Irai Automgen 8 Operating Instructions Automgen8 En

User Manual: irai Automgen 8 - Operating Instructions Free User Guide for Irai Automgen Software, Manual

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ENVIRONMENT................................................................................................................................................. 13
INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................................................. 15
Configuration required .............................................................................................................................. 15
Installation in a network ............................................................................................................................ 15
NEW FEATURES OF AUTOMGEN8................................................................................................................... 16
Choice of “Beginner / Expert” mode......................................................................................................... 16
Increased integration of the Grafcet 60848 standard................................................................................ 16
Compatibility of files.................................................................................................................................. 16
Physical engine integrated to IRIS3D........................................................................................................ 16
Enhanced 3D object handling in IRIS3D................................................................................................... 16
Improved links between AUTOMGEN and IRIS3D objects....................................................................... 16
Textured IRIS3D objects............................................................................................................................ 16
Drag and drop from IRIS3D to AUTOMGEN sheets................................................................................. 17
AUTOMSIM user-definable object ............................................................................................................ 17
Drag and drop from AUTOMSIM to AUTOMGEN sheets ........................................................................ 17
Improvements to the environment.............................................................................................................. 17
ENVIRONMENT ................................................................................................................................................. 18
Start............................................................................................................................................................ 18
General views ............................................................................................................................................ 19
Selecting targets in expert mode ................................................................................................................ 21
Selecting targets in beginner mode............................................................................................................ 21
Palettes in expert mode.............................................................................................................................. 22
Palettes in beginner mode.......................................................................................................................... 22
Displaying or hiding the project window or message window .................................................................. 24
Displaying the work space in full screen mode.......................................................................................... 24
Keyboard shortcuts .................................................................................................................................... 24
LICENSES.......................................................................................................................................................... 25
Registering a license.................................................................................................................................. 25
Sending a user code to IRAI....................................................................................................................... 26
Sending a file by e-mail (the best solution)............................................................................................................ 26
Copying the user code in an e-mail message ......................................................................................................... 27
By fax (not recommended) .................................................................................................................................... 27
By telephone (highly unadvisable)......................................................................................................................... 27
Entering the validation/enable code .......................................................................................................... 27
Validating by a e-mail received file....................................................................................................................... 27
Validating for a code received in the text of an e-mail .......................................................................................... 27
Validating for a code received by fax or telephone................................................................................................ 27
Modifying a license.................................................................................................................................... 27
Moving a license from one computer to another........................................................................................ 28
Network licenses ........................................................................................................................................ 29
Adding a network license....................................................................................................................................... 30
Modifying a license ............................................................................................................................................... 30
Connecting to client stations.................................................................................................................................. 30
Additional information on installing AUTOMGEN in a network environment.......................................... 31
General information............................................................................................................................................... 31
Installing AUTOMGEN8 on a file server............................................................................................................... 31
Installing one or more AUTOMGEN8 licenses on a network license manager...................................................... 31
Installing the network license server as a service................................................................................................... 33
Uninstallation ............................................................................................................................................ 34
Errors......................................................................................................................................................... 34
THE PROJECT .................................................................................................................................................... 35
Files generated with AUTOMGEN7........................................................................................................... 35
Importing an application from an earlier version of AUTOMGEN (version 6 or earlier) ........................ 35
Generating a free distribution executable file............................................................................................ 35
Modifying project properties ..................................................................................................................... 36
Modifying security options.................................................................................................................................... 36
Advanced options .................................................................................................................................................. 36
User interface......................................................................................................................................................... 36
Model..................................................................................................................................................................... 36
Automatic GO........................................................................................................................................................ 37
THE BROWSER.................................................................................................................................................. 38
Sheets......................................................................................................................................................... 39
Adding a new sheet................................................................................................................................................ 39
Importing old AUTOMGEN version sheets, importing CADEPA sheets ............................................................. 40
Modifying the sheet compilation order.................................................................................................................. 40
Deleting a sheet from the list ................................................................................................................................. 41
Exporting a sheet to a « .GR7 » file....................................................................................................................... 41
Copying, Cutting, Pasting a sheet .......................................................................................................................... 41
Renaming a sheet................................................................................................................................................... 41
Modifying sheet properties. ................................................................................................................................... 41
Symbols...................................................................................................................................................... 42
Creating a symbol table ......................................................................................................................................... 42
Importing a symbol table ....................................................................................................................................... 42
Configuration............................................................................................................................................. 43
Post-processors ...................................................................................................................................................... 43
Compiler options.................................................................................................................................................... 43
Documentation........................................................................................................................................... 43
Generated files........................................................................................................................................... 44
Generating the instruction list in pivot code .......................................................................................................... 44
Generating the cross reference list ......................................................................................................................... 44
Post-processors ...................................................................................................................................................... 44
Settings....................................................................................................................................................... 44
Viewing and modifying a variable or variable table .............................................................................................. 44
IRIS objects................................................................................................................................................ 46
Adding an IRIS 2D object...................................................................................................................................... 46
Deleting an IRIS 2D object.................................................................................................................................... 47
Displaying or hiding an IRIS 2D object................................................................................................................. 47
Cutting, copying, pasting an IRIS 2D object.......................................................................................................... 47
Adding a new IRIS 2D object on a console ........................................................................................................... 47
Modifying the properties of an IRIS 2D object...................................................................................................... 47
Setting an object model accessible on the assistant................................................................................................ 48
Importing an IRIS 2D object in an earlier version of AUTOMGEN ..................................................................... 49
Creating an IRIS 3D console ................................................................................................................................. 49
Resources................................................................................................................................................... 50
Adding a file to the resources ................................................................................................................................50
Deleting a file from the resources.......................................................................................................................... 50
Renaming a file in the resources............................................................................................................................ 50
Modifying a file in the resources ........................................................................................................................... 50
Adding and converting 3D STUDIO files in the resources.................................................................................... 50
External modules ....................................................................................................................................... 50
DESIGNING PROGRAMS..................................................................................................................................... 52
Designing with the assistant ...................................................................................................................... 52
Designing with the shortcut menu.............................................................................................................. 53
Designing with the pallet ........................................................................................................................... 53
Enhancing and customizing the pallet.................................................................................................................... 53
Designing with the keyboard keys.............................................................................................................. 53
Delete block........................................................................................................................................................... 53
Link blocks ............................................................................................................................................................ 53
Grafcet blocks........................................................................................................................................................ 54
Flowchart blocks.................................................................................................................................................... 56
Ladder blocks......................................................................................................................................................... 56
Action blocks......................................................................................................................................................... 57
Test blocks............................................................................................................................................................. 58
Organization chart blocks ...................................................................................................................................... 58
Function block blocks............................................................................................................................................ 58
Other blocks........................................................................................................................................................... 59
Documenting program elements ................................................................................................................ 59
Adding symbols.......................................................................................................................................... 60
RUNNING AN APPLICATION............................................................................................................................... 62
To run an application easily................................................................................................................................... 62
To end the run........................................................................................................................................................ 62
To compile only..................................................................................................................................................... 62
To stop the compilation ......................................................................................................................................... 62
To connect to a processor or install a PC............................................................................................................... 62
To disconnect a processor or uninstall a PC........................................................................................................... 62
To put the target in RUN mode.............................................................................................................................. 62
To put the target in STOP mode ............................................................................................................................ 62
To initialize the target............................................................................................................................................ 62
To run a program cycle on the target (generally not supported on processors)...................................................... 63
To activate the dynamic display............................................................................................................................. 63
THE COMPILER ................................................................................................................................................. 64
Modifying compiler options ....................................................................................................................... 64
Displaying compilation messages.............................................................................................................. 64
Finding an error ........................................................................................................................................ 64
RUNNING PROGRAMS ON A PC ......................................................................................................................... 66
Configuring the number of variables......................................................................................................... 66
PC system variables................................................................................................................................... 67
Modifying the run period ........................................................................................................................... 68
Driving inputs/outputs ............................................................................................................................... 68
IRIS 2D REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................................... 70
Modifying object display............................................................................................................................ 70
Modifying object characteristics................................................................................................................ 71
Removing an object ............................................................................................................................................... 71
Dimensioning an object ......................................................................................................................................... 71
Moving an object ................................................................................................................................................... 71
Putting an object in « User » mode ...................................................................................................................... 71
Putting an object in « Configuration » mode ....................................................................................................... 71
Modifying the characteristics of an object............................................................................................................. 71
Block access to configuration for all objects ............................................................................................. 72
Basic objects, preset objects ...................................................................................................................... 72
List of basic objects.................................................................................................................................... 72
« Console » object.................................................................................................................................................. 72
The « Button and light » object............................................................................................................................. 72
The« Object » object.............................................................................................................................................. 72
The « Digital value » object................................................................................................................................... 72
The « Screen, keyboard, message list » object....................................................................................................... 72
The « Sound » object ............................................................................................................................................. 73
The « Data archive » object ................................................................................................................................... 73
The « Program » object.......................................................................................................................................... 73
The « Dialogue box » object.................................................................................................................................. 73
The « Analog value » object .................................................................................................................................. 73
Practical experience .................................................................................................................................. 73
Step 1..................................................................................................................................................................... 73
Step 2..................................................................................................................................................................... 74
Step 3..................................................................................................................................................................... 74
Step 4..................................................................................................................................................................... 74
Step 5..................................................................................................................................................................... 74
Step 6..................................................................................................................................................................... 75
Step 7..................................................................................................................................................................... 76
Creating an autonomous supervision application ..................................................................................... 77
Syntax for accessing the state of variables................................................................................................. 77
Boolean state.......................................................................................................................................................... 77
Numeric state......................................................................................................................................................... 78
Modifying the state................................................................................................................................................ 78
Special orders......................................................................................................................................................... 78
Interchanging objects............................................................................................................................................. 79
Details of a « Console » object.................................................................................................................. 79
« Aspect » tab ........................................................................................................................................................ 79
« Bitmap » tab........................................................................................................................................................ 80
« Links » tab .......................................................................................................................................................... 80
« Options » tab....................................................................................................................................................... 81
« Sisters » tab......................................................................................................................................................... 81
« External » tab...................................................................................................................................................... 81
Details of an « Illuminated Button » object ............................................................................................... 82
« Aspect » tab ........................................................................................................................................................ 82
« Links » tab .......................................................................................................................................................... 82
« Options » tab....................................................................................................................................................... 83
Details of a « Digital value » object .......................................................................................................... 85
« Aspect » tab ........................................................................................................................................................ 85
« Texts » tab........................................................................................................................................................... 86
« Links » tab .......................................................................................................................................................... 86
Details of an « Analog value » object........................................................................................................ 86
« Aspect » tab ........................................................................................................................................................ 86
« Links » tab .......................................................................................................................................................... 87
« Limits» tab.......................................................................................................................................................... 87
« Graduations » tab................................................................................................................................................ 88
Details of « Screen, keyboard, message list » object ................................................................................. 89
Links with the application...................................................................................................................................... 89
Message classes ..................................................................................................................................................... 90
« Aspect » tab ........................................................................................................................................................ 90
This is used to set an object type. See chapter links with the application .............................................................. 90
« Links » tab .......................................................................................................................................................... 91
« List » tab ............................................................................................................................................................. 91
« Options » tab....................................................................................................................................................... 92
« Messages » tab.................................................................................................................................................... 93
Details of « Data archive » object ............................................................................................................. 93
« Aspect » tab ........................................................................................................................................................ 93
« Data » tab............................................................................................................................................................ 93
« Options » tab....................................................................................................................................................... 95
« Tables » tab......................................................................................................................................................... 95
« Graph» tab .......................................................................................................................................................... 96
« Graduations » tab................................................................................................................................................ 97
« Grid » tab............................................................................................................................................................ 98
Details of « Object » object...................................................................................................................... 100
« Aspect » tab ...................................................................................................................................................... 100
« Links » tab ........................................................................................................................................................ 101
« Formats » tab .................................................................................................................................................... 102
« Bitmap » tab...................................................................................................................................................... 102
« Wmf » tab ......................................................................................................................................................... 103
« Colors » tab....................................................................................................................................................... 103
« Gauge » tab....................................................................................................................................................... 104
« Sensor» tab........................................................................................................................................................ 104
« Options » tab..................................................................................................................................................... 105
Advanced techniques ........................................................................................................................................... 105
Details of « Sound » object ...................................................................................................................... 106
« Aspect » tab ...................................................................................................................................................... 106
« Sounds » tab...................................................................................................................................................... 106
Details of « Dialogue box » object........................................................................................................... 106
« Aspect » tab ...................................................................................................................................................... 106
« Links » tab............................................................................................................................................. 107
« Messages » tab.................................................................................................................................................. 108
Details of « Program » object.................................................................................................................. 108
Run time distribution ........................................................................................................................................... 108
Display................................................................................................................................................................. 108
Syntax .................................................................................................................................................................. 109
Stating variables................................................................................................................................................... 109
Writing a program................................................................................................................................................ 109
Constants ............................................................................................................................................................. 110
Assignment .......................................................................................................................................................... 110
Calculations ......................................................................................................................................................... 110
Tests..................................................................................................................................................................... 111
Loops ................................................................................................................................................................... 111
Variable or variable table address........................................................................................................................ 112
List of functions................................................................................................................................................... 112
Error messages..................................................................................................................................................... 118
« Aspect » tab ...................................................................................................................................................... 119
« Program » tab.................................................................................................................................................... 120
IRIS 2D EXAMPLES ........................................................................................................................................ 121
Example of composed objects .................................................................................................................. 121
Example of using the « Screen, keyboard, message list » object as a message list.................................. 124
Example of using the « SCREEN KEY » object as a terminal ................................................................. 125
Example of an application composed of multiple pages .......................................................................... 126
Example of using the «OBJECT » object................................................................................................. 126
Example of using the «ARCHIVE» object................................................................................................ 131
Example of using the «PROG » object..................................................................................................... 131
Examples of supervision application 1 ................................................................................................... 131
Examples of supervision application 2 .................................................................................................... 132
Example of operating part simulation 1.................................................................................................. 133
Example of operating part simulation 2................................................................................................... 134
IRIS 3D REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................... 135
Tutorial .................................................................................................................................................... 136
Creating an IRIS 3D console ................................................................................................................... 136
Adding 3D files to the project .................................................................................................................. 137
Configuring the objects............................................................................................................................ 138
Adding objects to the 3D world................................................................................................................ 139
Removing a 3D file from the resources.................................................................................................... 139
Removing an object from a 3D world ...................................................................................................... 139
Importing an “enhanced” object ............................................................................................................. 139
Exporting an “Enhanced” object ............................................................................................................ 142
Example of creating a 3D simulation based on enhanced objects........................................................... 143
Applying a behavior to an object............................................................................................................. 154
Name of AUTOMGEN variables ........................................................................................................................ 155
Adding a translation............................................................................................................................................. 156
Adding a rotation................................................................................................................................................. 159
Adding a color change......................................................................................................................................... 160
Adding a link ....................................................................................................................................................... 161
Adding another behavior...................................................................................................................................... 162
Physical engine........................................................................................................................................ 163
IRIS 3D example ...................................................................................................................................... 165
LANGUAGE....................................................................................................................................................... 167
COMMON ELEMENTS ...................................................................................................................................... 169
Variables.................................................................................................................................................. 169
Booleen variables................................................................................................................................................. 169
Numeric variables................................................................................................................................................ 170
Time delay ........................................................................................................................................................... 170
Actions ..................................................................................................................................................... 172
Assignment of a boolean variable........................................................................................................................ 172
Complement assignment of a boolean variable.................................................................................................... 173
Setting a boolean variable to one......................................................................................................................... 174
Resetting a boolean variable................................................................................................................................ 175
Inverting a boolean variable................................................................................................................................. 175
Resetting a counter, a word or a long................................................................................................................... 176
Incrementing a counter, a word or a long............................................................................................................. 177
Decrementing a counter, word or long................................................................................................................. 177
Time delays.......................................................................................................................................................... 178
Interferences among the actions........................................................................................................................... 178
IEC1131-3 standard actions................................................................................................................................. 179
Multiple actions ................................................................................................................................................... 180
Literal code.......................................................................................................................................................... 180
Tests ......................................................................................................................................................... 180
General form........................................................................................................................................................ 181
Test modifier........................................................................................................................................................ 181
Time delays.......................................................................................................................................................... 182
Priority of boolean operators................................................................................................................................ 182
Always true test ................................................................................................................................................... 182
Numeric variable test........................................................................................................................................... 182
Transitions on multiple lines................................................................................................................................ 184
Use of symbols ......................................................................................................................................... 184
Symbol syntax ..................................................................................................................................................... 184
Automatic symbols.............................................................................................................................................. 184
Automatic symbol syntax .................................................................................................................................... 184
How does the compiler manage the automatic symbols ?.................................................................................... 185
Range of variable attribution................................................................................................................................ 185
Fixed-address symbols......................................................................................................................................... 185
Examples.................................................................................................................................................. 186
Grafcet ..................................................................................................................................................... 188
Simple Grafcet..................................................................................................................................................... 188
Divergence and convergence in « And » ............................................................................................................ 191
Divergence and convergence in « Or »................................................................................................................ 193
Destination and source steps, destination and source transitions ......................................................................... 195
Multiple actions, conditioned actions .................................................................................................................. 196
Conditional actions, event-based actions............................................................................................................. 197
Actions on activation or deactivation of a step .................................................................................................... 197
Actions on transition crossing.............................................................................................................................. 197
Synchronization ................................................................................................................................................... 198
Grafcet setting...................................................................................................................................................... 199
Grafcet forcings (60848 standard) ....................................................................................................................... 206
Macro-steps.......................................................................................................................................................... 207
Encapsulating steps.............................................................................................................................................. 210
Grafcet / Ladder and Grafcet / Flow chars links .................................................................................................. 212
Counters............................................................................................................................................................... 213
Gemma..................................................................................................................................................... 214
Creating a Gemma ............................................................................................................................................... 216
ontent of Gemma rectangles ................................................................................................................................ 216
Obtaining a corresponding Grafcet...................................................................................................................... 216
Printing Gemma................................................................................................................................................... 217
Exporting Gemma................................................................................................................................................ 217
Example of Gemma ............................................................................................................................................. 217
Ladder...................................................................................................................................................... 220
Example of Ladder............................................................................................................................................... 221
Flow chart................................................................................................................................................ 222
Drawing flow charts............................................................................................................................................. 223
Example of a flow chart....................................................................................................................................... 224
Literal languages ..................................................................................................................................... 226
How is a literal language used?............................................................................................................................ 226
Setting a code box................................................................................................................................................ 227
Low level literal language.................................................................................................................................... 228
Macro-instruction................................................................................................................................................. 285
Libraries............................................................................................................................................................... 286
Pre-defined macro-instructions............................................................................................................................ 286
Description of pre-defined macro-instructions..................................................................................................... 286
Example of low level literal language.................................................................................................................. 288
Extended literal language........................................................................................................................ 291
Writing boolean equations................................................................................................................................... 292
Writing numeric equations................................................................................................................................... 293
IF...THEN...ELSE...structure......................................................................................................................................... 294
WHILE ... ENDWHILE structure........................................................................................................................ 295
Example of a program in extended literal language............................................................................................. 295
ST literal language................................................................................................................................... 296
General Information............................................................................................................................................. 296
Boolean equations................................................................................................................................................ 297
Numeric equations............................................................................................................................................... 298
Programming structures....................................................................................................................................... 299
Example of a program in extended literal language............................................................................................. 300
Organization chart................................................................................................................................... 300
Creating an organizational chart .......................................................................................................................... 301
Rectangle content................................................................................................................................................. 302
Illustration ............................................................................................................................................... 302
Function blocks........................................................................................................................................ 304
Creating a function block..................................................................................................................................... 305
Drawing a block and creating a « .ZON » file ..................................................................................................... 305
Creating an « .LIB » file ...................................................................................................................................... 307
Simple example of a function block..................................................................................................................... 307
Illustration............................................................................................................................................................ 308
Supplementary syntax.......................................................................................................................................... 311
Evolved function blocks ........................................................................................................................... 312
Syntax .................................................................................................................................................................. 312
Differentiating between new and old function blocks.......................................................................................... 312
Example............................................................................................................................................................... 313
Predefined function blocks....................................................................................................................... 313
Conversion blocks................................................................................................................................................ 314
Time delay blocks................................................................................................................................................ 314
String blocks........................................................................................................................................................ 314
Word table blocks................................................................................................................................................ 314
Advanced techniques................................................................................................................................314
Compiler generated code ..................................................................................................................................... 314
Optimizing generated code .................................................................................................................................. 315
EXAMPLES...................................................................................................................................................... 317
Regarding examples................................................................................................................................. 317
Simple grafcet...................................................................................................................................................... 317
Grafcet with an OR divergence............................................................................................................................ 318
Grafcet with an AND divergence........................................................................................................................ 319
Grafcet and synchronization ................................................................................................................................ 320
Step setting .......................................................................................................................................................... 321
Destination and source steps................................................................................................................................ 322
Destination and source steps................................................................................................................................ 323
Setting Grafcets ................................................................................................................................................... 324
Memorizing Grafcets........................................................................................................................................... 325
Grafcet and macro-steps ...................................................................................................................................... 326
Linked sheets ....................................................................................................................................................... 327
Flow chart............................................................................................................................................................ 329
Grafcet and Flow Chart........................................................................................................................................ 330
Literal language box ............................................................................................................................................ 331
Organizational chart............................................................................................................................................. 332
Organizational chart............................................................................................................................................. 333
Function block ..................................................................................................................................................... 334
Function block ..................................................................................................................................................... 335
Ladder.................................................................................................................................................................. 336
Example developed on a train model................................................................................................................... 337
Educational training manual for AUTOMGEN users.............................................................................. 343
Distribution.............................................................................................................................................. 345
Doctor R. in the home automation kingdom ............................................................................................ 345
First example: « which came first the bulb or the switch … »................................................................. 346
Solution 1: natural language of an electrician: ladder.......................................................................................... 347
Solution 2: the sequential language of the automation specialist: Grafcet ........................................................... 347
It's your turn to play …............................................................................................................................ 349
Second example: « time frames, time-switches and other time fun… » ................................................... 349
Solution 1: simplicity........................................................................................................................................... 350
Solution 2: improvement...................................................................................................................................... 351
Third Example: « variation on the theme of coming and going… » ........................................................ 352
Fourth example: « And the push button became intelligent … » ............................................................. 356
The solutions....................................................................................................................................... 359
« which came first the switch or the bulb … »..................................................................................................... 359
« time delays, time switches and other time fun… » ........................................................................................... 359
« variation on the theme of coming and going …».............................................................................................. 361
AUTOMSIM....................................................................................................................................................... 363
INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................................... 365
INSTALLATION ............................................................................................................................................... 366
Practical experience ................................................................................................................................366
AUTOMGENS BEGINNER MODE............................................................................................................... 370
USING AUTOMSIM ...................................................................................................................................... 371
Organizing applications........................................................................................................................... 371
Opening an existing application .............................................................................................................. 371
Creating an AUTOMSIM sheet................................................................................................................ 371
Adding an object onto an AUTOMSIM sheet........................................................................................... 372
Using the palette ...................................................................................................................................... 374
Selecting one or more objects. ................................................................................................................. 375
Selecting one or more objects .................................................................................................................. 376
Deleting one or more objects................................................................................................................... 376
Changing the orientation of one or more objects .................................................................................... 376
Copying/cutting one or more objects to the clipboard............................................................................. 376
Pasting one or more objects from the clipboard...................................................................................... 377
Modifying object properties..................................................................................................................... 377
Exporting one or more objects................................................................................................................. 377
ADVANCED FUNCTIONS.................................................................................................................................. 378
Interactions between objects.................................................................................................................... 378
Creating sensors associated with a cylinder............................................................................................ 378
Interactions between AUTOMSIM objects and the automaton program................................................. 380
Interactions between AUTOMSIM objects and the IRIS 3D operational unit simulator......................... 381
Interactions between AUTOMSIM objects and the IRIS2D supervision objects ..................................... 382
How can a link be made between an IRIS2D pushbutton or switch and an AUTOMSIM pushbutton or switch?382
How can a link be made between an AUTOMSIM object and an IRIS2D indicator light?................................. 383
Drag and drop from an AUTOMSIM variable to an AUTOMGEN sheet................................................ 384
User-definable objects ............................................................................................................................. 385
Designs .................................................................................................................................................... 387
List of design primitives ........................................................................................................................... 388
Drawing primitive................................................................................................................................................ 388
Attribute primitives.............................................................................................................................................. 390
Other primitives................................................................................................................................................... 391
Program................................................................................................................................................... 392
List of programming primitives ........................................................................................................................... 393
Connections ............................................................................................................................................. 395
Example ................................................................................................................................................... 396
POST-PROCESSORS........................................................................................................................................ 397
GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................399
CONFIGURATION ............................................................................................................................................ 400
Configuration files ................................................................................................................................... 400
System ................................................................................................................................................................. 400
Variable functions................................................................................................................................................ 400
Start-up manufacturer code.................................................................................................................................. 400
End manufacturer code ........................................................................................................................................ 400
Configuration by default.......................................................................................................................... 400
Modifying the default statements......................................................................................................................... 401
Using the default statements. ............................................................................................................................... 401
Displaying and modifying configuration elements................................................................................... 401
System ...................................................................................................................................................... 401
Hardware configuration ....................................................................................................................................... 401
Software configuration......................................................................................................................................... 402
Code generation options ...................................................................................................................................... 402
Stating the variables............................................................................................................................................. 402
Other elements..................................................................................................................................................... 402
See the « System » element in text format........................................................................................................... 402
Displaying system elements................................................................................................................................. 403
Variable functions.................................................................................................................................... 403
Single assignment ................................................................................................................................................ 404
Linear assignment................................................................................................................................................ 404
Automatic assignment.......................................................................................................................................... 404
Types of AUTOMGEN elimination variables ..................................................................................................... 405
Modifying a variable function element................................................................................................................ 410
Adding a variable function element..................................................................................................................... 410
Deleting a variable function element ................................................................................................................... 412
Associating an AUTOMGEN bit to a target system bit....................................................................................... 412
Associating a table of AUTOMGEN words to a table of fixed target words....................................................... 413
Associating AUTOMGEN words to target analog inputs or outputs................................................................... 414
Associating a table of AUTOMGEN bits to a table of target bits........................................................................ 414
See the variable functions in text format.............................................................................................................. 415
Start-up manufacturer code, end manufacturer code .............................................................................. 415
Reference to an AUTOMGEN variable............................................................................................................... 415
Referring to an AUTOMGEN application symbol .............................................................................................. 416
Setting and referring to a label............................................................................................................................. 416
Entering machine code in an application ................................................................................................ 416
Selecting connection options.................................................................................................................... 416
Selecting a connection mode.................................................................................................................... 417
Setting communication module parameters............................................................................................. 417
POST-PROCESSOR PL7.................................................................................................................................... 418
Communication module ........................................................................................................................... 418
Generating an executable file .................................................................................................................. 419
Direct generation of a binary file ......................................................................................................................... 419
Generating an « .FEF » executable file................................................................................................................ 421
Using interrupt tasks................................................................................................................................423
Specific examples..................................................................................................................................... 423
Analog inputs/outputs.......................................................................................................................................... 424
Fast counter TSX 37-10....................................................................................................................................... 424
Fast counter TSX 37-10 used in counting............................................................................................................ 424
Fast counter TSX 37-22....................................................................................................................................... 424
ASI....................................................................................................................................................................... 424
MAGELIS ........................................................................................................................................................... 424
POST-PROCESSOR PL72.................................................................................................................................. 425
Selecting processor type .......................................................................................................................... 425
Specific syntax elements........................................................................................................................... 425
Calling up PL72 function blocks ......................................................................................................................... 425
Using a fast task................................................................................................................................................... 427
Communication module ........................................................................................................................... 428
Specific examples..................................................................................................................................... 428
Analog inputs/outputs.......................................................................................................................................... 429
Fast counter.......................................................................................................................................................... 430
Text blocks and xbt.............................................................................................................................................. 430
UNITELWAY text blocks................................................................................................................................... 433
TOR extension module ........................................................................................................................................ 435
Conversion........................................................................................................................................................... 435
Time/date............................................................................................................................................................. 435
POST-PROCESSOR S7200 ................................................................................................................................436
Selecting CPU type .................................................................................................................................. 436
Communication module ........................................................................................................................... 436
Specific example....................................................................................................................................... 436
POST-PROCESSOR ABB .................................................................................................................................. 437
Selecting processor type .......................................................................................................................... 437
Processor AC31 ................................................................................................................................................... 437
Processor CS31.................................................................................................................................................... 437
Communication module ........................................................................................................................... 437
Utility ....................................................................................................................................................... 437
Specific examples..................................................................................................................................... 437
Analog inputs/outputs.......................................................................................................................................... 438
Interrupt ............................................................................................................................................................... 438
POST-PROCESSOR GE-FANUC / ALSPA....................................................................................................... 439
Selecting processor type .......................................................................................................................... 439
Communication module ........................................................................................................................... 439
Utility ....................................................................................................................................................... 439
POST-PROCESSOR STEP5............................................................................................................................... 440
Communication module ........................................................................................................................... 440
Application structure ............................................................................................................................... 440
Selecting program blocks to use .......................................................................................................................... 443
Selecting data blocks ........................................................................................................................................... 443
Selecting processor type .......................................................................................................................... 444
Associating code written on a sheet to a program block ......................................................................... 444
Specific syntaxes ...................................................................................................................................... 444
Setting blocks....................................................................................................................................................... 445
POST-PROCESSOR TSX 07 .............................................................................................................................. 447
Communication module ........................................................................................................................... 447
POST-PROCESSOR PS3-PS4 ............................................................................................................................ 449
Communication module ........................................................................................................................... 449
POST-PROCESSOR PS4.................................................................................................................................... 450
Module de communication....................................................................................................................... 450
Transferring programs to MOELLER SUCOSOFT software .................................................................. 450
Proceed as follows to import the file generated by AUTOMGEN in the MOELLER software then inject it in the
processor.............................................................................................................................................................. 451
POST-PROCESSOR RPX................................................................................................................................... 455
Selecting processor type .......................................................................................................................... 455
Communication module ........................................................................................................................... 455
Utility ....................................................................................................................................................... 455
POST-PROCESSOR PL71.................................................................................................................................. 456
Selecting processor type .......................................................................................................................... 456
Communication module ........................................................................................................................... 456
Fast counter task...................................................................................................................................... 456
Specific examples..................................................................................................................................... 456
Counting .............................................................................................................................................................. 457
Fast counter.......................................................................................................................................................... 457
POST-PROCESSOR PB...................................................................................................................................... 458
Selecting processor type .......................................................................................................................... 458
Communication module ........................................................................................................................... 458
Specific syntaxes ...................................................................................................................................... 458
POST-PROCESSOR SMC.................................................................................................................................. 460
Selecting processor type .......................................................................................................................... 460
Communication module ........................................................................................................................... 460
Specific syntaxes ...................................................................................................................................... 460
POST-PROCESSOR S7300 ................................................................................................................................461
Communication module ........................................................................................................................... 461
Specific syntaxes ...................................................................................................................................... 461
Setting block variables......................................................................................................................................... 462
Calling up blocks................................................................................................................................................. 462
Importing in SIEMENS SIMATIC software ............................................................................................. 463
Structure of generated code..................................................................................................................... 465
Selecting program blocks to use .......................................................................................................................... 469
Associating code written on a sheet to a program block ......................................................................... 469
Specific examples..................................................................................................................................... 469
Calling up a STEP7 block.................................................................................................................................... 470
Using an OB block............................................................................................................................................... 470
POST-PROCESSOR OMRON............................................................................................................................ 471
Select PLC model..................................................................................................................................... 471
Communication module ........................................................................................................................... 471
Transferring applications to the CX-PROGRAMMER software.............................................................. 471
Specific syntax.......................................................................................................................................... 474
Associating code written on a sheet to a program block ......................................................................... 474
Specific example....................................................................................................................................... 474
POST-PROCESSOR ALSPA.............................................................................................................................. 475
Communication module ........................................................................................................................... 475
POST-PROCESSOR ZELIO............................................................................................................................... 476
Communication module ........................................................................................................................... 476
POST-PROCESSOR FESTO .............................................................................................................................. 477
Communication module ........................................................................................................................... 477
Generating a binary file........................................................................................................................... 477
Importation in a FESTO software workgroup ......................................................................................... 477
POST-PROCESSOR ALLEN-BRADLEY ......................................................................................................... 479
Communication module ........................................................................................................................... 479
Transferring programs to ROCKWELL RS-Logix 500 Software............................................................. 479
POST-PROCESSOR TWIDO............................................................................................................................. 481
Processor configuration selection............................................................................................................ 481
Communication module ........................................................................................................................... 481
POST-PROCESSOR MITSUBISHI.................................................................................................................... 482
Selecting the type of processor................................................................................................................. 482
Communication module ........................................................................................................................... 482
Transferring programs to MITSUBISHI FX-WIN software.................................................................... 483
Transferring programs to MITSUBISHI GX-DEVELOPPER software.................................................. 483
POST-PROCESSOR MITSUBISHI-Q ............................................................................................................... 485
Communication module ........................................................................................................................... 485
Transferring programs to MITSUBISHI GX-DEVELOPPER software.................................................. 485
POST-PROCESSOR GEM.................................................................................................................................. 486
Communication module ........................................................................................................................... 486
POST-PROCESSOR ZELIO 2............................................................................................................................ 487
Initializing the automaton........................................................................................................................ 487
Configuring the module ........................................................................................................................... 487
Communication module ........................................................................................................................... 487
POST-PROCESSOR PANASONIC.................................................................................................................... 488
Selecting the configuration of the automaton .......................................................................................... 488
Communication module ........................................................................................................................... 488
If you are installing AUTOMGEN from the AUTOMGEN CD-ROM, place
it in your CD-ROM drive.
The installation is launched automatically.
If this does not occur, launch the “Setup.exe” executable which is in the
CD-ROM root.
Configuration required
PC compatible computer, with:
- 256 MB memory (depending on the operating system: the operating
system itself may require more memory),
- graphics board with a resolution of at least 1024 x 768 in 65536 colors.
Installation in a network
AUTOMGEN can be installed in a network environment.
Execute the installation procedure on the “server” PC (make sure you
have all of the access rights when you carry out the procedure).
To launch AUTOMGEN, on the client PCs, create a shortcut to the
“autom8.exe” executable of the AUTOMGEN installation directory on the
server PC.
Refer to the chapter “additional information on installing AUTOMGEN in
a network environment” for more information about installing
AUTOMGEN and licenses in a network environment.
AUTOMGEN8 15 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
New features of AUTOMGEN8
Choice of “Beginner / Expert” mode
“Beginner” mode allows beginners to use a “simplified” environment that
is extremely easy to use.
Increased integration of the Grafcet 60848 standard
The new elements of this standard can now be accessed in the
contextual program editing menus.
Compatibility of files
The files generated by all of the AUTOMGEN8 versions can be re-read
by all of the AUTOMGEN8 versions.
Physical engine integrated to IRIS3D
The TOKAMAK motor is integrated to IRIS3D. This enables an extremely
realistic simulation of the 3D operational units to be obtained.
Enhanced 3D object handling in IRIS3D
The saving and re-reading of objects and behaviors allows you to
manage libraries of easily reusable objects. Predefined objects
(cylinders, conveyor belts, etc) are proposed as standard. A 3D
operational unit simulation application can now be created in just a
couple of mouse clicks.
Improved links between AUTOMGEN and IRIS3D objects
Enhanced modes allow you to easily handle displacements of complex
objects between AUTOMGEN and IRIS3D. An AUTOMGEN variable
can, for example, give the speed of an object directly. Position reporting
can also be simulated in the manner of an absolute encoder.
Textured IRIS3D objects
Textured objects now provide IRIS3D with extraordinarily realistic
AUTOMGEN8 16 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Drag and drop from IRIS3D to AUTOMGEN sheets
A right click on the IRIS3D objects allows you to access the list of
variables and “drag” a reference over to a programming sheet.
AUTOMSIM user-definable object
AUTOMSIM users will appreciate the new user-definable object, which
will allow you to create your own objects.
(see the section of this manual devoted to AUTOMSIM)
Drag and drop from AUTOMSIM to AUTOMGEN sheets
A click on the AUTOMSIM objects allows you to “drag” a reference over
to a programming sheet.
Improvements to the environment
Finally, numerous improvements to the environment, such as the
magnifying glass in the design palette, the simplified palettes in
“beginner” mode, or personalizing menus make AUTOMGEN even more
AUTOMGEN8 17 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
When AUTOMGEN is launched, a choice of mode for the environment is
proposed. “Beginner” modes make it possible to start using AUTOMGEN
in a “simplified” configuration, with a reduced number of options in the
menus and simplified palettes. This mode is especially suited to people
using AUTOMGEN for the first time. Expert mode offers all of the
applications. You could create your own models (see “project models”).
AUTOMGEN8 18 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
General views
AUTOMGEN’s main window in “Expert” mode
The environment is fully customizable. The tool bars can be moved (by
dragging their moving handle ) and parameterized (menu
“Tools/Customize the environment”).
The state of the environment is saved when you quit it. This state can
also be saved in a project file (see the project options).
AUTOMGEN8 19 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
alettes Workspace
AUTOMGEN’s main window in “Beginner” mode
AUTOMGEN8 20 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Selecting targets in expert mode
At the bottom of the browser window there is a “Targets” tab, allowing
access to the list of post-processors installed.
The active target is indicated with a red tick. Access
to targets displayed in grey is not authorized for the
license installed (see the “Licenses” chapter for
more details). To change the current target, double-
click on the corresponding line. The targets shown in
this list are the ones selected at installation time. If
the target you want to use is not shown in this list,
re-launch the AUTOMGEN installation and install it.
Selecting targets in beginner mode
In beginner mode, the following window is opened to allow the target to
be selected each time a program is run.
AUTOMGEN8 21 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Palettes in expert mode
At the bottom of the browser window there is a “Palette” tab, allowing
access to program design elements.
The palette gives a set of elements that can be
selected and placed on the sheets. To select an
element, left-click with the mouse in the palette,
expand the selection, release the mouse button,
click in the area selected and move the area
towards the sheet.
The palette also contains the list of symbols for
the project. You can grab them and drag them
onto a test or an action on a sheet.
A magnifying glass is automatically shown when
the elements displayed are small.
Palettes in beginner mode
In beginner mode, the palette contains a reduced group of the simplest
tools for designing programs. Left-click with the mouse over a category
to “open up this category” like a tree structure.
The palette in “beginner” mode
” elements allow access to sub-elements.
AUTOMGEN8 22 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
The palette in “beginner” mode showing the “Grafcet” category open
The “ ” element allows a category to be closed.
AUTOMGEN8 23 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Displaying or hiding the project window or message window
Select the « Project » or « Messages » option from the « Window »
Displaying the work space in full screen mode
Select the « Full screen » option from the « Display » menu. Click on
to exit full screen mode.
Keyboard shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts are written in the menus. « Masked » shortcuts can
also be used:
CTRL + ALT + F8 Save the project in executable
CTRL + ALT + F9 Save the project
CTRL + ALT + F10 Access project properties
CTRL + ALT + F11 Display or hide AUTOMGEN
Parameters can be set for the entire
environment, its state is saved when you
close AUTOMGEN. Environment windows
can be hidden. The « Windows » menu is
used to display them again. The work space
can be displayed in full screen mode. The
tabs at the bottom of the browser window are
used to access selection for the current post-
processor and the graphics palette.
AUTOMGEN8 24 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
A license establishes AUTOMGEN user rights. The following elements
are established by license:
- the number of all or none inputs/outputs that can be used,
- post-processors that can be used,
- the number of users (only for network licenses).
Registering a license
When you install AUTOMGEN, you can use it for free for a period of 40
You must register your license within 40 days.
To register your license, send IRAI:
- the serial number printed on the label glued to the software box, or
the reference of your delivery note or order form,
- the user code provided with the software indicating the PC where
you have installed the product.
You will then receive an enable code (also called validation code).
The « License » option in the AUTOMGEN « File » menu can be used to
display the status of your license and obtain a user code (click on
« Registering the license »).
License status.
AUTOMGEN8 25 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
A user code is valid for a period of 10 days.
So a maximum period of 10 days can pass from when you send a user
code to IRAI and when you receive an enable code provided by IRAI.
