Entre Operator Lab Guide

Entre Operator Lab Guide - DMP

5. Set the trigger to MANUAL ONLY ê If Periodic or Event is selected, a window to set the time interval or triggering event will open 6. Click the ADD button above the Actions field 7. Select Report from the Type drop-down and click OK ê Actions will require further information to be entered depending on the action chosen 8.

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PDF Entre Operator Lab Guide
Instructor-Led Training

1. In the panel's Remote Options programming, set the Entré Path to NET
2. Enter the IP address of the Entré server ê The Check-in Minutes setting is required for a standard network connection
3. If a passphrase is being used in the Entré server, it must be programmed in the panel as well
4. In Entré, open the Configuration menu and select HARDWARE, then HARDWARE - TREE
5. Select the DMP Driver, click ADD, then select NEW PANEL WIZARD
6. Name the panel, and enter the panel's IP address and Account Number
7. If a passphrase is being used, enter it here
8. Click NEXT to test the connection to the panel ê If the panel can't be reached, review programming and try again
9. Review the information in the following windows to finish adding the panel
1. In the panel's REMOTE OPTIONS programming, set the Entré Path to NET
2. Enter the IP address of the Entré server, and remove the Entré Incoming TCP Port ê The Check-in Minutes setting is required for EASYconnect
3. If a passphrase is being used in the Entré server, it must be programmed in the panel as well
4. In Entré, open the Configuration menu and select HARDWARE, then HARDWARE - TREE
5. Select the DMP Driver, click ADD, then select NEW PANEL WIZARD
6. Name the panel, but leave the Host and Port fields blank
7. Enter the panel's Serial Number and Account Number 8. If a passphrase is being used, enter it here
9. Click NEXT to test the connection to the panel ê If the panel can't be reached, review programming and try again
10. Review the information in the following windows to finish adding the panel
1. Open the MANAGEMENT menu and select USER CODE PROFILES
2. Click ADD
3. Name the profile MANAGEMENT 4. Verify the compatibility drop down displays the
correct panel model 5. Choose the permissions for this profile
ê Users should not have the ability to edit user codes, profiles, or schedules in their profiles

6. Select ACCESS AREAS and ARM/DISARM AREAS for the profile
7. Click SAVE AND CLOSE to save the profile
8. Create another profile named EMPLOYEE
1. Open the MANAGEMENT menu and select PERSONNEL ê A Personnel Record must be created if one does not already exist for this user
2. Click ADD to open the Single-Screen Wizard 3. Enter information for the user
ê First and last name and user ID number are required 4. If an existing badge will be assigned to this user, click
ADD UNASSIGNED and select the desired credential
5. If a new badge will be assigned to this user, click ADD to open the Single-Screen Wizard
6. Enter information for the badge, use the provided access card, and assign the EMPLOYEE profile to the badge ê Click the `new' button to create a new profile if needed
7. Click SAVE AND CLOSE to save the badge
8. Click SAVE AND CLOSE to save the personnel record ê Entré will automatically send the user to all online panels defined in the User Code Profile
1. Open the Management menu and select PERSONNEL 2. Locate the user in the list and open their personnel
record 3. Double click the user's badge to open the Single-
Screen Wizard 4. Change the user code profile assigned to this badge
to Management ê To disable this badge, remove all the profiles, or set the validity to anything other
than Active 5. Click SAVE AND CLOSE to save the badge
6. Click SAVE AND CLOSE to save the personnel record ê Entré will automatically update the user in all online panels defined in the User Code Profile
1. Open the Configuration menu and select PANEL SCHEDULES
2. Click ADD to create a new schedule 3. Name the schedule "Mon - Fri", and select a usage
type ê Time schedules are for XR150 and XR550 Series ê Area/ShiftandDoor/OutputschedulesareforXR100/500Series

4. Enter the start and end times for each day the schedule is active ê Times should start at 7:30 and end at 17:30 Monday through Friday ê Set Holiday B times to start at 7:30 and end at 12:30 ê Entré uses 24 hour time
5. CLICK SAVE AND CLOSE to save the schedule
1. Open the Configuration menu and select HARDWARE, then HARDWARE - TREE
2. Right click the area, door, or output that the schedule will be applied to and select EDIT
4. Click ADD, then choose the schedule number and name from the drop-down lists
5. Click SAVE AND CLOSE to save the schedule
6. Right click the panel, select PANEL CONFIGURATION, then DOWNLOAD CONFIGURATION
7. Check the USERS, PROFILES and SCHEDULES box ê You may also select Clear Users, Profiles and Schedules to remove all Users, Profiles and Schedules in the panel, and replace with only what has been programmed in Entré
8. Click OK to send the updates to the panel
1. Open the Configuration menu and select CALENDARS
2. Click ADD 3. In the General section, give the calendar a name 4. Go to the Holidays section
5. Click ADD
6. Name the holiday THANKSGIVING, set the date for the holiday, and the duration to two days
7. Set the category to National
8. Click SAVE AND CLOSE to save the holiday ê XR150 and XR550 Series support up to 40 holiday dates
9. Open the Configuration menu and select HARDWARE, then HARDWARE - TREE
10. Right click the panel and select EDIT
11. Go to the CALENDARS section 12. Select the calendar from the drop down list and select
a category for national, company and religious holidays ê These are the Holiday A, B & C entries in the panel schedule 13. Click SAVE AND CLOSE to assign the calendar to the panel
1. Open the management menu and select reports
2. Click ADD and select ADD FILTER BASED REPORT ê When creating a SQL based report DMP recommends consulting with a SQL database administrator
3. Name the report ACCESS DENIED - INVALID CODE, then select the EVENTS from the ITEM TYPE drop down list ê The report type specifies what information the filter will be applied to

