dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik ARM323E00 2.4GHz IEEE802.15.4 compliant usb radio stick User Manual deRFusb 23E00 User Manual 1 1

dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik gmbh 2.4GHz IEEE802.15.4 compliant usb radio stick deRFusb 23E00 User Manual 1 1

Users Manual

 User Manual  USB Radio Sticks deRFusb-23E00 deRFusb-23E06 deRFusb-13E00 deRFusb-13E06    Document Version V01.00 2011-04-15
User Manual Version 01.00 2011-03-31  USB radio sticks deRFusb       dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik gmbh Enno-Heidebroek-Str. 12 01237 Dresden / Germany Tel.: 0351 – 31 85 00 Fax: 0351 – 3 18 50 10 wireless@dresden-elektronik.de www.dresden-elektronik.de Page 2 of 22  Table of contents 1. Overview ......................................................................................................................... 5 2. Application ....................................................................................................................... 5 3. Features .......................................................................................................................... 5 4. Technical data ................................................................................................................. 7 5. Mechanical size ............................................................................................................... 9 6. Pin assignment .............................................................................................................. 10 7. Programming ................................................................................................................. 14 7.1. JTAG interface ..................................................................................................... 14 7.2. USB interface ....................................................................................................... 14 7.3. Required hardware ............................................................................................... 14 7.4. Programming and debugging details .................................................................... 15 8. Onboard transceiver ...................................................................................................... 16 9. Onboard flash (option) ................................................................................................... 17 10. Radio certification .......................................................................................................... 18 10.1. United States (FCC) ............................................................................................. 18 10.2. European Union (ETSI) ........................................................................................ 19 11. Ordering information ...................................................................................................... 20 12. Revision notes ............................................................................................................... 21
User Manual Version 01.00 2011-03-31  USB radio sticks deRFusb       dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik gmbh Enno-Heidebroek-Str. 12 01237 Dresden / Germany Tel.: 0351 – 31 85 00 Fax: 0351 – 3 18 50 10 wireless@dresden-elektronik.de www.dresden-elektronik.de Page 3 of 22   Document history  Date  Version  Description 2011-03-31  01.00  Initial version  Mailing list    Firm  Division / Name DE  APA  Author / Check / Release    Firm  Division / Name Author  DE  Dev. / APA Check     release
