Current View
Followup - ODNI - FIOA request v5
April 22, 2021

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Office of the Director of National Intelligence Information Management Office Washington, D.C. 20511

Reference: ODNI Case #DP-2021-00088

Dear Sally A. Nicholson:

I wish to appeal your office's decision dated 25 March 2021 on my request for records under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. § 552, and the Privacy Act (PA), 5 U.S.C. §552a.

While no records were found in your search of "Security, Personnel, and Human Resources files," I wish for the search to include classified files that "the ODNI can neither confirm nor deny the existence or nonexistence of records responsive to [my] request." By simply declassifying my records, if they exist, you can allow the search of such records. Section 3.1(d) of Executive Order 13526 states that "the need to protect such information may be outweighed by the public interest in disclosure of the information, and in these cases the information should be declassified" and Sec. 3.1(c) states that the Director of National Intelligence may declassify and downgrade such information and intelligence.

My appeal to have my information, if any, declassified and searched in the matter of "public interest" has to do with potential abuse of US citizens by the intelligence community. As "head of the intelligence community" (see Director of National Intelligence, 50 U.S. Code § 3023(b)(1)), the director, and in turn his office, has a vested interest and duty to expose any abuse in the intelligence community towards the citizens they are supposed to serve.

The abuse I speak of includes: 1.) the wrongful submission and acceptance of innocent US citizens to terrorist or criminal databases and 2.) the stalking and harassment of these innocent US citizens by private and public members of the intelligence community under the guise of "national security." See the attached pages for evidence of such claims. While ODNI itself may not be involved in such activities directly, acting as both an information hub and as the head of the intelligence community, the disclosure of classified and other records they might have on such victims could be vital in stopping this abuse. I believe myself to be one of these victims and have wrongfully had my information included in some type of terrorist or criminal government program.

Please reply to this communication using my email address: If you must use mail, send your reply on a CD-ROM using certified mail.


Enclosures 1-5

Thomas Collinsworth 662 Marcus Drive Lewisville, TX 75057

Enclosure 1 ­ History

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History of Intelligence Abuse The abuse of intelligence information by law enforcement and other agencies isn't anything
new. As recently as the year 2020, the Pasco County Sheriff's Office was caught using an intelligence program to target individuals to "[m]ake their lives miserable until they move[d] or sue[d]." This program of predictive policing by the sheriff's office included emailed daily intelligence summaries and a list of individuals to watch/harass while giving each one a score. While these scores were based on their criminal records, they could increase simply by being "a witness or the victim" of a crime. One such person on this list, Matthew Lott, ended up committing suicide.1
Further into Florida's past, government intelligence was used by a state committee, the Florida Legislative Investigation Committee, commonly referred to as the "Johns Committee," to harass gay students and teachers in the 1950s. This included using campus police and administrators to gather information on students about their sexual orientation, doing intimidating interviews without a lawyer present, and even hiring individuals to be the roommate of students they suspected to be homosexual. This committee had at least 300 pending investigations that included several Florida colleges and grade schools.2
These types of illegal harassment of citizens by government entities under the guise of being good for the community/group is reminiscent of the Stasi of East Germany. But that part of out history isn't from the ancient past as their activities were conducted in the 1970s and 1980s. And they are also a good example of discrete harassment by the government. The Stasi (the Ministry for State Security, the official security service of East Germany) used psychological warfare on their own citizens. It "was designed to side-track and `switch off' perceived enemies so that they would lose the will to continue any `inappropriate' activities." These tactics included using neighbors to spy and harass individuals and breaking into their homes with the purpose of causing psychological distress:3

Tactics employed under Zersetzung generally involved the disruption of the victim's private or family life. This often included psychological attacks, such as breaking into homes and subtly manipulating the contents, in a form of gaslighting ­ moving furniture, altering the timing of an alarm, removing pictures from walls or replacing one variety of tea with another. Other practices included property damage, sabotage of cars, purposely incorrect medical treatment, smear campaigns including sending falsified compromising photos or documents to the victim's family, denunciation, provocation, psychological warfare, psychological subversion, wiretapping, bugging, mysterious phone calls or unnecessary deliveries, even including sending a vibrator to a target's wife. Usually, victims had no idea that the Stasi were responsible. Many thought that they were losing their minds, and mental breakdowns and suicide could result. [Emphasis mine.]

