iRobot 89098TX LOOJ ROBOT User Manual USERS MANUAL



Download: iRobot 89098TX LOOJ ROBOT User Manual USERS MANUAL
Mirror Download []iRobot 89098TX LOOJ ROBOT User Manual USERS MANUAL
Document ID835262
Application IDQSUNB4uwtHDKsh9Resqasw==
Document DescriptionUSERS MANUAL
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize46.2kB (577530 bits)
Date Submitted2007-08-29 00:00:00
Date Available2007-10-13 00:00:00
Creation Date2007-08-23 16:26:24
Document Lastmod0000-00-00 00:00:00
Document TitleUSERS MANUAL

1oqou augueam Jenna
'R l of inabaf
Important Safety Instructions
Leo] Is a gutter cleaning devlee. use only as Intended.
Fur rellflemlul use only.
- nun ALI. msmumons 35m! usmn mm.
- mls meme has been tested arm mmplies wmr FCC rules. (merges m
mudrfmfluuns not expressry swam lay me manuhrturerwril me your
ammvilym anemia «his pmeuct.
- Prevent eremm; 571mm During the course of Lam's summon, me
urnduclmw gel wer. Be cemrrn It rs dry berere neenrng bauery me to
prevent enrenner shock rnyunes er bums.
- Always wearsemy goggles when opersung,
- Lac] wrrr be mmwrrrg merer'rar clear mire gutter. Kean ynmssw and
mere. ml or yarn ufrmng debris. Make sure eenrre vam below me
guner re evear af progeny or wears.
- Arweys use the hen cup when eerrying LauJ, and keep ham hands on
the laddenmile eumhvng arm aeseenurng me ladder.
- Da ml expose remeu control manure to water.
- mm “5 water pmnf up m erre hm! wf water. we no! submerge m
- Du rm amuse the mm 10 water rf bmry dam is mt secured in prevent
damage In mar.
- [70 ml attempt w service 14x71 yourserr. never an nun-muflne servicing
w uualmefl ssrvree personner. vrsrr Mlmhmnflm/nupnml for
more rnvnrmeunn
. Um] rs expressry nu! intended for demn. Lem ls rm 5 my. nu mtsn
nr stand err chrs dawns. SmaH enrleren and um-s shuuld be supervised
rf Loni Is m use.
- Keep runes eramrng, narr and body parts away hum Lon] wmle
. Du not use me eerree nearnre. or men heaL
- Always rams the bameryeevere rung—mun mange.
- Use only mm mm neuerres and chargers In charge we device.
- Charge using slandald us uzov Ac) mm mm. Du m: use wrm any
we of newer mammal—any such ueewm lmmedralery vnlfl ms Warranty
' Du mt use Ih; charger If me cord 0! vlug rs damaged.
Vania/- 1.0mm . cnurgz rumors emy.
2 ifienethmrrrrer‘sManuav wwwjmanonm a
A lananNv: Make we we ear mm nun. all aniely inatmctiwra no
labels 1mm yuur runner
on so may cause SElinu lmlllV erneetn
Ladder samy
- iatraat Lani anatrlas ytm to clean a single run olgmter with one lauaer
position. choose the salest ladder wsrtlon oaseiaie along eaeli run
Safe ladder maltlans are away llrorn power llnes, tree llnitrs, or other
hazards, and orouloa a leuel surface ro rest the lander.
- Always insnsfl tha laaoar aatora you use it Neveruss the laaoer int la
uamageu, molten or aent.
- Mane sure the lander la away from eleetnaal wlres, tree llrnas, men. or
any other rte-roe when ti is extended,
oaariliooot- Loni“ owner.
Wehnms to the mm or “10va As an owner or the IRohnl tooJ Elmer
cleaning Rahal, ynu join a growing gmun ol aaooie M7qu the glean who.
llke yuu‘ are olsaouering an easierway to elaan their gutters.
The use nf oraatteat robots that help you in one arotrno yuur home is a new
realmr, We eneounga yau ta ahara yourteeoorek a: we continue to oeveloo
new aha gmund breaking mains. Here's what you can no Du oartirroata in
our mans
. no not lean oriethe side otthe Iaddawfrfin using Laol Nevarouermon. - Communlcaie with us ll’you have ouesttoris. comments or reattlre
AMays heap yourself haraneea aria eenlerea over the ladder art all times.
Keep ooth rest am: one hana nrrnly on the laaoer while placing Lain in
ate gltterano operating erj.
euooart. contact us at wwarolzot.eorn
heglsrerortllne at ww.lraaar.oani/reglstar or liy rnail iaaa lneluaart
carol. You'li be among the firs! to hear about our newest rooots, atom
- Keep the hanetle an tool when piac'lngll in and removing ltlnxn the guitar. “ham"‘fl‘sv an" ‘m'a‘ “m
- no not olaoe Loot in the euuerwrttle stanelng on a root unless you
are eeeurea to the root WILh a salon, harness ln aeooroanoe with the
monmanturer's tnstruetlons,
rhann you tor Joining the what revolution. wa look iorwara to your valued
Vrlpul an we mmlnue to oteliuer younoareaklng nmouets thatwlll change and
improve your wono.
