferences. Use the button to select a seek by method (frame, second, minute, scene, subtitle, chapter, segment) and then use the buttons on either side of it for a more precise step through of your current production. 29 CyberLink PowerDirector Help You can also click and drag the playback slider, or enter in a specific timecode in the time field, and then press the enter key on your keyboard to quickly find a specific scene. Click the button to undock the preview window for a larger view of your production. See Undocking the Preview Window for more information. Taking a Screen Snapshot While previewing your project, you can take a still 2D screen snapshot and save it as a BMP, JPG, GIF, or PNG image file. You can also take a still 3D* screen snapshot (just enable 3D mode) and then save it as an MPO or JPS image file. To do this click the button on the player controls. Note: * Optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Before capture, you can set the image file format (or the default image file name) on the File Preferences tab. See File Preferences for more information. Preview/Display Options CyberLink PowerDirector includes some preview and display options that help make your editing experience easier. Click on to set the preview quality, show the TV safe zone, display grid lines, or enable dual preview. Note: you can set the default settings for these options in Display Preferences. Preview Quality Click , select Preview Quality, and then a preview quality from the list (Full HD*, HD*, high, normal, low) to set the resolution/quality of the video used when previewing your movie in the preview window. The higher the quality you select, the more resources that are required to preview your video project. Note: Full HD and HD preview resolution are only available when the Ultra or Ultimate version of CyberLink PowerDirector is installed on a 64-bit operating system. 30 PowerDirector Workspace Preview Mode CyberLink PowerDirector provides two modes you can use to preview your video production: · Real-time Preview: synchronizes and renders clips and effects in real-time, displaying a preview of your video at the specified frames per second. See the timeline frame rate option in General Preferences for information on setting the correct frame rate for your production. · Non Real-time Preview: mutes the audio and displays a preview at a reduced speed to help make editing go more smoothly. Useful when editing highdefinition video, using multiple PiP tracks on a less powerful computer, or when you receive dropped frames when previewing. By muting the audio and slowing down the video, CyberLink PowerDirector lets you view more frames per second when your computer has trouble providing a smooth preview during editing. Note: you can also preview a portion of your video using the Render Preview and Produce Range options. See Range Selection for more information on these functions. TV Safe Zone/Grid Lines When you place media on the timeline, use the TV safe zone and grid lines to help with the precise placement on your video project's image. These display options are only available when in the Clip preview mode. · Click the button and then select TV Safe Zone > On to enable a box that indicates the on-screen area of most TV displays. · Click the button, select Grid Lines, and then select the number of lines you want to display in a grid over the video image. Use this grid to more precisely place the PiP media and title text on the video image. Once enabled, select Snap to Reference Lines* to have the selected objects snap to the grid lines, TV safe zone, and the boundary of the preview window. 31 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Dual Preview If you have a secondary display device, such as a monitor, TV, or DV camcorder connected to your computer, click the button and then select Dual Preview* to extend your workspace and preview your project on a secondary display. Note: to use a connected monitor or TV as a secondary preview window, you must first enable extend desktop to a secondary display in the Windows Display Properties Settings. * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Once enabled, when you click play in the preview window, you can preview your production on both your primary and secondary display when Primary 2D and Secondary 2D Display is selected. Select DV Camcorder to extend your production preview to a connected DV camcorder device. 3D Dual Preview When your desktop is extended to a secondary display, you can enable 3D on one of the two devices. If you want one of your previews to be in 3D, select either Primary 2D and Secondary 3D Display or Primary 3D and Secondary 2D Display to enable it. Your selection depends on which device you want to enable, and which one supports 3D. Note: if both of your displays are 3D devices, you can only enable 3D on one of the two devices in dual preview mode. Zoom In/Out When you place media on the timeline, use the Fit* drop-down underneath the preview window to zoom in or out on the video. Zooming in is useful for precise placement of media, while zooming out lets you add media that begins off screen. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. 32 PowerDirector Workspace Undocking the Preview Window Click the button to undock the preview window. Once undocked, you can preview your production at full screen or move it to an extended desktop. You can also resize the timeline and library window to your liking. Once undocked, you can: · click to view your production at full screen, or preview window. · click to maximize the to minimize the preview window, and hide it so you can edit more freely. Click on window. · click on next to the APP button to show the minimized preview to re-dock the preview window. Playing 360° Media Files After 360°* video and image files are imported into the media library, they can be played back in 360° viewer mode. To play back a 360° media file in 360° viewer mode, do this: Note: see 360° Media Files for more information about imported 360° videos and images. * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. 1. First, ensure your project's aspect ratio is set to 360. See Setting Project Aspect Ratio for more information. 2. Select the 360° media file in the media library or on the project timeline. 3. Click 4. If it is a video file, click the play button to start playing it back. 5. Use the 360 controls to view and explore the 360° environment. to enable the 360° viewer mode. Note: you can also click and drag your mouse in the preview window to explore the 360° environment. 33 CyberLink PowerDirector Help 360 Controls When you select or play 360° media files, there are extra 360° controls available in the preview window. When viewing or playing a 360° media file, you can click and drag on the preview window to pan around the 360° environment or use the right, up, or down. controls to pan left, Note: you can also use your mouse's scroll wheel to zoom in and out within the 360° view. Previewing in 3D Mode In the preview window you can enable 3D* mode to view the media in your production in 3D, while you work. 34 PowerDirector Workspace Note: for detailed information on adding and setting the source format of 3D media, see 3D Media. * Optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. 3D Configuration Before you can enable 3D mode, you must first set your 3D display device. To set your 3D display device, do this: 1. Select the 3D configuration menu underneath the preview window 2. Select one of the following options: . · select your 3D display type from the list, i.e. 3D-Ready HDTV (Checkerboard), Micro-polarizer LCD 3D (Row-Interleaved), 120Hz Time-sequential 3D LCD, HDMI 1.4 Enabled 3D TV, etc. · if you are not sure which type of 3D display you have, select the Auto Detect 3D Mode option to have CyberLink PowerDirector detect it for you. · if you do not have a 3D display, select Anaglyph Red/Cyan mode and then use anaglyphic (red/cyan) 3D glasses to view 3D content. Enabling 3D Mode Once you have set your 3D display device, you can enable 3D mode at any time to preview your video production in 3D. To enable, just click the button. Note: any 2D media in your production will not display in 3D. However, you can convert all of the 2D media to 3D using TrueTheater 3D in Power Tools. See Power Tools: 2D to 3D for more information. To disable 3D mode, just click the button. Editing Workspace The editing workspace is where you create your project by adding your media, various effects, transitions, and title effects. The editing workspace has two different 35 CyberLink PowerDirector Help views, the timeline and storyboard views, which are accessed by clicking the or button. Note: you can set which workspace view is displayed by default in Editing Preferences. Timeline View The timeline view lets you view your entire project based on running time. This view is useful if you want to insert media, effects, subtitles, etc. at a specific moment in production. The timeline view also provides a view of all the tracks, media, and other content (chapter markers, subtitle markers) that are displayed in the timeline. To switch to timeline view, click . Timeline Tracks The timeline contains the following tracks: Track Description Video tracks contain your project's media clips (video clips and images) and effects (PiP objects, particle effects, title effects, etc.) on the timeline. By default, there are two video tracks in the timeline, but you can have up to 100 video tracks by adding more in the Track Manager. Each video track in the timeline may have an associated audio track for the video clip's audio. Audio tracks contain the audio in your project. The audio may be the audio portion of a video clip on the video track, or a separate audio track for music clips or other audio. By default there are two audio tracks linked with a video track, and a separate audio track for music, which is always the bottom track in the timeline. You can have up to 100 audio tracks by adding more in the Track Manager. The effect track contains any special effects that you want to apply to your final video. Video effects in the effect track are applied to all the video tracks that are positioned above it in the timeline. 36 PowerDirector Workspace The title track contains the text title effects that appear in your project. The titles you add to this track display over all the content in every video track that display during their duration. The voice track contains a narrative voice-over or other audio clips. The music track contains your video's soundtrack. The chapter track contains all of the chapter markers in your current video production. This track displays when you are in the Chapter Room. Right-click on the timeline and then select Show Chapter Track if you always want this track to display in the timeline. The subtitle track contains all of the subtitle markers in your current video production. This track displays when you are in the Subtitle Room. Right-click on the timeline and then select Show Subtitle Track if you always want this track to display in the timeline. The SVRT track displays the Intelligent SVRT information for your current project. See Utilizing Intelligent SVRT for more information. Right-click on the timeline and then select Show SVRT Track if you always want this track to display in the timeline. The clip marker track displays all of the clip markers on your media clips. Clip markers are automatically added when using Music Beat Detection or the Screen Recorder. Or they can be added manually on each individual media clip on the timeline. Right-click on the timeline and then select Show Clip Marker Track if you always want this track to display in the timeline. Timeline Behavior The CyberLink PowerDirector timeline has several behavior features that make it easy to manage media on the timeline. On the timeline you can: · place media clips at any position on a video track. If no media is placed before a media clip on the timeline, your video production displays a black screen until the timeline position of your media clip is reached. 37 CyberLink PowerDirector Help · media clips will snap to other clips on the timeline for easy placement in your production. If want to move the clips more freely on the timeline, you can disable snap to clips in Editing Preferences. · hold down the Ctrl key on the keyboard and select multiple media clips on the timeline. · click and drag the mouse to select multiple media clips on the timeline. · right-click on select media in the timeline and select Group Objects. Doing this allows you to move all the selected media clips as a group. Select Ungroup Objects to once again allow for individual media clip movement. Note: you cannot include transitions in grouped objects. Timeline Ruler You can resize the timeline ruler for a more expanded or condensed view of your production. To resize the ruler, click on the ruler and drag it left or right. Expanding the ruler is especially handy when aligning clips and effects, while condensing it gives you a global overview of your entire production. Click to auto fit your current project in the timeline area if you want to view the entire movie in the editing workspace. You can also right-click on the timeline ruler and select View Entire Movie to do this. Or select Zoom In or Zoom Out to change the view to your required size. Use the timeline ruler slider corner to manually resize the timeline. located in the bottom left Timeline Markers You can add timeline markers* to the timeline ruler for more precise media placement on the timeline. Once added, media clips snap to the timeline markers, 38 PowerDirector Workspace allowing your media to appear in your video production at the exact moment you want it. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Adding Timeline Markers To add a timeline marker, do this: 1. Hover your mouse over the timeline ruler. The green timeline marker indicator displays with the displayed time. Note: use the timeline ruler to expand the timeline for a more precise placement of timeline markers. 2. Once you have found the time where you want to place the timeline, rightclick on the ruler and then select Add Timeline Marker. 3. Input a Note for the new timeline marker, if required. 4. Click on OK to add the new timeline marker. Once a timeline marker is added, media will snap to it when added to a track in the timeline. 39 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Note: you can manually drag a timeline marker to different position if the original is not in the exact location you wanted it. Expand the timeline ruler for a more precise placement, if necessary. Right-click on the timeline ruler and then select Edit Timeline Markers to view a list of all the timeline markers you have added. In this list you can remove any of the existing markers, or double-click in the Note column to edit the associated text. Clip Markers You can manually add markers to a selected clip in the timeline. Once added, media clips and effects snap to the clip markers, allowing for more precise editing. Adding Clip Markers To add a clip marker, do this: 1. First, ensure that the clip marker track is displayed. To display it, right click on the timeline and then select Show Clip Marker Track. 2. Select the clip on the timeline. 3. Drag the timeline slider to the moment/time position in the clip where you want to add the marker. 40 PowerDirector Workspace 4. Right-click at the timeline slider position on the clip marker track, and then select Add Clip Marker. 5. Input a Note for the new clip marker, if required. 6. Click on OK to add the new timeline marker. Once a clip marker is added, media and effects will snap to it when added to a track in the timeline. 41 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Note: you can manually drag a clip marker to different position if the original is not in the exact location you wanted it. Also, if you move the media clip to another position on the timeline, its clip markers move with it. Function Buttons When you select media that is on the timeline, whether it's a video clip, image, audio clip, effect, title effect, etc., several function buttons display above the timeline. These buttons let you perform a variety of tasks or gain access to some important features of CyberLink PowerDirector. The function buttons that are available depend on the type of media content you select. However, whenever you select media, the always displayed. Click and buttons are to remove the selected media content from the timeline, or to gain access to more timeline functions, which vary depending on the selected media. Magic Tools When editing your video project in the timeline, you can click the button to use the magic tools to edit and touch up your audio, video, and image clips. Magic tools can also help you add a creative style to your video production or add the right background music. CyberLink PowerDirector offers the following magic tools: · Magic Movie Wizard: automatically creates an edited video blended with stylish effects and transitions. 42 PowerDirector Workspace · Magic Fix: fixes and enhances your photos and videos, including fixing shaky video, enhancing video quality, removing red-eye, and enhancing the focus on photos. · Magic Motion: applies zooms and pans to your images. You can also use the Magic Motion Designer to manually customize motion on an image. · Magic Cut: condenses long video segments into shorter clips that contain only the best moments. · Magic Style: creates professional videos with pre-designed style templates automatically. Click on the using them. button within these tools to consult the iHelp for assistance on Range Selection Click and drag one of the arrows on either side of the timeline slider to select a range* of media on the timeline. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Once selected, right click on the selection, select Loop Playback, and then click the play button if you want to continuously play back of the selected range. You can also cut or copy the range, and then paste it to another position on the timeline. You can also use this feature to manually highlight a portion of a clip that you want to then remove or trim out. Click Render Preview to have CyberLink PowerDirector render a video preview of only the highlighted range for playback in the preview window. Click Produce Range to produce just the selected range in the Produce window, outputting it as a video file that will be added to the media library. 43 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Click Lock Range if you want to lock the selected range. Once locked, you can more easily preview and even add additional media into the range for previewing, rendering, or producing. Click Lock Range again to unlock the selected range. Track Manager In the Track Manager* you can add additional video and audio tracks to the timeline. You can have up to 100 video tracks (with or without an audio track) in the timeline, or add up to 98 additional audio tracks. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Adding Tracks to Timeline Each video track you add, adds another layer of PiP video on the tracks above it in the timeline. To add tracks to the timeline, do this: Note: CyberLink PowerDirector auto adds a video and audio track for you when all the current video/audio tracks in the timeline have media on them. 1. In the timeline view, click on to open the Track Manager. 2. In the Video section, enter in the number of video tracks you want to add to the timeline. By default, one track is added, but you can add up to 98 video tracks (100 in total) to the timeline, as required. Note: if you don't want your additional video tracks to have a track for its audio, enter in 0 tracks in the Audio section. 3. In the Video section, select the Position in the timeline where you want to add the tracks. 4. In the Audio section, enter in the number of audio tracks you want to add to the timeline. By default, one track is added, but you can add up to 98 audio tracks (100 in total) to the timeline, as required. 44 PowerDirector Workspace Note: if you only want to add an audio track (i.e. without a linked video track), enter in 0 tracks in the Video section. 5. In the Audio section, select the Position in the timeline where you want to add the tracks. 6. Click on OK to add the tracks to the timeline. To quickly remove any unwanted tracks from the timeline, just right-click on the timeline and then select Remove Empty Tracks. Customizing Timeline Tracks In CyberLink PowerDirector you can customize the layout of the workspace timeline and its tracks to fit your preference. Customizing Track Names To make it easy to identify all of your tracks if you have lots of media on multiple tracks, drag the left sidebar to reveal the track names. You can give all the tracks in the timeline a custom name as required. 45 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Reordering Tracks You can reorder the video tracks in the timeline if required. To reorder, click on the left sidebar and drag the track to the new position in the timeline. You can also drag the effect track to a new position in the timeline. Effects on the effect track are applied to all video tracks that are positioned above it in the timeline. Adjusting Track Height Click and drag the bottom of a track on the left sidebar to resize it to your preference. You can also right-click on the timeline and select Adjust Video Track Height to adjust the height of all the video tracks in the timeline to one of the default sizes. Select Adjust Audio Track Height to resize all of the audio tracks, including the music track, voice track, and each video track's corresponding audio track. Locking/Unlocking Tracks 46 PowerDirector Workspace To lock a track in the timeline, click at the left of the track. When a track is locked, you cannot add new clips to the track, or move or edit the clips it contains. To unlock a track in the timeline, click to the left of the track. Enable/Disable Tracks To disable a track in the timeline*, deselect to the left of the track. When a track is disabled, the media it contains is not displayed in the Preview window. This allows you to preview your project by tracks so you can concentrate on the track you are working on. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. To enable a track in the timeline, select to the left of the track. Storyboard View The storyboard view is essentially a large graphical display, or storyboard, of all your video clips and images on the first track in the timeline. You can use it to visualize the main scenes and overall production more clearly. To switch to storyboard view, click . Note: some features are unavailable in the storyboard view. If you try to perform a function that is unavailable, the program switches back to the timeline view. Added transitions and effects are now viewable and editable in the storyboard view. Just select the "i" icon and then the Effect function button to edit added effects, or select the transition icon and then Modify to customize the transition settings. 47 CyberLink PowerDirector Help To add background music in storyboard view, just click the this in the Add Background Music dialog: button and then do 1. Click the 2. Select the audio file you want to use as the background music. 3. Use the slider to mix the audio level, by deciding whether to have more background music (More music) or the original video's audio (More video) in the production. 4. Click the OK button. 48 button. PowerDirector Projects Chapter 4: PowerDirector Projects When working on a new video production, click the button to save it as a .pds file, a project file format that is used exclusively by CyberLink PowerDirector. These project files can be imported directly into the timeline, if required. See Importing PowerDirector Projects for more information. Note: a CyberLink PowerDirector project (.pds) file essentially contains a list of the media clips and effects used in your project, and a log of all the edits you want to make to your media. Project files do not include the media clips in them. If you want to save all your video production files in one place, use the Pack Project Materials function. To do this select, File > Pack Project M aterials from the menu. Use the options in the File menu to save, create new, or open existing projects in CyberLink PowerDirector. When you create a new project, CyberLink PowerDirector resets your media library. If you want to create a new video production using the same media that's currently in your library, select File > New Workspace. Note: saved PowerDirector projects are now easily accessible in the media library, and they are also reusable. See Reusing PowerDirector Projects for more information. If you have a CyberLink Cloud subscription you can upload saved projects and more to CyberLink Cloud*. See CyberLink Cloud Projects for more information. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. The changes you make to your media in CyberLink PowerDirector do not affect the original media you imported into the program. Since your edits are all saved in the project file, you can trim, edit, or remove clips, but still keep your original files on your hard drive, untouched. So let yourself get creative. If you end up changing things too drastically, you can always start over. Setting Project Aspect Ratio To set the aspect ratio for your project, and your outputted video, select 4:3, 16:9, 9:16*, or 360* from the aspect ratio drop-down at the top of the window. 49 CyberLink PowerDirector Help When you select 360, your project will actually have an aspect ratio of 2:1 and is for users wanting to create and produce 360 virtual reality videos. See 360° Video Projects for information about the restrictions of 360 projects, and Playing 360° Media Files for more information on the extra preview window controls available in these types of projects. If you want to create/output a vertical video or video for playback on a portrait monitor, you should select the 9:16 aspect ratio. If some of the video clips you want to use in video production have a different aspect, you can adjust their aspect ratio once in the timeline. See Adjusting Video Clip Aspect Ratio for more information. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. 360° Video Projects 360°* video projects let you create virtual reality videos you can output as a video file, or upload to YouTube or Facebook. Note: if an imported 360° media file is not displaying correctly (no 360° logo), it usually means the file is in the RAW format and was not converted (stitched) for playback. The 360° media file must be stitched before it can be used in a 360° video project in CyberLink PowerDirector. See the documentation for your 360 camera manufacturer for information on stitching the files for viewing and editing. * this feature is not available in some versions of CyberLink PowerDirector. To play a 360° media file, just select it in the media library and then use the playback and 360 controls. See Playing 360° Media Files for more information. If you want to render (produce) or upload your imported 360° media files, you first need to add them to the timeline. See Adding Media to the Workspace for detailed information. 50 PowerDirector Projects Once added to the timeline you can produce it right away, or make some edits to the media file. When editing 360° videos, please note the following: · you can add more than one 360° media file on the timeline. In the produced 360° video, the media files will play in the order they are arranged on the timeline. You can use transitions between the media files if required, or add title effects in the Title Designer. · the adding of non-360° media files or effects is not recommended, as the content will appear distorted in the produced 360° video file. · see the Editing Your Media section for information on some of the editing you can perform on your 360° media files. You can split, trim, or make color adjustments on 360° video clips that are on the timeline, and more. · in the Action Camera Center you can speed up portions of the 360° video and more. Once you are done editing your 360° video, click the Produce button to produce it, which renders it as a 360° video file. See Producing a 360° Video for more information. You can also upload it directly to YouTube or Facebook. See Uploading a 360° Video for more information. Features Not Available in 360 Projects The follow is a list of PowerDirector features that are not available when editing a 360° video project: · Magic Movie · Magic Style · Theme Designer · Video Crop · 2D to 3D in PowerTools · Lens Correction · Video Stabilizer · 3D Orientation · Express Projects 51 CyberLink PowerDirector Help · Motion Tracking · Content Aware Editing · MultiCam Designer · Create Disc · Chapter Room Exporting Projects You can export your CyberLink PowerDirector projects by writing them to a DV tape, or by packing all the materials in a folder on your computer's hard drive or CyberLink Cloud*. Exported projects can then be imported into another computer running CyberLink PowerDirector. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. To export your project to a DV tape select File > Export > Write to DV Tape. To export it to a folder select File > Pack Project Materials. If you have a CyberLink Cloud subscription you can select File > Pack Project Materials and Upload to CyberLink Cloud to back up all the media files, and the project file, in a folder on CyberLink Cloud. Reusing PowerDirector Projects All projects created in CyberLink PowerDirector are now reusable, allowing you to use them as templates for your future productions. To access all your saved projects, make sure you are in the Media Room, and then do either of the following: Note: reusing your projects is similar to express projects, except you replace your media instead of the media placeholders. See Using an Express Project for more information. · click to open the explorer view and then click My Projects. · select My Projects from the Media Content drop-down. 52 PowerDirector Projects Note: to play back a saved project, just double-click on it in the media library. To reuse a saved project, just select it in the media library and then drag and drop it to a desired position on the timeline. You can also insert the saved project anywhere within a current project by dragging and dropping it to the desired position on the timeline. Saved projects can be added to the timeline in the exact same way as media clips. See Adding Media to the Workspace for detailed information on adding content to the timeline. Note: when you add a saved project to the timeline, all of its media is automatically added back into the media library. Once the saved project is in the timeline, you can simply replace all of the existing media clips, templates, and effects with the content you want to use in your new production. To do this, just drag the media clips/effects/templates to the desired positions on the timeline, hovering over the clip/effect/template you want to replace, drop it, and then select Replace. This replaces the current content with the new content you want to add, without changing the structure of the project. 53 CyberLink PowerDirector Help 54 PowerDirector Projects Note: if a media clip you are replacing is shorter than a newly added video/ audio clip, CyberLink PowerDirector automatically trims the video/audio clip to fit the space. For all other media clips, CyberLink PowerDirector automatically resizes them to fit the original clip's duration. CyberLink Cloud Projects If you have a CyberLink Cloud subscription you can select File > Upload Project to CyberLink Cloud to store project files on the CyberLink Cloud* service from CyberLink. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. To download a project that was saved on CyberLink Cloud, including projects that were packed in a folder with their media (materials), select Download Project from 55 CyberLink PowerDirector Help CyberLink Cloud from the File menu. In the window that displays, select a project and then click Download. Note: when you open a packed project stored on CyberLink Cloud, the project file and all the project media is downloaded to your local computer and stored in the download folder specified in CyberLink Cloud Preferences. 56 Importing Media into PowerDirector Chapter 5: Importing Media into PowerDirector You can import media in a wide variety of formats into CyberLink PowerDirector, in many different ways. Whether you need to capture media from external sources, import media that is already on your computer's hard drive, or download it from the Internet. CyberLink PowerDirector makes it easy to get all your media into the program quickly, so you can start working on your video production. Note: media you import is saved in the current CyberLink PowerDirector project you are working on. If you create a new project, you will be asked if you want to merge the media in your library into the new project. You can also select File > New Workspace to create a new project, while maintaining the current media in the library. Importing Media Files If you already have video, audio, and image files that you want to use in your production on your computer's hard drive, you can import the files directly into CyberLink PowerDirector's media library in the Media Room. You can also import media files that are on a removable device. Note: if you import media files that are on a removable device into the media library, they will be removed if the removable device is disconnected. For best results, it is recommended that you copy the media to your computer's hard drive before importing. CyberLink PowerDirector supports the following file formats: Note: for a more complete and up-to-date list of the supported file formats, and supported devices, please visit out web site: products/powerdirector-ultimate/spec_en_US.html. Image: Animated-GIF, BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF 3D Image Format: JPS*, MPO* CyberLink PowerDirector also supports the import of the following camera RAW image formats, which are then converted to JPEG once imported: ARW (SONY), CR2 (Canon), DNG (Ricoh), ERF (Epson), KDC (Kodak), MRW (Konica Minolta), NEF (Nikon), 57 CyberLink PowerDirector Help NRW (Nikon), ORF (OLYMPUS), PEF (Pentax), RAF (Fujifilm), RW2 (Panasonic), SR2 (SONY), SRF (SONY) Video: 3GPP2, AVI, DAT, DivX**, DV-AVI, DVR-MS*, FLV (H.264), HD MPEG-2, M2T*, MKV (H.264, H.265), MOD*, MOV, MOV (H.264), MP4, MPEG-1*, MPEG-2*, MPEG-4 AVC (H.264)*, MPEG-4 HEVC (H.265)*, MTS*, TOD*, VOB*, VRO*, WMV, WMV-HD, WTV*, XAVC S* Note: ** to enable, you must download the DivX codec online. Available on Windows 32-bit only. 3D Video Format: Dual-stream AVI, MVC*, Side-by-Side Video*, Over/Under Video Audio: AAC, ALAC, M4A, MP3, OGG, WAV, WMA Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. To import media into CyberLink PowerDirector, click following options: and then select one of the · Import Media Files: import media files individually. · Import a Media Folder: import the entire contents of a folder that contains the media files you want to use in your current project. Note: you can also drag and drop media onto the CyberLink PowerDirector window to import it into the program. 360° Media Files You can import and edit video and image files that were recorded with a 360* camera. Once imported, the 360° video files are automatically detected and indicated by a 360° logo in the top right of the thumbnail. Note: if an imported 360° video file is not displaying correctly (no 360° logo), it usually means the file is not using the 360 equirectangular projection video format required for editing. See the documentation for your 360 camera manufacturer for information on producing the video file in this format. * this feature is not available in some versions of CyberLink PowerDirector. 58 Importing Media into PowerDirector See Playing 360° Media Files for information on the additional preview controls available in the preview window for these types of videos. Setting 360 Projection Format If CyberLink PowerDirector did not detect your 360° video file and you are sure it has been produced for playback and editing, you can manually set the 360 projection format. You can also disable 360° mode for a file that was mistakenly detected as a 360° video file. Note: if you want to use 360° video clips and images in a 2D video production, you still need to set the correct 360 projection format to ensure the media displays properly in 2D. To set the 360 projection format, do this: 1. Right-click on a 360° media file in the media library and then select Set 360 Projection Format. 2. Select the 360 projection format by selecting one of the following: · Equirectangular (360°): equirectangular video is the standard projection used in 360° video. Equirectangular projection displays the 360° video environment, which is a sphere, onto a rectangular video screen. · 2D Format (Not 360°): select this option if the selected media file is actually 2D content. Note: if you want to use 360° video clips in a conventional video production, setting the projection format as 2D is not going to help. You will need to create the conventional video using the 360° footage in the View Designer. 3D Media CyberLink PowerDirector supports various 3D* video and image formats. You can use 3D media to create both 3D videos, and standard 2D video productions. All 3D media in the library is indicated by a 3D icon in the top left of its thumbnail. Note: click the button to enable 3D mode to view the 3D content during the editing process. For more information on enabling 3D mode and configuring your 3D display settings, see Previewing in 3D Mode. * Optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. 59 CyberLink PowerDirector Help You can use and arrange 3D video clips and images in your video productions the same way you use 2D media. However, note that if you want to create a 3D video production, any 2D media in your project must be converted to 3D before production. See PowerTools: 2D to 3D for more information. Setting 3D Source Format When 3D media is imported into the media library, you may need to set the format of the 3D source video. This is because 3D media comes in a variety of different video source formats. CyberLink PowerDirector needs to know the source format of each 3D media file so that it can display it properly in 3D. Note: if you want to use 3D video clips and images in a 2D video production, you still need to set the correct 3D source format to ensure the media displays properly in 2D. CyberLink PowerDirector will incorporate the specified eye frames into your 2D video. To set the 3D source format of your 3D media, do this: 1. Right-click on a 3D media file in the media library and then select Set 3D Source Format. If the media file is on the timeline, right-click on it, select Set Clip Attributes, and then Set 3D Source Format. The Set 3D Source Format window displays. 2. Select the 3D source format by selecting one of the following: · Auto Detect 3D Source Format: if you are not sure what the source format is of your 3D video, click this button to have CyberLink PowerDirector automatically detect and set it for you. · 2D: select this option if the selected media file is actually 2D content. · Side by side format: select this option if the 3D content has two different images side by side. CyberLink PowerDirector merges the two images to produce the 3D effect. · Over/Under format: select this option if the 3D content has two different video images, one on top of the other. CyberLink PowerDirector merges the two images to produce the 3D effect. · Multiview video coding: select this option if the 3D content is in the MVC video format (.mts or .m2ts file format). · Dual view format: select this option if the 3D content is in the dual view source format (.avi file format). 60 Importing Media into PowerDirector 3. From the drop-down available, Specify whether to display the left or right eye frame first. Use this feature if while editing or playing back 3D content you begin to feel uncomfortable or uneasy. This may be because the layout of the 3D image is displayed differently than most standard content. If this occurs, try selecting the opposite eye view. This switches the way the 3D content is displayed on your display device, and may reduce the discomfort. 4. Click OK to set your changes to the selected media file. The Difference Between 3D and 3D-Like Effects In supported versions of CyberLink PowerDirector, there are both 3D effects* and effects that have "3D-Like" properties. Like 3D media that can be imported into the library, 3D effects* are composed of two images from slightly different perspectives. 3D effects have one image for the left eye, and one image for the right eye. When these images are viewed together with compatible 3D hardware and software, they produce an effect that gives the perception of depth. In supported versions of CyberLink PowerDirector, you can enable this type of 3D effect for PiP media, particle effects, title effects, and on disc menus. The video effects and transitions indicated with the 3D icon on their thumbnail, also have these 3D effect properties when viewed and included in 3D video productions. Some title effects, transitions, and other features in CyberLink PowerDirector have 3D-Like properties. Available in all versions of the program, these effects are simply 3D animations that only consist of one image. 3D-Like effects do not produce a 3D depth effect when viewed in 3D mode. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Importing PowerDirector Projects CyberLink PowerDirector projects (.pds files) you worked on and saved previously can be imported and then directly inserted into your video production's timeline. To do this, select File > Insert Project from the menu. All of the media in the original project will be imported into the current project's media library, and also inserted at the current position of the timeline slider. 61 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Capturing Media CyberLink PowerDirector lets you capture media from a variety of sources directly into the media library. Click the Capture button to enter the Capture module. In the Capture module, the program appears as follows: A - Capture from a DV Camcorder, B - Capture from an HDV Camcorder, C - Capture from a TV Signal, D - Capture from a Digital TV Signal, E - Capture from a Webcam, F - Capture from a Microphone, G Capture from a CD, H - Capture from an External or Optical Device, I - Capture Desktop with Screen Recorder, J - Capture Preview Window, K - Captured Content, L - Quality Profile Setup, M - Capture Settings (Drive), N - Capture Player Controls, O - Capture Preferences Capturing from a DV Camcorder You can capture video content that you recorded with a DV camcorder. Use the capture from a DV camcorder option only if your camcorder connects to your computer using an IEEE 1394 (FireWire) cable. You can capture a single scene or a number of scenes in a batch from your camcorder. Note: to add a text remark, date, or timecode to the video you are capturing, click on the button in capture preferences area to enable it. See Capture Preferences for more information. 62 Importing Media into PowerDirector If your DV camcorder connects to your computer via a USB connection, just import the video files directly from your camcorder, as if it was another hard drive on your computer. See Importing Media for information on importing video files onto your computer. Capturing a Single Scene You can capture a single segment of video from your camcorder using the capture player controls (record, stop, fast forward, rewind, etc.) underneath the capture preview window. This function is particularly useful, for example, if you want to acquire a long video segment in its entirety without skipping over sections. DV Backup The DV Backup* feature lets you back up the digital video from your DV camcorder directly to DVD using CyberLink PowerDirector. Insert a blank DVD disc into your disc drive and then click the backing up your video. button to begin Note: this feature requires a DVD burner. * Optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Batch Capture from a DV Camcorder With Batch Capture, CyberLink PowerDirector scans your DV camcorder for intervals or scenes (or allows you to set them manually) on the tape, and then captures these scenes as separate video files and imports each of them into the program. Automatic Batch Capture If you want CyberLink PowerDirector to auto capture and import each of the intervals/scenes on your DV camcorder, click the Camcorder tab. button on the DV 63 CyberLink PowerDirector Help An interval/scene is the content you recorded each time you pressed record and then stop during the video shooting process. For help on using this function, use the tips on the user interface. Manual Batch Capture Using manual batch capture* gives you more control over the capturing process and ensures that the scenes you want to include are captured. Manual batch capture is recommended when you know which scenes you want to capture and have a good idea where they are located on the tape. Click the button to access the manual batch capture feature. For help on using this function, use the helpful tips on the user interface. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Capturing from an HDV Camcorder You can capture video footage you shot with an HDV* camcorder. Use the capture from an HDV camcorder option only if your camcorder connects to your computer using an IEEE 1394 (FireWire) cable. To a capture scene from your HDV camcorder, use the capture player controls (record, stop, fast forward, rewind, etc.) underneath the capture preview window. If your HDV camcorder connects to your computer via a USB connection, just import the video files directly from your camcorder, as if it was another hard drive on your computer. See Importing Media for information on importing video files onto your computer. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Capturing from a TV Signal If your computer has a TV* tuner card installed and you want to capture segments from your favorite programs, select this option. To capture, use the capture player controls (record, stop, change channel, etc.) underneath the capture preview window. 64 Importing Media into PowerDirector Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Capturing from a Digital TV Signal If your computer has a TV tuner card installed that receives a digital* TV signal and you want to capture segments from your favorite programs, select this option. To capture, use the capture player controls (record, stop, change channel, etc.) underneath the capture preview window. Note: this feature is not available in all regions. * Optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Capturing from a Webcam You can record live content with a webcam that is attached to your computer and then import it directly into your CyberLink PowerDirector media library. To capture, use the capture player controls (record, stop, etc.) underneath the capture preview window. Capturing from a Microphone Select this option to record audio with a microphone that is attached to your computer. To capture, use the capture player controls (record, stop, etc.) underneath the capture preview window. Capturing from a CD Use this option to rip your favorite music, or other audio, from an audio CD. To capture, use the capture player controls (record, play, stop, next/previous track, etc.) underneath the capture preview window. Capturing from an AVCHD Camcorder You can capture video content that is on an external device, such as an AVCHD camcorder. Use the capture from an AVCHD camcorder option only if your camcorder connects to your computer using an IEEE 1394 (FireWire) cable. To a capture scene from your AVCHD camcorder, use the capture player controls (record, stop, etc.) underneath the capture preview window. 65 CyberLink PowerDirector Help If your AVCHD camcorder connects to your computer via a USB connection, just import the video files directly from your camcorder, as if it was another hard drive on your computer. See Importing Media for information on importing video files onto your computer. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Capturing from an Optical Device You can capture content from an optical device, such as video scenes from a DVD. To capture, use the capture player controls (record, play, stop, next/previous frame, etc.) underneath the capture preview window. You can also use the DVD disc structure tree to quickly select the titles and chapters you want to capture. Note: some DVDs are protected by technology that does not allow you to capture the content they contain. * Optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Capture Desktop with Screen Recorder CyberLink PowerDirector's Screen Recorder lets you capture a video of your mouse movements on your computer's desktop. See Recording Your Desktop with the Screen Recorder for a detailed description of this feature. Captured Content All of the media you capture in the capture window is displayed in the Captured Content area. When you return to the Edit module, all of the media is automatically imported into your media library. In the Captured Content area you can right-click on media to perform a number of options, including detecting scenes in video clips and deleting unwanted content so that it won't import into the Edit module. The content captured in CyberLink PowerDirector is stored in the folder noted underneath the Captured Content area. If you want to store it in a different location, click the Change Folder button and select a different folder. 66 Importing Media into PowerDirector Quality Profile Setup To set the file format and quality of the media you capture, click the Profile button. If this button is grayed out, that means that the original format and quality of the media is maintained, as set on the original media device (camcorder, etc.). The profile settings that are available depend on the capture device connected and the capture mode you have selected. Capture Settings Use the Settings button to configure the set up of your selected capture device. The capture settings that are available depend on the capture device connected and the capture mode you have selected. Note: when capturing from a DVD, this button reads Drive, allowing you to select the specific disc drive you want to capture from. Capture Preferences Before capturing media, you can set the preferences for your captured content. The capture preferences that are available, depend on the content you are capturing. Set the capture preferences as follows: · to set a maximum capture length, select Time limit and then enter a time in the timecode box. · to set a maximum captured file size, select Size limit and then enter a size limit (in MB). · to add a text remark, date stamp, or time stamp to the video being captured, click on the button. In the Add Text Overlay window, select which type and display format of text overlay you want to include on your recorded video on the Text tab. Select the Format tab to set the font and text position for the text. · to take a still photo of a frame of video for use in your project, just click on at the point where you want to take the snapshot. The image is saved to the Captured content area. You can specify your preferred snapshot image file format in preferences. See File Preferences for detailed information. 67 CyberLink PowerDirector Help · select Non real-time when capturing from a camcorder to continue processing captured video after the original video stops playing in order to ensure that no frames are dropped. · select Begin with fade-in to add fade-in to audio captured with a microphone. · select End with fade-out to add fade-out to audio captured with a microphone. · select Record at maximum speed to record CD audio at a higher speed. Capturing at a higher speed reduces processing time, but yields audio of a lower quality. Downloading Media If you feel that you do not have enough media for your project, or you are looking for specific media to make your creation just perfect, in the Edit module you can download media from Flickr, DirectorZone, and CyberLink Cloud* into the media room library. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. To display all the current downloaded media in the media library, select Downloaded from the Media Content drop-down. Downloading Photos From Flickr You can download your own photos directly from your account on Flickr into CyberLink PowerDirector. You can also search for and browse other user’s photos from within CyberLink PowerDirector, and then import them into your media library for use in a project. 68 Importing Media into PowerDirector To download photos from Flickr, do this: 1. Click on and then select Download Photos from Flickr. 2. Follow the steps in the wizard window to authorize CyberLink PowerDirector to use your Flickr account and accept the Terms of Use from Flickr. Note: having a Flickr account is not required to search for, browse, and download photos from Flickr. 3. Select from the drop-down whether to search for photos from: · My Photos on Flickr: this option displays thumbnails of all the photos you have uploaded to your Flickr account. · My Contacts' Photos: this option displays thumbnails of all the photos your Flickr contacts have uploaded to Flickr. · Search for Photos on Flickr: select this option to perform a search for photos on Flickr. Note: use the drop-down filter menu at the top of the search window to sort the photos. 4. Select all of the photos that you want to import into your media library and then click on the Download button. Note: you cannot use the photos downloaded into your media library for commercial use. Click on the view its copyright information. button underneath a photo thumbnail to Downloading Content from DirectorZone/CyberLink Cloud You can download templates and effects created by CyberLink and other PowerDirector users from DirectorZone. Users that have a CyberLink Cloud subscription can also download any effects and templates you backed up on CyberLink Cloud*. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. 69 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Downloading Effects and Templates from DirectorZone If you are looking for additional PiP objects, paint animation objects, title effects, particle effects, or disc menu templates for your library, you can click Download Templates to download them directly from the DirectorZone web site in to the PiP Objects Room, Particle Room, Title Room, or Create Disc module. When in the Edit module's Media Room, you can download sound clips into the media library. To do this, click on DirectorZone. and then select Download Sound Clips from Visit the DirectorZone web site for more information: My DirectorZone Templates In the My DirectorZone window you can conveniently download your custom PiP object, paint animation object, title effect, particle effect, and disc menu templates that you previously uploaded to DirectorZone. You can also access and download templates from your DirectorZone download history and also your favorite templates. To download My DirectorZone templates, do this: 1. Click in the PiP Objects Room, Particle Room, Title Room, or Create Disc module. 2. Click the My DirectorZone tab. 3. Filter the templates by My Uploads, Download History, or My Favorites, or enter a search keyword in the field provided. 4. Select all of the templates you want to download. 5. Click Download to download them to your computer and import them into the library. Downloading Effects and Templates from CyberLink Cloud 70 Importing Media into PowerDirector If you have a CyberLink Cloud subscription you can download the PiP object, paint animation, title effect, particle effect, and disc menu templates you previously backed up to CyberLink Cloud. Once downloaded, these templates are stored in the download folder specified in CyberLink Cloud Preferences, and imported into your media library. To download template from CyberLink Cloud, do this: 1. Click in the PiP Objects Room, Particle Room, Title Room, or Create Disc module. 2. Click the My CyberLink Cloud tab. 3. Filter the templates by selecting a collection from the drop-down, or enter a search keyword in the field provided. 4. Select all of the templates you want to download. 5. Click Download to download them to your computer and import them into the library. Detecting Scenes and Extracting Audio To assist with the editing process, CyberLink PowerDirector can detect scenes in your video clips or extract the audio from them. These new clips are displayed, separately from the original clips, in the media library. Detecting Scenes in a Video Clip The scene detection function automatically creates individual clips based on the individual scenes (or pre-edited shots) contained within a video clip. Detected scenes are not split from the original clip, but can be added to the workspace like any other media clip. Note: depending on the file format, scene detection on certain clips may not work as precisely as it does for others. You may need to split the scenes manually in the Scene Detection window. To detect the scenes in a video clip, do this: 1. Right-click on it in either the Captured Content area (Capture window), or in the media library, and then select Detect Scenes. 71 CyberLink PowerDirector Help 2. The scenes in the video clip are automatically detected and then displayed in the Scenes panel. 3. Once you are done detecting the scenes in the video clip, click OK. The detected clips are displayed in a sub folder under the original video clip. When using scene detection, please note: · if required, use the Sensitivity slider to increase or decrease scene detection sensitivity. Doing this may yield an increased or decreased number of scenes that are detected. Click Detect to redetect the scenes in the video clip. You are asked to confirm the clearing of the previously detected clips and then the updated scenes are detected and displayed in the Scenes panel. · click on the button to configure the Advanced Scene Detection Settings. If the selected video clip is a DV-AVI file, you have the option to Detect by change of video frame (used on all other file formats) or Detect by change of timecodes (i.e.: timecodes are automatically set when you start and stop recording). Select the Disable preview during detection option to speed up the detection process if you find your computer runs slow during the process. · to stop the scene detection process before completion, click the stop button on the playback controls. · to detect scenes manually, drag the slider (in Clip mode) to the beginning of each new scene and then click . · to preview a detected scene, just select it in the Scenes panel (ensure Segment is selected) and then click the play button. · to view all the detected scene markers on the clip timeline, ensure that Clip is selected. · to merge two or more detected scenes into one longer scene, select them in the Scenes panel and then click Merge. Click Remove All if you want to restore the clip to the original. You can add the individual scenes to the timeline or manage them in the media library like any other video clip. Video clips that contain detected scenes show a small folder icon in the lower right corner of the clip when displayed in the media library. To display a clip’s scenes, click the folder icon. 72 Importing Media into PowerDirector Extracting Audio from a Video Clip If you just want to use the audio from a video clip in your production, you can extract it in the media library by right-clicking on it and selecting Extract Audio. The audio is separated from the video and saved in the media library. You can use it in your project like any other audio file. Note: when a video clip is already on the timeline, you can separate the audio from the video file by right-clicking on it and selecting Unlink Video and Audio. 73 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Chapter 6: PowerDirector Plug-ins CyberLink PowerDirector includes a number of plug-ins that can help you create video content for your production. Click the button above the Media Room library in the Edit module to view the available PowerDirector plug-ins. See the following sections for detailed information: · Using the MultiCam Designer* · Using the Theme Designer* · Editing Video in the Action Camera Center · Using an Express Project · Recording Your Desktop with the Screen Recorder · Creating Blends in the Blending Effect Designer Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Using the MultiCam Designer The MultiCam Designer lets you seamlessly edit footage from multiple cameras, simulating the use of a live camera switcher. The MultiCam Designer* creates professional-looking edited content for use in your CyberLink PowerDirector projects. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. To open the MultiCam Designer click the Designer. button and then select MultiCam Note: when entering the MultiCam Designer, any selected video files are automatically imported into the available camera (video source) areas. 74 PowerDirector Plug-ins A - Import Video, B - Available Cameras (Video Sources), C - Import Audio, D - Synchronization Type, E - Selected Camera (Video Source), F - Recording Track, G - Recording/Playback Controls, H - Audio Source, I - Recorded Content, J - Available Audio Source, K - Source Tracks Importing Media In the MultiCam Designer you can have up to four different video sources from four different cameras. Each available camera (video source) can have more than one imported video clip on its source video track. Note: if you require more than four video sources for your production, you can use Sync by Audio to align them on the timeline and then edit the footage manually. See Syncing Clips by Audio for more information. You can also import one or more audio files to use as the source audio in the clip you are recording. 75 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Importing Video Clips When you enter the MultiCam Designer, any video clips that were selected in the media library are automatically imported into the empty camera (video source) areas and the corresponding source video tracks. If no clips were selected, you are prompted to select clips from your hard drive for import. You can select multiple video clips for import. Each selected clip is placed in the next available camera area. Once all the camera areas are full, the next clip is imported into the first camera area, after (on the corresponding source video track) the previously imported clip. To import additional video clips, do either of the following: · click the Import Video button and then Import From Hard Drive to import video clips from your computer's hard drive, or Import From Media Room to import clips from the existing media in the Media Room library. Select one or more clips and then click Open. The clips are placed in the next available camera areas and the corresponding source video tracks. Note: once all the available camera areas are full, the next clip is imported into the first camera area, after (on the corresponding source video track) the previously imported clip. · to import video clips into a specific camera (video source) area, click the corresponding button. Next, select Import From Hard Drive to import video clips from your computer's hard drive, or Import From Media Room to import clips from the existing media in the Media Room library. Select one or more clips and then click Open. The clips are placed in the camera area and the corresponding source video tracks. Source Video Tracks All of the imported video clips are imported into the corresponding source video tracks. You can move the video clips to different locations on the video tracks, or even drag them to different tracks. You can also reorder the video clips on a source track by clicking the button next to the track and then using the buttons to reorder them as required. 76 and PowerDirector Plug-ins To remove a video clip from a source video track, click next to the track, select the check box next to the clip you want to remove, and then click additional video clips to the source track, click the . To add button. Importing Audio Clips If you want to use an audio clip as the audio source in your recording instead of the audio of the imported video clips, you can import it separately into the MultiCam Designer. To import audio clips, click the Import Audio button and then Import From Hard Drive to import audio clips from your computer's hard drive, or Import From Media Room to import clips from the existing media in the Media Room library. Select one or more clips and then click Open. The clips are placed on the source audio track in the timeline. Source Audio Track All of the imported audio clips are imported into the source audio track. You can move the audio clips to different locations on the audio track. You can also reorder the audio clips on the source track by clicking the button next to the track and then using the and buttons to reorder them as required. To remove an audio clip from the source track, click next to the track, select the check box next to the clip you want to remove, and then click additional audio clips to the source track, click the . To add button. Synchronizing Clips Once you have imported all of the media clips into the MultiCam Designer that you want to use in your recording, the next step is to synchronize them. To synchronize the clips in the MultiCam Designer, do this: 1. Select the Audio source for your recording from the drop-down. You can use the audio of any of the imported video clips or select Imported Audio to use the audio that was imported on to the source audio track. 2. In the Synchronization drop-down, select one of the following: 77 CyberLink PowerDirector Help · Manual: select this option if you want to manually adjust the starting position of each clip on the source tracks. You can do this by clicking and dragging the clips on the source track to a new position. Note: you can also click the button in the camera area to manually move the clip on the source track back one frame. Click forward one frame. to move it · Timecodes: select this option and then click Apply if you want the MultiCam Designer to synchronize using the video clip's timecodes. The MultiCam Designer will auto adjust the clips on the source tracks. Note: this option can only be used if the video clips were recorded with a DV or HDV camera that imprinted the timecode information in the clips and were captured by CyberLink PowerDirector. · File Created Time: select this option and then click Apply to use the date and time the file was created as the synchronization points. The MultiCam Designer will auto adjust the clips on the source tracks. · Audio Analysis: select this option and then click Apply if you want the MultiCam Designer to analyze the audio and then sync the files based on the audio in them. The MultiCam Designer will auto adjust the clips on the source tracks. · Markers on Clips: select this option and then use the playback controls to find the synchronization points in each clip. Once you find a point, right click on the source track and then select Set Marker. Once you have manually added all the markers, click the Apply button. The MultiCam Designer will adjust the clips on the source tracks. Creating Recorded Content Once you have imported and then synchronized all the media clips in the MultiCam Designer, you are ready to record your video. The recorded video is placed on the recording track and then is imported into the Edit module's timeline once you click OK. To record your content, do this: 1. 78 Select the camera (video source) you want to start off the recording with. You can do this by simply clicking on the camera preview area. PowerDirector Plug-ins 2. If required, click on in the recording controls to set the preview window resolution. Select the Create Shadow File for HD Video option to also create a shadow file for the recorded file. This can help speed up editing when using high definition files in your production. 3. When you are ready, click to begin recording. The MultiCam Designer will start recording, adding the current selected camera footage as recorded content on the recording track. 4. As required during the recording process, click another camera (video source) or use keyboard hotkeys 1-4 to switch the recording to that source's content. 5. Continue switching the camera (video source) as required, creating your recorded content on the recording track. 79 CyberLink PowerDirector Help 6. When you are done click the or button to stop the recording process. 7. Click on OK to close the MultiCam Designer, and import the recorded content into the timeline. Note: if you'd like to modify the MultiCam Designer recorded content once it is in the timeline, just select it and then click the M ultiCam Designer button. See Changing the Recorded Content for more information. Changing the Recorded Content Once you have recorded your content in the MultiCam Designer and imported it into the timeline, you can edit it like any other video clip on the timeline. However, if you find that you want to replace some of the footage, or add more footage to the recorded content, you can do this by re-entering the MultiCam Designer. To change recorded content in the MultiCam Designer, click on it in the timeline and then click on the MultiCam Designer function button above the timeline. Adding More Content If required, you can record more content. You can record from the beginning over the existing content, or continue from where you left off by using the playback controls to find a specific starting point to record from. See Creating Recorded Content for information on recording new content. When you are done, click OK to save your changes and import the updated recorded content into the timeline. Replacing Existing Content If you want to replace an existing segment on the recording track, do this: 1. Use the playback controls to find the segment you want to replace. 2. If you only want to replace part of a segment, you can split it into two separate segments. To do this, ensure the timeline slider is at the starting position of the part you want to replace, and then click Split. 80 PowerDirector Plug-ins 3. Right-click on the camera segment you want to replace, and then select another camera (video source). 4. Repeat the above steps as required to edit and replace the segments. 5. When you are done, click OK to save your changes and import the updated recorded content into the timeline. 81 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Using the Theme Designer If you enjoy using the Magic Movie Wizard to create your video productions, you can now fully customize the theme templates used to create these dynamic looking videos in the Theme Designer*. A theme may consist of one or more theme templates, or individual sequences from different theme templates. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. As you customize the theme template, you can also fully customize how your media is displayed, giving you more creative control over your outputted movie. To open the Theme Designer click the button and then select Theme Designer. A - Media Tab, B - Effects Tab, C - Sequence Content Area, D - Added Sequences Area, E - Selected Sequence, F - Title Settings, G - Theme Background Music, H - Sequence Background Image, I - 82 PowerDirector Plug-ins Transition Settings, J - Preview Window, K - Preview Controls, L - Take a Snapshot, M - Auto Fill Media Slots Overview Themes that you edit in the Theme Designer consist of theme templates and your media (images and video clips). The resulting video is similar to the movie content created by the Magic Movie Wizard and Magic Style, but the Theme Designer provides much more creative control over the outputted movie. Theme Templates Theme templates are used to create a video production, with a specific type of theme or style, and can be downloaded from DirectorZone. Theme templates consist of a number of sequences. Each of these sequences contain elements, some of which are customizable and some of which are not. The customizable elements include the text and media (images, videos, and background music) you add to each sequence. You can add effects on this media and set how and when it is displayed. You can also set the background image on some sequences, and select the transition between each sequence in templates named "with transitions". Non-customizable elements include any animation included in the sequences. When selecting a theme template to use in the Theme Designer, you can choose to add one or more theme templates, creating a more original production. You can even just select some of the sequences in a theme template, or mix and match the sequences used. There are three types of sequences: opening, middle, and closing sequences. Opening and closing sequences usually contain text, while the elements in middle sequences are much more random. Adding Theme Templates/Sequences In the Theme Designer you can use one or more theme templates, or just certain selected sequences, to create your video. When you first enter the Theme Designer, you are prompted to select a theme template. 83 CyberLink PowerDirector Help To add a theme template, just select it in the window and all of its sequences will be added. Note: you can preview a theme template in the preview window by selecting it and then using the available playback controls. 84 PowerDirector Plug-ins If you don't want to use all the theme template's sequences, just deselect the ones you don't want to use. You can also select sequences from other theme templates and include them in your video. The Theme Designer will remember the order of your selections. 85 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Click OK once you have selected all the sequences. They will be loaded into the added sequences area of the Theme Designer. If you'd like to add more sequences, just click the button. You can drag and drop the sequences to reorder them, or right click to remove the selected one. Adding Media Clips Once you have selected the theme templates (and their sequences) that you want to use, you can start adding your images and video files to them. Note: the number of media files you can add to a sequence is dependent on its design. To add media into the selected sequences, do this: 1. 86 In the added sequences area, select the individual sequence you want to add media to. Note the number of media slots that are available in the sequence content area. The number of available slots varies from sequence to sequence. PowerDirector Plug-ins Note: some of the media slots in sequences allow you to add both images and videos into them, while others only allow one type of media. 2. Click on the Media tab and then drag and drop the media that you want in the sequence to the desired slot. Note: the media that is available on the Media tab are the videos and images you imported into the Media Room library. See Importing More Media Files if you want to import more media. 3. Continue this process until all the media slots have been used. 4. Select the next sequence, and then repeat steps 2 and 3 until all the media slots have been filled. 87 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Note: if you want a media file to continue playing from one sequence to the next, ensure the Continue from last clip in the previous sequence is selected. The first media slot will be auto populated with the content from the last media slot on the previous sequence. Deselect this option if you want new media displayed in the next sequence. 5. Continue selecting all the sequences in your video until all of the media slots and sequences contain media. Note: when adding media you can also click the button to auto fill all the empty media slots in the sequences. Select Auto Fill by Library Order to fill by the created date, as displayed in the Media Room library. Select Auto Fill Using Videos First if you want to add the video clips first. Importing More Media Files Once you are in the Theme Designer, there are two ways you can import more media files into the window. · To import more video files and images located on your hard drive, click the Import Media button. · To take still snapshots from videos in the Theme Designer, click the Snapshot button. See Taking Snapshots from Videos for more information. 88 PowerDirector Plug-ins Taking Snapshots from Videos You can take a snapshot from a paused video and then import the image into the Theme Designer to use in your video production. To take a snapshot, do this: 1. In the main Theme Designer window, select the video file you want to use and then click the Snapshot button. 2. In the Snapshot window, use the playback controls to find the video frame you want to take a snapshot of. Pause the video and use the buttons to find the precise frame you want to capture. and 3. Click the . The snapshot image is captured. 4. Repeat the steps to take as many snapshots from the video as you wish. 5. Click OK to close the Snapshot window and import the captured images into the Theme Designer. Editing Media Clips There are several editing options available for the media clips you want to use in the Theme Designer. Note: the editing options in the Theme Designer are limited to video trimming, image duration, and adding effects. If you need to perform more complex editing on your media clips, it is recommended that you do this before importing the clips into the Theme Designer. See for Editing Your Media for more advanced editing options. Trimming Video Clips You can perform trims on the video clips used in the Theme Designer. To trim a video clip, right-click on it in the Theme Designer and then select Trim. Or hover your mouse over the video clip and click on in its thumbnail. See Performing a Single Trim for detailed information on trimming video clips. 89 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Muting Video Clips Some theme templates and sequences contain background music that will be used in your video. Because of this, you may want to mute the audio in the imported video clips, so that it doesn't conflict with the background music. To mute the audio in a video clip, hover your mouse over the video clip and then click on in its thumbnail. Modifying Image Duration To modify the duration that an image clip is displayed in your outputted video, do this: 1. Right-click on it in the Theme Designer and then select Set Duration. Or hover your mouse over the image clip and then click on in its thumbnail. 2. In the Duration Settings window, enter in the how long you want it to display in your video production. You can set the duration down to the number of frames. 3. Click on OK. Applying Zoom In on Media Clips Some media slots in sequences allow you to zoom in on the media clip that was added to it. If a zoom is available, then the corner. icon is displayed in the top right To apply a zoom in on the media clip, click on the if required. icon. Click to remove it Adding Video Effects to Clips In the Theme Designer you can add special effects to your images and video clips. Each special effect has unique attributes that you can customize to help achieve the impression you want in your video production. 90 PowerDirector Plug-ins To add a video effect to a clip, do this: 1. Click on the Effects tab. 2. Select an effect and then drag and drop it on the clip. 3. If required, right-click on the clip and then select Modify Effect Settings. Use the available sliders and options to customize the video effect to your preference. Click on OK to save your changes. See Adding Video Effects for more information on video effects. Editing Background Music You can customize the music that is used in your video. To edit the background music, select one of the following options in the Background music drop-down: · Default (First Page): select this option to use the background music that is included by default in theme templates. Note: if you select sequences from more than one theme template, the Theme Designer uses the background music that is applied to the first sequence in the video. · Imported: select this option if you want to import your own custom background music from your computer's hard drive. Select the music you want to use and then click OK to set it as the music used. · No Music: select this option if you don't want to have any background music in your video. Background Music Preferences You can trim the music used in your video or add fades. To do this, select Preferences in the Background music drop-down. Modify the music preferences as follows: · if required, trim the background music using the player controls and the mark-in/mark-out indicators. 91 CyberLink PowerDirector Help · if required, adjust the volume of the music using the available volume control. · if required, use the slider to mix the audio level, by deciding whether to have more background music or the original video's audio in the production. Click OK to save your changes. Editing Title Text Some sequences contain title text that you can edit. If a sequence allows you to edit title text, the text fields in Title settings will become active when the sequence is selected. To edit the title text, just enter the text you want to use in the fields provided. If you don't want any text displayed in the selected sequences, just make sure the text field blank. Replacing Background Images Some sequences let you replace their background image. A thumbnail of the background image is displayed in the Background area if the sequence has a 92 PowerDirector Plug-ins replaceable background image. Click Click to replace the background with an image from your computer's hard drive. if you want to remove the background image from the sequence. Adding Transitions Between Sequences When viewing a video created with the Theme Designer, you will notice that there are transitions between the sequences in a theme template. These transitions are editable in theme templates named "with transitions". Transitions can also be added between sequences if you are using sequences from different theme templates. Note: in theme templates not named "with transitions", the transitions between sequences are not editable. These theme templates use your media to make the transitions between the sequences. If adding a transition is available for a sequence, the Transition settings area displays when the sequence is selected. Click to add a transition before the selected sequence. Click if you want to remove a selected transition from the sequence. See Using Transitions for more information on transitions. Previewing and Saving Movies As you are creating your video in the Theme Designer, you can preview your creation using the available preview controls. 93 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Click to preview the entire movie, or to preview just the selected sequence. Click movie. to change the preview resolution, or to take a photo snapshot of your The keyframe indicators on the preview timeline indicate where the media files in the sequence are in the movie. Hover your mouse over a keyframe to view the clip information. Once you are done previewing your movie and you are satisfied with the results, click on OK to close the Theme Designer, and import the created movie into the timeline. Editing Created Movies Once you have created your content in the Theme Designer and imported it into the timeline, you can edit it like any other video clip on the timeline. If you want to edit or replace the media used in the created movie you can do this in the Theme Designer. To edit created content in the Theme Designer, do this: 1. Click on the created content in the timeline and then the Theme Designer function button. 2. As required, edit the video in the Theme Designer. 3. When you are satisfied, click OK to save your changes and import the updated created content into the timeline. 94 PowerDirector Plug-ins Editing Video in the Action Camera Center In the Action Camera Center* you can fix video clips or add effects that highlight the action sequences in the video. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. To open the Action Camera Center, select a video clip in the media library, click the button, and then select Action Camera Center. Note: if your video clip is already on the timeline, you must select it and then click Tools > Action Camera Center to open it in the Action Camera Center. 95 CyberLink PowerDirector Help A - Fix Video Clips, B - Add Action Effects, C - Preview Window, D - Action Camera Center Settings, E Zoom on Timeline, F - Action Camera Center Timeline Once in the Action Camera Center, you can: · Fix Video Clips · Create Action Effects When you are done editing the video clip, click the OK button to save your changes. Your changes are applied to the video clip and updated on the video timeline. Note: to edit content created with the Action Camera Center, click on it in the timeline and then click on the Action Camera Center function button above the timeline. If you would like to view the individual clips created by the Action Camera Center for editing directly in the timeline, just right-click on the file and then select Show Individual Clips. Fixing Video Clips When in the Action Camera Center, click on the Fix tab to stabilize shaky video, adjust video white balance, or add color presets. You can also use lens correction to remove fisheye distortions and vignettes. Lens Correction Select the Lens Correction option to import lens profiles to auto correct distorted videos, or use the controls to manually correct them if they have a fisheye distortion or vignette effect. When you enter the Action Camera Center, manually select the lens profile, using the Maker and Model drop-downs, that matches the camera your video was shot with. Once selected, CyberLink PowerDirector will auto correct the video. Note: if none of the lens profiles match your camera, you can download more from DirectorZone or manually fix the distorted video using the controls in this window. See more details below. Downloading Lens Profiles from DirectorZone 96 PowerDirector Plug-ins If your video camera's lens and profile are not available in CyberLink PowerDirector you can click the button to download more lens profiles from DirectorZone. Once downloaded, click the button to import it. CyberLink PowerDirector should auto detect the imported profile and then correct the selected video. Fisheye Distortion The fisheye distortion section helps correct videos that appear distorted. Dragging the slider to the right straightens lines that bend away from the center, correcting barrel distortions. Dragging it to the left straightens lines that bend towards the center, fixing pincushion distortions in videos. Vignette Removal Use the following sliders to remove an unwanted vignette effect on videos that was caused by a camera lens or the lighting environment: · Vignette amount: use this slider to adjust the level of vignette removal on the video. · Vignette midpoint: drag the midpoint slider to the left to increase the size of the area (towards the center of the video) where the vignette removal is applied. Drag it right to decrease the size, towards the corners. Video Stabilizer Select the Video Stabilizer option to employ motion compensation technology to correct shaky videos. This tool is ideal for use with videos taken without a tripod or recorded while moving. Once enabled, drag the Strength slider to increase or decrease the level of correction. Select the Fix rotational camera shake option if the clip has segments where the camera rotates from side to side. Select the Enhanced stabilizer option to improve the output quality of some video clips. Using this feature requires more computing power, so it is recommended that you switch to non-real time preview or render a preview for the applied range. 97 CyberLink PowerDirector Help White Balance Select the White Balance option and then Color temperature to adjust the video's color temperature or create a specific atmosphere. Once enabled, use the slider to adjust the color of the video image. A lower value applies a colder temperature, while a higher value creates an atmosphere that is warmer. Use the Tint slider to adjust the color level of the clip. Select the White calibration option and then click to color correct the video image. By indicating which portion of the video image should be white, CyberLink PowerDirector automatically adjusts the other colors accordingly to be more vivid and true. Color Presets Select the Color Presets option to apply CyberLink ColorDirector presets on your video clips, instantly transforming the color and look of the clips. See Applying ColorDirector Color Presets for more detailed description of this feature. If you have CyberLink ColorDirector installed, click the Edit in ColorDirector* button to access the advanced color enhancements available in this program. See Advanced Fixes and Enhancements for more information. Creating Action Effects on Video Clips Click on the Effect tab in the Action Camera Center to highlight action sequences in your videos clips with time shifts and freeze frames. Time shifts let you replay, reverse, or alter the speed of key moments in your videos, while freeze frames pause and zoom in on the action. Note: before you finish creating your action effects, configure the Action Camera Center Settings to ensure the best output results. Creating Time Shifts Time shifts let you highlight action in video clips by adding slow motion or replays on key moments. To create a time shift, do this: 98 PowerDirector Plug-ins 1. On the Effect tab, use the player controls or drag the Action Camera Center timeline slider to the position in your video clip where you want the time shift to start. Note: use the zoom controls above the Action Camera Center timeline to zoom in on the video clip's timeline to more precisely add the time shift. 2. Click on the Create time shift button. CyberLink PowerDirector will create the time shift, which is indicated in orange on the timeline. 3. If required, drag each end of the time shift so that it covers the segment of the video you want to add the effect to. Note: the length of the original time shift is dependent on how much you have zoomed in on the Action Camera Center timeline. 4. Apply the effect as required (see below) to the time shift segment. Note: you can create more than one time shift on a video clip. Just repeat the above steps to add another. Replay In the Replay section, select the Apply replay and reverse option if you want to loop the selected segment of video in the time shift. Once selected, indicate how many times you want the segment to play by setting it in the Play times field. Select the Add reverse effect option if you want the video to reverse forward and backward as it loops playback. 99 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Speed In the Speed section, select the Apply speed effect option to speed up or slow down just the selected segment of video in the time shift. Once selected, you can enter a new Duration for the segment in the field provided, or use the Speed multiplier slider. Drag it left to slow down the segment, or right to speed it up. When you apply a speed effect to a segment of video, by default the change in the speed in the video is instantaneous once the timeline slider enters the time shift. If you want it to be more gradual and look smoother, you can use the Ease in/out options. Select Ease in if you want the change of speed at the beginning of the time shift to gradually speed up/slow down to the specified speed. Select Ease out if you want the video to gradually return to the original video speed at the end of the time shift. Note: if you also selected the Apply replay and reverse option, in the Apply effect to drop down select whether to apply the speed effect to the first or last play of the time shift segment. Stop Motion Select the Stop Motion tab and then the Apply stop motion option to add a stop motion effect on the selected segment of video in the time shift. This effect pauses on a frame of video for a specified number of frames, before jumping to the current frame of video. Drag the slider right to increase the number of frames the video will pause for, or drag it left to reduce the number of frames. Zoom and Pan In the Zoom and Pan section you can add zooms and pans on the selected segment of video in the time shift. To add a zoom and pan in a time shift segment: 1. Drag the timeline slider to the moment in the segment where you want to be zoomed in/out on a portion of the video frame, and then click keyframe marker. 100 to add a PowerDirector Plug-ins 2. Resize and move the focus area box as required. Make it smaller to zoom in on a portion of the video, or make it larger to zoom out. Moving the focus area box will add a pan as the camera moves to the location of the box by the time the timeline slider reaches the keyframe. 101 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Note: in the above example, the zoom in will begin at the beginning of the time shift. Once the keyframe is reached, the camera will start zooming back out. 3. 102 If required, you can add more keyframes to customize the effect. For example, you can add another keyframe to hold the zoom, which is done by keeping the focus area box the same size and following the subject (moving the focus area box). PowerDirector Plug-ins Adding Freeze Frames Add a freeze frame to pause a frame of video for a specified duration. To add a freeze frame, do this: 1. On the Effect tab, use the player controls or drag the Action Camera Center timeline slider to the position in your video clip where you want the freeze frame. Note: use the zoom controls above the Action Camera Center timeline to zoom in on the video clip's timeline to more precisely find the frame. 2. Click on the Add freeze frame button. CyberLink PowerDirector will add a freeze frame, which is indicated by the blue indicator. 103 CyberLink PowerDirector Help 3. In the Duration field, enter how long you want the video to pause on this frame of video. Note: you can add more than one freeze frame to a video clip. Just repeat the above steps to add another. Applying Zoom Effect Select the Apply zoom effect option if you want to zoom in and out on the paused frame of video. Once selected, resize and align the focus box to the part of the video frame where you want the zoom to occur. Note: if you also selected the Apply replay and reverse option, in the Apply effect to drop down select whether to apply the freeze frame to the first or last play of the time shift segment. Action Camera Center Settings Click the button in the Action Camera Center window to open the settings window. The available options are as follows: Audio setting: · Remove audio: select this option if you want to mute the audio in the entire video clip. · Keep audio: select this option if you want to keep the audio in the edited video clip. Select the Keep audio pitch (0.5X to 2X only) if you are changing the speed of the video. Selecting this will stretch the audio to match the new video's length, minimizing the warping of the sound as the video speed changes. Interpolation setting: · Apply interpolated technology when available: select this option when reducing the speed of the video. CyberLink PowerDirector uses frame interpolated technology* to create a more advanced and smooth slow motion effect. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. 104 PowerDirector Plug-ins Changing the Action Camera Center Content Once you have created your action effects in the Action Camera Center and imported the resulting video clip into the timeline, you can edit it like any other video clip on the timeline. However, if you find that you want to edit or refine the effects more, you can do this by re-entering the Action Camera Center. Note: if you would like to view the individual clips created by the Action Camera Center so you can edit them directly in the timeline, just right-click on the file and then select Show Individual Clips. To edit content created with the Action Camera Center, click on it in the timeline and then click on the Action Camera Center function button above the timeline. Editing Content When you re-enter in the Action Camera Center, you can refine any of the fixes you made on the Fix tab. Click on the Effect tab to edit any action effects you created, or add new ones. To edit a created time shift, just select it on the video timeline, and then adjust its parameters as required. For freeze frames, select the freeze frame indicator, 105 CyberLink PowerDirector Help and then adjust the freeze frame settings as required. Note: if you want to remove a time shift or freeze frame from a video clip, just select it on the Action Camera Center timeline and then click the button. When you are done, click OK to save your changes and import the updated content into the timeline. Using an Express Project Express projects are pre-designed project templates that will help you speed up the editing process. Note the names of the express project templates, as some are designed with a specific theme in mind (sports, wedding, travel, etc.) and to be at the opening, middle, or end of projects. To access the express projects, click the Projects. button and then select Express Note: you can also access the library of express projects at any time when you are in the Media Room by selecting Express Projects from the M edia Content drop-down. To use an express project, just select it in the media library and then drag and drop it on the timeline. You can also insert the express project anywhere within a current project, by dragging and dropping it to the desired position on the timeline. Express projects can be added to the timeline in the exact same way as media clips. See Adding Media to the Workspace for detailed information on adding content to the timeline. Note: you can also reuse old PowerDirector projects you created. See Reusing PowerDirector Projects for more information. Once the express project is in the timeline, simply replace the media placeholders in the template with the media content you want to use in your new production. To do this, just drag the media clips to the desired media placeholders on the timeline (which are indicated by the numbers on their thumbnails). Hover over the media 106 PowerDirector Plug-ins placeholder until the clip fits within the placeholder length as shown below. This is done by hovering the hand icon over the media placeholder where you want the clip to be. Doing this replaces the media placeholders with the content you want to add, without changing the structure of the express project. Continue this process until all the media placeholders have been filled. Once you are done, you can continue to edit the project like any other project, including the effects and transitions that have been included in the express project. Recording Your Desktop with the Screen Recorder The Screen Recorder lets you record a video of your mouse movements and computer usage, allowing you to create instruction videos, record webcasts, and 107 CyberLink PowerDirector Help more. To access the Screen Recorder dialog, click the Screen Recorder. button and then select Note: you can also access the screen recorder from the Capture module, by double-clicking on the desktop shortcut that was created during installation, or from the Windows start menu by selecting All Programs > CyberLink Screen Recorder. To capture with the screen recorder, do this: 1. Click the button and then select Screen Recorder. The Screen Recorder dialog displays. 2. Before capturing, set the recording preferences as follows: · Aspect ratio: select whether you want the recorded video to have a 16:9 or 4:3 aspect ratio. Note: if you choose an aspect ratio that does not match the capture area selected, the resulting recorded video file will have black areas within the frame to fill the gaps on the video image. · Mouse clicks: click the colored dot to set the color of animation used to illustrate that a mouse click was performed during the recording of the video. Select the option if you don't want the animation to appear in your video. · Capture area: select whether you want the Screen Recorder to capture at Full Screen, using Lock to App, or just a Custom portion of the screen. See Setting Capture Area for detailed information on the available capture areas. · Settings: before recording, click the Settings button to configure the Screen Recorder settings, including the recording file format, frame rate, and video resolution. See Configuring the Screen Recorder Settings for detailed information. 108 PowerDirector Plug-ins 3. When you are ready, click the REC button to start the capture. The Screen Recorder displays a countdown screen, and then starts recording. 4. Once you are finished recording your video, press the hotkey (F10 is the default) you specified to stop the desktop capture (if enabled). If hotkeys are not enabled, click on the minimized Screen Recorder dialog and then click the 5. button. Once the recording has stopped, the video file is saved in the folder specified in Screen Recording Settings. If Import into PowerDirector is enabled in settings, you are returned directly to CyberLink PowerDirector window and the video file is also imported directly into the media library. Note: if the Import into PowerDirector option is not enabled, the Screen Recorder dialog is displayed after capture. Click the Edit button to launch PowerDirector and edit the video, or click on the REC button to record another video. Setting Capture Area Before you use the Screen Recorder to record a video, be sure to set the area of your computer's screen you want to capture. The following are the three options that are available: · Full Screen · Lock to App · Custom Note: if you set a capture area that does not match the specified aspect ratio, the resulting recorded video file will have black areas within the frame to fill the gaps on the video image. Full Screen Click the button if you want to record your entire computer screen. 109 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Lock to App Click the button if you want to record within a running program window. Once selected, hover your mouse over the program you want to record within and then click in the program window to set the capture area. Note that a yellow dotted line is drawn around the program. This area represents the screen area that will be captured during the recording. If you move the program before recording starts, the Screen Recorder will follow the program. 110 PowerDirector Plug-ins However, once you start recording, the Screen Recorder will only record the current capture area. If you move the program you originally focused on outside the dotted capture area, the Screen Recorder does not follow the program window once recording has started. 111 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Custom Click the button and then use your mouse to manually set the size of the capture area by clicking and dragging your mouse. You can resize the selected capture area at any time before you start recording. 112 PowerDirector Plug-ins You also have the option of selecting one of the fixed dimensions to use as your custom capture area by clicking the down arrow on the custom area button. You can even manually enter a dimension in pixels in the fields provided within the Screen Recorder dialog to set your custom capture area. 113 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Please note that before you start recording, you can move the your custom capture area by clicking and dragging the crosshairs to a new location. 114 PowerDirector Plug-ins Configuring the Screen Recorder Settings In the Screen Recorder Settings window, the available options are as follows: File settings: · File name: enter a default name for recorded video files. · Format: select the file format for the recorded video files. You can choose from MP4 and WMV file formats. · Resolution: set the video resolution of the recorded video files. The larger the resolution, the larger the resulting recorded file will be. · Frame rate: set the frame rate (in frames per second) of the recorded video file. The higher the frame rate, the larger the resulting recorded file will be. · Save to: indicates the folder where the recorded video will be saved on your computer. To change this folder, click the new folder. button and then select a · Import into PowerDirector: select this option to import captured files into the media library directly after capture. Audio settings: · Voice over: select the On option if you have a microphone connected to your computer and you want to record a voice over while recording your video. Click the Setup button to set up your microphone as follows: select your connected microphone or other input device from the Input Device dropdown. Speak into the microphone, and then use the Input volume slider to set the recording level. Click OK to save the changes. · System audio: select the On option if you want to loop back record the audio from your computer's sound card as you record. Any system sounds and audio being played by your computer will be included in your video. · Mix: use the slider to mix the audio levels, by deciding whether to have more from the microphone or from your computer's sound card (loop back record). Control settings: · Pause/Resume: set the hotkey for pausing the recording during capture. This hotkey is also used to resume the recording once paused. · Stop: set the hotkey for stopping the recording. 115 CyberLink PowerDirector Help · Enable hotkeys: select this option to enable the above hotkeys during recording. If this option is not selected, you must pause or stop the recording by clicking on the minimized Screen Recorder dialog and then clicking the available buttons. Advanced Screen Recorder Settings Click the Advanced button to access the Advanced Screen Recorder Settings window to configure the following options: Monitor settings: · if you have two monitors connected to your computer and you have extended your desktop, select whether you want to capture on the Primary or Secondary monitor. Performance settings: · Hardware video encoding: if your computer supports it, select this option to improve recording performance using hardware encoding. · Enable high performance mode: select this option to disable Windows Aero for improved recording performance (Windows 7/Vista only). Editing settings: · Create .mrk file when recording: select this option if you want CyberLink PowerDirector to create a log file that tracks the mouse clicks when you capture with the Screen Recorder. These mouse clicks will be indicated on the clip marker track when the captured file is added to the timeline. Other media clips added to the timeline will snap to these clip markers to help you sync voice overs, music, etc. in your video production. Creating Blends in the Blending Effect Designer In the Blending Effect Designer you can blend a selected clip with an image preset or template to create a unique looking effect in your video. To access the Blending Effect Designer, select a media clip in the media library, click the then select Blending Effect. 116 button, and PowerDirector Plug-ins Note: you can also use the Blending Effect Designer on clips already on the timeline. To do this, select a clip and then Tools > Blending Effect. A - Blending Presets and Templates, B - Preview Window, C - Blend Properties When you are done creating the blend effect, click the OK button to save your changes. CyberLink PowerDirector will add the selected media file to the timeline at the current timeline slider position. It will also add the blending image preset/ template to the track below it in the timeline. Blending Image Presets/Templates The Blending Effect Designer helps you to create a blending effect on a selected clip, by blending it with an image preset or template you downloaded from DirectorZone. Note: you can also blend two clips that are already on different tracks in the timeline. See Blending Clips on the Timeline for more information. 117 CyberLink PowerDirector Help To blend image presets/templates in the Blending Effect Designer, do this: 1. In the Blending Effect Designer, select one of the available presets or downloaded templates. Note: you can click Free Templates to download more image preset templates from DirectorZone. 2. Select a Blending Mode to specify how the selected image preset is blended with the clip below it in the video (the selected media clip). There are 8 blending modes to choose from, with each having a different effect. Below is a general description of each blending mode, but it is recommended that you select each to experiment which best fits the needs of your video: · Normal: Normal is the default blending mode and does not mix the pixel colors in the selected image preset with the pixels in the selected media clip. The pixels in the selected image preset are placed over the pixels in the media clips, and are not blended. · Darken: the Darken blending mode retains the darkest pixels of all the media clips being blended. 118 PowerDirector Plug-ins · Difference: Difference subtracts the brightest pixel color value from the pixel colors in the selected media clips. The resulting effect is similar to the look of a film negative, but is more colorful. · Hue: use the Hue blending mode to blend just the hue from the selected image preset's pixels with the lightness and saturation of the below media clip's pixels. · Lighten: the Lighten blending mode retains the lightest pixel colors of all the media clips being blended. · Multiply: Multiply blending mode retains the darkest pixel colors of the selected image preset, and removes the lightest pixels by making them transparent. · Overlay: Overlay combines the effects of the Multiply and Screen blending modes. When blending the media clips, for darker pixels it blends like Multiply. For lighter pixels, it blends like Screen. · Screen: Screen blending mode is the opposite of Multiply, as the brightest pixels are retained, with the darkest pixels effectively becoming transparent. 3. If required, use the Opacity slider to set the transparency of the effect. 119 CyberLink PowerDirector Help 4. Click OK to close the Blending Effect Designer, and add the two clips to the timeline. Once you close the Blending Effect Designer, you cannot reopen it to select another blending mode or to adjust the opacity of the blending effect. To edit the blending effect once added to the timeline: 120 PowerDirector Plug-ins · right click on the image preset, and then select Set Clip Attributes > Set Blending Mode to select a different blending mode. See Blending Clips on the Timeline for more detailed information. · select the image preset in the timeline and then click the Designer button above the timeline to open the PiP Designer. See Changing Object Settings for information on adjusting the opacity of the selected clip. 121 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Chapter 7: Arranging Media in Your Production Once you have your media in the media library, you can begin putting your video production together by adding media clips to the editing workspace. You add the media clips in the order that tells the story you want to tell. Note: the timeline view of the CyberLink PowerDirector workspace offers more editing freedom and ease of movement in your production. Be sure to consult the Timeline View and Timeline Behavior sections to get the most out of this view. There are several program features you can utilize to assist with the arrangement of media in your video production, including: · Magic Movie Wizard: auto creates a movie for you, using the media clips and effects in your library. See Using the Magic Movie Wizard for more information. · Slideshow Creator: auto creates a slideshow with your photos, in a few simple steps. See Using the Slideshow Creator for more information. · Express Projects: choose from a number of project templates that will help you speed up the editing process. See Using an Express Project for more detailed information. · Timeline markers*: add to the timeline ruler for more precise media clip placement on the timeline. See Timeline Markers for more information. · Music Beat Detection*: use this feature to add music beat clip markers on the clip marker track, which you can use to arrange media clips to music. See Music Beat Detection for more information. · Sync by Audio: you can sync two or more clips that are on different timeline tracks using the Sync by Audio feature. See Syncing Clips by Audio for more information. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. 122 Arranging Media in Your Production Adding Video Clips and Images to the Timeline To start creating your video production, begin adding video clips and images to the video tracks in the timeline. If you are not sure which tracks you can add your media to, just select a clip in the media library. The tracks in the timeline you can add the media to will "light up". For more information on what media you can add to which track, see Timeline Tracks. Note: you may prefer to add video clips and images using the storyboard view, since this view is simpler than the timeline view. However, you can only add clips to the first track in this view. Therefore, this section uses the timeline view in all of the procedures. You can add video clips and images at any position on any video track in the timeline. You no longer need to place your media on the top track or at the beginning of the timeline. You now have total freedom to add the media exactly where you want, and in the order you want it. Just start placing the media on a timeline track, in a sequence that tells your story. Note: if you want to add media to a precise position on the timeline, consider using timeline markers. See Adding Timeline Markers for more information. If you insert or drop media onto other existing media clips that are on the timeline, don't worry. CyberLink PowerDirector will prompt you to use its ripple editing feature to overwrite, insert, replace, split, trim, transition, or speed up media to help you easily place the media where you want it. Once you add a video clip or image to any timeline track, click the Designer button above the timeline to edit its properties in the PiP Designer. See Modifying Media in the PiP Designer for more information. Note: you can add additional tracks to your project's timeline in the Track Manager, allowing you to have up to 99 PiP objects displayed on a video at the same time. See Track Manager for more information. 123 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Adding Video Clips and Images You can add video clips and images onto any video track in the timeline, and at any position. Note: when you add video clips to the timeline, CyberLink PowerDirector automatically adds its audio track (if available) to the linked audio track. To insert video clips or images into the workspace, do one of the following: · use the timeline slider to set the position where you want the media, select the media in the library, and then click selected video track. to add it to the · use the timeline slider to set the position where you want the media, rightclick on the media in the library, and then select Insert on Selected Track to add it to the selected video track. You can also manually drag and drop a media clip to a desired position on a video track to add it to the timeline. When adding a clip to the timeline (inserting or dragging and dropping), if the timeline slider is over an existing clip, or you drop it on an existing clip, you are prompted to use one of the ripple editing options to insert the clip: · Overwrite: select to overwrite the existing clip with the newly added clip. · Insert: select to split the clip and insert the new clip between the two portions. CyberLink PowerDirector also only moves the clips on the same track to the right. · Insert and Move All Clips: select to split the clip and insert the new clip between the two portions. CyberLink PowerDirector also moves all of the media clips on the timeline that lie to the right of the inserted clip, right. · Crossfade: select to lay the clip over a portion of the existing clip and auto add a transition between the two clips. CyberLink PowerDirector uses the fade transition on the video track, and the constant gain audio transition if both clips have audio on the corresponding audio track. Note: the Crossfade option does not overwrite the content on the track, instead adding an overlap transition between the two clips. See Setting Transition Behavior for more information. The Crossfade option is only available if the end of the new clip is not over any existing content on the track. 124 Arranging Media in Your Production · Replace: select to replace the current clip on the timeline with the new clip. Use this option if you don't want to change the structure of the current content on the timeline. Note: if the duration of the clip you are replacing is shorter than the newly added video clip, CyberLink PowerDirector automatically trims the video clip to fit the original clip's duration. For images, CyberLink PowerDirector automatically resizes them to fit the original clip's duration. When inserting a video file, if the timeline slider is in a gap between two clips on a timeline track, you are prompted to use one of these ripple editing options to insert the clip: · Trim to Fit: select to have CyberLink PowerDirector auto trim off the end of the video clip to fit the gap to the right of the timeline slider. Note: this feature is also available when inserting image clips into a timeline gap that have durations longer than the gap. · Speed up to Fit: select to have CyberLink PowerDirector auto speed up the video clip so that it fits the gap to the right of the timeline slider. Adding Color Boards and Backgrounds The use of color boards allows you to insert solid frames of color into your video. Color boards are really useful as quick transitions between video clips or as a background for titles and ending credits. Backgrounds provide interesting and creative environments for PiP objects, titles, and more. Note: you can create your own custom color boards in the Media Room. See Creating New Color Boards for more information. You can find color boards and backgrounds in your media library, by clicking to open the explorer view, or selecting Color Boards or Backgrounds from the Media Content drop-down. 125 CyberLink PowerDirector Help To insert color boards or backgrounds into the workspace, do one of the following: · use the timeline slider to set the position where you want the color boards or backgrounds, select it in the library, and then click to the selected video track. to add it · use the timeline slider to set the position where you want the color boards or backgrounds, right-click on it in the library, and then select Insert on Selected Track to add it to the selected video track. You can also manually drag and drop a color board or background to a desired position on a video track to add it to the timeline. When adding a color board or background to the timeline (inserting or dragging and dropping), if the timeline slider is over an existing clip, or you drop it on an existing clip, you are prompted to use one of the ripple editing options to insert the clip: · Overwrite: select to overwrite the existing clip with the color board/ background. · Insert: select to split the clip and insert the color board/background between the two portions. CyberLink PowerDirector also only moves the clips on the same track to the right. · Insert and Move All Clips: select to split the clip and insert the color board/ background between the two portions. CyberLink PowerDirector also moves all of the media clips on the timeline that lie to the right of the inserted clip, right. · Crossfade: select to lay the color board/background over a portion of the existing clip and auto add a fade transition between the two clips. 126 Arranging Media in Your Production Note: the Crossfade option does not overwrite the content on the track, instead adding an overlap transition between the two clips. See Setting Transition Behavior for more information. The Crossfade option is only available if the end of the new clip is not over any existing content on the track. · Replace: select to replace the current clip on the timeline with the color board/background. Use this option if you don't want to change the structure of the current content on the timeline. Note: if the duration of the clip you are replacing is longer or shorter than the newly added clip, CyberLink PowerDirector automatically resizes it to fit the original clip's duration. If the timeline slider is in a gap between two clips on a timeline track when inserting a color board or background, you are prompted to use this ripple editing option to insert the clip: · Trim to Fit: select to have CyberLink PowerDirector auto set the duration of the color board/background to fit the gap to the right of the timeline slider. Creating New Color Boards CyberLink PowerDirector lets you create custom color boards using the color selector, or by selecting an area in the media file preview window. Creating a Color Board Using the Color Selector To create a color board using the color selector, do this: 1. Click on the button. 