These tactics weren't used for only a select few. They total victims numbered "up to 10,000 individuals" that included "human rights and peace organisations," "people making collective visa applications for travel abroad," and "artists' groups critical of the government." These kind of tactics were never meant to see the light of day and were used outside official government procedures. "[T]he Stasi considered Zersetzung as a separate measure to be used when official judiciary procedures were undesirable for political reasons, such as the international image of [East Germany]."4
Back on US soil, our intelligence community has been notorious in abusing their technology not only in illegal surveillance of US citizens but in harassment and psychological torture as well. There is the kill yourself letter that the FBI sent to Martin Luther King Jr. in 1964 to convince him to take his own life after using their resources to find out his sexual activities. They out right called

1 Kathleen McGrory and Neil Bedi, Targeted: Pasco's sheriff created a futuristic program to stop crime before it happens. It monitors and harasses families across the county., 2020, Tampa Bay Times,
2 Ranjani Chakraborty, When Florida had a committee to terrorize gay people: The hidden history of a state-sponsored witch hunt., 2019, Vox,
3 Stasi, retrieved 11 April 2021, Wikipedia, 4 Zersetzung, retrieved 11 April 2021, Wikipedia,

Enclosure 1 ­ History

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him "evil" several times and told him that there is "only one thing left for you to do," that he has "just 34 days in which to do [...] it," and "You better take it before your filthy, abnormal fraudulent self is bared to the nation."5
Beside celebrities and individuals with a large following, the FBI ran COINTELPRO from the 1950s to the 1970s to harass several different groups. They targeted civil and women's rights movement until they were exposed when one of these activist groups, Citizens' Commission to Investigate the FBI, burglarized an FBI field office. Just like the Stasi of East Germany, the intent of the FBI's COINTELPRO was to "neutralize" groups they believed to be "subversive." This included: creating a negative public image for the groups, creating conflicts in the group, restricting access to public resources, restricting the ability to organize protest, character assassination of individuals, false arrests, and conspicuous (overt) surveillance.6
Besides Martin Luther King Jr. and activist groups, acts of violence, aggression, and slander were used in COINTELPRO against regular citizens as well. Viola Liuzzo, an activist giving a minority a ride home, was hunted down and shot dead in 1965 by a group that included an FBI informant, Gary Thomas Rowe, as part of the COINTELPRO program.7 Gary was told by the FBI to incite violence. He even got paid by the FBI with Director J. Edgar Hoover personally approving the payments.8 After learning of Viola's death, the FBI started a disinformation campaign to ruin her name that included the lies of her being a heroin addict, a member of the communist party, and abandoning her children for sexual activities.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation essentially fulfilled the duties of the Department of Homeland Security and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence before their creation. Is it so hard to believe that their agents and programs might be doing the same kind of activities today? While the Office of the Director of National Intelligence is also concerned with international issues, the CIA has proven that even agencies meant to handle only foreign threats and related intelligence can do harm to their own citizens. Just to name a few horrible operations done to the US public by the CIA: MK Ultra, Operation Midnight Climax, and Project Mockingbird.
Even the US military has been involved in doing programs made to harm US citizens like Operation Sea-Spray in the 1950s where they sprayed harmful bacteria over major American cities. They even had the gall to state they were testing the US public's vulnerability to "overt and covert" attacks.9 Later, in 1966 they spread Bacillus subtilis in the light bulbs of New York subways on an unsuspecting public. This was just "one of at least 239 experiments conducted by the military in a 20-year `germ warfare testing program' that went on from 1949 to 1969."10 Emphasis mine. And there is the infamous Tuskegee Experiment by the U.S. Public Health Service.11 Finally, there was the NSA's illegal surveillance of its own citizens, which the public was lied to about repeatedly, that was revealed in the 2013 and is probably still going on.12 Clearly, there is a history of government--both foreign and domestic; recent and remote; local, state, and federal--overt and covert attacks and surveillance on their own citizens. The track record is there, and there is no reason to believe this isn't currently happening in the intelligence community.

5 Beverly Gage, What an Uncensored Letter to M.L.K. Reveals, 2014, The New York Times Magazines,
6 COINTELPRO, retrieved 11 April 2021, Wikipedia, 7 Viola Liuzzo, Retrieved 21 April 2021, Wikipedia, 8 Gary Thomas Rowe, Retrieved 21 April 2021, 9 Kevin Loria, Over and over again, the military has conducted dangerous biowarfare experiments on Americans, 2016,
Business Insider, 10 Kevin Loria, The Army tested 'germ warfare' on the NYC subway by smashing lightbulbs full of bacteria, 2015, Business Insider, 11 Elizabeth Nix, Tuskegee Experiment: The Infamous Syphilis Study, 2020, History, 12 Lauren Harper, The "Top 10" Surveillance Lies Edward Snowden's Leaks Shed "Heat and Light" Upon, 2014, Unredacted: The National Security archive blog,

Enclosure 2 - Victims

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Current Victims of Intelligence Abuse

Thomas Dustin Collinsworth ­ I believe I am overtly and covertly surveilled and harassed. Here is a list of some of my experiences:

1. Sick, perverted, even pornographic, texts have been sent to me 2. Harassing text messages sent to me almost daily 3. Harassing phone calls almost daily 4. While at my apartment in Phoenix, things were moved and replaced on me (like the Zersetzung
operation of East Germany) 5. Overt stalking by the Williamson County Sheriff's Office (Texas) 6. Overt stalking by the Lewisville Police Department (Texas) 7. Overt stalking by the Phoenix Police Department (Arizona) 8. Overt stalking by mall security

The fact that my harassment jumps from one law enforcement agency to another, even ones in other states, suggests some type of federal program that my surveillance and harassment is originating from. The fact that it includes mall security also suggests a federal program as they have been deemed "critical infrastructure"13 by federal agencies.