Sending a user code to IRAI
There are various methods you can use. Exchanging codes by e-mail is
highly recommended as it limits the risk of error.
A single error in the code will prevent the license from
being registered.
Sending a file by e-mail (the best solution)
License registration dialogue box
To generate a file containing your user code, click on « Save user code
in a file ». You can then transmit the file with « .a8u » extension as an
attachment and send it to the address
AUTOMGEN8 26 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Copying the user code in an e-mail message
By clicking on « Copy user code to clipboard », you can then paste the
code in the body of the message and transmit it to the e-mail address
By fax (not recommended)
By clicking on « Copy user code to clipboard », you can then paste the
code in a document and send it by fax to 00 33 4 66 54 91 33. If possible
avoid writing the code by hand and print it using a font which
differentiates between the letter « O » and the number zero.
By telephone (highly unadvisable)
By telephoning 00 33 4 66 54 91 30. Be sure to differentiate between the
letter « O » and number zero. Be careful of consonants which are difficult
to tell apart on the telephone (for example « S » and « F »).
Entering the validation/enable code
Validating by a e-mail received file
If you have received an « .a8v » file by e-mail, save the file on your hard
disk, click on « Read a validation code from a file » and select the file.
Validating for a code received in the text of an e-mail
Select the code in the message text (make sure you only select the code
and do not add any spaces to the end). Click on « Paste a validation
code from the clipboard ».
Validating for a code received by fax or telephone
Enter the code in the spaces under the title « Validation code ».
Modifying a license
Modification of a license Involves changing the elements authorized by
the license (for example adding a post-processor).
The license modification procedure is identical to registration.
AUTOMGEN8 27 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Moving a license from one computer to another
This procedure is more complex. The instructions below must be
scrupulously followed to obtain good results. In the instructions below,
« source » PC indicates the computer with the license and the « target »
PC is the PC where the license needs to be moved.
1- if it has not already been done, install AUTOMGEN on the target
2- generate an « .a8u » user code file on the target PC and move this
file to the source PC (for example on a floppy disk),
3- on the source PC, select the « Move the license to another place »
Dialogue box for moving a license
4- on the source PC, click on « Read a user code from a file » and
select the « .a8u » file that came from the target PC,
5- on the source PC, click on « Move the license »,
6- on the source PC, click on « Save the validation code in a file »,
recopy the generated « .a8v » file to the target PC,
7- on the target PC, click on « Read a validation code from a file »
and select the « .a8v » file that came from the source PC.
AUTOMGEN8 28 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Network licenses
The « akey8.exe » executable manages the network license. This
executable must be launched from one of the network computers. The
network must be able to be used with TCP IP protocol. When launched,
the network license manager is hidden and only a icon appears in the
WINDOWS keybar. To display the network license manager window,
double click on the icon in the keybar.
The network license manager
Up to 16 different licenses can be managed by the network license
manager. A network license is characterized by a number of users and a
type of copyright (number of all or none inputs/outputs and useable post-
processors). For each license the number of possible user/s, number of
connected user/s and list of connected users (using AUTOMGEN) is
AUTOMGEN8 29 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
displayed in a tree format attached to each license. Each license is
associated to a port number (a numeric value starting from 5000 by
default). The first port number used can be configured by clicking on
« Parameters ».
Adding a network license
You can add a license by clicking on « Add a license ». The license
registration principle is the same as for single license versions.
Modifying a license
Double click on the licenses to modify them. The license modification
procedure is the identical to that used for single license versions.
Connecting to client stations
Click on « Connect to a network license » to connect a client station to a
network license.
Connecting to a network license
The PC name (the one from the network) where the « akey7.exe » was
launched must be provided as well as the port number corresponding to
the desired license.
You must register your license with IRAI
( by sending your user
code by e-mail (« File/License » menu. The
network license manager is used to manage
multiple licenses on TCP IP network PC's.
AUTOMGEN8 30 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Additional information on installing AUTOMGEN in a network
General information
Two aspects of the AUTOMGEN installation have to be considered:
installing files on the one hand and managing licenses on the other.
These two aspects are completely separate: you can choose to install
the files either on the hard disk of the client PCs or else on a file server
and, completely independently of this, choose to install either a license
locally on a PC or else a network license on a network license manager.
Installing AUTOMGEN8 on a file server
Benefit: the AUTOMGEN8 files are installed just once on a file server,
and updates are simplified.
Procedure on the file server: install AUTOMGEN8. Rights needed: read-
access is sufficient.
Procedure on the client workstations: create a shortcut to the
“autom8.exe” executable, which is in the AUTOMGEN8 installation
directory on the file server.
Installing one or more AUTOMGEN licenses on a network license
Benefit: the licenses are no longer restricted to one PC but can be used
by all of the PCs connected to the network (floating licenses).
Principle: one or more licenses are installed on one of the network’s
PCs. A license authorizes from 1 to n users. AUTOMGEN8 may be
launched on client PCs upto the maximum number of users. A license
has the same features for all users in terms of the number of
inputs/outputs that can be used and the types of post-processors that
can be used. If several configurations (several types of licenses) are
AUTOMGEN8 31 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
needed, then as many licenses will be created as there are different
types of configurations. When AUTOMGEN8 is launched on the client
PCs, a connection will be created to one or other of the licenses
depending on the features that are wanted.
Actual example: setting up a network of 4 16 I+16 O PL72 licenses, 4 16
I+16 O PL7 licenses + 2 unlimited I/O PL7 licenses. For this: 3 licenses
will be created on the network license manager: 1 license for 4 16 I+16 O
PL72 users, 1 license for 4 16 I+16 O PL7 users, 1 license for 2 unlimited
I/O PL7 users.
Where to install the network license manager: on one of the network’s
PCs (it does not have to be the server) which must be running all the
time (whenever a user would like to use AUTOMGEN8).
Technical constraints: the network must support TCP/IP, the PC where
the network license manager is located must be able to run a WINDOWS
program (application or service).
Installation on the network license manager: on the PC where the
network licenses are going to be managed, install the main
AUTOMGEN8 module + the network license manager.
Registering one or more licenses on the network license manager:
launch the network license manager: (AKEY8.EXE executable, located in
the AUTOMGEN8 installation directory). When launched, the license
manager sets up an icon in the bottom right of the WINDOWS task bar.
Left-click once with the mouse to open the window.
Click on “Add a license” to add a license.
Click on “Save the user code in a file” to generate an .n8u file that you
will e-mail to us at the address “”: we will send back an
.n8v file that you will connect up by clicking on the “Read a validation
code from a file” button.
The licenses installed in this way will then be shown in the network
license manager with the serial number and characteristics of the license
and the associated port number. It is this port number that will allow
clients to connect to a specific license.
AUTOMGEN8 32 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Installation on the client workstations: launch AUTOMGEN , and in the
“File / License” menu select “Connect to a network license”.
Enter the name of the PC where the network license manager is running
(or its IP address) and the port number (this number makes it possible to
identify the license you want to connect to, if there is more than one).
It is also possible to add an argument in the AUTOMGEN launch
shortcut in order to force connection to one network license.
The argument is:
/NETLICENSE=<name of the PC where the network license manager is
Make sure that “NETLICENSE” is correctly spelled: S not C at the end.
For example:
Several launch shortcuts can be created in order to connect to different
Possible problems: if you use a firewall, make sure access is authorized
to the ports used by the network license manager (those displayed in the
network license manager).
Installing the network license manager as a service under WINDOWS
NT, 2000, XP, 2003 and VISTA: see the following chapter.
Displaying the status of the licenses remotely: to display the status of the
network license manager on a different PC from the one on which the
network license manager has been launched (or if the “service” version
of the network license manager is being used), use the
“spya8protnet.exe” utility, which is located in the AUTOMGEN8
installation directory.
Installing the network license server as a service
The “NT Service” key server allows the AUTOMGEN network licenses
to be managed on a WINDOWS NT4, 2000, 2003, XP or VISTA
AUTOMGEN8 33 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
workstation without opening a session. Unlike the AKEY8.EXE
“executable” version, AKEY8NT.EXE does not allow either the
protections or the connected users to be displayed.
Before installing the key server as an “NT service”, you are
recommended to make sure that the key server works properly with the
“executable” version: AKEY8.EXE.
Launch the “akey8nt –i” command line to install the NT key server
service. The AKEY8NT.EXE executable is installed in the AUTOMGEN
installation directory.
So that the service starts automatically:
- under WINDOWS NT4: in the “Start/Parameters/Configuration
Panel” menu, select the “Services” icon the “AKEY8” line, click on
the start button and select the “Automatic” button.
Reboot your PC so that the key server is activated.
- under WINDOWS 2000, 2003, XP or VISTA: in the
“Start/Parameters/Configuration Panel” menu, select the
“Administrative Tools” icon then the “Services” icon. Right-click with
the mouse on the “AKEY8” line and select “properties”. In the
“Startup Type” option, select “Automatic”. In the “Recovery” tab,
select “Restart the service” in the “First Failure” area.
Launch the “akey8nt –u” command to uninstall the NT key server
After having uninstalled the AKEY8NT.EXE service, use AKEY8.EXE to
determine the cause of any malfunctions.
AUTOMGEN8 34 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
The project
AUTOMGEN8 is strongly based on the idea of a project. A project groups
together the elements that compose an application. The browser (see
page Erreur ! Signet non défini.) displays all the project elements
(sheets, symbols, configuration, IRIS objects etc.) in a tree format.
The new file format of AUTOMGEN (files with « .AGN » extension)
includes all project elements.
When you save an « .AGN » file you are assured of saving all the
elements of an application. You can easily and effectively interchange
applications created with AUTOMGEN.
« .AGN » files are compacted with « ZIP » technology, they do not need
to be compressed to be interchanged, their size is already optimized.
All the files generated by AUTOMGEN8 can be re-read with all of the
versions of AUTOMGEN8: upward and downward compatibility.
Files generated with AUTOMGEN 7
The files created with AUTOMGEN can be opened directly in
Importing an application from an earlier version of AUTOMGEN
(version 6 or earlier)
You need to import all of the sheets (“.GR7” files) and any symbol file
(“.SYM” file). To do this, use the import procedures described in the
following chapters.
Generating a free distribution executable file
The « Generate an executable » command from the « File » menu
is used to generate an executable starting from a project in
progress (an « .EXE » file executable on a PC with WINDOWS).
The AUTOMGEN « viewer » is automatically integrated with the
generated executable (the executable user does not need
AUTOMGEN). This viewer makes it possible to use the
application without modifying it. You can easily distribute your
AUTOMGEN8 35 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
applications. The generated executable is not covered by
copyright. This technique is normally used for producing a
supervising application.
Modifying project properties
With the right side of the mouse click on the « Project» element on the
browser and select « Properties » from the menu.
Modifying security options
You can restrict reading or modification access to a project by
Advanced options
« Save the environment aspect with the project »: if checked, the position
of the windows and the aspect of the toolbars are saved in the « .AGN »
file. When the project is opened, these elements are reproduced.
« Hide the main window upon launching … »: if checked, the
AUTOMGEN window is hidden when the project is opened. Only IRIS
objects incorporated in the project will be displayed. This option is
normally used to create « package » applications which only leave IRIS
objects displayed. Use the [CTRL] + [F11] keys to redisplay the
AUTOMGEN window.
The other options are used to change the display of the AUTOMGEN
window when a project is opened.
User interface
« Block IRIS object configuration »: if checked, a user cannot modify
IRIS object configuration.
The other options are used to modify the behavior of the user interface.
« This project is a document model »: if checked, when opened all the
options and the documents it contains act as a model for the creation of
a new project. This functionality is used to create standard configuration
which can be uploaded when AUTOMGEN is launched (for example a
default symbol file or a default processor configuration).
Defining a mode
To define a mode that can be used when launching AUTOMGEN (like
the “Expert” and “Beginner” modes), save a project model in the
AUTOMGEN8 36 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
“models” sub-directory of the AUTOMGEN installation directory. An
image can be linked to a model. To do this, create a “jpg” format file with
the same name as the “.agn” file. This file must have the following
dimensions: 120 pixels wide by 90 pixels high.
Automatic GO
«Automatic go at project launch »: if checked, the application is
automatically run when a project is opened.
The project is used to group together the
elements of an AUTOMGEN application.
Once regrouped, the elements form a
compact file with « .AGN » extension. The
project models are used to be able to easily
manage different software configurations.
Generation of executables makes it easy to
distribute applications.
AUTOMGEN8 37 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
The Browser
A central element for application
management, the browser is used for
fast access to different application
elements: sheets, symbols,
configuration, printing, IRIS objects etc.
The « + » and « - » icons are used to
develop or retract project elements.
Actions on the browser are effected by
double clicking on the elements (opens
the element) or by clicking with the right
side of the mouse (adds a new element
to a project, special action on an
element etc.).
Certain operations are effected by
dragging and dropping the elements and
moving them on the browser.
The colors (generally called up at the
bottom of documents in the work space)
are used to identify families of elements.
Browser tree
AUTOMGEN8 38 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
A sheet is a page where a program or part of a program is designed.
Using sheets is extremely simplified in AUTOMGEN8. The sheet
chaining orders needed in the previous versions are no longer used. For
multiple sheets to be compiled together, they only need to be in the
The icons associated to the sheets are shown below:
- normal sheet,
- normal sheet (excluding compilation),
- sheet containing a macro-step expansion,
- sheet containing a function block program,
- sheet containing a key,
- sheet containing a key (excluding compilation).
- sheet containing an encapsulation,
Icons are marked with a cross indicating a closed sheet (not displayed in
the work space). Double clicking on this type of icon opens (displays) the
associated sheet.
Adding a new sheet
With the right side of the mouse click on the « Sheets » element on the
browser then select « Add a new sheet ».
Select the sheet size (XXL is the
recommended format, the other
formats are for older versions of
used for creating GEMMA
The sheet can be given any
name, but each project sheet
must have its own name.
The comment area is up to your
discretion for modifications or
other information relative to each
AUTOMGEN8 39 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Importing old AUTOMGEN version sheets, importing CADEPA sheets
With the right side of the mouse click on the « Sheets » element on the
browser then select « Add one or more existing sheets ».
Selecting one or more sheets to import.
From the « Type » list select « AUTOMGEN » or « CADEPA » for the
sheet type to import then click on OK.
There are some restrictions for importing
CADEPA sheets:
- the step numbers must be individual (the
same step number cannot be used on
multiple sheets),
- references must be converted with links to
CADEPA before being able to import
By keeping the [CTRL] key pressed down, you can select multiple
Modifying the sheet compilation order
The sheets are compiled in the order they are listed in for the project. To
modify this order, click on the sheet with the left side of the mouse on the
browser and move it in the list.
AUTOMGEN8 40 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Deleting a sheet from the list
With the right side of the mouse click the sheet to be deleted on the
browser and select « Delete » from the menu.
Exporting a sheet to a « .GR7 » file
With the right side of the mouse click the sheet to be deleted on the
browser and select « Export » from the menu.
Copying, Cutting, Pasting a sheet
With the right side of the mouse click the sheet on the browser and
select « Copy/cut » from the menu. To paste, with the right side of the
mouse click on the « Sheet » element on the browser and select
« Paste ».
This option makes it possible to copy or transfer sheets from one project
to another.
Renaming a sheet
See « Modifying properties » below.
Modifying sheet properties.
With the right side of the mouse click the sheet on the browser and
select « Properties » from the menu.
AUTOMGEN8 41 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
You can modify the
sheet name, the syntax
used for literal
language and variable
names. The « Do not
compile this sheet »
option is used to
exclude the sheet from
the compilation. The
« Display in GEMMA
format» option is only
available if the sheet
format is GEMMA and
is used to display and
modify a sheet in
GEMMA format. The
« Block the of use
inputs/outputs other
than set symbols »
option blocks the use of
i, %i, o %q variables
not attributed to
symbols. Access to the
sheet can be protected
by a password. -The
« comments » area is
left to your discretion.
The list of symbols provides the correspondence between « symbol »
names and variable names. A project may only have one symbol table.
Creating a symbol table
With the right side of the mouse click on the « Symbols» element on the
browser and select « Create a symbol table » from the menu.
Importing a symbol table
With the right side of the mouse click on the « Symbols» element on the
browser and select « Import a symbol table » from the menu.
AUTOMGEN8 42 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
This section contains all the post-processor configuration elements (see
the post-processor manual for more information).
Compiler options
Double click on this element to modify the settings of compiler options.
This is used to access the file printing function (double click on the
« Print » element. You can print a complete file composed of an end
paper, cross reference table, symbol list and sheets. The print setup
function is used to display all these elements.
AUTOMGEN8 43 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Generated files
Generating the instruction list in pivot code
By double clicking on « Pivot code » you generate a list in low level literal
language (AUTOMGEN pivot code). Viewing of the generated code is
normally reserved for specialists involved in understanding the
translation methods used by the compiler.
Generating the cross reference list
Double clicking on the « Cross reference » element generates and
displays the list of variables used in an application with any associated
processor variables and the name of or sheet(s) where they are used.
The other elements concern the files generated by the post-processors:
instruction lists are in processor language.
Contains the tools to display and modify the state of the variables.
Viewing and modifying a variable or variable table
With the right side of the mouse click on « Settings » and select
« Monitoring » to open an element where you can see the state of a
variable or variable table.
Next variable Close
Select a
Open the
Modify the state
of another
A monitoring window.
AUTOMGEN8 44 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Modify the
variable state by
clicking in this
The monitoring window in « 10 variables table » mode.
Click on this button to display
the expanded information
(automaton symbols and
names of variables)
associated with each variable
The monitoring window in “Variables Table” mode
Re-size the window by
dragging one of the
edges in order to see
more or fewer variables
Click on these buttons
to change the size of
the information
displayed in the table
AUTOMGEN8 45 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
IRIS objects
IRIS 2D objects are used to create consoles, supervision applications
and simulation applications of 2D operating parts. IRIS 3D is used to
create simulation applications of 3D operating parts. Each IRIS 2D object
appears in the project tree (see the chapters IRIS 2D references and
IRIS 3D references for additional information).
Adding an IRIS 2D object
Click with the right side of the mouse on « Add an IRIS 2D object ». The
object selection assistant is used to select it and set its parameters.
Selection assistant for an IRIS 2D object
AUTOMGEN8 46 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Deleting an IRIS 2D object
With the right side of the mouse click on the IRIS object on the browser
and select « Delete » from the menu.
Displaying or hiding an IRIS 2D object
With the right side of the mouse click on the IRIS object on the browser
and select « Display/hide » from the menu.
Cutting, copying, pasting an IRIS 2D object
With the right side of the mouse click on the IRIS object on the browser
and select « Copy » or « Cut » from the menu.
To paste, with the right side of the mouse click on the « Sheet » element
on the browser and select « Paste ».
To paste an IRIS object on a console, select « Paste» from the console
menu or click with the right side of the mouse on the console on the
browser and select « Paste».
Adding a new IRIS 2D object on a console
Select « Add an object » from the console menu or click with the right
side of the mouse on the console on the browser and select « Add an
object on the console » from the menu (for more information on the
console see the chapter « Console » object)
Modifying the properties of an IRIS 2D object
With the right side of the mouse click on the IRIS object on the browser
and select « Properties ». For higher level objects (parent objects),
special properties can be accessed:
AUTOMGEN8 47 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Properties of high level objects
Display establishes under which conditions the object is displayed or
hidden. The reinstallation option is used to return an object to its initial
state when dynamic display is launched (normally used for OP simulation
Setting an object model accessible on the assistant
With the right side of the mouse click on the IRIS object on the browser
and select « Save as model » from the menu.
AUTOMGEN8 48 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Selection of modifiable parameters for users of your models
You can select the list of parameters which remain accessible to the user
on the assistant. By clicking on « Save », you save your object model.
The storage directory for object models is « <AUTOMGEN installation
directory>\i2d\lib ». You can use a sub-directory called « my objects » for
saving your models.
Importing an IRIS 2D object in an earlier version of AUTOMGEN
With the right side of the mouse click on the « IRIS» element on the
browser and select « Import IRIS 2D objects ». Select one or more
« .AOF » files.
Creating an IRIS 3D console
With the right side of the mouse click on the « IRIS » element on the
browser and select « Add an IRIS 3D console » (see the chapter on IRIS
3D for more information).
AUTOMGEN8 49 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
This project element is used for adding all types of files to a project. Files
which are added will become an integral part of the project and will be
saved along with the other elements. To refer to a pseudo directory
where the resources are, the key word « <RESDIR> » can be used in the
specific directory name in AUTOMGEN. For example IRIS objects can
refer to bitmaps if they are included in the resources.
Adding a file to the resources
With the right side of the mouse click on the « Resources» element on
the browser and select « Add » from the menu.
Deleting a file from the resources
With the right side of the mouse click the resource file on the browser
and select « Delete ».
Renaming a file in the resources
With the right side of the mouse click the resource file on the browser
and select « Rename ».
Modifying a file in the resources
With the right side of the mouse click the resource file on the browser
and select « Modify ».
Adding and converting 3D STUDIO files in the resources
3D STUDIO files can be converted into .x files and added to the
resources by clicking with the right side of the mouse on the
« Resources » element on the browser and selecting « Import 3D files »
(see the chapter IRIS 2D references and IRIS 3D references for more
External modules
These elements are reserved for executable modules developed by third
parties and interfaced with AUTOMGEN.
AUTOMGEN8 50 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
The browser is used to display and manage
all the project elements. By double clicking
on the elements or by clicking with the right
side of the mouse, you access the different
functions applicable to each element.
AUTOMGEN8 51 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Designing programs
Various tools are available for designing programs.
Designing with the assistant
This is without doubt the simplest when starting with AUTOMGEN. With
the right side of the mouse click on an open sheet in the work space and
select « Assistant » from the menu. You will then be guided for making
selections. When you have finished click on « OK » and put the design
on the sheet by clicking with the left side of the mouse.
The assistant
AUTOMGEN8 52 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Designing with the shortcut menu
Click with the right side of the mouse on an open sheet in the work
space, the menu will propose a series of elements that you can put on
the sheet. This is an instinctive and fast creation method.
Designing with the pallet
By selecting elements on the pallet you can quickly create programs
starting from previously created elements.
Enhancing and customizing the pallet
« .GR7 » files are used to set the pallet, they are located in the directory
« <AUTOMGEN installation directory>\pal ». You can delete, modify,
rename or add files. To generate « .GR7 », files use the « Export »
command by clicking with the right side of the mouse on a sheet on the
browser. The names displayed on the pallet are « .GR7 » files. Relaunch
AUTOMGEN for a new element to be displayed on the pallet.
Designing with the keyboard keys
Each key is associated to design blocks. The « Blocks » element also
provides access to the blocks. The table below lists the blocks and their
Delete block
Aspect Associated key Generic name Comments Languages
[A] Delete
Used to make a cell blank
again All
Link blocks
Aspect Associated key Generic name Comments Languages
[E] Vertical link
Link from top to bottom
or bottom to top All
[F] Horizontal link
Link from right to left or
left to right All
AUTOMGEN8 53 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Link towards the bottom
right or bottom left
[G] Upper left corner All
[H] Upper right corner
Link towards the bottom
left or bottom right All
Link from top to right or
left to top
[I] Lower left corner All
[J] Lower right corner
Link from top to left or
right to top All
[Z] Cross Crosses two links All
Grafcet blocks
Aspect Associated key Generic name Comments Languages
[B] Step Normal step Grafcet
Initial step without
activation Initial step without
[C] Grafcet
[D] Initial step Initial step Grafcet
Only available in the
shortcut menu Grafcet
[+] Encapsulating step
An encapsulation must
be linked Grafcet
[-] Initial encapsulating step An encapsulation must
be linked Grafcet
Défine intial state for an
Initial state mark Grafcet
[T] Transition Transition Grafcet
[$] Source transition
Can replace the
transition symbol Grafcet
[£] Exit transition
Can replace the
transition symbol Grafcet
AUTOMGEN8 54 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Link for action on
transition crossing Use the following
element to design the
action rectangle
Start of an action
rectangle on transition
Use the [X] and [Y]
elements to end the
Left limit of an « And »
divergence Compulsory to the left
of an « And »
[K] Grafcet
Supplementary branch
of an « And »
divergence or an
« And » convergence
Do not use as a left or
right limit of an « And »
[L] Grafcet
Right limit of an
« And » divergence Compulsory to the right
of an « And »
[M] Grafcet
Extension of an « And »
divergence If placed in the [K], [L],
[M], [P] or [O],[P],[Q],
[L] blocks
[N] Grafcet
Left limit of an « And »
convergence Compulsory to the left
of an « And »
[O] Grafcet
Supplementary branch
of an « And »
convergence or an
« And » divergence
Do not use as a left or
right limit of an « And »
[P] Grafcet
Right limit of an
« And » convergence Compulsory to the right
of an « And »
[Q] Grafcet
Do not use as a limit of
an « Or » convergence
[R] « Or » divergence Grafcet
Do not use as a limit of
an « Or » divergence
[S] « Or » convergence Grafcet
« Or » convergence or
[U] Skip or repeat left step Grafcet
« Or » convergence or
[V] Skip or repeat right step Grafcet
AUTOMGEN8 55 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
[SPACE] on an
[E] block For relooping and
repeating steps
Link towards the top Grafcet
Flowchart blocks
Aspect Generic name Comments Languages
Separates the « test »
from the « action »
[0] (zero) Flowchart assignment Flowchart
Complements the
block input signal
[1] « Not » function Flowchart
Combines the inputs in
an « And » logic
[2] « And » function Flowchart
Combines the inputs in
an « Or » logic
[3] « Or » function Flowchart
[4] Block environment
Enlarges an « And » or
« Or » function block Flowchart
Ends an « And » or
« Or » function block
[5] Bottom of block Flowchart
Ladder blocks
Aspect Associated key Generic name Comments Languages
[(] Start left coil Starts an action Ladder
[)] Start right coil Ends an action Ladder
[U] Left limit Ends the diagram Ladder
[V] Right limit Starts the diagram Ladder
[R] Connection « Or » function Ladder
[S] Connection « Or » function Ladder
AUTOMGEN8 56 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Action blocks
Aspect Generic name Comments Languages
Action rectangle left
[W] Starts an action Grafcet and Flowchart
Action rectangle
[X] Extends an action Grafcet and Flowchart
[Y] Action rectangle
right limit Ends an action Grafcet and Flowchart
[.] Left side of a
double action
Starts a double action
rectangle Grafcet and Flowchart
Middle of a double
action rectangle Prolongs a double
action rectangle
[/] Grafcet and Flowchart
Right side of a
double action
Ends a double action
[%] Grafcet and Flowchart
[S] Divergence Action
Used to vertically
juxtapose action
Grafcet and Flowchart
[V] Divergence Action
Used to vertically
juxtapose action
Grafcet and Flowchart
Action on
activation Defines the type of
[#] Grafcet
Action on
deactivation Defines the type of
[_] Grafcet
action Defines the type of
[@] Grafcet
AUTOMGEN8 57 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Test blocks
Aspect Generic name Comments Languages
[7] Left limit of a test Starts a test Flowchart and ladder
[6] Right limit of a test Ends a test Flowchart and ladder
Organization chart blocks
Aspect Generic name Comments Languages
Organization chart
input Indicates the input in a
rectangle Organization
Output if a test
rectangle is false Organization
[=] « False » output
Function block blocks
Aspect Generic name Comments Languages
Upper left corner of a
function block Starts the name of the
function block
[8] Function block
Upper right corner of a
function block Ends the name of the
function block
[9] Function block
Lower left corner of a
function block Adds an input to the
function block
[:] Function block
Left limit of a function
block Adds an input to the
function block
[;] Function block
Right limit of a
function block Adds an output to the
function block
[>] Function block
Lower right corner of a
function block Adds an output to the
function block
[?] Function block
AUTOMGEN8 58 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Other blocks
Aspect Generic name Comments Languages
Combination /
transition link This block is a link
between the Logical
Diagrams or Ladder
languages and the
Grafcet language
Grafcet /
Flowchart /
Documenting program elements
To document program elements, click below with the left side of the
mouse. To create comments, click on a blank space on the sheet. To
validate modifications, push the [Enter] key or click outside the editing
are with the left side of the mouse. To delete modifications, push the
[Esc] key or click outside the editing area with the right side of the
When editing tests and actions, a « … » button appears under the editing
area. If you click on it you access an assistant for creating tests or
AUTOMGEN8 59 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Test creation assistant
Adding symbols
To create a symbol, click with the right side of the mouse on the symbol
table in the work space and select « Add ». Or click the button on the
toolbar. You can also launch program compiling containing unset
symbols. You will be asked for variables corresponding to the symbols
during the compilation.
AUTOMGEN8 60 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Attribution of symbols during compilation
To easily design a program, create a new
sheet, then click with the right side of the
mouse on the bottom of the sheet. Select
« Assistant » from the menu, you will then
be guided by it.
AUTOMGEN8 61 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Running an application
To run an application easily
The button on the toolbar is the quickest way to see application run
results. This pushbutton activates the following mechanisms:
- compilation of the application if it is not updated (not already
compiled after the last modifications),
- installation of the run module (with downloading if the current target
is a processor and following the connection options),
- passage of the target to RUN,
- activation of the dynamic display.
To end the run
Click on . On the processor target, the program continues to be run
on the target. On the PC, the program is stopped.
To compile only
Click on .
To stop the compilation
Click on .
To connect to a processor or install a PC
Click on .
To disconnect a processor or uninstall a PC
Click on .
To put the target in RUN mode
Click on .
To put the target in STOP mode
Click on .
To initialize the target
Click on .
AUTOMGEN8 62 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
To run a program cycle on the target (generally not supported on
Click on .
To activate the dynamic display
Click on .
To run an application, click on the « GO »
button. To end the run, click again on the
same button.
AUTOMGEN8 63 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
The compiler
The compiler translates the sheets into a set of pivot language equations
(these can be displayed by double clicking on the « Generated code /
pivot language » element on the browser).
The pivot language is then translated into a language which can be run
by a post-processor (the current post-processor can be displayed and
selected by double clicking on the « Targets » panel accessible by
clicking on the « Targets » tab at the lower part of the window where the
browser is.
Modifying compiler options
Double click on the element « Configuration / Compiler options».
Displaying compilation messages
The « Compilation » panel on the messages window contains the counts
produced by the last compilation.
Finding an error
By double clicking on error messages, you can find the source.
An error message and its source
AUTOMGEN8 64 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
If the message windows are hidden and if one or more errors are
detected by the compiler, a dialogue box indicates the first error detected
(to display the message windows: use the « Messages » command from
the « Windows » menu).
At the end of the compilation the
« Compilation » window provides a list of
any errors. By double clicking on the error
messages, the site in the program that
caused the error is displayed.
AUTOMGEN8 65 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Running programs on a PC
The « run PC» target is an actual processor loaded in your PC.
You can:
- test your applications,
- drive a virtual operating part created with IRIS 2D or 3D,
- drive input/output cards connected to the PC.
Configuring the number of variables
Double click on the « Configuration / Post-processors / Executor PC /
Variables » element.
Selecting the number of variables
The space needed for the variables used in the application is
automatically reserved by default. You can manually select the amount
of memory to reserve for each type of variable. This may be necessary if
an indexed addressing is used to access a variable table.
AUTOMGEN8 66 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
PC system variables
Bits 0 to 99 and words 0 to 199 are system variables and can not be
used as user variables in your applications. The two tables below provide
details on the PC system variables.
Bits Use
0 active at first cycle, activation of initial Grafcet steps
1 to 4 reserved for I/O drivers
5 to 7 reserved for I/O driver errors
8 error on watchdog overflow is equal to 1
9 and
10 error general PC fault
11 run mode 1=RUN, 0=STOP
12 emergency stop pass to 1 in the event of an error or set to 1 to stop the program
13 to
29 reserved for drivers
30 bit associated to timer 1
31 bit associated to timer 2
32 bit associated to timer 3
33 bit associated to timer 4
34 bit associated to timer 5
35 bit for repeating sector (pass to 1 on repeat sector, reset to zero is the job of the
36 setting this bit to 1 causes reading of the clock in real time and transfer to System
words 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 51 and 52.
37 setting this bit to 1 causes writing of System words 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 51 and 52 in the
real time clock.
38 to
55 reserved
56 division by zero
57 to
67 reserved for future versions
68 to
99 reserved for the stack of boolean processing
Words Use
0 reserved for the upper part of the multiplication result or the remainder of the
1 to 3 timers in milliseconds
4 timer in 1/10 second
5 timer in seconds
6 timer in minutes
7 timer in hours
8 timer in days
9 to 29 reserved for I/O drivers
30 timer 1 counter
AUTOMGEN8 67 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
31 timer 2 counter
32 timer 3 counter
33 timer 4 counter
34 timer 5 counter
35 timer 1 procedure
36 timer 2 procedure
37 timer 3 procedure
38 timer 4 procedure
39 timer 5 procedure
40 lower part of clock reference
41 upper part of clock reference
42 to
50 reserved for I/O drivers
51 timer in months
52 timer in years
Modifying the run period
Double click on « Post-processors / Executor PC / Run ».
Setting the run period
Driving inputs/outputs
Double click on « Configuration / Post-processor / Executor PC / I/O
Drivers ».
AUTOMGEN8 68 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Adding an I/O driver
Select a driver from the list on the right and then click on « Add ».
« Set parameters » is used to configure certain drivers.
The executor PC transforms your PC into a
program processor, it can be used to drive
inputs/outputs directly connected to your
AUTOMGEN8 69 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
IRIS 2D references
IRIS 2D objects are used to create supervision and simulation
applications of 2D operating parts.
The link between the objects and the automatically functioning
applications is always created by interchanging the variable state.
IRIS 2D objects are contained in WINDOWS windows.
An IRIS 2D object
IRIS 2D objects have two possible states: the « Configuration » mode
(used to modify the object characteristics) and « Use » mode (for using
an object). The « User » mode is also called « Employ » mode.
Modifying object display
The objects can be hidden or displayed. This property can be specified
when opening an object or when changing the state of the dynamic
display in the environment. Only higher level objects (not objects located
on a console) can be displayed or hidden. Objects located on a console
are displayed or hidden at the same time as the console.
To dynamically modify the visibility of objects, click with the left side of
the mouse on the objects on the browser and select « Display/Hide ».
To modify the display properties, click with the left side of the mouse on
the objects on the browser and select « Properties ».
AUTOMGEN8 70 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Display properties of an object.
Modifying object characteristics
Removing an object
Method 1: click the button on the surface of the object.
Method 2: with the right side of the mouse click on the object on the
browser and select « Delete » from the menu.
Dimensioning an object
By dragging the object from one of its edges you can enlarge or shrink it
(you can also precisely modify the size of an object by accessing its
properties, see below).
Moving an object
Drag the object by clicking with the left side of the mouse on the minibar
located on the upper part of its surface.
Putting an object in « User » mode
Method 1: click on the button on the object with the left side of the
Method 2: click with the right side of the mouse on the object.
Putting an object in « Configuration » mode
Click with the right side of the mouse on the object.
Modifying the characteristics of an object
Method 1: click on the button.
Method 2: push down the [CTRL] key on the keyboard and click with the
right side of the mouse on the object, then release the [CTRL] key.
AUTOMGEN8 71 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Method 3: with the right side of the mouse click on the object on the
browser and select « Properties » from the menu.
Block access to configuration for all objects
With the right side of the mouse click on « Project » on the browser,
select « Properties » and check « Block IRIS 2D object configuration »
on the « Advanced » tab.
Basic objects, preset objects
The basic objects set major functionality types. Preset objects are based
on a basic type and a configuration to meet a specific need. For an
example, an emergency pushbutton is an object derived from a basic
object used to create pushbuttons and lights. To access preset objects,
use the assistant by clicking with the right side of the mouse on the
« IRIS » element on the browser and select « Adding an IRIS 2D
object ».
List of basic objects
« Console » object
The console object is the only object which can contain other objects on
its surface. It is used to create command consoles and animation
surfaces for virtual operating parts. This object has a pushbutton used
to manage objects on its surface: add, move, delete etc.
The « Button and light » object
This is used to create pushbuttons and lights that interact with the
processing application variables.
The« Object » object
This is a polymorphic element primarily used to simulate operating parts.
The « Digital value » object
This is used to display numeric values of the processing application in a
number format.
The « Screen, keyboard, message list » object
This is used to display information on the processing application in a text
AUTOMGEN8 72 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
The « Sound » object
This is used to produce output sounds when the variable state of the
processing application changes.
The « Data archive » object
This is used to display processing application data in a table or chart
format and save them in the computer memory or on the disk.
The « Program » object
This is used for processing run separately from the processing
The « Dialogue box » object
This is used to display messages in a pop-up window format regarding
changes in the variable state of the processing application.
The « Analog value » object
This is used to display processing application numeric variables in an
analog numeric format (bars, dials etc.).
Practical experience
In this chapter you will be able to quickly create your first IRIS 2D
application. We are going to create a console, put a pushbutton on it and
link the object variables to the processing application.
Step 1
Creating a minimal application with AUTOMGEN see chapter Designing
This is a Grafcet with one step as shown below.
AUTOMGEN8 73 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Step 2
Launch the run of the AUTOMGEN application (click on the « Go »
button on the toolbar).
Step 3
With the right side of the mouse click on the « IRIS » element on the
browser and then select « Add an IRIS 2D object » from the menu. In the
« Basic objects » category, double click on « Console ».
At this point the object will appear on the screen in this format:
Step 4
To add a pushbutton to the console click on the console icon (menu
access) and select the « Add an object » option. In the « Basic objects »
category, double click on « illuminated button ».
The object will then appear on the console:
Step 5
Now we are going to associate the pushbutton to a processing
application output, for example %Q4. Click the pushbutton icon (not
the console icon). The pushbutton properties dialogue box will open:
AUTOMGEN8 74 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Click the « Links » tab (upper part of the dialogue window). In the
« Action when button is pressed » section enter « %Q4=1 ». In the
« Action when button is released » section enter « %Q4=0 ». Then click
on « OK » on the pushbutton on the lower part of the dialogue window.
Actions on the pushbutton will drive processing application output 4. You
can open a « Monitoring » window from the « Set-up » menu by clicking
with the right side of the mouse on the browser. You display the state of
output 4 when you click then release the pushbutton.
Step 6
We are going to associate a light to the « Illuminated Button » object, this
light will be associated to a processing application input (for example 12).
Click the pushbutton icon again. In the « Aspect » tab click on the
« Pushbutton and light » radio button. Click on the « Links » tab and
enter « %i2 » in the « Light state » section. Click on the « OK »
pushbutton in the lower part of the property dialogue window. You can
keep the state of variable « %i2 » modified (with a « Monitoring » window
or by modifying the state of the physical input, if it exists).
AUTOMGEN8 75 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Step 7
We are going to duplicate the « Illuminated Button » on the console in
order to obtain a second pushbutton whose properties we will modify.
Click on the pushbutton with the left side of the mouse while pressing
down the [SHIFT] key. Black squares will appear around the selected
object. Click on the console icon and select the « Copy » option.
Click on the console icon and select the « Paste » option. Now there
are two overlapping « Illuminated Button» objects. Drag the upper one (it
is the only accessible one) by its upper bar and move it away from the
other pushbutton. The object which has been duplicated has the same
properties as the first. Now you can set the parameters for the second
object, for example, so it is linked to output 5 and input 3.
You can also customize the aspect of the pushbuttons by using the
aspect tab for the two objects. You can modify the size of the objects by
dragging their edges.
The three objects on the screen (console and two pushbuttons) are in
« Configuration » mode, this means that they have a mini bar on the
upper part of their surface, icons and edges for modifying their
dimensions. The objects have another mode called « Employ », in this
mode their aspect is permanent: the upper bar, icon and edges for
modifying the dimensions no longer exist. To tilt an object, click on it with
the right side of the mouse.
At this point you will have created an object that looks like this:
AUTOMGEN8 76 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Creating an autonomous supervision application
To create an autonomous supervision application (without developing a
processing application with AUTOMGEN) follow the procedure below:
- create correspondences for the AUTOMGEN variables and the
processor variables by double clicking on the « Configuration /
Post-processor / <post-processor name> / Variable
correspondence » element (see the post-processor manual for
more information).
- compile the application by clicking on the button on the toolbar
(this validates the variable correspondence).
- configure the connection mode on « Only connect » by double
clicking on « Configuration / Post-processor / <post-processor
name> / Connection option ».
