Change of Vehicle Particulars Notification ... continued page 2 of 3 A self-assessment of the changed vehicle/registration details must be carried out by the registered operator/representative of
Please note: • You can lodge this application at a Department of Transport and Main Roads Customer Service Centre, or if you live in a.
Print Form Reset Form Change of Vehicle Particulars Notification Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995 Please note: · You can lodge this application at a Department of Transport and Main Roads Customer Service Centre, or if you live in a rural area, a Queensland Government Agency Program Office or police station that conducts vehicle registration business. · A self-assessment inspection of the change of vehicle details must be carried out by the registered operator/representative of the registered operator, a departmental approved agent or authorised motor dealer prior to lodging this application. Refer to section B. · A Certificate of Modification or an Approval letter may need to be provided if the vehicle has been modified in any way from its original design. · The department must be notified if a heavy vehicle is used in a combination where registration fees or vehicle use are different to current fees/use. · You must provide evidence of identity (EOI) at the time of making this application. For example, original Queensland Driver Licence. For EOI requirements refer to the separate Evidence of Identity Requirements for Individuals and Organisations (form F4362) or · For more information about changing vehicle particulars or vehicle modifications go to 1. Registered Operator's details Private/Business/Company name/s Residential/Business address Postcode Postal address (complete only if different to residential address) Email address Mobile/Telephone number Postcode Would you like to receive emailed notification and reminders? Yes No 2. Vehicle details Registration number Year of manufacture Make/Model/Body shape (for example, Ford Falcon sedan) 3. Authority to represent (if applicable) I authorise this person to lodge the application on my behalf. Your representative will need to bring personal identification as well as proof of your identity. Name of representative 4. Details being changed Depending on what you are changing, both sections below may need to be completed. Section A - Change of vehicle registration information: · Compulsory Third Party insurance. Go to 5 · Purpose of use. Go to 6 · Transition from the Federal Interstate Registration Scheme to the National Heavy Vehicle Registration Scheme. Go to 7 · Change of other registration information. Go to 8 Section B - Change of vehicle details (for example, engine number). Go to 9 Section A - Change of vehicle registration information 5. Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance Do you wish to nominate a new CTP insurer? For a list of licenced insurers visit No Yes If yes, name of CTP insurer Do you wish to change your CTP insurance class? The CTP Insurance class is determined according to the type and use of the vehicle. For details visit No Yes If yes, record new CTP class Note: A change of class letter from your CTP insurer is required for a change to a higher CTP insurance class (not required for changes to a higher class at transfer or changes with payment of renewal). Is anyone entitled to claim the GST component of the CTP insurance premium for the vehicle as an ITC? No Yes Note: Only GST registered businesses may be able to claim an ITC - if unsure please consult your tax advisor. Go to 10 6. Purpose of use (POU) Do you want to change the vehicle's POU? No Go to 10 Yes Private Please indicate POU below (please tick one box only) Special purpose limousine Rental (self driver rental) Commercial Emergency vehicles TransLink Urban Service Limousine Driver training or tuition Licensed tow truck Public Passenger Service School activities only (transporting children teachers, and so on) Farming Booked hire Booked hire rental Taxi Used for non profit Dealer Go to 10 Signature Identification of representative Date / / continued page 2... Page 1 of 3 TRB Forms Area F3524 CFD V01 Jun 2018 Change of Vehicle Particulars Notification ... continued page 2 of 3 7. Federal Interstate Registration Scheme (FIRS) Are you transitioning your FIRS vehicle to the National Heavy Vehicle Registration Scheme? No Yes Vehicles transitioning to the National Heavy Vehicle Registration Scheme from 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019 (inclusive) will be exempt from paying vehicle duty and the National Heavy Vehicle Registration plate fee. Note: You must surrender the vehicle's current number plates when lodging this application. Go to 10 Section B - Change of vehicle details 9. Do you want to change the vehicle's details? No Go to 10 Yes Please specify the vehicle details being changed, for example, engine number. Note: If the vehicle has been modified in any way from its original design (other than modifications to motorcycle/ moped seating capacity), please provide the Certificate of Modification or an Approval letter. 8. Change of other registration information? No Yes Please specify A self-assessment of the changed vehicle/registration details must be carried out by the registered operator/representative of the registered operator or a departmental approved agent and recorded in the table below. Note: Complete only the details that are being changed. Go to 10 Particulars VIN/Chassis number Engine number New details Make Model/Body shape Number of cylinders Seating capacity motorcycle/moped cylinders One seat - seat is less than or equal to 500mm (50cm) in length and with no pillion foot pegs. Two seat - seat is greater than 500mm (50cm) in length or pillion foot pegs are fitted. Seating capacity - all other vehicles Motorcycle engine capacity Identification plate Tare GVM/GCM Colour month mLs year GVM tonnes/kgs/lbs/cwt GCM Primary colour Secondary colour Fuel type/Motive power Trailer configuration - lead/middle trailer (trailers more than 4.5t ATM) Petrol Electric Petrol and Gas Diesel Petrol and Electric Note: You must present the relevant Gas Certificate, Form PGR101/102 (fuel system) or Form PGA734 (cooking facilities), with this application unless exempt. The issue date of the certificate must not be more than three months before the lodgement date of this application. Lead trailer is used in a B-Double/B-Triple combination (body shape BDDT) Middle trailer is used in a B-Triple combination (body shape BDDT) continued page 3... Page 2 of 3 TRB Forms Area F3524 CFD V01 Jun 2018 Change of Vehicle Particulars Notification ... continued page 3 of 3 Vehicle combination vehicles used to tow a trailer more than 4.5t ATM Truck and one trailer (select one) Combination is less than 7 axles and up to 42.5T total operating mass (TRTT) Complete details below Number of axles in Overall length combination of combination 10. Declaration I/We declare the information and statements provided in this application are true and correct. I/We consent to the department verifying my evidence of identity documents or information with the issuing authority or their agencies. Registered operator's signature/s (In the case of joint registered operators at least one must sign) Combination is 7 or more axles or more than 42.5T total operating mass (TRTM) Complete details below Number of axles in Overall length combination of combination Road Train Truck Combination What is the maximum number of trailers in the combination? (excluding dolly trailers) Date / / It is an offence to give false or misleading information under the Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act. Maximum penalty may exceed $7000. Agency use only New registration number plate/s How many plate/s returned? Prime Mover Combination What is the maximum number of trailers in the combination? (excluding dolly trailers) Truck - not towing a trailer more than 4.5t ATM Truck only Self-assessment declaration: Self-assessment was carried out by (tick one box) Registered operator/representative Departmental approved agent Authorised motor dealer I have assessed the vehicle indicated on this form and certify the information contained in this form is complete, true and correct and has been taken from the vehicle itself, where applicable. Full name (please print) Customer Reference Number Signature Date / / Go to 10 Privacy Statement: The department is collecting the information on this form for the purposes of maintaining the department's vehicle/vessel registration register as required under the Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act. The department or its agents/contractors may use your information in its communications with you and where relevant, may give some of the information to vehicle insurers, statutory entities, insolvency entities, lawyers, person's involved in vehicle incidents/accidents, vehicle manufacturers, third parties who are involved in or intend to commence legal proceedings, tolling entities, law enforcement agencies and interstate registering authorities. Your personal information will not be disclosed to any other third party without your consent, unless authorised to required to do so by law. Page 3 of 3 TRB Forms Area F3524 CFD V01 Jun 2018Adobe PDF Library 10.0.1