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Document DocumentBLUE RIDGE HOME BUILDERS ASSOCIATION Work Force Development Scholarship Fund Application Packet The Blue Ridge Home Builders Association (BRHBA) is a 501(c)6, non-profit organization. The BRHBA mission is to serve as the advocate and resource for the area home building industry. BRHBA has established this scholarship to assist our youth in focusing on a career in the construction industry. BRHBA has worked with local officials within our affiliation territory (Albemarle, City of Charlottesville, Fluvanna, Greene, Madison and Nelson Counties) to bring notice for the pressing need for a better educated and trained construction industry workforce. Through our partnership with the Home Builders Association of Virginia and the National Association of Home Builders, BRHBA is working closely with Piedmont Virginia Community College to engage in construction-related educational activities that help young people understand and pursue rewarding careers in the construction industry. Applications are available to students at any of our city and county High Schools and Technical Centers beginning in January of each year. There will be six up to $1000 scholarships available in 2020. Awards will be available in August and be paid directly to the educational institution. Applicants should be students in good standing at an area secondary education program or post-secondary education (community colleges) or trades program and recommended by their instructors with a strong interest in the construction industry or related trades who desire to pursue post-secondary training and/or education opportunities. An applicant should demonstrate an interest in obtaining employment in the construction industry upon graduation. Applicants must live in and attend school in either Albemarle county, the city of Charlottesville, Fluvanna, Greene, Louisa, Madison or Nelson Counties in order to apply. They must be pursuing fields of real estate development and/or construction, including air conditioning, plumbing, and heating technology, electrical, carpentry, design-build, construction materials handling, job site supervision, estimating, construction planning, surveying, construction information management, business management, construction management or technology or technology and CAD drafting. For more information to apply, please visit the BRHBA website at Application Deadline Eligibility Applications should be received at the BRHBA office by April 30, 2020. Applications received after the deadline may not be considered. Student should be Virginia high school seniors OR currently enrolled in a post-secondary program in Virginia, have a minimum 2.5 GPA and pursuing a construction industry related career. Awards Process The six scholarship award amounts will be up to $1000 each. Applications are reviewed individually and objectively scored by an independent committee criteria include academic performance, construction experience and/or desire to learn about the construction industry and building trades. To be considered, the following MUST BE INCLUDED with application: 1. School Transcripts 2. A minimum of ONE academic Recommendation is required TWO recommendations would be helpful but is not necessary. Your recommender should return the form to you either in a sealed envelope, signed across the seal, for you to return with your application OR you can have your recommender email it to you and then you can submit it along with your application to 3. Brief Essay by applicant explaining your interest in becoming a professional in the construction industry. Identify and describe your experience with the construction industry and career goals. (Please do not exceed one-page, minimum font size is 12 pt. If written, please print.) Submit Application and all supporting documents to: Blue Ridge Home Builders Association Attn: Work Force Development Scholarship 2330 Commonwealth Drive Charlottesville, VA 22901 Or email to ACADEMIC RECOMMENDATION FORM (MINIMUM OF ONE REQUIRED ... Please print or type) 1. Applicant Name School Instructions to Applicant: Complete sections 1 & 2 and give this form to the instructor or advisor who is familiar with your academic work. You should allow at least two weeks for completion of the form. Your recommender should return the form to you either in a sealed envelope, signed across the seal, for you to return with your application OR you can have your recommender email it to you and then you can submit it along with your application to 2. Courses provide courses taken from the person recommending you, if any: Course Number Course Title When Taken Grade Please indicate any other personal association you have had with the person recommending you. Instructions to Recommender: Please complete this form and return it to the applicant in a sealed envelope, with your signature across the seal. The applicant must submit your recommendation as part of his/her completed application by the RECEIPT deadline. If you do not know the applicant well or are unable to make a judgment in a category, please indicate this. Such frankness will not prejudice the candidate's application for funding. How long have you known the applicant? In what capacity? What contributions has the applicant made on campus and to the Community? Please rate the applicant compared to a representative group of students you have known during your career: Intellectual ability Ability to work with others Leadership Ability Problem-solving skills Initiative Dependability/Maturity Overall potential Superior Outstanding Excellent (Top 1%) (Top 5%) (Top 20%) Good (Top 1/3) Avg./Poor (Lower ½) Unable to Judge Many talented individuals achieve marginal academic records. In your opinion, is the