- the « Automatic go » project option is used to obtain an application
which automatically connects to the target to be started.
- the « Generate an executable » on the « File » menu is used to
obtain an autonomous supervision application which is zipped and
not covered by copyright in the format of a single executable file.
Syntax for accessing the state of variables
You can use variable names in AUTOMGEN , IEC 1131-3 or a symbol
syntax. The « » pushbuttons located near the drag areas in the object
are used to access the assistant for selecting a variable name.
Boolean state
This syntax is used in the object « states » section.
To test the state of a boolean variable, use the variable name, for
example: « i0 », « %q0 », « gate open ».
To test the complement state of a boolean variable, add a character « / »
in front of the variable name, for example: « /i4 », « /%M100 », « /high
level ».
To test the equality of a numeric variable with a constant, use the name
of the numeric variable followed by « = », « < », « > » and a constant, for
example: « %MW200=4 », « speed>2 ».
AUTOMGEN8 77 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
The complement state is used for creating « if different », « if less than or
equal to» and « if greater than or equal to » tests, for example:
« /%MW201<300 ».
The operator '&' is used to test a bit of a numeric variable, for example
M200&4 tests the third bit (4 = 2 power 3) of word m200.
Numeric state
This syntax is used in the object « states » section.
To read the state of a numeric variable, use the variable name, for
example: « %MW300 », « m400 », « pressure », « _+V_ ».
Modifying the state
This syntax is used in the object « order » section.
To modify the variable state, add the « = » sign followed by a constant
after the variable name.
The following constants are used for boolean variables:
« 0 », « 1 », « F1 » (set to 1), « F0 » (reset), « UF » (end set), for
example: « %Q0=1 », « %I10=F1 », « %I12=UF ».
For numeric variables, the constant is a number, for example:
« M200=1234 », « speed=4 ».
Special orders
The following key words can be used in the object order sections:
« RUN »: puts the target in RUN mode,
« STOP »: puts the target in stop,
« INIT »: initializes the target,
« STEP »: effects a step on the target,
« GO »: identical to the environment GO command,
« ENDGO »: stops the GO command,
AUTOMGEN8 78 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
« EXIT »: exits the environment,
« UCEXIT »: exits the environment without asking for confirmation,
« OPENAOF(<object>) »: displays an object. « <object> » designates an
object by its title and identifier number (configured in object properties)
with the « #identifier » syntax.
« CHAINAOF(<object>) »: displays an object and hides the current
object. « <object> » designates an object by its title and identifier number
(configured in object properties) with the « #identifier » syntax.
Interchanging objects
« PARENTPARAM(parameter {+n} {-n}) »
This is used for a sister object to access a parent console parameter.
The parameter must be set in the parent console « Links / Data for sister
objects » section. See the chapter « Console » object SISTERPARAM(
identifier , parameter)
When used for the OBJECT object, this syntax makes it possible to read
an object's value. See the « Object » object.
SETPARAM( identifier , parameter , value)
Used to modify the object parameter.
To access the list of parameters that can be modified, click with the right
side of the mouse on « Illuminated Button» while editing the action areas
of an object, then select the « Parameters » command.
Details of a « Console » object
« Aspect » tab
This is used to set the aspect of the console window: presence of edges,
a title bar (in this case a title can be given) presence of close and reduce
icons. If you check « Display help messages » you set-up a message
area at the bottom of the window, the size of this area is automatically
established based on the selected font (see below). If this area is not set,
messages from the sisters will be displayed on the parent console of the
console and on the bottom of the AUTOMGEN environment window (if
the object does not have a parent).
AUTOMGEN8 79 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Console background
This establishes the console background: color (see below), transparent
(accessible only if the console is the sister of another console), bitmap
(the background is set by a « .BMP » file, for example created with
This is used to select the color for the console background (if a colored
background is selected - see above), the background and the characters
of the help message display area (if this area is valid - see above).
Fonts for the help area
This establishes the font used for displaying help messages at the
bottom of the console.
Object size
This establishes object dimensions in number of dots. These values can
be modified to precisely set the size of an object.
Help text and bubble text.
« Bitmap » tab
If the console background contains a bitmap (see « Aspect » tab) the
editing area must contain a complete access name to a « .BMP » file (16
color, 256 color and 24 bits formats are supported).
The « SCAN » and « EDITOR » pushbuttons are respectively used to
search for a « .BMP » file and edit a file with WINDOWS PAINTBRUSH
« Links » tab
Data for sister objects
This editing area is used to set parameters that sister objects can access
with the key word « PARENTPARAM ». One setting per line must be
written. Each setting must comply with the following syntax:
AUTOMGEN8 80 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
« Options » tab
This is used to set a grid (invisible) for positioning objects. Only the
« Move» command on the console integrated menu uses the grid. Grid
values are expressed in number of pixels. Values 0 and 1 cancel the grid
effect. This function must be used to perfectly align objects.
Resetting sisters
If you check « Continue to reset sisters ... » you establish that the sister
must continue to be updated when the console is changed to an icon.
This option is used, when it is not selected, to increase system
performance when a console changed to an icon only contains visual
« Sisters » tab
This section contains the list of console sister objects. The « Properties »
pushbutton is used to directly open the properties dialogue box for the
sister selected from the list. The « Destroy » pushbutton eliminates the
selected object. The « Positions » editing areas are used to set object
« External » tab
Executable name
Name of an executable file operating on the console.
Parameters provided on the command line for the executable.
AUTOMGEN8 81 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Details of an « Illuminated Button » object
« Aspect » tab
Object type
This is used to select the object type: pushbutton, light or pushbutton
integrated with a light.
This is used to select the object color. If the object is a pushbutton, the
« Background off » setting represents the color of the pushbutton. If the
object is a light or a pushbutton integrated with a light the « Background
on » setting establishes the color of the background when the light is on
and « Background off » when the light is off. If the object aspect is
established by a bitmap only the character color can be set.
Object size
This establishes object dimensions in number of dots. These values can
be modified to precisely set the size of an object. This is necessary if the
object aspect is established by a bitmap.
This is used to select character font and size. The font file used must be
present on the PC where the program is run.
This is used to specify the text displayed on the object, its position, its
print direction as well as the help text displayed when the button is
pressed and a bubble text which is displayed when the cursor is placed
on the object.
« Links » tab
Action when
This is used to set the actions to be effected when the button is pressed
and when it is released.
An action can be setting the state of a variable, for example:
O0=1, m200=4, _depart cycle_=3
Or a preset key word
Configuration example where the input 10 reflects the pushbutton state
(i10 to 0 if the button is released, i10 to 1 if the button is pressed):
AUTOMGEN8 82 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Action when the button is pressed: i10=1
Action when the button is released: i10=0
Light state
Establishes the light state. This section must contain the name of a
variable which drives the light: 0 = light off, 1 = light on.
For example:
b31, o4, _light init_, m200=50, m400<8, m500&16
This is used to refer to an object in relation to the other objects.
Deactivation condition
This is used to deactivate the light. If this section contains a variable
name, then that variable deactivates the object if it is true.
« Options » tab
Type of pushbutton
This establishes if the pushbutton is bistable (it remains pressed)
monostable or a combination of the two: monostable with a simple click
and bistable with a double click.
This is used to associate a key to a pushbutton. If this key or
combination of keys is present on the keyboard then the pushbutton will
be pressed.
Different syntaxes can be used to set the key code:
a simple character: For example A, Z, 2,
the $ character followed by hexadecimal key code,
the name of a function key, for example F5.
For combinations of keys CTRL+ or SHIFT+ must be added to the
For example: CTRL+F4 or SHIFT+Z.
This is used to specify a bitmap which contains the design of an object.
AUTOMGEN8 83 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
The « Resize the image » option is used to extend the bitmap over the
entire surface of the object.
The bitmap file contains the four possible object aspects: button released
light off, button pressed light off, button released light on, button pressed
light on.
Even if the file is a pushbutton without a light or a light there are always
four aspects of which only two are used.
The bitmap file is divided horizontally in four.
The « Different aspect if the cursor is on the object… » option is used to
display a different image when the cursor passes over the object.
If this option is checked, the bitmap file contains 8 aspects, four
supplementary aspects are added to the right of the bitmap to contain
the design of the object when the cursor is on the object.
AUTOMGEN8 84 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
If WAV files are selected, the object can produce sounds if the object is
pressed, released or if the cursor is on the object.
Details of a « Digital value » object
« Aspect » tab
This is used to set the type of display:
Always display the sign: display the '+' sign for positively signed
Signed value: sets the signed or unsigned mode for 16 or 32 bit
integers (only base 10),
Display all digits: display the 0 at the beginning of the value if
Establishes the display base for 16 and 32 bit integers.
This is used to select the background colors of the object (if it is not
transparent) and the characters.
This is used to select character font and size. The font file used must be
present on the PC where the program is run.
AUTOMGEN8 85 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Number of digits
Sets the length of the integer and decimal parts.
This is used to select either a colored or transparent (if the object is only
placed on one console) background.
Object size
This establishes object dimensions in number of dots. These values can
be modified to precisely set the size of an object.
« Texts » tab
Bubble Text
Text displayed in a bubble when the user puts the cursor on the object.
Text displayed before and after the value
This is used to display information to the left and right of a numeric value.
« Links » tab
Variable or symbol
This designates the variable to display. To access a time delay counter
or procedure the following syntax must be used:
for the counter: COUNT (time delay), example: COUNT(t3),
for the procedure: PRED(TIME DELAY), EXAMPLE: PRED(t7),
The Variable state can be modified
If this is checked then the user can modify the variable state by clicking
on the object.
Details of an « Analog value » object
« Aspect » tab
This is used to set the type of display.
Print direction
This establishes print direction: horizontal or vertical.
AUTOMGEN8 86 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
This is used to select the background colors of the object (if it is not
transparent) and the object.
This is used to select either a colored or transparent (if the object is only
placed on one console) background.
Object size
This establishes object dimensions in number of dots. These values can
be modified to precisely set the size of an object.
Bubble text.
« Links » tab
Variable or symbol
This designates the variable linked to an object (a word or a counter).
User action …
This establishes if a variable can be modified by the user.
« Limits» tab
Minimum, maximum
Minimum and maximum values.
Start angle, end angle
To display the type of dial which establishes the start angle and end
angle. The values are expressed in degrees:
AUTOMGEN8 87 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
« Graduations » tab
Using the graduations
This validates or invalidates the use of graduations
Start value, end value
Values displayed for the graduations, these values can be signed and/or
floating point numbers.
No small graduations, no large graduations
No graduations (two levels) related to start and end values. These values
can be floating point numbers.
This establishes the characters used for the graduations.
Area N°1, area N°2 and area N°3
This is used to establish colored areas. « Start value » and « End value »
set each area. The color for each area is specified by three components
of red, green and blue between 0 and 255.
This establishes the character and graduation color. Again here the
colors are expressed by their three components: red, green and blue.
AUTOMGEN8 88 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Details of « Screen, keyboard, message list » object
Links with the application
The link between the object and the application is made using word
To send data to a type of object (with or without the keyboard) the data
must be placed starting from the second word of the reception table plus
the length of the data in the first word in the table (maximum length is
255). Each word contains a datum.
The data can be: an ASCII character, a number of a preset message +
8000 hexa, or a special command: 100 hexa deletes the window, 200
hexa displays the date, 300 hexa displays the time, 400 displays the
message number.
When the object has reread the available data in a table it resets the first
word to 0 to indicate that the operation has been effected.
The principle is the same for « with keyboard » objects: the first word of
the transmission table contains the number of characters entered on the
keyboard, the following words contain the characters (one per word). The
application must reset the first word to 0 when it has used the data.
The interchange table for the « Message box, alarm list » object has a
fixed length of 10 words. As is true for the « Screen » type the first word
starts the message display. If it is different than 0 it designates a
message number to be displayed. Only registered messages can be
displayed. The first word can also take an ffff hexa value to clear the
message box.
Description of 10 words used for interchanges with the « Message box »:
Word 0 represents the first word on the table, Word 1 the second, etc.
Word 0: message number to be displayed if 0 is no messages or ffff hexa
to clear all messages,
Word 1: class number for the message (see chapter message classes
for a more detailed explanation).
AUTOMGEN8 89 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
The following words establish the date and time and can displayed for
each message. A value equal to ffff hexa asks the object to use the
current computer date and time (this does not include milliseconds).
Word 2: day
Word 3: month
Word 4: year
Word 5: hours
Word 6: minutes
Word 7: seconds
Word 8: milliseconds
Word 9: reserved (put 0)
Message classes
Message classes are used to classify messages into families which
share the following characteristics: background color, character color and
an icon.
there are two preset classes:
the information message class: blue characters on a white
background, icon , it bears the number -1,
the alarm message class: white characters on a red background, icon
, it bears the number -2.
Other classes can be set by the user.
A bubble text can be associated with the object.
« Aspect » tab
Object type
This is used to set an object type. See chapter links with the application
This is used to select the background colors of the object and the
This is used to select the character font used for displaying texts.
Object size
This establishes object dimensions in number of dots. These values can
be modified to precisely set the size of an object.
AUTOMGEN8 90 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Bubble text.
« Links » tab
Reception, transmission
This sets the first variables of the reception and transmission tables.
These areas can contain a variable name or symbol.
« List » tab
These sections do not regard « Message box » objects.
If this is checked an icon is displayed before the messages.
If this is checked a message class number is displayed
Days, Months, Years, Hours, Minutes, Seconds, 1/1000 seconds
If these are checked each one of these elements is displayed.
If this is checked a message is displayed.
If this is checked a message display number is displayed.
Message classes
This editing area is used to establish new message classes. Each line
sets a class. The following must appear in order and be separated by
commas on each line: the background color three components red,
green and blue), the character color (three components red, green and
blue), the class name, the bitmap file name for the icon associated to the
For example:
Red background color, black character color, ALARM class name, file
containing icon: « alarm.bmp ».
AUTOMGEN8 91 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
« Options » tab
Displaying character hexadecimal codes
This option is used to display hexadecimal code for each character in
place of its ASCII representation. It is used for « Screen ... » type objects
and is normally used for starting up programs.
Horizontal, vertical scroll bar
Displays or hides scroll bars.
Converting OEM characters to ANSI
If this is checked, the characters from the processing application are
automatically converted from OEM characters (MS-DOS) to ANSI
characters (WINDOWS). The reverse conversion is applied to characters
which drive the object for the processing application.
Duplicating messages to ...
This section can receive a file or peripheral name (for example, « LPT1 »
for the printer) It is possible to specify multiple files and/or peripherals by
separating them with a comma. The displays will be automatically
duplicated: Printing « edge of the water ».
Associating a message storage file ...
This is used for setting a file which will be associated to the object and
used for storing information. If this file exists then the messages will be
saved (according to the number set in the « number of memorized lines»
section, when the number is reached the oldest data is deleted. When
the object is open, and if a storage file exists since its last use, then the
data contained in the file is transferred to the object.
Write the old message to ...
This is used to set a file or a peripheral which receives old messages
(the messages which are eliminated from the storage file to make room).
Number of memorized lines ...
This establishes the message storage file capacity in number of lines.
The value 0 attributes the maximum space that can be used (not a fixed
AUTOMGEN8 92 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
« Messages » tab
Preset messages
This editing box is used to document preset messages (one per line).
Details of « Data archive » object
« Aspect » tab
This is used to set the type of display.
The object can be represented in table format (figure 1.1) or graph
format (figure 1.2).
(figure 1.1) (figure 1.2)
This is used to select the font color when the object is in a table format
as well as color for marking values on the graph.
Object size
This establishes object dimensions in number of dots. These values can
be modified to precisely set the size of an object.
A bubble text associated with the object.
« Data » tab
First variable to read
This is used to select the first variable to be archived.
AUTOMGEN8 93 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Number of variables to read
This indicates to the ARCHIVE object the consecutive number of
variables to the « First variable to read » that it must archive.
Number of memorized registrations
This is used to size memory database.
A registration represents an acquisition of « n » variables (« n » is the
number of variables to read).
Periodic reading
Variable acquisition will be done at fixed intervals of ARCHIVE object
Start reading
Variable acquisition will be effected when the « Control word » has given
the order.
This is used to establish the time between two acquisitions. The time is
in Day(s)/Hour(s)/Minute(s)/Second(s)/Millisecond(s) format:
J for days
H for hours
M for minutes
S for seconds
MS for milliseconds
E.g.: 2J
E.g.: 2H10M15S
This is used to set a variable (a word) that controls the ARCHIVE object.
From the value taken in the count, its contents is reset by the ARCHIVE
Value Action
0 Nothing
1 Start an acquisition (Reading started)
2 Freeze the acquisitions
3 Restart archiving (after freezing)
4 Clear the memory database
5 Destroy the archive file
6 Activate « Save last acquisitions » mode
AUTOMGEN8 94 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
7 Cancel « Save last acquisitions » mode
« Options » tab
Use the image file
The image file is used:
At the end of using the ARCHIVE object, to save the database present in
the memory.
When the ARCHIVE object is launched, to reconstruct the database
present in the memory during the last use.
Using the archive file
Each acquisition is saved in the file in standard database format.
Acquisition date: This is used to display the acquisition date of a
Acquisition time: This is used to display the acquisition time of a
Hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds: This is used to configure the
acquisition time display.
The time display is effected downstream from the display of acquisitions
for the TABLE object (figure 3.1) or under the grid when it is set for the
GRAPH object (figure 3.2)
(figure 3.1) (figure 3.2)
« Tables » tab
This is used to select a font for displaying the column name, times and
acquisition value.
AUTOMGEN8 95 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Column name
This is used to set the column name for the TABLE object as well as the
display format for these columns (figure 4.1)
syntax: name, format
format * Display
no format specified Signed, decimal, visible
h Hexadecimal
d Decimal
ns Not signed
s Signed
nv Not visible
v Visible
* The different options can be combined, for example:
Format Display
d,ns,v Decimal without sign visible
(figure 4.1)
« Graph» tab
Minimum, maximum value
This is used to select the minimum and maximum values for displaying
Only values included between the minimum and maximum values will be
displayed on the screen.
AUTOMGEN8 96 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
This is used to set the display time.
This is communicated to the ARCHIVE object in the
day(s)/Hour(s)/Minute(s)/Second(s)/Millisecond(s) format:
J for days
H for hours
M for minutes
S for seconds
MS for milliseconds
E.g.: Display 2H30M10S
E.g.: Display 100MS
Plotting values on the graph
This is used to make a mark on the graph for each acquisition (figure
Displaying time
This is used to display the date and time of an acquisition of one or more
variables on the grid if it is open. Colors and fonts can be set for the time
Outline colors
This is used to set a color for each graph. The first graph has the color of
the first line, the second graph has the color of the second line etc.
Colors are in Red, Green, Blue format.
E.g.: 255,0,0 red outline
If a color is not set on a line, the graph corresponding to this line will not
be outlined.
(figure 5.1)
« Graduations » tab
Using the graduations
This validates or invalidates the use of graduations (figure 6.1).
AUTOMGEN8 97 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Start value, end value
Values displayed for the graduations, these values can be signed and/or
floating point numbers.
No small graduations, no large graduations
No graduations (two levels) related to start and end values. These values
can be floating point numbers.
Establishes the characters used for the graduations.
Area N°1, area N°2 and area N°3
This is used to establish colored areas. "Start value" and "End value" set
each area. The color for each area is set by three components of red,
green and blue between 0 and 255.
This establishes the character and graduation color. Again here the
colors are expressed by their three components: red, green and blue.
(figure 6.1)
« Grid » tab
Displaying the grid
This validates or invalidate grid display.
Not for ordinates
This sets the vertical pitch of the grid.
Not for abscissas
This sets the horizontal pitch of the grid. The pitch is in
Day(s)/Hour(s)/Minute(s)/Second(s)/Millisecond(s) format:
J for days
AUTOMGEN8 98 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
H for hours
M for minutes
S for seconds
MS for milliseconds
E.g.: 1J
E.g.: 2H30M15S
This is used to set a color for each grid.
The color is in Red, Green, Blue format
E.g.: 255,0,0 Red outline
AUTOMGEN8 99 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Details of « Object » object
« Aspect » tab
This is used to set one of the object type aspects:
« n bitmap aspects »: the object aspect is provided by a bitmap file
which can contain various aspects, see the chapter « Bitmap » tab
« n bitmap colors »: the object aspect is provided by a bitmap file, the
color is controlled by a processing application variable that replaces
the blank pixels of the bitmap. The other bitmap pixels must be black.
The processing application variable provides a color number, the
colors are set in the « Colors » tab.
« gauge bitmap »: the object is a gauge with a format set by a bitmap.
The blank bitmap pixels set the format. The other pixels must be black.
The minimum, maximum and print direction are set in the « Gauge »
« n format colors »: a rectangle, a rectangle with rounded edges or an
ellipse. The color is managed in the same manner as « n bitmap
colors ».
« gauge formats »: the object is a rectangular gauge. The principle is
the same as for a « gauge bitmap »
This is used to select the character color for the text displayed on the
This establishes the font used for displaying text on the object.
Object size
This establishes object dimensions in number of dots. These values can
be modified to precisely set the size of an object.
Help text and bubble text.
AUTOMGEN8 100 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
The text displayed on the object: the position and print direction can be
« Links » tab
Clicked object, not clicked object
This sets the actions to be effected when the user clicks on the object
and when the user stops clicking the object.
An action can be setting the state of a variable, for example:
O0=1, m200=4, _depart cycle_=3
Or a preset key word.
A configuration example where the input i10 reflects the clicked state of
an object (i10 to 0 if the object is not clicked, i10 to 1 if the object is
Clicked object: i10=1
Not clicked object: i10=0
Permanently connect with ..
This area can receive the identifier of a sister object. If this object exists
then the position of the object is modeled on it. The identifier of an object
is an integer value between 1 and 32767. It is specified in the
« Identifier» editing area of the « Links » section.
This area of the dialogue box contains 8 editing areas which can be used
to set different types of object behavior based on the processing
application variables.
No matter what their behavior they will always have a position which
depending on the type of object will design:
an aspect contained on a bitmap for the « n bitmap aspects » type
a color number for « n bitmap colors » or « n format colors »
filling for the « gauge bitmap » or « gauge format » types.
The « Position » area can contain a numeric variable name (C or M). The
areas « + Position » and « - Position » can contain a name of boolean
AUTOMGEN8 101 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Two types of operation are possible:
if the « + Position » and « - Position » areas are documented then the
boolean variables contained in them will drive the position: they add or
delete the value specified in the speed area. If the « Position » area is
documented then the current position is written in the variable which
contains the name.
if the « + Position » and « - Position » areas are blank then the value
containing the variable where the name is written in the « Position »
area will be read as the object position.
The position can vary between the values set in the « Min » and « Max »
Sensors can be added (boolean variable names) which will be true for
the minimum and maximum position (position equal to minimum or
Horizontal movement, vertical movement
These dialogue box areas each contain 8 editing areas respectively used
to set the horizontal and vertical position of the object. The principle is
identical to that described above.
« Formats » tab
For « n format colors » this section is used to select a rectangle, a
rectangle with rounded corners or an ellipse.
« Bitmap » tab
File name
For « n bitmap aspects, n bitmap colors and gauge bitmap » this editing
area must contain a complete access name to a « .BMP » file. These
files can be created with PAINTBRUSH or another graphics editing
program able to create « .BMP » files.
The « Scan » and « Edit » pushbuttons are respectively used to search
for « .BMP » files and to edit (launch of PAINTBRUSH) « .BMP » file if its
name is in the editing area.
Number of aspects
This editing area must contain the number of aspects (images) contained
in a « .BMP » file. This option is used for « n bitmap aspects ». The
different object aspects must be designed one under the other. The
highest aspect is the number 0.
AUTOMGEN8 102 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
« Wmf » tab
File name
For « Meta files » this editing area must contain a complete access name
to a « .EMF » file.
Example of a « .BMP » file with 4 aspects:
The bitmap has transparent areas ...
This option is used to create an object with certain transparent areas (the
background of the parent console will be displayed). The transparent
areas are set by pixels of the same color, a color established by the
three components, red, green and blue. To set these components use
the three scroll bars. The color must be precisely set: exactly the same
proportion of red, green and blue as the color of the pixels in the
transparent areas.
« Colors » tab
This area is used for « n bitmap colors » and « n format colors » Each
line contains the setting for a color. The syntax used for each line is:
proportion of red (between 0 and 255), proportion of green (between 0
and 255) and proportion of blue (between 0 and 255). The first line
designates color number 0, the second line number 1, etc.
This area is used for « gauge bitmap » and « gauge format ». The first
line (color 0) and the second (color 1) establishes the two colors of the
gauge (active and inactive part).
AUTOMGEN8 103 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
« Gauge » tab
This section is used for « gauge bitmap » and « gauge format ». The
« Minimum value » and « Maximum value » establish the limits for the
gauge drive variable.
Gauge print direction
This establishes one of the four possible directions for the gauge.
« Sensor» tab
The OBJECT object can be used as a sensor. The sensor is associated
with a boolean variable where the result is true if the sensor is in contact
with one or more of the preset colors (see below), otherwise it is false.
Detection position
This is used to set the side of the object which must be detected.
Detection is effected on the two edges of the selected side.
Example for a detection from below:
Detected colors
A sensor is capable of detecting up to three different colors. If one of
these three colors is at the test points then the boolean variable
associated to the sensor (see chapter « Links » tab) is positioned at 1,
otherwise it is positioned at 0.
The three editing areas can contain a color setting in the format of three
values between 0 and 255 which respectively correspond to the
percentages of red, green and blue. The percentages of these three
colors must exactly correspond to the colors of the object to be detected
in order for the sensor to work.
AUTOMGEN8 104 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
« Options » tab
Set a key used to simulate a click on an object.
Different syntaxes can be used to set the key code:
a simple character: For example A, Z, 2,
the $ character is followed by hexadecimal key code,
the name of a function key, for example F5.
For combinations of keys « CTRL+ » or « SHIFT+ » must be added to
the beginning
For example: « CTRL+F4 » or « SHIFT+Z ».
The TAB key is used to access this object
If this is not checked then the TAB key cannot be used to activate the
Advanced techniques
Dynamic object linking
This possibility is used to momentarily link one object to another. The « +
Position » and « - Position » parameters which manage the horizontal
and vertical position are used in a special way for linking one object to
another. These two parameters must contain the name of a numeric
variable (M). The « + Position » variable must contain the f000 value
(hexadecimal) and the « - Position » the identifier of the object to be
connected. The « + Position » variable is reset once the connection has
been made. To cancel the object connection the value f001
(hexadecimal) must be put in the « + Position » variable. See chapter:
Example of operating part simulation 1
Interchanging parameters between two objects
A object can access the parameters of a sister object by using the key
The syntax is:
SISTERPARAM(identifier of the sister object, parameter)
« parameter » can assume the following values:
STATE object state: Aspect/Color/Filling value
STATE same as above but with negative value
POSX position on horizontal axis
POSX same as above but with negative value
POSY position on y axis
AUTOMGEN8 105 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
POSY same as above but with negative value
POSX+STATE position on horizontal axis plus state
POSX+STATE position on horizontal axis minus state
POSY+STATE position on vertical axis plus state
POSY+STATE position on vertical axis minus state
Details of « Sound » object
« Aspect » tab
Object size
This establishes object dimensions in number of dots. These values can
be modified to precisely set the size of an object.
« Sounds » tab
Name of sound files
Complete access name to « .WAV » files.
Associated variables
The boolean variable associated to each sound.
Details of « Dialogue box » object
« Aspect » tab
Type of box
This is used to select the various controls present in the dialogue box:
only one OK button, two buttons OK and CANCEL, or two buttons YES
and NO.
This is used to select the icon that will appear in the dialogue box. There
are four different icons, but it is possible not to display any of them. It is
also important to note that a special system is associated to each icon.
See the section on the BEEP option for more information on the subject.
Object size
This establishes object dimensions in number of dots. These values can
be modified to precisely set the size of an object.
AUTOMGEN8 106 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
This is used to specify if the dialogue box display must be accompanied
by a sound warning.
This is used to specify the title of the dialogue box.
Message type
There are two possibilities. A preset message is a message present in
the processing application user variables. The other possibility is to
specify a message list in this case the displayed message is a function of
the monitored variable state.
« Links » tab
Variable name
This specifies the name of the variable to monitor. Boolean or numeric
variables can be entered.
For example:
m200, i0
If the variable is boolean, then message no. 1 on the list will be displayed
when the state of that variable passes to 1.
For a numeric variable, if the « Message list » configuration option is
checked, then the dialogue box will be displayed when the value is
between 1 and the number of messages memorized on the list.
For example, if the list contains 8 messages, then it will not display
anything when the variable assumes negative values or those over 8. On
the other hand, when the value is between 1 - 8, then the appropriate
message is displayed.
If the « Preset message » option is activated, then the dialogue box will
display a message of the length contained in the variable, and situated in
the processing application variables based on that variable.
For example. if m200=4, this means that a message 4 characters long is
situated in the 4 variables following m200, or rather m201, m202. m203,
AUTOMGEN8 107 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Dialogue box return code
With a boolean variable, no matter what action the user effects, it
contents will go to 0. For a numeric variable, there are different return
Press on an OK button: the variable assumes the value 8000 (hexa)
Press on an CANCEL button: the variable assumes the value 8001
Press on an YES button: the variable assumes the value 8002 (hexa)
Press on an NO button: the variable assumes the value 8003 (hexa)
Comment: Activation of a dialogue box is based on a rising edge, this
means passage from 0 to 1 for a boolean variable, and passage from a
value outside the message list range to a value included in it, for a
numeric variable.
This is used to refer to an object in relation to the other objects.
« Messages » tab
Message list
Enter the different preset messages in this area.
Details of « Program » object
Run time distribution
IRIS objects are run by turns. The run time distribution is managed in a
straightforward manner by the object manager. two priority levels are
possible for « PROG » objects: if Priority run » is checked on the
« Program » tab, then the whole program is run while the object is
present. Otherwise, only one line is run before the object yields. There
are exceptions to this rule: access functions to the processing variables
(« READVAR » and « WRITEVAR ») may cause yielding, the YIELD
function sets a yield. In priority run mode, this function must be used
inside a loop in order not to block running of other objects.
The object surface can be used for displaying information. The
« PRINT » function is used to display information.
AUTOMGEN8 108 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
The character « ; » (semicolon) is used as a separator. Comments can
be written between the chains « (* » and « *) ». There is no difference
between upper and lower case letters for key words and function names,
on the other hand, for variable names there is a difference.
Stating variables
The variables used in a program must be stated before the program
between the key words « BEGINVAR; » and « ENDVAR; ».
The following types of variables can be used:
INT 16 bit signed integer
UINT 16 bit unsigned integer
LONG 32 bit signed integer
ULONG 32 bit unsigned integer
STRING string of characters
FLOAT float
The general syntax of a statement is:
<type> <variable name>;
The general syntax for stating a variable table is:
<type> <variable name> [<length>];
For example:
INT counter; (* a 16 bit signed integer *)
STRING string; (*a string*)
(*a table of 100 32 bit unsigned integers*)
ULONG table[100];
Writing a program
The program must be written between the two key words « BEGIN; »
and « END; »
AUTOMGEN8 109 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
print "Good morning !";
16 bit integer: a decimal number between -32768 and 32727 where
"S" follows a hexadecimal number between 0 and FFFF. Example: 12,
-4, $abcd
32 bit integer: a decimal number between -2147483648 and
214743648 where "L" or "S" follows a hexadecimal number between 0
and FFFFFFFF followed by "L". Example: 10000L, -200000L,
string of characters: quotation mark characters followed by a string
followed by quotation mark characters. Controls characters can be
entered in a string. « \ n » replaces an LF character (ASCII code 10),
« \r » a CR character (ASCII code 13). Example: "Abcdef", "" (zero
string), "Follow\r\n"
- float: a decimal number followed by the character "R", the characters "."
are used to divide the integer part from the decimal part. Example: 3.14r,
The string «:= » indicates an assignment.
Calculation operators are evaluated from left to right. Parentheses can
be used to specify a calculation priority.
List of calculation operators:
+ addition (chaining for strings)
- subtraction
* multiplication
AUTOMGEN8 110 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
/ division
<< shift to the left
>> shift to the right
^ raise by a power
binary "and" AND
binary "or" OR
binary "exclusive or" XOR
IF <condition> THEN ... ENDIF;
IF <condition> THEN ... ELSE ... ENDIF;
IF (count<100) AND (count>10)
WHILE <condition> DO ... ENDWHILE;
AUTOMGEN8 111 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
WHILE count<1000
Variable or variable table address
The syntax &variable name or &variable table name provides the
address of a variable or variable table. This syntax is necessary for some
List of functions
For the proposed examples below, the following is supposed:
vint is an INT type variable, vlong is a LONG type variable, vuint is a
UINT type variable, vulong is a ULONG type variable, vfloat is a FLOAT
type variable, vstring is a STRING type variable.
Display function. The data to be displayed is written after and separated
by commas. Example:
print "The result is:",vint/12,"\n";
Complement. This function can be used with the if test to complement a
if not(1<2) then ...
Absolute value.
print abs(0-4); (* display 4 *)
Provides the value of a string expressed in decimal number format.
vlong=val("-123456"); (* vlong will contain -123456 *)
AUTOMGEN8 112 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Provides the value of a string expressed in hexadecimal number format.
vuint=hval("abcd"); (* vuint will contain abcd hexa *)
Provides the ASCII code of the first character of a string.
vuint:=asc("ABCD"); (* vuint will contain 65: ascii code of ‘A’ *)
Provides a string composed of one character where the ASCII code is
changed into a parameter.
vstring:=chr(65); (*vstring will contain string "A" *)
Provides a string composed of n characters. The first subject is the
number of characters, the second the character.
vstring:=string(100," ");
(* vstring will contain a string composed of 100 spaces *)
Converts an integer numeric value into a string representing the value in
vstring:=str(100); (* vstring will contain the string "100" *)
Converts an integer numeric value into a string representing the value in
vstring:=str(100); (* vstring will contain the string "64" *)
Provides the left part of a string. The first subject is the string, the second
the number of characters to extract.
vstring:=left("abcdef",2); (* vstring will contain"ab" *)
AUTOMGEN8 113 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Provides the right part of a string. The first subject is the string, the
second the number of characters to extract.
vstring:=right("abcdef",2); (* vstring will contain "ef" *)
Provides part of a string. The first subject is the string, the second the
position where the extraction begins, the third the number of characters
to extract.
vstring:=mid("abcdef",1,2); (* vstring will contain "bc" *)
Provides the length of a string.
vuint:=len("123"); (* vuint will contain 3 *)
Provides the cosine of a real value expressed in radians.
vfloat:=cos(3.14r); (* vfloat will contain the cosine of 3.14 *)
Provides the sine of a real value expressed in radians.
vfloat:=sin(3.14r); (* vfloat will contain the sine of 3.14 *)
Provides the tangent of a real value expressed in radians.
vfloat:=tan(3.14r); (* vfloat will contain the tangent of 3.14 *)
Provides the tangent arc of a real value.
vfloat:=atn(0.5r); (* vfloat will contain the tangent arc of 0.5 *)
Provides the exponential of a real value.
vfloat:=exp(1r); (* vfloat will contain the exponential of 1 *)
Provides the logarithm of a real value.
AUTOMGEN8 114 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
vfloat:=log(1r); (* vfloat will contain the logarithm of 1 *)
Provides the base 10 logarithm of a real value.
(* vfloat will contain the base 10 logarithm of 1 *)
Provides the square root of a real value.
vfloat:=sqrt(2); (* vloat will contain the square root of 2 *)
Provides a string representing the date.
print "The date is:",date(),"\n";
Provides a string representing the time.
print "The time is:",time(),"\n";
Provides a random number.
print rnd();
Opens a file. The first subject is the file name, the second the access
mode, which can be: « r+b » opening in reading and writing, « w+b »
opening in writing (if the file exists it is destroyed. The function provides a
long which identifies the file. If the opening fails, the value provided is 0.
Closes a file. The subject is the file identifier provided by the OPEN
AUTOMGEN8 115 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Writes data in a file. The first subject is the file identifier provided by the
OPEN function. The second subject is a variable address, the third the
number of bytes to be written. The function provides the number of bytes
actually written.
Reads data in a file. The first subject is the file identifier provided by the
OPEN function. The second subject is a variable address, the third the
number of bytes to be read. The function provides the number of bytes
actually read.
Moves a file pointer. The first subject is the file identifier provided by the
OPEN function, the second the position.
Effects a jump to a label in the subject. The subject is a string.
goto "end"
Effects a jump to a subprogram. The subject is a string containing the
subprogram label.
(* main program *)
call "sp"
(* subprogram *)
print "In the subprogram\n";
AUTOMGEN8 116 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Indicates the end of a subprogram.
Reads one or more variables of the processing application. The first
subject is the processing variable name (variable or symbol name). The
second subject is the variable or 32 bit (longs or floats) variable table
address The third subject is the number of variables to be read. If the
function is executed with no errors, the value of 0 is provided.
readvar("i0",&buff,16); (* read 16 integers starting from i0 *)
Writes one or more variables of the processing application. The first
subject is the processing variable name (variable or symbol name). The
second subject is the variable or 32 bit (longs or floats) variable table
address. The third subject is the number of variables to be written. If the
function is executed with no errors, the value of 0 is provided.
(* write 16 outputs starting from o0 *)
Executes a command. The subject is a string which specifies the
command to be executed. This function makes it possible to use preset
IRIS commands. For more information see the chapter Special orders . If
the command is executed with no errors, the value of 0 is provided.
AUTOMGEN8 117 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Yields control. This function is used so as not to monopolize the
execution when the object is run in priority mode.
Calls up a DLL. The first subject is the DLL file name. The second is the
function name. The third is a pointer on a 32 bit variable which will
receive the function return code. The other subjects are passed to the
dll "user","messagebeep",&vulong,-1;
Error messages
« separator ‘;’ missing »a semicolon is missing
« syntax error » syntax error detected
« variable set more than once » a variable set more than once
« not enough memory » the program run has saturated
the available memory
« variable not set » a variable used in the program
has not been set
« constant too big » a constant is too big
« program too complex » an expression is too complex,
it must be broken down
« incompatible variable or constant
type » a variable or constant is not
the expected type
AUTOMGEN8 118 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
« ’)’ missing » A closing parenthesis is missing
« ENDIF missing » The key word ENDIF is missing
« ’ENDWHILE’ missing » The key word ENDWHILE is
« label cannot be found » a goto or subprogram label cannot
be found
« ’)’ missing » the closing square bracket is
« element number outside limit » a table element outside of the
limits has been used
« too many overlapping ‘CALL’ » too many overlapping subprograms
have been used
«‘RETURN’ found without ‘CALL’ » RETURN found outside a
« variable size too small » the size of a variable is insufficient
« DLL file cannot be found » the DLL file cannot be found
« function cannot be found in DLL » the function cannot be found in the
DLL file
« division by zero» a division by 0 has been
« mathematical error » a mathematical function has
caused an error
« Aspect » tab
This is used to select the object background and character color.
AUTOMGEN8 119 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Object size
This establishes object dimensions in number of dots. These values can
be modified to precisely set the size of an object.
This is used to specify a bubble text which is displayed when the cursor
is on the object.
« Program » tab
This editing area contains the program.
If this is checked than the program is run.
Priority run
If this is checked than the program is run more rapidly.
Run at start-up
If this is checked then the program is run when the object is opened. This
option is used to save an object with the « Run » option not checked by
requesting a run when the object is loaded.
Go to the error
If an error has been detected when a program is running, then the
pushbutton is used to place the cursor in the place that caused the error.
AUTOMGEN8 120 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
IRIS 2D examples
The examples file names refer to the « Examples » subdirectory of the
directory where AUTOMGEN is installed.
Example of composed objects
This example is used to let you understand how to create a « Decimal
keyboard » object composed of keys. « 0 » to « 9 » plus a key [ENTER]
for validating.
You will create a « Console » object, then starting from the console
menu you will create an « Illuminated Button » object. We are going to
set parameters for this object then we will duplicate it to obtain other
keys. Then we will adjust the duplicated key properties to customize
them: text display on the key and action We will then have a keyboard
with a uniform key aspect.
Link with the application will be effected by using a word.
When a key is pressed it will write its code (0 to 9 or 13 for the validation
key) in that word.