My Google Drive appeared to be hacked as changes were made to my online documents that I did not make. (It seems like the changes made were designed to make me question my sanity.) Among the items in my online drive was my desire to contact a foreign propagandist artist and film creator who is critical of governments to work on an animated film of mine. A loose interpretations of my activities could have put me on the Terrorist Identities Datasmart Environment (TIDE) or other records held by the NCTC as prior evidence suggests extremely loose standards are applied when determining if a terrorist or suspected terrorist should be classified as foreign/international or domestic as well as if a US citizen should be simply classified as a known or suspected terrorist or not.14 And if the entirety of my online activities tracked by Google were released to a federal agency, a narrative could easily be painted about me, as well as just about anyone else in America, of being some type of "terrorist" that needs to be monitored.

Furthermore, I suspected the following neighbors have done overt and/or covert surveillance on me:

160 Oakridge Blvd., Lewisville, TX 75057 631 Marcus Dr., Lewisville, TX 75057 80 Santa Maria St., Georgetown, TX 78628 1121 N 44th St #1057, Phoenix, AZ 85008

Whether they are affiliated with a government program or not is not known to me (though they all appear to have ties to the US military), but I do believe they are disseminating classified, sensitive, or at least private information on myself to neighbors.

I have both my bachelor's and master's degree and I'm a former CPA. I have no criminal history or violent past. I pay my taxes every year. Releasing my classified information to me would have no bearing on national security or the intelligence community's ability to find terrorists. But releasing my information would help to expose and help end any abuse by the intelligence community against its

13 See the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency's (CISA) classifications and assignment when it comes to commercial facilities: &, Retrieved 12 April 2021
14 Jeremy Scahill & Ryan Devereaux, Blacklisted: The Secret Government Rulebook for Labeling you a Terrorist, 2014, The Intercept,

Enclosure 2 - Victims

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citizens. Finally, I have been extensively documenting evidence which I can provide in the future. I would be a prime candidate to releasing my information to help stop and expose this harassment.

Derrick Robinson15 ­ Derrick is a former NSA employee (or at least worked at NSA headquarters through the US military) who is gang stalked (coordinated overt surveillance by several individuals). He believes, like the victims of the Johns Committee, that his homosexuality back in the 1990s caused him to be gangstalked by the federal government. He is the President of PACTS, International.

Karen Stewart16 ­ Karen is a former NSA employee who was gang stalked after she refused to give credit for her work to someone else in the NSA. She was fired and then harassed at her home by strangers in a coordinated effort.

Ted Gunderson ­ Mr. Gunderson is a former FBI agent. He was the former head of the Los Angeles FBI division and later become a private investigator. Before his passing he stated in a signed affidavit17 on 2011 that there is, based on his own investigations, gathering of victim testimonies, and personal experience of being surveilled, "an ongoing, active, covert nationwide program that is in effect today" against US citizens being ran by the intelligence agencies. He specifically names the FBI, CIA, NSA, and military intelligence.

Geral Sosbee ­ Mr. Sosbee is a former FBI agent. He also claims in a signed affidavit18 that the agency engaged in overt surveillance and psychological operations on him in retaliation for reporting crimes done by the FBI.

Carl Clark ­ Clark claims in an interview with Raum & Zeit magazine that he worked for several intelligence agencies, including the CIA, as part of a hired team to surveil and stalk victims with "the undoubted goal [] to have select people end up in psychiatric institutions."19 In other words, the program was meant to destroy a target's credibility.

Midge Mathis20 ­ Midge's ex-husband is a DHS contractor (or at least was). After filing a civil lawsuit against him, she was then overtly and covertly surveilled and harassed.

Larry Richard ­ Larry is a Police Lieutenant of Santa Cruz, CA that said on KCBA-TV local news that gang stalking is nothing new and that the police are becoming more aware of it because the Internet is bringing the coordination and surveillance tactics to a new level.21 In his own words he said that the "intent is a psychological impact and socially ostracizing the targeted person" and has nothing to do with typical criminal gangs.

