The Billboard 1924-07-05: Vol 36 Iss 27

The Billboard 1924-07-05: Vol 36 Iss 27

PDF Billboard-1924-07-05
A Weekly
Theatrical Di
Reviewofilie Show World

T li c Billboard

Subscriber's Copy

JULY 5, 1924


The Waltz Ballad Beautiful

niEE--New 1921 Cafalos ``M". Now ready. M-n  i.ew Noii'Ilies.

Lcody AVanufacturin^' Co,
Jndiandnofis. Ind..


IIII i\\iww' The Best Nisde Accordion


in the World


Send 25 cents rcr illus-

j" *'?? trated cat.ilog and prices.

1^5^--^^ftUGUSTO lORIO & SONS


8 Prince St.. KEW YORK.

Written by


- ·


The Kminent Coinin.ser and Critii). ,

Director Tivoli Theatre. 4

Sflicduh d for e htl'oi ate .\rt rroeTuction in Ralaban & Katz Theatres,

Chicago, for three wovks, starting Moinliiy, . lay 26th.

Week of May 26th, Chicago Theatre.

Week of June 2nd, Tivoli Theatre.

' ·

Week of June 9tb,» Riviera Theatre.

Splendid orders have been coming- in from all parts of the United States and Canada and "DRIFTING TO YOU" is off with a run¬ ning start.


WOWff Sure'^Fire Comedy Number GET IT!!
("I'il BE PAPA-tOU'll BE MAMA)


Ladwig Jingle Castanet


{Patent PenJinA)

A new combination trap effect for the popular "TanAo" and Spanish dance numbers. Has one pair of finest Arada castanets and four sets of jinAles mount¬ ed on ebonized handle. liiAhly effective, simple; can be operated with one hand.
No. 632, at your dealer or $2. 00 pottage paid

Ludwig rfLudw'

|l611 N.Lincobi5


THE HIT OF hits:


Ki)i-Tn.t HalUd.


hit on pacific coast.

Orchestration^ 25o (.No lYee Copies).

Profebslo:;al Copy free to r«'o,;i ;.-ca Performers.


1215 E. 16th Street.

Eos Angeles. Calif.

 mm m M positi«u.t TaosHi anr phsoi


(ImlCkrisfMMn't Spttfli

**tr«« Cm«i t« Ctest**--Hear

to Mtb a»4 PsrsHMMt iKtris. wr U. S. Pisit* Retlt )

V¥rit« or Phone for FREE BOOKLET


Suita S. 20 East Jackson,


Teacher Bepreseatat'res wanted.

'Ybi/rtb/ce willcreate the right impKssion ifyouuse

' Words and Music by SAM COSLOW-Writer of BEBE, WANITA, GRIEVING FOR YOU, and other hits.
MUSICIANS--For only $1.00 we will send you 10 late Orchestrations, in¬ cluding the big hit, ''LET'S PLAY HOUSE." Save $1.50 by taking advantage of our offer NOW !






IHustrtted. F-llIed with news and tnforma.i.a. stxnil

tha richest and most fiscluttlog ouuntry In tao coo-

Unaita. Sl'B.srRIPTION PRICE. $7.00 A YEAR.

Sa.iJ 10 Cents for 8smp:a Cupj.


Calxa Psst.rl 629.

RIe da Janeiro. BruiL

With Which ia lacaraerated
Ciwrrlnc, In a Trade Piper wir the wh.' e K.-.ertaliimeul j'ieiJ of AustinUs and .New Zrs m J.
t'ommunlratltais: Edlt.)tlsl. MARTIN C. BRINNAN. i:u,ii.r>v H. V. MARTIN, 114 Cattlrreaih SL, Sydney, AustraUa.



V EstinWfes^i^

Music Printers West of NewYorK^\l

natal torn juciNiK:i3(aiiNIS|:KM,ViM3C

^Gladly Furnished IMmi Anythin^in Music





^054-2060 W.Lake St:Chlcagalll.

A "Real Funny" West Indian Song


(Writers of West Indies Blues)



To mAke · euccets of nifcrkdilDr your own <»m>)«iilon. a bo-jk corerln^ all eMentlAl point* 1* published. Coi.taln* over lOO pa,;cs of valuable InformailoYi n cl.iUiiig list* of itfi-cecji stores, music )obbert. ret'ord a:id plai;o roll manufact-arer*. tnu::ic dealers, rnuslcal ma'azlnes. etc. Posltltely the best and up-to-the-lime* book erec offered. 11.00. postpaid^ ai d if not aa claimed will refund muney. Sexui for detail
JACK GORDON PUB. CO., 201 No. Hoyne Ave., Chicago 

Join our Orchestra Club--$2.00 per year--and receive one new number each month and six numbers FREE TO START YOU OP'F.

  -- -' --



- -




Clarence Williams is the Lucky Publisher of the Season's Hits 3 1658 Broadway,

Room 701B,

, New York

A Down Home C'hnnt--On .Ml Herords and Rolls


D(dnt Forgot Thi.s Crcrit Comt'dy Nnmhor

Wonderful Dance Tunc

Dance OrchestrationH, 2.jc Each. None Free.
Join our Preferred Mailing (?'2 fK)) and receive above numlxirs fr(je, and many more during the year.



(Suite 415-420 Geyefy Theatre Bldg.)


When Writing to Advertisers Mention The Billboard.


Especially arr.'inged for showfolk in all brunches. Ample space for daily meinorandunvj, for 14 months, from JANUARY 1, 1924, TO MARCH 1, 1925
Tile hook contains majis, calendars for the years 1923, 1924 ami 1925, and much u.seful information.
Round in bl.-ick gr.ained cloth. Rent anywhere, postp.aid, for 25c each. Oet yours before the supply Is exhausted. Address


Date Book Department, 25 Opera Place.

Cincinnati. Ohio.

JULY 5, 1924

':%lyric bt
(*A. F. OTIS.

adoration- WALTZ

Musjc by

. *
The SUCCESSOR to and by the WRITERS of

rhat^ fas

<),.· I'dt

Ptg -.saUz,


ADORATION litiegn lo\e ihoughts of

\ It ' .soft

* r-f


sweet ly calls





is aI · ways true

ti mfio






IBinins iraziL

tlc.xr, Whai . ev.

er you

may do-






cv .


. lit Iliou/Jhl IS

filled with aj


ra - tion,



Hr--U. S. S. Leviathan Band

Dream - ing dreir


you -





world seeraj


sha re niy ad - mir. a . tien, Log


Orchestrations in Any Key * All Combinations in Voice Arrangements
Wire or Write NOW for Your Cdpi;

^^].W. JENKINS SONS, Kansas CITY. Mo.



IhamoiKi Pye Oil or Water Cohwa.

"Yes. We Hate No Prohibit Inn". Shelby; `Tlayln* at


tlnme With Babv" and ''On the Green Shure* of

c ^ P M F DV



$12.75 i Erin", Arthur Wejl; "Skim Milk". 'Plrty Fare", ·Suftly Sin; the Old Sonz,". ··Jitlln. rude .Sain

FIBRE SHOE TRUNKS. In yood tondition. A Bargain at .$&7S @ fliwe Po Y'uu Im?", `'S-'me (Had Tbmi.rrow" and

The fV.e Plaee In the WI3e World r«;ib'lshrd 1390 AMELIA GRAIN. Philadelphia.


Cre-lhlrJ with order, ba' C. O. D. Ph'ine. llarrlroa 7S9I.


thousands of Soo-s and Reeltalhyii t'atalors free. Send stamp to FK.VXK H.XRPIXG. Muaic Printer.


174 West Van Buren Street, CHICAGO | J2S E. ddd St., Xew York City.

Medicine Performers

'· ' e. Xovelty Musical

Platio Player that

: . fna-Vmi a!«o. P.s i«Ie In a I lines tet In Imn-h !

ir '» lljrrr and Edna IPoe. wi'c me. l>atik I'.d- I  I I sillily also. S. F:v.\XS, tlT'a Orient Ave..

'*r-> t iiy. .V J._



Adi, Sin*:!® Prrfornifrs srrd Act UVrVer.

' -m: M-tlicIti® PropI® %»rltc. ^lu^l rb®!)*:® Atronc

' a t'tk. sr«t® 4 1 >'ou

tK® atid i^aUry, lu


K WP'ISK, VcwfoTinr^Npwn* Ohio,




A F x-Trnt S'-ni with a real Melody aril Parre Swlnr

A Xntelty ry>x-Tror.

\ N.rr'Tv Walt* .'loie Melmly Y'eu Won't Ferret.

ON RECORP.w .\.VD HPU>. rople* to Re.-v-daetl ARTISTS ONLY. Orchestrations. 33c

each, three for Fl.uO.

E. FORTUNATO. Publisher.


8 Seuth Fifth Street. Philadelphia. Pa

McKenzie s highlanders concert band McIntosh & CLARK, Sole Owners.

For Girl .\ct, rinvr wnrklns. Siprit-rv Slr.rer. Paiiier. Violinist or Piano-.Xctordl'mi.vt. tilrl \ rut a'tv .\>t and Blues .<lnzer. Mall ;>bot'><rapl'. .-'jI*' all Maiiisers. have leu oi en .latey .Vni. rt-an .Mli .'te Mal ls and Bathlne Girls Kevnej. .\ddr,-^ ItFitT M\K'H-LII.. Sta'c Theatre, fnl.x.hrwii, I'ns-yhanla.
BOSS CANVASMAN QUICK. Bill Wisley, wire.
LEM THOMPSON, Kingstree, S. C.



In Full McKenzie Regalia.

ONCE!I r.'in place immctliatrly. French Horn, Riritone, Eb Clarinet, Flute. Other good I Mii.sicians. keep in ttnich xvith me. season. Must be gentlemen at all

tinu s. Wire at once. l*ana. Ind., July 1, 2, 3 (Ilappyland T'ark); Clinton. Inti.,

I - . .*r with IlftOOO. for ibe flnf«t

Tiictor- .lulv 4 to 12.

WM. G. McIntosh. Mgr. .

'I' -iifl v;., ^

Mf'ii i .\ I I..inwaw, i

'*'1' -r, Kwrr>thlne T'a-lv i> o|>®n. Tlazullc yi'Nif

a;-,! tMi>twNhton ftr ri»:hl man Ttfin^b


Klrry P,mi*»i Mlrr n»» at

.\ti'lTf>.5 all

· aiitl T%trc< iy

ll\'*SKIta. Jonf*U r.-. .\rk.

Wanted Brownlee's Mobile Minstrels

It'olorrd Mu»lelans and Performers. Trombones. Clarinet. Tiba. Alto, Baritone, Trap Dnimmcr with Ihiims,



Cinnedlans. Slnscrs and Paneers. all ylTcn iieefereneei. Blllposilne Afent that can drive OierI land ear. Stale all first letter (diin't wire), lowest salao'. Eat. sleep on cir. Aiklress
LOU BROWNLEE, Nacotdoehes. Texas.

I;_.j]! lines, fur I'raniaMc s: «k m .\nstln, Tex.  · - -eaxin to rlilit iHMP'e State a.e, wel'M
1 lieijit. (iuu.! Itrp. Tis'ple ai.swer. UUIIUY


MUtt:.\. Hill .tlrdoiiic. .\u.slln. Texas.



Prlnelial C.' Hen- I fhararler Comedy, ticn-

eral Ilu.tness.


er»I Business

WANTrn htCOICINt ptRFORMERS OF ; 11. Ul lr M.S'la.iir>. 1209 Cherry St.. Kansas City. Me.

I L.k/

kinds. Must delHer Hie |

AT LIBERTY-- di. I'iano l*U.\er to w.nk In a Is. .\l KItr. I j
' aiKue. late your dUaiipoIntlni' me. t'lllll.`'rV

MlHH isy;

.\aaumptl.>ii, Illit la.

y^wrlro/'cr y>i//create the ritiftt imf-tision ifvouuse

f , Ilaiu-e IVanJ. Vl'solutebr kn.'w rhythm. Ltjll. iw I jirel hoiiM*. .. desire.l. Kelial>le bands only. cn.VS. Ill nsilV, did'i ."Kulh Elm btrvet. LirectLsburo. N. C.

V-t -Mlo Sax'ph.nlst (radio artist) doubllr; C S.>praro, It-ltal S.>pr,irio and Melody Sais, .Vll eoM Instruments. HtaJ. fake and m.'niMlre. I'ufet Smith, but will consider any reasonable offer with eood dan.e ban.L Youns. neat api'earlni a' .i om-
eti'al. Wire wr write * SAXoriltlNIST", ld''7 Mi*» Kinney A*e. \pt. No. 3. Texas.
In all Hill* (or T.-nl Kei\ MJ>t il.' Siv.-UItks. .\l»o I'iaiio l*U)rr. Join immedlatrly. State loweet salary. I'ay jour own wires; 1 pay lulue.
WALTEU UObS. MooreaeiUe, Udiana.

Wire me your aiMrcss quick, impuiTant.
HERBERT HARKLEROAD, care Tent Show, El Dorado, Ark.

The Gordon Players

For Xj. 1

Se.-oud Businras Man and

Man. Ni' 2 : (ifceial Busl-

TtJii. (^JDJ<^tlar^ Griirral ItUjlnrsa Man with

Si«i-la;tlcs. F. S. i;OKl>OX, La t'aj'ette. kid.

\AIANTPn B'arkfac* ComfdUn. np In Xt(t«


Ohaiue f >r week. PUt(.>nn

\If.llcine Slww. Ijil ar.d sleei, mi lot. .M Walter*,

wtite. TUkel If known. KRl.NK it CU.VPM.V.N.

WiAHlward. I'a.

Advcrtiaera like te know where their addreaa waa ak'> tamed--way Slllbtard.

Tile BilltioaPd

JULY 5, 1924


f yA
/ / / ^

Be a Shareholder of
--Share their Profits!
Make your money pay you 8% dividend with safety! Get in on this $1,000,000 a year business. Baker - Lockwood Manufacturing Company, Kansas City, Mo., offers you shares of their Treasury Preferred Stock at par value of $100 per share. Baker-Lockwood sells throughout the world more than 350 products manufactured from cotton duck, rope, bunting and

WHY a BAKER - LOCKWOOD Investment is Safe
1. IJoi'aiisc* tliero is a safe margin lK*t\v«H*n the available assets and out¬ standing 1ia>)iiities.
2. Tile o III i» a n y is thoronghiy estaldished and entren«`hed In tt>e piiblii' eonfidenee as a safe and reliable firm.
;l. It has shown a l>eri<Kl of roiitinuoiis suecessfiil years.
1. Baker - liCM-kwood sells over the entire ViiIuhI States and a niiinlier of foreign loiintrit's -- thus eliminating the effei't of any bad lo<*aI I'ondition
.V Baker - I/oekwotal offers the largest possible letnrns for smalh*st possi¬ ble risk.

^ Better than a Savings Account
Baker-Lockwood Stock pays you more than a bank. It's better than a savings account! The company assets total more than $515,000 and far exceed the face value of the stock. The four big factory buildings extend the length of an entire city block. Improved real estate, all the factory machinery and all the other assets of the company stand behind this stock.

53 Years a Money Maker

For 53 years or over half a century this great company, which was established in 1870, has
been a financial success. Sales average over $1,000,000 annually. Stockholders have earned yearly
an average of over 15% on their money invested. The company now has an authorized capital of
$600,000. 1924 promises to be another big profit year.


Baker-Lockwood--THE BIG TENT COMPANY you

know and deal with. Get 8% or more on a safe investment

Remit by money order or bank draft at once--$100 par value per share.

Baker-Lockwood Mf^. Go., Inc.
Kansas City -- Missouri.




New York. Juno SO.--narr.v Mmiutfunl lias got a n»-\v ·Bjik". Up Is aflvprtlsine liliusplf aloni; Urouil.ay thru tlio lupiliuin of lu-a'l.r prlntod curds, us a sort of relations counsel. The cards read;
If you are in trouhle of any kind, professional, legal, domestic or med¬ ical. and want to know where you can get the host information or assistance, see, write .pr phono Harry Kountfoid.
The cards give his uddiess--that of the .\merieaii .\r1iste«' Kederath.n, of which he is executive Seiretar.V--and I'iiolle liutlllier.

I.oiiilon. Juue ·-*;i iSiiiM iiil Cahle to Tlie I'.i'ltsiardl.--Uo'e ai.'l II ut-y and Oily M .rr.-ou are  l·.lIliIlg up at ttie Coliseum.
I' ,t.i and Iliiti- made an excelhnt oisnini; at the ^'il·tl>ria Palace.
Tile I'i-k riiit.r'iiy .s'lns'eis oi .-u at liie Coliseum Jiin.- .Ui and i.race I.aKue .lu y 7.
llerschel IlciiP re ois-tis at till-, Il.rm.n.', on June ilo: Jo.'ko, i row, an>l ttwen ti.veiiiey ii|s'u ut the r.miiir*-. .'.waiis'-a; Kkins. Pay and liik ris. V>r..r:a I'ala.f; Ilo-e aiul Ilmiey, anti Morrisoii. .\lliamhra: Pinto and Ptoyle. Iii)i|sidroiiie, P.rialiiiui.
.N'fW \ork, .Iiiiiit I's. -- \v.; Lhs and Ids

Loudon. June Jit (Spe/ Cahle to Tlie I',.11Itoardl.--l/>niloii is jaiuiued and jiai ked wiih visitors, and siee|iing ai . oiuniodatiou i- ji.'atiicall.v imisi-'ilde to set. Over five million pcopie liavi vi'ilid Weiiildey. nhleli averuces altout one hiindr. d and fifty tiioii-iind da !y, hut . that thirty iniilion is very fur tiff.

lirotlier, laluanl. liui-li d tia ir vaudeville Isn.kings at .'tyraeusc la-t we. s, and after a -i.t.rt r. st will hegin r. hears.!for ti- m w Wint.T harden sliow, ` ra-liions of UiJ4". with wliieli tie ,v have heen sisn. 1 to .appear. Edward Ehn is suppo-. il to he the -mall.-t man In tiie world. Pr..tli. r P.ill ciu ms distinction for his kin.

I'.n.|.n. .I lly Jf> iSp . hil Cahle to The P.ill-

h'.ar.l I.- I

In. ..'-i-.r..  d .\ lat ion of Ton: ·

ing ig. rs \t II. . n .1 : .· il", iP'. ide li.v

general netting `o Is- n'.soih. (1 l.y the Sta.e

i.u M. whi. h wiil . :..leat..r to eater f..r

iii.iiiagers, a. i. r- and mu- lian-. .\ li-t of

iiiemleTs of tile provi-iiinul eitmiiiitfee of tl.e


larMe- Very representative and

imp..- ng names of a. tors and actre-ses, with

rJ r Herald Iiu .'laiirier as president. Ev.-n tl.o

many ma.v not liave h.-eu memhi-rs of tlie
tors' A'so. i.illou their ah-.-nee from Its lank-

.ertulnly m.ikes the as-o< ation not aa repre-eu-

t.itite of the P.rit.-h a. tors as it loiild ui-li.

Till* atTiIiatliiu of tlie .\ tors' .X-siM-iation with

tlie stageliai.ds and innsi.Ians has not plea--.I

everj-hiidy. J 'hii I'.iner-on has le-i-n interview ng

proiiiiiieiit ni. nil., rs of the Stage Cuild. wlio

liave expiaiiii-d tlie -itualion, Kmer-on in a pel po- tiou hy virtm- of tlie .V. tor-'

A-siii iafion's allilial.oii with r.ipiity.


^ Wanted
Mail for llFatiSs and tietistal itii-iti-s., W, uia.i (.,r Inaeuuei ad tieiietal M .t d.. .'is. la .lit-. Jtiate ass. lieisht. oeijli'. L,,'ii!.v, t liiia,;. s-e. t Piano Player a'd Mu-ielans that d -ulile sta.r. June Jo. Oakland. III. .Mail u,ll l,c fi.iaided

New Yt.rk, June ;;n,--ilarrj .M ind. :, g.m ral pr.-s repr.setitative f.u- fe It s apis, 'II,,.. atr.'al I.nt.Tpri-es. wa- niarri<..| .Suturlay niglit to tiertrude Sa. lis .'..f. .si..i,ai», Tlie conpP. ! ft for a lionet niooii in tie- .Idiroiida-k Moun¬ tain-. Ceorge Spell, e i- in eharge of tlie Mand.-l duties until ho r.-tiirii-.

I .Jiidon. June .".1 iSpei-lal Cahle to 'llie U.llleai.ll. liie Inat wii\e hiiinlM-d Indoor liusliie-s h. i.ll.V till. wi*.-k hut, . uri.illsly elioiig!,. tlleati-rs piajing ,.iiid. t ihe have pliiy.d to le tter hu-liie.a tie's.' plav 'yt r.-vu*'.
lipiii'.in is ..tiling more opt niisile that vau.leyllle of an inlern.iteinal eharii.-ter will hrlng vaudeville r'glit I.aik into favor.


Sight rea t-r. accuttomnl to the larger h aire.-. Pif-

icrt. yeura' e.vperlerice. C-e legiiiniate nm.-ic a:. I cue

ai-cuiaisiv. Nut a small-time mar.. Sisn ntaUe.

oUfj.%\IST, 411 Waldo



FinployiHl. -^ ,5 c!i.m ge immedUtelv or for uoxf whete

aciurary and Ix-x-ufflct* !«ct a I

`PI* itini*iit


eiJenced, ffli ieni, oan*


to handle any t ilume of


carp nillljuanJ, Cirk-lnnaU, Ohio.

AT liberty

MW Die. ter. Ci.aiai;«is. Heavie-, Coine.iv. .\ge. h. .'J ling'.I. a It.. 1>4 in.; aeighl, 1:!.',. AOM.W''.Lu-ilne.k. Cl.sta ters. .tp,. Ho vea-.

Helgat. ,

j jn . weight, hio. \o -pe .a.-.e. ' w,.!

ila i.e iiianaa. . mUy. p|e.,.e

K ItATKs. lUiiie.viile, Ohio.

'^urcreate the right impnssioo if you use

new flatbush theater

New York. .Iiine r;it.--Khithu-li, the rapidly

d. veloplng r. -iih iitiMl

1.1,1 ,,f Hrooklyn. I-

to have a le w ta.uli ville an.| ph tiir.- tlu-at. r. It

was II.1- -a.,.!; wh.-n the Klatl.iisli
As-o. i.itioii ...|,| ;, | ,rp.e plot at till- corn, r . f

fliurih Ml.,I Ph.thiish avi-iiiics. The tli.-al.r Wlll. h w ill U. ere. l.-ll fri.Iil phlll- h» I'ugene lie

p.isa, h:II h.-i\e a seating .apu. iiy i,f .'h'fkl, and will lost approxinial.-lt .si iHSi.tKSI.


.New li.rk, .fiitie :((».--iDis .\ndersoii. who hail .i.arge of tie wardrolie of the llip|s,dr..nie .luring the' lUllliigham regime, ha- loin, d the st.llr of Hie eosllime d. piirt.iieiil of P.r.eiks-Malileii. Mr Ander-on will have ehiiige of the firm's p.i«ea,ii division a. wel! u I- ii.e an assixlate in iU motion pleinre d. p.irim. nt.


I...l|.|oll .Illne Jit ISIM'. l,i| ( a 1,1,. to Tlie llill-

Is.ard). .s.r Alfr.d ,, ,,, hurr.d

·Irr<i18 ty

flu- r.iiipir*' Tfi*-iilfr in

I .- ee.tlr .H.pi.lle July

wll ll V .1 iid.-v l|le aiul

i. r. ,ik ha.'k ititii ill.' s|..iw,ie*-s ..|i similar 1 ,1.'- to when he mail,, the Pahne Tlieiiter the

prim Ipal niuale hall In ihw eo.intry. Thia

t...uld he giael news to Aniericnn yatidevllle M ' ! I'stO'*.


.''i.niiglield, (I., June :;0.--Iloriier Xeer, genera!

iii.inager of the Hus

Iheiking Kx. hange,

ami Mr-. Neer left here yeslerdi.v hy aiitomohlle

for a two weeks' vaeiiHun tilp to Krieau,

· inurio. Can. .vf,.



In Caunda.

Mr. Orchestra Leader--
Got these request numbers.
Pleasure Mad
Foolin' Me
liy SIllNKY BECllE'l'
l!y I.KKl) FlSIlUIt.
Small Orch., 25c. Pull Orcb.,40c.
Daii.e III'le-iisHuiij, 25o rtrli; none free. .Viiy two uf III. ilawa numberi tent linnusUatcly on in of your club tulmerltilliai lUoo year! Tlilt riitltlct yiai to all other .New l>.ai.e Ui hc-irathait during the year of yiatr uiiMtli'il m.
0tpl.W.W.,mw.4illiSt.. NEW YORK

0^ A

4 ^IMboa*:

( yirtislry?lfs`^in terms of economics


i /

but fraannkkllyy..cchhiieefly and porriimmaarriilhy


concerned uhth the business end of

the pro/essioji; ardently advocating


better bi isiness practice. and fujnly -- committed to cleanliyiess as a biisi-;^ ^ ness asset

J wifkly al CuiciDoatl, O. Entered a* «ecoud-tluB# mail matter June 4. 18U7, at I'osl Orti-> . ( lui iunati. under Act ot March, 187'J. 1-4 l*ag> H. Vol. XXXVI. Xo. :;7. Julj 5, l`J:;l. (Copjrlfbt 192t bT Tbe BtHh ard PublNhini Com^an;.)


Application Made To Restrain



Equity and P. M. A.

To Be Chief Topic at Meeting of I. T. A.



New York. June 30.--The Execu¬ tive Committee of the International TheatriiMl .As.-oi iation is scheduled to meet this vve*^ an<l set the date for the annual convention of the .'issue,;ition. inefcrablv the early

Manager John F. Royal of Keith's Palace, Cleve¬ land, Rushes First Hospital Aid to Tornado

Opposing Counsel Riddles Argu¬ ments Advanced by Fidoes*

)>.irt of .August. of the ditllcultv of getting hotel reserva¬ tions, owing to the Democratic con¬ vention and other g.itherlngs. the

Victims in Stricken City--Several Tent Shows Damaged

New York, June 30.--Application for an injunctiuti re.^^tianting Equity unit the Managers' I'roteotive Association from continuing to operate uniter their recentl.v .`iigned agreement was made t>y the Fiiloes before Justlre I'latzek of the Supreme Court of Now York Stale this morning.
.\i liie conclusion the Judge an¬ nounced that he would reserve de¬ cision. .Argument was made by Samuel It. (lidding, representing the Fidot's; Charles H. Tuttle, for tbe Managers' Froteeiive .\ssoi-i.ition; William Klein, for the Shuberts and individual defenilants, and Paul N. Turner, for K<iuiiy. Ciolding set up tbe claim that there were lliree hundred Fiiloes, alt l>ri>niiiient stars, w Im were unable to ohtaiii employment beealise of the

convention originally scheduled for the week of `June 1<; had to be in¬ definitely postjioned.
Lee M. H<>d.i. managing director of the assiteiation. is exjieoted back in the e.ty tomorrow, and upon his arrival he will issue a call for a gathering of the Executive Floaril I'mlei' the b.\-laws of the bod.v a period of 30 da v s is required as a notice to the general membership for tlie convention.
The new .\< tins' Equity agree¬ ment will be the chief topic of dis¬ cussion at the gathering. Other niatters of decided interest to the association schetiuleil to come up for airing are the tax .md copyright .situ.'ition. and the results of the re¬ cent negotiations with the mu'icians' union on the new wage '· .lie wall also be iiresented to the membi rs assembled.

.\ terrific cyclone which swept across Northern Ohio Saturday night carried death and property destruction in its path. The greatest loss of life was at Lorain, where, according to a<lvices from that city, more than fifty bixlie.s. most of them children, had been taken from the ruins of the State Theater up to Monday morning. It was at first

had lost their lives, but this was later foiinil to be untrue. Several lak`` steamers were buffeted about by tlie storm, but came thru safely. Reports Momlay afternoon phici d the total deaths at Lorain at about seventy, but not till of these were at the State The.iter.
.Andrew AA'antzer, m.inager of tlie

i< ported that several hundred persons State, says there were 308 jiaid admis¬

sions to the theater, and he believes

that between 150 ami 200 persons


escaiieil bofore the structure collapsed The Keith New York utflee announced
that ti'St aid to reach the stricken city

of Lorain on Saturday night was art

DIRECTIN6"BEN HUH" emergency hos|)ital. organized in I'leveland by John F. Royal, manager of Keiths Falace Theater, that city.

.V number of surgeons, un<ler the direc¬

tion of Dr. Scober. Palace Theater
Making of $2,000,000 Picture in l>hysician. were rushed to the scene of

eighty-tWellty agreenO'llt. ami he eited the iianie.s of some of the belter known mendHTs. At this .lust ice I'latrek ^toI(I>ed him and "lanl he would not be influenced by ·names, (bddlng tried to show that the action was fundamental¬ ly dilTerent from that brought by the
K'liiiltiini'il ,,n r«ir>- till


Rome Expected To Be Complete by October
New York. June 3ii Kei>orts from Home. Italy, are to the effect that the direction and suin rv ision of "Ben llur", the gigainn- motion ideture

the disaster. The theater turned over a number of cots tliat had bien pur¬ chased for visitors to the recent Re¬ publican convention. All members of
(Cnntinnert on i'ii{<' Jill


Court So Decides volving Big

in Case Music


which is being m.ide there by Metro(loldvvvn. have hi c:i turned over to Fred Nihlo. who vv*-nt abroad with .Marcus Loew, head of the Company, for




that puri'o.-e. Loew, Niblo and a huge
party left for Europe several weeks Magnate Will Engage European

Shows Can Move in


New York, June 30.--That an ar¬ bitrator may not reverse himself was

ago. and before they took |»assage it beciime common knowledge the heads of .Metro-Dobiw n were not s;xtisfleil with the iM-ouress made ,on the

Talent and Fare for New

Theatrical Season



Under Certain Re¬

thc` gist of a decision banded down by I'icturc b.v the original ilirector. Charles

tbe .Appellate Division of the Supreme

I'.r.ibin.and June .Mathis.seenarioist.and


Court last week in the action of supervising the production in complete

New York. June 30.--Lee Shubert

Shapiro. Iteriistein A- Co. against M.

sailed Saturday on the Majestic for


AViiin.irk X- Sons, music publishers.

Europe, and will make Paris his first

The health order issued by the The action centered around the con¬

Niblo is reiK'rted to have stated that stoj) during the five weeks he expects

aiithnrities of thi`Stati>of Miclugan troversy between the tWo music t*ub- he would complete the ideture by to remain abroad. After a short time

*"·11 nioditied, tlii> m-w order having lishing hon.-,-s over the score of a I ictober. In that event the film may in the French capital he will visit

g'lio' into ofToet Monday, June 30. bhorl-lived musical show. "Love Hinls". be ready for exhibition by the time princiigil theatrical centers of Europe

Mold to that I'fTei't was received from

Shapiro. Ilcrnsteiii X t'o. elainicd a the holiila.v se.ison arrives, as was the mixing vacation with business. Be¬

*|r. It M. ()iio_ Stale lli-altli fommis- contract for the exclusivi' services of original intention of the producers.

fore leaving Mr. Shubert Indicated that

Nioni r, who wired from I..ansing ns fol¬ I'allard .M.icDonal<l. who wrote the

The total I'ost of iTi.ikiiig "Bt n llur " ho would probably sign contracts with


lyrics, while AVjini.irk laid claim to the was estimated by the producers at certain Euroi»ean actors, managers and

hollowing moditli at ions of my or- services of Sigmund Uomberg. the around $".000.0110 at the time its i>ri>- playwrights, and return to this coun-

L' ' "I Mine IS, 1,, t,,ke eflei't '.lime  carnivals or l·ir^·^^ses that furnish

Pioof ,,f

vaccination of every

coni|>osi`i. The matter was iilaecd before E. C.
Mills, executive ehairman of the Music

iluction was first iilanned. .A. L. Er1,1'iuer, owner ,»f the |>lav. is interestnl in the picture version, having turned

iry with much new material for the coming season. He will have con¬ ferences while abroad with a number

it'iiiiiiiiiii'ii on (Miup lilt

· ('··lltilllK'll oil I'UKo III)

(I'outiiiiK'il (III raid' nil

tCoDtinued on page 111)

LkI Week's Issue of The Billboard Contained 1,110 Classified Ads,Totaling 6,174 Liies, and 854 Display Ads, Totaling 31,610 Lines; 1,964 Ads, Occupying 37,784 Lines In AN
The Edition of This Issue of The Billboard Is 78,330 Copies

JULY 5, 1924



Managers' Appeal Decided Against Them by

I's'k. \ J . .1.1'

Unanimous Decision of Court

i-i Employment Thruout Nation

Nl'W YOltK. Jiin** 2''.--r.v a uiianiii Ilf llu* Sui<r»`nu' ('nuit yos!oril;>iiiis.'^inir tho t*'iniuir:iry injunction i to th*` I'roiliii'inir M.ina^ci-.-j' Associate') KCT.s' I'rotict VC Association ftotn car ujilicM


Was l^low 1 hat of Same

Month in 1923

This means th:it the I'. M. A. I'.tts exhausted its Ic.aal r'lncihos for I'ScvcniniK the continuance <.>£ peace in the theater. Tt e.ui only ai'i' from



the decision of the Appclhile l.»ivi--i<>n o,

by ^ettintj permission from that court r:

to carry the to the Court of Ap- U. peals, and this is seMom granted when >" a dei'ision is :i un;ininious one. jis in this instance, l-'.ven if the permission

.. If f >·. r<1aT I War

M ot . if til

were piven, the Couit of .-Xi'peals

would not be :ible to hear the ease

for nearly two years.

The appeal from .lu.stice McCook's decision was arpued on June 13. The P. M. A. wa.s represented by S.imut 1



R. (loMinp ;ind Frank C. Lauphlin. Paul N. Turner app'-ar*'! for Kquity and Charles II. Tuttle for the M. P. A The ease was heard before .lustices Dowlinp, Smith. McAvoy and Marlin, with Justice Clarke presiding a.s Chief Justice.

 Chi'a;o. June "T.--The < fiord I'

wheh had a «; iendid sa.-e." tis pa-t *

vill ot'«'3 the Hi; :· ·.lr..nie. P.-'r a.

A .ir-i't 30 for a peraian-nt -toei r ;a,

J. ;

Tiow '.ia'ini in "lia'y S;r.-«f.

Woods Theater, ; risliioe.

.\Iip«riT.tI}' the only I-opp the "iJii-lairib'' have

left to comiiel the hr« aihins of t!.'' .apr · ni" nt

between Eijuily and the M. P.

U the petition

for an injnni-tion w!,;. h l,a< bin ma.t- I'v th--

Kidoes. Tills ea-e will ti.- hi anl bd .re .tiistii-e

I'lutzek in llii- Supn me

.rt is M M a la.'

It i- believed that nian.v of t'.e ·'diiha'd' " ar-

waitiiic for his de.-is .,n ti.i y br. ak froni

the ranks and et'iu- to ml vMu.d a ..a.:,!.

with I'liuify. In ti.e opini'n of most ot

it will be snrpri'ini: if lie eran's t e in.'na' tion

ill fave of the d- 'd-ion of tie-

iHCiat- P v «; n

This s.ame ca'O came before .Tii-'.'e fa'i k f""

a hearinir before t'.iis de. `»;on wa» kn wn an I

the jtidce remark, d at ti af tirn. tliat ; e w..'i'i

wait until the hipher court had r-r.d' red ;t>

decis'on before he r.-nder.-d tS · wn

On this point I'rank OJitr.ore y -r. rday » li.i "It is bdieveil ti at tl. ' f ir* t d fo.* >' the `die-hard'' »h..'i!d !» a f..-...a.*

of the d'spesitii.n of the s m. ar a. · n . f ·'

.\etors' K b 'i'y I., ac i-. W-.i. li

to te- a'Z'J-!

b« fore .Tiist'oe I'la'z.k on Monday

^".Mtlio this hi't-nam. d a't .a i- pern r.s' y

tirniic'.it h.v an .t't"rs' .t-'.M'ation it is -p reality annth. r mov.- I>y t . l''.»!ii' ~: M i j-

pers' .\'-i'. iation. Il-nry M ii-r and

M. f'ohan. re-p-et v. l.v fd. t' >. .1. n* a-I vice pressleiit. ar.- also m.-mtH-r.- "f t'o Itnund Ilohin !rrou|i of th*- I''-.>d'ie:ni Marap.-:-' elation, who. »..m>. f:ia- ac pl--i.-. d ·.`i.n--Iv. s

M .rreli-e. the ftmout vlown. tad ether ..rat a t« ta'setty ar.l»-*a children and p: eaapi la a real, siraa ;a it« WoiiJ, New Y rk. Pradneed ly W. F. Lata n.

to art as a Woe in oi'in.^it: n t" Ka'illy."



r t.aaks ,t ·· t · ·· a. J It


Arbitration Saves Industry $1 500,000 Yearly, Says Hays-- 5,000 Cases Settled


New York. .Jum- h's. --In ...

of w .i*

has ben ibine ;n t .· film mdn-'r.v ti.e ipf .-. Itlirp d - *. -
tlon. tile .Vrhitr'it ..n S.' ·'y <.f .tin" irl. ·-a
r.i t. .

deri d-a dime r at llie I; iinor.- II ···; t - \v.l.

at whieh Will 11. Ha'-. 1,. .d ·{ t . \l


I'..t.ire I'r'sl'iv.-rs and tl ~*'.l.';f(i's ..f Vm. '.a

was llie

of Imn' t .1 .'I.-' \I. <. .-;ea-i

Is the president of ti.e .Vrh.tra'ion


Tlie j'l lit arliitrati'.n i^ianl- . f '



d'isfrv ill the t'.rt'-on*' k`y eit;... hav. -.'Mod

.".O'l't ea--s in t <· I'-riiel of jii-* a >ear they l.ave l.een in «.· '.It '.n

·· -r i I'., '.des

tills, a- a res lit ..f t ... e..ti;;iul...rv ar>''r)lhiii

of di'piites b twi-en exh.ti ter- and d -tril.iitm-.

aecordiiip to Cl.arle, f. I'e't J . .n many tiioiisands of disputes Iiave !. en silfl'd wiMioU r--

eonr'e to the film board".

I'eftijohn abo dei an d tin re an- timv only two suits in fie emirts of the eoiintry

b-tween exhihlfor.s and distributors, a r mark¬

able reeord.

W'ii It.T.v> recently amioiineed flat tiie nrhl-

traf'in biards are savin? the industry a mat-

t r of .innind $l.iVffsS) a yi ar.


T' M I` r


ni'in* y. II* w ,!l .4p;' <·. ;.jti

at hi- a-idn '>*, *?>





g mm


th:tt pUv Ml-* Is. i.j ri S'?' · v


i . rj,; ar t 4 f m

·> W · «e ; (


l* f^sn

Cl .<
*·'4' wn-

in H ri«II« Wi'*-'* ar.d fl.(!n t f* < I 4.- >r «t r-< r *

afiif*! *r

I« ·ml


.«· « .*
* b



*· liul;i I*«! w'lh

IJ;i · Tfi'-N'l t*;«t uSp · Marg ' |,» r


1h to I' oiilj u · h. ».*' th ·

».··· :· now


·^4 tfr (<Uy will



liT tuM'*»»*«


« lio'bi-IIe N V .pii.e 'JS 11 .d. It. Park

a.'.d I.iii I iand I., a. - r. · r a'e.nal im.-.t. ,ti

N. V

on t - s.. n.) w r.

i| .,

I i ii, .

-*. tin

1. . .* It « ,· .no n  d l i d \l *. .o....n ...» .. . . · ' »

· k by III. Ib-al'b In 1* nr'll aft. r b.i.'· r.o|... i. >.i, e  !.i l teiMo'..] It... w.i'i-r ·'.a until »' 'll f.

b t P. til»»(».rl. fonn

I i. K aldmann will

I.' .1 i-.' of liou .b.ais an-l.'.r. 1 .n (be .s.,iiud

r.u.a ii I*, re «· 'r. a>uri|.



li .


^'ll·'·l»ll·l aa


I.i j-atr. ass* i" ··· r4f«`,i<i| lu It*

Moral of
New York Which

a Play Does Not Warrant "Indecent" Scenes
Appellate Court Sustains Decision Imposed Fines for Presentation of "God of Vengeance"

- n W J I'kev I.a`ke
r`t f ---I · <1 t I m


- .



Actor. ·'W. »l

la m ·-

tak-B to

!· in -..-I... e

fr m a me-i -

belli out for


I'li.lMtli-lii.. 1, .1 .ni- I'"--11.»- ^ji.iiKaru iu>'ilul

t<> an .\iii*-ii<an >i<frn of

\'ri<»n (j. . i,t f.,r ili*-

' yhii-vnuoiit


of )iiinian ondi-SK-r, Ini' b«on

jt-ar ·-> Kolaii-I Uaj-'. w-di-lT

ii--«n <-on'- ri r ni.'-r. wiio I* now on a ··oii' i-rt



T;.<- r-JirfM-Ltativi- of Mr.

II in. wll ri ' · VP »t:<- iiiiilal for Lini at thp

iM Tii-.ilaj ijlitlii of il.e Nai.-nal .\..ociaI on for III*- .\i|vaii'I'lni lit "f (' I"r<"!

Tlip I'iiiiiii 11-<· iiiakini; t'..- awuril c-oiiM.te-l

of r"*ti'i|i

Il'ir.l. I l.iiiniiiiii; D- r-itlv Caii-

f p!d K «'o r a'l'liof; Tlo -Hlor-' Itipi-ovolt. as .'ant ---vr-tarv of i'm. iiuvr, Jamo' U Dil-

af'l ·! rn tor of J--au-·· ami .'liiior fund.; John

Iloja-. ; 11.1 loot of til" .M rol.oij'*-' t'o'^So, aa<l

W K !· Ii .U-. .. od.l'.r of Tbp rri- . Pr.

J". ah II t'l nninian, prosidont of the Tn!-

Tprlfjr of I'ronv'Ivanla, ni'I make the preaeota* in to Ilavoa' ropreaentative.


Erown. star of George Wintz'a mU'ical f®®'*!**'- '·nus" a;.d 'live", just retiim-d

^tom a t»i- vv**ek fi-hing tr.;- into Michigan.


bob->r of cati tl,*- largest

·mill nio.ith ba.s ea .ght »o far Ihi- s- a»<>n in

Lake .>«t Cla r fia-s--f iur-and a-half pound

Isjoty. In the fi-L ng pirt.v were; ('lem T.

S< a-f-r. ma:..sger of "Slvuffle .Vlong"; Mr.

and Mrs. Ja.v Glblsjas, own-r« of ti.e Hotel .

** * b*»ni, T>aMon, O.. ind

W Intx. well-

1" all more than -K-O fish

V'te caught on this trip.

N'ta Itr-wn is at pr-s-nt visiting relatives

In Iia.i'< n and Cin- innaii and next week leaves

for X-w Y rk to p r base costumes for her

t omizg pla.T, "The Mod-Is of

Producers of Middle West Al¬
ready Engaging Companies,
and One-Nighters Are
Coming Back
St. Louis, Mo., June -d.--That one-night stands are coming back strong in the MiddleWest is Tery obvious. f'cveral circuits are forming an-I producers who have b*'en waiting an opx-ortur.e time are already framing comj.anles.
.\Ibert llwight and hi* associates are now r-hrarsing one company, with others to follow. Two pi-riiian-nt stocks, a rep- rtoire company, b' s.des a pr-iduction of Ilenry A. Mason's new comedy m- Iirtlrama, ` tVu'te-l fiouls". are now be i.g filled. "Wasted Sviul'" will be of a spe- tacular nature, written around the drug traffic--depicting the dangers and horror that foil' w Its u-e. how it is l.andl- d and the mak¬ ing of new addl- ts Tor this reason Mr. Dwight Is having no trouble in interesting federal. State and mttnic pal authorities, welfare or¬ ganizations and fraternal brotherhooils, as well as the various anti-narcotic si~-ietles. which will go t wartls the new show playing to ca¬ pacity business. A full soenic produ.-tion, as well as band, orchestra and novelty paradepara nhernal; a will be carr ed. Ti.e advertising, too, is of a different nature than tbe nsual run in road attractions.


Sarah Mae Hutchins (Mrs. .Mbert Dwight! w. 1 not t.-ike out her company this season, but wil remain with her husband, assisting him in the format on of the earlier companies, an-I playing tie ba-l in "Eyes of Wisdom", anr.'her Ma«-'n play, which will go on tour about o. tober.

la to his sb-iws. Mr. Dw:ght is as- -ting J. K. Gregg, of the Odeon here, in the t- rmation of a circuit playing the best of
dependent attractions.


New Alignment Is Something of a Sensation in Concert World

K A p cAiroLO may again ENTER PRODUCTION

TV. Mg.B i.iiMk.

ba. Wea mak^ a tpi.aJiJ rtycttticn. ka. joined the Ernie Young

IrvM for--** aad tt doaUaod to Wc.-mo moro widely popular than ever.


To Resume Playing at Century Thea ter, New York

York. Jane '*.*--R* fere sa ling f.^r  -.;,o Tr.trrday. Morr« i--«t anr -.-nevd t .at I ·-# M »i..'d resin;.- p'aj rg at -he
a! I'T Tbeat.r on .\ g »t 1' He ad-l-d
vt L> f t St "ti* w.-pe n w -VO f-s-t ti- pr-uluv-e rte M ·*-   in ricvrlin.l. and f It gs
-11 t'-e p i.-e or 11 plav here nnfil time to -· * ·> it f-r t e ( 'ev-Iand rngiigi ment
ii..*:me in S-ptrinhcT.



*'«v FOR BOX orncr boys

*400 000


> «n t o'en. ,f «i sii>s> on at ?11 Wrat I'.t r->rtT flr»t r t'-'rperat oD


Xi-w Y'orW Jur-

-Mr'. Frank tVarren.


,,f Frank \Varr.-r. mu'ic critic ef The

u Y.-rk Fven-ng W.-rld. t* fr-'m

, of ttr bra-n. caiis«',1 l».v a cvvt!isio-i

of I light m-'tor tnicV she was dr vlng at

t'.inan-la gna. X. ^ with a t-Htrlng car ilrivcn

b) Fire Chief Jaynea. of B-vheater


Tlie Billboard

JULY 5, 1924


In Suit Filed in Rockland. Mass., by

M.xxwell Driscoll and Wife


--''111 111- beeu .at.ntej lu

till klaad. MS'i.. tiv Maxwell HrUeoll. well-

Dim Lights in L. A,

Oregon Motion Picture League Expected pand to State-Wide Proportions



kiionii li i:;t:ni.iti' .anil -to. W aeter. and liU wife. ' I Pri utl. .  le, led with Mio exisi-

iillve offie. a ef 1 . 'I 1

I! i' Niw I'ngland

I' operator, a.aai-t t'harle-- P. Smith. .-f t o Mae IMward- Pl.ijir-, at the

Max flow , r Croxe Tliealer, P.r.xaiilvllli-, Ma-»..

auJ P. t'. I, tttefii 11. manager of tho M.iy-

Limited Water Power Causr.s Order To Cut Electricity 25 Per Cent

PORTLAND, ORB., June 23,--Stabilization ot' ilio luoUun inciiuo linaur

business in the State anJ a eloselv eo-orihn.itt'. organization of the ex¬

hibitors was the purpose of a meeting lul.l here Siiunlay atul siionsoi.,1

by the Oregon Motion I'icturo League, which heietoforc has been ci'inpris.-.l

principally of Portland theater operators

It was the first meeting In two years

Man/ Houses Represented

that has gathered together the theaiir owners from practically every large city in the State, and sentiments ex¬ pressed by the various theater owners present indicated that a firm State or¬ ganization would be the outgrowth.

.ViiioHs t'.o 1


rls' unit¬

ing Wire:

A. >! fifir of I'...- U.vo^. J .1.

ParLor aU'l I'Mtik'y of

Majist-o. J. <1.

I'.t'ikui.iu of t'.o rf'iGo'«,

Noble of t:..»

Liberty, C. K. I'harii s of the Co.i.uU'.j.

W. A. I'.iiiaie of t' e Ileil g. W. W. I'y of

till- 11 i-iKHlro.iie. J Jol.usou of the I'antaa- «. <1.

Altho the Oregon Motion Picture T. W'hhI iw an J Kn 4 -f t'.o I'in le.

League has been existent over a period .s, S lii.baik i f the K- \. H. Marad- a of t'..-

of years, it has been considered as a Portland organization, and has busied itself with problems confronting tlio local theaters nither than those which affected the operation of theaters thruout the State. Asa lesult of the meet¬ ing the organization will now be con¬

Nob III I. lii. i Waito of the P-tb Whit- . I t.el-

li-r Ilf the Waluiit Park. I.. I'. T- '> tts of the

II ifhuay. S. Parker of the .t'.'.aml-ra. Kil Kauta

of the Ik 1.0. s.

of th t:.iy. J. Me-

« reii.e of t - M.etn-mall, M. tlia inr f the

t ...on .\veuue, J. Aiiam- i-f ta. sttant-liJe,

Sara I'elli-y of the Jeffer-inii, J. A. It. of the tlrant, Ileu-eu and Sauil'ila-t  f the it.alto, S.

sidered of State-wide significance to P.oihe of the Sel'wood. 1. L- -- r Cohn of t e

the motion picture theater operators, and wilt undertake to meet all problems of vital inipnrtanee to the industry as

ruirii- do. S.iiu Sax of the N'. tv tlracd ar.d Sam Pie-iiuiau of tie Ni V.. a'.l of P'r;
Among t:-.e largor out-of-towa ixh bt r-i pri a¬

a whole.

lloxver Croxo Hot, I. ^er allege.I -laud, r aoii

d.fanaf. u ef eliaraeler, grmxliic out of a

\ - t t.T M:<. n'.- '-lI w;lh !e r Ini'tiand ill the

M;'r'.iw.r Crexe Hotel la-t Sttinlay.

.\.ti»ril:ng to ^lr-. P-.- oil, -he xxiiil xloxvii

to Pr.xantX !M,. to - . :i I ttie we.'k-enil XX nil to r

h'-'-.i; ·!, wt»x XX.i< a in. n-' .r of the

PJxx.trJs ri.i.xet-, at t

Mayfloxver Itrove

Ttii-at'r. The h 't.-l m.i:.ageiui ilt et.Ji . le.l to

t!" ivu le ixi-eiti'x irg |i»- -.mie r.n-m on th -

Kroila.N tliat thex xxeto u.t man atnl xvifo

.'.il r-'fii-i.l t.i .1. r 111. r ..ff. r to -iilniill

I r-ix'f ef their uiarria-o. Charle- T. -Smith,

m.iriag. r of it*. >lo. U emin anx. It:-n 1' ».i!il

to ' avo erltlei'--I Prl-.oll In r. i::iril to hla him xxitii l~.ii.g a d -iiKaiii'i-r

ts ea <0 l.-i a- 'J l.i -oo f .· P piity i|. p-tiy ami

finally d - .arg .1 him xvithx.ut ti.o ixvo-

xx.-eVs* salary r'.i':>. 4 by tbo K-niltv eomraet

1:-M by Pr.s.-ixll. Ti - latter aet.. :t 1m« b«i-n

t.iki n np w th t * ,t · .r-' P [ ilt.v .V-<ix.-ial:oii Driseol! has txe. n o t fi-. .1 that hU lntore«ta

XXill lie Ilk. n i.xre of.

Meanwhile tho I>-i<i'olls : are attaeh d the

Max floxx-er Cir.-x e t'...-ater and hot. !,

Maxw.ll Pri-eoll is w II known i.n P.roajxv.ix-

a:.d lie :oUt the Country. His last l.g.tliuate

ai , i-araai 1 s xx. re xx th .-- Ptady in ' Porever

Isj* Angete*. Ji ne

--(Iwnei* of lh. .at.r-.

xx.-re flr*t to cuiiply xx tli Hie program null n.-I

by th* 1*'* \nge1e* riiauiti. r of t'vminri.e. u-

il.-r auHiorlty --f the Kallr.'ad ('ouimls-h.iiFoxxt-r Supi rxlMir, i.i r. .Iu.-e th.> u-e of VI.- 

liy n. t t.-'* than Ci* p.-r i-enf to m.-.-f xxhai

I. rm. .1 "a gravety m-rlou* altnaflon*' f.i

S..ufh.-rn an.l California due t i r«infa i

isind rlon* nut iH-rmitliug tho t*.iiilheia l'il;f..r

Ilia Ellison iViiii-any enough power to lariy

ii.usum.-r*. .It the j.ivseut rate of u**,

r.iln i-x.nie* n.-xt -ea-ou.

titber I'umuiunitie* N tidet IxM Vug.!- > al

r.-.tdy baxe -tart..I simiiaj- roua.-rxatl.-n j

g am-, ttllii ;*Is of Ck-ndale la-t night *#-ut · ii;

"minute uo-n'' to xxjrti euiisnmei-* of the em- r-

g.-n, y. SiK-aki-r- app. ar-.l in theater*, lol.l xxh.

the light* In front xxere dim an.l niern-

I - r< of the au.Ueuie i.i J.. u In #-ui-erxall.ui

Ttie l.v al ir.h-r in-rta ulug to cuuiuier.-.jl u-. -

Ilf e!e, trie p .xx.-r, in. lujing theale:*. park*, r.

taurant-, hotel*, «tore«, otQ.. *, farturle*, aerv-

Ic* ktatlxma, et.'., read* a* follow-:

"Vou are rei|-;!r.-d to J;- untlnu.' entirely, mi-

t l further notice, all lo-al sign an I di-plax

I ghtii.g, alt fixU'd lighting. <xnr-half .f light* .

*hoxv window*, redu.e the use of Interior I'gh*-

Ing a* mu. h a* po--ihle, at l.-a-t by 23 i«T tri i

(remove one-iuarter of your lamp* or l.-**<n 'h..-

This xxas f'.ie fir-t time that tin- muTem- nt liaa been imdi-rt.-ikeu fcoriounly in «»re,;oii. The preseut .Miition I'i.-iiire League of tiregun. of


numtier of hour-' n*e l.y onenjiiarter).** Street lighting will tie redu.ed a* much a* it
coo*.stent with public safety.

xxUieh C. S. Jeii-eu of Portland is pri-sident.

The rarttllment or.ler ixsioest* that e«ii«nm.-ra

will form the fiiiiiidati<in of tho organization,

"Invite the oil war-time aplrlt of cheerful, ob«-

altho it will uiixv Ih- extended to im-Iude the

d .'Qt cp-i'peratiun'*.

operators of all the larger theater* thrn.iut t'le

.Vnotber |>ara:rapb read*:


"The jicople of Ia>* -Angelca will be m.-t

-A* the firiit imitortant step taken by the or¬ ganization a e.sle of ethics, which xxill leadhend to <-Io»e!y by all the exhibitors, was adopted. Ten iirinciplea Wi-re in this code as the spirit of the league. The-e follow;
First--To build forever upon ttie firm found:ifion of Imuor and integrity, even wh<n a dif¬ ferent c-our-e might off.-r gr.-ater monetary profit.
Streoud--To rec-ognize my duty a- a mold, r of public opinion, and an edu.-ator of minds, by re¬

.iiutfly aff.cteJ If mUfortune la visited u;s»b >'iuib>'rn C.xlifornia ranvUera and piy-ruU proilUi-icg Indn-trira In ihta city.'*
Los .Ang.'ie* County l-Nirm Oureao repr.s. ot*nv.« ytst.-rd.iy arranged a aerlea of meei.i.g in the agricultural district* fur t;,* i`ur(K>-e of ai'tNitntinf conseivatioa exHumittre*. Tti.y w.ll a>-.*t in the allocatiuD of power f-r agriioliural u-o and act as mediator* between liner* and dl-trlbutoi*. The romoua dl-trl.' xxa* the fir-t to organize.

fusing to show upon my si-reen any pii-tnretliat might have an unpatriotic, unwholesome or immoral effect uisin the life or mind of any audience

R.-'.-b a;* of Eagle Roxk yi-tetday recelxel uoti.e the Southern California Edison C»ui. I'any tint, (ffiitive Ixalay, a aiz-hour shilt.iff of jMiw.-r daily wouM lie made. The hours di.r-

Tliird--To give full co-operation with city.

iog w'hl.'h no power will tie eupjilied are -1 to

State and national governments and to all

ti a.m., 10 to 12 a.m. and 2 to 4 p-m.

movements that will tend to raise the standard

of morality and society and tlie ideals of the human race.


Fourtli--To -o conduct my husine-s as to r.Ilect honor upon my Industry, to the end that


the motion picture theater may take its rightful

place as a real and rained as-et to the com¬

munity in wliich I reside. Fifth--To hnuestly advertise all attractions

Stuart Walker Co. Now in Un-

with no effort to overrdiraae or misrepresent them for the sake of monetary gain.
Sixth--To deal fair'y and honorably m» fellow man. xvhether he be one whom I am serving or one -erring me.

This neat-appearing and fast-working septet of dance rhythmiiti is again serving the musical menu xvith complete satisfaction to patrons of the Homer Smith, popular dance and ezctiraion iteamer of Pittahurg, Pa. During tho past winter the boy* provided concert and dance programs at the St. Charles Hotel. Hew Orleans, La.

`)disputed Possession of Sum* mer Stock in Queen City

Seventh--To u-e tlie full power of my scr.-i-n to further the cause of education and helpful st-ience to all religions, in order that the World may be a lietfir nlace in whieh to live be¬ cause of my xvork
Eigl.tli--To be loyal to my patrons, honorable with niy competitor and ju"t to my employee*.
Ninth--To a»k onl.y such firofit as !s Ju«t
and not alLiln.-d at the sacrifice of truth, honor or manhood.
Teiiiii--To d.-lixer to all with w!,om I deal
I the h g!ie-t iiuulity of -i-rvice. n-ni- mhi-ring at all times that any dishonest or dishonorable act of mine will r.-flei-t iii>on everyone engaged in the great industry of wlhch I am but a -mall part. \ vote of confidi-u -p and appreciation of th  efforts of C. E. .Ten-*-o, president of tin- leagu-. XX as taken in t-onsidyration of his is-r-onal ef¬ forts In behalf of tlie industry during ti.e pa.sf year of his term of oftic-e. Tn addit ion it xva : deeded that a Iienefit performance for the league be provided in each of sov. rat large fir-t run fi'-ater- rinriiig tlie next few months to pro¬ vide a siib-t.-intial fund from \vhi<-h f!.e organi¬ zation might direet If- activities In tl.e future. The organizat on also xvill di xofe a large -han¬ 't its att.-nfion to charlfr and civic divelopmi-nt, aiordlng to sentiment ..I .at tlie me-t ng. Ti.e lienefit performanc.- w-|Il bo s'o.-ip -d fog..ti er in 1`orlland and afli-r t'e first slioxving here wilt go out over a i- rciiif of lli.. S' it. theal.-rs tl.iiN xvlll liiel ide fie I. l.ertx'I II A-lorla. Rialto in n.e.d R ver Empre-- in T'e Dalle-, Taiiitot In Rend. I'endli ton in I'eii-ll. ton, .\n-ade in La Hrande. fi'pheiim in Raker. Oregon in Salem, Whlte-ide in forvalll*. tilobe in .Mhany, Rex in Eugene, Rialto in .Medford. Vinlng in Ashland.

t ilt xxer.-: W. A. Long of Or. g .n City. A. K-.l-'ad of Hood River. T O N. ;'! of M> XI nn X. le. K. L. Itlirke i.f Raker. Th n Meyer* of L.I tirando and scver.-tl other'.


Sydni-y, Au.stralla, June 7--Chaa. E. .<logget, niagit-ian, ia paying hi* company aronu.l th-*

Ntwia-fle dl'trict*. factory.

Businesg Is very aatla-

Tlie Great Dr.iculla of tie Ad.laide M.g ans'

bor-lety was in fiie .South .Australian capital

i. ...-ntly to le'.rgsnize

-.ipiK.rting csimpany

f'-r a tour of the coa-tal toxvns.

Lin r.-attle, past pr- :<!ent of f..- ,\.b::i:.|..

ii. :ig'i-!;in*. was t!.e recip! nt of an appropriate Iir.-entation from t'.e m. of

recently on the eve <f bis entering th'- rn itrimonial st.ite.

· as Malioiri<-fs sl.ow, noxv Jour ng \V. st Aiia-

tralla. le-.-n j'. i.eil br S.*I Hale-, pr.jmlD*-nt

amateur m.igltian who is al-o a p'ea-ing vo¬ calist.

I|.-ratio, at one fmi a---i.t.f to f.- j.soin;.

lent .Aiietraltan magician.

bii-v prep.irio-g

magic.-il apparatus In h!-<- d"-n in IMtt ' ·· f. .xtydne-r. the rend, zxon- of magical

11-: iranf". Iionald Stuart, the Lou-g st«..ik- of Mv-'erv.
xva- r-cenfly aiiowing at f < Tlv<.'l T'.< ater. S;, dll. y. prcsintiig a fine i rneil magira! a't.

ami lias noxx- s.iii-d for N'-xv Z.-.iland to plnv ttie plcf'ire fieater*.

N. XV Z- atai.d amtitenr magic .ms !.ar<- a mau-

ii-cripf enfifleil "Te Tohunga". a re,-. ,,t


xx'.lch te.ast.d a prlr.t.-i) cover devo'ed f,, rart..*.

Xfi-r" an-I ``Drift rg". and for tie pa«f *-afon he wa« a member of the Empire Theater T'iayers, Sal. m. Ma-- Mrs Dr,- .,1I als.i Is XX. II known In N-w England th* atriral circle* thru hi-r as'o. latlon ta apcretary and aaaUtant to E. M. T*>ew.
Memphia, Tenn , June 27.--Mempliia' *'onetnin cen«'/r', a* heal theater manag. rs have call. il it. xa-aa kt. pp.-U on tiehiy wh.-n I'.diio Judge f liffofil D.ixis dlsiiii--.-.! warrant* -worn out l.y tie- le.jr.l agalnat Walt.-r White, tlm-r maoag.-r of i'aii'agea 'llie,it.,r, an.l .Max Hoffman, .Ir., nian.ig.-r of .\n.lre Hle-rrl IteTue, n gri a't, xahosi- if.stiim,.. lii,. le.ard tiiuiiilaln. <1 xx.-re " to tlie iiioral welfare of ti.e I ily "
The Judge di-mi--#.I .. after I'lill M. f -tiale, atforri.-jr for .Ah z.imh-r l*:ifitag«-a' in* t. r.-Kia in .M. inidils, kwll. li.-d Id* line of i|,.. fense ill a twinkling aiel mox.-.l dl*iiil--iil on H,#. gr.-iin.l Mr. In .m. < hnlriii.iii of lleI'O.ird. Ii.kI l--ie-l .m or.|. r m.I* tjr on hi* oxx ii initl.ilixe til#- girl-: in Hie a-f **l#» ...x.-r tiif f tooi,.. Il*" wl,i-n til. .V xaore the (-oHtiime* II-. 'I ill tl,. ir flr-t song n .iiil.. r. TI.#. i-ontcnllon of I'.iiitiig.-· . oi.iis. I xxa* lli»f lliere waa no fon-i-rt.-.l f.r r-giiiar ii. tion of ltii. In ·'>i..l# iiiriiiig II,.. .i.«lmni-s, niid thi* cori'enlloti .1 dge D.i x i- i.plu-hl.
f .- M.ig.' tan. f art. r, t.y the way, I* now four ng ft... ft..mtnlon with til* elnliorate lllnalon kll.lW,

Ihtf *irAuil I'liyiTi. n etiKk i'oiiipao? uoiJ<'r

th^ inaoac*-uieot of ijroi^a IL Waltt*r« »Ui\ Ham

'ia>lora float <1 tto'lr sciiiuitr ruu at Uie Uialto

Tticatvr. fotinictoii, Kjr.. an a<]Ja<t'Ut t»at>urti.

Li-t Saturday uU'lit, aft»r pr»'*`*`iiUng arvni

H<*rk« of Mt<H k at 111** firand Thratrr, ^tnein

liatl, BUd oD«* ul tia' UniliKton hoUM*.

Tli»* rloaing of th«* (iraiid IMa>*ra Iravoa lit*

Stiiarf \Vu]k**r rntiiparQ In iiiidl«piif*-d routrol

t'f tho aiirtiriH r attM k

In (*in4*iiiualta «lii'·

flm M Iton AlMtrn

rofin*djr Co., |d't>liitf

nt 11. T\ K*-ltirn Tl*»*r, i'Imm d a*\«>ral

Tl»^ at»rijpt onding of Ih** roinpanyV

dd not ronif* na n ftiir|»rlf«r »lnM* Ihi* manat:'r

ann'MiiK-i <1 romitly ttiat Ihoy ^ad


(ii-foiiiary Ivto W'ok «l<t«lng tiotL*' riHiuiiiJ I

TIh' r<'n*>oii gh« ii v^aa that ttodr I* n '

on tla* flrand

rn II'Mim* hud o^plf* d nn *

lliiit Iho rHitif'P had h"* n ni«'d In Iti**


that It maa fiHind Iiiipo«Hlh|<* to r«*n<'W It.

A at r Wiiw rr**i|t<t| la t u**-k \vh*n th«*

I'Hny i»r*»din*f| "Tho

Virgin' \n


afti r ttn* MaM»r of riiM-Inniitl hiid flir* al« n* *1

t<i < an*ol tho ITriiiid n{M tn IlMiifi* llr*n'*o In t)i

ovoiii thiit tlK* I'lwy waa |tnt «»n tlnro.

Ttii* draniatlr irlth' of nno of lh«» Iradiii-'

t' fif tnnHtl dill oa ot |«r**« tra |!i»* o|ilnloti tha'

till* tirind I'lator*** a*-a«<nii proAod nn«Ufr«'aaful

Im-( fill***, f'fintrar.v to nin'iHhifrlal ot'lnton, a nia

Jorltf t*f I to n f

f * p · fi r n holi ·OHIO phi'

to Iho-o aio Ini*ntIimuiIIjt vulgar.

fn Ito nlrl'al rlrt lna.

tin* rnllnr<* of

ttio rottipant'a ai-naoii waa takon to HHtUi ttn'

ttii* rlfjr loiild not aiip|M'rt iiioro than oin* aiini

tf'fintIriuod on pngo IIOi

iV ::^ A
JULY 5. 1924

Xlie Billl^oard


Tax Is Off Tickets Costing




Boston Stock Company

Fifty Cents and Under

Theatrical Folk Among Friend# Who
Pay 8urpri#e Tribute to Edward E. Pidgeon

.`-ewark, N J , June 30--Piisht piTson* were b irn d wlien fiam* » ( an .'ip.uBiuu in tbe I lio Su!'ply I ..mpuoy roared ncr..** the street.

Winding Up Its Season


New York, J ne ;i>i -- i.dsaid i; PnJaeon, drauiatlc rrillc of The J*. .roal of tomiuer.e and

50e NOT AFFECTED J'lomiiu-ot lle-atr.. *1 pr. ·· aic-ot. waa tender, a 4 tMjo-voyaye dmri. r hy lut.mate friend* an.l ae*.* late* at t .. Urei n Ife m M .h la-t nlyht

'I ,.- illuner i..iue aa a *ur:r.<«- to I'lds.uo. who

Internal Revenue Department Issues Instruction* to Collec¬ tors Thruout Country

leave* Tlii.r-.tay on the I,.auij tna for Ijuu^jd, wh* le he will ali.nd the Coiiv. ti¬ ll..n of A>-.«lai.d; fh.l.- of »h  World at W eiu' ley. 1.. .ilnuu.k' Jul.v II. a* a dviexate of I e .A.Iv. rt amj.' i lull of ,\. w York,

lb-tail* of arraLX.m.-Ll for the were under the dir. tt..n of J. tin I'l-*.).!.--, J. «- tWot

W.i; hiiiKtun.

t'-. June 30.--Th«* and Paul II ni.. !, i lo.-e frn ud« of Pldic ou.

of tlif Uevfiiuv Act of 1024.

.Au.on.: o'i»r, »ho aire.,.|. d were Mr. aud

the tax Iti r< iiuivcd flum all a'liiK'.'lon cliaicoM of 50 coiitH ami un*
>:<* into ottoct tomorrow.
Tl.«- <'<'mmis>iomr of Internal lJ« v^nu·· has I'siicd Iii.'ti'uctions to colW.ois of i« vi nu« thruout the country with iti;aril to tlie u«e of ticki'tH of admission under the new act. calhntt attention to several pro\.sii`iis mi^ht < .tsily be miscon* tru* d by tho>e not thoroughly famlli >r

Mra. Don l.rrul. Mi ai.d Mr> IV.ul ' .Mever. -Mr and Mr* It . rt i. e ri WM-h. Mr aud Mr*. J.» Web. r, Mr and Mr*. Ma-uu p. t. ·· Mr and M - M Hi:.,vv. ll. Mr and .Mr*.* H. Ilvnly, .Mr. end Mr». Jo* -ph -s- ho-*, l a.ihiie ll. tik'l Mr jnd Mr-. .\r. d S. hader. Mr. and Mr*. Prank Ilenn.-v. Mr and Mra. J..l.n T. nnani, .Mr aud 'Ir*. Ke|< y .Mien. Wen* ll*«k-. P. Me Pit. hi. ytje, Luke O Itellly. flinrlea Pike Sawyer. Leonard la-lbllng, Hal I ..'d.. Cla .l.e |i.'.1*. Leo Prank R» n Prank. I Pio't Poreman and Uarry E K*Iler.

with the titatute.

The new law providea that tickets


now in use may be continuid In uae

fiT a nasonable length of time under

certain conditions which are set forth.

This is in order to give tlu.iter men

an 0|>!iortunity to u>e up their preaent

rtock of tickets and have new stock printed.

The Instructions of th* Internal

Revenue Department are as follows;

!'· J .i.f IV ISil. a bill to be riteS ai the

 Rr»ni;, .\(t ,.f

' became a taw. Pro

t I uD t» Bi.nte In ihl» bill for tlie rrpeal of the

t4l OD adiu Villon* lm;>ea«H| hr Sii'ti.'n S'*" ef

the krTeau# Art of 1P21. effeitlTe midDifbt July J. unit, and for the ·ulwtliut.un of a ·imllar

··I nndrr Section *>''0 of tlie Reeenne .tct of

1K4. fffi-ctlTe July S. 11»1*4. Thi* aect on. with

San Plejo, fthf.. June S* -- The n. w Panta*. * Th-a'rr w tb .kh lander. ` T'e Man W .. Knew**', a* Ita b.adliner Iroke a.l bouae reeord* alnre oiieD.ti f..r the week of June M and thl« Week'* rev'.rd will eelijee that with 'Tatty" Arbtirkle a* ti.e adlns attraction. Uo>cw I* reeeirlny enthu*la*tic aipiaose.
New York. June 30.--The home of the late M. lor llerliert on pash street between W.*t End avenue and I!iTer«lde drive was eold by hiwidow t.olay to a Hii'*alo man. Tbe property ba* U-en n tbe Herbert family for tbe past* year-

I e., smit.-r. pr* prief.jr, escap. d uninjured in the lire which foilow.-.l three blast* in nine
fe. t of film. Th.. lire t.i three I.. .J iijr* a.lj.»in,ni{ that b.j'iHini; the Piiui Sup¬ ply Company and the interiors of all were d" tr. .V..I T'.e loss i* estimated at
P'our of the injured, all of wbnrn vv.r.- on tie tpp'.- te sl.le of the -tr.-et wh'U t!.e ei, V h e o< arr-d. requited Vo-ji.tal tr. iitment.
London. J ne jti .S; e<-;al Cable to The ftillboardl.--John p. t. r--jn's lom. d.v, · !!· r Iiuusht'r n.iw I. in.' i re-er.ted at fiie Everyman Theater, i* an att. oiiated entertainment n.-edli.x Di' r.- ..Iroit pr.Kl'i. tion N.irah lt..bin.soa
 f · a- .'t a*-'mpt ..n in the prln-ipal role, hut tie re-f of the i-.a-t i- judistinijuished.
Carillo Tendered a
Welcome Home Dmner
Members of Lights Club Honor "Angel" Carillo--Interest¬ ing Program
Nvw Y J.-., June 3'y--.'jvv, ;al hundred lui-iiit»r» of the L.g;;fs C ..h. a t orga:.ixat.on. tendirvd a weicom- d nn.-r la-t n.ght to .kngel L.-o Ca-;'l . at fe Cl ib ...u-e. Fr-eport. L. ! J Vu* Turn., n. master of Intr'-du ed a n .m'.,r of s . *k. r-, tbe la-t b* ing .knc.l f ir;".... who t d of b ·>» the generosity of B s M .ss -iv,i| r':e "L t' t<" fr-m g .g out of e\.-'.n. e w en he a d.-l them gg*. ia*t r-c. nr y and prom -<1 them twice that »um for n. xt s,-as .n. ost. n-;hly as a loan. y»t wf or.f the smg.-ts.n of cola'eral or any other b:n.l ng agreem.-nt on the club or
fContinued on page lift)

With Run of "Kempy"--To Re¬ open August 25 With Aug¬ mented Personnel t

Bo'tou. .Tune 2.'.--"Kempy". by J. C. and Nugent, will serve to clo'e the ex¬

tended season of the I'.oston Stock Company.

Considering the sudden heat wave, the slug-

gishuess of warm weatlier audiences, the

fairly exhausted condition of the players after

a Ibug and exacting season, and the ahsenee

of Walter GiHierf, who u'Uslly sets a tempo

which the others maintain, a very creditable

performanve Is being given by the players at

the St. James Theater. This comedy of Ameri¬

can life, not pr-vionsly shown in Boiton. Is

a rather ligi.t oTer-ng for stock. But a gooil

deal can lie gotten out of it by careful char¬

acter dellneat on

To this en.l Hou-ton Rich¬

ard*. as Kemp James; R.i'ph M. Remlev, as

Dan Renee, and Jill Middleton, as Ruth B.'nce.

esert their efforts and snoeeed In a eom-

(Contlnned on page 113)


Philadelphia, Ba., June 28.--Counsel repre¬ senting Elmer L. Lindsay, trustee in bank¬ ruptcy of the Imperial Theater*, Inc., of Dela¬ ware, which was adjudged an Involuntary bank¬ rupt June 2, 1022. yesterday filed a bill In equity In the Cnlt.-d States District Court agaln-t tbe former offieers and directors of the eorpt.ratlon. He charges them with the fraiHlnlent Is-ue of stock, declaring false divid.-nds, etc.: making fraudulent contracts and agre,ra- uls. iktuing false statements of Its finaa<'i:il i.'iiilitioo and of its funds. Tlie d.'fendants Dam>`d in the bill are Charles I* Kre-s. WiFitm Hallam. Jr.; B MeD in.>::gh. Frederick S. St.,ver. Wm. T. Clark .kntonio T ied, Morris D. P.vli-. .Arthur H L!g ;ett. Wm. F. Batton. FI. 'Linield Wo;l *..n. Fr.-d prick F. Turner. William Ward, Jr.; Max Berel. George W. Kelly, Harry H Weikel. Wesley King, May E. Stiver an.l Samuel J. Morton.

I few B oor rhance*. la in aulwtanre the vamr

«· (erth n 800 of the Rreenae .Ac t of


rrpt that no tii It liBi><Hii'd on ndniixKioiif of 5o ceati or lea*.

t'nd r tbe B< venue Art of lirj4 the tai doer nnl ittirh to IW.<-ent admUalon* under any cirrnmtinre*. The fact that there are beltif aold

it tlie Mue time tlrket* to the naine place at

· h»" r pr;re ha* no toarlng on the taxability f t!ili'f« ··'Itlna for r>0 nnt* or le«a. la thli

r«BDect on It »hon'd he hurne In m'nd that tb-

*ai arplie* to all admlaolnn* la excea* of 50 "·t« at the rale of 1 nnt for eaeh 10 n-nt*

of frtrtion thereof of the whole rharce. There

'rontlniird on pace IID



niT/ TII PATER. NEW YttRK Bepinnlnit Thtir-dny Evening June
DiRRKsT and VlDtiR Preaent


A Mt'ltv-M'«ti ry Pare, --by--
II.'Bry Flak f%rlton and William Ford Maniry Stac d ' y !' J IMur.ka;!
Sceaery by Charles J. Auburn rUARACTPKS
(In th* Order of Their .Appearance)

for one or two of tbe parts. T'..l< d'wt not bold for Edward M. Favor, who gut all there was out of a ralT who art*'as guide for ghostseekers In an alleged tvaunted house. Nor d.Ts It apply to F J. IMunknll. who wa* a capital detective. Hut in thr case of Mulford Maddox. -kr.D R.a.l.T and llarv-.v it does apply.
Ttese t:.ree pvsiule have highly important part*, and. in my opinion, t.r .' do not do en¬ tire Justice to them. Drtainly Ndh Miss Harvey and Mr. Maddox were stiff and unyield¬ ing. and M.'t R.adcr w** far less real than she was theatrical. Howard Miller, who bad tbe male leading role, wa* better, and Knov

New York. June 30.--The Howard Girls. Cassie and Rena, with H. W. Wingert. are continuing sr.ocessfnlly in vaudevilln, thla being the second season they have been away from tbe white tops. Their whirling ladders and teeth act, booked on tbe Keith Circuit, is now playing Pitb-tor'a 38th Street Theater. New rhinestone costumes have been added, also new drops and lighting effects. Their preaent vaude¬ ville sea-on closes .August 9 and will be fol¬ lowed hy twelve weeks of fair dates with the Earl W. Kurtze Amusement Company, of In¬ dianapolis.

N'o York. Jam .'S --Sallina* for the ··k Inrliiited;

· ·n I V H-Tenaaria--.\rthnr llopkln*. Ilnie

ninr't.>ti HOil hio olfi*. (iiai-e Iji Hue; Joe I'll \l|v. la Rio » pianl't; rdward V


Ki-lih IxMiker; Kuaer Wold Kahn

aril h.' niiithrr. Mr«. tifto II. Kabn; Sybil

'ape, valid* I lie arll.te ll.-n Ml ttia-' o

ortalnator of taMianx for ·'Zleitfeld l-Wl-

I'nanna EI«wortlh . . . .Howard Miller

t lalrr Kirkland .

. ...ktm Read, r

It. lleynlniEwray . .Mulford Madd..y

Phylll* H. mingway

Klwvn Harvey

.Noah l'h».d

.Edward M Favor

T.sidy Tr.'wbridse.

Knox H.roM

Itlibard Pa.lbnrn .1 mory Klunkall

Jm Rear.ton .. ..

.P J. p.p-nhall

Johnny IVrkln« .

K.'v It Mant.'U

Tbe entire of the p.ay lake* place in the main roi'm of an ahandon.d farnihou-e

Ihrold. Emory Hlunkall and Kevitt .Manton, In snialUr parts, w.'te vjiiil,. all they sl.onld b>>.
The story of "Shooting S ad'.w-" is df crime and ghosts, Isith m.x-d up in a g n.d pui/le by the afore-alvl d, v. e of iu.'.1;-.-ct;oD. Th, re are *hot«. door* oiwn ng <f i:» r own accord. M-ream* and mystcrioi.s divap earaucs and app aran. (S Th.- eff«H-t i- to arouse I.vught. r ri"'.er th.yn to f rill. Iho t ere i* enough of the

New York. June 29.--.k party of New York¬ ers, beaded by Dr. George E. Kunz. president of the .kmer.can S< ienoe and Historic Breservatlon Society, left here ye-terday to attend the (led cation of Mrs H irry Bayne Whitney's e.|ue-trian statue of Buffalo Bill at Cody. W.vo. The statue Is now on the w:iy there and un¬ veiling will t.-ike place July -1

: lliith Starr, uitrie". aud l{> me
havie*. »pt.r of Morion Pmle. <'n II.! Majentlr--MorrI* tieel. lee Sliu-

In tbe Herksblr,*. T m.--Sumni. r, lO.'-t.
Ton may *ee th,- flr«t pnr.<-!ph- of maiiic a*

latter. M th cutting. or revis'on
d a og. and N'tt. r stage mauagement,

of the "Shoot-



horl. Va-«lly halilialolT. of the Mii..iiw Art

api'lted to the drama In it* f-.i;l fl.vvir .-it ii.g Sh.s.low*" raiglit be ju-t as pvipiilar as other

Minneapolia. M:nn . June 23.--Dorothy Curli-®

T'" .tie vtoie Toniiira Ibikarlianovo, ol

"Shooting S'adow*". The tir-t and gu'.litig pl. c, * of It* genre, .ks it is. it i- a govhl ef¬ playing at the Hennepin-Orpheum Theater here^

(liiiivi Soiirla*'; loiiil* limm r, |·anllnlllllll I -I l.dlie liiiMlini:. lull' ktar of "S-vlly.
Iriiie oii'l \lari". ami Mrv. iNiwIlna; Pin hi :nii n'' ol. motion iib liire dlKlrU iitor Sam I Kiiia-ton. a''neral manna'T for Vlorinr

prln. lple of the magician I* ml*<Prvvl.on as v,in all Vmiw an.l I'.e* of tbU p!av h.vv.' rather skillfully UsevI It to make a thralrual j:l...*t si.TV Tt.e magi. Ian carefully d;s«t« .voiir attention to one *l»»t. and. assiir.'d that

fort. hut tiar.ll.v g.v.,1 enough for prolong,-d

sarvlval. nnl.'« *oni.' imprvivement Is mad.'.

A comedy of spooks and m.irder: needs

soma &xing up.


thl* we.-k with kVili .im Kent, dislocat'd her jaw when she fell during the final dan. e lii her act. Tbe tall was - art of the routine, hut iii falling Miss Curtis' jaw -tru.k Kent's kneecap
and tbe dislocat.on resulted.

I^v.iifi lil. ai,,| j I) yppina. Iitivtm ·» mann-

for P W tlrlll tti

"i tile f'r itiro--Irene Pordonl and her hiii*I'*ni|. I Itav tliM-ta

"" Ih. I iiipriv. of S. otImid Tb. r. .a It. I


,a«lliij ditei lor iil the

' ' I iliill.t

''rial* diirlna the Wiili Im'liidrd. ·'n tbe Majealli'--Ibiriilbv and l.lllitn
I. ultli iliiir iiioiler. Ml* Mary tJl»h. "I'd .laiiii.i, 111 iinie, 11.01.1111`a llllhand. aud "«iiila I .von, aitroa

"n It. iird |1h. Mniirelaiila-Jeanne Kairt*. ·tar o( ii,,. re. .nlly 1 |o*. .1 ··lUIn"

t'n lli.ard the laifayetle-*l roiiaid Wmwf. ^f-. »on of the tieiieral. who returned vrilli a eoiipi, forelan playa whlrh will be pro diHed thl* *t.aaon.

.volt will k.'.'P l.svklng He re, ralmly and aafely perfoim* hi* elwwhere Hr raak.s you Il'Ink the coin I* In on,- hand. whiT.a* it I* ivally in the oth.-r. Result, mystiflcaticr of the audlen.v The author* of '` Sim.b'vv*" carefiillv gi l.le your Interest to one chsracf. r an.l nivk- sn.'tle'r the nilrn. I, d'"'r
A good formula thl* and were It tmupbsl with a heller knowledge of what ts'nstllule* efftvHve dialog. "Sliimtlng S adows" would »H' a vastl.v N'ltrr plav than it I* \iid I do not m>*n that It la a ha.l plav wlthoiil It. tin the iv'iitrary. It I* Mgblv amusing In sv.'l* lb.- Inl. r«-1 I* eapitally sii-talmMt and lln-re are a l.d .-f laiiglv* I onlv mean that It ..'itl.l he h. .t.r..t were aonve *»f tlvv* dlaltig n.'t mi tlrc*ti:m- \ little vlgorou* pruning might work won.l.r* In
Ihia dlri'ctlon. .ka  wl'vile. Ihr plecr la mvl w. II tdivvi-d

"Shooting Shadows" (Riti Theater'
TIMES: "Is (h'cldcdly go>>d bvit weather en¬ tertainment."
TRMM NK * It N .a terrible, childish, disxMitaglng mes- "--I'.-r. v Hammond.
nI'N: "It has niv'l-rv. humor and an oc<:i-'oiiaI thrill."--Stci'ii.'ii K.vftl'Un.

Cbtcago. June 2«.--The local theatrical statl'tlclan, who n. ver p« rmits his name to t*used, h.y* something n. w figured out He has fv'uad, he thinks, how a lot of stars spead their money from a:i investment standpoint For lnst.vnee, Bard and IVarl. "Artist* and Models", .vt il*i .kiioUo Theater. Invest their money in lii:rle».iue shows. Their "ChiH kies" revue proved *0 succesafnl last season that they have added to their boidlag* hy purehislng thr Miner franchla* on the Colmnt'ia Cirviilt. They will produce In 8ept< mi'.'r a new extravaganza, entitled "Good l ittle D. vll-". at a cost of $'25,00«>. There will he two acts and sixteen sv.'enes and a comiian.v of fifty people. Tbe show will rehearse here

A iTtter rbolc* couM vTitalnb bare been muvle

tContlnoed on page 109)


X li e e i 11 t> o a r d

JULY 5. 1924


KEITH MANAGERS' Dismiss Iheft (har^e Against Keith Manager

$945,000 IN 27 WEEKS Hamilton.

Can., Juno

111 --('Mffor.l


Scliatitile, form, r manag. r of tli<- L.iric 1".. a-


ler. 11 h'lal Kiitli-lvaik d hou«.'. was hon.iraldy

a .luiited this w.i'k in the t'ri! t' irt of

Estimated That 1,500,000 Patrons Visited Big t e <harg>' of lli.ft brought ag.iiiist haii t.y Meet in New York and Swap the Cainlilian I'n.f. il I'h. at. rs. li;- f..rm. r *111-

Playhouse Since Opening Under Keith Banner--Reopening August 11

I'leyer-. The court helJ that Kchaiifcle had h. . 11 gi\> ii
$..*,fi7,"* on a ri'.ini'.tlon to pay th* salarl* - 0/ tls. arti-t.'s. ami that, a**'. r.Iiiig 1.. t',.- re¬

Ideas To Further Increase Business

ceipts prislui*`*i, lh». moneys hi.I li.-eii aal T e

New York. June

--Managera of the K. ith

New YORK, June SO.--The Ilitipohrome closed its first season last night

under the R. 1". Keith in.m.agement, having concluded a twenty-seven

weeks' run, during wliich tune it is cstiinated that more than a million

and a h.ilf iiatrons attended iierformunces and paid in a total of aiiproximately

$945,000 in hox-ollice receijits.

Of this sum, the U. S. Realty


provement Cori>., lessors, received CONVENTION SCRIBES SEE

about $70,000 toward its investiiKiit of jiaying the major portion of tlie ex-


lienses of remodeling the huge play¬

house, which stood it and E. F. Albee's

New York, -Iniie iis..--I'nder thi> au-j'ice.- of

Hippodrome Corporation $ >^,000, rep¬ the Xew-iia|ier t'luh elo-e to > 'tOo vi-iting r* -

resenting a sum twice tlie original porter.s,'s and their friends filled the

warrant for .'J.-haiifeli-'s arr*st was sworn ..ii: by Clark Urown. of the Keith I'..s.king Ii\ehange.
Prily Sharis-, actor: Clark I'.row n jin.l C. Il Ciilly-T. of the Canadian I'uit-'J Tlm.iters, Lt.I . aiip-'ared as witr.e"-s for tin- Cr.-wii. .\t t'.-com lii'lon of »I,e Crown's case S-hailf-I-- wan unitt-.l by tl*.- curt without even Ik-ng'.. .! to give te-timoiiy on his o»n !>ehalf.
S V. Washington. K. C.. and W. O. Pavls ai'isared as attorn.'is for S.haufi'Io.
BIG FREEPORT TRACT TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION Th. ati-rs thrm-iit tl... eoiititry loll

tlolr aiinnal g. I th< r meeting at il...

Nati.'tial Art -tes' Clii'.l... se on Thiir-.lay aft.r-

II.sill. Not. s wire d and It. as swnpis-l

on wi>s aii-l no'ans lo furl er a'lgm-iit th.- --g.-I mg J.I ms of the 0''gai.:7.ith : ·

mail.' of tlo- manag* r- r. Lit mg Ihiw ti. \ pu:;. I

rar.-UK s*unt- to draw- ad.l.t miial p«tr .g

i: r AltH-e and J. J. Miird.s-k. with t'.. ...  t-'nio*' of a f.-w h- ah manag* !'. a. t* I a-l.osis to th*- aisiio-s

Sp*'* . h. s wer*. -to.'I an.l along ti.e -jiu-

lin. s and di-` U«-h.ii- <.f sh<iwmt:»h'p as

··a. ti..| In K*'tl.i lo.iis. » was ir.e hi.f !.

"I '..' ..I ·f the ii-g..! athin. sa .1 'Ir

. .


Hlppoilroiiie at iindir.ght Tu- sibay and witne.s-ej

Freeport. U I.. Jun-. .'Ml,--Th. h .mli. .1 in part, »a« ·'Coin'ort, Cbanlln*" .iii.l

The added costs are said to have

been tlue to additional improvements

V,ante<l by Mr. Albee, with the result

that the added cost was apportioned

between the Keiths and the Realty


.tvfi.itff receiiit# for the Hipinxirome are

< d at


i'> r

ek, with tl.'-

UphtT limire favored ollxoially. I'liodieiali.v the

Keitli's bit is said to have averaaid ft'm

S:1.0"O a week uiiwanl. The liii,' t'-t );ross at¬

tendance and box-ollice rcceiids for :udiX>r

amnsenicnts are claimed by the Keitlis. which

lioint out the

week over Xi w Y' arV and

the K.everal .'t.jO.tKK) wcek> tlmt included helid.ij -.

Costs of putt nc on Hip. s!.o«s and oiH-ratiipn

arc placed at y-'J.tspO to

ihki w*..kly. with

one Ki;o\v at Ica-t 1 avinc st.toii tlie m:inai.'>'ment

To this lO't i- net .eiph 1 tl.p' w kiy

rental i>aid to tlie h -siir- und`r a ienii-tiTiii

lease of the heii-p', wUii op'-eii of l.ny ng it.

In the iipinioii ef Mr. .M!-*'. h 1 a- aei|nire.|

ii bargain in tlic rental, sad to 1 ··


«eek. with a !>· rcp i.t.ic.- a-'rei-nient wl.ich

somi'tino's gave the realty eenuany a- much as .s'i.oisi a «e. k. It is I "ini il ot.t tinit either

the Hip. is a wliitc el. phatif or a suece-s. If

the latter then tin- hou-e S dirt eheai>; if th '

former, any price is too m i. h. -ilew -MT.

legitimate houses of

capaeity a-k from

.<4.l'MiO a Week Ui'Ward f .r r« iit, is the tande-

ville men's argunont.

Mr. .\Ihee is iiuotecl as being very mneh

a thirty-act hill of \aud. ville and mu-h-al com¬ edy offerings. .Tiiiiu- Tamieii a. t. d as mast. r of cerciiionies, a-'isted t.y Leo I'onnell.x. Oih. r-

intnslne-d oncoming turns, .\rtlnir CPngs')

r.acr being among tlwui. In a Id-tion to the

P.miK-ratie Conveiitioii visitors the dignitaries

pre-eiit inelnd.-.l May.r H.'lau- t\b.) made a

short speech from the -tage.

The show got un.ler ea.v promptly at 11 Ph'

p.m. and ran nntil .I a.m.

hr.T. t lunch was

servi'd on t .e me/7aii'ne .as wMI a- \ riou- re¬ freshments in o'h'r ii,.'-.- o' th.- Ic -e. T' 

atldieuee heing eomiio i i uio-tl.v of oiit-of-

towners, the o.-eas;iiii wa- eons- i, r.-rt a f.a l.-r

in tin- eap of Mark I.if-elier and his nation¬

wide pu'Meity g.-ttiiig "inaiities.

Of the r- g ilir Ilippod .line hiil -. v-ral a.-ts

appear, d, iin lii.ling the Sutcliffe Family. Scon li oporing. which ll[en··l: Pietro, a-aurdionist;

M'.ran and Ma.-k. hl.i k-fa e corn- l..i'.-; Itos-

to.'.i's lli.iing

hool. s.M. i ii Hi. i-i.Iroiiie ami

1 -'.r Ci.-ls, Ui.t.v. .\h. l-.iman an-l or-'|,.-tra. .'i.d i;.il!ag'',.r a..i| shean.

rroin mn-i.iil .an..

and o'i.-r \.nide\ille

siiows came AViil Ip.g r-. tno'ioiog:-t f om tlie 'Zi. gf- ld I'llllies". who to i. li,.(l on tiiii. ly tellies

in his n-uil Immerou- .t in; 11 y Cunimings. wiio st..j) th.' > iiw alioul I'l.'lfi am. in no nm-er-

taiii manii.'i; Cl. irh s I'.'ig.Ie- In a '-nc fr'in >rr. I'.atiling I'.iithr": Ha/.-l Pawn. -Tohnnv

lio.ile.v aid I'iiarhs P.-ng, in th** -tage-d.s.r -.'·nc from "[<,.,.1, k,Ci-sie Ixoft'i-. who is

at the li i-r-i.l ; K

o: -limm. . lliis-.y; -lo*'

I anri.'. -Ir.. from 'I 'aiii -Ian. ", in suni.. of his

and seventy.three w-at-Tfrout fi ts, -urro.iml ng the Lights Club, the Casino ami th-- S-.ii'h Store Yacht Club, are to b.- »..ld at pabll.iiuetlon b.v the .Tohn J. Kamiall t'-imi-an, of Freeport, tlirn Joseph 1`. Pay, auolloo*- r, on Satur-lay. July IJ.
The tract i-omprises the va-f r-al .-tafe hold ngs of the late John J. Ilamlill, ih*'Faflier of Fn-eport", and 1« ina.i-- u;- of a niimiM-r of Mocks along U.«ndall Pay. w th additional frontage on Fr---jairt Itav. It u in this socti.-n that scon-a of a t.r. liav.. built siimm-'r lionu '.
I'la.iland Park !> In t u vicinity, along W.nsl- i- ft n. amJ an eiglit-s n 1» le g.. i .'..tirs.. si:rr..uml...1 hy 1- n->w- loiiig co:i»iru t-.l Iiftwe- n W.i.-d-left ami llrnls-.n liar. This is to N- kn->wn as th.- W.-.d. I-ft ilolf Cluh an-l will be eoiiiiib t-d . arly in It.LT..


'.hiu.-e't-r, M.i

J';iO' ht --AIn. t p'.  isi

is -.i le att-ndi'.l

.Xiimial F;-1.1 P.iy of fin-

iiibloil Kii.g ts T np '.ir. h-hl t.Mla» in

St.ig-- I ..rl Park. .\ mamm.iih outd-s-r vaml---

^iIle show, furnish, d by I'.i rt

Sp- ars, of

the .\miis-m.nt .\g'in'>, Ito-t.-n, was

the big f.-atiire <if tlm il.iv. .timing th*- m-ls on ti.e i.r. gram w- r-: rio- Fran'lln lln-lh- ra.

*..|il I.I.ristle nthht-s. p.i .i's T.iiighil .triii.r,

trh k hoii-- fuii't-rs; Iinr-'-P*.vll Cllii n. In Ills Pip of P'-ath rid--; Ib-o.-gts I.ava--"r. t -

Court*F..ll**w ing tl.*- "feed on the h-ui-- *

tlo- .iil)*-d t.i v »;t It..

I'nlae*. aiol H:pi.nlr"me shows, will*, i.l'-i-

g t a h-'k In at the P< m*k-rat!.- tA*n\* iito.n

.\mong the out of town theater manag. r*

w o ga'her*.! at the X.

w-re. W II

I'-row n, of Keith's l*i.Ath Street Tli**ater, Cleve¬

land; 1'. It. Fgg!*sf..n. i.f Keith's Theater.

Iml jiij; .ills; J.d.ii F. Ito'al, of Ketth'a Pali.-e

Th. ai.-r. Chv.lanil. J*>s oh Perlsfeln, of K.llh's

T'.. at> r. T..I. .I0; Jaiii.'s We«d. of Keith's

T i.i'er. T. i. J.*: lt..:ai>d ltob'*ln«. of K*-llh'"

Ti .at.r, Wi-hlngtun. P. C ; Lut,M*r tJoto-l, of

'K. tl 's T-m-le Th.a'.r,!t; W C

I'r.-s. r. of K.dth'- T .. ater, Colunihn«; Ilarr.v

t rull. *>f tl... V.. F. .M's e Theaf.T, rr*»vld.'a.'> .

It ,K. ' lar--in, of Ki-lth*s Theat. r, n.»ston;

llarrr T. J.r.lati, of Kelth'a Ttoater. I'i'-ila-

d.lphi.i: Fr* d I'ampts II. of Keith's Th*-aler.

loulsrilb ; t'l.arl* s l·.>.;'lllug, of pr... t..r'-

Tloal.r, Troy. Fr*s| S. '.aii'* rgi'r, *.f tl.*- Msrj

laml Th. at*T, I'.alt iii r. , 'J H F nii. of ta.

Ti iiip'*. Tlo at* r, Iti>. h*-I.r; Fug't'.'nn..".. <.f I .< Ihnis Tlo ati-r, Pittsliiirg. H. .1 I'.irt.

of Si., a'- T lat.r, lliiffalo; C. S

<.f K* .til's 111. at* r. I'; John J. Iliirn.-.

*if K-it'.'s T' at. r, S.'racuse; J.-rry Sh< a. ot

Shi'a's Tlieat*r, Toronto; Neil Ha-I'.ng- *·'

K*';ti.'- T'.* at* r. I in* Innatl; It H. It. .it*`..

Ki'tli's P.iIji..' Th* liter, Ciii.'itiniit 1. Ii.-n li

I'l. k.dl, ..f K. llh's Th* ater. U.w. 11. an.l oth. r

out ..f.t.iwn K* th offit'lals, ai »* ll as a f-w

]·>< al man.-ig< rs.

satistied with the sue. es- ..f ventun-. th. re forin- r v 1 .I.-.

ni .nel .g- 7.` i. Cor.fn'y ami Pa I'laii I' Ihir of Stri ng*!.; Han' ' Ile/o"


never having been a h.-iiiir w.-. k. The j.'. n. rnl ben. ti.'iiil efic. ts to big time \a'...I>'\iile thru tile -del d. velof.ed thru th.* H!;p.idremi. plan

< Ir. le-t-ii, Ma Mac (Tni.lw l.-k. al-o in iiiii-li-al I iii.'dv. di-i jop.e oomiiiv anil .log daiieing:
i.i'ni.. Smith from "S ft ng Pr. t'v" in a

I'i-lor ami Comi.any. i>.iii< e'l'.i-l-; It II. Ha-«aii'> .trahian Wlilrlw linls; I'.eir .\rl--.'ia. li'ir.ip.-an g'mna»ls; I-rof. 'sor riow. rs, para-

House Built by J. Gould Sold to Ten¬ ants for $750,000

of staging acts and buil.Iing ti-.m np is an¬ other angle that is h, ;ng tig'ir'-.l in. Ideas re. . iv. d from the Hip. venture will h.-nefit other houses and they wifi he tiie.l .,i)t. (in.of tle-m is ihi- house ens. ml.le work, d In to give ri. ii baekgroun.l to an av.'rage ..n.-ring.
-tildit oiial changes will be ma.Ie in t; .- «hil.` it is closcil. -tugiist I! i' '.'t i's tl.e tentative date for reoi.i-ning. Ti.e stalT C'.i -t'le of show is ixp.-ited to b.` tie- -ailie, M til m .r.' for. ign no\i Itleg in. lnd. d on the

il I :'y dani'e: -lohniiy Itiir'> : Walt. rs and Pam 1 r from f'-o "Pl-iiitatlon IJevne", Ii .t <silor. il duo, and otlmrs.
London, -lui.e L"I (Spe. I'ahle to The Hillhoanl).--S'-.rni .lomis ate ri-ing fa-t in the · eriiian tamh-vilh- woiM with an ii'l*r hr.ak.ff

< tin*;i.g halliK.nat I's; Ir.iiii' oline artist, s, nirlall-ts.

FIvi- Itoiiioling lliitos,


P- Ihioiio



N«*w Vo'^k. .fiiiu* Jl.--<fM?i <Irriy, uiio Ini'*

|m «11 *>liH -ni; flu* NlilniTiiy

:tt tlu'

(IrHini* for tti«* (<}irb`atii>n of <*otivtnt;«ui viraittirK.

lUH to ·*knk`' tin*

for k'-hmI n. it Mtn-

H'*u: in otluT wor»K


tti a< t. {MTlkiitm

Ni'W Y-'^k,

:[0 --Till* liriiti'l <»p*`rti II- .s" ,

Klk' til ii\4-nii4\ Bf T'Vt-nf>'t11 f'l

I'rtM'li-il !»y .liv <;i*ti!i| tin« Ihm'Ii wld by II** -1'*

K fly Sixth Sfrf4-i <'t»rp , xxhfb «

fltl4* to tl4` itr'p'rfy nlMiuf b xi bC'* T'

lii' .tuf < fii.p;i!iy iH the K. II T II; < 4irp ,

fnrrind bx tin* t<ii;itit<4 nf I'm*

Tbi* liuiblinK !·« four utofl* < In I-** p* t nu!

(··ti'.i tiH

111 xv» II a*« B t`« rtt4'r 4tf

-iBiliii: iBp.iilty It I.Bi n frctilxif** "f IT* 1"

f*'* I lit) Txx. ity t h!r*I *tr* * f bti I 11'i ft * t itri

Mils. Mark .\. I.i.* seh. r i- . redit..] witi. hav¬ of m got a-i ,n- h. tw. en ti.e manag. rs ami tie- .Iii!:«-t. ftiltl.i'M

to tiaxo l<r nvxti tti'ntir rifbth

;i>i(| *xti !ii|** |iii< k *JT* f'· * *1 '

ing sold II, r. .\!b." tin- of ov.-r the Int. rnati., .\ n Log. n. with fh<- Pitt, p ill tti*> iipra

Park nxcriUf M-rtion <>f thN · 4*U''r- t Mik l'B« k H pn>i lui*4i» iiioti4tv ttHT'if u'** * '

Hipi.odrorae and making revolnt'onaiy i-hang'es, making i.ri-parati-.ns a -Irik*- next S.'ptemh.T, i M aful hIh* !·* ofTt-rlni; a i«rly.c of #1

-= 5r7'

T' pfi.p.rtv XX nu r''l«»rt'*l tu I-*'

siii-li as have not been done p.r a d. a l.. t):i

1 ii.s.Imt re-t.-d the resjsjnslhility of [.iitting the

house over and the fai t that to- and .Mr. -\l!..-i-

are still the b.'St of fri'-nds is cif. d a.s an

examiil.- of how well the h.-ad of the Keith

o-gaiii/at ion is satisfied so far w.lli his m w

r' h a. The nineteen years of n.iti.iiial i.ub-


givi n tile llipiio'inime is also . redit.-d

V. "i t'l i'.g a faet.,r in Us su.-e< ss and one of

the I g- ha-,' .,1

V.-' Y-ek .T

:;.r T.;,. T.irg. of ti,. ft ..f

11 .


I.'|g..i .igaiii-l <h.iri.-e



. , ,ia- ilroi.p. d in Magi-trate-

· oiiit I.;- u..:; when the all. ged own> r of the

< ar f.chil

.ipiii ar to pr. ss the eomplaint.

Tie- Varh ty .\rti-t( -' I", (h r..'ion ha- .ail.h .| Its syn.patliy and j'le.lge- its f'llli'-t siiiiiiort in la-*' of Iroiihle. 'n.e m.inngirs wan' a deli'fi'.n of payment for far.-, haggag.* iiml matiiie*-., al'O with ti.e right to make m.ntra.t in any manni-r tiny wi-li. Tl..- I. S.. I- ia lighting to P'tain what it holds.


N' \v York, tK`- tit!" <>f a

.'JO,--"P.roHriwiiy Orcam**'* I-, ,! t hj Paul f uritiinirliarn

HI.`I r.o !'· riiH'tt

ojm pk ·hl< \\*« k at


N. V,. to Ir*ak In for Ibi* Keith

P r* u.t.

In tl,e n' t jre

Ilall, t*harJ|f*


llaZfl IVinH an^I the iCIalto ftn'heHtra.

(irrtlnK to !i»r uri-**'* nir^ni. U«.it U-fi.r a I'lay fliiil will lit Ii**r hi^trinnli* uMIiiii


N«*w York, .liinf .'H>.--Mty Wirth, f>-iiturrt|

With tlo-

riHn**. \v,ll nut

tx* H««*u In vunHi'vti)** at ili»* F»»n«limjon of lirr

Oi.t.i .or

it wjiH !i'ar»o«! tht'« U'«k May

to tMk«* a w*»ii

r* "t at.'l to

j;'tln*r w 1 !i lo r

Kr iuk W rtli. !>· lol

!!m- W rt ll iMiifl I t r


w II NiijM'fvI*..* fh«. l.iiiMinir "f a tu w


Korre-f IlilN. K. I. '1*1.4' Watim Itavi* n Hit4*

n»*ar th»* I'riMi ...

'I'lu v almi plan to

J*pcni| thi` winter inontlm In Klor <la.

l.i'M Ht ti'iitiif


Tbi* tlrujul op'rn H'*ii»»4* pliiv< p<tp xauibx >·

Btiit p!4`tur«*


Niw York. Jiiiii- no A g'-ni-rnl p..llce atar.'i for (1  ar Can Isiiillli, f't' - \*ii. iin a. io>'.*' wl.ii ar. .| from hi-, lo-m*- lit N** '..'1 F.igl.tli a*, no*, oti .Ion*' k"-,' w-is m. ril out I.mI.i*
liatol-iipth Is W*ll known mi Ho' vn'ilivtll' slug'. I* ,1 no nil.-'r -.f tli*. ii.'i known n- tlo' TI|.. .I.nioil- Til. iiih.r t'vo I. nn* tl" nr*- Inda'iglit.T Tlo'ii'sa, iiioi son. .la* k
Tlo r-sa t.'ld (In- polli-e her fiillnT li.ol n-
ci-iilly aiiffi ri.<l ii iiennua broukdowii.

JULY 5, 1924


WEATHER TOO HOT; Keith Office and iV. V, A


Golf Tournament If inners


Assured Against Recurrence of Last Season's Congested Booking Condition and That They Will Be Taken Care Of

YOHK. .lu'i** 2S--W ill Indiciit 10116! pointing to .u gro.'iter demand for .icts tills tiill than i vi-r l···for«. viiudi-vill.- pioduci-rs arc looking for-

,| to V'liit lI'V tl.iid.

11 he ll.c b'--1 h* ison t'..«-;. ··vi-r ihid. Kxtensivo

, a 1 1 ns iir * ilu i iy h* ,i;g niiid**. ami ii« w inaicriiil. .sketches and the

. t< d I'"!' pri-M-I.'.l 1 · tl a.s h oil as the M-itMill hfgin.s.

i.'i .iioo of -OHIO of tile larger

iii..:iiig>i 'lie t-ioduotion of
11 S W .11 he Ullprei edente.l AMERICAN ARTISTES' FED

hi-t.ii.\ of vall'le\illc. Thl.s  tl IS paiily borne out by fiie

r, oil tile t'.irt of th.e Keltli ;: ' its booki IS they will

on .1 I ifg'I .sc.lie thl.s

Me'.v mater.ill. and will g.v**

,· to tiiosi s..iiid.ird arti-tes

·  1. ft

.eticd thoti ill t.s or

IH \v Veha le.-.

Showing Signs of Renewed Activity
New York, Jiaie 30.--The Ameticun .\rtl»les' A'etlettil! n, thru Its executive »e,retsry. Harry M..! 1,1 f..r.t, ha* -tarieil a letier-wrIlinB campa.Bi. lu j.e s up waniDB interest lu that is*wo../.Hen aujeliw talldevllle artl-les.
The 1. I i 1 nut .u ti,r- In h.el »t u.liliW ,» ' ' 1 \. .\ I .,re Hot .'liBihle {'it · I.. :· I... .\i tiir- Ff.iu.ty .V--.' ;i-

l.iU. -h"iod 111.' .lit.- t liilU erwuiiiz.i-

'i..ti until let

ill-, hatwed all otdiwa'i'us

r · .. 'h-.U. were *.1 jamiied by t ie n i'. ii. l t at I . K" t!i pi-ude
. · < : t -.Ill ' r s 1 units r "f n. w

. V

w.y.Tii I" phi' win t e

i> ,. --I... - d is.n-ld.

! W-'. .| . ..Ii' i.; .1 fr :u I'l.tttr.K oUt 1. t . .. *· tl I u ! t w ay
. r .'.t. . --'I. 1 d :*  * · ` nimm-r - I ! .. f .r th. f. iu-w nc « ;i-.»ti
e,,.. .t.ti «:..n t > -.*-n lewn
. .. a.', tad 'a he t...', ». r I.ra. t cady c'u--1 ! the n.w. r
and ' e ir-lai . r- had ! · U ...t -. a .«··> her' iinl I'er.

r.ter f *«-ca led t'.i: t.tae at (· were

1 p:.-} t di;. :ul« ni I'.H- or am- -i

Wt. *> tue

til ! W ' t'l 'he

.\D example of II .* wa- H - kv an l -trot'o'i" a-t.  s. X :n r.j Kr-t*',

the Ke t!i Ctri-ii t f.eui.l t 'ni'-"--bl -

l>s>k:rjs fclh-w ne ·· p-. ir. · re It

i* of the warel.tiu-.' toH.v.r fra

.wiic.-meiit at I'te Hr d-.m.- Ia*t !t tin'ler-tiHsI a ro'ite '.a* N-en ar-

ti e c< miaK »··.*-. n over the Orp;.. om

v'e-ale r- i 't'Z · f n* t- for thi' r-.Th n: n. t h. 'OB Indu'c I n *!·

l·«'el at '-ut oSli-vs.

u Vrl'-te- K.' is lui »
lieii.ix Ituildinw In tVost F'urtywhere it (H  utdes a *!'iite ut


York, June .*! .--The Keiia Ctrruit is; t'e nmri.

irjnit* at the Palace a

f-rtile fl. :d f 'f lahuf -uttable for exploitation

in otb. e a I- f; F' .t!'s*e ha» appointed

I harl,» I.oieute'ri;. r. ,i.!, :;t manager of the

.Ml.'e Th.aler. Provideii e. to look over the tr tcit* with a vt-w to plrk.nji oiBce-art mt-

fe" al. Home of tho-e picked hr r,.ivent»rB durioB
the ps-t f.-w w - ar** Ctatrl.-ii Pitoier. former tmrMone f r th.- V:. f.i.i -s'ate Oi-.ta, who I a-
fixen a t;. rtxnve we. k-' route; Ho-, mary I'fatT. -tiiBer. wb" I* hi- d with ano'her t,,,-a!l«ts]Is<'ox· ry Vla:jviric Izuer, and Grace prewater. a v.'Ie tnu-hdan.
y,.,, ,,, apeclaily j repared by the oillv-e for

thvee artl'fi*.


..'s.-: T.'r ean I- . · pvp. d s' d f v, n e..,,...*


·  '
. v;


Mr aid M- Har-r

· ·l'l·'·r I r. 

s" I vv-e d-v'ie

«. V.. s,'i]-.,v net* thT aii'v w,,

tv ar..'b.r > ar art ''r- v»a-

..-.It ....

· · h S'l.

on. .sr t. -p al-n..-! '..rn Mr 'ir ?> p t a -p. · si tra .

·I .1 1.. r brrvrp'.i i.. '  \m. r'.


.. .. .1" 'Mir.- (r.i..l s '..'i' n-..rn

.- VI- ..r. .p t.,'.i .I..I P N*.l. matiac.r of He


Ih'iiir. w  r> Mu a. I vva- t. i;..I, of

' and a-k. ' ' at M*- 1 * · ' in

I ' M- Na-'i ealt. .1 up riar'oii. I < a-a. who   .1 · . . ir-n and p'av 'I-- Gr..  . ivart

· .1 It In two ' o.irs an.i 1« pit'.op the  ltd'' -tvip,- rh.' eane.ilat:.'!! Mr

*. 1

111'd In* V If able.


l. i-n, ''.'.i. tl 10 - ealb I f'le world's


r-|.idv i. In privst tif. ih'-

' f I i.n J. Garriit p-neral msuiper for ShlitsrI II. Ml. West

N'w T'rk. June -1 \VI«dy*:,w Maksymiak. of Cra.'. w. I'olan I. a prvife.-:ooa1 str.'iiB man.

Wlo Ir.i-- ir n bar-

1 - h--id. b.s b- n

P ..n el.,., ,· to in.mpt to break t ri

M:. I ;.ie

n .ri.'s law l .al In- k.-pt hlin ,,

«if.. M.srv a pr .f.s-ionxl cynini-'. s.,htra. a twlve-v.-ar-...!

, ,,j.,,

!. w a- In .1 hr-t ,*Ia-s . .d* n vvf th.' r M.r · rl. . to Is- ilei-.rled i w..k « .p |. wi- *iv,.d by a writ p.'rir.r'np


.. n,.,.n until an ap|sal Is lak. n ti

\\ .i-.|ir.k-''.n

kadinp <.f the nivmerlc. tire.'

«,.ks ip. , ' v

- inilarlv sivcd from d*-

|*.,ri.,' . 11 Ih h« `.m. ly are s.'ekinp en-

ir.i'u · .m the prvo.p.l that tin y are profi'-evional |s rf.vrm.r*. t -.t I III- l-lanil aulhoriri,-- d -· iprei




New York, June 30.--Winners of the Keith Office Golf Tournament played at the Pomonok Golf Club, Flushing, L. I., the forepart of last week, were:
QUALIFYING ROUJ^D--Winner, E. G. Lauder, Jr. Runnerup, James Plunket.
CLASS A--Winner, Harry T. Jor¬ dan. Runnerup, Harold Kemp. Con¬ solation Winner, H. L. Watkins.
CLASS B--Winner, Major L. E. Thompson. Runnerup. Charles Bierbouer. Consolation Winner, James McKowan. Runnerup, Harry Mos¬ ley.
CLASS C--Winner, Pete Mac. Runnerup, Paul Dempsey. Conso¬ lation Winner, Charles Morrison. Runnerup, Jack Dempsey.
CLASS D--Winner, Lew Colder. Runnerup, A. J. Van Buren. Con¬ solation Winner, Reed Albee. Run¬ nerup, Harry Fitzgerald.
The finals in the National Vaude¬ ville Artistes' Tournament, played off on the greens of Salisbury (L. I.) Golf Club were called last Thurs¬ day at the seventeenth hole, because of a heavy thunderstorm, with Hal Ford leading Jack Kennedy one up. The final hole will be played off this week.
Chief Caupolican won the Second Division, Charles Cartwell the Third Division, Harry Miller the Fourth Division, and Mrs. Chris Chisholm the Ladies' Division. Don Barclay scored low gross, with an eighty, and Dave Thursby low net, with a sixty,

Alex Gerber Complains to V. M. P. A. That Claire Cortez Walked Out
New York. June 2S.--Claire Cortez tsuddenly walked out of the vaudeville revue, "Sunbonnets", following the Monday night iierformance at the Metrojiolitan Theater, Urooklyn. with the result that the .act was immediately til ken *iff ijnd other Loew bookings canceled.
Miss Cortez, who iirior to her v;iudeville engagement in '`Sunbonnet.s'' last fall, had been working in pictures, notifioil the management that she was quitting on account of the heat and was going t.» Atlantic City, according to .Mex. Cerlier. producer of the act-
Iti-fore C. rIxT liuil u iTian'-e to (liHSU-uIr Mi-s Ciirt.'Z from Uuviuir -lie was well oo ^er way to tlie New .Ti-r-ey re-<>rt. lie saiil.
He iilarv'l the mailer liefore Pat Casey, of (he Vaudeville MaUiitfer-.' I*r"tei-tlTe .Assoeinlieii. alleciiii; hreaeh of contrarl as well as ihiinaces laused ty the luiilden walkout and the suhiieqnent canvellatiou of the act's pMiklnzs.
Ta-ey says the T. M. P. A. is unable to (fire derlier redress unless he can lo<`,ite Mis* Cortei and she is workini; in home other job, in which event hor salary would be attached.
flerber intends to bo to Atlantic City with a view to locating Miss Cortca.. He is of the opinion that she is workins in a cabaret ther,'. CeorBe Griffen and others in the ·'SiinlMinnet-. act told him Miss Cortez bad been cumpiiiini lu recently of the torrid heat and at ime time intimated that she would go to Atlantic i >iy to work for the summer,
tlerls-r has a contract in his po--»-s-`i.n whereby Miss Cortez is to api>ear und.-r his manah'i-ment until May 1 next year, be says.

Will Produce Radio Advertising Reviews
N, w Tor*. June ;*.--.\ new field In theatriea'.s p:om:se» to be broken some time this -unim- r by one vauderllle producer, whose plan is to Invade the radio business hy mikin: a -pvs'ialty of producing revue* of fbe vandevllle type priniar !y fur b^oadcastinR purpose.s.
I nder the plan the revima. or .acts, a.* they may be callisl. will func'ion before the micro1 hone In much the same manner as they would in a theater, pl.syinc all the stations thruuut t'.e country with which satisfactory arranpeti · nts can be made
The yat'.deville ma.i.iBer In qiie-ilon. who ontlined the plan in d,fa I to a BiF'.oard reporter this week, stated tlnst the s.-he-ne has met with approval so far ind will lie whlppv'd into »' ipe no doubt by the middle of next month for trial. this »vpc of production will prove r mnnerative to the prvxiucer as well as to I .-e who appi ar in the r- viiea is f r the r- a-on .-ach and every revue would lave to h>- hacked 'ey -ome com-ern which r. sli/.sl advertisins value out of the project.
The enterf.ilrnienfs would Iv p >lt. n up to adv.-M*e iin.i-t.'ntatioiisly 'cme merc.sntile prviduct 11-..I wou'd he pr-.ilne. d af'- r a p.ittern supplie-l I' I e maniif.s.'tiir np or .iohhinp, which i. niraif- with the pr.>d .eer for the reviie.
The mer.antlle concern vvoiild have to pay th.' manaS'T a s,alarv . i.-h vv.-.k or encagement i!i;>t the revue Is Ni.'k.'.i. and alMv would have (i;sm its shonl.h r- 'hr ohi-p.ition of arninpine fer dates with t'e variou- radio stations wherv'


\ capital and well-.-clectcd vaiideyille pn,

pram attracted larBe indiences to the Cbeelei

lark Theater. Cincinnati, last week. TlU'

JupBling Wilburs led off with dan iiig by the

female member and well-executed juBBlinK feats

hy the mule. The former al-« save a fa-t

ex'.iliitlon of silver-baton spinning. Betty

P.ernard occupied the secvmd spot with a pleas-

In- rendition of .s..nthern melodies and alfio

tcid several humorous Nesru character -tories.

Miss Bernard took two bows and cave Wiiy t'l

the Skafir.B Turners, who were well receive I

after a ra:id and nicer routine of dane-e- and

airoKst e feats on roher-. Mr. Turner revolved

on the front rilltr- so -iieedily and often that

loiict was lost. The M.i.arry Brothers sans

and danced to the delisht of the imdi

ence, which wo-. d not he salisiied until they

ran over their allotted time with an is-centric

dance, In which .-om>* comicalities vv. re inlne

dtnrd. The Four Woidvns vios,-d fbe show with

a little b t of ev. ry thins. To U' b-ief, tlu^y

were a yirlety show in them-elv, -. They vvirk

in full stale with a beautiful velvit drop as

1' e backpround, T'le eld. r W.irdeii iipp>ared in

a vyhlte n min-trel paiade uniform, with

black tri

h-.irh silk hat.  in., for a

daniv. vv

.y..;.|.d Is'ller than som'.'

trii.stes h

'.tv od'l y. ir-. Mrs. Worden

puts a ni

hir-l- >inti'- with little


.1- viir.'i':- s;s.'i.s of birds.

inc'.inllnp a toucan.

, kal."-. . ·iloi-il parrots and W..r!.-u daiishtiT-inlavv

siipcly a

treat Hid the hitter pie. ii



the priHlnetioii' vvoiiM apis'sr

Vofk, June Waters. '·Mayor


of Lanshlaial". aud i.u lo:'.. . of .Tolly and

XV.M. .are playinp N.w \ .s .-ate With tlo-ir

own ti'iir nit vaudeville -

I'hi y make tls

New Y-k, '.'I - Mrs. G. raldine Griffin,

wife of G.orpe Griifin. v.iiub vllle a. »..r. appear-

Inp In the aet "SimNvnrets''. xxas aw.irded SM>

n week and $.'a* vsi'n-1 fees js mime the

trial of h'T soil for a -eparation thi- vv. ek

in Siii n m,. (h.iirt Th.- eoir,.le were married

Anpii-f .'7.

In flil. aeo and hav.. a d.aiiph

t.i. June, aped fou' I'liev s..p.arat. d m P. b-

Tiiary la-t M - Gr thn claim.s that her Ixus-

hand earns s'l'.', a vvi- k.

jump- by motor ear ami ;. an i lvam e mau to arraiipe the U-.-e.- . · -Ii vv is made up of four a.-t- w ith an i i-i.l-r i I tl m feature ami a short -nl.j. . t ,imi. dy. lu addition to Waters ami J.ely ami Wild tlie irvoiiH- iiielU'les All. e froxton vs.mert soi«rauo and pianist. iiul and W'v nn in Jimmy Madison's "Hold My Hat ' skit. The sla>w has l>ccn out four w, ek-, and the New York Staters are already clamorinp f..r return date-, aceording to Waters.



t'liicapo. June "7. John J. Jones, l-ook.ue ui.anaiS'T for tlw Ulalto Th.ater. has slpned Patsy Shelley, premiere entertainer of the Palala Boytlo. New York, to top the Uialto'a variety propram the week of July 1.


Xtie Billbosrd

JULY 5, 1924

This Week's Reviews of Vaudeville Theaters

B. S. Moss' Broadway ` New York


PalacCs Chicago
(R«Ti»wed Sunday Matines, June 29)

(Reviewed IConde^ Hetinee, June 30)

Tfd Iltaley put on an uproariously Uot show n * clowning made the folks laugh and wlii-n you get them laughing on a warm afternoon the heat generated hy the iiprear knd of makes the show (the advertNed polar-cooling system notwithstanding) a hot one Had the (stoker put on a less sure fire performer than Bob Hall to follow the performance could have been safely called an all-Ted Healfy show, Krom a mere double with his blazing blond wife, Betty, Ted clowned his way Into the next item on the menu, a new dance oiTirng de¬ scribed as "Syncopated Toes''. It was corking good fun, a lot of it seemingly sp,intaneoU' and still a lot more overdrawn. Healey carried

(Reviewed Monday Matinee. June 30)
Breezy, powerful show, without a weak spot .nnywhere. Comedy la e.'pecially good in the Mandel Brothers and Eddie Nelson turns in the tli st h i If, with Clark and McCullough next to closing What more could iiny bill do toward success? Closing intermission wore Boyo and M.tye, who from an artistic and creative stamipoint were sens.itional. Tlicre being no orchestra or strong song-plugging single, tiie bouse did not have the overflowing ap¬

Applause honor* thia week should be e.|ual|y

ah.srcii by .Sophie Tucker and Jack Ihtnshue.

Clrmnia Billing with ' III* Jolly Panilly" en-

tvrlalmsl the ainliince with lila trained dogs and

is'iiy. P. ra Belling li.trn.liie. <1 yariety p.

niraii* of a iiovi Ily dance. Pleven mlnutea. In

full; I ree lUrlillns.

Ilaxihn, Piiii'iar ami lla.idi-n kept up tU

pop and enthnal-shtn during their art with aing

tug and danelng, mixing a llltle mmedy with

It to tiring laughter. Mr. Piiniiar got nior-

mi.le from a «mall ansirdlon than. Judging

from It- apis-aranre. It was ra'.'ahle of pro,hi,-,

itig. .tnolher II ng wlil.-h bMiight laugl ti-r

and applati-e w i.

pia.iing liy tbe mmpar .

with him, besides his flaming golden-ha'rt d pearance, nor was there any undue appl luse.

of three home-made (Id.lles, which bnik.- n|i

wife, two springy sister dancers, a pair of

acrobatic balletsters, two ragamuffins and a

dog. Introduced as "Weaklirer, a brother to

Strongheart.'* Ted opened with a 'tring <if gags

that tickled the boys wobhiv, and Befr cam ·

in for a welter of kicks, whirls and limb-

stretches to the tune of a liandfiii of palm tap<

And when Tod followed this up with his

roughing of Betty all over the -tage, a la

Miner's burlesque, the boys just pounded their

beershakers sore. And wliat doesn't Ted do for

a laugh in the subsequent turn! He cavemans

It with the sister team, creates a big racket

and hanga for a surprising spell by his wrists

from a bar high over the stage. He also

]>erpetrated a burle-que disappearing illusion

that failed to strike much of a response from

the audience. In addition to that, Ted's olown-

'iig with the two ragamuffins seemed to be, for

the most part, a lot of good effort wasted. The

man and woman balletsters struck a husky

hand, while the sister toesters tripped them-

se'vcs also into a merry claptery.

Bob Hall extemporized himself Into gusty

waves of applause. His happy comments on

the acts that preceded him, particularly the

Healey hodge-podge, put the folks in an ad¬

miring mood, and his rhyming of current events

in song from suggestions flung at him by the

audience ss'ored as high as can be.

The Plckfords, with the juggling-acrohatic

novelty, "Fun in a Restaurant", collected a

smart band, while Booth and Nina, on the

closing, got a pleasing response with their

mixed bicycle and musical turn. Booth exe¬

cuted a neat series of cycle stunts, culminating

with a side hap up a steep staircase and a

rcnsational double drop. His partner rattled

the banjo for a stitF hand of appreciation.

Goss and Barrows garner-d some spattered

applause with their mild buffoonery' and still

more mild singing. Mlsg Barrows is a de¬

lightfully pretty wife with a more delightfully

sweet voice, and seems, because of these qnali-

ties, to bear the burden of making the turn

a go


Loew's State, New York
(Reviewed Konday Matinee, June 30)
Six acts of typical I-oew Time vaudeville are to be seen at the State for the first half

Rutb Harvard-Wynfred and Bruce, "itovelty <Mitertainers''. provided :i with a hang w lie tin v were b.-tng played

pleasing opening turn with a series of stunts on tlie tr.ipeze and rings.

Thirteen nilntilr-. In one; fm r bowa.

Georges Dufranne, French tenor, assisted by Carl Sfelzell at the idano, sang a number of ballads and otlier seleetions of the favorite variety. I'lus the encores, liis running time w.-^'s r itiu'r long .'ind a tribute to hia good qualities as a high-clnss tenor, suitable for vaudeville.
William and Joe Mandel, in ".Vn I'nu-ual Oecurrenee''. d,d their aerobatic travesty, tlie laugi's coming in iluck and f st. Tliey rn.ike burlestjue .a serious business. The performance never seems to vary or the 1 lughs to miss. Their recently acquired "Poisoned Kiss", afterpiece, is al-o .a clever piece of bur¬ lesque, done after the manner of classical dancers.

"A Chan e A iiuaintauee In Plft. rn Minute. fimiurlng Ila.y Ba.vmond and IVimihy Markaye. You may .a. well -ay there if no plot to It Mbs M.iekayr I a; is.ns to get on the wrtr.g II or ami Mr, Ita.m.. n1 pn>ereda to get a ouainteil. Thi-e two rniertain with aom* aonxand dances, and Prank I. Tionds a.sista at the p ano. TwcotJ-thrre minutes. In full; thr-. 1 rfalns
Pen W.-;. h was a«btrd liy Prank P. Mun-hr

Martha Hedman, In "Just Like a Woman", como<iy sketch, by Edwm who la Irbh They kept up a rapid Are of

Burke, proved to be a clever affair, in which tliis actress from tlie legitimate stage was ably supported by Charles Laite and IT. h n Holcomb. Characters are married couple and woman friend of the wife. Hubby is quite oldwomanish in his constant de.--ire to keep the jights out and other expon-. s down. On new wearing apparel he ab.<olutcly draws the line. But in donating to charities, .as suggested and solicited by tlie friend of the family, he no longer has fisli-hook pockets. Thus at the conclusion of the action, at times obvious enough, we le.irn that both women have been working each oth* r s husbands fop char 'v donations, turning it over to each other to buy clotli. s. Will be further reviewed under "New Turns".
Eddie Nelson, with Dolly and Policeman P.atrick Rafferty, kept the patrons in good humor continuously, all of his stuff hitting as tho the gis and s|).irkplugs couldn't possibly be improved. Once in a while he is reminilful of another comedian, yet his style and work is distinctive for all that. The vehicle runs smoothly, is fresh thruout ami more than funny. .Attractive girl doing straiglit for a fine comedian is an excellent combination, and "Dolly" does much handing out tlie powerful wallop the act hoMs. e.specially with her Oriental costunie and dance. Earlier in the offering Rafferty does his bit very well Unlike most comedians. Nelson's come.iy is always the big thing, while,he keeps his personality from constantly intruding. For that reason the patrons fail to have a vision of a hard-working vauilovillian in front of them, which

n w ones aprlnkhs) with all too many oil i-m-.. The audience waa quite ap;'recltt|ye Twintv two minute*, in one; four bow*.
S.i- ' a Jacobsea'a ylolin *o carrh-d the bous> that hr ws* requln d to play three rncor. * Seventi-en minillr'f. In one; live bows.
This was So; hie Turk* r'a ai-cond wet k jthe Palace, and ahe waa as warmly reretr. d a ev.r. After alngtr.f many of her song*, a; : eft* r answering two encore*. Mbs Tucker ca:l ·! on some I'M-al tah-nt. Pxplaloing that - . was going to open a caliaret aud that wished to try out some entertainers she h  **-ei.r*-d. ahe Introduced a "blueablower", a 1: 1singer and an eerentrle dancer, all of w . m were yery g.iod. Twenty-neyen minute, full; two encores, aeyernl enrtsins and a bum h of l<ow«.
Jark TVmaliiie ke« ps I I* andlence In re.train -I laughter every minute he I. talking. The on'

is the c.ase with a number of comedians very good nevertheless.
Harry Roye and Billee Maye, with Margie Finley. Const.ance Cowell. Penelope Rowland and Evelyn Joyce, closed the first half In "Dunce, Color and Speed", one of the classiest dance offerings that ever showed at the Palace or any other big-time hou>'e. Harry Rove is credited with contadving and staging the act. Several producers of musi. al comedies might w.dl take him into conference and let him sT.nge a little dance routine tliat will supply a powerful spot to their show. He has the tine artistic touch of a John Murray Anderson plus considerably more life. The lighting effects, the way

retann the laug't*r I* ri'-rtralned 1* that t'.fans are afraid of missing nomethlng. It !«every ap{M-arani-e of b*-iog entirely original lie nev. r ti ll* old storle* When he la taiklng yon w.indiT why he wants to dance, but wie-n he dances you And that be la e<|nally adept a' that. Ilia dancing la excellent and mn. h of It a;<peara aim to be or'ginal. Twenty.oDe mln'ile*. In one; two encorea, three bow*

the dances are arranged and the cast select»Ml is worthy of any proilucer on `'Husk" O'llare's (Aislno (Tub En.em'>h. a

Broadway. Rillee Maye has oceans of personality and dances d. lightfully go<^l nlne-pb-ce archestm, played a few of th-

in her own clever style, while Roye hims< If is a mean versatile stepper of prpular- dance nomUTs. Van I.ynn, violinist.

the first water. Miss Finley and the rest of the d.incer.s are al--o above tho I* the dlpytor. They were recalled for two

average in graceful talent. Will be furtlier reviewed under "New Turns".

em-ores, during one of which Mbs Tucker and

Marie Nordstrom ojiened the seconcl h If iu "Entertaiuiug", diversified Jack Donahue h* Ip*-d out with a little extn

materiel, by Frances Nordstrom, who written cono de. burl.--que. dramatic entertainment. 8eTente*-n minutes. In full; four

and human-interest bits, all sold to the b* st j>os-il)l.> adv.intago. Either the cnrtalas.


of the week. Of the sextet Bobby Mctsan, the offering is short and sweet or MLss Nord-trom has the kn .ck of making the

American ice-skating champ., awoke the most

enthusia^m at this afternoon's show. The

others found the going easy, each scoring

nicely on their respective merits.

Roy and .Arthur opened with tlieir plafe-

smashlng. comedy Jiiggl'ng turn, which cl'iked

from tile start. Tlie antie< i.f the eoniic evoked

a generous amount of laucl.ter. while t' e

straigict scored a n* at hand on individual

balancing feat-.

Rinaldo. "wop" character violini-t. tlddb-d

hli way thru the second s].ot to the aecom-

jianiment of appreciative apliliiit-e We have

no doubt hut that this chaii is an ercelient

musician, but he u-es a hit too miieh Imiw to

I bring out the liner <iualities of hi« Iintru-

' meut.

Van and Ternou. mixed double, next kept the

laughs com ng thick and fa-t with tlie'r snapp.v 'atter. An ea-y-working duo tl.i- They top

tiff tlieir eoiue.Iy witli a hit of song that drew Well-merited apjirobation.

Tl.e liei;,.- .Montrose llcviie, four girls and i«

man. followed with a conventiouiil rout.ue it

-IsM-ialties. the feature of wl.ich was the

natural comedy xtork of the featured niemlar.

M -s Slontrose has a real sen-e of I'otuedy

value-, and she knows lr>w to put her stuff

>'\er so that every gag counts for all that it's

werth. mil tlieu some

Prank A. Burt and Myrtle I ·dale next

one...,l a n.iitine of giitar and ft 1 f»- sp. da'-

ties in I.. "III M'd witli laug i.ahl*. *nin f(Jy and

cies*r - ppillg of til*. *.'·<·'.ntric O'r.It ·r


ail'i:..*!!.. !ik<d i!...m limn*. an il  I'.J I .* b't tli*.in go.

1 re-

B '.'..V M.-I.ean and C'ompa ny h-. -tiK ' t t!i.- p-.l to a clo-e with an  ·X h ti- n of -

and fan. y .k.iiing hrouglit a h g liaoj

from the -;i irt fans out front 'ti le an ; refai-e-

bis exl.iliii on liy a short movie showing him

copping th- ehampionshp on Amerii-an and

foreign rinks,


time fly. The act running about fifteen minutes, it is prob. bly the hitter.
Clark and McCullough, l.jst of musical comedy, did two funny .sklt.s, one of them h> i;,g tli.* ` Int*a vii-w , in wliicli .'i w< man repoi'. r do.--; str.light bv way of interviewing tlie n.median tramp statesmen. Tim se.ond skit. "The path Between", is fane at i's best, with an unusu.illy funny siiuation result¬ ing from a crowdi-il hotel, witli a baihro..<n between two gue-.t rooms. The high si>ot rf>mes with the liii^liand of tin* woman gu<-t tinding our frbmd from llte other room in tlie tub. making beheve he is tiie plumber in effort to get out of tbe cempromisipg atmosphere. If the re.-t of the show )i.i,i been terrible, tlie iiatrons would still think they got tlieir money's worth.
Donals Sisters, ladv acrobats, closed tbe show with .a nifty routine of handbalancing and other stunt.s. Tliey worked as smoothly and surely as an oldtime male team, going thru their most difficult feafs witli utmost ease.

Grand O. H.. St. Louis
(Reviewed Sunday Mxtinee, June 29)
Putlie Newg iinj otl« r plt tur* i,
ci.iire and .ttweid o,.. n.-d tlio Mil witli a ii'.vi-Itj- tunilil'.ng art. 'I'lie wonun did a  » ..r hit of Work s tiie wan-rrow ai the i,,;; on i.g and -liow#`d tiiat -lie fake imnl kiio, Uh .n tiif tomfoolery tliut followed Twelve ni n a in four; two l/ow-s.
Wriglil jii.l I>onj:l,i-, and wirman < I I j -oiig and il.tii.-e art ' in nrie" f.,r I-u ui n .1rrliring on one letw.
Wm. M'.rr.iw and Conifiany. a tcH.I Mile I t tliat d'. ri... I'., aiqirohat.on i> f. Mr. Iforrow u-i-'i tliri-e old mitJir-i--`.s»-ven .t.- ' ", "I.iiizii nz Sonir-" and "W dding (h-lN Are Rlne tiif"--iilit put. tln-m ov.-r in hi- ..iva -'·li* Tile 'etle lad.v in tie- aet, a roii.lnir h.t of yoiitiifal fe-niitv, I- a liiff n-iw-t Twelve minutes, in one: tliree ho'.Vx.
The Original Tlire.- Blank., a really xood novelty JngKling u't that la full of |{o<j<l tbiiigt.

One Woman, iwo men. ri> r<*n mln'it*., full Tftrt'p wt`ii i-:irn«'d intw*.
Bill 1  ih. In j'l-t a W-sl-in makeup .ind
quite ord.nary ..nirins and talking'nntes. In one; one teiw.

M'.rrls and Mae Itiiniplio t. with I ·· Ki. ifhtof i:.e Harmony It.ind. J.ine Prune . ..n.lm-l iiig 1 s Is t'.e feature art and ahotild le- T l>. I d luis live Th*- rliiiinnier
or-r two nuinlH rs with a p'< a- ng v Ire. wli.Ie Ml-- Pr.yne p!.-.-i tin tr mii-r-t a-.d w il- r eo-iiim-s w. II T d inrIng of Mor-ls ami Ibiinphn-y Is o rv gr.ieefni and t'eir apje «r an -e go d Tl.e .nllre art |. ateiv- the «rdl nary Tweniy rn'nnt. - .pee al «.i · le ry In fn'l
' i.'r ; f.,iir I. >w-

llap I arm 1 iiiel I'l.irmr*-. II»* |. t v.-r*

·  r . -ii-'rr loio.'.lan »lio

· p« hia aodl.

erne l.siigliing rotil niially. ^hl^en>e. a niilirr

llir'.'e. hilt g.eel l.eik.llg. Wrinian. make, a g'MMi

.1-- -tani Slilren mln.-ie.. In one; iwo l.iw-.

N'.lihi, lh>- Titan baiii, Po- ng'.l. of

one well-forrnr d with Oo >il.| .| i of

·rlotiires on the -.rreen le-'iind ler. Ten inlil-

ute«, special In two; two h-.w-


Majestic, Chicago
(Bwviewod Sunday Matiaos, Jane 19)

Planning and Gla-a opened the new bill. Mm

and Woman, wire artist* of tinitsiial altalnm* nt--.

An aerial darn ing a* t of rare mi rlt. T* n

minnti-a. full stage; tlir*-e bows,

Ceroo ami Mmo. with violin and coDi'erlloa.

nre sbownii-n of flnl.h and exp<Tl<'nce. Both

work In I h.ira' 'er*. A I went »ii*ing. Ills'ly

worth wMIi- T. n mini).*. In on.; Ihr*-e lew

Ihivld . n s Or* ht .Ira I* mad* up of excrih ni

lii>triim*'ntall.ts. The n|>*.ning. with singing «if ''K'-ntii* ky lliime" b* f..ri- tli** i-'trl.iin rl». >. 1-

flat. Bimlimn I'lilii-r .lug or play will, a* Mm Isrth T!.* - plsy well. The mail wlio g* ii.-r

ally t.k*-» 111., hud Is a g'.sl comedian an*l

Hh..wm.iu. .\. I N mu.I* ally strong. Twenty

iiiiijiilis, full stag*-; two I..W-.

I*. Ilnv* n an.I XI.*., I i-t*- i v* r .> ofb ii. work

In rhai*. I*.r. a. usual, with a straig! t man

Tl.*.lr noli-* n-*. tilwsy. i>iii. Ili*.iu or* *· Uimlv Nlm'*.ii iiiiilut*.. Ill oil*., Ihr*.*. l***w *.

J* in llo'i|,.||. I.iiirl*. colli* .li* nil*., w iS rill'.

a -.11-.'..II. Slie Is g.MsI oil*.; f. ..r Ih.w *.

Till luiiiiil*.s. III

I', g M li.l.'.li II...1 ('..iiipniiy, the*... iiieli a I

two g'rb. l,,i\e n *1.111 lug lo i *.f sup. rior p.irl

Th. I'. .1 Me I. p. rf. . 1 Hiiil sp. . .ly III a

.Slngiiig Is mgli.ill*. 'll,*, f.Mil .link b a ro.i

.\ 1 I- w.M *li- .-. .| T. II iiiimi'*.-, full -I

sp*.. Iill *lr.i|.. ||.| ilr,i|>ei|i s; Ihr. i* biw -

I'r.iik It. Vo*, i.p. IIS slow, wIMi pl.iiilsl. Hill work* up I* h.gli pr*.BSiire.* ami roiio-l'

niiiiiolog Til*, p. iiil-l also aIng. Plfl*.* ii m i

111*.*, Ill on*., tlin e Isiws nml i ii. *>ie.

"Girls of III,. MHIinl, H*' Is ail a* rial .iii.l

iron liiw pi*'-* iitalloii. wIMi Iwo girb.

T *

d*i lli*.lr w.irk w* ll, wlth<iiit any m w f*.aliiii'*

Ten luluiites, full al.ige; iwo Isovs


.1-4- 0 ^ A

JULY 5, 1924

Xlie Billt>oarcl

Proctor's 23d St., N. Y.

Palace, Cincinnati

B. S. Moss' Regent, N. Y. '"'"'Th back^m vacation

R.fUwrd Mond.y

Jun« SO)

(KoTitwad IfoBdar Xatlnac, June 30)

(ReriewBd Thtiraday Eveninf June 36)

Xe,, Vork. June do.--Frank Wlrth. prrsldrut

r, , p. t.on i.*rH< iilar l.otit !'' ritider ll*>.

,, I ,«·

l>lll *1 'hr Twriilr-Tljlrt Sfr.-. I

,1 I,.tv.' llttlr i'la-tl «t U O"! np to Mir

,tanilarj of this house, but three of the eight .hown slaiiiling up as l.gitlmste h ts.
Th.-.' «cre Kli.lii .Morris. Jo»` Marks and ( oiii

r and Mcl atighlln and

''he rest of

I'l otoplijr; "Wlfr In Namr Oiilj".

Tlir lii"Tltablr opt-nlnK

f. ;i l.» N-vUdlie

aiiil I*hltll|Hi, wbu iip;'.'ar..<l In limit i.i; ·oI'sl -

f,,f thelr IntnulU'torv i.f ulat Is tt<o»


They dluar'l tlic r. <1 loal-. h.ils aiin.dd

whips ami l.e.k natty in white sat' uu

i.^. r. iw. and )«. key 1..-.. for their fa.t-exe. ul. d


V.Ti ny <iulntet of a.a'.I . iipa' le and of

higt--tim mer material. C«mtiiieedd'-. , d..iimn'Ilug. singing

andd DDOoTT. .Ilty tii.-'-Mnsi eompprrll--..-' tie- s» how, wliieh

iIs, eeexxxccceeelllllleeennnttt fffooorrr iiitttsss .-s.>i>ree

iI>t it Sisters and

iiii..m umip|p.uuunnnyyr pprrooovvviii...lll...ddd aa ifI'·alatt w wii-'.e' uoTerlng. the

,,g rli«s wwoorrkk InmIgr ffaa--ftt sanm n.dli graa..-.* f illly, doing a

v.,rlety of danc - and mh. r moeltl.-s. They

of the well-known Wlrth & Hamid firm, lias just returned to his desk from a short and yerj- restful Tacat.on which he spent with th.Ringling Ilros. and li.irniim & Ralley ClrcU'. During his vacati.m .Wirth visited the Tarious ,,,,rks and fairs in the vicinity of the towns «l.ere the sh'iw was idaying and returned with over $.'5<h<kiO worth of cWlraota, Including the

. ;| was es-eiitiaiiy smaii time. .'I!.O' and sVolt presenl.-d an act with a I..I . fish .-oli.r in it on the oiwniug. From a .ii~ii.l o' . Dteiiainnicnt the a. t l« an act I:. > n !s> far a* the stepping l.y M. Ili.r Is ...n ,.:r ! I he singing, hagpllo" playing and talk
n. til mark hy a lu le.
It irrr Iwlw n. w ith an uuhill. d lady at the ap|s sri-d tn tile se. imd s|K>t and sang a
r.iuiiiie of |s.p. nuiuls ras. the Im'»sIi of wwlliilli.h,. altlhlcui t WAS sui g toiMo> slowly,. hIwa'ing "M.'roory ll,,aaD n..'''"'.. 1» w n has a husky liariiuDe vol.e, hut !· a


,, ^

i||v|,l.d lietween the and w..niau and lo Id

ii,i.r.«t. Flv* uiiuntea.


^,^1 Ja. k timHlc. in l .w .oiii' d.

di,are g well-niat. li.d team .'f hla. k fa.-.-

f,iu«t,.fa and acoird a big hit w th dialog that

11. i>led the ri'ihllillea of et.n the most

fastidious. Must uf the pun. Ii lines are cn-

tru-t.-d to the elongat' d f. Ilnw w is. tuiinrsoii-

ai.-as a Negro tfr>vlng tlo show knowledge In Ihnis la. k of knowl.slge ^m Tin Ir dlale. f uiann..-'risms amii'li makeup are the n.aresft lto the real thing

,,.,,..i,irted th. Ir a t l.y .h.ii.g th. ir Uniil stunts

l .r.-f.iot, mcnti.inliig i .^r w j; ,1* Jq Taiid-ville -o i'. rfonn tm

ti.e only

Itrenuun and Itul.-, s< ngw-Iter-rongsters, till' d l.e s,.('uod sJAlt with t'.eir Well-klloWD Style Of nging, the latter a. ' "iiipnii.v ing at ti e piano as well. lu a.I'lit.on t., new. r -ongs they s. me of tl.elr i-M ni inhers written by them and in collalsirutlou others.
.A\p\|>aarrttDnii»e'Dnt.tfsi t.too lII..»'.it ., i.l,looDn*e* l,l*.,yv a.i rcaa'^st.t ooffs t.tuh. frYeee
'w'"i.tiuuecn and a nun. Is a lvaarriiaaltm ion of tin- badger

entire season's bookings for the Sea Beach
I'ark, Itochester. N. What with entertulniug and being entertained.
Imth oD the lot and down at the cart until 2 a m., getting up at 7 a m. and motoring to the next town, Wirth reports a moat restful vs'-aflon and declares he needs a holiday to rtiover from It.
__ _
Nx^eww TYuork. June 28.-- --LLeerroo.v Clementa, pnllaay«*.

:i -Iff In Ihe dellv.ry of hi* materUl,

,til,iat thta writer bha«s ev.-r s.''eeDo. IBhoith ate graa-'e. k'»'ue, worked by two iNters who u-e a ruse wright and H-e author of several aketebes now

The ll'.wsr.l tilrls ..ireied aoiae f. ally dlv. rt- ful houovfer*a and fuor au eu..'nore oufftenridd au

them in r- ii.iiig furnish.-d flats. The Jn vaudeville, returned to New York

g *1 r at sli.uts »D a revolving npiaratu* hui g .'"'.eenntrii' dance that marly ato.ii;.j-'eed the sla.w. k'I* advertise the apartments for rent anil last week from the I'acitlL' Coast, where be

Their feature Was Inio-jaw w.-rk, b.ih siup.ppyy tw rling plj}~d an linpi'riaul
1l e a tI shio'Uulidt have UIn-., on In the o0i|iMeD-nlil>i.g >,M| iDDss''..'asd uof th as far down tIhe bill.
E.idJa Mortlias1 s-llaaittteetdl tthhe. tIb.baMll ooff m miirrttlhi rroollll nnga b.r I.mviy off. ring of character imngs. eu. b <f wbl'a hr.Kight la a full meaaure of approval via rnibus.aslic |«Iai whacking. Her act was
a Ilelighl la every way.
J.w Marka foilowed la live footpath of M -i Vligv a and cleaned up aa l.ig a hand aa tlw v ita luua little character songster got. The tem-
. applause wh.h de.cnd.J ui.m Mark.' licie of h..k..m ... not wJiy for J.* a ps.-k.t of foolligi t strength these f-1-

lows W w.uiuui.l Iw In mliu-iirree!l*sy. rtsievroateen minul. s; three Ilawiws.

The raram- unt Four Is one of tIhe h!»>· st m.i.!l.*

'v<is" «a·l eenn*.** m nillb..llh,. *s* Itt..i. aappiiass--aarr bb.. rree iInn aa lIo'.inigg


TThh..yy oo||»-nn w wiitthh aa hhiuim moorroouu*s ddrmunk

n mts-r aanndd tthhee imiieerrrr m meenntt wwaaxxeess kkeeeenn Ithhrru-

oi.t, stop.ppiinngg tthhee sshhooww aatt IImwfthh pp.irrffoorrrmaaann.c-. s

ihi, afleroooB. The memlK-r. -how other ac-

.ompllshmeuts, tie- has. singer g.-ttirg big ap-

pl.ose for a s,»-.laltv dsn.-e and the others

are rewar.|.d with he.vrty -ri Uu.e for a liv. ly

n"">hal treat with two Unjos and a violin. I .Meen minute..

"'e" · couple call to see the nsim, msDnge

*" *'*

 ·.·mprouiising position, re-

suiting In him slguipg the les«e at a round

rsiiir-e the ruse end of the plot Is I** ·'cret until ti e ftni»h. and the com. dv 'hruoiit I* exceedingly eb-ver and entertain-


* h gher gra.le than most com-

"'J *ketches of Its kind, laivlng le . n writt. n


Lind-ay. Linda

<'-rBon. Helm Mayon. Jan- Mer-dlth and I...uls

·'"''"·f v-omplete one of tics.- ca-ts that s-em
·a''"-m «Iluutteellyy iji^errffeecctt.. TTii.llss ccoom mppaannyy,, wwee bbeelliieevvee,,
is the second to be put out In the Bkit since

`h- original went our a f-w weeks aco. The

pag gpent the past three montlki. He has writ-

,,.n some vaudeville sketches during bis stay

on the West Coast, and stated he has lined up

a numbi'r of picture stars for tours In vaude-

vllle the coming sea-on. IInn aaddddiittiioonn ttoo tthhiiss., CClenieofs contemplatea
prr..Msliluiic'iinng a mu-ilcciail coonmice,ly In a-sociatlon with E. Hymer this fall,


A Attllaannttiicc CC'ttyy., Russell CMlvIt.
Rusao ,

-NN.. JJ..., JJ,une 28.--Mrs. Dorothy daughter of t'"hee »laitee uLiililiiaaaa
k" *

, IKI. a g si .leal uf It tor hi. cm. i, IT.".- .:-l Hume distinctly pl. a-ed with

· ^r-^o-Sh laughgetter.

plaint of L H , T  k



I--, who had the mn folk. ag..g w.tb · i.n a.I Ihe wh.le .he was m the stag.,

, aid H rmlaguam sold dan-e steps ai.d

J' « jt A|i-ar.'.| lo U lUt la' s. at lej-l

·n I. .r'.ff.rt. gt


a 1 1 m.i.l ,e..i ibe.r n-u-

t'lur fru t i .an Ihe ra.liral

«: i- 1... Is. II l'U.;i i-n iis foundation and .

s.* !:v ug lu -Ui.J up B-m.y lo short. K.i y

ssl r- 1. is' aiu iave ti.e

but not ii.e

'Ual eu wn.i h to Use them to best ad-


mirth and m. holy. the ir...n creating the la ighs for the most ra't w ! n h. ,.-1- about his

1 xjw-efl kn.'s w ' !e w-.iring ridi-'ul'-na feminine

rt-itine of the otii-fandirg and mo-t ap-

If-iateff It.,,,- In I'e ,,t 1- a r-marksblv

vvell r. nU. red Imlfation of a potato and


aelectlon by the girl, who wore a

< I...v knlckerh-. ker outfit and show, d a pair

of 1 r* under blue hose that w-.uM make th.-iie

s.. sllid i fixe winners envious. The male

dr..« · In g -a! taste and has a g-Kvd stage

pr.sence. Thlrteia Itlnntea; three bows.

Shelton. T.vler and S'larples in "Monkey S!!i m Ii. - t,wtwoo orf the men doing refnlneod hnoboo coffi.dy while th" th r.l did straight, stayed on for twentv minutes ,.r gathering laiuugg ss eevveerryy m miinnuuttee ttih.eeyy ww.. nn-- oonn.. TThh--llrr
geg- at times come unu-ually fast and there is sufflelent variety to the material to malntain the momentum thrumit. FFoorr tthhee eeaarrllvv part of the act Ihe stra ght Is in the role of
aa reiH.rter iInterviewing the tramp statesmen.
touching on lime convention topics. The latter part la taken up with tie straight doing an


^ ·

. _ _


to M'S.-;. At

'''1 '·"e was tWrty-two

hu-liand was part owner

' audevill.- Cirm t. She w., appearing at the Jack o r.aintera Cabaret on the

Garden Pier. She plavs the i-ello and sings.


-s._: ,r.. i,, ,p..
Chatham Square T eut.-r d J s' ght dam .g-
·;o.,.|.,.an ...n of

M HiiIlas..sKMi.nn ttuuJJ EEvvssuuss ssiusrrlivvdd oouutt ffoorr.. hhuudd-li*y b'jt wuuud up au-p'.u.'Uily. At least that «a. i;,e aud-ce.' rra. iioB. i,, n,,,, 1 ttle

Harry Keesler preseata an act call.-d "Broad-
way B la and Hits", In which ainging and dan.-Irg .re .tvout e.|ually dlvld. d. Mr. Keesler and

EnogfUUddhhman of tlaa- elfTftemmllnnaate t..v'i,i.e. Thev cc'looawe w wiitthh ssoom mee haarrm moonnyy singing ®of com.dv'
OOffffeerriinngg Iiss aa tC.laarrkk aanndd M MccCCuuIlIIooggbhpprroo--

proprietor, gave f ftv patrons of the theater passes and got t - m out -afelv extinguished the blaze In short order and

oatr.bu'.oo of talk, xiug and dan-r. It sought a charmlEg girl of prima d-nna type form a duet ductlon.

the patrons return.d to the theater.

ta iiirai ate Itself Into the audiences* favor at

t»» out-. I thru a vampalgn poster of ".kl"

tk wbi-b buag «a the street drop u-ed. ITie

·tual wuiki-d griaf.

.viming lo rigbt

for renditions of "L.H'-k for The Sliver Llaing" and "I Found a Fonr la-if C'ov.-r and the Next H<y I F. nad ^ on" In a manner that was des.rving of all the applause they re.-eived rwo sIH-.ialiy dancers perform In gra.eful style and

Higgins and Bio.-som. with Hora.-e Bentley at the piano, cb.sed the show in a ver-atlle dance routine that pleas-'d to an unusual de-
The act appears to be Iw-tt.-r costumed j^d the sobis are different

'Ne. w' York, June 28--.-ksl.obee.rst oSiteeiinnubeerr*g,. ^·"devllle agent, cauacu the arrest of bis

»*· sung Ihe entire assemblage was for Me-

UugkI.a sod Evans with all Ibeir m ght. M .ss*


a del'chfitffuulllly p'eea.ssiicg voi.e,

rtrar ac ail tioirs m ruauuiciiaatltluuu.

.Irti.ur MllU-r and I'omli-^aaayy. llaa _ ssilnaggi.nng. aanudj

dll. .Dg f-'V i.r, cb-H d

M Mi.lll',.Vr'ss CctitM JM^nO,ia«iany nyy rn*i'.i.ii.i-

iivis uf leur girls, two of whi.-ra dout>-l>e for ll.e

y.tta snd offer a f. w .ta--ssiicc asnd Jaxa saelectllionas.

Tb* daa, bg and slii»-tt.g




al.l. .

. lu

. al;l.




W ff.mLuuye time fl, "w' i1| rgc *,".y" . p,v`.id.a, audi-

of 0.4 tixi d**mtDdio( a cooipl**! art* run

ap tfaiORl


Lafayette, New York
((W Weeeekkss eeff JJuunnee IISI aannidl M J0>>
= .»V W \t hba. tio.i,.i*g '-e. II kiull.wwii,i. io.r imikBi>SeH«n. a..s the hi,i.-|lHia.u....l| ,,orf M \lAa.i.m,.- sSmm..lhb. tllh.e -.-rr..d«| t,o. mak-. sa ..*.nng r.-coor'd. TU« l'i' ail ov.-r ifkc..ww H. . y ha- e. nnii.-rrxx'-.l nl-i
tbe* I Brllght un bhlias lmueerr ls aa*. a pi.hIu. rr. Hlie ··-*.lr bli*s del.ui a*a aa prolii.-rr by |ue-. nting
· » fe in as rbver tn.l ruteriaining a rent#
' *> grai-ed the hiwrds of the Infayette T'irisstirr in a tong time.
r e piogrtm Wat la two |iaita. the arst a

an a-- ompll.hed girl serves at the p ano. Elec, n
minutes; three curtains.
J"* -Ihr n-r and B Hy Fitts.mmons were a riot
of fun with ihelr act entitled "The Newsdealer",




,to his rut,w crhhaarrscelt-r (vartner with happy ree¬-

sults. T1,hey sang "....knni,e Rp ooney.".. ·.'.Sjwi-e.t Ss xv-.

,t-.*ena* ''·



ia old


m m-aarr*lli y'ttte.non,.

nwh.huiihh^ wykerrret .I»nadeeda .rr«-linli*s>bub.'*da4,. itul.«e* »s/.t(r-raaii-igguhotti m ...a»on

JP ,',-,essing · round, mujsical and ^cullured voice

The rulw rharacirr was exiellently done and
tile lui|H-r>i.nMlor's exit was a del.iioua piece of
humor, as was his f.-r an encore. Sixteen
niinule*; thr-e l«>w». The (a t that the audience stayd en ma-se
and applaud.d entliu«ia-tb ally until the BbaI
.iirfain wa- rung down on llie K.ynolds and ls.i..s*n t-.niiwny * sufli. i.-nt tr.hut- to fie
.'.ract.c ot :.t. rtv.-rii. tii ;r.tit.-I The Ihr-e
g - arc da nl ly dr.-s-.d f-r t:.-.r sja. .. * nuMlo-is iiul a- a, h nu nil'- r a.-iiiitt.-d h. r-. If
lu a .omnien-iab.r way mi-ut'.-iu uf naaies Is
»"l*i flii"i.s. sicn.' Is slu*!, but It would N- InJii-i..e not lo iii.nliun the unu-ual al.ility of Hel'-n K.yu.'I.I-. .-n.' if tW most graceful and a.civy fai..y ound the writer has v''r > > a Mr. Ibinrgaa arlNlry uu

,he usual run. For the clone they do a fast jjaax,,i dance In daring costumes,

girl, working together with great precision as ^* .IjIi''aa*. In graceful style. The act Is getting

,,cut and above the average run of al-ter acts, Ml-a Higgin, formerly had Natalie Bates for *a ppaarrttnneerr.. BBee.nn,ttilleeyy, aatt tthhee ppiiaannoo fwfiilliilleedda IiIunn tthhee


with _



and c


a-companimcnts for the dam-es. S. K HYES.

Keith's Hamilton, N. Y.
CReyiewed Thursday Evening. June 26)
Gi-orge Ji'Hs. I toi'Pi d a not-to bc-raved-over .11 at this house the last ball in bis two
- Mama at a French Elay" and "Go
jB..:,i ^k Home"., tbHi'-tt!h, of w wlitlci-hh ociccuiippyv separate sjot- In the liu.up, the former cchl.--sihnigg TThhee -k.t. -"M Maannii..-ai aatt aa FFrreenncchh rriu.svy"",, 1is, bbyy ffaarr tthhee l-lt.r of the two vveehhiicclleess ttuu wwhhiicchh GGeeoorrggee iiss
^ S'' Q.
JJ...«Ss..1l wwaass aass--..--ll..idl bbyy aa l.ooiiuuiiaannyy ooff ssiixx iInn hhiiss ccllooasiiinigg ssppoott aaiitt ;o. ..11 bbyy NNaann.. vv LL..--ee aanndd lL-iiBllilaanu PPrriiccee iinn hhii-- io.''lIecrr..nngg ""GGoo BBaacckk H Hoommee"',, which o-'CUpli.-il tiusrd ij-t-iiioii. k\ bile in Ihe nild«t of d-llM-riig hi- i.oke" sp.'is'h»ln this

Helen Steinb* rg. a model. I`''"'*** >"  t«shionable shhoop, tihuis weeka on a


7**''" Steinbergs are separated and Mra. 1Steia-


V* a* subterfuge of her


" gua.rrddmiaunship of their nine-

.t^ea'r'-Oo'l'*d ddaauugghhtteerr., II'aattrriiccilaa..

_ New York. June 30.--Sigmund Breitbart, the German strong man, who has been apiN-aring in this country on the Keith Time, has booked pa.'sage for July 10 for home. He will return to this country in the fall to play over th« t'rphi-iim Circuit. W'.iile in Europe he will fulfill several £uro;>i-an contracts.

x,.w. York. June 21.--Thomas O'Brien, cal-aret manager, .l.-nl.d -barges of a.-ault brought against him t-y Bi-rtli.a White, sing-r. wla n be was arraigned in Magistrate's Court th's week Ti.e case was adjourned to giv.O'Brien op|H-rimi!ty to pnsluoe "imiortant wifn.-saes".

t-· ..f land'-vllla a. ts and llie latirr a nviie

rrr--no'.ngx Maine Sm-ili, aupi-«ortt.d by a nuummUU-r
I pr B<- .'atU., IInI-,lIiIiI-,ling suur wbu haidl b.ra *»r» iIn the flr.T hlialf .\ n|i. i ip.yv an.l i-.r. iilvy

tt r fr.'-ip i.f as lb' ilH.rlsti-i- ibe vr s.-ra 1-. .inn . aiol ll.iy .1-1 a s.- .l

I »e change, of altrs. live .-valunii s were

'' 't'l-.ll anil ll.rl-, man a .1 w.uuiu, i>|s ii. I

.! , "' e ·. I ,,n i.i a l iiigiiing slait.

III I,..'.., n

eii.-ori *.

..lid I'ri'derie Jolinaon, al ii w.,. Ill, SI. 1111,1 ..ffering .k m. ww
' ' ·*'11 of .'·tabltsliril arl..les, anil ihe * I · - mil,, .ut. .1 tl, ASi'iits as a reiuArka'I-'ile

Bg iiira w Ih a little singing. Eili.l - nsr

'<iiil..ii w,.| sell IJii '-t'·dtJ - '-*s .1. ., , iIn'b.r.y.

a-I lo a iviiHi m r. aIiI--I o. iH-ue. d to. a r. e-ipt'-.I'i'l.ii.

 "o'l III a yiHing not


P'l't. Ill nils has imitiMi, Bniwu. h0o.--I1

·s'" >.ri iffi.iiiely.

ilri *' '

"i meld.a and li.» dam .luUgg

sf 1

a iHtutifiil ilra|N with a .(U.iiIt.III

J. ' ' ''* ' ..r. .loiil.llng III llie "llutIywiH.ll



t! ,- I oluiiibla Theater That tills

" . .ti.iy

.al.iss' I.ilii-r I|uart»l of daa.'ing devils,

tl'V I tile wlo. Is and Inlroducid Ih,. fair m. nv *atn»dil t-o'lt.l i.-f tIh*e hoonooorr*t awarde. d them in
i.-nl-s'a lore and abioad. Th-rti.n m.n it.-- JIIM MIICIIE LONG.

" b.ll. vet n.i a. t nlerf.-r. ,1 w" ttlbh a "ili.r. Ihiy weiv ill h,.t

11,< n tb.- revue, an b>-iir of JJ.'Jy-

Maiih- Sm.lh apio-amt .u two groui-- of mMiiiiuu-

Is r-, doii a .me s.-rle- lu ev.uiiig ..v*.luiu.' .inm«l

as. n w Ih B.lly Hr

" ***

M.' ', diiiir In chaiaci.r.

George I'.H.p. r, Jr, Joliuii.e N I Bo.-'.ii.bI.yy
b . l.l«. ildO.ers I xtiaord ns') ' ' iisle-* a*n"'i*l log, 1 her, wuikrd w th an-l lu-iwnn a .-.i--rrivii-'ss
of will-stag, d uuiiiIh r-

lIltuiltl-y Ma-oa lIin. U n. .- .I'v.rv . .-luine itni'*o'l*l*. ''.*1 t1i1..e0 prima duoBaui.a uum-s-r-. hi»I .11 vv.Il a- .i
"* '* sS UUss''II.... auIlhs<->' >la> a ii.iiuln-r w.:h Fr.-.l-r . .lohnii-son. wihno. ni.ik.'s aA nii--at Jiivriiil.'
Oth.eey Ii». lI-i, l-ec .'oiunii ud. <1 f-i h - aciiiui-i'ini nn sMe.l|l.-cdlilnng l.ili.iilt. Ibe . ar.'fii-u. s. ..f iho -lag iid an.l aiigiiin. nli. .1 or. h. stra .kuy .me wanting .i ...-piiilpo lett.-.l.u --lu.. a . -n oil J.iDcing. with ciiouaii

I'liuieily an.l mel.Hly to make It Inter.-i n..

sli.uit.l « e

show. The only t-g . I « In,-

latter offering. G.s.rg.-'s rh-toiical ability was
atli.s.'sed by aa man lina tIhe front row, who
yel'o,,d out loud enough '.Oo that it i-ouid be h-.ard all over the t'l.iteeuut.r:; " grammar." J.-s. 1 retoit. d vv th a svv.ft ".Vli right, sue
Tb.- i.lli. r ad- on I'., l- l'. il .kiu«<«n an.l Nib'. 1* XI.' Fo..r uinl I'lir.- ai .l kVahl. tif Ih.'se Ibe ilowuing a. ri'i al <- iiovelty uff. n.l bv Day., and Wahl l-H.k lI - Ih-i. The gi^Klcd .xnit guffawi.l ilwi.-iit i-ntire ait. d---I'eiiilinK iilH.n tli. ui at li.i* fiiiis' with a l and of |.n>|Hirtlolls whi. h e. iiiiH-lb-il an enis>re. x.'llliir Dan- nor kVabl . a word In thcourse of th.-ir roultm-. ii >r ,1-. they so much
era. k a smile. Tlv s nmkes it api-enr as ti.-v H ey are ser ousi. Iry.iig l.i do an acroI'.iii- a. I l-iit lo.ike It-rr.l'li mistakes and f mibli's insti-atl.
.kiiinxi.u ,xtid Nile iv| I ni',1 the show ill what Ito'y l-rni a "Ir.-t- .al lU iiaiiTm. nt". They are
--ntivrlioaiat*. and woman, wlnuie ImkIk-s n ..-' mn.-aarrly a* fl.--xxlIlNvle as that of reptiles. Th.-ilr pl.isli. ity |s b, si s'ilio.-vvvvii in an IinirniHliidioii bit .n v, ii.h I.v ar,- 'll. as. .1 In s'aiiis ,,f alligators bmI iii. ri r.-l ttie mo.i nii-uts cbarad.-ristic ot

Harry I.. Itlxuon. wvIl-»nowu muiiagir of magic anil other >hjvv?, writes that he la j si-eu.ling a enjoyable vacation at Gull 1 lark.-. In Minues-.ta. "Tin season Is Just open¬ ing up." he stat.-s, "and fishing la mightv g hhI."
« k .1S J.ini- ;;tt--.kunouucenient naiii i.l.,v of ih-' piiril.ase b.e William F >s of one hie story a I four four sforv building111 Forty s. coti.l >:r. -t. b- tvv.'i n E.gbtl. au'i N nth avdiu- s. f.-r iuv.-stment.
N, vv k rk J.iii ;!0.--Lenore I'lric arrived (lutii Eur.iiK- a!>o.iril tbe LevUtban twlay.
lUigators were real or not. The offering wa* w ll received.
The Dixie Four f iriiivvisl this act in a routiii.o' Dixie an.l uuml>er'. Tin- colorvsl m.-uiN-rs of the quartet are real k.ugs of barmony, t.ut Ihelr rec.-pfion b.*rv- was not ^what

In-i-li .. Bianilcllo grou|v, baad.'.l som.' iii.we la, k ..f a pri.gtiiii. Hoik* he pr.-vi.|. - on. f-.r i". aiiii<litl-iau s< r. alistli-ally that sum.- jw-o- It has been at other houses wli.-ro the wnt.-r

'but wa* Jiial aa (a*|. It waa ana the sa-.xiud we.'V.

J. A. JACKSON. p e lu ti.e aiunilieiice were worrying whether tbe bas seen the act.


Old SolandJup. Pluvius Perform While Actors and Managers Play OffAnnual Golf Tournaments on Long Island Greens

WINNERS OF THE KEITH OFFICE TOU RAN M ENT--Harry Kemp. Keith booker, runnerup, and H. T. Jordan, manager cf Keith's Theater. Philadelphia, winner in the Class A Division of the Keith Office Tourna¬ ment.
--Billboard Photo.

THE N. V. A. GOLF ENTHUSIASTS--A group of N. V. A. golfers snapped on the green at the Salisbury (L. I.) Country Club, where they played off their annual tournament last week. The winners may play the managers.
--Photo hy Morton H*rTeT.

CHARLEY MORRISON--Keith agent, winner of the Consolation Prize in the Class C Division of the Keith Office Tournament.
--Billboard Photo.

PRIZES FOR THE N. V. A. WINNERS--The accompanying photo shows some of the handsome prizes awarded the players in the N. V. A. Golf Tournament.
--Photo by Ccntiiiy.

HARVEY L. WATKINS--Keith executive, winner of the Consolation Prize in the Class A Division of the Keith Office Tournament.
--Billboard Photo.

Billboard Photii

. ..- ^gl. '"'``aK

i 1 ll'WlI II


THE SCARECROW AND THE COW--Fred Stone, president of the N. V. A., and Joe Schrode, who were te.imcd together in the V.iudeville Artistes' Tournament. The former played the scarecrow and the latter
the cow in the "Wizard of Oz" twenty years ago. --Photo by Mortoa Usrrry.



Clog Dancing

\sv. McNally

7 W£»t *5th Str«*t.




0»C»* MOSl

'·.'** *^ i--^ O**** H«»«. c«t.

' '

`t- ' 




. 0»»r» M**«. S »-

i ». j . . · » ^ c«nf«


1 ,, ' . 1i

Wr'f *»· «.*»'«



z t. .. w.;. ·



t* t.

< .-o-t t D J W it ·') rA H« IMdt

' Uj.<

I 0. 0.


Eitak4iilta«*l la U.


You Cannot Go Wrong When You lYppend On

Professional Wardrobo Trunk


!l E. Rindslpti St. CHICAGO

Ill W. 441)1 ! NEW TORI

WITHOUT A TCACMtR Y<u Can Catily Laara Fraai Our Baok. ClAf OiAciai

lit M( -t T- ii-f T**a pra.ILa nf thU an la lire*


 iIH'larl il.iar.u all ·'aiy a.' l fl.nrr,*.

` - alia, a-.1 l»-ma '*·» I r-.*«.a-jr !'

" '


rt .la' -ar roiut · f t .1 fTt-m.i



I I'm g at.,1 .U' r tkr'.-aia* »; "i





N- III. 1 ; riiliim St., Iln'Aiy . .N. V ,

amateur and stage beginners
WONOtBFUL OPPOHTONITV. 'ot In ·oil II aiib mr imma.lUlalj
^ t I Kk- for lairtl'-ulata
* >'» 51 r Vaa Buraa St.. Cbieafe. III.

AND VAUDEVILLF ACTS Large r .tileji Free. Make-up Ik. li. IV . 3
· np e Xri«, JXc; Mg II n'k i f X'aiidrtlilr inatrria), TV*, or d f..r all.
A E REIM.Sta E. Milwaukee. Wit.

·  ' * ·r

c* rtrrm ^ttrtthn^r rtHryfnhtfimmpprrrrsw sfuon tn/yot^use

memhine ointment

pr-' r.t t m.- XIl.'S BT KNI.Y' ·» m E'jropr.

TIT* xT.XIUE bA' r* tid A r.'.;;r on

Or;>; · !:m 0;r u:t. to 05'rn .X u


; t-= ·'h-.-ACo It i» pp '^Ni, af.vrdtce

I I \I!;I ' BinAu-r. IVII.I, lUiEHM. that

. . ·;-··· art k« prr'.-ajtnArT to thr x'h;.Mu>>


L» -r. .:r.-d frriin t^y OrpV-uta proply.

XIIiK ba- an j t !n wbioh hr !« fupportrd

a taiirpit.T of tMelrr. . . . SYBIL Y.XNE

rl. ». »
-· Aa»»i th-I'hllai  Barrti In arai

Madgr Kennedy

- -

A'rtW -a t'-f

Ccis S«1m

Ui7, avrV

tr.Nv.attl A=tl ATTf

lA»t ix'«

t«.k ACA.O tVl t'W

KtarJ* a t^c.r otJ Av't. . . . M \\ FlKl t''>

aj ANVV VINK t-ltv-sj tv r

; t^.

Kf r^ T-.a»^

auJ av b,'« t*L ri: a

«;i»ai-r t ;,·*;-a. ^V^.a t^^` r»rlt fa.l v'. '

art- =.t

»-d VtNK « I


A I'ur;»;jt- «:o»r to N' vT'*'

- 31. Ta

:'.f tVy

w.'rktd ua

a^r tto d v.-t .0 t f t'HvKirs WMMMN

. KVY Id'E. »Nt '.a* lv<n i»,-k -t tV

M 1!> \Vr>t '.a A tvmcdj »'.aAl«'. ·..;va El'lME J« VM'EN OtN'NNOK to wrtr a

a «t dv'utlc for '.. at. la '·V.-.-h tr «:;i AppoAr

n-\t srA*'a ... A N-nt flt i'«'rfor:uAn»v for

thr Prv'OA

t'rntrr wa» ultra M'.adAT

r. uM At t'.o t' V^rAlrr Nrtt Aork. .\moac

K 'O ttho to'.'.;ntrrr> J tNnr »t rttiT» ttrrr

i.k^ Einv VKI'S. UEKMVN TtMltVKi;. OUJA


VUlSv i' n;\NK .NilA

ah.I *»rt hrttrA.

llANOVKN Ati.1 Mil 1.IS, IH'IIIS PI St'AN. K\\




M AY. TIIEI M X EPWAUPS. IH'I OKI s VVK UIS. \IKi.INIx riEUSOX. KPPIE 01 IVKOUP. Iho UOTII t nil PKI N ni.I.IAN and ANNX. FLOUENOE MII.I S. UEUT And I VW MAUKS And ^ XN Illd li t OttHrulail't Tin- »l;i>» tt.xr

Arranc.a l>.r I AI UETTl' MOs.t of IIAKUY WAl.KEU. INO. EAUI. KIOKAUP tt.x- ni.i»lrr

of crmuonii'.





plii-um I'iri'ull. and M.MIKL KOIVI.ANP.

who liatr not apjsMrt'd tx'gi'thrr on tUo

!.i.xi:i' In M' jrit». liavo HrranKi-d (or a

M'rir> of Joinl rr>ital> on Siiiida.t rtiuinK'.

Ix'u.nnlnK aN'ilt tlir miildio of tVtolsT


ili. *i- riH-ltaU MABEL UPWLANP will il.. i». >«

I'oniiHly rharaotor akrti Ih-h aii.l .XPEI.E will oltor a niimS'r of l·o»llmlo sonu* l·«|lr^·lall.v ar

ranKi'il for thoM' ih-raaloiia. In addiliiui Ihoro

(t'onltniiott on pat;.' IT)

NEW YORK'S LEADING DANCING MASTER Farmarlv Dancing Matlrr for Zirqtrld Felliae. Chat. DilliAgham. Lee & J. J. Shubrrl. Grerec M Cohan.
Fla. Ziaglald. John Carl, and Caaital Theatre.
900 SEVENTH AVE., N. Y. At 57th


Warllyna Millar

Fairbank* Twine

Nat Naraaro, Jr,

H»tn A Oirksan

Trada Twiar

Murirl SIrxkrr

Fluranra Wallen

Elt.x Pillard


Paarl Rryav

Grace Moaca Ray Oeelry

Gua Shy, athara

\ IbhM T#*


" V,^ Op«r« Hm« m4 T«lits

iu' fitr m.t L »l


JL'i* S**» «A»A>k A>->w».


w xnk\ .\\t> \ \'.\NK5rr» PY K'KlA.v\M .-VKIttl:*

FtrrxlSiag l.tT

KaIIh ·ntl


lUVUA XtCAf ll'.vl^ tv» «M\lrt aihI


intitvk. ^httitXAm|>AiidlH'tr»

TK* ruttlouta city atrtYt Avly»yoiix( AltititwAk
To«SijtMr Op«ra Hot* --

CAT.AlxX: ft t7 N.

·(.. C1kl««c«

EmythinKThis Season 1$ RHINESTONES

Ohi New Address. IS4 W. 4ilh Si. N. V
(S>tU ap^Mila Y I . .1.)
SUCCISS OM NO pay Walt/. Twe Staa. tax Tiet On#.
Sira liiiaranlrrU ta All STAi'.l UANCINx)
Huik. Ha. Ckarii,. StAirl. Taeabat Work. I la., laucitl Oulikiv by P. J. RIDGE Amailra'i OrralHl Taachar,
OCC I'aia PItaat. Ckliaae, III. itaiup l.-r triUi. alo.

WANTED ) I Xaiilrillle Pen

lieu, iiie I'ranii, i ..iii.-dtan,, a->'

Ihcm like II Slair all voii do .1


Xlio Platilal IMtPK I'l

Coluubua. Utokk


Xlie Oillt>oiii*d

JULY 5. 192)


TURNS and RETURNS riM'il froii) H flliiiN.v plot ill

nil KukU-Ii

prlii« I- mimI tiis < olort-.l t It lot mil nrt* siMrt-l. im

for lilt* fiMiiii (if '

I'Ini'*. Tilt* -`M'lur

Is n Uiinuiu f'|H* Ilf iitthir. tin'-III !n fliar*

Rt'i U'wcd Tuesday ajlcruooti, June 24. at the Grand Opera House, Xezu York. Style--Acrobatic. Setting--Spe¬ cial drops, in four. Time--Seteii min¬ utes.

second part in i com li'ina situation and le . Iti ...IVc er ^-od nano, marries her.
.\Iiho Catan.iiigh <-omes i,, I,i\c hls wile. Il¬ ls tonioiil'd by the lIo'ng!ii i;.it s|.i> i> Pi i a flirt. Nc gh-cl of her as a rc-nll of his leads Mora to bclicVt I at he dm-s not lo\c her. .She calls II her oal suitor in order to

:. i. i.stie lgi|Oiun I ; ...n

II i- th.' si . n.-

i.t the entire a.tion of lie n t, m-s* oi xvhieh

is of a Iriilj hiiiL'hai.h' -..ri, tin- bhokfaie

C. in. d.iiii MII'I'I.I ng I 1 r.ih;.. q ianl t v

i f ciiniedt.

Tie i-ii.. d.t d-. sn'l liansciiil

..oue", bi.t iicvcrihi .-s tr:. kits with laughs

111. I inter'i'cr-tig vim il s, l,ci oiis and dance

niinih.-rs eiirr.v the a ro.,s to a fairly

Tlip I»f I'lTrin Trio engage in iiniiMiallT

tliffienlt gtnnKth i-xhibitions and endiiranee

ti-siH, the like of which this reviewer las not

vitnessed for -ome time. To the female mem-

la-r, who is of average size, inii-t go the

praise so far as strength Is coueern'-d. Siip-

jMirtiug the men tvitlmut anv a|ip.irrnt aid. a

weight of at least

isninds, site made an

immense hit with the audi< nee and was

showered with a heavy liaad. The two mules

IK-rformed numerous strength H'-rohaties in the

course of tlieir routine, iliniuxiug the act

with a s|>eed.v twirling stunt in which one

bore a heavy Wi iglit on Ills neck in addition

to the other two memlxTs of the trio while


The act is a crack opener, or closer, eapahle

of registering on most any bill.

R. C.

try licr liusband and the hU'hand, In-lcad ot passionately claiming lici as his own a- she e\ pc. I'd, d.'. oh s In gii.t her fr. chim by coiiiniitting suicide.
Saki, his .l.ipaucsc vald. aw.iti -f tic inisund) rstauding iictwccn husband and wile, seeks to bring them together. I.enrning of h;s master's eoutcmihited act. he informs his inlsHess. In a highly dramatic s-eiie s)i.' wre-ts tile revolier from IMvanaugh's land ju't in the nick of time. .\s lor Inishand rag*`s out of the room she falls in a faint .'aki. wlio has liecn watching the scene from In-hind a curtain tiptoes into the tvHitu. d scharges the reiidier. and [.laces the smoking weaiHui in hi« mistress' hand. Cavanaugh rushes lia.-k Into the room, gathers up his wife in hls arms and [Kiurs -ut his [ove for her. She quickly ri \ ives and all sign- [loliit to a "they-

g.-od hand.

The east nnmbi rs six and in.-liidi a In addition

to t e two niread.i named a vx-in.iu n ho plays

the pait of an llg.iidiau i>rlnet ss, a sisii-r team

and an..tiler man. The singing tif ''.Vrahiatinu" b.v the priiiia donna stand' out a- e\. epllonMlIy

I'h .I'.iig and 'Til I'org. t Yon", n which sinis Jolt:. (I hy the straight man, iiiiltresses one

as : .-11 g \i ry eiitt i lata ugly iloiie. The dancing

I'.v 111. '.'ter tiaiii anil I e shuffling of llio

hoofs ii.v the hia. kf.xti iitnnilian i' of iiied.imi-

ealil'el. C.o, \v li. n rcvp wetl. s,.|.ni. .1 to [deaso

the folks siiffielenil> The team ho ks grace

ami, of m.tvi-m. nl, hut olln-rw 'c Is

sal ist.-ii lory.


l.xiilorer", llirii ami thru. Is g.sxl mediiim-

I me vaudeville fare. It will pro'.ahly find

litll- tlifflerlly in [di-.i'ing foil's in neighlstr-

1 is'il houses.

R. C.


Rezieiied Tuesday afternoon, June 24, at the Grand Opera House. .\eu) Yorh. Style--Singing and talking. Set¬ ting--Special drop, in one. Time--Ten


An a<'t of Iio.v and git I, enaettyl le'for.- a

painted drop of pietnres<jue Ittiteh land'cai'e,

the vaudeville merits of which are 'l.ouldered

b.v the male member, who jiossesscs a rich

voice and a decided talent at yodeling. Were

'.t not for his aldlity to entertain, the offering

would be nil as vaudevill« fare, the girl

possessing little, if any, singing voice.

The act opens with lH>y in wooden shoes

and IlolUndisli raiment singing "While I

Whittle on Sly Little Wooden Shoe". Follow¬

ing a brief intercourse of what is supposed to

be latigh-getting lines the girl sings "Walk,

Jenny, Walk". WUh her partner coming on

to do a yodel specialty, the act takes a

sudden lift from the boring to the entertain¬

ing, with the result, when reviewed, that the

audience handclapped the singer into an encore.

The gags anent the decorations on the girl'.s

dress are raw. vulgar and highly suggestive

and ought to come out before the act proceeds


R. C.

Reviewed Tuesday afternoon, June 24, at the Grand Opera House, New York. Style--Singing. Setting--In one. Time--Ten minutes.
Jack Stern Is a songwriter, author of "You Didn't Want Me Wl»en 1 Wanted You", a ballad, which has enjoyed but limited popu¬ larity. Stern cannot expect to get much farther as a vaudeville performer, .fudging from the cold reception he got at this bouse, where a routine of numbers of bis own composition flopped terribly. The first was a tune en¬ titled "There's More Music in a Grand Baby Than in a Baby Grand". In the rendition of this and other numbers Stern displayed i>f>or sliowmanship, delivery and vocal ability.
At the conclusion of his act Stern received very little applau-e. Tlis appearance was a bit against him also, being far from neat.
R. C.




A New Dramalet in Two-and-a-Half Scenes

Written and staged by Alan Brooks,

Author ob "Dollars and Sense"


Dolert Cavanaugh . Robert Warwick

. Edith King Hei-tsrt I'rexton . Colin Hunter

i'aki, .Mr. Cavanaugh's Japanese Valet.

. H. S. Kurasaki

'I im*'--I'r<-sent.

< -lie 1--.K Part of a Conservatory During a lloiisc Party.


0>rner of'rary-Living RiMun

ill Cavanaiigti's Hotise. Six Months Later.

Scene if--The Entire Library-Living Room.

Reviewed at the Palace Theater, .Vrtc York. Style--Playlet. Setting--Special,

in one and full. Time--Twenty-five


.\ well-written, well-acted sketch: a bit i.ilk.', but withal entertaining. It is descrllod Ic. tile author, .Man Brooks, as "a dramalet in i«o-and-a half scenes." He l.a« taken a w.-ll-worn plot and with a skillful touch here aiid tliere converted it into a diverting episo-Id-niesti.-, which should [dease two-a-day fan iniiucn-eiy.
'll- 't-r\Mi.!.t engaged to marry Herbert Pr--lon. iiieits Itoliert Cavanaugh, an eminent Mtttlior. and straigl.tway faile in love with him Sh'e cleverly contrives to cast off her Ix-trothed and trick Cavanaugh into marrying her. .She forces Cavanaugh to become the party of the

livisl i.uii[i ly-evcr-after" eutling as the curtain descends.

LEMI-; .v, ctiRDiiX Present


Riiiezi.ed Inc.^day apternoon. Jane 24. at the Grand Opera House, A'cti; ]'ork. .`style--Juggling novelty. Setting --In three. Time--Ten minutes.

This a f draws a gootlly [arrlion of its hand on the merits of tlie nut eomo-al il. ' deftly mixed with juggling f.-ats by the clown mem¬ ber of the offering The straigM exe¬ cutes a n imbi r of comparatively d.ffieult juggling -tttnts with various: artich-s and pr.ives

himself a let of a musician :n the playing of

|Hi|inlar tcios \\:th onlinar.v tea'isHuis. The

comedy featur-s of tlie act are by the nio.s-t

entertaining, tho the Juggling itself is of a

commendable sort.

It will stand up well as an oixuiing attrac¬

tion on medium-time bills.

R. C.


Reviezeed .Monday ezening. June 2^, at Mark Strand Theater^. .\'eze J'. rt. Style--.Vovelty orchestra. Setting--Spe¬ cial. 'Time--Ten tninutes.

Oonfrey has with him an aggregation of Whiteman musicians, twelve in number, all of them comp*-tent and .ibove the average. Thfeature of the performance Is two piano solos by Confrey. one being a medley and the oth-r his well - known "Kitten on the Keys" eomi>os;tlon.

Tiie rest of the [irogram is a iiopular pule lished number which opened and musical comedy song, "Limebouse Blues". They also

I'lay a ballet number. Confrey leads with the stick, with th- excejition of one of tlie "lot" piano stdos wlr n the violinist, who la al-o a well-known lead-r, takes charge.
Tile instrumentation of the orchestra is three saxo|ihones, two ttumpets, piano, drums,

banjo, tromlione. tuba and violin. The brass and sax. sections are Ixith versatile and hot at will, making the combination a fir-t-mte outfit for either dstue rhythm or thiatay


M. IL S,

Reviewed Tuesday afternoon, June 24, at the Grand Opera House. Nezv York. Style--Revue novelty. Settino-- Specials, in four. Time--Highieen min¬ utes.
Tile title ot this offering is no doubt de-

.V Com .ly Pla.vht hj Llli.ilt Nugent and H.iWaid
Liuds.iy Stageil l.y Howatd L mbay.
c.vsp iiK cn \K.\cTi:its
(In ttr.ler of Their .([ip.-araneel ^ cr I Bake .I.linla Cation 1 artrel Branch .Ilel-ii Miivoii < lariee Green .Jane .Mereihtu Horioe Green .louis .Viiikh-r
SCBNI!--The Living Rotim of a Dark .\veuue .tl'aniiicllt.
Tl.ME--.\iiy .Vftern'Kin.
Re:iez>. ed 7 hursda\ ez eiiiiig, June 26. at P. S. -floss' Regent Theater. .Veze )'ork. Sty e--Comedy sketeh. Settii a --In two { furnished interior). Tiiife-- Tzeenty-three minutes.
This cieellent east is a number two e .mpany. the original one being compo'cd of .lanet l!. e. lier. O'.lve Wyndham, Viob-t Kemble Cooper and Harry C. Browne. Tiie story Is more or less a var ation of tho badger game w.-rked by two sisters who make a business of rt-m ng ai'aitnients at t.i'tly figures hy p.aeing on. of tlie two niarrieil ai'plieants in a comprontising position. It is one of the funniest skits [ire sent.-d in vaipIeviBe in m.iny mon'hs Tlic laughs are many and cometly of an unusual order.


Reviezeed Thursday evening, June 26, at It. F. Keith's Hamilton Theater, .Xezo York. Style--Contortion novelty. Set¬ ting--Specials, in full. Time--Ten min¬ utes.

Amazon and Nile, man and woman, ennot

their contortion act in a '-tting which r. minds

one of the locale of the'e two w. il-kiiown

rivers, the .\maznn and tlie Nile. T'.iey give

added life to the tropical «urr.>nndings hy a

novel introdiiet'on bit in wt.ieh Ivith are en-

eastd in alligator skins and mo\. sb.iu' tlm

st.age, emulating the cnM-iNliliaii re|itlle so pr-r-

feetly that it had svune of the audtenge guc'sinf.

Colh.wing t..e Introductory stunt Am.izon and

Nile engage alternately in iiiim< rntis exhibi¬

tions of contortion, the man accomplishing ex¬

traordinary Ilmb-lH'udIng feats.

her robust bit Id the woman did a mini her of

unquestionably tin qiie bits, demonstrating

liisly to be as pliant ns is humanly isi'slbl-.

The act is billed ns a "tro|iieaI enehanlment".

If received a veiy giMsI hand, when review.d.

mid Is a good deal lotter I'an most .·..nti.r-

t tin offerings now [liarlng vaiid.-vllle

R C.


4 Complete Dances, $50.00


Buck and Wing. Eccentric, Waltz Clog, Soft Shoe
'^eachrrs' Special Rate




WIIV ui ft limp 4f`<f manrv wh'ni vmi « m

'» `u <'ll 1-4

··i ll' .



SfhfudT pr4'tl«« rtwiin




« I.r.t. ·!>. . · . f ,f

Im T( f*. .t'W, \f*i.|r.

itMir^rsaiM. li-Mi^ir

\\c jl-o K.ifh Hu

Fi 'Un. Hiuhlnh. Ilallrt,

rKorU', I'ari A

: s. \\..

all i»ur

i».r.| .,iir .mn Thiatrlitil


K\<V TK1:\IS < W I.F: \I(H\SV;M» to

it yoi*.

('all. wrlt^ nr (>lK^ir

HARVEY THOMAS. SS last Van Ruridi StrM. Chkaga.


New 1924 Models Now on Display



HI..I Sllitl.'p. I, llariiiian,

4..'I ttal Tfitiikv alAa.4




508 Seventh Avenue, between 40th and 41 at Streeta, New York City



HXKW'hM a'l} DUljgt,

tvmlo i»atheM(*:

hImy a Taricty oC xtry Ua,:^aM» num'*

In rrrti*

Oermin, lilah. NVe'to «i»! YanKec l*li «· *«.

adaptftt for l*latfwrm iixl

hoii. Exaiui

Mititua a .1

l>y t'a-

K-xlGihe llulthln iMa.xij:, Nvgr

Hiirlr*'iUf. Jot .IcfTt raiv, a: d the H I 1** *^. for

tarloutor, and two >liid M < . Seme fr.*ri "ftur

Nin**, Irora tl»r autli. r 4 r 4V of that barof. ei` l,arw'^ Hxik. l*r* iMicr.4. Vy*. -rpa d THF COLLINS CO . 197 Fultoa . Brwklya, N. V.



\ 1 union rUnl-t \naiipf a* d trar-ai^xf

»-> IlfatltM. Uoiifial lliuii (·«·<.

* I*. Draniatli' atitl

Ur will lta*at<* In

I \NUd(TiI;t< >t 1*1 lu:* llioatir a« IMaM^t

Kli orlri. ('ll Uai'-'a l'4>«r

n\nUY W I KK. .ItrriMii,


WIIG s G.SHINDHELM 144 W. 46th St.. NEW YORK Send for price |i$t.




Ui04 Ea>t Wathlatten,





^fAn uritli aniiic rapital ran lrii<4«*


IfipafiT oti a«<'ount ilrjth «f «mni*r. Wrlir at


pan It*. ti* V II. HTliWvKT, tUC Nitldnal III  ' . < H-V(*iai>d. IHilo.

WANTED 'Kur Picture Siwiw lt»raliNl in Honilliw

I "UitilNna. M-iii ir l^nlv to o|M*ratv a Wurlltarr >

. fip.itdt* ti» nir iirrfrci pUtur^

iiajid M

If a · I mti«r l.iii, ItOX

lUlllKMrd. iMn* i

1 t'l. Ohio.

Your ^^09 ff$Iierrute the

hnptessfon //youuf^


JULY 5, 1924

Xl^e Billboard


Summer Outlook Fills SmallTime Agents With Pessimism
Weather Conditions, Closing of Coffee-and-Cake Stands and Small Salaries Offered Acts Cutting Into Agents' Commissions


Chieago, J Jll. KraU'e, of I...e

Kra.. Ine., 'nili o''ii.,n

1. ... I.nd

l!'iilding, iH Tsoi.all,''i-.-d a <,\n.-'. at ..n

X'.i'k. Ill giiii. iig .1 s. in 111 r.irk"a.v

'I -at-.r. .M.l :,s..|i. W i- w .. . l.


ii-ord- .Uni. a iiiril.itg r. ri-|...t- wa- ;t- g.,,.d

as the slai.d.-i d

-'...wI : :! i li Isiok tig

of tills house s..'..ral oilor p '.re holt' ' w.-re

isM.k..d iniiin dll'll

1..- i.lai-.l ni.d r tlo-

miine of S'm-oi a'o.n in.l .lie - W.-. k. Tin-

enli rininiio lit w. fu ir 'e ·!

:i · ..inpaiiy of

twi III'-five jH ople I'l-. SI.I.a.1.'- '.I... i.-d by Mr. Krarse.

BUiS.SOM SEELEY Is scheduled to o|ieu at

.M.niieapoli# July 0 to begin a route over ih..

· trpl.eiiin I'ireuit. . . . .M.XBHIE ftl.XTE.-;

will a!-.i niMke a t.iiir of the tlrplieiini I'ireuit

beg iinii g -Xiigii't

at \V.nnipi-g. I'aii. . . .

EKN'Hi i.tlLIiIiN and tlrcliestra. now- playing

at till- 'I. .XIpin Hot'.I Knof, New- X'..ik. are

ill-ending lo d.mlile in vaudeville in a n.-w a- f.

NtIKKIS and BKKN.xKD. '.ind'.'iii

and liiiil.-s.ine pr.slneers, imt t.n a lo-w r-vii-

for tlie .Xri's Inn, I'tiTHi street an.l'ray,

I. ist wci-k. I'll.- rlrui .. n-.t inti-n.l -oiiig in 'ir.'iig for the prodii.-tiou of tal'uret revii'-s. 

liowi-'er. , . . .si'.X.N ST.XNI.EX' and I'-imp.inr

Olieii'-d at Ko. kford. II!.. Sunday to play a

few ilati-' for rhe (irjili.-iiin is-ople. .x route is

Ni;\v YOKK. June 30.--SntuU-tiine am nt.x are inclinetl lo take un unut-ually

».mislic attiluile towar.l emnlitanis air.-etiiiK their bu.sines!* at the

pn .'. lit time, and the ouiltM.k for tlie .suinim r iiiontlis, whi. h tliey de. lare

t,, I..-

of the worst in ni« inor.v. Tla ir |ies'imisin is mostly ba.sed on iheir

.'\ m|.aili>'. an.'i;>'.l or yetniine, for th.- ai ts, small and biK time, now out of

u,.ik. ilie numlx r ef whieli is s.iid to be icreati r this .'umnier than ever before.

iHie to the natural law of siipidv ami _

___ ^_

il. tiiaiid. sav the a»;.-nts, the.iter ni.majars i>itromzin>; their oillees are Kei-

_ ..

a. ts at their own priees. tvliieh

j^u.. ~Mr. hmI Mr. Ilde


It i.iitin: · .1 I'lig 1'.,

'nil lie n sk'-teh in "lli.h IhiIIi tl..- sister#

appear fogi tlii-r. . . . HI' I'.VI.IiiV. lue

linroiHan clown, wi.o letmii' 'o il.l- .oiin'r.v

in 111', fall ft.iiii .111 1 ng.igi no.'if in .Xii'tralia

and opens f..i Hie iirpi . .ini i ir-Hit lU s.m

Kram .'. ii tl.e wi . k of

i-nil.. r lit. lias l>. .-u

given a route whieh i-steml' to J'lly ·.'i). I'.i""..

o'er 111.- (ti id.i-niii . lid

Keith eirelllls. . . .


said to be pending.Itii: .SIT.I.IX'.XN.

known a# file l>o.v tenor ..f ('arson City, Kan.,

is ill New- Y. rk and w ill. ajifH-ar in vaudeville

sioiril.r. Ill- lias incii singing over the radio

r'-..iit!.v. . .

I.liW .sTBtirsK. formerly

ei d 'Vith thi-alrii al-trad.- pa|.i-rs an.l doing

Ilii-ate.. al press ag.-nr work, lias Joined the

staff of The N.-w- Y-.rk .X ineriean.

II. XXDliX. DI NIi.XK an.l HXVliEN oie-n-d at

1: -- I'a.aci- I'l.i-aier, iTii. ag >. Iieginuiiig a route

l.iiii out for tio-ni ii'.-r tli'' Drpheuni Circuit,

. . .XI.EX liiiKBEK. writer and producer

of .i-'s an.l aiiliior of tl.e lyric# of "If the

Ile ir eon.missions. r..n-. llta^:e of houses that closed this
MlliiMi. r is more th.iit that of hi't

.:..M. i|lie be«.ili,.. r.


on tl,.;

n.,.,r.l, r Il. r.UK .ria. Tl,., ,re K-inK 0. I-..e


ar at tli.- (-..I.-. uiii

l!>-'t of tho \X'..rlil't Want X'oti", ha# been ei.g.igi-ii to pi-n tlo lyii. s for tlie ne'v Winter Hanbii 'll.."-, - I'a'lii-.n' ..f

>,..r. while the uneeltalnty of those in Vln.-ur la.«r. i..

lelliainiliK I'lien is a constant .souiee wu11l1i1 ..\Illil»'ss II..aa lI:.Uu..-- ap .--..i.r nnai:' ffiiilil .i.rr i||I.o.«mIi1i oorni ef wori inieiit. aceordiiiK to one of the ii..·-· I1. ;.1i «a«. a sn,-|,. T'j), ., «n.rf.,-. |i(.·i,·.,.,m|nppam^o.·-l.l



most active coiTee-and-cake-circuit

J.*M..-,. .Mil" lI aa iItnio.. 's.. iIi'laaiiies-ft.


1Tl.iio-.vv hliailoe I.l.f-., n a. pii..iiiira.inii: n \ .IllK^. | diri-.-tion^of


I' liit.Tj Ilf aian.T hiiii-ea i-Io'iiiit for the 'un o Mo* I.a l!u.- i «I w aii fi .. \l'i'o li i\

umni.r or pwttinit In nioiioh pn iiir. ' pr. ^···nt* Iloviio". Mr. llainiMou ru inilv

a plaj- of

t..,' lio.'t.Ts frra planninK or takinn on aota liU, ontltloit out in Hartfonl.

h, ,i.iu.| If*. 'I.I t-wia k to upllt-w. ek baiia. in « onii., nn.t the .nuilior-a. tor «iilil t.. foio ^ail- la-.i llie booking iieiui; only from diy lug that plan# w.-ro nmi.r nay to have It it.-

It day.

souti-d at the Duke of York's T. . ati-r, Loudon,

tiae of tbs ehlif reason# for kuaimor rou'l tlon In-iiC

tUe poor la attrib*

l.ite this samiuer or oarly in



nt 'l to tlo- 'r.rleuiint w.atb.r Karlbr in the Mj'on -.-stint ruiii.r Ui-uiti.r kept Ibe bm-


Ctrr · r...ip.s fI*ar boli.iv pI»a*irr Ko,l..,vinff tihiier


rnt.'.DD . aanniil- a sui-i-i-»su««lon ooff# h1. ot* st* dIayv-# that4



La.t.-.V..tb. o

York, _


,».I..i-- , none




.li-astriins a* th- ra n f not m-re


w Thl# i.-d only was tnio of the small time bOllses. I.tit the i-iitiro tlii-airial Irndi- as w. II.
.\s !« to I.e e#iiei-ted tiie theater minuc- r# trr "piikiiiE" their bl'l# with rare and as.-niii-'l an liidi.pi-iid.-nt altitude snrpri«:iiE

"> »"

sbortly aff r

t'l o'cloi-k tv.-ilnt-siay niEld extintfuish.-d a

Maae In the film r.Nim of I.oew's Vlrtoria. on

West IJTfh street.

The vauderille iH-rfurinaui-e was going on at

to tb* agent# who have lu-en dealing with tlo-m **'' time. .\n employee uotif od Ibe polioe of

for many years. ilraduiilly the offerlnes siiti- ' ·' I'lare. I'iremen iniifiui-d the flames to

alttrd are looked over by the manager#, who

ji-ik and

until un'T flu- linger ai-t- are

aelet'trd. while the pri.-e oiTi-red il.ffers lllt'o

tram that formerly pad to the >mtll-tlme

nagiea and two a.-t..

Th:# ia result.n* in making if harder for

fl.ui rm>iu. Tiie damage was small. J i-t
-w th.- fire starii-d i- not known,
N* wr York. June ;ai--.\ltri-d Adler,

the ai-t# ari-ti»li-imeil to working the#.- houses, agent, ba# book'-.l nl.tinpia Itesvall and Company

e.peelally « nee the aiimnii-r i>rings the usual lU'd llart.r st- ddard and Knud to apiiear in

laflin of big time arts not utuiv.- w..rkiiig a ·l.·rIllauy in gt winter. The »anie booki-r has ar-

I.KXVIS riuTTO have


tealui-d together, dolug a comedy act

Edith James

fr.tii the i>i-a of

ANDY IHt'K. JtiK VEUDI w formerly with

Cl.AltK an.l VKUI'I. . . . l.AlinY STuI TIi.V-

BKKti. trli k l.illianiist. o|M-i,>-d ".-. k at

Newburg, X. Y.. in an a.-t In wlii. h lo-^ ia

assisted t.y ills wife. M.XY .VL.XMKD.V

HKiiiml!. I'anadian pniiia tloiiiia. . . . THK

Df rt>lt BHXS I'lii-u-il at the llivi.-ra. I oni|.>n, thi# Week, ha'ing Miil.-d from Ne'v York June

l-t. Tln-y will nio'e lo .Xiistralia .:(li-r a f<-'v

Weeks in England to play an i-ngag. lui-nt th.-re.


announce that they will sail from thi# country

in July for a trip aroiind the world, p-tuming

here iu the fall to resume work on the K.-ith

I in nit . .


eiiuilihr'sts. are next mouth for .Xn.s-

tralia. wliere they will appear in vaude'illc*

during the kiimmer. returning to the Keith

Cln uit next Septi-mls-r.

. . J.XMES and

EDITH J.V.'IES n-liiLueil to vaildi-rille last week

in an act wlii.-li ll.ev call ··MU'ical Surprise"

frw- .mail time dates diirli g the Imt iii-'nlh#. t>i-veral agent# who iM-iii.e i-iinditions will
grow- sti-ad'ly wor»e a# ti e summer pnigri"#e# say they feel llie differeiiiT In tl.eir Ini' m #* rlg'.t Bi'ty. Ne'er iH.fori*. tlii.y #ay. did tlie.y Iter flr. l .0 mil'h time to llo mse 'i '. s. iiie of

raiig.-d a lo loiiie for L -ms Il.irt pi.ysu-al luiture i-xponnl. to o|H-n in Miiiiirh Jan.uiry 1.
.V.lier i« n. gotiat ng Uermaii lHM.k::--g' f .r Yvette and Iliml. Yielte play, d in tierman.v last year, w-Itli 1 er twn ts.ys. and #i-ori.d a 1* g f.irow ing. .Xnoiher .V.ll. r b....king to open July

after having been usbent from tin' iHatrds f..r M-ven moiiths. They are iTi-aking in at the pres.-ut tune an.! will bi* seen shortly in Hr.iadw ly Kieth lions, s. . . . Vk.xNK EAKMM and Band came into New York after having finished a tour of th- Orplteiiiu Time and

them tieing unubie to Itnd en.iug' w..rk to k. .-i* thim busy at their riaiieetlve ofllrea. One In
liartli-nlar ·aid he did not r. aliie bow niiii-ii t:me hr had on I. < linml' tinlll a neighlHtr ng iB-Mle piihibher on hi' rather fre-
UMent vis Is to rehearse and hear act# In the
fiiano rooms.



npT*!Bod, Juni* J®.--Tb** \V*whlniftoti Th»Hti*r

Clrm t. *tf Mlil*'h Af. n. ll*»r*»H!lz ]»r****ld* nt.

h«* clowi't! n* gittlitfi'tn** f**r **«v*-rail u**w

th*jitr^w. ('<in*'tru«'t)<in of n Ikmi*#** **n th«* *»ut-

"klftw (,f

city h;i^ I**-* 11


i;.<at*T will ha^t· n

rapn* it^ *if 1 inmi


t f r* a4l> f«'r iM"»m`au« y 1*^ N«»vv*o*iii»itMo r 1.

Mr It.r*'«,ia lui*' al*#** purtbH'**tl ttlhi*.' lull-*

T:,»T. v\ 1 oh will l*r ri'hiillt. It !*< hli*-*

In <

I'alN. n**ar ri**vflaiid1 hK. *a

ty *'f

aii«l will l»** r* iio»»l* t* *!

f"r t].* ;>ri w* nt.itlxn of \VaBu*uld*ivv!!'!`*l.* mid uiioo*it»ioon pit t it-w ;»u,. to the' li:!l Iin punn»nii»H*TT l*U'*ln*`a'*

ti*` I ill' Til* uti r wWiilll nuot r***'o*t»Vtv((``n until

Auk tut 15.


'·» Y 'lk Jnni- Js. ----ll..lna .Miarliaio It 'Vlll 'i I' n .-...n on the vai di-villi. stage In ·

1 at ti e Winter i.aul. ii. f.eriin i' Klki-r, Bentley .ind Company, a miitiral act.


tT...'innddooii. June

tsi» . Caido to The B.ll-

Ibi..'.irdi.--Trihie Jo.dint IP*rroottei..ttlio..n Comniitlie.e held

Its Uiial nii-etliig June -JT and dt"id»ed. Its wir.- .#

MMtl it xtTtami.v (lid


wi.rW. I'ut thf lircjik i-am** wh> n the

.«th»n *'f l*`ur:ne 'luna.iT". b.v virtu** of It'* u* w ···ii'i tut *tn. t.i, k»* nw iy .iii.I wut>M**

*pi* nflT !!»·· fi>riiiat on *>t a tr i*!#! ** of t'nt*T»

t.aiuinorit'* I'*tb''tl rfiin> l] dinl ih** fiiflit

t^**' Ait.r^' A.;.it:.iu .lud tin* \ .ii:.»y Arti-IfN*

I'*-I* .ii ..>n tii.ol** »v-oi**ration iiii|*.M#mftlt*. Fh.* V »'d ··i't i.#.t the Joint iTotevt.ou C*»uim.tti**


Tt»ik, Jt.tu* Jl. --1 ilili** Thirliu*:, iMHikitu;

f fcr th** K**ith ( .miit, I* ft W»dnfwtlay


Ih-tn^aria f*'r hi^ ntnr.ul trip

a?r*»;iil. IT* Mill

*»'*r th«* ft»r* i;:n ·*!i*»u marl


on **«*iu»` of th** a* !** tni w *iu h fho

I'l ifii t'lr. uir 1# Ids opt;.Ills for appi-aratn-.-s

lire next sia'oii. exi*i-|s to r'tarn

mmie lime in .Vugiist.

oiH-m-d to play some Eastern dales at the Fifth Avenue Theater last Week.

Sl'.XDEIlO. Italian eomedian. is coming to

this country In tlm f.ill for a tour of tlie

Ecdth Time. He will p'.ay hi# first eugage-

meot here iu .Newark N. .1 till, "i.-k of

November 10. Tin- li.-okd g was arraiig..! thru


. . kINH and

BF.X I'TY will finish a fifty-t'v.» week tour

on the Keith Time n.-xt m-.irh. and will turn

a'..und and go out .sg.-iin for forty-eight week#

more over the '.tin.- i- r.-it-t. it is annonn-ed.

. . . ABUXIIXM BKINN. N. w York pr.-#

r. present.ilive of the l)r;.henni (' r.-tiit, rettinn-d

to It ' d'-'k Monday after j week's vaeation

BKINN is taking xa ation a wci k at a

t me. . . . TED XVKSTM XX. JB.. has l.ecn

locked to o|K II on the Hipheiim Time for a

four Weeks* cngagcnii iit I'-g July tt at

M.lwaiikcc. XV.s . n the MiXVls and GOBDON

skuh. `.So Th.s Is Di'.ire*. l.y DEBT

KHBINSON. WK'TM \N i, sni'poitc.l by hi#

sisl.-r, CKVen XVli<l'M.\N liKKrt llE.N ,>xih:b-

MXN an.l XVIII.IAM \\ X'llBl KN. . . .

I'KaNK XVttKIII and t'.impany arc to o,en

for -.-'eral w.-. as* ciigag. inent on Keith rime

.XI rantoii July 7. XVttUTIl and bi# comi>auy

do a (loucdy uuvelty pantomime act. . , .

-m .1.1 plai'il. -.\t M l·nlgl.l" In » li . h #be

' ll '*· siip|».ried lit Idwin Stanley and an"il.T, -| 1.,. ,, t ,,,.nj iiilo t. lo arsal this week iin.l. r r diri .tioii of llowuid lind-i-.' , "lio '"·`"i.I Miss .Xharhaiieir. 'ehl. h- W 111 lid-


The I*.\B PHIiiiN" slNiiEB.s'. four singer# and
a J. .anist. f.-aiutiiig gr.tud oje-ra number#, .iin-n. d at Hartford, ('.mo., for a tour of i;.- Tol- Tiine.I.XMEs lEnNAKD. of ir.nNxUD ari.t XVIIirNEX, re..-nlly motored lo Haiiforil witli liis family to attend the r.-iiiii'-n of the old .Siiiitii .s', h.'ol gang. . . . JOE VIIiKBXs. of VlEBlt.X#* H.XW.VIIAXS. inf.-s that Hoy have Just closed a successful season ,of Independent dates and have opened with the B.-.Ipatli Seven-Day Chautauqua. . . . BE'sIE LaMi'NDE advise# that she and her three t>oy# elosi-d in New- York, ow-ing to the d.-.itli of her aunt. .MISS IgiMONDE i# sole 11. ir *0 her aunt's estate . Netv I.ondoii. Conn., an.l 'vill make .her future home in that city. . . . CLIFb'OKD HYLAND, of IlYLAxii. i.KXN'r and HYI..XNn, advise# that the trio i' lip a six month#' four of Fantage# Time and Hie larger picture houses in California, and plans to motor home to CoHinsvile. Ok., th" latter part of JiiI.t. . . . HXBRY KAVMiiNltE, who was in Shtiliert units with JIM.MV HI SSET nnj JOHNNY DOiiLEY. and the pa-t >1 a-on with OLYN L.XNDICK. i« at the H'-neral Hospital, Baltimore. Md-. reenveraig from a major operation of the spine, and expect# to he able to resume work 'vitb the start of the new si-a'on, . . . rKiiKESSOK M XB riNELI.I. esi-api- art.'te, annoiin.-es hi# reti-.rn to vaitdeville. ois-ning at the L'nited Theater, Anahe.m. Calif. . . . II.XKBY TOZEK will tail July .V from New- York for a viait t'l his old h'lme at I'lymouth. England. . . . Keith vaude'ille began it# eti'toiuary summer run in Atlantic City at the Globe Theater June 23. George M. X oiiiig i# again bouse inauagi-r. . . . Broitor'# Tlicater. Troy, X. Y'., no'v playing valid'-'illc, w II inaiigiiruie it# summer stov-k imliey July 7. . . . M. ZANZrX'.V. pianist, wlm ha# b»-en playing the Keitli Cireuit. n-ceutly gave .several recital# i* Ogili-nshiirg. X. Y . where he will return late n tile summer to pii" |iart of his vacation.
The cornersi.iiie of the E. F. -Xlbee ili.Miiitory at St. t^ieplien's College, .Xnuandaleon Hudson, X. Y., was laid recently during Hie graduation exercise#. The dormitory is the g.ft of the head of the Keith X'audeville Circuit. . . . The Empire, Glen- Falls, X. V., baa reduced Hie niimiier of it# vandevile acts fnira fire to iliree Isitli half# of the week. . . . W.XLTER C KELLY, ··The Virginia Judge'; BOBBY X\ \ rSHN, comedy and 'auil'-ville afar; XIK and MK.s. CHABLdi;? HlUdl and M.XBJOBIE l.AXE have teiurued to New York a'ler a fortnight at Lake ITacid.
PHOTO? riiiiligiiiss FinUh. best gtadt. Mall ns any sirs plioti grapli and we make you Post Card# in lots of liiu of oue picture. $J: kXO. (8.2S; 500. $IJ; LOtai. $17.50, and ship to you oti rsixlpt of pric*. LARUEK H/cs, 3x7, Silo and Hil*. viiuslly as cheap. A-s (or prir* list.
LOCAL VIEW CARDS MADE TO ORDER Large slocks cf Pieiure Pi>#tisrds. Utads, Childr-t , etc.. fi>r all iccisi,
Rifht sa Tiaies Sauara.