To specify that word we can give its name in the action section of the
properties for each object. The problem is that when we reuse the
« Decimal keyboard » object and if we want to use another word, it is
necessary to modify the properties of the 11 « Illuminated button »
To get around this problem we are going to use the possibility that sister
objects have of accessing a parameter set in the properties of the parent
console. The « Links » tab of the console property window is used to set
the parameter. Only write on one line in the editing area.
« KEYBOARD=M200 ». This line means that the keyboard parameter is
equal to M200.
The keyboard keys refer to the « KEYBOARD » parameter and not
directly to word M200. To change the word used, just change the
parameter setting in the console properties.
Going back to the aspect of our keyboard...
AUTOMGEN8 121 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
In order for the aspect of the keyboard to be satisfactory we are going to
set a grid to align the keys. In the console properties window and the
« Options » tab write the value « 10 » in the two « Grids » sections This
way the function moved from the console menu will use a 10 pixel grid.
We are also going to set the dimensions for the first key. We can directly
modify the dimensions of the key by dragging it by its edges, but for
greater precision we are going to modify the dimensions form the
« Object size in pixels » section of the « Illuminated Button » object
window property tab.
For example, enter « 30 » for the width and height.
At this point you can also customize the style of the key. the color and
font used for marking etc.
We are going to place this first key to the upper left of the keyboard (this
is an arbitrary choice). The keyboard we are going to create will look like
the numberpad of a computer keyboard. We are then going to mark this
key with the text « 7 » in the « Text » section of the « Aspect » tab.
We are also going to set parameters for the functional aspect of the key:
in the « Action when the button is pressed » section of the « Links » tab
we are going to write: « PARENTPARAM(KEYBOARD)=7 ». This means
that when the pushbutton is pressed the word designated for the
« KEYBOARD » parameter of the parent console will receive the value 7.
Delete whatever is in the « Action when the pushbutton is released'»
We can also assign a computer keyboard key to the « Illuminated
Button » object. Then it will be possible to use the keyboard with the
mouse or computer keyboard. To assign a key to the « Illuminated
Button », object use the « Key » section of the « Options » tab. For
example, enter « 7 » to associate computer keyboard key « 7 » to the
AUTOMGEN8 122 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Then place key « 7 » at the upper left of the keyboard, like this:
To move this key, select the object ((SHIFT) key pressed, then click with
the left side of the mouse on the object), then use the « Move » function
from the console menu. This function is the only one which uses the grid
instead of moving by dragging the bar of sister objects.
To create other keys, duplicate the existing key:
select the first key,
select « Copy » from the console menu, then « Paste »
move the previously pasted key,
set parameters for the new key: (text, links and computer keyboard
When you have finished the above row (keys « 7 », « 8 » and « 9 ») you
can then select all three keys together and duplicate them.
You can create a validation key (wider for filling the surface of the
To finish, resize the console and put the objects in « Employ » mode.
AUTOMGEN8 123 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
The final result should look like this:
« Examples\IRIS2D\keyboard.agn »
Example of using the « Screen, keyboard, message list » object
as a message list
the object must display four different messages based on the state
of four inputs (i0 to i3),
for input 0: an information message « Start cycle »,
for input 1: an information message « End cycle »,
for input 2: an error message « Error 1 »,
for input 3: an error message « Error 2 ».
the messages must be displayed when the rising edge of the inputs
a record of 50 messages will be kept in the object and saved on
the disk,
the messages will be duplicated by a printer connected on
« LPT1: »,
a pushbutton must be used to delete the messages.
AUTOMGEN8 124 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
« Examples\IRIS2D\screen keyboard 1.agn »
Pressing on the pushbutton « Delete the messages » causes the « Do
you want to delete messages » dialogue box to open with a choice of
YES or NO.
« Examples\IRIS2D\Screen keyboard 2.agn »
Example of using the « SCREEN KEY » object as a terminal
Display a message « Enter a value », requires that a decimal value be
typed on the keyboard (two characters) then displays that value
multiplied by two after the « Result: » text.
« Examples\IRIS2D\terminal 1.agn »
AUTOMGEN8 125 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
The displayed messages are stored in the object and no longer in the
processing application.
« Examples\IRIS2D\terminal 2.agn »
Example of an application composed of multiple pages
This example will let you understand how to create an application
composed of multiple elements: in this case a menu is used to access
two different pages.
« Examples\IRIS2D\menu.agn »
Example of using the «OBJECT » object
Simulation of a jack.
jack driven by two o0 outputs (extract the jack) and o1 (retract the
two limit inputs i0 (jack retracted) and i1 (jack extracted.
Three objects will be used:
a « Console » object acting as support,
an « Object » for the jack body,
an « Object » for the jack shaft.
AUTOMGEN8 126 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
The jack body is an OBJECT object which remains static, only its aspect
is configured:
The jack shaft is an OBJECT object configured as follows:
AUTOMGEN8 127 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
« Examples\Process Simulation\2D\tutorial1.agn »
An intermediate position needs to be added on the jack. We are going to
use two supplementary objects for this: a piece attached to the jack shaft
which will activate a sensor and a sensor.
AUTOMGEN8 128 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
To connect the piece activating the sensor to the jack shaft, the jack
shaft needs to be associated to an identifier: in the « Identifier » section
of the « Links » tab write « 100 ». To connect the piece to the shaft, in
the « Horizontal movement, Position» section of the « Links » tab write:
« SISTERPARAM(100,STATE) ». This connects the piece with the jack
shaft state.
The object used as a sensor is set with parameters as follows:
AUTOMGEN8 129 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
The result is as follows:
« Examples\Process Simulation\2D\tutorial2.agn »
Second variation:
A vertical jack attached to the horizontal jack shaft is added. This jack is
activated by one output (O2=1 to extract the jack, O2=0 to retract it). Two
limits are associated to i3 and i4.
The result is as follows:
« Examples\Process Simulation\2D\tutorial3.agn »
Two OBJECT objects are added: one for the body of the jack and one for
the shaft.
AUTOMGEN8 130 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Example of using the «ARCHIVE» object
archive the state of 3 words of the processing application (m31 to
m33) every second.
the state of 4 words will be displayed on a graph left on display for
10 seconds of acquisition.
1000 values will be memorized in the object.
the acquisitions will be archived in a text format « data.txt » file.
« Examples\IRIS2D\archiving »
Example of using the «PROG » object
pressing on a pushbutton must cause the inversion of the output
states O0 to O99.
« Examples\IRIS2D\program.agn »
Examples of supervision application 1
The following example illustrates the creation of a supervision
application. The supervision application displays the state of gates and
AUTOMGEN8 131 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
the level of tanks. The user's actions on the gates will invert the gate
state (open or closed). The RUN/STOP state of the application will also
be displayed and two pushbuttons will be used to go from RUN to STOP.
The result is as follows:
« Examples\IRIS2D\supervision 1 »
OBJECT objects will be used to represent the gates. A bitmap file is
created to represent the gates: open state (green) and closed state (red):
Examples of supervision application 2
This example illustrates the use of a more evolved OBJECT object. The
application displays the state of a gate which can be:
gate open (commanded opening and open gate sensor true):
gate closed (commanded close and closed gate sensor true): red,
gate opening in progress (commanded opening and open gate
sensor false): blue,
gate closing in progress (commanded closing and closed gate
sensor false): purple.
The user can invert the gate state by clicking on it.
AUTOMGEN8 132 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
The processing application manages the gate state.
« Examples\IRIS2D\supervision 2.agn »
Example of operating part simulation 1
Simulation of a manipulator arm
« Examples\Process Simulation\2D\manipulator arm.agn »
AUTOMGEN8 133 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Example of operating part simulation 2
Simulation of an elevator
« Examples\Process Simulation\2D\elevator.agn »
IRIS 2D objects are used to create
supervision and simulation applications of 2D
operating parts.
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IRIS 3D references
IRIS 3D allows you to create simulation applications for 3D operational
units. The TOKAMAK engine is integrated to IRIS3D to enable a realistic
physical simulation: gravity, interactions between objects.
IRIS 3D is used to animate 3D objects using standard model makers: 3D
The native format of the files processed by IRIS 3D is « .X » files set by
Microsoft's DIRECTX 8.
A « .3DS » to « .X » converter is integrated into the environment.
The CROSSROADS program provided on the AUTOMGEN installation
CD-ROM or downloaded from is used to convert a
significant number of 3D files to « .3DS » format.
IRIS 3D is in a window format enclosed in the IRIS 2D console. 3D
objects are animated on the console.
Each 3D file represents an object in IRIS 3D. The elements in an
operating part must have their own movement and must be represented
by separated files. For example, for a jack composed of a body and a
shaft, files must be created for the jack body and for the jack shaft.
To create animation of objects in a 3D world, one or more behaviors can
be applied to each of the objects. A behavior is composed of an object
modification (moving, changing color etc.) and a link with the processing
application variables to condition this modification. For example: extract
the jack shaft if the output for the processing application is true.
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The “examples\process simulation\3d\tutorial 2” sub-directory in the
AUTOMGEN installation directory has a WORD file that contains a
tutorial devoted to creating 3D operational units.
The list of objects is shown in the list. The objects linked to an object are
shown as sub-elements if the “Tree structure display” checkbox is
Creating an IRIS 3D console
With the right side of the mouse click on the « Iris » element on the
browser and then select « Add an IRIS 3D console ».
Creating an IRIS 3D console
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Adding 3D files to the project
With the right side of the mouse click on the « Resources» element on
the browser and select « Import one or more 3D files » from the menu.
Select one or more « .3DS » files. (if your files are not in « .3DS » format,
use « CROSSROAD » to convert them).
The IRIS 3D console
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Configuring the objects
Select « Open the configuration window » from the « Options » menu on
the IRIS 3D window.
The IRIS 3D configuration window
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Adding objects to the 3D world
By clicking on the element you access the list of 3D
objects present in the resources. For example:
By selecting an object on that list and clicking on « Add » you add the
selected object to the 3D world. By clicking on « Add all » you add all the
objects on the list to the 3D world. The objects you have added will
appear on the list in the configuration window.
Removing a 3D file from the resources
With the right side of the mouse click the 3D file on the browser and
select « Delete ». The object needs to be deleted from the 3D world.
Removing an object from a 3D world
Click with the right button of the mouse on the object in the IRIS 3D
configuration window and select « Delete from the menu. »
Importing an “enhanced” object
Click on the “Import” button. A browser allows you to select the object to
be imported.
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The browser for selecting “enhanced” objects
Once the object has been selected, click on “Open”. A parameter window
then allows you to define the variables that will be associated with the
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The window for defining the object’s parameters
In this example (for the cylinder), the cylinder’s piloting variable and the
two ends of stroke are to be parameterized. The object is then shown in
the 3D world and in the list of objects.
The object’s position and orientation can be modified.
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Exporting an “Enhanced” object
To export an object, right-click with the mouse on the object and select
“Export”. The linked objects and all of the behaviors are saved.
After entering a name for the file, a dialogue box allows you to assign a
name to each variable used in the behaviors and to define whether this
parameter can be modified or not when it is re-read.
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Example of creating a 3D simulation based on enhanced
Let’s create a simulation in a couple of clicks for an operational unit: a
part destacker.
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The pre-defined objects are located in the “i3d” sub-directory of the
AUTOMGEN installation directory.
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The object is shown in IRIS3D:
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This lets us see how to access simplified palettes from “Expert” mode.
With the palette, design a Grafcet with two steps. A right click on the
sheet lets you access the link drawing application to loop back the
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A right click on the cube store allows you to access the list of variables.
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Move the cursor over the action rectangle and left-click.
Repeat this operation to place the “cylinder extended” element on the
first transition and “cylinder retracted” on the second.
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This is the final result:
You can now click on the “GO” button in the tool bar to launch the
This complete example is in the “examples\Process
simulation\3D\physical engine” sub-directory with the name
Applying a behavior to an object
Click with the right button of the mouse on the object in the IRIS 3D
configuration window and select « Add … » from the menu. ».
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Name of AUTOMGEN variables
The name of AUTOMGEN variables used in the behaviors are limited to
the following syntaxes:
Access to boolean variables
On: output « n », for example O8, O10,
/On: complement of the output « n », for example /O1, /O15,
In: input « n », for example 10,14,
/In: complement of the input « n », for example /I4, /I56,
Bn: bit « n », for example B100, B200,
/Bn: complement of bit « n », for example /B800, /B100,
The access to bits B is limited to a table of linear bits, a command #B
must be used to reserve bits (see the language manual),
Access to numeric variables
Mn: word « n », for example: M200, M300
Fn: float « n », for example: F200,F400
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Adding a translation
Properties of a translation
The first area is used to enter a generic name for the translation. This
name appears in the list of the IRIS 3D configuration window, it is only
used for comments and can be left blank.
Establishes the dimension to be applied to the translation.
- without driving: no translation, this is used to make a translation
inoperable without needing to delete it (to run tests for example)/
- bistable driving: two boolean variables: the translation is driven by
two boolean variables: the first drives the translation in one
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direction (from min to max), the second in the other direction (from
max to min).
State of the first
variable State of the
second variable Object
0 0 Immobile
1 0 Translation of min to
0 1 Translation of max to
1 1 Immobile
- monostable driving: a boolean variable drives the translation if the
variable is true
Variable state Object
1 Translation of min to max
0 Translation of max to min
- numeric driving: the position of the object on the designated axis is
equal to the specified numeric variable.
- The “…” button allows an “enhanced” mode to be defined for this
type of link:
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The content of the numeric variable defines the object’s position.
If it is a word the position will be set at the value divided by 100;
if it is a long, it will be set at the value divided by 10000; if it is a
floating-point, it will be set at the value contained in the floating-
point. Min and max define the limits for these values.
The content of the variable defines the position between the min
and max values. 0 = min position, 10000 = max position.
The content of the variable gives a speed of displacement
ranging from -10000 to 10000.
The content of the variable gives a position to be reached as a
percentage of the stroke between min and max: 0 = min
position, 100 = max position. The acceleration and deceleration
are calculated automatically. The “percentage of movement
used...” parameter defines the length of the acceleration and
deceleration phases.
Allows a variable to be defined that will receive the position of
the object constantly. The variable can be a word, a long, a
floating-point or an input (in this case, this input and the next 16
inputs receive the position like an absolute encoder linked on
the inputs). The “value in gray code” checkbox allows this value
to be obtained like a gray encoder.
The “examples\Process simulation\3D\numerical pilotings” sub-
directory contains examples of these different modes.
- AUTOMSIM: the object’s position on the designated axis is given
by the content of a variable managed by an AUTOMSIM object.
The “…” button allows an enhanced mode to be defined for this
type of link:
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The variable associated to an AUTOMSIM object defines the
position between min and max.
The variable associated to an AUTOMSIM “motor” object modifies
the position according to the coefficient (it makes it possible to
define the relationship between the rotation speed of the
AUTOMSIM motor and the speed with which the position varies).
The “examples\Process simulation\3D\automsim piloting” sub-
directory contains examples illustrating both these modes.
Amplitude and origin
The « Min » and « Max » areas establish the amplitude and origin of the
The stroke time establishes the speed for going from the min point to
max point (it is identical to the return speed).
This is used to set the sensors for the translations. The min and max
sensors manage the limits, the other 4 possible sensors can be used to
create intermediate positions.
Adding a rotation
The parameters are completely similar to the translations see chapter
Adding a translation. The angles are expressed in radians.
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The object rotation center must be set for each object in the IRIS 3D
configuration window.
Adding a color change
Color change
Driveing of a color using a variable must refer to a boolean variable.
The “The same as object...” checkbox allows you to apply the same color
as another object.
Controlling a color by a variable must reference a Boolean variable.
Color control can also be performed with an AUTOMSIM variable
(associated to an AUTOMSIM indicator object, for example).
If the “do nothing if false” box is checked, no color is applied if the
variable’s status is false. This makes it possible to associate several
changes of color to a single object if more than 2 colors are needed.
The pull-down lists allow a texture to be selected instead of a color. To
have a texture shown in a pull-down list, place the (“.bmp” or “.jpg” file) in
the AUTOMGEN project resources.
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Multiple textures
It is possible to associate several textures that will be applied
automatically. To do this, associate several “Color modification” type
behaviors to a single object and document the “Time for multiple texture
mode” area with the time at the end of which the texture will be applied
automatically. The pre-defined “Conveyor Belt” object uses this
Adding a link
A link forces an object that this behavior is applied to, to follow the
movements of another object.
Links between objects
The link condition can be a boolean variable. The link is unconditional
(object always linked) if the condition is left blank.
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Adding another behavior
This is used to use a sound associated to a condition, or to change a
boolean variable to 1 when the user clicks with the right or left side of the
mouse on the object the behavior is applied to.
Other behaviors
The elements of the “Sound” group make it possible to play a sound
associated to a condition.
The elements of the “User actions” group allow a Boolean variable to be
set to 1 when the user clicks with the right or left mouse button on the
object that the behavior applies to. The “A right-click on the object
anchors the camera” checkbox makes it possible to lock the camera
(which defines the display point of view in the IRIS 3D window) on the
object that the behavior applies to.
The elements of the “Collision” group make it possible to define a
collision test:
- either with one object in particular,
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- or with objects having a particular color (a choice of 2 colors is
The “Variable” area can be documented with the name of a Boolean
variable that will be set to true if the collision test is true.
The “The object in collision becomes linked with the object if” checkbox
makes it possible to link the object that comes into collision with the
object to which the behavior is applied. A variable can condition this link.
This technique makes it possible to easily handle the simulation of a
clamp or suction cup.
The vector allows you to give a speed to an object that comes into
collision with the object to which the behavior is applied. The pre-defined
“Conveyor Belt” object uses this technique.
Physical engine
The physical engine makes it possible to handle gravity and the
interactions between objects so as to obtain a very realistic simulation.
For objects subject to gravity, only block, sphere or capsule shapes are
handled by the physical engine.
For each object you can define the type of handling used by the physical
“Not used”: the object is not handled by the physical engine: it is not
subject to gravity and does not interact with the other objects.
“Fixed”: an object handled by the physical engine that does not change
position but which interacts with the other objects: the housing of a
machine, for example.
“Use gravity”: a moving object handled by the physical engine, subject to
gravity and interacting with the other objects: a box moving on a
conveyor belt, for example. For this type of object, the mass, coefficients
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of friction and restitution and the primary shape of the object (block,
sphere or capsule) have to be defined.
“Moving object”: a moving object handled by the physical engine, which
is not subject to gravity and which interacts with the other objects: a
cylinder rod pushing objects, for example For this type of object, the
coefficients of friction and restitution and the primary shape of the object
(block, sphere or capsule) have to be defined.
The “Apply physics” button allows the physical engine to be launched.
The “Automatic execution” checkbox automatically launches the physical
engine when the AUTOMGEN PC executor is installed.
The “examples\Process simulation\3D\physical engine” sub-directory
contains examples illustrating the physical engine being used.
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IRIS 3D example
« Examples\Simulation PO\3D\Scharder.agn »
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IRIS 3D is used to design simulation
applications of 3D operating parts. The
objects must be created in a standard model
maker and imported in the AUTOMGEN
project resources. Behaviors are then
applied to the objects to create 3D
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Common elements
This chapter describes the common elements for all the languages
used in AUTOMGEN.
The following types of variables are present:
Ö boolean type: the variable may have a true (1) or false (0) value.
Ö numeric type: the variable may have a numeric value, different from the
existing types: 16 bits variables, 32 bits and floating point.
Ö time delay type: structured type, it is a combination of a boolean and numeric
Starting from version 6 the variable name syntax may be AUTOMGEN's or the
syntax of IEC standard 1131-3.
Booleen variables
The following table provides a complete list of the Booleen variables
Type Syntax Syntax Comments
Input I0 %I0 May or may not correspond to physical input
(depending on the I/O configuration of the
to I9999 to %I9999
O0 %Q0 May or may not correspond to physical output
(depending on the I/O configuration of the
Output to O9999 to %Q9999
System Bits U0 %M0 For information on the system bits see the
manual on the environment.
to U99 to %M99
User bits U100 %M100 Internal bits for general use.
to U9999 to %M9999
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Grafcet X0 %X0 Grafcet step bits
Steps to X9999 to %X9999
Word bits M0#0 %MW0:X0 Word bits: the number of bits is
expressed in decimals and is
included between 0 (lower weight
bits) and 15 (higher weight bits).
to M9999#15 à %MW9999:X15
Numeric variables
The following table provides a complete list of the numeric variables.
Type Syntax Comments
IEC Syntax
Counter C0 %C0 16 bit counter, can be initialized,
increased, decreased and tested with
boolean languages without using
literal language.
to C9999 to %C9999
Words M0 %MW0 For information on the system words
see the manual on the environment.
to M199 to %MW199
User words M200 %MW200 16 bit words for general use.
to M9999 to %MW9999
integer L100 %MD100 Integer value of 32 bits
to L4998 to %MD4998
Float F100 %MF100 Real value of 32 bits (format IEEE).
to F4998 to %MF4998
Time delay
Time delay is a combined type which groups two boolean variables
(launch state, end state) and two numeric variables on 32 bits
(procedure and counter).
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The following model shows a time chart of time delay functionality:
A time delay procedure value is between 0 ms and 4294967295 ms (a
little over 49 days)
launch state
end state
count value
The time delay procedure can be modified by the program, see
chapter Erreur ! Source du renvoi introuvable. (instruction STA).
The time delay counter can be read by the program, see chapter
Erreur ! Source du renvoi introuvable. (instruction LDA).
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Actions are used in:
Ö Grafcet language action rectangles,
Ö flow chart language action rectangles,
Ö ladder language coils.
Assignment of a boolean variable
The « Assignment » action syntax is:
«boolean variable»
Ö if the action rectangle or coil command is in a true state then the variable is put
at 1 (true state),
Ö if the action rectangle or coil command is in a false state then the variable is
put at 1 (false state).
Truth table:
Command Variable state (result)
0 0
1 1
If step 10 is active then O0 takes the value of 1, if not O0 takes the
value 0.
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Various « Assignment » actions can be used for the same variable in
one program. In this case, the different commands are combined in
« Or » logic.
State of
X50 State of
State of X10
0 0 0
1 0 1
0 1 1
1 1 1
Complement assignment of a boolean variable
The « Complement assignment » action syntax is:
«N boolean variable»
Ö if the action rectangle or coil command is in a true state then the variable is
reset (false state),
Ö if the action rectangle or coil command is in a false state then the variable is
set at 1 (true state).
Truth table:
Command Variable state (result)
0 1
1 0
If step 20 is active, then U100 takes the value 0, if not U100 takes the
value 1.
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Various « Complement assignment » actions can be used for the
same variable in one program. In this case, the different commands
are combined in « Or » logic.
State of
X100 State of
State of X110
0 0 1
1 0 0
0 1 0
1 1 0
Setting a boolean variable to one
The « Set to one » syntax is:
«S boolean variable»
Ö if the action rectangle or coil command is in a true state then the variable is set
to 1 (true state),
Ö if the action rectangle or coil command is in a false state then the state of the
variable is not modified.
Truth table:
Command Variable state (result)
0 unchanged
1 1
If step 5000 is active then O2 takes the value of 1, if not O2 keeps the
same state.
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Resetting a boolean variable
The « Reset» action syntax is:
«R boolean variable»
Ö if the action rectangle or coil command is in a true state then the variable is
reset (false state),
Ö if the action rectangle or coil command is in a false state then the variable state
is not modified.
Truth table:
Command Variable state (result)
0 unchanged
1 0
If step 6000 is active then O3 takes the value of 0, if not O3 keeps the
same state.
Inverting a boolean variable
The « Inversion » action syntax is:
«I boolean variable»
Ö if the action rectangle or coil command is in a true state then the variable state
is inverted for each execution cycle,
Ö if the action rectangle or coil command is in a false state then variable state is
not modified.
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Truth table:
Command Variable state (result)
0 unchanged
1 inverted
If step 7000 is active then the state of O4 is inverted, if not O4 keeps
the same state.
Resetting a counter, a word or a long
The « Reset a counter, word or long» syntax is:
«R counter or word»
Ö if the action rectangle or coil command is in a true state then the counter, word
or long is reset,
Ö if the action rectangle or coil command is in a false state then the counter, word
or long is not modified.
Truth table:
Command Value of counter, word or long
0 unchanged
1 0
If step 100 is active then counter 25 is reset, if not C25 keeps the
same value.
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Incrementing a counter, a word or a long
The «Increment a counter » action syntax is:
«+ counter, word or long»
Ö if the action rectangle or coil command is in a true state then the counter, word
or long is incremented for each execution cycle,
Ö if the action rectangle or coil command is in a false state then the counter, word
or long is not modified.
Truth table:
Command Counter, word or long
value (result)
0 Unchanged
1 current value +1
If step 100 is active then counter 25 is incremented, if not then C25
keeps the same value.
Decrementing a counter, word or long
The « Decrement a counter » action syntax is:
«- counter, word or long»
Ö if the action rectangle or coil command is in a true state then the counter, word
or long is decremented for each execution cycle,
Ö if the action rectangle or coil command is in a false state then the counter, word
or long is not modified..
Truth table:
Command Value or counter, word or long
0 unchanged
1 current value -1
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If step 100 is active then counter 25 is decreased, if not C25 keeps the
same value.
Time delays
Time delays are considered as boolean variables and can be used
with « Assignment », « Complement assignment », « Set to one »,
« Reset », and « Invert ». The time delay order can be written after the
action. The syntax is::
« time delay(duration) »
By default the duration is expressed in tenths of seconds. The letter
« S » at the end of the duration indicates that it is expressed in
Step 10 launches a time delay of 2 seconds which remains active as
long as the step is. Step 20 sets a time delay of 6 seconds which
remains active while step 20 is deactivated.
The same time delay can be used by different places with the same
procedure and at different instants. In this case the time delay
procedure must only be indicated once.
Note: other syntaxes exist for time delays. See chapter Erreur !
Source du renvoi introuvable.
Interferences among the actions
Certain types of actions cannot be used at the same time on a
variable. The table below shows the combinations which cannot be
assignment Set to one Reset Inversion
Assignment YES NO NO NO NO
assignment NO YES NO NO NO
Set to one NO NO YES YES YES
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IEC1131-3 standard actions
The table below provides the IEC 1131-3 standard actions which can
be used with AUTOMGEN V>=6 based on the AUTOMGEN. V5
standard syntax.
V>=6 Equivalent
Syntax Syntax Example example
memorized No value No value
memorized N1 No value
N0 N
Set to 1 S S
Limited in
time LTn/durati
on Non-
Time delay DTn/durat
ion Non-
Pulse on
rising edge
P1 Non-
Pulse on
falling edge
P0 Non-
Memorized SDTn/dur
ation Non-
and time
Time delay
ation Non-
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limited in time SLTn/dur
ation Non-
Multiple actions
Within the same action rectangle or coil, multiple actions can be
written by separating them with « , » (comma).
Multiple action rectangles (Grafcet and flow chart) or coils (ladder) can
be combined. See the chapters on the relative languages for more
Literal code
Literal code can be entered in an action rectangle or coil.
The syntax is:
« { literal code } »
Multiple lines of literal language can be written in braces. A « , »
(comma) is also used here to separate them.
For more information see the chapters « Low level literal language »,
«Extended literal language » and «ST literal language».
Tests are used in:
Ö Grafcet language transitions,
Ö conditions based on Grafcet language action,
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Ö flow chart language tests,
Ö ladder language tests. Test
General form
A test is a boolean equation composed of one or n variables separated
by the operators « + » (or) or « . » (and).
Example of a test:
i0 (test input 0)
i0+i2 (test input 0 « or » input 2)
i10.i11 (test input 10 « and » input 11)
Test modifier
By default if only the name of one variable is specified, the test is
« equal to one» (true). Modifiers make it possible to test the
complement state, the rising edge and the falling edge.
Ö the character « / » placed before a variable tests the complement state,
Ö the character « u » or the character « Ï* » placed before a variable tests the
rising edge
Ö the character « d » or the character « Ð** » placed before a variable tests the
falling edge
Text modifiers can be applied to one variable or to an expression
between parentheses.
Ï i0
* To obtain this character when editing a test press the [Ï] key.
** To obtain this character when editing a test press the [Ð] key.
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Time delays
Four syntaxes are available for time delays.
In the first the time delay is activated in the action and the time delay is
simply mentioned in a test to check the end state:
For the others, everything is written in the test. The general form is:
« time delay /launch variable / duration »
« duration / launch variable / time delay »
« duration / launch variable »
In this case, a time delay is automatically attributed. The attribution
range is that of the automatic symbols.
By default the duration is expressed in tenths of seconds.
The duration can be expressed in days, hours, minutes, seconds,
milliseconds with the operators « d », « h », « m », « s » and « ms ».
For example: 1d30s = 1 day and 30 seconds.
Example using the second syntax:
Example using the normalized syntax:
Priority of boolean operators
By default the boolean operator «. » (AND) has a greater priority than
the operator «+» (OR). Parentheses can be used to set a different
Always true test
The syntax of an always true test is:
« » (no value) or « =1 »
Numeric variable test
Numeric variable tests must use the following syntax:
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« numeric variable » « test type » « constant or numeric variable »
The test type can be:
Ö « = » equal,
Ö « ! » or « <> » different,
Ö « < » less than (not signed),
Ö « > » greater than (not signed),
Ö « << » less than (signed),
Ö « >> » greater than (signed),
Ö « <= » less than or equal to (not signed),
Ö « >= » greater than or equal to (not signed),
Ö « <<= » less than or equal to (signed),
Ö « >>= » greater than or equal to (signed).
A float can only appear with another float or a real constant.
A long can only appear with another long or a long constant.
A word or a counter can only appear with a word, a counter or a 16 bit
Real constants must be followed by the letter « R ».
Long constants (32 bits) must be followed by the letter « L ».
16 or 32 bit integer constants are written in decimal by default. They
can be written in hexadecimal (suffix « $ » or « 16# ») or in binary
(suffix « % » or « 2# »).
Numeric variable tests are used in equations like boolean variable
tests. They can be used with test modifiers as long as they are in
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Transitions on multiple lines
Transition text can be extended to multiple lines. The end of a
transition line must be an operator « . » or « + ». A combination of key
[CTRL] + [Ð] and [CTRL] + [Ï] makes it possible to move the cursor
from one line to another.
Use of symbols
Symbols make it possible to associate a text to a variable.
Symbols can be used with all the languages.
A symbol must be associated to one and only one variable.
Symbol syntax
The symbols are composed of:
Ö an optional character « _ » (low dash, generally associated with key [8] on the
keyboard) which indicates the beginning of the symbol,
Ö the name of the symbol,
Ö an optional character « _ » (low dash) which indicates the end of the symbol.
The characters « _ » enclosing the symbol names are optional. They
must be used if the symbol starts with a digit or an operator (+,-,
Automatic symbols
It can be a nuisance to have to set the attribution in each symbol and a
variable, particularly if the precise attribution of a variable number is
not very important. Automatic symbols are a solution to this problem,
they are used to let the compiler automatically generate the attribution
of a symbol to a variable number. The type of variable to use is
provided in the name of the symbol.
Automatic symbol syntax
The syntax of automatic symbols is as follows:
_« symbol name » %« variable type »_
« variable type » can be:
I , O or Q, U or M, T, C, M or MW, L or MD, F or MF.
It is possible to reserve multiple variables for a symbol. This is useful
for setting tables. In this case the syntax is:
_« symbol name » %« variable »« length »_
AUTOMGEN8 184 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
«length » represents the number of variables to be reserved.
How does the compiler manage the automatic symbols ?
When starting to compile an application, the compiler cancels all the
automatic symbols located in the « .SYM » file of the application. Each
time the compiler finds an automatic symbol it creates a unique
attribution for the symbol based of the variable type specified in the
symbol name. The symbol that is then generated is written in the
« .SYM » file. If the same automatic symbol is present more than once
in an application, it refers to the same variable.
Range of variable attribution
By default, an attribution range is set for each type of variable:
Type Start End
I or %I 0 9999
O or %Q 0 9999
U or %M 100 9999
T or %T 0 9999
C or %C 0 9999
M or
%MW 200 9999
L or %MD 100 4998
F or %MF 100 4998
The attribution range can be changed for each type of variable by
using the compilation command #SR« type »=« start », « end »
« type » designates the type of variable, start and end and the new
limits to be used.
This command modifies the attribution of automatic variables for the
entire sheet where it is written and up to the next « #SR » command.
Fixed-address symbols
The syntax of the automatic symbols is:
_« symbol name » %« variable name »_
For example:
open valve%%q3
Designates a symbol that will be linked to the variable %Q3.
AUTOMGEN8 185 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
To better illustrate this manual we have developed some functional
examples with a model of a train as in the diagram below
voie 1
voie 3
voie 6
voie 7
voie 2 voie 4
1 4
voie 5
voie 8
We have used I/O cards on a PC to pilot this model. The symbols set by the
constructor of the model have been saved.
AUTOMGEN8 186 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
The following symbol file was created:
AUTOMGEN8 187 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
AUTOMGEN supports the following elements:
Ö divergences and convergences in « And» and in « Or »,
Ö destination and source steps,
Ö destination and source transitions,
Ö synchronization,
Ö setting Grafcets,
Ö memorization of Grafcets,
Ö fixing,
Ö macro-steps.
Simple Grafcet
Grafcet line writing involves combined steps and transitions.
The example below illustrates a Grafcet line:
The locomotive needs to leave on track 1 towards the right, up to the
end of the track. It returns in the opposite direction to the other end
and starts again.
AUTOMGEN8 188 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Solution 1:
0 AV1
1 AV1 , DV1
Solution 2:
0 S AV1 ,R DV1
1 S AV1 ,S DV1
The difference between the two solutions is that the first example uses
« Assignment » actions and the second uses « Set to one » and
«Reset ».
We change the conditions by setting a delay of 10 seconds when the
locomotive arrives to the right of track 1 and a delay of 4 seconds
when the locomotive arrives to the left of track 1.
AUTOMGEN8 189 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Solution 1:
0 AV1
10 T0(10S)
20 AV1 , DV1
30 T1(4S)
Solution 2:
0 AV1
20 AV1 , DV1
AUTOMGEN8 190 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
The difference between example 3 and 4 is in the choice of syntax
used to set the time delays. In terms of operation the result is identical.
Divergence and convergence in « And »
Divergences in « And » can have n points. It is important to observe
the use of the function blocks:
Must be a [K]
block and not an
[L] block
Must be an [M]
block and not an
[L] block
Must be a [Q]
block and not a
[P] block
Must be an [O]
block and not a
[P] block
A description of the use of divergences and convergences in « And »
We are going to use two locomotives: the first makes round trip
journeys on track 1, the second on track 3. The two locomotives are
synchronized (they wait at the end of the track).
AUTOMGEN8 191 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Solution 1:
0 AV1 50 AV3
t1d t3i
10 60
20 AV1 , DV1 70 AV3 , DV3
t1i t3d
30 80
example\grafcet\divergence et 1.agn
AUTOMGEN8 192 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Solution 2:
t1d t3i
0 AV1 10 AV3
t1i t3d
20 AV1 , DV1 30 AV3 , DV3
example\grafcet\divergence and 2.agn
The two solutions are equivalent in terms of operation. The second is a
more compact version which uses conditioned actions.
Divergence and convergence in « Or »
Divergences in « Or » can have n points. It is important to observe the
use of the function blocks:
AUTOMGEN8 193 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Divergences in « Or » must connect on descending links. For example:
incorrect, the right drawing is:
If the width of the page prevents you from writing a large number of
divergences you can use the following type of structure:
The following is an example to illustrate the use of divergences and
convergences in « Or »:
Let's look at the conditions for the first example in the chapter:
roundtrip of a locomotive on track 1.
AUTOMGEN8 194 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
t1d t1i
=1 =1
example\grafcet\divergence or.agn
This Grafcet could be restated in a step using conditioned actions as in
this example:
t1d t1i
0 AV1 S DV1 R DV1
example\grafcet\conditional action.agn
Destination and source steps, destination and source transitions
The principles are illustrated in the examples below:
Let's look at the second example in this chapter: round trip of a
locomotive on track 1 with a delay at the end of the track.
AUTOMGEN8 195 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
0 S AV1
t1d t1i
10 R AV1 30 R AV1
t0/x10/10s t1/x30/4s
20 S AV1 S DV1 40 S AV1 R DV1
=1 =1
example\grafcet\destination and source steps.agn
Multiple actions, conditioned actions
We have already used multiple and conditioned actions in this chapter.
The two principles are described in detail below.
As described in the chapter dedicated to the compiler, multiple actions
can be written in the same rectangle, by entering the character « , »
(comma) as a separator.
When a condition is added to an action rectangle, all of the actions
which continue in the rectangle are conditioned.
Multiple actions rectangles can be associated to a step.
another possibility:
Each of the rectangles can receive a different condition:
AUTOMGEN8 196 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Conditional actions, event-based actions
To design a conditional or event-based action, place the cursor over
the action rectangle, right-click with the mouse and select “Conditional
action” or event-based action from the menu. To document the
condition on action, click on the element or or .
The IF (condition) syntax allows a condition on action to be written in
the action rectangle.
For example:
0S%Q5 IF(%I4)
Actions on activation or deactivation of a step
The symbols make it possible to specify that the
actions contained in a rectangle have to be performed once at the
activation or deactivation of the step respectively. For example:
20 +%C5
Increment counter 5 once at the activation of step 20.
Actions on transition crossing
The and
symbols make it possible to define actions on
transition crossing. For example:
AUTOMGEN8 197 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
%Q0 will be activated on crossing the transition between steps 10 and
Let's return to a previous example to illustrate Grafcets
Round trip of two locomotives on tracks 1 and 3 with a delay at the end
of the track.
This example was used with a divergence in « And ».
Solution 1:
10 AV1 100 AV3
t1d t3i
20 110
x110 x20
30 AV1 , DV1 120 AV3 , DV3
t1i t3d
40 130
x130 x40
AUTOMGEN8 198 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Solution 2:
10 SX100,SX140
30 SX120,SX160
100 AV1 120 AV1 , DV1 140 AV3 160 AV3 , DV3
t1d t1i t3i t3d
110 130 150 170
x30 x10 x30 x10
The second is an excellent example of how to complicate the simplest
things for teaching purposes.
Grafcet setting
The compiler regroups the steps based on the links established within
them. To draw a Grafcet, just refer to one of the steps making up that
It is also possible to draw all of the Grafcets present on a sheet by
mentioning the name of the sheet.
AUTOMGEN8 199 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
For example:
To draw a Grafcet we use Grafcet 200, Grafcet 201 or Grafcet 202.
Thus the Grafcet of all the steps becomes a structured type variable.
made up of n steps, each of these steps, being either active or idle.
As we have seen, AUTOMGEN divides the steps into independent
groups. These groups can be regrouped, making it possible to
consider them as a single Grafcet. To regroup multiple Grafcets, the
compilation command « #G:g1,g2 » (command to be included in a
comment) must be used. This command regroups the Grafcets g1 and
g2. Remember that the designation of a Grafcet is affected by
mentioning the number of one of its steps.
Here is an example:
this compilation command regroups the two Grafcets:
Note:multiple « #G » commands can be used to regroup more than
two Grafcets.
We are now going to describe the useable setting orders. They are
simply written inside the action rectangles as normal assignments.
They also support the operator S(set to one), R(reset), N(complement
assignment) and I(Inversion) as well as conditional actions.
Grafcet setting according to a list of active steps
« F<Grafcet>:{<list of active steps>} »
« F/<sheet name>:{<list of active steps>} »
AUTOMGEN8 200 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
The Grafcet/s thus designated will be set to the state established for
the list of active steps if they are within braces. If multiple steps need
to be active they need to be separated with a « , » (comma). If the
Grafcet/s need to be set to an idle state (not active step) then no step
should be present within the braces.
The number of steps may be preceded by an « X ». It is also possible
to associate a symbol to the name of a step.
« F10:{0} »
set all the steps of Grafcet 10 to 0 except step 0 which will be set to 1.
« F0:{4,8,9,15} »
sets all the steps of Grafcet 0 to 0 except steps 4,8,9 and 15 which will
be set to 1.
« F/normal run:{} »
sets all the Grafcets on the « normal run » sheet to an idle state.