5. Click CHOOSE to the right of the Log Code field ê Log codes for specific events can be viewed in the Events Module
6. Expand the ACCESS section, then expand ACCESS DENIED
7. Select Door Access: Denied invalid code; User code not found
8. Move it to the SELECTED ITEMS field using the right arrow
9. Click OK to save the log codes and click OK to save the filter settings ê The report can be further customized with the Variable Parameters, Report Settings, and Edit Columns button
10. Test the report by clicking RUN
11. Click SAVE AND CLOSE to save the report
1. Open the Configuration menu and select AUTOMATION RULES ê DMP does not recommend making changes to or removing the preset automation rules
2. Click ADD
3. Name the rule INVALID CODE REPORT
4. Click NEW to the right of the Trigger field
5. Set the trigger to MANUAL ONLY ê If Periodic or Event is selected, a window to set the time interval or triggering event will open
6. Click the ADD button above the Actions field
7. Select Report from the Type drop-down and click OK ê Actions will require further information to be entered depending on the action chosen
8. Click CHOOSE to the right of the report field 9. Select the Access Denied - Invalid Code report from
the previous lab
10. Click OK and then SAVE AND CLOSE to add the action to the automation rule
11. Click NEW to the right of the Notification field
12. Select EXPORT TO FILE ON SERVER from the Type drop-down menu, and click OK
13. Click SAVE AND CLOSE to save the automation rule 14. To test the automation rule, open the Configuration
menu and select HARDWARE, then HARDWARE - TREE
15. Right click the Automation Driver and select INVOKE AUTOMATION RULE
16. Select the Invalid Code Report rule in the Rule dropdown menu, then click OK ê The file will be written to C:\...\Entré\autoexport as a PDF file
1. Open the Configuration menu and select EVENT POLICIES ê Event policies can also be set from the Events and Audit Trail Modules
2. Locate the Door Access: Denied invalid code; User code not found event in the list ê Use the search bar to quickly find the event

3. Right click the event and select EDIT
4. Click CHOOSE to the right of the Background color field
5. Select Yellow and click OK
6. Click SAVE AND CLOSE to save the changes to the Event Policy ê Go to the Events Module and confirm the events have a yellow background
1. Open the Configuration menu and select MAP EDITOR
2. Click NEW MAP
3. Name the map OFFICE
4. Click CHOOSE in the Background box to select a map 5. Use the file type drop-down to select the format of
the image file
6. Click OPEN
7. Click OK to open the image file 8. Select the Devices tab and locate the system that is
associated with this map 9. Click and drag the Back Door and Zone 1 Door onto
the map that will be monitored 10. Highlight the panel in the device list and select the
CMDS tab
11. Click and drag the ARM and DISARM CMDs onto the map ê The available CMDs will change depending on the device that is selected in the Devices tab
12. Click SAVE to save the map 13. Open the Monitoring menu and select Maps to view
the finished map
1. Open the Configuration menu and select Quick Launch Editor
2. Click NEW PANEL 3. Name the Panel "Reception" Leave the columns and
rows set to 4
4. Click OK to create the quick launch panel
5. Click on the top right button Select DEVICE STATUS from the Type drop-down menu
6. Click CHOOSE and select the Back Door
7. Click OK to save the device and the button 8. Set button [1,2] to momentarily unlock the back door
ê Button labels and images can be customized as well 9. Click SAVE to save the current configuration
10. Open the Navigation menu and select QUICK LAUNCH to open the finished quick launch window
1. Open the Management menu and select AUDIT TRAIL
2. Click FILTER
3. Click CHOOSE to the right of the Log Code field ê Filters can also be used to find a specific personnel record, operator, or device

4. Select the relevant log codes and move them to the Selected Items field using the right arrow
5. Click OK to add the log codes to the filter 6. Click OK to apply the filter to the audit trail 7. Right click the record and select VIEW 8. Use VIEW BEFORE and VIEW AFTER to look at
changes to the record
1. Open the Configuration menu and select OPERATOR PROFILES ê DMP does not recommend making changes to the default Administrators Profile
2. Click ADD 3. Click the TEMPLATE drop-down, select LEAST
RESTRICTIVE, and click OK 4. Name the profile "No Configuration"
5. Select the MODULES tab, and expand the Configuration section
6. Select each item in this section and uncheck ALLOW ACCESS TO MODULE
7. Click SAVE AND CLOSE to save this operator profile
1. Open the Configuration menu and select OPERATORS 2. Click ADD 3. Set the username and password to "lab1"
4. Go to the Profiles section and select NO CONFIGURATION from the previous lab
5. Click SAVE AND CLOSE to save this operator 6. To test the new login, open the FILE menu and select
LOGIN AS A DIFFERENT USER 7. Use the login information for the new operator
ê The Configuration menu is no longer available 8. Go back to using the admin login
1. Edit QUICK LAUNCH to include arming the system and disarming the system
2. Edit QUICK LAUNCH to also show status of the Back Door
3. Edit the MAP and add the following widgets: ê Arm System ê Disarm System ê Lockdown
4. Label the Back Door as a Public Door in DEVICE SETUP
5. From QUICK LAUNCH, momentarily unlock the Back Door ê The door should momentarily unlock and the Door Status widget should follow that action
6. From the MAP, right-click the BACK DOOR and choose UNLOCK
7. Activate the LOCKDOWN widget on the MAP

8. Right-click the Back Door from the hardware tree and choose MOMENTARY UNLOCK ê That action should also show on the map and Quick Launch screen
9. Arm the system from the widget on the MAP 10. Disarm the system from widget on QUICK LAUNCH 11. Swipe a credential at the Back Door and watch the
door status change on QUICK LAUNCH and the MAP
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