·I'.I I k. It Is I'Xis'ett d till- olti-ring

'til Is r. olj lo open the latter part of next



" ti'iK, Jiiiii i'.ii - Itii liinneit opens '"'i s'I il the Hamilton in ·'S.iti. e for the
1 "111 a. I pla-il l liy \rl tie I iido'let '111. Il I . «IS ,x ha'e prodii.-i d In lieiih. i. , ... ate Mar,' Hallida>, D. iiiils ·iurtiey and Isnils Allirrni. Howard l.lnd'ey,
writing for the la-wl# .% fJordon linn, '··k'l-il .m.l directed the act.






********"" Tii'm `.·ii.wim'"# < r i-r tc'-i. 


lY-'-uU 111 any iluUmirt.'iui.t.

FRi:r C0\SiLT4TI0\

Suite 200,190 N. State SL, CHICAGO



 I I ^

I_ I M

nij I U


Wtitten to oivler. Ternu tauMnable (KataMisbed.)

loop- te/tP millcreate tAe rnjfit impression ifyoouse

Xlie Billboard

JULY 5, 1924

Hotels Sign Few Remaining



Name Urchestras on Broadway \T





Wri-liintfl'ii. I>. <· . .liinr 3't. --Mf.'.r

__ _ . _ . .

SI'*!* to

fan*^ for .1 sul Ntitiito wunl for

· jaz-z *. Mr.

is of tiu opiniini tliat


Big Cafes Capable of Supporting Well-Known I loiijn'il I'vrr.T ' oilu r in>trumi iit in tlir

I .



I t ». 1 A Cm.

^combinations Are L»one--rlotel After


Pjgrg ^

NKW YORK. Junt- 30.--For the lirst tin..' in its liistory this city's White-

, , ,. . .




X M.



. ...

Light District IS xvithout a hrst-rat.- .'.f.' or cal.aivt scatin.c 3n0 or moie.

runninK on a paying Ir.sis an.I a well-known name orchestra.

am! tliat ilaticf imisli' ik far
r.ti.ov..i fr.m n.ut

TIh h' ari- im r> 'tri< tioii' !t> tin' coiitol

. x.fjitiiiK llial tin-

nr iiatii.'S bubmitu-a

by on*' pfr'»on b*' limit**! to ti'f .itol b** in

tl:o bands *'f t ilhor ItHal ra<li** stHtion^ or

'''·`·^`'^atinn b.'f..r^


iiwanl will bo ma»b' >*pt*'mbor 1. .\n\ xv*»r*i

rii-tiv.- of .lan.'o ran.!.' of t.alay

DRUMMERSGet Your Copy Now!
The New

This situation significantly comes

. _


--,x.'.utiv.'s. will win tlu- friz.'.


squawk '\o' m nlad'lV e 'to''.t';h',!e; ppnnillhlUihdlull"o',n', ell!

forcement bureau by tbe hot. 1 men s

association, that cafes and cabarets

w.·eerree giving them unfair competition

biecccaauusse they were s. lling liquor. The

fePw W rem maaiinniinng'' name orr..''hh..`'ssttrraas in

NJeew w Y Yoorrkk aarree'^nnoow w ccttinippllo.-yvoe.dl iinn hhootteellss


a.a.flfitteee.rr\.th ,1heeI.

d.1laannccee aanndd1 _

,,rrooooff--gg_aa_ rr.dl,ee,nn,

trraaddee ffoorr tthhee ssuum mm mtt ir..

The fli tter .'lass or.'h.'tras, liue to the dosing



FfOoRr IiNnDdEeFfIiNnIiTte E Rru Un NSs


N'-.wv ^Voorrkk. .Itunn.' -ID-- .--ottf ilhi.' -six·tiyx-toyd-ocdd

New York. .Tnnc -s'.--lia.Mi.onil K..t..D aifl

"r. li`"'·>'tfrr..lis aun.dl bbaamndl-,. in ft..' Me.'vyer Paris organi- jjis Symplionic rian.'f Or.'b.'stra, r. turning fr.>iii

I'alf ef th.'in ar.' iKH.k.d at
iiI.i.'.iiK..iIl'."i.'rM 'i.iui.'qrl"eees>p!··epi·i.e.'ri'r.iii.ovo-d.i'l,,. .>1-w Hb'l,1i;.ib1'.P.-s'll,li a".iIn."SsOd uunnr.pp'srr..i.r.''tees.dlieeiiiiffffo"i.'r'''dd^ u·i.i*iin" on'l. 'tra! history. Tt.l,.,e, territo..rryv rr.a'.u, ffrro.,m ,,

a tour of the K.'iih an.I tiri.ii.uiii tiiiie. «:il
colebrat.. their l.on,.von,ing by plnying a w.. k's engiB.'ni.'nt at the Kastman Tli.'.'iti'r, Uoch.'.i.'r. y. y. The ori'liestra has earn.'d the r.'pulatliui

i>;ir Harbor. M* .. ilown the Coast fu ^f b. ing one of the "world's fast.'st m.'lody

Send for a copy of the new en¬ larged edition of the most com¬ plete Drum catalog ever issued.
Shows many photos of America'* leadinj^ tympanists, drummers and orchestras usin^ Ludwig Drums and accessories.
Write Us Today.

of (ho Inrg.'r aid.' to pa.v tliiir salari." bei'ii for.'t'd to laki' roa.Ilioiise jobs for
the Minim.r. usually at less iiion.y; otli.r. doing ooiii'ert work on tour and s..ine have l..'i'n foreed to go barnstorming au.l play one-night

.\moi.g tl.e orihestras sit for an i...]. lii.iie run ar.-; llarKir Orobe'tra, jirivato
iiaag.'m. 'its. Swiitiii'.'.It. Ma's., New Ocean I.uis. : Kagle Mit... I'a., Kore-t Inn; rhila.feliliia. r.i'llixu.. Siratfor.l Hotel, Itoof Oarden;

New York. June 2S.--.\!.e I.yman. who-


dan.e stands.

Peal, N. J., I'l.i! Inn: .\tlintie City, Shelburne ordnstra Is

the n.itel .\slor U.M.f.

No l.l'tter conditions are eipected lure in; l.ymibr.iek, K. I.. Pavilion Itoyal; Olcn- .Nhihiting sevente.n tel..grams congratulating

the fall liy ord.estra men. who fail to see h.'W more than one or two cabarifs in th.' eity are going to !..' abb' to pay the old-time t..p salary to a l.ig or.'l.i'.fra. I' not nior.' tli.m a .(uarti'l of Idg «'om!>inati..ns at llu' will

vu.kI I.o.'.g.'; Prooklyn. Hotel Itessert. \t i;., iiiu..nd. Va.. Jefferson Hotel; Bluefield,
w". \ a., \V.-t Virginia H<.t. l; N. rfolk. Va.. vi.inti. i llo K.sjf Oard.'n; White Sulphur Springs, y., _ Creeiibri.'r H.'tel.

him on his New York opening, all from wi.'ll- 4^ known motion pi.'ture star.. Itefor.' eoming to  tliis city I.yman was at the .tmbassa.I .r l. ^
I ... Ang. les. where he was a favorite w .ih * the inevie pp«t..'.ppli,.', a numls'r of whom n.e'Ww ^


1l1i1,'. able to secure ballroom jobs on Pro'..ddwwaavr, .carrying with U a .oommppaarraattiiveiy worlliwhil.e. connttrraai.'t.

Kngag.meiits at t'xelusive tVashington hotels, .,n,l ,,th"r r. MTts include: N.'w Willar.l
H..t<'I itoof'ii; Powhatan It'sif flar.len:

pa''rDoiiiiiiizze his danc,e. mu'ic at ev.ry epiKniirrttuunnily. 4

A-1 Saxophone Player, Trom¬ bone Player, also exceptional

Whi're tbe Pennsylvania Hotel fortneil.x l;.'i.l a Iii'.ii.ipoly on the popular dame trad.' of i's kit..] du.. to the Vincent Lop.-z Hr. h. slra. su. h liost.'Ieri.'s as the Astor now lia\. the Al..'Kyiii.iii HHhaum*!l aitt tthhee rrooooff cg..iirn'lloenn dfl(e·^sii*g:^n«,Mdl ttoo aattttrram. tl till' ilining-dan.'lng patronage. Tlu'
llot.'l is endeavoring to niak.' its Crystal U'eni go t.y the aequisition of the Itog. r Wolfe Kahn


.two bau.!.'i: Congressional

Country Club, t ..liuiibia Country Club. Steamer

('' John. Colonial l'.·'a.'h. Marshall Hail, Manor

<1 di. T wn an.I c..uiitry Club. Montgomery Club,

Li-*'·'' House. II! Hotel ami Chevy Chase < ..luunnttrryy 11 lluubb..
'^ .'\viillllei' .I'ligagenii'Uts f..r th«* Le Para.lis Hr..'Iliestrr:a. in.'Jti.le KI'i.'itlhi's Maryland. Italtimore.',.

N.'W Y>o''rrkk.. JJiumn..'' -s.-- --1KrraaDn..''i.ssccoo <Coollaassaannltoo's» I'aiul and Me al Mileists. numb, ring f. rty ..i... I" "pie. left here Sniular morning to play at
`.."idse Pr..xmdal Kxie.s.ti..B Jun.' L'l 1.. P.'t. Tlu'v are aPo as f.tlb'Ws; I*.million Park. Montri'.'il. July 1 to til; .Vudltoriuni. O ftttttawa, July ttt.'. '.'J ifn.l til; Hatilaii's Point

Jazz Piano Player
l<·^ ht'.'iillim' Vtiuilovillo Act. S;ix.>phi)iio Fl;iy*r tloubling on t.tlu r instruiui ni.s gels preferciu'c. Wi'ito or wire,

Or. Iit'stra. unil.r direction of .\rtliiir I.ange. Kriiie Ju'y .-It*. 1111.1 K ith's Chestnut Street, Phila- lark, Toronto, July J.., for three w.'eks.

141 W. 48th St., New York City.

tiold.'ii's Or.'Iu'stra is i;istall.'.l al tin.* M.-.Mpia d. li.hia, w.-.k .Kly 14.

Hot.'l roof. Oth. r hotels, in, I.uling the W.,1-


..p., pnAi/s is, , vr s, n n M^L CRAIG IN LYNNBROOK

rdtoorrf-.-.Vstoria roof, narr*.' using g.>.Ml miui'iec. the

Waldorf I'ombinations suppli.-d by Jo-»i.h Kn.'i'lit. When Hthie new lltt........''..''V veellll Hotel opens shortly the P. n Pernie Or.'lu'slra, also of tht>

s.iown.ansiiip tipe, will b.* there un.l.'r .'..iitr.i.'t,




· ,

.hi Igti. nnIiSsi. ngevt.ioderne.'talizthealtl.atl.hea

hotel men W' l,,l-k, ii'.wn

ar.' just . r'h. .-t.ra





can be mad.' an as'.t to 11..' pr'-mis' s. w.-ll

**a''i* ° *'

wwoorrtthh ff..M '.iu.urri.iuigg. H aavveerraaggee bbiigc lleett..II iinn

NAoew Y1 *e*rrkk ussuii:.iinl%ly' nr* frr:aiiinn*edtl fi.'.u fi*ia';ituntriinimg anyv si.ngell,er otTrLg'aanniizzaaltip' n ab. .iv.' AHfli,»i.*' .lae .il*.'-l!. its..;wf, .al*e'ai*-.

iinngg oonn tthhee ,p,rr.oippo.,ssiif.iio..i,i. ttlhiaatt iiff iitt iiss aatt ttlh.e.' .ho.t.e.l .i.t i1.s good, of^ I'ours... TM-l...' 11. t. "l. A. s.tor'a.

altiliul.' ."p.'.ially was sa. 1. i'l tiie past to

ex. .'llent ori hestras t!u.l play. .I tie r.', but w.r..

iiev.r lii ard of as iiuMi. I'y was i-.iu.



In the nieantim.', not only iir.' big or. ki'pt out of tl.e .'ity for tl..* sinii'I.* r*';.s.iii t , .t there ar.. no jobs f,,r lb. m. but an unuMially

rack'ians are without engag.'m.nts for the summer.

DKik thru the Hotel,ry in this issn-'. Just the kind of a hotel you want mav be Hated.


Vork, June 30.--Kogcr Wolfe Kahn, son
F'lhn. banker, is tempi'rarily for-
s.iking his (.r. lu'stsa aitixities, an.I sail.'.! " .la.'sihiy on ih' S. S. Itereiigaria for a thr. .>tiu.n'li trip to l.aghiml. oIran. e and^ S-ntlan.l.. Ituniiinc true to f..rm ho walked tip the gang-

plank witl. -i t.aiijo umler his arm. while his



. K.ii.ii «ir«

a, uiil

.. ... its ^

... . \o.Tk


`i> of Arthur


I'., f.ire sailing young s.iid, f..r a-

ti'..;; ' .Tazz luusi,' is an art wh.-n it is e..rr. .'tly

Iki' . d an.I ; an ii.tellig..|it arrang. ii.eut.

I .1.. not .are for Ih.' .b' that sjdit

tl..' lar.Inmi', but what I like in j.zz music is

tl..' 'traTig.' temp..--II..' lit. is :a! l"n"S that arc typi. al of this V''rn IVorld iilon*'.

. y,,. f,,,,,, r has oft. n le ard me play xvith my

or. ' , str.,. ami on om- .s-. asion publl.'ly .-on-

gratulai.'d me. 1 suppose he thinks it is a i.v an*l that I \vill aruw out «*f it.
^ ,B,"ut Jl.,r` my own part 1 think i'*t Is s.rious


New York. June 30.-- M.-l Cra.g ami on Iiestr.t have otu ned at the Castillian Car l. n'. l..inbrook, wht re they r. li. ve.I the Harold Spimlle/ Or.'hi'stra, wlil.'h has goni* into ri'hi'Or--al w'ith thl.e Howard vaudeville a..''t, op. Duiiinig si.K.n _a.. t.! wts'k. s'. rou.te ov. r t·b. e Os,,' rp. lh.ieum Time.
New York. June 33i0i..---TThhee Six Brown Brrootthheerr*. a..m.idi tllhi.e'ir saxo..p1.hone bund of thl.iirrttyr pniee.i''eea. oi.eii.'d yest,.r.Jay at the Strand, moll..n pi. tur.' lioiis*'. Tl.e band was met at the .l.-jKit by a <1. b gallon of w.'II-km wn or. b.-sira in n amt oth.'rs i'.|.ial1y prominent, including thejtri.'al and movie folk,

'fsv Clarence Williams

sS s'

Booking Agency,inc.






\sV iIZ«S\sis


« ii 1*47 Braadway, Roam 419.

New Yark.


Teh, Chickering 6ltJ.

C. A. MATSON. Minaiar.



V,,ru. June .lO.-Cr.'ator.'-s Band b,».ke.I at H-.mlnioii I'ark. .M.-nlr.-al, August 2

r tq,'.'


" ...

f-'liitiition. loront... August 23. .losing on the

;{o,h. Kolhawing that is the Umhest. r (N. V.)

KxtH.aition, S. ptemls r 1 to C.

Why tmubie to write etch publlihcr for


SKM) TH I S. We tupTly tvr'jihing printed In .Mufiie, ai.d lend It p'liald at

F*ubllshep'» F»rlecs

Sate time, lavo traible, aaee

Only one

order to write. Send to.Iay for free catiloc-


I»15« Broads .



N.'W York. June 30.--Zez Confr.y. onhestra leaibr ami ..'o'.nposir. left t.slay for*

Snare, Base and Collapsible N N..'w W' 1Vork, .Inn.' .'M.--Kraiik Canipi ami

xvln re 1..' will spend a va. iiCoii In his h'.me si.vvii nn--ppli.. i.'(. singing or. hestni have o].. i.e.l at



town as is his yi-arly ('iis' The Confr.y Jt,.' fM.Msl,e.''s. Asbury Park. N. J. He formerly

DOQQ nriime

or.'l..'stra. wl.i.-h I'la.v.d the Strand Theater l...lI,dl ff,,orrtth f..r sein.. time uf the Kltz. Cliih,


In rt* l;i''t wi'*k. will nut lay off but will

j coniini;*' to play .ngag'-imn''. the

. furnih' r ;tn*I

·* do Vi.'tor r.'''.,r.l'ng. I'or

"··k yn, and i.e.r'.' r. . .'nll.v at Hoffman'* n.,., .yrutn*. with Srenlc Pali.lM lleails and fladili»

...l1l1e....uUs-oI..,,kk.. U U II..

l....,.rlc Light.'.; I'a to 3-,.late Xjbptamei a ,1 M.-

j n* \t s* M -f»n ?.. f-F' '.. ".tra ill's U-.-n prumin. ritlv

OAI rMi/i*. M-r- fi.r- ., . n .s . . .

rlinluii. lUnd ami ('lir.aiiatb' T.'nii.iil. breuer brothers.

m' nti' n. il for op. at a I.'udlng New Y.jrk


C'abar.'t, now eir,s,.d.

. \,.«

V i'.,rkI. ,June

. P.nd.iy

... p,.,ld«in



775 Woodward Atrnue.

Brooklyn. N





violinist and pianist

hi!'* s''\* ii-l*lt`* »' Y' h.m .Tuiu* .'JO.--.Vnp lo Murainolu'^ *«

in iiliiyiiikT tnnMiMiti* uiMtluT (Man *imI Wlfr* Wi*nt v - I Ifiili^i rii'tiirr, j" ·

f-rriiL f:i;H'rlrnrr l m *.:! Miu -*


Ijif -.

Milam. Con'.rt Baml of twenty.four pi..a. plua a f. ni'nin.' --..loi-t, har >ign'd

St a .

M.iia',. '..'S play. r> ar.' niiu-.iiall,v

p.'pul;.r lei.'. W' he is haib il as a g.nuine out of the ordinary.


v". v..,,.... s,.,,,.... ,,,, N. w York. .lull.' 3.'. la. k .Shllkr. l ami HU

t'r.'h.--ttrraa ooff ll.'nn p p.. i,....-. aarr..'' aatt tthhee PPi.''H lliiaainui Ilbb anlthh


flit-y follow '.'I"<b*tniriiii)yy ..lli.tdi.inii-'i.i,iir.Ms *M,^liIt

..TT.o'll.iiiiiss.o.,n. ww-i.-initt tt<o» itlh.i. Uit'.ivn:s* KK.e-nntloonn KPuurriinnns,, A.\snhb.uirryy

lark, N. J.

Morbl,."'' "·



^ l Diir-Slep, and


.1 ^


WnCfB 1116 uOpiB I 31111$ UO UfOW

Wal'/. S.iiig Suhlltiie. 2rs' js-r C.qw. tbilcr ' '




'""i.lS'iX: r..a..

Ray Stillwell, whose symphonic slngir.g orchestra of eleven pieces opens at Now Euclid Gardens, Cleveland, July 12.

N.'W 5.,rk. Jun.. .1".--B.-n Mir.iff and Band,
f.'aturing Prank and Milt Prilton, will ...ntinue in v.ud.'U'.I.' for aii ln,l..f)nile p.-rlml iiiAti.a.l
of r. tninin.g to when the A. aA.,ii op* n'`. i Tl*! *' *l ir* ' l** M* tia w'i' ll F p|:iy "uOn '` Unkg'nHirg*. iinn*.'initt aatt ttbh(e». l ah..'. wW*'`e«e`kk *o*ff JJuullyy l2iH8,, aann*d! tthh*e*nn
tour th.. ( In ult. It will be und* r tbo diriotlou of Joo Hurtig, liowovcr.

N N*.'w'v ^Ylourkk.. -JIutinn*e* I3JO". -- II''rrnnlli.-- iCwoill.tllt.q-ni nanm*i! HIliida O Orreel.h*.sslifriAa,. nmi».ww lait tihl*e' IlIb...*-1e-1l M. Alpin Uib<me f. N pr.'p.irliig a m w 11. I in whlli h. will d,.ul le in vaiundi*.''x\llull*e'. 'Ii iti,*.-' ..*rr. 'i1.».--tra .h.-e.l a long tl*uniiir *uivvi»-r tiilnii*. K.-liltlhi C KIlrneuiiill w-vi ri.l w... k- agu.
'flie or, he-tra'a l-M.kitigM are In ami lll·.un.I New York, and It U Laid Ih it the Keith lH...k. r* an* cb'HirouH of bulbling up Ibo attraction t«»

YourVoii-e **iUcrrjte the ritfht impmvon if \-oiiiise
llllIvL. VrllM I |Y|I-I1I
take the place of the liOpez orelioRtra whi.'h b inen v.imb vllle, iliie to Its conlrart to ·>!''« in the forlli.-omlng edition of the "Greenwich Vlltagc K*»!1Ich*\


JULy 6, 1924

I n

a A" u



'i? "i'^~~~







. B

'^^**1% _

attfod to New York and other Eastern ter-


songwriter's representatlTC, is

contemplating a visit to England and the Con-

tlnent with a view toward placing some manu*

-crlpts for bis clients with foreign publishers,

He expects to go some t:me in July.

Sisters. "Adoration Waltz" has been re.- '·! .1 by nearly ail of the recording companies Ti..Victor record of this hit was mad>. by tieTroubadour Orchestra and is selling Lk*' "iiot cakes", ".tdoratlon Waltz" has a sweet, lilt ng charm that makes it easily sung, wl: stied or hummed and has a fascinatlrtn and real merit that makes it reiiiemis-red and want.d.

bs^ -·'^"l^g;^i7Mit;l|l|M«UirilIU|||U|HIIIiinlHilIlIUtUUIUUUIUIIBIUUUUUllUUII||I|I|I|I||I|I|I||IHIIIII{II|I|I|I|lII||IlliiiiJl"|»:in |||t||||||!||||||||||»^

-Dreary Weather", by Clay Boland and Frank

I i:i:iM..\.N» K Mingwriters, aud those having ...nniippaarraatttivveell.yv soft tbve rrtbhs while under coonn¬traa,-tt ii.n the staff of a large ptibll'ber., naatt¬-
urally have different points of view on various matters relating to the Indiistr.v. For this simple reason writers sre not alw.a's a congenial gathering when they ni. et ain! talk on pertinent 'iilije.-ts. T.> the staff writers who have hit 'lings riding, anyone wlili new Is ai'f to ly hailed as a r.olslifvik who Is out to harm tb.. publisher. Wlaii the Song Writers,
ino. had Its liaely meet.tigs a short time ag...
and thinking memb.T' got up an I s,yke of radical changes, s.-w-ral sot down as ·B lsheMks . to bi- rig.i'did as nothing le,s

certain that the publisher and writer will be
lieneflted It would probably result In spirited coni", titlon b*-tween the four or five big me- eonii>anie' n..w In existeme. and con
ddiittlloonnss oonn ''thiee wwhhoollee w woouulldd ttyy m moorree ssttaabblliizzeedr tthhaann nnooww IIft ww.o.nuM M hhaarrddllyy rreessuulltt iinn tthhee w w a^rrriiittieeiTrr aanni.ll umiaannauffaa'i--ttiiirir*errss ddo'.iinngg m muucchh bbuussiinnees'Ss ddiirreeeett.. bbeeceaaiuissee tthhee m miiddiiiiiim ni ooff tthhee ppuubblliisshheerr annn<dl hhii-ccaappiitt..aall wwoouubldl hhrr-. nneeeeidleedd ffoorr eexxppllooiittiinngg tthhee ssoonngg aanndd ccrreeaattiinngg aa ddeem maanndd.,
iMto .Iordan, general m maannaaggeerr ooff H Haarrm mss,, IInncc., wwho has 1b.e.-. I.I. pii.ikkiinng and most times pred ctiug
gfeld Follies'*

Winegar, has been voted the prize fox-trot of the season by the I'niversity of I'ennsylvania Clarke & Leslie Songs. Inc. is publishing the number which is already set'on the mechanics,
'Silent N' ght. Holy Night", sung the world over as a Christmas carol. Is 100 years old. aannnd u ic.e*m `mmmeommccrraattiioonn of tthh^e eevvpenott a m mooDnUu-ment is to be erected in the village of Oberndorf, near Salzburg, Austria, where the song was composed. I'nveiling of the monument will take place next Christmas Day.
The Her. Dr. Mohr, chaplain of the Obem4orf parish, wrote the words of the song, and
music was composed by a man named tiriiber. a teacher in the Oberndorf school.

MUSIC `Self-Instruction" Books The Better Kind

With these "llluitra'fcl" Bool-i ai.j ' c can le c-r to play nlihout takir.j le^a.'ns from a 'c '  e-. b.'in; an

ea^v meihod of scif-ircsirustion. no ,<iiu;:ir' l -ny on*

wlthmit any of muil - . ..cil,! le.r' '· play the Violin. Cello. J'rir.e Bsjt. Plc -civ. t ute. Clari¬

net, Comet. .\lto. T-o-a. Tes . r (1!.-,., or Tiei.'- Clef).

Slide Trombone (Ba-- or Tre''e fief). Vilve Th-otn bot.e (BasS cr Trei.;. Clet . 11. (I'.c-s or 'T-eble

t'lefi, Bb Bais (Ita'p r Tre le Clef). M


C.>ncert-Iloni. lir'-m. T ie \I,|. I lln. C.iii. it. Banjo,

Piano or Coiietrtina. These .-Se'l-Insrni.t^r.v aiirpasj

all other similar rjltloi.s In every rc-tect. Prien

$1.00 Each. Postpaid.

THE COLLINS CO.. Muiic Drpt..

197 Fulton Street.

Brooklyn. N. Y.

Bacon & Day '

than pi.i-on to the welfare of the p.iM sher and ple.a.sant relation' existing bhetwweeie-n bhiumn and the writer.
.Mtho not necessarily one of the "Bolshevlkl",
a writer who iby- consid. rnhle thinking on the constfuctlvc order has a pet Idea designed to get th* writer and publisher more money

I.,'tie ''.. bbyv (Hloennee HHuu-kk aanndd DDaavvee ssttaam m-per. jigs ttlbi-- w wiinnnneerr thi' sea-on. (itther songs
Iil,l, t,1h,e,, Hg|b|,,.ivwv celloosseellvv following the first song are by li.iek Ss;f,.a,,mfyr A Htihheii entitled
."-Bjj ^mliinnvy"", "·''!I DBeeilileeyve You", "Montmartre" and of My Heart'

from the mechanicals. .\t the early Song Writer meeting he was inokeil up to. feared and
shunned at the same time. True, he could talk louder and long.-r than any of tlem, but be knew XVheteof he s| He Was not taken too seriotisly lye.iiise man.v tlinug f he was laborirj: under a grievaiiee. fain "d or otherwise. siiplsis.-d to hav- Im-. n siistaii.e.l wh le a staff

-A'Kgeerr.. \Yeelllleenn &A BI ornstein, Inc., baa added
two n.-w" `o*nt.i's· to the catalog, one an Oriental Jfii*x-trot. cennftAitlleedd "BRiagdad", and a novelty num. tyr. "Yoi. Kn. w Me, .\Iabam". Jack Yellen. 'writer aanndd m meemmbtyerr of the concern, is back In Jt.h'*e*,, x.-w Y^eorrkk ooffffiiccee after an extended trip to It i*f' f*alo.

writer under a 'ong-ti rm « ontr:i. t to a piihlisler. wh' se I rofessiotial d'-partmi nt manager

H Haarrrryy Waarrrreenr Iiss leaving Clarke A Leslie

l . I.I h.m .lown. This writer knows h ' husirrKH, and hin a !*r**'*'i>l k^vI*- of on." or more having -..Id ir*" the mill on mark. and he is consistent wi'l ,eng« that s-h f.-m above the average. I'os .,,f s dvrianiopersonality, the courage of his ronvi. t ..n--. t'-I

"* J"*"

''aT o* Sr.apiro.

It. rnsi. in .V C^ o .\ under a year ^ontra.'f. begin¬

ning July 7. W Maarrrr.. nn has to hi« .-red t among oth. r ssoonnggss ^.·||{{ --oe ooff the Rio Crsnde". ' H'.me

in I'asnd. na · aanndd "SS--.' Th s I« Ven ce". all o'

clever darre t'ln

b. ing of W. stern or g.n. he Is not r. gard.'.| hy most puhblish.errss as an cea-.v one to deal with. protb.a'.'y ly. jiise he 1- Impaaitii.e-nt vv:th tlliyellr rmnett!l.o.I!s- am !nnddeepp<...nm<l. rt to s-.'mm*e. ext. nt

"" -''I'bo mils - m. n .xn »l«'av. on ti e a'e-- to *''' .' ver n* "w t.alent they -an d. veiep m-e . .. ssii»'tt. nt writ. -s, re. w'veonmers have h-en unus ial'y

I.egsiati.n that resulted n the pubi-h. r get-

"f "lore One ex-

ting a flat ro.valfy of two .en's .a s..rg for veptlon may be made in Frank Bann ster. who

phonograph p-.-ords w^s made at .a t m"

recently signed as staff vrriter by the

when the music men w. re wc.ik and the Ucar-t Music TuM sher- I t.l B.un.s;. -. -.v 

meehanlckl forces strong The pr. s.-nt C-py- **

a cumer, arrived in New York

right .\ct of IPOp makes it r.. . ssary for t' .. "bout a year ago from abr.vad, vv. re h* hu.l

publisher to let all meciiani. al companies r.-- ' I his fong regardless of their flnan.'ial stand ng or whether they later come thru w-ith a state ment to the puMIsher. If p. rmi'slon is given

"iaging revues. He sudden'v got the writing bug and de*. rmined to keep at it until he t imed out .some-
fhlng good. After two months of trying he

to one cone, rn to make a song or the publisher

among other senes "S.a.v It \\ ;th a

himself ree rd. the number, t' en any other »*hule!e". which was a hit number in "Arfs*s

mechanical c -mnny l.i' the privilege of re- J"'

followed it with "Forget .le

cord ng it hy serving the prccp«.r notice, accord ng to the law It is wellt known that dnreiicv of small reeorcl companies thrnont the

(Means Rememher Me! and then "BringHorae the Paeon ·. 'w^'r'i't't-n tIn colnlanboration
I-'*''' Colwell and V an and S.- - nek All

coiirtrv m.ike anv song, thev wish, gvitping the r.ihI:sV..r on his royalties, .and tl,. re la rea'Ir no w waayr msaVke them p»a,s.v lxo'nrr thoe pniiM h'ilss'er to privilege any partic-ular recording concern to make a .nng. or arrange anv other con.-e" ons

''I'-1 I®-' P'''' ehanieally. for they have a certain qnality that m "caiikse-s- fi.onf .p.x..e.i..vIlupnct .d.nacnic. o m .c,aaf. -.r.icail. In the tn. ant me ne a so vr.ote pan .r tne score tor » »>'e vaudevlMe produetinn st.ig-d hv Ge-go

not enJoy,.,| by other tirms. ,s a l.i.sls on whic h

'* "'''rking on a musiral comedv


s_ bring



ground. s of rp' of trade. score



iT rroo^dcuioeprcdt



Numerous hills favoring the publisher and

Bannist. r does not r-ad a single note, yet

writer may (av"ih'.v ho introduced In Congress such authorities s« Pete Wendling deelare he

in future sessions T'ltlmatety there will have has a perfec-t ear for mii«o- t'snatlv a com-

to 1-1 one prov ding for more mon.v from the PPser-Pian .1 who does not read either

Phonograpb rmords. which the manufacturers

in most eaves e,n well afford to pay without



add ng it on to the general public

TV,, . .


The p. 1 plan of the writer wo m.'ntloni-d


,, p,,ss.i,tr for a writer or

f- strong on harmony or r-vl' m Banni'le- has

he nd sfrange-t of all


wangRAa hi* f*"*'''''

iifttTf alcn hv i>mr ·'*"




PHMi'hing ooncern may come

mike .an exclt.sivo .nratravt with

one or ,«,, b.g meohi.n1.,l oomp.anlo- for tho

pr Vil.go of reoording o rtain s-mgs. Even tho

t'. IW.. . ei,t rov.aItv ba s 1 .oniinii d in

for. e thU plan, bo points out. will r.' in a

larger s.ilo .,f r-eord- bv a s..iir, r known to be rol;;,blo and whioh will amount for the .ales

i"*" ·'Xlstenoe shortly, with Frank Marvin, hand
«ann<dl. orpe.bhesfra m, .aannd Frr..viiri.k Masginoe. Cbbiioog.ggo writer, a« <oo-pPa'rrtn.". 'rvs B..'th bhavv.e- a largo foo'' lowing and W tu'lBleevvoe they oould put over a song or two 'f 't '. 'v vv.nt into hii'ino'S for thornsolves. In tlio event that they do Mag no will
«»>«' crumn the CChhiiccaaggoo m enidl ooff tthhoe bbuussiinneessss aanndd M Maarrvviinn

In full. AKlI thn r**<'Or<N

I**- Ih'M Itni'k

until th«' propt-r nm^Mint of oxplottmc |l:l« hton

Company (Chicago! ''* apparently In demand by the better
circuits. Among those are Irene Trevetfe. Frank Devoe ami Billy Beard singing "Ray in His Little Chevrolet": The Dancing Hnmphres, Chappelle and Stennett and June Morten Using -Spain", which is also the feature otiuiber of the new revue at the Bainbo Gardens in Chicago.
The Lee lee Music Company, of SistersTllle, W. Va., is laying the groundwork for an ex¬ tensive campaign in the interest of its xvaitz song, ··Blenn.irhassett's Melody of Love", which continues to s'.iovv up strong wherever exploited. Not only arc the publishers getting a radio and orchestra plug, l.ut it is also sung in ebautauqua in variou- states.
More numerous than ever are the election songs this y. ar. Most every presidential possibilitv has at least two songs written for him by lorn, btafe talent. .41 Smith and Mc.V.Ioo espc-iary seem to be favored .4t lea't *s by a wweellll--kknnoowwnn w wrriitteerr,. AAnnootthheetr is hy a ccoonnggr'eessssm maann., bbuutt wwee w woonn''tt qquueeeerr hbiim t . Tlie iI,t|-.yveeaarr--e.'''dd ddaauugghhtteerr ooff aa NNeeww YYoorrkk CCiitty offirial is ccrreeddiitteedd wvxh-ltthh ..1a ccaam mppaaiiggnn ddiittttyy,. Senator cC-,.''aa«sss ooff V Viirrggiinniiaa iiss aannootthheerr wwhhoo hhaadd a song w wrriitttteenn ffoorr hhiim m bbyy aa nnaattiivvee aarmaaatteur of RRiicchhm meonndd-. HGoovveerrnnoorr AA1l ..ssimi'h \. w Yy ..*k is pprroobbaabbllyy m moorree lluucckkyy tt!han the ,,otthhcerrms iinn hhmavr-iinngn bive..eon» linkod successfu'ly w t'l "Side Walks of New York", which had much to do with his former elections and which seems to do more toward creating a harmonious, spon¬ taneous atmosphere for his benefit than anything ever dpvis.'d for a candidate. Nothing Fke a popular song to get a crowd, especially when
old-time tune that they want to sing made to Tisualize someone oi
associate hhiim m iinn tthhee ggiinnggeerr''ss m miinndd hhee iindeed fortunate.
T mmy Monacok.ahn.d.* C-- liftf-i-Fkriend hvav,e__ wiri.tten

f', '

pothrart of x^rne" ' ^


' sst Sweetheart of Mine .

Frnlo Golden, orc-hestra leader at the MeMp'n Hotel Roof, New York, and Phil Pon«'c.

v..M|sher. have ooHaborated on serertil hot

numbera jheduled for earlv release h, I hil
1 once Puhlteatinns. ' '   -

"Adoration Waltz", muaic by F. Maeine. eom

. . v,

«. i j ··

».»· t. j w

of Dreamv Mrlt^.v . published by tbo

.7 W .Tonkins So^ Music Company, of Kansas ..'.ftyo^ i,ss ssaaiidd ttoo hhoo ccrroeaattiinugg aa ffuurroorree w whheerreevveerr hheeaarrdd aanndd iiss rraappiiddllyy Iinnm rr.aaM'inoge iinn ppoopp-..i!laarri.t-vv

It is being used as the melody or m rausliec theme

for love s.on.' in m maannyy m moottiioonn ppliocttuurroess aanndd iiss a feature on t' o John Thiilp Soi.iksg .kprograms, IItt llaa aallssoo tthhoo ffaavvoorriittee nnuum mbbeerr w wiitthh tthhee D D--nnnniiaa

Neu> Catalog--Just Out

By N'o'o or Eir. Wl-Jj or without music, .bhort Covirso

Adult be;ir.ners taught ty mall No teaehara rouulred.«tri Xioti Course for Advanced Pianists. Learn

«7 ttyles of Bass. 190 Sjnsoipated t»ecfs. Blue lUr-

rOeny. Oriental, Chime. M vie and Cafe Jazz. '^Ick

lY.dlnss. Clever Breaks,

lUlers. .s-'ax Sluro.

Trip e Bass XVI ked Hannc ry. Blue Obligato, and

247 other Subjects Including Ear Playing. 110 pagea

o' PEM. J.17Z. 29,0(10 words A postal brings our


258 Superba Theatre Bldg.. Laa Angetaa. Calif.

Pitreost bargrainB in Dninn and Trap*, direct from factory to you.
TVrite for Catalog F.
218-222 No. May St., CHICAGO. ILL.

PIANO. BAND. ORCHESTRA. Frem Irving Berlin's "International Rag" to Wm M-Kcnna's 1921 hit. "Floatin' Down the Mitslssippi ". I have been arranging hits.
WM. M. REDFIELD. 140 W. 34th St.. New York.



Ten can't go wreng with thi.s -ninvber. Mflodv ami

nrrangemer.' .y H!KRY .1. LlN'ioLV Tlie QuartiV'e

of the t'h.wu by U.VKIIY L. \I.I'v>KI>. Liiexvln saya:

"I luve male you a i>rr"v nielcly." .Aiford says:

"Vou have a g-oJ tour'

Y ii ad know then Itolh.

Hear f -s be Ka.Ii WtZ W.fY Published by

THE VILLAGE INN. Pine Village. Indiana.


ni..-. T..-.-.'

Upf llrP^niV Rl IP PVPC

||(;| |jl uClIllj UlUC L Y Ud



V vvaP.'.-ba'.lad that is Bird by every one. Plano and

V.'loe. hy mall. 1>*

Red Star Musk Co. (Not Inc.), Red Star. Ark.

M a.lrl on nickel rack, two-ootavc.s, Hiromari-. Ion nu-h. tin* cotiditlon. Pri-r. .simplfo wbh kcvbi'ar.i. Jl'siiVO M\V\GE:U Ml ILPHY OPKUA HOI'sE. lYont Royal. Virginia.

1.:.,How Hew Toc Write and Make a Success Pulbiitisltiing Music THAT WONDERFUL DAY

t«k« tin* « t-rirrin / itini.s, /..n i,s, ' ·*11 .1:.' to athl il* K

off tin* khIi'h for Ih** lure* r

uu,. h .-Mno,.! rnl..iis.dv · ..nar f

nuuh $ .mn..! rrUaso a

f *·»

|| Htr'hiifton oxiT .1 Iflrc.r ana

n I ^iiiti) Ih«* iL'Tii.iii'l in jrri'atrr

aihl xiif*. ,.(it fit nurr.-int prr^sinp.

AX horsi'k wwrr1itl*t.inn bhvr · s·uoe ruaseful tmnuiiMsic romtnproo'-frTr a*nrd ruhllspor and onopvrefTrw* iIn detail l)UUMst what the tammtI o"U'STcuv'rm.p-r-err di»lres fto knrmowr Inonltuidnmi lIIiMst of MuuMsic IP'oMnlicrrjsi. FH.wvt d and Orn-''hrm^tfr*a tUiosadd^errns.
Ko-s-'l wardd PI'uunnno KK 1I1I M Matanin'an -u"re*rsThThoe hbo«att Nbo·>lt» oof' IIMM Kk tt I1 oonn Ulhi»« mmaarrkkeett OOrnillyx $$11..0000.. ppow»tt-piii. Money bhack If bo-'k lUa niH t«aJ cr'ltilmadd-. ESVentidd tf'fr iini''i'r'tToTnnllt-l.m'n
THE UNION MUSIC COO-.a. Clineciianwnati, Olhiia.


v j- ka'*'** f^r tlii-. huuior-

vJ'.'P T'uh''  i hv le. i 1LVI»IT, KuieKa S.:: .s.

\rk tRrtaM pi-Uf, :»(K.\)

Cstablishfd. Composer l%5.



tlUH Wr-.t'T.



while* th«*

t *t .1 r....rl

in:M Imi. I*, m .in.und 2 ooo,. I

a'ltl iimro. Ihit^shiiy a niiltu*n urra ar- I

ft.r t*. tlio piileli^hi-r; pn.lulilv a liltl* I

"'*r mark.




I ^ Bfl Bl






C^aTirff-fiATCS ClAOi.v FruUw M^NiISISH MtEOO

CSSTTAAbRlLiISSHHEEDO «18877tb>_H retFfitpRiI nNcelt'ss. aAnNv V yS>-UuBriLIiSME«^_|


B'-att Touching BilUd, Scntimrrtal

35c ci'iy.

Band. 10c: On- i. .aivr. T' -m iivceihec, 51.CJ.


.l(<44 Federal Strett.

Chicago. III.


ll.irin Hit. :· g. T.i::i'>i.


1- . N-« M,i|iu.l »s: I." five siropllrity. .\ddrosv

<ii<i'iiKr.< Mi'sn XL .-1 111 t'l.. i i:. E. 2..,i ' . .s. .

X 'Ik I'liy

I'liil fhi* rxrtu'^iM* rifc:hl lt» re`*'or(l tin* won*? A

l.ig brill eniild o.i-tly have H.dd oIos,- liv tin'

 avo million niurk or iiioro


to the


In nliniim amoiinl of iHHtkkeopmg a-.1 . ki.g

'Ip on a Mo^'k of i*mall ih In lui;. i lirni'*

n.tiling m<ir). nor less tiinii parasiiis on tbo


a pllin. WhTteve? ibVo'ldciro^


. _i _ _

lu^B fl I



M l
fl B




_ ui. i_ M. him. 

/^k BA BA

T1 B


I I 'T D < . B B


l·^'r I'iiino. Ori'liosti'ii mu! I'^mil Uiulu'st otialitv arraiisoiiu'nts. Iliasviiiablc prices. lUiiHiit'ti.s «if .satistioil patrons. Write toiiay for priees.

HERMAN A. HUMMEL, 1441 West 85th Street.



Cleveland, Ohio.

Pn.fcssi.sul *i'n .·-ici jv.ilIjMc AI.ltEllT J. l'Ol'SlNE.\r. Box 5o6. XlitincaisjlU. Miu:.e»iaa.


4ti/fctrote tfv rit/htimprrss.^ if^ouufe


Ead ymir etrraapatidanc* ta advartlaeca ky latiitianlna Tba Blhbaard.


Jos(*phuie Royle, Ingenui'

of Her Way Out*'*,Fol¬

lows in Father*8 Foot¬

hrde-Comedy-Tragedy ZARCE ? A Department ofNEWS & OPINIONS^

Whi-n we first met JosepblDe Rojie she was takine an erealuf saunter with her dislingulsUed playwright father, ?;dwln Milton

Cmuiucted ^ GoRDON'WHYTE"

Hoyle, and her talented slater, Helena, re. memb«-red for her fine portrajal of SoWelg In

· Peer Gynt", produced by the Theater Guild.


Then we appraised little Mias Josephine as a lovely child, "Daddy's little flrl," noting,

Shuberts Float Bond Issue


too, that Daddy Royle Is looked upon as a knight, after whom two lucky men must some day pattern themselves.
The second time we saw Josephine Royle was

in ··The T.vranf, pre.ented at the Cherry

I.,ane Playhouse by Inter-Theater Arts, play¬

First Time "Legitimate" Hzis Interested Wall

ing the role of a queen. Her mien was regal, there was finesse and subtlety In her gestnre


and vlhrant richness in her voice. ".1 prodigy," we reasoned, "the result of heredity" Her

mother was formerly Selena Fetter, one of

New York, June 28.--Following the lead of the moticn pictures and vaudeville in financing their operation* thru stoi'k .and bond Issues, the Shubert Theater Corporation eompleted ar-
rangements this week for a $4,000,000 bond lasue thru Seligman & Company, to be followed latei by an Ihsue of stock.
The new mone.v which will come in thru the sale of the bonds will be us<'d to retire $1,800,000 of outstanding Income debenture liond! and to provide addit oual working capi-
taL While other amusement · enterprises have
sold stock to the public, this operation Is unique in floating a b<.iud issue and it is also the first time a brsnch of the "legitimate" has offered Us securities for sale to the Investing
public. The stock, which will be of no par value,
will he floated after the bonds arc disposed of. Holders of the bonds will be entitled to liuy them at $o0 per share, at the rate of ten to each $1,000 bend, and a warrant to that effect will form part of the bond, .Altogether irdt.dOO shares of common stock will be 8*ued for public sale and 2r>0.noo d.ares will be held by I,ee and J. J Shubert. thus giving them I lie voting control of the corporation. They will remain as the active heads of the corpora-

thirty are lu New York City, and T>0 small "one-night" stands in the smaller tewn«. The first-clas* theaters ran si^at 130.0()0 pt-rsoiis. and box-office recv- pts run as high as Jl.itOO.OOO in a week.
The production end of t'.e business contr l.iili.s lo** thin one-third of ihe Shubert pr.ifits and lake* about oiie-fiflh of the total t me of the eiicuit Hrofit* from -ome of the most popular of re. out .''liubert pr -dncflou* were given in fl.e ci-e of ·`Hlossom Time" at
$700,000; "Hcnibo'', .<( (0.000. and ".Vrtists and
Models". .«10iM>o0. The business Is reasonahly
dable, accord ng to Sh'iln-rt. who stated that in g .od time* or bad times the orchestra patronage dill continues with little variationaltho there is an ebb and flow in tin balconv patronage in accordance with the turn of genoral business conditions. Mr. IShnbort also stated that J. .T. Sliuhcrt and h!ni«clf would cmfuiie with other executive* to devote their full time to the business, serving on the board of directors and hold'ng other office*. The bankers 31*0 will be represented on the board.
Coincidentally with the announcement cf the bond issue, f e Me**rs. Shubert 1-sncd a tenta¬ tive program of th-ir pluns for the coming season. .All of the -tais now p'aying for them w^'i continue a* iM-forc and th s list Is ex-

Daughter of Edwin Milton Royle and Selena Fetter Royle. playing the role of Tho Lucky One, the girl who escaped from the net of evil into which she was unwittingly srAred, in "Her Way Out", at the Gaiety Theater, New 'York. "Her Way Out" U
from the pen of Edwin Milton Royle.

the stage favorites of her day (which aeconnts for the fact that her daughters look inpon her former stage finery as a talisman, adapting parti of It to the'.r stage costumes). Her father needs no introduction.
The third time we saw Josephine Royle was on the opening night of her father's latest p'ay, "Her Way Out", at the Gaiety. Reatrlce Terry and Kdward Arnold being the featured player*. This time she was the Ingenue, in a small role that Is part of the big moment of the play. Seek ng her backstage, we found her s.-ated In her dressing room, gazing at a photograph of "The handsomest man In the World" .\s a photograph of the handsomest man In the world Is not to be sniffed at. we looked over her shoulder, withont waiting for an Invitation, and dl'corered--^f^leas who>-- the daddy knight!
"Js It true." we asked, "that yon are col* laborat ng your father on a plsyP*
"Ves. but in a very, very tmall way," ad¬ mitted Miss Josephine.
".\nd is It true that you write pa^-tryT* ``.\fter a fashion." confessed Miss Josephine. "What fashion?" we demanded. .Ind here Is the answa-r. which speaks toInmes for Itself in beauty of sentiment and 1nd'cates that she Is following In her literary


pocted to be added to before the season opens.

father's footsteps;

The Shubert Circuit consists of elghty-sIx A1 Jolsou will appear in a new extravaganza lio aters, leased, own- d or hooked thrnout the the early part of the season This will mark ···iinfry In first-class cities and some TiO Jolson's fourteenth year under the manage-

Messrs. Shubert are also bringing over from Lendon Harry Tate and bis entire EnglNb company.

Writhing as tho In agony. What Is this thing I see? .\ tree ?

1!.eaters In the one-night stand class Lee SliiilH'rt states that the booking of these houses form* the major part of the corporation'* hii*'iiess, (lie making of productions being respon*!hle for less than one-third of the firm's profits,
Earning figures of the Shubert T'leater Corporation, which is the largest of its kind in the

ment of the Messi-s. Bhubert. There is to he a new "Pa's'rg Show", series of 1D24 for the Winter Garden this summer. "The Pa«.slng Show of 1023", which toured all of last season, will play to the Coast. Willie and Eugene Howa-d will be seen In a new revue as yet unnamed

" 'Innocent Eyes', now at the Winter Gar¬ den. will be -ent on tour. There will be three ·Blossom Time' companies. 'Vogo* and Frolics of 1021', now at the Siinle rt Theater, is boeVed for a Chicago engagenieiit lu .'-·pl-mber. 'Sally, Irene and Mary', featur ng I'd lle
(Continued on paue i'll

If .you're endowed with memory. Has recollection thru the sieve of years Sllpp<d. and a veil of tears Cloitded that far-off time when yon were yunng .\nd from the tender earth had newly sprung. \ s.sppiing, slim, symmetrical and sleek? W'at storm and strife Twisted your life That you became so passionately bleak?

world, have been made public for the fir-t T-e statement continues: "While .Artists

What poison have yon driipk

time For fi*. al vears ending in each case on

June 30 the .-orporation r-ported net earnings

after depreciation and available for interest

on bonds and federal taxes as follow*; SI -

071107 in 10'^ $l.iss 472 In 1221. $202."33 in

10-22. $l,nr.(l'w2 in 1023, and. estimated, $2 -

247 182 in 1021. the md for the eight montiis ended last Februarv 'JO having heen $1,047,182.

and the companVs estimate for the remain-

Ing four month* to June 30 next $000 000.


.. . , ,


. *

The con^Ildated hn.ance sheet a" of 'ast


» sensational hit in Chicago, the

Messrs, Shubert are having written the second

"f fhe series which will be ready in .Angu*t.

»he first proiluet on of this name.

many of the sketches and Ideas will come from

recently staged hy the 111u«tra'ors-

Society. "`-''t neldelberg'. with mu*lc by Sigmund

Romberg and book hy D-rothy Donnellv. will

'>·* among the flr*t of the music plays along
(he lines of `Hlossom Time-. This will soon f,,vowed bv a play based on the life of

New York, June '28.--Mr*. Blanche Cliapinan who Is the mother of Helen Ford, late ef "Helen of Trey, N. \ ", ha* Joined tie- cast of "Love 'Em and Leave 'Fm". now in rehears.als. She w 11 play the motl er to Ger¬ trude Bryan, who p'ays the stellar r de .l.ffin V. A. Weaver's new comedy la book-d to op<-n next Monday In .A»bury Park and thenee proceed along the Jer*ey shoreline t oT. ng Branch.

That v'l have gr'>wn su gaunt and black of trunk?
What have y.ui done That you are now a thing That's only fit to *wtng .\ b'ood-si.sliied soul upon?
\ flock of iinlovi*)! thought*. Ir'rn of despair. Have settled In your ha'r .\nd shrill to us to follow If we dare
.\ holy praver breathiHj In your shrunk- n shads W"uhi shiver like a naked thing, afraid .\nd caper to the music of a spade That bites Into a `tone

February 20 "'`·''"J total assets of $14.IW.-

They will also produce The Life of

14i, Including . 1.'i.i.l 4 in cash. .. 4 . notes pf^p^hach*. with a musical arrangement by


t>r the bleached Nme I.ying where some old grave was made

receivable. $1,103,021 account* receivable, $303 -

Romberg. Franz I^-har's operetta.

Honlly and straight your fingers strain

873 productions. $0.-1.2t0 advance payments for production r!sht«. 1^10.1ar'1 «upplies, and $10,0.80 cash surrender value of I fe insurance policies, bringing total current a*se-s to $2,000,001, against tota' cu-r-nt liahil-
ities of $027.1.31. Other assets It.m* w-re invesfmenfs. $342.O.'.0; real estate and e.,n;[ment $10,011,043; building advances ami base security deiKisits applicable to future rent,
$332.0.30; moving picturt- and stock rights to own peoduetlons, trade names, good-will, etc., $1, and deferred charge*. $301,213. The Lah:lrie* listed showed. In addition to $027,131 as current Items, the following; Deferred credit*,


Paganini- will also he produced,

" `Tbe Dream Girl', the last work hv Victor Herbert, -tarring Fay Huinter and featuring Wal-er Woolf .and wltli book by H da -lohnson Young. 1* among the early offering-. -An"f'mr 's "V« Little Dutch GlrT. In which the Messrs. ShuWrt will present the Pngllsh --irtists. June and Ho.vston. Dorothy Donn.l'v ha* been commissioned to make a musical ver-Iou of Hedh Tarklngton « pl.iy. `>nventeen . There 1* al-o to lie a music H version of 'The Gharm S<liool', in wideli T.ynn Overman will ''c starred T:,!s Is being done by Fr-'d Thomp-

New A'oi'*. June 27.--Leon Gord"n. author of "White Cargo", cable* from London he InsI completed the script* of two new plays, which he hO|M-* to p-e-ent on Broadwav InI Ihe autumn. rhamte ilaln B-iwn. t'e dra¬ matic agent, has hei-n In-trncled hy t'e p'sywrlght to as*> mble * otr rompan'e* of "AA'hlte' Cargo'', bonked to four the rmintry from coast to roast.
I t

\s tho an un<iuenchi-d lust In constant pain t'ompelli'd tln-m up and held them taut. Too tense to even capture what they sought.
Sadiv the sun weeps down I'p-'n your plight, Kii-k with Its obvious Inadequate ability To ever fashion you Into a tree, You hunger for the night .\ti<l the cold light That the ·phemeral moon distills With which to drai>e Your shaggy shape In white.
Dankiv the wind curia ever In and out. Whistling and wh- ezing and whimper ng about Those fitld gout 'Welliil limbs of thiua

8133 100: real estate mortgage* and deferred ·`on and CLfford Gr-'y.

^ In bacchanalia serpi'Otlne. payments, .Al.lSO.Otti; flie new issue of ten-year seven per cent gold d. bentnre*. .*(.000.000, and capital stock and surplus r. pr s.-nt-'d by 130.000 outstanding shares presently to be Issued. $4,073,226.
Tiic i.rosppetus aecompan.xiiig th- Irriid offerlag state- that the Shubert business, whl<h 1* a consolidation of the $hubert Thea'r'.ai r.mpr.ny, Sam S. & Lee Shubert, Inc., the Shubert fonsolidafed Euterprlses, Ine., the Wint r Gard' li Company, Inc., and lesser afflllatie i*. eons sti'ig of ti.e proprietorship and hiri.;ii:g tlieaters and of the production and pre-eniation of theatrical attractions. .V clati-e -n eoufraets under whieli Si,ul«`rt fiieater* a.e b * to oiher p-odueers contains a stipulation wherei.y the Shubert Interest* receive a cut in Hie boxefflee revenues of such production* a d th" right Is retained liy the Shubert* to I an o-l ,nstantly any lease once the pr-rtliK-t on In it-i theater turns stagnant. Ttie Shube-t tueiking of theaters is the major portion of it* bu*iness; there are eighty.six flrst-cla*s t'enter*

"Tiie'on a- to tiic future of .Tame* I'. iriou was -.-f at ·-.-t br the aniioune.-meni

-'at a lo-w mii-Ual plav '- b.-lng wri'ten for

!,;iii. One

-he ear1!e-t musical piece- will

!.. `Ciis, fbe Hus', by .Tack I.ait, with Hrr-udel

Burt, "Ilaely in -'e fill T'.I'vard T.anrlllarcl w'll bring f.i Ve-.y Yerk liie enfre T.ondon company now aiqe ar iig in the nuglish revue .at M.e Little Tlieater. .\iiioug the idayers coining an- Jr '; H i'lieit. r elv i oiirtneblge, Alai Bacon and Tlioma* AV. gnelin. There la also to be a tow revue in one of fie New A'or'i S'l-t.ert I' e.iters -· g d b-.- .Albert de Pour\ hv From the fa-ino de I'aii- In f'e Frenel(ap'tal the Me--i*, S' ute ri are brlaiiing over an entire I'.ir sinii ; . m-. other mti- cal p'a' s --li d i ed for early piodin i on are 'T'le .Silvi-r Ii.ineer". fiom Vi iina; "c e H diioln C.iir `I'ipsI', bv Ibigel and Ho--i. w'tii tun* c bv T>r. I;, iiet-ki; 'Tlie Daio ing '(ask', w'th mu'-; ' hy Dr. Benelski; T'e Mo-I H-sut fit' of Women', hy I' and 'r. i'eh i* Naei.*',

r I
«· A'ork. June 27.--"Tlie .Amb.r FI.(id", .Ai'liiir J. Lamb's new plav, is announ<ei| to 111 1-11 in Chi. ago Sunday n gi f al the I'rinee * llicater. In the cai.f are Elaine (;)iol*nn, who play* the hading role: George Mactjnarrie. .Mm .sttokc*. Iralxdle Handolph, ILiriy innitan, Cliar!*'* l',.iuderer and Cliailc* Monnell.
\ w York. .1 :iic '27.--The v.irtoii* Murks of the late .A.iron Iluflm.iii will be iii.inaged by W.irrcn F. laiwrence, who ha* Ix-cn hiiig a-so<'iateil with the pl.iywrlglit. I.awrence is Htid to have aeveral new Huffman plays

.tnd yet we know W nter eventii.vlly must go. nia war car flees It. fore the arrowed sun. The trees Miraculously, one by one, lu myriad syllables of green, again I hant that old. ever new. refrain "Spr ngtinie nuil I, fe have blossomed out of

Horn lit .\von-by the 8ea. X. J.. aln.ut sev¬

enteen leiira ago, Josephine Hoyle made her

fyst appeiiriini e In an iimateur role, ns the

bhi.'k-fiieed riig doll, known as "Inkpot", in

"K fl of the Tii.ishop". Her next venture

was In her father's play, "The Hln of Clnde-



Ix-iii'flt i.erfornianee for the Htamfnrd Chil-

dri f's Ibiine.

Hhe was Iheu sent to the Sargent Dramatic S< I iHil .\fter h- r graduation she appean-d In the dramatlrntlon of "I.auncelot and Elaine", arranged by Edwin Milton Royle. After ap-

Id the Fnitcd States and Canada, of which which ran for an entire s. a*oii in Vienna. which will be relea"cd shortly for prodqrtltiD.

(Continued on page (M)

JULV 5, 1924

Tile Billboard

thp Juu'or i.Uy.TK .oiii.i d-. n*i- « nirr
U***r huvp triHfl out thr**** oIImt p'Jiy" f"' th*»



· I'lllil nhoM* nmiM-s. fur utivioii. riU'Oii'-, ruiiiior

\'. \v Yi,ik. Juno 27.--"Tho f.'Iaiu Uiguor",

Ilf K vt-n Oltlifru Ilf till- nri.Mii.z.'itiiin tlil« ji'iir wlmh wa- trifi.l o`iuiift !ini I.-".- .VVnnugffljl-is- -fvioTral

Vork. Juno 27.--Only one show ia

an William Crillltli. Ja!iii>- .Norrn ainl Ilanry >.M· irr<- li:aiii>, |l.y tthh*-- M . 'lr. o-in Sffom. kk 'l'ioimm:v iny. will m h-ilulf.l u* roming to Dn adway no-Tf tVQoSc

( i iiii iit. Xfw Mii'Milft- .irt louflaii^.v lii-iii^ aililfil to Ilf a-'ia la'f I -t. aii'l 'rmii tlnTf tiiiiviil ti, thf ,i,t If 11-1. r|;f ai tivi 1 «t »iirk-

'lnl- '-li-.l r mi Hiouaaiillwwaa.T in thoe na-ar fiuniuro for a >>1i'- al iini.illnii-- i-f i|frfiiirrmtnaaUu'iOp. SlioiiM lil Ithe critifs 'aVf klhmiilDlyj Iton tflli»if* play, 'Ml.*f' ->ijMM)inn'O-or!r<s will givf



lr-fnwl«h Village.

The Hroudwjiy offerinjf

in tho purllens of i** ``(leorgo While**

l-'ili way-. -Inof it I- iiia>lf up of Junior playi-r- it ·i* rr*i jgeutiaar ]p»rrooi(liui*i tiltoin. Klhianor Wooooidroff, uow S* an»l.*N , wbirii is to op`n at the


111 Muall roll-- ill liiillil p'lalui'tii'D- ami at llif i>amo time -mall rolfs In Dullil proil'ii tion- arf nllfil alnimt i iilln ly from thf a^ tivf I-r of Ilif .Vuslliary riiiyiT-.

in TThlif laaiktm-il Door", ami fl.oiiuii falhl -rn. with ` |*''ldl,Iia:i", plaa.yvceidl tlhme lIefadiinig roloefs in the or .-tooii'WW prfeiao-nnttaattllooDn.

nnator Monday night. The mu-lc i- by (Iforge 'ershwin. the lyrie- by I!ud De and
Jtallard .M.Donald and the eommly material t'V various people. The ea-t will inelude Wiiiij.e
i .iglun-r, la--ter Allen. Tom Patri-ola. Will

._·! II wr hfi n I'li-y entertaining a rou^in
n:,.i arrlT-d f om fhina tliU week, -o I ivi no' -een many of the lad'*. : t : t
«f proli,ilily lia'f eiioiigh to report of r,· : : : At l-a-t we Iioim* we havf.
: pii tig a »;-lt to GEORGE tOTTMAN. ,1 ' JACK KILLS' herald, w- h-.ird a .yarn h«i .11 i.t 11- h galy. : · : : It -eem- that tail n th- Wf-i Ifiiiglit a ifp> of ZEZ SrKl'Y S I" 'k "11 tri-k piano playing to ttml ,,t 1,1.1. ZEZ mak-- lie remarkal.le piano rolN (I, . . ; : N'.«. ZEZ iiiaWf- th.ow 'ay playI ^ t!.. ne "il. hr-t ami then ptaying hla
I nil. . "l-ry on top of that. ; : ; : It r.i le f.i.i hand |iU.*nig : : : : The pur-
...r.if t- I--..k laiiiii d that It did not explain ZEZ lit ih the ndl. and ilfm.ind-.l hla
1 .'ai .. k ; : : t ZEZ llieieupon sent th*` bird h'fcr »ud. a-k.iig him t.. keep It a -e. :-t.
ti.:il h:m t ut Ilf wa- a fr-ak wfh four hao'ls itt-i- .| "( Iso ami tli.ii wa- liow be Was able

Vi w Volk. June 3h.--A. .1. Malby. who l« -iMin-oring Alien Iwila-r'a eoinidy. ·'Try It With ·Vll.-e". at the nfly-Seeoud Street Theater, lia- a'-iepted a new play by the -anie author wlilch he plans to pre-i ni on B;-iadway khortl.T. It lb (entativelj called "Intluence".
New Vork, June .aj.--Howard Irving Young, f' r a niiai'iyr of years head of the Famous riayera-La-ky seenano deiiartment. is the author of a new p.ay. ` Mareb tin", which will be giv.n a stage production in the fall. It will
x,,,j,yllie. 'Penn., by the Clarke s.iyemall Players.

k' iv York. .June js.--Following the Chicago ' niigagecmi nt of `'The Dr'iHge", Mel Raymond "'d '`'"ndd hi- revival produnc-tion on a world tour that takeeri,' in England. France., Cermany, south .\tfrriicia and -.V\uu--ftrraalliia. EF.mmlllie Polini will have tlif stellar roe in the globe-trotting f\|»-d:iU>rj, which Is due to sail for Europe dm i!g the fall -eason.
\-.w Vork. June 27.--Walter Hampden was awwaairded the honorary degree of Master of A.Vrrtt-' at the Williams College commenceem meenntt, hIlel-lidd this week at William-town, M Maassss. Illl..iimmppidh--na wwiillll tteerrm miinnaattee bb!is -ca-on in "CCyyrraannio .mIf I_ tcr_ ger-a'-"· at t.hi-e Nv,ational Theater Jullyy 22..

: « i< tODfU a.iOt jt'Vt a glCga gif

iSA&&&S.EM:&KKKKSS.?i,^'SKSA-iK*Sssiiui aa,.

-Ma.ioney, Richard Bold. Helen Hud-on. Newton .\Iexander, Thea Lightner. Olive Vaughn, the Williams Si-ters. the Elm City IVnr, .Vlh-e Weaver, i^ally Starr, James Miller and the Demanos.
'.'Iiid". a comedy by Katherine Browning Miller, will open Thursday night at the Cherry Lane Theater. The ca-i wil be beaded by William S. Rainey and Vera Tompkins.
Tot)i. June 28.--Kilbourn Gordon has granted a charter by the Secretary of ·''***1® for the Green Beetle Corporation, wbleb "'*** sponsor the production of a new melodrama entitled "The Green Beetle". Associated wifb producer as stockholders are Joseph P. Bi'kerton and S. R. Fleischer. The play U Scheduled to 0|>en at A.-bury Park or I»ng
within a month. Gordon was sponsor and part author of "Out of the Seven Seas".

to i-.i.v ih- roil-. : : ; : Hf al-o enclo--d .x

5^ which floundered last Novembtr after a brief

I ill- k f r tl .'a». * ut Ufglf, tf*t to -ign It, : : * :
The iS'l M'"!- h.c k to ZEZ. thankfd li'.iu for the <\ a;.*'  ii au.l a--urcd liiiii he would ~ ki-p a - Id : : ; r IT.fn In a P. S he "

LONG RUN DRAMATIC PLAY RECORDS^ ^ stay at the Fraree Theater.

.Nunibi r of *ons-cutive i>eiforuifti<  · up to and im iudiug siaturd.iy, Jans 28.


id'l'-il ' ";o "( .vour tmir liaiid- foigot to .ign ^


- k" '

I - III no t SICHAKO -jj


New York, June 27.--Bertha Kalicb, who la -tarring in ''The Kreutzer Sonata" at the

: XNFTT n l.'i » ..tsoil

-tatl a ffw


.f , i.;. 1 ..<· · iig.'gcno i't-. : ; DICK f" I ^

.'Si.  .1' · wiP

· n -c >«'· I'''.'' to\t 3


,1.4- Tlir iiiaiiagi-iiii lit of DAV'ID 3

BELASCO : ; ; : : I i.e iir-t w.ll 1.. « GUITRY S

V'li .1 '· i' -atiro on a no-lixlrama 1


e'k*- - I c 1 a«i' '. now .1 li.g or.don sii.

 : · DICK -a.- hf .- going lo boy a l>oat ^


.-r'-'''- if the vacdcvdlf ton''. : : · ' st

,! 's i gf. .,1 F Illf«" Wf ran Inn. BOBBY X'

ORT ; . ri.ap- i.ftl. r kiiown .s« HASSARD. 3

: II- - futliii-lf-lie aisiUt the I>i'n. h 3


Ill i- to prduce next sea-on j

il>'l 1 l«.iilrtte '. r r t : If U time tout «

prodiMil for lilm-flf and we oniy tio;.e

ili«» .1- well for BOBBY a- lie ha- for Iho-e *>

has pr idu- ed f. r ; : : ; Three of o'lr 3

rifB<l« half bii-ifd intu Hm- July magizlnc-

: : : Tie re I. a c-irking -lory atmut COURT-

'i RTLEY COOPER In the July "Hmikmau " ^


a- a dandy .m iiial v.irp In The .kuier an ^

Itgai.Di- a:,i1 LEW' GRAHAM llgiire- in a -tory ^

ho* the c r.iis «a- radeieil. .n popular ·- id

: : -Ml wIki know tbe-e lail- w;.! be Inter-

.'·d I am su e. : : : : EARL CHAPIN MAY 3

n'M"il in to see us and -ay* be Is finding

ready market for hi- i-tiu- yarns. : : . : ^

Ir oi.gat to, for they are ex.-ellent- : : t So

f .r-iu are fond of the eir. u.<. don't overb ok

is novel. ·'Cuddy of the White Tops". 1 i = 3

- '

the pup. Went In -w uiraicg Inst we.-k. ^

: : : Df h.- own aeoTil, loo. : : s : We aie

dy to revise our Judgno-nt aa to his brei d. sc

: I : We thought he was an oysietbi-und. 3

.tbif'- Iribh IJo-e.. All i.ihI m t'h'llmi

OPENING NO. OF DATE. PERFS.  -- ..Ilopuliii'-.Ma.v 2'2.8*"^
---.I riiMii* I'lown.May l.'i.* 37

I'a ggar on II tm :

..I'roadiiiir-l.I'fl.. 12.loJ

IM'.ii llandanici. 1.
I rob . 'Ih..
1 ap' r lo Mini

-=..'ll -Ty-.\inlh st....Ma; .`i. ----~ .........I'l'lTiiont.Vpr, I*!....,, Si
..Ilud-oii.Vpr. 22.7'.i

t'jraiio d. Bi rg. rac. Wa I'-r Hampden... .V.ximn.'i!.I.. 17.22'i

I x| ri --ii.g Willic .. .' .orly-1. ghth .-t Xpr. Iti.>~i

J a-hi»n.

. ..lirccnwieh VillageFeb. 3.1''2

I a`a M igana. --

.Lyceum..viar. .1.".*!

' 1---· ll.ii.g- 11

T.ii' ... .Dijou.Jan. 2'.*.17s

III r Wa> If.'.--..'i.xifty.....Jiiiii' 'J.;. S brent/,-r S' 1 ...Dlieerttli*a K Kaa llclbi.cb.Frazee.»....M:iy It.C! 1* r. ll.f. .. .Cort.Jun ...Je une 10. I1I1

.Meet th. Wif. .. ..Klaw..No..v .No. v. 2 26 6..IISSV 'j

.Ml l.di Man. The.L .Le ew w Fields.

.... rorty-Nlnth St.. ...May 13..

·vi ra.. The.. I'otlT. Tl* .. ·Saint Jiuii. . ·S' ame W.-mao. The.. Shimfliig S'.ado.i-..
sbew-ii'T. Tic. .So Ih'a I- Pol.! . -....
spring 1 b jii .ng.. fry It W.t: All.... M'hitf C.irgii. -- Wonderful V -it. The...

....Century. ...Jail. l.'i.

.... Plymouth. ..Dc. .k. · .. Garrick. ..I)f>'. 2s.

... .Comedy. ..Oct. D'l.

-Uitz. ..June 26.  Playhoiisf.... .. F li.

. ..-llenr.y MllbT'- · June 16.

.... Kit Inge. . Nov. 0.

... F:fty-Secoud St. .June

·  · Daly'-.. ·...

· Nov. 5...

. ..Prince-'s....

·. Hay 14...

·rio-d June '.`s.


.\M.'· Iri-h Ro.-e. l·.'IilKe, T.iC. Polini.
·Ka-y Slr.el. i>n the .stair.-. sun Fp. Mi'rewolf, The.

, .Stndebuker.....Dec. 23... ..247 . i'ort. .... Jnne 15... .. IS .Wood.-. ....May 11... e e dk> , .1 eiitral. ....June 1... . - *27
..I.u .Salle..May -4... e e 7`J i. .\delphi. . · · -J une 1... .. 36

·Moved lo Woods June 22.


Frazee Theater, was one of the guests of honor .It a meeting of the Jewish Theatrical Guild of America, held recently at the Sbubert. Mine. Kalich IS eximcted to join the Guild, n.jw that women of the -tage are eligible for membership.

dence when Charles E. and Harry (Hay Blaney's jg blood ani^ thunder play, "The Red Ki-s", .s S presented on tour next season. Carlyle ^ appeared with the Blaney raacag.'ment for a S number of years. He was with the original ^ production of "Acroas the Pacific".

|fl Morris Gest ha- left for Russia, where lie M will confer with Con-tuntln Stanshiv-iy. S Vladimir Nemlrovitch-Dantchenko and the couii S ell of the Moscow Art Theater. Gest Is act^ ing as emissary for D.iyld Belasco, who lia^ been invited to stage "The Return of Pet.-r ^ Grimm" and "The Girl of the Golden West" H for the Russian players.

Bert Harrison is motoring east from Havana.

3 Ark. According to schedule the stage director

g will arrive in New York about the first week

g in August. .Ml in all. Harrison's "flreles-

H i-Kiker" will take one month flat or there-

S abouts to make the trip. He will stage "The

9 Best People" and the cast will be the same

a g

that appe.ired In the play during Ita run In
Chicago nest seaaon. -
A whole lot of the credit for Eqnity Playera

success !u producing "Expressing Willie" be-

^ longs to Frank Glllmore. He is was who picked

: : : Now we believe him to be a Osh-bound. 3

: : : Or what have you!




i.le Town's Talking.

 rant Mit-hell.I'l.'iiioutb.June

y the play when the rest of the board were M against it. His judgment of Its worth, both
]§ artistically and financially, has been vlndicated most handsomely. But for his t.'naclty __ In Insisting that the play be produced, tho
good fortune which is now Eqnity Playera might never h-tve come to pass.

New York. June 27-The Aiuniary Players.


4'«»nijMk«.e il of iIio-m* {tlaylDg lo

^hf> hi ill .ir,,) iniDitr roll*" uf



IVi /A




Olga Printzlau. who has been writing ex¬ clusively for motion plcfi.res. ha* completed her first drama for the stage. It Is called "Window

pr-idiii · i.iiw. jirt ^.nltil thuM* on*-«»I


the r tuial program of the -ea-.m Monday after-

»"<n .,1 til.' Garrl. k r In the audieme

Were 111....... ii.ihorn, rxe. iillve director and

* 't n.' .1 f,, i.»r **f tin*

Gn.M: other

nntt.. tmtiui. rr- t.ff tthi** 1iHMtil.. iii* ioI»mt* of th.** 4 a*»at» o#f

>. »i* f -.*· .1 ..A* . ai

*. a


Mr. aanndd M Mrrss.. GGeeoorrggee -ee.vy w wiillll .sppeenndd the »a'iii3m>rroaPerr aa»t tthheeiirr ccoottttaaggee.. ·-'TThhee TTiipp FIpp'".. at ·S'*o«"u»t»h> Lyme. Conn., on Long Island Sgoetir.d

... *

i, .

k* A»g>.x

... AAlllU H-r#rttaa Cnurllsi^ hb.tti^ o*^Hn enfpfatfM omcli-ob. yt.*AAnn·gg·uiuit^tUH

ITMlttt*ittui ff«o»rr thhor Ihm*)it*litiuugg fie'imnllnnlliiHh' roollte* iIn H li eart

the Playhouse, New York, has turned over two new plays to Uosalie Stewart for production next scasirn.
j p McEvuy. who wrote "The Potier-**, ntnv iu its eiichth month at the Plymouth

(Continued on page
Dramatic Art

nr*-nn..liww nI h*. j.1Uk, u» r** ·.M aa ..|h. rrl.y .1.*»'»` Bby,f » III Jmii* 4'*h pMtrtrlii Hurt Ijiy,

«li«» i- playltitf 111 * rutii

.il thr

^> " in. \ .rg II..I 4*i.r«*k*«>tT Mti*!I H a, iiba .ira «-.iiNn«o.:

1. 1h. nta \v\\ nII lIU t pinn -.ha\ tI.iwniit-r 1I .siit Kh. «-r.

*' tihn pIt. iniiry IllIr**ut, .I-IlarkX** II.t itlm^a. fK.kwjil1M tehu

1*%· `iTrrL.. .XI M \i ary </ .N.1!l.itl. y. amia .**.iI th* at5*r**«*n

ooa * M'Huueo. . Thr p'ay will opte'n eraarly iu Autrii'st

^ ^ ibnS''.


.V M«t r.*nn.«*tt liaj* b-b*»«'n r-entjiagod·. foir» lu*i

1* lirt i*>l«*fur*» by Tlio \a-ux le , rn% iv«T*#»:I*y . ..

"hl*. h :h f . * Th»*

Chron, lfl*

of Am*`ri«'ii ..,.-1


In w,.b h br p* rrv otl'.l.v a 'Pt «rrHl




'Ui^fr**. 4allll..

hy St hiiltxii'r. with tw»*ufy on** in
lu ll... .. N..rri.. A.mim. ,111.1 .* r.iia _ Mol_ if.iu·a*';. vVilrraf.n. «.)

isn.-l'ii, lb'll-,.

\v IF.HU G-irtith, Kiiiley

lift.-I.It. Willard 'l.ll*- .Hill I I'oii.ird loan.

' I'I'i.v *.i- diri-il'd !·> Ibiiry I'liiii'iil,

AV rruutb.-Il-e.' .fL'o*'t-i-i' ·I/iud.on ofmfers atht e iinf^o.rmation fliaf IVggv If Ned. .\mrri.aann ..xa Itrr..---.. aa-- ar ranged lo re!'., ii to New York In the autumn Si,e will li'lng with her the -erlpt of "r'ns
Fours ', In v'hich -lie ainoared abroad.

of 11,1 iitg.iiiii'atliin. The flr-t two S'" iiiiili r till' il.ii- toll of Uolu'ii I 11'.us ·"'k. -t.igi 111,1,1.igi'r of lilt' Ilii'.iiiT Guild, will!
I"' 11 lii-liii tor at S.iigi'iit'- mid w iP !»·' an

Jo-e|ili U' Irl-h tenor, will make his flr-t appi'.ir.iia e on the ilrainalie -tage In · lleirf o' M ne'', .1 roiii.'inleonu'dv draiii.'i. be

'I 't" ii.r u.\|

iu the ». luMil of llic iiuder Hm' mai.ageinent of .Viigti-liis Pifou.

Theater, New York, ha** finished a new romIlly, whleh Uo hard Herndon will prodtiee early III the coming sr-a-on.
Lew s and Gordon will again take up Hut. he-on r.'Vd- Irama. "The Naked Man", wliieii i'Ud a preltnunary pnslnefion Last fall with Wallai e Kddinger in the star nde. E ld nger, liiiwever. will he pre-ent'd by the mMiiagement '·1 !i new play. The T.oiig .\rm''.
T'e mniplele la-t of "T'e Sable * ". William A. Brady's fortheemlug produe'.oii. i'.'iii|ir:-, - K'lw'ii Meaiiib"-, Fa ioti.i Mont. rev. ll.ilaTt Strange, Katliaiiiie Haydi ii, IF nrv Mowbray. Claire Gr. iH .lle. Tom C<h1v. I .'U -e Muldener, Fr ink IFiWiou. J: ne Web-ter. F inklyn Fox and Charles Esdale.

TUFATRF UNef Hw Diriction *1
DniiTiuc Elizabeth Mack li U U M 11L Pupil oi Sarah Bcrnhardl
\n oppoiiimllj to uoQu.r# tJ>* principles of Drznutlc An. with ipeciul reference to the detelopi.ifnt of the voice a-nd technique thrmuh icfjul -*.ige exiierien-e. Ad.lrese SECRETARY, Elirxbrth Studies. IS W. 12th S«.. New Vvk.
Alberti School of Expression
M.iy pupils in l'-l;Ili New York pr JttitU'nj. Pli'tore-. Young I'copi®'* Theutre and Stuart Wa.ker's Conipei le*.
1114 Carnegie Hull. New Yerk City.

n Guild Tloaler. lie Viixil'.i y lu.ij.-r- w.ri Iirgaiori'd |ietiiia-
·oi'li I.i-i -iiiiimer fulliiniiia a im-eiilui UUI of
lata 'lorgana'' uilii .Finn - Norris and Virgin .i a glon III ilie le.idliig rob- now iilayed by I 'll. IJ SI,'Ml,, au,| Murgaii Failej al llm
Ly iiini. I'lil- tryout iiof eiily eouvliiied Hie
llnaii'·rr Gi.iuiild tlinl Hlliie play w«..ii- worlli giving egiilar prodiiiHiiu this -ea-on, but -liowed

J idlmin Gra'niaiiii sS.'l,i,.vv 'lal- jooTii'idl ft: e ei ii-l of

"· TT''le W Monin.lleeiiffiill V -'IF :aitl tihlel' lI^'rr nti. e-- I'lei

G t. rr N\'.'.-w VY '-k

H.e ....^ dr- a'iL t rainykilyi^i toy.

wlwi left lo go wD'' ' Tbil.e- Ss.ayble Coat , the

new Wlll'am

Brady pP-'lmMlliiiieettiloon.

Fl.eorge Kelly, who penned the li glily m lu er'torion, comedy. "The Show-Off '. uow current al

Muv IFb-oii will i-aa-t the leading role u


J,;.,,. fi.uu II. r "Wn pen It i- ea'.ie.l

·'S.iiiuthing I'ell- M. ". and wll be p'.s.ire.l

Angu-lu- F'tou for the flr-t t me In I'.tlca. y y ^ September 27, Mi-- Rob-.m'- d-ania

expected to put In an appi'annoe on Broad-

way ahon* a mouth later. --
Jehu C Carlyle will be very much in evi-

.\ Coarse hi .\ctli'*. Voice. P.i'itomlme, Fencing, R'.iythmicul Uuticinz.
·Trzcher of .Ml-e Btj.Jy. Wiwk approved by Bllth Wyi.iiie MitiUlsoii.
Summer Course^--Community Theatr* Hollywood, Calif., Juno 30 to Aug. 9 New York Address: 31 Biferslde Drive.


JULY 5, 1924

viewcT, J/ewaf a73d ConQ/nent '^_y4/fped JVeUon.
eommun/eaf/onzT to I`f933poacln'^JVew}bpJ^



A Clever Young Juvenile Who Has Made Good in Stock and Has a Promising Future
Endowi-d by nutnrc with it HtriklDKly p|pa«inK

f.u't*. Ilctirr iind a r<`miirkiil'l«> i>|K>aklnR Toloe,

IliThort tTark. IrndlnK Jiiv< ntic with the Itnx'k

Precedent Set by Belasco for Summer To Be

ton I'layrr'i, nt tin* City Theater. Hrorktoo. MaS'*., I* on the hlchway of mn-ee**. altho he

Followed by Other Prominent Producers--

lia-< been on the i>rof)'!<«ional dramatle ataae l ilt three year*. Horn of thoatrleal pirentaee.

Plans for Dramatic Stock Service Bureau

Ilia father Ix'lntt Willlatn t'lark. a tiilhert and Sullivan oi>«'ra ·Initer. whom the older Renera-

Under Way by Harry Clay Blaney

tion of mii'le lovera will reeall In 'T'lnafore'', ·`The Mikado'. "The I'lraten of I'enianee". etc.. Uerl»-rt Clark waa edneated in hla native

elty. ritt'itoirR. I'a.. nnlxhlDK with a eourae in

New York, Jmie 27.--When onr n'-I'taut. of r

Elizabeth Kingston, brought in a report that mom

I'atil Scott, (lean of dramatic stock agenta, ^yas presi

planning to indnee Iiavid Bi-lasco, dean of a s]

dramatists, to accompany him on a tour of dra- genii

matic stock houscB to n-vi.-w the personality, to t

talent and ability of players in stock presenta- was

tion we were skeptical of h a ar.ceeas. There- so I

fore was highly pleased during the past week ovat

to have it eoiitirmed liy Miss Kingston that Paul agai

Seott, of lls' Paul Scott .\gency in the Knlcker* forir

booker Theater Bnilding, a< ted as eseort-ln-cbief eom|

to David Itela'co and Kiith Dayton Friday eve- ly."

ning. .Iiine JO. on a visjt to the narder-Hall ^

Players at the Palace Theater, Port Kichmnnd,


.\s they followed the usherette down the mid<"  ai-le someone in Ihe audience exclaimed:

"(th, there's David Belasiol" The isTOgnition

then lie, aiiie gi neral and Mr. Belaseo bowed to

one and all in appreciation. The call for

sliei.rh eiiiildii't li,- downed, and, standing in

the aisle, he responded in a few words that pjpj^

left a faxor.-iiile and lasting impr, s-sion.

Mr. I'"ias(o anti his party evidently enjoyed

the ida.xers' presentation of "I'p In M.ibel's

Room", for he went haekstago and commended ..

them on llieir performance, afterward playing

host to them at a banquet at I.azarin.s' Italian

Re-taiirant which lasted until the wee hours



of morn.

ti VP

In a later Interview with Mr. Seott at his


oCiee Mr. Seott said: "I have known Mr. Be- ^j^p

Son of William Clark, a Gilbert and Sullivan opera singer, he became a child of the stage, and came to be a Juvenile master of its art in productions and more recently in dramatic stock presentations.

tl;e Carnegie Initllnte of Teehnology and I>ra-

inatlc Art. UNeardlnt: the mooted proa and

eona of the mertta of a dramatic achool train¬

ing, it mnat be admitted he anffered no Injury

from it. aa following Ida debut aa a profea- at the Monlin Kongo Cafe. Atlantic

City, aa "The Smoky City Chap", he aecured

the role of .\cia in "Kaek to Methnarlah*'. at

the C·arIirk Theater. New York City.

Kollowinr this New York Theater Guild Pro-

diK'tlon. he app<ared in "He Who Iota

Slapped", with Rii'hard Bennett fe.itnred. at

the Pnltnn Theater, and with Frank Helcbter, in

·'From Morn to Midnight", at the Fraaee Th-a-

ter. both alao Guild offering*. I..ater he wa*

featured In the title rtde of "In Walked

Jimmy", an Elliot Frederick enterpri«e. Hla

firat atock engagement waa with the CampiM-ll

Thincan I'Uyera at the Grand Op«`ra Hou»e.

Toronto. Canada, where he gained much valu¬

able experience in Juvenile rolea. apring *ea*n:i

of in23. During the aummer montha he did

motion picture work at the Elmo Limadn

Studioa In Granlw<«Kl, N. J.. aupporting Charle*

Aacott, making the Handy Andy comedle*.

Local Manager Jamea J. Hayden, who I* a

good picker of winnera in the dramatle held,

aigned Mr. Clark for the preat-nt aeason with

the Brockton Playera, and in ao doing aecured

another drawing card. The work be haa done

provea he baa rrach<'d a high level of accom-

pliahment, with the promlae of a biilllant



laseo intimately for many years and you can tell readers of The Billboard that he waa


bom to a theatrical career, for be Is the son

of an actor famous as a Harlequin in I.<nodon,

Eng., many years ago. His family name is Valesfo and hi.. linciKe goes hark to a Pnrtuguese Hebrew family t! at emigrated from Portugal to England in 1`Jl. Ilis parents left England in the early firi ts for San Franeiseo, where David was born and reared in a bouse on Howard street. Tls re lie was given hi* fir-t inspiration for a theatrical career that is now embodied in theatrical history known to every¬ one.
Sexeral after his vi-it to the Harder-ilall Players Mr. Scott reeeixed tlie following letter: "Dear Friend Seott:
"You gave me a wonderful evening. I do not know when I Iiaxe eiijo.ved,1f so much and I am .'our iM'tor for an evening of '·are inJoyment. Tliaii'.s for taking me. | am tookIng forward to anotli.r vi-it soon.
"Regard.s and gis.ij wisls s,

^ '
^ ^

Openings and Closings
pla.vid there early in the season, or the F. .lames Carroll Company that succeeded the Fealy company.

New York, June JS.--.Adrian S. Perrin, Wellknown producer with otBi-ea at 160 West filth street, ie fill ng a long-felt want of dmmatlc stock producers for a lighter form of theatrical* that wilt Bid thi'm in bolding their patronage with musical comedy presentatlona. Mr. Perrin lias prepared a li«t of plays available for atoek aa follows: ".Alma", "Hometime", "Red Wid¬ ow", "Honey Dew", "Three Twina", "PItfer Patter". "Lltfle ('afe". "U lai Lncllle", "Madame Sherry", "The O'Brien Girl", "Very Good Eddie", "I.eave It to Jane", "Little Millionaire". `'I.lftle Johnny Jonen", "Girl* AVill Be Glrla", "Mary", "Oh, Boy"; "Now Listen", "Honey Girl". "Beauty Sho|>". "Oh. I.iidy, Lady": "lb tty. Be Omul"; "Little Whop¬ per". "Gingerbread Man", "Talk of New York", "Time, Place and Girl", "Sfubliorn


( Imlerella".

Miles Itom Boston", "W Min¬

utes From Broadway", "The Man Wlm Owns


Mr. Pirrln Is not only prepared to release

Ihe-e plaxs, but priHinee them In person or

tlirii the direction of hla able assistants. A|ex-

Biiiler Is-e and Hal Miinnis, while Isats'l

M.ilheWK. Ills oftlee manager, will see that

scripts, parts, plot*, photos and all thn

e-sentlals are fnmislied as r'-qiilred.


Fol' Miss Kingston's report of b'r intcrxlew with Mr. Seott came a fur|l;er con-
iGoii from <:ra < Wvr.d-n A'sil. former pr<ss '·r. Mit:itix-e of the Toiedii Slock (''mpany, 111. V drie'or ol p ildieii.v for the Harder-ilall

"||  d I'.i la-i-o, a..mpatii' il l.v hi- s'

ai'd i.i|.,i,<| i|.- f' Se,.»l. t|;,- wi ;| kiu.


ig ·.!.  .^'i. d t'|.. I', r Hall I"

Foil I:: I.;, · . la-t w. I k. witne-sing

form.111! I- of "I o in .'la'."! lloom".

at a p. rRoll. I-I

IleMli.v, le.iding man, came 1.1 fore the inrtain

after tie- second act and expressed the Jeeling

City Theater, Roseville
re-.poiel. Ill eommimM .1. Ihal lie iil\ 'l l.i aler xvill oi,. n a fail l·.l-oIl of slo. k. tin (ler the -ame lioiiae maii.igein'til. -.liih the same lomiian.v as List aeii-on. ImiI do<- not s|iei-ily if it i, i<> bo liic M.ind Fealy Foiniiuuy, which

Ac.YcIcmy Players
Rieliiiioml, V.I.. .lime jp. 'I he .Aeadi niy I'l.iyelos. d a seasoii of Hixteeii weeks at tlie
Aeiidemy of .Mii-li loniglit, the bill la-lng
IFoiitiou'd on page 'S'l)

Springlii-ld, Mas*., .Iiini- `Jfl.--Slilrley tlrey, now ciiiinei ted with the Poll Players nt the Fort Hi|iuiri' Theater, lias Ihe envialde repiil.i Hon of iH'ing one of llie most ver»ntlli` Ingenues in HtiM'k. Stic Miurted lier (arei-r four year* ago In Mrldge|Mirt In the Poll force*, but drifted away to Halifax. Nova Seollii: then to New Orle.iiiH, iitid from lliere to .laeksonville. Ml** Grey i* destined eventually for luiiMlcal comedy. iiH alie itoNKCHses a very rare miprano voice, li.i* grace and eliarm and an iilmndnnee of good liKiks I hat serve* her pnr|inse well. Her career la to lie walehed witli nineh Interest.
Tis- Harder-ilall I'layerN nt IVirt Rlrlimond. Staten Island. .N. Y'., have caught on splendidly vilUi the |.M-al playgoers and exp<-ct to continue there indetlnitely.


lora Rogers as the Bride. John I'., nn if ^ Hawkins. Stuart Beebe as De I'uy A'cioei.D'Alverez.

Here and There


Chicago Stock Company
Altoona. Pa., Lakemont P.urk Theati r--' .\dain and Eva", presented by Chas. H. Kosskam.

, 1 1 arroll Pliyrrr iB thrir third tpigop I i.K r. Mr., rri-ort ficellent boMaeM.
ii.!»ri i;«nil«'y ind Krtncr* Woodborj bSTr k-'-a* favorite* In loading role* with
, , ii-r'I. r Wall I'layrr*.
I n',.'. Millvr and Wilimr Walter, of the

When in need of a Scenic Artist, for Stock call Bryant 6858, or write 161 West 44th
Street, N. Y. C.

assisted by Carl B. Sberri-d, cast, viz.: .Andrew Brewer as James King. (Senrgia Louise Sberreil as Corinthia, Fred Beandoin as Clinton Di-Witt. Dirothy Rtiris as Julia lieWitt, Jean While as f;va King. Edith Potter as Aunt Abbey K.johi.r. Jack Berry as Dr. .Tack Delam.ater, George Bradley as t'ncle Horace Plgriro. W. .'iineii Bedell as .Vdam Smith. Edmund Moses as Lord Andrew Gordon.


. Tn;niliell t«to< k fompany of Karming-

, ,,

nr<> taking « abort vacation at tbelr

i-a:, lamp in the woid* of Maine.

Stuart Walker Company
Cincinnati. 0., Cox Theater--"The Importance of Bi-ing F.'arncst", presented by the Stuart

\v \\ Pio»>?r. of tbe Keith Tlayerr at the 1 cater. tViluinmit. O.. laporta Increaa-
I.i sin.for ti«r lioiiat and more popularity
r l!ie pia.ver*.

Jane Meridlth. who played «>veral aeawinp in

, , l.Tic and .<bulH rt atoiks in MlniHBi>oll*.


m i<> t' nr tlie tirpbeum Cirvult in a

,:*ilcl i-alled "Aiiarlment* To Ixrt".

Mitch 11 Harris, who wae leading man`at ihc .'·lii.b.rt Theater. Minneapolis, Minn . In m,h k M V. ral seaaona ago. ha* been ongag- d


Walker Players, nndi r the singe direction of Michael Fitzpibbon, assisted by Boyd .Vgin, cast, vis.: William Evarts a» Lane, Corbet .'lurris as .Mgernon MoneriefT, .MeK.iy .viorris as Jack Worthi-ig, Zetfie Tiihnry as Uidy Kraeknerr, Murgalo Gillmnre as Mon. Gvvenik-lene Fairfax, Iteulah I!i>n<Ii as Miss Prism. Hutb Uuiiimond a.s ('..eily C.irdew, L E-trange .Millman .as Merriman. .\ldrich Bowker aa Rev. Canon Chasuble, D. D.
Lyric Players
Atlanta. Ga., L.'ric Theater--"Tlie Trail of the Lone-ome Pine", prescuti-d by the Lyric

let tbe revival of ·'The Deluge" In Chicago.

Players, under the stage direction of Edwin

Ih-lle Bennett, Mlnn.-aota stock actress, now In California, l»u» had written for her a new play

-class Stock Company. Now in its 58th week in present Bn-ation. Wants Theatre for coming fall anti winter iseason. This is a very high-grade organization, headed by one of

Vail, assisted bj' Edward Power, cast, vix.: Wilfred Lytel as John Hale, Will Lloyd as Bob Rerk. Icy. Gus F orbes as Cncle Billy Beau.

calbd ".V-bc* and Cmtiers", which the intends to try out on the Pacliie Coait.
Maude Gray, at one time prtmi douna with the Balnbridge Dramatic Stock Company at tbe >h<r. rt Tlicater, Mlnurai«lis. Minn., la now pla.lng with Jeaerton De.tng. 11* in laraisville. Kj.

stock's most successful leading men. Only flrst-cl^s loca¬ tions considered. Will rent outright or play on percentage. Address

Manager of Stock,

care Billboard, 1-193 Broadvway,


Ramona Weaver as Old Hon, Isabt-lle Lowe as June Tolliver, Robert W. Smiley as Jud Tol¬ liver. Edwin Vail as Dave Tolliver, Rankin Mansfield as Cal Heaton, Marion White as Loretty Heaton.
Poli Players
Springfield. Mass., Court tkiuaro Theater-- "The r.ishion Girl", presented by the Poll

Flayers, under the stage dlr'etlon of Arthur

Minen Mall, daughter of Eugene Hall and

Holman, assisted by Geo. la'aeb, <a.'t. vi*.;

Mr*. Hill (Maude Kbornel. pla.'ed the lead ng

Arthur Chitterdon as Boh Dunn. Shirhy Grey

rnir in The Bllndnek* of Virtue" with the

as Jean Dunn. Thomas Shearer as Bam Hill.

ll.irdcr Hall I'layer* at Bayonn.-, N. J.. last «)ik and .cored a big bit.
A rorr-kpondent akks: "Who was the man p'ajcd Kagan at the American Theater in (*. » r Twiet' some twenty years agoi" i iir ciirr. "imndent doe* not My what particular Am riiiin Th.ater be refers to. but If an.'one kD"« . we ll be glad to puMlab the Information.

reading ng t to left An-ftma Mi.en. !/>!« Bet ton. Hazel .MIlie. P<ggv Rood. \ innlo Maey and Thais M.vgrane." Wo argued for an h. iir with oi;r artist to make a rui and the heal wo goi wa* "get a larger plotnro". and wo aro 1.11*1 mg it np to Fair Bav lo sopd >n anothor pietnre that la largo onongh to reprodnoo In print.

M is- , with n New York production, as Juvenile bads, to open in September.
Jenic Jacobs
·linie Jacob* baa arranged cn^.'is ments. rtz.: Douglas MePheraon with the Robert MclAnghlln Stock Toicpany. Cleveland. O.. and Juanita Fletcher with a ativk eompaoy in Toronto, Can.
Fred Rycroft

.Marjorie Foster as Mary TutwHer, Uich.vrd Bishop as Squire Tiitwiler, Jane Tarr at> Mrs. TutwHer. Jack McGrath as Spike Kelly. Frank Camp aa Cedric Braton. Virginia Holland as Ida Roper, Tom Martello as Jutk Bolen.
(Week of June 16)
Cycle Park Players
Pallas. Tex., Cycle Park Theater--"It Paye

A.'ce Buebanan. second woman with the stock r. .np.n.v at He Orph* um Theater. Kaii'as City. i.Tiiu'ies to score splendidly. \ recent review II h-r (lert.irniancr in "So This Is Ixindon"  «; "Alii-e Buchanan, the best dres..wd woman i.( Cie org..ii.^tion. again d spl*.'* her keen i«.te In g"iwn» and plays with an aa-orance tUH\ artist* to obtain."
I'dwln Markham, fam.x.a author and esiwcialI' i-i'Wn for lia i>oem. "The Man With the llo-", attended tbe Monday night a (.erform-
"f III. II irder-ll.Ail Players in "The Man 'i .1 l inn B.ii'k" la.t week. In response to a . . «t from tie stage Mr. Markham made 1 brief speech of appre. iatlon and endoracment el I'll comi'any from hi* seat in a box. Later he wi Dt hatkstage and met members of tbe < U'. aui.

Packard Theatrical Exchange
Ada HuniUri. head of the Pa. Ward Theatrical Kichango, i» preparing for miicli neoded r*'.t and reoreatlon In iho Blue Ridgo Mountains adjaoent to Warrington. Va she \< ill Ih- gone three wo, ks. during whlob portiMl her able aasistant. Aiistina Ma.son. will arrange engagements. Dur¬ ing ilie past week engagt ments have been arTangl'd for L*otna Beaiitelie and Zita .lohan for the Thomas Fowler stoi'k Company at the Bela»<o Theater. Wa-hliigton. D. C.: also .tda .M. ade with tbe Garry Meilarry Players at the Majestic Theater. Buffalo. New York.
Helen Robinson

Grace Wynden Vail, assistant manager and t'lib.ieity director of the Toledo Theater Stock t empHU} last season, is now associated with the lUrdei llall Players at Port Klcl.mond. S I., as director of pablirtty and advertising, il.-r bushand, Edwin tall, direnrtor of tbe Lyric Theater Stock (Ximpany, Atlanta. Ga.. will ar¬ rive in .New York next week for a three days' vsit. Mr. Vail will return to Atlanta to re¬

Helen Bobiniovn has arranged a special en¬ gagement for Alfred Little to play the Andr.-w Lawler part in "Icebound", with the Harderllall Playi-rs at the Palace Theater. Staten Island. .N. Y.; Marjorie Dow as < haracter worn an. with tbe Guy Harrington Player* at Stone's Oio'ta Houae. Binghamton, N. Y.; Herbert Clark, late Juvenile with the Casey-Hayden BriH-ktoD Player* at the City Theater, Brockton,

Fred Kycroft fcas embarked for a tour of

Fnrope and during his absence bis biiaineits in-

l.-r.'st.s will lie siitoTvised by .\dr1an S. Perrin, Mini will have the assistance of Isabi'l Mathews.

H charming young lacly who has In-come very

imp'ilar with producers and plavcrs alike. Prior M his di-i-annre Vfr. Rycroft nrrangert a special

engagem* nt for Vera Myers, young mnsii'-al eomi-d.v prtma donna, as guest star with the .\I

I.uttringcr Players at the Knrtx Theater. Beth¬

lehem. I'a., for their cu.-rent presentation of



tVliile till re haven't been mauy engagements arranged during the past week the v.irioiis repres. niHtives wliose names do not appear In the

list this ifeek are enthusiastic over the prospeets

for the fall oiH'uings. and -ome of them are now

pn paring lists of obtainable players to submit to

priMliicers. Several representatives have reunested

ns to establish a direetory In this department

where pl.a.vers can be listed along with the

names and addre.sses of their personal repre.

sentatives. Tills matter will lie submitted to

onr advertising department and If deemed prae-

tical it may become an established factor in

keeping thoae at liberty bi-fore directors of

production*, who cun communicate direct with

the player*' personal representatives.

E. K.

To Advertise", pre?cnted by Sam Bullman, with the stage direction of Mr. W. ar. as-«i>tcd by Chae. Lammers, cast, viz.; .\nn NielM-o aa Mary Grayson, Joseph Remington a- Jolinson, Florence Chapman as Cointesse Do Ib-aurien, Jack Lorenz as Rodney Martin. Herbert Dc Guerre as Cyrus .Marlin. Diek F'lliolt as Am¬ brose Peale, F!lla Fithridge as .Marie, Bam F'lint as William Smith. Mildred Hasting as Miss Rurke, Chas. I.ammers as tjebrge M<Chesney, F'red Wrsr as Charles Bronson, Ewing Cherry as Ellery.
Hudson Players
I'nion Hill, N. J.. Hud.-on Theater--"The Humming Bird". i>res> nti d l-y the Hudson I'layers, featuring J.u k U..s' Icigli, Stewart Wil¬ son and F^ieta Nial-.-n, under the st.igc diri vtion of Charles D. Pitt, east, viz.: F'ruuces Pitt aa Bal-ette, Waller loturcnce as Ars> ue. (o orge Fidwards as Gen'larme. .\l Ftigali as Pierre, Eveta Nudscii as T.iniclte. F'ran<es Morris as Lzsa loitlium, Helen Courtney as Henrietta F'isb, Joseph Lawrence as to neral Leferrier, Matt Briggs as Chariot, Stewart Wil.-on as Herbert Smith. F'rances Pitt as Billie N>'W-man. Jack Roscleigb as Philip Carey. A1 Rigali us Rogers.
Temple Stock Company
FFamilton. Ont., Can., Temple Theater--' i : Silent Witness", presented by the Temple S a

lume hti duties there.

F'layers, under the stage direction of F'rank

G. Bond, assisted by Eugene La Rue. cast, vis.:

Iliiward Hall, who recently Jumi-ed In on five

Zora Garver as Sarah Blakely, \V. McCuIlongb

hours' notice to play the "Old Soak" for the llidson Players at the Ilud'on Theater. Cnlon

Prologing Plays and Players

as Norman Blakely, J.ine Sevmour as Helen Hastings, Lc-ter Paul as ll.gsby, Alraerin

Hill. .V. J , received another S. O. 8. from

Gowing as Bud Morgan. Gladys Gillan as Janet

Ih'iu to do likewise In "Bought and Paid

Rigshy Jean Clarendon as John Peihaiii. Jane

ior", d'le to tbe abaeiiee of Jack Uosele gh. "Isi returned to the east ere be had fully re. 1.lend from his Illness Jack I* still under (he i|<M tor's care and it looks as If tbe company may dose At the close of Ills engagement at I "U Util, Howard went Into rehearsal for a part la "Icebound" with the Harder Hall I'la'-rc nt the Palace Tlu'aler. Port I'iehmon.l,
n Island, but on Tm-'day r«.celved anoller s. I). S. to Join Maud Evans In the Ulelia'd ' .irle Mil on the P. H t). Time to open Mon¬ day of la-t week.
New York, June gs.--snap-hol inetlire reaels-d us thru our feminine representative 'liiring the paat w**ek llial wa* an optical de·'I'l, In th»" barkgrouinl was a plefnres<|ue ininiainre mansion with spnelons groniid* and floral garden In the midst of vvlileh vva- n group ol iH rsonally attmetlve feminines. On the ba< k "I the picture was the wording; "Fay t oiirteuiiy entertaining her frli'iids at her sum¬ mer home, Fay Cbort, Long Beach, Long Island;

NOTICE TO HOUSE MANAGERS AND DIRECTORS OF PRODUCTIONS: Mail your houae proyram* at early in tbe week as poaaible to Alfred Nelion, The Billboard, New York City.

Maihury as Ruth Pelham, Burton Mallo y as Wilbur Weldon. F^ugene LaUue as Mr. Weldon. Frank G. Bond as Richard Morgan. Louis .VIbion as Dr. Wiley. Marie Vaugh as Katie, Perce

Timmons as Sheri tf.

(Week of June 9)
Vaughan Glaser Players
Kill liesicr. N. Y.. Lyi-eiim Theater--"The Cat mol the Canary", presi'nled by the Vaughan ill.iscr Blavcra. imdei the atage direction of Ilarrx Aiidnw*. assisted by Churlea Emeraon. east. vix.; .Vntotnette Uivhte as Mammy Pleasant. Fred Kcrhy a* Reger I'roahy. Bushy Rcrkclcy a* Hiiry Blythe. Corrinne Farrell as CIcily Young, lavl* laindon as .'*usan Sllshy. Basil l/onghrane a* Charles Wilder. Byron Hawkins a* Paul Jones. Until Amos us AunaIH-Ile West. Charles Fletcher a* Uendneka, illaser as Patterson.
Chicago Stock Company
.Mti-ona, Pa., loikemont Park Theater--"Twin Bed*". prCHi-nted by Chu*. 11. Itosakam, with the stage direction of Carl B. Sherred, cast,

Edmund Moses as Signor Alonti, Fred Beandoin as .Vndrow; Larkin, Jean tVhite as Blanche Hawkln*. Falilh Potter as .Signora Monti. Doro¬ thy Buria as Amanda Larkin. Uae .Mack as Norab.
(Week of June 16)
Baldwin Players
.Vtlauta. Ga.. .\tlanta Theater--"Here Comes the Bridi presented by the Baldwin Players. In--., undi r the atage direction of Waltir B. Gilln-rt, ea-t. vix.: Stuart Beebe as Thomas .Vshley, Ray Rawlings as James Carlton. Flora Gade as Nora Sinclair. Itomaine Callender aa RoN-rt Sinclair, Gladys Hurihut as Etbel Sin¬ clair. John Bennett as Mooney, John B. Litel as Fn-derick Tile, J. Irving White as Tburlow Benson. latwrence Keating as Roberte Sevoir, Rhea Dlveley as Marta Tile, IFin Flood as

Otis Oliver Players
llamilton. O., Jefferson Theater--"The F'orgutten Daugliter", pres.-ntei! by the Otis Oliver Players, east, viz.: Itobert luilamde as U'gcr, Af'.idelyii Goddard as Julia, .VIiu.! Blonde as Mrs. la-e, V. S. .Vilen as Col. la-e, Gordon Finch as Jack, C Kimball Risley aa Chas. LatVerne,
(Continued on page 25)
A chance with Stock Cisnpany. Mln« roles expected Heizbt, S ft.. 9 in.; weizht, 130; sxcallent wardrobe. Male. Experience; On* season minor rolt. New York road show. Ia>w salary. BOX D-196, care Billboard.

vix.: William J. Bedell ua Harry Hawkins, License Clerk, A1 Roberts as Judge Uoaleton, ClnclnnatL CKla


JULY 5, 1921


article In Tho AtriilHon tViiiitj Joiirniil. llKlicd at Itockport. '`Tlic company Ik p on a line of plays far snitorlor to man 'ciitcd l.y other troui)e`< of this kind have come to oiir town in tho past,' ·loiirnal said.

^at-Shov/s 'yomShO'^s ScMedidne Shows


More Than $1,500 Damage to
Equipment in Disaster at
Bonaparte, la.
The Emma May Cook sto'-k Company, iiiuhT the management of I'anl Zallee, was recently struck by a tornado at Bonaparte, la. .Shortly after a meichants' matinee was ov. r on Sat¬ urday It clouded up anil in le-s tlian twenty minutes the entire t"ii w is riddled, altho the poles rcin.iined standing. Tiie side wall damaged, also the piano, liglds. s'age and re¬ serves. Tile total loss W estimat'd to exce'd Sl.oOf) B.ik* r & I.oekwood liiitii'd ati ly shippe'I a new tent tliat rea'-l"''! Farmington, la., t'o* following Monda.r afteinoon and jn-t two days were lost. Ini'ideiitally. the Cook eompany played day and date perfoniianco with Mort Steece's "Enele Tom's Cahln" Company at Farmington and nian.v old aiainaintances wore renewed The Cook show will play its old Vinter terr'tory in Western Missouri tint 1 tlw fair season begins.

Ccorge Critchfield has taken over the lu.inagetiient of a cen«ert .iiid vaudeville show, known as the Miss /.(h-IIu Pops t'oinpauy. -Vc i-oidinc to .'Iv. (Titel.field adver is'iic i' one of his slroiig points, and he is a neatly print'd (I'lack type agaii.'t white P.iekground) poster on whi' h ire advertised ten eiilerinining inis, a coinirt hanil and a liighelass orchestra. The latest song hits hy the .Tnhilee Singers, i>ope,|ar prices, tite scenic dispiais and li.indsoine costniies are ollnr a.hertisi'd feotitres. .\t flip lime of Mr. Crit'litiel'fs visit to TIo' BilP'Oaid ollii es in ('iin inniti he lonjif. "d lip visions oi a wondi rfi.I opening eiigiigeiiient at the Erlanger |l\y.) Enir. .Iid.v He stated that h*» lias ilie 'oiuiiaiiy IfKikeii up tor th- ii''\t few weeks in aiel aronnd ('iii'inn.'iti under aiisiil'es, a'ld is phiiniiiig to stay in llie State of Ollio for tlie suniuier and head south in the fall.

and a terrific rain. Mr. Itruan has with him

this siitnmer Ooldene llrowu, iuKcuiie; Harry O.

Itniwu. comedy; Bessie Brown, leads: Verna Taylor, characters: Eddie Hart. I·ads; Louie

.Slengcr, heavies; Ed "Ilelnie` Tlllniaii. chir-

acter.s. and Billy ra.-sh. Jnveiiil. s and liuht

ioniedy. He has a new pr..

lop. new

st.age, new scenery aail ids own Innks.

The coiiip.iny opened the season at Mr. Brown's

Icine at .\bI>ot.sford, Wis., and has Is eu ont

six weeks.


Berdon Keitli, who recently closed with the 1`araniotint Players, will opi'n with a show bf his own sometime in July, a report say*.
n. E. ami Elorenee Benii iBenn and .Mlau) elosed with Eiench's Xe;v Sensation, the Menke Bros.' sliowboat, at Wassan, III., Jttne 2*>, to Join a Western teat slww at Salinn. Kan.


Harry P.ichards, of tlie Cuy St'uk Conlpany.

writes ns follows; "Regarding an article in

last week s issue of Tlie Billlioard cou'erniu--

the burning of tlie liny Sto-k Comi>any lent at

Cambridge City. IiuL, .lime IJO. 1 wisli to add a few details. The fire was ahsi'lutely of in

cendiary motive, having start'-d at two "'eloek

in the morning twenty feet from tl.e switch¬

board. .tt the time there were tliiee canva'

men sleep ng in the top and wlieii tl.ey wer'-

awakened tlie fire was raging vvith such in¬

tensity that one was overis'ine liy tlie heat be¬

fore they- were able to escape from the tent.

Included in the loss of the top was a new

piano, a truck and a switcld'oard. eonsider'-'i one of the finest tinder canvas. Six minutes

after diseovery of the fire the miifit wa* a nia-s

of wreikage,

word nmy lie said in regard

to ('lias. W. Men-er, owner and manager of

the company. While there was not a je nny of

insuranve on the outfit Mr. M'-rcer did not lic-

moan his fate, but like the true sliowraan he

is was on his way to Cliicago witliin forty-five

minnles aft>r the fire and in about twelve

hours had pureha-ed a fine new khaki top. a

sixty willi two tliirties. trinini'-d in red; also

an entire new interior, including piano, cl.airs,

bines. .1 eiierv and a beautiful red velvet front

curtain, all of whicli was shipp'd to I'iiion City. Ind., the enmii.any's next stand. Tlie tent

was np in time for the Monday night show. · Ill a' - unt of t'-e fie the company played tho

last two davs of tlie week at tie theater in

Cambridge City Ri-atriee Earle, Mar e Harri-

gan, .loseiihine Quigley. Orland. Ccorge Myers, Cbas. Harris and Harry Rieliards snf-

fered a small personal loss, trunkj hav¬

ing been destroyed. Tbe entire !os< is fstiinat'd at .S'.Onb. The pro ent outfit is one of

the finest in tiie Middle West and. as Manager

Mercer says. `Let's go--it's all in a lifetime.' '

In the orchard and alfalfa on A*ner Kline's Ranch, near Albuquerque, N. M. Left to ·t are: Charles Harrison, playwright and producer: Mrs. Albietx, "J. D." Colegrove. ness manager of the Harrison Players; Mrs. Chas. Harrison, Adelaide Irving, Abner le and Edw. Gnizzard. Messrs. Harrison and Colegrove are now conducting the Harrison y Bureau, Colorado Springs, Col., and in the winter operate the Harrison Flayers.

.and light pole> lowered and otlo-r objcvts blown til i'ieces. .str.mge to say tl.e tent witi.'t'.od the gale, due in a great mi-.t'iire to tiu alniu't
`.niierhninan efforts of tiie a' t'Ts and palnmwill! W'liked in the dri iii hing d'lwi.ponr of rain to xnTo it. Phil Milh-r. manager of the com pany, tells of the great invalfy shown iiini li.i Earl Mayne, Ceorge Brady, Donald Mack, P.illv Ross, Ray Wil-on. Wayni- Evans, Pete Craig and O. Cay, members of hi* rompany, during li s adversity.

Jo'iinal. Then with his family Mr. Hltner

w II proceed to

Pcter-bnrg. Fla., to resume

ai-tiviiies in the real-estate business.

·tfier twenty years in the repertoire busD ii'--M Ered Cosgrove has retired and will devote all Ills time to a homi- and scliool for theatrical chlldreo at Clovcnlale, Ind.



During the engagement of Brownle'e C-o-

mediaus at

Oi.ib, 0.. week of June 23. Paul

Ill own. owner and manager; \Vm. Burnside,

Herman (lolden and .Times Maxwell, members

of Hie eompany. motored to rineinnati. O., a

distance of about tlilrty-five miles. During

their visit to The RilBioiird Offiers tlie ellek of

f.vpe writers ceased

('.olden aroused the

srritx-s with his bag of curd tricks wlibh. by

Hie way. is one of file specialty features with

Brownie's Comedians, of wiileh Gold' n a

mi ni'er last season. Mr. Brown stal'-'l that

ti,e -ea-on so far has been finaneially suec-ess-

f'il. and that he will take bis company into

r.`titiii-ky territory after playing two weeks in

(ihio. i'.. c. Tomlinson, pianl-t, Iiis installed

a loud -iieaker, and "getting dl-tau'e" In¬

come H.p poiiular pastime during Hie day and

far Into the niglit. Before the party left for

Cincinnati Thursday morning a large numlmr

of Mt. Orab citizens congregated inside the

tent to hear Hie latest news of the Democratic

convention, Mr. Brown said.

The Majestic showboat !-< playing Ohio Ri»er towns, following a trip on the M'lnoiigal.'-Ia Business is sai'l to Iiate been fair, con-iib-ring wage cot* at the minis and the fail tliat the m.ners are working only part time. "Her Mid¬ night Cuest" is Is'iiig offered on tlo' Maj' stio, lies des four vaudeville vp'.cialties. .\ five piece orehpstia is used in Hie iiif On board are Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moik, M.-irv and Claude Clark. I.'pnini-ot an'l tjiiigley. C.ijit. T'in Reynolds an'l wife. T .1. \ieoI. manager, .lod wife; Babv Hazel .and Kraiik D Cannon, calEoiie player and orehestra leader.
The Ilatry 0 Blown Sliows, pl.iyiug tln-ir nlui'tieutli sea-oii in .Norlln-rii Wisconsin, nport I'Uslnes,s vcr.v gmsl and H-e w-aHn-r fairly gisni. I'X'cpI for Iheli' engagemi'tit ;ii Cndott. Wi .. wh'-re one of Ho' wor-t htonns In tln-ir · xpi-rl·-11-e liit the town Two --llos, a I'.irii and a lio'i-'- w'-n- totally wreckid, Iiiit Mi. Brown's new oOiKK) Baker & las-kwisid t-nt s|.,.,.| op during the Ufty-iulle gale, aciximpiinl'd l-y lull

Diirwisid Oriilil'S, lianjoixt. wlHi the Vir¬ ginia Serenaders, an orrlieslra aiipearing with the Milt Toltiert Show, tiadly liriiised one of ills leg-, wlieii 1m' fell wl'lle trying to do a haiid-taud dive at tin- Munieipal Swimming I'ool at lira-well Park. Iboky Mount, N. C.. .Inne iT.. .\n X-rny pitiire taken at a Io<-al ho'i'ital showed no bones were broken, ns was first thoncht
Some ol us iiroi Inim our hobbles and oHe-r* bide them. .\fter several years of iH-rlodical visits on Hie Bryant Hhowlsiat we lunc dis¬ covered that .Mrs. Violet i Mother) Bryant is a fancier of canary lilrd-. If you want to engage her In an Interesting siii,j,.,.t. say,
Il'iw ate your birds?" .Slie nlso loves fancy I" · illeiv'.i u and sia-nds many |ieacefiil hours in that art.
-tti-inl' d the night pi rfoininnei-s Mona l.i-e Players at Rim k Port, k of June lo, aecordiiig to an

s.iiii Morris, (ircsldont of S. > pony, dealers in furs and wool. Mo., advIscH that the Leslie K. K pla.Msl Louisiana the week of large and appreciatlre niidlenees ` The show was eonsld-red liy pr as one of the cleanest to jday I number of year»,'' Mr. Morris w are twent.v-elght people with some of whom double in the elei and seven-piece orchestra. The ( to Rowling Oreen, Mo., from week's epgagement. ErCncli's > played here Saturday night, June
_ M'ald Zeis, presenting the Zei lure .attraction, reiiorts the pi new project on machine and oth< ineiit. He lists some hiah-class f.

Now that the local amateur theatrical sea¬ son has come to a close Ja< k L.i iiu, former rei>ertoire manager, la devoting his time to th-' Warrensburg (X. T ) Band, of which he Is leader. The band made its first apiwaranre of tbe seashn Mentor al Day. wi.eo It playetj in parades and eoneerts there and in Isik'Heorge Village. Thru l.l« many appearances in home-talent prodmtions Lynn Is one of iIkbest known and most {Htpular figures in tla' section. Ills wife is also very popular. The couple conduit a restaurant in Warrenshtrg
When "Bush" Burrichter played a Polish cobbler role with the Cliase-Ij»ter I(e|H'rtolre Compan.' in Hot Springs. S. D . a newspajier rejsirter on Tlie Hot SiTlngs Star enjoyed hi. I'erformauce so well that he sougltt  Biis ," out for an liiter\liw. During tin vstiirse of lonyersttion the r'i>o:t`r asked "B'i'li" f h" had eter lived auioiig Polish p'ople and he r'I'lied th.nt he not "I don't know how I got my iievi nt for p.irt. Wlwn I have a chanee 1 always see a gisid actor and I watch everything he says and d's's. But that s verv seldom, for I'm ailing all the yar round ·Slid I'm hardly eti-r wliere I can see other I'erforman es." "It wnld soini as tho 'Bu'h' Bnrriihl'T needs nothing hut diseoV'Tlng to make him a really I'lg aetor in siieii roles as be is partieularly a'aH'-d for." the report'r wrote. ' It is not hard to iniag ne him In the parts that David Warfield has madfamous; coni;>oiinds of iiusint hnnior, wl-tful fancy, happiness tliat sings softly, close t'> tears, and warm, human contact with the life of pTery day."

Emily Taft, ingenue with the Twin City Players, which opeui at Lewltton, Me., June ·10. Is the daughter of Ixirado Tafe. prominent sculptor, and a grandniece of former Presl'1'lit Wiiliaiii If Taft. .\ccording to an ex change. Miss Taft was destined for a career In art, but yielded In the stronger mil of the stage. Sin* started out to study drawing, painting and modeling at the .\rt Institute In Chlrigo iin'l'-r tier father's direetlon But her Interest In dramatics was so strong that she gave up her art studies and ntti-nded th'I'nlverslly of Chicago, where she was presidin' of the Dramatic Club Immediately fidlowing her graduation Miss Taft-came to New York, having dei'ld'sl di'flnil' ty to devote her«'If to stage work. Miss Taft became associated al¬ most immediately with tbe pruvineelowii Players, an oiganixatlou which has trained some of the most prominent players now In tl e American theater. With (bis company Ml-Taft I'layed In New York and also on tour, winning great praise (or her work. Th'-n fol lowed a season with th* Palace Players In .lacksonx llle. I'la., w'h"rc Miss Taft pls.xed scores of parts. When she returned to Xen York she was offered one of the leading rob¬ in "Tbe Cat and the Canary", the gn-ai mystery play, which ran nearly two seasons at the National Theater In New York. Miss Tsfi is now firmly estnblis'ied ns an ingenui- lead. l)Ut she Is amhltioiis and serious al<out b'-r work, so she dei-ldeil Instead of returning to her father's siininier home In Illinois for th'siiiiinii-r to join do- Twin City Players to fnrllier perfect lierself In her art.

J. A. Ugle. a well-known repertoire trouper,

wiotp from Tnllahoina, Teno., under date of

JiiDi- `23, ns follow-s;

"I visited Hie .Milt Tolliert Show at Win

eliester, Teiin., June ID and k'l) ami must sav

thill Manager H. D. lisle has * ismipany of

artists wlin are aiming the he-t I liave ever

·,i>i'n with a re|s>i'tiilre slsiw


<H|ulpi>ed. thin i-oni|iiiny Is enjo.ting fair busi¬

ness in Middle Tennessee, altho the farmer*

,r. Id; ti.liiinJ Hlth Im ir iTopn nnl an- putt ns ry liny liny i*n In th«> field-. Tli» of the oliow uiimher* alMiut tlilrty-



fh. I-ople. Mr. Iliile i" doinit Ida own !· adx. ll.iyiiis orixo'ltP Hazel Hensley. Tta- support,ne .axt Iniinde-; Hurt Ileddon. ifeneral bii>l.. and direetor; HIH KerBu-'^ nnd Hay Hut

(28th Season. Rehearse August 1.)

In Cons-tant Touch With^anagers and

|, r remedv: M -a HuHer and Ml-a HItehle, InK.niie- and Mr. .`tliawn, heavy man. I fail'd ID urn the name of the eharm ter woman, who

Reference ami ability with appearance absolutely necessary Opening for inventive Ingenues. Lnion fetrige Man; Wife for Small Part (young).
Kffecta for Bird of Paradise. Demi-Virgln. Ladles' Night. One and two-

o.iawnr.'^2`iV^Tfw7t^''3T69.w.. Niuhtv. LE.v.-^i.M; rout. j. .--iiKit.MA.N

· - ...r alaive the average. The eoneerta are week stands. ALso part season permanent Stock. Address

U/untOfl ^1111110 MqU Pfini/

dll rau-ieal comedy aud the all chorua girla
.1 a- [Hpl'y and full of Rioser aa .rou aee with an.\ I * muxleal alutw. Theae jlrla are l:. . . la ..liton, Xellle Bond, Ella Zar, Mlfa

W. H. HARDER, Huguenot Park, .... Staten Island, N. Y.

Llililid IVldJ UUUR
Stock Company Quick

Tp I. M:x« Yeager and Klennor Merle. The · H.p. pie i- band and a alx-pleee orchestra i .na 11' play real m ale. Th're la a working
d of l-n men and Mr. Hale'a brother I-

PHAM.VTTr, MfSICAl, CO.MK'DY AND PEOPLE ALL LINK.<. TrII tverything fliat letter. Ghe Age,

wriglit aiiU heialit. ''ate if ym do Sp.'ial'.lrs sn'I wliai hi I and hi-.' many.




(No high-poncti'Cl. red-hot or nn-J.iy \<Hti'lrr*. but I do furnish reliable pcc^le.)

Trcmbcnc. Bas' and Comet. Prefer one doutilii.g piano. Piano Player doubling some Instrument in Hand. Wire r.uick. PAI L Z VLLEE, Mar,a;er.
HliJornfleM. la., week June 30; Moul'jn, la., July 7.

il;. .' with a genial smile to weborae all mem i. -t- of the i>rofea»lon and pairon« at the ir.iiit deor. .Viiotli'T thing that lropre»-ed me

ED. F FEIST THEATRICAL EXCHANGE. Gladrtone Hitci Buildino. Kansas City. Mistaurl. Long Distance Phonr. Virter 8835.


f e elimination of long waits between My old friends. Hillle Campliell and II.--ie I/elghton. are putting on aereral suref re mtulcal apis laliie- that are aa good as
any I have ever b< ard. The writer alsi. had the plea-ure of Tlait-
.i,g I.awrenee Hu-seH a I'aramoiint Pia.'era at IHmd'e.df, Tenti.. the last week In May and . i.ii-der ns the bad weather conditions this -p|. Tid'd dramatic eompany wa« getting Itiill -l.nre of the btisinea-. Mr. Hiissell baa .1 danilv ontfll, wi li b la moved on  pr rate

STETSON'S UNCLE TOM'S CABIN ^ lAIAIklTC - -WM WMrrll I 9 9 - . Man for Phlneaa that piiya aoMe Hrgn In Band, a few more Coloied Bov« that sbig a .J J.«ic«. Comet fnr B ft 0 CAN PULCE Orcheitra Dnimroer that doubles some other instrum-i; in Ba..d. State lowest salary. Pay your own. Show opeua In MichU.n Augu-t t Addr -s C. F. ACKERMAN. Warsaw. HHooia.
For Sale, Complete One-Car Show

Light Comeely, Charac-
or (f!l!e>i.:.eerraal lUiiinhiInosy, 5 ft., tiii Inrhev.
plenty of loxl mclem

Ingenue Leads or Secon iI Huxltiejs. Height, 5 ft., 5 Inobes.
wanJr.iie. Clumge four

tlmci. Double a J single Si.ecialtie-. C.rnet, B. ft

" Shew^^

City. Ka' .as.


,.ir Tlie -how 1- unib r ll>e |ier«<>nal dlr'-i tlon

of Mr. Hi.-sell. I.a«rence .Nolan I* giving

e;i>ndid siitlsfactlnn as Iriidiug man and that

«(iiid''fnl .voung artist. M.iry There-a nii--ell

j, w tlsTiit a doubt one of the yoiingeat aud

i. f'ete-* hading ladies in rejs-rtoire to-lay

'! led ft .end. Hob Keagln. keep- hi* aildleu es

be'Wl'ug with his rube and bla-kface comedi

 ra. t

Hi'.lie aud Mrs. .< Kmm 

r<.:.*l-llng of I'ar. 7t> leet. »teel platform, Svt* Jourrals: S enery. Sta-r. Eietiic Ina..'

T-.iin of

H'l-e-i Wag 1*. Tent. «ii with 30 a:. 1 at'; 18 leiiiths of Hlues. Rr erve 1 sci'a for

iv-pie. liarnixs.

I'i'Mcrnl'jm. .Nettli.t, Tl.ket llox. Show cmplete and no I'Jnk. Prcpc-ty can I'e sem at Ciai ·. M ,


Wanted Quick

WANT? tea! General ni.-iT.e-'S Man capable of play¬ ing some CUaia'ler-. (or siuall poits and specialties. If you d'rul'le Bind so m'jch the better. Gocl speak¬ ing voice e-sei;tial. Real show, teal perple. Ten
vears auJ never mi-^ed a salary dav or owed a perI '-nrcr a pe-.iiy. Week stands, pay own. A.ldr.^* > 'er. Ii'dians

Mirie I'a'is. J"hn Mlady. Madlln Noltn, Jets N"-maD and I anrene- nnssell make up the :· ·· 1 I. r of t e aetlng cvnipany. There la a tne',t.-.p eep band and a seven-piece orchestra t'-' dlre.tion of K.mor.s Tittle. Six

Character Man and General Business Man, doubling Specialties or Band. If you wrote before, write again. Kqulty only. g\ddress
HOWARD R. MACY, Mgr., Macy & Nord's Comedians. Bonners Ferry, Idaho.

Wanted Specialty Man

tv rkrg men are tarried and the show moves

To do a few Parts. Long season. Real

«if' f e preds'on of do kwort. If there Is · i.y mi'Tie' t" ;et this si-a-on I predict that llTissell will gel It. for I was connected with
r -I Miiiit.i r of Tears as agent and insr.ig>r and the company he has this season and I r<iiertolre of play,- he U presenting are


job for the right man. Wire, don t write. Manager TOM'S COMEDIANS. Bridgeport, Aia,

wiThin.l doubt the best in the Li»lory of thl-

ioni:an.». ('onillllon- are very good In

j, ;,-.,

despite rejHirl- to the contrary. If

too mtny repertoire shows do not Invade this

iirr.tory the season will not be so bad after



For M Clouts of Attractioiis carried io Stock for Immediate Shipment


"* lae-iiT-ite-iai w. nftiiei. KAMSAS CITY. MO.


20x30 opening. Subject to inspection. Also Spot Light or Flood. Addresa MAJESTIC THEATRE, Rhinelander, Wis.

iroDtinned from page ;:21

Cards. Dates. Posters. Heralds. Quick service. Union label.


cure Kummer's sprightly tumedy, "A Suecr-sful Calsmity". klsnsger Lee lYlae It b Jding a riii.'taiii farewell to the company. I nder tbi* compel I nt direi ilon of Alfred t-win*


PRATT POSTER CO.. Print Craft Bldg., ·



son tins lenipuny ha- enji'>id greater pi'puIsriTy ih.n any sin. k orgauisatum playing Kit Umood Tiie attendanee has la-en larger than that wh.ih the |,«-i.i of «tn> k companies of preeeding years wa« favoied. The con-!-iint sepiHirl gl'en by plj>gi>era convinced many tl .atriial wts. acr.s herealK>ut that Ki'hmend Would siipiHirt n periuam'Ot slot k com¬

Willl.iiu Paul. Henry 0 M.irgarct Kaye. .Xriliiir Wuoitry, Wbitford Kanv. I.:"yil Ki-t'r. s-' n.i Harniini Coburti. Tlmcttiy H intl< y au'l ,'ll.-ter Will.irr.
Savoy Players
s.n Diego Caltf.. June IT --Th- Savov pl.vy-

Herbert Dobblna as the Rev. David Lee, I.ArrT Sullivan aa Andy Beardsley, Myrtle String, r aa Mrs. Jones. Idabelle Arnold as QLidya Jonea. I'o.l'ert Fay aa Monte Jonea, Jean Oliver as Diane, Oliver Hancoik aa Abner Norton, Wm. V. Hull aa Dr, Andrew Cobb, Fred Jenkins aa Judge Hashronck, J. .'I. Golden as Morton Jones, Eddy Wa'ler aa Kenneth ,Tamleaon, Alex¬

Oome<lians that double Quartette and Traps We ftirr.lsh Tiaps. Wii.t sctier. reliable and experienced ·rten. CA.N r.-^E .MI'SICAL T. State your Iwest aiil all in leiitT. strawberry Rus.eli. wire.
JO.NES MKDUTXE CO.. St. .Marya, Pa.


pany of like calllNT iiiti.' or ten months In the , r- < luae fb«lr engagement at tl.*' S.vvoy Thca- ander Campb*'ll aa Cornelius Jamleaon, Fr.'d '·sr. Sv«ins..n and h." pla.'.i- wipe given a i.r lliia week, their tlniil offering twing ''Ilappl- Jenkins as Griggs.


most flattering di ministralloii of regard by ll*e n.-s-'". with Sarah Padden. gue«t artist, playing .t 'hiiij's pa'rons li lting Ihe final week. The .·I'l'<'«ite Frederick Ilivmond. Hou-e Jlanager

Orpheum Players

Ki I. E'-ceeittic cr Black. Must rut on acts sed do Sicrlaltles. Cl.aiige li '«eek. Stale are. exterlenco

Hen rs of the vompany were called upon In·I ' I 'i .1 I ' aiknowbdg. the .ippreelatlon of

Piilmcr anno'mcee a return to vaiNlcvllle policy. i.|>. June Zi, with alx act* of vaudeville.

Dnlutb, Minn., Orpheum Theater--"In Love and -alary. I ra>' liaii.spi rtaiion. .V l'lre»s BBCKKB With Love". pre8»'uted by Edward A. Fiirul. COMEDY CO.. Cold Mlime 'll.

' I'g ini.l.iu. I i!at g.ii 'i red to pay them mid «i-h Hum .ill gislspi-d.

William Auguatin Players

Mtiiiiislir, M.iss., June lit.- Willl.iiu Angus' 1. - I iuking play, "reg o' .\l' II ml went e i-r big with the fiilks In l)li>u<-e«ler. 'I.iss.

It I'l Kloycl made a eli.armlng leg and llirtn'tl

' g -tin "Kniv ked 'em »ll(t ' wtih In- iioitrayiil

it ric. Ilirlert. by tin- w.t'. was l··.nlly

'esi'-d to lida Hoiidre.-n. of Krmn'iig! mii.


\V" presume he « aptlv ,iti d llie e,, rmlng

gill w lie be w.i- plating in llial lown Ills

I*.' .r "lliir was l»-i mmi at He- wedding.

" I I'l bride's slslei, 1 Hmidn'in. was I il ef Ie nor. Hill .\ngii*lin Is at present on

V e iioi liip In Ti'Xis. Hnlh Kloyd was a

» -I'er in I'.o-ton la»t wii k.

New Company at Copley

.' .'iit'iiucd fr'm page J.'i)
riUalblh PlillHi'X a* Xiinnette. Gco. Snyder n» tic bheriff. Buy Wink- aa Dennla.
Harder-Hall Players
Port nichmond. Stuten Island. X. Y.. I'»l.i 'e Tlicater--`Tp In MaN'l'a Room", preacuted by tbc llardi'r-nall Playera, under tlie atage di¬ rection of Kdwln E Vickery, ci-t. via.: Edwin F: Mi kcry a.- Krug. r. tV.IUam P.awley aa t'or11--. Ja.v Il.'ll,' a- Jimiuy Uitclim.'til. Speii'-iT n- .\Ii'i.i I ui' Iibi. ni. Ib'bcrt Bcnilcy na Gurry .tln-wcrth. I»t'r.'!!iy I>iinn aa Heraldin''. F'raii' ca \V.« dt'iiry a- M ils I E--ington. Edn.i Hirn aa Marll.a \V.I'l..n. Kr.inkl'n Mimndl aa .Arthur tV. l.lon, IViroilij Trai.-ky a.s Mane.
Harry Bond Players
Plttatii'ld. Ma-- . fnlon S'lunre Ttualer --

with the atage direction of Desmond Gallagher, assisted by Charles Costello, cast, vlt.: .Mary JIcCool as Julia, Tlwimas II. Walab as Wllliara Jordan, Leona Powers as .Vnn Jordan. Den.ibl Foster as Rolx-rt M.'t'alf. Walter Scott Weeks ns Frank Oakes. Eugene Shake-peare as Jack Gardner. Leonore Sorshy as M.arlon Sears.
Poll Players
Flarifonl, Conn.. Poll's Palace Theater--"The First Year' . a«'isl<*<l by S. Z Poll, with the -t.ige dlri'i-tion of .\. H. Van Itiiren. featuring W' ifreil St. Claire .ind .Arthur Heward. cast. MX.: .T.i.' Kay as Fred I.iving-ion. Ury.'e as Mrs. Fred Ll'Jiigslon. Wlnifre.l St. Claire as Grace Living-ton lidmund .Vblx'y as Dt. AI>ron .AndirM'ii Je-eph Wjg-t.iff a- I'lck Loring. Jr.: .ArthiiS- How.ird a- Thomas Tiie'gi r. Fran-es Williams is Hattie. Fiank Melliigh as Peter Rarsiow, Ruby Rlat kbiirn as Mrs. Peter Darstorr.


(On a a

"I h .1 '»·) -'-No. I BUck-

taee Cunt-.iiaii d. .

""t ulaa'K raoi'.i-gues. 'i  L

· lean com.'r>' m a'v B. ". art. fer week

two. Will n.'l w. vluaP. Wriie me vi-ur It

Ibu'.'t Wire. W i; nu anywhere s' 1 DON'T Xi.K,

TU'KET. .\ 11

ni\NK SHEOK, General I>eil».'

^iv. runX'sXjiaM .  Ta-



At Is jerty Ohara :ers and Speclaltleg. (Vgeod, Ind.

WANTED AT ONCE. A-1 rs f.^ Tent Rep. S' ow. with

Srsyla iie- pief.ri'vl. Muu be A-1. sitate .alary. I · .ly a ! stivr . d.*. H'Ve t"0 good rnvil.,..- r


. i-!':';- .t tois ili iMiiis tra-'S write. I. M.

MII.XV. Gsuftal De. very, Wati.,*.. Peniisy!..i .ia.

Pn rapt aorvi.v 'I.derate prl.t.-. Write f r f-tirlt'e Pru-e List. Vr.rters to the ProiCMlou sln.e l»7j.

Ih Ion. June g|--Tlio new .\ngli»-.\incrk'iin s'ls k lompHuy under the direetiou of H. Iilen I'" - op< lied at tile Copley Theater last ii'sel with ' llnlwin's Chol.e". .\ B(VHl-Hlti>d H'lli me was on hand and gave tlie pl.ivers ii '·ally ri'''pHoii. .\ tl.iiroli i seelli ill pr'sliu* 'I'll w IS glxcn llil- wi'il known lomed.'. and "" pU.'ers wlio h'lp'd l« pul It o'l'r werv '' 'li'.T Hale. I'am' la li.i'll'"rii'', Hli.'i I'.irl'y,


1.000 far tIO


-It WmI i2j atrsoi.

_Nrs. Vt.k.

Aayana Kaswlna Anylhine tl
nnUCE H CAMPBELL wrdr hii Maihrr, MRS. A. H. CAMPBELL. Ida k'*w. itwa

·'Acrosa the SIT... t '. procnied l«y tlic Harry Hond Playera. mi.t'r tlie stiigi' direction of Harry Hund. a-sl-lcd I'V H"'v.aid Hi* ker. cnat, vix.: lli l* n H .'-iiig. r ii- .M lilri'il Martin. Todd Itrn.kot aa Dlsrlv Mii-giavc, K X. Ulio»l''a aa Harry af.ipl»'lon. Ui'liii* t'l.irk Kn-s,'!! aa Mrs, Elvira'l' T. Phil Si.-tti. id .iv .Ii>r llagley, ll'iwanl Kuk.r .i- C.i ' V .'-'M. Harry Ki-tier aa ('vrn- I'ctkins. M.ugiuiilc Klein iia .\gnca Ell.-ry Harry Uond u- Kemiolli IKvlgo. .\ithiir Morris a* t'ol- Wi'iilworlh Ibslg,'.
Bei'kell Players
Ill'll.iiiapotix. Iiiil . I!ngii-i.'- Itp'.a Ht'uso-- ' Tl auk !' . I'ri -ciili'd '<> Ih'' IterW'II Playera. iniil.r Ihe stage dlrollen of Kd'ly Waller, assisted by Win V. Hull. eaal. vig.: Hrtirielt.a Elovd aa iunnah, Mary Mill aa Mis> Ulod(ett,

Mountain Park Players
Holyoke, .Ma-s., Moiiaiain Park Casino-- 'Wedding Bells'', pre-inied by Goldstein P.rotliers, witli the stag* dit.-vliou oi AVillard Dasblell. assisted by I."ii!s Welf.ird. ea-l. viz.; laniis Wollord :.s Fn'.i>aki. Irving Mit.'belt as

I'l tiiet, B. ,v O.: wife. Trontbneie. B. *0. "Ke d.ves N.'ve'ty \ '. Call i-iiange r.l.ghtly if »lesl*ed. T';l.t Wire. T . e. It.r--. Wet's. tN'nti'rtlor.Is' an.i i;iheis. Ij'ii - wtic. I'lci'er Mtp. Will oca sider ciuus. P r svwvKU, Poetj.l'.tc. Indiana.

Kegin.ibl Caitei, .ter-y O Day t- .la.'..son, Dil¬ lon Ibasy as Sp.nt.r Well-. Eugene Head as Dteigia- Drdwa.v. Mai" ' 'i It'.tl. a- Mr-. H.ui'er.

To All Medicine Men

Helm Is'wis ,is \iarein Hiailer, Irene as Rosalie. Claire .M'lsliii a- Hi>oi'''r.
Players' Guild


We s'di rave tOum fjr several g>>xl men to handle our ttenicdif'. Via) need I-evUirer an I few Performers. \U year weik. GUKV:X VAI.LEY MEDICINE CO.. Millet-town, I'emsyUoi ia.

Milwaukee. AVis.. D.iviil-...) Tlteatel>--"Light

Wines and IImt". presented by the Player*'


Guild, under the -lage direction of J.tmeo nlK> answered my te.-er:t ad, a.'.ept my liearty appre¬

106 iContiDUed on page


ciation. Wlien at liberty keep In touch with DR

LEE BANUHU. B>6 K. Nafblan

ColuaabiM. Ohio.


Tlie BilIl:>Ocircl

JULY 5, 1924

a.nd Americdn Achievements in the World ojTMusiC
l7etta NavM^Hen^


To Be Important Feature of Missouri State Fair --Mrs. C.C. Evans,of Missouri Federated Music Clubs, To Direct Contest, Which Is Open to All Young Musicians of State

The Mi-souri State Fair nianagemi nt believes in iiiu»ie at the fair and ha- long recogn.zed It- im|».rt.iiiee oil the annual pMgruniH. Tl.i- Vi ar. laiw.-ver, the diri etors have set a pre. i ilent in fair annal- and stolen a niarrh on the -i-ti-r State fair- of the iu(inir,\ by -f.iri'ng -umething new that has

T'n sident Helen G. Stee'.e, of the Music Club.

Sedalia. Mo. Mr-. John W. Sims, leader of

the Junior r.O'.-ter Mu-le Club. Se.lali.i, Mo,: t! Mabel IieWitt, pre-hlent, I'l b rated SeJalia g






Works of American Composers Fea tured on Independence Day


Ilf Kif Siailiiim ·utiiirtt

j ^ Ilf NfW Vnrlt rilT wll! 1m> inaiiKurati'il tin- <`\r

^ ,I

i>f July 0 at tin- I.i » >olin .stailliini ati'l

till' fiTi'crt. « ;i bi s \in i-M-ry rvi'iims ttun--

:i*'i`i fur '··V'M wi'i'L.

Till* ron'lurtiirii fur

itii- Hi a*i>n will III' Willi-m Van IIu-s-trati n. ^ iiiiiilui tiir Ilf t!.i* ||lllllarmIln I* (irrlii»tra, with
that i.'rjij Iti- tii-r, rundiirtor cif fhi* t'in'innatl or-

rhf'tra, a* iriif-t ninilui-tor. Itianmurb aa la*? year'* auilutiee* .liuwiil an liuTi'ane uf aNiu'

iti"t forty i>ir eent over t!ie altenilane" In I'.'J'J

f:ilr the Stadium ilflelal* have made privi-iiiin fur

ra", «»ir larfr aU'Ileni'e* till* yuar thru murttie

the uretii'tra «tand haek ateuit thirty feet, thui

" n::il':li)r it !iii-.« lile to I'lare 3 <·'0 add:t unal

i.e:i'« In t'e St.i'llii'n. The jiriieram. a'-eorl1't to t'. e annuiini i-ment of Arthur Jiid-'U,

manager of the Stadium Coneert*, will le · f

the h k I -t l.u.'.ltile '.tanda'd.

T'· SMdiiim t'onerta du nut follow tl--  Id tn li'lun t'lat -umnur ron-ert* miiot oun

I. 'I i hlefly of liclit, popular miMlc," *ay* Mr

.liiiN 'U. ' T' e l or.dui tor. l-aTe hutlt the --

proBr.nn* on the pr nelp'r that nothins I* ti'.t (tooil f e the stadi um audlenee., the  n'v limila* ·n« ! nc thn«e Iniju'-ed hy the fa '

th It fe-e i-unei rt» are p'avi d out of d^>or-

M -t of the »t:in'lard ·ymphotile. and «.Tm-

phiinle p^N in* are ll.ted ft perf Tmanee, a-

Well a« iinf.imlllar work* by r!*««le an I tuCMlern l'^l;.u··r« 

f'-r the opiii ns prnpram on Thur*day. July 3, the eymph^inr wilt bo Ileethuven'* Fifth,

and ot'i-r nimle-r* wll tie Ti'halknw*kT'* "Ib'iueu and Juliette" Overture Fanta-la.

Jo!,ann Strau*-' Wiener Wald Walt*e« ard

the r-eltele to "Itle Mel«ter-lncer" On F'l-

elay evinlna. Ju'y t. the program will begin

with the "Star Span-led Itanner'* an'! the greater pu-t n "f the l·nIert will bo devote.! to the v.  rk" Ilf .\m'' o..mpo«er< Tl.-'

eompu«lt ,un* to be jierformed w'l! bo

Xecru ItVap-i .Iv", hr Ili iiben Ooldmark. aP'l

tllla wll bi' Mie fltNt time the work la-

been pn-i nt. d on a Stadium pr.'gram; "The

l ove s-ing and V llage Ve-tlTBl". from Mao-

Puwel". Indan Suite, and Victor Ibrhi'rt'*

`·Anie'i. an Fania = 'e", and T'-halkow»kv'*

Veurth 'Jvmphony will eoneludo the p'mgram

tin SatiirdiT even ng Ileethovon'* Overture to


"I en'ire". ae'e. iIon* from fJrleg'* "reer

flynt" Suite. straii««` Wiener Hint Waltio'i, the I'n l. le to ·T.uhengrln'* and the Flr«t Suite from "1.'\rli ·I nne". tiv Itiget, will be plated The aiid't'un* for *uIo|«t«. If po«*lbIo, will bi'

eumpleted and the «olo'«t* aoleetod bofuro the

f r«t Week of the oonoorta thall havo been

eumpb teil.


Mrs. C. C. Evans, of Sedalia. Mo., who is chairmiri of the W.iya and Keans Cor-imittoe of the Missouri Federation of Music Clubs, is superintendent of tho Junior Music Contest, which is to he a feature of the M.-'souri Stato Fair this year. She has had wide osporionrn with young musicians, and. aided hy the capable W'omcn on tho Music Comniittce. promises to make the contest a permanent feature of tho annual fair.


d-aw for pla.* w. Fir-.t-r'riz*` winners .JuuMr <li:!.w. m.d w. i: n.rt. ..f t:

in .*111 tho

will have an op[i<»rtuiiit  S*-! imiI of Mu^ » of Sfilalia,

I! rt

fn ai jitar «<ti tli** i»M»-'r inj in fnuit <if tli

AltJjo an inno\,if:..n at tlo- M swonri St.itf

amphith^-at^r in tin* aff*Ti.'M.n and n.-'lit o\*t Fair 1 h .liii ior

t'luii i-ntt^f j, alnadi

du> fti t ·· fa.r Wi-'k fulhiu;:!;; tl;*'* award n

f jri'.z St)it*-rtid*` i;it-r* t anioni: th** .\'»iini:

· 'It M'';.d:iy and i u* ^da\

liu;" i'-.aii"

Tho i-ntry l.-l hoMs jtrorn'o of

Mr-, r. C.

idjainnan *-f tho way- anej hoing 4 r*inp!» t. d hy Du- olo^inj: dal.* an-l It

.and ino;`iu ot.inmittoo of tlio Mif-ouri Fedora- .

po--ihli. iliat :iddit!oijal r» will h.

linn M ·-.* t'lu'*-. is su:*orintondont arid uill H`^'d. d to i»ro\id«* f»*r tin* ottniju tinj: nr i-nin-.

ii i f . ` .iri'i- .f tie d- rirfriiont. T!io <oin- Tho t.i-k of -taaitiL' a .^tafo-widi' oonl*-t of

til'.*-'. Vi'irki.j: ;n oo-opiratIon with Mr-,

a- tod..\\-: 'Ir-. Atih »* L. Sijf^tld.'.

I r»

.\I>`MU-r !'t d` ra* .on of M :-io rini»-,

M* ' .


K. 1'.« r'. < hairinan. J itror



:ri r.*ltraii"n "f M -i** ('luh..{.

Sf. .h . 'h Mr-. Ar.'.a 11 o rm-ir. II:m !

ton. t

' :i * r of .T'ji.iur 1) partuont «»f

t'd^i -ort

not an »*a-y orn*. hut Mr-. Fvan-.

who lia- l;ad aliundaiit o\p«rioio o with j-inior

muMioian**. i-rorni-. - f » inako Iho oont* -:t iH.pu-

lar onou.:h to Im* iro lud d on

n gular pro

irr:iin of tho

S'ato Fair h»roaft.r.

'I lio oonto-t

rooi i\» d tin* indorwornorit of

th" Am-ri. an F' d ra ion of Mn-;.** rinh- and


F.-doratii.n of Mu-o

tho loar'y -11: port of tho ini.-hal pr*-v tiiriioiii

Auxva--o. ': j.; Mr-. K. P. A'anc y, «!:r`> tor of the on intry. .Ml ]*or-onu intoro'*lod in tnuHfo the Mi>:^ur) r< (3oration of Mu».ic f'luhs. und hav«- plodk'od tlo-ir t*o 't| oration as t)»< y h« lleve

.oini,.w...! ,,r f..ur >...1-1: ^ r] xmiiirsiw and a

<no k ' ilrumriM r Ihi.'*, nnd fl.** .''i ifo Pair

M*'*idy I'j.* . a imhI*- 'iuarl< t, with a*-



'riki^ln'H rni,.t:t Fand iinil

^iraiol Mjicr.i *'oiMi';ni.\, of I'li ic*». iias


d f'-r oo'irt rt w.nk and f'T t .0 pr -1111:1

f ion of ... a. ( of  Xltla''. rio* I'.oy

S. oiit F.aiid of .'-prm'jf 1* Id. Mo., M.iM|Mm.*d nf

l'*0 ;ioi;i|t-. will ho an a»!d-d fojiiuro. a- al-n

wll ho iho ( lintoti lh»y I'.iml

If 111.* iiiu-io prop'rain thi** \»*ar falN to -atlnfy tho Iovi*r> of innsi>* fhoy will irnh**! ho Kovi ro rriti.- on thU mihjo. t. It 1- p. rhai>-4 -afo to -a.v that no oile r Stato fair In tin* Fnitod S!:iIom |., offorlnc **U`!i a ^.·^r·d intiNloal i'''o;rr:im nti l it i** d* rid-dly afo to tnak'* tin* :i-'" rt|«iii at no otli r tnno dnritik' tlo*

iwont> four ^oar* of Mi-'Oiirl Stato Fair hUloty

hn- *^111 li an aggr'^ration of niUHloianM hoon engaged lo work ot the State fair.


ron«1nrfor of t'"*

\r\v Y'^rk l*!iil!»nrmoiiio Orrh«»«tr«, who ron

fjfttvo rHrk,

n* rln-rf*'* Orrh^'^lrn uf th!« wnmnirr. pr»**

two fn* m*tr<nl c*

In honor of Mr.

TTf'liit on Tm-'diiv l·^«'nln^. .Tnno 21


llmflor w.i^ n Hft* h»ne frlond of tho tut**

«otnpo«or o«»n«liii tor nn»! frnnkly i«t»to« fh»il


Ion nnti n«« «fnnro

mi him ^>T

Vii ft»r l|t rlH-rt hofio tl hirn to turn from tho

«omiMi'aitIon of !'i:ht

lo tho «*»rntfon of

noTo '·or!oii« work A^^t^tfnp f!io VIotor ll^r-

foTt Or*!io*"trn nf f!»«**o nn*niorf«| ooniMTtn wn^

tho Strawfirhljro A (''Inthlor ('honM, of I'hMn I'tpha. iintft f Hio i1lrooth»n «»f T'r T1orl»ort .1

Tl!v Two of Mr ITort»*'rt*a worka for rhorii«.

Mohit^fi* nn*1 orohowtrn woro porformo4 "Tho

f*;i|'f(M ** nn*l "Tho Cnl! to Kr* t'littfn**. «n-l

f`*r tloMo t>iii

ao!ol«f< wrfr Inoi Har

h -nr. 'Otir;ino. nn<l Krt'tf I'atton. l»ar!ftmo N

·short l·h<»rnl work, ··(*ro««i!nir tho Tar**, r«»m-

|Misi ft hr Hr TlW fi^**

ot'onnton. wn«

aonfoit nn»l Ifonry TIa*11or*a **rioc1o** for rolto

nn«! ors*h» ·<fr.i waa i:lvi n. w th rani KofsT

aoloUt. Mr tlnrltov*** toniT «·***·»*· all«*n with Vli'for

llorhort onntth'f! him to onrrr «»n ftio ofmoortn

I'lnntHt! tiy hi'* l;iti* fr1*`n«l aa portniM no ofhor

4*ont!sit tor ofoiM lui\o slotio, atnl r«'|***ff* fr -m nro that Hio auilloncoa, whirli havo

ht«n tarifo. liaro hoon Tory anprorlatlrc of tho

orrlio»`fra and Ita loador.

JULY 5, 1924

Xlie Billt>oarcl




interest. Tills week Ilerschel Stuart, director.

I p-o-oiitiiig t . ' .Mi--iuri Song am] piui-o Re

Increased Audience fer Second Opera on Polo Grounds
Neu 'j.irk. Jinn L'.'e--The -. l.·Illl peif.iriiiuii. .

Discussed at Annual Meeting of Na¬ tional Correert Managers' Asso¬ ciation in Chicago

yiio in w n il i gliloon pi opio p.irlu'iiiale. ui-

olo.l ng Amlrovc l' Kl t,,., X, .m.i !>· an. Haze

Hickman and a I'n-iii-'i Bill. f

a iiiinil.or

la g yen liy -ovo-i · Smi-liino Girl- d ro.-t.-l

Ill jrr.iiiii I,]. r;i inider the d.nt'.n of ih.- (i;erii

i it on drew Imre.ix .| iilfeml


to the I*.do ifrounds la-t eieninir yvht.n

\ ·l.l" IV.I

irhell lind. r the l';|r|er-lll|l of

('ll.'-age. June --(iff.eer- ri-il.-eti-J at the anounl niectliii; of I'.. .Vati-jual I'oneirt Man¬ ager-' ,\s-iieialion nt tl*. Ildg. water )'.· a. h Il'til, wTiieh elo>id .vesterda.v. win: .Mr.-,

tl i;. G. iirg" \V

and angmoiiti'il by tlio City Niglit Hawks!ig Tr o. yvit.i

Sli vo Harr;. Ko--i'l and Will .Malmiiey.

Kriiost It.i'.;-. .XniiTican tenor, who i- ,a

1 . S.mI. to

I' ;; 0|M .11


fojitiired .-..lo,-t at the R alto T mt.; of


haiu Wil.-oii Greene. Wa-liiugtin. I». (.,>!e tor oiitil' .ir im -. m.ii o'l im.i h.-i

pri d.-iit; Sell y iip|s n'leini. Sm I'l.ii.. i-e.., '..rk < ily,, lias U- II

L'» '(1 ,1'

t Witll


III" t 1 ff.etivelv iv'th till- aid of an

ii'iitineni .1 ei opii- iind luil'it and a e.i t of

|.r II. .|.a|. r . i.'ii ill (l|.. ii|;i.ii ii..|i|iit.d them

w III T||l|.·'l d -I'll.I "HI I'riii..- I',-al»:i.

yie.-pr*-idenl. and .Margaret Klee. .Milwmike.'. .. i Ti i.irj-treii-iirer.
.\niong f|io-e pri-eul uli. n the euineulimi

Ih'' 'y.U't n .- Hall S ynii»1i on.v liD'f'T Mr H-nr.'

XX-.,..d ;i' 1r.i'ir i.r>.in.

· oil. . ris t'l |.. ' giv' ii

III l.'.Dilon, England, fh»* Intii<r p.irt of Augii-t

anil early 1S. [.t. rnh. r

>Ir . 1>. ixi- will al o m ik.'

Ill llie ii.iiif part, furi' .r nn r. s- .1 t .· i;o.»l nip'.- -0.11 mail.' lii-t we. K an.I ?·.. i,. w.i- les,

yya eall. d t.. or.i. r v, . re; L. 11. Rei.myer. I.o.\Ilg|e^, .Margaret Rjee. Milwaukee. Ra-hel

,'i -hurt t iiir .if 'h (' Kn

il province . b' foro

returning 111 .X:iu ;l in Of lotxT.

il If iili.v In h iriiii: her I..\\ tom


''.iliiiir a- was ?.vin a veritable

e .ii o.ii nt f - eont'lii'on of the w. II known

.ir :i ''('i'.--te .Mda '; furthermore, lie |i e»--.|

t . aiiilii r.i',' taiglil l.t thriioiit f'o entir.- pro-

f .iin. dertr'.| Wilder wa- .\mner - and

V I- -1 .1 to liave f.iki II the ride on vi rv -h-.rt

'··· ·.· .1- -nh I 'nil for farmelli I'mi-.':. . who Wi- -urfeitng a ·'.'d ind under the-.'

K.ii-oMiig. Chiiagu; Anna Goff Rr.'ant, till'ago; Illj/als'lli Ciien.v, .>-1. I.oui-; .Mr.-. Katie Wil-oii '-reetie. \\ a-hingtoii. Ii. r K l-.i >a 11.Its. llou-ton, Tex ; W Hard h mball, I.ilieola. N.b.; George .S. (Igden, pe- .Moines; ·Mr-. L. Darli.v. Cin.-inn.iti; Mr-. .\de|ia I'retiiislliigi* -. Cleveland, 'ind T. .Xrthur Smith, Wa-Iiington, It. C. lit er yiii mber earn. later.
line of the prineipal topies of diseu-sion

In cel.'l. ration of It < third anniver-;try the

Paine.. Th .ati-r ..f

1'. T.'X . pr.'-. ·ute.l a

si..'c ally xy·rift.'n iiin >ifal skel < h. entitled "Fifty Year- Xg  me! T'.d ».V* '. I'o Il .X'lHrfs Wonder

Jazz Biii.l wa- a f. anir*' of tl,.' -k.'f'li . whicii

Was ilivi t. .) int.i twi 1 fM ri ..d-;; fir-t, ''T'* · Enter-

ta iling i.f Piftv ' . ·ir-. U-.'

anil t'.' sei'ond.

· Til.' Fllte rla niug .. f 'I'lM lay' '. iu which xvaa 11-

lu-irat.'.l t Im j.i.c.-, <11tnA»* t .f t'i»l!iy an.l tti .' w.iBa

· i" uin-'ani I il would !><· only ins' to defer yy.i- the Hf)t:ity eontra-t. v.hieh ha- long be.-n I.f tmlav. fl.'-#' b#* ITIL* nt' rtTi'tt'fl b' Walter

pM-» lie all oi.inion on M - W .ib-r'. al.itifv iii."i P'M we.k. when : e i t."i appear n

a IS. nt of eonfrover y le tween th. Miisieal .Managers' .\--.H iation and i:.. i  n-" r' 'Ian

P' and the

ins Billet.

 I .Ma'h : a" Pirfriilar'y effertiye Ir.fh from t'.e

-tand-' ,\s-nciation and which wa- still un settled when the convention adjourned. I'oi-

The return of the origii'a! Six Brown Brnthers to Broadway - bo'ng inado tho inn- oal feature

tio'iit of - nginc and ro-tnminc w.i- I'le T-mple lowing the December meeting in New Yo-k of the program at the Mark Strand Tlieater.

PRICE DUNLAVY u a >eU-known or(jD.kt ID motion picture theater circlet and at present it aasiatinr John E. Kill at the orcan at the Ki'llrwood Theater in Hillywood. Calif. Mr. Dunlavy received hit elementary orfan instruction from Imeit r. llawkdet. of Memphis, Tenn., «ha It a irraduate of the Royal A^adsmy rf Music, of London, to d a member of the American Guild of Orranists. Hit first theater «'ork vat done in Cbicafo at this Corent Garden Theater, then followed a period of time in which he was demon·trator for the Wurlitrer organ in Chicago,

- .11.

.1 I . trlumpl'inl entry of Ridames.

.Mso worthy  f mn'''i praise \va- fl w .-k of

·I.e hirg. b.ill, f le.I I.v t.l'van Oird* n an'l

K 'l'i n. < It'iilolidi

New Yorker- should sup¬

port the Giv e OiH-ra Company i:. its end.iivor

|.> ; rovide cie-i mu-leal enferf.-iinm'nt in the

open air. Everythlne 1- done to cuTibute to

t'.e la.nifort of those who attend the jierform-

ance and even tho New York wa- pa-sing thru

an extremely hot spell the evening "Alda"

was given the Polo Grounds was so cs.I and

·'.·mfortable one forgot the heat in the en-

p.vment of the good mnsic.

To Be Presented on Independence Day at Goldman Band Concerts

the .Musical .Managers' .\s-o<'iatiun

an Erinity contract form to the Concert Man¬

agers' .Xssoeiatlon for con-ideraton at the

next Cbteagu meeting. Tin- laiuitv cuntra'-t

was carefully considen'd, according to a sjiokes-

man for the Concert Ma.nagers' .'ssoclation,

and rejected owing to features which, it was

ilaimed. tad been changed or incorporated

s n.-e the meeting of the two a-soclations in

New Y'ork in Peeem'ier.

revised Kiiuity

(Continued on page 112)


This is Jaiz Week at the Howard Theater in

New York C't.v. this weok. Tlie ovirture played by till' full Mark Strand Synipliony Orcliestra xvith Carl Eil'iiiarde condiiitiiig oon-i-ts of »e1`i tions from "Pr n-i -s Pat", and E-telle Carey sings ''lyivo Is P.cst of Xil". The Original Six Brown Brother-, as-isted by the'.r bund of thirty savophone-, aptioar at each porfo'-manco, and their act con.-i-ts of six mnsieal numbers. J.isoph Plunkett, managing director of the Mark Strand, in t'.e opinion of many. Is providing one of the most pretentions program- offered in any,Broadway motion picture theater in re¬ cent years.
S. L. Rothafel resumes the series of tabloid operettas at the ('apitol Theater, New York City, this week with the presentation of Vietor Herbert's ·'Swi'ethearts" as the feature of tho musical enterta'nment which accompanies Rex Beach's picture. ''Recoil". This opera was

and he gave up that work to become or¬ ganist in the Pnncett Theater, Toledo, 0 , »hrre he remained for more than a year. Mr Dunlavy then went to California to ' P'*. a theater for the West Coast Theaters,
and later filled an engagement at 1.' ew t State Theater, Lot Angeles, and ·rom there he went to the M.lier Theater in Lcf Angeles, where he was engaged at the time he wtat select d as assistant rganist for the Hollywood Theatei.

The G.iMnian P'.ird Goneerts on the Mall In Central Park. New York, eontinu'' to Inereax' In air.-ndan-'e. Pur ng th'«. the fifth we.k. Mr G Idman presents three feature progr.iins. the f r-t of w' *. 1- f.e'ng iw--nt- d a- we g.i to pr.-'- and Ine'udes T-balkow-kv's
Symph.ny Pa*hef<itne. Op Wednesday. .Tulr pr"g*am will eor.-'st of t'-- work, of
pa' an l·-^·.·»er-. bttt the feature pr ogram of til- we.-k w'll be that of Independence Par .liilv I, when the entire pragram will b«' devo-.-.l to the oompo-lftons of Americans. Mr.

-Atlanta, Ga., and commenc ng June 3ij Buel B. Risinger, musical director, la pre-eiiting a sjM-cial musical program by the Ileward .-^ymphony (irehestra. The feature is the premiere apjwaranee of the Howard Atlanta Famous 1' ayers' .lari Orchestra, under the dir.-ction of Ca'vin R. Ife.
Two b;g musical acts are to play early engjgi-nients at flic Ka-tman Theater in K-icteste-. N. Y The Orig nal Mix Brown Brothers, yvith f.e'r f.iini'Us pla.'ers of saxophone-, will be featured -oon. and Raymond Fagan and His

P'-osluced for the first time In Baltimore in It'l't with Christie MacDonald In the leading role The cast in tho tabloid version at tho Ciipit.i' ||.I;-:-ts of G'lidys Rice as Sylvia. Sara Edwards as Lliane. Frank Moiilan as Mickel, 1> o do Ilieraiiolis as Prince Franz, Jo-eph Wotzil as Meat. Karl, .Xva Bomharger as Captain Caniche and Pierre Harrovver as Baron Von Troni;' Mme. GambarelH is seen in Herbert's "XVooylea Sl.oe Dance" in which she is a-sisted by DoriNiles. Lina Delins. Nora Piintin and Mill cent Bishop.

Goldman will opm th'' evening concert on that .sy ni;.hi>uic Itin.-e Orchestra, a big hit over the


d iti wif ' R'ti-a's famous march. "T'c stars an.I Sir .-es F.-rever". and the other comp-'sers to N' r« pre»ente.l on the program w '1 be

K.'ith and Oriil,e',;ra circuits, will flay a w. e:ig s*mear at the Eastman.
I'l ar'es M. Courboin Is now at Scranton, Pa .

Additional Concert and Opera News on Page 112

11 idler. P.ige Nevin. Saenger. Mana Zucea. cnductlng what Is said to be the first master

I'S' f'.- till' summer ininuTts in P tt-huru. I' 1'' ' U'l n ·I'n'ii'i'liil hy tin- I'.tic ('lull

Ib-ai h. W.'OiIman. Ilerbert.



and c'ass in organ playing. f-.n-ie until .Xiigust 1.

The class will con-

iC'i ;i. liiile ronrert- daily In wme part uf the

The June issue of The American Organist

*' ; 11. Jii'y ii III ]»t* tuN'r 1 lt,-iw»-,n the-e** ds · - lira, tli ally pv.-ry community and d-trict


DirectoryofMusicTeachers contains much interesting news and Informa¬
tion helpful to theater organists.

· ': ' - rg the r fy of IMtehurg w.ll have op-

Frank Van Pu'en, -V.

G O., has opened

.1 ty t.. riij .y f ·· .Mui.icipal I'-ai.d (..iicci--
T ."Tiniiltii's srhitid I*. V Ninlia .n- c .u '1 · f r fl,,. Itrce Imtid i-on'eris and I-.i.hire

Sponsors Junior Civic Orchestra

the Special Summer Course at the School for Theater (>rgan Playing offeri'd In connection

.X.'.'ord'ng to Informaf'on given by the Na¬ with the American Conservatory of Music in


('> f..r the small band. The Xlr.'la or-

g ii 1.1'on niitul.i r« thirty niii-h laus sr..! t' e


Hand has .lateen and wi-rc ».;· ti,!

ft''m a large numla-r of applh.ant-. Tl.'' Mini ··

.pa: j.- 'Craiu will In. liide enni i rts tW. e we« hly Is s 'fr.ii r Park, s.\ couia rts In W. «t l'.ark.

a 1 ti- niimhi r In M< KInley Park and l«.i c.>n-

.»··· Weekly In the -mal'er piirk*. tlmt !» t

tilt dniw le.» than

in attendun,e In

id'l'ti.'n to these two iain>erts will !..· g ven

at Westlnghnuse. two at IlIgMand. two at

(' vmp'a. I almllar numl.T at Rlvervlew and

ete . . h In .krsenal an.! Trov and two nt Lm-i ire.

tional ll' for the .\dv.ineemerf of Music. 1" |·alllId.'^. Is to have the f-r-t .Tiinior Civic

Symphony Prci-e-tra M.av.'r K.-ndrlck ba- ex¬

tendi-1 an Inv taihui to a'l y.'iing mils clans of

th. (Jiiiiker Clt\ to app'v at hi- .-ffice for

menils-fsl'p In t'-.o org in'-at'on. and .\!b,Tt N.


who nriginato l at.d m.'st suci-i--stnlly

conducted the TTarm.'nlca Cont -st In Phlladcl-

t.h .1 a -'i.-rf time ago. w 'I have direct charge  f t'.- Jiinl.w Civic Onhestra. yvhleh Is to con-

sl't of ICe IsiT- rang ng In ag*- fn-m 12 to IS Mr Moyle will N- assisted In the work

of directing the orchestra by niemlsTs of the

I'h la.lelphla Prehestrn and at present *1 Is

Chli'ago. The course extends until .August 2 amt special attention Is given to thiater reper¬ toire. Including classic, p-ipiilar and Jaiz music.
Mme. Gamberelll. premiere dan-euse of the Capitol Theater. New A'ork. arranged a spec al dance. "The Music Box Poll", to music hv l.ladow presontation during t'-.e fir-t week of the Tf'-moi-ratic convention. In a marvelous costume of w' ite and gold she gave this num¬ ber with such charm, grace and artistry as to win most enthusiastic applause and several curtain call*.
The second of the grand opera series to be presenti-d at tho Capitol Theater. St. Paul,

TEACHER OF SINGING Studio; 1425 Broadway. Now YoHu
yphone. 2628 Pennsylvania. Plano School, Ca-negio Hall, New York. IV-Slet for Ccnoit Play¬ ers .X -s'TiipanIst;. Teachers.
TEACHER OF PIANO .Xddre-s Ai'.rr (litoior 1, 200 W. S7th St.. NEW YORK. Circle I0II7.

planned to give the f!r«t concert on Thanks- 'linn . given over to tile fourtn act of


gWing Pav Tlic orchestra Is Is Ing -p,in«.'r.'d Ir Mavor Nendrick and the rehear-al- are to Is- hell! In kls rcci-pfion room In Phll.adclphia's
City Mail

"Il Trovatore" with Helm Hewitt singing the role of T.' onora and Bernard Ferguson that of the Count Pi l.iina. .Also the noonday organ ts- fats given hv .Arf'ipr Kocmer. organist, in cii.dod a niimher comimsod of .splpotlon.s from

I MAUDE DOUGLAS TEACHER OF SINGING Vocal Art Sfirare 15 East 38th Street.
NEW YORK Vanderbilt l<Mie

Crrter-Waddell Studio of Dancing

P'isste aed Class IsSlruidlee


Psiwes Conseoad lee ProfiMSiMSIs.

Vsiidevltte Arts Arrsated

·* W 7;d St . New Vert

(sdliwtt 4iaa

lesre Te PIrv the Css-seets at H»i"e tv Aurera's Uaioue Method Priee, SlOnO
·'/ M.disen Aw. NEW VONK Plara TIM

nssriBg near*. Palte. Staae Arts I'm.'· SI li.rlrii.Hivi M ·(«J'e Fees
l'.'s htfig f.»r rrores-P.i'Slr F.iei.'lres Tr«'hr l.pie H -ullne ms Rrtsdwst. St tut SI. NIW YORK CITY



lulc. M .lir N y M .|,,l·.·e.,

^1' M-.a Bnwidwsv. New Vsik Ctrits OI?l


I -e, ri.»iil,l;. |·;.el.|||t- (Irtrnlsl. I'-sil

" ''i li« . lug I tilMirir- ris , >slii|.ls\. Ill'll-

'll rrm nt

Ammcdn Tenor. To Sing in London With Queen's Hall Symphony

I'rii. sl Par s. .tmer'ean tenor, who but n

-·i.irt linii- ago returned from Europe and at

tiresent 1- apis-aring as a special singer at the

Rialto Tlieiitcr. V« w York City, under the di¬

rection of Miico Rle-enfi'til. has bi'en engaged

a* wnt.dst for four eon.i-rf' In l.ondeii with

the (Xiieen's Mil' Svnip'iony under the leaibr-

shlp Ilf Sir M. iirv Wis.d

Xccerding to f'le an-

iiouiicenieiii yvb cli lias ju»t N-en made by

panlel M ivcr. p.T-oual manager for Mr. Paris,
the litter win appear at Mie four pronienad.-

.oiiceri- -I li.-.lii'e.I for \ugu-i Rl and 22 and

Seotiiiils 1 1 and '-M 'tr Pa'I- will slug with

.. .I.-lr;i

.|. . ..Iiip mill'.'lit

c..||l|si-lf loll-


Rl-kin Maii'li'i XVicii.-r anil ('ol.-rlilge Tailor*-

· oi i« n \«ake H.'Iio.hI"

Pi luMitlon to

..O'li.ri- Mr Paris yv II make a short

lour of iio- I'og -I' pr.iTio.ey bcfon' rctiimir.*


s I. R.'thafi'l. of the Capitol T'-cafer. New

York, i-ertainly knows how to choo-e special

miisiial numbers tl at will please his audiences,

an.l particularly enjoyable was the number

termed on the program

Poniocrat'c Coiivon-

tlon week ".X Popular Fantasle". This proved

to ho ''Yes. XVo Have No Banana-", arranged

In oiM-ratic f.'rm and sung by the regular sfaT

of s iigi r- of Ih.' Capitol, ineluding .tyros

Gladys Rice. Sara F.lvvaids. M.-jrJorio Harcum.

Frank 'Ionian 'Villiam Robyn. TVtor Ma'-

rowor, .Xva Romharcor and James Parker

Cis'mb-. each d-i--'.I to repre-oiit a prom -

nent operatic ctia-aftcr. The singers entor-'d

into the -"irit of the niinit'or as tho hoartiiv

enjo.ving it and the aiulieiice fairly rivkod vv t'l

laughter and aiu'l.a'id.'d with much gii-t.i in n'l

effort to have the cnliro numb, r n'lu'atod. b it

the length of t'GaTo'oI pr,.grain iI.m-- not tonilt of ri'polll oil- II. o s h.'p iig It Is ino''.I  I

for pro-oiitatlou -it -..iu.* l.ilor t'liio. a- boro's

one who woiil.l oMiov t yvtli loiiiil'o-- ..; ors.

Tho Mis-oiirl Thoator of St. I.ouis. Mo., con-

stage Rqptina tf Oaera.
545 W. Kith St.. New Ynrk. Cath. 6149.

TEACHER OF SINGING Studia. 49 Weet 86th Street. New York.
FXWRTEENTII SthXSe'N Phono. Schuyler 1261.


MRS. MARION LIS2T. Dirertar.



319 W 78th strret.


Phone. Schuyler 9*>44.


Vocal. All Instr'jaicnts and Muaie Cenpoxitian.

138 Eaal 7818 St. New Ytrfc.

lo .Xuicriet in tVtoltcr.

tiC'Jts lo c2.i Ua

prcsroaii ol umuual


T Ii e Billboard

JULY 5. 1924


lievue, Opei'etta. Spectacle
Conducted, bu GORDON WHYTE

"Vanity Vair** la drfloltFly drcldrd on a< ilio tlllo of tlio Kern-ll^lwyn-ParkiT niiiai<'ai I'liiiii'dT wlilrli Philip Ooodman will pmirnt Id Si'ptomlMT.
Iiunua O'Dcur baa Juat joined the ea>t or "Vofuea" at the Shnbert Theater. New Ti.rk Slie waa laat «een at the Winter Garden In "Artlata and Modela".

MorrU Gest plnn* to bring bark the "ChauTr.


SiMirla'* to tbia ronntry aeit January, wh<-n the lliikaUn organlzatloB will hare eontplrira



ita current rngagpmcnt In Part*.

Will Be Actively Engaged as Producer of Musical Come¬ dies Next Season

Xi w York. June 27.--"tsitting Pretty" is ai.Doiinccd to clo-e Its soasuD tomorrow uight at the Ini|>)'rinl Theater. Queenie Smith will ^^'lllrn to the t'omstoek & Oeet prodiution when it ri-o|t<`iis next S«-pteniber in Bo'liin. Her stay with the show, however, will be of limited duration, as she is under contract to star in a new Kaufman-Connelfy musical comedy. Wilmer 6i Vincent have engaged Jack Donahue for the leading male role in this piece.

The Muitral LaVonnaa are back In Cbic.iin from the Hoiitb, baring flniahed with Alt t'andler'a "Uroadwny Pollloa**. They will aliortly open In raoderllle with their BpanUh inatrunaental oddity.
"Marjorie Daw", starring Eltaabetb Rlne>. i* dividing Ha booking for tbIa week between laing Branch and Asbury Park, follewing which Walter Reade will send tbia mnsical prodix'tlon to Hooton for an all-atunmor engagement.
I mu'li'al comiKlles. The Margaret Rawkaworth, debntante and we

New York, June 27.--The coming muson will And Hessard Short actively engaged as u pmdiieer of several musical productions. The former director of "The Music Box Revue" plans to present Reynaldo Haim's light opera, "Ciboulette *, starring Vivienne Segal and J. Harold Murray, as his initial offering. Short will follow this with an .\merlean revue staged somewhat after the manner of the Music Box presentations. T'le latter protluctlon will In¬ clude two original sketdies, called "The Rain" and "The Sew Organist'*, written by an in¬ mate of .Vnbtirn pris<in. The building of a
theater and the remodeling of a playhonse in the vicinity of Broadway are also listed among the producer's activities for the new season.

New York. Juno 27.--Craig Biddle, prominent I'liiladelphia sislcty man, iind Charles Oordon have formed a ni'W lirm and under tlie corporate n.iiiie of Gordon-Biddle, Ino.. they plan to jire-eiit a series of musical plays next Hiitumn. The concern's initial venture will be tentativ, ly titled "Patsy", for which George V. Huhart iind Will B. Johnstone will furnish the libretto aud Itrics. The piece Is a musical ver-ion of a comedy recently provlueed in stoc-k und.T the title of "Patsy .\fter .\ll'*. of which Soiuuer Xichols is the author.


ment.d bv Tot Qualters, l.n dancer: Ross Fowler. larrv Shea

"Vanities*' revue. Honing Id Euy<pe



OarrolP. new

Miss Ilawkrworth la vnci-

and Is expected back about


begin rebearaala.

Tt.--"Moonlight'*, L. LawI'al comedy, will cloae toe Ix>ngarre Theater. The to reopen next season on 1. Julia Sanderson will relie, with Prank iTumlt aa

It la thought that Prltal Scbeff will have ihs prinia donna role In a new operetta by Will ll. Johnstone called 'The Soag Bird". Miss Itcheff, who bat terminated her tonr In rand* vllle, has gone to her summer bowie in Water bury, Conn.

Philip Goodman la Mid to be considering Nancy Welford for the leading feminine role In "Poppy** when the nAtsIcal comedy goes on tour in the autumn with W C. Flelda aa the



atar. Mary lAwlor la alao a candidate for the Madge Kennedy part.

New York. June 27.--George White's "Scan¬ dals'* was viewed for the flr«t lime this week at the Aitollo Tlieater In Atlantic City. The sixth annual edition of the revue was presented in two acts and thirty scene*, .\mong the principals In the cast are: Winnie Lightner, l.cMcr Allen, Tom Pafrlcoln, Will Malioney, Richard Bold, Helen Hudion, Newton Alexander, Tliea Lightner, Olive Vaughn, the Williams Sisters, the Kim City Four, Alice Weaver, Sally Starr, James Miller, the Demarcos and Their Seven Sheiks and others. "Scandals'* is announced to open here next week at the Apollo Theater.
New York, June 27.--Laurette Taylor will bead her own company next season in "1`ierrot the Prodigal'*, a French pantomime set to mindc. The book Is by Michael Carre and the Bcore by .tndre Wormser. The pantomime was originally produced in this country some years ago by a Kranco-Englisb company under the patronage of Winthrop Ames, first at the Little Theater here and then in Chicago. Mi-s Tay¬ lor is at present posing for the screen in Bollywood.

Number of conis'cutlve performances up to and Ini luding Saturday. June 28

PLAY. Andre Chariot's Revue of "2 Battling Buttler, Mr. Flossie. Grand St. Follies. I'll Say She Is. Icnoe.r.t Eyes. K* ep Kool. Kid Boots. I.ittle .1- s-ie James. ·Moonlight.. Plain June. ·Poppy. Ruiiiiin' Wild. Scandal-. (Gorge White's·Sitting Pretty. Vogros. Ziegfeld Follies.
·Closed June 2S.
Arti'ts and ModelsNo. No. Nanette... Topsy and Eva. W.ldflowcr.


-Eddie CantorJnlia Sanderson W. C. Field;

selwyn. Times 8>{UHre... Lyric. Neighliorboiid.... Gaslno.
W.nter Garden. , M'to*co.
Lari Carroll. Little. laingacre. .Sam H. Harris., .\|"«Ilo.
, Cnlonial. ..\ polio. , . Shti!>ert. .New Am^'terdam




Jan. 0.-- ·'»»

(lit. s(a"l*.

June "n. !!. ....'1l1l

.Mav 2 jiy0 ! ... 1 . ."Is

May i;i. »i

May 2 L"". " . . . ."ij

May 22... I»t·

::i... ..217

1 . . .oUI


.. .Vi

.. . .'in

*2.1.., . . s ., _

V . . . .. !* 


`.`4... .. 7

· Apollo.. Harris.. Sclwyn. .Garrick
Wllbor.. '1 remont

1... ... "ft 4... ... 72
...2b» .. ... b'j
i.'>... ... SJ

The Shuberts are now whipping three new muslcjl produetloDs into ahape fnr next ecaaon. iui luding the lyrical version of "Old Heideltarg", a Dew ".Vrtlata and Model*'* and another "Paaslng Show". All three coropanlea have been given complete raata and rebearoals are in full awing. Howard Marsh will appear In the leading role of "Old Heidelberg", which is due to open late In Augnat.
Once "Rose-Marie" Is lano< Ited. with Mary Ellis In the star role, Arthur Uaramerslein will turn bU attenlion to a musical comedy from the pen of William Cary Duncan hearing the title of "Lily of the Valley*'. Mary Hay, who was seen la*t In "Mary Jane McKane", may have the leading p.irt. The ·'Rose-Marie" pro¬ duction will also Include IVnola King, formerly with Jane Cowl'a company: Pearl Begay, Wil¬ liam Kent and Arthur Deagoo.
When "Peg o* My Dreams*' la revived in Chicago next fall It will have a new cast of playera. Since the closing of this production last May oevrral changes In the book bare
tContlnued on page f>l|
Speeialiant !

New York, June 27.--Eddie Rogers, eecentric dancer, has been added to the cast of "In¬ nocent Eyes'* at the Winter Garden. Rogers has been seen in u number of Broadway revues and musical comedies, Ineluding "Tbe Music Box Revue". Marguerite and Gill will make their debut in the Shnbert production next Monday nigiit, replacing Mistinguett, who leaves shortly for Paris, and Earl Leslie, her dancing partner.
New York, June 27.--The entire cast of "Kr-cp Kool" will have an outing next Tliursday. Headed by Hazel Dawn. Charles King and Jolimiy Dooley, the comp my will aKseuible in frr-ut of the Jlorosco Theater at 10 a.m. aiid journey Ly automobile to I'alisadcs Park in New Jersey. The pmgr.iin will inilude swiiiiniing and other athletic contests, to tsfollowed by a luncheon. Prizes will be awanleil to tlie winners of the variotts events.

New York, June 27.--Walter Catlett, who was seen with "The Follies" during its rtn-en* tryout In Atlantic City, lias -igned nji witii Piillip Goodman for tlie new raii>icnl coiuedv by Ihlgar Selwjn. IV-irofhy P-irker and .leroine Kern. The pr>iduction, its yt t nnniuntsl. will litve a triumvirate ol stars In Catlett. Gene¬ vieve Tobin and O-ear Ehaw. Tiie team of Broderick and Crawford has also Nen eng.iged for the OtHMlman hI.ow. Beliiarsuls will coiniiienee the last wok in July and llie ripening is seliedulril to take pluc(` out of town on Sep¬ tember 1. Following a preliminary tour of two or tliree w'-rks It will be broiiglit to Sew Yotk, probably at od<- of the Selwjn tl,i.itets.

Nr-wr York. June 27.--Elsie Janis. who is appearing In Imnilon In "At Home", a new (.·iieen s Theater revue, is expro ted to rr'tiirn to .New York atsuit Rr-ptemlsr 1. It Is said ·Miss Janis will take ovir a Broadw.iy tlieater, in which she will present her own prodiK-tloos.


New York. June 27.--Cortez .ind Peggy, who were ser-n In ''.'Stepping Stonef,*', appearc.l i<CPtitly before the Prince of Wales In Isiiiiion at a tiiithday supper and dance given ih his honor by Brigadier-General and JIrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt.


Atrobatk Instruetitas lor SenutioMl SU|9 Dineini
Stretching, Bar and Pad ExereiMt. Buck and Wing, Eccentrio and all Tap Dancat. tUuntratetl lUntlilrt ront«iiiinR
SctiHiitiiiiial c r.ij ll a 11 c Dnnclng, I'iUck xitil WiiiK, nnr nnd StrctchlriK Kxerclaes. I'l'lro Within Roach of All
Summer H.itca for Tenchera Vlall iiiK N'*\v York.
Private Lessona In Acroballca. For Sonnatlonal D.inclnK. Itnck WiiiK, Keoentrlc. llnllot. All Dance Koutined and Arranged.

New York. June 27.--"Bell.- of Yert-rdaj", the new romantic mtt-ical play l>y Oita Motzan, Kenneth Keith and Dailey Paiskan, will hold Its first rehearsal next week. The piece calls for a cast of sixty singers and will be presenter] by Harry B. Berta.


New Amsterdam Theatre Bldg.y


249 W. 48th St., New York City. CHICKERING 2435.
narlal Hatat W the PrafsttUB. BLN F. BLINtB.

JULY 5. 1924

Ttie Billboard


Joan Lowery. Iva Curti*. Vlvn Johnsou and May Istvveen Duluth, .Alinii aud Superior. AVI*..

.leruiiie. Max Guldeu is producer; Don Heath, April 28. to John W. Whitehead. Billy Mij*,-e,v.

iii'i'ieal direetot: Claude iKld) Long, managi r. I'aiil Yale, Alice Carmen. Iwjt DavnGon and

(l'OMMl.NltAlK'N> H» ol K ( l.\(.I.\.\Ari (JKI'K

\\[ vr\IV Iiian.'-t. U TlitltliJK hi* nidth't Larry Chanitier* is company manager and Rodger

,n nr- nn*tl and aI»o trorkln* th. re undor tli* ,, · · i.f Ja k Mlildlfton. local bookln* ar^nt.
M, rl ATIKSoN ha* aiicroodvd ll. 1! ('«l*man mi CT > f tb* ` Xan y I'ahr" r»iiit>*nT


. rroth*r* and ha* pl*<*d tbat romiianr


'a., for four wc'k*, ufartlni;

Jrv. - WM <

(BIIXl Ml'nRAY. well knomn In

. irrie*. I* DoW

lal ad'inr* air< nt

and mb'· 'T ·»*"

<!f al-t

< ,

« h i''a.r'`d Hartwell, O.. near ('In-

, ; : ill. I*'t week. Tin: I'M'iric ('Omki>y fyh'U have jtiiueii

It.r" Smith'* "Sootbirii neaufle*". wb:. h Is

slaving a -ummer engagement at the Kmpre.a

T'.ater. Omaha. Neh

The qiurtet Ineliiile',

T n M'te't. ti-nef; Art Rewer*. h'ad; Turn

fireen serretgry. LAItItV II. IITATT. of the nyatt Booking
Eli bange of Chb-agn, I* taking a long-deferred va.iition. He and Mr*. Hyatt left Chbago In their I ,ir -nine two week* .igo and motored thru <1 ) mil Itidiana. *t.ippiiig off .vt ItsllanapoII;ii.d Coliiiiih i. to vl*ll irn nd*. Mr. Hyatt railed lit the New York oth- e · f The R.llhuaril and adv!*rd that after two more week* spent in Ralt more, wie-re they will visit numer.itjii friends, he will lake up hi* le'idenre In New York and alsiut July It will u;* n office* In the Stnind The.iter '·uilling, where, av previoualy annouii.ed In the*e eoliimmi, be will eonduct a h-*iklng office In i-unjuuction with Gus Xnn.
i H\S. V. Tt ItMlIS. general manager of Ilii.'ii* A ra-leii'* "Oite Little Devils" Com¬

j,.;.. .. l*r.t"iie. :>t d KaJ t'o-ia. ha-*

pany, repiTi* t at owing to the phenomenal

AM» r.Ii'^A MAi: WIIITK report the bii-ine-* Ulug done by thi* company at the

. :<· ng of I '· viargaret I .llejr ('·imiwn^ at .<t. I lei-iim Theater, Canton. O., be ha* bi-en forced

j,.., j.; Mi, Jime .'I. after a very iiliaaaDt and

» e.....n «f forty »ieik-

noyd and

l.ilni ·'* V'-.t ng .fr'et d* and r'latlve* in Kan-

M- I'lty.

. after who h thty w.;i play vaiide-

t.lle f r the f-I of the e'lmtner.

to can. el all date* until August ffO. when it rlii*e» at the Lyceum. The ca-t rem.viD8 the *ime a* when the company opined in Peoria. HI , exeept for t!»' addition of an ing' nue. Iiuring the pa*t Week the company gave It*

P: M'KIK RI.ArKRfKV ha* rio-ed hi* "Mil- lisnh iierformance at tlie Lyce im. Rurn* and I. D'le lUhy" Com; any after what I* »ald to I'aJin anno nie a numla-r of excellent bill*

ijvi I*

a very »heo»-f-.I aea^.n around the pre in reLear*al for pn-eutatltm later in the

^.n C r. ..t. Illack e evte l* to take hi* fam- -a-ou. It I* tile fir*t lime In the history of

:.y -n a r-blng and ram|ei.g tr:p for the Mim- the !».ii*e that ma* cal comedy stuck has been

mer I' .i ) lu !l>. hi* daughter, tecenty eeleT -'eh'li brt'.d iy annlvireary and re-
.. <f.l n ai.y noe pre«iut*.

offirnl In t:.e * imimr. Hi'VrY HARRIS and his "Honey Olrls" are
ri js.rted doing nlcily at the Ramona Theater.

IIA/I.I. l.aM'>NT. of CiO' ;auat.. O., Tl-lted I'hiM nlv. Arlr.. wlore t'-ey o;iened April U7 for

:=f - I

f> male inii* reona'or. foe a f-w an run. The company ' Honey" took

d;'- .n « - i.iiDl la-t week, la'nter la with a from Teva* include* b.-^ .b s hlms.lf a* pro-

mui *h h I' i.ied .1 Week * engagement in 11.e d .1 ing »*imi*l an. J.*i k Wi'.le. comedian; Jack cr lo cit.'. after which !· went to ritt-burg for l.wis, stralgl.t. .Arthur Jac'i.-on, chara. ter co-

:. i;V 1 ·N-w

.Vfter the I'ltt't'urg run Leriir . . d to lUifalO for a while and tlien to ^oik to r< ;.ear»e with a -.hi w nevt Jlr». LaM'.ot m y accooipany her ·on.

llHl AM» JO I'Kl.MAU wr.te.

We have

lik n ever tl.e management of the Itroadway

II M. Iktr...l, Mich., and have had iinite a

fi« Id ft.end* -tay with u*. Condition* are it'd h. r.. isiO'dering what they are In nearby

fit.I-. aitliO quite a few l«Mal hou»e» are rlo--

:-g for tl.e ·.mimir. We have a niimtier of

medan: R'o-e Harris, noubrct; Kitty Jone*. i!a*aiter*: Ri.'y Meint.vre, Jean Farley. Toot* Tlonip-on, Margie Tbomp-on, Dare Wayne and 1'ngle Cisik. cta-ru*. The Five Jarrramoniacs are iindi r t e d ri ctien of Eddie Rec'i k'^. There aie no ma' nee* at the Ramona and member* of the eempany are having time to enjoy the »reniTV for wl.i. h .\rirona !* noted.
HAITON rnWET.T.'S "J m Jam Jem*" last wiu-k opi .led a summer run of mos'cml stock at the Capitol Theater. Lansing. Micb., which

e^.** f'-r our Xtratfi'Td Kevue' few neit -ea- hjs been eomiianie* of this type


f..r the past year. Two b.ll* are to be given

HAKsHaI.L walker S · W .11 Rang Bevu. ' >.«« Utn d' .ng D|. ely the pa-t Mvt ral weik* at t * strand Ti.-ater, Ka*!, O T e  oBi)iany .> olTiring I'gbt mu* ' al enmedie.- w th · a g. if pr .-am twoe a wiek. In addition to Mr. ar.d Mr*. Walk-r fb. :. *e,.r,i
. ·*! 1- : ;..i!* anil a ele.rii* of l< n. E m al! In¬
ti.iLi* r<ir.pany will rema.o at the 8tra..d Bift .f tlo *uium>r.

Weekly 'n ...n'linifion with motion picture*, p . flr*t -.'ffer ng wa* "Head Over Heela". T' e p* n. pals are Rllly Wv«e, Norman Hanley, i: irl A.c.iig ai.d rat»y G I*on. Other Ijinsing t'.cater* are remaining open with motion picture* and vaudeville. The Strand 1« gviing after tli# h' l weather bu-ine**. and thi* wei k ha* th* th'uMe feature of Eddie Eoy and the Foy Family on the stage, and Cythe-.-a on the »*-reen. The dUdnier. Colonial. Plara and other theater*

Tin; '.SWEET hTCEE" tttMI'A.NY. recently are -till mak ng a bid for rummer patronage

ai*iu r. d l y the (irate* llr.i*.' Attra>li. n*.

NAT (CHICK) HAINES, with hi* mu-lcal

and Mrs. Anna I.'H.g, publielty. .At the clO'e of the Wllmer & Vincent Time the eouipany will return to the Rroadwii.v, Colurabu*. for a fall and vvliitiT enifageiiiei.t.
TDE RMiiU -MI SItAL CHiMIiDY ( uMI'A.hV pres. iitcd ' .AIuj"-t a iTiatU|iioD" aa the for the tir-t half of the fifth Week of it* anmmer engagement at Coney Island, the uuiii'e ment resort located ten miles up the Oui.j itiver from i iiu iniia'i, >., l oiiimenciijg J'L Billy Steed and Robert (Dutch) lii.-el, eoiuediaox, kept the large Sntiday uiat nep itiHlieiice In laiigl tet all thru the show. Cleverly Inter¬ woven were the aiugiug and dancing niimbi r*. iSls ciulty number* were iutruduied by Ill-le "rank, singing "Dancing Dan"; "Ma.v''e Shi'll Write Me", b.v Ann ll.ildeu, a comedy niimle r by Bob Sii.vdir. straight mau, and "D.rty Hands'', by I'luky E-ta-ri;. r. M.s.* Franks aGo '· tvi-d as foil to l; II Getwhlpiied. played by M' ed. E'or the la-t half of the vveok "Krousemeyer'g Alley" was offered, with specialty singlug and dancing numlx-rs by Kathi-line and Noumi Wiggins and Curly Stewart, farl Frank Is musical director. Me-sr*. Steed and Frank have been lighting the element* since their op. niug at Coney I'laud and if good weather ever makes an a:|iearaDce they are sure to make a sU'.-CP-a w th taeir open-air shows.
· JoVLANU V.AMI'S ', which played a week's engagement at tue Grand Theater, liaudette, M.nn.. ending June Jl. drew capacity audiences ··Very night, according to Ci.a*. I'eter*on, house manager. "If* a clean, clever company and more than proved *ati*factory to the patrons here," he wrote. "The company just clo-ed a sui cessful engagement of eight weeks at the A ictory Theater, Ilibbing. M.nn., and expects to play a return date in the near future. The com^.ny is under the direction of CU.-is. Lee and CODS.Sts of Percy Lohr. principal comedian and producer: Meggie la-iiug, second comedian; Elsie Lohr. soubret; Miller, prima donna; Carl Cole, bits; Walter Miller, straight; Babe Malloy, Betty Kelly, Ruth Petie. Marlon LaA'era, Evelyn Martin, Lucille Adams, Norma Hupp and Estle Trip, chorus."
WE ARE ADVISED that Chas. A. Snydtjr Is In no way connected with the "Frisco Frolic*" this aeason and that the show, which Is mo¬ torized and opened the season at Kewannee, Wis., June 3. is being advanced by n. A. Biankenhurg. Maurice Cash. Hebrew comedian, and Marnella Pltelkow. soprano, are featured memliers. Others with the company are Jack Dal.v, Irish comic; Bernard .Xanford. straight; Gb-n Grove, prima donna; Mildred Sanford, ingenue: Milton Sanford, Juvenile; Teas Singer. Hila Ala. k. Bobbie Doyle. Olle Baylor, Margie Schneider and Res* Rinatto, chorus. Frank Bruno la business manager and Wm. Sanford musical direc-tor. The company is playing thru the c-oal spots of Northern Wisconsin. Min¬ nesota and  Michigan.
J.AT M GEE Is now In charge of the clnb and cabaret de; artment of the Milton Schn-ter Tbeatriial Ei. hange. Chicago. Mr.. Schuster re¬ ports reieiit booking* in tabloid as follows:
White, with Sim Williams; The Sevier*, wiih Manhelm .Attractions; Bob Sanilhv>rg, w th Fox A Krau*e; Olive IVt'Iair. Ja. k Elricksou

Marion Cnrrie then returned to Minneapolis tn rejoin the Wakefielil show playing the I'alaee. Max G'uler, Don Trent, Madeline LaFere, Jo* Ann and a niimlier of the Wakefield chorus reniuini'd with, .Mr. 'Wakefi' Id's "AA'jntel Garden Revue ", wliieh played fifty-five (suiseeutlve weeks at the in w Palace Theater, Mlii!.· .ipolis, closed at that bou*r May 11 and opened the following day at the Maje«tie Theater. lie- Moines, la., where It 1* now in its third Week. Man.iger Kenyon is quoted as hav¬ ing 't.itiil after the fir*t performance tliat the Witefleld show was the eleane*t and be-t of its kind to play hi* hoU'O in three years. Dan Ri!**ell 1* pr'Klueing corn' diaii. Erin Jackson and I.-all White are leading lady principals, supIMirt' d by Clara Russell. Mayhelle Gerard, Dewey Campbell, Anita Er. el and Nifa Hale. Frank .ifartift. comedian, joined lu't week, and he and Russell make a wonderful comedy pair, it is said. Iiidhatioiis at pre-imt are that this show will remain at the Maje*tie all summer. Billy Mossey and Alice Carmen, who are under contract to Wakefield for another year, closed at St. Paul, Minn., .Tune `_*i, and are now taking a much-neede.I re*t after working for Wake¬ field sixty-six con*ei-iitive vvi. k-. Mo*sey can be found at tl.e lakes of Minne-ota fishing, while Alice ha* made a trip to Hiiffaio. X. Y.. with her moflier to vi-it friend* and relatives. They join the AVakofield *how Jnl.v l.T. Mr. Wake¬ field ha* 'Cl iired for next season a beantiftti theater of 2.000 -eating c.ipac ity and will pro¬ duce mn*:. al tabloid on a big -e:;le. The shows will be billed as W.xkefield Revues and will Ineiude fourteen principal*, chorus girls, ten jieople in orchestra and a scenic artist. Besides the usnal stage crew Wakefield w:fl be aided by a constructing carpenter and electrician. Glass runways are now living Installed and mechanical effects being bnllt for these productiona.

Be a Booster for Milt Schuster
A\'ANTED--People in all lines, at all time-. Send 2e Slump (or niy free Date Bock. 36 West Randelpli St.. Chicago. Illinois.


Annttte Kellarmann Suits, mercerized, iny
color .$3.00 Opera Hose. Impisre*! IGle. any color. 1.75 The "Waal" Woman's Supporter, very wide
rubber . 2.25 The "Waas" Man's Supportsr. 2.50 Roll Top Half Hpm. i>ure silk, black or
white .65


Negro Wig. Can Cork. TuPo Cald Cream. Lip¬ stick. Black Gloves. Rc'gular Value, $l.tS. 1.00

Send 12c postage (.jr any above articles. Illustratevi Catalogue sent free.


Costumers to the Natloti.

123S. 11th St.,




I: S'ad-.I by Kid .Mti k. o|N'n<d an Indi Unite · n oo r r .n al tie Mi ter* lake EarW Tin at* r. Cii.'oo. (i S .nday night, June ISf. os', ring ' The I o liitry lint". Mack'* w.rk and Cat of l> » fe. Mae Mt. k, wa* mi>*t plea* ng T' ` t ·f the ii,: w. however. w a« the Cap ' ' v E ur 7 .. r-.D.pany will offer a rhange of p- ig-ini .a 1: Sunday Thi re N a ehorii* of twil'e.

com'dy eompany of th rty peopl*. clo*ed the and Nora Bow-er, with W. J. Lotle; Beulah

ftr*t week of a summer sea**® at the Lyric Raker, with Toby Wilson; Sophie Wilson and

Thiater. R · hmonj. ' a.. S'lnday night, Jone JR. Eugene Carev. with Craves Brothers' Attrac¬

Ttie b.ll for f e T1r*t half of the wi-ek wa* tion*: Bobby A'ail aud The Georgia Four, with

"Al *. My lb ar", and f>*r th* latter half "Too Mary W;vi*'. At the otwniDg of the wei k bii- ne»s was fair, but Inireasi'd Immediately. T o Individual popularify of Jolly, fat "Chick" Ha.nes, former burls,'qne star, wa* a"ur. d t iiu the Initial show. Other* of the (a*t w favor are: Jnne Ijc Veay. George \\i -t. I>e«l l-ynn. Sadie Puff. Barbura Elsie «: .1 lie.Tge Rov e. Elalsvrate si-entc eniilpment. 1 !i aiol ..'..rfiil costumes, and a big beauty , > .ri.s pa ; itallrg with pep and sing ng and din. .ng well i-ontrlbute to the »pl. i.did im |.r. " .11 ma.le.

National Theater. IVtroit. M ch ; Babette Wini¬ fred. Wallace Blacker aud wife, nieo Vance, Irene Kane. Marie Clarke and Lillian Shea, with Harry Roger*; Lew White, with Avenue T. eater, I>etriiit. summer stiKk; Billie Ferguson, with Duncan Sisters, Seiwyn Theater. Chicago; I'aeific Four and Pearl M.ick, with Bert Smith, Omaha; Bobl'y Whalen and vv fe. Rudy Winter, June Kermitt and Helen B.irkwlll. with Bert Smith, Ramona Park. Grand Rapids; Mae Al¬ len, Mar.v Gray Allen, I'-oh Capers. Mason Sisti r* and Tod I.e*ier. with Billy Maine ComI any: Geo ge and ISilly WaGh. with Frank

· lOLDliN AND lAlXCi'S "Pullin' .Around" FIe* Edna Bumeit. with Alt Candler; Miss

I 1.I-. d lu e'ght weeks' engagement at the Herring, with Hav market Tin a ter, Chicago;

« ly Tlnalrr. Columbus. O.. Ia*t Saturday night. Prince Ro'-nel and C.irroll aud w fe, with

A roiito uvir the AA'IInier A Vincent Time hits hi-en .trrsrg.d. to oi«eii .vt the ILiiah 1 heater. g, I'.t. The ivmpany will imike t ie A\. - boii-e* n Noriolk and Kuhmond. A .1 Tile *. ript I lis to be u-ed are all i.iw. t. ill f r vvlih new mnsleal numbers prixlib ed hy Robby ilobb o. The iviinpauy will numls-r th.rfy. Inclini ng Max Gvibb n. Robby G..!di n, Ibi, M.iivel Mul-kelton. Ethyl Mclbinald. Miugard II.vII, AA'a.viie It.xrtielt, AValiiT Hiei.* tin. l ed ruriiiiti. t'.!lt>eri A an Al-t. lb k U. b. iG, I. .1 y. Rov Sn.vdor. Norma

Raynor la*hr; Oilt.r.'n Cameron and Al Strong, with Harvey D. t'rr. Dort SGti r*. vvllli 'Come .Along Mary' Company: Gladys McGee anJ Mirlil Astor. with A'ogel and Miller; Petty Pine, Eileen Hart and John McKinnon, vvitli the Slate-Coiigre** Theater. Chicago; Mae Mott, with Danny Land: IVlia AA'allaee, with W. F. .Alartin. and Fellow* and tJlote Sister*, w th Roger Murrell'* vaudeville act."
EKAN'K L. W.AKEKIEID on June J-J left .Al nneais '..s. Min-i., for l*es Moiiie*. I.i.. In hi*

la . I I

I .iiiL. t'-lii- r I'. rin .11. tlv .*,> low '.dan. .After bsikMig ovir Ills *'..`vv there

iJ'.iciTi. Inn I ''I'-ni . M,,i e A .in .A *1. lre.iii .1

be will motor tn O.n.ila. K.iii'i- City and Clil-

Clyde and Beatrice Davis
It oenue I-eads or Ii.genues. Comediin. Juveniles. !*ix feitnre Novelty Singing and Talking DociNe .'Cpeciallies. Youth and all esaentiais. Biuiiy. Chicago or Ka- -a* City b*se. Disappointment cause of a!. Wire bci; ff r. .loin now. 21 N.nth Dubuque St.. Iowa Ciij, Iowa.


PeiTv'e In all lines, ' ? s'nk ix ;.;!emerit. two comra'iles. Feature C.'.n i.sii. S'lal. ' Men. Prima D.'.:iaa a:id fast > .j r.t c M'l-m il At that can cha:ue. Chorus Gir'.s. Lfa.lir t r No. 2 CiV The!:** )>*>¥. Kuih A.crUh:. n'.rc. -Ad res* AILKN FOIITII. Manager. Ma . .ai *:. F '·re, El Dorado, Ark.

Linton Do Wolfe Wants

A-l s-'ciic Ai.ot il'.ies and Water Colors), for Mu-

· I al I'miedy S-..k. Prefer man with I. A T. S K.

car No Nozer. A!.-,- Mualcal Comedy People, few v.Ming, alupc'.y Chor.i- (Jiris. Man or AA'cman »! .·  »·

it.-li aid make flashy wardrcie. Ad Iresa .M.tje-;tc

T.ii t re. Harris-urg. Pa.



V *!! M. J. MFANKV.

for New


Tiemotit Si.,


s"ra. Du'.'Me. \Vi 1 II it. Hi* Pi v and Barney. Boss.

Je..ii Vir u,:.

A .(e ni:h lluleii.


I n, lleily .-i'-ii. C.iinun K.xvn.iiigh. A'cra I'.i t. i.igo. Mr. AVikiiield -o'd b.* *'aiw alternat r.g


New Regent Theatre Building, SPRINGFIELD, OHIO.
I'lvo to Thii'ty Weeks for Standard Vaudeville Acts.

W" 1 sell l'.:f itUivr-r in n.I'.i.Ized Tab. Company.


> cetrv. Oi.r- ., AAaidriibe. etc. One cap*-

1 e . r iia'.l. I. -.i-i; r-* e; d itcferrcd. Geo. Uaucom,

p.. .-e

ItHs j'M AKY RID I'E. Bcckley. VA'. A'a.

WANTED at ONCE--T'*eful People for small* town week-stand tent show, vaudev.i'.e and pi-tun- Live ·* lot. Long -eason. good iri-atment, low ralarr AA'ire ot wrlio PIPKB'3 ELL* THIC SHOAA'. Itrciueii. Geotgia.

Thi* wall knevra tabloid tenm U now o(> ffnng a singing talking, bandsaw mu*iu
and U'hittUng oot tn vaudortllo.

So.isoii Contract for High-class Tabloid Musical ShovA'S.

Ead your correspoAdewc* t* adwertlsera by meatioaltio Th* Bitlkoard.

JULY 5. 1924

Conducted bu·Alfred Nelson
auMML-Ml AiHL\> `Ul iU K M.U \UUK Ol I I' KS*



Scribner Demands Clean

A. C. on

July -1. "U n oath and

c*M*ry nno of t'« in w !I

inft*rin««{ of uliat is


d i'f tilt in iu Ilf u.i> ttf i-<i-o|»-raliun


r«'r t'o l'* ritMM-lit o*^ *T >'i;niI* .1 I'.iirN

Shows for Columbia Circuit fo- · . \t ^\i^

and I`f ft 1!\ M-tvis* <1 td wl .lt Young Stars of Burlesque Now
tiH'rn if il't'.v f i'l to iiH · t ti e re-
Appearing in "Hollywood


Calls for Conference of House Managers, Pro I'l'iiiiiiii tl:at hi V. ill ii'it - rill' \i ry ) i.ii'i il

ducers and Company Managers--Meeting

i'>n~ fo Ilic a»«. ll' ii'r iii.itmti T' iiM> 111 .I'kiil

' · I'liy

To Be Held Monday, July 21, in C. A. C. Executive Offices

<irii.r i\t'ii'i\i> prin'i-.i;; fir I':'.:; « · n I'ny

l ave iii 'tlur tii-' Imut in' i:iir

I. ih -' to

[Hit it I'lit; ill'll why ·'.·v ii'k iiili,iiiii` ii^iiit'

to shari' HU i xtia iii W'iiain r ii'In r:.- :


·iiiT r.iti-', iit 'iiiiiii t III*' :iil' ' i.j ii^i lit' not

l ar tt i- now'O.ii'iT'. hut o. k. ti.i' i\tr;is

New York. June L'o.--For several years pa't

"Tlieie is B'diig to be no room on the wiihn vir fji ie tl.i' rati-s at ti e iii w'i.aiior

Ham A. Serihticr, as secretary and BeU'-ral Columhia Wlo el for any producer or iht- ell-'i' tvl;y til y liirniit


manaper of the Columhia Amusement Company, former who cannot give strictly clean en'er- tisl.i r ami i-an'ly I'lifrlnT' to iiiinitri Rail iu

has had the whole-hearted support of assoeiiite offieia'' and iioard of din-ctoi-s in hi' iinlirinB iffoits to make the sliow' on the


Columbia Cin u't suffi. ieiilly elean to warrant the alli nd.iiice of «Icaii-mindcd men. womi D

and el.iiilren. but like all innovations. Iliere

were 'lime amoiiR the producers laikiiis fore-

siElit in the employment of eompany manager'

or (iiii.ving tliem lli-' authority to compel per-

foiniers to give the brand of shows demanded

by IU.1 C. A. C.. and the orders sent out at

various times by the C. A.

have been ac¬

cepted by huu-e imiiiigers anil ciiiiipany man-

iiB' rs alike a' nn re letters of form, to be


Hiiniig till! pat si-ason Mr. Seribner has

Isieu mius iiilly iH-iive iu ceiisorins liou'C' mauugi'nii at and show nianagiimeiif alike by letters

to house niamiBeis i-alhr.g for a reiiort on shows direct to the C. A. C. and a chain

letter sent out to houses ou the circuit calling

atlenlioii to Monday (tUs in dialog and action.

Heveial of the lanise managers were con¬

scientious in the report', hotli to the C. A. C.

and their associate him'e nianagirs; but some

were sufficiently negligent to be brniiglit to

the attention of Mr. .s^i i ibni r, who iu person

Investigated the iharges niiido agaiii't them by

making a tour of the circuit on several oc¬

casions, and in all probaldlity they will be

chastised for the good of the service. The

same is applieable to prndueers and tiieir

company managers, wlio fought they were

getting away with snmethiiig, hut who in

reality were given enough rope to hang them-

Bclves, due to the fait that it was the last

reason for existing franduses.

With the granting of new franchises fer

the ensuing five years Mr. Scribner and as¬

sociate officials of the C. A. C. have di- idi d

to take a decisive stand for the elimination

of all ohje-tionahile features in Columbia

liurlesiiiie, be it lines and act on or performers

responsible for objei-tionahle lines and action,

and towards this eni is-uni a b-tter during the

past week, viz.:

"liear .^ir: Hen-aft' r the words Iiell. diiiuii,

find, i-oek-eyed liar, son-of-a-gun. son-of-a-

ro'.ack or any other words of similar n.itiire

will not In- ii'-rmilteil on the stage of any

lleiiler on the t'ldiim'iia Wlieel. Hear this

faei ill mind; (he above words cann'ii l.i ii id

iinJer any conditions. ·Slummy dancing conlim-d to the 'Iio'ld-T'

1 i- all light, but shaking tlie bria'is i- `·-i I forever; lliiimbing the nose i' out, -teki-ig I a leather ilu'lcr or anytliing olse iKlweeii tlo-

tho youngest star comedians in hurbisiiiie, m J->*epli Hmtip. ' Hollywood Follie: supplcmcntil siunmer-iun show at the Columbia, Ucw York.