2. Select From Color Selector. 3. In the color palette, do any of the following: · Select one of the basic colors. · Use the color picker to choose a color, and the leveler on the right to adjust the shade. · Type in the desired HSL or RGB values. 4. Click OK to close the color palette and add the new color board to the media library. 127 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Creating a Color Board from a Media File To create a color board by selecting a pixel in the preview window, do this: 1. Add the media clip to the timeline that you want to use to create the color board. 2. If required, use the playback controls to find the frame of video that contains the color you want to use to create the color board. 3. Make sure the media file is selected in the timeline, i.e. that a preview of the media file is displayed in the preview window. 4. Click on the 5. Select From Preview. 6. In the Select Color from Preview window, use the eye dropper to select the pixel in the video preview image that you want to use to create a color board. 7. Click OK to close the window and add the new color board to the media library. button. Adding Audio Clips Audio clips allow you to add background music or a narrative voice-over to your video production. You can add audio clips to the audio portion of a video track, to the voice track, or to the music track. Note: you can add transitions between two audio clips on any of the available audio tracks. To do this, go to the Transitions Room and then select Audio from the transition library filter drop-down. See Using Transitions for more information on adding transitions between two clips. If you are not sure which tracks you can add audio to, just select a clip in the media library. The tracks in the timeline you can add the audio to will "light up". For more information on what media you can add to which track, see Timeline Tracks. Note: you can add additional audio tracks to your project's timeline in the Track Manager. See Track Manager for more information. To insert audio into the workspace, do one of the following: 128 Arranging Media in Your Production Note: if you want to add audio to a precise position on the timeline, consider using timeline markers. See Adding Timeline Markers for more information. · use the timeline slider to set the position where you want the audio, select the audio file in the library, and then click: · to add it to the audio portion of the selected video track. · to add it to the voice track. · to add it to the music track. The music track is always the bottom track in the timeline. · use the timeline slider to set the position where you want the audio, rightclick on the audio file in the library, and then select: · Add to Voice Track to add it to the voice track. · Add to Music Track to add it to the music track. The music track is always the bottom track in the timeline. You can also manually drag and drop an audio clip to a desired position on any of the audio tracks available it the timeline. When adding audio to the timeline (inserting or dragging and dropping), if the timeline slider is over an existing clip, or you drop it on an existing clip, you are prompted to use one of the ripple editing options to insert the clip: · Overwrite: select to overwrite the existing clip with the newly added audio clip. · Insert: select to split the clip and insert the new audio clip between the two portions. CyberLink PowerDirector also only moves the clips on the same track to the right. · Insert and Move All Clips: select to split the clip and insert the new audio clip between the two portions. CyberLink PowerDirector also moves all of the media clips on the timeline that lie to the right of the inserted clip, right. · Crossfade: select to lay the audio over a portion of the existing clip and auto add a constant gain transition between the two clips. 129 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Note: the Crossfade option does not overwrite the content on the track, instead adding a transition between the two clips. The Crossfade option is only available if the end of the new clip is not over any existing content on the track. · Replace: select to replace the current audio clip on the timeline with the new audio clip. Use this option if you don't want to change the structure of the current content on the timeline. Note: if the duration of the audio clip you are replacing is shorter than the newly added audio clip, CyberLink PowerDirector automatically trims it to fit the original clip's duration. If the timeline slider is in a gap between two clips on an audio timeline track when inserting audio, you are prompted to use one of these ripple editing options to insert the clip: · Trim to Fit: select to have CyberLink PowerDirector auto trim off the end of the audio clip to fit the gap to the right of the timeline slider. · Speed up to Fit: select to have CyberLink PowerDirector auto speed up the audio clip so that it fits the gap to the right of the timeline slider. Syncing Audio When you add independent audio to any of the audio tracks on the timeline, it is important to ensure that it syncs with the video in your production. CyberLink PowerDirector displays the audio waveform on each clip that is added to the timeline. The waveform is useful when trimming or splitting the audio clip, and also when trying to sync audio to the video in your production. Note: if you are trying to sync audio in an audio clip with the audio is a video clip (because they have the same source audio), you can use Sync by Audio to sync the clips. You can even zoom in on the timeline for more precise syncing, as the waveform is viewable down to the 1/10 frame level. 130 Arranging Media in Your Production Note: if an audio clip's waveform is not displayed, it may be because this option was disable in preferences. You can enable it again by selecting Show sound waveform in timeline in General Preferences. Once zoomed in, you can use the waveform in conjunction with Timeline Markers to sync media more precisely in your video production. Music Beat Detection Use the Music Beat Detection* feature in CyberLink PowerDirector to analyze audio clips or video clip's with music in your video production. Once analyzed, music beat clip markers are added to the clip marker track to help you sync the audio to the video in your production. You can also manually add music beat clip markers. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. You can then use these music beat clip markers for more precise arrangement and syncing of media with the added music. To add music beat clip markers, do this: 1. Add an audio clip or video clip with music to the timeline. 2. Right-click on the clip and then select Use Automatic Music Beat Detection. The Automatic Music Beat Detection window opens. 3. Use the slider to set the Minimum time between beat markers. For example, if you know the beats in the music are once a second, you can set the slider to apply markers ever 2.0 seconds if you want to place media on every other beat. 4. Click Detect. CyberLink PowerDirector will analyze the clip, and then detect and apply the music beat clip markers to the clip marker track. 5. Click on Apply to close the Music Beat Detection window. 131 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Once the music beat clip markers are added, media will snap to them when added to a track on the timeline. Also note that the music beat clip markers are connected to the clip. So if you move the clip on the timeline, its music beat clip markers will move with in on the track. To remove the music beat clip markers, do one of the following: · remove the music clip from the timeline. · right-click on a music beat marker on the clip marker track, and then select Remove Selected Clip Marker. · right-click on the clip marker track, and then select Remove All Music Clip Markers. Manually Adding Music Beat Clip Markers To manually add music beat clip markers to the clip marker track, do this: 1. Add an audio clip or video clip with music to the timeline. 2. Right-click on the clip and then select Use Automatic Music Beat Detection. The Use Automatic Music Beat Detection window opens. 3. If required, use the magnification tools to zoom in on the audio waveform for the selected clip. 4. Manually drag the timeline slider to the position on the audio waveform where you want to add the music beat clip marker. 5. Click Add (or the press the A key on your keyboard) to add a music beat clip marker at the current position. 6. Repeat the above steps to add as many music beat clip markers as you want. 132 Arranging Media in Your Production 7. Click on Apply to close the Music Beat Detection window. Note: you can also use the player controls to play the clip, and then continually click the Add button (or press the A key on your keyboard) to add the music beat clip markers when you hear a beat. Syncing Clips by Audio If you have two or more clips that have the same source audio, you can use Sync by Audio to align the starting positions of the clips on the timeline so that they are all in sync. Note: you can sync both video and audio clips using this feature. To sync two or more clips by audio*, do this: Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. 1. Select all of the clips on the timeline that you want to sync. 2. Click the Sync by Audio function button that displays after selecting the clips. 3. CyberLink PowerDirector analyzes all the selected clips and then realigns them so that their audio is in sync. Using the Magic Movie Wizard If you are new to the editing process and not sure how or where to get started, then the Magic Movie Wizard can help. The Magic Movie Wizard takes all of your media and creates a completed video production in just a few steps. You can then edit the created production, output it to a file, or burn it to a disc. Note: if you want more creative control than the Magic Movie Wizard provides, you can also use the Theme Designer to create your video production. The Theme Designer allows you to customize the theme templates used and choose the exact images, video clips, and background music you want in your production. See Using the Theme Designer for more information. To use the Magic Movie Wizard, do this: 133 CyberLink PowerDirector Help 1. Click the Wizard. button above the timeline and then select Magic Movie 2. Select which media you want to use in your movie, as follows: · Media Library: the Magic Movie Wizard uses all of the media in the library to create your movie. · Timeline: the Magic Movie Wizard only uses the media that is currently on the timeline. Note: any edits you previously made in your project to the clips in the timeline are ignored. The Magic Movie Wizard uses the source clips to create you final movie. · Select items: the Magic Movie Wizard only uses the media that is currently selected in the library. 3. Click Next to continue. 4. See the step by step description in Easy Editor for more information on the remaining steps in the Magic Movie Wizard. Using the Slideshow Creator The Slideshow Creator is the easiest way to instantly turn your photos into a dynamic slideshow. To create a slideshow using the Slideshow Creator, do this: 1. Drag all the photos that you want in the slideshow into the timeline. 2. Make sure the photos are selected, and then click on the Slideshow button to launch the Slideshow Creator. 3. See the step by step description in Slideshow Creator for more information on the remaining steps required to create your slideshow. Note: after the Slideshow Creator has created your slideshow and inserted it into the timeline, if you would like to view each individual slide/photo in the slideshow for advanced editing, just right-click on the file in the timeline and then select Show Individual Photos. 134 Editing Your Media Chapter 8: Editing Your Media Once you have your video clips, audio files, and images in the editing workspace/ timeline you can start editing them. Editing is a broad term that encompasses a number of different functions, including splitting, trimming, applying fixes, and much more. This section describes all of the editing processes you can perform on your media clips. Content Aware Editing Use Content Aware Editing* on your video clips to automatically generate the best outputted video content for your production. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Content Aware Editing analyzes your video clips to find the portions that it believes are the best and most interesting moments, and also the portions that need fixing. You can then simply click on the "good parts" to include them in the video production, and choose to fix or trim away the "bad parts". Note: during the analysis process, CyberLink PowerDirector also detects all the scenes in the video clips and marks them on the Content Aware Editing window timeline with . To analyze the video clips and then open the Content Aware Editing window, rightclick on a video clip in the media library or the timeline, and then select Content Aware Editing. If you would like to perform a batch analysis on multiple video clips at once, do this: 1. In the Media Room, click on Content Aware Details. to access the library menu and then select 2. Select all the video clips in the Analyze column and then click the Analyze button. 135 CyberLink PowerDirector Help 3. Once the analysis is complete, click the button next to the video clip that you want to edit in the Content Aware Editing window. Note: the Content Aware Details view displays the analysis results for all the video clips analyzed and edited in Content Aware Editing. See Content Aware Details for more information. Using Content Aware Editing When editing video clips in Content Aware Editing, its window displays as follows: A - Player Controls, B - Segment Selection Tools, C - Selected Segments, D - Deselected Segments, E Detected Scene Markers, F - Recommended Segments, G - Segments Need Fixing, H - Fix All Segments, I - Content Selection Categories Note: the preview quality of the video in the Content Aware Editing window is dependent on preview quality setting specified in preview/display options. See Preview Quality for more information on selecting a preview quality. 136 Editing Your Media In the Content Aware Editing window, the segments indicated in green are the recommended portions of the clip that CyberLink PowerDirector believes are the most interesting, or are the "good parts". They may include camera zooms or pans, and segments that contain a lot of motion or people talking (speech). CyberLink PowerDirector also performs face detection on the video clip to highlight sections that include people's faces. The light brown segments are parts that need fixing, because either the video is shaky or poorly lit. You can choose to fix or remove these "bad parts". Check the content selection categories for details of what each highlighted segment consists of. Note: hover your mouse over the highlighted segments for more detailed information about what they include. The segments that are not highlighted are parts of your video that CyberLink PowerDirector believes are not necessary to include. You can however include these segments by selecting them with the mark in and out buttons. Previewing the Video Content Use the player controls to preview the entire video clip. To preview a specific highlighted segment, right-click on it and then select Preview this Segment. Playback stops once the selected segment playback is complete. Fixing Content If the segments that CyberLink PowerDirector has highlighted for removal contain parts of your video that you don't want to exclude, you can instantly fix them in the Content Aware Editing window. To fix segments, do either of the following: · right-click on the highlighted segment and then select Apply Fix to Entire Scene. Select this option to apply the required fix to the entire scene in the video clip, which is indicated by the detected scene markers. This ensures there are no sudden changes in lighting or other video properties in the scene. In the Auto Fixer window use the player controls to preview how the fixed content will look. If satisfied with the results, ensure that Apply auto fix is selected and then click on OK to apply the fix to the scene. 137 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Note: if no scenes were detected in your video clip, the fix is applied to the entire clip when Apply Fix to Entire Scene is selected. · right-click on the highlighted segment and then select Apply Fix to this Segment. Select this option to apply the required fix to just the selected segment of video. In the Auto Fixer window use the player controls to preview how the fixed content will look. If satisfied with the results, ensure that Apply auto fix is selected and then click on OK to apply the fix to the selected segment of the video clip only. · click the button to have CyberLink PowerDirector auto fix each of the highlighted segments in the same content selection category. CyberLink PowerDirector will fix the segments, which are then indicated with a wrench icon. Note: if you'd like to undo any of the fixes you made in the Content Aware Editing window, just right-click on a fixed segment and then select Remove Applied Fix. Content Selection Use the segment selection tools to begin selecting the video content you want to include in the trimmed clip. Any content segments you add to the deselected list, or do not select, will be trimmed out of the video clip. Note: you must add at least one segment to the Selected list to enable the OK button and trim the video clip. Selecting Content To select video content, do any of the following: · click on a highlighted segment and then click the Selected button. · right-click on a segment and then select Add to Selected List. 138 Editing Your Media · click on to add all of the video content, except the content in the Deselected list, to the Selected list. CyberLink PowerDirector will remove any content you previously added to the Selected list. · use the player controls to find and then click on to mark the beginning of a segment of video you want to include. Use the player controls or drag the timeline slider and then click to mark the end. Once selected, click on Selected to add to the Selected list. Once you are done selecting all the content, click the button in the Selected list to preview what the trimmed video clip will look like. Select a segment and then click if you want to remove it from the list. Click on OK to trim the video clip as specified. The trimmed video is automatically inserted into the timeline at the current timeline slider position. Deselecting Content To deselect video content, do any of the following: · click on a highlighted segment and then click the Deselected button. · right-click on a segment and then select Add to Deselected List. · use the player controls to find and then click on to mark the beginning of a segment of video you do not want to include. Use the player controls or drag the timeline slider and then click to mark the end. Once selected, click on Deselected to add to the Deselected list. 139 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Once you are done deselecting all the content, click the button in the Deselected list to preview the content that will be trimmed out. Select a segment and then click if you want to remove it from the list. Click on OK to trim the video clip as specified. The trimmed video is placed in the timeline for you automatically. Splitting a Clip You can quickly split a media clip that is on any track in the timeline into two separate clips. To do this, move the timeline slider (or use the player controls) to the position in the clip where you want to split it. Next, click the button above the timeline to separate it into two clips that you can then move around separately from one another. 140 Editing Your Media You can also use it to quickly remove unwanted portions of a media clip, or if you want to insert other media between the two portions. Unlinking Video/Audio Clips When you add a video clip with audio to the timeline, its audio portion is visible on its corresponding audio track. You can unlink the two portions of the clip, allowing you to modify them separately, remove one completely from the timeline, or use it elsewhere in your project. To unlink the audio from a video clip, right-click on it in the timeline and then select Unlink Video and Audio. To link the two files back together, select them both, right-click on them, and then select Link Video and Audio. 141 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Trimming Video and Audio Clips Use the trim functions to remove unwanted portions from your video and audio clips. You can use the Single Trim function to trim off the beginning and/or ends of a video clip, or the Multi Trim function to remove multiple portions at once. The Trim Audio function lets you trim audio visually, using its waveform. Note: when you trim media clips, the program does not delete any of the original source media's content. It just marks the requested edits on the clips and then applies the edits when it renders the final video during production. Trimming a Video Clip To trim a video clip, select it in the timeline and then click the the timeline. button above Performing a Single Trim Use the video trim function to quickly trim off unwanted portions at the beginning and end of a video clip on the timeline. 142 Editing Your Media A - Preview Area, B - Marked Positions in Clip, C - Mark Out Position Slider, D - Lock Duration, E Selected Content, F - Mark In Position Slider, G - Player Controls To trim a video clip, do this. 1. Select the video clip on the timeline you want to trim, and then click on the Trim button above the timeline. 2. If required, click on the Single Trim tab. 3. Use the player controls to find where you want the trimmed clip to begin, and then click to set the mark in position or drag the mark in position slider to this position. 143 CyberLink PowerDirector Help 4. Use the player controls to find where you want the trimmed clip to end, and then click to set the mark out position or drag the mark out position slider to this position. Note: you can click to lock the duration of the video you want trimmed. Once locked, click and drag the selected content to the exact position you want trimmed. 5. If required, you can preview what the trimmed clip will look like by clicking Output and then clicking the play button on the player controls. Click Original if you want to play the original video. 6. Click OK to set your changes and trim the clip. Note: you can reenter the trim window to refine the trimmed clip at any time. You can also drag the trimmed edges of a video clip on the timeline as well. Performing a Multi Trim The multi trim function lets you trim out one or more segments of a video clip at once, resulting in a series of clips that are independent from the original video. 144 Editing Your Media A - Preview Area, B - Timeline, C - Timeline Magnifier*, D - Magnified Timeline, E - Selected Segments, F - Magnifier Controls*, G - Trimming Tools, H -Player Controls, I - Frame Display Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. To perform a multi trim on a video clip, do this. 1. Select the video clip on the timeline you want to trim, and then click on the Trim button above the timeline. 2. Click on the Multi Trim tab. 3. If required, use and to change the magnification level on the video clip. You can magnify the timeline down to each individual frame for a more precise edit. The size of the timeline magnifier changes based on the magnification level set. 145 CyberLink PowerDirector Help 4. Use the player controls to find the beginning of the first trimmed segments, or the mark in position. 5. Click 6. Use the player controls or drag the timeline slider to position where you want the first segment to end, and then click to set the mark out position. The trimmed segment is added to Selected Segments section. 7. Repeat the above steps to trim out all the required segments. 8. If required, you can preview what the trimmed clip will look like by clicking Output and then clicking the play button on the player controls. Click Original if you want to play the original video. 9. Click OK to set your changes and trim the clip. to set the mark in position. Note: the segments of video that CyberLink PowerDirector inserts into the timeline are indicated in blue. If you want to remove these segments from the trimmed video clip, click the button to invert the trimming results. Extra Trimming Tools On the Multi Trim tab, you can also use the following extra trimming tools to: · you can manually drag the mark in and out sliders on the timeline or magnified timeline to edit the current positions if required. · detect all the scenes in the selected video clip by clicking on . Once selected, choose whether you want the program to add all the scenes to the trimmed segments area, or just mark the scene breaks for you on the timeline. Trimming an Audio Clip Use the audio trim function to quickly trim off unwanted portions at the beginning and end of an audio clip on the timeline. 146 Editing Your Media A - Audio Waveform, B - Timeline Slider, C - Marked Positions in Clip, D - Zoom Controls, E - Mark In/ Out Buttons, F - Player Controls To trim an audio clip, do this. 1. Select the audio clip on the timeline you want to trim, and then click on the button above the timeline. 2. 3. If required, use and to zoom in and out on the audio waveform for a more precise edit. Use the player controls to find where you want the trimmed clip to begin, or the mark in position. 147 CyberLink PowerDirector Help 4. Click to set the mark in position. 5. Use the player controls or drag the timeline slider to position where you want to audio clip to end, and then click 6. to set the mark out position. Click OK to set your changes and trim the clip. Note: you can reenter the trim window to refine the trimmed clip at any time. You can also drag the trimmed edges of the audio clip on the timeline as well. Setting a Media Clip's Duration When you add images, color boards, and backgrounds to a timeline track, you set how long they are displayed in your video production. Unlike video and audio clips which have a maximum length, these media clips can have any duration you want. Note: to set the duration of a video or audio clip, see Trimming Video and Audio Clips. To set a media clip's duration, do this: Note: you can also set the duration of effects, such as PiP objects, particle effects, and title effects, using this same method. 1. Select the clip in the timeline. 2. Click the Duration button (or right-click on the clip, select Set Clip Attributes, and then select Set Duration). 3. In the Duration Settings window, enter in the how long you want it to display in your video production. You can set the duration down to the number of frames. 4. Click on OK. You can also change the duration of a media clip (including video and audio clips) by selecting it and then dragging the end of the clip to the desired length. Note: you can only lengthen a video or audio clip back to its original duration. 148 Editing Your Media Setting TV (Video Clip Interlacing) Format All video clips have an interlacing (TV) format, which specifies how frames are displayed. Using video clips with conflicting (or incorrect) TV formats can result in degraded video quality in your final production. Before you produce your video, it is recommended that you set all of the video clips to the same format. While CyberLink PowerDirector can normally detect and suggest the correct format, some interlaced video (such as a video with very little motion) may be misjudged as a progressive video. CyberLink PowerDirector automatically produces interlaced video for DVD and DVAVI. Only change this setting if you are sure that CyberLink PowerDirector has wrongly set the format. Note: this is an extremely important step to take before production, as it can drastically affect final video quality. It is recommended that you check the user guide for your video camcorder to determine what format your video should be. To set a video clip's TV format, do this: 1. Right-click on a video clip in the timeline, select Set Clip Attributes, and then Set TV format. 2. In the Interlace/Progressive Settings window, do one of the following: · click the Scan and Suggest Format button to have CyberLink PowerDirector auto detect and set the format for you. · manually select one of the three available formats. See the description on the right of the window for a detailed description of each format. 3. Click OK to set your changes. Adjusting Video Clip Aspect Ratio Some of the video clips in the timeline may not have the same aspect ratio as your project/video production. You can adjust the aspect ratio for these clips, so that all the media in your video production has the same aspect ratio. 149 CyberLink PowerDirector Help To adjust a video clip's aspect ratio, do this: 1. Right-click on a video clip in the timeline, select Set Clip Attributes, and then Set Aspect Ratio. 2. In the Clip Aspect Ratio Settings window, do one of the following: · if you want your project to use the original aspect ratio of the selected video clip, select Detect aspect ratio automatically. If the clip's aspect ratio is different from the project's, then CyberLink PowerDirector will letterbox the video clip to fill in the rest of the frame. · if the aspect ratio of the selected clip is 4:3, then select The aspect ratio of the video is 4:3 option. If the project aspect ratio is not 4:3, select the stretch method to convert the 4:3 clip to the project's aspect ratio. · if the aspect ratio of the selected clip is 16:9, then select The aspect ratio of the video is 16:9 option. If the project aspect ratio is not 16:9, select the stretch method to convert the 16:9 clip to the project's aspect ratio. · if the aspect ratio of the selected clip is 9:16, then select The aspect ratio of the video is 9:16 option. If the project aspect ratio is not 9:16, select the stretch method to convert the 9:16 clip to the project's aspect ratio. · if the selected clip has an aspect ratio other than 4:3, 16:9 or 9:16, then select the Not 4:3, 16:9 or 9:16 option. Next, select the stretch method to convert the video clip's aspect ratio to the project's aspect ratio. · if you are not sure what the aspect ratio of the original video clip is, click the Detect and Suggest button. CyberLink PowerDirector will select one of the above options for you. Note: for best results when changing a clip's aspect ratio, select the CLPV option. CLPV (CyberLink Pano Vision) is video stretching technology from CyberLink that produces minimal distortion in the center of the picture. 3. Select the Apply to all video clips option if you want to apply the current setting to all the video clips on the same track. 4. Click OK to set your changes. Stretching Images Some of the images/photos in the timeline may not have the same aspect ratio as your video production. You can stretch these images, so that all the media in your video production has the same aspect ratio. 150 Editing Your Media To stretch an image, do this: 1. Right-click on an image in the timeline, select Set Clip Attributes, and then select Set Image Stretch Mode. 2. In the drop-down in the Image Stretch Mode Settings window, select one of the following: · Stretch clip to 4:3/16:9 aspect ratio: select this option if you want CyberLink PowerDirector to stretch the sides of the select image to fit your project's aspect ratio. · Use CLPV to stretch clip to 4:3/16:9 aspect ratio: select this option to use CLPV to stretch the image. CLPV (CyberLink Pano Vision) is an image stretching technology from CyberLink that produces minimal distortion in the center of the image. 3. Select the Apply to all image clips option if you want to apply the current setting to all the image clips on the same track. 4. Click OK to set your changes. Cropping Images You can completely customize the aspect ratio of the images in your video production or crop out unwanted portions of a photo, using the crop image function. To crop an image, do this: 1. Select the image in the timeline and then click the button above the timeline. You can also right-click on the image and then select Crop Image. 2. Set the size of the crop area by selecting one of the following: · 4:3: gives the crop area, and the resulting cropped image, a 4:3 aspect ratio. · 16:9: gives the crop area, and the resulting cropped image, a 16:9 aspect ratio. · Freeform: select if you want to manually resize the crop area on the image and give the resulting cropped image a custom aspect ratio. · Custom: select if you want to set a custom aspect ratio for the cropped image using the Width and Height fields. 151 CyberLink PowerDirector Help 3. Use the Crop size controls to set the size of the crop area, and the resulting cropped image. You can also manually drag the edges of the crop area on the image to resize it as required. 4. C lick OK to set your changes and crop the image. Changing the Shape of Media CyberLink PowerDirector lets you change the shape of the media in your video production. Videos, images, and PiP objects added to the timeline have freeform properties, so you can easily change their shape to create media that is different from the usual rectangle or square shape. CyberLink PowerDirector lets you change the X and Y positions for the four corners and the center of a media clip, giving it a custom freeform shape. Note: the top-left corner of the video frame is the 0 axis, with the bottomright corner having a value of 1.0, 1.0. The center position in the video frame is 0.500, 0.500. To change the shape of a media clip, do this: 1. Select a media clip on the timeline, and then ensure that you are in the Clip preview mode so that the media crosshairs are displayed. 2. Use your mouse to click and drag the blue nodes in the corners of the media clip, changing it to the desired freeform shape. 152 Editing Your Media Note: you can also change the shape of media clips by altering their freeform positions using keyframes. See Utilizing Keyframes on Media for more information. Fixing and Enhancing Images/Videos Select the media files on the timeline and then click the Fix/Enhance button to apply instant fixes, such as lighting adjustments, lens correction, video/audio denoise, video stabilization, and fix rotational camera shake*. Note: * click on the button to consult the iHelp for more information on using the available fix and enhance tools. You can also enhance the media by adjusting color, white balance, or applying TrueTheater HD* video enhancement technology from CyberLink on videos. The Fix/Enhance feature also lets you adjust the 3D orientation* of 3D media to fix its 3D effect when needed. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. To begin fixing and enhancing your media, select it in the timeline and then click the Fix/Enhance button. 153 CyberLink PowerDirector Help You can apply fixes and video enhancements to the entire duration of a media clip, or customize how they are displayed using keyframes. See Utilizing Keyframes on Media for more information on customizing the way the fixes and enhancements are displayed in your video production. Applying ColorDirector Color Presets In the Fix/Enhance panel you can apply CyberLink ColorDirector presets on your video clips, instantly transforming the color and look of the clips. Note: ColorDirector presets can be downloaded from DirectorZone and imported into the Fix/Enhance panel by clicking downloaded preset file on your hard drive. and then selecting the To apply a ColorDirector color preset, do this: 1. Select the video clip in the timeline and then click the Fix/Enhance button. 2. Select the Color Presets check box. 3. Select one of the available color presets to apply it to the selected clip. Advanced Fixes and Enhancements If you have CyberLink PhotoDirector* and/or ColorDirector* installed on your computer, you can access the advanced fixes and enhancements available in these programs from within CyberLink PowerDirector. The adjustments you make to your media clips are then imported back into your current video production. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. CyberLink PhotoDirector is a photography program that lets you manage and adjust your digital photos. CyberLink ColorDirector is a video editing program that turns your video footage into eye-catching movies through the use of video color creating and correcting. To adjust an image in CyberLink PhotoDirector, do this: 1. 154 Select the image clip on the timeline, click the Fix / Enhance button above the timeline, and then the PhotoDirector button. The CyberLink PhotoDirector program opens. Editing Your Media 2. Perform the adjustments on the image as necessary. Please consult the help file in CyberLink PhotoDirector for detailed information on adjusting and editing images in that program. 3. Once you finish adjusting the image file in CyberLink PhotoDirector, click the Back button within the program. Your changes are saved and the adjusted image is imported back into the timeline. To adjust a video clip in CyberLink ColorDirector, do this: 1. Select the video clip on the timeline, click the Fix / Enhance button above the timeline, and then the ColorDirector button. The CyberLink ColorDirector program opens. 2. Perform the adjustments on the video clip as necessary. Please consult the help file in CyberLink ColorDirector for detailed information on adjusting video clips in that program. 3. Once you finish editing the video clip in CyberLink ColorDirector, click the Back button within the program. Your changes are saved and the adjusted video clip is imported back into the timeline. Utilizing Keyframes on Media Use keyframes in your video production to define the start and end points of an applied fix, enhancement, or effect on images, videos, and audio. You can also use keyframes to change the volume level of your video and audio clips at specific moments. To use keyframes on your media, select the clip on the timeline and then click the Keyframe* button to open the Keyframe Settings panel. See the available Keyframe Settings below, and Adding Keyframes for information on applying these settings at different moments in your video production. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. In the Keyframe Settings panel, the following options are available, depending on the type of media selected: 155 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Note: once you have customized the fixes, enhancements, and effects on a clip using keyframes, you can right click on the clip and select Copy Keyframe Attributes. This allows you to paste all of its keyframe attributes onto another clip in the timeline, applying the same changes to the clip. To apply just some of the keyframe attributes modified in this panel, just right click on Fix/Enhance, Effect, Clip Attributes, or Volume to copy and paste the changes to another clip. Fix/Enhance Use the available sliders to fix and enhance images, videos, and audio clips at the current keyframe in your video production. · Lighting Adjustment: adjust the lighting in video clips using the Degree slider. Select Extreme backlight if you need to adjust the back lighting in the clip. · Video Denoise: use the Degree slider to increase or decrease the amount of video noise in video clips. · Audio Denoise: for video and audio clips, use the Audio Denoise feature to remove unwanted noise from clips. Select the type of noise from the dropdown you are removing, and then use the Degree slider to set the intensity of denoise on the clip. · Video Enhancement: use the Degree slider to set the amount of TrueTheater HD video enhancement applied to video clips. · Color Adjustment: use the available sliders to adjust the exposure, brightness, contrast, hue, saturation, sharpness, and more on images and videos. · White Balance: use the Color temperature and Tint sliders to manually adjust the white balance in images and videos, or select White calibration and then click to have CyberLink PowerDirector auto calibrate for you. Effect When you apply video effects to media clips on the timeline, you can use keyframes to adjust the intensity of the effect at different moments of the clip. See Adding Video Effects for information on adding effects to your media. Note: the settings and sliders that are available in the Keyframe Settings panel are completely dependent on the type of effect you are editing. 156 Editing Your Media Clip Attributes In the Clip Attributes section you can adjust the position, size, opacity, freeform shape, and more for media clips in your video production. · Position: set the position of media clips at different moments (keyframes) in your video production. Adjusting the X and Y values between keyframes lets you manually create motion in your video. When you create motion for PiP media, you indicate where on the video image you want the PiP media to appear by adding keyframes. To create the motion, CyberLink PowerDirector will ensure it is in the desired location at the specified time. This can cause the PiP media to appear jerky, as it speeds up and slows down as it moves through the frame. To make the movement look smoother, you can use the Ease in/out options. Select Ease in to slow down the PiP media as it enters a keyframe. Select Ease out if you want it to gradually accelerate out of the keyframe. Note: CyberLink PowerDirector sets the value of the top-left corner of the media as the 0 axis, with the bottom-right corner having a value of 1.0, 1.0. The center position in the video frame is 0.500, 0.500.You can more easily adjust clip position and motion in the PiP Designer. See Adding Motion to PiP Media for more details. · Height: set the height of media clips at different moments (keyframes) in your video production. · Width: set the width of media clips at different moments (keyframes) in your video production. Note: by default, when you adjust the height or width of a clip, the other value is also changed. Deselect the M aintain Aspect Ratio checkbox if you just want to change a clip's height or width. · Opacity: use the slider to adjust the opacity of images and video clips at different moments (keyframes) in your video production. · Rotation: enter in the preferred orientation in degrees for media clips at different moments (keyframes) in your video production. · Freeform position: in the eight freeform position fields provided, define the shape of the selected media clip by setting the X and Y positions for its four corners in the video frame. By entering different values at different moments (keyframes) in your video production, the clip's freeform shape can change over time in your video production. See Changing the Shape of Media for more information on freeform media clips. 157 CyberLink PowerDirector Help · Enable 3D depth on the PiP media: if you are creating a 3D video production, select this option to give the PiP media a 3D* effect. Once enabled, use the slider to set the amount of depth you want the PiP media to have in 3D. Dragging the slider left will make the 3D PiP object seem nearer to the audience (in the foreground), while dragging it right will make it appear farther away (in the background). Note: when using this feature, select the button to enable 3D mode for best editing results. See Previewing in 3D Mode for more information on using this mode. * Optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Volume For video and audio clips in your video production, use the available slider to adjust the level of the selected clip's volume at different moments in your production. Adding Keyframes In the Keyframe Settings window, there is a mini timeline for the selected media clip. The timeline matches the duration of the selected media clip. 158 Editing Your Media You can resize the timeline ruler and move the timeline slider, just like on the main timeline. To add a keyframe to the keyframe timeline, do this: Note: once you have customized the fixes, enhancements, and effects on a clip using keyframes, you can right click on the clip and select Copy Keyframe Attributes. This allows you to paste these keyframe attributes on another clip in the timeline, applying the same changes to the clip. 1. Use the player controls to find the moment in your media clip where you want its properties to change. 159 CyberLink PowerDirector Help 2. In the panel on the left, use the slider or other options to change the clips properties as required. Note that a keyframe marker is added at that moment in timeline. 3. Use the player controls to find the next moment you want to add the next keyframe, and then modify the clip properties as required again. 160 Editing Your Media 4. Repeat these steps to create the kind of effect you want in your video production using keyframes. In the above example, the brightness of the media clip will slowly dim between the two keyframe moments. Modifying and Removing Keyframes At any time you can modify the keyframes added, by selecting it and changing the clip's properties, or dragging it to another position on the timeline. To remove a keyframe, select it on the timeline and then click . Note: if you want to reset the changes made at a keyframe, just ensure the keyframe is selected and then click next to the option/parameter you want to reset back to the original. Muting Audio You can mute the audio in a video clip (or in any audio clip on the timeline) simply by right-clicking on it in the timeline and then selecting Mute Clip. If you added any audio volume keys previously, they are hidden. To restore sound to the clip, right-click on the clip and then deselect Mute Clip. 161 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Note: if you would like to mute the audio of an entire track, right-click on the track and then select M ute Track. This is useful if you have video on a PiP track and you don't want any of its audio in your final production. Advanced Audio Editing You can edit the audio in your video production in CyberLink AudioDirector* and/ or WaveEditor*, depending on your preference and which one is installed on your computer. CyberLink AudioDirector and WaveEditor are companion programs that let you perform more advanced editing on your audio clips. To edit an audio clip in CyberLink AudioDirector or WaveEditor, do this: 1. Select an audio or a video clip (with audio) on the timeline, click the Edit Audio* button above the timeline, and then select AudioDirector or WaveEditor. The CyberLink AudioDirector/WaveEditor program opens. 2. Perform the edits on the audio clip as necessary. Please consult the help file within the program directly for detailed information on editing audio. 3. Once you finish editing the audio file in CyberLink AudioDirector/WaveEditor, exit the program, and then click Yes to save your changes and import your edited audio clip back into the timeline. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Time Info When a DV-AVI video clip captured from a DV tape camcorder or an EXIF image is added to the timeline, the Time Info button is enabled. Click the Time Info button to enable the date or time stamp (displayed as an image) that was captured from the original camcorder or digital camera. You may also add a text remark to your video or image if required. Note: CyberLink PowerDirector does not support the enabling of running time codes on video files. 162 Editing Your Media Magic Fix With Magic Fix CyberLink PowerDirector can auto stabilize videos taken with shaky hands, enhance a video's audio, or the quality of a video's image. Magic Fix can also auto remove red-eye from photos, or improve the clarity on photos that are out of focus. To use Magic Fix to fix and edit a media clip, select it on the timeline, click on the button above the timeline, and then select Magic Fix. Click on the these features. button to consult the iHelp for more information on using Magic Cut You can use Magic Cut* to have CyberLink PowerDirector auto-edit your video clips using video technology that locates and keeps the most interesting moments, while discarding sections of lesser importance. The Magic Cut tool is ideal for condensing long video segments into shorter clips. For example Magic Cut can edit a one hour video down to ten minutes. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. To use Magic Cut on a video clip, select it on the timeline, click on the button above the timeline, and then select Magic Cut. Click on the feature. button to consult the iHelp for more information on using this 163 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Chapter 9: Using the Tools CyberLink PowerDirector includes a number of tools you can use to edit your media and add cool and creative effects. Select a media clip on the timeline, and then click the Tools button to use one of the following tools: · Power Tools · Motion Tracker · Action Camera Center · Blending Effect · View Designer Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Using the Power Tools Select a media clip on the timeline, then the Tools button, and then Power Tools to perform a range of powerful functions, including: · 2D to 3D*: select this option to convert any 2D images or videos into 3D, using TrueTheater 3D. Use the Scene Depth slider to adjust the amount of depth in the resulting 3D image. · Video/Audio in Reverse*: when enabled on a selected video or audio clip, it plays backwards. · Crop & Zoom: select this option to crop out the edges of the video frame or zoom in on a specific portion of the video. Select the Crop/Zoom button to define the area you want to crop out/zoom in on. See Crop & Zoom Video for detailed information on customizing the zoom by adjusting the cropped area (focus area) of the video. · Video/Audio Speed: select this option to change the speed of a video or audio clip. For audio clips, just enter the desired audio length in the Modified audio length field to change the clip's speed. You can also use the Speed multiplier slider to speed audio up by 2X, or slow it down by 0.5X. Drag it left to slow 164 Using the Tools down the clip, or right to speed it up. For video clips, click the Speed Adjustment button to adjust the video speed in the Video Speed Designer. See Adjusting Video Speed in the Video Speed Designer for more details on adjusting the speed. Note: you can also hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard and then click and drag the edge of a video or audio clip on the timeline to manually change its speed to fit your required duration. · Video/Photo Rotation: select this option and then use the buttons to rotate a video or image up to 360 degrees in either direction. You can also enter in a custom rotation amount in the field provided, and press the Enter key on your keyboard to apply it. · Blending Mode: select this option to blend the selected video or image clip with a clip above it in the timeline. Once selected, choose from the available blending modes. See Blending Clips on the Timeline for more detailed information about this feature and a description of the blending modes. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Crop & Zoom Video After you select Crop/Zoom button in Power Tools, the Crop/Zoom window displays. 165 CyberLink PowerDirector Help A - Focus Area, B - Rotation Amount, C - Focus Area Preview, D - Focus Area Aspect Ratio, E - Zoom In/ Out, F - TV Safe Zone/Grid Lines, G - Keyframe Buttons, H - Keyframe Timeline To crop the video, you just need to resize the focus area. Here are some tips when cropping videos: · set the focus area aspect ratio by selecting one of the available options on the right. Choose Freeform to manually resize the focus area shape to create a custom aspect ratio for your cropped video. · crop the video by resizing the focus area box the desired amount. The cropping results are displayed in the focus area preview. To add a zoom on the video, you need to use keyframes to customize the zoom. Keyframes are frames of your video that define the start and end points of an effect, 166 Using the Tools which in this example is the zoom in or out. Here are some tips when adding zooms on videos: · click on to add keyframes to the keyframe timeline. By adding keyframes you can alter the zoom by adjusting the size of the focus area between two points on the keyframe timeline. · click on to duplicate the previous or next keyframe on the keyframe timeline. Doing this copies the properties of the specified keyframe to the new position. · set the focus area aspect ratio by selecting one of the available options on the right. Choose Freeform to manually resize the focus area shape to create a custom aspect ratio for your zoom. · add a rotation to the zoom by adding a keyframe to the keyframe timeline and then entering the rotation amount in the field provided. You can also click and drag on top of the focus area to rotate it manually. When working in the Crop/Zoom window, you can also: · click on to to zoom in or out on the preview window. · click on to use the TV safe zone and grid lines to help with the precise placement of the focus area on the video. Select Snap to Reference Lines to have the focus area snap to the grid lines, TV safe zone, and boundary of the video area. When you are done cropping or zooming on a video, click the OK button to save your changes. Your changes are applied to the video clip and updated on the video timeline. If you want to edit the crop/zoom results, just reselect the clip on the timeline and then reenter the Crop/Zoom window by selecting Tools > Power Tools. Adjusting Video Speed in the Video Speed Designer The Video Speed Designer* let's you change the speed of an entire video clip, or just a selected range using time shifts. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. 167 CyberLink PowerDirector Help A - Change Speed for Entire Clip, B - Change Speed for Selected Range, C - Preview Window, D - Video Speed Designer Settings, E - Zoom on Timeline, F - Video Speed Designer Timeline When you are done changing the video clip's speed, click the OK button to save your changes. Your changes are applied to the video clip and updated on the video timeline. Changing the Speed for an Entire Clip Click on the Entire Clip tab if you want to change the speed of the entire video clip. To change the clip's speed, enter the desired video length in the New video duration field. You can also use the Speed multiplier slider to manually speed up or slow down the video clip. Drag it left to slow down the clip, or right to speed it up. Use the player controls to preview the results of adjusting the clip's speed. Configure the Video Speed Designer Settings to ensure you get your desired results. You can click the Reset button at any time to undo your changes. 168 Using the Tools Changing the Speed for a Selected Range Click on the Selected Range tab in the Video Speed Designer to change the speed of the clip for just a selected range of the video using a time shift. Note: before you finish changing the speed for a selected range, configure the Video Speed Designer Settings to ensure the best output results. To change the video speed using a time shift, do this: 1. On the Selected Range tab, use the player controls or drag the Video Speed Designer timeline slider to the position in your video clip where you want the time shift to start. Note: use the zoom controls above the Video Speed Designer timeline to zoom in on the video clip's timeline to more precisely add the time shift. 2. Click on the Create time shift button. CyberLink PowerDirector will create the time shift, which is indicated in orange on the timeline. 3. If required, drag each end of the time shift so that it covers the segment of the video you want to add the effect to. Note: the length of the original time shift is dependent on how much you have zoomed in on the Video Speed Designer timeline. 4. Change the video speed as required (see below) for the time shift segment (selected range). 169 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Note: you can create more than one time shift on a video clip. Just repeat the above steps to add another. Speed Effect Make sure the created time shift is selected on the Video Speed Designer timeline and enter a new Duration for the selected range in the field provided, or use the Speed multiplier slider. Drag it left to slow down the segment, or right to speed it up. When you apply a speed effect to a selected range, by default the change in the speed in the video is instantaneous once the timeline slider enters the time shift. If you want it to be more gradual and look smoother, you can use the Ease in/out options. Select Ease in if you want the change of speed at the beginning of the time shift to gradually speed up/slow down to the specified speed. Select Ease out if you want the video to gradually return to the original video speed at the end of the time shift. Video Speed Designer Settings Click the button in the Video Speed Designer window to open the settings window. The available options are as follows: Audio setting: · Remove audio: select this option if you want to mute the audio in the entire video clip. · Keep audio: select this option if you want to keep the audio in the edited video clip. Select the Keep audio pitch (05X to 2X only) if you are changing the speed of the video. Selecting this will stretch the audio to match the new video's length, minimizing the warping of the sound as the video speed changes. Interpolation setting: · Apply interpolated technology when available: select this option when reducing the speed of the video. CyberLink PowerDirector uses frame interpolated technology* to create a more advanced and smooth slow motion effect. 170 Using the Tools Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Motion Tracker The Motion Tracker* tool lets you track the motion of one or more objects in a video clip. You can then add title text, effects, or PiP images/videos that move with the tracked object in the video. To open the Motion Tracker, select a video clip on the timeline and then select Tools > Motion Tracker. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. 171 CyberLink PowerDirector Help A - Tracker Steps and Properties, B - Tracker Selection Box, C - Preview Window, D - Tracker Timeline, E - Track Object When you are done using the Motion Tracker, click the OK button to save your changes. Your changes are applied to the video clip and updated on the video timeline. Tracking the Motion of Objects in Videos To track the motion of a specific object in a video clip, do this: 1. In the Motion Tracker window, if required, use the player controls or drag the Motion Tracker timeline slider to the position in your video clip where you want to begin tracking the object and then click . Note: if you want to track the object for the entire duration of the clip, you do not have to use the mark in and out buttons. 2. 172 Ensure the video is paused and then place the tracker selection box over the object you want to track by dragging and resizing it. Using the Tools 173 CyberLink PowerDirector Help 3. If required, find the position in the video where you want the tracking to stop and then click 174 . Using the Tools 4. Add some title text, a media clip, or effect that will move with the tracked object. See Adding Motion Tracking Effects for more information. 175 CyberLink PowerDirector Help 5. Click the Track button to track the object and apply the effect. See Adding and Editing Trackers for more detailed information on this and how to edit them once added. Note: you can track more than one object, or add multiple effects to one object by adding multiple trackers. Adding and Editing Trackers When you track an object in the Motion Tracker, a tracker is added to the Motion Tracker timeline. 