User Manual Version 01.00 2011-03-31  USB radio sticks deRFusb       dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik gmbh Enno-Heidebroek-Str. 12 01237 Dresden / Germany Tel.: 0351 – 31 85 00 Fax: 0351 – 3 18 50 10 wireless@dresden-elektronik.de www.dresden-elektronik.de Page 4 of 22  Abbreviations  Abbreviation  Description ADC Analog to Digital Converter AES Advanced Encryption Standard CE  (Applications) - Consumer Electronics DAC Digital to Analog Converter ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute FCC Federal Communications Commission GPIO Generals Purpose Input Output IC  (Certification) - Industry Canada ISM Industrial, Scientific and Medical frequency band JTAG Joint Test Action Group MAC Medium Access Control MCU, µC Microcontroller Unit PWM Pulse Width Modulation RF Radio Frequency SPI Serial Peripheral Interface TWI Two-Wire Serial Interface UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter USART Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter USB Universal Serial Bus WPAN Wireless Personal Area Network
User Manual Version 01.00 2011-03-31  USB radio sticks deRFusb       dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik gmbh Enno-Heidebroek-Str. 12 01237 Dresden / Germany Tel.: 0351 – 31 85 00 Fax: 0351 – 3 18 50 10 wireless@dresden-elektronik.de www.dresden-elektronik.de Page 5 of 22  1.  Overview The  compact  designed  USB  radio  sticks  deRFusb-23E00  and  deRFusb-13E00  contain  a powerful  CORTEX-M3  microcontroller  with  256  kBytes  High-Speed  Flash.  Additional  flash memory to store  user defined data is provided using  the USB radio sticks deRFusb-23E06 and deRFusb-13E06, it is usable as mass storage device. Depending on the transmission frequency of 2.4 GHz - deRFusb-23E00/06 - or 868/915 MHz -  deRFusb-13E00/06  -  the  ATMEL  low-power  transceivers  AT86RF231  or  alternatively AT86RF212 are integrated. They provide a complete radio transceiver interface between the antenna  and  the  microcontroller  and  an  extended functional  range  such  as  a  128-Bit  AES hardware engine to assure data security. The USB radio sticks provide a programming and debugging interface to the user, by default via USB.  2.  Application The main applications for the USB radio sticks deRFusb-23E00/06 and deRFusb-13E00/06 are: •  2.4GHz and Sub-GHz range IEEE 802.15.4 •  ZigBee® Pro •  ZigBee® RF4CE •  ZigBee® IP •  6LoWPAN •  SP100 •  Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) •  industrial and home controlling and monitoring  3.  Features The USB radio sticks deRFusb-23E00 and deRFusb-23E06 offer the following features: •  compact size (in case): 71.0 x 23.0 x 8.7 mm •  USB powered •  3 free programmable status LEDs •  RF shielding •  Debugging/Programming interfaces: 1 x DBGU (Debug-Unit) or 1 x JTAG with 10 pin connector mounting option, USB •  Onboard transceiver and chip ceramic antenna 2.4GHz •  Optional: onboard 2 GByte flash •  Certification: FCC, IC, conformity ETSI/CE
User Manual Version 01.00 2011-03-31  USB radio sticks deRFusb       dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik gmbh Enno-Heidebroek-Str. 12 01237 Dresden / Germany Tel.: 0351 – 31 85 00 Fax: 0351 – 3 18 50 10 wireless@dresden-elektronik.de www.dresden-elektronik.de Page 6 of 22  The block diagram below shows layout and interaction of the main deRFusb-23E00/06 com-ponents: VCCATSAM3S4BA AT86RF231 Chip antenna2 GByte FlashJTAGDBGUUSBVUSB4.5 .. 5.5VSPIVCC3.3VMMCOption: Figure 1: block diagram deRFusb-23E00 / 06   The deRFusb-13E00 and deRFusb-13E06 offer the same features like the deRFusb-23E00 /06 except the built-in Sub-GHz transceiver and onboard Sub-GHz chip antenna. •  Onboard transceiver and chip ceramic antenna for Sub-GHz Layout and interaction of the main deRFusb-13E00/06 components:  VCCATSAM3S4BA AT86RF212 Chip antenna2 GByte FlashJTAGDBGUUSBVUSB4.5 .. 5.5VSPIVCC3.3VMMCOption: Figure 2: block diagram deRFusb-13E00 / 06
User Manual Version 01.00 2011-03-31  USB radio sticks deRFusb       dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik gmbh Enno-Heidebroek-Str. 12 01237 Dresden / Germany Tel.: 0351 – 31 85 00 Fax: 0351 – 3 18 50 10 wireless@dresden-elektronik.de www.dresden-elektronik.de Page 7 of 22  4.  Technical data Table 1: Mechanical data Mechanical Radio module Size (length x width x height)  71.0 x 23.0 x 8.7 mm (in case) 63.5 x 19.0 x 5.5 mm (without case) Connectors USB  chassis plug type A 10 pin header - connection option  2 x 5 pins, 1.27 mm pitch  Table 2: Environment Temperature and humidity range     Min  Typ  Max  Unit Working area  T_work  - 40    +85  °C Working area    25    80  % r.H.  Table 3: Electrical data   Electrical (VUSB = 5.0VDC)   Parameter  Min  Typ  Max  Unit Supply voltage  VUSB  4.5  5.0  5.5  VDC Current  consumption I_TXon (TX_PWR = 3)    51    mA I_TXoff    32    mA I_sleep    TBD    mA I_RXon    TBD    mA