, comedian's legs is out for all time.

' "llaiidiiiig or pawing a woman and making

^ remarks a'l.iiit In-r shape being a liltb bi I.*

: 1 i-ri- and a detour there, etc., or any other re; m.-rk- of any nature concerning woinen'-

foruis are out. "As a matter of fai t lhi> ai tor should have

f'.i iiiiieh ri .-pert f(ir his profession to biiinili-

lie woman of the stage by belittling li'-r

'Iiirty Oolliii' is fjplial of niauy boy* liorn HUil riarrfl on llu- Hast Siilo of New ^or» · ill. wtm laie liieli Rhetl the ailiantiiRen o' IHiliiii- >..|iiMi;in(r ami lulween tiiniH that of 110111 r till air;, ill' ami who Miom r or lati-r f ml Jiliire in amateur roiiti 'ts at nelithlairhood tliiiiiif*. Marty, like many of hi- kiml. Brailliiili-il from the corner conteNia to auiatiur ii kM' at Miner'* Itowery and M.ner'* .Xietiiie ilii-aler' in «inBinB ami dan. Ins. * p* I'll mer.'eil liy lnninB hout' at Imlh tlaatir'. iliiriiii; which he was the recljilent of nutnerou' ITZi-'.
Ills fir»t professional apiH'araoer on the stiBe w.-i' In a iloiiMe aet with Harry Prown at Ti>n.' I'aslor's Theater, uniler the team name (if t'olliu* anil Hrown. ami «o w. II did they put It Oier that Hoy next appeared at IlauiniiT'toln's Vi. iori.i. where they remaioe I for tlsree con'erlllive Weeks.
Marly * ne\t M-nliire wa* In a Mack ft'-e act with `·.''oldic'" Mart n over the I.oew Time and later with Marien Wist, under tlm lilIllnB of Collin* and \Vi «t. in n alnslOB and danrlna net oiir the Keith Time. IM CallaBher then took up 'tiiriy for an act titled "Hattie of MTiaf' tl.i- I 'll". Slnee thi-n Mr. CallaBher has hei ome famuli* a* one of the team of tiallaBle-r and Sl.i an. discard nir ti-e usual pH't me of pi rferiiier* Marty *i« nt hi* leisure moments masicring various musical Inurunil nt'.
The liiirli sipip fi-ier then ct Marty and he Went onto tlie old .\mcrlcan (*iri hit In Maurice J;ii oils' ".lolly i..rls" f,.mpany for a se:i'..i
thi nee Into Jimm e Cooper's "III auty Ili-vm- ' Company ere douhling up with Jack I'lllaril

Jack r Il ird 1' a Kuffalo Isiy, the brother of Tlta I'llhird, and at an early aBc set out t i be an aril't by | aiming ibe |io.|ies of aulomoMlc* and In all I'rohatillify would have eon tinuiil his nrll'lie e'forts alonB f!o»e Iln-' I ad Ills family not moii d to Ni-w York City to keep In dll', r touch w ith Illta. at that time in I.ew K.i'd'' 'how.

r.scortlnR Si'ii-r rila to .a rehearsal one day J.v k was eommandi i-n-d by Mr. Kb-lds to re¬ place one of the mIssinB ehoriis lioy* In the "Jolly r.«e|,i lor-" and he did It sufficiently Will to draw a sal.try every one of the »even iiionll * It r.iii nil Itriiadway. suppli-minted bv an eiilire 'i-a'-.n fidlowins.

T/avlii? till- I Isirii*. .I.iek I ee*me a n al

ailor a- a -iiibuiB .iml d im iiiB Jii'enlle In II irt B A. Si am-ii's "Mon.- ami I'llhird S'niw"

on I III- CoIiiiiiliMi Circuit a* the proli-ce of

S -li-r I'lla rilla'il, and eontiiiii'd as 'in h iind r

the IIiirtlB

Si-iimon haiim-r fur s'vi n y ar-

Whi-ii Slone iinil I'llliird d'elibil to B" f"'' lli-m-ilMs Willi a ".'|one imd I'lllard .simw ' on Iho Vini-rliaii Circuit Itrnllier wiiil nil iiB ns -iril"hl iiinn and oti one oi-i islen V hi II ye SI rilii- was pr.-'i-nl he siihstHnti d f"^ i.iorBi- Sloiii- in I'le I nmedy role and we pre >1 iiil Hi the lime thal he woiilil make li loiik III -onie fiiliire lime H' n intiiiillan "f nil 111. .lai k riniaini'd wlMi the "Slone and I' 'anl Slii.w" f,.r Iwo season', iilitil <iiirBi Hid lillH ih-i nil d In have liUr|i''i|lie for ol Is r fold Ilf 111 atrii Ills, when Jack doiibli d up w III Marly ( olllns.


'.ini'thing hi-.tril last si.i'i.ii;

ilii'l -oiiie of you like In take In-i icil

V . Cemedian .-a.", 'Take le r and w |.

I ibiii't want le r, I had l.'-r win n i i

t. I V ai 1''

V. Ii, III

high I la ' I iff I"

respectable audiiucc.

I w II iv fie. lit aid

I .

i;,il gi-ii'1-1.1 11, I. ,1 nn. ij'iii'-i, an,I

;--ie .1 e.i.l 111 .ill h" I'l maiiagei-s. |.riii|iii-ii,g

mai.ager* and i .-nipaii.- m-iii.ig'-r-. to m. ' I iii

coiilcreuic iu the executive office* of the

Ttie Billboard


JULY 5, 1924

n >·, liKhtiDif rffnts and ctHtutces. Jop


and Pillard Star Comedians at



Tfiirlitr iiinl All. n .sp* ih it Tlnn<-.T are ercditeil

wifli f!iP IkkA, but they do not deei-rvp a!« much

·T'-llt for Ihf lioik a- for 111'- prodii.-tion, {··r

llic profliii'tion

far lOiiierlor to flip Ixiok.

llnini!*' .lohnson and >!.b s fCIvcr arp eriditci!

ivi'h flip pitisip and lyries, and flo-y arp to Iip

Joseph Hurtig's "Hollywood Follies" Jubilee
Melange of Clever Comedy, Music

· oniniended for both. I.eon.ird Harper and William Willy Covan arp eredited with the ensembles, and let It be said to their cr"d.t that their numbers liad the di-tlnet;on of beinc picture»<|ue. The Columbia Ibiuipment Company is credited with the likhtins eflects under the personal supervlelon of Meyer Harris, and this

and Melody

in itself lent an additional cnehanfment to the prwlietion.
Tahini; It all m all, this is doubtless one of

\pe York. June 24.--After a snccfesfol run

, V. w .ks r;ed Clark's

Go", summer

, at tlie Columbia Theater, jtave way

l, .1

I Hiirtli:'* `'IMlywood rollie*". which


n'o the Columbia yc'tirdjy (or a

 ··II run. ai.d ll''rlll lieat eni.T can

, .. its . losc ere Hic openins ef the regular

-ang a sentimental number In a sweetly iii'iiliilated voice witli a quirk rhange info .y ciiiiilr liliiPs niiratsT, .lud wa- well rewarled with cODtiniioiia applause.
Scene .'1 wa* a .`ioiifhern colonial house and n garden set for Wni. 'lurphy in l>r i utal < i.stiiine. who renderi d a n'lmlx-r In a resonant

fne laig" t (.·eimpanles ever seen on a burlesftuc

sl.age, and while the show was picturesque in

many aceiies, there was sufficient ·'hokum" ti

satisfy the most crith-al burlea<iuer. for there

was not a slow up or hitch in tbe entire presen¬

tation from Hie first rise at 8:15 to the final

fall of the curtain at 11 pdu.


a, fur .Mr. Ilurtig has given bifc company voice full of nieloily for an en'ure. Eileen


tion, last and ihorus that pn^assures

much in the prixloctioo and preupnta-

n 1.1 ·- . mnieiid. and but little to crlttclse.

,j j ,,t I ttie rest, with the soH-alled l>ook,


11.· ins l.ut little to the rorap.iny. It

,liss gnt some little indication of plot a la

- ,il comedy In which a fend father minus

» il'h :s sei king a son*ln-law with wealth,

a;. I -ecetal Mb'liters trying to marry one of

Si hiificld. siend'r, - v mmi irleal. dd n eontortl'inal dineing specialty that wa* a classic of serpentine gr.icefnlness that almo*t *topped the show. Jjci|ue Wilson reappeared In a modiste ereatioD a niimlier with eight girl* In a dan.-e.
I'rima Merle and Ingenue Wilson, followed by Soubret .Mallette, appeared In a song, with the eight Juvenile dancers doing Individual cukewalks. Comic FlHard then introdiieed Conic

t Colli in'.* d from page oO)

Tlicater during the eiirrent season. A re*icw

of the show aiipe.ars in this issue. What these two iimbiHous,


tal.-nted boys have ae.ompli'hed i* due to

their co-operative mi thud', fir-t in various

show* ere ttvy came ti gethi r a- a team and

sinee teaming Uii, for 'Iis a conceded fact by

those who know that they are the most co-

r ntiiiilxT off to a g.rl supposed to hurt

w. ·t'h, unt.l the final d* noui m-nt. when their

·r,.liv. preti-ns ens are exis^sej. But the

|. .-t

. -· s ght of in M-Ti ral neni ' and falls

Collins as I* ssor Igti.Mz I'Into, world's worst i-ornetlst, vv'h led up to the prlnetpal* playing ilifT.-reiit mu'!' al instruments in a comedy scene iin l. r tl.e dire tion of ('.miic

ois rative comedians now in burb sijue. They do not stop at co-operating with ea-h other for mutual benefit, but they co-operate with I aeh and every member of the company., in-

to r>'n in se.|ninee: however, any ai>olog.v for a tii-me .' Iii tter Hun none at all ;n leirlesrpie. . · .1 what the presentation lacks ;n theme Is ue re th.i:i made up for bj Collins and IMlIard w 'h the.r .ii.iii and elever eenn dy that evoked
. h laiigliier. and fully merited the continuous ; .i i-e that grei ti .l tin .r every scene. Tie musnal numb.Ts and dancing ensemble :.· ripial to any sei n and beard In Broadway

Collins, making it a jazz band finale bard to folb'W. and the rtuale was held up by the a; p*'aran.'e of Mju:i.e Cain coming down the center aisle at to p m.. helding aloft a tive-foot floral hors* shoe tribute to the company from the HurlPsiine Club.
FA TIT TWO S.-ene 1 was a r- ky « f stage for a stonn m which thunder and 1 gbrnirg played a prominent

eiiLng the chorister*, for the desired re«ults,

and this In itself preassures their future

suiTesa. .\* eomediar* they are in a class by them¬

selves; orig n.-il, inimitable makers of clean and

clever laugh-evoking comedy that fully merit*

the continuou* applause given them by their

d'ligh'ed audiences.


BEDINFS "PEEK-A-BOO" .mil the same is applieahle to ths par: while the entire en-i raMe .appiared m
r.-t.-rs, bojs and g.iK al.kc. individually rainbow mantle*, holding aloft umbrellas with

,. ! . llutively. for s. l.hira has anything be'a gla»* fringe, dripping water, which made a novel · !. 1.'iue to iiiual them, and if given bai'kgronnd for the vocal scb-ctlon aproi>os of


·· : g in a Itrna.lwa.i -how they would be Fat Cliff.

. , r.-.l t to ihos«' re'i«iD'.bb fer tlieir selevtion S.-ene 2 was the interior of a moving picture

an I appe.iraDie in "llellj wi«sl F.'". 1;.: .asi: tiary I'e.l.hs. Jai k I'.llard. Jimmie

studio, with t'om:c Stern, financial backer, try ng out the respective stars, during which




ii.iT'. Marion .Mirb. Ja.-|iie W.U.n. Marie aiil. Shirb y Mallei'e, \ inlet M^i»» e, Ililei n .' lull. .\l btern. Wtn. M irpl.y. Fat Cliff.

'· mic Ci'llir*. Inge! lie Wilson and Comic St-Tii gave `The Pi'sii.ind * Rev"ngi'"
Si-ene i; was a gold drape for Violet M Gee

Summer Show at Gayety Theater Best Ever Brought

!i ·:! Ixnii.'. K.o- 'le and Tr.iii Conking.

n a singing s;..*>ia;ty supplemented by a dancing

Ilf. The ein.rus is not programmed, and -l-ecialty in which she finished with a one-hand

to Boston

r It-' e to Him they should lx. for they ,.irtwi.i~I which went over for continuous

im r t that eons ·!· rjtmn in appre* latlon e' H r i*ersoDality and W 'rk in numb'rs
IHlt 11 W
A.'t tire-->i'i DP 1 wa · an arti't'a studio int ' nh'-h mie tw. ii'y f.nir personally attractive m. 'di I - nil elioiis'iTs n i h .·  ··-Iiim* ', smgtsg ·, armi ny. 'uppletni n'l .1 by eight nattily 1 · I .'.I' - n a n-at dan. · Tbe ent.r.  · ·· mbb ttiii went into a drill ihit na«
t' V p. rf. , I
I n.niie Conni ts, a} appi'Snng stiaigb* S.'S .1 .ban. d>' n live delivery of lines,
.11. on the stag. -ei .ssh rley Mallette. · .ii'arrd in the !·· r'.iii of a iw'-fi bs iibret i.isllinie who wa* Hu peT'.'ii ' n'::- l .1.- mine -, and her p« r-.n. H
. ..' Ill'I was iil bv her Vim al site an.I · _· ah ' ty. Heiiig enceri-.l OP her first -lie ri app. ari d .e ..iiipanied by fh*
· gh* da'ii'ing Jiiviiiih's Tills number cmill live hi.hl the stage had It been
I' sn tt.d to do -o. for tin- applaUM wa- cenI 11. s.
stra gill tenners then calh d for Collins an.I I' ".1. stars ef tli.-  a«l, who were given an ' ·"'  on their apiw e. Colliny u-ed a
-1 '. al makeup, while I'lllard worked with · · 'n fa.e. Piry wirvi followed by the ptiiuipals. Mar.on Merle, a slender
I · S'. ' III..1 prlm.i d..nn.i. Jaispie Wilson, n '--pe. ''lai k-lialri'il Ingenne. and Marie
" S'l .1 pi'ilie iMil.l.e.l hrnni t s.vnbrvl. fivr a I .' 1...tween principals that iii.l .'ateil a plot. ·1 'g w I. . h theie were inf* rs|.i'rsed song num*
I II . ir respicllve liirii' for eneores.

applau'C. s.-enc 4 wa- an elabv'rate cabaret set with
all of the while memliers of the company seated .if lahh * b« ing enter'a ned by Pewey Wineg'.iv^H's Coli-r-d Revue, with ".tmeeica's GreatI si Colon il Rlucs Singer". Gi r'rude Saunders. Tills revue was .staged by l>eonaril Harper.
Til's IS w fhoiit a doubt one ef the ela-siest . ·"! or..«'' /at . n- of - and d.ancing sl'ei'iallst' Hat wc have ever -een in one griup · .f H.;- kind, and thi« i* especially applluble to Hie Singers, who have masten'd the art of sWf.etly modulated, resonant delivery of lyries vi'l. re.H melody. Considering the fact that c..'l.iis and F llard are the star* of this comI'l'iy. .and hold the renter of the stage in 111. ir every seme, they evidenced no inclination to hog it. blit gave ever.vone .ample orportnnlt,» to .F'fingii'h ilicmselvrs in their respective S'l'es. and let it he -aid to tbe credit of each and everyone in the east that they did so In .a 'ulentid manner.
With all due respeet to the entire c.asl. ind.v and eollectively. as comedy milkers. v.N'i:,-is ami darners, they could not huve gone over in the m.anner in whleh they did had it I.I Wen for the chorus of twenty-four girl* ·iiitl eight Isiys. vieserving credit (or Hielr tH'rs..n.iIlty, ix'P and vcrsatilily. The girls ehaiigi'il their entire costume. Including sicks .mil *|tpi>er`, for each ami every n imlM-t. .a id this 1* also applicable to the eight Jnv.niles in their ch.inge of attire. Seldom have we seen a more isTsonnlly attrnctive ensemble of feminines .in.t m.anly niiis. nline-

Boston. June I".'.--It Is not an exaggeration to call .lean Bedlni's "Peek-a-Boo" a genuine burlesque classic. Tbe enthusiastic packed house that attended the opening performance at the Gayety Theater last night n vdily pro¬ nounced it such. Indulgently overlooking firstnight irregularities, and captivated b.v the splendor of tlie setting* and co'iume-*. the d.ancing of the .Tazz-a-Ganza Girls, the antics of the com.dian-. the novelty numbers, the singing, the band m i-ic and the truly artistic touch that characterized everything from be¬ ginning to end, tbe audience acclaimed the production by far the best piece of burlesque en*ertjinmi n» ever brought to this town. Bedlnt. in a brief citrtaiu fpeecb. gracefully accepted the rompliment.
Alt ho the troupe of eigbteeu London musichall girls i* a Mg feature of tbe show, it is the font ensemble, rather than any single element, that makes "Pcek-a-Boo" a crackerjack affair. ENrery artiste is accompltshed and capahle, .-«* well as favorably cast. The comics spread eontinuoii* laughter with case, the singers render their numbers in pleasantly modulated style, the ensemble dancing ha* seldom had its equal in hiirli-sine, the various skits are iiniisiiatly intorestiiig and entertaining, the music thruoiit is of excellent «|uulity, the stage prcsvnits an attractive upivearance at all times .and there is evi-n somciiiing of a con¬ tinuity that holds the scene* together nicely. \lHVHt the only thing left wanting was a little m'vre solo dancing and pcrliap* a few additional song numbers.

'a .l i.- Wilson m a song niinil» r was an optic-

Ji«e Ilurtig .as proiluivr des. rve- mmh cre.l.i

.\fter 11 few Introductory remarks by Rcdini

' 'S.t ..f dollgl't. Vi.ilel Miibe. a blonde of for 111* cxpendlfiin' of money for providing I lie show opens with a county fair scene.

'ig iii'r*iin«lll.v, did a lix -daiicing

wliiel- and Jiiiiii'lbg spilt* f'vr a big round e' >llqihl'l*e.

P 'iic' I'.'lliiis linn n'.ippcsred In over-fitting ' . 'z dn s» iiii're piir'Hi'd l>.v third * omii

Newton -Winship


'rii, a .i.iii', i,.r ef a *:*.i.* tailor bill,

t · vvhhli Pollliis wiiii iiiio a roiin dy .laD'c

a d.irki ne ) stage, with the »f>olllght on

Professional Trunks


.1'e, vvhli'li r, gl»li rei| iiioti comedy Ilian

ii'iial run of  umidiaii'.


V Mallette then reappv'BrisI in an aft ac

' V' ingenue gown, leading an i n*emhle iiumlM-r

f'T I n. iTes.

2 was .a Kold drape (or .Mia* Mallette a oigiiig siM'i hilty of two iiiimlx r« for ' aeon -iii'ph'iiieiitisl liy tloral Irlhiile* luiss.'d  r I'l. fii.itllgiitii. Ward and iMIvi-r. a c1as»y ' loc and a |M'llle l.rniicl in *..iibiet ci sinine. "1 on for II piano and m cerdlon spec ally "hicli llo'V ImiHi proved lhem*etves inaslrrs ' Ho iiiHlrunii'iit*. Their iintmnientahsm w.i* Cl I'd by the vocalism of Ml»* Ward, who

Always the best. Now better than ever. Greater strength--finer appointments-- more conveniences. Send for catalog of full line of professional trunks TODAY.
Manufactured and sold by


See Them at



17 Unmn So N«v> York. N Y. . 7}I Casv Ayr., St Lauia. MO



II Kinavlan SI.. Baatan. Matv I'(4 F <>tli St. Cleveland, 0

GEORGE A MILLER&CO.. Iiml 7 East Ave., Rachester, N. Y,

T! «Tf ar*- ojiport uni tics horo for sonc number!*

by Kd Qitiuli y and tirl-* and N. llie Nd'on and

cirls, a huappy daiKc >p' rialiy l y tlie eb-ver

IrvinR SlM-lton. ""ine ii.m-ily movini; pi'fiire

takini: and a niaaic stunt by .1'.in !!· dial,

Harry Lander and Willie laind' r. tl.U trio also

< reafinK a furore with tli. ir imif. tion of a

eamel, and a ja/z wecMini; with Aaiies Heniii-

ney as the bride. Harry I^anibr a' the tiiinieler

and llurnld Stern's Land fnrui'lnni: tie- music,

For the second wene. in front of i biantiful

drop. Jean White did two co<sl imie-r'on.itiMns,

one of Gilda Gray and the otlier of I'at Itooney.

Next eame the Louise Fountain Lim'h: .\rf

I'alntinsts. Harry Land'-r. actint: as leetnn-r. introduced each exhibit with a d* tail-d des4 rip-

tion, but upon drawins the curtains that con-

realed the big frame a totally ililT.-rent .-tihject

wa* revealed. The efiffeet «as highly amasing.

and so wa* Lander's lino of talk.

A pleasing song nnnilsr by Agn-'s Ih-mpsey

followed, and then came a skit, ·'Over the

Telephone ', involving Jean White and Harry

Lander as the sixakers and W.:iie L..nd*'r as

a butler. I'nlike a great td. phone skit*,

this one full of go. il coiix ily material and

proved a riot. The sixth scene hrmight in a Ini' k dance liy

the J.tzz-a-Ganza Girls, several of whom were

given a chance to display their individual

ability. One thing about fl'i-e girl* is that

they work seriously and in earnest. Then- is

no listless stepping, no Ix.-red gazing and no

tarele-sness with them. Firfect teninwork i*

demon-trated in their cleverly conceived group

numbers, and in addition these Lumdon maids

are not at all bad to look at.

very realistic wliarf scene wa* next ex¬

hibited, with Willie Lander and Tommy Gordon

as a couple of longshorenen. William Carola as

a sweet-voiced singer, Anthony Frislillo as a

saxophone play.-r. H .p-y Lander a* an old sen

captain, Ed Quigh-y as a Chinaman, Agnes

Dempsey as the vvoiiii.n. Nellie XeI«on as the

kid and Harry Petir-oii as the man from

nowhere. A hit of inlen -ting drams was

enacted here.

.Some entertaining hokum by Tom Gordon and

Mark Germain followed, .and then an elegantly stageil patriotic laMean cli-ed the first act.

Harold Stein's Band supplemented the Gayety

Theater Orchestra in the overture to Act IL

Tbe Blue Danube Dance, a most enchanting

numtxr, oi»'ned the sei-ond half. A tree in full

hles-oin and set ofT by an appropriate back¬

ground stiHxl in the is-nter of the stage and

the girls tripped lightly around It as tho

floating in air. Dorine t.lover, an exceptionally

charming and accomplisl.i <1 toe dancer, did a

s'P«'cialt.v. It vvas an artistic achievement.

·'Such Is Life, in Six FroverhV, proved to

lie a series of what might lx- called jokes acted

out. Ridini recited the in'riMliietory detail*

while the settings wire Ix'irg .irranged an-l

then Hie ' ki.'k-" w .-te pr. <· nied by a- tlon.

The id' a made a hit, hnt sonic of the Joke*

were so familiar that the aiidonee got the 'kick" before it was deliver-d.

tuneful - ng about K..ineo and Juliet, sung

by Agnes D* rapsey and N'ellle Nelson, with tb'-

assistance of the chorus, wa* highly enjoyed,

and a little nonsense by the Lander Brother*

and Harry Peterson al-o elicited mia-h appiJ



.\gain the Jazz ii-Ganz.i Girls dr* w praise aM

applause in their Black and White Hussar*

drill numb- r. The i-ostiimes worn in thi* spe-

ii.ilty are blai k n the front and white in the

back, or vice v. r'.s. making it imssible to effect

many intercsiing t.Tnialions.

Another comedy lot vvas contaiixd in scene

flftei'D, the rnllman Limit* d. Eil ijuigley,

Toinrav Gordon. Harrv Igimh r. Marry Peterson, .lean White. Agn* s Hi mi>s<-y and J. an BedinI

partlcipat.'d <n thi* frolic, which includes some

new l* cviracdy material with many

langhs. Girls of tlie Old Brigade, led by Jean While,

wa* an amusing travesty, and Bose in Bloom,

with Dorine Glover as the ro-.' and Harry

Peterson as the singer, vvas anuther artistic


Tbe eighteenth and last scene represented a

circu* lot. A song l-y .Nellie Nelson and girl*,

some trampoline acrobatics by Gordon and

Germain, a few sclistions by Harold Stem's

.Tazx Kings and a song by Harry Peterson

comprised the specialties, winding up with a

colorful finale.

Variety, ingenuity and life alaemd thntoiit the show. There arc no dull moment' and the interest of the aiuiiciice to ver gels a clianiv to lag. The smix'tli aii.l effective work of the comic*. 'Tom Gor.l n, Mark Germain and Harry and Willie laiUihT, di'crve* liighest praise, while Harry I'eter'.n and I'd tj aichy are distiuit assets to H.c shew. Jean Wiiite. .\giie* Dempsey. Nellie Nelson and INvrine (Dover, all

tPuntiniicd on page lOAi

"New Books" "New Jokes"
TNir Iri»li. Dutch. Hebrew. Negro, S.'oteh, Tramp, Kid. Ku'jr, Clown, Minstrel. Italian, Burlesque, CowbnV, I'hara. ters. I'Zc eav'h or 10 for Sl.OO All poatpati THE COLLINS CO.. 197 Fulton St.. Brooklyn. N. Y.
In set* of t6-'-0. 1? Wardrobe Tnnik-. four trays rach- 1 «<*» of s^rnciy. Kack rlusli :«vk . Kiulette Tahlf. Thtatre Seal* and Prop Chair* Manuscript*, Biirlcsiours amt Plav-. kldrvaa BIU-Y WATSON, Lyv'tuiB. Patenoau Now Jeaos.


Xlie Oillboarcl

JULY 5, 1924

Commencing Mondu.v Evening, June 23, A. J. Malby Presents


lutu till- I'ark Tlii-nter and saxv "Tin- tiardi ii of I'uradise", a alaixv xxliicli xxas ii failup-. blit which first revealed to .New York the xvonderful ~ci-iile art of .loset I'rlian. It apparcntly liit Ziegteld liurd for lie engaged


I'rlian lo do the next ·I'nllles". It was Waiter .Ki-ii!i> III Lawion ·S wide li li.i- lo do wilb his private life. siiperldy beautiful and Zi-g(e|d, not li.iving ,xet

A Farce Comedy of tlie Future

Tile Hill.Vivienpe O-beriie .All ot ns, sc oniidrt is iiid sainls, want lUir lost Ids fiinii.v Isine. onildind it xvlHi tin- (om-

Bj Allen I^ib»T

ACT 1--.Si-eiie--l.iluuiy in Bichard lla.-kell's Icgislalois to b.c · rc.i.c c table people *. We i-dy of tin- old "Fnllles" and made a gorgeous

Billy Kirkwood.Teddy tiilisou Sain Asliton.Uenedit MaeQiiarrie

I'ouiilrv House. Nigbt.

.ACT II--.S.-I lie 1--The : .irae. The ii.-\t d.iv.


A Ke'tacrunt. .An lioui later. Sci iic

--The s.-iinc as S. cue 1. .M-di :gilt.

;ci,c a- c rile 1 to ti c iu as women ate to tbe frail oiic-s in ilii ir own - \. If llicy are uot so. AuU o'lr II pic sc iif.iiiic s luiisl be extra dean If.

Hiid sntisfxlug enierlainnieiil of it. Tliul xxuh the iM-rfect stale. .After a while M-enIc i|e.-ora¬ tion, feminine pidchritndc and eostiim--s ran

Harry Mattox.W. L. Tliorne Jack Carlton.Manriee Brlerre
I!ev. Applegate.Jack Wat'<on Ali<-e Mattox..Joan Storm

Ai'f Ill -Tbc same a> .\cl I. A lew mi;ii.t--s later.
Hiila-rt OslHirnc bus worked out a new tw'.st

I c-s.cic - lic-ing oiir rcprcsc-iilaliM S, they aro pi igr--sixes .|s well.
So Mr. Bo.xle makes sin li a man Ids hero.

iixvjy xxith the show and It iias-ed Into its slate of dci adence. .Noxv with I'rban out. Ilndls)ilay cut doxxn and a pitifully -mall amount

MaN`1 llamifton.

Beatrice Maude

Betty Carlton.I.ipette Park>r

Staged by Claude E. Are,her

ACT 1---Sam's Bachelor Apartment. Five p in.

to mcliHliama in "Tbe Blue Baudatnia ". He has made bis bero the twin, as to liaiks. wilb a noted burglar, and with di-sippcaraiu cs

He fills ill line with a Idgli-dass female lob¬ byist ill AA'asIdiigtoii, who, callous to all other nun. responds to Id- alTcclioiis. She has a

of comi-ily, the "Follb-s"  an Is- said lo liaxe reached the loxxest el'li of Its long eur--er.
Tin' most glaring fault of tin- i urr- nt "Fol¬

ACT II--Same. Eleven p.m.

of one of tliem and Hie rea|>pcaran<-<'s of tlie "p.ast'', siio'i'xsfiilly (ranctaled up to now, hut lies'* Is Its Lick of i-omedy. Exen Will Rogers,

ACT III--Same. Midnight. TIME--In the future. PLACE--.Any old place.
Prenii-ed upon an hyiHithetieal twenty-fourlli amendment to the Constitution of the Cnited States which compels all nun between the ages of twenty-five and forty-five to marry, whether they feel so disposed or not. "Try It With

otber and an ingenins plot, be lias contrived a real novelty.
It is unfortunate tbat this good bit of writ¬ ing should suiter iu the easting. If I mistake not there are m.iny laugh possibilities in tbe lines and tbe action, but few of them are realized. This is mainly tlie fault of Sidney Blackmer. who plays tbe dual nde. Mr. BIa« k-

threatening to break loose at any time. That moment ti«`ems to havi* arrlvi-d, for d crook who knows her of oM comnn-ncesi to hlackmail her. Courageously sin- tell' her lover tbe whole story. Ho'v stn- xxas fore**d iuto proslilulion aud N-c-ame the kceiier of a lupanar iu New Orleans and her break with tliat life, when, rescuing an inno*-ent girl from a pro¬

perhaps our wltlb-'t moindoglst. is getting less ilinn lilti usual sbais- of the laughs. The most (oiislstent laugh-getter is I.uptno laine, an ex¬ traordinary dancer, a dellglitfnl singer of s (<imie song and an miciuoiis coni-'dian. Mr. I.jtic has one real i-liance at tin- audlem-c la a comedy sketch and lie makes <|uile the most I'f It. Thru his efforts It liecame tin- only

Alice" moves thru its three acta to the fin-il mcr is tbe featured member of the eompan.v curer, she shot 1dm. H(*r lovi'r it* still wTlIiiig iiii-moraMe luugidiig s|H>t in the whole show.

curtain in much the same manner as a burlesipie and on his shoulders rest the responsibility of to marr.v In-r. but she, fe.arlng to ruin his

It strikes me that Zlegfeld has lost his sens-

show, with a series of illogical, yet mildly putting over the show. He has not enoiigli future, resolves to commit suicide. He (ire- for comedy. It may be that In- atarta rehearsals

amusing, episodes and situations, caleulated to artistic strength to do it. He has little sense vents her just .-js she is about to take iioison. xxith genuinely gisnl comedy m.sterlal and

Ih' risuue forming its only reason for Ix-ing a of p.iee and is dolefully monotonous as a reader.

From this synopsis perbai»s you are iiii-liin*il tbroxvs It out Is-forx- an audience sees It. It

play, if such it may be termed. It Is pro- Instead of a sharp difTcrciitiaMon hcfwe*n the to sav. ".Apidcsiiuci-;*' I'l rliaps I would «ay often happ-'Us that a comedy skit will have

grumiued as a "farce comedy of the future", two eliaracters in everything but looks, be <-on- so myself under tin' circumstances. But 1 the entire company rolling off tho eliilra during

and as theatrical entertainment is "fair to tents litmsf.If with only altering bis voice to li.ivc s.-.-n tin- play and thru Mr. Bo.xlc's the first week of rehearsals. The second week

middlin' ", but there is doubt whether its life mark the differeiue in Hie two eharaiTirs. carin-st xxriiiiig and the cast's ccpially c irn--~t It Is not so funny. Tbe third week It Is bore-

will be much longer than would be the life of IVrsonally I was a bit puzzled at times to playing. I l- ll .xou. it is a In'licv iblc. Interest, some and the fourth week It Is In the *'^arage''.

such ar. amendment as the twenty-fourth, were know wliieb was suppo-ed lo be wliii-h.

ing and frccpn-ntl.v thrilling drama.

.Many a tomedy scene has b»-en kllb-d by that

a law of its nature in existence.

Tlie rest of the company were much ladter.

.\ lot of crulit f..r tills must go to B.-atrlce pris'css b<'(on- an andlence saw It and It may

The author, Allen I>-ll«-r. wIkj Is the brother Vivienne OsKune, playing a girl luirglar. tho Terry and Fclxv.ird .ArncUI. who are tbe hcroiux- be that something like that happens Id tbe

of Kriig I.elber, the noted actor, has attempted to be considerably shoi-king in the writing of this, his fir>t Broadway play. He has suc¬

one from a laudatory motive as it turns out, wis excellent. Charles Hammond, as an unsus¬ pected crook, played tip to the part with enough

and In-ro cf tin- prin-e.-iLngs. It was Miss Ti-rry who gave 'u. b a r.-mark.ible performance earlier iu tin- «c.isoii in ' Cldldrco of the Moon",

"Follies**. If so, if slionld slop, for If any shoxT is In need of lively scenes thta "Fol¬ lies" is.

I "

j i
' ) < {

ceeded to a degree, and it might be suggested here and now, in consequence of some of the vulgarity in "Try It With Alice", that in case there is still room for more amendments to the Constitution one might be for the prohibition of plays which wallow in smut.
The action of Leiber's opus does not take place in a bedroom, and thus does not follow out the too often practlctsl theory that a farce is not a farce without swh a setting. Its locale is the bachelor quarters of Sara Ashton, who lb still happy in his celibacy, but whose fate will be the hoosegow provided he hasn't walked to the altar "by midnight". According to the twenty-fourth amendment, a draft Intard with a reserve of unshackled women will see to it that all men who haven't married by that time are conscripted into connubial warfare and wives selected for them.
The complications begin after Billy Kirk¬ wood. Sum's pal, in a frantic cudgeling of the brain for some avenue of escape from the dreaded marriage law. hits upon the plan of masipierading as a womin. He does a Julian Eltinge, dressing up in a costume which he bad disported himself in years back while assuming the role of a lassie in a college play. A clergyman is called in. and Billy and Sam, to all apiioarani es, get hooked up as man and wife,

realism to render the audience wholly unsiispei-t as to his true character until the dcnoncmeut., an Irish servant, was well handled b.y Charles Kennedy, and smaller parts were made the most cf by Bay Collins, Roy Walling. Gustave Kollaiul. Jobn Ray, John Roberts and Kenneth Lawton.
The stor.v of the play. wTiicli has to do with the theft of some valuable pi-arls, is interesting and made rather plau'ilde. The settings lare everytllillg they sliould be. Ill fact there is noHiing whatever tlic matter with the staging or tlie writing of the play. There is a grave discrepancy between the planning cf the cli.iracli r and it< exeetiHcn by Mr. Placknier unle-s I am greatly mi'tukc n. The sle w will stand or fall by bis interpretation, as it would for any otlnr actor who c-sayed tlie part. Tbe phty is noticing without this dual role; it is the be-ail and r-ud-al! of the show. To my way of thinking Mr. Blackmer do« s not begin to realize its possibilities, and, as a c'onsequence, the play is ratlier tame entertainment.
A novel melodrama, hurt by mis¬ casting of tbe principal role.

and XXIdle Iwr oiiiiortuniii-'s are not so great in "H r Wit Out" she gixes a truly beautiful reading ot the part. 1 liiixe s.-en f- 'v actresses so completely mistress of tlicir art. Miss Terry se<`ms to be continually in tbat balanced state of emotion, which, profxerly nnd-'r control, dis¬ tinguishes fine aeting. She pla.vs with the emotions as Ros.-uthal does with the keyboard of bis piano. There is the same flexibility of nttcrame, the same rxin»ciou» (irdcring of it. tbe same exqui.slte control. I wish there were more actresses who kn> w their craft quite so xxell as Miss Terry.
Mr. .Arnold Is al-o a good craftsman. Wln-n .xoti see a big, good-looking leading man you g-ucrally look for an affected one aa xvelL Not so here. Mr. .Arnobl Is a slm-ere. Intel¬ ligent, convincing actor and played his part lu a thoroly excellent manii-r.

Then, too, Ertan l» missed. Hit atrlking x-olors were just what this show neoda. The s<-encry and costumes, xirhlle tasteful, are not e.xc-filling. On the other hand. I liked tinstaging of Julian Alltch--Il, which haa an air of gentility and quiet elegance which la <itlite charming.
Add Pennington Is again with the abow and is as piquantly graceful as ex-er; A'lvlenne Segal, with the best voice In mnsical comedy, is given a ni.mtx-r or two and sings them beau¬ tifully; Irving Fi-ber it the principal male singer and a good one; Tom Is-wit amua--<f with bis mixed monolog; the Kelo Brotherstopped the show dead with a remarkable dance; the Tllb-r Girls are as amazingly won¬ derful danctrs as ever. The music la about X'll an even b-vel of exeelleiice, with two oulatanding niirats-rs. "Blmlny** and ".Adoring

A faithful Impersonation of a p<ditlcal boss Y'ou'*. A'Ictor Herbert, having passcxl Into the

was given by I'nrnel I'rjtt; Maud Durand was Great Bevonil. la discovered to be a gr--at

very good as a Negro servant; Daisy .Atliertoii com|H>ser aud a tribute Is paid to bis memory

pla.vcd a secretary and did It well; Josephine with revivals of some of hia big song bita.

Royle was entirely real as the rescued girl, and There Is no novelty in tbe show, the beat num¬

Stanley Ridges played her husband In a com¬ ber being one in which tbe ultra-vlolel light

petent m.inner. A word should be said for is lup-d for a luminous effect. This was new

Rudolph Cameron, who. tho on for a fexv mo¬ three years ago. Zlegfeld haa rommitted a

ments only, registered a fine Impression In a mistake be has carefully avoided in all the

thus evading the exactions of the twenty-fourth


drunk role, and for Edonard Diirunil. also on years he has slioxxn living pictures. He ba«

J amendment.

Beginning Monday Evening, June 23, 1921

for only a minulo or txxo. as an Italian Ills niid--s moxe. In fact, be goes so far as


This works splendidly, but entangles both

j Sam and bis wife, Beatrice (Billy), in a num-

Iwr of ticklish si^-tiation-^, which run the gamut

, of embarrassment to all concerned.

I ;

A good deal of comedy is supplied by the

.A New liratua

panderer. Giber parts wi re well done by Grace
Berkins, Henry .Alortiiiicr, Frederick Burton, Jay Wilaon, Fn-d Manatt and Caranaugb.
A well-written drama; splendidly played, GORDON WHYTE.

to bring ilirte figures right out of tba frame to do a dance In front of II.
Taken all in all, thx- "Follies** is a big disapixointment. I know that Zlegfeld is one to stick with Ills sliow and whip It Into abapx-

character of Harry Mattox, who alone shares

By Edwin Milton Kuyle

It may be another story In four weeks. Juat

^ the secret of the "marriage". His wife, Alice,

(Author of "The Stptaw Man")

at present it Is somexvhat aliy of tbc beauty

takes the "to-all-outward-api>earance" Beatrice

St.iged by Waller Wilson

NEW* AMSTERDAM THEATER. NEW YORK he has led us to exp.-.-t in Hits show and It

a little too far into her lonfidence, with the remit that when she invites Beatrice to try on some new lingerie Harry verges on the point of committing murder.
Any number of similar situations mark the

Characters in Gnl -i of Their ,Api>earance
Hilda Washburn.Daisy Atherton Lain .Maud Durand Miss Lamer.ilrace I'crkiiis Hanniln'.I Willlaiii'.I'uinel Pratt Colonel .Aloii/aj Burk.Ib-nry Mortimer

Beginning Tm-sday Evening, June 24. 1924 KLORENZ ZIEGFELI) Bresents tbe

Is tbe mistt mifiiiioy of the M-rles. Ills aiidiencea are bursting lo laugh and find nothing to laugh a*; they bsik for a lavish display of color and fabrics and only get it once or twice. Again, I repeal, tin- "Follies** Is in a state of

texture of the farce. Some of the comedy is downright trite, some of it truly funny, but it is really not ver.v entertaining, nor is it. on the other band, ver.v iiiitating. to sit thru u

.Airs. Hamilton iDc Iphnic, Tbc resi.). . Bi'itrii-c Terry
Senator Daniel Norim--. .EcBvard .ArimM Sc.iuiter CordwiMsl.Frederick Biirtun .Manny ..Iiiv \Ails<iii

Glorifying the American Girl
tstag-'d by Julian Mitcliell Dialog by William .Aiitliouy McGuin- and Will
Rogers, l.yrles by Gene Bm-k and Joseph

de<-adcn<'e. It Is on Hie doxxngrade. Better tbe primitive than this. If Zlegfeld cannot again combine the beauty with the fun he might belter go baeg tq where he started ami

play in which a eliar.ict<-r passes as a total stranger before liis closest friends meiely by the aid of a pseudo-feminine voice, a blond

Sidne.v Carfax. St.iiiley Uidgi-s -Alls. Sidney Carfax.bc^c ulniic Ibivi.. I'n-d, a I'olicciiiaii.Tn-d Ylanalt ILil .Budolpli Canic ridi

J. McCartliy Music by Victor HerlK'rt, Raxmond Hiihliell. Dave StaraiMT, Harry Tierney and Dr. Alls-rt

give US a "Follies'* of the Ijim- of hit 1907 show. Tht-re xvas no scarcity of laughs there. In the "Folllrs of 1921" they an- as rare as

wig and some feminine habiliment.

Sciliro .Ld'iuuid Diir.iiid


a "No Smoking*' sign lu a cigar store. He

Teddy tlib-on. doing the duo role, makes the play fairly palatable stuff, however, altho Ills impi-rsonat'on of "Beatrice" is far from con¬ vincing. The other members of the east like-

E.stb .Holiart Cavanaugh
ACT I.--A lllirary and ri c-i-pl!on room In Mrs. Hiiiiiiltou's borne In AA'usl.inglon, D. C. .Night.
-ACT II.--Same as .\i-t 1. S. veral days later, about 7) o'cloc k ill He- afleriioon.

Tableaux Dcvis<-d and Hfaged try lb n .All Iluggln Gplie-tru I'udcr Ditcellon of A'iclor B.iravelle
I'RINril'.ALS--AA'ill Rog--rs. .Ann I'cimington, I.-qiiiio L.ine. \'lxi<-nnc Si-gal. Irving Fislier,

will find there is m->re kudos In a funny abow than In all the K-enery. girls and fabrics be can lliroxv together. If lie doubts this let him reread tin- notices of *'1*11 Bay She Is**.

wiso (lid exceptionally' well, considering the

-ACT III.--A rcc-opiion room in a bouse iu Fvi-lxii I.ixv. AlarMiii lairlM-r, Gloria Dawn. Mae

The latest and worst ef the `'Follies'*.

i loiridity of the theater, the like of which it New Orb-aus. Night. .ACT lA'.--Siiiie as .Act I. and !1.
is safe to ssy DO Other Broadwa.v playhouse

D.ixv, Brandon 'I'xnun, Toni la-wis. I'lill ICyley, Tilier Girls, Empire Girl'. George Olsi-n ami bis orelH-ir.i umi oHiers.




I siqqxise the wiscac-res will be for calling

"Her Way Out" an old-fusliiuned play. This

Exery art iniss-s iliru tliri-i- slugea in its

because it is a straiglitforwuid telling of tbe evolution. It is first iiianifesicil In j primitlx-



woman who has made a "iiii'take" in the past, htatc from xxliicli it rl-es to Its bigliest iillch its ri-ing ag-iiii to plaginc her when she has of perfection, from xvlilcb it pa-ses thru a slate


Beginning Monday livening, June 23, 1021

fallen iu love with a line man and her deter¬ of (b-i ad- tice. In the )irimilive -late tliere will

-V Mebidramatii- Comedy

mination to remmuc e him li<ccau-e of It. That siliiation iiaa lu-cii iisi'd many times in
the past and doubtless will he iisc-ii maiiy more

often la- found .a true beauty, a te-.iiity groping its xx.iy, a little stiff, but free from sopblHlIration; the perfect slule sin-aks for itself, beauty

"The Blue Bandanna" (Vanderbilt Theater)

By Hubert O'ltorne

times in the future. .And wliv shoiildiTt it In-if alxx.iy.s lie-, lliere; tlie stale of decadence only

TIMES: "Tlie many iiieliMlruinntlc niumcnis

- vMlb --

·After all llii-rc are few basic- situ itioiis and I'urely jiclds iH-atity. I Ids fact la so eaally are ezeelleni aud the e(|iiiilly nimieruiis mn-


tliis is ope- of Hie be-t. .A di.ciiiati-t must iiave d--iiioiistralili- tliat I will Is lalsir It Do more; mi'Ula of diilliicHK have a way of allowing Ibeiiisonp-tliiug lo woi k w illi anc| In- cannot lie I Mc-;i-ly lit*- it Is'c.iiisc I lii-Iicve tlic "Zlegfeld selxes to In- (orgutli-u In the iLinior of i-DsiilDg

staged i.y ciiiToid Brooke

biano-d if lie pick- goinl iii.iii rial. .After all Folio--" is a lixing xvltmss to Its truth.


'Liii.ig.-m.-nt. Cluiries I, Waguer

Ilichaid H.i-kell. .. .lim" iK-li-no....


..Ba.v · "11.1.j'enmngtori .Cl.arles H.imiiioiid i>>i)(an .rharl* w
Burke .Roy Walling
Maltre D'Uotcl.Gustave Bolland I'oliceman .Jobn Kay

it is not so linn li wliat le- writes al">iil as tinway in* wiiti- wl-itli c-o'.c.i . *i`o nn way of ticiiiking Aai licyli- I,,14 wi.itcp Well
I c.r one li - tiis liiiagiiic il Id. siinalion in a circ le of life wl.ic li m extn-iin-ly v.i-ll  Iili-iil.ited to -Mpns-ze all tin- Juice out of It. Tlie slutf-sniun Is atiove all men tbe one who jc.irs ago Zicgfcid conjured up the le st id-.1 for liglit luiisii-al enlerlaiiini--iit Hiat l< d iiopieil out siiii, ilic Gllli<-rt and Hiillivaii He siaileii In a small wa.r to d--xel<>|t it. Tills XX .IS tile priinitire sl.ite wln-n tin"KollleH'* Iniil .1 In-aiity and .i worth Hint mndi.Nexv York talk long and loud. Tlila contiDued

AVORI.D: "Just 11 fulr-to middling trick roeliidruma aiiliiiiiti-d by an eici-llent performance on Hie p tri of Hie slur." ll- yivoiHl Broun.
TRIBI NE. ".A daffy little melislriima af¬ flicted xxitli IniIIi ineiilnl and pbysb al ailments " -- I'en-y Iliimmond.
HI*N; "It plays like a movie sod no doubt la

Another Pol'c-emas.Jobn Uoberta cannot buffet a storm of acaudal; that is, until Ziegfeid, in an idle momeDt, wundeted

(ContlDued on page 33)


JULY 5, 1924

The BillUoorcl


Bt tlie MTTSE (Cninmunlcattoni to Oinelnnatl OfTi < >

I\few BooRs

\V 1* r P. I''" I* 1m<1 *«»«>» work

. ri timJ

ti>tn.r.'. .N. C.. In tioorotn*.

Kr.nV Viii ·ilTlM'K that hr hna thr tleorgl* II,[.(.y fiMir at thr Mrnllc Hotrl, he Zoutp, II. ly iv.t.

(Communications to Our New York Offices) A NOVEL OF THE CIRCUS


No-prcssure lyitrm. Leysonj oo hreathlii*. tooKum:.

ihirring, hizb tia.ea. Up trill*, transposition, truni*

prime, daily drill and 35 o'her subjetts. iSiIly ii-



"Adoptine it eiclusiTely."--HT LAJIMERS. Sousa'a

400 Band.



.I,>r M Known, wrltlni: from Flint. Mich., ffti. rp hN romWnath.n l» playing W. S. llutterti' Id a (Kirili n Tli* at* r. aiiya tbp boys are liookrd wvin day* a "·.k.
l! iy Ca'.il hiia r- plH<s d S'd St, in .t« dim tor ,if Sjd StPin'a RtatP Strrpt Ithythm Kings.

CrnriY or TMK IVIIITK tops, l.y K.\KI- CTI.VPI.N M.W. Publl-dird by D. Applpton A Conip.iii', o.'i Wo.t SJn<l stroot. N-w York City. sl.T.'i.
T InMo sMiiotlmos wmi-Iotod wh.* iiovolists w-ro rot mon- .nttra- t- l to tli" oiroiis tho.V aro. It sums to nn- if 1- a tloid for plot and ··har.i-tor that i-.iirM I-- till-d inmh nioro ofton than it Is-, n. Itni ll orp roinaiii' tlo- fii< » that fiw nov- Iist- know aiirtliing about tlio f-ir-'iis f..,in Iho insldo ami It 1* porilo-i. for any wrltor to w-ito nt-out that which ho knows not.
That ais'UviitloD oould m-t ho hnriod at EARL CHAPIIf MAY, Ho knows the <ir..iTs Insldo


Covers the pn'Ire field of playing. 41 lessoDA Com¬ plete ir.structlo: s.
·'A flue book.''--CLAY F'ilTTH.


PRICE. $1.50. PRICE. $2.75.


.>;trln will n-tnrn to t'liUak'n to orKanIzp hla new rrrnp. `·IVarhea and t'nani'*.
OMy Itrown and Hla Traiwwddlun- arp playinc at tliP BayTli'W Casino. Flatlmda B.iy, N. T.. for thp sumnirr. They ari-: 0. C.

and out and It Is safo to that wh-s-vor r- .ids CUDDY OF THE WHITE TOPS will got n bottor Insight Into tho -ir-'iis giino tl.-ii an.vthing short of travollug with a show could giro him.
Tho story MR. MAY lilis Is of j young man. atsuit to gr-idtia'-r from colb-gp, who has h*-on I'd to oxpcct a snhstan' fortnno ni>on his coming of ago. M'hen l-N fatli-r'y will is road to him ho finds tl,at --on-orvatlvo t-ankor loss sunk tin- bulk of fortune in a I tr-'ua. Tho inv-'stmont amounts to alsmt XlaO.iHiO an-l If Cti-ldy pip-'- ts to got anything for it ho must protoct If.

Fi>r Tr-rmbone ai.d Bititw e Piayera. KudimenH, In¬ structions. < harts *nd sil of tbe celebrated Arhae F^xerclje*. s-.udiei and Solo*. Poiltluna markAtl tbrougbout tbe b-wk.

Brown, playing piano. ··hM trio Ndl* and rhlmoa;

Tho voiing man Joins tin- show, finds it 1* losing mnnoy and start* to put it on its fePt.

236 PAGES.

PRICE. $4.00.

T. r. itllpln. lainjo; John Mm lam. saxophono*: Harrry fish, violin, and Torry Balton. traps.

Tlip first thing ho d-s-s is to dr vp tho griftors out, sonslng that th* y aro not only dofrimenfal to tho show', roptituth-n. 1-nt Imv,- a 1 i il Infiu-'n- o on thP p« rf-irman-e H'·-If. H-ls oh-crvatioii stamps him as a tru-- showman In C.o oy*-s of tho di'ooruing .-u-l events prove that he is.


ThP Crystal I...ko iMl h.) Ik-volopmont Com¬

Ho l« al-lo to w--afh.r o't l .i l husiuo-s. a 11-iwdown and snc*s-s.fully match w'ts with the Dr.ailed instrn.tioiis and 110 viiecially prepared el-


liaicl.T h.d with hi* fist*, w'.-n-vor ho g'-ls ln»o a sitnathm which will not allow et. i*ex for drilling titiie Into the itstem. Adapted

pany haa wound Stour's Kntrrtalaors for thr of in--ro |»'u<cful r-modlos ho piin-hos wlillo tho pim- hiug 1* good.

to all instruments, including piano. State InstnimeDt. I

waxio. Tin- ni< uils r- ar,-; Brad Stonr. munu-

Tln-ro Is a i-'inanc-- riiiiii'tig thru tin- 'ti>rv. \x|t!i a - h-v- r oir- u* porforraer as the beroine;

PRICE. Sl.Otf.

c. r and plani»t: .1 la ff<l. sax. and rlarlnot; thor>- |s pb-iitv of a-tion; tln-ro K an liitor*-sriiig plot. .VI-v- all olsp, tho, ihe customs aad Tom Tiortiov. hunjo; Ta-onatd I'ro<-tor. trom- mothods of Hip <!r-'us are dopl-f--! with aocura-y and fidelity to their outer significance

Nno; Ibnry Snfhorlaml. tniroprt. and Mrrlr S'lrlvp. drnmmpr.
ThP Floridan* flnlahod tbrir rngagomt-nt at

and tholr *ninr iin-aiiirr. CUDDY OF THE YYHTTE TOPS .s a <s>rkin-.' o'r-u" norol nn · tln-re will be mighty few
mon and wonion In tho amuo m-tit worid who will u-'t find It tl.nroly r utortaining. MR. MAY has drawn a fair and lively picture of cir< us l;fo cud 1 hoartlly cou'm- u-l his book to my readers.

K .I'-'e* th* ordinary ro'islclan to learn harmony. Kotmcrly a $`20 ccrresrotuier.ce course. 2fi lessonsi
PRICE. $2.00.

Tampa. Ha., and arp roturning to .Southotn


lUlDola to till aummpr f'ngagrmi'U'a. Thp playpr* aro; Waltpr BaNd. piano and dlroctor; Cu.tar K'oN'rg. b.njo. violin and saxop'ionp; I'.oy I'nlsirg. »axi'phono»: Fhaiinon I.. .Viiatin. aaxophODo* ami< r; John Floyd, trumppt;

THE CREATIVE LIFE, t-y I-CDWIG l.EWISOHN. Puhlisbid by Boni & Livcriglit. ·11 West 4''tli stn-cl, N« w York City. $'2.VJ.
It-siilos hU rog.iiar di.tlis as dramatic critic of Tbo Nation LUDWIG lEWISOHJI fin is time til s. an the ii- ld of loa-iry. prose and criticism and record liis timiiglit*. I'lios.-.

By O. A. Prtprs-m. Correct gestures for each kind of time ai d hundred* of valuable luggutioni to
leaders. PRICE. $1.00.

Jor Bnarlis. IromhoOP.
Bill Franklin'* Or-'hostra. ·fior havli.g ro· ·nlly finlshrd a fi»r-month <vintrj,-t in .VII uijntrq'ic, N. M.. 1* n^w 1<s ai< i| in Sooix City .ind pla.Mng tonn* in Iowa. South B.ik.'ta and

Viiriou* times, he 1;ms pnl-i-.-d In The X.lion an-l other painr-. Now he liiis i-rought thorn

togolher in a hamlsnui- ly print-d volume under the title of THE CREATIVE LIFE.

MR. LEWISOHN, Is a vrilor one like* to i--id. cot only for what ho hits to say, l.-it f-ir

the way In w hit h lie **x s It. ,V fhorogblng r-liol in many lin--s

tlii.i ght. hi< r-;is,ining in

the arts |« temi>or-il w Hi a symp.thy for the classic .and an Kr what i* goial in tin- new. It i* a rn*c ·'mliluatii-n and a tine one.
Add t-> till* MR. LEWISOKN'S splendid style and you have a `till r.trer eouiMnaflon. .\

By O. .V. Peterson. Exact tempo* for cverj rar.veirent m 130 mod used overtures. Completely Indexed.
PRICE. $i.oe.

Nohrtska. rop<rti. Fd Mora-ia Tl.*' iM-isunn-l rrada: Bill Friuklln. loador and sax.; Bort S'hu'ta. trnmpot; Bill Krug-r, violin au-I Iroml-out; 51- rtoa Ro.uok, piano; Fal M rasio .. uwiphoiio. and MrIvIn Knildso-n. dr'jins and

fine car for the m-.ind of the right word and a sure instinct for the right place t- put it. a nice *· nse of rh;tlm ainl a g-s l a- n-e of p-o e are all for-nd In it. 'ih- rv? .iie few writers who kiio-r th- ir i taft mi w- '.l ^a* LUDWIG LEWISOHN.
There I* n-it mu-h in THE CREATIVE LITE wlii. h d- aN with the drama, t-i:t what there i* is ox.-Pell'. T ro Is j p.iitii u'lrly true bit ca'.i-d ' VVor'1. \V.I1 and Word", In wlii-li MR. LEWISOHN h.-uim-r* away at the m-.-esslty fi-r truth in dramatic writing. 1 think any¬

Sati-da-tion guaranteed or money your dealers, or order direct.
Virtuoso Music

refunded. At

T7ip lm|s-rial Gardon* Or-h««tra Is -till Imld)Dg (orih at tlip ImiH-tlal Cardi-n*. l*o< atrllo.

one with a Ime f-r the ot.ige will cheer MR. lEVTISOHN ior this thought, which I
extract from it. "I ad.lri-s m.'sclf to the .Vno-ri-an ilramatisf--that almost hypothetical pe'-k-nage that is
yet, «o --.reli. on the Joint of ri-iug in'o our vls'on. Do not lot the luaiiag-rs do.t-lvo you. lio'not lit tiio i.-Mewers docoivo you. N-r tlio hat-hlor* in club-. Seventy per cent of the

Deat. E..


II Tl.i- I ni up Is. ··Slats" Slati-r. piano; current ha-k*' tb- .-' lann utty dot s not · vt-n ni.i'i.e mou.-y. The gambling is not even

 Ikp" Ilynon, drnnis; "Jig*s" Jeikins. banjo giHsl gam'111 g. N-.r i-e di-i- iieil. . Is-ie ail. 1-y t nimble college Jirofessors who flutter vsltli

I and -aX . Uariioy Volis-rt. truin|s-t and mrlo- the winds i.f shi.i'.ow p..; fal!a- !t < in ·!; 1--l-- that their classes may grow ;;ud th. ir
pbono; lal mil, tromtvinr and piano; Bolt article* sell. .V.ldress yours-If. if n- d be on l-n-ad and water--not to the game of Broadway,


· arm T. sjxoph<>uo« ami violin: KImrr Fohr. Mxopboupa, ilarinots and tnunppt; lastpr

but to the pl-y of man." Ide*lisH, y; But d.>u't overliK-k tho very practical and awfully true statemt nt
that TO jM-r .out of the Bro.olway hack w.irk. the work al.v'e all oNo fire-l stjuarely at the




smein. sousaplxinp.

liommce. fa'I* d;r. l.v. And MR. LEWISOHN did not mou'ion the o-ni illy pregmint fact that,

Thp roator of Fllndt and Ilia All .kmotUan Onhrstra. Clinton. I*., *luip tbr rpiont rpotginiaatlon I*: Hmll Fbndt, tnimpot, violin and dirntor; WpsIpj- Woojivrr. piano; Jimmip

after sex*-in, jilay* whl ii w.-rc coneoii-'d in ti.e spirit o- fruHi an-l wrllti-n h--- aits.* tlip arH-<'» M ill made him wilte them, have 1..- n sue.  ssiiil. artistl.-ally an-l boi-t-fhcely.


Tio-re are other chapter* in THE CRE.ATIVE nllE which deal shrewdly with crilici-m s>

and 1 am sure Hie readers of this column will appiec; -tc all that 1* said on literature. .Vn.v lover of good writing and aoiind reasoning will find a !-'t of enjoyment in THE CREATIVE LIFE.


To work in oil on Big Outdoor Scenic Spectacle. Five or six weeks' engagement. Write quick

IVdd.iroart. drums and onforta nrr; tioorgp


J? full particulars, experience, ref-

Sigmund, btasp*; Johnnlo tVornor. trumboDp; Jinimlp Hay, banjo and on*, tlalnor; I»on McB-'Lald. first wixopbuno and ilarinot; TV'n

erence, salary. Address

VANITY FAIR for JULY contains several articles which will Int.-rcst the theatrical i-ro-
tossirn Vm.-ng these are. WHAT THE PUBLIC WANTS, by ALEXANDER WOOLLCOTT; 3

BOX D-206,

Mar tin-w., ar.-ond s.iX 'phon-- .ind vlarlm-t; Tod Mattbow*. third yaxophi-m' and clarinpt.



care Billboard. Cincinnati, Ohio.


From Esthervllle. la.. »ome» the r»i»ort that

Al Swiot'* Chicago Cadet* arr now in tbe

Northw-at playing paiks ami falo*. The ag-

gngatiun Imliid--* En-rcttc Johius-u, director,

"TU-t ..nd savcidiou--: M-lluirm- Colby, aolw

<i>ru-t: Paid Th-unaa, tir-t lorm t, H-u<- Ih-land -iD-l ,1  Tk m hcucs, tr--iiilKin-s; B H-iovor,


W. IliilchliiM-n and F-auk tiros*.

Ill-!-; .vils-rt .lU'l tis. .sr Van

Kr;-g-n.-ld. ha-scs; J-s- KuIm-sIi. I'.illl 'b-iry-

w-atli- r. Clari n-'c Corblt. clarinets; i;,>l.iii>l

K!'n-flute and pl.,oIo: B-n RIti-nihiilcr.

'!'« -;i\..;.lHUie, and K.ilpli E. Crlnn-*. drums

"-.-I \ . l.iiil,. nc. Grimes sa.t* the band U bot-ked

- -I uu'il .Novemlier.

"Try It With Alice"
,52d Stroat Theater)
I'Os-T ``Enn CiuivrntloD Week, with its ·VVehsinic' on the mrlr»i> do*-rmal. i* an lU'iith- l'nt evciise for 'Try It VVilli .Vlicc'."
riMES- ' Of a time 'In the fiitcoe'. according to the but Its situations anil luachiu, ly Im-Ii ng rather to the past."
VVoni.D: "One of thoee limp, unhappy fane* which are oe-asloually dragged, dejected, but still game. Into the merciless spotlight of Broadwty."

«M- asIODiiIly witty extravugania."--Percy nammoud.
SFN: "While the new 'Follies' has a future, it has very little pr--sent."--Stephen Uathbim.
rOsT; "Sumptuoua. .intelligent and pro¬ tracted."
la's Angeles, .lime 2S.--Statements to the eff.'ct that woman * place was In the h-nne and n--t being ociupled with such things as motion picture ccns.irshlp. made by Ruja-rt Hughes, ·author and s,en.trio writer, last week b-fore

PHOTOS Fml.`h. h«`t glade. Mall us any six* phoi.'grapli a: J )'f make I r >- -i P.i»t Caids in leg* of 100 cf oue rl-imr. $3! -jfl. $6.25; Sim. $13; 1,000, $17.50, *nd »hii> to >-iU on re.elrt of prl.e. L.\RGER · in, 5x7. SxlO and ll.\ll. r-iually a.* chrajx Ask t~K price 11>;.
LOCAL VIEW CARDS MADE TO ORDER Luge ato'ks cf I'utute I'jst.aidr. Heads. Children, e: -.. for all occxiioi.j.
Riaht on TiniN Squar*.

' htI-s Fisihcr ami IPs On hc*tra w ill be

I's «l»-il f,u- Hii-tr s,-. .-n-i summer

the tlrand

ll-i-I. via. ktnac |s|,,ti<|. startlnc .lul>


1 "l'·'tl·lnr of this ·irgiinlxathm * clever and

m--t .l.ctHi. Te,, ,.f the lit.- - ltd* show

oiilfli w nil

s.iinn-n and .link T*cmp-

< .tiilT. »a\ wc.

Burton F s, her

l-hii* plniin null t* the .irrang) |; Ch.irle* I*. I--'  r, »li.Hn and badi'r' l!;i» Kraft, siv-il*h< 11--- I hirlncl nn-l pirtlio Ikii / .leliiiston.

T""'!* t. vluMn nii-l *** r' I.Ill .Vdim*.


,,.|i,,, W Si* n-er. *.i\o|»liones

-n-l - l.irlii-t It SliM lull. violin iiiid flute:

1' ik '/I-cl- i


string l-itss ;ii,,l plane.

' rrll i"iii|,,, an-l tiitmpci: 'Tiibbv'* Veil,

·limn* iii.irlml'IS, tympani an-l singer. Th--

--'a iii'/.iHon r,-< cully returned fr--iii a siK-t-rs.fiil

« "'-1 ,lii Florida




'I- -Himl to find B* wa) to the acrecn."--UIvvhcD U«ilihnn.

"Her Way Out"
(Gaiety Theater)
TltlBl NK; "It 1* Boyle'* best play einoe · I'll,-'."--Frank Vrecland.
riMES. ''Must l»' set down a* distinctly a IJimmI hIiOW.**
WHKI D: "Did not seem like .1 eery good play." Qtiinn Vl.trtln.
SI N; ''It Is. we are iiK lined t* belieTe. a iHtlier iinuaiially l-ud Jila.*.''
"Ziegfeld Follies"
(New Amtterdam Theater)
TIMI'.S. ".Ml in all. as has l*-cii hinted, the nlUdcuHi of the scries is a typical Follies' pnsIm-Hon.''
WOUI I*: ''This, the l.ilcst of Ids pnMliicHons. I* a typical /.Icgfchl FolUc*."--lIcywcH'd Bniitn.
TUIlll'NE: "It le HOiart, elaan. gorgeous and

tbe General Federation of Women'* Clubs at their s,-s*lon here, did not express the vlour of tlie motion pictuic industry, according to a statement recently made public bv Jos<-p!i S. hcnck, pr« sldcnt of the Assoeiaticii of Motion I'll lure PrcaliKvr.s.


OF CLEVELAND (0.) THEATERS (>n postals, S'2.00 for oC)--500

Cleveland. 0.. June '2'*.--Because a patron in n local burlcs.|iic ihc.itcr fell asleep yvilh a lighted cigar in l-is moiiHi. Saf-ty D-rcci.-r IMwtii I>. I'-arry .ynn<>iin> - d I -rcaftcr there

cSxlOs--$2.50, 12; $11.00 per 100 ' Extra |X>scs, $1.00 each. Ilxl4s-- S(».0(> for 12--$25.(X) per 100.

would l-i- 111) smoking ill thi-at-r |.-ld>ics or
audicu-*'. Hcreafltr smoking onl.y be in- B'tflDEAU REPI^ STUaa/

dulgc-l in when Hi.-alcr pr-a ide* smoking r-suiis appro).--I by Ho- lir.- war.h-ns. .Vnotln-r


ord--r was ls*u-->l prohibiting nniways from the stage ovi r Ha- au-licn- c.
.V glance at the Hotel DlrcH-tory in this issue may save eonaiderable t'me and incoovenlenee.

Anyane Knowing the WhereabtWt* ·( JOHN L. FOX.
aUasa cammunicate ycith hi* wite. 15a W. I06tk 9L« New Yark. N. Y.
If y«« writ* to M advartlaar maatlM TIm BillbMrt,


Tlie Billboard

JULY 5, 1924

! i'lectors' Equity Association

iV'' - I 'mA--Johii Emerson. R'(Ps:d^iiv EihelBoccr^mcrQ\lvPresidenL Gvdintl^ilchell,Second V/cePresident
Paul N. Turner. Coarsel - Franie Gillmore.ZVcTj ::i p 5cV. TredS. - Graiit Stewart. PccSec

Los Aiiqeles O&e 6412 Hoi^x^oodBcjivd ^^


Iun^a5 City O&e



SanTrancisco 0ff^ice-569Pjne St

W The Pi'oof of the Pudding

mmagers. We explained that we termed them the reliability of the manager, unless they his Ivd at times during tbc last month of the

AS it cthiral on tlic |i:irt of Mry. Ki>k(* that bec.'itisc they were independent of any eo-operate to this small extent?


to writp tliiit I. tt. r to Thr New York
IIcralcl-Trilmne when tin' qiiostion of tlio A. E. A.-M. 1'. A. contract was hcinR cniiidcrcd h.v tlo- ApixOIatc l)i\isioii on tlic 1'.
SI. A. appeal to till ir in.injv tion suit, wliiih

numagors' rsstoeiation In the engaging of actors. The "indcp ndent managers", however, secure nearly ail ef their bookings thru tlie two regu¬ lar Iiooking firms, etc.
Mr. Belasco Denies Retirement

Make All Claims Promptly t'laims should tv put In to this office within a f"W weeks after the eau'C of artien aeeru-s. Some nil nibcrs ask Equity to collect .ifler as long a x'eriod as two years has elai'M'd. Tins

Mr. Emerson only consented to aerept tho nomination for tlie ofibe of president for anoMii-r j'.ir Wu-aiise tlie council Insisted that there slioiild W' no chanc' of h adera at nueh an iiuivrtant crisis in our history.

waa denied I'.v il.e Snprenie Court?

We think tile following, from The New York is iisii.illy not iiossilile and it is not fair to

Equity Ban on Radio Shows Only

It would almost appear as If it were written Morning Telegraph, warrants rcprinling here: the manager, since the conditions lurtalning to

(In the subject of radio, actors ean. If they

for tlic purpose of iirejudicinc the case.

"In answer to the statement of L. Igiwrence it would iiroli.iMy have been forgotten (and wish, do indi\idiial work, broadcasting talks,

In an effort to place I'.qnily's stand in its Weber, iirinied in this pajier yesterday and witness.'s Mattered) except by the individual songs, stunts, niono'ogs, etc. Equity's aland

true liKlil. and because wc could hardly re¬ calling attention to the alleged f.o t that David actor making the claim.

pcrt.xins to oompanies giving scenes, or any

frain from answiring some of the charges Helasco had said soni' lime ago lie would retire

part of their regular ivrformanoe, and this

Mrs. Fisko made, we wrote the editor of the from the producing business in connection with

Paying Dues Made Easy

should W> paid for. If the manager considers

paper as follows;

ttie Equity conditions, Mr. Belasco yesterday

Excused cards are freely and confidentially It good advertising, whirl, we do not, then be

"In a letter to The New York Ilerald-Trlbune afternoon wrote the following note to Mr. given upon request of thost- who an' In dif¬ can pay for It--he doi sn't hesitate to pay for

Mrs. Minnie Maddern Fiske says: `Years ago Mcher;

ficulties. This din's not definitely wi|H' out any sp.iee In the newspaiwr.s.

when the .\ctors' Equity Asso<-iation came into existence it filled an imperative need. In tho-s' days actors suffered rank Injustice at the hands of certain unseriipulous managers. Equity re¬ formed the situation. It performed its duty well.'
"We thank her for this acknowledgment and regret that it had to be clone without lu'r assistani e. Much as we admire Mrs. Fiske s

" `I see by Tlie Morning Telegraph today that you have fallen Into what appears to be the general error of thinking that I have said I would retire. 1 never at any time made that statement.
" `I send this letter to. you in all friendliness and to correct a wrong imi>ressloa which you have come by naturally enough as It has ap¬ peared here and there at various times."

indebtedness to the A. E. .V.. but i>ostpones It until such time as it is possible to pay, usually the second week of an eng.igeraent.
.\n honorable withdrawal card Is only Issued to those who exi>eet to leave the profession ivrmauintly or for a long period.
Variety Grimaces at Mr. Emerson The tr.".de mentioned reflected on J Im Emer¬

A Managerial Boost for Equity In the midst of tho present controversy be¬ tween alters and prislueer- there ia one theat¬ rical manager wlio Is gln<l to eome to the front and sxxak a few kind wonts for the Artora' Equity .\ssoeiatlon. It 1- .Manager Sam Taylor, of tl:e Or.iiid riayrs, Oineinn.itl, O., according to The Tlmes-Siar of city.

personality and art, the plain truth is that she was apparently too busy with her individual

Call During Office Hours, Please

son, our president, because he sailed for Europe

"Tlie feeling which some managers dispity

on June S, shortly after the annual meeting.

acain-i E'luity Is, to my way of thinking, en-

activities to help reform a eondHion wliieh she

During tlie summer office hours for the

Mr. Emer-on's plans wre m.ele months lo- tir-ly wIMiout n ason." said Mr. Taylor. "I

now admits was a rank injiistiee.

clerical help are 0 to r> on all week days ex¬ fore thit time and, in sp.te of f.V't. at hav.' alwa.'s had members of the Equity Atso-

"Mrs. Fiske makes a great many statements cept Satiird.iys, when they .ire 0 to 1. It is the last moment he would have luen willing i iiiinn in my company and have never had the

condemnatory of this association, but she brings hoped that our memhers will call between thus? to cancel his rcservatiotis had it Wen nece-sary. sliglitevt difficulty with them or the organixano jiroof to support them. She says; `If the liours, tho they are likely to find a p r'eseii'a- Hut there was no occasion for Mr. Emer-on to tlon. On the contrary, I have fonnd fhs Equity

Equity shop prevails It will mean the end of tlve here at a later time, as some of us have d' fer sailing; the contract had been signed contract a guarantee of fairness and sqnsre

freedom in the theater. The old institution no office hours at all.

with the Managers* Proteetlve Association and dealing.

will be bound in chains.' .\fter an intensive

Season Ahead of Previous Year

tl.e plan of procidure aerc-d uix>n.

".\s a matter of fact, there Is nothing Equity

study of years the Equity CoiiiK-il. oomposi d of actors and actresses of prom.ineme. lias readied an exactly opposite conclusion. We fed conTineed that Equity shop ruans an assurance of freedom for the actor and the removal of the last chain by which he has been bound.
".\nswering another statement, 1 would like to ask law Is it possitde for the mnnag'r to be restrieted in his ehoiee of plaje's sfler they all hi long to Equitj, partied i-Iy sin'e we have hound ourselves to enutinue ocr pres¬ ent policy, not to inti rfere in any way w"th the easting of plays?
"Tlie principles will'll K'|i;iVv tea'hes its members are pvalty to t'e indixidiial e"nipan\. restiousihtllfy to the pul lie, respect for con¬ tractual relations and love for the theater as : an institution. In wlmi way doc? this `fetter' art?
"Mrs. Fiske further sa: s that Equity -hop will tend to eneouriigc and foster destructive Inconipi'tinec in the tli.-atir. .\pain I ask how? The Equity .tssoci.ith u does no* assist p.'oplo

Our Statistical Department reports as follows: foniiiaiiics engaged in and tlirii New York
il'niiluctions only) from August 1. l`.tk:5 to .lime l.">. lligl . 4`J" rompmiii's e'.ised . l*'it Compiiiiies still . l.:i
This shows two more companies playing than of even dutv, Iftflo.
There are over eighty stock companies playlug at the present time and several forming.
Co'Opcration Essential To Protection
Oiir numbers are m.ilously lax in flieir el> ligation to t'lcir assoei.ttion and. of course, th. .v ihenisel%es are the lowrs wtien tV.ey fail to reperf theii engagements to this office.
How is Eiiuitv to protect tlura, to .b'termine

Mr. Emerson would return by the first boat should we request it.
Tlie Inisincss which took him abroad was most important, involving large sims of money. Till re was no reason for him to make these aii'litioniil sacritiei's. .\Itlio a personal trip, a g.-i .It deal of I'ls time, hewever. will be deI 'liil to mai'ers eonrernlng Equity In England end on the continent.
T'l" job ef pri'sid. ni of the .\ctor«` Equity sM'iation. as our members know, is a labor
of l"ve. tili re W'ing no remuneration attj'hed to tl'c crti'C. Mr. Emerson has given proil'gloiisly of his time, thought and strength ;ii'I. 'u fact, w.ts sick and confined to

Chorus Equity Association of America


DOROTHY ORVANT, ijMcmivt Osarttary.


n> w


Join' d



.Ni't only w ll tl.;- protivt Hi,' m"roh«T

asks to wlii'h .my (air-mlnd'-d manager can object. Much of the pnsent frietlon is based on the silly theory that ninnagera should necessarity resist any demand by an organization of actors. Such m-n are merely working against their own In'ert »ts. If all organizations con¬ nected with the theatrical bu«lnesa were as ri's-onable as E'liiiiy our problems would be considi rably simplified.
"I was manacr of a road company severtl years ago. wh: h w is foried to suspend b*'ranse of the illn.-ss of the star. A technical question arose as to my right to close the tour t'-mierarfly The question was eventiiallr appealed to the E'pilty arbitration hoard on b' half of the actors .xfTeeted by my action. I was given a most rourtenus treatment and at the eon* I'islon of the lie iring the Istard unani¬ mously siistainxl my^pesltlon. proving the alnrerlty of the organization in trying to be aa fair to the managers' interesta as to those of the actors."
Mid-West Weather Hits Tent Shows

' to be. ome a< *ers or to remain such. The

Oliorus E'lnily In tlie in-t week.

should t'ere be sny eonlrov rsy a- to how

Mrs. Frank Ib lmalne. Kansas City representa¬

managers alone give them eneagiraents. There¬

We .are holding cli'-' ks for .Xlne De V.i .1 long be b:is r'-lnars'd -but you will know at tive. report'll last week: "Weather conditions

4 fore, if any iiecnipelenei comes Into the thea¬ and Dorothy Dare.

on e tl" kind o' i". tr;i,'t you ean i xp' ct from lip to Itie pn-ent lime have t>een very dts-

ter .and coiifinii's in it tlie responsibility must

. nyone knowing the adddress rf fiapbue I'erd the nianag. r with wlmtu you are n li. ar-ing.

.astrnus for I. nt shows. I don't bellere that

lie with tiie, "Hut after all is there, as >lrs. Fiske avers,
so nitieh iiea,nip. tell'e in the .\ the.itcr today? .tei'ordir.g to the rrities no more t'rilliant acting lias luen sen on our hoards than within the last two or tliree y.ars .".ud ra.ire than Pti per cent of thi- has been done by memlxTs of tlie .Veters' Equity A"o<iation.
"Take, for example, the Theater t'.uild, which has g.ined sm li la-tiiig eredit; it ahvajs liad KtO P'T < 1 lit i; piity easts. If that in¬ stitution call lonliniie to flourish, what need we f, ar if oilier groups work under 1 onditiens.
` In eoneliision. I wish to say tliat in n.y opiuien tlie class of iiciple now eoiiiiug info tlie jirofession is b'ttir than ever. Taken in the mass they are more etiltiired and with higher ideals and I the .Vetors' . r.qiiiiy A.'Soclation lias had something to do

"ill X'b'ase I'lilify fills effiee.
No asnemenl ha? Is-en reached w,lh the I.'nund E'l' in (irouji of manag'rs. I'ntil such nil a'-'ri>eni"nt s made an.v nu mtvr of Equity a I 'pling an eiig:i-.-"nii nt i.'ith any mi mis r of tl»i' group iavs l.lniself oian to evpiil-um froui the a-s'X'iatjon. Our mi mle r- ov e it to tlios,' bi.ia! E'l'jit.v nii'n)b''rs of Ihi' ".«t"pip:ng Sfnu' iili'I `T.'Iliisq." eomi'Hnies to see that t > ir ?a( rifiee Is not n lain. Tta'ie are nnlv liv, forms of ' ontr.'i' t antliorizi i| br the <'!i"r'is I'lUity .ys-oeiatlnn--the I'oritra.t i-siad hr III'in be rs of tli' M.inag'Ts' I'-otii-tivi' ms'l:i lion, which . an "a y lie is'-ti'd by memb'rs of that body, anil tl.e Inili'i"'ii'|. nt fireen Slriite '"iitra.'l which proviil.s the eompar.y le¬ one hundred p'-r H'lit Eqij ty.
Ml tiilsTs of till- {'lioriis E'liiity should notify tlie ass's'iation the first d-iy they atti nd a re-

I'b'iise keep the ' i:ngag"ment D-p.irtm'nt In¬ form'd as to lour clung*' of ad'lrcss.
We are holding m iil for .Ii an .Mpine, Iloy .X'lams, .latie .\rrolI, Marie .Mo-rnalhv. Mr. ·'rinand. fieorge .\ndcr-on.'t .\mer, Ituth ,\rmNti.Tl. Dor .lliy .Vriwild. Ib-'s e .Vh'ott, I'la All'-n, H.ibi.ii'V. Mr-. .Tosi-jih Browne, 1'-e H.i no. H'b''ii' H.-. -law. Ma'jorle H.-al, I>oI|y lit rill', .T.ii'i;U'lini- I'.' I'lliur-t, X' H< ntn r. I.- uise r.hik'li''. Hirtba Hr.'lin. .lili.t Hl/it, Hetty I'.r'.'ijt.tiiii. Miili'tn Had, yi irlorie H-al. ciailvs H i-'li y. Hill .' Bran.Ion. Elor. a. e Hillings, Hilly H' .1 ai.'l lioris Hlai kledgi'.
Minil.i'r- wlio are not in good stan.lins In .lui.e or Di'-'iii'ir "f any year a > Tin. 1 iM-nlv five' c'l rits .a nn.iitli for d.-l n.|tii'ti<'y. Do you b'.ltl a l ard p.iid i-i Nov. inb. r 1 I 'jr.
DOROTHY BRYANT. Exocutivo Secretary.

then' Is a single company which has been able to show for a full week since Its n|>enlng. In all my years of exiterienee In the Middle West I have ncier s.'.-n such a continuous season of raln«, wind-iorms, flooda antt general eon.llilon- wl.bli are ho depressing to Ivlh m.anager and p. rfi.rui. r."
Since that writing the sun has come out and we hope the otitilonr people are doing good biisIni'Hs, making up for the lost time. It's s s.'e->Bw nniway, f. r In hot weather the atten.lance In permanent theaters Is affected.
Why Messenger Boys Sometimes Dance
We rang for a mes-enger and lianil. il lilm a ti ll gram, which was to Iv S' lit to I'acli sml t'l cry on.' of the coun. llorH In an.I nt ar New York, railing them to a sp.-. lal me.'ilng
The iMiy. aNiul t.-n y.-ira old. started to sing

with tlitg, beeauso It has reduced the numtur

and dance--a combination Jig, soft shoe, lap,

of 1" gus managers, reduced the numls-r of

nil at the sam.' Itinc. We thought [M'rhapa he

tomiuiny strandings, insisted upon the integrity

had stage aspirations and that he figured Ibis

ef tlie loiitract and given back to tlie actor and

was the iffai'c to exhibit his ability.

1'i iht business as a whole li« self-respect."

Hut no. 111.' ilan.-e was one of Joy. The Isiys

b'l f ir as we know our reply lias not bei n

gi't two eenis. we are told, for each telegram

patli'lud up to this time of writing.

they eolliTt anil here was a list of aoroe iwenty-

Dancing Lessons Prize for Chorus

(('ontliiu.'d on page lEI)


Hryant, executive secretary of the

t'l.oius I'.'iuity. rexiorfs that an A. E. A. mem¬

ber, tailing dancing lessons tier.', 1 is otTer. 1

to I'.iy for t'ue b'tsons of four chorus peoide

four il-;. - a we'K for a month, having it to

lier di ti ,n to pick out tlu mo-t de-i rviug

, girls.

^ What Makes Managers "Independents" The manager of a theater out of town was
, confused by onr expression "independenl''

Worn and Recommended by


Wary Nash,


k»fn. Mrs. Fiskr. fjl'inrhr Batrs. Carr«H

McCcmis, Cdi!h Day and Othi-r Stars.

225 W.42d St., New York
Mail Orders. Catalog B Fre«.

Hand Mads.
?.'k KM. riiK.-ia'I
$b75 ,<|( nr WhItB Kill
·Ml 2V I'oalags

Sensational Stage Dancing
Acrobatic Instruction



Oaaeing bkrirtsn.

I Whirtinf OsMuthsi

Studio, 313 West 46th St., New York.


JULY 5, 1924

T li e Billboard


r I'll Kiins, American actor am) manaKor and

on being Innocnona and conventional that her

.,,ti\c iiii'nilMT of the Shakespeare Asaocia-

comedy never shook off her vveM-groomed re-

f Amerli-a. Inc., is enjoying a summer

serve of being proper. It Htrnk me all the

: .i; fciriila. his nnllvp State. lie recently

time as If the sober and conscientious

.rill Iiefore a high-sohool audience in

woman aecretary in "Cobra" had at*p,,e.d out

\iiT.'.la. where he gave a Shakesp«'are pro-

of her private office to be equally n tiring and

Iiistlnn over an hour. Ills ta ks about

confidential in the pvilitleal arena. Mi's Gate-

l.luln Ihiolli ami his recitals, which refl<-ct the

son would play the seiretary ir. "Cobra''

Ilf liisith, I'ave met with siieclal

quite acceptably, but sin'h a Ilf* nil re-

I r n N' W- York. Tla-.r likewise made a , t iii|.ri i.«lon In the seliouls of ('allfornla.
\;iir 1.1'h recltiil eager students surrounded M i;. and iHggi il him to tell them mure : I-',.! the ]>"et ami the uetiirs w Is) liuil made
Ilf the great parts famous In America,

aetlvlty in wbicb Tbe Bulletin Is Interested! hhakespearc club-, Shakesiieare on the stage, cilleries and notea, Slaikespearean scholarship.
"Shakespi-arean rrotilem-". by S. S. .\slibaiigh, ts a review of Joseph Quincy Adams' ".V Life of h!.akes[»are" and brings up a

s. s. A'liNaugh. of Washlngtun, D. C'., Shakevi'.inan seholar and l-fe memln-r of the Shake-ls:irean .t-siMlallon of America., Inc., rei. i.:;y visited New Y'ork flt.v to congratulate I', officers of the assislatlon on the succeaa I : the past -eason and to discuss the of the soc.ety for the loming jear.
professor S. 11. na*k. of the Vnlver-Ity of

discussion of some disputed points in Shake¬ speare authursh p.
"Recent Works In the Kbakesiieare Field" Is an Imiiortant blhliogr.iphy by Professor Albert r. Baugh.
The plans of the Rbakespeare foundation eommittie are ontllned. There are also miscel¬ laneous notes of general Interest, including an

speech, modern English, slang and `everyday' pronun<latlon all have a hlstor.v. Webster's dict.onary Is a convenient handbook, but Shake¬ speare Is a university eduction In the spoken
word. nis English represents tbe most ex¬
pansive, untrammeled, exuberant period of English drama. We are tongue-tied and we are pygmies until we know something about it.
For information about The Bulletin or assiiclatioD address Miss Myra B. Martin, corresponding secretary, 119 East 19tb street. New York City.
"So This Is Politics" Is less amusing than it was meant to be. Its comedy of character

spertabllity is not e-jually appnii'rlate In a play intended to produce as niu<'b laughter us did ``Tlie Merry \\'iv*'S of Gotham". It ig a que-tion If Mi-s Gateson has tin* voice for comedy. It hasn't the bubble or expansion or a bi.Id .sincerity of self-deception that comedy somehow requires.
William Courtleigh fares best of anyone in the play for bringing out an interesting and amusing character. Dwight Erye Is <iuite help¬ less in a i>art that for no rea-on in particular was iutenled to furni-h comedy relief. Mr. Frye, like .Alfred Lunt. will doubtless b« picked on for parts of this character, altlio bia lietter qualities more readily come to tbe sur¬

( 11 1 ago, noted Shakesis arean reader, has re-

face in serious work.

uLtly accepted memls-rshlp In the Shakesissrean .\-seH'lntluD. Ky the si>erlal invitation K K K K-tra.tfK It ira'if K K a'H gTfgTfa ifH'H'S'g'B

Glenn Anders exhibited all big styles of act¬ a'g'S'g "g g'glfyg'gif g yy s syi ing as the husband of the play. Mr. .Anders

ei 111 V. Wdllam Norman Guthrie, I'rof. Clark neited ` Julius Caesar" at St. Mark's-in-tbe-

p.iuwirie last Dei-eml'er.

P. It. <;rows<-ott, Shakespeanan actor in I gland. Is to carry .*il»akesi>eare to LnglUh V Pages during the sunnier hy hitching bis

li.T'e to a caravan, a] propriately fitted up
I'! the purisise. ttrows'olt Is-lieves that there . much latent appreciation of Shake-p,are In

I iig'.lsh louiitry towns wailing to Im- aroused

M il he 1.1 pi s to do tills VC th the help of other
a tiir> who will Join h.m when the trip starts.  The Shakespeare .kssislution Pinlletln", Vol.

1. No. 1, puldlshi-d hy the Shakesjieare Asseslat t. of .\iiier.. a. Inc., June. Iiej4_ ts pff the j. r. -s I'or a long time The ItllllioarJ has be-

p I'd In the need and Usefulne-a of a Shake-

s|s are society in -kmerh a. I'or the past two

.'-ars It has published articles Intended to en( orage some sueb organization. Rut all thia

was a iirelimlnary atep. It la com ;>a rati rely

<asy to organize aomething, elect officers and

uliset dues. It It not so easy to carry out

s cei.slructlve program that Involves steady

< pi rat on and labor. For the past year the

lew Sbasespeare Association teemed to be on

l:ic right traik. Ita memlicra all agreed that

a puldication wai of first importance in the

fold of service. The uaefulnesa of the society

and Its cli m on public support depended chiefly

oo this. It la therefore gratifying to know

that the first Bulletin baa been ready for d.t-

tr b'jtion In June of thia year.

The Bulh-tiif la a neat publication of twenty-

four pages In a special cover. It sbow`a what

the S akespeare Association la. "who" It la

aid what It Intinda to do. Profestor Ashley

Horace Thorndike, president of the aaaoclatlon.

s!a!e. the `'wby'' of organization. De says

:r. (art:

The interest in Shakesj)«are in thia country

!· wide-prvad; indeed, it is almost universal.


goes thru our public aeboola without

Slime arv|ualntanoe with hla worka. It is the

.imhir. n »if every worthy actor or actresa to

lilt, n ret hla characters. Hur scholars are

ii-.v a Idieg to our knowledge of bis life and

eareir tuir teachers are striving to guide

· ur .viiiith to an understanding and appreciation

'! the litirature that be created. There are

It : sands of dull* wluih are m-ruplrd In read-g stiiil.'lng or prisluring his masterpieces. Tluti are 'uindrrds «if thousands of Americans

w 'I nail his plays over and over again and

· tib t mr w tb fr< sb delight and increased

lev.n ncr.

T'i" bhake-peare As-ociation of .\merica

« I'l III unite all these lovers of the poet and

I'l in.i'U-age and inlargc thia widespread In I r.-t in his works. it will s«Tve a* a means

e I iiiiiiunieation in the hi ake>pearean world.

I'p'ling what 1- lu-ing done In hla honor or '·v.c.'. whether on the stage or In the sehool-

ii m. in I lull or in university. Its plana are i|. :gi,..| to he'p tlw Individual reader and they

al-.i ' ail, to eelebratluna and memorials, to

l uMii r. I iigiiiiiuns of the great ah ding and up-

I'i.iig iiifltieuic which Shakesju-nre exerts on

· ur icitii.niil life. Its pi;r|>ose Ineludes co-

·I'liitiin In every rnlerprise that will be

I' fill to a knowledge of the man and hiv

W" k. whether Bcholnriy, educational or

il' itrt. al.

I link, -is are eiime to .tmi fiea with the first

1 I gl.i=h I iilntilsl». He lia» bi-en our isvsscsslon

·' r -III.',. He In a part of our national

· I .vgi ;ind he iiiilles iia to the Inst tn mank  it Hi Is admired and read tn every

Is' . ii;i;;e. He la one of the Itumls and marks

vlll/iilon. The new a-"-.M lallon Is open

·'irv,i,ic win* di sires to extend Shake-peare's '"Mill nee."

Jiinie-i Madison Russ, chairmun of the

'tile I nninitller. give- an aceoiinl ol the

· peaie iiellvltle- In New York and tVash` ' i.. 11 titering largel.v In i vents between

' .ind piJI, vvli'eli (irepareil the WBV for

' i.rtiy Ineortsiraled hluikespoHre .ts-iH'lalion.


' Ilf Iticorporalinti and by-law- are also

·· '·


IT IP the natural thing for a language to utilize Its own resources before draw¬

ing on other languages. The Anglo-Saxon principle of adopting only such wv>rds

as were ea-lly assimilated with the native v'.s'nt>ulary, for the most part names

of lencrete tilings, and of turning to the greatest po'sible account native words and

nsits. I s|Hii-ially for ahstrart notions--that principle may Iw* taken as a symptom

of a healthful vonditinn «f a language and a nation; witness Greek, where we have

the most tloiirishliig and vigorous growth of atistra.t and <ther scientifically service-

aide lernis on a native basis that the world has ever s.-.-n. and where the highest

ilevel<ii>raent vif liiielleefiial ard artistic activity went hand in hand with the most

extensive rreation of indigenons words and an extremely IlmltiKl importation of

words from abroad. It Is not, then, the Old English system of utilizing the ver-

naetilar v.f word-, but the modiTn system of iieglerting the native and borrowing

from a fonign v.sahiilary that has to be a*eoiinted for as something out of the

natural -tale of things. A particular case in point will Illustrate this better than

long I xplanatlun-;

To expre-' the Idea of a small book that is alwa.vs ready at li.xnd the Greeks

had d vl-ed the word "< gkheiriillon" from "en" `in', '·kheir" 'hand' and the suffix

'·-idii n" denoting sraalln* --: tlie Botiiaus similarly empb'ved their adjective "man-

li ills'' `IS rtain ng to manii-. the hai.d'. with "lils-r" 'IshiW' nmlerstovid. Wliat could

lie More natural th in for the .Viu-lieS.ixon.- to frime ac-ording to the gi-nius of their <wn langiiare tl. ..iniisuind '|ianill*oc"V Tliib naturally would bo especially applli-d

to the one kind · f 1 iind.v lH>oks that the elergy were in partlenliir nc-d of, the book

containing tin- is ii lonal and minor pnWic v.ftiees of the Ituman church. Similar

iximponnds wi re >.-· I. and are r.s. d. as a matter of course, in the other cognate

Ting ; .gi ' tb rman · i andbiieh", Ihiiii'h ''h.tnill'oe'', etc. But in the Middle English

p. riod 'handbis'' was disused, the Erem h tl.atlni ''manuar' taking Its place, and

in the slxtei-nth century the Greek wor.! tenehlridiont tisi vvi- iniriMlined into the

Ecgli-h language. .\s so accustom'd tin nation grown to preferring strange

and e'.otlc w. rds that when in the nineteenth century ''handfook" made its r*-

iippearanco It was treattd as ai^unweleouie intruder. Tlie oldest example of the

new Use In the New Engll'b I>ict oniry Is frv.m 1^14. when an anonymous book was

published with the title "A Handb<xik for Modeling TVax Elowers". In


in the p^ fa* e to a historical work wrote "'Vl'hjt the Germans would term and

whh h. If our language admitted of the expres-ion. would have been lh*> fittest title

for It, 'The Handbook of History' "--but he ilared not ii'C that title himself. Three

years !al*r Murray, the publisher, Tentured to i-all his guide book "A handbook

for on the Continent", but reviewers as late as I'tS apologized for copy¬

ing this eoln*>d w*>rd. In

Rogers sjeaks of the word as a tasteless 'unoTatlon.

and Tren* h. In ills "English Past and I'r*-ent" (1S.'*4: 3rd e<l.. 1S."*«. j. "11, says;

··B'e might have N-en satisfied with `manual', and not pttt log*ther that Tery ngly

.xml xery nnnee*--ary word, `handbook', which is scarcely. I should suppose, ten or

fifteen Te.xrs old." Of late years the word seems to tiav.- found m'-re favor, but 1

cannot help thinking that stale of language a very nnna*nral one where sinli a

rery simple. Intelligible and expn-ssive word has to fight i»s w.iy instead of being

at on^e admit'ed to the rery best 80*iety.

The Old English lungnage, then, was rh h in possibiliH* s. and its speakers were

fortunate enough to p.>s'.-s a Iingtiag*' that might, with very little exertion on their part he made to exiin-s ·v* rything tint human -ii**'*'h can I**- eiilhd iijvon to expri-s.

There can la- no doul't that If the language hail 1" u left to itself it would I'a-ily

have r*'me>lied the dife.t- that O certainly had. for its nsoiirces were abundantly

-nffieiint to provide natural .md t xpre"ive terms *-ven for su> h a new world of con-

. * r..|e tilings and nlvelra*-t 1*1* as ns Cliri'lian'ty rieaiil to the .knglo-Saxoiis. It is

true we often find OW English pros*- clutu'.v and unwieldy, but that Is mon-

Gie fault of the litiratnre than **f the 1 .nguage li-elf. .V good prose st.vle is every

where a late avxiiiir* ment. and f'* work of a whole generation of author- 1'

needed to bring about ihe easy flow of written pro-e. Neither, perhaps, were the

Siibjnt trralid of In Ih*- .xiant OIil English prose literature those most (.iiitibl.-

for tbe developmmt of the highest literary qualities. But if we U*>k at such a

closely connevted language a- Old Norse we find in that language a rapid progress

to a narrative pro-e style whPh Is eyen now Justly admired in its numerous sagas;

and I do not see so gre.if a difference b*'tween the two hanenates as would Justify a

s<epllcl-m with regard to the p*-rfeetability of Old English In the same direction.

And Indeed, we have po-illve proof In a few passag*>s that the language had n*»

mean p. wer as a literary meilhim: I am thinking of Alf-ed s (reigned !»71-9V)1> report

of the two great .-s. aiidlnavtan explorers. Ohthere and Wnifstan. who Thsited him; of

.1 few pS'-ages In Th** Saxon Chronii-le. and e-peciallv of sv'me p.xges of the bomllies

of XViilf'lan where And an Impassioned prose of real merit.

--Adapted from JESPERSEN S "Growth and Structure of tbe Enjliah language".

fe: would be a better actor If he had a stronger iKi balance wheel in his bead. He seems to lack Uti Judgment and foresight. Shall wc call It poise?
Une minute his body Is lurching with brute strength, the next minute he Is a tyrant for [5^ voice, the next moment he Is cooing love of Juvenility with fare-comedy elaboration, the next minute he is pertly facetious. The motive for this variety does not come from the play. It comes from Mr. Anders' caprb-e. from sort of a hair-trigger respou-e to whatever deviltry jiops into bis mind. Now Mr. .Amlers frankly admits that he overacts. He doesn't seem at all proud of the fact. But that Is nut the first problem with Mr. Anders. He simply faces the problem that all per-ons face who are "impulsive". Mr. Anders neisls to get a steadier current of nervous energy, reason, emotional reason, and all other kinds of rea¬ son, running from his bruin to all parts of bis body. The api>earance freiiuently is that Mr ·Anders' body directs hi- brain instead of his brain directing his body. That is too tunl considering that Mr. .Anders has ab.lity. Some of his light comedy bag l>een promising, and R his Andy in "Hell R.-nt fer Ileuvcn" was a pretty thoro-going character.
"I'll Say She I-", with the Marx Rrotbera. is giving the same n*'vv impetus of musical comedy on Broadway that W. C. Fields gave, and Is still giving, to "I'oppy''. This nt w impetus is really a revival of the old eommedia dell'arte made famous by the Italian come¬ dians of this sthool 300 year- ago. It flour¬ ished for Centuries. Its out-tamling fcatar* a are "improvis.<I comedy", Inclucling ail kind.x of tricks and feat', i>ersonal a-'·oniplislimentx and excellence in pantomime. Mr I'.* Ids came along with the pantomime, the cimi*' silence, the vocalization and stunts of t!.. obi i-omcdy and played a part in a plot wifii adroitness of characterization. Now tiie Marx Brothers come along--a tr*>ui><` <>f impr*>vis*r-- whole repertory of eomnodia cl* H art*' fi in the loosely »s>nn**' te*! "ep's.«I. -" o Say She Is" they hav- an endli s» c; pantomimic skill, biiffo'nrry and c eharaoterizatloii of the ol.i and n* gl* i t*'<i It Is because the impi ri-lial'ic art--and it is an art--of absurdity ha- I>een negl*'il*'d that U now delights us as something new. This art is not "personality", the modern -logan in vaudeville and mii«ii-al comedy. It - tlie suie press'on and di-appearanoe of "isr-onality" for the purpose of creating a i-omie conception of the imagination. The skill, finish, an'l breadth of the creation, and its originality, is the sei'ret of it.s force.
I sometimes wonder vviiy pantomime seem.i to be so closely related tn th*- spok*n word. But the conne<'tion is a close one if one i.v psychologist and brain specialist inouuh to g*>

into it. It is all language. The p.iiit<im!mi.-t


has the same "touch" to his xv'-rk *1111* thspeaker has. nis Inflections ami nuam*s of

body and muscle have the same meaning ant

account of June fowl's recent successes in clissical drama and h.-r pl.vns for next season-
The Bulletin Is a end i to tiie publication vomniltlee, Profes-or Hurry Morg.xn Ayres, of foltiml'la Fnlverslt.v. chiiirman. and to the aaMslsilun as a wh Ic. It not only shows that something huppened. but the com¬ mittees of the organi/at on mean hti-lness.
The Inlenst of the Sisvk.n Word In tliisoclefy Is twofold. Tlwri' can is* no worthy riraav.v In the Fngllsh language unless some of

Is especially dull .md Its comedy of situation Is uneven. The real opiiortiinity of the plot invited n style of writing akin to `'Tin- Torch Bearers" or "Meet the Wife". Either the author did not see this or els*- he did not have the faelTty to make capital fun of the leading character playd by Marjorie Gatesoii. Tn prv'ving that inditlcs Is politics Barry Con¬ ners. the author, was loo iHJund to his plot to expand hi' charaetiT*.
The part of Nina Buckmaster, as played by

feeling as the intonations and Dnan*'*'s and touch of tho voice In the speaker. The only difference is that the speaker uses his voice,
tContinued on page 3'!
Theatrical Shoes

our writ* rs, not to say all of them, have gone deep enough I.enesth t'"' surface of English literature to know tliiit Shakespeare Is the

Marjorie Gatesun. is unlniprcsslre. Miss Oate-on plays the part in ii well-groomed, strait¬ laced, comparatively eiail individuality of the

I Ballet Slippers Clogs

groii^l flisir of fiigli-h itrania If IIIili rate, '.oiiimereial'. one -eason la>\ office 'sinfe--e»' are to N- the only mod. Is of aspiring aiitts'rtuil'llc ta-lr 1' niinisl. To speak in plain t*'rins of the actor, if hr hasn't breath enough

pr>'<a'ptr*ss tyi>o. Every hairpin is In it- proper gnaive for the run of the iday. .tils* Gates*in has a preei-piri'-' vou-e, cleaiii'iit and mentally
liointed in iiiliiiiation. It is uoliceaMy devo if
·>f the emotional e\|>ansiou, dip- and turn-

Roman Sandal Jingles Russian Boot Imitation Dutch Sabot

III Ms ImsIv to n ad ii Shakespearean spec, h of iweiit.v tines. If he hasn't emotion and IniiigInalion in Mh -out to eateh tlw universal
gnifleaiiis- of Slmke'i'ear''s eharaiters and till* genius of lUM'trv, he .vlll never graduate

that 'Ct eoniial.v situation- a whirring. It praelleally neviT provide- a gentiin*' liekle. Her eharaeter then fon' Is eame a faithful copy of a lonventional -mail-town woman of lionest vainvietlons who meant to stand by a prineli'le in a


US4 Brosdwtv NEW YORK

SttH St. it Motiroe CHICAGO

1 I'torlal notes outline Ihc varlona flrlda of from tbe primer class In Infant actiug. lu |s>1ltl<al cleanup. Miss Gatrson was so tieut


Ttie Bfllboai'd

JULY 5. 1924

Stage Styles

Shop Windows

Side Glances

"IIP.R WAY our' IS
Wc attended the brilliant premier* of Edwin Ito.ile's newest play, `'tier Way Out", at the · Jalety Theater, New York, on the evening of .luiie 23, prla< l|*ally to see what rharming litiie Josephine Boyle would wear, fihe alwaya wears such delightfully naive Ingenue frtx-ks, yni know. But when MIsa Josephine made |i> r appearance we bei-ame so Interested In the dramatle portr.iyal she gave that we forgot tu note what she wore and Indulged In sympsthcti.* tears. Or, at our dramatic reisirtcr would <wt, "indulged in tba feminine conception of a good tlae.'*

BMr BMdets: The Shopper withes te osU your atteation to
the follewina reauetts: ?leaM address all communications to EUta
Miller Lenz, care The Billboard Puhlithinc Oo.. 1413 Broadway, Mew York.
Money orders should be made payable to The Billboard Publishinc Co. Mo personal checks are accepted and goods are sot tent C, 0. S.
A stamp should accompany all commnnicatioBs to which replies are desired.
Kindly give your mailing address for at least two weeks ahead.

Bathing suits were never quite so smart as

those of the present, so it seems to us, at least.

And we venture the belief that you will agree

with ns, after a survey of those reproduced

on this page for your pleasure. A frolic 1b

the surf Is given added Joy by a becoming

bathing suit.

Straight lines are Imparted to the figure by

the two-piece bathing costume of wool jersey,

listed as No. 511. The saucy little nickers

hive fitted cuffs. The colors are black with

white or green, also navy blue with Madonna

" blue. And the price Is 115.75. The wee bathing

" <ap worn with thia suit is of rubber covered

with tiny rubber flowers In red, blue or yellow,

aiid Ik prired at $2.95.

; " Tlic very slim woman can wear No. 513, a I  ^ swimming suit of worsted Jersey, in black,

'ffl * M.adiinna blue or green with monogram design.

M " offerid at $C.95. A hand-painted rubber cap


is worn with this, which may be procured in

^ ** blue, grei-n or red.

' ^ Very youthful and modest is Model No. 513,

s batliing fmk of black sports aatin with


lEoin 111 Ktripe banding at neck, sash and pockets.

' **

Itoniaii striped rubberized satin bandanna

forms thi c:ii>, which Is quoted at $2.95,

t( I'litricien Is the adjective that describes

ii' bi Model No. 517, quoted at $14.50, a bathing frock ! 11 developed from Jacquard faille ·Ilk, in a rich

1 w black, with embroidered monogram design on
f ei the ribbon fob. A sa"h of self-material deflneK t tl the waistline. A bea<-h cape of wor-^ted Jersey
in Jade, green or electric blue, with ln'<erts jjj of white is worn with this suit and may
be puri'ha.sed separately for $10.50. ^,. Tliese smart bathing suits are all "specials"

j, and are for the mouth of July only. Those

,,j who order after July .". will he taking a chance

OB pror'uring the desired bathing suit.



jjj We have b*-fore us a half dozen letteis asking

q.| for the addresses of firms sr-lllng tlie inercliau-


disc listed in lids column, tiie writers stating

' jjj that tliey have scanned the advertisements and


were unable to Iwate the sellers. In this

^ jp connection we wish to state that tlie goods

, jjj. mentioned in tliis column are -old by shops

visited by tl.e Shopirer and may be procured

thru her. fonfuslon is bound to result when


you write adiertiseri about gootls mentioned In


^Itoi'l'cr's column.


The Sliopper is alw.'iys at your sfirvice and

jjj her services are free to our readers.

UK On one of our uptown Jaunts we discovered
ha .an old-fasliioiied saddlery shop. Here we found

Iia imisirted riding sticks, 30 inches long, of ao stl uulireakahle natural reed, at 1.25. These are we flexible and make -mart swagger eaues, Ilamboo I oi riding crops with leatlier luiiidle and strap were
' i.tfered at $1.50. Here one also finds all kinds

fipi of dog giKsIs, made to order if desired; lior'S

till elotliiug, racing eolors and blankets to iiiateli,

I. till as wi-ll as iintiorted English saddles and riding ' ir l:ridles. If .voil are luterested in any of tliese

r.ii goods we shall be glad to si>nd you quotations.



of 3'lic long coat sports outfits on the opiiosite

`OI ii.i;.,. reflect the very latest trend of the sjHirts

' ? iiiiide. Mislel A, siigge>ted for the shore or

t'l eoiintry cluh, is a long coat, with vest and f se|i«rate skirt, the vest being of contr.isting
pal Mislel B, tailed a boutonniere outfit,

with ver-ntile lung coat aud separate skirt, is

recommended as a smart traveling costume. Mo.1. 1 .\ sells for $.39.50 and Model B for
` $211.50, Is'iiig lednitHl from $45 and $33, respeelively.

The shades are Tangerine, Armande green,

^ Poudre blue, Mexico yellow, gray and white.

gir AS we are constantly receiving tixiuiries
" regarding satln-tipp<-d cigarets, which were T mentioned in this column about a year ago.
ton we wish to advise those interested that the present pHces are as follows; A large box of

Will Rogers Goes Walking We eaunut toiicli for the truth of the story aliout Will ItogiWs reforming tlie "Kollies", of which he Is a luminary. (They say that he was responsible fur tlie elimination of a bed¬ room scene and a naughty song, written for Edna la-edoni.) Hut we can vouch for the truth of the stutemont tliat Will Kogers passes our window every day--not in a Bolls-Royce, but on foot; that. Judging from the hang of his clothes, he doesn't care a hang about 'em; that Judging from the fit of hia hat bo never looks in the mirror; that he is always observed nml followed by the curious aud tliat he was seen going into MacBrlde's ticket agency, where lie dropped a scrap of paper which was picked up by a boy who proudly proclaimed that Will Itogcrs had dropi>ed it and tliat it would hence* forth repose in his stamp scrapbook.

Claiborne Foster, Farmerette Claiborne Foster, of the cast of ·'Cheaper to .Marry" at the IlMli Street Tlicaler, noted for audacioiu flap|>cr roles, docs not flap In her spare hours. Off stage slic is what one might term a modified farmerette. Slic, her sister aud mother have bought a farm in Connecticut which They have proceeded to modernize in picturesque fusliion. The barn has b»`en trans¬ formed into a glorified studio where Ml-s Foster will experiment in art and playwriting. It is said that she Is so delighted with her farming ex|H-rlment that she may go into the resi estate business as a side Hue, reilaitiiing abandoned farms sod selling them at a profit.
The Misses Gateson and Terry Marjorie Oateson aud Beatrice Terry are the two most talked about actresses among the
(CMntiuucd on page 37)


The bathing suit it a glorio'jt thing this «iimmer. lollowing In the footsteps of the frocks, with titbtle touches of trimming. A variety of materials are used in Us develop¬
ment, plain silks, satins, jersey anil printed silks. (See Shopper's colnmn for descriptions of these models.)

Perfume and Beauty

!f .1011 Would avoid being a monotone, be careful how you tliuose your perfume, is the ad¬ vice of a perfume siiecinlist. She furtlier ad¬ vises that tlie selection of tlie perfume in -.rmpalh.v witli your iHTsiinullt.v will hav.- a mo-f -tiniulating effeet on your sense of wellbeing. It i» al»o lier eo'atention tliat one peifiime cau no more plea-e a woman at ull times than one gown can make tier happy at ail timeij. To

kU]i|iort her contention she sliuwyd us ao in¬ teresting treatl-e on pi-rfume which she had prejiareU after exliiiu.-tive research. It Is in¬ deed Well Worth reading and a copy will lie sent you hy The Sliopiier on request.
.\ hair whlteiier tliat will change ycllowlKh wliite liair to a lii'tinns silvery tone may be piireii.ised for $1 a buttle.

assorted eolors is $10. altlio an assortment of fifty may be liad for $3 in a sliade to match the gown or to form a contrast.

If you have gray Iiair at the temples or eye¬ brows tliat are too llglit it may be <|Ulekly darkeiieil wlili n spetlally iirepared rosmetlqiie wiileli sells for $1. It is useful in conceal¬ ing gray patchet.

Kince pleated -kirts and frocks are being W'oin on stage .iiid street, we wish to advise tliat there is a New Voik `omerii spiM-ialixing in this tyiie of work wlib-h invites mail orders. Hem-titeliing is also one of tlieir Hues and r^pleatiug may be safely iiitrusted to their expert workmen. Tlie Sliojiper will be glad to put you in touch with tliem.
Blave I'rucelets, gold filled with small enamel links in red, green or pink alternating between the gold links, urc offered by a theatrical
(Ponfinued on page ;17)

I'lea-e Is-ar In mind that all articles men¬

tioned oil tills page may be purchased thru

The Sboiiper,


.Miner's Carrol Itoiige, Which resemble' a reddisli-orange carrot in hue, lia« caught tlie faDc,v of the theatrical woman because of Its natural effect. When applied to the rlioeks Miner's Carrot TIonge toiielies them with tlie magic warmth of youth, without the slightest suggestion of artificiality And It Is HO easily blended. This rouge of many virtues li mod¬ estly priced at ."·<> ft nts. Tin- SlioppiT will he

enabled ns to maintain oar reputation as « aiyte reporter, however, by wearing several gowns of notable charm. Mils Terry, star of the play, made her first appearance in a griccfill wbite-sllk crepe gown, of that shade of white which one sees In portraits by oM masters, designated as oyster while. The fis'Bt of the skirt was draped diagonally over an underskirt of black aatin. The low waistline was defined with a half belt of black satin from hack to hips, which appeared to he Ins. t Several targe flowers In varying shades ef yellow were posed on the waUtUne at the left front. Thif gown was of the sleeveleso variety with softly rounded neck. A tbree-straad ne<-klaco of pearls, black-satin pumps and completed the ensemble.
This distinctive costume, which might prove too neutral imdet stage llghta for the average t>pe of femininity, waa particularly becoming to Misa Terry, due to the fact that her hair is a bright ihade of red and her eyca are a deep violet.
DAISY ATHEBTON, radiant brunet who  ppeari in the same cast with Misa Terry, wears a long, orange chiffon tunic, headed witli crystal bugles and peart heads. A huge bow ef orange mtllne la p»sed low on the left hip. Orange ho«e snd slippers carry out the eolor theme.
flR.trE PEBKINH, as a debonair newapaptr woman, wear* a tailored suit af n.ivy blue. While the skirt is aiiilacloiisly short to ravejl generous glimpses of sheer black liose, the mannish while bloii-e Is of the high collar type (siift and of same fabric as the |dvu*e) snd flaunts a jade green tie, whiifft Is mstrhed in hue with a rakish su*'de siiorts hit.
BE.kTRirK TEBBT wears a very loielv roho Illtime In the last ait. A Jade green `Eeurgetle overallp. with d<.«'p Insets of cream Ism and flowing wingllke aleevea of same, U ixj-ed um r an underslip of pink Oi>orgette. .\ ea»h of flame-pink satin rllibon confioea the front panel of the negligee.
Some say that the bobbed coiffure Is iicro to stay; others that the lavish use of trailformations and switches to give the ImiIiIm .| head a dressy i.ffpft presages the return of long hair. HUH others point to tlie latest half-and-half N>b which Is the newest Baris fad. leaving enougli of tlie bii. k hair to conceal the front lioh when necessary. And last, but not least In lm|inrtan`-e, the big New York halr»lres.ers report that they sre doing several hundred Isibs a iliiy. W.', who have r.sUteil the temptation of flie Isdits-d coliTiire, are askisi every time we enter a hlirdresslug slia|>. which Is tw ice a week, on-e for a ah.imiHio and once for a wave. ··You wish to la* iHiMsd? .No? How surprising!"
But whatever you may dei Ide to do in the mutter of the ImiIiIh'iI I'oiffure, don t forget to liuie the ahoiii |iorlion made Into a awltch or to provide yoiiiselr with a awltch from some `illier damsel's head, if you 0<'<MslonuIly Indulge in formal attire.
The Boyish Bob Is the bob of the hour aud it is aliorter this week than It was a month ago.
STVLP vorr
The fris ks of luuiiuish-uilk shirtings are Ideal fur the full figure, becaua** the lengthwise stripes lend height and alendcrni'sa and they `·`line with V-iii`i ks, which are b<-comlnf to the full-tbro.ited woman.
L'liid to handle your order for a box. Neetlless I'l |«·mltld you tliat the nnme "Miner" stands for reliability.
A dry sliamiHio U a real blessing In srarin Weather, when the hair is iDClIned to lu' oily or III perspire. .\nd, of eourae, Madame can no always Indulge In the refrcslimriit of a shampoo with soap iiud water, she may Im< too bii-y or she may lie bothered with a eold. A ilrv s|iami<oo. which will remove iliml, giegse and grime, leaving the hair "oft, fluffy and lusIrotis, may be puriiiased for $1. Every actr«`ss sbonid have a dry shampoo on band to keep her hair fluffy and soft at all times


JULY 5, 1924

Xtie Gillboard


Art in Costuming
: I rrcT or st.uh I Hit ITS ox CO! !>k'
When doc idlni: on a color t-rltt uo' for i urljiD>, drapcru-ii and «o»tiimc» it 1* »*r.v wim* I.. hear in mind tliat iol..r» cliunxc iiudcr >ila|{c l.gM'. Tl.i cliaiiitc 1h not ku aicat under tUe il.rlric HiJl.t' of the -III;*' »'< iiml'-r the flow . the colurcd Hi'Otliflit. The ctteit ·!? colored
C In oil color' l« ' follow': I eder I ri d I cM nranfe hn uim a rrddi'li lellnw. Tcllow cliinaei fo nrauae. Creeu fide* to a pnridl'h frar. nine chaiifea to c loh t Violet chanfca to |ior|de. Black takea on a ru*ty »hadc. I'Ddrr a freen light a srreulKb hue la itnparted to jellow and blue. lied bi-come* a Tcllow-hrowD. ttringe a"Utne' a friHn fra.r tint. ' olct fhanfca to blue graj. Black beI > nil a greeniah. I ndir an orange light red or yellow take* on .111 oranae tint. Urecn-blne bei-oraea reddl*h .-ar. Viidi t loeniDPa pnrple. Gray and black a-'Utue a biow-niah tinge. I nder a violet light red la tranaformed to I utldc. tirange ak»ume* a red-grar. Greca I'l otnet Miie gray. Blur rlwnge* to a bltil'h ciol' t. Yellow takea on a piiridlah tint. Black thangea to Tlolet. l oder a blue light tiaatel green become* Tiolet. Violet and bliik change to blue, lied belome* puride. Orange takea on a blui'b browD. Yellow U-comei graylab. I nder a yellow light orange and green ah 'orb mure yellow. Red aetume* an orang'brown, riue I* touched with «late color. Ture I'lack 1m me* olive. I'nder the glare of the electric light r.d ibangri to ecarlet, acarlrt to orange orange tu yellow and yellow to a paler yellow, yellow and blnl'h-green loiinp aome of their yellow. · repo, ultramarine and violet become a purer I'lue, while purple become* redder.

and find we have It and deride to make the la-'t of it. However, by the use of the hair. We can do something to goften ettreme* of faeiai contonr.
I'or Instance, the man with the full round face will want to avoid combing hit Itair over 111 the kide. whether be [lart* It in the middle or ou the side. The reason for this is that hair parted in the middle and combed at right angles to the part line gives another straightacross line to the face, ai-centMating it* full¬ in'* iiisteid of breaking It up.
Instead, the hair ahoiild be combed atralght i>*ck'. away from the face, to as to give a strong line that will W at right angle* to the brow.
The o|>poslte Iwild* good for the man with the long, tbin face. It would be wrong for him to comb bii bair straight back, a* that Would Bimply carry uut the line of hi* fa.-ye and make it aeem longer and thinner than it really wa*. Whether parted on fbe aide or in the middle, fbia gentleman -abould comb it acrosa bla bead to shorten hi* face.


(Costioned from page 36)


Jewelry coDcero for $2.73. Plain gold link* if


The following notice i* for the benefit of our women and men readers:
It la not necessary to throw away garment* that have been damaged by moth* or cigiret burn', for a pro<es» ha* now K-en discovered whereby tbe original cloth is restored thru


siittii'lently old-fashioned to demand the happy ending.
DRAMATIC NOTES ttNmtinued from page 311 I'.im-'" and will be presented by a New York prisliieer early in the fall.
·Ivan Hawthorne will s|ieud the month of .1 ;!,v un a motor trip thru New England.
Madelon Davidson ha* been called hoine to Mount Vernon, N. Y., by tbe death of lier fa t her.
Geue Harper, actor and director, 1* locat-d for the summer at Waterrille, Jle., headquarters at the Crescent Hotel.
Jay Hanna and wife tlo-tb Batch) will spend the month of July in Naples, Me., wnera they ouo a eamp on Lake.
·Sir John Martin-Harvey plan* to return to .Xmeriea in ttetolier with hi* English repertory company. He will be seen in "The Only Way".
Billie Burke will return to the stage next fall in a pluy by Catherine Chisholm Cnshing. IToreni Ziegfeld will surround the star with !i cast of prominent plavers.
5Iiriam Doyle lia* withdrawn from the cast of "The Goose Hangs High" to spend the summer in the White Monntain.v. Her role at the Bijou Theater, New York, is now being played by Kathleen Middleton.
Henry Hull, now appearing in a playlet on tbe vauderille stage, will be presented in a new production. "Tbe Prisoner", next fall under the direction of John Cromwell. Bertha .Mann will probably have tbe leading feminine role.

Quite a Number in the Beautiful Garrick Show Are Married Persons
Cbirago, June 2~>.--There are a number of married couple* in `'Wildflower", in the Garrick Theater. Edith Dav. the lovely star of the organization. Is married. She is Mrs. Pat Som¬ erset and she and her little boy live in the Edgewater Beach Hotel. Ethel W.alton, one of the prettiest girl* in the chorus, has been married for seven years to .\l Walton, one of the ehoru* men. Bernard Gorcey. the little comedian, has bis wife and two children alnng with him. Guy Robertson, Bobbie Higgins and Tyler Brooke each ha* a wife and an apart meut. The two Randalls, specialty dancers, are husband and wife. Marjorie Bonner ha* a hn*band and two ehlldreii down East. E'ther Howard i* married to Arthur Albertson.
Chicago. June 28.--Mary Green, who was ap¬ pearing with her bnsband, Harry Green, in tbo headline act at the Palace Theater, Milwaukee, was injured seriously in an antomubile wreck on the Milwankee-Chicago road In Wisconsin thi* week. Harry Green, vaudeville artiste, the husband of tbe injured woman, and another person with them escaped unluirt, alt ho tbe impact of the collision overturned the ear in which the Greens were riding. Mr*. Gn-en suffered injuries and her left ear waa torn off.

the electric light 1* ftibdued red avraiiie* mere purple, >iarlet more red, orange more Town, .vellow attract* an olive tint. Yellow · r blue bc-i-omc greener, ritramarlne abeerb* more violet. Violet deepen* to purple, rtir, !r lighten* to violet.
White 1* the only color (and that 1* ab*ince of color) that retain* It* Individuality under light.

Martin Flavin ba* written a new "Service ft>r Two", which ia to be given a "Iiecl.J stock production shortly by the Copley ria>ers in Boston. This drama will be ·erved on Br.iiidway early in the *eaM>n. Flavin Is the author of "Children of tbe Moon".
Shakespeare a la caravan will be dished ont in Eugland's coi.ntr., towns and viilagea thi*


When the cottumcr combine* layer* of chiffon in creating a covtume the ktrungot · olur i* Okcd a* a foundation, a* tlw other lairr* of lighter (bade* will neutralire tiw

summer. F. K. Groweott, well-known Shakesjiearean a< lor, pians to drive a^und tbe prov¬ ince* In a caravan especially bnllt to repre¬ sent tbe room in which the bard was born.

ittct of light. The neit and (iitb *tep In Art In Co>lumiog
will concern line* and tbelr relation to beauty
THE COLOR CHART In last Wee'*'* |'*oe w<' prumi-ed to de>crilH'

-tlice Duer Miller, whose stories have been appearing in The Saturday Evening Post, Is the author of a three-act play to which a title has yet to be appended. William H.vrrl*, Jr., plans to give it a prelimiuary summer pro¬

[.OCuv OH tSRRfSWl. «

the Taylor b.v«t«m of Color Harmony in the bnopper'* column of thi* l*»iic. Finding that
e did not ha*e room for the dev.rlption In tie* Shopper'* column we decided to make li a part of our ci>b.r chat.
The entire wiuipment ron»i»t* of a lithograpbrd chart on hea.y paixr remfoned with linen back and lllu-tratlng niiiely.*lv lDdividi.Ml · "lur*. nn the faie of tbl* cl art thn-e ma-k* w.lh I ut out winil'iw* ar«* plaicd the harmonic* .'iiicarii.g aulumalically tU'U the wiuduwr. .\ *iiii t of |>.> turiul dlrcrtiun* complct< * the en Uri i'|i.i|imcnt. The chart may be mounted on tbr wall aud will la>t several yeara. The
i-ce 1* Jlj. If you desire further detail* a '· ibr will be aent on reijue»t. T'e chart " :l eDable you to *elect a number of armoiiuing color* at · glauce and bould role iiiteful in co*tnming and grouping the  ii'em hie.


I who I* purticulur iiNuif Id* *!

I" .tram c. e*t>ecl*lly when Wearing  drc" suit.

·I' I'.i-iod that he niU't i-oii'iilcr tlie f*i t that

til.- |M.lilted lajH-U and taiMTiiig tail* of flu-

cxiilii,' i-oat apiiear mo't Ini'iigruoiia witli the 'ry whie troii'or*. with t>otloin lare. The

I ITei i lx In make tlw nearer ap|>car iinga.nlr


L. E. Athey i* again with the Swarthmore
· liautauqua .Association, this season on circuit
· K'' with "Tbclr Honor the Mayor". Thi*  ·nii>any will b,' at Fort Jefferson. N. Y'..
.\i:gust 12. and at Barnardvllle. N. J., August

The Avadoa Shop U introducing two iwagger modal* in the long coat effect in flannel or rep. These are carried out in the new sport* ihadet as well as white. tSee Shopper'a column for d**criptiona.)

.Alan Dale, dramatic critic of The New Yor'g .American, will afford his colleague* an op¬ portunity to review his latest dramatic effort. "The New Immorality". It is announced for priHluetion some t me in .August, with ·Adler as the sjainsor.

wi-avlug a new piece In place of the old. The resuil* are astonishing It is Imixi'sible to ditect the repair. Clothes for which .sou b.ive paid n g(x>d price may thus be n-stored to ni'wnes* and ii-efulness.
Tl.e name of this concern, which eater* to tl.e theatrical profession on wivrk of this kind. i» the Berger Valet ('ompany, 10 Fifth iiveniie, ^ w Y'urk. When writing them plea-e mention I' e Bilttmaril.
SIDE GLANCES II oiitiiiiu'd friiiii page D-iiKM r.ille deb'gates who are now couw uiug in Ni-w Vi-rk. AA'e kuow, iMt'iiise we found our-elf i|iiirliTi'd with tl.e delegate* .at a New York l.otct. after nii'«iiig the lii*l Niat home one

n. Sam

Harris recontl.v purchased a new

pla.v by Nuniian Hoii'tou. entitled "Wltboiit

.Aliiiion.v". It will It*. Im lulled in the manager's

li't of jila.i* for priMliii till!! lu the fall sea-on.

Ilon-tmi is part uiiile.r of ` Ited-I.ight .Ann'e",

w'lich was -I I n in 'N'W York last .August.

Julia Ilo.vt is ii.g.,gial to iil.i.v the t.tle role in "Judill.''. Iliad.*' rngir'* adaptation of Hi-nrl Beru'lein's Freucli drama, widcli will Ih. sliown in N. w Y'ork tale in tla- aiitiimii. >l!'* It.lit pla.ved the part In Stuart Walker's 'Iik's production of the pice in Balt more last 'I'rif.g.
Frlncc'* .Antoine Bibi sco. wife of the Ilii'iinilan iiiini'ter to the I iitlvsl State* and

Directors: Al»n D*l«i'ler. Sir John Martin H*rvfy, J. J. 8hub*rt, Marwrite Clark.

afford* appe*r*.".c** acd ftig* (xpcrlmc* Introducing Atiktenta ta New York Audlwice* and i^Mrr*. T*ebut9 arranKf i Rnirifnt fM'uliy of Maxtor ToactowE. Added faculty: Roaa Cochlaii, Mme. Rouchel. Helgiura Coo«erratory, and Roy Ctichran, Uia stotl and Jclin Ratirmore Co*, and Claude M Alyieoe* ^ho has taoiht \Urr Plrkfwrd, Laurette Ta5lor. Eleanor Paiiuer. Taylor BA*lmcf, Dorothy Jarttae Mary Naah* Florence Na^h. Fred and Adele Astaire. i>elyu Law. Dolly J*f4ters and others. Tot Informa* tiou write atudy desired to sBCKCTABY, 4S Waal
I St-, New York (Eitenilou BL_*

Your Facial Appearance

Your facial niak»-up ia o; e of ytur siroogest is-

sf's aa to succf.ii. AA'h.v neglect ilf You c»n be-

I-me proficient in the art of your facial make-up, a* niai y othera of our prominent actor* and aoti***es have, viiio have foUuwed the HE8S AIETHOD8 of FaI la! Make-up, and who have served for forty-two

lU't yeara many of the leading one*, and have hunilted* of te-i'Iuonlal let'ers from th* prominent mem1 . r* of the prcfe*aloil. LOOK TOl'B BEST ON AXU v'FF THE SJTAGE.

Secure at once, the FREE BOOK. "The Art of M.iSvi' g-np" tit »il! I'e of valuable service to you) tr.iu THE HESS PERFUME CO., 140 Edtnburfli St. Riihaster N. Y. Furthermore, if you are m:able to
'le the ·'HFISS MAKE-n*" in yottr Uiug atoie r Alakf-up shivp. a.nd they will not get it for you.

- 'C'l diiect. You wUI get what you wotit and pram:it


--A Jr.

and hca\y footl'd. Tlic eafeat way to 'elect nMi'cr* for the eieniiig or formal «a>at 1' to ·I'll it|ain a midiiini width, with no rugfietlon of a hell liottom.


ii.iih' 7('

sriT Tin: tact.

Galileo, in The Dail.v Vow*. gi*e« 'ouie  iitiTi'ting hint* ou bow man should arrange
hi* hair for lte< nmlngiu **, which are »> ll Worn, perusing:

I he g.'ntlenien who set the style* In faces-- far a* we ran deterniliie, none other than
·he artl'ts who draw the billtmard advertlseini-nts--have decreed tint ii fiiCe to be ac· I'lilaldt- the piildle niii't neither lie rln iilar, ·'at Is alter the iiianni.r of a full nim'n. nor · lli|>tleal, after llw manner of a watermelon.
I ntortiiniitely the *hH|ie of our face la some-

·hlng that Is deeldi-d for u*. We grow up

n gilt.

M ss tialcsoii. ulio is running fur nia.vor in

"So Till* Is l*.>lili.

at the llcnrj Mlilcr

Tlii'Hier, was ImiIIi pr;ii*«'il and iriticizeil for

accepting the aid of .i ixilitical tioss In her

lainpiign. on,- ga> liltle delegate chirping

".All Is fair In ptdillis and lose."

Ml'S '1'. rr>. »>f tl.e Inner i iicle of loldiji*!*

lit AA'.isliingtiiii for the sake of the pla.v, "Her

AA'ay l*nt at the tiaiel.v. is s..rt of jiatruian

coiitiileiu e liid,T for iirlslo. ratic |MditlciaU'. In

the l.-t all she .AI.Mttsr take* iiois.iii to save the man lie ba* leaiued to love from

lur In b.isie. repenting her uiisM..r.v past at

I,'.slue and s^oi'lng Ills political ideals,

"Ax'l.i il dii'l she go on w ill tbe deception,

make lover pie*l.lenl of Ilie riilted State*

mill I'liii I iiiiiinit *uii Ide ' ill iiiandeil a oute little ill li'gale w lll·lall|||lM there was n llliani'

mulls proli't tliat proMil mi matter Imw well

versed in iMilitlc* may be, tbe i* still

d.ii.ilir of Herl-ert H'Ury .A'i|iiith. former

- ni.i-r of Ilnalaud, will have twr first

dr iiuatic effort tried out liii* siiiiimer In A' n-


It is a >omej.v dealing with the

· slum' and munm rs of Engli'h socicl.v and 1*

cut..led "The F.iiiit d Sw.iri''. Follow ing t!ie

Fietii.aiiicau picscnial'lei Smart AA'alker will g ve .t a Broadwa.v proili.i tion.

I'll M.iro.o Hiildiiig ('eiu|iany ha* still an-

«e . I pla; III he to-ieil ou the Coast. It will

b.' known as "tjuil'" aud is the joint work

1. Is.lid lao and C.vrus AA iHid. Fr.inkl.\ii

l'i..ii iwv lui lijvcs for California this week t.i

't.ue the i<*od I til'll.

The managenient i'

atioiit to pri sent Maoilregor's "T

I'li.'U Gate'' ill .Aiigeie*.

Mr* Charles

Cra g who ap|H'arcd some ki-a-ons ago m ''TU.-

Coiiiitr.v Bii.v", will have one of the prinoipal

feminine role*.



Sucersvars t*


77 West 47tb St. ne.vr Sixth A*e.. NEW YORK.

Tcleehcn*. Bryant ISSI.

AVi,a, T ctK

l ave Faiiita. etc. .Ania'eur*

Mivle I'p tor Eiiteitaitimeuta. AA'i.a to line.

Youth-Ami Skin Peel
A N«w Scientific Discovery
which palnlcvslyand harmleasly replace* the ol'f skin witn a new arvd remove* all Surfaee Blemiahea, Pimples. Blackheada, >l, r It. v. Ton, Fi-zema. Arne. Large Pores, etc. A nevn-aeid. invisible liuuid. Frodueea a healthy new akin. Rueful aa a haby's. Resulu astounding. Booklet "Th* Magtc of a New bkiu" free in plain aaalM envelop*.
T*wtk-A»t LaWafat*oaa.Dapt.BKBME.l$lfcS^.llawTa(t


T ti e Billboard

JULY 5. 1924

Reflections of Dorothea


fore the regular meeting and reported that

BY ADVERTISING MEN everything looked as if there would be a big
turnout at Dreamland Park, Wednesday, July

Sometimes the road Is rocky. Sometimes the hills are steep--
Hut when you've climbed the mountain You've a lot that you can keep.
P --Borton Beilis. KKIIAPS it is only natural that there should be a fellow feeling between Nellie ( H Uevell and me. She, too, has suffered long and patiently from a spinal affliction. She, too, has known the stretcher board, the straitjacket and the plaster cast in her long siege. There were times, 0 so many times, when she wondered if the sun would ever come up over the horizon again to smile at her, but the hope never died in her breast. And now the look siege is eiidi'd for her. She is no longer obliged to hungrily enjoy the little sunshine that reached her bed-room window for, with the aid of a wheel ch.air, she is now able to get out in to the world sh? loves. Down at Atlantic City, where she can bask In the sunshine and breathe the invigorating sea breeze, Nellie hopes to get back the strength to fit her for the life of activity she has planned. When the eventful day arrived for her to leave New York her happiness was overwhelming, but she did not forget a sweet thought of me, for her cheery letter and gor¬ geous bouiiuet told me so. May all your dreams come true, Nellie, dear!
Now that there la a lull In the season, Alfred Nelson, familiarly known as "Nelse" to Billboard readers, found time to pay me a visit and we had a most delightful chat. I think "Nelse" is about the busiest newspaper man I know and the ver.v thorn manner in which he

a parrot, they easily become empty, blatant and meaningless. There is no transition, no mental process back of them. I haven't got the Marx Brothers entirely straightened out--there are four of them--but I think it is .\rtbur who does the silent act with such delicate certainty,
Chicago. June 24.--.\ndrew Karzas, builder and owner of the Woodlawn Theater and the Trianon ballroom on the South Side, has announced a new movie theater for the North Side, at Belle Plaine, Lincoln, Robey and Irv¬ ing Park Boulevard, to seat S.hOO and to cost $1..'>00.''00. There will be fifteen stores and thirty offices as well as twenty-five apartments in the building. It Is claimed the -American Bond and Mortgage Company has made an $875,OfiO loan on the project. Walter W. AIschlager is the architect. Mr. Karzas is quoted as saying he will begin work inside of six months on a new Woo<lIawn Theater, far sur¬ passing in size and attractiveness the present bouse of the same name.
--Chicago, June 24. Sun Cp will move from the La Salle to the Great Northern Sunday. "A Trial Honeymoon' , long signed up for that date in the La Salle, makes the Sun Up move

Chicago, June 21 --Miss Morse, singt-r of Southern songs in ".\rtists and Modids" in the .Vpollo, was the guest of honor at the Innclioon of the .\dvertislng Men's I'O't of the American Legion Monday noon She rendered several of her Dixie numbers. Miss Morse is a native of Kooskia. Id., the daughter of a clergyman. Her first Eastern engegenient was with `'Ilitchy Koo", in which she play<sl here, Siiss Morse is a lyricist and composer, nmonff her best-known numlrers being "Shadows on the Wall", "Lonesome Lltle Plokaninny", "I,ee's Lullaby", "My Red-ITeaded, Blue-Eyed Colleen" and "What Is Love",
Dos Moines, la., June 2S.--B. .1. Van Dyke, of the Royal Theater, was elected president of the Iowa Theater Owners' Association at a meeting held liere*thls week. The other officer* elected were; E. P. Smith, of Charlton, sec¬ retary-treasurer: N. C. Rice, of Algona; Harry Herstlner, of Des Moines; Eller Metzger, of Creston; J. C. Collins, of Perry; Leo Moore, of Centerville; Joe Smith, of Kt. Dodge, and Edgar Wagner, of Valley Junction, meml'crs of the executive committee.
Greenville. Tex., June 2'*.--The Colonial Theater here was completely destroyed in a recent fire that caused a damage of $200,000. The loss to the Colonial reached f'JO.OOO. Th* management has made no statement as to its

1(1. Tickets are going fairly well. The secre¬

tary would like to hear from the road members

as six>n ss piissible. The following members are still on the sick

list: Brothers Pop, Holinsky, Hanson and

Harris. Brother Twombley Is up and about since his operation and expects to get busy

posting for our big frolic. Brother Blake Is at Dreamland Park In

charge of advertising. We expect big things

from him. We regret to report the death of one of
our oldest memht'rs June 2. Brother Oeorge

M. Topack. formerly of the team Topark and Steele. His death occurred at his home in

Bro<iklyn. Newark liOdge wishes at this time to extend Its thanks and appreelatlon to Brooklyn Lodge, No. .`10, for its kindness In showing its respect and sympathy for this


Bronx Lodge, No. 38

Brother Frank Giovanni has been transferred

from the Forum Theater to the Windsor Thea¬

ter a* temporary manager. At our next Initiation meeting we have ten

candidates for admission. Brother J. F. Green¬

berg has been reinstated. Brother Jack Fonda surprised ns at onr last
meeting by putting in an appearance. He Just

came In from the road and then jumped oat


meeting In July the lodge will

, special election for the purpose of choos-


vice-president and chaplain.

Brother David Schaefer Is now general mantheaters in New Jersey. Brother

covers his departments has earned for The Bill- imperative.

future plans.

Edmund Bendhelm was elected trustee of Op-

board an enviable reputation in the burlesque _ _.

erators' Local No. 30d.

and dramatic stock fields. His genial per¬ sonality lias won him a host of friends. Edith Kingston (Mrs. Alfred Nelson) accompanied


her husband and the three of us talked shop and other things that I enjoyed.
I must thank E. F. .\lbee for the largest


Indianapolis, Ind.. June 2G.--Amtwement bouses in Indianapolis are beginning to feel

and loveliest bouquet of peonies of the season.

the effects of summer weather In · general

Speaking of bouquets. 1 certainly was proud of one 1 received from S. G. Macomher. It had been presented to him on the da.v of hls gradu¬ ation from Princeton University and he personall.v brought it to me with his best wishes.
Because she made such distinct personal hits

BALZAC (''bal-zak). Anglicized pronunciation In French ('babl-'xabk). BANANA (bti-"nah:-nu). This is the cultured pronunciation of the dictionaries and
nt the stage. No question that (bu-''na-nu( is preferred by the people. Mason says do not pronounce (bu-'na-no.ooi; ineidentaliy. this might serve as a "clmraeter" pronunciation for comedians. MAICHABELLI (mah-tshah-'bel-Iit. Mme. A Florentine princos wlio has played

decraBse in attendance. Most managers say they are feeling other effects besides those related to temperatures, with the reault that attendance at local houses la from 20 to tin per cent below normal rjmraor patronage.
Interviews with managers of ten leading

in the two character roles she played during (he past season. Minnie Dupree is a bit worr'ed to think she may have to become a char¬ acter actress all too soon. However. 1 don't think any manager will make that mistake when he talks to Miss Dupree. She is a human itvnamo. always active and alert, and an artist
to her finger tips. Eva .\ngevine is a Hartford girl who is in¬
terested in local theatricals and has been a
faithful friend ever since she first met me at (he hospital several years ago. Eva and 1 had a lovely visit the other day and 1 felt better

the Madonna in "The Miracle". MORNER C'raaw.u-nti). Count Gosta ("gaws-tu). Tlie fourth htishand of Peggy
Jo.vce, of Stockholm, Sweden. FOLI C'po.oo-lal). Manager of a chain if theaters, .\ngllclzed I'ronunciation is
gererally u.sed. Italian would be ('po-lii. RIGALI ·tl-''ga-ll), Alfred. American actor. The name is Italian. The ''short-a''
prcnunciatlon is used by the family. TRIE^H (trl;sh), Irene. German actress who has appeared in New York this
season. KEY: (i;) as in "see" (al:), (i) as in "it" fit), fe) as in "met" (met), (ei) as in "day" (dei, (e.) ns in ''there" (&e.u). (<) pronounce close-e with the lip rounding of (o) as in Fr. "monsieur" (mu-'sj<), (a) as in "at" (at), (ai) as in "ice" (ais), (oo:) as in "true" (troo:), (oo) as in `'wood" (wood), (o.oo) ai in "go" (go.oo), (aw:) as in "law" (law:), (oi) as in "hoy" (hoi), (aw) as in "one" (awn), (ah:) as in "father" ("fah:Au). (u:) as in "urge" (u:dzh), (u) as in "water"

bouses reveal a reluctance on thtir part to talk about summer bnsineaa and a po-ltive re¬ fusal to be quoted. One house reports baalneaa 30 per cent under, another 20, another 40, two .V) per cent, while yet another saya hls business la 60 per cent below normal.
Yariona causes are mentioned for thia de¬ crease. the moat common being the automobile and the fact that it can be purchased on rldlcnlmisly easy terms. People are riding these hot nights Instead of going to shows. Tbe decrease la In no sense due to a lack of money, say the managers.

for It. Because he can't get aeenstomed to restlig.
T Daniel Frawley is directing the productions of the Henry Duffy Players in Montreal.
I had the pleasure recently of hearing "Plain Jane'', as broadcast from the New .Amsterdam Theater. "Plain Jane" has since moved over to the Sara Harris Theater and if New Yorkers like her as well as I did, she should be more than a plain success.

(waw:-ta), fuh) as in ''up" (uhp). (&) voiced th-sound as in "this" (ftis), (j) glided i-sound as in "yes" (jes),
(c) hreathed fricative with tongue in position of (j) as in German "Ich" (tic), (x) velar fricative as in Scotch "loch" (lawx) and in Ger. "ach" (tahx), (ng) one sound as in "sing", (t) glottal plosive which in North German precedes all initial strong vowels. Capitid letters represent nasalized vowels as in Fr. "vin" (v£).

One manager said that if be could get goo<l plcturea that would measure up to tbe gr.xde ef bla patrons he would be able to fill hla bouse twice a day no matter what the weather was. but that it la almost impossible to get any great number of rc;illy flrst-claas pictures. "Tho public Is far better educated than the produerra realize," be said, "and perhaps better educated than the producer^ themselves."

Billy Glason. the clever comedian and song


writer who is at present delighting Ke'th Thea¬

ter audiences, ha« sent me several cheery let¬ ters which T greatly appreciated


Washington, June 28.--Dr. Arthur Padro. charge d'affaires here of Cul'B, this week filed

Sadie McDonald, widely known in vsudevilie as well as in the legitimate, has become a

By DAVID L. DONALDSON, Grand Sec'y>Treat.

a vigorous protest against the moving picture ''rvtherea'', charging that it mlsr»'prewnted

beauty snecia'is^. Sadie called on me the other rtav. with her hnshand. who is filling a pictuve

899 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y.

Cuhan life and givi-a the impression that hls eoiin'ry Is a land of "buil fights' and beg¬

eecagement. and I must say she is an excel' nt advertisement for her new business She

Office of Grand Secretary-Treasurer

gars". He also said that mlarepresentatlons ence was miS'Cd and we eerUiinly hope to contained in the picture were taken up with

ha- given Father Time a staggering shove back¬

In the issue of June 14 w,is publls' t-d a pic¬ see him wBh us at the next session of the the Waihingtnn representative of Will Hays

ward. Williams and Wolfiis are enjoying their usual
success on f'c Keith Circuit and meet The Billboard every week
Take The Billboard with yon on your vaca¬ tion and te'l roe about your plans for next se.ason. .Address all letters to BBO West ISfith
t-,.ef Vew York City.
(Continued from page 35)
whereas the pantoroinilM may use his finger or » the cant of his head. When I see a good
pantomimisf. however, silent, 1 always feel that I 1 ave heard hls voice and tones. The trouble with words is that they are a cheap com¬ modity without brains and conceptions back of them. Back of words mu»t he the silence · the "rill tori, al paii-c'' let us "ay) that gives ti.' m tiKitivat on. The pantomimlst makes an · V'.i rt U e of t1>c ''rl'etori'-al patise". We see him t · 1. tir.,t. we -ee him get the idea, we s<'e it oi reohite his mind and under b's  kin. arid, t o n vve see a result or aetlon. This

ture of three Billyboy fans, viz; John Grant, Charles Country, Gus Flaig We had the pleasur(< of ineetlng two of these brothers last s<ason with the "Laffin' Thru" Company. The.y were part of the big class initiated at St Louis last February.
Brother James J. Quigley, our genial chair¬ man of the laws, appeals and grievance com¬ mittee. Is hu-y hustling these days. He sa.v8 tliere is not mtleli doing in hls line.
Requests arc romiiig In from former lodges for rein-t.-itement and from the look- of things we believe tliey are beginning to realize that we are something they need. Little Rwk, Ark., is tlie latest to be heard from. Let us boar from some more.
This office offers congratulations to friend A. ('. Hartman, editor of The Billboard, on hla niarriage June 18.
We wish to congratulate past grand presi¬ dent, Brother I/Oiils Heinrich, of Cblcago I»dge. on the grand r<-<-ord he has made, he having been a member for thirty years, always In good standing and an earnest worker for our or¬ ganization. He was made a memtH-r of the grand lodge in BKil, at I'biladelphla, by hr-Ing eb i-ted to the finance committee. In 1013 at .s!|>okane, Wash , he was i-|eeted on the laws, aiqieals and grievance eominittee and in lOl-'i at San Fratielaco he was elected to the offiee of g and president, filling that offiee with tlie

grand bodv at .San Francisco In 1925. Tlin-e who contriluitcd this week arc as fol¬
lows; D. J. Sweeney, New.ark Lodge; Frank Giovanni, Bmnx I.odge.
Buffalo Lodge, No. 18
The regular meeting was held Sunday, June 22, with quite a large altennanee. Two candi¬ dates were initiated at this time, Harold J. Fahy and William Sheave, acenlc artists, with the McGarry Players.
Brother Lynch, who has been confined to hls borne with a broken rib. Is coming along nicely
Brother Foster, props, at the Majestic T'ea ter, makes a good actor when the plot calla for it.
Brother I'd Mis-st expects to take props, at the Teck Theater the coming season.
Brother George Swartz, rarpeiiter st the La Fayette Theater, will start on a vaeatton trip in July. He Is going to visit relatives and friends In Colorado and other Western ptilnts and wl'l be gone about five weeks.
Grand ('resident Charles W. T.enke and Brother C W. Roi-kwood, of Toronto Lodge, were visitors nt this meeting. ,\t this time they ezfi'nd'd a formal Invitation to attiml the Jednt picnic at Hamilton, Ont., Biindnv, .Tiilv 13 Atsiut twenty Buffalo mcmh<-ra signiflid their Intent Ion of atternllng
Newark Lodge, No. 28

several months ago. but that recent exhibitions of the film indiratc that nothing had been done. Exeeutlvea of the two Crandall theaters, which have been showing the film, dented this and stated that the requested deletions had been made prior to the public showing of the film.
Washington, June 28.--The foot and mouth dl-s-ase in rallfornla has been bronght under control almost completely, aecordlng lo a re¬ cent announcement of Department of Agricul¬ ture offlclnls. Except for occasion il flarcups. tlie nutlireak is so effectively under control that the restrictions on tourists and ntilomoblle tr;iTel wittiln the State iiave eltlier been ri-movod or modiflod so tliat there Is prn< tlcalt>' no incouvonience, it was said.
NnshTlIIe. Tenn., June 28.--The statute of 1!K:3, iirolilhiting the n|ieratlon of Sunday thea¬ ters In which tlieatrlcal p<-rforman<-es or mu tion picture shows arc hold, was declared valid and ciMislllutlonal by the State Siiproina Court In n ri-i-i-nl ·pinion filed for publication by t'lilof Jii-*t|ce Green.

serii , of ·! r-rtions is t'lc secret of the art. i nthMstasm of one w! o gave the be-t there was

3'he regular meeting of this lodg" was held

Tlie conviction of the ('onaolldati-<1 Kntcr-

and tl'-it - ri, ,,f tran- tiono is the verv foonda- in lilni. He ahvavs la-en an ardent work- the afternoon of .Iiine 15.

Bii-tness of lm- IirNe Company and ten other operators of

iron of .fV4 I .'

Ttut witt, tile words ready nt ir at alt the granri lo<lge sessions and. sitho not iHirtanee was l-ansaeled by menilsrs pr,.s.nt moving picture shows In Memphis was affirmed

baud, f'lroished by an autboi and learo'-d by aiteiidlug the last at .Minneapolis, his pres¬ Tbc T. M, A. Day frolic commllti-e met be- by the Supreme Court,

Treating of the "Legitimate"





TM `collcaKUcH


ll <·· ni- iinfortnnutc Dial thin atrong rivalry


iiu' r*>..-ipts i>f tiic vurw.ii' oixriitic

at the Tremont Theater, and "Red" d.iing H o "Sheik ' Vlimping hit at the Hotel Kdvv.irds, Next season .\rnold will he in advance of Bard &. I'earl's produetlon of "The Cloovl Lit¬ tle Devil*", n "Coliimhia Burlesque" show.


D By

\ I/^ WC** L,VJV,»IxAI\jINt.


Al Woods Here




. Haptist

Wiun I vi- tad

r.MKiN'. .lino

1 ho Captiol. now nogont '·'"·`bn l.i-t w.-.-u to enjoy Kraiilom

fovr-nt I.jnng

<'rgaiiirationa. but tlii-y accin to liave decided on a jMiliey a-< riirar<l«,, c.liich conflicta as liitlo as piis^itili' wiili iln ir v.iroMia inlerosta.

Tliiis tiio It. .N. (). f. IS nut |ioi fi>riniiig tJiTinaD ,,ih ra. but la giving a g>.<al .1 a I of Mozart

.,,,.i K..tiio novel,i,., i,» f.iitisi, .

rs. The

tirant Luce, after a short vacation on Broad¬ way, i* P'pparing to take to tlie road ag.tin early in the season in advance of Lasses White's Minstrels.


tle.iier. was vlsite.l thia wi. k by

' .XI \V<-Mla. who makes another brief Stay


II lo e,. bow work i.s progreasing on

l.iiililma- for Wl.i.h l.e is re-iM.n-itde.

hiiiis the Healer will, he annoiineea.

op. 1111.1'. balbis. elr.. for whleh an

,,,,,,ll or. hh.. s'ra ot.ff ffoorrtty} ppllaayyeerrss w wiillll pprroovvhidlee

|I|P. .vvppee. .ii' IIII Hill Ih- rreeaaddyy bbyy tthhee

,11 ooff tI ·. yy.i.iirr..

Vl.|.a,,t,,iw H . .. .. .

I1 bleaarrnn.. \\VViiuu..ddss ii»» ddooiinngg hIlilss Ilifesatt VV ''ll..--aarrllee lloo lake uupp hhii** ppaarrtt Iinn

«. on your side wlu n flic laindun run 1,1. - pla.v is roll, lo.w d. w.suls has

I an rights and it

f..r b;ni to IraiisiKiri T. arle

K.'lliniy. who giv.s a w.inderfiil

. d pe tieiiilt lo Itroadway. for Ihe ` . la.ii.hlo.ini stage, I sineeri ly hooii>io the

11"! go thru. \\.,..|s stales Hut Hie nixTatinn of the

>1 may tvetilually p.i's to an Knglish com'1 h. re 1*. howtvt r, every reason to
. that he will take an in.-rtasing part

in I...mloIl..ii'»s showlife in the future.

"Scarlet Pimpernel" Film Rights

Itaniii." "r./y (Mrs. Kmmuska narstow) wai

rl ;nt IT in »n a. tom against fred Terry an.l · ' 4ull.i N.-fson. s«.> king a dvsiaralion that she

was iHii. r of sole rights to make tilnis of

Svarlet fimpi.ruel ".


In l';r' and. with her husband, made the play

in I'.si.t. the rights of the latter tu-ing taken

up hv Hi.' T.'rrys who. under the agreement,

<!aini*.l the I'lm rights. The aiilliore*s elalm.-d

that I'.-' bad no no h rights or If they had

sn.h rghis in the play these were overriden

hv tl. aiiilM.ress' novel rights.

J.,-' r Kve. in giving Jmigment for the

.'.·t.n.I.*n's. s.vid the litter limited their claim

1. Hx Mm rghi- in the play. H app.ared that

I-..1 Terrv h.i.l altered the original pin e. The

-C '..".poyvrniaglhit to Hie novel waa*s tninas«>«ail-

al l... I.i.t 1.1* la.rlsliip .*.nsbler.d that she had

). Trt..I with Hie right* to repr.-lilco Ihe play lo

(!> (, uil.iiits, w ho were given c<«ts.

Busy Lion
1/rn M. Lion ia«lng "Tiger Cata**, an adaptation of Mme. Karem Bramson s "1.08 Fehn«»''. prepared by Michael Orme, for a aen.« of matinees at the Savoy Theat. r. The play is a criH. ism of m-slern sm lety worn. n. to If "Hnr Betters'', which ileal* with the same sul.'.'it. Is lo Ix' taken a* evlden.'e of puhlli: Ir'.resi Ml the fatal rffeits of prosperity on the female icliiiiiirras.iter. Lion ought to have a m Hi,ih this new annaattllxx-m ma.
NN.e'Xxtt m m--.iiiiffhh II..lloonn rreettuurrnnss ttoo tthhee W Weesstt KKnndd an»s hh..HH,i aa-'.iiihli..-.rr and prodinu. er In prni srentilng hia Md.pisii..n cf K.vfael Sahatlnl's novel. "The Sr ar. a Spanish isa-tume p|p,*>. A new title
Is... M. ... and Ceorge Tully will plkj tl.c pr,,,. ;,.J| ,,,lP

Crittiiccss*' Circle Dines

' altiging and ti incing. however, the dish

" eniply

.\ tbo to prove that the

f^"'»ion of t onrt Jester were ineinded in his  «''e. the .enaor b id again interposed. Really ··e 1 oreriiiitier .> hirsute |ailt seein« to la- as

troublesonie us King Charles' tofiknot wliich

««''*"iii'Uld.. IIff you rreem mtem mllax..rr.. iinnssiisstt oonn g. IIttllnngg iiinto tthhee aannnnuullss ooff Il>haivvyy II o..pppp.. rrffiieelldda» auddoopptteedd nnmnele.
VVhiit a pity tS'l'rraaiiii''ss' "SSualloom inee" iiss nnoott yyeeit a '''·lalass'l'lee'* ((w whhaatteevveerr tthhaatt m maayy ll»»ee))!! II'V or wwlhen Ib'luTrtt ..M Mkkiinnss ggaavvee nnss hhiiss rreem maarrkkaabbllee pprroo.dlu.

""" "f " fitus Andronieiis'', the head* of Hie

''"Ihic l.mpre.s* two sons were set lu> Ihe 0 I. en us bak.-d in a pie by Hie revengeful

Tltna. And sevenl bands and t.Hier gory tr.iphies of those blood .-iirdling ui.d bbsid-letting

times were down stag. tenter. So when hdrunsH la dead and elassitied (or i' it I las^leizeiin perhaps Hie la.r.l Cli imborlaiii lo

Ivlug Kdnurd the Sixteenth or so will gr.i.ioiisiy

f tmlt Willy Clarkson's great-great gnat-grt-at-

gr.ihilson to prepare a for the entire

Performance of this musleal masterpiet**.

^ ^


1 aui glad lo note that the generous gesture

"wihdieenh, u8a 1 wrote iIn a reeent letter, seemed

'*'e first reuuialle to Is.tter relation* ts'lween *k-.. 1_ta _a _a ·I"' Icglt and vaudeville unions has n..vv Is-en
made. Monte Ilayly and .Vlfred I.iigg met at l'.arr..w-ln-I'arnes. during Ihe week-end and Ifod an agre.ment stipulating umonditi«.n.iJ

mutual reeocnilion of both unions' tickets, a

fortnight's Iru.e. during whieh the

A. and

'- A. K. exeeiitives should confer, and no

'lellmiz.**ton. Heorge fixer. secretary of

K'deral Conmii. and .\ A. T E. also

sut*.erit*.d to this timely doi-nment.

I' «" to W h-ix-d Hal this will mark Ihe

tx-ginning of the end of a dispute that has regr. tt,M, damar^ the g hs| , a,,sc ,,f

unionism in both pr .fx'sx.nal and lay

· ir-'les. The *zeal of Isi.lth exe. utiv.- for tiie

"eIU.eijg of their live m.-nihers wis. loiirse. respvtnsihio for this  ..ntr. leniP'.

I nfortimately the anti-union elements were qitiek to take advantage of a 'plit in Hie union

Tliere is a Very d.-Unito .liv. rgen.-e of in r.spe.t to the federation |MiIiey still to be

n.-goHated. But with h.-n.'sl disctisaion and

g'«sl feeling lls- two Isslie* will N- at'le to meet

one on a different plane than that

vvMch ol.tain lately, and the different views

(Hie oiit.'.unc largely of different conditions of

tmploymenl lo a great rxtpot) can doubtless !* cx.mpose.J.

r)«oe, rsl«e-


^ , kaaiore



''nn*<'^ Town at the moment. The tarl Rosa

"·"'"''d at the .New S. ala Theater and Ihe

` tix-rations at His Maje'ty s. Meanwhile the International aeason run hy the tJrand Hpi-ra Bt*y,Tnni«lilciraattof at Ct'oorvrennt t4ltaarn«b!»nn c«*oQnnttinnnu*»eKs tfhh»e'

t ;,rt Itosa ooini .my la atb Ultig fairly eloaoly

|,, ^

progniM. all!o they la gan

this week with a n.ival of Ih ·.iitlhioovveeniisa lliinnee

work, -Kidelio'. iind will pre-i nntt a11 R Itrriittii«'hh

work, Isidore de l.aru's ·'Tie- T Tuurr.e-ee ..M 'Injiss-k.leers".

. iiarlie Bragg, agent of the Jean Bedini ni w  f'et-k a Boo" burlesque show, having a sum mer run at the tiayely Theati-r. B-.-ton. Iia*
done some wonderful work for tliiit -'.ow. whieh qirluded an invitation to all tlx- local

«t iuirriiooiiiissllyy cennoonugglhi iiiinnuollhheerr llilrriittii»shheerr ,,v,.r the Intemation.ils m the p. r-on
pj, ,avcr, leading tenor of Ihe Vienna* of .M. Opera,

Iiewspaix-r men to attend with the result that the full of the show.

a dre.'* reli.-ar'al. Boston dailies ar.s

who ia singing at t ..vent tiarih n lids week and

iherebv n aluing the aiiil.iie.ii of hi* lifeiiine.
··piccaTcr'' 1.* Hie sing.-r's u.lopt.-d nom de theater, for he i« a ii.eiiibt r '.1 ii lun.-.diisliire family named I'.  k..ver. the U. S. A. he was I.eard siiig iig hy a miisi. al

Cor the past eight weeks Wallie S.irkelt has Ix-en oeenpying one of the office' of the World
.Xmii'cment .Serviee .\*s»eiiition overlooking .Mieliigan in Chicago, preparing the fire vv.irk* I.iildieily f,,r ih, si».. tit. le of " rokyo".

<.\I>trt wlio udvi'iil liiin to take up singing in Wallie will bave Chicago larly next week for earn.'sf. He ft d so ao<l grailoait il via Milan Detroit to handle the imblieity of the firm *

and fragile to the big position be holds in lowest Iiyrofeehnie speeiaele entitled "Rome


Crider Nero", to lx- proibiet-d at the (Irolt i

' .\ud so liomc". as I'. pys would ay.

btaduim in I), troit August h' to 17. bai kett

will lx> in New York during July and in all


liroliatiility will Ire identified with the ,Se|wvii

executive staff. A younger sister of Meggic Albanesi, whose

death wa* so gr.jil a loss to the l.ondon stage

»n»"*»."r. Husil It. an. Is now under ·oniraet tlo tihne latuter aunidi w vviilnl diiuly appear in " forllovuning pr.Hliii-Hon hy lieun
"HliulttwarVd/l DB..xaiitnnHd'*", Sw'ulattStorxnn V \' ane's great eees*. continue* to draw l.ig and line

Harold Hohday. I hear that


laaves'. Itaue s m w pieee which he i*

pr'senting on his t.wn a<-count. i* hy no means

to win the same pnhllc piitn'mige 'W Whhiittee Claarrggoo" i1s*.. II hheeaarr,, sseettttlliinngg ddoowwnn ttoo "wbhaatt pprroom miiss,, s< ttoo tt*«.. au tmiionssti ssiiote-..--eess''ffnnll rruunn aatt the PPllaayyhhoouussee,, ffrraannkklliinn DDyyaallll.. HHoorraaccee H Hooddggeess an.| .'lary C' blairree inirr**-- t<hh.-.'tnigg ttiinnee wwoorrkk iinn tthhiiss strong pieee, whii li cceerrttaaiinnllyy ddeesseerrvveess wweellll ooff

I-*'"'!''" piihln.

W hen fade .vtontefiore and Milfnn Bode send


World" on tour. Edith

»'"mpan.v the flayfair prodnelion into the I'oiintry . Ktix-l Irving is therefore

r.'iiming ilie p.iri of .Mil.amant, in wliieh she

apix-ared with s<.in.. sn.eess seu-riil year* ago.

^''.herl Loraim- Iik. wise tliMipixar* fr-m the cast of the Congreve play vvlx n It lakes the roiiil. Miss Kviin's snix-rb jx-rforman.-e in this

f.-at c.inody part has definitely established

Charles "Kid" Koster, of burlesque and park fame, was all set for a summer vacation at Lake Hopateong when Hiirtig & Seamon gave him the S. O. S. to handle the piihlicty for flieir "noIIywiHid Follie*" hurlesrine show, that had a preliminary opening of two nights at Long Braneh, N'. .1., prior to Its summer run opening at the Columbia Theater, New York Cit.v, where the vi'iting newspaper men to the Demixratic Convention were guest* of the management at a midnight performance Thursday, June 'Jfi.
William .1. Hiliiar, pres* rppre»en.aHve for the Zeldman A Pollie Show*, ha* been up to old stunts again hy breaking onto the front J>8ge of newspaper*, this time tn The Piinxsuiawney (I'a.) Spirit of Saturday, June 11.
Lillian M. .s.-oit i* another feminine pres* representative who i* doing mtieh to attract patronage to dramatic stix'k presentations, for Lillian is getting lots of newspatier piiblielty for the Comevly Player* at the Comedy Theuler, Toronto, Can.


finest actress and lamdon i* expe.-t-

nothing but the best from her hen.-eforth.

-Tobn E. khharf t.oodmanV "I hitin* , renamed

'b.ral* (prohaMy so that it may not be

·'oufused with Elizabeth Bakers excellent piei-e

^'''''''cr name), will slii.rtly b«- in rehearsal under .1. E. Vedrenne's management. A *ti*n'''e cast Iinncclluuddee** HHeelleenn lHlaa.yvee.. CC.. VV.. ffrraannccee,, Herbert Marshall and Robert A.Vnnd.lrreewws.,
Sybil TThhoorrnnddiikkee wwiillll ggiivvee ""TThhee TTrroojjaann
Women" for a special matinee June 'J7 in aid

of the Women's International League at the

T.ew Sharpsteen. better known lo local man¬ ager* and the hill-room bunch a* "Sharpy'*, has given up the hill and rut trunk in advani** «>f shows to become a real performer doing a crystal gazing mind-reading act under the name of Llewellyn with the Crowell Bro-,* Mystery Show, en tonr in Montana.
Harry Mandel. general press representative Ilf the B S. Mos* theater', wa* lex.bred a bachelor dinner at the Hotel .\stor. New York, h.v hi* friend* and a»*oeiatPS In the KrIHi.

Lawrem e D Orsay has returned after an Moss and IT.x'tor hon'cs to eelehralc hi* rotaabsence of twenty-three years. He promiaes ing marriage to a Brooklyn girl.

to stay here for g.**! and all.

Il.rman Klein l.rnk the chair at tIhe annual dim-.r of the ( riiio*' Circle, the organization ef liriiisl, dramatic and miisl. al criH.-s In
Ihe .it .1 n. !· of «. B. Co-' Lord Olivier I'f.i. 1 Hi. toast, "Siio.ess to Ihe Circle", in an .smii'itig s|x.e< |i, in which Ihe .Minister O' llhd lively exix-rienies Ixdh as theatergoer and draiiialist. Itne play was banned by Hio ur'.T I,,. 1 xplaim*!. aixl another "resolved

frr.'ecs'cennttgation of Wagner and Strraaiuissa,. Curiously


."''·f' o' »hr credit and praise

engendered hy this last company has fallen to

Britisher*. No finer singing than that of

Klorener Austral, as Brnnnhilde. has been given

l>v Ihe Herman and .\u*trian artists, .knd the

praisii that ha* Imen Lavished on tlie orehestra.

Mathesim I.ang has appapenlly decided not io bring "The I'hant.-m .ship" to the We*t End when lie Harts operations there in the autumn. He ha* a new piece hy Prank Stayton, dealing with life in the near future, in which to mako a long overdue and more than web-ome rettirn
l.ondon Town.


tl-lf into a dialog Ix'tvvecn the leading man

and Hic i>rom|>ier."

I' .\. Bnuglian, responsible and disoerning

n-lir of The Daily New*, niadc the hon nx'l


, »,.,|,ng ),y assorting "Tlio meaning of

'  ' -I'o' ( in le wa* Hut they could not lx-

He con*ld<.red *'St. Joan* tlx-

ti i't rpi.i, <,f tiif lentiiry anil thought that

1"'! .I' .ir » play ont|iiit wa* extn mely iTodllaldo

an.I I' 1- the drama wa* making good pri»grcss.

H" lh,..|glit that a renaissance of Kiigllsh

drnni.i ,va* In progreas.

.I.'l n Hrlnkwaler wittily made out tlio

lir.imnii'i*' rts,. for bgalizlng Hie wlii|iping

of rill. S. )|,.

tiijt while only wt-ckly

"oiilal or stupidly romaiiHc Ih. mi.* were H. ` hii.t. ,,f drama. ln* of Hie Ixrole H . m. H ,,f It,,, |tr,.att*st ilrstiiHs. w.* sliall n.*vcr

I'*'. .1 truly great Hx'ator. Today audiences

iiivii,.,! to dcsi on.l lo the level of the


. I. rs prcsi-ntcl.

*"'.r six-iikcr* 111. liided Ihe chairman, l.avdy

"I lliam. C. K. Mniini and Jamea Agate.

The Prophet's Head ' I previously remarked tlie head of JoliD ' ''m-H-I roniiln* one of Hie chief uneerlBln*' I Hint iiiict nnoertain sphere of sliow-
' oHvit.v. Hii. oiHratti* stage. Wlien the bi'. · il.iiial 'i-iixon at Covenl Harden started,
ili viT iirtlsl. Hola I.Jiinglx.rg, hid to .nag., with nn empty i-liara.-r by tlie dietiit.' I. (hani|>lon of mnrallty, the laird CinimI. .
· b` ·. oinl pi rforiiian. e wa* men* complet.'. ..- 'll, d.ilnly ilish was set Ix-fore King Herod
lete with a pa|>ier maclie mask of Ihe

^ents hdtonce

Conducted by ALFRED NELSON


(ieorge Alabama Florida, on stationery of Hx- Max'll iiiH'ra House. ls>s .\ngele*. Calif.. I ominiinli ati.s to kllle. Emilia, postmistress of The ItilllNuird. New York Cit.v: "Hold my mall until my arrival In two week*' time." ".\laI .im" iliH * not say lie is doing in the land of an-l flowers, ixt d-x-s Mile. Cmilia *ay what she Is going to do with the avalnti' lie of mail coming into oiir ottiee dail.v

Department of Justice vqs'raturs when the local police saw them in the I'nion Depot, Columbus, I'., and the natives couldn't get a drink for love or money until tlie hoys announced tliat they desired Hie court house removt-d in order that they could get the lot for their show, and tlien everyone lia.l a drink, and the local Sherlocks breathed a sigh of relief.

f.-r ".\Iabam", but it will bo here when *'.Ma-

Siiive onr arinle appeared touching on the

biitn" call* for it.

< olorci) agent in advance of colored shows, J.

Eleteher Smith I* getting much press pulilleily for the Chrl«t.v Bro*.' Show thru New Jersey, and Bert Rutherford, g'neral agent in a'lvHiiee. i* getting ni.xny desirable IvH'iitiona in the town* made hy him.

.\. Jai kx'ii. the "l'ac>. " of The l,iIIlM>ard. li.qs b'-en overrun willi colored ag'.nt vi*lter* that ineinded Billy Pierce, l.oill* Schvioler, Ben Simon, H. .\. Mitiliell, and letter* fn-m H C Maxwell. .Mt,.,-. ".lap" Kev-d. "Slim" Jackson. Cliarlie McClain and Charlie

It L B'.vven, agent in advance of tlie CotIon i'lii.ver*. Is Iiitting the trail thru (>tiU», and I. Ming the 'how like a elri-ns, but ^i» tht' wa in vveattier I- making hii*ine" In the Lon-e*

Lane, who emlor'e the plan of having N>th white anil colored agent* in advance of evdored show*: Ihu* ha* Bennie Butler started someHiii'.g for the agents.

1, s, profitable, the show will in ail prob-

Heorge Arnold and Jerry "Red" Cunningham,

al'Hlty close within the next two weeks.

last season In advance of Shubert Show*, are

now hobnobbing In Boston. (5*H>rge doing the

Fioyd King and Ed Shaw were taken for hilling of the Siss'.e Blake Siiow, *'Bamvtlle",

Heralds, Tonighters, Dodger:, Tack and Window Cards, Half - Sheets, OneSheets. Three-Sheets, Cloth Banners, Card Heralds, Letterheads, Envelopes. Etc. Type Work Only. No Stock Pa¬ per. Everything Made to Order. Union label. Send for price list or vs/rite, stating your requirements, for an es¬ timate. GAZETTE SHOW PRINT. Mattoon. Ill

Chewing Gum Factory


TT^rff U'riirrin; Machine:*, Ta Ksirt' ^f4^'hinfry Co 's;

two K. & W. KeTtloii. one

Kt't'.f. amr Bjtttry

K`*Tlfr. Coniplete factory, rently to mil.


137 PiatwMd Avenue.




Prefi'ssiiinal ('"niedy v>f merit. Thi* great biM'k of tiRDllN'.M, Comevly contain* 5 Monologue*. S IVmhle .Vet*. Burlrxiue Fah. for ID character*. VentriIo<)ul*t .Vet. tjn.irtetle .Vet, Single Hag*. Min¬ strel rir*t Part. Minstrel Finale. P<Hqn«. and Parixtle*. Price, $1.00. JAMES J. COGHLAN. 93 Wad© St., Jeney City,
New Jersew-

The Billboard

I I JULY S, 1924

lji When Mrampr spprotrhpe the little theater tnoTement, f^nratlrely speaking, »lts back and
f fans Ittelf until the benefleent eoolneas of fall it felt. There are a few exeeptiona, of course, one of them belnc the Pasadena Community { Playera, Pasadena, Calif.

Tttle Ihmters

One of our Cincinnati representatives Informs ns that there exists In Cincinnati a group of amateur players known as the floffmsn Pramatic Club, with a memberabip of middleaged folk. .\nd some of the playera have ppeerrhhaappss ppaasssseedd tthnitss saggee d« esignstion.

Altho at present this group operatea upon a twelve-month basis, in the beginning operations


thirty-three present and not one who did not


J" were anapended during the anmmer months '*'* until It was found, when aetlxltlea were

enjoy the entertainment, games, dancing and refreshments. The 11 o'clock table was arranged

The Rolgter-DoUter Dr.smsttc fktclety of

resumed in fall, a lot of momentum had been

*''' lost and that it was necessary to restore both

° meicber>-hlp and patronage. To avoid this loss *' of the aceuiiiulative etfeet of the season's hard
work. It was decided to try out a anmmer plan. * The plan worked well. Altho anmmer patronage
" waa not as great as that of the cooler months, " ' It proved sufflelent to encourage the jdayers.

"l.ast week w eoncs.iay, .Piine ic, lo o.-

Ihe .T.eaguc ,h1el1d .tvh«e .annnn.uioail

. .

. _



election of officers for the season 1H24-


t.ike otli.-o the first meeting of September. Fol.lowing are t.h. e names of. those ` eleeted Efsdjw_i_n

_i,,, v.,i

_ ,

I'estherw-ix, wno naa taken part .In nearlv

ever/y Jproduction
college, played

of ,tvhe

the aoclety since he /Csy_r.iiil Maude role,

entered that. of'

the^ eccentric old lawyer who solved the m^ysteryf

In this manner the Pasadena Players educated themselves and audience to observe a com* munity obligation.

Pn, There wag also the further consideration of


y'"*fly lease on the Playhoif-e. It was

costly to lock the doors. Tlien, too, th**

producing staff, left to its own devices during

the summer months, made permanent connec-

POP tions elsewhere and conid not be counted on

; for fall and winter programs,

I». .'Scheiier, pn-'ident (re-eleeted. third term),

.Iiilia Drown, vee-president (reeleeled. third

term); Mildred Lynn, recording secretary

(second term): Olga I.el>ent. corresponding

seerelaiy ,,

(re-eleeted, , ,

second ....


Howell, flnanelal secretary: .\nihony C. Birs.


. . .\rthiir

,, P.

rs Fuller,

director of



i1 * ,



(re-elected, ,, thir.d ten. n.).

Ho,ar.d ,,|oj.f

H rectors: A ma Barnefenr. chairman: Adelaide

.H. owe ,,I, CO.Uhes.ter -To. D Bo. rabacIk., aB.a.r.r.e.n. III). Bana-




picked to give Mr. Weatberwax an opportunity

to demonstrate bis talent la obaracter parts

The performance 'marked bla final tppearan.o

In Aggie dramatirs. Margaret M. Dhea, '26, of

Hol.voke. Maas., had the leading feailnltte roe

_i.« h.ii. <

opi>oslte Mr. Weathcrwsx, who halls from



. i,.., ......

flreeullrld. Mass. Ml«s .shea bsd scored In

prev ous pro^ductions gi.ven t..h.iis year bwy the

' . . _u

..>o < . .

Roister-D, oiste. r. John .M.o.ra.n..'.2-1.. of Amherst.

Ma-s.. played the part of the antblqinae collector

fre All of the foregoing were considered good and Bll sufficient reasons for keeping the playera bu-y sue during the warm months, a plan which has
"N been followed {nr the past three years.


The Pasadena Players recently closed their

seventh season with a tliree weeks' run of

"The Follies of Pasadena". This event was

followed by the annual dinner of the orgaoiza-

'"*".D1*!u'' ri ng . *


.sea. s,on_



L, .

T, ..T...

L, ..

gave .

five one-act ,

plays .





of !_

one) and one two-act m, usi,cal comedy, m

adi tioii to numerous vocal, instrumental and

inoiiolog niiiiibers. "I'iays vvliioh 1 have iiiuler eoDs*liddeerraatliooDn at,

lae-ent to offer the i!ie;r are as

Boaid of follows:

'RDD »ollsrr eaeeHleitteuoo''rrss

ffoorr i(nonne

V ommf.aiJj·gorreaptart,ws ewalethre

and doubtful morals. Other ^tak. en .by..R. okber.t .M. . rD. arl,,ing,

j -rt

'224. of Cambridge, Ma«s., and Theodore ).

Grant, ,26, of...\,c, oIm.t.h. of. wh. om .hat.

, . . .u


. .t .

liecn prominent in the activities of the dramatic

soc.iety' (his .·year. T.h. e . pla.y was wit.nesse.d by


audience of students, imrents of the

graduates and townis'ople.

tioD, held at the .Mar.vlaiid Hotel June L't!. Between five bumired and six hundred members of the Players attended the dinner, which was ^ presided over by Cajit. Paul P-rlgord, presldcEt of the Pasadena Community Playera.
Sj The eighth season of the Pasadena Community of < Players was inaugurated with a revival of heel "Lady B'indemere'a Fan", by B'llde, schednled

Managing direiHor the Proscenium Flayers, New York City, as Bascom Kent, in bit three-act mystery melodrama. "Midnight'*, which went into rehearsal June 6.

aotl, by Max Maiirey; 'The Mask' (one act), by (iti.s I.. Oliver; 'Ember-' (one .act), by
Jeorge M ddlctim: 'The Imimrfance of Being arnes, (ti.ree acts), by Oscar B Ide; The Miloonnkkceyy's lPaaww' (three scenes, one a<ct), by BB*.. B'. Jacobs; 'The Importance of Para' (three acts), by Bcuiah King; 'On Vengeance Height' (une act), by .Allan Davit.

Little Theater Notes
The dramatic groups of Springfield, Masi., organlied the Players' Gnlld, whteb will
pon^ncted along the tinea of the New York Theater Onild. w Wiilllllisam m TT.. SitiiimBnpasAotni wwBilll as director, and the plan la to predace high-
grade plays nest season.

atln fur the week of June .`>0. Productions for the sont months of July and August are "The Intimate

"1 honestly believe that the salvation and 1* keepin* my right foot four Inches strength of any IJttle Theater group, with very

The Little Theater Playera of Westport.

p. Strangers'', by Booth Tarkington; "A Night **'°*^^f

during rehearsals."

few exceptions. If any. He In the 'no-star' or Conn., an organlaatlon founded lesa than six

in Off", by Augustin Daly; "Tbe Servant in the

vacationing in tie South `'' play. This Is^he Idea I am going to monthi ago, will soon own their own homo

the liouse", r'ed speare's

by "A

Charles Bunn Kennedy; ShakeMid-ummer Night's Dream", and


k<`ep uppermost during the coming season, and where playe written and stageil by amateurs

with the exception of one play all the foregoing

^ produced. Mi*s Mary As<)uitb, founder


ncte Mrs. Mowatt'a "Fasbiona".


ai-e `no-star' pla.vs, pla.vs wherein every of the movement In that town, announced that


When the Little Theater Players of Giendale. Calif., pprroiiduucceedd '"TKeemmppyy'"' aass tthheeiirr closing venture ooff tthhee sseeaassoonn. SSaattuurrddaayy eevveenniinngg, JJuunnee

cliaracter has ample opportunity to show his -r her talent. One reason 1 have for choosing
course la that I personally know of the

Hunt A Downs, contractors, bad offered to b">ld a theater to house the league on property recently a<-qulred on Main street. B ork will

to ifor the past season was Ralph R. Prmy, Jr 14, they. received scoonm.'.e, excellent nnootfiic-oesc,' vMtcr. Weakening influence the `star' favoritism play* '"e started immediately and it It planned to

K-who giadualed this year and whose photograph tere is reprodmed herewith. laist year he was faltl leading man in the Junior cla.-s play. "The the Tailor-Made Man", and had prominent parts in

Or'anville Forbes Sturgis, director of this enter'prising group. Just recently org.vnized, telN ns t,,at when "Kempy", by 1. C. and Elliot xugpnt. was put in rehearsal it proved so

an amateur group, and I have seen some s-[pdieennndiiud oorrggaanni.zzaat.iioonnss ggoo tloo ppieicee* ooif
oonnee oorr ttw woo ppeerrsso..nnss ffeeaattuurriinngg.. `"OOhh.. y.teoss!! BB'ee w waanntt ttoo rreecceeiivvee aa*s m maannyy oonnee--

S· eptember 1. T` he eieciiMve l>uard of the
uiovementacoIInIa'alsti Xoirf ^AA'illiamJP. Trent. Jr ;
KKeennnneetthh Bftcoohtieelldd. DDrr.. 9S. iW. Sherwood, Frank

a lo plays during hU school career. He was the difficult for the amateur playera that four »'» P''^* »» I*o»sibIe from 'uuh. ard of at Henry Klee, Mrs. lYasler letera and Mary

for leading man in the big musical comedy of the professionals were called In to insure the !"`sent' authors. My tentative (irogiam call* -A-iuiin.


Bfprewnt year, entitled `'Melody Magic", by

T 1 Homer Huutoon and Buth Eiaine B'ilson, of the

of t classes of `2.3 and '24. respectively. It has


ibHc--eenn oouurr pprriivviilleeggee ttoo


ppllaiyy aanndd hbuum m ssoom mee

ooff tthhee stoonngg hbiittss

ffrroom m M ^lo'.

""M UJeea

1 1

0 o «

dd yT« Id

Magic «*«J y find

smooth performance which he felt was due this

clever American play.

-- ,



, _

* ti **.**''^ ng s a repor co ce i g e

P'*^ scored a Iau:b-trinmpb which
rcooncVkendi the audience with spasms of merriment.


shrieked aloud at the comic

"unthly prodncHons of one-a. t pla.vs, so you can sec we will need a number of tthheem m,. 'pHiieeiie are many more Dun-anys. sSl!ei.«wwss. Drink,,w.^a(tpers. O'Neills, Pollm-ks- and Rita John-on \Aouuunngg«s. BB'hhaat w«e want to try and do it flimndl
them." Mr. Fuller's address ia 22 Storms a»reennuc,.
jersey City, X J. T

.Aa Commuunity Theater group was recently

e-.iaNlthed in Plainfield, N. J.. with aeventy-

Upvve members, -omo of whom have bad pnnai-

f(i.-«.ttiioonnal rexxperliencre.


^ .. _ .,,,. _-a.s .


, .

Theater, the Quincy Art ,,,.b and the Qu ncy Music Club Quincy. HI..

them tuneful and

Harold Brewster, teacher of T///? HOI Y REDEEMER PI AYER'S

M t-

dramatics at the Glendale High School,



Young Mr. Urmy

Brewster, a professional actress


tthhee eessttaabblliisshhm meenntt ooff aa ccoom mm muunniittyy hhoouuasee, w wiitthh excinnaslivoe stndloa for each group and an

has also played

gg Ramona In the outdoor

George IdvBlanc as their president, auditorium to b«e .hared by the three.,

leads in "Claarreennccee"".




that name given at Hemet under the


of G.met IlCme. m-yed Jan.

^Wfuce rowers and Philip v«p*ai rf*tA f ffi · P11»n Mttvlrjk
·Vre«r;:r.®^^ (ir::;

The aadltorlum of the new (N. Y.)

ml", and Important a-umed the role of Ben Bade, and proyed his part, in "Daley" aMllt, a* a comedian. Mr-. Dorothy Morton-

During the them handling their roles well. ""

and "Bollo's wild Hastings, formerly known In musical comedy

Billh o,t". He Is a member

tlie Iowa State on the Great B'hite B'a.v, but now married and ` ^

" t,BM o«

. Ta Colleegi e cchapter of tlhwe National Collegiate Playf* m"fr ^ h, oiioraryv dramatic fraternity, and is a real-

'"'^'''dent of Pl*i:ttttshbbuurrKg. PPaa..




Professsoorr Lesier RUaaiitnieexs,. ddiirreeccttoorr ooff ddrraam maattiiccas

C^at the IIIooowwnaa SM stlaattee Ciroolillb. egee. uuim mi.lleerr wwhhoois^ee dfriliilrrreeecei--

tion Mr·.. 1 rmy has playe.,dI., is now teaching

/^ur-es .....1. ppilaa.yv pprr.,M MHl,iiccttii.o.nn aanndd ppllaayy sseelleeccttiioonn iinn

residing in G(.Ilrenn.dIale, gave a m.oesit capable per-

fuormance of the yoiingc-t daiuigghhttier, Ruth. It

fctair** ban lo^-t

cirver an

Iinneg*e*nnuue as Mr«. H IlaansttiDinzz*s:. ,,it handl.d bt.y« M Mrr,s,.
^^s Charlehsan(GdJlotwd anb,y PMaur.l.


ootbu«*rr plaarrm ta Vaaannndud*ee*ww Haaafit«ee*rrr,
and George

xhe latter as Ke.imnip-.vyy did. .soomme clever

rep. a ted the sm .-esas hh,e. made e.airlier

,, j -- -- . p TUP 4TPf? PPPiT ` P

oLUKr-o /-V / till I ALKill


hhOpeo..kat.dd,linnJ-ggunooeff .*.I%aa,,

nnefwwas lItt<.imn econtinunling*

IIi«nn« a*«


" *'«JI' "vc tlh'*at pl·a·`c'kkec<l the AVork-hop to `"lufity enjoyed one of the bee--tt--aaccfetc.1l ami

<?^the summer se-kn of the college. He Is

planning to prpent the festival "Oalrm". by




l.gyptian ,

tragedy T> ...

and ,

,a program of , thre.e. on. e-a; ct pla·y-.. Booth ,T,,ark-

ingtoD s Bimlio. the I'lrate , and Tin* (.host

.. ..


,. , .


Story , as well as an original play, ' Phe

-w..rhhper.,.BU. ro, nze I.,Jdo.l."., Lby .rR, u.t.h. Ib.-l.a.m· e «Wir-iilson, success-

the .fill authoress of two Iowa State College



·ir in the sea-on as AV'aalleennttimnee.,. itthoe Hdeonnttlu-t. in
Shaw's 'You N ^.-.ver Can T.e-lIl'. FEa-t,er ww<e-e.'kk

ttibll,ist ccoo_ m mpp_ aannyy w wiitthh tthhee, OOnnr.rr.aiattnorino Cflliuihb in

vviissuuaall,,iizz..nngg ''·as nBB-.'.-ddudd.iin-ngg Feast'. To

G ,, ranville Korb.e.s S...tu.rgi.s, with hi* life-liong

, ,


..... .

. ,

lalsir* in the w.>rld of the th.-at. r. um«t ls`

given full credilt for the situtc-ccee----fiil season of this new Little Tli.'Sa.ter Ce.ormappnany.

Diterree*sit-nli.oludilin.g pla.yi* ouif tluhe LI.iutntlae Tlaheeaait.eir P'''s".Jv-eerrss'' swe-taa-oon when 'The Paacckkeett"', w
fdii'ereectiecd by one of their own member*,


Dl.k.n-..n. wa* prew-nfed last night

"The drama, whb h wa* adapted by Dirk1n*on

from the Ihree a. t piny 'The Gambler', In

which .lane C.»wl *t.irr.*d, will be repeat.-d t.iiiight at 8:1.*( in the AA'orksbop at KKIS South

I "_^*|*"*'*''^* come les.

infinite patience, ami an iuinn<.aanin.v abilit.v to .Main street, and will clo-e the season for the


... ni/ misliti^K

Rn .

Bn .


t lem. In commenting on the photograph of him-elf

·the reprodu,.-d in these columns, Richard B. Gilbert, m managing diiector of the Prosi'eaiaio Players,

.>''.rNew York, the mcmliers of which organization

Ibm iIliave Just npass-s«id from boyhood into that sUge i desiIggnnatfed as ''youths", stated:

coax the l>a·t*e'"n*t ct-aappaabbiiliimtieess ffrroom m his company, uand g|?likv*ee a· ww^elll»-rrooiinnini<d*e<dl, w w<e*llll--sRttaKged prudm-tion. Dr. Sturgis is wwaavveerriinngg lIas--ttwweeeei,i an olT.-r to ,,jrp,.t , siiiimmmm<.--rr s»ttoo<<'kk iinn AAmmerica amt an
aaHlluurriinngg pprroo..ooooaaJJttlloonn ooffffeerreedd hhiim m ffrom Ormaay.

T·f'Hf JEr-- Lf Ir-Ty-T.TL-r E/' T-r-HFIEJ-Ai'TTE'j'Rii Q zi/p7 JipnfvfScEnYv rCtITTVY N\7. JI.


... ' ',, '

I.lttle Theater I'l.iyer-. '?lrs. Florem e Rla. k, in the leading role. Is-autifnI and conylnclng, rising to the
, ijnux in an extremely arlistle manner. si.-wart, as the villain, plai.-d hla part well, as
did H, B, Bogga-. ,h<* victim, and B', B. Diw-on and Mrs. .Mildred Fowler, the two S'-rvaiits.

We made approximately forty 'ahoU'. with -eric-only» one fra..u,x. pas when taking t.h1.i.s. pboto.-iiid I'graph. This occurred when Mr. Wright (of-
.ficial proscenium photographer) , oidered me to

t**'" as follows;

`On the evening of the eleventh of June


miniature lMO>|uei, celebrating tbe

"A fantasy, 'Pierrot Steals the Moon', was the eiirtalnraiser, and was presented In the
-sine finDOs maonnneer as `The Packet'. Mrs. Multel jiTayeil the role of Pb-rrot admirably,

Meuiberi of the dramatk. riass of tbe Central High Ss'hool, BpringUeld, Mass., presented IJlidgarde Flaiiuer's oiie-a<'t play ``Maosioas" in tbe auditorium of the sa-hool tbs night of Jane >':<*. In the last were Louise Dsvis, Nstslie
... .. tt. eenn.ttee. r asond e W Baarrd , Huiirrllljbut. Kllzalietb illll, Iin·sltructor of the class, ddirected tbe play, tbe sc,e.n,,,e.ry for whie.'b was t urned out by tbe art d.parimcnt of the mIhwI.


B'* bsi* ih* nr«e*t and asott attra-'tlve. aa wall is III* largr-t sMiiruBw.l of plays In Iho world Ik'Od four Lvuu for our new I .at.


Oldril pl(aInycipirupborlauUhedr$HianltIkt tmtld

2t-30 Wsst JItli 8trs*t.


smsiicEiio oiHUL Lrw'vrRrc'tiV nuLiiui
((''ita.n-ted with Uwla liailstt'i Office and the* 1 lirstta Hsrvlcs Bureau )
Tbs Only liisutuilon I'aanblDb.g TrsJnlnc end b>-
f»*e«aeol. layUf mm-b gX Ttas. Ikixaw of Bcb'"*-

hand, place my left hand on my chin and assume a sort of appraising or ruminating expresaion. .As you aee, tbe left band and arm were aoppoacd to be paralyzed. Tbe hardest work of ail,

suci-eas of our production of 'flie B aiily of tieBeach', in which appeared (in the chorus) j numlier of girls wlio were uot then uiembera of the Little Theater league. There were

while Ren Putter as the iioliceman, .Airs. James R .McChIs- as 'the girl of Ithe miMMi' and .Xithiir Black as `the voice from the audience' delighted all with their line interpretatlona."

,41 «o iNiiiti Miappy IDiiw ngs. r.iatUr and Iniiructtwe. ISalds Art fiervies. O-t, Othk**"- *'·-



· niip ·· Tim BnnUam. "Thf Mlnatrel Man which wa* nanr »n<l whistled a'1 OTcr tlila , .,,n, Ii \ .aDd ', left lUrmlngliam. Alt., re- country, and "I Had But Klffy Cents",

lent * I'* J"'"

J**"*"* Ad.ima Floatinc Then-

"icr to do hi:ick-facc c'>medT In the afterpiece

.,nd for kpr.- altlee. Jim will remain with the

hotrboat until tlic raln«tre1 sea-on op<-ns. as

ha- alrendT slyned op with one of the Itrfo

minstrel tronpea.


Ben McAtee, a memher of the Coburn Minatrela for tereral Reason, breaks lons-maintalned sllenco to say: "Jim Bonham, comedian. with the Dan Fitch All Star Minstrels, recently
Mobile, Ala , bis boyhood home, visit<nr old friends. Would like to know what's

mc-e wSBerln* several weeks SRO that


«""> Vermont's typewriter

.sI».rfoot'' r.affney Is back In Tabdom now ">ese days. Hear be and Body Jordon are to

M Isv ''Xlim'' Llvlneston. the black-face ehallen»e Bert Proctor, champion one-finger fTTer of Homestead. Pa., tell, ns that he was «"»'*». '"`>0 served bis apprenticeship on Pop Ilaver-lnc with a tmv who halls fro» Black Coburn's machine. r,ordon Hunt, hoofer and

Monnttln V C near Asheville, who had seen ·^r".-fo^f''wlfh a tabloid show In the latter
city recent y.

`bow `he past two seasons, was married recently Henderson. Ky. I'll close with these few
remarks as I have a fishing trip scheduled to

Whi'n' V Ward and Ralph Cranto. of the Pour. K'eminR Minstrels, were struck by an antoBiobile In C.len Oardner, V. J . June 11 Mr. Wtrd suffer-d a fractured pelvis, many hmlso^ and a ma-lied finc-r. while Mr. tiranst .

befin at 4 a.ia. Will be back with Coburn

Minstrels as comedian and trombonist la band (.essoa. Am spending my vacation at







BUI and L.-o IViran of Al. C. Field Mln«fre!s hctd'lned an entertainment given for the bene¬ fit of the Knifhts of Colnmbns Boy Scouts' Band at Columbus In«tltiite. Poughkeepsie N. T. June 2<T. They did some of the steps for which they have b*-i.-ome fimons In mlnatrel-y Bill IV>ran sls) did a comedr sot w'th J'm Mnllen. leader of the Bov Scouts' Band. The ifolps of the pair had the audience In an up¬ roar. and c'o'.d w th a trombone dnet. Poughtrrpsle performers. who accompanied the PortBs on the recent trip to Creat Meadow and Clinton prisons, took pert In the entertalBment.

Tha Vaudeville Field illbeard Office. 18 Charing Crose Road, W. C. t
Armistice Between A. A. and V. A. F.
V ONDON, June 14.--It would be ill of any


A member of the J. A. srason pens the follow ng t'.itium -hi'W may be sur the `chance-' they took ·ilesboard n*vir the end dcntly wre sidetracked their dr»t1natlon. Word of the members advi«ca celre the pne-eed* nor an; reaching the ahow. The

Plans hare been revised and the theater at Longview, Wash., which will rise on Vandcrcook Way, will be much larger than originally Intended, ns an additional lot has been acquired.
Contract baa been awarded for tb« gonstruotlon of tbe J. B. Biggio pictnre bouse at Steubenville, O. It will cost a;<proxlmately IF200.000 and have a completely equipped stage, capable of offering vaudeville or road shows.

"8e Lew Dorkstadrr Is coming out once ore." peas  lover of Ihe minstrel form ef eatfr'slnment ''Well, I think tlAt la what the puhlh- wants--a n-al big minstrel ibow after a^lung eirge of bare-ktn revues sneb as It ha- been aiibj.-.'ted to.*' ho adds lliiid von. t' l« one man's oplDion. Anyway, If a 1FJ1-'2.T edition of th" Ih-k-t.-ider MinstreW hei'onna a realit.r a great many of the old time t'eaterg^ers will welcome a revival of tome of ti'M-W-tader'e nftcri'locos of hi" own oom;!o- tii.n and -ome of the song hits that siaile 1, m famous such S" ''Ohl M .4u«t n".


YOUNG ACTORS come here to learn how to use their voices cor¬ rectly and how to speak English with distinction.
OLDER ACTORS come for practice and oritlcisra. DRAMATIC READERS learn all about the latest play. FOREIGNERS learn cultured English, without blemish.

Phone Endicott 8682.
Private Lessons by Appointment.

202 West 74th Street,

(Just East of Broadway)

New York

SPOKEN WORD k ^koanls .,J

By means of the Daggett Records, the Inter¬ national Phonetic Alphabet and Written Les¬ sons. students are able to learn cultured speech by mail. Teachers and students all over the country are taking advantage of this course. Send for r'Urticulars.


Razing of buildings for the construction of Tbe State, the $2,000,000 pictnre bonae which ·will be erected In Woodward avenue, Detroit, will begin next October, a. cordlng to announce¬ ment made by George W. Trendle, general manager ef tbe Elinsky Theatrical Enterprises.

within a short time the theater in course
of erection by tbe Bradentewn Amusements.
Inc., at Bradeutown. Fla., will be completed. It Is constructed of hollow tile, stucco covered
tand of ornate design, with a seating capacity
of 1.200. Besides pictures it will be cspable of sccommodstlng road shows.
t50 End MfVi's Joke,. 28 Songs. 9 O.-iBpivte Skrtchci. 8 Moiielogun, 4 Stump Sree-hes. brshles compleU Inst run lo: , on "ta re and progrtas arrangements, rehearsals and "maktur". start to Ihilah. 2Sc. COLLINS CO.. I97 Foltsn St.. Brwklyn. N. V.


.\Iwiys leire thr-n Uuthinr when you say goodl^tw Old Hoc Gaea, ·Punster" (Joke hiok', 25 cents. Lat-

eat Mlnatrel Jokes ai.d Crns-flre. tl.OO.


52I West I59tli Street.

New York City.

FOR SALE OR LEASE--Washhum's Tliealre. Ches¬ ter, Pa. · Seating capacity 1.5u0. Pler.'y Simery. Big
S'ags, two Picture Machines. large Kimball Organ. PUiiO on Stage, one in the pit. .All li. g sal ortler. .Address LEON WASHBTRX. 131 Newbury St.. B.ieton. Marts.

Ladies' asd fients' Elaatis Belts and SUPPORTERS, for Dauclng. .Athletics and Reiliiclne. Edward Kennard. 131 W. C3d St. NSW YsOi City.
Phsat. Cdiuiabus 4069. Sand for new Circular B.

A Play Dsnlrtlni ths Hormrt and Eflscts 01 America's Acknowledged Peer of Oangersut VitsA A STARTLING EXPOSE OF THE DOPE TRAFFIC.
Managers In Central states send y. uT open time a* I get full t'artlcularj wliy al) Kederal. Staid. Munliipal aid Welfare .sialetle- will give th - iSaj llieir iiii>ral auppert.
ALBERT DWIGHT. 20JS Railway Exekaagd Bid*., St Leuig. MisMurl.



The Billboard

JULY 5, 1924

cult. Charlie was In .\merica some five year-

Be 3pieP.~

Obviou/ rea/oTv

Be aj" ^oupfeouj'aiCS/oucan. But 3e 3jveF^


Voltaire '
^id to

The Billboard

L nEL^eTiu^.-' ».

-I'doej not nece/zari ly V
'1 endorze the Viewz / '^..ocprezred in "thiz *; ^ depapiment^nop./

4 i cpEN-_ im_m _ _ .

1 Dizagpee witK ·)·
evcpyfKii\qfyou/<w:r jiv, but will defend j
to the d^atKr* ^

·>;.-taRe exception' If^ouapeameinbePoFfhePpoFesj^/on,

' i tothenveith^*:

^ou can j'ayyouppayhepe

ago, wlien he secured carnival attractions for this country.
"Tons of Money", tlie musical farce, eon eludes Its Sydney run next Friday and w li be withdrawn for the time lieing. The sh'iw was tvell patronized and Is twlng taken off I tlie height of its isipularlty In order to makway for Seymour Hli ks.
De Ti'ne and Reynolds. Canadian actor-, will lake tlieir drniiwtle eonipany for a tour of Queensland this montli, after a long season in Brisliane,
The Fisk Juliilee Singers (mostly coloredi

are ii > .Vorib, where they are apis-aring und'T

maiiagenient of .Marshall Palmer.

Offers Information on Florida

*`I know some of God's finest people who

I worked for a well.known man.iger a few

Victor Moss, Queensland film advertisin.;

l.iikp < ity, Kla., Juno 1`0, IftJt.

make their living playing under canvas." Seasons ago who carried III' two small children, iiisn, left for England and .Vmerica last wee;,.

Kditiir '1 Ilf Killlio.ird:

What lieticr proof of my statement than the tin one occasion, when his wife was playing The tour Is in the nature of a vacation.

Sir -- A tiiiinlifr of hliowmon and misieiuns

wlio iif\fr xi'itfil rioriilH during Iho orr-soavin

will 111- iiimiTiK lliis yoar, and <|iiilo a fow

will foiiif for tlif rfamin Hint Ihry are inis-

inforiiifd. 1 will gladly Kivo any nlll^iyiun or

^tlownlaIl Inillifiil informution rogarding any

Kind of IniMiif-s lir may wisiti to onlor into.

1 Know llif rfiil «'Nlato doalors lioro and iii

larioii' otlior jiarla of Florida, alM> tlif lifst

road'* to rfai'li lo'ro liy aiitoinoldlf, and will

giro lliis information Irof of flnrgf to tlioso

asking, .lust iiii'loso a sfIf-addrossed stamiiod


(Sigiifd) J. NONCE.

Service Praised
Now York, N. Y., Juno lit, lOJt. Editor Tlio IlilllHiard:
Sir--You will {iroliably be intoro.sfed In learning tlie history of,a letter that eame to me thru jour ollirf.
On June 7 I>. E. Sanderg of Clarkg, La., sent a letter addressed as follows: ·'A. J. Itatb,
"Care The Billboard." On June 1:.* the letter reached tne at S-M) West End avenue after a number of addressee.

few words at the end of that little adverisement '

.\clors are liiiman--very human! They arc

never really bad p<'opIe--some are better than

others, ttwt's all. Down in their hearts they

are iilwa.vs eharitahle and there an- very few

who do not love children. We have all known

some lovable, charming kiddies in the profes¬



Tlicre arc actors and actresses today who

have been knighted and honored by the world's

royal monureh'. .\nd they were once actor-


Bless the manager who approves of children

in his Veompany 1 Luck, prosperity and glory

must come to him!

In the veins of the author of that little ad

from Nebraska there flows the royal blood of

a prince and throbs a pulse that beats upon

the quick sweet chords of life! In his mind

there lurk thoughts that are beard in heaven!

His heart is filled with a psalm! He is the

kind of man who docs not forget he was a

little hoy himself once--the kind of man you

can pin ymir faith to.

More power and suci-ess to yon. Ralph

an emotional scene, tlie air was ri-nt witli the 'lineks from thi' hahy. The lieaiitifnl ingenue jiirf was forgotten --friend wife left the stage midway in the s. ene and reappeared shortly to finish the dialog vvilli the still wlilni|M'rlng haliy in her anils. Not only that, toit she was very indignant hecaiise I had not nislied to her dressing room and attended to the child at the first cry from the darling infant. And Jiist last season a manager liked children too. but Was less fond of one when ho di'covereil a musician's sinall son on top of the piano (In the manager's home) attempting to dig the eyes out of the figure on a very exiM'iisivc lamp. And when said muniigcr tis'k the little one down he was treated to some rich profanity. The ehild's mother laughed iH'hind Iirr hamt and wondered where In the world tlie baby learned that, and told him he must not talk tliat way again. .\ bottle of fine perfume--a gift--was missing one night from my shelf and was discovered In the hands of a five-year-old girl--the iiottlc. not tlie perfiftno; the latter had lieen iionred in the gra-s and the Iiottlc filled with iH'tildcs. When I complained to the mother she merely said; "Well, she's only a

Tex Railey, .\nierican iwrformer. who firs'

lirnught the act of Bailey's lai'lng dog- t i

Australia, left last we»k on his return to th

Staten. He has been (or some years very sif

cessful as a saloonkeeper in Vletorlu and cl.-e.

where. Ilia family name Is McKinney and he

takes liaek an Australian wife. He la du"

buck here at the end of the year.

Musgrove Celebrity Vaudeville Is still going

well in New ZeHlsnd, where it is b<'ing pre

senled by

It. .Shepherd, former Puller repre¬

sentative In .\merlca.

Baric Msrschcl, wdl-known .New Zeiilanl

theatrical manager and whilom actor, was puh-

lii'ly furcwellcd last week in .Auckland. He

taken a long holiday, duo to ill health.

The recent railway strike In New Zealand

affected show business to a very oonsiderabi''

extent for some weeks. The trouble is now


Lillian and Oirts. an English act, last week

o|H'ued on the Fuller Circuit in New Zealand.

Grace rrlslle, .American classli-al dancer,

made her .Australian api'carance at the Tivoli

Tlicatcr last Saturday. Site is something new

in overseas offerings and her work has made

1 bad even forgotten that a forwarding ad¬ Moody!


child--she didn't know what if was." .\nd a hig arp*'nl to lovers of the poetry of motion.

dress had been left with your offlee, but any¬

way your oltii'e forwarded it to Itik W. Wth

street, a former address, ht!t that house la

vacant and is undergoing a remodeling; In

fact, it has been vaeant since last Xovemher.

Erom that address It was forwarded to -O'.'

W 10"d street, my suhsenuent address, and

from there to my present one.

1 consider it remarkable that it got to

The Billboard without a city Identilication,

and the forwarding from your offlee so quickly

so that an imiiniixrly nthiressed letter was

just five days reaching New York City from

Clarks. La.

1 am framing the enveloi>e as a memento

and 1 just thought yon would like to know

about ft.

(Signed) A. J. BATH.

Children--the Other Side
Dallas, rei.. June 13. 19.'4. Editor The Billboard;
Sir--I have fust finished Miss rrent's letter concerning children on a show. I quite agree with her in every partii'uliir and have repeatedl.v seen instances sinh as she names. .She is right when slie says that it is not the fault of ehlldren but of the parents. It is a wellknown fact that few .tineriean parents attempt to control their children or teach them consider¬ ation for others. On the contrary, children are allowed to do exactly as they please and if their elders are annoyed to the verge of exasiH-ration and speak sbanily they are B'-oused of not liking the little things or making allowance for childhood.

later a performance was held for fifteen minutes while a couple of angry m'dhers decided whether one cliild had any right to hit another on the head with w pop liottle.

Oh, assuredly managers may like children --

particularly if they have nono of their own

or if they liappeii, a- is usually llie case, to

be up In their lulls, hut how alsuit the harassed,

nervous |M'ople who must study and are ex¬

pected to reme to rehearsals with their thoughts

on said parts--people who are uiiii«ed to young¬

sters and who might love children in their proper

place--a home. As Miss Trent observes, no

other business firm will allow its employees to

fetch along their offspring when they report for

work. Why sliuuld a show be turned into a

kindergarten or a nursery?



Bailey and Cowan. .American jazz comedian.', returned here from South Africa la»t week and will leave on their return for the Htatr.s In a fortnight.
Seymour Hicks opens at the Grand Opera House, Sydney, next Saturday in "The Man in Dress Clothes". On arrival here yesterday the famous English actor was given a civic re··eptlon.
Ro'ie Rifle and Company and the Philmert, who came from Amerl'-a a few weeka ago, are now playing the Tivoli Time.
·Alan Wilkie, English actor, is presenting bis Shake(M>arcan com|>any fpr a brief season in Newcastle.
Some very amusing evidence eame out in cross-examination at the recent claims befon* Melbourne .Arbitration Court, In which tl»'

Extending Their Activities

Actors' Federation was directly concerned.

Brewster, N. Y., June II, 1J);:4.

Editor TTie Billboard:

Kir--Next season those assoi'iated with me in

managing the rrovineetown I'layhoiise--RolX'rt

Edmond Jones, Eugene O'.Neill, James Light.

Stark Yming and WIeon Throckmorton--are to

add the Greenwich Village Theater to our

activities. The lease already been signed

thru the co-operation of the builder of the

theater, Mrs. Marguerite Barker. These two

bouses will be operated together with a single

and permanent company of actors appearing at


The program of plays is now definitely

selected. It includes Rostand's final pla.v,

"The Last Night of lion Juan"; two new plays

by Eugene O'Neill, ·Thsire I'nder the Elmg"

and "The Great God Brown"; two plays by

Stark Voting, "The Saint" and "The Colon¬

nade''; "The Murder in the Whistler llisini",

by Edmund Wilson; "Beyond", by AValtcr

Hasenelever; "Much .\do .\fHnit Nothing", n

Gilbert and Sullivan revival in the spirit of the 7<is; "Love for laive", by Congn've, and "The

Brothers Karamazoff'. by Jaciines Copeau.

The hasis of the permanent company will be

a dozen players who have api»'ared in our

production this season, but in addition to these

we shall need a certain niimher of actors and

actresses to whom the quality of the above

pla;.s and the idea of repertory make a genuine

apiieal--players of intelligence and distinction.

I am hoping that this letter may catch the

eye and arouse the interest of some such men

and womea.


"We Like 'Em!"
San Diego, Calif., June 14, 19:!4. Editor The Itillboard;
Sir--In a recent numts-r of one of the world's greatest I'Uhlieations -- rhe BilDioard--tls-re ap¬ pear'd a modest little advertiwment that sl.o'ild liave licen printed in letters of shining gold! 1? Was from a repertoire company in Nft'ni'ka wanting ai tors and if coinlndcd with `If vou liav chiMron bring tlicm on--we lik' 'em."
M.inv eont'iriis ago thire lived a man--the Is-t man fh" world has ever known--who gave out a -iniilar expression (see St. Matttv-w IP: 111.



114 Castlereagh Street, Sydney,

SYDNEY. May 21.--Ada Reeve, whoge retire¬ has celebrities in Nonl and Horace, Florence

ment from tl¥' stage was announeed in Smithson. Jay Laurier. Will Hay, Tom

several jiapers here lii't week, now gives Finglass and others, all from England and

the rumor an emphatic denial. She says a America.

tour of New Zealand is already arranged for

Vaudeville conditions around the suburbs are

her company, after which she hopes to prewnt very quiet just now, as the cooler weather is

revues at the Palace Theater if present negotia¬ almost upon us. In'the city, however, business

tions with J. C. Williamson, Ltd., can be is lieing well maintained.

brought to a succp'sf'jl Issue.

Irene Franklin is said to be coming oat

Eve Lynn, new English musical comedy star, here this month as headliner for the new J. C,

to replace Gladys .Moncrieff, arrived here from Williamson Vaudeville t'ompan.v. Bransby

London a few days ago. She will be featured Williams and -Mice Lloyd are also mentioned

in "I.ilac Time", to he produc'd here by Dion iis being booked for -Viistral'a.


Harry W» Idon, English comedian. )»as ip'en

The Meltia Grand Op<'ra season is still con- ..k'-d for the Tivoli Circulf. He is one of

spieuou'ly successful in MellKuirtie and this laitidon's topliners.

despite the very high jiriees prevailing. The t'hiirles Ilackeft, American tenor, has created

Sydney visit of this mammoth aggregation is a tsix-offlce rci'ord for a singlc-lianded enter¬

eagerly antii-ipat'-d, in view of the already big tainer. His extended season at the Town Hull

advance bookings.

saw capacity at every is-rformance. E. J.

W. J. Douglas, g'neral manager for Hugh Graveslis'k. former manager for E. J. Talt, is

J. Ward, was in Melbourne last week, thence han'Iling the American.


to Adi'Iaide, wlii'rc Iw is arranging for tin? Master Ixiuis Ratncr, Juvenile violinist, re¬

presentation of "The O'Brien Girl'' and ceived generous praise from those who wero

"Little Nellie Kelly".

privileged to attend his recital last week.

Alien D'sine, lr;sh-.\meriean actor, terminates Tlie ('leTtilavskys are meeting with all-r>iund

bis Newtown season at llic end of the week. success aince their recent opening hcri'. They

He has lieen playing under the Fuller manage¬ will play thriiont .\ustralia and New Zealand.

ment for some considerable time now.

Carter the Great apisars to lie more than

The current bill at the Tivoli Theater, Mcl- hotding his end up in New Zealiinil, where he

iHuime, contain'* such well-known overseas commenced his tour under direction of Victor

gets as Arthur .Prince, Bert <'<sile, Ruth Beck last month.

-tspar, 4'ran Klint, Bert Weston, Rosie Rifle Charles Simpson, well-known carnival man,

and thf' Philmers. Thg .'Sydney Tivoli also is presenting his illusions over the Olay Oir-


Nonl and Hora<'e, Continental musical clowns,

finish their Syilney season this week and g'» to the T'Voll Theater, Jlelhourne.

Wal Rockley, veteran bl.n-kface entertainer,

will probably leave for .America next week, when he will be accompanied by bis wife.

They are to visit their daughter, Lilian, who

lias l>ecn in vaudeville for some years in tho

I'nltcd States.