Memorization of a Grafcet state
Current state of a Grafcet:
« G<Grafcet>:<bit N°> »
« G/<sheet name>:<bit N°> »
This command memorizes the state of one or more Grafcets in a
series of bits. It is necessary to reserve a storage space for the state of
the Grafcet/s (one bit per step). These storage bits must be
consecutive. You must use the #B command to reserve a linear bit
The step number designating the Grafcet can be preceded by an «
X » . It is also possible to associate a symbol to a step name. The bit
number can be preceded by « U » or « B ». A symbol can be
associated to the first bit of the state storage area.
Particular Grafcet state:
« G<Grafcet>:<Bit N°> {list of active steps} »
« G/<sheet name>:<Bit N°> {list of active steps} »
This command memorizes the state set for the list of active steps
applied to the specified Grafcets starting with the indicated bit. Also
here it is necessary to reserve a sufficient number of bits. If an idle
situation needs to be memorized then no steps should appear
between the braces.
AUTOMGEN8 201 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
The step number can be preceded by an « X » . It is also possible to
associate a symbol to a step name. The bit number can be preceded
by « U » or « B ». A symbol can be associated to the first bit of the
state storage area.
« G0:100 »
memorizes the current state of Grafcet 0 starting from U100.
« G0:U200 »
memorizes the idle state of Grafcet 0 starting from U200.
« G10:150{1,2} »
memorizes the state of Grafcet 10, in which only steps 1 and 2 are
active, starting from U150.
memorizes the state of the Grafcets on the « PRODUCTION »
spreadsheet in the_SAVE PRODUCTION STATE_ variable.
Setting a Grafcet from a memorized state
« F<Grafcet>:<Bit N°> »
« F/<sheet name>:<Bit N°> »
Sets the Grafcet/s with a memorized state to start from the specified
The step number designated by the Grafcet can be preceded by an «
X » . It is also possible to associate a symbol to a step name. The bit
number can be preceded by « U » or « B ». A symbol can be
associated to the first bit of the state storage area.
« G0:100 »
memorizes the current state of Grafcet 0
« F0:100 »
and resets that state
Fixing a Grafcet
« F<Grafcet> »
« F/<sheet name> »
Fixes a Grafcet/s: no evolution of these is permitted.
« F100 »
AUTOMGEN8 202 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
fixes Grafcet 100
« F/production »
fixes the Grafcets on the « production » sheet
An illustration of setting is shown in the example below.
Let's look at a previous example: the round trip of two locomotives on
tracks 1 and 3 (this time with no delay between the locomotives) and
let's add an emergency stop. When the emergency stop is detected all
the outputs are cleared. When the emergency stop disappears the
program should start where it stopped.
AUTOMGEN8 203 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Solution 1:
#B104 réserve 4 bits pour la mémorisation de l'état des Grafcet
locomotive 1 locomotive 2
10 AV1 30 AV3
t1d t3i
20 AV1 , DV1 40 AV3 , DV3
t1i t3d
gestion de l'arrêt d'urgence
arret urgence
1010 G10:100,G30:102
1020 F10:{},F30:{}
arret urgence
1030 F10:100,F30:102
Note the use of command #B104 which makes it possible to reserve
four consecutive bits (U100 to U103) to memorize the state of the two
Grafcets. « _emergency stop_ » was associated to a bit (U1000). Its
AUTOMGEN8 204 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
state can thus be modified starting from the environment by clicking
below when the dynamic display is active.
Solution 2:
#B104 réserve 4 bits pour la mémorisation de l'état des Grafcet
locomotive 1 locomotive 2
10 AV1 30 AV3
t1d t3i
20 AV1 , DV1 40 AV3 , DV3
t1i t3d
gestion de l'arrêt d'urgence
arret urgence
1010 G10:100
1020 F10:{}
arret urgence
1030 F10:100
AUTOMGEN8 205 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
This second solution shows the use of the compilation command
« #G » which makes it possible to regroup the Grafcets with setting
Grafcet forcings (60848 standard)
This standard defines the forcing orders in double action rectangles.
Forcing actions are executed when the associated condition, step or
logical diagram, is true. Conditions can be added on the double action
rectangles: condition on action, event-based action, action on
activation or deactivation.
Forcing a Grafcet according to a list of active steps
The syntax is:
G<grafcet to be forced>{<list of steps to be forced when true>}
The step(s) included in the list are forced to true, the other to false. An
empty list of steps causes all the steps to be forced to false.
Here 10 represents the Grafcet to be forced: Grafcet containing step
Another example:
Gfolio à forcer{100,200,300}
Force all of the Grafcets on the sheet named “sheet to be forced”, with
steps 100, 200 and 300 being set to true and the others set to 0.
Forcing a Grafcet to its initial state
The syntax is:
G<grafcet to be forced>{INIT}
The Grafcet(s) are forced to their initial state
Freezing a Grafcet
The syntax is:
G<grafcet to freeze>{*}
AUTOMGEN8 206 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
AUTOMGEN implements macro-steps.
Additional information is given below:
A macro-step MS is the single representation of single group of steps
and transitions called « MS expansion».
A macro-step obeys the following rules:
Ö an MS expansion involves a special step called input step and a special step
called output step.
Ö the input step has the following property: complete clearing of a transition
upstream from the macro-step, it activates the input step of its expansion.
Ö the output step has the following property: it is involved in the validation of
transitions downstream from the macro-step.
Ö if outside the transitions upstream and downstream from the MS, there is no
input structural connection, on one side with a step or transition of the MS
expansion and on the other side, a step or a transition is not part of MS.
The use of a macro-step with AUTOMGEN is set as follows:
Ö the expansion of a macro-step is a Grafcet if it is on a distinct sheet,
Ö the input step of the macro-step expansion must bear the number 0 or the
reference Exxx, (with xxx = any number),
Ö the output step of a macro-step expansion must bear the number 9999 or the
reference Sxxx, with xxx = any number,
Ö aside from these two requirements, a macro-step expansion can be any
Grafcet and as such can contain macro-steps. How can a macro-step be set ?
The symbol must be used. To obtain this symbol, click on an
empty space on the sheet and select « Add …/Macro-step » from the
menu. To open the menu click on the bottom of the sheet with the right
side of the mouse.
To set a macro-step expansion, create a sheet, designate the
expansion and assign the sheet properties (by clicking with the right
side of the mouse on the name of the sheet in the browser). Record
the type of sheet on «Macro-step expansion » and the number of the
AUTOMGEN8 207 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
In run mode it is possible to display a macro-step expansion. To do so
place the cursor on the macro-step and click on the left side of the
Ö user steps and bits used in a macro-step expansion are local, this means that
they have no connection with the steps and bits of other Grafcets. All the other
types of variables do not have this characteristic: they are common for all
Ö if an area of bits needs to be used in an overall method it is necessary to state
this using the command « #B ».
Ö assignment of non-local variables for different levels or different expansions is
not managed by the system. In other words, it is necessary to use the
assignments « S » « R » or « I » to ensure that the system operates correctly..
Let's use one of our previous examples to illustrate the use of macro-
steps: a round trip voyage of a train on track 1 with a delay at the end
of the track. We have broken down the legs of the trip into two
separate macro-steps.
AUTOMGEN8 208 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
macro-étape aller voie
10 S AV1 ,R DV1
20 R AV1
macro-étape retour voie
10 S AV1 ,S DV1
20 R AV1
AUTOMGEN8 209 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
example\grafcet\macro steps.agn
Encapsulating steps
Introduced in standard 60848, encapsulating steps are an evolution of
the ideas proposed in macro-steps.
Using encapsulating steps under AUTOMGEN is defined as follows:
Ö the encapsulation is located in a separate sheet.
How do you define an encapsulating step?
The or
symbol have to be used. To place this symbol,
right-click with the mouse on an empty part of the sheet and select
“Plus.../Encapsulating step” in the contextual menu.
How do you define an encapsulation?
To define the encapsulation, create a sheet, design the encapsulation
and modify the properties of the sheet (by right-clicking with the mouse
on the name of the sheet in the browser). Set the sheet type to
“Encapsulation” as well as the encapsulating step number.
The symbol allows the initial state to be defined for an
AUTOMGEN8 210 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
An encapsulation can be viewed in execution mode. To do this, you
need to place the cursor over the encapsulating step and left-click with
the mouse.
Ö The User bits and steps used in an encapsulation are local, i.e. they are not
related to the bits and steps of other Grafcet levels. This is not the case for all
the other types of variable: they are common to all the levels. You can, for
example, use word bits as global variables.
Ö The encapsulated steps can be embedded.
Ö The Xn/Xm or %Xn/%Xm syntax allows you to reference step m contained in
the encapsulation associated to step n.
Example :
main program
AUTOMGEN8 211 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
10 o1
20 o2
examples\grafcet\encapsulation 2.agn
Grafcet / Ladder and Grafcet / Flow chars links
inks can be defined with Grafcet step variables:
0%x1 %i2 %Q5
AUTOMGEN8 212 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
GRAFCET++: the
block can be used to wire a transition like a
ladder circuit. The Grafcet steps can be wired as the start of a contact.
Grafcet / ladder example:
0%i2 %Q0
10 %i3 %Q1
Grafcet / flow chart example:
&voyant init
clignotant 05seconde
auto ouvrir vanne
niveau haut
niveau sécurité
We are going to use an example to describe the use of counters.
A locomotive must make 10 round trip journeys on track 1, stop for
fifteen seconds and start again.
AUTOMGEN8 213 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
0 RC0
1 AV1
2 AV1 , DV1
3 +C0
c0<10 c0=10
AUTOMGEN implements the Grafcet description of run mode
management in a Gemma form. The main feature is an editing method
open to the Grafcet mode. It is possible to go from the Grafcet editing
mode to the Gemma editing mode. The translation of a Gemma into a
Grafcet run mode management is therefore automatic and immediate..
AUTOMGEN8 214 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
remise en route arrêt mise en ou hors serv ice
f onctionnement normal
onnement normal
essais et vérifications
essais et vérifications
f onct i
A1 <Arrêt dans état initial>
ArrÛt dans Útat initial
A2 <Arrêt
demandé en
f in de
ArrÛt du
Graf cet de
A3 <Arrêt
dans état
A4 <Arrêt obtenu>
A5 <Préparation pour remise en
route après déf aillance>
rien pour l'instant
A6 <Mise P.O. dans état initial>
ramÞne la locomotive Ó
A7 <Mise P.O. dans état
D1 <Marche ou arrêt en v ue d'assurer la sécurité>
RAZ du Graf cet de production
D2 <Diagnostic et/ou
traitement de
déf aillanc e>
D3 <Production tout de même>
F1 <Production normale>
Lancement du Graf cet de productio
F2 <Marches de
F3 <Marches de
F4 <Marches de v érif ication
dans le désordre>
F5 <Marches de v érif ication
dans l'ordre>
F6 <Marches de test>
_fin de cycle obtenu_
_depar t cyc le_
_fi n d e cycl e_
/_ar ret urgence_
_arret urgence_
Arrêt dans état initial #L"gemma2"
Çdepart cycle
exemple de la notice d'AUTOMGEN
(C)opyright 1997 IRAI
Lancement du Grafcet de productio
RAZ du Grafcet de production
fin de cycle 5FGFN:{}
Arrêt du Grafcet de production
2FIN arret urgence
fin de cycle obtenu
rien pour l'instant
ramène la locomotive à gauche
AUTOMGEN8 215 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Creating a Gemma
To create gemma proceed as follows:
Ö click on « Sheet » on the browser with the right side of the mouse and select
the command « Add a new sheet»,
Ö from the list of sizes select « Gemma »,
Ö click on « OK »,
Ö use the right side of the mouse to click on the sheet name created on the
Ö select properties « Proprieties » from the menu,
Ö check « Display Gemma form ».
The window will contain a Gemma where all the links are gray. To
validate a rectangle or a connection click on it with the right side of the
To edit the contents of a rectangle or the type of connection click on it
with the left side of the mouse.
The contents of Gemma rectangles will be placed in the Grafcet action
rectangles. The type of connection will be placed in the Grafcet
ontent of Gemma rectangles
Gemma rectangles can receive any action used by Grafcet. Because
this involves setting a structure for managing run and stop modes, it is
a good idea to use the lowest level setting orders for Grafcet, see
chapter Erreur ! Source du renvoi introuvable..
Obtaining a corresponding Grafcet
Check "Display Gemma form" again in sheet properties to call up a
Grafcet representation. It is always possible to call up a Gemma
representation because the Grafcet structure has not been changed.
The transitions, the action rectangle contents and comments can be
edited with automatic updating of Gemma.
Deleting blank spaces in Grafcet
It is possible that the obtained Grafcet occupies more space than
necessary on the page. The command « Change page layout » from
the « Tools » menu makes it possible to eliminate all the unused
AUTOMGEN8 216 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Printing Gemma
When editing is in Gemma mode use the « Print » command to print
the Gemma.
Exporting Gemma
Use the « Copy to EMF format » in the « Editing » menu to export a
Gemma to a vectorial form.
Example of Gemma
A description of how to use Gemma is below..
Imagine a panel with the following pushbuttons: « start cycle », « end
cycle » and « emergency stop » a light « INIT ».
The main program will consist of a locomotive making round trip journeys
on track 1.
AUTOMGEN8 217 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
remise en route arrêt mise en ou hors serv ice
f onctionnement normal
f onctionnement normal
essais et v érif ications
essais et v érif ications
A1 <Arrêt dans état initial>
ArrÛt dans Útat initial
A2 <Arrêt
demandé en
f in de
ArrÛt du
Graf cet de
A3 <Arrêt
dans état
A4 <Arrêt obtenu>
A5 <Préparation pour remise en
route après déf aillance>
rien pour l'instant
A6 <Mise P.O. dans état initial>
rane la locomotive Ó
A7 <Mise P.O. dans état
D1 <Marche ou arrêt en v ue d'assurer la sécurité>
RAZ du Graf cet de production
D2 <Diagnostic et/ou
traitement de
D3 <Production tout de même>
F1 <Production normale>
Lancement du Graf cet de productio
F2 <Marches de
F3 <Marches de
F4 <Marches de v érif ication
dans le désordre>
F5 <Marches de v érif ication
dans l'ordre>
F6 <Marches de test>
_fin de cycle obtenu_
_depar t cycle_
_f in d e cycle _
/_ar ret ur gence_
_arret urgence_
AUTOMGEN8 218 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Arrêt dans état initial
Çdepart cycle
Lancement du Grafcet de produ ctio
RAZ du Grafcet de production
fin de cycle 5FGFN:{}
Arrêt du Grafcet de productio n
2FIN arret urgence
fin de cycle obtenu
rien pour l'instant
ramène la locomotive à gauche
7 AV1,DV1
arret urgence
22 F5:(5)
(editing with Grafcet form)
AUTOMGEN8 219 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
100 AV1
110 AV1 , DV1
t1i . fin t1i . fin
fin de cycle obtenu
Ladder language, also called contact model, is for graphically
describing boolean equations. To create a logical function « And » it is
necessary to write contacts in series. To write an « Or » function it is
necessary to write contacts in parallel.
« And » function
« Or » function
The content of contacts must comply with the syntax established for
the tests which is explained in the «Common elements» chapter of this
The content of the coils must comply with the syntax established for
the actions which is also explained in the «Common elements »
chapter of this manual.
AUTOMGEN8 220 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Example of Ladder
Let's start with the simplest example.
Round trip of a locomotive on track 1.
Solution 1:
Çt1i R DV1
Çt1d S DV1
Solution 2:
t1i dv1 DV1
The second solution is identical from an operational point of view. It is
used to display the use of a self-controlled variable.
Let's make our example more complex.
The locomotive must stop for 10 seconds to the right of track 1 and 4
seconds to the left.
AUTOMGEN8 221 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
t1d T0(10S)
t1i T1(4S)
t1i t1d AV1
A final example, even a little more complicated
Again a locomotive which makes round trips on track 1. For each 10
round trips it must stop for 15 seconds.
b0 RC0
t1d dv1 +C0
t1i RDV1
c0<10 AV1
c0=10 T0(15S)
Flow chart
AUTOMGEN implements flow chart language in the following way:
Ö use of a special block called « assignment block », this block separates the
action area and test area, it has the following form and is associated with
key [0] (zero),
Ö it uses the functions« No », « And » and « Or »,
AUTOMGEN8 222 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Ö it uses action rectangles to the right of the action block.
Flow chart language is used for graphically writing boolean equations.
The test content must comply with the syntax established in the «
Common elements » chapter in this manual.
The content of action rectangles must comply with the syntax for
actions, also described in the « Common elements » chapter of this
« Test » Area
Affection block
for separating
the test area
from the action
« Action » area
Drawing flow charts
Number of input of functions « And » and « Or »
The « And » and « Or » functions are respectively composed of a
block (key [2]) or a block (key [3]), and possible blocks
(key [4]) for adding inputs to blocks and finally block (key [5]).
The functions « And » and « Or » thus involve a minimum of two
Chaining the functions
The functions can be chained.
AUTOMGEN8 223 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Multiple actions
Multiple action rectangles can be associated to a flow chart after the
assignment block..
Example of a flow chart
Let's start with the simplest example:
Roundtrip of a locomotive on track 1.
Solution 1:
=1 AV1
Çt1d S DV1
Çt1i R DV1
Example\flow chart\logigramme1.agn
Solution 2:
=1 AV1
t1d DV1
dv1 &
t1i O
Example\flow chart\logigramme2.agn
The second solution is identical from an operational point of view. It is
used to display the use of a self-controlled variable.
Let's make the example more complex.
AUTOMGEN8 224 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
The locomotive must stop for 10 seconds to the right of track 1 and 4
seconds to the left.
t1d T0(10S)
t1i T1(4S)
t0 AV1
Example\flow chart\logigramme3.agn
Note the reuse of the «And» block in the lower part of the example
towards the inputs « _t1d_ » and « _t1i_ ». This prevents having to
write the two tests a second time.
A final example a bit more complicated.
Again a locomotive which makes round trips on track 1. Each 10 round
trips it must stop for 15 seconds.
AUTOMGEN8 225 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
b0 RC0
t1d & +C0
dv1 O S DV1
t1i R DV1
c0<10 AV1
c0=10 T0(15S)
Example\flow chart\logigramme4.agn
Literal languages
This chapter describes the use of the three forms of literal language
which are available in AUTOMGEN:
Ö low level literal language,
Ö extended literal language,
Ö IEC 1131-3 standard ST literal language
How is a literal language used?
Literal language can be used in the following forms:
Ö code files associated to an action (Grafcet, Ladder, flow chart),
Ö code boxes associated to an action (Grafcet, flow chart),
Ö literal code in action rectangle or coil (Grafcet, Ladder, flow chart),
Ö code boxes used in the form of an organizational chart (see the
«Organizational chart » chapter),
Ö code files which support the function block functionality (see the « Function
blocks » chapter),
Ö code files which support a macro-instruction functionality see chapter Macro-
AUTOMGEN8 226 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Code box associated with a step or flow chart
A code box associated with an action is for being able to write lines of
literal language on an application page.
The code used above is scanned as long as the action is true.
It is possible to use the action rectangles and code boxes together.
Literal code in an action rectangle or coil
The characters « { » and « } » are used to directly enter instructions in
literal language into an action rectangle (Grafcet and flow chart
languages). The character« , » (comma) is used as a separator if
multiple instructions are present in « { » and « } ».
This type of entry can be used with conditional orders.
Setting a code box
To create a code box, follow the steps below:
Ö click on an empty space on the sheet with the right side of the mouse,
AUTOMGEN8 227 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Ö select « Add … / Code box » from the menu,
Ö click on the edge of the code box to edit its contents.
To exit the code box after editing click on [Enter] or click outside it.
Low level literal language
This chapter describes the use of low level literal language. This
language is an intermediate code between the evolved languages of
Grafcet, flow chart, ladder, organizational chart, function block,
extended literal, ST literal and executable languages. It is also know
as pivot code. Post-processors translate low level literal language into
executable code for the PC, automate or microprocessor card.
Literal language can also be used for an application in order to effect
various boolean, numeric or algebraic operations.
Low level literal language is an assembler type language. It uses the
idea of an accumulator for numeric treatment.
Extended literal language and ST literal language described in the
following chapters, offer a simplified and higher level alternative for
writing programs in literal language.
The general syntax for a line of low level literal language is:
«action » [[ [« Test »] « Test » ]...]
The actions and tests of low level literal language are represented by
mnemonics formed of three letters. An instruction is always followed
by an expression: variable, constant etc.
A line is composed of a single action and possibly a test. If a line only
includes an action, then the instruction is always executed.
The variables used are the same as those described in the « Common
elements » chapter.
Some instructions use an accumulator. The accumulators are internal
registers which execute the final program and make it possible to
temporarily store values.
There are three accumulators: a 16 bit accumulator known as AAA, a
32 bit accumulator known as AAL and a float accumulator known as
Flags are boolean variables which are positioned based on the result
of numeric operations.
There are four permanent flags to test the result of a calculation.
These four indicators are:
AUTOMGEN8 228 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Ö carry indicator C:it indicates if an operations has generated a carry figure (1) or
not (0),
Ö zero indicator Z:it indicates if an operations has generated a nil result (1) or not
nil (0),
Ö sign indicator S: it indicates if an operation has generated a negative result (1)
or positive one (0),
Ö overflow indicator O: it indicates if an operation has generated an overflow (1).
Addressing modes
Low level literal language has 5 addressing modes. An addressing
mode is a characteristic associated to each literal language instruction.
Addressing modes used appear below:
Immediate 16 bits {constant} 100
Immediate 32 bits {constant}L 100000L
Immediate float {constant}R 3.14R
Absolute {variable} {variable reference} O540
16 bit accumulator AAA AAA
32 bit accumulator AAL AAL
Float accumulator AAF AAF
Indirect {variable}{(word reference)} O(220)
Label :{label name}: :loop
Thus an instruction has two characteristics: the type of variable and
the addressing mode. Certain instructions support or do not support
certain addressing modes and certain variable types. For example, an
instruction may only apply to two words and not to other types of
Note: Variables X and U can not be associated to an indirect address
due to the non-linear nature of their assignments. If it is necessary to
access a U variable table then a command #B must be used to make a
table of linear bits.
Tests that can be associated to instructions are composed of a
mnemonic, a type of test and a variable.
Test mnemonics are used to set combination tests on multiple
variables (and, or). If a test is composed of a single variable, an AND
operator needs to be associated to it.
AUTOMGEN8 229 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
There are only three test mnemonics:
AND and
ORR or
EOR end or
Here are some examples of equivalencies in boolean equations and
low level literal language:
o0=i1 : and i1
o0=i1.i2 : and i1 and i2
o0=i1+i2 : orr i1 eor i2
o0=i1+i2+i3+i4 : orr i1 orr i2 orr i3 eor i4
o0=(i1+i2).(i3+i4) : orr i1 eor i2 orr i3 eor i4
o0=i1.(i2+i3+i4) : and i1 orr i2 orr i3 eor i4
o0=(i1.i2)+(i3.i4) ; impossible to translate directly,
; intermediate variables
; must be used:
equ u100 and i1 and i2
equ u101 and i3 and i4
equ o0 orr u100 eor u101
Test modifiers make it possible to test things other than the truth of a
Ö / no
Ö # rising edge
Ö * falling edge
Ö @ immediate state
Ö boolean variables are updated after each execution cycle. In other words, if a
binary variable is positioned at a state during a cycle, then its new state will be
detected during the following cycle. The text modifier @ makes it possible to
obtain the real state of a boolean variable without waiting for the following
Ö test modifiers cannot be used with numeric tests.
AUTOMGEN8 230 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
set o100
equ o0 and @o100 ; true test of the first cycle
equ o1 and o100 ; true test at the second cycle
Only two addressing modes are available for tests: absolute and
A test for counters, words, longs and floating points is available:
« {variable} {=, !, <, >, << , >>} {constant or variable} »
= equal,
! different,
< less than not signed,
> greater than not signed,
<< less than signed,
>> greater than signed,
By default, constants are written in decimals. The suffixes « $ » and
« % » are used for writing in hexadecimal or binary. The quotation
marks are for writing in ASCII.
32 bit constants must be followed by the letter « L ».
Real constants must be followed by the letter « R ».
A word or a counter can be compared to a word, a counter of a 16 bit
A long can be compared to a long or a 32 bit constant.
A float can be compared to a float or a real constant.
and c0>100 and m225=10
orr m200=m201 eor m202=m203 and f100=f101 and f200<f203
orr m200<<-100 eor m200>>200
and f200=3.14r
and l200=$12345678L
and m200=%1111111100000000
Comments need to start with the character « ; » (semi-colon), all the
characters after it are ignored.
AUTOMGEN8 231 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Numbering base
The values (variable references or constants) can be written in
decimal, hexadecimal, binary or ASCII.
The following syntax must be applied for 16 bit constants:
Ö decimal:possibly the character « - » plus 1 to 5 digits « 0123456789 »,
Ö hexadecimal: the prefix « $ » or « 16# » followed by 1 to 4 digits
« 0123456789ABCDEF »,
Ö binary: the prefix « % » or « 2# » followed by 1 to 16 digits « 01 »,
Ö ASCII: the character « " » followed by 1 or 2 characters followed by « " ».
The following syntax must be applied for 32 bit constants:
Ö Decimal: possibly the character « - » plus 1 to 10 digits « 0123456789 »,
Ö Hexadecimal: the prefix « $ » or « 16# » followed by 1 to 8 digits
« 0123456789ABCDEF »,
Ö Binary: the prefix « % » or « 2# » followed by 1 to 32 digits « 01 »,
Ö ASCII: the character « " » followed by 1 to 4 characters followed by « " ».
The following syntax must be applied for real constants:
[-] i [[.d] Esx]
i is the whole part
of a decimal part
s possible sign of an exponent
x possible exponent
A presetting is used to fix the value of a variable before starting the
The variables T or %T, M or %MW, L or %MD and F or %F can be
The syntax is as follows:
« $(variable)=constant{,constant{,constant...}} »
For time delays the variable must be written in decimal and be
included between 0 and 65535.
For words the following syntax must be used:
Ö Decimal: possibly the character « - » plus 1 to 5 digits « 0123456789 »,
AUTOMGEN8 232 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Ö Hexadecimal: the prefix « $ » or « 16# » followed by 1 to 4 digits
« 0123456789ABCDEF »,
Ö Binary: the prefix « % » or « 2# » followed by 1 to 16 digits « 01 »,
Ö ASCII: (two characters per word) the character « " » followed by n
characters followed by « " »,
Ö ASCII: (one character per word) the character « ’ » followed by n
characters followed by « ’ ».
For longs the following syntax must be used:
Ö Decimal: possible the character « - » plus 1 to 10 digits « 0123456789 »,
Ö Hexadecimal: the prefix « $ » or « 16# » followed by 1 to 8 digits
« 0123456789ABCDEF »,
Ö Binary: the character « % » or « 2# » followed by 1 to 32 digits « 01 »,
Ö ASCII: (four characters per long) the character « " » followed by n characters
followed by « " »,
Ö ASCII: (one character per long) the character « ’ » followed by n characters
followed by « ’ »
For floats the value must be written in the following form:
[-] i [[.d] Esx]
i is the whole part
d a possible decimal part
s a possible exponent sign
x a possible exponent
fixes the time delay order 25 at 10 s
places the values 100,200,300,400 in the words 200, 201, 202, 203
places the string « ABCDEF » starting from m200 (« AB » in m200,
« CD » in m201, « EF » in m202)
places the string « ABCDEF » starting from m200, each word receives
a character
AUTOMGEN8 233 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
places the value 3,14 in f1000
places the value 5,1 * 10 exponent -15 in %mf100
places the value 12345678 (hexa) in the long l200
It is easier to write text in the presettings.
$m200=" Stop the gate N°10 "
Places the message starting from word 200 by placing two characters
in each word.
$m400=‘ Motor fault ‘
Places the message starting from word 400 by placing a character in
the byte of lower weights of each word, the byte of higher weights
contains 0.
The syntax « $...= » is used to continue a table of presettings after the
previous one.
For example:
Place the variables 1 to 9 in the words m200 à m208.
Presettings can be written in the same manner as low level literal
language or in a command on a sheet. In this case, the presetting
starts with the character « # ».
Example of a presetting written in a code box:
Example of a presetting written in a command:
AUTOMGEN8 234 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Indirect addressing
Indirect addressing is used to effect an operation on a variable with an
These are M variables (words) which are used as an index
« variable ( index ) »
lda 10 ; load 10 in the accumulator
sta m200 ; enter in the word 200
set o(200) ; set to one the output indicated by the word 200 (o10)
Address of a variable
The character « ? » is used to specify the address of a variable.
lda ?o10 ; enters the value 10 in the accumulator
This syntax is primarily of interest if symbols are used.
lda ?_gate_ ; enters the variable number in the accumulator
; associated to symbol « _gate_ »
This syntax can also be used in presettings to create variable address
Jumps and labels
Jumps must be referred to a label. Label syntax is:
«:label name: »
Function list by type
Boolean functions
SET set to one
RES reset
INV inversion
EQU equivalence
AUTOMGEN8 235 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
NEQ non-equivalence
Loading and storage functions on integers and floats
LDA load
STA storage
Arithmetic functions on integers and floats
ADA addition
SBA subtraction
MLA multiplication
DVA division
CPA comparison
Arithmetic functions on floats
ABS absolute value
SQR square root
Access functions for PC input/output ports
AIN access input
AOU access output
Access functions for PC memory
ATM input address memory
MTA output address memory
Binary functions on integers
ANA and bit to bit
ORA or bit to bit
XRA exclusive or bit to bit
TSA test bit to bit
SET set all bits to one
RES reset all bits
RRA shift to the right
RLA shift to the left
Other functions on integers
INC incrementation
DEC decrementation
Conversion functions
ATB integers to booleans
BTA booleans to integers
FTI float to integer
AUTOMGEN8 236 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
ITF integer to float
LTI 32 bit integer to 16 bit integer
ITL 16 bit integer to 32 bit integer
Trigonometric functions
SIN sine
COS cosine
TAN tangent
ASI arc sine
ACO arc cosine
ATA arc tangent
Connection functions
JMP jump
JSR jump to sub routine
RET return from sub routine
Test functions
RFZ zero result flag
RFS sign flag
RFO overflow flag
RFC carry flag
Asynchronous access functions to inputs outputs
RIN read inputs
WOU write outputs
Information contained in the function list
The following are provided for each instruction:
Ö Name: mnemonic.
Ö Function: a description of the function created by the instruction.
Ö Variables: the types of variables used with the instruction
Ö Addressing: the types of addressing used
Ö Also see: the other instructions related to the mnemonic.
Ö Example: a example of the use.
The post-processors which generate construction language are
subject to certain limitations. See the information on these post-
processors for details on these limitations.
AUTOMGEN8 237 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Name : ABS - abs accumulator
Function : calculate the absolute value of the floating accumulator
Variables : none
Addressing : accumulator
Also see : SQR
Example :
lda f200
abs aaf
sta f201
; leaves f201 in the absolute value of f200
AUTOMGEN8 238 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Name : ACO – accumulator arc cosine
Function : calculate the arc cosine value of the floating-point
Variables : none
Addressing : accumulator
Also see : COS, SIN, TAN, ASI, ATA
Example: :
lda f200
aco aaf
sta f201
; leave the value of the arc cosine of f200 in f201
AUTOMGEN8 239 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Name : ADA - adds accumulator
Function : adds a value to the accumulator
Variables : M or %MW, L or %MD, F or %MF
Addressing : absolute, indirect, immediate
Also see : SBA
Example :
ada 200
; adds 200 to the 16 bit accumulator
ada f124
; adds the content of f124 to the float accumulator
ada l200
; adds the content of l200 to the 32 bit accumulator
ada 200L
; adds 200 to the 32 bit accumulator
ada 3.14R
; adds 3.14 to the float accumulator
AUTOMGEN8 240 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Name : AIN - accumulator input
Function : reads an input port (8 bits) and stores in
the lower part of the 16 bit accumulator ;
reads a 16 bit input port and stores in the 16 bit accumulator
(in this case the port address must be written in the form of a
32 bit constant)
only useable with PC compiler
Variables : M or %MW
Addressing : indirect, immediate
Also see : AOU
Example :
ain $3f8
; reads port $3f8 (8 bits)
ain $3f8l
; reads port $3f8 (16 bits)
AUTOMGEN8 241 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Name : ANA - and accumulator
Function : effects an AND logic in the 16 bit accumulator
and a word or a constant or the 32 bit accumulator and
a long or a constant
Variables : M or %MW, L or %MD
Addressing : absolute, indirect, immediate
Also see : ORA, XRA
Example :
ana %1111111100000000
; masks the 8 bits of lower weight of
; the 16 bit accumulator
ana $ffff0000L
; masks the 16 bits of lower weight of the 32 bit accumulator
AUTOMGEN8 242 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Name : AOU - accumulator output
Function : transfers the lower part (8 bits) of the 16 bit accumulator
on an output port ;
transfers the 16 bits of the 16 bit accumulator
on an output port (in this case the port address must be
written in the form of a 32 bit constant)
only useable with PC compiler
Variables : M or %MW
Addressing : indirect, immediate
Also see : AIN
Example :
lda "A"
aou $3f8
; places the character« A » on output port $3f8
lda $3f8
sta m200
lda "z"
aou m(200)
; places character « z » on output port $3f8
lda $1234
aou $300l
; places the 16 bit value 1234 on output port $300
AUTOMGEN8 243 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Name : ASI – accumulator arc sine
Function : calculate the arc sine value of the floating-point accumulator
Variables : none
Addressing : accumulator
Also see : COS, SIN, TAN, ACO, ATA
Example: :
lda f200
asi aaf
sta f201
; leave the value of the arc sine of f200 in f201
AUTOMGEN8 244 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Name : ATA – accumulator arc tangent
Function : calculate the arc tangent value of the floating-point
Variables : none
Addressing : accumulator
Also see : COS, SIN, TAN, ACO, ASI
Example: :
lda f200
ata aaf
sta f201
; leave the value of the arc tangent of f200 in f201
AUTOMGEN8 245 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Name : ATB - accumulator to bit
Function : transfers the 16 bits of the 16 bit accumulator
towards the subsequent 16 boolean variables ; the
the lower weight bit correspond to the first
boolean variable
Variables : I or %I, O or %Q, B or %M, T or %T, U
Addressing : absolute
Also see : BTA
Example :
lda m200
atb o0
; recopies the 16 bits of m200 in variables
; o0 to o15
* Note: to be able to use the U bits with this function it is necessary to create a linear table of bits
using command #B.
AUTOMGEN8 246 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Name : ATM - accumulator to memory
Function : transfers the 16 bit accumulator to a memory
address; the word or specified constant
defines the memory address offset
to reach, the word m0 must be loaded with the
segment value of the memory address to reach
only useable with PC compiler
Variables : M or %MW
Addressing : indirect, immediate
Also see : MTA
Example :
lda $b800
sta m0
lda 64258
atm $10
; places the value 64258 at address $b800:$0010
AUTOMGEN8 247 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Name : BTA - bit to accumulator
Function : transfers the subsequent 16 boolean variables
towards the 16 bits of the 16 bit accumulator ;
the lower weight bit corresponds to the first
boolean variable
Variables : I or %I, O or %Q, B or %M, T or %T, U
Addressing : absolute
Also see : ATB
Example :
bta i0
sta m200
; recopies the 16 inputs i0 to i15 in the word m200
* Note: to be able to use the U bits with this function it is necessary to create a linear table of bits
using command #B.