176 Using the Tools The timeline indicates the duration of the video clip, and green area is the amount of time the object is tracked during the playback of the clip. If required, you can adjust how long the object is tracked by clicking and dragging either end of the tracker. If you want to track another object in the same video clip, just click the Add a tracker button. A new tracker is added to the Motion Tracker timeline. Follow the same steps as when you added the first tracker. See Tracking the Motion of Objects in Videos for more information. To edit the properties of a tracker when there are more than one in the timeline, just select it. 177 CyberLink PowerDirector Help You can also click from your project. to hide a tracker during the editing process, or to delete it Adding Motion Tracking Effects There are three types of motion tracking effects that can be added to objects in the Motion Tracker: title text, media clip, and a mosaic, spotlight, or blur effect. Note: you can only add one of these tracking effects to a single tracker. If you want to add more than one, just track the same object multiple times, i.e. more than one tracker. The motion tracking effects can be added before or after the object is tracked. You can also edit the tracking effect properties at any time by selecting the tracker in the Motion Tracker timeline. Note: if you are adding a motion tracking effect to an object that is only tracked for a portion of the clip, the timeline slider must be over the tracker (green area) in the timeline before you can edit the motion tracking properties. Adding Title Text 178 Using the Tools Click the button to add title text that will move and dynamically change size (if enabled) as it follows the tracked object. Once clicked, update the title text properties as follows: 1. Enter the required text in the text box provided. 2. Be sure to set the font face style, size, color, and layout using the available font options. 3. Set the title text options as follows: · Border: select this option if you want to include a border on the text. Click to set the border color. · Maintain aspect ratio: select this option to have the title text's aspect ratio remain constant as it is resized as it moves with the object. 179 CyberLink PowerDirector Help · Smooth: select this option if there is a lot of movement by the object. This will minimize the amount of shake on the text as it follows the object. · Adjust effect size with tracked object: select this option if you want the title text to dynamically resize as the tracked object's size changes. Note: once you exit the Motion Tracker and your changes are applied to the video clip, a title text template is added to the video timeline independently. If required, you can perform advanced editing on the title text's font, motion, size, etc. in the Title Designer. See Modifying Titles in the Title Designer for more information. Adding Media Clips (Images, PiP Objects, and Videos) Click the button to add an image, PiP object, or video clip that will move and dynamically change size (if enabled) as it follows the tracked object. Once clicked, add the media clip as follows: 1. Click the Import Media Clip button, and then: · Import From Hard Drive: to import a file that is on your computer's hard drive. · Import From Media Room: to import a file you previously imported into the current PowerDirector project. · Import From PiP Object Room: to import a PiP object that is currently in your PiP Object Room. 2. If required, resize the media clip in the preview window to your liking. 3. Set the media clip options as follows: · Border: select this option if you want to include a border around the media clip. Click to set the border color. · Smooth: select this option if there is a lot of movement by the object. This will minimize the amount of shake on the media clip as it follows the object. · Adjust effect size with tracked object: select this option if you want the media clip to dynamically resize as the tracked object's size changes. 180 Using the Tools Note: once you exit the Motion Tracker and your changes are applied to the video clip, the added media clip is added to the video timeline independently. If required, you can perform advanced editing on the clip's motion, size, etc. in the PiP Designer. See Modifying Media in the PiP Designer for more information. Adding Mosaic, Spotlight, or Blur Effects Click the button to add a mosaic, spotlight, or blur effect that will move and dynamically change size (if enabled) as it follows the tracked object. Once clicked, add the effects as follows: 1. From the available drop-down, select the effect you want to apply: · Mosaic: this effects adds a pixelated blur on portions of the tracked object, for example a person's face. · Spotlight: this effect highlights the tracked object in the video. · Blur: this effect blurs out portions the tracked object in the video. · Gaussian Blur: this effect applies a softer blur on the tracked object in the video. 2. If required, resize the effect in the preview window to your liking. 3. Depending on the effect you selected, modify the effect properties as follows: · Grid scale: for the mosaic effect, drag this slider to adjust the size of the squares in the pixelated blur. · Light color: for the spotlight effect, click the colored box to set the color of the spotlight. · Brightness: for the spotlight effect, drag this slider to adjust the brightness of the spotlight. · Gradient: for the spotlight effect, drag this slider to adjust gradient and size of the spotlight. · Mask Type: for blur/gaussian blur, select the shape of the blur applied. · Degree: for blur/gaussian blur, use this slider to set the strength of the blur. · Gradient Depth: for blur/gaussian blur, use the slider to soften the blur's gradient edge. 181 CyberLink PowerDirector Help · Invert effect area: for blur/gaussian blur, select this option to invert the blurred area. When selected, the area outside the mask is blurred out. · Smooth: for all the effects, select this option if there is a lot of movement by the object. This will minimize the amount of shake on the effect as it follows the object. · Adjust effect size with tracked object: for all the effects, select this option if you want the effect to dynamically resize as the tracked object's size changes. Note: once you exit the Motion Tracker and your changes are applied to the video clip, you can perform advanced editing on the effect in the Effect Settings panel. See Modifying a Video Effect for more information. Action Camera Center In the Action Camera Center you can fix video clips or add effects that highlight the action sequences in the video. To open the Action Camera Center, select a video clip on the timeline and then select Tools > Action Camera Center. Note: you can also use the Action Camera Center on clips that are still in the media library. To do this, select a clip in the media library, click the button, and then select Action Camera Center. See Editing Video in the Action Camera Center for a detailed description of this feature. Blending Effect In the Blending Effect Designer you can blend a selected clip with an image preset or template to create a unique looking effect in your video. To access the Blending Effect Designer, select a media clip on the timeline and then select Tools > Blending Effect. Note: you can also use the Blending Effect Designer on clips that are still in the media library. To do this, select a clip in the media library, click the button, and then select Blending Effect. See Creating Blends in the Blending Effect Designer for a detailed description of this feature. 182 Using the Tools View Designer You can use the View Designer* to create a conventional video using 360° footage, which can then be used in a non 360° video production. To do this, select a 360° video clip on the timeline and then select Tools > View Designer. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. A - Direction of View Properties, B - Preview Window, C - Display/Hide Keyframe Timeline, D Keyframe Timeline When you are done customizing the video, click the OK button to save your changes and create the conventional video. Your changes are applied to the video clip and updated on the video timeline. 183 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Customizing Direction of View 360° videos allow the viewer to choose where they look during playback. When creating a conventional video using 360° footage, you get to customize this direction of view using keyframes. To customize the direction of view in your video, do this: 1. In the View Designer, click 2. If required, set the direction you want the camera (audience's view) to be pointing at the beginning of the video. You can do this by clicking and dragging your mouse in the preview window, or using the navigation controls in the top left corner of the preview window. 184 to add a keyframe at the beginning of the video. Using the Tools 3. Use the playback controls, or drag the timeline slider to a point in the video where you want the camera to have a different direction of view, and then pause the video. 4. Once again, set the direction of view by clicking and dragging on the preview window, using the navigation controls, and/or the Zoom in/out slider. This will add another keyframe to the Direction of view keyframe timeline, and the audience will have this view at this point in the video's playback. 185 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Note: if required, you can also use the X, Y, Z rotation and Zoom (or use your mouse's scroll wheel) sliders to customize the view at the first or any keyframe. 5. 186 Repeat steps 3 and 4, changing the direction of view as many times as required (or setting all the points (keyframes) where you want the camera to be facing at specific times in the video clip). Using the Tools 6. When you are done, use the playback controls to preview the video. Click OK to save your changes and add the updated video to the timeline. Note: if you want to edit the video after closing the View Designer, just select it again on the timeline and then Tools > View Designer to reenter the window. Ease In/Out Adjusting the direction of view and X, Y, and Z rotation sliders lets you manually create camera movements in your video. To change the direction of view/camera movement, you indicate when in the video you want the camera to be facing a specific direction by adding keyframes. To create the camera movement, CyberLink PowerDirector will ensure the camera is facing in the selected direction at the specified time in the video. However, this may cause the camera movements to appear jerky. To make the sudden camera movements look smoother, be sure to enable the Ease in/out option. 187 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Modifying Direction of View Keyframes At any time you can modify the keyframes added, by selecting them and changing the direction of view/zoom, or by dragging the keyframe to another position on the keyframe timeline. Note: if you cannot find the keyframe timeline in the View Designer, just click the button under the preview window to display it. To remove a keyframe, select it on the keyframe timeline and then click 188 . Adding Effects Chapter 10: Adding Effects You can add many different kinds of effects to your video production, including blending media and video effects that you apply to a portion or the entire media clip. Use Magic Motion to apply a motion effect to images in your video production, or the Magic Style and Freeze Frame features to auto create some effects for you. Blending Clips on the Timeline You can blend any video or image clip on a timeline track, with the media that displays above it in the timeline. Doing this blends the pixels in the media clips together, creating a unique effect in your video production. To blend clips on the timeline, do this: 1. Select a clip on a lower track in the timeline. 2. Right click on the clip on the lower track, and then select Set Clip Attributes > Set Blending Mode. 189 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Note: you can also blend clips together using the Power Tools. 3. Select one of the available blending modes to specify how the selected media clip is blended with the clip above it in the timeline (below it in the video production). There are 8 blending modes to choose from, with each having a different effect. Below is a general description of each blending mode, but it is recommended that you select each to experiment which best fits the needs of your video: · Normal: Normal is the default blending mode and does not mix the pixel colors in the selected media clip with the pixels in the clip above it in the timeline. The pixels in the selected media clip are placed over the pixels in the other media clip, and are not blended. · Darken: the Darken blending mode retains the darkest pixels of all the media clips being blended. · Difference: Difference subtracts the brightest pixel color value from the pixel colors in the media clips. The resulting effect is similar to the look of a film negative, but is more colorful. · Hue: use the Hue blending mode to blend just the hue from the selected media clip's pixels with the lightness and saturation of the pixels in the clip above it in the timeline. · Lighten: the Lighten blending mode retains the lightest pixel colors of all the media clips being blended. · Multiply: Multiply blending mode retains the darkest pixel colors of the selected media clip, and removes the lightest pixels by making them transparent. · Overlay: Overlay combines the effects of the Multiply and Screen blending modes. When blending the media clips, for darker pixels it blends like Multiply. For lighter pixels, it blends like Screen. · Screen: Screen blending mode is the opposite of Multiply, as the brightest pixels are retained, with the darkest pixels effectively becoming transparent. 190 Adding Effects 4. Once selected, the two clips are blended together to create the effect. Adding Video Effects Select the button to open the Effect Room and access over 100 effects you can 191 CyberLink PowerDirector Help add to your images and video clips. Each effect has unique attributes that you can customize to help achieve the impression you want in your video production. Note: CyberLink PowerDirector includes the video effects lens flare, tilt shift, water reflection, and magnifier. You can find these effects by clicking on the Special tag in the explorer view. CyberLink PowerDirector includes many video effects from NewBlue*. To view these effects, select the NewBlue Art Effects filter from the drop-down in the effects library. To view extra help and information about these effects, add them to your production, select them, and then click the Modify button. In the Effect Settings panel, select the Help and Information buttons for more detailed information. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. To insert a video effect to a portion of a clip in the timeline, do one of the following: · select an effect in the Effect Room and then click to the effect track at the current position of the timeline slider. to add it Note: videos effects in the effect track are applied to all the video tracks that are positioned above it in the timeline. · drag an effect from the Effect Room into the effect track directly beneath the clips on the tracks that you want to apply it to. · right-click on an effect and select Add to Timeline to add it to the current position of the timeline slider. · click and then select Apply Random Video Effect to add a random video effect at the current position of the timeline slider. When adding an effect to the timeline (inserting or dragging and dropping), if the timeline slider is over an existing effect, or you drop it on an existing effect, you are prompted to do one of the following: · Overwrite: select to overwrite the existing effect with the newly added effect. · Insert: select to split the effect and insert the new effect between the two portions. CyberLink PowerDirector also only moves the effects on the same track to the right. 192 Adding Effects · Insert and Move All Clips: select to split the effect and insert the new effect between the two portions. CyberLink PowerDirector also moves all of the media clips on the timeline that lie to the right of the inserted effect, right. Note: once an effect is added to the effect track, select it and then click the M odify button to edit the effect's settings. See Modifying a Video Effect for more information. To add a video effect to an entire media, PiP object, or title template clip in the timeline, do this: Note: video effects cannot be added to an entire paint animation or particle effect clip. · select an effect in the Effect Room, drag it to a video track, and then drop it on top of the media, PiP object, or title effect clip you want to apply it to. The video effect is applied to the entire duration of the clip. Note: to modify the settings of a video effect applied to the entire clip, select the clip on the timeline and then click the Effect button. See Modifying a Video Effect for more information. Modifying a Video Effect Many video effects let you customize their properties, such as the intensity, position, and much more. You can customize a video effect for the entire duration (clip mode) or customize it using keyframes (keyframe mode). To modify a video effect, double click on it in the timeline or select it and then click Modify. To modify a video effect that is applied to an entire clip, select the clip and then click the Effect button above the timeline. You can modify video effects in one of two modes: Note: the type of modifications that are available in the Effect Settings panel are completely dependent on the effect you selected. · Clip Mode: when the Effect Settings panel first opens, it displays in clip mode. Any changes you make to the effect's settings are applied for the entire duration of the effect. Use the available sliders and options to customize the video effect to your preference. · Keyframe Mode*: some effects utilize keyframes to customize an effect's settings. Keyframes are frames of your video that define the start and end 193 CyberLink PowerDirector Help points of an effect, for example the intensity of an effect between two keyframes. To customize an effect in keyframe mode, click the Keyframe button in the Effect Settings panel. See Utilizing Keyframes on Media for detailed information on using keyframes to customize effects in your production. Note: to remove an effect applied to an entire clip, deselect the effect name in the Effect Settings panel when in Clip Mode. * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Using Magic Motion CyberLink PowerDirector's Magic Motion tool adds zooms or pans to images, creating a motion effect in your final video. You can select from a number of motion templates for each photo in your project, or use the Magic Motion Designer to customize the motion to your liking. To use Magic Motion, do this: 1. Select an image on the timeline, click the button above the timeline, and then select Magic Motion. The Magic Motion panel opens. 2. Select one of the available Magic Motion templates. 3. Use the preview player controls to preview the applied motion template. 4. If required, click on the Motion Designer button to customize the motion in the Magic Motion Designer. 194 Adding Effects Magic Motion Designer After you select a motion template to apply to the selected image, select the Motion Designer* button to customize the motion in the Magic Motion Designer. A - Focus Area, B - Timeline Indicator, C - Motion Path, D - Rotation Amount, E - Focus Area Preview, F - Focus Area Aspect Ratio, G - Zoom In/Out, H - TV Safe Zone/Grid Lines, I - Keyframe Buttons, J Keyframe Timeline Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. The Magic Motion Designer uses keyframes to customize the motion on an image. Keyframes are frames of your video that define the start and end points of an effect, which in this example is motion, rotation, or size of the focus area. 195 CyberLink PowerDirector Help In the Magic Motion Designer you can: · use the player controls or drag the slider to preview the current motion in the preview window. · click on to add keyframes to the keyframe timeline. By adding keyframes you can alter the motion, rotation, or size of the focus area between two points on the keyframe timeline. · click on to duplicate the previous or next keyframe on the keyframe timeline. Doing this copies the properties of the specified keyframe to the new position. · set the focus area aspect ratio by selecting one of the available options on the right. Choose Freeform to manually resize the focus area shape to create a custom aspect ratio. · resize the focus area at keyframe positions on the keyframe timeline to define the areas on the image you want to highlight or focus on. · click and drag the motion path to alter the movement of the focus area. · add a rotation effect at keyframe positions on the keyframe timeline by entering the rotation amount in the field provided and then pressing the Enter key on your keyboard. You can also click and drag on top of the focus area to rotate the focus area manually. · click on to to zoom in or out on the preview window. Zooming in is useful for precise movement of motion, while you can zoom out if you want to start the motion off screen. · click on to use the TV safe zone and grid lines to help with the precise placement of the focus area on the image. Select Snap to Reference Lines to have the focus area snap to the grid lines, TV safe zone, and boundary of the video area. Using Magic Style With Magic Style you can auto create professional looking videos using predesigned style templates. Magic Style includes pre-designed opening sequences, transitions, and effects to automatically generate professional-looking videos on your timeline. 196 Adding Effects Note: the Magic Style templates with the 3D icon produce a 3D effect in 3D mode and when outputted in 3D video productions. To use Magic Style to add effects and some style to media clips in your video production, select them on the timeline, click the timeline, and then select Magic Style. Click on the feature. button above the button to consult the iHelp for more information on using this Note: if you want more creative control than the Magic Style provides, you can also use the Theme Designer to create your video production. The Theme Designer allows you to customize the theme templates used and choose the exact photos, video clips, and background music you want in your production. See Using the Theme Designer for more information. Using the Freeze Frame Effect Right-click on a video clip on the timeline, select Edit Video/Photo and then Freeze Frame to instantly create a freeze frame effect. CyberLink PowerDirector takes a snapshot of the current frame of video and then inserts it into the timeline, along with a video and title effect, creating a freeze frame effect. Edit the inserted image and effects to your specification to ensure the freeze frame effect fits your requirements. You can choose to not have CyberLink PowerDirector insert the effects by deselecting the option in preferences. See Editing Preferences for more information. 197 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Chapter 11: Creating PiP Effects In CyberLink PowerDirector there are many PiP (picture in picture) effects you can create and use in your video production. PiP effects not only include the use of PiP objects, but also adding motion or modifying the properties of media clips on any track in timeline, creating custom hand drawn paint animation objects in the Paint Designer, using the chroma key effect, and much more. Adding PiP Objects Click the button to open the PiP Objects Room to access a library of PiP objects, or graphics, that you can add on top of the video or images on a video track. Note: the PiP Objects Room also includes paint animation objects. See Using the Paint Designer for more information. To insert a PiP object, or paint animation object, to the timeline, do one of the following: Note: you can download additional PiP and paint animation objects from the DirectorZone web site. See Downloading from DirectorZone for more information. · use the timeline slider to set the position where you want the PiP or paint animation object, select it in the library, and then click add it to the selected video track. to · use the timeline slider to set the position where you want the PiP or paint animation object, right-click on it in the library, and then select Add to Timeline to add it to the selected video track. You can also manually drag and drop a PiP or paint animation object to a desired position on a video track to add it to the timeline. When adding a PiP or paint animation object to the timeline (inserting or dragging and dropping), if the timeline slider is over an existing clip, or you drop it on an existing clip, you are prompted to use one of these ripple editing options to insert the clip: 198 Creating PiP Effects · Overwrite: select to overwrite the existing clip with the PiP/paint animation object. · Insert: select to split the clip and insert the PiP object/paint animation object between the two portions. CyberLink PowerDirector also only moves the clips on the same track to the right. · Insert and Move All Clips: select to split the clip and insert the PiP/paint animation object between the two portions. CyberLink PowerDirector also moves all of the media clips on the timeline that lie to the right of the inserted clip, right. · Crossfade: select to lay the PiP/paint animation object over a portion of the existing clip and auto add a fade transition between the two clips. Note: the Crossfade option does not overwrite the content on the track, instead adding an overlap transition between the two clips. See Setting Transition Behavior for more information. The Crossfade option is only available if the end of the new clip is not over any existing content on the track. · Replace: select to replace a current clip on the timeline with the PiP or paint animation object. Use this option if you don't want to change the structure of the current content on the timeline. Note: if the duration of the clip you are replacing is longer or shorter than the PiP or paint animation object, CyberLink PowerDirector automatically resizes it to fit the original clip's duration. If the timeline slider is in a gap between two clips on a timeline track when inserting a PiP or paint animation object, you are prompted to use this ripple editing option to insert the clip: · Trim to Fit: select to have CyberLink PowerDirector auto set the duration of the PiP/paint animation object to fit the gap to the right of the timeline slider. Once added to the timeline, select the PiP object and then click the Designer button to edit its placement, motion, and more in the PiP Designer. See Modifying Media in the PiP Designer for more information. For information on setting the amount of time the PiP effect appears in your video production, see Setting a Media Clip's Duration. Creating Custom PiP Objects You can create a custom PiP object using your own graphics and images. To create a custom PiP object, do this: 199 CyberLink PowerDirector Help 1. Click on to open the PiP Objects room. 2. In the PiP Objects room, click on 3. Select the image file on your computer you want to use. 4. Click Open to import it and open the PiP Designer. See Modifying Media in the PiP Designer for details on editing the object's properties in the PiP Designer. . Using the Paint Designer The Paint Designer* lets you create hand drawn paint animation objects (such as your written signature) on top of a color board, image, or video clip in your video production. Click on 200 and then to open the Paint Designer. Creating PiP Effects A - Paint Settings, B - Paint Canvas, C - Freeze Time, D - Upload to DirectorZone, D - Capture Controls, E - Tools, F - Set Brush Width, G - Set Brush Color Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Creating a Paint Animation To create a new hand drawn paint animation template, do this: 1. Click on and then to open the Paint Designer. 2. Select the type of brush in the Tools area that you want to use. Each tool creates a different looking line. 3. Use the slider to set the width of the drawn line. 4. In the Color area, hover your mouse over the color band and then use the eye dropper to set the color of the drawn line. · Or click the colored box beside the color band to select it from the color palette. 5. Before you start drawing, be sure to set the Paint Settings as follows: · Brush mode: select to draw on the paint canvas with the selected tool. · Inverse mode: select to switch the paint canvas background to a solid color, which you erase as you draw. · Show current timeline image as background: insert a media clip on the timeline, use the timeline slider to find a frame you want to use as a background, and then select this option to use it as a guideline when drawing. The background image is not included in the paint animation object. 201 CyberLink PowerDirector Help 6. If required, input a Freeze time in the field provided. This time should equal the duration you want the finished drawing to be displayed at the very end of the resulting paint animation object. 7. Click the button and then start drawing on the paint canvas. CyberLink PowerDirector captures your mouse strokes to create a paint animation object. 8. When you are done, click on again. Use the player controls to preview your paint animation object if required. Select the Insert at current timeline position option if you want to insert the saved paint animation object at the current position on the timeline when you are done. 9. 10. Once you are satisfied, click on the Save button to save it to the PiP Objects library. When prompted to save, enter a custom name for the new paint animation, use the slider to select the frame in the paint animation you want to use as its thumbnail in the library, and then click OK. Editing Paint Animation Templates At anytime you can edit the paint animation templates that are in the PiP objects library. Just select the paint animation and then click on . When editing a paint animation template, you can: · use the player controls to preview the paint animation. · click the button to add more content to the end of the drawing. · click the button to take a snapshot of a frame in the paint animation, and save it as a new image in the media library. Saving and Sharing Paint Animation Templates Once you are finished modifying/customizing a paint animation template you can save it in your PiP objects library for future use, upload it to DirectorZone to share it with others, or back it up on CyberLink Cloud*. 202 Creating PiP Effects Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. · click on Share to upload your custom template to DirectorZone or back it up on CyberLink Cloud. See Sharing and Backing Up Paint Animation Templates for more information. · click on Save As to save a modified template as a new template to the disc menu library. · click on OK to save a new template to the disc menu library. Sharing and Backing Up Paint Animation Templates You can share your customized paint animation templates with other CyberLink PowerDirector users by uploading them to DirectorZone. If you have a CyberLink Cloud subscription you can back up all your customized templates by storing them on CyberLink Cloud. To share and back up your paint animation templates, do this: 1. Do either of the following: · in the Paint Designer, click on Share, enter a name for the custom template, and then click OK. · select the paint animation template in the library, and then click 2. . In the upload window, enter the information as follows: · Upload to: select where you want to upload the template. · Title: name of the template as it will display once uploaded. · Style: select a style or category for the template. · Type: if required, select the type of template you are uploading. · Tags: enter some keyword search tags that will help users find the template when searching. Note: separate each tag you enter with a space. If you want to use two words as the tag, just put quotes around them, e.g. "dollar bill". · Collection: enter the name of the collection you want the template added to. 203 CyberLink PowerDirector Help · Description: enter a short description of your template. 3. Click Next to proceed. 4. Confirm the copyright disclaimer, and then click Next to proceed with the upload. 5. Click on Finish to close the upload window. Modifying Media in the PiP Designer When you add a video clip, image, or PiP object to a video track you can apply PiP effects to it in the PiP Designer*. PiP (picture-in-picture) effects include making your media transparent, applying borders, shadows, chroma key (green screen), motion, motion blur, and more. To open the PiP Designer, select a video clip, image, or PiP object on the timeline, click the Designer button and then select PiP Designer. 204 Creating PiP Effects A - PiP Effect Properties Tab, B - PiP Effect Properties, C - Motion Tab, D - PiP Object, E - Background Video, F - Mode Selection, G - Zoom Tools, H - Display/Hide Keyframe Timeline, I - TV Safe Zone/Grid Lines, J - Upload to Internet, K - PiP Media Keyframe Timeline Note: if you have trouble clearly seeing some elements of the media you are modifying in the PiP Designer because they blend into the background, try selecting the Only show the selected track option to change the preview background. You can also open the PiP Designer by: · clicking on in the PiP Objects room to create a new PiP object template from scratch by importing a custom image. · selecting an existing PiP object in the PiP Objects room, clicking on then selecting Modify PiP Attributes to edit the template. , and 205 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Mode Selection and Zoom Tools When modifying PiP media in the PiP Designer use the mode selection and zoom tools for assistance. Note: when modifying PiP media in the PiP Designer, use the player controls to preview, and click can also click preview window. to preview the effect at full screen. You to hide the keyframe timeline for a larger view of the Mode Selection In the PiP Designer there are two selection modes. Click the button to enable the PiP media selection. When selected, you can freely click and move the PiP media to different areas of the video frame. Click the button to enable a mode that lets you drag the view in the PiP Designer. This mode is especially helpful when applying PiP motion effects to media that start off screen. Zoom Tools Use the zoom tools and to zoom out and in on the preview window when modifying PiP media. You can also select the viewer zoom amount from the drop-down to set the size of the PiP media preview. Select Fit to resize the PiP media so that is fits in the PiP Designer's viewer window. Note: you can also hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard and then use the mouse scroll wheel to zoom in or out on the PiP media. Modifying PiP Media Size and Position You can change the size, position, and orientation of the media clip or object in a PiP effect. The resizing options are unrestricted. You can reduce the clip to miniature size or enlarge it to completely obscure any underlying media content on the timeline. 206 Creating PiP Effects Note: click on to use the TV safe zone and grid lines to help with the precise placement of the PiP effect on the video. Select Snap to Reference Lines to have the PiP effect snap to the grid lines, TV safe zone, and boundary of the video area. To modify PiP media size, position, or orientation: · click and drag a corner or side to resize the PiP media. Note: click the Aspect Ratio item on the Properties tab, and then deselect M aintain aspect ratio to resize the media clip or PiP object more freely. · click on the PiP media and drag it to a new position. · click on above the PiP media and drag it left or right to change its orientation. · click and drag the blue nodes in corners to change its shape. See Changing the Shape of Media for more information. Note: you can use keyframes to customize the size and shape of PiP media. See Utilizing PiP Keyframes for more information. Modifying PiP Media Properties Click on the PiP effect Properties tab to change the properties of the PiP media. See the following sections for detailed information on the properties you can modify on this tab. · Changing Object Settings · Using Chroma Key · Applying a Shadow · Adding a Reflection · Applying a Border · Flipping PiP Media · Enabling 3D Depth · Applying Fades 207 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Note: while modifying the PiP effect properties, you can select the Only show the selected track option to hide any other media that is displayed in the preview window while modifying. Changing Object Settings Use the Object Settings option to change some of the basic properties of the PiP media. Use the X and Y position fields to set the precise location of the top left corner of the PiP media on the video image. When used with keyframes, you can manually create motion of the PiP media. Note: CyberLink PowerDirector sets the value of the top-left corner of the media as the 0 axis, with the bottom-right corner having a value of 1.0, 1.0. The center position in the video frame is 0.500, 0.500. You can more easily adjust clip position and motion on the M otion tab. See Adding Motion to PiP Media for motion information. When you create motion for PiP media, you indicate where (Position) on the video image you want the PiP media to appear by adding keyframes. To create the motion, CyberLink PowerDirector will ensure the PiP media is in the desired position at the specified time (keyframe). Use the Scale sliders to change PiP media size, or Opacity to make it more transparent. Note: select the M aintain aspect ratio option if you want to ensure the PiP media's aspect ratio does not change while you are moving or resizing it. Deselect this option if you want to change the PiP media's shape or alter its aspect ratio. To rotate the PiP media, use the Rotation slider to set the angle. Note: you can use keyframes to customize each of these object settings. See Utilizing PiP Keyframes for more information. Ease In/Ease Out Creating motion for PiP media, by changing the Position, Scale, or Rotation object settings at different keyframes, can cause the PiP media to appear jerky, as it speeds up and slows down when it moves through the frame, changes its size, or rotates in the video frame. To make the movement look smoother, use the Ease in/out options. Select Ease in to slow down the PiP media as it enters a keyframe. Select Ease out if you want it to gradually accelerate out of the keyframe. 208 Creating PiP Effects Using Chroma Key Select the Chroma Key option to add a chroma key (green screen) effect to your PiP media. Once enable, do this: 1. Click on and then select the color in the image or video clip that you want to replace/make transparent. 2. Adjust the Tolerance of hue, Tolerance of saturation, and Tolerance of luminance sliders to remove the selected color/background (green screen). Adjust until the image or video behind your PiP media is completely revealed, without any loss of quality on the PiP media. 3. Use the Edge sharpness slider to fine tune the edges of the PiP media on the revealed background. Using this slider can make the PiP effect look more authentic by sharpening the edges. Applying a Shadow Select the Shadow* option to add a shadow on the PiP media. Available options allow you to change the shadow's color, direction, and distance from the PiP effect. You can also set the opacity and blur levels of the shadow using the available sliders. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Adding a Reflection Select the Reflection option to reflect the PiP media onto the background media. Use the Distance slider to set space between the reflection and the PiP media. Use the Opacity slider to set the opacity of the reflection. Applying a Border Select the Border option to add a border around the PiP media. Use the Size slider to set the width of the border, and the Blur and Opacity sliders to customize its appearance. 209 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Selecting Border Color When selecting the color of the border, you have the following options in the Fill type drop-down: · Uniform color: select this option if you want the border to be one solid color. Click the colored square to open the color palette and select the desired border color. · 2 color gradient: select this option if you want the border color to change from one color to another using a gradient. Click the colored squares to set the beginning and ending colors, and then drag the Gradient direction control to set which way the color flows. · 4 color gradient*: select this option if you want the border to consist of four colors. Click the colored squares to set the colors in each of the four corners of the border. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Flipping PiP Media Select the Flip option to flip the PiP media upside down or from left to right, depending on your requirement. Enabling 3D Depth If you are creating a 3D video production, select the 3D Settings* option to give the PiP media a 3D effect. Note: when using this feature, select the button to enable 3D mode for best editing results. See Previewing in 3D Mode for more information on using this mode. * Optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Once enabled, use the slider to set the amount of depth you want the PiP media to have in 3D. Dragging the slider left will make the 3D PiP object seem nearer to the audience (in the foreground), while dragging it right will make it appear farther away (in the background). 210 Creating PiP Effects Note: you can use keyframes to customize when the 3D depth is applied. See Utilizing PiP Keyframes for more information. Applying Fades Select the Fades option to apply a fade effect on the PiP media. Select whether to enable a fade-in and/or fade-out on the PiP media. Note: when a fade is applied, note that keyframes are added to the Opacity keyframe timeline so you can customize the length of the fade, if required. See Utilizing PiP Keyframes for more information. Adding Motion to PiP Media Click on the Motion tab to add motion* to PiP media, allowing it to move across the screen. You can choose from a number of predefined motion paths or create your own custom PiP motion. You can also add a rotation effect to the PiP media. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Using a Motion Path Template To add motion to PiP media you can select a motion path template on the Motion tab that fits your requirements. Note that keyframes are added to the Position track of the PiP Designer keyframe timeline. These motion path templates have predefined motion in them, but you can customize the motion. See Customizing PiP Motion and Utilizing PiP Keyframes for detailed information on using keyframes to customize PiP motion. Customizing PiP Motion The PiP Designer uses keyframes to customize the motion of PiP media. Keyframes are frames of your video that define the start and end points of an effect, which in this example is motion. Note: some PiP objects have predefined motion already applied. 211 CyberLink PowerDirector Help To customize the motion of PiP media: Note: once you are done customizing the PiP media motion you can use the motion blur effect to make it look smother and more natural. See Applying Motion Blur for more information. · drag an existing keyframe to a new location in the preview window. The PiP media will follow the modified path to get to the changed keyframe position. · drag the path line to alter the path the PiP media takes to get to the next keyframe. · use the player controls to find a position on the motion path, and then click on the Position track of the keyframe timeline to add a new keyframe at a new position, if required. Customizing the Speed of PiP Effect Motion You have full control over the speed to the PiP media's motion. The following three factors determine the speed of the PiP media's motion. Note: on the Properties tab in Object Settings you can manually adjust the PiP media position at keyframes and use ease in/out to make the movement look smoother. See Changing Object Settings for more information. 212 Creating PiP Effects Duration of the PiP Clip in the Timeline The longer the duration of PiP media clip, the slower the PiP object's motion is. For example, if the PiP media clip is 10 seconds, it takes the PiP media 10 seconds to travel from the first Position keyframe to the last Position keyframe. Distance Between Keyframes The distance between each keyframe also contributes to the speed of the PiP media motion. The further the distance between each keyframe, the quicker the PiP media needs to move to get to the next keyframe. Keyframe Timeline The keyframe timeline is located below the preview window. Each keyframe in the motion path has a corresponding marker on the keyframe timeline. Note: if you cannot find the keyframe timeline in the PiP Designer, just click the button under the preview window to display it. If the PiP media clip on the timeline has a duration of 10 seconds, the keyframe timeline is 10 seconds long. To increase the speed of a PiP media's motion, drag a keyframe marker closer to previous keyframe marker. 213 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Saving a Custom PiP Motion Path Once you finish modifying your PiP motion path you can save it for future use. To save a motion path, click on to save it as a custom path. It is then available in motion path list the next time you want to use it. Customizing PiP Effect Rotation Select the Rotation Settings option to customize the rotation of moving PiP media. Use the slider to set the amount the PiP media will rotate as it moves across the screen. Select whether PiP media rotates counter clockwise, or clockwise. Note: click the button to reset the rotation amount to 0. Any added rotation is removed. Applying Motion Blur Select the Motion blur* option to make PiP media movement appear smoother, giving it a more natural and authentic look. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Once selected, use the available sliders as follows: · Blur length: drag this slider to set the duration (number of frames) you want blended into a single frame (the blur). Dragging the slider right will apply more of a blur to the moving PiP media. 214 Creating PiP Effects · Blur density: drag this slider to set the number of samples (of PiP media) used per frame. Dragging the slider right will make the PiP media less blurry as it adds samples to fill the missing content caused by the movement. Utilizing PiP Keyframes Use keyframes when modifying your PiP media to define the start and end points of the customized effects. In the PiP Designer you can use keyframes to change the PiP media clip's opacity, size (scale), rotation, motion, shape (freeform), and 3D depth. Note: once you have customized the effects on PiP media using keyframes, you can right click on the clip in the timeline and select Copy Keyframe Attributes. This allows you to paste all of its keyframe attributes (including motion) onto another clip in the timeline, applying the same effects to the clip. Keyframe Timeline A custom keyframe timeline is generated for each PiP media clip when you open it in the PiP Designer. In the below example, because the media clip is 10 seconds long on the project timeline, the keyframe timeline is also 10 seconds. Note: if you cannot find the keyframe timeline in the PiP Designer, just click the button under the preview window to display it. If you'd like to view the movie timeline, click the button. 215 CyberLink PowerDirector Help The keyframe timeline lets you precisely place each keyframe, so you can time the applied effect in your movie production. Adding Keyframes To add a keyframe to the keyframe timeline, do this: Note: if you cannot find the keyframe timeline in the PiP Designer, just click the button under the preview window to display it. 1. Use the player controls to find the moment in your PiP media clip where you want its properties to change. 2. Click next to the property you want to change to add a keyframe to the corresponding keyframe track. 3. Use the features in the PiP Designer to modify the properties of the effect as required for this keyframe. In this example we are modifying the opacity of the PiP media clip at the beginning of the clip. 216 Creating PiP Effects Note: notice above that when opacity is changed, a keyframe is automatically added at the current timeline slider position. 217 CyberLink PowerDirector Help When previewed, at the first keyframe the PiP media is the completely transparent, and then slowly gets more opaque until it reaches the specified opacity level by the time the playback slider reaches the second keyframe. 218 Creating PiP Effects It will maintain this opacity until the playback slider reaches the last keyframe, unless you add more keyframes or change the properties of the last keyframe. Note: you can also modify the properties of a keyframe by right clicking on it and selecting Duplicate Previous Keyframe or Duplicate Next Keyframe. Doing this copies the properties of the specified keyframe to the keyframe you right clicked on. 4. Repeat these steps to create the kind of effect you want in your video production using keyframes to modify the PiP media clip's properties and motion. Modifying and Removing Keyframes At any time you can modify the keyframes added, by selecting it and changing the PiP media clip's properties, or by dragging the keyframe to another position on the keyframe timeline. To remove a keyframe, select it on the keyframe timeline and then click . Saving and Sharing PiP Objects Once you are finished modifying/customizing a PiP object you can save it to your PiP objects library for future use, upload it to DirectorZone to share it with others, or back it up on CyberLink Cloud*. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. · click on Share to upload your custom template to DirectorZone or back it up on CyberLink Cloud. See Sharing and Backing Up PiP Objects for more information. · click on Save As to save a modified template as a new template to the PiP Objects Room. · click on OK to save a new template to the PiP Objects Room. Sharing and Backing Up PiP Objects You can share your customized PiP objects with other CyberLink PowerDirector users by uploading them to DirectorZone. If you have a CyberLink Cloud 219 CyberLink PowerDirector Help subscription you can back up all your customized templates by storing them on CyberLink Cloud. To share and back up your PiP objects, do this: 1. Do either of the following: · in the PiP Designer, click on Share, enter a name for the custom template, and then click OK. · select the PiP object in the library, and then click 2. . In the upload window, enter the information as follows: · Upload to: select where you want to upload the template. · Title: name of the template as it will display once uploaded. · Style: select a style or category for the template. · Type: if required, select the type of template you are uploading. · Tags: enter some keyword search tags that will help users find the template when searching. Note: separate each tag you enter with a space. If you want to use two words as the tag, just put quotes around them, e.g. "dollar bill". · Collection: enter the name of the collection you want the template added to. · Description: enter a short description of your template. 3. Click Next to proceed. 4. Confirm the copyright disclaimer, and then click Next to proceed with the upload. 5. Click on Finish to close the upload window. 220 Adding Particle Effects Chapter 12: Adding Particle Effects Click the button to open the Particle Effects Room to access a library of effects you can place on a video track to add a particle effect (snow, cloud cover, fire effects, and more) on top of a video or image. To insert a particle effect to the timeline, do one of the following: Note: you can download additional particle effects from the DirectorZone web site. See Downloading from DirectorZone for more information. · use the timeline slider to set the position where you want the particle effect, select it in the library, and then click selected video track. to add it to the · use the timeline slider to set the position where you want the particle effect, right-click on it in the library, and then select Add to Timeline to add it to the selected video track. You can also manually drag and drop a particle effect to a desired position on a video track to add it to the timeline. When adding a particle effect to the timeline (inserting or dragging and dropping), if the timeline slider is over an existing clip, or you drop it on an existing clip, you are prompted to use one of the ripple editing options to insert the clip: · Overwrite: select to overwrite the existing clip with the particle effect. · Insert: select to split the clip and insert the particle effect between the two portions. CyberLink PowerDirector also only moves the clips on the same track to the right. · Insert and Move All Clips: select to split the clip and insert the particle effect between the two portions. CyberLink PowerDirector also moves all of the media clips on the timeline that lie to the right of the inserted clip, right. · Crossfade: select to lay the particle effect over a portion of the existing clip and auto add a fade transition between the two clips. 221 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Note: the Crossfade option does not overwrite the content on the track, instead adding an overlap transition between the two clips. See Setting Transition Behavior for more information. The Crossfade option is only available if the end of the new clip is not over any existing content on the track. · Replace: select to replace a current clip on the timeline with the particle effect. Use this option if you don't want to change the structure of the current content on the timeline. Note: if the duration of the clip you are replacing is longer or shorter than the particle effect, CyberLink PowerDirector automatically resizes it to fit the original clip's duration. If the timeline slider is in a gap between two clips on a timeline track when inserting a particle effect, you are prompted to use this ripple editing option to insert the clip: · Trim to Fit: select to have CyberLink PowerDirector auto set the duration of the particle effect to fit the gap to the right of the timeline slider. Once added to the timeline, select the particle effect and then click the Designer button to edit its properties in the Particle Designer. See Modifying Particle Effects in the Particle Designer for more information. For information on setting the amount of time the particle effect appears in your video production, see Setting a Media Clip's Duration. 222 Adding Particle Effects Modifying Particle Effects in the Particle Designer You can completely customize particle effects, and all of its particle object properties, in the Particle Designer*. To open the Particle Designer, select a particle effect on the timeline and then click the Designer button. A - Particle Object Properties Tab, B - Particle Object Properties, C - Particle Object Motion Tab, D - Add Objects, Images, Backgrounds, E - Particle Object, F - Background Video, G - Mode Selection, H Zoom Tools, I - Display/Hide Keyframe Timeline, J - TV Safe Zone/Grid Lines, K - Upload to Internet, L - Particle Effect Keyframe Timeline Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. 223 CyberLink PowerDirector Help You can also open the Particle Designer by: · clicking on in the Particle Room to create a new particle effect template from scratch by importing a custom image. · selecting a particle effect in the Particle Room and then clicking on the button to edit it. Mode Selection and Zoom Tools When modifying particle effects in the Particle Designer use the mode selection and zoom tools for assistance. Note: when modifying particle effects in the Particle Designer, use the player controls to preview, and click You can also click the preview window. to preview the effect at full screen. to hide the keyframe timeline for a larger view of Mode Selection In the Particle Designer there are two selection modes. Click the button to enable the object selection. When selected, you can freely click and move the particle objects, images, etc. to different areas of the video frame. Click the button to enable a mode that lets you drag the view in the Particle Designer. This mode is especially helpful when applying particle motion effects if the object starts off screen. Zoom Tools Use the zoom tools and to zoom out and in on the preview window when modifying the particle effect. You can also select the viewer zoom amount from the drop-down to set the size of the particle effect preview. Select Fit to resize the particle effect so that is fits in the Particle Designer's viewer window. Note: you can also hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard and then use the mouse scroll wheel to zoom in or out on the particle effect. 224 Adding Particle Effects Adding Objects, Images, and Backgrounds Each particle effect template can contain one or more particle objects, or attributes that create the desired effect. It may also include a background and other images. Note: you can give all the added objects, images, and backgrounds custom names in the Particle Designer to make them easily identifiable in the keyframe timeline. Just enter the desired name in the Selected object field. Adding New Particle Objects You can add additional particle objects to a particle effect template. To add a new particle object to a particle effect, click on the button. CyberLink PowerDirector adds a default particle object to the particle effect template. See Modifying Particle Object Properties for more information on customizing the default particle object to fit the particle effect you are trying to create. Adding Images You can insert your own images into your particle effect template. To add a image, do this: 1. Click on the button. 2. Browse to and then select the image on your computer you want to add, and then click Open. 3. Once added, resize and reposition the image in the Particle Designer as required. Setting Backgrounds Your particle effect can consist of a background that the particle objects emit over. You can choose from the default backgrounds, or import your own custom background. 225 CyberLink PowerDirector Help To set a background, do this: 1. Click on the 2. Select: button. · Add Default Background Image: if you want to select one of the backgrounds provided with your copy of CyberLink PowerDirector. Select the background, and then click Open. · Add Custom Background Image: if you want to import your own custom background. Select the background, and then click Open. 3. When prompted, set the adjustment settings for the background, as required. Note: to remove the imported background image, just click the button. Modifying Particle Object Range and Position You can increase the range of the particle object so that it covers more of the background, or modify the position or direction particles fall/emit from their source point. You can also change the position and size of images and backgrounds used in the effect. Note: click on to use the TV safe zone and grid lines to help with the precise placement of the particle object on the video. Select Snap to Reference Lines to have the particle effect snap to the grid lines, TV safe zone, and boundary of the video area. To modify range and position of objects, image, and backgrounds in a particle effect, do this: · to change the position and source (emit) point of a particle object, select the particle object in the keyframe timeline, and then click and drag position. to a new · if the particle effect has an image, select the Image track in the keyframe timeline. Next click and drag a corner or side to resize the image. Click on to drag the image to a new position, if required. 