User Manual Version 01.00 2011-03-31  USB radio sticks deRFusb       dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik gmbh Enno-Heidebroek-Str. 12 01237 Dresden / Germany Tel.: 0351 – 31 85 00 Fax: 0351 – 3 18 50 10 wireless@dresden-elektronik.de www.dresden-elektronik.de Page 8 of 22  Table 4: Radio data transmission Radio (VUSB = 5.0VDC)   Parameter / feature  Min  Typ  Max  Unit deRFusb-23E00/06 Antenna  Chip ceramic         Antenna gain    +1.3 - 0.5   dBi (peak) dBi (average)   Antenna diversity: no       Range  line of sight    >200   m Frequency range      2.4   GHz Transmitting power conducted  TX_PWR = 0    +0.5   dBm Receiver sensitivity     - 101   dBm Data rate      250 500 1 2   kb/s kb/s Mb/s Mb/s deRFusb-13E00/06 Antenna  Chip ceramic         Antenna gain    - 0.7 - 2.6   dBi (peak) dBi (average)   Antenna diversity: no       Range  line of sight    >200   m Frequency range      868 915   MHz (band) Transmitting power conducted  TX_PWR = 0    +3.6   dBm Receiver sensitivity     - 110   dBm Data rate      20 40 250 500 1   kb/s kb/s kb/s kb/s Mb/s
User Manual Version 01.00 2011-03-31  USB radio sticks deRFusb       dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik gmbh Enno-Heidebroek-Str. 12 01237 Dresden / Germany Tel.: 0351 – 31 85 00 Fax: 0351 – 3 18 50 10 wireless@dresden-elektronik.de www.dresden-elektronik.de Page 9 of 22  5.  Mechanical size 63.5 mm19.0 mm     height 5.5 mm Figure 3: Size deRFusb-23E00 and deRFusb-23E06 Placed in case the mechanical size is 71.0 x 23.0 x 8.7 mm (length x width x height).  These dimensions are the same at the deRFusb-13E00 and deRFusb-13E06 radio sticks.           Figure 4: deRFusb-13E00 and deRFusb-13E06   The connector for all radio stick design versions is USB type A.      Figure 5: USB type A connection
User Manual Version 01.00 2011-03-31  USB radio sticks deRFusb       dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik gmbh Enno-Heidebroek-Str. 12 01237 Dresden / Germany Tel.: 0351 – 31 85 00 Fax: 0351 – 3 18 50 10 wireless@dresden-elektronik.de www.dresden-elektronik.de Page 10 of 22  6.  Pin assignment The 10 pin connector offers the programming interface (JTAG) and debugging interface (De-bug  RXD and Debug  TXD) to the  user.  It  is  directly accessible  from  the  USB stick bottom side.      Figure 6: Top and bottom overlay deRFusb-23E06 and deRFusb-23E00 (without IC4)   X2 pins:  2 .... 10               1 ..... 91.27 mm pitch Figure 7: 10 pin connector with footprint receptacle
User Manual Version 01.00 2011-03-31  USB radio sticks deRFusb       dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik gmbh Enno-Heidebroek-Str. 12 01237 Dresden / Germany Tel.: 0351 – 31 85 00 Fax: 0351 – 3 18 50 10 wireless@dresden-elektronik.de www.dresden-elektronik.de Page 11 of 22       Figure 8: Top overlay deRFusb-13E06 and deRFusb-13E00 (without IC4)   X2 pins:  2 .... 10               1 ..... 91.27 mm pitch Figure 9: 10 pin connector with footprint receptacle
User Manual Version 01.00 2011-03-31  USB radio sticks deRFusb       dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik gmbh Enno-Heidebroek-Str. 12 01237 Dresden / Germany Tel.: 0351 – 31 85 00 Fax: 0351 – 3 18 50 10 wireless@dresden-elektronik.de www.dresden-elektronik.de Page 12 of 22  Table 5: Pin assignment of deRFusb-23E00/06 and deRFusb-13E00/06 µC Pin  name  function  comments USB connector 56  DDM  USB DM   57  DDP  USB DP   10 pin connector 53  PB7/TCK/SWCLK  JTAG TCK  pin 1   GND    pin 2 49  PB5/TWCK1/PWML0/WKUP13/TDO JTAG TDO  pin 3   VCC    pin 4 51  PB6/TMS/SWDIO  JTAG TMS  pin 5 39  NRST  /Reset  pin 6   VCC    pin 7 30  PA9/URXD0/NPCS1/PWMFI0  Debug RXD  pin 8 33  PB4/TWD1/PWMH2/TDI  JTAG TDI  pin 9 29  PA10/UTXD0/NPCS2  Debug TXD  pin 10 Miscellaneous 13  