i Tech Dynamic C51-A04099-XX Wireless Bluetooth Headset User Manual Revised Users Manual
i.Tech Dynamic Limited Wireless Bluetooth Headset Revised Users Manual
Revised Users Manual
mil-«mm mm b, Msmmmmm Mum.“ _ mummmmmw m mm w-m Mm hum-1 ms m. data mm,“ mm nu ma mm m; mm. mm m Mum m mmm (‘ymummmuu-thm m m m mm mmwmy van-mum mm ‘MWM myumur-mmmlm mm» or.“ m mm.“ mnmw Wm mummmmmmmmmmm mm m vp-umh- mum": amm— mm”. mmmm m- mum u mum-y m mmr‘umumw Emma Dom- Wm mmwummmmg mum nan-mm m mm“ mama um. um.“ m cm. W sat mum-m 32mm i.Tech Clip M rnngmmmm u“ ~c1ccsuw mh 01m M ngu Providmg swmple wireless connecflnns lo Bluetooxhrenabied mubfle handsets, your LTEch (hp M headsets offers you unnvalled ireedum when marking and receiving (allswhile on the move or at the ufflte. Thls i.Tech Cwlp M headset is compliant th Bluemolh v1.2 spemflcatlons and compatible wnh mobi‘e handsets that Support Bluetoulh Headset or Handsfres Pmfi‘es. n allowswu h) mnnm with any stereo dew/ks sum as MP3 Player or Puma: (nntents mcn ain M Overview caning sianea. charging Vnui Ream nominal rnargmg rune ialk & standby Time. an Battery," Turning vour neausei an em: mi. vummg me Built—m auzzeron and on vairing Your Headm using Vnul Headset. Answering a can. Ending a tall” Reiening a tall” . Dialing 1mm YnurMnhlIe Hannm Mullnq a can. vmm Dialinq 1mm Vnm Heads um number Redialmg rmm vour Neanset Adjusting the vnlume. Resetting / Remwing me Dainrig . (are and Maintenanm. saietu iniurmauon vruubimuming. vroaun Spedvlmnons., u H 1TmMIMIMUHJHHWU‘ minimum mi —i r , a g LEM »~ WWW ——-Wm 7 r mm (mm in] ' iuwmmnn “ , Wm WM summiunlvwmivmnw —— [ram/in mm * Coiling blal‘lr‘il Gl’lling alilrlell mslt Wml VDI" mobile I ' ' ‘ up use your headset asa plueruorrr u _ 1. 70 use your LT?!" ("D M[ headset“) 35 3" audio waver "850m please afouuwmfie Slmple “EM. follow these srruple steps: na n “my DI (as - oseme provided Audio l I) 7 1, 7 neadm conneqipn wire in connett ‘ 0 — M W - (“We W‘" m"! Emma". mm m comm" M ‘ ’ bled mobile handset. Player Headser wrrn your 9 , . pair your neaosen with a Bluemnm ena personal audlu oevrce (sum s , cam. \ asrripa player. radio or ‘ 0 <— - 3 O , m ponaple (DNtD/DVD player) “P“ mm on u mm wire - use the pruvirlen Earnieze wire“ (or yourown zarplere wire) to zurirren to me neaosel. - nepenuenl ml parkaqe, eilner mono Earpiece wire or stereo Earprece wire is provided . rum on your personal audio device (please refer to your personal audio nevrce user guide). Now you (an listen to audio signal "am your personal audio oeurce . Fnranswering rail, hy pressrrry me MFB human. To terminate the (all. pms MFB button again. me musir will resume arler me rouversariori finished Mom Hie neadset ones not require power for Ilsoenlngrnuslt and you may llstenllig muskvmlle charginy in: neaM llhmvmn . . ~ U ”ml “l min! ltllnlynhzllhn llnnllwl mnhert the charger to an A: wall outlet and the charger plug tn the headsets rtrarging sdelrel [figl] me la) will be red while rhargrhg IMPORTANT (hargrny lndlratluh will be delayed for a few seconds it the headset has not been used lor a long time or the battery ls drained. Nominal (harglhq Time tnalging the battery mlly ls normally witnlh 3 hours. when the battery rs lully charged, the LED will marntain bllre. nismnnezt the charger from he wall mrtlet and the headset. Press and hold the MN! [fig 1) far 1 setunas 10 turn the headset on, please refer to “running vnlh Headset on and Off‘ on the next nage — Charger mg Talk St Standby Tlme The fully rharged hanery wers until 9 hours talkume and MD to ran mu hbmsstandby time. when no calls are m bmgress,the headset remams turned on in standby mnae. fi?