AUTOMGEN8 248 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Name : COS – accumulator cosine
Function : calculate the cosine value of the floating-point accumulator
Variables : none
Addressing : accumulator
Also see : SIN, TAN, ACO, ASI, ATA
Example: :
lda f200
cos aaf
sta f201
; leave the value of the cosine of f200 in f201
AUTOMGEN8 249 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Name : CPA - compares accumulator
Function : compares a value at the 16 bit or 32 bit or floating
accumulator, effects the same operation as SBA
but without changing the content of the accumulator
Variables : M or %MW, L or %MD, F or %MF
Addressing : absolute, indirect, immediate
Also see : SBA
Example :
lda m200
cpa 4
rfz o0
; sets o0 to 1 if m200 is equal to 4, otherwise o0
; is reset to 0
lda f200
cpa f201
rfz o1
; sets o1 to 1 if f200 is equal to f201, otherwise o1
; is reset to 0
AUTOMGEN8 250 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Name : DEC – decrement
Function : decrements a word, a counter, a long, the 16 bit or 32 bit
Variables : M or %MW, C or %C, L or %MD
Addressing : absolute, indirect, accumulator
Also see : INC
Example :
dec m200
; decrements m200
dec aal
; decrements the 32 bit accumulator
dec m200
dec m201 and m200=-1
; decrements a 32 bit value composed of
; m200 (lower weights)
; et m201 (higher weights)
AUTOMGEN8 251 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Name : DVA - divides accumulator
Function : division of the 16 bit accumulator by a word or
a constant; division of the float accumulator by
a float or a constant; division of the 32 bit
by a long or a constant, for the 16 bit accumulator
the remainder is placed in word m0, if the division
is by 0
system bit 56 passes to 1
Variables : M or %MW, L or %MD, F or %MF
Addressing : absolute, indirect, immediate
Also see : MLA
Example :
lda m200
dva 10
sta m201
; m201 is equal to m200 divided by 10, m0 contains the
; remainder
lda l200
dva $10000L
sta l201
AUTOMGEN8 252 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Name : EQU - equal
Function : sets a variable to 1 if the test is true,
if not the variable is set to
Variables : I or %I, O or %Q, B or %M, T or %T, X or %X, U
Addressing : absolute, indirect (except for X variables)
Also see : NEQ, SET, RES, INV
Example :
equ o0 and i10
; sets the output of o0 to the same state as input i10
lda 10
sta m200
equ o(200) and i0
; sets o10 to the same state as input i0
equ t0 and i0
equ o0 and t0
; sets o0 to the state of i0 with an activation delay
; of 10 seconds
AUTOMGEN8 253 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Name : FTI - float to integer
Function : transfers the float accumulator to the 16 bit accumulator
Variables : none
Addressing : accumulator
Also see : ITF
Example :
lda f200
fti aaa
sta m1000
; leaves the integer part of f200 in m1000
AUTOMGEN8 254 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Name : INC - increment
Function : increments a word, a counter, a long the 16 or 32 bit
Variables : M or %MW, C or %C, L or %MD
Addressing : absolute, indirect, accumulator
Also see : DEC
Example :
inc m200
; adds 1 to m200
inc m200
inc m201 and m201=0
; increments a value on 32 bits, m200
; represents the
; lower weights, and m201 the higher weights
inc l200
; increments long l200
AUTOMGEN8 255 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Name : INV - inverse
Function : inverts the state of a boolean variable or inverts
all the bits of a word, a long or the 16 bit or 32 bit
Variables : I or %I, O or %Q, B or %M, T or %T, X or %X, U,
M or %MW, L or %MD
Addressing : absolute, indirect, accumulator
Also see : EQU, NEQ, SET, RES
Example :
inv o0
; inverts the state of output 0
inv aaa
; inverts all the bits of the 16 bit accumulator
inv m200 and i0
; inverts all m200 bits if i0 is at state 1
AUTOMGEN8 256 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Name : ITF - integer to float
Function : transfers the 16 bit accumulator to the float accumulator
Variables : none
Addressing : accumulator
Also see : FTI
Example :
lda 1000
itf aaa
sta f200
; leaves the constant 1000 in f200
AUTOMGEN8 257 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Name : ITL - integer to long
Function : transfers the 16 bit accumulator to the 32 bit accumulator
Variables : none
Addressing : accumulator
Also see : LTI
Example :
lda 1000
itl aaa
sta f200
; leaves the constant 1000 in l200
AUTOMGEN8 258 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Name : JMP - jump
Function : jump to a label
Variables : label
Addressing : label
Also see : JSR
Example :
jmp:end of program:
; unconditional connection to end of
; program label:
jmp:string: and i0
set o0
set o1
; conditional connection to a label:string:
; following the state of i0
AUTOMGEN8 259 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Name : JSR - jump sub routine
Function : effects a connection to a sub routine
Variables : label
Addressing : label
Also see : RET
Example :
lda m200
sta m201
jmp end:
sta m53
mla m53
sta m53
ret m53
; the sub routine « square » raises the content
; of the accumulator to the square
AUTOMGEN8 260 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Name : LDA - load accumulator
Function : loads a constant, word or counter in the 16 bit
accumulator; loads a long or constant in the 32
bit accumulator; loads a float or a constant in the
float accumulator; loads a counter or a time delay
in the 16 bit accumulator
Variables : M or %MW, C or %C, L or %MD, F or %MF, T or %T
Addressing : absolute, indirect, immediate
Also see : STA
Example :
lda 200
; loads the constant 200 in the 16 bit accumulator
lda 0.01R
; loads the real constant 0.01 in the float accumulator
lda t10
; loads the counter of time delay 10 in the
; accumulator
AUTOMGEN8 261 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Name : LTI - long to integer
Function : transfers the 32 bit accumulator to the 16 bit
Variables : none
Addressing : accumulator
Also see : ITL
Example :
lda l200
lti aaa
sta m1000
; leaves the 16 bits of lower weight of l200 in m1000
AUTOMGEN8 262 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Name : MLA - multiples accumulator
Function : multiplies the 16 bit accumulator by a word or a constant;
multiplies the 32 bit accumulator by a long or a constant;
multiplies the float accumulator by a float or a constant;
for the 16 bit accumulator the 16 bits of higher weight
result of the multiplication will be transferred in
Variables : M or %MW, L or %MD, F or %MF
Addressing : absolute, indirect, immediate
Also see : DVA
Example :
lda m200
mla 10
sta m201
; multiplies m200 by 10, m201 is loaded with the
; 16 bits of lower weight, and m0 with the 16 bits of
; higher weight
AUTOMGEN8 263 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Name : MTA - memory to accumulator
Function : transfers the contents of a memory address to the
16 bit accumulator, the specified word or constant
defines the offset of the memory address to reach; the word
m0 must be loaded with the segment value of the memory
address to be reached; only useable with a PC compiler
Variables : M or %MW
Addressing : indirect, immediate
Also see : ATM
Example :
lda $b800
sta m0
mta $10
; places the value contained at address $b800:$0010
; in the 16 bit accumulator
AUTOMGEN8 264 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Name : NEQ - not equal
Function : sets a variable to 0 if the test is true,
if not the variable is set to 1
Variables : I or %I, O or %Q, B or %M, T or %T, X or %X, U
Addressing : absolute, indirect (except for X variables)
Also see : EQU, SET, RES, INV
Example :
neq o0 and i00
; sets the output of o0 to a complement state of input
; i10
lda 10
sta m200
neq o(200) and i0
; sets o10 to a complement state of input i0
neq t0 and i0
neq o0 and t0
; sets o0 to the state of i0 with a deactivation
; delay of 10 seconds
AUTOMGEN8 265 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Name : ORA - or accumulator
Function : effects an OR logic on the 16 bit accumulator
and a word or a constant, or on the 32 bit accumulator
and a long or a constant
Variables : M or %M, L or %MD
Addressing : absolute, indirect, immediate
Also see : ANA, XRA
Example :
ora %1111111100000000
; sets the 8 bits of lower weight of
; the 16 bit accumulator to 1
ora $ffff0000L
; sets the 16 bits of higher weight of the 32 bit accumulator
; to 1
AUTOMGEN8 266 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Name : RES - reset
Function : sets a boolean variable, a word
a counter, a long, the 16 bit accumulator
or the 32 bit accumulator to 0
Variables : I or %I, O or %Q, B or %M, T or %T, X or %X, U,
M or %MW, C or %C, L or %MD
Addressing : absolute, indirect (except for X variables), accumulator
Also see : NEQ, SET, EQU, INV
Example :
res o0
; sets the output of o0 to 0
lda 10
sta m200
res o(200) and i0
; sets o10 to 0 if input i0 is at 1
res c0
; sets counter 0 to 0
AUTOMGEN8 267 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Name : RET - return
Function : indicates the return of a sub routine and
places a word or a constant in the 16 bit
accumulator; or places a long or a constant in
the 32 bit accumulator; or places a float or a
constant in the float accumulator
Variables : M or %MW, L or %MD, F or %MF
Addressing : absolute, indirect, immediate
Also see : JSR
Example :
ret 0
; returns to a sub routine by placing 0 in
; the 16 bit accumulator
ret f200
; returns to a sub routine by placing the content of
; f200 in the float accumulator
AUTOMGEN8 268 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Name : RFC - read flag: carry
Function : transfers the carry indicator in a
boolean variable
Variables : I or %I, O or %Q, B or %M, T or %T, X or %X, U
Addressing : absolute
Also see : RFZ, RFS, RFO
Example :
rfc o0
; transfers the carry indicator to o0
lda m200
ada m300
sta m400
rfc b99
lda m201
ada m301
sta m401
inc m401 and b99
; effects an addition on 32 bits
; (m400,401)=(m200,201)+(m300,301)
; m200, m300 and m400 are lower weights
; m201, m301 and m401 are higher weights
AUTOMGEN8 269 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Name : RFO - read flag: overflow
Function : transfers the contents of the overflow indicator in
a boolean variable
Variables : I or %I, O or %Q, B or %M, T or %T, X or %X, U
Addressing : absolute
Also see : RFZ, RFS, RFC
Example :
rfo o0
; transfers the overflow indicator to o0
AUTOMGEN8 270 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Name : RFS - read flag: sign
Function : transfers the sign indicator in a
boolean variable
Variables : I or %I, O or %Q, B or %M, T or %T, X or %X, U
Addressing : absolute
Also see : RFZ, RFC, RFO
Example :
rfs o0
; transfers the sign indicator to o0
AUTOMGEN8 271 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Name : RFZ - read flag: zero
Function : transfers the content of a zero result indicator
in a boolean variable
Variables : I or %I, O or %Q, B or %M, T or %T, X or %X, U
Addressing : absolute
Also see : RFC, RFS, RFO
Example :
rfz o0
; transfers the zero result indicator to o0
lda m200
cpa m201
rfz o0
; position o0 at 1 if m200 is equal to m201
; or 0 if not
AUTOMGEN8 272 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Name : RIN - read input
Function : effects a reading of physical input. This function is only
implemented on Z targets and varies following the target.
See the documentation related to each executor
for more information..
Variables : none
Addressing : immediate
Also see : WOU
AUTOMGEN8 273 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Name : RLA - rotate left accumulator
Function : effects a left rotation of the bits of the
16 bit or 32 bit accumulator; the bits evacuated to the left
enter on the right, the subject of this function is a constant
which sets the number of shifts to be made, the size of the
subject (16 or 32 bits) determines which of the
accumulators will undergo rotation
Variables : none
Addressing : immediate
Also see : RRA
Example :
ana $f000
; separates the digit of higher weight of the 16 bit
rla 4
; and brings it to the right
rla 8L
; effects 8 rotations to the left of the bits of the 32 bit
; accumulator
AUTOMGEN8 274 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Name : RRA - rotate right accumulator
Function : effects a right rotation of the bits of the
16 bit or 32 bit accumulator; the bits evacuated to the right
enter on the left, the subject of this function is a constant which sets
the number of shifts to be made, the size of the subject (16 or 32
bits) determines which of the accumulators will undergo rotation
Variables : none
Addressing : immediate
Also see : RLA
Example :
ana $f000
; separates the digit of higher weight of the 16 bit
rra 12
; and brings it to the right
rra 1L
; effects a rotation of the bits of the 32 bit accumulator
; to a position towards the right
AUTOMGEN8 275 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Name : SBA - subtracts accumulator
Function : removes the content of a word or constant from
the 16 bit accumulator; removes the content of a long or a
constant from the 32 bit accumulator; removes the content
of a float or constant from the float accumulator
Variables : M or %MW, L or %MD, F or %MF
Addressing : absolute, indirect, immediate
Also see : ADA
Example :
sba 200
; removes 200 from the 16 bit accumulator
sba f(421)
; removes the float content if the number is contained
; in word 421 from the float accumulator
AUTOMGEN8 276 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Name : SET - set
Function : sets a boolean variable to 1; sets all the bits of a word,
a counter, a long, the 16 bit or the 32 bit
accumulator to 1
Variables : I or %I, O or %Q, B or %M, T or %T, X or %X, U,
M or %MW, C or %C, L or %MD
Addressing : absolute, indirect (except for X variables), accumulator
Also see : NEQ, RES, EQU, INV
Example :
set o0
; sets the output of o0 to 1
lda 10
sta m200
set o(200) and i0
; sets o10 to 1 if input i0 is at 1
set m200
; sets m200 to the value -1
set aal
; sets all the bits of the 32 bit accumulator to 1
AUTOMGEN8 277 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Name : SIN – accumulator sine
Function : calculate the sine value of the floating-point accumulator
Variables : none
Addressing : accumulator
Also see : COS, TAN, ACO, ASI, ATA
Example: :
lda f200
sin aaf
sta f201
; leave the value of the sine of f200 in f201
AUTOMGEN8 278 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Name : SQR - square root
Function : calculates the square root of the float accumulator
Variables : none
Addressing : accumulator
Also see : ABS
Example :
lda 9
itf aaa
sqr aaf
fti aaa
sta m200
; leaves value 3 in m200
AUTOMGEN8 279 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Name : STA - store accumulator
Function : stores the 16 bit accumulator in a counter or a word;
stores the 32 bit accumulator in a long; stores the
float accumulator in a float, stores the 16 bit accumulator
in a time delay order
Variables : M or %MW, C or %C, L or %MD, F or %MF, T or %T
Addressing : absolute, indirect
Also see : LDA
Example :
sta m200
; transfers the content of the 16 bit accumulator
; to word 200
sta f200
; transfers the content of the float accumulator
; to float 200
sta l200
; transfers the 32 bit accumulator to long l200
AUTOMGEN8 280 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Name : TAN – accumulator tangent
Function : calculate the tangent value of the floating-point accumulator
Variables : none
Addressing : accumulator
Also see : COS, SIN, ACO, ASI, ATA
Example: :
lda f200
tan aaf
sta f201
; leave the value of the tangent of f200 in f201
AUTOMGEN8 281 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Name : TSA - test accumulator
Function : effects AND logic on the 16 bit accumulator and a word
or a constant, effects AND logic on the 32 bit accumulator
and a long or a constant, operates in a similar manner to ANA
instruction but without changing the accumulator content
Variables : M or %MW, L or %MD
Addressing : absolute, indirect, immediate
Also see : ANA
Example :
tsa %10
rfz b99
jmp:follow: and b99
; connection to label:follow: if bit 1
; of the 16 bit accumulator is at 0
AUTOMGEN8 282 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Name : WOU - write output
Function : effects a writing of the physical outputs. This function is
only implemented on Z targets (and varies following the
target) See the documentation related to each executor for
more information
Variables : none
Addressing : immediate
Also see : RIN
AUTOMGEN8 283 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Name : XRA - xor accumulator
Function : effects an EXCLUSIVE OR on the 16 bit accumulator and
a word or a constant, effects an EXCLUSIVE OR on the 32
bit accumulator and a long or a constant
Variables : M or %MW, L or %MD
Addressing : absolute, indirect, immediate
Also see : ORA, ANA,
Example :
xra %1111111100000000
; inverts the 8 bits of higher weight of the 16 bit accumulator
xra 1L
; inverts the lower weight bit of the 32 bit accumulator
AUTOMGEN8 284 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Macro-instructions are new literal language instructions which hold a
set of basic instructions.
Call up syntax for a macro-instruction:
« %<Macro-instruction name > {parameters ...} »
Statement syntax for a macro-instruction:
This statement is found in a file with the name of the macro-instruction
and the extension « .M ».
The file M can be placed in a sub-directory « lib » of the AUTOMGEN
installation directory or in project resources.
Ten parameters can be passed to the macro-instruction. When called
up these parameters are placed on the same line as the macro-
instruction and are separated by a space
The syntax « {?n} » in the macro-instruction program refers to the n
We are going to create a « square » macro-instruction which raises the
first parameter of the macro-instruction to its square and puts the
results in the second parameter.
Call up of the macro-instruction:
lda 3
sta m200
%square m200 m201
; m201 will contain 9 here
« SQUARE.M » file:
lda {?0}
mla {?0}
sta {?1}
* The name of the macro-instruction can be a complete access path to the file « .M », it can contain
a read and directory designation.
AUTOMGEN8 285 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
A library is used to define the resources which will be compiled one
time in an application, no matter how many times those resources are
called up.
Syntax for defining a library:
#LIBRARY <Library name>
<library name > is the function name which will be called up for a
jsr:<library name> instruction:
The first time the library code is called up by the compiler its code is
compiled. The following times, the call up is simply directed to the
existing routine..
This mechanism is especially suited to the use of function blocks and
macro-instructions to limit the generation of codes in the event that
there is multiple use of the same program resources.
Words m120 to m129 are reserved for libraries and can be used for
passing parameters.
Pre-defined macro-instructions
Inversion macro-instructions are in the sub-directory « LIB » of the
AUTOMGEN installation directory.
Functional block equivalents are also present.
Description of pre-defined macro-instructions
%ASCTOBIN <first two digits> <last two digits> <binary result>
Effecting a hexadecimal ASCII conversion (first two parameters) to
binary (third parameter), by exiting the accumulator containing $FFFF
if the first two parameters are not valid ASCII numbers, otherwise 0. All
the parameters are 16 bit words.
%BCDTOBIN <value in BCD> <binary value>
Effecting a BCD conversion to binary. In the output of the
accumulator containing $FFFF if the first parameter is not a valid bcd
number, otherwise 0. The two parameters are 16 bit words.
%BINTOASC <binary value> <upper part result> <lower part result>
Effecting a binary conversion (first parameter) to hexadecimal ASCII
(second and third parameters). All parameters are 16 bit words.
%BINTOBCD <binary value> <BCI value>
AUTOMGEN8 286 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Effecting a BCD (first parameter) conversion to binary (second
parameter). In the accumulator containing $FFFF if the binary number
can be converted in BCD, otherwise 0.
%GRAYTOB <GRAY code value> <binary value>
Effecting a Gray code conversion (first parameter) to binary (second
Treatment on word tables
%COPY <first word table source> <first word table destination> <number of words>
Copy a table of source words to a table of destination words. The
length is given by the number of words.
%COMP <first word table 1> <first word table 2> <number of words> <result>
Compares two tables of words. The result is a binary variable which
takes the value 1 if all the elements in table 1 are identical to those in
table 2.
%FILL <first word table> <value> <number of words>
Fills a word table with a value.
Treatment on strings
The coding of strings is as follows: one character per word, one word
containing the value 0 indicates the end of the chain. In macro-
instructions the strings are passed in parameters by designating by the
first word they are composed of.
%STRCPY <source string> <destination string>
Copies a string to another.
%STRCAT <source string> <destination string>
Adds the source string to the end of the destination string.
%STRCMP <string 1> <string 2> <result>
Compares to strings. The result is a boolean variable which passes to
1 if the two strings are identical.
%STRLEN <string> <result>
Places the length of the string in the result word.
%STRUPR <string>
Transforms all the characters of the string into capital letters.
%STRLWR <string>
AUTOMGEN8 287 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Transforms all the characters of the string into lower case letters.
Conversion of m200 (binary) to m202, m203 in 4 digits (ASCII bcd)
%bintobcd m200 m201
%bintoasc m201 m202 m203
Example of low level literal language
Conditions: let's start with the simplest example: round trip of a
locomotive on track 1.
0 set _av1_
set _dv1_ and _t1d_
res _dv1_ and _t1i_
Example\lit\low level literal1.agn
A more evolved example.
The locomotive must make a 10 second delay at the right end of the
track and a 4 second delay at the left end.
AUTOMGEN8 288 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
0 $t0=100,40
equ u100 and _t1i_ and _t1d_
equ u101 orr t0 eor t1
equ _av1_ orr u100 eor u101
set _dv1_ and _t1d_
equ t0 and _t1d_
res _dv1_ and _t1i_
equ t1 and _t1i_
Example\lit\low level literal 2.agn
AUTOMGEN8 289 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Another example:
Conditions: Make all of the model lights flash:
0 ; table contenant l'adresse de tous les feux
; initialise l'index sur le debut de la table
lda ?_table_
sta _index_
; la valeur -1 marque la fin de la table
jmp :fin: and m(_index_)=-1
; inverser la sortie
lda m(_index_)
sta _index2_
inv o(_index2_)
inc _index_
jmp :boucle:
Example\lit\low level literal 3.agn
This example shows the use of presettings. They are used here to
create a variable address table. The table contains the addresses of all
the outputs which pilot the model lights.
For each execution cycle, the state of all the lights is inverted.
A problem occurs, all the lights flash very quickly and it is hard to see
Let's modify our example.
The state of all the lights must remain inverted every ten seconds one
by one.
AUTOMGEN8 290 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
10 ; table contenant l'adresse de tous les feux
jmp :fin de table: and m(_index_)=-1
; inverser la sortie
lda m(_index_)
sta _index2_
inv o(_index2_)
inc _index_
jmp :fin:
:fin de table:
lda ?_table_
sta _index_
Example\lit\low level literal 4.agn
Extended literal language
Extended literal language is a subset of low level literal language. It is
used for writing boolean and numeric equations more simply and
It is still possible to write structures like IF ... THEN ... ELSE and
WHILE ... ENDWHILE (loop).
Use of extended literal language is subject to the same rules as low
level literal language, it uses the same syntax for variables,
mnemonics, the test types (fronts, complement state, immediate state)
and addressing modes.
AUTOMGEN8 291 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
It is possible to mix low level literal language with extended literal
When the compiler of literal language detects a line written in extended
literal language, it decomposes it into low level literal language
instructions, then compiles it.
Writing boolean equations
General syntax:
« bool. variable=(assignment type) (bool. variable 2 operator 1 bool. variable
3... operator n -1 bool. variable n ) »
The type of assignment must be indicated if it is other than
« Assignment »
It can be:
Ö « (/) »: complement assignment,
Ö « (0) »: reset,
Ö « (1) »:set to one.
The operators can be:
Ö « . »: and,
Ö « + »: or.
The equations can contain various levels of parentheses to indicate
the evaluation order. By default, the equations are evaluated from the
left towards the right.
Examples and equivalencies with low level literal language
o0=(i0) equ o0 and i0
o0=(i0.i1) equ o0 and i0 and i1
o0=(i0+i1) equ o0 orr i0 eor i1
o0=(1) set o0
o0=(0) res o0
o0=(1)(i0) set o0 and i0
o0=(0)(i0) res o0 and i0
o0=(1)(i0.i1) set o0 and i0 and i1
o0=(0)(i0+i1) res o0 orr o0 eor i1
o0=(/)(i0) neq o0 and i0
o0=(/)(i0.i1) neq o0 and i0 and i1
o0=(/i0) equ o0 and /i0
o0=(/i0./i1) equ o0 and /i0 and /i1
o0=(c0=10) equ o0 and c0=10
qu o0 orr m200<100 eor
AUTOMGEN8 292 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Writing numeric equations
General equations for integers:
« num. variable 1=[num. variable 2 operator 1 ... operator n-1 num. variable n] »
The equations can contain various levels of braces for indicating the
evaluation order. By default, the equations are evaluated from left to
right. Operators for 16 and 32 bit integers can be:
« + »: addition (equivalent to instruction ADA),
« - »: subtraction (equivalent to instruction SBA),
« * »: multiplication (equivalent to instruction MLA),
« / »: division (equivalent to instruction DVA),
« < »: shift to left (equivalent to instruction RLA),
« > »: shift to right (equivalent to instruction RRA),
« & »: « And » binary (equivalent to instruction ANA),
« | » : « Or » binary (equivalent to instruction ORA),
« ^ »: « Exclusive or » binary (equivalent to instruction XRA).
Operators for floats can be:
Ö « + »: addition (equivalent to instruction ADA),
Ö « - »: subtraction (equivalent to instruction SBA),
Ö « * »: multiplication (equivalent to instruction MLA),
Ö « / »: division (equivalent to instruction DVA).
It is possible to indicate the constant in float equations. If this is
necessary use the presettings on floats.
Equations on floats can call up the « SQR » and « ABS » functions
Note: depending on the complexity the compiler may use intermediate
variables. These variables are the words m53 to m59 for 16 bit
integers, the longs l53 to l59 for 32 bit integers and the floats f53 à f59.
Examples and equivalencies with low level literal language
M200=[10] lda 10
sta m200
M200=[m201] lda m201
sta m200
M200=[m201+100] lda m201
ada 100
sta m200
M200=[m200+m201-m202] lda m200
ada m201
* This character is normally associated to the [ALT] + [6] keys on keyboards
AUTOMGEN8 293 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
sba m202
sta m200
M200=[m200&$ff00] lda m200
ana $ff00
sta m200
F200=[f201] lda f201
sta f200
F200=[f201+f202] lda f201
ada f202
sta f200
F200=[sqr[f201]] lda f201
sqr aaa
sta f200
F200=[sqr[abs[f201*100R]]] lda f201
mla 100R
abs aaa
sqr aaa
sta f200
L200=[l201+$12345678L] lda l201
ada $12345678L
sta l200
General syntax:
action if true test
action if false test
The test must comply with the syntax described in the chapter
dedicated to boolean equations.
Only if an action tests true or tests false can it appear.
It is possible to connect multiple structures of this type.
System bits u90 to u99 are used as temporary variables for managing
this type of structure.
inc m200 ; increments word 200 if i0
AUTOMGEN8 294 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
m200=[m200+10] ; adds 10 to word 200 if the or i2
res m200 ; else effect m200
WHILE ... ENDWHILE structure
General syntax:
action is repeated as long as the test is true
The test must comply with the syntax described in the chapter
dedicated to boolean equations.
It is possible to connect multiple structures of this type.
System bits u90 to u99 are used as temporary variables for managing
this type of structure.
set o(200)
inc m200 ; increments word 200
This example sets outputs o0 to o9 to one.
Example of a program in extended literal language
Let's go back to the example from the previous chapter
0 _av1_=(1)
Example\lit\extended literal 1.agn
Let's complicate our example with some calculations
Calculate the speed in millimeters per second and meters per hour of
the locomotive on the left to right trajectory.
AUTOMGEN8 295 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
0 _av1_=(1)
Èdv1 _temps aller_=[m32]
Çdv1 $_longueur_=300 ; en mm
_temps mis_=[m32-_temps aller_]
IF(_temps mis_<0)
_temps mis_=[_temps mis_+100]
lda _temps mis_
itf aaa
sta _dixieme_
_vitesse mm par s_=[_longueur_/[_dixieme_/_dix_]]
_vitesse m par h_=[[_longueur_/_mille_]/[_dixieme_/_dixdansh_]]
Example\lit\extended literal 2.agn
Word 32 is used to read the system time. The value is then transferred
to the float to effect the calculations without compromising exactness.
ST literal language
ST literal language is a structured literal language defined by IEC1131-
3 standard. This language is used to write boolean and numeric
equations as well as program structures.
General Information
ST literal language is used in the same way as low level literal
language and extended literal language.
AUTOMGEN8 296 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Commands are used to establish the sections in ST literal language
« #BEGIN_ST » indicates the beginning of an ST language section.
« #END_ST » indicates the end of an ST language section.
m200=[50] ; extended literal language
m201:=4; (* ST language *)
It is also possible to choose to use ST language for an entire sheet.
This selection is made in the properties dialogue box on each sheet.
On a sheet where ST language is the default language it is possible to
enter low level and extended literal language by using the commands
« #END_ST » and « #BEGIN_ST ».
Comments for ST language must start with « (* » and end with « *) ».
ST language instructions end with the character « ; ». Multiple
instructions can be written on the same line.
o0:=1; m200:=m200+1;
Boolean equations
The general syntax is:
variable:= boolean equation;
Boolean equations can be composed of a constant, a variable or
multiple variables separated by operators.
Constants can be: 0, 1, FALSE or TRUE.
The operators used to separate multiple variables are: + (or), . (and),
OR or AND.
« And » has priority over« Or ».
AUTOMGEN8 297 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Will be treated as:
Parentheses can be used in the equations to indicate priorities.
Numeric tests can be used.
Numeric equations
The general syntax is:
variable:= numeric equation;
Numeric equations can be composed of a constant, a variable or
multiple variables separated by operators.
The constants can be expressed as decimal, hexadecimal (prefix #16)
or binary (prefix #2) values.
Operators are used to separate multiple variables or constants in their
order of priority.
* (multiplication),/ (division), + (addition), - (subtraction), & or AND
(binary and), XOR (binary exclusive or), OR (binary or).
m200:=m202-m204*m203; (* equivalent to m200:=m202-(m204*m203) *)
Parentheses can be used in the equations to indicate priority.
AUTOMGEN8 298 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Programming structures
IF condition THEN action ENDIF;
IF condition THEN action ELSE action ENDIF;
if i0
then o0:=TRUE;
if i1 then m200:=4; endif;
endif ;
WHILE loop
WHILE condition DO action ENDWHILE;
while m200<1000
REPEAT action UNTIL condition; ENDREPEAT;
until m200=500
AUTOMGEN8 299 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
FOR TO loop
FOR variable:=start value TO end value DO action ENDFOR;
FOR variable:=start value TO end value BY no DO action ENDFOR;
for m200:=0 to 100 by 2
Exiting a loop
The key word « EXIT » is used to exit a loop.
while i0
if m200>1000 then exit; endif;
Example of a program in extended literal language
Let's go back to our example in the previous chapter
0 _av1_:=TRUE;
if _t1d_ then _dv1_:=TRUE; endif;
if _t1i_ then _dv1_:=FALSE; endif;
Example\lit\ST literal 1.agn
Organization chart
AUTOMGEN implements a « organization chart » type program.
Literal languages must be used with this type of program. See the
previous chapters to learn how to use these languages.
AUTOMGEN8 300 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
The basis of programming with an organizational chart form is the
graphic representation of an algorithmic treatment.
Unlike Grafcet language, programming in the organizational chart form
generates a code which will be executed one time per search cycle.
This means that it is not possible to remain in an organizational chart
rectangle it is mandatory for the execution to exit the organizational
chart to continue to execute the rest of the program..
This is a very important point and must not be forgotten when this
language is selected.
Only rectangles can be drawn. The contents of a rectangle and its
connections determine if the rectangle is an action or a test.
Creating an organizational chart
The rectangles are drawn by selecting the command « Add … / Code
box» from the menu (click on the right side of the mouse on the bottom
of the sheet to open the menu).
It is necessary to place a block (key [<]) at the entry of each
rectangle, this must be placed on the upper part of the rectangle.
If the rectangle is an action it will have only one exit represented by a
block (key [E]) on the lower left side of the rectangle.
An action rectangle:
If the rectangle is a test it must have two outputs. The first is
represented by a block. (key [E]) on the lower left side and is for
a true test, the second represented by a block (key [=]) is
immediately to the right of the other output and is for a false test.
AUTOMGEN8 301 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
A test rectangle:
The branches of the organizational chart must always end with a
rectangle without an output that could remain empty.
Rectangle content
Action rectangle content
Action rectangles can contain any kind of literal language instructions.
Test rectangle content
Test rectangles must contain a test that complies with the test syntax
of the IF...THEN...ELSE... type structure of extended literal language.
For example:
IF (i0)
It is possible to write actions before this test in the test rectangle.
This can be used to make certain calculations before the test
For example, if we want to test if the word 200 is equal to the word 201
plus 4:
Our first, now typical, example, is to make a locomotive make round
trips on track 1 of the model.
AUTOMGEN8 302 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
set _av1_
set _dv1_ if(_t1i_)
res _dv1_
Example\ Ornagization chart\ Ornagization chart 1.agn
Second example
Make all the model light flash. The light change states every second.
AUTOMGEN8 303 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
t0=( t0)
inv o(_index%m_) and t0
inc _index%m_
Example\ Ornagization chart\ Ornagization chart 2.agn
Note the use of automatic symbols in this example.
Function blocks
AUTOMGEN implements the use of function blocks.
AUTOMGEN8 304 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
This modular programming method is used to associate a set of
instructions written in literal language to a graphic element .
Function blocks are defined by the programmer. Their number is not
limited. It is possible to create sets of function blocks to allow a
modular and standardize concept of applications.
Function blocks are used within flow chart or ladder type models, they
have n boolean inputs and n boolean outputs. If the block is going to
treat variables which are not boolean, then they will be mentioned in
the drawing of the function block. The inside of the block can receive
parameters: constant or variable.
Block boolean
(maximum 16)
Block boolean
(maximum 16)
(maximum 16)
Creating a function block
A function block is composed of two separate files. One file has
« .ZON » extension which contains the drawing of the function block
and a file with « .LIB » extension which contains a series of
instructions written in literal language which establish the functionality
of the function block.
The « .ZON » and « .LIB » files must bear the name of the function
block. For example, if we decide to create a function block
« MEMORY », we need to create the files « MEMORY.ZON » (to draw
the block) and « MEMORY.LIB » (for the functionality of the block).
Drawing a block and creating a « .ZON » file
The envelop of a function block is composed of a code box to which
blocks dedicated for the function block are added.
To draw a function block follow the steps below:
Ö use the assistant (recommended)
Ö draw a code box (use the command « Add …/Code box » from the menu):
AUTOMGEN8 305 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Ö place a block (key [8]) on the upper right corner of the code box:
Ö place a block (key [9]) on the upper right corner of the code box:
Ö delete the line at the top of the block (key [A] is used to place blank blocks):
Ö click with the left side of the mouse on the upper left corner of the functional
block, then enter the name of the functional block which must not be more than
8 characters (the « .ZON » and « .LIB » files must bear this name), then press
AUTOMGEN8 306 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Ö if additional boolean inputs are necessary, a block must be used (key [;])
or (key [:]), the added inputs must be located right below the first input, no
free space should be left,
Ö if additional boolean outputs are needed a block must be added (key [>])
or (key [?]), the added outputs must be located right below the first
output, no free space should be left,
Ö the interior of the block can contain comments or parameters, the parameters
are written between braces « {...} ». Everything not written between braces is
ignored by the compiler. It is interesting to indicate the use of boolean inputs
and outputs inside the block.
Ö when the block is finished, the command « Select » must be used from the
« Edit » menu to select the drawing of the functional block, then save it in the
« .ZON » file with the « Copy to» command from the « Edit » menu.
Creating an « .LIB » file
The « .LIB » file is a text file containing instructions in literal language
(low level or extended). These instructions establish the functionality of
the function block.
A special syntax is used to refer to block boolean inputs, block boolean
outputs and block parameters.
To refer to a block boolean input, use the syntax« {Ix} » where x is the
number of the boolean input expressed in hexadecimal (0 to f).
To refer to a block boolean output, use the syntax« {Ox} » where x is
the number of the boolean output expressed in hexadecimal (0 to f).
To refer to a block parameter use the syntax « {?x} » where x is the
number of the parameter in hexadecimal (0 to f).
The .LIB can be placed in the « lib » sub-directory of the AUTOMGEN
installation directory or in the project resources.
Simple example of a function block
We are going to create a « MEMORY » function block which contains
two boolean inputs (set to one and reset) and a boolean output
(memory state).
The block drawing contained in the « MEMORY.ZON » file is:
Block functionality contained in the « MEMORY.LIB » file is:
AUTOMGEN8 307 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
The block can then be used in the following way:
To use a function block in an application, select the command «Paste
from » from the « Edit » menu and select the « .ZON » file
corresponding to the function block used.
Let's go back to our typical example.
Round trip of a locomotive on track 1 of the model.
t1d capteur droit alimentation AV1
t1i capteur gauche direction DV1
BF aller/retour
Example\fb\fb 1.agn
; bloc fonctionnel ALLERRET
; aller retour d’une locomotive sur une voie
; les entrées booléennes sont les fins de course
; les sorties booléennes sont l’alimentation de la voie (0) et la direction
; toujours alimenter la voie
set {O0}
; piloter la direction en fonction des fins de course
AUTOMGEN8 308 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
To illustrate the use of function blocks, let's complete our example.
Round trip of two locomotives on tracks 1 and 3.
t1d capteur droit alimentation AV1
t1i capteur gauche direction DV1
BF aller/retour
t3d capteur droit alimentation AV3
t3i capteur gauche direction N DV3
BF aller/retour
Example\ fb\fb 2.agn
This example shows that with the same function block it is easy to
make different modules of an operative party function in the identical
Let's complete our example to illustrate the use of parameters
The two locomotives must make a delay at the end of the track. For
locomotive 1: 10 seconds on the right and 4 seconds on the left, for
locomotive 2: 20 seconds on the right and 8 seconds on the left.
AUTOMGEN8 309 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
t1d capteur droit alimentation AV1
t1i capteur gauche direction DV1
temporisation 1 {t0}
attente a droite : {100}
temporisation 2 {t1}
attente a gauche : {40}
BF aller/retour avec attente
t3d capteur droit alimentation AV3
t3i capteur gauche direction N DV3
temporisation 1 {t2}
attente a droite : {200}
temporisation 2 {t3}
attente a gauche : {80}
BF aller/retour avec attente
AUTOMGEN8 310 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
; bloc fonctionnel ARATT
; aller retour d'une locomotive sur une voie avec attente
; les entrées booléennes sont les fins de course
; les sorties booléennes sont l'alimentation de la voie (0) et la
direction (1)
; les paramètres sont:
; 0: première temporisation
; 1: durée de la première temporisation
; 2: deuxième temporisation
; 3: durée de la deuxième temporisation
; prédisposition des deux temporisations
; alimenter la voie si pas les fins de course ou si tempo. terminées
set {O0}
res {O0} orr {I0} eor {I1}
set {O0} orr {?0} eor {?2}
; gestion des temporisations
; piloter la direction en fonction des fins de course
Example\ fb\fb 3.agn
Supplementary syntax
Supplementary syntax is used to make a calculation on the reference
variable numbers in the « .LIB » file.
The syntax « ~+n » added after a reference to a variable or a
parameter, adds n.
The syntax « ~-n » added after a reference to a variable or a
parameter subtracts n.
The syntax « ~*n » added after a reference to a variable or parameter,
multiplies by n.
It is possible to write many of these commands, one after the other,
they are evaluated from left to right.
This mechanism is useful when a function block parameter needs to
be used to refer to a table of variables.
referring to the following element the first parameter, for example if the
first parameter is m200 this syntax refers to m201.
referring to the third parameter multiplied by 100 plus 200, for example
if the third parameter is 1 that syntax refers to M 1*100 + 200 thus
AUTOMGEN8 311 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Evolved function blocks
This functionality is used to create very powerful function blocks with
greater ease than the function blocks managed by files written in literal
language. This programming method uses a functional analysis
It does not matter which sheet or set of sheets become a function
block (sometimes called encapsulating a program).
The sheet or sheet which describe the functionality of a function block
can access variables which are outside the function block: block
boolean inputs, boolean outputs and parameters.
Principles for use and more importantly the use of external variables is
identical to the old function blocks.
To refer a variable outside a function block it is necessary to use a
mnemonic included in the following text: {In} to refer the boolean input
n, {On} to refer the boolean output n, {?n} to refer parameter n. The
mnemonic must start with a letter.
Differentiating between new and old function blocks
The file name written on the function block drawing indicates if it is an
old (managed by an LIB file) or new function block (managed by a
GR7 sheet). The name of an old function block does not have an
extension, for a new one the extension GR 7 must be added. The
sheet containing the code which manages the functionality of the
function block must be entered in the list of project sheets. In the sheet
properties « Function Block » must be selected.
AUTOMGEN8 312 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Contents of VERINB sheet:
BF vérin bistable
cde ouverture{i0} . ouvert{i2} cde fermeture{i1} . ferme{i3} . cde ouverture{i0}
ouvert{i2} ferme{i3}
duree{?0} /x40/ tempo{?1}
Call up a function block
u100 CDE O O O0
u101 CDE F F O1
i1 O
i0 F
Example\fb\Fb with sfc inside.agn
Predefined function blocks
Conversion function blocks are located in the sub-directory « \LIB » of
the directory where AUTOMGEN is installed.
The equivalents in macro-instructions are also present.
AUTOMGEN8 313 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
To insert a function blocks and its parameters in an application select
« Pre-set function block » from the « Assistant / Function block» dialog
Conversion blocks
ASCTOBIN: converts ASCII to binary
BCDTOBIN: converts BCD to binary
BINTOASC: converts binary to ASCII
BINTOBCD: converts binary to BCD
GRAYTOB: converts gray code to binary
16BINTOM: transfers 16 boolean variables to a word
MTO16 BIN: transfers a word to 16 boolean variables
Time delay blocks
TEMPO: upstream time delay
PULSOR: parallel output
PULSE: time delay pulse
String blocks
STRCMP: comparison
STRCAT: concatenation
STRCPY: copy
STRLEN: calculate the length
STRUPR: set in lower case
STRLWR: set in upper case
Word table blocks
COMP: comparison
COPY: copy
FILL: fill
Advanced techniques
Compiler generated code
This chapter deal with the form of code generated by compilation of
such or that type of program.
The utility « CODELIST.EXE » is used to translate « in clear » a file of
intermediate code « .EQU » (also called pivot language).
We are going to do the following: load and compile the first
programming example in the « Grafcet » chapter: « simple1.agn » from
the directory « Example\grafcet »:
AUTOMGEN8 314 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
0 AV1
1 AV1 , DV1
Double click on « Generated files/Pivot code » in the browser.
You will obtain the following list of instructions:
:00000000: RES x0 AND i0
:00000002: SET x0 AND b0
:00000004: SET x0 AND x1 AND i1
:00000007: RES x1 AND i1
:00000009: SET x1 AND x0 AND i0
; Le code qui suit a été généré par la compilation
de: 'affectations (actions Grafcet, logigrammes et
:0000000C: EQU o0 ORR @x0 EOR @x1
:0000000F: EQU o23 AND @x1
This represents the translation of a « simple1.agn » application into
low level literal language
The comments indicate where the portions of code came from, this is
useful if an application is composed of multiple sheets.
Obtaining this list of instructions may be useful for answering
questions regarding code generated for some program form or the use
of some language.
In certain cases « critiques », for which it is important to know
information such as « how many cycles does it take before this action
becomes true ? » a step by step way and an in-depth examination of
generated code will prove to be indispensable.
Optimizing generated code
Various levels of optimization are possible.
Optimizing compiler generated code
The compiler optimization option is used to greatly reduce the size of
generated code. This command requires that the compiler manage
fewer lines of low level literal language, consequently increasing
compiling time.
AUTOMGEN8 315 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Depending on the post-processors used, this option involves an
improvement in the size of the code and/or the execution time. It is
advisable to carry out some tests to determine if this command is of
interest or not depending on the nature of the program and the type of
target used.
Normally, it is useful with post-processors for Z targets.
Optimizing post-processor generated code
Each post-processor may possess options for optimizing generated
code. For post-processors which generate construction code, see the
corresponding information.
Optimizing cycle time: reducing the number of time delays on Z
For Z targets, the number of stated time delays directly affects the
cycle time. Try to state the minimum time delays based on the
application requirements.
Optimizing cycle time: canceling scanning of certain parts of the
Only targets which accept JSR and RET instruction support this
Special compilation commands are used to validate or « invalidate »
scanning of certain parts of the program.
They are the sheets which define the portions of applications.
If an application is broken down into four sheets than each one can be
separately « validated » or « invalidate ».
A command « #C(condition) » placed on the sheet conditions the
searching of the sheet up to a sheet containing a « #R » command.
This condition must use the syntax established for the tests.
If a sheet contains the two commands:
Then everything that it contains will not be executed except word 200
containing 4.
AUTOMGEN8 316 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Regarding examples
This part contains a series of examples providing an illustration of the
different programming possibilities offered by AUTOMGEN.
All of these examples are located in the « example » sub-directory in the
directory where AUTOMGEN is installed.
This section contains the most complete and complex examples
developed for a train model. The description of this model is located at
the beginning of the language reference manual.
Simple grafcet
The first example is a simple line Grafcet
110 T0(100)
120 O0,O1,O2
Ö the transition in step 100 and step 110 is made up of a test on input 0,
Ö step 110 activates the time delay 0 for a duration of 10 seconds, this time
delay is used as a transition between step 110 and step 120,
Ö step 120 activates outputs 0, 1 and 2,
Ö the complement of input 0 will be the transition between step 120 and 100.
AUTOMGEN8 317 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Grafcet with an OR divergence
100 O0
i0 i1 i2 i3
110 O1 120 O2 130 O3 140 O4
i4 i5 i6 i7
111 O5 131 O6
i8 i9
112 O7
This example shows the use of « Or » divergences and convergences.