PA19/RK/PWML0/A15/AD2  LED1  red 9  PA17/TD/PCK1/PWMH3/AD0  LED2  yellow 10  PA18/RD/PCK2/A14/AD1  LED3  green 35  PA5/RXD0/NPCS3  Hardware ID1   34  PA6/TXD0/PCK0  Hardware ID2   32  PA7/RTS0/PWMH3/XIN32  Hardware ID3   Internal transceiver interface 20  PA15/TF/TIOA1/PWML3  RXTS/DIG2  Timestamp 11  PA21/RXD1/PCK1/AD8  SLP-TR   21  PA14/SPCK/PWMH3  SCK  SPI 27  PA12/MISO/PWMH1  MISO  SPI 22  PA13/MOSI/PWMH2  MOSI  SPI 28  PA11/NPCS0/PWMH0  SELN   47  PA1/PWMH1/TIOB0/A18  IRQ   23  PA24/RTS1/PWMH1/A20  RST  Transceiver Reset  36  PA4/TWCK0/TCLK0  CLKM   2 GByte flash memory 42  MCDA0  ext. Flash Data 0   52  MCDA1  ext. Flash Data 1   26  MCDA2  ext. Flash Data 2   37  MCDA3  ext. Flash Data 3   38  MCCDA  ext. Flash Command   41  MCCK  ext. Flash Clock   Erase pin 55  PB12/PWML1/ERASE
User Manual Version 01.00 2011-03-31  USB radio sticks deRFusb       dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik gmbh Enno-Heidebroek-Str. 12 01237 Dresden / Germany Tel.: 0351 – 31 85 00 Fax: 0351 – 3 18 50 10 wireless@dresden-elektronik.de www.dresden-elektronik.de Page 13 of 22  Table 6: Signal description list Signal name  Function  Type  Active level Comments Power - USB connector DDM  USB Full Speed Data –  Analog Digital    DDP  USB Full Speed Data +     JTAG TCK  Test Clock  Input    onboard Pull-up TDI  Test Data In  Input    onboard Pull-up TDO  Test Data Out  Output     TDM  Test Mode Select  Input    onboard Pull-up Reset RSTN  Microcontroller Reset  I/O  Low  Pull-Up resistor UART0 URXD0  UART Receive Data  Input     UTXD0  UART Transmit Data  Output
User Manual Version 01.00 2011-03-31  USB radio sticks deRFusb       dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik gmbh Enno-Heidebroek-Str. 12 01237 Dresden / Germany Tel.: 0351 – 31 85 00 Fax: 0351 – 3 18 50 10 wireless@dresden-elektronik.de www.dresden-elektronik.de Page 14 of 22  7.  Programming 7.1.  JTAG interface The  deRFusb-23E00/06 and  deRFusb-13E00/06  can  be  programmed over JTAG  interface (TDI, TDO, TCK, TMS) with a suitable JTAG-programmer for ARM-based microcontrollers. 7.2.  USB interface The  alternative  programming  feature  for  the  deRFusb  radio  sticks  is  provided  by  the  USB interface. The interface represents a  USB 2.0 Full-Speed Device (not USB certified). The USB inter-face logs on at the host as Mass Storage Device and as deRFusb-xxxx. For a more details of the interface please refer to the ATSAM3S ATMEL data sheet: -  Preliminary PDF: doc6500.pdf -  Preliminary Summary PDF: 6500s.pdf http://www.atmel.com/dyn/products/product_docs.asp?category_id=163&family_id=605&subfamily_id=2127&part_id=4691 7.3.  Required hardware JTAG interface For the JTAG interface Dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik gmbh offers the hardware com-ponents for a fast start-up. The following hardware setups are possible:  1.  Option ATMEL SAM-ICE programmer •  (A) deRFusb-23E00/06 or deRFusb-13E00/06 •  (B) SAM-ICE-Adapter with onboard RS232 level shifter •  (C) SAM-ICE programmer •  (D) RS232 cable   Figure 10: USB radio stick with SAM-ICE programmer (A) (B) (C) (D)
User Manual Version 01.00 2011-03-31  USB radio sticks deRFusb       dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik gmbh Enno-Heidebroek-Str. 12 01237 Dresden / Germany Tel.: 0351 – 31 85 00 Fax: 0351 – 3 18 50 10 wireless@dresden-elektronik.de www.dresden-elektronik.de Page 15 of 22  2.  Option OLIMEX ARM programmer •  (A) deRFusb-23E00/06 or deRFusb-13E00/06 •  (B) SAM-ICE-Adapter with onboard RS232 level shifter •  (C) Olimex USB-ARM programmer •  (D) RS232 cable   Figure 11: USB radio stick with OLIMEX ARM programmer  Attention: The SAM-ICE-Adapter has no own power supply! Connect the USB radio stick with an USB Type-A extension cable to a laptop or PC.   USB interface No  additional  hardware  is  necessary  using  the  USB  interface  to  program  the  deRFusb-23E00/06 and deRFusb-13E00/06 radio sticks.  7.4.  Programming and debugging details For programming via JTAG there are two alternatives: -  OpenOCD -  Segger J-Link or Atmel SAM-ICE.  OpenOCD A suitable on chip debug system including flash programming and SRAM debugging support is available from various vendors e.g. http://www.olimex.com/dev/arm-usb-ocd.html This open source programming software is recommended for open source toolchains. Dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik gmbh provides scripts for ease of use.  (A) (B) (C) (D)