§:§fi§f§§§$§‘f‘“" a bunt—m rechargeable battery. wibrm 10W Baflw m, n f . r rs recommendable to marge the battery why when the heauset is oh and the battery hecomes lbw. the LED hashes ‘ e "5' "me red and the headset emlts a beep every l mlnnte pleas/e rerharge the battery as destrlhed above. filming Valli Hi'arhiil Oil mid UH i"tii‘ili;1\<»ii, in mint iurmng on the Headset Press and hnld the MFR lor z semnds until you hear a short been. The ‘ LED will flash blue. IMFDRYANT press the MFB again each time ynh turn an the headset tn reattivate pairing so that the tonnettlun between the headset and the mobile nandsel is resumed For nal ring. Dlease retertu "Falling Vdur Neadsei" on page 7-5. u, m i m Tullllnq Dfllhe Headset pres and hold the MFB lot a semnds Ill||i| you heara Inng Deep. me LED hash stops, {Mam inmmm Tn dismnhect the Bluemnth connection, nlease llmly turn dfydur headset by presslng me MFB keg. PliDllo using your Headset tor the first time you must pair II with a aluetdoth-enahled mnhile handset ' instnmidn ' formation on the next page desrrihes pairing _ {5114'er eluetdnih-enahled mobile handset. headset1 gaging pmnedure is Suhjett tn different models of mantle nan . inmmytmu Hi‘dilsi‘l Lelare the headset and the mobile handset where they are easrig viewable by no more than i meterapart. 1.Ellsule the headset is off. 3.Press and hold the MFB until the headset LED alternately flashes blue and red. 4.Aclrvate your mobile handsets Biuetooth function by retenihg to your mobile handset userguide for details. s.set the mobile handset to searrh lor Bluemnlh devises within about 1 meter as instructed in the mobile handset user guide and select mesh trip M“ irom the list. 5 Enter the preprogrammed passkev 11000" and press “OK" to pair your headset and mobile handset. when the pairing is complete. the headset LEDwiIi flash blue rapidly for 5 times followed by a long beep. mo back to your mobile handsets mam mehu. For certain mobile handset models. a headset iroh Will be shown on the screen you should now be able to make and receive (ails using your headset IMPOKIAM llthe pairing cannot be completed within 1 minutes while the pairlng models activated, the headset LED flashes purple red with 3 beeps and the headset is turned all. ”ease repeat steps 2 to 7 to palrthe headset and the mobile handset again. Using Yirlir Hemlm Answering a (all when there is an incoming rail. you will hear ringing through the earphone and the built~in buzzer. Press the MFB to accept the call or answerthe (all via your mobile handset in the normal way, Answering a (all when Listening Music Press the Mrs cute to answer the tail and when finished. press the we once to resume stereo audio. lltheother panyyou are speaking to ends the call. stereo audiowili automatically resume without having to pressing the MFB. NOTE: vou may listen muslt while switch-all and charging the headset, Listen to Music conhezt your headset to your personal auflln devtce through the Audio mllrlenluli wrre and turn on your personal audio devree. Please reier to ‘Kiettirlg started" on page 1-3. lslllgfinlll lll elrlwl Endlllg a (all Dresstne MFB to end your call mend me (all vla your mobile nanoselintne normalwayv Relemng a [all ru rejefl an mmmrnn (all nunnq rlnging Ufihe neausex, press and nolu the volume Key for z semnus until you near 1 Deeps Draling lrorn vour Mohlle Hanusm s‘rmnly make calls on your mflblle nanaset in me normal way. Munnq a (all By lung Dressmq tne volume key lor z semnfls ounng mnvelsation, (ne munnq lunamn is amvated Tn neamvane, please press and nolu tne volume key 2 seconds agam. Lsmgmllrlilrdllscl the Dlaling from vuur Headsel "your mm mm is leqlllpped with milx-llmlhn » ’ ‘ v ghmljlml sun I E? m. MFBunyuln mum andwhen you lie-“Albee“ 53) non“)? Mmll'lANT Pleusemkemommcmd ‘ ' fimlmfommingvuioe . _ mvmcmglmomemnuehmdm Last Number Rearalmg from vour Headset Press the mm on yum headsel Iwicc. mum mahwemnmmmmlyapphcablelomuwmmm mflmflmflmfifle.mflmwmdepmdmgmme _ mudelyun museum w ' mam gmdelmsddifinmlinmmafion. er WWW m, Miliislrnq rim minim vress ihe volume Button repeatedly umil you reach the desired volume level. W vnlumenmnn “k . — \__.nuiurunrrpnnumnrnral Resetting / Removing me warring vou may want to reset the headset to its original settings. This also clears all mrrenr pairings | Ensure the headser is on. 2. Press and hold the volume Key until the up alternately hashes blue and red rapidly. 