applicant's academic record an accurate index of his/her academic ability? YES NO Don't know If your answer is NO, please explain on the back of this form, considering the applicant's work schedule and other conflicts. Signature: Date: Recommender's Name (Please print or type): School: Title: Email: Phone: Mail to: Blue Ridge Home Builders Association Attn: Work Force Development Scholarship 2330 Commonwealth Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901 or email completed application to ACADEMIC RECOMMENDATION FORM (MINIMUM OF ONE REQUIRED ... Please print or type) 1. Applicant Name School Instructions to Applicant: Complete sections 1 & 2 and give this form to the instructor or advisor who is familiar with your academic work. You should allow at least two weeks for completion of the form. Your recommender should return the form to you either in a sealed envelope, signed across the seal, for you to return with your application OR you can have your recommender email it to you and then you can submit it along with your application to 2. Courses provide courses taken from the person recommending you, if any: Course Number Course Title When Taken Grade Please indicate any other personal association you have had with the person recommending you. Instructions to Recommender: Please complete this form and return it to the applicant in a sealed envelope, with your signature across the seal. The applicant must submit your recommendation as part of his/her completed application by the RECEIPT deadline. If you do not know the applicant well or are unable to make a judgment in a category, please indicate this. Such frankness will not prejudice the candidate's application for funding. How long have you known the applicant? In what capacity? What contributions has the applicant made on campus and to the Community? Please rate the applicant compared to a representative group of students you have known during your career: Intellectual ability Ability to work with others Leadership Ability Problem-solving skills Initiative Dependability/Maturity Overall potential Superior Outstanding Excellent (Top 1%) (Top 5%) (Top 20%) Good (Top 1/3) Avg./Poor (Lower ½) Unable to Judge Many talented individuals achieve marginal academic records. In your opinion, is the applicant's academic record an accurate index of his/her academic ability? YES NO Don't know If your answer is NO, please explain on the back of this form, considering the applicant's work schedule and other conflicts. Signature Date Recommender's Name (Please print or type) School Title Email Phone Mail to: Blue Ridge Home Builders Association Attn: Work Force Development Scholarship 2330 Commonwealth Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901 or email completed application to BRHBA WORK FORCE DEVELOPMENT SCHOLARSHIP ESSAY Essay by Applicant Please explain why you are interested in becoming a professional in the housing industry. Identify and describe your experience with the construction industry and your career goals. (Please do not exceed one-page, minimum font size is 12 pt. If written, please print. Use this sheet if handwritten or attach a sheet to this form if printed.) Applicant must include their essay with their main application and mail to: Blue Ridge Home Builders Association Attn: Work Force Development Scholarship 2330 Commonwealth Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901 or email BRHBA WORK FORCE DEVELOPMENT SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION (Please Print or Type) APPLICANT INFORMATION Applicant's Name: Applicant's Address: City: Zip: Email address: Phone: Parent/Guardian Name: Phone: School Currently Attending: GPA: Current Grade: Field of Study: List any Extra-Curricular Activities: Full Name of School you will be attending: VOLUNTEER/WORK HISTORY (Additional Room on Pg. 2) Do you do volunteer work? Yes or No Organization: Avg Hrs/Wk: Are you currently employed? Yes or No Employer: Avg Hrs/Wk: Previous Employers: AWARDS/HONORS RECEIVED/ACCOMPLISHMENTS (Include Year Earned)(Additional Room on Pg. 2) Awards & Honors: Accomplishments: NOTE: Be sure to include your essay and a minimum of one instructor or advisor recommendation with your application. If any documentation is missing or spaces left blank, your application will NOT be considered. By my signature below, I affirm that the information provided is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I authorize BRHBA to verify the correctness of these statements to appraise this application. I also authorize BRHBA to use information about and from my application for public relations purposes and for other scholarship or funding opportunities. Signature: Printed Name: Date: Mail to: Blue Ridge Home Builders Association Attn: Work Force Development Scholarship 2330 Commonwealth Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901 or email BRHBA WORK FORCE DEVELOPMENT SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION Page 2 (Please Print or Type) Applicant's Name: (Continued from Pg. 1) Companies or Organizations where you have volunteered (Continued from Pg. 1) Companies or Organizations where you have recently worked (Continued from Pg. 1) Awards, Honors & Accomplishments (INCLUDE Year) APPLICATION CHECK LIST: Completed Application: Current School Transcripts with GPA: Academic Recommendation Form (Minimum of 1 required): List any association you may have with a member or members of BRHBA. Student Essay: Signature of Applicant Printed Name Date Signature of Parent/Guardian Printed Name Date Questions? Please contact us at 434-973-8652 or via email at Blue Ridge Home Builders Association Attn: Work Force Development Scholarship 2330 Commonwealth Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901Microsoft Word for Office 365