User Manual Version 01.00 2011-03-31  USB radio sticks deRFusb       dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik gmbh Enno-Heidebroek-Str. 12 01237 Dresden / Germany Tel.: 0351 – 31 85 00 Fax: 0351 – 3 18 50 10 wireless@dresden-elektronik.de www.dresden-elektronik.de Page 16 of 22  Segger J-Link or Atmel SAM-ICE These  In-Circuit-Emulators  are  commercially  available  programming  adapters.  They  work well  with  e.g.  the  IAR  embedded  workbench.  They  are  also  working  with  the  GDB  debug server (for use with open source toolchain). The programming and debugging features are license dependent.  Debugging and tracing - required hardware Debugging and tracing of the USB radio sticks is possible with the SAM-ICE adapter. It has following features: •  10 pin connector for deRFusb-23E00/06 and deRFusb-13E00/06 •  20 pin connector for ARM JTAG programmer •  6 pin connector for ARM Debug-Unit •  RS232 connector with onboard RS232 level shifter for ARM Debug-Unit  Troubleshooting The  ERASE  pin  (see  section  6)  is  used  to  reinitialize  the  Flash  content  -  and  some  of  its NVM (Non-Volatile Memory) bits - to an erased state. The flash is transferred to its original state. The pin must be tied high during more than 220 ms to perform a Flash erase operation.  8.  Onboard transceiver The main difference between the deRFusb-23E00/06 and the deRFusb-13E00/06 USB radio sticks is the built-in 2.4GHz or alternatively Sub-GHz transceiver in combination with the ap-propriate onboard chip antenna.  deRFusb-23E00/06 - AT86RF231 transceiver The low-power 2.4GHz transceiver is designed for industrial and consumer IEEE 802.15.4, ZigBee®, RF4CE, SP100, WirelessHART™ and high data rate ISM applications.  deRFusb-13E00/06 - AT86RF212 transceiver The low-power, low-voltage 800/900MHz transceiver is designed for low-cost IEEE 802.15.4, ZigBee® and high data rate ISM applications available Europe and North America.
User Manual Version 01.00 2011-03-31  USB radio sticks deRFusb       dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik gmbh Enno-Heidebroek-Str. 12 01237 Dresden / Germany Tel.: 0351 – 31 85 00 Fax: 0351 – 3 18 50 10 wireless@dresden-elektronik.de www.dresden-elektronik.de Page 17 of 22  General transceiver description These single-chip radio transceivers provide a complete radio transceiver interface between an antenna and a microcontroller. They comprise the analog radio transceiver and the digital modulation and demodulation in-cluding time and frequency synchronization and data buffering. The number of external com-ponents is minimized such that only the antenna, the crystal and decoupling capacitors are required. The bidirectional differential antenna pins are used for transmission and reception, thus no external antenna switch is needed. An internal 128 byte RAM for RX and TX buffers the data to be transmitted or the received data. Two on chip low dropout voltage regulators provide the internal analog and digital 1.8V supply. The transceivers further contain comprehensive hardware-MAC support (Extended Operat-ing Mode) and a security engine (AES) to improve the overall system power efficiency and timing.  9.  Onboard flash (option) A 2 GByte flash memory to store user defined data is optionally available using the deRFusb-23E06 and deRFusb-13E06 USB radio sticks. This flash memory is typically applied as mass storage device for user data. It works like a Multimedia Card (MMC). Possible data bit modes are 1bit (default) and 4bit. The flash is equipped with a memory controller and has a NAND flash architecture. It com-plies with e.MMC Specification Version 4.4. The temperature range for safe operation is from        - 25C° to +85C°.