226 Adding Particle Effects · to rotate a particle object, select it in the keyframe timeline, and then click and drag to the desired orientation. · to change the range and direction an effect emits from the particle object's source point, select the particle object in the keyframe timeline, and then click and drag to a new position. Modifying Particle Object Properties Click on the particle object Properties tab to change the properties of the selected particle object. See the following sections for detailed information on the properties you can modify on this tab. · Selecting Emit Method · Selecting Particle Style · Adding/Deleting Particles · Modifying Parameters · Enabling 3D Depth · Adding Color · Applying Fades Selecting Emit Method Select a particle object in the keyframe timeline and then the Emit Method option to select how the particles emit from the source point. You can have them emit from a single point, from a line, or spray out in a circle. Select the Mask option, and then select a mask from the list (or click to import a custom mask image) to create a masked area where particles emit from. Depending on the mask you select/import and how you resize it, the particles will emit differently. Selecting Particle Style Select a particle object in the keyframe timeline and then the Particle Style option to select the style of the emitting particle object. Depending on the property you 227 CyberLink PowerDirector Help select, the particle shape and behavior changes. Select the style that best suits the effect you are trying to accomplish. Adding/Deleting Particles Particle objects can consist of one or more particles, or small customizable images. Select a particle object in the keyframe timeline and then the Add/Delete Particles option to add or remove individual particles from a particle object. Click on and then select Insert a Default Image if you want to select one of the particle images provided with your copy of CyberLink PowerDirector. Select Insert a Custom Image if you want to import your own custom particle image. You can add as many custom particles as you like to a particle object. Select an existing particle and then click to delete it from the particle object. Modifying Parameters Select a particle object in the keyframe timeline and then the Modify Parameters option to completely customize the properties of the particle object as follows: Note: you can use keyframes to customize the parameters of particle objects. See Utilizing Particle Keyframes for more information. · Emit rate: use the slider or enter in a value in the box provided to set the rate or speed particles emit from the source point. · Max count: use the slider or enter in a value in the box provided to set the number of particles that emit from the source point. · Life: use the slider or enter in a value in the box provided to set the life, or how long the particle displays in the effect. The lower the number, the shorter amount of time each particle displays before fading out. For example, if you enter 100, the life will equal the entire length of the clip. · Life variation: use the slider or enter in a value in the box provided to set the amount of variation there is in particle life. For example, if you enter 50, then half of the particles will die out before they meet the specified life amount. · Size: use the slider or enter in a value in the box provided to set the size of the particle. 228 Adding Particle Effects · Size variation: use the slider or enter in a value in the box provided to set the amount of variation there is in particle size. For example, if you enter 50, then half of the particles will equal the defined size. · Speed: use the slider or enter in a value in the box provided to set the speed of the particle. · Speed variation: use the slider or enter in a value in the box provided to set the amount of variation there is in particle speed. For example, if you enter 50, then half of the particles will have the defined speed. · Wave (amplitude): use the slider or enter in a value in the box provided if you want your particle to travel in a wave pattern. The higher the number, the bigger the amplitude of the wave. If the value is 0, then the particle travels in a straight line. · Wave (amplitude) variation: use the slider or enter in a value in the box provided to set the amount of variation there is in wave's amplitude. For example, if you enter 50, then half of the particles will have the same amplitude. · Wave (frequency): use the slider or enter in a value in the box provided if you want your particle to travel in a wave pattern. The higher the number, the larger the frequency of the wave. If the value is 0, then the particle travels in a straight line. · Wave (frequency) variation: use the slider or enter in a value in the box provided to set the amount of variation there is in wave's frequency. For example, if you enter 50, then half of the particles will have the same frequency. · Symmetry: use the slider or enter in a value to set the symmetry of the wave. The higher the value, the more asymmetrical the wave will be. · Rotation speed: use the slider or enter in a value in the box provided to set the rotation speed of the particle. The higher the value, the faster it rotates. Depending on whether the parameter has a positive or negative value determines the direction of the rotation. · Rotation speed variation: use the slider or enter in a value in the box provided to set the amount of variation there is in the particle's rotation speed. For example, if you enter 50, then half of the particles will have the same rotation speed. 229 CyberLink PowerDirector Help · Gravity: use the slider or enter in a value in the box provided to set the amount of gravity applied to the particle. Depending on whether the parameter has a positive or negative value determines the direction of the gravitational pull. Enabling 3D Depth Select a particle object in the keyframe timeline and then the 3D Settings* option if you are creating a 3D video production and want the particle object to have a 3D effect. Select Enable 3D depth to enable, and then use the slider to set the amount of depth you want the particle object to have in 3D. Dragging the slider left will make the 3D particle object seem nearer to the audience (in the foreground), while dragging it right will make it appear farther away (in the background). Note: when using this feature, select the button to enable 3D mode for best editing results. See Previewing in 3D Mode for more information on using this mode. * Optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Adding Color Select a particle object in the keyframe timeline and then the Color option if you want to add or change the color of the particles. To do this, select Enable color and then set the following options: · Select color: click the colored box to select the color of the selected particle object. · Opacity: use this slider to set the opacity or transparency level of the particle object. · Enable particle overlay: select this option to enable an overlay on colored particles to change their appearance, if required. Applying Fades 230 Adding Particle Effects Select a particle object in the keyframe timeline and then the Fades option to apply a fade effect to it. Select whether to enable a fade-in and/or fade-out on the particle object. Note: if you cannot find the keyframe timeline in the Particle Designer, just click the button under the preview window to display it. When a fade is applied, note that a keyframe indicator is added to the particle object's track on the keyframe timeline, indicating the duration of the fade. You can click and drag the keyframe indicator to customize the duration of the fade, if required. 231 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Adding Motion to Particle Objects Click on the Motion tab to add motion to particle objects, by enabling the particle's source to move across the screen. You can choose from a number of predefined motion path templates or create your own custom motion path. The path properties of a particle object are similar to a PiP object. See Adding Motion to PiP Effects for detailed information on customizing a particle object's motion. Utilizing Particle Keyframes Use keyframes when modifying particle object parameters to define the start and end points of the customized effects. Keyframe Timeline A custom keyframe timeline is generated for each particle effect clip when you open it in the Particle Designer. In the below example, because the particle effect clip is 10 seconds long on the project timeline, the keyframe timeline is also 10 seconds. Note: if you cannot find the keyframe timeline in the Particle Designer, just click the button under the preview window to display it. If you'd like to view the movie timeline, click the 232 button. Adding Particle Effects The keyframe timeline lets you precisely place each keyframe, so you can time the applied effect in your movie production. You can also click and drag the beginning of a particle object or image track in the keyframe timeline, to set precisely when the effect first appears in the particle effect. Click and drag the end of the track to set when you want the effect to end. Adding Keyframes To add a keyframe to the keyframe timeline, do this: 1. Use the player controls to find the moment in your particle object where you want its parameters to change. 2. In the Modify Parameters section on the Properties tab, click the next to the parameter you want to change. 3. If required, click the arrow next to the corresponding particle track to display the parameter keyframe track. button 233 CyberLink PowerDirector Help 4. Click next to the parameter you want to change to add a keyframe to the parameter keyframe track. 5. Use the sliders in the Modify Parameters section to modify the parameters of the object as required for this keyframe. In this example we are modifying the emit rate of the particles from the source point at the second keyframe. 6. Repeat these steps to create the kind of effect you want in your video production using keyframes to modify the particle object parameters. Modifying and Removing Keyframes At any time you can modify the keyframes added, by selecting it and changing the particle object's parameters, or by dragging the keyframe to another position on the keyframe timeline. To remove a keyframe, select it on the keyframe timeline and then click . Saving and Sharing Particle Effect Templates Once you are finished modifying your particle effect template you can save it to your particle effects library for future use, upload it to DirectorZone to share it with others, or back it up on CyberLink Cloud*. 234 Adding Particle Effects Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. · click on Share to upload your custom template to DirectorZone or back it up on CyberLink Cloud. See Sharing and Backing Up Particle Effect Templates for more information. · click on Save As to save a modified template as a new template to the Particle Room. · click on OK to save a new template to the Particle Room. Sharing and Backing Up Particle Effect Templates You can share your customized particle effect templates with other CyberLink PowerDirector users by uploading them to DirectorZone. If you have a CyberLink Cloud subscription you can back up all your customized templates by storing them on CyberLink Cloud. To share and back up your particle effect templates, do this: 1. Do either of the following: · in the Particle Designer, click on Share, enter a name for the custom template, and then click OK. · select the particle effect template in the library, and then click 2. . In the upload window, enter the information as follows: · Upload to: select where you want to upload the template. · Title: name of the template as it will display once uploaded. · Style: select a style or category for the template. · Type: if required, select the type of template you are uploading. · Tags: enter some keyword search tags that will help users find the template when searching. Note: separate each tag you enter with a space. If you want to use two words as the tag, just put quotes around them, e.g. "dollar bill". 235 CyberLink PowerDirector Help · Collection: enter the name of the collection you want the template added to. · Description: enter a short description of your template. 3. Click Next to proceed. 4. Confirm the copyright disclaimer, and then click Next to proceed with the upload. 5. Click on Finish to close the upload window. 236 Adding Title Effects Chapter 13: Adding Title Effects Click the button to open the Title Room to access a library of title effect templates, which when applied to your project, add credits or comments to your production. You can add title effects to a video track or to the title track. To insert a title effect to the timeline, do one of the following: Note: once the latest content pack is installed, the Title Room includes title sets, or groups of four themed title templates. These title sets are useful if you want to add titles with themed animations that include video opening and closing credits. · use the timeline slider to set the position where you want the title, select the title effect template in the library, and then click to the selected video track. to add it · use the timeline slider to set the position where you want the title, select the title effect template in the library, and then click to the title track. to add it · use the timeline slider to set the position where you want the title, right-click on the title effect template in the library, and then select Add to Timeline to add it to the title track. You can also manually drag and drop a title effect template to a desired position on the title track (or any video track) to add it to the timeline. Note: you can now add video effects onto entire title effect clips in the timeline, like any other media clip. See Adding Video Effects for more information. When adding a title effect to the timeline (inserting or dragging and dropping), if the timeline slider is over an existing clip, or you drop it on an existing clip, you are prompted to use one of the ripple editing options to insert the clip: · Overwrite: select to overwrite the existing clip with the title effect. · Insert: select to split the clip and insert the title effect between the two portions. CyberLink PowerDirector also only moves the clips on the same track to the right. 237 CyberLink PowerDirector Help · Insert and Move All Clips: select to split the clip and insert the title effect between the two portions. CyberLink PowerDirector also moves all of the media clips on the timeline that lie to the right of the inserted clip, right. · Crossfade: select to lay the title effect over a portion of the existing clip and auto add a fade transition between the two clips. Note: the Crossfade option does not overwrite the content on the track, instead adding an overlap transition between the two clips. See Setting Transition Behavior for more information. The Crossfade option is only available if the end of the new clip is not over any existing content on the track. · Replace: select to replace a current clip on the timeline with the title effect. Use this option if you don't want to change the structure of the current content on the timeline. Note: if the duration of the clip you are replacing is longer or shorter than the title effect, CyberLink PowerDirector automatically resizes it to fit the original clip's duration. If the timeline slider is in a gap between two clips on a timeline track when inserting a title effect, you are prompted to use this ripple editing option to insert the clip: · Trim to Fit: select to have CyberLink PowerDirector auto set the duration of the title effect to fit the gap to the right of the timeline slider. Once added to the timeline, select the title effect template and then click the Designer button to edit it in the Title Designer. See Modifying Titles in the Title Designer for more information. For information on setting the amount of time the title effect appears in your video production, see Setting a Media Clip's Duration. 238 Adding Title Effects Modifying Titles in the Title Designer In the Title Designer you can completely customize the title effects in your project. Title effects contain character presets, animation, and background options that you can modify to fit your video project. To open the Title Designer, select a title effect on the timeline and then click the Designer button. A - Text Properties Tab, B - Title Properties, C - Title Animation Effect Tab, D - Title Motion Tab, E - Insert Text/Images/Particles/Backgrounds, F - Background Video, G - Title Text, H - Mode Selection, I Zoom Tools, J - Display/Hide Keyframe Timeline, K - TV Safe Zone/Grid Lines, L - Align Objects, M Upload to Internet, N - Title Keyframe Timeline 239 CyberLink PowerDirector Help You can also open the Title Designer by: · clicking on in the Title Room and then select: · 2D Title to create a new 2D title template from scratch. See Modifying 2D Text Properties for information on editing its title text properties. · 3D-Like Title to create a new title template with 3D-Like effect properties. See Modifying 3D-Like Text Properties for information on editing its title text properties. · selecting an existing title effect in the Title Room and then clicking on edit the existing template. to Mode Selection and Zoom Tools When modifying title effects in the Title Designer use the mode selection and zoom tools for assistance. Note: when modifying title effects in the Title Designer, use the player controls to preview, and click can also click preview window. to preview the effect at full screen. You to hide the keyframe timeline for a larger view of the Mode Selection In the Title Designer there are two selection modes. Click the button to enable the object selection. When selected, you can freely click and move the title text, particles, images, etc. to different areas of the video frame. 240 Adding Title Effects 241 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Click the button to enable a mode that lets you drag the view in the Title Designer. This mode is especially helpful if zoomed in on the title effect. 242 Adding Title Effects 243 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Zoom Tools Use the zoom tools and to zoom out and in on the preview window when modifying the title effect. You can also select the viewer zoom amount from the drop-down to set the size of the title effect preview. Select Fit to resize the title effect so that is fits in the Title Designer's viewer window. Note: you can also hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard and then use the mouse scroll wheel to zoom in or out on the title effect. 244 Adding Title Effects Adding Text, Particles, Images, and Backgrounds Each title effect template can contain one or more title text boxes. It can also contain particle effects, images, and backgrounds that the text displays over. Adding Title Text You can add additional title text boxes that contain the text you want to display in your video production. To add new title text, click on the button and then click in the preview window to add the title text box to the desired position. Type in the required text in the new title text box. See Modifying Title Text and Image Properties for more information on customizing the added title text's properties. Adding Particle Effects You can add particle effects to a title effect template. See Adding Particle Effects for more detailed information on particle effects. To add a particle effect to a title effect, click on the particle effect you want to add to the template. button and then select the Note: the properties of particle effects cannot be modified once added to a title template. However, you can adjust the effects start and end time in the title effect's keyframe timeline. 245 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Adding Images You can insert your own images into your title effect template. To add a image, do this: 1. Click on the button. 2. Browse to and then select the image on your computer you want to add, and then click Open. 3. Once added, resize and reposition the image in the Title Designer as required. See Modifying Title Text and Image Properties if you would like to use chroma key to make the image in the title effect transparent. You can also add shadows, reflections and more on the inserted image. Inserting Backgrounds Your title effect can consist of a background that the title text displays over. To set a background, do this: 1. Click on the button. 2. Browse to and then select the image on your computer you want to use as the background, and then click Open. 3. When prompted, set the adjustment settings for the background, as required. Note: to remove the imported background image, just click the button. Modifying Title Effect Position You can change the position and orientation of the title text and images in a title effect, quickly and easily. Note: click on to use the TV safe zone and grid lines to help with the precise placement of the title effect on the master video. Select Snap to Reference Lines to have the title effect snap to the grid lines, TV safe zone, and boundary of the video area. 246 Adding Title Effects To modify title text and image position or orientation: · click on the title text or an image, and then drag it to a new position. · if editing a 2D title, click on above the title text or image, and drag it right or left to change its orientation. · if the title effect contains an image, select it and then click and drag a corner or side to resize the image. Modifying Title Text and Image Properties Click on the Object tab to change the properties of selected title text or images you inserted into the title effect. The properties that are available on the tab depend on the type of title effect (2D or 3D-like title) you are editing. See Modifying 2D Title Effect Properties if you are editing a 2D title effect template, or Modifying 3D-Like Title Effect Properties if editing 3D-Like title effect template. Modifying 2D Title Effect Properties If you are creating or editing a 2D title effect template, on the object properties tab you can modify everything from the text size, style, color, as well as add shadows, borders, reflections, and more to both title text and inserted images. Applying Character Presets to Title Text Select the Character Presets option to apply a defined character preset to title text. After you have applied a defined character preset you can refine it using the other properties on the tab, if required. To apply a character preset to title text, ensure the text box is selected in the preview window and then click on a character preset in the list. Note: once you are done customizing all of the text properties on the tab, click on to save the character preset to your favorites. To find and use saved character presets, select M y Favorites in the Character types drop-down. 247 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Customizing Font Type Select the Font Type option to set the font type and size of selected title text. You can also select the font face color, bold or italicize text, change the line and text spacing, and set the text alignment in the text box. If the font type you are using supports it, you can select the Kerning check box to reduce the space between the letters in the title text. Customizing Font Face Select the Font Face option to customize the font color, blur, and opacity. Once selected, use the Blur and Opacity sliders to customize its appearance. When customizing the font face color, you have the following options in the Fill type drop-down: · Uniform color: select this option if you want the font to be one solid color. Click the colored square to open the color palette and select the desired font color. · 2 color gradient: select this option if you want the font color to change from one color to another using a gradient. Click the colored squares to set the beginning and ending colors, and then drag the Gradient direction control to set which way the color flows. · 4 color gradient*: select this option if you want the font to consist of four colors. Click the colored squares to set the colors in each of the four corners of the text. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Using Chroma Key Select the Chroma Key option and then Apply chroma key to add a green screen effect to an image you inserted into the title effect. Select Once enabled, do this: 1. 248 Click on and then select the color in the image that you want to replace/ make transparent. Adding Title Effects 2. Adjust the Tolerance of hue, Tolerance of saturation, and Tolerance of luminance sliders to remove the selected color. Adjust until the image or video behind your inserted image is completely revealed, without any loss of quality on the image. 3. Use the Edge sharpness slider to fine tune and sharpen the edges of the inserted image on the revealed background. Adding a Reflection Select the Reflection option to add a reflection of title text or an inserted image onto the background media. Use the Distance slider to set space between the reflection and the object. Use the Opacity slider to set the opacity of the reflection. Applying Shadow Select the Shadow option to add a shadow to selected title text or an inserted image. Available options allow you to change the shadow's color, direction, distance from the object, and add an opacity or blur effect. Applying Border Select the Border option to add a border around selected title text or an inserted image. Available options allow you to change the border's size, and add a opacity or blur effect. You can customize the border color using the following options in the Fill type drop-down: · Uniform color: select this option if you want the border to be one solid color. Click the colored square to open the color palette and select the desired border color. · 2 color gradient: select this option if you want the border color to change from one color to another using a gradient. Click the colored squares to set the beginning and ending colors, and then drag the Gradient direction control to set which way the color flows. · 4 color gradient*: select this option if you want the border to consist of four colors. Click the colored squares to set the colors in each of the four corners of the border. 249 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Enabling 3D Depth If you are creating a 3D video production, select the 3D Settings* to give selected title text or an inserted image a 3D effect. Note: when using this feature, select the button to enable 3D mode for best editing results. See Previewing in 3D Mode for more information on using this mode. * Optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Once enabled, use the slider to set the amount of depth you want the object to have in 3D. Dragging the slider left will make the 3D object seem nearer to the audience (in the foreground), while dragging it right will make it appear farther away (in the background). Flipping Images Select Flip if you want to to flip an inserted image upside down or from left to right, depending on your requirement. Apply Fades to Images You can select Fade to enable a fade effect on an inserted image. Select whether to enable a fade-in and/or fade-out on the image. Note: when a fade is applied, note that keyframes are added to the Opacity keyframe timeline so you can customize the length of the fade, if required. See Utilizing PiP Keyframes for more information. Changing Object Settings Use the Object Settings option to change some of the basic properties of selected title text or an inserted image. Use the X and Y position fields to set the precise location of the top left corner of the object on the video image. When used with keyframes, you can manually create motion for the title object. 250 Adding Title Effects Note: CyberLink PowerDirector sets the value of the top-left corner of the object as the 0 axis, with the bottom-right corner having a value of 1.0, 1.0. The center position in the video frame is 0.500, 0.500. You can more easily adjust title text position and motion on the M otion tab. See Applying Motion to Title Text for motion information. When you create motion for an object, you indicate where (Position) on the video image you want the object to appear by adding keyframes. To create the motion, CyberLink PowerDirector will ensure the object is in the desired position at the specified time (keyframe). Use the Scale sliders to change an object's size, or Opacity to make it more transparent. Note: select the M aintain aspect ratio option if you want to ensure the object's aspect ratio does not change while you are moving or resizing it. Deselect this option if you want to change the object's shape or alter its aspect ratio. To rotate an object, hover your mouse over , click and then drag your mouse left or right as required. You can also manually enter a rotation amount in the Rotation filed and then press the enter key to rotate it. Note: you can use keyframes to customize all of these object settings when editing title text. See Utilizing Title Effect Keyframes for more information. Ease In/Ease Out Creating motion for title text, by changing the Position, Scale, or Rotation object settings at different keyframes, can cause the title text to appear jerky, as it speeds up and slows down when it moves through the frame, changes its size, or rotates in the video frame. To make the movement look smoother, use the Ease in/out options. Select Ease in to slow down the title text as it enters a keyframe. Select Ease out if you want it to gradually accelerate out of the keyframe. Modifying 3D-Like Title Effect Properties If you are creating or editing a 3D-Like title effect template, on the object properties tab you can modify the text size, style, color, as well as its extrusion, opacity, texture, and rotation settings. Note: see The Difference Between 3D and 3D-Like Effects to learn more about both types of effects. 251 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Applying Character Presets to 3D-Like Title Text Select the Character Presets option to apply a defined character preset to 3D-Like title text. After you have applied a defined character preset you can refine it using the other properties on the tab, if required. To apply a character preset to 3D-Like title text, ensure the text box is selected in the preview window and then click on a character preset in the list. Note: once you are done customizing all of the 3D-Like text properties, click on to save the character preset to your favorites. To find and use saved character presets, select M y Favorites in the Character types drop-down. Customizing Font Type Settings Select the Font Type Settings option to set the font type and size of the selected 3DLike title text. You can also select the font face color, bold or italicize the text, and set the text spacing in the text box. If the font type you are using supports it, you can select the Kerning check box to reduce the space between the letters in the title text. Customizing Font Face Settings In Font Face Settings you can customize the font extrusion and opacity amount. To set the font color, click the colored square to open the color palette and select the desired color of the 3D-Like title text. Note: when applying an extrusion to the 3D-Like title text, the angle of the extruded text changes as you move the text to different areas of the video frame. Using Chroma Key Select the Chroma Key option to add a chroma key (green screen) effect to an inserted image. Once enable, do this: 1. 252 Click on and then select the color in the image that you want to replace/ make transparent. Adding Title Effects 2. Adjust the Tolerance of hue, Tolerance of saturation, and Tolerance of luminance sliders to remove the selected color. Adjust until the image or video behind your inserted image is completely revealed, without any loss of quality on the image. 3. Use the Edge sharpness slider to fine tune and sharpen the edges of the inserted image on the revealed background. Adding a Reflection Select the Reflection option to add a reflection of the 3D-Like title text or inserted image onto the background media. Use the Distance slider to set space between the reflection and the 3D-Like object. Applying Shadow Select the Shadow option to add a shadow to an inserted image. Available options allow you to change the shadow's color, direction, distance from the object, and add an opacity or blur effect. Applying Border Select the Border option to add a border around an inserted image. Available options allow you to change the border's size, and add a opacity or blur effect. You can customize the border color using the following options in the Fill type drop-down: · Uniform color: select this option if you want the border to be one solid color. Click the colored square to open the color palette and select the desired border color. · 2 color gradient: select this option if you want the border color to change from one color to another using a gradient. Click the colored squares to set the beginning and ending colors, and then drag the Gradient direction control to set which way the color flows. · 4 color gradient*: select this option if you want the border to consist of four colors. Click the colored squares to set the colors in each of the four corners of the border. 253 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Customizing 3D Rotation Settings Select the 3D Rotation Settings option to customize the rotation of your 3D-Like title text. If you applied extrusion in the font face settings, use the available sliders to rotate the 3D text to generate your preferred 3D-Like effect and orientation. Applying 3D Texture Settings Select the 3D Texture Settings option to apply texture to the 3D-Like text by selecting a text skin from the list. Click the Add Texture button to import your own image. Based on the color properties of the imported image, CyberLink PowerDirector applies a custom texture to the title text. Enabling 3D Depth If you are creating a 3D video production, select the 3D Settings*option to give 3DLike title text or an inserted image a 3D effect. Note: when using this feature, select the button to enable 3D mode for best editing results. See Previewing in 3D Mode for more information on using this mode. * Optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Once enabled, use the slider to set the amount of depth you want the 3D-Like object to have in 3D. Dragging the slider left will make the 3D object seem nearer to the audience (in the foreground), while dragging it right will make it appear farther away (in the background). Flipping Images Select Flip if you want to to flip an inserted image upside down or from left to right, depending on your requirement. Apply Fades to Images 254 Adding Title Effects You can select Fade to enable a fade effect on an inserted image. Select whether to enable a fade-in and/or fade-out on the image. Note: when a fade is applied, note that keyframes are added to the Opacity keyframe timeline so you can customize the length of the fade, if required. See Utilizing PiP Keyframes for more information. Changing Object Settings Use the Object Settings option to change some of the basic properties of an inserted image. Use the X and Y position fields to set the precise location of the top left corner of the object on the video image. Note: CyberLink PowerDirector sets the value of the top-left corner of the object as the 0 axis, with the bottom-right corner having a value of 1.0, 1.0. The center position in the video frame is 0.500, 0.500. Use the Scale sliders to change an object's size, or Opacity to make it more transparent. Note: select the M aintain aspect ratio option if you want to ensure the object's aspect ratio does not change while you are moving or resizing it. Deselect this option if you want to change the object's shape or alter its aspect ratio. To rotate an object, hover your mouse over , click and then drag your mouse left or right as required. You can also manually enter a rotation amount in the Rotation filed and then press the enter key to rotate it. Applying Animation Effects to Title Text Click on the Effects tab to apply animations to title text, such as text fades, text motion, or wipes. Note: once you are done customizing the title text animation you can use the motion blur effect to make it look smother. See Applying Motion Blur for more information. To apply animation to text, do this: 1. Select the title text you wish to animate in the preview window. 2. Select the Starting Effect option and then select an animation from the available list. 255 CyberLink PowerDirector Help 3. Select the Ending Effect option and then select an animation from the available list. Customizing the Speed of Title Text Effect You can modify the speed of a title text's animation. The following two factors determine the speed for the animation to complete. Note: on the Text tab you can manually adjust the title text position at keyframes and use ease in/out to make the movement look smoother. See Changing Object Settings for more information. Duration of the Title Effect Clip in the Timeline The longer the duration of the title effect clip in your project's timeline, the longer it takes for the title effect animation to complete. For example, if the title effect clip is 20 seconds, it takes the title effect 20 seconds to complete the starting and ending animation. Note: if you cannot find the keyframe timeline in the Title Designer, just click the button under the preview window to display it. Keyframe Timeline A custom keyframe timeline is generated for each title effect when you open it in the Title Designer. In the above example, because the title effect clip is 20 seconds long on the project timeline, the keyframe timeline is also 20 seconds. Note: if you cannot find the keyframe timeline in the Title Designer, just click the 256 button under the preview window to display it. Adding Title Effects If you'd like to view the movie timeline, click the button. The keyframe timeline lets you precisely place each keyframe, so you can time the applied effect in your movie production. The title effect animation has four keyframes. The first two keyframes indicate the start and end points for the starting effect, while the last two indicate the start and end points for the ending effect. The darker green section indicates the time it takes for the starting/ending effect to complete. If you would like to change the start or end time of the effect or how long it takes for the starting or ending effect to complete, just drag a keyframe to the desired position in the timeline. Note: the lighter green section indicates how long the title effect displays on screen once the starting effect animation is complete. 257 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Applying Motion Blur Select the Enable motion blur option if your title text has an animation effect applied. Motion blur makes the animation appear smoother. Once selected, use the available sliders as follows: · Blur length: drag this slider to set the duration (number of frames) you want blended into a single frame (the blur). Dragging the slider right will apply more of a blur to the title text. · Blur density: drag this slider to set the number of samples (of title effect) used per frame. Dragging the slider right will make the title text less blurry as it adds samples to fill the missing content caused by the movement. Adding Motion to Title Text Click on the Motion tab to add motion* to title text, allowing it to move across the screen. You can choose from a number of predefined motion paths or create your own custom title text motion. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Using a Motion Path Template To add motion to title text you can select a motion path template on the Motion tab that fits your requirements. Note that keyframes are added to the Position track of the Title Designer keyframe timeline. These motion path templates have predefined motion in them, but you can customize the motion. See Customizing Title Text Motion and Utilizing Title Effect Keyframes for detailed information on using keyframes to customize title text motion. Customizing Title Text Motion The Title Designer uses keyframes to customize the motion of title text. Keyframes are frames of your video that define the start and end points of an effect, which in this example is motion. 258 Adding Title Effects Note: if you added an animation effect to your title text, it may already have motion. However, you can combine these two types of effects to create impressive titles in your production. To customize the motion of title text: · drag an existing keyframe to a new location in the preview window. The title text will follow the modified path to get to the changed keyframe position. · drag the path line to alter the path the title text takes to get to the next keyframe. · use the player controls to find a position on the motion path, and then click on the Position track of the keyframe timeline to add a new keyframe at a new position, if required. Customizing the Speed of Title Text Motion You have full control over the speed to the title text's motion. The following three factors determine the speed of the title text's motion. Note: on the Properties tab in Object Settings you can manually adjust the title text position at keyframes and use ease in/out to make the movement look smoother. See Changing Object Settings for more information. Duration of the Title Effect in the Timeline 259 CyberLink PowerDirector Help The longer the duration of title effect clip, the slower the title text's motion is. For example, if the title effect clip is 10 seconds, it takes the title text 10 seconds to travel from the first Position keyframe to the last Position keyframe. Distance Between Keyframes The distance between each keyframe also contributes to the speed of the title text motion. The further the distance between each keyframe, the quicker the title text needs to move to get to the next keyframe. Keyframe Timeline The keyframe timeline is located below the preview window. Each keyframe in the motion path has a corresponding marker on the keyframe timeline. Note: if you cannot find the keyframe timeline in the Title Designer, just click the button under the preview window to display it. If the title effect clip on the timeline has a duration of 10 seconds, the keyframe timeline is 10 seconds long. To increase the speed of title text motion, drag a keyframe marker closer to previous keyframe marker. 260 Adding Title Effects Saving a Custom Title Text Motion Path Once you finish modifying your title text path you can save it for future use. To save a motion path, click on to save it as a custom path. It is then available in motion path list the next time you want to use it. Utilizing Title Effect Keyframes Use keyframes when modifying your title effects to define the start and end points of text effects. In the Title Designer you can use keyframes to change the title effect's opacity, size (scale), rotation, motion, and position. Note: if you cannot find the keyframe timeline in the Title Designer, just click the button under the preview window to display it. Adding Keyframes To add a keyframe to the keyframe timeline, do this: 1. Use the player controls to find the moment in your title effect where you want its properties to change. 2. Click next to the text property you want to change to add a keyframe to the corresponding keyframe track. 3. Use the features in the Title Designer to modify the properties of the title effect as required for this keyframe. In this example we are modifying the opacity of the title effect at the beginning of the clip. 261 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Note: notice above that when opacity is changed, a keyframe is automatically added at the current timeline slider position. 262 Adding Title Effects When previewed, at the first keyframe the title effect is the completely transparent, and then slowly gets more opaque until it reaches the specified opacity level by the time the playback slider reaches the second keyframe. 263 CyberLink PowerDirector Help It will maintain this opacity until the playback slider reaches the last keyframe, unless you add more keyframes or change the properties of the last keyframe. Note: you can also modify the properties of a keyframe by right clicking on it and selecting Duplicate Previous Keyframe or Duplicate Next Keyframe. Doing this copies the properties of the specified keyframe to the keyframe you right clicked on. 4. Repeat these steps to create the kind of effect you want in your video production using keyframes to modify the title effect's properties. Modifying and Removing Keyframes At any time you can modify the keyframes added, by selecting it and changing the title effect's object properties, or by dragging the keyframe to another position on the keyframe timeline. To remove a keyframe, select it on the keyframe timeline and then click . Saving and Sharing Title Templates Once you finish modifying your title template you can save it to your title effects library for future use, upload it to DirectorZone to share it with others, or back it up on CyberLink Cloud*. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. · click on Share to upload your custom template to DirectorZone or back it up on CyberLink Cloud. See Sharing and Backing Up Title Templates for more information. · click on Save As to save a modified template as a new template to the Title Room. · click on OK to save a new template to the Title Room. Sharing and Backing Up Title Templates You can share your customized title templates with other CyberLink PowerDirector users by uploading them to DirectorZone. If you have a CyberLink Cloud 264 Adding Title Effects subscription you can back up all your customized templates by storing them on CyberLink Cloud. To share and back up your title templates, do this: 1. Do either of the following: · in the Title Designer, click on Share, enter a name for the custom template, and then click OK. · select the title template in the library, and then click 2. . In the upload window, enter the information as follows: · Upload to: select where you want to upload the template. · Title: name of the template as it will display once uploaded. · Style: select a style or category for the template. · Type: if required, select the type of template you are uploading. · Tags: enter some keyword search tags that will help users find the template when searching. Note: separate each tag you enter with a space. If you want to use two words as the tag, just put quotes around them, e.g. "dollar bill". · Collection: enter the name of the collection you want the template added to. · Description: enter a short description of your template. 3. Click Next to proceed. 4. Confirm the copyright disclaimer, and then click Next to proceed with the upload. 5. Click on Finish to close the upload window. 265 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Chapter 14: Creating Custom Masks in the Mask Designer In the Mask Designer you can create custom masks that are added directly to media clips on the timeline. Masks let you hide portions of the video image, only displaying the portions of the media clip that you want. To open the Mask Designer, select a media clip on the timeline and then select Designer > Mask Designer. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. 266 Creating Custom Masks in the Mask Designer A - Mask Properties Tab, B - Mask Properties, C - Motion Tab, D - Media Clip/Video Being Masked, E Mask, F - Mode Selection, G - Zoom Tools, H - Display/Hide Keyframe Timeline, I - TV Safe Zone/Grid Lines, J - Upload to Internet, K - Mask Keyframe Timeline When you are done customizing your mask in the Mask Designer, click the OK button to save your changes. Your changes are applied to the selected media clip and updated on the video timeline. If you want to edit the mask further, just reselect the media clip on the timeline and then reenter the Mask Designer by selecting Designer > Mask Designer. Mode Selection and Zoom Tools When modifying masks in the Masks Designer use the mode selection and zoom tools for assistance. Note: when modifying masks in the Mask Designer, use the player controls to preview, and click click window. to preview the video at full screen. You can also to hide the keyframe timeline for a larger view of the preview Mode Selection In the Mask Designer there are two selection modes. Click the button to enable the mask selection. When selected, you can freely click and move the mask to different areas of the video frame. Click the button to enable a mode that lets you drag the view in the Mask Designer. This mode is especially helpful when applying masks with motion that start off screen. Zoom Tools Use the zoom tools and to zoom out and in on the preview window when modifying masks. You can also select the viewer zoom amount from the drop-down to set the size of the mask preview. Select Fit to resize the mask so that is fits in the Mask Designer's viewer window. 267 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Note: you can also hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard and then use the mouse scroll wheel to zoom in or out on the mask. Selecting Masks Click on the Mask tab and then select a mask in Mask Properties to overlay portions of the media clip you selected on the timeline. Click and drag the edges of the mask to move and resize it as required. See Modifying Mask Size and Position for more information. The area that is white in the mask thumbnail, is the part of the mask that is transparent. However, you can select the Invert mask option to invert the portion of the media that is being masked. 268 Creating Custom Masks in the Mask Designer Use the Feather radius slider if you want to adjust the softness on the mask's edges. 269 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Creating Custom Masks In the Mask Designer you can import your own images to create custom masks. You can also create masks in the Mask Composer using title text and images. Importing Images To create a mask using an imported image, click on the Load Image button in the Mask Properties section of the Mask tab, and then import an image from your computer's hard drive. 270 Creating Custom Masks in the Mask Designer 271 CyberLink PowerDirector Help 272 Creating Custom Masks in the Mask Designer As with the mask templates, by default, the lighter areas of the imported image become transparent. Once imported, change the properties and mask objects settings to customize to your requirements. 273 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Mask Composer Clicking on the Create Mask button in the Mask Properties section of the Mask tab will open the Mask Composer, where you can create a custom mask using title text and images. 274 Creating Custom Masks in the Mask Designer Editing Title Text Click on the title text object and then enter the text you want to use in your custom mask. Note: if required you can add more than one title text object in the mask by clicking on the button and then clicking in the preview window to adding the title text box to the desired position. 275 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Use the Font Type options to set the font type and size of the selected title text. You can also bold or italicize text, change the line and text spacing, and set the text alignment in the text box. If the font type you are using supports it, you can select the Kerning check box to reduce the space between the letters in the title text. 276 Creating Custom Masks in the Mask Designer Mask Object Properties In the Object Settings section you can change some of the basic properties of the mask. In the Position section, you can manually position the mask on the video frame, using the X and Y position fields to set the precise location of the top left corner of the mask. Note: CyberLink PowerDirector sets the value of the top-left corner of the mask as the 0 axis, with the bottom-right corner having a value of 1.0, 1.0. The center position in the video frame is 0.500, 0.500. Use the Scale sliders to change the mask's size, or Opacity to make it less transparent. Note: select the M aintain aspect ratio option if you want to ensure the mask's aspect ratio does not change while you are moving or resizing it. Deselect this option if you want to change the mask's shape or alter its aspect ratio. 277 CyberLink PowerDirector Help To rotate the mask, enter the Rotation amount in the field provided. Importing Images In the Mask Composer you can also click on the button to import images for use in your custom mask. The lighter areas of the imported image become transparent once imported. When you are done creating your mask, click OK to close the Mask Composer. Your changes will be saved and the new mask will be available in Mask Properties of the Mask Designer. 278 Creating Custom Masks in the Mask Designer If you want to make further edits to your custom mask, just right click on its thumbnail and then select Modify to reenter the Mask Composer. Modifying Mask Size and Position You can change the size, position, and orientation of the mask. The resizing options are unrestricted. You can reduce the mask to miniature size or enlarge as much as you want. Note: click on to use the TV safe zone and grid lines to help with the precise placement of the masks on the video image. Select Snap to Reference Lines to have the mask snap to the grid lines, TV safe zone, and boundary of the video area. To modify mask size, position, or orientation: · click and drag a corner or side to resize the mask. 279 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Note: in the M ask Scale section on the Mask Object Settings, you can deselect the M aintain aspect ratio option to resize the mask more freely. · click on the mask and drag it to a new position. · click on above the mask and drag it left or right to change its orientation. · click and drag the blue nodes in corners to change its shape. See Changing the Shape of Media for more information. Note: you can use keyframes to customize the size and shape of masks. See Utilizing Mask Keyframes for more information. Modifying Mask Object Settings On the Mask tab, click on the Object Settings section to change some of the basic properties of the mask. Note: while modifying the mask's object settings, you can select the Only show the selected track option to hide any other media that is displayed in the preview window while modifying. In the Mask Position section, you can manually position the mask on the video frame, using the X and Y position fields to set the precise location of the top left corner of the mask. When used with keyframes, you can manually create motion of the mask. Note: CyberLink PowerDirector sets the value of the top-left corner of the mask as the 0 axis, with the bottom-right corner having a value of 1.0, 1.0. The center position in the video frame is 0.500, 0.500. You can more easily adjust mask position and motion on the M otion tab. See Adding Motion to Masks for motion information. When you create motion for masks, you indicate where (Mask Position) on the video image you want the mask to appear by adding keyframes. To create the motion, CyberLink PowerDirector will ensure the mask is in the desired position at the specified time (keyframe). Use the Mask Scale sliders to change the mask's size, or Mask Opacity to make it more transparent. Note: select the M aintain aspect ratio option if you want to ensure the mask's aspect ratio does not change while you are moving or resizing it. Deselect this option if you want to change the mask's shape or alter its aspect ratio. 280 Creating Custom Masks in the Mask Designer To rotate the mask, enter the Rotation amount in the field provided. Note: you can use keyframes to customize each of these object settings. See Utilizing PiP Keyframes for more information. Ease In/Ease Out Creating motion for masks, by changing the Mask Position, Mask Scale, or Rotation object settings at different keyframes, can cause the mask to appear jerky, as it speeds up and slows down when it moves through the frame, changes its size, or rotates in the video frame. To make the movement look smoother, use the Ease in/ out options. Select Ease in to slow down the mask as it enters a keyframe. Select Ease out if you want it to gradually accelerate out of the keyframe. Adding Motion to Masks Click on the Motion tab to add motion* to masks, allowing them to move across the screen. You can choose from a number of predefined motion paths or create your own custom motion. You can also add a rotation effect to the mask. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Using a Motion Path Template To add motion to mask you can select a motion path template on the Motion tab that fits your requirements. Note that keyframes are added to the Position track of the Mask Designer keyframe timeline. These motion path templates have predefined motion in them, but you can customize the motion. See Adding Motion to Masks and Utilizing Mask Keyframes for detailed information on using keyframes to customize mask motion. Customizing Mask Motion The Mask Designer uses keyframes to customize the motion of masks. Keyframes are frames of your video that define the start and end points of an effect, which in this example is motion. 281 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Note: some masks have predefined motion already applied. To customize the motion of masks: · drag an existing keyframe to a new location in the preview window. The mask will follow the modified path to get to the changed keyframe position. · drag the path line to alter the path the mask takes to get to the next keyframe. · use the player controls to find a position on the motion path, and then click on the Position track of the keyframe timeline to add a new keyframe at a new position, if required. Customizing the Speed of Mask Motion You have full control over the speed to the mask's motion. The following three factors determine the speed of the mask's motion. Note: on the Properties tab in Object Settings you can manually adjust the mask position at keyframes and use ease in/out to make the movement look smoother. See Changing Object Settings for more information. Distance Between Keyframes 282 Creating Custom Masks in the Mask Designer The distance between each keyframe contributes to the speed of the mask motion. The further the distance between each keyframe, the quicker the mask needs to move to get to the next keyframe. Keyframe Timeline The keyframe timeline is located below the preview window. Each keyframe in the motion path has a corresponding marker on the keyframe timeline. Note: if you cannot find the keyframe timeline in the Mask Designer, just click the button under the preview window to display it. If the selected media clip on the timeline has a duration of 10 seconds, the keyframe timeline is 10 seconds long. To increase the speed of a mask's motion, drag a keyframe marker closer to the previous keyframe marker. Saving a Custom Mask Motion Path Once you finish modifying your mask's motion path you can save it for future use. To save a motion path, click on to save it as a custom path. It is then available in motion path list the next time you want to use it. 283 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Utilizing Mask Keyframes Use keyframes when modifying your masks to define the start and end points of the customized effects. In the Mask Designer you can use keyframes to change the mask's position, size (mask scale), opacity, rotation, and motion. Keyframe Timeline A custom keyframe timeline is generated for each mask when you open it in the Mask Designer. In the below example, because the selected media clip is 10 seconds long on the project timeline, the keyframe timeline is also 10 seconds. Note: if you cannot find the keyframe timeline in the Mask Designer, just click the button under the preview window to display it. If you'd like to view the movie timeline, click the button. The keyframe timeline lets you precisely place each keyframe, so you can time the applied effect in your movie production. 284 Creating Custom Masks in the Mask Designer Adding Keyframes To add a keyframe to the keyframe timeline, do this: Note: if you cannot find the keyframe timeline in the Mask Designer, just click the button under the preview window to display it. 1. Use the player controls to find the moment in your media clip where you want the mask's properties to change. 2. Click next to the property you want to change to add a keyframe to the corresponding keyframe track. 3. Use the features in the Mask Designer to modify the properties of the effect as required for this keyframe. In this example we are modifying the opacity of the mask at the beginning of the media clip. 285 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Note: notice above that when opacity is changed, a keyframe is automatically added at the current timeline slider position. 286 Creating Custom Masks in the Mask Designer When previewed, at the first keyframe the mask is the completely transparent, and then slowly gets more opaque until it reaches the specified opacity level by the time the playback slider reaches the second keyframe. 