Charles O'Mara, Irish entertainer, who came here with the defunct Irish Village last year,

is now playing in vaudeville.

Lumas I.aurl and Vere Rayne, dancers, leave for .Am.'riea this week. has been very successful liere. The act

Gils T. Raglus, English liall bouncer, who

has played America recently, is making his third visit to .Australia, opening In Perth this


Bertram amt Ra'm'Uul, .Aii-tralian sketch

team, li ft la-t vvi-i k for .Americ.i, where fla'y

hope to find an outlet for their versatility.

Fred AA'Ilt, .Anil r can musical coiii'-Jian. re,

turned here from the .`'fates a fortnight ago,

afl'T s|s'ndiiig some time with his folks. H" may go tuuk lo vaudeville. He first came

lieri' with the team of Cennors and AA'itt.

Barluiru Hoffi', who came lnTi- wuiie months

ngo as leading lady for Seymour Hicks and was

stricken with typhoid fever, will lo' starred in 'Bain", to lie pnipn-cj in .M"llsi-.rnc next
month by Hugh J. Ward.

Bi.licrt Seoit, er.uiilry rcpri'scii'.iiive for

I'liited .Arlt-ls in Vi. lorla. Is now a ting in a

s.Millar cap.ielty for .s.-l/nick

The uiiniial IihIiiiicc sheet of one of the more

priuillll' III pl. t lire sy tl'Ilcllles lu t 'li . ell show*

an iiiiprovi ini-nt over Inst year's pioflls of



Ni'w-paper advertising for ' I'hiiiilng Yoiilli"

caiiic near the olisi enc la-re rec-ntlv and th-i iilteiiMoii of parliamentarians w,is drawn to this display of bud laste. with I he result Hist Ih'*

OMT /eiiloil' pulili' ily lllell luivc licell B'lviscd lo

go cnri'flil In I lie future.

Frank AA'isid, who came lii-re from .America

a fi'w montlis ago and took over the puhliiNty

scat for Hoyts' theaters, Mcllsiurne, has resigned

and Is now on the road In Victoria for Famous-


In a reoent article of mine printed in that

Art« Interested caenmunlcata

H. B. MARINELLI, 245 West 47th Street. New Verh.

Queensland in thinking seriously of COD-

same gri-al paper--The BilltKiarJ--I -laled:

(Continued on pige 4o)

fKKi; W. J. Peterson, John J. Cook and John R. Heboid.


Columhas, ·*., .lime I'S.--.\ low probibitins


Juterntate shipment <>f infloinniohle ftlm', oyentiially abolishinj their iimnufaetiire and di'lribu-

tmn. was recently :t(lvo<alei! by the Kiro

Gus Fowler Sails
Ko»br, "Watch King", wound up bis uiiVicaii time last week and sadcu for 'll M ind Simdav to open at the Victoria Palace,
.'ion July 7. J"-' Isf'Tc sailing the Joint'inl Committee of the Vaudeville MaiiagI'rcb-etlve Asso.l:i11on and the
iii.lcville Arll'-tes decided that towler bad l,,. exclusive right to perform an net In this ,,,Tifry employing watches and elrnks. and hat .tolin and Nellie Olms could not continue
].re-.'nt an net consisting entirely of wati-h nd clock tricks. Also two Hems of Fowler's ict are to be rllmlnated from the Olms' turn.

doings of magi In the iip-lsfate cllstrlet of New York for this department, writes:
"Eceles, Albany magician, has been busy with mneh club and church work recently. Ris act Is very effective, consisting of silks, balls, thimbles, etc , which In bis bands arc beautiful as well as baffling.
"Otto I-Yaser, also of Albany, finds enough time away from his every-day basinesa to play odd dates
"Aa for myself. I have been busy since last November; first with social and holiday func* tions and then with the Cracker-Jack Minstrels, which kept me on the go with few interruptions from the first of January until the twelfth of

t'lilefs' Club of Ohio in eonventiim here.

His Motor Stolen «
Tl.inrl-on, man.vger for Alla Rugeh. "Tlio Man Vlio Sees Tomorrow' writes that R. .\. c,» per. alias Ellsworth, former a--isfant to .* ;ia Kageh. was arrested In Pittsburg la-t vec'k, charged with the theft of a sedan belonging to the mentallst, Cooper, according

this month, when we closed. I shall again |ilay with this show neit season with an entirely new act, on which I am working .at the present time.
"Two other magicians who are kept busy these days in the capital district are James Wilcox, of Cohoes, and Bill Marr. of Troy.*'

Philadelphia, Pa., June 28.--It was announced here this week that Craig Biddle. Jr., son of lifr. and Mrs. Craig Biddle, of this city, and heir to millions, was about to launch on a career as theatrical prudueer. His first pro¬ duction, it is said, wilt be a musical comedy named "Pansy".

t.i Ham I-on. took the car and other equipment to the Alla Ragch show, bringing to an alTupt close an eight weeks* engagement In Cincinnati. O.
"Prartlcally all equipment was re-covered." continues Ranelson. "and now Cooper faces s.veral charges and will be bound over to the IVderal Grand Jnry thla fall for violation of the I>yer .\ct--interstate transportation of a
stolen automobile. "Alla Ragoh Just left for West A'lrginit
to fill engagements there and Is contemplating the addition of a touring ear and a trnek, al andonlng the sedan for the present. Business
has been excellent."

Herrmana the Great and Xmo. Herrmann. Thla rare photoerraph from the Houdinl oollectien ahowt the Great Herrmann, now deceased, and hit wife, who it still performiBf ia public, on their honeymoon in 1874.

Other Correspondence
Ray J. Fink, of Philadelphia, editor of The Magic World, writes the editor of this departm^nt that he has taken over The Felsman Magical Review which he has consolidated with his publication. Philadelphia magicians, Mr. F'lnk adds, recently motored to Norristown and spent a very pleasant evening with Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Henry, who opened there on the Swartbmore Chautauqua Circuit.
Charles R. Bru<b, "Baffles, the Magician",

Chicago, June 2-1.--Bob Jones has Joined tin cast of "Easy Street" at the Woods, replacini William Powell,
Master Magicians

Psrnaasnt iddrsts cards of sirs lUted bclew Mill be printed st the rats of $1 sack InMrtieci.
Aereated for 26 or 52 wseka only.

Rouclere Entertains Magi

Harry Bonelere entertained the following vvc-ll-known artistes at the Hotel Ronrlere,

Ridgewood, N. J., over the week end recently: Mr. and Mrs. Howard Thurston and daughter Jane, Madame Herrmann. Mr. and Mrs. Walter

Fllo.vd. Horace Goldin, A. B. Harrington, Vic Miller, Billy Marr and Dr. A. M. Wilson. The entire party visited Coney Island as the guests of Mr. Rouclere, who write-: "I wish the 8. A. M. would hold a banquet every week. . . . It certainly was wonderful to renew old acquaintances."
Jones in Florida

With Ellman Carnival
Lockman of Milwaukee has an illusion show with the Eliman Carnival which is fdaying thru the Middle West. Miller, the magician. It alto with tbit company, appeamg In Gregory's 81de-Sbow.

Clifford Jones is in Pensacola, Fla., getting things in shape for a new magic show which

he intends opening In the early fall. Incident¬ ally be la playing some one-night stands In that Ticlnlty.

Hari Under Canvas

Harl, "The Wiaard", Is with a week-stand

show playing thru WIscemtin and reports that bnslness It good In that territory. There are eight people on the show and the program inrlndes magic, illusions, escapes, music and I'ictures. The outfit travels by motor and has a sixty by ninety-foot tent.

Beyond AH Question AMERICA'S MASTER MENTALIST. Care The Slllboard, 209 Putnam aidg.. New Yark.
Feature Attraction Wembley Empire Eiblbitien, England. Permanent Addretl, Atbury Park, N. J.
In "SPIRIT FLOWERS" 1090 Halsey Street. Bieeklyn. New Vsrk.
·DEAN OF AMERICAN MAGICIANS" Cere Swarthmom cbnu. Attn.. Swnrthmers, px.


Bihipath Mariagemct' I'l-tmAuent a.ljrctl,'

10322 South Wood Street,


Cbicafe, I


TRICKS. BOOKS AND SUPPLIES I'r .ture Acu in Mb d Rondlne end Splntualltm. Larie etock. Beet qnAlIty Pr- mpt ehIpmerU. lArgs llluec.-a'.ed Pn;fee»lonal CatAlog, 20e.

I'-rajco Company of liliuoia. M E. Jackson i:<iulevard, Chicago. Capital, FJOO.OOU; deal in Crayco films. Bra.vco projectors and other pro-iiicts similar. Incorporators. Jerome J. Sladkey, K. GilllaDder, Francis L. Boutell.
Wabash Theaters Corporation, Terre Haute. Capital, $50,000; to own and operate theaters. Directors, John McFall, Paul Kahn, J. P. McKlbben, H. E. Anderson, 8. C. McKeen, Ross Garver, U. A. SebaaL
New York

Hlmrea preferred stock. $100 each; 1,000 cummun, no par value; A. Scbimel, M. Brady, B. Lipnick.
,^vjpectal Finance Corp., Buffalo, realty,
««oo; E~. ~Hagmoir, U A. F"indlay, J", B. Durkin,
ijueenn County Agency, Qiit-en.-. inaurance. 10 thareg common stock, no par value; E. B. Toole, E. Davit.
Kleenart Corp., Manhattan, theaters, 1,000 shares preferred stock. $100 etch; 500 Class A ermimon and ^<10 Class B common, no par value; E. K. Murdock, H. D. Newman.
Constance Films. Manhattan. 200 shares comnion stock, no par value; N. Handel, M. Kreegcr, E. J. Sichel.

DegL D. 140 S. Dearbera SL. CHICAGO. ILL.
957-959 S xtt%venu'e! A ww-

McDonald Studios. Manhattan, moving pic¬ tures, |2O.i'o0; J A. McDonald. A. L. Gt-orgr.
Great Neck riayhou-e. Great Neck. 100 shares rommon atoik. no par value; B. & D. Ro-nhaiini, 1.. Stone.
Ciiirtiia Arts rrodnetions. Manhattan, motion lilcturcs, $ 1 '.<klO; O. Dangerfleld, T. Dunnberg, J. F. Morgan,
Simmonds-Kann Enterprises, Manhattan. $1<>.000; J. and R Simmonds, (;. E. Kann.
C. T. M. Co.. Manhattan, amusements, $;«.Otsl; .M. M. Gold-li'In. J. Kendler, A. Gam.
Cbipnisn Pictures Corp., .Manhattan. oiVO

The Holl.vwuod Theater Company, Cincinnati. $00.(SHI; Charles Kisen, J. W. Mattbewa. Urban J. , Bruns, Morris Sfran-s and K. C. Bu-liing.
The Jolin A. Miller Ro<k-.\-Way ,\mu«ement. Inc., Cleveland; 300 no par shares; Lill'an I.nbisky.
The John .\. Miller Scranton .Xmii-emcnts, Inc.. Cleveland; 300 no par share-; Lillian LubisLy.
Oklahoma Theater Company. Okmulgi

OEPT. 546,

New Cstslogus No. 33 for sump SMI MsstachusetU Avsnus, Cambridgs. "39'

The T-a;r-t st d Best MenUt Art. rv-rai let*. 12.60.


162 E. Ptarssa. Chicao*.

Hindu ODAZ Wonder
\ solid India Clay Uarbis. Examined and placed on the ground f1.«r or table Ordinary htndkerthlef thn.wn over marble, »hb h can I* feit f hreugh fa'rlr up to the ls.<t instant. Handkerchief s'uldenly jerked aaay--nut.-le Is gmie completely. It may bs Immedlate'.y reprodiu-cd as desired. No siel-hl -kill necessary. Ju^t throw handkerchief over marble and taka s-eay--marbla not tbers^
.AN ABSOHTE BAFn.ER Works Inatanll.T yon receive It. Will laat a lifetime. Oreatest pocket trick of a rentury. Prlre. $1.00, with otir new catalog, Magtral Bulletin. Hats of new effrets. etc. .All for a dollar Mil.
THAYER MAGICAL MF& C0nlMS.Su P$<rt SL, _ Ut AflttlM. Ctftonih

H.iw to obtain a twtenl and other Taluable Intoimatiou Is supplied in our FREE booklet. Write fur ocpy today: ^MA^FACTURERS patent CO.
70 Wall street. New Yark.
ftll REDT <*<35 South lr«l-« Ave.. . k. UlLDCni Chicaga. III. Phon. Bev. 0522, Magic Bag Pictnrea. Crystals. Ee- apes. tie. An CatalotB and I good Magle ECIfectt. 2Se.



X ti e Billboard

JULY 5, 1924


Commended and Criticized Bt NEL6E

Jefferds After Seaside Hotel
^ Will aui H. JpfTerdr, an old-time showniau mid UKirt- rei-eutly manager of the Hotel Blaek-
I Ktuiie ut Manhattan Beaeb. la negotiating for control of a hotel at Atlantic City.

Low Rates at Hotel Savoy, Cleveland

K. G. Fuller, manager of the Hotel Savoy, Knclid avenue near Ka^t Hlb etreet, fleveland, d., is doing hia share towards making life · Worth living for tlieatrioal professionals playing or laying off at Cleveland by giving them spe¬ cial summer rates for rooms as low as (1.35 single and |3 double.

New Union Square Hotel, New York



When Union Bguare was the theatrical dis¬ trict its most famous landmark was tlie Union Square Hotel, then known as tbe rendezvous of theatrical people and sportsmen. Today this famous hostelry Is the Xew Union Square Ho¬ tel and the prefix to Its name wholly typifies the entire district. Tho the theatrical district has moved up town. Union Square has grown into one of tlie busiest spots in Kew York. The hundreds of business establishments, tbe sub¬ way kiosks, the street car lines and tin' elevated

stations affording every means of transporta¬ tion, togetber with the New Union .siqiiare Ho¬ tel Itself, present a spectacle only seen in the largest city In tbe world.
I)ue to tlie convenience of travel, the New Union Square Hotel is slowly but sifrely regain¬ ing its prestige as a theatrical hostelry. It was recently completely renovated and entirely newly furnished. Jack Goldburst. the manager, has adopted tbe highest standards of hotel management in operating this famous landmark. His long hotel experience up town puts him in an ideal position to carry out his plan of establishing a comfortable, reasonable and lionie-Iike liolel, wliere K|>ortinp and theatrical history was made some years ago.

Rothmen's Hotel Service Not Like Ye Olden Times

In days of old it was managers bold who |l put their tlwatrical companies up at hotels
and depended on the receipts of local theaters to pay their bills, yybich, not being paid, ofttimes resulted in tbe accompaniment of hotel manager, their clerks, or deputy sheriffs, to the
I next stand to either collect the hotel hill or
attach the shows. Times have clianged since then, likewise the
methods of theatrical and hotel managers, but theatrical managers have introduced nothing to compare with Mine Ho«t Rotbraen, who oiterates the Blngham-Daveniiort Hotels at Atlantic City, for whereas in tlie olden days theatrical man¬ agers advanced money to actors when they bad it. today Mine Host Rotbmen Is advancing

20e Smith 8th Street. PHILADELPHIA. PA. Phsss. Walnut 8783.
New. Modem. Hot. Cold Running Water. , Baths. Night errvice. Speclil Summer Kates to the Protesalon. (ilve uj a trial.
208 West 43rd Street,
Phene, Chickerini 1700.
The High-Cltss General Agents' and Managers' Headqutrter-i.

Hotel America

47th Street Just Eist of Broidwey
The only exclusive Theatrical Hotel at moderate girlces In Xew York City. Our rates sre ressonible to tho rrofession. Large room with private bath, (17.50 per week. Single Room, without bstb, $11.00 per week.
New Union Square Hotel
Xewlv dc'oiated, fumljhed new; overlonklng Union S'li'aie Park and Broailway. Trolley aid subway slatiuiis at door. -Ill rooms running water and phones.
It"' tut witli u»e of tub or shower, (tt weekly and up; with lath. $15 up; dally, $1.50 up.


30fi W. 5ltt Street

778-80 Eilhth Ave.,

m .ClrcleOOlO. NEW YORK CITY. Tel.,Bryant0554.

High-e 1 a s a elevator  Furnished apartments,
apartments. Beautifully I All impiovcmeots. Strict-


I ly theatrlcaL

_MRS. CEO. W. DANIEL. Preprieter._



It no larger expense than in your own city I»wcet

feasor, rates. Lutopean. Central. Mwlern and Ilmne-


M. ROTH MEN, Pro*.

_W - - - -




Conducted by ALFRED NELSON

(Communications to our New York Offices, Putnam Bldg., 1493 Broadway)

ADVERTISING RATE--One line, two columns wide. Hotel name, address and phone number. SOc for each Issue. No ad accepted for less than live issues. Payable in advance.


52 Consecutive times, one line across two columns....$35.00




" "

" «

*· ...18.50




*· G

·· *'

·< .. 9.50

AMERICA HOTEL.155 West 47th St.Bryant 0094 ARISTO HOTEL .101 West 44lh St .Bryant 1197-8
BELMORE HOTEL. ...61 Ltxingtwi Ave. (Cor. 25th St.).... Moderate Prices. ..Madison Square 0501 DE FRANCE HOTEL .142-146 Welt 4!):h St.Bryant 8710 FULTON HOTEL .264-268 W. 4Sth St. (opp. N. V. A ).Uckawanna 6090-6091 GRAND HOTEL.From $2 up.Broadway and 31st St.Lenqicro 4100 HOTEL HERMITAGE..From $2 up. Times Square, 42d St. and 7th Ave...Phone. Chkkerinq 2700 HUDSON HOTEL .102 W. 44th St.Bryant 7228-9 KERMAC HOTEL .208 West 43d St. (Just Weet el Broadway).Chltkerlnq 1700 LANGWELL HOTEL.123-129 West 44th St.Phone. Bryant 1847 NAVARRE HOTEL.From $2 up.7lh Ave. and 38th St.FltiRpy 6463 REMINGTON HOTEL .(29 W. 46!h St. .Bryant 3383 TIMES SQ. HOTEL .1.000 Rooms...Dally.. $2 up; Weekly. $12 up...255 W. 43d St....Uck. 6900

FURNISHED APARTMENTS ALPINE HOTEL (Formerly Reitenweber's).58th St. and Eiqhth Avp.Columbut 1000-01-02
EDMONDS APARTMENTS .776-80 Elphth Ave.Bryant 0554
LINCOLN APARTMENTS .308-10 West 5lit SI.CIrelo 6040 RUANA APARTMENTS. .200 W. 30th St.-800 Eiqhth Ave.. Hotel Service..$20a Week up..Circle 7059
THE ADELAIDE .754.756 Eiqhth Ave.Bryant 8950-1951
THE CREIGHTON . 128-130 West 47th St.Bryant 5771

FURNISHED ROOMS MANSFIELD HALL .226 W. 501h St.......Circle 8170 243 W. 34TH STREET Roems with Kitchenettes. Sinqte and Double. $6 tt $18 Oames). .Circle 4845 341 WEST SIST STREET Housekeepinq Apts.. Sinqle and Deuble Roams. $7 to $18 .Circle 3376 306 WEST 22D STREET.Two-Room Apt. and Bath, Sinqle ROMIS.Watkins 6738

HOTEL FREDONIA .Just Off Boardwalk.Near all Theatres.Prefessitnal Rates

academy hotel

Howard and Franklin Sts.... Rates: $7 per Week. Sinqle; $10 ind $14 Double

HOTEL ALPHIN Heart of Theater District Spec. Theat. Rates 331 Tremont St... Beach 5850
HOTEL COMMODORE (New) One te Five Minutes to All Theaters 315 Tremont St Beach 8720 HOTEL EDWARDS .PrefessionnI Rales .Haymarket 4956 QUINCY HOUSE Brattle Street. Heart ef Theatrical District. Spevlal Rates.. Haymarket 3880

CORONA HOTEL . 570 Main Street. Center Theatre District.Seneca 3333 HOTEL RALEIGH.354 Franklin St.Sinqle Roems, Three-Room Apartments.Restaurant

HOTEL PASADENA 600 North Dearborn St. . .Phone. Dearborn 1439. .Special Rotes It Perfermers RALEIGH HOTEL .648 N. Dearborn St.Phene. Oearbem 2438 WESTMINSTER HOTEI_1219 N. Clark St.Large Gym for Performtri....Phone. Sup, 2190

NEW RAND HOTEL .25 W. 5th Street .Main 2340

CLARK HOTEL 406-408 Clark St. One Black (rem Depot..Special Theatrical Rates. $1.00 and up

HOTEL SAVOY .Euclid Ave., near E. 14th St.Heart of Pltyhtuse Square

BURNS HOTEL.(Under new management.).Theatrleal Rales.Cadlllas 6510 FRONTENAC HOTEL (Modern). .Opposite ··Temple Theatre". .Special Theatrical Rates.-Cherry 1066 HOTEL MORRIS 120 Mantcalm, W....Single. $8. $1(1 $12; Double. $10, $12. $14...Cherry 0922 ST. DENNIS HOTEL.Car. Clifferd and Bagley.Theatrical Ratal.Cherry 3610

NEW SKINNER'S TAVERN HOTEL..Opp. B. «. 0. Depot. .Spec. Then. Rates. Bath. Deuble. $2 up

PANTLIND HOTEL .Beat la Michigan

WILSON HOTEL...143 8. 3d St..."Henry Prices"...$1.00 up. Special by week...Bell Phene 6574

NEW DOM HOTEL, INC.Church and Trumbull Sts..Sptcial Ratos ta Ptrfsrmers

GEM HOTEL.31-35 West Ohio St.$1.00 ut......Cl. 4231

THE ANNEX.304 W. Bay St, Opposite Mason Hotel.Phene 6103.Rates. $1.00 aad up

COATES HOUSE .Street Cart from Union Station .Rates: $1.00 up MECCA HOTEL .Half BItok from Orpheum and Gayety Theatres.Prsf. Rates

HOTEL STOWELL.416 South Spring Street.All Reams with Bath.$2.00 and up

CONGRESS HOTEL (Formerly Leslie)_6th and Court PI.Some Management... Pref. Rates

PIEDMONT HOTEL.R. B. Roberts, Prep.Wants the Show People.Ptpular Prices

MILLARD HOTEL .13th and Deuqias Sts.Theatrical Headquarters


HIRSH HOTEL.816 Walnut St.. Opposite Casino Theatre.

Special Ratrs .Walnut 8025

HOTEL MARLBOROUGH (Under New Management)_1108 Walnut St. . Phene. Walnut 6458

ZEISSE'S HOTEL..Spec. Prof. Rates during July and August. .828-822 Walnut St...Walnut 1635

HOTEL CARR.Special Rates.326.28 Penn Ave.Bell. Court 9096 LINCOLN HOTEL AND RESTAURANT_417 Penn Ave-Special Rates... Rooms by Day pr Week

AMERICAN ANNEX ..6th and Market Sts.Olive 5300 BON-TON CAFETERIA AND RESTAURANT .512-514 Chestnut St. Good Food at Hanest Pricit EMPRESS-RIALTO HOTEL.Grand and Olive. Speeial Theatrical Rates.Lindell 4643 HOTEL McKinley_Twelfth Blvd. at Morgan_Cent. 7135, Oliva 4406 .$7.00 per Week and up

ARLINGTON King and John Street. .Leading Theatrical Hotel. .Special Ratct ta the Prpfessien'


HOTEL MT. VERNON....For Show Folks. ..U'/j East 2d Street $6 to $8 per Week 0 5814


CADILLAC HOTEL.109 S. Emporia Ave.Modern Convenience-Prefessienal


THE NEW HOTEL HART.T. E. Lewis. Prop.Professional Rates.Phene. Ns. 9015

money to bin actor-guentn at the BingliamDavenjiort hotel*, taking their I. O. U'n and Waiting for them to settle in full when they check out.
Verily there have been many changes in the attitude of hotel managers to tlieatrieal guevts In recent years, hut Mine Ilo^t Ilothmen stands in a cla-^s l>y himself.
The Kingham and the Xew Davenport hotels are situated near depots and beaches, and both hotels are modern in every respect, with all the I'nnvcnlences and comforts to he found in tlie lii-tter eouilllltell liOst.-lrles wltll spei-lal theatrieal rates that will apiieul to one and all aliku, playing, or laying off, at Atlantic City for tbe uummer.

Berlin News Letter
By 0. M. SEIBT
lillLIX, .June 3.--Discussions between tbe I. A. L. and the Managers' .VsHiH'iation for putting up a new tariff contract are
set for June 17. Indications are that the present deadifs-k will contlnne. Theatrical Imsliiess in terrible all over the *-ounfry, with tl»e summer hardly begun, and had news as to In¬ ability of paying salaries and closings of theaters, mnsic balls and cabarets, so It is

rather evident that tbe present period la hardly suitable for new tariff discussions, in fact gome managers declare they don't care what happens so long as they are able to keep things going without being obliged to ask for a receiver and no threat of a strike will move them. Conditions are lomewbat different from those of five years ago, when tbe present tariff rontract came into being; then the countr.T wn* in a hysterical mood for amusement* of any sort and. In spite of a very profound shortnes. of food and other nocesnltleg of life, money wa* forllieoming en*IIy (paper money at that) and it way then when cabarets and dame fl,wirs sprung up like mushroom*. Many a s|s>i nlator, war profitt'er or rug and bone merclmut Ih-. came a herr director over night by renting a phop or empty cellar and putting np n beauty ballet show, with wine compulsory. In tbe occnpled territory, especially at Cologne and Coblenz, nothing but ebampagnwould be aikcd for by the TommlM and Sammlef, since tbeir pay in sterlings and dol¬ lars was of enormous vslus la paper marks. Today Cologne Is even worse In regard to show business thiAi Berlin and Cologne cabaret* and music balls are mighty glad to sell a glass of beer to their customers. If any. Tbe mnre 1* stabilized and money extremely tight, with b.inks charging enormous Interest if willing to borrow and with liring condition* having gono up considerably, de*plte the fart that most people earn les* than In pre-war da.vs, there 1* a hard struggle In front of the I. A. I.. fight'ng for at least an equal tariff contract With additional payment for traveling and matinee*.
Manager Welse-itacbse 1* wanted by the police. Not *0 long ago he glaringly adver¬ tised In the trade papers the enormous bills of his local cabaret* and music ballf. When tbe Inflation came to an end Welse-Rachse added iiiiotber hou-e, the Walhalla, playing big-time vaudeville and booking foreign turn* that would litre secured a date with the Wiutergarten or ··^'ala. One of tbe foreign turns booked was the late CYirl Hertt. Tbe Walhalla, as reported. Went broke Ju«t before Easter and one by one hi* other hoiiaea did likewise. Weise Saebte, who la not identical with Manager Richard Welse, of Zelt I, was the type of nnscrupulous iiiansger who put all their Confidence In un¬ dressed girl shows.
The Orn**e Volk* Oper, one of the four Berlin grand opera bouses, has Just averted a crl-l* hy cutting Its montblr salary list of ."·O.fKlO mark* ((IZ.-'iDO), sharply redneing ail salaries above 150 marks monthly. .\t first it looked as if no salaries at all were to b« (·aid May 31 and the actors, aware of tbe financial situation, in a mass me*-ting unani¬ mously demanded the resignation of Director I.ange, whom they blamed for all tbe trouble. Yesterday a settlement wan effected when It became known that a well-known Berlin financier, whose name Is mentioned in connertlon with a famoua opera singer, put down sufficient cash to meet enrrent obligations, (·onditional of ibove salary cutting!.
Tbe local amusement tax bas been reduced from 13 to 3 per cent In legitimate theatera, following a sharp protest with tbe municipal authnritins, masuigers pointing to the di-astrou* theatrical conditions. It became known that the Comoedia Valettl, Wallner. T.ustspielbaus, .tpollo and Prledrlehwllhelmslaedtliiche all went smaslt after Io«lng money heavily, while at some of those theatera still playing actors arn on a commonwealth basis and hardly make sufficient to live. Movies also bad the tax reduced from 23 to 15 per cent. The Wallner. with Icbar's "Praaqulta**, is nam-d aa tbe worst loser of the lot. Its niaiiagir paying Hermann .ladlowker 2,000 mark* ($.'»<0) per day for more than six weeks consecutively.
The German film Industry, with few exceptionii. I* in troubled waters and club chairs and other swell office paraphernalia sell cheap these da.Ta on account of so many film concerns having to clear out. -ks already rejMirted, this country is swamped with .\inerlcan films, wl>lch seem to be In public demand, and in consequence those dear native film star*, who still have the grace of asking $l2.00*t fur each |irodiictlon. are now glad if offered a caluiret engagement at .V* marks per day. Some -mart film prmlucera have found nut that tliey can priMure .kmerican atara at a lower figure and In addition to Mae Marsh, who is sereeniiig here, other "names'' from Hollywood will arrive shortly. The Randolph Klim t>>mpany, altho only recently starting a new pro¬ duction, "Tristan'', ia out of th<> field after declaring its inability to meet obligations.
Tamara Karsavina. well-known Ruaeian dancer, was a treiuendoua diaaimintinent a* a drawing card ut the Wlntergarten last month. Her figure was (l.T.'iO per week. Not for many years has hu-lne>.s been ho IHror at tbe Winlergarfen aa during her engugi'meiit, in spite of a big additional bill and heavy ad¬ vertising.
Alice Hechy, German miiaical romedy star, has ... ordered to pay 1.3,ODO marks ($3,730) damagea to Manager Haller, Of tbe Admirals, for breaking her eoniract. .kitho signing an
(rontinui'd on page 4.3)


JULY 5, 1924

Tile Billboard

WATEimONT LOTS "at fwr Own Price"!

appearing at hla theater oatll recently. Two renowned Italian tboatrical companies
intend risltlns BerUa next aeaaon, the Seals, of Milano, at KroU'a Opera House and the Teatro Oonitanxl. of Borne, at one of tbo Hotter staffea.


Home Productions

Mc^-Presldent William C. Elliott b«i been

On Randall Bay and Freeport Harbor

a>-l|;n>'<l to make a sureer of the situations i.ri'Tall oe at Limn, O., and at Dayton and iiiakp n report to the general office. The dta|.ut» over iraa*'S affertiug seTeral bouse-< In lotb <'ommunltles glTes promlae of adjostment ^oon.
As his first assignment slDce election Vicerresident George £. Browae. of Chicago, has leen commissioned to rlslt Wausan, Wis., for the purpose of straightening out some Internal affair affecting the local branch of the I. A.

Randall Bay CDITCDnDT I I Immediaie Estates rlvLLrUIvl, L.l. Vicinity of
Lights Club and Casino
and the South Shore Yacht Club

The romantic musical comedy. "Kathleen'' waa presented by the Braxton County I'o-t American Legion, June 19-20 at Sutton, W Va The production waa rehearsed and staged b.i Sid T. Kelley, of the John Rogers Prodnein? Company. Capacity faouaea greeted the presentatioD, one of the best home-talent plays evei presented In Button.
The St. Catherine's Dramatic CInh, andc^ anaplcea of tho St. Joseph's Men's Club, pre¬ sented Its "Fun Revue" June 22 at St. Joseph's Hail. Indianapolla. A matinee was given. In addition to tbe regular fterforaance, and tbe offering was well received.

tlepresentatlTe Krause h^ Journeyed to \Va^bington, D. C., to aee what can be done about establishing the exact clasaificiatlon of ibe I>e Wolf Hopper Opera Company bolding ilown a theater in that town for a ten-weeh I ngageinent. The theater management con¬ tends that the company comes within the stock ilassification. while the lo<'al union holds that

Absolute Auction--Sat., July 12th

On Premises, 2 P. M., Rain or Shine



"Midsommer Follies'*, a poplar program in three jiarts. was presented June 27 at Howard College Auditorium, Birmingham, Ala., nnder the direction of Mrs. Jerome Vandiver, head of the department of dramatic arte. The program was given In a>'curdance with the annual custom of presenting a midsummer entertain¬ ment by tbe students enrolled in the claaaes in mnsic, expres>inn and public speaking.

Hopper's aggregation should be classified as a traveling repertoire company aud sbonld be goremed by the nnlon rules coyering such class of theatricals.
Bill Dillon, secretary of the New England district, paid a visit to the general office while in New York last week.
Kepresentative Harry Sherman, of New York, is quartering in Syracuse, assisting the local organi.'ation in its efforts to bring several

West Side, St. Marks, Casino and adjacent Avenues.

Location has concrete sidewalks, macadam roads, water, gas and elec¬ tricity. This waterfront section of Freeport is also convenient to Free¬ port station on the Montauk Div. of L. I. R. K., wliich now is in course of being electrified from Jamaica to Babylon. This worti. according to the L. L R. K. Co., is to be completed in May, 1935, after which date the running time of trains on the Montauk Div. will be reduced materially.

T" O^%


title guarantee A. trust co.
Policies Free

GEORGE MORTON LEVY, Atty., Freeport, L. I.




Tbe one hundred and seventh gradnatlng class of Central lligli S- hooL Detroit, presented 111 their school auditorium June 21 "Tbe Los* Silk Hat", by Lord Dnn^any; "Suppressed De¬ sires", iiy Susan Giaspel! and tieorge Cram
t'ook, and "The Potlsdiers'', by Alice Gerstenb,rg, tl rt-e short plays. J. L. Roseeranco was in charge of the staging, with Doris James in special charge of tlie production of ` The Lost
Silk II«t". Hyman Nlcbamin was business manager; Nathan Neesley. stage manager, and William Chester, electrician. Helen Miller, of · lie art department, designed the acenic effects.

ii`.n-uoiun bouses in thut sect.on into line.
Harry Spencer. a«>istant to President Bill < anaran, was absent from tbo general office lart weak becau-e of illness. It is hoped that

67 Liberty Street New York CHy

Telephone Cortlandt 0744

"The Golden Whistle", a f.iiry pageant, was presented recently in t-e lireitineyer School. Detroit, by a hundred of its pupils, nnder the combined auspices of the auditorium, music, art and health educ.ition departments.

Harry's indispo'iiion is merely a transient one

asd that he'll be back on the Job as office lawyer and encyclopaedia soon.
Preiy Canaran has been asked to assign somebody in the organization to the Job of

IIIIII K #^111 A I#


Tbe Rotary Club of Watertown, N. Y.. plana to present a comic opera at tiie Olympic Theater, that c ty, the latter part of July
The proceeds to bo for the b,'aefit of crippled children.

assisting the boosters of George L. Berry, president of the Pressmen's fnlon. In their campaign to pt-.t him across as vice-presidential candidate on the Democratic ticket.
While on the subject of the Democratic

MINSTRBL AND AMATEt'B SHOWS Given "Spertei'' AttenUon. A I-o*. B'x of J».'k Webvr'i Femoui "BLACK FACl!'' MAKB-UP leot 0^>''peiJ In I'. S. end CanedA for 25c.
Send for rew Priea LItta.



CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Phene, State I1Z78M0.

Weldon B. Wade, of tUe John B. Rogers Producing Company, is directing rehearsals for a pageant which will be given under auspicea of the American Legion In Washington. la., July 4. It is the largest affair be has ever directed, there being J.tKSi in the cast.

Convent ion it should be of interest to note that a numth'r of the general office men were present at a dinner glveii by New York labor officials at Toney Island to convention dele¬ gates prominent in union circles thruont the country.
Vormer Municipal Oiort Jnstlce Leonard A. Snitkln has been retained by Local No. 300, motion picture macblne operators of Greater New York, to seek a new trial for Harry L. Hoffman, a member, convicted and sentenced to '.D years in Sing Sing for the alleged murder of Mrs. Maude Baner on Staten Iiland last March. Koltowlng his retention Judge Snitkin, who has appeared In many murder cases, paid a visit to Hoffman at Sing Sing. Tje local rifcntly voted $3,000 as a defense fund for Brother Hoffman, with the purpose of carry¬ ing the case to the highest court if necosaary.
Theatrical Notes
.New|H,rt, Wash., la to have a new movie k*H»n.
Ibe Ideal Theater. Pe Bll, Waib., baa enl··r;:l(l iti seating capacity. ,

$75,000. A two-etory office bnilding will re¬ place the historic structure, which was praclioally destroyed by fire several months ago.
The Palace Theater. Stephens, Ark., has been completely overhauled, and the seating ca¬ pacity enlarged.
J. B.- Bowman has purchased the Savoy Theater, New Prague, Minn. It will be tboroly renovated and remodeled, and will reopen un¬ der the management of William R. White.
Remodeling of the lobby of tbe Liberty Theater at Oklahoma City, Ok., has been com¬ pleted at an expense of $19,000, tbe result be¬ ing a de<:lded improvement of the playhouse front and retnnda.
Tbe Century Theater. BalUmore. Md.. probably will be sold or leased soon to one of the largest film producing companies, according to Thomas D. Serlero, general manager of the
Pete tthafer has been retained by the Comerford Amusement Co. as maasger of its Irving Theater, at WHkes-Barre. Pa. He spent last week in New York conferring with booking agents for tbe opening of the bonse early in

brick bnilding at Dallat, Tex., for Mayor Loula Blaylock, to be used for a film exchange. The building will be located on tbe north side of Jackaon street, between Harwood and Pearl, and will cost about $3S,000.
Dallas, Tex., June 28.--Visiting merchants to the Dallas market during tbe fall buying sea¬ son will be furnished with free entertainment at the theaters here. The Dallas Wholesslo Merchants' Asso<'iatlon has completed arrange¬ ments with a number of theaters whereby passes will be Issued to tbe out-of-town merchants.
Francisco, June 28.--Mayor Bolph last broke ground for the new Koxar Memorial **tadium in the Golden Gate V"k. The n^ bewl wlH cost $1M.000 and will seat 20,000. It has been bnllt for city-wide use.
(Continued from page 42)
niencing the production of itidnstrial films and will carry on, providing tbe financial anpport is guaranteed.

The pupils of La Salle Academy recently

gave a minstrel show in St. Mary's Hall.

Troy, N. T., under direction of William J.

Cox, formerly with Robert Mantel), and

Maurice N. Koninsky, well-known Troy mooiciin

and director, who staged many amateur ente?*^

tainmenta in the vicinity of Troy tbo r


The sixth annual Los Gatos (Calif.) pagea;?^ was presented June 19-20 in tbe hoautiful open-air theater. For, the opening performance "The Wild Cat of Wild Cats" was giren, and on the second night "Kl Gato de Los Gatos" was presented. .More than 300 performers took part in the staging of both productions with capacity audiences in attendance. ''The Wild t'at of Wild Cats" was given in a most thrilling manner, and of tbe five previous pageant plays staged in Los Gatos never has one been more purely symbolical of the locale, and of the entire life in Northern California in the days when the Spanish dons held vast land empires and gave great fiestas on their raneberos, assembling the whole popnlatlon for one of these gala and colorful affairs, than was "El Gato de Lo« Gatos". There were all sorts of swbrd duels, fine horsemanship and fiery dancing. Especially was "La Jota", tbe native dance put en by a troupe of real Mexican dancers, one of the most entertaining spots in the entire production. The High ScbMl Or¬ chestra furnished all the soft, bewitching Span¬ ish airs. Wilbnr Hall, who wrote the play, was assisted in Its presentation by Ruth Com¬ fort, Mitchell Young, Ruth Radford Hall, 1. W. Scott and Marie Febero.

w iliam A Harrison has purchased l iineess Theater, Montezuma, la.




"Venus of the 8onth Seas'' will shortly be screened thruont New Zealand. This la the

Deals were consummated recently whereby film that .\nnette Kellerman produced and

the letae and property of the Elite Theater, which co-t shareholders a Ufrge amount of

The Liberty Theater, Fairfield. Id., has Wankegan. 111., passed Into the ownership of money. The picture has slm-e been sold In

· empleted several marked Improvements,

.\ J. Kaufman and Jnllns Goodman, both of America and elsewhere, but nothing mneh has

Chicago. The total consideration Is said to have The Alhambra Theater, 'Tulsa. Ok., ha.* re- been abont $M.000. u|<ened as a atrictly suburban picture boose.

ana shareholders are wond. ring when |,-|ng something bach to the

The remodeling of the Saenger pictnre tbea- excheqwr.

.,,^ . ,, . .

W. H. Carson is n'^r manager of tbe Bagle ter, so as to provide increased and Improved

Woman of Paris is to be taken off the

einemt theater, Herington. Ran.

facilities, and the renovation of the old Grand Crystal Palace bill this week, after fairly

The Fowler Brothers, of Fowler'a Park, plan to install a picture show in tbe pavilion at thfir resort, near Wstseka, DI.
1-. B. Warner re,ently purchased the TrlsDgle Theater. Walnut Ridge, Ark., ' from George W. Lewis and,has assumed control.
V. C. Wisner has sold bis Interests In tbe Lyric picture show, Olay Center, Ark., to J. H Koe-k.

Opera House into a picture hou-e, both of
Texarkana, Ark., waa r»»cently decldiHl upon by officials of the Saenger .\muscment Co , in conference with Art Hardin, local manager.
  The Klnema Theater. Salt Lake City. I'lah,
has adopted a ten and flfteen-cent admission policy. This'e weekly changes in program are made. 'The bouse, tho small, is ideally altiiated In Main street, and the change will prob¬ ably prove profitable, but will take some time
to prove successful.

sistent support for a long-run feature. Rosita

is to follow.

lieorge Brown. Adelaide manager for Fox

F.xchange. .Vdelaide, foes into a Sydney

hospital this week, where he will lie operated


stomach trouble. He is the youngest

ex^iunge manager in this country,

BERLIN NEWS LETTER (Continued from page 4H
agreement with Haller, she failed to put in an apps'arance. claiming illness, and when

Author. Compoasr and Producer of
An Opereua for Amateurs.
Composer of numeroos other musical productlena One tong "hit'' ofltn makee a Mww a financial mo(-rss. You may need that noinber. Ltt me mow what you require. Music set to lyrics, or lyrtei supplied to music. For terms address
BOX 1(1. Alioona, Psonsylvaala.

The 'Temple Tbenter site, Fort Wayne, Did., Plan* bfve been completed for the erection Halier agreed to postponing her contract until w. 8 recently sold for a consldemtlon of abont of a two-story fireproof concrete, tile and her recovery she signed with Manager Nelson,

Ttie Billboard

JULY 5, 1924


Picked Up by the Page

· >l»uiui; tnall Is an InU-rostlng task uti»

Candidly Discusses Circuit Con¬ ditions--Denies Any Unfair Purposes

^ CcLcredActor.^.c^rr^':S>Ls:C'^.


iu»ir knowa wlal tilos-uri-s, information, loan Int'-rost or diaolosurea of human nrlln-s ca'-h Mit»lo|>e contains. From ours la-f wx-k «c l·arT1o>l that FI.ttRENCE t.'ttl.H T'AI.liEItT, e.on<lroii« Mjptano, and b«r bnsbanil,


5 . r -f


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WV a.-. j id · . . u. : Mr. n'arr's -tt-r and br-;-ak for it a V. .-y careful reading.

Tat Iett»r;



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t'P'L' nn'il fh>- b< i;--- La--'rre>a-ac*-tt .`s-Vil tthiee ssttaagg??

tijt ;;

-tlf-i-n-taic np and. ;r"f,*;taba.lte. . . .

t Ki« K

If th- T. O. B. A. t'vlay wwooUulsds ee-staabl-is- h aa

rt> that -r-ry b-u-- »"uulldd hhaavvee ttoo aacccceepptt

an intact show tiat ba< ana inviolate schedule,.

n a very -he.rt while on-talf of the bouses

-i-r-*'! w oj;d be

si and all

onr effort' for fthbe n ir-.icgc of n-w hb-rrUUssees and

drs Ilitnniinngs h- --s would have been for naught.


`sn.iact of the hunsor of our drumati

"t- for a r'ay ti at w 11 jv r-: t our ![«·

efcara-ter? as f ey are.

Xiaucity of

lnat* r:al for film pr>e cer- wri..oo ccaa''..rr ttoo ..NN*eKcrr'o

·iJd encea with Nerr* a.'i 'tss V'.a.. tthhee --ecrr..--nn.

» p-acti.e tt"" rr--aadd ttssssi.kkss ttbhaat

co-tom. we r*--^ntly

N-?*-oo aauu''iiii'.frss nr aanre llaa ppuur'--uu:dt -off ttM ids tt.*\' Vv'o> 'uumm**e*s* tthhaat



·. >j'`tt '»--rryy idj rfffverf-

form. Woile nei-her hb--kk is avallabhile

^ . tbeatri-al purT«>«es. Ndh a--'- -o wW.ei:l| done


i hara' tc- drawing

^,3 3,,j re fra a fr m them


readme ni»ml'ers of thl e Ilac.- atd the

publ'c as well. B-rh are by .V.gro. g

· Fr.-n Sux^-rman to Man", i.y J A. Rogers,

WliMiAJ.I, TAI.UtiKT, a».n of a rollcga »o<Te-

tary, aurl hlm-clf a musl'-al director with

sr-at fame, l.avi- b<'cn divorced. ... On ''te

ol er land. < .\Itr< I»IT<iN and lila wife

celel,rated tbe tenfli anniversary of tlieir weij.

flins tvith a party in riilladeipbia that in-

eluded juany wl.o were present at t!.e;r mar-

rlaz>- ceremony.

.\nother mla-lre telln

of liic t hri-fan kltidllnesg that was acs.rded

tlic father and sisters of Tt»e Pa»», and by tin*

-Hnie token to him. hy tlie AMEBIC VS I.Ei;H)\

r<>.sT IN .VI.'I toiN.k, r.\., and by the MA-

SONIC I/»I)<.K.S tl-ere and In BCFF.kI.O, on

tlie iHs aslon of our recent Uhis of a brother.

Other missives tell of NATIl.VNIEI. IiETT

having recelve.i an honorary degree at IloW-

.VUIt rNIVEIt."*ITy. . . . One tells of Al.

BERT.\ WHITE, a I'blladeipbia mn»ieal teach

er. prest-ntii.g her piij'ila in a auee»s-ful ism

eert. Tlien eomes a folder laaijed hy the


the W WJJ.AVX broadcasting atation. The folder

Ite.r Mr. Ja.k-.n:

June u*. Is.d.

I am in r- - ; t the sever "--u'h t* The same.

ff yyour valut-d favor of


La-`-n to r-X'-y

I am at all tim-s graaddd ttoo aaccccoom mm mooddaattee yyoouu ' iinnffoorrm maattiioonn tthhaatt yyoouu

performer should r-aliie that the efforts

of the T. o. B. A. k-cp the ··w-a. .-I't-r''

j,,,.;,,. - rg ,-1

the same t:m- prov. le

,i,>ut tw ee as mu'-h work for him if we

s-ould let ail of t'.e w-eaker hou-e, d*-p.

la taking care of this fifty x^r cent element

of weaker lou'es we cannot force them to

from the pre., of the le nox Publi- ng t ompany, fhlTH Seventh avenue. New York, and prn ed at *1-Vt. is a 'cbo'ar'y resum- of thbetter qual ties of the Negro. R g. r- l.a« prosented hla arguments on every pi.ase of Race life in a very logical manner. FI- n«e- as a foil to his principal character a senator who

contains the picture, of a number of artists who-s- work has l>es-n sent across the ether from fhU station. .tmong them we are represented with a large picture of GEOR'IE M'.\RM.\rK'S B.VNn, and another of the condouctor individually.
From ISttsbiirg we get the newi that BERNI

to tne ; rofes-ioa. j *p-

,bows in routhie. The price of some had always t.een antagon.-'.caily minde.I «:ih B.VRBOr'R is pretiaring to present his op-

t-rrs ;ate d--xly the «itr»me value of yo.r lare

·bows would be prohibitive to them r-rard to the Negro. This man. who was

eretta, "The Negro .krrlvea**, with local talent

in The Biiih-jard and ; ave dene cocsideralle ,j;d the be-use wo-t'.d cios« or g - into pictures, pa-senger on a Caiifomia-boTind train, whih-d In that city, and that he, with a chorus of

to the encouragement cf the reading of the .Vgaia. when we know that a bouse is a bit kl« time away by engaging the Pul'man iKirter 2"0 voices, broadcast June 22 from a Smoky

-ume by all pertfi-rmers w;:h whom I come ;n ··wobbly" we xv-rmit the Ps-al matug-r some

hero) in a series of d *''us«!on« that re- City station and Is scheduled to prssent the


considerable sway in the selection of the at- stil"'-'! '-o bis cem-'-e oonv.· n.

same group in a con.-ert at FORBES HELD

I can state without fear of substantial esnrradi t n that the T. O. B. A. ha* never .. Btemplited or ;=d-rs-d any such subversive I*-i-l;iccyy as indicated by your recent iInformaxts. ^""UU are a- ij .a .-.t--dJ w-i.tthr my own entryv into ttiiee hhoooekkiinsgg ggaam mee.. II llaam mee iinnttoo tthhee ggaam mee aatt

i ttrraaccttiioonn*s tthhaatt bbee ppllaayyss.. TThhiiss ccoonnddiittiioonn iiss tthhee
,o.naer tt. a»tt 11 ttuu.cckk yy i wwil;·i bbee mm--ns--tt ;-a.n*-cerrcess-te-dd in. IIt, 's tthhee" oonnee tti'aatt m miikk-- -s ff rr mm s*tt ooff tthhee

ixvimplaints "of l'aavyoof'fs. Hooutsses in vari'oouas

; .

of the counnnttr'vy pplleeaaddn'gg poor business

cctcnnM'inn'-uuaallllyy m maakkineg- bb=idd** ffoor' aa*tttr'aaccttiioonnss

"**» ' '*

know that these d'seu'sions do (V'tir.

during our ·


<1:^ tied have at fur command the

amount of Inf .rmatinn c-.ntain. d in

<'rP'rtnrity to do as


Then came word that OEORi'.E WII.LIAMS and BESSIE BROWN (Mrs. Williams) were Jumping fr-m W.nston-Salem. N. r. to re.-ord m->re numbers for Ok. h. They N at the letter In We were g-ad to see the little foik- who have t,en sn.^.es-ful domestic and professional

a .f-..amie w en the wuhole prrreeffeessssion. including

3^0 favvoorri'tie-s in 'tt ee=irr fri^arrtt'iiccnul'a-r cities,

r»rtners for .'xteen years,

rrsrrffoonrmaeerrs, and theater oxerator*. were prac-

lu. -v ..

T e»

e-.s «v.

t-a.Iy at the c-r.y cf one man. »b-) made

fcurseif m- re or less ohna-ox.ons toVIperf*ermer and m ciaaiiag-r .» btyy .h.:is niinrea*sccaable alandd un^junst.

r-1 -i- It was in or-ler to protec* my own

cc> na-- .leerraabb*lee i.Ecvveesstt!=n*'`nnttss tthhaatt II eenntteerreedd tthhiiss

1. a- 11

·T^oonac^»ceei.vvee-dgd saii.ttta'aan.' .d^c!

of \f .e T. O. ^B. .k. aa*s hhaass bbeeeenn pprroo--

tt'.'c.gas''--dd wwaa** aal.oenrgg tthhee m moosstt dd--m ip»oss--

- · .i..naee*s.. Ilan ttuhrreeee yy--aarrss ttiiee TT.. OO.. BB.. AA..

ha* gT'.'wn fr m a biluer-pencil sketch to an

t" «e N-n-s in-i*.tt that it iist ne-^cess'-saa-ry foo"r



nece*s4.y lor

them to get these favorite! asttttrraacettitoonns, aanndd

order to kkeeeepp tthheessee bboouu..*se-** ggoo.nngg tt.h;ee

ti- Oo. Bg. A. a3.. often a- i*s x».rraa.' -ti.-wahl.e ascxc-oommmm.v>-

ddaattee*s tthheem m ttoo tthhee eexxtteenntt ooff bbuw>k-ki.uugg tthhee aa*t^r--aacc-ttii--nn*s ttbb**yy w waanntt.. TThhiiss bbrriinnggss aaNNujuutt aa ccoonnddiittiioonn

*inn vwhhiicchh rr^eaa-l.lTy ttbhee i>nor ·a -t* ©onnlyr «n*er.

TThhee rr*o>-liiecyj tthhaatt wwee ppu-rrssnuee iianssa-rreess:.

i1.. TThhaatt ttww-i.ccee tiss m maannyy hhoouusseess ssttaayy ooxxiteenn..

22. That the jv-rfor'ner is provided with

twice as many weeks' work.

^ valuable. ..p^.

TRoMI-soN. who* Mr. Kellogg, owner of The Dally Express. I.oa Anc-le.- dallv by Jo«bua nenr.v paper, regard' a, the beat pobllcity getter on

published bv the B. J. Brimmer Com- his editorial staff, covered the Republican Na-


jo ,, ^3,,,. ,

convent'en In Cleveland, after which he

of book. Whereas the former scame into New York to Join tls wife. EI.OISB ,3 gejn^^ntstive essay, Jones, who by the BIBB THOMruON. dramatist, and one time

^ ^crettrr to Mayor Jtmea Curley, of

feature writpr. who hta bppti

P-oton. and has considerable of tb? same sort r.ected with the Ethiopian Art School since Its

belligerency as has made the mayor famous, opening. Noah, for years a personal friend of

y,. written a novel filled with the frankness T!;e Page, looks even more dapiver than of

.i-j regard for "Punch" that characterizes the yore. Fie has cfg'talnlv established the Negro

and strength.

o. That the performer cf recognized abdity

newspax^er man. Hi« collection of episodes Journalist firmly upon the Pacific Coast.

ft *ta I do ni: attrii fe to th" g-nius or the ;.as a premium on his services.

has fidelity and fearles-ness In every one of wa« accompanied by hla brother, B.kM Th*

tffort- cf any per-ca <.r .'roap of i»-rsoa*. The I3 conclcsioa I would like to make this `hem. They depict an actual social condition wife returned with them.

success of

T. O. B. .k. is due to the prop-isali To test the legitimacy of the claim* w^th candor, albeit such a sequence of action WILFRITn R. BAIN, another newspaiwr man.

whclvacme f-'uadatioa 03 which it was built made by acts laying off I would like fbr you or all of this action could not possibly come {,3, moved up. Since the first of the year

and on the hvai-hy iive-ani-iet-live policies to refer to me some of the names of the C-^m- to pass to any one set of characters, for the ^3)3 5,3. ^^^3 huslness manager and theatrical

pursued by it* cff:.-.a'.s from the time of its plaining members of the professloa. If von very reasons that the conditions his book dls- p^nnr of The Now Y'ork News. Prior to r at

In-sept on. I rsaliie fail w-il that the most vi;!l do this I shad pr. mis? .von in advance cio*e with vtch viv.d accuracy. The story

several years on the staff of The

valuable a«-t of tbe T. O. B. A. is i's r od that the act in question shad be of mediocre vrould naturally be made brief. ^

Atlantic Pity (laz.tte Review, a white p-ibllca-

wiU that ha* b-vn up thru fair dealiug or poor caliber or on the other hand I shall

Jones is a New England Negro with an fio3_ where his candid alyle attracted con-

With p^rferm-r and minag-r. T-e insinuation

that it i- the rrs-ent x- iicy . f the T. 0. B. A.

to "pieTm.t th-

win be ei-T to h.^n-lle" i« s*' cut of harmony

with the real poi 'y of the T. O. B. A. that

were it any oti-r p-r- a tiiaa yf irself asking

for a re'^u*"il cf th.> I beUeve

I would tr-at the

wi'h contsmxt tud

·imply '-r- r-. It. My d**? interest in retain-

advance some legitimate, logical r-ason for th? layoff of any act that is of recognized caliber.
The law of snp^ply and demand accounts for most of the claim* of la.voffs. Insistent requests from manager* for better attractions cause the better attractions to be given pre-.-edence over the m--dio<'re ones and con-eqaently these mediocre acts are d.sgruntled.


foregoing is quite clear

nnu*utlly fine history of X"`i'»ona1 progress in the field of letters. He has succeeded where f*w cf the Race have even hoped to try. His d...-r pfve ah.'isv and story telling technic arc
excellent, but the s«orv indicates that some cf bis knowledge of cond'tlcn. peculiar to the Bouth is of the relayed sort. The «tory Is d-amatle in the exireene, and would make a
'ing drama or film production. first, a highly courageous producer, then a

siderahle attention. He has aeeepted a ataf? appointment with the MIDkYESTERN NEWSp.xppR STNDtr.kTE to do spe.'lal work for 3,,^^ ^3^,_ during which he i* to rr-pare a
of special article, for nation-wide dis,rihiitlon to pain-rs of Ndh rices. JAMES
\v.kRI>. JR . a IVkVltf Clinton H'gh School p-oduct. Is handling the theatrical department
on The New York Sews during the absence of \k'llfr«'d B.iln for two months,

trr your invaluable fn-nd-hip for our organi- aj,.j cemprehensive. If you wish for me to market would have to be found It I* barred EMM.k McKlNNF.Y. daughter of a Jamaica

la* ;.= t.-sm:;-- m.v 1 -r , oonvin.-e

augment the above please make suggestions by its brntal frankness. It makes great read- vNrgvman. wlio«e contralto voice set WIT.E

the T. <· Y. A >Jy aa?s *i--ft o<>u«t b-.yv ooccrr b-so>aarrdd 3., j JV3U

j^ore than glad to accommodate ir.g. but it wou'd be impracticable as an eve- v arion COOKE, musl. al genius, rav ng. con-

d nnd-* my own direction is and w;- . . me aa'ure. *


IXTforaance. There i, a thrill, and ,.,,,,,od her foiir-.vear course at the BROOKLYN

p wrote you yesterday about yenr lead perh..aupss an in it.

CONSERVATORY OF Ml'itlC. graduating June

Tie cen? ivc dahiy g






un"j*" story f:.r June 21.

I have not tad time to

u lar ff' a? I see it. i* only verify the various deta U of the *ame.


Tto h1'e**'engaged as dlre»-tor of musleal,'7In's^tmc-

a mar N s*st : f *.1- -niversal law of -upply 'jj
ar i d-m 1 the \ r- ·- iid-i-.iie ti-iter i- an n-'iintioionn

a f-w year-' ·· At  -f-u' -'- - U'lil'y a d-:*- - · ne for

-;··· · -r !` *. tiat i' ou'- i- - f the


Z-- T. O. E A I-


-·rim-n: f r br ng nr p'' .u* mate


var. I* vaudeville th-ar-rs timont.

, `ry. T ru tu-' ,--<--rat n l..-- .g'.-

t_ru t-i* amilgamiti'in proc-js the

a. tes^n made sa-i-r for th« leal In¬

in the N-gro treater. .*-i h investors

r.t crgan.i->i .'U are permitted to n*e

n- that unt.l recefly only ;Uyd to

r. lyil.tan aud.ence*. By xiniing metro-

wire from Cha*. Mo're. of the Lafayette <!'>* tio* emf rm your statement
relative to t;m. I -ha'l *ee him in pierson next week and w U advise you the exact nature of hli s*il»ment. I shiall investigate the I ther references in the next few day*. How- I am incl ned to be considerably mor*
*argu;ne than yourself about the p.jtential -trengtb of any s^X T-ositlon to the T. o B. A. Af' T a  areful survey of the fi-M I f.nJ tlut
ail of the enemies of the T. O. B. A. are

icre or less impotent in-ofar as tr.eir efforts

to hjrm the T. 0. B. -k. might be concerned.

I confess that the T. O. B. A. has had

some troiit'le from the Cnmm ngs territory, but


· ·

B_Baa,llttiim moorree,, tthhee ggrreeaatteesstt eeqquui. lpppi^. edd . rcSi. tiyy . iInn.tthhee country in -th7e matter of d'ver-lfl. d Race
amusements, has tfhr-ee parks for onur patronage,. all,1 managed. bv N..egr-`ses. and, t.wo of, them commppl.lee.ttee.llTy owned hr t'e Race.

Brownn''*s Grove., ff,o,,Qq,Q -- --m -- ,-cnmmiilileess from the ciltyv.,

at Rock Creek,. i!*s reeaacchNee.dd1 hhbyr a '*tstt.aammhhhoos;t

owrnneedd atnndd m maannnneedd bbyv aa NNeegg--*o ccrr.o''Ww aanndd ooff--


CCaappttaaiinn G G Geeeooo---gggeee BB-- --wwnn aanndd W Waaiitteerr

T m ingclleevy aarree ttiiee oow wrree--s,. W W .i'-. rr IJ*'uti'-vv a*nn..-eo i as

*®a»e®ctits. and the ;arfc wh^h Ive-v large, . ff. r* a fa".v e-juiieo'd bathing

p'ant. fishing, an excelier.t issfaurant. merry-

go-round. pony fra k ard roll, r c.'a<fer.

The pvark Is p-w i-d « 'th mos'.- hy D x-n's

Osrbe-tra E. S'mxx«i.'n. E. S mixon. C Wh'f-

tion for the summer etoirse to teachers at the ^.^ate COLLEGE. DOVER. DEI. Her on-r






d.ates two years sln.T In Keith houses under

t " IR Marlon Co<.ke's d reef ion.

0 Sh* e 11_ * pre-_




^ VLl'm are J..intly resxvonsible for an nn-

clever new revue at Connies Inn.

Fls'rer. at'O a flis.r show at the HOT I.Y kk'ooD rU'R, and stagiil the dance numbers

for the tdg rOIEMBI k THE kTER «ummer

sh.iw. "HOILVkVOOD EOLllES". with both

white and ctdorcd iwopic.

JIM Dl'kltKItAT. an 'Tnete-Tom" type of

Negro si:rh as 1* rarel.* w-en nowadavs and re-

T artraction* to the "previnces" the


' `7'^' ncy. C. Otto anil Tern--Imll are ww .fh Prof, ssor p'lted to have N'en a s«wv ant of the Mr.kdivo

T O. B. A. has enhanced the value of all

important hou-es there ^ Dixon.

family at the time of William G M kdini's

I 4 N-g-.j theater inve-tment- and ha- also

we.-d.d out and

*' I i*n Wonderland Park. Rnufu<* Byar«. manager, has birth, attended tl*i> National IVmorratte Con¬

e- u'ur.-d the ba lding of numerous t eaters

rema.ning houses are faring well and .s..-'*h.e,d^^d for the Fourti; of Ju, 'v

vention with the Gi'orgia delegation. Jim falli I

i · wns tvia- xrevi u-lv had no -u h -la-e*

attractions are no longer dm- w'l* ^"il.-tie confi 't as the sive,-ial feaf'i'e to f.nd mneh in the way of the glad'and In


J,, x.g'o fVat.r. even rUming.

'`e dii-uiv's pr. g-am. He *'aas 1the W.v.-dmen Ne*, York and ,*inflni'd hlm«elf to t' · while

w.utL- a- -lan.-e Ilf the organizat in m.eth id. T anking y..u for all px*t favors and »tth and F'k lodges' dates coonnttrraa,.'ed

fol'.,' Ndel after his first salty heds-rki-d n a

I T r. F k. is -t.ll an uneer- k-udest personal regard*. I remain.

GG--- --nw s.l Park *s4utteerr«. la-rg-'y to pii nie rlownl'ke dt'p a.v of t adge* and ribSins. H*

tan V,--'.-. ..j--d. t' larger citu-. A.-.-ord-

.ng-T t . ! ,I ci.r.G. 's a* a rule .i-rate on

a · a*-f u. if n-· .1 !: ua! -. ale. If al! of th*

t : urer* re-' 1 a

-1 ty t.*!* T. O Pi. -k. were

- -t * *  n V. r-


be a T-ry - m; le matt-r t.. roii'i' all attrac-

fi-.cs in'a-t i.'v-r the entire lir.uit. However.

NuT tbe ca*.

theater i*

Bart Kennet and M C. Maxwell, magician*, rking g . "1 I'nblicit} men and all-rouiid -ii..w-
n. met rew'ntly in New Orleans. Presume of bard wear after
they finished a week together.

gri*'!-, and already ffo'*-tryy--ttw«oo ooff the s.-ventv * in" ® meerr ddaa''eess >'a»vvee »N»--eean ccoonnttrraacctt! d by cl'ib'
le'ic' an.J charefce*.
Brown and Singieton wri' Dako'a that weal's r eor.lif'or.* have Imp-ovd in that f-" tory and that thi *h-w !> g along nicely.

didn't fit In the big. town, but it was a

big trip for Jim. prohaldy the event of hi*

life, so t' af makes it

to contemplate

The dominant e! aracter of the convention In-

xifar as t'e Negro is rom'emed I* TITl'S

kl EX kNDFR. of I,w .kngele*. He was nar-

r-.wiy d> frated as a candidate for aldi-rmtn of

h > city a year »iace. la a college man and

JULY 5, 1924

T ti e Billboard

· 47

a- thp outer gunrd and very dlplomatleally .1 the thousands who visited National ·-.itii' t'onimlttce headquarters at the . rf .\'tor!a Hotel. In his spare moments
ted Harlem, met folks and hei-ame a fri-ii'l of KEBDlN.tNH Q. MttItTttN.

iH.NitlPlI as a CIVIC Sirvue comuimee.ii.'i

, '

t'lty of New York makes him the rank-

I.iMiocrat of the nation.


-lIIl.iIIi\"M I."<I\i.M ivn.'>iB,,osvctv.ovcn.lisJtu., lJ*y,o,in1e.d.

the McA. »N.Dr,Rr.KvUn.eS.' He is to do his

-tiints and a scvcnly-foot ride down ...lull on a whiel. · 1 am-f.H.ted'' Bll.LY MlTtTlELL la one

·. r i»rinrli`ulh In



KUts'*, u Uo· ·

iVimpany film being made In the Metro

,, ,1 with some M-enes yet to In- done at ,, , ; W.-..1. BBNNli: LEONARD, prize fighter. Mdl \ ALLEN and TAMANY YttCNO are the
. I . V;. tf principals.
MAttIK M.-KAULANi:. pianist and organist.

V ha. H-en at the Screen Theater. New

^pr'R. f'T at'out a year, w.vs a recent Billboard luullilcir. She works Iin white and colored theaters

a.Pnrdt h.'r ability Iis wonderful.

MiMTliiinnncSsftlrirC peIll aaaDnnQidl TT1 peCnnIlftl O SSIhkIU oaW ww TTlaaam llkk

Walter Massoonn''s Band

vre have even aeen with a eamival and we

want them to come back again." We are glad to record this high iiraise for Boyd IlurrU.

who has Just returned to the business after

a misfortune In Oeorg.a that kept him out of

the business for nearly two year-. His show

lie iimea veicui anil wii.ui, < isi-oin aiiu VUISUID,

' Jelly Boll and Si-ottie", Mo-e Thomas, John

Itobinson and Miss Mines, who In private life

II s ..M V., rs. H 1, arriIs.



I j

I'eter Briggs, tuba player. Is delivering the

bass notes with attention-arresting ability with I rof. White'* side-show on the Hagenberk-

W allare Clrcna.

N P- A T N. £. A. T.

ftlnrifw Thnin

Pupils Glorify Their School




' " "


crnntt--aannd-drilcd ganle

, for


.he decree, oAft .tie,-ess iinn matter, aarrttii.lfii....

n^greea or

n manors






*^1*****^. . " ut *ih



work of a school periood h.ghblr s8n0CC'>--ccssssffiiil

«ca~s"el->ha«rrddeenne^d producers of caba.rreett--fl^r shows with a dozen successful shows under
I';;'. management want "Ttmt »<«>'»>'· Also
when the pr.nclpals of a show like "Runnin M'iilldd" a«-lf for the pupiUils, when the man who arranged music for an even dozen "Zlegfeld

FollUs" enthuses over the das, and when five





whose fame rests on the presentation of female

pulchritude In dunce eltects, actually ask for

the group, was anotl>er great hit. Others were

".tfrica" and ·`Bon-Bon Bahlea".


1`irate", too. received comment as bedog some-

thing very unusual.

no . Masei]

jiiss uuauiii,

featuring Marion Moore, with u dozen girls, wa- the high s|K)t In aesthetic group work.
A. nna Jtone..s...iIn a. t*o.e .dTa.n. . e. , . Kmbry us ''Miss Jazz" herself, Maxie Mahood

In some eccentricities of tl.e Charleston dance that defy competition, the Anderson Sisters.

Bahy Malvena PDaahbnnoe.yv,. presented by Walter

)B{iicrbbaarrdd«sOoDn.. wwhboo wwaaas tthhee oonnllyy ppaarrttiicciippaattiinngg

gi 1

J. I. . Jj

, 1

prrrooffees.-iioonal. and O Oebrtfrruudde M ttbbll.taakkeer imn

-Rroorriinnnnee' were personal su-cesses of the first

nwaa*ter. live children, eight to temn .yveeaarrs of

age. .s^ihhheellHllft (Coolllleettttee, vi,w.itan .mt


M ! ^rj·*f. trio. "^^alton and rffdrfka Moore, In "a

,.roek dan.p. ^tagod by Miss Boxhill, were

marvels of juvenile cleverness.

rhonl group under Mr. Noll, with p,,|jg f|_ Butlter as a<'--ccoommppaanniist. presented four

j;,.r>ups, "Brootthheerrhho.»od"., "Faauusstt'"', "America Beautiful",. ''Dixieland", and Harry Bnurleligh's

' I"" "'r .

..pj^ ,

Grave". . .

T*'*- htaff res^nslble for the successful pres-

included: Jesse A. Shipp, stage

director; Leon Williams, ensemble director:

TfavtnAn/l Affitthovrs:

Hiwo.fnv l-MIfh

Theater in that city. No city in America af-

fords a more complete picture of Negro life

than Atlanta. Everything l.s there from the

lowliest pha-es to the finest husin. 's. social

educational features, includ ng Isina fide

**** business establi-hments in con-tant opera-



7*'' p

* * *''*

*'*' ** . ^

" *8vis pri st ge ti-iwes

much name

athnad.t t.rm.a.doset d.Re-accreiptelonntesrporfi-etshelafciklm .

The have

made public

1'*"® Marshall, with Margaret Simms, Cliff

I'''*'"**- Maxie and Jimmie t\ h te, offering *>!Khteen minutes of im\p and syncopation,` . recc*e»nnttllyy closed the bill a«t the VI'aalhmic-pe TTbheeujitteer. Bridgeport, Conn., and I s-al rPa«,,oorrs were vervy
ltovmment- on the little act. ^^j^h Lee savs is soon going into the We-t.

^ ^ `


u-ood. woou-



wiftih, i ,


rii..trrouook. s

M ^jaahhiieeuu CCoom mppaannyy ttoo rroow-ttinmnuie* tfhliec nnoeww H H-otrroen^n*.**

Mills `Tlantation Rotup '. now In at

the Al. Jolson Theater. .Miss Kiviettp. of that

firm, who dpsiar.ed many of Broadway's most fameous costumes, is designing the whole out-

fit. Which will co-t approximately ?;'.noo. concern also iDes-ed ".shuffle Along",

' Running tVild" and ''In B.imville''. So Lew Is-sUp'* star will have n show ranking with



I>a(l AH 8

WriTCr TOf IllO

wagon along the parade route. John Armstr-iig. tVlliam Bettljohn, AU>ert Washington, Harry Massengate, Nolen Keif, A D. Block, j.iun M.dilli-ton and Boland Canada are the n.u-ioians. George Bell. MTIllam Johnson, .X'chie .Major, Floyd Brown and Mrs. Mason

the first public entertainment of the National Fth opiun .\rt School has more than ju-tlfied the hopes of Its promoters.
There were but few more than a thousand people at the New Star Casino, New York, June 19, but among those were many people

Anderson, Miirlon Moore, Dorothy Embry and Whitaker, captains of d.mcers: Juliet
tromwell l^ammond, Ella Skinner Bates, Kate '· Thompson. Helen May Boxhill, Lemuel B.
Jo»^P*>8. Gaorge Currie. Walter Rol'inson, ! "unlebelle de Knight, .Hhert M. Noll. Henry

brings geniii- to the plecp,'' "Shakemust have thought of Robeson," and
the l*aM statement that there would j,p many young artist, who would be glad to pjay opposite him.
Luda R -hinson Jones, William Vea«ey

are dong the singing and dancing part of the In-lde rntertalnment. The boy* Bre dancing in kno. k-out style and are all singing. Boll

prominent in American concert, dramatic, musical comedy and educational circles. Anne 'Wolter. director general of the school that

t.feamer, Philip Lwb, James P. Doyle, I rof. Grunberg, Charles H. Anderson. Constance Alfred Woods, Anna Si-hultz, Ricks

Frank Harrison, eoncert artists, appeared ^ recognition service program at the Grace church in New York with Dr. Charles .Teffer-

ind Williams handle the comedy and get the has enll-ted the finest instructing talent of

I.! :ghs.

N)lb races. will long remember the ovation that


Hawkins, faculty; Cecilia

Augusta Jones, Sarah Cnstls and Anna

of Broadway Tabernacle. Col. Arthur Llta,,d other fan'rd p*'0[»Tf of both races In

..u.-ov" Holmes' Revue _
In-d MalWer. ^ the park, p`er and beach X s!-luor for the New 'lioorrk offices of The Bill-

greeted her appearance on the Mage. Henry

Creamer, stage dancing d rector; Helen May.

jp^j^tietor of aesthetic dancing, and Albert W.


responslMe for the choral

accompanists. (ifflcers of the institution are; John S. Brown. Jr., president; Ernestine Rose, first xicee-president; LIceoon Williams, Henry CFrr--aamer,

honor of the Rev. Alexander Garner. Juanita Brady Haley, one of Hv- grotip. is
the composer of the official New York Demoeratle rally song. Her nmnber wa« fn-qiiently

ts-'-aarrd. I- an admirer of J. M Wesley Hy*a!p'!p'-y'' lIltoollnnoo.s- ^ `'New iI>'rrlleraans IL.ecxiuu>* , al MWagner Prrroolt' .>rr>. .*">lelie'rpplle Clrcu-. I oney Island, . ew ·AUo.rrkk.. '-IIhheerree arc c.ghl-en ioo.ple in the show, including Rasltus MWilson. Harry -`J Ijiru. iec W Milliam-. Dy*e'l"la'' Mmmons, 1 rof. b- s'ler s Jazz band and e ght snappy and good-
I.Ktking i-hristers. Now, Happy Kimball
There U plenty of happiness at Coney Is.and. New Aork. "napp}" Kimball, who 1  aded a show at the i'iand last year and stari* d this sea-on with the M-lls-Floto Circus. s\ii>-umt..d to his love for the si-aside and retiirtud to Coney l-Iand with a show for 1. A. Wagn.r at the Boxxery and Jones walk. He vi-il'd Th< BilllHiard offices while en route

pgrrro>unpp,. certainly mnst lavxe felt gratified with ^shbowing of their pupils and with the rejjjpy anj ,their classes received from the
lubllc. Tweuntyy--»six numbers were tendered in the program that ran slightly llee--^ss than hours.
It 1, difficult to pick outstanding features. so many "show stoppers" were there, hut for a di-pIay of wonderful staging the "Swanee River" soft shoe nnmher. with seventy-six jm--pie doing Ihi' rhytinilc and tricky old "Virginia Essence" steps in unison, takes the palm. It wa* one of Henry Creamer's conxeptiona and Includ'd Juven'le and elder pnplls.
The "Dixie DrlM" by sixteen girls, another freamer production, made even Lew Leslie,

Charle* Gilpin. Henry F. Downing and J. A. .larkson, second vice-presidents; Fllrabeth Davis, secretary; James VWYeellddoon Johnson. ttrreeaassuurreerr;; JJoohhnn SS.. BBrroowwnn.. JJrr..:: EErrnneessttiinnee RRoossee.. Anne Wolter, Walter Robinson and James Weldon Johnson, directors: Anne Wolter, general director of the theater sohool.
The dramatic classes will appeaK soon in a group of three one-act plays. There Is little donbt if the qualify of work evidenced t'.'- the sing ng and dancing groups Is disclosed fat the ambition of the promoters for a bona fide Institution of the cnitural arts with a school building, dormitories and theater of Its own will be forthcoming. Within one year all c-senfal elements have been developed. teaching staff, student body and public interest,

heard In ec<onrention ehoru-^e'-. Seore another for the wooimen.
Ttjh,e A\nm,perican Woodmen of Charle-tnn. S.
|,,,j, xspixoiinnssoorring an nutdonr earnh..! we.k of oj j jrriand Thomas, mauau. r of the ij inVoln Thheeater, is in charge and advis.-s that BRaaxe'ee aarrttlissites of merit will be given j,reference.
AVillie Walls was not much imprcHS'd with the LLaa^faavyeeltte Theater bill in AV'n-ton Salem, N. C.. week of June It!. He say-i: '`On.-ty Fletcher and h's partner have a l'«> per cent act. ' w xxh^hilllee Matlox-k and Matlm-k imd Coles and Col", have about the p-or-t acts I lave seen in
.. *'

to a i-o-tmuer's. xihrre he arrangi-d for sj»-c al rirt-p- iitiil a num'vr of nice s«-ls, so that b.v
Is Elk Candidate Nathan Robinson, xx-ith the Miller Bro-

- --'-^-- 

- ---- -- ''·


, ,
AA ccaarrdd tof the type listed below will
CcoOsSt $1 per insertion in advance.

l;lk"^.f^h^xvI.fd.'''^s^mbHI^ns^^o^ tl-.' I.ranil Tvler of the order The b.sis.k, for him the as-istan.e of ,howfoiw in I . enter for this worthy brother.

Tic ''Wniffle Inn Jazi Kevuc", with the Miiih. XV J. Uilej hhoxxs. Is rcjsirtcd to bo the t'stiiri- shoxv of the mtdxvay, and the boys. Ini.ii'ling >;<li|>e Simmons ami James W. Jones. s-'T cxerybody ia happy.

Harris has closed with

'/< g.r b'.ow, and la with the C.

--ix - Iinn llooww*s,. w WhDecrrer boer lwa

... l-rislig.-il.


the C. b. R, Leggetfe a rrermturronsedu

.(.rrrespondrnt Chamber,, who ias thru '('.'c''ofrKg'i*a-. «m"«e*t ^t^`efrrggeeaanntt GG`'liss HHooaarrdd aatt aann aarrm myy xamp n ne-arr »( oollnum mbbuuss., ainndd w whhaatt hhee rreeppoorrttss *abouft hi, s,tt..xyv with the o d comrade makkees, The I'age downright jealous of some felloxvs* good jiick.
Be-sle Smith, famed blues slpger, who lia,
iH'i-n featnrlng one of the star units over the T. O. B. .A . closed her Southern tour at the
Frollx' Theater. Bcemer. .Ala.. June Jl. and
jumped to her home In rhlladelphia for a well-
«x "arn"od* rrcest..
Tutirn to the review of "The Hollywood Follnivens " Ilna .tahhaixae BWunrrliees-qaunea idieapnt. arrttmm*.--nn. tt noff ,t. hhii-- I1s,--
sue avn"d;',urmeahdl `5',^ about our :re/;p;r:e:s.eHntoaTtio'"n\!i:nn:tMhe

1l--gghhtter offerings This fact confirms the natural lMovvee ooff ccoolloorreedd ppaatrroonn,, ffoorr ggoooodd m mnnssiicc.
LLeeoonn lLoonngg, wwhhoo I1s, ffoorr tthhee ttiim mee ooppeerraattiinngg oouutt of Birmingham, annonunnecee*s a very ambiittiioouns, program for his ' Hello Rufus'' Show. .After

eight weeks in a lox-al park the show has been `ent on tour under canvas for the summer

Leon advise- that at the close of the summer

the show wilt p'ay week stands in theaters nn-

HI early In

when It will again be -ent

thru the South under the tops Otis Sherman

·>' producing, w th Blit Brigg, and Jem Hiyden



'"^y and Texas McCrca the sonbrct. Ralph MrOoa in Holnsr wtmlifht

r.-ma- H Duval Is bnrn-torming hla medt-

-uc -'- .ar

hi, magic work as the draxy and the ..dored

.ng erd thru West Virginia. D. K Kelts is m.xde ,.p of Dewey AAeinglass and his axis

ch.TM}taM; ap'^^aramv, MnVfhe " how" basVn

T,,,.,on. Thev contributed services to the


Testimonial, the Sh.wmnt Con-

I " the outfit. "

O-eiir Mlcbcaiix moves fas,. Not long since gregatinnal Church and have other benefits in we reiKirled Ills presi-nx-e in Texa-. I'nder date

T''`(lid Kentucky'* Minstrels on D W

s-.iti-.-ir. "MiMinliglit Shows" is another of the

tniii ft.... piinsln-ls trying to restore t.> min-

ir.'.-y ii- former clean reputation.


" '--11 i- staga manager. ''skeCer" Winston

- I K.-l-rt Foster arc tlic comedians. Others

: . I....rge MiKinney. RoIst, Hlnlev. "Skreter"

of June 20 came a letter advising that he "as In the vicinity of Birmingham. B.y the time this gets Into print the fa-1 moving movie ni.xn will perhap* be far from there. He Icavx's every toxxn with contracts for his f Iim ni-' 1H11I-- late-ti Iis Iissssxikkcnili Iinito tmhee Fraarmaoouuss Thheeaatteer. Birmingham, for mibdl July dates.

uniy riiambor- says he has discovered a good arches,rx in Columbus, Ga., In the Internafinn*| Hsncl. IVuiglas T'rterman. William Allen, tvillls Smith. James Smith and 1, V. Carter, ,jjri'i-,or, making up the outfit.
M,r.,n Smith's Band, a Clef Club unit, la at I'ickwicV flrlll, newest and finest dinner

rhtrp« of ad'lrf>*. ftc, «''.»·>·< T«*railHiWo.



fri P Pl,i,,ce,. rinrinriatt. Olilo.

that the copy

li.ns ffoorr JJAACCKSON S PAGE U^T.

Caiassina Oirsetw Wi»hlnq,on'* Orchrstras. Ohia R.sre«fB,*tiXHi Clarcar* Williasix Mu$i* Pub. C*.. tnc., 3024 Kworr Aw.. Cincinnati, Ohia.

RECORD SINGER. (i-sn for A'.cidrTllie I'T-r-sentillon.x. Prrmanfnt. 112 W,,t I3I», Street. Nex*


Johnnie Jackson's Lunch

2265 Seventh Ave., neae |33d St . Net* Yerfc.


» g t ' the I'rofi->-icii.

Flavin* Western T. D. B. A. Theatre*. Prrmanent. The Billboard. New Verk.

Ethel Hinley, Rols-rta AA'll-on. Ti ddle

" instoii, Bertha Johnson and Lottie Nolile-. -- -

'luia Alloo is the only woman with the lit·  Dixie Mills,rels" on the K. G. BarkmU


Tlie .-onipany. out of Ror, Huron,

'I h.. u ri'iHirteil to b.' n fas, one .Archie ·'Ibn. "Slim" Howard Albert Cries,an. laum-

The Rex l.alHiratories. a medix-al x-'oonncern In Duiirrhaum. N. C.. Is one of the biggest com-erns of the Race In Its line The management plana to lie represented at every large fair and eonventlon of x-olon-d jxeople that 1* condux-ted this season. Negotiations for x-om-esslons are beIng eonducted by the rhlladelphia distribution onUe.

club In Newark, N. J. H K. Lceinu-h -ays Ithliat, excursions from the
Interior are making Shell Island Beach. N. C., n busy and popular resort. .Sunday band eonc<-rts are drawing much patronage from Wilmington. txvelvc miles away. A half d"ien cottages. a small hotx-l, a real dining room, swings and a fine bathing eslabllshment. with six

B jajbbbJ BBamaMAWA

M1Q¥C BI1Q ^NB|1^V0| V


conmuiricate with THEATRE OWNERS' BODKINS



H. Aolur.t,er BxillJlng. Cl»tunoo,». Tin.

,'I Turner, IVddd,. Harris. Louis Dixon and ·t'cL ihA'ore. vxho ha, chargx- of the front,
ii'ike up the troupe.
" l-cn I'rlee. a Dlllhoard fan In Cabin Creek, 'V Aa,. want, the world to know he has ax-en
Harris Jfc Mines Cheekerbixard I'liiyrrs with C" Cotton Kent Carnival. He sa.vs, "The

publicity representative of the T. O. j, ^ fircul, 1* sending out a spx-cial rx-lcase
concerning Mnie Braniiam, latest singer to
be featiirxHl over the time. She op«>nx-d at the mjon Th-ater. Nashville, Tenn., under the p.-r-onal direr,Ion of MIMon B, Starr Her program ranges fpim jazz to opx-ratlo mimlH-rs. nnd we are happy to record that the latter

voncesslons. tvyo of xyhieh ar.- Leach's, make cnlen'rl'e. Additional features are he-
Ben Davis, nationally known .Atlanta new-- paper and fraternal man. ha, N-come Interested In film* His Atlanta Imb-penden, Is sponsorIng a picture to b.' produced by the HamiltonBeach Film Co. Local talent wilt he used, and

^ 9D Extra GMd Roeaia. Caaftee---FFlirrjstt--CCttasss^.

IS Bath, StrsaMw Heattd.


Lar-- -*-t, and RBest Ra e II teril Iin Ohio.,

Spex-l»l Raattee*, to the Pp fers*«l'"*Px.

MR. AND MPPhhRooS«n.«e..'D*RRAaaVnnIddDaellaehHh*A55«W 833K'.^'I*N**S'. Man.

J24473J CE. 40TH STREET.

· .


x'V'ic toxxn wa, delighted with the best show xxt-rc even more faverahly received than her tbe first showing will be at tbe raramonnt if y«*t write to an advertisw meatiea The Billbeard.


Xtie Billboard

JULY 5, 1924

both year

I schools which lie between the child i T M-\Y weU oe that, .f George -M.

pr.mer A-cd Greek; . . . .t reG'J.r--

·-- .an pei-.sts .n affront.r.g Ub^^r-


Whitcomb R.ley *o sir? r.o rr.i .^e

·....·'..·3r..**s .n .^mer.i a. .t w ..l tr ms-



c« Billfi^oard

A tac wor.4.

PuMUbM *ftrf w«<>k
l-y Th« Binbca''d Publiahtrig Cs'^pany,




Cbair'nan of tH« Beard


la .*· ewa slaat tt



S-27 05»?m F!*e«.

mill f li-.iiat:.




Ha.A £304


1 r«t>


T«>fTa5a Al'lrsaa, '.aaaQ.



B. A C a-






Fbaa«. La kawazaa TU<>-1.






PV)«K». C'atral %4i<)

Crtlly Ba.l<l:ac. U:a;i>« tad D^arkcra #`r«<>ta.


he can

like ?.-.ake~p^.ire. . . .

"If a crit.c woald .-t.irt a r-l.z.on .i

would r.ot have any obje t ou. to otjr.-

 · .'t .

and they woulca t ne* d

·t. . . .·

Mar It Twa..i certainly 'Jr.-, .i?..!

b-. ks--I'lnd not only book^, out nia.

rr.u^ic and, and he Lved

lo.-.ger doubiieaa he would have

eluded fa-1 to please the

cr.tica may 'tr.d often do I.ft the

maa.ies from the lower to the many

h.gher levels wl.ich are still below that

o*j«:Ui..ed by people cf culture and high¬

ly refined ta.4te, a.-. 1 that in so doing

they perform a very us-rful service.

bock reviewer who wri-te entirely

ah..ut book.s recently pointed this ou*.

In matters of taste i.e pn-tured the

ma.i'*-- as ail perched cn a gigantic


It reaches to the very lowest cf the

iiw-brow levels,' he wrote, "and it

ri-es to the very h.ghest heights of


The he.ghts are compelling cn th.s

e th t he h.:j permar.-.r.'l/ r"'.r»-d ·i.'.-l that there i.-* r.o if a.oout ti.e mat¬ ter. H..- follow;, g cor. - lit--i \ef .· I .re*r!v '.f men and women who beI.-rve. in the tenets of Libor-unionism a-f th^jr* do .n the.r re^fpective rel.gions.
Fu.-the.-rr.'tre that following con-.etnl cf <y. :/ a neghg.b'.e percentage of 'l.e -.-c.illed Claeses.
He h is r.' t overstepred the bounds yet. Ti.e masi-es are a patient and a Lberal lot.
_ While the light holds out to bum--. ·
Ted Coleman, musical director of ``I'll Say She fs"*. a.»*erts that The Billboards recent review of th.l at¬ traction -written by Gordon Whjte) was the mo-t that the show has rece.ved e.ther in New York or Chicago.
Praise from a d.rector, who sees from a po.nt of vantage if not every performance of a show at least many, many more than any other one persen, is praise indeed.

W. s --W* r»f*r JOB t« '.ne *7 tb« alDtin-i (how pr"i'r.»-toTf for tb» laformit.oa r»garri,a< the iB«!-tm»Bt of ( (mdi alBdr*! eoapan^.
K. E. --W* 4o a«t know tb* (Siary at th<^ B ,tIoa plctara I'ara foa a*a». Yoor ottH-r qiaatiooa ar« alio eotlraly too per*ooAl.
E. T.--Top wiU bara to (ei-ere a ^.'B.`t ti iBport bird! aad aalaalt t:om eouatritf. Apply at tho C. 8 B alaclral 8iir»»7, I>7artB»Bt of AsiirBltora, Wauhlattoe, D C.
T. T --A Pttar a<l«lr»«aad ta Usil FarwardItg Mrrlce. Th« Billboard. Clae aaatl, 0., BO de-ibt r>^ai b your party. Her pr*(ant w..«rraboata m sbt b« knowa at the oO-a* at tha S^B £xi*i.afi(a, Bpriagftold. 0.
B N. T.--T:.e war put fbo nkldi ndrr tJa Public !>· f»c.d*-r Boann-Bt, bat It arlll rtaa asilB. T .a Erc»»« ty t r matohiog tbe pro».~ cut.BA at*crB»y w.tb a detanaiTa lawyaf grawa m ra a ota arrry y»ar.
A. Q -- Wa would Bot adalao yao to go to

Ph«E«. Tmci

K W. g'ljra^r 8tr«>t. till



^v|303B lilt IT

t> Pirtc*. o;:t* ira

Ea;l«a7 Ea-haa;* B'At

· «tt

txttwa^a S.i:a iz'l :^T»otL.




Pt<>o» E^i-a 2.V^.

to B/ma JOl. Littla a?,

B-jjlitca Str*«t.

stepladder. The he.ghts pull the climber catnip draws cats. The heights hold the attract-veness of the pot of gold on the other side of the rainbow. Whether one wants to or not. chancing a rung, one is bound to cl.mb. Under ordinary circumstances one isn't liable to fall off this laiWer.

June 21 marked as near a close of the season of liifJ- .4 in Pans as the season there ever comes to closing. June Js w.U serve as well as any other date for that of New York, altho It was not at as low an ebb on that day as it was earlier In the month.

Ixia Acgrlra .a aaarcb at a poa.tioa la tba * aoTiaa ' aa It ia aald tkara ara »ara than titty g r'.i a waak pourlBc ! tbara aod local a'itb(>;:t »( baaa tbatr btadf fuD taking cara ef t a-a lapiraata.



A B'w ptetura tbaatar and aoditortaB for

PboM. Harrlaoa



K3t JfiR-*!X30f50t5S

RaamwUar, lad., la briag eoatraplatad.

ZS Ia« B'.df., 8. B. Oar. Trsth aad Ka.a Bta.


I Paoc*. Tasdii*
Roc-a r3d, Lmw t Btar« B'.da.. Broadway tad

·Tecrk 8treat.







19 CBar =c Cf.ta Boad. W. C 2.

g g

*'aM« aad T»>fTapO Allreea. "SlKiw-Tld", a

III djdaey. Aut.'alia. 114 Cairlereatk Street.





""^l-.j«or». Md.. lei Wa;;!« At».


l>"nteT. f«l . *21^21



lie '^`w Ort»«B«. 1.3.. 2C?2 Ii- ma'ae S'



in;afce. N»b.. i«a Frar.i'it.'o.

B'lade.t Tbeater B df. Ca..!.. £11 Charleetivo B'.df..


Z".! Ketraj St.


1.1 VatBiar-uM. D. C.. 17.4 Xewtoo 8t.. X. W. 0

hi ADVERTISING RATES -- Forty centa per §

,.{ line, jjtte laeateremeat. Waole pa;», 12^'. B

kalf pape. *140;»r pat*. ITO N« adrer·5't.«e«»at aeat'i.-3f Uta 'Baa four liaea ae-


1-1 capted.


Lett fora gritt t« prett 12 U. «

X tBd^y No t»>ertpted adrerttaeaienta ·'epted ct-
ai Vtt rea.T'ta-e .t tel-erapfeed or m3. ^ to at

g ^

p, to reara pabiirattoa office before Monday aooa. D



17. B. A Oaa. Faretra. ~

Oae Tear .



"8« KiBtia .


2 IS

IT would seem that the Commissioner's letters sent out ahead of
1 shows--quire generally referred to as "Tyfison pen" letters by those
against whom they have been directed--h.ave at last provoked reprisals.
It looks very, very much as if his opponents have determined to show him that the poison r>en is a weapon that two can play by striking at his abettors an l supporters in much the same way that they (his opponents) have been harassed and inj'ari*d.
If .®o, it means that a srjerrilla warfare that will be destructive and devistating in the extreme Is row on in the outdoor show wirM.
A war of this nature is one of the most difficult things in the world to arrest and bring *o an end. It u.sually has to run on and on until one side or the other or both are completely worn out and
ezhaustetl. The pity of it! When the .^moke of b-ittle has eventually rolled away and peace
once more reign.s, about ail that the war will have proved is that the commis-sioner resorted to the letter thing first--and practically everybody concerned knows that right now.
Surely it i.s possible to find a better way--a way that will prove infinitely less wasteful and exp«nsive--to prove a proposition like that.


Wark 00 tba Waitlanl Tbaatar. PertaMoqib. 0., la baiag nubad to coflitlatloa aad It la (Unaad to opaa lata la July.



Tba Wiablogton Squara Tbeatar. Qaio-y.

5 M«.. a Uak of tba Panugaa CirevlL apasa-i

§ Jma Id. s


Tba Maada Tbaatar, Boagbtoa, Iflcb., whicb

§ ; aa boen coder coaitractloa for tba ;wst yaar,

E «;.l open July 4. according to Graboakla Broa..

Q prfpr'etor*. i


Coaa'rartiaa baa atartad oa tba saw tbaati-r


~ at M Cl''try. Wa*h., for «ba Araaoitr Cin-cif.

j It win ba t ai'bad lata la tba aaBmar and la

a ta aaat 000.



Tba coatract baa baea award<^d tor tba coo-

J atriK'tioa of a ciaeBa tbaatrr at Wlacbaatar,

lod. It it ta coat about A'-O 000 and will ba

g of brUk coaatmtloa oith terra aot'a tria.

"k 5

T'.a Society of ColumMa (S. C ) la pI^Bniar


to till'd a new Town Tbaatar to coat approiimu'rir *2'-.'too. of wMcb (ua aboat *20.0*1 already been raiaed.

" Tlu-ea Xoctaa .

1 44

1 tS

·1 BeBlttau-^ (oo-iid be mj4» tr poa''H>acc ar ti ezpreaa ap>ocy ord^r <>r r»-fi»t»r*d letter, adndfi-^aed or sale payable to Tbe B.IIbc.ard Pub-

Furthermore, one, if let alone, usually

WILL ROGERS deserves, and is re¬

' Samorl Bo.raraky bat porrhaMHl a ait* at tbe (ortbwirat coriter of FortlUani rtMid and Crotoaa areBoe, the Broax. New York, iitd pliss tbe

bakiag Co.. Ciac'.naati. Obk> 44 Tbe editor eanoot uadertake to return


starts at one's proper level

ceiving. credit for el.minating i-rectisa sf  pictnie theater tbcrecB.

 n oalieaed tsaauscr.p'a. Cerreepoodeata aboold

``The youngster in the side alley with

much of the grosser and coarser

j, keep copy.

his dime shocker is firmly planted on lines and material in "The Follies".

Tbe EBi'Ire Prapertlaa CompaBT ptaaa *<>

I If yoa tad i Baatateaest er ermr im aay ,ecpy <r! Tb* B .Iboerd. p.eaae notify tbe editor,


rung of the


The more he

Ever a he-man. he has ever detested erect a $1,000,000 theater aad offWe bolldiaz

i Tte B .'lioarl reeercee tbe ngbt to edit all reads the more he want.-^ anl the the smelly stuff.

at Buliaar road asd Ba<t NIatb atrert. Clere-

li cupy.

better he wants it. Tiie y.-iung lady

Like all great artistes, his methods land, O., to replica tbr Empire Theater. It

with her Bertha Clay and Uiura and art have always been legitimate. «II bare a »eatiBf capacity of l.HNi. Mae

Jean Libbey is .soon . little

His motto mieht well be that of the atortes a( afficea will be deaifaed ta aerre

to her Harold Bell Wright. Strugglr.g great paper he writes for paraphrased: theater trade asd allied b«atsef>e«.

along the lower rfngs and the heights ".\11 the Stuff Thai's F-t To Spill"

beckon. No reader is conscious of iL "The Follies" R<-vgersized is a better

`Vol. XXXVI. 1


No. 27 His book finished, he looks for more and a greater "Follies".

--a chance to study--an opportunltjf

interesting books, and. therefore, bet¬

Nor will it lose any of its following to learn to appreciate---drama and oper i-

ter ones--for him. For her, too. .And among the carrion connoisseurs chip¬

-America leads in many lines of

1 I

Ekiitorial Comment

! << A

S IRISH ROSE ', declared

he moves higher. If he is content with h.s rung, he remains there, cling¬ ing happily ; nd unenviou.sly: obliv¬ ious of further heights."
The thought is intriguing--and all

pie-chappies and looselips.
M.\NY, many exhibitors thruout the country who have be-n hoping

progress--but not in all
If the business barometers thruout the country are all accurately adjusted and if the readings were all accurately


by practically all the critics in the more so when we consider that

against hope that somehow or in made and if the obser^mtions were ac¬

· t

New York to be quite beyond not only Mark Twain, but Barrie, .«ome way Charles O. Binderup would curately rei>orted and summartseil. trad*-

atlie pale at its premiere in the metropo- Shaw and a whole host of other grreat win his suit are bitterly disappointed during the last fortnight showed i

1 lis, well over two years ago. as all of writers feel th-it their novels, plavs over the outcome.

small ''ut distinct g.tin. This gun.

'Our readers know, is st.ll going strong and stories do full service if they only

None other was possible, however, moreover, was significant.

^ ' not only there but in several other amuse and entertain people.

ni-r Was any other ex|>ected by the Manufacturers, Jobbers and retailers

s "Cities.

gr*-at majority of lawyers and cool realizing that, in the words of Waiter

T · f Mark Twain, m a letter to Andrew JLang. written shortly after the pub-

Itvel-hended bu.*lness men who had W. Head, president of the .\mertca:i he Showmen's League oi .Vn. r- followed the c.ise closely and knew its B nkers' .Vssociation. "The Joy ride is

p 'lication of "A Connecticut Yankee",

ica is now a thoroly estabh.-iied merits.

over." have been adjusting themselves

^ 'a.iid:

and strongly entrenched in-xii-

With radio cutting into his receipts to a more moderate but better su>-

r j ` The critic assumes, every time, that tution.

deeper and deeper every week, the t lined turnover, and It is working.

· ,5f a book doesn't meet the cultivated

They will never overthrow it now, outlook is pretty dismal for the thea¬

^ .class standard it isn t valuable. Let thanks to Fred Barnes.

ter owner.

,u.s apply bin law all around, for if it is True, many others have given \

France's .Veademy of Humor is a

a; .sound in the ca.-e of novels, narratives, great liberality of their and at-

real institution. It Is now over two

picture.* and such things it is <»r- t»-ntion, notably among them Ed Car- Theatergoing is to be made a r«-gu- e.irs old. meets at regular lnter\'als

B tainly sound and applicable to all the luthers. Edw. P Neum nn, W. D. lar curriculum in the schools cf anl is recognized and reported by

Ji steps which lead up to culture and »Hildreth, the late John Warren and Copenhagen. I>enm.irk. and plans are i-everal i>ai»ers. among them Le Temps.

-make culture possible. It condemn.s the late Warren A. Patrick, but none under way for the rebuilding of a


the spelling book, for the spelling bo-.k is of no to a person of culture; it condemns all school books and all

has given so unreserve<lly and so un¬ stintedly or battled more bravely in great emergency than Mr. Barnes.

theater for this purpose. Think of it. Every child to receive a course m

"Tlie laM'ked IXHir'' seems to be i Case Simply made to order for the Citizens' Jury. It is decidedly siisy.

JULY 5. 19»

Xlie Blllbosrd



Till: (il>j`ct of thU trticlo 1» to iUo»tr«te ihr prole'·'lull and tlip fmrral piililii; t!;p diffpri'DPP Ix'twi-pu tho oM appr<nti'-«..p of tlip circuH profpkkion aud tljo ; f -I nl 'y'tciu of tuday.

Tlip la't ciurratkin wltnP'>e<l Up peiJ of

eld 'Vkirui anil '·in-c tliPii approDtlvoi

.nknunn today. Thrre

Du iiD'-ktion but

· ni thp old ajatPia prudui-od tUo In'!*! and tiie I rf'f ··'Dt all-ro.iud iT'-mral i*rf"riupr<

.nd arll'ts uodcr tbo tii:ti<iii uf i-uinpptPDt

< rcu-s director* a'ad e*iH-ri»'n' 'tI pprfurnnr».

'ike fii>t tkioc that vaa taiitlkt to tbu ap>

···i.l. ',

or girl, wa* pra'i-. This «4*

· : UP by liaTiiig tbe pu.<il uiidi rgo. uTpry ntcrii'

g. Md' prartice. Thii cooaiKtod of eaeri-ikP*

- .tli the ariDi wbivli would haeo a l< odt-D'-;


grace ard atjle to tb'- pupil, kpiit',

 ,niio; of li'g», all of tbi- -til** »f ·ii'tiiic

' .if gyi`` ttra daily a" well as tbe act or

!· tint were beiiig tau.'bt to tb" pupil. It

I ani" a part of tbeir dally avia at ion aud

vbiD t!.e apprentice reached a puint of pro*

Qcy lie was graceful a* well as ``killed in

» n-iktt re act. Every i" rfurnier In the

· arly dajs was a tboro, coint>eient and general

..rti»t and was trained to know all in con*

M'ction with tbe forty-two-fout ring. Tle'g

wi ri- alii taught to be pxi>erieDced entry rid* r«.

.\* in tbe early dais the different entries,

*ucti a* tbe *tar and waits, tbe g.irlaod and

e niue-borse entry, were made features and

' wa.* a lieautiful sig t and was highl.r a("

· lauded tor the manner In wh.cb tbe ;>erfi>rmrrs

iiiounieil their horse*, a* well as the beautiful

k'-rwa U'ed in the** entries.

I'lrformers were also taught to bold objects. sLcb as balloons, banners and garters. I bare known ptrformers to receive a g«od salary on uciount of their expert ability to bold balloons, etc.
Id tbe early days circus pi-rformance* wer>* · oDciuded by an afterpiece and all iwrformers were taught pantomime, dancing, etc. So you · an readily see the proficiency under the old system. I do not wish to diM-r^-d.t the pri-s* · nt system whereby tbe performer rntera the profession thru the g.'amasium or thru »ome private practicing building, who are entirely iinacquainled with the cir ua metbMls They train and are si>ecialiied In one particular act. We have a vast number of ex ellent pt rfurmers today who re<-e ved their training and eiperi· Di-t in this manner. The names 1 am about to mention of tbe old ssliool were note.1 for tbe skill and grace ami I believe w c have not tbeir e<]oal today.

Noted Equestrians
I first w.ll mention some of the .\niericaa
male eqaeatriaoi:
Jamea Kiiluuson. James Kltigerald, an apprentice of Juba UobtBsOD, ^r. (he was noted for bis ak II and Ktace and prmlalmed by the entire world as a most wonderful niuestriunl Jimmie lleruander, cimsid'r.d one of tb<> uiost graceful riders whi' ever mounted it tior*r.
Cbarles U' ri»b. a *.'D of Joe Kii^h. He "as proclaimed the nu>sl apt tri.k rider and pirtormi'd more daring ( at*, such as back"ard tsiks, baikward forwards, aud be was "'-ui the fir't to aci'oniplisli lho«e feats as Bi, ·'imstraii
Omar K ngslcv, an apprentive of .'·pem-er bii'si*. UoiPiotitelly I ·· ni 'si won^lerfiil man < 1 b.s day In the pr«<f' 'slon. .\» a .vouth bi-
Was drr's<Ml. in and oi t of the rma in girl's · lothc* and no one in or out of tin- prof's.ion ktit » to tbe eontrary but tbit h" wa* a femsie.
`i i" I r<if> ss.on as well a* the arn> ral i italic (·Ii>v>d bini to lie a feinab- and mvthiiig was ki.onn to I.e eontrarv until Iw wa» tweiiiyl«i> v.iirs of age. II" eourt"d bis wlf.-. bally Miikncy. while atill attired In *kirfs, and tbe first ilay that be evt r wore p.siits ··' da.? of bis wdiling ceremony w.tb t birini's ( ireus In Havana, t'lilm. This dia-
· . 'ure of his sex created a I'l. ssiisation tbruout the entire world, tiniar Kina*Iey nu¬ ll. ii'.iid;.\ Was one of tie- tno*! era eful niou w 1. ··ver ro-le a horse. lie was known a* I ..a /uara ami when Mr. Stoki s tiM.k him to 1.1 ri'iie he isas the seiisat on of (ir'*ai Itritalo. .1* Wi ll as ou the I'oiitliK nt as the feats he
1*'r(orni`-d and the st,vlc with which tbc.T weTv'
· vecHt.-d eaptiired all liuroiw. "'1111,· Sliowle*, nil appriitice to .Iiicoli
slhiwles, 4iuc of the most apt aiiil profwiv'nl ·liictrlan-. The trieWs nUlcb lie p< rfonned "··re marvriiiiis. Hr was nol<'d fi'r bis loftv -.'tner.aults ph,. rase with whu'li he iviuld
'imp from the ground to the horse's baek wa« wuiui. rful contrast to other- ntleniptiiig the ··vine feat.
IJoberi Stickney. Sr., one of the Stickney
l.iBiily, one of the best oll-roiind general

rarformers of the earlv days. He waa rightly named the .tpedio !(· Ividere of the Arena. .%s an ei|ue*triaa. leaper aud tumbler he was simply wonderful.
r.illy Dutton, an apprentice to Dill I.«ke. anotio r celebrated p Tformer of tl». "irlr days, a iM.autiful eiiuietrian, a» well a* hai'er an<l tuml.Ier.
-lamea M`Iville and bis »oh*, Frunk. Ceorge, Aos.', nod an apprentice lioy, Sam. They wer.ail old .\uxlralian famil.v, vsimiug t<i .\in> ri.-u In the early aixtiea. They were cotis d*r».d by lb" profession. Is Well as the publii-. the !.· ·-·tiifl.atiim of and daring imrsemunsiilp. The rvjual of any in the prvifessiou. They carrying act of Jame- MelTille and his ·H'li. .\le<.. was a duplication of the act of Janoa Robin*ua carrying bis son, Clarence. Doth acta were tbe talk of the entire pro¬ fession and tbe puMic at large. Frank MelsiM" waa tbe aunmit of grace, an accom* pits · d principal rider, as was bis brother, t."orge.
Tbe De Mott Family, an old circus family, j/tnes. Josephine, a son Willie and a daughter Josephine. Jamea De Mott waa not only a renowned circus performer, but became a manager and proprietor as well.
Jam's (\iok. a descendent of tbe old Cook family of England, whose name has been con* ii"<'i<d with tbe circus profession for genera* t.<.oa and always C0D*idered tbe best in the circus arena.
Juba Henry and Harry Welby Cook, cousins of James Cook. No finer specimens of graea 1u manhood ever mounted a horse t'nin these two gentlemen Tbeir act of juggling on l.nrsehark Waa a mo't ela*slc exhibition and a refined act of e<|.ie*triin!*m.
Rilly Rell. ^0 of Richard Cell, of Bell A Myers' Clrcua, considered in hla day the ehamplen e<|iiektr ao vif Euro|>e. His principal ait and tricks introduced by him were per* fe. tlun.
s<r.lor ftebaatlan anJ hia apprentice *ob. l;..iM..u. Were cla*«ed among the foremost as "·lu. *irlan<.
.^la^tino T.owande and aon«, Tony, M.vrtino, Jr .tlexander. Cecil, and an apprentice, -Vl>erlad ·. This old cin ua family bore a repuiatiuii among the best In tbe profession and were creators of feats of bors>>maDsbip such as throwing";! bi' kwa'd «< mer*ault from the rear of a horse, alighting on tbe hack of a horse in tlw rear from th" one be started from.
so other feats of horsemanship never before Mis-umpl.slied. Their names will go down in history as tbe most wonderful Crariliau ssiuestr ans.
tv,Hely Cock, an apprentio' to fiiarle* V...ves. of Thayer & Noyes' Cireu*. A wonderI'ul equestrian and leais-r.
Talented Equestriennes. Too Hr writer Is of the opinion tiiut tb" best e<|Uestriana of the world were pro¬ duct! la-re in .tm.-r-.a. but w" must con¬ i''le that tl... isiu'-strieunes ext-el in Kii'iipe. .\. Vi ribele*s. we h.ive ppslccxt a f"W very t.ileni.d ladle* who have be-en pronouDcetl wonderful iquestrlenm-s.
.Mademe Du<lrel. .a hVeui-h lady, was during her llw »uper or of all e-iuejtrlennes. T.... iiiann'-r In which she executed le'r per* forniaD''e w.sH grace itself. Sbe was one of the highest salati'-d ladles in tbe profession, l.i'nl-e R'-ntr. a lady >omer*aiiIt rider. Her father was a ·s>usin of Herr R«'nix. of Renta's (hreus. I'o-rlin. lermany. mor>- graceful wom¬ an ncTer muuntxl a horse. She eoni.l do somer¬ saults on bor'e1.a>k witliout niimlier aud tbe ease and gra.-e with which she executed her a>'t Was certa nl.v a l·ealltiful pi>'ture. Kitty .siiok-'s. a da'ialiier of Si>encer Stokes, one of ti e most beautiful ws-meu of .\mer.. a and a iiio-t gra< e(ir. e.p . siri' iine. n*r prin. .pal act was cunsiih red in ber day tlie ··esf !n the profe**lon. II. r · are'-r a* an rqueslrtenne was tilt sbort. as sh. vvu* disal'htl In a severe aieident to Iw r kne>. and wa» obliged to retire fp'm the prufe-s .in. Moilv Rtowii, an .tmeri. an eiiib sirit uio. fli.' d.i'ig f- r of Madam" T. iitMir. s." was i:,.. fir*' tno r can e-iiiestr >niie to tu n a bu.-ward -omer-aiilt on a har>.lM< k lioi*e hi .Mio-rh a .\s a .vouug girl she did a mo*t b'aiitiCul a<-t and wa* c<'usid. ri d i: .. I" *t · ·pii -lro niie In -kmerka. Killy HuRowiiy. wife ..f Heotgi' HoRaud. Sr.. Hppr. ntue of Mr. t'liiriiii. a very clever is|iii -ifieiiii.- as W' II as ni'.nag'- r der. Her slsf.r. l*i'm.vr.i. .il*.i ««' an ^'·l:·-trienne. an apprentice to Mr ibuiiil. Il.Rni fuh.i. .1 colored girl. pur. Iia*e,l hj Mr. t'hlrlul In t iil'U during the daj* o' -iav.r.v, w.i* .su · \lmordiDaril.v chvir tsiuestri.-m.t., one of tlu' N'.st In the profession, riid.-r th'- d re, tien of Mr. Chirinl Ml*. Cuh.-i wa* given her lit'crty. Her brollier. Theislor,-. wa* a -i.we .,ud de¬ veloped Into a very clever eque-lriau.
Frank (.Gardner, au apprentK-c tu Jame* X.

J'din*ou. joi-key rider, and one of the lest ·l·.u I'-soDi'-r-ault I'-aper* of hi* da'. In is'Oi,-ction, with hart-hack riding the following ini-.d* nt may be of lut'-r. -t to tie- g.-oi-rul piilili.I'f today; .\f an early period of the profes-ion hareha- k riding was unknown and f oally ll.ere iipi'-ar'-d on u pr.igraiu of a ciri i.s ·-uiiipiir>.v jii art *1" w b'J woui'l ri'l'- Ihr'O i.iiies ar'.i.inl th'ring on .1 harei.a.-k hur-e. This feat baffled ail >s|uestrian* and t » >· were pu-tzl'-d and bew !der"d to know l.'iw thi* coni.I he S's-om* I 1 s'yl. .\fi'-r a fliii" a t-uuple of performer*, wioi wer** pad rid,-rs, visited the -labii* aud n jnag>-d t" g. t into a leii -tail wh-r.. this l. areliack liors'- was >e. ur,.ly kept from all I c.v ng ,..ves. TIvey examined th" hor*e and Upon feeling of his liack they exclainnsl; '-It Is rexiu, r'.sin." .\fter this dis'.ovry a num* Is-r of barel'u, k rob rs came info exisfi-nce. Tlie exit of pad rid-r* was due to James Bailey, who I*«U'd au Iron-clad rule not to I" rmit a iwl or pad rider to enter hi* circus ring. It was thr'i This rule that pad riders to-came entirely extinct.

Circus Acrobats Eddie Rivers, an apprenti,-" to Rn tai .R.vers, was considered the be-t aiul rio gt g-aceftil light-rope dancer in th.- pruf.--i. n. He bad no etiual in bis line in the pt'-r'-ss., p. The Fell Family, James, John, Ji-rr.r a,,-! Itii-k. apprentice* to Richard Bell, of th- faiuo-jEnglisb circus of Bell tc Meyer. These jouug iii'-n were the mo*t celebrate'! r.,l,-rs and gymnast* in the profession. They were the first to accomplish the feat of three high on lorsehack. Also the mo«t wonderful and dif¬ ficult feat of turning a back somer-a'jlt ou tlie shoulders uf a brother while riding aruiiu-l the ring on two hur«<-*. Their a roi-atic act was also eun-i luru.l IP." t>»`*t and quickest act in tbe profess on. Tl;e younger brother, Dick, afterward became the b,-*t and mo-t note,! bpanish clown ever exi»f ng. For twenty-nine i-on-ecntive years he pluyd in the city of M-xico and was Just as big a favorite tlve la-t year as he was the first. H.s family, eou*i.sting of twelve children, ar" working to¬ day in a most beant fol musical and dancing

William Batchelor, an apprentice to (Jeorge

Batchelor, a wonderful double · saimersault

leaper and so i-on-ider'-d by tbe entire pro-



act .iniL are now touring Mexico. The Hanlon Brother*, William, Thuma*, -Xlfred, Gorge and Albert. They were the premier acrobat*, gymnast* and I'antomimists and were noted

-t'loiph fionzales, an apprentice to L. B.

Ic-ut, one of the best tumi'lers in -Vmer i-a.

The Jobuaon Brothers, William Ducrow, B<>b

aud Bert Johnson, apprentices also of L. B.

la-nt. The Holland Family. John. Sr.: John,

Jr : George and RJ, Miue-trmns. tumblers,

leais-rs aud barrel and i-rus.s Jugglers. Tliey

held an excellent reputation in the profes-ion

as f rstn-lass artistes in their line. Eninel

Runnels and bis two sons, Barney and Freddie,

"ne of tbe most classic and graceful acts in

tlie profe-sion and con'-dered wonderf il

flip-flap throwers. Freddie was con-id-red

one of tbe best tumblers in tie profession.

Frank .kshton, apprentii-e t.i W.:!i.-ini .tshton.

one of the most wonderful tumbierw of hi*

day. Tilly Ben Said. apprent!>-e to Mohomed,

a wonderful tumi-ier and f e nio*t extraor¬

dinary flip-flap thrower who ever liv'd. He

Ims a record of g.. ag amund tbe ring on

Dip-flaps f ve times

N'.v pierf.irmer ever

existed who could e'l'ial Tilly in around

th" ring. H" ha-l n.i r.val in Ihi* liu". The

w-lter. John Werla-'d. an apprentice to

.Ma.Iatii" tVi.rlaud duel l"-*,'mer-ault leaprr,

the fir-t and only performer to have turned

a donhle-twi-ting pimi.- t frera a leaping board,

n ha* the d.stti'ilon pf tieing the onl.v

man. living or dead, to have turned- a triple

suiiiersaiilt from a tcamiioline buar-t. This 1*

taken from the re<otJ of T. .\!l*tiin Brown,

the bi-torian of tlieatrc al». .VI-o the first

man to have a e< mplish'-d .x doui-Ie somer-ault over a lu!llpan.v- of soldiers with fix'd

layonefs, the sold.ers standing face to face,

nui-k-ts on their -honld.-rs, n perpendicular

]".* tii.n. Tie- -o il er* W'-u J ext.-ml a di*tan

f'-oiii the I'oard to tie' leaping h.d twen'y*

s. v< n feet. Wbil" in tl i« po-itiou I ran

rt'.wn the Imard. made two complete r' ToItitions

ill the air and while *o doing the -sildiers

w..iild dis' barge the r rifles. I w..uM then

ti.rnont tbe world us b' Dg the stars of their r'-^iiec-tlTe act*. Wm. Hanlon wa» the rirst to liave present'd to the .\merican public tbo three flying trai"*/e. Leonard and Victor Jnlien Were tbe first two arti*te* to have done r.'ing trapeze in Euruiie. The Carlo Brothers, William, George and Frederick, ions of Felix · 'arlo, the great clown an>I i>osturer. These brother* performed th* most dithcult a<-robatie feat* known to the profession and were con¬ sidered to be the greatest acrol,at* in tbe world. They traveled in foreign countries for a Dumber of yeirs and when they r'-tum,-d to America the entire clrcu* profes-ion wa* astonished and marveled at tbeir most ditBcult feats. As to legitimate acrobatic feat* tlwy had no equal. Tli-y were the originators of sw-mingly Impossible tricks which they p,.r* formed and were noted for their grai-e and a shuWT perform a ni-e. They were rightly t'-rnied all-round g> neral pe.-fo-mer* and known to I"' the originators .if la-ad-to-head balau'-iiig. The Drrin Family, ·b-orge nrrln an-1 suns, George W., EJward W.. Charles and an apprenti'-e, Willy-, ai**, Kaf.v. This was , "lelirated as g. neral a' robats and performers. Fur a numtier of years they were maiiag'-r* of the famous Orrin Bros.' Cirt-us of Mexico aud Cuba.
The Great iSilhuns, Cornelius, Walter, Kata and an apiTemiC", E'lward. Tin* greatest aerial act that ever c-ani" to .\merl'-a. The a. t was noted for it< great lengths, being ti.e greatest spread of couplings ever u*ed by any gymna*ts. Tie- douf'I" somersault duU" by XV..;fer bad a distance of over twenty-five feet from the time he left the trapeze before '-at'-hing his brother. E'ldie's dive from the dome
the ,-aavas to f e hands of Conny Silbon was the most seD' d ve ever accompll-b'-d l.v an.T g.vmoast »n ai. oiint of tbe extn-me hi-tance vvhich he traveled thru sjeaoe.

land on tbe h aping he,]. In connection with .Vmong the most i>rumin,-Dt dire- tor* and

till* partiinlar |>erformance I will relate a trainers of appr'-ntices n ay be mentioned John

tlirilling exiierl'm-e that took place in Bubinson, the tir*t: G. Chirini. .'Ji'cncer Stoke*,

V'tii, in tie bull ring. Plaza de .Vebio, with Richard Rivers. Br'tn,-! Runnel*. Charles Noye*,

th" Carlo Bros.' Cir,-us in 1'77. O'lr company J,e> Fish. Jacob Showels. James DeMott. Dan

was t '-d itp Id that city on ac'Oiint of a Rii-e. John Nathans, Richard B"I1, Sr., ami

t' volution and we remained Idle about six Omar Kingsley.

wesks. Finally the goveminent I'ennitted us

to rro,-eed with our performam-es. The man-

ag-ni'Ut of the Carlo Bros.' Circus wav anxiou* to put ·mme extraordinary performan.-e-. on the bill. I volunteered to perform the feat as Ju-t de* riiied with the soldiers. Tl * i~rr.'rnian.-e prov.-d a big card and th" bell ring was filled to it< capacity. The leaps


V, .-nt I'll. .\t t e fiui-h of the act the soldier*, li. .|."d by I'.ipt. Morale*. mari-U.-d into the r.iia. got into po-iti.-n a> des. r.lwd end when a'l was in rcadine-s a signal was given,
f. e bugle Muud'-d and I started to run down

RV '.--'»·u.'s*e

B it fha olB'ial crzxa of the red<rxt..^a and all otnar Viriv.y

Virw or;au.-

.-xt.-S 1


111 I-aping iHwrJ. Before I r»-a. h«'1 th" 1s.Tti.iii of tiw run Ihipt. Morale* w th his sword in hand >:gaah-d me t" stop, widcli I il .1 I was at a h -* to understan,! t;iis in¬ ti rruption. I'ut I aft-rwiard di'-o'erisl t'lal the -..'.d'er* had in t'.eir rifle* real cartrulges. H-n.-e the trt'-rrupt.ou. While 1 walked back up tbe ruuning boa^^ the real eartridges "wer*' r-moved fn'Ui H.e rift.-* and blank* were -uh*- -iit-d. .V *'-"iid time ttw. bugle eui.'-d anl 1 *i.i-t..'t down the r-.n au'l p-rforiii. il i: * f- a a* ,le*, rib<.d. The soi lier* then pi, k. d m up

Toll Thaw What Yao Hava T# Sail Thrauqh ai Ad is Our Calumsa.


Whale P»«a . »52 hi

Hart Pvaa . 27 5>

Third Paaa . 2l OJ

Qjartrr Paaa . I* 3J

S xt* Paea . IS C»

Eiahth Paea

. I» 5J

Wide Calusin. aar is.-h . i $0

Narraw Caluain, aar lach. 2 SO

The PERFORMER It filed at all THE BILL¬ BOARD OMcd i* Aaiarica.
HEAD OFFICE; IS. Charln* Crau Read. L*adaa WC 2
SCOTTISH OFFICE: 141 Bath St.. Glawaw.

,'U thiir -hoi.lilei'. ,-arr.ed me to t!-. dr,.*s.n-g

r,.<-!ii. «! .r,. 1 wa* m. f bv Ca. t. Mor.i ·-. H

ih.ii told me that be owed me an aiwlogr

and then de*. rib,-d tbe interruption of slopping

m. . ou tlk- runway. I told him that 1 was

uiil.v t«m willing au'l happy to be alive aud

Tivveptrd hi* apology.


H.i-iioiou* Stotiw. ··Sa.I-Startar*". foe Spawbas, T. .1... Kra' Spec, hr*. LoF.y Sentlmenii. Beautiful K.i r-a! iHa'to!.*. Way* To liis'ire 3!K---rss of Batii.iieis. KtiirttalniBaiii*. rtr. Clever pocket tlM biwkIr-. only 10.' ai.d tto ataiup THE COLLINS CO.. IS7 FultM SC. BrMkIyn. N. V.

Ttie Billboard

july s. 1924


I_Edited by H.E,Shumlin SoNcw^rk^^(^* I
gwywynmuraMnwmiKmMyMMMMMyyrwTy MMiiigMHBMMMBiiaMMMMiiMMMiMMmjtmmCTMgywfBMBBmn

It Strikes Me Brandt's Unification Move

Seider Succeeds Woodhull

Rejected by Leaders A as M.P.T.O.of N.J.Head -- t a recent meetinp of the Motion Picture Theater Owners of Western

Pennsylvania a resolution was passed giving: credit and thanks to the

O'Toole and Steffes

Refuse In¬

Legislative Committee of the M. P. T. O. A. for the admission tax reduc¬ tion. According to this resolution many members of the Western I'ennsylvania

New Jersey Body Holds Success¬

vitation To Attend M. P. T. O. of N. Y. Convention

organization "are possessed of the definite knowledge that the Legislative Committee is solely responsible" for the tax relief. While there have been many other tenders of thanks to both the M. P. T. O. A. olllcials and Will Ha\s for the tax reduction, it may be that this resolution is deserving of serious attention. It must be remembered that Secretary of the Treasury

ful Three-Day Convention --O'Toole Boosts for M. P. T. O. A.

Nfw \ork, June 1'8.--The invitations sent to Tresident M. J, O'Toole, of the M'-tion ''ture Theater Owners of .\meri<a. nnd W. A. Steflfes. president of the Allied States* Oreanization, b.v Wniiam Prandt, head of the M. P. T. O. of New York State, to attend the Pnffalo conven¬ tion of the latter oreanization and di«<-u?`t« wa.vs and means of forming one big national body, have been turned down.

Mellon comes from Western Pennsylvania, and it is perfectly possible that

the motion picture theater owners of that section have what is technically

known as inside Information.





Incidentally, those picture houses which raised their admission prices several months ago are in a happy position. The raises, while small, just about cover the amount of the tax reduction, and now these houses can give the public the benefit of the tax and still be ahead of the grame. Among the theaters to raise their prices at that time were those operated by the Famous

Asbury Park. N J.. June 28.--The annual eonventlon of the New Jersey Motion Picture Theater Owners, held here thii week, closed Its three-day session by electing officers for the new year, selei-ting Joseph tV. Relder, of East Hrnnge. to fill the place as president which B. F. Wuodhnll leaves. Charles Ilildinger, of

O'Toole exeu>ied bimself from attending the meeting by *-aying that the work of his ofliee and the previous arrangements made to attend other exhibitor* meetings would not p<rmit

Players-Lasky Corporation. That may have something to do with the prompt¬ ness and patriotism with which that company's theater department announced
* · · · to the world at large that the public would get the benefit of the tax cut.

Trenton, was elected first vice-president; Peter ·Vdams, of Newark, second Tice president; Henry P. Nelson, of El!zalM-fh. secretary, and W.Iliam Keegan, of Trenton, treasurer.

him to go to Itufralo. The New York State convention Is to bi- held July 7 to 11. Steffes, who caused his rejeetinn of the Invitation to be PublKhed In a Northwestern regional tradj'ai'er. sets u|i an alternative method of his

Sound the mournful dirge! The Theater Owners' 'Distributing Corporation has expired. The voluntary petition in bankruptcy filed last week marks the dying gasp of grand and glorious ideas.. The loudly heralded distributing organization, "by exhibitors and for exhibitors," is now a part of history. What is the reason? Politics, according to some. Business and politics don't

Members of the board of directors chosen are; R. K. Wnoilhull. who |r also chairman of the National Board of Birertors; David F. Hen¬ nessey, Sidney Samoel-on. .Arthur B Smith, Ben Schindler, I.ou!s Rosenthal, 81 Fabian, I. M.

«inn by which a nations! organization can he Imllt up. rie sugge.ts that both the M. P. T. *' .t. and tlir .tilled States seieef representa¬ tives wliirli will meet with representatives of independent unit', such as Is the New York Stale M. P. T. ti , and form plans for a new organization, t>otii of the largor bodies then di'liaiidiiig Itepreseiifatives from each State will then moet and send out a call for a con¬ vention. .tfter nominations are made for of¬ ficers of the n-w organization ballots will be sent to pverv exhibitor and direet elections held for these officers.
Tlip P.randt invitation, xvhioh was also ad¬ dressed to ot'er exhibitor leaders and theater owners in general, called attention to the great necessity for a strong national organization

mix. sav they. The idea was fine, but the execution was terrible.

Hlrshblond and H. Joshkowlta.

This inglorious end of the T. O. D. C. strikes me as a sad thing, a fact to be regretted. Others call it a fitting commentary. With such a famous man as Sydney S. Cohen at its head, with an official and directorial staff of men who are among the leaders of exhibitor organizations in the national body, the M. P. T. O. A., the burden of making a success of what appeared to be sound
proposition was yet too great, too heavy to bear. Why is it that a distributing organization, based upon the principle of
co-operation between exhibitors, cannot succeed? Surely there is nothing wrong with the principle. First National proved that the idea was not a bad one. even tho First National reverted to type after getting weil started. With thousands of exhibitors ready to use good pictures, no matter by whom they

In an address to the convention M. J O'Toole, president of the M. P. T. O. A., revived tho Idea of establishing an organization bank such as those operated by the garment workers and other labor organizations. He told how tho plan had been brought out at the Minneapolis convention several years back and how it had been forgotten. "Exhibitors should not patron¬ ize producers who are hurting exhibitors," said (I'Toole, repeating the sentiments expre-aed in I'eiston. President O'Toole also announced that

are distributed, it stands to reason that the exhibitor-owned concern giving I the exhibitors of New York had pledged |20.<si0

the theater a better edge on buying should succeed.

for the national organization'a working fund

The trouble seems to be that the T. O. D. C. was not in any sense of the and that #2tt ttoO more had been promised for

word a co-operative proposition. Outside of the fanciful satisfaction an ex¬ the same purpose by New Jersey exhibitor!.

hibitor might obtain by buying a picture from a company owned by a few

properl.v financed to fight the battles of ex¬ other exhibitors, there was no tangible reason to expect unusual support 'fom ^


theater managers. A simple means of Insuring hearty exhibitor support might


lie offered the Buffalo convention as an op¬ be thru inaugurating a more visible, material advantage to the exhibitors

portunity for the M P. T. O. A. and the Allied profit sharing. Whv can't such a distributing company sell Its pictures at a 1-08 Angeles. June 28.--Ry an arrangement

offieials to get together on neutral ground and fair rental and stipulate that, after a certain period, all profits over a certain with Ideal Films,, of England, tbe Chris¬

I iliseuss the possihility of such an organization. amount will be rebated proportionately to the buyer? This method would tie Company will produce a film version of tho

! The refn-als seem to show .1 desire on the insure bookings, provided meritorious pictures were obtainable, and would famous stage success, ``Charlie's Aunt". The

jtarf of b'th of these leaders to keep going separately. There is small chance that th 
>1. P. T. n. A. offieials will pay any serious

give the company a real right to nominate itself "By exhibitors and for ex¬ hibitors."

r'ghts to the play were purehasevl Troin the estate of the late Brandon Thomas, its author. While rarely p'ayed nowadays In this country

attention to flie Steffes plan President O'Toole'g letter of refusal to Brandt

"Charlie's .\ant'` Is revived annually In London, and road eompanles of it go out each season in

read as follow-;


"Tour letter Inviting me to the Buffalo

meeting of f'eater own*'rs on July 7 has re-


ce ved ray ear-ful attention. `I find I must de< l ne it. as in earrvlng out
the compreliensive lines of p-oeediire laid down at the Bn-ton convent on and s'neo t'len augtnentod by the action of soveral moetings of on* national hoard of diroofors all of my timo will
he taken up.


The Chicago T eater, leading house in tho

^ Ralalian A Katz ehaln In the Windy Ctty, ha«


booked Hie Warner Rros.' "Rroadway After

SCHENCK AND FIRST NATIONAL? Bark" for flr-t run In Chicago, the engagement beg nning July 7.


"Tiiere are al-o a nu'uI«T -f meetings that 1 liad previon-'y arranged to attend in oonnectl-n wi'h the wo-k of our nat'onal organization, ineluding f'-e eonven*ion of tho Motion Pletnro

New York, June 2®.--The B. P. Si hiilb*Tg PToductlons, Inc., has been formed to make a series of nine Preferred Pictures wliich will

New York, June 28.--.\ break between Joseph M. Selienek and First National is r-iHirled in Hie making, according to talk along Broadway. It is said that tlie Immediate cause of friction

''tlroiidway .\fter Bark" Is the pho'opliy in which are incorporated some of the Interest¬ ing Ineldeuls of H`0 recently held .ketors' r'lulty Ball at the Hotel Astor, New ^or^.

Thoater Owners of N< w .tersf y at .\siiury Park, be relea-ed thru the State-right d -lributors Itetwei-n tlie proilucer and the distributing or-

the meeting of t'lo theater owners of Maryland. V ho held the franchises for the prefern d I* c- ganizallcn wtiich handles the Talinadge pie.

Virginia and Bistriet of roinmh'a on Jnlv 1. tiirea Coristratlon, whi -h Is now In the Icinils tuns is tiiiif Selienek !a dlssiilistlecl witli Hie ' and the m-et'ng of the theater owner- of Boch- of a receiver. B. P. .Schiillterg, WliO was tlie niamuT in wtiii-h Norma Talmadge's "Secrets"


1 ester ard W -'ern N-w York at B.s'iu-fer on president of the old company, has piipliased is la'ing liatidled.

t Jii'r 2`J. fo-et'er wil'i meetings of the theater from it the sereen rights to the pl tiires It lad

t eve-- ..f -.ii-ylvan'a to cn-hl-r censo'ship planned to make. There is no other eouuection

Bii'l; of tills, II is said, in a desire on

Selieiiek's part to release his pictures Hint

and other situations in that State."

between the two concerns.

Mi tro-ibildw' n. Tlie Buster Keaton pleliires.


V-I.-e ft,e N. w York State 'M. V. T O. is

Preferred had listed a screen version of "The also prislu' cd by Seiieni k. are dlstrltuiled I'.r

' ii-lependent llure is a sm.iil organization of I'lr-I Year ". Kriink (Vnen's stage siKi'ss. as Metro now. Selienek and >rareiiH I,<s'W are

evii'h't-rs around Boriirstf*r wirel* i,as renmied oiii` of its pieluri', lull til s Is not iuiludeil i»< s.

s h *

w iii the M I* T. O. A I'nring the past sear, however, fiie State Is'dv l.a- won ba<k most of tliose exliilrtors wlio had stayed out ov left the orgairration, and It n-w has pra'ticallv

in tlie new S4liiilt>eig crop Production rhitils l.ave appareiitl.v reterieti bai'U to Joiiii <ftdt|eii, the legitimate producer.

W hi ll "Si I rets * played a long run at Hie .\s|or Tlie.iter on Bioadway reeeiiHy l( « is iidierlisi'd rui Hie screens of ail las-w ttieaters

Virginia Tlieater, Fairmont, W. Va Bear Shuinlln:
AppriH'lato your fine h»ost for "Movie Ne«s``. iMir idea was to publish a piiis r (o replace hi-rald'. We no idea of atlractliiig national attention. Wr roailisl you a few more isiples. as you ma.y have lD<tiilr|e, iifli-r your miiitliin. We only have a few lOpeH for files of first l»«ue.
`I'lie seroiid Issue w`II come out early neit

a soltd membership. The Bo<'cster b«<ly is

Seliullierg I'Bs returned to I.os Angeles, in New York, althii aniionneed for First Na¬

I ti erefore an organization in name only.

where t*e will supervise production at tiis tional release.

week and we are irintitig 7.l)oo Instead of Til list as before. Hf tlie first issue we mallei

' *

rtespite t'le nonattendance of O'Toole and Steffes I lie Buffalo meeting promises to be a

studio in Jfisslon Hoad. Tlie fir-t picture will he "The Breath of Scandal", from Edwin


I 1 Pve'y and en.ioyahle one.

Balmer's story, which Gasnier will direet.


to all people living on rural routes, put out some at theater and dlstrllnited some at lioiiies. We bate only lieard of one copy not

filling Its mission. It was dlstrllnited at



I.o- Angeles, June 2®.--Managers and oflleiTs of Hie Wi-I foast Tliealers. Ine . will liold their

first aiiniiiil coiiiention liere .Inly 7 10 Tlie

I.O.. .\ng<Ies. June 2®.--Sol I.<sser has signed Itoro'i.y Mael.aill to play the leading role of

riollywcKKl, (*alif.. .Tniio 2^.---TlioniaK 11. Iiht Iism Kipnvd r`'r»'y Mgrniont to play tho hadintf

 "iiipanv operates 1 to thA:iters In ('sliforiiln. Harry ('. .Vrtliiir. general niannger of Hie Hieati-r chain, say, that I first fne dins of the

Marta in tlie princijial production of Harold ro|i` in hlK prodmdlon of Jom-ph P.

meeting will Iw enllreiy devoted to business

Bell Wrigi t's ``The Mine With Hk- Iron Boor". i.ovfl, "Dr.

whiob I'on-ornK itnolf with and tliaf on tlie fourth day a eelehratlon will

Sam Wivid will direct the picture, most of ih** folks of *ttpo ('od. It uil! Ik? rol<'H«od by' take place, at wlileli tlie managers will be

an empty bouse, ilf those given out at door of HiealiT not one mis tliniMn away.
We thnk we liate soiled the problem of pap'rs to replaie lieralds liy lieliig generous  i.eiigh to put In some Interesting matter outside of our own advertising.
Yours truly. (Signed) R. LINN, lCtn.xger.

whi' li will be filmed in Arizona.

I'ifht Xational.

guestH of honor.

JULV b, 1924

The Billt>oarc]


-behind the CURTAIN'


. .1 . r iiiV'trrr rtrHniil A* fiir :r  iiii' iif tr'""* If r-uipur** fa»i>ralily. In
I'l faM>r;ilil,\, with j|ii<it.i< r p c

- I.-

(··vli^wi'il In Ills l-'tiP.


. I iim iifiih'-r an ··xhlliltor,

\ ·T'- '"ii. hilt If f w»T»* anil I

· . r 'f III' '<· iih-turi's Ilf th«» sami* ,1 1,1-  I'.i'lilnd llif fnrtain" tliaf

. .nirs'f Tilt* rfii-'in for thin  i;. Mii'l f:*' I'lirtaln" l» a very
; .f It i' I'lil.T fair; lint It ii* liot-

CiilliT Out-", bfftnao it ha*

na 't>'r> hliii'li l« ti'it at all

.. .... ' ' .1- a "·ifalv. nnlittcaina patv*;

. , - 1 niiir'I' r myslory which I*

a III 1 «a,'.

. a- · I.iiiillf llu'knon, Johnny Har-



Charlc* Clary. Eric

, .-i:,. ri» r anil Clarence fJeldert

n. M'" Iirv'tin. Mayue and Cooper

I -I «"rk of t!.'- lot.  f. I'lirtaln" U a itory of Iotc.

1 ;-.f:i!if, anil the traged.C that the

l.-.iv I r''tilt'd In I.aura Allen la the

f Cc.rBc ^.'·lmont. a millionaire.

'ni hut fi-*r< he will nerer marr.r

.. i: 1.1 a »P rlfiiallKt. a I>r. ftreeofl-

t arn'- iiloiu' ali'in'd hare forewarned

>. \Mi. ti villain, and I* told that a

· w !| h'-fall her. She ha* a ynnn*'-r

1. ae.iy at a private aehool. and

I.aura an'l It'.lmnnt are at d n-

· ·· r 1 ·''· O' >1. Svlvta rual.e* In and In-

1, ,. r' h r ' Stt-r that she haa eloi""!

I far-.'I a yniinc man fr-to a whool

. n- -'.c alt' n<I .1. Th » yntini: hn»-


..;;.r tliiin II Imurt s '"n When

r- ..· f the elder It* Im-nt nearly has

II. ri. ' iinil ravfi. at I.anrj. ac'-in. na

the «h"Io th'm: T e Id. a of '   Iii.i-ri'd to th'. siet'r of, hIS

" . X.'. .1 ti.-'v rep< Ilent to him Tay-

a".. · .n

t'l. ft fii'iil. he proposes

.. -It .«_*'i'««. from Mm in retrirn for " 1 . ii. e '1X..I- ard rti'hes od 'n hl«

' . ha'k ' I ', tii .ii'-y. t I.Inc h< r he

·:i a i.n li'.-.r if.'- leinks in t at

I- ln..i:iv a-c iippari-rtly p*`n until


I. v't He '"'ihl hare r ven h'-r


h .1 l« tnc a ai Ii .n.i re he

· t I

> The hour p:i'*.es Iiy.

hit. I 'a'''T '·torn* with ll.e money.

* r

"It ;n t ·· el.lit n'Cht


··s man is arri-tid he th

. a . ··k. who al-o atti-nd' d

` 1'- ii-i j .non'. I.' p'a'''-<I on

· II . hr ;n ···inianT with I..*ura.

'.'I iti'l 'in'ie.- d to die. Bnt

· . t f « 'll-. 'Vil il' t' ctive Itrtnits the

l. \ In t " < i'T aftiT unit tlj h*Tmit a " -'p..!.. .1 aiol Boe* w fh hi;n to

·. · of t.'i- lies-, where another r ' ll. fa.' to f*'-e ts''t| t
 I of ti '. mt; dor. <!t«»"rioii<

' ' · .'I "'Ilf'"'' 111- ki'l. d r.t Imniit. ft 's Well di'I.i'.


'ri. d .'.I lor .xottiiB sisti-r ait'l

I 11":.I ari' l. ii'px from t . n on

' n he che-'er E'enkHn. Plstrlhoted

'^·'-il I* t'lres C'lrporatlon.

·the guilty ONE"

Famous Players-LasWy

« i" -ome isniple who hatr a con-

.- "n f"t m.x'firy iiivludrania' iinil

1 I hr anytliiiiK in that line, no niatl'r

h' ray in Clilua. p.ii.k It Is To fit''.

' Tty. Ciillty dne" shonhl hx* dedicated

: i.t 1 r-. I'or at.y otl.rr in ruon. for

'· my-iajs of mm tl. k'l ptirclia«'r<

'i'll lo he ent'-rla·ii'-'l hr a pletnie.

fork ox'-r the shekel', do so

' f riewInB a pli lnre Ji stlfylnj fhc

t tiiki' to I'lil on .1 1 li'an eoll.-ir or i ''mise, "The (.liiilly One" i« III hardly do.  .1 :| I' lo eonjiir' up llo- va't sums of

' Ml. d liy pleiiire producers npon ' dims; .Iti'l think of the Ice crenm

1 It ii'U'il have 1111^ tu.iurhl for ttio

'l l · 'll.ring the hot iiHiuflis with the 't 'l.'iii:!! that "The (iuilfy ttiu" costl ' ' .I.I'.r. To pul It in another way,

· iH . XXI'll '-an alt thru the imreelliiB

t. .ifure xvoiild enjoy 11 rx'i llatl'.n of

Ih'l lli'lliiB IIihmI". That Rives you

` 11 "t ti.'XT 'irl* nnl the -fory of "Tha "   is.

iiit''' story Is the well-known one .'"'hi; xxlfe xvle.'i hn'l'sud xxu' too  - li n.uhts (u ever take her out uud


li ix '-'l hi r lo ItHik el-, xvh' fe for

'' luiiil. pill' tlM- e'lutilly familiar

' '1 fm-k Uoliiii" plot. Sui h an utterly

i:.d eonxeiill'iiial nieliitiRe mlRhl l>e

till Iri'iilni'.nt iieminh d it hy the

' ' ind thi- diri < tor had some claiin

.Illy ill it',. xvorklllB out of the d.'-

' Ihl' it lias mil. Then afiilr If II. ' ih<' *t.ii, Aitnes .kyres. were not


ROItlr fcou^^ F01.0CD fOOISAu TICKETS


:i| pallinziy amateurish and, the picture Either. II** fills In lox-e xx'lth .Icnnie Ar.drexvs.

ni.Rhf still have 'onie elalin to favor. But a cashier in .i cheap restaurant p.atron-

-MI'S Ayres Is stiff and iininsidred. so much so. in fact, tbai it is n matter for xx'inderment how she ever sot to be starred.
In none ol her previoii' vehicles has Iwr talent seem'd so pitifully small. Of the other* In th'. ca-t I tfle RiMid can l>e said. Th'It part' d'l ii'il iHTniif of miieh U'-finR and most of them do not appear to have much atiility In that line at any rate, sitanley Taylor, its a X' linR luau emerRlnB from adolest'n'e. S'i nis to sii ix* promise 01 better thinRs. He lia.s obv ou-Iy rIv. n s'lnie ttiouKht to hi* work. The others are lldxxard Burn'. Traiiford K'-nt, Fyril RIdr. Th'ima' R. .MIIN. t'atlieriiie Wallaee. CeorRe SiiRiiian (Tarenee liurt'in and Ii'.r'ithea Wolle-rf. Mis? Wollierl. It must Is?

ized by factory xvorkers. Aft'P n .short '·onrtship he marries her without telling her that lie is anything but a workman. They lix-e together happily in .a small flit for u year .m.l a lialf, duriug xvliich time a baby is liorn to them. One d.iy Jack gws to visit hit parents aii'l is told by Ills siepftxtber that he is to give up the factory work and come Into the ottiees. J.ick. seeing an oiiportimity to reveal his mar¬ riage to his [laronts and his piiients to his wife, tells them fo call for him Hie iieit day.
The next day, a* Jack's par'-nt* draw up to the house where he lives. Jack eonies riinuing across tho street, is struck by 11 motor triu-k and serio'islT injured. He is tak-'n to the hospital by lii« parents without his xvife ktH>wing and is ill for -.ome time. Wlu-a he Ie:ivs

add'Sl a* an aftertbonuht. is very Rtsid as a the hospital all memory of his luurri'd life lias


I'-ft him. and lie goes to live with liis parents.

Tta- sto'-y: Ir*ne tilyrt. xvtfe of a j'-ar. l.s .I'-mie. his xvife, hearing nothing from hep

w. aried of t e i|uiet. fnnless life, ili r bti'liand husland, 1ms finally come to the belb-f he

I' a yeuiiR and aiiiblt,'>us arihltect wh<> n-l-ts has deserted her. Her money runs out nnd she

I ,.iin desliriiinR Imii'ltnRs every dsy and every ex' iilnR. Ih'r'-''x- II'irl'-'tluR to fake his wife «iiif. Tills Rix'' Ih'' x;llain. a xvaltby isuiti' "'-ur of art and vx.iiieii. a . iianee to R'-f In li .' iliriy xx"rk. .V- I:.'' b'l'bati'l Is too busy to pay an'. att' nii"n lo hi' wif-- S. aten I'axles. villain a- sO,r..-.i ,| a'-t* as I er .s.-.irl. Tlu-n one day the '.ver.watchfni "Toxxn Gossip", that all-'celne Rat'tte xx-lihonf which no s"ci' ty i'hotoi.lH.v  in ii'piie to the name, prints a ua.'ty note .about tl . a''alr. whb b I' i" rfi'tly in!.'*<  11 "n Ir-.n* '- j'art.
T. at n Rl.t if r.i.i.' .tny stt ady patron of the mi'Xl'S ii-.Rlit kiioxv tlmf .·· mur'ler is in th*othiiR. oliietxi -p xx'iv ils rain-t'.rtii; W .in-

f.i'-i'S the prosjie.-t of t'eing evicted from her home and having to send her baliy to an '·rph.-inage. I'n.tble to Ret work, she is at last f"i(e.| to enterl.iin the idea of l.cing "help*`d" by a etirb lizard who live- in Hie si'rae house. Tl" n 'lie 11 arils that J iek has I" en s»-en enter¬ ing a big home in Ih" n'nrl'v c'l.v. xind Roes to I .if hoti'e with Iut Infornor. S>:e for.-.'' h'-r " ly in. loiHri'nts Jick. and Ic.ives d''-pepafe .i.'l lialf out of ber mind wlieii lo- deni'S that I e knoxv* hor. She ret'irns to her while li'p frii-n'l gets sorai R'uwl-hearte.l huskii' lo i.'c fori e on .l.u'k and bring him ba. k to Ins xx-ife. Tli'-y do so. and Jack is for"-fu!Iy tak. n I" 'he flat. His parents, appri'cl of Hi- k:<III ipi'inR. foll'ixv. .\t first .Tio k Is m.X 'iiti I I x-

sh 'wu Irene's yotin.- broth'r t. arina Into ti.e I" allair. bat the sight and feel of fami:: r of "Toxxn i;.."' " ami Is iOR li'foriio d " his old home brinp back his m'moiy.

t...if .'''jton I>a\i..' pail to have the it. m in Ills I'ln nts are Rraflfied at his ri eovery aiot

.l.'-t.on I'rint.'l N.\t iv sec Mr. MeTt X'eb onie Ids wife and child into Ho ir le-ni.

h'.-idlHR for Bax e-' -ipirlni'nf. tho for wha' r'.i'on Is not ·ipla.ced stO'^e b* lai. r .iss'-'ts that he fro.-ts bl' xx fc. Next w.' ar*- .aj.pri''-d

I'irei lion by .lohn G. Adoli'hi. rrodec'il l y K-.iiik Womls. Distributed by riixducen-' I>isI;-i'Uting I'orporation tHodkinsnn).

of the fact I'.ai I'sxbs has b»>en kills.I. .\:l-r a ii'imlN'r of n'fxou- . D'-s. in which t^h.'rt I-


,irr. sNd cliar.ed ixilh the crime, tie cI'-xt

"[ '.rvatlon of bis xxife wrincs a i-..n!''-'-i

First National th<- "r.'xxn Co-.-ip" rei'O.ter H. ha'l

d.'ne it xvhf-c surpris. d stealing the dead man's 1 t.r-, I I', n t'.is the ^hx>Tts are hapi'll;. r.  mi't-d. and. tiio m.arrled. they din. h for a
tl: il fad* .lilt If I sn eihibltor and were thinking
of l o t'i''- 1 · tiio Riimmx'r months. I woul'l pi.ix a ."I r- "U.` ra»b*r tl'Sn a po ture hk..

'Vlule "Thf Perfect F'api'cr" is 01 snly .in .'ti'mi't to pirallol " Vouth". and
tlierx-forc, an imitation of a sort, if is, nex.rt..i Ie-«. nn ani'isiiig .-iid eiil' )iict'.re xxl.i' h is well xxi'rtli se'-iug. aiul. .is it natiir.illy follows, well worth Is*.king. spea.iug a' .1 js-rs'in who has been loves".u,.,| to the vi-rge of

"Mo xi'iil'y «ia'".

· to rvous prostration by three huii'lreil or more

I' by ,1 .'.-iih Ilcnaliory. Semano by pb tures during the past year. 1 liereby set

.\' I :.i'" -X

Distributed by Famous forth and attirm that never h.ive 1 s'-i n a love

ria.ier'-lJisky Cerixoratlon.

S' 1 ne 'O masterfully comeived and delicately


xxrought as that which takes place in "The Pi-rfc'-t Flapper", with Colleen Moore and Frink

Mayo as the actors. They are In love xvitli

Producers' (Hodkinson)

each other you sen*, and the situation lu wldi-h Hu-y are plac d forces them to pretend that

thty are pretemiinp they are in love. For this

Ti.ut pi'pular motion picture discax-. am- thing alone Ihe picture Is an outstanding con¬

te'ia, uU'l a x.'.iug motlicr, abandoned with a tribution to the list of worth-while films of the

t'jby aiid'". xxhi.h hitler thx'me, accord¬ year.

ing to Ri'-liard Koxvlun'l. m. ans a sucxa-ssful

It is true that "The Perfect Flapin-r'' is oxit-

pictut'-. are ili. l-.i'ie i li-ra' nfs of thia picture. loDR, that it takes up too mneb time in urtting

Ai'ordinRl.x. ' W1 at Si. ill I DoV should make into If* best pax-e. But these di»inlvantaRea

a box-oili'S* hit. and I hope it docs, for It Is .1 are off-et by the roxhI quallHes, amotig xvldch

well-mudi j'h fiiro. xon>iru'-t.d xxilh ntm-h ad¬ are: Colleen Moore, more adorable if possible

miral'!'-. p.iin'fakinR afti-nfion to dot-ail.

than ever before; Sydney riiaplin. fnuny xxith-

It sirik's in' llio pi'fures arc rather out being ridiculous; a wi-II-knit story xxith a

av'T'vorkirR tins amne'ia tiiinR tho. The mar- sound Idea, and Hie love scene previousl.v

Telou- facility xvlili xxhioh c'tors lose their iii'-ntioned. Tliese are the artistically pissl

meni'xrlcs and n-eain Ih'-m tiseil to bi' qnitc things In the picture, to xvhich mii't be added

charming, but tu'xv *< i uis Ju't a bit Irritating. Hie iiiorx' xvldeljr apiM-allng zip of niimi rocs

In this parti'uhir x'.i'e the amncsl.y vUtiin re¬ parly sci ms ef various d.-scrlpiions. iiK-Iuding

members eTi ryMiing e\.' pting the v ry xifal one xvhi'-b takes pla.'- in a large liouso bx-itiR

fact that be has a wif'- .iiid ehlld. Ecu ixltiu mox'd thru a xify stn-et at night.

brought fii'''- lo fiii-x' with his xvife he do'-s not

Tile supporting cu't includi-s ITiylUs Haver,

ri'x'ognite lo r. If'-s a diM'rkno* k'T lie had I-xdia Knott and Th-irles Wellesley.

tuail<` with his oxx'i binil' to revlxe the sleeping

Tomnii'* Lou I'emN-r. the io-roini' of the* story.

brain xM-lls Just In time for a liappy ending.

Is a sxxeet young xvlio has b< cn brought

.lii'l Hu '.'me "Wlwit Shall I Ih'?" I' an up by an olil-fa'hioned maiden aunt. Turn

rnterlHlniiiR pi. lure, unusually xvcll ai-t'-d uud bringiiiR up, lioxxevcr, has not made Tommie

excelliUR in flu' reali'Ui of the scetix's depicliuR I.ou xiry po]>iil,ir xxith Hu' Kiys, xvhi'h. of

I lie lixes of lHK>r xvorkiDR |ieople. Its chief '-ourse,, is .ill impxxrtant. Ti'nimie I.ou is old-

xliariu. hoxx'-xi-r. lie' in the spti-udid. sym- f.i'liioned. s,"ruitig Hie attia.-Huus of the tilt'-d

tiath''tte lo rt'-riuan. e of Porutliy Mio kaill iu flask. Hie Is'I'l eye and Hie nuigi'd lip. Tommie

tlo leuditig role. Mis-s .M.i'kaill emiueutly de- I.ou glxes a party iu one x>f N'''v York ' ni."t

-oTxea tlx iiig starixd. Joliiiny IVirroo also dues fa'Iiionable hotels to x-elebrale the first au-

W'II. The Mip|>o'tiDK xiist in. lU'leo Laiuise nivei'ary of her social «iiierg'.nce. ami is lu-

Itr'-'ser, Wllliaiii \ Mx'UR. Betty Morrisey. .\un ti-nselx grixveil at Hu' 'mail afteiidancv. The

.May, Ralph M> t'ullough. Joan St.iii'linR. Tom p.irix is a lb lul '-lie ainl but ti xv c-.ime. Tbese tl Brlen and I'anuy IIox. llox i> e'pe'-istly f -xx h.'xvex. r. proi I. i|. <1 lo eiilix'-n tilings by

S's'd in a · · iio-ilx timr.i'i'i part tlia* lias the mixing Hie grai« .ini'-'- pun'ti xvith a mor'' fiery

cs'''nts* (tl I* gtely ill it.

li'liiiil ,.nd bx xx.ii':iig up. n .cud etilerlaining

I.*' k Xel'on. In Hie 'lory, goe- to xvuk .as a Ho' ixailiu'. who "iitnumtsT Hu- gi.' - ', Ti'inmie null luiiid in one of tUx factxxrlea oxxned l-y hib laxu is heartbioki D .cs 'he r<'a!ixes her lack of

atlrai tiveness to the yoiiURer wt. Dick Trayle, a iii.irrie'l mau. xxho would rather sleep than il.iio-e. IS also a gu.-'t with his wife, Gertrude, .1 R"("l frii-nil of Tommio's. Ho tries fo 'oothe Tommie and brings h'T some of the lively piiii'II. They drink log'-ther. Tl . y get "Is-aiilifully drunk', un'I. not knoxving xvhat tlo-y .1". liasti 11 lo a li'ad hou-;". There Hmy get into 1 funny Jam on a a n-xx'papir snaps a picture of tlouii. and the next morning The H.-ily Blab has the picture and a si'aDdal story plast'-red all over Hie front page.
In the morning. xvh''n Tommie recovers from her jag, slie Is traglcallv ashamed of herself ind liegs h'T f.ither fo take her away, as she xvill never be :it-lo to face her friend'. Tlieii come scores of invitations to limch, to tea. to d.inee, to dim- ami to pariv from the younger .set who previoiisty ignor'd Tomraie laui. She di'i-overs, as she Hiinks. the kind of a girl sh« must be to attra.l tlie mi.n. Tlie tibleaxva.T trip is forgott' n, and Tommie proceeds to enjoy h'T 111 w foiind pop'il.irity. luting li'iuor. cigarets and wild p.irtic'. but indulging in them because slie Hiinks it is ' xp .-t.ii of |,,.r.
.V new situation 'iri~es with Dii k Trayl«. whose xvife has 'lei-i.lei] fo div(>ree liim because of the iinfor'miat'- '-l apaile with Tomraie lam. The indigiiaut xvife refii'cs to listen to tho plea of Inno.-'-ni-e imf forth by Dick, and en¬ gages her '·ousin. R. cd Andr^-ws, who is a liixvyer, to bring divorce prociiedings. Dick, to prove to Reed that there was noH ing xxrong. takes liim to see Tommie Lou, wliom he call* "Just a sxvcct. deiniite, oid-fashioncd little girl. Wlien they g.'t there Reed finds Tommie a r. gular flapiii r, ami is di'gii't'-d with her. Blit Tommie falls sfraielit in love with Reed aniJ determines to grab him for licr vry own. She evolves the idea of having him pretend ·that they are in love with each other so that Gertrude ma.v see that h'T siispleions are ground¬ less. I'nder protest Reed agrees, and the miTr.y i-omedy prm-e'ds. Tliinking that she Is pur¬ suing the right eoiir'P, Tommie gets wilder nnd xxilder ns the days pass. Ree.l iM-gins to fall in love with her and his h.iired of her way* and manners Then eonies the love sc'-ne xvhen he preten'Is to make love to h'-r XX here O'Ttriide can si-e It all. After that th'-y h.ive another and more intensely emotional '·'lie. in xvliieh Reed admits he love* Tommie, ami then di-eovers that she was c.irrying oo 1"-. aiise she thought he liked it.
liire.-tion by .Tohn Francis Dillon. Di'lnbiit'-'l iy Fir't National Pictures, Inc.

111 Hu.' I'icture Rui'ert Huglies, the author

ami dire lor. disi-iisses more nr b'ss dramato allr

tile ipie-tion of the woman in hu'inegs, whether

or not she is n danger of lo'ing h'-r womanly

xirtiie. Mr. Hig .s Hiinks, and makes h s pic

tore I'xpr'-'s his thouglif, that It is all ifi

to the Woman; that if >be is the sort of xxoinao

xxho would lose her femininity and virtue sb-

w-!l lo'i' It in bu'in'-ss, but that if she is not

that sort of W'jman, even tho she may ts-n-l

like fh-xihle sti-el and touch the rim of s n.

s' e xvill not hr. ak. That's the big idc* of

"True as Steel".

To sot forth his tb''.*i* Mr. Hughe* isk. s

tlie case of a big bu.siuess man, living bapp.Ir

with a lovely xvife and darling daughter In

tih o, xvho giM-s to New York to purctas"

material and finds liims. if for'-d to d'tl with

a woman. Tliey are attracted to each othT.

tho she is also married, and the busine"dolng

stretches out for many days, to the point whiT"

the hig bU'inc'S man. forgetting wife, daughter

and heme, a-ks the b'l'iness woman to be his

very own. Rut she. Hio feeling a great af¬

fection for l. m. rifiises him. W'.ereui'on the

hig business man .gi>'' h. me. to find that his

daiightir has al-o be.-ome a bii'iness woman,

l onfronii'd with tlie pissibility of his daughter

is'Uiing into intimate contact with hu-iness

nil n, just as the hu- ne-s xxonian in New York

came into eontai-t with himself, he decides that

it makes lif«Ie diffen-nce, that it Is entirely

up to bis daiight' r if she will bre.ik entirely

or if she will he "tree as steel".

Willie th'-re 's no eieiting action of a melo¬

dramatic nature in the picture. It is neverthe-

b's quietly ent* rlaining. The love si-enes be-

Ixvei n the business .and business woman

are exceptionaly fine--vigorous and liiterc'l-

inglr emotional Tiie r-fty seene- 'n the b.-

Bic.r.'.ng of the pi. t'.ire, with the daughter, wl»i

I.-i'.-r he oima a business woman, driving her

.xoiing lover cra.-y by oontinnoU'ly dancing

xvith an elil'-rly banker, who is infatuated with h'T youHif'iIne", are nicely bnmorons and are

f'-pcated with -till more hnmor towanl tls- end

of the 'ilm.

Too much praise cannot be given for the

cxn-lieme of Hie x'li't. The actors are Aileea

I'ringle, Il-.mtley Gordon, Clt'O Madison,

liieanor Foardnian. Norman Kerry, William

U.iines. U'ui'o Fazenda, Jean naskeli, Louis

raine. William H. Crane, Lncien Littlefield

ant! Raymond Hatton, the last named In on"

of his clev.r chara.-ter bits. Miss Fazenda has

u small role, that of a stenographer, but she

ni!i'.>e'' of it an a.lmlraldy human thing. Mis*

Pringle as Hv- bnslnc'S woman

perfex't 'a

t l' part. This actress Is one of the most im¬

pressive personalities on the serx'en, to my

(ContiDDx-d on page Sif)


Xlnc Billboard

JULY 5, 1924



more suitable If Hie bainlit were ahoivn to b*pilled against worlliy niitag*iii|s|s instead of making it appear tbat I i' manner of life w'lls

Nrw York. .Tnno :J''--Tho <li>tr.biitioii of

Jii'l an i-'er' ila.' niat`*".

Five Thousand, .




$3.50 .\t an.T rate, .\iitonio Moreno makes a da-h-

WarntT I<n)tl>`rs' i(ii ti:ri's for i;tJ4 IMJ.'i !..(<

Ten Thousand, _ - - -

6.00 iiig, spiriie*! ban lit eb *'f. His strong arm

bci-n comiileti'ly arraiiu (i for thru the risiiiii.; of f^an^hi^c (li'tributiii> in pvor.v territory in
lli> I'niled Stali-s ainl in liurope. Tin* ex-

Fifteen Thousand,

- - -

Twenty-Five Thousand,

- -

7.00 niethiHls of bi'*inaking sliuiibl endear him to the feminine si-ilion of Hi*- movie fans. Too,
9.00 Moreno I- an <'X<'i'*'dingly capable a*'tor, t'>

tbanirea wliieh wiil mi'net fhp Warner pnxluet

Fifty Thousand, -




12.50 wb**ni tlw art of acting and paiilomiiiiic expr*'s-

are us follows; .Xtlaiita, tja., Ill Walton streit. Southern States I'ilin ( i,., <»-iar S. ttlilknow,

One Hundred Thousand,



18.00 sion is a widel.r opened Ixsik. He is m*ir

than merely quite nil right; be is * H'V to

president; I'.ostoii, IJ I'iiiimont street, I'rank-


lit! K lin t o.. Win. |i .siia,>iio. president, hranen

Your own

TicKet, luiy culuf, ac ura e.y hunibrtcd. etoiy luJ

Ksti'lle Tailor, she of the Inminoii' dark

oUiee in .\>\v Jlmn Conn.; Totonto, Can., Koyal I'.ank r.;il,;., liegal riini', Ltd.,
I'hil Kanfiman. n' inainih'er. bran li olliees in .Montreal. St. .1 ·lin, Winnipeg, Calgary and \aueouver; Chitu-io, 'U .Sontl, Waba-h avenue, Kilm Cla'sies of Illinois, lldwin Silverinun,

i:'..i:a:.irt I t "Upt'ii T-vac!.-* fur J'riT'^ I»rAwin.:^, u.'KHI, $7.00.

I»r mpt vhirnici'ti:. C^>h w.ih ordor. IJfl

Mt J d.J*

rr;im for IlPscirpU

Coupt>n Ti-kPt».

h'' m<»iiv seia dr*


or d.itrd All tiokfH mus* ttu forra t.» Oorrmranil

r .

a:.d l»^ar established price of admission d t. x paid.

National Ticket Co., - Shamokin, Pa-

brown orbs and the tcniler, s.vmi*allo-H*' ni'eiH*. is th*' heroine who craves a*'H**it in a l*>v*r Sis* ptils lip a pri'tty stiff figlit at first wli*'ii the bainlit alHiiipls to manbaiKlI*' her, but s<Min i'omes to the lu-llef that tlcre is noth ng *'l'e like it. fith*'rs in the cast are; .sSnit/.

manager; Cleveland, ()., I'ilm HIdg., Jlsl street

Ii*|wards. than wti*'m tier*' I' no on*` more fit t'l

and I'aynp avenue, 11. 1.. Cbarnas. pre.sideat,

braneli ofliees in 1' ttslinrg, Itetioit and

< iiicinnati; Itallas. Tex.. TMl .Main street.

Sitei'ialt.v I'ilin Co.. W.

ITiderwood, presi-*

dent, braneli otliees in iiiilaiioma City and I it-

tip Itoik: Kansas Cil.t, .Xlo.. Il.'i S. 17th street.

Film Classics of Kaiisa' Cit.i, Inc., A. I..

Kahn, president; lies .Moities. la.. lOii", H gh

street. Premier Pictures livciianges. in.., 11.

M. Weinberg, manager .Milwaukee. Wis., 71.7

Wells street, Tuiistall 1 In, Ine., K.

G. Tun-tall, president; Minneap'.lis, .Minn., I!t7

I. oeb .\r.adc I'.Idg., F.

K. l ilm Co.. .1, F.

CublH`rl,v. general in.inager: Ni w York, li'.Oli

Broadway, .Xpoilo Km naiige, P.obliy Xorth r.u i

Ucnr.v Siegel; X'W itrl-.lus. Ka.. gj.`; S. Liberi.v

street. Creole Kiilerpri-es. K. M. .XsU. general

manager; Philadelphia, 1 ;l;< ne street. Inde¬

pendent Film Corp., K. president,

branch otliep in Wa'hi.igton. I', C.; St. Loui',


olive sire.;, .^t. leiuis Film Kx-

change, Ine.. Harry ll.'iies. manager; Sun

Francisco, Turk and I.cavenworih street^.

George A. Oiipeiiheino r. Iin .. Morgan A. Walsh,

manager, brain-h ori. -e jn Kos .Ingebs; Seattle,

XVasb.. Ittl.'i';; Tidrd avenue. Film < la-sics,

Iiic.. L. K. I'.rin. president, braiuh ollice n

Butte, Mont.; Henver. (id.. .sJs Jl«t street,

Kwalit.v Pietures, L. F. I'idler, nianager; Gail-

mont Co., Ktd., 0 Iteiiman 'treet, I'iceadilly

Circus, London, will distribute the Warner

product in Luropc.


New York. .Tune -s.--The entire program for the Motion Pieture Theater owners of X.w York Statt' Convent.on at Buffalo. .Inly 7 to

Perfect Developing anc1 Printing

Swiji Service without Sacrificing Quality



1339 Diversey Parkway




Chicago, U. S. A.

Holl.vtvood. Caiif.. June 2^.-- 'Hubby'', tlie Working title under wbi. b Hartdd'd's sec<im! iiideneiideiit proilmtiuii i- being made, is rapidl.T uearing completicn and will be ready V. ;;hn a few week' for its first n-view. It is lieped that ti.e picture w.ll be ready for reIi.i-e early i:i tlie new sea-oii.
I'lie story of ·'Hiibliy" revo|v>s aioi.iid tlie iiiaiital troiildes of a ;.oung couple about to start on a vaeatioii wle-u tie- · faiiiiiy" arrites. I'nlike "Girl .Sh.\". which a very real plot, the nctv piodtiction will be almo-t straight comed.v with just enough plot to hold it together. According to present plans the feature wiil be held down to five or s x reels.
Sam Taylor and Fred Xewmeycr, who Ivive d.reeteil all of Llo,\d's recent successes, are again handling tlie direction of this newest of¬ fering of the Harold IJc,'d Cor|ejration. Sam Tu.'lor, Thomas J. Gra.t, T.m IVie lan and Joint Grey have written the story and gags.
Milwaukee, Wis., ,Tune 27.--Xever before has

heeii engaged b.v B. B. I'inemiin to lead the eoiifinility department of the F. B. (I. Studios here.
The new seeiiarin chief quit ids Job as an eilitor of a Bns.klyn iiewspap.r more than tell .'ears ago to head the scenario department of the Vitagrapli Company. He has kei*! abii-a-t of the swiftly niov ng currents of the picture industry ever since. He serveil as scenario head for Sel/nick.
Xew' York, Jiiiie 2^--Joe Brandt, president of C. B. C.. annouiires lls- closing of a contra' t with ('·r'ified >sereen .\ftra tion' for the s ow ing of I heir fortle oming eight Columbia I'roductions in X'-'V England.
.\be Montague and .las. A. McTonville repre¬ sented Ctrtitied.
(Continued from tiage 711 w.ny of thinking. 1 have no doubt that, 'With proper vehicles, she will eventually bo built up into .I box-off Ce 'tar of the first magiiituile. Ju't one fine part in an exceptionally giMid pb'ttire is all that is neeibd to put her up among llie big 'iins. Huntley Gordon Is

fill n ebanefer role of the sort he iisniilly essays; G. Raymond Xy*-. ManiP-l Camer**. I'dgar Xorton, David Torrence and Monti Collins.
The Wildcat Is the sotiri*|ti*'t that has been won by the .voiing 1ea*ler of tlie outlaws mak¬ ing their heaibinarters in the interior of Spain. Hi* has b**en l*r*iiig|it up from chiMIiikhT hy a servant. Ih*- II im-bback. who ha* kept him in ignorance of liN parentage. Living in a town nearby 1' l>.iii Fiieiitis. whos*- larg* estate Is to b*' taken away b.v cr*'dilor'. Having a g's**l looking danghter. name*! .Man hela, the don 1'. of *'onrs*', pin* * *1 in tie position where Is' can r*'fr cvi* hi« prop<'rty if h*' will marry his ilang tir to the s*>ii of li.s principal creditor. D**n Mign*! Ca't*dar. Marchela liaslen* t** lo-r father and h*'r coa*'h is held up by som** of Hi** Wiblcat's kitteU'. wlsi take her to thi ir n*'t in the l.lll. ThWildcat's lieutenant mak*-* a play for Marcheta, but the Wibbat hini'clf takes on*' bs'k at her and s.-b-cl* her for his own. Chief ami lieiitenunt fight it oi t with, of course. Hie Wildcat being vi' forioii'.
So Impres'i'd Is t'e Wibbat by the heaiit.y and fre of Marcto'la fbut, aft*'r a few pre. liminary Jonstings. Is- allows her to go free. Time ph'se'. Comes th.* ilay whi-n the Wildcat dei'ideg h« must 'i-e Mar*'b*'ta again. He call* at her home in the inl<l II*- of the night Intent
I MOTION PICTURE iiIHin tbeft, enters her rismi by mistake ani
tbey bare a v<'ry ki-sy s* . ne. This ends
Contini;*'*! on p.ig*` ii7)

II. has been arranged. William Brandt, presi¬ dent, has already received notice that around 400 exhibitors will attend. Tin* program is as folio wi;

any motion picture or other attraction been so widi'l.r advert sed here as D. W. Griffith's `-Xmerica", which Ip'gan an indefinite engage. at the Garrick TIie.iter June 1,7.

also very good as tla- bii'inoss man. getting an abundance of realism into tlie jiart. CUmi Madison as his wife sets Gordon off nicidy.
One of the attractions of `True as Steel"

N«w and Rabuilt Standard

Monday, .TuI.t 7. 7; i0 P.M--Kxeentive meet¬

In billing tlie city and nclghlioring .suburbs is the clever, tho theatrical, manner In which

Camara* from SSO.OO up.

ing. Tuesday, July S, lo::;i» .M.-1 P.M.--Business
session. Opening addre.s.s b.v Mayor Schwab

P'4 twenty-fniir-sheet stands, a full sltowiiig.
eiulitr of wliieli are electricall.v lighted; 1 tkk) 1 i.ree-slieets, 270 str<' t car signs, and ·"o')

Hughes has emphasised the dramatic iitnio.pherc of Xew York's T'U'iness world. Thru tie' rapid succession of various street scene*

Bits ViIuM tr* know* tb« world orer. All mikrt. WIUl*ina.ins, D* Praiin* WRirt, Ptihs. D« Bri# and Cnltersil--all guanntrrd.

2 P.M.-- Review of fire and police departments of Buffalo, c.fy executives and otticials. Seeing Buffalo via auto and visit to Wnriitzer plant at Wurlitzer, N. Y.

eiglit-slicels. all regular billing, togetl, r w th -nipping 'J.iK'O two-slie-is, 2.<si0 tack cards uiel I.OoO eiglit-sheit made up of two ttiree. sill i-ts and 'treaimr dales, ai-eouiile ] for tlie

lie develops in a remarkably short footag'ti e exact impress on he wants to give of the beehive of industry whieh the business man enters when he comes to Xew York to bu.T

Writ* or wlrr New Camara and Projeotor List, .'Splits. Used Oameru list lar.t fra*

11 P,.\I.--Special theatrical performance at I.afa.vette Theater under tlie auspices of the combined theatrical interests of Bnrfale.

nio.t tlioro'caiiii'aigii · ver seen in Milwaukee, bis materials for liis Iiii'iiiess. t-Iiecial window eards to tlie nnml'er of ".Uii I ,do not tliliik, Uiwever, that "True as
were placed 'n exiliisive sliops tbruout the Steel" will mean a great deal to the box-


Dearborn and Waihingttn.

Chlaaf*. HI.

Wednesday, .Inly P, p 10

Xoon--P.tisi- business district, while fifty large framed pic¬ offii'e. In a business way it will probably

ness session.

tures of aefioii scenes from ".Xmerii'a" found be iiist a fair attraction. If has exploitation

12:30 I'.M.--Xiauiira lull- trip--courtesy ex- places in the bigger stores, banks and hotels. possibilities, tho. widcli should build up its

, tended by International Railway Co. 1:30 P.M,--Buffet lunclieon at Xiagara Kells.


I'Xliibition value. T'rodiicid by Goldwyn. Distributed by .Metro-

Become a

X. Y.

GidJwyn I'ictures Oori>oration. Hollywood. .Tune gS--'Two Weeks and a


2 P.M.--V sit to imisirtant points at Xiagara

Falls. X. V.

H.ilf". Mae'u .Seii'U'tl's luirlesque on Klinor

Glynn's `'Three Wei k'", is now under way at

4 PM. -- P.oard ears f'T Gorge .Si enie Railway



tour--eiiiirtisy (,f i;.ir.:e Seenic Rail'Viiy Cc.

tie Sennett Studios This Is the first of

Famous Players'Lasky



7 P.M.--Itinner d.iuee at the Clifton House, tlw twore.l eonie.lies ip will'll elaliorate sets



Xiagara Falls, Ontario--ei.iirtesy Wurlitrer Co. and speetaeiiiar s,-..,,e- will he used.

The well known p'ot of the Robinhoodiah

Thursday. pi, jO ,0 a.M.-I I'.M.--Busi¬

Be;i Tiirpni will play the role of the faii- Spanish bandit wlio falls In love with a

Earn $35 to $125 a Week

ness session.

baired I'aiil


H'lrlo. k




daughter of the aristo. raey and. after numer¬

'I' rre

* j nn tjtli*' cursf. Hiy or erenlnit Ei'jr

iftnu ff

.\n l« fffMllnff Illustrated booklet

10:.3O A.M.--Trip to Igirkiu Co. for the lady <,ueen, witli Tiny Ward U' lier m.insi rvaiit. The ous love scenes and kidn.iplngs. marries her. ·

o<i «hoo»h« « TO atiuii .'Ud the ft'frti'*fial f*p-


lart of tlie dissolute king lias been cast to following upon the r* ei.ititin mad'- b'- fbe 1 ' iitliy l*IW't«Ti!rai»liy ofTrrs.

far Cataloe No. 51

2:1.7 P.M.--Lake irp to <T.v-tal Reacl»-- Bill.v Itevan.

oid servant tint lln' b.indit i- biiii'elf a -on N. Y. INSTITUTE of PHOTOGRAPHY

courtesy exteudi d 1.-. i i.v-ia! Bi le-ii Boat Co. Geo Hall, presiileiit mid general manager.

Reggie Morris and Keniwdy are in of one of llje finest faiiiiles of th*' n*'igbborcharge of dire, t on a-si~t d by .lack Wagner, li'Kol. is ag.iin wi'U 11'. .Siii. e fbe la* k of

NEW YORK IllW.dfithSt.

CHICAGO lilOS Wabash Av(.


7 P.M. -- Biin'i'iet and liaie e in l«al!roi«m <'l r. Ririi.ird .loiies is -no- \i ;iig fill- iirodiielion. *'riginalilv in p'*>' has b-* n ... of hitl**

Statler Tlidel--nroiiiineiit speakers.

the eaaieia w'>rk of whi' !i i" being done b.v iiiil'i*rlan*e so biiig as 1b*' s Ming- ar** *'iibirfill.

Frida'', .Iiily 11. 10;i;i» .\.M.--Kb" tion of of¬ ficers.
1 P .M.--Horse s at Fort Krle.

Vi rnon Walker and Ihivis.

Ill*' lotion pl'iitifiil and li**- I**'*- iiit*'r*''l strong--the slroiig' T tli*- b' ll*r--lbs la* k *|*(*'S 1***1 infliieii* 1' fb*' *'ni*'ria inn* lit 'alii* of ''Tig* r

on our may payment plan. Begin


I.os .'.ngeies, .Iiiiie .s .lark I'ukford has 1.0'*" to any great evl* iil, H * an b*. r* p<irt* 'l. lowi'Vi r, that "Tigi r Is*'*-" |i.i. .'onsnl* rabb-

now and get your share. W* (ell nverything. Write today.


comideied ·' i he Ki.d of liie World". His next pieture, the ra'tiiig of whieh is now under w.i''. is to be limit agaiii't a bU'kgroiiiid of

a* 1 i**n, cftlorfiil si-lliiigs .iii*I ,a vi-r' str*»ng love liifi'ri'sl. The iHst-iiano-d ('oniniodit .v is


Atlas Moving Picture Ce.
37 *48*. Oaaraarat ..CMta**

Xew York, .Tune gs,--William I'aruuiii, who ri cently compbted bis fii-t I'aranio'iiit sta-riiig pie'uri. "Tiie Man Who 1 Igl.ts .Xbuie", at tl.e

I oliege 1 Ce .Hid s.M lely, It will In' filmed from .le'iii I'lier Tooliei's iiiaga/.iiie stor.v, "Her ."-oil", f!i,. lig'iit- lor V liieli Tom .1. Geiaght.T

of the ea'iman t.'pi', t.ow In tie l.i-t stages of popularity. 7''tti see, the lo'roine, being pb'dg* d In iiiarr.' a soft niiisi l* *1 iliiil* . falls




We-t Studio. ! Wdiievdav on bis I at Sag Harbor, L. I

airi'ed in .\ew York n';, siiiiiimr Isiiiie
Wallace Wor^ley, who

reeeilfly pureli. -ell Tlie pietur' v. .i| reacb the s-n en as a Tom

in love with Hie exi'.'s-vi-*'n!inlly di'pla *'d b.v tb" loro, a bandit Ii-Hibr, He tri-iits ler rpngb and s|,.., to put it mildly, likes il.

I directed the pieture. .I'ld .lack < iiniiingliam who .1. G.-ragiity Piodiicliol.. Iwo-tliird' of il will

Th*' troiib!*' v.ilh `'Tiger laive" is Ibe ap-


uMiitecd l(« > *e)ditIt iT*`d M.t.hfnf'. and all in.ikrv

\rTr\UaY nivi\«. tiikm .\\v\y.

Write f.»r ur

lal .^utuiiirr Itulletiii


1 [

adapted it from Me' tor' . "Ti * .Xl ra'Ie of Hate". b,y W ii am Ida'ke .iiel .I.iiiie- Sbelley Ham Iten are new l, .-,\ wiib t e mil

bi- blued ill 11 oil.t wood anil the r'lnaioder a* ll.irMi'il or Priiieep.ii and <ither Laslerii ``b«atioa-".* nl tob raiii'*' 'Xith wiii*'h Hie Spanish pnpu

lace aiol iiiiHi**i il les look ii;*on h.iinlllr,'. Tie*


-*'l ill iniMbrii litios, yet Robin Ho***l





' editorial work. The tiiia' seeiies of th*. j.ieiure were t.ii,"ii


lilniself iievi-r li.'id less op:**isiiion li eoniind Willi Hiaii H,' Spaiiis bainlil who i"b- riglil


on location at P.mibif-r I'fek. ('alif. I.ois Wil-

H g!;. .·111. r.ii f., .iiiiie gs.--lidw'iird M'ln- .111*1 b'fl. kebiaps right aii*l bfl an*l w'ltfial t'M.t'll \1 I.HJIIT f'lrtit^heil In

fiir Slerei . tlt'tw


son and'l i:\eieti in supiairt of tic star.

Horton are featured

la g'le, i.,i,g p-eo,iuel.t II the loot ioli picture ih'l I I;;. a- .1 - iiai.o w liter and editor, has

li'is ill iiiibiii*I"i*'<l ei *· aii*l eoiof'irl in a fine bom*' III 111*.' inoiit,la*lls. It wounl have In-en

arid Moth £ Ptctiire

Or.irra t'» an\ P*rt of

t nltfil '·tatea (lileci prnmptfv. t'.iltiirn UM''n^ra. Rut*-

TuKins. t'nn.tpnainr I-nai-a.« PenelU. OtlaOn

iolora. Roll TIckeU for file. SI6 ilm St., $t.


JULY 5, 1924

Xlie Billbodrd



Twenty-Second I. L. C. A. Convention

To Be Held at Winona Lake, Ind Pre-Conven tion Social Session Sept. 13-14--Regular Annual Convention Sept. 15-18

·tn official hiilletin is-iicil by the Intcrii.i-

tional I.ycenm ami Chantaiiuna A's's'iati.ui <ar-

rics the following infomiation in regard to the

( annual i*onvention of the 1. I.. C.


!»· te'ltl at W tioiia I.akc. Ind.. nevt Sci.t.ui''M.r:

No nior.. I;ng anil important -tat. tin nt

(MU ,I !»· iii.S'ic to our nil inls r- than is c..!iia'ic d

in I c sisc.,. It is i.i-id on otlj. iai

i.' .in of tlic manai:-llem'i lv'-. <iii .M:iv i · .. Iv.i nil and ('.siita' i|iia Manage-s' .V--o-

r.Mtion l.clil if. nno'ting in Chi-.ago.

1 M'.-Ut VC

-efat.V of

I I, ('

>\.i- 11-

Titl'd to addre-' tl.c gatlo-ring. lie ai' ptc.l

t e I'lc rti^y and placid le f ^rc t e iii.ina.:vi- at

the ni'ng a i.uiiile r of iiiatt>r.-

ng t'l

the vv.T.i-c if th s a-'in iafion. T'a' ni..!i:igcrs

Were cord al In "idrit and gave voar -ccri tar.v

a niO"t larcful and con-idcra"*' l,*a ng. Kvery

nc'tnt'cr of tlic I. I..

.\. will r j oe to le.irn

t at ·'c nianagi rs otti. a"v piiiiit.irid tuc ji r-


and (e r- -tci.t'c minor ha-

r'.iiei! .ileiut d'lring tl.c la-t .' or tv

Diatiag. - were n ;igr«'< m* nf not to nuihe i ..n

l-a. I- vv th t.ih i.t in tlie fall I · fon> Nm i ni'e r

1 a;.'l that tlicv were dctcmiui-J not t.i mas'fonfri. t- diir I g tl.e innvi rtion .\f t r a fr« 

<i.-cu--on of t '-e iiiat'- rs lie niaiiagt r- UT.aiii

B. ' -'y ailoi.tiil a rc-oliit.on taW iig a -tand ib-

1 cil'v favoiali'e to our numbers It. ad the

fehow ag otlii .al "talemeat;

i ovv r> iic '`"i a r i'r.n *" i nleu
' m '"in 1 i`*
ti " '1 i` o !·

if more five per rent of the deficit* · oiild be honotl.v laid at the door of poor talent.
overaell'njr. The oTerhead exiiense of a chauta'itnia i* a "table fijare which 1« much larper In proportion to the cost of a "mall program to that of a larje one. ."Some c'-iautainpias have le en sold at a fee which barely takes care of the overhead, leavInR almost nothing for talent. Such a plan Is stiicidal for boMi bureau and «·' iiimunity lIoreoTer, overselling a town In¬ vites d'-fii-its. I'lit a deficit is not any i>r-><if that the town has been oversold In fa't. I le lleve that that is veldora the case. There is bit one way to determine whether a town is over-old and that i* by comnaris.'n I fiml there are few communities of twenty five liiiiidred people where le-s than SlO OtiO is si>eot for movinit pictures each tear, ami a -tovk cfiinpany itiv nit jdays for a week will take out In re money tlian the cost of a five-day chaiitaiKiiia. Krom this it is seen that the proportion of towns oversold is a "mall one.
Piior advertising. In years past tliat miitht have been a fertile cau-e of deficits. I'nt year by year cliaiitainiua advertlsinir has Improved, and, wliile there is still room for improvement, vet it is not iiow a perceptible element in the la' k of success.
I'oor local nianajtcment. In looking over the field of the Independent chautuminas it is seen in every ca-e where they have Iwen sue-

The Writer had the privilege of attending tlw second da.v of tlie Ihoicer (hrciiif of the Mutual Morgan <'huntaui|Ua at Whiting, Ind., recently, and was fortunate in Is'ing there at a time when that little arfi-t, .\Ii>c shrmlo, was on the i>rogram
Alice Shrode, impersonator and whistler.

"It having li.. n repor*. d to t!ip I y. cnin an l

f i.iu'iii.u'ia Manag. is*

ation I at tlic-c 1-


ig among s..aio in. mtwts of tlic I. I, ('

A that the manager- liavc en'en-d an agr. ·

In lit ii.>i to make tah'nt contra ts tl...

I I. C.

vavnv entIon. on moVoii of I'anl M

I', ir- .n tt,c sc. rotary w.i« in-tincteil to advise

ti.e -'cretary of tlic I. I.. ('

as follows;

 That no siicti agn . inetit ev'st., that .sm-h a

in .ttcr l as never Imo n d -cii- .d hv t ·· maiia-

s-r». and lliat -m h i- n-t tli.' f.-! iig .-f tli..

nil mls'rs of the Manag. r-'

.oti. If au

.mpre-- Op sm li a- f s pa- tie. n g ven t is !<·-

cause of a few unfortunate in.l.vidnals vv lio

S'cnii'd to I'Ursi.e and at coy managers, and wlio

arc nut .ntir.-'.il iti tlic aff.i rs of t?e I 1.

A . let ralle r i ume to tile convention to

lang .lU.i.i the lotiliy in order to nu · t man.igers

ln-`eart of attend.iig the conviiition *e-slons.

'"n f'c contrary, if s the feeling of the

It' iii.igirs t'at iircfcrciiie in the matter of en-

gig'tuenis should be shown l.ilcnt I. Is,




··iS'gii.di H.ARRY Z. rRrrilAN.

"Sacy. Lyceum and Chautauqua JIgrs.' Assn."

Talent Should Co-Operate what tini r sjiiril of i .iopcral on con'd be
lak'd than thi* sh'>wn by tl.c man.ig.r«? Talent


There are. indeed, very few imople on the

cliautau.|iiu platform who have not known and

I'lvi'd this dainty litfe enterta.ner. She has

Is'i'n delighting .\mcr can audiences sine she

was 4 years of age, and now alie i- nearly IB

and is just as delightful and just as fine aa

entertaiuer as in years g'.ne b.v. It Is dif¬

Real Chautauqua 'uoontcrs xvho fee', the need of its inspiration year alter year--The Junior Chautauqua at Burling. Idaho.

ficult to tell whether siio excels as a child im¬ personator or as a whistler, but whatever 'lie does seems to rea' li her andicnee. not because

of her but bi-eause of the natural

Are the Bureaus at Fault? What Is a Defied and How Can It Be Avoided?

ce-'ful and l.ave !» . i.nie g-. at be iI :n-t1lut ons
there has iM-en ene man. or two or three men,
wi.o have given tlie c..a'.itaui|na' the r pers.mal
att.nton. Tliese nieii have taken tlie same
interest .n the chaiitumiua li.nt otliers do in tlic si'hools. and the re-uit has beeu that the chautau'iua iM-tome an institution in tbo-e vsimmun.ties almost as stable as the schools and churches. It is only wlicrc this Is the ease --vvlicre some man or men put In'o the eliaiitauii a the same lare and attention tli.'v won'd g their own Imsines---that it is really a suc-
-s. The x.ry claim of the circuit that it d'S'so iiiucli for t e local coniraittee ma.v s.iuietinies I..' a deir m.-nt, be. aii-e tlie eomniitt'· man leaves it a'l to tile I'liri'au and tlie re-ult is a lo-s of b« al interest. .\s I baik over tlie hiin-

artl't.c impulse with a her.
The program wh;. ':i I lieard at Whiting does not do j'j-t:. e to .Mii-e. l.yiin Sacki tt. the tenor? who i« a nieinli r of tl;e company, ha- a fine voice aud km vvs well hovv to use it, but in fairness to Mr. .sackett and .Vice Sliride as well the company shonl'l be in the hands of an exjvert program bu.Ider who lould travel with them aud give t.i tiie produet on the show¬ manship wliieh it However. 1 have ail kinds of eonfiibn.e in .Vlieo Shrovb'--her genuino gi niiis aud li* r di-position which enables her to siinnimiit al' kinds of ditflenit e« with a sm le in-iire h. r sij. -s. I am hoping that this little Imly will have the benefit of some ex pert iirogrum builder next year to make it pos-ible for lier to achieve the suceess which ahoii'd b«' hers.

viri ds of clipping- each Week. I am foree.1 to Tl.e Mutual M-rgan Circuit labor-d under

the conclusion that at least eighty per cent of d Ifieulties at W'

tieavy storm wa«

the deficits would not exist if the community threatening. Managir

rianley had to ent

did Its p.nrt

his leeture -ihiiit on a'coiint of that, and th-

The vsiinmuu.ty ilesins water works, electric light* and other imhliv impmveiiients. TiovI'sv ea-h for the mati rial and I cn they d · not leave the pipes and the cables on the ground to rii-t. I'h'y look after the inleresis of the comniiinity and see to it tliat the invevfment they l..ivc made will pi.v_ dividends to tbe eommnnitv in greater home eomfortTl.e bureaus furnish tlie chautaiiiiua program just as fliese other firms furnish tlie pij'es. Hut no liureaii is able to fnrni-h t' e eoniniunii.v spirit, the engery, the desire to help tlie home town and every one in it. '·'hat must be done liy the citizen- tlonisclves. If th" inve-tinent

audieni-e had t'v I.-ave the f.-n's. Ma.Caddam.

of the Mutual M -rgan. r. poris that one storm

threw d ivvn nine of tlmir fen's, wuich means a bti-y time all a'ong f  iin-' Tie- s.-ason

s'art' d XV th a gr. at ib al of en' iuirag' mpnf for

the Ciren t r.iir'-aii. Ti .-re was ni'O'' enf n-iasm

and more .ird vv..-k d -"lay d an>I t.. tfer pro

g-ams pre-eii'eil than has h-.p ti'c i-a-.- for

man.r years If the s.iis.n will seftb' down aid

give tliem a fa r opportimitv then 1TJ| w '1 to'


-ea-on. but the he-t pr. gram

In the world and the best etiantauq'ia service

cannot overeom'' -U'-h hardships of weather as

they have suffered in the pa-f few .vear*.

dies n»t repay !t-e'f t'oat s a

all matter.-

I'liit if the eoinmunlty itself doe* not got tlu'

lieiiefit from the e'laiitanonn tliat if sl.oiild

there is the b

it is a loss of Ideals and

not a loss of dollars and cents.

PonaUl P. Ma. M Han Is exiv." ted back from the .Arctic in Septeraiver, and will ma'se a trans¬ oontinenlal le-ture tour next wintc". Capt. M.ieMiIIan's new leeture. illu-truted by motion

In lonilusioti. let me say that 1 am fored to ladieve tlie proper eo-operation of t'le eit.Zeiis, I'.ie pro|ier energy and the -ame aiiioiint of atfent'on g ven to tbe other affairs of tlie town w'vuld wipe out every d. flelt ami leave every lyeeiim and every cliautuuqua a great as-et to tlio community.

pivtures and -I'.des from pliutographs taken in North (Irev'nl.uiil a few months ago. will be of ab-orbing Interest. Tli.- fa' t Capt. MaeMillaii is the first explorer to keep in toneh xs th the world by radio has adibul nnnumberv.l th'»u-ands to tho«e who wish to see and hear him.




cn i-l 1.-- -s

I-iatr-Cr.i :*· *

on ' T -

rti< -.Ilc^'-i- 1  r -

>*t aod> - - < T. - --

for the

- f


r ' -'I .·nd

l'.s.-c»««d . '

Business .-·!. f


·be W- - C- < r1 neetHr ws« ' 1 s* ·

nf Todar s O-- * 'n ' ie T# Kn- w V*·

<a>srBan-' `e · w -« ' ^

Men's Insttttrte.



raft, a 'ise b3«t"'; cbe fteit Tift ·sncb "-s'

unit; wirio-a 'e ' C r.

'oneer Pr-'«4ssf Ti?'.

'orffi»rly een*s`3*'r ;a<

^renteen ir'''s f--n Ooavorted Into a e'*T «- ·

'anr.s. .A'wrr? I si .-.f · ·=

TiriT^tl S3t<-rBob;'»d


K-l-rstl<ra was a-' "

joicher of


 IrtTen tbm tb* r*

r narvelors deT.'opa-i

trive wiand trt» s' · wVre a 'fr- ard -c

·nurta'ne-l »',t * · T

iicd an a+l'ss*


» tepi'--in Tb» T*'" T-

jirere deso'ed t'


. TbTT`d-T

r T' '




o Sinto'i t-o


. 'OCntT. wS^^-e .



' ·· » t *


Bohstawr.. a  -· ' -

I ' hst Is s*;-i 

· -

I 1 so rapidly e - · -  1 :

, ' iH fT.r. nr iffr-s-.

A drr. f f r

I ra'eb of t`i fss' '



· d-.t"* '-al'e-l ·- re ' ·

1 <>>r. o ''" ' " ' wrrs wi« r . i ` ' ,, ,l the h-~'-v-s -  . ' 1 41 nsd* by =. :x'- - -*
oee*'ai :n e r -
ertxlned * v ;>· · i'

1`fh. Satarday -- : -- i

sas be d. 't ·V,. · a n

alni'iers of the .'.ty.


^·.^^ rh w-

p j epcrts s_e V : it

ea! cenjw. '.n.tT «p`.: t `

n Corpn? Chr:-ti ' ;t I rorld.
Tlje stvak.n- amps'

lose w;-L a --'-s


waco TExas

Tlie BiIIt>oarc1

JULY 5, 1924

r." rttlou i'tt

4;^ Without A Teacher
It'-i ri«v--thousand*of others ar)^ r 4 doinK It rijiht now -- men, women, , S bfjys and girls--on this wonderful

j.'\ to tlie iioiDt sr.d are t « U -t

1 ro ;n thi* seetton of ttie

- W"rk a srvcia'ry w ta a t" ;f

rl .^'.t and far reacnr.* T .es

13* '.»!p nut res 'Ir in e*-at Crsn-

b : eSt. and will ereite a better


H'ah i* certainly a

l ;-:n-«' builder.

j j n 'ne roen'l ant* sc I the Chim-

:-· · ·· ;n -'.aricc in the exp* n-- in-

- r.z.zt Mr. nich to ocr c ty."

Ill T - ;« not f e *-r. i of t e work.

> r w bi-y i'r»-psrl3g s b>" 'i!et  > Ci;r -tl. and anyone (cter- -t-d

W 'Sin -- -· a e py of f. « b"^!:let

Kr d

115 .«. D a.-born

-it : h«« nrly farted to work
* r-- rt. ror--i« Chr.-ti. and t;;"
c i f T-xas--"he G-.'f C-'ist eo'.n· ! h.m w V he r-celv-rd so mneh  i week. He r--pl "d; ··p-cans-* I hnetl what it needed, n-'-t what I p over on them and f t away with

.\;-x narfcr'i. who  o e<J t.. "r?ssem`nt will Mirciret .\r.«Un Ic "Tte ·Jr*-at laidr Dediock". was wl'h Ral'h K»"-r;3e'' ·'f<r"st rormnoner" rviai'.anv li^t snmm r on t .e Stand¬ ard cLsnranins*. and s ap;eir,n? t.'sin t; .* '-i-.n In the same play on the Elll>on-Wblte Sevens.
Geoffrey F. Morfan has now appear- d tin-I the man.TJeas-nt of tje Bedraib K-a - a.- 1 one-balf the States of the nnltn. wVhTsnn-s * and W s - c-ln y t *o ccme. and a len.: fana-l. i ton? boo'i--f Imni*dlately af'-r the r' s* of 1. present s.sson on the G :If Coa t Cl: ' 'I nan'* pre-ct centraets -with th» R'-lpj*'! pie run ontil P ptember of l'''2.5. w'jlob ir.*' it en* r»lT prohaM* that he will fover ·' r-malning half of the conotry in the iminHla

etirv Ralph Bradford sa d; ' One rea*-jn

;'e Frvd 'O ninch pGbllcl'y was that he

d the ccnntry to the need of taklrn pirt

e w -,k « activities by hla own wocderfnl

ty. He -ent a« ai t b prln*'"? to Corpus

1 2= in crdina-T c!r-:ns woul-i c«e. H*

a;ta n hi* p :rpo<o and faith In n*. .\nl 1 z- ·..rn a week of =  h a cam-


he'rr I"- - red H* wa-u'* hs'*

t.T h'. campalrn h'frye iw-.ple be-

·tr .ea do yon a inpos* we can

he attractions which ar« the Red"ath Sonthern C ;
d to th. Oanad'an Clr'-' r 'Se clo-e of t' -:r pr

I Is devo'lnz more than ' « nr-'^- rt be»'aa*e we be'->ve i le^'ns^ra'He 'nan. f -zs i lerest to xany of ->« reader.




Bonni* Krussor

I) r» i"r I' n's

Kru. V'-r an.| t. ·

liruntwieli Or-

rhettr* Bnina-

wirk IteCuTIlS.

I i-.vs >



"v *

The most beautiful in-
8* rument in the popular orchestra t'lday and the eaM« st to play. That's
whythc Saxophone ha* cjuickly become m> tre-
mendously popular for entertainers.




i and double your income. No other instrurnent equals the Sixophone in p^ipularity for all kinds of entertainment. In
f only a few weeks you can be
playing p'jpular music.



y umaytryinyourownh^me.

wiihoutobligation.the same Saxophone

used by tha great professionals,'·uch asBen

Selvin. Benn'eKrueaer.Clyde Doerr.Tom Brosrn,

Jos.C. S-mth. Donald Clark and hundreds of otbers


S nd for a free copy. Shows pic*ure« of the great Saxophone players and orchestras. Mention any other instrument in which you are interested.

Buescher Band Instrument Co.
in pTAtf ami f ^rf'K49trr%

143 Bacicher Block

Elkhart, Indiaae


"Russia Under Communism"

i? T'e ni- : aii'horitativQ Utterance



K'i > silu.ition on

is ·

Au-er.- in I'l.itform. N'-nv

'' \v:?h C-;dme .M Cliuutauqua.s.






S' 35 S. Dearborn Street, Chicago.


. tr-' svind-re et t-e reax.

I'3 .>1 :;ne !··«( by each -id", 'b;*

.'I3i- of `he u>»-rn onrl't to be wild.

·s 10.5 Mo. dy. Harry P. Hirrl-'ti ct: -

tlw mantZ`r3 tod lUIph Bicfbatn th*

. -

K.,n;e i.*2b of Mai ten S. D., caan*

. u 0.' the in-l-pend-at ciwuta'j-jui

i > c-nrirn' -y 0 .n*mtia«.


_ have iisu d a -lx'---n-pize -'·ikht e3`'*'s|

· r>a-:M-jeu» S W« · t:- z pi d uy to · - r

p,^ee,nis T' * pnbli at'nn S i"ri It.-, a: I

,»,.-n!d be very effe-five, fnler the h-ad: ·

· The Thinz to-.i M'st Wan'" they Infr-viu-.e a new f-ature as follows;

' Wha* do yo'jr .-onini'ja.ty ard aelshb<-i. z

fol'.s want the mi-rf The C .ain; ;n;ty `'h u'.v ·

'a.-tnert' ''bentac-Ttia" Is a-setnily a' Alma. la.
r'h. .Seventeen of the j f 'hat comamity jlxred

· 3 arl help 'o 'prln* the vN'ins tn`nd« to .id

;e la

rz wtya -ind intans of zrttinz it.

; j "li it a-w r.'a ls? la it .a r.-'w theater? Is

,, It new f«. tnry I f- ? Is it new schools? Wl-f? ·.*tart the dis-.-ns-il'.in now. The advance

workers of the Chantaai;na w'll aid. The

saperintendenta will aid. and all the speakers

wlU aid.

"On the first n.^ht the iToettlon will be

?r-pounded, and as the week advances the

-..mination w 11 be develop* d and left behln-l * ty the Cbja'an-:-a will V this piece of coti-

>:r ;ct've work fcr the wh-de year. .Ronieth'ne

·· ni re than th.^ too. will be done. The vari.'us

il-rarfments eaih w:ll >av* behind defin"e

A. a 'ivitles to tie over this aanimer with the

t'< n-xt and prov'.J- new interest for yonr town."


11M North Dearborn Street.




.t;.- Ill Cli-ij In S uze C-.aft i d Pile Pnxjuf-

!' :

.!i* dlrc.-ll>ii it JOHN- STOKBR. "4

Nr -v 5 'I A.

R-'t'lr:-!. Ttisy e- ' r at » -v lime dtir'nt term. S-Jnrnfr t" - <re ..i-.e Ja y hd. rtll Twm opent

P -r a'a'-z st; i drl.ii:r I iiirixioatl<«i addreal the .'Fa lll.-TAHV.

11H North Dearborn Street,



ja-t few werks In I real entortainiiiont. H.trinony, Sing¬

's* Ing, I'lannli'iiue'. t'r.iyon Prawlngs,

t't"t'imf* Si'iii'-s ati'l Ili-adliiK:*. Coin-

sdy .'k. ii li, Tl-.e i: il fill '.'lilM". Im l-rrsi'i-.,it itins. Whistlii-g SoU>s and ^ r. mo .Ai'i'ov-hon. .\.M:l ^s

Windmills of Holland* `Love Pirates of Hawaii



35 S. De.arborn Street,


CHicaga, or Ash Grove, Mo.


145-;- B»4l»t»etii.a 81'eet.


Chautduqu.a Entertainer.

Oi's'n fiT I`.'I iMuf m*. nu'Tits. Offering

.1 pri' of u hi>l«'i-otrio humor.

A t-1v. '·

35 S. Dearborn Street,



\i>\ I

xovi'.i.TY f;rxs


K.i: >'Ity Work". `Jll 13. 5»th. Krie. Ta.




( .i A

I'liilatlelphia, I'a.


\|»\ I llTI'^INfi I'liXClI.S


M al \ l o., !> 1- Llm-oln »l., Yookeni, N. Y. *

. .

---t'o.sTr.xiivs (T*. Unit)

l:>-ntal Co.,

wa.v. N. T.


llooki'r-llow*- CoKiuur- Co., ilakerhill. Mass.


H w I _ A JgHI t (Yrrox cxndx' i ixiss ..i.xriiixi-^s

Niit'l l-'andy Marh. Ca.-'.-I*'* B. 37tb st.. N. T. O.
--<()XV RKl.I.S

\l IIU \.N IMI'S

. M _· l'«..

N Wmt»rn ate.. Cbingo.

\<.l \l^. .lOllltl ll.s. lillOKI.KS


^ ..ii. 4'uii>i>rii. Nortli I arullua.

/A Buyers^ and Sellers' Guide; and Reference List for Toxxitov^xxli xx^'siVjix^tKM^^


llarrol.-..,. i o>fiimo l o.. I:;27 tioiii. K < -Mo.

Show World Enterprises and Allied Interests auu milCU luicrcdia

tiiisi'Ki'n: m x< iii.\i..s
raklna Co.. 1976 Hik'li St . Spr nKP.el<l. O.

\l I.M. M«»ll.s


, A...*;Mlir 1 ntm.

ilir, Fla.

Mil < \*i;s

^ I :iat vlMr'halllown. I;>

( .

»>..' 17 W I'.th. N. Y

i. !r . la

l'<* . ·'*' 'lark* t.Nrtrark,.N..I.

| ,


« II.. .'Ill* : la

xTiMim 'I

i ri,.\sii,>


\ ;:ti J. n. .v. «.irk .\.j.


\, 111 i.iiiii *'ii . \ViM.'li-r <ii I'l.


' 1 .1/»r Stit.'i'V <'js W 17iili 1.1..\ ' .

I c : I ii i^'-k `I'. I'Ol*!-* 'V.Ki-i.-r 1«.. .V. T.O.


- I

.\liiiiiI'liini · . I.··lu<·nl. III.

|. . .. \ .in niiiD t

Kfwjutn-f. Wla

\| I ! a' M I i.aiii. " arr < · . IJ.t ll*i«i r>, N '

I'  .. n A II .'I

I'". I · mniit. 111.

fi,,.. : . .Miia.'.u'im I'o., .Mli»a Uif.


Mil MIM 'l ri'XTIII IIWI l«;HT
SI M.i; < niT \iN iioi.i.i its Jiw l.a 'iiaiB. 'IK Sjirias liar<J*a tl.. I'l.. a

.M.i 'iiM 'i


Ii'· I Mir* * .'·Vrvue ('· .

'-'rt Wfal Waao-

n -.I . ('Ml ago. III

.v|. ,,· .A .nilnmn Co. UrU-. I'a. \\, 11 M t l.auJiae Co.. Abilmi'. Kantaa.

\'ll .'^l .MI'.NT l)i;VK I..S

ta'' n l .n lluuau Js it I> Mfg. Co., liayton. O.

J1 I'

I'n * (<>.. Ij;;'* 'V. .%<lam». ('buago.

Ml..If A Cl.or. ti. C. Ttrin. li.ilit . N. Y. O.

wi'iM.s \\n s.v.\Kr«s \ . r .1'. i  "t-Till**. t*-\h».
I'l* I*. 4j C .rtland at.. Now York Olty.
iTiK'Dlxik Itrov. nil Ni'Wirk at., llobokon. N.J. 11-try llartr.a. 7:1 Co'tlanJ at.. N. H. O.
I. . .'..akf I'arui. b' i -7.''. Hro»ca»llK*. Toi.
M»i Gi .-l-r Co.. BO Co<'tV*r S*|.. N. T. C. ' - l; 1. . ' l It iT. TT. N. w Y rk I' j ]· .n c WjDUi r. I Now York at** . Newark. NJ.

WIMM.S (s,.a Ci,* (:. .M M.ijUirc. tt.iiita bjr..ara. Calif.




C'il\sr.XL .\X^I>^^XIKT XL c( ..k\Zi;.Ii.XAiG(>

Your name and address, if not ex-| One year's subscription to The Bill- All baba, BRoi r-..". stati. n* I New York,

cceding ONE LINE in length, will bo j bolard and one lIimne name and address

t''ll'Il'*IIII>) 11))0011..11,.SS

PpUublished, properly classified, in this inserted in 52 issues, properly classi- (adillac Cupid i»»ii 4 s-aiiiary workF. 1363

D Diirectory, at the rate of $12, in ad- fied, for $15.

i`li'· i ·'* . v 

vance, per vear (52 issues) nrovided

I l.X I iT XX III.I*. Ls .X\l) DXll PS

jtuh,e ad is of an acceptable nature.

RATES FOR TWO-LINE NAME AND Apex Mfg. Co., .\orr.-town. I'a.

'tVr Will pijtilikh the li-l <if .\m* Federa¬


Iti'oon of .M -i. i.iii-. Cl-.i*.-. .t-. lat.ooF. He.

If a nam ' and r.I.I'

H ton Ions to insert id

II''rrianiaiie Kilil '*ari.lj' .Agenta

rn. Uriimi'iv and Mo\.ng

l'r..<i i.-i r-. For-ign I' .tii-.. Iii-lrihut.-


nni- ! no a whole

tbi-ro will I,, a than:*- of S;t <f> ma.I.- for or part of secon.j line used, or $21 O'

amn'i I'r.Hliir.-rF In the Li-t Numti*-r iF.-ued !a.»t a Thi- llillt.oard un,) two-'iuo nam. uo.l

"w**''*'k of eaih muotb.

addreFF, under one heading, $24.f'<i a year.


Dl.t'Olt X I IONS XM) ItOOTII.S M. B. (iorilou. 221 W. Kanil..l|>ii. Ciiieiigo.
i)i:(Oil XToiis r. A. W. Dt-an D'-'or.iting C».. .Alli.ince. O.
1)1 X.M:r si.ts National 'Ifg. A I'n .l. t o.. Ix'i X. Walmsh. Cbl. Suti'iii iJ.ina to. .·'ilem. ii:.; .


IM)LLS .VM) Ti;i)l)Y RK.\R.S

IK Xl)s


Pair Trading Co.. Inc.. 8o7 6th stp., N. T. O. Kindel »V Craliaiii. 7-2 'll .M sston, San Francisco

(For ConceraiODt)

MM >'-i.'n Fi.l'.rj- K.. .'.I'.i N Ilal-led. Cliira.o.

Nat..,. »l I;. '..1 1. 11 'W. 37ib N* w Y'ork City.

ItlllDx.. XM'IXL." .X.M) I'l T*-

lHllaaa:rtc. lI--. 44.1. 1c...rllaii.d ell.. N.Neeww Ynork C ty.

·.\\'!ll .. ..i'..rr lI'aa ^M'1*ax '<....l|--lli.Tr

ttiill.. W \\..--lt rr..rrdd to.,

II'a'..IiIi H li.'aa.. ,, 1F- aa.. fai' * no:i . r S^'^.l| . N Y

Muasog'fc b.rd Sl.r*. MS N 12th. I'hiladelpbia.

IKIkl) C X(ti..S
lKoill;se A ( lark*-. 221 1.. .Illu 1.. N. Y C. NuvTak Iin|>orting Co., e4 Coitlandt at.. N. Y. ('.



i»&*-w X « X Xj

Ki r-l

___ ww-»








-M. O. IliiODS & Sons. Coney Island, New York. C.XR.S (IL R.)
IlouHlon R. R. Car Co., C.-i 223, Ilo.iFton, Tex.

h.itf'p fTl.r.v (".,

Cth a'p.. N. .. Y rk

( IILXXI.Nti (il'YI .Y| X XTI'.XC'Tl'III IRS4., ^
The Helmet C.tim Shop. Cineinnati, O.

T. xae Cum Co.. Teucl.'. Tex.

Zulu Mfg. Co.. 2f*3 S',. DcarWn. Cal-ago

~ ^ 3r.




S £


DOLLS All:..d-(irand IMII Mfg Co., tlO (Ireenpoist

ave., br .oklyn. N. Y.

Am. r. Doll Co.. 131.T N. Br'dway. St. Louis, M-J.

Araiiee linll Co.. 417 l.afayetle at.. New Tork.

K. C. Ur.>wn Co.. 44t< W. Court at., C.n., O.

t apitol t 'T iKill Co., l2r» YV. Reno, Ukla-

lionia Icy. *-1:.

< iirniviil f; bazaar Sup|i'r Co.. 2S\V.l.'illi at., .V Y.

DaCua D 11 Mfg. t . . 221' Mam, TeX.

I'a I'r.tlo bro-. D.»II Co., 3171 KiTard, Detroit.

K.'igle D.1II A To.v to., 117 Wta.'ler at.. N. Y'. O.

B ri-e Di.v Mfg. t'o.. 2'2I4 W Ma.lis..n. Chicago.

Fair Trading Co.. 307 »!th av.. N. Y. O.

.la. k lih-a-on. I'C, .\. 1,1... (*.. a. Ci'y. t'kiu.

Italian .\rt * 0.. siCn ,S. Y'andeventer, St.I.oul' Mo

K ,rr A- .Yiierhaeh. 415 Market »t., Pblla.. Pa.

Slidwest Hair Doll Faaccttoorr.yv, 1S37 .MMaaddiiaaoon, K. ('.. Mo.

Mireral D..1' A Not. Co., 16 Mapenard 8t.. N.T.

I'- ' c.. . IS N. I..'e. I'. a. 1 tx, tik'a.


.\»^rMlir'is .\\n cioi.nrisii


A)ua 01 Sti . (V.. 1*1 Cbaoit'cra at., N. Y.

.Ml'l M'lI.I.O It \SKITS


A -it .ArmiJillo Co., CVmturt, Triaa.

.\ilM Vim.IX) r.\SKI.TS .\.\I> IIORX w



Ii <v r. ' -11, 4(1* t. CoiunKTi** Ft., i-aD Ao-

· · 1. \.


.\xi;!;sTO.s rrRTMVS .wo uric- "



Am* a tlra.o, MU Spring Caiilvu, Pblla., l*a. iZ


Califa nia OoIIf. Tinwl Orttxci. Pluaiat, atr.