User Manual Version 01.00 2011-03-31  USB radio sticks deRFusb       dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik gmbh Enno-Heidebroek-Str. 12 01237 Dresden / Germany Tel.: 0351 – 31 85 00 Fax: 0351 – 3 18 50 10 wireless@dresden-elektronik.de www.dresden-elektronik.de Page 18 of 22  10. Radio certification 10.1.  United States (FCC) The deRFusb-23E00/06 and deRFusb-13E00/06 USB radio sticks  comply  with the  require-ments of FCC part 15. To fulfill FCC Certification requirements, an OEM manufacturer must comply with the follow-ing regulations: The modular transmitter must be labeled with its own FCC ID number, and, if the FCC ID is not visible when the module is installed inside another device, the outside of the device into which the module is installed must also display a label referring to the enclosed module.  This exterior label can use wording such as the following. Any similar wording that expresses the same meaning may be used. Sample label for USB radio stick deRFusb-23E00 and deRFusb-23E06: FCC-ID: XVV-ARM323E00 This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must ac-cept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  The FCC certification for deRFusb-13E00/06 USB radio sticks are pending.  The Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) must ensure that the OEM modular transmitter is labeled with its own FCC ID number. This includes a clearly visible label on the outside of the final product enclosure that displays the contents shown below. If the FCC ID is not visi-ble  when  the  equipment  is  installed  inside  another  device,  the  outside  of  the  device  into which the equipment  is installed  must  also  display a  label referring  to  the  enclosed equip-ment. This equipment complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation (FCC 15.19). The internal / external antenna(s) used for this mobile transmitter must provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all persons and must not be co-located or oper-ate in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. Installers  must  be  provided  with  antenna  installation  instructions  and  transmitter  operating conditions for satisfying RF exposure compliance. This device is approved as  a mobile de-vice with respect to RF exposure compliance, and may only be marketed to OEM installers. Use in portable exposure  conditions  (FCC 2.1093) requires  separate  equipment  authoriza-tion. Modifications not expressly approved by this company could void the user's authority to op-erate this equipment (FCC section 15.21).  This  equipment  has  been  tested  and  found  to  comply  with  the  limits  for  a  Class  A  digital    device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasona-ble protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful inter-
User Manual Version 01.00 2011-03-31  USB radio sticks deRFusb       dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik gmbh Enno-Heidebroek-Str. 12 01237 Dresden / Germany Tel.: 0351 – 31 85 00 Fax: 0351 – 3 18 50 10 wireless@dresden-elektronik.de www.dresden-elektronik.de Page 19 of 22  ference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense (FCC section 15.105). 10.2.  European Union (ETSI) The deRFusb-23E00/06 and deRFusb-13E00/06 USB radio sticks have been tested compli-ant for use in the European Union countries. If the deRFusb-23E00/06 and  deRFusb-13E00/06 USB radio  sticks are incorporated into  a product, the manufacturer must ensure compliance of the final product to the European har-monized EMC and low-voltage/safety standards. A Declaration of Conformity must be issued for each of these standards and kept on file as described in Annex II of the R&TTE Directive. The manufacturer must maintain a copy of the deRFusb-23E00/06 and deRFusb-13E00/06 USB radio sticks documentation and ensure the final product does not exceed the specified power  ratings,  antenna  specifications,  and/or  installation  requirements  as  specified  in  the  user manual. If any of these specifications are exceeded in the final product, a  submission must be made to a notified body for compliance testing to all required standards. The “CE“ marking must be affixed to  a visible  location on the  OEM product.  The CE mark shall consist of the initials "CE" taking the following form: •  If the CE marking is reduced or enlarged, the proportions given in the above graduat-ed drawing must be respected. •  The CE marking must have a height of at least 5mm except where this is not possible on account of the nature of the apparatus. •  The CE marking must be affixed visibly, legibly, and indelibly. More  detailed  information  about  CE  marking  requirements  you  can  find  at  "DIRECTIVE 1999/5/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL" on 9 March 1999 at section 12.