Facika Tafara ­ Victim of gang stalking and ordinary citizen in the San Diego area interviewed by KGTV-TV local news gave evidence of people breaking into her house to move things around while she is gone. She was even able to capture audio of them working in her house while she was gone. Nothing was ever stolen. It is like she is in some psychological experiment against her consent.22

15 16 17 18 19 Armin Gross, Secret Surveillance and Electromagnetic Torture by the Secret Services [translated title], 2009, raum &
zeit, [translated article] 20 21 22 ABC 10 News, San Diego mom thinks she's the victim of "community stalking", 2016,

Enclosure 2 - Victims

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Keith Labella ­ Mr. Labella a lawyer and investigator who has interviewed at least 100 people who have claimed to be victims of gang stalking. He also had more than two victim advocates at the National Center for Victims Crime (NCVC, a national center that has been helping crime victims for more than 35 years) admit that about 1 out of 10 of their stalking calls involved group/gang stalking. He stated this in a sworn affidavit signed on 2011.23 This percentage agrees with the DOJ's January 2009 statistic that about 13% of stalking involves 3 or more parties.24

Jeffrey Kantor ­ Kantor claimed in a 2013 lawsuit that people at his work who were in the
government or private contractors for the government would repeat private information back to him after he accidentally googled a certain phrase that one would consider suspicious but not criminal.25
He believed that the government was doing overt surveillance on him through the people at his work. His claim is consistent with Google's history of providing private information to the police26 and intelligence agencies27 often without a warrant nor notifying the person or persons.

Besides the individuals I list, there is an almost 50-minute long video of individuals giving testimony
of being targeted by some type of sophisticated surveillance program that involves groups of people, one that could only be achieved by a government or governments.28

Finally, here is a list of 44 individuals who give online video testimony of being overtly and covertly harassed, most believing it to be the government.29 This is only a small sample of the videos one can find online of people claiming to be overtly and covertly surveilled while being innocent of any crimes. The notion of this being mass hysteria or schizophrenia is not plausible.

This coordinated overt surveillance and harassment is undeniable. With all those professionals and insiders above testifying to its existence, even providing affidavits, and claiming it to be originating from government, it would be silly to think the intelligence community isn't involved somehow.

23 Keith Salvatore Labella v. Federal Bureau of Investigation et. al., 11-CV-0023 (NGG) (LB) (E.D.N.Y. Mar. 16, 2012); See Document 25 filed 08/19/11, PageID #: 193
24 Katrina Baum, Ph.D., Shannan Catalano, Ph.D., Michael Rand, and Kristina Rose, Stalking Victimization in the United States, Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2009, docs/stalking-victimization.pdf, See page 12, Appendix Table 3
25 Jeffrey Kantor v. Everybody, 13-cv-01493 (CMH) (TCB) (E.D. Va. Dec. 4, 2013); See Document 1 Filed 12/04/13 Page 1 of 33 Page ID# 1
26 Andrew Court, REVEALED: Google is handing anyone's personal information to police if they happen to search for keywords related to an investigation', 2020, Daily Mail,
27 Jason Wilson, Google giving far-right users' data to law enforcement, documents reveal, 2020, The Guardian,
28 Ella FFTI, World Targeted Individual Day 3 Film, 2020, 29

Enclosure 3 - Perpetrators

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Perpetrators Admit Working For Government Intelligence

While many might still brush off all these victims claiming to being overtly and covertly surveilled, there is the issue of the perpetrators of this overt surveillance admitting to being government agents, both through public and private employment.

Not only do they admit to it, they give specific details that the public at large wouldn't be familiar with. Here are two such examples:

Example 1: Man admits to overt surveillance (specifically to the term "gang stalking") and that he receives a specific federal pay grade for doing so.30

Here is a transcript of the evidence (various unnecessary vocal injections like "um," "yeah," some repeating back phrases, etc. were removed to make it easier to follow):

[At a grocery store]

Interviewer 1 [1:22]: How long have you been stalking people, man?

Interviewee 1 [1:24]: Ever since I got out of the military.


Interviewer 1 [1:55]: How much do they pay you to do this?

Interviewee 1 [1:56]: Um, I get a salary. I just get a salary. Yeah, GS level 12.

Interviewer 1 [2:07]: What does that mean?

Interviewee 1 [2:08]: It's a government pay rate.


Interviewer 1 [2:14]: So you can follow people around wherever you want to?

Interviewee 1 [2:17]: Tracking trends. Tracking trends. Yeah.

Interviewer 1 [2:18]: Tracking trends? So you admit to what you're doing?

Interviewee 1 [2:20]: Yeah, well you know, hey. [...] I've got a job, you know what I'm saying?

Example 2: Man admits to being part of the FBI's joint operation with private citizens, InfraGard, and getting text messages to follow targeted individuals in shopping areas.31

Here is a transcript of the interaction (various unnecessary vocal injections like "um," "yeah," some repeating back phrases, etc. were removed to make it easier to follow):

[Outside a convenience store or gas station, probably a Circle-K, interviewee is holding two "Big Gulp" like drink containers]

30 31

Enclosure 3 - Perpetrators

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Interviewer 2 [0:02]: Is it through InfraGard though?

Interviewee 2 [0:04]: Yeah, it's through InfraGard.


Interviewer 2 [0:20]: So I get $15 an hour if I apply?

