iRobot 89098RX LOOJ ROBOT User Manual

iRobot Corporation LOOJ ROBOT Users Manual


Users Manual

www.irobot.comGutter Cleaning RobotLooj Manual v9.indd   1 11/6/2008   1:59:08 PM
2iRobot Looj Owner’s Manual  Looj Manual v9.indd   2 11/6/2008   1:59:08 PM 3 Dear iRobot® LoojTM Owner,Welcome to the world of iRobot. As an owner of the iRobot Looj Gutter Cleaning Robot, you join a growing group of people around the globe who,  like you, are discovering an easier way to clean their gutters.The use of practical robots that help you in and around your home is a new reality. We encourage you to share your feedback as we continue to develop new and groundbreaking robots. Here’s what you can do to participate in  our efforts:• Communicatewithusifyouhavequestions,commentsorrequiresupport. Contact us at • Registeronlineat or by mail (see included card). You’ll be among the first to hear about our newest robots, product enhancements, and special offers.Thank you for joining the robot revolution. We look forward to your valued input as we continue to deliver groundbreaking products that will change and improve your world.On behalf of the entire iRobot team,Colin Angle Co-Founder and CEO iRobot CorporationWelcomeLooj Manual v9.indd   3 11/6/2008   1:59:09 PM
4iRobot Looj Owner’s Manual  Important TipsFor Best Performance• Chargethebatteryfor15hourspriortousing.Foroptimumbatterylife,do not store on charger for more than several days.• Forlong-termstorage,keepLoojinacool,dryplaceandremovethebatteries from the robot and handle. Do not keep the battery plugged  into the charger during storage.• CleanLoojaftereachuse.• Toavoidoverspillandsludgeaccumulation,cleanyourguttersatleast once per season. Clean regularly in areas where heavy debris is collected.• Forthedensestclogs,reverseLooj,allowittoejectdebrisovergutter, and drive it forward. Repeat this process until the clog is cleared.• UsefreshAAAbatteriesintheremotecontrolhandleformaximumrange. If Looj’s auger stops spinning and produces a loud clicking sound, the clutch is slipping. Reverse Looj to avoid damaging the clutch.To see helpful operating and maintenance videos of Looj, please visit our website:  Before you use Looj, please read  “Important Safety Instructions”  on pages 20 and 21.Looj Manual v9.indd   4 11/6/2008   1:59:09 PM 5 Table of ContentsAnatomy ..........................................................................6Product Description ........................................................7 Charging and Installing the Battery .................................8The Remote Control Handle  ...........................................10Attaching and Removing the Auger ................................11UsingiRobotLooj ...........................................................13Maintenance  ...................................................................16Troubleshooting ...............................................................17iRobot Customer Care ....................................................19Important Safety Instructions  .........................................20Limited Warranty ............................................................. 22Looj Manual v9.indd   5 11/6/2008   1:59:09 PM
6iRobot Looj Owner’s Manual  RobotiRobot® Looj™ AnatomySweepersEjectorsDisruptersAugerBattery Charger7.2V Rechargeable BatteryRemote Control HandleRobot MovementRemote PowerRemoteTransmissionLightAuger Spin DirectionTriggerBelt Clip CAUTION: Never wear the   Looj belt clip and robot in the front of your body. The belt clip must be worn on your side or behind you to avoid the robot being knocked off the clip while walking or climbing. CAUTION: Never operate Looj without first attaching the auger to the drive shaft.Power LightPower Switch Belt Clip HookTreadsWheelFlexiblePieceRobot HookLooj Manual v9.indd   6 11/6/2008   1:59:10 PM 7 Product DescriptioniRobot Looj is a powerful robot designed to clean gutters. Looj eliminates multiple climbs up and down the ladder. No more moving the ladder every  sixfeet,oroverreachingatdangerousheights.Loojhasanumberoffeatures designed to make gutter cleaning simple and easy. Looj’s ergonomic handle