"73^ p--

^ PACINI A BERNI. 1424 W. Giaad Av*.. ChCag*, Many readers of The Billboard

lyTj '

repanl the Trade Directory a.s a

YVm It:i!'i'\at.T. 2*''4 "'·-tlakr, S.-attl.', Waah.


'lai.dard buyers' guide for certain

1'. S. !io I C'o . Il"* Oreene at., N. T. C.


j* vp'-^ fe ·'^--,-'-1-





merchandi.'!e. used, sold or need* d in the Outdoor and Indoor Show XVorld
ai'D* ills to the buyer be* :tus*' it is ^ handy list to use when the sour* e
supply is wanted. For goods which ran be sold in

·· 1). Ver/iml S'uf. Co., .;i,F.* .'.(l at.. I'ortkinil. Ore.



Herman i.ranat, 3K*' E. 4th at . N. T. O.


Dtll.l, IIXIR sri'I'LlLS

P Rosen & Jacoby, l'.*5 Chrystie *t., N. T. City,



W Klnilel A C.ra'uim. 7'2 st .\l --ii.a. San Francis.-o

the Show XX'orld. the Trade Directory M " ni b.iiuoat. r, 20-4 YVe-Uake, Seattle, Waah.




N T. Mu-i' at loat. Wks , N. TuDawanda, N. X. "

TjDcUt C.xiiiiunjr,, la.

AI roMoitii.i : Roiti


Ttir T adii.g Co., Ine., UOT titb a*e , N T. 0 j;

r.MK.I s. IlYWl RS .\M> Ill'rroNS S


I C ' m at \ w T

t t>


W iE I ".il · rg & Sona, 13b N. 10th, Pblla.. Pa. sc

itxiM.i.s niR rMiis \Mk COX- 2



rimni II Ha.lea Co , 3''.3 W'a-hincton. B »ton, rf II irrla Co.. Ino., L'KK llowery, N k.C. s

It M,Ii flirw IXti tll'M

'f <,..tu to., lue . tct J7il ti.-i-eow .oh st..N.X'.t ~


has proved itself un unusually pru-


iluctive department.


Manufacturers, Jobbers, Distribu-


tors Yvho desire to keep their name


and address within easy reach of

bu.\ei s. should place tl.vir name and address in this Directory. X*ou have your name and address Uii.ler any of the heidincs that

tli-Miihe the pootls you sell, or we will consi'ler a special heading

if il.i'ie is 1..."*' 11 till' T'-a.l- Directory thiit describ*'s your iiroduct.

TUB Hil l Iti'.'Hti rt'B. CO. Cm. Inrsti. Ohi..
If n y I *mf »i..l aJilrt'-o <an t.**

one In*, iiniiir 'name hrading' '.F. r' It .N2 Cm. s in

U' DOOR X.VMi; IM.XTrs (Kiigra't'd),

I'LX.S, I'liXt ll.s VXD si;ts





[x V. RobdIarJ Co.. 194 liaris. New B. dford. Ylasa. fl


DortiiiM T .Yi xriiiM:.s


!» Tallet Mfg. Co.. 1213-17 Chestnut. 8t. Louia. Mo. ^



P, BeardFle.T t'o . 217 Istb, bock Island, 111.


Dlll'-'IS (Banil and On-hestrji)

pi Acme Driinmi. r- S I' tiiy 1... 2lN N Ma,-. , Chi.,

i"! Lu.Iw'g ,t L'lilwlg. 1611-1621 North Linculn at., h Chicaco. Ill.
Wilson bro*. Mfg. Co.. 222 N. May at.. Chicago,



·P Jobbing A S.i'es Co.. Inc., 610 broadway.N.V.C.*^



Maurice la-vv. 406 Lyce'ira Bldg., Pltt-bu-g. Pa.



.'·-ran.irt Nov. Co., 1 ijn Sjmni ire. C.Ui-.uuati.O ^

ItM.lAXlX .lOltltKIlS (T«»>''


Agi l-alKuo 1 o, '-'CJl Walijsh avf., K. O.. Mo. ~

T'F b i.l'fiar.l TriJf DifF l.-ry for Jb. al'. kt FFtr.

 anuut Pf f. t In one liue. write Ri*



C Chav Newton. 331 W. 18th at.. N. T. City. Z Tivioli Singe 1. ahling Co., 418 W. 4Ktb, N.Y.O.


r.X.XMI.L \X XllK

w Bellalre Enamel Co.. B.-IIaire. O

IIM.I.OONS (ll)tt Mr) fi'r 1 il.lbitioB Fligbta)

balloons and PARACHUTES
· i\.v<^'*iv \\i» * tMi>:V): tints
SOi 'mwESTFRN palloon a tint CO.. I' j t . Oft II A«f. (T*i. Oia yaaui, Chieaia

I ' I'.a. o 'll I · . .\  'a. Ill.

iiM.i <»i»\.rii.i.i\(, iir\ It r.K i\)r

r.\i 11SONS I II \ r i'i.4»\t


r... Co., I'oK C. Ontario »t., Chco.







*»~ * --


ISgy::k X'Yt';f x r. a.x n X U x;t X X X ».X X X X X

x Asg;&Slt~.X .x X^tl jjX X X X.XiLS.X X

IlLXXKIiTs (liKliait)
PtP,j lhan. Kel'. yv'Ilo. Calif. C. C. Mi-Carthy A Co., Williamsport. P*.

( niM.sK iiYsKirrs
F'air Trading C'o.. 3<*7 6tb av.. N. Y. O. tinenta; Nov. ( o . 28 t'pera Place. Cincinnati. O.

IVsMOM) ItLANKI-TS Dessauer, F 4 Co., .'dams Market at., Chgtt. F'eir Trail.rg t\)., .`I'T 6tli av.. N T. C John B. FoUy. 2K Broad kt.. ISoTidence. U. I. <'r..nt:il N-.. Co. 2'> lii~'.-a I'l.. Cmcmuati. O.
F.XIK .XDVl.llTISIXG Sl'IA'l.Vl.TllS The J tir `'"bh-h.: g H i-e N. rwaik nlmr
II''..VvX xO onllsS.. iIillri:Ir.sIsTlrl.AK .xXiIm 'RiO o.XxSs
XM) V. S. F'a'.ir Corp.. *.* "'.·-t xnn -t.. New York.
1 rxTiii II i'iA)XvrRs
DeWitt Siaters, E. I ralrle. battle Creek, Mich,

liM.l.tttiNs. .'xor wmt i;its .VM»

r.l'RNT < t)KK

f IGAR LIGim RS^.VXD MOIST- ^aatem Mill.. i2[ B^w'.V.'Everett. 49. Ma,*.

(<»'M:.i;\ti\ ii\i.i..s; T' - II - of r.allia LF, '.**', " irr< u. N Y C.


1 I ir l.irj'., t*i W, ,1 mill at.. .N< w York.

IIXI.LOOVS. \\ nil's. fWi's xov-

l.l/III S .\M» IKH.I.S

'· *' ** N'ov. \\t., 1, »·;

4T|| ..f , onmlii. N»b

A .!·"» : jr

\V ind

Nf i


tirx inm.

M t n, a'iun Kmnrlsro

Mfx r. ·^t tf1« \Vhl|x« A Nov. Win..



.. M

t. \ a W >

J y  ^^

Co., M'htrniott ItMaTa.


1m*: nt'o* <


:in n 10, i»vi.%i*r, * t) M ·»!o.

i;\M> IXSTUr^lI NTS aa <'.* 11 h \ MutMi rr;, IlMrrifftiuri;, Vn

·»XM» I.Nsrin'Ml NT MOITII-

. ,,

1*11 « I..S

* r 'lalliijr, 02 .''U'll'urjr at , Bo-lon, 14. Ma»«


It\M» oik;\Ns

' 'lir-iiii,n, I.  I 1.,,.

Kin til.* Mo

' Mil* il Inal. tvi.« . .N. Tonawanda. S. T.

' 'I ini-an.v. Mna. atm*-, la


llXsKl'r.S (I'lino)

I'l-Iiitin A .Nioii, ;tlrt Itn nKl'-n at . \ T

' i Ii k. I I .. . Mtt I**. ... - I* :|. rs

' · · 'I.m h. III. 1727 N Front. I'hlla . I'a

· t ,ii |i,.k*'i A Imix.rl'nif Cori*., rjI2'14 1*1

M-.t ..n atr . N V I'ln-l.'irg. Pa.


Il XTiinoiii's

I '

i| Itiiih .. * ,, t tv 1.1.1 Ft N Y

* '

r C.. . H I I ii *. I'l.. N \. C.



" r ·'Filing * .. . In*-.. .'Itr; »ilh at**., N T. P


' '·''·'II. 117* MarV.I at. I'Mla.. IM.


Not. Co., '.'s Otnrn I'l.. CInoluiiatl. t)


iti'xnri) itxtis

' ' . line Co.. IT i; .t.oi ai . N Y. iii.v.

*'"ii. .n Not. Co., Ifl B. Iblb at.. N. 1.

cChhirago CoFtuair 'Y ks., 116 N. I^tnklin. f'^gO,, IK'SlXI -^S .XDX. SOI X l.Xlll SOXtv.S boy L, Burivb. 007 E. North. Indian.-ipolii*. Ind.
fXtirS (Arena)
J. W. Fi-k Ir.m YVks.. 73 Park PI.. N. Y.

exit n'M St. L  alrium Light Co., 5l6 Blm et., 8*t. Lo-jl*.

V XM.IOITS tT*anglry Mfg. Co.. Muacatine. la.

CXYllllXS FOR OXr.-'YllXl'TI' |··.oTOS
Chi.aao rirniljpe O'.. Chicago. III.
cx'ii iixs roR riirMnMS Seneca 1 am. ra .'Ifg. CO., Rochciler. N. Y.
t'XNDY roll \X lll'r.l,MI'V
I' <.ri-eiill. 1-1 « Sons. It."* I.orliiier at.. briF.klTn. VI'liritan ili-'olute Company. Clncmnatl. t'hio.


'I<dwanls Novelty Co., tx* an Park. Calif. (· XN l'`8

·I bI aa lUrg. I'gt lUckiuuu et., V. T. *t .XRNIX XL GOODS XND t OXCLS-


.'ilvan*'*' Sp. c C<'.. .">7

I'oplar. Colimiliti' tl

t.lvaiice \V!: p A No>- 'lj t , " 1 , 'I* -

.v\ni. Not Sup. t'o . lA I'ar.-.-ll. Klmira, .N'. Y.

IIt B. Note.IT to. 3"8 r.iu

S X City. la.

.11..1-. Hell to, 31 i<r< --I -t . .N..\taik, N. .11..'. and

·2082 E. fh 't.. Clevi-ll.-aiiiaall,. ttll..


Trading Co.. tiii-'g* i.h ui.

K'* In-

6nItIh1 44 --

at "

. NN. YY CC. 1K7illlli »-ft..,, NN


'liiitt ly Not to.. .2112 I'4l W. S. K C Mo

A 'll!' In II. 16 Sutton .aVvoO..., New Uorhelie, N.T.

iI''lpt . an llroil.i-f . St. .·.i'. 'to T. H St-.inlcy. 4.'i2 Hroail. I'r.-vi«lence. R. *1. 8Bioger Bro«.. 'C>r>6 Broadway, N> w York City.

^ 290 E Water. M Drake Mfg. Co.. 290 E W^ter. Milwaukee. Wia.
gri'G lf' AKKTTi:S I.igg. tt A My.-r< T -(.acco Company, 212 Fifth
a'e.. New York City.



Fdw. Van Wyck, 2'743 Colerain. C n'tl. O.

I 'r-n. s.

Z \TS I'DIt 111 NT

126 'b.rl!ct

V wark. N.J.


T'cpiC!! Waiion t *>., KlR^a» t



'b\ Bldg.. Phil.

.Ymer'can Fin-works t'o., of Mass., Boston. N. K. bariialia_ Fi * w.irk» .'Ifg.. c -.. New
1: .. h*-ll**. N. V. 1 .-ut.iu-iital Pin-work' Mfg. Co., Dunl>ar. I'a.
Columbus Impi-ral Fireworks Co.. 0»lnmbus, O. I. r.b-:! Fircix. rks Co., IKO N. State at., Chi.-afo.
H :d-.n F'ir. work* Mfg. Co., II id'ou. *ili;.». Fireworks Co.. Mam Office, Jr.
t'l. I'.Mg , Summit .'to. St.-ifion. Jersey City, N. J.; Itr. Dtlice 19 Park I'l.. N*-w Y'ork City. TThhte* liiittrcrrTriaatt..ouiniiail PI'r'rx-x«.i.rk->. C.i . H.-nry Bolil crrrii,. PI'rr*. ' '8 CC4o*inigKr".' -s sl.,Scbcnt ctady.N.Y.

COXI, IX t'Alll.OXD LOTS Tilin' liberty FIREWORKSCO..M.; ;'a.'.!r.riofFire-



lor a.l C. :r; r« i -i -. I81. i- a -1 I'llTFle I'U-

Wasliiiigti.U Coal to., c.'ul B\ch. I'blg . 1 ti cago f

*'.*;i'Pui2n s-;ipii,F.

Eiiiihiti.a De-

........... f.yv X.' % VIV w*!* I'vvi tol ll.l. I TvNS \M) Ml.XYl

t I"

IVx k* * orc-l F.-e, T-*r>-liea, et A

f.-r lata

BOX 200. Franklin Park. 111.

TXin.I S



Carter. 1C F7. Mar''all. b;ci mon.t. V

I,il'*rty P.r.-'vorks Co., Franklin Park. III.

Talbot Mfg. Co.. P2I317 Chestn .t. St. Lonl*. Mo. Mariay F:rew..rk- to.. 1111 t ap t..! bblg., Chi.

tOIX 01*1 ll.XTi;!) Yl \( H1.NI> Pih I .t S..pply Co . 7iii9 S. Dearborn. 1 hicago The Hanre Mfg. Co.. Westerv lie. t'hio. Y u-Cl-u ('<>.. it-'.l Broacl st.. Newark N. J
(OM'I TPI .XNIY >i:ill'l NTINI'S l\ lalel A bra!.am. 782 81 '1 'sioii. San F-au. :->-o

'·I.irt.u'a Fireworks, Fort iKalge, la.
. '!n-tin A W is Fireworks .'Ifg Co.. Bo«ton.
Minttr Fireworks .and .Amusement Co.. 206 8 W. Cratid bUil . .sprmgheld. III.
Newton F:reworks Ce . 23 N. Dc.irlairn. Chicago,
dll o D 'I'Ist F-rew.irks Co., IIipiKiilrouie An¬ nex. CieC'laitd. tb :o.

(OIIM T .\ND TllO'lllOXr, MI "IIS j.,. . i

.ttan H li Fireworka, 18 Pk. PL. N,

t.irl J. Magin, 3t'l K. Wa-h. st.. Hellc'ille. III.

Y : 111 W Monroe at., Cbic.igo.


P.m .\nieri-aa Fir*-werks Co., Ft. Dodge, It.

t'h cago t'o-tume Wks , 11*1 N. Frinkl n. Chicag r>>t-* Firework* Disi-lay Co.. Frankhn ^rk. Ill.

Unrn i'oii to'tume to.. 1227 Maiu. K C.. .'lo. s. n* - )-r. works Co. Schenectady, N. T. Karapniar.n t>'iii. Wk-.. S 11 gb. C  -mb-s. t'. Texa' F n-tvorks Co.. Dallas. Texas, *' Meiul.iy t' st ime t o.. In - . 117 B. iltih.N.Y' C. The Ti, p Fireworks Co..Inc..Tipiiec*n<ie Olty, O,

Pbh'er c.-ttmo- I . .'.il il.l av... N Y fly It. x.Mfg. Co. '22 Park IL. N Y City.

Stanley Co-tiinie iftudios i'A'C W. 22d. N. Y. Vitale Firework* Mfg Co.. New Castle. P«.

"· 'P""''-

" '-ih -i , New York City. Welgand Fireworks co.. Franklin Park. HI.

<'osTrMr.s (Yiuistni)

Chicago Co'tiime vt ks., 1 in N. F'ranutm. Chicago Hooker-Hottc Costume Co., Uatc-rhlll, Mass.

(Continued on page 56)


Xlie Billboard

ULY 5. 1924

(Continuod from paRO o")

XILSIC (OMPOsl'.l) .V XKKXXIil'.D Chas. F. l,e VI-. ijy Bichmui d t., i in. inna.i.ti.
Ml .Sic p;:i\r'\(; Bayrier, HhMo ini \ t o.. 20.4 \V F.:, '. Chi ago. 'I'iie iiHo /.mine-nan A n to.. In , t ., O

I'l, \<;s


M. Magoe i- Son, Ini-., i:!S Fulton at., N. Y. 0. B. H. l. .71 Wi.lo igiil y. Fiooklyn. .N Y.

I'L.\(iS \.M> l>i;( <M: XTIONS John C. Itotlra A I'o., Inr.. (iu.vs, l`.i. >I(`tr<>|M>litan KIhk a I).-.-, t Tl:; .'''ili.riilla.rii

AM) ri sTOONINf;

Annin A t o..

I n.ton ^t , N' iv Vot . Cit.T.

I', ft. Favor t orp.. pt Wi-^l ;!4lli

N< \v Voik.

ri.\<js roi: ki nt

MCslt XL GLXssi s A. Brauneis.s. `.''ij Pi'.iih st , B · hniondnilLN.T.
MCsU XL II xkp:; Lindemin Harp Co.. 4110 Kedzie avc.. Chicago.
.Ml sicxp IXSTKCMI M S (Automatie and Hand Playei)
Crawford Bi.tan Co.. JUlj ijiun.l. U. C.. Mo.

C ARLl='ISCHE^'^i^e Andof'on 'Ifti'-.Xwn. .\lfr'.. .XiidiT'on. Iiid.
M. Mattoe & Son, Itn-.. i:;s rnltoii ^l , N. Y. C

I'l.n \T IM Ii,i)j ;i:s Mil ard & Morriholii. `."-'.ti W vth ('onov I',
N. Y. Telfiilioiii', (' iji > Klund 'Ji'.lJ.

i'LooDi.K.iiT rnt ).ii:< T<)i:s Cahill Uro^.. .'il't \V. 4.`itii 't . N. w York Citv.


M xi: xi{<»r

Aaron Mithol. l.`i WoM :;sil)

. N. Y. C.

I'l'K Ti:iMXli\<;> XM) liXM)IN<;S

Aaron Midnl, l.Y W .>tli

N'vv York.

<; XMi s Diamond Came Mfs. <'o., Malta, Ohio. H. C. Evana A to.. I.M'H \V. .Xdatii', ChicaRO.

<. xs<)|,im: m i;\r.i:s


farter. Iti E. Mar'iial! I' < iitiiotnl Va

Talbot Mfs. Co., l.irt-17 Choatnat. 8t. Louis. Mo. \Xa%li.nm LiRlit A Heat Co., '.'ii* VV. 4'.'d. N. Y. 4 .

M .. e. We .'iieia .e in Hritaaier'' Oiitil's. 4b 54 Csbper Square, New Yerk.
'igi Co.. 177 |o:umblla .kve., Ilo'i n. Mass.
m;i;i)Li: kooks x\d m i;dli;s Brali.aiil Nee<Ile to.. 47 Ft. .boles st.. N Y. F.lth .\\e. Not .on C'l., Stil 7iih. rittsburg. Pa.
m;i'1)Li; i;o«)ks .xnd siilc1 IIKI .Xl)|\(t M |;|)LI s
Kindtd A i.rali.ini. 7'-' Mi"a>n. San Frane se.i Mills Nee be to., diil Broiidwav, New Yors.
NOIsi: XlXKLKS The fJeiss Mfg. I o.. ToleJo, 4».
Nox I LIA' McsicxL i\`'TKrM::vrs .sonoph.'iie to., .'.plbj Wvthe ave. B klyn. N. T. I . .s. Favor Corp . ht West ;:4th st.. .New Yiok.

i;as()I,im; i.xn i iun^. mox i;s
XM) xixvn is Wtxham Lipht A Ib at Co.. r..-.0 W. 4"d. N. T. C.
<;i i.xriM James n. Channon .Mfg. Co., 'jj;;--:'..'! We«t Erie
St., CbieaRo. HI.
GIANT I'AiAi Ti;i:i:s loi: dim i;t

NOX I L'Hi s XM) sorx i;niks Toy World Novelty Co.. 32 T n on Sq., N. Y. 0.
opi KX iiosi: Chicago Costume W ks . lit! .N. Frankliu, Cl.b 'o
01: x\t;i' xDi: i.'iger t .. . i'..7.iil \ Mail-vv ..h| .\x.. Cl i. age Till ot Mfg. Co.. I2i::-17 Chestnit, st. Lo K, Mo.

sc i:.m:s. <onx i .ntions, 11 XI.I.N. in .
Amelia Crain, ftll* spring tlarden st., I'hila.

OKWt.i: DKIVK xixckim: 1 . liro' .Mfg. f.e. c.'al B.roadvv ;iv, N* vv Y'lirk Citv.


Fagle Po' \ . w t,,. lit r.vv.v X A' A iinard t'.* . 27 I . lith

N A *.

Koelih-r A'i.'vv I'.i'teard fo.. I.Ao B.irk Bow. N.A^.

W .iliain'l.iitg I'l.'l t 1.1 to. 2.1 D.' y. .N · A 1.

PKIMII MS A. B. Ciimniing'. jU I almoiiili. -Atlleboro, Mass.

PKIAIIl M goods Singer Bros., Teti lire dw.iy, .New York.

PKOMOTI KS QC Bxraars. Celebrations. Conclaves. Etc. W. M. Gear, 27 Opera Place, Cincinnati, O.

PKOPI.KTILS Chicago Costume Wks. 116 N. Franklin, Chgo.

PPSII C.XKDS I'errlC'S Sales to., Ib.i) E e7lh *t., Chicago.

K XDIO Beeri.i" Mfg Co . 2l'«i I . 11tr.1I. ,\I> F". M uuKHINI sFONI A ;,,,,l ,|| \X I L PKOPS. Tlu- l.iltlcj.ihii'. 2.4 W Pith 'I.. N. A. C.

KOLL .XM) i:i si;kx i:d .si;.xt

·i It Ki; i .'';

Hancock Bros . *27 ,le"ie

. San Franeisco.CaF

Bees Tl. kt-t t

til Harney st , timah.t. Neb.

'Irimoiint I're.'S, 117 .Alhany st . B.istou, Ma«s.

KOLLLK sKXTLS Chieagn Boiler Sk.ite Co.. 44T.H W. Fake, ChFgo. '4 he Samuel WiD-low Skate Alfg. l o., W ur-
V ester. Mj'S.

i;i Kill K sTXMPS (And Acce ones)
ID'S Stamp t o . 00 F I,.tv st.. Columbus. O.



.I. IJinilovvne fo Inc., 4iil Itn avc.. S' T

S XLLsKO XKD Xsxt >i: rMi;\ | S


D'.nlon. Win. I'.. A tn., 72 Hank Bl . Cfca.N'.A'. I .ir Iratbng to.. ;tti7 ith av.-,, N.vv A'ork

H.iht, t hen A fo., 2-1 W Mi.l.' -i.

W. Il" tlwin t . ·-'.`Bt tan B.

i. th-ago.

b-v I N'ov. f.1 . B.'ser B'dg.. f. lar Itan .1K.nil.'l A . 2-S| Mi"ien. F'a' 'co

sT.XGi: LKHITING XPPLI.Wl I'-S I're.l.T . k lloliliiig .at-' AA . tllli si.. ,N. y. (; D.-Pliiv siige I ghf t o.. ;::tl W 4Dh X. Y C.
I h.iH. N.-wt 'ii. ;2II AA' I'-lli itl.. N. y. City, t nivei'al Fleclric S'.igt- l.igliling 1 ·.. kliegl
Bros. :!21 AA'. (i<tHi t., .Nt.vv Aoik.

SrHLi;TM! N S Sl PPLIi:s M. Gertier. 5115 Mai kit st., Philailclphii, Pa Singer Bros.. .716 limadway. New A'ork

SXX'.XGlil K .S'l'K KS I'OK LXDII-S .Mfg Co., !«iii Fillo-rt .'I.. I'li la . I'a. S. .S. .Novellv Co.. 171 -I., .\. A. C

AA'agner. Brof Chai.. 2"'> Bowery. .New York Percy Waters, le U D-tro.l, .Mi. h


Amenean Tent .Ann 1 .. . .M nnrapolis, Minn

·An. le-r S-ipp.y t o.. AVai.-r at . Kvansville, ind.

1 tn* t I ti.iiiiller. 2'2 I'* .irl `t.. New A'ork

Clifton M iiiii'aetnring Co., W.ieo. Texaa.

I ra w ford A I'l111 .Mig. Co., \A a.-o, Tex.

Itaiii is. lilt'., f. K. 114 .s iilti st.. X A' C

D' I'.'es , I.BI > Sa t I'.-Ito. I .la .Aligtl--

lo.'ler Mfg. I'l... 52:t .Al.iga/.tie. .New llrle.ina

F Iton B ig A I "f .M B'. B k yn, .At apolia. Dal 'I't v.; .Afanta. .'ll I o-ii'. .N.-vv t>r|eaiii

Jno. Ilaiili-y Tent A .Awn. Co.. Terre Il.'iiite, Ind.

Henrn Fiielilii rt Mtg to.. 126 Hovv.trd -4 . San

Frane st o. 1 al.f.

Ibo r. H vt ( .. .72 S Market -t B.,alnn.Mava

t' IT I nlli. I . . 12 V


' Jill t I t.

M. .Magee .A .Stm. Inc., b'ts Fulton st., X. Y C.

AA' H. 'I I s I anil st.. Itostim. Xlasi.

J. .1 Matlh ws, 2.'.;il F. I-high a e..

L. .Mekers. n lent. .Awning A Cover Co.. 17.")

State st . B t n, .Al.i't.

Pom a Tent .A Awning Co, 229 N. Market at.. AA . tl la. K .n-Bi.

.A Smitli A S 'll, 122.0 B ilg.' .Ave., Pbllad. I' i t

Talbot Mfg. Co.. 1213-17 Cheatnut. SI. Lonlt. Mo

TI NTS roH KI N r M. Magee A .-'on. Inc., IIS Fulton at., X. Y. C.

(Ro.l and Reserved Seat Coupon) An'ell Tnki't I o . 7bi N Frank in st., Chgo 'Ir.mount Pre-s, 1F7 All.any at . Boston, .Mai-.


c;l.\ss i{i,oxxrus ti i;i.\t; and
KOI) Nicholas XVapler. 4'J Warren st., N. T. 0.
t.ol.l) hl.Xl' HastlnRs * Co., hI7 Filhort, rhil.ndelphia. I'a.
c;ki:.X'si; pxixis. fMake-Vp Boxes, Cold Creams, Eto.) Zander Hro'.. Iiie., Ilf: W. 4^th st., N. T C. HAxini K<;i i: i iti M\s. stox i s.


B. itigatt fo.. .;4ti Water '1.. New Vurs

OKtiXNS XM) OKI ' i;.stkio.\s

.Teliaiif - s t,,. -hanlt Co . Ta .itiv, I'hil.i., Pa

M:i\ lb '

1; f |i \la  .on a. ii| n

N. T. Mii'ieal Inst. Wks.. N. Tonawand.i. N, T.


PXIK SHOPS .A. Cll ''tnian. 41 g7 Iiidep. av . K. C., Mo. F. Da lian. 2124 Fnv o-. .st. I.<t;;i'. Mo. H. 1I.I1.K :..I1 F B.tvcn'Vv.Ktd ave.f b ago.111.


.sPE.'l\I I'TS IN .-.ILlSIttlAllD A.S-

h ugvr Bros., o.'id Bnadway. New A'ork.
SCLNLKX' .Aladdin Scenic fV>.. 1440 Wash.. Bo'ton, Maes, Nevv A'ork Studios, o2H W. 3`.`th, N A. C.

I hi.'lgo t .stvm.. AA'k ID! Y F'ankI n.Ch iD,i/ au a 1 heatru...! I.tnp . 112 '.V IDh Y A' f
Prneit Chandler, ·-·72 I'-' 'I -1.. N. w A'ork City, 4 has. A. Sa. -it iiy, 61 .Ann 't . Y.w York
TI( Kf;r I'KINTI KS Anaell Ticket 1 o.. 7.''.0 .Y I'-ank .ii, Chieagi,

(iKIDDl.l N

Talbot MfR. Co..

Chestnut, St. Louis. Mo.

II XIK I K XMI >. I 'l'f.

R. Bcheantiluiu. 17 W ti'ml. New York.


Wholesale No". Co . ln<.. lilt! oth avc., N T. 0.

iiiMir HOOKS

OKILNTXL NOXIel.TILS Shangl'.ii 'I'sd. t o . 22 Waverlv pi San Francisco

OX I'KMt.irr c xsi s Fair < 0., Att7 lith av.. X. Y. C.

PXDDl.i: XX Mi l LS

n. C. I vans ,0 ( _ j;,

.\,i..,ms. Chicago.

\Vm. Fte s g..,. 2S I

(.av .t.. Fa t.niore. Mb

S3t.78t-585 South Hiqh Street. Cohimbus. Ohl*.
S( I NI P.X'

loliott Tiiket to., Dtl X.irick -t,. Y'. A' I'ltv Fniji re T .'I I". D'. B. · h , It .'·'n. Mas Tr mount Press, 117 .A'in.jv -· B -t. ii, 'li's World Ticket A Sup, Co.. D'.-'O B'vvay. X. T 0.
.(r'hur B. .Atliert s lAt . 7 I It -n. Br'klyn. X A", t hicago Costume AA'k' . ' Di Y 4 rink n,l b etgo.

Hindi! I'liblisliiiiR to.. 1'07 IS iena ave.. ChiesRo. Koe. Transcendent Science. 110 S. Mich., Chgo.
noKsi: iM.iMKs H. Sebaembv. KH14 hlltli, Ui. hra md Hill. X. Y.

Biiiiutf ' Ballo. Wheel fte. 2i»4 X. t!av. i:aIto..M<i PAINTINtJS. MIKXL. POKTKXIT XM) Lop.p.x' po.sti;ks
il. B, Denny. ;;>ii btli av . W.. Cidar Bap.ds.Ia.

(TbAt CaiTiei in Trunks) M. B. Dennv. ;;sti stu av.. W , C.-.lar Rap'ds Ta. Emil Neiglok, 4 .'7 AVootllawn ave., Cbi. ago.
s( i;\i;p»x' to ki nt

Itazian'a Ih.atrieil Imp. I 12 AA'. iHh. S Y.C. A. W. Tams. :tls AA , s' . Y V C.


National Tii.-. l Mfg 1

Ma-i t .vv..e. W.s.

It i: 4 i:i:xM <om s Alco Cone I'o.. 1-4 N. Front. Meni|«tf'. t'enn. H i: t KI XM C'OM.S XM) XX XI IIKS Columbia Cone Co.. 61 Talm. Newark, .N. J. Consolidated Wafer Co., S'l-J Sliields avc., Chi.
icj: ci{i:xxi com; mxciiimux kingerr Mfc. Co.. 4-0 E. Fearl, Cincinnnti. It I. NDl.VNS AM) INDIXV CtlSICMI'.S W n. Harten. tiordon. Neb.
INSI KXMt: f Xffitleiit anti llcalili) Vis Anona Cummins, Itoi 71. Montebello, Cal. CXkis. U. Kilpairn-k. Ibiokerr Bldtr.. t n.eago.
INsCKX.Nt i; (l.ift ) Bucb, A. J.. Jefferson Itidg., I'eoria. TII.
INX XIAI) XX lll.l Ii Cll XIKs


Phebm'f I'air.t Mfg. Co.. St. Ta> ;is. Mo.


Koehler -Mfg. Co., 1.70 Park Row, N. T. City.

I s Favttr Corii.. Pt W.-t ;i4tli

N'.vv Y.o,.

pxpi;k cpps ililx ) .xm> di^ip s

I'lihbo Speviee Cup C«j.. Bush Terminal, B'kiyn.


HIxie tirinkingCiipCo.. Inc.. 226W. IPth, N. T. C.


Kitale! A '.'·.il am. 7'2 s4 Mis-Pm. San Franci.sco


Hob omit A Hoke .Mfg. Co., 912 Van Curen, I' b.inai'Ind.
King-rv M g c.i . 42') E Pearl. Cincinnati. O.

.Amelia Gran, s];, .spring tbi ,|. n st.. Phila. H.ioker H ivv.. t o'tnnie fo., HiverhIF. Mass.


M. .Arm'ire'ter A- S-.ns, 274 8. Front. Corbiia. O.

Ia.e I 8'h .s'! dies. 42td 't .V- B wa.v, N A' C

-M" I i.t.n Mat-' S. · tilt- Si'idiii. F ti. I.itiHSlei.

Mgr.. Fill i li.ri.k... Sr.. D.iiv.r. ('..'.

No - lly s.. ni.. Studios, ggii w. d'ith st . N. T.

1 '

' . I.  St .'la.-. I'.

S..2, '1  n. t'iio.

Toiuity A V. i . n.l Scerii.- Co.. 27 U'ass.St l/xiif.

.SI^KIXL I'XPI K PXI)DI,F'-S Sehtilijian I'r niing fo.. . p \\,.t sth. N. Y. C. Suiiib Print i.g t o., 1'...I A :n.. st., Cincinnati, O.


I IHt K KH X ( LI 'S Tern Simmons. 4-9 W 42*1. X. Y. O.

H. Bayersdorfer A fo.. ll.P .Ar-h. Pbila.. Pa.

Y. wlon Ine.
W. AA'.

Ti:i N KS fP'ofessioni. and WardroSeA T.'una t'l.. - AA'. A\'. AA iii'bip
Winship A <..n' Ii. I :. a. N.

Sona, Y.

Tl KNsl lLI S

H. V. Br ghf. I't .p. I BMg.. Cl'veland. O.

Damon-I t ipman i

- .4 M

B". he-t, · X.Y.

.1, XV. f 'k Ir. n AA s'., 7 : Park PF. N. T

I'.'.v M's- I... I . DH lark av.- Y A C

Vi'ible ( oin St.b' t ... :.-l F llllh. I i. 1.

G. F. Sargent Co.. l-'W E. .'oith st.. N. Y., N. T. .H XX I.LKX'
Singer Bros., TiHB Br adway. Neve York.
.lOKi: BOOK AM) MI\STKi;ii .spi:-
ci xi/rii;s Dick Ebert, K1 W. l.'Oth st . New To-k.
jiXMi* sii xi)i:s Phoenix Lamp .Shade (o.. 4-7 II. JOth st., N T

pi;.xkl si ppLii s ion xx im:
XXOKKI KS N. E P'-arl Co.. 174 lyngfellow. Provb. R. I.
PLNNXNTS .XM) PILI.OXXS ·tnierban I'- nn int Co,, t; . Hanov. r 't , I', \7 vvoten Mfg. Co., .74-a YVall st., Bo'lon. Mas'
I'l KPl Mi;s sV roiLliT AKTICLIiS t H. SelieU. Inc.. 76 b-i.nard st.. N. vv A'.rk.


2<5 S. Wain Street.

LOS ANGELES. CALIF. · i f r I - 4 .;ar.

SlIOXX AM) PO'sl'l K PKIN ri.PvS
XND LH'llot.i; XPHI I'vS I'. W. .A len A t o.. Al l. A r..''Vthe. .Atlanta

I KI Li LI ^ .1 J. Tliome, 616 Spr iign. .1 av.. N'ewark. X. J.
I MKKI I.LXss Fr.nkf rd M'g 1 . ".6 I I- t st . Phil.i., Pa.
'.!« 'tin I nil'. at., fit t. I'.' ..kivi, .A. .Alllcht It. 16 S II n ave . Xew Bo. lo l e, N.A'.
I NHKI XK XHI.I. ( OXIItN Hh.o <' mb A N''V. tv t . tirrv.F-. l>.

Artistic Prtid. Co.. Newark. N .1. Aladdin Mfg. Co., .Muncii-. Ind. C. F Ic kiia t A Co . I'.Ij Ndlionil. M I'vn .kee Lighting .\ppFaneo Co !· l»esl'rO"e- ~t.,N.Y'.t

'!'< )N I .S ( entriil Fneraving Co.. 127 W. 4tb. Cincinnati.

D.illas Show Print I Behf Wiinians 1. Dallas,Tei. fie H--nn. gan Co. t .ininuali. II

I Niror.A's
Geo. Evans A Co J Ft2 .Y' .'.Ft St . Phi'tdeipbia. I . t hti. lint r i'". ' t .. I te ' ll ill. I'll'. . 'I he H. nd'rs. II An, « t ... k atiiaz", M eh D. Klein A Bro» . 7B.I Anh -t . I h '.i.lelphia.

C. C. McCarthy A Co.. Williamsport. I'a. IJe-nian. Union »t to., lie-., 1:11 t.reeiie. N. Y. Bonian .\rt Co., J7iil I.oc,i-t st., St. Ixii.-, .Mo.

liXXX X I Its F. L. Boyd. 17 N. Lasalle st., Chicago.

,1. Frankel. -j-.T N. Iji'e t h;.:.i;o. HI litfe Idht Co 'le-re H 'e, :e|

Waxham Light A IPat Co.. .'i.'iO W. dlld. N. T. '

M Xt.H' <.* )Ol)S

1 hicago Magic Co. 1 lit I'.arb -i .! . C'-o.

A. P. I'elsman. Wind' r Clifton Hof. Iciht y, Ch

B. L < |bi rt < o., lllil.'i >. Irving a

i : lag' .

I'elrie-I.cvv is M'g. Co.. New Haven. C nt.

MAGIC PI.XX IXG < XltDS S. S Adsni'. \«l>ii:y lark. N .1 Aladdin "^pee. Co., 102 N. Wells Ciii ago. H. C. Evans A Co , l.'tk'S W. Adams, Chiesfo.

MXII. ADDItl SS f Representation)
G. fihuniwav L'sHi N. gs Hhiladelphia, Pa.

M XK XP.or I ItlMMINt.S Amer Maial'ou t o.. ti7 ."ith .\ve.. N. X" c.ty

'Ii:i)ICIM COK S I Itl'.I.TM l.\

Be. ker Chemical Co.. 211.7 Main st., Cin't:, n

Cel 'I'on Sa Belli. Co . It'li; Central ave . C n . ti,

lie Yori Mfg Co . Is7 E. Naghten. Col imfi ;s. O.

Nil Ka Na B medy Co.. .ler-ev t ;fy.


C F (...iring. 12S N. I aS.iIle. Chicago. HI.


Sl.lDIS Tom Phillips .tJlido Co.. 2.12 W Ontar o. Chic.igo.
PHOTOPK XPHU' POST < XKD's Naf · Sfelio. blot^ N Spring. I>>» .(ngelea.

PItO FO(.H XPH PH PHODl ( riONS AY. b. liaibev I Ce B ' Inn ,.ab Ind.

.'I. It. Itr.'v fach. .711 W IP'li st.. N'e v A'ork C ty. M r .\rt to.. 116 W. IlbnoiK, (hicago. \\`. -t. r-i \'t b.a*l'.r t 1, It. tivt-r. t'..!orado.

PLXXOKOI \ D XPP XK X'H S Fvervv. ai 'Ian fa. t-ien,. c,, , Spnngli. il. Hlii.t.

(7-in-l All-Lestberi B .'..t:l I A s. n. Si.I W'a h . B."top Masi.

POPPINf! ( ()K\ (The (·ruiii)

Br id'll.! w Co., :n .lay

N. A'. 0.


POP« OKN LOi: POPPINt; It. nnett B<uic.,rn <n , S. hi'b r, Iowa.

229 InUitute Place,


Ijie aid FA grared Po,iets, 1.

Planet, Chni'iam. tint.. Can.
SI(.-KNIT-KIN<. M-XKIS |..Ill-on Aarn l · . In. . It-..|g. p..i I. I .mil.
SHiN PXIN'I'I KS' I'.Kl'sllI S D: k B... k Co. If.x t:.7 It. 1.1 l.-hif g. Il .
SH.NS. PXKXI TINl 1) CXKDKOXKD I ito Harrison to., fnion t tty. Ind.
SILX I.KXVXKi: Continental Mfg to,. :;.;s tPh ave.. V \ Kiit a .a - rbi. h. 41.7 Mirk.t st . I'tiila Ba Kindel A t.raliaii:, 7'>2-64 .Mi"ioii, ^.lll Frane '' .i
Si.11)1 s .Art Side Sl'itlio. 72 ' aga.i st I", .ff ... \ A Movie Supply Co., htl S. Waf-ash, Chicago.
SLOP M X( HINLS .Aii'orn.ifie ' i-i Mi h n  Suplily t'o., .' 42 W
t n k'ori IHv ! , I lie ago .S', king Mfg. Co . B.122 Freeman ave.. CIn'tl. .sib iit Salt's \ i-ntl f*t , 71.7 Grt * n, Phila. P.i,
SLI XI (.IX I'XXX XX' Btvb'a Br>.i A to.. 7"4 AV. M n. I ttn at le I'rein.iim .Nov. t o., Bm K|2. Prtivi.lentt-, B. |

Do M'.iil n Br- - ,( t'.. . D. j t. I't. o.-tiv le, HI G. I'-rone. 217 <.san,| -t.. Y.w A ifi. t tv. .smi' tiray, 72 ' T I It- a l-v :iv Y A I
B. W. .sto. kh T A Co.. 7''`B AA'a nut st., Phil*.

X XvsF S

Dtio Goetz. 1.1 M irraV st..

w A' rk.

X I.NDINi;' XI X( HIN I rs · s le Rro. f.i . I ..Id 21 p.'t.l,. D-iroif, M'·*' S' If S.-rvitig Fountain Coinpanv. H"itsl..n. T- v

X I N l'KILOi.)l I XL I ?(.l*i:i s i heo. Maik A r-on. 7ti2 AV Harri«'in at .4'h rago

Aug Gemiiender A S'ons. 12.7 W. I.'d at.. X. X'.

X 101.IN 'I'ONL I'KODI « I K's I A J. X'irzl Bros.. .7";! ftili ave , X' w T-.rU.

XX XI I'Ll. IKONS I Wafehl'.g Cor|sii at Ion, AA'i'Iilnglon, D. !'.

(Stig-r riff) l a hot Mfg Co.. 121: 17 Che tnut St. 1 o I* M

XX XI TLi: ox LNS Long Fakios Co., 1976 High, Springfleld. <


XV Xt.oNS Freeh A Co., Maple .-111.140, X. J.

Ii'oii Hir- il Corp.. 2.7 '.9 Mnlib n I an... X. A' <'


IV/aro Yfedi. itie tX> . Des Moines. Fa. The Puritan Drug Mfg Co., Columotia. O. I he ijuaker Herli Co., fin. nia :. 'i Hr 'I'h"rn'o*r Fa'oratoiv, tartnage. rPinoS. Wn'liew Indian M-d.. II-'P N. Brig..Ion. K C Mo

mcdicim: mi x pkcmii 'i goods Entz Premium .tterviee. tjj'lO N. Oakley, Chgo.

MINDKI XDINt; \PP\K Mis  Nel-on Fnterpr;'. '. 12P7 Fa r Cohiniliii',



I cagnev B.'..s , .- (igdi-n a  .T.i'` v Cite, N J.

MlXsiMtrii PCKI.H XTIOXS Hooker How  CO'lutne Co, Haverhill, 'las-.


Dunbar A to., 2671 W. I.akt- 't.. f hn ago

Ho mil A Il k.. M g. Co., HDt Fan Bitten St ,

I ..b.inap..':' I-i.l

Kingery Mfg Co., t20 IT. Pearl, t'lneinnatt. O.

I ' fig I'ak I s t o . IIiTt; High "f . Springtield. O. Beeib" .s'ab s t o.. D. s M.ilri.- . la.
Nfir'h .' `It- Co.. FPiO Fiflh ave.. D'-h Moinps. la I '-ft M t, ee 1 .. 2 B. - . I -! .1 - ' I'i. Ta s.t Mfg. Co.. 1`2I.{ 17 fhestn ,t. St. Lo la. Mo.


Wr'.h! I'   n Co., 2.'.7 IPh

. T*rn I'lHti isC'i.

POKI XKI.i: ILli I KH' L!;iT! K

SNOXV MXrillM.S Cr.vst,il Creamed let- .Ataeh. Co., 42'<'I34 E.
Second at., Cincinnati, (».


Ctiliiiiiltia I.alM-rHtitrb.s, ts f..! Hgis., lis.eiklyii. In-I aiiN|i> i- -- -,i I o , In-H inai'i.: . I-

Geo, .A Sehmiilt Co.. 2.16 W. N<trth ave.. fhl.

SPXNl.I.l s XN 1) I'KIAI AMNt.s

.Ar'hnr B. Alhert 1 Co. 7 F It .11. Bs'kl.vii. \ Y.

J. Baum, .727 8euth at., Philailelphia. I'a. thi.a-o I .1 I .ite AV.. . 1 ·, \ l i.t-k in. Cl,i.



!iiiii. AVI. I b;

Its.'"' ( ||.

AA'alt rpr.stliiig ('o., la-wlalown. III.

XX D.s

.A. M B.II'I h A Co . 22K .'s'. I1th«t . I'hllad. Iphli I hi. .ig.i I . tnine AA'ks., III! Y I 1 anklin.i h - ag 

A ' V. Milk . i;t.2 sill BV" . at IJ.I st Y A I' AA' ' '.. f .'III :t'is, 6 AA' 1: · |.'i It' t  G Hhindhelin A Son. 04 W. (''th. N. Y C tv Zb iil' r . Iiii . II.'! AA' 4sili st., Y A" C

XX I LI) XX I S |'s XDDLI ^s. CH Xl"<. ID.

A -iI h St... k Sail.Be (.1.. 2 17 Market. Sso

I ·.

l a <·


.11 XX I LUX' Si I'l'l II s


Kadio 'I'nt ('

tt."2 t'*.ntrel ave.. f'-n*ti. tt. lle. tti.


Ibtoki-r llovve Co'liime Co.. Ha'erhill, Mta*

I.,.nt.,| fr, . .-,b7 W ..d. N T C.

ST x<;i: .11 ;x\ I i.hx

.Amir.'iii l.w.lrv Mig . to.. 27 AA a r. 11. .Y A' 1 XX I hi; XXOKKI KV SI I'l'Ll I "

I .X|f)VI\4. PP 'FI Itr M\< MINI ^ \XD J'OKT.XHLi: SKX'FIN). P.INKs r\. Arthur B. Ml.ertla (At . 7 F' It. n It-'klvn N A' .1 . rg* ns .bwi-Itv fo., 2.'1.7 F.Mv I't-.videnie It I

\i 4'I wsfilMl s

di;k cxnx xs

srxt.i; 11 XHDxx xKi:


I. . W A water. 111 We-I t.M si N V Movie Supply Co.. .s4t So. Wabash, ChPago.

Tramill I'yrlabli- Skating Bink Co.. 18lh and .lantea H I'liaiinttn Mfg. t'o. 22.:-2.'l.'l AA'. Erie


( ollege avi-.. Kinsaa City, Mo.

Hi., t'hnagit. Illiiiola.

R. R. Street, 29 Brook at . Hartford. Cona

JULY 5, 1924

Xlie Billboard


at liberty!
WANT SITUATION advertisements

Absolutely First-Class Violin

4 4 T. *j|(| *r

'lO'dition for c«iniiosr


iu b^'st vaudeville

iin<i jHt'fur**

.11. m:irrie<l. union.

For full fh tiiilH a.ldr*



Kud^uh Fity, Mi'**4»url.

A Market Place for Buyer and Seller, and Want Ad Department Alto Sax.--First Class. Read.

agents and managers


Legitimate. Young. Wire SAX.. Western Tniiin, I)>-.:itur. Illiiiui*.

·t, VkORD. CASH (FIrit Lln» L»ri« Bli'k Tvp») », wnRt>. CASH (Firit Lin* md N«mi> Bli-k TyD»> (. WORD. CASH (Small Typt) (Np Ad Lpst Thin 25p)
Fipurp >1 On« R»*P 0"ly--S*« Npip Below.

Theatre Owner--If in Need of

» 'i.. M^iiinyM-r or I kfhw tli**


BOX 52. TV t.iliiii: Cn'f. W. Va.



Alto Saxophone, Double Violin.
Read, tran-iMiNe, memorize, imirovlse, aober and union. Ii.iiee or liMtt-i. State rour heat and full iiartii iilar*. MUSICIAN. 320' ('lemptia NO ·Ave . We-t I'alm I5ea. li. Fli.rula.


Alto Saxophone--Experienced
theatre or danee. I'.t-ad the s|iot* Unuhin legitimate .State aala-r. MUSICIAN. Jefferson IlMtel. Mexiio. Mi-uuiri.

iiiuai:. r- l ul>I* ; C> aii.rwlwn-; cir il f f**r-

iii f'-. «ur*ir l»'ml If Ilf :ir' W H. MIL¬

LER. '·"! I·'vni!l^

Ja<U'i>n. .^lic:..i;aD

·MOVING PICTURE THEATRE MANAGER-- W .« In* nil o;- lilt..: i'T u i.iini i.'. f i .n. 

«'!<I oc 'i:' ' .Toniia wonihM iii.iiinu'*'i V I'.i.rl.v

of .I." . I«oI»o u pr- rvlM - . '1. .· n I

i j., .< » of ifio l>n-:noKv: f no m .» . lan; i-.iii

; ..iij;*- · ii>o"»ti<'n » 'I know mr joh S'nto ill fir»t loiter. C-BOX 429, earo Killleanl,


Ip WORD, CASH (Firit Linp larpp Pti k Typil }t WORD. CASH (Fir«t Linp ind Ninip Bli-k Typrl It WORD. CASH (Small Type) (Np Ad Lpat Than 25tl
Fiturp ll On* Halp Only--Stp Ntti Below.

First Linp Attraetivn

in Small Fir^tLine



Per Ward. Per Ward.

Acts. Sanaa and Partdiea



Aornta and 'oliritera Wanttil



ApimaK, Rirdy and Pels



Attiactiany Wanted






Beardinq Htutea (Theatrnal Bminna Oppartumtiea





Cartaana .




Canei'siena Wanted. 5c


Ca«tumei .. ..



Ex hanga er Snap ....



Far Rent cr Leaie Praprrt/



Far Sala Ada (Ne« Gtidi.



Far Sala (Second-Hand).







Fumiihcd Rtama .



Htfela (Theatrifpl) .



Help Wanted .



Help Wantfd--Mu«ieinna . .



Im'ructiona and Plana ....



First Linp Allraetive

in Small FiratLinp



Per Word. Per Word.

Infarmatian Wanted ..



Mjpical Apparatuy .

Miyfrllaneaua for Sale

Muuasii-'al Instrumentas (SScf and-


. .


6e*a Wanted far Alt*a (Np

Ineveastment) . . 3«


Perianal . .



Privyilerpge*a foar S Sa a le le . . 4e


Scthipaa«ts (Dramatic., AMlusical and

Dancing) . .. . 2o


Shoaw Praperrty f*ar Sain . _ 4<1

Soang*a far Sale . . . 3e


Theatery* f*ar Sal*a ....



Thhrrnstlrnical Printing . . 4c


Typewriter*a . .



Wanted Partner (Capital invest-

ment) . . 4c


Wanted To* Buy . . 3a


Cina's Band--Featuring Frank


First Line Attractive


hr Sonia Knrr and Asno* I

IT- n a eielo of noni' pikI o I'n'tor dan'|

s r d.i'd P'll niiMl.rn -.i no ·, ptiol mu-io. .\v:i.lf f r w for ro-..'t«. t.i olovll'o. iiarlc*, h(»-

Calcium Lioelhitt Films f(or S.ile

in Small FiratLinp



Per Word. Per Word.

. Se


(Second-Hand).. 5c


·. - o'. N"t h" I fift'· II lo i.p'o, I'l-mi i- Films for Sale (New) . 6e


In Small First Line



Ptr Ward. Per Word.

Maving Picture AecesKrita far

Sale (Second-Hand) .. ... 5e


Theaters lor S Sa a le le . . 5«


I t .1 |.lre-«. PROE. AT.BLRT T. CINA. <ar. Far Rent. Lenin ar Sale Prop-

Wanted Te Buy . 3a


I'. . ! 1. ( n. . (· ·

jul.i 12 erty . 5c


Alto Saxophonist--Good Read¬
er. Age 21 DmiiI.Ii* some Tromhone. Dane# and Taiideville exi»-r i-iii'.-. ('MUs.d.-r anything. NORMAN WOOD. S22 N'erih D.-arl'Orn St., Clilcago. Illinois. l"iMiie. su.-i.rior 2.'>;t8.

A-1 Dance Tenor Banjoist--

Open for steady summer or p.-rmanent en¬

gagement July 3. Mu-' he hot eomhination.

Can read or fake, ..I je r-ouHlitr ami relia-

hle. .Age 22. T.. -t of r.-f.-r. ... and <ina!lfi a

t on*. AVERY MACKLEM. ITuO Atkins.m Are..

l).tr-it. Mieliigan.


A-1 Drummer--Young, New

outfit. Bells and XTioiihone artl-t. W.Iling

to liia.v with hot-I or ... orehe-tra. I'refer*

H thtafre in -oiiie town in flie Fa-t. I'nion.

LEMIL OWENS 111 I'a-t Ju'-oh St., I-oiiis-

Tille Kentui k.v.

July 12

A-1 Violin - Leader Desires
change of iKisition. Cue pi.-ture* perfeetiy. ·Al-o experienced Taudeville. el'- lio.wl library. Two weeks' notice re> C-BOX 266, car# Billboard, Cincinnati, tih.o.

Dixie Carrcli's Country Club

('-.Tieplrp l..i« To fi -I t'vn wo. La op« a la .K .! ,-t Iifr-.m. . .ll ..11--|·.anl, V ;a. lf;»njo.

lo .iii«. I', -o .\"|>iion'· No lo '. I'niuO.

T 'I'l .i-.'l - iiiiiin : il'i ". If ' .'1 wnut in <' e-f i w.'h ll'. ? 1 araoterislles

w '·> C. W. FREEMAN, UuildiDif

(.-reDahur.:, r» nii-.i 1* jn.a.


If You Want a Decent Orches¬
tra f T yo'ir H-1-| or R. - .rt tht* nummer. o>I » PUP of (Jiu-.I.T, wr.te or wire to '·Tio' 1: P'll Wiener Mu« e an Soo'et.v." K. E. lUCHTER, 3.'J Eaet l*"ih ?t.. New York (' tr

Peppy Girl Dance Orchestra--
Now booklntr piiminor nea-on. Permanent or t A.hire a ORCHESTRA. 7o iloore St., W'iatkriip, Mansachuaetti.



!· WORD. CASH (firtt Lin* Larq* Bl^ k T»De1


Lin* ··td N*ii»* R|*r4 Typ*>

It >AinRr». C/SH (Snwili Tvm>

Ad Lftt Tha%25«)

F lur* at On* Rat* Oniy«^s«* Not* B*i*«r.

At Liberty for Circus or Carui-

-sl--VVlId Writ. ron«l«Hne of font


f r h.n.i of »fo, k. J. rORMAJf. i.r. WPedetwl, Now York. D.-

Darnell and Little Erma Offer

(·ir rrnl Clrcno .Acta--Tiehtwlre, Swinp'ntr

t " Id-r. Miouliler IVrrh I nihli-r anil n .i u sou

- ' lull Flying Rotiirn .Ai t. A ni-w fistt-.n' In

fr ' It i ts nt IIN-rty af*. r .tnlv 13. CHESTER

C STOUGH. i;t20 Zolliir* .Arn., Ft. Wnvv..-,





n"n'i,. ,.;,i| nnili-,

n l-; pi-k out

I -ivn r`-l iia iii-mkiT n t; rojH* spiniilni-

isr.': 'n.|iii-iii; Janunr, p.t. ··)( Y'onr llhu-l

" !.«

Wr to SHOWMAN. GIO North AAV-t

b t.. I Xi'ti .1, Olilo.

JOMn KLUVP y.';..j-ilst, nucii-lan a- t ti wi-'iv ' » · t ·. opi II ' r Imrlr-jiif. <-it !.«. · -


'll., me "v .loin I . ,r

p'll ll p<-if, .'ii,r

no o-'r

I .\J mt J '?!)

A i. rr S- , Ptiuailclpi.u. Fr;; .yfiiuis



Per Ward. I

Per Word.

At Liberty (Set in Small Type) . lo

At Liberty (First Line in Lirge Type).... 3e

At Libeity (Display First Line and Name

Count all wards in copy at abevp ratt.

in Black Type) . 2e '

Advertisements sent by telegraph will not be inserted unless money is wired
With copy. Mail addressed to initials care General Delivery will not be delivered. We resnve the riifht to reject any mivertlsenient and revise copy. "Till for¬ bid" orders are Nviiliout time limit and ^ubject to change in rate without notice.

THE BILLBOARD PUB. CO., 25-27 Opera Place, Box 872, Cincinnati, Ohio.

A-1 Violin Leader or Sideman.

Good schooling and library.

F xperlenc-ed

pictures. vandeT.lIe, road sl.ow- D.-sire* firit-

c'ass je-rmanent engagement, not less ti,pn *iv

p ec *. I'nion. ELDON MOORE, .South Eng¬

lish. Iowa.


A-1 Violinist and Conductor

3e WORD. CASH (First Line Large Black Type) 2p WORD. CASH (First Lira and Name Black Type) le WORD. CASH (Sm.UITypa) (NpAd Uu Than 2$e)
Figure at Onp Rate Onl)r--S«p Net# Below.

AT LIBERTY -- YOUNG WOMAN PLAYS pitk. · i Lar.i.ti r or I-aila: two .Tear*' exiHTl-
en.-i-; would pr. ffr .«to. W. .A lilre** BOX-C 433. lare The 11 illHtard. L'liu-inuAti. ()hio.

I AM DESIROUS of lelnlri Tr'iyP, Ttrami'lr Sfo.-k

«·..lnpl!.v v: = -r 1 u 1 rfcrite p-.'lcr tra nine to

ld.:,ii nij I. f'.. Ill 1-

i-i.t*. .Am Iila'jt!a r,ir

of are. rj.a,

117 fair

Itx . c.rii-

r'eyien. Iljie been ..t'lec ilui .im.i ."tr prrf.irmfr f-r

-r jrara ainl ha»e aiut rj the tr 'iiloue of ai'i iff

1 r xt.rta Oa-oia: . )Uif no r ' -ite wsnlri' ie. It pff 'V ct a' ! T .in.l Mill : r to l>r ai'. a-^rt

ro a'lv dirn-ior who will nre mr i!;e etiaii.e Mill .-y ari-wlirr,' proTlJcct rry f ire I. a hir `ed. V >r i-(.er In'arnaMon ami pb ' > w te Jt'A'HXH.E", ea-*

1) ..ixiar.l. Lui .\n.-rle«, (.'


.Ap WORD. CASH (First Linp Large Black Type) te WORD. CASH (First Lina and Name Black Type) le WORD. CASH (Sm.ill Type) (No Ad Leu Than 23e)
Figure nt Onp Rate Only--Sep Notp Below.

Vaudeville Magic Act Wants iMi.ikiiii: ..n I'ln nlt LEE SANG COM¬ PANY'. ( ..Iir ILi|. N. l .wu.

wishes to make a change, arailable next

sea-on or soon-r; would like to connect with


first class picture where a large o chestra is employe.!; have extensive I b-ary ability; long experience; giiarantc- my w.irk best of reference; etc. Tosifion must be pernu.

Sp word, cash (Firit Line Large Blprk Type) nent. I a'wa.vs make tlie orchestra one of t' te WORD. CASH (First Linp prd Name Blirk Type) be t att actions on tl.e program. duly first la WORD. CASH (SmillType) (NpAd Leu Than 2Se) class propi.sition cons der.-d. -Add esa CON

Figure at One Rata Only--Sap Notp Bplew.

DUCTOR. 42:58 Van Dyhc .st., Detro.t, Michi


July 12

At Liberty--M. P. Camera¬

man. I have ri'oentlT graduated frnm M. P. A-1 Violinist Leader--Union;

T'hot.igraii' V s.'hcHil. Single. W.ll go anywhere. C. H. BURGOON. .327 K. oTth Kt.. Chiiago _JulyS

Desires change. Have large library and cn# pictures pro[H-rl.v. Eilt'-en years' e.\perience in laudeville. Prefer vaudeviMe. .'Sol'er and relit-

hle. First cl:is< h'Uis,- |>ref> rn-d Lender five
Operator at Liberty -- Non¬ Tear* at present t .c.itro. LEADER, lii26 So. i'lb. St. Joseph. Mi souri. union. An.v eciiiipment. Tower'* preferred;

A-1 Violinist--Photoplay Lead¬ hi't guaranteed; vrill fielp with advert wing, do
. iiiltor work. ete. Wife pfani.t, .Midd'e West


Address, oare ] FtO

N. K . Watertiiwu. Sontb Ilakotu.


.Ave . j<ily3

er. Experienced, fine ton--, cue p  turcs. fine lihrar.v. large or sma I on i.e-tra VIOLINIST.

21i! E.i-f Jackson. .>!· xico. M.'scurl.
Projectionist -- Eight Years'

- ejiveriem e niovte and vaudevillp hou«e. .Age A-1 Violinist--Want To Hear

married, ate.nljr. repair own mai-him-a. Ref.

e'eni'e At liiwi-t.v July 1. Addre*. 133 W. 7t'i

M.. Teru, Indiana.


from rellahle dance or.-lic-tra. I.eng exocrlen- cil. young, '.ug c. n- at and union. Will go nnvwhere. Wrt.- or vuir he-t. P, H.

JOHNSON. li.t; .McKee ."1 . T.alavia. 111.


At Liberty--A-1 Alto Saxo¬ l*t F ve year*' eiperience on Simples iin-l
Tiiw.-r'* iirojeetor*. (So anywhere. Terman-nt

pe- tion i>-eferred. Write; OPERATOR. B 'V phonist. do'ilding ot'.cr Saxe* and Cornet.

12:!3, Mindletewn, Connectiint.

Ju'.v-'> Young, neat aiijieariiig

Tiioroughly experi¬

enced in eoncert or d.incc Read at s.ght.

PROJECTIONIST DESIRES PERMANENT PO-itlon. -An.v euuil'ment. Sreeen re-ulls giiiir-

Cnlon. Mu't two weeks' notice. C-BOX 434. care BilllHiaril. Cincinnati.


niiieeil. Sal.iry seeondary eonditinn i-o any-
wV-Te. Marr-il man. .\-1 refen-nees. .Ait- 2\t Liberty -- A-1 EB Sousa-
dre>» W. B. HERRICK, F.wlng, .Missouri. phone for dan- e orchestra. F ve years' dance

exi'er.ciK'c. Young; go...! appciirame; can cut A MOTION PICTURE OPERATOR. p<vi,e*,irg un- the -tuff. Must lie -.aily engagement with

u-iiil ahllltv. Is In a pi'shlnn to ao-ept nijst any orchestra alreadv orgiir. red. Wire or wite.

preptisltlen efTereil. I. EOM'.ARD ItOl i If, Jer-ey- C W. W'HITMYER. Am. r . an Leg.on. Canton,

i.ilr, Illinois.


Ip WORD. CASH (Flrat Lina Large Bls(k Type) *· WORD. TASH (FIrpt Line and Name Blark Type) !· WORD, CASH (Smxll TypPi (Np Ad U«» Than 25o)

3t WORD. CASH (First Linp Isigp Black Type)
2c WORD. CASH (First Lins and Nam, BIP* Type) ll WORD, CASH (Small Type) (Na Ad LpU Thin 23p)
Figure al Onp Rata Only--Sea Notp Below.

c'tatSi Xr!"dWmUhle; e anvehtre. .- a e >alaty. ooniilllens, IhkXIi. c .. I'lli'in TlOXISf. b'lluA E. CollesP -Are.. St. IdHiis. M --uil.

At Liberty--A-1 Organist. Ex¬
cellent library. Cues the p  turea pcrfwtly. Tiioroughly understands :ill make- of -truig t
pijie organ Tni'u. LADY ORGANIST, 12tl2
East Itciiton -Are . A'i-.a. l -wa.

Fipurp at One Rata Only--Sap Note Below
Carr's Singing Saxophone Or-
· ftp SoTon Oolorod rnfcrtnlncrs. King' llnll IliMim. Mii-lr fiiriil-liril nM
...11. M,.,,,l...t. A F Ilf M M lll«'il>-

--El,ooccuut.t.iioonni.sist.-- t-DDTNeessii·re RTV e1li- ab4-1le


I line.' nn oewn n r> -· itpat'niin*« and oewini

· iinn . f - 111111 !. M iiiiffii>>ttnnii:i' Mil w yvrrtt.i- or llaah

MRS. .TOSrrHtNF E. GALVAN. 220 U TTiii

S.I . IL K ay li. ii. h, Ni w Y..rk.




wart* p»ca


p<rir,·inputs. ( an si'( remimmendation. .MarrirJ. (.a

a.iinhere Sts * salary. Write or wire. OrE3t.AT4'I{.

S; *.1 Tlicatrr. I'Irrks. .Ark*



At' Liberty--A-1 Clarinetist
and in .·ll lines. Theatre or hotel Work preferred .\l-o Band D.rector with 11iirary. .V small town preferred. C-BOX 426, care BilllHtard. Ciniinuali. Ohio.

; ·  I't 1. tli ' r. nhtn

F. C. CARR. 12111 11 1'.-.. Sn' ^ Y'OUNG LADY WISHES TO JOIN AT ONCfE Amer'iiiii · nr ag*nt* in Old MexiOM

3p word, cash (First Linp Large Black Type)

At Liberty--Drummer. Tym-

Hilario Harris and His Sym- ,,uli

\II mIImt- save -tamin

Fxperleneeil 2a WORD. CASH (First Lina and Name Bliik Typp)

pani, Xyioplionc. I..H-ation prcTerred. bnt

il.iii' I'r .iii'l ·iiiit'**---(·III yviir..i'r, LILLIAN CODY. lo WORD. CASH (Small Typp) (Np Ad Uu Than 29e) troupe if nisessary. .A E. of M. Age 23.

" t" Si iiropuiiir. 'Pt IiIht'v foi .iiiiimi '-

· ll.-....


llut' nii|..r.i.|iii'iit'


r M CartHY. Mir.. -JM )· Fx.l.aiisi- n'

I.. Iieriil 111 »ei.\. fair MFN

llrmvim ille. lexa*.
AA-rh-om, I ' filr*. AA'cIi-omf aaceyj

Figure at One Rita Only--Sap NPtP Balpw
A-1 Flutist, Doubliug Alto Sax.

Exi'erleneed in all line*. DON H. MILLEX, (ieneral Delivery. I'.owiiiig Green, Kentucky.

I I. 1.1' i-

;.'`'wr..ri'I road Age 'js. 1 At Liberty--A-1 Trumpct. Ex- I'c ie--l.'U mrii. picas, netr
,1 tnr isT'ori-lilr. AA'iPe T.

Thcatc. resort

Write or

AT iiPrRTV--Ro. (oirii'- a i>.i · aa-.'-. .f --vn.

\. T.K.-hutih. IVuiisylvai i.,.

le SAX.. AA'estern Cuiuu, Decatur. Illinois.

p.Tleni-ed in all lines. Tnion. TOMMY

. ^

llli l-.llilr ilSMie iioi.ii


I P I- ..1

MANN. 1202 East Benton, .vibia. Iowa.



-i-it,. .(at.-e lipils .O'.I . -s-rts. rt 

.. Aleiiilcr- A I' ·( A) AVree NOTF--rpi.'st All Wsr#, kisa (Waibiaprt Isltlala as# Nuaibara Is C#««. Flapra TafPl at Oaa Rake Qaly.

T l( AVDUM'II. -.'.I Apt. . ihlesfo. Illlnids.


Isa Sale lidyl*


(Coitiiieil M Ptge 58)



Xtie Billboard

JULY 5, 1924

At Liberty -- A-1 Violinist.

T.i*ad«*r and

il i.»l. lUi Soprann S«\o-


1 1*111^1. «lt>ub)inir r.unj'i Kx

pi}i\» rK in ^.v rnpliMTiu* and


wif. ( an furnish on-hv'tra if


Frauklin, I)i*uvfr. (!olnrad»».

Hot Dance Drummer at Lib-

 -ly fur pnk <*r r-s-rt. .lu^t


Ml -tlfYi!:** h.tinl. r»*rf»*i*l diiti'»· riiyt m.

p* p iiml iM rs«*ua. tv. rrii«>n. Tii\»*lo

\v- to iM Win* LEO HOKE, cart* (fOiuTal !)·-

i MTv. Jliml





a: d tymp.m

l x

11. r ... in nil Ii'i.--. Tln al. r - r ...ina-rt w.irW , ri'for-od. Will i.'. ato  . rniaiii id ly nr Ira · !

DRUMMER. lUia .M nilKoniory .\vo . Ev anston.

Ciiu iiinati. DPiu.

T* WORD. CASH iFirtI Lina Large Bla'k Tyga) 2a WORD. CASH (Fir»t Lina and Nnme Ria k Tyoat le WORD. CASH (Sm.vll Typa) (No Ad Lew Than 2}e)
Figure at Ona Rata Only--See Note Below.

\ At

Liberty -- A-1





Drummer-- Balloon Ascensions Furnished AT LIBERTY--LADY TRAP DRUMMER. EXporioncod all; p av In-.: . \\l .pliono and tvinpani I'rt'D'f looiit nn. Fnion .tddro-s

la-ador. Wifo pianist. I>ir(ic lihraiy and

Now u t!: ri'i 'ijriliZi'd I1-. Ill-tr.i; ilciirr (·l)!Uii:i'. DRUMMER, a.'.s Elm St, Cardm'r. .M i- .i

for rarka. lair- and celebrationn. with lady

cvii. rioiuod n tand. villo and pn 'nros as 1. .hm

'o with ori li..-tra; oja-n in .\ni: :at or Si ptonilior

·1. Writf BOX 325. E.iiii a'ti r. Wis.


Fully l·\ 1 riciici'il in nil ilain-i- work. Ilol li ···I'l (.iko Hill roiiri.-inm- iniits for all lii-lrH-

ITO iil'. F .1 Idio i. ry

trap'! ai'il li ' i

play M ry I i*' -t -fif; ^ ..iiii_- ii.- at ap-i iir n-'

ii'-t warili

ill linlitiK tox'ilo, etc. Wo

fllllsi tts.

_ jo .'o

AT LIBERTY--TENOR BAV'OIST. EXPERI.·Ii.o.l; loal; iini"ii i l.iv.d.i; s.m:'.'. at'o ·J.'l

iir gpiiHemiin aernnauia Fur term, and op.-o

I me. PROE', J, A. PARK. Newcomerutown.

"i do.


At Liberty--Clarinet for B. & Darnell and Little Erma, Nine- l» VEECH, L'I'.i S. Ii  .\v. I/iii

. Kv

ai.'aii'io -at 'fai.t ii. >  k f Ir". 'I'l S'litai'o.

I'liioii \o fl at r'. Can out till- stud; hi ati.V'v'.oro. .tP r. idiis Two yiai> wTli i"i'- o.iij-alood and aii't'ot..!. To kit if lar \\ to

l ilt or:;aii,/.at loll. W ill imt split. ^ oii iiitist or wiiio. BOB SANDERS. N'lt So. .'ith .'t..

Vear old iineiii of Tlglitwlrc. CHESTER

At Liberty--Diplomated Union I'o .11 liiiiil and III' ali'ointi y ri'lialde. -.irii  '.tiH t afir two wioks. If lan't pay .'t.'iti. or

Eilinuliam, Illinois.

-!!`i with all. la.\ oif. as wo niako tint now

STOUGH. I.!2'l Zollar. .\ve.. Ft. Wayne. Ind



' Hand .MM>tor. Cornot t. KtMwlidui* of injstbitioii and pi.iii**. lit »,r* .. ^ 'itution. Ava.i-
il»h* at Mile I* Writ*- or h .: ' . PROF. T BUCCI. ivksbur?. Miss

At Liberty -- Drummer With
* Hells. Ixiati- or travel. Tlo-atre or danee, Band and oreln str.i F. L. ALLEN. d77 I'r.-. pei t Street, Fall Kivi r. .Ma>'ai'..ns. tt-. july.'i

At Liberty -- E Flat Tuba.

Would like to join at once. H. C. SNAVEI.Y.

Clearwater. K.iiisas.


At Liberty--Trumpet. Experi-
eneed. Will eonslder mnsie as a side line. C-BOX 431. HilHioaril, ('iiieinnnti. oi.i i.

aid aro worlli it. .Mi.-t iiivo two wooks' notioo

liiTo. Can t' oxoo'li'iit r' fori nycs. Stato all

in fir t Writo or av

rii-liiri i! if atm want

tlimi. CTfAS. fBOOTS) BOTHE, SiC I'nd St.,

Fort Mad -on. low.i.

Hot Trumpet--Read, Fake, Ho¬
kum tue 21. I'l oin. tUMiIo. Write or GEORGE B. MOUNTS. H iekeye Lake, <>.

Oboe at Liberty July 1--Ex-
iieriein-i d .iiid l uriini tent. On this joh ninety wei ks. li e -., u" ti2 into Vaudeville eause of til: lid. Itoi.ii'e iiiiinpei. on wliieh experieiieed  n .1:1 lines. E. C. WAHRMUND. Melba Thea¬ tre, Da.las. Te.xis.

Oi'i^anist--Desires Connection
with first-ela-s pietnre house. Good orasn iss.-ntial, ITi;. M .tvailal'le .\ncust l.'i. .\d

BB SOUSAPHONE WILL GIVE ONE MONTH'S .irvi.os for o\|nr:i 11. o wiili . ...

staL'o or. Iiostr I. C BOX 196, Btlll>uard, <(p' ra

I'liiio, Ciiiciiiuatl, tiliio.

Jii ylll

CELLIST, DOUBLES SAXOPHONE AND elarlnet; open lor ips'd ore e'trit or van.l--
villo enitaiiement. H' W. 21th SI.. >iw Vtirk
( Ity.

CLARINETIST AT LIBERTY JULY 1 ON AC«'onnt elosincr of season. I'vih rieneeil hau l,
v-iiideville .and pietnres. EARLE CHRISTOPIF I'nrkwajr Theatre. Mailison, W .s.ons.n. Jul.'-I


man and first-class pianist, d.-ire perma¬

nent theatre enKaeeinent; nnion: "nod library;

exiH-rieneed in all lines. LOCATION, 11:11-

li'.ard. New York.


Balloon Ascensions Furnished
fur pnrku, f.ilrs, celetiralloni!. .le, (2) twa i-piiiaebnie blip- at e.i h ii-iieii-bin. Snli«facl.iiii g'l.iranti I d 'I'erni-- r. a^oiuib'e. Ueference :iii I buiiil' f'lr .·i'>iie!ii:i'i. .- fnrn:>li<'d <in r>-1,111-1. DAREDEVIL REYNOLDS, Box 22fl,

Darnell and Little Erma at

Illiirly after .Inly 1">. I'ri-entlnir four real
.1 Is. T u it wire, wiiiititiif ladder, s'onlder

pi-r. li ladder and a h 2 sensational flying re-

larii a t. CHESTFR C. STOUGH. rM Zollari

A'l' , I'f.



Groth Bros. Co. -- Two Big
gitaninti'.'d r:..- \it.. Breakaway, K"vid- ing l.ud II ' and Tripie Trapexc. Nnw book¬ ing patks, fa'.r- .ind eeli hratioue. Charter Oak,

At Liberty, Two French Horns.
, Experleneed in eom-ert bands and pictures, C-BOX 435, care Hill'o<iard, t ineinnatl.

At Liberty -- Violin Leader.

Wants to locate in small-t'iivn patnre tliea-

tre. Wif<*. piaiii-t. .1" lit or .sinple. Twi-lv

Tears' experiiiiii

tl.iod li'iraiy. Cue

-ei'tly. VIOLINIST, IPtrtt Kentnik.v St , l.nw-

renee, Kansas.


dress C-BCX 4i9, eare Hillbourd, Clneiiinatl. Ohio._jn IV1 it
Organist--Open for Immediate
ensaaeniiiit, Experleneed in picture work; lark'e iiliMirv; he t references ttiarkeil; nnion;
· ::i'ile. ORGANIST, !·. O. Box 477, I'ortsuienth, Viruiuia.
Organist--Thoroughly Experi¬
enced in theatre work. Play any make. I.arce librrirr. reliable, union. E. H. GORDON,

CORNETIST--CAN BE ENGAGED. RELIABLE inuslelau. I.oint i xpi rli-nee. E. WINTERS,
.-.07 K St., Nortl.east, Wasliinfrt 'h. D. C.

ORCHESTRA LEADER . VIOLINIST--PHOTOplay; wi-lies -leady emratfeinent; be-t of
references; tan furnish o-.-l.e-tra; have liiir.iry;
union. Write MR. V. LUIGCI, OOI* Eili;eeomli riaee. Chieago, Illinois.


and symphony; wishes positiun as a eoni ert

master, theatre pliofoplay.



Little Erma Does a Swinging

Ladder .V t t .it ii'tu her In a clan* bv

iierM-If. CHESTER STOUGH. ir,2it Z.dlurs .We.,

Ft. W.iyiip.


Parachute Jumper and Wing

Wilker want, rwi.itlnn with aviator or flying

. r n. give referenet«. JACK O. BRAD¬

LEY. B x 111. Ma>on f ly. Inwa.


At Liberty--Violinist, Leader jriis Glenmawr Ave. Columbus, Ohio.

July.'' rOLKENS, 41tI W ahan'ia .\ve., Ch .-apo. III. Presler, America's Superman;

or Side, double Trumpet Account theatre ·losinp. .\pe .'{2. nu. in, eomnlete litnary. Caa furnish Pianist jf de-ired. Pietnres or vaude1 Tills preferred. Add-e-s CHRIS. ROED, 72« .N. Lineoln Ave., Ili'linps, Nebraska.
At Liberty for Orchestras,

New and Used Musical Instruments

king of all -trniig men. A feature free *t-

·ri.t n Now limiklng for*. parka and  I lehraiionH. .\gents de-ilring to li.andte thia

· t writ" at on

.\d lre.« all coxr«*:toiideDCe

·i. CHARLES PRESLER. care iHIlhoird. ClB


The Original Rube Perkins--

theatres, experleneed tirpauist. Keuil and imtrovise. Best of references Addre^^ BOX 66, dilllionrd, lilts Rreadway. New V rk City.

Band Director and Instructor.

Cornetlst and violinist; exceptional nbllty;

'it liberty on slmrt notice; laise library of

itandards. Consder any paying proposition.

Address C-BOX 424. care Billboard, Cincinnati



^ ajjp "v

No Show. Entertainment or Onthering: i-s complete without music. Tlie ab-ence of a Band, Orchestra or even a few Musicians is noticeable. Tlierefore, there is a steady jind constant dem.-ind for all kinds of musical instrume^nts in tlio SIiow World. In this par-
'liere tire man.v sood, used instruments sold. New goods find a ready sale
Columns of The Billboard.

Two real f- atnre free a'-ts. klnp of the wira

and Hcht nnd be.avy chin balaDCing. July 4

uU'l later op' n. Ilu'ton, Kan-as.


"Three Rosards", Super Free
affraeflons. Comedy t-ick-hotise; aerobatic art, two ladles and gent; sensational "Teeth Trapexe t I ; .*liiO cash bond. July 4, later open. Literature. General DellTery, tjiiin. y. Ill , or Bllllmard, Kan-na City.

Bassoonist--Experienced. Dou-

' jW

Billboard appeals to every member of Show World Ihiterprlses. Thousands of mu-

Vitos-Arzenos Troupe--Fourth

bjes Tenor Sax. Freni-h Horn. Both at Hb-

·rty Beptenilier 1. A. F. of >t. Theatre work

! (referred. W. J. SPARLING, Musicians' I'uion.

- tW Barium Bldg., lietroit, Miidiigaa.


; Cellist -- Experienced Vaude-
Tllle. picture- D..-!res tiientre encairem-nf.


siri.ans read The Billboiird for the snappy show

news it contains.

If you sell now or used musical in'-truments

put a id.ce on them and insert your ad in the Classified Columns

of The Billboard.

of July open. M.inagers of parks, fairs, cele¬

brations. 11-.r literature of Sits on request.

11117 Prospei t SI., Laos ng. M i higan.


COMEDY MUSICAL ACT. ALSO PUNCH-JUDY Show op. n for picnics, eeleliratlnns. WIL¬
LIAMS, 2720 Park, St. Ixitiia, MU-otirl. JtiljY

leferencei-. C-BOX 412, Billboard, Ciucinn-iti.

' i)blo.


I'' Cellist at Liberty--Good Tone Organist Wants Permanent


and Intonation. Union. .Addn se C-BOX 70,

lillboard, Cincinnati, Ulilo.


place nn.vw'iere. Young, ·, reliable and longenial; union; any organ Goml li-

Clarinetist--E. & 0.

rarv: cue idetnres. .salary PAUL
Union. JONES. Lee'- Summit. Missouri.

Loi-ale or travel. lAisoonsin.

B. BIDDICK. Montfort. Pianist and Drummer--Joint

C' `-·paratc

Together three ytare. I{e,id

Drummer, College Man, V/ants nnd fake. Ymirg and neat. NenuDion Tike

inytliii'g. Biitii movie experienee. Full line

to iorato witli i t orehe-tra. T inrong.. y 'xperieneed In ail lines. 'I'uxedo. nnn n.

e| trap-. HORACE CR0S8LEY, 20 MajiU- Are., Thnniton, IthiHlc Iviand

.ylophoiie. .v;i k;:;ils of reteretoef. AVrite Im¬

Pianist and Trombonist Want mediately. DRUMMER. 7i't .spier St,. .A'xron, ]


jul.t 12

First-Class Violinist--Fifteen

 year-' exi« rienee .Age J I.A antR pos.tioii; p lure,

T'li'on. reiialil' vuude-. He. Si l -

I'.nan. D. SALAZAR. .Mi.-vician-' f.'lnl), Kansu-'

^pity. MiS'Oiiri.

work P'uy iili piniseg, but prefer dance re- t. A'onng, neat, union, tuxedo and read, fuk-a: d Inipiovise. AVill i.ot aepariiie. .Address MUSICIAN, Piox 414. Fargo. North I):ikota.
Sousaphono BB, -- Age, 22;

· Flute and Piccolo, Woodwind

f : n^*imirmaD.

<) in

·' Jph tui»'s a*i`l f .ird. I niori \V'!'

jon-Iflrr rppairin;; or p -lyi:.;: (»»· b-iMi. Addr< s-

f<ITSICIAN. tari- Mhll:;nf1

Hipair .Shop.

So. Mjin. S.<»u.\i

.<outh b.tkotH.


Flutist, Doubling Alto Sax.

unou:: -Ingle; reilahle. Wanting >iteiidy en-

gngem-lit witli f'r-t-ela>' diin e onln-tra. Ex-

e-i. iiei d in all lii e. (· ,1 fiik- Good reader.

i;..od li.n. BOB DIXON. 177 Ave.. Hi

g-in. Illinois.


Trumpeter, First-Class, at Lib¬
erty. Experii need in I'l "nei!, Ineiuding sym P iliie. .Addre-s TRUMPETER, 3''i<J Cleyelaud Ave., Trenton, New Jersey.

Violin Doubling BB Sousa- , rnlon: tnxedi.: experitnied: age, 2b
J LAMPS. K . '. AA :'e n.

E ,

I phone ftlold Bell Kroni) at liberty shortly


Violinist Desires


A'oiing C-BOX 426, fini'.uiuti, lihio.



I'l.n Jii'.vo

J eitlier wltii .i t (>: lii.t -l >.vo:k .--evera! .veiir-' j
Violinist (Young Lady) Would i xpe:b i .i ·· f ri I v.indi-ville aets n  I iso :."iel r. ..lit- ,d I.. I III-I' I-. Ifi at art -i


iliii. I an |i 1 piuo'i Weil and siMj: u

. ittle '<iiii nd I :iii|ii .iraii .. A.e 21 .Ad iren-.

·diss ARTISTE.

d. C n Tiiiiii;..

ilk.- to Join oreliostra, doiililfs Tenor Banjo it le- I sir.t n.ive no Instrnment BOX 67 I'l - I'.lllhoard. 1 lli.'l Broadway, New Y'ork City.

A-1 DRUMMER. TYMPANI. MARIMBA, rie. T'nion fan furnifh .A-! I'ianlst aiul Vtrllnl-t with
real library. "DBCMMEK", I'mix 111, liaatingf, .Neb.

AT liberty--A ! Ran Saxophone Player anil other

savos.. for Vaudeville .\ca .Seernd Tiumpel In

a a only. A'rai's >;a e cTixulenrc. Bruwn

· a'-i*.

It tee vi ati. .\ -o lia'id ur i.rciicelt.i. .Also, hat: ·

li" lng ai .1 mai .igimeni. Have r'ayrd · 1

tr idevlile clmiita. Just clnsml with aexlette. Open now. A. !'. M. New A'nrk, sii". What ran yn'i efti · f

MAX .M. SIMONS. Elks' Club. Little Hock. Ark.

AERIAL MAGINLEYS-Trrlh whirling, double tra-
pp'i' ail. wrh Mr-. M i.P 'ev'a wlilrll g levlh fli ·
Inh ."aid l>''ia'* whirling lallir pxreh a'4. At Ilhi-r y for r 'V.!. til-*, rarnlv*:* or rltpimv.. Two arts making ;; d fT.-rv»hfrr. .Addri-M I*i Vita Nlnih Ri , fliiehnall. <bil,'.

AT LIBERTY--J .bns-m's Coiore-l Plsntitlou JuMIee Enterar   a .1 f.iiDislla;.#. M .i.i-. ·h.ginx. tslk-

`I : and -1.

Ni free act will Co any better.

\l're.-i \M lil I TIMlVTIUl AI. .A(iK.N'fY. Times

B Ig., .St. I. njla. Mitseuri.


OEYER AND MARIE--T o fi atnre free a 'a. em-

tire-lng ar.-a' p-rariil-l hilldiug, rol'trt globe, n'lirilun, i I u iifj d-  huh-difiiig mmikty. Ad-

drt  K Gi.V: 4. .snijr.ia. Mlrliigan.


AT LIBERTY--.\-l nninimer Expcrlfiicrd In all
lines. Have teal outhl. Inrliulln. Marimbi, Xyloplioiio. He;;d. Tvinpani. etc. l.-t il.--.1 -iv'. f :i
in tb-phemn i'ctiae. playing bla-llnie vaudeville. Dn-

QAYLOR BROS.--Four Trf* A'It. rain. I'elabrt-

fj '* 4 Tr.o \ ruailc Kr -.ra. Kuroi>r4n Uii <1 Hra<t

fr- II ff.-* Cbtlif** N Tflly E»i`ilUbriat. Owird?

Ci04Q ti.d I)o^. S.cjC ITui

Uetroa, Midi. )uljS

laai-e no obk't. fan tiln exi wire. Aldresx T'liO-

FF.SSIONAL DnCM.Mf;H. TUT w. Reed .s| , Moiyirly. Aii.SsOUll.
AT LIBERTY--.A-1 Vlobnl<'-l.eadrr. with goml IIIr.iiy. Kxperldirid ii all li a, .Also plav Vlulu.


- r. lmM Smiiiia 111 «>\tr«4'a9 uiiU>rin. oftr*

n it, lict ! s tint, liaii.u tifil iH'iiiHi t.itk* ti>«liiir

h si! f-oi.i.i . |.. -ii.. · u 4 Mi ·uud Trunijirt

Pljitr. lU 7:.i .\if , i'llrit4)ii. I


S r'.'.ictlon giiHia'tu'd. .Adiir'X! tfllfllE.-^TII A

I.F.AHLK. ISOS So. Cihi'inri.'ttl .Ave , Tul-a. Ok.


-Uvt. ·The


lituj! I'M. " .li iiiA .PC ii4:,4tit'ti ju^dnui u(t tia «

wjif. I . f H T J*.'*' ,1! I

Turr***iit(( I

AT LirERTV--.A-1 Ttomlioiie. f'-r hand arid OT-he.-itta ·*


d»» '.pt.iM. Murk'i-*. MUInfan.

fei rip r.1- diaiitn le show. Age gl. Prefer any ''·lip east cl M. I. -I.'. Af'ist have Can

·UP ul oiiii Addie.s OTE;; F. BROOKS. 10".'.

I'li'p S* . .Amai flu. Ti-\a-


THE I A CROIX ilaiilT Hill (Tfiiltrint!'»--Nlftf Tii*

I>*'7f ai a1 w ri'

u all (U»hv fjie attrartl»fi4

for honit '`Mis . '.iir4.

r« . Now r*>i.inirtl!j«.


I fur -irnt.

COMPETENT Ihiiiiinp IliiaiiiCiV Vlnllnlgl desirea per- Ave., I .»rt \V*ine. Imliaitg

AdAli«#4 13(^1 W.-iIUni hilTl'f

m.i ip'.t y. :ir-ii)i;'.1 Ihu'rp i iig.i,:rmfnl. Exp* rien.-ed

ail lire;. <; e.l liUra v Cj ai vwhere. A. llOisZKL.

j'e of Ulllis .'til. .Viw A'ciik City.




GOOD TRUMPET PLAYf R. (Innbltng sonic Sax , Want, .-l ie i iiiee toll |*»|iiier, lap wotll l

U WORD. CASH (FIrat Lma Uraa Bla'k T>»a)


-.(Lif. A-1 a'l-t,.uiid awliiimer.

Ave.. i:lliiti>ii. Iowa.

1 lu T'li inlvlu


Jo In


CAhH cash

ifirat (Sm ill

Lina and Name Black T»a») Typel IN# Ad Lau Than 75x1

Tijura at Ona Rata Only--8#a Not. Ralow.

TROMBONIST--Toinig. pxrierleiiped Land and orehe*
Iri. Hill, tp-alile m.agpmenl. Ti iniai or Im-ate; ·liCJi 1 inliind II l>. THAVIS. Hi Mldille .'·1.. Xi iin. N'iiili faiiUfiia.

At Liberty--A-1 Male Pianist.
H' ;mI ItMpr ·>'!«#· himI trariMpiixo. Ksiperlenoe*! In «'| I II. H s.iti fartiou Riiiirnn(e»`il, Write or

5Organist (Young Lady) De- AT LIBERTY--CELLIST AND VIOLA. EX(i. - I !-I d . all Flies. A. K of .M L. A.

slreii p.. ..1 W ire ,ii. 'ity. |·,`al^;:tv and I PV.AVERS. 2 <H( Beis*.- SI . Sioux fity, Iowa.


:v. .;i I . (ipr l iate.i


VIOLINIST--ExpeiieniPd In all llnev. Fiamer illtieiur nf li.i: d In v.iui|i-vll!ii. fan !> in i.
AA'i'l travel. Ad .re-< nr Hire BE\ WAl.I.KIi.'iTEI.N'. I.liuiiiott lintel. Ii>:ileiiidp, Illliads.

I landle an.

· r ' m.

' .g,in


l<irni.r s'SI. ,i t

- .iinl - i a-y. .Add.

jlj-BOX A.'-IO. cure Hi ilinard Pnblisliing Co., fin-

iDL'.itti, Ohio.

NOTE;--Caurt All Warilt. Ale* Oambined InitiMt and Nuiabar* la r**y Tigura T*ta1 at Oat RaU Only

wir«* PIANIST, iio* !»;», Jtiiiurttown, N. I>-

At Liberty--A-No. 1 Pianist.

( ri.i.Jit, f.iL'', t'

mill Iniprov!'**;

1* ` f-I li iiitt* ni'i'lifsf g liiit will ii»*<'etir tl.«'litie

in. fit r*ihm

\ 1 r«*f*>retie«><i Wire


t'aiii|> 8t., New Or-

nll^. IaOlilKt:lli||.

JULY £., 1924

Xtie Billboard

At Liberty--A-1 Orchestra. Pi- E. Beebe, Billboard, Cincinnati, Agents Wanted for Greatest Fabric Patch-It Paste---Agents

Cv; · rl* iH-nl In ViiiKlfTlIle and plr-

i novelty of the atfe, Molliiii; "nollywnnd

111 ike enurmiiiia protit- with Mrt. Kfner'a


IV. :\.ar>. l.i-f .-ntfiiKi m*nt. .\sr

· loldlirieic" I.llM-ral f< rni>< Bik money. 8;im- Orii.'.".al and tie iiiily AVliit> MiiulinK

Snappy Acts, Sketches, Mono IDNA KENNEDY, .-.jrj N. hinooln,


_ _

lo(S«. Sperinl Sonci wrilti n


plp. St lift HOLLYWOOD NOVEITY CO., I'li'li'. It m* lid' without stiffeninj! or i|ij.color-

·mjt IIoll,vwontl Bonlevard, ilollvwood, Calif.

injj nil . ' iiir< and h nds of fabric', iio'l* ry,


jnly.-, riil'Iii r .nnd li ;ith> i . Will wa-h. boil anil iron.

Dance Pianist--Fully Experi-

,i I;, j*!. f.ikc. iiiftn Tin' untcin. t.ixrdo,

\ -v I \.ni: It " ky M<iiiniam National

1 . ,,, f ir fh1« act. <-an · «»and altlludi'.


llil Util SI, i;r«-tl.y, folo. s

Hot Piano-Accordionist--Ex-

clnsivf ni.itenal Kuiiranleed J. C. BRADLEY.

Agents Wanted To Sell a Com- no Kina

_New York Cltv.

-1 A HOT NEW NUMBER for Men: .>t|!ilrrj. How

IK.I Vv-a lift T:!»I Way I .<· i,,l Iiir (..r eoiv. Etf-

bination l!ifiif-wei«lit Overemit and

OKNE KDWAKHS. lit .< lllli St.. la.uliTille. Kj. to iailo'x, ni' ti :in<l Ivo«. Samnles fiirni'<tie'l

`·BAEFLEO" great m.jtrrT i'»j: atio rew T'dijr riayj. WOtMt.Vltl) 1"I..\Y fit.. Ea.t Tolulo. I).

fre*'--jiriee to ten-iimer Fil .'.O. CominteHiuns p-iid

dji'y. .Xu. nt- ea-i'v il ifai monCilv. CHAS.

E. MORRIS & CO.. W7 Ar< b St.. Plillad.'p'Ma,



Sell' on I wii-iiimiiti' dcm'in'tratinn f't .N'cciled In ev.  y lioni*'. ."^cn(l 3.V for trial tube

.·iikI aliet-r w

patcii, wiiicli will prove we

lia\p the M.i'tcr -M.'ndlne Clniil. Recommended

: y liiHKl Iloiisekeepiuc .M.ica/liie. Auents. litirn

I'itilimen. conce'aionaire'. er.'w munajeers and

di'lribntors. wrdc fer ti-rritovy and low onaii-


PANY, 27JG Ea't Lake st., Miniieapoli-, Minn.




i.i!.. I- man li' j'in llvi- orc-liostra. 1 .111 nr fak' '·.imit liiid ri-lml'li-.
E BKO>^'N6TONE, I'laaa I V I.I  '. Inil .ina

TAB. SCRIPTS, MtlaKnil f 'mrdv. Ttr.itna and .'cine'lyItrama. fnll-lrii.;ih ·.tfp's .M i, f.miely. I)r.i-
ma. etc. Vau-lev;i;a .\ s. \l , ,-j. . Hiienliigs. < iiilr S yiia a. i "-'.rr ma'irial for ' i" Til', a ! Rep.

Big Money and







L.ulv Pianist Wants Position


<ir I  ' tVrife or w r*

JOS I THI L BOI.EN. m!--  !

· Ito .· .St,. Jackson,

Organist-Pianist--Any Job in

l·rolUl·,r. r'-!iip.oe Mr? le. Pl.AYS. 3 City Hili

\rr . Sun I'r.'  .·.y. Callfortita.



ARRANGED i.iiit*. to tile

far I'l

I*U".o. '

Ban I nr Oti'heatra s.i'l-r^prlo,, puar-

*anntf.i-eit. WALTtR W. .\E;W( tl.MEH. 1S71 Ur»a'l«ay.




%' NEW BITS, Ta · , ll.rurn .'^oi.ja StaixiD f.yr ll.-it.

BERN-AKf) HINKLE. J(p;lii. .Visaouti.


Every owner I. ivs <:oM Initials for hia anto.

X'oii yh.irire t'l '`t. make .<1 n. Ten orders

daiir ea

Samples and Information free.



New Jersey.


Anyone can tin* on -fore win.dowa. Ciiarao-

ti-ed never t.iniisli. I.arire pn.iit'. Free sain-

Plea. METALLIC LETTER CO.. 112 N. Clark.



Big Money Selling New House-1 Imported Beaded Bags. Draw

hold Cleaner. AVavhes and dr'e« wind'>we.

string hags, f-.uo't eu* crystal. Marveloot

" . li .atfo · MUSICIAN ".


l i Pli.T,.. I iiii .·tiil«.


Organist. Pianist, Leader for


,v, romhin.ntlnn arc-oiint binia.' rloklng.

1 III,.`. n 111. ;!7. I.* I'l. arranitc,

SSCcRripts for sale, chran. Quit thf btiilnrss.

IHI av* flue let of lifMt Unma ic 1111.s. alao aonie

«erm eal Murieal Tab Bllll IHI.l-Y CL-AHKE. Aher-

-- uren Hotel, W. LouU. .MIs.-ouil.



Sweeps, scrubs, mops Complete outfit Ic's tlinn

brooms Over lOfi'X profit. HARPER BRUSH

WORKS. HkT 2d .St., Kairdeld, Iowa.


Earn Big Money Fast Apply¬
ing fSold InitfalK to .Atitos. Every owner hnvy

eombiiiatii'n colors. Wonderful flash for con-

e"",on men and prem uin ii-ers .Xb dliiin size.

Sl.'.'.'i eacii. Extra large, $1.75 each. Both

'an-.; les. .sit 0(1

City ugents call. UNITED

SALES SYSTEM, Bo,'m .'s'!2, TOO BMadway,

N.'W York

,n .

.-t-a. 1 tlrr* ao«w.-f d HOW¬

ARD V. KENZIE. ikit Ky. St.. I^iwrcmy*. Kao


SErUi profit on $1.50 rale. I'.irticnlari and Live Agents Make $10 a Day aniplea fr e. Write quick. IJTHOGRAM CO..



Pianist-Organist-Leader -- On

·«,. ovvi-- t.v.ticy. -t t..- I" ·niaio nt

Library ExjH-riencid I'u^ C"rrr' tiy. State

-- Fiiura at Oaa Rate Oaly--Sea Note Below
A Atgents--Jamaica Ginger Ex-

It'Pt. 10, East ttrauge. New Jersey.


Dustless Sponge Cloth--New
invention. (1) Ruti--nuats, eleani) and rtolNh-

.`icK'ng K'lreka .''trainer and Splash Pre-

vcnti T for CM--y waii-r faucet. Takes on aigtit.

Widely ailV'-'t'.'l and known. Get detail' to¬


Franklin. N.w Yoik.



-iliin fiiily. <:(i anywhere. .Ad'lre-a


es automobiles, furniture, pianos. RctniN 50c.

Ku Klux Klan Agents Wanted. PIAVIST-OKGANIST, IlilIlKiard, Kanrts t tv. Jtir"a.-t. A No Van'Ila and Lemon Kxtracti; ab- cuatn Ific. ·'Sample free". NuLlFE (A)


JniyA.atnV'i,it. le p'.re. Biirgainii. COLUMBIA EX¬ SPONGE, nartfiird. Conccctlcut.


TRACTS, IH Colombia Heights, Brooklyn. New

cleaning ii;. b g moni-y with our fa-t acllliig

Picture Pianist at Liberty--

Easy Money Applying Mono- JulTlO

line No,"it'' .I'd FmbL ms.

Working big

outdoor l eb bratlon'. Catalog free. NATIONAL

Agents Make $10 Daily Selling V"... with Chloarn only. R. ' ^

gi'ams OD automobile'. .Xnrone can do It.

BIATTAN. 11'12 ^. Throop J»t., CUctiao.

I SImpiy transferrine ib' d IXccaicomanta Initials.
onr ilrlp-.XIl Wretch, aometbing new. first rakca live m mites; m.ike $1 ."si; cost 5c Sam¬

1;-_Jn-yj ttiilme advertiaed. SHOOK. 318 Cable, Water¬ ple free. BALCO,

IliirrlKOD Ave , Bo-t 'U.

loo, I"Wa.
Young Girl Pianist, 22; Ex- II



EMBLEM CO., Box .52I'B, Omalia. Nebraska Jul.vl2
New Invention Beats Vacuum
Sweeper and nil its attachments. No elec¬

·.r-e-'-d In tficalrc. vand'vllle. daU'e and fife -Vt l!t"Tt» for I' e  iinincr. Bead if y ^ f -g at ' a: t. t-ai.-oo-e. f.i. y, tioosi i*|ip«Mr- VG
11 r I nion. PIANIST. It «· City. Jli; tiikan "

tricity rcqulr" I. .Xi! complete only $2 8.'>. Over IfiO'r prenr to agents. XX'rite 0. P. MORGAN,
Ylanagcr, 220 Grimes 8f., Fairfield. Iowa JuIyZflx


. : 1 . iitv."il or iilto r 111 .'cal

mpan e- u

D ,, I. ··snr-. et'- F r.t-cU»' enca«emenfe ^

r A'l'lr >- DIRECTOR. Billboard. New i r;

I r» _


fa fon' b r any , i.aak* ment. J. MAR- S

COTTE. iJ'i I uton M.. Mancbi'ter. N H.


A-l THREE-PIECE ORCHESTRA -Plano. Vlofl.n, g Pn-m- T'. eps. Mtrlm.j. cc. Keil library fn- Bl
.'»ie . · Dill M.MLlf. Box 111, Haatlnga. R

A GOOD maiiy educational interprlt' S not ra dv recocnized a> the nuferowtli of the «l..aiitniiiiiia principle ,iwc their origin to tl.e begiuning made fifty years ago this v.iir on tlie ahoies of a Like In New Yoik. Summer and vac.ition achoola, nnlvi rsiiy < xtm'iOD coiirM-a, i orr,'jamilence In-'rucMon. enormous ninltip' ration of lilratira and increase in the printing and sole of books caa be tra cd without Tiol,m <> to the probabilities to the spirit wiiich ga,e ri'e to the firs' rhaiitauqiia. Fr,-· nf-dsy statMIcs of the movement indieiite t'ae extent to wbc li It baa lukiD hold o( tiie luiaginationa of Americans.
I'cs re wai. si'luN-r ng In the early seventies of the la-l cnt'iry w n tl.e

J Pearl Bracelets, Opal, Inde-
:t s'raetlble. Four strands. Sterling clasp, rf Two leirs, trine atul white brilliants. Bcautlrf fill plush CO'' . kJ 25 eueii. Meri-handiae gnarrf anti · d S'n l for '.'iiiiple. UNITED SALES r{i SYSTEM. Boom .'"'12. T'.'O Broadway, New X'ork.
3 Rummage Sales Make $50.00
.s' daily. Orrer wonderful Tallies. We start rf yoo. CLIFCROS. 609 Division St., Chicago. --

AT lIBERTY-r ai ut ird naTlii 'lM. >tnl. Th.»r- »

.. , il.vrir. .>'1. W. · 1.- ."111'. r jr * cr It

t .1 e. .Mitfij PiX.SI.'T. lit) So. -Sth .<· . aT

crej. .Neiuijs*.

Ju >5 ye



rh.mtaiiiria me.fugs were iii'titutcd. The fact is that the "ding' m untv-tue

y, are h..d 1" · n (>', oci iipied w ith the snlutlon of raati-rl il probb tu' so iinmi'd.atid.i

prc'stns lint i!..r.' Lad b.-.-n -s-fint o|i{M,rtnnity to iiil-ilge lii't" for tie impomlT-

ables .f n.. 1 lal and piriin I enliurp. Tbe pioneers t, id thc r ismli ir oli'l.y. les to

'·;'mo nt 1 ' .r. -t i'll' (|·vclopm'nt di noted b"'h progf'-s ni.d r'trogr'"Ion.

t'lt tb" lail r Here apparent than renl. Whin Bi'iiop X'in nt in 1020, at

l'..c ripe age ef

h" h...l l..^d the lueffablo s.iti'faction of realizing :i, of

'c. ing .1 ilr- am cm- tr .. II s own words best d-s rib,' the h-- dib cf pi.i i.

vvhi'di w.i' u«'t (ircnmMTi''ed by tbe ivdatlTely narrow limits that cxpi-dien-y

3 Shoe Salesmen--Become Our


1 ical ale-man s.Ii'ng ti:gh-?rade shiws di-

S re.' to Wearer. i^u.'T, seder and good coni-

111" on. 'Kx!" rieiiee not r'H|iilr,d. TANNERS'

-t SHOE MFG. CO.. II.'.', C S' . Ib-ton. Mass x

3 "Smallest Bible on Earth"--

ie leORO. CASH (Firit Lne Lary. Bla k T>ce> 1 ;· HARO CA&H lEirtt Line a'd btm* B;tcA Tvae) I' VtORO. CASH iSm It T«ae) INo Ad Leu TP.ia tSi) '
E'lura It One Hate Only--See Kei* btiow

At Liberty--Young Woman

· ·


:i - - ii. v. v ; .X . F of M

' . h'I' an t

· t I NI*, rletce, r ad

' ·


Ilotiie. .Xdilri '

f BOX 1 It llbont.l. C.n< innatt.


r.f  fa es eegt.'-mei t »lih h.e.J rr

i-a t ' m 'rr te*'il. I). j r. i

a I.


t-· .-I'a i.b a'd e.J t'rl - e ·· am I

· -

< Xi..t,. MlSiClXN.

t'.. L Jl · Ill M

X'. Mill

lufor'td; < 'Si.teii'iuii IS sn id* a. cml'raci'ig »l>e `all things' of life, art, s«-ii nee. soetciy,
ri ligloii. piiiriot ism. tdi., ition--w  aiever tends to enlarge, refine and · nnoble tl.e ii div d ; ' ' n",ili>p ,1'111 -til- I l.iirin .ond tiil1ueni"e, to make tbe iiat.nn stronger

and w »-r and to tease lime and eternity · m to be wliat th-y .ire--I'.irt .f oa-

r.i'ble ..i'l e,erl.islliig wi'.r.'. t iiaiit'iiinna is a 'prc. developing tlie r'aiiii,' of

I f,' in ti" 'insciit gg p-. s>n iliiy: applying to th" indlvidnal tbe energies tii.n mak'-


«·, w .tom .mil rlsion, va-t hiwlzon, pver-brlgl-.tening ideals, striiigth of

r. - I,

1 i.'.ti <11 '.ml, n I in G<k1 and the multiplied ministries that en ibl" fi'.-

iiiil Mil t"

I 1' II : .1 -'i-.inge pin nomi non that the raoTrmenf. on.'" it L. d g i.i.. d

Li .idea, · s 'I ifie a'l'UtioD of lU'o of Mipcnor business genius and .vdmini'tr.if'M'

abtlit, 11 I II lllimiinst,» our own Id'it i-y to kmew that d"sire for higher thing' w«s not iiup d by snisTficlal di'i.ui of . "iiii'i tent instrun- r's In a , ry

giMifii.' ' r-e It ".IS ,phi-' cd the -Xmeriean pliilostiphy, holding that fntihtv Is rot

;; Cl >ih bour.'t. 'n color'. S"g tiy Inrg' r t'.an

j{ a po'tago .'taiiip, ,ontv r' alM'iit 2t«' pnges of

rf N' vy T'-'fnment

s.ample. l.'« ; ilozeii. 7'e';

rf g-e--. .f.gisi CURTIS. ;::!20 I.afa.vett- s- ^ rf 1'  r. t 'I irado

Soap Specialists -- Honestf

« 'lediiated S".,p COLUMBIA LABORATO

rf RIES. IS t"jliimb:a lb ghts, Brookifii. N. Y.

Nc __

_ InlvlO

rf The Agents' Guide -- Tells


 I e to b°ur a'mo't ov.-vth ng Copy :i<»c.


Indispcn:.sMe 'o splrlt'tallty, that enltnre and utility are not ItK-omp.itihle ami tliit tut New York.


one iTi.iT cpv`'ior y I'rmara'-nt while keeping on<''s feet on the gr,'nnd. It has given a C'W i'nimon iioi.n to t''e langu.vge, the sjenttleance of wbleh extends quite he3rond the puri>0'0 of the original. .Xltopether It ha* been lmraens»-?y worth while.

1 "The Best Stunt I Ever Saw,"

8# rfrORO » AbM

lar* # BU li T>ct>

7 U >'D. CASH

and N4flia RiaJi Tv»a)

»» WO^O. CA-H (Sin 11 T>p«> (Ho Ad L»»' Mifl JJc)

__at 0»># Rat«t

Not» BHe«.

Classy Female Impersonator,


rmnai. st add

i MI*. UALTTR. (.· u T»* I . Ivrin m,; a\.a



--PORTLAND OREGONIAN. |S a'a'yy.irs'lf n g'a X H U ii ^

rf r rf"

P' ople 'av w'on 1, g .tiling Polialiirig E'o-n

an'l Cb t>. a:,. .1. ;nou pvi'J. t'» I'd'/.

.'iMfit. l.ivi. :ig. t' .an ii|i Writ, for fr-e


TION. I"*;; G-.-.-nlcaf .X,e . Chicago.


Wonderful Seller--$1.40 Profit

Specialty. Enamels His Auto for $1.50---- oT*'»*v


·n"7fRm'» on AnfiH

Dancer -- Spanish, Egyptian,  t »

d i| .'.It

K' al $! u(t1t

I value Thlrlv other big sellers X\'*'ie fer ouir

,,  I " s 'lo 'e Cvi'e o'fcr OENr-.

* " »b


uf B`'X hS, t.iri*

lit · ociitrt d lit I 1. N* v%' Y»*rk

oi i ! RAL PRCDUi'TS COMPANY, lb pl sr'-,. \i w .I. r>. >

ll». New X


Agents--Oui' Gold-Eyed Nee-

New disei'very eiitb! ng ni'd. ri't' 'o enaniI-..IJ t · Ir anto any ,'o'.e io f, to iUi mi:.! tes. NV',l

riilildiig. no grcH'i». oil or wav .Xpp.ied w t

"1: ch<H,se cloth Kvt'lii'lve iirr loiv Given fiii;
lent ' im'" .no igii .'i p.i"en.'. r a ito. B'ai''\

60 I'cnt'; all other co'o cars 75 cents. S nd

·lien V order


\\ iiu'tte. Illino -


i.ndti » >: f If t»t! It'S. W'ORCESTFB MONO-

GP.AM CO.. V. - I r. M; ".


$6 to $15 Daily--Year Around
iu>' t`on. ni'intl iv i.-,.; :i' b 'ub - Grobv nvule n ;;ii .lav' .Xll.'jo:! XVliite'i le $i1`. .ki. .. .$;r,2"<i. Bickcl s;t'jtl bl. No

tOMMERCIAlJi advertisements

d'. ·''

r .:r. noii'l' 'fill '. llcrs. Imiii'n-e
I. .»>>'» v.'ick',. Proof and partlcn


' · .p . oiillii. 1'"; f»''J'> V pr:. . '

r  rv \'FFr>:.E CO.. b 'l na\is .Nq,. somcr,*'!.

' .1'- ai

j il.' '-"X,


Agents--Sell Home Patch


Ji«i 'I'Cit .Save' tliii''


h - . V .'I' . . 'ai.ig and a ! fat' ' ' Trail'

t-.irciit aial · "iiu - in lar'-'e lii .' S. l s f ·-

XV I WS'I. and 11 .1. HOME PATCH RITE DiS-

-- ev," r .' or . ap tal r.'.iH'r.Hl. Exolii'ive (Hit-

Enormous Profits for Dealers-Q ctiicd r e.  --miilioti' of proniwet'. horn.«.

sfereM. «

I' f.n I'lru K. .1 .to and truck own-

i aadllnp our si'eond;d line WVe

.sp-tre f me ati'fa. tory. XVe deliver and

.1-0 'tart men a .d woiii' U n f ' b i'in'". `'viler cnee nmie., .,,trv AMEST''AN .TOSBINfOp

ciiii'. n I-  r'

.'t'c, , I'rv account'. Ca'h in on our ig an l approval by Nat'onal Boar.l

HOUSE, Itept 10

liraiul .Xve.. Cii '"'.go xX and li t i:-'" itur original new p'nni pridiu-e

-- r. ''lil' xx'ri'e n'l'ck full details. TIDE

European Money for Give-Q FY'R FYTER CO., nt' Fyr-Fyter Bidg.. Dayton.



Xway .XdviTti'iri'r P -tki-.v, Wb'ilesal* qnt o- o---

 iii.iiis free. X ork.

2 HIRSCHNOTE. 70 Wall St . New

1,000 Names--A List of 1,000

acts, songs and PARODIES

el w '

NO AOV. LE.VS THAN 25a 1 ca,;^ attraftive firat line. " It On* Hat* Only--Sea Nate Htlaw

Acts. Monologues, Sketches,

llf~ i B !>''i...



I 'lpv written In ordc-.

H P llAI BBAN. Mil E'lr-I .X»e . HI. un. V V


Bobbed Hair Monologue --

TRIBUTINO CO \i K .-'p. t. Pa

j '"'.

Agents. Strectmen, Hustlers--

X i.o'il'," moi , V ni l's r. 'e.t


M.' p.'l 'Ling (;,'t '

Ti. ·''t' liiai cl. aii'

.. i I p.d 'Les sil 11"  I' V"t '.Mg like ! S. 'l'

.>11 -`till

(>,er :asc , I'rofll

No v .uuler oii-

iigeTit' lire 1 '·.ildlig 1111 on 1 ' f.i'l sell.iig


\X r-" I'div for I'

··rf. liars

iiiir f'l. -'Ml"', w ' I'.'M' It ' a r-'Sl iiu'ncv


I. Kviinstoii. I,:.'ll,:'

Everplay Eliminates Needles 'I I I O'.b r Btiy. r' for .'<1 00. WILSON. THE JS PUELISHTR t imt Broadway. New York

f'lr Phonograpli- P"i -I'rv, ' records scratching. $15 d.i.i, , i', Ci ;\

A- 'a.ilisb..'c' vs"

In iHx kct. Fr, '.imple to workc-s EVERK¬-

PLAY, !b>'k 1-1.. Xlct'liirg Bldg., Chicago.


A 3U1-INESS OF YOUR OWN--Make srarkitng el u,*

N'.nie . N'.iirt.r Platfj. Mctalllonn. I'iicckrr-

.'i,i- ' . l<. lll irttalfd book (tec. K. PALMER,

'all. \v. , .1. oiiia.


Magazine Solicitors--Two-PayV-- AG ENTS-$1 .'0 rrr hour durint your ipar* tim*

«. ' .: h. n,\ Si'imt Curtain Rod?. Sampl* fry*.

MKI'EUN Sl'ECI.XLTY CO.. St. Loul*. Mo.


'ai''l' and '(hicoiI

, lican. 12.5 T.'iiipi**

toiiit Bldg. M.iiU'-a|K>|i'. M iini'sola.


AGENTS--^tevily Inc ICC. Exceptionally OMful Houmho'.d Xnlolc. IIANDTC.AP CO.. Newark. N. J.


__ __au«l»

Ka»i'' '

·'·'liar grin It L. F. KIHNE-

note--c«a*t AH Ward*. Alt* Each Initial a'd ttumba.-a Fl«ueii TiMiU at On* Rat* Only

"· I "'irt 111,use Building. Atnigan Cll.t l,a Jnly.A


(Coaimoed on

Page 60)

kd fii-
-** T^r


Ttie Billboard

JULY 5, 1924

c-rer '' ''p. 'ao m;i utflire or I'jr.e dealer. ! .r

'p er: Iptn Rubber Rptvjir for

- ' i a: `a'li*!! A` a -a*   J. r ru.ra!;i/p- r.'P

S: ;

'ful 't Ip-' Tiu ill


 ··· a'.'- f. t.iT <r .. a


i ,

free s.iin..:e A,..' -- aM.\/.u.N RL RULK i ii . i'

deirh:!. Pa. Ut;-. T'o.

AGENTS--Step c U3-:o-da e tiu. ,
Icdae niemrer?. BLLT ru . Irejv". r.


O. iO.

:· r .nret \ v - - 

AGENTS--Sell yc"U P`fa

tra.J«. Bi;

. ·

; Crea^n to ibe 'f'\* . . '-a 'akc f'et- 

earr «;:eet. PKI.MAL CilUIll AL l O., Ii.iiaLa;.



MOP U'P Vain a.. .
V \'l iiVeL


-h. - of 1V:<' n i-. »«:

fMiariPj. Mo } I


.h-ii'* "f ra'ti*,:i  »

H».. XaM.ual C" It : I! .

ALIVE alligators. n.'/> ii'l.r'll n.Klo.MMVN. 11

Miiall slri^ Krankllp, T.i'n[M.

COVBIN ATION BILLFOLDS-'V/e .. M ' ' crier. H- ,.i JV- .
. ' HAA.'. ll: i \. M'-h. Phi!-.i<.;.!,u. 1'


W.lf rirav P. niera-

a:  .>

It a K " .'I

I-a'll' ,

'll a'-'''

i .i-e;[

.I an- ijra'tee.l i> be Im'-'

wiidinv \ui> A\i:. PETT srini*.

\v.--.l«ail \rc.. lie';.:!. Mi.hiitan.


;a,.. Dt'iver ..


1. P!


e t-.e. M >S10\ E \CTOUY I*,


n-.. a. .. riinoi-.

CANARIES and CAGES 'are lime, trouble ar.l

iV. T


L ' -. .MG-.i'.iri.

CANARIES Go' in-1. Pa.-ruti. M « evs. Does. Ca'*.
>01 TIILU-X PLT SHOP. Winston. N. C aiiil'l

WRESTLING BROWN BPAR. « ft . 5; soun I. Iiealibv and a shI ci.t.ilitlon Pilre, SdUfi; Caj^e
n ra I HK lU IITON /OH G MtDilV, ialimom. M Minea.'t.i.
YEARLING BUFFALO either sex. |300. F. <1. » .strrllb?. O lick aale. SWIiT. Sierllnr, 4'olo. JUlyA
Figur* at On* Rat* Only--S** N*ts Below.
Don't Worry About Troubles,

AGENTS--Sellir.r le-ar inver.tlon, rifh Clearer. Ve-y

praetlml. faa* s^/'T,

5e brinre yoinp.e.


Ncrth Dakota.



t.if'a - v 'b U' '

Up? of li iuid. u-'e r

CANARIES--G-a .1 I.t. lb .1 Ca'arir-. flJ.flO do . i.

M I Mrda a : at I ftr imme lla'e del vety. Ca.'e-

e .y de-c Iptiijti. We ' itry ttiAusainP for Ira-

n- La e


L u .. Ml --lUtl.

|>i|!li iilfii'A*. I



tiop njfaril.UL' n 1

in.ittFr-* f-r


,K\** , ('!j ·

Illlnoi '.

promf't .i.'iiiorH'\' *1 r.*


'Ttie'hi* e rey. g;11pi e Blade Pr-ke*

KM res Lt-" -Iv ' la- u«e- a f;:ile*'e Razrr .- a

buyer. He baa · e

ade;. we furriish the hai.dle.

Acer:? riiaie


We n.ail a .lui''e .p . . ·'

of 3C e:.'- i. ::

i' i: \ HI .VOVHLTY Cl' . · '

rifarbera S' . e'.1 azo, l;.i;.Oi!.


AGENTS--Coir, m  e

hrupe-lo-houpe. fa


a nroppecf. Sei.d 40c. :

price*. T \\ \ni.LlA.M

i' r Gem Car. Opener

*rr.tT;. ETery bru-ewi'e

rr -tainr.p fc' .-am;:e

I'rlard. Ir.d.


AGENTS--lOfiry pi..*!* selllrr blzh-trrade T'-i'e*

Waters and Hair Tc'ni p WtPe ' r ii-'


PERFCMF CO.. .S. E Cor. iTt.b-Earr Sts.. Pp.ia-

delphia. Pel .iylranla.

AGENTS \':*'n`a*ic NJ'irl'ajf F<^'iT*a«!n Pf:'.


pirisatb al laii. It; nie^-ev-m .ker. De-tipiye

?Tia''er cs r'

1  'her ii.e-'\ite wi-' .'n fr*e

Write BLDFOIID 'PEt lALTY CO. Ill Redf rl S- .

New York.


AGENTS--Here"? ''e l-e^t ]-'e cf I'ocKi F'avors, per¬ fumes. Scaps. T lit' P' l-ara'i. -. et .. ever '

ferred. No tp'*a' i ^e ^ J. Crinple'e rutO'* S'l'-

nished f'ee to » I'-er- W'i'e T-iav for ''til pac'.ii-

lars AifERICAN PltniH'CTs CO.. 136.1 Ameri an

Bulldln?, Cincinnati. Oh.p.


b . ier O'lr a, ''^ -ly it pells like ''hot oake-i''.

<> . j · re's/iicd del P id in ci.e wefk. Hp'.), s

: -· f'e f-ee. A H. GALE CO. 15 Edi:. i

p' . It -toll. .Map-aobupetts


RUBBER GOODS--\'`X'« wan'ed f'r rur Pure Gum

T a -A'. '

.10 attra tire « men can't resi-t · ui

H est Q'.ij ty. ipie: did mo..ty-makfr fitr ami'i'i u-


e. P'tv from up a' ;a-t'ly rtlee-. A


-.'or '<0. ·^.

If male <'f "jt'er. a-k

PEI.I.LTIEK .MKG. CO.. 512 W. JaCs-m. < .

· c'.


SALVAGE SALES make ttiormeus


>. It

'a'lies wa'el. Ex'.Upiye 'e;';-

'- P

. or- free. SALVAGE i O.. 160?X t-\

II , - ed. I . to.


'bine .\tele---Ki 1 -a!o» in etery Ivme. F'' e

si !· i'.ep. raeily a ried. bii pec,Sts. Samp'e


< calo.-ue fiee. LEE EROTHEr.-'. 143 La-t


S' . N- A V'';.


snappiest novelty OUT--larr Sp rt sii's 11. 1-

I' I' ''. M :.iu".if ;

I..1 ly'- -itk b - : 'p

A ' p. .a


,'·· .r t x d. a I

1 ,i '-i '' 'u.. .'ample. >''. pt.;.. 1. r C'.m' . a-

' ' .- ; ' J f.-r »!. It. a .

prif . ·! r, d . '

I. .1 pi.s d''or ' · ' · a-'er.'t. I'a'a · ip'e l"c.

educated cr Hl-'h-S.'boeI TI

t ..

-la d performs ei"'.

1 a I't"!) takes him.

MairuaJukt. .Aikaiitas.

-e. a '.lack beauty, .11 r nk re dlfTereiit .lOlIN I. .SON.NEY',

FOR SALE--Fire 0-r1c'iec c · C k. f 'Ur Hen.

w ,1 I a. Pelicans. G'cat P.'ue u.roti. live AI-

· . ea - a'e · » wan'ed. OSTltlCH FARM. W -t

Paint Bi'a h. Fluiila.


FOR SALE--\ Calf with 6 rerfe < less a"! 3 ear*. .T'jat ni't'.in'id. It Is a sreat 'r'-ak .Man a lire
T'l.'k tvp;. 3 less .'It f.-e'. Iti ' -Ter sets them. T. .M MAHON. <12 i. Sta e St.. Syia tne, N. Y

FOR SALE--Bob'm Wise, wot'i'j cr»xteal e.hicated
t'' y. Health leaaon far sellins. COLEM.VN, 2uui P. i. y R. a 1. Dayt' ii. Ohio.

LIVE ALLIGATORS--Can fumlah any siie. ai»

amount, at any time. Don't f rre' when franniiit up yo'tr f'ow or park for tb« lomins ej»'ii t.)

W''''e me f vr prt.ea. Still pirtlt s . tl* Pit,

«. I no up: a l -'",k fi .e ..'Oiil.'l-

Can aate y-i

r- -'V 0.1 vp'e.t rVarzea · u; -f here. THB

FLORIDA YI.IHIATOR FYUM. S u'b .larksonrl le.

I la. l\ .-atm .b-w Camp'e.l's i-lae.!


Figure at On* Rat* Only--S«« Not* Below.

Attractions and Concessions

Wanted. Aiikunt 12. I! de«. etc. Michliran.

O'cenia Coiinty Fair. Exart. Mich . l.S, II ami 15 Hif opp-rtunily for
Write THOS. DFACEY, Kyort,

Carnival Wanted for Big- Col-

ored I'a r. four days atul n'uhl«. .\tiirtist '27

to .`11. A'ldrett' JOE ALEXANDER, B-n 131.

MtirfrePKlMirn. Tcnnt "····.


Wanted -- Merry - Go - Round,
Fcrri* Wheel and few Conecan'on* for old SoMicrn' Reunion. .\iic'i-t T'-22: four hig dar*. Write KcKAY A McADAM:-;. I>. Witt. Ark

AGENTS--'fake V'z mterr ce'l nz Ke;"ed Ne Vtrear.

?2 00 T-er dcrer ' r -n -e l 'ime ci.iy

w. i v

eijl'y made. Se d »1 p. 'rr .six samriec Y u

can't 10 wrc-'i* a; ·kU amar i ; p i e MARTtV-

GEBT COMPANY. 'Jl E..- dl-t S ref. New Y :k.

' W. COHEN ^ r.hoTIJKIt. Ttl Broal'iay. Ncr
STREET PEMONSTRATORS--Tixe-lfip... .'a-opte. I'i'. REG..YULE MiG. 10.. lti"a. N. Y. july26

PARROTS--Grre . tine fli-'ies .fire in wire ca-m*. "ith c'.ps, pull out rawer ba>e-. i-epb. r' . Cvin-
' e'e. Paint a'd Case. Si 7 5. (·'ier tbrec da's ea't fur Parudf. Pat' ca-. . ' a an e c. O. D.
.N ATIONAL PLT SHOPS. .SI. L ulj, .\Ii;--<nari.


LIVAN. Athe-S. O'

I'liyl 1

('.mr u y r'iyl''S in tent, fee .Ant'eI'l l.eab'ti Pl'idc. I'ct'.I*..'. Kan , July 16, 17 H,

AGENTS--A eew t Hosiery San `e
Cifton Pla e. B -·

Me' d
GTIt MaLOMPA'. t M. hu-e''a

s;s s t; s: s;7i "1; ~

:i jf s:s»:»S}i' j( a' -^!S.

·s ea .usUe. II. J. CLFMFTS'.'.
WANTED--.Attrirtlons far Ih-ln-t. OlMx BlAwfa. l '.< J a 1 I"." 'H ' · M.'e, d<-4)'t write, an I

AGENTS s»H Wolreyiee l.a'u Irr Sear W-derf-d

repeater a'd seed rr 's ma' er. K-ee a .'o · i :

hustler,. WOI.VERINE SOAP CO., Dejy. C2P. Grai. 1

Rapids, Michigan.

-- ;


rav y >ur o«'t. FRANCl ' care \an1er Bro*.' Showit week of Jd'.e iO. Daimlie. I'eii.iylyanla.
WANTED, ' r Stti'e x .Am'iwm i t Troup*. Mf'rv-OoH titvi. V ;tU Wheel a .1 s'lxrinz OiLtry hr

AGENTS MAKE 500«, PROFIT ' andllr.e Au'o Mj-e. i

crams. New P .te^ w.- do'o' Le"er'. Trar-fer

Fegs. Ncyel'y 'i;-s

eree HINTON Co.;

1133 No. AVelf: >',. Chirazo.

·BUSINESS PROGRESS". the real "R-jOre..
Chance" misazi'e. i c:.: rra'^ual r'at'. ' l-a-| ond «iifre«'.lcms ' I'a-' ; a rua.l ordc h'j-i: f-< i every month. Tuee m-: ' -' trial rihsciip'lon. 23'; j 4 eampie corles. l''r. TLI Cliern'. Kan.'as City. Mo.

Are the d'lors of t!.c motion pi "'r*' «tudio' closed to the ont-ide wrifer? The luttle oxer <| .""iiin N ruc m: r-d L'd In the paces of ccrt.t.n macazincs p:ldished in the li,tfrci.t of t!"-e vtIiu mike thtlr llvlne with ti.eir typew'riters nd amone the ni- mbcr' < f ti.e I.- . zue of .Aim rioan Pen Women. Mulinn picture m.cna'ey s.iv they .are alvrays on the lookout for c»<id seemirios. -And W.ll Hays 'ay' if would he fooli-h to Ulleve that prixlucers vyutild bar pood iib-u' jurt liecatise tlu'T ortcinated in the mind of someone not .i staff writer. But
iiVcT' peint to the r<'cord to show there an very, very few time* when the otit'ider Bets inside.

sea-'on. .AJIte-'S D. E. P.ADtiKl r, .Anileyer, N, J.
WANTED--Carilxal Comrany. «hcwi and Riles. :ceh ati'.iul Raeks Cou r Fair. S'nckfnn. K
Auau-t 2''h to 2."h. h. :u<lve. w;,h to cnniriet a' .4 e Write Immediately, ijuotlr.g fems. D. K. lil ItLlN. Seetetiry.
WANTED, for Cciit.'T Fair. H'f x. .'h>sra ar.d ixher Cu. es»l<x s sFi'RirrART. Merrick Coun¬
ty F4'r. I'entral City, Neira-k*.



Now the truth probabl.r I' that the prodtieer would welcome n scenario hr an

Samrif' 1" ce:'=. STAR SALE>, B'l b-.


F. New T rk.

ju'.>'12 ;

COUNTY DISTRIBUTORS WASTED--Sell rem T emc-'a'ic Aut. ma'lr I'a:'urf:''- l'·:.·roI .A'iac'imx*

for Ferds. Btz P'r*:'; f'.'' cr r-<rt time. B : : '

SaCe air. doubles mi . e A 'a bed i'. two mlnu'f-

no drIIIlr:. D rs a'P '.lati v fxa 'ly ·»' -t F't 1

Manual aay« do bv la i I'.l "ae nr - i;- . T'.er-

moytatl'* Carburf 'r i 

u ' B'.r c^e ''c-e

Write tndav A C BT IN' KE A CO., De;:. <711. k :

AVe-t Lake St.. Cbiraro





Ha- i e \ 1


out'ider if it sh'iwed l>oth oriciu .ii'y and techni'ine and fltt' d his plans. But too often where tip re is orisinality then' i' no tecliniunc and where there is technhine there is little oriBinality. So '.*> m:ini''i'riiit is cast aside and the pr'ducer turns

to his staff writers. H*' has ifO f!.- editorial view.

I'rodticers shot:ld realize that '·re i- a leiint ,nt issue which not only afTccts

writers, hut is v.'al to motion pictures. Fietlivn his hern cnriclicd hy d.-awini; from a wide circle. T  stac* al'o has I' cn . nri' h'd to some cxti iit .inil w'otild hp

still better if it d'* -.v m re often from tiie ont-iders. l.ltorii'i're ami drama are

re.illy folk movi nients arisinc from 'b- pei.pic. if motion piclnn s ih p-nd loo mtieli

on their

wri'i -s the liim dr.mia is -tire to l>e n.irrow'. d and warped in view,

pe nt. That tecihney i' appartnf in of fl" production-. T

silrer screen

i an prosper only a' it is eMi^'antly r'nevv<'H and « ririeh' d by con'Hi iitions from tin*

whole held of men and women who feel %!e urge to wri'e.

Figur* It On* Rat* Only--S** N*t* B*l*«.


E. BFEBF., Billboard. Cincinnati, Ohm lul'A

WE FURNISH CATALOGS cf faat-sellliut B>veltv.

.Niwr.tiey. Samr '· ca ,

with wholesal* pn.'w

I!-'. M ee"

ORPHlWli CO. 1300 Cornell si.

l .. a y. II.. . vis.


tb ' .

tf ' Tt

N . . .·<

26 N I d

. r :' 'aid, 0>fz,-

EARN SIO DAILY S''Te->-,c Mir-·- . P'.'ir.z R*-

er,l>hi« : 't-' v-r. If-ji

r>, ,;s,--- '- t. .

TaNeoa-e Bejc , p o -b-v -ur- --hr 1. RORERT-

80N-DEGIE l aboratories. 1133 Brcad 'ay N. w

,57 s2; it K s «'««

«« H.« «


K.-Sga k kk s kxTs

%'tf k i; « k K s :j s « « j;S« k « 1

Figure it On* Rite Only--see N*t* Bella*



EASY AtONEY arplr ? yryciie <4 Ja ;· - * V

?T! = '*r '

cemi' .a 1 '4I. Ti-

te;t 5r. Sam-'e frie KALCn. 323.'! Hairi.-'.-. Ar^

B'-rton. Ma5^a l.'j-e"'.


Pe-'uinrv a d >' '


. -''j.

LA DERMA CO. !>' · KK. >'. 1 -

CO IN BUSINESS . .1 >1,7 . 4 . I!
c'l 'r ;;c'a' r.ur it.-*'
to make fen .4-- ri' ' '

r-er m


· ·vr ; :a

F.r ·ur'h<:


Tey t.iy

\ r

. 1:

the ].' V ' m ev'-v ; rl ,>r

''·II fer -

>.mple il-'ze. . «I.J5; *13 50 rr.TOY

'HY' I'f*. 29'!' ' .'' G-.rc Avc.. ·'! ; a.'". F. <


Pa'ertvd--Nl. 1.371.0'in. Nr. 111.162. W. H.

D irn.




i|'. I'.xpericiire 11.





1 .. fry' 'I r'.. .Ama' z rr 'it.-. .',m:'r'. ci--


' V  . order. Sample N x. 15(- I'l'ST'fK

I'i;.ilit . X.' CO. 402 W'e.t 23rd Street, New Y"''

A. nif'.r '.v'e; --yx' yf.i. old: known


I tIi.T MP.HN PARK. A W. Clemc:;.',

I.a Fayette, liulia a.

OFFER--Immcdi i'e delieery

-x rli-v. <15 Op deny

a d lit': Pi'.'ariv-. f15.l.p t-v 5'.'". ...i. ('e s. <25 ...|

·n f

Lvnx <150.. to Jjy.wi; IlaJ'.r.. |7 '·


J7.5P. F.'ic.r. <7 3". Arma lilln-. fleO ea i.

I 1-1 i-a Fi.-lv«. f'- ' O; Mexi an F.agle,. 71 j u.>

'll t vj. 725 90: Y.'!l'''y-ned.4 Parrot*. $7 50; Re.i

H al-. tS.I'O an.l numvroua o't.e- pU «b i* at-

tr.i 'I'n* SNAKE KING. Brownsrllle. Teia.v


PPaiRIE WOLF OR COYOTE PUPS, rl n age in I' I c, 71.1'U ea.h; 77."0 f'.r two. Mvi.ey with

Biggest Money
hN.i n.'Wcsl tl.'itriitio >r.h'r i.'.in. Parthulurs. 6. W'. ';'. chi.'Mg ..

Maker Out,
lunncv-ntakin.: mallW. JOHNSON, 7.12s


.'V am 1 w I'll I' fr

< i 'be d iuch m l

H ii'!i .1 , M, f .r ibiriv .

5-.'.u. write M

knight MlENl'V. 211 W. .MTera ai St . lawi <


Km.'u >y.

jul) I


  e $15; v,.,r. <5..


SVItVICFS. .AtUiiiic City. Nev* Jervry.

a-hiteiJ N xTIONaL .CFTLFP.Y CO. Bex vl le.<?ee.

HERE THEY ARE--> 4'.'; * 'irv. t50 , rr'
BLR to.. Dept. 5.,'

'er,i r-rpiv K- t i ;f B. 0 G 'It |>.

. Pa.

'.1 2'`x



p. ·

-nu.l t.-· P,

t .'

fxreu e. .A;e'tj ma'-e m a e-


a' -ms

iV'e. « , -vmp'e

larticularj. A drc5« PR 't'HN'ON, B x "5J, Me.;

Pbi.-, Tr: · '.-'fe



w:-e, r , v-

f' Re eirl' 'tee if ry.

ed. I 1 !l' FI \-

nON MANAGER. 226 AVcrtl Huilding. F rt W r' .


MAKE BIG MONEY--Spare n- f. ·; time. X" .ap`'al

cr exrcrie.' e rebUired N-x, «.!.'iftii p-..; -

"Old M.-'er" Automr' Fe Q am.' 0-e«,

? '

car ·-·lay--drive tom r-

P.eau '';l. dcri .»

fae-rry-like P:«ver

Tlxcl .'b- ver- 'orv'

F--» ·- ·

*im;.'e AKRON PAINT PltODT'cT' CO, p.p- 7<

A«ron. Ohi


male PR female wanted


' ' _

3: ' - \'b S' . I 'It,. . . r;.

- r* '^.i. n

r .to -
HKl'.F.'tT. ; -Iyl2

medicine agents



30 D X
·ar- f . .


r'n\> nv-

510 daily

tlnz miirot.r. pla'b.z at"! rtf'li-liii.r

'.r-. autos. Is'l.-. tbi'rb :r., bv .. .v -m' .-1. C'J :'« furtl-'el. Wutc GLN.MKT.Vl. < 1'

.\vf. G. !>· diur. I .1 1.-.

au. 2


iir r rracl.'H'. ' rue tel

P · .

It ri'i! m'licy. p- '"it.. '



11 rat'  in'er. a y 11 ."r.te a'


I' ' u:,h. P ..I.-., vai.ia.


30n", PR0FIT-(J i|,'.


Klea' R 'e Ms.'if


· < Icthea vvitli u rii .

> a tiidnf !· , '!:n;.;r« lue. I'.l-lEVLlt

i'iPtlH I' CO. l..l"-B III..' Park. Chi. a..i.


i ici: return tf out of sliH-k. .sWIlT, sterling, c '' Julyl2

PURF-BREO. Siiow-Uliite Car.a.lidii INkiiit.) TNipr


vv .ed. 10 4 1- $25, li.nalf- «


III Ilf'J.N /IK' GA111H..N. laiiiim l. .Mi'a.i,i,la.

SMAIL SHETLAND PONY --'tallbm. hay \ 1

.I 'l." A y I J .an h. ft Pibe <s

U .lie

B a k n.'i^.all M :· .-

I k nt.i'e G ,· Date Ik.hfrniaii

r pill IJ-.X .MID Ptrr SHOP. 1125 Vine SI

t ali. Oble.

SNAKES, barmif-i, a-.', rlf.l, 12 to 20, <10; Cm'..l»

I* d'v. m.He, 7* "0; f. uiale, 7".W). Pair prairie



ca-h with order LKM L.MRD.

ILrj-er. Ka.-aj.





Figure at On* Ritn Only--s,,


For Sale--1924 Cub Bears.


. I -w I -It, > . a Fl.b. Sa .1*.

·' I Ml. I l: 6 I . \ k'el Fi.,h. Trl--

· ir Fmli. 71 oo ea-h;

' i" I'Ua' .!«. fl.ft'i r.

' ark law . 5 lya M. a'.-. Jtl' FI.FJSCH-

\1\N. r.u5 Fra




D'-r. Bu'lffllffaa'io. FF kk TV..>'.'' i:a..' ...n. s,, ; i WANTED TO BUY 'in;

r..'i I'iB-. F.\ « Ft-'-- I . , oil. male w.b '

VM C:ii- M'.i I. V at iti.'i'' E. E .TOHNSON I II We-t ifth M.. New

AUCTION COMPANY. Cantfii. Illinois



F ' lerilera, alvxit one


`V only. MIl.I.KIt.

'· cuj



. .1 pi 'tipl' I - "St 'f I". '..I I Ll.Nl. -N.i'h w.iteifo .1. \l

WE SELL snakes CHEAPER than any other l*al«r

\I«.» l ive Animal* f* i i *1.

.'r Mamn '.le

TEXAS snake farm. P o It i ;·.*

ju\>2'. I Hr .ii.nllle. Teia*.


MAKE 55 00 DAILY AT HOME 25 cent* for paiii. uiaia. Hl'X .'2 l''iilii It.y. Maryland.

PATENTS--Write f.>r mir free Gu.le 14.-,'-- a'

It- .rj ..f llivrl.r .41 U.',.'." I.· .|.· d 'Cliolli,' I'l

vr- . , Sv'.1 m-Irl or ,' h . f

ir i a · tbv f

ir 'fee etaminiliiHi a I i- »iru '. :.-

5 HTt'K I

ll\ VNS A <t».. '.till ai..| G. Warhli.aion. D C

jil I f.


" It *h.|vx. 723. GltDNBKItI} MIX! CO. IrU'

l> I s.ii llhd.. L'lil-ago, lIHun.*. Makrra. Illuvira

11 114 Irve.


WE START YOU IN BUSINESS. fiiriiMi ea-rylhlng men ami w lueti 7'iU I6> l.v 7III0UU w.cklT oneril
lug i.'ir "New Svatvin S|ie<dally Candy Factorlel" ai' Diir ttiu tty llfrlime. hvmklel free 5V
HIIJ.TKIl IIAGSDAI.K. Drawer 98. Raat llnoc*. N, .V Jel-ry

24 WORDS. :i'.5 |tii,,| \v>,f . . <11 yn AI>'II.r5'l '

411211 Him..Id SI.. .'I. D Ilia. MjMuurl


Ettur* It On* Rate Only--S*n Not* Bel*w.


r. tmia' .1

I '. ,1, I'.i" I T It r

Pet f .rale.I 1 a-

'1. 4't llaa IM.iiiir H r ll.i Itce IIAGII.k MCI' I'ltV It F, D i , >|i. Wi4



i KKtt-aaf City, YLsiOurt.

CARTOONS, lailertua'I l>. ·I;iia. hyimaln* C'''


ma le ' > crd. t


HF.RVICE. Ihhkuah. Wla xaiiln.



JuKI '


JULY 5, 1924

Xlie Billtiosrd

For Sale--Two Mills Auto- vniiR audience will w«rin lp to now. newel [ FOR SALE--TrtmilJ Hoi'al. · !C 

H'x Mt, fuilv I

ni. Iv j'.d Trick < ^tlcemi. Two POliipIrt* pro-

.1 I tm t.|*frai»riK Xi/ImU-Uu, Va. Write!

* - ..III talk *'" . \ 'r a l f l(Mi\ s\?^ IK'I
,0,, i.ghtning Itnini. liofij. b> a i.iikVatnuiial

-r o»f


I'ori.-moulh. Uliio.

AU*J |

stunts with, chalk, ji.oo. I




FOR SALE--M ^iri/r.l Siium, *iIIx7w

li'.jj *op,

Jl-ft, ler.kili.<

tM 1 ti fiM

' . p.

riat .U.* , I ·Itllplrl r ; Irnplha lilue., tti.i iiii.p-.

tUit t.h,


iiiHtlr SAlfvnK'ii. nj nt T*-ndi-rs. in Absolutely first-l ias- isiiid tinn. k''ssl as new. Kor qiiiek
ale $lU<Mat for tlie txvo Buyers must pay  xl'ress rliarces. Adilress S. S. DIGGS. .>'1 W



otti'-' a . fit.i- lii)f*:>'ai f'in; Ipte. rej Iv 'r-r riMi! llltli St.. Norfolk, Virciua. Ill'll *r I <iF:«Mt(!K UOHUn.-i. r.lit N.-Itlinf.l SI . .Notiia. ().'


FOUR TYPEWRITERS, at Rood a? new. la;* models.

ail cuarsiitetd. JUS up. J. P. RLDINOTON,

s. ramwi. Pa.


MILLS OPERATOR BELLS, aiuroiniim fjoi'ts. juara-.;i-e.| like iie«. «.')0.lii,. PlNirrfKICLtSS TIKB

I'll. \|nii:i. .tlaudlDa.


Fiour* at On* Rat* Only--So* Not* Below.

Figur* at On* Rata Only--Sr* Note Below.

Wanted, Concessions for Bi^| Xylophone for Sale--Dea^an

I . War V.teran« i:<-iini..n, r.ih. Ifti. Ttli ... 1 sf i.f \iii: I t. |·llrIllvals. m- rry-ir i rniind iln!l l . ris wiie. Is. Write BYRON WELLS.

*'»> . ' tavt - L'n iraiItfH'ifl tm-w  ' » "'«; sell I .r .. 0-CAR WOLTER,
.la k'el: .St . Ml Wnllk..-. W S, 11,1.111.

Lord's Prayer on Pinhead.

Mu-rosfope. triixid. description sheet. AJii

uMl up. SHAW, Victoria. Missouri.


Opera Chairs at Cut Prices.

I'Ll In and npholatered at

le-is than

··Trust" f,iiotatiouM

Scatini; plans free.

Iieii't h'lr till you get our priifs. J. P.

REDINGTON. .Scranton, Pa.


NASHVILLE OR TALBOT Eledri. Candy I loss Ma-

I liii.e, eie trie heal, eleiti. pewer. while enamel

ii . ii-*d four «e*k5. li'.'i dollar.-. IJK.xitLEY. 317

K. Patr.tay.

S., Pitti-tnirg. I'eiiii<>lvaiiia.


11'->. a baiaain. UARJtY XlcKAV. Bradley Ho*H,



ROLLER RACER--No rraycnabl* offer refuswL t H.\S. KOHLER. LalitiLic Park. Flint. Mlob.

II, W it. .Xrkansa.s


Wanted--Concessions, Merry-

I... He ml. all kind- of Baiiie- for big i-e'c-


P.irk Julx' I*" ami lit CAR-

SON HIGGINBOTHAM. Seereiiiiy. Kavenden


v.i'Ii il.e

"1' . ' · I'ti-. ttta '.isr 1 i "sle .'fr-i.

il pe-. ' ni'.'ina ,hr . · ;


tir-i' 104 ''e., .s| ii di,tout,t. l.VTl.UV\.

T t-k tl. Ml tH`K lO. j.'ij W 23Td . V .v



15 Mills 5c Mint Vending Ma- [SECOND HAND TRUNKS--.Army Pitchmen Cane*. P4'!i. *1.30; Aiiny Id.iker., ea h. F3.IKI; Fiber and

chiue-. F r-t elii-<s cniidifion. with checks,

each CHAS. WAGNER. T1 Nichols .\ve..

Broiikl.x u, N. Y.


T! eatrical Truhk.s. ficin *7 Oil to (13.00. It will

psy you to ,-all at my ttoic. Open erie.lnr* also

util !t p.iii Iic-^oiira re'iuirei! i«i all orders.

.1. COHEN. 33 Csiu! St . .New York.


i-*. -'rk Write, wire, phone or come on
Wanted--Rides and Conces-
- .. xiigU'l ·-'It 2! ·-'2 and 'JR--Day and r kill la r C. M PARTRIDGE. Scen tary. |;.tk;ii -t Fair, llin kpnrt. Iiid ana
CONCESSIONS WANTEO-Ie.ion Hme Coral.n*. Ju.i Fiaith. Shady psik. Hie crowd. Loda. IlL


lua'l-, *1 33 e. !i: Sniffed Cj"-

T.t ·« Il I!;" l .'4 . sXiAMilUK Ml\ -

ELfY 111, '

^..4mi:e S'... Cini'.nr.aii, O JulyU

FOR SALE--Tjupa c:-.-.-! Hare fifty new Mills .Mint .Mi li T.i-. u^.'.f : .- tha.-i two week; to two

AbK.iu'elv imfe.i Make offer. A. U

\\1.;>.''. '1.' Talk.-*. T4."j;a. El.itiaa.


FOR SALE--Ball Carae. romplete. iuitahle for fairs

111, M' l.di.ols

iked long. Opilyke Are..

S250 Crystal Snow Sundae Ma-
chine complete. ini-Iudiug banucra and ex¬ tra- I'-i-d onl.v a few weeks. Price $1-30, de|Misit $2-'>. £. LEUBDSCHER, Westminiater Hotel, SciantoD, Pennsylvania.
ARCADE MACHINES--Just reselred thirty floor alxe, srcnnd-hiiid · S'ee;" Mutoscopcs. u.-ed In New York
1 iiidy ati.rrs oiiiy fo'ir neek.<. 'These mot,ey-making 'iiiiliines aie iifw style make. In fir-t-class condltluo. abaoluteiy as jorjd as new. Price. S3T.50

SLOT MACHINES-Af 'ls T.ihe iv Bells, 30lh Ccntun-. l»ewe-.4. (·ickei.s. Ctiei^- It'.v-. Firffly Eleitrle

.«hockers, Puiitaii. Perfei-t: 1.4. Welkhini; .Scales.

Bei.-Hur?. Itu-y It,-. W re fnr prh-es. UNI¬


Central .Are.. Yonkeis. New Y-rk


SLOT MACHINES--Wanted to buy anv quantity

·lightly u.-ed Mills Cour::rr (1. K Yen lers. Muat

be rood condltloei and pr: ed right.


SON.-. 7"0 K n.-u - . , , .



S'o«i. I ikne-'iciis, for erar.d


.f re« park. Julv 4 h In 12th. li',clu«lvr

H ·ar' " fa.-iitlrs werkin- full t;mf picr.ty

e*m -rT

lie- f-ot. FNrryihit * open, come

,4 I'll AN c.homt:: park, b.-a bi3. Kkva. 111.

f r .Sa> (neil a: a bargain. C. A. RFJNUAUD. 13 1 l.ln.-oin .A'e.. Chicago.

eaih. ivmpiete ultli reel. This U an excelic<,t

ppirtmilo'. Wire etders at once. INTERNA¬

TIONAL MUTOstOPE CO.. 538 West aSrd Street.

New York.


SLOT MACHINES, n-.v 4- 1 -1-o-il-hand hnnght. `·id. lea-c I. re-.iair- I .; .| ex iui.ged XA'rlte for
Illustrative ai d .lea. rin' ve i|-t We have for Imme-
.llate delivery M iir .l.-'inl' :< O K Gum Venders, all In 3- a-,d 23c r'av. AUq It-. wnle-. Eagles. Nation¬

WANTED Sh.x.s «r.d C«irr-*io-

Tipton County

Fr*- Kilr Au.-u*t IS to 13. Tipton. Ind. J. M

LILLY, se rfity.


ra li K a a a. a a :: a jT.-j a a a a a a a:a a a a a a ira~«^ a ga ggysygargHHiMa a al

als. .Tudge*. P.iU and all s'v'.-a an 1 m.ikes Ino nu¬ merous tr> men'Inn. -kernl In old Ppera'or Rells ai l let iH in.ike tbe-n I'lt.i nm-vv-ge--li.g iwo-Mt ma-hlnes with cur imnn'T'd .nl-, ,le-e. 1 w and pay-out



slides. Our ec-.--riniIon 's f*->l pr.-*f and mail* for

Intig distante oper»tcr with on- imnrt'veil purts. We

do machl: e re: air wn-k

ail kin s Address P.

O. BOX 1*8. North .-tide Station. Plttslmrgh. Pa.

Figure at On* Rat* Only--Se* Not* Bcl*w.

SI CCESSFri. tni n are said to be r'lini d l y success. S;iy8 Achilles in The North I'li na 111 .-aid. With Mel Lan F'ang Hie adage, "Nothing eui.-teeds like succcen", l-« mil'h m irc npt. He is glorioii-ly fr. e fri m those ailmente so frequently created liy pro-p.-r:t> ; x. t he is iindouhtedly the iiin-t famous Chinese actor. His n.tmc is



SLOT MACHINES of a'l kinds wanted to buy for

' i-b. PENNY .ARC.XDE. .Xlndand Beach. Staten

I- S' I. New A" rk.


At STAGE WARDROBE. l-w<--t ;>ii,.r Spe. ti'L-e I I'., ; I. 4. Wrip,. Ithh '·. .fe - i l. r I
ur ·''m.! '·' 'Lb :» a; eit 1 1.. I's- Ir.k -ivd S" -

I,-r. .s H-vue .f r'**-.

. r ;;4'.t .-i At. 1 p-g;:

*k-Ti e O'-r 1' >

»· ' rmir I

A Ct»N-l

LEV. I«1 Wf-t ;.,i h S' . Ne.- V -k CP}.

ju.v;. I

known a,r<'-- tli.- world: In China It is alwnys mentioned when superficial reference I- made to the s'.ige, or when Chinese m.ike explanatory remarks to uninitiated fori ;goers a*Hii.t tin- Tl.ini-e theater. Siriy Imoks by tourists and others on matters
gemral .appertaining to tTiii'.,i contain n-f,n n-however slight and inaccurate, to .Mel F.iiig. W ' . n l,e x'-.t.-d .I.ipan Le r* veiled an r.nsurp.issi-d ovation. Japane-e girl- wi-r.t  X!i" ov. r l..!ii. as Mr. M. T. Z. Tyau remarks In passing com-


DiTision St., Toledo. Ohio.


TALBOT WAFFLE TRUNK .1 Umbrella, used 3 111 nth-, v.ily ' ". r. l.v:; XND RAKBK. 71 EL
Geiie-ee St.. .Xulmrn. .New 5"'rk

BAND COATS. dJ.'k I'·!* f'' tr mialnk. $''' a


PAUL DlTl. care BiHbatd

N>., V -k <'.tv

lu'. 'iJ

nil ni iry ,.n i!.- st.ig. in ila- Ka-t in l ae of the chapters of his l^k, "China -Aw .iki lied". Ii. I s fll.ijej lH-fi,re. iiii-r und been feted by presidents and generals. He l.js re. lu. ii Vii in. d,!;- from le ,il;hg ..- tokens of their esteem. All this praUe, ,x;.i,--i.l u:.l .mpuid. lias lift l,;iu iiniaiiiled ly pride.

[THOUSAND SHEETS M 1 -re! P., er. thlr'y .lollire;'ve Lu.':dn I D -e F; nes. tif-r. n dcilian: Bill
iTrtir.k. ten. luio-". balance C. O. 1). J. `MITH, I R. 1 Hill. Pe; n-y.Tauia.



I; -1-

iiiti 1.1;

-t. dll k. A'l"-- · 'h , - -

, 1 ' P .-

> ·» nm-h. nl r v trlni'n ! ··

i-.l ; .-'I .1 aid ri ,1 i · ^ve*. I -, I l:r m-' ! ' **4.f e -MiiMier --1 '1. .A t: -I. -cm- I

I <,-> "i-h III m,'.- f, r -icie. nr-rt · -i r L e |

r-b. --. I ' w- le ' e< I m: Mr te" ·'-rr-; - e ;

«i-. ' - J  I 14.'' fi I or oPr ·

dep-i'. .

1,: fC o I' nil LA ni NNl Tt. Mi.a a. Mii.n.

BIG CLOWN FEET 1« Imlirs Imr. lanti' ge*>e'S.

ri-'f-' .

2 tn4-.-'Ul a- 1 wrll m If.

l-w l 14. 1-: y i",i. JI.NtiLl H AMMOND. Adt:

M ki-


COWBOY CHAPS F.'i >0 v: ; H' -t-. Ft': . ^

It 1- It- r -4. My. f .- in - . Till

C -L » .i T. . A' l.i '. r inn :e'e, n.;

I- 1M < ii.- lliii 1-1 <



. IL-i . Ii;,;'- C :l, M Miatv 1 4 «. '

Cd r

r l n-r-.n. 5li ' i iiv; I'./' '. '

I' -- r.. ... . I M ; 1  n T.-i .


11(1. « .3 1.. A .In i' < ..niri .

ui . G' -

I) · XI ·

. Hj 1-t  ueie '. t 4'< .uj Skirl


XX -. -.3 1

Nr.' Yiik.


-r iii'-iii.hg at one o clis k. after tin- p- rfurmance of "I40 Shun", one of

Lis b*-t pill,'. « - our. Mei Fang the wri'er a delightful reception behind

the scri ns. T... tri · ' !.g wluili lie extended to this foreigner could not have been

more frieu Ev ,,r .


Altlio Ml i I · · 11 acting lx fore some 3.000 people for nearly two hours, win¬

ning the r.s .ui aii.i...nt of I. -d attention und enthu-iastic applause, bo was as fresh

as if he Lad t. aiv cmiijiL ' d a gentle game of tennis.

Mel l..n F.-k ir.tind- to xi-it America next year. The writer told him he

O'kght to go to l.iiklaiid. lie grew entluisiustic over the idea.

If audien. 1 - ill E iroiM- xxcre given the ehanee to see Mel Lan Fang in his graceful

slag, parts, t · ir ii.t. --; In I lima would be stimulated. He would act the role

»f all ainbass iil-r. 1. i iil feein g bctwicn the East and West would be a-sisted. He

]M,s-. . - s. ni T y of : .e at:r;bute« of the best Chinese. His decorum on the stage

and 1 IT Is ix r;- · : ins ,i rmis obviou-; his good will is evident in his various

atii-iipts to ci\. tie uiiie-l i>i-sihle satisfuetion at all times when he Is aeting.

11 s |..iri. .1.- .ill V. I. knii'v his name are aware, is that of impersonator of rolls. F-r tin- le- i' well iiiialitied by his build. The .Aiujllo type of

imia .- ofti a legariUd as a' if le' frc.|Uently Is--rather flabl*y. M.-i is not. His

*m''"th loiiii' >· and apin-aram e on the stage of bi'iug indistinguishable from

,a la-i iDiting IT nese dam-i I are con'ideniMy assisted bj paint and powib r, as is

inevitable. Bi li.t d the sincns b'- is a most pleasant Chinese genlleman xvifh a

maK'ulioe air prcnounicd enough to absolve him fi-m being eonsidered elTiminate.


TRAVER SEAPLANE, sta'lrwiarv park sire, cnmpleta

viith motor, *'3.3riO F t». II. Clev- and 0-:e Rleh-

aidscij large sire I.Feriv Rc-.f P.-rr Barrel. S550

ii 7.. AMT'SEMF.Vr CO . Plvmouth BLdg.. OeTe-

land. O.


TWENTY LEATHEROID SALESMAN'S TRUNKS, carrying cases. aM In fir-t-.lau condition.
- >tiie good as new. Ci>if v.i j c»- h; will sell at 125. REDINGTON CO.. S. raiitcii. Pennsylvania. lulylj


· hair N-W. FL -d a' 1 fc.Uh, 1 to suit. J. P.

REDINGTON. Scran- m. I'a.


TWO BUTTER KIST POP CORN MACHINES, one a!! electric, one ga- .c | e - . in rerfect cm-

dltlm. a bargain. HARRY xi KAY. Bradley Hotel.



WARDROBE TRUNK. Urge sir', good caidltlnn.

F23.0O: Pr'»ivr:y Tra.

$13 >0: Tii.xeilo Suit.:

(20.00; Silk Ha; *3 3 ;. p-in. e .X.berfs.


aiays. *1.3n Sum;, ter list WALL.ACE. *1«

Waveland, Chicago.

tVENiNG GOWNS-p.. an'ifu' r r-,.. e'. i '; . .n,n>'e

I ; T'-e.. - , it:.".: rabc D-< Mi-*. F

r>^ , '

.. M ···:*; >.· . It*;' H

«.' .

I- ex. 4 «tin. ILk! .-I''; H,.'^ v. - XX*-,!-

I" T-

P- Tru K. `13 7 .. j-'.m;' t-.r

L-' xxxii.xi F. s;.; xxit.'4.,.|. c! :-'-


ITCIUSIVI GOWNS. ( 4-4 er I'.-e T

« ' '·  *3' . XX .. n ' e Tru:


D  t'A'ne I, SEYMOUR. Ill' F: ajiaj. 1

. .. N. < X ,k r tv

FLASHY COSTUMES for III. >0 » I C Ine-e X|i-

··.1 < 

' < I rn, s,-4--V rcitv. II..a':4ii Otle-'al .g f.-'irj ' .f a. } I t. X DXUF'.. Tliea'r  vl
.. '-X I--nan .Ar.'iiue. Uahnai. N J 'u;>13

CRAY LNIFDRM COATS. XVbl'e C.i-- *· 1 Trerri*.

` . XX


1 .4 , as- rte 1 *1 -r*



'll, «:I 11 .1, Ilia I.- Ii. .It let. -irw

. '**·4' ' `1 « '> jr*



·  UI 1 ' I a -. r XX . >3 30 s' , u'der a id

F. - F. «: « ' -,n .-I.XM.IA'.

XVes' 33d St.,


-· I  ' ' I' '

> ..

» '

lit I'.Ilk. .,·!. a <1

II I. *33 taketi, '. `II .V

all: six Frslhri-

T4 I -

!'· . I-. `13 s..'l" ' nhiet'es. *3


D'r .. . t-'....ii.r4

iiais. ' f i'-h:


Un.r.i:. r II4 . 1 r- s


' r . V 1.', e f. . · X  .'lime .1 1'.

. · 'a "'I.'t i.HilUt DK l.FUMXN. 13

"'' '

'- I I'l. Ii.iia'l 11 

LN FORM COATS. *loi'. New B ir t il'riin C.ii'

M "· I

t ,Mis.

' n > Nrw 3,.rk City,

jamkikf. rs-.i W*4l


6 EXHIBIT 1-2-3 F-ll Gun M4.`i es. *100 *3.100 I.'t 2 s- i jji-y XI ;. \. ,1 P .-.-.y pS

ISUSSKSJXHKSSRaSKK S « « g « « K"k"K K K R « « rf « « « K K « Jt « K « K « )

Target Prarilcc. c .·* -ii'b an: :iii';- ball vender ar:d 3."00 14 : mm. ea. ii. *3^ 3": .'ost IB *30.00 each vi `ii 3." s> ..1 , . 1, 1 Ex'iit'it RuT^


CANDY FLOSS MACHINES bou,-::' and told; old

. r I fiv !· V. I lure a niA- hine not in u*e


Aaam.s Toledc. Uhio.


Eye Target P:4 -I e. n'li an-, ir. iC '.ill g-im v.t .jing

attaciinicnt, f33.."- c.-,- `r,.."' P XValtcr 1-2-3

B.ill Gum Vir. l.'r4, , .nit'', -e w:' 3 1.. k^. wall

brackets and exTi a-:4. l;ni. ;·

'4' `'-'d only 2

ball* every 5;h p.- : :: t-.."- cv. pcli: 13 "alls

5o WORD CASH. FIRST LINE LARGE TYPE. Figure at On* Rate Oalv--Se* Note Below.
For Sale--12 Boat Venetian

CANE RACK OUTFIT, cheir. $9: eight dozen eancs. I"., i.ii.- . . tj I Ki;ii $1 take* It,*
C P. D IMTED XV.XTCH CO.. .Mi. :ieapoli», .Minn.

lOe If de-;rid: li.. I-


glei.e; <7 30

ea h. never ii-eil. `73.50 'ot-


Hlgli-Gra e Ball Gj-n. 3 '. per 1"'. 10 ihn. Rail*. (Ft.nO. T..U U o>ni: >;e lisu M  leg all giitr-

aiiti-td. 11 .'e emit l'ii.-ine?.4 I'lve . ur lamp unle**

:«'r del"-it is aent. LE.XIKE. 3'1'1 Ijth St..

s« k r-!· t .III t 1 kc n. « X I I'.-s C. V.

DUDLEY. ... 3 S' Mat. >1 . (



CORN POPPER--Royal C.a..-e«j|rio Model. »e!f-»fi- Dctioit, Mnhlgan.

'e:y >p.-r,Li Haa hinge 1 and cia-iH-d

1 .-arrying . a.-e. Itrai ,1 nee. 1 u' allglitiy s ra-cl:*.!. I 20a2O TENT. *::5: Mxl3 Ne v K a-' Ten. *!»!: l.'xlL

>»i>. NORTHSIDE to.. l..i»8 1 ifl.i. Dci Moines. la.

fair'loii. *30;

Irciy F n-i 'i, «i h iMimer

July 19 *33; 0::e-T'did H. P. M itiK, g si order. <15; Peer'

le-s E.evtrie P ,. 0. S'hI. CHAS KHILA. FLaak

FIRST-CLASS CONDITION Ttiok Milk Can. Mall Bi-matadt. Kentucky.

F.i t I . I , a:..; I a E-. a|s'. L hai'ted

Fag X'a.-i. lair a

I;e» I' . Shnf.-, -I/e TE. To¬ 30 COWHIDE BAGS. Oxf'rd cut. a bankrupt stoefc

tal ..iiiy J-ij. I.EPRGE L.X\XS0.N. -3ii,i2 Madlauti piir haecii D<. free at J8 each. ATL.l.'A

Xiiiuif, New York City.

TRUNK CO.. Scrat;;.*.. Pa.


Figure at One Rate Only--S*e Nete B*lo«.
All Kinds Coin Operating Ma-

I FOR SALE I ...g 1 ik!:. Ct:.p,tte Outtlt. ecmplete. ga-.'.|..c. *133.111. with f.'iiuniaa keg Syrup and

6.000 YARDS BATTLESHIP LINOLEUM I'arpct. g iven nient  » lard p. .-fe.t

and C.wlt cjods at


. Ls F ill ii..4l a- I'f.i; moat »ell. li-ss tban Hliole*»;e. r - . -.

hal.s. . lub*.

>xxttIE SIinl'l'K. Ti.ayei. Mlaaouri.

etc. J. P. KKDI.NGTON. ra: . , Pa



k u. I'l rn- 11 ail a.


Base Ball Pitchino- Machine--
Xiit.iin.i' Nil 1 Xb-.rlicr' 'ii..d..l. Uvuwav. ,1,. , d':v, ll.iv, . g t Ilf tl.i-i Sc.l on,' ur :i I at v.i..- p'iic R. J. DUNN, JP S" C.;nlull S' , « age

FOR SALE--Nickel-plated Sw;n-lng Ladder, fifteen d.rllars. Remi'.gicii TM-ew'ller. »iv*ii dollar*.
'xil'S u.AY D.XXlD'itN G, · I u Aniu,-cme«it Park,
72 l-ake Hoiit. Clevelai d. Oliio.


ID High. Seat*; tiO Length,

< Tier lli.b. .-ie 1 ai: cr aeiaiaie XXhXSH

P.KCniKil.'i. 1307 W Tlump-jii .<1.. Philadelpliia.

Pria aMvauia.


Figur* at On* Rat* Only--Se* Nete Belew
Ask Mr. Dodge--Formulas,

Figure (t On* Rat* Only--Se* Net* Belew
lAjlL TRAOE Clnililii: foi Prinlln. Haired. Chi. .1.11

Concession Tent, 18x12, 10-Ft.

w.iH. irniii, k .,k' XImuiI like m w I XXI I. liHvi W il l. Ui.iii-' .i I'm. Iii't two aI III w Fii ! 'I'll iiiki.' ..i t lliia I- II real buy.

HARR Nol.i Spring-.

ju ylk'x

for rent, lease or SALE! il SS!!® ****< ATTRACTIVE FIRST LINF.

For Sale--Ladies' Hand-Made
111. :ilrii ;il Iriii k I liici' fiiiirtl - -i/c. goml I'en

»e WORD, cash no AOV IISS THAN 75*. At Ont Rat* Only--Se* N*te Below

.1 I ..11


urge xx'a-liingtiiii lloicl.

X\ Il iigliMi. P Iiii-ylv;ii,,.i,

for SAlt O ,

low*', lu I Xmiiu-",.'. Pv l.-


lui-lal. ai d Miu.~ ' e t'l*. Pe ny Ba. k Sluxitos-'ot'e.

all Ir.* . *33 "0 14C1 Sin,* S.3."n deikiglt. iMlaiue

C O. D. 1 i:.\NK \K.V.N.X, 911 Triuliy


York City.

greeu pluali ba-kki.'in d. can I'e ii-wl for different laini's. tu fitwir iru:.k. *40; oxlo Top. used one .|..)4iai. with frame, two roll-down*, three
. sHleil diiniuiirs with ki .vk-d wn head.-; 1ilxl2 Hard-
, ,1 Frame DIM.ll MXKKI.NUION. 3U BiUeri.l* .ri . U. -'i'll. M.i--ai'liiiselts.

I.cmitniide and Oraugcude Powder. $1,00. P. G. Box lii.3. Albany, New York
Hook Up With a Real, Live
prniHvsititin .1 pesehorino PHrticnlars free. E. A. ROBINSON, llliiffton. Indiiina
Save Dollars With My Formu¬
la- T'-n drink fiirttinli>«; n<m-rtI<T>h<dle; went -.·alcd Price t»ne Dollar. WM B. HFDRICK. tut .Vndersou St.. N. Side. Pitt-burg. Pa


'"Ill *'111 ` 1 imrli In I.F rly tllll, - Fi.l-

·'* '"lll.ll, g, ai ' icllllpm ilt. XX' llr f..|

u 1:-?

"'`l a pnnHwIlliai. '-'4td. Cli.clii,,*,,, Ohio.

P.XIIK OXXNUl. cate jul}'26

I NOTE--Teunl All W*rd*. Also Combined Initial* and Number* in Cogy. Figure Total at Oao Rat* Only.

(Continued on Page 62)




X ll c lii i 1 1 t3 O cl I*

JULY 5. 1924

20 Formulas for Self-Addressed

.«iniTclIoi|M-` ainKdi silvt. r dirinip.


WIZARD. I'arksv IU», Ki ntui ky.

. ^

"n *n . -·f-i wir

Lun-iic. Mi«h.. wft*k -.nd;

h i Int.^yx\

hHffUirouit. Mi. hll.

U**! 4>1 rti«'


.Midi., wttk 2`dh, 1

uIt. NWV'll-lM>tIi.N.

instructions and plans
FioguurrAe at Onae Ratoe Onnll>\-- --Srfoe Naittoe BpoIlow

MAGIC ai clreiuty p(lro«. Btimp for list. Utn-

itKV. GarBvlil Siropl. nayton. Ohio.


MAGIC GOODS. Secrete. Mind Reading. Sd.AT j J..-.'Mt'lill· .-.iitllI \,.mui.. Oiu'piis. Loru Island. lulylj

AUTO POLISH FORMULA. «1.00. Sato< palutlnp. 22 LADY AGENTS m ti te.iIl f.oir HR.ill Gaaimm,*, amndi ^GJ.ui.nM.l

.(·N vo'ir old «ir i(h>k liko nov\, Hn-, on.

>· ·. W ,'.. t.'li .'..111. '-' wn.>orrHit,tTr-.

No loii^ pulLoi-.,'. STATK i l'MPANY

i; I


i, s\ nk. r!ilA.MUGLI.E->i2J rfOLl.K-

U-om lU', Nf 1 YotV (*My.

a:u:i0 I .M\N'. S'ar ic.. Odtll. i1l1l1..,, this u,uc,ikk.



. , __.. Advfrtis»m»nli under this


__.. muG N> onpnfd w



Tri.k 1 

I' .clllt.,

II loks, Noreltlos. X-Rays, imi|..aoo. .>iain|>le«, A

Instrui^ions and Plans snly. rilhrr srintrd.

>'M\I..VVIIW\\ S> Mm;r slUH*. b North Main. rr..rl


·'"'I. ·o'''" No ads accolid that ofler aiticifl ,I|, ,,, 1j;1.' .... I- I'd.


for s.ile





' PiovvI. «lM`4iH*iiod. S])OfjaU. ITdversaj S<dv<*i.t, o'»`.

NEW FIVE-WAY Va ii-jni .Xiia.-hiuei.t for hoMliu

1. 1 . ' .1

I.M, -.l.t-s ,41 *-l.air Itatks and


il<Ma. artlrt ial he.


( Iii.a...

j; c'J?!!: ."fTsrT.tPP.Js",*",,'.',-: XSSS: En illOAL HAUDlNd. ' jUiyr^!


. O.MIlid I V. ·: I«vkel Mlli'llrd Ill.lanlD «llh-iin

·lail.s. . 

.'^·intplr, in.-Iiidlm: fmd in lit

1 1,1 i .kll; .it · . iiiu. \4,-niH waiiinl c.

_OoFuiourroo aatt OOnno. RRaattoa OOnnllyy---SSeeoo NNooltoe BBeellooww..

Mnittini.'. . tl. , J."" T. B. CHAPMAN. 1!..\ iIt (i.,II..iiVi\ KE ll. ij'i ll.i'ilrv \V'-, Sjiatti-,-.




. U(k':i. Sail Krnm-is. t'iil;l'.rum


Dance Orchestras Coming in|-Y-;-o-- u H--- ave--No--E- xcuse f;o--r rN--ot' GREATEST AUTO POLISH TODAY!---Put <»ti. Wii'c 'I'<' 'v'l'r·ilnnullr uf Tndiaiiii ran writ,' tin' PALAIS I 1 011 XldVC 1X0 rjXClllTt/ 1L»1

NEW PIGFON CATCHING NET. oti.llre,! hrs-s !-,f: ;l . , * ' I - till Ill-itWIil. ft'Ur litlrtil lllleltes,

Ill.i-. .I.t 1 ·

I'-l f. iK-. Fall 00. Wail- -ini.l

nnr. .No 111 .. IH-.,-.--,'.

1 irinula. jiii-. ROYALE BALL ROOM. S-oitli lli-iid. Ind.aiia.

, , ,,


p., ,|,.|\v«-Ili''a ' *l*i: ; : t nil. lilll.vr LEa..\Mi. CcUr Rai'i.l-. I*.

._ STKM..\.--. P.iil1l, e.aid. Cni,U __ ,r ... 

iliirlnc till- snmmiT months. l.iivi" St If iisini. tor



iiii t

ri 'ir



\ i»l8.


110.HO; I'tiiiiitlett,

--- _ ^

; Phniiik' has mi'tlf It ~ti ra-, i" I'h" ' `"ir | iI .1

vl.'"i'. Itil-lirjk" Suite, J.VIHI;


ift. liiflatlt-tj lit*on Wirt,' 111! aiiti 'ho

\l.,ki- it a:._ \ti-.<ia-.-.ii.. v.iii-idi


Hull a; -

, i

nuii-tl ulih ,»r (h.lh

I hi - I 11 .VS. II.Vl.l.M.V.N,

IXyttiirimor* UrUUimer at


P'N ''".V"!-

xJnCeTM"X'D^il/»C+stsU -»<rrev

. I iM niani-nt.



''o' t'l h-arn rt'tiulri'S nnl., .i --rlaht in Mu' Itrlvat-y Ilf V'liir I tin prliv I** nnly thri*«' dollar'

!·'v "WII

'lav-' --'It-

t'nit' Vii-1

. I



p. i.h - 111

s k

. Ffi.oi'. Mlnilirl Suite, 15 00; '.0 Sleiiip fur llel. tV.VlJ...\ry.,

-1-- W,. ., , t'hi ae

:70 S. Cul.uliU SI.. Si aitanliuik, St .i'll I'arolina.

! ·W MvviAi/-i1'Lt ·ToErhDRav''*,'ScH-ifiEvrrEi'i-TiricS-',, duiiratriitmorh,'a*'shLil,<oa'Trrfyw \.'!lT"-hnI.'hhaittrniiiit---..

ontfo to ri'fiind your moiit-y if .voi art-atl-fiod and n turn tla- l...t>k w " n i-'''


jnlvp'x prolfft- fVi-ii this small Invt-tiiifiit. HAR-

miscellaneous for sale

.OH. BOY! Ma'r.c and jell'lln Ijiamel. -MON -M Y ONY MUSIC CO.., -·V',Il'"tJ Glffiliivvii,twvv A .\ttio'.. C( m


Girl Trumpet and Trombone .Makre any uhl. fadtiltyar heik liki- 'uw. Apply
»o far 'litli a line of clot .i.;. in. ,«o - prollt m

finnati. Ohio.


a ilollar lioltle. Pornnila .iinl uoikmi: pla'is. 11.00

jMlTt'HKU. AMES Cd.. Kl!,..-'haiii. llllii-ti-.

julj 111

Playi-r-, wanlt il Immediately. Kxiellent -ilarv Miiel plav Jazz TVir'e or write "OR.

ACROBATIC STUNTS--Connlete Inslnjcti n Gr ua 1

T'.mihliiie. Bt'i.dlng. Balaii .1';.



------HAMMOND TYPEWRITER. C''"<l cCCCTTuullllttlnn. ard enn;a

CHEST^''. V vil KMn. rVl la Vro C oreland


I. m. ram.i .vro . t loTeinnil.

`I'"'Ik'.OO. M.,lilk'aii.


y .. .

reiea.ahlr. PA'-^iTOILL<<' I'O-

.'Hyl-' oPlllvrnn SEIUU K. W. St.iie W Hl .. ILKKkkrftt>mi,l. IIllI.

' Prifs, *1 00. troit.

\VATi:us . Itl-'io llaJidolph. De¬ july'dS WnTt+pH

Race nrtimmoy TViof BOOKS ON MAGIC. E-anca. lllualoi o Mi r. i ll ,l mERRY-OO-ROUND Ilorsr*. Cbarlct.e. prion $80*.

Figure at Ona Rato Only--Sea Note Below.

.RICTON'S ROOMING HOUSES., rlli.aitldii.nnajMtl. Onihnioe.


p'lt-hmf l ^is vv el,

'm E. hlVt. 522 S>t..n.'.:f^

KK VValnut;

'4w1h1enVVd.»87i:'ihn.-- tru.o,:t]iu Cati..iIi.IiPi'd-N« eonr tCheanarol ad5,10w1-i1ll,
return to ('iiifliiiiati In September.



WanieQ-CaSS jjrummer mat
knows his ·stuff''. Ctirnet. Trombone. LEE HALL, eare I). 1). Murphy Show. Inillanapolis. Ibis week.

Wanted -- Cornet and Trom¬

bone. Must be .\-l for i-oneert. read .it sijjht. appearinK for first:



<l''<Ti-e VViishinkMon Hotel. Washington. Pa

.Ww.anta.edi, Q/NU·ICi K--r%Suarc DiTim-

mer for band.


I.itts .Amusement Co., Decatur, l1umdl .. a3i0> tto,

July Ti.

fnyul Ga/n.g. llyrnoti-m. Viritrih .i: :... ^

craphy. PyT-liT.;rar',. Cn';''le.'T. )'-

Phi. 'K

Alt. Tire TrUks. r!uPfju..rirhy. Cat'


UV. `TTniT.VvVhm lIl` MvfVGIGLD., Atige't'. California.

n'l Sd'lgJ

CAN YOU DRAW--Maka rthmeer with our ilever

Idea.' TRU5LV.\'.-i ClLVLK-T.VLK sTUllIP. P t

Tlii PcnTsrllla. Ghhz


HARMONY INSTRUCTION by mall. 2'.,' ! u-i.


.\Tt-.. Ilrookl.M . New 5'crk.


INSTRUCTIONS for Stage Carvietilrg ati,l Talking. «lth 23 Trl.'k Ca" n -unis, for

C 11


oahkoai.. wiacocjin. ati. Parti ·ul.arv free. R.ALDA AKT <i;ilVICE .'TVl'lti. 2

MIADDU.V URUi nsT.ATE txi.. Zanegrllln. O

SA^CRIFICE ARMY SHIpRtTeS^.rs.11 ieMri a a dUoaiWtti; faenls*o. . .-r. TT.. 16''S So. Hai'tetl. Chi-ago.

'musical INSTRUMENir"





Figure at Ona Rata Onaly--8Sm aa Nata Btlaw.


_ __

_ __

D_ eugan Utt na - -Fcaons 'BD ouglh-at,

Figura at One Rata Only--See Nata Below.

a 'iTiTg >f

a '5';

----- enbl. rt paired and rehnllt. Wire or write

__^ ^ ^ ^ ^


^ C. W. DDCHEMIN. Po«t tifflee Box 0S6 In-

,'Circus Acts--Twenty Weeks'
i-nKti^eiiient Under anvas. .Vnspiees fra(t'-rual organ-zalion-. Vdiln-ss FRED M. JOHN-

"And the Villain Still Pursued Her"

Hi For Sale--Deagan Una-Fon;
lave. U-"'n u-"-'! n short time ami In g'H"| ii -i.liiii.u Kir-t S2'a» Iki tak-'S II S K.

iSON, t-are strut ford Ilotfl. Knoxville. Ti-nn.

Medicine People Wanted--, ·'

Gtmd iterformei't, writ.' what yo'i ean do; ... iiii-repre-fUt FRANK NE^WMAN. UMu C

1111 St . Spi inafii lil. Illinois.


The .announcement of the d'Utli of Milton Nobles, appoariog In the daily
iifW-papers a few days ago, meant little or nothing to the prc-H'tit pt'Coralioii
of tlieatergtH'rs. Hut to the gray-hair,'d men who were boys forty or fifty ye.arv .igo the annouDi'ement ealb'd i;p a host of wondfrfnll.v pleasant memories. A half ifntnry ago the nam'-s of Milton and D'tlly Nohles were siiiti-ienf to crowd a theater 1,1 capai ify--and the galleries to a density , mincly inip' --il'l','.

St' CHIPMAN. ''IT S Katiilulpli St . M!i'"nil' 111

I:, Hohner Piano-Accordion, With

427''. ':""l ."n.lit''an 8"II Fin.'.

41! \V-ie GERALD HIBBARD, 'JluS \V. Ktoiaa.

J' « .iloru ! » S'-r

rttlonid ».

Motordrome Rider Wanted--

4 Trick Rider to 1-i''ie complete ciitirge of

· MKiill drtim**. F. CLARK. Nut Uei^s Show?-,

^Marion, Illinois.


fPicture Operator Wanted With ;«!
' miifliine. iimiii "U'iiti'lv. Wire WHITE STONE .3 ijTHEATRE. Taft. Virginia.

Wanted -- Young Ladies for |
King T-epf.'t' Aft. AVI1I teach amateur. H ';igivr iitf**, ii' \ "fijjlit Address NOVELTY,
Riilbi>}ircl, < iiK inuat i, uijiti.

lAMATEUR ACROBATS. CLOWNS-C.'t s'arK 1 right. ^ Sea insiru lirn- a,.J f.,·IlNGl.J'. II-VVlMiiN'ii *41



Tli'i-e Wi re the d.i.'s win n ttetors iP p'nd'-d more upon llieir lii-trionic aPiIiiy Ilian tlu'.v ilid upon seenic etl.'ets and i-Ii-trie ligiiting. riiey tiaiil little a'tfntion to tile crities, and less to the dres--suit, d aii'l < v.-ning-gown',1 (i, "ple in p.irtiii, t and dress eireU'. anil workeil hard for the approval of i! e 'ctsl-'' ji, rch* d liigli In ih" gallerh'S overhead. When the ''gallery g ds'' iiirn-tl d-'Wn lieir thiimh- f.iilt,r" w inevitable. Hut when the gallery voifetl api'roval all n.'ii .-n.-i fame ami fortune followed. Tliere was nothing subtle al".'it tlie m'hslt.init- Milton anil li-illy NtiMes pri-s, nted, Tliere was no sex prnhlt-m. no , i,-rnal triangles, no ls'i|r,"ini sfenc'. Villains were real Tlllains from Hi" ri-iiig of il;.' eur'.ain nnl;l 'I" fall tliereof and virtue always struggling .against faie i,. vi r fail' d to truiiiipu in till' i-nd.
It ma.v be that the stage has advat'.f-d sin ... ·l;i>s w!hi4-nn .AviI''lliiouii NN-'-'b.lill..-'*s., a- I'if PhiH'nix. won th" vociferous npi>ro,al of i ,' gifl- of TthI "" a tillt r.iv' aIN- h",'\ila;m''d, ''.And the villain still pursued her," loit tairf at" nmut-n .ainiuil wi\n,iniii«,-n w i»
l-.r gall,TV ,- at" If Ll)i| cnl'iy If a - I'l.y
f ' 1 X :r*i|o»m · ptin**
laisiil high to heaven that "rags are costly raimt nt wlien worn for virtiit-'- »,ike" Milton Nobles died at the age of SO after long yi-irs of re'lrem nt fr,.m the Hand Bells Wanted--

T! r<'" ' t.ivi' or larg'-r. Al-'i iiseii s.-t Il.a-

**' *a*l ll*gin C "lie- lilvi- hiWe-t pri'-C s'-'f

Ci a- . L 0. RUNNER. 5527 Lake St . C !·

d ' '. i:''!" '

__ 1



J 1 ; gr»»l s al houM A

" .J St' 1-. f:.,l . -

.1 h. t-» own, I ai J mat.atr-l by I  h'l.ta'. 1 V'lur r-'-iuiremmU

Isi! u..-t 11 : · I :

1 -cr'l-e a', a'' times. M'l-

'sii .p-lr 's .-

·'< Ki'i ,i Cliy lie lure i> are ue;

j[«»1t "Ihrra »h 'I'l  r a ir" t> yrl hi P 'l-ti with ua P*

y 11 ;:l far "t' -snrl.e e-i Ui-':amfiUi. Hipp ie* a*i l


r,'!-,lr wnrk. \'rn- ra'Abg I'"'T Vi the prosa will

'i' -id r,

s ' liep 1 'I* J "ir a I lrr*a -i Ih,' i- i · u `-"pv. G ' " ir ''jraalii ll-t nt u.- 1

1 .1

.1 lu 'rviin'i

will !i lave his'i e-

"i ll'.'v . - .`..''I av I t.'sjl.l. AVe

··'« T'l

rf mei.i .'. "" '.'I'l

I at y Itis'runiriit. i rie ur usel.

W en r-  t a.''".', pay 'h" t'a'aiii" aflrr try '

BANDMEN ul a !,;ivc ci -i-ji"!.- nr \,tio can work

` . t iii'i-iI! ,'1-. r In Calit-unia. G .t-l jj,

llriatrucnt ala

pi 'I'O'i'i. n i" tlie ligiit , ,

` Jpatlles. Wv eoi

.lot; M i IJ.NTIK'K. 1.. n.ton.

.Kan.; then Maiii.n. Kan.

st.igf whleh he adorned. Seatten-d over the country are in'n and worn, n w o win

whisper a prayer for the repose of his soul.


«i VI tirv T'';' I. 1 I.' nA eall-fa." rv. Here are a^mo ;. r. al  "S' , a'. S'ITJ'-a .sav--!'* · r. brass. M" O" :: V ".Il'U" V'> s^-i; _ itlTrr. |s.i "0. Civ t. Mri'sly " S'X,  r, r-o; Kru.p.a ]i-ei!'!e Km ,*li H-tii.
I A I`11 vv . -r VI-'sly >:,v . ill»,r. »s,',"". Ilo;'m
K i M - ' u.iv-. -I'lir. u: rtaht. »''> OO; llar*o,»1

DODGEM OPERATOR--.VPiU '-c fOMiitiU-itl to keep

t aia runc'iGr'-tl

lur r:.* r Party.

||P.VKAU1SK P.'.llK. P,a-: , Rye. X.'-v Votk.

Wanted, Immediately -- First-

EARN MONEY at home during spare time Tainting , lass holy tul'a player. aIN~o blaidd.yv clarinet

V'."^^Tnir P irVp ' i s 'worl-^ Uw-'rieiiee UM. -ci'-s iiT I(l'"- uli ili.i'gxs.o i-xo'''....'' lIilel';; ni'itit IInn*' yy<i"''iinngg,. M -iiiiiaallll,, m mee,,''

iNiLE-AKT COSIP.ANY. 2.5S. ih. 'Vay.'ie. Indi.vt.a. j .···'t'PiPPeei.irriinngg. nnna".nn. M sti''iaii'lv sm up,i:aipi.'r engagement


juIy.Gx I -ait le-ort AAi'riir*e LEADEFR. Ir'oonnttcehhuarrttrrain ond




I jtIhme* IL.iiikx*"*., Mt,. cCiUe*t^mu·uns^. .M AliirihhiiKgau.

'xlAOY CONCESSION AGFNT , "1 f r Griii-I ,

'''cTAitid.t T.";nT!iL"!

H "V aP>. .Ni * Krii.i.-igion, I'enn-vlvanla.



VENTRILOQUISM iiu-'ht almost anyone at home,

.small i-a.l.

.-il A- -'imp i Mav It r-vrlhaiUr,

fn'l pruof. GKO VV. SMITH. Hoorn .M-Kti'.t. 1.'-, s.

.Tfffemon. Peoria. Illinois.




apl'-'i; Tlarva- >1 Alla Rax. allarr.

ts'-'-; V 's < ' I', alii'"-, «in."0; s'anilar.l

S.iv.. b'.- a.I'll

h;i» pit b. "amplrle with

s I-

I- -!j iii-ii with OUT -rrrlim hai

; Ir II-.

V *' la ant Imoa'rra freni Cw-t In

,'. .· . VV" I, -I'l al I ivtians'e rrrry'hirg In

.'l^ l^ ^I ^I

a ' strum':-t.. Tr!l iia whal T- I

wlaajuiit 1i-' I "» ', ' '-11 \ 'I whal »" hafi- vlake

'iiir -' ··· ; .r K« -a < llv lu .i-hpiartrrs. CH VVV-

rnnm UUii 'HllI I VN III. .17 Grand Arr . Kanaaa Cliy,


Cooie'ioon. 'apply. VViitp

V.Ain'ailItVgooM>i.i'',irl'a: teno

flirts Mad

need I CoiJy

yy^H'r£P_Tai;ar t.c! nr A' dll

or Bushflinan who ean Golilen opperfiRilty.

play ClariNo boozei.

`'Fleming Shews. Co'uicn. lllincli.

1'.I:N BKNICK. AA'cat I'clnt. loan.



: WANT Uiat Gi 'U .1 Turn''"a f"'Tr ''unhl-ng art. I

piirjnet. dmilile Rai. D> .* etiga^r-

i Salary. No c' le'-'lop u tii k "imM

V.Iilress "

-- i,, . IK-a-P Hot or- liesu*. Ham-, 2 '.y off I

.-TlMHLiNG ACT. I'K'ii VV. U ...i-v,.! U-a . Uiicsuo. i'i"v-nve wfti.'.v. LKIng expenses low. VVIreC VHKj

: -!-UllOS.. LalNirie, Tuaa.


1> WANTED--V.mJevlile A'ti. :.'.a_ I'r pie f .r si., k

----- -

Figure at One Rate Only--See Nete Below.

ill revius_ a I ' id.-

" UkTNTI.I.AJ WANTED--Musi, iat.s. H itr! work year rcicuL |

Crystal Gazers, Mindreaders-- ^;.VGE.NCV. 177 N'.rth S'ate St. Ch.'.i. .

juljj i.i.i.i, and Gentli'mcn. State lowest -alary a'.il


--(-Xjsilenie. State if you doiiiile or -' g S.-n.l

a WANTED--T.adies ta Enter'ililrr T.!;',ns fo' U3 at

··I lionie d'ariu; 'heir

"e inoiei-ius. VV-ite at

: or.-e.. ''FA.sHIO.N EAIBKOlDEHlES". 1522. Ij'na.

H .1. .VI.VDl) Vl'ijI'.D. Natural Brid.'e H'l'el.

fi'ir lU'W ''iilMh-g'U' ''"'tiiliia th" lurgi'-l

\ i-ua! I!r!'J.;c. Virginia. ------ j

h-'I "in Ih'i'ks.

of Vl'-nitil Hii'l \iw 1 (T,--I -

S|.k Uff-'·l.'t. .Sui'pl ,'s. V'I'lti'"Hill Inf'i'miitiiui



ju;',2'jx WANTED--Hu Tioii'bone who Is goid erUrttainer. "11 Tliiuig't I'.-t'ir'-- stui,,;'- nppri-'-i il -d N'w

·---vi'iat l e fa-! Irad'-r. Ilavi-

i-'-i- ai. 1 ia'i-t

; WA NVEO --.N'''-Ity M' icinc Shea- rtrlurnirts ai d mn'.e efievts. Jt n lai wire. I'l.ii T.. j-ia.-a' aMl gis>l

'"niniu!ii'aii(>n vviMi

llau-i. iay off. No ll<i

i'-ls. NELSON ENTERPRISES. UJ!i7 Far .Av .

I 'diiiiihiis. lli'i.


-itloi' h're .VI\,VVGi;U. Krv 'sc Vl d. show. it. vv. UltITClII.OW. 17 Sen'll Tij-iii Si. Charl'.t: irGi'iieral IK-IK'n. Ilaiil,:.ur2. I', r.i'sylvai ia,


 imp f I ll-'i. VL

.V\'lil.ll>O.N, 1517

<· . Ci'cro, Illlnoij.

I WANTED--Iirrtni legla'i-.r'l ir. Illinois. Big >.l'-

purtunl'y f:r !l»c m-.,.. .Vdliess DCCTOli. '-ii,*

I BilllKatd. Ci.K'j,;". lilli-ol;.


WANTED--V I'.ai.o I'ali-i. Vaulvl!!,. pii'iirc

..-'1 a!':;riioi'.. .'Ix--ia. I-.ii-J' 'a:a- . i-xi"

 d d-Pr

in liiii ",I CGUTL.VND TIIL.V

1 HI-:. ( ..Gland, New A'oik.

' wanted--Top Mountc' for liar.U-to-I.aid Imlanein.'.-


'k \ t h' '.e-i ; d'i; r",;,l -ala.y. .Siatr ail. piir.'o j WANTED AT ONCE--IIiil E" Saa'.plionr I'laver

liifi-'. idler. Adiiies-, I! 'f.. c,i:e liil.'.oard. Chi-j-'i ] d.r-i-e <ar',..j,ia. I'lm-r ui.r vim 'l-.uLIe,- · larlnr


julyl2 ; -T I' s-.piu' -lav. Si' wiik uuiil Il'-rnii'r



of !


V' l ai.i ,. ' I!

U 'l-I": . I! . k», r.iFO ,'i'

< n,;. .'e l.v ·


\ I'll .'la'i. t ill.a.';.

GRTATtST BALLY ri.* "illi. -a-I ,, :,,r'l";!,,r , ill.STKH MVGli; SlldP. pi:; N. --au i l,|. la.,.

or .'.irr at cue. Ill UI'LVVKLL. .Vlanawa. VV'l-

1 WANTED-f;;i' far t'auzc a



·HI- Hi.'., .-'id. Nci. Anil; Ul!y.

WEEK-STAND REPERTOIRE waiit.i Sttm.a Cornet. I

· li s' . l"i -i Ci'v. S. . I r

1. : 1-1 iia'fiil 1','.; !·' thai i| lUI'l- ha.i-l I' lir.iry I



WANTFO -\1 \0'i Ii .



1 i

I..I.- on iul I'ii-'-'Iji* ramp. S'av,n.

. "I.< Oi 'oer. .N'.. pal.'I'-:, no liu!'! haik. 1 p.iy

.1 .'rum the liiii" .v 'l loin. Ni lost time. .VII

.Ill'll i tip

' a va-. All V"U do aid lowest

. . Uiii k. MA.N Viil.Tt S1GHT'.S CO.VIEDIANS. 1 ;! I «l. lllill'li.-.

JUST WHAT YOU NEED!-V'.i M i:iC-*;--,"l Vlv

' r VI igl h'li wuri , g

-tN.w,. eiv : .V-1 ivtt.i

S. . i a -I'iiiii a;.d

.i -i

l iv»''. l.,f, : , GUI

!" iiT" nu 'll Kaay lo ;.'-''ii u "h "ir ·>;., Ill , A'jhiiiii. ,N V.


, GIN'S VI .'Il'KUtl'i' SMnU. M

|| WANTFO--Yniui. L'dv f-.r nil

' . |*LlIOrilK`K'.

!:n.\ 212.

NOTE--CaanI All Wards. Alae COBbiiMd laitieja and Nuiwuera la C«ea Figar* Teral at Oe* Rate Baty IN ANSWERING CLASSIFIED ADS. PLEASE MENTION THE BILLBOARD.

band pants, l-'i.'a, t! Oil; S VA'hlle Hi-k II. I

I at*. !i' ': I'j 'll ll'a-h Sirl.s. S,5.o«; IPi-liifs


. l'H-Ja C' .i!.. A*.-ts. Il'l no. AAar'lr -l-"

Tru-». J.'. , 1*1 -t-rl, Tru'.k. flJ'iO; .larz Maul

"liia, J'li-"; VI.

Suits. 35 00; CiiUirayi. 41 A".

S amp fir list. WVl.I.ACP. S18 VVaTflat-d. Chlraz'i.

BASS DRUM. Ilx'iil, sriara!" len.slon. usnl tlime

.1'.*. ·'..1 350.1,(1. srll f.'aiHi. DUl'MMKII, Ma-


Tl'iVe. .'I'jmiHir. Indiana.

.. CELLO, w 'll l-aj Ihili G'a**. LelplUl wmulftiil

Ilni;--'' ''im iii iiitt uwhhliil 2ari'il lone. Iliki. VV. POS.SIE3-

AWV. 1I77-':hh .si ., New York.

' ELFECTRIC PIANO . Ill gixal ofler. >lV<ki
lUltlViV'.'.KK'--' IP'diilt I| lGOVI. 2."i Friend Rl.. II-ph.

'T' '

FOR SALT Y til Sllvir-I'la'r.l. G .Id-Bill Tnmipd.

V'`V ' I "ai.lllinn. III ,'a,r. $7i'm(. C G ·'

' .la,.' rial. E Si'HSE1I>3:k. Crai'O I'a u


II. I-"M


FOR SALE --Hraaui Xylupbreie, 'Irummrr'a eir-ial. 1 a. u'W. Write PAI L FUANCK. Oalllliidlb

FOR SALF --Kith Mai.-ler Upriaht Ila'W, tllver high. i ' 11.  V I Ml..11,11. Il.ttialii al 37',""
ld|lN*d\. ti.'l.'t Ci.ini'lla .Vve , .Apt. 1-11. Chlca*i>. lU-

FOB SALE-1,1 Iv llruiii Oiilllt. tnrluillng all Trafia


I nil.MAN. Ii.'i>. I'a

w Kh s, J, iiaf.i I'lrkht n.i*'. Colii'iu'la I",'I'-!. -,Uv*r. aand"I Ih'II l"iri.l'hr,l (ohl. Iio'h
I'lliig all'lr': anil all »- · airh*. ri`, hat"t,'III'* h'atl"' ala'iil'ler I, kliakl-n rrrril ,ari>ing hag. i\l" ".".llilnii Karliwy prh'r
, eUiOiiO: hargalii. AiMrraa
vt'i'.l al kXsngrllal. P. O. U"'



for "ft;

mtitliis ivrftrl


:^r ' . ili.\Ul\L rirW lAloTV

\ i:. «


TItrIr tr'i.mmeiHlall ea are a

II. .Irl It T-l i.r


t L.\llE_Ni K G.VTI>.



SH NO AOV. LFSS THAN 2Sa. SH attractive FIRST LINE, lee Rale Only--See Nate BtlOw.

Remove Your Tattoo Marks,


· .1 Wit', Pirt-'iiltr free. LEX

INGTON institute M Fa,I la x ncton Si

I e. M ii.y xrjrx
IB' ' .1 ill. h -.1 a dltrr (nr
: -Iji .lOIIN

4- WORD r*?H attractive first linf ^r WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25c.
figure at 0»a R.'te P-'v--See Note Briow
I STUDIO F' e erf- '·irtty, no "ppeitlon. I 'WXl.K. Pj'a.ll e I'Htk. Rye Bea h. Rye.

5t WORD. CASH NO ADV LESS THAN 25r. ;c WORD cash, attractive first LINE,
Figure at One R t» Only--Sea Note Below.

FOR SALE--1> e hlsh-t'i'el Fiigri'-'crd riW-et

4 I - X'-iial.



1 Ji'l ·raker, lut'e. x,*i Kith >TleT. !a'-

1> n. i.xWllF.S' F, nriiu llarher Beach.


< iii'-!iitijti. i>iii»


Figura at On* Rata Only--S<e Nata Below.

Carnival Wagons for Sale--

TItit Wiiifiins rcailv for i'ji«*rati<in. (ivi r t' ··

Ealla. Klijr ri« liaiielili-r.;. IliiT ttrUv Sti'iw ami Titfl;iiii| S\\ liiT. Ciin !** iri^Ii* t-iftl at St

I .ml. M nil \Vr t.


UN. .M. tall I'.aiik Bill?.. Hn't-. .Mm. Julyo

For Sale (Bargain)--Diving

TiinW, 1." ft. Innk'. « ft. wide. 0 ft d.ep. a

'iiriiiiiillni* to flt lank, dlvlnk' ["d'--'a;-.. rypree'I'r.iis iH.iiril-i I: idv to *· t tip. .T<>1 Mnt'opol-

'an Iti'lF.. S ·iiix I'il.v. I' wa.


Lord's Prayer Pin, Perfect

w til ni:iT ''io;.f iiiid tripoil and hiinner. S'J"


lix.iimton. Iliin. ;<

L.\RRY juijia.

HOKUM SONGS--All su-a-nre laJSh-traUfri. Xfw

..<t free

.11)1 I,V BKIIT ."tTETN


Pull. Co., tln<-lmia;l. Ohio.


(OwiBaa. Mathinta. Formulas)
FiBure at One Rate Only--See Nate Below
Tattoo Student Wanted
P.oiird. with sma'I pay and txMl.v coeeri d, li*-!|i In Tattoo .Si,op. `'WATERS", lO-V) dolph, Pitroit.
TATTOOING SUPPLIES, book cm Art of Tattnolnir. Catalocue 'r. e. 1.0(>0 X'lv 12 Needlex. tl.25. TYJI.
FOWKES. Sro Jolin P^ Pt , DeToit, MK-bigan. _ jiilyS

BALLOONS. <|w.'Ut. .lilt
>.OV Ititll.' ·

Iji I lerx, TWO BEST MACHINES. J'.OO .L^foir'ed tnhex. df

TIIO.MP- i.ij.ns. color,, traiisformcry. W.VG.N'KK, 2<i8 Ibiwery

Ne-.» York City.


CARROUSEL. f'O ft . 2 a.tsa,l orerhea.I himpi

I : 2 ! nn 4 .-tnlris. Fii'h."". ,02 .lamai a .'

Iltr.*l}Ti, Sen Tntk.


COriR.aNmePl OPniPErR..-- l. <·enI.·iI"e,5l(>Nn OnKi^TlIfIl.cIt1'K'

iiid new. Tu! COMI'.LNY,

1316 Fifth. I>«, .M dnnrs. I. la

pllTl I


·WATERS" lx tic llliijtratf.d Sop: 'r B
·W.\TF.1U, -, ]. 50 Kandod.
FiQur# at One Rate Only--See Nate Below.

FOR SALE--Mrrrxil
n il III k. \'r n
Ilcrse Ka · Ti.! I., s
prop« W J' 1.1. 'ina lug Glliriy. II.MIHX

TENT BARGAINS--Silzli'ly u.'C.I " Si'xxo. ti.*! HI. liiiTl2ll, '."xllf'. l"0xl
«`Ork 1 f r · I'eHkiyn ai d o'' - r T. i f-; a I Hpt.'t P ;*. Wi:*e n. M. KKUH Ml' Ml d'.m S'., rhi.-a/c.


I /c^WWlirnE was. o' He I.iiiil'iu >t

 wrete a di im:i':i'  ri
. J ·.·"III d' il "f n'i'nl.1.

· \. w Y"rk l;n"Xi f e kind of t inp nn.ii.l.

e|" ik, till' XMiaiit miud. Intt iinit!'r,ts of liiiiri'y I

niunnuts. Tim p'.n-e nia.v to in fnr an a t nr f«n

thi n the at'i inpt b.- madi- tu Intrnditee n !· r of jiatl

pi.ede i>ri,'nt 10 I' i.k ti.iit iI.Ih oiil.Y m.ik'-s tl.i-

on la'ithini: w! ;Ie ott ers are si ttinir out tln lr I ani an u< tor who l.a< nnnle IiIh repi.tati* n a, n l·'ra· diHn

H- 1, Slip' *0 be Inf.-'·It;'*' I In his mo»t tr.xeic n

u ircli'. fi'r "Id a ·".lain'.iii'··', sake, or on the tl:

iiiasis the more siildle. T'.e !·:· , i.t· ion < f ' .'«.i;nt J. an ' In this city

nntliui l.v l.iriti i'T ani'ini: tl.i- siH" '.itors. Tin y s-'i

Mdhn .''"IS or ,'t .illu'ions >li"':id Kot I'ytloin witlv

lip; .xr- to I'l- tl,'t Hi" pLiywr'.-ht as n fanioii, hnmoi

I In:.' "Tin wt.n l.n ai'|iears to Is' df'pinnL' iu'o i

nvid'ini, and at," neidl"," t" tinn'i'ii otl.i-r iii-i

i f m ,; i.i- '1 laKk' ··r i" f.inii'. ar t i i v.Ty one xvlio

lOO LETTERHEADS 'r Kiivplfliic; (limit 1" f.'il-'.

7>-; .'j',

III. I ti<ii PxlL' r r-tirs,

W- It. .


I.\i; CtiMl'.WV. w .· It. MUicun.



flit JeJ. ST.\,: L'ti.xi Kiiv. litrtiie. itT.ta. julriax

l''<' t'l'i Ertalores, Hammer* a.;irf,< rili'teil on Doth, for PIIINTKUS. Warrtii. IIL i

1.000 6x9 POSTERS. $2.0i'. limit l.'ifl words: 2jO

I., i;.

ij. tanl'. El.'.. Ir.liCi. $I 7'i,

' .'in; If'e.


r. .


x-t li.. jr, s if'. .Nf.r Y tit Ci'y.

Figure at One Rate Only--See Nete Below.

If You Have a Good Motorized

Outfit and c:in farni-ti r<-f,ronces addreea

GEO. C. ACKLEY, Kinilm lv. Wi*.


GIRL PARTNER nr F-ruaie Imrrnioriafnr--Mu^l bate .small capital, to :skc o'lt va'idcTlIle show. STAR-
RliTT, 211 V, Jt 22nd .sf.. New York, N. Y.

PARTNER for rrmarkaWe Pile Oire and other Linlmetit. THE RHEI'M-LTISM CO.. Stigler, Ok. jnlyS

PARTNER WANTED for Wild Wejt clriTW or carn'.ul. J. 1 olf.M.x.s', Weed,port, Xew York.

WANTED--I'ii*'..'r 'jt t -d jhow. or will take or.'a dzi-.l ncin-ai y cn T-'i enrage basis. WALTER
KD.'i.'i. M.'..n,vi;ie. Ji.diJna.

LADY a.v!i2

PARTNER wanted to invest In a IXMKS VECrmOXB. 474

S'., r.

. N.w Y.irk.

F'Bjre at Ola Rate Only--So* Note Below.

Wanted--Good Used Band
rnifnrms. Give de,cii|iti"n. LOCK BOX 36, Connersrille, Indiana.

Want To Buy--Second-Hand

.`?mlt!i f; Sni'lh .Xemnlane Swinif. Mu«t be

i h.-iri f..r a,-I .Xd.^.-s VT. J. ALLMAN,

t'na'. s M i,n. K.insas t .t.v. YI ,sourl.


Whip--Will Buy or Book Whip
--Must be s.hhI condifi'in. Address WHIP, ·are P.d'tmard. I'ntnam P. lildinj. Times Square, New Y...1;.

WANTED--Uu. .Mirrerj l^law). I'XitK CO.. Le Hoy, Minnesota.

WANTED--r,r l Car ll'Card Xpislo. .Ml SllWs 0. W.

P.XUlvEn. Li.r.c! '  . K.insas,


WANTED TO BUYXX liir l ) riui.e T
M lit I.e i I ; r.t
KF. 2 13 rth. I>.:r

nl Mills and Ek.iiblt Penny Pc! :.y Piai.ut MACbinrs.
con li'l.'n and cheeik WfMMicbLan.

5» WORD. CASH NO AOV LESS THAN 23o 7» WORD, cash attractive FIRST LINE
F'lijra at One Rita Only--S»a N-to Crlow.


tailoring salesmen O


' < la'.-r,' a»- rtmci t. suaraiilred a't* a: I t.i-?'"a'i--··. re'allfi; (.r $25  n
· ·ar "na Ir-l.i-ur e» rl >··'e· are htme,!

In (irl e. X · l e

r no -air Tt > li ' -iiT cnor''fy: ymi

ia m rr; a ;f rr .an mu'r entt

XX'il'e f r ' .' »' 't'e ruuif*n.« I (.i

l>it[>ald 4i<'l I'. I .

· ail I: tiirniatloi)

If Xllr... M It ·;Oi»I'.


3, (·' JO. Illi.l*

_ _X

Figure at One Rate Only--See Note Below.


i'll..* IjJt. $25.00:
ue tr Life. .`f.'i.r'P; lla.f : Saul'.2 lai'Lv in llj.f. tie. $- ··('"; Her Udtath . it. $  isi I'-.eaks--1';2 #.1' ": . Fj'ivian Llranl.
. .s.-rtwi.t t:irl. $rtn 0i ;
. i' It' 'e. $-> Mer¬
4 9 it.- -cti. XXr t>uT. sell.
! F \t n.XNGt'. a X.

rr a

'T of

f r tlT

cteil. fan

·r Xremie,

.$ XValrut

For Sale--Picture Show. Tent,

IXi lco lifrlit: cl"< trie idano; Poxxer's

nit" tut'": ."·n ri 'l, "f ineturi',; ,< r--. n; Vip-

trola B 2i:<'t bargain O'er "ffi rcd. SlI.T takes

all. nCTUHE SHOW. I'urtland. Ohio.


Figure at One Rato Only--See Note Below.
Curtiss, Continental, Oliio,

Figure at One R.xte Only See Note Btlew.
For Sale -- Concessions, Now
in pperatlon and c'ch'k.-iI .Money makers. T.ive pa-k. MBS. KON'IGSBFRG. B.w Bi'aph l ark., Ni-w Y..rk.
Figure at One R.xte Only--See Note Belew.



CASH at Ora



FIRST LINE, Nota flrlow.

tiNt txnops



-I'lilt(arIIf-i« ·

a. e

, (>

i ..



I .

ll.f' .

Xli<liln>g, liriiartmint S' tr xx

Special -- 100 8* .xxll Letter-
1 00 t'l'ad,. "tie "ii'iir il'ni t xx'nrd,) a'i*l pio Fn-
Tel"|>i , f'.r $ . . ihi,tia .l If xv.inli d in Ixvciilo:,. In aif fnl ilp,!.-n. M `X. SANOR PRESS P.iitX I'Jl. K.IIlk:lk*'l'. rillt" ,.

Billy West Two-Reel Comedies,

nii h V'vi, Ki-b-a. $20.00 np; Educutn''ial N- xx-i XX'i ki !·. S.x ··I ra.'h. Send for laxt.

12 J.ACK M.AHMARIAN, tio XVi ,t L'Hd St.. N.'>*

Xork L'.ty


Positively and Absolutely Most

NOTICF! "flixina upy · rptril (nr Inxertien under I' that irirrx `a In.lrurtleng Sy mol or any e nr roa.hino lioigiit by mxil No ndx ol ' pliv» wiittnn Tkn rnnv muxi ha tlro-tlv ron* n , l>gal« ar Slndiat and rrfer to Dramatic Art. ' i D'nrma T xnnhl In (he Studio, loiirn .It On, H.itn Only--Sra Nnln BrIew


.'.1 <y,(cm,

l··|llIFss.lH niHliril mxi

1  I'll', r, "I" t. iii;i.|l,|:er sm.lU).

I '"i sii.ii. \f\x X ·Ik I'aitlr'il.xra xvUti

''ut. ItlrratiUi iii.yili.l free.


Eigiii-a at Ona Rita Onlxr--See Note Ftflo»
"Remember Those Days", a
ir. llv ".'lie XX th A ,1 ni'ri-nt r'lx t n II I ' I' ild ,|iir 'xrll" f..r ..... 2V. FRANK MAR¬ TINEZ. II. loll. XVi,"(>ii,iii.

«:<xt*lx's I'l'vlNTF ItY. jnixS

That Naughty Girl. The Latest
,.iiic out III,I I ,"mr X '.p , m t forgot .'lix.pi-r l··,>< ROSF. SCHAI SKI. ba'. Noiln Fou iii St ., II|H< kxx .'II, nklllliolllll.

!50 BONO LETTERHEADS, $1.:.iX; l.cMI I'.ytt P.v.>p GKXEK I'KINTI'HX'. Stuyma. Mixiugan

NDTF--Ctnnl All Ward*. Algo Cembinird Inili.ily and Number* in Ccii\ Figure Total at Oae Rate OnN

· ·imp!''" flaix

k rt l·lxnnt^x. SutxT Spe-

;l K' .ii .rt ,. XX -|. , I .. 1.1 .


IMtl. atin'; ·-h' In ,  i-n r.hi',t reli'H,"*;

I"',', r, iif'iid.d F-  tig !-,t .tnil roi'k-

K t'.'iti pr


PLY CO M. i>" '

!  ..


Real Bargains--Buffalo Bill

iiiid 1"1 Flnn.'ii. xv't;i 2 "! r B'hiiI feutureR,

.XII .5

I'a r :· 1 ph 'tn* for all. $t'22i

1. r .I'l EDW. WOODARD. Witt. 111.


Traveling Exhibitor -- Your
creat.',! 1`lt.ani`o to atoi'k up and clMin up. Oxi-r t I 'SX Tx'i'ls at laicifix'p pri"",. nart., M'\,-. x'liaplins. F (xr yon- ··akp. don't buy mit I yon sin- our xvoiiilorful li-t. MONARCH FILMS. J'JS I'n'on Axo.. Momplils. TonnossiH-,

(Continued on page 64 )


Xtic Oillt^oHrcl

JULY 5. 1924

$5 Reel--Seventeen Powerful

' foaliiro: aatiiiiial siTiiiih. rpDiist haiiia.