Interviewee 2 [0:21]: Yeah, yeah.

Interviewer 2 [0:23]: Then I can only work 30 hours a week though?

Interviewee 2 [0:25]: It could be more.


Interviewer 2 [0:29]: Then they direct deposit you every week or every two weeks?

Interviewee 2 [0:31]: It's every two weeks.


Interviewer 2 [0:44]: So they don't use an app or nothing, they just use a text?

Interviewee 2 [0:46]: Yeah, they use a text.


Interviewee 2 [0:50]: Any kind of phone number you have.

Interviewer 2 [0:52]: Oh, so it is just your phone number.

Interviewee 2 [0:53]: Yeah, it doesn't matter.

Interviewer 2 [0:54]: Then do they send out a mass text or just a text to you?

Interviewee 2 [0:57]: Just a text to yourself cause you're the one who is going to be working the individual store.


Interviewer 2 [1:06]: So they say, let me text Sam and tell him to go to Circle K?

Interviewee 2 [1:09]: Yes.


Interviewer 2 [1:18]: So do you know what you're doing though?

Interviewee 2 [1:20]: Yeah, yeah, they show you everything that you're supposed to... that you're going to be doing.


Enclosure 3 - Perpetrators

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Interviewer 2 [1:47]: So your work involves going to the store?
Interviewee 2 [1:49]: Yes, they tell you in detail what you're going to be doing.
Interviewer 2 [1:55]: But what do they say though, that you're going to be going to stores...
Interviewee 2 [1:58]: That you're going to be watching or you're going to be...
Interviewer 2 [2:23]: So what do they say you're doing, surveilling the person?
Interviewee 2 [2:27]: Yeah, you're pretty much doing surveillance, that's what it is.
Interviewer 2 [3:31]: So what do they do like targeting them or what is it called?
Interviewee 2 [3:35]: It's kind of like targeting them, yeah. [...] But [...] they call it surveillance.
While some people might falsely claim to be working for the government and spying on people for whatever reason, they wouldn't have knowledge about such details. Furthermore, the examples above are of people who only gave such information after being confronted for overt stalking and either shamed into admitting it or thought they were helping someone get a job.

Enclosure 4 ­ Connection to the ODNI

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Connection to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence

With this evidence of overt and covert surveillance being used on US citizens, what potential connection does it have with ODNI and what duties does ODNI have to the situation?

Regardless of the DNI or ODNI being directly involved or not, as the head of the intelligence community they have a fiduciary duty to expose such activities as it is the US citizens that your organization ultimately serves. Furthermore, the issue is that of one that concerns national security as resources being used to harass and surveil innocent citizens are resources not being used to protect our nation. This increases the chances of our nation becoming victim to a new terrorist attack.

In regards to ability to expose this and potential involvement, The DNI, ODNI, and NCTC can access almost any terrorist database in the intelligence community.

It is established by law that:32

Title 50 U.S.C §3056(d)(6) establishes that NCTC must "serve as the central and shared knowledge bank" for the US government (USG) on "known and suspected terrorists and international terror groups, as well as their goals, strategies, capabilities, and networks of contacts and support."

And per the NCTC's website:33

The Center [NCTC] is authorized to access to all terrorism-related information held by the USG [US government]. [Emphasis mine.]
TIDE was created to full-fill this requirement. Thus, as a central knowledge hub terrorist information, it probably already have information related to overt surveillance in their records:34
NCTC has the statutory responsibility to serve as the central and shared knowledge bank on known and suspected terrorists and international terror groups, as well as their goals, strategies, capabilities, and networks of contacts and support. To fulfill this role, NCTC maintains the Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment (TIDE), the USG's central classified repository for all known or suspected international terrorists [...] [Emphasis mine.]
In regards to overt surveillance and harassment by the local police, sheriff's offices, and other agencies, NCTC clearly works with local law enforcement, homeland security, and interagency task forces:35
NCTC receives international terrorism information from law enforcement and intelligence partners and consolidates it into TIDE, which is an analytic tool as well as a database.
NCTC ensures that other agencies with [counterterrorism] missions have access to and receive intelligence needed to accomplish assigned activities. NCTC's analysis is coordinated throughout the [intelligence community], supporting senior policymakers and other members of the policy, intelligence, law enforcement, defense, homeland security, and foreign affairs

32 National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC), 2018, Congressional Research Service,
33 The National Counterterrorism Center, How We Work, retrieved 12 April 2021, The Office of the Director of National Intelligence,
34 Ibid. 35 Ibid.