detaches for wireless control of the robot. The included belt clip lets you keep two hands on the ladder as you climb.Cleaning Power:Therobotusesaexiblethree-stageaugertoremoveclogs,liftoutthedebris,andbrushyourguttersclean.Spinningat500RPM,the high speed auger disrupts, lifts, and tosses debris out of your gutters. Remote Control Convenience: The remote control gives you complete forward and backward control of the robot. You can also control the spin direction of the auger to make sure that gutter debris is tossed in the correct direction, away from the roof.iRobot Looj works in most standard gutters with straps or ties mounted at least 2¼” above the bottom trough. Looj is compatible with standard            K-style gutters.   Tip:  Remove items such as baseballs, large rocks, and tree branches by hand. Attempting to force Looj through solid debris could damage the robot. Looj Manual v9.indd   7 11/6/2008   1:59:11 PM
8iRobot Looj Owner’s Manual  Charging and Installing the BatteryBefore you use Looj, charge the included7.2Vbatteryfor15hours.Partially used and fully used batteries shouldalsobechargedfor15hours.Do not leave Looj’s battery plugged into the charger for more than several days, as it may reduce the battery life. Looj batteries are designed to power Loojthrough150linearfeetofgutteron a single charge, including the time to drive Looj back and forth during cleaning.For long term storage, remove the battery from the robot, fully charge the battery and store it in a cool, dry place.To install battery: 1. Depressthetabontheleftsideofthebattery compartment. Open the door.2.   Connect the battery cord inside the robot’s battery compartment.3. Slidethebatteryintothebatterycompartment, wireless end first. Tuck extrawireintobatterycompartment.The wire cord will fit on the right side.4.   If used, wipe battery compartment door clean to ensure a proper seal.5. Closedooruntilitclicks.Looj Manual v9.indd   8 11/6/2008   1:59:12 PM 9  Battery Tips• Removeallbatteriesandstoreinacooldryplacewhennotinuse.• Donotleavebatterychargingformorethanseveraldays.Doingsomaydecrease battery life. • Thebatterynaturallyloseschargewhilebeingstored.Afterstoringfora season without charging, you will need to recharge the battery  for15hourspriortousing.• See for more details on the Looj batteries and charging.Looj Manual v9.indd   9 11/6/2008   1:59:12 PM
10 iRobot Looj Owner’s Manual  The Remote Control HandleThe remote control handle detaches from Looj and is used to command therobotfromadistanceofupto40feet,dependinguponenvironmentalconditions. The remote control handle keeps your hands clean and makes      it easy to place the robot in and out of the gutter using only one hand. Install two AAA alkaline batteries (not included) in the remote control handle before operating.Toimprovetherangeoftheremoteinmetalgutters,seepage17.Always use the same brand of batteries in the remote control handle.  Don’tmixbatterytypesorbrands.Usefreshbatteriesformaximum performance and range.  To attach the remote control handle to Looj:1. Holdtheremotecontrolhandleandalignthefrontedgewiththemark on the robot.2.  Slide the remote control handle onto the robot.   3. Whenyouhearasnap,thehandleisinplace.TIP:  Make sure handle is securely attached to the robot before picking  up the robot.Insert AAA batteries into the remote control handle as shown.  Looj Manual v9.indd   10 11/6/2008   1:59:13 PM 11 To remove the remote control handle from Looj:Press trigger and slide remote control handle away from auger.Attaching the AugerPush the auger onto the robot shaft until you feel it snap into place or  hear a click.Removing the AugerGrasp auger at the finger indentation and pull. Grabbing and pulling the auger at the flaps could cause a tear.TriggerLooj Manual v9.indd   11 11/6/2008   1:59:14 PM
12 iRobot Looj Owner’s Manual  Attaching the Looj Belt ClipThe Looj belt clip is designed to hold Looj while you climb up and down the ladder. Always use the belt clip or the optional holster accessory (see below) when using Looj on a ladder.Hook the belt clip over belt where Looj will be secure and easy to reach. Attach the robot to the robot clip.   CAUTION: Always keep the belt clip on the side of your body. Placing the robot in the front may cause it to be kicked by your leg and fall off. CAUTION: Never use Looj on a ladder without the belt clip or the holster to hold the robot while you climb or descend.Looj Holster Accessory (optional, not included in all models)UsetheLoojHolsterAccessoryasastoragedeviceandtokeepyourclothing clean while carrying Looj. The holster includes a belt and a pouch to hold the fully assembled Looj and remote control handle. There is also a loop on the back for hanging. • PlaceLoojintheholsterwiththeaugerfacingup.Robot HookBelt ClipLooj Manual v9.indd   12 11/6/2008   1:59:15 PM 13 UsingiRobot® Looj™Always test Looj before using it.Prior to using Looj in a gutter, try driving forward and backward on the ground. Try spinning the auger in both directions. Note the lights on the remote control handle and on the robot blink during transmission.Also,practiceattachinganddetachingthehandleasdescribedonpage10.Using Looj1. The optimum spot for ladder placement is away from wires, hazards, on flat ground, etc. Read and follow ladder instructions provided by the ladder manufacturer before using a ladder. See “Important Safety Instructions” section for more details.2.   Attach Looj to the belt clip or place Looj into holster.3. Climbtheladder.4.   Remove debris from gutter at the corner of the roof. Place Looj in gutter. Remove debris from gutter directly in front of ladder. If you do not, you may be sprayed by debris when Looj begins to operate.   5. Pressthepowerswitchontherobottoturniton.Thepowerlight should be green to indicate that its battery is charged.                 A red power light indicates that you should charge Looj’s battery. CAUTION: Wear safety glasses when  using Looj to protect your eyes from debris.Looj Manual v9.indd   13 11/6/2008   1:59:15 PM
14 iRobot Looj Owner’s Manual  6.   Detach the remote control handle.7.   Press the remote control power button. The light on the remote control handle blinks when it is transmitting signals to the robot.8.  If you press the left arrow of the auger spin direction button (A), debris will be thrown to the left. If you press the right side, it will be thrown to   the right (B).    9. Ensurethattheaugerisspinningandtossingdebrisoutofthegutter and away from your home.10. Presstheforwardandbackwardbuttontodrivetherobotthrough the gutter and remove the debris.Handling Dense ClogsLooj can handle most debris found in your gutter. Occasionally, there may be heavy debris that will not clear in a single pass. Should this situation arise, it’s important not to force the robot into the debris.TIP:  If you hear a loud clicking sound and the auger stops spinning, the auger’s clutch has slipped. Reverse Looj if this occurs.     Once you are clear of the debris, proceed with your cleaning.To handle heavy clogs, leave the auger on and drive the robot slowly forward until the auger contacts the clogged debris. Allow the auger to eject a small amount of debris. If Looj gets stuck or if the clutch slips, reverse direction and allow the auger to clear away the debris it has loosened. Repeat this process until the clogged debris is fully cleared. TIP:  Note that one direction will spin the debris away from the house and the other direction will spin the debris onto the roof. Test the spin direction before driving the robot down the gutter.FWDREVONOFFAUGERABLooj Manual v9.indd   14 11/6/2008   1:59:16 PM 15  CAUTION: If Looj begins to climb up over debris, STOP MOVING    THE ROBOT forward and back it up. If you drive the robot over debris and up the side of the gutter, you risk it falling out of the gutter which may cause injury.11. OnceLoojreachestheendofthegutter,driveitbacktoyou.Keep the auger spinning to drive under the gutter straps 12. Turnthepowerswitchoffontherobotandturntheremotepower off.13. AttachtheremotecontrolhandletoremoveLoojfromthegutterand clip Looj to the belt clip before descending. 14. Descendtheladderfollowingsafetyinstructionsfromladdermanufacturer.Looj Manual v9.indd   15 11/6/2008   1:59:16 PM
16 iRobot Looj Owner’s Manual  MaintenanceCleaning LoojMake sure the battery door is securely closed before cleaning. Looj is designed to be easily cleaned with a hose or under a faucet. No chemicals should be used to clean Looj. Prior to cleaning, remove the remote control handle and treads from the robot. Clean any debris from Looj’s wheels. Looj’s remote control handle should be cleaned with a damp cloth only. The remote control handle is not waterproof. Damage may occur to the electronics if it is sprayed with water or submerged. CAUTION: When the battery is removed, wipe inside of battery compartment door clean to ensure a proper seal. CAUTION: Always keep the battery door closed when cleaning to avoid damage to the product or battery.Storing LoojStore iRobot Looj in a cool, dry place. After charging, store Looj and itsbatterybetween50˚and80˚F(10˚-26˚C).Excessiveheatorcoldmay reduce battery life and product performance. For best results, we recommend removing both the battery from the robot and the batteries    from the remote control handle when the product is stored.Looj Manual v9.indd   16 11/6/2008   1:59:17 PM 17 TroubleshootingRefer to the chart below to resolve Looj’s problem. If the problem is not resolved, visit(page18).Observation Likely Cause What to doRemote transmission light does not light up on the remote.Batteries were inserted incorrectly or have depleted. Power may not be on.Check the battery orientation or replace with fresh batteries. Switch the remote power button to the “on” position.Robot is not responding to the remote control handle.Robot power is off or there is radio interference between the remote control handle and robot.Check to see that both power buttons are on and both robot and remote control handle lights are flashing when a remote button is pressed. If not, try to improve reception by raising the remote control handle above the height of the gutter while operating.Auger will not insert into robot.Insertion hole is clogged. Clean out hole with toothpick or forced air.Auger stops spinning and loud clicking sound is heard.Clutch has slipped on auger.  Turn off the auger and back up the robot away from any debris. Try spinning the auger in a clear area to test it. Auger is spinning   but robot is not moving.Robot movement has stopped due to debris stuck in robot track.Retrieve robot, clean the wheels and test it on the ground to make sure it is operating properly before placing back into the gutter. Robot is stuck on gutterstrap.Gutterstrap is too low or improperly installed.Checkgutterstrapforpreviouslyexistingdamage or improper installation. Looj fits under all standard 21/4” gutterstrap installations.Improving the range of the remote control handleShouldyouexperiencesignallossfromtheremotecontrolhandletoiRobot Looj while it is cleaning, touch the front of the handle to the gutter tomaximizetherange.TIP:  This works with aluminum and other metal gutters but not with vinyl or plastic gutters.Looj Manual v9.indd   17 11/6/2008   1:59:17 PM
18 iRobot Looj Owner’s Manual  Indicator Lights Robot Power Light What it meansSolid Red Battery is low. Turn off auger immediately and recharge battery.Blinking Red Battery is low and robot is receiving data (commands) from the remote. Turn off auger immediately and recharge battery.Solid Green        Power is on, battery level is ok.Blinking Green Robot is receiving data (commands) from the remote control.Remote Transmission Light What it meansSolid Green Power is on.Blinking Green Remote control is sending data (commands) to the robot. Looj Manual v9.indd   18 11/6/2008   1:59:17 PM 19 iRobot Customer CareIf you have questions or comments about this product please contact iRobot before contacting a retailer.Please visitforsupporttips,frequentlyaskedquestions, or information about accessories and other iRobot products. We would like  to hear from you.Should you still need assistance:• VisittheiRobotsupportsiteat• Callourcustomercarerepresentativesat877.855.8593iRobot Customer Care Hours:• Monday–Friday9AM–7PMEasternTime• Saturday9AM–6PMEasternTimeLooj Manual v9.indd   19 11/6/2008   1:59:17 PM