'/ipiiv f wn-ri'i*!. r ; f iir si'iiKEYSTONE FILM, Altoonn,

|THE FILM YOU W^NT. WiiiR MOTSm. 721 So.

SERIALS, ticiteet coiiditioii, p.i',»er ceuiidc'c: Har-

Sdii s. II. It. .lUllNSftlN, .'k>.S Shi.Ii Ileatleon

st.. Cliicagn. Illinois._


THE FILM YOU WANT. Write MOT.<fO. 72t <i.

Wat i»li .Aveiiue. ( !iied..ii. fi r i '


TEN NIGHTS IN A BAR BOOM, five reels, a re>l

HERTNER CONVERTER, double 50 imprres. brandnew pal el earl. :;ju volts. .1 tha-e k" evele. al>-
S'diilely iwile t ('01(1111011, $;I75.01I. 3 fact(U.v-ret(Ui.t
Vutomatie Mmidev Tnket Sedma M.niunts, I 'Its. F'O.nn r.icli; Tickel I'lwiAurs. very I' e ,.idi i.«n. f.m.i'O ea- . ATKAS \H*A'tM; 1"H Tl 111.
A(». ."iP.ii s. Inatiiom St.. I'hicapi. Illinoi.- JU.jlJ

50 Cosmograph Machines--50.

riiisinp nut ... S22."( Ikl !U"t((r-driyi> niazd,

Fnrl.ildc t'(isiii((gra(di Mntmg I' l luic .Alachin. .

2 ('((Iiipiele with 'lircqit'(((ii altai luiictii
'. Tr. II. AA'hile tlcy l.i'l. }il ."i <H> (;(..|i,

hii ' .

I'lr y reillar. .'·uil .Slii.iio. win viap c n |,

Waiual. .ViiMic. L';u. for li.-l.


nMiit.i-avier. JiOU.iili. ULAMi .- A1 I KAl 1 Hl.N.-. '-I_le'i.iiid Are . ('litra;;o, Illinois._

NEW STEREOPTICONS-Stan ..ird rxh ·I'niii sire. tidVing inip ried I'rendi le*.-'-. -1**; n set rla'e-l.

bilmne alinniiip cxaniiiint inn.


THEATRE SUPPLY CO.. 72t Su. Wabas . T

, j

BARGAINS - n ilures. Comcilira, Wf-terns. Sport for

lint. UE<;K.NT hem t o.. 1J17 vine St., l'hi;«-




Il'O REELS UiC I M It ion I'ietute Klim, joo I c-nidiiiiin. ' 'di .e t'.r u.-e in i : urelies and S<tii>ois.
I' - ie.(, <1 .. I'A'initr-' I (> III'ERATIVK

^tS; alumi anil, $2('; d.m'le di- -dru g. $1''. Hnr'Wlai, u'illi iro or **'HI-wa'l ni; !» I'O'''er. $. 1 I'ltationa friv Glll'MtlillG M i. i'll . F'l '



.s| iCV U K. w.l s.atc. n.d.loid. lllinoi.s.

_ .la'k.'<iii Illvd.. Chicago. Illinois, M.dti.-.


^ ("DON'T BUY FILM iimil vmi tci oijr noir list

l\(). F('t[ in..! (j;]l.

V\>-ifrii >(i


2ND-HAND WI. P. ACCESSOR¬ I-I^'U!'-. ('`incilies dl'rt
01 I, (iir oni'icrt. 1\-

OPERA CHAIRS. .Seelcir: tb lv."r`on Piano. ovtJ <: I'd rilor S Iwcn. AUeda Tta  'iicr. CitM.UAL


JlEri.M>l..\T rn,\! 1A( II.WI.i:. ..mriip SI . ."^aii .^iilimio, Tcxa,-.

We.t CnmjulyI2


M. P. ACCESSORIES-FILMS SPEC l.ALTY HI.. lil.'-.A .V. Dioadw.n. SI. Lou.s jny(

THE FILM YOU W»NT. W . i- MOTSI'll. 72t So.

, ^Vaba^ll .\'( Ji . I a,,'i. f. r li I.


Figure at One Rate Only--Sre Note Below.

PICTURE MACHINE^ FH""'; Cai i iin 1 li

e\ct('. I..,. AA.iii Itoal Al n 1.

''amp. IKED

L SMIIII. Al l ·.r.i.i'ii. Nc'. A .__



iIio«. tnn-rcil


r(d;ilif,, d; .1 Ui'V.ifi rtd'MK':., *"..'((1 per

Ttel. FAdiiiii..!'i>.'. d! oil. N. 'hin.; !« rt oiii. S' 1

(for li-'. E. .V II. HI..M HIST. lOillV. llr.x

I'FlitniiiKibdiii, ...

FILM FOR SALE at OTc<i>"lmially low orioes. Tfll

, us your lirloip you li.iy. We will positively

I aar* you moiiev PKi;i!l.K>S I'lI.M SKltVICE, 712

|(So. Wai>a.^ll .\Te.. fbKd,.o, IMinui.^.


FILMS FOR SALE--Send for lists. Klims rented to

V pernidi eiit li.edttes at 7`'- per reel; .shows.

1^2.00 per reel per week. Itefereoees required. N.\-

TIOX.Al, l il.M BKOKEltS. 3'.*W Summit St., Kansas

:L''iy. MisS'-uii.



Waliash .Avenue. L:iiea,:o. for li.-l.


FOR SALE--Three leeis tf Klan pictures, sltowin*; tli« iiiteiwoiKii.i: u' "e order and ·.ume of the
ilarci-t pdid'les erer >ld-' i T,,i,- pleiuie only run
eislileeii times. E. It i..\.\lM AtiK. Wi «ilake. La.

FOR SALE--Idit 1 i.iii*. lia*f

.i.e. ti r« . y i-U

paper. }T5.'o; It itldio B 'I. $75.(Mi; I.t'e of (;iri'`t;

all in firdi-. lais sliape. Il.AKRY SMllTI, Grata. Pa.

NOTHING BUT HITS--Tlie Passion Plav. 5 reels: I'mie Tom a I'.ilen, .`i reels, di.rt many other supor-
attraelions W|;sti,I1.\ I TAiritE FILMS, 738 S. Valiasli .Are., ihicaxo, I l.i.ols.

For Sale--New and Used Mov-

inp I'ifture M-ochinos. SToons, Opera Ohairs.

V.ptilatmc KBU-i, Generatnrii, t'ornpoin-Bic'.

i:ii>i.-tats. U«*\v:nd-. I'nitHtdi- rrnjeetnrs. Sicd

I. plits. Wall F.'tiis, .Steorc'pt cons. Fire E\-

'iiiRuishPr-. Uulilnr Flimr Matting. Steel lloot .-i.

M<'tor», Loldiy Frames, Eleetric Heaters. Tu-ket

I linppers, I.en~eR and evi rytliing for I ;e

Tlieate-. T'o largest stock of used oquipm'-nt

in the cnni.try. Write foe prie.a. MOiflE

SUPPLY CO.. 814 S. Wahash Ave.. Ciihaco.



COMPLETE U. ad Slie-.y Oatfi's at .smarhinp .summer

i ri es

.\ dU DeVry. .Aepa', .Ann i iean Suitcase

Poi'aiie Pro.ietioij. Erervl.i'ig Itavellng exhibitor

need.'. Globes. S-ippl es Fiuii Il.irn<in list fiee.


T t iie'sce_m' v . .

FOR SALE--I'ower's No. .s x I'r >j<vior. complete with s'and and an* lamp, lor titty dollars. EAILL
II AY NTS. Ilwrr -i'oni. Ketinekv._

FORT WAYNE 110 A'olt. 60 Cycle Compensator.

$15 00; tuo Similex Motor Driven Complete Ma-

el'ines. <i:'..00; Dell

llwycll UO Volt. 60 ·'ycie

Cni'pensa' r. $10.00; two I'oucr's Six ".A" Motor

Driren. complete, JlOfi.oii. .All kinds oi new ami

n.-.fd Seif l'.a.veis. .A c Mjiic FTIe trie Pipe thgans.

Tell US VDur reu'ilrement.' AA i:.>stERX KE.AT1RB

FILMS. 73S S. AA'alMish Are.. Chicapn. Illinois.

POKTlABLE .'1(11 -e M. or l'..c 'I . In. es. Ur.e

.s!(Hk .A'me, .A:n' ;:(an and C -ni' . atlis. A"nr

rlnntT, $l''0.(Mi. 1, ke new. S' .1 s'.n.*'** dep -

will ship C. tl. I', evamii.aiir.n. AlcINAlUII IIIK.A-

TllE SI PPLV It*.. 721 S. Wabash Ate.. Chn.i,(>.




SIMPLEX, s a' I Moliouiaph .M.i'ninrs. r>-

Imilt, tirst-cla.-s c . liticn, lig barrens; seeond-

hand Chaiia. etc. AAr e us jour nerls .Ari..As

AHtVIXU I'liTl UK CiC. 5:;ti .so. Heitbmn s- .

> Idvaai. I :.n is._


STEREOPTICON aid r.i) M -.ellatieous Slides, first (·: ei k fer e-'Y lak.s the oudi;. K.A'IiiRs' (*p).
tiPKit.ATIAE sliKVn i;. W Mate St.. IL. ..I rJ. HI.

Figure at One Rate Only--See Note Briow.

100--Monarch Machines--100.

Closinp out I'Hl new 1024 Monarch Marhine«.

Ynnr choice of calciUm. .Alazdn or are attaeb-

ni'iits, also lixS or 8x10 raii'Iin screen, fom-

plcte oiilfit. wb le they last. Sl2t I*-'. .Send

'11(00 depu-it. w II sl'.:i C. O. D .allowii):; cx-


CO.. 721 So. AA abash .Ave., L'bicapo.


Figure at One Rate Only--See Note Below.

Drop Picture Machines Wanted
for cash. Callo^enpcs, Millsosciipe.a and ot '.rf ninkes. BROMBERG. lo2 Califuruia Avr.. lliphland Park. .A|'>'liii;;iu.

We Pay Cash for Second-Hand

machine-. AA'hat have tou? SOUTHERN

FILM SERVICE. INC.. Sll Franklin At.

II iistuu, Texas.

July 12

PRIVATE PARTY .|r..|iv» 1 uv aleiit trii rrri- m ···

 ir Ic-

Tt .t. i Eilni-. M-tly r.nrlin U

« 1 ILiwail. Vr.l.iw-M.r. Ai-ka »'.d ir.v f.i.i

1 .a: tiv. Can n.-e Shotl Stii I.iindri.l t.i t

I" aired If-. . ..'j do l(''uir lutr-'^r; also «|.

f mil-:y AA 1 ,v rxpins, juhjeci rewinL


li-l. U iL k 4 '(11. J. .A., caie lliiJlKiurJ. Chi.. -

· WINDOW OPPOSITE -. -WTiffl Dawn Came' ·. ' r .
Right AA ty", fmiviiA <T P dice Fratur -v Dr.ia I with Prijnn SL-rfire, Must be A-1 rrr-v r.-p .A;so Convict Comedy. BOX 121. Ke>kuk Iiw.<

(Aarnn A- Kidl.y (Metrniiol tan) Brooklyn.
Ahram-*. Harry incL'enl) D( Iroit. Adair A- Ad.iir I |·anIai;(·^) .Sa t Lake City; (Or-
pheuin) (iirden 7 12 Adler A Dunhar i I'rncior) Troy. X. Y. Adl'T. .land. A- Itaiid (lai.tapt-) Tacoma.
Wash.; ll'antapcsi r..rtlan(l. tire.. 7-12. (Aheurn. ('has. iuipl.ciiinI Ogden, I'tali; (Pani tapes) Dcuver 7-12. .'Alexander A Girls (.Icffcrson) New York.  Alexandir A Pi ggy (GrccniMiinl-e Brunklyn. Alexander i Paiitag( s» Salt laike City; (Of-
phenmi ligden 7 12. Alexs, Three iPalao i Waterbiir.v. Conn. Alice in Tnyland iMale-Lake) Cnnago; (Henne-
|iin) Minneapidla 7-12. Alice's, laidy. Pets (Greeley 8q.) New York
3-3. I Allen. Tn.vlor A Uarlu r I Imperi.iH .Montreal. Along P.riiadvvay tpala.e) Ciucinuati. Amac lPros|iect)
Ama/nn A Nile i t ilth -Ate.) New York. AmbiMims iCreseentl New AodiT'Kii A Yvel I' ICIel.mond. Ind. lAngel A t'lillcr'l i ) M.ltvaukci. Anliijne Sliop iPabne) ( b veland. ;Ara Sisters iDidancey St. I New York 3-3.
Preyrnting a Sensational Foot-Balanring Ladder Week June 30. Keith's. Rochester. N. Y. Direrticn Pat Casey Agency.
Arakls, Tan (Keith) Rochester, N. Y'.i (Proctor) Troy 7-'J; (Proctor) Schncclady 10-P2.
Archer A Bilferd (Stale) Newark, N. .1. lAri.'o Bros. (B(>^tnul Boston. .Arduth, Fred .1. iState-Lake) Chicago. .Argentinci. Ci' A .Alvera Dasbinglon (Ter¬
race Gardens) .A pidetiin. AA'i-. Ashby, Itoriiey A Co. (State) Buffalo.

iB ker A Rogers (Oreele.v Sq.) Xeyy York 3-3.

Baker. Phil (Oi-pheum) I'l-anoisco raj-July 12.

tRall, G-gcr A Ball (M.x..v .Andcr-onl I^uiiisville.

' BallenllD". I... A Co, iKcilli) Toledo. O.

,'Balmns. Irinu A M.l i iPanlag>--t San Francisco; k iPaniag'-i :.((- Ang.b's 7-12.

.Bann A Malb'n iCrcs'-f-nt i X'-w Orb* ins,

4Barlow. .And.v A Louis** (Grand) Atlanta, Ga. Barnett, Ii'iriitl.y, \ Co. (Main St.) Kansas Cit.y.

;|Parr Twins (Tcniiib*) Detroit. 'Parr, Ma.vo A I!* nn (llialtol Clibsgo.

'. Barr*'tt A Fari.utn (P.roailwa.v) Springfield, .: Mass,. *j.r,

Barrios, .lean l Broadway) Springfield, Mass., ' ; 3-.'l.

t.Barto A APIkiu Kansas City; (Pank tage-l M. inidi.s 7 12.

, j Batelieller, Bill.v, Itevne (MetroiKilitan) Bro'.klyn.

I ; Daves A Smith (PantageH Salt Lake City; lOrplieunil Ogden 7-12

IBa.ves A .Siieek iPalue* ) Piitstiild. Mass. ; Be* k. Ed iV- .Morton'oin Sq.) .New York

tfBeetje. -AI A Emily (Grand) P.edford. Ind.

fI Beecher. Jand, A Co. iT* niiilei Iidroit. jBeeman A Grace illdl .'*(.) .Angele-.

Beers, Sall.v i F**(*Ie.( i Ilarleton, Pa.

I Beers. l4*o iKeiilil A\'as|,inglon. , Be'fords. Six iP.intage-i Metniih s. Teun. . Bell Duo (Yong(* St.) Toronto. .f Belling. Clemens Co. (I'.ilaecf Chic ago.

I * P.elniiiiit s in-rliy ILirs,i Ili\ej v n-w Park) . Daltimcre.

I B'lnionC- Polar Bears (F.air) Brandon, Man., Can.
^  Hi iidi r A .Arinstrong (i'antage-i Tic'itna. I \Va-h.; iP.mlag".) Pnrll.incl 0:c . 7 12.

' Bennington A S.-oti i Keith) Toledo. O.

t Bensteart. I 'i, ille *".(g*'-f T((r((ni*i,

.l| iPantag. -i ll'.'ir


 Berk A Sawn (p..:,i Scranton, Pa.

Iverkoff s-icr

Iliii -.c



Berb*. Millccn i>*-i .M< niicid-. Tc nn.

j Berio Diving <; ils | piner.N i Preex irt, u. e. i;I. I. jc Bernard A Kc rii- iSiatc i Duffalo.
fjl Bernarcl . .be, \ Co. iPanlag*-'! D'-nver; (Pan-
j (ages I Pncc.n pi 12
Berna ds. GriL";nal Three (Pol.xclis Circus) Williamsport, Pa.

Manis-ra and artista are respectfully rr-f-'. ! ·> ( -'liute their dues to ttiia dcpartmeui. Kouma must reaiOj The nillbosril not le'er than Friday of ea -h week to insure publifailof..
The BiiPioard (nrwerds all mail to pro'essionals 'vee of rtiaree. Member* of tho orrfetsioo are Invitod. while no the road, to bav* delr mail addressed in care of The Billboard, and it will be forwarded promptly.
When no date is given the week of June 30-July 5 is to be supplied.

Bernt ,A: Pirtner (Orphetim) Oakland. Calif.; (Golden Guiei Snn Francisco 7-12.
Berrens. Hernum iKiiItcin) Brooklyn 3-5. Bi-Da Ko ipoli) Sc ranton. Pa. Big GiHirpp I Strand) Ixniisviib*. Bitiglkain. .Amelia. A I'o. (Keith) Bo-ton. Purc liinan A Pa .'1 (Pioctccr) Newar'.-. X. ·!. Blanks, Tlirep Or pinal IGrandl St. Louis. Diondell. Eel il.yric-| Indianapolis. Bltio Cloud. Cliief il'antage-i Mdin* aim!is;
'I'aniag.-I Il' Can.. T-ii. Rc.h A I'hris (Orphnnm) New York 3-3. Ibciin A Pnhn (tiiqilieiiin) Bostcen Pend. Ua'mond. .Ar Co. i D'l-Lwic i.) IticHcklxn powers, F. A'.. Revttn (Poll) AA" 1 ikes-Dllrre. Pa. Dccvcieil, .lean iMaj*`s;ivl Ch'eagc, Bradle.v, Heun<*s-y » o. (Palace) llockfoid. lil,
Bric'i*. ranny (Palace) Milwaukee; (Palace) Chicago 7-12.
Drice. I · w iKeitl ) Philadelphia. Driglitons. The (Strand) Washington. Drisene A Bauh (LNilouial) I aiiea-tc r. Pa. Hrcin'on A Bcnee (Davis) I'ittslmrg. Brown, Sedano, A Co. 11'r|c.,enni i U'- M' ne-,
la . 3 3; (Palace) Chicago 7 12 Brown A Ilogeis (Delaneey St.) Xew York 3-3. Drown Comedy Four l Miles) Detroit. Drowne A Elaim* i Rialto) Chicago. Brownlee's H ckrille Follii-s (P.roadripiile Park)
Indianaixilis. Ind.. .''.-I!; iH,irr:s Grai'cll Bloomington 7-1'; (Grand) AA'i-hingtnn 10-12. Buck A lliibhles iCapitol) H.artford, Conn. Build. Kith iPrfMtorl 'c-warl.. .\ .T Burglars' Cnion ISlierid.m Sq.) Pittsburg. Burke A Durkin I Earle i Philac|el|chia. Burns A F'<(rau ('A'nrld) Dmalia; (Panfagesi Kansas C.ty 7-12 Burns A Kis-en (Sl.ite) X(*wark. X. .1. Burr A Unp** (Palai-e) Cbveiand. Dvron .A. Iliig l|·'ordhamt Xew Yccrk. Byrnn BmiLers' Sextet (Rialto) Chicago.

C'liill. Michael; Brandon, Man., Can.

Catnernns. I-'ccir illiversioe) New York. Camille Trio iGIo'cel .Atlantic City. N. .1.
Catnphell, Craig lK(*itli) Portland. .Ab . C.iinphc ll's i'lillies (Pantages) .'an F aiic.'c-o
7-12. Opc-ia (MetmiiciEtan) Drc(c,kl.'n Cannccii A, i., c i l*;inl.ige-) .'*| (.kai.c ; l|·alitage^)
Sea ··I.. 7 12

Cnntwell ,Y AA'alkcr (Pantag**-! .AI.tinea|KiIis; iPaiitage I Regaia. Can.. 7-I<
Carl A Inez (Miles) Detroit. Cirli-ies, 'I'i.c' Xccrtli .Alanei.e-ter. Trnl.

Carroll. Il.irr.y (Orphetiml .'.in Francisco 30.luly 12.

Cc'i-ic'-r .A A(cirris-ey (Pantages) Denver;
tag(*-» Pne hio 10-12 Ca-'cen A K ein ('i*-(iiienm) Ogilen, ('tali;
tagc'i Iic-nver 7 12 Castile, .Mccia, P.'ind (Palitagc'-i Seattle.


CHuItic-bl. Ritciiic cA- I c. i A'cciige St.) Tecronto. Caverly .L AV.ild IS · i .'dc miiiii-. I'c nn. Ccri"i A I.-i'li iPi'icior) Sc l.ei,ect.i(l,>. .\. Y. . Cijand'cn 'I .n (ll.iki'l Pill-''irg. I'lcaicinan. .si.inley ic.ipiicdi H itfniil. (' nn. C|,e-Ic r A He- ACn* l<;rc c |.y Scj.) New Y .ik .'1-3. Ciieia'cr i'c- iPaia.i) si. I'aiil; (I letnieicin)
Mciiii" , cl. 7 1 ( 1. na P cicc p. etc Istate-l.,iI;c > ciu ago.

I hilen-c n-. .Acr ai; Ai'.i-idiiglon. I.i.. .Iiiiv I ..Ill I'.iiil.ig' I Hainiltfcii, Can.; (Clialeaiil
t liic-.igci 7 !*.
Cla re .V At'ioocl iGra-.cll S't laiiils Clare. Mar'icn iCre-ccuM New Orleans. Cl irk A A'illani (Statei M'-mphia, 'l"enn`. Clark A Itolierta ilxicw) .Aloulreal.

Clark st O'Neil (Empire) Fail River. Ma".

Clark, M. A A. (Statei Jerse.v C l.', N J.

Clark A MeCnllongh (Palaic) X'e'v 5'.

Clifford A Stafford (Ixk-w) W'hite Plains. X". Y., 3-3.

Cl'ffnrd A Gn*y iBtishwick) Brooklyn.

Clifford. .lack (Temple) Detro.t.

Cl ffcTil A Marion (Piintagi*-) .San Franc se.i


Clifton A Ib* Reg (Dnvis) Piftslnirg.

Collins A Dunlear (Palace) Brookl.tii 3-3,

i . mfort, A'anglin (Riverside) X*'v Ycok.

<*onl»oy. Keleey (O. H.) AVashhiin,. Ab . 3 ;

)H. IT.) .'le.Adams, X. B., Can., t-H; (O. 11.)

Denny.svllle, Me., 10-12.

Cciiilin, Ray (Maji*sio') Milwaukee.

< cinlin A Glas.s (Stale-laike) t'liic ag *.

I oimell, I.(*omi A Zilipv (Rfaltn) Chicago.

Conroy, Jolin F'.. A Co. (Pantigc-i Tc.i.into.

Can.; tPantagi*') n.imilton 7 12.

Conway, .lack. A- Co. (pro tor' .Altciiiiy.


Cesjk, ri.vde lOriihenm) San Fr.iin i-. c.

Coo)ier, H. 1... A Co. tKeith) Portl.iiicl, Me. CiHiiMT, .lininiy (Palace) AA'.iterlcmy. Conn.

Corelli Si-ti re (Hamilton) New Ycik.

· o'l'ia A A'cr'Ii (Oriihetim) Pcrnukl'ii.

Conchas, .Ir. (.lames) Ciilnnihii-, ii.

( ciiilter A Rnsi* (Sc ventli St.) M nneaiml;'

Crafts A Hale.v (Proeticr) Mt. A'ernoti .\. V.

Creations iF'roctor) Troy. X. Y.

I F.i-hioii Plate (KcHh) Philadc !l Ici.i

' nmiiiings. Roy. A Co, iMa. vIancIi DaH inon*.

Currier A McWilliams (Strand) laiuisville.

D ll'* A D(*ljno (Palac e) Xi w Haven. Ccoin.
Daiict* Novelties (Avenue B) Xew A'ork 3-3. Danc-I* Shop (larew) Montreal. Daniels. .Dm* (Proctor) Troy. X. Daiinis)* Sisters llm[i*rali Mcnlcal, Davids, .A. A E. (Pantage-i Calgirv, Can Davis ,A Pc'Ii* I Pantages) nainilton. Can ;
(Ciiatc'ii'i) Chicago 7!). Da'is A- D.irnell (Orpheum) San Eranclseo 7(|.
·Inly V2. Da'is. Phil (Pal.iee) Brcmklyn .3-3, Da'i'cen's (ireli. (\I.ije-1 c) Ci..c ago. Dav. Ruth (Coloniall niea. X. Y. Iicl alvi*. S'lna (Pantages) Denver; (P.intagi*s|
Pnehio pi 12.
I'c* Dll's Cir'iis (A'ietor'l ILcI'oke, M.i-s. DeFiintasy Re'in iRialtol Chicago.
De .lari I Dll'is) Pitt'hnrg. In* Kerekjarto iKeltli) |toc.t,,|| In-Mario F 'i* (Paiit.ige-) r.i'aarv Can
Del'hil A DePhil (Celehratinn) Riilgeiv.iy, P,).,

Calif. De Sylvia, .lack. Revue (Seveiitli Sf ) Mum
aiiiilis. I'eiigon A Mai-k (Keith) P.n-(on. Decker, .Nancy mill St ) l.o- Angele-.
licrliy A Terry il'anl.vgc -) M,nnc a|iii| s 7 12 De'ine A Gcciild ( |·aIllagl-1 San Fiaiie.-eo 7 I
Dc'cm*. Frank A i o. iMajesiiri t li cag..,
Diamoml- I'cmr iKetlln .Atlantic Cilv. .X Dielil Si-|ers i.AIilc- ) Detroit.
Dinus-llelinciit P'a'er- iP.ullage | Picrdan (In*.
Dive I'or iCc.'iimliia) I'ar Roc kiiwa.'. N licilceck. .Icie (pc,||i,c Pro. · C l, 11 ) .A-hi.iliiila. Inner. Clycle <i|c!i. iiri| si.) Eo- .Angele-, In.iicihne, .lack I Palace) Cliicagn. l-ooley ,v- Sales iKeillii .Allaiilii- (·!(' X .1 Do'vney A Clariclgi- iS(ate) Mt inpliis,' Tenn." Downing .A lt'n|,|v il'antage-) Snukane; (Pa
lax'es) Seattle 7.1:.>
Dfiyh*. Buddy (tlrarid) Philadriphla.

Drever, L A D. (Patilagc-i Al nne.i|c,. « )·,
t.ige-) Regina, Can., 7 12 DiiP.airy Sexl< t (Pant.ig--i San F-am--
iPanlages) I .cs .Angccle- 7 12. DiiDoIs. Wilfred iDelaiic.-y SI.) .\e»- York iMifraniie, i;<orges ipa ae- ) X,w 5,,tk
I'Utihar's C Cl r iM irv .Aiob rs,.ni l.on-v.ib . Duncan, Saiiiiuy ilcnw) .'lonireal. Dnr.i, Cross a IL-nei* (lax iv) Montreal.

E rl. I!.*rt. A Co. (Fail. ) Ph laih Ii hia.
Earle, Mamie iBnshwi.k) Prookl'ii.
Ear y A E.i.glit lAA'orld) l>niaba, |p,sntag'-l Kansas C ty 7-12.
Fiary .V Ear.v iPalace) Cn lnuali. Eastman ,A: .Aluori* t Pantag,-) portlati l. <)' F.'-Iair Tw ns A AA'c-Rs iPautagcs) san D g
Calif.; (Ilovt) Iniiig lb a. h 7-12. Edwarcls. Irving i Pdi-i.vv i. k ) Brn klvn 1.1 Cota (Hlymi'b'l W.itc*rlown. N. \. EliraUtU A GergIcy (Eyrie) llotmken, .X. .1 .
E liott. Johnny. A Co. (Palace) Plttstleld. .'I.i-)'>ners<in A ll.ildwin (Stale) Ruff.ibc. I'nglin. Maiir<'en i.limes) Coltimlcus. o, l.igccHn* ,V iPan'agesi s.iti D · . , _<alif.: (H'lvf) lavng Beach 7-12. P'ln* .A- Di tte n (Hip  ) Clevelancl. EvcrylMMly Step (USalle Garden) P. tp'.t.

F igan's Band (Strind) Eonisv.

F igg vL AA'Ilile i.Iames) Coliimbii*. (V I .intcin. Jce. A t'n (* s) S|...ktnc . 'E _ lagi s) Sc'.itlle 7-12

Firnell A F'oii-nie iGrand) Sf l.oii s l.i'iie-. Till* IF. dev) Hi'lcion. P.I,

rente.II A I'licls Pa'.i ei Cl.v. aid.

I'c-nwi. k S -'. rs ip.iuig.-i M. nii.hi-. T. nI' c Ids ,Ar h nk i<;reel.-y .Si|.) X. vv York
I'c'her ,A Sheimarcl lE.isl I.iIhtIv) Pilt-biirg Fianibis A It 'l.-r lA'icioiy) E'anst alb . Im! Flaslies of Soiigl iml iGran'Ii .AllanGi. i..i. Fiaslies of .Al, icdy and Dance i Fulton I Br" .
lyii 3-.3.

Flemings Till* iDavis) pltt-biirg

l..''i«. Five I'carle-s (F'air) Brandon, Mi . Can.

E rd A Prire (State.E.ike) Cli . ago

I ram- s A llnin.c (Pal.ic, ) C' li- ni.ati

I'r.inklvii A Ciiarles i .'l.ii*--! .ik* I


I r* d I A .Anlhoicv iXaiionali laini'villc Ky



<'olumhM", o

I r'sc*iMc, s g. cGIiiIh ) .Atlanti*' i ilv. N. .1

1 ri-li. R. t,,r ,v I'dolin tGramll Si I . d -

ISkviloiiie) S* lainl- til); (AA'a'hingtoiit D,:.' 'ille. III.. 10-12.

I n b r, .Moilb*. A Co. iDrciadnat ) N* 'v 5'ork I upon. Clias. M : AIi-|,awnI:a.' Iml.

1 nnn.iii A Evans (Poll) ItridgejMirl, Conn.

G'lelti ,A: Kokin (.Seventh St I Minin .ipol -

Giir.liii r vA; Re vere (Ijievv) laciidun. Can., 3 3. ··iG.iiccl. H.iriv iMib-s) Detroit.
'· i-i ciign. s. Ro'al lit.-gent) .N. w York. Gandsiiiilli-. ·I'll,. I llamlltoii) 'v Yoik liec.rgii S, r. naclers iSi.ii,., M. m)i|ils. T. nn. 'celling Ii Dv.r iSlat. ) X.waik. X .1 '*li* fM-. I . s is| 1

'·ii ~ii A ' ..Ml. Ill ilv.-iibi Pliiliicb li'liiii.

'.Ilberis, 'll,.. iFopccni lliookl'n .3 3

Glntaros 'll..* II.In.Clin .S,|.) N. vr York 3

Giiloii Gal- iPint.igcs) Kansas i iv.


t.iges) Al. in|ib.s 7 12.

Glenn A ll . liarl- ll'ifih ,Avcl N. w Y. rk

'·Icnii .A .l. nk'iis I I'oidiviini I X. » V..i .,

I.ol.lcii A Siinsliiiie I I laiiilsvllle. h'.

<.c.|c|. II A -ions iKeiiii) p|.iladd|.hia.

'coldi ii Duel I Main St I K iii-hs CiI'

'iimnc. I.III;aii iPaiitagc-i Ta. ..inn AA s'' 7 1'

'corcinn. It. rt A Grav ( Metrnpnlit.ini llpiokl'ii 'lordone. Robbie I Kelli,) AA'asliInglon '·I gall- Trio (Crescent) Xew Orleans.

'.osier A- laisliv iPantagi-l I'.n oma AA'.is|i .

iPanl.igis) pnrllaml. Ore. 7 12

'>ant A ^·....b V iProcinrt N. vvarl.. N .1

.Mill (Kc*Hi) Plilhidel|diia 'ir.iv. Toiili*. A Cn. iPanlagesi San Fraini'co

iPanlagc-i lai .Angeles 7 1j

Gic ii, .lam* lOrplii'iim) o.ikinnil, Calif . lOridieiini) lais .Angeles 7-12,


MAKE-UP nf all kinds. Cat alBg free
A. RAUCH. (Suiwtitar to Klipgoet). 2S Third Ava., New VcHi

JULY 5. 1924

Tfie Billboerd

iJr.on A

<'.a.Siillf ChH.iH IVtrolt

1l.-iily T-i n M-I (Uoiileyard) New York 3-0.

Movie Ma-i|ue (Oridieiim) New Y'ork 3-o.

Reek ,k i;eetiir (I'risT'ir) Yoiikei-. .\. Y.

lir'i-nl* '

i' )

.N» w \<irk J1.. 1m|iiii.s. Till I Mill-) Ih'iroit.


.Miilroy, .MeNeeee A Ilidge ():.irlei fhiladelpliia. ItednioiKl .V Well-i tColden Dalei :-an t'rancisco.

1.. 111'lo, .1' 1. .V It'iy- iM.iJe-l.. ) Milwaukee.

.Mur)iliy, Senator (Or|ilii'iini) Ko-ton.

Reel) A Al.ivii iSlraiidt AA'a>hiiig(on.

,:r'. nw."Ml KHl>li> » M iipil"! > 'I r. iiloii, N. .1.

1I.iiiie >( IreiiiiiiM illovti l.'iiig )('ath, Calif.; .Miirray A Oerri-h lATAtoria) New Y'ork 3-o.

Rieil. .I,>,ie (l.i,|e-| fr.Mlkl.Ttl 3 5.

Ifaiil.ig' · .--11 t I.ake I Iv 7 1'2.

Murray A .Maddox tNatiounl) New York 3-o.

Reeii.-r A Arni>ir**iig iCa .toil Trenton, N. J.

I r. v A M»n»» r»;iralNiti \ 1 **·

(\at i'liial >

Iml. N*'U ^ I'fk

1I.ang ik ll.ihy 11|e|iue|i i, ( .Mmiieaimli-; (fala< e) ^ M I'V.lIlkee 7 12.
I iwlor «k o.i/'T i.Mr.tnl) laoiiHTille.

N'g.'fj's, TiiP (foil) Ur dgi'iwirt, Oonn.

Reformer. Tli*' iii.iie-) Brooklyn 3-5. R'-ila. Eleanor. A ('o. i M.i ie-tie) Milwaukee.
Ri nards. Three (liat* -) Rnvoklyn 3-5.


I. \^r (Krilk) Af^ant*.- ( it.f. A. .1. ]l.ii\\ioii 1 River-.ih ' .S. >\ York.

Naomi A Rrazllian Nuts (.Ainerloan) New York Ri naift. Frani'is i I'.mtage-i San Diego, Gtlit.;

1I-i' 'la. .)· r .ll il

` r' li't A-htidml.'). o.

(Hoyt) I/mg I tea'll 7-12

< ipk

-) Sait laikp City; (Or- 1.* If.iiie. Mil., i|,,. «) I'lli-.ol.s I'ark, N. .1.

Neapoliliin T)iio (Miller) Milw.siikee.

Ri'tler. De/.-o iCaiitiili Windsor Can.

1*1 In:". I;'ll lAoiig,. .--t.i Toroiita.

Ne|-oii, Uob A Olive (Celebra(lon) Eyanslon, Reyes, Juan 'Orplicim) Ix>s AtigSles; (Hill

II, 'i!-,. . I i.iir tsliaf.r's Sbow) Unite. Mmit.; iI'll., I l:iv*'i'.'l* ' N> rt York.

111.. 4.


St.) 1/y- -Aiig. les 7-12.

Mi-si.iil.i 7-1-

. ,

I.· .l^llt A I .H ..I iD.fvis) fill-tiiirg.

1 1 11, .1: »· IroiiiH- ll.irli') Pliiiadelpliia.

IIiil.'gir. Ch.i- ·l\*',i;.i ToT'clo. O.

11,11. \ K . A. Cu I.Malli St.) Kaii-i* (M.v; 1I .ghloll. f. ,A .1 I I' ll Inge- SlMikane 7-12.

Nel-on, Eddie (.state) .Terscy Cit.r, N. J. Nevada. Lloyd, »A Co. (Il.ii|i.) Cleveland. Newell A- .\lo-t t Keith) I'ortlalid, Jle,

Reynold'-Ilem gan Co. ll'alao' ) ('incinnatl. Rhod.i A Rriiclielle (Nationali New Y'ork a-5. Rice, 1,* w il'ala'*'' AA .il*- tii.iy. IT.rin

il'', |.. I l lia-aKo 7 IJ.

I.i'.p-.g iC.iloirnl 1 I li'.i. .N, Y'.

Nli'hols. Miivvard (.Miller) .Milwaukee.

Riel- A- \Vcrn*r (GoMeii ti.ite) .'an Craneiseo.

Iljilt I*' xti'P it'lftli Afo.) New ^'»rk.

1I elami A s*. I", re ii,i.iiii|i St. I.oiiis ti-)2.

Nii'innii. Il:il istraiiiii slicnaiKluah. Pa.

Rieliarit'oii, I'raiik (I'r*** le-i Y'link'-rs. N. Y.

11,11 I'.iil A- tii'orpia (Kiin r.')

I!' t .



I Unia'Iwa.M N*-'v lorW.


I Inml-. Five il.'o'vvl iMtnw.i. C.iii. 1*0, 1,011- ·.\v< i|i|i' I') .N* vv Y'ork 3'0. I.iMinn'i if.sTi'ii I'!* V el.iiiil

-Niemeyer »v Aloigan iOr|iheuiii| J.o- -Angeles.

Riekurd-, The (Rr'>udw'.iy i S|iringtie|d, Mass.,

Nina, Uai'oii A Fontaiii (P-oulevard) New York -I-.'..

i: dgewa.r. I'riizi tDrpInum) Ia)s Angeles.

Il,'i.-1 .'''T'. I'lMir. A Slr<i«» (I'anlac"*) I'ort. 1 .ehiiiaii fiihe. .Mino|, .N. Jl ; (fair) Devila .Nolili* A liriMiks lEa-t Liherfy) I'ilfsburg.

Rinaldo (Stale) New Y'ork.

Imi 11.. , .1., IMyl- (ra1a * i -N* «· H.i"n. lorn,

I ake 7 12. 1 .III*' T11*1 'friM'ior) Tro.v. N. Y*.

Nolan, I.ear.v. Cu ifantages) lais Aogelea; Rios, The D'riiheum) Ogden, Utah; (Pantages)

(fantage-) San Diego 7-12

Di'nver 7 12.


\, iii»l»*niai) Norfolk, \,i.; ling .k I..-;.' I .Nlo'I'*1,1:1 Si|.i fitisluirg.

Nolan, i'alll. .A Co. Ilveitli) Portland. Me.

Ritchie, Willie. A- Co. ('Ist .St.) New Torlt.

iM.i ,-I. I Ilarrl-lnire. I'a.. 7-1.'.

I.loyd A ·,nM)e ifillaiiT (..minniit

Nora A Keely (l yrtei Hoboken. N. J., 3-.Y.

Riila-rt', Rene i Keith i ITiiladelpUia.

lUri'oii A lliirton Si,t<T.« (Siiriitli St.) Mlnn*`- l.hi.vd A 1.0 "11111111 I' re-eenl) N* vv Orleana.

Nordstrom. .Mar-- ifala'-e) NeW Y'oyi.

Roger- Bros. i(T-Ieliration) New .Alarket, la.,

||M>! ·».

1 on,lei, Sl* |i|i*rs I foil I WTir`*e»'tr. Mass.

Nord'trom. Chiri n'e (Hennepin) ·Minneapolis;

(; (Capitol Reach) Linculn. Neb., 6-12.

riirri-on A I'akin (lilv.-r-i'l. ) \f«- York.

Inimloii-. Thr*'*' (l.yrn) Indiaiiaiiolis.

(I'alae) Maiikee ,712.

Rogers A .Allan iKeitli) Dayton, ().

II, t .k K-tii i I'antair.-.) Tai-oiua. Waah.; (fan- ' orriiiii*' S*r.*naJers ifm-toiii f.o-ti,n.

North A S<iiitli iPantages) Tacoma, Wash., Rogers A D<*nneIIy IStrandi Louisrille.

.1 I'"' tlainl nr*-.. 7 IJ.

I.·>||ise A .M.t'hell if.intag*--i M**iii|ihis. Tenn.


Rome A- (Jaiit (Keitl.) Rivston.

lli,«an. -Vli, Troii|M` llaa-w) faM>-aiiei* I'ark, I.ove Fiililts ifantages) Kansas ( ity; (fan- Northlane A YATinl (Pantages) Quincy. HI.

Rome A Bolton (Miller) Milwaukee.

N .1

Inge-l Ml mpl - 7 12.


Norton A .Niehols-iii 1 Mill St.) I os Angele*.

Rose, Jack (Keith) Daytoa, O.

h-. l.*w (f-'.'.tli St ) .\. w York.

I n** .V III'/ iKeThi T'h"a*I<'l'Ilia.

Norton .A Corl*<'tt (Orpheum) lays Angeles 30- Ro-e, Harry (National) New York 3-5.

IliH ihoiiK' A C-H.k ((>>;.>· am I .NVw York,

I.i.illovv. W.inda, .V Co, (.Murray) ItU'hmond, Jtlly 32.

Rosi'dale, Hurt (State) New York.

llt'n,'. ' iT<ni;li-l (···irolt


Nugent, J. C., A Co. (Palace) Cleveland.

Rossitto A Co. (li' gent) Detroit.

IU/.ir,I. Ilap A .Mari*' ...

I>-trii,t. lil t r Ur*'*. tTi-niil*) Iieirolt.

Rounders, Tliree lY'onge St.) Torontt*.


H-al*.', r -k U I lli.ia<l««.'I N* « )<'ik. ll, art of a Clown iKivoli) ToN-do, (I.

1.. 'iiiau'- .Alie, Hand (111)1)1.) N'W York.

O Btien »A Josejihlne (Miller) Milwaukee.

Roy A .Artlinr (.Stale) New York. Roy A Rutiy (I'olii -Si rantou. Pa.

'I J

H' N r .k l!il*'v I .Man l.i'i*! 1 f-. It noir*'.

IVl C.illoii'gli. t .irl (I'antiiges) Quincy, HI.

H. IlkTi.'i. I he tfaraeoii I'ark) NaDta>k*'t

D Rr'en S -ters A Co. (Poli) Uridgp)vort, Conn., Jtoyi-e A- O'Niel (Bo-ton) Bo-ton. T-.'i; ifa;a'*e) Waterbury 7'J': (Capitol) H.irt- Rove A Maye i Palace) New York..


Iteaili. .Mas*. II ni-r-on. Uahv (K.':ih) Atlnr.t..

Cit., N. .1.

M'Donald. Don. A Co. (Ki ith) Wa-hington. .'IB' I'.irTiiie, (Jeorge il'iishw.ek) Krooklyn.

ford 10-12. D'Hanlon A /amisiuni iGrand) Philadelphia.

Ruhin. B* nuy. .k Co. lOrpheum) Brooklyn. Ruhini. Jin, A Co. (Lia-vr) Ixindon. Can.. 3-5.

llerta rt A \* * U'v I fro* ton .\|l'«ny. X. Y.

.M'lii'c. .I'le U. (Central fark G.irdens) Roek- D'Hare's, Hu-k. On li. (Palace) Chicago.

Riil'ini Sister'. Four lA'ictoria) New York.

ll.-mn. f.'Mi*'. A Co. iKiilton) Urookirn 3-r>.

ford. III.

D'Rourke A* Jackson t Keith) Roston.

Runaway Four (Uriiheimi Brooklyn.

II k. V I'.-i.-i iMiry .tii.h r-on) laoii'Tille.

11 kman fan'

i<*iphetini) Ia)» .knirel*-*;

M. i;ilili*in Trio t.Viuerienn) New York 3-5. M'Diatli A D**'ls il'iila* ·) .si. Pinil 3-o.

O'liva A Seals ifulace) .Milwaukee; (State- Rii--ell A Pierre (Hennepin) Ylinni-apoMs. Lake) Chicago 7-12.

lllill St.) 1.0* .tnaele*! 7 fJ. It a:.. I', I . .V I O I Keith) f.*>'ton. 11.1. '- Ilir-y IIr* * ni«> nt I fro,* l.\ u
ll.'ijii'-i llii'i'* I'li.rra.T) l;ii'l.m**n*l. Iml. llooum. K ' .. .V Co. iflk'' Cir ii-i .\'-hiahu'a. (). lleped'i, Sist. r* iK.'i-tlii kVa-hintti n. IlolUn(1er». The llteii ut) I>*'trolt. Ilolmea \ l.a'er' * fr.inklni > .N. »y Y rk. Jl(>pp<r. IMn.i W (kV rhli (iiniha; (laDlasea)
Kin^a* C t.T 7-1:; Hoatona, Th*- if t't I.ll-*'r»\> fitt-hiire. Ilowartl, Clara iiioM.n C.itei '.in fran*- -.-o Howard A \orw*"*l i.\v*n - Ui New Yirk U-o. {loward A I. ; ij il.ln- i'ln S<|. i .\* w Y* rk .'t o. Howard A l.von-* ifr'alorl Yi'nk*ra. N, Y Howard'-, .loe. Il.'k lie iColiiniM.ii I ar liiM-k-
·way. \ Y.
Ho'aoiy, .l- e *v .krt 1 kV.Til Inirlon St ) Ro«ton. Hodsm. Uert K.  .\t:*lomr) Moline. 111. Hnthy- .V 'l*rritl  I.yn- i!*.

MiDreevy ,v filers tfan'ages) Edmonton. Can,; il aiitnge-l t alga v 7 '
M Iniosli. I', ggy iMaJe-ii* ) Chl.'ago.
.M* K III. Reh- rt. A C'l. I I'aiitages) S(>okane
7-12. M I.* an. Ili'Miy. .A Co. (SI.K**) N* w York. M.T ii.n. John (M.ii*''t'') MTvvankee.
.M* WilMiinis. ii:* g*'iiti .N-w York. M l. k, Vv'T'oir (Orpheuui) J.os .Angeles; (Hill St.)
l.os Angeles 7-f2.

Oh. Charlie lOrplieum) New York 3-5.

Oliver A Ol'on (.Vinericau) New York 3-5.

Dims. J. A .N. iK*'itlii Dayton, d.

DNon .A Jdhn-on (Drpheum) 1-os Angeles 30-

Jul.T 12.

Dm*. R* n Nee ifantages) l,n» .Angeles; (fan-

tagi'-i S.,n n,*'go 7-12.


Ooeralogue ifals'-e) .South Rend, Ind.,

(iriental Sesenailers ifantages) Los Angeles;

li'antage-) San Diego 7 12.

~ Send us your route for publication in this list to reach z Cincinnati Office by Friday. Cards mailed upon request.

S-vlI & Pepper (Keith) Philadelphia.
.Samp-el A Leonhart (11 pp.) Ocean City, N. J. Sautii>y A Sawyer lOri'heiim) Brooklyn. .'argent A Marv n (R.verside) New York. Saunders. Blanche G. (Silvers Shows) Grand
Junction, la
Savton A Farrell (Palace) New Haven. Conn. Seliatfer A Kllioit ii:.i-t Lilo-rty) Pittsburg. Seeley, Blossom. A Bovs (H*nnepin) Minneaiiolis. S-nter. Boyd iHipii i New Y'ork. Seymour, Harry A- -Anna (Hill St.) Ig>s Angeles. Seymour A Cunard il'aiitage'i San Francisco;
(Pantages) Lo« .Ang*-les 7-12. Sliunn<in A- A'an Horn ii'.rand) .Atlanta. Ga. Sharkey, Roth *A- Hewitt (Alajestic) Milwaukee. Sliavv A I.*'e (Earle) I'liTadelphla. SlieldoD, Fehr A Heft tlani-oln Si|.) New Yorlt
3-.*i. Sle-lly, Patsy, A Boys (Miller) Milwaukee. Slurri Bi-viie (I'antag*-) (Juincy. III.

'· '
( >

H'lU A Hilibanl il»a\i'i Hnnr'.r*)- a llan.l .iil-amli St. I,*.iit>*.
Htjayey, .limnir I lily*'r-lil*'l New Yi rk.


Sh*'rman. A'an A Hyiinn li.yri' i iD'lianalWliS Slierman A Pierce iCapito; i AA'ind'or, Can. Sherwoods, Tl.e iRivoli) Toledo. O.

Hratn'* A Meinf.rre tfroeior) Yonkera, N. Y. Il.'atua A Krao< (Kelthi Ha.vton, O.

Shone. Hemline. A Co. (Maryland) Baltimore, shriner A Fitzsimmon- tfaiaee) Cinciniiatl.

iJ'dneys. Royal (Orphiaim) Des Molne-. la.. .7-5,

I'T iii: A fIw<H>d (felaniey St.) New York o-o.
Irw n. Flo. A Co. i.'i'-th St > New York. Ir.T. .Mil*'., A Co. (Mar* land) Ualtiinare.



Sing*'r's Midgets ifro* tor) Mt. A'ernon. N. T. .skello, Mr. A Mrs. (Seaside Show) Coney
Island, N. Y. Slatko's, Harry. Revue (Pantages) Hamilton,

Can.; (Chateau) Chicago


J a* k'nii. Jean, Troupe (UoiileTard) New York *' 3-.'*. Ji'k«on. J.>e iPaotacea) Pueblo, Col.; (World)

Sloan. Bert (Pro*'tor) Schenectady. N. Y. Smalley. Ralph llmiieriali Montreal. Smith A Barker (A'i- toria) New Y'ork 3-5.

oma.ia 7 f.*.

Smith. Tom tl'ol:) Seranton. I'a.

.Ta-'ohaon. Sn-eha ifnlaee) Chleaao. Janet and Frun, e iMijoiii Uirn'inirham. .\la.

Smith A Cantor (Fe*'lor) Ilazletun, Pa. Smith A .Allman (I'antagc-) Edmonton, Can.;

Janl- A Chaplow tOrphiiim) Oakland. Calif,

(I'antagesl Calgary 7 12.

Jan- ,k Wbiih-n iTenii>le)

tro t.

.IJ'nn'e, I.afetite, A to'w) I/onJon. Can..

Smith, AA'illle (I.yrici Holiolien. N. .1.. 3-5.

Smith, f. A -A. ipaii." i I'itt-fleld. Mass.


Snead, Johnnie .A, (Maje-tic) Danrllle, A'a.

J'nnh'r Uro«. (Rialto) Chleago. J-rno' A fv.lyn i f nit.ig. -1 Minneapolis 7-12 Jer-el. tb-o.. A Co. (K*iihi Washington.

Song A Dance Revue (St tie) Buffalo. Songfieids. The (Keith) Bo-ton. Sonia A E-'orts (I'ant.-iges) Denver; (f lutag*

Jnhn'oin llro*. A .lohn-on iilrun*!) Atlanta, (la. J" n-on. Ha'. A Co tfantiiges) H.mi.lton.
< an 1 iC ateaii) Chleago 7'|).

I'uehlo 111 12. Stafford, Frank. Co. (O'-pbeum) Ogden, Utah; .
(fantages) Dt-nv.r 7-12.

J' n»on A Ilak*'r. iMoj,-ti* ) Clile.igo.

Stamm, Orvife, C*'. ifantages) Pueblo. CoL;

Jo'inum*.. Mu-leal (f-iMtor) .Mhanv, N Y. Jolly ( ork-. Five (Fifth .\ve ) X*'w York.

"K X.« a a a .a .a »t a X.a a X.a a X.«. aJ

(World) OniaVa 7-12.

Stanley. IT. A- (

\ .itnry) Holyoke. Mass.

J"l'"n. Harry ifrioter) .klhanv. N

Stanley, G*'0., A Sist*r iI.o*'vv) Ottavva. Can.

Jon*' A Jon*'* (Hoiileeard) New Y'ork S--"*.

Stanton, AVill, A Co. i.lani*-') Colurahus, O.

Jon,«. I-ham (Orpheiim) Oakland, Calif.; M.iik A laKue (Keith) Roston.

Orren A Drew iriates) P-rooklyn 3-5.

StateriKim f* (fantage-) san Franci'co; (fan¬

'(··pheuni) l4)* .\ngele* 7 12 J''*'. Jink lorphenm) l>. - M ne*. la., 3-j. J'lng. I(ie (Orplo'iimi New York .T-S. J "I a I'al (Sirandi W.nshlngtoo.

Ylaek, M'lgiiie (f.intage-) fejtUnd, Ore.; I'antag*-) Jo-e. Calf.. 10-12
Magle.v-. The 11'.inlagi*-) Seattle. AVash. Alalia -A fart i()r|ilieuuii De- A|o!n*'s. la.. 3-5. Mantling A Cla-s (.M.iji sti-) Chi. ago.

(>-terman. Jack (Maryland) Baltimore. Ott'e, Bob, Show ((il.vnipia) Lynn. Mats.
Padul.i. Margaret ('1st St.) New York.

tage-) T.os .Angel* ' 7-12.


Steele A Win'low lK*i:l** Tol**(lo. O

Steven' A Briinelle (.Avenue Bi N* w York 3-5.

Stewart Clrl' iMiir-.iyi Bielimond. Ind.

Stewart A Olivi* Ca)iituli Hartford CAmn.

Manielfs M* k.n- lOriiln-iiin) !·« Angeles. K'fka .V Stanley (Seventh St.) Minneapolia. Mantilla A s-. il iStrandi AA'asliington.

I'aganna (Regent) New York.

Stllwell A Frazer iSiate) N* wark. N. .1.

I'alo A Palct (fantages) Kantaa City; (Pan- Stanley, Stan. A C*>. (llamiit*in) New York.

I'l'ii". Harrr ifoll) Urldg*')M'rt. Conn,

MSr. . Ill- -A S- al I I'l in-lin) NT-vv Y'ork.

hij.'amii iHovti U.'in'li. Calif.; (Pan- Marino !;· vu-- (Evru l Hol">k* n. N. J . 3-5.

'tg*'l salt Uike (Tty 7 12.

M.iiloii A J -on f.ilinel f,rtH*l.!yn 3-.'i.

tagi'-) -Alemphis 7-12. Pantheon Singers tl'oli) Wor'-e'ter, Mass. Paramount Four (Palsee) Cincinnati.

Stepp.-' A O'Neal iI'r**. ter) .Newark. X. J. Stoddard, Marie lUialtoi ('hieago. Stone A loleen (Eoew) White I'iains, N. T.,

Kan*'. ()|g, iMaJi'j-'h ) Chi. ago.

.Marki'T .V '..iv ifantag*'-) Spi'kane 7 12

Pardo A Archer (Orplieum) Boston.


kan*' ,v lleriiian . Imii* r,al) Montreal. Karl*' A Horein (f ilaie) New Haven. Conn.

.M.irk-. foil. A I'o. (f.ilaii ) .'t. fan! Alarjlii. I A C'ow (falacei Rridgi i oit. IMnn.

fasi|iiali. YIme.. A C«. (Keith) Washington.

Striker. .At (Poli) Wor. *-t. ry Ma-s.

I'atriee. A Siilllyan ifantages) S|)okane; (fan¬ Slrouse. Jack ((iri>l.etim) iwd* n, Utah; (I'an-

Kay, Hjmlin A Kiiv lI.o*'nT f.ilisa.l*-- I'lirk. \. .1.
Ki'.iii.. n,i'...iril lOrpheiini) Frnneis.'o;
"·rplu'iiio) (luklaml 7 1.'. K' lly A \VI-e oln S.|.I N. w York .'17*. h'1 .' Nora. ,V 111 I (k.le-'liiii I \ew Y.-rk. K. y A llrovvii I f 'lit ag*'-1 Toronto, (an ; ifiin-
'ag.-i Haiiillt<*ii 7 12 K- IV S|,i.rwi|| I I'aiiii.g*-!) San !· ego. Ca'lf.;
II ·' 11 I.oiig 11. a. h 7 12 K* 1 y A KiO'V iSlr.iiell shi niir.doili. fa. % Ki'imi,|j Iiari-* iltijio.) Iilrniinghain. .kla.

Marjlaiiil SIrg. r- Hlip ) (T* Vi latid. Ma-eol-. r gilt Ifris lori .Alanv. N. Y'. Ma-hii .A C**li* 1 Miller) M!'vvse.k-*e, M.i Sarl Si- . r* tl.yri.') linli inainilis. M.iutrlin. Il.iyvv.inl niooliu (lati ) .san Fr.ineiseo;
1 i|rjihi'ntii · (laklaiol 7'12. M.igi'llos. T'" I.laiiie-I Co1i;m)'US. O. .Mavvv.-II Tr o (Slirine Cin ils) Indiaiiaiiolis riO-
.lillv 12. Melhiil'i -A D.iil*' I f ro-i'i'i'i) Itrookl.v n. Altlpi.v S'-f*!-* (fiu'-rvi I'rov i,|. n*'e. R. 1.. Milters, I'lv iig faik) Ro't*ii

tages) Seattle 7 12.

fatrleola (froitori Newark. N. J.

fatty. Alexander, A Co. (State) BuCfalo.

fanl A Diirliiie (Ilipi'.i Cleveland.

I'olly'a fiarla (Yonge St ) Toronto.

iTarl. Myron. Dancer- ifantages) Edmonton.

Can ; tl'antages) Calgary 7-!).


f'ri'S A .Armanil (National) New York 3-5.

fi'i-maine A Slielly (fantag**-) D-nver; (Pan-

tage-) fue)ilo ll*12

f!iilli)>s. Eyelyn. A Co. (Oriviienm) Boston. ('iifure (Clol*.) A;lanC..' City, N. .T.

tagef) D.-nrer 7-12 .Stuart »A: Crotty (I'alace) Ind.anaivol *.
Sfutz A Biiigliam (I'uli.'ni !(ro*'kiyn 3-5. Sullivan A .My, r- (I'aaiage-i Toronto. Can.;
(fantage-) Hamilt n 7 12. Sully A Hoiigivion * n.imili* n) New York. Sully. Rog.-r' A S'jlly (F remeu's Ceiebration)
flttshiirg. f.i.
Swor, B'-rt iK*'ith) T**l'*Io, D. Svke', Harry, A Co. t'Oirine Ciren') Saliua, Kan. s.vIv.'nt. r. ' f" "I IIIu'li.'um 1 San Franciaco;
(Orpheum) l.os .Ang*'*-' 7-12.

h'liii. ilv, Hiin<lil ·2 1*1 SI ) Ni'vv kork


f" I: f:ii. I (.a)' loll Ill'll'r.l. Conn. l')ekforil'. Tile I froailway) New Y'ork.

Syneopated To*'s (Brv>adway) New York.

K*ni A Allen (fala.*i ITtt-li*l*l Miss.

Alevers ,A H.iiinefonl (fanlages) M nneaividis; fierce A Ryan (folil Worcester. Ma'S.

K-nl. W in.. A ( .1 Ifal.i.e) M iwaiikee; (Statel ike) Chi,
|v'rr A r.ii-igii tl.>4'Vv) Alonfrenl. Kllp.iirli'k A .los*' Kllyiiiplel Wnt.-i(own. N. Y. Ko.g ,v Ih'ntiy lATi'tiiryT llolvoke, Ma-s. K i.iro Jap- il'alHi'e) smilli Iteinl. Ind , .'!*;
ll'alaei'i (Til,'ago 7'f2 Klein llro-. iK.'ith) Wa-hliigton. Ko l\o K.irtilval Co iltijoii) l(iriii!ngham. ,\la. Kr.ifi A l.iinioiit i Regent) Oi'troit. Kramer A I'.ovle i lli -hw lek l |tro.ikIvn Kranr A White (I*i,|,,,e) F.rt Wiivn*. Ind K I S-. K,,»,. |^,'|r I faiitiige-) t'algiiry. Can ;
I I'antiiKe-) Sookane 7 12. Krug A Kauniiinii (lyevv) Ottawa. Cm. K'll.ns, Three While tfanlugesi fort ainl. Ore.
L'l'r.iiue fro-, ifaiitages) Sun l'Taiiel-*o 7 12.
· 'T'arl. Roi, Co. | fill, (age · I T.ii'Ollia. W.i-li..
lalto-anta I fntitagi'i-) l.os .Angeles; tl'an· .ige,i San Diego T 12
la-iPe ,k shaiiler (Maryland) Ualtiniore; strand) Washington 7'12.
l.olora A Uei'kiniiii (VUtor.v) KTanarillo. Ind.

lAtnntag'-i K. gina. Can.. 7 0. Ml.ifahlla live 111) .Atlaiil *' C 'v. N J. MTIhril .A Marlin .|mii.*rial) Monln-al. Mllll r A Ma. k (fri-).*'. i' M fer .A Capnian ifant.iges) Hamilton. Can.;
iChateau) ch rago 7'!(. AIIIN *' i Auieri. an) New York S-.T. M \ Until. A Co. (fanlages) San Francisco
7 12 M,iiito,' lA Grant iMarvTaniD faltlniore. .Ah nlro-e. fell*'. Rev lie (State) New Y'ork. .Misiie .A llagi T I Al.iry Aml> i'oni lavui-vllle. Mmire .A I'r* eil tfroeior)'i*. N. .1. Misire .A Arnolil i( oloiiiaD 1 tiia. N. Y'. .Al.ii.i. Ro'i', Revue (f.ilaee) .s.iiith Reud. Inil..
Mora A Ree'-tes- Duo ((iraiiiD .Atlanta. Oa. At,.r.Ill A At,11 K It .i)iiloD Tr* i.lon N. .1 Atom, .A (Tiiii|il*'ll isl-l SI 1 New Y'ork. Al.iiiT-. AA ill (Craiol) I'liilinl'Ijih a. Alorrovv. AA'ni.. A Co. ii!*au.l' S' livn:-
Aliirton. I.llliaii (Crvelev So. I N* vv York R-.'i. A|, '.miilv iPaviNt fiti-I iirg. ... Art Co. (fantage') Denver; Ifant.iges)
fuehio llkl'J.

I'ierlot A S*'ofli'Id ifantages) Se.itile. Wash, filcer A D*»uglas ((ioi*e) .Atlantic C'tv. N. J. I'isino. C* n.. A Co. 1 Al.-troisilltan) Brooklyn, fisano A Umdauer tfala<'e) Milvvunkee.
folly A (*/ (Keith) Tide I*.. D. Powers. Two (Strand) Slieiianiioah. fa.
I'ower's EIei>hants iTLri' ) New York. Prevost A Gm'let (Emery) Provideme. R. 1.,

Tallin. Conrad A Co. (Ri.'ou) Birmingham, Ala.
Tangerine I'nlt (fantag*") 'fa'-oma. Wash ; Ifantages) fortiainl. ore.. 7-12.
Taylor, Howard A 'I'io-m il'.ila*'*') Brooklyn 3-5. T* rry. Frank (Bijou i f. riiiingliam. -Ala. Tieman's, Tad. Ciiliegiaii' (Main ST ) Kansas
City, Mo.; iMiirray) R.* hieeiid. In*).. 1C)-12. Tilyoii A Rogi-rs (fantag*') San D*<'go. Calif.;

PureeUa A Ramsey (Pantages) Los Angeles;

(Hoyt) Long B.a*'li 7-12.

(Pantages) San D'ego 7-12.

Togo. Sensational (Temel*') Detroit.

Tor no (fantage') fu»-bIo. CoE;


Alliens of .SvDOK|<ation. Six (Gates) Brooklyn

Dnial'.a 7-12


Tracey A McBride (Dr|'l» nm) Brooklyn.

Traiian A- Walla* e lEa't Liberty) Pittsborff.

Du-e A: Edge (Pantages) Kansas City; (Pan-
" t.iges) Alcnipliis 7 12. Raiiilail. Ro''!y (Pulace) Milwaukee; (Palace)
Cliieago 7-12. Ra»s»i (StraiiiD Louisville. Rn-tell! 1 lli'tinepiii) Mlnaeapolis. liaymeml .A. Maekaje t Palace) Chleago; (Henne¬
pin) Minneatsilis 7-12. K.-ddingtons, The (Pantages) Tacoma. Wash.,

Trails (fantage') Vaii**'Uv**r. Can Y'raver'. Koland illovt) l.»*ng Beach, Cauf.;
(fantages) Salt 1 ake Citv 7 12. Treyefte, Iren** iRiv**lii Toledo, O. 't'revato (Stiile-I-ake) Cliieag**. T-i'.da. Harry i i'antag* -) l.os -Angeles; (Pan-

(age-) Diego 7-12. Tin k A Cmn (UivoB) Toledo. O. Tinker. Sophie (Palace) Chiv'ngo;


Milwaukee 7-12.


rinc I3illt»oorc1

JULY 5, 1924


A; Steps iStriiii>l) Wiishinuton.

j Tiirelly (Lyiie) Inditiii.ipolis.

" U S. Jii/./

(sisi Sl.t Xew York.

Ills Cl.irk (Oi'iiliiHill) Sew Y'liik S-.'i. ^Tnusiiiil 'I'liii 11'.iiiiii^ev) Toronto, (.'mu ; I Tan*
taiJes) iiiiiiiilioii 7-lk'.
1|| J'tali. Itill (ilruiij) 81. Louis.
1 { I'.veiio .I.ijis (Worlil) oiniiha, (Taiitagos) Kiiii;,' sas t ity i-Li.

.'^an Arniim's ^Lnstrcls (I'.ilact. Springfield,

! ` * .Mass.

1 'an

Si hem k (Kushuiek)

' 'Van A T.V'oii (Hoyt) Lorn; Ihaeli, I'alif.; tl'an-

taces) .Salt Lake C'lt.v 7 1:.'  Aan & Vernon (State) New York,

i Varvara. Leon (Kiiier.v) Trovideucf, li, I.. 3-,^>.

('erKii. .N. -V U. (tielor.i) lloi.voke, .Mass. Versatile Sle2>pers (Tantatres) .'! inpliis. Tenn.

I (Visser Trio (State) Newark, N. .1.

m'ox, \aleutiue (t)lobe) Atlantic City,


Dorothy (Toll) Seraiiton, I'a.
ytiilker, liuddy (I'alitaKes) Seattle, Wash. Wallaee A: May (TuntUKes) Tueblu, Col ; , (World) (luialia 7 ID. UValton, Itert (IToctor) Siheiirefady, N. V. (nturd Ac Dooley (Teiuple) Detroit. Ward A; Wilson (Seventh .St.) .Miuneaiiolis.
|.Watts .V Itingold ((irand) ]'Iiiliiilelpli:a. WayliiiriTs, Ned, Kevae (Lurie) Tliiladelphia. 'Wuyiie, (Tin'ord, Trio (.Majesiie) Milwaukee. iA'elier (iiils. Three (Holden Cate) San Lr.incisco; ' (Orpheiiin) Oakland 7-lD. IWeeiu.s, Walter (llill St.) I.os .\ngelea. Welch, Hell (Talaee) Cliiciigo.
Wells, Virginia A: West (Columbia) Far Rock· away, N. 7.
Werner-.Vnioros Trio (Hoyt) Long Beach, Calif.; ^ (TaiitaKes) Salt Lake Cit.v 7 12.
(Vest, .Mae (lliverside) New Y'ork. Weston, Cecilia, A: Co. (Victoria) New York ; 3-.'). Wheeler A: Totter (Loew) Ottawa, '.White, s.iilor .Dm iLa-t Lilierly) Titts'iiurg. White, T.lael; A V-eless (Ilipp.) Cleveland. White A T.iitfon (Strand) I^onisvllle. Whitfield A Irelaiiil (TutitiiKes) Memphis,  Tenn, WlggiiiKville (Tnntases) Salt Lake Cit.v; (Or|l t ptieiim) (igdeii 7-12. j -Wille Bros. iTauiages) Tacoma, Wash.; (Pan` I tages) Tortlaiid, ore., 7-12. liVillB A- Itobiiis (Tantagest Seattle, Wash. Wilson, Jaek (State-Lake) Cliicago. WilHuii, Crank iM.-iry .\ad'rson) Ixuisville. AVilson, I.iew A .Madeline (.Seventh St.) Ylinue at>olis. Wilson-Aulfey Trio I Ilipp.) New York. Wilson A t arson i Carle) Th lad"I|.|ii:i. AVilson, A1 11. (laic"! White Tlains, N. Y.,
i 3-3. 1; 'Wilton Sisters (Oridieuin) Brooklyn.
* Winehill A Hrisew (Or)ilieum) Ho*ton. |{ Wink, lieorge (Toli) Worcester. Ma'S.
Winnie A Dolly il'antagos) T..rtlaud. Ore. Wire A Walker (Talaee) Itorkford, Ill.. 3-.'). I Wttt A Winters (Vietoriil N- w York 3-."i. ' IWolf A Bender (Talaee i Wuterlnir.i. Conn. Wonder Seal (Taiitage*) IMmonton, Can ; (TanJ tages) Calgary 7 D. I tWood Ac White (Lnipir. ) Tall Biver. Mass. , `Wood, Wee Ceorgie (Ci.l'len Cate) .-..m - Franciseo; (()ri)heutn) O.ikl.ind 7-12. ,Woods .V Fr.ineis (I*i]lace) South Beml., lad.,
f 3-5. Wordens, Lour (Sl.eiidan Si ) Tiitshurr.
Wrecker, The (Boulevard) N> wr York 3-5. iWripht A Douglas iCrandi St. Loiii-. AVright Dani'eis (Capitol) MTudsor. Can. Wylie A Hartman (Itegent) in troit. .1
yeilereu.s. Lour (Tautages) Qnincy, Ill.
Yeoman, Ceorge O aiiitol) Windsor, ran. Yip Y'ip Yaphaiikers i leff, rsoiii .N \v York. Yong Wong TToniie (Talaee) Bro>.>klyn 3-5. York's Tniiils (Kegent) Detroit. Yoiihl, l.ittle (Tantagi s) Oniney, HI. Yvette A Band (Palace) New Ila iu, Conu.

II .Z iava (Dclauocy St.) New York 3-5.
j ^<el!ia Sisters (Orpheum) Brooklyn. I I i^iegler, N. A L. (Colonial) Lancaster, T'a.


;routes for this column should reach . THE CINCINNATI OFFICE BY SATURDAY

'lYborn Mu'ical Co.: (105th Pt.) Cleveland. O.,

, indef. · Vborn Musical Co.: (Keith) Indianapolis, Ind.,

^ indef.

.lamhie. Krnest, Concert Party: Parma, Ida.,


Weis.T -1; P iker, Ore., 5; Colf.av, Wa-h ,

, 8; la-wistoii, Ida, !·: Wal'a Walla, W.ish., 10; : DalLis, Ore.. 11; Corvallis 12.

·Itlopper. lie Wolf, ,C- His romio Oiiera Co.: ,(Toll) W.Hshiugton, 1). C.. indef.

Aliinieipal Opera Co: St. Louis, Mo., May 2(5ij -Aug. 2.'

i:,.{avlnta Park Opera Co.: (Ravlnia P.irk) Cliir (-ago .Tune Dl-Sept. 1.

'-Coo Opera Co,- (Zoological Garden) Cincincati,

O., June 21-Aug. 10.



· lAbte's Irish Hose: (Rti-dehaker) Chicago Dec.

I 23. indef.

Abie's Irish

I 22. inde/

( \li 4-'s Irish

·e ' itAli

<As'lgI. ri2-h

Rose: Ro^(>; Ruse;

(Republic) New York May Nerna.k, O., .3 5; 'I'oii ilo Pi-rant .n. I'.i .'{d Tiilv 12.

C\'l i.od s C'.i.iiin (lOt Wings; i I'rovineetown) I \iw Ve-k .May 15. indef
] Amtior L! :;d: (ITincess) Cuieagn .Tune 22, indef. t.\rtis(^ a.,.| .Models; (Apollo) Chicago .Imie 1,
, * sr.di f
I I'arryiiM.-i , Lt',i |, in The I.airglimg L.idy: (CurI rati) -^aii L: ii:c:seri ;',i)-.Iuly ~

tBaitling Puttier: iTime.s Pu.) Ni w York Oct. S,

jii indef.

· Beggar on llor-ebaek: (Broadhurst) New York

Let.. 12, ini!' f.

,1 Blue I'..ii d'.uii  Ilic; (Vanden-iit) New 7'o'k


iimI I

((Bride, '1 .! ; ihpip .il.) Ni iv York M.ry 5, 'ud-f.

jt.Charlii s. .X'ldr. . tteviie of I kl' ,j New lorn .Ian. f), indef

t he.nper lo .Marry; (Beltnonl) Ni w York May 12. .Ddl t

_ *

('·Ilia: illiidHou) New York .\pril 22. indef

Deluge. Tia-; iCorti Clih-ago .Tune 15, indef. Dr. .1111 I. I i\\ .liur) Bi.-tou Ma.i ! . iinlei.

L.-isy .'!|rei t: (Woods! Chicago June '22. indef. L'liris'iug Willie: (4Sth St.) New York April
id. inili f

Lata Morgan.!: (Lyceum) New York April 14, iiidcf.

I'as>iIii.OTini:detft.Jreenwieh Village) New York March

Klnssii.: (l.yrie) New York June 3. indef.

Hive and Take; Sioux City, la.. 2; LeMiirs 3:

Slielihui I; Luverue, Tliiiii., 5; Catilon, S. 1)..

· ; l.'stherville, la.. 8; Forrest City 9; .Algoiia 111; Ri.lle 11; Lake Cit.v 12.

tiive and Take: HallipoLs, ()..

IroDton 3;

Tiluefield. W. Va., 8; Williamson 1(1.

House Hangs H.gli (Bijou) New York Jan. 29 ind' f.

Grand St. Follies; (Neighborhood) New York ·May 20. indef.

Hampden, Walter, Oo.; (National) New York Dee 17. indef.

Her Way Out; (Gaiety) New York June 23, indef.

Ml Say She la; (Casino) New York May 19, indef.

In Biiinville. with Sissle & Blake: (Tremont) Boston June 2, indef

Inuoeeiit L.m's; (Winter Garden) New York May 2fi. indef.

Keep Kool; (Moroseo) New York May 21, indef.

Kid Boots, with Eddie Cantor: (Earl Carroll) New York Dec 31. indef.
Kreiitzer Sonata, with Bertha K.alich: (ITazee) New York .May 14, indef.

Liglittiiii : Columbia) San Francisco 3(V-Jiily 5; (Lurie) Oakland, Calif., @-12.
Little Jessie James (Little) New York Jan. 28. indef.

Looked Door, The: (Cort) New York June 19, indef.

·Matis .Toll, A: (Walnut St.) Pbiladclpliia 30.Tuly .5.

Melody Man, with Lew Fields: (Forty-Ninth .Pt.) New York June 2, indef.
Meet tlie Wife: (Klaw) New York Nov. 20, indef.

No. No, Nanette: (Sam H. Harris) Chicago May 4, indef.

Oik soak, with Tom Wise: Portland. Ore., 29liily 5; .Seattle. Wash., 8-12.
On the S'air^: (Central) Chicago, .Tune 1, indef. I'lnin June; (Sam H. H.yrris) New York June
23, indef.

Potters, The: (Plymouth) New York Dec, 8, indef.

Bnnniu' Wild: (Colonial) New York June 23, indef.

Shooting Shadows: (Ritz) New York June 26, indef.

Show Off, The: (Playhouse) New York Feb. 5, indef.

Plout, L Verne. Players: Carthage, Ark.. 3;

Altheim'T 4; Gillett 5; England ·; Lonoke 8; Beebe 9; lies Arc 10; Bringley 11; Holly Grove 12.

So Tins Is Politics: (Henry Miller's) New

York .Iiino 12, indef.

Spring Cleaning: (Eltinge) New York Nov. 9, indef.

Their Honor the Mayor: Stafford Springs,


Danielson 7; Oxford. Mass.. 8:

Ware 9; Grafton IW; L'xbridge 11; Marlboin
T..1IC Ilf I's, with Maude Ilanaford: (Play¬ house) Chicago Juiie 22. indef
Topsy and Eva, with Duncan Sisters; (Selwyn) Chicago Dec. 30, indef.
Trial II III'} moon. A.; (LaSalle) Chicago June 211. iiidi f

'Jry It Willi .\!iic; (Filty-Second St.) New York .luiic 2.3. iudi 1.
I'licic 'I'miii s ( abiii, .'lasun Kro.-., nigrs.: St. Rigi> F.cD. .N. Y . 2; Lake I'laeid 3; Saranac Lake 1; I'l.iti--liiirg 5; C'lrinth 8; I'urt Uenrv 9; Foil Lil'vard lu; Gli us Falls 11 12.

log.."-; iSliul'crl)

w York March 25, indef.

Werewolf. Tie-: i.Vdelplil) Chicago June 1, indef.

White Cargo: i Daly I New York Dec. 24. indef.

While e. He. rgi. Scandals; (Apolio) New York

.Iiliic .311, indef.

W liole funu i> Talking, with Grant Mitchell; (Plymouth) Bo.-ton Jimc 2, indef.
Wililituoer, wiih Edith Day; (Garrick) Chicago June 1. indef.
Wiiiiderfiil Visit: (Princess) New York May 14.


Z.i. g.ild Follies; (New Amsterdam) New York June 24, indef.

Ailiee Theater Stock Co.: Providence, U T , inil''f.
.Viigi'H's Comedians; Griswold. Ta., .30-JuIy o. Augustin, Wm., Stock Co.: (Olympia) Olonees-
ter. Mass.. Indef. Baldwin I'layera: (Atlanta) Atlanta, Ga., In-
·li.f, Bayonne I'liivers; (Oper.i House) Bayonne,
N. J.. indef. B.-rkell's Grand Players: (English) Indianapolis.
Ind . .April 29. indef. P.ijoii ri.ayers: (Bijou) Bangor, Me., Indef. P. j'oi Players; (Bijou) Cliattanooga, Tenn., in-
d"f. B. ii-ii lie. Ji'S.sie. Stock Co.: (Garrick) Detroit,
M I'll.. I:;.|i.f. P.M-toii Stork Co ; (.St. James) Boston. Mass..
A g. 27. indif. P.i.iadw.iy S'lM-k (>).: (Powers) Grand Rapids,
'I''!i.. indef. P."..\:i. n.irry L'.. Sliow.s; Spring Valley, Wis.,
1; 1) iriiud 5-12.
Bryant. .M.ugiiiTite. Players: (Savannah) 6a vnniiah. Hii.. April 21. Indef
Bii. .itink Co.: Medicine I-odge, Kan., .30.Iiily 5.
Caiiiiii II Players; (Towers) ('amden, N .1 . indef.
( Idragii Stork Co,. Chas. H. Rnsskani. mgr.: · Igikniiont Park) Altoona, Pa., .May .30, indef.
Ci.i.inial Players; (Co'onial) Kan Diego. Calif., Iiih f. Playerb: (Colonial) Cleveland, O., indef.
(i.rii'dv Players: (Comedy) Toronto, Dnt., ( an., Illdrf,
Cyril. Park pl.iviTs; (Cycle Park) Dallas, Tex., Mav D. till!, f.
11. in.'lull'. I.illiiiri. Stock Co.: lido a Park) X'oiiiKrwtowit. (1.. indef. '..iiihii I'is .r . Iii'ivei. Col . indef.
1 or-e>.s PlaverR; (F.mnr<'F«) Vancouver, B O, · 'an . Iti'i. r
I iiiRvthe PlsyerH; (ForayliK ) .Atlaulu. tla , Ind. f.

Fulton Stork Co ; (Fulton) (laklsn-J. t alif.. in-
def. (ihiKer. Vaughan, I'laveri; (Lyi .' iiil R ". lu iier.
N. V.. indef. Grrditiier Player-', Cl.'de 11. Hoidmie'', mgr.;
(Orphimm) Sioux Fall-, S. I>  April t.t. In¬ def.
Grauil Players; (I'.raud) London, tint.. Can.,
iiidef. Harder & Hall Stock Co. : Il'alai-e) Port Ri. Ii
mond. .s. I.. N. Y.. indef. Hart Pla.vera; iHnrl) Long Beach, Calf.,
indef. Hill'kiii'-B.'ill Stock Co; IGiiry) Gary, Iiul.,
Holyoke Players: (Mountain Park! Holyo'.,..,
·Mas-., indi'f. Horm II Players; (Mayestic) Hornell. N. Y.,
indef. Hud-on Plavers: (Hud-on) I'nion Hill, N. .1.,
iiidi f. Indianapolis Stock Co., t.Murat) Indianapolii,
Ind., May 5, indef. Jefferson Players: (Jeff-rson) B.rmingham, -Ala.,
indi-f. Keith Players; (Keith) Columbus, 0.. indef.
King Players: (Mission! Iiong Beiiili, Calif., iiidi'f.
King Stor'k Co.: Iloiikin-'llle. Ky.. 30-.lul.v 5. Kramer, Ella, Co.: (Hersliey Park) llershey.
Pa., indef. LaA'ern, Dorothy, Players: (Orphenm) Madison,
Wis., indef. Lakewood Stock Co.; Lakewood, Me., indef. I.nltrlnger, Al, Htoek Co.: CKurtz) Bethlehem,
Pa., April 21, indef. T.yric I'lityers; (lyric) Atlaufa. Ha.. Indef. Lyric Players: (I.,yric) Birmingham. .Ala , in¬
def. Maeauley Players; (Marauley) Louisville, Ky.,
Majestic Players: (Majestic) Ctira, N. T., indef.
Majestic Stock Co.: (Majestic) Lo» Angeles. Calif., indef.
Massey's Comedians, George Massey, mcr.: Morehouse, .Mo., 39-.Tuly 5.
Metropolitan Frank Phelps, mgr.: (Royal Alexandra) Toronto, Can.'tda, May 19, indef.
Moroseo Stock Co.: (Moroseo) Los Angeles, Calif., indef.
Ohio Players: (Ohio) Cleveland. O., Indef. Oliver, Otis, Players; (Jefferson) Hamilton, O ,
indef. Orpheum Players: (Orpheum) Montreal, Can.,
Orpheum Players; (Orpheum) Kansas City, Mo., .April 27. indef.
Orpheum Players; (Orpheum) Duinth, Minn., indef.

Orpheum Playei-s: (Orpheum) Nashville, Tenn., indef.
Palace Players: (Palace) .Seattle, Wash., in¬ def.
P.'i.k Players: (Park) Canton, O. indef
Pittsfield Stock Co.: (Union Sq.) Pittsfield, .Mass., indef.
Players' Guild: (Davidson) Milwaukee, Wis., May 18, indef.
Plaza Players; (Plaza) .Asheville. N. C., In¬ def.
Poll Players; (Court Sq.) Springfield. Mass., May 5 indef.

Poll Players; (Grand) Worcester. Mass., indef

Poll Players: (Palare) lUrtfunl. i .nn.. .\piil 28. indef.

Proctor Plays; illarmanus Rieerker Hall)

·Albany, N Y., ind* f.

Proctor Player-; (Proctor) Eluaoeth, N. I ,

Sept. 3. indef.

Regent Players; (P.cgent) .'Iii-kegoi:. Mieh , indef.

Sjonger Players: (St Charles) New Orleans, La., Indef.

.Sherman Stock to.: Cedar Rsi'id.. I.i., .April 27. 'ndef.

Sights' Comeiiian-. .1. W. Hamilton. HI., :3>-.Iul.v 5.

glits, mgr :

Spooner, Cecil. Stock < ; iNi'w Metropolis,

142d st. & Third ave.» N.-w York, indef. Springfield Stock Co.: (Sun) Springfield, O.,


State Players: (State) Ni w llrun-wick, N. .1., indef.
Stiiekiy Bill.'.' Comedian-: Cherryvale, Kan.. 30-.Iuly .5.
Swain, AV. !.. Show: i'lon iice, .Ala., .{ti-Juiy .5.
Temple Tlieater Stoek Co.; Hamilton, tint.. Can., .March 17. Indef.
Walker, Stnarl, Players: (Cox) Cineinnnti May 5, Indef.
WalkiT, .Stuart, Players; (Victory) Dayton, O., indef.
Wieting Players: (Wleting O. H.) Syracuse, N. Y., Indef.
Waddell. Clyde M.. Stock Co.: (Bijou) Savannah, Gu., June 2, indef.
Wilkes htoi'k Co.: (Alcazar) San Francisco, in¬ def.


.Alliti'-, .Tiaii: M.iriimli. HI.. 'tO-JiiIy .5 .Min t re'-, S.; Halllmure Mil., .'ill-July 12

.Aii-Hii'-. Hi iiry, B.iml; istee|'leel'a.-e I'ark)

('"iiey I.-I.ind, X. V., Ill'll f.

|·l'iintiiii'- .Milliou Dollar B.iui). (.Al Fri S''ii

I'arkI I·l·l>r'a. PI.. I L:i 7, .Xtlaiita 8;


(KliW'i pi; |riIul(.'ll II; Hiile--

tiiirg 12

B.iiig-I'p St', From Dixie H-tyd .Slein-I (Cloh

Wlieli riiU'r- I Chi'-.igo, Indet.

B.islli' s Band; il.iina I'sik) .MillTlIIe, N. J mil f.

BenneH'K. .lee. .Xlnoiiligiit 8ylu-epater-: I.Al.iNkan Roof Hordi iil. Memiilils. 3'. nti.. until (). t. 1.
Blake's, Ed'lie, Orcli.; Club Tijoana, .New York, indif
Blue Mi-lode Boy * dreii . F.ddie Elliott, mgr.:
(Kinilworth Hippudronii ) Aslieville,' N. c,. indi f Bi.iltelle Brie Rnitiboxv Oreli.: (CoiitiHieiMiN River I'.ir:, i Pill.. .N'. 11 . until .Se|i(. 7. Br'iiikb', C. .s : .Xlorri-. Ill., 39-.luly .5; .Moline 7-12.
Ca-tor'N, Rolieit, ,-ieveii Aei-t.; (Palace do
Royal) .\:l-livil|e Tellll.. ill'li'f
Chicago Ilarmonv Kings, Geo. R. Renrick. mgr.; (Sunset HanlenNi I>,s Angeles. Calif Mar I .-. 8-1,t 15
Cilia' -. .AIlool I l oraiii. <> . iii.lrih-
Daly's, I.po. Poll rf lini-rs. Hi nrick .I'lhii' <n,
mg'.: (Pliichiirsl Park) Billerica, .Mash.. .May 10, indef.

Dnvi-, .Meyer, (·reli.: Bar Harbor. Me., indef.

I'lVi-. .Meyir, Oil'll.: (Xexv Deean House) .''w.iiiiji- oti. Mass., Imli'f.

D.IVI-. .XI'.vi-i. Drill.: (Forest liiii) Eagles Mere

Pa., Ill'li'f

D.iv . Xli-yir. Oreli.: (Bellevue-.Strniforil Roof ';.ii bill I'liiladi'lpliia, Indef.

Dan-. Mi-yer. D'-rli.: (Deal Inn), .V. | illllef.

Du . . xp >er, Dreh.: (Hotel Sbelbutne) Allantic City. ,\ .1 . Illllef.

Du s. M'}'!', Dreh.: (Pevitlon Royal) I.rnbriMik X, 7 . illllef.

Dm.-. Xl.yer. D li.: (Glenwood l.ndgi) Glen"`Ii'd, .N, 7 . Illllef.

I'l l Moll'' Sy le oiiutnr.s, E. R. Ciiiiimiugs, mgr.:

SIioibelK iile. lb. 3-5; Whei Dug, \V. Va.. «-'.(

Dmi'. .Miyer. Dreh.: (Hotel Bu.sserl) Bruuklvn! 7".. illllef.

Dmi-. XI. y. r. Orel',.: (West A'irginla Hotel) BDlei el'I. W. \ a.. Dull f.

D.1VI-. xi'-yer. Dreh.: (Hreenbrier Hotel) AVbIte .'-iiii'liiir .-iiiniig'. W. V.a.. Indef.

Dmi-. 'I'.ver, Dreh.; (.lefferson Hole!) Riehiiioml. In., indef.

Daxis. Miyer. Dieh.: l.Montli'ello Roof Garden) Norfolk. \ a . .iidef.

Davis. .XleyiT, Dreh.: (Maryland Theater) Balti¬ more, XPI , 7 12.

Davis, Mixir. Dreh.: (Ketth's Chestnut St) Philad. ;|.liia 14-19.

D.xvi', .Xleyi r. Dn ii.: (X. w Willard Hotel Roof

HirdeiD; 1 Poxxliatan Roof Garden); (Clievy Cli.i-e l.'ike); 1 Coiigre--ional Coiiniry Cluh);

il'i'liiiiil'ia Coigilry Club); (Steamer .Si

.lohnsi; (Colonial Iteaelil; (.Mar-hall Halil; I.Miiiior ||:I:'I; ('I'owii and Country Club); (.Xl 'iitgoiiiery Club); i le-e lloii'e); (Marring,

ton Hiiti-i); (Chevy Cliase Country Club); .ill

in Wiishiugtoii. D. ('.. liidi'f.

DeCiiIa's, I.'Oil- .1 ; Clih'ago .lU-Jiily 12.

Dooley'-, Frank. Rajahs of Kliythm: (Greeo

Igrntern Inu) Chicago. Indef.

Polo's, B. c.: I't. D'-lge, la., ::0-July 5.

Dow's. Clayten. Dreh.; (Playhouse) RartM, _ 7\ i«., ludi f.'s, Philip E.; Sonora. Tex., 1-5.

Fisi us. J. Han. t otiiiuodurp LIreh.: (Terrtrs

Harih'n Ina) .Appleton, Wis. Indef.

Fob'y's. Bill, Keystone Serenader-- (South

Main Garibrs) Akron. O., April 1. indef.

Halo r- Broii.lway Entertainers; It. o' li) '! iia-lia, \Vi-.. in'b f.


Haul'-. George. Dreh.; ll.illimure, Vld., Indef.

Georgian Entertainers, R. .Al. I.yldesley, mgr.;

(Ca-'iides Garden') Chietgo. III., Indef. Gr.-i'ii .XDIi Dull'-" Dn':i , .><. .1 sieln's; (.South
SI:or>- X lew Hofei I Chle.ig.i, Initef.

Grella's. Roeeo. Baud : Le\ingt<iu. Ky.. lodef.

IIjH-, I'r-d. It'.val Terra-e Deb.: (The Hitz) Coney I-land. X. A'., indef

Harr.-', .\l : Beaver Dam. Wig.. ;U>-July 5.

Hart gau Bro-.' Dreh.: .New York 3«i-July 5.

Imps' (ireh ; (Green Tr>'e Ga-deus) Clear Lake,
la., f. .H -Iier-i'ii's, C. 11., Ilus-ar Bund: E. Liyernool,
D.. .Inly 5.

Jpu.'k a. Fr' d. Orch.: Pittsburg, Kan., Indef.

K.iriii \ .Xu'lrews' Dreh.: i.Meyers Lake Park) _ Cant' n. D.. imiel.

Kayd'tk. The. George McCown. mgr.; I Ringham) .Aalieville, .N. C.. Indef
Kentucky Kernels, Jos. E. Hoffman, mgr.:

iJoylaiid Cb'ioo) I.«xington, Ky., April 21Oet. ).

Kibbler's, Gordon. BUek &. AA'hlte Pennsyl-

vauiaii-; iCouiy I-land) ClDeinnati, 0., Msy 1.

Kib! li r Honl'iii. Black & AVIiile Pennsylvauia
Si-\eu. X-ia Re-tsiiraut) Srraeu-e, N. Y., intil ( I, 1

Kd'bler's. H.'rd 111. It a k A While Oreb.: HarrisI'lirg, I'l . io.l'.'y 5.

Kirktiaiii'-. D"n. .st-ri-n.idei.-: (Lagoon Resort) Salt I'.ilx' City. » tall, until S- pl 2'luer's Raiiilsiw Dreh.: (.Merrimae Park)

l.iixreii''. . 'la-s , Indef.

l.S'lner'a Dixieland .'-eren iders: (l.jike Dennison) XX'iii. Ill i,'l"ii 'las-., indi'f.

Lailmrs Xirginians: (Charlton Hall) Charlton, -'la-a., iD'lef.

I,andry'8. Art. Oreli.: (Loew'a Warfield) 8aa
Fran-l-eo. tr.def. Lankford XX.iltir; la-ltehtield. Ky.. :)0-July .».

L-'gau s, Hirry. Dr' li.: iSuiinyatde Pavilion) Rmxliii-. Will, indef.

l oxe's I'.aiol: .Saeraiiii iito. Calif., ."lO-July ,5.


Iiilly, I'lxlelaiid Baud: (Boardwalk

Danee Paxillont PnLlo Beach, Fla., Imlef.

Maeltrlde s. .1. X . Dreh.: (Green Park Hotel) Green )'iTk. .V. C.. until 8i-|i|. 15

Makers. Jiy, Drill.. Wui. Sutherland, mgr.;

(Kidd !«pt ng ) Dallas, In., until Hept. 15. 7larigoI t Dr-h., Geraldine \Void*'ii, mgr.:
(Ti'Vi l.n.d. (I., Itidef.

MeDoneir-. .Xilriau, Dixie Svnenpator-: (Bal¬

boa I'aviiioiit Balboa Bearli. Calif., Indef.


I..ii, Miisleian-; (Harden) Flint,

Mlili. indif.

Mendith's. .Die!;, Dreh; I'tiea. .\ Y . m l f

(.Kt. Mark's Inn)

Mliiuil 1,11'ky Sevi h, (I. H. Iri Inn, mgr : iToklo

Haiileiisi Mil log.'iii Cjly, Hid., iiultl Si'ld II.

-Morris' Rimn ew Dreh.: (RIvPr-lde Pavilion) _ Kill-iuni. \Vi- . mil l O'-tolw-r 1.

Xei'l'-, Car': I iliaiina, \a., .'!D-Jiilv .>; Port Royal 7 !2.

Orig iiil Ki'tilu kv Night Hawk-, Shannon Riee, uigr : ir.iell Springs Resort) Irvine, ky . until Iiei 1.5.
Orig lint I I'otn .run rs. Nelson liurat. mgr.: Riehnionil, Kv.. indef. I'a-I nier-' ll-'h., G, C. Zenor, mgr.: W .-lefa. ). Ill . Illllef.
O.igirsl Xliaiiii .six; (.Shore Inn) Oanartie SI'TI'. N. V . .Ildef
Dl.g't sI .-oi.Dirii I olli'glaiis Oreli.; Charlotte,
N. I , "b '

<' O ' o. ml ;l .Xiv.,-. 25. I' li.-sl .nil M.ii- llliu. & WliDe Drill.: (Idlo
ll'iirl 11 ml it'v ("II. liiiD, Illllef Pill Plddbls iSiil S(elllh): iTlillllde lull) III-
 .1"'. \\ is., imlel Priiii - . Xiibiir. Band: (Luna Park) Coney
l-l.iiid. N \ , indi'f. I'liridi- Dell.,.- i.-iyil Steins); (Derby (ale)
t bieiigi) Didi-f.

Roman e of H.iiniony Oreh. It W. Stamper,
mgr; I Hung tar Restaurant) Payton, () . In di'f
Ros. Roi.iii Lnfi. (ireli. Selnix, AtB . inib f
R"xal' Dreii. (Syd Stein's). lIliMnI Terrace) ID,-III,011.1. led . Iiid.-f. I'.ihii Hiili'i'i .iiiers, II li Havworlli. mgr; i l!r...i.| |:,pp|,. fnrl.) In Iiiiii,i|ioll-, Ind. imtil ;ie|ii I,

.-"I I'll.,., 'iile.i.ri. llow.iid F'lk .11,

t R ' H 'll' I WilI,aIII .port. I'll

:ii .Inly .5

Hi'iri ..-ilisliiiiv Mo ai.lnh I

Sign ill,' ,

l ierv. XI. Ii.dy Clia|.-; \\ i-imisln

Rapids, Wij., .ti).|iily o.

S\<l SU-iii '-t: (WcKMlIawn Park (!ri at. A ·'<>.; Itussi r. In<l ; Shi*.*)>irir ·' mii- v I'.rus.' Sl:<nv; Hii(l|$>`liopt. Ti-».

Kv.. iii'l' f

, V

llaixl: iW.llxw tJrovf Park)

l*a . Hilttl Si'i't.11

ir! Onh.: i rrii'irltlc Hotfl)

I 'l . X. V,. inilif.

n.<». k tlr. li.: Hnrllncton. Wla ,

I.. 4.."i- Hcliiit ti-iS; Ko-kford,

nollrw.-.'d I'olliei tColiimbla) N>w York June 23July P.



Ooldrn Sc lamg'a: ( >


tColonlal) Xorlolk.

P.'P Sc Olntor Hotup: IFourI Kr r. Pa , Indi-f. I It.mhny n'rl«; (Columbia)

'IViiiplp of Kniiwtialge. .Miirioii, III., .`Ill July i


iili. I'i';|ir. M-,i.lcljn. I-Ti'. Fnliiiwli,.- iiiv .'K-

Koyal Ilnllan I lit I Jl ig-rj. P. II Itiii'iw-iT.

mer.: Wm .-a. i;:..

I .nt n 1 It i. l.ns.

TlUe 3; .Vr" izx .... 7. U.hi.x ..ii-i- S; I arr.iil.

ton !·; 'll. iiluf III. Cr . nvi ,. i| Tlarii. · Mu-, uii. I,. It Cnji, , ni-..;

Jiini'sh 'i I. .\rk . .'lii-rilx

Sallohurv's,". smv. nndi r r inra-;

Kayitt'-i Ip.. lad,

,v . .tx" : 7 iJ

Spnim Family Sh. xv, Ilj riiti '^p.r.n. mgr ; < ,mI .r. (I., .'to.luly

Tiirtlf, Wni. t'., MdSician: N.-xr .Matkrt, la.,

Viorra'i IlawaiiaDK;

ITnii.ntoxvp. Pa., 2;

MorKanliiwn. W Va.. 3.

Wing «. Ti' ti , ll.iijy .Iji k SImxt; Xiwport,

Vt., 2; llar.lw'li'k 3, St. Johnshurr -1; i.rme-

tou, -N. II., 3.

WimmIo, J.I-. F , I'ony Cirfiis: Er e B noli

Park, imt.. indef.

.Vtkln-on s, Thoma: · llnnixpilii, lliwall. until

Barm-., At C..; IM. it, W|<.. i: Aui-ora, 111 .

St.-r.i'ig 1; iTintui, l.t.. .'i; C'lllin il Bluffi 7. ll. iitry 111..- P . ! i .ui; P-  i. .X. V., 2;

P.i ki.Llll ';i \t liiii- Plain-- I; Mt. VtTnun

3; Hi iiip-i. I. I . I , 7,

Ilagi nbri-k-\v i

i nmlH-rland. Mil.. 2; Som-

i-r>rt, l a . , I 111 .iii.ixvu I; Fainiinnt. W. \a.,

.'i; Wa'lui'a' in. I'a.. 7; Clir.i-'.iSTlIle, O., 8;


.'II V. tiion Vr, Wooster 11;

Aehland 12.

liiii'im *« Anderson Suow.s; SikHstun. Mo.,

vJiiIv 5

III Kr* ko llrii«.` SIid'vh; r'.irajro .lil-.lnlv 12,

liilimtr Qii.ilitv Stiiws. C. .1. KiippliT. mar.;

Mina. Ark.. :t0-.)iilv liiihyns, (Ii'orax I... Shows; CI*>arfl`*Id. Pa., 30*

.liilv t l>. .is. n a Wiirld'*- Kii.. Sl.mvs; Ilonryctta, Ob.,

:'.'i-.Iul.T li ifoiii". T.i w. E.4J)o. : Xiirili .Idams, M.ira., SO-

t,ily .y

]>.. kiiiiiii .Iiivcf Kxihi. Sli'i"Kt. Dodti''. la.,

.Inly Ti; Is * >luinis 7 IJ.

Pll'ii'in .V'lii.-i lu' ut t o : LrawfonlaTille Ind.,

S'MmIv .7. K an-. l. I

. SiiHws. i;,l X. Gvana, raijr.:

Watl'iMiii, I\;in , :;ii.JuIy .7.

I'.i r!y

Xohl** t'. K.»ir..r, nii;r ; Marcoline,

'lo.. :H<I.Iiily ."i. K 1 .its CicatiT siii.«,: I.iiii a-tcr. Vis., .'lO-JuI.v .7

Fli luiua. Mad C'sl), Sliowa: Cobdon, III., .lO-

.Inly 3. Koli'y A liiirk S';o\v-; Eiirik.i. Calif., SO-JuIy 3.<d». John. Sliows: Iifwiy, Ub., 3')-July 3.

tir. at White Way .«!1.ohs, C. M. Xigru, mgr.; N ipi'ani <. Ind . S'l-.Iiily 5.

tJn at Pa. itix Siiows; .liiidin. Mo.. 30-JuIjr 3.

Ilappyland .Shows. 1». W. 'fait, mgr.; Wlnd-or,

Out.. Can., Sd-.Iiily 3.

Ill til, I.. I. Shows: I,<>rain. O., 30-.TuIv 3.

ll.iffiipr's Star .^muacnicnt Co.; Odi II, 111., 30-

Ili'llyxvinid Kx|k>. Show4, Chao. Metro, mgr.: laixx'idl. Mais.. 3ll-.Iul.v 3.
ll'iiitpr, nnrry C., Shows: BrowaaTlIle, Pa., 30.1 ily 3.
Isli-r Oreatfr Shoxvs. lariils Isler, mgr.: Shenan!"ah, la.. 3il-July 3.
JuiTi* Sc M.irtin .Amu'i-ment Co.: Bmkiln, Mo.,
2d July 3. Jon ·». Johnny .1, Exjxo.: Brandon, Man., Can.,
:t<»-JnIy 3; Calgary. .Mta.. 7-12. Ki iin.-dy, Con 1., Shoxx--: IF ilr) Aborieon,
s. I).. 3()-Jiily 3; iKalr) ValU-y City, X. D.,
7-12. Ki-nt. Cotton. Shows: Xarrow.s, Va., 30-JuIy 3. Li aa'i-ttp, C. U., Shows: Macomb, III., 30-
.Inly 3.

1. Pa . '.TO-July 5; tfllxie)_

FRENO (Swartz) S"3?fi
Acta. AJJr.ii MKS. A. 4 'WAKT/ Manicfr. the Blllloa.'J. or Hi J'ullon SU. N»«t Tork.


Performinq the largest Senaitional Act in the Oat

door Amassment World. A Combination "OEATH


ing aeav i> . f Iji'l. Aililreaa



smi opei.s ml Mlo nf ApnL AJJrexo HAHRT HELr I.KK, .\Izi.. '.'1 Ham:lt i. .Are.. Patoraon, N. J.

B A^kccm N S

THE TlPP>|to V t L T Y e
WIlHams. S. B.. Shows; Olatb*. Kan., .30July .7.
Wine Shows. Dayi.I A. Wise, mgr.: Bridgeport, O.. m)-July 3.
World at Uome Shoxys, Milton Holland, mgr.: Siml'ury. Pa., 3d-July 7.
Zi'iiiman & Pollie Sh«xx>: TJ. Urerpool, O., 30July 3.
Zi-igi r, C. F., I'niti .i Show*: (Fair) CandOk X. 1).. I d; (Fair) llamiltun 811.

DEPENDABLE SERVICE IF '-I'l; .-111,' dx-poniliniT upon authentic information as a guide in
coniluctinp :> i.ur busine.ia, and if your business is the show busine.'S. ti ll m-i.-'l The Ihllbonrii.
Tile !!illho;(rd is acknowledged the leading magazine-newspaper devoted to ilie interests nf tlie sliowman.
If ynu do not know the value nf Tlie Billboard, sign the attached blank, and tlie lugbly specialized service which The Billboard renders will he y.'urs.
The Billboard serves the entire show world and serv'es well.
We will ser.d the current issue free for the n:ime of a news¬ dealer who does not sell The Billboard or one who had sold out.
THE Bii.i.RO.\Ri» rrnt.iSHiN'o ro.,
Cinrinnoti. Ohin; T' s-nd The Bilibonrd each week fmm now until October l^k. for Tvhlt h I nin enrlosing a dollar. Please send to

(Continui'd from page J-J)
abruptly when Marchi-ta, altho loring the Wildcat, reaLzing she mii-t marry another to save her father, pretends that she doesn't love her temporary roemma'e. Behnffed, the Wild¬ cat goes away, but r-tums on the day when the wedding fs to take place. He perionally kidnaps the brtdo-to-te and his men make A prisoner of the bridegnsira, both being carted to the mountain fastne-ses. where with pure Castilian Irxmy. tho his p-xor heart is bn-aking, the Wildcat calls a priest and orders him to perform the ceremony which will forever de¬ prive him of the one he loves. But hark! lloofbrats approaxh. It Is the .angr.r Don 31:guel, father of tlie hrid* grxjoni, -who has at aroused the sxpldicrs ai tl las coiiio -with He m to save h.s son ainl ti bri I" and to puui.sU the bandit. Tl  ir arr.xal emls the wedding and when the > rxmt of *l;e Wildx'at prox-es that the Latter is ixi.'ie oiix r than .a stiu of Don Miguel liy : - g;: -y 'x ifo there Is a ha;'py time Isol by ail. T .e W.ldeat marries

riBpV.l's, Wm.. Xew Orleans Co.; Muskogee, bk.. : S.
H*lla Iluf-.n. Leon Long, mgr.: (Colored Park) Blrm;ngham. Ail. Indef.
Jlirphya. Frank IVllolt. nifr.: (Steel Pier) AtllBtle City, X. J., Indef.

Marcheta and they llxe happily ever after, w thout a thought to t e free, days when a wildcat was Ju>f .t xviM'at, without fancy clothes and poi:>h.d bo<its.
The settings dv-irve at least a word,

e-peclally t -e Intcriorbi some »·' them ar«



Floating Theater; rrbanna, Va., i-.,,f n.ixat 712.

.'fits. Mac.,i,,n. Pngger, Ind. .V.Tnly .3.

n.xlier. 41 L . Magician, nnder carx-ts; Mldlehii-r V., . .Td.tuly 3; Pallmont 7 12.
I- 1 · Il'Wii.en ItoTiie; ICraiid) Saiilt Rte. Mgre M;..), rtOJuIr .7.

nrownin* . Kr..»k Animals. BIUt R> ard<>n.

"tiimni.l n. .g.-h Park) .Akron, O, Initef

C n*mt Ujf.-, i;. rue 1' It. Cummings mgr:

R'eilheniil e, n n 7; AVhe.Iltig. W Va I'D ''·rrs M;,* 8'imxt, c .\. Crane, nigr.r Farm-

i«g'«n Ig'i,. M,. .J.

Sharon 3: .Athens

M'li, |. wi-.i aiiMh

ITone-t Bill: Saybrook, Ill., 2: Olbson City 3;

Paxton (I Main, Walf r T..; Newport. Vt . 2: Hardwick 3;

Sf JohnsliiirT t; llroveton.* X. H .

Pollie Pros.'; Ashtabula. O.. SO-July 3. Ringling Pros, and P.irnum k Billey; Wheel¬
ing. W Va . 2; Parkersburg 3; Huntington

I; Cbarb'«l"n 3.


!'. rre. S. 1>.. d: (lettysluirg 3;

Paki-s N. P . 7; Ui-inarek 8. Bohiiisoii. .t.d.ii; .»I«- ;igf;r d. Ill 2; Ha'ill bal.

3; * *·

l.itts' .A:nii*rm'Mit Co.; pecatur, Ind.. 3(>-JnIy 5. M Clellan Slmwe: L.iI'Litj. Mo., 30-July 3. McKellar. Jas. I . Shows; .Alba, Tex., 3n-July 3. Max's Expo. Shows: Forest Park, III., 30-
July 3: Hammond. Ind., 7-12. Metrx'pe|illlan Shows. .A. M. Nasser, mgr.:
Panx-llle, HI.. Sit-.luly 3. Miller Pros.' Shows: .A-hland, Ky., 30-JnIy 5. Morfoofs Expo. Shows: Ooloonda, HI., 30-
.tiily 7. Moonlight Shows, p W. Stansell, mgr.: Can-
ni-lton, Ind.. gO-.luly 3. Morris \ Castle Shows: Detroit. Mlcb., 30July
Mnrixliy, D. D.. Shows: Inxlianapolis, Ind . .7t>tiiir 3.
Naill, C. W., 8hoxas; Cr.M-krr. Mo.. .MVJtily .7.
Pi'lfic Coast Siioxr-. Corensoo, mgr.; Ashlind. Ore.. 70-.Inly .7.

about the best-grade i samples of papier niaebe work I hare ever r«cognizcd Ui a picture. There is no attx.npt made t« ditgulse them; ti^ey anx lapler m.nhe. openly and frankly.
P rectlon by Oeoig» Milford. Distributed by E'amous Players-I.asky Corporation.
Massillon, O., J-ane 28 --M.inagers of three Mass llo" nioxii- theaters, two of whom were arri -ted Inst week ui'on t. e fl'ing of an atlldaelt l>> i: e Rey. J. Nil, - of Coliiinlms, hate agreed to close their shows .xii s ridae-. aiording to

roliimhiis. AA'i'., .Ml. Hon b *1: Fen-
. Alontle, Ito 0; .h II
Pleiiiing-luii g. Kx


rho,`nlt Exno. Shoxx^: Sf'ger Ok., ,7n.July 7 I'rliieiss Olga Shms, F. W. AVadsxvorth. mgr.;
St. E'mo, HI., ;h» July .7
Ke.xat .Amerlean Sl'exrs; p. .irer Dam. WIs., .It I Illy 7; Wis'R.ipids 7-12.
K'lt.iii ,A- I'i errv Shows. W innipeg. Alan.. Can , ilO-.Iiily 12.

annuiinxement made by i iiy Solicitor 1'. A. Ku'.in.
\ceordlng to K'.hi el.arges against Alauager Forest Kell.y of t '.'- 1 iii.-oln T'eater and X* al S' hxvo'm of th. i;-a;'d xx til not h«' pressed pioT ded fh-y ee.i.e oo. r.itio-. . e - .Sueilars.


Saxidge. Walter, \niiis. menf Co : Ainsworth. Kuhn said fh s w--k manager- had agreed to

\.t< . r." 1 I'x 7 Itii'liville 7 t-.v

eln-c their ho'ise j .Minda.vs.

S'hxxal'le Walliek Si.i.xx.; Fa-Bnngton. 'I>., 1-7

s. . It. C I*. Slnxxs; Ma-silloil, O.. 3tl-Jilly .7;

Wheeling. W. \ a . 7 I'J Siiiigarl's. Dr. J. F... (inater Shows; Prraul.


` 'I'ichiHii; iMorils) Prnnklin. Mii«s .

·· ildmt (tauter- 7-12.


K 'to- Killies Tent Khow; Dugger.

'· lu'x 7


'I igo tail ,V AVitnder Store: In.l Indef

Ft. <

l!euiSeaside Show) Coney Is-

' 4 . oidi f


'"ii-k. to A (lawalians; I.ady-milh. l`liil'i|i- I. Paik Falls 3 15; (thine «

i Gr. .ii.r Shoxvs. Lyndhiirst, N. .1.,
Stiles si.exx .1. r. Pinfold, mgr.: I lxX "O tiilv .7 r. s .iii. Allraeilons; Olive Hill. Ky..
i'l'le llreailxxax Slieivs; Frankfort. Ky., j ' r.. ,*,r S OX-. W It Col -e mgr.: Say0.! .to I'it\ 7

Ok.. 1-3. Smith Greater Slioxx-; Ki-ing Sun, Ind , 750-

July 3.



Smith's Southern shoxx-: Ixichwood, W. Va..

30.Inly 3.

. ,


Snapp Pros.* Shows, sidni.v lainderaft, as»t.

niirr.: I*ox'afeIlo, Id . .70-Jiily 3; Ogden. Dtah.

Soul In rn Tier Shows; SMngtehoiise, Pa., 30July .7.
Sis neer S'l .xv-; K::ox. Pi .70 Tilly 3. Striyer Amusement C" . I R Plrayer, mgr..

Los .Ange'c.s, June 'js.--We-t t cii't Theaters, lux'., has I'allexl a luxvliiig of depi4rtuitnt heads and house managers for July 7. 8. and 10 in this city More than 110 theiiters are rep¬ resented III ties eh.ain. whieh is said to h»- th* largest indivi^lual nutlton pletnre theater ehaiB in America. The general manager ts H.irry C.

<· Max id City. Xeb . 'J-.t; Cidimibiis J.R; Plait 7 K 3,to A Pel SlKip; t'aluini I


s e 4'i

I led all.! * : '

wift. Pa . ;i0-

Shexv- I I ' ron'n uirr.: Oreenisp,

.io jiily

Uiis-ell 1-12.

Carro c.ordo. HL. 30 July 7». Sun-hlne Pxpo. Sliowv. I Itehtleld. K.T., 3**-
-luly 7. Wallaee Pros.' Shows; Bell.tlre. (., 30 July 3.

.Arthur. .Tr.. who will pre-ide at the meetlnlf. The flrst Hiree days will he given over to ba«lnesa and the fourtb to entertainment.


The BllII>oarcl

JULY S, 1924


hippodrome h SIDE SHOW \i ]

(COMMl M('.\'ri`iN> 'I" '`I II '.'IXl'IXXAXI OlTU'KJ-t


John kobinson circus




Injunction From Judge Diehl ^ Instructs Mayor Ball To Is¬ sue Customary License

Bay City Proves Best Stand for Show in Michigan-- Many Visitors in Grand Rapids
" ..
Tlip com] .1 .il slimmer time 'Oems a'
tl.,,,,r : ,1,.. . li.t, ..rthtail.-tr-'-t '.*ver, imi'le

ATTERBURY WAGON SHOW Having Good Business in North Dakota

W r.'fiu SIiow. In

nini ' Wf k.

Js n Nm IIi l>aK<»t:i an i li;»' l** t n fLiinn L y

t"r Mif I'i* * I'lur

k**, t ion** \\

A. A!|.-n. c» ii« aL»'..t l-T t!i" or;.Mni/atU»n

Hu-in«`r' u.i' l-n-r

muni, fin** t«

rain ami n.:!! \V';i'i.*r. .Ml }·· <*.!»· w .o

o^t nr* 'iHl wi^h A .ir.-l f*`r it. ***.i^ `< .\.t`'n

aiflinc tliiit Mr. .V· r- il>urv xl.. ^ ii'»l to!«-'aN

era! t uf auy K m!

The Si-IN-Klnto ('iri'iis i nl one "f Hi-' '

il.ii.. of tin- 'lii'Oii yt 1 nn 'III" .Ii'.in- I''

'.iy< .Iiie 'J'liM.M-r, l-.if'i.-iiril r-I r.' 111 il


II. M. I'iirlami's S'lle-Sliiiw al'" il-I a


liii'iiH"S. .XiiioiiC 111- vi'itiT' w. r. ; 1 ilnaril I'

llritt. welMvliowii v.'t. ran f r. iw writ- r ivl

I'.-r moi'-- Ilian fortv y,`:i**«i I.H' 'f.-n tli.-ni all:

I'l'l N'Non. oM-timi w.if-n 'll.'"' iiiamiLami ^1 lion Oak.'< ami T"ar'oii< rnink Ilra.I.-ii

arnl Itillv KM-n wi r- l-a. k n th tli" ' o\v f-o-

111., tla.v. Ilitf .la- k ()·(·..nmll. I'O'i r.-tnv,i«man.

i' a \V..»t I..vnn 'ooy an-l had H cr.-at da.v

"itli fri. lids. Tl.e shi.M- i< mnkini: more stand' In X.-ir
I'liiti.ind Ilian eior In ·'ire ami il "ill he .li.I.r

I.", lift' it 1» iriii' lo pet o'lt. The .liilv 4

(i.ite i' Iv rt aiid, M' .. and the .'how "ill


Ends More Than Two Months' gagements in Keystone StateHazel Hickey Celebrates `Birthday

.\fiiT rpt-n-linp two no'nth' and fire In

I '· .-'liitf of I'enii-i.iIvaiiiii ilie Walter 1.. .Miln ' eii« Is now routed ti.r.t Xew York Slat..

· mmi.i liii'ini" ha' tn-en enjoTcd.

II a/. I ii.ekey'a hirthdav annlTpr'ar.r

f elt liraled June L'.", and whilp Ihp parade wa« li'.Mii town l^l·l.|l'kill. X. Y.) eevcral of the l.ado-' iirraiiL'td a 'tiriiri-o- for fla/ol hr deiairat-

In::: lo-r trunk ainl phi. inp inan.T pri-aeiit' am-itid ;t. I in I lie I-turn of llw jiarade Ila/el wa' < inri.-d to till- dre'' lip ro'.ni hy Mr-*. Sander-
'll. tin- nartliiilie>. .t dinner party "aa

pii' ii lo r in I 111- i iMihl'oU'e.

I .i-i.rp** n, tfy, of the Iiiin.%' Silk Mill* at Fort

l`'tai, X. Y , ni"lor* d to t'otile^klll With a

luirl* of frii toN l<i 'pend the day with IJov.

I> "III--. Her.lie l.air<l I' niakinp a liip hit

" Ml hi-* il*>"n liainl. tliairpe .\nihony la aa

i-i'' lip "1th tta- pr"*lii*'inp till** .vea*.

.XI XX'.irri-n l-.i.. .XIt'. IMna X'andert>llt, re¬ lit* *1 il*l*r. '··lit the day with lor many friend-* ill I'n- dr*-".iip r<a*m anil afi*-r the matinee · .'·rta'iied i.ii'don ti-t.^n ami 'evi-ral of the

l.i.l.i ' at i-r home. Itnl.l.y F.iy, one of the old

.1" -1 I;**'. 11'in « r* ii' 

pa d the ahow

a ii'it in Si.liiey. X, Y

ilrniir M-t'alie wa-* r:illi-*l laino* aa hi-* mother


iii.l to live, liroi. r* the dug*

poniea an.I nionke.ia xiorkinp In One 'hape and

...11 ix;. t' to ail*l a '·uiier'aiilt d<ip The <· ' tita' r.i.i-lor' art- imw tloiiip a donhle bal-

; 'litoilih r p*r* h a. I. util are «ine of the

p ti .i'iir*' *if til*- 'Imw. The, Kidinc I.Ioid* are al'-> iiiakli.p a hit Hair comedy r.dinp

:iii. eiif.ihd i:.*- ··tVary Family on Ilor'ehsek".

.XIr. r>..«ii ·· haa on-' of the lieat liiph-Jumpinp

1 tir'i' nnni'.era on tlo- roa*l and la featiirtnc

llii.'el 11,1 k*y on

*innf', the hoT'e that won

tin- I'liie r.l'lein at lla- Kentiieky Slate Fair a-

Ini'ii'i nil- la't y.-ar. lioMle Snyder epeni a

ft " d i'a .at In r home In Foitavllle. I*a , wh.h-

the ' ttw x\aa n t'at xhdnit>. SInee the ahote

l.aa l..·eIl ill Xitrk State .Si Kitehle haa pixi-n al

file la.\' the li'li.IIJ f* MT. Klllllora have il ttl8-

al tin- I

I'e 'ea'on 'ionli.n nrlon will

make a It' mp trip l.. .Xiiatralia. h-it tiorinn

"ill not IAi.l.iin 111*' r-H'on f*ir the trip. The


ill to think that little fiipld la on

tin- oi er 'lie. linrynne " Ih tin- aletiv wa« In

di *'! M.rr.*" to P arii <.f the d. atli of Chirha

X *>p

l.i-.tle r OI 'aw Ilf .la* k t roak*-, and a

larpe 11 .enl il. pii "O' '··nt.


Mr. .. y


all . ii. ii' I '"pi

.Xlp.n. T... - " Tin- 'l.ew "

to South"' I· '

forni'T .i"ii'T' ..

arrn.-d rroiii sn

1 nianap-iie r.' "f '
l: .. XK --t. rv

f on. tin .r f;i

.Xupll't 1. :.-.l 1

an- hav

tr--. :.t

prize . nmly p- 1 haliy  .it ·

M,i«-on. tia l'«»ny ShoA'. r`*tnrD»``I ii-r*-
i'*hav.` a 'x* d s. 4 kiiiL' ^

r ui rnijrnl.



1 . t-nse oml

tlnn*. ^a.v<

Mabel St<irk and her parlor "ornaments", a scene in her Briilpeport (Conn.X home. The celebrated lady animal trainer is with the Rinplinp Bros, and Barr.tim tc Bailey Circus.

all "inter .and po

< mhpI.- and " if-. V Monr...- Sl.'.wa. * t.i lake aetive I . S'.ii'ln-in t*.iir. " 11 ta, · a V"-a-
"m. n ^ · ^ r' . o
e '* -J
e**,/-\\*j SHOW

TI oney's a.addle and bridle were 'tol.-n from liia li.T'*..' fiid to the stake and (hain wapon. He 11" d the saddle for years and prized it hlphly.
.Xt i;r.and Kapids the 'e*ond and l.i't *lay of
s'.ii.. l.ik'- l·onventi^ln was < m o'int- r. d and the * i`y was full of -Hill-'', many of Ih* in limiinp tio ir way to the ` lot", wlii h _"aa 1... at.-.l 1.11 Hail and Iln.-lianan 'fr< et . K-a-rl Kini'I'. n. 21 li'iiir man. waa l,..rii in f.raml l!-*'.i<ls and it wa' hia lirat vi'it t .*· *· tn tin- a
ir'. Man.v vi'itois "-re not`-d diirinp tiie tliy. anioiip them l'.ln'-l.'t'iin*, ni.ip ·'an. ami '`v- ral 111* iuImt'of hi' l"!Il|lany. in* I."tils p.-.i'i 'i. for y.'.ir' with ein'iiae' and imw pr. perlr m ill for 111 i. k'l'm-'. and Fre.Idie M.-jr-llg



Hot?" Well 1 should '.ly. id Kan':ia

r plit in the nihl't of :i Ine h.irti' t

It will

I" n tim- ,-ro|. of vh-it. .-or,, v r h-.k-d

I' Iter iiii'l farmers ar.- Imp:!!!! up I" ' 1". r iii'.


\V. I-arkT in.I iliiiplit.r. I.iinle, ami

al'O tin- liM

Ai.n p-aml'laiipl.-.r. ..1

llirii t.i.-at II't. ' .1 l.v nn`o on t'n'ir w.iv to

.Xr.zona t*, . ..'iiiiforl li'-r "'ll I nrl in lila i o la

sp Kn-S'. I'h* V vto|ip*«l uv»*r oi)»» il:iv l<» \ 'it no- at 111- Xi .Ip- ,

f . nmrly on the ailvan-e of thi' sh""- ami imw

I- 'ii- e

«oiii|>aii.v!n^ eXMTjit fri-ui Tl»»

Ti«tp ami iidvain e .ip-nt f`ir Itla-k'ione: .T-diii lillia, Ih'iul ( 'I iihiin*' t» lK Imhv I am


illii iiltii'. ; , ii,. r m. l.Hli. iuatie alar and now d:r*. t..r of aliHi/. I ni'V»T f'It

'li.iwiii. 11 _ k |,r..'ln.' for \\'. H. XX'r'ph- at tin*

*'( harl` y Ainlr*

^av tint tl»'* h'.rlv \vi>riii*

I'll'. -Ir.. An ijr'i-r a. of til*'

[· H.-ra I '.ater; Many Zimmer, form*'

j -

w .n man and m*"- in Ini'in*-''

..-..iier in (Irand llajiid'.

Ircush ills

lia* nuthinc on him tli*--.- M.ias. II · has |m .-ti
tloinjr ron';«hT.ihtu 'mpruAirnr on It's farms koiiHi < f town ami ha-A h * .i ·.'· ·jio: »ip »M r\' morn tit;

r'e i'mv-** mtMioner nor' 'Imw


M -k'Pon f.*' wife of May i.rd-r.

w 1.0 £,,

'I'll 'Ll »*'. f-r year' wit-hm-<tino- f Ivt.T

'ilia .'.niit-y ami linrope, ".is a

fiutn *1 to o o't HI k ai.'l L'* ii:nL' unt to Iho fHMii'i in timo tu ' < ' th* f.i'k- f - hf akf.i't.

I'K'-n -n/ 1

'* ^- at ll.o

i.iit ..f n I ''ier. '· Ilia! Ira inT. Mii'k'i*f'»n Ih tlio hom«' * ` ,i.,,, ,,,,r. of li.I".* ;i XX..*-. i" iier. haml hha*hT. who la'st '

md t.m- ' er imr. a .-.I a liome at XX ilf Lak»*. a iM'autl*


ii. ar the * ity an*!

.* li i' f isf h»`,um-

vilh H.di Mr Holt
`ottie* I'f llnw'-d I.. I t!..'- :·'· Stllll' of aeiiarl in-r.nal hear-

;ii;j itn


That aftiripM)!! al'O

'"* '''I f>iit!n',f o^ tla* .I'lHn ll'ihjiisi.n S viTniiiiiisr (.liih,, of wh.oh .Inlian Kou`r< was


prisiil'Ilt. IKilH»-ri Tln»`kiiam *H`«n*tHry

P -i · hnrl.e MartinI ami Iew 11 W.fllopp

'Ov.-rs. .X loia wa

iiarti'`t-'l. ami l»4*tw'`*!i

'll*'"' tw*-iif.v-liv iiH'mh* r*

rjHVi'fl to W-gf

i 'k'. "In-re -i l''ay'<l hr

la) 110V9-I h.itliiii;: siiitx w»th

Imlios and sontlomon.


o at IrajJt tlmm 'H- '* outiiiL''^ a


lhilrhiii'4 Itr^-..* ( ;?tu' t'ni Tt-m.irk l>L` hii

in AlMr<hi-ii S. I*. .1 h,- !·» Wtli-H*. ^



'ho. 'I.nn . .Irm

'Jhi»*o >-]oa'' \\*rt :: · n .»t ·· i. j* -tan'l.

of l)i«» p»uph` im.matl f »r tli«** ri!«.


>t.'l"Il^ Mle, tl . nil

,,f u,,.


,, , m `xan.l^ilh' l.t'-

, ,

, .

lo.'h a-tie. . x Iir.mi l'll"'··ll. '.l.'a h* I ·""'r than fn- a
h»* 1" tini with at (Vii.j.'.- (r.. - , Cn
pi.hi I win r** in Lh'ri Minn Is 1»n**y fimliiiu
at urn* t iii" kaiil to h.ri.'r inan*'. was w !m n* ho huhfs n r hilipo't ni; plant. A ,f. ILi>mon(| Morrln.




nt of th»* Aik n^'in An uril (',r*

· -' |.t II i\t>ii4h-ii .It f"! thr**`

VilK'. » ·..I*

l*';i. · l.llll'r.



w.-.-k .M

;p! ' i *1 n t h** i .


I HitiL' V ;

\ 1-. I v pi»i:y tn <«I* i- ; p-



' .1

*· atil w.i - l..inj»d

;,f I 1:.* t-.w';. 'ri.»` s,,,,xv YviM

th" I'atir**

attrartiOD at th** 'r*`rritor:al O lohrutiim

M'ailuka, Maui, week of June I>0.

IV*;;...' to th<' lon^r haul to the* run-* at i. ^- i. ai.d 1 ·· hnmln .I-HU«l four iiill** jump

llarhor, tho latior wa'' m»t n'arhod y


Ti.o 'iM-i'ta. f!i4*i«` W4*n* torn up |

tiv't vAjiir- Il il *1 ii'U r* .1 h t|i*` hall |i

vA.:rMninl* ni.t'I t^n <*'· !'*· k.


'·.III ii.u.i.'iT. \ \. ry mm !i

..h :iin| t

|..irti|.- w »' fh.wiitiiwii at ^

ufi»*r t\\*' *· liiai th*' »hM»r' 4'p«`n*-4l at



I', ' 'M'l'i s iix\ innti>'

io\vf»»lk w» nt io 1-1.·» .<r>r iiuw, h park i

nl controlh-'l hv ``IIh*

of David**,

e kwimmini; rluh touwiii-d at the |kioI


linvo »;iy
r. B. HEAD,

Xorllivllle. N. Y., June 27.--Tlie X
Milin I'lreiiH will play here July 7. tir'i large rlreus in arYeril yetra Xorthvllle.


JULY 5. 1?'?1

Xtie Bllltjoard



· · · · · FOR SALE OR

· ··· ·

Iwni-'f .>.t.nk of new li.uintTs .ii^vory iittraotive prices. Slightly sln lf-soil".! Tii ki l-I'.ox Umbrellas, very

speci il offerings. Nickel-platp<l lirass Standards. Conrirdeto stock of .Innif>r Folding Bonohes for two and

live persons, for Dram.itio Show.s. We make a special offer on those seating live. Write for prices on

Concession, Circus and Carnival Tents. Always ready for shipment. Highest quality. Lowest



The World's Largest Manufacturers of Tents


(M' ;;;^s<u«70i-09 8SMeitammSU CHICAGGOO,. ILLINOIS




Waterproof Covers

' sfM m an cituk m sfcoai atai list

ni i. c. GOSS CO. °ST??'T

Write for Complete List.
Ill W. Mlin Street, LOUISVILLE, KV.
<Theatrical MAKE-UP fsr Hrny C Miner isc * ^
nr tt^sT N>fc^--) 2


Encounters Bad Storm !n Huron, S. D. --Business Fair in Minnesota and South Dakota

55 Years on Canal Street.

304-306 Canal Street, New York City.

· Dvrlng the «ffern'M)B prrformsnce of the

Robbins Bro<.* Cirrus in Shrldon, la., June 2,

the howdth on the rlrphant "Colunihia", Ja

whirh Kthel Shair was -fated, fell. Miss

Shair was rarrifd to tho dre-sini; room and

latrr takrn to Myrrs' llo-p.tal. whore it waa

found tuBt hor right wri-r broken. She

rojolnrd the show in lltimn. .s, P., after two

Weeks to the Sheldon ho-pitsl. rranminif her

role In the *!»·<·.

K. C' !· man, for the

pa-t throe w-ek. in rhurge of an out.ide randy

stand for Bmey Bii,-han:in. Is now manager

anil fi'kef s. Her of !'· egy Poole's pit show,

whli h has ts-rn doing fair hnsiness in Minnesota

and youth Pakota. In Rritton, S. ft., June 17,

the show a fine afternoon hoii-e and fair

n cht attendanre. In -Vherdeen, the day

prfTlotis. hr in the afternoon and fair at

night, .\herdeen not had a show In years,

* !i'f the ,-.ty liCfU'f for eimises was boosted

to four hundred dollars for all shows of fifty

, ars f>T mo-f. .\lf nlffn an'l Huron dailies gave

exofilent front-page s'ories to the show.

Milton (Toots) RohMn-' annex is doing fine

h- sin,'ss in S'l.ith Pak -ta, Pr nress Marie, doll

lady, and J,'e R gg. rs' h.snd and minstrels

P'oving drawing car.l-. Puring the night run

from Rritton and Wfhsior, S. P.. Jnne 17.

-sen of the show hor-. s. inrluding two of

li.'.'ger Red's hii. king horses, were thrown

down by the lerktr.g of the train and badly

injured by other hor-es ste; ping on them.

The new big top was u-fd for the first time

in .kberdot n. It is a 12<l-foot round top with

three forties B.'<s Canvasman "Fat" Roberta

and assistants paraffined it the dav prerlous.

General .\genf Fd L. Brannsn was on hand In

Montevideo. M.nn , .Tune 20, and left that

night for Indlanaisdis.

.\ff*r showing to a capacity house at the

ma'inee performan'O in Huron. June H. the

worst storm in KY,'d Buchanan's career struck

his show about t) I'.O p.m. Seeing the storm

··oming. Mr. Riifb.snan order.'d all riggings

ilown and the big top lowered onto the seats,

as there was not time enough to take It down.

Much d.imtge was done to property in the city.

The eln U' lot w.ns flooded, water being over

the men's knes. The -eot p'.ank'. poles,

trunks and other p.iniohernslia found float-

T'.g arour.d were fioateil out to the circus wagons

ind loaded. The water entered the trunks

:;i dpraetli-ally all of f e p. rformer'' new ward-

r.ihe was mined .Vll spent Sunday, June l.l.

:n .\berdeen. wash'ng and drying clothes.

.\t Sisseton. Minn., June lit the afternoon

. -..,vd was made up large'.v of Fox and lr.><juo;s

iD'liaD', It being an I'n -ie Sam reservation,

t'liester Sherman ('lng clown from latndon),

with his dancing doll. "Pearie", Is one of the

novelties of the big show program. I-ar-y

owt ns. a« t'.e ··Yel:.>w K ,1" .a n* w feature,

and Ilavin >iid Hat" .as the "I.e`ap Year Bride",

ire getting many laughs. Jimmie Keat ng an.I




40x 80-0.$250.00

40x60-0. 175.00

40x100-0. 325.00

Slightly used. All complete. Made of Khaki Duck,


GUARANTEED. "NONE BETTER MADE". LOWEST 1924 PRICES. IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT. Tslegraph your order and deposit. Shipment by expre-a within two hours fr. m the following ttock flaes:

txIO-Ft., 8xl2-Ft. lOxIO-Ft.. I0XI2-FL.
I0xl4-Ft.. I0XI8-FL.

g.Ft S-Ft. 8 FL 8 Ft.
8 Ft. 8-Ft.

Walls.J4 ...$8 48 00 Walls.. ... 596 00 Walls_ . 56 00 Walls.. . . . 6611000
Walls_ . 68 00

l2m2.Ft. 8-Ft. Walls.I W.O# I2xl4-Ft., 8 Ft. Walls. 78.M I2xl8-Ft.. 8-Ft. Walls.. 82 00 I4xl4-Ft.. 8-Ft. Walls. 82 80
l4xlS-Ft.. 8-Ft. Walls . 88.00 I6x20-Ft.. 8-Ft. Walls. lU.IO

All Tents are standard gable end type. 12-oz. V. S. StardirJ .Army Khaki Durk Top; lO-M. Stand¬ ard Khaki Awning, Wall a: J Counter Cloth. Trimmed throughn-it with S`'aII ped solid red boedar. edged with whlta braid. Complete with storm guys. scaphooKs ar.d lad: g eyelets Khaki ihlpplng bag laeluded. ti% depoait required with order.
W* make Concession Tent* tn 6) alres. Wri'e for our complete price Hat

C. R. DANIELS. INC., II4-IIS South St. New York, foot Fulton St. and East River.






HSTD rs TOr» SPECinCA'nONB. wn BCILD them the WAT TOU WAirp THMC.



Largeat on Pacifle Coast. (Phone 877-101).



351 Bowery

New York

Newspaper Stock Cuts
nririi-riDtt'otl clo.'iii printing cuts, iiilrihic for new-.p:)per or her.uMs.
Two-cohiinn half-tono Lion Taniiiiig ,\ffs. Cintlprollii In CaRO ^Vlth (Iroiip of Lions. Lcopanl .\ft, .\lonaco ami HiRh School Trained Horse .Vets, Min.^trel art cuts. Price, $1.00 each. Semi for proof.s.
CENTRAL ENGRAVING CO., 137 W. 4th St., Cincinnati, Ohio.




2694.2S96 W. Rlh SI .

Toney Island.

Phone. Cone)t Island 2312.

·'rmalo Hhe«'u sIkiiIis, hr.althY (




Bl'Y .4XD SELL CABS OF ALL KINDS. me knew what you want.
I. ALLMAN, Ceataa HeuM, Kanut CKy,

ConslJtlrg cf four cars: "Rochester", private living car; "El Pasi". stiterrom and berth car: "Augusta",


stateroom car; "IID", stock car; also !1 heavy Circus

Wagons. WALTER G. WEDIO. 137 Carondelet St.

New Orleans. L'uislana.

R. H. ARMBRUSTER MF6. CO.. SgrInstWd. It

Riding Costumes Horse Trappings Elephant Blankets Minstrel Goods Banners--Everything
Bx-i.-tly what you want, it Inneit rrlifs pos-lMe. We can supply every need. Infoim us fullv iNiut Tuur requirements so we ,-an tul mlt catalivs. samples, prices ji (1 bill parlU-ulars. No .lllgatlua oo your part.
DeMoulin Bros. & Co.
(830 Seuth 4th Street,

500-504 So.Green St., CHICAGO, ILL.
Phone, Haymarket 0221
C[WMTI 0C ^ ^ Who See Them^ DDHAMIUlillCCII

U '


I'tie Bllltioiipcl

JULY 5. 1324



t *


ml ^


lyccuins AnythlTiQi



Itiilotid iiiiifortii. Shorl.t Bur'll st.iged his
ll lo ;:e^..,"':''t\'l;.s'ma-'^ ' hrlii'l.ii pail .it I loa. Ii.ivng a- gii'-si.. innn-enr Car! .iTi'l I t'd B.irllcil pit' in a Im-y dav


L at ItrhlL" pot'. Carl .iii'l Fred mtiy claim ih.'

(( ·immunuatioiu to our Clnrinniti ofBces)
The Acrifll rinrks nnd .laik Ciillaliaii .ii; ! wif*-. a<'rialiatK, have Joini'd tlio .Mtplily Hang show.'



WATERPROOFING U/ATCDDDnirnilVjr' L .I-I.n.iion of kiiiioiiig more a iilomoliile rotil'-

vV AI tlvrlVvTwrilsXj

tnan attv dr.mi- In i to' conniry as Ih* v ha\e



"lit'la I l·hallff··ll' for lit*' show for ji'Hrs,

t, I'.iri i.itol. '!*'.. was ii tilg *lay for .\rllmr

t M"ti*'l

11 to lo r" Ml rl*' Ev.iiis, of ih,. h.itnl,

 ; has apiH'iiiti *1 .\ilhur ri'fi r*'*' on iirgnineiils and

Pf'egy Wailil* II (I'rcay friiiii I'atia) ir Kllll Willi tiie lloi)' -I liill Sliiiv .

Hii' froH'l' alteial.'il I lie Itinuliny-Darii'.iin

Clnlls 111 Svia.'ii'i', N. V..


or any other e.xtra in a hum irrrrry\v-- --PP I hlIu IoOm nIUp e,, w wWiilipl--pee o oorrr w wWiiITiHtteP «..

L ii.s*\i--iiiiis on aii suiiji'- i-,

ipe Knigiit-


.lurlng lie I t , ,

Baker-Lock1 woOO oCdJI

Zl I'ligag'no III. aiol fili'iol Cy I'iiiIiit f om BufTalo

5 '*1 c*'

L " '*  h''''d '-·.ni rall-simo for New \ ork

K Kaannssaass C Ciittyy ; r ring h* loitrin; l>anl"l' ilem iieh'd


''`'M " s" l"- piir ha-.'*l for him, U' wa- doio

KciiiliDp DijIiiI.t iiil'Ti' ll"' Amu ri- .Ill II"-|)i:.i!.

<'hlraiio, June lit, and wolc iir.U'i- (iinimuuit at ioii> j:


from friend^.

AMERICA S B1II/7GO/7 T/T£fE,-/'NK>T/T fH7//O7O)U7UO /9SC 7E7,

}} at I'ortliiol.


'"il Mi>riow, from Fort Ul.-hmond. .>< T. 1


-nci, to Sp.ol."- .lohiisoii - .-stale*,

Ed L. rrann.Tu, Kenera! aponl of ra.ldiiiis Hroa.' Circus, was In Chicago lart week on business.

The Sells-Flolo Ci.-i ii-= will Alb utown,

I'a.. Aiigii'l

('. W. Finney. :td\ance agent,

having made preliininar.v arrangemeuts. The

Uinellne-Ilarnimi rlrcn* idaved there May I'S

Clarence .\ii«k'ngs wlre<= that he received maiiv lelcgranii from hi* recent .advertiiemcni In The I!il'l«i:,!,! slid has Join'd the thillmar Bros.' Circc.^.

Ben T., T'lisicf. of Brown- ' al'.iy, 'I i.a w.n saw the Itii'ihins Bin-.' C.r. s in Sis-cton. S. 1' , .Tune 111. -talcs til.' atti ii.I.iU'c «.is g.e il and a ver.v goml program ofTcnd.

.Mhin Hale rcii'iitly referred to flrock a- a BeIlggiiaann *. Il.o*wWi|i| wiio w woouulldd ..sshhoorrttllyy m maai*k*e' il,.--; llrsStt aapppp*eoarraait.. ee iinn ..VVtnioin.-itiaa.. ..\\s' .a1 m mnninteerr ooff facet,. ('.rock is a IP'rreen. h1, c< llo*iwwnu ami hhaa*s* m nuaudle several .\nmicrriifftain apiipfieeaarraanncce's.
The fl'-i tiv Br*(s.-I'att*'rson (' rt us, with fine weatlpTr,. did eeyycc(e*llhl*'inil bl*un'i-nin**ss imn U DiiiiDnKkirrKk. N. ^ .. .luiie 711. The i hiMnn of ."T. Mary s Home Were gu*'t' of th*` management at the mat me*'.
The P.!ng!:tis-r.,iri.ti!n Fir* its received spl*'iid'*l notice* when It playetl In Filea. N. Y . r'-.-enlly. 'riie afterniKin pirforman.e wa- ili!.iy*d In petting stnrtcd, D.'TIit \V. F.-ll.iw* s e\|ilaining that this was du.- i*> tin- lat*' arr **f the crowd. Too large audien**'' raw the show.

·<4« »444*4*44«4«*»4s.-44««444 4«44^44444«44

* at Wot * i*T. Mass., nnil hope tin-
vIt;It Ih*.v has ii'.t o'ligriiwn th*' t.inn. I'Yank Niftic^ .I.'rrv Vliig »Hii ( arl MiKo iind B.irney O'Neil U »*r*' viator*, at s*;ai'iise. .lerome Smith and M faintly 'P*nt Ih*' ilay with (i.ittlleh B.iehnck t* at Fih-a. "Bn. k" Bak* r I- h.oing a liaril time 22 "f It th'se d.iv- as pe is trying to teach Nemo


H2* t'> drive an aiitoinohll*'. "Bii*k'` *va« rei-ently *lsii.d hy h a iiariip'i. .M.irtin.

6 mcHTs July 28th to August 2nd

II. .1 Snyib-r. ** ho kno*» s m**'! .-n-'y writer


"I'd press ag* nt hi. th*' .oiintrv ih'ii .nrreapoiKb *'11. *'. h.'lng the f'liiona fr-un (Irolon .N. T .

j w .*s a \istlor ,it B 'cli* sier. Fr.iiik \V rfh tiiaile


iT.' N. *v Joik loin- **ltli the shm* In h s anto.
Duggan CaMtili la . alb d on hl« frl* n*F (li-orge |''a'k and .I 'hii lir i*-. at N agara F.i'Is Dnggnn

g *is now i h * f *.r .1'i*" tivi s at Nlaga a Kalis
I.ibfrtil pcrcont.igi.'. MTST be fnimi'd lo got 7jo admi.'^sion. All-diiv \tit Sam B'tiM'',d *1*1 time Ironper. was around

grind. I'rcfor /me having its own bun*!. Want the largest and strongest Side-Pbow ve cm gel. "THIS WILL BE A REAL DATE."

22 § n

.' I *1 ly a' V igir.a F.i'I' r*-n*'wliig ohi f-i.-n*!


i:..l.*tt A. Crone and "Buck" I.(>ah

M r*' up h* f..r** sunrise at Xingar.a Falla.




«;;*·,to fiill ti'i rt ioiilu r<!


^ * **'|iini pPiP>* *d1 nwiittlhi .a.inim i'iiaa- and .\Ilpliie stm mkjiss.

g JJ

WIUI.. WIOll.. >".IT. Hill 1>.11T toil in t S



HJWJ M.-rl** Frans toM t'r.ine flat the f.ills were
22iiiuirr''o**'il oI'lT at DId> .i m. on Thlir'addaayyt*a

g No. 37 E. Fifth Street,


Frank Seavey spent a hn«y day at Boelhievter,

CINCINNATI, OHIO, t|Xt Ms tliome tl*o*w**nn.. Frank al»so was a gueat .aatt

f^^^^t.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^t*^^*****^*********f**********»*****************^************^f***fff*****^^***^ *'^ho'ly ' B*ir'k's p.irtv Ia*n Fr.aik has left ....*U,*in**,*lU,U*l |,.mp..rar:iy to take hoepltal tr*'nlm*-nt During his .|t"''n. *' Bay t ov* e Is niaiiagliig tlie refr'-sh-


High-class Sister Team, doing two .Vets. ,\lso want good Side-Sliow Talker.

es es PS es rs #s o  · » n PS 1 PS ps · ps PS I I PS


Hotel Lincoln,

IInnddiiaannapolis, Ind.

hoth |io!rH' :irf» onlr n f- w hoTirx firiv**
Beiiair.-, Kay **:ii 'pen-l a I'llsV diV :l t W ll*'*'l I n g. W. t*. With B..-lla re .* t(e. w w bbll..sskks .away., Mr. BBeey.vnn*>olM *!s "f '·h'*e lI'nm m'gra:lU Unnn D*parimenl. i'.anadinn C OMTIt m*'P'. 11*1 11 lifebing fr '-ml uf the *ho<v,

.rTt;;,'/?:-'.,cmr CunW PFIlPir U/ANTm The lure of army I f*' was str*>ng'u than that
of the hig t.ips in th" *11'*' of 11 .rr.vMatiy, an

emplovee of the Bingling--B Baariniuim Ifrr.- nit-s., wh*i



prMp| F

n UIV I Fll

enllii*sted Iin FtU ica. X. ^A.. lh*st w w.-."-k Ihni the field

W11# ! Vllw 11

 kVI kb

llllll I kV

artillery. THie wa* sent to M Maiditiisso'inn B.atrraiekk*s.,

near 'W Waatteerrttoown.

Freaks, unincumbered; Fat Cirl. Man to make openings and sell tickets on Big

but falbd t*. -1,0,* np ;,t BiifTtilo as pnitnls.d 'fony Ma-oii ** i- -n hand this y*'ar rvith the range **ag**n and *la*'* i1 until the pole puU'd idT at icght (at Bnff iioT. la*, h*.


, ,


miinaeor ant ensaK(m*nt at the^

and ts

l.arrc, I It..


Hiipearing at tie- Shrin*' C'.n'tis In T'.aterson. N.

.T.. this week. Daslon informs that be 1? In

fine aliaite.

" . .p

, S

Milton nrimes, one of .Americas for*-iuost boy

trainers, was r.'ccn'ly attackt'd and ela*V"d by

n hla''k-man< (I I.on while doing an lintameah'e-

D'.n a-t on th*- Sells .SfrCng Slcuv. Althu

unable to n"e hi* right hand. Grime? Is still

woarking the act.


Harry iShortyt Bhutb s of the 'liglity H tag


s, m* what linpr**' * *1 nml has li* I'n

d sciiarg'-d f.i'iii N.ii ton's Inf rinary, Ipi'I '* III*'.

Kv Ibn**''*'r, hi- is sCll 'inder the <l«ct'*i's . Ii'r* . Bho'b' a hlre-s is f:"4 S. .<ocond str* et.


J .A rui.niugham, f'ltii'T iroupT, m***' ; . .f 'l in 1'iiit. M . h. * ite.I th** John Tb'.un-
· n CW' iis tlu re .Tjii*' 14 ami m-t many old-i.ine friends. Business at the matlme wa' ligltf. luit a tnrnawav rei'oril*'*! in th" evening. '`Cnnny'' praise* the show ai.d managem* nt.

The Or ginal Thi" Tt'rrard'. who ei.-"1 tli.-r seetind s.-a-on w.*;. i'ir'-*. Cat.aria* .it Fahiba/ ir, Cuha, April JP oiitiiil May Dt in .X* nark. V .1 . ** th till- Ir'. ii.g .T. B' 'ai'k rirctis f-.r the -.'.isen. r.iV'w rg this * ng.igem*'iit they w'll 'Hum to ( ilia. (>|*en:i.g in Xovemher with
Firm .Moutal-o.

T,. G. M.irsli.-,:;. of i:agle r.a:


A';., visited the S i'- noto C r.'US ia B* '!·)* «

ra'ts. vt , .1,111*' 1.;. a'.d s'.eaks t'lgh'y * f ll,*>

organization. The .nn'eit I' in charge o* Fr. I

Collier. * h:ef of i-o**'**·.*·-. wlo* lia- a Bn*'Ui* ef

sixteen penule. all toji liand'. The trick r p ng

and t'l'k -ding is of the t"-t. and f'lll.r goes gri-al **  hi* liii; ... < at . s'.ii* * 1. (.

D xie r.ngle, steward of tie S.lls-Fie'o Fircu*

for m.iny year* and who wa- lontr.i' i ng ag*nt fir tl,*' Al. G. B.iriics C r n-, sta'oii' Ibh"-' and I'c.'.",. I- 'i'' on * nc of 'It,' s|,j;« t,f

III*' r.iuij'.'i It.' ' <h.,.n Sti-1111-1,ip /'I'liii any.

IT*' is ' ·"* 'I

W V *" Ir.r's of Burtllglll.

I'it fcshotv. Colored Musicians. Cornet and Baritone, Oirl for Sn.tke Pit. Wire
J^KE FRIEDMAN. Side-Show Manager Christy Bros. Circus, Shenandoah, Penna., July 4th; after that care Billboard, Cincinnati, O.

D Dii*. k .;:''''hhiii'*'o>iiti. tioi.:"*t'tll,,**'r *viih .I.'.ihhininy \W \aa..kk*.'Tr.,

.Tlaa*. k^ \mI s,. rr ....:: d Do,* ;. lFii l*gg** r. former tr**iip* rs.

vvills''iii...eei'dd tthlo*-' tiob- iitry-lF'ailt*T'oti Fir* its- at Daiinm*'.-'s*jiilp!e., o0 . niintn*! s,'* iit .1 '* r.v cn.i**yahlc evening.

'Tp)h,,e. show IiSs .'iiter'aming and eban from

· g.nn 1 g t.i, .'till, says .lulinsoii.

Tit*' tioys

jj,,o,'i,,i ijn,, the miny i,,,.,, jjven Ihr








. **' J *

* Vit*

th*aan,,dd.. .TD'aa'.lnr*ngavviillll*c.

tha.t h,a*.** »' I !***
ggrree*.'i'tceidl ^tthj,*.;'

.s!io.*****·' w wiittlhi I!*'v*'o* Ic' Iim miiiissec''.. aam mii a' aa w wihiooliee thee eennttiirree pp..-rrffoorrm maann.--ee w waass ****iellll rnc.. <.'i'i*veedd..

t"Ur thru the Sonthern .States. Including

I'lorida. Cuba and the Bahama*, giving I'leasantville wonderful advertising and publicity.


The ein us given In .Atlanta. Ga.. in the Au.lito'iiim .Armory. **t * k i t .Ii ue '.'o. unib r
r.'cti.m of C. G. Ma.Male.u and I Bluiii. nthal

HntI })r<Kiu*`('d

Hurry LhI'putI. uus a


the tH n-fit of the I'oloe Beltef

Asso.'hition. On the program were Cl,nt Bgrln r.

.I'reeK.r ef the hand: Bn.v and B* r, Ib ll Tr *,.

1 1.

f 'I'l 11 '1,

G. A. M**iir. owner and editor of The I*ailr

Fr. ss, SI. Maty . I'a.. puhlibh.'d an e*I

<:,i.'!*'d ··Fir.IIS Day , ihi- ilay pi.-i.ding ttie


i.f.. n . ..f t"ill* M .n. ifi Cirrii.** i"n St. .\Iar>-.

It **as *.rv * . mpltmen aty of Mr. Mohr. on*. of Ih.iso · eir. us fans ivlm

g... s out with t'.c be .nitl I oonnttrraa.'ttoorr. helps riif

b.i'iisa*. lot. fc* d. itt''.,. .mil Use* the columns '' of '.Is pnp* r g* It* roiisly to make circus day the

*e' .nl I'f the .vi'.nr.

Ani'it'g siiiii*' *v''. l an muls brought to tlii? mitr.v from ti.*' .Aiii..i!on A'all*'.*. .Inne ".1. on 4. W'-t.-rn AA'trld "f th** Ban--\m*'rlean T.liie · \V II am *'hurz. .'.mm*'I*'.al a'ta. he at the
.Atio'ri an I inbassy m B;<* *1*' .lam ro. was a **. `.-fiK i* *1 <l.>g ilial i-an I * ·· in th*' water iin'I
iITiih tr.* - and who-** h.i'k is like the *h rp ef aa --II''aarrrruiw v.. II hliee wwt.1n*l1 iill""gg (llI''..'rTr*ro* imb''ll M Moonnt*te- l is bI'luiilt oninl C I l.' bIbuni-'s of t .*e· i.bbnnlh.-hh<uinn*dl aid 1slight'*' I.irg r than aa ff,,.xx fte.'rrrrb i.rr.. T Thhee ..aanniinmals w ill I**' giv. n to the Zntso-lboig .aal. Garden* at AVashIngIr.n.

'* ."bile. F:ltr (..avion. Mariiii and Marlin, (iirlts and ('*>111-

p.any with d*.gs aiid |.ouies. Mm*'. Faslell**.

.Maiiel'** anil * urn pan.v. Initio .s'isi.ts,


Haiiipr lUioV. ..X*p'"r"lf*ll

"lest the Ilaries. l,.nd?*y the Great.

B Brriinm...** O '*ri*«M .i*t Itiding

( a«felIos. White Dup. the Hiiry* and LaB.-arl

and Bewce, pr.Mlui ing cluwna.


T., .T. Mos*. wife and fam ly wilneased the

nft. rniMin luTforman* e of tin .Al. <!. Barm *

Cir'-ns at .'«ha*vano. Wi-.. Jim** h'l. and ever.v (( .*iiuirrtt.*'-y was exlti'nd*'i| t.* them dm* to the e· tITToorts- of Iihetr friends, /'has. lE.'drb k. iniNiral dd 'rreeector;: Walk.-r Morris and ' (lledT Fieretlt* and wiiff***. The Mos- fam Iv risenllv l.'ft the Wilson Arliiig Sh***vs, when* tiny

played <'ornet. i-albope ainl m* biphoin* In the

band. Airs .Moss ha* a had *ase .*f rlnitmallsm·.' The AVII»on .Arling Show 1' playing Wlaconsinh territory _and. nlth*. a s,,,a|| outfit, earries a" of m.rD.'d act", the Aerial Bhristetsons

Z''-' ,


n rvir,..',


deserved i.atP.nage. the S|.,s»e* stiife.

TVhile the Chri-'y Bro* ' rircti' wa-! In Mill-


N. .1 . .I f I lb. Fi-'lcher Sinniitt''i. press

r> pri's* iitai ', *', inoion *! to B Blb* as'itiinntt* illc annn*il

' .ml" I'll*- '.'lit Ih*' afl.riniotii v* 'b hliii*s

*1*1 liTio* fri'inl. I'l.iiik B llllhhiin. IB'll..''aassa.m nttvyiillllce'*

bg bii.'t,d It i'l'll .III e*''.*'g'ga;inntt fl-h dinner

S'n'tli bft t ib-

It gl'l aiid relolnerl flip

' '



II ''"."'1 ·'I H Huubt'nn tliat ;.i fh" * to-*' <'f tlie si'.'isen

11 **·' *W* nblt - ...t'I.l II Iieuii.s *a'nt.<<n ;is guest

ooff hhis' ppaall iilnl ..'Mhinl:*' I'lty and Bb-a-anlvtlle.

- -

pr,,,,, J. n. Kstellc: "In answer to O A. B. ierson, the rhier h" ii'inir. s have lie.-n Jame* Itot.inson amt ft*** hov he , arried on his le ad, his son Clarem e. ' I ev1 ,1, North. Senor .sti'tiiisthin ((/nagliunil. ,T:iin*'s AleD'ille nml nianv anli.laling even lit*' in the eir'-ns game,*irei| I'lis ibiring their ppin' lpal act. It w.i' a stunt t lat l*ronglit ,|..*vn the house. D has 1*. .11 disianb'l f*>r many yiars. The b aps is nnoilier f.'aturi' *v*' ilo nott'' sS.'***· anv mor*'. Tliino,--**-' *a|,al>l*' of IthD is

i'.*'',', ''l,n,i''rr \msi,s`mi''^tt('nded''Vhe' m'-ht


At;ins and wif*. ami


v!*lt*'d the night *1,0,* at BniTalo. The wrtt*.r want* to npol"gl7i' ,tni| eorr* et tlie annonn-'e.

ment mad.' aluuit Harry Itov*ard'* W"ihllng I'hlnking of Ilarrv's llfe-tnng friend, (b-orge Arnnhi. made the tvfiogr.iplil. at slip and *i>elle.| the word Arn.*b| in-tead **f Howard Hn**ar*l

the fi'llo**' **lio *vi.rks **itli r.riovn'e in the

bann. r pulling *l* parttTi<'nt halla from Boston 'thd wa* marr *'d lo F'-an'*·< Greenberg at .New Ha*, n. Conn.. .Tune :l.

I FQklncf

thfln rtof Sim ^f'''f'riiFkpn

sp..,,t ,he^Iay " t Fr'e ANo i,.*^^

that point Frank Mcln'vre ami .Tan*' a« well

as Mr. Brhig*'* .,f The'Billtmard

.At Bu»ler

vissiitfefdd laitt TBrriipe aanndd rFib^'rvpellnann'lI.. Ibnrv Garret-
s.,,i,i.. ihM.''tttt.t'Tr kknmMiw \Titii Aa*H ·"'Hll rraam in >.s*1l.trnii*"*, nnaa dd iiphi
I...i4s'ntH s'i'aiill vTil<siiti aatt rCipleTvTell..iim n«lr nOtthhoe'rr Itrromuippeprr*s. ,,,,,· .Ht| eedd tthh..-'PP'' w***. iF:..lbdlll**' M MaarriCnn W Wiillii.-.rr II. M 'lta-siinn, IftV rainnLk .V-s(nppt..iIlihlm m tiAaann. lG .lf...-i.r.i.r*g.i*- nDir.-tygiiki'ii.nn, F l1 .Ii H,,T, hln*on. l. .ldv Tale and Harrv B.irker

B* rt rr.v.n. of the Cusack rompany. wa* it

laller Mrs. .Hit* .sSiir gg* sp.-nt the Blevelmd

ciigagi'nicnt wl'h li*'r lui'hatid .lame-, To**n«* i.d

AVaDh lam** tia- k at Clevelan*! h-ng enough to

give the -how the om e ov. r riirn* Iln* .'Sevlllo

called on his "Id f;i.nd Xeiiio. IT-.-ink /'riilk-

/(hank. Frank Con "It .and M.'b n and Bar

Carnnangli. of tlie "Tr at II*'t>eyin**on'' ('otiipnny.

w-i re vlsllon* at chwi latiil

M.irgar*'! I!***-

anil frieml' were iruesl* of h**r unde. Kre*l AA*arri*IF !'^*·lb! *· I'.'II m'"."'""rrii''*l ovv..'r tI*o* Fr *·

to see the «hn*v iin*! also vls|l*'i| at ('Ie**'!an'l

M M-r**. W Wnnii. B Biiitrrrrnoiiii''-ghh«' *w*a·*s' aa vvN lsttllonrr aatt B Blleevree-

Ila'lm ndi

M Mrrs-. lC'*e'*o,. B Bbiai. Ikt w wai** **''Vx,p>** I* 'll*. dil. bt'tnit, hhaa*d

to I'liange .p.Il,an. s at .lVli*.' l.i»t minute Tom Black.

'p'ih ,*0/ (·"" - TnV'r " iV" ,i.t. 1" M

>N«'" l *'v York hoi'xling *looiinnm mlss«ioner. ran over from YA' l.iii.utgwstsotw..*n.I.lvo s-...oe t,1h.*e.*w. a.1t IC'lleevroell,a.m ..,!l a.nndt

r.'iK'iv fri* nd-'iips with I * iv Grali iin ami olli.Ts

If.I'l .a "it'i·''f"li'.ge gl iitp-*' ef Hugh Harrison on

the hloit »a»t C('Il*'***I'll nil

Brill IT*'man an-l wf*

were Tr ,

'viiss amt

*.*d1 I'h'v''

at "Mfrs.

('i'l *· i.iml liy tticir I>«s'm:in's mothi-r.

-***. Br* *1 known a-

''iItr'ss'. /BBllhle'rrnn*o*. Iia- t'orri-rel, B'>gey Hln**-. Da'I

Snyil.T amt B.iitl*' A.-rmskl w*re on haml al


lir. Marry t'hapman at

C'c'.-hin'l but le ant he was in ('olnmliu*. '*

wa.ting for jtlo- show

B C I**w*ry wa- .1'

' b ii'himl v- ting Bill .11 *1 Tom M iv nml It s

'be Iawr*n**«. of (Inm- private lar

>pa'ti and ''i*' 'led;'.-ran. .in amt wM go .a-

far a* .Ab-xan Ira. I'g*''

I Hg e **:*.:- I*, l*e

k ba> with the while lops n* xl seastin.

Ma- I n .-tii'l ' n. air a'

a'.'i *11.'. !· f ...r,-

'*»4'fnrir -t'l'llt two Wi'. k» In D" 1.: 1 t ( n

hii«ilnc ss an i * »' t > r W.(V l*;ir k h.'le.- pi.*:v. ll al

t r B< · 1' " The r IIOXI till. I'l.
n K ! n'ert<4 M' n

in \t .II,*... f.ll , Wi' k .lull' 'J':.

· Ilig.lg' te"l · i- tl : 1 F' h I' 1 * 'f . 1

l.r;*' ·· . t" '··· G.l ,.W.,|

ll.C s

I T. 'b* . ..n.| 1I.. r- (tin, N» . ml

· ' fa r 1" ,, *

f L" T


'll.; '.* '

I t' .' Bollle Itres.'

f`.ft '.S ar.'! w .'I'' v.(l! I'lea-i 1 V th it.



Ml-'.: ·'D ·i*.., . .'1ll

Itro*. '· F *' t 'in

lDea,,i,l - igg eeff N N'oorrtth'i I'. ttoo*.fiIl'iH Im'rt wwhheenn Ith'c..
. (wagon s1h. ow .I

.A Add.iim inss, H Haarrppeerr n.p.i.'iia ed

t'e- -*7 ;is.. 1: ;if

w It iIh- f..



"11. \>\>

fl r* '-''·r: ('ll III*

aii'l I.'.'tis I.'Cleb'. trapi'Ze

n (1 n,*. il. *r r r..

A'in. iaivi*. < int»r''oiii'f;

;i* I.t'-'l
Th»* (· Zehl-

an.I li.ilam Ing t-a|**'.'e ri.ill-i - · Ih.'" Tl. A. lies,

if.,.. *'· ri!'1.' -ii.i t* ant ** re wiilkt- (' ir''-

t.'.T . lellll Bulk* '. clivwns, with llicir 1 <'I*'l'rat*'d

mill*'. AV' se M,1

*f ' >'11- « a 'tt ..1i1n1**1l who *w**e·"r*'e» '-sttaars at DIt In
' be ol.ji tdiaa..** s- aarr*e' ti.eoiww I le*.. . ...I t1*o. rr..-ii1i*iee iitt T Tlleei'i*e' are sttill a fI'.-'w of tfilee*.-s*i-. grae.l ple* -rrffo'trrmn*e rs

n'lf.ihly .I'.lin W irlaiiil Bo'. Sl'i'kie .*,

e'mitit lijiinv D Br * n Br*'*| .s'l.'IIIng am ieli

k. .Tetpi 'I. Cros-l*'.*'. Brink Gardner tiii.l

M I'.iD '.lbr w'-ri' th*' two fim-t bai'.-r"rril'*le-r >e**''-',r '-naw n. t*hiiii*« *wvl*tmli alnl i*iIuu*e' reessppee.ti

s.'lemi *1 b apir- nr-l in i.tioiod Gardner

" -I'b-rdbl bnue'bng i. '-* *

AA'hai a

womlerfiil g"ui> of ti't-roibel p. rformer* w*

bi'l in '_b' old *N* -

The elowns, (leorge At

('a I;. II' tI" rt W.llignis. Tom B.irry. Bc(e

C' iikl n. .Tno. Besti r. Nate Ansi n Johnny

Batbr-on. AVm. II. Stowe and I'r.ild.e B'lnnella."

Bill De.'a onn. as iisiinal. I*,*.'..-' 1l Ih*.' show oi.'i

aatt (n*!o('*.l*al.nitedl

AAtt .AA'ir.r.o.nn hhaa.'Il aa nle*`w W ll""it **i|itiillttee

1l1e* tIIl.**' *o*nti** mlla * nlt IDhi*e' -aiee.lbaieik Sie C ( aarr

b is b* i n iip wUh a l.r. k. ii I***' f.*r D"

I.i-t Inn w.-. k- I oiiie It k- el..-. it at Ni-ig'ir.i

I'.ills. Th*' i.i*ll*i mtiga'*'ii*e* In .Inn* ar*' 'giving

iiuU*' a 1**1 of sii.i'*' to llliisi ji'.l artel"

.a'ilieeimiiti law G '.rraah'iaaim ii atoeil lhiit* iloin*m M..l|*.aa--li ng,

barth'iilai'lv the lim*' h*' briaid'a-teil the not'.

from tIIhI*e' ddii''GG-rri.'niit aniiiiiiiiii..iill*s *illnnrrllniig Ho' ..M'I 1*1 --*o*11

.*t'i|naarr''*` lGlaannbt.1i1i I'ligagectm nl.

Th*' -iiiiirrtt''iiiir

Iii'lilior of th'* column. ''Bae"d T i*|* I'lilcchh'''.

announce* that ,u l. dl game t**',neen m,tsb''an*

and perforuii'r- at .Niagara I'alls re-ultml with

(Continued on puRe H.',)

-hiiW i.'. i.d tl .'ll Ma* n.e

' ; III" i| ;· 1*1:11. A'aAV,--T ef ,h*

.1 'lie Sel'* - a -I'll ** I.* 11 lie .I'll.' B*. writi's r .ii-.'g AVar'l-. Is

.'f K.l.f . WjiM M h- W;m.1 d. Ihi:

fo«t \\ , ]. '.V .I'oltU <1 nr-d L/ 'iti'l M A L'u:

v8` k- A n-·lo'vn riinnH*'!*

` ' ^


HTdlJ- I

\-l. ,11;; t»t* V = ^ =

` e ' . ..

FJ'i'v*' FfTiin Sr»Mth

s,gn^`ci TS 'ih .lf>*in IlnrM-r

H.. .i


`IiRirct of one of t!ic lickot b'»\»

I'rani; Iliihin'* 11* ph'-iv. .T.p k Tliibii,. h.


1111*1 Will tra**'l (a-lw.i'I I.*

i b . w'.- 'h ha- larg' Bb a ant* ill* *


.Signs (M OV*T itt

KrHiik s<ni Itoo.fkHI

·!:Nf ? jl.Mt.' II ii'l t/iwnH 2(11(1 « iti4`«

' u i 11 j».»

lie wilt **::iiMll (»ii

iri.»iiw I|.-,k»UU'*'4s'.. ttil«tnn>*s*

!f« ''iiifiu't'irifiL'

iiiid iiu*aiii(-v

t/. ill lliiTTiijrt,

<f t . ft n

I'd nf nion thjii lex* 11 inon'Ii'.

.ill (at.irl *l>o k on nn



T'rfryoTlr x<`th the TUnirlini:

Tin (|v

«-nj«»V.(| 21 (t(*liL'htflll (|.iy of (w! ;,t rtlrji,

\ X

.liiiH' 15

'liic wc(k '·iHTtci! wlMi .1

n ·* lot JtiKl liitf

llxrri' lldrn x\« ll

kiiMun I" k |l·^*M|^|( · r. \i-itMl riirtrlos Kfomcli'V

5 ll" u .fcr n tii(`nit»«T'' Il.irry mji»u


\xlon ho nii-^

-ofIiiIioI with .tiinmy tlraln::Fr


f'r'ml»*i:all(Wi S-i ·


tmlit In iMIllniiiti

f *i'i . (il · i, (letthrfl fnirV'T.

klla'tt^i. x^ilh 7
xxidi* mi » mh»! cat

l* · (Ml ·* t'. Ol' roilfl* i* *'t%wrp.'rr .rlTOM.

I Is U'rlf.' .1.

CLaX/R, Krysrr. XX Vi

f.tkrp if.


JULY 5, 1924

Xfie Gillboarcl


trend of tU- popilur urao in i!>p matter. So i«

It not vi-rv irubui'Ie that an American folk fektlval has -luc ' an- is y is-nu' Into - xl^tenc-'t

Folk feetivale at all tim-a sine- the ol-l Lir--eks nnd ll« lire»' ha.  l-. n e-'- iii ai y l i-- sam-t

spontuni ous's. 11.. n ii..i of t;..- pa^t ex-

lierlemea. Piistnnis nr.-l h.ii-l's nf a j.


Ikivo alMa.\s h*.* n I*. -'*1 --n -..a-* pr .1.* <>r soin**

>l,ii» ..ntf'ts this weft ·ml


jkjKiTi'd <hU yfir.

fiisi-inallon in Hie wais a .il ai'litiitior.- of th..  ast. Hat inoi-'s Hi--'* ot i;.-- pr.. to re-

Mrt peri. fii. ally for ii s.-a-oo

livinir tin-


rmJ'-o folk nri' --i In Uiil< <1 '

lorio'r wa; s, aial o;.t o ' i:.- ly an-l

al. I

.ii'i.|oe:a'..11 <i i  la.i;. of Hio'-t

lull fr<'in l.onrlon for tlw Stati'd July

thlnirs i-ir presi.nt-ilay in'iiiratii n. d; - t'lon an-l

entertall;m-ut. .V folk fi-'t.val al.-ajs Iw'

T^· ri m.i »({· r oi ttic mm-dii >.1i<'U!<I llinl kii

peip-.tiilal '--.ith. It 's an -xie ri'-ii--· riHur than

. i.l . ·· ii'-t' 1" 1 ij: ki.iKfit lu k< < I* Ihn I'uu

a allow or ent-rtaiMii- iit f -r i..o-. att-.n-l ni; In

. 'Jill' '

alnuial oxiry

a li''nt in- iisliie f- - l liiBt He y an- pait -'panl'

ai| tt- ll as .spe. tutor-. .\il t .- -· earmarks ar.>

fr.'iii M" Ill Vi 111. ^·l.. \\
I i>iii II "ii'l ^·uii.' firw.inl .ir .1 juprrnt i'--r' ' »·' ''I' I· ' '·K ·Sill III Sll(l|l|HMk' July .Hi-A' Sii l I.

Ijegiun.iur to sh'-w in th- se g.i' e ring' wbieli kare h-r-- distU".iig. In ii g-n-ral way th-. .cover three reparnte fiehl<, a 1 iiulie di.siin- t. y- t somewhat overlapping, at iin.v rate romhiniug with ideal titne.s.s an-l h.irmouy. They ar-- as

Ciinii*. ,»oii tVil'l tVi't folk.-- willi carnirnlti. I,, t'l li.itr iiiiif lali- ^· "x iruiii yiiur klMiv --
tia'i li* M'lUf I'iK eliUii(!y.« In »uuu` of
tb* r<»l'r».


follow g; First--The comp-titiv-· event'', e-n'isfng of
tlic hor*e ra-'ing, t roping. iLc huckin-g. st.-er wrcstliuii, etc. T!.. >·! a ionl a tournaraeiit of contests in the r-aim of str-ngtb. sp--d ant

.\moui: till* Kuiirth of July «*-<k conlpati* ur-

rii,» (i fi.r In ( a.ifornlii uii-i ouf at I'arrollioii.

n.'W . ll-.'i ar n'norl p.i'i of Murysvllto It ww*

Iiiiimi ·! I"

a f'"! '*' I'li'l ···uiipi iiilvc ··viuit

In i-oin'M-lton with a iialnl il.iy loIpbrHtloii.

r<inlc>t- helil HiN w.-k an- s-i unnierniM Howdy will ii"t s|i,.-lah^e ill a'kltig any ceriiiiii enrs in ' kick in" with data. In.'liidioK ti'lnn- rs ill th' larlons events. Would like a f- w
Dolt'S ft no eaeli of them.

To I tie a travelioK organization a "Cowboys'

rhaBiplon-hlp Uod-'o" is very har-l to ·'onsid- r

In any way consistent wiHi eomiitiocs--eliiee

p-d'-O' as iieeej ted along with roundups, efe..

are net traveling ontuts, but siieeltlcally special


is a fair, an expos tton. etc.



This Kind of Advertising Pays



Two Sizes--S375.00 and $500.00


|IFri(« for catalog F and full information
«J. C. DEAGAM, liic.

skill a* pO's. S'cd

l-oHv m- n 'and animals

Which has great [-ossiiiilit es.

"Second--there i* the -p.'Ctaenlar show Idea

wl»ii h can be pr- s-n'--I n -t only in the street

speetu.'le but in l:.i- p.ig'iinry upon the

ground* and can ev- n be carri-il thru all the

competitive events t-i a gr-ut d.-gree. Thi*

Is possible on a- count of the vari- d and p e-

turcsijne i-ostume* and horse rigs of tb- cow¬

boys, Indians, Mexicans, etc., all of which is

doubly eff'.'cfiTo on ii' ··ouiit of the f.iet that

to all this color .so m - h a- tion can so readily

he aebb d.

"Third--The fols-fe'tival Id-a. L'nd-r this

head comes the fa-h -n of everyone Wear ng the

tig hats, the br^ -'lit shirt*, colorful neck

'kefebi- fs, et''. l uder thi* h- ad, of coitrse. also

come the hlst-iri. al features. Here is where

the stage coa-'li.-. eov-r-d wag-n*. pa- k trains

.According to a press story from London an OoaQan Bldg.

1700 Berleau Ave.

CHICAGO and *0 on come in. In fi-'l-l tl:-' historical or folk-fesHval f-'aiiir-'.* .are niil.iuili-d. It*

A ktrallau a-p ra it f.-r liroiik nU i-g h-niors lu I

r.mee extend* all the way from a 'Happy

c'aim there he could rid-- an.ithii-.g th-AmtricaU' lOuUI produ-o s .- rt of a cy-''.. . .. Austin known of some ro.ghty ··»i..iky'' iiiuiiiiis
In Amertea--Wonder If t'.e ··Imck- roo ' wl l t-all I.e  bunch'' back to ta.s country'f

iToss) fron Cody, Wy., June 2.'t: A compilati. n

of Incldotiis and auecdotos relating to the life

of Colonel William

lUulTulo illll) Cody, for

whom Hil.s town was n.imetj. is to he undertaken

In connection with tlw unveiling of a statue

t.- f t-

Indiiin fighter on July 4 h-re.

in- a will pat on a small show at Do-jglas, Wy.. June 24. II. rmun Koark Jumi-ed to his rauca at Uitle, Col. "Oklahomu Shorty" Mack re¬ turned with the Indians to South Dakota. John IL Orr, of Denver, was the only promoter of the original "b'jncb'* who remained to the end.

t'anvon' or 'SHi.! ery (Jnl-h' to a stately and impres'iv,- offer.i.g In a s'aliuni or in an ontdoor siiovv rt- hl w tli a ea-t of a t'.ioiisand or m-re pertorni- rs. · ' .<0010 affairs li'se Hi.- Tloneer Pageant' at Walla Walla, vviili ils '[ilendid outdoor drama,

T. Joe faUill, secrefa-y of the ('hey-'ano (Wv.) The work Is to be done under the direction of

'How t!ie West \V..u . d-'vot- tir mselTes en¬

I 'oUtu r, has I.. s. nd.iig out a ui"'t ·i traclivi p- nted f.-riii iii\-tut . .ii letter. lunof tiie -iit. i.y h-.i-ls r- a-ls ihu-; ··Hut w: - r-t: e West |s C!.-'.» eUIli . \Vl . a ni`s|..rn. P-.'*r*s;n-, i rits H-rull  I'il.l . 11.t --11 J.ll.V 11., llil. HI slid ·-·'. li'.'l. H.e c ... k I' inrne-l buck fifty >.ars. for I hryenu-- Kr'.utier Days '.

Vii r 11. C. 'Jriu. l-oj. The p! . ns llielud" th-is.i.... li-.u of .:;:;.ilures of lliiflalo ivil's friend-into .a ! ge tome to l>e known as '. The regi.'ter of rnh-uel W. F. Co<lr's friends." Ad-litional Milunies will lontain loeid-ntg of his life. Tb<s r- clstcr of fr - nds Is i xpected to eoiilain the nnni- s of alt hiiih olhelals of the fnit- -1 Slates

In connection tritb the rodeo at Okanogan, Wash, i.luly ii-fi), an-l the cummeut paas-d on itic art.cle on tl e advance sbeeta, headed · `Kodeus', I'a-t and Present Lntertainments and Wlait They S-gnify", by W. (J. Brown, premln-nt attorney "f Ukanogan, a reproduction

tirely lo the historical, hut avail themselveg to the fullest extent of the f-atures of the second field aliove m-'ntiou-'.l. T;.-- I'a.vs of '4!t' at Si ramenlo, with th- r 'whisk-r-nos' and all that sort of thing r- m ni'- eiit of 'tiie day? of old, the days of gold', etc., niigiit be said to w rk -li.'tiuctlvi'ly In the t ird Hel l.

Uowdy Wa-ldy Is in r----ipt of a T- ry intcre-lhg |iOs| aid ' kU.ip'aul" til en Rt the HH han.-h. u-ar .Vsrl.iiid, t'k.. -luriiig Hy r- c- nt r-irpit-n t'.-re of the NutiunnI Kd t-.r-s' .\ss. , .aI-n. It ...iHs t!u- Int-r or of a hi-ge e.fiu.t-Dt M whiib bsrl-eii-il liutT.i'.i Ml-at was s. ri -I the gu'Sts. and aaiotig nutaoies >h -W'i ..r- .Mr aad Mr- H. W. L'l'-. il'awn-e 111) i I i...*rmnr I'lai-i', of Okiuh-.iua. ll'-w-ls w..ti;i1 like >0 r'pr'd'ee t ils i-ii-ii-T ill The lllllb-.a'-J.
t it l!» fai'.'s are loo sha-h d.

I-iv-', Hk.. .1 n.* J.'-.--Jo-- .\ r..i:t|c- m.ii-

a; - "i Hi-, r--Moll.I- 1. r. I .r

I . 1 I. Is

t.-w lhi. h  .'ta. tor ot t. · 'N ui-oii s Amx.I a'.» ->

t · Ac . . .in I ec|.-ii. n .ss 11.: o s

f1.-1 I'-, -.-ui.'.i' . . 11* iM.Iii


 mill. . II .11

H ' I .

i 111.1
.I'n i rv

II id-d -u-ney 1-- od-r-il. I..i

tir-1 l io in

a hlsliirv nf sixieon --ar, ... sp il i' HuI-eR.'i ar.-nj. Ill ..-Il SI I II k i|s "I ii.lvii'i -.-

·if tbs opoBlns of 111-' eii-.«

fill- I'.V' ury

las chHrg.' 01 the s.i!- an-l w.ll r.<eivc a

liVral eiiinm s-ion inp tie- w-.r's. Ibc women

up-It to ehar

I'r-m IturTsln S I> - ! . « . .-lel ancual

'Miii-lnp 111 I Un-l-r t.-' niun .'-i; n' "f tpe .tBi-'t. an I -.'.on ul I'- iilMh- -I .. U» H'l was a

M. 1-- hum I'.-.-wn II a. I .I IIS a-i na dl-

r-.' r at-.I h- sus* . to-I 1 - w. " know-i r-'tiut.i-

I on u- I.e- «h.> -I 

I .1-

1 I- C. M


' -g of I- e eg I t >s W.l« U. re aU'l

' Jel'ier--1 H 'l T i'isr.i- v 1.. i t - !· his r p

';isi;..n h.- g . - ii.-n -a. d y K- n

l-Te llr..wne|| h'uI W-is.-n i. '.- M ' laii,


f r 1 - Il g risl-.-) to 1>. >'.ii;.,| it - r. on .Iii'y

2. .1 .md I. with I'.rowiu tl a. i-ng as arena dl-

o toe snd Wilson f'lriii'U ng nil bucking bono-s

Slid I at He.

T-'y e i- riiiiiii was a lulicr a' oiir N-'v Yoik ' - a-l w-i'k. I' A was lit I'.' s-klyn w til
t ·' Kii.ght* of C-i'iilb;i' HiaA-l iigl Uodi-o,

ii-i\er;mii nt. as well as tlsise of sev. ral f. ling

ni-'-n.irchs oi Kunce, w i s,..cral of whom

Colonel l>Kly was Intinintely M.i.ior

Trip blood .-xpr-.'s-.a the belief th it C .uu. 1 ` sly hiol iic-re frleiid.s Itkiii any man li'.ug in

h- till... i-ie Mayor has .--uid an a; -ill

i.« all .. i'..j tames of Ih- I.mi Us frontiersman t., ud in it.i a f-.r the no c..r.a! lil-riiry. The V, 1 ' v. I (I i: 1 i''.ly ; 'r ih- a rampant

1. .ts-. It 1 .1 b<- r- iii- 1 p. ar tie- entran -e t.i

t;.- -It.-. Tie Cody .ar. ' 

are exisi'-l

f .rr.i-li to pc.· tty iuiimal-' gl mi s


III iho c.iil.c Wist.

- r-.I'l Wf-i,' fi-im

: I.l mak a f. , ... -in'. Aim.

iin t" .1 inoiin ·1

Il in . ',11.

.t I '.111 .li If; My a

. r It .Vo- lo-

t ·

Nlv a' iilien V. 1' cal'-d

' ni III

s \V .| W. ,t coDc-.rt


I ir-

f... , .... u.-s Wll- tin-

; -1 .IS I -... ·- .inr i. ti I.l. M-g-'-r -.f th.t

Id'. ri'.K.blv '!i-' f. How I- !;.'- -I If

r, ally !-.

·! iino ii. .a:. I li- took oti h s

I .A. I gii ! .11 '.It at. I

'.-I I.l l'» f .lO'U o t lis

-lu- g  an.; a - in t i'l t," bn sti-.w.

W . n th · -

rt .1 -I r». 'I h  w as 'chaitii ;on

top- r'. I'.i.t I m

- he w nl'ln't have h-, n so

i l-tir. d liar .Iv

: g off ti lt big b.s'

M.I h- h c 1 s.

rem.irk' p-i'"-d. Hue

-hi f. Mow i d: ·All

It champion rop-r di-l

.. 1' I I cal- ti a I'. ',' . r-.Wh-n I know

licit sono'

I': -uie-tn. - d '-a.iiri iou btlll- r-' wo.-l iii't ri-b n- ar -no: gh l.) a sterr

-ir liiill ti> f.t I I II ,t. I Mimetimc.s tb nk th-'
I. rm -hoiiMl le .'hill g. d In th'-lr i .is- * to ·thr-iw-r' In'lci.d of ,I---wh ' h m ght be more arpr-; : ..ill'. T! ' '0 stir- ha* been a lot

of big ha s .11 an.I .i -und N w Y-rk of late

.\ Hi;s is I. .!ig i-iin-d over in llr-o'slyn. on

P'hilbiisli avi nne, Hutc arc all kinds of big

I,..,t,u_hnf th- r w. ;ir. r- nr-- lo t -ill cowboy'-,

itv the w.iT. what has iHH'omo of 'Ssober tsam"r''

of the articl-- follows:

"Di'rli.g the pa-t ten or fifteen year? there

has te - u a w -ndcrfiil development in that

P'cnlinr combination of entertainment, contest,

touruam- nt an-l pag' ant that many Western

I 'wus t-'-n putting on as community at-

fairs iiiiil whi'h are known vari-insly by divers

ai-i'. I'a: un.s such 8' 'Pp-nll-r Day'Tbo

Holt:. I .p'. 'The llo-l'.i', 'T!*-- >tami'ede`, 'Da' s

of '111' and s) f-r'.i. from ni.iuy u'.ar'.-ra

we arc bi ginning to h'sr predlctn-ns that the

great develo -n.t nt of these iiOfairs and th- lr

1-inark.iblo ri'C lo p.iMlc favor and Interest Is

ihly of dl ep s ,;ai'ii aii- e. Tb.- c.u--Hon Is

I' ;ig iiski-l as lu ai.-'ili-r or no it Is n-i a

t t f it 11 g n ·

American folk t-stival b.s

; acor.s ioUstv c I'u-- iu'o « xislcn-'e. It Is point-'-l  ·`It the ong.n of Ih-'se a'tairs can be dis-

lern.'d far ba' lt aiii-ng the early Spaniard* of

t'c Southwest ami was adopted, along w.tb no

· n'J of ot'.-r .-^.an.-b an-l .Mtxh an fe;itures, that

s; r-a-l nil ou r t «· open-range co'ii'ry of the

Mist. The ts-mm-r.-al value of 1 c id-a for

si'iiw* purpii-es 1*0 'itne early apparent and many

cig.inl/atioDs called 'Wild West -Shows' far-d

forth thru the length and breadth - f the land

ar-l are still continuing so to do to some extent.

J' ,

sU-ws have b. ca everythinir from tho

\ r-. cr-' ..table prescntaHoiis of Biirfal.) Bill,

the lot Kanrb and so on down to th.- ra- rc bl-od

ai.d lajn-l-r I'liimoud I'ick. bad man and "In-

j'ju' k.ll ng stuff that alto went under the nam-t

oi 'Wild Wist Sbowt'. In ours- of lime,

however, the idea of putting on a simw anl

g u line sit of contests right on it* native range

I" g in to It * appr'dated more an-l ni re. The

i.irly aitemt'fs w- re crude and uni.Ttain affairs.

The bl-'a ^|.·v·'Iop, d slowly and with uncertain

pn-grt >?, bat wii'U it did get Into definite shape

and t'cgan nt'r.s-'ling public attention It has

t-ecn coming rai-i-lly Into Hs own. and appari nt-

)y It Is now- jU't on the tl.rcshold of Its popu¬

larity and posslbllit cs. For these affair* ma'.-e

fans' jii-t Ha- sann' a* b.asobaII. boxing, the

movies and so f-rtti an-l wh- u any line of lavn-

"I'.ut a full ff-'dg'd `r'sleo', 'r-iiindiip' or ·«tam[iede'. wlen h- ld on its nativ  heath should, an-l usn.iily d-s'*, spread it* endeavors Info all t'.r.e fi-Ms. an-l th.s is ir-parently the r- a.son for thi-lr d-'-'P app- al to the ptibllc, an-l this vvidi* range of poi-sibilitle* would seem to he wliat h.i* gl' - n th-m their wonderful popularity and 'u; , -r' *
' IH:t w!yitev- r n-.-y h" th" reason, f " fact n-'V-Tihel. -s r-mains, t at no - ti er amateur sl.ovv er-iiti-m in tiie vv:."l- I-ug'n iiiul b'-adtli of th-' W-'t is g :.a O'.-r I . : I · Hiiug- above m-'Ut;.iU'il. N'> 1- e r i ;.'I of -'ari-hal. l-'-tlval or f 1 r eaa sh'jw -o h.g.i a p- r-'-'iit.'ig" o' -t' a-lv sli'.-'S V. ir after year -r wi ii ir-- so apt to U- self-sustaining. Th-- ra-- nj -l' a- a fill- arc n-'t mak'ng ex:* ns-s. -inh'* b.''i..ig
1 and h's-km.iking are p- rmltt.'-l uni'strain'd. th 
fairs as a r .1- ar - n't si iud ng up uuh " sub¬ sidized In s 'ln-* i.iy. l:.'' 'H-se I'.iritiviils', 'Blos¬ som I'i'stivais' a'l'l 'Ueii I e ma -I gia- und' rtakings are sca- 'Iv e'er s' If -uslaining, be they ever s-i e'a-sy - `I wdi-th.v, and ar'> iisnall.y d.s-'onHu'i'-I .`if*'r a fe-v years owing to Hk' li ir-h u -f k ' -i.g th- m up. In I'oiitra't tl a I * * several t-ig r-'l--s in the W-St ai' t I l>" -a an enduring lia-is. rh-se looked npon ii - l' · in tbe lea-l h- ing t'heyenn'.* w lU its 'Frol.! . -' IM s', I'endletOD _ with its ·Iloundup' an'I C.ilgary with ii' 'Stami-ede', hit a half dor-n otioTS scatt-r-d H.rn th»' West au-l are doing almost e-iually Us vvt 11. It m y i>e nuite d-iinii-Iy stated Hat wh-re .i t " n is --ituatid In :i r-'g.-'ii that is siiita I.` for tbe (lUriiO'O and - 'i-eially If it ha* Ij.' advantage of the prop-r historical hai kgr-nud an-l atmosphere, and where the U' essary m -i i al n the way of st- 'k. pers-iuu-'l a: d lal- :;t Is nvuilahle and th-' promoter* are p.i's-" d of siilfahlo show gro inds supplied a h'inate e-liiipment an-l the a'lair 1* slag, d as a 'trh tly community affair with a c-mpefent, managem-nt In control, th-- rod----* are all t'J v.a tila· rge degree on a successful and

wicli |'.'d,.d 1,1 I... l.asi 11 f-w- W'- 's:' ago

ti 't or entcrlalumeiit g.-t- on that ba'ls it does pr-'mlslng Da,is.

from 1'. ,\.r. In- -1. ntall.'. t-'V't -- 11-· Long I-'.and ( iiupicr. Knights of r-'tiiiuli'.i». the anseplres at Itris-kl.'II. Sli- riiiaii w.i' i|iii ted in The Kagli- of .Inn.- HI as saying: "1 want lu corri'.t ti.e Impressh-n that wc are broke I fsx was sp-'akiiig of a rumor It-at tin* "han-|s" w-re ·-I-ane-I'--llHWin WADD^I. I a -o "·Bt to - urriTt any .mpres';-.|i that an.v or · tusy have to the i-tfi'-.t Ihnt wi- fi-e1 we r-'c-'lr-'d anytiiiug but g---.1 ireafincnt from the K. of C 'The Kuiglits w- n- g-usl to ns. "
Nulls friiiii the Dakota .Max Wild West with the Rrowu A Dyer Miow>--w !i . Il ii..i)id Lorain, if wi" k eu-ling June 21: A terrific wlml'lorm Ir'i. k Its large t-'iit of Hie show on Kr d.iy I :ghi at l.oruiu, Jn>l as Iho is rforniera w- re iiiuiiiiiiil and preparing for the Inst evldbllloii "f 111.' nigid, and blew over H'-- fr-iit iiiul I'toke one of th-' l·enler i>oli «. I--ll!ng the toil tl'iwn on the people. Mrs. Max Siindet*. who "a* Hsltlng till- slaiw. was on the frauit I'lalforni and »ufter-d wvi-re contusions on tb-' · rni« and cheat, and Dakota Max, one of tinlast lo l-'aie the tent, was slrin k by fiiigjin nts of He center pole and rei-eivcd aonie cuts and ' ri-i- j. However, the diuw was again op-n I'ilurdar night and with n !> c nll-'iidacce rti-re have been some clsing-'s t-i lb- personnel. 'V J. I'hi-Ips, clown. chi i'<l Willi Hu- llliighng I'yniiiii CIrciia and Jtdni-I al luirain. "I!'-I" ·liu-tcrl Toild. of Hklahom.'i, Is ii-w riding ·`r-ink-. roping and doing riit'C. .lo- Cniin .v I-ft fr-nilv and w-'nt to Montana wlHi I'arl ll.iwk to n-ake" some r-nn'Iiips. Isil*- nt isho-tvi t't "I K l.ii.iiig the |Hi-lilon of aa-islnnl niiin"k'r left ,,|i,'n by Ciirn- y.
11)0 tolluwing press (ilepalcii (.\ bocl.ilid

Vroni N-w Y'ork--The K'ligbts of Columbn!i

Hi-il-'o cii>'<-I .' d.-i'-lruiis two w-eks' exhibition

.lime "H at KlaDuis!' a;ul N--triiad aMnuc',

Itroiiklyn. Tho ch-'ii: r t!.<- c.ilinnati-n of an Hasicrn i- r ot .-nn- h  o- -ix w-" ks wh;c.i

app- ars to I-.i-e 1. - ii 11! -lar I fr-tii t ·· fir-t

Ab-'Ut f-'i -..wis-'s II -I .' vg ri' w- re t-mfMiriirllv d's.. ;uiin"l'-I. I'Jt I I- Ia>ng Island ( omn .1 -r f '* Kn g' ts -f i'l.tnmi-iis, on a

prolit 'lull 1 iig bi'is vsifli fi

I'n.ted Stat-'s

t'haii'i'leu-i · ' i -wli. y It's!"

Iia-.". assured

the i iiic ' I- ttcH -vM l'r;/i mo'ii .V due vv-uihl

ts- 1" -111 Hint Is s.ild to b- bctwi'en g'.i.taai :i:i.l .*12 ·`m.

A -ord.iig I'. J" 'I A. i: tdin. clia rman of tho

K, i-f f I.-''g l'':iii.l i -' inci! tin re wag no

c\'.|.'in.- of '.-.111

-n th-- p.irt of the rodeo

ntniingi'iin i t. t-ut ratt-er lo l-a.l Wi-athcr and

the fact liiiil fu- -.-.pun- ovi rbeaJ was too

great Is th-- ill lin k ii'i-'ribiil

.1. I.eo Stack, w.'aiihy D.-nv-r oil man. and

I«rc»iil.'lit of f:ie Iraiolmg i iiipan.'. left t-.''

city curly iR't w-'. wl.t n the failure of the

show h- .amc IneA tat-'-'. Mr. Stin k exidiiincd

Him In b s f necessitated the de

pa i'tnie.

I'll' eowl--'.'; w.

tin r is rs" ; il 1- --.

II siuii;! :.-:t 'll ->f


ol-l w e-'k

1-11 rt: I'arlv resentful over V -r Ha lt) re-'i'iving but ' .Vtt-'n-lance
ah Ilf ;:ii.i»'it. From a

lilhle ,.un - '· 1' 'S u-ahtslissl I .at the vliovv in:-in.ii'.ai:' I I .:it -vir st'tu'k

Itr-s'Kt.-11 anl ll"l lllllv to it
l-'sl.l' '

it it-, f.i Inn- was a lieliefit

r-it. .1 l-its",i 1-ut to He eon-


t -- hati'ls h.ive left

I'll llful III I fl



I tiny


I. l: 1 Sam

.1 i-.'neli h it lor D'ii'cr .liinc :i. L- m Car-

not play out. But these affairs seem to bo getting « d-epir grip than that of mere nnthinking cntertainmi nt, they seem to hav-* reached fin- affection* of the public. I'p till r.cently the leading thought in the advertising was to t-II the public to come and see what little was left of the old West--that it was vanishing fa-t and In a fewr y- urs would b-' n.) more, and vv.ih a good many rodeo* this is still the leading thought in the advert sing, and, of course, there Is s-ime truth In that thought, the recor.l of tlie past ten years has shovvn It Is n-it the whole truth bv any mean', for these affairs are Increasing In ev-rr way. mure buekaroos taking to the game, more and better costumed Indians from the reservations ready to h- lp out, all aorts of stink as readily obtainable as ever, increasing un formliy in the manner of handling the events and the public more and more anxious to attend and par¬ ti. ti>ate. The young Mmid of the country has caught tho spirit and it is not necessary t.) depi'tid np-n the old--now mat- riai is coming on. .v^o. Instead of iH'ing 'far-ivell parties', these tk'ea'ion* have developed Into something motv' similar to revivals, constantly winning to th-* Idea great nmiilKrs of c-nverts and recruits wla) a-e currying forward the m-ivcment and bring¬ ing into It iHis' hililies n few year* ag > were n-'Ver dream-'d of. Sensing thl* nuh-k-'df-r tiiin In the situation the advertising litera* tiire and g-in rai fr.'tul of the promotion has of l.ile in s,.me places begun to call upon the pii'-lic to come .md helji keep green and allTHa- ui' iiior es ;ind tho w.nys of ohl. to pri-s- rve
ti e cvdorliil dlstin-tlvenc'S of the pa-t along wl'h Hie progress of the present, etc. Whtoti lino is really far more In keeping with tbo

iCoatinne-l Nest Isaac)
The writer vlsiteil the Schultz Novelty firra* .lure 1',*. and was favorably impr-'vse-l by th- snai'py an'I entertaining manner In which tho program 1* put .i-ro". The s- hu!tr Cin-i*, .a one ring sliovv, l.a.s been pla.ving to go-.-I t»iisin-'ss on u- ighborhootl K-ts In an-l around t'b'Veland. O., for the past eight we- ks. La*t week's stall was at Ihi't 15'2d stre-'t an-l Waterloo lloa-t, t'olllnwood. vvluri' paek-sl h-iises wiTi* In evidcn-'c e ich evening, the weather being hh al. Ti-' show ns- s an Sil-foot round top, with two 40-foot middle*, and seala l.'JOO.
In moving recently one of the trucks caught tire while btiiig fill-il with ga'-dlne at a filling station and tho tru' 'k vva* partially destroyed. The trti-'k was towing another containing three lb n* in-l two b iir*. Q '.ick action of employees in d-'taehing tho animal cages and pcsblng th- m to siif.-ty prolably averted a panic and · more soriou* (lan'..ig.'.
M.inagir S-hnltz has for the past two week* b, · n suffering fr.-m ,i m vero cold, but has not nr.'sed a p-rforni.'.nec.
'ft-..- program, wi.ieli thus an hour and thirty mluutcs, is a* f-l.'-ws; V-r.i W-'d-rmaii. swing¬ ing ladders; Bi.t'i s.-liuHz, tr.iin-d ts ars; Wm. tiehultr, dogs lie. I m-nkeys; Vlrglnis Sehultn, trained sheep aa-t goal'; Win. S-hultz, is'medy p<-ny drill, as'ist-'d l-y Dm Mitchell, clown; menage riding and lils-rty hon*-. Vera Wederman. Ruth Schultz and Wm. ijchnlti; clown number, Dan Mitchell and Billy M.trtin; T o
(Lontlnued on page bo)

Xtie Billt>Ocii*cl

JULY 5, 1924


THr lUx K.VWAYS--Tliat the ill wind oid

-'imeUicly good was c'\eiu]ilitic'd June kk wiign



'll.' Roc'knvv,1.1 s reeeivc'cl ii record crowd Oj'til tho.lii'ii|i un tlie Mihvva.v s, Iluld-i.p bu.!


lend taxi dr,vers eaii-id liian.v of the visitors to stay away Iroiii roiuy Island. Tlic Origiiia

c , ' aso 111''. Loll lioru, piano; Harry liuk".

.'.iriiiel; Ibiiiy 1 os-, eoriiet; Hoc Carllun.

tiomlH'iii', ami Johiiny Ringer, drums, have r*' to Tlie |.ll'^c,c'rs. 'I' makes the iliir.l

sea-on f.r ihese eiiiirtailior'. which speak

Well fop Us ir cievcni'--. .\ iicat-liiokiiig ron-


<e-sc>ii Is handl' d h.v Mr. iiiid Mr-. Sam .Ml* r. a hoo;'la, and one of Hie neatest at the Ima'li

I'lov. r is c onliiiuing tlie work of aign painting


at Thoiiip'oii's I'.irk. KR.VNSltl'RH -- Week-end plea-ure acc-kc-r.

EASTERN BEACHES li.riiiigicl Hie R. acii Pal.vee on the iHiardwaik at I'liie \ lew avenue. 'I'h.s c aiiurel, undi r

Paiiton. O.. June kf.--Patronage tlie pa-t tw.i

Hie cJiin-ti' ii of Sii'ilain .V Andriiieh, lias li.. n

Cincinnati's Classiest Enter¬ w.'ks at Rasti rii 0..ic) jnirks lias- 'howii a big im 'ro'CHI' nt, and ic-ort citli. iais l'o'.;'''o liy

tainment Resort, Presenting J ly i 1. i-iii'-ss will h-' ev il l."iier t'.cin last .'·ar. Sniiiiii'r wea: .r is given as tl." ria'oii

Highest Class of Programs

for th'' iiiproa'od ''iii roiiag -. .fMiio iioliistrial cmiiiilions are not .vi-l m ar normal, park v.sitors

a e spemliiig holtor, oth luI' r ;.''it. I!id'' are

gc'iting good phi.y. and liath iig bea. lies ar"

Tlip I iglil-W' i'k le I'on of grand opera at the 7oologi.'iit I'anl'-M, 1 .iieiiinai i, wh 'll started Siliuhi'. .Tiiii.' '.J. eoinpa'iely vindiiati'd the

ll.o iiiceea for thousand'. Ro'ort nianag'rs pi''lo t a record crowd for the pori'id starting July 4.

extravagant al'iiii' cl. Mi-i that were promi:!gated eoia' riiii'g t " ait 1,-lie .ai'hieveraents to i'O I \p. . : i| and f t tin' se*mid week of the ojicra s a-oii,'ing Sunday, June kfl. · lint tel l 1.'' w a- iTogr.imiiied fi r Siiiid.iy and Thiirsd.iy ·'.·, ·1'. irli.-r of SeyiRi'" Monda,? and .'aliU".iy e'enii.g- and a grind h.illet with liA'-rii'.'i'iiii'iii- on I' eyi iiiiig, .Iill.v -k Un Tue.'iiay aii'l W* dii.' .lay ev. niiigs. .Inly 1 and k'. o|" ra joTforiiiaii' i's gi .e wav to the

Yerki's' llapi'.y Six, well-known trayelinc hand, played u single night's ciigagcnicut at Spriiiglii'ld Lake I'.irk June kd. and Imsine'S at the' big dan. e pavilion was greatly -tiniiilated. This- hand altcniaii'd with Y'-rki--' Il.ii'py Six ·Hid otforerl continuous dam .u?. Manager I'oster frawfoid tried out the stunt a* nn CM' rinieiit and cxpi'i ts to phi.v double baud attractions at intervals during tl»e s.'ascm.

y.oo I t tc, gi'.n I'v -."'iety laili' S of Cim iunati

for the I'l'ii'iit of tl..' Zoo ii-elf iiiid an ehiti- The Diaiiasenic-nt of Casciule Park. New

orati' fa-lii'in ami :i Iverti-iiig r* ' p, hp-uh s f'a.'tlc. Pa., las puroha-'d an c.ruani'iital

iri'irp tlniii tw-. iiiy oHi'r spieial f''atiire aitrae- iiiotor cal.'i'jpe and It is touring Western

fions, in'Iiiding a eirt'U'. <;v|i>.v caimp and Pennsylvania and liii'lein Ohio exploiting tlie

vaiio'.s I'lli.r poyiila* I'imiII.'c. Tor tlii- o.'- big park. The calliope is in charge of "Ilate" I asion till' iiianiig' iii' iit l a- forn.'il tla* h -autifiil i'.arge. There is a gr-at demand for the

garil'n into a v. ritnl'h' fair.'hmd of ccior and ealli'ipe wli'iicver there is a parade or ccle-


»l"aiion ill fliis The manngi'ment of-

On tliP pvi-ning of .I'lly -I an ebiborate fire¬ I'Ts its use gratis to any oigauization desir¬

works display Will

a feutnrp a 11 raet ion and ing it.

· will he fir'd during The iiil'-riii -ion in th" baliet perr"riiiaiiie. The Z"0 i- not'd for Inly¬ ing IIm' I. -I r.'Urtli of .lul." pro'gram in f'inI'lnnati or vi n 'y aiel tl. - .year wi'l lie no eX'-'litioii to tlii.-, I'-tahlis... il nile.
The I'-e Show.' c oni n.:" to attr.T t thou¬ sands of patron-, w .o iiniri'l at tlie -;"l·ta'·ular stunts on i.  p'-rfoiiMi d liy tin- I'

.\s an addl'd al!r.tction the Rill Penny Wild Wi st Sluvv has h" .'U featured a week by the iiiaiiagoineut of Idora Park, Young-town, lb X Itill ngs, managei- of this resort, says the -how helped htisim-s Wonderfully. It was pre-"iit. cl at the l.asc'ball jiark each night and 11 iini-siuii was iri-e to patrons.

skaters at this d ir ng exhiliiiion.
The Zoo C!"h IIo-S'. witli it- attractive dinners ami evi'll'iii s.-c.,. eontiiiues to grow in fa'or willi Zoo patron-.

Roy I). Smith's S.-ntch Ilighlamlors' Rand has inaugurat'd a two weeks' cngag'iii'iit at Siiiiiniit R.-ach Park, .\krou, and .will i rc-se nr eom'irls afterncKiii am^ evening.* The hand

Tim nierr.T-2o-rouml. p.ny track, liochive and stand at tlie park hiu lic'-n enlarged to pro¬

I'limli and Jii'ly .-'.oiv tl.'Iiglii th'ii-anii.s of vide ample accommoihitioiis for the Kilties.

t liiltlrc'ii tl i ly and Ilio woiid'-rfiil animal .and

Virl tI'i'".'!ion is alw.i's of much interest and c ii.ioymc'i.l to I'o'li e.iildr. n and adults. Ample parkin? fa' iliii's are provil.-d in-idc the Z'mi groiiiitls I'T aatciniohilc's and no charge for same is made.

W. D. Lynch, for maiiT years id'niilied with various park dau"' pavilions in this section, lias a--iimed nianag'iiiont of tlie m vv Zoar Lake dan. e pavilion re<;iatly completed at Zoar Lake, near C'autuu.

%. vv York. .Tnn:' k'S.--IbiHy ' `If a million I" "pie wat.'11011 tl." f i-.'vvor:.- .111.1 c.; '1- ri'S arranu il for ·'I' g.ito N g. t" Jum* k at t'ot**'.v Ishtiid, .\ p.irad'. com sc-i'd cif v.irloiis I 'Uiov i-Ialid ora.iiii alioii-. adviin i'd tip Surf i'v line to the eliier,-- of tli" I'lMligs on the sidowaPis.
At Riighloll I·."a' ll a sp, d ".low put on at 111.' li-'g'.i'Ui T '111 r aii'l i':"ii h'Uise is I" iiig k'pt at the iiimrli r- ol the l- agia' on
MoimaicI accnne. 1' ve thoo-and men fr'im tlie la'sir romieils of
New Y'.rk. New Jor-ey ami ti'iineiticut
paraded June kf. T'lic "sport-'uil " parade of 111" n.itional
Iii.iaties, one sooeted from e.i"h Stat.', was ni'i'essarily jk'sIik'Ii.'cI on ac' olint of ii Ivvciilviiriiiitc* lliund'r'tcirm end - venty-tvvo-uille gale wiileli stiU' k N' vv Yo: k late Wodiie-da.v aft-'Tnoon and wliieli iufl.c l' d coti'i'l'r.i e projv'rtv clamag'-. More tlian l'ai,i ii.> p. r-ous were at tlic i-laiid vvlii'u the storm iToke, m.iiiy of whom wire enjoying the b.itliiii'g. Tlioii'ands of lianners on the I'.oardvyi'lk and S' rf aynue, liiing in honor of llio I'l inocrat,!' N'' ( oli¬ ve ntion. were s,.at I,rod to the
1'. liman's sirf 'i'd the 1"-' of a T-l-fiKit chimii' y and a i-oriion of U " illmii' inati'd s gn in front of l.niai Park was lipiiod from plac e. .\t M.i I -- .n S'luare Card, n of the exterior cic'ciralious Wire -wju away.


Sprlnpf *'M. M.I''..

--T!m` Tt a'

tin jic' oiK'n*'<l a

ni« nt at Kiv*t*

I'arU MoiKl ir n

tli-.v t-uM* uvo

|M rf«»rni.iiK»*s wjth tnv.r "a .t»»' t. :H j»i"= In

tin* air'*. Tlh* a<*t i'i out* of t o nn»<t srn'a-

ti'in.'l 4*vt*r .. li**!*-, iwa aiitix ravinir «l«i\vn

a sH

1n» no an I

ot1i«t in

iniflair, on»» making throo v.m*t<;i

T'l** turn

is iiro'*'nt*'d dr'`tly in

4»f tia* o:fU*o in

tho f«`Dtor 4'f tlkt' park n.uhtlr at


'l l.o StoVriiS, 4 t-!nltlrtt i1 I'V A. Tcr-



.'"'ad i.', « : in

ili«* aft*'rn«Min and tN* ot: r at n;;:ht. ll.irry

t'ook and Klor* nof* Marfiu*'r«»

v ·« a!

:it tla* lian I'taiid. r'»*ir nir> won* h*`ld at

Kivrr'id** l*aik I.t't ^.iturda.f,


enlarg'd to nearly twlee its original si/.cb'orgc* Tuuiie.v, iiianagi r, is jire-eiiting an mills al array of tal.'iit in Rose Ford. Kean-lii.rg'a Nigiiting.ile; ' liug'" ll"dg iis, i.ailagiicr and I''iii'lianan, 1^1.1- and Ma-on, .'Sani ('or , Sl'-ila Rvan and Rdna Hallugii'r ninl the dozen S'ligiiig wallers. Itioaclwa.v'h I'amous fireie l ive (uriiisli till' inii'ii- for the dancing. Ol" of the isipniar ainii'c'ineiits is the luiniature railw.iT owned and operat'd by R. Carlionc. Tills train riitis from Hw rear of the secnic ra 1way to I'.i'lvi dero Reach.
<'.\.\'.\RsIK -- Il.'re things are booming in shape. IioseiiHi.sI lirothers, J.v k an*! Irving, are -lire lui-Hiug while tlie »i.n shines and me putting In lore ti.eir patrons a line of aiiiiis. iiii'iit - liarcl to itiiiilieflie. Auiioiineemrnt Is niade t'l the eff.-it that boxing ImmiIs will b" It Icl on eaeli I'riclay u zlit, J'our bouts Will be ofti rc'd. Tliere are plenty of tight fans in and (''ie, and the announeeuient met w.H.i coii-iclc rai'le I'ntliiisiasm.
STri'l'I.Lt'll.fsi;--If joti have never seen lli.s jiiirk I'gii'd at nig'-t .voil have mi-S"l a treat. A r..le on one of the Iron .steamboa(' ml ai'.v's io.its will give .vou the tlirill of a ?if't me. Not only that, Imt you can see aa ilium niitc'd Icc'.ic 1» from Sea tiate to Hr ghton. a Icl.i/e of glory pro'eiiling many of the f. a lar.s of Lena and stei'pleeha-e. including V. liat is claitiud to Ic the world's large«t I'l rrls wh'-'1. ( "nv' lit ion di'legat"S are flock¬ ing to S', eph I'l.a-e aisl are tiavlng n riproaring time-.
L1N.\--Til.' S'ii-atiunal `'Milc-Sk.y ('baser" is proving tlie m.i-t jcopular ilir Ih-r for the vl-itliig Ii'-Tii'icrats here'. Five trains are kept
.'cl.iig over Hie 1, gU lititni's till early In the iiiorning. N- \t in jH.pularlt.v is the oldfM-hloiii'cl op'-u-air ami t c laughable race botvv.. n « doiike.v and an elc-pbant. ".Moii-e ( ty" in till' Luii.a M. usgerie has alicacl.v spread its fame among the children, 'i 111' "Pit" is alvviij s erowd'-d. Soni'- fun here. 'I'iiat ''I.'na tu'v. p look' d more h'-aullful" Is till* V''T'.li- I c'f lie' cchltimc rs. Mn-t be at lea-, a iiiiilioa vail-.'olor'il lights. .Manager Arthur Jarvis can Is* proud of l.iina this seawin. Commancler W. 11s Hawks and aide, Rddie Paul, pr. !i:..i#' I c pul'll, iiy wh le Captain Peterson i'Hiks afti r the excursion end.


So JiiviMiie is 111"' ni'W d^iiu f liail at Cht-stor

I'ark, < iiiriimati, tlial i ' ii !..'f \viai!i-r fails

to iii ati- its criat and irrinv ua i>aiionaic.

In t'li.irai' is W.ikt-r K.d'v- ll. form* rlj- iiiti'i-

· 'till ill (iaiito Inills at Ilaiiiilti.ii, (i.;

In tm'.t ani! olin-r c iiii s. Mii'ic is iir "vi.l* (i

liy In*' S'.irli:;!,! s reiiaiiirs, tin'- t'-d I'f Waiii-r

Ko*' .'. '1' ·· ti*; r I' ar*-: ll'-nry «*a!!.

liiaii'-' ; W 'in '1! i-izz, X'I'li'lmuc, t-iiim* ' and

drnii'-. (.' ra*' 11



tnimi" t: i..-.' n I;*-iI, nltn v;,x.; .lol.ti l`.la*'k-

I'lirn, t i.iif and;ti*np .--ay. Tin* dam-o ball

Ti f'. -'··1. nt s'ai.d is manag' d I'.r .l"p W' iilnpr,

V til \\ .; ,.Ti! r.roninp a« a"i'i;int. At Ibp

diiii'nid c.if*`pria are Mrs. 1. .smith and .1.

M · . ' ;l. T\. U Ml'. Ida (fuil't.v Ininiilinj;

t in'ki't s.

T!" Ini'V sea.'on i now nn at Olipstor's

bat n.r li'-a'b. of v.birh II.irr.T Ki-iili has

<iitni'''i'' p ngp. Thru orror it vas statPd in

t!'- la-l i-'O' that lAiMi was r.i'liinr at tho



Billhoait! Agent at Che.,ter P.irk).

flporgp Marlow. Vi-ll known in vaudi-villo, has h··'n g Mil tliL' inuplt.r I'llMl'-gi' ;** tiH! IP'W .'liu'-rta I'ar'.;. Mun-rva. <·.. manat'*1 hr Ki iin'th Knivvi. Thirp ar*' ^'-V'ral a in a.''.ui flit fiatiiii ' u big (laii'p I'

l`'iis;iK'>s las n"t hein so pi.nil at Hock Springs rnr;., fli'-stir, W. Va.. ii'i-ordiiig to .liiii llo'-sr.t niana-t r. Imlnslrial loinl tioii" in the npi"'." idiio \ allry art' hhiinfil for the siiiiaii in park liusiup".

M'on'iitht fharcl"!!'. new .'"'.I'Oit open-air

dam'· ar' iia at

i.akp I'ark. C'.iiiton.

is eiijo.'ini; big liimini". Tl.p Kami iV An¬

drews Hand of I)' ti'iit, tvlii' ii has he* n in the

stand sill'p the op' ning early in M.i.e. 1' prov¬

ing inini'ns''l,v iMipnlar. and tie* tn>\''tT of

daiielng in the open air tln-'e warm n ghts is

ai'petiliap to the dame tdientele of the park.

riartinan & (iardner Iniye sold their iateresta ii I'.rady lake Park m ir Raieniia, O., and ,·»
-ti'i'k e' lias as-iimed charge. Tiiis park

Sl'i'kaii'. W.i'h,. June --I'ldhuviiig a pin.* >

to i'i"ni":' I'ei!".- `'pii'';. T''at:on- ' t"'W''ii

pall"!', of 111" g'"" l.i',.' T' -'iris in ti,;' d -triel

and tl *' "p'ral'irs of tl."-" park--. 1 · m'in - and

· "in.'"ii park-. 1

IriiaiiJ liniMr" IP-o-t

· tiMP T'' .\"' laiinn r' ' ni'r a I";*;'·! .i ''ere' I"

wiiieh gain*'! it luueh I'lildn ly in Ih.s d.a-


'1 iip cre,d. in tlip f"riii ·' ;rl;il'd rii!''s

writ!'11 ill n m rv frii i. I y '"ii". p'im rs tli"

.advantag's ,,f vis.tors ]''"i'.':i.; park properl.v and in r'jK.-iing an.'I hut I'h^'· '."i, Iih*. in r*-

turn for "l.' h tin' opirat' - pr'ini t'.*' ni -- '

inornl, fair and nii'p.n srM*' eniidm i of til"

i rc'perlies, ein|'lo,M" s and ni.irageini lit.

is injoe iig a big si ason, aeenrding to the n`'W uwrjfTj*.
Ris k Hill and Lake inirk'. Isiili at .Mlian* e, ft.. Inivi) I'ei'ii opi ned for tin* s* a mi and piitr'liage Inis li'til 'goml. li\iiii'ivp iiupruMun ntin'Inding fiie in-t.iIl.ilii'H of m-w rid* s. lire in progM 's at I.akp I'.irk.

I'lTt .1'rvis. N. y., Juiip k'l.--Jo.ylaud Park, niid'r t ." iiiaiiageitieiit of B. Klein, was oOi -ially op'la d l.'-t Week to onp of tlip I.irgpst g ilia rings e'.r ass. iiitded in tUls nr. rion of th" S'.ilp. It was estimated tliat ill lla* nelgUborliiM"! of l.->,>"iO isTsoua turned out for lb" is'i as on
T p d.iH'S' ai'litoriiim tindpf the iHTsonal diTi'i lain of Wii: am .1. Il.irkin, forni`Tl.T a«sO' < .It'd wiiti tire-t J. Iii'iany at Itreamlin'l Par", Newark, N. -T., dill a tine husioisa'
Miisieal lionors lore go to thr Original Vir¬ gin a li.iml'l' Is and the popular priees apiHii to .to.'land patrons.
Mai .igpr Kh- n has a'ld* d IfiO now- Imuses to III' I'.iil ng' pa':l:"ii. I'.u-iU'-sa at the bathing I'laeli Slarleii olT grpiil.
(.'iinuisel, aerop'aiip swings, I'enis wheel an! all t'III'' -sions got a good play. It Is uiid'stooil that li.r tip niiddlp of .liil.r a frolle, wlnp .md fun lioiis'e will lip Install'd.

Pleasure Beach Island, fam':d as the hiding place of some of Captain Kidd's gold, v'/.ns l-eing slo\/vly ''/vshed away. Half a nvife of bulkhcading. which .kiso will be utilized as a new auto shore drive, was required to stop the Sound's encroachment. Pleasure Beach Park is undergoing steady imprevoment under the able direit.on of Fred W. Pearce, general manager, and is becoming one of the leading amusement resorts of New England,



.d minutes from heart of city, population to dr;i\v from.

Can he bought right. Now in full -p i ition. .\ll Killing Di-vices :ind li'.iiMings in A-1 condition. If you
: i\v t!ie .iinusomcnt bu.siness


Address BO.X 59, care Billboard,

1493 Broadway,

New York City,

W. F. Mangels Co

nut Pol Pt'tcTH, n.ilii* riowaril. DoHio IVirkf, Ji'liiiy !'· rrv, Jii,..i Vmiihj:. K.tii*- I'-rry. l.ola

.IiIT'T'oii a:i<l ··· rnin.ii" r<T.»-'r-. .lo.' (Jlarkc,

I ht`


k*-* p ntf bu.-y llii*^i*

.V fi.itiir*' .. K.


lltll>-t<'. Il<» ' r*'.ll E'.i. I Wiirk liljil

(!· MiOK

I'li iiiy lit lr;nl'. oii


^ .\lb*rt

>l<·rll anil .Mil>:ii \l. ll'in* kii'ii liii- |ia^ti-

liiiarUx Ml ins Mini lln- .iir. M.^.' lii'ily f-

liivcH III- iiiilrmi' nf tli-' l|.ki-is at lln- fruu'

Kil'caiil 'ii-M ii, a- t.ilki r ami .Vtini'M*-

'i.irily III! till* tially pl.ttfurin hu!'! th*' · rowiN on

till- s;i|i'»alk. iitln 1 aril la uiau.ig> r of


Kill Mikr. `···iig- Siiiin t ami .'Inrmy GuM-

lii TE art- t.iiiKl''I ll|> '» u ii>al fur Uni la r

Ma'iiii. tiriat i'limlilDatiuD. ate at' at l.'iu.i; UnrilonS lioo;ila, .'^urt

avi'iiiii'. .!· .Ill II.till II, .\uily .Mvlillo, Kiinua

'I :.riii'kiii"rii'n anii Mai ·· .V'i;;iut rau bo fuuii'l

lli'Ti'. .\ii .nliTiatnl «'irkir> at a noat stnrv.

It."ii- II luiiili'ii. at l;in?i'a. was foriui-rl.Y

a wi ll ..iii>\\ II dam IT. 1 all K. Iianiiii : K. a*' ii fm t, fniir, ami a

f'lriii. r aUr.ii lmu at r.r.Il'-, was a l-'nin y

i.'.liir ri i i iitly riTii wiu;: a'·lLaiiitn:.i '-.

.NoM-lly I'lTlra Is in Itie way i.f tiri- 'i'I- pns-

filis afi- '..nil 1`i.iit; now. rar-nn J.i Ua.ilnr Is

inltltic uui iiniti- u Irw at ti.i- World s I'ircus

riido Sliiiw.

Ilreillarl and Marta Parra bid fair to loso

their liiur.

liJ and .Vih-li- Z* l.o pr'-'i ut fi ats

of striii,:iii and sk.ll '· i uiinEly bv.ioud human


' attra. lion is at the Ste. ; b' Or¬

is s;,|. s , w, WaEmr liri)l;ii"-', Tbo ItoWi-ry.

II rn also aro iiddi, tin- ni.iii of m.i'ti'ry, wbi

I'adbs ' M' and.rni'i - wit'i bis maairal 'k.ll. and .t.ii. wit  a full lino of artillery wliir'i

p- .id- to -walliiw, afti-r D't be

I' ll- nu an euteria mil); Punch and Judy cou-

I .ttli- Martha 'I .riis still the -l at of

! ··nor uiar tie- entranci-. .Marti.a Is -"me lit¬

tle attra. lion aud a l.kable p-rsun.

.\Dily Mai k. who . anJles the front of the

Stiiple Or. is. is III- same nid .\ndy of last

'·as.iii. Jay 'Ink has the [lalrous .-il blow

lb- m-i Ivi's at llie lUiii; tcbter.

.Vow- We El f to .1. Wi -ley (Haidi;. » Iloliuis

and II - New (iri-au.s lli-vne. 1 h s is a hue

ak'Sri s'alion of ent-rtaiui rs. .\ n-w yi-nture

f..r till- W.iEa-r lln}11-re we timl lla-tus

Wilson, sDtn-- dan. er, Ixsik- 1 P-r a aUrac-

tinn D-\t sea-.iu, we limb rsianj. Ii- l..! m-

ni"ns. I'annii- W Ilianison and Harry M- jer-, not forcittiui; Happy and h.s line ·lioru-.
I'uund ».-nie new at the T-nii!-- of

Wonders, Surf avenue. Jai k Gn ensponu Is

iiianager hi-re. Uritbth .T-ii.nson and Wbitl-

piliTson on the ticket la-Tis and l`"P K-'-u

at the d<»ir. Ibllie J. ivel la le.' ir-r and dm s

inakie. Ib-b Miiler ass -ts in pri-'entim: the liusloDS. Kddie Itransou. own-r. has a Im-vt of

b-autiis. luiiiidi d are I'aroline Kri-m h. P-irsy

Howar-1 anil Ini.i John-'-n. J.ick Ci-nini-1 has

tie o'.it'i-le platform aud Is an interi-lin);


Jai k L.-i'-ns au-1 wife, Pi-sie, are mak nic

b-m-d Use i-f tie- taudiTii bike th' -e da.'S. 11.-I n;

to ai.'l work is Er-at enr. i-e, sais Be-s;,..

I'raneis X. and John lirtlia l.a\e

J.-mi d fon es in I'e paintinB business. These

Is'.'s an- g-itlnE lots of work. lieorge WoHorth, who r-eently pur'ha-e-l

Kiley's Hi-me-Mad-' Ibstaiirant on Seaside

Walk, is making si viral alt-rat.ons and itn-

I r-n-mi nt'. .I.rniuii- l'a'enp--rt aiinminci s somi ihiU({ n-w
f. r I .. at the i-Ian I Will sj-r n; it on

lii'iii so-'U.


The New Automatic

F "Loop-the-Loop" Game

-\STT>ST nioi-ey-niaking bull game

ever ir.vvntoil. c. X. Anilrews re¬

For All Amusement Places



port.': ··Last month's receipt?. Sfi.'!.T.i:' fh s rjnn li bold.: r same averaire.'^

Wonderful Side-Line for--

wi.lrl-ll r.all i a i;i;!.r foim nf bowlins--just

rill'arl mils. ?.'t

n.'lit for ei`r\b...|y, non. w. ir.'n an.I children.

Prink V' --.


Ib althfiil and fa--iu.itini:: I'laii-rs ··drop nickel

in blot--roll balls--·.vut. ii yn ir s. or - add up.^'

Own Your Own Business
Be li.Jf: »i del ': operi-e i to i; Wi.ri OBiII Gamir; In any I rd; iJTY -· ·· 7= ni or

E.xtra tlirill Minn!-; loop-the-Ioop,

enter target ami wi-i k s uriMg device.

'J'hat gels 'em. Vom- ren ipts all profit.

Lvery fi-aturc f.n'omatic--< oin i olli-ctor, ball re-

lea-., s ri' re; ·> r.

>» .i*>i-mb>nts neees.siry.

Lai b M birbO-ltall liame is 3'.-Ti-*ii ft.; shipped

·lui-.k by iJircs - or fr-.i;ht; si t up in dO minutet.

ReasonaOlo downI aa^ment st.irts yen. Send for cooiplrt* rataloa and prica list. Timoi htte for YOU to --rash in^'. Writa NOW.


765 Consolidated Bldg




Shipments within fourteen days after receipt of order


706 Bay State Building,

Lawrence, Mass.

234 Mill St., ROCHESTER, N. Y.

I:.e iiif-rmaii-n  E li-l i-f pr. I I-jirk. Wiiiiliby,
1*1 S- i :i c Ik.I I'.'ai, . ci'u!': Urand Xnt "
i-.i.t-; Miiuii'aii Wal-r Chut-. l-` i-ni I III -. Ill i- uis; Hcrby Ka - r, IJ i- ii' Hiid J.n, IJ c-iit'; Pmlg-iii. !-· "Ill IJ i-iiits; (iii r tin- F.ill', 1-' i-n' IJ fills H.ill Ilf .M >tiry. Id i--uls :ii if-; iyii iiiii-o Si kimd Sight, IJ ct n'



in oca week,


I > i 'll 1 t'e r -t .ea-a In mary PiruS.

IT.- a d*.i of ' fl.ooa to fJ.OOh. Werld'a

.:n-..e^t a:aa.l tidie«. 5A-' ts> m m 1I93'>-3t.




Afnal tho

W rid. W# h^To built oTor Si 0. La'w c atJ

N'* Pat'a ocmplfio w:tlK«ut IL Built for

:.i »:a:ioi;Ary ai-i p-riblo u?o.

JOYPLANE. Ai other W. - i Bt.tor Atk 0. f-mer, K i: J Bei n. Phi.m- plut. AAk WoatTti `'`f* ''-mpany, IT-jt-jrii.:. P». Ask Cedar Pol r*treitrr at m-IcI'mujk-#y, c-ne-. > A (rMt thri'.lae ti
MERRY MIX-UP. The latest and Best PctUl haro efcr bu.!: G/e* on oco truiL. T in tw,j ho'ar«. ChoAp to buy. Cht
tj hJndle. Nothing IaJ wear out. Got oftt $600 .do diy.


Come '.o Beaver I'alli and vis.t the l--tgcst iUJe b'a.t rr lu the We

.3 R.Jea to 1921.

.1.' sf T 7 

Wri:.. ' r PitM. u'ar, at

uvit.ltl.iio wn.l IMiinS U.MLW.VY

Kiii inner, Lhilarlo, Canada.

can Mop the leaks--Write ns how.
101 Ptrk A»e., HEW YORE CITY



Kuill for P.irks, with but a frw rotitrirted cities. ILis oirnod $2.!>37.50 in

uno day. ST.'JOhMd in one wi-ok, and $'.'0.:537.0J for ono .si-.tson's business.

Til'oussi-Ili-s. 33 ft.. 40 ft., 4 4 ft .

ft. and GO ft. Spillman l-'our-Cylinder

Diiwi-r I'lkint.-'. YVrito for Ciit ilngiu-s.

SPILLMAN ENGINEERING CORP., - - North Tonavi/anda, N. Y.

moumxaix view

'IVinT PARK. T-- 1`aik Beaulltiil. llLKV.'t



- ''

\lu4\'* \T4Mt I'W Atlri-Muns. Ad*

"· ·· '
T\a'» o*

1.11- .. i-kiii ^11' ;-r juUrTWkf. 1416 Br(iadw.iy. New Yerk City.

4a E. Mh Street. NEW YORK CITY. Branch Shew Reonis:
4015 Pabst Avenueg Milwaukee. Wis,
idrci-.I. Finest Bathing Bea.ll. Aal p pulatiuii. ^tai* highway. WILLOW BEACH PARK. Heusteik. PenniyUania.


rtie Billboard

JULY 5, 1924




Riverview, Chicago

.liini* L'7.-- Willow (iioxr I*urk i>f wli rli .loliii i;. llaxM" i-i iiioi .it:'r. l lo ati

Cli C'tjo, .luue JO.--liiviriiow allaolii' ar buying more than iw.vo as inaii.. liilllMiai-d' this season as tln.x' i\or t'oUi-'!il in tile ii.'i'l and yet laoli work 'omo of i;i"iii ar" askiin; tlie repoiti-r for Tlo r.illisi.iril w; n Hoy lan got Hio ni lsaniiio w.iilo Hi'\ aro on ilnly in tiie park. Kxi-r siin-o Hie soa'in looinil .Mr Kit jgeruld. niaimiror ol Hie yati. Isi-


Orangeade, Lemon, Cherry, Grape, Strawberry, Apple


^ ForSiooo

1200 Large Glasses


Our are all

hta'lhful a il f iDy ^uarantcid under tlie Vn

I'.irkH iu llll^ virlnity 1>H'% wironil h.iil liii.i

ii< Nh. own.;: lo (lir iliiii'iiiill.i iii.ii.f WiMllii-i

iMini'K !) · iiixt lortnlKlil. howi vi-r. Coro loi\'

Im I'll ^oiiii iiiir ilii.iN ami lilir a'li iiilMiir'


lli iir.v Ilailli v, I'timliii'lim; tlio Vi'lor lli rl.i r! lirrlfHlra, li.i' nut w ' li lino l·l|ll''-. Hu lom

Work oi|o.ii:oiiioi,t I imIiiii; tomorrow

Son ,

liandU'd The Itilllsiiinl. You lan got Tlie I!H1Isiard from .Mr. Kil/gorald. Sop him.
V h-n a ri`i«u t' r f-'r id s ji-.'MhmI ;on won out lo !.'· I'ark >· "It rd;;> In- nw nlt.ti

}'· r-i I I. Y.!u ju<t add coM xn iIit um! sw*'e*fu Wo » * .d'or au.iHty tlrj

. ;i t-i c. Wp !^11cvo we liavo the low*'* rrikV in tire rMl*id sta'es wnd w© «

> 'I will lii^p our uu:ill*v. I.,;irce ^Ljnr, ;p; :»>·.

s \ f »r 5^1 d'O, po?

H'mil liv .'al or

ni * t.v f tt-r' N » x lifi k* We i hv lu-ijijie

GOOD &. WRIGHT, 12th Floor, 6 N. Michigan Ave., CHICAGO, ILL. 0

mill IIIk Hiiiil III 11 II .liiiio l``.i mill loni iiiio iini Sopti iiil'i r II. Till' iiiiilwav mol tl.o hom I ' |. mill xariotii. aMrai 'iiiii'* mo In om" llim ion il'iion anil willi llio lioaiitifni (ink i;'oi|iiil> Willow liroM- r.irk ranks n- nno of tin ar. ,il

lo liiiii lilie a:l till* .iM'iiJi:

in li.** World

Mi.ioTln:,.' tli' iii'oh·'*. 1 Iw ro v*ff i


Wmiil'iilo I'.irk. «!ioio Viiiinmi S. .\|. Miml'

til-Ill and iii'Hf tk'MjsamU. Mr. F.t/*:'Tjild ox T'ia>ti*d that it w.i** <1 .t* to lia* la- t t at


Is inmiiigi r. ilHn la-'.il li J Ini-mi-

Mill'll wi iiHo f |iotiiiiHi il

ll.irr.x Kaiiini. r^ H-

I'*- out'* for till*'

Whirlliu; ndi*'

w re jaiiitui'd v.,tU \T", tin* |H»!iit-` and

till* g-at-* rarried

in. tin* biK eoa^wr r;dt·^


Sii|iorliir Iniiuo Hroliistrn is mio nl He iiimii iitra (mile iliiriiii; Hn- wi ok In Hio Is'mii .fnl IkiIIiiioIii mill nil .'^illiil.ixs K.ilinnl Siliiii iH mnl

t(»ok lle-in up and down and roimd nmi round, tin* expre'g tra na rarr' -d rapai ity and >o did cu-rr otbi r aiiidianre in tho rt Mut t i at bad a tbrin to «ir.
The first Qi&a tbe rejiorter m-t xvlnmi Im

The.v lire superior in FLASH! Supterlor


in Quality of Alaterial! Workmanship




TAYLOR'S GAME SHOP. Columbia City. Ind. A_

111- I'.'ilrmniint I'.irk H.inil k 'o fiiio inn oii
irionmi.ii mill .xoniiis'. W'lli as^isHiig vinal Milnisl s.
.Inl D .1 I iirlin. nwin r ;ind nmiiagor n( IMrlin's I'.i'k. r.iill inii'ro. Mil., «.i' in town Hiis work mill I'liiiirHi loll for :i l.iieso Sknnti r

know xxas Frant'is Senit, of William I'oultry's

lor Stall- r.i.r Park. IVlieoIing, W. V:i., i.i Im

front gallery. Mr So.itt xxaa porsiiring fruin

ill ii|ii ration liy July t

the pressure of fiatrnnago. "Tim crowd xxill

liiil'erl l.iiN'o, of Hio f rm of I.ii"i Iiro- .

be a regular thing nnxv,' he said.




Iiim ri liiriioil from a fl.iing trip t-i \i iv Kiii: Imiil Mlioro he In^fn'etod rioont in'IallaHnn-

Fred Kledai'. 1» an-J his assi'ianls xxere np to the.r ear* In h i-iuo'.'; at Kd lITI's I . a.l-inarters. Mr. Kiodais- h said tuat tli" .'t'.riii Sunday was aoiaimiianiod liy hail so la-ge that It threatened all tlio glu-s in tbe i-ark.
The ri pxirter, to t i.iiik of aiiytliiiu else, ventured inio Hie .tdm.nislratioii PiiiildIng. Tl»ru Hie generous efforts of H'-yrge A ScuiD dt he sought to iuti-rxii-xv A1 1!. lludgo who deoliued to ereu look up from his readiug of William Jennings Bryan's .'tory of the Pomoi ratic l ouxruHou. The reiairler remembor. d that they were aci|uainted and let it go .H that. Finally Mr. Iludge r.-spouded to ipo-sHou-

will take in $1.00 a minute if properly located. We have in stock 38 combinations of our merchandise! wheels to select from. We also paint wheels to order.
AUTOMATIC FISHPOND CO., 2014 Adams St.. Toledo, 0.
Concessions Wanted

of l.ns'O rides. I'. Turiiin :iiiil .lotui \V iialnw. w-!l-kiiii» a
Ii.ark nil'll, WiTo in Phllly this wi i k a-'i'mlini: inii«irfant linslne>« affair'.
I'lT, r Wnlf Mils horo till' Ml k a '1 i . 'li.i- 1 a l.ii"i` Sknotir for Ills Hayonio' i\ J.l oui r prlKi
lolin 1! i"i'1. ii'pri aenlal xo of i o Sl ow iiion's legl'latlxo hi auiii'. s; . · l a . xx ilir ill tiixxii till' wi ok and h ft xxill ph .I'ed.
H Kiinki'l. Ilf Ilixorxioxv K .n h N. ,1. visit, d Hie l.iis'i' T'.rne.' liemMinarliT" h. ri' nn
Impnrtanl tran'jitlons. I.iiuls of Cotio.T I'land, New York,

ing and recalled tbut tbe park nianagom' nt, ns SVLY.YX riF.ACH, Fort Wayne, Ind., opens July 4th. Town 100,000. near

a Id* feature. Is in swi . r games vxith major league loams each S'.inlay. He' games to eoutiuiie until July. Mr. Ibidge al'u said the Int'ruatlonal Gorman Saeiiaerfest's

vi. inity, lialf-niHlion people. Only bathing beach, 30 acres picnic grounds, 4 miles of boating. Want all kituls of Kides and Concessions. Most liberal terms. Good transportatiim. Wire


meeting in the iiark the hi't day of Ibo organiaation's session in Chnagu was a big suc¬ cess. This xvas on Juno It. On .June 1*9 the American Luiou of .'xvcxli'h Singers, xvilli 5.1100 voice*, will moot iu Iliverviexv and bold all ot their coutest.s H.ore.

Week' .Vd-

CHARLES L. DRAKE, Manager, 208 Elmore Bldg.
stores .and getting business Geno Iloam y and Morris Harvester are hustling agents. Isxx-at.'d at Pleasure I'ark.

Amsterdam, N Y. .i

; --T!'.' aocond

M-a-on nf lloaley'* Park m p.-rt,. fanU inun.T

ItiiproTi nienls made hv oxxi.iT \\TI!'.ii.i

'I'la re are two 'opHrate "|i nie pruiiinls Initii

free and a lour at caini ina unnind' wiHi u

flee anpply t.f w.if.r at a'' lanes. For Ibe

Mr. Hodge remarked tiait the seven pit

Franklin Tbx.rndyk.x gays tlie caml.r business 1 lilldrrn t'lxi'.or IP 'loy h - pi-' t'il.d 'xxlng*. Is great. Franklin Itas a u ce-luokiug store and oe-saxxa, .'Sn l elides, sj tiH s id. - and nthi r

` show* in the park are all doing splendidly.

know* hoxr to dispense tbe gCHl'.

aHraetioiia, xxMl.' tlnri' e'o ai.x n lOi ·· r of

Heretofore three pit slunvs wire as many as ^ were alteiupted. Amosemeni jiarks all over
the country wi re hem tiled hy a rulin.' from ' Washington a fexv da.'s age, oliiaini-a h.v Mr.
Hodge, wherehy the parks are alhuxed to use
all of their old adiio'siuii thkit' starting
July 3 pioxiiliiig the refin nee to xvar tuv is marked off the ticket Tins ruling xxi'.l be a log saving to Hie jiarks :n l e aggr>'giite a'
i millions of tie se tiekels have hoen printed on

.To-.To. Harry G. Wilson'* trained gorilla. It a real attraction.
The Mg root bi-er barrel Is putting out plenty of the Cooling thirst i|ueu. her these days. Tom Marlon and wile are real showfolks and likahle people.

lostnres for Hie enti rfnIniiioiil of H ·- ad iP' Sxvlmminir and ho.itaii; er- i."'.d . an aril li.'ial hiko, xMll I gill.d  I. j · I'lio of th'
mi»t iH' f.-atiirnb vt ib" r-?ort I- t il.nn paxllioii. A ton-pie''· Soe-'iirg II i l»'I' liirnlsboR the mii-lc in Hm afieriiouti. nliile isipninr Jaza orebertraa fruui this vieinity play nt Digbt.

C Imp r stoek cost a lot money.


Charles Tralim. xx ho i.s managi r of H.e Mill , on the 1 loss, the Big Hii'i'er and the Shoot
the Lhutes, xvas eu'oiirite:.-d by (he reporter, standing under a >lsidx [Hiplar in Iront of Hi'> : busy Mill. Tills is one of Hie I'lioi, e Im anty ! spots cf the pjtig. The I'oplar rii-oie meii' oin d war planted hy .Mr. Kialun Iwelxe }· ars ago and It nearl.y as thiek now .as a man's hedy. He has added several m-xv fearures of iiit-rest tlii.s year to toe .Mill '1 in- baby ducks are miicb adniir'd and Here are -juite a lot cf th-m. Tio v linn- c". y little houses, water to sxxiin In and lots to that they like. They are shit axxiy {ri-m Hie large j'ool thus far. as the xxaier i# too ce'.d for Ham Mild a hat'.v uuck like., watir so well
I that it xvill jump ,Jnto i e xvat. r. 'I', e lahhits are auoile r feature that idease t:.e children mneh. Tlie iaxxii« .md 'hrui'her.v arou-.d the Mill are k'-pt in the jiink of .slai'e h. Mr. Frahm. Tbe fisherman uud txvo kids at tt." hrlnk of tiie tig pool aie also new features and some of the kids xxouder why ih'y n -xer move. It laeet unite a '.'um li to opi rate the ^ Shoot the t'l.n!'s. aiuong tl.' iii t'iiarles
Frahui, A. i>uiof'i.i. Z. Gulot'ki. J. Kllsworth.
I C. Has«, llioidt. K. ZltnUe, .f. fl irt/, ('. Sa'eher.
' H. Vig.l. A S..1.II. Koehler. .1 ll'nn, .  n. Itilter. A. Wi n el. A. Sfode. K. Bh s, hke.
X .M. r. ' hat, H. I; 'rn r. A. H isselberg, Wlt'dhus'-li. H. Khali''.t\ F. I>ax s. II. N.-tieti-
,1 d'i'f. II. Lioiiil-, P. lidxxards. E. Wiseui r au-l . H. Green.

The hex s xx iio xxork on He M.ll on H.'

ae Khali'S I'riihn., .1 Kriia. W. Idi

Harre,l, A. Koe. h ai,d


T e I! g li.l'per is manned bv f, les I'rahnr

r. S'

.:.-k , W. S,irf. T. W

Gro«slila« and M. Koening.



Piilisaih-s. N. .T . .titre

--The 1 r-t ;union

T outing of tiie K  . s|. cii.b xva- Ii- d .In

t Eddie Kaiitor, \V 1! I:e_ers, riOM-:./ Z.'gf

.'".d Harry Ili''-i hfi. id xvi re nnioiig th

i present


I H't Ssnnd.iy -axx- t - re .. d a't'irlus e in

I hi'torx or t..e - x n -'n .xia's ot Ko- la

Itixa- I'i I. ' i.ii! II.ox..' st ir. a- I d

' hii-t '« lo a lart.v of t'tle tot- .1 :!;e Jl.


Sally .T v It-oxvii x- II le' up Jnl.'' 3 xi

, one hiii.ilr'd N- x- Y . g klddii -


H-'ine -Near-II-I'in is g a-' i.L we g'il".

Hdl T 111 -ef ,nt I rm raon-el i.s ji r 'a


. In hi- f. li I : i:.,it 'i- XX.Is (.hligiil to I an I'itra  p!y of <io:i~.

Ed Sylvi s er h.- · n fit (be cir e ,i  Tomm.v Gannon i- tie oiiirator.

t I'ftrles S''i.!';i.ds Hri'hestru eotp mn

lyiMha I ' -m tie Oallroom i !'on 'VIIN. <' 'Ihat it i. no ein. h t,, i..(l

ng ' i,,

H erj'hai in a !. tf i- i vid n- d l-.v Hic h


Hlverlon Park. I'orHanI Me., h.ia I dandv

iiexv I'oayter ride, sitnilid I'll He old danie

lull site. Tie- il.itiee hi'

a s lie. II nioxi"!

to annllier ne, tion of i;. 'ar,, and ·v»tiv< rt' 1 .;,l(* a r'lbr--kal;i g rliik. I.mill- He lilgt' I"de performer, o; inil ii- fr ' atlrai lein *<*-

son at Itlvertiin Park la»t


siiiii.i -lire i,-i f'-rn ill ! '  X. u! uia


light, dm

a'-ti-. ii'tipaci.

I tiy. I> ' i XX iti .i( - xiisl eidinaii 1114 · hi I Kfti r le . I,

II >*ll> ir'kl \

'xo: Iriful n n,. r x-

iirekrr Wii.f u, nv




M«' e ht» in « .T xvpli i Ixrl.-lo III- iiel) Is ll'li I't lie - out nn |. - Ifi. I v't'li if r4»v tn'tK"rn. k'-t He |s i'|s-d 111'h » Krtst V

Bead what uwra fix'. Bee all Bl'.lrU xxllh r\rind'e fejlurr. Write for citsh g toilav. A imt-J
. card will dox

t.f f\ ' iHlier rt's r , xi 'tKs'rr m

git» as iniiiv l.a.4 if ile

It Ion. i"|i rn per Pi'Ui I

of 141? iiutitid

«!.' a

KH 'iiy ter dg nr'ftli Si  I f S* I- II I ,g. or e r«

4I1.I Is y In": il xv.

WHte to¬

KRISPY MACHINE CO. r.rounxr Bldg .

Oniah.i. Nrbradxa.


JULY b,

natatorium opened

$100 Daily Selling

Mur<|iiPiti.'--Old Home Wi-ek & Oclebiatioo. June ·>.

..Aler. Ill nl ( srrell I'..ia x»»' threaii o, . ii

M Ml. 1  ("f ,ls B 1 in.Ill'll r of . ; r f'll' "f

UJte.- eiitbUeiB'li. eiijo.i.d 'ea.on. A b.n.d w.i- on

Candy Floss or Machines

Mur^iiall--Au>ii. >'4ir .\"U.
MINNESOTA -Mlorf l.i-a--Ail'p. .XiioD'au Ee^ion. Apiilotou--Ausp. E.iir As.-iq. Aii'tiii--Aiup. Aiiiot,. aa E> t;inn and Fair. Arro. I'-* iiiidj:--AU'ji. Am« r.`:iu Ivegion.

lUil III I'ia.'

.1 .In I -


'r · "·`"'b . tbe ci'niiuei.fs of

.. tlm'



Ilivor--Au>p. Auieri'an L>'gion.



B,. '-in III Ibe 1««>I. R O' (b- io'l Ji .. .. '..le -.'I !' I>ii!` i ar. 'I iiiMger I · i= I
I.rrii'l .IS ' · III inHi. r time n. r iie.... . in ,s, .If.ilt lo lll.ike ll Ibe bei-l ill I .IIII.1I N. w

IaoP-iIi--A'l-,'. .Xiior: .in I.'gion. lln'litig---Aii'p. X'l.Inn e.r l ire D-pt. Hil.Mug--All'll. -Xniiriiaa Legion. Ijike (My--.X i'p. r.llr .\"D.

111. I- I !S b- frit si.d r. f

.'Eir'hall --1». XV. '..lOioii', seoy.

, J. Ii lai. a .ai'Si l'y of a hall mill nil a illun

(i«atoniia--.Xii'p. I"K'.

all'' all ll IS iliawn fieui a pure >, r i.a

I'ilH-'tone---Vii'p. Ano-rii'an I.egioo.

iruli.l l> · i.r.Ki.' to r. ..

I'riK-tor--.Xii'ii. .Xnii r ran l>-i;ioii.


ll.e |KH>I

l. ree to * (* 11 fi el.

XUuR.'i r I Brroll has

a del'tl. of fruii rngag. d an eji^ rt

Sanborn--Aiidri"i L' o XV. Bucliholz, secy. 'g satid'tone--
r siarbiii-k--HaniM Peterson, seoy.

»vui»n "tmiiiir to gi'e Jnsttii.Hon' to tbe IjiIss. «:" bate one day In the week i«l

i'ide for I iieUI.

... #

Ti.i |.."·l i- an outdoor one and la built of «oil' ft i«`




Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiniiiniiiiiiimniiiiiiiimiiiiiimiiiiiniiiiniiiniiiiiiimiiiii Ji

T«o Harbors--.xii'ii. .Xpii rloan Legion, X irginia--.\. E. It. nsoii. ol airman. XX i-.'t D'.ilutb--.Xu.'p. lln. ao.s Men's Club.
Branson--C. C. P.ivis, se<y.



Years of Exclusive

S Clarenio--XX'. N. liHlgin, se.y.. Bos 134. ( linton--Ain.irii an !.· aioii 1>1* hra'.ion


lact :;g. Xlleh.. Ji.De --XX'lth tue Improre. a.rBt ID (la- healtb s tuation It. II. M. (*lln. Mate beilMi eouimiaeioiier. r* nu ved (olay the hta on I e nearby lake r*'orl». P.ue. l ark ir,4 Iti'Ulid Ia»e' These Wire < los. d 'Iiortly ifirr their (>;· n ug for the ae-aeou as a r-'iilt of ti.i di'io\er> of a nuiii'er of smallpox
iitc' in ilieir v.elnity. Traiisi«ir(ni.nn lo l..·m aUl be p' nil ll and var .si atiraetions opei.isl
The > tuation is gradually impr.iTing. Hr. Ulin Mid. w it la bulled lu reoJuT)' before long tbe irrwDt ban co rireuaei. rarnlTala and atr- et iilaise. «bleh an order now probibita from ex>
lUtiDg or moTing frum plaeo to place within tha Mate.


xy ^

CarrouMli Building

" Honie-fonilnc July S-'. " fi'Innibia--.Vii'P. Elks' (Tub.

-- Biiikliu--B. (.'autwcll and fJ. g. Finney,

" ciinimittee.

-- Hamiltoii--.July 4-3. .Xn't*. Fair Assn.

-- Jonlln--.XU'i . (Ip: nii-t < ..ib.



z--.VU'p. .Xnii rii an Legion.

Z lliiTi Hill--0. XX*. I'arroa. soi-y.

~ Tr-:ito!i--Jiilv 4-."«, aus;>. .Xmeriean Legion.






Meehanitilly and Arliitically Parfact. Z W'yaconJa--John R.






" KaL'pell--.Viisp. ('I,amber of Pommerce.

^_i 3641 Gcraiantawa Ava.. Philadelfhia, Pa. -- Lewistovrn--.XU'P. Bii'ine's Men's t'lub.

rrilllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllillillllllllllllllllHlllllllllllllllllllllinillliMllllliililillllll!l I* I.'.bby--.Xusp. Lib' y Band.

^ Red I.iwlge -- II. .V. Simmons. chairman




4th of July Celebrations

Arnold--.Xnsp. .Xmeriean Legion. Cbadr oil--Auap. .Xmeriean Legion.

Ueridiaa, Misa.. June Ul.--Ecbo Pa:k had a

(Continued on page !V7)

' ( Kirk last neek. aotordiiig to Manager B

iiiiisiair. Ilamus'a Shrine laid a b.g pen

and barbeeiie (or memlM-ra of llama'.x aiul

Tultora and tLe;r fam.liia. l>'. r tl.i.ii-

·aad |»-iiii!e enjoyed the prlvilrgi s of K. ho

Park, .'iwiinniiii.: 'o the large, ilenr. flowing

lake. Kill ·'<iui|i|>ed with all kinds of apparatna.

la a (tvurilr kiiurt of Iiatrone. Haii. ing U also

njoyed in the U.autlful danm ii.oLion.

om Ibe like. The free

U a ' .uree of

marh Interest. Eilat I'ark has several lolea

l«oki>d for July.


Tie Fit ig XVard'. reernil `11  4 wiik ;i( Toloiki lit. I
I* the feature of the
in >; ringflebl, it.. July 4.

ovi r for a Cars, tvH Cell brat ion

I''iirenee--.Xa«p Exc :ige CLb I .rt !)· Ill'll--.Xusp. Wll'onlal Club. i.i.Klwater--July l.|.
H irri'OU--Ausp. ClmnitH r i f C 'n,'!i J meahoro--.Xusp. Fanei rs & M* r. `i,int8' .X-sO. Lake Village--.Xusp. Aiiiiriean I'snin.
CALFORNIA Berkeley-- o.kiaiiil -Harold H \V · I tr. ch.i rti *1 .iiinmiltte. If iii'ind--Ausp .Xuiitiian I g , 1 ii-'.i' k--July 3-S. Xii'p. c'lianibi r of (' lU'
no rec.
COLORADO f .ft Collins--.XU'P.'T t *' raraere*. } -t Xfiirgin--.X I'p. Xm>r n I u n. (irt tley--.Xuap. Chamtier of Comm'ree.

Coneerae--Celebration and Horae Racing. au»p. Miami Co. .Xgrl. .Xsso.
H' i-atur--M.iO'O Festival. July 4-". Indianapoll--.Xusp, X'eterans of Foreign XVar. ` N.iblesville-- <i..;,Hs|--.Xil'p. .Xmeriean I.egion. Klehroond--.Xusp. Community Serrlce. Salem--Ausp. American Legion.

.x'g na--P. P. Zerfass. secy. Koautb Co. Fair

A'sn. Xrion--Aosp. County Fair .%5sn.

Ill s Moines (Fair Uroimdf)--Ausp. Trades A

Ijibor .Xssembly.

Ft. Hodge--.Xusp. Fair Assn. H. S. Staobeny.


fiuttenberg--Ausp. Community Band.

Inde|u Diienee--July 4-5.

H. Brocks, aecy.

dinoivilie--.Xusp. American Legion. Manchester--.Xusp. Co. Fair Assn., July 4-6.


E W. Williams, secy.

It*. iN'rtiii, Mickh.','"'o'-p'irat·i-d b> Jtmnilo J. fiMaiHrt -X Aluesu.ii_. Ceniui n-il Mb.

Manson--Xusp. Calhoun Co. Fair Assn. Maquoketa--.XUsp. .Xmeriean Legion.

'lly^aiid F. M. Russell, and n bl. h oian I ,,

tii'i. Ximiuan 1 eg n

' *


I . all Il.t--.Xiisp Xiior. an Ii g.nn

Mis-ourl X alley--.Xu>p. Cbamber of Commer.'e.
(·sieola--.Xusp. .Xmeriean Legion. Ferry--.Xu>p. County Fair .Xs'U

Adjuttable to ss

fisj X ,i|£t,tB adyl'i's that hi I* at XX' ite

H Fi-k Herrin, III., and able to bandie

·e k'llNiarrt of a ialllo|>o a- w.ll .1' 10 sr » S'idv (hat bis  Baiiy Vampiris '

ramniis ci,,, ||

(g ji,,. foB.j wlo-n

·rm mi ather eeasi-a.


xu y--.Xu-p tie ( x rura

.'a.r X

1.. ii.,,,, -.\u-p Fa - .V.- n

liilhalto .lulv 1

.loe Smith.

'nn - -i an I -- g  ti.

-· J . ea.i

s .mner--.Xusp. Community Cltsb. XV.t 'tir City--.Xusp. .Xmer'ean Legion. XX hat Cheer--.Xusp. -Xmeriean Legioi.
KANSAS < . rrvvali'--.Xusp. American I. gieii.

shown. No
r a < t inzs to '.-ll.-. Heel n e lu'urei f--' hold m f o o t b rt a rd xxiiole pedal


B I-'ill II .XU'P .Xnnri- in I.egi.'D.

i.eorg A. Huulil an romniunieate* that he ' and r !g--X .-p ( >. > i '· .X"n

rntirpriai'--.XJdress Secy Comuiert'al Club. ll':*ehln«on--Joe K. Niles, u'o Chamb-r of

feidi In'o very taiall avace.

*' I'd ll' :i.ii«i'(^ In (he ni w I'lian (irme Carts n»'-'1 111*



ll-ita. 111., to his former partner. « · ti'r.ili 1 X Mr - > .v . .1.3 Cit.v Na'iiua Isngnian--.Xu'p. .Xmer;. an legion.

iBi' M u. .,,,1 ill. Optioned a largi- Ira. t of . iC'n't

' y, i- 1

!«mug',':,ib.r`Vark'`n. xt'ac,soD,

c'b.tri.'oit .--.Xddr. ' Ftuer'talnm. nf't...

Lyndon--Ausp. Ku Klnx Klin. .X.blre'S C. .X. XX'.adib II. Bi>< .*>3, Osagi' I'it.v. ksii.
(' ifhe--July 4-3. Frank Ru"ell, se y.. Cham-

I'. r of Commerce.

I'Mi'Iiurg--.Xii'P. Modern Winulini'n.

.salira (Kenwood I'.arkI--Shrine Celebration.

Inly l-S. V. Sellars, mgr.

XX'iiiH'go--.Xusp. American Legion.

\X . b 'a -- July 4-3, ausp. lu sister Club. KENTUCKY.

'fraveliugm'n s

3-Way Pedal

xi. It.ib. r:--J. F. Pan'.el. moiv.
'I .bill Merehanta' A.'sn. (1m I'U'lioro--. .'·. aril*--.Xusp. sirum.a Coal A Lum'iei C >. Virsallb'e --Fraternal Picnic. July 4'5. F. T.
XK'Cainmisli. aeiy.


Ilanimond July 3-.X. .XdrtrC'S Secy., Fa: s' t air .X'su
Xb -giii c 1}--.Xusp. XX'cIfarc .X"n s 'eveiiort--.Xu'P. .Xmeriean L< gion. XV Ish- .Xuap. Welsh B.and.


y . ( hamN-r of

MASSACHUSETTS Uiwell (Sonth Common xiidway)--John \V. Ker-
nan. 'Ui't. Healiiviy--.Xusp. Indeiiendeucc Hay Cele. Com¬
XXallliam--City Celebration. .Xddrt'sa EdmiiDi] .X Br,H'. C tv H  MICHIGAN.

X'lii II -- .Xusp. ChamN'r of Coiumercc. I'owagiac--.Xuap. .Xmeriean la'gion. Jaeksou--.Xusp. Fair Assn.

Hits where the

L.U r-iLI ii ad;iis!ai>.e 'o ..ue

|| g i\: u 1. eiia...lng

to hit the

ivaet ... : nae;e ...u gtt ' e in


I'lrc.t a. :iu... fjit as li.,h:;:iiig. No .ahrr

Ndal will plta^e >eii as well. None haj

aU. h lemL:! iiiee I. A; d It U mod-

eraiely ptiitd!

H rile ioJay for new 98 pafe Drum Catalogue

222 N. May St.. CHICAGO



Xlie Billboard

JULY 5, 1924

Much Interest Being Mani' fested in "Farm Products Show of Michigan"
f. T- ll'P . ,
i,,.. .,
;,I iiiiriit i.iiiiii. II'  ik'i iii' iit i| a I'll! '
t: " lair M '1 II tie
' ..tod I" iii|i.iny. Tl y Will bo fiinii'le


Will Display Agricultural and Indus trial Products--Jas. D. Lee Is Manager

rim: -till, s.

.f ill.' `J'l.--Tl.i' Al'i;.

nii,1 Iiidt.1.111111 I'lilr i.;' i" arli 'ii'Ti i .'iiiit.v w i:

1»' li. ir iiii.I. r I'l. a I'l'.i-. .1 Ilf til.' Acii. iil-

luriil S'., iiv <if 'll.I.''ll iiir"!iii:i N" 'iiii'.r

to S. Tl.. OIil (· 111.Ill ISiiiM.iii: a


tiiii.r.'. v.l'ili i- li>.at(I In till' I'l'iit'r nf tin'

ti lai! il -t". i Ilf t'li.irli''t"ii. viU 1" it-''1 t'l

lioiiso tlio fair.
'llii' 1111,11'.' of tlir fair i' t.i <t iiioii'trato


-' Ilf Cliar!i'!.iiin iiinl tl,.- aJjii' i-nt

<0111)1 ·', ami to pivi' the uu I' liaut', iiianu-

fiii'iiri-r' mill maiiufai ttiri'r'' iiiri iit' .an oiiixir-
tiiiiii,v to nliiiw tin' cla" of nnri'i.anili'O tln.v

liaiiilli'. Tlirro will Ih' an Hil'iiiiutiili' ilmw.


ying New Grounds. Building New Buildings and Offering Property
to Community as Recreation Center

Plenty of Other Entertainment Scheduled Too--Coliseum

e)iiiiii;i'. Va.. .Tail' C" - T'V', ! 0- iii;i t iiiii'y r.ia' w'll I ' i lil 1 11 i."'v III 'an- ..m

To House Great Crop Show

II liii" w 'll I In' l'"i;',< I ;' ii: 111 U'-iiii III I'll! ]i.i^. - ' j tliiiii.'') ill nil' ' "'I I" 'll I""''
iin iil' li''' ii'i'lf. At II ih 'Iim; <'1 it - 'I  '"i'

l.i'M r. I I inly 11,0 iiiiiiii.i;'iii' i ' 'i a iii- r
Ill imn li.i'i' iiiiii ii'i'ii 11. r. of ImI "i il' .l
'."itli I.f tlio lown. '1 I.' Iir.'|i. it' I I a
il 'I frmilaco on iHitli tin- I, i-iiw iv .ml

i. ."  a' Hu

i.iilrmiil. I 1 o fair .TS'Oi'i iliou lia' li t contrai l for a

P.i'lai. Tl I., .Iiinr 27--Tho mtort.i 11111'111 Iitl riii'l lull at tl.o .Slato fair of T'x«* II..' jiar w.ll 1h' Iiiir'o r.aoinK. It i« annoiinrrl li,i till' fair luanaKi'iui'tit.
Till* Itii'l -ai'i' moot w.ll mntlnno fur tblrtoon '*`r '·'''·111 iliirini; w.iloh t o .stat-
I'air of 'l .'xai Is in prui:r.''S, 'i ,,. rai-o m-

-V ill upi'ii uii'. ii.-i.iU r 11, ami rii.-ai.-

Will Im' on 11.0 iirusraiii I'Cor.y ilty t . roaft 'UNO tlio tl'ri'o Siiml.'its of tl.o Utato Ka.


Doei«ion on tlio pait of S'.ito Fair i1iro. tor«

to ajtain huid n ra..- no i-t i .itii.' as a ro*ui' o'

tlio i.ivor w.ili wii.h I o i;i:;:i moi'otini; m<"

j.iiUlic s. n'mii'i.t, .t' t: ·'

.··lat.' Fair t:,o-..

wi-ro only 'oi.-n d .i' of ra. ms. ami woaf:..'-

I'oml.tii'iu WiTo aili. '-i' at I at. 1».'p-.t.- t »

lot, liu.M-i or. piiif'iaiao wa' I'Xi'oliont wi*.

too srami 'tami eiuw.l' iiit.r. 'y 'at ofact.'r.


in till' fai'o of I'll.Il ly «kii'«. w'..i'h oftin ilripp".!


]·! Ilf ii'i'l V, ami a' a nitaral eoD'iiimno.' ,1

I a',1 ira. llirauiil tlio ra- i.s M'ison

Tlioro \v. ·o t'r. o ! s ''ako oventi In ini';,

W'itli .1' 1,1a y '1'.' t'lr'. '. and wnh th<' ox'd iii.i'.iis lor I'rjl it 1< a for.'coro con-


1 111'on toat Miih oi.nia will at 1'S't b*


doiilili J.


Ti l' jad.'i' f.i- I'ljt w. I asain lio tbo To'orin


A Mii;i.'i.\. wliu iir. ' ded at tl.o Sta'"

I'.i'r of T' \:ii ill oi or dav', and w! o ox

I'l* 'I'd b n.- if a' Il s It pl''*''od at cumins

I'.o 1; in I'lJ.; w lion raoins wa« roviv. d. T-i-

I'''.'! iio'i ns wai tl.o fir«t bold at Pa; a«


t'.imi' c'ltiiriliii'

' I 111 uIllT'li

;3 view of the f.ih' grounds ?t B.'I.'ast. Me. B.'.ov, grounds of tbe Kortli D.akotn St.nte, largo.

.XTiint' an i:'i f. r tlio 1021 raclns aoa-on w !
' oiv nio'oM no II' o i.r Iho'o mado for lOl,. ox-. Ill .1' ' oy woro, \V..i n it I' roal.xoi
I at f il.'i ri l ar- bad oKip'.-d «.m'o liuri.-i had t .I'll..I ar 'iiii'l 'lio li il'ii' track »'im' Idos of t o I'itoi'iio III I .It bail to lio built, ail n.'" e. i.v lio bid 'lb,' wa' K'.ipplb'd, buworor, tin li r !'·' I I a'i'o dT' tion of IT A. F Flow 'O'. ' .pi r.'il.i.ib III Ilf tbo ra. ms d'partm'r.i a'.l lb i.i' w :' bo loldo.i fur IP'.'t Hal w iiiako I ..' p.illai rae np plant aocml to non-

In I o o'd dll' till' iiiilo track at tbo Sta*. lair uf 'lova- wa' r*''osnizod .a' oiio of th'I ' t ill I...' i.iiiti'iy, Il «,i, uric nally biiot h ' ori , U'ld s.'on H.o n'mo't caro darns th-
,. .11' I .at fii'i.iwod np to I'oiH, aft'-r wlioh w.i' 1 .ill'll ;:.'u all a ilorio'li o coiir'o |» w:i'
all oa-v inatior tu l irn it baok to It* or.j nal l'.IlMl-o iii;i n in I.r-t-ilas' condition.

.\ii imi rovomont aliaady In pro.-rc'i ale a I

f I'.c

iii'oiins i' tl.o add.teiii of bun

d;i"l' uf liiii'» 111.Ill' of fine ruad sand


' lo ns 'Oil ad on tbo nai'irnl blai k land o'

I ·' tri 1; 1 1' o..>'lv 11 t It intcrT.'iiins rar.'

ba-o n, \..| |

'and and Hio waxv B'lmb 

t'l a . .111

oil. V ibal w ill iii' iro lo-'t (' "nd

Wll a 1 .r.
At El Paso. Tex., V/ill Feature Re sources of Southwest

I' I of 'Hi an Ibn II.' .ivc

Wurl. ini'i.b nt tu Iran'furniins tin* pr"'"n' I . ' nil .It I ·' Slat.' la r of To\a' into an ii|. '..ili'o IIililt'iral build ng In I nm for I o F-'l S'.Ill' Far, O'tubor 11 2l! n*!'. i' i.i. br w.iy,

tV'.on roniploiid tbo atrnctiiro wll baio

I.i" M iiifii.'ly iiia'Io uvor ns to tf> lnl<'i. r '1.0 i|o\v plan will Sivo a full IMiy.'tml fi

fur 1.0 |iro|., r d «'lay uf agrioiiltural cxbbiat H.11 .lo.irT .stall' Fair
'Hu ro la tu III' a (·ntral fuiintnin. aru m I

Vi 'll .11 a sr. it p.iT aboliisriim 'pai 0 for nior

Hian fiHy county will Iw pruv.ibd

N'M 111 H.o wall', iinibr tbo iiow plan »

1.0 p ' 'ii.ii'o for tbo many I'dm-al T.'i'

1 11', 'lb ai tliii'o niado by tbo Texa' V .V M ( id'oco and u'lmr in'tllittluna. w tli p '

li'.iifia fur viMiiim oNbibita of l·'IH*cial Into:

I t 111 asrlciiltiirnl Toxa'. t'bansins of Hio t'ldmoimi Into an ak'i"'"'

t lal lii .blins I'uiiio' 111 till' r'''"lt uf a p'oiU*
lo ido tu asre iilinral Intor. 'la prior tu He FH i s 111' Fi r by fa r uMe al-. It ba- Ions lo · ' I o lb iio uf Slato Fair oaoeiit <01 tu pioil't''

all adoipiato iimma fur ill'plai ns To\a'' aiff'  I'l -al f aliio", and h''u to pruv ib it m'*'
· ' tiiiriiiioo Ilf tbo tiiagn;ficont b s park \V`"'

plain wi'll iindor way fur tbo now ami for.un*

1tu bo orortoil in Ibo ti.i tun Park 'ooilun o gtoiii .1', I ;..ins:ns uf Ibo t'ldii' iini w^'

iii.ido pu"iblo


III fiirnior yi an fboro will Iw Ihrly anil

'tiiMtlal I'a'li pi'' uflToiod fur tbo In'!*

.... 'y cMi'li I' iiiiido at Hio ITJI Stalo Fait* 'I I o o promliini' rnnS'' from Jl.'l.'.it fur Ibo fir«^,

down to M'Hi cai'b lor tbo but all.


I finl


. .u»*! I lo iiij* r.* * 111-mh-r* :iri iiiu* in-tiis.

*2 N Y., .Iiiur ~*.--Thr ^tiii'klioMi |-« of

t'li* ||"rn»ll r.iir

mn. Ht h


1.'n* 1* fully, iho^** iln- St* iihi ii Tni***
` :t ur« r o! till* f.ilr !o niit .. .'.I rimt«`*4 AiUlt

u ho

At th`*

tini** tlo-v

loll n)«>n tti»' <i*iitli of Mr
A.I-it. i\to1iiii»r uiv to thf fiilr. III :m1 l*--n tmiviir^ r of t-KPix fjiir H'`»`Ooi«lion tn


of llorii«*ll»v Hr mill thr ritv of

Horn* 11 !'*r lli»* im'*! tliirtx iitn<*

·n<l ha«l

!·· · ti

m tii-lr iiiHniiL't'inrnt.





Write nearest Agency for 1924 catalog

BALLOONS always dependable.Irtsh stock. NEVER JOBS or SECONDS













1521 Dickinson St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Discussed at Dinner Attended

Orangeade, Lemon, Grape, Chen



P, ,  r


« ' ·

fit»w'x» Mtchlnr.

Size of Case, 6 Cans,.S7.20

Respectively N> C 0. n. Or Icr


Thit pritr ytart, with this ·ubiication.
- lea,' b* »rnt wl'.li full iinmint If

Monroe County Fair
August 30tb-Scpt. 1, 2, 3 and 4. t'.'in  - lulls «.f all kiiul.s. Write ti» FRANK ALLEN, - Albia, Iowa.

OCTOBER 1. 2, 3, 4. DAY ANI* NUlllT. IRA VERNON, Secretary,

by Three Hundred Western New York Fair Men

BHtsTia. X T.. .Ttiae `2` --The race »eoretari,'S fr,,in ·,r*, t: nl'! i-v. ry fair in Western X«`W York attendi^l t'.,* <1 nu,r «f the (i.-n,--*-,-
t .unty I., ii'inin-ii ' l>r viiig I 'ub at the Kx*
er.'un.l' h^re b'l

Fred r. Vark. r, . t:iry ,.f t'..` Cenesee County Fair. wa. the f "'t 'i>< ak, r. H-* di«,-,i»-.-.| 1.r,, f y : r».- r:i- ii.: of tialav and -.ts

Table to tl.., Vounty f;i.r. . Tpro^^.D,: the opinion t ,t ' ,'r-. iiieit all.I lii.r orti' nS aro noiv oo-

o|Mra',ii.: more il.i'. ly than evor l» f,>ro. Frank

I, rolt- r. rate r. rary -'f t o Hanitiiire Fair,
wa, aiiofloT n',,1 r*'·l,,'n'I,'il t,» tlt»* rail of the t', I'tma'for M*. I'oir.r d, lar, !! that borae

ra n,;

le-.-om :,c niore ...

in Western

Now \ ..'k onrv ,I.ty an.I fat t!ie fair s.teieties

w.r,, iar.:- ;! r-'i.or.-.l.'o f,>r t . .-ondition of

alTa r» 'I',- lb v.

IV K 't'.-i:'. of .Ml,ion. a

1 n

in a -.f.-r. a' ,1 ii,,w ra,*o ^e,'r,*tHry

of t

\;i,i,,n f ur. na' a I r.i man to pay

trilxit, to .-a, lu:.


of the .tako race '.V't'-ni tras

the «i.lij,,t of u l.iik by M.itmu I.. Sniitli. sec-

n tarv of t

Hi.lta'o K-a.I Itriv. r-` Club and

· ifU.t .. r. tarv of I;..- W.-t.-rn No'V \.<rW
1 I r A-'o, a'.oMs. Tl.o -tak,- . -···iii. in -pit,*

.if the epi" 'tion tvlii.h It en.-.iiiutiT.-d at tlio

I 'll,, it wa- inlr.xla, , d. i i- ma.l- We-t.-rn

N,-w' 1 ,>rk ,*ne of tli,* yr* I'.'-t I.,,-'.,* ra.'inc

ti"ti» in t o w.,rM, Mr. Mii ili ,|,,l.irod_ Tho

-T-teiii. ini'id* iita

ot'i: nat.-.l in 1\**stern

N. W- \ork

Mr. .-iii.f. -a.d f at nowhere in

t , Imii. 'I .- ai, - W , "O ti. i;;iii; 1- prohibit,',!

i.r-' ra,,' letter than in Weetern

New ^ .ik. II. I It,,I th., la-i:, ntiiiib.T of en-

t-,11 till rt-e- at ...

fa.r- a- p'ie>f

.·f t'.%, p-e , til I to tl,',' ,,f f. - -,< i',,ii in till* rae-

nc w.,rld. f ft..i> >tai. - ai. l tie- It.,111111 on of

t iit.M'la ar,` r* pt,-,'nte,| -ii f..e f-t of -tabb"*.

le , ,,r,l in: t,> »','r, tar> -tin 'll

"i,,>.h1 ra.'itic '

1., ' - I <1, in*a''ial,Iy tn.ik, - y-eel fa.r-. an,I it

Is t. s]i r I ,,f ia,-oie I at ain le'tw',*, 11 tli»` ra,'-

ini: in-'ii an,I la r olb,' al- hiw Hfl. il th.-

Western N.w \ rk ft tho leTel a litth-

le'ow f at of great exiaisitlons."

· I kin.w fr.iin le'rs. nal talks w th f. cn

, ..n, e-si,.nalro' atnl liors. men tlial t ,· W. st.-rn
N, w 1,,rk fairs ar-- w .b ly known in Kiir.ip,-." Ill- eoiit iiin* ,1. "n,'t .-niy f"r t e'r ra,' ng but

for their 1 \'i.l,,t« an,I i-tlaT f. at'i', -


Smith I, tiiTl\ atta k.'il the t tn,, elo- king 'is W' h,- lei'in,',! all Iisiill to In'tsoiii.-ti
lie eipresseil -a11sfa,'tiott that 111** sa.ti tn ha,I

1.. ., n r. i.'.te.l In tho W. stern New 1 ..rk f i .


Tl r.-,- hnn,lre,l atl,'n,i, ,l th.- d n-

I .r ati.l there w.

I'-ii I'ar. on th,'

gnar.l.',l by a -peeial ib la. litnoiil of Mat.-

I.per- itniv fi'o -p- ak, rs w. io «,·'e,inl,'il I -

ta k hitl Im (or,- the iliiinor t'a- O'er 1,11 lia.l



*`hII of Mi«*

Ifa vii tr III''*. H o nfT iir «

to an oml -shurtly

nff* r


Thf Tiiii-n '.aii'» pfn .duik: tiv

iiiii'su* tvi-ro slro'**o ft a*i JfM`k* ys. an«l oarH of

fill* artiflofi ou Ibo monu was givni tho namo

«·( a boiM*.


Price Only $|.50 PoCnd Postpaid

Six One Pound packages for $8.50 postpaid.

\ pound makes almost a baiTpl. You make 80c cl'*ar

on each dollet


in. Fancy color,-!! siens free with all orders for a po'ind or mote. p.. kage, to make 30 lirse Kbsses, for 23c postpaid. Put up to one

pound cans and 2^c packases only. Fully guarant'-ed under the Pure Food

Law. P'.cuse remit by money order or stamps. No C. O. D.'s or checks.


MAKE $100


You will eventually buy this machine,

so why not now? It i.s the New anil

Improved Klectrie t'ainly Floss Ma¬

chine, absolutely the bt-.-t on the market

toilay. Attach pluir `.i any socket AC

or DC, from `'7 to 1?."« vnlis.

Pat. Gniittd Apr. 8. 19:4.


only $200.00




All Riahti Rfsmed.

FRKK r.aiiii. Tlibbtin, etc. \Vrite for Full Particulars.



-R) rL.\Y-



itl.'ince, 100.000.




tta havn't a Mt of

i' I'l ItOOKtNT, niUKi T fi r-Man, FK-b' Pi. » ('TOWN* nANP. PO

THUKE IMKFKUENT Cl.Ot'N' \i TS «'i,h t '.1 fu-'.i>b, 1

>;I'farai ,'f. Terms ir.J part.niUn

pdJrrj.. JlillN-pid, fim-n. »;l. **lii,-. New l-iklng laa- Fait'.

Union City, Ind.
IHIA 0 SIPTIMBEH 9. Ill II. 1924.

I-r Ii.i I» W gginleii. se. ri-lnrv of the Tri-

I..nniy r.iir. (..rl.m. ui . WI- » pb-nsanl eall.r

>l ">' I' .,ff,.esof nn- l»illl>.,ard a lew


"hiU* ill till* 1*1*.' ^>11 tiu-'inp'*'*.



' .


''MV;'* ',"hi 't*h« . ..rate f..mih of .l»l> eeb brattoii Iwid U-, ii


I ,1. ., a.,I III .est M.,U«> ill tl.o

,,, , .,rl.,,,. f-r whieh .1. T. 1'tifoM

i' 'm , 111- s.`.

Netlli Ibin.t.'.l. OliU..

weald Inn,ish Ibe rales, iin.l it was aiitlelpat.'.l tbal weiibl be a large atteinlanee.

Consult Us Whenever You Want Good
Wallers Amusement Agency, 238 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.

ONCESSIONS WANTED .JJ^aleilrn/X. wlgL^n;::;:'Ll.b'ljndt: ' - Wl.ti, ,« tiie heart el Mliinia Writp or pr, I'll'i's seme in \vs of lilt- fair for :in early Advertise in The Billboard--You'll Be Satisfied With Results
« W. LaAlaRM,. 37 F prtrrtl A»«., Atlaata. Ga. issue.

riie i3illl>oai*cl

JULY 5, 1924




' I Pioneer and Leader in the Production of Dirt Track Automobile Races jj

' I

and Auto Polo








n For tnfnritialinn aud Open litne ithlress--





texMew Improved Drink Powders NQ CAUSE FOR ALARM HERE'S A "KILLING"

Vnofa'^, ·^OwdEP^ I

©RANGE ADE Conditions Improving in Mich¬ igan, Says Chester M.

Grape, Lemon, Lime, Cherry, Strawberry and Raspberry
60 GAL. or 1,200-GLASS SIZE, $1.90 PER LB.. 6 LBS. FOR $10.50


<'iir 1'


rpi with ;ill f'^

FOOD T.VXVS Orly fhy Iv-sl

-u.le m.trrla'.j u<r.l. rnil Mn qiialltv r-aii.'* ··i by xn cxrTt staff of rhemlsts.

- 'tiii lps.

t j. Ii lUv. r. .Ml Hxtoii. tl.iO ui'-Mal. si^e. $

with onler,


CLOUD'IT, tl'o o(iTn[.<ttit .1 f -r 'I'.aFiiv tlr.*'aoatls clou ly,

<mr P'lHlori ii'f fio I ' · t ili t IIfv ,1 .1 fM'oriri: e <an pnxiuct. \Vf could

iiuKe clioapi r iv'wilir- 1 ut »· <1

t tl,:'it adti-aolc.

PURITAN CHEMICAL WORKS, 4520 ''haur?^;;* = sr. CHICAGO

S'l-r. iury Choter M. nowell. of tli.. MioliiKsn

.\>''K i«tii>n of l air-, Kaliinia/in, Ml'ii . m ii'Ih

vord to 'i'l'O ItilllKiiird 111. Fan iil.i. I'd on

carnivals, circuses iind

oiiiil.".' ciIiIImIIous

tiy the Stale lirpartnoiit ..f li.-alili


.Tune I'o >bould not In* d al.irniin,? from

the -tandiKiiut of the fairs of the Stale. 'Tie* State comnil-s'ouer t.Mik the stand be

did t.ecause be wanted to r> tif.v at one a

«'iiitct s.sion iK'opli' should pet in touch witli thf unili'rsiKnod at once for ex«hisives at the Greater MontKoincry County (Ky.) Fair, Aupust 6tli-t*th, inelusive.
WANTED for above--a Halloonist w Itli a reputation--dependable one. inakinK four leaps at one ascen.sion. g\tidrcss
N. A. WILKERSON, Secretary, Mt. Sterling, Ky.
At Liberty for

loiiditiou that niittht fsrow wror-e than it r.-allr



ia and every riKlil iuiuJed |i. rsou in t .sialis liackinE him Uii in the move. It.' tis'ir.'s, ai.d »e do, loo, that ao ounce of i>r> vi ut:..n is woiUi a |Hiund of cure. That * why he put hi* fool down at til* time and tli.-re is no r<'as..M to be alarmed over the future for the sitiialam In Mi.hiKun is better right now," sa.»s Mr. H.iwcll, "1 talked with Hr. U. .M. «>l.n. the Slate di¬ rector, Monday, and l»c stated that the «itiiat <>n

Fairs or Circus
Min and Wif.' Wlf* tioes A-I Iron Jaw Act. Swing¬ ing Laildrr Act, flll-ln Trip. Act. Oi«d wardr )l». M.m »«lli lUkrtt. aiiiummrtntott. Doth d" t'nr.rrt T.ini. Hive little boy, lhr<e yearn old. U, d .1, : inl.rePTrscig: don't you. Wire rr write tt < AFItl\I, 1 mil UTS. Arr.i. IlMnel*.

WHS bettered. That ia gisKi ic »- and 1 uni

The big Kuzoo Fair--.second year --broke into the map with a bang


glad to pass it on to the piof.--- on and to the readers of this pai>er. TVe here in Micbgan are not given to being al.irmi-t- .it nil and we are not, and w-e see nothing hnt a liright fu¬ ture for the fairs in this State and the return of Donnal conditions in a very short time." Mr. Howell, in addition to he ng secretary-

AUGUST 13 TO 15.
Stewartstown, Pa., Fair

last year. r)0(),000 within 40 mile.s. It looks like the hot s])ot.


treasurer of the Slate fairs assoiiutiun, is man¬ ager of the Kalamazoo lair.

< rssi.Tit. sh. ». m.i hi'lei viaii'ed. Nigh* ami d.v .iiilIV T M I ASU.N', m E. Baltimore ·«.. mae. Maryland.

AUG. 18-23 r 15 DAYS S NIGHTS



PENNA. GREATEST AGRICULTURAL FAIR. Six Days and Nights. August 18-23, Inclusive.

CONCESSIONS iii'w .'-·`lling for .Midway tmd Ijuildiim.--. 4.'. lo $10

per foot, .ll·c<>nlill^: 10 location. Act quick.


I FRANK BAEDER, 1015 State St., Erie, Pa.

^-4 -r 4 4 44-4-^ 4^4 ^4 -r 4^4^ 44- 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4-4 4 444-44 4 4 4 4444444 444444444

Must 1>»- strirtl',- liiph-c'a-




Corning, Calif., .Tune C.T.--Ever.vtlilng but the

aetual working detail' of the I'erning Mid-

Winter I'air and Tehama O.iiuty Farm

Itureati roiiliry Show was dune toward staging

the first auuiial event at a reeeut meeting.

Tue date wa« set and plans for g. m ral or

guniration. with tlie needed officers and sub¬

committees, completvMl.

With a view to adding to the festivities

of the holida.T season and to keep within

the dates when the olives, oranges, lemons.

« tc., are at tia-lr best, it wa« dec ded to 1h>M

the fair in holiday week, covering tlree days--

.Taiiuary I, h' and 3. Ti.os,. days will be

Thursday, Kriday ami Saturday. The I'Oiiltr.v dlVl^loll niil l». in 1 li.irge of

tlie Telaima ConnI.v I arm lliireau. -vlueh will

U' as'lsted by the Woman's Home Depart-

iiieiit, with exhib Is of wliaicver iialur.' li'cy

ina.v desire.

The divsjon of olive-, citrus and industrial

matters and the divi-ion oI amii-. meuts will

Ii. in charge of tlo' I'orning I'hamie r of < ..m

iiierce. lidiicat hinal mailers, in lomierilon

w lb tM'Ultry, olives and orange., will be unil

ilie uianag. iiieut of a eonimiilee wh,. 1, will

also IfM'k afier till- aiiiiiseiiieiit , ml <if ii

Tlie fair will be l.ihl in the S..111I1 li. I'li.-

tViirelioiise, which i- .`l.'i fe. t long l.j r.o f|...|

w.'le, and the d.'. i-ioiis ..UI |., 1 a.

f..llovvs; 'The soiiib 111', f'· I will be taken

ii|> hy the poultry and Woman'K Home |ie|iiirt

nieut Itirisioii; lie- mvt !<*· feet vv 11 b.- ii-ed

b.\ the aniusenieut and edu, atlonal <l'vi-|.in

and the north

feet w.H la? used b\ the

citrus ami industrial division.

'J'he I'lilirc hiiililing, it i* planned, will In-

b. aulifiilly dei orated and the thne dii.v < wilt

Im' given tip lo edui'Btloii. in'eresi and ainiise.

Ill" III. liverylliing |Mi-slhIe will la. nrrang. I

Unit will add lo one's knowledge of the |sis-

sihllitics of T'ehaiiia Oiuot.v poultry and of

< ol v. s and c trU' fruit iHisaihililies

iii.d it- Indii'lrla! world.

The gem rat coniniittee will meet In Cnriiiiig

again Septemlo-r Ii for tlo- piirisise of final

oigiinirutioti hjr tlie cleetioii of a general rlaitr-

iiiaii. general s,..retHri. sceretarles for ttie

divisions, deeorat on conimitlees, treasurer, cie.

After that meeting every detail will he wnrkisl



AUGUST 16-23
Ii .lrp»iul«.l Ml.Uajr, It.det, Si.Twi, Dtnclr; raTillxi an.l F: iffal- mn t. W D. FXflTn. Srry., Sc UII*. M ..

SEPTEMBER 1-5. I92<. lla» opvi.luc Ijt one or two tlcin SI.owi ami a few ui>;to .liie. .bail C. b.M.lcni. L. S. smirT'Mt. .s.^ii'ary. li.v I.*, Kfwji.ce. li'.imh.
.\i la sT 12, 13. II. 13 IndrSifidmt &h«wt and Ceacettiart Vtranted 1> " I'.IMvI.I VI W. .sis-tfiary, t'a-a t ry. vinh


K \\ WT .1! I ! 4-1 f*f <';

iIk T-

MAitafiui 7. $.

Fair, at

la.. Au^Uo' I,

luri.t'flti- milt. faN


_\V D.


The Great Day County Fair
SEPTEMBER 16. 17. I*. I«24. Vb'Ts Tqi.i .ri t o. foi. . ..h. ., to sell. Ila. Vs July
Millf M. M. Jl IxiK, .Maiitgrr. Wehrter. ulli Tlak'ila.

WENONA. ILL, AUGUST 6. 7, 8. 9. ItMey, A'-tv, Fill. .1.' - - . x.i '..I V' . riv-.ii end tilal.l. J. C VVt Iti KM.V.N, Xv. y, Wvnn a. Ill

5--BIG DAYS AND NIGHTS--5 t'nOer now m naptmont. T'ositiv* ly a hi^ da!». AddroHK WM. T. MORRISSEY, Prcs.-Mgr., 220 Ashton Bldg.. Gr^nd Rapids.



I r

I !» . in

lottfr, a ( Ir tit of L'r» i

T'lf vDii tiir I 4'1I1V Tiiiu:r (ivntkHia firc iImi' *

Will Be Produced at Lansing Fair-- AMn »


rniuincK'Ul rim

Free Gate This Year



Tin e Kid*-b--Twi-nty CoiicPbsion.s.


Xow Tk.olAiitr ! .ifs .and Colfhriitions in AlnVraiTi.'i,



T. iiia ssfc ;iiid .'Ii: s.'s.-ippi

Address HUGH W, HILL. P. 0. Box 860,



Birmingham, Ala.

I?iinsing, Mich,, June h`l>--.\rraiigenienls arc being made for the hlg ti.igi.iiit to be givenI at the Ceiitrul .^liehigan V.ur. to I... held here August ~t lo H. ,\ re|.ies. ntallvi. of the .Tohii It. Itogi-rs Prodiieing <'..iii|ian.>. of l o-lorl.i. 4), is scliedllleil lo seli el the p.igelinl east lit oil. e. 'The pageant will Is- given Ha- la-l Ivv.i d.ivof the fair, aflerme.ii and evtning. i,nd mil deplet tlic cully llloliei r flays of Illgluilll I ..iiiii.v. Fireworks will be f.'.iinr.'d during the lir-t two da.vs.
'The fair maiiagi inent has reeeiv. d promises of l.irge displavs by the Mb liig.iii .Vgro'iiltiiral t'olhge, the t'liiiadian goveriimeut .iml Jack-


VVV.MMi H I imv I


· I Coniv »hs I. . -.,1


HI '

·"I prTsiii iiiilli-lty. Ill :i.bill mil In the rcgllbir III. link mid lll·'rl'luln( ili-pl.iyM.
I Ilia year'" fair will maik the liiuiigiiralhiU of 11 free gale fair lu re, no iidiulHiniin l«ing cli.iigi'd.
commiitiMv fair will la- bcld at Purcell. Ok., tills Iv. It. (^nindl r ha* lieca eiccicd i.rcHidcnt of tin* fiiir a-.sot la I Ion an-l Jiim.ii liiill la eccreliiry.


JULY 5. 1924

The Billboard


Fairs and Fun in

1 i ru! ru: nJ. hi 1 fti i ni I rj I aj


Several New Buildings To Be

! oii.tno, Itino l-i--'Mu' pniiNi-iil to run a loi:

1 ill III*- Auiiim III III I'll » m \V. iiil'!<-1. I'l


tlll'T!.. U ail I \-

,1 11*1,1 'lU'* anil i*Ii**iil'l ill' a **ii*ii f'loar'l' fl.i*

f *i\.il

'Ill- allraiIMn fi*riii of ·now iiiaiiali.ii.

Ill lain T'arh, a** I li.iM- Infor** »l.|i"il. Illf

ilri'ii' lia'i ill'l lIiiihI aoiiii'Wl'nt ill |i>i|iiilarit.i. 'liir roailiii'ii, ill foiiiiiion wllli 11* ^ ^*·^

,if till' fair, liavi- allowi-il llll'lll·l'l^· ·, to ti · .·ii'.oli* iii-' ii l`>  iiii iiia'. · li'. I'·lll till' I'ulil i'

-Ml ·..*.«« it-' ol.l iiiti-riht iu 111.a fM*.- of

,l:.,w Mil* II
"Mr' ii* lio ^lll.». I'lr fin lU In »

i*ro|*iTl>- run.

HiII h t'iri iia ami Wil l Wr^i

I Vaiiipli'. 1* atir.i. Iinit li t! rniwil^

lour. It ia lu

I..1111I' of tlait

ij ii*'ln r iiia«l* r. for MUiin yiar*. with lt.itn 111 a. lia li-j a Sliow, .1. .Swallow. li** iiik*-a

III. .i., i* liiiii'i-lf lor fin- mll·.l lni|M.rlaiii turu>.

.\ !;in' l«o-ii*lf tint willi n'****! ·ib''Iiiii! lor Hill tiorM-* l» tiai*l*(I. rhn faiiiiiii' l·l<kllart

II< ;l.aDU tiiiM' I*'· II a-tlUir* *1 iiinl am a |hi)ii|.
Iir turn. Swallow la «·uttln^f ilown fl*- Wild w -· * 1* 111* Ilf In fat or ot fin- old* r iii"- 01 l;rlll>li I iri-u*< Kluff. MN lillliiii: ami a*lram ·· I' arc nio't iffli'ii'iif. aii*l il.*r" !· no alar r m;. It ii* aliuo**! iiiilr*'l.i an c.|U*-tr an and a* rii'l'atlc almw* and m pr*nlii|t a llvily draw
S.* !· Ilaiial* r'' fir* ii«, with tl'- Thr*-** Itr-'fln-rk ^o*·*tt In tlm lull and a lively ·'lii>i*l of clonua. Ini liidiiii; Tii-'hII* ' and .ViiK'.-t Tl..« 'f.iiw la pl.i'Miij till* privlm * · to a-nd l*U'lm>a and {di kint; up wr!| on n torn <lBti-».

Wl.jt u wiilil**! in l!» Iircii- worll N Urat

rat*' iiu'':i< d.i. >-*und lohaiic*' niaiiaa' in* iit and loniinllil'n -hi*wiiiaii*l'i* t*i I'ack up a ..1 l.ill of far*'. .VIhjvo all 111*' pHH-'-.i.iu,

nl.l'Ii n-d to l>c flic yreat fcatiir-' ami at

iraitli.n of tl.n ciniia, luif wlilili lat*ly li.m

l.*-»n ·a*llv uceUo t*'d, uiu«t I**- ri vlv*d In all

ita old itlory.

Strong Boy's Debut

T!.* World * .ufi* ii«>-«l lloi Earn an cxhllilt.on rf k * i:n-ai.u.r ·fr* ii;;i'i 1** fore a S*nil!i lonkm
a^iil'ei.'«· on tX'.t >t**mlai. If lia* "o d*'T..f.|.il 1:« III I'* Ira t." can ra ·* an i. *m  n- If f oil 111* car. wlc* h. a* cord.he t * 1-, (»h|i · tci... *11. he c.iii I ff f'o'ii I.··^l/·ltll4l I.* T* rl: .il win II tl» wclEht I* .iiiai h* 'l I'V a

Xiti-t*-ii V ar« of ije M-n-\ 'av'-n F-r.-wii

I'tr-'-iii-y '

·'reiiEih 1*1 » iiiplc dost * i.-icU* s

« tb a lioiii' iiia*l* *i*-\*'l'-. i-r of i-Ia-t *' lit-

n "*h* r iicr-ii.iil* *1 li.m to tri `!.e«. .ifi' r f ··

i1*a' Of iii- fati.-r from iiit.i r-iil*** - Now

te iin briak a ilx.lii wl'h I*-- l*··'^. iiu-' an api'l* to pulp in Ills ftiiE-r*. drhe a r.ail
into Ih" k ls*i» U w til a b-in of h s l:a'id.

is-nd -vn iron hs: Ini-i a hi*r«*shoe.

vc hi-n, Iw I ir**!!c.' ,* .ind a "v*-'!.un*lr. d-

wf'Eht anvil w*-re run our ··o.i-.|. ·npi">rt*il b.c he-i. Ills sliEht Inilbl ma-.' . his .-vlrier-

I nsr> t.-ati of ·iri-rE*li »c* m all tbe mi*r*- re-


Wembley Jottings
The h-Bfett bus «tali**n in tlo- world L' a r.ew tei*nre ,of It 11 1. trirti fa-:l'lt* · I* v> 1. ir-i n--d this we«k and 11- .1 capa*ilv of 1 <·' [*ae>*nE*r- p*-r «1a».
I'r*, le th- Tube sink* w'.i- l.a* a*-Ir i1**, t*s| la>nd*>irs IransiSirf sy*l* in. ami t:: -oiitlD'iani'e of bill W'utter o-*r thr**- iiillli*'ii P'ople have now v!-il* d tiu- , ilnlutu-n
.t larce n'lnitH'f of vi«|io'- w.r*- lr*ai*<l f*>-
I mv-ier-oui dl-orib-- which f**Ii*iW' 1 *1**  ir'aair* of Inn* h .1* t - l.)"ii'' r. -ta iraiit · 'I r.' Viol.-iit sickness was t - c -f
S'mptoii. Tl' l'onb*>y SniiiiininE ^|·<ll'-I whi.h was
In ' ave Im * n Iw-Id on Wliil .N!'*mla . h;i'l t.* ' . siosi|s>n* *l ow HE t-* i - - >.*..11* n -lal- of t'.e Thame-. Heavy rains dl-aopolnt* d th" I'-riT entrants f*.r Ih*- vi.'aai pn.'*- m.*ii*-.i.
·la*'k d*' tiraft**iiri*i*l rent*'I a tifte.nri-'in iii.vnnr liou-e for hinis*'lf and ti party if I'owhojs dnr'.tia their -tay here.



Itirrct from the New York lllppoflronu'. Pre.senled with beautiful so'iu-ry, tiiiiiiiingrt aiul effects.
For i.iien time and terms, address


Suite 212, Strand Theater Bldg.,

1579 Broadway, NEW YORK.

Fur F.Mrs In Indiana and Illinois, sfartintr .Tulv 14, in Xorthern Indiana. Write · ir wire EARLE W. KURTZE AMUSEMENT CO., Merchants Bank Bldg., Indifinapolis, Ind.

The Following Data Has Been Received Since The Bill board's Lists Were Published in Issue Dated June 28 --The Next List Number Will Be Dated July 26

CONNECTICUT D 'him- I* 'haio Ve'I. Fa:- .\ssa.
1 . II. I la*-, |<-!lt`'r.

Oct. 1'2.

!.· ; I' 
Si an:

GEORGIA I"--Ti'*na!' 1 -. bur
air A-sn.

sl- .t T7 10.



Not. 3 8. ».

 '.'f'l' ,. 7 ' ·

AHO a r and Stock .^how. (Kt,
i.r .tss3. tiept .hi 0< t.

(*_ i P.^-if-*

INOIS ; 1 Fai;.
.N'SAS P' IJ U -

AuE. ti fl. -F 1'. r Iht'Ts

.x'. yg `

A J J'i-

t'h \l " .
r*|,' ' j'j | Map-,
1;,, stm-k
is. Y-irk-


S.-p- ;*ib

^''t I I


il s pt.



pf 1') 12


TishoininE'--Jobii'i' U < >. Free ?*cpt. ll-l.'L I iirtis Flojd.


Ca,iih,ry,--Clnckumas Co Fair


Fair Assn. S* pt. 17-20.

Rulmond--Deschutes Co Fsir .\»sn. Oct. fl¬ l. Sch.-e, rriiieville. Ore.


Apollo--Kiski Valley .\srl. .ts-n. Sept. 17. JO W 'I' Smith, VandcrKnft. Pa
Davton--Dayton .Xcrl .\ssn. Sept. 9 12. M If Held UE, U. U. 2.
D-ylpsfown--Doyb-stowa Fair. fX'f. 8-11. J. .\. Hardy
Nazareth--Northampton Co. AgrI. Soc. Sei*t. !· 13. Chas. K Ka. hf.
I'linxsiitawney--Punx'utaw ney Fair A-sn. .\ug 27 o'*. .1. M Williams.


t if ar I.ake-D''>'1 to Fair .C.ssn.




sep*. DJ i;i.

T id! w--B!a''k River Valley ilraiiKO Fair .t-sn. Sept. 25-2'!l. H. I.. M'.nnier.


Pr.-mo R!uff--Nigro Husin's.s, Tndiiit. <\ Ijrl. Fair & Kxbu. sept 2-1. ILibl. II t" ·-. prcB., New Canton, Va.


r.'thell--Sammamirb Valley Fair .\ssii. S*-pt.
nil. t .lu-'ouver--Clarke Co. Fair .\"n. .s.-pt
1 L Itin-khaonou--rp-'hur Co Fair .kssu. Sept F. .\. Kiddy.


Added- More Exhibit Space
Colunibii*. O.. -luna i'7 --The Kround'v of th*» Ohio State Fair are I*- iiE prepared for the annual evpoeition f>> tm held AiiEiist 111 to f'.O an*! S. cr* tary-.Maii.iE'T O. U. Lewi* la busy with plans fur t'*- Iue ev.-iil. which U ia expci ted will 0111*1.stall* ·· previoua fairs here *n size , iid inipor'am e,
.Maiiit thirty a* r* ' of laud have b* cn added to til*' air* a'ly larae Er'iiimls, n* w exinmition tiiildiiiEs are N'Ihe *i*'*t*cl and several new enframe Eat.s ar*- Imiiie load*.
Charles V. Triiax. Slut*- dir.- tor of UEricuItiire, 'talcs thif til*' .xpo'ili*)ii of late years haa dereloiieil so rapidly iinli'ss tlma*- addilioiia are mail** iiii;ii*'<liately the fii' ilillea will he iiiad*'*|iiHle f**r 1 In- (·xi.ihita.
One Ilf 111" ii.'w liiiililiiiEs is a cattle exhibition I'liildinE* wliitli, wli*"i i-uiiipleti'd. will b,- the larEest biiildinE d Its kind in the Cniterl States. It is fjiiii f** t wide iiml a.'a) fe.*t lonE. The main floor will iicioiiimmlat*- J.uOU cattle while ihe basement will ue*'umm*slate 3*a) nurae vow s.
The old cattle btiililine ia now beiuE reimaleled Into a 'Wine I'Xhib.tion luihlinE. which will triple the amount of spai-e available for swine exliibila. .\ biiildinE is also b<*inE eonstructed to boiiae exhibits of boy.a' and Kiris' i-Iuba.
New Association Organized--Will Hold Fair at Different Town Each Year
Hrowiiwood. Tex.. June ^*6 --The Heart of Texas Fair .\s.s<« iafion ha'? be*`n orKunizi'd and an effort will b>- made to staEe a aeries of industrial eviMi'itions In every'eoimfy of which the aSMN'iaiiun is composed, whicli is as fol¬ lows: .Sail .sal'a, Itr.nvii. Lampasas, i'omam'be. .'Iills, Col* Ulan. .Mii''*ii, .M' lnir*!, .M*'*'ullia h. Llano, Com'l.o, liunncls, T*im t;r*eD, Kasthiiid. tiuiespie. ria* t)r*t aUDiial fair, wlileb will be represent'd by ea'li of tbe iMuntles men¬ tioned, w II b*' liclil .it San Saba .ViiE'ist l:i-lll.
'1 be Ulna wiio oriEiiiabd tbe id*a of the Ib art of T.-Xiis F.iir .\""'-iation is W. 1). t'arEill. seeretary ot the ChamlH-r of Commerce of l'ra*ly. i'lie fair will Is' held at one plai'O 18'h year and tin.' make a complete circuit of til*' ciitir*' .li*tr ' t. tl." dai. s Is iuE so arraug'sl as tu I** c**;n**ol*ut with the r.'Eular fair which i.s Ic-id ciiih ,v*ar ui tli*' dilTcreiit coimtie.s. T;..' il:i.'*' ari' as fi'llow.*; J. 1>. Jlutlcy, HallinE"r; Thomas l'"s*'y. Krow'uw.sHl: K. K. FaEE. Sau Frank Itiilf.ry, Llano; \V. J. Mar'hall. .Vlasun: K II. Kib-.v. Fr*'d*'ri* ksI'lirE: K. <1. llroud, Itndy; .IihIei* .'latlliew.s, M* iianl. L. F. Fa'cE is cli'cl.-il prcsid'-nl .and
Interesting Story of Inception
and Growth of Michigan Fair
Is Told in Exchangeite

Side-Shows Closing 'It r*-*-i iif prof-he* o-a "f side -'low vToe are C'.fi-rtlinalely Jii«t 11* d. Wla.le blo.-k* are now ..I an*l tla- small folk are ai th.* end of
t .* r tetiir. Hicii III the prim'-pal avi-nnca n any J.vlot- are clo-i-d an*! the is.ii. *'»slonatp«-s an- *-.iiiplalnliiE blM* rl.v. Illkh fir--cs. riiforc-'l I- r I'.i' .'Xiortlonate d* (aisits and renl.iN to wii*'-!. f drew atteiilioii tiionib* aE**. a-e respons'Vb* fur tb a r* rri'tlai't" sMte of alTalrs.

Mnrpl ' ii,j
r.nlTa I'*.

Out and About

M.inv aiillHirlllr« of s* a -i-!*- re«**r|s Inform tl  tlial Ihe I'Oiiiiler atfiaitinn **f VV. pililey_ !· lik'ly In Idt tia-ir .1 tlra- tion- h:ir*l tli:s yenr. !

I calt'.r, howrever, that the li.flnx of Wialtlu-r

'isIt.Ts ,,tii probnl-ly l.alam ·· Ih s in r.-Eur.l

to the r*-orts lour Loi**l**ii* tl**- Soiitli and Last

I'nast tonus.


bli.Esi. II I'lE* am, of whi* li Dr. Finny I Hapi

..utliiir and niastar of tia- n-vi-I-. haa provcl

ail i:tii|i*i|lit*'i| su* * ·'»-. T'-'b* I'p*- of * Iv - V.

·nt* rla-uim iit Is In* rcasiiiE In |"'pnljrlty an I |P

-Te. l.,. i,...s


itf four cuha liorn to Lena, llie flm* I mi* · 

at the r*M* two arc dolna w**II. .\ liiti-r of 

' V I aii idlan skunks fr-on parents I'r.-d In

i liftai' I II, fhi* YVIM I* lie Ibiii- il i'**iii|' in'


l''*'>n. nre also anionE th* new arrivals a*


II- ifent-' Park.


t'anitrbiirr Is to have a f*Mir aere nnn.'e

·nen* park and exhiblflon. Ald'-rmati Vml* r-**ii


· rromln* nf 1*0-11 rv'-ident. Is on.- of lb - p-lin*-

movir* of fhla attempt to firoTidn an int.-italn

mml II* (enter for this and ollnr K*-nllsli tna us


J'fc'j'h Tramor w»*II`Wiioun irvo mf. .nh «*« ·

i-rfli fii'niir nit n| Iii< " ir.IvtilM- .mil


hi l>»*froit turlr In



liiit linru*tl Thr f*n*,

· tlMiiiiriit. wuH <inn

fmni ^ th-* t*nl

nintrli Th»- h»'H

* ruMiMf

trip to fiiiVLinn|*<<)l* «i'r»`r:il

*I*ts n '.*· ft,,, fjf,. I,, n (ill 1,1 hi-

rioil ·

»'«( p'v. n*,. ,|(| iH-w

n- wMl |»I.iv

* I"! «*·! hral loii« «

till' `-nHoii

^ V*- ^


R-s'liester, N. Y . June 2S. -- William S. BliU. of New Vorlt. one of th" most noted liorse. sli--w nianuEcra in tbe co.iDtr.v. i.a' I* * u named m.inaB'T of the Kia liester Hors,- Sin.w. run In I ·nniH-tii-n with Ihe Ros-hesi-r Kx|H'siti**ii m Si-plcmls-r. He sui'ceeda N irman Vun Y onrliis, rcsiEiii'd. For years Mr BIItz has Is-en niuuaE>'r of l:ie state Fair Horse Sh**w t syrn-'ii'c an.l al'o manag*-! shows at Tul,-d*i, I'lucIniiatl, Los -Vngelee, Newark and Columbus.

Trobably as widely kn-'wu a fair--and in m.tny re-pects the Iw-t known county fair--in MichiKati is Ihe L-n.a Free Fa*r. lu the true years of Its evisti-nie It Ims mmle a spi- n d.*l Ero'vth. It was tlie firsr free fair held :n M chiEan and on*- of the fir-t in the rii'i*'il .'·i:it>s. Tin* s:i*ry of tlie fair Is lutcrestiugly t"l.| in a re*'* lit issue of The Kx*'haiiEeite, a monthly maEaziiie devoti-d to an order kmiwii as tic* Kx- ..III.E* lies We reproduce the story herewith:
·Thanks to the en-«rts of three Ionia Ex-

chaDEeites. W. 'ireen. Fred A. Chapman


ami Jesse smith. Ion.a miw Is fuinons thru out Miohisaii for its w.-mlerful free fair rtiis fair is held annii.illy and it draws tboiisauda of visitors to Ion.a

·Mn till' spr.i.E of D'l.'i Mayor Fred \V lireen

The Fair Guide Man

called a ni.i tiiiE of t:,** lui'lio-'s men of Ionia. .\t this iii.-etlnE pi.iii' vvi r*- discussed for givInE tlie iitiz.-ns of thi- vicinity a fair without any cha e* s at it;*- gale. Fred .\. riiapmaii

was eicct.-'l se* rctary and J*-se Smitli f-ea<-

nrer. With the pl<-ilE*-d suiU'ort of the husl-



fair guide

man* ness men of loui.i. to take r.ire of any dclits ' tliat luiEld o>- nr. plans ami arraiiEeim-nis






were made for the fir-t Lmia F'ree Fair. This was t!ie fir-t free fair in the State of Mlchisaii.

· Huff" is probably known on more ami one ot tiie fir-t free fairs In t'm United States. A carnival company was cngaii-*1. isiii-

fair grounds of America than any other man. and holds the record for

n-ssions were rent I ar.l a i>r -E'am c- utract".| for in front of t. -· KramI stan I. Tlie rc'Ult was the n-'eipts amoiinti-d to ^ The cvpen.l tur.'s ,if"* were $3 112 23.

scoie-catd sales. He is a familiar Sg- fSince that time oiir race traik has been put in first-class ceud:t-,-n. and a m-sb-iu grand

tire at many winter fair association stand built and e-impped. The manaaemeuc I..IS rcmiwleb'd niaiir of t!.*' old live stov-k

moetinfs, and the huttoni which he I'lrldings ami ere. t- I nevv ones. The met.'hants of Ionia have donated .i mi-rchants

furnishes to the delegates are al- buiiding- th** co opt raiion of the Hayes Ion,a I'laut an I t'le aut mobile dca'ers of

ways a conspicuous feature- The Luiia a lo-vv a'-itom**b!l*' bniidiiiE has been made possible. Tl:e National Dank of Ionia

Ohio and Indiana winter meetings, donated sufficient funds to btiiid the National

Dank Livestock IluihlinE

Thanks to th»

especially. would he incomplete president of tlio orEan:z.itlon the grounds have becu eularcisl bv the n<ldltion of con-

without ·'Huff''.

siderable land from the property owned b.T

.Mayor liy-eii jii'l north of Riverside I'atk

··The 11*23 rec-ipt- of tlie Ionia E'ree Fair

amounted to $32,o7l.l."i. while tbe actual operat-

·i'hoto r^pioduced by permission of M^oadam Service.

(Continued on page 90)


T'hie Billboard

JULY 5, 1924



EXPO.siTioN'S 1

1 1

MIDWAY SHOWS 1 Fr-aS``..L-rs .



Makes Three-Day Stand at Minneapo lis Previous To Entering Its


Canadian Fair Dates

Minn* ii'«ill<. Minn., Jiiup 1'.".--Dayton, O., lait Wi i'l. uim- .I..|iiii y J. J..Ill's' i:\|Hi'|tiun tin b-»t

One of Most Prominent Amusement Organiza

I'fiak .a Wi'.i'lnr it ouJo.Md tills si-a-un.

'I'lnii' was wiat.ii-r tl.i- pnt.rr ruKaci*-

la'til w ill tliP

lull u( I'r.ilay iiiiilit, wb'n.

tions Has Excellent Start on Second Visit to

n til till' aruiitiil- 1.''tally |ia':>><l wiiU ik'0|i1i'. ' .lui'. I'li'V. ti ll liis uurk I.i-t. Ill a Ter* ' « IlliUUti's all till' Illi/iliry IiHiI left tbe

"Smoky City" Territory Within Few Weeks

;.r"iiiii'-. >at'iiil.iv was wlmt ·Miiiiexi Join" ·Miirr.iy lail'il a ' ri'lil' T tl.iii r-i| ilay", floNh-
III.' 11,1 a »i'k I at wii' ··iiiiiieiiily sati-factor.* 11: s was ti e Tr l ajii" iraiii !· of tlie Juliliny j

T`;tt''ii;rL' I'.i . .1' ne I'.T,-- ) ite i;!l refiorts-

r.nd "fnoi'agaII la" ri-eardiiii · e.irii' I'l iiii;

l-arr'il l;"iii I' i-lui'L' . tie- Ilk ..Inniu .k T'Hie

.show, o ''li''l h'r>' M'lii'lav

t;.i' .'ill lixf'iis.l ion

l a-k w:;h ail 'low. a. .1 <-  il ...i'liis ill Of" r

,1'aiii, and

eCr iM.itii-r so far has

te- n -filer..1 d ill m.'- ' r- s; · 1.

. si.ow y.lan f'i.iy-

vor d h.i'.l t>f fame that will stand always a.s a

ii.iiiiiinieiil to li.r iini.atiMi. genius and art stry

in all she '.a- nndertaki u.

ehariniiiB 1 tl..'

l.idy . fiii'sesslii.' all llie atfiiliiites ef dainty

J1 iiiiuiiiil'. hat Wi h a g-il aiol dei.'iiinuat.ou

that eiiaided h"r to ina- .r the g ef eaiis'd

fl-rii b'I ·aveiiniits of lo\.d om >. -he has o i r-

ii'iue all olistacles and -tands today as a f ire-

.luii'S IJxi'o-ii ."11 .at I'i,l"ii. lint ih' wrlti'f

fir'll `s tliat lereafi'T it w .1 t'e on tlie r* iriilar

I Mil

. 'ri'i' si.' w lia.iis Ml.ole reiiiarkalile

I ais ii'iiii D'l.'ioii l'> .^I.llll'afsil.s. T ill-lanc"

is I III-'' III Tist iii;''s, J in. ilr-t sei'lioii left li.ijiea ai'i'iit '· ii i iiii k .1^.111113.* niiiriiiiiii and

iirr.M'1 li'

'I u ' i" k Mui'ila.i i. itlit. Tb'-

s' "1. I S'  III! 1' ft 111 ill saiiiliiy niurnins an I

an iiil I'l le U ' ' k .Miiii'l.iy ii.iti.l--and tber

r.iiM". . anil 'I'-th nm-t jirisiii' i-r of elni'te sei nie and electraal


'iii'i'ri.iiit '.ty'iun fsiiuls t'l

1. .:il -dly \^a' i: ii vues. Next yve. k the iCehlinan A I'oliie Mhows

1 i-s I ,'II. I ait". .M.lwaiiki" mill SI. I'ai.l

irv t'· .nils 111 Ing varin.'ar in Cast I.ivi rfsKiI. ii.

lai.'l.ii I\ei.\ tli.iii.' w.i' in teailiiiess to op'n Ufl

t t liig Shows of WILLIAM J. HILLIAR (Publicity Director).

t .1 I'll.' iiir.iX'ii.. 1 111. IJiiis rt I'l'itsby, Ab" .I' lli s. lia.l llli'llil r.JiT illlll ullliTs Ilf tile i\'iiil;Ti' stair Wife re-j'iiii«: I" fur tl.l* r*'

i-si'.il visitor. ll'i


ii.rlifmiliey ;.I`io. mmHia'rsnaeryy Reopi- ens,, Reorganaizef.d, at Fort Smith,

h tlw' Flaiinvland


li.ark il)!i' a Ii evi nu'iit. .Muiulay ii.ifl't niaiiy iii'iiileis- of tl.o or;:.Ill rat .I'll d'trailed at St I'anl ai'l W'lil I'l i'.-;i tlie lluliin »k t'berry Sl ows, i l.n.iiir t' :- W'I k in lliat nly.
'ri.e .l").es slo'W flats only tbree day* In T'

M:. Lippa is the operating head of the Lippa Amusement Company. The picture was "snapped" or. his midway early this 'yeasen--the reason for the oveuoat, cte.

· Till-d It, Well 111-il.n and 'riiursilay). teariiij down 'I'liii,-day nu t and IiaMiiir early I'riday tiii'riiii'U lor Itraiiliin., I'an.. tlnri t Ilf" a t..i .fiine'i rMH's.i..'ii's fair ma-on. o' fri'in Jiiiie .ai to li'iiiil'er I', wlr.eli la*''

ilate lir.iiks tfie sliow li.e k to I'lnrida am] a'

flrer-n Ray. AA'is.. .fnuond-d one of the fa' 1 so far for T'1 \V'irtl..:in weatlier i.mi h i-ine-s.
The s' ,w yva si-li.'In', d

.m. Mondav.




Uulruiond, AV. V.'i., .t-ai;e i;.'. -- In



n,, ` f'"'

yM illi.T ror. 1 to ii- ' i;,..i.:d.


"'''f **"' '·'·t;re 'i";ng .sni-t


' ...I i·'^1`<'"'S are still iii 'V'ng. .f -.r f'"ii.l, g * '

ex ^ e Miew was

l'"'>i".'''an.a f" -..'W - ...k j'' Virginia, and .- t rkrn'.' a w . ..:f

Hv. IN il i' rt ted a verv

a I'll I'k-*'

n m n. :t1

»" ^U'hema!;:' n low . .c of n.

t..fri»rkyv f\ 'I · ^.11 OU lOl' t ln» I J AlH*'' =') 1 J M i

··r 'll fVprt


r:iory i,-* thor.iy


T «· ' rr <1 hii<I h b.-; \\>r[


,viio pj

! "

V ii

ree.'."FoUilii Dk \'l of


Pittsburg. Kan., .Iiine 2.-..--With a `fiery t-ro's " ^brightly shining from the tofi of the eiilriinee arch and about .'t.OOo Ku-ivlux Kl.iii iiieniliers energelieail.e working. Tiodsoii's World's Pair Shows are e.xiiihitiug h r- this "ft"!*. This is the tir-t time tiirit the show lias

»y iill


l.ngiiiecr iig

I"»<1':'-.! toinfi-iriv, is I "

ai ..i -t




ll'l'·:·Jl 'uo'fit'v.,i'.'Wrk

d-. al


makr g II- lie

thr.- in D le

I.and .Miii't.- 1-. N'.'-ih \'' .n. --l:-.-'- ni: la-

gi-i ; .tthlelii' .1-1 ,a,

1`eira"*-. in.ia*, ;r;

tl 11 in-orie. <.I1|11 II. rn.iiia'.:er. aril vaUih'i l`*

shew in tharge of Ml- I .1 ig uw. · -

c. m. .M. -gan

d .i.g ..''ni- 'r.. nl ^V" k

t;,- -Imw in t..e : n.- of ·. .c t. u..'

fi.'-ro wa- a w.iid.ig .e.nn.r. | of t e y| ri'irel shew at t ."

on of

... .| 1 t


unlay n g il . fu-i f'.i-n ini.-i'. u j; e I .nnl

I'a. The 1 ..ii'r.o Ci.g f'.ii'as w- .- .1.


fierha f'Jibibited directly under tin- nii'i-n-e' of the


Dlieiiing night .attendance wns very

good, but lack of park ng sfiai-e for Ri.ti.iiiohlh-s

--kept many aivav. .\rraiigi meiits have hci n made, however, lo care for cars the balance of the week. Chanute last week wa» poor. The .American


week Ta-gion coinmittee am! meinhcrs w.n a tine .,, ..n;,. ,,,,,i,,,,,,..|u


nnneh cf a' lM' fellows, hut it i- iilmo-t j. ,,, |

i ;,. !,,,,. |

Bc to impi s-il'Ic to liiing. Wi lt showfolks term, a ,[,,. ii,,',|e|',,,,|, '( ,,|,,ii;,'riv


higan made

" ' I'll'k to "lifi-". 'Juite a uumhi-r of 1 ia- Ihos, ini-]uding_ O. orgi-
Hoy aii'I I: rt AA'airin. tiHos adiuutage'o; the



.\|-. U.'-.' '

i..ntiHi-t ., r a


a.d II"

showIs. its 1 nnd
uf'i r _pa't

siiort run to Cily.

Wo t. Meraii ami wile, yvho ha.e li.-i ii w th


for the fiast'iwo s.-u.i'ii-. left Sunday

morning by anto for flair h"iiie in Chii.'igu. (I, I,. C"X. I'l rris wliei-I foreman, was in 1 n-d

Saturday nigh' w.'.ile tearing down. Due of 1 ·'

w.iirii are n-.w

1.. o

.. f"". . .11

Ituherts w i,

teie-ts ef I s

< inalia


Kaii'i, t t,'. ah

li t"- y anil ' fi f,,,. ^.f,, 11 .  I g to rel : 11 ea-l, IhiU
it tie li!-t ol .August.

lair dales. .Mai.v in* iiii iT- of the ll'ili.n A

I l.'-rry Shows fi.ial t; Tlio»e whom tli

wnt r iii' i ini Illlll d Me. and Mr*, lliihin

titfiiiTL'. till ir 1,: .iriiiii.i: litilo daintlitrr. l.d.i

M s. iiriil'iirif's iiii'Mer. Mr. and -Mrs. Car

I.aiitlilir aii'l lari. .Ir.; rreif I,iwi«, Do' Harr-

w .W aial wife. .M-. and .Mr«. ti. W. tDoIlM

I.'oils, itiid Mr. and Mr«. .\rlle WidU. .\inoiis'

ii'lier iI'Mots Ill's week the writer rreall'

Mr. and .Mrs. Il'irt liarles, C'"!. Jo. lioger-. TV.I

ll'iin liassell, wife and iiMtln'r; t'apl. and Mr-

Iliiwatd. of the I'. S. .\rniy. aii'iimpanied by

their ehlldren an l In r niotber: Mr. and Mrs Winnie Tirrl-; .Mi-s .Jfieely. high diver; Day

M' sn k. ·Nafsileiiii". t:," i lown. and niinierou-

oile rs. Col. If' fifi. inaiiiiiter of the Alei Sloan-

stai'i*' of unto rai ers. < here with a eontlngen'

of fin r.'l'r-. Iiairuaue ear and fialatlal prlval

ear. and w ill Joiirn. .V w th the Junes Lxpuai

tion to Canada

Mr-. Cafit. SlitslN-e returned from a rUlt

to ter daiight.r at C,''si;ii. Hurt liarles 1*

likin', some twenty ni'n to ranada as clerks

for I'is isiiire.s.oii stores. Cl orire Cood'eari.

iiiariai:'r of Kiiiis'Iing r'aruiim Cln iis Car No. 1

W'is a t - tor at Dayton. William .T. Whitton

a tow .I 'lies advaie e au'iit. 1' do ne smne

ff'leiol d adtan e h.ll.ritf. Cetn ral Aiti-nl .\ il

It.iri.sli.r Is w Ih the sl,o\v and wiil remain h'll II is saf'|v In caiiads Many tleatrieal

I I fehrit IS. friends of tlie writer jm d visits

at .MiMtiea'-olls, Illl ll dim; Then, flays, former

niaii'ikter of i he It Joii Theater, now g. neral

inaiiiii;! r for Ciiikilsi. fn A Ituls'ii. movie hon-e

lo.iunati . in M. I'.ml und Mlnreafiolis. Messrs

I nkel.t. ri ai'd Until n niso vis led. a« well a«

.\l'x'liider C Ue t ilium Itiilnliridue and Bert

I'liidlllHIl. :ii'"llir rinkei.lein A It 11 b e n

I'Xeeiitlve; Kraiik I'helfia, manager of the Dr

pheiim. and ('ol. I,. N. Seott, nianauer of th«

.Mi'tropolllnn theaters m St Daul and Minne



("Johnay J. Jones' Hired Boy").


^ 'j'l


· P.i'Iif-'  L*oi <n li.o i`,.it;urrn *·* tii'- ` ·JnzZ'-r'*

and l";:t. ,'|

head r'.' t 1 ru Ci- hT-ge

"hand '. paini.d ..u ih- fn.i.i of 1 e sfa.w. The


jii.'U LN'fl l*v i'.Ul Si-r.otnp. is

eiijoyiiij a Icv'y -g - <1 I'lisjm- s and do'.ht'oss

will go over l.ig, a- Hill ei-rt.i n'y has a f ne

tnograii). im'c.dag a-is by lions. In-ars dogs

arid I'll!:;, s. t' V'- .liig hoi'ses and his «w'n feat -. 1 . .

aii Riil Speni  r was ill

a few (l.iys f.'i'ii .I'l a't-ek of lirolielC t i -. I'llt

is i.i.w in.icii impreV'd ami is aroand t'o h.* ag.i II. Ni-.irlv all t e women folk-, (the yo ng

iiiii-s and "I ft e o'di's I l ave had tia-ir Iia'r hehlil-d-ailie el 1 e yiiUI-gst erS at fiP-t ll.'Kl to

1,1.0 .r...,,iid

-I, toil il tlev Wt-i-e lown-

f Ik or ll'i r ijc lieTs

B. W. OOHDON (Press Representative).

I ig -f.i'kis of the wlieel fi-n on him. liadiy eerating Vis scalf'. Me rcsuiin-d work aftor l eiviiig iiie I' a'li-ntioii. Ml'S. .Iiil.ii I''. AA iird li ft Sundav morning on In s'ti's. tri,' to Chic.ago, N'w York .ami
» I * ti-in I'**'."''' Mat< n- A\ i" h r su .en d a n Iai'-r last
k and was laki 11 lo a la.spital ror ti'iii-
II nrMtta. Dk . for lln- 1, g King Koal j-iarn.val and roui<h of .l ily CeP hriitioii coiiitiiiii-d. fs- 11,e next. sjmiI. and lie lir't real husiiiess of the season is aii<!'".it.-d.
A^. J. KEHOE (for the Show).
f li;i ago. .luue gd.--Mr-, art i.e. die faiii' j. uu v introluiii.g I'u ini A iii'T;';! n lioTiio**! IjM.r.


I \ii .,,,,i .


To-t tif n a-.i-i i.i I ,,



Suiid.iy for

tlii., w... i:



On«* of tlio

l·!fll)kK of flu* no.'ixon

Hf L«m K Uii'i'n. I'l.. by tl»»» Snnlor

Showp. 'I'lio Itti,

In T.i'T* nt'ji. n Mubnr^

< f {*«»< k ll.ix II. Wilt pat'U* ·! Mvery nishf ivith

I III It t

lin y oiilv tviintcfl t'»

«· ·· Ih'- fi'** · \: hiih»fi'<. s?. 'iMry*. I'n

A\ · k · ii'lliiL* -l inn k"*- Suiilniry. Tii., tin* «»tnn'1

I'filiH:- t«» t.«Mk

Wi«* i»y fiir tho !»«··»

u«'k tl.iit th'*

liHP vlnyn* tlilN Mi'HPon

I" iiL' th*' fU t vhi.u- to ptsiT tn Sunhiiry In

X' .ir- iititl tin* liM sitimi WHP fijrht in th** r* i»t**r *'f town--thf lot )ifii k«-(| unit Jnmm***1 *'\«*ry


wi»li nil *«ho\vi*, riil**p ntnl ron*-«*P'«lonP

· loihif Jl lilt'*' lMI»*in«»H'4. Willi** tl.«* H|M»t «`<\ui*t

not l·x.Mtlv in* t<'rnii'*l ii * r«'*l

**tlll U !ih*I

nil flu* i-iirmiirk** nf tnrnlni: tinit ro!«»r.

W.iltir K. I»niifi!i»-11«'r. in nn H<1'ir*'t*'« *>n tl»*'

LNOMTniH nil Siitnni.iy nitfiit, vnid tlmt h** l<*nc n*


iDitior of tl)p l ity lio uoulii l*f* ki

. < !'om»* til** laliuivp l».'n k t*i til** nty iin> linn

I y \M*'ii«<i. Il<* **nmni*-n<it*fl tin* mnntiff'nn'nt

;*i'l ili«* ^uib*'i«* nttnn 1 ioDH. 'i'li** nrit*'r hmi

s.'iif i'tMHi pr»nin»tl<»n** in Siinhnry, *·*.I*f*··lHilT »

· *iii»i'n` ionir`-t. Mnvor 1>riiml»*'il*r **itiwn**<i

l!i.* witiior uf III*' I'niii'**! iitnl ii;iiii*'«l Imr **Mi**^

I'atsy I'ot'l;.-., t'siiQ sircvl, (

Fii.-i d'

T'red Pol--..'.a, ,

l-r e :· I ,

show , i.a I ·

:n II  '-if. a. 'll- ,

.1- ' 11 I-:. .  of ni'ini'-r `

' '] to * . Ill 1.' i not 1 f : lo' .1  ' <1 man. I'al v ':ef t I.ioTll.'t "11 I'er- .11- "

I" mi;' ter ni ly a I-!-" :

home uddress, l(>5d AVi »t ''


ru 11." S wori. , .1

ton I!'' t.ii ·ini"-s > liOV g' ai eiiidini


A'l Ol ». .-I'

iitivc ol th'.' alaiv" ..linw

Sunl'iit >

W. I'. Slii'' Iv il l-4 J*»ln« *l with Iii** fi'w- rl*I**.

!'.· "Ni.'rrv Mix i i»'*. I'hiiI Ju»n. (ininT «»f IhP * Ml**', ' t'-- pl.n ·*1 nil *»r*l'T f*»r u **kld*ll^

ill o W. K It.ivl^-sMii li:i'4 <*r<I'T***1 n

luhiii* i*.ril4 wii**'! '. rio*`.* two now ri«l*'«


unit will nrriro wltiiln tl f«"^

tl*' *riH» "luiw will tiion II,)'** ni* n'*w r**l**^

S.iuin l .I* nkln, W* liitr*»ii1* Ii:m a<M<*(l thr****


JULY 5, 1924

Pendleton and Cayuse

Indian Blankets and Shawls



MR. CONCESSIONAIRE: l-ii't it true lint each .suecec<lin:j year the public is demanding bv.ltcr niercliandise at Carnival?: aivl Fairs? Isn't the man \vho is doing the biggest business the one who is giving the best as prizes?
\\';ii( h the man who is UMiig PKNDLHTON and CAYl'SK Indian nimkets and Shawls. Competition in the blanket line means nothing to him, because he is off. in iz. s tlial for be nty and comfort, for wide range of us. s and for wearing qualities are uncqualed. While the cost of IM'iNDI.KTON ami C.WLSIi !· leece Wool products is slightly more than those of cotton, the increased volume of business resulting from their use will *)ffset the difference in i>nee many, ntany tinns.
The cost of your mereh.imlise. wlmt. ver you may use, means very iltvle. Here's the idea: You give away Twenty-Dollar bills if they get results.
IF YOU ARE A PARK CONCESSIONAIRE: Kosults have proven that with the right loct.tion ar.<l display PKNOLKTON and CAYI'SK Indian Hlankets ami Shawls will g.d to|» moit.'y tliroiighout the summer. They ai'e id.'al prizes for tlie Park where you are playing to the same people week after we.-k. b.-.-ause your customers know the high quality of j.iur merchandise .ind do a great deal of advertising for you.
.Ml roncfssionaires are awarc of the fact that the PHNDLF.Tnx ami (WYl'SK line reviv.-.l the blanket bu.siness last season. For your own satisfaction give our line a trial, and, after the season is over, you will thank us for this sugge.-tion.

PENDLETON and CAYUSE Indian Blankets and Shawls

The Concessionaire Must Have Service
We realize thi.s and carry a large and com¬ plete stock of PENDLETON and CAYUSE Indian Blankets and Shawls at all times, which assures you prompt and complete shipments of good pattern and color assortments.


S. W. CLOVER, Manager,

Palmer House, Chicago, 111



r.lwanl K .Tolinson. eontraitinc air.'tit for

Narilrr Pros.' Sl.ow*. The lliilUnirti lait

week tliat he h.el el'>»i'l eontrait!< for the fi>l-

lowing liMt of fa r« hN orcauiz.itlon. at tti-

eonolu«ion of w lieli will .niue tlie long home-riiii

move to winl.r .|Uari.T»: Krie ll'a.t Expo-i-

tion, .\iigU't 1^> i.".; le hanon Valley F'a'r .\"o-

I'lation'.* event, lehanon. Pa.. .\iigii«t J." :!il;

t'hevter ('otitif.v .Vgneulfiral .V"0<-iation'< ev. nt. W  't C'.e -t.T, I'a.. ..!. iitemb.T 1 U; Rio-klnc .am

County Fair. I.eak«ville. N.

S.'i>tenil>.-r ,S-

t": \ ireiu.a Peninsula K.alr. Wiltiarashurir. V,i .

Si itenilM r'h'lph County Fair. A'h*

te ro. N. C.. SeiifemlxT

Franklin County

Fair. I oui'bure. X. . SeptemlM-r .".t> OetoteT

1: Chatham County Fair, Siler Cite X. C,

Oi foti, r 7-ttt; Uoht'snn County Fair, I.umberton,

N. C.. (titolier 1117; TTmimrla tVa.) Fair. Oe-


Johnson County Fair. SmithfleM.


ttrtol«.r 2S-:tl; Sfoflanit Neyk Fair, Soot*

land Xei'k. X. C., XovemlN-r

tJtJ With Flapper Plume and Dress each
With Extra Large Size I'.^Vand K",.^



V»h^ ..V «

l-piiyrd Inatrutufi * >1 imv

"0 wi'mly fv^r i P'j^rr? Use thr -f.f-p'jy*

' Ml \ A

t»n >« ur Bldr4 ^*1 h'.»« 4'*r >i^ r fl ip TfCflM'* 'aMtc

K* 'i't!v SlV'W*,

I'm* tha aelf-pU\ In.*, r li 1 ToiuMi** rvLLlOPK fer ^!lr atUrr


* ·i»n 4iti pi4 o fn-tun© ^>11* r·l.f- !· ^ft. Im I piayad only

eaxh or Itnui.

\1uscullne TAMGl KY CO. Iowa

Just thr i^rfian for Pit ami Sitio Shou s
Loud yet tuneful popular music available. Sizes for every need. Installations through¬ out the United States. Send for complete list of newly released music rolls. New music brings crowds, crowds bring in the money.
W rite Todmy 'or Cjlalof

riiK.peston. tn.. June --The liiliuan .AmU'C-

no nt Conifany Is this w.. k to fairlr

ScohI or.iwi!s on a larne lot almut a mile out of

Himv) eslnu.

\ heavy n aiil anl hanl ra'ii J.r.'vail.ol fo' a

letiR time after tlie » owa wer- ii\,r Ttie^ilay

niclit. Next w.ak t.iis ork:inizat:on go.'s to

Crawfontsvilie. liul.. a move of ii|M>r"XimaU*Iy

lOtl miles.


(for the Show).


inutil fri'iii pace

in* r«'handis»»

to Iii'i >.tring. Dolo

Adam'« will add tw.i

in time f^-r tho fair

'M-aMU!. wliirh '`t.irt'i ;ir Lri**.

for th<* ItiiC

Kri»» K\im»w||w.»k of .\ufc:n'*t 1'^.

lioorw'*' L.

!·» fho hho'.r

ard ^]M*k**


ouint tln'* yoar. I h**

n.i»:*'uU .

F Til. plant'd

k II ivni.

anti in.iny

w rt *\.'.»nkr I iMiweni the

Nardor 'iiowfiik" aiitl th** rtr*'U'< fro!i|i«r>*.

DiimlU*'. I*,!., iw I Pij; K.Mirth i.f .lulv vpoi*

for Nard» r

SI t*ww. a ri-l* hraf .on m

ai^'*ur»d. a-* th**ro >\ii| 1h» up to thin nfty iir»»

c^ntpani"'' In Dnnlllo on that tl tp and will

fitatfp a

parado. .\rrani:'im nt'* ar*' N'ln.:

tniide by th*'

in rhark'** t%\ tak«` eir«*

of lO.iMMl xl^itor^.


O^neril Pros* R pr-'sentattve.

C Mi:.'r v.i l, Ti: . I P ..V

-jr Pach

.1 t hllihr.t S!i. ic t.. w-r h.



s.i'oe I-iu-p. Mi ll Tl

l*rei» and Doublf Paper

T -its;, git t.uh.

none ' s F . M f . U '1 S25 00 »rr IW

^ I . ; ; 1.


W rite ' r Ht.v rir. Car o .1 Price Ujt.

Pi 111; t jtr.i . U r-' I'.t di'iiosit with orlK.


lt:t Wrvt Grand *«rnur.


Lrnq Distance Phone. Monroe 1204.

Carnival Wanted

N<S. roiatiwailtdti, N.
Advertise in The Billboard--You'll Be Satisfied With Results,

Fur Culuitibiii Oistrivt Fait, S.q.t.inbvr '.Uh to I3ili. l>ay uml night. Nine (·.ui;u."< t>i-;.tu;z*'.l into uiio l>i.--tiivt F.i;f. r«M«rvscnling Ovutit.l Ttmuessee.

l»i:iwing iiupulaii.iii, 1 ·! ttit.i pooplu. F.i' in ctiv auil ideally located,

with tine nvnls tlu'uughuut the* I'.strut F:i>u ti'.pvutunny f.>r ^iler-

cbauilisu Wheels will U(.erate, with uu biiviug baek. If interestetl state what

yuii have to olter.

WM. P. MORGAN, Secretary, Columbia, Tennessee.


Ttic Billt>oarcl

JULY 5, 1924




tt6 Las

S. E. Cor. lOtb and Mi'in (Ita.

Fbone, Hairitoa 0711

(«u con buy cheaper Lamps, but none for the price to compare with

KaiiMi^ t '.V, M'l , .1 ,ii.' I'T. -Old Si)! i^ aii

paratjtly h« k im thi- j^.l. in t .» siotina aiif-

* l>u>r

Mini t)i. lii.iiiii iall.' ini'rt -tt ii

.11 outdo..r .iiiin«"ni> Dt< nni .-.nat'. a swil'inL'

III ro'f i't'i flint w ll iii'i:'' tiniii miiki' u|' loi

flo' I'oor '"I-.Ill '- t ilt n-i'l'cfl 1>.t:iii>" of c.: I

HD'l ruin (fiirinir the


Mrs Marv 1 · 11.. i-.

of John Freni s. of

f l.o John f :':i:.. >- .sh..' -. ^\a - :i r.sil .i t . < week wiiile in t;.e  ') t.. t..k'* her ilinrri"' in

l.a-f'iu St.-ir V i:

I... 1-raiieis Sb .\v-. in

rawli'isk.i. (Ik., f ..s we V. will b. Jt the Di'we.v

lOk.) Koouil .j) \t v.

Clarke B. Ft lpir. dire, to;' of pnhlicit.v on the J. T M''ri.'.laD Shows', vi-ited the oltiee this w(o-k from I'nltiin. .Mo., the [.resent stand.

The Kiyin? Mi'.ler-. lastinjr retiini act. have

b'-en held over this week for fh'' circus at

Kleotrie I'ark.


Burt Warren ..f Ik'dson'- World Fair Shows renewed aei|tiaint'(n''o.' here last week.
Rimer Phifer, of the Falrlyh.iiO Show*, owne.l b.T J. O. MeCart and f J. Velare. advise that the shows are st.ll I'la.viiii: lots in this, th''ir home, eit.v, but eiix-et to take to the road short l.v.
Blaine .1. Yoiina. who opened here with the
Keyal .Vmeriean s. ows, came in hi-t H" ha* been plavins independent the pi-t month.
·T. C Rush, one of the free act.s with the Morris &· La.-tle Sh'w-. who was injured in a fail while exliibitina in I'etioit. arrived here thiweek. fie intended to rejoin after a short time for rt'eiii"'rat on. but siist.ained .some injurie- .a an auto neeid'T.t here and left f'.r Texas.

J. F. Parri'h, secretary of the Ilamilfon iMo.) Fair, ealled recently. Said he was liniiu up a leartina earnival for bis lair, to b" in Id the la-t week in August.

Mrs. Robert Fuller, who left the Chandler ,s',ows n K' n'oeky last month. Is here to visit her slater.

Frank Pelniaine, trnveiinij representutive of the .·\''tors liiiuity, hcki'd In on iik recently and
departed f"r Nebraska'.

riiff (» Bryan, of t!.. J. Doup. Morgan No. li
Fi.iiws, was a leceiit i .-itor.

Tlarrv riarkc and Tf ne .lone.- of fbe Edgar Jones ITater- 'Snnda.nd " here .Inne 22.

·fiinniy Williams I'io-ed with the Gherman Mock Company at l'» Ih vil e. III . .luiie 21. came to Kan-as City and then left for Fort Worth. Tex., to visit reiatives.

the fast-sellinp, liigh qual.iy, liiw-priced I-amps. Note t lie following descriptions and


Bridge Lamp
Complete Stippled Polychrome Lamp. Weighted base, adjustable arm, twopiece plug, silk shade, with heavy 6inch fringe. Packed 6 to a crate.

JUNIOR LAMP Polychrome Lamp

C Q ^
Each Chicafio

Complete, with Silk Shade, Pull Cords and Fancy Top Ornament,. Weighted bases. Packed 6 to a case.

X 7 ^77
Each Chicago

Polychrome Lamp
Complete, with Silk Shade, Pull Cords and Fancy Top Ornament. Weighted buses. Packed 6 to a case.

We make [iromi t shirment. 20% deposit with order. Our Lamps are shipped knocked down. Saves you expre-s iharge'. You can orJ'-r from following jobbers:
E. A. HCCK CO., 171-177 North Wells Street. Chicago. H. C. EVANS Sc CO., 1528 West Adams Street, Chicago. SHRYOCK-TODD NOTION CO., §?2 North Eighth St.. St. Louis, Mo. THE HORSOW' NOVELTY CO.. 36 North 8th Street. Philadelphia. Pa. M. GERBER. 505 Market Street. Pli'Tadelphia. Pa. AMUSEMENT NOVELTY SUPPLY CO.. 434 Carioll St.. Elmira. N. Y. FEDERAL IMPORTING CO.. 620 Penn Ave., Pitrsbiirg. Pa. UNITED NOVELTY 4 CANDY CO., 2153 Gratiot Ave.. Detroit, Micl. C. C. McCarthy & CO.. wmiamsport. Pa. WOLFE SUPPLY CO. Register Building, WheeUng, W. Va. LEVIN BEOS.. Terre Haute. Ind. JOSEPH HAGN CO.. 223 West Madison St.. rWeags. Ill NEW ENGLAND FAIR & CARNIVAL CO.. 45-47 Golden Hill Street. _ Bridgeport. Conn.
Wellington-Stone Co.


1243 to 1247 S. Wabash Ave.,



Ihiriigt. Mil'll., · June 2.'). --Caspian. Mu h

I'nm'd tl.p ·'top'* wei'k of th,' pre-ii.l eiB-uii o far l"r till* 1.1 PI a Amunniint ('iiiiifianv, ull

nIiow*, rlil'"i and rnii'' .. gilt ng n si'b-ii'li >

I'lii.v tlkniiiut the wink At n *|h'i'i:iI iih'iIIn

I'rldii.T I'M niug lln* citv i ii'ini'll grant'.1 p r

mi---ii'ii for a Siindav almw .iij;, whl- h ailib <1 a

big (la.) Ill the w. ''li'a liiislni''*. I'.U'I IM. i

\ mill' villi' Sii'DV In tn|.pliig the ni diva.) ah'; -

iiighlli, f'liliiiing I'.ii' y Theda. i b v r .lu\' n;l

dill' I'r. and wilh P* gey Riley. Mer''i*d<'- tJtib.'ri,

\ iiil' t I'"'t' r. .M iviii" .M Her and |:i';t.) I'unn ng

kiiiii in tl.p llii''iip, .li' k Wii-il at till' [liiiini. ai.'l

Ibid RiI*'V di'iiig '"III e'l, I III* -laiw g.h ' i'\.-.-

wllh II ''I'.i-li. ll.irry Tart b' and wlf'. i." .ti.|


IM l'«i-. Silly Win-tr"iii ai|.|

'I' r' I Miiiilly. .11'' [lutt'iig on an · v * II. n

of I Ml.bit .'II- ill till' big t il.11' s..b

Sli.ivv, wlib'h * fi Mil'll in .'I iiiii-t iiiira.iu I'.aiiii. r .\l I,iV, rii b.i' o|>i n-d hi' . -

-Mga and In r In ii of i l. n'-^e Dr.igen'" SI...U In

iiil.lition to ' i* |i.. p S. a Kxliib t, and it w..!il.|

Ih- liurd to tliiil iw'i more iitlrartivi' pit i.|i..\\

Young's .\n mill

)). f.aiiiring i:.izlgai.t|.''r

hilf di i'k- .i f r ""'1 r. ..ntly re. elvi .l ,i *hi|.

iii'-nt of kiingiiriHi r:ii« ni.d prairie dogs whl.'!i

l.riiigs the s'.iiv up 1.1 eight jut'. 'I'lie llrit W'  k'' I '.g ig' mi nt al Itaraga was

V'ry 'III!-if.i. to"'. I .1 111.' '. i'oihI w. . k mad -

mei'-iirv by a ..nt `rallng''-- ' running

ra'her I .'lit. 'I h.- i iier'euiii' l of the j. inv mill rw'iit a [.In steal examination by t 

lo.'ntv [.Ui'i' i.m mill were given vii eban bill

of health and d"el.iri d In N' In exeelb'id eon

diflon. and glv.-ii [ i rnil"lon to move to H ub.

b'll. whieh was to have b.-en this week'.' s|>ot llowrevir. the ·'[oner* l!;at be" at latn* ng 'HM '|,o" and a '·.··nd w.ek in Itara.-a re-u!t.'d

Maniig'r I.eo l..i.l'ii. ns jireshlent of th.- .Mlehi-

gan (Uild.s.r Sh"vvm* n's .t'.-oi'latlon. wa* railed

to f e St.iTe eapital hi't Wedne'da* In eon

ffiiee with lie* e.>miiil'sloner of the Shovv-

ini'n's l.i'g 'l.'ilive t'ommIM. iind other show

..WHIT'. r"iaiive to evl'iing ··ondltlons un¬

favorable to the outdie.r sl.ovv hiislr.>'ss In this

Mate. S.iiiiiiel I Ip.'a, of Chicago, la Bi)endlng

his vn.ation vvl'h t'lsiii.r. Manager la-)

I, ar.d !· assisting tie- wr ter In a*', n tarial

Work. In nd'lltl..n to enjoying the attractive ' > niTT and Invigorating Norttwm Michigan

iiimo'phere. N-it we)'lc will tind the M'.pt

Amusement Compan.T at Range. .M' h..

wlmre the B.1.T Sooiits, .American I., g on an-!

City Firemen are staging a mnnst.-r I'.uirt i

of July Celebration.

LEE J.* YOUNG (Secretary).'


riiillp.shurg, I*a., June 2i'.--\* jd'iF t..! In l.i.-t w«'. k's ·'al.'.vv lotter'' from t'e llarrv i .pj. ng Shews. I'alton. Pn.. i>r''V'd t e ba'.n.r wet k of t .e ') U'on so far for tins organ zitton To C au'le !'.. Ahogast. newly .ippoliii.-.l 1 '. ' .[.ei iriteiebM niid bill g.iine i · nis''-"n.i!r'. fors ereil t f .- the isinvenlen! nml ta'iv mu'.-
n.-r 1.1 vvhi. ti I... la d out t'e "ana of J .v' V'liong V 'lt..'-' lit I'.itlon vv.D' Jani's S mii-..n, I .11 Frts'.Iman un i ti. I!. Tn iit of the /. .Iman ,V PoP'o S'-'.ws. which were piiving at .\!f'"'n9. und tlipy left vv -h wor.Is of pruiae for Hi.' en¬
tire 'bow (In F'-iilar the 7t. A P niravan 1.' I
II "ki-M . ' .lav ' t'.r the on ' lU' and ats'iit

t'l rty five eiiin.v ali'is fr. m I " i "I'l* ng Mi..''

Billy Maxn' il left > er.- June 2-1 ior a visit

iim'ored ov. r to .\It ."iiii an'l la-.'ame ` t.-ui-


FLASHY FLOWER BASKETS to hie horn" in Cart:.age. Mo. Jack I>')ty and M'Uia flariiy jo n. d the Sad'er-

j.erary orp'a s'', gr.'itly i uj-v ing the cre«ti; g' and hosj.))B';iy exten.b d by tho'O alieirfelks. iiii'l 111! v.ted Simp-.n n prinei' of

nendricks s,.nv' at l.untpa-as. Tex., last Week,

The tr p here Siimlii.v from Patton wa* p!ea--

both to do liu-ine's. They were phi'-ed

ant, exei'i't for a tw.i-honr d-lay ea i-etl br the

by the Ed F. Fei-t rneatrical Exchange of this city.

ll~nAl I PRINCESS '.KCKEs / 1 Lches'BRIDAL

diaeoverv of il s'ighfly Ota' ked Wl.eid on on»

of the a'..' k I'lirs

In *p I'- of a bard ra n the nis'iiiug was made on t no'


The Newman, de Ijxe d'lwn town picture f .,a-

tendnn.e at the siarl not T.ry li' u'.v. bit

ter. scoreil a hi? its fifth birthday anniver-ar.T party. featuring Irene Franklin,

it has b* . n Inere i-ing n ghtly Mra. Copping'-' n' |ih. vv, Eugene Whilak''

vaudeville headlin'r. and Rita (iw,'n, eceeutrie daneer. Tie ri- wi re e.g t pr.iiclpa " and a cho¬ rus from the Marie K"Uey school of dancing
T. E Pay. n advan " for the A. 11. Campbell Consolldat"! S!ii>m s ai.'l the I.iieky P,ill Shows, write- that tlo- cit'us iias ernss, d from Mis'ouri Into I'hnnis and fiml i.g ''[.'enty ol mud, m ich rain and good be.' ne-s."
.1 J L!els'rnian of ti.o Mutual Bntlesijue ('ireuit. which ' a- taken a thr'-e-year lea.-e on the Empress rhi-ater. ha- taicii eliarge of t'o' bouse and is s llfrint'leliiig the re'nodeliiig to Iiermit the -ehediiled opening with Lew Kelley In Augu-t.

ThU high ijtiill'y I'rlnIf-. IPtilsI Iti.ktt l< a Fy .I'l;,.-- II I . Ir. I-. K. .f btt SoM l»*t »ra,` '. liy i.'M-
i-l I'.alrr- all n v e r the 'I'try Mai' if { Imre 'e.l wllloK. tieaii11 f u I I X flnbhi-i! In bMi.xe. Fllle,! vt I t h large ilmh Kixfs an 1 A'em.'i.
21 IN. HIGH.

and wife m"t'e. d in im.'Vp"i t. iHv fr.-m C> ' (ago for a -irt visit. Tiie Ii \leland M n'tnis
attraction lias ha'I some ii.M tions t  It' p.'--

aoiinel ar^ it l« n 'W a a'lovv of r.-al · '.·i'*, w t'l

tie rosb'r as f .llow': Jiin S nipsoii. alage ii'ai.a-

g. r; litliel .>>11111) ..n, lile.inor Fulton. .Ma- " Is'vvla, `l.itlle !' I" .bdiiison, Wllla lt''lli'

s'.n. all I horns ,mi.1 aP'eliiltb'': "Spud Iliiriis

and "Jelly" R' b ns..n. eoine.Iians; · Ki'l" I 4')Vis.

drums; Charl-e J "hii'on. elarlti. t; I.'nroln blokes,

e.irnet; Clarepe.. M.irke. |>lano ami d r. I r

· Sli.'k" .Mll. h. 'l and t'o'In.' M '· liell ar. d ."

to arrive t' s vv'.k

Kill I'vvl- ami C'ark

Marks ate t e nia'iag. rs. liibl ·· F'.irr. H tn ik'S

ep''nlngs and Char' e lb ekniiiti a.'lls I;. ki'i'

The Fo.irih of July vv.ik spot is Ml. J. vv t,

I'a . with In'Iiana. Pa., to fo low.

RICK J. DEMPSEY' (Pr«i» Repreaentatitro).

Teresa (D"'!yi T a skin and I'earl Gale, dif¬ fer* nt and il -t.iK' v- tvpis of tieanty, maki posing ,11 li.e i: . I- . F' 'iiitain at Electric Park a very [il'-a'ing -.g .t >'ach evening.

Ci.arles I'.amatie a ml re; here.

'*. an 'I'ldtlmer" In the drartiii-' li''ll. if a Tc-cent arrival


('bii'azo. .1 i." i''--\Ii-. Toni KauLisi* ''.'ill

t'riio.'TiFVN fi.r uM luito trip i*i lJoHtoD»

via Niaffara Fal · IJ* rk-'lj:r»` HilL, SprimrJifbl

/iDfl \Vor«*« vM*r Ma-- . mul <»lh'T

of iii-

t»T4*st. Mr^

>Ni!l In- afiMinpiiuied hy

L#*r son«. 'loin A .



Ilf wlmm .nr^ wdl *nd«*a\"r i«* k*

,.f| i]riv< r*<. T).i'iJi.t!<, Jsr.. liuii"' .11 tho

irH'antiiiu. aiid hav« fliO kit-Ja n tidied lip on

the r.jfhi (Lit*-.



i!T.--`Topi!l<*. ctislodtiiii of


^ L'-.itfu*- (if Annil'-a. (·\?«*nd`<

1Wium;«l of \v» l«  !iic t«* al! ^o\vm»-n a:. *

f*.»*Ld` of '·li--\Mi,'n m tbo PaL'i'- rlul»

'iiiv* !!··

r !.;( « of talk ' L' Ipul'to


- \\ j.o widi iliforinatioii ah lUt the tj <iy,

what it ^rand- for imd r.frprv.

AnionL' \

to thi- Llnb room' th.< w<-»*k

Wf-n- ' IMa i. liavi-' M**rri-*. <if Mfiirin «k-

hhnn<: .} Ar.\ .1 Conlfy. of 1 h.- (' A.

Sl-ow*.:: · i»u. '· f| I* iLinvil 1 . of f:.»- .loin. 'i*.

Wortham > .`Vv H 'r (;rov» '. of t * '!' A

>Vo'f*- >,'*\

'`nttl**. Kaiid^ Litv; Ihijiiv

J au^t, ('lay lL:r.v. ;d. K.ifi'si*- ( ; Lav'irj .o L

23 inches
fl»3,75 each in dozen lots. 1

8'/a IN. IN OIAM.

June 3. lB!t. (b'T.AK LhI.»T\ER, thlrago. III.

Ornllfin'*:--Pira-e aliii' lij rxprea* at once. 6

iliirrn fla-hy fluKri IU-kri!i, No. 7 K-» a. per

.vo'ir adverlliemml In lllllbeatil of Ma.v 31, I'l.'t prl'-e $3.75 ea<h. Inrimle If) d'/rn von-Fllei'iri.'

liud.ets. \Vt (hi IJ.i4:.ii,- |.,r .bn.r


(!W*. IlIlFiMEUY. Sec'y Mc-Vil'.-o Firi ( o., Im*.



TALCo TsiraVicBy AUOMOLli, i-LUl



PRESS. $90 00.

Sample $4.00

Ttrautiful tuo-bnie etT- '.'t Uii'd Rjsket filled with .

ri,,lit iai'i

tc.e-i, 1.1 h t'lulpit-l »iih rmi-

'iii.p Mu.-la 1 Jib lii-l !' I', slving a t(Cautlful j

III ir'.i.'t. .'·'aii.l,. j:. Ii.' he* high. Cemo

W'-'d <a.h in it fiiarati- ."irugaicl l«)X.

No. Z-M.S-.i.imr ;i aljovr. «llh 'I Lights. 14.06

Each. Sample, S4.25.


(Telegram, i June 1. 1921.
OH4 AB LF.I.«TNF,ll. fhl a»o. Ill.

Fxprris care of Slu'eslry STma*. Milwaukee

Wll-., three dozen Ui«e c. at $13 50; ihne dizm

» I'.arlil't.' al $12.IKI; one il «eii H-I.ljht Ibi-e, at

$3..5 tail..


Care hheeslex Hbuws.


-3% wi'di ..iJer, halanrc C. O. D. Wiito for illustiated latilog


,^0^ 323-25 W. Randolph St., Chicago, 111.

ll.iP. .M.lvvauki'.-; .\I. xander Pollitt. Clias.
.1 tt*i.. !i\'i''lI iI..aa'' .- ''kk .......i''Il .1 ((* V\bI. (('....fHfie.rr,'''. 1 I'" ' b.iii'- ai.'l . ...' !t..g. r" I. ft this week
1 .r t'an.iil.i n. j,'..'. their fa.r date'.


'r..iii t ,, ol.t' de Hiid more v s

it g in'ml" r. ari' ealiiiig at ti..- ling.;.- ro'.ins  '. I '.ri II in ii-ii;T Mr. Uankiiie iin lui'ize-

the fiicf all visiting

.n-,. weleomp

w Whl.el`tIhIieerr fflti...'liliiibb.. rr'' .o.Tf IH1.i...' h. agile o.r .n.o..t.


A.I.dpli .S.-eniHii. In Hie Aiiierienn llospitnl Is

ni.orled t.. '.c doing ni.ely and looking letier.

lb- Is up and mo "ml

Mr. Si-eiiiaii h.'

will lie glad to hate all frtenila vlalt or write

him al I he lio'p lal

f ^ yiDONC 0^ i TWJ

HanOoatia.'.TBuaa PI»l»UAl<.A«)iiMf'-^`'n J



fha l.i-sl ,.f f'liivilil z jl I' lvr't prices x > l&E?

.Isk a'u i...'l II,a... V gnat variety ol 4. ·· J-Fff g.s'U lailli ( XI IP ly I'.r the Read Cook 90 42 3 It. .1 lirstaiiraiit. Isirce A a ARIF

It.,:, ssri In ..Ml Hal 1.1. lie (l .ltlia, i-ii.or

M I 'liliies. 111 .till ifiil IItrer-platr.l t>raiig*aile beta. Otjec*

.lull a Mllli, tjilj.lli. (HiM il) Holes, bunch Carla. Ta

male Ma.'hlcea aial Ki-Htea. t'lM.k'a C.ial.s. A|)ria.s jivl

< .iin. .>siiiHaiy llainliur.'.rr Presa, boft Drink Fla'

siiil tHaa-ware. .isirani Eal.les. Steanwra. Coffca C''1

.Saiisaza Keltlra, T.iita, I mhrrllaa. IJ(htS. AiiTIlib.a

'I n lal ij i.nlir.



JULY 5, 1924


Atssrtrd CsUrt.


188 N. Wabash hit. ClMCifo, Illinois |





' ~~


S. I M.'.fV Otdrr cr Ortiflnl Premium I'trri. wtitt fur uur

ehe. k for US'S of rdsr. hsUii"* Catabig. The tnapi lrtt latrsman

C of

O. P Ralrsboard t.hrm all.

Ol tratora

Aluminum Prices Smashed ^



*--n-luch aiiix^rtaliin to every¬

one With flnreiice A, Wortbani'K W«rlJ'« Best

MJiows--are still praWinir the "horseshoe" they

rluim hauKs over the eoiiipany. In the last

Week the -bows have won oi;t In three or

fnnr In-tances by sheer ·`Inek". At Joliet

they lo't nothin; thru rain, tho flare whs

plenty of It. Friday iDornini: at 7 o\Io<'k a

terrific .t.irin broKe over the tent cliy, bur

passed without ihiiiiK any damage. Ten m le-

further on t trrned into a hail'turm, the wind rstla red impetus, anl the damage don 

ran Into tlie thousaniN. tm the run to Flam'

mi'B.l there was another storm of like ehar-

aeter. Iiiit If did not damage the `how. It

the show had been on the lot little Iteyond rib¬

bons would have remained to tell the story. In

spite of but two rainy days at Dammond the

slows got on the softe-t lot of the year.

Many nttraetlons opened Monday n ght, others

followed Tnesda.v. Tuesday night another

»to-io broke, but too late to greatly affeet

bu-ine-s for the evening.

Mond.iy many show folk visited. .Vnnuu'

them were T. A. Wolfe, of the T. A. Wolf

.rthows; Messrs. Boyd and Lindeman. of the

slows whieh bear their name; I'liarles and

Walter Iiriver, Zebhie Fisher, A. J. Zivacd and

wife, Kd P. Xenmann and wife and Kdward

72 Pieces

Here's What You Get in Each Case

' H

{ eseh Nastrd Saurc Pso Sets,

G--tOt^-in. iiound Double

f--A-in.'Fry Pans. Sunny Finish. ;-('ap Pcreolator*.
f--Ihindlcd folsndcr*.

C--l-Ut. Watrr Pitchers. s--IQt. Double Boilers. f--S Qt. Prm rve Krttlea.

t--10 Qt. Dish Pans.

C--G-iJt. Ihiikliiig i'au.

Telsl yt Flashy Pieces Cost 4Sc aeeh. Case Cents S3S.Z4 SO.OO wlihOrder. Beiance. SZT.aS. C.O.O. We guanntee shipment same day order reeelved.

r 'n r

ipPrIijHBH Bllljii pSj HT

THE ALUMINUM FACTORIES, Inc., 234-238 8. Wells St^ Chicaso with a fell.title hou>p that <-airies all live money-getting items for yitur C<itir.>;-.sii.ii.s. ;it r.Kht pricets, best service.





25% with order, balance C, O. D. Catalogues Free.



$11, Sit, $24, $27, SM, $3(, $41, $M Grots laU ip

.IS'# depotit with otdrn, balance C. O. O.


96 Easdx Street

Boston, Mass.

Siinbury. Pa.. June 23.--The World At Home Shows are tliis week playing at York, Pa,, having canceled Schlppi-n^burg becau-te of a long rallroed move to Sunbnry for Fourth of July week. Oeneral Af^nt Haggerty was In
.`iunbury last night en route back to the show with some migli'y promising contracts.
roliimbla, under the auspices of the Owls B.iseball Club, proved proeperona for the shows and rides, but buslnesa could have been murli better for tho concessions. But there la a park near Colambla, wherein praciioaliy the aamM kind of coace-slona are worked as with the bow, so these were not ont-of-the ordinary entertainment for the people there. The World -At Home was the first to play In Columbia since the Smith Greater Shows played there in 1022.
July 2 will be a big day for the orphans a' the I. 0. 0, F. Hi>rae, abont thr-e miles frem SiinbufT, as on that day they will W escorted from the home by members of several lo'al civic organizations and taken dInTtly to the midway of the tVorlil .\t Hume Shows, where all attractions and r»-freshments will he gratis to them. The bual engngement will be niuler the anspicen of «:>K>d Inf'ut Hook and laidder Company. Mrs. M. L. Morris has one of the best contests under way here tha* she has ever enjoyed. It Is a boys and girls' Idcycle con¬ test, with the riosing slated for July 3. Tla re are now nine girls and ten boys in the "rai e".
Trim Sunbnry the show goes to Jer-ey Shore,
Pa., for a week's emtagemenf.
K. X,. MORRIS (for the Show).

Cuaranteed Indastructlble. with Star¬ ling Sliver Rhinotono clasp.
85c EACH
la Dazait Lots. aa-lneh.
In Dazan Lets.
$2.50 EACH
BMUtiful Heart. Shased Pluth Btxat,
$600 PER DOZ. 70 dfPuilt muil a . umpany C. O. D. orders. {lavs you our ItM Jawelry and Novsttf CatalOft





I " 30 34 SS

\j 22

S9 63 j


1) / SI M 1

^ 5 27 43 S4 U

1 ^ 21 39




Car<ls made of heavy leatherette bound mnteriaL Compute, with numbered wooden blocks, t.nlly sheets and instructions.
HEADQUARTERS Fur all kind- <if <;ain*'.s, laimps. Aluminum. Sil¬ verware, Iiolls. Vase.s, Cantly, Baskets, Stuffed Toys, raddle Wheel.s, Dart Wheels. Electric Ap¬ pliances, Pictures. Pillow Tops, Pennants. Nov¬ elties. BalUtons. Canes, etc. Send today for our new Catalog No. l'J<.

SLACK MFC. CO 128 W. Lake St., Chicago, Illinois

Canary Birds, light coloml. each lit .1 NVooilen Cage. Dozen. Young, Tame. Talking Yellow-Head Parrots. Each.^ W
Tame Ringtail Monkeys. Each..

ItftFct, T»*r., June 24.--The CU'^ter SbowA are lP8 vitig tbrir oii.irters lirre for their opening stand. Wert. Tei., wlu'-e they will furuixh attraotioDs for the annual picnic and reanion nevt wwk.
A promising reason's route is arranged for the ^^l«w ami many "inland'' towns in We-tern Texts will be played. It will reiiuire four¬ teen large motor trucks to tran-port tlie outfils. The lineup wilt be comprised of six shows, two rides and ten conce-rioi.^, with a free act and hand. The p«`rs.,nnel*of the show will be carried on si>ecial-built auto¬ mobile conveyances, and nothing has b*-en left undone to make this one of the neatest cart vans of its size in Texas. Tiie show will pla.v a late season, and the bookings include a string of picnii-a and fairs. Manager Custer ailvises that the show will not be enlarged thia year, but will be increased to a ten-iar or¬ ganization for 1023. One of the dati s to lie played will be in .\ngust at Fort Worth, on the well-known "KIk lot ", in the heart of the city, under auspices
JAMES DtJEFY (for the Show).
SIi.-U«yviIIe. Ky.. June 23.--Billie Clark's Biiuitlway Shows me in the ninth week of tlio sea-tin. and have battUtd with ol' .lup.

spelling our idveiti.*!!.* jrlnteJ i,uuuned tape.

Takes the place "f

Saves time and

ni ney for the meirhar' &*ry dealtr a ptos-

je :. F'jU or part time. Write for particu-


Manufacturars tf Tape Warhinct. Alta Other Tvses at Vendinf Oevicei Sold to

Opefatirs and Agents.


829 S. Wabash Avenue, CHICAGO. ILL

Candy Floss Machines
*1502? /
AUEUtTSlf/ ^2002«L

Intmt'iH.ite rb'llvory. Ticposlt Ith Order.

IMPERIAL PET SHOP, Direct Importer,




I'luv.. double railroad moves and almo-t Ince.-sant miatuips among the persunn* I--siu li as Mrs. Moli-r breaking an ankle. (lfc,rg>> Kllt heii lliree bt«ii,s of Ids right hand and ScTetary la-e Maii'ky having his riglit ankle spraiiu d by a tviiik falling on it. But In spite of all. Billie I'lark has ronnibd his sliow info slia|>e ami It Is nt>w one of tlie very lust of its stae cn tour, and has t>eto prai-cd. tlie Chief of rolice here being espet l.ully compliment irv.

Write for catalogue ar.J Information. TALBOT MF9. CO.. 1213-17 Chaataut. St. Lseit. Mp-
\..V au.l Rehullt Or^auj for sale. Paper and CardI- ard Muslc-PIayeil (V;aua repaired. Cardboard $Iusie a .'·peclaltv. Work e'tarartet'd. with prompt seivi.e. I. lUMiUOI.I A .'^OX. 1717 MelfUIe Street. Bu'-' X. New York.

Tiirce weeks more and this show's fair dales

, line S'off,. Jumi'O Itniiirra, i rv Burners, . V Wire, ils.ellne I, i 'erna. Ma llr». T
.s. Ceffee frn». ttrlildle. all el/rs a* d .1*. Or«nT.,de Povdevs. Clims Ixm ni.vde C.lai si Ku lpinent to or ler. ! west IwsI u
It knows 'aWMC' Write (uf lalfst eelalo
re... l>e|>o,il of a' .ml t ne-f.atrlh re.jnirevl oei WAXHAM LIGHT * HEAT CO.
Dept 1$. S$0 West 43d Street

conimeoee. I'lie ailditional flat ears, also the d.iy eoa> b.
liate arrived. iJ*urge' '·eaterplllar ' Title lb le.idilig everylliiug 011 tlie li t as a nionetgetter He keeps It Itvking spick and span at all limes. Maya and Fnfd. witli tlielr ·'whip'', no rry-ge-rouuil. liig I'.li wheel aiul "-eaplaiies', are always ''up and In gissi wtirking order.'' anti have bet n teatly for eieh tun-nlng niglit. Billie Clark's two tieriiian utmetiians. Frt-il AlHTg anti lilts .Vmtt rstm. .are wvekly p»lllng nninslng and Interesting "siunls" in onler to pack tlie .Vlliittgic Shtiw - ami they liave Iweii

ll.irtraan. the big-hearted. "18-k. fin*** editor I r td' "Billylsty". anti Mrs. Hartman n mo-t hvopy and prosperous Journey on the matrisbonial
LEON V. LONSDALE (for th* Show).

doing the biisiueas, esios tally at Bedfnrd, Ind ,

Advertise in The Billboard--You'll Be Satisfied With Results.

last week. Thb eotir* staff uf tho show wUhet tor At listed.

JULY 5, 1924



DON'T Expect To Find
like nny other puldl'-atii-n. It 1- dlO'r ml--in that H is dvv.'i-l to the


Riding DoYice Business

--in that It iba`« II-II 'idvertl'ir.

space--In that I' Ii.i- rm -ubscrlpti

Tills is a season for careful tbinkiug and go to Chicago and get with one of the riding-

price, lii-nd fur saiui Ic < 'i'y

talking. It'memtx r you ean

device ouflts there.

MAKE carniralf,

^Vritir.)5 from y"rkT.lle, X. Y.. Walter A


or ju't--"be with them'

Wi.iid b.phlv praisp' A.

Croun-p aofl Jiia

< roiinsp I'nitPd hhow> He aNo tndivutnally

Opp. Wibish Station.

Jaciv. .illc, |||.

Yep. talk in ]>ublie places, but bo SEXSIBLb vpiike in praise of I'raft I'.r'pd. ami tle lr rMl> a,

which nieaus a whole lot.

t>. J. Bach an<l liis · .ni-p'siims and the ` micl-

vay restaurant" condueted by Ed Heath.

Where on the lots is tlie most current topic ·'i i.atler" ' Altogether; "The cookhouse!"

J. P. Mackcaria. labs MNadlsr. F. w. Fritph!, ``TTljitey" Smith po-tcardod that there Will

be no "mechanicul st.ows" for him this Ma¬

Man.v tliroats will be sore from ''grinding" son, as he is engaged in selling real estate In this Week--tlie 'Fourth'--a prol'ablc "life- Southern California, at Huntington Beach. He

Japanese Parasols

saver'' for some outfits and individuals.
The Smith Greater Shows met w th rather -iroiig opposition last week at Hartwell, O.--

says: "More ftower to the `circus bee' of Henry J. Polite!"
John M. Sheesley aud S. T. Martin, of tin sytesl 10 rtii.forced ribs. Oiled waieri.rcof v^ver. i:. a-- .ned bilsht color de¬ signs. .'ubsia.'itial hsiidleA
Each, $1.10 Per 100, $97.00
Sample, Psstpaid, $1.25.

a community street fair at Iteuding.
Two big caravans at Hammond. Ind., vicinity last week. Wortham's World's Best and T. A Wolfe, and Johnny J. Jones came very near being in just the week i-recedlng them.

Sheesley Shows, inveterate fi.-heimen, made up for lost time during ^lie tlrst Mich.gan < ngage ment, br nging in some nice strings; It wawhispered that they were well "steer*d" by local otbciala who knew all tl.e likely stn'ams.






riiiit Rogers advised that he is ill in Mi'iiieipal Hospital. Pitt-burg, Pa., and would appreelute letters from friend-. Said he would be there until about July SJ.

Mrs. Minnie Jarnett Is vi-itlng Mr* B---ie Allen with the T. A. Wolfe Shows -- not having yet taken out her concessions--until late summer and fall fair-, etc., get stiirti-d. I>urliig her V sit 8li« is working one of Mrs. Alien's concessions.



Just a moment, showfolks! LotIdc mem' oriea of the iate U. E. (Punch) Wheeler!
Mr. Dean, of the Elyiug D'aiis. free act

Neglected to mention sooner tliat Jack Oliver, general agent of the .^Iiller Bros.' Sb> ws, was In and around Uinciiinatl a few wieks ago, aud it -was thought by ohsi-rviug ones that Jack would swing the show's route direct southward from Da.vton, O. I)-u'tless

Power I'nil. d-Cvlindor I'OUDSOM


service every¬


High Strikers. Portable Swings.

Write for t' ltalOK.


with the Macy Shows, ha- become manager of la' and Manager Miller deduced well in sw ich-




1 Are Rapid



' Sellers Wherever Shown!


From these nine-bended, bom-ahelled little antnail we make beautiful baskets. We ire the original dealers In Armadillo Baskeia. Me take their shells, p-lhb them, ai d then line with silk. They make Ideal work baskets, etc.

Let ns tell you ore abeut these unique baakeUI 1

APELT ARMADILLO CO., Contort, Teut 1

$125 Made in One Day

Tor over ten years this has been an honest S. Bower lieidltne--mors than doubled
m l y, many times. BUDDH.k talks to peopls about them¬ selves--a surs sellsr till hu¬ man naturs chancel. A fast dims seller, rostlnc less than a ^ciit. A icy when builr.esl is cuod; a Itfs itver when bloomers bloom. Fortur.eand non-fortune rtpsri -- many kii.df in many lancuim.
For tuU tnlo. on Buddha, Future Photos ii.d Horosc'diee, tend 4c sumps to


Bswer Bldi.. 430 W. 18th Btrset

Nsw Yert.

T':e lAtf ' Invcntlnn. The Must Sensatle-il B-is Out f r Pirke. Kilrs iiiJ t'arnlva'A P fa > a- ! atailui.ary. Wtite today at d let tis ttll y.-u all a' .It U. SMITH & SMITH. Sprinjtilify Erls Cs, N w Y-rk
Headquarters for Band Organs

Above is reproduced one of two photos received by Ali Baba in connection with the "eating emporium" with the California Shows, managed by Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. (Bill) Tanner"bring. This one shows the crew. Note the clean appearance and white linen. TTie other photo is of an up-to-date and neatly furnished intenof'--some of the fscei, however, were too shaded for good reproduction.

llip ".\rgoiinp Fnrc-t" exhibition with thiit ing it soutlica-lward--altho Jack h:id several


caravan, Billy Koutnik having clo-cd recently. I'romiKing prupvtsitiuus in L incy vicinity.



fharlA n. Pounds, entrcetic ge<Tptary-trcasnn r of the (jreater Sheesley Caravan, ha» U'l'n prevailed upon to have bis ``I'icture took" alongside the otUcc wagon.
-I.ouis Bright Infoed that Ruth <lray, who bad ... attending school at lndiana|v>lis. Ind., had
ri-tiirned to the Uray Slaiws to spend the sumiiier with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Itoy Gray.

.Tohn r. I'enalon rerently joined the advance staff of Billie Clark's Broadway Shows as speeial agoiii, niid lait w . k wan p'rforiuing his duties as such in Kentucky.

George II Tliompkiiis infonind tliat lir> bad

Jn-^t Is'cn ap[Hiiiiti'd general a-'ent for tl>e 3 ie-

Speoial 1`rices and Service to Con¬

tory Producing ( «., which hug beadiiuarters In Pittsburg, I'a.

cessionaires, Tlicatres, etc.


Dept. B. B.,

Salem, Ohio.

Mrs. >1. I. Morris, contest promoter with the World «t Il.'ine Show-, is rvpeeting her daughter, Inez, who bag tier-n vi-iting at Irvine, Ky., to Jo n lier this week, jirobably for the rcmaiudei of the »<'a'Oii.
With the pa-'ing of II. K. (Piimdil Wheeler, Pi«; Wadib ll i- the aehnowleilc <1 rb'un of active


slarw press ageiils lalilio "Pum-ir' hid la-eti inactive for some time, ``IliK'" refu.-ed to

Mific Wand and Buddha Papers cla III titp distln< tion).

mn rv/rt

Bend (our cenU for stmpla. 161 Wlliin%n.^°B^lya, N. Y, CAI r slot machines of all
kinds for sale cheap.

Prof. I.aiikford. bindnia-tcr with tlie Biiiisbine Exposition Shows, is sid<'liiiiiig this sea¬ son as a concessionaire. rie has two coni  sions with tile caravan and sa.vs he is i|Uile well salistied with tl.e priseeds from tliem.

Addren iincTNO MFO. OO., 19S1 Fr«sman Avs.. riD'-tnrjatl. Ohio.
vnwVkHIk uMBirS , eartli for '-`ale-bosrdv. Premiums and C · ee««ioi.a Sard lOe for «emt>Ie« and prir-es HELMET CHOCOLATE CO.. Cincinnati. 0.

Xearl.v all earavans will soon Im- breaking Into their fair dates. Make of each stand an opportunity to woik--not a iileasiire outing hustle the III vt couple of inonths means an a -- siiranee of plenty ··iiorki ljops" next winter.

Port Clierry, lute of the "whip" ride with

Advertilp in The Billbsard--You'll bo astunid with tlie Brown it Dyer Sliows. spent a couple of


days in Ciuelunutt recently. Bald he might

I'rof. (ieorae Lar'eu and wife recently miftratid northward from ( harleston, tt. C., and joined the World at Home Shows, assuming management of the Illii'.inn Show, in wbb'h (bey are .--aid to be presenting some very entertalniug features.
-Quite often the folks of the ``home town" of the managing owner of u rararan will not overlook strong grift nnd will act neeordiiigly, as was tlie case in an Eastern town recently. It's mighty hard to "f x" nil factious tIs so day s.
A letter signed Mrs. Mart'n Decker stilled In effect tliat till- writer had some iiiiiHirtaiit do. me-lie iiiforiuution for her hnsband 11. M Decker, from wliom slie had not tuanl since leaving ('levelaiid. O,. alsmt six w..ks ag.i It stated tliiil she loiild lie udilres-i ,1 care of Geiierul Delivery, Cleveliind.
Tliat there is m'ld of an orgaiii'afion such ns the .*S'io\\ loeii's Is'CisIative ( omin11 let* 1 demon-trai.'il by the prc-eiit I.os .Xagelcs situa¬ tion--lint It mii't iw an organ/ail"ii of -howmen, by show mi II, for sliowiiien. If It Is to get anywhere or do more gis.d tiriii Jsiriii.
Early bi-t month the Board of Pollee CommissioiiirH at nrldge|M>rt, fMnn., deen. i| that Ihe time I nut for this year for carnlvata there had expired iMay llO) and that no more iH-rmlta would be granted. The ]ire-s di-pateh slated, however; `'Pleasure Itcaih la now ojK-n for the season."
Tliat ``young f.lbr", l.ion V l.on-dale. who does tlie story writing and otherwise n-«istManager Billie t lark of llie IIioi,i|u:,e Shows, eeletiraled his t-ev eat let), Icrtli.lav iiMiivrsirv .lime Of,, anil tliere's no i|,ii 'i onlng of tlie statenieiit that lie Itsiks and acta ns ilm he were but forty-five.
Mo-es W. Carroll, Ward P-0, Fltxsimnns Deneral Hospital, Denver, Ool., a cuDcesalonuire,

Bv writing pt iH te f r < i'.' '.iir and rrli-f* r'

Uif.t Jniprifol

Or am. Il.j-slr U.,i» s i

MimIc. I(1wlr M rU .t.iue t vivli, re. AI I ,

preferred lur lc»l rr>ii!t>. Sj'i.ft. tlnn guarantee L


NO. TONAWANOA. N. Y., U. 8. A.


VjH% Machines

yJ f

Vrty Brit Priflti ObUInrd Thru


1924 Midrli

Nrw tmaraved in;t Model. Wilto tr wire.

Beth fs-. Hltyli


LOS Arrb Etrsrt.





Ell.n. BM.l, TlIHllWl.Nll HKTIlirS; ln-ft f .

1.title ( lilliliin s.lietilr.tio-IteiNi I, atio little f 1% (t. l-irrl' Whirl!, ft ·t,,| X seals, (i t Ci

Now. PXCTS KIC.t IIIX of ·'MOttllEM t 'i-

Amiiiemml Prodiirls. AI .· Sis>, l4l O.usU r


or hr. WRITE TttDAY. MOORE BROS.. Mitt.. I"

Laprer, Mlib., ever 1$ year*.






Another Ireland Favorite «
An lilfiil number for Parks. This aeries comes in very high-class and dlgnlAed packages, in f«>ur different sizes of double-layer boxes, which have proven Vinners with liie C'oneessionaire.s. They are packed with an assortment of Miik Chocolates, assorteii with Carameis, Nougats, Creams, etc. The boxes ate wriipped in cellopbane paper and are in containers so as to assure safe and prevent tearing of liie cellophane paper.

Size. 5%x3«-i 7 x2\ 7Hx4»;

Price. 15c 23o 32o 61e

No. to Case. 48 48 30 1«

.V deposit of at least one-fourth cash must be sent with order.


Immediate shipments made from any one of our three great shipping centers.

filAstern Reprcsenlallvcs t




501-S-S North Main Stroot,


y k5iibermanssonsj^






Norttiern Represenlallvfca:
328 Third Street. MILWAUKEE. WIS.

I New Ball-Throwing Game ul>he* n* to expr<-«* the sincere thank* of him^elf and other iniuHie* of that inKt.tution to

nii-iu'ier* of Snai>i) Hr*i*.' Show* for the enter¬

Never Been Seen Before

tainment proTtded them by tbo abowfulk* June 14.

Reintive to an tniulry (to `'iiettle an argnmenf): Tbe original big Ferrla wheel that was at tbe World's Fair In Chicago In PiBd nu4 dismantled In llh'3 and shipped from Chicago to St. Ixiui* and again operated there at tbe tig "dolngs" in IJhd, Afterward ra/ed and Mild.

MCI ··lUt/iT rotYsul

Howard Petem, of Canton. O , recently framed a new freak show and in charge of Jack Han'-ou, It ha* been placed on the Wade A- May Show*. The outfit is similar to tbe pit show Peter* placed at some Eastern Ohio fair. last full and present* a very neat ap¬ pearance. Peter*' midget horse is featured. Tbe frameup I* moved on a truck.
.A mo*t pleasant rUitor to our Cincinnati offices lust week was t'>anci8 M. Crabtree, of tbe eseiwtive offices of tbe Ell Bridge Com¬ pany, JarkRODVille, III., and editor of that firm's "The Optimist". Mr. Crabtree beadgcartered In the Queen Cty while attending some' business matter* f<>r tbe Ell Company.



\ s-'X


No Bi:;0--EASTMAN CAMERA. Each. Per Dares. $lt.7S

· SI 05


Eip*v^ sulitd far lady larni*. Adapted ar.ynheia nader the ami. W tito lor citmlari


Rix tv,

East PoirL Ga.

Tlie Johnson & Narder Circus Production la *. (...duled to be among tbe amusement enterprises tb* coming winter, and on quite an
· laborate scale in armories, lane lodge balla and under canvas, for lodge*, buspita!*, commualty and civic events, etc- Edward K. Jobason is already at work on advance curte^polMleoGe.


Lantrnu, Tioki, Pump*. BoHow Wtrr. Jumbo Buruerw t. S *nd 4-Burn*rFK*' (uro Ktrwr*. Fnfjing Kimp SiotM. Ofeni. OrlJdlM. MmtlN. Me. Writ* for rttUog and prim. Dfpoalt roqulrtd on ail ordrrt.
little Wonder liglit Co.
sib aad Walaut Strtat*.

There really are maoy inataorea of "abakadowuf". There are other tn.'tancea wbereio a fellow or K«t of fellowa rely on their *`guta*' and cleverst-aa (and "luck"), and then when they get ··nabtied" put np a terrible yell beeau-e tbe town p<>o|iIe are not a* big damphoolk a* they thought they wera and cry "*hake-Uown".
L. D. (Candy) Bl*er and Jame* E. (Happy SUm) .Stacey, loe rream aandwlob. etc., conceKaionaire*, late of tbo L.. J. Hetb 8I owa, were recent caller* at tbe Cincinnati office. They are now playing iade[<endent dates and "trarelIng a la our `tuiier ala'." a* ··Happy" (former black-face comedian) expreaaed it.

I siiiini.'i II


9i«..):h flnirh. T*o snap burton fastaneri.



I 5-GROSS LOTS. Per Grots.$18.00

ory Graluod Fiflliiis. t-'luwnj Brocaded

1 l-GROSS L0T& Per Grsts. . I*.50

Velveteen Untny. Otzso.$10,751 I-D02EN LOTS. Per Daren . 1-89

AO C. O. D. orders bo ai','onipat.l.'d with 2%Ce> .4ny of the iVwe rood* that does not prove aatlafaetory may bo rMumed (or credit or refund. Ordet* shipped same Jay reeetved.

ELIAS SHAKEN CO., Importers and Wholesalefs, 337-339 W. Madison SI, CHICAGO. ILL.

ConcessiDn Goods
620 Penn Ave., Pittsburg, Pa.
Ulustraird'' ViVite Kv Ci'ry.We have f^^iuttwhat you
Midway NowltyCh

Rnliert A. Campbell, armle-* wonder, latel.v Joined the I-aebman Rlposltlnn .Sbowa as one of the festure stde-*Iiow attractloai. Robert say* be likes that organiratlon Just fine. AIiwi Inform* that ho ia planning to launch bis own show ncjt year, i Incidentslly, to 'fess up.
ItoN-rt write* a N'tter "toe" than thla writer doe* a `'hand".)

Even If several Slates should (1) close morie houses Is-eause of an epidemic. It Wouldn't gr.atly effect the "actor*"--the films or boii»e« don't carry their actors with them. The said "si tors" don't arm si'cng one cent per*onally In the town* where their work sp|>esr*--ex¬
cept It be In tbo towns where they are located.

·ti-orge (Merhano) Steven*, who ha*' iH'en working auto shows and otla-r .|ierlal events With bis mecbanical-man act, was a visitor to the Johnny J. Jones Exposition aud pariirularly liill.v Ihi/zell and Joe Slone, manager and mechanical man, rc*t>eetlvely. at the Jones Cir¬ cus 8>de-Show'. in Dayton. t» Steven* wrot* that be Would next visit old frlentl Bedouins Hitb tbe MorrU A I'lutlr ifbuw'R,

l>lik Joliawin. l«»t ni'iison tw*'t>tr-f<Mir hour

nmn aud baniu-r niau with tli<> Hiirna Ort-alrr

Sluiwa. and fornitTljr of other rararan*. deold*'.! not to CO out thl« *et!`on, laatrad working ad

vcrtUIng In Clrvrland. O

Ho Inform*, bon

oTor. thnt be plan* to again take to tha road

next yrar. ac<-«mp*nlod by hi* brother. Hon

with *eri'ral voncea»lon* on a ten or twelri

car ahow.


Nei.railta ('niiiily Fair*. SMViid *n<l Ihit'l week


Piste Rh-rt

-M.lif,, JOK W. |.t:riUtM. Kec , ttimton. .Nel».

.\Ii I* bearing many nice thing* nlioot the water allow tx-iug produced aud managed by B K. I.atcll on the tiresler Shee.lcy snows wtiereIn in tlie style review and comic bit* are being featured ·'Chubby" and ··Rubble*" Uordon. .\liee Brady. Lunise Brown. Anna Winters and
Mildred IWIIIn.

.CARSON CITY. MICH.. JULY 10. It. IJ. ^ la# -ifret. Mlildietnn suit .Maple Kapid* Ui fol-
Cw rsfinis all open. No lartileal. No qiisrLotlt|e. ( an use good abowi. AMF.HlCAN LBOlON. * IL Bjan. Manager.

There are in the nelghborlitMHl of 2.00) fair* In the Tnlted 8tale*. And alrout 1.950 of these have carnival attraction* fur amusement featiirea, a large majority of them playing or¬ ganised carnival rompanlea. And yet there ars
((Jootlnued on paga 88)

BIG PRDFITS--SMALL INVESTMENT-ND RISK We manufacturo a complrt* line of up-to-date .\r<'atle ai d Jtm isriaent Machine* an I Supplies. Our machines ate very portable an.I especally adapt>J tor use with oamiva'.s and traveling shinrs. Our mathiue* are ai.-o desliturd for u|>eratlna puiiiose*, ai.d in tiie ivinter aid off season can he pla<yd out in good aiwe* ai percentage hasij--our mi-hlne* get the nsiruev a!l ihe year rota.d. WIUTi: fit HOW MICH SPAt B YOi' HAVE--We WTI-L Sfn(;E..:T .4 C'.OOl) BATT>3tY OF ilACHl.NES AND SEND YOl' DEtH'BlPTIVK CHU'l-LAK.S A.N'l) SPETIAI. PKOPOiilTlOX.
EXHIBIT SUPPLY CO., 509 So. Dearborn St., Chicago

Na. 781--J-^akZ ^*8214


signed and Created to Fit the Times.

1*1 N*. 700--Citarvtte Hi mid.e. coremi with tenulne leather, stampr.l with


cover, colors ted or b ue, lined wrh evdar wood. capai.ltT 5li

clgareitea. *


Na. 701--Travelint Poker S*t. senume Iea" case, color* red or blue,

stamped with gold, deck of gilt eriged ear.* ar.d ItHi poker chips.


RiOh items rctue packed in individual cartons.

Two Uteiul Itema for Beth Ladies and Gentlewea.

Full cash with .ample ordent and lia-f cash with quanllty otders.


J. LANDOWNE CO., Inc.,404 Fourth Ave., NEW YORK

Shows Wanted - Homecoming Festival
BETHEL, OHIO, AUGUST 27th-30th, 1924.
Mo«t prosperous factory town any time for Its size. Carnival Company, Music and Animal Shows, Bpecialties, Concessions. Tell full details and terms.
a C. DAVIDSON, Bethel, Ohio.


Lei us prove il!
Deal Direct With the Factory

Immediate Shipments'-'No Disappointments

A Full Line of
and Plain Style Aluminum

For Illustrated Price List
TERMS: ash -- Balance C. O. D. F. O. B

JULY 5, 1924


Don't be satisfied with oO Per Cent pop-

m iHJhults tliis year. Ill'Y PEKIILKSS



, Nat Roiss shows, Wortham Wiows,

'--4 Karl Smipson, BrtinduRo Shows and


hiinilrrds of others use I'rorlrss.


Why? Btsaiise THK I'KERI-KSS


I SI AE I>OI'<t)KN rKOITTS. Ask our thous-

ands of I'oorloss owners.

Model "f" ooiiirs oonipirte with permanent

oarryiDR ease, (an he converted into a liainburRer

stand in a iiiiniite's time. Alt nrorssar,v equipmeat




lour different models to choose from for per*

nianeiil locations in parks, theaters, n»wv-staad8«

Mores, etc.

tSend your order today. Descriptive circular

Ob request. Terms to responsible parties.



At Prices That Can't Be Beat-Compare Them!
ROF»UI_AR INDIAN DESIGN Biggest Hit Every Season.
.si/e, 61x72. Parhed 6 to a Caiton. 30 to a Case.
FAMOUS 2-IN-l CHECK DESIGN t'lze, 66xsU Pd/ki'l li to a I jitun, 30 to a Case

.Size, 66x80 Extra Heavy Quality. Packed Individually.
S4.23 EACH
Prices net F. 0. B. Prot. 2S% deposit leith orders jot si* m more tiankets. Less than six, remit injuti icith order.


20 Broad Street.


(':in be made with this New OK Mint Vendor. Have you one in your store? If not, order one today. Ve .'-hip to any responsible mer¬ chant operatinp a Restaurant, Barber Shop, r'igar. Drug or Oenera! Store, etc., one of these -Mint Vendor.s on a profit sharing basis to any (own in tlie following States:
Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, Tennessee, Michigan, Iowa, Missouri, Wisconsin and West Virginia.
Also can use several Route Agents to place marhin* s. For particulars, write

nilliObUiHUi I U UQd UailUUIIO Ugr

llraiif] NfM and Make a Big ]*1a9)i. Hcadquajtcrs for All Kinds of TOY BAl»IX)ONS and ACCES*
HORIKS at Bi.;ht Pilce.
Lepo Metal Freps. $7.50 Gross, t Paper Folding Tricks. S4.0<


Jap Flying Birds. S5.W . y/h . ip30s-3'6 I' n., ;-

I $7 so GrMS.

I Mice, $4.00 Gresi.

Wiggling Alligators,

fli):jiK.\T10N tiOODS OK .\U, HORTS. Our Cs' is i'*'b


(C'onlinut'd from vaRO S.'t)
a few looKO-thinkinp ncH'i>a|i<T oil lurs who al hnv ·prfdjudi'ts" to i>laat in tl.iir rolumnthat ` noarlj' all fairs have harroil oarnlTal-"-- tiu'lr roadors seo for Ihomsolvt-s and actual!} know differentl}*.

The Season's Hit

If a fellow takes a "lone chance" and realizes it, and tries to J'lmii from the top of one four-story buildinR to another aud "falls down"--in tltaf in'tanee who on earth would ho call on to "help me"? The mural is that if a fellow knows he is liaide to k-t "in liutch'' and "keel's tight on", from a .senslhle point of view he is assuming his own risk voluntarily and he isn't deserving of help fp'm those who Used better Judgment.

It must have requin'd a great deal of think¬ ing on the part of some "poners tlvat he" in Michigan to figure out one Is "less liable" to catch a contagious disease in a moving picture theater than while utfmding an out-ln-the-open show. Could tlie.r have decidi-d tliat peoph' coming in on trains and hy auto from otlier towns in the State and other States would not attend the movie exhibitions!

Chinese Parasols
The desirable Big

Regardless of the many times we have called

their partieular attention to the matter, m-t-

eral "show letter" writers have been mailing

tliese notes from their shows late in the week,

and probably have "wondered" why they did

not r "ach Cincinnati in time for the "next

i'suc". For Instance, five "show letters" were

datelined and mailed June 1*1. and two of

these didn't reach the publiration offlee until

the following Tuesday.

Ti.e last forms of

The ISilllHiard are printed Monday nights.

A few lines from Adolph Seeman were In effect that his return to the hospital for treat¬ ment was not of his clioosing, but upon advice of friends. "At that." he added, "I supiiose if i.s 111 · for a sick man--but it's awfull.v lonesome for a show lot man." .\dolph is at th» American Hospital, Irving Park boulevanl. Chicago. (Drop him a few lines now and then, everybody--aud if the goml old veteran of showdom doesn't reply, take the · will for tlie deed" and write again, and keep on writing b m. Encouragement goes a long way toward recovery.)

Have you noted the many times during the past several years that All pointed out the- fact that there were (still are) numerous tbiugs adverse to the out-door show business'for an onganizatiOD of out-door showmen to wrestle with--and that the "elean-iiii " was land is) but one of them'/ 'When you read them, say cue. two, three or four years ago, did you actually think they were founded on guess work, that there were not accumulating facts to support the "tips"'/ Here's another "tip": Somebody had better get busy, and soon, on a couple of issues tliat are as plain to b<` seen as the nose on a man's face, or as easily diseernilile as--well, the open Bctlrltles of self-
interest knockers against out-door shows, espe¬ cially curnlrals.

In a letter from J. M. Haylor. of tiie George I.. Itohyns isbows, J. M. expresses pride in the amount of time, etc., consumed in the setting up and tearing down of the rides tliis seuson with that earavan. He Included; "Tlie for tearing down at Greenst'urg. Pa., was; I'aferplIIar, two hours and fifty minute--; Dan¬ gler, throe hniira; Rahy Seaplanes, two hours and tliirly minutes; Kll wheel, one hour and fifty minutes; Carousel, three hours, and th'` 'Wlilp, two hours and forty mlnutea. Kvery ride has made every Monday night so far iMonosaen, I'a., week ending June :il) this season."

Flash does it!
Tjrcc shows report tremendous business < d repeat orders continue to pile In. '^ou can mop up big with these useful, letmlfully deslencd and ·ttrartlreljr colc ie,l Chinese Pari'-.Is. We gucrantee the tH.VlN I.IonTMNO SKRVlCB you <!en snd. Seud 11.75 toilay for lample of ' ir best tiumiier. postpaid. Quantity t rices much loirer. Our circular tells } -u alL
^ 425 Grant Avenue. SAN FRANCISCO.



Made i f th* trie )ul ri of 'he
fresh fruit. The finest fruit drir.ka in the uarld. Orange. Lemen. Lcgan. berry. Grape, Cherry, Rambrrry,

Strawberry, No. 12 size, which makrt

12 gail." s fli'iahrd drii k, $1.25. Or.* il /in No. 12. aaior. l $13.50. Per One-Gellsn Jug. $10.50. In Fire(d.. '<n loits, $9 50 per Gallon.

i;i vk.\nti:ki> to compi.t


T_ LllMS; P_th . dj ti'g Inclu.le jar-


·'Cl puit nr ixprrss charert. .\il cafh


with amail ot.lirs. Will rrfci. 1 xfiy

--ililTeriiice. J-irce orders, one-tldrd

lasli di-i- -It. ha'ante <' <· IV ORANGE JUICE MILLS. 6 harre'i

.'"'l.-'.'Ii l~~~" ·*_

I>er day. Hire f..r ftlipUy ai d rtemonsttathai. SJj.OO complete. Writ* ((,, rafale,'


1213-17 Chestnut Street.

8(. Louis. Me.

V'erria Wheel anti Merry-Oo-Round. Nappanee, Ind., August 27 and 28. Tills is a real, live annual event

.\ citizi-n of Plttsflidd. Mh*« , sent All a local nowspaptr clipping, stating tliat the American i;xiMi-.illull Shows had hccii granted a pcrmii to exhibit there last week. In part Henry wrolc; "Pittsfield has b<'en flosod to canilvals for some time. It is sort of amusing, after all that has been said against carnivals and a seimlngl.v determined elTort on some people's part to keep it closed Indcllnltciy, that U I pened so soon. Kti'lenlly lis al organizatinns Imvp tr i-d to |iromole and run dllTeri nt things lint without SUCCI..S. and some of them arc 1*0. ginning to ri-all/e that II is wiser to let others, wifti experience and tife e'lulpment, do it with better prtispects for sticcess. Please note, in the tlipping, tliat the clergy as will as hiisinesN men signed llie I'ctit on ffir granting the per¬ mit."

L. M,, JOHNSON, Chairman.



'^rHimber 1. 5 ..i 1 H, UMp'* und Cu*H*cwion8. J.

rAKL, Sr(*>, Wnirhcsler, Olilu.


Auguit I2tli to 16th. WILL SHORTER. Seerffsty. - Lyon*. Iniinni.


Of nImriI TiO rai'tfclty ra<h, ftif the X4t|oTml T

FleUl Mfft,

Ifl. I'Ul t'.'t.ira* I


K. L. lU<t<iS. LotalM. Ohio,

Home time In .luly. on is-ricuUKC, lor .kmerlna becluii. Play oil th.' iiiai'i slrrrls. Write wliat )''a have. MARK C. LI'.Afll, RiL-hvlIle, IllliaiU_
Working Itlur I'rliifs ut the i'h.ilr"i>lai>e Swing. ptlci- l!0\ I) I'.i:!. care Utllls'.ird, I'In liiiiail. »>

Advertioo in Tlie LillLccircl--Yen'll Ec Satisfied With Results.

JULY 5, 1924

T ti e Billboard

Finest, Flastilest and Best Eqiilpped Oilly Carnival Traveling
10c Grind Concessions (flash with any and all kinds of Stock), come on, will place you. Several choice Wheels open. Can also place several Talkers, Grinders, two Magicians, Canvasmen, etc. Best equipped Athletic Stadium on road for a first-class Athletic showman. ML Pleasant, week June 23rd; Brownsville, week June 30th; Masontown, week July 7th; Point Marion, week July 14th; Mateer, week July 21st;
Milltboro, week July 28th; Jefferson, week August 4th; Latrobe, week August 11th; Vandergrift, week August 18th; Irwin, week August 25th; Monessen, week September 1st; all Pennsylvania.
Address HARRY C. HUNTER, New Grand Hotel, Monessen, Pa.


John Frane-i* Show*, where he handled the 1 irctin aide-show.


FRANg B. JOLBLINO Fhoas, 01.v« 1734.
XiUway Ezck. Bldf., Locust Btroot. Betmeca Sixth aad Sovoath.

St. Louis Municipal Opera

St. I'lUii, .Mo., Juiii' J7.--"Til** Bolii-iui«n

Cirl" · 'll*- Mnnlo pjil Op- ra fonipany'i* jirt-x- at III*" Ki>r<«t I'arlc .ttni*liltIi*Mt*-r tbit

»*-rk. Tin* prlmlpiN In Iho IcAiline r**l-« thl«

»·!» ar.-: Hilph Krrnlli*, f.-nor: Tlioman t>>iik*-v.

intone; l>< tluar ropi"*".

Ko^anJ Wixol-

r.rr, Jiiirnilv; Ihirolliy rrauiia, priina donna,

and nat.'t .\r.aro, .·<·Iltrallo. NfXt mik tin*

ronipan.e will pre«»-nt ·'Tl.e I*r Die «·' I'IIm-h '.

.tcor'lii.s to Ibe niaiiaXi'Dieut. tile I'urieut

Ki* k n U mark tbc laet for Ralph KrroIIe, nho

La« re.igned from thr CS»t to d*`TOt«; the

lutlanee of the aunimrr afa-ain to pre;iiar«> for

Ilia d*`jut with thp Metropolitan Urand Open

(iimpaiiT In \>w York in leading ruh-a tb:i

w.nlir. KrroIIe hat hio'O tlie favorite In the

o[>rraa prenented thiia far thi< year aud will

l>e .adlir aiiaaed h.v the ihouHanda who t ait

Hr op. n air lh*`ater every week. Ill* place

» II he filled b) t'harle* Hart, a leading tenor

t/f til- CbicaEO tiran*! Opera and who la touted

trrr b^eililjr by tie lo'-al critie*.

New Loew's State Theater
The new playhoiiae at Eighth and Wa<blngtoD avenue i> now entirely rtmipleted on the ex¬ terior and work ia rap'diy progreaelng on the riaborate interior decoration* It i* expected liMt the new theater will be opened about .tUiCU't 15, It will be one of the bandaomeat ef Mound City theater"*, with a *eatli.g rapacity of ; 5i*i and a stag"" li*ix:)5 feet. Feature I'boioi'Iay* will be »hown, at leant tbi* la the auaouD" einent of tlie proniolera at tbia time.

Pickups and Visitors

Maiv*n K, W ill*, ceneral agent for the Schwal le.Wallii k Show*. wa« in the city for e-'eral "la)', vi.itiui; wiib relative* and looking <oer ad;a. eiit terriiorjr tn the Intereat of hi* -b" w. Ki jiorted that coodiilona in the lead '-it of MI>Ki>iir , wliere the >how ha* been rla.vinit the pa*it three week*, were very good jDd that the *how ha* been faring nanch ie-tt" r than many of tlie mralvslt In other e tl.iD* of the country.

r.ddie Vaughn bat Jot hmoKht ont hi* June fd lion of The Mi"i*ourl State Topic*. Hlv pr me inter*'«t in the publication of bin Inter olng magaxine It to bring yaelng bark t» Mi*M>url and rapid progresa ia being mad" along tt»i»e line*. * the Tarlon* locala are taking up the matter and devoting conalderable ·pare to lame In recent edition*. Mr*. Vaagha 1* ttlll enjovlng tb# nplendid nir an'l etalde tpnrt* at tlio home of her daughter* la Connertlmt, where ahe ha* been vltitlog for toveral month*.

Jnbbnie I.«x«c waa In thv city for two day*, rnmiug over from Kansa* City. Did not divulge hi* ml'tlon here, but we know he "rented an anto** and was hn*tllng abont `00-derthly.
Hoy Eley, formerly with the Golden Bros.* laiuial I'lr* i.a and who ha* been aojournlng in tile iity for the pant tlx Week*, left "'dne*«lty for Hraodon. Man.. Can.. wb«e he "'ll |.|«T the fair, with other Canadian fair* to fallow.

Trlnie Omwah 1* etill headed We.tward and

·dvl"*'* that hi* allow I* g"'Miiig a


alaog the road. He ia at present In ltoi.e. Id.

Mi*« -Phil" Ardette. Rolla Olln and John "··klyn arrived in the city during the wei-U to Jo n the Albi'rt Dw ight Player*. Rehearsal* lirted today for the new company.

I'.im Glirdon, the (Mipular promoter of thi* ii.v. la. high a«|>lratt<>u* for hi* Fourth vif Julv lelehratinn at*dnwn* Park, East St. 1**11*. under the aiisplcr* of the t.abur Council* of lh»t eity on Friday, next. Mr*. Gordon la ·'III Tialting w th friend* and relative* In S*n iran.-lM-n, from whleh point »he n<lvl*et that the Weather I* mid and rain aplenty.
Lml* T.aPage, of the Barlow Dig Clfv Show*. «nve>, hi, regard* to the gang of St. laml* imurier* f,,,,,, Winona. Minn., where the »how ^ P-Hying thI* week Eaat Dubtiqiie. HI.. pr"V"d a very p«i,r *|iot for the »bow Inat Week

..I' 1" l4iw*on. for the pa*t few weeka with

V" I***

* Martin Amuaement Company, play-



b" Till"*lay to Join

, '[ir Hillle Clark Show*, at pre*<"Dt routed

loru -= veral Kentmky town*.

C I.. Darnvtt came thru the city en uie to Plttabiirg. p*., where he will Join
Panglwrn'a Medlrlne Show, Doc left the

HereYou Are Boys


This beautiful Bridge Lamp is 5 feet high


Roautifully Polychrome finished .and atipple"l.

Shade Is ver>* well made of rich quality ,

materials of the very latest colors. Heav

· fringe. Equipped with feet of cord, all com-




\ IXt S
w 1



BRIOGE LAMPS, with Haavy Fr1a«a. Each.$5.50 <|

JUNIOR FLOOR LAMPS. wHb Haavy Frias*. Tw* Pull Cbalaai Ea. 7.50 |>

FLOOR LAMPS. Haavy Frlafa. Twa Pull Chaina. Eaab.8.50 .

NOVELTY FLOOR LAMPS, with EMra Laria Faaay thadaa aad Twa

<| *

Pall Chaina. Eadi . S.S0 |t



Coma parked S to a Cra'a. n'i remilrad on all C. O. D. ordatt. Tmma-

dlata daliurr. Orders ihlppad tsaa day racvlvacL


i J | S










Per Brass.


240B--oO a M. Air Ra'.Ioor *. i 2 25
24IB--:· a M. Gu Bailoor.j.. 3.88 a 2546--85 5L Gif Banoon!!.. 3.50
248B--O.rld Balloon. Printed. 3.75 24»B--Flivef' Balloao,, Printed. 3 75 2338--J2-ln. Ba'.laon Btlrk*... .30 248B-rgirga Bound Whistle

lSSS-T*rirL«g WhIitlaBal- * '·mauauai



WhlMla Bal

loona . a.B#

iSSA^ood iny^g Bl^..... 4.50

tS5B--41-In. Bhlta Shall Chains .
2S3B--Novelty Tisaue Pansola. 1828-14-10. Pirer Harna. 1736--Pcisaan Twa .

7.50 7.50 3.00 2.75

· ··B--Naw Junplng Monkey.. 0.00 SOOte--La^llM Pwiurv Stick. 38.00



Per 0*2«*.

SGS3B--18-In. Phish Teddy

Peatf . 8IS 0O

·053a--PUT Ball Baarb Ball.. SOO 85446--16-tn. Mima Doll. 8 00 S345B--18-In. Mima Doll. 12 00 9329B--ll-In Dreoed Doll.... C.M

·082B--Onre Brvdar Fruit

Bowl .21.00

·OSOB-Beacoa Wig. Blinkrt* $ 3.75 ·0I8B-R«u:era 28-Pc Nickel

SUWr Sata. Bulk. 3.00

SOHB--;«-Pr. Imlt, Oik Driw-


i an

ssi7B_;«.r.. ITat Sliver'cVvj .iO

81I35B--Sh.fffleid 30-Pc. .Silver <Jrt, coiapleia with R. i
10376--Rvgers 30-Pc. N'krl si;vcr sat, . mpi with B v
BI0*6--BtM.a Limp. .111 k

4.25 5.00

n*,v.·J".'.'.' *** L i m r. Sil<

ultJvuM 3716--PUking Cklck^ Good. 13.50 2176--(.lisa Cutter Kntvea.... 15.00
3006--Toy Piper Housea . ILSO

f 10026-^*

sh,:ir,? 12

AI03B--B il'erfly Ump, sJlIk

Shade .

10 50

NOTE--.Vo leei't'han 6 of i'k»d sold.

Wa rarry btg Ili.-a Watehaa. Clocka; JewaliT. Sltiia, Sllverwara, Noaeltie*. Canes. Whips. Knives Baflouni, Rubber Balls. Wbrtli. Ped'llev. Dolls and NoHens.
Our Caulogu* lor lt2l if ready. It's free. t<etid for yonr copy today. W* ship no goods C. O. i>. wlthont depodt
We are Ht. I.xwjIs Agenlt for AIRO BAIXOONP anl ratty full stork here. Cur servic* ii uBiurpaued Aali any of Uie buy*.

 ICE CREAM SAS"d"wi"""!


FOR THE concessionaire.

your order

I at Park*. Cii*u.<e,, Cart lTali, Fair*, rlr.


``·b meke fi" m 14 to

San.lMli-be* firm on*

hrl.-k if Ire I'leain at a l`>t*l roet if to. .

THESE WAFERS CAN BE USED WITH THE SANISCO SAND. WICH MACHINE. Prior. t"4."0 per le v. IJ bus < In .»-e Wir* ua

thii. t >t.ip C. I*. D. Prnd money order for 824 00 I t a "*.e, -r $12.00 half rase, to

 THE CONSOLIDATED WAFER CO., 2122 Shields Ave., CHICAGO Hld-City Trttft 1*8 Savlaaa Baak *f Chieaa* will fuaraate* all Maaey Orders tent by aiail. Meaay

cbaarlully rrtuaded it net tati<fartery

EASTERN FACTORY: 515 Keat Avaau*. Braeklyn. New Yark.

Advertise in The Billboard--You'll Be Satisfied With Results.

Frank I.ayman left on Tueaday for Chicago, with h * three big ride*, merry go-round, whip aud Ferris wheel, where he will play the lota for the lialance of the | season probably.
H. R. Jer<ey, for the p.i*t few months with Frank I.avman, left tl*e early part of the Week to Join the Bro*.' :*hows a* trainmaster. Jersey wn* cu-t.nlian of the Conces-ionaire* and Sliownien'* I'lu') during the winter monti s and hat .n ho-t of friends in St. I*>uit.
Billy Ftnkle write* fr^.m .Vrlanta, Ga., where ha la playing the Police Oircu*. that alncliaving thin ,ity be hit it luoky, playing a string of date* thru Indiana, Ohio and Ken¬ tucky before hlftin.: th.. trail for Atlanta. With him is Paul Braden, magician and card manipulator and member of the 8t. Louis Aseembly of Magician*.
Major J. M. Crowley, the well-knowa agent of old. left on 5Iond.vy for points in Texas. Fie exiiect* to return to the Mound City within aliout a month.
Colonel H. N. (Brocky) Morgan la still mak¬ ing the round*, with' a g'jud word for ait trouper*, helping them aro'ind the City Hall. Court House and in every way pos-lble. HI* office as super Dtendent of the Work House an.l State president of the Fraternal Onler of Fagle* keeps him on the hustle, but ai"ove all we believe the interest of showfolk I* upper¬ most in bia mind.
i-tephen B. Connor*, genersl agent for the I'ykman-Joyce Expo-ltion .^Imwa, arrived in the city Wednesday morning from Georgia, where be closed several of the big fa r* for this fall. He evpei''* to lease tomorrow for ;ioint* in Iowa ami Illinois in the interest of bla show.
D."trolt, .MUh . June 25.--The Morris 6 Caatlo Slows are In tl eir third we. k in Detroit, thi* week occ'ip.liug the apaciou* ahow lot at Millt.iry and Mi Graw, in another fac'ory section of the Automot'ile City.
I. a*t week'* engagement on the Fort and Green |i*"ation, und-r aii-pI.-, * of .st. ivfcr'* w.vs not .i* good a* the «ame week last sea*ua. There ».r,. eveeptlonallv laru." rrowd* e.n h evening on the mi.Iwav, but money w * not "io plentiful on amount of various f.ntorie* not working fn'l time. The gross hii-ine** wa* fair.
ttliowing until midnigl.t Runday night, the hIiow et|uipment and wagon* moved overlan'l three and one-half mile* and *et op In time fur u m.v'inee at 3 pm. Monday, wbirb »p."ali* well for proiK-r manig.-ment and the ··o-operatlon of the en* r.-. jH-r-onnel. This w.ek's aiisulie* 1* the Mo.|A-n Rr<itl^"rhoi*l of .kmerlea. There wa* a ..I ofiening night * c-"twd, t.ut ru. *`l«y n gilt a regular clond'uir-t ate It H. :# o`''Io< k, d"-'"' .. the patron* off th-" III dway and kill.-d pr.-mi-e-d to be a Mg night.
.kni'.ng the vieitora nuted by the writer tho I .t'."r part'of la-t week .in.l the flr«t of the |ire~ent w. . k WT" re Felix Hi*"! and ' Whltev'* T.vfe. of the Happyiand Show*; I.eo I.ippa. of ti.e i.ippa .8mn*ement 4'ompanrt Mol«e Hlr*eh. of S!ir" Ve|iort. lai.. brother of ' Bin " llir*. h of lie Slireveport F.*ir; la.ri* Margfli*. Me.*r* Wade and May an"l other*. Fred Ibmd. wh'i 1* *aid to b." one of the greatest high shillnwwat.-r diver* in the outdoor-«how bu-ine**. Joined llarrv Ciaverf* Water CIrea* thi* week, und i« featuring a "full gainer" from the top of ti.e hVfli ladder. Thompson's "'Infern.i" i* nearing eompletion and will be in operation at next we. k * at ind. and Judging from it* elaiioriit,. front. .t.ige effe.-t* and i.-enery, it i* hound to be one of the featur. * of the entire niidwav. .lol.n Clieid is on a buslne-s trip Do hi* return ne\t week he will start tli.. hulidli'g of a new sliow. Phil I.Utle. .if Tanneliill and Kittle, ha* left on an exten*lve ti'ii p-I.itl*.- to their fair date*, of whte'- th. y h.ive fourteen  on'raited 'u furnish large eat¬ ing iioo"«* on the fairgroun'l*. t*.*lde« th" fair* p'a ed hy the Morri* * I'aafle Show* A n. w ri.ling devi. e ha* he. n pureha.*ed ao'l I* dll." to arrive week ift.-r n»xf. to he han.lle.1 by i.rg." StiieN". welt-known ride man Th." front of 111," 'Mv.terio'i* Knoi'kot;i" h-* N-.-o r."m">d" ' .1 and repalnte.I, the de".ign. being exe.ut"d h, I'r.'f <'.rln>.haw. staff scenl"- irt;*t. and ha* eau*ed mu. h favorable comment Tinfun lioii*." iin'I.r management of Fred Baker for I.ieiit. Itu--·"!! .-thield*. 1* proving a winner tint*** th* '*** 4 hantff'*
JOE S. SCHOLIBO (Director sf Publicity).
Word '"nme la-t week from Hot Spvin** Ark , »' :it Koiil* Se'xer. well-known bicycle on high wire free a."t and e.`ni'."«.ion man. i- un¬ der the .are of a phv«i.-ian but expe<-t* to he all right in a few week* Mr ami Mr* Seise." are at present retrtdlnf at 42(* Whlttiuf avenae. Hot Sprlnga.

` I ]

JULY 5. 1924




«Wihoon»iD lUpids, Wis.. Juno S"'---This work f lulu the rViil T. KonncJy Slnnvs loeattd In 11>" hiill park at Wiaeonsln Itapiils anil If the I iM'iitiiB altMiduni p is any erilerion an exeel-

't 1 "nl veek's hii'iness will be reoerdid. The


7 shiiw train arrived here frnm Waul<epan in


e the early hours <if the niorninK and as the haul 7 «:is only aliout tlpe Miicks everythinc was In


4 ri .idiness for the oi'eninc last n tht. 7 The ensiiBenii nt at North Clie ic.i was one »,v of the lii-Nt Weeks of the season thus far

I'lajed. lixeelleiit weather iirevai'd thruout

Write For Our New Catalog

Js tile week, with tlie ex eolion of .''undav afterJ> main when tlip rain fell in torr'-nts. llowiver. \y tlie clnuJs broke late in the afternoon, wtiieli

S? made it possible for a phm| business at iiipht.


s4 This is the fourth oonseeiifiM* week that tie' V sl.ow-s have remained over at their stand for a zZ r-unday cnpaaenient and. willi the rxeeption

J7 of (.'edur Itap d-. I.i.. the b isiness done Ixas

zZ nioie than justified tlie ios.s of the sueoeodinp

>7 Monday.



zZ r.anft's Pop and Tony Cireus reeeived it' sy new top at .North t hi'-apo and the p. rformanee

iy is one of the best of its kind and should prove



>7 a wonderful drawinp card at the speeial dit s.
ZZ Another show whieu is treatinp most favorable
eomment l« Kasola's driental M.t'tery Slmw.
ZZ whieli offers a propram of extraordinary
^Z interest.

Patent Pending

^Z Purinp the North fhieapo enpapenient the

press of W'aukepan devoted mueh siuo-e to tlie


SPECIAL OFEER A ilO-incli praduatod Opalescent Necklace.


Kennedy caravan. luirtleularly (leorpe 11 Strube, editor of Tlie Waukepan Sun, was very complimentary of the show and Henry .lust, of

1T< '.furlrr wtapisil in

.'.iked l i a r I a spt 'Ul d ii4h

The uncooked sail .i,e a'.d liakfd to


le eiir ;> tv uud l ake itui.s. tender and iulcv. whl>

The Waukepan NeW'. the shows diirinp the

wlai was a visitor to xieek. eommeiiti il edi¬

the liun Ij li.lit, ti.ikcv. pel !i'i bro«n all orer--i.i-
tctlv <lcll,:httul. Tremendous y pipiilar and piofl'''-. - su.. pr .'ll cut of e'.ery d lUr. Has three U 1: ;

torially upon them Saturday under the Jr Us. ·'apaclly. fZOO.Ort dal y Bis-ldei tl.. em k i ;

caption of "Clean Shows". Piirinp the week s'atid aho\e Illustrated we nuke small ai. I

the show was host to several iiss.-nihlapes. l ose eo-uerg at reasonable prls-es. Write for clr-u


A Sterlinfi Silver Catch, set with a Brilliant Rhinestone. A handsome rich-lined box.

Tuesday nipht the newslviys of boili papers lars.

were puests of .Mrs. Kennedy nnd Thursday afternoon some 2fiO children from the Waukepan

Talbot Mt{.Co., 1211-17 Chestnut St., St. Louis, Mo.

24-lncl< Opaneicent Necklace 36-Inch Oziolescent Necklace

Opalescent Necklace Opalescent Necklace

5 Pentention Home and the I.nke ISIiiff drphan.aee were entertained, the outinp belnp siKinsored by the Kiwanls (Tub of Waukepan.

Fair Secretaries


Beeausp of the nearness of Chieapo tlie show


had many visitors. Noted upon the prounds


durinp the week were: Fred M. Barnes. Walter

K. Priver, E. C. Talltott and family. Edward IV Newman, Joe Conb y. who is to have an iil traction on the midway In the near futuri-.


Hon. Ben F. Short, Chieapo attoriiev, .\. I. Blanton, secretary of the Sikeston (Mo.I Fair Sunday afternoon Mrs. Kennedy had a' Imr


puests Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jones, of ITp n. and Mrs. J. E. Botiinson, of Miami. Thiirsilav evenlnp the writer was surprised by a parl.v


of twenty-rlpht. wlm came over from Hie

South Park commissioners, where the writer

was for several years conneeted wiili the

division of plavproiinds and sports.

Next week marks the bep nninp of the fair

enpapements for Hds caravan, the first dale beinp Alierdeent S. P., with Valley (hty

V n your o C'l lUbtg and Btve


Ill' iiry.

'rrrtrrrrrirssst We back our suaraute* by retualBg you laoaey tt meichandlie to uBsattotietocy.


W. X. MacCOLLIN (Fresi Bepretentatiye).


All kinds '

I'rrs-ure Tack=.

.s'.ove Butnen . I

.''ui-pllej f'r y p


lloure. Write

Without boxes itiud 13c.\

25% Deposit on C, 0. D. Orders.

I r Cirvulsrj.


Dept. C,

"Prompl DtliMry,'" Oar Moffp.

799 Broadway, NEW YORK CITY
"SaUrfacUon," Our Aim.

O^W('go, N. T . June "I.--Tlw Brrnardi fircater Shown are this work playinp Iho "Moose F'rollr", under the direeiion of tlw Miaise Ponvention ( omm tfee. in Kitzlinph Park, and opened Monday to very h'^avy ali.'iidanee.


Ineidentally, the Bi rnardi (Jreater .''linwg 1' the first eolleetive amii'emrnf or-janlration t" show Insido t'lO eily lim t« In more tlian twM

ICS Chetinut St. ST. LOUIS. MO.

.vars nnd wii' only praiited a pirmil after city offielaP Kid "cheeked'' on all the < la m<


^ Heavy Weight. AH Paneled. ^ 2'/2.Quart WATER PITCHER and
You can't go wrong on our line.
Shipments made same day order is received.

of the exeeiitices. The park is situate^ at
Ka't Tenth nnd Bridpe streila. Side. It xca' donated to tl'o Moose for their frolic by Jidin Collins, city commissioner of publl' works.
NewspaiMT men, puests last nipht of the Writer, Wire lavish in tlielr praise of the at tractions and the morale of the company Newspap«rs here Kivc been very kind to th" jiresR department, exactly five columns of ad xanee stones hemp In the two m vv-papers last wvek. l^pecdal Agent E. B. Walker ba« the town covered with lithoprnphs and postinp mil

Manufgrturrr gni Plgtrlbiiter cf
277 East 165th Strwt. NEW YORK. N Y.
Cliiulsts tii«'n risjuesl.

20% deposit with order, balance
en c. O. D.

it was due to the heavy advance piilillelty nnd the advertisinp showing that preat en¬ thusiasm greeted the sKiws upon llieir arrival.

2 Doz. to Carton.

Telegraph or write.

Buffalo, the third week, at Sycamore and Belt I.inr, turned out ns the writer predicted It was not so hip ns the first two weeks, at Broadway and Bailey, but was ver.v satlsfa>lory to all connected wllli the caravan.

1 If* l·lls::l A^ Vrrnch mairtrr-bullt >fpr



ovfr iri

f irnroniUfTl t-y *11 lltillt )»> tkjM'itj*.

N't aii eijTflmr.t *nj ini*. 8^^ wir




Mack Harris was called borne last week on aci-ount of the death of Ms father, who was trapped in a burninp biiildinp last Thursday In New York City. Samm.v Lawrence rejoined

i.ewr CfifA. W'e Ir.i I tlirm all. K-t yntir hr' *'tit, »r!id for our 21= \t «KltFTN'MI 0\M!' Ai SOVK.TY MFi;. ri\. IZll-n CliejUml 8t..
Milwaukee, \Vl»coti»ln.

&. CONCESSION TENTS lore, after a bus'ness trip thru the South. Artie Lewis left in Buffalo to vNlt friend'


on the Morris A Castle Shows, but returned In time to eati-h the sliow train Sund.iy. Prohably

135 Chamberg Street.

NEW YORK CITY. no prettier sliow train is on the road than

the "(lolden Comet" of llio Bernnrdl (Ir'aler SlKiws. Freshly imliit* d a brilliant orange. fiipervUlon of the trimmed in mansm. It Is a source of pride t i



everyone and wlicn It rolled Into (Iswepo


A , Bt Send for Priiet.

Sunday If w.Ta a most K'autifiil sipht. The writer Is Iiandlinp tlie iiress In advince--
nrranpiiip tie slorb-s i,u,k with the shows--

"Honey's Confections


Th« Flnihy GIvf^Awsy P*cka|*.

Minute Supply Candy Co

577 Third Strret,


YOU XKKD. I'ac'kf'd 500 to
to case. PI*K(lAH riiicH TO RKADERS cV
$15.00 per Case of 12 Boxes-- 6,000 Wafers.



We do not ship C. O. D. Send c h e c.k or money order for $15.00 and will ship by express same day.
Money cheer¬ fully refundr-d.


W\.\'Tin>--Fi>t Fisirlh of July t'rlcbrgtluii. g «. li d Storw. A few rliol.-e Wliecis open. Wresn Wj'ilrd, to lake over W;i-si11iir Sbuw. rroiH'-lllii" ·' |. !·> Ihg* double In bran to lake oter N ' Lvi>erleiierd Hide Help write or wire rig>liig " turn. Pa . week of July 4. M.XN.XliKU J.XMtTx ·' M rAIlTIIT.

Care ol Central IVIlg. Oi^t. Bank, IlOO 'VV. fiZitn <»l., Clxicago


: k y^ I iShown wan oTt-r thn P>*Dn.'ralTaBia, thra oar


. . D RS« nUrriSHn^nBa rrilalfwOMl ainnoil TwOhllOnrl



-.i.iile from Imported Italisn Orsiiee

s'.d I.»nion Oils sud Fruit Prod¬ ucts. l-'ully susrs..i tierre.di iiiuler t..h..e. I'ore Fool I^w. In'ii.r-r.-r ii«- l'UMhlng

·ter. Pull strenxlh tnd fliirnt

.1.11 cold nsier ami -iigjr.

of the wor^t ntorm-t the North Indiana and
' ·`·' "W section ever r»t>erlenc.u When the Wimt and rain were the flercent the Clarenoe
Worihnm sliown arrived in Hammond fr«>m .lollet. and two hours later came the T A Wolfe Shown. Imth dated and billed to eibibit *" Hammond thin week. The Wolfe Shown are under the aiinpicen of the Karlen, at New York OTeniie and ludlana|H>lln l^ulerard. nlttlng prettjr on the Nallonul HiKhwa.v to Indianaindi.

on Site ^ Glasses

-f O O 1 · ^ ^ 6 for $5.50


berry and APPLE.

i.r.'a<« I's kige. :V: 8 f« II 08. postpild.

on the rant, and t'lilcafo and Sprinittield to the went. The ahow found the ground aoft, with wakoQH alnking to the hiibn. and deeper In several Innfanceg. thiuipped to meet the
emergency, all wan apotted well, unloaded, put up, and all the attractiona opened on tlie dot

good W RIGHT

Monday niglit. The Wortham Shows and Wolfe Shown are seven miles apart, and both doing

Mc « N. Michigan Av#.. CHICAGO. ILL. nicely and pleasing the folks roundabout.

Six yearn ago, near Hammond, occurred an

awful llag.'nlsn'k-Wallai'e train wreck. Iran-

hoe wan the apot. 'Sene Milton, manager Of

the rirciis Side-Show, and otbera with this


FOR TRUST PLAN WORKERS. rrrfumr. put up in I4-vial beaes. Relit at 15c

n 11. Rings In 13.60. Hive ehlldren sell them

for cn HV premium. Your profit 12.32. or 250%.