The number of branches is not limited by the size of the sheet. It is a
non-exclusive « Or » by standard. For example, if inputs 1 and 2 are
active, then steps 120 and 130 will be set to one.
AUTOMGEN8 318 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Grafcet with an AND divergence
110 O0 130 O1 160 SO2 190 O3
i1 i2
120 140 170 O4
i2 i4
150 O5 180 RO2
This example shows the use of « And» divergences and convergences.
The number of branches is not limited by the size of the sheet.. Also note
the following points
Ö a step may not lead to an action (case of steps 100, 120, and 140),
Ö orders « S » and « R » were used with output o2 (steps 160 and 180),
Ö the transition between step 160 and 170 is left blank, so it is always true, the
syntax « =1 » could also have been used.
AUTOMGEN8 319 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Grafcet and synchronization
0 100
i0 x1 i10 i14
1 110 O0 O4
x110 i1 i11
This example shows the possibilities AUTOMGEN offers for
synchronizing multiple Grafcets. The transition between step 100 and
110 « Ïx1 » means « wait for a rising edge on 1 ». The
transition« Ðx110 » means « wait for a falling edge on step 110 ». The
step by step execution of this program shows the exact evolution of the
variables and their front at each cycle. This makes it possible to
understand exactly what happens during the execution. We can also see
the use of multiple actions associated to step 110, which are individually
conditioned here.
AUTOMGEN8 320 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Step setting
10 RC0
i0 100
20 SX100 i4
110 +C0
30 i1
x120 120
In this example an order « S » (set to one) has been used to set a step.
AUTOMGEN also authorizes setting of a Grafcet integer (see examples
8 and 9). Again in this example, the step by step execution lets us
understand the exact evolution of the program over time. We can also
see: Ö use of an non-looped Grafcet (100, 110, 120),
Ö use of the order « RC0 » (reset by counter 0),
Ö use of the order « +C0 » (incremented by counter 0),conditioned by the
rising edge of input 4, due to incrementation by the counter, so it is
necessary that step 100 be active and that a rising edge is detected on input 4.
AUTOMGEN8 321 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Destination and source steps
100 O0
110 O1
120 O2
130 O3
We have already seen similar forms, where the first step is activated by
another Grafcet. Here activation of step 100 is realized by the transition
« Ïi0 . i1 » (rising edge of input 0 and input 1). This example represents
a shift register. « i1 » is information to memorize in the register and « i0 »
is the clock which makes the shift progress. Example 7 is a variation
which uses a time delay as a clock.
AUTOMGEN8 322 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Destination and source steps
100 O0
110 O1
120 O2
t0 t0
130 O3 1000 T0(10)
Here again is the structure of the shift register used in example 6. This
time the shift information is generated by a time delay (t0). « Ït0 »
represent the rising edge of the time delay, this information is true during
a cycle when the time delay has finished. Step 1000 manages the launch
of the time delay. The action of this step can be summed up as:
« activate the count if it is not finished, otherwise reset the time delay».
The functionality diagram of the time delays of this manual will help you
to understand the functionality of this program.
AUTOMGEN8 323 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Setting Grafcets
arret urgence bp depart de cycl
1 F100:{} 110 MOTEUR
arret urgence bp fin de cycle
2 F100:{100}
This example illustrates the use of a Grafcet set command. The order
« F100:{} » means « reset all the Grafcet steps where one of the steps
bears the number 100 ». Order « F100:{100} » is identical but sets step
100 to 1. We have used symbols for this example:
AUTOMGEN8 324 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Memorizing Grafcets
arret urgence bp depart de cycl
1 G100:100 110 MOTEUR
bp fin de cycle
2 F100:()
arret urgence
3 F100:100
This example is a variation of the previous program. The order
« G100:100 » of step 1 memorizes the Grafcet production state before it
is reset. When it starts again the production Grafcet will be put back in
the state or the state it was in before the break, with order « F100:100 ».
The Grafcet production state is memorized starting from bit 100 (this is
the second parameter of orders « F » and « G » which indicates this
site), command « #B200 » reserves bits u100 to u199 for this type of
use. We can see that a « #B102 » command would have been sufficient
here because the production Grafcet only needed two bits to be
memorized (one bit per step).
AUTOMGEN8 325 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Grafcet and macro-steps
10 SO10
20 RO10
This example illustrate the use of macro-steps. The «Macro-step 1 » and
« Macro-step 3 » sheets represent the expansion of macro-steps with the
AUTOMGEN8 326 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
input and output steps. Steps 1 and 3 of the «Main program » sheet are
defined as macro-steps. Access to macro-step expansion display can be
done by clicking the left side of the mouse on the macro-steps.
Linked sheets
AUTOMGEN8 327 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
In this example two sheets have been used to write a program. The
symbols « _NEXT_ » and « _CONTINUE_ » have been stated as bits
(see the symbol file) and are used to make a link between the two
Grafcets (this is another synchronization technique that can be used with
AUTOMGEN8 328 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Flow chart
i0 O O0
i2 & O
i6 &
The flow chart example shows the use of different blocks: the
assignment block associated to key [0] to the left of the action rectangle
the « no » block associated with key [1] which complements a signal and
the test fixing blocks and « And» and « Or » functions.
AUTOMGEN8 329 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Grafcet and Flow Chart
Çbp depart de cycle
fin de cycle
bp manuel MOTEUR
étape 1 &
sécurité 1 O
sécutité 2 O
In this example a Grafcet and a Flow Chart are used together. The
symbol « _step1_ » used in the flow chart is associated to variable
« x1 ».
This type of programming clearly displays activation conditions of an
AUTOMGEN8 330 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Literal language box
0 SO0
m200=[0] ; m200 est utilisé comme index
res _flag une entrée est à un_
WHILE( _flag une entrée est à un_.m200<100)
set _flag une entrée est à un_
inc m200
flag une entrée est à un flag une entrée est à u
2 RO0
This program which associates Grafcet and literal language box is for
testing inputs i0 to i99. If one of the inputs is at one, then step 2 is active
and the Grafcet is in a state where all evolution is prohibited. The
symbol. « _flag an input is at one_ » is associated to bit u500. An
indexed addressing is used to scan the 100 inputs. We can also see the
simultaneous use of low level and extended literal language.
AUTOMGEN8 331 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Organizational chart
IF(_bp validation_)
bta _entrée roue codeuse_ ; fin
ana %0000000000000111
sta _valeur roue codeuse_
This example shows the use of an organizational chart for effecting an
algorithmic and numeric treatment. Here three inputs from a code wheel
is read and stored in a word if a validation input is active.
AUTOMGEN8 332 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Organizational chart
; Fin de la
; boucle
This second example of an organizational chart creates a loop structure
which is used to set a series of outputs (o10 to o29) with an indirect
addressing(« o(200) »).
AUTOMGEN8 333 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Function block
i16 RO0
i17 & SO0
i0 R.A.Z.
; Gestion de l'entrée de RAZ
; Gestion de l'entrée de comptage
; Teste la borne maxi
count lib (included in project resources)
AUTOMGEN8 334 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
This example illustrates the use of a function block. The functions of
the« COUNT » block that we have defined here are as follows:
Ö the count will start from an init value and will finish at a maximum limit value
Ö while the count value waits for the maximum limit it will be set the initial
value and the block output will pass to one during a program cycle.,
Ö the block will have a RAZ boolean input and a count input on the rising
Function block
=1 =1
i4 O0
=1 =1
; Ou exclusif
neq {o0} orr /{i0} eor {i1} orr {i0} eor /{i1}
ou_exclu.lib (included in the project resources)
This second example of a function block shows the multiple use of the
same block. The « EXCLUSIVE_OR » block creates an exclusive or
between the two boolean inputs This example uses 5 blocks to create an
exclusive or among 6 inputs (i0 à i5). The « EXCLUSIVE_OR.LIB » listed
below supports the functionality of the block. The exclusive or boolean
equation is as follows: « (i0./i1)+(/i0.i1) ».
The equivalent form used here makes it possible to code the equation on
a single line of low level literal language without using intermediate
AUTOMGEN8 335 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
i0 i7 O0
i1 i8
i2 i9
i3 i10 O1
i4 i11 O2
i5 i12 O3
i6 i13 O4
This example illustrates the use of ladder programming.
AUTOMGEN8 336 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Example developed on a train model
AUTOMGEN8 337 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
AUTOMGEN8 338 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
AUTOMGEN8 339 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
AUTOMGEN8 340 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
AUTOMGEN8 341 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
AUTOMGEN8 342 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
The adventures of Doctor R.
Educational training manual for AUTOMGEN users
AUTOMGEN8 343 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Doctor R. ………………………………………………… Mister R.
Doctor R. in the home automation kingdom
We are going to look at different example which can be directly applied
in a home automation project. From an initial easy manner, these
examples can be used to learn the different aspects that are the basis
of automatisms and AUTOMGEN and IRIS training
AUTOMGEN8 345 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
This symbol will be used in the following for partial command (for example a
programmable robot.
Is it necessary to explain that this
represents an bulb,
a push button
and a switch ?
First example: « which came first the bulb or the switch … »
A simple switch and a simple bulb: the switch is wired on input i0, the
bulb on output o0. If the switch is closed then the bulb lights up, if the
switch is open the bulb goes off. Hard to make it any simpler.
AUTOMGEN8 346 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Solution 1: natural language of an electrician: ladder
The ladder is the most direct transcription of a wiring diagram. The
contact receives the name of the input where the switch is wired, the
coil the name of the output where the bulb is wired.
Solution 2: the sequential language of the automation specialist:
Grafcet is based on the idea of state. For our problem we could say
that there are two states: the on state and the off state. Each step
represents a state: here step 0 represents the off state and step 1 the
on state. The condition which makes the off state go to the on state
still needs to be determined: here the off switch (see i0) then the
condition the causes the change from the on state to the off state: here
the open switch (see / i0). The conditions are written to the right of the
element marked transition. The rectangle associated to step 1 called
action rectangle contains the name of output O0 (the output where our
bulb is wired). So, the state of the bulb is always the same as that for
step 1.
AUTOMGEN8 347 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
this first example.
The happy owners of IRIS can use two BPVOYANT objects to
Couldn't they at least
have spared us the
AUTOMGEN8 348 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
It's your turn to play …
Switch 1 lights bulb 1, switch 2 bulb 2. A Grafcet solution is proposed at the end of
is document. th
Second example: « time frames, time-switches and other time
fun… »
AUTOMGEN8 349 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Language Language
AUTOMGEN8 350 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
s you certainly deduce, the idea of a time frame is used when a
nother, must carry out actions taking into
time. For example, waiting for a certain
mount of time before carrying out an action or carrying out an action
ithin a certain amount of time.
Our second example is as follows: a hallway is equipped with a bulb
and two push button. Pressing one of the push buttons lights the bulb
for two minutes (after this gives Dr. R. plenty of time to cross the
program, in one way or a
account data relative to
Solution 1: simplicity
AUTOMGEN8 350 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Solution 2: improvement
A problem is posed by this solution, if the push button is pressed while
e bulb is lit, the time delay is not reset. Earlier Dr. R thought he had
And if you want to try your hand at writing a real program …
reset the time switch and found himself in the dark last week.
reset the time switch and found himself in the dark last week.
AUTOMGEN8 351 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Solution 2: improvement
A problem is posed by this solution, if the push button is pressed while
e bulb is lit, the time delay is not reset. Earlier Dr. R thought he had
And if you want to try your hand at writing a real program …
1 O0
t0/x1/120s (i0+i1)
AUTOMGEN8 351 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Intelligent management of lighting a hallway: a bulb is placed at
h is pressed: the two bulbs light, then the
ar the pressed switch goes off at the end of
each end. When a switc
ulb that is at the end ne
30 seconds and then the other at the end of one minute.
Third Example: « variation on the theme of coming and
going… »
emember the ingenious principle of coming and going: two switches
ake it possible to turn on or turn off the same bulb.
AUTOMGEN8 352 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Here is a flow chart solution:
Purists will have recognized the exclusive or boolean equation.
Things become really interesting if you want to keep the coming and
going properties with a number of switches greater than 2.
O& O0
AUTOMGEN8 353 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
A solution using AUTOMGEN literal language.
bta i0
sta m203 ; le mot m203 contiendra l'état de 16 entes
m200=[0] ; ce mot contiendra le nombre d'interrupteurs
; allumés
m201=[4] ; compteur pour quatre interrupteurs
m202=[1] ; pour tester les bits de m203
while (m201>0)
inc m200
dec m201
; arrivé ici, m200 contient le nombre d'interrupteurs à 1
; il suffit de transférer le bit de poids faible de m200
; vers la sortie
AUTOMGEN8 354 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
AUTOMGEN8 355 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Try this:
A big room with 6 switches and 10 bulbs. Each switch can be used to
more or less light the room (clearly passing from a state where
everything is off to a state where one bulb is on, then two etc …).
A cleverer one:
« IO0 » means « invert the state of output 0 ».
↑ ↓
i3+ i3
1 IO0
Fourth example: « And the push button became
intelligent … »
all the previous examples, the push buttons carried out only one
nction. And so the person who used them only had two choices: to
ress them or not to press them in order to obtain a function (turning
n or off). Image a « better performing » push button able to receive
o types of pressure: a short pressure (arbitrarily less than one
econd) or a long pressure (arbitrarily at least a second).
For this example four push buttons and four bulbs. By default, in
normal use each push button is associated to a bulb. A short press on
a push button turns on or off the associated bulb. Each push button
must allow piloting one bulb or all of the bulbs. The table below
describes this functionality.
Type of action on push button Result
One short press The associated bulb changes state
One long press and one short one Bulb 1 changes state
One long press and two short ones Bulb 2 changes state
One long press and three short ones Bulb 3 changes state
One long press and four short ones Bulb 4 changes state
Two long presses and a short one All the bulbs go out
Tow long presses and two short ones All the bulbs go on
AUTOMGEN8 356 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
i0 M200#0
i1./i0 M200#1
i2./i0./i1 M200#2
i3./i0./i1./i2 M200#3
Attendre qu'un bouton poussoir soit enfoncé
0 {M201=[M200]}
AUTOMGEN8 357 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
i0 M200#0
i1./i0 M200#1
i2./i0./i1 M200#2
i3./i0./i1./i2 M200#3
Attendre qu'un bouton poussoir soit enfoncé
0 {M201=[M200]}
m200=0 t0/x10/1s.m200<>0
Relâché rapidement Toujours enfoncé au bout d'une seconde
40 RM210,RM211
Inverser l'état de l'ampoule associée RAZ compteur nombre d'appuis longs et nombre d'appuis courts
30 {BTA O0,XRA M201,ATB O0} m200=0
Attendre que le bp soit relâchée
50 {M201=[M200]}
m200=0.t2/x50/1s m200<>0
Suivant le nombre de pressions ...
100 IO0 m200=0 t1/x60/1s.m200<>0
Relâché rapidement Toujours enfoncé au bout d'une seconde
m210=2.m211=0 70 +M210 80 +M211
IO1 =1 =1
m210=3.m211=0 90
IO2 m200=0
Attendre que le bp soit relâché
AUTOMGEN8 357 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
This ends our educational training manual. We hope that it has
llowed you to discover the possibilities of AUTOMGEN.
e have one last exercise for you.
utomate your aunt Hortense's apartment bearing in mind her
xcessive fondness for nickel-plated switches.
AUTOMGEN8 358 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
AUTOMGEN8 359 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
The solutions …
« which came first the switch or the bulb … »
Just write two identical Grafcets. Each one is separately occupied by a
switch and a bulb.
« time delays, time switches and other time fun… »
th no time switch reset management.
A simple version wi
i0 i1
10 O0,O1 50 O0,O1
t0/x10/30s t2/x50/30s
30 O1 70 O0
t1/x30/30s t3/x70/30s
esetting the time switch makes the program very complex.
dder language and Grafcet settings.
he program remains readable.
The third solution uses Grafcet, la
i0 i1
10 O0,O1 50 O0,O1
i1 i0 t0/x10/30s t2/x50/30s i1 i0
20 30 O1 70 O0 60
=1 =1
i1 i0 t1/x30/30s t3/x70/30s i1 i0
40 80
=1 =1
i0 i1
10 O0,O1 50 O0,O1
t0/x10/30s t2/x50/30s
30 O1 70 O0
t1/x30/30s t3/x70/30s
i0 x10 RT0
x30 F0:{10}
i1 x50 RT2
x10 F0:{50}
AUTOMGEN8 360 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
AUTOMGEN8 361 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
« variation on the theme of coming and going …»
0 {BTA I0,ANA %11111,STA M200}
m200<>m201 o0 o1 o2 o3
1 {LDA M200,STA M201} SO0 SO1 SO2 SO3 SO4
=1 o4 o5 o6 o7 o8
AUTOMGEN8 363 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
AUTOMSIM is a pneumatic / electrical / hydraulic simulation module.
It can be used independently or in addition to the
AUTOMGEN8 applications:
SCADA and 3D
pneumatic and
AUTOMGEN8 365 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
To install AUTOMSIM, install AUTOMGEN. In options, be sure that
« AUTOMSIM » is checked.
Practical experience
Let us do a simple example: cylinder + directional valve
Click with the right side of the mouse on « AUTOMSIM »
Select “Add an AUTOMSIM page”
AUTOMGEN8 366 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Click with the right side of the mouse on the AUTOMSIM sheet (right
part) then select “Add an object”
Select “double acting cylinder”, and then click on “Open”.
Repeat the steps above then add a 4/2 directional valve with
monostable hand control, a pressure source and a pneumatic exhaust.
AUTOMGEN8 367 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
You should obtain the following:
Create connections between the different components: Move the
cursor over the connections (light blue circles), press the left button of
the mouse then release it, move the cursor of the mouse to the
connection where the link must be connected, press the left button of
the mouse then release it.
Repeat the above step for each connection until the following result is
Click on the “GO” button on the toolbar.
AUTOMGEN8 368 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
The cylinder shaft will come out. To make it go back in, click on the
manual control of the distributor.
While it is running, you can make changes, add objects, move them,
With AUTOMSIM, it is not necessary to stop simulation!
To end the simulation, click again on “GO”.
AUTOMGEN8 369 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
AUTOMGEN’s “beginner” mode
AUTOMGEN’s “Beginner” mode allows you to use simplified palettes
for AUTOMSIM. The “Beginner, automaton, electricity and pneumatic”
mode allows you to use an environment where a programmable
automaton is already “pre-wired”:
In order to reference the automaton’s inputs and outputs, the %In
(where n=the number of the input) or %Qn (where n=the number of the
output) can be used. It is also possible to “drag” the name of an input
or output by clicking on its name on the AUTOMSIM diagram and
moving the cursor to a transition or action rectangle of the
AUTOMGEN sheet. Programming can thus be done just using the
AUTOMGEN8 370 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Organizing applications
AUTOMSIM applications are written on one or more sheets that
appear in the tree structure of AUTOMGEN. The objects are then
placed on the sheet(s): an object = a component such as a cylinder or
an electrical contact.
Opening an existing application
The subdirectory « Examples / automsim » of the installation directory
of AUTOMGEN contains examples done with AUTOMSIM.
Creating an AUTOMSIM sheet
To add an AUTOSIM sheet in the tree structure of a project, click with
the right button of the mouse on the “AUTOMSIM” component in the
tree structure, then select “Add an AUTOMSIM page”.
An AUTOMSIM sheet is then created.
AUTOMGEN8 371 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Adding an object onto an AUTOMSIM sheet
Click with the right button of the mouse on the AUTOMSIM sheet (
shown below on the right) and select “Add an object”.
The selection assistant for an object then appears:
AUTOMGEN8 372 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
The assistant shows a preview of the object in the bottom of the
window. To add the object onto the AUTOMSIM sheet, click on “Open
the object”.
Then move the mouse to place the object on the AUTOMSIM sheet,
press the left button of the mouse and release it to leave the object.
You will obtain the following result:
AUTOMGEN8 373 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Using the palette
1- Click on the object(s) in the palette (they appear as selected):
framed by black squares).
AUTOMGEN8 374 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
2- Click on the selected object(s), keep the button pressed and
drag the object onto the sheet.
Selecting one or more objects.
To select an object, move the cursor of the mouse over the object,
press the left button of the mouse and release it. Black squares appear
around the objects when they are selected:
To deselect an object, repeat the same step.
AUTOMGEN8 375 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
To select several objects: keep the SHIFT key of the keyboard
pressed and select several objects following the method described
To select several objects that are in the same area: press the left
button of the mouse, move the cursor of the mouse – a selection
rectangle emerges – release the left button of the mouse when the
selection rectangle is of the desired size.
To select an object that is under another object (several objects can be
superimposed), click several times with the left button of the mouse on
the objects covering each other: at each click, the selection moves
from one object to the other.
Selecting one or more objects
Move the cursor over one or more selected objects – the cursor of the
mouse takes on the appearance of four direction arrows – press the
left button of the mouse, move the objects by moving the mouse,
release the left button of the mouse when the desired position for the
objects is reached.
Deleting one or more objects
Move the cursor over one or several selected objects, press then
release the right button of the mouse and select “Delete”.
Changing the orientation of one or more objects
Move the cursor over one or more selected objects, press then release
the right button of the mouse and select the desired setting in the
“Rotation” menu.
Copying/cutting one or more objects to the clipboard
Move the cursor over one or more selected objects, press then release
the right button of the mouse and select “Copy” or “Paste”.
AUTOMGEN8 376 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Pasting one or more objects from the clipboard
Press then release the right button of the mouse over an empty area of
the AUTOMSIM sheet and select “Paste” in the menu.
Modifying object properties.
Move the cursor over one or more selected objects, press then release
the right button of the mouse and select “Properties”.
Example of the properties of a directional valve:
Exporting one or more objects
Move the cursor over one or more selected objects, press then release
the right button of the mouse and select “Export”.
The objects are exported to files with the extension .ASO.
By exporting to the subdirectory “automsim/lib” of the installation
directory of AUTOMGEN, the new objects created appear in the
AUTOMSIM assistant. The name of the file is the name shown in the
assistant. If the name must contain the character ‘/’, substitute this
character with ‘@’ in the file name.
AUTOMGEN8 377 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Advanced functions
Interactions between objects
Interactions between AUTOMSIM objects are realized either by visual
links defined on the sheets (a pneumatic or electrical line connecting
two objects, for example) or by a symbol. A symbol is a generic name,
for example “mini sensor”. A symbol may have any name whatsoever
except for key words reserved for the names of AUTOMGEN variables
(see the AUTOMGEN language reference manual) and symbols used
in the AUTOMGEN symbol table.
Creating sensors associated with a cylinder
The mini and maxi end stops of a cylinder can be configured in the
properties of the cylinder. Example:
References for the symbols used can be found in the electrical
AUTOMGEN8 378 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
For example:
The sensors can also be positioned directly on the AUTOMSIM sheet.
For example:
The gray circle associated with the sensor objects must coincide with
the gray dot located on the piston or the cylinder shaft so that the
sensor is activated.
AUTOMGEN8 379 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Interactions between AUTOMSIM objects and the automaton
As seen above, the symbols used in the AUTOMSIM objects allow
information to be exchanged between the objects. Where you want to
communicate solely between AUTOMSIM objects, these symbols
cannot be the names of either AUTOMGEN variables or AUTOMGEN
symbols. If you use the name of an AUTOMGEN variable or an
AUTOMGEN symbol, these AUTOMGEN objects reference the
AUTOMGEN variables and may therefore, depending on the actual
situation, read or write to the automaton application’s variables.
AUTOMGEN8 380 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Interactions between AUTOMSIM objects and the IRIS 3D
operational unit simulator
In the IRIS 3D “Translations” and “Rotations” behaviors, the
“AUTOMSIM” type allows you to reference the position of an
AUTOMSIM cylinder object (see the example complet2.agn).
AUTOMGEN8 381 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Interactions between AUTOMSIM objects and the IRIS2D
supervision objects
How can a link be made between an IRIS2D pushbutton or switch and
an AUTOMSIM pushbutton or switch?
AUTOMGEN8 382 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
How can a link be made between an AUTOMSIM object and an
IRIS2D indicator light?
Comments: note that the AUTOMSIM variables are considered as
numerical variables. It is therefore necessary to write “su=1”
AUTOMGEN8 383 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Drag and drop from an AUTOMSIM variable to an
This application is used, for example, in “Beginner” mode in order to
be able to “drag” the name of inputs or outputs from the automaton to
the AUTOMGEN sheet.
To use this application, use a “Design”-type AUTOMSIM object and
document the “Drag and drop” section with the text that could be
“dragged” from the AUTOMSIM sheet to the AUTOMGEN sheet.
AUTOMGEN8 384 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
User-definable objects
The user-definable object will allow you to create your own simulation
To create such an object, open the following object:
AUTOMGEN8 385 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
The object is shown as a grey square as long as it has not been
To access the object definition, open the object’s properties (select the
object, right-click over it then “Properties”) and click on “Define the
AUTOMGEN8 386 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
The “Object width” and “Object height” areas allow you to define the
dimensions of the object.
The “Designs”, “Program” and “Connections” areas allow you to define
the object’s design (its appearance), its behavior and the connections
This area allows you to define the design of the object with the help of
the design primitive. The “Insert”, “Delete” and “Modify” buttons allow
you respectively to add or delete a primitive or to modify the
parameters associated with a primitive. The design primitives use this
system of co-ordinates:
Each primitive can receive one or more parameters.
Note that the design primitives only define objects without rotation; the
design with rotation is automatically generated by AUTOMSIM. The
Object Horizontal axis
AUTOMGEN8 387 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
same is true for the scale: primitives design at scale 1; AUTOMSIM
handles scaling according to the zoom selected by the user.
By clicking on “Insert”, a dialogue box allows you to select a design
List of design primitives
Drawing primitive
These primitives produce a drawing.
Moves the pen (without drawing).
- horizontal position,
- vertical position.
Draws a line from the pen’s current position to the position indicated.
- horizontal position,
- vertical position.
Draws a rectangle.
- horizontal position of the top left corner,
- vertical position of the top left corner,
- horizontal position of the bottom right corner,
- vertical position of the bottom right corner.
Draws an ellipse.
AUTOMGEN8 388 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
- horizontal position of the top left corner of the rectangle
containing the ellipse,
- vertical position of the top left corner of the rectangle containing
the ellipse,
- horizontal position of the bottom right corner of the rectangle
containing the ellipse,
- vertical position of the bottom right corner of the rectangle
containing the ellipse.
Draws a rectangle with rounded corners.
- horizontal position of the top left corner,
- vertical position of the top left corner,
- horizontal position of the bottom right corner,
- vertical position of the bottom right corner,
- horizontal rounded corner radius,
- vertical rounded corner radius,
Draws a triangle.
- horizontal position of point 1,
- vertical position of point 1,
- horizontal position of point 2,
- vertical position of point 2,
- horizontal position of point 3,
- vertical position of point 3.
Draws a chord (intersection of an ellipse and a straight line).
- horizontal position of the top left corner of the rectangle
containing the ellipse,
- vertical position of the top left corner of the rectangle containing
the ellipse,
- horizontal position of the bottom right corner of the rectangle
containing the ellipse,
AUTOMGEN8 389 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
- vertical position of the bottom right corner of the rectangle
containing the ellipse,
- horizontal position of the start of the line,
- vertical position of the start of the line,
- horizontal position of the end of the line,
- vertical position of the end of the line.
Draws an arc of an ellipse (the part of an ellipse cut by a straight line).
- horizontal position of the top left corner of the rectangle
containing the ellipse,
- vertical position of the top left corner of the rectangle containing
the ellipse,
- horizontal position of the bottom right corner of the rectangle
containing the ellipse,
- vertical position of the bottom right corner of the rectangle
containing the ellipse,
- horizontal position of the start of the line,
- vertical position of the start of the line,
- horizontal position of the end of the line,
- vertical position of the end of the line.
Draws a text box.
- horizontal position,
- vertical position,
- text.
Attribute primitives
These primitives modify the layout of the drawing primitives (the line or
fill color, for example).
Modifies the fill color for figures or the background color for text boxes.
- color.
AUTOMGEN8 390 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Modifies the color of lines or text.
- color.
Modifies the font of the text.
Other primitives
Unconditional jump.
- label.
Conditional jump.
- label,
- element 1,
- type of comparison,
- element 2.
(See the programming primitives below for more information).
Displays the state of a variable. Can be used for debugging an object
by displaying the value of a variable associated with the object.
AUTOMGEN8 391 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
- variable,
- horizontal position,
- vertical position.
This area allows you to define the program governing the object’s
working. Each object has variables:
128 32-bit integer variables,
128 32-bit floating-point variables.
And also for each connection:
- a floating-point value on input,
- a floating-point value on output,
- an associated writing mode that can have the following values:
o 0: no writing has been done,
o 1: the “floating-point value on output” has been written,
o 2: a connection has been realized with the connection
whose number is in “floating-point value on output”,
o 3: locking (pneumatic or hydraulic plug).
The following internal integer variables are special:
125: contains 0 if dynamic visualization is active, 1 if not (useful in
order to have a different design for dynamic visualization and
126: contains a value representing a user event: 0=no event, 1=left
mouse button released, 2=left mouse button pressed, 3=right mouse
button released, 4=right mouse button pressed.
127: contains the elapsed time in ms between 2 operations of the
AUTOMGEN8 392 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
List of programming primitives
Copies a constant or a variable into a variable.
- destination variable,
- source variable or constant.
Adds a constant or variable to a constant or variable and places the
result in a variable.
- destination variable,
- source 1 variable or constant,
- source 2 variable or constant.
Subtracts a constant or variable from a constant or variable and places
the result in a variable.
- destination variable,
- source 1 variable or constant,
- source 2 variable or constant.
Multiplies a constant or variable by a constant or variable and places
the result in a variable.
- destination variable,
- source 1 variable or constant,
- source 2 variable or constant.
AUTOMGEN8 393 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Divides a constant or variable by a constant or variable and places the
result in a variable.
- destination variable,
- source 1 variable or constant,
- source 2 variable or constant.
Carries out a bit-by-bit OR between a constant or variable and a
constant or variable and places the result in a variable.
- destination variable,
- source 1 variable or constant,
- source 2 variable or constant.
Carries out a bit-by-bit AND between a constant or variable and a
constant or variable and places the result in a variable.
- destination variable,
- source 1 variable or constant,
- source 2 variable or constant.
Carries out a bit-by-bit exclusive OR between a constant or variable
and a constant or variable and places the result in a variable.
- destination variable,
- source 1 variable or constant,
- source 2 variable or constant.
Unconditional jump.
- label.
AUTOMGEN8 394 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Conditional jump.
- label,
- element 1,
- type of comparison,
- element 2.
Makes it possible to create the object’s connection points. By clicking
on “Insert”, the following dialogue box is opened:
For each connection, define the position and the technology. The
number shown against each connection must be used to access the
value in the object’s programming.
AUTOMGEN8 395 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
The “Examples\automsim” sub-directory of the AUTOMGEN
installation directory contains an example illustrating use of the user-
definable object: a contact:
AUTOMGEN8 396 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
AUTOMGEN8 397 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
General Information
Post-processors are software modules used to translate pivot code files
generated by the AUTOMGEN compiler into executable files on a target
as well as ensuring dynamic connection of the target.
The word « Target» is a generic reference for a programmable system
capable of executing an application.
An AUTOMGEN post-processor is used to program a type or type set of
targets (generally a family of processors sharing the same language can
be programmed with the same post-processor in AUTOMGEN).
The first part of this manual contains basic information that is common to
all post-processors. Specific information regarding applications for each
post-processor is described further on.
AUTOMGEN8 399 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Please carefully read the explanations in this chapter.
Configuration files
Four configuration elements are used for each post-processor. Each is
used for a specific purpose.
This contains the hardware configuration of the target, software
configuration, options for modifying the way the post-processor
generates the code as well as reserved variable statements (for using
inside the post-processor). Generally, depending on the target, you will
modify the hardware configuration contained in that element (for example
the type of UC or a configuration of the type of input/output cards)
Variable functions
Mastering variable functions is one of the fundamental elements for
mastering the use of post-processors.
When the post-processor translates a AUTOMGEN pivot language file
into a specific target language, it must attribute AUTOMGEN variables to
the target variables.
This element contains the exact description of variable attribution. By
modifying this element you have total control over the use of the target
variable space.
Start-up manufacturer code
This element contains the machine language for the target which will be
placed at the beginning of the executable code generated by the post-
processor (executed at the beginning of the cycle).
End manufacturer code
This element contains the machine language for the target which will be
placed at the end of the executable code generated by the post-
processor (executed at the end of the cycle).
Configuration by default
When a project is created, the default configuration elements are
duplicated in the project. Modifications to the project configuration
elements will not affect the default statements.
AUTOMGEN8 400 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Modifying the default statements
Use the right side of the mouse to click on the element « Configuration /
Post-processor / <target name> / … » and select « Set as default
configuration». The project configuration will then be set by default
(canceling of the default configuration).
Be careful, this operation is irreversible. The
configuration element can only be restored if the post-
processor is reinstalled.
Using the default statements.
Use the right side of the mouse to click on the element « Configuration /
Post-processor / <target name> / … » and select « Using default
configuration». The project configuration in progress is cancelled by the
default configuration.
Displaying and modifying configuration elements
Access the configuration files by double clicking on the « Configuration /
Post-processors / <target name> / … » element. A window will open that
can be used to display and modify the configuration element.
This configuration element is specific for each post-processor
Hardware configuration
This area (optional) is modified to establish the hardware configuration of
a target (for example, type of CPU, input/output cards)
AUTOMGEN8 401 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Software configuration
This area (optional) is modified to establish the characteristics of an
application configuration (for example, the value of a watchdog).
Code generation options
This area contains the settings for the translation method that the post-
processor must use (only for specialists). The number of options may
differ from one post-processor to another. The list below shows the
options which all post-processors have in common:
« Optimize generated code »
Generally set on « Yes».. A « No » setting is used for an easier analysis
of generated code.
« Do not generate the code of Grafcet steps »
Set to « No ». by default. If set to « Yes», in the « End machine code »
you must write the instructions used to recopy the immediate states of
boolean variables transferred to the past states (see chapterManaging
AUTOMGEN boolean variables)
« Do not generate the evolution code of user bits »
Identical to the previous option but applied to AUTOMGEN user bits
(« U » variables).
Stating the variables
These are statements of variables used internally by the post-processor.
Only specialists can modify these variables.
Other elements
There may be other specific elements for each post-processor.
See the « System » element in text format.
By clicking on the icon in the toolbar, you go from tree mode to
« text » mode (format of old AUTOMGEN versions). In « Text » format
you can copy and paste information into the configuration files.
Modification to « text » mode must be made by
specialists, inopportune modifications can lead to
compiling errors which are difficult for an inexperienced
person to find.
AUTOMGEN8 402 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Displaying system elements
By double clicking on « Configuration / Post-processors / <name of post-
processor> / System » the following window opens.
Example of system configuration
Variable functions
Mastering variable functions is one of the fundamental elements for
mastering the use of post-processors.
When the post-processor translates a AUTOMGEN pivot language file
into a specific target language, it must attribute AUTOMGEN variables to
the target variables.
For example, if you use the AUTOMGEN word 200 in your application
(called M200 or %MW200 in AUTOMGEN) this word must exist in the
target memory and thus must have a name for that target.
AUTOMGEN proposes three types of statements for variable functions.
- single assignment;
- linear assignment
AUTOMGEN8 403 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
- automatic assignment
Variable functions for a project will be composed of « n » assignments
each one using one of the three types.
Single assignment
This is used to associate an AUTOMGEN variable to a target variable. It
is the simplest of the statements
It can only be used if a single statement is necessary.
This statement uses two pieces of information. the name of the
AUTOMGEN variable and the name of the target variable.
« Associate this AUTOMGEN variable to that target variable », to effect a
single assignment..
Linear assignment
This form is more evolved than a single assignment.
It is used to associate a series of consecutive AUTOMGEN variables
(multiple variables of the same type where the numbers are in order) to a
series of consecutive target variables.
The assignment is normally used for:
- stating input/output variables;
- stating bit or word tables which must have a fixed address (for
example, for a link with an operator control panel).
This statement uses three pieces of information: the name of the first
AUTOMGEN variable, the name of the first target variable and the
dimension of the table in number of variables.
« Associate this AUTOMGEN variable table in order to that target
variable table », to effect a linear assignment.
Automatic assignment
This is the most complex and powerful type of statement. It is used to
associate one or more types of AUTOMGEN variables to a range of
target variables.
AUTOMGEN8 404 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
This assignment gives the compiler the task of finding an assignment for
each variable in the generated code (as long as it corresponds to one of
the types) of the statement.
This type of statement is normally used for all AUTOMGEN application
variables where the address of the variable associated in the target does
not need a precisely fixed address.
This statement uses three pieces of information:
- the type of AUTOMGEN variables (see the chapter Types of
AUTOMGEN elimination variables),
- the name of the first variable of the target range,
- the number of the last variable (included) of the target range.
Automatic assignment is not used for a post-processor if another
statement has not been found for a variable. For example, if a linear
assignment command sets an attribution for the words 200 to
AUTOMGEN 210, the post-processor will not use automatic assignment
to try and allocate these words.
If multiple automatic assignments exist for the same type of AUTOMGEN
variable, the post-processor will use the first range of target variables
until saturation, then the second until saturation, then the third etc.
If a variable has not been allocated at the end of using all the automatic
assignments, the compiler generates an error message indicating that
the variable has not been set.
« When you find one of these types of variables, use a variable of the
target in that area», to effect an automatic assignment.
Types of AUTOMGEN elimination variables
These are used to state variable functions, they are a subset (because
more than one target variable may be needed to allocate an
AUTOMGEN variable) of AUTOMGEN variable types.
Managing AUTOMGEN boolean variables
One of the basic principles of boolean language translation for the
AUTOMGEN compiler is to be able to access two states for the same
boolean variable.
AUTOMGEN8 405 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
This concept refers to the idea of « execution cycle » : an entity
representing the action created by the target, consisting in reading the
application instructions in a linear mode (from the beginning to the end)
and accomplishing the processing they correspond to.
These two states are set as follows:
1- The immediate state of the variable: the state written for the last
instruction executed by the target transfers that variable either by
default to the state of the variable at the end of the last execution
cycle, or if it is the first execution cycle by default to the initialization
state of the variable.
2- The past state of the variable: the state of the variable at the end of
the last execution cycle.
Comments: the two states are only valid for the main application task.
Only the immediate state has meaning for asynchronous tasks.
The code generated by the AUTOMGEN compiler assumes the
- assignment of a boolean variable is effected on its immediate state;
- testing of a boolean variable is effected on its past state.
These two rules are used to ensure a consistent evolution of boolean
applications and to observe the evolution rules of programs generated by
a Grafcet language description.
The code generated by the post-processor manages recopying of the
variable immediate states to variable past states at cycle end.
When a boolean variable is used in AUTOMGEN two boolean variables
are used on the target.
There are three exceptions:
1- for an all or none input, if no edge test is used, only the past state
(« bi ») is used (economy of a boolean variable).
2- for an all or none output, if no edge test is used, only the immediate
state (« o ») is used.
AUTOMGEN8 406 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
(this explains why only the « bi » and « o » variables are found in
variable attribution commands).
3- for the ZELIO post-processor, which effects time management of
the variables (almost identical to AUTOMGEN's) only immediate
states are used in ZELIO programming language.
Standard element syntax
« <AUTOMGEN variable name> » refers to the immediate state of a
boolean variable or a numeric variable..
« b<AUTOMGEN variable name> » refers to the past state of a boolean
Special edge syntaxes
« u<AUTOMGEN variable name> » refers to the « rising edge » state of
a boolean variable.
« d<AUTOMGEN variable name> » refers to the « falling edge » state of
a boolean variable.
Special time delay syntaxes
« time <number> » refers to a time delay number.
« tproc<number> » refers to a time delay procedure..
« tcount<number> » refers to a time delay time counter.
Other special syntaxes
(only for specialists)
« ac » refers to the 16 bit accumulator.
« al » refers to the 32 bit accumulator.
« af » refers to the float accumulator.
« cf » refers to the carry flag.
AUTOMGEN8 407 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
« zf » refers to the zero result flag
« sf » refers to the negative result flag.
« of » refers to the overflow flag.