User Manual Version 01.00 2011-03-31  USB radio sticks deRFusb       dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik gmbh Enno-Heidebroek-Str. 12 01237 Dresden / Germany Tel.: 0351 – 31 85 00 Fax: 0351 – 3 18 50 10 wireless@dresden-elektronik.de www.dresden-elektronik.de Page 20 of 22  11. Ordering information The product name includes the following information: deRF xxxx - x x x xx xRevisionFeaturesSizeFlash MemoryFrequency RangeProduct / Chipset Table 7: product name code Product name code Information  Code  Explanation  Comments Product / Chipset  usb  AT91SAM7S  USB radio stick Frequency range  1  868/915 MHz   2  2.4 GHz   Flash memory  3  256 kByte   Size  E  USB stick   Features  00  chip antenna  onboard 06  chip antenna, 2 GB flash onboard Revision  <blank>  Rev 0    Table 8: ordering information Ordering information Part number  Product name  Comments coming soon  deRFusb-23E00  USB radio stick for 2.4 GHz (delivered with a fitting case) BN-032310  deRFusb-23E00 JTAG  USB radio stick for 2.4 GHz with assembled JTAG connector coming soon  deRFusb-23E06  USB radio stick for 2.4 GHz with 2 GByte flash - (delivered with a fitting case) coming soon  deRFusb-23E06 JTAG  USB radio stick for 2.4 GHz with 2 GByte flash with assembled JTAG connector coming soon  deRFusb-13E00  USB radio stick for Sub-GHz (delivered with a fitting case) coming soon  deRFusb-13E00 JTAG  USB radio stick for Sub-GHz with assembled JTAG connector coming soon  deRFusb-13E06  USB radio stick for Sub-GHz with 2 GByte flash - (delivered with a fitting case) coming soon  deRFusb-13E06 JTAG  USB radio stick for Sub-GHz with 2 GByte flash with assembled JTAG connector BN-028337  SAM-ICE-Adapter  program  and  debug  interface  adapter  for USB radio sticks
User Manual Version 01.00 2011-03-31  USB radio sticks deRFusb       dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik gmbh Enno-Heidebroek-Str. 12 01237 Dresden / Germany Tel.: 0351 – 31 85 00 Fax: 0351 – 3 18 50 10 wireless@dresden-elektronik.de www.dresden-elektronik.de Page 21 of 22  12. Revision notes Up  to  now  for  the  deRFusb-23E00/06  and  deRFusb-13E00/06  USB  radio  sticks  technical problems, malfunctions or any other critical issues are not known.
User Manual Version 01.00 2011-03-31  USB radio sticks deRFusb       dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik gmbh Enno-Heidebroek-Str. 12 01237 Dresden / Germany Tel.: 0351 – 31 85 00 Fax: 0351 – 3 18 50 10 wireless@dresden-elektronik.de www.dresden-elektronik.de Page 22 of 22  dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik gmbh Enno-Heidebroek-Straße 12 D-01237 Dresden GERMANY  Tel. +49 351 - 31 85 00 | Fax +49 351 - 318 50 10 E-Mail wireless@dresden-elektronik.de  General manager: Dipl.-Ing. L. Pietschmann  Commercial Registry: HRB 749 Dresden Municipal Court  Tax number: 201/107/00726  Sales tax identification number: DE 140125678             Trademarks and acknowledgements  • ZigBee® is a registered trademark of the ZigBee Alliance.  • 802.15.4™ is a trademark of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).  These trademarks are registered by their respective owners in certain countries only. Other brands and their products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective hold-ers and should be noted as such.   Disclaimer  This note is provided as-is and is subject to change without notice. Except to the extent pro-hibited by law, dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik gmbh makes no express or implied war-ranty of any kind with regard to this guide, and specifically disclaims the implied warranties and conditions of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. dresden elektronik in-genieurtechnik gmbh shall not be liable for any errors or incidental or consequential damage in connection with the furnishing, performance or use of this guide. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, for any purpose other than the purchaser’s personal use, without the written permission of dres-den elektronik ingenieurtechnik gmbh.   Copyright © 2010, dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik gmbh. All rights reserved.

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