287 CyberLink PowerDirector Help It will maintain this opacity until the playback slider reaches the last keyframe, unless you add more keyframes or change the properties of the last keyframe. Note: you can also modify the properties of a keyframe by right clicking on it and selecting Duplicate Previous Keyframe or Duplicate Next Keyframe. Doing this copies the properties of the specified keyframe to the keyframe you right clicked on. 4. Repeat these steps to create the kind of effect you want in your video production using keyframes to modify the mask's properties and motion. Modifying and Removing Keyframes At any time you can modify the keyframes added, by selecting it and changing the mask's properties, or by dragging the keyframe to another position on the keyframe timeline. To remove a keyframe, select it on the keyframe timeline and then click . Saving and Sharing Masks Once you are finished modifying/customizing a mask you can save it to your mask library for future use. You can also share the PiP part of the mask on DirectorZone, or back it up on CyberLink Cloud*. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. · click on Share to upload the PiP part of the custom mask to DirectorZone or back it up on CyberLink Cloud. See Saving and Sharing PiP Objects for more information. · click on Save As to save a modified mask as a new mask in the Mask Designer mask library. Note: masks created after selecting a video clip on the timeline cannot be saved or shared. You can only save and share masks created with image backgrounds. 288 Using Transitions Chapter 15: Using Transitions Click the button to open the Transition Room to access a library of transitions that you can use on or between image and video clips in your video production. You can also use the available audio transitions between two audio clips on the voice or music tracks, or on an audio track. Transitions let you control how media appears and disappears in your project, and changes, or transitions, from one clip to the next. You can add a transition to a single clip, or between two clips on a track. Adding Transitions to a Single Clip By adding a transition to a single clip, you can control how the clip appears and/or disappears in your production. For example, you can add transitions to PiP video (including images, video clips, color boards, PiP objects, paint animation objects, title effects, and particle effects) and fully control its appearance in your final video. Note: you can set the default behavior and duration of transitions added to the timeline on the Editing preferences tab. See Editing Preferences for more information. To add a transition to a single clip, do this: 1. Click on to open the Transition Room. 2. Select a transition effect and then drag it to the beginning (prefix transition) or ending (postfix transition) of a clip on a video track. 3. To change the duration of the transition, click on the Duration button or click and drag its start/end points within the clip. 289 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Prefix Transition Postfix Transition 290 Using Transitions Note: you can add transitions to all the video, image, and effect clips on the timeline at once by clicking , choosing Apply Random Transition to All Videos or Apply Fading Transition to All Videos, and then the desired transition behavior. You can also do this for all the audio clips by selecting Apply Random Audio Transition to All Audio. Adding Transitions Between Two Clips You can also add a transition between two image and video clips on a video track or between two audio clips on any of the audio related (audio, voice or music) tracks. To add a transition between two clips, do this: 1. Click on to open the Transition Room. 291 CyberLink PowerDirector Help 2. Select a transition effect and then drag it between the two clips on a track. 3. To change the duration of the transition, click on the Duration button or click and drag its start/end points within the clips. Note: you can add transitions to all the video, image, and effect clips on the timeline at once by clicking , choosing Apply Random Transition to All Videos or Apply Fading Transition to All Videos, and then the desired transition behavior. You can also do this for all the audio clips by selecting Apply Random Audio Transition to All Audio. Using Audio Transitions You can use audio transitions to transition between two audio files on an audio track, or between two video clips that contain audio. Audio transitions can also be added at the beginning or end of a single audio or video clip. Note: when you add an audio transition between two video clips, the fade transition is automatically added on the corresponding video track. The video transition cannot be removed, but it can be replaced with another video transition in the transition library. To add an audio transition to a clip, do this: 1. Click on 2. Select the Audio tag on the left to display the available audio transitions. 3. Select one of the transitions and then drag it to the desired position (beginning (prefix transition), ending (postfix transition), or between two clips). 4. To change the duration of the transition, click on the Duration button or click and drag its start/end points within the clips. 292 to open the Transition Room. Using Transitions Setting Transition Behavior Once you have added a transition between two clips, you can set its behavior. Transitions between two clips in CyberLink PowerDirector have one of the following behaviors: 293 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Note: you can set the default behaviour of transitions added to the timeline on the Editing preferences tab. See Editing Preferences for more information. · Cross Transition: when using a cross transition, the two clips are side by side on the timeline and the transition acts like a bridge between them. For example, if you add a two second transition between two five second clips, the total duration is 10 seconds. The transition begins at the four second mark of the first clip, and ends at the one second mark of the second clip. · Overlap Transition: when using an overlap transition, the two clips overlap while the transition is taking place. This allows for parts of the two clips to play over each other during the transition. Using the same example as above, the total duration is eight seconds, with the transition playing for two seconds over both clips. To set a transition's behavior, do this: 1. Click on the transition between two clips. 2. Click the Modify button to change to the other transition type, or right-click on the transition and then select Modify Transition. 3. In the Transition Settings panel, set the behavior of the transition. Modifying Transition Settings Some transitions have settings you can modify in the Transition Settings panel. These settings may include the ability to modify the background color used in the transition, the direction of the transition effect, the type of effect used, and more. 294 Using Transitions Note: if you are modifying the settings of an alpha transition, the Transition Designer button is available in the Transition Settings panel. Click it to perform more advanced modifications on the alpha transition. See Modifying Alpha Transitions in the Transition Designer for more information. To check if a transition you are using has adjustable settings, select it on the timeline and then click the Modify button to open the Transition Settings panel. If there is a setting available, adjust as required to achieve your desired results. Note: you can also set the transition behavior in the Transition Settings panel. See Setting Transition Behavior for more information. Modifying Alpha Transitions in the Transition Designer In the Transition Designer* you can modify the existing alpha transitions in the transition library, or create new ones from scratch. Alpha transitions are wipes that use custom images or masks to create the transition effect. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. 295 CyberLink PowerDirector Help To open the Transition Designer, click on to enter the Transition Room, and then select the Alpha transition tag on the left. Next, select an alpha transition in the library and then click the button. A - Alpha Transition Properties, B - Transition Effect Preview, C - Transition Effect Keyframe Timeline To create a new alpha transition, enter the Transition Room and then click the button to open the Transition Designer. See Creating New Alpha Transitions for more detailed information. Note: you can also open the Transition Designer when editing an alpha transition's settings by clicking the Transition Designer button in the Transition Settings panel. 296 Using Transitions Creating New Alpha Transitions You can create new custom alpha transitions using your own imported images. Note: when you create a new alpha transition, it is saved under the Custom tag in the transition library, not under the Alpha tag. To create a new alpha transition, do this: 1. Click to enter the Transition Room and then the transition library. button above the 2. Browse to and then select the image you want to use in the alpha transition. Once selected, click the Open button to import it into the Transition Designer. Note: for the best results, it is recommended that you use images that contain gradients. 3. Proceed to modify the properties of the alpha transition as required. See Modifying Alpha Transition Properties for more detailed information. Note: once the image is imported, it is converted to grayscale for use in the Transition Designer. Modifying Alpha Transition Properties In the Properties tab of the Transition Designer you can customize the alpha transition's properties. See the following sections for detailed information on the properties you can modify on this tab. · Alpha Transition Overview · Changing Image Properties · Applying a Border · Customizing the Shift Progression · Setting Edge Sharpness 297 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Alpha Transition Overview Alpha transitions use an image's properties to perform the transition, i.e. shift from one clip to another when used in your video production. The image in the Transition Designer is converted to grayscale for use in the alpha transition. By default, the areas that are blackest are the areas that are revealed (transitioned) first, followed by the grays, and then the whitest areas. In the example below, the center of the heart is black, so the B is revealed in that area first. Note: you can invert the transition area so that the whitest areas are revealed first. See Inverting Transition Area for more information. While the whitest outside areas are the last parts to be revealed. 298 Using Transitions Note: you can fully customize the progression of the shift (from A to B) in the alpha transition. See Customizing the Shift Progression for more information. Changing Image Properties In the Image section of the Transition Designer you can change some of the properties for the image used in the alpha transition. If required, change the position of the focus area in the Image preview, or the area of the image that will be used in the alpha transition. 299 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Deselect the Keep aspect ratio option if you want more control on the shape of the focus area. Note that the aspect ratio of the focus area matches your current project's aspect ratio. 300 Using Transitions Select the Flip upside down option if you want to flip the image vertically, or Flip left to right if you want to flip it horizontally. Applying a Border You can apply a color border on the edge of the transition line. To do this, select the Border option and then set the level of Opacity on the border to adjust its appearance. 301 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Selecting Border Color When selecting the color of the border, you have the following options in the Fill type drop-down: · Uniform color: select this option if you want the border to be one solid color. Click the colored square to open the color palette and select the desired border color. · 2 color gradient: select this option if you want the border color to change from one color to another using a gradient. Click the colored squares to set the beginning and ending colors. Customizing the Shift Progression In this section you can customize the shift progression of the alpha transition, or how it transitions from one clip to another when used in your video production. Shift Progression Timeline The shift progression timeline is a graphical representation of how the transition progresses, i.e. how the alpha transition shifts from the A to the B as shown in the below example. 302 Using Transitions 303 CyberLink PowerDirector Help 304 Using Transitions The timeline along the top is the keyframe timeline and is generated for the alpha transition when you open it in the Transition Designer. In the below example, because the transition duration is two seconds long (by default in the transition library), the keyframe timeline is also two seconds. If you increased the duration of the transition in the timeline to five seconds, the keyframe timeline would then be five seconds long. 305 CyberLink PowerDirector Help If alpha transition you are editing is on the timeline, click the to view the movie timeline. button The scale to the left represents the progression from the A to the B, and the line shows the progress. You can modify the shift progression as required, by changing the beginning and ending points, or adding keyframes to precisely customize the shift progression, or transition from one clip to another when used in your production. Adding Keyframes To add a keyframe to the keyframe timeline, do this: 306 Using Transitions 1. Use the player controls to find the moment in the transition where you want the progression to shift. 2. Click line. 3. If required, use the Shift slider to change the progression position of the line. in the Shift Progression section to add a keyframe to the progression In this above example, the transition will now shift 75% from A to B in the first second of the transition, and then progress the final 25% in the last second. 4. Repeat these steps to customize the shift progression as required using keyframes. Removing Keyframes To remove a keyframe, drag the timeline slider over it so that it is highlighted and then click . Inverting Transition Area Select the Invert transition area option if you want the whitest areas of the alpha transition image to transition first, followed by the grays, and then the blackest areas. 307 CyberLink PowerDirector Help 308 Using Transitions Setting Edge Sharpness In the Edge section, use the slider to set the sharpness of the transition line by adjusting its gradient level. Dragging it left will make it sharper, 309 CyberLink PowerDirector Help while dragging it right will make it softer or more blurry. Saving Alpha Transitions Once you are finished modifying/customizing an alpha transition you can save it to your transition library for future use, upload it to DirectorZone to share it with others, or back it up on CyberLink Cloud*. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. · click on Share to upload your custom template to DirectorZone or back it up on CyberLink Cloud. See Sharing and Backing Up PiP Objects for more information. 310 Using Transitions · click on Save As to save a modified template as a new template to the Transition Room. · click on OK to save a new template to the Transition Room. Note: when you create a new alpha transition, or edit an existing one, it is saved under the Custom tag in the transition library, not under the Alpha tag. Sharing and Backing Up Alpha Transitions You can share your customized alpha transitions with other CyberLink PowerDirector users by uploading them to DirectorZone. If you have a CyberLink Cloud subscription you can back up all your customized alpha transitions by storing them on CyberLink Cloud. To share and back up your alpha transitions, do this: 1. Do either of the following: · in the Transitions Designer, click on Share, enter a name for the custom template, and then click OK. · select the alpha transitions in the library, and then click 2. . In the upload window, enter the information as follows: · Upload to: select where you want to upload the template. · Title: name of the template as it will display once uploaded. · Style: select a style or category for the template. · Type: if required, select the type of template you are uploading. · Tags: enter some keyword search tags that will help users find the template when searching. Note: separate each tag you enter with a space. If you want to use two words as the tag, just put quotes around them, e.g. "dollar bill". · Collection: enter the name of the collection you want the template added to. · Description: enter a short description of your template. 3. Click Next to proceed. 311 CyberLink PowerDirector Help 4. Confirm the copyright disclaimer, and then click Next to proceed with the upload. 5. Click on Finish to close the upload window. 312 Mixing Audio and Recording Voice-Overs Chapter 16: Mixing Audio and Recording Voice-Overs Your production's audio can make or break your video production. Use the Audio Mixing Room to mix the audio levels of your production, or record a voice-over in the Voice-Over Room to add narration to your video. Adjusting Audio Clip Volume Levels Your video production may contain audio in one of the audio tracks, the music track, or the voice track. Since the audio may have been recorded at different levels, the result could produce an overwhelming and confusing soundtrack. Click to open the Audio Mixing Room to mix all of the audio levels into a more harmonious soundtrack for your video, or mix the levels in track on each individual clip using volume keys. Mixing Audio In-Track You can manually change the volume level at any point in an audio or video clip in the timeline. Note: for easier audio syncing, you can increase the timeline scale by selecting the Enable timeline scale for audio track in Editing Preferences. To change the volume level of an audio track in the timeline, click on the audio level line at the point where you want to change the audio level to set a volume key. Drag the volume key up to increase the volume or down to decrease the volume. 313 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Note: to remove a volume key, drag it outside the clip's borders. Mixing Audio in the Audio Mixing Room Click to gain access to the audio mixer in the Audio Mixing Room, to set the audio level for each track using the available controls. A - Audio Tracks in Timeline, B - Master Volume Controls, C - Fade In/Out Controls, D - Normalize Volume, E - Audio Level Meter, F - Master Gain Control 314 Mixing Audio and Recording Voice-Overs When you enter the Audio Mixing Room, the audio at the current position of the timeline slider is available for mixing. Use the player controls to locate the position in your video where you want to mix the audio. To mix the audio in the timeline, do this: · select a clip in the timeline, and then use the master volume controls to increase or decrease the volume at the current position. · if there is more than one audio clip on the voice or music track, or on any of the audio tracks, click the Normalize* button to have CyberLink PowerDirector set the volume for all the clips to the same level. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. · use the master gain control sliders to increase or decrease the volume of all the media on a track. · use the audio level meter to view the audio level, or loudness in decibels, during playback. If the audio levels rise to the red levels, you can adjust the master volume to lower the audio level. Note: if audio in a clip enters the red level of the audio level meter, CyberLink PowerDirector marks the area on the timeline in red. Use the master volume controls and audio level meter to fix the problem area as required. Adding Fade Effects to Audio Clips To add a fade-in/fade-out effect to an audio clip, do this: 1. Click open the Audio Mixing Room 2. Select the audio clip in the timeline. 3. Ensure the timeline slider is at the beginning of the audio clip, and then click to add a fade-in effect. 4. Drag the timeline slider to the position in your audio clip where you want the audio to start fading out, and then click effect. Note: when you add fade effects, volume keys are added to the audio clip in the timeline. You can adjust these volume keys to customize the fade effect. See Mixing Audio In-Track for more information on adjust volume keys. 315 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Restoring Audio Clip Volume Levels If you are dissatisfied with the volume level of any audio clip, you can easily restore the clip's original volume level. To do this, right-click on the audio clip and then select Restore to Original Volume Level. Recording Voice-Overs Click to open the Voice-Over Recording Room and record a narration with a microphone while watching a preview of your video production. Note: access to the Voice-Over Recording Room is only available if CyberLink PowerDirector detects there is a microphone or other audio input device available. A - Recording Volume Level, B - Recording Preferences, C- Record/Stop Button, D- Fade-In/Out 316 Mixing Audio and Recording Voice-Overs When you capture your voice-over, the audio is placed on the voice track and is automatically synchronized with the video. Set your recording preferences as follows: · click Device to select your audio device and input. · click Profile to set the quality of the recorded audio. · click Preferences to set a recording time limit or three second delay before recording begins to ensure you are ready to record. You can also set auto fades. · select Mute all tracks when recording if you want CyberLink PowerDirector to mute all the other audio while you are recording the voice over. · select fade-in the voice over, or to add a fade-out effect. To record a voice over, do this: 1. Set the recording volume level using the available slider. 2. Click to begin recording. Record your voice over as you watch the video in the preview window. 3. Click the voice track. to stop recording. The captured voice clip is placed on 317 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Chapter 17: Adding Chapters Click the button to open the Chapter Room*. Chapters are used to ease navigation of your finalized production if you decide to burn it to a disc. Chapters allow viewers to watch only the content they want or easily find their place if the disc was stopped before completion. Note: for best results, adding chapters should be the last editing step before burning your video production to disc. * Optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Adding Chapter Markers To auto add chapter markers in the Chapter Room do one of the following: · select Insert chapter at the start of each clip on the first video track to add a chapter marker before each clip on the top track in the timeline. · select Insert chapters at fixed intervals, and then enter the interval (in minutes) in the field provided. · select Insert chapters evenly and then enter the number of chapters in the field provided, to set a specified number of chapters evenly in your project. Click the Start button to auto add the chapter markers as specified. To set chapter markers manually, navigate to a point in your video production and then click . To remove a chapter marker, select it and then click . Click to remove all of the chapter markers in your production. Setting Chapter Thumbnails You can set the thumbnail image for each of your chapters, which display in the disc menu on a finalized disc. Just drag the timeline slider to the frame in your video production you want to use as the chapter thumbnail, and then click the button. 318 Adding Subtitles Chapter 18: Adding Subtitles CyberLink PowerDirector lets you add subtitles to your video production, either for a disc or imprinted on a video file. You can also import subtitles from a file, extract them from an MKV file, or add them manually in the Subtitle Room. To add subtitles to your video production, click on then in the Subtitle Room and to select one of the following types of subtitles: · Create subtitles for discs/files*: select this option to create subtitles that are compatible with most DVD/BDMV/AVCHD/MKV playback software and can be switched on/off like those found on commercial discs. Note: when you select Create subtitles for discs/files, there is a Subtitles option by default in your created disc menu in the Create Disc window. Text formatting for disc subtitles is more limited. * Optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. · Create subtitles imprinted on a video file: select this option to blend subtitles into the video. Note: if you are creating subtitles for an MKV file, make sure you select the Create subtitles for disc/files option, not the option where the subtitles are imprinted on the video file. Adding Subtitle Markers Subtitle markers are the placeholders for the subtitle text added to your production. They are added to display at the exact time the dialogue is spoken in the video production, and display until it has completed. Unless you are importing subtitles from an SRT file or extracting them from an MKV file, you must add all the subtitle markers manually to your video production. To manually add subtitle markers to your video production, you can: · click the play button on the player controls and then click the button at the beginning of every piece of dialogue spoken to create all the subtitle markers required for your production. Continue this process until the video is 319 CyberLink PowerDirector Help complete, and then click the stop button to load the subtitle markers into the Subtitle Room. · use the player controls to find the position in the video where you want to add the subtitle, and then click the marker. button to add a single subtitle Once you have added the subtitle markers, the next step is to edit the subtitle text and duration. See Editing Subtitles for more information. Importing Subtitles from a File Click the button in the Subtitle Room to import subtitles from a file* in the SRT or TXT formats. This allows you to compose subtitles outside the program or retrieve them from another source, and then import them into CyberLink PowerDirector. Note: when an SRT file is imported, the subtitle markers are created automatically in the Subtitle Room. However for TXT files you must first add all of the subtitle markers before you can import the file. See Adding Subtitle Markers fore more information. If importing from a TXT file, you should ensure the subtitle markers in the Subtitle Room match the number of lines of subtitle text in the file. When composing the subtitles in a TXT file, each subtitle should be placed on a new line in the file. CyberLink PowerDirector detects each line, and then imports the corresponding text into the subtitles markers in the Subtitle Room. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Extracting Subtitles from an MKV File CyberLink PowerDirector lets you extract the subtitles from an MKV file, importing them directly into the Subtitles Room. This allows you to manually edit the subtitles, and then re-produce the file with the updated subtitle text. To extract subtitles from an MKV file, do this: 320 Adding Subtitles 1. Import the MKV file into the media library, and then place the video file on the timeline. 2. Right-click on the file, select Extract Subtitles, and then the language of the subtitles you want to extract. 3. CyberLink PowerDirector will extract the subtitles into the Subtitle Room. Once you have extracted the subtitles from the file, you can then edit the subtitle text. See Editing Subtitles for more information. Editing Subtitles Once the subtitle markers are added in the Subtitle Room, you can perform a variety of edits on them, including editing subtitle text, changing the subtitle text font, positioning them on the screen, and more. To edit the subtitles in your video production, do this: · double-click on each subtitle marker in the timeline (or in the Subtitle Text column), and then enter the text as required. · click the button to set the position of the subtitles on the screen. Use the X position slider to set its position on the horizontal, use the Y position slider to set its vertical position. · click the button to format the subtitle text as required. If you are creating a 3D video production, use the 3D Depth* slider to set the amount of depth you want the subtitles to have in 3D. Dragging the slider left will make the 3D subtitles seem nearer to the audience (in the foreground), while dragging it right will make them appear farther away (in the background). Note: when using this feature, select the button to enable 3D mode for best editing results. See Previewing in 3D Mode for more information on using this mode. * Optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. · to remove a subtitle marker, select it and then click the button. Note: once you are done editing the subtitles, you can click the button to export and save them as an SRT file. 321 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Syncing Subtitles To ensure the subtitles in your video production sync with the video dialogue, you can manually adjust the start and end time for each subtitle marker, or the duration they display on screen. To set a start time for a subtitle marker, do either of the following: · double click on the Start Time column for the subtitle marker, and then enter a time code. · position your cursor at the beginning of the subtitle marker on the subtitle track, and then drag it to the new position. To set an end time for a subtitle, do either of the following: · double click on the End Time column for the subtitle marker, and then enter a time code. · position your cursor at the end of the subtitle marker on the subtitle track, and then drag it to the new position. You can also easily set the duration of each subtitle marker by selecting it on the subtitle track and then clicking the Duration button above the timeline. In the Duration Settings window, enter in the how long you want it to display, and then click on OK. 322 Producing Your Project Chapter 19: Producing Your Project When you are done editing your project, it's time to produce it. Producing simply means compiling (or rendering) the separate elements your project contains into a playable file. As your production may be destined for many different uses, CyberLink PowerDirector has several options suited for all your requirements. You can even produce just your project's audio into a music file, creating your own production soundtrack in one easy step. Utilizing Intelligent SVRT Intelligent SVRT* (Smart Video Rendering Technology) is a proprietary rendering technology from CyberLink that assists in the output of your video productions by suggesting which video profile you should use. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Based on the format of original video clips in your project, what portions of the clips were modified (and therefore require rendering during production), and which portions of them were not changed (and thus can be skipped over during the rendering process), Intelligent SVRT suggests the video profile that will result in the best output quality possible, and save you the most time during production. To utilize Intelligent SVRT, do one of the following: · when editing your video production in the Edit window, right-click on the timeline and select Show SVRT Track. · in the Produce window, click the Intelligent SVRT button on the Standard 2D or 3D tab. In the Intelligent SVRT dialog that displays, CyberLink PowerDirector auto selects the video profile it suggests you use to output your video production, and some other video profiles you can utilize. Note: view the SVRT information in the Edit window for more detailed information, including which video clips need rendering. If you viewing the SVRT information in the Produce window, click the Details (Edit) button to quickly switch to the Edit window. 323 CyberLink PowerDirector Help To select a video profile, just select it in the Intelligent SVRT dialog and then click Apply when you are in the Produce window. The selected video profile is auto highlighted and selected as you proceed to produce. The video profile you used is also saved in the dialog, and will always be available when utilizing Intelligent SVRT. Produce Window Click the Produce button to compile your video production into a file that is ready for a variety of uses, including sharing with others, uploading to the Internet, or for burning to disc at a later date. A - Output in a Standard 2D Format, B - Output in a 3D Format, C - Output to a Device, D - Production Profiles (Video/Audio File Formats), E - Upload to Online Web Site, F - Production Preview, G Production Details, H - Profile Settings, I - Production Preferences Note: before producing a movie production, make sure that all of your video clips have the same interlacing format. This is an extremely important step to take before production, as it can drastically affect final video quality. If you produce your movie and find the video quality unsatisfactory, verify if the interlacing format of all of your video clips is the same. If your clips have different interlacing formats, set them all to the same format, then produce your movie again. For more information, see Setting TV (Video Clip Interlacing) Format. 324 Producing Your Project In the produce window, select the production option that matches the task you want to perform. You can select one of the following production options: Tab Description Standard 2D Click on the Standard 2D tab if you want to output your production to a 2D video file that you can watch on a computer or burn to a disc at a later date. You can also output just the audio into a audio file for playback on a variety of devices. See Outputting to a Standard 2D File for more information. 360 Video When editing a 360 video project, select this tab to output it as a 360 virtual reality video file. See Producing a 360 Video for more information. 3D Click on the 3D tab if you want to output your production in a 3D video file format. See Outputting in a 3D Format for more information. Device Click on the Device tab if you want to produce your video and then output it to a camcorder or portable device. See Outputting to a Device for more information. Online Click on the Online tab if you want to upload your video to YouTube, Facebook, Dailymotion, or Vimeo. See Uploading Video to Social Web Sites for more information. Note: you can also produce multiple created video production projects at one time in the Edit window using the Batch Produce feature. See Batch Produce for more information. Outputting to a Standard 2D File You can output your video production as a standard 2D video file, which you can watch on a computer, burn to disc, or output to a portable device. You can also output just the audio into a audio file format for playback. Note: if you're not sure which video file format you should output your production in, click the Intelligent SVRT button for assistance. See Utilizing Intelligent SVRT for more information on using this feature. 325 CyberLink PowerDirector Help You can output your project to one of the following formats: Note: if you're editing a vertical video 9:16* project, only the H.264 AVC* and audio output options are available. · AVI · MPEG-2* · Windows Media · H.264 AVC* · H.265 HEVC* · XAVC S™ * · Audio file To output your video production in standard 2D, do this: Note: if there is any 3D media in your video production, you must ensure the file's 3D source format is set prior to production to ensure the media displays properly in 2D. CyberLink PowerDirector will incorporate the specified eye frames into your 2D video. See Setting 3D Source Format for more information. 1. Select a video file format by clicking it (or the audio file option if you just want to output your production's audio). Note: if you select the H.265 HEVC or H.264 AVC output format, you must also select the container from the drop-down. You can choose from the .M2TS, .MKV, or .MP4 container file format. If you want to output to an audio file, select the audio file format in the drop-down that displays. You can output in the WMA, WAV, or M4A file format. 2. Select the Profile name/Quality you want to use to create the file. This selection determines the video resolution, file size, and overall quality of the outputted file. See Customizing Profiles for more information. Note: in some versions of CyberLink PowerDirector, the H.265 HEVC, H.264 AVC, and WMV video file formats support up to 4K* resolution (Ultra HD). Before production, be sure to select the desired video resolution in the Profile name/Quality drop-down. * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. 326 Producing Your Project 3. Configure the production options as required. See Configuring Production Options for more information. 4. Check the production details and that the file will be outputted to the folder on your computer where you want it. Click folder. 5. to set another output Click the Start button to begin producing your file. Customizing Profiles After you select a file format for your outputted file, depending on the format you selected, there may be quality settings you can customize in the profiles section. These quality settings are called profiles, and can consist of a video file's resolution, bitrate compression, audio compression type, and more. Before you output your production, you may want to create a new quality profile, edit an existing one, or select a different profile and other options from one of the available drop-downs in the production options section. Configuring Production Options Before you begin producing your file, you can select from the following production options: Note: the options that are available depend on the file format you selected and the version of CyberLink PowerDirector that is installed on your computer. · Fast video rendering technology: SVRT and Hardware video encoder are options that can reduce production time. The Hardware video encoder option is only enabled if your computer supports hardware acceleration (NVIDIA graphics card that supports CUDA, an AMD graphics card that supports AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, or a computer with Intel Core Processor Family technology), and you are outputting in a file format that supports it (H.264 and MPEG-4). · Dolby Digital 5.1: select this preference if you want to include Dolby Digital 5.1 audio in your produced video file. 327 CyberLink PowerDirector Help · x.v.Color: x.v.Color is a color system that can display a wider color range than usual. CyberLink PowerDirector can generate an x.v.Color-compliant stream, which is backward compatible with RGB displays, while offering the opportunity to achieve better visual quality if your playback environment is x.v.Color ready. · Upload a copy to CyberLink Cloud*: if you have a CyberLink Cloud subscription, select this option if you also want the program to upload the produced file to your CyberLink Cloud storage space after production. Note: if you selected to upload a copy of the produced file to CyberLink Cloud, PowerDirector will ask you if you want to convert it before uploading. Click Yes to convert it to an .MP4 file that is playable on a portable device, or No if you want to upload the original produced file. · Enable preview during production: select this option to preview your movie during production. Selecting this option will increase the time required to produce your file. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Producing a 360° Video You can output your 360°* video file in the H.264 AVC (.MP4) format. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. To output your video production, do this: 1. Select a video file format by clicking it H.264 AVC (.MP4). 2. Select the Profile name/Quality you want to use to create the file. This selection determines the video resolution, file size, and overall quality of the outputted file. Note: H.264 AVC video file format supports up to 4K resolution (Ultra HD). Before production, be sure to select the desired video resolution in the Profile name/Quality drop-down. 3. Check the production details and that the file will be outputted to the folder on your computer where you want it. Click folder. 328 to set another output Producing Your Project 4. If required, select Enable preview during production to preview your video during production. Selecting this option will increase the time required to produce your file. Note: a 360° video preview is not available during production. 5. Click the Start button to begin producing your file. Playing Your 360° Video Once the production is complete, the 360° video file is automatically imported into your media library. To play it back, just select it in the media library and then use the playback and 360 controls. See Playing 360° Media Files for more information. 360° video files can also be played on compatible VR (virtual reality) devices, or you can upload and then play it on YouTube and Facebook. See Uploading a 360° Video for more information. Outputting in a 3D Format You can output your production in a 3D* video file format. To output your project to a file, select the 3D tab and then select the desired file format. Note: if you're not sure which video file format you should output your production in, click the Intelligent SVRT button for assistance. See Utilizing Intelligent SVRT for more information on using this feature. * Optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. You can output your production to one of the following file formats: · Windows Media · MPEG-2* · H.264 AVC* To output your video production in 3D, do this: Note: if there is any 2D media in your video production, you must convert it to 3D before production. See Power Tools: 2D to 3D for more information. 1. Select a 3D video file format by clicking it. 329 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Note: if you select the H.264 AVC output format, you must also select the container from the drop-down. You can choose from the .M2TS, .MKV, or .MP4 container file format. 2. Select the 3D output format from the drop-down. See 3D Output Formats for more information. 3. Select the Profile name/Quality you want to use to create the file. This selection determines the video resolution, file size, and overall quality of the outputted file. See Customizing Profiles for more information. Note: in some versions of CyberLink PowerDirector, the H.264 AVC/WMV video file formats support up to 4K* resolution (Ultra HD). Before production, be sure to select the desired video resolution in the Profile name/ Quality drop-down. * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. 4. Configure the production options as required. See Configuring Production Options for more information. 5. Check the production details and that the file will be outputted to the folder on your computer where you want it. Click folder. 6. to set another output Click the Start button to begin producing your file. 3D Output Formats Once you select a video file format (or container), you need to select the 3D output source format. This selection specifies how the 3D content is displayed. You can select one of the following 3D output source formats: · Side-by-Side Half Width (L/R): a side-by-side 3D source format optimized for 4:3 or non-HD video productions. · Side-by-Side Full Width (L/R): a side-by-side 3D source format optimized for HD video productions.* Note: * 3D MPEG-2 videos cannot be outputted with this source format. The side-by-side full width format is only available when the Ultra version of CyberLink PowerDirector is installed on a 64-bit operating system. · H.264 Multi-View Coding: a Multi-View Coding (MVC) source format. · Anaglyph: a red/cyan source format. Select this format if you do not have a 3D display device, to watch a 3D video production with anaglyphic 3D glasses. 330 Producing Your Project Customizing Profiles After you select a file format for your outputted file, depending on the format you selected, there may be quality settings you can customize in the profiles section. These quality settings are called profiles, and can consist of a video file's resolution, bitrate compression, audio compression type, and more. Before you output your production, you may want to create a new quality profile, edit an existing one, or select a different profile and other options from one of the available drop-downs in the production options section. Configuring Production Options Before you begin producing your file, you can select from the following production options: Note: the options that are available depend on the file format you selected and the version of CyberLink PowerDirector that is installed on your computer. · Fast video rendering technology: SVRT and Hardware video encoder are options that can reduce production time. The Hardware video encoder option is only enabled if your computer supports hardware acceleration (NVIDIA graphics card that supports CUDA, an AMD graphics card that supports AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, or a computer with Intel Core Processor Family technology), and you are outputting in a file format that supports it (H.264 and MPEG-4). · Dolby Digital 5.1: select this preference if you want to include Dolby Digital 5.1 audio in your produced video file. · x.v.Color: x.v.Color is a color system that can display a wider color range than usual. CyberLink PowerDirector can generate an x.v.Color-compliant stream, which is backward compatible with RGB displays, while offering the opportunity to achieve better visual quality if your playback environment is x.v.Color ready. · Upload a copy to CyberLink Cloud*: if you have a CyberLink Cloud subscription, select this option if you also want the program to upload the produced file to your CyberLink Cloud* storage space after production. 331 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Note: if you selected to upload a copy of the produced file to CyberLink Cloud, PowerDirector will ask you if you want to convert it before uploading. Click Yes to convert it to an .MP4 file that is playable on a portable device, or No if you want to upload the original produced file. · Enable preview during production: select this option to preview your movie during production. Selecting this option will increase the time required to produce your file. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Outputting to a Device Select the Device tab if you want to output your video production back to a DV or an HDV* tape. Note: you must manually locate the position on your HDV camcorder tape where you want to write back your content to before proceeding. You can also output your production to a file that you can then copy back to an HDD (hard disk drive) camcorder*. Or output it in a file format that is compatible with a number of portable devices, including for an iPod/iPhone/iPad, PS3*/PSP/ Walkman, Xbox/Zune, and a wide variety of mobile phones*. To output your video production to a device, do this: Note: if there is any 2D media in your video production, you must convert it to 3D before production. See PowerTools: 2D to 3D for more information. 1. Select a device type by clicking it. If you are writing back to a DV or HDV camcorder, ensure it is connected and turned on. 2. Select the Profile Type or Profile name/Quality you want to use to create the file. This selection determines the video resolution, file size, and overall quality of the outputted file. See Customizing Profiles for more information. 3. Configure the production options as required. See Configuring Production Options for more information. 4. Check the production details and that the file will be outputted to the folder on your computer where you want it. Click folder. 332 to set another output Producing Your Project 5. Click the Start button to begin producing your file. Customizing Profiles After you select the format of your produced project file, depending on your selection, there may be video quality settings you can customize in the video profiles section. These video quality settings are called profiles, and can consist of your video's resolution, bitrate compression, audio compression type, and more. Before you output your production, you may want to create a new quality profile, edit an existing one, or select a different profile and other options from one of the available drop-downs in the production options section. Configuring Production Options Before you begin producing, you can select from the following production options: Note: the preferences that are available depend on the file format you selected and the version of CyberLink PowerDirector that is installed on your computer. · Fast video rendering technology: SVRT and Hardware video encoder are options that can reduce production time (available for creating an HDD camcorder file only). The Hardware video encoder option is only enabled if your computer supports hardware acceleration (NVIDIA graphics card that supports CUDA technology, an AMD graphics card that supports AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, or a computer with Intel Core Processor Family technology), and you are outputting in a file format that supports it (H.264 and MPEG-4). · Dolby Digital 5.1: select this preference if you want to include Dolby Digital 5.1 audio in your produced video file (available for creating an HDD camcorder file only). · x.v.Color: x.v.Color is a new color system that can display a wider color range than usual (available for creating an HDD camcorder file only). CyberLink PowerDirector can generate an x.v.Color-compliant stream, which is backward compatible with RGB displays, while offering the opportunity to achieve better visual quality if your playback environment is x.v.Color ready. 333 CyberLink PowerDirector Help · Upload a copy to CyberLink Cloud*: if you have a CyberLink Cloud subscription, select this option if you also want the program to upload the produced file to your CyberLink Cloud* storage space after production. Note: if you selected to upload a copy of the produced file to CyberLink Cloud, PowerDirector will ask you if you want to convert it before uploading. Click Yes to convert it to an .MP4 file that is playable on a portable device, or No if you want to upload the original produced file. · Delete the file after the write back is complete: select this option to have CyberLink PowerDirector delete the produced video file after it has written it back to your DV or HDV camcorder. · Enable preview during production: select this option to preview your movie during production. Selecting this option will increase the time required to produce your file. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Uploading Video to Online Media Sites Click on the Online tab to upload your video production to one of the following online media web sites: · Facebook · YouTube · Dailymotion · Vimeo · Niconico Douga · Youku Note: in some versions of CyberLink PowerDirector, you can produce and upload up to 4K* resolution (Ultra HD) video to social web sites. Before production, be sure to select the desired video resolution in the Profile name/Quality drop-down. Uploading Video to Facebook To upload your video to Facebook®, do this: 334 Producing Your Project 1. Click the Facebook button. 2. Select the desired quality of your video from the Profile type drop-down list. 3. Enter a Title and Description for your video in the fields provided. The text you enter is included on Facebook once uploaded. 4. Configure the production options as required. See Configuring Production Options for more information. 5. Click Start to begin. 6. Click Authorize and then grant CyberLink PowerDirector permission to upload videos to your Facebook account by following the steps in the Facebook Authorization windows. 7. CyberLink PowerDirector proceeds to produce and upload the video file. Click Close when done to return to the program. Configuring Production Options Before you begin producing, you can select from the following production options: · Hardware video encoder: this option is only enabled if your computer supports hardware acceleration (NVIDIA graphics card that supports CUDA, an AMD graphics card that supports AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, or a computer with Intel Core Processor Family technology), and you are outputting in a file format that supports it. · Enable preview during production: select this option to preview your movie during production. Selecting this option will increase the time required to produce your file. · Specify the Output folder, or the location where the produced video file that will be uploaded is saved. Click if you want to select another output folder or change the name of the produced file. Uploading Video to YouTube To upload your video to YouTube, do this: 335 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Note: if the size/length of the your video exceeds the maximum allowed, CyberLink PowerDirector will separate the video into smaller/shorter videos, upload these videos, and then create a playlist for you on YouTube. 1. Click the YouTube Videos button. 2. Select the desired quality of your video from the Profile type drop-down. The quality you select will result in the corresponding quality option being available after the video is fully processed on YouTube. Note: the quality option available on YouTube is also dependent on the original captured video quality and the bandwidth of the user who is watching the video. 3. Enter a Title and Description for your video in the fields provided. The text you enter is included on YouTube once uploaded. Also select one of the Video categories and enter in some keyword Tags that users can search for to find your video. 4. Set whether you want the video to be Public or Private once it is uploaded to YouTube. Note: sign in to DirectorZone and then select Share in CyberLink DirectorZone Video Gallery if you want to show others how you adjusted the clips in your video production. When selected, an animated version of your project's storyboard displays, along with your uploaded video, on DirectorZone. 5. Configure the production options as required. See Configuring Production Options for more information. 6. Click Start to begin. 7. Click Authorize and then grant CyberLink PowerDirector permission to upload videos to your YouTube account by following the steps in the YouTube Authorization windows. 8. CyberLink PowerDirector proceeds to produce and upload the video file. Click Close when done to return to the program. Uploading to YouTube 3D If the video production you are uploading is a 3D production, select the Share as a 3D video* option to upload it to YouTube in a 3D video source format. Once uploaded, you will be able to watch it on YouTube in 3D. 336 Producing Your Project Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Configuring Production Options Before you begin producing, you can select the following production preference: · Hardware video encoding: this option is only enabled if your computer supports hardware acceleration (NVIDIA graphics card that supports CUDA, an AMD graphics card that supports AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, or a computer with Intel Core Processor Family technology), and you are outputting in a file format that supports it. · Enable preview during production: select this option to preview your movie during production. Selecting this option will increase the time required to produce your file. · Specify the Output folder, or the location where the produced video file that will be uploaded is saved. Click if you want to select another output folder or change the name of the produced file. Uploading Video to Dailymotion To upload your video to Dailymotion, do this: Note: if the size/length of the your video exceeds the maximum allowed, CyberLink PowerDirector will separate the video into smaller/shorter videos, upload these videos, and then create a playlist for you on Dailymotion. 1. Click the Dailymotion button. 2. Select the desired quality of your video from the Profile type drop-down. The quality you select will result in the corresponding quality option being available after the video is fully processed on Dailymotion. Note: the quality option available on Dailymotion is also dependent on the original captured video quality and the bandwidth of the user who is watching the video. 3. Enter a Title and Description for your video in the fields provided. The text you enter is included on Dailymotion once uploaded. Also select one of the 337 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Video categories and enter in some keyword Tags that users can search for to find your video. 4. Set whether you want the video to be Public or Private once it is uploaded to Dailymotion. Note: sign in to DirectorZone and then select Share in CyberLink DirectorZone Video Gallery if you want to show others how you adjusted the clips in your video production. When selected, an animated version of your project's storyboard displays, along with your uploaded video, on DirectorZone. 5. Configure the production options as required. See Configuring Production Options for more information. 6. Click Start to begin. 7. Click Authorize and then grant CyberLink PowerDirector permission to upload videos to your Dailymotion account by following the steps in the Dailymotion Authorization windows. 8. CyberLink PowerDirector proceeds to produce and upload the video file. Click Close when done to return to the program. Configuring Production Options Before you begin producing, you can select the following production options: · Hardware video encoder: this option is only enabled if your computer supports hardware acceleration (NVIDIA graphics card that supports CUDA, an AMD graphics card that supports AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, or a computer with Intel Core Processor Family technology), and you are outputting in a file format that supports it. · Enable preview during production: select this option to preview your movie during production. Selecting this option will increase the time required to produce your file. · Specify the Output folder, or the location where the produced video file that will be uploaded is saved. Click if you want to select another output folder or change the name of the produced file. Uploading Video to Vimeo To upload your video to Vimeo, do this: 338 Producing Your Project Note: if the size/length of the your video exceeds the maximum allowed, CyberLink PowerDirector will separate the video into smaller/shorter videos, upload these videos, and then create a playlist for you on Vimeo. 1. Click the Vimeo button. 2. Select the desired quality of your video from the Profile type drop-down. The quality you select will result in the corresponding quality option being available after the video is fully processed on Vimeo. Note: the quality option available on Vimeo is also dependent on the original captured video quality and the bandwidth of the user who is watching the video. 3. Enter a Title and Description for your video in the fields provided. The text you enter is included on Vimeo once uploaded. Also enter in some keyword Tags that users can search for to find your video. 4. Set whether you want the video to be Public or Private once it is uploaded to Vimeo. Note: sign in to DirectorZone and then select Share in CyberLink DirectorZone Video Gallery if you want to show others how you adjusted the clips in your video production. When selected, an animated version of your project's storyboard displays, along with your uploaded video, on DirectorZone. 5. Configure the production options as required. See Configuring Production Options for more information. 6. Click Start to begin. 7. Click Authorize and then grant CyberLink PowerDirector permission to upload videos to your Vimeo account by following the steps in the Vimeo Authorization windows. 8. CyberLink PowerDirector proceeds to produce and upload the video file. Click Close when done to return to the program. 339 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Configuring Production Options Before you begin producing, you can select the following production options: · Hardware video encoder: this option is only enabled if your computer supports hardware acceleration (NVIDIA graphics card that supports CUDA, an AMD graphics card that supports AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, or a computer with Intel Core Processor Family technology), and you are outputting in a file format that supports it. · Enable preview during production: select this option to preview your movie during production. Selecting this option will increase the time required to produce your file. · Specify the Output folder, or the location where the produced video file that will be uploaded is saved. Click if you want to select another output folder or change the name of the produced file. Uploading Video to Niconico Douga To upload your video to Niconico Douga, do this: Note: if the size/length of the your video exceeds the maximum allowed, CyberLink PowerDirector will separate the video into smaller/shorter videos, upload these videos, and then create a playlist for you on Niconico Douga. 