Hinds CC NAH Student Manual

Nursing & Allied Health Student Manual

The NAH Student Manual is used as a supplement to the College Catalog and Student. Handbook. All of these documents are also available on the College website ...

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Aug 21, 2021 — The purpose of the Nursing and Allied Health (NAH) Student Manual is to ... The Student Navigator/Tech Nest Manager is available to assist nursing and ...

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NAH Student Manual
Revised August 2021
Hinds Community College Nursing and Allied Health
Student Manual
Revised August 2021

Revised August 2021
Hinds Community College Nursing and Allied Health
Student Manual Table of Contents
Mission and Goals for Nursing and Allied Health Programs ..............................................5
Nursing and Allied Health Administration........................................................6
Hinds Community College Notice of Non-discrimination Statement.........................6
Hinds Community College Disability Support Services Statement...........................6 Nursing and Allied Health Civility Statement.....................................................................7 Accountability and Conduct.........................................................................7
Accountability Guidelines...................................................................7 Guidelines for Conduct in Campus Classrooms, Campus Learning Labs, Ball Simulation Center and Learning Resource Center........................................8 Documentation of Accountability and/or Conduct Violations..........................9
Background Records Check.........................................................................9
Chain of Command for Communication............................................................9
Class/Clinical Variation............................................................................10
Clinical Attendance, Information & Requirements..............................................10 Clinical Attendance and Progression......................................................10 Clinical Requirements.......................................................................10 Confidentiality of Client Information/Clinical Records.................................11
Counseling and College Student Assistance Program..............................................11 Course Failure.......................................................................................11 Course Withdrawal Procedures....................................................................11 Dress Code .........................................................................................................................12
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Guidelines .................................................................................12 Drug Screen Procedures...........................................................................................12
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Revised August 2021 Day of Drug Screen..........................................................................12 Drug Screen Results.........................................................................13
Duplication of Records..............................................................................14 Eagle Alert/EmergencyPlans.......................................................................14 Ethics & Academic Integrity .............................................................................................14
Ethics for the Health Care Professional...................................................14 Eight Cardinal Rules of Academic Integrity.............................................14 Exposure to Hazardous Materials ......................................................................................15 Federal Student Aid... .......................................................................................................16 Graduation Procedures.......................................................................................................16 Healthcare Professional Fees .....................................................................16 Health and Insurance Services ...........................................................................................16 ID Badges.............................................................................................17 Learning Environment..............................................................................17 Learning to Learn Camp .................................................................................................... 17 Letters of Good Standing... ............................................................................................... 17 College Letter of Good Standing.........................................................17 Program Letter of Good Standing.........................................................18 Clinical Letter of Good Standing.........................................................18 Messages for Program Faculty, Directors/Chairs .............................................................. 18 Parking ...............................................................................................................................18 Program of Study Requirements ........................................................................................19 Readmission Guidelines/Procedures..................................................................................19 Rounding of Final Grades ..................................................................................................21 Scholastic Probation and Suspension.................................................................................21 Simulation Experiences and Videography.........................................................................21
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Revised August 2021 Smoking/Tobacco ..............................................................................................................21 Social Networking Guidelines ...........................................................................................21 Student Emergency Messages............................................................................................23 Student Employment..........................................................................................................23 Test Item Security Guidelines............................................................................................23 Use of Communication and Other Electronic Devices ......................................................24
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Revised August 2021
Hinds Community College Nursing and Allied Health
Student Manual
The purpose of the Nursing and Allied Health (NAH) Student Manual is to provide students enrolled in a health professional program important information that is specific to nursing, allied health, and short-term health related programs. This manual is compiled and published through the cooperative efforts of the faculty, program director/chairperson, and administrators of the nursing and allied health programs.
The NAH Student Manual is used as a supplement to the College Catalog and Student Handbook. All of these documents are also available on the College website www.hindscc.edu. Programs will provide more information in course syllabi and program handbooks.
Faculty and administrators reserve the right to change any guidelines and procedures as necessary. Written notification to currently enrolled students and applicants approved for admission will be provided for any changes.
Mission and Goals for Nursing and Allied Health
Programs Mission Statement The mission of the nursing and allied health programs, through the combined efforts of students, administration, faculty and staff, is to prepare individuals to be competent, caring healthcare professionals.
Goals 1. Promote the values of the college: Integrity, Diversity, Excellence, Accountability,
Leadership, and Stewardship. 2. Provide academic courses that support existing nursing and allied health programs and
foster articulation to higher degree programs. 3. Provide health care programs to prepare students for employment in the changing
health care environment. 4. Promote inter-disciplinary teaching/learning experiences among nursing and allied
health programs. 5. Provide health related continuing education programs for unemployed, employed, or
underemployed adults who need training or retraining, or who can otherwise profit from the programs. 6. Promote a student-centered focus that includes recruitment, advising, admission support, instruction, and retention activities. 7. Promote community awareness and wellness through community service activities.
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Nursing and Allied Health Administration
Dean of Allied Health ­ Ms. Catherine Bokros Dean of Nursing ­ Dr. Melissa Tillson Dean of Students ­ Ms. Joycelyn Washington Dean of Health Sciences ­ Ms. Katharine Elliott Vice-President of Instruction for CTE and Nursing and Allied Health ­ Ms. Sherry Franklin President ­ Dr. Stephen Vacik
Hinds Community College Notice of Non-discrimination & Disability Statement
Notice of Non-discrimination Statement In compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX, Education Amendments of 1972 of the Higher Education Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and other applicable Federal and State Acts, Hinds Community College offers equal education and employment opportunities and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability or veteran status in its educational programs and activities. The following have been designated to handle inquiries regarding these policies: EEOC Compliance: Sherry Franklin, Vice President of Instruction/Career & Technical Education, Box 1003, Utica, MS 39175; Phone: 601.885.7002 or Email: EEOC@hindscc.edu. Title IX: DeAndre House, Associate Vice President Student Services, Title IX Coordinator, Box 1100 Raymond MS 39154; Phone: 601.857.3353 or Email: TitleIX@hindscc.edu.
Disability Support Services Statement Hinds Community College provides reasonable and appropriate accommodations for students with disabilities. Disability Services staff members verify eligibility for accommodations and work with eligible students who have self-identified and provided current documentation. Students with disabilities should schedule an appointment with the designated Disability Services staff member on their respective campus to establish a plan for reasonable, appropriate classroom accommodations.
Jackson Campus-Academic/Technical Center 601.987.8158 Jackson Campus-Nursing/Allied Health Center 601.376.4803 Rankin Campus 601.936.5544 Raymond Campus 601.857.3646 Vicksburg-Warren Campus 601.629.6807 Utica Campus Academic 601.885.7022 Utica Campus Career-Technical 601.885.7128 Email: DSS@hindscc.edu Video Phone 601.526.4918
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Nursing and Allied Health Civility Statement
Faculty, staff, and students are expected to contribute to the creation of a community environment of learning which focuses on positive outcomes. The atmosphere of learning demands respect and courtesy for all involved.
All Hinds Community College employees, students and visitors are expected to contribute to the creation of a community environment of learning which focuses on positive outcomes. The atmosphere of learning demands respect and courtesy for all involved. In order to achieve positive outcomes, employees and students are expected to be professional at all times, demonstrating accountability and responsibility in their actions, and to foster an environment free of distractions or disruptions. Inappropriate behaviors will be addressed in accordance with college policies, procedures and guidelines.
Accountability and Conduct
Students are expected to follow all College rules related to conduct as described in the College Student Handbook. Students must also follow all clinical agency rules and regulations. Students should also be aware that engagement in illicit activities and/or behaviors outside of the Hinds Community College setting could be detrimental to successful completion of one's chosen program of study, future licensure/certification and/or employability.
Accountability Guidelines These guidelines are intended to guide the ethical and professional behavior of students studying in the HCC NAH Programs and not intended to directly guide or address behavior that is a part of a student's private life. Unethical and/or unprofessional behavior may come to the attention of Hinds Community College in several ways and become the focus of an investigation or student conduct referral in the following circumstances:
1. Conduct may be reported to a member of the faculty or administration from a variety of sources raising concern about a students' capacity to continue their studies. If such reported conduct raises a concern about the safety of the student, the safety of others, or includes behavior that could indicate an issue with judgment or moral, ethical, or personal values, that would preclude satisfactory functioning in the chosen discipline, an investigation may be conducted and action taken on the basis of the investigation.
2. If a student has been charged with a criminal offense between the time the student submits an application and the time the student begins a program at school, or at any time while a student at Hinds Community College, the student must inform the program director/chairperson of the charges immediately. If the College later discovers that a student withheld disclosure of a criminal charge, the student may be subject to immediate dismissal from the program. Due Process will be followed for students in all cases.
3. HCC NAH students are expected to hold themselves to the highest standards of ethical and professional conduct at all times. As part of their education, students must begin to practice behavior that they will uphold for the rest of their professional lives. While not all-inclusive, examples of unacceptable ethical and professional behavior include, but are not limited to, the following: · Lack of honesty (e.g., lying about, misrepresenting, or not reporting information
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about care given, clinical errors, or any action related to clinical functions; acting outside the scope of his or her role in a clinical, academic, professional, or administrative setting; cheating, including copying all or any portion of another student's paperwork and presenting it as one's own for class assignment or clinical assignment in actual reproduction or plagiarized format); · Lack of integrity (e.g., illegally gaining and distributing drugs; illegal attainment of patient possessions or patient care items); · Failure to demonstrate professional demeanor or concern for patient safety (e.g., use of offensive language and gestures, being under the influence of alcohol or drugs in the educational or clinical setting; use of patient's medication for self or others); · Unmet professional responsibility (e.g., not contributing to an atmosphere conducive to learning due to poor attendance, punctuality issues, and/or distracting or insensitive behavior in class, lab, or clinical; poor personal hygiene; needing continual reminders to complete responsibilities in a timely manner; not responding to requests [written, verbal, e-mail, text, cell phone, Canvas, etc.] in a timely manner; breaching patient confidentiality); · Exhibiting disruptive behavior (e.g., pushing; punching; throwing things; making inappropriate gestures; threats; verbal intimidation; language that belittles or demeans; negative comments with racial, ethnic, religious, age, gender, or sexual overtones; making impertinent or inappropriate written entries in the medical record; or making statements attacking students, faculty, or staff); · Lack of effort toward self-improvement and adaptability (e.g., resistant or defensive in accepting constructive criticism; remaining unaware of one's inadequacies; refusing to make suggested changes to improve learning, behavior, or performance; not accepting responsibility for errors or failure; abusive or inappropriately critical or arrogant); · Lack of respect for cultural diversity (e.g., inappropriate behavior with respect to age, culture, race, religion, ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation); · Exhibiting poor relationships with members of the health care team (e.g., not functioning appropriately within the health care team or not demonstrating the ability to collaborate with fellow students, staff); · Exhibiting poor relationships with patients and families (e.g., insensitive to the patient's or family's needs, inappropriate personal relationships with patients or members of their families; lack of empathy); · Failure to maintain and safeguard the confidentiality of patient information, including paper and electronic records, verbal communications, and social networking and electronic media sites. 2. All other violations as stated in the HCC Student Handbook. Review the College Student Handbook for Student Conduct Regulations and Procedures.
Guidelines for Conduct in Campus Classrooms, Campus Learning Labs, Computer Learning Center, Ball Simulation Center, and Learning Resource Center (LRC) 1. Only students currently enrolled in Hinds Community College or those instructed to
return for remediation, etc., are allowed to use the campus classrooms, campus learning labs, computer labs, and Learning Resource Center (library). 2. Students may not bring children to any class, learning lab, computer lab, or the LRC. Students cannot bring children or pets to the campus, to leave in any areas, including, but not limited to the library, student lounge, or personal vehicles.
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3. Students may only use College facilities during posted hours, unless special advanced permission is obtained.
4. Noise should be controlled. 5. No eating or drinking is allowed in any of the laboratory settings or the auditorium. 6. Good housekeeping is the responsibility of everyone. 7. No articles can be removed from any areas without authorization from a program director/
chairperson, learning lab manager, or College computer lab or Learning Resource Center personnel. 8. Students participating in learning activities that involve touching of another human's body must maintain program standards and guidelines. 9. Simulated experiences should be implemented as if working in a real-life situation; simulation equipment and any other models should be treated with the same respect and confidentiality as a real-life client. 10. Duplication of media is not allowed - this is against the law. 11. Students may not participate in unauthorized filming, audio recording, and/or picture taking in any setting by personal camera, cell phone or other device.
Documentation of Accountability and/or Conduct Violations Documentation of accountability and/or conduct violations will include the following, in addition to College student conduct procedures: 1. Behavior that is of concern but that may be remediated through a single discussion.
Documentation will include a conference report and/or a student conduct warning 2. Behavior that requires a formal process for remediation, for example, situations in which
a student has exhibited significant and/or serious behavior problems that do not warrant suspension or expulsion, but need to be corrected. Documentation will include a Conference Report and/or Conference, Behavioral Intervention Team referral, Warning Behavior/Student Conduct Hearing Referral Report. 3. Unethical or Unprofessional Behavior ­ Behavior requiring immediate action by the program director/chairperson through student conduct referral to include a Conference, Warning Behavior/Student Conduct Hearing Referral Report and a recommendation for interim suspension or expulsion from the program and/or College.
Background Records Check
Students are required to participate in a fingerprint background records check for all nursing, allied health, and short-term health programs. Detailed information about the background check procedure is available on the Nursing and Health Related Professions page of the College website: www.hindscc.edu.
Chain of Command for Communication
All students are expected to follow the chain of command as described below for communication and to facilitate due process:
Student  Faculty Member  Program Director/Chairperson  appropriate Instructional Dean (Dean of Nursing or Dean of Allied Health)  Dean of Students (non-instruction related complaints) or Dean, Health Sciences (instruction related complaints)  Vice President of Instruction/CTE President
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Class/Clinical Variation
Class and clinical days and hours may vary from those stated in the College Catalog and Registration Schedule in order to meet student and program needs. This schedule will not exceed the maximum course hours required by the college. Scheduled changes will be made in writing in the format identified by the program. The changes should not conflict with other class schedules. If a conflict occurs, the student should contact the program director/chairperson.
Clinical Attendance, Information and Requirements
Clinical Attendance and Progression Clinical attendance is vital to the educational experience and absences can have profound repercussions. If make-up time or preceptors are not available, absences could result in an incomplete grade. Policy and procedure related to attendance will be implemented according to the college catalog and student handbook. These attendance requirements will apply to classes, laboratories and clinical experiences (see current Hinds Community College Catalog and Student Handbook "Attendance-Withdrawal Policy"). One excused clinical absence will be allowed without a required make-up experience. Other clinical absences will require a make-up experience per program guidelines. The make-up experience will be scheduled at a time designated by and at the discretion of the program faculty and will depend on available clinical facilities and faculty supervision. If any clinical agency does not allow a student to participate in clinical experiences, the student may not be allowed to attend clinical at other clinical agencies.
Clinical Requirements All clinical requirements must be completed by the health profession program's designated date. All clinical requirements are to uploaded into the student's CastleBranch Account. Program faculty/directors will provide the information to access CastleBranch. This includes the NAH Health Record Packet and Background Record Check. A copy of the health record packet can be found on the Health Related Professions page of the Hinds CC web site: www.hindscc.edu. Information on the Background Record Check can be found later in this manual. Students who have not met requirements will not be allowed to begin or progress in theory, laboratory, or clinical courses. For students admitted to a new program, failure to submit the clinical health requirements by the program specific due date will result in loss of placement. For students who are continuing in a program, failure to submit clinical health requirements by the due date will result in disruption in progression. Unexcused absences will be earned in all classes, laboratories and clinical rotations until the requirements are met. Attendance guidelines will be enforced.
In August of 2021 Hinds Community College's Nursing and Allied Health programs were notified by several clinical partners that full COVID-19 vaccination would be required for all students attending clinical in their facilities. While we understand that students may have concerns regarding the vaccine, clinical experiences are part of every Nursing and Allied Health's programs of study and required by every program's accrediting agency. We are contractually obligated to adhere to all requirements set by the clinical agencies, therefore, all Hinds Community College Nursing and Allied Health students will be required to be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 by October 31, 2021*. After Fall 2021, proof of full Covid-19 Vaccination will be due at the same time as the other clinical health requirements. With over 700 students per semester attending clinical in a variety of clinical agencies, it is not logistically possible to find alternative clinical placements for students who do not meet this requirement.
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The clinical agencies may allow for religious or medical exemptions, but the approval of these exemptions will rest with each clinical agency. If a clinical agency refuses to accept a student's exemption request, the program may not be able to assign the student to an alternative agency. See the Clinical Record Packet that is posted on the Nursing and Allied Health Program webpage.
Confidentiality of Client Information/Clinical Records Students will be utilizing confidential information in clinical settings from clients, patients, and the affiliating clinical agency. This information can include, but is not limited to, written records, electronic records, verbal communication, policies, procedures, and guidelines. This information cannot be disclosed to anyone, except those approved through clinical and program policies and procedures. Violations of the policies and procedures can result in termination of student privileges at the clinical facility, legal recourse, and disciplinary action through the College. Students should contact their faculty member or program director/chairperson for any questions.
Information related to complaints is available in the College Student Handbook; see Grievance Procedure for Students. The handbook is available on the College website ­ www.hindscc.edu. Faculty and administrators welcome feedback and concerns. All students are expected to follow the appropriate chain of command to facilitate due process A formal complaint should be filed using the procedures in the College Student Handbook.
Counseling and College Student Assistance Program
Students have access to counselors on all campuses. Appointments are not required, but are recommended. The Student Navigator/Tech Nest Manager is available to assist nursing and allied health students with a variety of program success strategies. This office is located on the NAHC campus, but will also schedule hours on the Rankin Campus and Vicksburg Campus. A variety of College resources and program are available for all students. Information about these resources and programs can be found on the College web site, www.hindscc.edu, > Offices > Student Services.
Course Failure
Students who fail a health program course are required to meet with the program director/chairperson to complete an exit interview. An exit interview is required to be completed for those students eligible for readmission.
Course Withdrawal Procedures
Approved dates for withdrawal are published in the College catalog and will be strictly enforced. Withdrawal from a nursing or allied health course is a two-step process. If a student wants to withdraw from a course(s), the student must begin the process with the program director/chairperson by completing an exit interview form. If the student is current with all fees, has no restrictions, and has not been dropped with a WP or WF for excessive absences, the student can withdraw on-line or seek assistance from a counselor. Refer to the Student Handbook for further information regarding single-course withdrawal and college withdrawal.
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Dress Code
Students, faculty, staff and guests of Hinds Community College shall dress in a manner appropriate for an institution of higher education. Clothing, including face masks, that is in any way controversial, provocative, and/or revealing shall not be worn. If poor judgment is exercised in the manner of dress or grooming, students, faculty, staff and guests may be asked to leave campus by any college official. Sanctions may be imposed. Refer to current HCC Student Handbook.
Students enrolled in nursing and allied health courses with lab and clinical requirements must meet the dress codes of affiliating agencies. Dress code information will be provided by each program in course syllabi or in a program specific handbook which is considered an appendix to the NAH Student Manual. Violation of dress code guidelines and procedures can result in disciplinary action.
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Guidelines
All students in nursing and allied health programs are required to meet the Drug Free Environment Statement as published in the College Student Handbook. Resources for students are available in the Drug and Alcohol Awareness Booklet which can be found on the College website, www.hindscc.edu, > Offices > Campus Police. Note that the Booklet documents the following College Policy: "All students found guilty of violations resulting from substance use or abuse may be suspended or expelled from school and/or the residence hall for one semester or more as decided at the hearing. (August 1, 1990) Alcohol is considered a controlled substance under this policy." Students must report all current medications including any controlled drugs on their health form and must update their records as changes occur. Nursing and allied health students must have a current prescription for any controlled drug.
Drug Screen Procedures Drug screens will be done after a student enters a nursing or allied health program and prior to the first clinical experience. Repeat drug screens will also be required for students entering the 2nd year of a two-year program, for students who have been readmitted to a program, and for those programs that choose to repeat drug screens every semester. Clinical agencies may require additional drug screens. The fee for any additional drug screen will be added to students' business office accounts and it is the responsibility of the student to pay the fee.
Drug screens (urine sample, blood sample, and/or breathalyzer) can be required for noted alterations in behavior, any other indication of impaired behaviors, or for any history of drug and/or alcohol abuse. Routine drug screens are covered under healthcare professional fees; students may be required to pay for additional screening.
In most cases, drug screens will be done at the Hinds Community College campus where the student is enrolled; occasionally students will be referred to a specified clinic. Drug screens done at a different clinic other than the one specified will not be considered valid.
Day of Drug Screen: a) A student who is present on the day of a drug screen cannot be excused from the screening process. If a student leaves the campus without completing a drug screen or refuses to participate in any required drug screen, they will be required to withdraw from the
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program. No student who is present on the day of a scheduled drug screen can be excused from drug screening. If a student cannot provide a specimen within three (3) hours from the start time of the testing period, it will be considered a Refusal to Test; and the student will be required to withdraw from the program, unless a medical condition that has been documented by a physician, can be provided.
b) If a student is absent, a College official will contact the student and require the student to have a drug screen completed within 24 hours, between the hours of 8:00 and 2:00, at MedScreens, 3825 Hwy 80 East, Pearl, MS, 39208. It is the student's responsibility to assure the program has current contact information.
Drug Screen Results: Hinds Community College Nursing and Allied Health programs utilize a laboratory that employs a Medical Review Officer (MRO), a physician that reviews all drug screens. Drug screen results must meet clinical agency requirements which include a drug screen that is negative for illicit drugs and a documented current and valid prescription(s) for a drug screen that is positive for a controlled drug.
a) Negative Drug Screen Results: No further action is required by the student. The drug screen result will be uploaded into CastleBranch by the Hinds CC clinical records clerk.
b) Positive Drug Screen Results for Illicit Drugs: If a drug screen is confirmed positive by the MRO for illicit drugs, (marijuana, cocaine, heroin, etc.), the student will be suspended from the program and will receive a "W" in all program courses.
c) Positive Screens for Controlled Substances: If a student is confirmed positive for a controlled substance, the Medical Review Officer (MRO) from the testing laboratory will contact the student to request prescription verification/documentation of the controlled drug. The MRO will make multiple attempts to contact the student. Failure of student to respond to the MRO will result in a positive drug screen result. The MRO will review the information provided by the student. If the information provided to the MRO satisfies the requirements to report as a negative drug screen, the MRO will issue a negative drug screen result. If the information provided by the student to the MRO does NOT satisfy the requirements to report as a negative drug screen, the MRO will issue a confirmed positive drug screen result. The student will be suspended from the program and will receive a "W" in all program courses.
Program chairs/directors are not responsible for reviewing prescriptions, etc., from students regarding positive drug screens; thus, students are not to submit any prescription information to their program chair/director, clinical coordinator, etc.
d) Readmission Requirement following a Positive Drug Screen: Students will complete an Exit Interview with their program chair/director and will be given a Referral Form to Pathways, LLLC, for counseling and rehabilitation. Rehabilitation can include, but is not limited to, addiction assessment, successful treatment, and submission to random drug screening. If the student meets all
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readmission requirements, readmission will only be considered if appropriate rehabilitation documentation is received by the Dean of Health Sciences from Pathways LLLC. The student cannot be considered for another nursing or allied health program until appropriate rehabilitation has been documented.
e) Costs Associated with Counseling and Rehabilitation: All costs associated with counseling and rehabilitation, including assessment, treatment and random drug screening, etc., are the responsibility of the student. Hinds does not pay for these services nor does Pathway, LLLC, provide these services free to students.
f) Readmission following a Second Positive Drug Screen: If a student has a second positive drug screen while enrolled in any nursing or allied health program, the student will be required to withdraw from the program, will not be eligible for counseling/rehabilitation, and will be ineligible for future admissions to any nursing or allied health program.
** If a student has a current healthcare license, registration, or certification, program director/chairperson are required to report positive drug screen results to the respective regulatory agency.
Duplication of Records
Students should keep copies of any documents that are submitted to the College. If a student needs a copy of a document from their permanent record, the student must submit the request in writing to include the specific record(s). Copies of documents will cost $5.00 per page. A student can inspect and review their record without a fee upon written request. Although most documents can be provided within a few days, the College will comply with the request within 45 days of receipt of the request.
Eagle Alert/Emergency Plans
Students should remain alert to emergency situations. Emergency procedures for the college are included in the College Catalog and Student Handbook. Emergency information is also available on the College web site under Eagle One Alerts; see www.hindscc.edu. All current students, faculty, and staff are automatically enrolled for EagleOne Alerts. You can manage your account by logging in with your My.Hinds credentials. Emergency plans for clinical agencies are included in the orientation to the clinical agency.
Ethics and Academic Integrity
Ethics for the Health Care Professional Students enrolled in health related programs at the Nursing/Allied Health Center are expected to conduct themselves with integrity and honesty at all times. Cheating, lying, stealing, misrepresentation, false documentation, or any other form of dishonesty in the class or clinical area will be cause for immediate student conduct action.
Eight Cardinal Rules of Academic Integrity 1. Know Your Rights. Do not let other students in your class diminish the values of your
achievement by taking unfair advantage. Report any academic dishonesty you see.
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2. Acknowledge Your Sources. Whenever you use words or ideas that are not your own when writing a paper, use quotation marks where appropriate and cite your source in a footnote, and back it up at the end with a list of sources consulted.
3. Protect Your Work. In examinations, do not allow your neighbors to see what you have written; you are the only one who should receive credit for what you know.
4. Avoid Suspicion. Do not put yourself in a position where you can be suspected of having copied another person's work, or of having used unauthorized notes in an examination. Even the appearance of dishonesty may undermine your instructor's confidence in your work.
5. Do Your Own Work. The purpose of assignments is to develop your skills and measure your progress. Letting someone else do your work defeats the purpose of your education, and may lead to serious charges against you.
6. Never Falsify a Record or Permit Another Person to Do So. Academic records are regularly audited and students whose grades have been altered put their entire transcript at risk.
7. Never Fabricate Data, Citations, or Experimental Results. Many professional careers have ended in disgrace even years after the fabrication first took place.
8. Always Tell the Truth When Discussing Your Work with Your Instructor. Any attempt to deceive may destroy the relationship of teacher and student.
(Used by permission of Dr. Dan Garrison, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois)
Exposure to Hazardous Materials
Students in nursing and allied health programs may be exposed to hazardous materials while participating in campus lab or clinical experiences. Students are required to complete an educational module regarding exposure control at least annually. Penalties for failure to follow exposure control procedures can result in termination of student privileges at the clinical facility and disciplinary action through the College.
Students who have an exposure incident are required to complete specific college documents. The student should report any exposure to the clinical instructor and program director/chairperson. Students are responsible for following any recommendations of the clinical affiliate or program representatives. (See Student Guidelines Regarding Blood-Borne Pathogens and Tuberculosis Training.) The student is also responsible for payment of any medical or emergency services. (See Health and Insurance Services.)
Exposure to Latex: Students may be exposed to equipment, supplies, and/or an environment that contains latex. Exposure to latex may cause an allergic reaction in individuals with this type of sensitivity. Students are responsible for documenting any allergies in their health records and will be responsible for supplying latex and/or allergen free equipment and supplies to meet program requirements.
Guidelines Regarding Blood-Borne Pathogens and Tuberculosis Training In order to ensure that all students who are enrolled in a nursing or allied health program at Hinds Community College are sufficiently informed about risks due to exposure to Blood-Borne Pathogens and Tuberculosis, the following activities will be required at least annually. Programs will provide instruction and due dates for completion of activities.
1. Prior to laboratory and/or clinical learning assignments, students must complete the webbased Blood-Borne Pathogens and Tuberculosis educational seminar.
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2. Prior to clinical learning assignments, students must initial each statement on the BloodBorne Pathogens and Tuberculosis Training Form, sign and date the form, and submit the form to the designated program faculty or staff.
Federal Student Aid
Federal Student Aid can only pay for classes that count toward your degree or certificate. Courses required by your program of study can be found by going to the catalog and then program of study on the Hinds website (www.hindscc.edu). Students are encouraged to meet with a Financial Aid Advisor and apply for financial aid upon admission to the college or upon submission of an application to a program of study. Financial Aid Advisors are located at all campuses, including the Nursing and Allied Health Center.
Graduation Procedures
It is the student's responsibility to meet College requirements for graduation as stated in the current College Catalog. Every program of study's requirements for completion are listed in the College Catalog and on the program of study website. Students are encouraged to meet with a Nursing and Allied Health Advisor to review attainment of requirements for graduation. Failure to complete all requirements for graduation will result in the student not being eligible to graduate.
A combined graduation and pinning ceremony is held for all graduates of nursing and allied health programs. All students desiring to receive their diploma or certificate are required to apply for graduation. There is no cost to apply for graduation. Students that fail to apply for graduation by the designated due date will not be eligible to participate in the graduation ceremony and will not have their degree conferred by the College. Dates for the ceremonies and other important information will be provided by the Admissions and Records Office through the students' Hinds email account after the student completes the graduation application. Additional graduation information and details can be accessed on the Hindscc.edu website.
Healthcare Professional Fees
Healthcare professional fees are attached to certain nursing and allied health courses. The healthcare professional fees include, but are not limited to: drug screen fees, Scantron/ OSHA fees, CastleBranch, clinical placement fees, curriculum support products, cloud-based software/applications to enhance student learning and success, graduation pins, certification or licensing exam review course, certification testing (in certain programs), etc. Financial aid, if applicable, will cover the cost of the healthcare professional fees. A listing of healthcare professional fees can be provided by the appropriate Dean upon request.
Health and Insurance Services
A description of health services is available in the College Catalog and Student Handbook. Students are responsible for payment of all medical and emergency services provided for the student. Students are encouraged to have medical insurance. Information on an available policy for student purchase can be found in the Administration offices or counseling offices. In addition, students in the health related professions are required to pay fees for accident and
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liability insurance each semester as part of their healthcare professional fees. Students who are involved in an accident during a school activity should contact their program director/chairperson immediately for reporting and claim information. Students who have any questions about liability coverage should discuss the issues with the program director/chairperson.
ID Badges
Current student identification badges must be worn above the waist at all times on campus and at all clinical sites. ID badges should be made during the first two weeks of school. Penalties for not wearing the ID badge are described in the current College Student Handbook.
Learning Environment
Students should strive to contribute to the overall learning environment by limiting excessive noise and other distracting behaviors outside classrooms, campus labs, student study areas and faculty work areas. At no time should students gather and/or sit in hallways or other areas so as to obstruct traffic. Students may not bring their children to campus.
Learning to Learn Camp
Learning to Learn Camp, an intensive week-long course, is designed to challenge and inspire students to grow and develop skills essential for success in college and life. The camp integrates two key processes, "learning how to learn" and "mentoring". The camp is typically offered once each year, after final exams in the spring semester; however, the dates may vary. Students interested in participating in the camp to meet readmission by exception requirements should contact their program director/chairperson as early as possible. A recommendation from the program director/chairperson is required. Recommendation is not automatic director/chairperson reserves the right to withhold recommendation. Students must participate in an orientation session prior to the camp in order to be eligible to attend. Daily attendance and on-time completion of all assignments are required for successful completion of the camp. Students are only allowed to attend Learning To Learn one time.
Through a rigorous and diverse set of camp activities, students develop cognitive, social, affective and academic skills. Special emphasis is placed on thinking, problem-solving, communicating, using the computer, and mathematics. Mentors work with students to facilitate the process of developing learner ownership, self-esteem, and empowerment. As a result of experiencing both successes and failures during the course of the week, students gain confidence in their ability to perform in areas such as writing, time management, problem identification, listening, adapting to change, personal reflection, coping, teamwork and articulating ideas.
Letters of Good Standing
There are several different letters of good standing that students can request. Students will be required to request in writing and/or complete a FERPA permission form.
College Letter of Good Standing A letter of good standing or enrollment verification must be requested and completed by the
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student. The form is available on-line at Hindscc.edu: click on Admissions; Records-Transcript; Verification: Letter of Good Standing: then Download the Request form. For additional information, call the District Office of Admissions and Records.
Program Letter of Good Standing A program letter of good standing from a nursing or allied health program is only provided to students who are satisfactorily progressing in a program or eligible for re-admission to a program. A program letter of good standing will not be provided if the student has not met all the readmission criteria as outlined in the NAH Student Manual. Please note that while completion of Learning to Learn Camp allows students to be eligible to re-enter a program, program letters of good standing will not be provided to Learning to Learn completers wishing to transfer to another college or university. Students who are not eligible for readmission to a program, regardless of the reason, will not be provided a letter of good standing.
 Allied Health Programs (Dental Assisting Technology, Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Emergency Medical Science, Health Information Technology, Medical Assisting Technology, Medical Laboratory Technology, Physical Therapist Assistant, Radiologic Technology, Respiratory Care Technology, Surgical Technology): Requests for a program letter of good standing are to be submitted to the appropriate program chairperson. Faculty may not provide a student with a program letter of good standing.
 Nursing Division Programs (Associate Degree Nursing, Practical Nursing, Health Care Assistant): All requests for a nursing division program letter of good standing are to be submitted to the office of the Dean of Nursing. Faculty may not provide a student with a program letter of good standing.
Clinical Letter of Good Standing A clinical letter of good standing for nursing or allied health programs to verify students have met all clinical requirements may be provided to clinical agencies if requested. Clinical letters of good standing are provided by the faculty and/or chair that is responsible for notifying clinical agencies that faculty and students are in compliance with agency requirements.
Messages for Program Faculty or Program Directors/Chairs
Faculty or program director/chairperson can be contacted by phone or by e-mail. Faculty and program director/chairpersons will generally respond to calls, emails and/or text messages within 48 hours of receipt. Faculty are not required to immediately respond to text messages, calls or emails. Faculty will provide emergency contact information along with the preferred method of communicating with students.
All students are required to purchase a parking decal which can be purchased from the Business Office Cashier on any College campus. Police Officers will issue tickets for parking violations or moving violations on campus. Vehicles parked on the street will be ticketed by the respective police departments. A temporary decal may be issued for up to five days if a
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student has to drive a different vehicle from the one registered. Students may only park in designated parking areas on campus and at any clinical agency. Students parking in nondesignated areas on campus will be ticketed; students parking in non-designated student areas at any clinical agency are in violation of following agency guidelines and may be subject to student conduct referral, removal from the clinical agency and dismissal from their program.

Students with a documented disability may park in the designated parking spaces. Students must request a permission card from the Administration Office, by bringing documentation of disability and the number on your handicap tag or decal. Students cannot utilize a disability designated parking space based on a tag or decal that is registered in another name. Tags/decals will be verified by the police office. The permission card must be posted in the left front window of the vehicle.

Student Traffic Citation Appeals are handled differently on each campus. Appeals forms are

available in the following locations:

Nursing/Allied Health Center Student Services Office (Anderson Hall, 1st Floor)

Rankin Campus

Student Services Office (Administration-Classroom Bldg.)

Vicksburg Campus

Dean's Office (Banks Administration Bldg.)

Program of Study Requirements
Students must meet all components of the program of study according to the College catalog published when the student was admitted to a program. Students are responsible for requesting course substitutions with a Nursing and Allied Health Counselor. Program of Study requirements can change if the student is readmitted, defers admission or progression, if a program's accrediting agency requires changes to a program of study or is notified in writing of changes approved by the College Instructional Affairs Committee.
Readmission Guidelines/Procedures
I. General Readmission Criteria a. An Exit Interview Form must be completed and signed by a faculty member and the student. b. A written request for readmission must be submitted to the program director/chairperson or to the readmission committee at least 15 days prior to the date of desired readmission. c. Written permission for review of all records must be submitted to the program director/chairperson or to the readmission committee. d. Students must be free from any College restrictions. e. Students must attend a scheduled interview when requested. A student may be interviewed if a record of disciplinary action exists, or at the recommendation of the program director/chairperson. Readmission will be denied if a student does not cancel or does not show for a scheduled interview. f. Readmission will be granted depending on readmission committee recommendation and available space. g. A student who is readmitted to the first semester of a program, but has been out of the program for one or more admitting periods, must meet current admission and selection requirements. h. A student will not be allowed credit for previously completed coursework if the
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student has been out of the program of study for more than one year. i. A student who is readmitted after the first semester of a program of study must meet
all the program requirements as listed in the College Catalog at the time of initial admission. j. A student who has been approved for readmission and does not return at the scheduled admission time must request readmission, unless a deferral has been approved by the program director/chairperson. k. A student who has been approved for readmission does not have to repeat a backgrounds record check as long as the previous clinical clearance letter is not expired or does not expire during the semester in which the student re-enters. l. Students may be required to meet additional program requirements necessary to fulfill college policy, program accreditation, or clinical affiliation requirements. m. Students may be required to successfully complete action plans for improvement as criterion for readmission. The instructor or program director/chairperson will document the required action plan or activities as an attachment on the Exit Interview Form. The student must submit documentation of satisfactory action plan completion to the program director/chairperson or instructor by prior to readmission or by the due date designated on the Exit Interview Form.
II. Readmission Categories A. A student is allowed one readmission within the following categories: 1. Readmission by recommendation: A student may be approved for one program readmission, based on the recommendation of the program director/chairperson and review by the Readmission Committee Chairperson. 2. Readmission with interview: This readmission request must be approved by the NAH Readmission Committee. Students who have not previously applied for a program readmission, but are required to be interviewed for any reason must be interviewed by the readmission committee. B. A student can also request readmission consideration within the following categories: 1. Readmission by exception: This readmission request must be approved by the NAH Readmission Committee and may require an interview. A student may apply for readmission by exception based on the following criteria: a. A student who withdraws with a "C" average or higher in theory and satisfactory clinical performance, and has extenuating circumstances which have been documented with the coordinator, program director/chairperson at the time of occurrence. (Examples: personal illness, pregnancy, accident or death in family.) b. A student who withdraws with a "D" or "F" average in theory prior to mid-term, and has extenuating circumstances which have been documented with the coordinator, program director/chairperson at the time of occurrence. (Examples: personal illness, pregnancy, accident or death in family.) c. A student who, with the recommendation of the program director/chairperson, successfully completes Learning to Learn Camp. The Learning to Learn Camp can only be attended onetime. 2. Readmission for graduating semester or term: This readmission request
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must be approved by the NAH Readmission Committee and may require an interview. A student who has been unsuccessful in the graduating semester or term, due to attendance, disciplinary violations, or classroom/clinical performance (withdrew with a "D" or "F" average or unsatisfactory performance in clinical or who completed the course with a grade of "D" or "F" in either theory or clinical practice) may apply for one additional readmission for the graduating semester or term.
Rounding of Final Grades
Final course grades will be rounded to the nearest whole number. Grades below five tenths (50 one-hundredths) will be rounded downward, while grades at or above five tenths (fifty-onehundredths) will be rounded upward. Fox example: 78.49 will round to 78; 78.50 will round to 79.
Scholastic Probation and Suspension
Students must maintain at least a 1.75 GPA during any semester. Failure to do so will result in scholastic probation. Students placed on scholastic probation must enroll in LLS 1413, Improvement of Study. This course is designed to improve study habits and academic success. Students placed on scholastic suspension must follow college policies and procedures regarding enrollment requirements. (See College Catalog for the most current policies, procedures, and requirements.)
Simulation Experiences and Videography
The George Ball Simulation Center is used for laboratory and clinical experiences in the nursing and allied health programs. Many of the experiences are required to successfully complete course objectives/outcomes/assignments. Videography is an important part of teaching-learning process for simulation; it will only be used for healthcare education and will not be available for public viewing. For these reasons, if a required simulation experience includes videography, students will be required to participate to meet the objectives/outcomes/assignments.
Smoking/Tobacco Use
Effective January 1, 2015, Hinds Community College declared all campuses tobacco-free. The use of all tobacco and smoking products to include cigarettes (also electronic), cigars, pipes, and dipping products inside and outside of any facility owned or operated by the College are not permitted. This includes college owned vehicles, sidewalks and parking lots. Penalties for smoking and littering are described in the current College Student Handbook. The Tobacco-free Campus policy is part of the college's commitment to creating a healthy and productive environment for students, employees and visitors of our campus community. Smoking guidelines of each clinical agency must also be observed.
Social Networking Guidelines
Social media can be a fun and rewarding way to share your life and opinions with family, friends, and other students around the world. However, use of social media also presents certain risks and carries with it certain responsibilities.
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In the rapidly expanding world of electronic communication, social media can mean many things. Social media includes all means of communicating or posting information or content of any sort on the Internet, including to your own or someone else's web log or blog, journal or diary, personal web site, social networking or affinity web site, web bulletin board or a chat room, whether or not associated or affiliated with Hinds Community College' Nursing and Allied Health programs, as well as any other form of electronic communication. Common examples of social media include, but are not limited to, blogs, photo and/or video-sharing sites and apps (YouTube, Flickr, Instagram, SnapChat, Vine, TikTok, etc.), e-zines (digital magazines), wikis (Wikipedia), social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc.), video and audio podcasts (posted to the web or hosted by applications (ex.: iTunes), ratings sites and apps (Google Review, Yelp, Rate My Professor, etc.), and discussion sections of web pages or applications (comment section under articles on news or information websites). Common electronic communication platforms include text messaging, emails, GroupMe, or other group messaging app, etc.
Be aware that no privatization measure is perfect and undesignated persons may still gain access to your networking site. Furthermore, posting, sharing, or even "liking" questionable or inappropriate posts publishes them to your newsfeed for circulation in your name. Litigation involving such issues is complex, as the content on social media sites is easily misconstrued, permanent, discoverable by courts, and utilized in these adversarial proceedings.
You are more likely to resolve school/program related complaints by speaking directly with your faculty and/or program chair/director or dean than by posting complaints to a social media outlet.
To assist you in making responsible decisions about your use of social media, we have established these guidelines for appropriate use of social media. These guidelines apply to all full and part time students enrolled in any of the Nursing and Allied Health programs.
 Always be fair and courteous to fellow students, faculty, and all who work on behalf of Hinds Community College.
 Make sure you are always honest and accurate when posting information or news, and if you make a mistake, correct it quickly.
 Be open about any previous posts you have altered. Remember that the Internet archives almost everything; therefore, even deleted postings can be searched.
 Never post any information or rumors that you know to be false about Hinds Community College or its employees, students, or faculty.
 Social media should not be used during instructional time.  Do not use Hinds Community College email addresses to register on social networks,
blogs or other online tools utilized for personal use.  Make sure posts/communications are relevant and accurate.  Make it clear that you are speaking for yourself and not on behalf of Hinds Community
College or a specific program.  Seek permission from fellow students prior to posting/communicating any personal
information or photographs related to HCC activities.  Avoid using statements, photographs, video or audio that reasonably could be viewed as
malicious, obscene, threatening or intimidating, that disparage employees, students, faculty or that might constitute harassment or bullying. Examples of such conduct might include offensive posts meant to intentionally harm someone's reputation or posts that could contribute to a hostile environment on the basis of race, sex, disability, religion or any other status protected by law.
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 DO NOT post/communicate the personal information or photograph of any patient at clinical sites. Removal of an individual's name does not constitute proper de-identification of protected health information. Inclusion of data such as age, gender, race, diagnosis, date of evaluation, types of treatment, or the use of a highly specific medical photograph (such as a before/after photograph of a patient having surgery or a photograph of a patient from one of the medical outreach trips) may still allow the reader to recognize the identity of a specific individual. Posting/Communication of patient information could violate state or federal laws such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
 DO NOT post/communicate vulgar, false, obscene, harassing statements, or statements disparaging the race, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation or disability of any individual with whom you come into contact as a result of your student role in a program.
 DO NOT represent yourself as another person, real or fictitious, or otherwise attempt to obscure your identity as a means to circumvent the prohibitions included in this manual.
Ultimately, you are solely responsible for what you post online. Before creating online content, consider some of the risks and rewards that are involved. Any form of communications must always be civil and respectful. Students must make every effort to present themselves in a mature, responsible, and professional manner when utilizing social media. Any conduct that adversely affects your student performance, the performance of fellow students or otherwise adversely affects any Hinds Nursing and Allied Health program's interests or reputation may result in student conduct action up to and including expulsion.
Student Emergency Messages
Emergency messages for students can be left with the program director/chairperson or program secretary. Students should inform day care centers or family members of the name of the program in which they are enrolled and the phone number of the campus location. This information will be provided during the program orientation. Personnel will locate a student for emergencies only.
Student Employment
For educational reasons, the full-time student should not be employed more than 16 hours per week. Failure to meet class requirements, fatigue and sleepiness can lead to omissions in learning and errors in performance which can result in failure in the course. Class and clinical schedules and assignments should have priority over work hours. Work hours cannot be used as an excuse if they cause a class or clinical absence or tardy. Students who work are not permitted to wear the school uniform or any identification related to the HCC student role while on the job.
Test Item Security Guidelines
Tests are used in nursing and allied health programs to evaluate mastery of content as well as to prepare students for a professional licensure/registry exam. Tests and test items are considered the property of the programs. Only answers marked as directed will be scored. Test items are analyzed by faculty to provide students with valid, reliable tests.
Students are strictly prohibited from disclosing test items or response choices to anyone, including using language that is substantially similar to the test item or response choice.
The disclosure of any information about the nature or content of test items, before, during, or
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Revised August 2021 after a test is considered cheating and will result in a grade of "F" in the course. This includes, but is not limited to possession of test questions outside of a testing situation unless supervised or approved by a faculty member, any oral or written disclosure, or any paper or electronic distribution. Capturing testing items by electronic means is strictly prohibited. Additional penalties could occur if the student is referred for student conduct action. Use of Communication and Other Electronic Devices The office phones are to be used only for emergencies. Cellphones should not be used during classroom, laboratory and clinical activities. (See College Student Handbook for description of penalties.) Students are expected to use approved electronic devices for approved activities only and should not be accessing social media and other internet sites during class, laboratory, or clinical experiences. Students must request permission from the individual program faculty to use personal computers and/or recorders in the classroom, campus laboratory, and/or clinical area. Students may use an electronic device in clinical if allowed by the specific program and clinical affiliate. Under no circumstances can an electronic device be used in a clinical setting to record conversations or to take pictures. Confidentiality rights must be protected.
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