Enclosure 4 ­ Connection to the ODNI

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NCTC also leads interagency task forces designed to analyze, monitor, and disrupt potential terrorist attacks. [Emphasis mine.]
Beyond what they claim on their website, news reports claim that the NCTC can access just about anything from any government agency if it is to predict and prevent what they believe to be "criminal" behavior without proper cause:36
As of March 2012, the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) can copy and examine entire government databases to predict possible criminal behavior of any U.S. citizen, Julia Angwin of The Wall Street Journal reports. [Emphasis mine.]
Calabrese noted that "literally anything the government collects is fair game," which implies that the NCTC can obtain conventional government records -- law enforcement investigations, health information, employment history, travel and student records -- as well as unconventional government intel such as electronic activities collected by the National Security Agency's domestic spying apparatus and biometric data collected by the CIA-linked surveillance network TrapWire. [Emphasis theirs.]
Furthermore, the NCTC can choose to share U.S. civilian information with federal, state, local, or foreign entities for analysis of possible criminal behavior, even if there is no reason to suspect them. [Emphasis theirs.]
Even if NCTC isn't allowed to access any criminal records as the article above claims, they are not bound to only international/foreign terrorist information collection/access as NCTC is allowed to obtain, retain, and disseminate information that is exclusively about domestic terrorism from Federal, state, and local government:37
In addition, NCTC "may, consistent with applicable law, the direction of the President, and guidelines referred to in [the statute], receive intelligence pertaining exclusively to domestic counterterrorism from any Federal, State, or local government or other source necessary to fulfill this responsibilities and retain and disseminate such intelligence." [Emphasis mine.]
Furthermore, all departments and agencies under the Executive Branch are required to provide NCTC with all "Terrorism Information."38 And the NCTC itself can be a "nominator" of a terrorist suspect and could have exclusive data not found at other agencies. NCTC itself said that "[n]ot all records in TIDE are included in the TSDB" such as "fragmentary information."39 NCTC is also aware of rejected nominations of the Terrorist Screening Center.40
And, at a minimum, NCTC is clearly sharing counterterrorism data with the North Texas Fusion Center (NTFC) in McKinney, TX:41
36 Michael Kelley, CONFIRMED: US Counterterrorism Agency Can Amass Data On Any Citizen, 2012, Yahoo! Finance,
37 NCTC, March 2013 Watchlisting Guidance, 2013,, See page 7, section 1.9
38 HSPD-6, See March 2013 Watchlisting Guidance 1.9.1 and 1.35 39 See March 2013 Watchlisting Guidance 1.55 40 See March 2013 Watchlisting Guidance 41 Collin County, 2021 UASI/DVE Collin County-Regional Fusion Center Analysis (LE), 2021, %20County%20Regional%20Fusion%20Center%20Analysis%20%28LE%29.pdf

Enclosure 4 ­ Connection to the ODNI

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Analysts provide suspicious activity training through the Fusion Liaison Officer (FLO) Network and resources regarding Counterterrorism from the NCTC [National Counterterrorism Center, ODNI], FBI, and Nationwide SAR Initiative [DHS]. [Emphasis mine.]

The North Texas Fusion center (NTFC), a regional fusion center in the Collin County Sheriff's Office,
has information sharing with an area that includes where I live in Lewisville, TX (which is in Denton County, TX):42

NTFC's hosting of part-time and full-time personnel and coordination of the FLO Network extends NTFC's value and ability to serve the counties in the DFWA UA.

The DFWA UA (Dallas/Fort Worth/Arlington Urban Area) includes the "counties of Collin, Dallas, Denton, and Tarrant."43

Thus, this would include the Lewisville Police Department. Furthermore, the NCTC might be communicating directly with the Lewisville Police Department as well based off the evidence I already presented above.

The North Texas Fusion Center's FLO (Fusion Liaison Officer) Network is comprised of "181 LE officers, 118 private-sector partners, 27 fire personnel, 32 emergency-management professionals, 8 military personnel, 11 public health officers, and 24 critical-infrastructure advisors from 391 agencies. The network maintains two-way flows of information during members' operating hours and meets twice a year." Emphasis mine. Their "118 private-sector partners" and "24 criticalinfrastructure advisors" most likely include security mall guard companies as "malls" are given as an example of "critical infrastructure" by the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency under Commercial Facilities Sector as a "site[] that draw[s] large crowds of people for shopping, business, entertainment, or lodging" and is assigned to the Department of Homeland Security as the SectorSpecific Agency.44

There is also the Homeland Security Information Network (HSIN) network45 from DHS that directly
allows people in the private sector (if they are part of "critical infrastructure" or other qualifications
like being in public health or emergency services) to be communicated sensitive but not classified information using apps or other instantaneous communication methods.46 This network is also used to communicate classified and other information to intelligence agencies and local law enforcement.47

Keep in mind, my stalking following me from different regions of Texas and to other states. Thus, it simply couldn't be just the NTFC. A federal agency like DHS and/or ODNI (who I just proved shares information with DHS and local law enforcement) would have to be behind it.