1. Click the Niconico Douga button. 2. Enter your Niconico Douga Username and Password. If you don't have an account, click the Sign Up to Niconico link to get one. 3. Select the desired quality of your video from the Profile type drop-down. The quality you select will result in the corresponding quality option being available after the video is fully processed on Niconico Douga. Note: the quality option available on Niconico Douga is also dependent on the original captured video quality and the bandwidth of the user who is watching the video. 4. 340 Enter a Title and Description for your video in the fields provided. The text you enter is included on Niconico Douga once uploaded. Also enter in some keyword Tags that users can search for to find your video. Producing Your Project 5. Set whether you want the video to be Public or Private once it is uploaded to Niconico Douga. Note: sign in to DirectorZone and then select Share in CyberLink DirectorZone Video Gallery if you want to show others how you adjusted the clips in your video production. When selected, an animated version of your project's storyboard displays, along with your uploaded video, on DirectorZone. 6. Configure the production options as required. See Configuring Production Options for more information. 7. Use the player controls in the preview window to find the frame of video in your production you want to use as the video's thumbnail on the Niconico Douga web site, and then click the Set Thumbnail button. 8. Click Start to begin. 9. Click Authorize and then grant CyberLink PowerDirector permission to upload videos to your Niconico Douga account by following the steps in the Niconico Douga Authorization windows. 10. CyberLink PowerDirector proceeds to produce and upload the video file. Click Close when done to return to the program. Configuring Production Options Before you begin producing, you can select the following production options: · Hardware video encoder: this option is only enabled if your computer supports hardware acceleration (NVIDIA graphics card that supports CUDA, an AMD graphics card that supports AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, or a computer with Intel Core Processor Family technology), and you are outputting in a file format that supports it. · Enable preview during production: select this option to preview your movie during production. Selecting this option will increase the time required to produce your file. · Specify the Output folder, or the location where the produced video file that will be uploaded is saved. Click if you want to select another output folder or change the name of the produced file. 341 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Uploading Video to Youku To upload your video to Youku, do this: Note: if the size/length of the your video exceeds the maximum allowed, CyberLink PowerDirector will separate the video into smaller/shorter videos, upload these videos, and then create a playlist for you on Youku. 1. Click the Youku button. 2. Select the desired quality of your video from the Profile type drop-down. The quality you select will result in the corresponding quality option being available after the video is fully processed on Youku. Note: the quality option available on Youku is also dependent on the original captured video quality and the bandwidth of the user who is watching the video. 3. Enter a Title and Description for your video in the fields provided. The text you enter is included on Youku once uploaded. Also select one of the Video categories and enter in some keyword Tags that users can search for to find your video. 4. Set whether you want the video to be Public or Private once it is uploaded to Dailymotion. Note: sign in to DirectorZone and then select Share in CyberLink DirectorZone Video Gallery if you want to show others how you adjusted the clips in your video production. When selected, an animated version of your project's storyboard displays, along with your uploaded video, on DirectorZone. 5. Configure the production options as required. See Configuring Production Options for more information. 6. Click Start to begin. 7. Click Authorize and then grant CyberLink PowerDirector permission to upload videos to your Youku account by following the steps in the Youku Authorization windows. 8. CyberLink PowerDirector proceeds to produce and upload the video file. Click Close when done to return to the program. 342 Producing Your Project Configuring Production Options Before you begin producing, you can select the following production options: · Hardware video encoder: this option is only enabled if your computer supports hardware acceleration (NVIDIA graphics card that supports CUDA, an AMD graphics card that supports AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, or a computer with Intel Core Processor Family technology), and you are outputting in a file format that supports it. · Enable preview during production: select this option to preview your movie during production. Selecting this option will increase the time required to produce your file. · Specify the Output folder, or the location where the produced video file that will be uploaded is saved. Click if you want to select another output folder or change the name of the produced file. Uploading a 360° Video On the Online tab you can upload your 360°* video to either Facebook or YouTube. Once uploaded, you can click and drag on the Facebook/YouTube player window, or use any available 360 controls, to rotate and view the entire 360° video. Note: in some versions of PowerDirector, you can produce and upload up to 4K resolution (Ultra HD) video to social web sites. Before production, be sure to select the desired video resolution in the Profile name/Quality drop-down. * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Uploading 360° Video to Facebook To upload your 360° video to Facebook®, do this: 1. Click the Facebook button. 2. Select the desired quality of your video from the Profile type drop-down list. 3. Enter a Title and Description for your video in the fields provided. The text you enter is included on Facebook once uploaded. 343 CyberLink PowerDirector Help 4. If required, select Enable preview during production to preview your video during production. Selecting this option will increase the time required to produce the file before upload. 5. Click Start to begin. 6. Click Authorize and then grant PowerDirector permission to upload videos to your Facebook account by following the steps in the Facebook Authorization windows. 7. PowerDirector proceeds to produce and upload the video file. Click Close when done to return to the program. Uploading 360° Video to YouTube To upload your 360° video to YouTube, do this: Note: if the size/length of the your video exceeds the maximum allowed, PowerDirector will separate the video into smaller/shorter videos, upload these videos, and then create a playlist for you on YouTube. 1. Click the YouTube Videos button. 2. Select the desired quality of your video from the Profile type drop-down. The quality you select will result in the corresponding quality option being available after the video is fully processed on YouTube. Note: the quality option available on YouTube is also dependent on the original captured video quality and the bandwidth of the user who is watching the video. 3. Enter a Title and Description for your video in the fields provided. The text you enter is included on YouTube once uploaded. Also select one of the Video categories and enter in some keyword Tags that users can search for to find your video. 4. Set whether you want the video to be Public or Private once it is uploaded to YouTube. Note: sign in to DirectorZone and then select Share video on DirectorZone if you want to show others how you adjusted the clips in your video production. When selected, your uploaded video also displays on DirectorZone. 5. 344 If required, select Enable preview during production to preview your video during production. Selecting this option will increase the time required to produce the file before upload. Producing Your Project 6. Click Start to begin. 7. Click Authorize and then grant PowerDirector permission to upload videos to your YouTube account by following the steps in the YouTube Authorization windows. 8. PowerDirector proceeds to produce and upload the video file. Click Close when done to return to the program. Batch Produce CyberLink PowerDirector lets you produce multiple projects an once using the Batch Produce feature. In the Batch Produce window, you can import multiple CyberLink PowerDirector projects in the .pds format and output them as video files in a variety of formats all in one sitting. To perform a batch production, do this: Note: if you are currently working on a video production, you must save and close it before you can perform a batch production. 1. Select File > Batch Produce from the menu. 2. Click , and then browse to and select the CyberLink PowerDirector project you want to add to the production queue. 3. If required, click on the file name in the Outputted File Name column to change the name of the outputted video file. 4. If required, click on follows: to edit the task's production profile settings as Note: if required, click on the Intelligent SVRT button for assistance on selecting an output profile. See Utilizing Intelligent SVRT for more information. · Output folder: if required, select another location on your computer where the file will be outputted to by clicking to set another output folder. · Production type: select whether you want to output the selected task as a video file, video file for a device, or a 3D* video file. · Media file format: select the format of the outputted video file from this dropdown. 345 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Note: based on your first two selections, the available drop-downs that follow will differ. Use them to select 3D* output format, profile, etc. Click OK to close the Profile Settings window and set your changes. 5. If your computer supports hardware acceleration (NVIDIA graphics card that supports CUDA, an AMD graphics card that supports AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, or a computer with Intel Core Processor Family technology) and you are outputting in a file format that supports it (H.264 and MPEG-4), select the Enable GPU hardware video encoder automatically option if you want C yberLink PowerDirector to use it, when available, during the batch production. 6. Click Start to begin the production of all the tasks in the list. Note: select the Shut down computer after production option to have CyberLink PowerDirector shut down the program and your computer once all the tasks are produced. 346 Creating Discs Chapter 20: Creating Discs After you finish creating your video production, click on Create Disc to burn your movie onto a disc, complete with a disc menu. You can also import additional videos and CyberLink PowerDirector projects, creating multi-layered professional looking disc in just a few simple steps. A - Disc Content Tab, B - Menu Preferences Tab, C - 2D Disc Preferences Tab, D - 3D Disc Preferences Tab, E - Disc Menu Font Properties, F - Disc Menu Preview Window, G - Set Buttons Per Page, H - Burn to Disc, I - Preview Disc Menu, J - Disc Menu Properties, K - Menu Navigation Controls, L - Disc Content Discs created in CyberLink PowerDirector can have one or more titles (video files or CyberLink PowerDirector projects), which are called Scenes on the final disc. Each title (or Scene) can have multiple chapters and include subtitles. To create a disc menu and then burn your video production to disc, do this: 1. Click on the Create Disc button to open the Create Disc window. The video production you were working on is automatically imported into the window. 347 CyberLink PowerDirector Help 2. On the Content tab, click the and buttons to import additional titles (video files and/or PowerDirector projects) onto your disc. See Importing Additional Disc Content for more detailed information. 3. Click on the Menu Preferences tab and then select the menu in the library that you want to use on your disc. See Selecting a Disc Menu for more detailed information on selecting disc menus, or for information on customizing your own. 4. Edit the selected disc menu's properties, including customizing menu text, the number of buttons, background music, and more. See Editing Disc Menu Properties for more information. 5. If required, right-click on your selected disc menu's thumbnail in the library and select Modify to perform advanced editing on it in the Menu Designer. You can also create new disc menus and 3D* menus in the Menu Designer. See Customizing Disc Menus in the Menu Designer for more detailed information. 6. The last step is to burn your production to disc. Do one of the following: · if your project is a standard 2D video production, click the 2D Disc tab. See Burning a Disc in 2D for more information. · if your project is a 3D* video production, click the 3D Disc tab. See Burning a Disc in 3D for more information. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Importing Additional Disc Content The Content tab contains your current video production that will be burned to disc. On this tab you can import additional titles (video files and CyberLink PowerDirector projects), which, with your current video production, are called Scenes on the disc menu. On the Content tab you can add additional titles to your disc by doing the following: 348 Creating Discs · click on created disc. to import additional video files that you want on your · click on to import any saved CyberLink PowerDirector projects that you want on your created disc. Note: as you add content, click on the M enu Structure button to view the structure of your disc menu. In the structure tree you can see all the titles/ scenes (videos and projects) on your disc and any chapters within each title. While importing videos and CyberLink PowerDirector projects on to the Content tab, use the following buttons to: · hover your mouse over the title and then click on back the title. on its thumbnail to play · - edit the selected title in the Edit window of CyberLink PowerDirector. · - remove the selected title from the disc menu. Click on Show Chapters to view the chapters in the selected title (video or project). You can click the button to set/edit the selected title's chapters in the Chapters Room. For more information on editing chapters see Adding Chapters. Note: as you add content to your disc, note the capacity information at the bottom of the window. Click to toggle the disc capacity display or to view the Disc Production Summary at any time. When you are done adding all the content you want on your disc, you can reorder all the titles simply by dragging them to the position you want. 349 CyberLink PowerDirector Help The order of the titles on the Content tab is the order they are burned to disc. Selecting a Disc Menu Click on the Menu Preferences tab to select the disc menu template in your menu library that you want to include on your disc. To preview the pages in a disc menu, just click on its thumbnail in the library. Note: if you want to create a new disc menu from scratch, click the Create M enu button at the top of the Menu Preferences tab. See Customizing Disc Menus in the Menu Designer for more information on customizing it. Most of the disc menu templates in CyberLink PowerDirector are multi-layered, and can consist of the following pages: Note: if you do not want to include a menu on your burned disc, select the No M enu template in the menu library. When you play the burned disc, it will automatically start playing the first title/scene. · a main menu home (Root menu) page. This is the first menu page that displays when you play the disc. It can contain a menu opening, motion thumbnails, and more. 350 Creating Discs Note: you can choose not to include a root menu on your disc. See Configuring Disc Menu Settings for more information. · if you have more than one title (video or project), your disc will have a Scenes page in the Disc Preview Window. Note that when in the Menu Designer, it is called the Titles page. If you choose to not include a root menu, the scenes page becomes the page displayed when you play the disc. · a Chapters page where you can navigate through your titles. This page is available if you added chapters in the Chapter Room. · a Subtitles page that lets you enable/disable the subtitles on your disc. Note: the Subtitles page in a disc menu is only available if you selected Create subtitles for disc when creating subtitles in the Subtitle Room. See Adding Subtitles for more information. To select the disc menu template for your disc, do either of the following: Note: after you select your menu template be sure to edit its properties. You can edit the text, menu music, and more right in the disc menu preview window on the right. See Editing Disc Menu Properties for more information. You can also customize a disc menu's buttons, background, individual pages, and much more in the Menu Designer. See Customizing Disc Menus in the Menu Designer for more information. · Right-click on the menu template's thumbnail in the menu library that you want to use and then select: · Apply to set the menu page to the current menu page you are viewing in the disc menu preview window. For example, if you navigate to the scenes page in the disc menu preview window and you select Apply, that menu template is only used on the scenes page of the menu. · Apply to All Pages to apply the menu template to all the pages in your menu, i.e. home/root, titles/scenes, chapters. · Click on a menu template thumbnail in the menu library that you want to use and then select: · Apply to set the menu page to the current menu page you are viewing in the disc menu preview window. For example, if you navigate to a chapters page in the disc menu preview window and you select Apply, that menu template is only used on the chapters page of the menu. 351 CyberLink PowerDirector Help · Apply to All Pages to apply the menu template to all the pages in your menu, i.e. home/root, titles/scenes, chapters. Note: if required, you can download and import additional disc menu templates from DirectorZone. See Downloading from DirectorZone for more information. Editing Disc Menu Properties CyberLink PowerDirector gives you full creative control over the look of your disc menu. Use the menu navigation controls in the disc menu preview window to preview the design and behavior of the selected disc menu. If you want to view the titles/scenes, chapters, or subtitles page, click in the disc menu preview window on the right, and then use the button and the other menu navigation controls to navigate through the disc menu. Or click the Preview button at the bottom of the window to view what your burned disc will look like when played on a disc player. Note: to perform more advanced editing on a selected disc menu template using the Menu Designer, right-click on the menu template in the menu library and then select M odify. See Customizing Disc Menus in the Menu Designer for more information. Configuring Disc Menu Settings At the bottom of the Menu Preferences tab you can configure the disc menu settings as follows: · Include root menu: select this option if you want a root menu or home page on your disc. If you deselect this option, the scenes page is displayed by default when you play the burned disc. · Include menu opening video: deselect this option if you don't want the disc menu to include the menu opening video that is available in some disc menus. This option is different than the first play video, which you can include whether this item is selected or not. · Show thumbnail index: select to add numbering to each scene and chapter thumbnail on your menu pages. · Enable motion thumbnail: deselect this option if you want to disable the motion preview in the video title thumbnails in your disc menu. 352 Creating Discs Editing Disc Menu Text To edit the menu text that appears on the menu page, including clickable menu button text, double-click on it in the disc menu preview window, and then enter the new text. You can modify menu text style, size, and alignment using the disc menu font properties options located at the top of the disc menu window. To change the position of any menu text on your menu, just click and drag it to the new position. Note: when changing disc menu text position in the preview window, click to enable the TV safe zone to help with the placement of the selected clip in the video display area. Setting Disc Menu Music Some of the pre-designed disc menu templates contain menu music. In the disc menu properties area, you can: · click on to edit or replace the menu's background music. See Setting Background Music for more information. · click to remove the current background music from the disc menu. Setting Background Music If you are using background music in your disc menu, click the perform the following functions: button to Note: the final duration of your disc menu's background music is dependent on the time entered in the Duration field in the Playback Mode Settings window, not the length of the music file used. See Setting Disc Playback Mode for more information on setting your menu's duration. · click the music. button to add or replace the current disc menu background · if required, trim the background music using the player controls and the mark-in/mark-out indicators. 353 CyberLink PowerDirector Help · if required, set the menu music to gradually Fade-in or Fade-out. · if the length of your menu music file is not as long as the specified duration, select the Auto repeat option to loop it. When you are done setting the background music options, click Apply to All Pages to set the music for all the pages in the disc menu, or Apply to set it just for the current menu page you are viewing in the disc menu preview window. Adding a First Play Video Use this option to add a video (or an existing CyberLink PowerDirector project) as a first play video to your created disc. The first play video plays automatically when the disc is inserted into a disc player, before the disc menu loads. No navigation buttons are available during the first play, and viewers cannot fast forward past this segment. In a professional production, this is usually a copyright notice or warning. However, you may prefer to use a personal introduction or other video clip instead. To set a video clip as the first play video, do this: · click · click · click and select the video that you want. to remove the video set as the first play video. to preview the first play video. Note: if you are creating a 3D video production and burning it to disc in 3D, you can use a 3D video clip as the first play video. Once added, click to set the 3D source format of the clip. See Setting 3D Source Format for more detailed information. 354 Creating Discs Setting Disc Playback Mode Click the button open the Playback Mode Settings window and set how the disc plays back any scenes/titles that are on your disc. Note: disc playback mode determines how the titles/scenes (videos and projects added on the Content tab) play back on your disc, not the chapters contained within each title/scenes. If your disc only has one title on it, the settings for disc playback mode have no affect on the burned disc. In the Playback Mode Settings window you can set the following: · choose from one of the three available playback modes based on the available descriptions. Your disc will follow the selected behavior when inserted or play is pressed on your disc player. · Auto menu time out: select this option if you want the disc content to play automatically when you insert the disc into a disc player. When selected, your content plays automatically after displaying the disc menu for the specified duration. If you do not select this option, your menu loops endlessly until you press the play button on your disc player. · Duration: enter in the duration the content (background video, background music, etc.) in your disc menu is displayed. The minimum duration allowed is 10 seconds, while your disc can be up to 99 seconds long before it loops back to the beginning. Note: the duration you enter is also the length of your menu's background music, even if the selected music file's length is longer than the duration specified. Specifying Buttons Per Page When creating a disc with multiple titles or chapters, you can select the number of buttons that display on each of the Titles (Scenes) and Chapters menu pages. To change the number of buttons that display on a title or chapter page, you must first navigate to the page via the disc menu preview window. Next select the number of Buttons per page you want on each title and chapter page from the drop-down above the disc menu preview window. Each individual title and chapter page can have a different number of buttons, allowing you to make each page unique. 355 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Note: the maximum number of buttons that can display on each menu page is dependent on the design of the menu template. If you want more buttons on a page, see Adding Menu Buttons for more information. Modifying Menu Object Properties You can modify the properties of a disc menu's objects directly in the preview window, in both the Create Disc module and the Menu Designer. Menu objects include text, added images, video thumbnails, menu buttons, navigation buttons, etc. To modify the properties of a menu object, just select it and then perform any of the following options: · Modify Menu Object Position · Align Menu Objects Modifying Menu Object Position You can change the position and orientation of the title text, images, thumbnails, buttons, etc. in the disc menu. Note: click on to use the TV safe zone and grid lines to help with the precise placement of the precise placement of buttons, images, text, etc. on your menu pages. Select Snap to Reference Lines to have the objects snap to the grid lines, TV safe zone, and boundary of the menu area. To modify menu object position or orientation: · click on a menu object, and then drag it to a new position. · when in the Menu Designer, click on above the selected object and then drag it right or left to change its orientation. · when in the Menu Designer, select images and buttons, and then click and drag a corner or side to resize them. Aligning Menu Objects To align menu objects in the disc menu, select the object and then the desired alignment from the drop-down. If you just want to align the buttons, click the button at the top of the Menu Designer window. 356 Creating Discs Customizing Disc Menus in the Menu Designer You can perform more advanced editing on your disc menu in the Menu Designer*. You can also create a brand new disc menu template from scratch. To edit an existing disc menu, right-click on the disc menu template in the library on the Menu Preferences tab and then select on Modify. To create a new disc menu template, click on the Create Menu button. A - Change Object Properties Tab, B - Menu Properties, C - Set Button Properties Tab, D - Menu Page View (Edit page), E - Add Media/Image/Text/Button, F - Set Title/Scene Button Type, G - Mode Selection, H - Zoom Tools, I - TV Safe Zone/Grid Lines, J - Align Objects, K - Select Video Effect, L - Set Menu Motion, M - Navigation Buttons, N - Upload to Internet, O - Enable 3D Depth, P - Thumbnail Button, Q - Text Menu Button 357 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. In the Menu Designer you can edit all three possible disc menu pages. Note that the titles/scenes (videos and projects on your disc) and chapters pages always have the same layout. To modify a specific page, select Root Menu, Titles/Chapters Menu, or Subtitles Menu from the Edit page drop-down menu. Note: the subtitles menu page is only available if you selected Create subtitles for disc when you added subtitles in the Subtitle Room. See Adding Subtitles for more information. Mode Selection, Zoom Tools, and Context Menu When customizing menus in the Menu Designer use the mode selection, zoom tools, and context menu for assistance. Note: when modifying menus in the Menu Designer, use the player controls to preview, and click to preview the menu at full screen. Mode Selection In the Menu Designer there are two selection modes. Click the button to enable object selection. When selected, you can freely click and move the menu text, buttons, images, etc. to different areas of the menu. Click the button to enable a mode that lets you drag the view in the Menu Designer. This mode is especially helpful if zoomed in on the disc menu. Zoom Tools Use the zoom tools and to zoom out and in on the preview window when modifying the disc menu. You can also select the viewer zoom amount from 358 Creating Discs the drop-down to set the size of the disc menu preview. Select Fit to resize the disc menu so that is fits in the Menu Designer's viewer window. Note: you can also hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard and then use the mouse scroll wheel to zoom in or out on the disc menu. Context Menu When in the Menu Designer, you can right-click on an item in the preview window to gain access to some functionality you may find useful. In the context menu you can: · insert images, title text, and buttons onto the menu page. · cut, copy, paste, or delete items on the menu page. · bring the selected item forward, or send it backward. · quickly align selected items in the menu page how you want them. · select Align All Menu Buttons to uniformly align all of the menu buttons on the current menu page. · go to Full Screen View for a larger view of the current menu page. Setting Menu Opening and Background You can import a video that plays in the background while the menu is loading. Usually called a menu opening, it is seen on most commercial discs before the menu options display. You can also add or replace the background of your disc menu with an image or a video file, or set a video effect that is applied to the background of your disc menu. Including a Menu Opening To include a video as the menu opening, click the button, select the Import User Video For Menu Opening option, and then the video you want to use. 359 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Note: the Include menu opening video option on the Menu Preferences tab must be selected for this feature to work when burned to disc. Setting Menu Background To set or replace the background image of your menu, with either an image or a video file. To do this, click the button and then select the Set Background Image or Video option. Once selected, set how the background media is displayed in the Background Media Adjustment Settings window. Note: to remove the imported background image or video, just click the button. Adjusting Menu Background's Media Settings When you import video clips and images to use as a background for your disc menu, the Background Media Adjustment Settings window displays. In the window you can set the following: · Stretch Setting: on this tab, select what you want CyberLink PowerDirector to do if the video clip or image you selected as the background has a different aspect ratio than your disc menu template. Select Apply to all menu pages to use this setting on all menu pages. · Set Source Format: if you are outputting a 3D video production as a 3D-BD* disc, click on this tab to set the 3D source format of the background video you imported. See Setting 3D Source Format for more detailed information. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Adding Motion to Background Images If you imported an image to use as the menu's background, you can select a motion effect to make your menu more engaging. To do this, select from the available motion options in the drop-down below the preview window. 360 Creating Discs Selecting a Video Effect Background To apply a video effect to your disc menu's background, click on the button at the bottom of the designer window, and then select the video effect from the list. Use any available settings to customize the effect to your liking. Adding Title Text and Images to Menus You can add additional title text or import images into the disc menus. Adding Title Text to Disc Menus To add additional title text to your disc menu, do this: Note: if you want to add more text menu buttons, see Adding Menu Buttons. 1. Click the button. 2. Type in the text you want to use. See Modifying Text Object and Image Properties for information on customizing the added title text's properties. Adding Images in Disc Menus Click the button to add an image to your disc menu. If you want to add an image as the menu's background, see Setting Menu Background. 361 CyberLink PowerDirector Help See Modifying Text Object and Image Properties if you would like to use chroma key to make the image in the disc menu transparent. You can also add shadows, reflections and more on the inserted image. Modifying Text Object and Image Properties Click on the tab to change the properties of text objects (disc menu text, text menu buttons, or inserted title text). You can also change the properties of images you added into the disc menu. Note: you cannot edit the disc menu text or text menu button content in Menu Designer window. You must edit this text in the disc menu preview window. See Editing Disc Menu Text for more information. Applying Preset Character Types to Text Objects Select the Character Presets option to apply a defined character preset to a text object. After you have applied a defined character preset you can refine it using the other properties on the tab, if required. To apply a character preset to a text object, ensure the text box is selected in the preview window and then click on a character preset in the list. Note: once you are done customizing all of the text properties on the tab, click on to save the character preset to your favorites. To find and use saved character presets, select M y Favorites in the Character types drop-down. Customizing Font Type Select the Font Type option to set the font type and size of the selected text object. You can also select the font face color, bold or italicize text, change the line and text spacing, and set the text alignment in the text box. If the font type you are using supports it, you can select the Kerning check box to reduce the space between the letters in the text. 362 Creating Discs Customizing Font Face In Font Face you can customize the font color, blur, and opacity. Select to enable the font face properties on the selected text object, and then use the Blur and Opacity sliders to customize its appearance. When customizing the font face color, you have the following options in the Fill type drop-down: · Uniform color: select this option if you want the font to be one solid color. Click the colored square to open the color palette and select the desired font color. · 2 color gradient: select this option if you want the font color to change from one color to another using a gradient. Click the colored squares to set the beginning and ending colors, and then drag the Gradient direction control to set which way the color flows. · 4 color gradient*: select this option if you want the font to consist of four colors. Click the colored squares to set the colors in each of the four corners of the text. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Using Chroma Key Select the Chroma Key option and then Apply chroma key to add a green screen effect to an image you added to the disc menu. Once enable, do this: 1. Click on and then select the color in the image that you want to replace/ make transparent. 2. Adjust the Tolerance of hue, Tolerance of saturation, and Tolerance of luminance sliders to remove the selected color. Adjust until the background behind your inserted image is completely revealed, without any loss of quality on the image. 3. Use the Edge sharpness slider to fine tune and sharpen the edges of the inserted image on the revealed background. 363 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Adding a Reflection Select the Reflection option to add a reflection of a selected text object or added image onto the background media. Use the Distance slider to set space between the reflection and the object. Use the Opacity slider to set the opacity of the reflection. Applying Shadow Select the Shadow option to add a shadow to a selected text object or an added image. Available options allow you to change the shadow's color, direction, distance from the object, and add a opacity or blur effect. Applying Border Select the Border option to add a border around a selected text object or an added image. Available options allow you to change the border's size, and add a opacity or blur effect. You can customize the border color using the following options in the Fill type drop-down: · Uniform color: select this option if you want the border to be one solid color. Click the colored square to open the color palette and select the desired border color. · 2 color gradient: select this option if you want the border color to change from one color to another using a gradient. Click the colored squares to set the beginning and ending colors, and then drag the Gradient direction control to set which way the color flows. · 4 color gradient*: select this option if you want the border to consist of four colors. Click the colored squares to set the colors in each of the four corners of the border. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. 364 Creating Discs Enabling 3D Depth If you are creating a 3D video production, select the 3D Settings* option to give a selected text object or an imported image a 3D effect. Note: when using this feature, select the button to enable 3D mode for best editing results. See Previewing in 3D Mode for more information on using this mode. * Optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Once enabled, use the slider to set the amount of depth you want the object to have in 3D. Dragging the slider left will make the 3D object seem nearer to the audience (in the foreground), while dragging it right will make it appear farther away (in the background). Applying Fades to Images If your disc menu contains an added image, select it and then the Fade option to apply a fade effect on it. Select whether to enable a fade-in and/or fade-out on the image. You can adjust the fades by clicking and dragging the keyframes below the preview window. 365 CyberLink PowerDirector Help The section in blue is how long the image displays, while the orange parts are the fade in and out. Shortening the orange parts will make the fade in or out happen more quickly, so you can customize the fade as required. 366 Creating Discs Changing Object Settings Use the Object Settings option to change some of the basic properties of text objects and inserted images. Use the X and Y position fields to set the precise location of the top left corner of the object on the disc menu. Note: CyberLink PowerDirector sets the value of the top-left corner of the object as the 0 axis, with the bottom-right corner having a value of 1.0, 1.0. The center position in the disc menu is 0.500, 0.500. Use the Scale sliders to change an object's size, or Opacity to make it more transparent. Note: select the M aintain aspect ratio option if you want to ensure the object's aspect ratio does not change while you are moving or resizing it. Deselect this option if you want to change the object's shape or alter its aspect ratio. 367 CyberLink PowerDirector Help To rotate an object, hover your mouse over , click and then drag your mouse left or right as required. You can also manually enter a rotation amount in the Rotation filed and then press the enter key to rotate it. Adding and Editing Menu Buttons You can add additional menu text buttons to your disc menu. You can also set the properties for all of the menu and navigation buttons used in the menu. Setting the Title/Scene Menu Button Type You can set which type of title/scene menu buttons are used in the disc menu. From the menu button type drop-down, select one of the following types: · Text Only: select this type if you only want clickable menu button text displayed in your disc menu. · Thumbnails & Text: select this type if you want each title/scene to display both a clickable video thumbnail and text. · Single Thumbnail: select this type to only display a video thumbnail for the first title/scene on the page, which is not clickable. All the titles/scenes will have clickable menu button text on the menu page. Adding Menu Buttons Menu buttons are the buttons that provide access to your disc's content, chapters, and subtitles. They may consist of just text or text and an accompanying thumbnail, depending on the menu button type set above and the design of the disc menu template. Note: you can add up to 14 menu buttons on each menu page. To add a menu button, click the button. Depending on the page in your disc menu you add the button to, the new button might just be text or button text and a scene/chapter thumbnail. 368 Creating Discs Note: click the button at the top of the Menu Designer to align all of the current menu buttons in the disc menu window. If you want all newly added menu button to auto align, click select Auto Align Buttons > On. next to this button and then Setting Button Properties Click on the menu. tab and to set the properties of all the buttons in your disc Note: the menu button properties that are available depend on which menu page you are currently editing. Changing Navigation Buttons To change the menu navigation buttons that are used in your disc menu, select the Navigation Buttons option. Select a set of navigation button (each set contains four navigation buttons) from the list, or click on Import Custom if you want to use your own buttons you custom created. If you imported custom buttons, or modified an existing set, click the Save as button to save the current buttons as a new set of navigation buttons. Setting Button Highlight Style Select the Button Highlight Style option to set the highlight icon used on a menu button thumbnail for scenes and chapter buttons. Click on Import Custom if you want to use your own custom highlight icon. If your disc menu is using text buttons, select the Enable text highlight option if you want it to be highlighted on the menu when it is active on the screen. Select Highlight color and then click the colored square to open the color palette to select the desired highlight color used. Setting Button Frame and Mask 369 CyberLink PowerDirector Help If using Thumbnails & Text menu button type, select the Button Frame and Mask option to set the frame or mask used on a menu button thumbnail. Click on Import Custom if you want to use your own custom button frame or mask. Setting Button Layout Select the Button Layout to select the desired layout of the thumbnail buttons on the selected page. The number of layouts available is dependent on the template you are editing. Enabling 3D Depth in Disc Menus If you are creating a 3D video production and want your disc menu to be in 3D, click the button and then select the desired 3D format from the drop-down. Note: when using this feature, select the button to enable 3D mode for best editing results. See Previewing in 3D Mode for more information on using this mode. * Optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Saving and Sharing Disc Menu Templates Once you are finished modifying/customizing a disc menu template you can save it in your disc menu library for future use, upload it to DirectorZone to share it with others, or back it up on CyberLink Cloud*. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. · click on Share to upload your custom template to DirectorZone or back it up on CyberLink Cloud. See Sharing and Backing Up Disc Menu Templates for more information. · click on Save As to save a modified template as a new template to the disc menu library. · click on Save to save a new template to the disc menu library. 370 Creating Discs Sharing and Backing Up Disc Menu Templates You can share your customized disc menu templates with other CyberLink PowerDirector users by uploading them to DirectorZone. If you have a CyberLink Cloud subscription you can back up all your customized templates by storing them on CyberLink Cloud. To share and back up your disc menu templates, do this: 1. Do either of the following: · in the Menu Designer, click on Share, enter a name for the custom template, and then click OK. · select the disc menu template in the library, and then click 2. . In the upload window, enter the information as follows: · Upload to: select where you want to upload the template. · Title: name of the template as it will display once uploaded. · Style: select a style or category for the template. · Type: if required, select the type of template you are uploading. · Tags: enter some keyword search tags that will help users find the template when searching. Note: separate each tag you enter with a space. If you want to use two words as the tag, just put quotes around them, e.g. "dollar bill". · Collection: enter the name of the collection you want the template added to. · Description: enter a short description of your template. 3. Click Next to proceed. 4. Confirm the copyright disclaimer, and then click Next to proceed with the upload. 5. Click on Finish to close the upload window. 371 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Burning Your Production to Disc Burning your video production to disc is the final stage of the create disc process. Once your disc is burned, you are able to play it on a disc player. You can also create a disc folder to organize your media files on your hard drive. When finalizing your disc, you have the choice of: · Burning a Disc in 2D · Burning a Disc in 3D In CyberLink PowerDirector you can burn your video production to one of the following optical disc formats: · DVD: DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R, DVD+RW · Blu-ray Disc(TM)*: BDXL, BD-RE, BD-R Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Burning a Disc in 2D If you created a standard 2D video production, click on the 2D Disc tab to configure your disc's preferences and burn it to disc. Configuring Disc Preferences The following preferences are available on the 2D Disc tab: Disc Format · select the disc format type you want to use to burn your video to a disc. Depending on the disc format type that you select, there may be a drop-down option to select the capacity of the disc. Video and Audio Settings · Select the video recording format: if available for your selected disc format, select the recording format of the video on your disc and its aspect ratio. · Select the video encoding format and quality: if available for your selected disc format, select a video encoding format and video quality for your disc from 372 Creating Discs the drop-downs. For quality, select the Smart Fit option if you want CyberLink PowerDirector to automatically adjust the bitrate to create the best quality video file possible, which will fit the capacity of the disc you are using. · Select the audio encoding format and channels: select an audio format for your disc, and the number of channels it is capable of outputting to. If burning a DVD, Blu-ray Disc, or AVCHD disc, you can select Dolby Digital to create a disc with Dolby Digital 2 or 5.1 surround sound. If burning a DVD or Blu-ray Disc, you can also select DTS to have CyberLink PowerDirector use the DTS 5.1 Producer to create a disc with DTS 5.1 surround sound. Note: the video quality and audio type options that are available depend on the disc format that you have selected. · Enable CyberLink TrueTheater Surround: if available, select this option to enable CyberLink TrueTheater Surround to enhance the menu background music. Choose from Living Room, Theater, or Stadium. Burning the Disc To burn your video production and created menu to a disc in 2D, do this: Note: before you burn the disc, you should ensure there is enough disc space available (on the export folder drive/partition) for the temp file that is created and then burned to the disc. For DVD production, 10 GB is required (20 GB recommended). For Blu-ray Disc/AVCHD production, 60 GB required (100 GB recommended). You can change the export folder to a different drive/partition in File Preferences. 1. Click on the 2D Disc tab. 2. Click the Burn in 2D button. The Final Output window displays. 3. Configure the production preferences as follows: · Current drive: the burning drive (or removable disc for the AVCHD format) CyberLink PowerDirector will use to burn the production to disc. If necessary, click the button to select another drive and configure the burn settings. See Configuring Burn Settings for more information. If you are burning your production to a rewritable disc, you can click See Erasing Discs for more information. to erase it. 373 CyberLink PowerDirector Help · Disc volume label: in the field provided, enter a label for your disc. The disc label can be up to 16 characters long. · Burn to disc: ensure this option is selected if you want your production burned to a disc. · Number of copies: in the field provided, enter the number of discs you want CyberLink PowerDirector to burn for you in succession. · Save as disc image: select this option if you want to create a disc image file on your computer's hard drive. Disc images can be burned to disc at a later time if required. Click on to specify the folder where it is created. · Create a folder: select this option to create a disc folder on your computer that contains all the files necessary for burning. Click on to specify the folder where it is created. Creating a folder overwrites all of the existing data in a directory. · Enable x.v.Color: x.v.Color is a color system that can display a wider color range than usual. CyberLink PowerDirector can generate an x.v.Colorcompliant stream, which is backward compatible with RGB displays, while offering the opportunity to achieve better visual quality if your playback environment is x.v.Color ready. · Enable hardware video encoder: enable this option to speed up rendering and burning time. This option is only enabled if your computer supports hardware acceleration (NVIDIA graphics card that supports CUDA, an AMD graphics card that supports AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, or a computer with Intel Core Processor Family technology). 4. When ready, click the Start Burning button to burn your production to disc. Note: the burning process may take a few minutes, depending on the length and quality of your video, and your computer's processing power. Be prepared for a short wait while CyberLink PowerDirector renders your movie and burns it to the disc. Time remaining does not include the time it takes to finalize/close discs. Burning a Disc in 3D If you created a 3D* video production, click on the 3D Disc tab to configure your disc's preferences and burn it to disc. 374 Creating Discs Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Configuring Disc Preferences The following preferences are available on the 3D Disc tab: Disc Format · select the disc format type you want to use to burn your video to a disc. Depending on the disc format type that you select, there may be a drop-down option to select the capacity of the disc. Video and Audio Settings · Select the video recording format: if available for your selected disc format, select the recording format of the video on your disc and its aspect ratio. · Select the video encoding format and quality: if available for your selected disc format, select a video encoding format and video quality for your disc from the drop-downs. For quality, select the Smart Fit option if you want CyberLink PowerDirector to automatically adjust the bitrate to create the best quality video file possible, which will fit the capacity of the disc you are using. · Select the audio encoding format and channels: select an audio format for your disc, and the number of channels it is capable of outputting to. If burning a DVD, Blu-ray Disc, or AVCHD disc, you can select Dolby Digital to create a disc with Dolby Digital 2 or 5.1 surround sound. If burning a DVD or Blu-ray Disc, you can also select DTS to have CyberLink PowerDirector use the DTS 5.1 Producer to create a disc with DTS 5.1 surround sound. Note: the video quality and audio type options that are available depend on the disc format that you have selected. · 3D output format: select the 3D output source format of the video that is rendered and then burned to the disc. Note: subtitles and disc menus are not supported on 3D discs using the side-by-side 3D source format. 375 CyberLink PowerDirector Help · Enable CyberLink TrueTheater Surround: if available, select this option to enable CyberLink TrueTheater Surround to enhance the menu background music. Choose from Living Room, Theater, or Stadium. Burning the Disc To burn your video production and created menu to a disc in 3D, do this: Note: before you burn the disc, you should ensure there is enough disc space available (on the export folder drive/partition) for the temp file that is created and then burned to the disc. For DVD production, 10 GB is required (20 GB recommended). For Blu-ray Disc/AVCHD production, 60 GB required (100 GB recommended). You can change the export folder to a different drive/partition in File Preferences. 1. Click on the 3D Disc tab. 2. Click the Burn in 3D button. The Final Output window displays. 3. Configure the production preferences as follows: · Current drive: the burning drive (or removable disc for the AVCHD format) CyberLink PowerDirector will use to burn the production to disc. If necessary, click the button to select another drive and configure the burn settings. See Configuring Burn Settings for more information. If you are burning your production to a rewritable disc, you can click See Erasing Discs for more information. to erase it. · Disc volume label: in the field provided, enter a label for your disc. The disc label can be up to 16 characters long. · Burn to disc: ensure this option is selected if you want your production burned to a disc. · Number of copies: in the field provided, enter the number of discs you want CyberLink PowerDirector to burn for you in succession. · Save as disc image: select this option if you want to create a disc image file on your computer's hard drive. Disc images can be burned to disc at a later time if required. Click on to specify the folder where it is created. · Create a folder: select this option to create a disc folder on your computer that contains all the files necessary for burning. Click on 376 to specify the folder Creating Discs where it is created. Creating a folder overwrites all of the existing data in a directory. · Enable x.v.Color: x.v.Color is a color system that can display a wider color range than usual. CyberLink PowerDirector can generate an x.v.Colorcompliant stream, which is backward compatible with RGB displays, while offering the opportunity to achieve better visual quality if your playback environment is x.v.Color ready. · Enable hardware video encoder: enable this option to speed up rendering and burning time. This option is only enabled if your computer supports hardware acceleration (NVIDIA graphics card that supports CUDA, an AMD graphics card that supports AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, or a computer with Intel Core Processor Family technology). 4. When ready, click the Start Burning button to burn your production to disc. Note: the burning process may take a few minutes, depending on the length and quality of your video and your computer's processing power. Be prepared for a short wait while CyberLink PowerDirector renders your movie and burns it to the disc. Time remaining does not include the time it takes to finalize/close discs. Configuring Burn Settings Before you burn to a disc for the first time, it is advised that you click on set your burning configuration as follows: to · Recording drive: select the burning drive CyberLink PowerDirector will use to burn the production to disc. · Recording speed: set the recording speed used when burning the disc. If you encounter errors during the burning process, try lowering the burning speed. · Include buffer under-run protection: select this option to ensure that video is written to disc without interruption. An interruption in video burning can result in an unusable disc. After you set this configuration, CyberLink PowerDirector uses the same configuration each time you burn until you change the settings. 377 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Erasing Discs If you are using a rewritable disc, you can erase content that has data previously recorded on it. This allows you to reuse the same discs over and over without the need to continually buy new discs. Click on the disc. button to begin erasing a To erase a disc, select: · the Quick option to erase the disc index contained on the disc. · the Full option to erase all of the content the disc contains. Click OK to erase the disc. 378 PowerDirector Preferences Chapter 21: PowerDirector Preferences To set your preferences in CyberLink PowerDirector, just click the button. General Preferences In the Preferences window, select the General tab. The available options are as follows: Application: · Maximum undo levels: enter the number (between 0 and 100) of undos (Ctrl +Z) you would like to make available while you work on your video production. Setting a higher number consumes more CPU resources. · Audio channels: select the default number of channels for the audio in your video production when editing and previewing it. If Stereo is selected, CyberLink PowerDirector will downmix any 5.1 channel audio to two channels during preview. Note: when editing and previewing video or audio with 7.1 channels, it is downmixed to the number of audio channels selected in this preference option. · Timeline frame rate: select the TV format (NTSC or PAL) and frame rate for your video production. The format should correspond to the region in which you plan to play your video (if you burn it to disc). The frame rate should correspond to the source video footage being used in your production. · Use drop frame timecode: if your selected TV format is NTSC, select "Yes" to synchronize the timecode of your video to its video length in the timeline. · Show sound waveform in timeline: select to display the sound waveform in the timeline that represents the sound levels in audio clips. · Enable HD video processing (shadow file): select this to speed up the editing of high definition video by enabling CyberLink PowerDirector to process the file faster. Enabling this consumes more CPU resources. · Auto delete temporary files every: select to have CyberLink PowerDirector automatically delete temporary files created while editing, every specified 379 CyberLink PowerDirector Help number of days. Click on the Manually Delete button if you want to select and delete specific temporary files to free up disc space. Internet: · Automatically check for software updates: select to periodically check for updates or new versions of PowerDirector automatically. Language: · Use system default language: select this option for the language display to be the same as the language of your operating system. · User defined: select this option and then select the language from the dropdown list that you want to use. Capture Preferences In the Preferences window, select the Capture tab. The available options are as follows: Capture: · Add captured files to media library: select this option to import captured files into the media library directly after capture. · Add captured files to empty workspace: select this option to automatically import captured files into an empty area in the workspace (timeline). · Enable automatic file replacement when recording voice-over: select this option to overwrite existing audio if the voice-over overlaps during recording. Auto scene detection: · Do not detect scenes after capture: select this option if you do not want to activate the auto scene detection function after video is captured. · After capture, detect scenes by change of video frames: select this option to perform scene detection after video capture. Once capture is complete, the Detect Scenes window is opened, displaying the captured video. See Detecting Scenes in a Video Clip for more information. · During capture, detect scenes by timecode, and then save each scene as a separate file (DV-VCR mode only): select this option to detect scene break signals and to save each scene as a separate file. (DV camcorders generate a 380 PowerDirector Preferences scene break signal on the tape whenever users release the REC button.) This feature is only available in DV camcorder capture. DV parameters setup: · click the DV Parameters button to set the buffer time (in the Batch capture/ Writing to tape sections) for your DV camcorder. Setting a buffer time ensures that your DV camcorder and the batch capture/ writing to tape function begin at the same time. Without a buffer, batch capturing or writing to tape may begin before the camcorder is engaged. In the DV auto stop section of the DV Parameters Setup window, select whether you want CyberLink PowerDirector to automatically stop scanning/capturing after a specified interval of blank tape. You can specific the interval, in seconds, in the field provided. Confirmation Preferences In the Preferences window, select the Confirmation tab. The available options are as follows: Confirmation · Always prompt me when timeline frame rates conflict: select this option to enable a warning message when you add a video clip to the workspace whose frame rate conflicts with the project's timeline frame rate set in General preferences. · Always prompt me when aspect ratios conflict: select this option to enable a warning message when you add a video clip to the workspace whose aspect conflicts with that of the project. · Enable file deletion from hard drive: select this option if you would like to enable the deletion of files from your hard drive when in the media library. · Enable warning when chapters are removed during editing: select this option to enable a warning message if chapter points are deleted during video editing. · Always prompt me when widescreen is not supported: select this option if you want PowerDirector to notify you when a widescreen format is not supported. · Always prompt me when I import high definition video into the library: select this option if you want PowerDirector to notify you when you are importing high definition video into the media library. 