20 iRobot Looj Owner’s Manual  Important Safety InstructionsLooj is a gutter cleaning device, use only as intended.  For residential use only.READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USING LOOJ.• ThisdevicehasbeentestedandcomplieswithFCCrules.Changesormodicationsnotexpresslyapprovedbythemanufacturerwillvoidyour warranty.• Alwayswearsafetygoggleswhenoperating.• Loojwillbethrowingmaterialclearofthegutter.Keepyourselfandothers out of path of flying debris. Make sure debris path below the  gutter is clear of property or objects.• AlwaysusethebeltclipwhencarryingLooj,andkeepbothhandsontheladder while climbing and descending the ladder.• Donotexposeremotecontrolhandletowater. •  Robot is waterproof in up to one foot of water, do not submerge in  deeper water. • Donotexposetherobottowaterifbatterydoorisnotsecuredtopreventdamage to Looj.• DonotattempttoserviceLoojyourself.Referallnon-routineservicingtoqualiedservicepersonnel.Visit for  more information.• Loojisexpresslynotintendedforchildren.Loojisnotatoy.Donotsitorstand on this device. Small children and pets should be supervised  if Looj is in use.• Keeplooseclothing,hairandbodypartsawayfromLoojwhileoperating.• Donotusethisdevicenearreorhighheat.• Alwaysremovethebatterybeforelong-termstorage.• UseonlyiRobotLoojbatteriesandchargerstochargethisdevice.• ChargeusingstandardUS(120VAC)outletonly.Donotusewithanytypeofpowerconverter––anysuchusewillimmediatelyvoidthewarranty.• Donotusethechargerifthecordorplugisdamaged.• Chargeindoorsonly. Looj Manual v9.indd   20 11/6/2008   1:59:17 PM 21  IMPORTANT: Make sure you read and follow all safety instructions and labels from your ladder manufacturer before attempting to use Looj. Failure to do so may cause serious injury or death.Ladder Safety• iRobotLoojenablesyoutocleanasinglerunofgutterwithoneladderposition. Choose the safest ladder position possible along each run.  Safe ladder positions are away from power lines, tree limbs, or other hazards, and provide a level surface to rest the ladder.• Alwaysinspecttheladderbeforeyouuseit.Neverusetheladderifitisdamaged, broken or bent. • Makesuretheladderisawayfromelectricalwires,treelimbs,doors,oranyotherhazardswhenitisextended.• DonotleanoverthesideoftheladderwhenusingLooj.Neverover-reach.Keep yourself balanced and centered over the ladder at all times.• KeepbothfeetandonehandrmlyontheladderwhileplacingLoojinthe gutter and operating Looj.• KeepthehandleonLoojwhenplacingitinandremovingitfromthegutter.• DonotplaceLoojinthegutterwhilestandingonaroofunlessyouare secured to the roof with a safety harness in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.Looj Manual v9.indd   21 11/6/2008   1:59:17 PM
22 iRobot Looj Owner’s Manual  LIMITED WARRANTY  TOORIGINALPURCHASERThis IRobot brand product, as supplied and distributed by iRobot Corporation, and delivered as manufactured, in the carton to the original customer purchaser, is warranted by iRobot Corporation against manufacturing defects in materials and workmanship for the qualifying limited warranty period as follows: One year LABOR AND PARTS: This limited warranty begins on the original date of purchase, and is valid only on products purchased and used in North America, and does not include installation, removal or reinstallation. Warranty repairs must be performed by iRobot Corporation’s authorized service center. To receive warranty service, the original dated bill of sale must be presented upon request as proof of purchase to iRobot Corporation’s authorized service center. To obtain warranty service, support or other information, please visit our website at or by calling 877-855-8593. iRobot Corporation will repair or replace this product, at our option and at no charge with new or reconditioned parts, if found to be defective during the limited warranty period specified above. To request service, the purchaser must contact iRobot Corporation for problem determination and service procedures. iRobot Corporation does not warrant uninterrupted or error-free operation of the product. All replaced parts and products become the property of iRobot Corporation and must be returned to iRobot. Replacement parts and products assume the remaining original