Wrongful placement on terrorist watchlists Finally, it is not unlikely that innocent US citizens are placed in your TIDE watchlist and the Terrorist Screening Center's watchlist--the Terrorist Screening Database or TSDB. (NCTC submits people from the TIDE watchlist to TSDB but NCTC keeps certain information.) Your own National Counterterrorism Center stated in the "March 2013 Watchlisting Guidance," a leaked government
42 Ibid. 43 North Central Texas Council of Government, Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP), Retrieved 12 April 2021, 44 See the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency's (CISA) classifications and assignment when it comes to
commercial facilities: &, Retrieved 12 April 2021 45 Homeland Security Information Network (HSIN), 46 Homeland Security Information Network - Critical Infrastructure, 47 Homeland Security Information Network ­ Intelligence,

Enclosure 4 ­ Connection to the ODNI

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document, that people can be added to your watchlist and submitted to the TSDB based on "fragmentary information" and "derogatory information."48 The manual also shows that
nominations/submissions can originate from the law enforcement community (see the graphic on page
15). And law enforcement, especially local law enforcement, doesn't exactly have the best reputation
in America. Furthermore, nearly 40% of those on the TIDE database had "no affiliation with recognized terrorism groups."49 And we've already seen the terrorist watchlists being used as a form of retaliation and punishment against innocent people who didn't cooperate with the government.50

Other federal agencies like DHS have said in a statement that "hunches" were necessarily for searches and the requirement of "reasonable suspicious" would hinder their job: "Under a reasonable suspicion requirement, officers might hesitate to search an individual's device without the presence of articulable factors capable of being formally defended, despite having an intuition or hunch based on experience that justified a search."51

These weak standards clearly open the possibility of innocent US citizens being included in terrorist watchlists.

While many might point to the fact that many victims claim gang stalking follows them from country to country, would not implicating the United States government, this is actually the opposite. The TSDB (also known as "the watchlist") is shared with even small countries like Croatia.52 As I said before, this is the same terrorist database that NCTC will submit information to using their TIDE database. However, that "framentary information" from NCTC in their TIDE database is not exported to the TSDB.53 Thus the importance of NCTC releasing such information to get to the bottom of this.

Requirement for the ODNI/NCTC to intervene Finally, to have myself removed from TSC's "the watchlist," if I am on it as a wrongfully labeled "international terrrorist," requires the nominating agency to contact NCTC with a written justification for the request.54 However, with the large number of law enforcement and intelligence agencies and their unwillingness to provide intelligence information to me, it would be impossible for me to know which agency to prove myself to of not being a terrorist. The task goes from prolonged to virtually impossible due to red tape and secrecy in the name of "national security" and other excuses. Besides, even if I found out which agency nominated me, they might not even care to give a written request to NCTC despite my innocence. (Some legally binding requests to DHS and other agencies have been flat out ignored.55) Thus, NCTC (or their parent agency, ODNI) would be the only agency to solve the issue and must provide US citizens with a method to remove from themselves from this list.

Regardless of the NCTC, the ODNI is the head of all US intelligence and should have the authority to find and correct any mistakes on the matter. Thus, the ODNI also has a duty to provide US citizens

48 Jeremy Scahill & Ryan Devereaux, Blacklisted: The Secret Government Rulebook for Labeling you a Terrorist, 2014, The Intercept,
49 Jeremy Scahill & Ryan Devereaux, Watch Commander: Barack Obama's Secret Terrorist Tracking System, by the Numbers, 2014, The Intercept,
50 Tim Cushing, FBI Scores Itself Another Lawsuit For Using The No Fly List To Punish A Lebanese Man For Not Becoming An Informant, 2021, Techdirt,
51 Tim Cushing, DHS Says Agent 'Hunches' Trump Citizens' Rights In Searching Your Computer At The Border, 2013, Techdirt,
52 Mark Thomas, FBI give Croatia access to terrorist database, 2018, The Dubrovnik Times,
53 See Match 2013 Watchlisting Guidance 1.32 and 1.33 54 See Match 2013 Watchlisting Guidance 1.62 55 Shoshana Wodinsky, DHS Sued Over Its Social Media Surveillance Tactics, 2021, Gizmodo,

Enclosure 4 ­ Connection to the ODNI

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a mean to have themselves removed from any terrorist watchlists, both international and domestic.

Disclosure being in the public interest And while over surveillance (gang stalking) is clearly happening, how much is going on? Is it in the realm of public interest?

The online search for the terms "gangstalking" (a common spelling), "gang stalking", and "targeted
individual" (the common words and phrases used for overt surveillance and harassment) has steadily increased56 since the creation of NCTC (2004), ODNI (2005), and the creation of the majority of the state fusion centers (40 built between 2003-2007,57 out of the 79 fusion centers disclosed today58). This
suggests some kind of link to the intelligence agencies created after the 9/11 terrorist attack.