381 CyberLink PowerDirector Help · Always prompt me to confirm captured video prefix name: select this option if you want PowerDirector to ask you for a file name when capturing videos in the capture window. If you deselect this option, PowerDirector will auto name the files for you. · Always prompt me to confirm captured snapshot file name: select this option if you want PowerDirector to ask you for a file name when capturing screen snapshots of video. If you deselect this option, PowerDirector will auto name the files for you. · Always enter the full feature editor at startup: select this option if you don't want PowerDirector to ask you which editing mode it should open every time you launch the program. Once selected, the full feature editor is auto opened every time you open the program. · Always prompt me when entering 3D full screen mode: select this option if you want PowerDirector to prompt you when it enters 3D full screen mode on some computers that can only view 3D content at full screen. · Always prompt me when there is a poor quality segment in Content Aware Editing: select this option if you want PowerDirector to ask if you want to auto fix segments of video that are shaky or have poor lighting when encountered during the analysis process of Content Aware Editing. · Always prompt me when entering non real-time preview mode: select this option if you want to be prompted every time you click the play button when non real-time preview mode is enabled. · Always prompt me before pasting keyframes attributes: select this option if you want to be prompted every time you try and paste a clip's keyframe attributes onto another clip. · Always show tips dialog when entering express projects library: select this option if you want to see the helpful tips on how to use express projects every time you enter the express projects library. DirectorZone Preferences In the Preferences window, select the DirectorZone tab. The available options are as follows: Auto sign in: 382 PowerDirector Preferences · Auto sign in to DirectorZone: select this option and then enter in your e-mail address and password to automatically sign in to DirectorZone when the program is opened. If you do not have a DirectorZone account, click on the Get an Account button. Retrieve templates from DirectorZone: · Templates Uploaded to DirectorZone: click this button when you have signed in to your DirectorZone account if you want to download and import all of the templates you previously uploaded to DirectorZone. · Templates Downloaded from DirectorZone: click this button when you have signed in to your DirectorZone account if you want to download and import all of the templates you previously downloaded from DirectorZone. Privacy rules: · Allow DirectorZone to gather editing information: select this option to allow DirectorZone to collect all of the names of the templates used in a finished project you upload to YouTube. Editing Preferences In the Preferences window, select the Editing tab. The available options are as follows: Timeline: · Set default transition behavior: select the default behavior of transitions added between two clips on a timeline track. See Setting Transition Behavior for more information on the differences between the overlap and cross transition. · Default workspace: select whether to display the timeline or storyboard editing workspace by default in the Edit window. · Add transition between photos when applying Magic Motion: select this option to add the transition selected in Transition type between photos when using the Magic Motion tool and apply to all photos. · Add an effect and a title when using Freeze Frame: select this option to automatically add an effect and title effect to the timeline when you click the Freeze Frame button. 383 CyberLink PowerDirector Help · Enable continuous thumbnails on video clips for easy scene recognition: select this option to enable frame thumbnails throughout the video clips inserted on the timeline. Enabling this option makes it easier to find the different scenes in your clips. · Switch to move mode automatically during playback: select this option if you want PowerDirector to auto switch to movie mode when previewing your video production. Doing this allows you to preview all the content in your production, instead of just the selected clip. · Enable snap to clips in timeline: deselect this option if you don't want clips to snap to other clips when moving them around on the timeline tracks. · Enable timeline scale for audio track: select this option to increase the timeline scale for more precise audio syncing. Doing this allows for easier mixing of audio in-track by allowing syncing down to 1/10 of a frame. 384 PowerDirector Preferences Durations: · set the default durations (in seconds) for image files and the different effects, transitions, titles, subtitles, etc. when placed in the timeline. Keyboard hotkeys: · click the Customize button to fully customize PowerDirector's keyboard shortcut hotkeys to fit your requirements. See Customizing Keyboard Hotkeys for detailed information. · click the Import button to import a custom hotkey set. See Hotkey Sets for more information. File Preferences In the Preferences window, select the File tab. The available options are as follows: Default locations: · Import folder: indicates the last folder that media was imported from. To change this folder, click Browse and then select a new folder. · Export folder: set the folder where captured media is saved. To change this folder, click Browse and then select a new folder. Note: the export folder is where produced projects are outputted to by default. Also, when you burn a file to disc, this folder is where the temp file is created before burning it to disc. File name: 385 CyberLink PowerDirector Help · Captured video prefix: enter a default name for captured video files. When capturing from a DV/HDV tape, select the Append time information after the file prefix option to add the date captured information to the file name. · Production file prefix: enter a default name for your produced files. · Snapshot file name: enter a default name for captured snapshots in both 2D and 3D. Select a file format from the drop-down list for your snapshots. You have the choice of BMP, JPG, GIF and PNG 2D formats, or MPO and JPS when taking snapshots of 3D content. The captured 3D snapshots are also in 3D. · Snapshot destination: select the location where PowerDirector saves captured snapshots from the drop-down. You can save them as a file, copy them to your clipboard, or set them as your wallpaper background on your computer's desktop. · Use original video size as snapshot image quality whenever possible: select this option if you want the image to be the same size and quality as the original video, instead of the smaller preview window it is taken in. Display Preferences In the Preferences window, select the Display tab. The available options are as follows: · Preview quality: select the default preview quality from the list (Full HD*, HD*, high, normal, low) to set the resolution/quality of the video used when previewing your movie in the preview window. The higher the quality you select, the more resources that are required to preview your video project. Note: Full HD and HD preview resolution are only available when the Ultra version of CyberLink PowerDirector is installed on a 64-bit operating system. · Preview mode: select the default preview mode used when previewing video production: · Real-time Preview: synchronizes and renders clips and effects in real-time, displaying a preview of your video at the specified frames per second. · Non Real-time Preview: mutes the audio and displays a preview at a reduced speed to help make editing much more fluid. Useful when editing high-definition video, using multiple PiP tracks on a less powerful computer, or when you receive dropped frames when previewing. By 386 PowerDirector Preferences muting the audio and slowing down the video, CyberLink PowerDirector lets you view more frames per second when your computer has trouble providing a smooth preview during editing. · Snap to reference lines*: select to have the selected objects in the preview window snap to the grid lines, TV safe zone, and the boundary of the window. · TV safe zone: select to enable a box on the preview window that indicates the on-screen area of most TV displays. · Grid lines: select the number of lines you want to display in a grid over the video image in the preview window. Use this grid to more precisely place the PiP media and title text where you want on the video image. · Dual preview*: if you have a secondary display device, such as a monitor, TV, or DV camcorder connected to your computer, you can select it from this drop-down to extend your workspace and preview your project on a secondary display. See Dual Preview for more detailed information. · 3D* display configuration: from the drop-down select your default 3D display device. See 3D Configuration for more detailed information. Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. Hardware Acceleration Preferences In the Preferences window, select the Hardware Acceleration tab. The available options are as follows: Hardware acceleration: Note: ensure you download and install the latest drivers, and any related hardware acceleration software, for your computer's graphics card to enable this feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. · Enable OpenCL technology to speed up video effect preview/render: if your computer supports GPU hardware acceleration, select this option to speed up the rendering of some video effects by tapping into the multi-core parallel processing power of your computer. 387 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Note: to activate hardware acceleration technology during production, select Hardware video encoder in the production preferences section of the produce window before production. If your computer does not support Open CL, the wording on the UI will be replaced with the supported hardware acceleration technology (Intel Effect Acceleration, NVIDIA CUDA, or AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing). · Enable hardware decoding: if your computer supports NVIDIA CUDA/AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing/Intel Core Processor Family technology, select this option to use hardware acceleration to decode the video during the editing process and when producing video. Project Preferences In the Preferences window, select the Project tab. The available options are as follows: Project: · Number of recently used projects: enter the number (between 0 and 20) of recently used projects that you would like to make available in the File menu when you open CyberLink PowerDirector. · Automatically load the last project when PowerDirector opens: select this option to automatically load the last project you were working on. · Automatically load sample clips when PowerDirector opens: select this option to automatically load the sample image and video clips into your media library when the program opens. · Auto save project every: select this to automatically save your project every specified number of minutes, so you don't lose your changes by accident. If you want to set a specific location for the auto save files, click the Browse button and select a folder location on your computer. Produce Preferences In the Preferences window, select the Produce tab. The available options are as follows: Produce: 388 PowerDirector Preferences · Reduce video blocky artifacts (Intel SSE4 optimized): select this option to improve the production overall quality of produced video, if your computer supports Intel SSE4 optimization. · Reduce video noise when using MPEG-1, MPEG-2, and H.264 software encoders: select this option if you want CyberLink PowerDirector to auto apply video denoise when encoding MPEG-1, MPEG-2, and H.264 video during production. H.264 AVC: · Allow SVRT on single IDR H.264 video: select this option if you want CyberLink PowerDirector to use SVRT to render a movie project when you only have one H.264 AVC clip on the timeline. See Utilizing Intelligent SVRT for more information on SVRT. WMV: · Produce WMV video with Speed Mode: select this option if you want CyberLink PowerDirector to use Speed Mode to render WMV videos more quickly. Improvement Program Preferences In the Preferences window, select the Improvement Program tab. The available options are as follows: CyberLink Product Improvement Program · I want to participate: select this item if you would like to participate in the CyberLink Product Improvement Program for PowerDirector. Once enabled, CyberLink PowerDirector will collect information about the hardware and software configuration of your computer system, as well as your usage behavior and statistics related to the software. Click the Read more information about the improvement program online link to view more detailed information about the content collected. Note: the CyberLink Product Improvement Program for PowerDirector will not collect any personal information for purposes of identifying you. 389 CyberLink PowerDirector Help CyberLink Cloud Preferences In the Preferences window, select the CyberLink Cloud* tab. The available options are as follows: Note: * optional feature in CyberLink PowerDirector. Check the version table on our web site for detailed versioning information. · Back up and restore your program settings: If you have a CyberLink Cloud subscription you can click Back up to CyberLink Cloud to back up program preferences, keyboard hotkeys, and custom output profiles to CyberLink Cloud. Click Restore from CyberLink Cloud to replace your current program settings with the ones you previously backed up on CyberLink Cloud. · Download folder: click the Browse button to change the folder where CyberLink Cloud effects, projects, and media are stored when downloaded. · Clear CyberLink Cloud cache: click the Clear Offline Cache button to free up some disk space by emptying the temp files stored when downloading content from CyberLink Cloud. · Sign out from CyberLink Cloud service: if you are currently signed in to CyberLink Cloud, click the button to sign yourself out. Note: click the Account Information link in the bottom right corner of the preferences windows if you want to know your CyberLink Cloud subscription expiry date, how much storage space you have, and more. 390 PowerDirector Hotkeys Chapter 22: PowerDirector Hotkeys CyberLink PowerDirector includes a number of keyboard hotkeys that can make the whole video editing process go more quickly and smoothly. CyberLink PowerDirector has many Default Keyboard Hotkeys, but you can also fully customize the hotkeys to fit your requirements. See Customizing Keyboard Hotkeys for detailed information. Default Keyboard Hotkeys The following is a list of the default keyboard hotkeys in CyberLink PowerDirector when the program is first installed. Note: if the hotkeys were modified in the Customize Keyboard Hotkeys window, this list will no longer be accurate. Select PowerDirector Default from the Hotkey set drop-down in the Customize Keyboard Hotkeys window to reset them back to these default values. · Application Menu Bar Hotkeys · System Hotkeys · Capture Hotkeys · Edit Hotkeys · Designer Hotkeys 391 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Application Menu Bar Hotkeys Hotkeys Command File Ctrl + N Create new project Ctrl + Shift + W New workspace Ctrl + O Open existing project Ctrl + S Save project Ctrl + Shift + S Save project as Ctrl + Q Import media files Ctrl + W Import a media folder Alt + F9 Switch to Capture module Alt + F10 Switch to Edit module Alt + F11 Switch to Produce module Alt + F12 Switch to Burn (EZProducer/Create Disc) module Alt + P Display project properties Alt + F4 Exit CyberLink PowerDirector Edit Ctrl + Z Undo Ctrl + Y Redo Ctrl + X Cut Shift + X Cut and leave gap Ctrl + Alt + X Cut and move clips on the same track Alt + X Cut and move all timeline clips after removed clip Ctrl + C Copy Ctrl + V Paste Alt + left arrow key Move timeline selected object one frame left 392 PowerDirector Hotkeys Hotkeys Command Alt + right arrow key Move timeline selected object one frame right Shift + left arrow key Go to previous marker Shift + right arrow key Go to next marker Shift + M Add marker at current timeline position Alt + 1 Opens Magic Mix function Alt + 2 Opens Magic Motion function Alt + 3 Opens Magic Cut function Alt + 4 Opens Magic Style function Alt + 6 Opens Magic Movie Wizard F2 Modify (selected clip in PiP/Particle/Title Designer) Ctrl + Alt + T Open Trim window Delete Delete/Remove selected item(s) Shift + Delete Remove and leave gap Ctrl + Delete Remove and move clips on the same track Alt + Delete Remove and move all timeline clips after removed clip Ctrl + A Select all Ctrl + T Split clip at current timeline slider position Ctrl + P Take a snapshot of content in the preview window Ctrl + D Detect scenes Alt + H Customize keyboard hotkeys Alt + C Open user preferences window View Tab Switch between timeline/storyboard view F3 Switch to Media Room F4 Switch to Effect Room 393 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Hotkeys Command F5 Switch to PiP Room F6 Switch to Particle Room F7 Switch to Title Room F8 Switch to Transition Room F9 Switch to Audio Mixing Room F10 Switch to Voice Over Room F11 Switch to Chapter Room F12 Switch to Subtitle Room + Zoom in on timeline ruler - Zoom out on timeline ruler Alt + S View SVRT information Playback Page Up Switch to Clip mode Page Down Switch to Movie mode Space Play/Pause Ctrl + / Stop , Previous unit (seek by frame, second, etc.) . Next unit (seek by frame, second, etc.) Home Go to the beginning of clip/project End Go to the end of clip/project Ctrl + left arrow key Go to previous clip in track (Clip mode) Ctrl + right arrow Go to next clip in track (Clip mode) key Alt + up arrow key Next second Alt + down arrow Previous second key 394 PowerDirector Hotkeys Hotkeys Command Ctrl + G Go to timecode Ctrl + F Fast forward Ctrl + U Adjust system volume Ctrl + Backspace Mute/Mute off F Full screen System Hotkeys Hotkeys Command F1 Open help file Delete Delete/Remove selected item(s) Shift + F12 View hotkey list Alt + F4 Exit CyberLink PowerDirector Capture Hotkeys Hotkeys Command Alt + R Start/Pause recording Space DV play/pause preview Ctrl + / DV stop preview Ctrl + , DV rewind Ctrl + . DV fast forward Alt + Y Add text captions on captured video Edit Hotkeys Hotkeys Command Library 395 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Hotkeys Command Ctrl + A Select all Ctrl + Tab Filter media type in media library Ctrl + D Detect scenes Ctrl + Q Import media files Ctrl + W Import a media folder Workspace Ctrl + Drop Overwrite content on track when a clip is dropped on another clip Shift + Drop Move all clips on the timeline to the right when a clip is dropped on another clip Alt + Drop Lay the clip over the existing clip and add a transition between the two clips when a clip is dropped on another clip [ Mark in ] Mark out 1 Select camera 1 in MultiCam Designer 2 Select camera 2 in MultiCam Designer 3 Select camera 3 in MultiCam Designer 4 Select camera 4 in MultiCam Designer Designer Hotkeys Hotkeys Command Ctrl + B Make text bold Ctrl + I Make text italic Ctrl + L Left-align text Ctrl + R Right-align text Ctrl + E Center-align text Up arrow key Move object up 396 PowerDirector Hotkeys Hotkeys Command Down arrow key Move object down Left arrow key Move object left Right arrow key Move object right Alt + D Share template on DirectorZone Customizing Keyboard Hotkeys CyberLink PowerDirector lets you fully customize its keyboard shortcut hotkeys to fit your requirements. You can even add hotkeys for commands that are not available in the default keyboard hotkeys. To customize the keyboard hotkeys, do this: Note: click the Restore button if you need to reset a selected hotkey that you customized, to the default value. 1. Select Edit > Keyboard Hotkeys > Customize from the menu. Or just press the Alt+H keys on your keyboard to open the Customize Keyboard Hotkeys window. 2. Browse to and find the hotkey command that you want to customize. Note: if required, enter in a search keyword in the field provided for the hotkey command you want to customize and then click . Click it repeatedly to locate multiple instances of the inputted search keyword, if required. 3. Click in the Hotkeys column next to the command you want to customize. 4. Press the hotkey combination on your computer's keyboard that you want to use/replace the existing hotkey with. Note: if the keyboard hotkey you specify is already in use in the program, you will be asked if you want to remove it from the existing command to use in the new specified command. The replaced command will no longer have a keyboard hotkey associated to it. 5. Repeat the above steps to customize all the keyboard hotkeys to your preference. 397 CyberLink PowerDirector Help 6. Once you are done, click the Apply button, enter a name for the new set of customized keyboard hotkeys, and then click OK to apply and save the changes. Hotkey Sets When you customize keyboard hotkeys in CyberLink PowerDirector, they are saved as hotkey sets in the Customize Keyboard Hotkeys window. If required you can create multiple sets of hotkeys, which are quickly accessible in the window. In the Customize Keyboard Hotkeys window, you can: · quickly switch among the saved hotkey sets by selecting the one you want to use from the Hotkey sets drop-down and then clicking the Apply button. Select the PowerDirector Default hotkey set to use the original hotkey settings. · edit an existing hotkey set by further customizing the keyboard hotkeys, and then clicking the Apply button. Click the Save as button to save it as a brand new hotkey set. · delete a custom hotkey set by selecting it in the Hotkey sets drop-down and then clicking the Delete button. Importing and Exporting Hotkey Sets In the Customize Keyboard Hotkeys window you can export all of the hotkey sets you created. This saves the custom to a file that can then be imported into another version of CyberLink PowerDirector that supports the importing of hotkey sets. To export a hotkey set, do this: 1. Select Edit > Keyboard Hotkeys > Export from the CyberLink PowerDirector menu. 2. Specify a file name and save location on your computer. 3. Click the Save button to complete export process. To import a hotkey set, do this: 4. Select Edit > Keyboard Hotkeys > Import from the CyberLink PowerDirector menu. 5. Browse to the location of the exported file in the .PDH file format. 398 PowerDirector Hotkeys 6. Click the Open button to complete the import process. 399 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Chapter 23: Appendix This chapter contains reference information to help answer questions you may have about the digital movie production process or about using CyberLink PowerDirector. Intelligent SVRT: When Is Used? Intelligent SVRT can be applied to video clips in the MPEG-1, MPEG-2, H.264 and DVAVI (Type I) formats. In the following conditions, clips (or portions of clips) do not require rendering during production, and SVRT can therefore be applied: · The frame rate, frame size, and file format are the same as those of the destination production profile. · The bitrate is similar to that of the destination production profile. · The TV format is the same as that of the destination production profile. For more information, see Setting TV (Video Clip Interlacing) Format. If all of the above conditions are met, SVRT can be used. Any clips that do not meet the above criteria are fully rendered without SVRT. In the following conditions, clips (or portions of clips) must be rendered during production, and SVRT can therefore not be applied: · Adding a title or transition effect · Modifying the color of a video clip · Merging two video clips (clips within 2 seconds before or after the merged clips will be rendered) · Splitting a video clip (clips within 2 seconds before or after the split will be rendered) · Trimming a video clip (clips within 2 seconds before or after the trimmed clip will be rendered) · If the total duration of the production is less than one minute and any portion of the video requires rendering, the entire production will be rendered for efficiency reasons. 400 Appendix Licensing and Copyright Information This section contains the PowerDirector licensing and copyright information, including a copy of the Intel License Agreement for Open Source Computer Library and the GNU Lesser General Public License. There is also a list of the third-party components used in PowerDirector. License Disclaimer This product includes certain copyrighted third-party software components license under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License and other similar license agreements offering free distribution of these software components offered by other organizations, if applicable. Copies of these agreements can be found by clicking the link associated with each of the component provided in the table below. You may also visit for a copy of GNU Lesser General Public License Agreement. LGPL components and other components listed below are licensed without warranties of any kind, either express or implied warranties, including without limitation the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as the quality and performance of these components is with you. Please check the respective license agreement for more details. Copyright Holders under LGPL and/or other license agreements mentioned herein shall not be responsible for any damages, general, special, incidental or consequential, arising out of the use or inability to use these components/software. Please check the respective license agreement for more details. For a list of components of such nature, and to acquire the full source code of these licensed components, including any scripts to control compilation and installation of the object code, please see "List of Components" below. Downloading Source Code You can download the machine-readable source code of the corresponding licensed component from Please read the copyright notice, the warranty disclaimer, and the license agreement accompanying these source codes. 401 CyberLink PowerDirector Help List of Components Component License Information cv.dll Intel License Agreement for Open Source Computer Library cvaux.dll Intel License Agreement for Open Source Computer Library highgui.dll Intel License Agreement for Open Source Computer Library OptCVa6.dll Intel License Agreement for Open Source Computer Library OptCVm6.dll Intel License Agreement for Open Source Computer Library OptCVw7.dll Intel License Agreement for Open Source Computer Library PThreadVC2.dll GNU Lesser General Public License 402 Appendix Licenses and Copyrights Below are the applicable licenses and copyright information that pertain to the components listed in the List of Components. Dolby Laboratories Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. Dolby and the double-D symbol are registered trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. Confidential unpublished works. Copyright 2003-2005 Dolby Laboratories. All rights reserved. DTS For DTS patents, see Manufactured under license from DTS Licensing Limited. DTS, the Symbol, & DTS and the Symbol together are registered trademarks, and DTS 5.1 Producer is a trademark of DTS, Inc. © DTS, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 403 CyberLink PowerDirector Help XAVC S XAVC S and are trademarks of Sony Corporation. MPEG-2 Packaged Media Notice ANY USE OF THIS PRODUCT IN ANY MANNER OTHER THAN PERSONAL USE THAT COMPLIES WITH THE MPEG-2 STANDARD FOR ENCODING VIDEO INFORMATION FOR PACKAGED MEDIA IS EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED WITHOUT A LICENSE UNDER APPLICABLE PATENTS IN THE MPEG-2 PATENT PORTFOLOP, WHICH LICENSE IS AVAILABLE FROM MPEG LA, LLC, 6312 S. Fiddlers Green Circle, Suite 400E, Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111 U.S.A. Intel License Agreement For Open Source Computer Vision Library Copyright © 2000, Intel Corporation, all rights reserved. Third party copyrights are property of their respective owners. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: Redistribution's of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 404 Appendix Redistribution's in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. The name of Intel Corporation may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as is" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall Intel or contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage. GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1, February 1999 Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. [This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL. It also counts as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, version 2, hence the version number 2.1.] Preamble The licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some specially designated software packages--typically libraries--of the Free Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it. You can use it too, but we suggest you first think 405 CyberLink PowerDirector Help carefully about whether this license or the ordinary General Public License is the better strategy to use in any particular case, based on the explanations below. When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use, not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of it in new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do these things. To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender these rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you distribute copies of the library or if you modify it. For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave you. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source code. If you link other code with the library, you must provide complete object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them with the library after making changes to the library and recompiling it. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights. We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives you legal permission to copy, distribute and/ or modify the library. To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that there is no warranty for the free library. Also, if the library is modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know that what they have is not the original version, so that the original author's reputation will not be affected by problems that might be introduced by others. Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of any free program. We wish to make sure that a company cannot effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a restrictive license from a patent holder. Therefore, we insist that any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license. Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the ordinary GNU General Public License. This license, the GNU Lesser General Public License, applies to certain designated libraries, and is quite different from the ordinary General Public License. We use this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those libraries into non-free programs. 406 Appendix When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a combined work, a derivative of the original library. The ordinary General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the entire combination fits its criteria of freedom. The Lesser General Public License permits more lax criteria for linking other code with the library. We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License because it does Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General Public License. It also provides other free software developers Less of an advantage over competing non-free programs. These disadvantages are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many libraries. However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain special circumstances. For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to encourage the widest possible use of a certain library, so that it becomes a de-facto standard. To achieve this, non-free programs must be allowed to use the library. A more frequent case is that a free library does the same job as widely used non-free libraries. In this case, there is little to gain by limiting the free library to free software only, so we use the Lesser General Public License. In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free programs enables a greater number of people to use a large body of free software. For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in non-free programs enables many more people to use the whole GNU operating system, as well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating system. Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the users' freedom, it does ensure that the user of a program that is linked with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run that program using a modified version of the Library. The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and modification follow. Pay close attention to the difference between a "work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library". The former contains code derived from the library, whereas the latter must be combined with the library in order to run. TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION 0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other program which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or other authorized party saying it 407 CyberLink PowerDirector Help may be distributed under the terms of this Lesser General Public License (also called "this License"). Each licensee is addressed as "you". A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs (which use some of those functions and data) to form executables. The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work which has been distributed under these terms. A "work based on the Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated straightforwardly into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in the term "modification".) "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it. For a library, complete source code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation and installation of the library. Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for writing it). Whether that is true depends on what the Library does and what the program that uses the Library does. 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the Library. You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: a) The modified work must itself be a software library. b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. 408 Appendix c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no charge to all third parties under the terms of this License. d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that, in the event an application does not supply such function or table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of its purpose remains meaningful. (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the application. Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any application-supplied function or table used by this function must be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square root function must still compute square roots.) These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library, and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or collective works based on the Library. In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under the scope of this License. 3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library. To do this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2, instead of to this License. (If a newer version than version 2 of the ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify that version instead if you wish.) Do not make any other change in these notices. Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy. 409 CyberLink PowerDirector Help This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of the Library into a program that is not a library. 4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany it with the complete corresponding machinereadable source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange. If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to distribute the source code, even though third parties are not compelled to copy the source along with the object code. 5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library". Such a work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and therefore falls outside the scope of this License. However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the library". The executable is therefore covered by this License. Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables. When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not. Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library. The threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law. If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative work. (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the Library will still fall under Section 6.) Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6. Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6, whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself. 6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work under terms of your choice, provided that the 410 Appendix terms permit modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse engineering for debugging such modifications. You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by this License. You must supply a copy of this License. If the work during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference directing the user to the copy of this License. Also, you must do one of these things: a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified executable containing the modified Library. (It is understood that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application to use the modified definitions.) b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at run time a copy of the library already present on the user's computer system, rather than copying library functions into the executable, and (2) will operate properly with a modified version of the library, if the user installs one, as long as the modified version is interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with. c) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at least three years, to give the same user the materials specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more than the cost of performing this distribution. d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above specified materials from the same place. e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these materials or that you have already sent this user a copy. For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for reproducing the executable from it. However, as a special exception, the materials to be distributed need not include anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the 411 CyberLink PowerDirector Help major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies the executable. It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally accompany the operating system. Such a contradiction means you cannot use both them and the Library together in an executable that you distribute. 7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise permitted, and provided that you do these two things: a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work based on the Library, uncombined with any other library facilities. This must be distributed under the terms of the Sections above. b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work. 8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute the Library except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance. 9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or distribute the Library or its derivative works. These actions are prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying the Library or works based on it. 10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License. 412 Appendix 11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may not distribute the Library at all. For example, if a patent license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to refrain entirely from distribution of the Library. If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply, and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances. It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the integrity of the free software distribution system which is implemented by public license practices. Many people have made generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed through that system in reliance on consistent application of that system; it is up to the author/ donor to decide if he or she is willing to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot impose that choice. This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to be a consequence of the rest of this License. 12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if written in the body of this License. 13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the Lesser General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that version or of any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Library does not 413 CyberLink PowerDirector Help specify a license version number, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software Foundation. 14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these, write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. NO WARRANTY 15. BECAUSE THE LIBRARY IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE LIBRARY, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE LIBRARY "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE LIBRARY IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE LIBRARY PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. 16. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE LIBRARY AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE LIBRARY (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE LIBRARY TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER SOFTWARE), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. CLAPACK Copyright Notice Anderson, E. and Bai, Z. and Bischof, C. and Blackford, S. and Demmel, J. and Dongarra, J. and Du Croz, J. and Greenbaum, A. and Hammarling, S. and McKenney, A. and Sorensen, D. LAPACK User's Guide. Third Edition. Philadelphia, PA: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1999. ISBN: 0-89871-447-8 (paperback) 414 Technical Support Chapter 24: Technical Support If you require technical support, then this chapter can help. It includes all the information you need to find the answers you are looking for. You may also find answers quickly by contacting your local distributor/dealer. Before Contacting Technical Support Before contacting CyberLink technical support, please take advantage of one or more of the following free support options: · consult the user’s guide or the online help installed with your program. · refer to the Knowledge Base at the following link on the CyberLink web site: · check the Help Resources page in this document. When contacting technical support by e-mail or phone, please have the following information ready: · registered product key (your product key can be found on the software disc envelope, the box cover, or in the e-mail received after you purchased CyberLink products on the CyberLink store). · the product name, version and build number, which generally can be found by clicking on the product name image on the user interface. · the version of Windows installed on your system. · list of hardware devices on your system (capture card, sound card, VGA card) and their specifications. For fastest results, please generate and attach your system info using the DxDiag.txt. Note: here are the steps to generate the system info DxDiag.txt file: Click Windows (start) button, and then search for "dxdiag". Click Save All Information button to save the DxDiag.txt file. · the wording of any warning messages that were displayed (you may want to write this down or take a screen capture). 415 CyberLink PowerDirector Help · a detailed description of the problem and under what circumstances it occurred. Web Support Solutions to your problems are available 24 hours a day at no cost on the CyberLink web site: Note: you must first register as a member before using CyberLink web support. CyberLink provides a wide range of web support options, including FAQs, in the following languages: Language Web Support URL English Traditional Chinese Japanese Spanish Korean Simplified Chinese German French Italian Help Resources The following is a list of help resources that may assist you when using any of CyberLink's products. · Access CyberLink's Knowledge base and FAQ (frequently asked questions): · View video tutorials for your software: tutorial/ 416 Technical Support · Ask questions and get answers from our users on the CyberLink Community Forum: Note: CyberLink’s user community forum is only available in English and German. 417 CyberLink PowerDirector Help 418 Index Index 1 120Hz Time-sequential 34 2 2D burning disc in 372 converting to 3D 164 producing in 325 2K resolution outputting in 2D 325 outputting in 3D 329 uploading 334 3 360 video playing 33 360° video converting 183 editing 50 importing 58 producing 328 rendering 328 sharing 343 uploading 343 3D burn disc in 374 configuration 386 disc menu text 365 disc menus 370 output formats 330 overview 61 particle effects 230 PiP effects 210 preferences 386 producing in 329 setting source format 59 subtitles 321 title text 254 3D mode enabling 34 3D-BD 359 3D-Like overview 61 3D-Ready HDTV 34 4 4 color gradient PiP effects 209 title text 247 4K resolution outputting in 2D 325 outputting in 3D 329 uploading 334 5 5.1 surround 379 419 CyberLink PowerDirector Help 7 7.1 channels downmixing 379 A Action Camera Center 96 Align 359 Anaglyph 34, 329 Android 332 Animation paint 201 Aspect ratio PiP media 208 setting project 49 setting video 149 title effects 250, 255 Audio 5.1 surround 379 7.1 channel 379 adding 128 AudioDirector 162 beat detection 131 capturing 62 channels 379 dB meter 314 denoise 155 editing 135, 162 extracting 73 gain 314 importing 57 keyframes 155, 157 420 level meter 314 mixing 314 mixing in track 313 muting 161 normalizing 314 reversing 164 speed 164 stereo 379 sync by audio 133 syncing 313, 383 syncing to video 130 transitions 292 trimming 146 unlinking 141 WaveEditor 162 waveform 130, 313 AudioDirector 162 AVCHD 2.0 burning to disc 372 capturing 65 outputting in 2D 325 B Background music disc menus 353 slideshows 12 themes 91 Backgrounds adding to video 125 disc menus 360 particle effects 225 title effects 246 Batch produce 345 Index Blend manual 189 Blending 116 Blur 181 Blu-ray Discs burning 347 disc image 374, 376 selecting 2D format 372 selecting 3D format 374 Bring forward 359 Burn 2D disc 372 3D disc 374 disc image 374, 376 disc space 373, 376 settings 377 temp file 373, 376 Buttons highlight style 369 menu 368 navigation 369 per page 355 properties 369 C Capture content 66 desktop 66 media 62 preferences 67, 380 quality 67 screen 66 settings 67 CD 65 Chapters adding 318 menu page 350 thumbnails 318 Checkerboard 34 Chroma key pip effects 209 Clip adding markers 40 Clip markers 131 Clip mode 29 CLPV 149, 150 Color effects 154 fixing 155 Color boards adding 125 creating 127 ColorDirector accessing 154 presets 154 Confirmation preferences 381 Content aware editing 19, 135 Context menu 359 Convert 2D to 3D 164 Copy keyframe attributes 215, 284 Create disc 347 Crop images 151 videos 165 Cross transition 293 Crossfade 124, 125, 128, 198, 221 CyberLink Cloud account information 390 421 CyberLink PowerDirector Help CyberLink Cloud Digital TV 65 downloading effects 70 DirectorZone overview 2 bulletin 2 pack project materials 52 downloading from 69 preferences 390 downloading lens profiles 96 projects 55 overview 2 signing out 390 popular templates 2 uploading disc menu preferences 382 templates 371 uploading disc menu uploading paint animations 203 templates 371 uploading particle effects 235 uploading paint animations 203 uploading PiP effects 219 uploading particle effects 235 uploading title effects 264 uploading title effects 264 uploading transitions 311 uploading transitions 311 uploading videos 328, 331, uploadng PiP effects 219 334 Disc image 2D 374 3D 376 Disc menu text 3D depth 365 Dailymotion 334 Disc menus dB meter 314 3D 370 Default language 379 adding images 361 Design Studio adding menu buttons 368 Menu Designer 357 adding text 362 Paint Designer 200 alignment 356 Particle Designer 223 background 359 PiP Designer 204 background music 353 Title Designer 239 creating new 357 Transition Designer 295 customizing 357 Detect duration 355 faces 10 editing properties 352 music beats 131 first play video 354 scenes, library 71 Menu Designer 357 scenes, trim 142 menu music duration 355 Devices 332 D 422 Index Disc menus menu objects 356 motion 360 opening, disable 352 playback mode 355 selecting 350 settings 352 uploading 370 Discs 3D menus 370 burning 372 creating 347 customizing menus 357 editing menu 352 erasing 378 importing content 348 Menu Designer 357 selecting menu 350 Display 3D 34, 386 dual preview 32 preferences 386 Dolby copyright 403 Dolby Digital 372, 374 Download media 68 Drawing 201 DTS 5.1 Producer 372, 374 Dual preview 32 Duration 148 DV camcorder 62 DVDs burning 347 capturing from 66 disc image 374, 376 selecting format 372, 374 E Easy editor 8 Edge sharpness 309 Edit audio 162 content aware editing 135 media 135 Editing preferences 383 Effects action 98 adding 191 blending 189 color 154 downloading 69 freeze frame 197 keyframes 158 modifying 193 motion 178 NewBlue 191 particles 221 PiP objects 198 shape 152 speed 98, 167 titles 237 video 191 Emit method 227 Emit rate 228 Enhanced stabilizer 97, 153 Equirectangular projection 58 Erase 423 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Erase discs 378 Paint Designer 201 Explorer view 24 Export projects 52 projects to CyberLink Cloud 55 Express projects 25, 106 filtering 24 Extend desktop 32 Extract audio 73 F Facebook 334 360° video 343 Fades 315 disc menu images 365 PiP effects 211 Features overview 1 File preferences 385 Flickr 68 Formats supported, 2D export 325 supported, 3D import 329 supported, discs 372 supported, import 57 Frame rate preview window 30 setting project 379 Freeform media 152 position 157 424 Freeze frame 197 time 201 Full feature editor 7 G Gain 314 Gaussian blur 181 General preferences 379 Gravity 228 Green screen 209 Grid lines 30 Group objects 37 H H.264 AVC outputting in 2D 325 outputting in 3D 329 H.265 HEVC outputting in 2D 325 Hardware acceleration preferences 387 HDMI 1.4 Enabled 34 HDV camcorder 64 Help 416 Hotkeys 391 customizing 397 default 391 Index ISO image 374, 376 I Images adding 124 aspect ratio 150 blending 189 cropping 151 effects 191, 194 enhancing 153 fades 365 fixing 153 importing 57 keyframes 155 layers 189 Magic Motion 195 masks 270 opacity 157 PhotoDirector 154 shape 152 transitions 289 Import media 57 projects 61 Insert 124 projects 61 Intelligent SVRT overview 400 utilizing 323 Interlaced video 149 Interpolated technology 167 Invert transition 307 iPad/iPhone/iPod 332 K Keyframes adding 158 copying 155, 215, 261, 284 effects 193 masks 284 PiP effects 215 settings 155 title effects 261 L Language 379 Latest features 1 Layer editng 189 Lens flare 191 Lens profiles downloading 96 Library search 24 window 22 Life 228 Lighting fixing 155 Link 141 Lock range 43 Loop playback 43 425 CyberLink PowerDirector Help M M2TS outputting in 2D 326 outputting in 3D 330 Magic Cut 163 Magic Fix 163 Magic Motion 194 designer 195 Magic Movie Wizard 133 Magic Style 196 Magic Tools 42 Magnifier 191 Markers clip 40, 131 music beat 131 timeline 38 Mask Composer 274 Mask Designer 266 Masks creating 266, 270 editing 266 images 270 keyframes 284 motion 281 object settings 280 position 279 size 279 Media 3D 59 arranging 122 blending 189 capturing 62 426 downloading 68 editing 135 filtering 24 flitering 25 importing 57 layers 189 searching for 24 shape 152 Menu Designer 357 Meter sound level 314 Microphone 65 Micro-polarizer LCD 3D 34 Mix audio 314 MKV extracting subtitles 320 outputting in 2D 326 outputting in 3D 330 subtitles 319 Mobile phone 332 Mosaic 181 Motion tracking 172 Motion blur 204 PiP media 214 title effects 258 Motion thumbnail disable 352 Motion Tracker 171 Movie mode 29 MP4 outputting in 2D 326 outputting in 3D 330 Multi cam sync by audio 133 Index Multi thumbnail 368 Multi trim 144 MultiCam Designer changing 80 creating recorded content 78 hotkeys 395 importing media 75 modifying 80 overview 74 saving 80 shadow file 78 synchronizing clips 77 Music adding 128 beat detection 131 disc menus 353 editing 162 importing 57 menu duration 355 mixing 314 slideshows 12 trimming 146 Mute audio 161 My DirectorZone 69 My projects 52 N NewBlue 191 Niconico Douga 340 Non real-time capture 67 preview 30 Normalize 314 NTSC 149, 379 O OpenCL 387 Overlap transition 293 Overwrite 124 P Paint animation templates creating 201 uploading 203 Paint Designer 20 using 200 PAL 149, 379 Particle Designer 223 Particle effects 3D depth 230 adding 221 adding objects 225 images 225 keyframes 232 modifying 223 motion 232 position 226 properties 227 range 226 uploading 235 PhotoDirector accessing 154 Photos adding 124 aspect ratio 150 427 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Photos cropping 151 editing 135 effects 191, 194 enhancing 153 fixing 153 importing 57 importing 360 58 keyframes 155 Magic Motion 195 PhotoDirector 154 shape 152 transitions 289 PiP Designer 204 PiP effects 3D depth 210 adding 198 aspect ratio 208 chroma key 209 creating new 198 customizing 199 ease in/out 208 fades 211 keyframes 215 motion 211 motion blur 214 opacity 208 overview 20 position 206, 208 rotation 208 size 206 transparency 208 uploading 219 PiP objects 20 Playback 428 loop 43 Playstation 332 Plug-ins 74 PNG masks 268 Postfix 289 Power Tools 164 PowerDirector system requirements 5 versions 3 PowerDirector Live 3 Preferences 379 capture 67 Prefix 289 Presets 154 Preview 3D 34 quality 30 rendering 43 undocking window 33 window 28 Produce 323 batch 345 overview 324 preferences 388 range 43 Product Improvement Program 389 Profiles capture 67 Progressive video 149 Projects aspect ratio 49 CyberLink Cloud 55 exporting 52 express 25, 106 Index Projects inserting 61 library 52 overview 49 preferences 388 producing 323 reusing 52 saving 49 templates 106 R Range selection 43 Real-time preview 30 Removable disk 372 Render preview 43 Replay 98 Reverse 98, 164 Ripple editing 124, 125, 198 overview 123 Rooms 18 Root menu 350 disable 352 Rotate 164 Row-Interleaved 34 S Scenes 350 detecting 142 Screen recorder 66, 107 Screen snapshots 30 Search library 24 Send backward 359 Set 3D format 59 Settings burn 377 capture 67 Shadow file MultiCam Designer 78 preferences 379 Shape 152 Shift progression 302 Side-by-side 329 Single thumbnail 368 Single trim 142 Size limit 67 Slideshows creating 10, 134 designer 13 music preference 12 time-lapse 16 Slow motion 167 Smart fit 372, 374 Snap to reference line 30 Sound dB meter 314 level meter 314 Source format 59 Speed audio 164 effects 98, 167 Split 140 Spotlight 181 SRT 320 Stabilizer 97 enhanced 153 Stereo 379 429 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Stop motion 100 Storyboard 47 Subtitles 319 3D depth 321 extracting 320 formatting 321 importing 320 menu page 350 MKV 320 positioning 321 Supported formats 57 Surround sound 372, 374 SVRT overview 400 utilizing 323 Symmetry 228 Sync by audio 133 MultiCam Designer 77 Syncing 313, 383 System requirements 5 T Tags 24 Technical support 415 Temp file 373, 376 Templates projects 106 Theme Designer 82 Thumbnail index 352 Tilt shift 191 Time info 162 Time limit 67 430 Time shift 98 Timecode 379 Time-lapse 16 Timeline adding markers 38 behavior 37 overview 36 scale 383 track overview 36 Title Designer 239 Title effects 237 3D depth 254 adding text 245 animation 255 aspect ratio 250, 255 ease in/out 250, 255 images 245 keyframes 261 motion 258 motion blur 258 opacity 250, 255 particles 245 position 246, 250, 255 properties 247 rotation 250, 255 scale 250, 255 size 250, 255 transparency 250, 255 uploading 264 Track motion 171 objects 172 Track manager 44 Tracks adding 44 Index Tracks overview 36 Transition Designer 295 Transitions 289 alpha 295 audio 292 behavior 293 creating 297 cross 293 editing 297 inverting 307 modifying settings 294 overlap 293 Transition Designer 295 uploading 311 Trim audio 146 video 142 True360 1, 33, 50, 183 TrueTheater 3D 164 TrueTheater HD 153, 155 TrueVelocity 1 TV capture 64 format 149 safe zone 30 TV format 379 U Ultra HD 325 Undock 33 Unlink 73, 141 V Version table 3 Vertical video 49 Video Speed Designer 167 Videos adding 124 aspect ratio 49, 149 blending 189 capturing 62 color effects 154 ColorDirector 154 content aware editing 19, 135 converting for portable device 328 converting to 3D 164 cropping 165 denoise 155 detecting scenes 71 editing 135 effects 191 enhancing 153 extracting audio 73 fixing 153 frame rate 30, 379 importing 57 importing 360 58 interlacing format 149 keyframes 155 layers 189 motion 157 muting 161 opacity 157 431 CyberLink PowerDirector Help Videos presets 154 producing 323 reversing 164 rotation 157 rotational camera shake 153 shape 152 speed 167 stabilizer 97 sync by audio 133 syncing audio 130 transitions 289 trimming 142 unlinking audio 141 uploading to CyberLink Cloud 328, 331, 334 virtual reality 58 View Designer 183 Vimeo 334 Virtual reaility Facebook 343 YouTube 343 Virtual reality converting 183 importing video 58 playing videos 33 producing video 328 projects 50 rendering video 328 Voice clips adding 128 mixing 314 recording 316 trimming 146 Voice over 316 432 Volume keyframes 157 VR 50 W Water reflection 191 Wave 228 WaveEditor 162 Waveform 130, 313 Web support 416 Webcam 65 White balance 155 Workspace creating new 49 expanding 27 overview 18 X Xbox 332 Y Youku 342 YouTube 334 360° video 343 Z Zoom 32
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