on oeholi or the entlra lloooot taarn,
Colln Angle
cor-ounoer mo can
inotrot oorporatron
wwwirnootaom s
4 lnaoot [an] Owner‘s Manual
[W iRobot'
Important Tips Table of Contents
lmportant Safely lnstruetlons .3
Important Tips
Product Deserliniun
Charging am: installing the Battery
using the Remote Control Handle
Attaching the Auger
Using inooot Loo]
Troubleshooting ,,
iRobl)! Cusmmer Care
Limited Warmmyi , .
nonunion use on o, , rein
"lmnmtflnl anlety Inwuuuc
20 mm Len] Dunn‘s Manual
ms mm mm mm .. swam my mum bytfihhnr may-m m mm n
mlnuinzlumfl, u. um mm m me am mm pumnm u “0mm mwammm
mum mun-mm mm: m mm m mammal-Mp m we qulI'Mfll muss WNW!
mm 5 mm- flu p... mm: Mm: m, was mm new on Me any»!
we flpmmue, m s m unly an muss mumbled w um m »urm menu. "4 one:
m muuue mun-mun, rm “mum-m wmmy ran-vs "was Barf-armed wmt
L‘nrunnmnt mmmms my rn mute wlvr-nwsemee. ms sum-r tied hm firs-u
mus um um mug: n Mnlnlnum'msz w mmmrpnmflmh ammszmm
am m mu. wan-1mm. mm w my mm". muss mammals u
my may" a bywflng mmfibessa mm. mums" w way my“: 1)»: mam
H mm m ax no cure m nay a. mnmmd ms, mm m n: Mame uumg
m: umm warmly Nuns mm mm: 10 mars: hem", m Dummy mm mm:
mm (human Vnrpmmem dflermmnn mm mm: humans mtmmmunn me;
Mr warmnrunInufll/med o! amine-runway mm wamAH mannequin: and mm
um: mm m mammmmm m mm a: mum» mm Rachczmmk Dam
and mamas-m me mam «mm mm ”mam mum. u mug. mm [mm
mm mm mmam Germ u mmu m mmmwufln aluminum! u. mme, m
mwnpmunam Mn wmvymmrmusumm nnmmmumI ummu
nmdnfl mam-n mum m “mum mum am not ”nit-d m mm wmnhumm
v. sham-wt innIIuIiw-s m M m mm: m pmmw nm I'm-med, 13mm ”may“:
man u. sum hymns mauvmmz rm mam-d w mmmmm mum, mm
abused-mm mmumm he, mm. mm: a: mum; nhmwg mum Minn!
u- mus nun-mm; wxwm aim caused Dy Imwm mmvon, gm iImiWn or
woman, erwiummfl Viva/r: mm mm w mm; mm isms m rpm
With" hub-Anion, cmmnimuslmm,mhmincvm=nflmnmwhaunt-1m mam.
mgr-find mm m m- mum/an ma: umwmm w unimnwuld Dam sums
Wan. “Wm-mm» mpmknmfluzkwuwnhnmunmmvm, law-Gav
mum mg m Inmpwflbi’tymm I’M-v mun-u. missus Na HWBSWARMNHEI
arm mm musnuvsmuu mmwwwemvuo mm my; moms
an lumen mucus mm mum) mmvrwufn WARRANTIES a; usmnmm
a» mm mm mmnmm sum "mum ms mass mmmvmmn
smmsuvg Am: w omsR mas wan/«Amen GIMMMV mm mm mm am
an comm/nu wvmkzwfm m mrs manucysmu ls 5mm an morwnmmou.
mosormmmflwsoml. uurss mamas L055 or meme on Warns, sums m
muzz sAleBs an arm wears mum 0mm 5mm. wmewm m: msquim
amass mum 5!va uss, unsusz on msvuw m vssrms mum, Essafimzss OF
ms mm mam cu mum m5 cum v5 mssu m 5va IF mm ms sswmssn
nr m5 wnrsueu wuss Nansmu nsmvmv numuunmmsrmw
common Esme/«ER wwwmmmwswms was arms mnwsow [v
mun wmwwmu uuswc ins/cums: was: mwwrummm msmuwc.
puncmsmsswss ALL mum» umurvnw Loss. mm: DR munm mmszn
w Poms mum/mo m unwasmn man rnwmmmsms moans
usE, wsst on mmuwm ussms mnucrsom mmw Wm mmm
mnsmv mus was "gamma: a; meat WWW ms um'flv wuwrmr
smuwmmn mm mm mm ms nmmmt wwussr arms mum/u, vs
ummmmwsmu sms mun mvswfnmsw snmuramsdb m anuw mam;
on human: urn-57.1 warranty mm m m. mam mmnnam nflndannlalu mmunnw
my. a: m. abm Umlhflflm m cautions may ml mu In you m mmummu
spasm: mum menu M m m mm mm mm m, rmm us u we
22 mm Luci Mars Manuar
wwwArnbaLcam z:
09 582 moommmozmm mfi
wcohnubouu 9. 5m: mfleqofiogfinoi
I a 053 atulouailusfiuuss uni! v3.9.5; ES? 232: ag
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