Image captured on April, 21 2021. The above is "Interest over time" score from Google with 100 being the peak interest. Interest in "gang stalking" peaked soon after the intelligence agencies in response to 9/11 were created. Interest in that term
and other similar terms have been steadily increasing over time.
The phenomenon of gang stalking is growing so prevalent that the scientific community has noticed. One noted, oddly enough, two extreme and opposing views consistently found online: "gangstalking is a widespread, insidious, and centrally coordinated system of persecution employing community members, figures of authority, and state actors" or a form of mental illness.59 But why two extremes? It's like there is an agenda to keep things a certain way. Wouldn't a more reasonable public reaction be one based on a spectrum of responses instead of two polar opposite views? While this study makes no claims one way or the other about what is really going on, another study concluded that the unusual nature and consistency of these claims made the authors conclude for "the need for further exploration of the phenomenon"60
56,gang%20stalking,targeted%20individual 57 Report to Congressional Committees, HOMELAND SECURITY: Federal Efforts Are Helping to Alleviate Some
Challenges Encountered by State and Local Information Fusion Centers, 2007, GAO, See page 18 58 Fusion Center, retrieved 21 April 2021, Wikipedia, 59 Lustig, A., Brookes, G., & Hunt, D. (2021). Linguistic Analysis of Online Communication About a Novel Persecutory
Belief System (Gangstalking): Mixed Methods Study. Journal of medical Internet research, 23(3), e25722. 60 Sheridan, L., James, D. V., & Roth, J. (2020). The Phenomenology of Group Stalking ('Gang-Stalking'): A Content Analysis of Subjective Experiences. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(7), 2506.

Enclosure 4 ­ Connection to the ODNI

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And with all the news articles now found on the subject when there wasn't any in the past, there is clearly a public interest in this phenomenon.61,62,63,64,65

Finally, the act of overt surveillance, covert surveillance, or harassment through government programs breaks the law of the federal government. This abuse constitutes a crime under 18 U.S. Code § 242, "Deprivation of rights under color of law," as we have the right to freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures, the right to due process of law, and freedom from cruel and unusual punishments. Being a federal agency, the ODNI has a duty to uphold the constitutional rights of the citizens it serves.

61 Mike McPhate, United States of Paranoia: They See Gangs of Stalkers, 2016, The New York Times,
62 Roisin Kiberd, The Nightmarish Online World of 'Gang-Stalking', 2016, Vice,
63 Liam Britten, 'Organized stalking' ads on Vancouver transit a mental health concern, experts say, 2018, CBC News,
64 Jean Guerrero, My Father Says He's a 'Targeted Individual.' Maybe We All Are, 2018, Wired,
65 Teri Webster, Targeting Targeted Individuals: Some Fort Worthians believe they're under secret attack by the government, and there's nothing anyone can do about it, 2021, Fort Worth Weekly,

Enclosure 5 - Conclusion

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First and for clarification, I am not requesting a Mandatory Declassification Review request under Sec. 3.5 of Executive Order 13526 as I believe the information I am requesting about myself is most likely in an "operational file" and is exempt from disclosure with regard to that process. Rather, I am asking the various parties, including the Director of National Intelligence, who have the power to declassify and release my information under Sec 3.1 of Executive Order 13526 to do so in the name of "public interest." I claim this under the following facts:

· There is clearly a historic precedent of governments, including the American government and their intelligence community, abusing their powers and their citizens. This includes the FBI,
CIA, NSA, and US military. · There are reputable victims of high degree of professionalism and insider knowledge attesting
to the existence of abusive overt and covert stalking and harassment by the intelligence
community. This includes a former head of the Los Angeles FBI division, former NSA agents,
a former CIA contractor, and a police lieutenant. · Several people have come forwarding admitting to being part of this program of surveillance
with detailed information like pay grade salaries, hourly wages, and direct deposit information. · The ODNI, in particular the NCTC, has a connection to the various federal, state, and local
agencies and programs that appear to be involved. As such, their information on these targeted
individuals would be vital in stopping this program that is abusing the public. Even if the
ODNI is not directly involved in this citizen abuse, they have the means to expose and
stop it.

Clearly from the evidence presented, there has to be some type of harassing surveillance program. Declassifying and releasing my information would help to expose any abuse going on in the intelligence community. Being extremely familiar with my own situation and having documented it, the best course of action would be for the ODNI to work with me in exposing this, that means declassifying and sharing whatever information that is on me.

I have no terrorist ties nor am I a terrorist. Thus, releasing my information would not cause a national security concern nor should the objection of national security be allowed as a reason to not release my information. And not investigating this overt and covert surveillance and harassment would be an issue of national security as government resources are being directed to abuse citizens instead of being used to keep the nation safe.

Finally, when this is expose, as history has proven it eventually will be, could spell the end of our nation if such exposure doesn't come from the government itself. East Germany and their Stasi no longer exists just how Nazi Germany and their Gestapo no longer exists. History is not kind to those who use their powers in government to abuse their citizens. Do the right thing and bring to light the truth of the matter.

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