Displaying the variable function elements
By double clicking on « Configuration / Post-processors / <name of post-
processor> / Variable function » the following window opens.
Example of variable functions
Comment: in the event that the same post-processor can generate code
for multiple types of target (for example multiple types of processor
CPU's) the different elements can be conditioned for all of the target
types or for one particular target type. If the elements are conditioned,
they are associated to « Only for xxx » lines. See the examples below.
AUTOMGEN8 408 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
By clicking on the elements « + » on the tree you open the branches, « -
» closes them.
AUTOMGEN8 409 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Modifying a variable function element
You can modify the elements by double clicking on them.
Example of a configuration dialogue box for a linear assignment.
Adding a variable function element
To add a new assignment, click with the right side of the mouse on the
« Assignment … » elements of the tree and select « Add » from the
If multiple target types are managed by the post-processor, the following
dialogue box is used to establish if the new assignment is only for one
type in particular or all the types.
AUTOMGEN8 410 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Single assignment
Linear assignment
AUTOMGEN8 411 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Automatic assignment
Note that AUTOMGEN variables must always be separated using the
« & » character.
Deleting a variable function element
With the right side of the mouse, click on the variable function element
and select « Delete » from the menu.
Associating an AUTOMGEN bit to a target system bit
Two statements are necessary, the two state variables of a bit « U »
u » and « bu ») must be associated to a target system bit. You must
create two single assignments, for example:
Be careful, when you assign the AUTOMGEN u and bu variable to the
same target system bit, you eliminate the possibility of creating a rising
AUTOMGEN8 412 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
or falling edge test in the application. You can get around this problem by
using the syntax « (u<n>) » or « (u<n>) » (where « <n> » represents
the bit number) in the application (this syntax generates an intermediate
bit where the edge will be correctly evaluated).
Associating a table of AUTOMGEN words to a table of fixed target words
Only a single linear statement is necessary for this, for example:
The target words that are allocated must be free from
other assignments or the same target variables may
be assigned twice to different AUTOMGEN variables.
AUTOMGEN8 413 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Associating AUTOMGEN words to target analog inputs or outputs
Use linear statements, for example:
Associating a table of AUTOMGEN bits to a table of target bits
Two linear assignments are necessary, for example: For example:
This example (the immediate states and past states are associated to
the same target variables) does not allow using the edge tests on
AUTOMGEN bits u100 to u109.
Two solutions are possible for getting around this problem:
- use the syntax « (u<n>) » or « (u<n>) » (where « <n> »
represents the bit number) in the application,
- associate the immediate and past state bits to two tables of
different bits in the target. In this case, external access to the
application which can be created on these bits (for example by a
dialogue terminal or supervision software) must comply with the
AUTOMGEN philosophy: for reading access for past states, writing
AUTOMGEN8 414 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
access for immediate states (reading access for immediate states
is possible in practice).
The allocated target bits must be cleaned of any other
assignments or they may assign the same target
variables twice to different AUTOMGEN variables.
See the variable functions in text format
When you click on the icon on the toolbar, you go from « tree » mode
to « text » mode (format of older AUTOMGEN versions). In « Text »
format you can copy and paste information into the configuration files..
Modification to « text » mode must be made by
specialists, inopportune modifications can lead to
compiling errors which are difficult for an inexperienced
person to find.
Start-up manufacturer code, end manufacturer code
These configuration elements contain machine code for each target in
text format.
The syntax to be used in these sections is similar to low level languages
that can be used on each target. Observation of the code generated in
pass 1 for each post-processor allows you to display the syntax to be
Reference to an AUTOMGEN variable
Use the syntax « _<AUTOMGEN variable name>_ » to refer to an
AUTOMGEN variable (remember to add the character « b » at the
beginning of the variable to access the past state of a boolean variable.
For example « _bu100_ »).
AUTOMGEN8 415 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Referring to an AUTOMGEN application symbol
_|symbol name|_
The character « | » is normally associated to key 6 on the keyboard.
Setting and referring to a label
« @<label name> » indicates a jump destination,
« _<label name>_ » refers to a label.
Entering machine code in an application
The key words « #BEGIN_MACHINE_CODE » and
« #END_MACHINE_CODE » are used to enter machine codes in an
AUTOMGEN code box.
These two commands must be placed at the beginning of a line, no other
characters should be placed on the same line.
The lines within these two commands establish an area called « Machine
language section ».
The syntax to be used in a machine language section is the same as that
used in the « Begin machine code » and « End machine code »
Selecting connection options
Double click on the element « Configuration / Post-processor / <post-
processor name> / Connection options».
AUTOMGEN8 416 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Selecting a connection mode
The number of connection modes is based on the post-processor. The
« Only connected » mode is normally used to create a supervising
This dialogue box opens automatically when connection to a target is
requested. If you check « Do not open … », it will no longer open
automatically. To open it again, push the [Shift] key or launch the
connection command or the « Go » command.
Setting communication module parameters
Double click on the element « Configuration / Post-processor / <post-
processor name> /Communication module».
Example of setting communication module parameters
The current configuration can be set as a default configuration (for new
projects) or default reset.
A connection test can be created.
AUTOMGEN8 417 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Post-processor PL7
This post-processor is used to program the processors MODICON
Communication module
The UNITELWAY SCHNEIDER driver must be installed
on the computer (locally) to be able to communicate
with processors SCHNEIDER TSX 37 and TSX 57.
Drivers adapted to one or more versions of WINDOWS
are on the CD-ROM and can be downloaded from the
IRAI site.
The communication module uses the driver conceived for SCHNEIDER
AUTOMATION. Click on « Setting parameters and testing … » to directly
access SCHNEIDER communication driver menus.
Setting communication module parameters
UNITELWAY communication module properties
AUTOMGEN8 418 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Generating an executable file
The post-processor can generate a binary file which can be directly
downloaded in the processor (only available on TSX 37, not available on
TSX 57) or a file which can be imported in the SCHNEIDER tools
(available for TSX 37 and TSX 57). The first solution is preferable (saves
time, easier to use).
The mode selection is made in the post-processor software
Direct generation of a binary file
This mode is highly recommended for TSX 37.
It has the following restrictions:
- sub-program instruction cannot be used;
- it does not support specific instructions (for example
communication or PID).
If your application must use very specific elements, use one of the
importation methods described above.
Selecting automatic generation of a binary file.
Processor configuration file
For the basic versions of TSX 37-05 and TSX 37-08 (with only one
input/output card), files 3705.stx and 3708.stx are provided in the
AUTOMGEN installation directory.
If a configuration file is not created, the processor TOR
outputs will not be activated.
AUTOMGEN8 419 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Once the file is created or downloaded (see above), give an access path
to the file in the following configuration element:
File name containing the configuration
There are four possible methods for obtaining a configuration file:
Use the integrated setup utility
Double click on “PLC hardware setup file” and answer “Yes” to “Create a
new configuration file”. Then, use the setup utility for creating the
configuration file. The created file will be automatically added to the
resources of the project,
Download the configuration file from the IRAI site
1- double click on “PLC hardware setup file” and answer “Yes” to
“Create a new configuration file”. Then, use the setup utility for
creating the configuration file. The created file will be automatically
added to the resources of the project,
2- download a file corresponding to the configuration of your
processor from the IRAI site:, « Download /
AUTOMGEN / configuration files for TSX 37 processor » section
(recommended if the configuration file is present on the site),
3- recopy the downloaded file without unzipping it (« .STX » files are
zipped files) into the AUTOMGEN installation directory or put it into
AUTOMGEN project resources.
If you unzip the « .STX » file the post-processor will not be
able to use it.
AUTOMGEN8 420 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Creating a file with the SCHNEIDER programming tools
SCHNEIDER (PL7MICRO, PL7JUNIOR or PL7PRO) software tools can
be used.. Files created with other versions may not work, in this case,
the processor goes into error mode when the application is downloaded
(« ERR » light goes on on the processor).
To create an « .STX » file :
1- launch one of the SCHNEIDER tools, create an application
following the rules below:
o select your processor's type of CPU and always select the
1.0 version of the CPU;
o select the input/output card/s on your processor and if
necessary set their parameters;
2- save the file created in the AUTOMGEN installation directory or
enter it into AUTOMGEN project resources.
Send an e-mail to IRAI to obtain the configuration file
1- send an e-mail to IRAI requesting a configuration file, the following
information needs to be provided:
o the type of CPU TSX 37-05, 37-08, 37-10, 37-21 or 3722,
o the position and exact type of input/output cards (DMZ …)
2- when you receive the file, recopy it into the AUTOMGEN
installation directory (without unzipping it) or put it into
AUTOMGEN project resources.
Generating an « .FEF » executable file
In this mode, importation in the SCHNEIDER programming tools (PL7
MICRO (TSX 37), PL7 JUNIOR (TSX 37 or TSX 57) or PL7 PRO (TSX
37 or TSX 57) can be automatic or manual.
Manual importation
Selecting manual importation mode
You must select a file name which will be exported for AUTOMGEN:
AUTOMGEN8 421 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Selecting a file for exporting to SCHNEIDER software workgroup
1- Compile the application in AUTOMGEN using the « Compile »
command from the « Program » menu or clicking on the button
on the toolbar,
2- Launch a SCHNEIDER software workgroup, create a new project
and use the « Import an application» command from the « File »
3- When the importation process is finished, transfer the application to
the processor.
4- To obtain a dynamic display in AUTOMGEN, click the « Go »
button on the toolbar and select the « Only connect» connection
Automatic importation
The SCHNEIDER software tool will be launched automatically. Only a
limited number of SCHNEIDER software can be used. The type and
version of SCHNEIDER software must be set in the software
Selecting the type and version of SCHNEIDER software
Operation of the automatic importation procedure with other
SCHNEIDER software versions is not guaranteed.
AUTOMGEN8 422 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Procedure to be effected only once.
1- Launch a SCHNEIDER programming tool and create a new
2- Configure the application: the type of processor, input/output cards
3- Save the file you have created;
4- Give the complete access path to that file in the « hardware
configuration» section of the « System» element, for example:
Create an application for each execution:
Launch the SCHNEIDER software tool (if you have not already done so);
Click the « GO » button on the AUTOMGEN toolbar.
Using interrupt tasks
When setting a task type sheet, you can enter AUTOMGEN low level
language or machine language for a processor task. The table below
provides the correspondence in the number of tasks and the type of
interrupr task of the processor.
Task number
Processor TSX 37
task type Processor TSX 57 task type
0 Fast task Fast task
Specific examples
These examples are in the directory « <AUTOMGEN installation
directory> /Examples/Post-processors/PL7 ».The files have the same
names as the titles of the following chapters.
AUTOMGEN8 423 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Analog inputs/outputs
This example illustrates the use of analog inputs/outputs.
Stating analog inputs/outputs on processor TSX 37-22
Fast counter TSX 37-10
This example illustrates the use of a fast counter on a TSX 37-10
Fast counter TSX 37-10 used in counting
This example illustrates the use of a fast counter on a TSX 37-10
processor in counting mode.
Fast counter TSX 37-22
This example illustrates the use of a fast counter on a TSX 37-22
Example of using ASI inputs/outputs
Example of using a MAGELIS terminal
AUTOMGEN8 424 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Post-processor PL72
This post-processor is used to program TELEMECANIQUE SCHNEIDER
TSX 17-20 (with PL72 cartridge), TSX 27, TSX 47 and TSX 47-20
Selecting processor type
Use the « Configuration / Post-processor / PL72 / System / Hardware
configuration» browser element to select the type of processor.
Specific syntax elements
Calling up PL72 function blocks
The following syntaxes are used to call up time delay, text and fast
counter (TSX 17-20) blocks in a text format used in the « Begin machine
code », « End machine code » elements and sections in machine
Time delay block
PL72 equivalent:
AUTOMGEN8 425 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Text block
PL72 equivalent:
Fast counter block
PL72 equivalent:
WEEK type time/date block (only on TSX 17-20)
a.H,W (days), (start time), (end time)=x :y :z
AUTOMGEN8 426 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
« days » represents the days of the week, this is an encoded value on 7
bits, each bit represents a day of the week. The day is active if the bit
1.b0 corresponds to Sunday and b6 to Saturday. For example, to
validate Monday and Wednesday the value 213
+ 2 must be written: 2 + 8
= 10. To validate the seven days of the week: the value is 127.
« start time » and « end time » are expressed as HH:MM: hours and
YEAR type time/date block (only on TSX 17-20)
a.H,Y,(start date),(end date)=x :y :z
« start date » and « end date » are expressed as DD:MM: day and
PL72 equivalent:
Using a fast task
Task » type sheet bearing the number « 1 » is used to associate
literal code or PL72 code written on the sheet to the fast task. The sheet
must not contain anything other than low level literal code or PL72 code
written in an organizational chart rectangle.
AUTOMGEN8 427 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Communication module
Setting communication module parameters
If you connect the PC on the processor console outlet, you must select
« Console outlet».
Do not check « Always attempt 19200 baud connection » unless your
processor is a recent TSX 17-20 (this option is used for a faster dialogue
between the PC and processor).
The « UNITELWAY » mode is used to connect the PC to a UNITELWAY
coupler. In this case, the speed must correspond to the coupler
If you check « Always attempt 19200 baud
connection » and your TSX 17-20 does not support
19200 baud communication the connection will fail.
If the mode does not correspond with the connection
(for example, UNITELWAY mode selected and a
connection on the console processor) the connection will fail.
Specific examples
These examples are in the directory « <AUTOMGEN installation
directory> /Examples/Post-processors/PL72 ».The files have the same
names as the titles of the following chapters.
AUTOMGEN8 428 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Analog inputs/outputs
To use the analog outputs on a TSX 17-20 processor you must:
- state the analog input/output blocks in the « System » element of
the configuration .
- associate one or more AUTOMGEN variables to the
TELEMECANIQUE input/output words (IW and OW).
- processor TSX 17-20 using a block of 4 analog inputs (code 27) in
position 1 and a block of 2 analog outputs (code 21) in position 2:
- the program will simply recopy the state of the first analog input on
the first analog output. it will also compare the second analog input
with the value 500 (arbitrary value) and position two boolean
outputs: O0 if the input is less than 500 and O1 if the input is
greater than or equal to 500.
Statement of two extension modules
Assigning variables
These two statements associate the AUTOMGEN words M200 to M203
to processor variables IW1,0 to IW1,3 as well as AUTOMGEN variables
M204 and M205 to processor variables OW2,0 and OW2,1.
AUTOMGEN8 429 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Fast counter
The goal is to count 200 pulses on the fast counter. The current value of
the fast counter will be recopied in AUTOMGEN word M200. Output O5
will be activated by an interrupt task at the end of the count.
Setting fast counter parameters
Text blocks and xbt
The goal is to dialogue with an XBT connected on the console port of
processor TSX 17-20.
Inputs I0 to I3 start displaying messages number 0 to number 3
registered in the XBT.
Text block TXT1 will be used to dialogue on the console port.
The message format to send to the XBT for displaying a message is as
xxx represents the number of the message encoded in three character
AUTOMGEN8 430 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Allocation of a word table for exchanges
AUTOMGEN8 431 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Setting text block parameters
AUTOMGEN8 432 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
UNITELWAY text blocks
The goal is to use a UNITELWAY coupler to acquire a table of 3 words
on a target processor. The UNITELWAY coupler is installed as a first
extension, it will be configured as the master to use two slaves.
Processor Iu will be slave number 1.
Configuration of an UNITELWAY coupler
AUTOMGEN8 433 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Setting parameters for two text blocks
AUTOMGEN8 434 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Attribution of a word table for exchanges
TOR extension module
This example illustrates the configuration of a TOR extension module.
We are using a basic module equipped with 16 inputs and 12 outputs
and an extension module equipped with 10 inputs and 8 outputs.
Setting the extension module
Assigning variables
Shows how to call up the PL72 language conversion functions.
Example of using a time/date function block.
AUTOMGEN8 435 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Post-processor S7200
This post-processor is used to program SIEMENS S7200 (all 2xx CPU's)
processors .
Selecting CPU type
Use the « Configuration / Post-processor / STEP7 (S7200) / System /
Hardware configuration» browser element to select the type of CPU.
Communication module
Setting communication module parameters
Be sure to set the slave number so it corresponds with the processor
Specific example
This example is in the directory « <AUTOMGEN installation
directory> /Examples/Post-processors/S7200 ».The file has the same
name as the title of the following chapter.
Interrupt task
Example of calling up an interrupt task
AUTOMGEN8 436 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Post-processor ABB
This post-processor is used to program ABB CS31 and AC31 processors
Selecting processor type
Use the « Configuration / Post-processor / ABB / System / Hardware
configuration» browser element to select the type of processor.
Processor AC31
Processor CS31
Communication module
Setting communication module parameters
The « Configuration / Post-processor / ABB / Terminal emulator »
browser element is used to access a terminal emulator for dialoguing
with the processor.
Specific examples
These examples are in the directory « <AUTOMGEN installation
directory> /Examples/Post-processors/ABB ». The files have the same
names as the following chapters:
AUTOMGEN8 437 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Analog inputs/outputs
The example illustrates the use of an analog extension module on
processor AC31.
The example illustrates the use of interrupt tasks on processor AC31.
AUTOMGEN8 438 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Post-processor GE-FANUC / ALSPA
This post-processor is used to program GE-FANUC 90 MICRO and 9030
or ALSPA 8005 and 8035 processors.
Selecting processor type
Use the « Configuration / Post-processor / GE-FANUC / System /
Hardware configuration» browser element to select the type of
Select standard for CPU's other than 350, 351 or VERSAMAX.
Communication module
Setting communication module parameters
The « Configuration / Post-processor / GE-FANUC / Hardware
configuration & diagnostic » browser element is used to access a
configuration and diagnostic utility.
AUTOMGEN8 439 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Post-processor STEP5
Communication module
Setting communication module parameters
Application structure
SIEMENS STEP5 language is organized in program and data blocks.
AUTOMGEN applications translated by the STEP5 post-processor are
broken down into multiple blocks. By default, the post-processor uses the
following blocks
- OB1 organization block this block calls up all the blocks that must
be cyclically processed.
- OB20, OB21, OB22 : blocks executed when the processor starts.
These blocks set a bit to activate the initial Grafcet steps.
The PB blocks are used to process pre-settings, to manage the evolution
of boolean variables and time delays.
The FB or FX blocks are used for the code issued by the application and
for the code written in the « .SRT » and « .END » files. An FB or FX file
is created for each application sheet.
In addition, the sheets can be directly associated to a block of codes or
If the volume of generated code is too much for a block (for example,
code issued from a sheet containing a voluminous program), the post-
processor automatically uses a new block.
AUTOMGEN8 440 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
By default, the post-processor uses the blocks PB1 to PB255 and FB1 to
FB239 when needed.
These values can be modified, (see the chapter Selecting program
blocks to use).
AUTOMGEN8 441 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
The figure below illustrates the structure of code generated by the
SIEMENS post-processor.
AUTOMGEN8 442 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Selecting program blocks to use
Blocks PB1 to PB 255 and FB 1 to FB 239 are used by default. Three
configuration elements are used to select other blocks.
Selecting data blocks
Block DB 3 is used by default for numeric variables. This command is
used to select another block.
Changing the data block involves two other modifications.
- in the begin machine code, it is necessary to create corresponding data
- it is necessary to select the data block in the dialogue module
parameter settings.
AUTOMGEN8 443 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Selecting processor type
Associating code written on a sheet to a program block
When writing low level literal code or machine code on an organizational
chart on a « Task » type sheet, associate the code to a STEP5 block.
The task number determines the block type and number.
The generated code for that sheet must take into account the block type
and the instructions used in that block type (the set of instructions for
blocks OB and PB is limited).
The table below provides the correspondence between the value « n »
and the block.
Task number STEP5 block
0 to 255 OB 0 to OB 255
256 to 511 PB 0 to PB 255
512 to 767 FB 0 to FB 255
768 to 1023 FX 0 to FX 255
1024 to 1279 DB 0 to DB 255
1280 to 1535 DX 0 to DX 255
Specific syntaxes
AUTOMGEN8 444 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Setting blocks
The command « $BLOCK <block type> <number>» is used to set the
beginning of a program or data block.
The block type can be « OB », « FB », « FX », « PB » for the code or
« DB », « DX » for the data..
The block number is a value between 0 and 255. Blocks « FX » and
« DX » can only be used on processors 135U and 155U. The command
« BE » indicates the end of a block.
the commands « KH= », « KY= », « KC= », « KM= » and « KF= » add
constants to the data blocks DB.
« KH= » adds a 16 bit constant expressed in hexadecimal.
« KY= » adds a 16 bit constant expressed in the form of two values.
between 0 and 255 separated by a comma.
« KC= » adds a series of characters surrounded by the characters
« » (apostrophe).
« KM= » adds a 16 bit constant expressed in binary.
« KF= » adds a 16 bit constant expressed in signed decimal.
KH= 1234
KC= ‘This is a text’
KM=11111111 00000000
Blocks FB and FX
SIEMENS language blocks FB and FX can have parameters.
AUTOMGEN8 445 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Call up
If the parameters need to go to a functional block, use the following
- call up needs to be followed by the character « * »,
- the following line must contain a jump instruction « SPA » to the
line beyond the parameters;
- the following lines must contain the parameters preceded by the
mnemonic « U » for bits or « L » for words. The constants must be
written in the form « Kx=value» (x is the type of constant, see the
chapter Setting blocks).
Example of calling up a functional block without parameters:
Examples of calling up a functional block with parameters:
SPA FB 242*
L MW10 ; first parameter
L MW12 ; second parameter
U M0.0 ; third parameter
L MW14 ; fourth parameter
L MW16 ; fifth parameter
SPA FB200*
KY=0,4 ; Example of a constant parameter
In blocks FB and FX mnemonics must be used ending with the character
'=' followed by a parameter number (1=first parameter).
Example of a two parameters function block (first parameter recopied in
the second):
AUTOMGEN8 446 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Post-processor TSX 07
This post-processor is used to program the processors MODICON
Communication module
The UNITELWAY SCHNEIDER driver must be
installed on the computer (locally) to be able to
communicate with processors SCHNEIDER
TSX 07. Drivers adapted to one or more
versions of WINDOWS are on the CD-ROM
and can be downloaded from the IRAI site: Be careful, some versions of
WINDOWS are incompatible with certain types
of TSX 07 processors (TSX 0720 … and TSX
0721…are incompatible with WINDOWS ME,
The communication module uses the driver conceived for SCHNEIDER
AUTOMATION. Click on « Setting parameters and testing … » to directly
access SCHNEIDER communication driver menus.
Setting communication module parameters
AUTOMGEN8 447 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
UNITELWAY communication module properties
AUTOMGEN8 448 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Post-processor PS3-PS4
This post-processor is used to program KLOCKNER-MOELLER PS3 and
PS4 processors..
Communication module
Setting communication module parameters
AUTOMGEN8 449 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Post-processor PS4
This post-processor is used to program MOELLER PS4-200, PS4-300
and PS416 processors. MOELLER SUCOSOFT S40 V5 or higher
software must be used (the demo version of this software can be used).
Module de communication
Setting communication module parameters
Transferring programs to MOELLER SUCOSOFT software
In the element below you create a file used for exchange between
AUTOMGEN and SUCOSOFT. This file will be generated after
compilation in AUTOMGEN.
AUTOMGEN8 450 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Proceed as follows to import the file generated by AUTOMGEN in the
MOELLER software then inject it in the processor.
- launch SUCOSOFT,
- create a new project,
- with the right side of the mouse click on the topology configuration
in SUCOSOFT and select the option « Export/Import / Import
IEC/EN 61131-3 sources»,
- enter the name of the file exported by AUTOMGEN,
- double click on « _MAIN » which appears on the list,
AUTOMGEN8 451 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
- in the « Special », menu select « Code generation »,
- answer « Yes » to :
- then « OK » at :
- in the« Generation » menu, select « Program parameter settings
… »,
AUTOMGEN8 452 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
- Select an appropriate size to store all the internal variables (%M) of
your application,
- In the «Generation » menu, select « Generate program code »,
- If there are no compilation errors, you can transfer the application
to the processor. In the « Tools » menu, select « Test and start »,
- In the « Device » menu, select « Transfer/File Manager »,
- Click on transfer,
AUTOMGEN8 453 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
- At the end of the transfer disconnect from the SUCOSOFT
software to be able to connect AUTOMGEN to the processor and
activate the dynamic tuning mode.
AUTOMGEN8 454 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Post-processor RPX
This post-processor is used to program CROUZET RPX processors. .
Selecting processor type
Use the « Configuration / Post-processor / RPX / System / Hardware
configuration» browser element to select the type of processor.
Communication module
Setting communication module parameters
The « Configuration / Post-processor / RPX / Terminal emulator »
browser element is used to access a terminal emulator for configuring
processor communication couplers.
AUTOMGEN8 455 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Post-processor PL71
This post-processor is used to program the processors SCHNEIDER
TSX 17-10 and TSK 17-20 (without PL72 cartridge).
Selecting processor type
Use the « Configuration / Post-processor / PL71 / System / Hardware
configuration» browser element to select the type of processor.
Communication module
Setting communication module parameters
(For more information, please See the configuration of the
Communication module PL72)
Fast counter task
A task type sheet bearing the number 1 will be associated to the
processor fast counter task.
Specific examples
These examples are in the directory « <AUTOMGEN installation
directory> /Examples/Post-processors/PL71 ».The files have the same
names as the titles of the following chapters.
AUTOMGEN8 456 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Since increments and decrements of PL71 counters are limited (only on
the rising edge) in relation to AUTOMGEN and TSX processor
possibilities it is necessary to use machine language code if you want to
use them (see the example contents).
Fast counter
The goal is to count 200 pulses on the fast counter. Output O5 will be
activated by a interrupt task at the end of the count.
AUTOMGEN8 457 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Post-processor PB
This post-processor is used to program SCHNEIDER APRIL PB
Selecting processor type
Use the « Configuration / Post-processor / PB / System / Hardware
configuration» browser element to select the type of processor.
Communication module
Setting communication module parameters
Specific syntaxes
The command « $ORG=xxxx » is used to set the beginning of the
assembly address, the starting assembly address is set at 0C30;
The command « $TOP=xxx » sets the maximum address for the page
jump. It sets the three digits of address lower weight, below these a page
jump is automatically generated by the assembler.
The command « $CONST=xxxx,yyyy » sets the begin and end address
for constant storage. The constants are stored in a table outside the
AUTOMGEN8 458 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
The command « WORD xxxx » enters the value xxxx (four hexadecimal
digits) in the program.
The command « ADR xxxx » enters the address of variable xxxx (four
hexadecimal digits) in the program.
The syntax #nnnn is used to refer to a constant value.
For example:
apl #1234 ; puts constant 1234 (hexadecimal) in the accumulator.
AUTOMGEN8 459 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Post-processor SMC
This post-processor is used to program SCHNEIDER APRIL SMC
processors .
Selecting processor type
Use the « Configuration / Post-processor / SMC/ System / Hardware
configuration» browser element to select the type of processor.
Communication module
Setting communication module parameters
Specific syntaxes
The command « $SEQ » indicates the beginning of a boolean area.
The command « $CAL » starts a calculation area.
The command « $PRD » starts a variable presetting area.
Boolean variables can be used which are bistable or monostable
regardless of the SMC language conventions. The character « ! » before
the sign « = » sets the variable to bistable (set to one or reset), the
character « ? » before the sign « = » sets the variable to monostable
(assignment or complement assignment).
The syntax « SS.cccccccc » is used to write a security sequence
(necessary on processors SMC 25 and 600), « cccccccc » represents a
program name with a maximum of 8 characters.
AUTOMGEN8 460 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Post-processor S7300
This post-processor is used to program SIEMENS S7300 processors.
Communication module
Setting communication module parameters
The slave number must correspond with that set as a parameter for the
Specific syntaxes
The command « $BLOCK <block type> <number>» is used to set the
beginning of a program or data block.
The block type can be « OB », « FB », « FC », « SFC » « SFB » for the
code or « DB » for the data. The block number is a value between 0 and
65535. The command «$ENDBLOCK » indicates the end of a block.
The following syntax is used to state the variables for a block:
For an input variable:
AUTOMGEN8 461 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
$VAR-type nature {:=initialization}
$VAR-symbol nature : (type=initialization)
« nature » can be:
- « - «IN » for an input variable,
- « OUT » for an output variable,
- « - «INOUT » for an input/output variable,
- « TEMP » for a temporary variable;
- « STAT » for a static variable.
« type » can be one of the STEP 7 language variable types: BOOL, INT,
« symbol » is used to associate a mnemonic with a variable.
« initialization » is optional and sets the default value of a variable.
The DB blocks only authorize static variables.
The OB blocks only authorize temporary variables.
The FC and SFC blocks do not authorize static variables.
As in SIEMENS software, variable statements must appear in the
following order: input, output, input/output, static and temporary.
Setting block variables
The syntax « £D block statement » is used to set a statement associated
to a particular block. When the block is generated by the compiler, then
the statement is used.
Calling up blocks
The syntax « CALL block name {instance DB} ( parameter list) » is used
to call up an FC, FB, SFC or SFB block.
AUTOMGEN8 462 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
$VAR-IN input1 :BOOL :=FALSE ;
$VAR-IN input2 :BOOL :=FALSE ;
$VAR-OUT output :BOOL ;
CALL FC1(_input1_ :=e0.0,_input2_ :=e0.1,_output_ :=a0.0)
Importing in SIEMENS SIMATIC software
Use the process below to import the code generated by AUTOMGEN in
the SIEMENS SIMATIC software :
1- In the « System » part of the S7300 post-processor configuration,
select SIMATIC in the following element
2- Compile the application,
3- In AUTOMGEN, open the element « Generated code / Post-
processor S7300 / Step 2 », select all the lines then the command
« Copy » in the « Edit » menu.
AUTOMGEN8 463 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
4- In the SIMATIC software, create a « Source LIST » type element.
5- In SIMATIC, paste the code in the window containing the source
LIST using the « Paste » command in the « Edit » menu,
AUTOMGEN8 464 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
6- In SIMATIC, compile the source by clicking on.
At this point the importation is completed.
Structure of generated code
SIEMENS STEP7 language is organized in program and data blocks.
AUTOMGEN applications translated by the STEP7 post-processor are
broken down into multiple blocks. By default, the post-processor uses the
following blocks:
- OB1 organization block: this block calls up all the blocks that must
be cyclically processed,
- OB100 : blocks executed when the processor starts. This block sets a
bit to activate the initial Grafcet steps.
The FB blocks are used to process pre-settings, to manage the evolution
of boolean variables and time delays.
The FC blocks are used for the code issued by the application and for
the begin and end machine code.
An FB block is created for each application sheet.
AUTOMGEN8 465 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
In addition, the sheets can be directly associated to a block (see
chapterAssociating code written on a sheet to a program block)..
By default, the post-processor uses the blocks FB1 to FB255 and FC1 to
FC239 when needed.
These values can be modified in the « System » element of the
AUTOMGEN8 466 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
The figure below illustrates the structure of code generated by the
SIEMENS post-processor:
Start file .SRT
End file .END
Block OB1
Block FC
Block FC
Presettings Block FB
sheets n blocks FC
Evol. of boolean
variables Block FB
Evol. of time
variables. Block FB
AUTOMGEN8 467 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
AUTOMGEN8 468 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Selecting program blocks to use
Blocks FC1 to FC 239 and FB 1 to FB 255 are used by default. Two
configuration elements are used to select other blocks.
Associating code written on a sheet to a program block
When writing low level literal code or machine code on an organizational
chart on a « Task » type sheet, associate the code to a STEP7 block.
The task number determines the block type and number.
The generated code for that sheet must take into account the block type
and the instructions used in that block type (The set of instructions for
blocks OB and PB is limited).
The table below provides the correspondence between the task number
and the STEP7 block.
Task number STEP7 block
0 to 255 OB 0 to OB 255
256 to 511 FC 0 to FC 255
512 to 767 FB 0 to FB 255
Specific examples
These examples are in the directory « <AUTOMGEN installation
directory> /Examples/Post-processors/S7300 ».The files have the same
names as the titles of the following chapters.
AUTOMGEN8 469 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Calling up a STEP7 block
Example of calling up STEP7 function blocks
Using an OB block
Example of an association of code written on a sheet to an OB block.
AUTOMGEN8 470 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Post-processor OMRON
This post-processor is used to program OMRON processors .
Select PLC model
Tht item « Configuration / Post-processor / OMRON / System /
Hardware configuration » must be used to select PLC model.
Communication module
Setting communication module parameters
Transferring applications to the CX-PROGRAMMER software
- at the end of compiling in AUTOMGEN, double click on the
« Generated files / OMRON / step 2 » element,
AUTOMGEN8 471 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
- select all the lines,
- select the « Copy » command in the « Edit » menu
- in CX-PROGRAMMER, create a new application, display the
program area in mnemonics format,
AUTOMGEN8 472 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
- select the program area and then paste the lines,
You can upload the application in the processor starting from CX-
PROGRAMMER then return to AUTOMGEN to tune the program in
connected mode (remember to disconnect CX-PROGRAMMER from the
processor to be able to communicate from AUTOMGEN).
AUTOMGEN8 473 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Specific syntax
The following syntax is used to set the value of a data word.
« n » is the word number;
« value » is a 16 bit value expressed by default in decimal or
hexadecimal if preceded by the character 'H'.
Associating code written on a sheet to a program block
When writing low level literal code or machine code on an organizational
chart on a « Task » type sheet, associate the code to a interrupt task.
The task number is equivalent to the stop number.
Specific example
This example is in the directory « <AUTOMGEN installation
directory> /Examples/Post-processors/S7200 ».The file has the same
name as the title of the following chapter.
Interrupt task
Example of calling up a interrupt task
AUTOMGEN8 474 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Post-processor ALSPA
This post-processor is used to program CEGELEC ALSPA C50 and
C100 processors.
Communication module
Setting communication module parameters
AUTOMGEN8 475 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Post-processor ZELIO
This post-processor is used to program SECHNEIDER ZELIO modules.
Communication module
Setting communication module parameters
AUTOMGEN8 476 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Post-processor FESTO
This post-processor is used to program FPC 101, FPC 103 and FEC
FESTO processors .
Communication module
Setting communication module parameters
Generating a binary file
Binary files can be directly generated and downloaded in FPC 101 and
FPC 103 processors. The FST FESTO software workgroup in DOS or
WINDOWS is necessary for FEC processors.
Selecting a CPU type (direct generation of a binary file)
Importation in a FESTO software workgroup
Generation of an AWL file compatible with FESTO workgroups
If you use the FST FESTO software workgroup in DOS, create the AWL
file in this software.
If you use the FST FESTO software in WINDOWS, open the generated
file in AUTOMGEN by double clicking on « Generated files / FESTO /
Pass 2 », select all the files, use the command « Copy » in the « Edit »
menu and then the command « Paste » in the FESTO software to
retrieve the generated code.
AUTOMGEN8 477 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Transfer the program to the processor with the FESTO software.
Then you can connect to AUTOMGEN (after you have disconnected the
FESTO software) by using the « Only connect ».connection mode.
AUTOMGEN8 478 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Post-processor ALLEN-BRADLEY
This post-processor is used to program ROCKWELL SLC processors.
ROCKWELL RSLogix 500 V5 software or higher is required.
The RSLogix 500 STARTER version cannot be used
to import files generated by AUTOMGEN.
Communication module
Setting communication module parameters
Transferring programs to ROCKWELL RS-Logix 500 Software
In the element below you create a file used for exchange between
AUTOMGEN and RSLogix 500. This file will be generated after
compilation in AUTOMGEN
AUTOMGEN8 479 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Generating an .SLC file compatible with RSLogix 500
Launch RSLogix500, then open the .SLC file generated by AUTOMGEN.
Transfer the program to the processor using the RSLogix 500 software.
After disconnecting the RSLogix 500 software from the processor, you
can tune it from AUTOMGEN in connected mode.
AUTOMGEN8 480 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Post-processor TWIDO
This post-processor is used to program SCHNEIDER TWIDO
Processor configuration selection
The « Configuration / Post-processor / TWIDO / System / Hardware
configuration » element on the browser is used to select the type of
The « .TWD » file is a configuration file which must be generated with the
SCHNEIDER TWIDOSOFT software workgroup. The sub-directory
« TWIDO » in the AUTOMGEN installation directory contains the
configuration files for various types of TWIDO processors.
Communication module
AUTOMGEN8 481 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Post-processor MITSUBISHI
This post-processor is used to program FX series MITSUBISHI
processors. The code generated by AUTOMGEN can be directly sent to
FX series MITSUBISHI processors or imported in MITSUBISHI FX-WIN
or GX-DEVELOPPER software.
Selecting the type of processor
« Configuration / Post-processor / MITSUBISHI / System / Hardware
configuration» on the browser is used to select the type of PLC.
Communication module
Setting the communication module
AUTOMGEN8 482 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Transferring programs to MITSUBISHI FX-WIN software
Select FXWIN in the element below.
The English version of FXWIN must be used.
Importation has been validated for the 3.20 version of
After compilation in AUTOMGEN, create a project in FX-WIN. Open the
program in editing, instruction list and select « Enter » in the « Edit »
Transferring programs to MITSUBISHI GX-DEVELOPPER
Select GXDEVELOPPER in the element below.
AUTOMGEN8 483 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Launch the executable « A7TOGX.EXE » in the AUTOMGEN installation
directory. After launching it, an icon « A7 GX » appears in the
WINDOWS icon bar.
After compiling AUTOMGEN, create a project in GX-DEVELOPPER.
Open the program in editing, instruction list. Press the two SHIFT keys or
the LEFT SHIFT key and the F11 key at the same time for one second.
The program will be transferred to GX-DEVELOPPER.
To uninstall « A7TOGX » click on the icon with the right side of the
mouse. You can leave « A7TOGX » installed as long as it is necessary,
so you do not need to install and uninstall it every time you want to
import an application in GX-DEVELOPPER.
AUTOMGEN8 484 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Post-processor MITSUBISHI-Q
This post-processor is used to program Q series MITSUBISHI
processors. The code generated by AUTOMGEN must be imported in
Communication module
Setting the communication module
Transferring programs to MITSUBISHI GX-DEVELOPPER
Launch the executable « A7TOGX.EXE » in the AUTOMGEN installation
directory. After launching it, an icon « A7 GX » appears in the
WINDOWS icon bar.
After compiling AUTOMGEN, create a project in GX-DEVELOPPER.
Open the program in editing, instruction list. Press the two SHIFT keys or
the LEFT SHIFT key and the F11 key at the same time for one second.
The program will be transferred to GX-DEVELOPPER.
To uninstall « A7TOGX » click on the icon with the right side of the
mouse. You can leave « A7TOGX » installed as long as it is necessary,
so you do not need to install and uninstall it every time you want to
import an application in GX-DEVELOPPER.
AUTOMGEN8 485 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Post-processor GEM
This post-processor is used to program GEM PLCs.
Communication module
Setting the communication module
For setting the communication module parameters, launch the
ESPLINK.EXE file into the AUTOMGEN installation directory and select
the “Edit / Setup Comms ...” menu.
AUTOMGEN8 486 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Post-processor ZELIO 2
This post-processor allows the SCHNEIDER ZELIO 2 modules to be
Initializing the automaton
Before it can be used with AUTOMGEN, the LD firmware must be
downloaded into the ZELIO 2 automaton with the ZELIOSOFT software
Configuring the module
The automaton must be configured with the ZELIOSOFT software from
SCHNEIDER and downloaded into the automaton with the same
software before downloading the application with AUTOMGEN.
Communication module
Parameterizing the communication module
AUTOMGEN8 487 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI
Post-processor PANASONIC
This post-processor allows the PANASONIC automatons to be
programmed. PANASONIC’s FP WIN Pro 5 software must be installed
on the PC in order to be able to compile and transfer the program
generated by AUTOMGEN to the automatons.
PANASONIC’s FP WIN Pro 5 software must be launched before you can
launch a compilation or an execution for a PANASONIC automaton with
Selecting the configuration of the automaton
The browser’s “Configuration / Post-processor / PANASONIC / System /
Equipment configuration” element allows the type of automaton to be
The “.asc” file is a configuration file that must be generated with
PANASONIC’s FP WIN Pro 5 software workshop by using the “Export a
project” application of this software’s “Project” menu.
Communication module
AUTOMGEN8 488 ©opyright 1988-2007 IRAI

Navigation menu