warranty, or 60 days, whichever is longer. This limited warranty covers manufacturing defects in materials and workmanship encountered in normal, and, except to the extent otherwise expressly provided in this statement, non-commercial use of this product and shall not apply to the following, including but not limited to: damage which occurs in shipment; applications and uses for which this product was not intended; failures or problems which are caused by products or equipment not supplied by iRobot Corporation; accidents, misuse, abuse, neglect, misapplication, fire, water, lightning or other acts of nature; incorrect electrical line voltage, fluctuations or surges; damage caused by improper installation; product alteration or modification; improper or unauthorized repair; exterior finish or cosmetic damage; failure to follow operation instructions, customer adjustments, maintenance and environmental instructions that are covered and prescribed in the instruction book; use of non-iRobot or unauthorized parts, supplies, accessories or equipment which damage this product or result in service problems; failures or problems due to incompatibility with other equipment. THERE ARE NO EXPRESS WARRANTIES OTHER THAN THOSE LISTED AND DESCRIBED ABOVE, AND NO WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, SHALL APPLY AFTER THE EXPRESS WARRANTY PERIOD STATED ABOVE, AND NO OTHER EXPRESS WARRANTY OR GUARANTY GIVEN BY ANY PERSON, FIRM OR CORPORATION WITH RESPECT TO THIS PRODUCT SHALL BE BINDING ON IROBOT CORPORATION. IROBOT CORPORATION SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR LOSS OF REVENUE OR PROFITS, FAILURE TO REALIZE SAVINGS OR OTHER BENEFITS, OR ANY OTHER SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES CAUSED BY THE USE, MISUSE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS PRODUCT, REGARDLESS OF THE LEGAL THEORY ON WHICH THE CLAIM IS BASED, AND EVEN IF IROBOT HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. NOR SHALL RECOVERY OF ANY KIND AGAINST IROBOT CORPORATION BE GREATER IN AMOUNT THAN THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE PRODUCT SOLD BY IROBOT CORPORATION AND CAUSING THE ALLEGED DAMAGE. WITHOUT LIMITING THE FOREGOING, PURCHASER ASSUMES ALL RISK AND LIABILITY FOR LOSS, DAMAGE OR INJURY TO PURCHASER AND PURCHASER’S PROPERTY AND TO OTHERS AND THEIR PROPERTY ARISING OUT OF THE USE, MISUSE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS PRODUCT SOLD BY IROBOT CORPORATION NOT CAUSED DIRECTLY BY THE GROSS NEGLIGENCE OF IROBOT CORPORATION. THIS LIMITED WARRANTY SHALL NOT EXTEND TO ANYONE OTHER THAN THE ORIGINAL PURCHASER OF THIS PRODUCT, IS NONTRANSFERABLE AND STATES YOUR EXCLUSIVE REMEDY. Looj Manual v9.indd   22 11/6/2008   1:59:17 PM 23 Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. FCC Notice:ThisequipmenthasbeentestedandfoundtocomplywiththelimitsforaClassBdigitaldevice,pursuanttoPart15oftheFCCRules.These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interferenceinaresidentialinstallation.Thisequipmentgeneratesusesandcanradiateradiofrequencyenergyand,ifnotinstalledandusedinaccordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will notoccurinaparticularinstallation.Ifthisequipmentdoescauseharmfulinterference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turningtheequipmentoffandon,theuserisencouragedtotrytocorrectthe interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorientorrelocatethereceivingantenna.• Increasetheseparationbetweentheequipmentandreceiver.• Connecttheequipmentintoanoutletonacircuitdifferentfromthatto which the receiver is connected.• Consultthemanufacturer,dealer,oranexperiencedradio/TVtechnician for help. WARNING: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by iRobot could void your warranty.Looj Manual v9.indd   23 11/6/2008   1:59:17 PM
©2008iRobotCorporation,8CrosbyDrive,Bedford,MA01730.Allrightsreserved.iRobot is a registered trademark of iRobot Corporation. Looj is a trademark of iRobot Corporation.Patents PendingGet iRobot accessories at:800.727.9077 or visit Looj Manual v9.indd   24 11/6/2008   1:59:18 PM

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