3 Release the volume Keg. > 4. Press and hold lite volume Key again untrl you near 1 beeps s. weehzrge me neadser lor a few semnds the headset is turned air and returns to the original settings. All zurrent pairings are (leared. (fili‘ lniIMiiilili'liiiiiiti‘ Headset . consider tumind your headset oh“ belpre Platlnfl ii in yuurpocliet or bag. lfthe Mrs ls arrldeniallv depressed, your mobile handset may plate all unimehded (all . no not expose the headselta liquid. moisture or humidity as it is not waterproof, - no not use abrasive (leaning solvents to clean the headser. . no not expose the headset to extremely high or Iim temperatures, - m7 nor dispose onhe headset in a fire as ltwill resuli ih expiosron - no not expose your headset to sonrart with sharp opjezts as thrs wrii (ause stratrhes and damage. - Do not stirk anything inside the headset as thrs may damage internal components. - pa notattemptid disassemble the headset as it does not mniarh serviceable (ompunerns. ~ ifyuu du not use the neadsetior long periods, be sure to store it in a dry plate. free From extreme temperatures and dust. Built—in Battery - on not attempt to repiate the headsets oattery yourself as it is rh-puiit and rs not thangeapie. - charge the oattery in atrordante with the instruction supplied With this user ourde. - only usethe nianuimurer supplied (narger when rhargrng the headset Lharging . only use the manufacturer supplied tharger when tharoing the headset. - Do not disassempie the tnarger as it may expose you to dangerous voltages of other risks. incorrett reassembly (an (ause eiemic shotk when the headset is subsequently used. - no not use the thamer outdoors or in damp areas. - only tharge the headsets ouilt~in pattery in aszordance with the instrunions ofthis user guide. . Avnld charging the headset in extremely high and low tempera- tures Safety Inlormation - chetk local laws regarding use ota mobile handset and headset while driving it you use the headset while driving. ensure your attention and fosus remains on your responsipility otdriving sately. - neveraliowmlidrento play with the headset - small parts may he a thnkinq hazard. - observe all slqns that require an eleuriral device or RF radio nmdtm to he swltthed on in designated areas. rhese mula include hosoltais, blasting areas. and potentially explosive atmospheres - Tum on your headset prlortcr hoarding an airtrah. no not use your headset in an airrrart. . Never mount or store your headset over any air nay deployment area as serious inluiy may result when an air bag deploys, - on not open or mutilate the hurlt-in battery. - Dispose of batteries standing to total regulations. on not dispose as household waste irollbleshcullllg it you are unable to (armed your headset and mobile handset, olease try the lollowrng: - Ensure your headset is turned on and is nmnerly charged. ~ Ensure the headset is uaired wlm your mobile handset - Ensure your mobile handsel‘s aluetdoth feature is amvaled. Please refer to your mobile handset user guide for sperm instruction. - Ensurethe headset ls Within a maximum of Ill meters of your mobile handsettsl and there are no obstructions Such as walls or other eiemonk devlLes in between r the above steps do not solve your oroblern, please rezharue the headset and remove your mobile handset battery for a while The item (hp M Headset is (imminent WK" and adopts the aluetumh soetimation |.Z However interoperability between the oevite and other Biuetooth-ehabled products is not guaranteed betause u deoends on (ompatrbrltty. rdr more information on the mmDaflDlllly between me dwlte with other Bluetnoih—enzhled Dioduflsr please (heck with the manuianurer or browse hunt/[WWW itethd‘jnamit.(0m Product Spetifitatiuns sluetooth sueriuratlon: Bluetooth Profile Sunooned. hanue or rreuuenty: Dimensions Nominal charging Time: Talk Timek MIISK Playing Time‘: standby rime': weight: ‘may vary due to users' onerahon mode and mobile phone settings versioni z (lass 2 Headset and uahdslree “Em Soertmm oflmm (L) x znnun (W) x Wmm in) mm 3 hours uptorhours UDtu 7hburs unto 150 hours 17.4 grams
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.2 Linearized : No Page Count : 11 Producer : Hewlett-Packard Intelligent Scanning Technology.3 Author : pbx549 [ BLGTL5059 ] Create Date : 2005:08:04 12:53:40EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools