44 jab 7tel:DVI

Panasonic Rf-4900 Manual Pdf -> RadioManual.eu

PDF FRENDX-1982-10
ISSN 0160 -1989

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October 23rd is the date of the second annual All-Band DX Get-together to be held in Edmonds, WA. Bring your QSL's and any gear you might want to trade or sell. A spaghetti feed will be provided at 61.00 per person. Bring your own beverages. Time is 12:00 noon until we throw the last one out! For further information contact Tim O'Hare, 20023 84th W., Edmonds, WA 98020. Phone 778-3668.
Combined listing from 2000-5900 kHz by NA Log Reporters from February 1976 to February 1982. See all possibilities by frequency on one list, even harmonics. Shows exact frequency including variations, reception rarity guide for North America, country, station name, city, check boxes for heard/OSLed/taped, fade in/fade out or exact sign on/sigh off times including variations, languages, miscellaneous notes, introduction with abbreviations, etc. Price is $3.00 in USA/Canada/Mexico and $4.00 elsewhere. Order from George Sherman, Box 2284, Minneapolis, MN 55402.
Bill Taylor, editor of "Vintage Vignettes", has begun a new service for the repair and restoration of old radios called "Renaissance Radio". Any radio from between 1920 and the Korean War will gladly be accepted for service with ham gear and early AC home sets a specialty. The service is available during the entire year, but mainly between November and March. Bill requests that those interested write first and include a brief description of needed service, weight of unit, whether a manual is available with the receiver, and, of course, an SASE. His address is Bill Taylor, Box 132, Unionville, PA 19375.
A newsletter to be published bi-monthly for collectors is the idea of Terry Klasek, 9720 Vickie Place, St. Louis, 110 63106. The Xeroxed newsletter will have no formal club structure. Please send all inquires, advice and suggestions to Terry.
The sixth edition of Radio Nederland's "Book List" is available free upon request. For a copy write to "Media Network", Radio Nederlands, P.O. Box 222, 1200 JG, Hilversum, Holland. A 1/2 ounce letter with your request will get to Holland for 40t postage.
WANTED: Drake MS-4 speaker and a matching Hammarlund speaker for HQ-180. tob Lowe, P.O. Box 591, Kingsburg, CA 93631. Phone (209) 897-7693 from 02000400 or 1300-1500 GMT.
FOR SALE: Sony ICF-5900W, 3 months old with original carton, $110.00. Panasonic RF -085, $40.00. Mizuho SX-59 Preselector, $45.00. I will pay shipping. I would also like to hear from Houston area DXers. R.E. Pollock, 2601 Braewood #1202, Houston, TX 77025. Phone (713) 667-7178 between 0100-0330 GMT.
WANTED: Old issues of FRENDX and SPEEDX. I need FRENDX from the beginning to 9//4 and 8/75 and 9/75. I need SPEEDX from 6/71 to 11/72 and 12/75 to 12/78. Terry Klasek, 2720 Vickie Place, St. Louis, MO 63136. Phone (314) 868-7274.
FOR SALE: FRG-7700 with FRT-7700 Antenna Tuner. Gilfer modified, like new ZUM77.7n. Price $450.00 UPS paid. Erwin Schoen, 1804 N.E. Hancock Street, Portland, OR 97212. Phone (503) 282-7037.
FOR SALE: Hallicrafters SX-25 (1940). One of the best intermediate grade rigs. (Vintage Vignettes, April '81). All paper caps replaced with Sprague "drops". Aligned With manual and SWL bands index for logging scale, $120.00 plus UPS. Bill Taylor, Box 232, Unionville, PA 19375. (215) 347-2381.

GERENTE: CHRIS HANSEN, 2825 WEBB AV., 95F, BRONX, NY 10468 TELEPHONE: (212) 549-6613 2230-0330 GMT WEEKDAYS, ALL DAY

/ OCTOBER, 1982 /

Well, here we are again. After a bountiful month last month, we settle into a rather sparse month now. I run my explanation of "list-logging," which was run in SPEEDX in my column this last August. I apologize to those who also read SPEEDX, but I think that the subject is important enough to merit printing in FRENDX as well. Bear with us for this page or so. Bill Taylor writes this month about collecting radio literature (I am going to come up on a space problem in about ten years or so, but I can't bear to throw any DX literature away); Ed Shaw opines on the Kenwood R-1000 and Panasonic RF -4900 compared head-to-head: our own Stu Klein takes the podium of "It Sounds to Me" to respond to last month's "It Sounds to Me". And now. . .



(list-log-ig), n, the activity of refusing to listen to a broadcast for an ED, but rather looking in a list under the specified frequency to determine the identity of the station. Often engaged in by DXers with overactive imaginations. A cure can be obtained only by isolating the DXer from all lists until he can be trusted to use them wisely.

Facetious, but true. As an editor for too many years, I can compare editing to walking a tightrope. When a logging has been sorted, and you come to it while typing, you have a split second to determine whether you can print it or not. If you err too much on the side of caution, you have a column filled with everyone's routine DX. If you err too much an the side of permissiveness, you end up with a column filled with figments of DXers' imaginations. List-logging is the major cause of editorial upset.

You're a list-logger if the first thing you think of when you come across a new station is "What does the WRTH say about this frequency?"

You're a list-logger if you ignore the possibility of catching a good ID because the list you use has pinned down the ED.
You're a list-logger if you send in a logging as a positive, not a tentative, and say, "On that frequency, at that time, what else can it be?"

You're a list-logger if you send 100 loggings to an editor, don't mark the tentative ones 'tentative,' and then complain because only 3 were printed.

And, finally, you're a list-logger if you never you use. After all, why would they publish the Your attitude is: "If it's on the list, it must

EVER question the list if it wasn't be broadcasting."

accuracy of the list totally accurate.

List-logging is for a DXer what the heartbreak of psoriasis is to the American public. It is also very annoying to DX editors, to the membership, and to my self-image (/ hate it when I publish a logging that later turns out to be questionable.)


If you saw yourself in three or more of the five criteria above, you have a problem. Once you've admitted that you sometimes list-log, you can pull yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again. Usually; by the time a DXer realizes that he has a listlogging problem, it is too late to save his reputation, and he has to take up CB or something of the sort. I am always ready to print loggings from anyone, and try not to damage anyone's reputation by overly questioning his logging. If I have a serious question, I either circular-file the logging, or run it without attribution and question it anonymously.

The cure continues when you listen to the broadcast for an ID before turning to the WRTH for confirmation. After you have heard an ID, you then rely on your list for addi-
tional information. When you hear a broadcast, listen for an ID, and don't hear one, you help your cure along by referring to lists sparsely, making a reasoned judgment on the ID

Page 1

ad on (1) What has been heard on that frequency recently (after all, that's why you members of NASWA, isn't it?), (2) What your list says might be on that frequency, The language you heard the broadcast in, (4) The time of reception, and (5) Any
gram information you can glean from that broadcast (i.e., if you hear an ad for Inca a, you should be narrowing your search to Peru. If you hear a broadcast in Spanish,
don't look in the Brazil section of the list.)
n you mark a logging tentative every time you hear a broadcast but don't hear a positive you're cured.
+++++++++++++++++++ ! + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
ust be the bearer of sad news -- after a brief renaissance, C. Loudenboomer has decided retire again, for reasons unknown to many. It is sad, of course, but we should cheer
After some hesitation, I have persuaded myself that perhaps t could write a short te every once in a while as the "DX Observer," commenting on some facet of the hobby hertofore uncommented-on. The story you are about to read is not true, but if it were,
names have been concealed because that is how every novelist begins his title page.
bort while back I got an urge to go on a DXpedition. What a mistake! I should have en the words of the rustic to heart -- when asked whether he wanted to try a mango, he used politely, saying: "I've already got more urges than I can satisfy."
editions are common among the group of DXers which feels that its own usual site for ag is substandard. This group subsumes most DXers, including yours truly. My spouse not pleased over many of my DX habits, especially the one that I have of setting my rm to wake me up at 0600 GMT. Since the shack is in our bedroom, and I don't wear
phones (those darn things can make you go deaf), I have regular trouble with the War artment.
I packed my handy DX-007 portable (the one with the LEDs which light up with "Time a brew, fellah!" every time you pin the S-meter), 1000 feet of wire, and the "Trusty Lo Log." My fellow expeditioners were similarly equipped, and the one who had the est verifications was the one bringing the most precious cargo, that mysterious wonder the zymurgist's art, the foamy liquid which comes in packs of six. Unfortunately, round that overindulgence produces some strange effects.
lad chosen an abandoned lighthouse for our expedition camp. After we got the gas fridge 1g, we began to DX. The icebox was beginning to look empty, since there was little tear and little else to do. One of the guys jumped up and knocked over his can of iTuningoil in his excitement. "I think I hear BBC news on 2370!" he cried. Since rindulgence produces suggestibility, the rest of us could also hear BBC news on 2370 tr a while.
tstate of near ecstasy, I felt that something more should be done to signal to the 4 that we DXers were indeed the "creme de la creme," that which had "risen to the top."
better way than the ancient foghorn in the lighthouse tower?
Iral hours later our spouses arrived to bail us out of the local lockup. Besides various and sundry charges of disorderly conduct, rude behavior, and public tiddlyness, idly concluded that the weekend had been a washout.
t, we hadn't heard Tristan (of course, we hadn't tried for it, either). Secondly, gendarmerie confiscated the rest of our stores of tuning oil. Third, we simply
that we were being singled out for this treatment. After all, sosas DXers do what id every month. All we did was blow our awn horn.
4. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
MARLUND FOOMTES -- The flurry of Hammarlund articles in the last few months prompted tal notes from members. Paul C. Gunn of Illinois writes that Hammarlund produced a
called the HC-10 Converter, which from his description seems to be a tube-type Qiplier. It can be added to any receiver with an IF of from 430-500 kHz. Unfortunatelit does not seem to be available even at most hamfests, where a sharp-eyed person can [up almost anything. T.A. Dillon of CT wrote in a lighter vein of the HQ-180XE, h not only has the crystal bank ("X" in the model no.), but also has a power supply table to both American and European power systems ("E" in the model no.) He concludes ly: "It's a radio-controlled conspiracy. A high-frequency coverup, a veritable Ham-
ndgate! There's been a conscious effort to suppress (this) model. Perhaps it was ially ordered by the CIA. (However, its existence serves to) point out that, long. re the Whopper, the HQ-180 proved you could have it your way."
Page 2

1190X3UPA Bill Taylor, Box 132, Unionville, PA 19375
One of the distinguishing traits of a serious history buff is the extent of his library. This extends, of course, to those of us who collect and restore vintage radio gear. The following article is intended to serve as a primer for those of you who are interested in either beginning or expanding your collection of vintage radio literature.
The first category of literature to be examined should be the books of general interest. Morgan McMahon has written two books that are virtually indispensable in this respect. Vintage Radio 1887-1929 is an expanded revision of Harcld Greenwood's radio album. This fine, well-illustrated book covers the early research and development of wireless communications, and follows through to the first AC models and superhecs. A Flick of the Switch is the second McMahon book of particular interest. Picking where Vintage Radio left off, "Flick" explores the adolescence and maturation of radio from 1930 through 1950. The topics dealt with in this book include a short section on World War II-military radio, a long chapter on amateur gear, and approximately 150 pages of photographs devoted to (mostly) all-wave wonders.
For those of you who are interested in the development of thermionics, Tyne's Saga of the Vacuum Tube is an invaluable reference. This tome is highly recommended for its depth of information as well as the fact that it is simply well-written and interesting.
Should you feel a yen to more thoroughly understand old battery radios, components, and circuits, try the Robertson-Cataract Radio Equipment and Supplies catalogue. This catalogue -- actually more akin to a book -- was first published in 1922. This well-done reprint covers TRF and regenerative circuits, components that were (at that time) stateof-the-art, receivers and kits then available, headphones, and much more.
All of the above-mentioned titles may be found in the Vestal Press catalogue. They offer 18 titles dealing with the collection, restoration, and history of radio. If you are interested in other areas, they publish and/or offer vast selections on player pianos, juke boxes, organs, music boxes, gambling machines, and many other hobbies. The catalogue costs $2.00, but it is well worth the price. Write to them at Box 97, 320 N. Jensen Rd., Vestal, NY 13850.
Another book, which I would most heartily recommend, would be Man of High Fidelity: Edwin Howard Armstrong, by Lawrence Lessing. Ask your local bookstore to try to locate it for you; it is a Bantam Book paperback. This enthralling story was last published in 1969 and, hence, is rather hard to find.
Armstrong's biography is rather well written. It takes the reader on a journey through his inventions of regenerative feed-back, superhets, and frequency modulation. Perhaps the most interesting point of the book revolves around the titanic battles to, first, establish the merits of FM radio, and, second, to wrest some of the rewards for this invention from the major electronics companies who denied him the due credit and royalties. This final clash would lead "the Major" to take his own life. Read the book.
Should you be unable to locate this Bantam edition locally, you may be able to receive a copy from the Antique Wireless Association. They have a limited supply on hand. Contact Bruce Kelley, W2ICE, Main Street, Holcomb, NY 14469.
Page 3

Puett Electronics offers several booklets and pamphlets on vintage radio topics. Their titles deal with various aspects of collection and restoration. While their prices are rather high for the quantity of print provided, the printings are nicely done and well written. The Puett catalogue costs $1.00. Their address, Box 28572, Dallas, TX 75228.
No serious collection of library materials would be complete without a healthy acquisition of honest-to-goodness, genuine, original books and magazines.
The grand coup is to find a complete set of Rider's Manuals. These encyclopaedic volumes of service notes and schematics are, to the radio hobbyist, what a complete set of National Geographic maps would be to a cartographile.
Other collectable books would include Supreme Publications and Same service books, as well as the service notes published by the manufacturing companies themselves. These types of book are valuable aids to resotrers.
General interest books on radio are also of interest to collectors. They may describe radio from the perspective of science or hobby, but in either respect they give much historical insight. The photographs and circuit diagrams to be found in these books are of particular interest.
Magazines that dealt with either radio or electronics are also actively sought after. The new sets were reviewed and advertised in these copiously illustrated volumes. New and improved (a modest chuckle may be inserted here) components were widely heralded in these pages. DX catches were claimed (and decried at times). The announcement of new technical developments was usually made through the radio magazines. In general, the magazines represent your best, all-around value for entertainment, nostalgia, and technical information.
One of the reasons that led me to request the space to write these ramblings was an affection for history. That is, it is sometimes easier ro see where you are going if you look back to see where you have been. It tends to place things in their proper perspective. The function of this column has been to perform this service, as well as to entertain and enchant you with a bit of nostalgia. If you've enjoyed my musings, try some of the real thing.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++++++-++++ ++++++

This month's It Sounds to Me begins with a short comment on last month's article by Russ Lay. LRA Editor Stu Klein gives his views:

A Log Report Editor's View
Log report is for loggings, not editorials, and t thank Chris for making this space available to me to respond to the opinions expressed last month in SWC by Russ Lay. To say that I disagree profoundly with many of those opinions would be a gross understatement! I think that I am in a position to speak about the Log Report sections in general, and LR-A in particular.

Carefully reading the previous

article reveals one assumption made by the author: FRENDX

is not providing the NASWA membership with what it really wants. To view this assumption

in pèrspective, we should realize that NASWA currently has over 2000 members, and that a very large proportion of these members renew their subscriptions. I think that this

fact alone gives the lie to the foregoing assumption; if FRENDX were not satisfying

its subscribers, they would not renew. That they do says that they find the magazine worthwhile. No one will say that it is perfect, no one will say that it cannot be

improved, but the facts do speak for themselves. With so many people sticking with

NASWA year after year, we must be doing something right! Question is, what?

Page 4

/ IT SOUNDS TO ME / -- STU KLEIN, continued

I would like to think that what gives FRENDX its strength and appeal is its diversity.
We have something for everyone, not just the hard-core DXers as implied last month. Articles -- feature, technical, opinion -- in SWC; schedules, up-to-date corrections, station information in LN; and, yes, material for DXers in Update and the Lits. 'The poor guy who. . .wants to find RSA's latest frequencies" can do so in LN. Glenn does a bang-up job of providing such information, as up-to-date as is available. Of course, it will not run every month; such material remains valid for several months, barring changes which are promptly reported, and space limitations prevent such repetition. The guy who wants to find out how to improve the reception on his portable-with-a-whip can, through various articles. The DXer who wants accurate information on what is appear-
ing on the bands gets it, in LR. I think that it is the treatment of LR in last month's
article which most sticks in my craw!

Log Report is designed as a showcase for members' loggings. It is not designed to be another WRTH. It is to let you see what your fellow members are hearing (at least those
who bother to contribute); it is not to constantly remind you, month after month, that Reloj is on 48321 I could go on, but I think that by now you catch my drift. Reading between last month's lines, the prime complaint would seem to be that editors cut common material to include the less common. Indeed, I get the sense that the author was saying,
in effect, it is the editor's responsibility to print what is sent to him. Up to a point I agree with this, but only up to a point. What I say now goes for LR-A specifically,
but I think it applies as well to the other LR sections.

I connider LR-A to be a news medium. As such, the material within it must be accurate, as accurate as I can get it. I consider it to be my responsibility to make sure that inaccurate material does not appear. Many timas I must make a value judgment on an item, usingall of the information at my disposal. If I believe that an item is incorrect, it
will not run. If I am unsure, it probably will run, but I will insert a questioning comment to indicate that the accuracy of the item is uncertain. Lord knows, I am not perfect, and some of these judgments will be in error, one way or the other, but as the President said, "The buck stops here." In general, though, unless I have serious reser-
vations about a logging, I will use it, since I do feel an obligation to the person who took the time to write it up and send it in. The only other reason for dropping logging,

is lack of space.

Oftentimes. I will receive more material than I have room for in the column. First I

will cut out any unnecessary editorial matter, then I go through the column compressing


details. If there is still not enough room to accomodate all loggings, I must cut some

out, although they might be good, solid material. Which ones? Last month's article would

have me cut uncommon material in favor of the common, on the grounds that this is what

is frequently heard. That is exactly why I do cut it; people know that the station is there, they know its format and transmission times. They may not be at all familiar with a more unusual station, heard during an uncommon opening. By publishing the logging, even

if they do not hear it, at least they will know it is there and can be heard! That is exactly why I do cut it -- people know that the station is there, they know its format

and transmission times. They may not be at all familiar with a more unusual station, heard during an uncommon opening. By publishing the logging, even if they do not hear

it, at least they will know that it is there and can be heard! That is exactly the kind

of news that LR is designed for, and that is exactly what was ignored in the column.

Repetition of the same facts, month after month, is boring!

It was stated that "...we are now moving to make the hobby a 'science" by dictating what and how to report. Poppycock! The hobby was, is, and will continue to be more art than science, with all of the imperfections that that implies. As an editor, I do not presume to dictate to people what to send. I am grateful for the contributions that I do receive, since there are far fewer contributors than members. The details that they provide are the details that I print, unless compression for space purposes is necessary. But, the more detail that is provided, the more interesting the logging is to read. You are sending the material to showcase it, and it reads better when it isn't just abbreviated 'mx, TC/ID' or some such. Believe it or not, people are interested in what you heard. That is the reason that editors ask for details; it is certainly not so that we can enjoy having more to type. More details are also of use when a value judgment, as I described
above, must be made.
Another criticism leveled at LR was that mistakes are corrected, sometimes in print, as though this were some terrible way of humiliating contributors. As it happens. I prefer not to do this in print; some editors do. It is most assuredly not to shake a finger and say "shame on you!" as was assumed. As human beings we learn from our mistakes, but to do so, we first have to know that a mistake has been made. When I drop someone a line to point out an error, it is to help that person develop within the hobby.. .1 would have little reason to bother otherwise. I consider helping members to enjoy the hobby and

Page 6


develop within it, if that is their desire, to be part and parcel of my editorial responsibilities. The correspondences which sometimes develop are one of the aspects of being an editor that I truly enjoy. I may be getting a bit ahead of myself, but I believe that I've just put my finger on NASWA's greatest strength, and the reason that it continues to grow and to hold on to new members. . . people in NASWA caret You need
help in the hobby? It's there for the asking. The attitude shown in last month's article was that LR editors dictate; we do not, we serve! That is a major and fundamental
difference, an,. one which I wished to point out.

To summarize then, and I emphasize again that this is my personal opinion, I see a PRENDE which continues to be strong in its diversity, which continuas to be a bastion of accurate and interesting news in a sea of drivel, which continues in the tradition which it has thus far established, to be far more valuable to the hobby as a whole than what vas advocated lest month. I see that as advocating a FRENDX with the same international schedules, the sema pages of identical loggings of identical stations on identical frequencies, the same lack of desire to help members expand their hobby horizons, month after identical month. In short, I find it to be an advocacy of mediocrity, and I find that, both professionally and personally, to be repugnant.
+++++++ +++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

O.K., Stu, thanks for your commenta, which are · valuable perspective on this tortuous subject. I think that, now that both sidas of this have been aired, I personally want to go back to the original subject of publicity. Many commente have been received on
this topic, and here are a few:

ANDY REID, ON -- "What is needed is a reawakening (of awareness of shortwave) of the

general public. This should start with the manufacturera of radio equipment that is

readily accessible to potentiel hobbyists. In the Canadien Radio Shack catalogue, 2 pages are allocated to shortwave receivers. All the radio descriptions are completely


not very eye opening to the beginner. Nothing is said about what is

available to the nier listener, and a diagram beside the DX-100 is a picture of a ham, to


few turned out to be one -- however, next month we will have a lengthy but very interest-
ing analysis of the publicity problem of shortwave radio from the PR man's point of view, by member Randy Erickson, a management consultant in gennsylvania.

++++++++++++++ ++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++


by Dave Valko, P.O. Box 155, Dunlo, PA 15930

The following is a list of verifying Pacific shortwave stations that were
July 1981-June 1982 issues of QSL Report in PRENDE. Verification time is day, frequencies are only those that were reported, and reports were sent except where noted.

found in the
in the nearest in English

Abbreviatione neede

oda card ltra latter
mua mint stamps


ISLANDS 4500, 7500.

3905 1200

VLW6 VLR6 vis09 viA9 VIR9 VLE9
vm15 viwI5 R. Australie

6140 6150 9610 9660 9680 9680
15230 15425 various freqs.

rp- return postage

dysa days

v/ua verte signer

n/da no data



f/d. full data
EGa English PR- French
IN Indonesian DIS

f/d cd
f/d od
f/d cd f/d cd f/d cd cd r/d cd f/d cd f/d ed cd f/d cd f/d cd f/d cd

1-3 IRC's
0-2 IRC's
0-3 IRC's 2 IRC's 1 IRC no rp 0-3 IRC's 0 and 2 IRC's no rp no rp 2 IRC's 0-2 IRC's 0-1 IRC's

57 46 27 328 25 36 63 61 299 26 35

John /sinii Dean Riven Steve McRae Ratel. Athayee G. Matthews
Peter Bernett

Page 6


DAVE VALU), continued

CCOK ISLANDS R. Cook Islands



varions riens.



jffl e 10000, 15000


R. Kiribati



R. East New Britian


R. West New Britian




7170, 11710


R. New Ireland

1905, 2428


R. New Zealand

'marlous freq..


R. North Solomons





R. Chimbu


R. East Sepik





f/d cd

0-3 and 6 IRC's, ml 32

Scores ?amar«

f/d ad

0-1 IRC's. U8 ms 29

D. Blesser Winnie Whitmore


0-1 INC's


C.L. Trembath

f/d ad and ltr 2-3 IRC's


Keith Daniel.

Hill Reiker

f/d cd ltr

2 IRC's 1 IRC

127 120

P. Dalwart

f/d form ltr 1-3 IRC's, ms


f/d cd or ltr 1-3 IRC's. mm

f/d cd

0-6 IRC's


Ruben J. Bale

J. Relise


f/d cd or ltr 1-3 IRC's


Sam Sama

f/d cd or ltr

ltr, f/d


0-1 IRC's 1 IRC 2 IRC's Or mu

68 467

N. Devina N. Devina
Joseph Jamo Paul Ratel

R. Madan R. Milne Bay

3260 3360

R. Morobe


R. South Highlands R. West Sepik SOLCMON ISLANDS

3275 3305


5020, 9545

f/d cd or ltr ltr and cd ltr ltr ltr
f/d cd

1-2 IRC's 518 no rp ms 1 IRC
0-3 IRC's, ms

74 112 224 127 42


Adventist World FR-3 R. Tahiti

Radio 15170, 11825 15170, 11825

f/d cd f/d cd

(E0 or FR 7.t 17.

3 IRC's



0-2 and 6 IRC's, ms

R. Vanuatu

7260. 3945

f/d ad

0-3 IRC's. ms 90

RRI Risk

54 51 . 7210

f/d cd (EG or /N rpt)

RRI Fak Pak


0-1 IRC's


f/d ltr (IR rpt) no rp


RRI Jayapura RRI Manokmari
RAI Servi RAI Sorong

961n. 6070 3427, 6185
6207 4875

f/d cd (IN rpt) 1-2 IRC's, ms 46 f/d cd and ltr (IN rpt)

1 INC or ma n/d ltr (IN rpt) ms


f/d form cd (IN rpt) ms


0.A. Fhilemon Ronald Kondun Riccardo All
G.R. Richardson Martin Hadlom
G. Paterson I.J. Irving
Muchtsr Tuehadilaga Elgye Leol;ang Elsye Medellu Muhammad Ely
Soedarsono E. Steven Silubun A.F.C. Usmany

Any commente or suggestions would be appreciated.

Dave Valko *P.O. Box 155
Dunlo, PA 15930

++ ++++ ++ ++++++ ++++ ++ ++ ++++ ++ +++++++++++++++++
Well, there's just enough room here to bid you farewell until next month. Lat's keep those cards, letters, and especially features coming in, folks!il
73's from Chris

Page 7


This review is only one user's opinions


$460.00 $440.00

What a task!! Here I am asked to make a comparison observation between two of hobbydom's most popular receivers. How does one accomplish this and keep peace in the family? Well, here goes nothing. Actually, I may have a biased opinion since I have owned one of the receivers, but if bias has been injected herein it was entirely unintentional.. .1 even had several persons to review this work before releasing it in order to avoid weighted opinions.

First of all, we will list the standard specifications of each and show the illustrations. Readers may note immediately that the R-1000 is a pint-sized piece of equipment compared to the Panasonic. Don't let that influence you.



200 KHz - 30 MHz (LW/MW/SW) Note the R-1000 provides LW reception, but no FM service 30cm X 11.5cm X 21.8cm 20 watts on AC 2 uV approximately
12 KHz at 6dB, 25 KHz at 50dB 6 KHz at 6dB, 18 KHz at 50dB
The R-1000 is easily wired to incorporate the 2.7 KHz SSB I.F. A definite advantage.


525 KHz - 31 MHz MW/SW 88 - 108 MHz FM Note the RF -4900 has no LW


48.2cm X 20cm X 35.4cm


SENSITIVITY (SWBC) 1.2 uV approximately in AM mode

SELECTIVITY (Wide & Narrow)
Neither of the receivers gave standard 60dB measurements

12 KHz at 6dB, 25 KHz/50dB 4.5KHz at 6dB, 10KHz/40dB
The RF -4900 has no SSS I.F. crystal, but relies on a BFO circuit.

Internal digital clock Timer control A real noise blanker


Antenna Trimmer Separate RF gain control Battery portability

OBSERVATIONS: Having owned the RF -4900 and the earlier RF -4800, I was more accutely aware of some of the drawbacks and limitations of the Panasonics. On the other hand, I had opportunity to tune and use the R-1000 only over the. space of one weekend, but I believe I learned enough to do the receiver proper justice.

As regards selectivity. Despite the specifications which indicate the Panasonic had a slightly "tighter" I.F., I could discern no appreciable difference by ear or 'feel' while tuning over equal strength signals.

Page 8

One of the methods I use to make some judgement about I.F. selectivity is to observe S-meter deflection. Here's how I did it. First, one must have use of a crystal calibrator to generate a 100 KHz marker.

Disconnect the antenna lead-in wire, using only the crystal calibrator to generate a 100 KHz marker. Dial in a frequency multiple and center it well by obtaining the highest meter reading. Try to stay in the lower range of
frequencies to avoid reception of strong higher-frequency stations on even a short antenna wire like that of the crystal calibrator. Note where the S-meter needle points. .take notes. Next, tune down in frequency slowly until the S-meter drops 6 dB. Observe how many KHz you have tuned down. Do the same thing now, tuning upwards in frequency. Then tune down, then up
for a 60 dB meter deflection. With use of graph paper, you can make a crude, but serviceable guesstimate of how to rate your i.f. filter.

I rather preferred the versatile arraignment of separate trols of the Panasonic. The RF attenuation steps of the much too steep to suit me. There is a way to alter these
dB steps.

AF and RF gain Kenwood seemed
20 dB steps to


The selectivity of the Kenwood can be greatly improved by rewiring the SSB 2.7 KHz filter for use in AM mode.

The AGO response time for the Kenwood seems a little slow, but this also is easily defeated - or restored back to original whenever desired.

I am told by other R-1000 owners that the audio output is not all that great because the chip used wasn't the best choice. Q-28 audio chip MIGHT be replaced by an ECG 1284...no guarantees. The ECG is a slightly more efficient
chip for the same power drawn.

The R-1000 is AC only as purchased. Any ccmpetent technician can wire in a
means to use 12VDC. Why they didn't put it in to begin with snows ma, unless it was because of the fact that the display unit draws one helluvalotta mA.

The Panasonic RF -4900 certainly is more impressive looking. audio output are excellent.

The speaker and

The RF -4900 dual-speed main tuning knob is cute. It also has a small finger control nearby to calibrate the dial. I appreciate also the separate bass and treble controls.

The RF -4900 I.F. selectivity can be modified with one of several replacement filters. It requires a competent technician to do this, so don't tackle it yourself.

BFO pitch simply is not stable. I could never get the RF -4800 or the 4900 to stay on pitch or zeroed for more than a few seconds.., it begins to climb in frequency nearly immediately.
There are more birdies and internal images generated in the Panasonic than the Kenwood. There are several in the 15-19 MHz band. Most annoying.

The AM sensitivity on the RF -4900, and I used a box loop antenna here, for medium wave is excellent.

Internal battery employment also was useful for field trips. One can turn off the readout display to conserve power.
******************************************** ********* ***********************
JUDGEMENT DAY: For DX-ability alone, I have to lean to the Kellwood, especially since the modifications for I.F., AGC, and portability are simply done. The Panasonic, in my opinion, had too many false images and spurs, and could not sit still on SSB. The Kenwood was smaller, therefore easily portable. What's more, I have some interest in LW - moreso than FM for which I have another bore sophisticated receiver.

One last observation. The Kenwood company offers a really heavy metal knob
to replace the plastic main tuning knob...not the calibration ring, just the main knob. It provides a firm, professional heft.


A SPECIAL NOTE TO OWNERS.. .0E ALLIED SX-190: Many of you already have the technical manual for this remarkable receiver, but others who do not may wish to have a special comprehensive collection of SX-190 review notes and modification instructions. Eighteen pages with over twenty articles about the SX-190. Even if you do not have the technical manual (or even if you
do) this collection should be of interest to you.

This Super-X 190 opus costs a fair amount to xerox, on long paper no less! I have to ask three dollars ($3.00) just for costs and postage. Ed Shaw

***************************************** ****** ******** ********** ***** **** ex reerp



Photo-transistors have interesting
uses in communications and circuits to be controlled by light/dark.



It's easy to MAKE photo-transistors! Every silicon transistor is sensitive to light if the junction was exposed.

Note the inter eiO:ndieeseeel 7c:7e.d in a clear resin. The junction is sensitive to light.

Acquire an inexpensive TO-111 type such as the common 2N2222.

Twist the Emitter and Base leads together for highest sensitivity.

Using a SHARP pair of sidecutters, a ceramic circle saw, or sharp knife, cut tip off as illustrated.
cur 'ME ro EXPOETWt

Suggested experiment: Use the photo-
transistor as an input to any power amplifier. Point it at the sun and run a comb or piece of window screen over the exposed junction. What did
you hear? Another experiment: Turn
on a pocket penlite and shine it into the junction, then tap the bulb. What did you hear then? In both cases you have experienced modulated light turned into sound. The screen blank-
ing action in the first case, and a vibrating filament in the second.

************ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *****


Some of you will already understand that AGC stands for Automatic Gain trol. But, not many understand what it is for, or how it works. To be
DXer, one first has to understand his receiver. This brief explanation may be the first step you need.

Cona good
of AGC

Signals arrive on your receiver antenna in varying stengths, and pass thru the different stages of amplification and processing. Somewhere along the way, usually in the last I.F. transformer, a little bit of signal is bled off by a diode and capacitor and then smoothed out to nearly a pure DC volt-
age. This voltage is fed back to the RF amplifier at the beginning of your receiver's circuit where it controls how much signal is let into the circuit. If a very strong signal blasts in, the bled-off AGC voltage tells the RF transistors to shut down a bit. If weak signals eake in, the AGC voltage permits the RF section to do its maximum. It's a feedback circuit of sorts.

In the AGC circuit is a resistor and large capacitor which, together, deter-

mine just how fast the AGC works. For instance,

you are DXing on a noisy

day 'with lots of lighning crackle, and slow AGC response time may be useful;

that is, a loud blast would be absorbed by the resistor/capacitor network, and the receiver would go silent for...say, 1 second, then would recover and continue to receive normally after the blast was over. A short response time

on less noisy days might not need any more delay than say 200 milliseconds

or perhaps none at all.

Thus, you can see that more advanced receivers will

have provision for choosing response times...sometimes up to three choices;

Some modern-day receivers have fixed AGC response times often not to the discriminating owner's satisfaction. It can be remedied by changing the big response capacitor to something larger or smaller in value to suit tastes.

Page 10

Listeners Notebook

GLENN HAUSER, Box 6287, Knoxville, TN 37914


Other publications and broadcasters may use material from IN


provided due credit is rendered to the original reporter and

the NASWA Listeners Notebook. This courtesy does ure extend to closed organizations which

do not allow reciprocal access to their publication. BBC Monitoring Service items (desig-

nated WBI for World Broadcasting Information) are copyright and may not be reproduced with-

out BBCMS permission. The most important items have been broadcast immediately on RCI SWL
Digest or weso World of Radio, not otherwise mentioned herein. All times, dates and days

are day/month GMT, u.o.s. All contributions to LN are gratefully received, but your editor

cannot promise a personal reply because of severe time constraints. Reports to gh should

not be cut into little strips. It also helps if you use one side of paper only and do not

mix IN items with other correspondence. Please don't ask me for advice on receivers (8h)

K E Y - Letters along left margin enable you to spot items in categories of interest: A =

amateur, C listening,

= clandestine, Mv mediumwave,

D = death, P v future


H v harmonic, QSL info, S v

J = jamming, L stamps & postal,

= program T · time

jumps, U v utility, V · television, X v DX programs

AFGHANISTAN R Afgh ES ancd new pgm 'for compatriots away from country' from 27/8 in Pash-
to & Dari, necessitating retiming of Urdu & first EG xmsn, viz. P&D 1430-1630; UD 1230-
1430 ex-1330-1530; EG 1000-1030 ex-1530-1600, all on 21460 15255 6230. Later anmt gave 11960 not 21460 for UD & P&D & omitted 6230. 22/8 anmt said new P&D pgm'd be called "The Voice of the Homeland" (TBI 26/8) Confirmed to be on 15255 11960 6230. Encourages expatriates to return home; addr is R Afghanistan-Kabul, Ansari Watt, Post Box 544, Kabul. EG E at new 1000-1030 time is on 21460 15255 6230. UD on sane fqs as P&D. The DS 2nd pgm on
6230 changed so minority lang pgms are reduced to 30 min ea: 1030 Pasha li, 1100 Nuristani,
1130 Uzbek, 1200-1230 Turkmen; 1630-1700 Baluchi. 21460 & 15255 carry 2nd Pgm until 113e,
then switch to one-hour relay of First Pgm in P&D. 21460 replaced by 11960 some time after 1200, but timing of switchover to Urdu svc tends to be somewhat erratic (WBI 2/9) And the 21460, 15255 and 11960 are likely to be USSR relays, per previous usage (gh) HS fq of 5733 & 117199 are from Afgh itself, former weak to barely audible, latter fair most of the time, 1500-1930*; 7199 also hrd at *0125 (Victor Goonetilleke, Sri Lanka, ADXN) Look out for changes in late Sept: 9500 & 11730 should replace 17720 & 15255 at 0125-0500 (Victor Goonetilleke, Aug UADX) ALGERIA R Algiers EG hrd at 2000 on 15160, following FR (R I Murakami, JADX via RA DX 15/
E 8) 15160 sked 0600-0930 & 1200-0100 to SAm. Another fq in sked is 11715 24h to NAUME (Craig Seager, Vic., RA Japanese DX Time 15/8)
ANTARCTICA R Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel, 15474, 2/9 2358-0023 3 /9 period included several good IDs. Really, now, how can 1200 watts (per WRIT° produce this kind of sound? RAE doesn't come in this well. Also 6/9 LRA36 at 2350 w/EZL sec, IDs 2353, 2356, then ID w/fq & call at 2400 to newscast. 0006 back to sac, excellent sig on 15474 (no sign of Buchar-
est) (Gerry Bishop, Christiana PA) Also G here 4/9 0013-0030*, w/flowery spiel mixed w/mx about the stn & Antarctica, many IDs, fqs incl "15476", long military band piece ending w/taps (gh) LRA36 noted 5/9 & 6/9 on 15474 not 15476, definite ID; 6/9 2345-2400, also hrd by Shawn McDaniel; QSY to avoid QRM? (Tom Laskowski, South Bend IN) see ROMANIA ANTIGUA Addr of BBC relay: P 0 BOX 1203, St John (ARC via Play-DX 23/8) Not for QS1s... ARGENTINA R Nac, 30690, 22/8 1845-1903, 2 x 15345, live speech re Malvinas at La Plata H ceremony, time pips & LEA IDs on hourtop w/99 MHz FM fq given. G level; only het against
X AFRTS 15345 noted for fundamental (David Crawford, FL, DXSF) RAE Actualidad DX pgm in SP Thurs 2030, 2330, Fris 0300 on 15345 11710 9690 6180 6060 (LADX via LADXR) 3 private stns have finished SW xmens; they were R Continental 6060, R Rivadavia 9690, R del Plata 11710 (Emilio Pedro Povrienic, Argentina, LADXR) At 0128 6/9 RAE 11709.2 ancd that a rep of
RAE'd be in CA to talk w/RAE listeners & tell people abt stn for two weeks during Sept. Interested listeners should call 836-9033 in Santa Ana or write 666 E 17th St, 92701 (Richard E Wood, St Louis MO) For the record; I ancd on SWL Digest 11-12/9 (ch) AUSTRALIA 15/8-15/10, DOC allows Aussie hams to use AX- prefix instead of usual VE-, to
A commemorate Commmnwealth Games in Brisbane; many hams may have spi QSL cards to mark the
Q occasion (RA DX 22/8) R Australia sked for Games coverage: 1/10 thru 8/10: daily reports L 0312, 0412, 0512, 0612 on 13, 16, 19m. 0712 13, 16, 19, 31. 0812 (Sat & Sun 0810) on 13 E 16 19 31 49, 1012 13 16 31 49, 1110 16 31 49, 1212 16 31 49. Reports 9/10 0312, 0412,
0512 on 13, 16, 19mb. Summaries 1/10-8/10 1340 31 49, 1840 25 31 49, 2135 13 16 19 25.
Closing Ceremony highlights 9/10 0840 13 16 19 31 49, 1340 31 49, 1840 25 31 49, 2135 on
13 16 19 25m (via George Poppin & Kraig W Krist) $82 fq changes compared to J82 sked: Pat 9580 1800-2000 ex-2130. 15320 0430-0500 ex-0400-. 17795 2030-0100 ex-2030-. PNG & NWPac 6080 1800-2000 ex-2030 & 1430-1800 ex-1230-. 11820 0600-1200 dropped; 17830 2200-

Page 11

)0 dropped. 21470 0800-1100 changed to 21720. Af 21525 0400-0630 dropped. NAm 21740 )0-0330 now to 0400. (Rrist) RA Calling Antarctica *0300 17750 10/9, GMT Fri, G (Rich-

e E Wood, MO) [Cf Aug LN-14] RA Shepparton on 4880, xmtr fault during June until Chris

;ers phoned RA & complained; fixed in a few hours; is fund of 9760, 0700-1100 to PNG

IDXS) 11/11 tent the day for offl opening of RA's new studios at East Burwood, 15 km E

Melbourne. Bldg work already complete. Will have 11 studios, 5 of which are live-

eduxion booths (i.e. w/attached tech ops control room); 6 for one-man opn by ancr. Con-

)1 consoles being made by Rank-Arena. Present RA studios are in Melbourne central busies district in leased accomodation, cramped & ageing! But will remain as backup/alter-

:ive (Peter Bunn, ADXN) R Zeross was on SW & FM from Sydney for about 6 months, closed

July. Hrd by various NSW & Vic DXers on 6275v; I first hrd early this year, first

et Irish pirate but then hrd most weekends, irreg sked at any time of day--0700, 1000, X), Eu mec, Greek anmts continually mentioning SW Sydney suburbs, but when raided, ABC

merted it was in inner-city suburb; used Yaesu Musen FT 101E, 80 watts (Patrick Fitzrald, Sept Australian DX News)

ILIA Despite advance anmts of 21535 ex-17880 for 1230 EG NAm, when disturbances final-

let up 9/9 I found it on previously used 21525, and this fq shown in subsequently rxd

!ds (gh) From 29/8 testing new ant: 0000-0200 ESAm 11665, 0200-0400 CAm 12015, 0700-0900 es 15235 longpath; w/100 kW only; the 500 is near completion but start date unknown.

:se tests w/curtain thru 4/9 only. More tests from 12/9 w/rotatable ant toward other rections (David Hermges, ORF, RNMN 26/8) Test 12/9-18/9 w/rotatable ant for half of the

.lowing semen periods, not saying which half to avoid biasing reports which were wanted: m 0200-0400 5945 9770. WNAm 0400-0600 12015. EAs 1100-1200 17810. ME 1600-1800 on

SAf 1700-1900 17740. WAf 1900-2100 15430 (Rob Williams, NSW) 5945 seemed tó im-

Ne markedly but 9770 still buried w/several layers of QRM. Sked effective 19/9 for .t of 582 shows the turnable curtain in regular use: 5945 2300-0400 NAm 310°. 12015

0-0600 WNAm 325° . 15200 2100-2300 SAm 2400 . 15430 1900-2100 WAf 205°. 17740 1700-

0 SAf 170°. 17810 1100-1200 EAs 50°. 21525 1200-1300 NAm 310°. 21640 0600-0700 SEAs/

a-950. Stationary slewable curtain also replaces log periodic on several other xmans.

mbic still sked on 9770 to NAm 2300-0400 303° (ORF & gh)


IUM BRT S82 sked as revised 26/9 for std time: Mon-Sat: 0430-0550 Af 11820 15570.

0-0715 Af 17595 21810. 0800-0900 Eu 6010 11695. 1100-1230 Af 26050 21810. 1235-1300

21810, FE 21815. 1330-1445 (4-F incl EG 1400-1445) FE 21810, NAm 21525. 1700-1725 Af

10, Eu 11695. 1725-1800 Af 21810, 1725-1750 Eu 11695. 1800-2000 Af 17595 Eu 7335 (in EG 1915-2000). 2000-2030 SP SAm 17595, Eu 7335. 2030-2245 (incl EG 2200-2245) Af 17-

, Eu 7335. 2300-0115 (incl SP 0000-0030, EG 0030-0115) N&SAm 11695. Sundays: 05307 Af 17595 21810. 0800-1230 Af 21810 26050. 1235-1300 Af 21810, FE 21815. 1345-1750

21810, Eu 11695. 1800-2000 (incl EG 1915-2000) Af 17595, Eu 7335. 2000-2030 SP SAm

95, Eu 7335. 2030-2245 Af 17600, Eu 7335. 2300-2400 NAm 11695, SAm 15360. 0000-0030

g&SAm 11695. 0030-0115 EG NAm 11695, SAm 15360 (BRT) Note the scheduled use of 15360

17600 on Suns only (gh) I don't get this (Andy Reid, Ont) RTBF hrd on 17595 to 1210*; viously had not shared any fqs w/BRT (Jonathan Marks, RNMN 9/9) DT above u.o.s. (gh)

/DA In case you hadn't noticed, as I had not till recently, there is a SW stn here

ted in WRT11.82.: Bermuda Govt Emergency BCing Facility, 50 watts on 1610 kHz, operat-

during any civil, electrical or meteorological emergency. Might well have been ac-

eduring recent hurricane; east coasters who can null out TIS & Anguilla, or late at et when they're off, should-check for this! (gh)

US: RYAS untraced on 4620v despite chex almost every Wed/Fri eves. (Sarath Weerakoon,

Lanka, Aug UADX) Same here, nothing on 4620 or + 100 kHz (Victor Goonetilleke, ibid.)
rtA Final amendments to list in Sept LN, based on monitoring thru 4 /9 : 3885, It Liber-

ia in Entre 1q.os, Dpto Tarifa, not Reyes. 2300-0230 new sked ex-0130*, Mon-Sat only. R Conerapa, obs 2300-0240, unsure if nom 0300* or 0230*; nom fq 3958. 4472/4478/

Lv R Mo-viola nom fq is 4835. 4755, R Em Bolivia, Oruro, nom sked believed 0900-0400 some variation in s/off time; nom fq 4760 but use of 4755 is deliberate. 4775, R Los

· Taiiia, sked varies but always */100; nom sked believed 1100-0300 (Sun 1100-2400).

R Nacional, La Paz, nom fq is 4815. 4833, R Grigotà, JP pgms no longer hrd; GM may !topped too tho reception.difficult then..., 4865, R Paitid, 1100-? and tent 2130-0200. E, It La Cruz del Sur, 0920-1230 Mon-Sat; 2200-0100 Men-Fri; Sun 0920-1400. 4886/7v,

mta Ans, "IV de Yacuma", 1200-? & 2230-0200 daily, sometimes extended to 0215 or 0230.

R Animas, Chocaya, recently reactivated, full sked not yet monitored. 5020, R Dos ebrero, Rurrenabaque thought to be active, tho too such QRM to be absolutely sure.

, R San José, San Jose de Chiquitos, 1130-1700v & 2200-0200 (Sun 1130*1600v). 5869,

rocoro recently reactivated and reception difficult, but hrd once to 0200*, nom 5870.

, R Pic) Doce, 1100-1300 & 1500-? (Sun continuous 1100-1600+); nom. 5955. 5974, R Na -

al, Cochabamba, *1000 (tho earlier on MW) past 1700 when reception rarely possible;

never before 1200 unless Spi sports event; 5975 nom. 6105, R Panamericana, La Paz, "

-0030 (sometimes also 0130-0430); Sat 1030-2400; Sun 1100-2300. 6195, R Sténtor, La 1000-2230 daily, sometimes extended for important sports events (Tony Jones, Para-

) R Stentor, 6195 has new 10 kW xmtr; R 23 de Marzo, 4638, best at 0200-0300* may be

1 illegally on SW. Latiprens owns R Progreso, 6005--very pro, wide pgm variety, an-

tes as "primera emisora trilingüe del pais" --SP, Quechua, Aymara. In May 1978 it re-

d agreement w/univ, resumed SWBC 6/79 despite govt opposition; soon forced off air un-

Page 12

tu l 1982. R Pfc. Doce, 5954 is at largest SAE, tin mine in Siglo Veinte, run by Roman catholic church; some ancra were injured by military when forcibly entering stn, closing it 13/1/75 and again 24/7/80. 10/75 authorized to return but did not do so till much later. The 2nd time, it was off the air 2 yrs. (Tony Jones, RNMN 9/9) R Panamericana puts really L strong sig into NZ on 6105, *1025v1030--first 25-30 mina are 'Bolivia en Antena', mx travelog intended for SS listeners abroad, hard to believe only 71 kW as sig rivals HCJB on
6130; time chex often few mins fast. R Illimeni, 6025 & 4945 acknowledges letters from domestic & foreign listeners Suns 1100; daily 1000-1100 nice Altiplano ma (Barry Hartley, NZ, RIB) R Padilla, 3480: Gerente is Srta. Amanda Paredes; sked 2300-0200 (stn via WRIMLA 15/8) R San Miguel de Riberalta, 3310, 25/7 2320-0045 (R Cotroneo, Italy, Play-DX) un ID 5870 10/7 0500 ID as R Junin de los Andes, SP nx, what's this? Poor (P L Calligaro, Udine, Italy, Play-DX) See Corocoro above? (gh) Per R Panamericana 26/8, Comibol (the Mining Corp of Bolivia) said 5 stns closed 7/80'd resume by monthend; certain others had already done so. Others to resume futurely were R LV del Minero, Siglo Veinte; R San José, Oruro; R Vanguardia, Colquiri; R Nacional, Huanuni; R 21 de Diciembre, Catavi; resumption of icing subject to importation of eqp. R Sténtor, La Paz, obs during last complete week in Aug on 6195 (WBI 2/9) R Sténtor, La Paz, reactivated on SW, first hrd on 6185 (ex-6095) but 6195 ancd and after several days there they realized error and moved to 6195; *1000-0400*, w/Aymara pgm 1000-1130. This indicates R Cristal, La Paz, which had used 6195, has left it for 5005 only (Povrienic, LA-DX Sept) R Riberalta reported by Cushen on 4710, but hrd here invariably on 4697, e.g. 7/8 0235. Rdifs Cristal, La Paz, re-
activated on 5005 25/7 0200 ID, Classical ma, had not been hrd since 8/81; but more recently inactive again (ibid.) R Grigotà, 4832, has Guarani pgm Tues 0030 produced by Bolivian Baptist Church; JP pgm now irr. Suns 2300, last hrd 12/7 (Povrzenic, LADXR) it Sara renda is on 4885, a comm [sic-communist? community? commercial? communication?] & cooperativist stn, sked Mon-Sat 1000-0300, Sun 1200-1800. Addr Plaza 12 de Julio, Acera Este,
Plana Alta, Edif. "Coopetrol Ltda," Camiri; phone 248 (Diexisimo via RP/TH, LADXR) R Juan XXIII, 4965, now 3 kW ex-1 kW, 0930-1430 & 19000030. R Indoamérica, Potosi, 6175 now 10
P kW ex-1 kW, 0900-0400. Plans to_b2 on 12ml R Abaroa, 4730v (ex 4711, nom 4760) now 0.5 kW ex-1 kW, new addr: Calle Gonzalo Salvatierra, Riberalta, Beni; sked 1000-0430. R San José, now 0.5 kW ex-0.15 kW, correct addr: Casilla 15, San José de Chiquitos; 1100-0230. R Paititi, 4865, now 5 kW ex-1 kW, 1000-0300. R San Miguel, 3310, 1015-1630 & 2030-0200.
R Florida, 3370, CP209 ex-CP120, 1 kW ex-0.25, addr Casilla 3789, Samaipata. (LANL via E LADXR) R Illimani now has pgs in EG & GM, on 4945/6025; first hrd in EG 26/8 0010, ancd
as spi pgm abt Bol stns in near future; GM was hrd 28/8 0110, "Bolivia al Dia" (Povrienic,
LADKR) BRAZIL R Dif de Franca, 20/7 0150-0251* on 2980, 2 x 1490, stronger than last year, nice . H ID at closedown. R Educadora [tho listed as Emissora] de Botucatu, 20/7 0150-0300* on
3080, 2 x 1540 (Stefan Borsch, Sweden, DSWCI) R Nacional of Brazil, Radiobrás Interna-
1, tional Svc, PT nx pgm is "Brazilian Reporter", preparei by Ministry of External Relations,
0145-0200 C&NAm 17830 15290, 1800-1815 Eu 17805 15125, 2045-2100 Af/Eu/SAs 15280, 2345-' 2400 C&NAm 9665 (WBI 26/8) Followed by hour-long pgms in EG, EG, PT, SP reap (gh) RN8 11/ 9 w/spurs from 17830 at 0240: 17915 17745 17995 17665 17495 18075, vy distorted w/popping & crackling, fora few minutes only; strangely, mod peaks matched S-meter dips (Mitch Sams, Q AR, Ozark Mtn EI( Club) RNac letter says unable verie RN AmazOnia 11780 15445 reports, due to huge mail load of 30000+ letters monthly from internal & external listeners (Arthur Cushen, NZ, NZDXT Aug) R Liberal, Belém, is activated on 3325, vy poorly hrd here; TBS said would begin opn in 1982 (Rolf Lévstrem, Oslo, Norway, 27/8) Time? (gh) R Clube, Rondonénolis on 4955 ex-2480. R Clube de Conquista 0800-0300 (Cláudio R Moraes, Brazil, WRTH-LA) On 3335 ex-3385 ('OA', ibid.) R Educ 6 de Agosto, Xapuri on 3405v ex-3440 (SWB via WRTHP LA) Following stns in WRTH 82 are still Future Plans (i.e. not operating): 997)2470, 995) 3315, 1000/3325, 995)4835, 9)4875, 274)6080, 57)6080, 1007)6085, 188)6100, 1007)6125, 274) 9520, 57)9520, 57)11705, 274)11895, 440)11905 (Sept WRTH Newsletter, hereafter NL, which also includes a too-numerical SW sked update I am loath to retype -gh) R Capital (ex R Industrial), Juiz de Fora MG director informs in QSL letter that xmtr in 3355 is temporarily inactive for repair; soon will be back & 24h (AntOnio R da Motta, SP, Brasil, Sept LADXR) R Record, SP, reactivated 15135 (PovrZenic, Argentina, ibid.) R Universitária de Guarulhos says will begin moons on 92m by 1983, motto "Um mundo musical suave para sua vida agitada" [i.e. EZ-listening] (Diexisimo via Tetsuya Hirahara, ibid.) 92m indicates 32253260 range (Povr/enic, ibid.) a Soc. Triángulo Mineiro, Uberaba MG, reactivated, 4965 2/8 0830 ID, not hrd since 2/81 (ibid.) R Dourados, 3375, 1/7 0600*, so new sked 0800-0600,
slogan "emissora lider no sul Mato Grosso". R Globo, Seo Paulo, (ex-R Nac/Excélsior), on 6125, 10/6 0915 ads, jingle, ma (Povr/enic, LADXR) BULGARIA R Sofia ES in FR Af 0500-0600 hrd on 15110 but anncs 15310 11880 (WBI 2/9) CAMBODIA The SW fqs have been fairly stable for some time now (Victor Goonetilleke, Aug UADX) VOW on 7356v 18/8 1235 w/lugubrious vocals by chanteuse; modest strength & rough, slightly-distorted audio; 116090 stronger but uncopyable till Australia 1400*; both outlets 1410*. More recently found drifting around 7379. Point to ponder: if you enter into
regular correspondence w/stn, do you become Penh Pals? (Bob Hill, Mtn View CA, 31/8) I am
not aware of any such phnomenon (gh) CANADA RCI to be relayed from Switzerland? qv! (gh) RCI $82 EG changes: Mon-Fri Af 0615-
E 0630 & 0645-0700 Daventry 15265 ex-15235; drop Sackville 9590. NAm Sun 1300-1600 drop
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9575 115240 also missing lately leaving 17820 11955 +NS]. Eu 1537-1545 & 1645-1700 add 21695. 1900 Daventry 5995 ex-9555. 2000 D5995 ex-7295 & 9555. 2200 Mon-Fri D-6000 ex7295 (151CI SWL Digest 28/8) Beam headings for NAm EC bcs S82: 5960 268° 2200-2400, 240° 0000-0030 & 0100-0130; 2680 0200-0230 & 0300-0330. 9535 268° 0200 & 0300. 9755 240° 2200
-0030, 0100-0130, 0200-0230, 0300-0330. 9650 M-F 1200-1220 2400 . 11845 2400 0200-0230 & 0300-0330. 11940 2850 0300-0330. 11955 2850 M-F 1200-1220 & Sun 1300-1600. [Carib:] 15440 & 17820 176° M-F 1200-1220 & Sun 1300-1600; all 250 kW. Only 50 kW RCI mien now is 6045 M-F 0600-0700 Af. But N Quebec svc all 50 kW, 3480 : 1058-12591/ 2 9625 6065, 1300-22291/ 2 T 11720 9625, 2230-0509 9625 6195; from 31/10 w/std time, NS sked & fq switch times ail one P hour later. RCI from 31/10 drops 0000 aman, adds 0400 [and presumably GMT Mon SWL Digee X will switch to 01 & 04, mailbag 02 & 031, fqs same and 0400 on 11845 9535 5960. M-F 1200 . moves to 1300; Sun 1300 moves to 1400, same fqs but 082 starting 7/11 might bring changes.'
Ditto the 2200-2400 becomes 2300-0100, but the M-F 2200-2300 to Eu does nol change time (gh) CSC had lots of Aussie angles on its various domestic pgms week before Commonwealth L Games began. Oct also brings new season instead of summer reruns for Nightfall, Fri 23302400 on 9755 5960: 8/10 "Footsteps" by Larry Leclair--borderline between life & death following:_traffic accident (that sounds like a previous plot...1; and new Royal Canadian Air Farce season from 2/10, Sats 1435-1459 on NS 11720 9625 (Radio Guide) ROI Mailbag offers an RCI poster to all those whose questions are used on the air, "while supplies last", as ancdem.NAm sec; don't know if also applies to other services (Bruce Tindall, NC, 15/9) biCFVP; 6030, Calgary underwent recent changes, per QSL. Both MW & SW xmtrs at new site, 7 mi SK, replacing Midnapore, few mi S, as from fall 1982. In spring 1982, the old hand-
- built tube type xmtr was retired and a new solid state LPB 100 W took over CFVP duties. Simuleasts CFCN AM, 12.3m quarter wave antenna; tho in past tense this may be advance pub-
licity blurb and change not yet made (Geoff Cosier, DX-Australia) Directionality? (gh) Sept DX Ontario has 5-page illustrated article on CFRX: MW & SW xmtr site is on Royal Windsor Dr just W of South Down Rd in Mississauga, 30 km from downtown Toronto. CFRX antenna
is simple 2-element 1/2 -wave vertical array--two aluminum masts 12m high w/sig fed to both
so radiation is strongest toward north; also several hundred feet of wire buried under M masts for ground plane; estimated gain 3 to 5 db (ODXA) CKLW 800 Windsor Ont, 50 kW, star. S ted AM stereo the early morning of 10/9 (John Kokinda, Marblehead OH) more AM stereo, USA
CAPE VERDE (Cf Sept LN -301 Beginning w/expansion of chat report: Tentative: 12/8 hid stn on 7155 0810 tune/in; pop vocals, fado flavor, M w/anmts in PT; 0830 guitar background for eehp anmt la Brasil; cut carrier 0903. Absolutely in clear thruout, quite good strength, .but wlvy low speech audio; has not been on since that one night fas of 21/81. 7155 is exfq far:V de Sao Vicente, and everything else--sked, propagation, fade pattern, Lang, pgm, also suggest Cape Verde; can ANZers or Jerry Berg confirm? Again 1/9 0740-0800+ on 7155, two gongs & anew 0759 but too ouch ON (Bob Hill, CA) Aluo taped the fq here one morn around 0730+0800 but nothing there (gh) Emissora Oficial da República de Cabo Verde hrd on 7155 1/9 *0729 w/IS on violin, not guitar, 0730 NA & ID, half hour mx to 0800 gong, ID, TC in GMT-1, ox w/lottery winners (Gerry Bishop, Christiana PA) And tnx for tape, hrd by
all vía world of Radio. Opening ID has some addl words I couldn't make out, but unseems M 'SSo Vicente' or 'Praia', location of two known stns. Only gives 200m/1500 kHz MW [which
would be split fq under Region 1 plan] and 98 MHz FM, which w/sked resembles Pria list-
- iMK. in ,WRTH more than S.V. Also had plans for new (MW) stns on other islands... (gh) CHAe.44 of 6/82: Ndjamena AM & FM socs 60mb but that to be reactivated when techs have re-
f pairéd ,100 kW xmtr and N/S log periodic ant; fqs expected to be the old ones of 49041/ 2 and Midaytime.7120. MW sked 0530-0730, 0900-1300, 1600-2030; FR nx 0600, 1200, 1900. A Possible
Ugeatch is R Moundou, using 5 kW xmtr with a standby xmtr taken from the deserted US Enr Sa0Y- im'F'djaména; on 5286 (ex-5100), ant beamed on N'djaména, power well below nom 5 kW
due to snare part shortage, 0500-0800, 1500-1900; FR fix 0545 & 1700 (A Sommerfeld, NL) CHINA 10865 feeder logged at Last 1055 ending (listed) Cantonese, weak w/hvy flutter.
1100 rising in lvel, went to Esperanto .// 15100 9860 w/RB's EIR and 1 suppose 11)s, but not raz, just short mx and two long actualities of EP speech to audience w/applause & interspersed reMarx by M & W in studio. 1125* -- my first hearing of Esperanto. Hams, RB feed-
ers always seem standard AM, DSB & full carrier; that 11660 RB Ea I reported earlier; dun-
no, but 11660 CFLO5ed as RB feeder... (Dave Newkirk, Seattle WA 29/8) Urumqi, 4735, 6/8
2355-0025, unusual CAs opening in Aug: Repetitive string mx, clear ID by woman 2359 1/ 2 w/ ment of Xinjiang. 6 pips-- last higher, into Hong-sounding sec; listed lang Uighur (Steve Hileinstein, FL, OMDC) FFBS-1, 1800-2100 vy weak on 4980, 2 x 2490 (DUDXS) R Peking October Lpgehilites--full listing in RIB-+5/10 pagodas, 16/10 "The Great Wall Capriccio" mx, 22/ 10 giant panda tamer, 31/10 science fiction, railways, age & maker of Great Wall (gh)
COLOMBIA LV de los Centauros hrd 27/7 2335 on 6188.7, ID taped; new fq or relay by LV de Cali, nom 61901 Fair (R Cotroneo, Italy, Play-DX) Caracol Neiva, 4945, 0400-1230 & 2145-
2230 hours audible in Australia; Colosal ID no longer hrd. (DUDXS) R Neiva, hrd once on H 4520, 4 x 1130 at 1010-1115 (Chris Rogers, Victoria, DUDXS Aug) Em Meridiano Setenta, 'MI
0220 on 14775, 3 x 4925 where also hrd (Mitch Sams, AR, O(DC) Ondas del Darién, 6085, per QSL has 2 kW at 1100-0500 daily (Don Moore, Sta Barbara, Honduras) "Super" ballad, fanfare ID 1100 on 5215 13/8; assume feeder, no stn ID noted (Steve Reinstçin, FL, DXSF) Ondas del Orteguaza, 4975 reactivated after lengthy inactive spell, hrd well o/ute 26/7 1026 (Terry L Krueger, FL, DXSF) Had not been reported since 7/81; 12/8 1030 Amanecer Campesino (Emilio Pedro Povrienic, Argentina, LADX) Rdif Nacional *1100 on 1179à 7/8 giving eis 4855,
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5985 6030 9635 15335, but not 11795: which was the only fq hrd (ibid.) Down to 11792 when checked 16/9 c 1900. Add another: 17866.5 SSB, first noted 12/9 0030 w/talk on Shakes-
peare, Siglo XVI, 1/15332.8; 0059 ID for 570 only w/gongs; also 12/9 2308 past 0230 13 /9 ; still there 0000 17/9, vy strong; also audible much earlier in day but QRM much heavier.
Could vanish as suddenly as it appeared; quite lis tenable in evenings (gh) Gone 20/9+ COMOEt0 ISLANDS R Comoro, 3331 21/8 under CHU w/het; only able to make out bits of pgm un-
til 0334, when tox audible; ID 0340 hrd as "Ra -DIE-o Comoro"; hung in until 0354, then faded away (Gerry Bishop, PA) Tentative, 3327, 0320 singing, FR talks, birdchrip in background, RTTY QR14 to 0331, stopping just seconds after ID, 4/9 (Johnny Denham, Boaz AL, OMDC) Watch out for R Maya, 3325 which bleeds thru the RTTY and at times sounds very exotic; IF definite on the FR also could be Rs#anda? (Mitch Sams, MIX Ed.) COSTA RICA R Reloj was back on 4832 12/9 0519 saying that 14/9 at 6 pm all R & TV stns would play NA simultaneously in a "somos libres" celebration; accompanied by surf noise-STL problem?--which vanished 0520; // 6006. 13 /9 at 0245, happened to hear R Quince de P Septiembre say that CR threatens to set up a powerful [MW?] stn which would cover all of M Nicaragua in retaliation for Nic bc incursions into .CR airspace (gh) CUBA RHC, 11725, EG 0236 w/'slow speed nx' due to problem w/tape machine; didn't know nx
E was taped (Leroy Fields, Chicago, CADX Probe 20/8) RHC ES in SP to Am reverted to regular pattern 20/8 after end of CM: & Carib Games (413I 2/9) 9470, RHC 2245 3/9 huge signal
.'/ weaker 9685; also // 9525 at 0330. Sounded intentional instead of spur (Mitch Sams, AR, Ole C) 9470 also here 4/9 0555-0559* in SP, s/off till 6am EST; not hrd on 9525 or 9550. A few mins earlier, normal SP fq 6060 hrd 0530-0545* closing EG arming 25m only where not
hrd; 11/9 1215-1300* and back on a few rains later using 8852 1/2 , strong // 9550; nothing on 10247 1/2 and not hrd next day or since (gh) RHC SP 29/8 1608 on 15976 AM, another tech foulup or my rx fault? Another carrier went on and off on top of this, but nothing hrd on it H (Mike MacCollum, IN) R Rebelde hrd 24/8 1120 on 11400, 1.1 x 600 w/usual pgm, also noted on 10800, 18th harmonic (David Crawford, FL, DXSF) FCC has cabled Cuba asking it to stop
M QRMing 10 MHz (RNIIN 26/8) Drawing much media attn, even an ABC Nightline report, was the GMT 31/8 activation of several high power xmtrs on MW QRMing US stns, but as of 18/9 with no repeat performance; widely assumed to be a warning of what Cuba would do should R Mart [qv] be built. Out for the evening, I only caught the EG s/off of Voice of Cuba + NA on 1160 at 0300; quickly dialscanned and found 600 //during NA so assumed it EG too. Press reports were contradictory about lang used on other FCC Ft Lauderdale reported fqs of 570 650 670 1040 1380 which along w/1160 were allegedly announced, fq anmts being something VOC in SP or EG had never done before to my knowledge. FCC missed 600, but WSITN-620 thot it was there too during its xmtr failure. Running a call-in pgm anyway, WHO got lots of complaints about CubaRN, including one from Artie Bigley, Houston TX who referred WHO to
me, and I referred them to FCC-Ft L for 'official' confirmation. Tnx to everybody who sent press reports about this; some of which misidentified 570 & 1380 as clear channels' like the others, a mistake perpetuated by RNMN's NY correspondent (gh) Oh yes, the addr of Voice of Cuba ancd at s/off was not the old Box 6017 one used in last year's post-mid
T night bcs, but 2353 (gh) Cuba begins DST on 10/10 (WRTH-NL) Certainly not; it's in the northern hemisphere; might well be the date it ends; has been on GMT-4 (gh)
CZECHOSLOVAKIA R Prague, 9630 0105 18/8--both they and Spain in EG to Am, ruining each E other (Chuck Oliver, Spring TX) But 9630 is an old Prague fq, formerly not much trouble
w/low power xmtr (gh) PT 2230-2300 on addl channels 17840 17815; all xmsns 2300-0500 on 11970 & 9630 as well as 11990 9540 7345 5930 (WBI 2/9) R Prague ancd 17/8 that two 250 kW xmtrs were completed in Slovakia especially for ENAm, Mex, NWSAm. Needed like a hole J in the head: 9630 SFR, 11970 jammed (Andy Reid, Peterborough Ont) J serves 'em right (gh) CHEIK R Nacional, always on 6150 9550 15150 but sometimes on 6150 9510 15140 (Povr:tenic, LADXR) CB114 added new 6070 for MW relay, hrd 0300 (Carlos Lerner, Argentina, Signal Aug)
T Chile, including Easter Island, begins DST 10/10 (NL) DENMARK R Denmark 582 sked in Danish says there is continuing disharmony on placement of 500 kW SW xmtrs. PO prefers Buksér Odde on Mors island, but nature conservancy opposes
and five alternates are under consideration, all approved by N.C. But all would entail delays and higher costs, and most would require lower power. Confirms the new xmtr which came on in May has had problems requiring return to 15165 and sometimes use of 3120 antenna only; so try 15165 if inaudible on sked fqs (Richard E Wood, St Louis MO) DOMINICAN REPUBLIC R San Cristóbal is officially on 6160, 24h with 250 watts (NL) R Clarin active again on 11700, 15/9 0100 SP nx (Richard E Wood, 110) ECUADOR LV de los Caras, 4795, 22/8 0258 young girl w/EG ID, first ever hrd from them, E then back to SP (Jack Jones, MS) R Popular, Cuenca, 4800, sometimes 24h, hrd here in 04451200 period, other days off altogether (DUDXS, Australia) R Quito, 4920, reactivated 18/8 0315 ID, tangos; not reported since 12/81 (E P Povrienic, LADX) In connection with its M Training Service, R Nederland helped Escuelas Radiofónicas Populares, Riobamba, put a new
}se xmtr on the air 26/9/81; also on SW & FM, 1000-0300; main coverage area of 60km radius
X (RN Perspective 2000 pgm via IADX) DX Party Line host Roger Stubbe indicates that Clayton
Howard, now back in Ecuador, will resume playing a part in the pgm (gh) 11CJB mixing product found on 14835 at 1227 7/9, 1230 ID. Was hoping for a 60m harmonic; this is 280 kHz mix of 15115/15395 -latter audio dom (gh) ERP finally on 5015v 18/9 1022-1100 ex-3985? (Whit) EGYPT R Cairo EG // 9475 25/8 0255 fair on 10065 (David Crawford, FL, DXSF) Explanation: E mixing product w/9770, at 295 kHz separation like HCJB above (gh) Cairo 15375 EC 2030-2200
Page 15

1w/REE Canary Islands (A Goshen, NZDXT Aug) As I recall, BBCMS has always had diffi-

r confirming this xmsn, same problem in NAm; but I thought REE was on 15365 (gh) V of

9695 2330-2332* in AR 27/8, mixing with another Arab (A Groppazzi, Trieste, PlayM) ND ISLANDS ARGENTINA [sic] The EG speaking stn being from Islas Malvinas added a
// 2370; the FIBS or R Islas Malvinas now on 3958, hrd 25/8 by Luis St Germain of

and by me 27/8; now very easy to hear stn (Emilio Pedro PovrZenic, Villa Diego, Ar-

Lna, LADXR) 3958 of course the old fq of FIBS before they moved to 2370 years ago. And

that 3958 is also the nom fq but not actual one of a current Bolivian stn (gh) 3958

mentd in 1975 WRTH; MW ant was damaged so 536 may be off air or reduced power, but 'also have FM now; BFBS staff has arrived and is producing pgms there amounting to 15

hours per day (Andy Sennitt, Denmark, RNMN 16/9) Expanded sked ought to facilitate

ç on 2370, but 3958 certainly no prize in NAm w/bc & ham QRM (gh) FIBS presumed the

EG stn on 2370 0000 6/9, apparently returned to full power (C M Stanbury II, Ont,

Carrier on 2370, nothing definite; seemed to flicker w/a bit of audio 30/8 0128; am

ing 150' longwire to help; could also be harmonic, new stn, or new fq for somebody , is strongest when 2380-Limeira is hrd, however (Gerry Bishop, Christiana PA) ','PC,

& Wireless Ltd, back to normal opn now w/tfc to London, occl voice mirror, gd level
8/8 on 19950, 1240-1445; after 1537 such better sig, excellent level on 24145 (Da-

rawford, FL, DXSF) R Finland 582 EG as amended for timechange 26/9: NAm Mon-Sat 1200-1225 & 1300-1325

21475; 1400-1425 15400. Sun 1330-1525 21475 15400. On the Last Mon of each month,
151not available due to maintenance. ME same xmsns off the back, all beamed 3050 . Eu
V 0930-0955 15265 11755 6120, 1930-1955 11835 15265; Sun 0800-0925 15265. The 1400-

xmsn Mon-Sat also on 25950, 240° for WAf/SAm. Af 1930-1955 11835 daily. FE/As/Au,

Sun 0800)-0955 on 21465 except on last Mon (R Finland) 17800 dropped after 25/9

RFI 582 fq sked neglects to show retiming of EG from 1600-1700 to 1700-1800 as from

but this seemo likely and is implied in pgm sked section. Af svc fqs during later

are: 21620 21580 21525 17850 17795 17620 15360 15200 11705 (via Kraig W Krist) As as 11/9, France-Inter relay on RFI 21620 hrd 1404 ending brief EG nx capsule, more to

"9 am tomorrow" (gh) RFI be in FR to Antarctica on Mondays confirmed on 11880, 0800-

(WBI 2/9) Last time I hrd this they said something about being back on Friday too(gh)

n ird on 4824 1/7 0455 w/pgm in IT for workers, 4 x 1206, fair (C. Dondi, Play-DX, Ita19

Africa Number One sked changes: 2 new fqs 9705 & 9710 *0500

11940. 4810 not audible

due poor condx, but if on would be first time ANO using all four 500 kW xmtrs at once

pgm. 0600 11940 replaced by 15200; all vy strong, FR (Craig Seager, NSW, RA DX 15/ 0 on 4800 ex-4812, FR to 2200* (Bob Padula Vic, RA DX 29/8) Don't confuse w/Lesoto

ANO on 11800114810 often around 2100, G-VO .(C Dondi, Play-DX, Italy, 6/9) At 17001,e 9710 sometimes replaces 4811. Testing new 17855 from 0700 (Richard Ginbey, RSA, RNMN .6,.NO on 15205 18/7 1545-1600, F ads. Has plans for EG pgm to Nigeria soon; now employs

ople in Libreville, estimated audience from recent poll is 4.5 million from Dakar to

asa (Jean Yves Camus, Gambia, DSWCI) Speaking of which,

In April, Ron Gretz of Fayetteville AR wrote to R Gambia inquiring if they were

rting on 4820; a reply dated 5/8 was headed "Verification of Reception Report" tho had been sent. A key sentence, "It is true that, our Radio Station operated on a ncy of 4820 KHZ," is rendered meaningless by the strikeover as shown above making

clear whether the tense is past or present. The signer looks like "A. Gorbake" but

really legible, "for: Director of Inf. & Broadcasting". Ron also forwards a copy of

'Met about R Gambia which includes full pgm sked and considerable detail but no men-

of any fqs but AM & FM (gh) My roommate Bob Underdown, Mitch Sams and I have agreed the result of the letter should be that the stn needs more looking into because of onflicting info si/that received by Rolf Lévstrem (Ron Gretz, AR) Dear Friends at NAS-

nd enemies, hi!), I have been painstakingly reviewing my 3/2 tape of my reported R rd., Senegambia, hrd on 4821; also reviewing bits & pieces of fascinating 'teaser' on
+ 1, sometimes marginally audible 0600-0730 fading. It would be easy to say how

I was and make my humble apologies and to promise to be less "quick-triggered" en-

:astic and to be a more precisely dedicated DXer in the future. And in fact t do pro-

this! but I can not, in the interest of Ming, trash my logging "en todo". What I

on my 3/2 tape is 1) African, 2) not Mauritania!, 3) the ID in part repeatedly re-

to (X)ambia, and t feel this is in fact probably the word "Gambia"--but there is 112

ence to Senegambia and on this I was making a 'quick-trigger' assumption. So what

on? This I leave to all DXers hustling for a major challenge. I am thinking it is

*bly an illegal--the rebel Gambians? Only an hypothesis, but this, I believe is a hot

-and yes, t still hear "Radio Banjul" IDs I feel most strongly. Right now I suspect

and 4828+1 are the same, as just when the 4821 carrier vanished, up popped this other [,coincidence? Perhaps. Much grist to remonitor on my tapes, like "This is R. Kajam-

',' hrd on 4828. I suggest someone with a yacht go to the west coast of Africa and tune

KHI) (W Maxfield Greenwood, Sedgwick ME) WBI 2/9 sked shows 648 only, no FM/SW (gh)

IAN SIR Tbilisi 0011-0030 13/8 on 4930, opera w/soprano; 0029 Mayak IS. Soviet DX-

011e Alm in Sweden wrote me several months ago that Tbilisi much more likely site

than Ashkhabad (Steve Reinstein, FL, DXSF)
WY EAST Since RBI introed new NAm xmsn during summer at 2315, DST shift 26/9 should

it at 0015, along with 0100, 0230, 0330 in EG (gh) Continuous Stimme der DDR is on SW

Page 16

9730 at 2315-0430, 7185 at unknown hours, 6115 at 2300-1615 (WBI 2/9) 9730 no ES? (gh) GERMANY WEST DLF on 9875 LSB *0530 CS, 0600 PL 7/8, presumed feeds to Sines; IDs in GM as X "OW, Programm DLF" (Matthew Francis, Tasmania, ADXN) DW SP DX pgm on Suns somewhere around
2330 on 6100 6145 9545 9700 11785 11810 11865 15105 17720; GMT Mon around 0230 on 6100 9640 9700 11785 11865 11965 (undated sked via Dale Park, HI, RIB; fqs from Sept Program)
See Malta, relay closed affecting some of thbse fqs which might however be replaced from

other sites mainly Germany (gh) GREECE VOG on new 15050 *2100 5/9 (Jack Jones, MS) EG nit 1915-1925 7/9 15050, E, then FR E (R Horvitz, RI) 8/9 2126 on 15055, poor (Michelle Shute, Jacksonville FL) 7/9 2130 GK mx
on 15050 (Chuck Holland, FL) Full S82 VOG sked via George Poppin, CA, reveals that stn is now operating entirely out of band--the first multi-fq western stn to do so, I think.
Active fqs are 17555, 15595, 15050, 11645, 9865, 7095, the latter at 0400-0615 only.
15595 still sked only for NAm 0000-0350 // 11645 9865, and at 1400-1450 to 'Tashkend" [th2 se familiar with modern Greek orthography will understand this spelling], separate pgm from simultanecus GK/AR one to Arabia/IndOc on 17555 & 15050 (contrar/ to what t said on RCI 18-19/9). 15050 used for all amans 0800/2350, mostly 100 kW but 250 kW at 1400-1450,
1800/2050. 5/9 1755 GK mx hrd on 15019, weaker 1115030 in by 1825, replacing 15045/50 for obvious reasons; 14/9 1920 check they were on 15016 & 15030 (gh) unID Arabian mx on 15030 but w/C&W flair, 2100 nit 5/9, "Kukatan(sp?) Radio" (Chuck Bolland, FL) These bcs from Thessaloniki are regular ERT ES; GK pgms of VOG usually consist or relays of Radiofonikos
Stathmés Makedonfas, Thess., of the 1st and 2nd pgms from Athens, and recorded programs from all 3 svcs, so it's possible to hear a number of diff IDs, such as "Froto Programa", "Deftero Programa" or the above one (Alexander Koutamanis, Greece, SCDX 10/8) Yes, they
also show in ERT sked, retimed an hour later from 26/9 to: Sun 0600-0830 9815 115°, 9855 315° [to Eu/NAm]; daily 1000-1730 on same; 1800-2215 on 15035 [sic] 1150 , 15020 [sic] at 315 0 . These two xmtrs are 35 kW [favorite old power of VOA]. So VOG helps fill up the poor 15 MHz aero band, encroaches on hamàand, and goes beyond new limits of expanded SWBC

bands into purely fixed territory (gh) GUAM KTWR DX Listeners Log S82 now Sets 0900 11840, Sats ex-Sun 1445 11920, Sets 1530

X 9505 ex-9535 (Joel Rubin, CA) JP version of DX pgm at 1030 11765, 1300 15110 every Sat.

Q Produced by Mr Shushi Rondo in Guam; spi QSL card available (KTWR 7/8 via NZDXT)From 5/9

E KTWR has new EG svc Sat & Sun 0745-0900 on 17855, reports wanted (David Newell, Alok Das Gupta, Don Rhodes, ADXN) Other EG retimed to: 1400-1430, 1500-1600 on 9505 (David Newell,

KTWR via SUPC>4 via RA DX 29/8) KTWR S 82 fq usage registered as: 9505 1357-1600, 9535 at

1457-1600, 9590 1057-1257, 9600 1457-1600, 9720 2257-2400, 11735 0815-1457, 11765 1027-

1257, 11840 0740-1027, 1257-1357, 2055-2157; 11920 1427-1600, 15110 1257-1427, 15135 2155-.

2257, 15240 0857-1057, 15265 2225-2435, 15350 0815-1457, 17705 2155-2400, 17770 2157-0035,

17795 0740-0851 (IL)


GUATEMALA LV de Guatemala, 6180, E as usual 2105 24/8; 2122 ancd would s/off SW. After a

M few mina OC began relaying R Mundial 700 kHz, don't know for how long (Don Moore, Hondu-

ras) Inadvertent STL misfeed? (gh) 3360 stn sked 1130-1400 & 2100-0230; 3380 1000-1500(NL)

GUIANA FRENCH FR3, 3385 22/8 real Sat nite hoe-down (Guiana style), think pgm called "Afrique Tropicale"; really getting with it. S/off, La Marseillaise, guitar IS to 0300*,

tone on carrier cil 0303; SIO 443 (Jack Jones, Jackson MS) Also here sometimes VG sigs(gh)

HAITI [Cf Sept LN] R Citadelle reactivated on 6155, 31/7 2340 mx, 2358 & 2400 IDs in FR/

Creole; slight QRM de perpetual het, F-G (W J Parks, FL, DXSF) 6155, 0929 band-symphony

not, one or two anmts w/terrible echo chamber effect; 'normal' ID 1002, then "Happy Birth-

day" tune and EEL sot, stronger than when on 6156 some yrs back; 15/8 (Jack Jones, MS)

HONDURAS unID stn on 6000, 31/8 but not since, 0310-0402. "Desde Tegucigalpa...Cadena Zeta(?)...RC Uno" Also monts S Pedro Sula. Slick pgming, many ads, TCs, Lkm & US pop soc, fast-talking ancr & QRM VOA 5995; hence no ID; thot once hrd "Radiopolis" & "Baridale(?)",

SIO 412. NA after closing anmts; mentd 49m SW. Maybe old R Swan xmtr? (Jack Jones, MS) I visited Teguci recently & HRN; 5875 xmtr off to save money, unneeded for domestic coverage

E but kept on standby for emergency. Also visited HRVC, who told me EG cut back to one hour
Q a week, GMT Mon; all EG & most SP pgms are prerecorded; reports should include 3 Is or

mint stamps (Don Moore, Honduras) Checked 4820 13/9 Mon 0307, and there was Billy Graham

in EG mixed w/more annoying noise--badly mistuned STL?--worse on USB side (gh) Cf Mar LN,

the not-so-efficient Hood military recently reported to have captured another cland xmtr

C in El Progreso, before it had gone on the air, yet Quince de Sept has operated freely in Hond for over a year. Growing US military presence is obvious here (Don Moore) more, RIB

UHONG KONG C&W Ltd, 24/8 1130 on 13944 USB w/voice mirror in EG by YL (Crawford, FL, DXSF)

HUNGARY From 26/9 all R Budapest xmsns one hour later, so NAm EG'd be: daily 0300-0330,

X Tue -Sun 0200-0230, Wed & Sat 0400-0412 (DX pgm), Mon 0400-0430, Wed & Sat 0130-0200; fqs

E 17710 15220 11910 9835 9585 but only 6000 likely to change; 9585 best lately, 9835 worst

T w/heavily distorted audio (gh) INDIA 29/7 surprised to hear strong het on Singapore 5052 from subcont stn 5050, 1300 ID as AIR, Hyderabad? No, that was on 4800 and all other 60m stns where they shout'? 5e. 1300

nx in Thai-sounding lang made me check old pgm sked showing only Tamil & Mizo news at 13.

I know what Tamil sounds like from the dirty words I know: 5050 //540 & 1310 ID as AIR,

Aizawall; lovely mx followed, nothing like HD/TM type, more like RRI C&W ballads (Victor

Goonetilleke, Sri Lanka, UADX) Tnx to GVG's hot tip, hrd it 1230-1630* on 5050; afternoons uses 7295. Aizawal is capital of the Union Territory of Mizoram, bordering Burma.

Page 17


Mizo is quite similar to Thai, and surprisingly not Burmese (Sarath Weerakoon, UADX) The state is tucked away between Bangladesh & Burma in SE India; this sked subsequently monitored: 5050 *1230-1630*, *0030-0215t *0230-0345 flout, flirt 0930-1215* 7295. EG pgm sum E 1240, Delhi EG nx 1530 + more EG pgms. Thought it might be a relay like Shillong via Gauhati but José Jacob 16/8 says AIR ancd new 50 kW SW xmtr set up in Aizawal (Goonetilleke, UADX) Believed 10 kW, on 5050 0030-0300 & 1230-1730; 7295 0800-1000 & 1130-1215 (Alok das Gupta, Calcutta, RA JP DX 5/9) Officially inaugurated 15/8 0030, sometimes runs to 1730*; EG pgm suma 0133 & 1238. Western mx (EG pop & classical) daily 0200-0230, 0915-0930, 1330 -1400. Report to Engr in Charge, AIR, Aizawal, Aizawal 796 001, Mizoram (Des Gupta & Goonetilleke via ADXN) AIR Calcutta having xmtr problems 1200/1730; some days such as 11/8 on 4822 w/hum & drone, poor tuning and loading probably; when on 4820 mot bad. Stn seems to have poor techs currently (Goonetilleke, ADXN) HS SW listings in WRTH82 were based on inaccurate data received from AIR. José Jacob in Poona has extensively monitored these stn during Aug and here are his obs (NL) There follows a full page crammed w/fqs, places & times which I am not about to retype, and which t am forbidden to repro; lesson: subscribe to NL if such info is of vital importance to you (gh) WRTVH 83 should have very clean & up to date listing of AIR tnx to José; I had also monitored 31m opns; one excerpt: Delhi 9590 is reserve fq hrd recently for spi be on inauguration of new President (GVG) INDONESIA Latest issue of Down Under UK Survey is loaded w/Indo info I likewise can't begin to cover here. A few excerpts: RRI Nabire on new 5055, 1100-1400*, ancd as 59.36m. Is 1 kW, sked 0915-1400; old 500 W still on 6126 2100-2315, 0400-0615, 0700-0915, but hrd on 6127.5 0825-0920* Two of R Australia's most eminent ancrs came from R Kotamadya M DT2 Bandung, ex-3380 & 3302, now MW only--Ebet Kadarusman and Koswara Suoaamijaya. Amazingly, when still on SW, the then horiz ant was beamed towards Au for the benefit of these two gentlemen, bit they never sent a report, nor did any Aussies: (David Foster, D(2DXS 19/8) RRI Surakarta recently on standby fq 4900, not 4932; VG 1115+ after YV f/out (Craig Seager, Vic., RA JP IX 15/8) New RRI fq 7270 at 1300 8/9 ID, thot hrd Malang but not sure; must be a new 250 kW (Mitch Same, AR, OMDC) Three new 100 kW xmtrs at Cimanggis,
Bogor (sic) are latest addns to RRI net; to carry material not sked thru Palapa satl net; to cover Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi & Maluku.'Anothr two 250 kW on order from France for xmans to Irian Jaya (International Wing mag) One on 9680 now. Cimanggis is outer su-
burb of Jakarta, nowhere near Bogor: It is the current 'main' RRI Jak site, Kebayoran not used so much. From recent RPD QSIe this info: RKPDT2 Kotawaringan Timor, Sampit, 3540 kHz, off air for last year due to damage; was 250W. RPDT2 Bima, 3462, 250 W *1001)1500* (Geoff Cosier, UK-Australia) RRI reported 20/8 that Japanese govt had decided to P grant Indo about 5615 billion rupiah to finance i.a. construxion of a TV & radio training centre in Yogjakarta [sic] (WBI 2/9) Ahem, cf THAILAND, Sept LN -24; altho the rupiah is virtually worthless, about 900 per US dollar, 5615 billion of' them still adiup to about $5 billion. Is Japan really that generous? Where do I a2ply?: (gh) IRAN V of Iran, EG 1930 on 15084 #9022 (Karl Bartz, San Antonio TX, 23/8) Doubt if this
E is a permanent change, too good to be true; maybe switching error (gh) VOIRI says from 5/ 9, 11930 replaced by 9765 for ES (WBI 2/9) I.e., incl EG 1930-2030// 9022 (gh)
HIM 2nd harmonic of 9554.5 obs on 19109 at 1010 (Wolfgang BUschel, WE= Aug-Sept)
ISRAEL ¡Col Israel [sic] EC S82: 0000-0030, 0100-0125, 0200-0225 15585 11640 9815; ()sopE 0515 21710 21495 17685 15485 15105 12025 11640 9815 7465. 1200-1230 25640 21625 21495
17685 17630 15605 15585 15485 7465. 2000-2030 17685 15585 15485 15475 15105 13745 11640 9009. 2230-2300 21495 17685 17630 15585 15485 15105 13745 11640. NB HS relay: 25605 at 0610-1400. 17630 0610-1200 & 1300-2000. 17585 0400-1400 & 1800-2310. 15615 0400-1300 & 2000-2310. 15105 1200-1630. 13725 0400-0610 & 1800-2310. 11655 0400-0610. 11610 18002310 (IBA & part via Poppin) N.B., Iwo 13 MHz band fqs now: (gh) 13745 is on LSB, 2000 EG J & 2030 FR; ute QRM or jammer on 2100 RS actually helps demodulate it: (Jim Conrad, IA) Full sked of 13745 is 1745-2300 in usual ES langs; converted as 21.83 m; shall we call this the 21, or 22 meter band? Certainly not 23 as some have; don't let '20m' hamband designation mislead you, actually 21 m (gh) Below 14286, that is ITALY World Music Radio, formerly via Andorra, is making a comeback via R Milano InterneM tional, to be 24h automated; one 5 kW and one 10 kW SW xmtrs available, plus 5 kW on 1300 & FM for local cow; fqs 6219 and/or 11565, times chosen for optimum reception in NEu, but hopes to reach other parts of world; for QSL card, 2 IRCs (3 by air) to P 0-11oxj±078, Q Amsterdam, Holland (NL, asst cd Andy Sennim being directly involved in stn) KMI telling 6212.5 18/8 1830-1950, w/old 400 W xmtr, bad mod, QT11 30 km S Milano, poor (Lodi-DX via Play-DX) Steve Webster hasn't hrd it in Canada because 6219 so far on very low power .
tests; main 5 kW xmtr on in a few days; will test continuously 0600-1600 on 6221.5, QSY to avoid Lebanon; plays WMR tapes and RMI in IT. Next week hope to have 11565 on daytime; don't confuse around 2200 w/R Del Mare, Belgium on 6205 (Sennitt, RNMN 16/9) IBC
on 11587 0603 29/8 w/mixed bag of mx (Ebony & Ivory, some jazz piano), IDs between songs; E 0605 ID was EG, 0609 sounded IT, 0612 seemed GM, but not sure; P-F w/ute QRM, but I'm '
pleased (Gerry Bishop, PA) IBC 11583, vy frustrating, strong sig in EG but severely distorted; 0347-0601 but no ID, pop rock & roll format; uses "War of the Worlds" instl as theme ant; US-accented DJ, few phrases copyable; addr of PO Box 52223.(Sam Dellit, Australia, DIXA Aug) R Pace, Cerna, 15459, G w/test tape of 6 mina duration continuously repeal cd 15/6 0423-0458: 3 anmts by FA [female announcerl each about 45 secs long, then 15 sec anmt, all separated by chamber ant; gives addr and phone: 753,2548...045 (Dellit, ibid.)
Page 18

R Pace hrd on 15606, 29/6 2130 gospel in FR (António R da Motta, Sit, Jose dos Campos, SP, Brasil, LADX) Exactly the same fq Israel claims to use, but at 1200-1300 only (gh)

JAPAN Among the possible fqs R Japan monitors were asked to investigate for use during

the SSB tests to WNAm in early Oct were: 21835 21800 21795 17670 17626 17607 17555, in

the 1900-0600 period (Bob Bode11, Milwaukie OR) In a sumnary of listener correspondence

during the Apr 81-Mar 82 fiscal year, R Japan reveals that 63,018 were received from 139

different countries, led by Indonesia with

India 5916, West German. 3395, United

States 2998, then Bangladesh, Britain, Brazil, Australia, Italy, Argentina, Korea in that

order; daily letter count reachns700; handled by 11-person staff. R Japan has about 300

[official] monitors around the world, 150 technical and 150 program, tho 10 of the techL nical are also called upon for imiediate reaction to content of special programs (Oct R

Japan News) [Cf Sept LN -30] Answering Hill's question on Sendai 6190, almost certainly
NHK-1, the general AM net; NIIK-2 is educational All. Almost certainly the daily besuboru game; the 0800 cutoff would be 1700 in Japan (G Sharman, Hollywood CA) JJY 15000 2049 28/

U 8, code and voice IDs u/WWV & WWVH; quite surprised to hear at this hour (Bishop, PA) KASHMIR AZAD AKR currently hrd on 7165 0600-0934; R Pak nx 0600 (W131 2/9)

KENYA In stories about the attempted coup, Reuter quoted a Kenyan Armed Forces station,

otherwise unknown to us; more info needed: (Victor Goonetilleke, MIN 26/8)

KOREA NORTH R Pyongyang FR 0800-0950 SEAs 15230 11880; CH 0600-0760 FE 15375 11830; JP

2100-2250 11781 9506 as monitored here (David Newkirk, Seattle WA, 23/8)

KOREA SOUTH R Korea EG sked as ancd for S82: Eu 0530-0630 11820 15575, 1900-2000 9870, E 2130-2230 15575. Ams 0200-0300 & 0530-0630 11810, 1000-1100 9570, 1330-1430 97e, 1600-

1700 11830. ME/14Af 1130-1230 15575, 1600-1700 7550. ME/India/MAf 1130-1230 9870. General 0000-0100 [new] 7275, 0200-0300 15575, 0400-0500 9640, 1300-1330 6135, 2130-2230 on

15375 (Bill Matthews, OH & gh) Listen at close of any xvisn for current confirmation (gh)
LAOS External svc was off the air 18/8, returned 22/8. Xieng Khouang 7178v has been off too for 10 days; Liang Prabang & Souvannakhet also off, so only Lao activity is: 4657

Houa Phan 1215-1300*, 6193 untraced; 6587 Pakse 1130-1400*, good level, also at 2300;

6847v Oudam Rai [Udomsai] 1130-1300; 6130 Vientiane as in WHTVH (Sarath Weerakoon, UADX)

LNR, 7028.8 in Viet 1320, poor w/ham QM (Geoff Cosier, Australia, DU) This new club has a lamentable tendency to eliminate dates from published loggings, Hank-Bennett-like (gh)

LESOTHO Maseru, 4800, running to later time, 2200* after pgm of pop ont and Sesotho anmts. As of 24/8 & don't confuse w/Gabon also on 4800 recently, or Sdo Tome 4807 (Bob Padula,

ADXN & RA DX 5/9) to 2155* now on 4800 & 891 (Richard Ginbey, RNMN 9/9)


LIBERIA Tent 582 EWA sked: 3230 0610-0800 & 1805-2222. 4765 weekday 0555-0815, Sat

0815-0900, W 1655-2300; Sun 0655-0900 & 1655-2240. 6070 1805-2005. 6135 Sat/Sun 08251735, M-F 1525-1735. 9550 S/S 1205-1350, M-F 1205-1320, 11810 2005-2120. 11830 Sat

0615-0830, Sun 0615-0935, 11870 Sun 1325-2121, W 1650-2121. 11930 0615-0728 (NL) Why E is it that gospel stations invariably have the most complex skeds? G sig on 11870 in E.G

11/9 2057 w/prayer, ID; off earlier than above sked at 2114 (gh) ELBC QSL shows power on 3255 as 30 kW, the 50 kW having been crossed out (Harold Sellers, DX Ontario)

LEBANON (oops) La Voix du Liban, 6500, 16/8 2000 ID & FR nx, EG at 2015, excellent (M. Pu-

E ccetti, Italy, Play-DX) Media Network interviewed High Adventure leader George Otis on the 3rd anniversary of Voice of Hope: they are building an FM station to be called Prince

P of Peace; and a 2nd SW stn is planned to be on air by yearend; will be higher power than

present one, beamed to Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Russia; but they are already using Feral., Russian, Serbo-Croat, Arabic, English and two other langs [on 6215] (RNMN 9/9) A syndiV cated hourlong TV spi hosted by Danny Thomas and giving prominent play to Otis, and Major

Haddad (later accused in the Beirut masacre) designed to raise funds for HA and the program included views of the station in action; (14/9 on WRIP-61 Chattanooga) (gh)

LUXEMBOURG R Luxembourg at 0049 on 21515 w/14cCartney tmc, SIO 544, maybe image fq ( Thomas

Nordqvist, Male Sweden, Aug Eter-Aktuellt) Indeed; an overloaded '2001'11 do that (gh) MALAGASY REPUBLIC R Madagasikari seems to have returned to 3287 after a few weeks on 3359
(Vesa Komulainen, Finland, SCDX 17/8)

MALAYSIA Kuala Lumpur in Malay hrd around 1730 on 23860, 4 x 5965 (Wolfgang B(Ischel, GFR, H Aug-Sept WWDXC) K.L. on 7295 & 9665 acting funny lately--7295 early Aug 0100*-*0900; 9665
silent 0800-0900; but now seems continuous much to agony of AIR Aizawal (Victor Goonetill-

eke, Sri Lanka, UADX Aug) RTM KL on 9515 15/7 1120 in Malay, weird combo of chants, Indo type mx, AM rock YL, ID, ON nx (W J Parks, FL, SPEEDX) RIM KL on 11990 13/8 1130 in Chi-

nese, SIO 444 (Jamie Jamieson, CA, SPEEDX) Should this be 119120? (gh) R Malaysia, foreign sve in Indo on 9750, 7/8, 8/8, 12/8 *2158-2240; IS, ID, nx; light QRM from Minera, Chile (C. Dondi & D. Monferini, Italy, Play-DX)

MALI These Djibouti reports on 4780--do reporters have digital? For I have Mali newly on

478 3 /82, down from 4825, but there is a weaker 2nd stn here also, so it's tough to say what's up (Maxfield Greenwood, Sedgwick ME, 16/8)

MALTA The DW relay at Cyclops has been off the air since 2/9 at 1 p.m. when the Maltese

D turned off the electricity. They decided to do this 1/9 due to a 'foreign interference
act" despite a 25-year contract with DW effective thru 1995. DW is appealing this decision. This also affects other services carried here (RNMN 9/9) Including Xandir Malta??

International Christian Radio, AWR, IBRA. A few spot checks of TM fqs found no Malta IDs

18/8, e.g. *0100 to NAm 11865 ancd as Germany, and no doubt DW has replaced many Malta fq

with German or other sites. No DV site sked available yet for S82, so I dredge up a 182

Page 19

DW Malta sked not previously published here for those who would like to check: 0030-0050 E PT LAm 17720 11785 9700. 0100-0150 EG NAm 15105 11865 9590. 0200-0400 GM Ama 15105 11795

9545. 0400-0547 GM 21560 11795. 0415-0550 AR ME/NAf 6025. 0600-0650 TE Ell 11805. (interval mainly used for non-0W services). 1100-1150 AR ME/NAf 11720. 1130-1230 JP As on

21650 17825. 1235-1350 Indo 21650 21590 17780. 1400-1600 GM 11795. 1430-1520 Urdu 21620

17825. 1520-1610 Hindi/Sanskrit 21620 17825. 1600-1800 GM 11795. 1610-1650 EG As/AuAs 21620 17825. 1700-1750 TIC Eu 9650. 1800-1850 GK Eu 9650 7105. 1900-2035 AR 7265 6000.

9045-2120 Maghribi 7265 6000. 11785 9700 (WBI 1/7)

2130-2300 PT Leun 17720 11785 9700.

2300-0030 SP LAm 17720

MAURITIUS NBC has proposed a project to be undertaken in the framework of World Communica-

P [ions Year in 1983, to upgrade its SW svc for better coverage of a group of islands form-

ing part of the State of Mauritius. Present SW xmtr in use 25+ yrs and spare parts are no longer available. Several islands not reached due to poor sig strength. So isle resi-

dents and ships sailing in territorial waters of Mauritius are often experiencing severe

hardships due to lack of info on wx forecasts and hurricane early warnings. Project pro-

vides for acquisition of new eqp, namely 2 HF xmtrs and 2 horiz log periodic ants, repre-

senting a 10x increase in xmsn power. Will also ensure over 1000 quadrant coverage and

allow for rapid change in fq or beam direxion to cope w/abrupt variations in prop condx

or sharp increases in QRM level (WCY bulletin 7/82 via Sellers, DXO; Bob l'adula, ADXN; Andy Sennitt, RNMN) What are these other islands they're so concerned about? Nearby Ro-

drigues, or the Chagos Archipelago including Diego Garcia, controlled by US... (gh) MEXICO LV de la América Latina now on 15176, hrd at 2125 28/8 w/XEW ID & 3:26 TO; obs

again 2342 //9515 (Bob Hill, CA) XELA4 has reactivated both 9515 & 15160.3, hrd at 1330.

This, coupled with other recent reactivations such as R Nac de Guatemala 9760, R Clarin 11700, suggests a welcome boost to HF SW xmting in LAm, possibly as a spin-off of the

Falkland Islands War.

15176.5 also active, 0300 15/9 11900; 9515 did not appear active

at that time, as fq was almost empty (Richard E Wood, St Louis M)) 9515 at 0413 ID 7/9,

343 (Jack Jones, Jackson MS) 9515 at 1713, fqt IDs, seems increased power as regular here

at all times of day; 6/9. XEEP, R Educación, 6185 at 0500 7/9, EXI. mx, vy little talk except for full ID w/call letters on the hour (Garth Rotramel, Berryville AR, OMDC) Cf

M Sept LN on the 18 MHz mysteries; after hearing them on World of Radio, David Newkirk says:

"Negative CW" can be decoded, somewhat by marking the dits, dahs and pauses on one line

and filling in the blanks on the next line; one portion might read "CQ DE XB..." such as

XI1D492 listed in CFL5 as in Mex Cy but A3J and not on 19955. I'm taken aback by the fact that the MW stns hrd are not superpowered on fundamentals; that would explain a lot.

Could be a fixed stn (or a stn that needs to be fixed) in the neighborhood with a ground

loop in a synthesizer, resonant in the low 1500 kHzes; or maybe a long leaky piece of coax

resonates around there and the sigs mix in the final of lie ute xmtr; the possibilities are endless. They appear in reverse order below 19955 kHz because in effect they're be-

ing translated in fq; did you tune on the high side of 19955 for matching array? (David

Newkirk, WA, 29/8) No; have frequently checked 18395 etc afternoons since but not a

trace; but t was not the first to hear this and might reappear (gh) I think it's inter-

modulation, as happens with local MW stns, or ham xmtrs like mine mixing w/local MW stn

to put me on a third fq. Might be metal-to-metal touching of pipes, wires, etc., with
this 'circuit' resonating at some other fq. Or something fishy is going on near Mexico City (Steve Bonadio, KA2JBA, Watertown NY, 29/8)

MONACO New TWR S82 sked includes new outlets: 5965 GM 0445-0515, 5960 CS 1900-1915, 9505

E PL 1630-1700, 7215 MG 1815-1830. EG: 0725-0940(Sun 1100) 9495; 0845-0900 on 9670 on the X 3rd Sat w/DX session. Another newie is 7260 0500-0515 UK & AR (Bob Padula, ADXN) vSWAZI
MONGOLIA Per IFR3 Fq Supplement of 18/5/81 (sic], Mongolia is using: 4750 Ulgei 12 kW, 4830 Altai 12 kW, 4850 Ulan Bator 100 kW (likely Khonkhoryn site), 4960 Dalanzadgad 12 kW, 4995 Choybalsan 12 kW, 5020 Sainshanda 12 kW, 7305 Ulan Bator 50 kW. A breakthrough at
last: Unfortunately 4960 5020 7305 not hrd, but 4750 4830 4850 4895 4995 all obs in //.
4895 varies as high as 4897 in UBR Mong HS // other UBR fqs at 1030-1600*. I wonder if this could be Sain Shanda listed for 5020, or more likely Dalanzadgad listed 4960 (Geoff Cosier & David Foster, DUDXS & DXA) RUB ES sked: 0950-1025 Mong, 1025-1055 Std CH, 1100E 1130 MG, 1130-1200 Std CH, 1200-1230 EG(not Sun), 2030-2100 MG, 2100-2130 Std CH, all on 12070 6383. Russian Tue -Fri 1130-1200 11855 7263 4995 4895 4850 4080 3960 227 209. 1255
-1330 MG, 1330-1400 Std CH, 1400-1430 & 1445-1520 EG(not Sun) all on 12070 9575 (l4BI 26/8) Cf Sept LN -21, why does the BBCMB omit the FR xmons? (gh) RUB 12070 *1200 27/8 ID & 15-min nx,.5 min comtry on PLO Beirut withdrawal--not editorial, just rehash of press accounts. G signal (Gerry Bishop, Christiana PA)
MOROCCO RTM Rabat Net-A via Tangier: 1000-1100 15335, 1100-1700 17815 15360 15335, 1700-
2000 17815 15335 15330, 2000-2100 17710 15335 15105, 2100-0100 17705 15335 15105 (WBI 26/ 8) Times only apx, as they are checking mainly on the hour for news (gh) MOZAMBIQUE Maputo hrd on 7200 ex-7245?, PT *0400 // 3210 6115 9618 11818; eves //737 3210 . M 4865 (Sarath Amukotuwa, Zambia, NL) Beira-A recently extended to 2210*, full sked: 02550500 & 1500-2210 3370; 0500(irr 0255)-1500(or 1700) 6025; 0255-2210 873 (also irr on 1431).
Beira-8 0255-0500 & 1500-2000 on 3280/6090v, 0500-1500 on 6090v/9635v (Ginbey, RSA, NL) H Em Interprovincial, Maputo, hrd on 2019 0350 10/7, vern, local mx, 25442, 2 x 1009 (Vash-
ek Korinek, RSA, DSWCI)

ENAMIBIA Windhoek 4965 tent at 0600-0615; 2100-2200* EG, then all-night carrier (DUDXS)

Page 20

AN svc on 3270 #3295 after 2200; at 0400 3270 becomes R Herero, and at 0300 3295 takes E the AK svc. 6185 is new at 0615-1515 in AK/GM/EG. In Oct look for 3295 & 6185 to be re-

M placed by 4965 & 9650. MW 594 *0400 Ovambo net now silent (Richard Ginbey, RSA, RNMN 16/ 9) [earlier info?:] Both SW xmtrs are poorly modulated, especially at night. New SW sked: Ch 1: 0358-0630 & 1430-2200 on 3270, 0630-1430 on 7190. Relay R Herero 0358-1000

(Sat/Sun 0505), 0830-1000(Sat/Sun), 1300-1630(Sat/Sun 2200). Other times relay R DamaraName. Ch 2: 0300-0615 & 1515-2200 on 3295, 0615-1515 6185; relay EG/GM svc M-F 0830-1045,
GM only 1600-1700 & 1915-2200 (exc Wed 2000-2100). Other times relay AK svc. AN svc 22000358 on 3270 (Ginbey, NL)

NETHERLANDS RN experimenting w/2 xmtrs on one fq, 31/8 & 1/9 0530- on 9895 alternating them

first in different direx for 7 min each, then from 0605 both, reports wanted from Eu; 7/9
E & 8/9 Lopik & Bonaire simultaneously on 15560 EG 0930-1020; that is, Bonaire joining from 1000 to Eu, with Lopik inserting a 300 ms delay to avoid echo; spi QSL. One Bonaire xmtr closes down after 1630 today for 8 days of essential work (RNMN 26/8) RN will have a simple contest in mid-Oct in connexion with Holland Water Year 1982, 11/10 thru 16/10. Three
P questions to be ans on postcard--2 first prizes of all-expenses paid week in Holland to X witness the produxion of Media Network; and other prizes; MN plans more computer tests in
October (RNMN 16/9) 6165 back on the air after work on xmtr 0230 0530 (Rubin, CA, 8/9) NETHERLANDS ANTILLES (also see above) Since 17/7 TWR has deleted EG to FE 11755 0050-0135
e E (KTWR 17/7 via NZDXT) 4/9 0607 hrd TVE anc that Caribbean Nightcall now runs 0445-0630 on 9755 800; however they're already on in EG at 0430 w/some canned pgm (gh)
NEW ZEALAND I bumped into the NZ Prime Minister at the Toronto IMF Conference 3/9 and
spoke to him about the RNZ SW svc. He was surprised it could be hrd here, but wasn't very helpful, saying the whole matter was still under consideration. Despite reports that

SW relays the Natl Svc only, I'm still hearing nx in SPac langs around 0545-0555 on 15485 & 17705 (Steve Webster, DX0) Except for nx and sport, the "RNZ" ID is no longer used, just "The Natl Pgm & SW stations/service"--an effort not to be seen as the 'state' radio?

At the end of Aug still no word about the future of SW (Barry Hartley, Auckland) RNZ allU night pgm hrd on 5225 past 1500 23/6 at fair level, NZPO ate relay? (Geoff Cosier, DUDXS
& DXA) That is an NZPO Himittangi fq, sounds like 'ZM' net, probably not official, maybe
for a local party unable otherwise to get reliable reception; certainly not pirate (Dene Lynneberg, NZ, DUDXS)

NICARAGUA LV de Nie eves on 5955 now; had been 5950 until about 1/9; het presume from LV de los Centauros (Gerry Bishop, PA) But see COLOMBIA. 6/9 0326 tho het on lo side of Hic as they revealed Nics don't eat their children and referring to the fq change; since
then hrd ancing as "5.95," however (gh) 8/9 0300 zero-beat 5955, slogans, IDs, pro-Sandinista songs (Joel Rubin, CA) Regularly on 5955 0330-0500 ex-5950; LAm mec, G sig, fqt EDs (Ronald P Kumecz Jr, Elmwood Park NJ) 6120 stn 31/8 1128 w/ranchera mx, several IDs as R. Sandino; no mention of R Zinica, 5/9 1150 tho R Zinica ID, TC, tangos, no ment of R San-
dino (Jack Jones, MS) Was net pgm? (gh) R Zinica, 6120 5/9 0453* w/NA, IDs (RotraraelOMDC) NIGER RTVN, 3260 5/9 0543 vern; *0530 w/ID, IS; 5020 not hrd till 0545 f/in (Mitch Same,
AR, OMDC) Next nite 3260 not hrd and 5020 f/in 0545 (Garth Rotramel, Berryville AR, OMDC) Strange for it to fade in at that hour; late s/on? (gh)

NIGERIA VON introed new outlet 15185 ex-11770 for EG EAf 0500-1000, incl world & Af nx at

E 0630. Separate pgm on 7255 15120 17800 w/EG 0500-0600, FR 0600-0700, EG on 15120 17800 0700-0800 (Peter Bunn, RA JP DX 29/8) R Ruera, florin now 0400-2305 7145. R Kaduna 0430-

2305 6175 IDs as "First Network of R Kaduna". Jos still on 5965, not 7260; Lagos 3320 & 7285, not 7275. Enugu 4725 unhrd (Richard Ginbey, RSA, NL)

NORWAY A couple of spot checks for best R.Norway fqs for Sun EG 12/9: 1400 17840 best if E 25615 25730; 1800 21705 best 1/21730 17875 (gh) 500 kW xmtr expected to be operational P from 1/83; Sun EG will then become eleven 45 min bes at: 10, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 23,
Mon 00, 04, 05; fq & target selection seemingly random (Sennitt, RNMN 16/9) symmetry gone OMAN BBC finally decided to use satl feed to relays. A Marconi standard B satl earth stn P worth more than half a megapound will be completed on Masirah by yearend, to pick up plea
from Hadley, Herefordshire via Intelsat 5 on 4 GHz above Ind0c; sig then fed to SW & MW xmtrs, some of which are being modified (Communication & Bcing via H Sellers, DXO)

PAKISTAN R Pak 0100-0107+ Qur'an, sked, ID on 6967v, new fq or test? 7010 HD or 7095 UD

wandering? Also 6969 11/8 to 0136*, strong AM sig (Steven Reinstein, FL, DXSF, 12/8) HD

svc at 0100 having trouble lately, 7010 drifting as far as 6965 (Sarath Weerakoon, Sri

Lanka, UADX)

0100 on 6968 (Goonetilleke, ibid) Karachi 1400-1900 nom 4815 but hrd on

4812v and sometimes either on 4727 or 4897, 85 kHz from 4812--maybe because xmtr has 85 kHz crystal in synthesizer (ibid. & via ADXN, DUDXS) R Pak running 3 xmtrs on adjacent fqs

in UD *1330: 17615 17620 17624 all G in //21485 (Craig Seeger, RADIX 15/8) RP G 15/9 0100
E w/UD ID on 17840 (Richard Wood, MO) Tent S82 R Pak EG slow speed nx sked: 0230 .6. 1100 as
in WRTH 82; 1600 now sked on 15565 17640 21485 to region II; 15530 17660 to III. EG *1645 on 9870 11670 (NL) Slow SG nx 0230-0245 on 21725 ex-21755,1121595 17840 (M Francis, RA DX)

E PANAMA [Cf July LN -22 & Aug LN -20] R Equis, Panama City, 12/6 0122 in EG & SP, great pop H ax, ID on 3020 harmonic, SINPO 34423 (Richard Greenwood, Jamaica, DSWCI)
PAPUA NEW GUINEA R North Solomons, tent on 6020 0600 5/9, sounding very much like a 90m PNG w/tribal sec; weak w/het, many ments of PNG (Mitch Same, AR, MDC) Opening of new FM
L net, Radio 2, brings changes in existing net, now Radio 1 and no longer carries ads as of 1/6 but concentrates on development, education, entertainment, politics, culture, parlia-

Page 21

mentary sessions(Benjamin Martin, PNG Post Courier Weekend Magazine, 7/5 via Park, RIB)

PARAGUAY R Guairá, F at 0035 31/7 w/ID and mega on 5978 (Giuseppe Zella, Play-DX, Italy)

R Chantas, 6110, reactivated, w/new s/on 1100, 9/6 folk mx, ID (Emilio Pedro Povrienic,

Argentina, LADXR) The total current Pgy SW scene: 5975v ZPA6 R Guaira, Villarricca, 1000-

1800 1 kW, currently varying 5942-7. 5995 ZPA15 R La Voz del Amambay, Pedro Juan Caballe-

ro, 1000-0200 2 kW. 6015 ZPA1O Emisoras Paraguay, Asuncion, 0930-1630 & 2000-2400 as cur-

rently obs, 3 kW. 6025 ZPA1 R Nacional, Asuncion inactive. 6110v ZPA11 R Chantas, Asun-

cion 1100-1530 Mon-Fri only 1 kW. 11915 ZPA1 R Nacional, Asuncion, as MW sked; 100 kW.

15210 ZPA7 R Guarani, Asuncion, irregular, very rare in fact; 0.5 kW (Tony Jones, ibid.,

T direct) Paraguay begins DST 1/10 (NL)

omm, PERU New stn is on 3250, 400 W OAZ4G, R La Oroya, Calla Tarma 244, La Oroya; MW 690 400 W

OAZ4F (NL from J1CC) 3285 R Esmeralda,

ex-5050, sked 0900-0300, stn says (NL) But

reported on 3800, cf Aug LN -21 (gis) 3330 Ondas de Huallaga, 6/9 0427, fair w/CHU atten-

uated but still ORMing; mountain mx, ID 0433:20 (Gerry Bishop, PA) 4495 [cf Aug EN-21]

P projected LV de Nasca is OAX5W, 10 kW; Dir Gen Fernando Cruz Rondinel (WRTH-LA) 1 kW (NL)

M 4790 R Atlántida, 30/5 2400 ID gives 1490 9625 and 4790 but 9625 is inactive (Povrzenic, LAMM) 4825 add OAX6Z R Mequegua, 0.5 kW as stn 118) (WRTH-LA) MW indicated as having SW

in WRTH 82 but was omitted there (gis) 4826 Contrary to reports of R Sicuani on 4834, always hrd here on 4826, e.g. 12/8 0145 ID, Andean mx, Quechua (Povràenic, LADX/R) 4935 R

Tropical at 0356* w/"Buenas Noches" song, ID w/fqs 0359, NA 0401, F (Bishop, PA, 6/9)

0230-0320 LAm mx, romantic mx, often uses "Love is Blue" as background during anmts (Don

Moore, Honduras) Presumed R Tropical, 4935, 1059 many ads incl Fresca, ments of Tarapoto,

a few short bursts of Peruvian MK between ads & during talk, 433 19/8 (Jack Jones, MS) 5015 addr of R Moyobamba, OAX9G is Jr. Pedro Langa 537, Meyobamba (JLCC via WRTH-IA) 5030

R Los Andes, Huamachuco 31/8 0939-1029 VG o/Venez, frequent IDs giving 5030 only + FM du-

ring "Buenos Días, Peru" pgm; 1028 ID gave addr as Bolívar 521, 2° piso; not listed in

WRTH 82; Huamachuco is in depto. La Libertad (Bob Wilczek, Lockport IL, 11/9 World of Ra-

dio) 12/9 SIO 443 at 1045-1115: some peruvian mx, disco, recurring theme tune "sunny",

ads, one ID as "Rdifusora de los Andes", OAZ2A 60m, not sure of last letter ia call . YV

either not on or had f/out; no mention of MW; faded fast after 1115 (Jack Jones, Jackson MS) Previously reported on 3735 [July LN -22] and 3725 [Aug LN -20] 5993 R Melodía, Arequi-

pa, ID & mx, G at 2305 26/7 (Giuseppe Zella, Italy, Play-DX) 6140 Addr of R Huayllay is

Jr. Huaral 129, Huayllay, Pasco (WRTH-LA) What does "Jr." mean in Peruvian addresses?(gh)

6498 unID, lox Kru & Craw, 0339-0411* 10/8, string of OA instrumentals, Talk may ment

Chota, off in mid-song. 12/8 0125-0148 P w/bad ute, no ID (Steve Reinstein, DXSF) Tho

seldom hrd has been here for at least several months, 6498.5 apx, 0115-0250+ most eves

since 8/8 w/campesino vocals, flutes and M in SP; no IDs hrd; ute QRM severe (Krueger,

ibid.) 6498, unID 12/8 0211 DJ w/Andean mx, hi-side ute QRM unintellgiblizing speech,

f/out or s/off around 0220. Cajamarca? (W J Parks, ibid) 8/8 0100-0315+ unID, mostly

bouncy mx like Espejo late eves; fewer & fewer anmts as evening wore on. Long, deep fades but peaked at quite good levels at times; Satélite S9+ at this time (David Crawford, FL,

H DXSF) How about R La Oroya, 2 x 3249, see first Peru item above (gis) 6724 10/8 0350-0359* w/positive ID 0354 as "R Católica desde la provincia de Santa Cruz en el Departamento de

Cajamarca..." Name change for R Satélite? (Reinstein, DXSF) 6727 5/9 0424 ID as R Sate -

lite; maybe Católica was a pgm ID (Gerry Bishop, PA) 31/8 0435* closing anmts, pretty

sure said "R Satélite"; short version of NA & off (Jack Jones, MS) 9562 R Nacional, 1018+ 27/8 steady mx, some w/misleading oriental flavor; full ED, F (Chuck Bolland, FL) 7/9

0330-0400, laid-back EZL mx pgm, mostly tangos; few ads; ID & TC every now & then; 0500 full ID at nx time, 353 (Jack Jones, MS) 9675 R del Pacífico 1125 27/8 ID, rlg pgm, fa-

ding fast (Jack Jones, MS) Regular here 1200+ daily w/hymns, IDs, Bible study, etc. F-P

(Don Moore, Santa Bárbara, Honduras) See also unID. (gh) 9756 R Sideral 17/8 1057 many IDs, jingles, singing IDs, ads, timepips 1100 then rapid decline and shortly gone, but ID

was for R Programas, listed on 730 MW only; net? 27/8 1057 w/R Sideral IDs, anmts have

muffled sound, no ment of R Programas (Jack Jones, MS) R Sideral reactivated, not hrd

since early 1970s; 17/8 1100 ID, ox pgm in net with R Programas de Lima (Povr/enic, Arg., LADX/R) Nx pgm called 'la Rotativa del Aire' (PovrZenic, LADXR) That means rotary press

PHILIPPINES Former PBS now known as Maharlika Broadcasting System, hrd on 6170.2 at 1010,

E F w/EG pops and IDs as "DEFM - MBS Radio" (Dene Lynneberg, NZ, DUDXS Aug) VOA on 12220,

H 2 x also-hrd 6110, 1502 29/8 EG. R Ventas Asia, strong19/8 1425-1435+ on 11155 #9670,

800 kHz lower than ancd this day only; addl ancd 15210 unhrd; EG (David Newkirk, Seattle

WA) 22/7 too on 11155, 1450 inventions pgm, ID, ox, 444 (Peggy Thompson, CA, SPEEDX) Sti-

E cky fingers (gis) FEBC Intl EG sked thru 6/11: 0000-0100 17810; 0800-1000 11890 21515; 1245-1600 15440; 2300-0500 15435 21515 OM Oakley, SPEEDX Sept)

POLAND Since 3/5 R Polonia has Esperanto five times daily, aheading it of R Beijing with which it had previously been tied at 3 x 25 min bcs daily; now: 0530-0600 1503 3955 5995

6135 7270. 1100-1130 7145 7285. 1630-1700 6095 7285. 1930-2000 6095 6095 [sic]. 2130M 2155 1503 3955 5995 6095 7285 (Richard E Wood, MO) Addr: Radio Polonia, Esperanto-Redak-
cio, Skrytka Pocztowa 46, PI-00-950 Warszawa (ibid.) Freq anmt on R Polonia says 17865 ex-

E 15120; offering spl QSL for this xmsn only--like rest tho hard to hear (Andy Reid, Ont.)

Q Are you referring to the 1130 or the 0200/0300 xmsns, or ?? (gis)

PORTUGAL POP EG to NAm 0300-0330 on good new 9520, clear, 1111925 which is Havana-splahsed

E from 11930; 9/9 (Richard E Wood, MO) 4/9 on 6075 ancd new sked as 0300 on 9520 ex-9765;

Page 22

0530 9520 ex-9575; India/ME 21685 ex-21475 [1600 Mon-Sat] (gh) 5/9 0402-0500+ RdP on 6750 #9520; not sure where supposed to be (Gerry Bishop, PA) 5/9 0430-0600* PT & from 0530 EG on 6750, vy strong sig, occl mod blackouts; missing next night (Steve Meador, Richmond VA)
Explanation: another punch-up transposition for 6075. Now, let's see, how could they mess up 9520: 9250, 9205, 5902, 5209, 5920, 5290, 2509, 2590, 2950, 2905, 2059, 2095; hmm, tho there might be a slight mismatch, better check MW & LW too: 952 925 592 529 295 259 (gh)

H Not in tonight but oft-hrd 19450 harmonic, 2 x 9725 of RDP last logged 30/7 0126. 9725 is buzzy, and so the h is easily IDed even if too weak for audio (Dave Newkirk, WA, 29/8)

QATAR CIES Doha 8/82 sked in AR: HS 0245-1700 9570; ES to Arabia, N&EAf 0245-0800 15505,

0900-1900 17910. To Arabia/ME/Eu 1800-2130 15505 (Nolan Stephany, Williamson NY) New s/on

0245, to 0730 on 15505, 0900-2130 on 17910; 9570 0245-1630 (Victor Goonetilleke, Sri Lan-

ka, MIN 26/8) Doha DS in AR 0245-2130: 0245-0705 15505 9570. 0705-0900 9570. 0900-

1600 17910 9570. 1600-1700 17910. 1700-2130 15505 (WBI 26/8) ROMANIA R Bucharest, 15473.8, poor in SP 0031 pop sec, 0056 TO after full ID.

Seekers of

the elusive Arcángel beware (Geoff Cosier, Aug DX-Australia) 15474 at 2235 3/9, R Bucha-

rest in SP w/E21. mx; beware, Antarctica chasers (Mitch Sams, AR, OMDC) However, enhanced

southern propagation likely to coincide with depressed trans-Atlantic paths, so pay attn

e11940 E to other 19m prop condx and should be no confusion (gh) R Bucharest NAm EC on new 15255


11840 9690 9570 9510 5990 (M Francis, RADX 12/9) WRNO & WOR tnk you(gh)

SAIPAN KYOI now expected to beoperational by Dec 1982 at : 1800-2100 9695, 2100-0700 on

P 17795, 0700-1800 11900. Contrary to May NL, pgms will hein JP & EC; Stn mgr is William E

E McBride; addr is MAIM, P 0 Box 795, Saipan, CM 96950 (stn via NL)[Cf Sept LN -23] I think

KYOI is an abbreviated form of the word 1Kyokai" which in JP means broadcaster (Nolan Stephany, Williamson NY) Maybe, but as in NNE, I think it's the H--hOsei that means being, whilst Kyokai means corporation, or as soue prefer to think of it, church (gh) SAMOA AMERICAN Quality Media Corp's new Pago2 Etn KHQN w/50 kW on 585 kHz should hit the
P air between late Nov and late Dec as The Pacific Beacon; also plan to file SW application M in order to serve Australia, which I understand lacks Christian radio; KBQN will be in-
terdenominational, adless (Dan Dunnigan, QMC, RNMN 16/9) SARAWAK [Cf July LN -23, this differs] RTM revised SW sked: 3385 2200-2300, 0930-1500.
4835 2200-0130 & 0800-1600. 4950 2200-0100 & 0830-1600. 5005 2200-2300, 0400-0500,1000-
1500. 5030 2200-2400 & 1030-1500. 6050 2200-2300, 0330-0500, 1000-1500. 6060 0400-0500 & 0930-1500. 7130 0400-0530. 7145 2300-1445. 7270 0400-0500 & 1000-1500. 9535 03300700. Delete 9605 but add 7160/10/R 2330-0100, 0330-0600, 0830-1445; 4895/10/G 2200-2300 & 1000-1500. Last two fqs are Kuching; site/net details for others as in WRTH 82 (NL) SA'UDI ARABIA SPLAJBC Libyan DS still from *1100 apx on 17930 15450 15415; BSKSA also hrd,
j on 17929 15449 (WBI 26/8) Libya was there first, so SA is the one doing the QRMing (gh) SÉNÉGAL OPTS makes these correxions to WRTH 82: 6045 1000-1800; 7170 incr to 100 kW. ES:

E FR 0600-0800(W), 1200-1400(W), 1800-1805. PT 1805-1820 AR 1820-1840. EG 1330-1345 (sic) SEYCHELLES As of 0900 18/8 FEBA off the air due to political problems; this has hap- (NI)
pened thrice in the short period of independence; back on since 1230 20/8 (Victor G UADX)
SINGAPORE A real oddity: on 5955, the first lutharmonic of BBCFES 11910 is regularly audiH hie with the *1345-1429* bc in Burmese: VP to less than F; had totally baffled me since
first hearing 18/8; after exhausting all ref material, started doing arithmetic. 11910 is always reliable and quite -- tho far from overpoweringly -- strong (Bob Hill, CA) I

have been vy frustrated lately in attempts to rx R Singapore on 11940; now at 1530 I get another dose of RSP&P until 1600 on 11940 (Steven R Lare, MI, 24/8) & see USSR SOLOMON ISLANDS New bc complex of SIBC opend at 0630 Sat 7/8 and the speeches etc were

relayed on 5020 (Arthur Cushen, DXT) SOMALIA 23/8 R Mogadishu, HS in SM *0300 w/NA on 6790; G sig until 0345. Per WRTH they Q accept recordings, so a good opportunity to QSL them (Steven R Lare, Holland MI) G here

at 0305 13/9 on 6790.1 (gh) SOUTH AFRICA R RSA S82 EG: 0200-0257 USA & Canada 15325 *11900 9615 all 305 0 and *5980
E 3200 . 0300-0427 E&C&SAf 9585 170 , 7270 4990 3230 all 7°, and *5980 20°. 0630-0730 WAf/ EAf/Saf/UK/Ireland 17780 & 15220 340°, *11900 350° , 7270 7°. 1100-1157 & 1300-1557 C/E/ WAf/UK/Ire/ME 25790 340 0 , 21535 & 15220 7°, 2100-2157 WAf/UK/Ire *17745 350°, 15155 9585
7270 340°. *=500 kW, rest 250. LAm svc: 2200-2257 PT 9580 260° , *6065 264°; 2300-0057

SP 9580 260°, 6160 2700 , *6065 240° (R RSA via George Poppin) It adds, 9580 subject to dhange (gh) R RSA to NAm 0155-0254 began S82 on 5980 9615 & 11900 but by 15/9 had switched to 11730 to avoid Turkey on its extended sked and Moscow LAm svc; good choice (Richard E Wood, MO) 9615 OK, but 11730 & 5980 lose out to two stns 5 kHz higher: Kiev & WYFR/VOFC resp (Bruce Tindall, Chapel Hill NC) So 15325 not actually in use yet? Never hrd here(gh)
t hope list loggers don't fall into trap of thinking they have Colombia on 6160 (Bunn) SPAIN Another 008 fq for REE: 21780 4/9 1529 1530 5-pip TS, 1531 ID in passing; weak, but
hrd since at various day times stronger (gh) When tuning to Hello America at 0150 23/8 ' X from R Japan, I hrd instead SFR DX show on 21645, u/Af drum sec; new fq? (R Horvitz, RI)
More likely some mixing product (gh) Spain's director general of radio & TV, Sr. Carlos
Robles Piquer, who has held the job for only 8 months, has resigned. His replacement is
Sr. Eugenio Nasarre Goicoechea (Ricardo Dibenedetto, Bs As, LAM)
SWAZILAND TWR S82 EG to SAf: 0430-0445 5950, 0445-0630 5950 11760, 1200-1400 7295, 1600-
E 1700 7210, 1800-2015 5055. E&CAf 1600-1700 11740, 1800-1845 11740 (TWR via Peter Bunn, RA DX 29/8) 2/9 I'm listening to TWR on 7925, 0356 IS, EG IDs 0400 rig pgm, 0430 ID &

Page 23

tabs but not fqs ment, more relig pgm. Fairly strong sig, nice and in the clear. Still going at 0500 when a 5-digit Spanish woman numbers station was also on the fq, non-repeated. Coincidence? What gives? (Mike MacCollum, IN) Yes, t think another instance of punchup error, 7295 intended (gh) Radio SR back on 3223 ex-4980, TC & EG ID 2100, VG 21/8 (Craig Seager, ADXN) There are no SW ox bes from this country. SBS has been off the air since the king's death; TWR & SCR continue w/canned bcs as if nothing has happened. SCR at M 1630-1830 on 4980, 1830-2030 3223, 1377 MW after 2000; FM loes to 2300*; at 1830-2000 M-F MW has EG religion, for the first time, noti/SW (Richard Ginbey, RSA, RNMN 9/9) Obviously hosting a TWR station jinxes a monarchy; fortunately, I know of no royal Guamanians or Antilleans, but should a leader of those isles die, remember this... (e) SCR, Radio SR, E *0255 pop Af mx IS, 0300-0500 M DJ, EG, pop EG ox, ads, Ms "Radio SR, the International Sound"; R Paralelo27 at 0500-0530 f/out, PT, nice ballads, ads, ID clearly; reception G several times in Aug (Ron Howard, CA) But on what fq? (gin) SWEDEN R Sweden 582 EG as slightly modified 26/9: 0230 9695 11705 NAm, 17840 SSB North E Pole. 1100 9630 Eu, 21610 ASZ. 1230 15190 EAs, 21690 Af. 1400 21615 Nam, 21700 SAs. 1600 1179 Eu, 6065 Eu, 17840 SAs, 1830 1179 6065 Eu, 15240 Af. 2100 11955 ME, 15240 Af, 2300 1179 Eu, 9695 11705 NAm. Swedish HS on SSB: 0630-0800 21550, 0800-0930 Sat/Sun on 21550, 0930-1800 21555, 1800-2130 21645. Also SD ES 2330-2400 & 0200--0230 17840 (RSI) The DS "Eko" pgm in SD at 1700 since 26/9 is to NAm 21605 ex-ME 15185 (SCDX 14/9) SWITZERLAND Once it has been decided that the installations of RSI in the town of SchwarzP enburg cannot be built in the face of opposition by ecological groups, the Swiss PT is looking into other possibilities. The modern transmitters which have just been put into service do not funxion satisfactorily through the antequated antennas. SRI director has stated in an interview that they are thinking of obtaining transmission time on foreign
stations, either in exchange or by rental. Negotiations have taken place with Radio Canada International, which could put its transmitter sites at the disposition of the Swiss
as from 1983. RCI is just as interested in better distribution of its programe in Europe as SRI is in better reception in NAm; and Canada has reiterated in the last few years its desire to cooperate with European external broadcasters (ORE Spanish DX via LADX) SRI S82
: 0145-0415 6135 9725 11715 15305. 0430-0630 9725 11715. 0600-0645 15430 17715 17840. 0700-0930 9560 15305 21520 21695. 1030-1300 15430 17795 21520 25780. 1315-1515 15305 . 17830 21520 25780 21570. 1530-1800 15125 17830 21570 21520. 1815-2030 15415 11830 17850 21570. 2045-2245 15305 17830 17850 21520. 2300-0130 15305 17830 17850 21520. 0500-2245 3985 6165 9535. Red Cross Wing Svc: 25 & 27/10 0600-0700, 1130-1230, 1700-1800 721CIPTT) TAIWAN It appears that since the end of May, mainland China has reduced its blocking opJ erations (what an elegant way to say jamming--LADX ed.) against pgme in Chinese transmitted from Taiwan and Russia. This may be due to a change in the foreign policy of Red Chi na or to problems with the xmtrs because of mid-May flooding. Anyway, it has recently been possible to listen to clear reception from the Central Broadcasting Station. There are three pgms in Chinese: 24h on 6040 7150 7250 etc. 24h on 6180 11755 7105. Nx & mx pgm at 0955-2200 on 9630 6087 (NHK DX via Aug LADX) WYFR 582 via VOFC: 1200-1600 9765 E to China, final hour in EG. India 1400-1700 15225 entirely in EG (NL) TANZANIA Natl Svc in SH reactivated on 9750 0300-2105 116105; 4785 unhrd (Ginbey, RNMN 16/9 TURKEY 582 TRT in TE: 0400-0700 7105 11770. 0355-0700 9615. 0700-0900 15125, 0700-1000
11955, 0700-1700 15220. 1000-1700 11955. 1700-2200 7155 9660. 2300-0250 11900 17760. The last xman is not on the air Tuesdays (NewSpot 27/8) VOT in TK 0200 on 11900 mixed w/ R Magallanes 10/9, but no sign of RSA. TRT 7185 0255 14/9 IS and s/on to Turks abroad, E mixed BBC (Richard E Wood, MO) VOT EG to NAm on new 11900 2200-2250 surprisingly great signal 15/8 (David R Alpert, New York NY) cf Sept LN, look out for new 0300 EG xmsn (gin) TURKS & CAICOS ISLANDS Fed up with stalemate over R Mart, William Kitchen and James Slam
P ghter, owners of Quality Media Corp., Columbus GA, are building their own stn to beam ox, · mx and chit-chat to Cuba. They are convinced private bcers can do a better job than the
govt. They are building 3 new stns on South Caicos, about 300 mi from Cuba, expect to provide a service to Cuban people and even make money. ONE believe their new stn operat-
ing outside US and w/out govt support, can avoid Cuban retaliation. FM stn and one of AM would be in EG w/religious pgm, second AM in SP for Cuba. Plans to sell time to private organizations but refrain from editorializing (Norman Black, AP, via Ted Powers, Rusty
Serenberg, and DXSF) On 9/7 Kitchen confirmed your report that they had decided against SW; "plans have changed". Would not confirm 1030 and 1570 AM fqs as 'this recent jamming
has made all our plans indefinite'. QM is an 'interesting' operation (Ted Powers, GA) Caicos Beacon due on 1/12 with 50 kW EG 1570, 50 kW SP 1020, Creole on FM (Chris Martin, NZDXT Aug) In a 16/9 RNMN interview Dan Dunnigan of OPC said their SP to Cuba on 1030 would be non-political; implied a third MW xmtr would be the "R Martr" (he kept using "R marti" as a generic term for this type of opn). OPC has been talking to Cuban exiles in Miami and this would operate from there as voice of the Cuban community. While he said they had authorization from T&C Governor General and Council to put on stn there, he hedged when queried if they had authorized them to radio-marti.bCing 31/8via SWNS also riL ports that QIIC would accept compensation for allowing the USG R Marti to use its 1610 Anguilla fq. No doubt it came as a surprise to the USG that there Itel such a stn... (gin) UGANDA Your reports are being carefully studied by our technical experts and do hope to P rectify all the faults to give our esteemed listeners in Northern America a clear signal and enjoyable pgm to listen to (A P Lawoko, Dir of Wing, Kampala, via George Poppin, CA)
Page 24

USSR Soviet ES in EG, exceptRTashkent & RMWS pgms, expected to move one hour later

E from 1/10 for the next 6 months, so R Moscow NAm svc 2300-0400 & 0400-0800; Vilnius 2300

T -2330; Kiev 0030-0100 & 0300-0330; Yerevan 0352-0358. Happened on MIS DX pgm GMT Sun

X 29/8 0424 on 9600 etc. Anyone have full current sked? (gh) R MDSCU SP DX pgm to LAm is

on 1st & 3rd Mons (Tue UTC) of each month in the "Interlocutor" pgm between 0030 and 0100

on 9795 12010 12035 15110 15470 15500 l7880 (Daniel Peloni, Argentina, Sept LA-DX) Armen-

ian R ES in AM hrd from 5/9 on 11805 ex-15550 at 2030-2100 (WBI 9/9) Soviet ES rx 300,000

letters per annum (RM GB&I svc 20/8 via WBI 26/8) RSP&P EG 15/9 1530-1600 on 11940, P w/

same old BS amazingly like R Moscow (Kirk Allen, Ponca City OK) Also noted in EG 1315 ID

H 21615 12/9. EMS 12/9 1821 on 24800, almost //11840; 4 x 6200? (gh) Have noted daily

spurs from Pet-Kam 4485 1000-1500 + 21.2 kHz at 4463.8 & 4506.2 (James W Young, CA, 17/9)

SAE ME Ron new 17830 0530 EG #17715 (Jeff Reeves, WA, SEC Sept) 15330, full ID in EG

E 0356, VG (Jim Webb, Manaku NZ, NZDXT Aug) Typo? Consistently on 153Q0 here, 16/9 0330 (gh)

UKOGBANI RApollo and one or two others are lining up tests for NAm DXers but some

C should also help reception in ANZ/SPac (John Campbell, NZDXT) Possible test de R Apollo,

12/9 0500-0600, in order of likelihood, fq will be 7320, 7340, or 7325 (Gregg Bares, DC)

Not hrd; 7320 had vy weak stn w/pno mx, but no ID before f/out; 7325 & 7340 blocked by

U utility QRM (Kirkman Baxter, WBOAXX, KS) BBC Daventry LSB feeder 9103 30/7 0015-0415,

L LAm svc in SP # 6838 A3H, apparently new fq (R J Lewallyn, DX S FL) Oct brings lots of

pgm changes on BBCWS; 5111 details in RIB, but of particular interest here is the expan-

sion of Waveguide from 5 to 10 (9?) minutes, requiring resked to: Mon 0915, Tue 0100, Wed

X 0430 & 1735: "It can...also give news about other radio stations." The BBCWS looks at it-

self on its 50th anniversary, in a 5-part series Mons 0315, Mons 1415, Thurs 1015 (ex 7th

1030), Fris 2145. Daily Commonwealth Games spls thru 9/10, 0745 & 1015, 1430 & 2115. Do-

rite has LAm mx on Fiesta, Sats 0330, Tues 0830, Fris 0630; Music from Wales Weds 0215 &

0945, Fris 0530. As for fqs to N&CAm, 21710 at 1300-1745 but not 2000+; Creenville 0030-

0330 on 9505, a change made some time ago. 9410 at last admittedly for here but only at

0230-0630. 25650 still on until 1515, but not for NAm (Oct London Calling, gh)

U S A WRNO: Contrary to plans in Sept LN -25, conflict w/Moscow..Cuba at 2300-0200 avoided

X by using 11965 instead, with 9615 possible replacement w/MUF decline. So WORLD OF RADIO

remains Suns 2330, and GMT Suns 0230 when on 6155, but the Tues 1900 repeat is dropped. I

hope most like this arrangement and would appreciate reports from all over NAm on how re-

ception on these two airings compares. The pgm, however, does not issue a QSL. Thanks. If

WRNO is carrying a west-coast Sunday afternoon football game after DST ends, chances in-

crease that the Sunday repeat of W.O.R. be preëmpted. Some listeners have missed W.O.R.

on either airing by not staying tuned, as WRNO sometimes finds it necessary to start the .

tapes late. Meanwhile, they've finally got permission to simulcast FM-100, resulting in

a considerably different sound and lots of local New Orleans ads (gh) Sun 0230 6155 a

great success and should get better w/longer mites; good idea keeping 2330 too (Newkirk)

R Miami: More info on SW application: Ant will be corner reflector, law gain w/hi P takeoff angle of 12 0 ; 60° beamwidth, main lobe S; 6-17 MHz range; operating cost first
year projected at only 8500,000 (Roger Stubbe, MCJI3 ax Party Line 30/8 via Sept RIB)

WYFR: Was definitely 00B on 15460 in Late Aug but apparently went back to 15440 for 582

(gh) spur moving back and forth between 21907 & 21910 #21615, none on lower side, 1900

E (Mitch Sams, AR, 7/9) Contrary to sked, noted eves in EG on 6065, ex-9715? Canadian fqs

carry PT service 1900-2000, 11830 (gh) See Also TAIWAN, previous page

VOA: New chief will be Kenneth Tomlinson, Reader's Digest senior editor, 38, A-OK w/

rightists, winning out over Charles 2 Wick's first choice Michael O'Neill, former editor

of NY Daily News, considered to be too liberal (Evans & Novak, NY Post 2/9 via Frank Eg-

bert & David Alpert) VOA advertising for help in the news dept; 7 yrs journalistic ex-

perience requirea, area expertise & lang skills important; immediate openings in LAm &

SAs (Classified ad in 23/8 Broadcasting via MacHarg) VOA frequency division at Washington

provides a guide in graph format showing xmtr site, power, also for AFRTS, UN, OAS, RIAS.

It's just like the one the verie signers use, so order now: (hi) (Nolan Stephany, Willi-

E amson NY) VOA advises that 00B fqs are 9840 Eu EG 0500-0700 500 kW; 15880 [sic, should be

15580] FR Af 0500-0630 500 kW, Eu 1500-1800 250 kW; 17640 50 kW 1100-1800 Eu, 1830-2230

Af, 0000-0400 ECarib&SAm; 21840 1200-1600 Eu 50 kW, all from Greenville (Arthur Cushen,

NZ, UADX; SCDX 17/8) The 00B channels are intended for general reception worldwide, avoi-

n ding QRM within the bands (Warren G Richards, Fq Div Acting Chief via Craig Seager, NSW,

ADXN) VOA on full AM 0030 15653

17640 (Jim Conrad, LA,17/9) Spanish numbers 0207-0222*

C 22/8 on 15652. I maintain this is via VOA Greenville, as used 2300 on feed to MW Antigua

based on sig level, audio compression, mod and fq similarities. As a lark, I've written

for a QS1 (Terry Krueger, FL, DXSF) SSB VOA feeder w/Af svc on 158771/2 2130 (Joe Hanlon, PA, 18/8) VOA G w/PT to Bz1 2310 on 5965 #9670, fast format so don't confuse Guaiba

(Geoff Cosier, DX-Australia) 5965 not in S82 sked for that svc (gh)

AFRTS: [Cf Aug UN-24] Oliver's 6300 unID was AFRTS feeder from Cvl to Philippines,

hrd here 0400 1/8 w/usual ox after baseball (Nolan Stephany, Williamson NY) What you hrd

likely punchup error for 6030, certainly not to Philippines; Oliver had classical mx,

which AFRTS might use only as brief mx filler (gh) NBC dropped Galaxy, Here's Morgan and

· People Poll. On AFRTS, Mutual's Decisions of the 80s, and ABC's Gordon Williams busi-

ness reports replace them (David R Alpert, NY, 7/9) AFRTS SSB 2103 11/9 on 13645, some

7 kHz below where last hrd on 22mb, about a second behind 17765, so multiple satl hop(gh)

Page 25

U Sited for 'broadcasts' of CG Comma Stn Portsmouth VA, NMN, as ancd 14/8: Offshore forecast 0400 & 1000 on 4, 6, 8; 1600 4« 2200 also w/Gulf Stream Location on 6, 8, 13. High seas forecast 2330 on 6, 8, 13. Exact USB fqs: 4428.7, 6506.4, 8765.4, 13113.2 (David
A Alpert) 30/8 at 0032 on 18113a, hrd KMZXDU on USB contacting inaudible KM2XDW, sounded like hams on their new band, anyone know for sure? (Mike MacCollum, IN) Experimental (gh) TIS: A Smoky Mtn ranger this summer marked a map at these locations for 1610 xmtrs: Cades Cove, Elkmont, Sugarlands, Cherokee Orchard, Clingmens Dome, Smokemont, Oconaluftee (gh) Brookfield Zoo, Chicago has a 1610 TIS w/1 min loop giving call 1011 3957, parking info (Tom Jasinski, Shorewood IL, IRCA D)0M 7/8) And a 1610 TIS at Devil's Tower Natl Mon-
ument WY, describing attraxions, dangers, call KOB 735, hrd up to 10 mi away (Larry Wild,
Aberdeen SD, NBC DX News 23/8) M AM Stereo: [See also CANADA] [Cf Sept UN-26] WNBC-660 NY is now 'Stereo 66' (John Ko$ kinda, Marblehead OH, 22/8) Besides the stns already reported, a Kahn ad in Radio World
mentioned WFBR-1300 Baltimore MD (an early stereo tester years ago) and WOWO-1190 Ft Wayne IN as also using their system; on 4/8 FCC type-accepted the Harris system, and WQXI-
790 Atlanta GA went on with it; WNOE-1060 New Orleans lAplanned to by 27/8 (gh) WSGN and WATV in Birmingham have ordered Kahn eqp and so has Vet just incase (Atlanta Constitu-
tion 8/9 via John P Frew, WYXC) WON-720 Chicago also bought Kahn (ibid.) 1JFIL-560 Philadelphia and KSL-1160 Salt Lake UT expected to go stereo w/Kahn by Labor Day. WAMI Nashville planed to convert to stereo in fall w/Magnavox system, not yet type-accepted (Electronic News 23/8 via Brett Saylor, PA, RIB) How about WRNO??? UPPER VOLTA Current RTVV sked: 4815 Mon/Tue/Wed/Fri 0530-0900, 1600-2400; Thurs 0530-0800 & 1600-2400. Sat/Sun 0700-0800, 1600-2400. 9515: Mon/Tue/Wed/Fri 1200-1400; Thurs/Sat/ E Sun 0800-1600. Nx in FR: 0630 M-F, 0730, 1000 Sat/Sun, 1200, 1300, 2000, 2230. SG Sunday
P 1330-1400. A 50 kW SW xmtr is planned for Ouagadougou (A Sommerfeld, NL) URUGUAY La Radio, Montevideo, on 12069 13/6 1730, political pgm, 2 x 6034.5 (Emilio Pedro
H Povrienic, Argentina, LAMM) SODRE 15273 G w/light mx, SP ID 0100 16/9 (Richard E Wood, MO) 9620 relays 1290 and 15275 relays 1050 at 0850-0300. Stns on 650 and 890 have no SW relay; 6045 always used by R El Espectador(810). 6035 stn sked 0800-0600 (D M Faccioli,
X Uruguay, NL) DX pgm from ham stn CX2SA, Saes 0340 on 7045, accepts taped or written cooA tributions. Addr: Ap. 477, Minas, Lavalleja (CX2 via Aug LADX)
VANUATU Port Vila, 3945 on late 31/7 w/local talks, sung ID 1324, "Radio...Radio...Radio
Vanuatu" to 1328*, vy strong (Matthew Francis, Tasmania, ADXN) VENEZUELA R Mara, Maracaico on 3275 23/8 0045 LAm pops, several clear IDs by M to 0100+;
no sign of Alagoas (Kevin L Meyer, Falls Church VA) R Nacional, 9529 1855* 23/8 w/full ID &NA; G sig, no ORM, why close down at 3 pm? (Gerry Bishop, PA) *0301 14/8 on 9530, in line w/sked on RN? N [Cf Sept LN]; also says xmtr at Campo Carabobo, tending to confirm
our suspicion that R Nacional had access to more than one SW xmtr site as in fact was hL ted in WRTH 75(SWNS) R Rumbos, Villa de Cura, 28/6 1015 nx on 9658 (Povaenic, LADKR)Tentative R Carora, 4908, at 0401* after vocal MA; again 1017-1022 c/off in mid song and did not return, 8/8 only, not since; hasn't this been inactive? (Bob Hill, CA, 21/8) R Tachire pgm 11/8 0135 on 4710//4830--a link for relay elsewhere in Venez? excellent sig; obviousE ly not Bolivia (Dario Monferini, Italy, Play-DX) Ecos del Torbes, 4980, 10/8 0301 w/EG ID
then usual SP pgm (Jack Jones, MS) Regulars are LV de Carabobo 4779, R Lara 4797, F-G after 0300 w/mx, SP IDs; latter to 0353* apx (Ronald P Kumetz, Jr., Elmwood Park NJ) VIETNAM Re BBCMIS VOV sked in Sept LN, 10180 has not been traced, nor had 7515 for several months, which it was supposed to replace. Lang Son came back on 6510, *1145-1245*, half in Viet, half in Muong; IDs say 49m. Lam Dong reactivated on 4215, *1200-1230* 'g-.1/2 Viet & Khmer-type minority lang. (Isao Ugusa, DX Front Line, Japan) Vinh Phu *1300-1330* on 4243; Nghe Tinh is prone to wander the lower half of 60m, hrd during our survey on 4813h at 1200-1315* (WOKS) Most consistent and strong Viet regional is Cao Bang, 6528v, *12001335*, full orchestral s/on mx, ID, anmts, much solo singing by woman; M/W/F runs to 1400* (James W Young, Wrightwood CA) Lai Chau, 5600 *1145-1300* 10/8 but drowned out 1215 by Voice of Malayan Democracy which runs to 1330* //6670 (Victor Goonetilleke, SL, ADXN)
E YUGOSLAVIA RY, 9620 hrd 30/8 2225 w/disarmament talk, severe RBI ORM (Gerry Bishop, PA) ZAIRE Kinshasa on new 7255 0100-0200+ // 15245 (Victor Goonetilleke, Sri Lanka, RNMN 26/8) LVZ 0430 7255/9770/11720, no sign of 15245/15350 for some time. R CANDIP on new 5090v to 2000*, ex-1900* (Richard Ginbey, NL) R Candip, 5066.5a, *0327-0400 carrier, wild hilife
percussion, FR M 0332 & W wi'Candip', more set, f/out by 0400; something on 3390 but unable to pull enough audio to see if it was the reported 11; 11/8 (Terry L Krueger, FL, DXSF) un. ID Russian stn on 5067 1820-1840 29/8 & 2/9, not Zaire (Giuseppe Zella & F Sandri, PlayDX) ZAMBIA R Zambia, EG ID E. Eu net, 25/7 1830-2200, poor (P L Cdlligaro, Udine, Play-DX) 27/7 same, good (Giuseppe Zella, ibid.) Genl svc now on 7250, 10 or 20 kW 0355+, probably un-
til s/off [when else? hi]. HS often on 7220 at 0500. ES still has problema w/50 kW xmtr, e.g. nom. 11880 misaligned on 12180, Sun 0550-0730*, new s/off time, while at night 9580 can also be hrd on stronger 9480 and weaker 9680. 6060 is the strongest ZBS sig, so may be the 250 kW xmtr (Richard Ginbey, RSA, NL) ES silent again, due to Zambian/South Afri, can talks? That's what happened during previous talks (Ginbey, RNMN 16/9) Fq for first two items above was 3295--and I meant to query--not Namibia? qv (gh) ZIMBABWE Ft Victoria, Radio One hrd on 1704 kHz at 0340 w/EG pops 10/7, 2 x 854 kHz, SINH PO 35433; Radio One, Umtali on 1960, 2 x 980 at 0345 111704 (Vashek Kor'inek, RSA, DSWCI)
ED. NOTE: We made it thru the alfabet but lack of space prevents unlDs, Clands, pirates, Publications & mist from appearing this month. Next page was held over from last month.
Page 26

V of Free Radio ICI Aug UN-27] I inadtertently omitted the fq for this one: 7310 (gh)

WCVU FCC pulled plug on John Hart's unlicensed 15-watter in Virginia Beach VA during its

first anniversary celebration 13/8 Friday. Agents feared WCVU would UM aircraft xmsns at

Norfolk Intl Airport; it already blocked siga from NC & MD stns. 25-year-old Hart, an auto

mechanic, operated the stn from a trailer park. It was on the air 3 nights a week, sponsored

.phone..in contests, taH .volunteer ancrs and aired net nxcasts picked up from a legit stn. "It

was good for the park," said Mike Freeze, asst'mgr of the Colonial Run Mobile Home Park. "If

people lost a dog or cat, they knew they could call and everyone in the park would get the

word." Hart, who started the stn as a hobby, received a written warning from Jerry Freeman,

Regional Engr-in-Charge of the FCC's Norfolk office. He could face $10,000 in fines and a

year in jail if convicted of illegally operating a radio stn. But Hart says he's trying to

find ways to get his 9[11 back on the air legally. Freeman said the FCC learned of the stn 3

months ago and used spi eqp to locate WCVU's signal (UPI 15/8 via Ken MacHarg, IN) FMI guess


Review of International Broadcasting brings you quick-reference up-to-date skeds of broadcasts in English, transmissions, programs

plus abundant listener opinion, equipment forums, full schedules of stations, BBC program in-

formation in advance, a Clear Channels column on MW pgm listening, transcripts of gh's DX re-

ports on RCI, thought-provoking articles. Every NASWA member should sample a copy of RIB,

for $1.25 US funds in North America, $2 US funds overseas airmail; subscriptions are US$15

by first class in NAm. Order from Glenn Hauser, Box 6287, Knoxville TN 37914

LA DXing, revised edition 1982, is excellent 118p softbound book, slightly larger than FWENDX compiled by Japan's "Radio Nuevo Mundo" group of LA DX enthusiasts. Emphasis is on detailed monitoring of stns, exact transcriptions of ID announcements, etc. Begins w/fq list of LAm loggings in Japan 1981-1982, which in trop bands is limited to stn's morning xmsns. A great many repros of stn logos and publicity material; 10 "DX .Ésimo" articles by Ralph W Perry, which are station portraits based on monitoring and personal contact. Full pgm skeds of sev-
eral stns; DX Dictionary with 300-item Spanish vocabulary, 150-item Portuguese, ami the com-
pilers obviously know these languages very well; DX calendar by date made up mostly of stn anniversaries and holidays in various countries. I recommend it highly for anyone interested
in DXing Latin America. US$6.00, no checks, or 12 IRCs for airmail delivery worldwide; order from Tetsuya Hirahara, 5-6-6 Nukui-kita, Koganei-shi, Tokyo 184, Japan (gh)

0TH Africa discontinued due to editor Miki Velai· being tied up with TV repair business; refunds were to be sent to subscribers (R RSA DX 3/7) Sorry to see this go. Miki's various DX

tapes to DX program such as DX Party Line have also disappeared (gh)

Backscatter Radar Unit Enters Production Phase, 3 page article from p. 68, Aviation Week & '

Space Technology, 16/8, by Kenneth J Stein, illustrated, on new US system being built in


Maine, explains how it works in language not extremely technical (via Joseph Buczynski, MA)

Monitoring the Falklands Crisis is gh's topic, for "DX Listening" in the September Popular lectronics, pp 94=g6, now on sale--hurry to get it before the October issue displaces (gh)

A Simplified Model of the High Latitude Ionosphere for Telecomunications Applications, Jan 82, 34p NTIA Report 82-93, sponsored in part by AF Geophysics Lab, Hanscom AFB, MA; order # P882-187196, $4.00 microfiche, $9.00 paper; order frcn: Natl Technical Info Svc, Springfield VA 22161 (Govt Reports Anmt & Index 30/7 via R Horvitz)
AM Receiver Performance for 10 kHz and 9 kHz Signal Spacings, Moir 82, 51p FCC technical memo, order # PB82-192576, same prices, addr and source as above.
Development of techniques to Assess Interference to the MP Broadcasting Service', Jan 82 60p NTIA ITS report, order. # PB82-194598, same prices, addr and source as above.
WETH 1981 edition, for anyone still interested in obtaining a copy, Radio West still has a number of copies remaining. Contact them at 3417 Purer Rd., Escondido CA 92025, phone 714742-2891 (Steven .R Late, MI)

Vational Anthems of the Wor14, ads Martin Shaw, Henry Coleman, T. M. Cartledge, published by Arco Publishing Co., Inc., 219 Park Ave S, New York, NY 10003. Many libraries have it. It
has all of the anthems--about 200! Even "Ilkosi Sikelel'i Africa" (The Bantu anthem). On the tropical bands especially, an anthem or IS is often a more certain ID than a crackly, undermodulated OM or YL aumbling in an unID lang. Of course, it helps if you read mx and play an instrument, but even if you don't, you can still show off and give the proper name of the anthem (Richard McVicar, July DR Ontario)

Equipment & Accessories Suppliers is the topic of Part IV of the SWL article by Bill Welsh, in Aug Amateur Radio CQ magazine, pp 66-71. Brief references by Bill Welsh to stores, maga-
zines, suppliers, other sources of help to radio hobbyist; also how and what to look for in a receiver. Part V in next issue, Loudspeakers, Earphones, Antennas & Ground (R Jordan, PA)
BC Radio Guide based on reader survey, from Nov will become monthly instead of fortnightly, and listings for CBC Radio and CBC Stereo will be separated. Price now $10 for 12 issues, or $18 for 24 issues 2 years; by first class, $25 a year. Visa or MasterCard OK; allow 6 irks to begin. "US subs payable in US funds". Addr: Box 320, Station A, Toronto Ont M5W 2.14 (CBC)
S DX Asspçiatjpn I sent $1 and have not received bulletin; nor replies to several f/ups. Nor did I rx anything for another $1 sent to AIDX before their merger. Wonder what they are doim
ith my dollar and if this is a widespread problem (Steven R Lare, MI) USINA undergoing big hange, new editor named (Mitch Sams, OMDC 1/8) Andy Newton is no longer associated w/U$DXA.
mbers & others desiring info on club status send SASE to Dave Snyder, 1137 E 12th St., Brooklyn NY 11230 (HCJB DX Party Line)

Page 27

Sam Barto, NASWA QSL Editor 489 King St. Bristol, CT. 06010 USA
Ever since he got the new rig -- ain't no one gettin
near thellr' (( shack"

ADMIRALTY ISLANDS: Radio Manus 2428 f/d form ltr. in 57 ds. for 2 IRCs. v/s Mi. John D. Isinii, Station Mànager( rynnt-OK).
ALBANIA: Radio Tirana 7065 f/d cd. in 96 da. for a FR rpt. (Michaud -QUE).
ARGENTINA: RAE 11710 aid "Logo" cd. w/ personal ltr. in 1 no. for an EG rpt.v/s Roxana Largai.(Plum-NJ). 9690 same in 21 de. for 2 IRCs. v/s as above plus Julio Lagos, Coordinator General.(Samuel-MAN). Radio El ?bind° 9710 cd. in 1 mo. for a SP rpt. and 2 Ins. v/s Amelia Ferreras. Sticker rcvd.(Kohlbrenner-PA).
ARMENIAN SSR: Radio Yerevan 17870 in only 28 mo:(Connell-CA).

ASCENSION ISLAND: Radio Atlantico del Sur 9710 f/d "Mae" cd. in 20 ds. (Darling-UK). same

* in 3 mo. for a SP rpt. and 2 IRCs.(Lazarus-LA). VOA 17830 f/d cd. in 20 ds.(Kohlbrenner

ASIATIC RUSSIA: Radio Moscow via Armavir 11700 f/d "TV Tower" cd. in 30 ds.


(Stepbany-NY). via Kenga 12060 cd. in 1 mo.(Gliksman-IL). same in 5 wks.(Valko-PA).

9580 via Blagoveshchensk w/ f/d "Moscow at Night" cd. in 37 ds.(Purdum,H1). 11790 f/d

"Red Square" cd. in 43 da. (Connell-CA). via Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky on 17700 f/d "Nat-

ional Economic Exhibition" cd. in 1 mo.(Orcutt-CA). via Khabarovsk on 12050 f/d "Lenin

Square" cd. in 37 ds.(Purdum-HM). 11770 f/d "Tretyakov Gallery" cd. in 30 ds.(Stephany)

AUSTRALIA: Radio Australia 17795 via Shepparton f/d "Black Swans" cd. in 13 ds. v/s Peter

Bainn, Director of Overseas Services.(Stephany-NY). 15115 same cd. in 13 ds. v/s Peter

Barnett, Director. (Connell-CA). 5995 via Lyndhurst f/d "Koalas" cd. in 1 so. (Plum-NJ).

VLR9 9680 via Lyndhurst f/d "Map" cd. in 38 ds.(Stephany-NY). VLH9 9680 f/d 'Hap" cd.

in 281 ds. for 1 IRC.(Palmersheim,MN).


AZERBAIJAN SSR: Radio Moscow via Baku on 15260 f/d "St. Basil's Cathedral" cd. in 27 ds.

BELGIUM: BRT 11695 and 21810 f/d cds. in 27 ds.(Palmersheim-HN). 11695 f/d ltr. in 9 wks.

(Plum-NJ). 17595 and 11695 f/d "Bosch and Memling" cd. in 23 ds.(Stephany-NY). KBC

Radio 6222 cd. in 152 ds. for 1 IRC.(Darling-UK).

BELIZE: Radio Belize 3285 p/d white "Map" cd. for 1 IRC. v/s J. Johnson.(Choroszy-ME).

BOLIVIA: Radio Illimani 6025 ltr. in 13 wks. for a SP rpt. and 1 IBC. v/s Mario Ortiz

* Ortiz.(Gliksman-IL). Radio Padilla 3480 personal ltr. in 11 mo. for a SP rpt. v/s Ammo-

nda Paredes.(Lobdell-MA).

BONAIRE: Radio Nederland 9895 f/d "Authenic Costumes" cd. in 9 ds.(Plum-NJ).

BRASIL: Radio Nacional do Brasil 17830 "Studio" cd. in 138 ds. for an EG rpt. v/s R. Hrwe-

dof.(Tekulve-01). 15290 f/d "Congress Hall" cd. w/ sticker in 137 ds.(Bryant-OK). 15290

* and 17830 f/d "Monument" cd. in 120 ds. for 2 IRCs.(Hosmer-H1). VOA 17740 via RadioBras

f/d "Golden Gate Bridge" cd. in 5 wks. after a f/up rpt.(Craighead-KS). same in 16 ds.

(Buer-FL). Radio Bandeirantes 9645 and 11925 n/d "Logo" cd. via registered mail in 1 mci

* for a PT rpt. and 1 IRC.(Palmersheim-HN). Radio Universo 6020 f/d personal ltr. and

prepared cd. in 34 mo. for a PT rpt. and ms.(Lazarus-LA). Radio Record 11965 form ltr.

w/ sticker in 3 mo. for a PT rpt. and ma. v/s Selma Maria Laite, Aasessoria de Gonna-


Page 28

BRASIL: Radio Cultura da Bahia 9595 p/d ltr. in 3 wk for a PT rpt. and 1 IRC.(Gliksman-IL). aud-QUE).

Estimad. Auditers

BULGARIA: Radio Sofia 15330 n/d cd. in 105 ds.(Mich-

via Ron doward

BYELORUSSIAN SSA: Radio Moscow via Minsk on 15540

Ks nuestro debar centes-

fid cd. in 3 mo.(Valko-PA). in 39 ds.(Palmersheim) tar tan amablo carta y tar-

CANADA: CHU 7335 p/d "Sir Sanford Fleming" cd.. in 32 jetas dende nes acuaa recibe.

ds.(Mayer-PA). CFRX 6070 p/d cd. in 11 ds.(Kohl-

de nuestra Onda Corta, a

brenner-PA). Radio Canada International 17875 p/d eor de la luveasa uistancia,

"Canada Council" cd. in 21 da. w/ pennant and

nes sentimes uaidom come

sticker.(Kimmell-ONT). same cd. in 54 ds.(Tekulve hermane.. Reciba cerdialee

-OH). 15235 same cd. in 1 mo.(Witte-CA). 5960

»eludes y nuestres sentimie:C-

cd. w/ pennant and sticker in 20 ds.(Michaud-QUE). tee de cengratulacion dol pissai

CANARY ISLANDS: Radio Exterior de Espana 15365 fid

y gerencia de la evIsara. Ate.

"World Cup" cd. in 1 no. for a SP rpt.(Plum-NJ).

Raul° eAIA,Kmlà


f/d "Las Meninas" cd. in 1 mo. for 2 IRCs.(Orcutt)

CELEBES ISLANDS: RR/ Ternate 3345 f/d IN form ltr.

in 40 ds. for an IN rpt. and ms. v/s Rusdy .Bachmid, Director. (Bryant-OK). same in 37 do.

for 2 IRCs.(Moore-HOND)...Hi Don. Thanks for the items in the letter.. .Sam.

CHINA: Radio Peking 17680 fil "Chairman Mao Memorial Hall" cd. in 20 ds. w/ tags.(Tekulve-

OH). f/d cd. wi bookmarks in 22 ds.(Kohlbrenner-PA). 17855 f/d "Great Wall in Autumn" cd

in 27 ds. w/ Panda bookmarkers. (Connell-CA).

COLOMBIA: Ondas del Darien 5085 p/d personal ltr. in 15 ds. for 1 IRC. v/s Manuel Cardona

Agudelo, Director General.(Mocre-HOND). Radio Guatapuri 4815 n/d ltr. in 9 wks. for a SP

rpt. and ms. v/s Sara Emilia Ballestas C., Corresponsal. Addr: Calle 17 #15-67.(Plum-NJ).

* Ondas del Orteguaza 4975 personal ltr. in 1 no. for a SP rpt. and ms. v/s Elizabeth David

de Santos, Gerente. Also rcvd. 2 pennants.(Lobdell-MA).

COOK ISLAND:Radio Cook Islands 11760 f/d "Logo" cd. in 22 ds. for 2 IRCs. v/s Nooroa E. Tan-

* garoa, Director. (George-NC). f/d cd. in 42 ds. for 2 IRCs.(Blom-NY).

COSTA RICA: Radio Ralo i 4832 p/d cd. in 16 ds. for an EG rpt. and 2 IRCs. v/s Francisco Bar-
abona.(Erickson-PA). p/d "Logo" cd. in 6 wks.(Barto-CT). in 4 no. for a SP rpt. and 1

IRC.(Glikaman-IL). in 6 wks. for 1 IRC.(Plum-NJ). in 150 ds. for ms.(George-NC). in 125

ds. for a SP rpt. and ms.(Stephany-NY). 6006 red,white and blue cd. in 16 ds.(Strandberg-

CUBA: Radio Moscow via Habana on 11840 f/d cd. in 47 ds.(Choroszy-ME). same in


D wks. for an EG rpt.Plum-NJ).

DENMARK: Radio Denmark 17770 f/d cd. in 3 wks.


(Palmersheim-MN). 11825 "Lovely Land" cd. .

in 15 ds.Erickson-PA). 15163 cd. in 12 ds.

(Stephany-NY). f/d cd. in 2 aks.Now have


all four parts for framing:(Falmersheim-MN)

ECUADOR: HCJB 15155 f/d "Hibiscus" cd. in 3

* wks.(Plum-NJ). Radio Jesus del Gran Poder

5050 p/d ltr. w/ pennant in 3 mo. for a SP

rpt. and ms. v/s R.P. Jorge Enriquez Silva,


Director.(Orcutt-CA). Radio quito 4920 n/d blue folder cd. in 1 mo, for a SP rpt. and

ms. v/s Alfonso Laso. (Plum-NJ). UD2I0A 7600

cd, ltr. and pennant in 27 ds. for 1 IRC.

v/s Romero Arellano Lascano, .:efe Division

Ayudas a la Navegacion. Addr: Casilla 5940,

* Guayaquil. (Darling-UK). Radio Popular In-

dependiente 4800 f/d cd. wi personal ltr.

in 6 mo. for a SP rpt. and ms. v/s Manena

de Villavicencio. (Lazarus-LA).

EGYPT: Radio Cairo 9475 "Mosque" cd. In 66 ds.

via Tony Fernandez in Puerto Rico

(Tekulve-011). f/d "Sadet Memorial" cd. in 2 mo.(Plum-NJ). cd. in 99 ds.(Michaud-QUE). ENGLAND: BBC 15070 n/d "Bridge" cd. in 11 wks.


Dear Mr, James B. Doug-lass

This card verifies your reception of

The Lebanese Broadcasting System. Beyrouth,


on 17 Avril__Ia80

at Cl . 2F



ENGLAND: Radio Hexagon Inter* national 6245 ltr. and prepared cd. in 7 ds. for SASE. v/s Mike Hayes. Program was via the facilities of South Dublin Radio.(Darling-UK)...
Shouldn't this be Ireland??? * Radio North Staffordshire
6250 paper cd. in 30 ds. for SASE. 15 watts!(Darling -UK). * Radio Poacher International 7374 n/d personal ltr. In 15
ds. for an SASE.(Darling -UK). * County Radio 6275 cd. w/ ltr.
in 65 de. for SASE. 10 watts! (Darling-UK). EUROPEAN RUSSIA: Radio Moscow




$ & L1 1NÑn<

...... ..........

Confirming your reception of Station:

CHNS 960 Khz
e CHNX 6130 Khz

10,000 500

CHFX 101.9 Mhz D 100,000


Broadcasting 24 hours daily [English Language]
Ce 4444

15100 via Moscow f/d cd. in 1 mo.(Orcutt -CA). 15510 cd. in 3 mo.(Valko-PA)., 15440 via Ryazan f/d cd. in 39 da. (Palmersheim-MN).

4, ·

FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY: Deutsche Walla 9650 f/d "EDXC Contest" cd. In

54 ds.(Munster-ca)...Thanks for the items.. .Sam. 6085 same f/d cd. in

3 wks.(Samuel -MAN). 11865 cd. in 3 mo.(Plum-NJ). Radio Liberty 21510

* via Holzkirchen p/d "hap" cd. in 14 ds.(Buer-FL). Radio Concorde Inter

national 7395 cd. w/ ltr. in 32 ds. for 2 IRCs. Transmission was via

Radio Hotel Amigo in Holland. v/s Chris Rogers.(Darling-UX)...Holland??? 7 1 _7.

FRANCE: Radio Atlantic 2000 7340 cd. in 41 da. for 1 IRC. 20 watts!(Darling). -


GABON: Radio France International 15435 via Movabi f/d "50th Anniversary" cd. in 1 no. w/ pannant.(Noonan -WI).

GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC: Radio Berlin International 11975 f/d cd. in 23 ds.(Tekulve-OH).
f/d "Rostock" cd. w/ sticker in 7 wks.(Plum-NJ). 17830 and 21465 f/d "Neubrandenburg" and "Erfurt" cds. in 6 wks.(Barto-CT).

GHANA: GBC 91 4915 f/d "Logo" cd. in 61 ds. for 2 ERCs.(Connell -CA). GREECE: VOA 9770 via Ravala f/d cd. In 6 ds.(Plum-NJ). Voice of Greece 9865 f/d "Rhodes" cd.

in 11 wks.(Plum-NJ). Radio Station Makedonias 15040 f/d "Chios"

cd. in 6 wks.(Lobdell -MA).


GUYANA: Guyana Broadcasting Service 5950 f/d itr. in 83 ds. for 2 IRC

HAWAI/: WWVH 10000 p/d "Aloha" cd. in 25 ds. v/s C.L. Trembath.(Pur-

dum-MI). 15000 f/d "Houkelea" folder cd. in 24 ds.(Stephany-NY). HOLLAND: Radio Nederland 17605 f/d cd. in 3 wks.(Kohlbrenner-PA).

* Radio Nova International 7290 personal ltr. in 18 ds. 10 watts!

* »0700-1100*(Darling-UX). Radio Mebo 6225 ltr. in 20 ds. for 1 EEC.

* (Darling-UK). Radio Tropical International 6260 f/d ltr. in 27 ds. for 1 irc.(Darling -UK).


HONDURAS: HAVC 4820 "Logo" cd. in 8 ds. v/s Cindy L. Maradiaga. Since receiving the gst I have visited the station. She is a very frie-


ndly person. (Moore-HOND)...OK You bet! I know you Don. Hi!. .Sam. HUNGARY: Radio Budapest 9585 "Logo" cd. On 29 ds.(lekulve-OH). 11910

f/d cd. in 21 ds. for 1 IRC.(Mayer -PA). 17710 cd. in 51 ds.(Palm-

ICELAND: ISBS 13797 (/d cd. in 2 wks.(Bishop -PA).


INDIA: All India Radio 11620 f/d "Chandra Palace" cd. in 78 da.(Choroszy-ME). 15110 f/d "Flora Fountain" cd. in 3 mo.(Barto -CT).

IRAN: Voice of Revolutionary Iran 9022 f/d cd. in 62 ds. for a taped rpt.(Michaud-QUE).

ITALY: RAI 9575 and 11800 f/d cd. in 228 ds.(Michaud-QUE). 9575 f/d "Giorgione" art cd. in

* 21/2 mo.(Plum-NJ). Radio Pace 15473 p/d ltr. to 6 wks. for an KG rpt. v/s Tim Holme.(Bis-

JAPAN: Radio Japan 17755 (/d "Wisteria Flowers" cd. in 18 ds.(Rose-CA). 15325


fid "Kokeshi Dolls' cd. in 55 ds.(Connell-CA) /16in F40 cd. in 37 ds.(Clifford-FRG).

3330 kc. 7335 kc. 14670 kc.

9505 cd. in 24 ds.(Tekulve -OH) JAVA: Voice of Indonesia 11790
p/d "Jatijajar" cd. in 90 ds. for an El? rpt.(Stephany -NY). same in 96 ds. for 1 IRC.(Hos mer -MI). "Balinese Couple" cd. in 6 mo. for 2 IRCs.(Purdum). KAMPUCHEA: Voice of the People of Kampuchea 9695 fid cd. in 380 * ds.(Gavaras -MN). same in 16 mt, (Gunderson-KY). KENYA: Voice of Kenya 4915 f/d ltr. in 6 mo.(Huniwell -NJ).
Zede4 Del Paco

Pa ge 30

KENYA: Voice of Kenya 4915 f/d ltr. in 18 de.(Blomffl).
in 22 de. for 2 IRCs.(George-NC). KOREA. PEOPLES REPUBLIC: Radio Pyongvana 15230 f/d cd.
after 14 tries in only 64 years(!) in 42 de. for ma


Pennant rcvd.(Connall-CA). KOREA, REPUBLIC OF: Radio Korea f/d "Mask" cd: in

16 ds.(Stephany-NY). LEBANON: Voice of Hope 6215 f/d cd. in 20 ds. w/
sticker for 1 IRC.(Kohlbrenner-PA).
LESOTHO: Lesotho National Broadcasting Service 4800 f/d "hag" cd. in 97 da. for 2 IRCa.(Connall-CA). cd. in 9 wka.(Wilkins-00). cd. in 34
mo.(Gunderson, KY). LIBER/A: ELWA 11830 f/d "Studio/Antenna" cd. in 14
years for 3 IRCa. v/s F. Manual.(Palmarsheim,MN). VOA 6045 via Monrovia f/d cd. in 10 da.(Kohlbrenn-
er-PA). 17870 cd. in 28 ds.(Tekulve-OH). LITHUANIAN SSE: Radio Vilnius 17870 f/d cd. w/ personal
Itr. in 130 da. for 2 IRCa. v/s J. Lukosevicius, Editor
in Chief of the English Section. (Bryant-OK). same in 107 da for an KG rpt. (Connell.-CA). LUXEMBOURG: Radio Luzambourg. 6090 f/d "Antenna/Seal" cd. in 165 da. for 2 IRCs. Stickers rcvd.(Bryant-OK). 15350 cd. in 3 mo.(Choroszy-ME). MALI: Radiodiffusion Nationale du Mali 5995 "Africa Map" cd. In 1 yr. for a ft rpt. and 2

* IRCs.(Gavaras-MN). MALTA: IBRA Radio 9515 via Radio Maditerrean f/d "Copper Artwork from Zaire" cd. In 16 de.
Rcvd. a 381 sked(!) and a stick pin.(Staphany-NY).
MANCHURIA: Heilongjiang PBS 5950 via Harbin f/d cd. via Peking in 28 da. for 2 IRCe.(Bryant * -OK). f/d "Gate of Heavenly Peace" cd. in 1 mo.(Palmersheim-MN). 4925 same cd. in 17 die.

via Puking. (Bust-FL). MONGOLIA: Radio Ulan Bator 12070 f/d "Logo" cd. in 81 da.(Stephany-NY). same in 42 da. for
2 IRCa which were returned. (Bryant-OK). cd. in 3 mo. for 1 IRC.(Witte-CA). cd. in 21 wks (Wilkins-CO). cd. In 115 da. (Manning-TX)
NAMIBIA: Brdio SWA 4965 f/d "Aloe Dichotoma PlaTIZIT=in 184 da. for 2 /RC..


(Connell-CA). lid cd. In 28 dc. after 2 f/up rpts.(Kohlbrenner-PA). NEPAL: Radio Nepal 9590 f/d "Logo" cd. in
20 da. (Witte-CA).

NEW IRELAND: Radio New Ireland 3905 f/d personal ltr. in 3 wks. for 2 IRCs. v/s J. Malisa,

* Provincial Station Manager.(PalmersheimmMN). NIGERIA: Voice of Nigeria 3326 f/d "Rememberance Arcade" cd. in 7 mo.(Barto-CT). Radio Karam

7145 f/d form ltr. in 29 wka. for ms. Sticker rcvd. v/s C.O. Akinola, Acting Chief Tech-

nical. Officer. (Wilkins-00). FRCN 6050 via Ibadan f/d form ltr. in 340 da. for ms. (Choro-

NORWAY: Radio Norway 15135 f/d cd. In 38 4.. (Council-CA). 11870 p/d "Boated" cd.


* in 25 da. (Miller-WI). Radio Confusion International 7340 cd. and ltr. in 1 mo. for 1 IRC.

PAKISTAN: Radio Pakistan 13605 f/d "Winter in Muree" cd. v/ personal ltr.


in 47 ds. for ma. v/s Malik Ali Chaudhary, Deputy Controller (Bryant-OK).


87,aeliodtfureiwwa, Rentinib

Sepik 3205 personal ltr. * in 1 yr. for ms. v/s Raka

1960 QSL

f1às. 4,prstaCci tu

Salmi, Station Manager.


PARAGUAY: Radio National

Short we»:

15.250 Ken 11.937

11914 p/d ltr. in 1 mo.
for a SP rpt. and 2 IRCa. v/s Carlos Montaner, Jefe


Tecnico.(Orcutt-CA). sans

9.254 6.2 10 5.980

Medium -aye'







in 19 du. for a SP rpt. and ma. (Bust-FL). 11915 form ltr. in 22 dc. for a SP rpt. and 1 IRC.
(Staphany-NY). PERU: Radio DelPacifico 9675
cd. in 12 mo. for an KG rpt.(name7)


Z Y D 30

long waves


1.370 L. 4.935 kHz



Page 31

IPICATION SIGNERS: Radio Nueva America 4795 Roberto `41 NAnovet

..,-,,r· rrasco Velasco, Station Administrator, Radio Marumby ·':aeè BROADCASVING
blaenrdtasonCelDla. SRiAlIvaBuCkairdtotsion.ggiRad4i9o10LuYzulyChVaiiddair4.850RBI Sor. -`4.%,,,,,,,,, CCI.A.WIS.,S.,.,O,N....o,f........NA N(V1,,,·14./«.4


kanbaru 5886 Zaina). Abbas, Kepa la Stasiun. RBI Sur-
arta 4932 Mob. Hasjim Benny, Kepala Stasiun. ELWA , 30 Manuel F., Enginee ring Department. Ra di o RSA 3230;
Un Miller. La Voix du Zaire 15350 Lepambila Saye, recteur du Service Technique. Radio Alfonso Padilla
BOAmanda Paredes. Radio Fides 4845 Alfredo Zellas,
rector. Radio San Jose 5582 Luis Hurtado Salas.

Or · J..10 .1.I..
Z.Z.:...",; :er4r'"- '--. ..........


·.... .4. mi.

dio Panamerica 6105 Daniel Sanchez Rocha, Sub-Direc-


r. Radio Alvorada 3335 Myriam Figueiredo Bonilha. dio Cultura da Bahia 9595 Djalma Costa Lino. Radio

. ::....-. ::=:.

-..."7.:= .1.-=7:.:Ir.'.": "''''''

tura de Sao Paulo 1781$ Olim po Jose Franco. Radio
cadora da Limeira 2380 Luis Paulo Carita. Radio tura do Para 5045 Orlando Mendes Carneiro, Director iqruael.z RSialdviao, JeDsiursectdoerl. GLraanVoPzode dr el5R0i5o0 TRa.r Pq.uJior3g2e 85

''''¡::tr...:'..7..::".L';.:'! . .i..i',;...:'-e'r."-.7."''''''' ..«
r.nrr.r.-...zr.1:-.:::--.r...--:::::--zuz-7..-, `!
::::":«.:Ln.,,'..;.:=Z.,' ,.r..:=..,1:"..Z.=."=:'....:.

cia Pulla Callen. Radio Zaracuy 3395 Elsay Con C.,
Voz del Mapo 3280 P. Heriberto Alvarez 0., Directora.La Vox de Galapagos 4810 Remigio rade Gonzales, Director. Radio Lux 4890 Jaime Reina].. La Voz del Amambay 5995 Alberto
silo, Artistic Director. Radio El Espectador 11835 Jorge Cubilo, Director. Radio Valera 0 Carlos Julio Balsa, Director. Radio Reloj 4832 Francisco Barahona, Director. nks for all of your comments concerning this section of the QSL Report. I'm glad that se signers are helpful and that we can be of some use....Sam.

[IPPINES: VOA 17740 via Tin_ang f/d "Bridge" cd. in 19 da.(Stephany-NY).

M: Radio Polonia 15120 f/d "Lazienki Park" cd. in 67 de. (Bryant-OK).

,525 f/d "Logo" cd. in 7 wks. v/s Zdzialaw Frackiewicz, Editor. (Plura-N.3). -- _7_,-.. :·;:..U:82"' ame cd. in 64 de. w/ aticker.(Stephany-Ny).

UGAL: Radio Portugal 11925 f/d "Aquaria Vasco Da Gama" cd. in 18 da. for

IRCs.(Mayer-PA). Radio Renascenca 9525 cd. in 142 ds. for I LAC. (Darling- EillS3088

A). Radio Canada International. 11915 via Sines prepared cd. w/ petulant c. el e-c Fue le Irzl 37 da. (Warner-UK).

R: Qatar Broadcasting Service 15505 f/d "Map" cd. in 29 da . for 2 IRCs

-.A 1;11 1.0.1·1. n·

'nd a taped rpt. v/s Jaasim Mohammad Al Qattan, Head of Public Relations ,...,,,,B,.E .,,I,.R,,,,,A,,,,...,,

Ind Research.(Clifford-FRG). same cd. in ,,...... --.-,Nwev.1..mi-et·:-`...1-,i-2,·-,,····.-"-.7,0-·Z·tree,,Iiir7"-N

12 de.(Stephany-NY). cd. in 104 de. for '..,, 'IS- ;:_ ,,....,>,:, -.t '''....i., , ... 14:., '-, ·,16.,\..."..,w a4%.7· .

IRC.(DarLiag-UK). cd. in 59 da. for 2 :'·: '', ...· 7...,...; ,.

-·1_ , . ,';,,'ty.;·.- ;.,S, ···-">kç'c

RCs.(Palmersheise-MN). 17910 f/d cd. in · -,,nr` . -· ''i`'' '2'....

.- ' ->iïoit. '''' )..".

ll de. for 2 IliCa.(Lunna-VT).


NIA: Radio Bucharest 9570 f/d cd. w/ Ite

FS mo. (Roser-PA).

(Connell-PA). ;,..


-, ,.` -..,..Ps,,.,,.,.,.y,A`·--.·.,·a'N·'..4.-...t-..iL...e.,-4;.,'=:-'r4.--:




.1! ..

Y· "I4>..,'-, '.,!":..t..!).]

- ' ':;·,·e_. lAe-.1

DA: Deutsche Walla 9565 cd. in 63 da. -,. .-,... ....>

1.1: Radio Malaysia 5980 via Kota ICina-

.'······ `'

Xlu p/d "Map" cd. in 10 wks. for 3 iar-s , ·:.,1;..,:;.el

'Romanian Athenamm"

oe..7.:·:'· ',ee.·m;..'·*·I

/s A. Rahim Kahar. (Howard-CA).

.. · .11

', ,...,...1

·7,1LI.: Radio Senegal 7210 p/d cd. in 9 melk:7.il!''' .


Br a FR rpt. and ms.(Choroszy-ME).

1..,.c......<...e -.a-

--.·4. ,:1.s., .1

PORE: Radio Singapore 11940 f/c1 "SAY- ,, -4, «'·· ...,,.......!/-

-·'E---'i ier, À

Ina" cd. in 47 da. for 2 IRCs .(George- .._ ·;-·(-7-7-e;

-_e-le·e- l'h...


.4 ·· -

· ...................-b.

,-.,,.,..,,..e..,,a0.1, 7 N ISLAKDS: SIM 9545 f/d cd . In 23 cis !'"
Dr 2 IRCs.(Reinecker-PA). f/d "Logo" cd · 30 ds. for 2 IRCs.(Staphany-NY). cd. -

f·· a ',.-__-



··- ':· ·"".I. '7----.e1---.....-. --ii--

- -........v.- AI
,,,,_ A.· ,

1 24 da. for 2 IRCs.(11111er -W1).

_m ..t

. , ii-J ,i -.) -e. -«-;:e-·",4, 'm -Y.

1 AFRICA: Radio RSA 15220 f/d "King-



-' 11 -


Caber" cd. in 18 dn. for 1 IRC. (Mayer- ·

'1: Radio Exterior de Espana 9630


--L.a.is(,aT. edkaullvMeu-OnHd)o. da Futbol 82" cd. in 37

-- '

LANKA:. Adventist World Radio 11835 f/d

in 24 da. w/ pennant. v/s Jose Jacob

r. Host.(Stephany-NY). Radio Apintie 4995 f/d ltr. in 50

..r...r-f-'·:·--.--:- , '.. '

,1· for an EG rpt. and ma. v/s E. Very-


..- · . ..

irt, Director. (George-NC).

f.e. ...u. ...u.A.. .ar-· a.. .1.....d.-.. ........"Srer.. à,.i.r.:.'....... -.Mr*. r 451'

1---"Ile------MA·TkAaiLoAdYeACrCiuikiorta aài.

71:"1 0.4Y


Page 32

R c) SWEDEN: Radio Titanic


I 0

NI A --pit

International 7395 cd. w/ ltr. in 29 da. for 1 IRC.v/s Tim Cooper.

SWITZERLAND: Swiss Radio Inter-


W.A.Short-wave services of AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING COMMISSION Box D190 GPO Perth 6001

national 9725 f/d cd. in 23 ds.(Erickson-PA). 6135 f/d "SBC Building" cd. w/ stickers in .57 da
Also rcvd. a very large poster.(Moore-HOND). TAHITI: Radio Tahiti 11825 f/d "Conch Trumpeter w/
FR3 Logo" in 23 da. for a FR rpt. and 2 IRCs.
(Connell-CA). TANGIER: VOA 15205 f/d cd. In 94 ds.(Clifford-FRG).

9 6.0am Noe 6.0om elidniNM


Station STreW

TIBET: Lhasa PBS 9490 f/d cd. via Peking in 20 da.

for 2 IRCa.(Bryant-OK). TOGO: Radio Lame-Kara 3222 p/d multi-colored cd.

6·OamNo0n, 613.2.m Midnight

in 2 mo. for a FR rpt. and 1 IRC.(Glikaman-IL). 5047 f/d "Map/Logo" cd. in 53 da. for a FR rpt.


and 2 IRCs.(Palmersheim,MN). TURKEY: Voice of Turkey 9560 f/d "Spoonbill" cd. In


33 da. for 1 IRC.(Mbore-HOND). NOTES: Received a very nice letter from Don Moore

Honduras. Jik.d your comment about Ivan! If any of our readers would like to hear from Don, you

can reach him at Apartado Postal 3, Santa Barbara

SB, Honduras... .Ron Howard of Santa Barbara (in

Cfaolilfoowrnupiaretphoirstst.imeG)oodis luccakt.c.h.in.gRaunpdyonErwirciktsiong

who resides at Box 350, Morgantown, PA. 19543


would like to hear from anyone who has had success using

reception report forms. He is very interested in using a good one...Tom MCCas-

land of Kansas City, MO. is glad the summer is over. Be can't wait to get back

to the University of Kansas... .Ed Mauler Jr. /t was nice meeting you at the


ANARC Convention. Were you in the room when hotel security raided the place/ Hi! There had to be at
least 50 in that room....



UGANDA: Radio Uganda 15325 "Studio/Building" cd. in 222 da. v/s David R. Buga.(Tekulve-OH). same reply in 37
da. for 2 IRCs.(Mayer-PA). UKRAINIAN SSR: Radio Moscow 15455 via Simferpol f/d cd.


oN Í- 1 30 II



479 00


in 47 ds.(Choroszy-ME). f/d "Tretyak Gallery" cd. in
34 da. Report forms rcvd.(Mayer-PA). 15530 via IvanoFrankovsk f/d "Ostankino Television Tower" cd. in 42 ds.(Rigas-IL). 9665 f/d cd. in 30 ds.(George-NC).


Radio Kiev 9800 f/d "Dzerzhinsky Square" cd. in 7 wks.


(Plum-NJ).11735 f/d "Museum of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra" cd. In 52 ds.(Palmersheim-MN). 11770 f/d cd. in

43 da.(Hitsman-IA).

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES: Dubai Radio and Television 17775

f/d "Map/Logo" cd.

in 1 mo.(Plum-NJ).

same w/ pennant in

3 wks. for 1 IRC.



Espectador 11835

f/d "Logo" cd. in

7 mo. for a SP rpt

and 2 IRCs. v/s Jorge Cubilo, Dir-



Page 33

USA: VOA 15175 via Bethany cd. in 8
ds.(Rose-CA). 21485 cd. in 28 di. v/s V. Smith


(Takulve-08). 6020 via

Greenville f/d cd. in 2

wks.(Roser-PA). 9565

via Delano f/d cd. in

28 da.(Tekulve-08).

WYFR 21615 f/d "Logo"

cd. in 3 wks.(Barto-CT)

11830,9535,15365 cds.

in 62 da.(Tekulve-08).

9715 and 15365 f/d cds.

in 22 da.(Takulve-011).

9675 f/d "Logo" cd. in

17 da. for ms.(Mayer-

* PA). KOSS 7425 f/d ltr. in 45 da. for ma. v/s

Il Primo Microfono della Radio Vaticana

Frank Furter.(GavarasMN). Voice of Free Ch


via WYFR 5985 f/d cd.

w/ pin in 96 de.(Palm,

ersheim-MN). KGEI 15290 f/d "San Francisco" cd. in 67 de. for ms. vie Jesus C. Elizando.

Sired was also rcvd.(Staphany-NY).

USSR: Radio Moscow 9685 f/d cd. in 28 ds.(Tekulve-011). cd. in 47 da.(Hitsman-IA). 17885 f/d

"Tomb of the Unknown Soldier" cd. in 24 da. (George-NC). 11950 n/d "Olympic Stadium" cd.

in 43 di. for a JP rpt.(Connell-CA). 12060 "Logo" cd. in 69 da.(Rigas-IL). Radio Station

Peace and Progress 19mb. green "Logo" cd. in 40 da. (Roamer-MI). 17795 via Moscow as per

personal Itr.(Staphany-NY)...First time I've heard of P&P verifying a site.. .Sam.

VATICAN: Radio Vatican 15120 f/d cd. in 41 ds.(Connell-CA). 6015 f/d cd. in 20 ds.(Stephany)

VANUATU: Radio Vanuatu 7260 f/d "Tam-Tam" cd. in 31 da. for 2 IRCs.(George-NC).

VENEZUELA: YVTO 6100 n/d 'Logo" cd. in 2 an. for a SP rpt. and ma. which were returned. Ws

Cn. German Romero Ocando, Director. (Plum-NJ). Radio Yaracuy 4940 n/d ltr. in 2 an. for a

SP rpt. and ma. v/s Silva Vicanta. Addr: Av. Libertador Esquina calla 15, San Felipe.

(Plum-NJ). Ecos del Torbes 4980 n/d "Map/Flag"cd in 5 wka. for a SP rpt. and ma. (Plum-Ri)

Radio Rumbos 4970 and 9660 f/d "Pico

Bolivar" cd. in 6 mo. for a SP rpt. and

* ma.(Palmersheim-MN). Radio Frontera 4760

f/d cd. in 18 mo. v/s Modesto Marchana,

Director Gerente. (Bishop-PA).

VIETNAM: Voice of Vietnam 15010 f/d cd. w/

pennant in 4 mo. for 1 IRC.(Kohlbranner-

PA). 10080 f/d cd. in 172 da. for 2 IRCa

(Stephany-NY). f/d cd. in 105 da. for 2

IRCs.(Bryant-OK). 11693 f/d cd. in 15 mo

(Huniwell-NJ)....This was actually for a

report on Kampuchea Radio.

WALES: Radio Pluto 6240 cd. in 51 da. for am

* SASE. v/s Karen Dawson. (Darling-UK).

WEST IRIAN: RBI Jayapura 9610 f/d cd. in 45

da. for an IN rpt. and 2 EgCs. v/s flub-

sanad Ely.(Falmersheim-MN).

YUGOSLAVIA: Radio Yugoslavia fid cd. in 6

mo.(Gunderson-K1). 9620 f/d "Beograd" cd

in 198 da. for 2 IRCs.(Tutak-NJ).

ZAMBIA: ZBS 4911 cd. in 30 dB. for 2 ISCs.


This month we had @ 101 countries


reported to the QSL Column. Hope to hear from many more of


our readers next month.

Until then

Bast of DX and

keep the QSLs coming in... Sam.

Page 34

115 Vruxton Conroe, TX 77304

SEPI'EMBM,t 1982

Welcome to Scoreboard. This edition's Spotlight is on South America. Remember that C/B countries heard and CA! countries verified. All country counts and verifications are according to rules set forth in the NASWA Radio Country List and Awards Program booklet
available from Headquarters. Next deadline is 15 November 1982 for the December FRENDX. The Spotlight next time will be on Africa. Why not share your totals with us?

Na ,state


Don Jensen, WI John Tuchscherer, VI Ernie Behr, Ont. Irving Johnson, CA Bob Padula, Aust. Edward Kusalik, Alb. Al Sizer, CT Marlin Field, NI , Jerry Berg, MA
Dan Robinson, DC

227 226 226 224 202 224 72 220 213
217 202 216 214
215 212 214 211
213 173

S. AllariCit
CAI Cft Hest Jet



S. America

c/N C/V C/H C/V Best GIS g

15 15

V1,01.1, Cucare, PA 187 102

15 R. Qollasuyo Mark Warner, UK

186 147 14 13 R. Baha'i

15 14 Apintie

Mark Koukol, IL

184 155 13 11 Galapagos

15 2 Cayenne

C. Vernon Hyson, NC 183 164

13 11 EncarnacionJ. Florian, IL

183 119 /4 7Apintie

15 13 Demarara
15 14 Chantas

C. J. Orekar, Jr. CA 180 162 14 13

Scott McClellan, NI 180


14 14 El Tigzei Henry bard, Que. 179 154 14 12 Uruguay

14 14 R. Teleco Jerry Lineback, TX 179 104 13 10 Maranhao

13 12

Charley Hoffman, PA 178 147 14 13 Huallaga

Bill Sparks, CA

212 207 Vi 14 Encarnation Hadley Cress, VA 177 8 13

Tom Williamson, Ont. 210 193

David Reitz, KY

176 110 14 10 Panaseries

Terry Klasek, MC

209 202 15 15 Falklands Steve Reinstein, FL 176 82 14 10 Antena Lare

Tom Cavaras, B4

209 184 14 13 Galapagos John Huniwell, NJ 175 161 12 10 Apinte

Nobuaki Takahashi, ...Jap. 209 170 12 10

Mike Hardester, CA 174.152 14 13 Cayenne

Joe Dilao, CT

208 195 15 14 Paititi

Richard Davis, CO 174 147 14 13 Cruz del Sur

William Flynn, CA " tO8 186 14 14 Apintie

Terry Palmersheim, MN

Neal Perdue, AL James Koren, NC Michael Dayen, MN

206 55 15 2 Falklands

174 120 13 12 El Espec:adc

204 188

Brian Alexander, PA 173 73 14 5Bucaramaaga

203 170 15 13 R. Melodia Arnold Defeyter, MI 172 147 14 13 Galapagoe

Terry Krueger, FL.

201 118 12


Niel Wolfish, Ont. 172 109 14 7 El Tigre

Don Moore, PA/Hond. 200 145 15 13 Padilla

Gordon Blom, NY

171 141 14 12 Concepcioa

Al Niblack,

200 130

Jim Davis, CA

170 119 11 7

Chris Lobdell, MA

198 193 15 14 Carabobo Robert J. Vance, W. Germany

John Fisher, Alb.

198 161 14 13 Angostura

168 144 14 14 Galapagos

iilliam Krause, MN

198 143 13 8 HCJB .1kW Andy Leskowitz, MA 166 ioo 13 7 Apintie

Shalom Gliksman, IL 197 162 14 14 Abaroa

Andre Pineault, Que 165 136 14 13 Mamore

Dave Valko,. PA

19? 147 15 14 Falklands Jerry Johnston, KY 165 97

irett Saylor. PA

197 135 14 11 Falklands Stephen Leiter, MA 162 141 14 13 Galapagos

Srian Cartwright, PA 197 41

Walter Kunz, PA

162 75 14 3

..arry Abraham, MI like Ryan, CA >aul Buer, FL
im Uerlings, OR :enry Lazarus, LA ohn Sgrulleta, NY
on Howard, CA

196 176 13 13 Galapagos Morley Kirkland, Ont 160 142

196 164

Galapagos Dan McCarthy, FL 160 136 13 11 Apintie

193 176 14 12 Apintie

Robert Beaudoin, CT 160 125

193 48 14 2 Guyana

John Meyer, WI

160 117 11 5 Apintie

190 186 15 15 Padilla

Kevin Meyer, VA

160 111 15 14 Falklands

189 186 14 14 R. Nac.

John Kapinos, MA 159 133


James McClure, KY 159 92 14 5Guyana


11 R. P.+.en,,i, r1,41 91 ,

Page 35




ame, state
Charles Connell, CA Walter Dittrich, FL Bruce Ewenstein, NY Dave Maxfield, MI Baxter Hensley, TX Shaun McDaniel, IN Wm. R. Smith, DC Robert Viau, Que. Paul Choroszy, NE Daniel Viena, NH

Totals S. America C/H CA/ C/H c/v Best QSL

Name, state

Totals C/H C/V

15e 129 13 11 Cumbre

Jerry Schmidt, WI 73 48

155 129 14 10 Nueva Granda Robert Luke, OH 73 36

155 91 14 3 SIRS

James Lonsdale, FL 71 65



153 136 10

7 Surinam

Bob Gunderson, rei 70 49 William Dunham, LA 69 56

151 28 12 2 MCJH 26020 Peter Giacopelli, NY 69 50

146 75 13 8 Fr. Guiem, Don Warner, OH

69 32

144 126 7 6 B. Nac. Peru Eric Mayer, OH

68 39

143 107 13. 10

Antonio Fernandez, PR

143 7 13 1

66 30

S. America C/H C/V Beet qpi:
5 1 R. Bras 42
5 5 SAS
6 3 6 4 6 4
9 3 R. Brae

Tim Hall, CA
Fred Kohlbrenner, PA James Fordyce, NY Jim Hilliker, CA George Link, CA Ken Loh, AZ
Mac Leonhardt, IN Kenneth laTiSCOO, IN Nelson George, NC Edward Pyatt, GA

142 109
142 108 141 82 136 100
135 106 135 91 133 70 132 68 130 84 128 116

Jim Thornton, CA


Gene Eastman, TX

128 76

Timothy Noonan, WI

125 98

Raymond Whitzman, Glue. 124 103

Kelvin Watts, Aunt.

124 88

Austin Kelly, IL

121 83

Christos Rigaa, IL

118 87

Mike Brooker, Ont.

114 86

David Benner, IN

114 79

Pon Roemer, MI

112 74

14 10 Quillabamba Thomas MoCasland, KS

14 13 Abaroa

65 35 4 2 Brasil

13 5 Cayenne

Edward Overstreet, GA

13 8 Cayenne

62 50


Jack Nibecker, Jal., Mexico

12 8

62 39




Michael Monaco, NY 60 37 Rita Vernetti, Kwajalein

11 6 13 10 Amazonas

Brett Whysel, CT

59 51 59 31

5 1 HOJH 3 2

14 8
6 5
12 6
11 7 10 7 10 7
9 3

Paul Lerner, NY

48 41 5 4 HCJB

HCJB 26020


Thanks to all who contributed. Please

share your progress in the hobby with us

through Scoreboard.

HCJB 2602


If your name is missing, it means you have

Guyana SODBE

not submitted an update in the past year. We are looking forward to receiving your update.

Robert L. Woods, VA Rill Taylor, PA Jim Tedford, MI Gilles Michaud, Que. Leon Kanopka, NY Pete Grenier, CA Dale Park, HI R. N. Harrington, CO Bill Leal, Ont. Robert Fraser, MA ,
Norm Newhall, CT Daniel Sampson, WI Greg Hart, FL Nolan Stephany, MY Dan Miller, WI B. Benkovich, B.C. Nan Tedford, MI Alan Zeichick, ME Eric Jaderlund, WA Jim Shaver, OR

112 111

42 8.6

12 3 96

Chile HCJB 2602


111 111

68 56

11 5

Apintie Guyana

When you update, please update all totals so that all information is current.

110 87 12 7 CRE

Also mail in advance of the deadline to

107 74 8 5 Barouiaimento insure delivery by deadline.

105 29 8 1 HCJB 26020

104 64 101 66 10 7 Apinte

Thanks again. See you next time.

100 61 99 91

9 7 Galapagos



96 65 7 5 Juventud

96 44 8 2 Yaracuy

95 61 10 6 Apintie

95 17 12 1

93 52 10 6 RAE

93 46


90 57 8 4 Chile

87 29 8 4 Rumbo.

85 63 6 2

Don Saunders. NJ

Paul Janto, NE

Gerald Clark, IN

John Lentz, VI


Louis Sica, Jr., NJ

Ion Tekulve, Jr., OH

Paul Brouillette, NI

Cony Kobylski, MD

George Tokarchick, NI

Schlaugat, VI

84 69 84 50
78 60 78 51 78 28
77 56
76 62 76 52
75 56 73 61

7 6
9 3
7 5

Surinam YVTO LV Llano

6 3
4 3 8 7 7 4

LOL RAE Santa Fe



Page 36


October 1982.**Number 124

Tom Alleman 615 W. 43rd Terr., Apt. 6 Kansas City, MO 64111 USA (816) 931-5943 7-10 p.m. Central



UPCOMING DEADLINES: 10 October (Mid-Oct) 24 October (November) 10 November (Mid-Nov)
Reproduction permitted provided credit is given original reporter and NASWA UPDATE. Dates, times and days are GMT; freqe are kRz.
Ladies and gentlemen, contributions to UD, never large at any time, have fallen to an appallingly low level. Further evidence of this can be seen below. This situation prompts me to speak to you all most candidly on a topic of significance to us all.
UD and NASWA generally is not a monitoring service in which · small group of individuals do work on SW in some fashion' for profit or advantage.You would not know that, however, to look at UD. There at this point something over 2000 members of NASWA. Of this number something like 5 are regular contributors to UD. THAT'S ONE QUARTER OF ONE PERCENT, a shamefully low number. What it means is this: if one or two of the regular contributors to UD don't send in material, there IS NO UD. It is that simple. If you don't share your material, you don't get anything.
I do get excuses and I'd like to talk about them: 1. "My material isn't good enough." Bushwal Material for UD is not judged by me on whether it is "good enough." I edit according to the following rules: (1)Is it a late breaking item? (2) Is it SW? (3)If two items are competing for the same space (i.e. 1 can only print one) which will be of greater interest in the hobby? THOSE ARE ALL THE EDITORIAL CRITERIA I USE. An item on VoA is as likely to be in UD as one on Bhutan, but only if I get it in the first place. You send material; I'll edit. That's what they don't pay me the big money to do. 2. "I don't have time." This one is facially compelling. Everyone, yr. ed. included goes through phases when SW time must be used for other purposes. But I think this excuse is really rather empty. Since you're reading this, it follows that you're interested enough in the hobby to want to spend some time with it. Surely if you can find the time to turn on che radio and listen, you can find time to send material to some MASWA column. You've invested in this club and if you don't help to keep it up and going you get no return. You've wasted money. 3. "When are deadlines?" 'JD leadlines are set up around the one tyrranical aspect of this club: the date at the end of the month when material must be in Levittown to go to the printer. THIS DATE IS ALWAYS THE LAST SATURDAY OF THE MONTH. I try to construct UD deadlines so that there will be about two weeks or so between deadlines. Because these dates vary, I put at the top of every UD, mid-month and Frendx, the next three deadlines. This makes it easy (I hope) for you to keep your calendars up to date. AITInTrive days for the Postal stor-- age people to get your letter to me, and you've got it. So let me reiterate: For NASWA and UD to succeed, you and only you must invest in it. This does not mean the money you pay for the bulletin; it means the time you take to help us fill it up. You pay for 60 pages of bulletin each month and those pages can be as empty or full as you want them to be. It is, simply enough, your choice. Every editor needs and deserves your support. Isn't it fascinating to note that the editors, those who presumably have enough to do running their own shops, often are the most prolific contributors to other NASWA sections. NASWA is and will be what all 2000+ of you make it. What do you want it to be? ***
ANTARCTICA RN Arcangel San Gabriel, 15476, in SP 2346+. Fair. Mx, W anncr, ID, M vi nx 0016. Martial mx 0023-27, s/off anncmts, pose NA 0027, carrier off 0029. (Paul Choroszy, ME 9-7) BRAZIL R. Cult de Bania, 9595, in PT 2214-33; good but BBC ORR. Mix of PT pope and ballads and some US stuff like Charlene's "Never Been to ME," 2255. IDed mostly as R. Culture atthough full ID as R. Cultura de Bahia w/ freq by M 2230. (John Moritz, OH 9-7 ') COLOMBIA R. Cinco, 5040, in SP 1018-45; activated again w/ great sigs. Many Caracol promos, ads for Villavicncio area M DJ, light EzI SP vocals. Only in the clear during mornings. (John Herkimer, NY 9-13) COOK IS. RC1, 11760, in Lang 0618-0705; good level but partially buried. Maoir talks, log drum IS and into US pope w/ Me/ djs, to 0700. ID, TC, local nx in EG. (Herkimer, NY 9-9) ECUADOR R. Luz y vida, 4851, in SP 0037-0100; generally good most nights. W DJ, campo accordian songs, frequent ICs. A few echo effect promos widely scattered. (Herkimer, NY 8-23) ICELAND ISBS, 13795, in lang 1832-1904; good. At 1900 large bell le/ seven strokes, ID and into nx. Some days there is a piano IS at 1836-38. Will take z cassette recording and at least 2 IRCs for a QSL. (Ken Briscoe, IN 9-13)

Page 37

LSWA UPDATE/October 1982


MICO Su Pantera, 6105, in SP 1118-37 f/out; great sig and one of the last to go most morn-

's.. Amanecer discoteca pg., "La Musica de Yucatan," guitars and vocal.' and ID. every 5 min.

so. (Herkimer, NY 9-11)

'PUA NEW GUINEA R. Milne Bay, 3360, in PD 1103-1122; also in EC at times. Dialect could

.so have been something else. Talk on local government, snouts for local events and US pops

'eluding Supreme» and dated sounding guitars like the Ventures. (Herkimer, NY 9-10)

MU R. Los And.., 5030, in SP 1038-1101; toi Jones. Pine sig till shortly before f/out abt 70-15. Peruvian am w/ =nests by M. Pg. called "Buenos Dias Peru." Many TCi and ID.. ID 1050

I m: "R. Los Andes transmitiendo 0&22A, 5030 kHz, betide de 60 metros, cnda corta, desde Hua-

ichuco, Peru." Also sent greeting. to Mire in Tokyo and Chicago acknowledging receipt of mir letters. (Henry Lazarus, LA 9-14)

rTeizz; MIZUELA R. Vallee del Tuy, 6129, as follows: 9-7, 2240-2252*. 9-8, 2240-2304*. Both times


ox le/ two tone door bell between items. Many mention. Venezuela and Caracas. Breaks

'mind 2242 for ID including mention of ()clinkers. On 9-7 pulled plug in the middle of the ox,

It on 9-8 nx went to conclusion 2258 and then M w/ clear ED. Into pgm of tropical mx and

mg pulled in mid-song. Some trouble If/ Super de Cali 9-7 but no sweat 9-8. Happy with lie. (Moritz, OH)***I would be too. tba

'you skipped the letter fro, the editor to you to get to the report., plume go beck and ad it now.
Met of 73,

me Ed Shav:"Plaase be advised that by horrible inettentivenene, I mentioned Tab hooka me manor of "Baer All The Action" by Van Waterford. Instead, it was SAMS. Apologiee."

DR SALE: Hammarlund HQ-180A in very nice condition with speaker and operting manual. Price $320.00 obo. Steven R. Lare, 824 West 25th Street, Dlland, MI 49423. Phone (616) 335-2270 after 2030 on Tuesday or Thursday. DR SALE: Hammarlund HQ 180C, $250.00. Colins R-388, $300.00. Drake SW-4A, 100.00. All work. George Sherman, Box 2284, Minneapolis, MN 55402. Phone $12) 588-2618 from 1500 to 0400 GMT. DR SALE: Yaesu FRG-7, Gilfer modified 3 kHz filter. In mint condition, only lree months old. Comes with manual. Price $240.00 including shipping. Steve Bite, 985 Bedford Street, Fall River, MA 02723. Phone (617) 675-2830. DR.SALE: Hammarlund HQ-180A receiver in good condition with speaker and ?erating manual. Price $310.00. Richard Kawa, 3296 Abbott Road, Orchard ark, NY 14127.
DTICE, PLEASE. Want Ads are included in FRENDX free of charge to NASWA ambers when space allows. Ads for which there is no space will be held ,er for the next month. If you wish to sell an item, please include iformation on who is to pay the shipping or mailing charges. Thanks.
Page 38

séàco0t0 ito o48n9? kHz

Editor: Stu Klein, 642 Cranbury Cross Road, North Brunswick, NJ 08902
Well, it looks like the doldrums finally arrived! Things have slowed up a bit, probably due to vacations, but there is still quite a lot of activity on the bands, especially in the 90 - 60 meter range. Our thanks to John Herkimer for the new look of the column; to tell the truth, we were getting a little sick of looking at those black lines!

2332 2370TT 3205 3208 3220
3222 32251 3225
3230 3235 3240 32501 3250 3250 3255
3256 3260 3265
32751 3275 3280 3285 3288
3295 3295

IALA RRI Jakarta; 1317 RRI net na & mx pa. However, noted several days with

tima pips on signal, either on same freq or from sta itself. (Young)


Several very tentative reports this month on this one, around

0000. While nothing is definite, the freq bears watching--sdk NEW GUINEA R.West Sepik; 1115 Island mx, both inst & voc, occ ann by M in


Typical prov sta pa. f(Krause 8/20) 40ZAMBIQUE Maputo; 0405 PT tlk by M & F, couple of 'Ds, f/out 0420. g(Biller) ECUADOR HCJB; 0130 SP & Quechua tlk into rd i guitar mx, rel tlk, ID by YL. fig (Meyer 8/24) 0245 Class mx, ID, mucho QRS. f(Shortridge 8/21) 0335 Class mx, SP

tlk by M, ID 0400. (Stidwell 8/22) TOGO Lama-Kara; 0540 Af mx sels, chanting w/drumm to 0555 ID 6 tlk, f(Jordan 8/10) 0545 Lively AI mx, FR tilt by M/ann, TU, ID, mx. e(Valko 8/3)
BRASIL Lins R.C1.; 0356 0Miann w/PT tlk, closing ann, MA, 0400* (Jordan 8/7) VENEZUELA R.Occidente; woo Piano w/SP tlk, sevl ID, "un programa de R. Occidente" and into TV pope. f/g(Klein 9/5) 0233 Px of lively LAm style ballads,

OM DJ, ads, full ID 0245. (Nurff 9/4) SOUTH AFRICA R.RSA; 0345 Mx pa wfleann in EU. p/ORN(Shortridge 8/9)
BRASIL R.C1. de Marilia; PT M/ann, ranchers mx, ID., ment Marilia. (Perdue) Hi

Neal, what time?--sdk PERU R.Ammrica; 1010 here with 3 IDs, M & W alternating in tlk & info show. Believe this is the first time have noted //6010 & 9510 at 84Mle time(Mbritz 9/7) ·
HONDURAS R.Lux y Vida; 0029 US & LAm EZ orch me, no ID 0100. (Meyer) SOUTH AFRICA R.5; 0431 EU reggae mx. pope, TU. p(Stidwell 8/17) UNID 0045 EZ mx, two ann by M, too much Mt to copy lang. Seems early for SAf
here. (Krause 8/17) Could be either of the above two, Bill--sdk
LIBERIA LBS; 2319 Wann in EU w/Stevie Wonder tunes. 2330 Ads, more same mx. 2354 Rooster crow, tlk, ID, NA, & 0001*. f(Bolland 8/16) 0001* With complete s/off Inn, ID, SA. VG, except for het off El Tigre. (Perdue) 0623 2 OM when*

tlk, Af mx, ID 0630, mx. f(Jordan 9/1) VENEZUELA LV de El Tigre; 0035 Lae pops, fast SP tlk by M w/avisos, one good ID
by M. f(Meyer 8 /23) 1005 2 M w/nx, usual VV chimes betv items, ID. f(Beland 8/30)
SEW GUINEA R.Madang; 1130 Island mx, mostly inst, M/enn. Weaker than W. Sepik

noted at same time. f(Krause 8/20) MOZAMEIOU; Maputo; *0350 IDs in EU & FT during IS. Full KG ID 0400, pa preview, then ED na. g(Biller 8/21) 0350 Xylophone tape IS, sevl KG ED, lite Af mx near 0400, na in KG. 3210 also in. (Harto 9/4) 0418 Much EU tlk by OM & YL w/ment of

Mozambique, na, ID. g/RTTY co-channel(Valko 8/22) SOUTHWEST AFRICA SWABC; 2329 Mixed mx sels. 0001 RTTY blocked freq; no ann hrd prior, so tent. f/p(Bolland 8/29) 0042 Ballads & inst mx, no ann to 0205 tb.
p/RTTY lo-side(Wallace-PA 8/23) WRTVH-NL lista this as Ch. 1--sdk PAPUA R.So. Highlands; 1136 Px of tribal mx, OM/ann in lang. ORM off RTTY
hi-side(Wilkins 8/8) VENEZUELA R.Mara; 0045-0330, 1008-1040 Usual pa of LAm ma sels, tlk, etc(9 rep) ECUADOR LV del Napo; 0102 SP ID by M, mensajes. f/g(Meyer 8/23) BELIZE R.Belize; 0005-0450 Mixed SP/KG pa of tlk & mx. (7 rep) MADAGASCAII Antananarivo; *0300 IS, M/ann w/rapid lang tlk, choral NA, Wann again v/full ID, freqs, etc. f/UTE hi-side(Klein 8/22) 03031 OM v/PR tlk, def ID(did not sound FR), Af mx. p/worse(Jordan 8/20) Français?!?!--sdk
BRASIL R.Iguatemi; 0110 KG hard rock, PT ID, EZL mx. g(Meyer 8/23) SOUTHWEST AFRIU SWABC; 2206 ID & IS w/all-nite avce, playing their top hit.:

Danny Boy, Teddy Bears Picnic, etc. p(Berg 8/22) Thought it was Teddy Boye Picnic; WRTVH-NL lists this as Ch. 2--sdk GUATEMALA R.Cultural; 0420 2 ON w/EG discussion, foll by ID E. ex. (Jordan 8/6)

Page 39

ZIMBABWE Cuelo; 0417 OM w/EG tlk betw eels of lel pop mx, ID 0420 by same ann,

to vernac Ici ox. p/vp(Jordan 8/7) BOUGAINVILLE R.No. Solomons; 1120 Chanting wino mx accompanyment. Reminiscent

of Af chanting. f/g(Krause 8/20) UNID 0258 IS into lang opening ann, Koran chanting to 0315, then tlk to 0320
Eastern mx. vp(Biller 8/22) This has been noted as late as 0400, which would
appear to preclude the Comoros. Poss Rwanda, or alt to 3367 Hurriyah -- sdk BRASIL R.C1. Conquista; 0115 PT e. EG 70's pops, PT ID by M 0118. g(Meyer 8/23)

NEW GUINEA R.Ea. Sepik; 1130 M/ann in PD w/contemp pop mx. f/g(Krause 8/20) GUATEMALA LV de Sahuala; 0106 Steel band mx, 4/ann w/SP tlk & ID. (Cucura 8/4)

0155 Marimbas, relaxed OM, SP ID. f/g(Pickard 8/14) PAPUA R.Milne Say; 1130 M/ann in PD w/trad & island mx, both inst et choral.

Weaker than other 10 kW Papuans hrd same time(Krause 8/20) BRASIL R.Cult. Araraquara; 0145 US & PT pops, PT ID by M, pa notes. Vy wk, but

in the clear this eve(Meyer 8/24) GHANA Accra; 0500 OM/ann wirel prayer (natch!), praying for beloved Ghana, to
rel mx. ((Klein 9/6) 0500 Drums to EG ID, long siren blast, ID. f(Biller 8/7)
BRASIL R.Nal. Sao Gabriel; 1008 M/ann w/PT ox, foil by ID, then ads which

included upcoming pa notes. f(Bolland 9/1) MALAWI Blantyre; 0350 2 OM w/tlk in Lang, ment Malawi, then OM w/ID 0400 & ox.

Foil by EG ID 6 freqs, then Af mx sels. g(Jordan 8/19) ECUADOR R.Iris; 0150 LAm pops, series of ments. f/het(Mleyer 8/24) 0310 M b W
w/SP tlk, vox mx, ballads. ((Krause 8/13) 0332 LAm inst mx, full production ID,

OTH, slogan, etc, to ads. f(Jordan 8/10) FRENCH GUIANA FR3 Cayenne; 0045 Class mx, some opera, 0100 pipe, M/ann w/FR ax,

NA, & 0105*. ((Krause 8/20) 0300* Saturday nite hoe-down (Guiana style), think pa

called "Afrique Tropicale."

S/off, NA, guitar IS, tone on carrier to 0303.

g(Jones 8/22) *0900 NA, 4 w/FR ID & short ox, pop mx. //5055. (Cucura 8/19) 0923

Tunes by Elvis, foil by FR tlk, then SAm mx. f(Bolland 8/17) NEW BRITAIN RENB; 1120 Strange mix of trad island mx 6 contemp pops, M/ann in

PD. Many TC & ment Papuan towns. e(Krause 8/20) .5 ECUADOR R.Zaracay; 0121 Criollos until ID & tlk by M 0125, IC. g(Meyer 8/23)
0446 Campo mx, ·ON/ann w/SP tlk, ID, ballads, to 0500*. (Jordan 8/7) 0325T M/ann

w/tlk, ads, ranchera mx, no def ID. (Krause 8/13) ZIMBABWE Gwelo; 0402 Alternate tlk by M S W, drums, mx including "King of the

Road." p(Stidwell 8/22) 0435 US gospel rock, EG YL/ann, ID. p(Jordan 8/7)
V mu R.Los Andes; 1026 Nice OA flutes & Andean ballads. Two ID 1031 & ment of
pa: "Buenos Dias Peru," faded by 1050 on 9/13. Noted moved 9/14 to 5030 with

mucho improved signal. (Reinstein) Tnx Steve--sdk A BOLIVIA R.Padilla; 0118 Still hanging in here with a mix of SP ballads â group

vocals. M/ann betw w/ID/TC 0121. (Moritz 8/28) JAPAN NSB; 1317 JP tlk by two YL. (Grenier 8/30) Sked says Sapporo--sdk T GAPE VERDI Voz de Sào Vicente; 2337 !Vann w/PT tlk at t/in, pm of mellow guitar inst sels. Much trouble w/ARO ORM. Pulled plug 2400, no ID. (Moritz 9/5) CELEBES RRI Palu; 1140 This sta has been rptd to be off; I have found it to be on but, as with many Indos, it too is occ off. (Young) lox for note--sdk

CAMEROUN Bafoussam; 0435 Pop mx, FR tlk by M, some ARO ORM, ID & ox 0501. f in

(MN using ECSSB(Stidwell 8/29)

0520 Mod Af mx, EG/FR ID 0530, FR ox.

f/p(Wallace-PA 8/21) Your Unid, Ken--sdk .7 SUMATRA RRI Padang; 1217 Noted here daily in Sept as normal; has been reported

in the 6805-13 kHz area. (Young) T BRASIL Rdf. Cruzeiro do Sul; 1009 Ballads, pops 6 accordion mx. 4/ann w/tIk in

PT, but no ID due to deep QSB. (Reinstein 9/14)


Lam Dong; *1140 Typical mx 6 tlk,maybe ax 1200, to 1235*. Usually

covered by RTTY ORM, weak at best. (Young)

£1ââ R.Moderna; 0325 Px of nondescript LAM mx w/SP ann by M to 0445 closing ann

by 4, NA, & 0448*. Bad ORM off UTE(Lazarus 8/24) 00361 Once again hrd w/mix of

pops & EZL mx, M/ann betw sels, but just could not get ID amid bad OR4/ORN(Moritz)


Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy; 0950 Beautiful semi-class mx. On the hr,

what seems like RS nx. f(Bolland 8/16) 1014 Class ox o/88 ann. g(Lineback 9/3)

1000 Not DX, but have noted daily spurs from this .21.2 at 4463.8 6 4506.2.

(Young) Maybe not DX, but helpful in avoiding confusion!--sdk TADZHIKSTAN Dushanbé; 0002 Amazing level, never hrd so strong. All in RS, tho

thought local langs sked to 0015 per TBS. (Reinstein 8/23)


ECUADOR CRE; 0135 SP tlk by M & YL on Ici politics, ID 0140. g(Meyer 8/23)

1020 M/ann in SP w/t1k. g(Lineback 9/3)

· yamm

Bin Tri Tien; 1210 Very irregular but strong. Mostly loud Viet mx,

weird inst mx & tlk. (Young)

Page 40

4687 4697 4719 4730
47357 4750 4755 4756 4765
4770 4770 4775 4780
4783 4790 4795
4800 4800
48051 4810 4810 4815 4820 4820 4825 4830 4832 4835 4835 4840 4840 4845 4845 4845.4

ECUADOR R.Nac. Espejo; 0140 SP tlk by YL to 0143 soap opera. (Meyer 8/23) 0207 M/tlk in SP, sevl ID by OM, freq ann, ID jingle by group. f(Ware 8/30) 0444 LAm

mx, 'I/ann w/ID on hr. p(Paszkiewicz 9/5) 1030 SP ID & ann. g(Lineback 9/3)
ummu Gia Lai Ron Turn; 1020-1100*, *1130-1255* IDs at s/off and 3/on, orch
ax, tlk, most reliable of these but has changed sked. Always a F voice. (Young)

BOLIVIA R.Riberalta; 0350 Nice soothing 1cl mx to 0400 OM/ann w/brief ann. ID

by M, more mx. f/QRN(Jordan 8/20) CELEBES RRI Ujung Pandang; 1140 'I/ann in IN w/tlk, just audible(Bolland 8/22)
eoLINTIA R.Abaroa; 0003 'I/ann w/SP tlk or ox, number ment of Solivia, ID 0005,

into SP mx. Bad QRN(Moritz 8/21) 0036 SP mx & tlk. p(Bolland 8/16) 0225T Ballads

TC, no ID, back to mx past 0400. f(Wallace-PA 8/21) ,21111.6 Urumqi; 2340 Presumed the one here with much stringed mx, very nice,

Warm in lang between. p/QRN(Moritz 8/20) CAMEROUN Bertoua; 2155 Easily 30/9 w/pops(FR/EG), 'I/ann in FR betw, TC/ID 92200

eoLivi.p, to more mx. vg(Klein 8/31) R.Emisorae Bolivia; 0950 In with groups 4/ann betw & ID by him 1001, into brass band tune, BRASIL Rdf. Maranhao; 0755 Lc' pop mx, OM DJ w/PT

pf women in campo style vocals. foll by M w/tlk. f(Moritz 8/31) ID. (Alexander 8/13)

LIBERIA ELWA; 2252 EC rel tlk, to prayer, ID/QTH/NA & 2310*. p(Bolland 8/16)

2254 EC rd l tlk, rd l mx, "goodnight and God bless you" from YL, s/off ann, NA E. off. (Ware 9/1) 0643 EG rd l mx, promos for Bible sessions, ID. f/g(D'Angelo 8/17)
NIGERIA Kaduna; 2301-2359*, 0415-0530 Usual EG mx & tlk px. (7 rep) VIETNAM Son La; *1145-1405* Flute IS, ID, ann, ox, singing VT mx. This ata is often buried by Pyongyang 4771 at irregular times. Always //6328V. (Young)

BRASIL R.Cult. Sergipe; 0020 Many Cult sent!, varied mx format. (Perdue) VENEZUELA LV de Carabobo; 0310 LAm vocals, SP TC by M, IDs, some nice ballads.

f/QRN(Gilster 9/3) 0932 M/ann w/full ID foil by tlk, mx. g(Bolland 8/16) 0957 OM

w/short tlk, LAM mx, 0959 NA, OM w/2 ID, mx. (Hensley 9/7) MALI Bamako; 2222 Fading in w/nice sig,mostly mx by liai Hendrix, ID 2300. The

77-- ireq of 5995 much better. (Reinstein 9/12) PERU R.AtlIntida; 0145 LAM pops, SP tlk by M on "el estado de emergencia," then editorial. g(Meyer 8/23) 0200 Mostly 1cl mx, Warm w/IDs. f/g(Krause 8/28)

ECUADOR LV de los Caras; 0052 SP nx by YL w/tlk on Nicaragua, ID, ment Ecuador. g(Meyer 8 /28) 0113 M w/tlk & NC mx to 0138 ID. (Cucuta 8/29) 0230 LAM pops, ann, full ID by W 0249. (Alexander 8/17) 0258 Yl w/EG/SP ID: "You are listening to the Voice of the Cares" then back ·o SP & LAm pops. First time EG hrl here. f/g(Jones 8/22) First time I've heard of it here too; new and welcome--,sdk LESOTHO Maseru; 0415 Lang tlk & mx, ID & EG ox 0500. f/p(Hyson 8/25)

VENEZUELA R.Lara; 0055 F/voc w/criolo mx, LAm slo pops, px notes & ID 0057 by 'I/ann. (Meyer 8/28) 0125 M w/tlk as "Tie a Yellow Ribbon" plays in bckgnd, into

px of local vocal mx. g/QRM(Gilster 8/30)

BRASIL Rdf. do Amazonas; Amazonas. f/p(Wilkner 9/9)

0954 OM w/long,

emotional PT tlk, sevl ment of

GABON Af.#1; 0508 FR pop mx, incl "Twist & Shout", medleys, etc. (Paszkiewicz) PERU R.San Martin; 0520 Nondescript mx, closing ann, ID, NA, & 0535*. Gabon off

this AM. f(Biller 8 /2 1) COLOMBIA R.Guatapuri; vg(Meyer 8/28) 0228 ID,

1048 0100 freq

10, LAm ballads - not usual OA mx. f(Jones LAM pops to 0101 ID/TC by M, short
by M, LAm mx px. f(Gilster 9/5)

8/19) mensajes.

ANGOLA Luanda; 2205 Af string/percussion inst mx sels, M/ann in PT betv, ment Angola, Luanda, more of same mx. f/ORN(Klein 8/22)

HONDURAS HRVC; 0307 George Beverly Shea solo 6 Billy Graham sermon on spiritual ramifications of safe driving. (Wildes 8/16) PERU LV de la Selva; 1040 2 il/ann w/1cl events in Iquitos. Stang & loud sig but

somewhat garbled audio. Lost before 1100(Reinstein 9/14)

VENEZUELA R.TAchira; 0010-0310 Px of YV 6 LAM pops & tlk. (12 rep!)

COSTA RICA R.Reloj; 2350-1000 On all trite w/LAm mx, ads, tlk, etc. (7 rep) This is now picking up considerable QRM from Táchira--sdk

BRASIL R.Nal de Boa Vista; 0110 Futbol bcst w/excited ann yelling in PT, usual "G00000000al!", ads, jingles, IDs. (Alexander 9/4)

GUATEMALA R.Tezulutlan; 2324-0204* Marimbas & other lcl mx, ann, etc(8 rep) CHINA FFBS 42; 1147 W/ann w/CH tlk, trad CH singing. f(Bolland 8/22) VENEZUELA R.Valera; 0115 Good w/slo LAM pops, ID by M, TC, more mx. (Meyer)

BOLIVIA R.Fides; 0105 SP tlk by M, no mx, ID 0133. f(Wallace-PA 8/15) BOTSWANA Gaberone; 0435 M w/brief tlk in Lang, 1c1 mx, to US soul-rock Lang to 0450 M w/EG TC, wx, nx, rd l px follows. f/ORN(Jordan 8/20) COLOMBIA R.Bucaramanga; 0025 SP tlk by M. Thought I had Fides till this IDed 0030. Sevl ads & jingles also hrd. (Alexander 8/19) 0355 ID, sked, s/off ann, NA, to 0400*. f(Rigas 8/14)

Page 41

4845 4850
4851 4853 4855 4855 4856 4860 4860
4860 4865 4865 4870 4870
4875 4885
4885 4890 4890 4895

MAURITANIA Nouakchott; 2321 Lang chanting w/druma. f(Bolland 8/29) *0558 /S,

s/on ann. Koran chanting to 0615. (Wilkins 8/14) & ox by ?Vann 0640. g(D'Angelo 8/17)

0634 AR tlk, lite bckgnd mx, ID

MOLUCCAS RRI Ambon; 1040 Island songs to 1059, drums to 1100 IN ID & na. Fading

& much ORN. f(Buer 8/11) 1050 Pop mx, into vernac Ici na. (Krause 8 /19)

CAMEROUN Yaoundé; 2230 Sevl FR ID as "Radio Cameroun," lite pop mx, IDs, NA,

and 2300*. Nice sig(Ware 8/28) 2245 Af mx, M/ann in FR w/ID 2259, NA, 2300*.

f(Krause 8/28) 0450 AI tribal mx to 0500 FR tlk by 8, FR/KG ID 0505. f(Gilster)

ECUADOR R.Luz y Vida; 0110-0530* Mostly LAM mx, some rel mx as well, many SP ann and rd l tlk by OM/ann. (8 rep)

YEMEN A.R. Sanas; 0259 Bird chirp IS, //9780, brief OM tlk in the mud, then

NA, into AR chants. Good sig to 0313 f/out. (Wilkner 9/10)

BRASIL R.Por um Mundo Melhor; 0015 Mix of pop & romantic ballads, also inst

sels, quick ann by M, full echo ID 0027, ads, etc. f(Jorden 8/11)

COLOMBIA R.Neiva; 0330 "Lively latin music" whatever that really means, with

usual 'fast talking M/ann, ID, NA, 0335*. f(Krause 8/28)

ARGENTINA LOL-2; 0052 Time pips mixing w/Mundo Melhor. (Jordan 8/11)

EuRSFSR Kalinen; 2300 EC pretty regular here lately. (Perdue) RMWS feeder--sdk

PERU R.Chinchaycocha; 1055 Must have just missed s/on, was not there at 1038.

Clear ID & into inst mx. (Reinstein 9/14) morning--sdk

Which Steve motes was an excellent OA

VENEZUELA R.Maracaibo; 0100-1021 Noted both all-nite and the usual YV 0400*,

*1000 formats, usual YV mx, ads, tlk, etc. (8 rep)

COLOMBIA LV del Cinaruco; 0340 ID, freqs, NA, 0343*. g(Lineback 9/2)

MOZAMBIQUE Maputo; 2220 Af mx to F/ann w/PT tlk, closing ann, ID, NA, & s/off 2230, though carrier remained for a few min. f/QRN(Kleín 8/31)

BENIN Cotonou; 2258 Closing FR ann w/ID, revolutionary NA, 2302*. f/g(D'Angelo

TIT)-- 0604 OM/ann w/vernac tlk, poss ox, to 1cl chanting mx. p(Jordan 8/10) ECUADOR R.Rio Amazonas; 0138 Good mix of mod & trad folk tunes, both inst & voc

M/ann betw w/# of ID by him along the way. (Mbritz 8/15) 0250 Ranchera mx, SP ID

by M, tlk, more mx. ((Jordan 8/10) 1115 Om w/HC mx pa, long SP tlk betw sels, ID

1125. (Murff 8/14) 0110T What sounded like HC mx, too weak to ID for sure.(Krause)

COLOMBIA R.Super; 0540 Usual LAm mx pa. e(Biller 8/7) 0615 NJ mx, freq & eked, ID. f(Rigas 8/14) 0617 Campo mx, M & F/ann. g(Jordan 8/11) 0801 ID, 2 min fast

romatic LAm ballads. g(Jones 8/25)

WEST IRIAN RRI Sorong; 1055 Curious mix of US pops & lcl mx, 1cl nit 1100.


8/14) 1149 Bassacongo;

W singing in IN. Can barely hear this(Bolland 8 /28) 2200 Was flabbergasted by reception of this with


live pa from a club, much mx, tlk, unusually clear & little QRN. Into recorded LAm

mx around 2315, then started lengthy pm review with periods of mx) around 2315.

Finally ID 2324, then anthem to 2326*. Many mints of "provincia do Zaire." Maybe a

national day or some such had them on this late. To 2300 or so, reception was the

best ever from Angola, better than 9535. Some het off Brz underneath, but Angola remained dominant. (Berg 8/29) Nice catch; tnx for a much detailed rpt--sdk

PERU R.Huancavelica; 1044 Ethereal Andean arch mx, ment of Huancavelica by M

but soon lost to fading. wk/clear(Reinstein 9/14) HONDURAS R.Lux; 0048 M DJ v/LAm & US pops, some Os as "Lux Radio" and ID 0103

as "Radio Lux." (Cucnra 8/4)

PAPUA NEC; 1008-1032 Mx, mostly EG tlk, pa sked, etc. (8 rep)

BRASIL R.Baré; 0940 >liana w/canned ID, tlk which seemed to bm religious in nature. f(Bolland 8/16)

And so we come to the close of another issue. Our thanks as always to our contributors,

who are the ones that make the column possible. On Latin stations, where we leave out the

language, please read that to mean Spanish. Ditto for Brasil and Portuguese. Where a

language is given once in a station logging, it is the same for all other loggings of that

particular station, unless otherwise noted. This saves some on the typing. next month, so keep the logginga coming in! Till then,

Beck again

3's & 7's,

Page 42



sectioil B

4900 io 6199 kHz

Editor: Jerry Berg, 38 Eastern Avenue. Lexington, MA 02173

_ Some good logging. this month, including a sew Peruvian en 5090 NM a rare legging of the Venezuelan, R. Vallee del Tuy, on 6129 . . .

4500 VENbzUtIA R. Juventud, Barquisimeto, presumed the one here at 0240-(1339 on 5-5, tho

no ID hrd. Romantic ballads till 0301, then jazz --Mingue, Ellington, etc. Fact sig

(Glister': tent, them with US pops, 0250-0305, 8-9, fairly clear but cculd not pick

ut, any ID (Shortridge-/N). 4911 ECUADOR Emisora Gran Solombia, quit°, OM with serious talk at 0237 8-50, IDe, good

sig this night (Ware); sports at 0405 on 8-15, full ID 0425, and at 053c on 8-7 with

lively pops, big ID ?530 (Jordan); upbeat mx 050. then /D with mW, SW and PM fqys,

anthem, and off 0602* (Dayen).

4915 1RAZIL R. Anhanguera. 2350-0032 on 8-30, very strong gigs and mostly rustic style as4 grouts of men singing arnd a guitar. Ras a Central Meerican flavor to it. Man with

clear ID at 0021, giving fqy. (Moritz-OR).

4915 GHANA Accra, 2250-2305* on 8-28, comments. mx, NA 2305 and then off, noon sig; and en

U:777 fair, ni 2251, church mx 2255 (Bolland -FL); talk in vernacular at 0540 on 8-16,

then mx, drums, ID, DC ox; poor, with weak modulation and lirrY GPM (7tidwell).

4900 AUSTRALIA ABS-Brisbane, mx from an earlier era at 1152 on 8-28, fair Siff (Holland-FL); wx 1215 on 8-25, classical mx, a piece on turning garbage into oil, EZ lean, mx, ID,

but poor signal overall (Manning). 4920 ECUADOR P. :mito, very strong signal at 0430 on 8-13, middle-of-the-road pon eceale,

male anncr (Krause-mg).

4930 GFrRGIAN SSR Tbilisi is the most likely mite, amazing level at 0005 on 8-23 with

Mayak prmme, hrd past 0025. elle Alm in Sweden says this is probabl:i r..0 kw. (ReinettiOe

FL); 0057 8-15, light instrumental um, then Mayak IS, pion, MAW alternating in RS to

0105, then instrumental mx. Decent sig, tho somewhat fluttery (Moritz-)R).

4935 BOLIVIA R. Norte, Montero, 0005-0028 8-3, long talk by YL till 001 9 , then talk by age, brief mx and ID tape with fqys. SDrprised to hear this (Valko).

4955 PERU R. Tropical, Tarapoto, 020-0430, hrd often with pop ballade, /Ds, seems to have

nx at 0250 (Dayen); presumed this one at 1059 8-19, tho no ID hrd; many cowls (incl.

Fresca), mentions of Tarapoto, bits of Peruvian mx, fair aie overall (Jones-MS).

4940 IVORY COAST Abidjan. IS starting at *0600, NA, ID, 8-7, 4945 RJ splatter (Biller-u). 4940 VD;FZUELA R. Yaracuy, San Felipe, one DJ going off 0100, another coming in. ego Oil.

'Ding as "la emisora del pueblo," 8-30 (Glister); fair on 8-28, ballade 0055, ads,

ID at C1 ,-.0, one LA I can almost enjoy (Krause -Mr).

4545 COLOMBIA R. Colosal, Neiva, pope at 0415 on 8-13, few antimts; also 0430 on 8-28 with

ballade, romantic mx, nx 0500, back to ballads, occaa. IDs but rather few anote (Krause., MN); US pops 0555 on 8-11, full ID 0600, ox headlines, good sig, more mx (Jordan).

4951 PERU R. Madre de Dios, Pto. Maldonado, tolerable at 0055 9-7, full ID, calls, rue,

etc.. Long talk, light mx from 0145, but went down hill and I finally gave up at 0215, waiting for the expected 0230 s/off (JB).

4952 UNID. On 5-11, 0335-0500+, continumzeEZ letng mx, maybe 6 or 7 tunes, one after the

other, than whole thing repeated, no anmts. Good sig, with sie eoing off the air at

intervals. Someone testing? (Jones-MS). Also hrd here, later. a few times, like 9-9

with "Theme from Moonglow" till 0825* with no snot. Extremely strong and wand sig,

with a spur or the like on 4930. Seems that carrier comes back on 4952 after e/off,

but at much weaker level (JB).

H. 4965 COLOMBIA R. Santa Fe, Bogotà, 1013 8-30, good sig, annmts followed by mx (Bolland -FL).

497C2 ANGOLA Dm. Reg. de Cabinda presumed, 0502 8-26, vy weak talk at first, low audio made

Ti) impossible. Sentimental mx after 10 minutes, ea) in definite PT from 0515, mentioned

Angola and into primitive Aft' mx, drums, etc. (Dayen).

4970 V121EZ011A R. Rumbos, Caracas, 0203 on 8-29, short nx items separated by chimes, good eig. ID as "Rumbos, la emisora de Venezuela" (Custer).

4975 COLOMBIA Ondas del Orteguaza, Florencia, 1010-1025 8-18, in absence of ute and first

time in many moons. Nice pageaito at tune in, TC 1019, cumbias, rather strong(Moritz -OR).

4980 VENEZUELA Ecos del l'orbes, San Cristobal, sports ox 0108 8-23, ID 0115, ballade till

0136, then rock; exc sig (Glister). Carrying "LV del CID" prgm, 0116 8-21 'Ding as

R. Antonio Maceo, exc Siff (Reinstein-FL); fair 0125 8-12 (Rigae-IL); and 0130(Perdue-AL).

4985 BRAZIL R.Brasil Central, Goiania, FT a: 0610 8-7, deep voiced male DJ, ID with mx


in the background; weak but clear (Biller-NJ), $OUTH AFRICA R. RSA, good in EG. 0330 8-9, lote of QRN (Shortridge-IN); instrumental mx 0355 B.10, eked, TO, ID, ox, stayed till 0405 (Rivas-IL); topical talk 0400 8-13,

Page 43

light pop music (Krause-MN); 0404 8-13, poor in QRM, "Comment," "Good Morn Afr," ni

4990 4996

in brief, to 0427 in EG (Mayer). VENEZUELA R. Barquisimeto, LA pops 0103 on 8-29, TCs. IDs, in hvy QRN (Glister); 0345 with strings of amts. 0355* after ID and MA, 8-ti (Jordan).
SURINAM R. Apintie, weak, much QRN, 0547 8-19, varied pop and LA mx, anmts in background, full ID and promo 0610; to 0628* (Jordan).

5004t EQUATORIAL GUINEA Bata, 0505 8-28, gal talking in SP, mx 0525, light pope not particularly African. Fading badly by 0545 (Krause-MN); solid sig, vernacular. 0510 8-7,

female anncr, native mx, need narrow filter due to ute QRM 2 kHz. up (Biller-NJ). 5010 CAMEROUN Garoua, barely audible at 2145 on 9-1, Air mx. Chanting 2155, straight into

NA, off 2201* (Ware); *0426 8-1, IS, FR and EG Ile, fqys given, good sig (Valko).

5010 COLOMBIA R. Surcolombiana, Neiva, back after an absence of some months, and hrd by
many. 2346 9-1, good gig, clear ID 2355, chimes, fast talking over mx (Ware); good at

0115 8-29, local mx, several IDs at 0125 (Alexander); 0143 8-28, decent signal, screaming talk, a number of IDa, thot I hrd Todelar mentioned a few times. A switch from Caracol? Also 1020-1040 8-28 (Moritz-0R); big sig 8-27, 0155, basketball, also caught

mention of Todelar (Reinstein-FL); LA pops 0228 8-29 (Cucura); ballads, chimes, ID, 0416 8-31 (Jones-MS); full ID at 0501* (Dayen) . Am hearing ID as Mir. Cultural de Colombia, 0353 8-25, full ID with fqy Valko.

5013.51 ANGOLA Maybe Emissor Provincial de Mocamedee, mellow instr. mx with PT flavor (like FaW-iij, 0515 9-4, fade out after 0530, only one short anmt hrd (Dayen).
5014 ECUADOR Radiofonicas populares del Ecuador, Riobamba, pretty good here on 9-7 arnd 0045 with a couple of IDs, apparently ex-3985 (unheard) (JB).
5015 PERU R. Moyobamba, 1013 on 8-21, right after s/on with NA, 2 IDs by gal, OA mx and TCs every 2 minutes or so. Very good sig, but faded fast, by 1025 (Valko).

5020 5020

ALBANIA Who knows where, exercises 0405 8-28, folk mx, clas.mx 0433 (Jordan). SOLOMON IS. Roniara, fair at 1100 on 8-9, EG ni, then pops; stronger than Pt. Moresby ;771WiTirause-MS).


ECUADOR R. Splendit, Cuenca, romantic songe 0415 8-19, very hyper IDs 0445, promos,
ad string, TCs (Jordan); to 0505* (Dayen); mostly pops 9-4. ID, fqys, vy short NA till 0506* (Jones-MS).

5025 PERU R. Quillabamba, ballads 0200, ID 0228, talk, to 0305* (Dayen).


PERU A new one here, R. Los Andes, Huamachuco, call OAZ2A. 9-12, 1045- 1115, OA mx, disco, uses "Sunny" as theme. YV either not on or faded. Good sig, fair overall, but
faded fast after 1115 (Jones-MS). Hid 9-14, betting badly with YV at 1000, but nearly

in the clear by 1015 as YV fades. Many ID° during "Buenos Dias, Peru" prgm, and they were reading lstnrs ltrs, incl. one from NASWAer Tetsuya Hirahara and a U.S. writer, / believe in Chicago, but couldn't get name. Fading by 1030, but one of the best OA sign

during the 1015-1030 window. (JB).

5030 VENEZUELA R. Continente, Caracas, fair 8-13 0400, ballads (Krause-MN); ID 1010 8-30, IC, ads, prgm notes on future presentations; good sig (Bolland-FL).

5035t BRAZIL Tent. R. Aparecida, 0045 8-16, vocal mx, pipe 0100, cessible ID (Krause-44N).
5035t CEMT. AIR. REP. Bangui tent., FR talk 2256 8-50, possible anthem to 2259**, but very poor. Aparecida in the clear at 2300 (Reinstein-FL).

5040 5045

PERU R. Libertad de Junín, OA mx 0635 8-21, no talking at all, to 0702 fade(Reinstein-

W. IRIAN RRI-Wamena, "Love Ambon" 1258 9-2, nx, EZ latng mx 1310, ID 132 5.


fade out by 1330 (Murff-NM).

5045t BRAZIL Believed R. Cult. do Pari, Belém, 0030 8-16, interview till then, then EZ Istng

mx. Possible ID 0030, but toc much QRN to be certain (Krause-MN). 5045 PERU R. Rioja, various types of LA mx, many IDs, NA to 0359* 8-22 (Jones-MS).

5045 UNID. 9-8, 0600, continuous SP talks to 0615*, sig not bad; only Para next nite(Dayen). 5047 TOCO Lome, FR cmtry 2220 8-29, short reading 2226, ID 2229, then drama (Bolland-FL);

vy strong 8-21 0 545, native mx, short talk 0550, back to mx (Biller-NJ). 5055 COSTA RICA TIFC, extensive talks 0437 8-28, some mx, ID 0457, relig.mx (Jordan). 5055 TR. GUIANA Cayenne, ax 0100 8-30, NA, IS to 0106*. Fair. but 1/3385 better (Ware). 50601 PAKISTAN Maybe Islamabad, vy poor 0047 8-23 during good opening; wailing, no ID(Rein-

5061v ECUADOR R.Nac.Progreso, Loja, weak 0345 8-13 on 5062.7, mx, hvy QRN (Krause- stein-FL).

MN); 5061v, ID 0448 8-19, LA band mx, poor in static-nórdan); up on 506A,1, fair'at 1000 on 9-10 with HC mx, ad string 1007, ID 1010 (JB).

5067 ZAIRE R. Candip, Bunia, IS 0327 8-11, /D 0331 including ". . . un transmision de la

R. Scolaire Developpement Candip . . ," another ID (by gal, first one was by OM) 0533. Fair at beet, but no ute QRM (Biller-NJ).


SAUTE ARABIA BSKSA, Arab mx 2241 8-29, poor sig (Bolland-FL).
COLOMBIA R. Sutatenza, Bogota, sports 0005 8-17, full ID 0015, back to sports (Jordan); 0035 8-28, strong, fast paced LA mx and talks, ute QRM (Krause-MN); clas.mx, FZ letng mx, NA, 0306* 8-30 (Master); ni 0230 8-13, ID 0248 (Shortridge-IN); 0250 8-10 with talk, TC, ID (Samuel); several IDe 0305 8-31, pop mx between talking, VG eig (Cobb-ME). CLANDESTINE LV del CID, "Música Libre" ergs 0026 9-2 with EG rock tunes, stn IDe, nice

sig (Ware); ditto 0035 8-16, mx-box IS 0058, anmt "Atención Cuba," mil.march, IDs. Lark

0100 (Alexander); 0135 9-2, anmt as LV del CID, "R. Libertad;" OC to 0142* (Moritz-0R).

5112 PERU R. Eco, Iquitos, LA mx 0024 8-16, ID 0032 (Dicura); several IDs 0315, some with echo effect. Talk, possibly sports ni, fair on 8-22 (Jones-MS). '

5200h CUBA V. of Cuba, 5 x 1040, 2350 on 8-50, rite Castro fired up those MW xmtrs(Reinetein-

5265 CHINA PLA stn, MAW talking 1150 8-14, 115240 (Krause-MN).


Page 44

5945 5950

0zECHOSLAVAKIA Prague, EG ID 0150 8-27. much ,RM; Itra 0340 8-13, VO(Shortridge./N),,
AUSTRIA Vienna, íG ID *0130 9-2, fus, "Report from Austria" orgm (*dare). NICARAGUA Managua was here, tho later rptd on 5955 (see below). 2358 9-2, many ID.


as LV de Sic (Ware); ID 0121 8-26, mx (Hensley); mx 0255 8-11, fair. het(Shortridge -


íG 0800 8-22, inspir.orgm, fair (Stidwell); (Mayer); "Morning'how" 0925 8-19, PCs, IDs

íG as

"Early GBC Ch.

2 (Cucu"r)a.).

5954 COSTA RICA R. Casino, Pto. Limon, @G prgm 60's pops, ID 0558, 0600. (Jordan). 5955 NICARAGUA LV de Sic, nx 0100 9-6 (400a-m0); nx 0430 -7, fair to 0500(Paszkiewicz).

5960 CANADA RCI, orgm on Canadian economy 0110 8-27, new ,jobs, etc., good sig (Krist -VA).

5965 BRAZIL R. Guaiha, Pto. Alegre, poor 0000 8-10 w/futbol, fast talking anncr (Riga» -IL).

5975a BOLIVIA R. Sac, Cochabamba, 1004 8-31, sounded like they had just come on. Polk guitar riffs betw. singing by groups. Clear ID 1013, gro, vocals 1015 (Moritz-OH).

5980 SIERRA LEONE SLBS, ID 0615 8-10, TC 0830, natl ox in lang (Mayer); good C6d7 8-10. iZZ77175- (Sirdwell); ID 0705 9-11 (JB); ni 0703 8-29, ED, weak; make it tent. (Jordan).

5980 5995 6000

SOUTH AFRICA R. RSA, *0200-0257* 8-12, IS, ID, WYFR

//9580,9615(best) (Mayer).

AUSTRALIA RA, good with pops 1025 8-19 (Jacobs-PA); nx 1205 8-23. //6C45,9500 .9770

HONDURAS Unid. stn hrd 8-31 only, 0310-0402*, "desde Tegucigalpa . . .


Cadena Seta (or Ceta)," also mentions of S.P.Sula. Slick prgmog, commls, TCs, LA and


US pope; j84 from VOA-5995, so no ID. Thot hrd "Radiotelis" once, also "Bandais." NA after closing ammt, mentioned 49 mu sw; old R. Swan xmtr? (Jones-MS).
ASCENSION IS. LBC, EG "New Ideas" 2230 8-28, "Reflections," sports; fair (Krist-ny.

6005t ADEN DYBS, 0304 8-25, AR chants and talk, severe het and C,JU (Ztidwell).

6005 CANADA CFCX-Montreal. popm 2100 8-29, many .ads. ID.. fairly good rcpn (Krause-MN). 6006 COSTA RICA R. Reloj, S.Joee, 1025 8-19, IDa 1030, mx show, good gig (Jacobs-PA).
6010 Mill R. America, Lima, 1010 9-7, 3 ID., talk show. Also on 3240 at good level and. 9510 at super level. Believe lilt time I've hrd all 3 rays at same time (Moritz-)H). -

6012 INEONESIA R. Inst. Teknologi Bandung disbanded in Oct. '81, acc.to gal who wrkd there(.114

6015 BRAZIL R.C1.Pernambuco, Recife, PT 0803-0620 8-21, IDs, ads, 1/11865 (41erand*r). 6015 VATICAN VR, SP 0116-0131 9-3, IS, Ir., relig.nx and relig.t1k, exc sig (Gilster).

6020 MEXICO La U de Veracruz, pose.s/on 0905, opera mx, full ID by gal 0930 (Murff-NM).

6025 BOLIVIA R. Illimani, La Paz, good 8-14. ID 1003, Bol.mx, talks (Alexander).

6025 BRAZIL R.Educ. da Bania. Salvador, pep Br.mx 0000-0030, IDs, TCs (Layen).

6029 ANTARCTICA LRA56, vy weak and watery 0030 9-6, much better 2345 9-é w/niano mx. metal' by gal. sev.definite ID. arnd 2352. Sinking 0000, picked up 0010; fay is clear (J1).

6050 USA AFRTS, baseball 0130 8-26, sports results during otherwise aa breaks (Krist -VA). 6035 BRAZIL R. Globo, Rio, fair with het, 2345-0005 8-18; futbol, ads, IDe (Alexander);

poor 0050-0100 8-14, futbol live, several singing 'Ds (Rigas -IL).

6056 COLOMBIA R. Transamazonica, S.Jose del Guaviare, ID 1050 8-27, TC, casco mx(JoneSSMS). 6040 ANTIGUA LW relay, EL "Germany Today" 0135 6-26, mx, good neon (Krist -VA).

6040 E. GERMANY RBI, SP ID 0040 on 8-14, talk abt Lebanon; poor roen (Higas -It).

6050 1CUADDR HCJB, Sy mx at 0435 on 8-28, sending greetings to Colombia (Sharpe-CA).

6055 6060 £060

CZECHOSLAVAKIA Prague, ED 0030-0040 8-14, IS, ID. ni, Czech mx; mot (Riau-IL>. AUSTRALIA RA, talk abt Australian govt scandal, 1518 on 8-25 (Grenier). CUBA Havana. ED "From Land of Music" prgm, 0150 on 9-7. (Pieper).
USA WYFR -Okeechobee, 0150 9-7, FC ox, health tins, bible readings (Pieoer).


CANADA CFRX-Toronto, classical ex at 0215 on 2-11, ID 0225, fair reon (Shortridge-ER); Louis Armstrong mx, TCs, ads at 1340 on 8-19 (Purdum); fair at 2115 on 8-29 with CAW
mx, fair mat of talking, roughly same level as CFCX -6005 (Krause-MN).

6070 E. GERMANY RBI, Up talk with ID at 0333 on 9-4; fair to good with fading and adjacent channel dRM (Riser-FL).

6076 COSTA RICA R. Rumbo, Cartago, 1051-1057 on 8-21, LA ma, couple of.ILie by different anners, toy also given. Fair to good (Valkd).

6087 TAIWAN BCC-Taipei, weak but clear channel. in CH at 1202 on 9-1. Et letnit pops, Of

talk by gal. Listed as only 3 kw. (Reinstein41). Probably more, tho

, 6069m NIGERIA Presumed Kaduna, a whisker low on 9-11 so separable from the 6090 mess. Chtette

at 2350, closing aunt 2557 (tho couldn't make it out), drums, 2400* close without' the usual prayer, NA. etc. (JB).

6090 LUXEMBOURG R. Luxembourg, in ED at 0030-010D on 8-22, mx pram hosted by CM, ox see vx on the hour (Shortridge-/N).

6100 VENEZUELA YVTO time sig stn. 0143 on 8-26, time oies, anmt ea.minute by OM (Krist-41).

6105 BOLIVIA R. Panamericana, La Paz, Bolivian mx at C300 on 8-17, flutes, yipping,

whistling, some stomping. ID at 0302 after familiar theme tune. Poor overall. and had to tune low side due to awful WRM (Jones-MS).

6,05 ma100 "Su Pantera," Merida, ID 0245 on 9-7, anmts, US rock mx; also at 1215-1300 on

7:6 with ads, anmts, cmtry; good repn both times (Lineback -TX); hrd at *1027 with N.

American pops, ads, "Amanecer Discoteca," "Música Pantera" proms; to 1200 (Murff -NM);


1055 on 8-21, ID, "La Música de Yucatan" pram; expected to hear Panamericana (Valko); 1220 on 8-15 with US pope, full ID. PC, ads, talking; good signal (Bolland-FL). COLOMBIA LV del Llano, Villavicencio, SP mx, full ID and foy, then ads, at 0929 on 8-16; good rev, (Bolland-FL).

6120 ARGENTINA R. M. Mundo, B.A., presumed ox at 0930 on 8-11, presentation alternating between two men; few seconds of mx at 0940, then more talk; fair (Biller-NJ); and on

8-25 at 0945, ID, discussion between two men, maybe about agriculture; some splash from Llano (Jones-MS).

Page 45

MrAICO (out of order) R. Universidad de Sonora, Hermosillo. 1515 on 9-6, OM DJ with
full orchestral renditions of Mexican folk mx; /D at 1600 (Murff -NM). NICARAGUA On 8-31, hrd at 1128 with ranchera mx, several ID.; as R. Sandino, no mention of R. Zinica; fair overall; and on 9-5 at 1150, hrd ID as R. Zinica, no mention of Sandino; also TCs, tangos (Jones-MS); 1224 on 9-28, loud speech, normal anncr took over to calm things down for a few minutes (Bolland-FL); tent. Zinica on
9-6 at 1235 with talk on Central America, fading; definitely them at 0252 on 9-7, SP
vocals, ID, masts; rcpn fair both times (Lineback -TX).
VENEZUELA R. Vallee del Thy hid 9-7 and again 9-8 from 2240 tune in on former date until 2252*, 9-8 from 2240 to 2304*. Both times with Rumbos ox, 2-tone door bell betw. items. Many mentions of Venez., Caracas. Breaks at arnd 2242 for ID that includes mention of Ocumare. On 9-7 pulled plug in mid-na, but on 9-8 ended na arnd 2358, then ads, ID 2301 as "Esta es R. Vallee del Thy." Then Ironical numbers, s/off in mid-song. On LSB, just coming in arnd 2240, getting better as time went by. On 0-7 was trouble with R. Super de Cali on almost same fqy, but nothing from them on 9-8. Happy to have
this, and a joy to play with the knobs on the HQ-180 to bring it in (Moritz-OH). And
on 6128.5, sp talking at 2300, some mg to abrupt s/off at 2302. May be the Venezuelan
rptd by Ralph Perry (Eeyen). Who?
CANADA CELNX -Halifax, wx rpt 0645 8-11, C&W mx, TCs, ballads (Jordan); and at 1150 on 8-29, religious tunes, ID jingle, TC, nx, wx, sports, GYW mx; fair (D'Angelo -PA). COLOMBIA R. Super de Cali, run of the mill LA mx at 0522 on 9-7, ID, "Buenos dime. Colombia." Fair recpn overall, no ZRM (Jones-MS). W. GERMANY DW, ED talk on uranium mining in Germany, 0140 on 0-7 (Pieper).
CHILE R. Nacional, Santiago, good on 8-10 at 0010-0020 with na and armt of the winning lottery numbers rigas -IL); cmtry at 0455 on 8-17, fqy an t, TCs, IDs, possibly their anthem to 0503* Samuel).
COLOMBIA LV del Huila, Neiva, LA mx at 0604 on 8-29, clear ID, fair in QRN (Stidwell); SP mx at 0655 on 8-17, 3 IDe at 0700 including one with the fqy, more cops; TC at
0703, quick ID jingle. Good Big overall (D'Angelo -PA). ANGOLA Etnissor Regional de Benguela, more than just a carrier depression most days, but 9-6 was the first time I can recall holding them till s/off. Hrd from 2205 with what seemed to be ox in progress, one gong at 2211, then into varied mx orge including both African numbers and ED pops. Into close down sequence at 2255 with various aunts
by MAW, mx coming up at times, some organ-and-drum stuff here and there. Finally played Angolan NA at 2302-2303+, carrier went off 2305*. Careful tuning needed, not
so such because of QRM but because of weak signal. Bassaconga-4885 was also hid on 9-6 with the NA a little past 2200 (JB).
HAITI R. Citadelle, good on 9-11 from arnd 0930 with SP LA mx, quick IDs at 0940 and 0050: pretty good at that time, out had deteriorated alot by 1000 (JR); presumed this one at 1048-1102 on 8-26, EZ lstng vocals and instrumentals, dinner hr -type mx. Gal erincr between songs now and then, and thot had mention of Citaaelle but hard to under -
etand (Moritz-OR); carrying R. Nationale pram at 1102-1210, FR, many ?De, but had ED i'Cs at 1200:30 and 1200:45; 8-18 (Reinstein -FL); songs with anmts and commls at 2215-
2230 on 8-20, definite ID 2228 ("Ici R. Citadelle"), talk to 2230 (Buer -FL).
iNTIGUA 3BC WS, ED World Nx at 0003 9-1, "Mx Abt Britain," MR.Nxreel;" VG (Kriet -VA). ! ARGENTINA R. Nacional Mendoza, various types of mx (including Swiss yodels) at 0902
intil ID and call ltrs, then talk, probably na, not sure due to ZRN. Not // to R. Oacional on 6060; 8-23 (Jones-MS).

LUATEMALA LV de Guatemala, fair at 1229 on 9-6 with ID and marimba mx (Lineback -TX).

.E1,1EZUELA R. Turismo, Valera, 0010-0020 on 8-15 with adjacent channel '$M. Very lite

d bouncy SP vocals by a man. Singing ID by group of women at 0016, then gal anncr, with ads, back to similar mx (Moritz-OH); LA pops at 0915 8-14, IDs, OM DJ (Alex -

WRNO, 0351 on 9-4 with sports net, vy good sig (Jones-MS).


Hard rock arnd 0945 on 9-11, non-atop, still going when I tuned out at 1100.

pretty good strength, sig is a little tinny, and I suspect a pirate operation.

esn't match anything that's supposed to be here. (JP).

IERU R. Oriente, Yurimaguam, surprised to hear this one at early hour of 0900 on 9-8,
Fip7ixently shortly after s/on. Quite good sig, and no BBC-6105 either. Several clear
pe noted. One day only and not hid again since; of course, tape recorder was not on
;d I figured I'd get em agai n "tomorrow " for a report. Usual 1100 s/o n is almost

possible here, even at height of the season (JB). Same date, ID 1039, TC, pop mx,

ice sig, earlier than usual .1100 (Jones-MS); and on 8-9, .1100 with anthem, religious

g·gm, OA mx, to 1110 fade out. QRM from Mexico-6185 (Wilkins-CO).

Hcaption has improved considerably in the last few weeks, so now is the time to get back

lsowlipbsandtshe ifdatyeouoftoyookura rseucmempetriosnababnadtictahle s+t+a+teA wrheemriendyeoru tolivpel.easeAlsioncluodle asoen ydoour

i detaitlhb es opfroe gtrheammpirnogrian nmmithnego stahmaetn ydoeutail hlearads.e youOnwc otu held oe tihnera s rheacnedps tiiotn ia sre,porr t.a Ty ry to
balance. .-e+ And a final reminder and request that those of you who are not submit -
logs to LE each month please get in the swing of things and let us here from you. ust a tiny fraction of the membership that contributes to LR and thus assists all of
-contributorm in their DXing. Even in SW, tis better to give than receive. 73--

Page 46

section C
600 tci 1169, kHz

Editor: Peter Schipe881, 31 BeaverbrookFkmd, Burlington, MA 01803


CLANDESTINE LV de Sandino; 0017-0030here with high pitched W mixing with M in SP tlk, with many mentions of Nicaragua and a couple other countries. Into instl tune at 0028. Poor in static and QRM. (Moritz 8/21)

6509v VIETNAM Lai Chau; *1145-1250* ID, arch Mx at s/on, anmts, ox (7), much tlking by

Ir.--1717Erumental Mx aboundsl (Young)


VIETNAM Cao Bang; *1200-1335* Full orchestral s/on mx, ID, anmts, much singing by F without any Mx background. This is the most conmistant and strong VTN regional. Off late M, :1& Fri. (Young)

6534v VIETNAM 4oang Lien Son;*1115-1302* Singing Mx at s/on, ID, anmts, M voice talking,

much-Hv'fN mx. For nearly a month was on 6531, now up to some FSK ZRY on 6533. 1/5613, but weaker there. (Young)

6540 6576

NORTH KOREA R. Pyongyang; 1045-1050 JP, Oriental Mx & tlk; Fair. (Buer 8/21) IPTED *1000-1030* possible clandestine, NA. oriental mx, tlking by F. Daily, but

wedged in QUI. Not Peking! (Young)


LACS Pakse; *0955-1400* Singing 'IA, ID, Laotian Mx, is daily but still suffers from poor modulation. Off usually 1 day out of ten. (Young)

65977 VIETKAm nac Thai; *1125-1325* Orchestral Mx at s/on, singing, D 1130, nx( 7), much '/7H singing, mostly F voices. This is the strongest TIN regional and each day

tt goes from one freq to another. (Young)

6724v PERU R. Satelite? 1350. first noted F/10 w/ ID as"transmite Radio Catolica desde la

provincia de Santa Cruz en el Departamento de Cajamarca, Republica de Peru Sudamerica"

Back on 672 7 on 8/31 v/ many more "R. Catolica" rDs & pgr "musics de los Andes" at 0348., wondering if this is a new name for R. Satelite or maybe pgr name? Fgms not


religious in nature however. (Reinstein 8/10)(Moritz 8/20) (Jones 8/31) SOMALIA R. Mogadishu; *0300-0320 Somali, Anthem, ED by man, Koran. (Ripas 8/11)

(Young)(Wilkins 8/24)(Clifford 8/29)(Stidwell 8/30) 68.45vT LAOS Oudomsai; 1155-1207 extremely weal Laotain stn here, never hrd at 3/on or off.

Laotian mx and M anncr. In or next to much QRY. Weakest of all VTN or Laotian

regicnals. Sometimes is up to 6854 KHz. (Young)

6852 EL SALVADOR R. Venceremos; 0040 SP, OM w/ tlks, no, Mx, several mentions of El


Uniidor7.7-Taidwell 1/31(Toung)(Solland 8/26)(Wood 9/8)( Ware 8/261 CLANDESTINE I. Quince de Septembre; 1213-17 SP, M W, Mx v/ full ID by fl. Plenty

of mIiiiary mx w/ political colloquium by OM e, Yl. (Bollard 8/28)


PAKICTAN RP; Hindi svc, *0100-0135, strong sig w/ clear rDs & Quran chants. Back on this freq after wandering 6967-6969 on 8/11 & 8/13 (Reinstain)


CLANDESTINE R. Farsbundo Marti; 0115, several ids. pgr stopped at 0114, tho carrier remained. C'W brutal at times. (Berg 8/29)

7065 71145 7190
7190t 7195 7250 7255 7265 7270 7285 7300 7345 7355 7465 7770

ALBANIA R. Tirana; *0000-0026* ES, Albanian Mx, world nx, cmntry on US. (grist 8/29) NIGERIA R. Kwara; 0535-0601 EG/vern OM DJ/ancr w/ ses of US soul Rock "Get down on it also Donna Sommers Disco. Afro instr/incals. (Jordan 9'1) CHINA CPBS-2; 2258., CH mx, 6 pips 2300 4 CH ID. //6890 4 8107. Fair sig on all 3 ricîi but 8007 the best clarity. (Reinstein)
SRI LANKA SLBC; 1048-0100e tentative, the one w/ the tyrical regional mx & tlk by W. Ments of Sri Lanka at 0100. Listed as Hindi svc. (Reinstetn) tIBERIA VOA-Monrovia; 20140 EC to Africa, MX 4 Mx, Magazine per (Wallacel(Krist 8/28) VATICAN VR; 0245-0305 lang?, Male & female tlks, choir Mx-ID. EXC reception(Cobb8/30 NiGnyz VON; 2147 FR, fast paced afro Mx. OM anncr in FR. ID, Drums at s/off. Nate 9/3)(Saruel 8/19)(Manning 9/1,) WEST GERMANY Sudwestfunk; 0125-023h GM, soft instr, "I could have danced all night." 1200 time pips & TO followed by news by QM. (D'Angelo 8/24)
POLAND R. Polonia; 2230 KG, Mx, "Mail Bag" Fair. (Fraser 8/6) (Cobb 8/22)
gff.4-7ÉPYAMY UW; 1208 KO, ID as ASIAN Svc of 7W. Orntry on Reagan's peace initiative Mid -Eret: (Gilster 9/3)
ALBANIA R. Tirana; *0301 EG, NA, ID, gave content of upcoming pon. (Ware 8/28) 71.1stTér 9/3)
CZECHOSLOVAKIA R. Prague; 0100 KG, Mx 4 Cmntry, "Stamp Corner","Join George" Cond. (e ra ser F/7)(Gilster 8/21)
CLANDESTINE La Voz del Cid; 0117-013h* SP, Freq. ID, 2101 theme. "Se Llama Jose Marti" PM.. Good in GEN. (Gilster 8/21)
ISRAEL Kol Yisrael; *0358-0403, "D" pgr. IS then short musical tune. 6 time pips and 71-Ty-m. Brief tlk and into Koran at 1402. Fair. (Valko) CHINA R. Peking; 1230 CH, Local Mx, very pleasant chorus & orch. (2ilmer 9/7)

Page 47

410 GREAT BRITAIN IBC; 2315 EG, 'Merchant Navy Program" still a future at sea(Fraser8/26)
475 EGYPT R. Cairo; 0300 EG, ID, *Meeting Point" Poi interview (Samuel 8/10)(Gilster9/22)

490 -fie! Xizang PPS; 1155-1205 CH, Oriental song to 1159 ID; orch. Mx 1159-1200;5 time nirs 1200; news after 1200; site not heard but who else. (Suer 8/29)(:ucurm 8/19)8/20)

495 MONACO TWR; 1625 Er, Sel pgm, freq anncrt for incorrect 9500(Stidwell 8/29)(D'Angelo

500 XilFed.A R. Tirana; *0359-0410 RM., IS, Anthem, Nx. (Wilkins 8/27) 505 ITIZP--hwR; 1400 EG, Sel pgm. (Zilmer 9/7)

505 JAPAN R. Japan; 1541 EG, OR world Nx, 1545 ID, freq 4 he sked. xlnt (Hensley 9/3) reelIand 1/22)(Lineback 9/5)

;10 PERU R. America; 1018-101h SP, Nice LA guitar mx, tlk by yl and OR, /D by both

alter ax. Slight QRM but nice clear signal. (Valko 8/13)(Moritz 0/7)

10 TAIWAN VOFC; 1045-1055 CH, Oriental Mx e/ short tlks till Sackville carrier on at

1055; fair w/ some co -chan CR14. 1111745, 11860 (both better (Suer V31)

1.5 MEXICO MOW; 0413 SP, IN de Amer. Latina. EZ listening Mx. (Jones 9/7)(Wood9/8)

>15 URUGUAY SODRE; 2115 comedian imitating a Brazilian. (Wood 8/26)

20 !MIMI, RP; 0041-00147 FR, to MA, Mx, ID, Mx excerpt ic tlk. (Suer 1/5)

meretu 25 POLAND R. Poland; 0200-0225 EG, M le/ Nx, one Mx aelect ion, some QRN (Shortridge 8/1h) '

;3i).4 -

R. Nacional; 0400 SP, ID as "Radio Nacional de Venezuela, onda carte,"

a/off w/ anthem 0402, carrier stayed on; het from Moscow: F. (Wood 9/e)

133 UNID: AR at 2200, N. Afr Mx, pips on the hour, much better later and still on at

1de, (Berg)(Wallace 8/29)


35 UNID; 2202-2232* AR, Tlk 2202-2212; songs 2212 -2227;poss ED 2227;t1k 2227-2232e;

1 7;571/ pulled mid-sentence. Help! Saudi Arabia? (Ruer 1/6)

35 ANGOLA R. Nacional de Angola 2311-2347 here with a mix of US pops tunes from Stevie

I U1o;n17's "My Cherie Amore" to Queen: At 2317 M P7 anncr w/ Radio Luanda to. A bit of EG at 232h in anncg a Barbara Streisand tune. at 2345 full to as "Radio Nacional de

. de Angola in Luanda." Very strong. (Moritz 9/1)(Rigas 8/13)

35 SWITZERLAND SRI; 2202 EG, "Dateline" 1/15305, into GM at 2715 (Ware 8/30)

5 SOLOMAN /SURDS SUM; 0715 EG, classified job ads. Mx of coming events, US roek MR.

Mungelo 8/10)(Sharpe 8/19)(Alexander 8/13)

50 CH/IE R. Nacional de Chile; 0207 SP, The US dollar vas quoted at 55.88 pesos in Chile.

rnieevmnor 8/25)(Jones 9/7)

2 PERT' R. Nacional; 0330 SP, Laid back EZY Mx peu. Mostly tangos; few commercials. ED.

firri, heard full to at news time. (Jones 9/7)(8ol/and 8/27)


0 SOUTH KOREA R. Korea; 1011 EG, Trade relationships between Africa 0. Kenya (jacobs 8/ 5 PORTUGAL RP; 0545-0801* EG, tlk on Portuguese manners 4 behavior. Mx, IS (Samuel 8/19)

5 ITALY RAI; 0100 EG, Nx of the day given by Yl. (Shortridge 8/5)(Cobb 8/29) ?.0 AUSTeALIA RA; *1058 EG, "Australian Editorial Opinion." (grist 8/281


--M inte o g -T.K.--pgVmo.iceID

of the sounds

Communist similar

Party to that

of Turkey; given by

*0355 9BC MS

IS, anthem and ID's and raj. (Tuerkiye Komunist Partisinin

Sesi) in their Feb 1978 bulletin. (dalcutt 8/16)

I ,

15 SOUTH AFRICA RSA; 2100 EG, P.O. Pox 4559, covered by Hungary e 2130 (Fraser 8/7)

5 riff):01r1r7.8udapest; *0100-0128* EG, Na & Cmntry about US Embargo against the

Vietpipeline. (grist 8/210(011ster 8/22) r5 BRAZIL R. Culture; 2214 Mix of PT pops and ballads. Ming mostly as "Radio Culture'

ilt7lh full ED as "radio Culture da Bahia" v/ fqy by OM at 2230. (Moritz 9/7)

JAPAN NSB; 0948 JP, OM, ads, 1m & time pips. (Cucura 8/19)

PffffEIPINES R. Ventas; 1140 EC, "Our changing world", to, Nx,(Manning 8/25)

1 AUST1ALIA ABC; 1244 EG, Pgm on Sinatra, many songs. ('Ulster 8/21)(Purdum 8/17)

(Bonnet 8/23)(D'Angelo 8/15)

YUGOSLAVIA ST; *2215 EG, IS, ID, Nx&Cuintry (Cobb e/31)(Jordan gel) VrAKEETA-- R. Rumbos; 1320 SP, LAM Mi, 0322 OM ED, (Hensley 8/27)

(Suer 8/11) .

:15ttbiln VotPK; 1300 VT, s/on annmts, Tlk, fair w/ QSB 4 9700 splatter. //11938 SnlASIA R. Sofia; 2230 EG, "Mosaic Facts" (Fraser 8/26)(Paskiewicz 8/19) USA ARNO; 0250 EG, PSA "Join the Army". (Wood 8/24)

MR R. Tashkent; 1200 e, Nx 4 Cmntry (Zilmer 9/7)


35-ffq KOREA KBE; 1345 EG, to, "Korman Culture Past 4 Present"(Purdum 8/19)(Orenter CH ILE R. Mineria; 1054 SP, ID, TCs Nx w/ excerpts from Reagan's Tax speech. (Jones)

PEW R. Sideral; s/on is a few minutes before 1100 (tuned away and missed Lt) 'rd


155C, 8/30 see R. Sideral tos. Pretty clear ch as only nearby ato is :uba -9750, but OA goes out in just a few minutes. (Berg 8/31)(Moritz 8/26)(Jones 9/27) GUATEMAIA R. Nacional; 0000 t/c "Las 19 en punto, R. Nacional de luatemalan romantic ira, //618.0 and active again. (Wood 8/31)

AUSTRIA OR?; 0130 EG, Nx, "Weeks Review", Mx Joseph Hayden's "Scottish" Folk tunes.

1174174.7(Fraser 8/114)(Krist 8/29)(Nonnet 8/27)

MAINE R. Kiev; *0200-0228* EG, Nx, Cmntry on Helsinki conference, "Youth Feature." TWITI-Brier (Krist 8/6)

7ruee INDIA AIR; 2131 EG, Pgm of Indian folk 4 movie vocal Mi. (Fraser 8/7 )(wood 8/24)
0 -- Voice of the Free People Of South Yemen; 144h-14146 AS, Tic by M, last phrase of Tee, was rapid ID as per June LN p 28, then low six theme to 1445 test tone(Newkirk) '
t UNID: *1955-7157* AS, Teat tone till 2000, continuous AR vocals w/ tOE instrurentlls. U- T7dnce applause between songs. No tlk, annmta, Helm please. (Suer 9/6) leer
o rpta, Am busy as new manager of local Radio Shack Store in Woburn, MA. 73 to You:

Page 48



Editor: Steve Wiseblood, 707 Loma Way, Santa Maria, CA 93454

WOO EUROPEAN RSFSR Krasnodar-GM: 2210-2245 EG !ad nx, cmntry(Hensley,Fraaer).

11710 ARGENTINA RAE: 2230-2249 EG nx, the big item was a UNESCO meeting in

Mexico where a vote favored Argentina in the Malvinae conflict. I get

the feeling this old horse just won't die! EG nx, honoring the military

with a memorial service to the dead. VG (D'Angelo -PA 8/9 ). 0245-0258

EG "Our inema program", more tlk de Malvinas. G (Pieper,Grosvenor).

11715 ZWITZERLAND SRI: 0144-0215 EG nx "Grapevine" pgm, into SP (Gilster).

11720 UKRAINIAN SSE Lvov-E4: 0030-0044 EG Press interview. F-G (Jordan 8/16)

1. 11735 gall KTWR: 1253-1300 EZ1 mx, CH tlk, EG W w/address, ID & IS(Purdum).


R Kiev -RK: 2330 EG nx, interview, "Mailbag". Xlnt (Fraser).

11740 11750

'JAT CAN 5TAL VR: 0625-0641, EG vy comprehensive nx rpt, ID, SP W w/nx
e0630. VG (D'Angelo 8/20). BULGARLI Plovdiv-4 relay: esoo EG nx, "Mailbag". G o/BBC (Fraser-MA 8/7)

11755 eGENTINA R El Mundo: 0751-0745 SP MoR mx, M amor w/full ID, QTN & anat.,

into SP nx, lively vocal LAm mx. P w/C,RM (Jordan 8/29).

11760t COOK ISLAND RCI: 0754-0901* Island mx EG pop mx, M ancr in Maori(?)

w/telephone request pgm, possible ID, Anthem S/off. P (Cobb-ME 8/28).

11770 NIGERIà VoN: 2043-2101* EG M w/cmntry, vy distorted. P (Holland-FL).

11770 UKRAINIAN S3R Kiev-a.': 0115-0152 "Mailbag" p&m, "Q&A" pgm. P (Shortridge)

11785 UZBEK Sa Tasnkent: 1205-1212 EG nx, cmntry, till ID, oriental instr.

mx. "Mailbag" pgm, F (Bolland-F1 8/22, '/are 9/4).

11790 -NDON -- I VoT:*1400 -1410 IS, ID, cmntry, EG M w/nx. VP (Jordan,Samuel).

11800 PO

qP: 2200 PT folk mx, ID //9600. G (Wood-MO).

11800 GABON Afr #1: 2118-2301* Afro highlife mx ads, man, ID's, FR nx 2245,

//usual 11945, not hrd subsequently, likely a teat xman. G (Pickard-IL)

11800 ITALY RAI: 1653-1655 FR cmntry, 1c1 mx, full ID, little birdie IS 4

S/off. F (Holland -FL). 0100 W w/EG nx. G,//9575 P (Fraser-MA 8/6).

11815 JAPAN NHK: 1325-1330 EG anmts, ID, Japanese lesson (Purdum 8/19).

11815 POLAND R.Polonia: 0200-0225 EG M w/nx, cmntry on the grain harvest,

tlk on Fall festivals in Poland.. VG w/QSB (Shortridge-IN 8/16).


4./Ià 2. Jamaniriyan: 2244-2254 accented EG tlk on Libyan Army(Hensley).

11825 aYPT R Cairo: 0030-0040* AR tlk to 0034, ID, .,',,u'ran chants, S/off anmts

en-0039-0040. //9740 better (Suer-FL 9/6.).

11825 TAHITI Papeete: 0520-0741 FR pop mx, Tahitian vocals, FR anmte & ID's,

//15070, NA 4 S/off. VG (Wilkins-CO, Samuel, D'Angelo).

11830 IIBERIA ELWA: 0930-0745 gospel mx & tlk lang., F (Stidwell 8/22).

11830 ROMANIA Bucharest: *0200

EG nx, cmntry, "Radio nxreel"(Krist -VA)

11835 SRI LANKA SLBC: 1100-1130* EG "AWE Int'l" R. Monitora pgm, features on
the British Forces Broadcasting Svce., gel de 4VEH. F-G (D'Angelo 8/29)

11840 Zile GERMANY RBI: *0230-0311* EG nx & cmntry by W. VG (Krist,Shortridge).

11840 11860

GUAM KTWR: *0745-0752 EG religious pgm. F (D'Angelo 8/10). TAIaN VoFC: 1132-1200 JP W w/t1k, JP stringed instr mx, ID by W 0 1145. C&W mx, JP pop mx //9510.QHMed, 11745 P (Jordan). 11745 Xlnt here: -cd

11875 NORWAY RN: 0000-3030* EG pea. preview, Nordic ax, nx. G (Mayer 8/16).

11880 SPAIN SFR: 0000-0043 EG nx, Press review, interviews. VG (Fraser,Krist,

Shortridge). 0100-0200* EG Press review, "Panorama". Xlnt(Mayer,Pieper).

11890 KIRGHIZ SSE Frunze-RP&P: 0100 IS, ID's, PT nx. G (Ware 8/31).

11890 PULIPPINE4 FEBC: 0835-0945 ID, EG um, religious pgm(Sharpe,Alexander).

11900 TURKEt VoT: 2200-2245 IS, EG opening anmta, nx by W, "Press Review",

"Letterbox", "Turkiee Folklore". F-G //7155 (Fraser,Alexander,Mayer,Jords.

11905 TAIWAN VoFC: 0215 EG nx & cmntry, CR lang. lessons (Pieper 9/8).

11925 EQETUGAL Rdf P: 0100 NA, ID, PT M w/fue, 1c1 folk mx (Ware 9/1).

11940 ROMANIA Bucharest: 2123-2126 EG M "Pages of History", ID w/fus(Bolland)

11940 GABON Afr #1: 2255-2300' FR tlk by 1, ID sked & S/off. G (Risgas-IL 9/4)

11955 PHILIPPINES R Veritaa Asia: 1310-1330 Asian songe w/anmta in lang by W,

1324-1329 tlk w/fanfare

start & end, EG ID a 1330. Sked says Telugu,

F w/CtSB (Suer-FL). 1430-1459 EG pgm ab t relief efforts in SEAs,ID (Purdum)

11975 EAST GERMANY RBI: *2314-2352* EG nx, cmntry on Israel, sports (Krist -VA).

11985 l'i,BANIA RT: 2200 SP tlk ant foreign visitors to Albania. G (Nood-MO).

11990 CZECHOSLOVAKIA Prague: 0125-0140 1c1 mx, pgm on the arts. G (Mayer).

12000 AUST4ULIa INS: 0651-0700 EG ID, time pips. F (Paszkiewicz 9/5)

12000 URQFEAN RSFSR, Tula-RMWS: 0342-0352 Soviet Jazz mx, ID. F (Hensley 8/27)

12000 .1Si*

R Cairo: 0140-0200 ME instr. ma, AR anmts by M, AR nx 3 0145(Jordan

0202-0231 ME instr/vocal mx, ID, EG pgm on Tourism. G (Kriat, Ware 8/28).


0 liROPF..AN RSFS Moscow: R. Vilnius-relay 2200-2210 IS, ID, EG nx. F (Rigas-IL). *2330-2358* R. Kiev-relay EG nx, cmntry. VG (Krist-VA).

0000-0028 Synthesized S/on tune ID by W ancr, into LI nx. VG (Jordan)

)30 ASIATIC RSFSR Petropavlovsk: ()00-0525 EG nx, rpts from correspondant , "Sidelights on Soviet Life"(Sharpe). 1730-1800 RMWS EG story (Sharpe)
)45 GREECE VoG: 0219-0306 presumed here w/nonstop GK mx (Sharpe-CA). )70 MCNGOLIA RUB: 1.212-123à ID, EG opening anmts, into EG nx by :1, cmntry
address for reports, Sited w/times/fqys, NA 1237* (Ware, Cucura.). *1401-1420 IS, EG s/on anmts, Asiatic nx rpt. P w/gRM (Wilkins-CO 8/2 8 :20h PHILIPPINEE VoA: 1502 end nx, feature on George Meany, 2x6110(Newkirk

r45 ISIAEL KI: 2230 E0 nx, "Calling All Listeners", "DX Corner". F(Zilmer


5. ICELAND ISBS: *1828-1905 Abrupt S/on w/pop mx, IC anmts by J, piano I
EZ1 mx, 1900 clock chimes, into nx by M, ID "Utvarp Reykjavik" (6 rptr

po CHINA BPM: 1129-1232 CW ID, voice ID by CH W (Bolland-FL, Valko 8/11) ao ITF7N8U Hanoi: 1116-1127*VT W singing, VT mots . P (Holland -FL 8/29)

133 0-1355 ID's by M&W ancrs, EG nx, tlk on the Viet people, relations , with other Asian countries. P-VP (Jordan, Cucura). 1600-1628 Pop mx p
hosted by W in EG, tlk on Viet -Sino relations, 1c1 mx (Sharpe-CA).
*2030 NA, ID, EG nx by W, //10040 VP. F (Ware 8/29). 2120 FR tlk, G(Wo d) 20 GREECU R Stn Makedonia: 1750-1805 GK anmts midst of piano excerpts,

ID & time pips 1800, Clscl mx pgm, better than 1/15040 (Suer-FL 9/4)

1 LIU Voice of the Pyramids: 0006-0017" EG olde Bestia tunes (Wilkins-C )

+2v GREECE Makedonia: 2050-2114' GK nx relay from the 1st domestic pgm of

ERT. GK folk my voG flute IS. ID's by GK W. //15050 (Rigas-IL,Alexand r)

52v GREECE. Makedonia: 1915-c113* GK

ancr, 2100 nx, relay of the End

domestic pgm, GK mx, anmts by M, ID, flute IS, nx (L: reporters).

50 SAILLI_AjlEa, BSKSA: 2005-2030 AR M ancr, discussion pgm. F (Jordan 8/ 6) 4 IRAN VoIRI: 1926-1940 Parsi prayer chants, ID, anmts oy S (Jordan 8/2 fl.

5 TgRAFI. Rol Israel: 0500-0515 EG nx, ex, ici folk mx, into FR (Stidwel ). OMAN RO: 0910-0930 EG tlk of AR customs & stories(_;lifford) EG to 11
0 BULGARIA Sofia: 1946-2032 EG M&W w/nx, cmntry, ici mx(3olland,Ware).
0045-0058 EG e w/cmntry, "R Bulgaria Calling", IS, ID. F (Jordan 8/26)
0 POLAND R Polonia: 0200-0230 EG nx, ID's, literary tlk(Witzig,Lineback .
5 INDIA AIR: 0127 IS, DR S/on anzats, now heard almost nitely. F-G (Wood MO r5 TURKEY VoT: 1412-1424 EG pgm on History of Cyprus, D. F (Suer-FL 8/2 ). '5 PORTUGAL Rdf Portuguesa: *1055-1105 XYlaphone IS, chimes, NA. G (Suer O CHILE R Nacional: 0330-0545 Lite LAm vocal mx SP M ancr, ID(Wilkins- )
INDONESIA Vol: 1618-1641 TD, "Love Ambon" tneie, tlk by 2 M in AR, /ndo MoR pop vocal mx (Sharpe

5 DENMARK R Dansk: 2000 KG/DM ID's, DU M w/nx. G (Fraser-MA).

p TAHITI Papeete: 0542-0622 Polynesian mx, FR M ancr. F (Paszkiewicz).

6v MEXICO mention

Voz of


Latina: de Ara

1318-1401 M&W bic s tn . He t (V


tlk, ads, 9 /1).



NIGERIA VoN: 0630-0657* EG tlk a bt Nigeria, ID, cmntry (Alexander 8/1 ).

D, EG anmts midst of Afro mx, Afro instruments. G(D'Angelo) b PORTUGAL R Japan-relay: 0700-0715 EG nx & cmntrY, into JP (Clifford).

BRASIL R Inconfidencia: 2200-0300" ID, PT MoR & EZ1 mx, ads, Jingles, PT Closing anmts 1 0300. P-F (Alexander 8/18, Berg-MA 8/2 8).

AUSTRIA ORF: 2130-2206 Waltzes & orchestral mx, introductions by GM M

ancr. full ID, IS 1 2155, GM Vid nx ce 2200. G (Jordan 8/19).
SEYCHELLES PESA: 0427-0438 EG religious pgms, gospel mx (Stidwell 8/2)

MADAGASCAR RNed: 2035-2105 EG M w/nx, ID's, "SW Feedback"(Wildes,Cobb

SOUTH AFRICA R. RSA: 1522 EG //25790, 21535 both better (Choroszy 7/1 ).

TUNISIA RTVT: 1255-1400 time pips, AR EAST GERMANY RBI: 0505-0514 GM M ancr

nx, ME w/tlk,

mx, radio play ID's. F w/RN


SRI LANKA VOA-relay: 0130-0150 EG M w/ID, EG Mid nx (Clifford 8/9 ).

UGANDA RU-Kampala: 1800-1900* EG nx, Afro mx pgm w/EG W w/anmts, ID's
Into FR e 1830. Fair (Manning 8/2 6, Alexander 8/22)

PORTUGAL Gloria-RFE: 2110-2130 Czech/Slovak BRASIL R Bras: 0235-0259 Nice Brasilian mx,

magazine p. choral songs


MeAvjgâ VoM: 1550-1645 AR M, ID's, AR nx & sports, Malay mx (0harpe-(4A)

eS-Doha: 3300 ID, AR religious tlk, G (Sood-M0 8/2 3). '0330-


EG W w/nx & sports, tlk abt Arabic Arta, //17775. F (Pickard-IL).

0411-0419 AR chants, AR tlk by M&W, ID's, tlk abt Lebanon. Xlnt:(ialko).

SPAIN REE: 2125-2130 SP interviews & musical interludes. G (Buer-FL).
LLA, Dubai: 1615-1650 KG pgm abt AR scientists, Bld nx, into AR(Cliffo d) NROCC0 RTVM: 2340-0020 Fast rhythmic ME instr mx, call to prayer(Jordan

SAUDI ARABIA BSKSA: "1300 Presumed tlk in Ben all, IS, NA. G (Valko).
KUWAIT RE: 0254-0301 AR vocal mx, M&W w/ID&s in AR, //15495. F (Valko)

CANARY ISLANDq REE: 0301-0333' SP "America a dos Pasos", mx


PORTUGAL RFE/Gloria: 2300-2310 ID, Czecn/Slovak nx by N. G (Rigas-IL 4

ASCENSION ISLAND BBC: 2130 EG "Calling Falkland Is" still here w/tlk

on Argentine 0anctions. G (Nood-M0 8/2 6).

Page 50

15400 FINLA;;D RF: 1142 FN to 1153, ID by EG M, into EG nx 0 1200. (Bonnet-IN).

12410 SEYCHELLES FEBA: 1703 IS w/tlk in Somali sked., P u/VOA (Suer-FL). 15415 ISRAEL Mol Israel: 1859 IS, noted u/Libya w/tlk in lang. P (Buer-FL).

15415 LaU SPLAJBC: 2020-2125 lengtny AR tlk by M, tlk of ME nations(Jordan).

15415 BRASIL R Clube Ribeiro Preto: 005) PT ID @ 0059, fqys & jingle, 3ras. pop mx, ads, PT anmts by M, discourse by M&W in PT e 0100 (Alexander).

15425 ASIATIC RSFSE Kenga-Rti: *1230-1300 Asian lang. tlk by M, ID. F(Jordan)

15430 MEXICO XERMX: 0101-0300 lite MoR Mex mx, SP anmts (Nilkins, Stidwell).

15435 GABON RFI-relay: 2010-2030 Clad, exotic 8, pop mx, FR anmts (Bonnet-IN).'

15450 LIBYA SPLAJSC: 2220-2240 AR M ancr ME vocal mx, AR nx @ 2235 (Jordan)

15460n 1MA WYFR: 1620-1658 GM religious tik, ID @ 1630, fus(Purdum,Walcutt). 1830 IT sermon, now Eur svce in FR, GM, IT 8, RU; G (Wood-MO).
15460 CLANDESTIN Z VoUnited Muslim Fighters of Afghanistan: 0125-0154* prayer chants ME flute mx, discourse by 3 M in Puahto/Dari. P (Jordan 8/17).

15474 15475 15495

ANTARCTICA LRA-36: 2235-0035 SP N w/anmrs, tangos, SP ballads, EG ID 0
7e415 , 2145. F-G (Jordan 8/30, Pickard-IL 8/3 1). Rol Israel: 2000 EG ex, Cling All Listeners DX Corner, G 15585, 15485, 15105, 1374a5l, 116 40 , 900 9 (ZilMer 9/5). KUWAIZ RK: 0403-0520 AR chanting by M, trumpet notes @ 0500, instr/vocal

ME mx AR nx by M (Sharpe-CA 8/30)15500 EUROPLAN RSFS? Moscow: P. Yerevan relay *2050-2040 IS, "Yerevan Khomma",

ID, nx by M in Armenian. F (Rigae-IL 8/14). 15505 4.1à2 gES: 1725-1913 ME instr/vel selections, ;tu'ranic recitations,

discourse by M&W in AR, TC, F (Stidwell 7/27, Jordan 8/14).

15520 CHINA R Peking: 1204-1250,EG 'Nid nx, cmntry, Oriental mx. G (Cobb-ME). 15520 UIWAINTAN SSR Lvov-I4: 2040-2050 EG tlk of Taujikistan. F (Rigas-IL).

15540 15550 15560

BYELOSRUSSIAN SS? Minsk-RM: 1235-1250 EG anmts, operatic mx (Purdum 8/23) UKRAINIAN SS? Simferopol-4: 2230-2320 PT discourse by 2 M, nx(Jordan) MADAGASCAR wed-relay: 1245-1255 Clad). mx to 1249, ID, Indo tlk. VG

//21480 (Buer-FL 8/29). 1420 DT M ancr midst pop mx (Grenier 9/4).

15575 15585

SOUTH KOREA RK: 0200 EG nx, cmntry. G (Zilmer 9/6). ISRAZE MI: 2250-2300 EG M&N answering letters nx, fqy anmts. Xlnt(Cobb) . .0100-0123* EG M&I ancra w/nx (Bonnet-IN). 020Ó-0225 EG nx (Sharpe-CA).

15595 GREECE VoG: *1400-1410 ID, NA, GK nx. P (Rigae-IL 8/12). 15600 CHIN4 2. Peking: *1232-1302 IS, X ancr w/nx in presumed Indo. (Jordan 9/1

17580 PAKISTAN RP: 1723-1730* eongto 1729, choral anthem to 1730*. F (Euer-FL). 17585 ISRAEL MI: 1745-1750 time signal, ID, Ladino nx. F w/gSB (Buer-FL 8/28).

17605 NETHERLANDS RNed: 1431 EG Vid nx, "SX Feeduack" (Grenier). 2045-2100 EG

"Monday's Report" w/cmntry on various subjects (Shortridge, Wildes-AL).

17620 FRANC

RFI: 1715-1735 FR tlk, pop mx, telephone calls,//17850 (Suer-FL).

17620 PAKISTAN RPak: 1311-1320 tlk in ._ang., choral anthem, co-channel EG'

stn w sports event, het from lang. stn on 1761 (Suer-FL 8/12). 17630 ISRAEL Mol Israel: 2242 EG speech by Sharon while in US (Krist-VA 8/28).

17660 SPAIN PEE: 1610-1615 SP tlk w/musical excerpts, ID, //17890 (Suer-FL).


U18L3U0 .S=P

nx //11790, G (Wood-M RTBF: *1700-1706 Drum

8/30). IS, FR

S/on anmts.

P-F on

a bad day(Buer).

1709-1905 Mixed bag of FR & EG pop mx, jazz mx, ID's. F //15210(Silkins)


NETHERLAND ANTILLEâ 1,onaire-R Ned relay: 2045 G w/EG "Happy Stn"(Nildee). Reports were down this month, but this was to be expected w/summer QRN. Hopefully reports will pick up in the Fall. I am now a Graduate Electrical

Engineering Student at Cal State-Long Beach. I estimate that it will take

2-3 years to get my M.S.E.E.:I also am hoping to get a part time job working in the Ilectronics industry while I go to school. Well, my new

address is: 1340 Junipero Ave., Apt. 4, Long Beach, CA. 90804 /13 cieex,

Page 51

7701:1i and
Editor Brett Saylor, P.O. Box 10, Whitehall, PA 18052

DO D5 D5 10 20
t5nÍ 50 75
10 10 25 30
50 0 t5
50 55nf
75 )0 90
10 30 55
70 77.5 95 15
20 50 40

USSR R Peace & Progreso; 1802-1812 EG, entry on Angola(Bolland)

UV- ZEALAND RNZ; 0435-0455 EC., pop mx,book eve, (Manning 9/4)

MOROCCO RIVW; 0018-0100*AR, a:, tlk sot Lebanon,f(Paaskiewicz)

ISRAEL KY; 1830 HB, nx.// 17845, good (wood 8/30) SPAIN RNE; 1400 SP, tlk, local mx, ID ,,, 1500, nx;//17660 oob,

irc7- Iisted (Zilmer 9/5) PORTUGAL (per aked) R Free Europe; *0300-0306 Polish, piano IS,

157-aiT- clear at a/on but jammer overtook by 0302 (Wilkins 8 /17) USA WINB Red Lion, PA; 1625-1720 EG, M anncr, continuous relax

Mr(Bonnet 8/31)

poR;ITGAI RPE; *0300-0310 Romanian; IS, ID, ox, good signal most

nignts ,Wilkins 8/16)

ro USSR R Moscow via Kursk (per URN); 1510-1555 RS, tlk by reporters

=if celeste ,,,) 1528,

by W as RS Rodina, fair (Jordan 8/16)

ECUADOR HCJB; 2333-2338 PT, rd l song & tlk, ID 2338 (Suer 8/30)

USA qRNO; 2215 EG, ED, light mx, list eked; good (Wood 8/26) UUX WRWO; 2200 EG, pop mx, bid couple of days later with aimul -

caat of their PM etn; good (Jacobes)

TAIW4ZI VOPC; 2215 EG, CH lesson, fair (Wood 8/26) NIGERIA V of Nigeria; 0544-0551 EG, _to NAfr, tlk, ED 0545, entry

(Buer 8/12). USA VO7C via WYPR; *0400-0405 CH, WYPR ED, anthem, e/on, tlk,

night co -chan ,',,RM jammere aimed at APE (Suer 9/4)

BRAZIL R Nacional de Brasilia; *1815-1820 E0, a/on w/ guitar ma,

loeribt Brazil's independence day;//15125(poor)(Buer 9/6)

PHILIPPINES ?ESC; 0030 EG, religious pgm, fair (Zilmer 9/6)

/IBERIA 70A; 1734-1740 PT, ox, ID at 1736, tlk, f-g (Suer 9 /4 ) JAPAN RJ; 0020 EG, pgm abt JP bang, poor;//21610 good(Alexander)

BRAZIL R Bras; *0200-0301* 110, ox, ex, songs, temp shut down 15290

go od

(Eriat 8/29, Bonnet)

Ait, SWITZERLAND SRI; 1603-1608 PR, tlk, ID, poor (Suer 8/11)

CZECHOSLOVAKIA R Prague; 1720-1727*

songs, ID (Suer 9/4)

ffIRAINE RM vía Simferpol; 1340 EG, RS operatic mx, World Svc ED..

4RM Deutsche Walla (Purdum 8/22) PRANCE RFI; 1750-1756 PR, feature, theme from "2001", ED, MOR mx

7375-e - (.Bolland 8/15)


SWITZERLAND SRI; 2200 EG, unemployment-Swiss watch industry


ECUADOR HCJB; 1745-1800 EG, rel pgm, ED, time signal 1800, Czech

TZTIZWiid, good (Buer 9/6)

USSR R Yerevan; 0247-0257* Armenian/EG: EG ED 0252 by ii, nx eumm, i's, address, s/off; into R Moscow 0300 (Ware 8/28)

CAàADA RCI; 2015-2030 EG, cmtry on trains,icebreakers(Shortridge)

AUSTRALIA RA; 1505 EG, world Az, Austr items in brief (Grenier)

ECUADOR HCJB; 0038 EG, "Guidelines for Family Living,""Paseport"

pgma, good (Kriat 8/27)

i'T5à.i. :a,tBS;thi1s534ti-m1e620(*PuArRd,umvo8c/a22l,s, WiMlEkaisnts,mx,Suedrr)ama 1600; not noted.

LIBYA V of Arab Homeland; 1930 AR, ED, world ox, mx (Samuel)

AST GERMANY RBI; *1115, 1300-1313 EG, mix, =try, "Dateline

Berlin," letterbox pgme; f-p (Jordan 9/2, Krist)

UNITED KINGDOM BBC; 1645-1715 EG, world, Afr ox (Bonnet 8/24)

7C170711-- 7E737 2130 EG, DI Partyline (Witzig 8/16)

ISRAEL KY; 2000 EG, a/on, ox, good (Wood 8/28)

EAST GERMANY RBI; 1730-1743* EG, "Round About the GDR" pgm, to

Air; very good (Jordan 8/12)

(Ware 8/28)

mulum a SWITZERLAND SRI; *2045 PT; ID's, freq's, into ax; to Afr/SAm --- via Lvov; 1400-1430 EG, to MEast, world nx;f (Jordan)

USA VOA; 2105-2135 RS, ox, ID, nxpaper rpte (Jordan 8/9)

Page 52

21570 21600 21610
21620 21655
21690 21695 21710 21780nÍ
25615 25790 25900

jWITZERLAND RAI; 1530-1545 EG, ID, ox, "Jazz Panorama"(Purdum) WEST GERMAAY DW; *1459 EG, ni, cmtry, to AZr (Shortridge,krist) JAPAN RJ; 5130-0205 EG, beet of 4 freq's to WONam; ni, current
affairs, DI Corner (Wilkins-CO 8/17) FRANCE RFI; 1600 EG, ox, cmtry, raz; poor (Shortridge 8/13) UNITED ARAB EMIRATES IJAR Radio,Duoai; 1445 AR, Ah inz, no ID so tent, bad ;Rii (3hortridge 8/13) 1630-1645 EG, nx,weather(Jordan)
NETHERLANDS ANTIIIEJ a Nederlands; 2045 EG, "Shortwave Feedback"
Dgm. Di re (Ware 8/28, Wildes) ITALI RAI; 1645-1655* Somali, to Afr, ox, piano mx,f(dordan)
7711115A ROI; 1915 EG, rpt on insects ,- (Shortridge 8/12) UK Bn;1118 EG, "About Britain", "Radio NzReel" (Krist 8/28) M AIN RIE; 1700 SP, mx by ii a W, good (Wood 8/26) 1803-1810 SP,
nz to ID 1806, SP songs after, good (Suer 8/28)
USA AFRTS; 2250 EG, "UPI Roundtable", fair (Krist 8/28) U.CU TH AFRICA R RSA; 1508 EG, rugby in SAfr, mz,f (Krist 8/28)
FRANCE hFI; 1220-1250 FR, ;ix, orch mx, FR pop mx (Jordan)

Theta all for this month.

See you in 30....

FOR SALE: RF -280Q with MW antenna booster, $200.00. DX-300. This one works, First Class Tech checked it out, $225.00. DX-160, works well, $90.00. NC-60 "Special", recently retubed, a classic, $75.00. Also a Zenith Transoceanic, retubed, a stately old set with beautiful tone. (No price listed). All sets in good condition and regularly used. I will negotiate. Paul V. Zecchino, Maxson Hill Road, Ashaway, RI 02804. Phone (401) 596-5569 days including Saturday and (401) 377-2447 nights.
FOR SALE: Sanserino 2-foot Amplified Box Loop Antenna. Four months old and in brand new condition. Price $65.00. ALSO: Zenith Transoceanic for best offer. Lester Baskin, 6504 North Washtenaw Ave., Chicago, IL. (312) 338- 9382.
WANTED: Old and recent Radio Bulletins, any club, American or foreign. I pay postage. I have some duplicates for sale of trade. Bill Smith, Brown Terrace, Uxbridge, MA 01569:
FOR SALE: Sony ICF-20Q1, $160 or trade on 68GG or other. Collins 7551 with Waters Q-Multiplier and CW filter (mint), $250.00. Navy FRR-502 Slavemaster with three receivers (2-16 MHz) in sturdy field case, $65.00. Dale E. Long, 266A Long Lane, Lititz, PA 17543. Phone (717) 626-8794 before 0200 GMT.
WANTED: Collins Mechanical Filter F455J25 or F455J21. John Williams, 3216 West 85th St., Bloomington, MN. Phone (612) 831-2760. Collect calls okay.
WANTED: WRTH, Editions 1978 and 1980. Please write stating price. I would also like to correspond with SWL/DXers who own a Yaesu FRG-7000. Darren Rogers, 1268 Dale Court, Seaford, NY 11783.
FOR SALE: HRO-MX receiver (National Company) made for the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals, Serial #C-993. Includes a full set of coils. In excellent condition and super clean, $200.00 plus freight. ALSO: Portable Oscilloscope by Non-Linear Systems, Inc. Excellent condition, never used, $300.00. ALSO: Cenar Component Substitution Box, $20.00. ALSO: Conar transistorized 7;17-Ohmmeter with 7 DC volt ranges, 7 Ohm ranges and 7 AC volt ranges. Brand new, never used, $0.00. For more information and specifications on this equipment write to Frank John Petrick, Box 101, Twist Run Road, RD #3, Endicott, NY 13760
Page 53

,rry Colgan, 8120 Ftipplewood Drive, Austin, TX 78758
Icoam to this month's Log Reports and thanks to the following reporters: ¡an Alexander, Mechanicsburg, PA; Jerry Berg, Lexington, MA; Jeff Biller, st Brunswick, NJ; Charles Bolland, Lakeworth, FL (FRC-7000); Arthur Bonnet, at Lafayette, IN (DX-302); Paul Suer, Miami, FL (SPR-4); Michael Calderwood,
[Inver, CO (FRG-7); James Clifford, Augsburg, FRG (FRG-7); Ken Cobb, Portland, (RF -4900); Vladimir Cucura, Reading, PA (R-7, FRG - 7); Richard D'Angelo, 3missing, PA; Bob Fraser, Cohasset, MA (XCR-30); Paul Glister, Raleigh, NC; te Grenier, Azusa, CA (FRG-7); Norman Grosvenor, Hollywood, CA; Baxter naleY, El Paso, TX (SX-190, FRG-7mod); Jack Jones, Jackson, MS (R-600); Ifus Jordan, Pittsburgh, PA (DX-302, Transoceanic); Bill Krause, Anoka, mu 1-7); Kraig Kr1st, Falls Church, VA (FRG-7700); Jerry Lineback. Conroe, TX; adra Manning, Garland, TX (FRG-7700mod); Bill Mayer, Allentown, PA (DX-200. .portable); Kevin Meyer, Falls Church, VA (FRG-7000mod); David Newkirk,
ttle, WA (R-1000 x 2); Sheryl Paszkiewicz, Manitowoc, WI (DX-302); Wilder ckard II, Evanston, IL (R-7, XCR-30); Gary Pieper, Fraser, MI (S-85); ne Purdum, East Lansing, MI (FRG-7700mod); Steve Reinstein, Miramar, FL F-4900mod); Christos Rigas, Chicago, IL (VEF-206); Chris Samuel, Winnipeg.
(RF -2800); Bryan Sharpe, Castro Valley, CA (DX-302); Clayton ShortridRe, Wayne, IN (R-1000); Donald Stidwell, Baltimore, MD (DX-302, FRG-7);
'ye Valko, Dunlo, PA; Dave Walcott, New York, NY; Steve Wallace, Lewistowe, (HQ-150); Lauren Ware, Fairfax, VA (FRG-7700); Bill Wildes, Birmingham. (R-4C, R-1000); John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, CO (R-1000); Eric Witzig,
panda's, VA (R-1000); Bob Zilmer, Rio Rancho, NM (R-1000, ¡CF-5900W).
e deadline for distribution by this editor is the 12th of each month. Ports received after that date will be held until the next month. If 1all possible, loggings should be submitted on FRENDX report forms or Mething similar, with loggings cut apart so they can be properly sorted. 'porters should also send a signature slip listing name, address and ceiver(s) so they can receive proper credit on this page.
Page 54


Howdy! Before I get on with this edition, I recently got a letter from Harold Sellers of the DX Equipment Information Coric:ittee in response to my query regarding Mosley. They are indeed back in business, though not supplying their once-popular SWV7/n17 antennas at this time. Their new gTH is 4610 N. Lindbergh Blvd.,Bridgeton Mo. 63044 and the phone
number is (314)7313036. The president's name is Bill Haack. My thanks
to Harold for this item.

Now to Wayne Thomspon's list. Since most of his stuff is homebrew,

unless there is a manufacturer's name there, assume all homebrew n.o.s.:

Wayne Thompson, Decatur Ga.

115 foot grounded horizontal

square loop (what does this

look like, Wayne? mja)

29 foot random wire

25 foot random wire

single cap antenna tuner w/RF amp

double cap antenna tuner(switch.

pi or 1 network)

mini antenna tuner (only 4"w

13."h and U"1- this I gotta see)

low pass RF filter (30Mhz cutoff)

passive audio filter (passband is
300 hz to 3 khz)

active audio filter (ICs)-passband

500 hz to 2 Khz
5 transistor active audio filter.

".this is the guy I showed you

in that photo a while back. He

says that it has a low/high pass

at 1 khz peak. Impressive! raja***

various power supplies

8" speaker in an outooard enclosure

Realistic headphones(what, not

homebrew??hi mja)

Micronta digital clock

Akai x1800SD recorder

Roberts 770x recorder (both are

reel to reel recorders. mja)

Wayne, that is a dandy list. How abt sharing with us some schematics

for those audio filters, and also tell us abt that loop? I'm sure there

are some out there just a little curious. I know I am.

ODDS AND ENDS DEPT.-- I hesitate to bring up a rather annoying item, but

it is a valid item....Don Sutlers(sp?) cf Oak Forest Ill wrote me after

the article came out on the Slinky dipole and says that he built a version
of it out of an article from 2k magazine December 1980.(Cringingly) I

thank you for that item in and also the kind words....Do you remember

the Snake antenna for 60 m that I wrote abt a while back? I am working on

building a tri -band version- one that will cover 120, 90, and 60mb. More on that when I have more definitive test results. Watch out when string-

ing guy wires for verticals.. ..metal guys tend to detune resonant verticals

might be better to use clothesline with a nonmetallic core- Hey My Data

Bank is really DRY!! I could stand to hear from all 2200 of you, OK? Before I forget, I understand the Sony corp. is bringing out their own

version of an active antenna, as is Yaesu- one to match UD with their

popular FRG7700. The Sony antenna is supposed to be in the States this

fall, accroding to the Sony rep at ANARCon 1982. Anyone hear anything

more? This is the place to say something!


Page 55

HAP BID WINNERS: R. Harrington(611,612,620,625,652,654);T. McCurdy(603,604,656);R. Ruckman

(613,636);C. Connell(602,608,626);D. Kucil(606);B. Wien(623,624);D. Jakubawski(605,609)'

S. McDaniel(610,614,639,651);L. Cammer(627,641);R. Kramer(621,622);E. Robinson(643): C. Mann(628,630);H. Rabinowitz(629);C. Shortridge(637,646,647);P. Lerner(631,644);G. Blom (615,635,645);N. Petrov(649);S. Meador(638) and GDXC(634,642)...Thank you very much...Sam.

HAP DIRECT SALE ITEMS: The following stickers/decals are $.25 each or any five(5) for $1.00: Radio Avon,KSSS,WBEZ,WBMX and Radio Ambiente. We also have KMPB,Radio Orwell,Radio Forth, Radio Trent,Radio Merseyside,KEX,Piccadilly Radio,Radia Medway,BBC Radio One,Radio Cleveland,BRT,Radio Nederlands,Radio Budapest,Radio Berlin International,KKDJ,KOME(black),KOME

(yellaw),WLRS,WDOM,WNMU,Radio Prague, Radio Sweden,KCUZ,WLLZ,KLZ,KSIR,Radio Canada Inter-

national,PCH,KTXQ,WKYX,Radio Clyde,KCOL,KJR,KKFX,CKLG,WCMF,KIIK,ABC-FM Perth,Radio Tees, Radio France International,HCJB,BBC World Service,BBC,12B4ORF,6KY,328,Swiss Radio Internationa1,6WF,4GG,KSFX,CKNW,WJVA,WRCK,WLPX,KATR,KBDF,KBDF-1280,CFM1,Radio Aire,KWAX,WLIR,

WMMR,WMET,KHFI,CKLM,WIRE,WQMP,WLUP,WINS,WFLR,WDOV,KROY,WYSL,WWSW,WHAL,WCFL(large),WCFL (small),WDET(large) and WDET(small)...We also have the following items at $.50 each:Capital Radio(circular),Capital Radio-194,CFOX,42A,BDXC-1981,Capital Radio(orange),Radio Tay, 2YB and KVET. The following B&W mini-posters are $.25 each:5UV,Voice of Syncom,Radio Fil Rose,Radio Caroline,Radio West,Radio London,Radio Duomo(woman),Radio Duomo(car)....The following metal station badges are $.50 each:KZAM,CFTK,Radio Forth,CFTR,CFTR "Blues Brothers",WMET,WMMR, WLPX,Radio City and WLUP. ADDRESS: We have a new address! Send your orders for direct sale items and bids to Sam Barto, 489 King St., Bristol, CT. USA 06010.

ADDITIONAL DIRECT SALE ITEMS: The following items are available at the quoted prices: WWON ice scrapers $.50; CRC Southwest Ontario litter bags $.50; 2113 ballons $.25; KLOS ballons

$.50 and WBZZ plastic ID cards $.25

SPECIAL OFFER: Five(5) different WPLJ stickers

featuring "The Who", "The Stones","AC/DC","The Doors" and "Rock n Roll" - all 5 for only

$1.00. As a bonus we will also include a WPLJ "Money Card". The above Special Offer is

FREE when you order at least $5.00 in Direct Sale items!!!

HAP BID ITEMS: ITEM #1: Radio France International "Bag Tag",blue,white. #2: WINK sticker (4x9")yellaw,blue,silver. #3: Greek DX Club sticker(4x4")mjc. #4:KIRO key chain,blue,white. #5:Radio Victory(UK)double sided coaster(4"cir)m/c. #6: 5UV(Australia)sticker(2.5x10")m/c.

#7: Radio Nacional do Brasil stickar(4x4")m/c-very nice! #8: WHDH paper folder(9.5x12") m/c. #9:5UV(Australia)sticker(2.5x10")2 tone brown. 110: 4ZA Radio Southland(New Zealand) metal badge(2"cir)m/c-sharp looking! #11: Radio Prague(Czechoslovakia)pin,red,gold,blue.

#12: Radio Prague pin,red,gold. #13: Radio Prague "45th Anniversary"pin,red,gold,blue.#14: Radio Tashkent(Uzbek)5 different postcards,m/c. #15: WHOO license plate(6x12")m/c,nice!!!

#16: 1XX(New Zealand)medium sized ballon with Logo,m/c. 117: Deutsche Welle(West Germany) English language 1972 Olympic reel to reel tape! #18:Cardiff Broadcasting Company(Wales) sticker(2.5x5.5")blue,white. #19: HIJM(Dominican Rep.)1982 pocket calender,m/c. #20: Radio

RSA(South Africa) 5 different postcards,m/c. #21: Radio Avon(New Zealand)sticker(5x19") red,white,blue. #22: HCVG8 (Galapagos Islands)1982 pocket calender,m/c. #23:WPLJ 3 different Rock DJ 84x11" photos-very nice! #24:WCFL 4 different BIN station personality photos! #25: Radio Monte Maddalena sticker(4x6.5")white,blue. #26:Radio Tele Pace(Italian SW)sticker(3.5"cir)-very,very nice! #27: KYFM "Rainbaw"decal(4x6")m/c. #28: WDR Radio(West Germany)

3 different stickers,m/c. #29: Radio Berlin International(East Germany)coaster(4"cir)m/c. #30: WVWI(Virgin Islands)sticker(3.5x5")blue,white. #31: PJD2(Netherlands Antilles)yellow pages address book,black,yellaw-quite good looking! #32: Radio Vatican cassette tape of Rosary by Pope John Paul. #33: Radio New Zealand paper pennant(3.5x8")2 tone blue. #34:

Radio New Zealand paper pennant(3.5x8")yellow,orange. #35: Radio France International cloth pennant(4x8")blue,white. #36: Radio RSA cloth pennant(5.5x10")m/c. #37: Radio RSA coaster (4"cir)silver,blue. #38: Voice of Turkey cloth pennant(7x12")m/c-very sharp looking! #39:

Ondas Azuayas(Ecuador)cloth pennant(6x11.5")m/c-excellent! #40: Radio France International plastic double sided pennant(3.5x8")red,white,blue. #41: Radio Sweden paper pennant(4x8.5") yellow,blue. #42: Emisoras Gran Colombia(Ecuador) 1977 cloth pennant(5x8.5")m/c. #43:Radio Nederland cloth pennant(4x5.5")m/c. #44: Radio San Sebastian paper pennant(4x6")blue,B&W. #45: Radio Ventas Asia(Philippines)paper pennant(3x5.5")red,blue,black. #46: KTXQ metal badge(1.5"cir)m/c-nice! #47: BBC World Service metal badge(1.5"cir)red,white,blue. #48: WCTC/WQMR 1976 key chain,m/c. #49: WPLR key chain,red,white. #50: WDR Radio station pen, B&W,blue. #51: Radio Rhema 3XG(New Zealand)sticker(3x8.5")red,white,blue. 052: Radio Wai-

kato(Nèw Zealand)sticker(3x9.5")red,white,blue. #53: Radio Avon sticker(2.5x9.5")red,white, blue. #54: Deutsche Welle sticker(3.5x5.5")blue,white. #55: Voice of Free China(Taiwan)
paper pennant(3.5x6")blue,B&W. #56: Radio Peking plastic pennant"Mountain Village"(5.5x10") m/c. #57: BRT(Belgium)paper pennant(4x8")m/c. #58: Adventist World Radio(India)paper penn-

ant(4x9.5")blue,white,yellow. #59: Radio Canada International vinal pennant(4.5x9")red,

white. #60: Voice of Asia(Taiwan)cloth pennant with yellow frill(6x8.5")m/c-very sharp looking!!! #61: Radio Prague cloth book marker(3x8")"Uaman with Flowers"m/c. #62: Radio

Prague cloth book marker "Building"(3x10")B&W,gold. #63: IBA(Israel)flower book marker

with frill(1.5x10")m/c. #64: Radio Hallam(UK)decal(2.5x13.5")m/c. #65: Radio RSA station pen,black,orange. #66: Radio Nederland stick pin,m/c. #67:Deutsche Wells cloth pennant

(6x13.5)blue,white. #68:WDR Radio "Owl"pin,m/c. #69: WCTC key chain,silver,black....Sam.

Page 56

NO COLLECT CALLS ON THESE ADS, PLEASE FOR SALE: Panasonic RF -2600. I've logged over 100 countries with this set.
sr3u.00 or best offer. Trades considered. Bruce R. Lindner, 4205 SE King Rd.,
Apt. 24, Milwaukie, OR 97222. Phone (503) 653-0319 after 0200 GMT.

WANTED: Mint condition blank QSL cards from R. Sweden, RCI, and other stations that mail blank cards to those on their mailing lists. Will pay 1 IRC for each
card if in the desired condition. Dale Park, 2253 Kanealii Avenue, Honolulu, HI 96813

FOR SALE: Panasonic RF -2200, the traveling DXer's delight. Compact, durable and sensitive, in mint condition. Tunes 3.45 to 30.0 MHz. A/C or battery operated. Superb FM sound, plus famed MW rotating null antenna for notching ORE on AN. Not a scratch on it and this served me well "on the road" in S.E. Asia. Price 8100.00 cashier's check. I'll pay UPS in U.S. Contact Ralph W. Perry, Apt. 222, 1001 Fuller-Wiser, Euless, TX 76039.

FOR SALE: Autek OF-1A filter, 1982 Model, like new. Price $55.00 postpaid. John V. Eder, Rt. 2, Box 10, Inverness, FL 32650. Phone C904) 726-4776.

FOR SALE: Drake FS-4 Synthesizer in perfect condition. $200.00 plus shipping. David Walcutt, 211 W. 56 St., Apt. 36F, New York, NY 10019. (212) 582-4340.

FOR SALE: MFJ-1020 Active antenna/pre-tuner with 9 volt AC adaptor. Like new. With instructions and specs. Most useful away from urban electronic congestion. $55.00. I pay shipping. Richard Boltuck, 2838 178th Place, Apt. 13, Hammond, IN 46323. Phone (219) 845-5623.

FOR SALE: Allied Ax-190 receiver Cham bands model) in mint condition with Ujiiik-éFind manual. $125.00, satisfaction guaranteed. John White, 55 Walden, Burnsville, MN 55337.

FOR SALE: SPR-4 just back from Drake with calibrator, blanker and extra crystals, $295.00. ALSO: Allied AX-190 with crystals as in the SX-190, $125.00. ALSO: MFJ-75Z AunU-- Filter, 850.00. I pay shipping. Tom Farland, P.O. Box 726,
Ma, Rapids, IA 52406. Phone (319) 362-4832, 2200 to 0200 GMT.

FOR SALE: Sony ICF-7600 pocket-book size portable with 76-108 MHz FM, MW and five SW bands covering 19, 25, 31, 49, 75 meters with good frequency readout. In new condition and with original carton and packing and service manual.
Price $80.00. Larry Albert, P.O. Box 5394, Ft. Wayne, IN 46895. Phone (219) 485-9240.

WANTED: Hallicrafters SX-130 service manual with schematic covering alignment
procedures. Sheldon B. Weinberg, P.O. Box 267, Wall Street Station, New York,
NY 10005.

FOR SALE: Drake 2B,2AQ with 9 crystals and manual. Mint condition, $135.00.
ALSO: Past issues of FRENDX, Oct. 1976 to July 1977 plus Aug. and Sept. 1977. $5.00. Peter J. Giacopelli, 305 Ocean Ave. Malverne, NY 11565. (516) 887-7490.

FOR SALE: R390.A/URR receiver, reconditioned with spares and manual. Excellent
EUEZTflUn. $30.0 firm. John England, P.O. Box 4827, Boulder, CO 80306. Phone
(303) 444-5710, Ext. 607, Days.

FOR SALE: Hammarlund HQ-200 in good condition with manual. Price $200 plus
UPS shipping. Kent Corson, 2269 Graham Circle, Dubuque, IA 52001. Phone (319)
582-2483 after 0100.

WANTED: Mizuho SX-59 with manual only. Send postcard with price to William R. Dunham, 2105 Giuffrais Ave., MA, Metairie, LA 70001.

WANTED: Collins 55G-1 Preselector for Collins 51S-1. Dick Leichman, 5890 '-i--, e-eriTawn Road, Hamilton, OH 45011. Phone (513) 894-5022.

WANTED: Good quality transmission, either either borrow or buy Drive, MA, Gillette,

cassette tape of Radio Japan's August 5 English lang. the extended General or NA Service. I am willing to the tape and will pay postage. Gene Nix, 428 Prairieview WI 82716. Phone (307) 682-2623.

FOR SALE: MFJ-75Z Dual Tunable Audio Filter, like new. Includes 110v AC Adapter and instructions. Price $45.00, I pay shipping. Jim Mann, 112 Lake End Road, Green Pond, NJ 07435. Phone (201) 697-5404



First Class North America


Overseas, Surface Mail


Airmail to Central America, Caribbean, South America, Europe


Airmail to Asia, Africa, Pacific


All remittances must be in U.S. funds and mailed to: NASWA, P.O. Box 13, Liberty, IN., 47353, U.S.A.

Update: Besides FRENDX. NASWA also publishes UPDATE....a mid month newsletter with the very latest DX news while its still news. (UPDATE also

appears in each issue of FRENDX). It is only available to NASWA members.


North America (First Class)


Overseas (Airmail)


Sample copies of FRENDX and UPDATE are available for $1.00 in N.A.



EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR & PUBLISHER -Bill Oliver, 45 Wildflower Road, Levittown, PA 19057 BUSINESS MANAGER & TREASURER -Mac Leonhardt, P.O. Box 13, Liberty, IN 47353 SHORTWAVE CENTER -Christian P. Hansen, 2825 Webb Ave. Apt. 5-F, Bronx, NY 10488
LISTNERS NOTEBOOK ·Glenn Hauser, Box 6287. Knoxville, TN. 37914-0287
C1SL REPORT -Sam Barto, 489 King Street, Bristol, CT 06010 UPDATE EDITOR -Tom Alleman, 615 43rd Terrace. API. 6, Kansas City, MC 64111 DISTRIBUTING EDITOR -Terry Colgan, 8120 Ripplevvood Drive, Austin, TX 78758 LOG REPORT (A) -Stu Klein, 642 Cranbury Cross Road, North Brunswick, NJ 08902 LOG REPORT (B) Jerry Berg. 38 Eastern Avenue, Lexington, MA 02173 LOG REPORT IC) -Pe ter Schipelliti, 31 Beaverbrook Road, Burlington, MA 01803 LOG REPORT (D) -Steve Wiseblood, 1340 Junipero Ave. Apt, 4, Long Beach, CA 90804 LOG REPORT (E) Brett Saylor, P. 0. Box 10, Whitehall, PA 18052
SCOREBOARD -Jerry lineback, 115 Wroxton, Conroe, TX 77304 AWARDS CHAIRMAN -Dan Henderson, 7921 Anfred Drive, Laurel, MD 20810
COUNTRY LIST CHAIRMAN -Don Jensen, 5204 70th St., Kenosha, WI 53140 U.K. REPRESENTATIVE -Alan Thompson, 16 Ene Ave., Neeth, W. Giamorgen, Great Britain SA 113AD

********************* 11»1 SSV13 "SUU


m> F

PDF Compressor Foxit FXPDFA 1.2