·.yiir nf the iKtys are clesriiig $300 per week.

i>ri S in

Lots, SOs Kaeli; In 50-Boi

L'H. 4§c lark. Big Flashy Toilet Set, cwileting

conmpany, were in the wreck In memory of those who lost their ll»en, and with prayer for those who aiirvived, the people with the Wolfe Sliown held remembrance »er»ices in the ·Tanvan Church ', and flowern were sent to the graves of those buried in Showmen's League Kent at Clitcagu. Ram bit the show again Tuesday night. Today Is bright, with every in¬ dication of fine Weather the rest of tlio week.

of 3 Bars Koap. Bui Fart ViaitlDg la on in earnest. The folk on the

gr/ L-ta 'A











Powder. Gan Ta.cum Powder, H.dtls Perfume. Bottle Sliam-
J. Deree . ..... 15 00 Big 5*t-In High. OIvss Bt'ip-
per. Gold Leleled. Rlblion Tied. Ae.ovned Perfume. Daren . 12 00 1 ij-tiv 1-or. Guid Lelie.ed lilaik l^un Top Jockey Club I'ertuiet. Dertti.95 Giee-Away Vial Perfume

-everal shows in and around here are making the rounds, each visiting the other. Among visitors to the Wolfe Shows have been Edward Neumann and wife. Walter Driver. Charles hrlver. Cummins, the acs-nic artist; Larry Boyd, ·Max Linderman. the Great Penneys, Mes«rs Ke.'kman, Gergty and Beverly White; Jack I'ollitt, William Proctor, W K. Maharg, Mrs
Harry Green, J. S. .\ndre», H. H. Whittier, W. A. .\tklDi, Effle May Redman, Thomas Mc¬ Carthy and the Showmen's L^lslative Com¬


Rig size Sachet p'a kets, wrapped In crepe with many ·'oloreit Hewers, tv<oria<i odurs

mittees' Commissioner. Helen V. Osborne, the celebrated swimmer and diver, has Joined the big Water Show and is being featured. Al De-

Belle has taken charge of the Educated Wild

m J

Medium Stae Ba.het. Gr. 1.75 High Hr uii .\,.t ^ucar. 'T Bright FUth l.ady Lore Face
Powder. Ooiae .75o

.\nlmal Department. Robert L. Hutchinson Is in the long circle of sbowa with hia Bohemian Class Blowers. The next stand, the Fourth of
July spot, will be Mishawaka, a T. A. Wolfe

Big Jar Cold Croua f

"stronghold"--was last there two years ago.

Big Jar Vinlat.lng ! DOX.


1 SI .00

Good Siio Guaranteed Shoving i. Irgia. I *

The lot at Mishawaka Is on the main street, five blocks from South Bend. From this stand on it will be a study to watch the bookings

Big IH-Ox.. 6 In. High, Gold OTonm Cap. and places played. The fairs start the last of

BeauMfnl Sprtnkier Top Bodies Eau De Cblogne, July. Mrs. John FJngerbut arrived from the

LUsc or Jwkty Club Perfume, Blbtxin Cord tied. Deicn .$1.00
Big * «. Fla.hy Gold Cruwn Cap Spikier Top Halt Tonic. Oorea . 13 50

Zanesville hospital this morning looking okey. K»komo, Inst week, did not total the receipts
It was figured. Bad weather stopped real good business. "Heck", one of the famed black

CLEANING FLUIO-For fine fabrles. Ones ive matk jr eiatn. Will alao reniiwe grease

team of horaet ("Bill" being Its aaate'a name) that Mr. Wolfe purchased from a stock dealer

C..1'... l-'c H j Regular 25c aeller. Oar. II 50 in Anderson, Ind , several years ago, stepped

Sf 1 f-r Our New Free Caialcg. Jual ml

on a "live wire" at Kokomo as the show was


being hauled from the lot, and was electro¬ cuted. "Slick" Norton, the old circus boss

» Eiit Lakt St. 0e«L 6. I. CHICAGO. ILL.



Ne. BdIMVi--Aladdlii Tkeraialwtro Jar.

Paraclty ons gallon. A duribla sanitary

conralner for keeping hot things hot. and

eold things cold. Green enamel holy with

highly polished ilumtnum screw cap to

hold the stopper In place.


Pries Each .

Nt. BStt^Aladdia Thvraialware Jar.

Perfect fond or llluid contilner. Insulated

to keep food or liquid hot for It hours or

old for 48 hours. Hlgbiy polished alum¬

inum Jacket, with aluminum si'rew cap to

hold stopper In place. Ilaa large 4-In. open-

b g. Height, IS-'i It!. \ good Item »(? CA

the year around. Pries Each

Vacuum Betties. Imported corrugated

abmilnim. Pint sire.


Per Deren . ^lU.UU

Quart Sire.


Per Deren .

Imaarttd Black Eaaniel Vacuum Bettla.

wl'h aluminum top. Pint slae gw CA Pee Deren . w*s3U

No BB800 li--Umbrel¬ las. Ladies' A II it GenlImtre'Ia I .V--ortmenls 3 Gilts'. 'J A«-orteil Ool-
red and
iP 1 a 1 n Ijiiliej' Styles. Vina Atneri. an Taffeta.
Guaranteed ralnrtoof coverlrg. Per Oorsn,


9BB--Bsudeir Laatg, old Iv-

cast metal !ia>e and lamp, parchment lined shade

m^t -h. Height. 13U inches. H ft. cord and a'ta li- «e ac

me't. Each .


** above, with lil'a



Fine a.^iOft- j
mrnt Swagger
Sticks. fancy decoratel. 'French Ivory tips, leather strap handles Fine looka'.g sticks. Big value. Per Daren,



ladMiructible French Pearls--Beau¬ tiful. luttreui. opalescent, pUik tintr.i

Graduated Pearls. Farcy solid sterling silver elaspt set with s fins brilliant.

In farcy plush-covered satir.-lined

hog, with price fag and guarantee.

Na. UI3 ABB--Guaranteed Elec-

No. BB6022 -- Radiant

Nc. Ilg4t-B. Length. 24 <1*1 CA trio Curling Irons, six fen enJ,

Eloetrie Slave. Length,

5 Inches. Per Dsree.

ae;.arate plug. Each In hot. tN.e-

Samales. 11.35 EmU.

iO"^aMr egi.ua1--ra7n.5--t6e'e

with each Iron Per Samples, 75^ Each.

Ns. f»4BB--MAHOGANY FINISHED ALARM CLOCCKS3. ''A.Ai.s:scorted shapes,

Also oak Onlab. Size. l^asdVi Inches. Reliable imported move¬

ments. Big value at our price while they last. Per Oerta.


7 In.; wldtli, 61* in.; height, 3 U Polished nickal top; black enam-
elad heee. The hai.dlest, cheaprit electrical houaoh.dd appiiaiiro ever of-

Ne. 8850B--ONE-DAY CLOCKS. Same style as above, smaller

aa fared to the trade. For-

tige. Pee Duen .

.Wll ty-two sdiiate inches of


1 4.15 tn'B surface. For tpast-

MINIATURE CUCKOO CLOCKS. Par De . z . en. . 8,50 ifg' or etHddiig I we




9.50 1.45

Sample. Postgaitf. 11.25.

OUR PRICES ALWAYS THE LOWEST, r«.r'.*;-l» us bvfors elsewhere. We lOow r.o one to

u-udersell us. We carry a large stork of Watche-s, iClocks. Jewolry. Silverware, Manicure and Toilet Beta.

Lsaiber Goods. Reitric Perrolstcrs srd Toaeters. IPhonivgrathi. Premium. Conreesi.fl mhI .Auction w-jp-

plies. We ship orders same day received. Terma:: 25% depoilt. halaneo C. O. D. CAT.ALOO FREE.


OeaartMsnt 8,

223.225 West Mtdisea Street.

5- Qt. PaiiH Tea Kettla ..

2-at. Percelattr .

6- Qt. Plain Preserve Kettle ..

S-at. Plain Presedve Kettle.,,,

lO-at. Plain Pretervt Krttip .. 9-Qt. Panel Praterve Kettle _

t-at. Panel Preserve


Kettla, IS IS Dtr. opW-'^c tWa-ln Fry

Pen. Rub-


bersid Handle $7.45 Dm.

S-at Ceversd Caassralo ..$1-10 OiZ. \V0

t-at. Double Boil-

or. .$$.32 Osz. \1 Sauce Pan.


Extra Special ..$(.30 Dpi. \'

··at. sauce Pan.


^ Eatra Spoeial ....(7.20 Dpi. \

23% with artier, balatice C. 0 D. Order shipped same day neplvrd.


Ouirk Ssllvrt Btesust Thsy Ars Psrular (wrywhsrp.
AGENTS Yuu call 160% .ni by taking iiliaii.igs of our prssMit rock-botioio I'l I. ct
Sirs. 2*l51 Ii.cbts. (I 10 Each $l?.W per Osr.
Hv.ular valur, (I 00 Kachl
Nrw Mstrrlal SUr. JSlj.S Ini list.
IIP 00 a Dtrrs
Hampis. $1 73. Prepaid -.iiiiillrr size. (lO go Osr.
Writs for ipsclal i>d.iia'

No. 5100--Round, White En.Tmel. with Brass Ball Top, complete.


Nest of 3 Cages. $5.50 4 Nests, 12 Cages.21.00 1 Case of 20 Nests.99.00

Tiffin. O.. June 24 --Thr Great White Way Show* are iila.yliie Tiffin this week. On Monday Dlpht every sliow, ride and cence-slon wa'< ii|N-n nt 7 u'clie k and enjo.ved a fair nlxht'biulne.s mill all the showfidk are In finspirits, os this city pronil'es to be a real siHit
iIhI on, O.. nus fair, but Shelby did m>> prove -ati-facti>ry, althu the people were all iigreealile lo the csruival folk and It wafound that iDdu>triaI conditions in that pan of live Kiate were almost paralysed. Nappanee. Iiid . will lie played next week and it ia predieted as a s»od Fourth of July iG"'*' Tb -aiiie city wa- playi>d by the Great White Way
SIiowh la-t year. Mrs. Ray ItiiiK-an left the show In Gallon for
her home in (Tinltanitofa. Tsnn., to take treat ment for throat trouble. She Is expected to return this week. "Whltey" Snyder, formerl.v of the t'osmopolllsn Shows. In now operntini: "Dlnty Moore's laiimdry'*, a new eopeenalon on the midway, rtereral lownn la Indiana bare been IsHikisI by .Agent lentnard, then the atrlng of fairs in 4lhlo, I'ennsylvanla and Marylau'i
* "'iukTlIOMO B. RV88SU. (ft th* gbow).

Twenty other numbers in Brass and Knitmol at special, low, summer prices. I'rnmpt service.

25% Deposit., Balance C. O. D.



256 West 23rd Street.


WllJ. BOOK ni Ferrly Wherl on iccount of iIlMppoIntmciit. Pay half of transportation to join. WllX IliiOK I'alinisiry with rx. luslvr. To strengtlirn Colored Rand, Ooinet. ttlide Tromlxais. Trrsale MeI'anlsls wsJiti Lady .Vgmts fer 4'oni-»»*tons and Musical Come ly. Cass, W. Va., week id July 1 lo 5.
Advertise in The Billboard--You'll Be Satisfied With Results,


X e Billboard

JULY 5, 1924


The population of the T'nlted States on I January 1, I'.ilM. was llJ.Sitl.UOO. An Increase of more than ".tssl.iKsi since the government
census of B'kM The h.w ib-atli rate is prov

ing a factor In tliis iuerease. YVe live in a

big healthy country iiiid at ha-t lighty per


ei'iit of the ]ieopie are amii-emetit seekers--so what are some of .vou `'s.|ua« king " about? Y'oii

· an ` iioint with pride" to America, but need

never ·'view with alarm". Some day we are


going to be rid of much rnalisin^ In th*>

direction of this nation's affairs. Y'ou will It ferns blit a few weeks out of winter carnival business he lias done lids It rould win a- long as you are long and strong for

iiM.irivrs am) nuw they are playing exhiliitions not be helped on aeeount of bad weather so America, come what may.

·.ml fairs.

ho ran hot Im- eliided for thi-.


Dave DO fear. The wa^on on tlie whole will be u >!i>od one. 1 ou have but to go forward with the best ellort. (ih! Well, the show¬

traveler ii.ld us he saw tin- outlil on tiie lot at .loliii'ioM 11, Ta., am) it was a marvelous sight
at nigiil and a positive revelation in out¬ door amiiseiuents.

Boy Van Sickle is reported to Ik* doing very good with his conees-ions on the World at Home Carnival.

man never says die anyway.
When some of the tarnivals haul onto exhiliitioD and fair aroiinds tliis sea-on some of the exhibition and fair tnanauers are Ko.iii; to exeluiiii: ' I never tbouirht wlo'ii I iHiok'd thitarniva) it was so larg*--wlieie will we lo1 ate it V This reminds ns lariter snare for midways is needed in a great nunilier of plaees. Moral--get it all up.

r. K. Carruthers, John E Simpson. Kied M. r.arios. fharles II. Duffield, J. Alex Sloan. Ki'lix Keo h and Samuel .1 T.evv are |aniong the tiusiest men in sliow bii-ine-s ttiese da.vs. Wati'h the log thing the World Amu-enieiit Servii-e .\-soeiation of New York and Chieago
put over ill Detroit. Mieh. A eivlr eelehration that will Is- a eelehration. tlo and do likeWi-e If you tan.

Some time hack Clifford C. I.Indsley ad vertiseil e ·Mliant It.ndio" in tins piiiur. Won¬ der «lio took advantage of this novelty for the carnival lots! Talk about a new style front. Thi- attra<-tion would make one. Make · Badio" work for you Mr. Showman.
It Is an old gag. Where are you going next Week? Answer, "to pieces."

Some of the carnivals, yea a great numher of them, ahuiild share in a iiereeiilage of tlie frout gate admis-ions at oxliibiiions and fairs instead of giving up sueli liigli iiereentages and jiaying for extras.

'.tml tlie midway was In darkness for a greater part of the evening." lyt there Jie 1 glit or aiinounee to the juiblle you will not l>e open. It is not sliow husine-s to "keep tilings dark."

Ed. K. Smith--let's have some news from I .1 K. Smith IJreater. Be-t wishes to all on y uir carnival.
Managers sometimes depend on their gineral agents who suffer with mental Indigestion.

r.ddie Drown, one time one of the confidential

executives for

A. Wortham, praises the

Zeldman A rollie Carnival to the skies. Eddie

knows. and le st of all he iit in no way in-

tere-ted. other than friendly, in the Zeidmau

Dave Morris--.Ddin T. MiTo.v. of North Dahota and New ^ork. wants to know if you I'loemior the time that ileorge Diirgess, hlm-
>u-t In W ausau. Wis. Mr. Moreealls you had plenty of conversation.

S.-ieaking of lady talkers. How about Mrs. Kajab Baboid (ItayuelD? She is about the youngest and ranks among the best in the business. Now on the Frank West Shows.

A I'ollie firm. As we said bofor*'--look wlio
are with it. -
No concessions now work in Duffalo, N. Y*. .\11 reiiorts from that lily haio it tlmf -liows and riding devices got hi^ money on the lot<

in W. C. Eleiiiiiig's home town. Wlial is the

answet ?


Frank J. Murphy, Matlliew J. Itiley. Jaimiioes
M. Benson, John E. Wallace. K. F. Koetelumiiii. ICtnniIpphli Finney, BIbeunjjaaimnin Williuiiis, Clhiarles i.eiard and all others---send In your routes* Everything Is all right ami getting better all

Arthur Hill ranie from Jolin-town. I'a., to New York recently and shipjied three big siiakos to the Jungle Show on the Jolinny J. Joues Carnival,
Mother, may I go to the carnival? Yea, Wilhe. (joi tlie money from papa.
Craiidma UM'd to stay in out of the rain hocaiise of her rheumatism; now sue stays in heeaiise of her permanent Wave.--Jack Murray.

YVe can not let another Is-tie of this paper go by without making mention of the rapid rise in show business and versatility of ClinrleS. Cohen, of the I'olaek Brollie^' `big top" sliow. During the YViillingford, N. J.. en¬ gagement, Beliuoiit's liorso were one iif the big features of the program Dn Ih*- first night one of the hor-es jumped the ring hank .md ran toward the reserved seats. Charles ·S. "shooed" him back. That makes horse ··shoeing'' one of Mr. Cohen's added aeeoinplishments. Otherwise he is concession mana¬ ger.

tthhee ttiim mee..

As always, sunshine followed the rain.

long, lung season is ahead.


Beware of the man who pulls your coat ·'Oreat," "World Famous," "Oreater,"

lai>el and tries to whisper in your ear. He "Mighty," "World Toured" and whatnot'?

A is out for no good reason,  

John Meti--Where are you? Did you go to

NNOoWw tthhaatt wwee kknonwow,h^o tthhee ttw woo ccaannddiiddaatteess for president are let's8 turn to other thoughts uunnttiill aafftteerr tthhee eelleeccttiioonn..
Act like big business men. Put yourselves on a .e-aa»sh basis as nearly as possible and diiss¬-





strictly on its merits, tv. 11. lauds in high

praise the individual showmen with it and says all are bard workers and knew how to
get the money and do not loo-.e sight of the

the Pacific Coast?
One of the best things on earth Is an ohjwt in life and business. Now what is your ob¬ jective?

count your bills.
-- -- Frank West Shows have been in Baltimore. MMdd.. ipilaying various lots for seven weeks and do not plan to leave that city untl after July o. Frank iIs playing about a fourth of the sseeaassiovnn iinn oonnee cciittyy..

fact tliat the public comes on a lot to be en-





be -



· gyped".

Bennie J Taxier, of the famous Taxier

Eamily and Brothers, is now in the Jewelry

Vu-iiiess in New York and is doing well. His

carnival days are over for a while at least--

maybe forever.

Take up the slack in your organixatlons. It is exhibition and fair time now. Cut out the "Junk".
Names to conjure with on the John W. Moore organization are Moore. Wbittemorc and Frazier. Yes. we will have Shrine circuaet in¬ doors this fall and winter.

We mourn the loss of II. E. tPunch) Wheeler. Ever optimistic, hopeful and determined all his life to never say die, he left a gwid legacy for all of us. The last time this writer saw him alive wa« in March, 1923, at the Elks' Home. Bed¬ ford. Va. He was then far from a well man but wa- making preparations to troupe again.

I. S. Home, of Kansas City. Mo. Give ns a call next time you are In New York. Mr. Horne's Zoo at Paradise Park, Byy Beach, N. Y'., is not so bad.

A man wrote us the other day: "Please send us a contract blank u-cd to promote Funeli Board Campaigns." 'We did not. Can't beat that, can you?

n. W.

Bice may have a big water circus in

vaudeville this winter playing the biggest

vaudevllle time in the Enited fitates and Can-

ada. He knows that business and know- it


Nlcholai Chefalo, of "loop-thc-loop" fame, has fully recovered from his accident and cxpoets to re-ume bookings early tbla summer, He now look. fine. YVas a recent visitor in New York from his home at Chelsea, Mass.

Frank G WalEok--Ted Lewis has some of your old musicians in bis famous band playing big vaudeville time. How are all the folks, Frank G.? What teeame of your carnival?
Talkers--Don't you feel good when you work In front of a real good show and don't you always tell the manager--"Well I certainly put them over the plate today"?

.1. C. MeCaffery--No one I- more pleased to learn of your success in the new field than >ours truly. Thing- eonld liave tw-en made a lot easier for you early in the What
's the difference so long as you have delivered. Now keep it up.

Juleg Brazil, Dan McGiigin, Foxie Howard. Percy Wells and Chris M. Smith--Why the silence so long?

n. Jo-eph

Hughes recently severed his con-

flei-tion ns genera! agent of the Matthew J.

Rilev Shows and Joined Williams ·Brothers'

Rbewg at Y'onkers, N. Y'.. with several eonees-

> on-. Benjamin Williams reports manv good

da'es bo.iked in lia-tern Canada. Benjamin--

why · n t laiin. li the Joseph G. Ferarl Shows,

the title for which we understand Is still your

prop<-rty? There is magie In the Ferarl name.

T. J Cannon, who in the days of Harry W. Wright and Ferari Brothers was known as "Tommy" and a!-o on the Allman Brother-' Slew- as general agent, is now a big man at Long Beach, Calif., aeeording to Eddie Brown T J. "cem-i to have gntt< n into oil right. Give
Tomni.i ' . r. d i. He always had the faculty of doing wliatevcr he nmierfook and doing it rig It. We hear that the (Ml .Men's Exehange promoted by him in that California eipy is a notable achievement in every T'artieular. Y'oii Lever can tell. T. J. may again enter the out¬ door show busine-s. Hope be does.

B'tMiam Bremmernian ha- elosed as general repn.-entative for the Metropolitan Bazaar and in and o it-door organization with headquarters In New Y'"rk. William knows his business.
r. . au-e of ''owing to disappointment" much IS owing

I'les.-i agents---top "kaldii.g'' your tsi'-i*I "O manv of ibem are now believing th«*y at*.ii-t ·· al you |ire-- agents -ay tlo-i a-. Sonic ..f · ..O arc 1 all-e of di-toitifl vn-wpoini on husiiK - matters of nm-l vii.ii inomcnt.
.lohrm' .1 .lon,'^ -ta.vcd a week longer Ills billing al I'ittsloirg--lime weeks in all Ibis j* the flrtt tunc in his career in the




· There is no Carnival Merchandise which shows the value and

VWlYV.,Ea30IUl^i:,I\0 .

the money like MUIR'.S ART TTLIXlW.'l.

GRIND S'TORES --MT'IB's PII.LOW.s will attract the crowd and get the money

lor you. Nothinir


for your puri»OhO.

GUARANTEE Tr.v MI lR's PII.LOW.S for two or three weeks and If they don't get money for jou, we will take tlnmi back for full refund.

fiend for clicular and pre-war ptlcea.


lie West Illinois Street


7 voo Y

flishl, Tan I, sw models--the surest y`\


_J S'i'l ·heil'est yeir-roiind [/



"meal tickets" you ran buy *====

S''jn!y Keel plate l.,dies. niilshed in

r.-hy hard haVed red enamel, ts-sl wnrkminslilp

aid handy deal.-. Finely built, heavy alum-,-; letile, that prrelu.-e 10 ha.'s of

nmat "r-Tr-ed In flayor" ontn in IH minutes.

It'-t pr>--'ire g.i.oMiie lank atid leittier 8atla-

'a.slo' na-a* t,,.| ,,r money refunded Order

from th a ad.ertlsement nr write for clrniltrg.



1S:«« Gro.,

'iW Ji

P397I--"Manoi" Self-Fillina Fountain Pen. Made of a black I unpusltion, fitted v«lih a ftldplated uen point. Chased bar¬
rel and cap. The tilling de¬ vice is klinple ai.d rractlral. merely >irn Ihumberrrtv to the right s few times and tevetse to empty. Every pen a worker. The most attractive at d best finished pen of this description on the market. Ei h pen In box, with ditectlor.s and clip.
DOZEN. 41.3S. CROSS. $13.00.


MSS5I--Dlttmora't Imaroved French Cleaner. For lemoTlng oil, ireaie and dirt. Cleans without Iniurlr.g fabric cr hands. Demonstrates with nuglcllke quickness. Renswee loiltne lintintly. Sells like "tiot cakes". T'nexrelle 1 for demon,trat. rs and stores. One-half grosa cans in carton.
Doz. 60c; Gro. $7.00


USOI--Rubber Key Cases. Gross.$10.30

M9294--Imasrted Aluminum Pewell

Sharpeners. Grass. . $.30

M497^Rubbrr Belts Best Grade. Gr, 12.30

H6048--Men's White Handkerrhiets. Dsz. .42', M3064--"Lady Gay" Needle Books. Gro. *00

MS063--"Favorita" Needle Wallets. Gr. 6.00

V3<t--Bounder Base Balls. Dcren.85

B745--Saeclal Geneva Rarirs, Assarted

Handles. Cress .42.00

S8MI--Eleetrie Taastrr. Nickel Plated

Ooren . 10.00

S8757--Eleetrie Lamp. Height. 13 In.

Assert'd Shades Ooien

15 00

S680^--Curling Iren. Length, II Inches.

Nickel Plated. Dozen.10,00

NS95^Vacuum Jugs. IS-Cup Cagac-

Ity Each . 2.75

LS772--Indian Head Blllbooki. Dtzen.. 2 00

Crass .... . 23.00

P3060--Clutch Peneils. Geld Plated. Cr. 8 50

W2339--Midget Cloekl. Each.90

Lots ef SO Ea-h.M

W238I--Amrriean-Made Alarm Clocks.

Each .05

I289I--Ansco Camndas. Each. 1.00

J2027--Cigarrt Cases, Silvrr Finish. Or. 8.50 B1124*--Gilt Brseehes. Asst. Designs Gr. .90

BI124S--Gold-Platrd Scerl Pins, Asst

Designs Gn-ss .7'

I52I8--Glass Bottom Serving Trays. Ms-

hoganry Finish Frame Dozen . 9 On

Am 19--Salt and Proper Shakers. Dozrn 4 00

024--Rogers 26-Pieee NIrkH Stiver

Fletw.vre Sets in Chest. Set . . 3.80

A580I--Regers 30-Plece Nlrkcl SIWee

Flslwarr Sets in Chr,t Set

4 09

S866(^Bridge Lamps. Height. 59 Inches.

Assorted Silk Shades. Each_ 6 85

S888I--Junior Floor Lamos. Height 67

Inches. Asst. Silk Shades. Caok 9.50

fi8662--Fleer Lames. Height. 66 Inches.

Asserted Silk Shades. Each_ 10 30

N6969--Comb. Opera Glasses. Dezen.. I.I5

Grose . 12.00

S867(V--Tooth Pli-k Knife. Grose. 2.73

N8980--Harmonicas 10 Herds. Nlck-

rlrd Shields Gross . 4 00

N9483--Flying Birds. Best Grade. Ore. 4 50

NSOIS--Celluloid Tcy Wrist Watchee. Gr 4.50

N4B5S--Swinging Monkey. Fur Covered.

Gross .

* rr

B248--Special. Pin Wheel. Rrd White


and Blue. Celluloid. Crest. 4 50

N82^--Shell Chains. Asserted Celors.

44 Inches Li"g. Gross. 8.50

"85S--Gloss Brad Nrcklaco. 30 Inches

Lsng Gross . 4 50

N9l3(i--Scissor Frathrit. Gross. 275

N93I4--Decoratrd Gas Balloons. 70 C.

M. Asst. Animal Plrtiirrs. Gr. 3.00

N9322--Flag. J-Color Gas Balloons. 70

C. M. Gross . 3.75

N30--Whigs. Best 33-In Java Stock

Assarted Colors. Gross. 7.50

N92SO--Flag Penn.ints. 12x30 In. 100 17 00

N8194--"Broadway" Swagger Sticks.

Nickel-Plated Ten Crnss


J5664--"Duiilrx'' Button Parfcagrs.

Pearl Barks. Cress . 14.00

Deposit required u itfi all C. 0. D. orders


Due Vi;t <-,ilalo» will It  

|si*ip.i',l. III ili'alcm ai'vMi-rr.' iii-

|iir 1. Send lor voiir mgy today

/'j/aA/ijArt/ in ihf i/for /K/l6

S 8 S S KgSSSE £8%$

4 50 8.50 4 SO 2.75 3.00 3.75 7.50 7 00 12.50 4.00 f<rs OG

JULY 5, 1924

Xlie Billboard



Beauteous Patterns, Splendid Colors



Swagffr Stick*, i-wted colors. nIckH

li'»|rr. Uii,:ih, 36 liiihe* {Jg^QQ

6 7A--$MJi44cr Slick*. 36 li.rim Ion:, a>l N ncr-'iii I. i>» iif o«itt«*tlii7 colita.
 _· I' .-Ur*. «llli »ir«r* haiMiic. g21 50

BB. 8 iO--Swagirr Stick*. Si'. Inches Ion/. eilr« l.'aw lai.e i» , in ii tliuk. 6 riianii.r.| cnli.rx tine niil4i, |jr.:c It irnlcl liaiidle.-. Ijone tl|.s or ferrules, flat
ir I raMi-1 rme hol.ler. with wide sTiji flQ Aft handle, ai tut. Per Gross .

>. '1--c'oaMcr Sti k«. :'.7 Imhes lone, t jiie nig stork of Slum .lewelry, nocks. Dolls, Iteaded

k 6 numiicl rtilom. line flnl»h. wide r.i .. Iltlluw Ware. Tianlliig l!agj. Pearl-. Parasols,

t h. ... nickel ferruln. flit rlii* liulJer. with t'lr.jt, Itriilgr and H.iu.lulr Lanit^ and thousands of

Per Grrss


$24.00 th.r liiius -ii.j'.h fjr the .ncesslon trade. No Is slili'pid witlAiUt a depotilt.


M. GERBER, Underselling Streetmen's Supply House, 505 Market SI, Ptiiladelphia, Pa.

Wanted for Guttenberg, N. J., (West N. Y.)

Mu.iU u itiwn. First Sliow ever to play this spot.

JULY 21st to 26th. liiRht in the heart of three big towns.

Location: 24th-25th St. and Boulevard. Big Celebration. One Big Week.

t'ltn place at ONFII; Caiaiuselle, Ferris Wheel, Pwlngs, Whip. <-tc. Shows with oiittils. C.uoil terms. .Ml Merchandise Wlieels and tirind Stores. Fonressions open. t'oncessionair» s address I'aui Pr* 11. Supt. t'oni-os.sions. .\ real opportunity to showfolks to recuperate their Ii's-»'S. Want to hoar from llm Wois.s, Kojan. .Vndy Rnppell, iJe lil.iker, Capl. La liolle, TalTeft Hros., Jack Harvey, John Nickels.


1493 Broadway, Room 303, Putnam Bldg,,


Phone Lackawanna 7153.


Fxperieiu'ed A-1 Big Kli Op«-rator. top .s.ilary. Few openings for

Concessions. Pop Krte wants Wrestler capable of meeting .all comers.

Ed. Hit2. answer. Bill Gregory can use useful People or .attractions

for Side-Show.


We have a string of Fairs are money spots.

This week, Crawfordsville, Ind., Big Fourth Celebration.

Wire if interested in any of the above.


, r.___ j.,, ' . 
T -- - -T




Tpx Sherman.

ok aliuiiia shurtv" Hark,

(.eorce S. It.ig. rs. 131,In- p.n.wii. Mra H. I). lohDMton. Mart MfCurnia, k .\Ifreiio Swart*.

W. H. 5Iidilli-t,m.

Sim-. .\,ljie to--

ti-IIo. I. J pi,lurk and .\1. .s. Cole, of Pulark

lirnthera rnteriirisf'. w York

II. I). Colliu', fair Ixokiug aprnt. New York.

Mark Harris, tou' i', 11, r:iardi Crraler

.si.owa. Called to Nrw York Oh aerourit d*ath

of bia father ly ft for Oswego, N. V., to r.Jo.n the shows.

Charles Peyton, pla.ring in the ·`.Miracle", Century Theater, New York.

I. ucile Anderson, of water show fame. New York.

.Ia,t Winston, yaudeville performer. New Y'ork.

J. imes <;olrl>. In from .\tlanfir City. N .1.

Reports lii'.siness as imp.-ovicg at Rendezvous Park, that rity.

Renjamin Williams, of Williams ISrothera*

Shows, playini: Yonkers, N. Y'. The -iiows en¬

ter Canada ami open at St. John-, N. 15., July

3, for a ten-day rarnival date.

liobb.T Weston, talker. Bren at Columbia Park. North Bergen, N J.

Harry Tnrberviile, Jr., of Washinston, 1). C.,

promoter of iml'or ami outihnir trade-show

events. Recently put , v, r a d.ile at Steulienville, Ohio.

James U. Spaulding. In from Stamford,


n. W.

(:o<Ifrey. Visited Christy Brothers'

Cir.Ms at B.ihway, N. J. Left to jr.n .Mrs.

Go<lfrey at (jrafton, W. Va., for annual vaca¬ tion.

Pare-Devli TnCarno. Played with tlie John

W. Moore "b.g top ' show at Atlantic CUy,

N. J., Week ending June 2S. PxHiked for

.Ymerietn Leg.on ciebration at, N.

J., July 4. Was a,`, .anpauied on his call by

E. W. Murray, former sliowman and lecturer.

John Carlyle, tharacter a,tor. New York. Mis* H. W Corley, writer. New York.

Rajah Rab<,.d, of tlie Frank West Shows. In

from Baltimore to b«s,k some attractions for his show.

Earl Chapin May, magazine writer. New York.

Michael Emmett, of New York, looking for

some rides for a ohureh.

Norman, the "frog man", playing parks and


George F. Cahill, of CahJl Brothers, .New


Elmer J. Walters. Louis J. Beck. Jeanne La


Harry Bow. Das been out with the Meln-

t.'re J6 Pemlterton Circus Producing Company.

In from Jamestown, N. Y.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Marion, of Bayonne

Pleasure Park, Bayonne, N. J. Report doing

Well with eonce-sions.

Capt. Jim Moore, well-known riding device operator and veteran showman, ^-topping at Kermac Hotel.

Thomas (Boots) Shiflet, son of `'Mermaida". some concessious on the CMp.tol Outdoor r-hows, playing up New York Sstate.

William Bremmerman. Has s> v, red his con¬ nections with the Metropolitan Bazaar, lie was a.compauied by Jlorri' .Taller. They will launch a new style of oiitd,"* enterpri-** under the direction of the Coniiiiunity .\mii-"monts. The oiiening stand ;s scheJ ilcI for Franklin. N. J., within a few weeks. Mr. Bremmerman came in from Was.ungtou, U. C.

For season's work, State Fair Park, Wheeling, W. Va. Also man to take full charge of Com Game.
P. J. RILEY, Rodgers Hotel, Wheeling, W. Va.

Morris Taxler. In from Quel>er City. Can., where the Taxier Brothers' Showts are playing under the management of .Morris and Louis Taxior.

James T. Clyde. Visited his farm near Columbus, O., recently. While there he called on the T. A. Wolfe Shows.

Ed Zello. of the Zp11o«. the I'.ig Steeple Circus Island. N. Y., June 27. N'cn transformed into a

Closed their act with SiJe-Show at Coney
This attraction has colored musical com¬

Mr. snd Mrs. B. B. Baxter, of the Greater Baxter Shows. Das been playing in New Jer.-ey.

James F. Y'lctor, of Victor's bands. New York.

Karl Chapin magazine writer. New Y'ork.

WANTED- CAFAI5LK I'UOMOTF.H who is experienced with Ante .itid Queen Contests, with bona fide .auspices.
CAN PLACE one more B.illy-Hoo and Grind Show. CAN PLACE for Charlie Sweet's Wild West Show, Bronck Riders .ami Kopt-rs.
WANTED for Geo. KIsor's Rig Side-Show: High-class Talker and I.ei'tiirer: also good Kntertamers and real Freaks. Want one -Vet to fe.ature.
CONCESSIONS--Legitimate Merchandise Wheels and Grind Stores open.
H. G. MELVILLE, General Manager, Marion, III., this vMeek; Belleville, III., next week.

Wanted for Murphy's Commissaiy


Kxporienced all 'round Cook House Man.






Ted Steinberg. In from his summer home at Mt. Tremivr, N. Y. Flans to again play fa:rs this fall.

Larry 11. Hyatt, who comes to N-'W Y'ork to

assume eveciit ve place with tin- tins Sun

ortices. merging his tabloid business. I. M.

Welngarileii. owner of "Follow .Me' and a

.Mutual Circuit show. Me lius greut plans for

the future of Negro miisieal eomed.v business

Titlls Alexander, of the National Demoeratie

Headuuarters. a I.os .Xngeles man of promi-

iiemv. Miss Corey, a magazine writer, simking

iic.iirate data fer n story, .\liiia Wooden, of

t'.e W nthrop .Ymea, for a list of i-olore.I

drauiatie arti'ts available fer eertalii eliar-

aclerizations. Il.-iiry Cri-amer. danee instrue-

ter of fl.e Fthii.piiiii .\rt group .lames Chi'-I-

niitt. Eastern maiiagtr ef The Chicago pe.

fender, and William YVhite. New Y'ork mana¬

ger of the s.ime piibliaatloii, W and

Brown, just in from a Southern t.uir to record.

Billy Cumtiy. the "B ack Simsui" ef l>i;r!rs.|ue.

Williams and Willlaiiis fTlie bird". In fr.uii

a Northern tour. Fi.iriioy Milbr. i.r:ne.i>al in

"Riiiinin' Wild". ba. k from W<-t Baden

· Iiid ) springs. .\Ioii/.o Mi'Govern. e.liter of Chiitterls'v ", publisi.etl In I'li lailei;.1'..a. Miirie

I.. .Mi Farlaiie. p an st .ind p

igau iirf.-t.

just back from a v'sit to .laniaica. B. W. 1.

B Hie Fierce, to talk about the danci's he and

I eoiiard Harper st.iged lor t!..- "IloilywoiHl


Wiliam Foy. who j'ist tiovcil to

N. w Y'ork with Ills w fc fr.'iii Watcrt.iwn.

N. Y. He was the "Big Pca.'oii" tliere. Frank

Mess, owner of I lie Is'ar act

He went to

N.w England. .Vlnia Paniels. prima donna.

She came from Clnllieotlie. O.


Jill- week Xappanee, Ind ; week of July 7. Auburn. Ind.; week July 14. He-

11a . Ohio. lx*! mo know what yon have to place in the way of Shows, Rides

and :'onccssions. Fair season starts in August.

C. M. NIQRO, Mgr.

ciiUago. June 'J*.--W. II Davis told
Billboard today that ho win jmn the Boyd a l.mderman organization with his jilt show ofi the B. A L. tour of Eastern Canadian fairs.



Bird*. Colcrrd. 33-in. Decorated Stick*. Gr..1 N*. 70 Gas Balloons. Best Quality. Groso.. Cclcrcd Balloon Stick*. Extra Heavy. Geos*. Feather Pin Wheels. Select Quality. Grots. Tissue Peter Prrasols. Select. Gross. Lr-ge 3-Colcr Balloons. Gross. Cigarrete Cases, with Fancy Pictures. Dor.. Automatic Crlluloid Fans. Dezen. I.OCO Give-Away Slum, lor. ICO Assort,!) Whips, ter. ICO A^sciird Fancy Head Canes, for. Swagerr Sticks. Gross .518.00, 521.00 and too K. W. B. Canrs. (cr . 100 A,'t. Size Auto Flag Holders, lor. ICO A'st. Cioarrtte Holders. Soeci.vl. for.. Overnight Cases. Each . 21-Piiee Mrnicurinq Sets. Dozen. 21-Pieco Manicuring Sets. Velvet Lined. Doz. Pillow Tops. Attractive Designs. Dozes*.... Beacon Blankets. Case Lots. Each. Esmond Blankets, Case Lots. Each.
Full li r f jilverrare. .\ Ware. Clocks. Watche*. Peart#. Bcadt'I Bags. Knlvc. Jewelry. Fm' reltas. Fruit Buckets, Bolls, laimr-. Jewel n,.xes. Wheels, etc.
Out prices are lower when the (piallty of ouz merchandise is considered.
Terms: 2'i'n deposit with all ordor*.

5? up"rSaiinders Mdse.'.M'"

SIO SL CUif, West,




Pricfs and Merrhandisn fluarantecd. Your mcney iheorfully relunded if not satisfltd.


Rooster Whistles. Three Kinds. Gross..$1.50 Glass Brecclets. Asst. Colora Gross.. 2.50 Mouth Org.vns. Gross.2.50 Memo. Bc*ks. Two Kinds. Grost.3.00 Ash Trays. Asst. Patterns. Grots.3.75 Easel Back Mirror*. Grosi.2.00 Plain Mirror*. Gross.85
Puzzle, Gross . 1.00 Mice. Gross .2.50 Roaming Toys. Gross. 1.00 Jumping Frog. Gross .50 Cigarette Whistles. Grots .65
Glass Cigarette Holders. Gross. 1.50 Fur Monkeys. Gross .75 Sguawkrr, No. 20 and No. 35. Gross.. I.IO Air Balloons, Nt. 60 and No. 70. Gross. 1.75 Telephone Favors. No. I. Grgss. 1,50 Telephcne Favors. No. 2. Gross. 2.50 Windmill Favors. Grots . 2.00 Phonegraph Favors. Grots . 2.75 Assorted Favors. Gross. 3.00 Boetlrd Beads. Gross. 1.50 Swinging Toys. Gross . 1.23 Cowboy Fobs. Grass. 3.75
I alio carry Mama Iv-jIIs. ^aagger !4tlck5. Pearl Neck Fhaliu. Bra led Bags. Vanity Caseo. r-mpafs. Itillon..* of all kinds, etc.. AT PRIi'KS WIIICU ARE BIGHT. Order* shipped promptly


54 West Lake Street.


Patent applh l f r. Tr:< le-Matk granted A; rU 1. U`j3.

The crly original one. The World's Greatest Tiiriller. Breaks ail rcvenls wherever InftalleiL See la eperjMcu at RiS-kaHiy Beach, .Yuer's Ml.iH.i.v. M.i:.y sold and now In op¬ eration. Infrlngeinent.s on this ride will be T'r.'secutc I lo the 'uUesi event of the law. Bsuate of imitations. I'ermanent ad.iress,

E. HOPPE, Auer's Hotel.

148 97th Street.

Rackaway Beach. L. I.


Now selling Candy and Novelties at retail has a stock of ''slow movers" or dead stock. Y'ou would disivose of them at cost, but we will help you sell tliem at a profit.


2339 Washington Ave.,

N. Y. C>


No'*y at Ul erty. WEI book with .<how that Ia rtpable

of haiuiliUji; ib^nie on tlatg

has two larse tint

I 'k ttt loavl Ajme on. MubI have some FaIrA bwked.

.\iiy >how that neekU a Wheel or thinking of making a

change, let me hear from you. Atl !re«3 KNOCH

Ul TvniER. General Delivery. \\'beeUng. W. Vg.


The Billboard

JULY 5, 1924






S3.^0 Each S.4.00 Each S4.30 Each SS.OO Estclt

Eckhart's Leader--No. 4t. Code Name

EckhaiTs Special --No. 46. Code Name

Beacon --No. 26. Code Name

Duplex Special -No. 2S. Code Name





315 National Avenue. 253-5 Walker Street.




912 Kentucky Street.

^ ·

52-4 W. Desota Street.








Phoce, Tiosa 352&

908 W. Stcrmcr St.

Office Hours Until 1 F.M.

Musical Instrument Supplies for

Bad Weather Does Not Affect Hull Um¬ brellas--Still Going Big I

 rhilinlcl|il:ia .Inn*' -7 --".t Mau'-* .loh" op<.ni-(l

at tlic Wulinit S'i*"l Tliiiili-r llii' «<'fK foi

a run. 'J'lf ii'w play i. a uai iiii'I.H|riiin:i. full


, h ;I1i ..Mini. \. rv «* ak lint-s, hut

Wfll hi.I..t r.-l li.\ . ipal.].. l.iMiil (hiiliea

have Civeii it favii.. .· ii.innnnt

IVrrte/« catalog "ff' and special puces.

Buy them direct from the largest factor\' in the United States, established since 1879.

Philly Pickups la t I".i lly ha' liU'l a wi.-k of pmuj

Oscar Schmidt


tTeulher, and the parks have been do ne line bu«ines'.
A private 'Iiowinu of ·'.Xtiriihain Liiieoln"

Inc. Manujacturers of


t^ill he made at .Manufa' tnrer'' fluh .lul.t iT The him will open later at the Stanton Ttv Iter for a inn.


Jersey City, N. J.

"It-ai; Itrnniiner'. with .lohn Itarryniore.

cloves its run at t e .VIdine Theater tlii- week,

Tiie ·`Tiiief Ilf Itailuad ' is in its ninth week ut

rhe reire't Tlealer. 'i.isei i)i!l> an heinj; ottered at tiie Walton

Koof mid lairraine Jtiail. wloTe

a| niuhts"

1' to he managvr of tlu-ir vlmw. the iMiiiiiiiiiy m.inui:>'r or the eomh , ami lu reiu i' one of the ureatevt evilv ill hiirle'ipie toil.iy that

[lany managers alike at one and the same time, so that after the se.i.son opens a hon-e manager can not say, "Yon'Il give me the

4).- proving tine draws.

re'iuirev iinnieiliiite reuiljn'tnieiit.

kind of a sliow tliat I want; I don't care what

\t aring's I'ennsylvanian.s. play up a return tliia

We. k, .'lie a.11111 a hip liit at the Stanley 'I'liea-

ter the feature jil nloplay Peinp .laekii' t'laipaii


r.oy III I'latiders". I.arpc- I'aironaae all

It i' a eoneedeil fmt that many proiiiteinp manager' when viuuitu; ii]' a eoni.e to he fea¬ tured give him to niuh r-tand that he is to have

the C.

('. wants," for tlie company mana¬

ger ca;) come right back at him and say;

You got your orders from the C. A. C. at

wei k.


 .Veil W,I' .urn's i lahorate a. t. ` The tlirlies'

(jainho." s a this week at th** Karle

Theater, it he up W.ijhurn's tliirci w.ek of t;ih16:d pro'. nta ,..n« at the in-w \ainh 'ilh' h.iii~e.

- r.Idle Wilt., liM-al at the

Hratpi Ojiera HoU'e with his dandy |.atter and eomedy '.tips, 'laldi*.'* is some r*-iM*ater .at

tlOU' ' here.

ei iiiplete control of the iiriMliivtion aud»pri-entatioii. then liy leaxing it to the eouipan.v manHL-r to 1«* ootliing more than a trea-urpr to ' .'oiint up", arraime traii'iiortation. etc. t'nd' r thO'c cauiditions the  oiniiaiiT manager should not be held r. <i>oU'ihle for any part of the presentation. Tlie i-omie. be he the stage

the same time that I got mine, and that is good enough for me."
While the advance agents and performers will not lie called to this meeting, their work will be fully reviewed, and vders Is-tied to .oii'e managers, prudtieing managers and i > mpuny managers as to what is cxpi cted < f

_ 'ihe ( r.i's Keis Theater elose. for the sea¬ son thi- w'-.-k, and Mae l>.-sinond titid her pla.vers h.ive ei.ised for the .. at the Towers Tlieat." r. I'aiinl. ii. .N. .T.|oii.. Itainh.'aii was tie' feature at the

manager, should be held fully re-poii'lhle for ever.i thing that cu'i iirs on the stage, and the ii'inpany manager should keep away from the .stage at all time-. The i|uestion of anthority

·igenls and performers, and reports demanded from managers covering the r dellmiuen'les.
Tliere is no mention m.ide in the call sent producing managers to be pre-ent at the mee'-

«eith Theater tM- we. k in a well eua. ted gttu-

Ulay skit, eiiiiih-d "lira, eleis".


I..II..1 pa' iieii to lost

I Km, will he

till oil tiie I'aikw iy Pl.i/a.' repla inc the

si'iit wind.11 stri.'ttire, aniioUil.'es Ma.'or Ken-

along tliese lines 'should Ite thoroly thre-hed out at the meeting, and producing managers make it plain to the offieials of the C. .\. r. bow they are hooked up with their com-

ing rilative to the roliimbia Circuit T'r«Hlueer-, tn -., but in all probability they will be a-ked as to what they have really aceomplished since their organization that has In any way


luiol . l.\ ih.. Will of the late

John Siitit niJt'l*' thi'*

Til*' ol<l f:iu<l

opjMtKit** the j'liMi'

ha'* h-ng l>`''n .an

Itany managers and comics, and who is to be held responsiblh for the presentation and disciltline of the company.

benefited "rolumbia Iturlesi|ne" and why they haven't given tlieir snp|inrt to the rnitinili a Booking nxchange and School. When it comes to

-If \v*atlit*r

up a> ni`»-



this w»**k. fiupi'ly hou'**- aiid out4loc»r aniUM*ni' Ut pla-· * uili hav»` a cban*'*' (»f ratrljliiK

*Uj» ill

i'H' Uwaid Si`aM>ii Kain has blo<`kt`'1

many o;it<h*'tr

many of 1h*'!n lubi


a larir«* l<^^'* to ooiioi's^ onaires

a ul MVi r**'"'kink' ^UIMly

i>f all kinds.

Hpdii -`d ; ii»p siirn- ar* st*pii a!l ovor town.




(Contininil fr'un

or cboristfr- ar** al''*Hnt tliat if h not rt`port*`d

to thp C. A.

N't-rily, many and varied

q'lo'^tioi^* may bo a^k-d liou-** inaiiactrs. and

it will be w* ll for lb* tn to provide themselves

Sfood and siitli* ;rnt alil.i- ere they come to the

meetinif. Trod in in jr rnana;:<T'` may be a^kid '^by they
start in cbeatin;' prior to tbe openinc of the Keaton by faili.ii to provid»* the "NVws r.ur<*au'* w;t!» nrli-:,t piiot»is for lobt-y di-^-

play and n* '.\'`oap* r** tbe n`M * `-'ary cuts, and

why '`·me


t «ni]*b»yin2 an ad¬

vance aiT'-nt. f-r oI'i't** expert an a^^nt to

look aft*`r oiie or ninr*- ^l.ows. when the more progre-Hive produeing nianau*r employs an ex¬

perienced, r*'l;able- akont tbe-reby benefitint:

hia ovNn «]. w and tla*

of tlje more

neffi'^reip, jM'n;:ri*»'i- prodtP'er. who says let

him do rrodn ink' nuiiiau r* m e .roi be .i.'^ked \^ lio

Leaders in Biankets, Motor Robes,

seerecT as to aetlvific.s there is no organization

('oinpany managers may lie a.'ked many per¬

in existence that has anything on the Colum¬

sonal ipiestions as to tle-ir personal integrity.

bia Circuit ITodm^rs. Tne.

i|iialitieati<ins to manage a company, and Sam .\. Scrihii T and associate officials

they can he deiiendc-d on to do In case of

cmergeui y in moving tlieir company under had fully determined to make Columhia Bur-

diffieiilties such as railroad wrecks and otlor leiine sufficiently eh-an to warrant the at¬

tendance of clean mindisl men. woni'u and chil¬

holdup of transportation, scenery and baggage.

dren was made manif'st to ns prior to the

They ma.v nl.'O be asked to ai oiint for how

oiieiiing of last sea-on.

their time Is spent during pre-entatioiis, bow

While (liey fail' d to aeeumplish all Half tlu y

inneh time they aefnally spend in an oreiies

.started ont to do In-t season, tinforespin

tra, seat watehlng pi'rfornianees. Some of them

local conditions, ttiey m.-de a con'clenHou- ef¬

will be asked why they lind it necs-ar.v to

fort to do .so that is highly eonimendable, an<l

make rcp»>ated trips from front of hous,. to

what they failed to do lust sea-on they will do

liaekstage during performance-; why some if

tills sea-on or there are going to lie cancel,

them rtish along the aisle .ind the 1m..\.s as If

lalliins of houses and francM-es of tlio-e who

there was a fire backstage, or why some march

fail to meet Ihe ri'Tulrements, and tbe dls-

back slowly with the assumed dignity of a

eliarge of employees who fail to do their duty.

field marshal on paraib-. thereby disturbing

Tills goes especially for the comics wlio can not

tiie performers on stage, and patroii' in He ir

<ir will not work ilean, by the ellinlnatlon of

seats; wliy some of tliem alibi tiie aliseiiee nf

tin- objeetlonablenes', set forth In' the letter

choristers, with sickness, to the house mana¬

sent prodnclng managers la-t week by Mr.

ger. thereby avoiding a fine, and fie n deduct

.>4.ribiier. will.I, is reprinted herein for the

tiro rata salary from tiie girl, and 'barge up >

benefit of tbose who lave not worki'd as I'lean

a full we.-k oil tlii'ir statement to tiie tiredueer

as H.ey slioiiid during tbe iiasi season It

wliy some of tliem are never to t.e feimd

slioiild be liiken as a winning of wliat's eoni-

in front wlun tiie bouse is coming in, or in

Ing to tli'in next sea-on if they dl-regaid the

a s.-af during the performance; wliy some

impeiat ve ord'Ts of tlie C.

wlileli does

'·omininy managers overload tlieir show with not in.'iintain a Ma'kll-t. but doi's keep tab

ini di'wre p'-rfertners at higli salaries at the <in 'itlend'T'. and ll-l Hiein ns niideslrahles

solicitation of agents who split flodr "imtnisSell ral ill' tliem who bav* upplied for i iigage-

sion witli tiie '-oTniiany managers; why -nine

iiH'iils to Colnnibia Itiirb s'lne priMlueers and

managers knowingly furnisli Interstate trails- been liinud down can 1*1.. this us a .lustliinhl,.

liortatiiin to women in tlif'ir eoiiipariy in viola¬

I. is'in for Hi'lr iind'siMblllty In Columbia But

tion of tlie Mann .\el. Yea v.-rilv, many lesiinn.

Shawls and Bathrobes.

Inilisn Bl«nk,t« B4x78. 15 asst. toUrs S 2.90 t'l.iicn Wiqwam. 6 «80. 15 asst colors 3.75 Plaid Blankets. C3.80. 10 asst colors. 2.90 PlU'h M tor Rf - a tip nteney qittir ,3.75

weel Shmls So.cial

. 3.75

Wtcl Auto Ro'e'.. vp.cial .,.. . 3 75

PdiT, E: th Rc'.s. Silk Cerd an(i Silk

tiifdh Bifl F! `h

. 4.CO

D.iitdr Plaid Blaikris. 80x80. Bound



. . 4,23

Silk E'nckh.g Rolf Real Mcn<y Get-

ties E" h

... 12.00

lapancci Silk Kimcncs. Pretty Cclors.

i(Uestions may lie imt to lonipaiiy managers

that they will lind hard to answi-r.

Ilotise managers, iirndueing managers and l·lmIlany manager- who in tlm inist h oked iipoii

letters from the c

c. a- -oiii'OliIng to le

kidded along, tlnii forgotten, liave a sir)ir!-e

in -tore f'.r th.iii when ihev all apjiear to-

getllir ill tlv pri'sen'-e of the olhei.iK of the


I' . and t l.i". 'me aii'l all abki to

l e fn'I.v pri I'.ired tfi nn-aer -mie

-per- .in'l emliaria-siiig ipn -tions and listen to

Tills )n bli.'Hllon lia- g yen rerognlliiui to

Hiililinbta P.iirli'S'iui by giving II till' mo-ls'litglit-fiir IMi'iition fi If ri'vli'Wh in nnr wi'i'kly

Is-llf, I'V ii'Wi iliui must III' in 1 Ip- Wi'Mlfrn

I'niiMi T''ll« L'rapli

f Miindiiy by G p 111. in

ord'T I'l 1rnnki- fli«* v\iimnl l«sni., n nil If* Just

Ml* li r***o>rii tl<»n tlmt liwplri" Snur

Si rll.n. r

iiml H-siH *iatp iiflirlHlIs til di Miiind H'U t it 111'

sitsluiiu'd by (III)' and all iiliki- alii ·'1 with

t'olliinblu Bnrli'siiuc.

Each I..":
358 West

7.50 .·.KKII will. .. .1...  ,1. c. 0 D


Madioon Street.


exidieit direetions foi tlieir giiidanci- in the futiiri .
Thoso directions are going to be glveh to house managers, producing maDagera and com-

I/iaik turn tlif Hotel Direetor, in this lshU<'. In-t the kind of a hotel you want may be lilted.

Impmerd -wtyles.

Detachable Uandlei.

Wide Satin Bonin s.

inpDllTn. Be-

Purs Dyal tillk.

 ft the Name `HULL" That Pula It Over. Kach t mbirlls I,a* 'lie nai^r on the button.

Wo C.irry a Full Line of

Beacon Shawls Floor Lamps Clocks and

Biankets 1




)07-9 St. Clair Street,


$3.50 Each
Cat* Lats. siiijl er i.' IS.
53 75 Eath
Price. t2.90 Each
18',-In LARGE OVAL ROASTERS Prica. SI7.50 Dor
Prlra $3 50 Each
Send for late I'ai a .-ue.
We carry a .'iii plete lire and fr ll-.dnUS itock '-I th# fnllowlnr mereha'MlIae at all t I m e a: M o i o i Shawlf, .tlumlniim Wiif, lump I'.'lls. I'ia-tcr IKiUa, I'nbieakable li'ils. Cai.dy, lia-kcts. Towel .sets, Thermoe JU4s,
etc., etc.
GELLMAN BROS., "iriU'.' K''

Hard Summer Candies

Why let hut Wfa'hei worry yout Occ ikHcn Dujrtl. iMie I'veii Piiiis. I i>ii0-htile jO Board lirlngs hi I `


.sou.hole Beard, J.'h; extra. lHlsi.ll of

J'.'i le.piirid with mdei. Ivalanrs' C. O. I). .\-k fiX

prlies on large ipiintlHc*.


5 S. Peoria Street,

Tulsa, Okla.

Kafir Korn Karnival
ELDORADO. KAN . OCTOBER IS. 16. 17. l'nn'*easli»i«. Canibal. Free .tiKa, Bog aiid I'unj-

,11 of
t k for

JULY 5, 1924

\ i-~.iii Imliitn, size 84,


.^.25 Kach .\ssorteil I'Jilterns. size ,;4 by 78.$2.75 Kach

KiiiiMiis 2-in-l Ch*-ok Blankets. .$3.40 Kach

I'liiifse Baskets, five fn nest. 'iiii-'le lUcoratlons $2.00 1`cr
l>,.nlile Deooratimi.s on all Baskets, live to nest.$2.50 1*<t Xost
deposit with all ttnlers.

MORRIS XniRER 87 Eldridge Street, NEW YORK.

E. J. WOOD Phone. Kearny 1471. 511 Charleston BMk
I'rof'i' I*I*tih llukcr .nrriv.-d h-ri* a few il»>« Nie> l<> (l.-liv^r un rirution at Siunfurfl I'nni-iHity ami tn ti'*- a MUinlx'r of coiirH. at llio l iiisxr'ity of California. F t aiino-t rw. nty Joiirx lie .a- i-ouilm a roiir'.- at IlarMinl :i Iilaj»rit I..;. II.- will spend most of the '1.0111107 in rallfornia

r.hlle r.ramit.n will take hi-* ri.|.
I'lt'H'iiiit'.ii f'.r the F.iurth ..f Jiilv

Greatest of all Ball Games.
Allowed Anywitere and Gets the Play

M". aiij Mr'. Martin .I..hii.ain. whose film. `'Ir.i .linif .\fruan Wild .CniUial'". la lM-:nB Rhi.tvn at the California thi- w.-t-k. ar<` Tisitora here.
Th.. new- Vl. tnr Phon.iirrat.l. i.l.iiit in Oak* lunil wh' f.irmally oiM-n.-il last we.-k with the re,a»r.liiiir of tw.i '.-le.-tions l.v Max Dolin and tie- Califcrn a t»r. !..'I'a 'Wh. n the Shad.iws Fair', f.imii'.'.-I hy Max IS.liii. atxl ·'''. I.t .Ti.-ep'iin.- i' \»,M II. Kran.-i'... iniisli- I i"iiiis-'. r nml wr i. r. ». r.- fh.. self.-tlnn*'d for the of tiie flr-t to
he tiirm-.l ..lit :ii the Pa- in. t ..a-f plant.


6o|fi Hei«y WmI Friiitr. Ntt 4 ctir«p <*o(ion



wlniirr f'-r K4lr4. Tirkw. Ptr.


- »zor4 Immrdiatf #tliv«rit«.

Wriir It)! d-i-utOr lliustratra

«iivl rncr^.


I/)wt*st Prices in the Wt'sl. \\ rito fnr Biillciin No l-j.

Give Away Candy, $11.00 Per 1,000.
5£V/) far oui ^~Patt Cataloi «/ \etr anJ $fowv-
Uti^rnf /icoi
H. C. EVANS ft CO.
Show Rooms: tl\ H. Madioon $1.
ORicc and Factory: IS!t W. Adams. -- CHICAGO. ILLINOIS -- -

Manatf.-r ll.iiry I'.iiiii.l. 11. ..f t e tirp .-urn Tl.-.iter, ha' p-it a l. a i.ln. ard n the loM.y of th,if playhoU'e ai>i r'ini: t that hezfniiili); July o. wh.-ii the n. w tax l.4W becomes ..|x rartt.-. t:..- Or;.! . iim \t;!l dr. j. the i:.>v..riiiii«.nt tax from all li.-k.fs u[. to ."ai .··nt' The '.nne applie* tn the iirpheiim in tiick-And an.l t:ie · iolden Cafe In this city.

Marg.iretfa d.' M.-ffllo, xo.aist. ..f <>k'.ih-.tiia · iiy, w.i' III thU fly f-.r a few days and Is now .-n route t.> Shanghai to .-.'mld.-te her v.H-al 'tiidi'. S'u- wa' a i>a".ng>r on the dollarr.>iiii.|-the-w..r!d Itm-r. I'r.-'id.-nt .t.iaiii'

-v.-ral we«.ks the Tiv.di


I'rin -e of In-

it'.,.r. ap,. ar- in p- rs-m

pi. tiire.

la.s Cat..' p-.'.-iite.I :t' '.-vi.nth annual pogeant oil KrI.lay ind Satiir-la.i hi't. Three'.l niuat.'Ur ] lav rs part., tpated nnder the il.'i.tloii i-f Willmr H.ill. author of t y-ar''>. ..nt'tled "Kl liato d.* I.-*s Uat-.s'* .The Wiiil-at ..f the Wild, at'I. Katldoen Xorris. fh.. a ith..e. Slot ' .-r '''l.aii.l < ! arl.' \..rr;'. .I'si't. .1 tn the pr.-isiea'loi- and pr.-s.-ntatlun of the play S.-\,Tal t;..iU';in.| 'p ·.-tators were |.i -. at ea.-ti of the p. tformamvs.

.man. a <l»t. r »f .Lrt H .-ktuan. is .th fw.-iiiy jiiv -. . arti'l.-s in a
e at the tirpheum

Do You Operate Umbrellas?



'P^-lil siHiri Cmtwrllas. IJack only, of

t-ii ri'.n r.iii.a, TalTeia roterlngs, with Urge

I'l- .i-i- tip, ai. t .tub. of amber or tthlte

'·'.r. elih a -I'ortv line of Hikellte and

als 4 . annl novsl ba'.dle*. with rliiga

ts 1 .i-aihrr --iPi*!.

Specially Priced at

til Cmhirlla with a PI'NiTI. Trrrai. `jjrj. ,,(ih ot.lrr. halancr f. O. D.
· for I'alal.iiiiir Mr gu.ianl.r .-nr prl.rt 10 l.r ihr lowrst hi t. r cnui try.
Or.Irra ddpird on da« rtcclrrd.

Top'y an.l Eia, whl.h is to clo-e shortly at the .<elwyn Th.-atcf In Chi':ig-.. Will ptplmhl.Y la* brought ba.k t.i the A:.-azar here lor a sb--rt run prior to Its Xew V.-rk sbowitig.

Plans are being to hold a D am.>nd

.luli-I.-e eel. bration l.i San Fran, .'ci S. p-

f. Ill ..r « to IJ. Th.' big day is planned for

Villi: w^ Pav.

r 1*. to «

T`. 7"Mi btrtbiUy of California'^ a<lmi"ion to


·IiJ.'a" this wi-. k at f;i.- Warfl.-ld TV. a.Krablaii N ghfs ` an.l f'.- Ha.lJ Troup·rt iH-rvishes clorfui activity to ue.
\ >f Cowle'. general manager of the W.-'t I .isf Theaters, Inc., with h.-ad.inartera In this
n, ' t.. Ii..i.l .1 .-·iiv.iiti..n .-f t'.ai-r' and department h.-a.l' in I,..' .\iig.l.' Jiili 7 1.. Til. The w.-sf Coast chain Itii theater' In t ie State of California.
rVrah.-fh Morg.nn. darner, a San Franc sen girl, is al'pearing at the t»ri.b.-nm Theater fhl'

M.irgaret Wliite. pian''t and young fiam.-.- of

Frank K, toe a> tor. >.iil«-<l f-.r H.'nolul.i ,.-i rii.'.l.i> l..'t K. i . au IS in Hawaii .-> i

ral.'. ing fr.iiii pin-iimoii a When the I'r.-hl.-i.'

I'I. r. -n »

'I " White >atltsl. Is i1..<-k,'1

lhe\ will I-.- inarrn-d.

i-w.-rfh. motion pictnre actor, h.-re ths week.

appearing In `·The Laug Curran Theater this w.-. .-nihiisia'iu on thw oi>,-n iig

Ladies' Walking Sticks Itnutiful oolor«, with :v;;'!.rr .-trai> liamIKj.
PRICES: $2-' CO a Grass. S27.00 a Grass. $36.00 a Gross.

Nc. 128. T lilc* Wa'fT. TTalr T': 1 · .111 rl Shairri' Ptir u;» in attraitiv..
t)OT. $5.25 Doz. Sets

No. Ill TORCHES, $7.25 Dot.

nhSS J ``."is,' ''


deslAs. Fliil.-!,i-l In Oriental bronze.

Six feet of slUt ccrtL

Ns. 127. A w.J. Infill In'ermc liUte. ilczeii boi
to lartoo.
$1.00 Dozen

With Varna Eyes. Style No 148. Size 22 Inches hijtb (Doll meuurss 11 itichee). Rt I'ltiful a^eor'.mect of
Price, $5.00 Dozen

' .'lire immeJiate deliTery.

Wiife fot tiur Nf \ Lat4i(K.ue.

Liepo^il, haUnce C. O. D.


39 W. 19th Street. - - - New YorK
RALPH W COHN. Salei Manaeer. Phone. Chelsea 3476.

Larze an.l Too.ti5-. Fitted up wlih lieautiful lugll yollshed gold fliri'cs.

T.ia end many other real m.aiey getters with lots uf flash are listed In our Catalogue.
P D C C I Our new Catalog 1* .iff the press. ^ · Stx d your name for It today

442-448 N. Wells Street,


We are orUlnators and largest manufacturers of the Night Lite Vanity Case.

ALL NUMBERS UNDER THE LETTER A PROVEN SUCCESS Ererybedy knows IlINtjo Failcst n.J mcst reliahie tame uo the nuitket ruyeii from coast to coast
.ONLY ONE ORIGINAL CORN GAME. AND THAT S BINGO. DeniAaJ it. Cards are .size S\I". tw.i , ;-rs. .jn tf-piv I»,jrd Coni-.le'e with numbered wooden
blocks, chart and full In.'tructlot.s AiTFlT \ll . IIFVP IMITATIO.NS. WE GUARANTEE ONLY ONE WINNER WITH 35-PLAYER LAYOUT.
35-PLAYER LAYOUT .$5.00 | 70-PLAYER LAYOUT .$10.00 Deposit or cash in full with order.
RAND DISTRIBUTING CO., Manufacturers, 1429 Olive Ave., CHICAGO

Chinese Baskets

1h^ 5- Ring. 5 TasMi (3 te a . SI 73 B<r Nest

Case L-ss t'lan Cate Lots.

$2 00 per NtM lU-Ring. I0-Tass«l t3 te a N«>t), S2.30 per Nest. WRITE FOR CARNIVAL CATA-

LOGUE. .\Jd p.stage for Samph'

with all crder: baUlice C. O. D.


J. J. Steblar Shows
Week June 30. Whitehall. N. Y.; week July 7, Dolgeville, N. Y.; week July 14, Cortland, N. Y.; week July 21. Marcelles (Firemen's Celebration), N. Y.
WANTED--Whip, Seaplanes. Venetian Swings, Shows of all kinds.
Few Concessions open. Free Ael W.inleil. Write or wire.

"Quality CampurtJ, Our Pricti Art Incamparable."

114 Court St.,

Brooklyn, N. Y.



as 'I,, lid Wi'i k at the A!
>r.'-l.-rnhlr 'Ir.-ligtli.-ii. d .mil II i>nl»  'igti ha. Ist-n om N.-grI aii-l a party ng I '1 -rri». tln-
iip from Carm.-t l.\ the St-a III Siiuil.iv night ·`Hitchy" stunt' for the «H->-asion.

iiiJ .Miu-liean Palmist Also some 1: Hill Store. Can place anv SHOW
TAGGART SHOWS. M.llersburg, Ohio, week of July 4th.

<>»»· 111,..


$20 J_.;

rjtoa*. i;.,..,


. $1*00 GROSS 21 on GROSS

bai.i f,.rni.-tly $:i0 tlmas. NOW _ 25.00 GROSS

i'll- ...|,,1,. All blzlily p-ll-.h«l

li..'l;ii- lei'--

ilriNiftl wltii ul.l. i«, Isilafi-r t*. O- D-

Yfc have the Largest Supply of Carnival and Street Good* In New England.

NRKAT BROt., N WdskiaftOR SI.. BosIm. Miss.

III.- b.i.'L to 111.- Columbia on biial fw.i wi-.ks h.-re.

iii-.iir, ivl ill- net tlii- bi-a.Ilin.-r .xt th.-

.- I . ' w.-.-k .-a-.i'v g.-t' the majo


1 ill l<- W.ilf' Sullivan of

- p'. ' .1. ' :it fh- l.i 111., ill hiT a. f

Clay M Creeiii- who until llx piireha*e by The itillletiii war dramafle erttie of The 8au
itYuitinui-d on t>nge Kiol


nldr aw.ikr SHOWMAN .... t..;-, .1 --I i..

.i' a d iiiahc big meiir. with It It has recelvist

pa/i-' ai.d I'l.t' ' pii'- ii

1. .. lu- -.-.11. Pis'i '.e tl.ick to 1* to .rce Its many euri09itln.

im ifT win r.t.ili'  HI I: t = -· r .< -k · -i 'ii).-r . . !r,-tur.-i f.. piit the propc-<ltlot) oxer. It's soma-

thing urw. eMn,-i',il-u- ni-ii'ii»l V . i! -k..'.' is

h.mdlir .. Owner always aboard. Call, if

poaslblf; If net. writt f.'r i iitirular'

CAPT. GEORGE WAARD. lunk "Aaiay". Sherpshtad Bay. BrMklyp. N. V.


Xlic Billboard

JULY 5, 1924

T..e anti-tint ^how eirdiuaino in lai-: Angih" ha. stirred up (jiiite :i fw atriong llic onidni.r men and may lead to s- hi'iii in tin* I'd' if c Coast Sliownien's .\ssoi iiii ion.
Tlsre is noihinu in sort of tliini;. It will onl.v h'liil additional <i>mf<irt to the enemy Uic motion pn ture interest-.
They are beginning' to call it Mr. Johnson's l.egislat i < e Commit (ec.
Tl)«> exodus from Mulligan. Xorlliern <> io and Northern Indiana was a-comiilisheel with siiriirisingly few ca-iialities, but llie di-tress in many instanees was aiule.
Rlaek Tiiamond. tin' famous racing o.-trieh, which -iir.ntcd a half-mile in 1 :or, at (irccnvillc. <(.. selling an .\merican record that -till stand-, s dead at Hot Sorings, .\rk.. killcil in a fight witli six birds of his species. 11.· was .'ly years old
The commissioner ilid not aecom[dish infh in Miehiyiin--i'Ut he d d try.
Several carnival managers hav,- hinted that "plenty of money ' s being s.-nt to the lomDiissioner and ttait The Itililioanl should say so.
We cannot say anything that wc do not believe.


$2.50 |H I- 1(1(1 Ikixcs. I".(i k' il 10(1 liivxt-s I.) (·:(;-(. Sizi- i>l'

Till- lk(slli^.·^l 1 lizf' hox Oil tli< innrkr't.

^vith (d-'lcr, tcilaiic** *). 1».

S< 11s like ;i liotisf on lii'o. (tr>lir a s.-nnidc case. $2.50. loc I'rizn I'ack-

;itro, wilh rc.d l(.ill\s. $3.90 jk r Inindrod. The iii'eatest value on the

inai ki I M'l V ;i ( .i.-.! , $3.90.

SAM STIGLITZ, 8241 Hamilton Avenue.



Detroit, Mich.


I LEATHERETTE-BOUND CARDS. i-orreaLv mimbficil. A

auirts... Why aoapi cheaply made and [

j unieliablc liiisauuijs? They are cxiKi.iivc «hen yiven a«.i' Our . amos are m.i Ic tn last. .Ml uura-

hcrc 1 ui.Jer Ic'ters. N'o duplicates. Leatherette Chart. W .Jm Drauliu Number^, thill instruction*. ' Convenient si«i--three cards can be played at cnce. !> n't merlook this ad'a:.!a;e. Oct our Free






QARMES VII G. CO., 13156 IV. I.aSallc SI., Chicago j



To Sell Our Brilliant Diamond-Liltc



the · ·


lyr the utur*

Atri. fiM V.luc-'Milte IMaiii- ti'l. BLU*FlASH

GEM Is tho iiiAS iiaiiio ( t i ur


Yiitih I, wl ith wt* haTp heen m-llliij ha rn-fitly

s . inui y t Ua'i iiuri thtAi^hi, vhrn they

»iir Mvxh .n

i!', that thpy wi*tc


(h.iiiD'i.iN we h.i\c thaii'rl the natuc tu avolil

any )><o'>ihlr uii»UiKle!-taL.iliic-


iY.i^i\; ft). It all thr

'·eh ill '`it* ti: Pi! (Iiaiiit>i4`l; it lii.ii«his the ^*1 i




.1,i//Unk' p:*'. ot · : ta. ati.l tlu-v STAND THE

ACID TEST, lL\p«rta it-julte


H -e to dett'it all) ilfTti* c Wi.$Nvrr UUIl

MANTY OrAUXNTLLh H\ 1 < MUt T\\ KM \ > V \ tt <

"THAT" PRIZE PACKAGE The big stick has Ison burned--not merely
laid a-ide.

(Continued from p.ige 2(i)


Dowling, will eelelira'e its tliird season h.\ a t(.Hr to tile I'ae.fie Coast.
"Among file dramatic (iffcrings au' to he

Make.- in.ue mixiev for you liecaust it repeats. We have the flash and the hal'es. .\ trial order will ..H.ilme yi.u. I'r.oipt and Wt: PREI-AV KXPRKSS HAST OF TIIK ROCKIES.

found many promising jirodii' linns. The Shuhe'ts will bring over the entire Kngli-li cast now apitearing in `Havoc'. Tl.U is a foiir-act drama by Harry Wall and is running at tlie Haymarket Theater Royal.

Tio^o neiaisit on thieh 1.000.

351 W. Supcnor St., CHicago, Ill.


"From the Theater Gnilil. the Messrs. Sliubert

have acquired the rights to "Kata Morgana'

and will send two companies on tour. Th's play is regarded as the high point of the season of this remarkably sticcessful producing


group. " `Werewolf' will bo presented in New Tori;
In September by George R. Mcl/ llan. Soon afterward the Shuberts plan an elaborate pres¬ entation of Bernstein's `Judith', with Julia

Two in Xc.-t. as sliown. Solid Brass, with transparent relluloid Guards, siring appearance of glass.
7155--El ameled. $16.50 Ooren. 7619--Brass Cage, with hand-painted gla-' .-n..:.!-. $41.00 Daren. 7723--Same as 7619. hravi. but without sLis;., $29.00 Dozen. 7833--Round brass, a.> shown. $30.00 Dozen.

Hoyt In the t fie role, .\nofher play by the famous French dramatist will be staged "here around the holidays. This is a sex drama which Bernstein has not yet named. The

Eiee Ili(j,trat<Hi Coloied .C,itaIcgUf. 23*^ deposit, balance 0. 0. D.
EDGE & CLARKE, 224 E. 34tli St., New York, N.Y.

Messrs. Shubert have also acquiiid a new

play entitled `The Trotid Princes', by Edward

Sheldon and Dorothy Donnelly. `Maggie', a play of frontier life, by Don Mullall''. is prom¬


ised for prodiietlon in October. From Alice Bradley they have acquired an American enniedy. called "Three Roses' .Another play is


'Th.s Ca-e of Hagen', by Herman Seehn.


"From the Theater de Pars will come -The

Dance of Midnight'.

.\lso from t e French

capital, the Me-srs. Shnbeit have acquired 'On

a Tronvp Pne F'cmmc Xiie' (One Meets a Nude

Woman), by .\ndre Biraheau and Ji-an Gnitfon.

"By the authors of `The Blue Mouse*. Engel

KI.T' FKRHI.'J WTIKIlh. SHOWS WITH UWX fit Ti rr.--. Vivc-iii-(b.c. Rig Snake, .'apnlora or ButPifly Must (o iicat fraiiie-ups. CiTNCKssiO-XS--Wiuels,

(ir.nd Siore>, $ge nO, Blank(=>,

I' is. S.iingci. U.iU-Ii. wn, F..;,i.ri,. fa: .iy Fi and et er . c.\.\ l'L.\( K .tmerhan I's.raistry. THIS

SHOW (.UKS WHKRK THK .MONKV IS! C.irrirr Mill-. III., week .I'C o ; Fairfli d. ill.. .Inlv 7: tiled Naso: . HI., maiden t-.wn. six me'.'li- rid; 2,('(((.» ni*'n working three .hif'-.. d eight Koi.i'ietv

lairs to f ilow. No rxeiu-he m ( . ; . 'ions f,.r Fair dales. .MI addres.- H. 0. WEBB as per Route.

P. S.--K.x, kc; Roys have turne I arainst it.

and Horst, the Messrs. Shuhert have pur¬

chased `The Friend of His Excellency'. .\lso from .Austria they have purchased `The I.ady With Two Hearts'.
"E. n ftntlern. who is now abroad, recentlw cabled the Me-srs. Phubert that he has ac¬ quired a new F'rench comedy, and next season

real dramatic value. H her own w.shes pre¬ vailed. however, she would play love intcre-t and mother roles, a h t paradoxical, but Jose¬ phine Royle is just sweet seventeen.

Gatfson. who is now pltiMni: in "St) Tins

rt)Iitn's", IIh' 4 ant will Iyo Ihr 8amr ns nt

ih(` r* ntral

r liist F« brnnry.


hr will appear In this alone. Payson Graham Is to do the adaptation.
` Leo Dltrich-tf .n. who is also abroad. Will

tContinucd from jiagc 2-)

New York. June 27.--Juliette Day will prob¬ ably have the prima donna role in the musical

again be seen tinder the management of the Messrs. Shuhert. He will have a new play. William Favcrsliam is to he s,.f.n in .a new play William Hodge, who recently concluded a season's cngagennnt in N'ew York in `For

been made. U was prcviotisl.v reported that Alice Brady would essay the role of Peg.
Clara Palmer, formerly with ·'bally, Irene and Mary", has joined the cast of "The Dream

version of "Extra '. Jack .Mlcoafe's drama that was produced at the l>ongacre Thmitcr more than a year ago. Chester Morris, who wa- seen in the original production, has been engaged for one of the principal parts. Tom John-tone

.$11 of T's', will open in .^ ttfeniher in the same Girl", now enjoying a higlil.v sticcssfiil run has been commissiooed to wtHc the book and

play in Boston, with engagements in other at th" Wilhiir Theater, Bo-ton. She replaces Ij tics.

c'ties to follow."

Maude fidcll in the role of Nora, the maid.

The Messrs. Phubert's statement also includes Mi-s OdidI has assumed the part of Aunt Har¬


the information that they will produce plays riett, vacated by Edna May Olivei.

already contracted for in a-sociat'on with Wil¬

.New York, .Tunc `27.--Raymond HHclieock has

liam A. Brady. A. H. Woo<ls, George D. Mc-

Flank Donegjn will probably return to liis opened on the Coast In "The Caliph", a mu¬

I.ellan and th. F'reneh direeteur, Tz'on Toltorra. original role in "i.ood f.r Nothin' Jon.-", sical (omcily by .Maiirlne .Montague. Osiar

now in rehearsal with Eddie Hiizz'dl in the title Eagle staged the priKliictlon. The wdl
JOSEPHINE ROYLE, INGENUE OF role. Ikmegan wa- seen in Hie production when · ·inidctc Ills se.ison in California In SeptemlH r,


it was tried out la-t winter iinilcr ll.e title of wh.-n the iilecc will hi- taken to do.ago l.,r

(rontiniied from page 20)
pearieg in the revwa) of "The S<piaw Man", with William in which she played the part of the little Indian mother, she de¬ cided to try her wings in stock. .'^he found

"The Town Clown". Bert Kalmar and Harry Ruti.v liavc coiitril'iit* i| flu- score and lyri' S for tliis Aaron lloftmin play, l.arr.v Ceixilios i- staging the dance niinilKTs. Fred SiilLv ami Walt<r Edwin arc recent additions to the .loncH-Orccn production.

HO in.h Unite run. .Supporting llitcluis k arc: Thi(Ml(.re Warticld, Fred Ramlolph, Il.-nry Hanliii. Helen Ca-e, .MlN-rtine Ih nson. MarhIh.igan. Cooper Igiwley and Itol.ind Bottomh t.

I'd.- oi'portunity with the Harry Bond 8to<k Company at Pittsfield. Ma»s AVhile tlurc she not only played ingenue parts, hut all tvpes n* roles. Her present cng.ig' ment followed tier ap''earanie with the latir-Tlicaler .\rts in "The Tyrant" at the Cherry T.ane Playlion-e
M -- It"'ic consider- Ic-r present part the mo-t grateful she has ever playid, Ineim-e tlio -mall it i.s vital, giving her an opportunity of

New York, June 27.--Tlie Kelwyus have arraiiged to pre-eni Hair internal ional revue, "Rue de Igi P.'ix'', at the Empire Theater in I'aris some lime in <) loher. .\fter a limited engagement at tlie Fieneli cuiiital the prmlnetinn will be tran-iiorle'i to tlii- <outitry. Raqiiel .Melh r, tiriM k. Jean Nash and Ratonelieff's Ttn-sian midget- are a few of the Selwyn

Ni w York, June 27.--Daniel Ku.-. II has seIc. li d "Lady laick'' n» the title of Ids m w mii-ical comedy, whl(di lie coiiicmplatcs pres. nting early next sea-on. Eddie Cantor, star of "Kid Bools'', is er-diled with writing most of the gags, some ntftie- ami a eonpli- of · wows" gnaraiiteed to ''poison'' tlie amlieme. G.orge JeKS(d has contracted to stagi' Hie piisliiction.


aggreg.atloii of European star-.


w Y4»rk, JiiiH* `J7.--I'»lnn4`y will

k' i.ii I"* i**'* n

till* >t;ir of "Swiot Litflo

.New York, June 27.--The lasi of · laiio.ent Eyes" ticxf week will liielnde .Mil.', Marguerite, will! snpidants .Mistingm-tt.- in (he -lelUr rob

Only cxiK'iicnifu boss that can lake liard hi. ks and falls I ' .,1 iii.-'ier. Forty week- work, nan MlicI.el, write. Address. J. FINK. 1030 Albert st., ToUdc. Oliio.

.11*' '\lnn Tail\vr*`Ti'*· St hw.iU*-


«'lv ijik*'-; to 1h«* T'ijhI n* \t fall. 'I'h** pro«lii<-tioii

will »'pi ij it; < a)*4)ri in llo-ton f'*r an imU nnitf


With the* <*xc<`ption ol Marjorn*

Htlier elianges are Frank Gill, wlio repi.. Eirl la-slle; Donglas I.e.ivlll, In pinee of Ci. il l.< .111. and Frances Williams, who sueceeil-. Ch-o Maylield.

to fake up thia line. Ymi f-in make a bU inenme r.wllv at' 1 hr!i k repeat orders «]ulckly bv show ing mit Hi c. To pt ^e aU we say, we offer the · ur rlius sliown abive at
With >alr tux « '.led. whl-h l.v all you pay. Or!'r enr or two t.-liy. No. I--Laditi' I Ct. Solitiire. fine 14 K (old i.
C«t. $3 (dl $2.63.
No I'/---Like No. I. but Platino; $6.00 Cat. $3.00.
No. 2--Gfntx' Hravy Tooth Brirher, I Ct. Gem, · 4 K (Old f. Beg. r'atiloitur Ptlc*. $6.26, for $3.25.
No. 3--Ladlet' 3-Stone Duchess Ring. Fine Pla. lino Finish. tt*o Ct. First Water Mex. BluFlash Grms, one Blue Sapphire, $5.90.
No. 4--Gents' Ex TlMsy Gypsy RIn*. Platino Finish. Black Inlay on Sides; one 'a Ct. Firsf Water Mex. Blu-Flash Gem. .$n exitulslte high quality ring. Cat $10.00, for $4.96.

Mexican Lucky Stone Ring FREE

To IritfTf.k* · r.v aeTenM 'ri dy ve are TOU


fftler fi>r u!;e or nwre of i;»e

at one-

half pTlr»*, >oMr rtiidce I't its.: A or H.


Mug | rl 4 f.»r I'lihrr ene of

these rltits »» }l <Hi

T' y are s»rt \5lth OU'

fino-st imr^xiti 1 M»'Xl an I j Ly Siiine. ruty re$l

color, fla.shlK; niih Hue .1 i ,,rc«'n tire. (Great¬

est IaicLv Snwii* Uli>: <-· .»tlou on the tiurkeU

Oft oiie tree t 'Uv \\\ ' ur or$ler.


.lust nail this .1.1 \\\*'-. \ ur r a?ne ti 'l a'idrp-Ar*.

Dtate th.,: uar.ttfl. a: I » v** yirm or «lli» of pappf

th»i lui 4'a aroiitM! ilru th « y \\>-ahlp i»ioiT4»<ly nn

arriv-tl l>rp»-It | rhT « 'h p *111411 t I If nf*t

thlu'htril TpruYti in 7

f. r HKl r\f> tki'

K MtiNF'V Yt'u fu'. tiQ iihK Wriff for

4'j4*a|.»i:ur 4' !

M h .-Making >.4mpe

I'JM* l*Yf'TWi,lrhKi.

Don't Deliy; this Offer Won't List Lont


Dept N. C..


.tfriiion Elxclusir'r ControlUn of

l}tanton,h jot 18 Yfitti

SHEBAS 40c Ea.

CUPfDS 43c Ea.

Packrd (i3 I i>

Bartel '.'S'?IXKlt. iMlaiKX.


U. D.

14$! Cass Avr . ST. LOUIS. MO

FOU SALf IMrt/ KotnMf «t!i»fi Hind and Mi'afn

' I'l t'a'clv M It hl'M*.

f f'`ur

wlih i

l.'.l. Mid n1ii|». Ji.,;

ih-.-iNll, I*:!

· ·*

l». S « . nrrKU.soN. \Xi\ Atrh SI

I*' · ·ur;:b. I»a.

It helpa you. the paper and advertliers. to mention The Billboard.


JULV 5, 1924

Xtic Billt>oar<l


<, I.C.U1- M').. June :.'7--Jack Martin an I

Jiil'c owner!* of liie Jaffe A Marlin

\;,,,' e.mnl ro.. . n wlo'e |,,t la.t week a .-ol

' .1 t-.i wa' kill.d. oi'enol Tii.iwlay evening


, afi'r lliey Imtl moved frum J id

\ ini* viieeta to nth and llowurd. and

' ' '· for

"··'·k. Tl^ey l-a^e Munday

ir r In M.i., Ilieir llrst out-of town dale.


r- of ilie lio'v an- naiil ti> have bien

, r i i v. nt ial.d from tl»e trouble on the

'.i r"\.t a< tlle fellow cli.trued Wtll dolllS

S Canary Birds

and Caoes ^

j., I

^ Beautiful Canaries, per dozen .$18.00 f

 r-x.-'*-- --

Brass Dome Cages (tisillaxtratctDdoz., $41.00 f f \

Gray Javas, per dozen..$18.00 I

Open for Booking
I nyi'.g. W tValking. Para'hu'o Dr I'ano ta I'.jf.s < ` irye, .'ar to Plane Cliai and numerous thriiiy.
H'lr f.i'.iipiiui t , ...siiH of two new wl'h ex-elleiit e ;uii ment. one Racing Car a. I time (ioo>l Piloij.


ir- wa» not employed l.y tlie carnival


. >« ..naire«. wli-'xe utandx and 8t<M-k

\VIU**)` ' ^

DiT-r a:.d ·'j'u.e.tue.


.1 It Is* claimed by many tliat the

forg^ exp<?rifii.«: couritx. Urdera shipped same day'sx re-

^_BOX No. 115

·no JU'tilied. ax It I' claim d the colored I 'I ,· I'e -eelion were ·'xfi alinit link" riebt ',',1 · f x'a'h nc the canva* on the atandx
m olh.r acting very rowdylsh all

" I'.M-MiS the riot, wbich follow .-d the rhootln*.

.,1 ·

with the e^ow were burned, but '

Oe.w'x n.'W Imatlon everythin* la ,; a-'e.g M-reU'd}'-


iieiitinuid from pau'- 711

'. Mill! Kiimlv in featx of airength. In which

vir X M f< alnr. X the liftlui: and holding

i, -

.1 of lwel»e Millard . n x by the tlpa

w th

Uniter^; ei|£hi-|xm.T drib by

·van' Wel-tman; clownx. with bucking pony

lEPT. 50




phone, WABASH 0426





Beicoo Blankets, Dolls. Floor Lamps, .Mumin'im Bargains, Noveltlcj. e'e. .kND WB HAVE A

NEW ONE, A SEN'SATIO.N'. We do business on a very close margin and vati save you money.





Fmnerly Midwest Hair Dell Factory. (L»no Diitaaee Phone. Grand 1796),


SuperAeronautical Attractions
Can furnish ai.ythlr.r in Our pro-grams drai* the crow L. Night or Hay .kitra.-tlnr.s, Paraohuie Juinj-a. W r.g A r 'a'-. Plane < liai.rlni, Thrillevs Do Luve. .V iai .\.lv<.rli.'iiij tha*. can't to heat. Wire or wiite us i,.r eng.ig.m.iita.
·nir. Brilc.ES-; FI.MM; < 0.., Ky.


With PafMih'ite*

'! imriuKh nallnno. Alvrtjs

reliable. S llrf*;,, imA^ f* t.

PROP LHA.-^. >WA1:TZ. ITumboMt, Tfna.

· ,1 II lb ; ' -'O lionx ni..| dog, worh-d by Uuth xi I'tz T;.:x a't. working in a cag d ar>-na. la i


i ,.r' < '11.1)0 nd:il>le on . T .<· top ix darkened ,n.! tnree .lim gr. * n xpota aie play.xl on the I ige. '1 little mi'lr<'<, U ith S-iniltl. ag< d j, ; 1. ki.'.wn a'l'o p on a ixni h. A xmiw white


Air Acrobat Hopes To Perform New Stunts Shortly

i.iii'2 <1. g ainl two Itotix on . r the ar>ni. the

ring . .M'liig lx xlde Itx mixtrexa anil the Itonx


111 I Itln r able of the <.>'nll with tio'lr

hi I.N in lap. She awak' ux. p itx them

f ru t . ' iri.'k'. ainl the m t . nda xhowing

|Xe dog and lions ml mg penee fully out of the

x'lnie ill'll. T xhowr lln.xhea with a rldlng-

1 ..n t bv ' irgiaia .*i' l.ulti. The e.inct rt Is

U ii;r.l tv a wrextilng mateh. In which

\V.;:..ini s.hiiliz Chaibngex all comers.

A' an I l·'ol^· fre*. attraction I'rof. Wm.

Mirt.n nil:kx a tlgnf roin- from the ground to

Uo ··p 'f the I'liit'r iMile.

(It . r iitia hos of the xhow are: Frank

( tnn.'r. e'lu. xirian. dlr< < tor ami auimil trainer; V I,;. Ill xup-rlnlenib lit live alix k; "Dad"

H.i.e. a.b ill, e und lot aiile'iinti ndeo!: Mr. and

Mrs. Kr.itig Chiip:>elear. cmik bouse; John Shay,

aili. r' 'ii.g. .'I'.-. e froxx, well-known conccs-

X.. t.iiire. li X three In connecth n with the show.

Ihi' wi'kx xtand. corner KS't labth street

and X! r .i r a»enue, ('ollinwixxt. (I.

The X iitiitz Family Clreua has N-en engaged

Ir the l..iki wood tO.I Flkx, in conui-otiun with

t'. r .it.tiiiiil eireus and bazaar, to be held on

ih.' lot ti tlie rear of the Elka' Home. (,1<-I and

Ixtp.t iiientie, I.aki wnisl, O., We.-k of July II.

xmi.i1 oulxlde nets will lx> brought In for the

(K^a^lou and two rings will be uxcd.

il'.iitintied from page 701 a `. re of iiiuaii't.ina 1. perloimera !>. Sl.hts It:. A .trhid and Irving Nelxi.n caught for i;.e ; 'Jein:. rs. `Thief I.o< karoun.l " hurled 1 tid 1 .ii.vhan. of the padroom. received for


C.kN' BOOK fer ' '1' ."e of

Irgltlmate r me ess Ions. tV.VNT .\lhletlc Men to take twmplete charge

tf xh'TW. Have good outfit. Gruider for Side Show. Must help to i ut up a I dium. Help in all


F. W. WADSWORTH. Manaqer.


Newspap<`r clippings from Newport News. Va.. ti.ll of the enormous crowd in attendance at Grand Vuw to wiiucxs thrilling ex* hibltionx of aerial atnnt' off,T,d by Mabel t'ody .ind her flying cir, us Sun,lay aftermxm. June 1.",. The program wax atag>,l as a Nneflt p.'rformanoe for the Hampton .\meri, an Legion I'obt. One of the bxal pap.'rs said:
"Barney Bowe was the feature attraction of

The feature event of the LoulxTille (Ky.) Homeconueg h.!d at Bowman Field, June -1, Was an a.r al show. M'.re than SO.OfK) sp-ctators t roiig.d t.e field to wltue's the thrilling air program, whi.h Included a mimic warfare, bombing of a fort, shooting at a dirigible and other events. Klyiug Hse eight-passenger arm.T tTans;,ort plane, T-3. I.ieiit. John A. Ma,read.v set a r- ,'rd, r.maiiiing in the air seven hours, 20 minutes and .''1.4', with

Fri'dilie I.iind has r,.'ir<.,I from exhibitional aviiitiou, tem|Miraiily nt hiixt, to enter the 1'. S. Veterans' Ilu'|,ital, N.>. 93. at i.<'ginn. Mass. The liltl" ai-riiil a.r.ibat eiitereil the air xervii e in P.'17 .uni wax si..tion. it at Kelly Fii ld. loit, r he w ,. - tran'f.-rred to Brooks Fl.'Iii an.l ill tlie '|iring of II'IS went "over tli.'re" to ', rvi` liix .·oiiiiiry. During Hie latter part of th.' war he w:ix gaxxi'J anil silent consiilirable time in lio'iuia;' in Eurojie. He r.'tuni, <1 to Hii' coiiuiry in 192.4 and took up conim. r. iai flying. II,' later Joine.l an aerial circus on the Pacific Coaxt ami p.'rfornnd thru the Middle Stall's. .After b·ilving the air circus he went to Uuu'ton. In.iil.nrally, the writer is In receipt of -.-veral photographs showing Danny b, ing hand.'iitT.d In front of the grand stand lx fore making an auto-plane change. One photo shows him making the change with the use of tlie la.Idtr. another view taken of him susii.-ndcd by his feet from the rope la.liler utMut to pick a hatidkcrcbief from a string two fi'.'t fran the ground In front of the grand stau.l. .Annrli.r photo shows Danny climl'ing over the wing of the plane after making the change from auto to plane handcuffi d. These f'ats vv< re an ad.lcl attraction at the auto races h,'M in Houston, at whbh time Tommie Thompxun was Danny's pilot. Danny says he hopi-s to get out of the hos¬ pital shortly to p. rfurm a nevy bag of tricks.

It.e ' .SI I boys.

the afti moon. Ho »u, « ec<l,.d after many at- a weight of T»"2 poan.Ix. 11 pounds in excess of

At I i. vel.ii.d the performers played a game tempfx In his xl'int of tr.inxfcrring fr.m a the weight r. ', lired for the te't.

O. Fat Jltirphy recently staged a two-dav

I? t`. to d one of tlie neighliuihood nines x|H-<diDg aiitomot ile to an airplane without use

Ti e previous endurance r.'''ord for that :aer at show at Norman, Ok., as'isted by Rob

from the inhllc p aygroi.iidx. The t.. rfornier* l.ave Mres.mi. d out in new siiltx. Si-olty. with 1 - var.lrnhe team, hi' cliallengid Hie band for .I gitne .t,ily 4. His lineup is sx follows: II;" .m Orel n. pitcher; .\rmy. catcher; Tom 111 li'. f`f l..a««: I'eg L»`g. S' -ond bu-e; fism lie* I. ! ".1 ljB«e: It. T. D itch, shortstop; \V :: br.'.ne. tight Held; Itllng; renter field; Iter Turpm, left field; Elephant Fat. umpire; Ln. ke, t'lt Nir.
With the .ipproaching Columbus date, everycr.e 4 ira'g;: g plans as many troup. rs < om.' f"cri. that twn. Ruck 1 cab hs' orilercd a whe'e c.s'p of fryi r'» to be shl;«iH.d to i.ena ' and everyone Is In Joyful anticipation of their yearly party with that wond-rful tonplc, J.'hn an.I Ix n.i ikhatinnn and fhe r hott-c cN .11 liopw ixxl. M.viiy members of Roy D. Smith's R.\al i?ccl. h Illghland.-is call.-.l cr htother nitt'.. lans at .\kron. lew Rader. Ip.m rolunil'ii'. O.. Is a r<'. < nt aciin'sitlon to the · iti'l. ('ll . f i;i]s I ookanitind. bass tilayer; Ti! I I'.iiTola. I'srltone player, and Otto \Vey. off, rlir n-t  liy. ra, also joined Merle Evans' band recenUy.
STANLEY F. DAWSON (for the Show).

of a r,>;.e la.Mer. Mr. Ri we alxo d d a remarkaMe stnut of Jumi'lng fem the plane with a rope around hix bixly, which brought him up with a J. rk after he had falbrn fr.** thru apace for thirty feet or more. He climlx .l back up hand ov.-r hand and in a moment ma,le a bi'auliful para.'hute Jump, alighting on the beach In the midst of the thr. ng. The ali. w Ho n had to be called off be, iuxe the tide hii,l r,..i. hi d ail. h height tliat the plane could n,i long. r alight niK'n and rise from the b, iich."
Newport News is the p- rmaio nt h'>me of the Cody Flying t'trcus. Jlixs Only says she Is Ixu'ki'd ut BIchiiiond, Va., again this s.'ason. making lor ferth app<aran.e tliere; alxo at Ii.iltan ipolia. lud.. and many summer resorts and fairx. One of the Cody plan, s II. w up and down Waxhlngton av..nue. Ni wjxirt News. June
lx and I'llot Uuxsell Simon dixtrlbuli'd from tlie air lOO free tickets to the Imperial Thea¬ ter. whire Mix* CiKly wax making a personal api'earince, giving an ao.'ount of some of her thrill,rs. in a.ldltlon there was shown at the Imperial a two-r.>el,.r of the aerial circus In action. OthiT stuntx b.v the C.xly fliers were
staged the balance of the week.

weight was one hour. 4'^ miii'.it"s and IS.4

s.condx. made by Lieutenant Harris, March 27.

at McCook 1 i, Id. Da- ton. H. I · ut. nant Harris

h-oke hi' own n'.orj for 1.119 pounds in a

Martin bomber. He b- gan his enJuran.-e at

X o'cl'vck Satur.lay morning and wis still up

'ate Saturday afterno,>n. Ills prrv.., is r, cord,

m.ide at WiBur Wright Field. June j. was two

le nrs. 12 miuiit.'s and 42.2 second'.

Lieutenant J. H. Do,ilittle. flying a Fokker

pnr'iiit a.f lane, was the winner over f .tir i.iln'r s  . dy ships in a ra e ov. r a 34 mile .'our'p.

Lieutenant .\b i.

ar'on, 'n a \ ai.ght pur¬

suit ship, was seror.,1; Lientenaut C 11. Ri !·'-

no ir. third. I.'. ' t. nanta E. 11. Bark'i.ile an.l

Ralph Lo<'kw.x,d were tiie oth.r entruuls.


T.Ientenant W. S. Sullivan, of Newport. R. I., well-known aviator and flying Instructor, his b. en engaged by Joseph Rasliach. of Ogden· burg. N. y.. to pilot the latter's Curtiss Seagull plane In the Tieuxand I'l.amlx t'.ix simiiier. For the pa't several years Lieutenant

ifantwell and Burn'll Tibbs, pilots. These iaviators are said to have been engaged in .exhibitional flying for s.'veral years and have attrai-t. J w ,ie attention with tlk'lr death<defying stunts.


BUTDN VISITS CINCINNATI been connected In a private capacity wiih W, H. Borden, owner of th.* Rord. n Con.b'n'. l

Milk Company, at Riim'ey. N. J. He has h .l

In a recent l*«iie of The Rtll'.oard mention

·is made tiist Dan tVhlte, ahownian. Is con¬

fined in Iilvl-lon 4. City Hospital. .St. Ixiiils.

shire he r.x-ently iindi-rwent an ojieratlon. and

Would aipnclate n little financial ass stance

Ir'.n. t

wlio can aflord to help him. Imllea-

II'!· ire titat Ik- muxt stay there two or

inr.  ni.r.'hx I.mger. The appeal, he say',

·n.'. 1- 2'it hitii one rcspoiixe. i|.. would

like to hear from his many rlrcua frleiida with

Sgf. r. O. Riiton, Intrepid air, was In t in.innail l.i't we. k l.iiying xpare part*, lontiols wings aicl lii'is'etiiig ssmie airplane m'tors for u-e at t>I'l I'ak I'ark tiebl. Dayton, O.. Ruton'a h<.ii,biu.irf, rx. Buton call, d atl,-ntlon to an <rror in l.ixt'x l"Ue. In wt.i. h It wax xtat.,l tliat Sgt. Ja. k t'ope was staii.ini'd and |x rform* ,1 at the D.iyton field Hiiiul.iy aftermx'ii. J iii.' I.'», whcr*as it xhouM liiiv,- rcail Sgt. Hilton Hiif,<n siiil they ar,'

a varied car.'cr In the fi. id of aviation, startirg with the Curtiss r.'iiipaiiy an'l later b>omlnc one of Its pil. ts, n ix.'.fion wlib li he held for fourteen years. He 1' piloting l!'.' Curtiss flying ship In the Tbotisinl I'lan.l'. while Mr. Kasba. h liwks after H.e bii'in-'s end of the paxseng.'r x.*rvi,'e, l.aT.'r in tie siimm.-r Mr. Rasbach mar add anoth.r plan,* to the x-Tvl,','. Th*' b.i'cs are located at Ogdeusburg
and .klexandria Bay.


having ' going up" .lay at th,' fi.l.t .v.-ry Siin<tav iiu,! t!.at m,>r.' than laum iH'.'pU* jam th.*


margy simonds injured

ti. ill to vi. w III.' a. rial xh,>w. 11,' iilxo that thirty (''er |>a". iig.T' were .arri.'il after

The dir,x torx of the W. xlfl.-hl (Mass.I Chim-

the sli.'w suii.lay afi.-rnoon. Jun.- '-"J Riiton l» r of ('omnu'rc' h.'ve .t.-, ·,l> ,1 it vvoul.l

Im.l, II , June ;77.--Margy Simonds, anil 111' pilot. H F- Elliott, ar,- b.x.k.-.l nt b- Impracti. al to hold anotli. r iiv et at tli,'

k'rlal · with the Rlngllng-Rarnum t'lrcu'. wax Verext r.rk. Davl..n. July I. Sgt. Buton ts municipal iiirinvrt thi~ year ii' wax fir't p',-

TurMlrty nltfht wh»n, Hf Ihe nliDnx of h»'r nrt. nl ·» foil f*»rty fort to Iho

.'ll.' .'f

ol.b't aviators to xmil>- at death.

In tl... manv y.-.irx I,,- has l>, .-ti p,.rforming

tx.'e.l bv ra.mNTx wlxhing to tl,.' i'.'Ti exxionaln'x a chsn.'e to wipe out Hi" b'X'. '

Mi»*n SitnoniN

hh ititrlni: from th»*

wtom nf n HhtrMn£ Istltlrr hnnictni; on with

l*iih sho l<»Nt hrr grip on iho month-

P»^r. Tho olnniA physio nn. who r« vtvf<l I»»t. 'lid ·<< HrtNto wnn Intrrnallv Injur* d. Sli«

t.iM-a to a\kroD wltli tlw* ciron*.

thrilling a,r,.l<iti'' xtmits in the uir bu haa bad only four'x.

'ii'tiiin''.! by r.-.i'.-n of the riiny vv,.jHi,t a* II,,' re, , nt thr.. ni'. t. Tlu' plan wax |.> hold a nu et oil L.lxir Day. t!,e coii' '"i'iia.r. ' to M» given, nt a iii.nimiim cliarge. th,' prlvilegex th. y li. 1,1 at tlie Hire.' ,I iv <dri ll'. The f.t. t that an inii' ,1.'trat.on Is held nt Hid Hr, linr.t. M--.. on this <lat,'. amt

Miss LcMay is performing triple para¬


Mr ,t,,| Mr*, im tiaii,r,| «,,lled .Dine `.'t for

'ir.... I,, t'l. iriiiic '|\ weiikx III rt ll<iwer«.


Til,ml.. I- of the .Vmerii ail ·' reus

i r|x, ,, .1,

wife are xi licdtlleil to

.\iii«ti,an S'.' vvill ha.o tho is)inp.'Htion of Sail! I c olnt.-. Ill,- r, " .T.IlHildiT of spc.'.! and 1,. igbl In, ,'. ami Hra, k I'apii. of It.sly. Ill III,' iiniiiml liii.'rnalo' I'lililMr air races to I'e xiagt d at tl,,' \\ tllnir Wriglil Fi.-ld. Day-

that aviation unit' in training .to n.o ftn.'li their work until tv toix r. I.'il th.' <lir,, tors of th.' Westfield ChamN r of Commerie to v.'to the plan.

chute leaps with tho Vincent Balloon Comp.iny. She is consitlered one of the most daring of her sex, and makes her leaps iiTi'spective of weather or other detriment.1l conditions. Only recently Miss LeX.iy made hi'r triple parachute leap in a sprinkling

ie:iie r.
"'.i', ' * - l»e. f

1111,1,)],. ,,{ (|,,o mouth for an I'lghi
fo"<-lgn laii'lx. .lerrr Miiglvaii Ills attention to the IIagenh<'ck-Wal-
during Mr. Rowers' Bbxenee.


<hi, .||j,, June ·»7.-- Henry l ink, general ag.'tit ^1 t.oliiu.'ir Rrox.' ('ireiix. wax In (`bieago f'*r ·"'ral iiays this wwk on hti'lncsx for the
lie rejmrtetl bus nrs' ax being all RSbi whin ralo dins not Inicrfcro

ton. I* , in .I'tolxr- S. v.ral h.iiiilr,<l aviators

ar,'" . VIH', t. .1 to coiiiix l,- f,.r I e prlz.'S ug F ii.ikM. Ni arly . vi rv State in the

union vvill tx- repr'xeni, .1 in Hi.' ra.'. x. a. well

ax ii.'irlv .v.ry ,'ii. Th.' army

.lir ',Tv'V. I be r' lTi '.'iil.'.l t'.v th.' Iwn Ciirll'x r.ii . 'x v.tii. h «.·inix ti'il I.i'l v,.n-. Tln .v have b<-. n .iniPi'.il vvilli .si h.-i> mi,l.*rx, r- -

|.;a. ing the

b. p. inolor- ii'* >1 in laxi

y. iir'x riic,''- Tin' I'nlitZi r Tii.'e. the prin, ipsl of tl"` ni,<l. vvill last tbr.'C da.vs. corn-

men. mg th lolx r J.

.\kr<in. O.. June

Th.' ],. rnian.'nt organ-

iration of th,' I'omiii,.\r, raft .\"Ocia-

lion of .kkron, the nr-l ..f ix kin.l in Hie

Viiited S'al, '. vv .ix i ff. t, ,l h- re Ihi' wix k

Harold Cilv.rl vv ,' '" ' .hut' Hii't . lark vli'i'-pr, i.l, i.t. 1> . ll.iwt . in '  retn-y

anil Smith t-..a';r.r. Huly pil..'x an,I

.airplane own.'rx », iii,i..y eiigag,'<l In , ··iiiiiio-, "al

aviation ar,' el c'hle f..r m-'iiilH-r'liip. There

lire now alxiut twcuty-tivc .Vkiuu pilots in tbo

S'siH- atiou.

rain at Bakersville, N. C., rather than dis¬ appoint a large crowd. This engagement was under auspices of the Norney Bros.' L nd Company, and the first of the spring season for the Vincent Balloon Company. .. '.1 a rompa y closed its winter season at Orlando, Fla., in March. E. T. Vincent has already hooked a Fourth of July en¬ gagement at LeRoy. Minn; fairs at St. Cloud, Minn.; Louisville, Ky., and has been te-engaged for the Marion (Vs.) Fair.



XJ^e Olmll^oard

JULY 5, 1924


In thii department will be published ep nions of "eaders of The Billboard on
ry phise of the outdoor show world. As evidence of good faith it is re<l.'erted that letters be signed and ad¬ dresses given. Anonymous letters will not be tolerated, but signatures will be v^.thheld if requested. Be brief and to the point.


Boston, .Iiiiie 2.3.--The fair season in MaHsaehns,*Ms will oisn alsiut the middle of AugU't and tie* Sliile Hepartnient of Agricnl ture and various agrieuliiiral siHletles are be ginning jdans for tin* <'XhihiHoos
During I e last s. s>|(,n of the legislatiir Renator .bdiii W. Halgis, of Greenfield, pre-dent of tlie Ma-saeliii-ettN .\grleultural Fair ' Assoeiation, willi the State Itepartnient o Agrieiilinre and Put*lle .safety, ait*mplid 1 ·ecure I*gisIatlon idaeing coneess on- under t!, Jurisdii lioQ of the H* pnrtnieiit of Piibll Safety in oider to have a nnlform rule regarding what Is p<>rmissiliie and wTat 1- im

Veterans Favor Carnivals

de-lrable, lint the legislation falbd to pass rommlsaloner of I'uldio Saf.-ty .\Ifred F

St. Joliii, N. P... Jmif t'O. l024. IM 'i.r Tim r.;il!'iiarJ;

Foote stated tliat his d'*l>arlmi*ut will Insltliat only law ful couees-ious l.e allow i d on an

>.i: I'.iit for taiiii'.il orgaiii/iition'i, the

fair gronnds and wliat may be d*'clarod Ian


of 1 e i* ';it \t ar V-trrans*

oi ia!i 'O I mo ('aiiaila wuiilil li*' In fiiianrial

(I -in - iiii'l In n., of the lir.iri'ln-s would have


ful by some local autl.aritl)*s w ill be prohibit* d if ti.e State Department Is of tin opinion an exhibits are of tlve gambling.tvpe or immoral


aijn d

S.Ttilii: n« flilspiee<

 T trax'lini.' earniala iiialihd tho

hi .in te'.^ to tide ot. r li-an fitjaii. hil periials.

In St. .lohn, N. P... the h. .il hr.iiich of the

il.i-at W ir V.t.ran-'

i.iii. ii



Ia*slie R. Smltli, director of tlie Division o R<'< lamatiou. Soil Survey and Fairs, will s. .. that only moral exliibltlons are allowed and any fair I'ermlttlng exhlbitlnns not wltidn the law will tie deprived of their iliare of the

In 111^ lii'iey etijidlv in the |n oiiiot ;..ii of .s

I .uh ill I

New Tia-il.all I.i autie

tiuinir to jii.i.r w. ati,. r aiid oi'r r loiidit.on-

I'.ii h wi i k !ni« li. .11 .0 lo-er I lie a-'o. l.ition. ·Iii't win II it lo..; d a- tlio tie orr.miration

SEE OBJECTS miles away

State contrihutioo next year.

"oiild have li.'i 11 to drop it- Iiaieliall a- tlvitleH. Hi..!!!: eoiii. « .1 of · arnival Vio airi-e. < to i;ti.Trantpe tlie un-oeia-

t;<.n .t -'.I'l ··.lual t.i Itn indebtedness on the

l.»-` liiill II. e.. !.· ill r turn for act iir as atts-

)iii I s and al'..'.'

Ilie tixe of tlie Iia-el.ail

f.. d f-.c t s'.i.H

of the c.iruival for one


('arnivils li.ive al-.i l.een the nieaiia of sue-

eorini: i.hii.-t d -ir. --eil brandies of tie* ns-

-..i.ali'iii ill ol . r -. . tiniis.

'I'lierefore the

l'..d.r aj.ioi.M's of e.isnivals. ns as Indoor

fair-. e..':'a;n.ii!r wl.e Is. I.,:-t year when the

liriat War \'. lerau-' .'-sneatiim of .Sf. .lohn.

N. I!.. I'iiiiid it-.If leaily two thou-and dollars

en till*

side of tin* !·'Iir. r afi. r a s, a-nn

\ y~- r

These aie the genuine famoua Impottcd Chtonutlc Prism

\ fcakg'Bilioiuljra. The *.iine style .13 mre Used hr all the lea.l-

N  !' \ \

ing French iiiny crtieei-. .Made uji to ipecifleatlniii l.> tel!

11 B|

\ \


for $13.00. \ noA wcri.l uill ei<si for you with o pair of


ID these wonder

Ceorle great ili-'ances away will ap.-


pear so close to \..u tliat you will feel like -tepping asl.Ic

to let them pa-s l.y. The greatest pleasure-flving inTesiineiu you can nuKe. IVii't ]i\e la » co(.i».l-

up areal Rroa leu your field of vision! See things tho other (rllmv can't. The J. yj cf .ui'.iloors

are i.ot cciuplete witlicut a pair of the-e won.Ierful glasses. In li-reusal*le fe-r eutd-xir sp-arta, hase-

bUaBlili KgaamiuceBs,t BauUtioumiiioobuliilsi-rBe., reaaxniiiip* lng, tramping, l.ui.tlng, la.vs. etc.

$22'50 U" B 'W B M

 ~ B« m
^ ^

Let U3 send you a pair, and you will tell us that you wouldn't part with tl.ein ter huniltedi of dollars if you could not gel anoilirr bait. You will reaard them aa one of your most prire.1 isi-se-sloi.s. They will afl. rd vuu an source of entertainment and n'eastire. NtiTE--Tlieae giaasea weigh only 16 minces. They ate BRAND

NEW. verv bleh class In armarance, finished in l.Ia k and come

comphie wi h I I.rsn-U.NED OENITNE LEATITER CARRYING CASE, with straw.

Scranton, Pa., .Tune 2«.--Tlie anthracite gicllon of Pennsylvatiia Is making a hid to ge' on the auto rai-lug map, mid tli* Iji* kawann.i Fair .\ssociatiun will stag*- a si-r e» of profe«. rional si.nction*'d anto races on tl'e aft*rn>s)n of July 4 as the first step in this dir)**tlon. Kaltdi Tlankln-on, dirt track race promoter, will liandle the meet.

of i.a-eliall proriiotli.n an indoor fair was arraiiired. nitli the a--o<.::ilii>n a« formal aus|.i . s. Enottsh was r -ali/ed as auspices in ten days to clear off tie* lia-. iall delit and leave


A horseshoe pitrbing contest w II be a fea¬ ture of the Tiiiten County Free F3»ir, Tipton. Ind.. Augiiiit 12-13.

al.'.itt ?o<Ki he-.Jes.

This Reason I e loan. In s of tliia soldier orpanizatioD are aorv nit a- atisi.iccs for carnivals in nieh centers as st. .Intm. Kdmundstnn. I'. ..derieton. Monelon, Ilalirax, Sidney, Sher¬ brooke. Queliee City, riiiitli'im. St. Stephen, Wood-foek. Cniiipl'dllon. New Glasgow, Glace Bay, Charlottetown. Truro. Yarmouth. Kentvtlle, Tli.rimoutli, Amherst, Sprinehill. Itiver dii l.onp. Three Ulyers. M ntreal, Hull and other towns in Pastern Canada, fiffierrs of the nssfH-iation are siding In remov ng the hostile attitude of r'^oriiiers and city officials to fr:ivel'ii.r carnivals. Tlie.v are pointing out that 'f ti.e association is to flourish the carni¬ vals must not be Interfered with
(Signed) W. J. McNUlTY.


(Contintted from page "fit

ing exixDseg ani'.unted to

the bal

aiiee lie.tig spent in repairs and in huildiiii

new hirldings. The value of ti.e buildings an.I

ini:.rov..nii nts at tiie Ionia Free Fair ground!

amounts to a', '·ovlmately $12".f>d0. This has

hern made jr'silile by donations from the

merehanis of Ionia, tlie Hayes Ionia O.mpany


% VBB Those who order at once will

I 111 I receive absolutely free one Pocket P  p p Telescope, la made by Schutr, (a-


moua far the manutacturino of

high-grade Binoculars and Tele-

scopes. You must order at once

if you want a free Telescope.

Tear Out and Mail Coupon--TODAY!

Gentlemen--I'lea-e send me one pair GENflNE S-power Chromatic Prism Blno.-ulars. for which 1 en. lnse $.'t' Sn. It is aeree.l 11,at if I am not dellghtfsl wi'h them after ten days' trial. 1 will return them to you, a:id you are to lefia.d my $22.50 In fulL
NOTE: It is aitisahU to srnJ monty ly chtel, refisteni mail or money or Jet. but if you wish lU will send Binoculars C. 0. D. $22 JO.


164 Market Street, Dept. B.,



A campaign to sell sto<k in tlw* Flkhart County Fair .Association. Goshen. Ind., to th-* amount of t '..iKkt is nnder way. 'Thla amount is necessary to have the fair, it Is said. an*l those in charge of the work are optimistic over the outcome.
.\!1 the mlny weather is not on this aid-' of the .\t!ant;o. Word from Ixindon is to th · effect tlvat Fngland has eiperlene«d the wors' spring in the memory of the oldest living inhabitant, with almost ceawdess torrential rains. The rains have had some effect on thsttendanee at the Britivh Emi>lre Exhibition at Wembley.
The TTartley County Fair .Tssoe'atlon has been organized at Dalhart, Tex., with tlie fo'lowing officers: President, Ro.v Cartwright vice-president. W. U. Slaton; W. TT. Vp-hureh eonnty agent, general supi-rlntendent; TI. 3! Horn, treasurer; Tom Collins, publicity man¬ ager; B. A. DeT'ee, of Channing. sei fetary. It Is planned to hold a fair next fall, the place to be designated some time aoon.

National I'.ai.k of Iniiia. Yiisilanti Beed Furni

Toronto will have a "Battle of Flowers"

tiire Company of Ionia, and the net proceeds from tlie fair.
It is not .on tinu"unl siglit to see from aix to seven thousand utitoniobiles parked on the grouii'ls, from r ight to ten theusand people in ti.e griiiid -tand, and from twenty to thirty thousand piople on tiie ground- at one time, l.a-t jtars records sl.ovy tliat tin- amusement places on ttio midway sold .88.<io7 admission


Being Erected at Rutland Fair Grounds


Planned on Bigger Scale Than Last Year--Every Department Enlarged

tlvls year In connection with the Canadian National Exhibition. It Is mmonn-ed that i' will be on n s< ale that will enual If tisnrpass any of the great floral f.stlvals hel<l in Paris, the Freni'h Riviera, or the T'nlt'd States. Another sjiecfacnlar feature of thiyi*or's exhibition will be the emi'lre spectacle. ·'Marching On'', to be presented before the

li. kits ibtring ti.e far. Till-* is in a town

wvth a lopulafon of 1* s than lO.fiOO.  Ti.e I'.igl fair will be lold from Tuesday.

.\ngust IJ. to Saturday. August Id. Ineluaive.

It is tl." d--ire of tlie offl'era to make this

year's fa.r far suriiass anything that ha« been

pre-ent. .| In tie j.a-t nine years.

·'Seeretar-. K*. d A Cliapinan haB closed a

r ontra-. t w til -I,.- Z.-idniun A- Pollle Carnival

< ..ini any to f.irulTi the main attraction for

tl'e mi'iway. la a'l'Iit'on to tlie carnival com-

[aiiy w li be many Indepen'lent conces-

r.iiiiK in operation "A l.irgr* contract has also been Closed with
t'.ie W ..r'd's Amnsem* nt Association, of Chi¬ cago. to fiirnt-h the free program in front of the grand s'and

"I.a '.1 < -long the Ti.earle-PiifTield C 'lnpan.V

w 11 In-:,I tiie great fireworks sp.i taoie,


w.'h a east of two hutnlred people,

iiu Siitur.liy afternoon the management will

].ri s. lit ,s!.*o ra es bv .1. Alex Sloaii - I).vision

of tlie \V .r'.I Ainu-'nient Servile

"Tie ;d, gan S'.ort Siiip Ciieiilt will fur¬

ni-li the le.rse raees ea. h affern'sin of tlie

fair. Tt'.-* r l.airm. n of ti.e iigr . iiltural. .ive 'Ilk. a't and vario'i- o'lor exliibits promise
to on** of ti..- 1..-t shows tiiat tl.ey

Rnthind. Vt.. .Tune i'l.--Work on n new in-

dnulrial exhibition hnll and on a thirty-stall

horse barn was start'd at the Rutland Fair

grounds Saturday. The exhibition building,

wriiich will be

feet long and fifty-two feet

wide, is to co-t SI.").000. It will have four

re-taurants, ea<!i 33x18 feet and op<*n on three

sides. The building will have a coni-refe floor

and will he lighted by el^etrieity. Light will

.ol-o l>e providi d by u Hd-foot monitor on the

roof. The horse barn is b< iug built to aei-ommodate

file L'O pi r cent Increase In tlie niimtH-r cf lior-es

ent< r* d in the races at the coining fair.

duulile row of pens for sheep and an a'ldltion

to tlie liog pen, wliieh will give 2.3 p<r cent

greater capacit.y in each deiiartnenl. are to

Is* built, 'riie entire cost of tlie new buildings

and the repairs to be made will exceed la*-t

.M-ar s expenditure of $18.(HiO for an automobile

Miowrooin. The new buildings will aliir the

I)ii.\sieul appearance «I the fair grounds and imve m.ule necessary a nuipls*r of ihuag'-s

wlii.-h tlie management ts'lieves will be ad¬

vantageous to the various <leparlm*nts. Tlie

new tndustrlai building is in n>ldltlon to the

pn-sent uiaunfin tiirers and nierehant*' hall.

Kalamazoo, MIeh., .Tune 2d.--The Kalamazoo Fair, in Its second year, will be held five days and five nights. .Yugnst lP-23. Preparations more elaborate than la«t year have bi*en made and completi'd for this yi*.ar In keeping -with tiie pollry that the fair must better llwlf each
y<*ar to be a sneoess. Tlie m.anagenu'nt Inis inercas.'d tlie premium list and Is sp<*nding more mon)*y for fri*e acts and firi*works. In fait. In every department tills liold* true, the management states.
The Kalamazoo Fair Will have "India", the Tliearle-lhillield fireworks speetaele, for five niglits as well as World AniUM-ment Service .\ssoeiation free aefs. Some of the high sjiots cf the Kalamiizco Fair are: 8m*lely Horse Show, great military demonstration by lU.tkJO soldiers from Camp Custer, wldch Is fifteen miles from Kalamazoo; a eomitv Ib*v Kecut Uoundnp, with tents and so fort'li; b.iiid eon<ert, horse raees, auto raees and a grand stock parade each day. Tlie & Pollle Slicws will fnriiisli the midway. Rut baek of all cf tills tlie real fundamentals cf the fair are tlie exliildts cf agrieiiltare, licrli* iilture, live stiM'k. lioys and girls' cliih work and the edu(ational exliilnts.
Last year tlie Kutaiii.'izoo Fair liad a l.irge

grand stand.
The Ffth section of the remodeled ethihit bail at till* T* xas State Fair plant, I>allas, ha^ been eompbli'd, leaving nine more to h<* constmeti'd. The elevations are made of a eomI'osltlon hoard with an lmitati<in stucco finl-h The lines Inelnde nn*hi-s. towers, baleoni***. eampanlllas and other siM-naltles of Span sh d* sign. Tlie eono'S'lon booths have b)*en'd and the new floor plan rails for nnolistructed twenty-five foot aisles.
Amnsement features for the Greater Clsrli County F'air, to fie held st Springfield. <t . .Yugust 12-13, will be provided In profiisior. It Is announced by Ray Johnson, chairman of tho nniusenienta comniittei*. Conliai't* hare T'cen closed with the Hus Sun Itisiklnc Exchange for six a* ts to be presented bi'birtlie grand stand each iifti'rnoon and evening Tn lolilitloii a proposition to stagi* auto rices one day of the fair Is being cousldvrid. It I

iiave e\<r on. I'r.iii.uinR have lieen In-

ena- d in a'l d*

tin. nt and app .vations are

com tig in rapi.l.- .


Sli* riiiiir), Trx., .Tiiiif

Tl.f plan** for th<*

-·'·mil m.nrj.T! U-.1 K'«r Aall<*v K;i r


\v« I iinfi**r va.v, a-, I t *



fr-tm t.ij-- aii'I luljoiuiiiir rouatifs

iii tli«*

T 'n* iijivp Itpcn a


r 'tf imiM <·'.» iiiPiit- m uJp at t:.»* f.iir

-mi f iH't .'- ar. jUi-l wii» ii th**

As Secretary of Oregon State Fair-- Mrs. Ella Wilson Probable Successor
.\c.(,tding lo announ*'! riienis in Ti.e PorlI:ind Or* goiiian. Fred H. <'urr*-.v, K* eret iry of Hie Grigon Stat). Fair, lia- tinderid hi** n-signati n ami it was sai'l to is* prolial'le iliat it w**iilil Im* iiinpli'il.

liuiiils*r of Slate exiiibils and this year will liud them baek again. Plans are iM-'iiig mad** Id t.ike < are of 12.3.tHM» people during Hie perol of tlie fair.
Chi'Ster M. rToweli. wlio is a meinls-r of I lie State Legislature from tin* eily of Saginiw and spcretary-lreusiisrer of Ho* .Mulligan Assoelation of Fairs, lias again tie. n engaged to manage the Kalam.izisi Fair. He started Hie f.sir last year, luilllng It over In six weeks'
liim-. He is partleiiinriv fortunate in having a (oiiiily ... .so.tss) people will) are a unit in iiiilliiig for Hie fair.

Governor Hart, of Washington, has inform'd <>. C. fbMits, secretary of the Yskims (Wa-h.) Commerelal Clnli. that no live stink from out side the Rlate Will Im pi-rmittcd at the Wash¬ ington State Fair next fall. The governor expr-sm.,! pb asiire on learning tiwif ninety per ci-nt of H.e people of Yakima are In favn*of holding the State fair. He stated he hr lleved otlier fairs in the Stale, except th'' ones at Piiysllup and Spokane, w'ltld l>e call* d off if the State fair was not held.

n t .-w year ' · ro \\ l\ b#` oro*

lira' t V

a.v< < 1 .iliv fa

- i.a t i.f ti,.* eiiun v.


VII ati'l

,*;..* 1 fur in* er. el ' ll

and g* M'i 't; ·d. n* d tle-.v Wli'

-1* \tV 1'* · t iti'` 4tf tiii c*I*»'iiiii;r of . Will 1 1- f. at ITT'^l 1  i-- v ir I'V

11 T`.»L'» an! Ttn two Irgi.t-; ai'l

f' til t · · ifl! r»'-t t · liiT -iMiWf! --d r'-o-.vl in .'tt iiTlaiD «· t !i. -

< iirri v s iii timi Inllowi'il liis arri*'t on a v liarg*

ciowiiig out lit an aiiloni' l'ile .lei idi i.t in wbi. Ii

ill- figured roeetilly and for vvlii' li it wa- Malnl


liii' il y.\Til). Ciirr* y was appoiiili d

M-r-larv of ti.e f.iir in l`.t2.'!.

.Mr-. Flla S' liUllz Wil-<in. foriin riy .'i-'lstanl

1.1 1 .irT'.\ anil vonlC'ted witli He- Slat** fair

· r a i.uiiilar of yens, wnulil, it was said, bo

ippointvd lo suei.-ed Curr'y.

Chierig.,, .Tiine _a..--A. W. Tlovveil wlio wag a T'.illlioaril i iill> r a f. iv il.n, ago, aiin<>nne<><l the ]inre1iii-e of a icvv Ferrl- wheel and siiid lie will go vvllli C- IT liooker, of KiiuHi III n !. Ind., jilaying fairs and e<*l'*lirations. Trtb'Ws will lie U'*''! < \i IiikIti'I.v In making moves. Tie* oiK'nIiig will l*e ill I'.riiLinan, ,M eln, J ily 4. Ten

Taaik thru tlie Ibdel DId" tory in tills l--n*'. Just the kind of a hotel you want ina.r !>< listid.

i'ii`'k* :i

.v ur. '1' ," m dw.iy will :i_'.ij;i

11* fir.i-:'d li.v lliid-on's W-irid Fiir S'.iiws,

w li;. : play. .1 f:..* fair !a-t y* ar. an<l cave e.,mplfte -111 i'f.ict'"U, aei-onling to S<-<Ti*larv L L.

Iia.r 111*11. -Iiid' iil' nf .'ter eultuii, liin'-<*rB

and liii-iiu -K m<·n of T iin'-' `e nr** or.'ani/.lng

a larg. d' b ga:i*>ti 1*1 go l)v

. i.d train to

the National Hairy Exim-llioti at Milwaukee,

eoin es-ioii- will be earrli-d. .V gl.inee at the Hotel Direi lory in Hiia isaiia

Fur lay ovni C<K>k Tlnus*. Must kianv shoe 'ifr Trll me your hntl iirnposltlon, then can loin lai wirr. PROF. JttsFPlI LI*n*OBI*k Cotton Kent Shoe.


S. i'l. iiilM*t 27 to Ovtolier 4.

may save cuuslderal*lti timu and luvouveuleBcs. Narroirt. Va.


`/tJNHS e?

Frrinklin^Aupp Amf^rican Li'irion. Kin>'a>ter (Fair Ijrotmd-^l--Ausp.



They ;irf> .sHionp. leli.iblo and t-peedy. Hepairs .sliippcd prompt¬

NEW JERSEY Carney* Point--Harry Geitt-r,

iiuijnlcitloua to our Clncuinatl oBl<»»i

ly from .stock for all



rge I'aris. viell-kno«ii AA'e«t Coast sp.e.l

-Alt r

o"« at Ifiisedale I'.irk. fovliigtn.i.


w'.ere be lias cearge of the rol'er skat-

·n- rink. lb- P '"s |o put on a iiiiiiilMr of

.i', II fe.llllr..

tile next fi W works,


s i: B.i.tlell of Kii'itowii. I'.i . writes that

Ih. KArleun 1`aik Bilik owned to AA'm .1.

|. I . . ^

i.ii and d'Ollg exeellellf business.

.Mr |·..·lrtl·lt 1- iiiaiiag.iig tlie rink Tliere 1- a -'.III 11.' -artare IT-'ivl'ai fiol.
Mr. I'.ir er a'so li.i'. a rink at Korney Bark, la.i: Ai.'iilewn. I'.i Tlie tliMir Is kSlovl.'Hi feel, all.I .1 -  nil..I organ fiirni'lK's mil'ic.

makes of Skates.
4458 W. Lake St., Chicago, III.
lI.insoD, >ecy. i'I>. .\merl''au J.s'i;ioD and iiamtier of C.imiiierce.

CaBitten--July 3-5. Ausp .\m>>ricun le Kii>n.

r anton--Ausp. Co. Pair .\<Hn , F. I> w -m.-v,

Itiinclee--Ausp. Chamber of Commef >·

i.ret-nport, L. I.---VU'p. Klks.

I.'iwvllle--AU'P. Chamber of ronaii' it

.'It. Morris--Celebration. Week June

a . p.

Chamber of Commerce.


.\.-ihb<iro--Celebration. Week .Inne rio. biri-meu'a Festival .V.sun. W. (' York, iiivr.
Fayetteville--U. M. .I.arkson. chairman. Mehane--Ausp. CbamU-r of romnien-e. Siler City--V. B. Elkins, mijr.

Carrington--.Ausp. Ameri> an I.eei..n

|i 11* I... winter Mr. Butler operates the

liliner Kay. 'lei y.

t'asselton--An.'P. Fire De|it. A .Xmeriean I.`'gioi.

Man att.m B.iik, .Allentown.

(U'li. Ciriumereial Club.

Grand Forks--Ausp. Amer can I.epion.

Il.i leiii B Ilk. owned by C. <>. Breintg. lias lir. n .. at iioi kford. HI C. .AI llor-ley I. i; o ..I'r. ri.e rink has an isiulpnient of .'iist (·I - ..( B . haid'oii skates,  large band organ

nunit.v Club. eri-ial Club. 'lub.


Hillsboro--Ausp. American Legion, Leeds--.Ausp. Fire Dept. Sherwood--

» t . new mils.. . and t ·- skating floor is bov.ssi fe.t 'Irs. P"lilen. tieket seller; "Kad'' Clem, il.-.rman. AA alter Itetl*. skate room; .Alfre.l 1 i.hI n.. I'lieck room and soft-druik 'tainl; \A i le r-tis. skate Niy; James Chlislinl, skate


l`.r<»«kville--.Au'P. Chamber of Coniineree.
Cineinnat!--Jul.y 3-5. Address .1 F. Ilehnert. chrm., 31S Greenup sr., Covingt n. Ky.
Cleveland (r.2d &, Harvard .\\e. Goo W. Greenwald. blOO Keith Palnee Tloa Hid.-
Columbus--Community Celebrat.oa.

'Ir. Il'Tsler sf.ites tint allho the weat er

Futon--Mr. Wade, secy.

Featuring Circus-Style Programs and Promo I - n iiifavor.ili e business bat be. n Very
a rsl .'.lie t.i<' u|M

tir.cnd Rapid--July

R. v rraiidell »e, y .

-l.'i I'laxini e Exch. Pililg.. I'ob do.

.'K.ATI.VG T«l .NFW YORK , \ >.r iilayii.g for several iii..ntlis in and aronn.l

tions Under Auspices

Greenville--.Ammon Bros. A: Hradford-I' mgrs.
Hamilton--.Ausp. Order of Eagles. Ha.-ry 'V.

I nujii ll.irry iKaltl Flelil-. ' tlX' Jewish

Uetterich, secy.

II .iiger ls..i , Man III Absire. iloing sira gl.ts

I.Ancaster--Ausp. Ameri' an Legion.

» ' t eliN, and Fd th Cnrsun. fain i and trick ,.r -kl'e-. i.alletl at tl.l- llollle ofllees of The
B.i'ls.a'd .11 ('ii. innatl a few dais ago an.l anu..,:. .H t .1' I; ey Will skate from GiDoiniiati


middb-.s. The perforiiiame proper is leld in one.half of the ti-nt, white the euiicessious. i-xhih ts and auto show am .'iven in Hie other.

Fima--Flks' Frolic. AVeek June :!0. Marietta--July 1-.5. Ilair.y .AI. .Scbufer,
m.inder .American I>*gion. Mim-rva--.Ausp. Community Club,


f.e-iii.g 1 in-dal. Ju..v II t.i N't'W' Yolk, start* Plans To Play One-Day Stands About Flags of all uatloDi. brig_h_ tly c_ol_ or_ ed bunting Nerwalk--.Ausp. .American Legion.

i.g Ir' iii t;e ortn-e of The Itilllsiard ami r*p'.rtmg at tlie New Aork ottlre at tl.e end of tla-lr

August 1

and an abundanee of light add nunti to the Norwood (Cineiniiati > -- .Address F. .1. Ertel.


3'JO W. 4tli St.. Cincinnati,

ir |i I e.i |i'an to ,t..|i III the prill.' |.al rit es

I'.iig ti.e route and present their two acts of

laii.l* 11 1.

T:;. t-o . . iitly elo-ed with Cha« Baiige-'s  l: - hii.l Beiiul ·-' .vml tliey also n.irked

» t;. the File Kraxy'. Field' 'tut d t .at

.· - gii .p w 'tli Fd Riis'i - ' tiet ll'il '

('..111, aiii ..II Ho- Aliitiinl ( ireiiit iilsm


in .N* w Aoik. a- isuii*.' Mariin

sdl r-igii iitt as Jiiieiille with the -ame com-

'an.l. he -.lid Kilith I ar-en is a iluiig'iter of

Cant.Ill, K . June .7 --The PoII e Bro-.* ClrIs till- weik Inaugurates a Series of two-day
stands. d·'Viatillg fntiii the old [k.Iicv of a "'ek -tai.d tin the two-day -tops tie show will play no ail'pice-. Tin- announcement was niude lo re b> Paul F. I'lark. gem nil repre-entatlie of the -how lie add. d: ·'.Ab.iiit August 1 we plan to liiai gumte oue-d.iy stands and g.i along like other cirrus, s. We h.ive stored In Soiitle-ru Ohio a niini'`.*r of wagons and are

Last week. iind. r au-pices of the Eirem- u s Convention Fuml at Erie. P.i.. was a great engagem*nt, altho Saturday tli.' p. rforman. · was given in sidewall only, as Friduv nigig one of the mo-t severe storms in th. hlstorv of the city wrecked the tent. It was only after much bard work that the nianagemen' was able to g ve a performance s:.itiirdaT nig! t, tills to capacity, however. The lo-- I . I'.iuipDient and business was in the neighls.rh.KKi of

tixfonl--.Ausp. .Amerleaii lyglon.,

I'aulding Jul.v -'-4 .Ausi>. Communit.v I'iiih

.Salem--G.ilu AVeek. June .ak.lniy


Knttman. secy.. American I.cglon Bldg.

Springfield--M. I,. Brown, secy.

Troy--.Ausp. Kagles.

lb iir.vt tta--.Ausp. Ciiamber of rummeri Holdeiiville--Uoiindlip ami Celebrai.on .liil.v t lilaliell--.tidy 3-.'>. C. J. Keppler.'.\.. Itev

Js. k I .ir»iiii. w'o - .III., t.nie ago skat.-d fr..m V .< A . rk to Min (rim i-eu. Baltiiuure l« t >· t..wii of the Inn.
M.ilooira Carev. s..n of Jesse Carey, veteran si-eil -killer and manager of Car«.>nla Burk link. B.adii.g. Bj.. w..n a fli.-mlle match ri.e fri.ia Micke.v llndeck, of Ilaxletnii. Ba.. Kiluril.i.v .lemiig, June 'Jl. in llie fa-t time nt Fi nriiuG.. and i second^-ju«f 8 seconds sli.'il i.f e<|iia1ing the wurld'a reisiid T ·· ·s.'.t.-laiils ei.icr.'d » vty laps during tl.e ra. ·· ati.1 at I. .. till »h I'ar.-y was alHiilt half a hip ahead of hi- opponent
l ar. y . in. r. il t ·· lir-t mile In .3 minutes un i S' "n.l-. mile in 3 niiniites and 1! - 'ii.l-. the lliird mile ill 3 niuiiitis and I se ond, the f.uirtli mile in 3 minutes and 2 s.-conds .II..I till lifth and la-1 mile In ;! minutes and 5S s*'i'uiid« The nth. iai- w 1.0 laid eliarge of tli« race Wete a- follow- Judges, i.iorge Hagg.rty. T in Sharkey. George Krahe, of ti.e Syraeuse In¬

now n. gofiiit ng for eiirs. whieh w.- hope to hav.- within a f.-w week'." Clark reports
liiisim-HS lias bei u good when the w> ather


^ .

The show Will exhibit at the Stark County

Fair Gn«und- weik of July 7. under au-pices

of the Moose,

FRANK J. McIntyre circus

Jame-iown. X. Y . June i'<.--I.o. atcd on the shore- of Lake I'liautauuua. in tA ierou Bark, under nuspn e« of the Jamestown B. P. O. KIks. tie Frank J. Mdntire Circus oiiened to big bn-iness Moii.lay night ami. from aT indicjitlons. will laintlnue to do g.sid tlirnout the we^k.
B. W Penihi rtnn. In cliargc of t .e prelimInsry work here, had an excellent a-lvan. e sab' of season t ck-is and a lively popularity eonte-t. the winner to receive a week's vacation to .Atlantic Cil.v.
·A pariide prev ous to tlie opening performanc.'

Saturday w.i.s a day of mm h * visiting, as the RingUDg-Barniim C'lrcus was on flio same lot with this show, the "front doors" not more 3pO feet apart.
The Erie ''fire ladd es" were .i womlerfnl committee and contracts were arr.anged Kir a r-ti;rn eng.ig'raent next season. Tlie mlvaneo and promotion work in Erie was handled b.y -Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. ('randell.
Warren, O., week of June 5*. the Inaiigiiratlnn d.ite for this organization, was under auspices of the Elks and. altho !iamllcap;o i| by four days of rain, was a financial and arti-t c snccs'ss.
owners and Managers Alclntyre and Pemlmf ton feel highly elat-d at their siicces- and. with a long line of Isntkiiigs to be playinl, tills -lioiild prove a sutci--fnl soason for tlio«e under tle ir banner. .All of whi. li Is a'.'cording to one of the officials of the sho'.v.

iO). Iau< ksburg. Ark. Marlow--.Ausp. ChamloT of Comim ri
Sallisaw--.Ausp. .American Legion. .Inly ' I Address Al Tmld
.st.gler. M. W. of .A. Picnic. July 3-5. B. M, AVelton. chim.
To.kawa--.Ausp. .American la'gion. Tul'a--.Ausp. Women's Club.
.Astoria--July 3-'. Baker City--.Ausp. .American Legion. Bandon--.Ausp. .American Legion B.-nd--.Ausp. .American I.egiim. Canbv (Fair Grounds)--Celebration A Round-' p.
July 4-.5. Kallas--Jnl.v 3-4. Gresham--.Ansp. American Legion. Haines-- llermlston--Henry Hitt -pci Sherwood--.Aii«p. Business Men's .As«n. Yamhill--Ausp. Knights of Bythias.

ternal ...nal Is agile Baseliall riiib. an.l Jim tlirii the downtown streets, headed hr Hart'-


Shaw, of the Ueadiiig Club; starter. Paddy Alar- Flapper Band, performers and ridi s from the tin. of I'.r Beading Baseliall Team: referee. 1 Ir. us and numerous autos filled wiih members

Corry-- Kiinville--.Ausp. Firemen.

Cole \V. AA'at-ou: Ilnurs. Warreu K. Robrbach and llar l.l B. Kohrbai h.
In a j.r. uiinary one.mile race John firhroehl, of K itrt..wii, defeated Jolui Siij dcr, of Ueadiug. in 3 m.nutcs and 31 s,.,a,iids.

of tie committee, attracted muili attention and was In-trnniental In bisistlng tlie opening
The performanee, w th such feature acts as the Biding Booneys, the T.Iles Four, Chick Kverficld. Ha-scn-IjiSalle-Hassen Trio. Alb'n and L'c. Ed B.iymond and clowns and Hart's I.iily B.ind. with other acts, sent the hundreds


Indiana--.Ausp. American Legion.



Bottsville--.lulv 3-5. Tim Murphy, h'is. mgr. M

Box 3kS

Ridgway--July 3-.''i. F .T Engen. se. v

I'nlontown--.Ansi.. A'eterans of Foreign Wara.


11 Koiiler. ow ne ·trip. I- hiiildini
ItryiKild- iind K.'npgan arp playing the Palace liriler, ('m< ttitiati, this week Till* la one of 1"^ Is -? kii..w ii skating acts on the road. ('·te Miiidisin is going to o|s'ti a rink in -«IiIp. It t« " er.| ..inie- fr.-IM the AA'est Coast that a

away more tl an satisfied. Too much credit isiiiiot he given Frank J McIntyre for th" wonderful program he has gotten t.'gethi r and the snioothiie-- with wlilch It runs.
Aliich favorable eomnn nt has b*'en heard on the altrsitlveness of the Interior of the circus t'-nt a loii-foot round top with four .".0-foot

Darlington- -
Beri'sford--Au«p. .American I.egion. FPindr. aii--Au'P .Am* ri. an I.egion. Veemillon--AV. M. Burton, secy. Annktiin--.Address B...x eo3

"kev l.sgiie of rollpf -katpTs Is It! be formed

Ceiitrevilie--Frank 'I Bogle, sis-.v.

J,Ki.,. lyire.i. for a niimlxT of year* In charge

t'M.kevIlii--Aii-M. I ;..n-' (Tnti. n Baik Bltik. Benditig. Pa., Is hold-

Franklin--Ausp. Chanil'er of Commerce.

Martin--.Ausp. .Amer . an I egion.


The Firiit Best Skate The Best Skate Today

Floydada--American Leg on Celebration A B..'1'tieeue. Jii'v 3 1. Manrv H pkiiis. secy.
Hou-ton--.lack Stanley, seey Lancaster--J. H. Knrhy cl.airnian.


Bicbfield--.Ausp. Anieriein legion.


Anaeortes--tHen H AVMkin-. chairman. K.-l-o--.Ausp. Clianilicr of I'lmniieree. Biillmaii--Aii'p. .Anierbaii 1 eg'on. .Seattle--.Aii-p .Aiiicri. an I>>gion. Se.Ir.eAA'iM.'t.i Aii-n |..nlnl^·r^iIl' I'ltl). Mioiioiiilsli--.A''<:' Cliiiiiibcr of C.mimeree
.Aincrieiin I.egion. .Amer'. an Tiegion



Ith IuhIhou SkutBfl rolled into proniineiii'p thirty-Hix years ago aud still m'Kl tlip ]pad.
lltf 'iH't'fSMftil rink man knows the Viilii Ilf a UiphardMtm o(|ui|>meul.
Write tar Prieat ani Catalo|ua TODAY.
Richardson Bsll Bearing Skate Co.,
3312-18 Ravonswood Ave.. CHICAGO.

Bci klcv--Herbert .Stanslmry, secy. Hiititir.g'i.ii -.A lto H u es Yi.w Martirsvill"--II. E-< lienlirenner. B .IiwoimI--.Aii'p. .Aiiieritan Legion.

sf y.


Barron--.An-e .Anieriein la'gion
Boseuliei--.Ansp. .American I.egion
He 1'. re .Ansp .Aiiiero N'i Ip-gioi. Kiigle Biver .Ai;--.. .Amerban Isgion. Mirlnefle iB.iy Shore Bark)--July 3t5
Hilseiifus, seey.
Merrill -- 'lim'ral B. int .Aii-p .Amerieiiu l.i gion Brair e tin t'liieii -- .Aii'p .American 1 egion. Kliinelander--.Ausp. Engles, Riebland Center--.\usp. Ulchlanl Co.
Soc. S.iperior--Ausp. American Legion.

Wm. .Agrl

JULY 5, 1924

Something New--Just Arrived!



Per Gross. Paoked "nc to cat'll 1k«. with instiu. tions.

t; liuld of tlii.- Ill'll. iMii.r ; . I'A ,11 il rli-aii un. T':P p» imT SluiiRS.rr. Can O: ri pr. <: a... I'utrcr and Iliytli- I'i rr t' man. Only $16.00 Per Gross.

Now Ip 's tvhdt .von <l:i! f'r jniif on tijp `·Fourth".
··nilTs" vacation thi' ypiir i' 'Ian 13-J8--and ho'.s sure ``toiTtlnc Hip <
M .\. stpplp iiifpiiiu-il workiuK in Kan^a- I'ity wll ziup iH'O'iIp. and uith an >
(t'llrion. pniiin ni in · lor 1 !::.s trip from U'lrui"

Our new Lever Pen, with Clip attached including boxes, Per Gross, - - - .

Original Manos Jumbo rei>. .ii.'u.ii p dijs at.)

Per Gras$ $15.00.

Write for our new reduced But ton Price List. Yotj will save monej-.

.1, A. K --I'olitii's .Tnd i-reiuls l ave :*othinff tt»

do witii i*it« hdnin :in(!



in <*ontro\rf'ev iu them littve no plsiee in the

·`pipes** Li'Uimn'!.

po«* **! az:ir:i"

d from Hejiver Citr,


".\ni pitt'hing from th** lar ihrn

Nebra'`l»ft. on in.v u ly to r«dor.olo. Very m.ld- M» t .Xrthur «1''r«»nio ri 1o"b eiud \a^s Willi.uns jt lb air . o. N* h. i;otb n iMirtod

only fair hn** ne^'i.**

lioi'ii nidiontn t«o .viHr' 'iin-p wp'vp pi'tlci from tli'it fi ller HcIht It I'kcr-- : wliii-h limp llipr*''p I'pcn four Ini: race
at I.atonin inonr fimyl and Hi tier lii< old oii>tom liy not hong present.

H r r r Is a w 1 n  t r. Stiaipens knlfs In a jllfv
Fivs..GiTac Lfti.
Per Cress Mere Is the o r 1 e 1 nal SnsJ-Tf s t I r k for I'slrs. Tartilrals a n li Sttn'i Work. Only two
GROSS, itc'ter kin I.
GROSS, e n <1 us
niir trial ot Je'

Kelley,The Specialty King

21 Ann Street,

New York


A large shipment of Tortoise Shell Hand Fans with Mirror. Each in a separate box. (Quality guaran¬ teed. Send 3oc for samples. Write for our prices--they defy competi-

Wrilr for Canadian prices on these Itemi; to
BERK BROS., Ltd. 220 Bay St., Toronto, Canada

BERK BROS. 543 Broadway, New York City





$24.00 gross



DIIDDCD DTI TO With Nickel Silver Lever Burkles $14.00 (fO

HUODtn DLL li With Roller or Lever Buckles . 1 2.50 gfO

. 1


R'* Rre'''. r.rrv Sm .'ith and Walrus <>· e 'hir l

lorapios, 250. All Firsts. No Secoivdt. I de- . · i.n all or l..:!. 1 via. e shlpia-d ( O 1/. Wrl-.e f r ratal giie.

Povitively the Best Quality Belts and Burkles on the Market at tho Right Prices. I'.mL.e'.c Line of Genuine Cowhide Lca' Bells.


7C5 5fh Avenue. PITTSBURGH, PA


·Tohn .Itiil-ion Ta.vlor, from Itix-lio'tpr. roipnily: ``Tlircp svill-knowu lioys, witli ifnnnt. InittiMiand oil, wiTp ndicvpil of rornpr.. Juiip 14. and it liK'ks like ' R'.i lii -ter will lie `off the map' all Mimmi-r. IVruniall.v. I am enml with hleh-itradi' juarN. with a ii.-w ,y<tpm <if distriliution, making tUc 'iu.llli r p.tli
Word i-i'.ii lii'd II' p.irly lu't neck tliat Cpi icp I.A ing'f.'iip, \\i ll kiiiiw n midii'iiiP >liiiw man .iml oTlur -liiiw tnmiipr, who lippn travi lims thru Np« Y"rk State in a `·ln'me on wheels", d ed Kielili'lily while with fl.e Saiig*T ( I'liihined Sh"W' at \ irtil, X. Y.. .lime 1>. Purl in r data « 11 he found 'n the Oh.tii.ira s enliiiiin of tliit- N'lie.
A. Pi. Ililder. the eerii-naiH ily ni.m. Is known to nearly every pit. hman ea't of Indiae.j. .mil hi- scihr'lUet araoiic the U.v. is taken from the title of his meilieiup. "Ziii". \ es, ``Zip" is a native of Ohio, not p. nn'Vlvanla, .altho if se, ms tliat 'iitnihiMly has been t.-yiiig to "copy his 'thunder'."

AUSTRIAN IMPROVED SELFfiller* .'h *r;. n ind .ii''i. $15.00 prr Cross. .VII workri-
1' -i irrly lir.t ; fii on ihr niarkr:.

FOUNTAIN PEN AND PENCU SETS. $12 00 arr Grots and up.


prr Gruts. Wiiii re.;

l. \



nr.t g 1. 'y, $J.50 per Ooten.


With Pd y Ilaiidlo. $5.75 prr Oofen.




per Gross. 510.50.


TION GLASSES, pood leoacp. Pet


Crp*i. $18.00.


Chas. J. MacNally

21 Ann Street, NEW YORK CITY

.Vlong with some note-, to another department of The Itilltsiard Prank Smart infoid that he and Kittle had niicratid fnm H.pley. O.. ti <.iliimtui'. wlii-re tliev had worked two dayM 'll r '.tier e.I' and peii-. and to a veiv sati.«faitory hu-imss. Prank also states li 1 \, e. le.l t.i raiiilile into the Queen City In a fi w days.
Rill I..'rvl'on. the well-kni'Wii shlvp worker, postianled that he had returned to Iietrolt from hi- several motilh-' ir.p .South. Said he liad fairl.v itihuI repeijits on his way ha. k. hut the last few towns he made lie had found the shops werkinir tmt alioiit half lime, a- was al-o the oiindition at Iieiioif. ".V few pitrblnK here, liut only geft.iig hy," Rill added.

Far AdvtrtlalDr. Sanaatlpnat

Np. 225. OH


jt brfore you order aiiolbrr Jol-

lar - « lUi el DiP't'Vin money


70 Wall St., N. Y.

rtrpt Q'lalllT Relts Prent;t .liliaoent
Belt, with Pplivhrd Clamp Burklrv .... tl2 00 Grpvt Brita With Peliihrd Ralirr Buckir. - 12 00 Gra,, Balt, with Eagle gr Inlaid Gild Duckies.. 15 00 Grots Brils with Palithrd Initial Bucklp* . 16 00 Grots Kry Kasci, Brown or Ulark. 12.00 Orptt
Hell a ran l» .nipplitil In one Ireh aeid ** Ineti width. In the pleln alll.-heil ot walrja Ptyla Ui rlthrr blark. lirnwn i< Ktay e.Jors.
Tetrot line fionh rath with order, htlinee C <» r». K O It P.a'l.m, il
Orders for 'Uie half gross aiTepiriL W* ship sao's day ariliTe are n eired s^nlee f. r patronage Ir ' up ih'iwr '1 1 iir iinjlliy and »errl e.
NATIONAL MAILING CO.. Bex 131, Oalitn. 0.

DiliLCT 1 UOM MAM 1 Ai Tl KEK 41enuint* Irnfutrtnl

English Broadcloth


JB Blue, White. Tan ar.d Gray, with collar

to nia»'-h «r


$2.29 or 3 for $5.95

$3 <15 at Stor^.

ATI orders ^ent j ar e; : * ·' O 1). M ·np> r

furadf*^ if i.'>l fp'lr* V


i:\Tv \v.^\^bI^



N«w Vtrk Cit




28 In.sSe in.

$18.00 pi

Sample, $2.00, Prepaid.


28 In.'.SS In.

$14.00 p<

Sample, $1 50. Prepaid

VVrlle (nr patM ulua.

LAETUS MILLS. Bi'X IJ54. Boston.

METALLIC LETTER CO. 431 North Clark Stmt.

Chicago. on tten* or ` 'e. >/· V ' .


IIT mil .aril Vitl ii, 1 ,iMi(i ilailv. Arrp.NTlO.N lIMJili. 75 VVath. Si

rv i.e'for 'i T 5 miti. Kx-
New York.

Jy . ' rni± JIT^ · ^i^guaL
U Wont Chloaao Aveouav

SOMFTHINQ NEWI Pitrhmen, A t o n t o. Salesmen. The Ka.l.i> t-ToM-er II o I d a ai r Hn'ely llltila Helle f 'c Z.'ii- Slavs all Ih t4l
Great. Sample. 2'..Z'l',. i«i aJ| I' O lit.

fere, id tier.teil ajnlnei mOlOl
. .__ Advorti

M2nsfield, Ohio


JULY 5, 1924





ll £
W ml
^^ WW l/l/[' \\ II M
· ` \\// l\// * J

^<1 B. B. io«--L«di»»'
Swait'r Canct. I^naih, Ificha*; franwl niilati; as softMl ai>liil i-oliirL: both
matal aiiJ ralluliMd rai**. «rl<4t Iwip Iratbrr handlrs.
stria f I lash I'ai.fa at vcrr




II l\
// W

// \\

// 1\




\\ V*



iP"e«r ID?e'"/m


B. B. 101 --Lad I at'

S»agatr Caaei. Isenath. 30

inrhi-. ellk mrd ha'idls,

»·'·> '»»"·' Bar Do/rn


B B. 103 --La die a*

Swatter Canes. lirtigth. .30

Inrhea: amlier-r»li>r cellu-

lolil caiw aii«l Irether han*

dlea totra fine «e tn

quality Per Der iPW. jvr

§Xlie Oillboordl


For Concessionaires, Parks, Beaches, Street and Slum Trade, Wheel, Pitch and Knife Rack, Agents, Demonstrators, Carnival and Fair Workers, Premium Users, Auctioneers, Prize Package Buyers, Salesboard Operators, etc.


B B 110--G(rid and Silver Color Balloons.^ ^

B B. til--^uawker Baliooni. Grots. 2.40 B B 112--Barking Otge. Grots. 0.00

B. B. 115--Cane Assortment for Cane Racks.
B B. 110--33-in.''whroV.'with "snapiir. 'G^ 0.25 B. B. 117--Pails and Sbmels, 4\xl%. Gr.. 9.00 B. B. 110--Jaoaneso Folding Fanv Gross.. 3.75 B. B. 119--Rubber Return Balls, with Uub-

B. B. 105 -- 24 Inch. Indestructible. opaque, fancy platinoid Terv Rood color. C C 7 f> Dozen .v 3. f O

B B 102--ladled' 8«aiter Canea. Uti-th. 31 in-hes, Hory folor fa:.or cap; flat leaUier
$3.25 Pir Dojen . ipw.w

B. B. 120--Asst. Jewel Boxes and Pin Cush* B. B. 121--Silver-Plated Bread Tray, with

B. B. 104 -- 60-Inch, Indestructible, size 4
'SeV^ . $12.00


B. B I3C--Straight Handle Raldra.


.S 4.25

B B 131--Ne. I Heir Clippers. Oez.. 7.50 B B 132--Ne. 0 Hair C'iPPcrs. Doz.. 9.00

B B t3v--Ne. 00 Hnir CMppera. Neck_

- awi. Dozen . 12 00 B B 114--Deerfoet Knives. Dozen.... 16.50 6 E. 135--Oerfoet Diggers. 5-ln. Dei. 15.00 B B Daggers. 5-ln. Dozen.. 15.00

B. B 137--Army Field Glasses, Tin and

dt..i 1: Each . dOO B B 138--Marine Field Classes Each 4.00

B B. 139--Jockey Field Giessen Tan

ai d Itlick. Eaeh . 2.75 B B. 140--Oecra Glasses. Metal. Each 1.75

B. B. 141--Imgerted German Opera Glasses. Dazen . 2.50
B. B. 142--Feast Knives. Deztn. S.50 B. B 143--Asst Jack Knivrt. Drzen , 5.50
B. B. 144--Knivet lor Knife Racks. Cress .. »«00 to 24.00

B. B. 100--Men's Watch. 16 alia, open face, heavily grij.pia'ed case, fitted with the
well-kncwn "Kf«k-ff" fytlss moTcment; as-
fortfd fant7 sliaK Great Value: <Ci QA Steal aelltr. Each. ^laUU

6 B 145--Imgortcd Vest Pocket Safety

Razors. Grass . 22.50

B. B. 101--Ladies' Octaten. Heavily Gold-

B. B. 148--Imgerted Razor Blades. GU-

Plated Watch; jeweled niuvemcnL Oold-lllled

f'e S-)>. Dozen .18 B B 147--Ejertor Ci"nrrt1o Tubes. Gr. 6.50 e. B. 146--Bokelito Cigarette Tubes. Gr. 9.75

Iractlit; in iltraLtlvo luX.


Sot. Complete .

B B. 149--Ash Trays. Great . 7.00 B B. 150--Cigaratte Pipes. Groat. 4.00 B. B. 151--9-Pieca Manicurt Set. with
!-r«fI ."cl«« rs. Dezan . 9.40 B. B. 152--Comgacts. (ioll FlnUh. Gr 22.50 B. B. 163--7-in-l Opera Glasses. Tellu-
Icld. Dazen..SI 75; Crasa, 19.50

6. B. 102--12-5lre. rpen face, thin model. SOld-r'atfl "Chranameter" Watch; item wind
M.d Stem aet; pUi:. i>oll.shed, hlnsed book rase: reliable movement and good CO time-keeper. Each .

B. 6 164--7-in-l Opera Glassca, Metal.

B. B. lO^White Haute Cloakt.

Cross . 12.00 with American movement. Each..

B.^B. J22--Fruit Boviri, Quadruple Rate. ^

B. B. Izi^Silver.Plated Arsing Pieces. Encii

B.^B. 124--Aluminum Kitchen Utensils.


B. B. 125--Celluloid Sun Goggles. Cress... B. B. 120--Dell Goggles. Gross . B. B. 127--Base Balls. Gross. B. B. 128--Mirror. Brush and Comb Set.

9.00 6.75 9.00

B.^B. 129--Nickei-Plated Flashlights; ` 2'-«il.

B. B. 165--Aisled' Flower Baskets. 6o/en 2.00 B.^B. 166--Assorted Flewcrs and Fruits in

B. B. 167--Flewert with Fernt. in Metal

B. B, 168--Largo Flower Baskrts. Dozen.. 14.75 A?k for our "CANDT" CIRClTuVR. New At-
fraotlTo rackaees. Wo are direct aaents for the srcll-knosra CIKTTS 1RE1,.LND CAXUY.

B. B. 106 --24-tnch. Indrstru-tible. opalescent, fanc'y platinoid clasp, ssith 1 white tin 00 6to:e. Dozen.
B. B. 107 -- 30-Inch. Indeetructlble. oi'alei cm. fincy platl.'ioid clasp, will) 1 white t1 5 8t.e e. Daztn ·pl^.GU
B. B. lOe --24-Inch. Indestructible. uta.iue, fan.T platir. id o I a / p.
D.z*.n'"..".`r$ 8.00
B. B. 109 -- 54.lnch. fan 7, a-suried ci.;. rs. Im¬ itation crystal beads, al¬ ternating r.iund and ctilwt ehatted bta a. t *1 7fw Dozen .^ 0.0
Imported Boxes fer the above pearls, tf O Dozen .. v
Fancy Velvet Boxes for tlio at.weC C 7C pearls. Dozen v lJ. I O


Wash Hands Without Water

with "UZUM" Hand Soap


Remove* dirt,

fTcam, p 1 In t

Ink Keepg the ha* If eo!t. C « 

tall.* no harmful

Ir.zre ler.ts. Alva

clean* w.'Cdwork,

tile, auto lope,

at, tea. clothee,

linoleum. reed

Pbya`-A 'lIt*o,

O-wt ail. ll.iu-e-

w.tes. Mii'Mn-

I 11 a. Hallr -aO

Mm. FactiWie*.

lim fs. Barber*.

I.:l«ril prrpo-

ii'l ei for live

dealer*. Write

for detalla and





135.000.000 WOMEN WANT Hot Water Bottle, Ice Bag

Trade Murk

Fountain Syringe

I# healthSyouth


and to you tvho SELL it brings

Every Family Must Have It and Will Buy It

Just finish. 1 a new fresh st .. pf our  Hitter Uuallty" .'ii:it

V. J tV IF

PENTIXB GARTERS. Y u u » ^ `.-eJ


know the kii d--same hlibqual-


Ity--same low tr: e.






dO.fcO With Caituoa.

BILL BOOKS. Ne. 534--Red Leatherette Cemb. Books. CC OC
Grost . *0.43

'ii% deposit required on ad C O U crdetA

EO. HAHN He Tfeats You Right)

222 West Madison Street.



Not Te Be Compared With Others fer Less Money.


... .

·Wj iK-


Our S'Atr/s
Fine. Imported EtuilNn Itr adrhwh. $2.50 per Shirt, 3 Shirt* $8 7$. .FREE--Ole Tie and one pair og nuT Llnki' with every aa:* of three Shirta. Axente. w'fe f.T «pe. |al-ffer. WEPTEEN mills. 70 E. 12th SL. New York.

get my money-getters


repeateva. fairy them with other goods

__" UMP. 91 Mieaer Ave., Akron, O., Pept. B.

The last "ward" |g your letter ta advertiser*, "illl.





L '

PEN GROSs522.00--Sample. Postpaid. 35C

Ever>'3A hcre. No ejcpericncc or capital necessary. We deliver. Your pay each day. Write at once and we will tell you about our plan and direct you how to make unheard of money. There is Rood money in it for any one with a little leisure; a splendid living for full time.Addrcss:
THE LOBL MEG. CO., Dept. 63 MiJdleboro, Mass.


Make ITiulo I'nstal Cards. Grnuliie RUrk and Whit* Pl«t..Ie>s. aid Tintyix-s with a|

riavdark t'smera. N-' ilark room, kinisbed oil lh» ,rot. No \Va;tln*. Ka.-iy to operate and

learn. HU pi.-fils The Pavdark <' mi any orizinatrd the Modern Camera and was the first

to otter the Op raiiw a Illzh-CIasa One-Minute Camera. Ihiydark supremacy bc^iui

then ai d has lem maintained.

In buying a Camera ixa aider that you must choose the Payjark or something


you hive «i:i do a., well and temrml'cr that the Paydark. the standard by whiih

all are judeed. ri>-ts no more. The Daydark Camera Line tiicludes 8.x

Uo<leIs, from tll.Uii up.

warranted genuine fine LEATHER 7-IN-l BILL BOOKSl alligator GRAIN, as th<>vm. Baa leather tup p vkets and Ol'T^ll E SV.tH F.tSTIilv'Eh. Nd. B-I(k--Bl.vck. Dez.. Postpaid. S2.I5: Gross. 122 00 Net B-l I--Havana Brown. Doz.. Postpaid. $2.85: Crasa, 928.0IL Writ* for late circular, quoting ethef
·tylea. 257* deposit with order, balanct C. O. D. Grosi loti, p. O. B. Chicago.
SBREOEL ft CO., si? W. Madison SL, Chicato, IIL ute on tlio spot.
No pL-ttes, films

Full line of supplies. Blaok Ba.k Cabls. 2Hx3H. $12.00 per 1.000. ^

or dark room.

Moui.ia for same. $4.00 per 1,000. I\x24. $6.00 per 1000. M Hints f.w Mi

same. $2.''0 per 1,000. Newly diaigned 5L>unls and FNdets just out. Write JHcju

to us inu.LtraIrd Catsi.snie It's Free



Writ^ today

PITCHMEN and MEDICINE WORKERS for our paj-as-you-oarn offer.



for Tr. upers ai:d Iluriler, making one to alx-day ·tan,La
500*, Prefit $1.00 fee Demenstrater. Get O-T ,.mp>:e VFT Prior I.lst of M. ney-Oefter*

!)M W. Erie St., Depl. B., CHICAGO, lU.

Inr. 1891

Burlington, Kansas. Best lutl.a al weekly I.abor Paper la C. 8. Bfly* clL'Aiilug up. Write quick.

Advertise in The Billboard--You'll Be Satisfied With Results.



Xtie Billt>oarl

JULY 5. 1924

The Comb With the Colored Backs

(ContlniiPd from iisso



Biggest Seller of Them All.


1 .. i.(j maiiufa .ure r.ra'nrrt iTory Combs. Guilder. Heauty

I :i.. i 'be rl'.raP p-^P'btr

.\tnh«-r Conit>». I am the

I ' -rst ma'.'ifaelurfr of .Vinlx'r Com s In tl.e 1'. S. a 1


. 3 E;;"i.0<") b'oi'K nn n'j iheires so I ran sh;i' a.l

SI. I ... .1 liia; .ifi -iinr. not a jnbiier. a'.1 my prices are always lo»fV.


Gross .$20.00 I 41?--3'4*2, Fine Comb. Groea.$12.00


. 20 00 1 414--t'ax'a. Pockrt Comb. Gross.. 6.50

Irer Gross. 14 50 176--Metal Slide Gross

. I 50

rr. Gross . 1200

Sample Set. Postpaid. $1.00.

BARNES, The Comb Man




ur,z f.ntiiif if \ i t .n y. T'.ese Be.ts a: splii  in hUh-rlasi slotes

at .<2.00 ( ..·h y .u 'an sell 'I cm at .5, and make

pi, tit. Tle -c Kelts are made of high-

Etade ni>i need «eblilng in two-tcr.e cPcEe rolor eflf T3c will bti'. a sample and will be al-

loucl a c > :i fi'-'t order. We also manufarture a rcnplcte line of Men': Rubber Belts. Complete sft of 6 samples will

be sent for SOc.

LASTIK LEATHER PRODUCTS MFC. CO., 455 Broadway, New York, N. Y,

The Original Fast Selling
Sail-Me' Airplane

store Workers Wanted Everywhere.
Wr.te fur ptices quantities

Dynamite" Ed George, Sole Distributor

47 W. 33pd St.,

New York, N. Y.

Mtk* Your Connoctlont With

I'rtible your sales. PiHi't
It .1 r p any p p oor

big one. llprp'3 huw
'· o u do it. Harp


naiiip of CpI-


fbtation or

SAME day.

"air or Park you are going to work.
Your name and ad printed on a No. 70 ai d slilp; c.i same day, $21.00 pec 1.000.
Np. 90--Heavy, flvp eolors. pure gum Gas Balloons, flftfPu different ae-orted pie"iiex ca both aides. Gross, $4.00.
No. 70--Patriotic. 73.60.

,, ,,

S'mankrr,. Gross, $3.00.

Balloon Stick*. Gross 2Se.

with Older, balance C.O. D.


) E. 17th Street,




$10 oJ:;.

hoar from all of thorn. Tlioir "old wondering what ha« he. onie of them.

We hate added a i ew number to wir extenilse liim of fYnintaln l'en». Unall taliie. $2.00 Price In aaeiits In 100 loll. $50.iK). Send TV for aamide Pc. and CauloKSie of this Kuaranirr.l line. GOLDEN RULE MFC. CO.. I3S-7 Maiden Lane. New Yort. 1.0:1 d'ic« bis b t firnii one of the not-

ofti n ln ard-froin l itirs--N.irf ilk, Va.: "I Ii:ivr

not 'Oin .1 pipe from tbi» neck o' th' woods In

-line time. .\ni working razor paste and

'troppers dtir ng tlie summer, and will work

mod. in the fa'I. in Norrli Canllnii :ind

' irginia. rtiis nes- w 'h n.e is veiy goiwl.

Wiere s Hor Starr drifted to? I 'HW him in

Huleigb, X.

in May."

At Ixist the Achievement of Science.
$1,000 challenge th;it our Radio will leprodiice aa good aa any $200 set iit a price never before heard of

Maninp Shurm.nn. from P'-s Moines. T:i : "I l :iv, n't 'hot n iiipe In ab,ittl six nionUis, 'o btie goes: .lohnny Silverman .`ind mi'olf are

No extras to buy. Can be put up in

Work tig paper. .1u«t eaiiie north from Southern Texas. Busin- ss fair. Pidn't see any of t!.e Im.js in Kansas City for the Rhriners' ron-

room without outside aerial. WHAT YOU GET

vent'on. W II b*- In Pi s Moines about two w,'ek'. then into North Dakota for fairs. I.. i's have pipes from Smart. Otter. Chase and C

Ilandvme N'bkel Plated Radio--not a toy, bat .1 teal set. ulth $6.1K) llcarlt.j Tu'wa.
loo feet X'o. 14 roifier .\erlal Wirt.

K. DuRoise, and i-ongrats to Whatley."

Too tilted porcylalii .Aerial Insulaton.

25 tret Rublier Insulate,! Wire I^esd In.

Fred Cumniiiigs (be used to be called "Siri"l

20 feet Annunciator Ground Wire.

I, i|H`il from nibbing. Minn.: ".lust a few line'

One Kiirelapc r,« ttlnlnt .Verial nooks, Rtaples

to let Isi.ys a'siire tbeniseUes that I am a'.il Solder.

still on ·.Titb. Am on ray way to the Min'd. N. D . F.i r (wei k of tlie Piiiirfh'). .dtill W'.rk ing le-iis. \i.t Kerr w th peelers at .St. Paul

o e Radio Booklet--How To Install In Two
A Beautiful Radio Set, all for $12.50.

Minn, .also Frank 1. with sharpeners, II, -w,tt. with 'I'opes; Mt.g swiili '. with gummy, and Brown and Goldeii. anil si'veral others

Special Price to Distributors. AGKNTS COINING MONEY.

IVeather lias lu'en had up here. Would like fi s"e more piin'S from S"mo of _ the oldtimers,"


Billy .\hern ·'li.,.ds" some more good humor;

152 W. 42nd St..

Nevn York City.

-Tlan asked me what I d:d for a liv ng and

I t'dd li:m I was a "teller '. "In a bank;  he asked.


"No." sezzl. "d 'Wn on the corner!" I was slidffling a I'a' k of cards to do some enterthiiiiiieiit trieks to aitraef a crowd, to Work to on a street corner-- · How on earth do you fellows gel along'" asked a · highbrow". ·(Ill, we just ·Shuffle .Along','' replied I.

Salesmen -- Distributers
to use and Intro.luce atta hraent that makes Fords run on 946$ air. THKKMOSTAT on exli a u a t automat iosUy 4^ 1 turns down needle VyA

I l||H I

George (Musieall Sim* piped; `·Just clo«-d w.ih Dr. Lee Ranger in I'ennsylvani.i. Lee is a fine fellow. It wa* one of these Johs
remain cordial and vital. I Join'd fioui* I.ew ' in C'leveland f"r the summer season. Ixiuls is

valve as engine warms, vjl

exactly as Ford Man- ^

ual aays do by hamL


BlanckeAutoThenno j

An Aulematlo Carburetsr I

\ | ^ I "TI'V
1 ^ 'n

inimitalir and keen, his ability to make friends is a strong as-et and. a« Cleveland is ojien to all first-class medicine men, it is obvious that Mr. lewis will come home with the 'baeon'. Mr Lewis Is ponneeted with the 'Ku-Co-Clde' products company of Cleveland, one of the lar.'c't manufactciries of medicine in the United i<tates."

Centre! raakis Forda afart I V

ea-ler winter or summer-- %

\\\ y

uvea half gaa and oil--



enia repair bills (r.c-taalt


--reduces carbon formation


ore-half. Sells on sight to


every Ford owner as easily as givlnc him a 1100 bill,

because It tares $100 every 10.000 miles. Cadillse

new uses at standard eauipment thermostatic earbur-

rttr csirtril undir Blanch* licsnt*. You ran make Big

Tl'liitney Wald is "off the Itoards" for a while. lie postcarded from Fasten. Fa June 21: "Have been in an accident. I joined the Doug. Flemming Minstrels, after elos ng with ('apt. David Lee's M, clii ine Show. Was doing middle' and my ventrilouulal act In the olio

Morey selling this wonderful proven devt.-e. F.xpertenre not i.eep'.sary. B'.asicke plan will itan you without capital In 1 buslnesi of your own that makrs yiMi from 12.50 to $2,000 a month prcfli Write fsr Free Circulars Now.
A.C. Blancke & Co.

of the minstrel show. .Myself and Ralph Gra-

vato. band leader, were struck hv an auto in

Glen Garden. N. -T., .lune It. after the show,

and I am now laid no in th,- hospital here at

Faston, with a fraetiirud pelv *. manv hodv

lirni'cs and minus a finger. Would like n, vvs from all tlie hoys."



QDALTTT speaks fT luelf and 6AT01 SEBTICB CANNOT Bl BXATKf. ·
Writs fn prices whll* you oa* tAT« PI* taction on tarritory.

.<>. K 'Patentedl Kt.lfe -ta-'


: iaisl'  gua'aiiierd; iOOt?, profit. Pos-

, . .: p a tt' al Sharperrr made

' .·, I' .'lo <5. sr;.* po'':ald: Gross, $23; 10-

·4. S's ;  f:

Fill particulars with

r d' ·  . o; le-. liiiH>-T SALES SEBYICE.

1! Gta <1 .\,f Mliaaukee. WlS.


Thr-.f ate !.i»-iy pt ric in your rva.vd every tilglii who

.a . .· ii ;.i«ted i:.iert:v in midlrlne. aren't ihe-e?



'll ne . at ! women, and pai'bu-

larl.- the women of all aze*. are, however, very m'lrh

' I't( re.ted in toil's * 'Xl« ruch as Vanishing Cre ims,
tt ai V Creaiiis. Il.tit T ni'i. Toc'h I'a-tC', I '

< -e

Keaiit.v flay and the like. Meet thi-; deir ii I

In- ' a-- o: KUO.!? 14 l.-'f'l In our cat.ilog. ah.:

«ri., T , l,i".inien's S ipi. Tablet-. Her:.?, r.ip-

niI ' ' ''tates, Ext., 'j .,'d tne like THE

D'VORE MFG. CO Mfq Chemists, 185-195 East

baqhten St . Columbus. Ohio.

two alike.

From tlm Babotla Kliow--Tlir Balietta i<li"W


Gingham, opumd again .lune l(i. after a lu.viff of two

Sirs 25x54. Ma.l* of

sizes, all we eks In i-aiise of flic death of Bab< tta's fatlo r

entirely new felt. Bright

fl5 to $24 Tlie roster follow'; Miss Bahetta. manager ami

pittemi. WsJhpMe. Ev¬

$1.30 f'» lecturer; Mrs. Louise Mllette illabitta 11 a dozen motherl, owner and treasurer; Uny Kd

ery hirtn* a proppevt t.r one or more Profii

Bctin AA CoAIU.uU
·MW* $2.7S

die. blaek-faep eomedian: .Al Barni-y. song
and dance comedian. Bab, fla also dor-* her aerial acts and jda.vs inano. and ".Mother" (.Mrs. Milette) eiMiks some wonderful meal'.
'`8s all new sleeping tents, platf.irni. touring ear and one truck. A refreshment stand

r TT
V ^ '.Va^Ts JS

Saispit, Prepaid, $1.7$.
ski.vaikka and pkkMUM THE It 8. de't overlook this ateadr mcti

and a blanket concession are also carried.

I a a'av aj»

WHITE for our new

'·*B*.^* Bug Caialor and our


Hear that a certain old-time pitchman was a




' Deni 1M

v.,liin of "force of habit", and (be In'-nbnt

, llept. IIZ,

eauM-d a g'ssl laugh for bln friends--at a city

Boston, Mass, in the Middle We«l. He bad b.en out of the

IN'G ri.VNH.


Ibury St.,

Bsataa, Matt.

RSme for some ten year'. He used to work

from a "liitebed up" carriage. He epoently

started again, but w.tli the "iiew-fangled''

method of ii'ing :iu aiifoinoblle. During his

talk some yciiingsters kept annoying lilin by

at WHOLESALE PRICES. Writ® for samples, Dept. B.

turning right and left the front wheels of Ins eonveyanee. Finally i«ort of dl'gu^tedly) be turned half-w.iy round and said very Impressively: "Why In-, an't you kids slay away from lhat horse's load?" (Next!)

Roll M.vilisnn *'Rriier Madr" Sbirta. I'ajanias a NIgbtabIrta direct from our factory towearrr Nationally I a Iveriiscl. FssrIoRell. Eiclualv* Iwlterns. Fsceptlgsialvalnra. N'>et-

THE SENECA CO. 145 West 45th St.. N®w Vorit

Two rommuni* aiion«« run lrud la^t w» ok n'ki-il M-ft r» n< <·

nifirl'* r**liitlv<' lo n rortain

p»Tirn4'«*Yr <'·!*»tal r^^iiir^d.

·tcAdjr Inotim#

Knlirt*ly n»`«

fYT«'p*»pUtf'n l''^/rr/f»r #>t*# Sitmptet-

>N SHIIIT CO., B03Clr«»dwav.ll.Y.CIty

]in«` of Jntitiinz and nianiifHi liirinte Hrni'i piai iii^

ipractlrally tho

«toi'k In «*forn^

:iH N


nnd oth«T

and to mil att<nM"n tf» iIihmi* flrma tlint It Nn'f


jF<»]n(r ovor vioy "Mjj*' with tin* nhowfolk.


Ladies' Light Weight Rubber Aprons

T In n* W riotliinc In tin* for«*i:<»lnc to t t» olT Jii^st what lino I' u f*rr>'i\ to. !n;t Mill wiintil

r.:"i':?: v,a

'tJ.'.r, ;·!:."

\ l

thp lT$»ippr4#nr^ MiMl bhI* Ih*

$in(«Kp4lptpprt Tom ttat

Pl7e :

Ma'i*» In nolid brli'ht col ·

K-iHMially adaplel lor uai.nltg.

llkf to n f«*r t!»»*

of fin* rnattcr Hark to

tin* Hhowf't^k pr^LaMy a Iiot. r dlff i t tn tio*

firm** vAGiild jirovifp' Mom witji llo* tiifornintioii

·np-half IhB ttMMi Ump. MbIip SUtd r«»nf»n«

·nd ffhow'V'l WrHlnv ·« pmt mi A. It. C

for ·Ymt'P

JOHN r. RANN,M243S Cr«*n«l®w Av«.. Chicago. ID.


Summer Price, S3.75 per doz.

In»i'nd*d tliHt

It I- fit:*- nf tlnswi* {uToonal niJitt4`r«

hatidl liu otliiTN^

tliiiti in piiMic

Sample, SOc, Prepaid.

pi lit

20% with Older. Imla.. C O. D.

L. &. M. SALES CO,

Old Dr. Brown's Bio^; -uf Sc Tft; Contain.* 3,000 rare, valuatde. tcitei Fonnula' aid Trade Recipes. .AbL 100 page:. Only $1.00, Postpaid.
THE COLLINS CO., 197 Fulton St.. Brooklyn, N. Y.

812 Wyandotte Street,


TTariy TI Miller. foroH rlr «ilh llic I.iti- ITr

Harry ?^iinni^* Oi* *I Imw. I'f luti* >iar` In 4.Mur

Id.1 ti< tii pv iiiiil

Mil» 4'r;pU(*nl t. p p*-*! fnoii

Matillowra*. Wl-' iimI. wiiM'* lak'Pji: .1

Imti* l.i'l nljrlif

up Ih**


M Iki ·IioiiM 1 iiH'itt Put an 4il<i ri 'i'inl


1(1 iifrt <4i'i*n in llvf* $4Mr .

Mu.Yri .!· ··v

Per 100. Nuk.l FUif'l $1 8

Deiio*ll, I'.alsii'e i*. D D


I III Weil 8th Slrotlt.

Wllmlngfn. OH.

( 'T.ioiis Carnation Prcduiti -1 Team , i_ Kv * F'; · I i.rt G d*. Household Nt,e-'si'les Wide k.ti.a:' line, 200 Item.*, lOO'T, profit, repeat orders entimCus. We give agents big lonceuions. Experlerico uanecetsary. Write today Carnation Co., 140. SI. Louis, Mo.

JULIUS S. LOWITZ. 3(2 E. Clark F.t , Chiraqo, III
$50.00 PER WEEK
Bizbt al home Partleula:-- tree. ll s Ct*., 1717 Church St., Mi ldletown, Ohi

^ · fiif I'liiiM' ·· hull **

lid In* li.'itt l)4*. 11


f'll** n VV ·( 4i|!'»illl W ¥ ll.'ld Ifipcll 1;;; ·<·

d tliMi w* rit dr \ ni; n In ik w rur- a d.n.ilv

Ml- t# I.*- ;f.(`.d « "m|..uiv kf* , - 41114* l.i'lL'bliii

ml niH-' M 'll' IMmm trii>* Ii« rt* rrnl.iy

a'i»! I will la- .ilftnir wiMi it for wonic Unn'.

I ttr 'M.v Milwriuk**** i-. in had Hijafn* f4»r

p'.ii'nic Pul that *>nrrniindlriK towiiK :iro i!<hh|.

< X* fpl K<'iiGtdifi. Iln Ih ht-ado<t fur Kaoti;i8 i'lty

((^/otlouvd oD page 1<I2>


JULY 5, 1924

Ttie Billboard




Ginuinc GuarintMd Indr-


Ntruitifclr Op»l«»crnt and Hi*h-

' y

Iv Indricrnt Peail*: rr .i * -I.vrr il.'Ul>l» .afrij rla.l<. Tul i up in llir l>»iifr kin I «l r.-.m

-'ina-r or M -t a'lr l··tl»r ;"Uijntrr atnl

trrr llikrt. IIOOO up to

$50.00. 24-Inch. Krcnly «!ra.l>n'' I.

In V...f l»-a Dm.. $21.00.

Sample. Prepaid. $1.7$.

JO-Inrh, It-ii.y <lta.lua'> 1.

\. .trt

Oar . $7J 40.

Sample. Prepaid. $1 S5.

RO-ln h 11. ·

Kiel.It Mi' lii.l. VelTcl hot.

Dw.. $1100 Sample. Prepaid. $2.75.

IHaniuiiJ riaep. Me Extra.

C..' · While. Cream. Bo-t ai.d Pli.k.


Na M.;»

Ne I--Pjteiit Oai.SISSO.

Sample. Prepaid. $1.75.

Np. 2--li'iiuli.e Leatlier.

Ilrmn. B'i i. or fJrav. 0«/..

$21 00. Sample, Prepaid.
. $2 00

Np. ·--(kra*'on. with Tray

1 Key I^nk Hr' 'i.r e

I ihl'le. Dae.. $54 00. Saai-

pie. Prepaid, $5 00.

Na kx i».'

I r

bra Dar.. $42 00 Sampla.

Prepaid. $i.30.

«T - li.l $« 50 '.


e ..'ai l.

101--f'-iler-the.irm Vanity, wlih tray, flt-

ai d Key Ia> k. Cobra «raln. m .lie allk

Oai. $33.00. Sampla. Prepaid. $3 00.

li a aide rarlaty.

$120.00 Gross

V'u can't beat 'am Jiut as

S' I ae other SP.$N(JI.Ell met-

. iiaiidHe. Ser.d $i50 and ne wMI fiTwifU a i1' i9n

pTfpaul, -'r

f, r


H Tfil

»· I »' i k.n a m 



Silk Knitted Ties

Are Fast Sellers Easy to Make

for lull doUilt

$1 C-00 A
l%y= DAY
Si.IMP our SSr-. .$Oo. " n. a:id $1.00 aa.lerx f. r the Piire of $2.00. $2 50. $3 00 and $3.50 per Daren. There Tlea *i» Ilka · 'dtlre. Yru .an uiidrr-cll eicyliody nrith ble prollta ter yi-n
The POPULAR SELLER-- Slim Joa Braid T:e-. $1.50 tar Oai.
LATEST STYLES In Siiort Riiuii. per Der . $i.00. $1.25. $1.50 pnd $2.00.
ANGORA mufflers. SOA 7$a pnd $1.00 Etch.
SILK FIBRE MUFFLERS. $1.00. $1.25 aid $1.50 Each. All roluia.

American Cravat Exchange

<>21 A Brtadway,

Mere Yerk City. N. Y.




We catry a big stock of


·I «P h av <-.|>. iihKfl ter- CO'i 00

tula r,r Grots .

Ni. i03-N.-ln.-h FKira Henry, Irury

rap. ilniihip nl.-kel ferrule. In asserted

l-r.utilul ..a rs

Per C'ln OO

0./.. $2.75: per Oresi


All uur Curs cenir In estivrird color*.

W. luip . hig si.'k and can make Im-

nip' shlrmriils

hamplrs pi above, prrppid, $1.00.

2.1'(- with all ordeit, ImIsi r S' s> l>.

.'-'S d (nr Firr I'.la' -. --hi'wliig oUr

full IP r


Ilia.1120 So. Halsted S4.. CHICAGO.



'M-B. bpaiklliig gU-» P"lish. any

rl.s, iMip-ihlrd time N'u hail tiihhlng,

'· i i I'V It-sire. Klrs-trlr manikin In window

h.'Xf ri.w.l,. ymi «t.y In .tore. l*Ke hi money,

isii's a .illy girr free .pai-e Oiiwl* y-'U $12.00

»*il .1 2V p.i-kaiip. Rprs-lal sale Nlnp* 111

"* \ll p.rkagr. iiiarkml 'BrtruUr rrhr, 35'",

· In

d.v or* ( t fur sample and terms.




KKYSTtrXE SFPPLY CO. Pltt.burg. Pp.

ATTENTION! Pitchmen and Demonstrators

 Quality-STOC NOT**
I no cement ilNSTANT-WELD
'"'TLDS rubber ; ·nstantlv

Sl.Jjij.OO was our recorU at the Minnisota State
I'iiir year. $873.00 profit was in.-ulu at this
K.iir by two live Demonstrators. TMtchnion and Di mon.'.itintors are cl' ining up on TOUUISTS'
IMtIDK IXfcjT.VNT WKLU. We have a special in-
troductory offer, which make.'i TOL'ltf.'^TS ritlDK tlie fa.sti'-^t seller known and pays over 200% profit to you. Our Bookfi t. HoW Tu iJli.MOX.^TltATK TOL'FtlSTS' I'UIDK. exiilains full.v huw to ko at the work. XO SKIDD KKQITIKKD. A fourti-enyoar-oM-boy can make more money in one week demon.^trafinp a XKCKS.'^ITV like TOL'RISTS' I'HIDK IXSTAXT WKDD than most men arc m ik¬ ing on Jobs in a month. MIDDIOXS are awaiting demonstration. l-arce crowds gather wherever demon.etrated. L.VRGE BE.VUTIl-'UD COXT-MXKltS. 80% of people who .see demonstration will buy. You can sell loads of this product at Fairs, Barks, Picnics, Camps and other Public Oatherings. Sample and full details .'^rnt iirepaid for 50 Cents. >I*ntion territory preferred in first letter. KXCLl'SIVE TERRITORY. GET BL'SY QUICK.

TOURISTS PRIDE MFC. C0.,O'P' * *  Minneapolis. Minn.



ini' lia- khivr^ an 1 « .r- 'hjt


i- .lull until ih.y'lU.T a PREMIER SHARP-.

ENER. I'i'i pin wint t . :r kti.i.-- <liarp /

laafx wli.v thoro'- a K.c il.-uian.) f.r the/

PREMIER, niat'- why liu-tiins a^entsl

MAKE $25 A DAY \


The PREMIER is something

lun-t.intiy n-i-d.

e-jihes, f.  .

1 liffv. Ken rs

fuiiti.n from «ltf-.


2.V. .-iH\Ti i: loH PhE 1K>/.K_N .NOW.
applying up.-a reeplpt oF £'>} erJers. Ask for It.

200;: PROFIT
V d m. re. Txrry hou-f-
I.r.n,r, / huya gul.'k oenvr.sraiion. i
I Premier Mfg. Co.,
3637 Willis Ave.. Eait. Oslroit. Mich.


Make $ia.00a week and up, selling
ourfinemade-to-measure,all-wool r suits at $31 5>J retail, direct to (
wearer. Biggest values -- positively
sell on sight. Biggest commissions I
I pa.d in advance. We attend to ?
delivery and collections. 6x9 swatch samples--over PX) styles all one price I --furnUhed FREE. IVrtfe at onrf. *
w. z. GIBSON, Inc.
$61 W. Harrison St., OepL -.43 CPiraBS




S tliiiy *`ii'l E


.» a---r''-I

(Uii.jte alu.h'. (no  ..mnir.n pai .t <ir te amel


Heavy weight OollulciJ k-.. ..y in ay.v.rtet

attravtlre ici rs. 1' i-lnU :

I I ·r'llrs.

Heavy weight t(i ki (>j I'..

i). .,;1 san.I-

*xl bef. re fl:.i-liej. le.ivi-g id r'igh eilgr*.

Kr h, a I F' 'Uhl ,<l7*-.l

; 11 · t'. ( `me olf

In I.a! .i:

MOST IMPORTANT Pvr-.'.'J Siijp-Oii H.i He-, he.nv etiiched and pj I ·· 1 :- t;'.. re: i Th.y J. 'i harp m l.e jlipped uVtT *i.e ki. --.r an ''(rm i'l plare. $27 i;o PER GROSS. IN lO-GROSS LOTS.
S-imple Doren. $3.0ii Postage Paid,

m: .'^I'Fci.vLi^ri: hn ove niiAnit

dep. ri*. r-.i^iteJ h!; t' i» n. orderx Jcbbei). wTi'e f.r Q la..' . Pi ire.



222 W. Madison St.,




Per Grets.

FingerNallFi;., $1.75. $2.00. $2.50

C-.urt I'l i*'er ..

... I.SO

"Vloje B 1. ii " Cl. arK-itt<yu. 1.75

S rt fv .;ar Fi: a. 1.50


$135, $1.50, 2.15

r ''''in,p Via ·.

^ , la -rled 2.15

r.rf'iin* \ ii ;. '.-·a. labeled 2.'Q

P.r-il Sl'.iiper.e-i


. l.P Thr- 1 -r

. 1.00

<: 1 r;.e '


. .2.00

.!> I'. ,

. .

$5.25. 7.CO

P ; fie"



It- a II 1. ; ..

- ..


S e I.a. os. B 1. I'.; .


La I'S. H ;.d. r .in


s!.-p La-'es, F T.

_T :


. . 3.00

.« i-^e La^-ei. F i'. I'-.r.-;. lO .


Ita-o'-aU ? -1 ..


.\ i'i'..:.nm I'e ril r-.a^pene! s


^a ' o' .. $1 35. $1 50, $1.75. 2.15

Ii<-pr«it n'. ut AI.w.vYs ep af; cn < i> I> order'.

P agp extii "i ti' Is llr'id .Vo ra'a Oi:. irerd for

p;iie ll't. Pr m;t el.iitce:.;*.


$33 West 15th Street,


Barr Rubber Rroducis Ca

Ask your j .bber fdH "Barr Brand Qual¬ ity Toy Balloonp*' --9 old by dralerp throufhiMt the coim-
try. It your jobber can't supriy you, write us to inform you of a nrirby job¬ ber. S.uDpIes sent oA requrst.

w ^


THE BARR RUBBER PRODUCTS CO., - - Sandusky, Ohio, U. S. A,
Manutactursrs et Hiph.Gradt Toy Balleens and Play-Balls.

MONEY Can « made svllliia this Calf¬ skin Lihk Uelt.
Price, $2.50
Per Dortn.
Sample. 35r.
Or.e-lhlrd cash with order, bal¬ ance C. O. D.




Concession Men, A{ent$, Wanted At Once

California Gold Souvenirs^^

V^f* S' T'e w.'




Send no m 

we will sm 1 v- u i -iP.IJ $v 1 0

rlranil o;>

pppii'a! r..y i-oslm.. .$ftrr rx.inii; a'' n. If niR sj-.-'a t ry. return to u- .1 .d ws» will mj..e refund.

J. G. GREEN CO.. 991 Miwien Street.



ORIEMTAL RUGS T arp high pile

i.n ' IS the tirimtal

.'`i, It Thp gen-

eial api-evanfp it

m o d .e

a !


magnlfirent, the Tarl'-ty of

Leaa- 'ul colors.

T. · -0 R'lrs are not

to bP cmfii-ed with

ihp domca'lc article.

T.ier arp wiwpn thru

to thp back--not

p; :· "J. Size 26x4#


Price, $30 Dol

Send $15.75 for · Samples.
- rted Colors and Dp'I n-
Hall Cash With Quvntity Orders. Full Cash With Sample Assertment Orders.
Write for Catalep ef Rues, Wall Paatls and Tinsel Scarfs.

I. LAN DOWN E CO.. INC.. 404 4th Ave.. New Yerli.

Make $2.S0 an Hour





PRFr-''Sr.R »F'II» quis'k^^Ypry-


wbprp. Thou-^andu in n*p.

/ DJ L\

ED^n nn<i anls'«wom> n cL nnincf

up. ?r*IN on Picht-minuto

^ II cn^trmtion. R -r^oorMo pri***. T ^ j

I 11 40 - rl*'Ar profit for yoii. You IIAm

{ 11 tRkPOnirr* \VedfUv* r.

In \ \

I i If L. !

n WerNlerful New Invention jlj y


porfs- t rr' R.«r in tnoitYcrs

II iRki-R out wrinAl'« Rn>l l>R^y

II . Lne'tH. 1 RNV to UlMs^tRk' A kr'M tllRB R

II r..»nutp. r. 'I.l^ in* > phirU pizp. Kioply

11 ' ·'»«*»**'>· I.<*'»k* rich. Srv.m ''l<>tbp« RnU


l'Ti«r>* BIRD wRuts enr or two,

j || Mehe Big Prefits--Others D«

r I I V

11 J..'k A me. tDkh- $2100 in four hour*,
D K.ndK- ."hl t.-nty-fiv. the brit day. Mary RoN-rte $10.00 in one .r.-

f ^4-. Ding. Other, oa-ing puod ia lull or


apare tim.-. So can jrou.

-- ipw roue »*Tlnri §4 1C

"rite as q-aiek for frao eampU e(fw nad luU


The Gel$«y>iung Co..De|it.l64 G.AJ. CWg.CtrKlnflatl,0.

Gatre side shield ('able Templea Anther LetiurA
DOZ., 92.2$. GROSS. $24.00.

002.. $2 00. GROSS. $20.00. Made ct I't'iluUid.
DepL 12. 17 No. Wabath Av*.. Chleu#.


Iraltaiwn GoM


Hound. Clear While Coa.reX l.r-ses. All BVirahert.

DOZ.. $3.00. GROSS. $35.00.



I wi;i p.iv $1.0<''t>. ;O t.> any party who ean give

tie met. haiidise in es haii.;e -ir a rlan or propo'i-

tl.r wherei'v I can make the largest proftt pu*-

-i e fur ibe

Inve-te,!. I aiu a maau-

fac'urer of la'ies' ip;arel, but the plan, atlieles

iir meichandlse need lu' K' a. mz my llv.e. De

not aend collect teleprams. (' numuni- ale with

MH. l>. C. JAMES. IS W. Lake. Lhiicsgo.

JULY 5. 1024


Thd House That Leads." Start Now!
TTic LiOCk Medallion  inn'll l.ere has piosen

rn ».ry*maKer of all
I* h o t o Mta jllioii?. Tlify se;i fit m $19S ai I ui>--y u m a k p S3 Oo proflt and up Ml o a c Ii ?aie. No trouble in selling 3 to 10 orders a <ljy-

S75.UO TO $135.00 PER WEEK

i.u: Ml 0

Aith tins-thp iviily u-jrriil ptirto-

crapli III the t t»iii;li>.

i-t'HUlif'd pbolu. lal'h


a ;;jj.iidi;tet'd Amen an Cbirk c mt;!n**tl. in i a toy,

but fill liM.est-to-KOtKlue®' usiful ar`i«le tl.a? can t»e

ujed in ai y huiiie or efflie maile fi-m H'.y photo¬ graph. \Ne lea-h j(.u luuv to 'el. Sfi d f'r our i-eiv

catalogue jiut uff tJie pres-, '-ti-

^er P'o differ¬

ent mwtey-^ettera^ Photo M' tulil<ns. I'ioikH. Photo

Medallion Frames. IMuto V' ket Minors. Photo Jew¬

elry and l*hoio lUiti-ns. r--ui -day service and eatls-

faction 4;ua!antce. We are the oldest concern In rha

East--we set the pa* e.


Section BB, 608-614 Gravesend Ave., Brcoklyn, N.Y


The above photopraph was taken at Columbus. 0.. a couple of months ago. and shows the internationally known magician. Howard Thurston, and S. D. YounB, one of the most prominent traveling button salesmen, in a heart-to-heart handshake at Young's stand, then being operated in Columbus. Incidentally, a letter from Mr. Thurston, relative to this pic¬ ture, and dated April 15, to Young, appears in the reading matters of tho Pipes section.

We will sell you this $15.00 Vending Machine for the next thirty days for only $4.00 F.O.B. Nashville, Tenn.

It vetidx tsn flayers nf gum ·ind 'nil vet'll .any standard penny «tirk I qum laill work y.itistaitnnly either m aide or outside It i$ beau tituMy dernrated. rarryinq pl.ite.gtase mirror r in x I" in. Each marbine is ·.en arately p.srkrd in a strrne v. Odra tfx; ran bn ihippi.-t rither ly exp-ets ae P.irr,! past Sind I heck or po<t rffi'e money order lor $100 viith shlppinq invtrurtien' and ;rt one of these $15.6': machines.


-· - ·

We ,jiltlc rx ' btitt tuHit

t'i Gum. ;'j k. I lO'i j t y

' ^

^slickj to Hie bex, t! at 'III


n'tk I't'ficrlv aii,i ar -uratelv

Size, `2S Inches j,, .;i, machine at 30c

hUho S Inch 0 3



w^isd^e,mlrro®r CxlO Ciii

any *iik;UM -·( <ium

215 Second Ave., N., Nashville, Tennessee


you're merely "blue''. So nut the blame on ] Adam, get some consolation in believing you're not exactly the canse of the "whole works"

and take a fresh start--at the work.

(Oontinned from pace H-O)

and llmali.T. and then his fi'-t f.iir will be State K.iir .at Minnc.s|>ol'.s. .after whu h lie ^avs it wil' 'ic him to lial.a-. Tex., and head to I.os .Vngt'les for the 'v nt* r. 1 would '.ii'- pipes front I'rank Mansheld. I>o.- G. W. Un-'ill. Doc Marshall and cthcis. .Icii.t .s.a.v- Howdy'!"

la's Godwin wrote, in i>art, from Mad -onville. Tex ; "Dee Holt's Whit-o-Lax M' dieine^ Gonipaii.v is 'uiakiiig' Sonthi B-t r, xa-. We are Iiaving fine weather, big crowd- and li'i.s'nc-s is 1 xtrn giiod. Wi* hav. a g,""! show tind with rotigi nial people--ju-t 'one h g family' Plie ro-tcr cnmpnscs llarv y -n iw. cum . mysi If,

»1 II intlt. They muld not got finer " lU . they raid S.'i.OO; then again, no sign painter could give
them a9 nice a jot) a^. you eoui.l dn "ithiiu' ex¬

..mi'dy; 'Irs. G.i.lw n. 'bUie- -iuger;
·Vhont twice ea h yc::ir. dining t'ne p.sst .1. O. (Htiddy I ' ll.irris -tr.i'gh'-; Ilapi,) da-k several year.s. P. !! has meet.tiened ;n P.p, s that KhletT. dancer; |iis- H .It. do pg tlo t ilk;ng

perience In 15 minutes. You can sell to individ¬ ual auto o'ltiers. or you can sell to garages and
supply stores complete display outfits, like the one lllustraled. at big profits.
400 Transfer Monogram l.c;ier9 in three of our mot poi'iilar styles, with eight Borders to mat.h and complete working outfit only J5.00. Send
money order or rertlfled cluck. Outfits sent C. O. I>. on rei'clpt of $1 deposit,

World IVIonogram Co.. Inc.

Dept. I.


S50.00 A DAY

he c.annof grant re.|n,-t.s iriim the bo.v.s and girls to |tttii:-li that theey want letter- from others, g.'iiig addre'-es---wit it tlie exception that it i.s it h'ltia fide <ease of dire need of assistanee. cr in ea-e- of Ml kiiess. d' ath', etc. Doubtless, jndg tig fr"m -ttch recpifsts being received fn'in litre t.i i 'me. ipiii.' a few of the folks have ov. riooked reading the niimeroits
notifieations alnt.g li.a' I ne. The ord-r given. covering the mafer, wa1- h. · ati-e el a very good and log:, al r, .i-enI. We can a-k for certain o; (s m S'-id ` p I>1i"'' on tht m'elve.s and where the.v an' loeated. etc., hnr we lannnt ask them to write others' to a Riven addriss--
except as atiove specified.

We have a Tid-hot' iar* b.ind al-o. and -hool' the natives plenty of inlt-ic. Iw.) ntore people are to join next w "k. I'.verylhing points to a long and prosperous sea-un. Nava-et;! is the U''t si.ind and Doc Holt is de-irvIng of 'r. .I f for oi'i'ii ng another town that had been elo-'d. and for wearing the -.ime ntitiral `smile' that has gained for him many fn, nd- '
Who -lioitld bob np in Giney last week Imt Hi X Ilvan-, one of th* best known -nbs. rlptionist- of the Genfral Si.ite- anil the K.i i II,x h:id Just i-nme itp from New (trlean- He w · fronted up" like a 'million". P ii a-ke.i him if the (ogs comprised lii- eojnplet. w irdretie.

THE DESERT miRUCLE PLANTS Sell these wonderful Plant, of the Desert, er.niinonly called "LIV¬ ING H-iCK". a.s they resemble carreil rock

There are times when; .\ pii'ir is "blue". rich man gets ··blue"; III summer one's ··blue'' In M nter. "blue'', too--
Whieh rein nds Hill of a stirry oiu > li.M h m: .\ .MUItigstir was CllOpp ' g V eeil  s mother'.- stove and with eery -troke of the a\ he would impressi \ ely exilaim: .tdam's

;i' d he "Hiickly came hiek with the ,that iiniip often he ilso wears a hea'v ·'e.iK. tn ·O'er np a multitude of s'ns." md an extrtIte.i' v iind'r-ltirt and .iersey -ilk eon'r.i-t lu neith it fer tlie benefit of a few past |,n  ker--- wl.ite'er he meant by that. .'»i!d le i- thru w-tli paper and wa- Nmnd fnr Pittsburg. I'a., ·It 1 mpany w ith Itae Walke and Ilel. n .sitarke. to the i-a-l of a tab -how. S.iy-: "ta'fR l.a'e pipe, froiii .Liek I'arf0gtIP. 'Jigs' Norton,

until .lift, ,'lun .a dait.ty bl'cs-m si.r.ngs fr.un "be center. Grows In limestone ledges In Wesnis. Texas Low PKH KS TO .\GENTS.
Sample and Illus¬ trated Catalogue of Desert Plants lor 25c, postage.

elf'iil'' .V friendly ii. igtibor jia-- tig by I... ime interested in the iinnsual oe.urrme and. after watchirg a while, asked; ·'What are yon -ayiiig that for, David?'' "(111. If hadn't tieiii the nut to eat that apple I wouldn't have to do all tilts hard work, and I'm telling the world I realize, too!" replied David.
.<0 it sums up to this: If you get to feeling sort of '·logy" ("tired''l

< 'l l .\r liiliald and 'Pom'v.i.v '' li'ans -ays he liiard an ' nl.l gag" sprung on the level at a iiiwn in 5rs'lsslppi rpeently. He a-ked a yiiimg itafi'e wh.v the depot w.a- so far from the fewn. and the latter replied that he didn't exa, 'ly know, hut he had heard his grandf.ith-r say it was done to have It nearer the railroad.

and pir'^urhed because conditions require you to

Ni'tfg from the Hluc Ridge Show (sent June

GANUTILLO CURIO CO., Canutillo, Texas work, regardless of your different inclination -- `-'.'t--too late for last Issue): Tlie show, with

Make $20.00 a Day

SeV'fg t h ,




' ' '.'41 -'xlVi ^

Self. Thrradinq NEEDLES

^ ' ''iW
j.' 'jl

'^1 ''' V" L" 




ilOO Parkaqesi l.nOO Needle'

needle books

No 105--EVair f'.snela tnd f' D 'iVf


wiiiet. cress .

No. 104 .'ime as il-ne. 'vlth 'hr,e»lfk rsA

fetds Gross


R-Inrh Household Sensors.



« O OC 'v `'·`·s'

Pocket Katvet.

J 3 QQ

Doten. up fram

.. . ^

S'issors 1 T,'e .i/e- ')

y ,'ase.

Gtit hui.Urs Inu,'>rted t'-.e .

7^ · .rv

i'S- -it "Ith all orders







I J-

BLACK, brown. GREY


Limited amount on hand


Dcimall 011 all e.rdera. Iml. ahlisred G. O D

705 Fifth Avenue. Dept. 117,

relltilold Tops (nainte'l) for La- ']],

^ $3.00 Gross

AND UPWARDS. Mai.ufacturers. write fur EampU^


-c 416 Marcy Ave., Brooklyn, H. Y.

From $2.75 per Hundred up. j".'! d-pie'it. balance ;

C. O D Onli-rs

I hi.ip it... i.cflv,.,l.



General P. 0.. Box 467.

New York City.


5'OtJ can l)« your o-ati bole





Illll'illllililllllllill iaG2

Only .tmher slock guaranteed acalnd all elemctits of
the la eat her. Per Grass.
Dressing Combs, No. 1260, All Coarse. 7'/,xl% $24.00 Dressing Combs, No. 1261. Coarse and Fine. 7'/a
xi'i . 24 00 Porket Combs. No. 1264. C. & F. 4%xl. 7.80 Leatheroid Slides, Extra . 1.50 Barber Combs. No. 1262. C. & F. B'aXi . 15.60 Large Fine Combs. No. 1266. 4x2 in. 30.00 Fine Combs. Ne. 1267. S'aXitk in . 15 00
$1.(111 fur fi',' i)r,'imll -latMiileti of the aliore iium`,ra IVr .|.;..-iit. Iwlam'e (' O. 1).

Pifhlng T u^He and S;,rlln< G--1- Only the !,» '

at luwent I,tires. Ott,' ,eiil fur a i«,ftal t,*la). <$illars

Itnifll a

li'.iii t.- ay



UNITED COMB CO., 475 Broadway, New York

Fnqrmaus Ready Stock To Draw From.

NUMUfKiU BALL GUM OUK SPECIALTY J,ii,iH,fi write l,ir our la)" I'll.v.



203 Chuteh Street.


' atnee of. pocket key check,.
icir name aid a/idrets. ioc. PEASE DIE WORKS. Dept. D. Winrheeter. N. H


larcp 'laily :r

Wjif'e«I -n «vt'rv ·.midIha:


Wntf f «

e .ir.d f'"e .'T-i;-''

Wi I'lW I.40ck. hi;; repratcr.

Stick-On Window Lock Co.. IB-22 Hudson St., N. Y. C.



150°, to 300% Profit lor You.
4will HOlO
I »CtfiKiV%


The BVEU-IN KETl'IlSE is far auperinr to the oM style two-

flap key case because It holds InrgeT keys, yet It Is SM.VJX

E.\Ot'On TO HE CARllIEU IN THE \ IMT HOt'KET 4*11 Ij$-

DIES' II.VNDHAG. It is raxy to stta -h ai.d Iske off keys. Keys 'snnot get lost or tear h,,,, < in the [aKkct Made of (he Ix-st

leather in twu sluts, to h,>ll six and twelre key t I's'-kr,! In at-

iractlre fancy yaficr l'<ii,'s Write far partletiljr

,1 am¬

ple. 35c; large, $0t. M'ney bi, k guars'.n r

-- -

tm H Avenue N, BROOKLYN, N Y. irt,::,Vri-kMB


"TAKE me HOME PACKAGE" ..mlaliia mfr.'hin,li"

vsMird s' f i CO. and . ll. In.:,dll' at I iMtr.iii I"!''''

$I.5U. S*'n,l f,0r f r t.fiipir i-i.-a.r f..U' at»,i pri''')

53 In Iiusnllty liH, .V $ .-T \ IH lItVDISG

i'O .

Eii.t Du'I'I'MI t-tr,'*. N-w $ - rk


I'l 00 p«`p too. Sampir, prp`pat<). lOc HP^MALTY (H).. .115 H. llriMilway. Hi. laOuU. Mo.


CIGARETTE HOLDER WITH EJECTOR I.a'nt no»f'ty Kim* t.ilrr I,t || arntr ia rMii'-'i'l Iv iris-iurf f ft ,· r. :> (,;ir 1-  - Irr.n ii I ma.Ie of

<;a a;.ih. In llv*

rt. »l'h -^Uvi-r li.lalil. Mwn'rd <« < drzi-ii o:i a caul. One Single Greft, JI0.50;

5-Gros» L»ti. $9 50. SAMPLE. 25c.




a picture ehoTcIni; Ilnuaril

>n. Ill- eminent matficlaii, i'n.'iiiirai;in.:ly

: iini.iN 'Mill S. I>. 5 oiiDtf. the p'orninent

-.ile'inan. In reprodui-iil. In connection

Me. Tlinr'iiin «rcic Yotinic a letter

· :n'>»l liik'lil.v prized hy the latter and tc i.f It an hiit iiui.e tine to remark:

.1 Man'* a Man", which appellation

I eh iiKs to Thur-ton. .\ copy of It

W .n 1 ifiirtd shakln,; hand* with you I » 1- ri Ill nd> d i f the follnwinit fact; ThI* la Pic -aim- .iNit where the old t'lty Mall ti'cd to .'f. l 1. r.'lunihu'. O., whe e I *aw Herrmann
n 1 u .i' M ien year* old. and I determined  t ih.if time to tu-c.iiiie a magician.
M t.. n 1 wa> nini feen year- old I started niy pri fe«-loiial career by set tine a quarter feni my in Itetroit. .Mich., and civlne my i:f't per'ermance. makine a 'hleh pitch' on a -..i|t y 111 the little town of Wjandotte, Mh-h.
'111 the old «oap ti. X day* of thirty live T. ar- aeo to the moilcrn i lec int equipin d ms 'i ne as -hown in this picture la come

1 life ha* lieen eood to me, hoth in the u.iy if health and finance, and my friend Mr.
ieat:*.' ha- reached the pinnaele of a «treef *ale«. ii^iti and 1- a yearly «alary equii to Mlist II'. d to he the salary of the Iftesident of the I niteil .'ftale-.
 It - Jii-t a qiie-tion of earne-t apidiration l». hi'd hy ntell:i;< III e that iMn make a man
I ' i In hi- priife**lon, whether he I* aelline |. 'ati, p. i-l. r» on a -oaplinx. eollar button*
from a li.,:b-i>owcr(`d car or I'iflh avenue real

tni-i itie-e icw' remark* will give some riei-mcnt aod help elevate the street salesto a dignified profe-sion.


The Billboard receives many com* plaints from managers and Others fgamst performers and others. It pub¬ lishes below a list of such complaints, with the name and address of the com¬ plaining party, so that persons having a legitimate interest in the matter may make further inquiries from the com¬ plainants if they desire.
The publication of the list does not imply that the complaint is well founded, and The Billboard assumes no responsibility for such information as

.$\n:!tso\. CHAS. and WIFi:. vaude. artlitea, limipla n.xiit, Fred A. .'*liii k.
ilgr.. Nu Tone Medicine Company, <· iiiuiiva, la.
'Fit. Bi'BEBT. pirfiirmer. iplalnaiit, Fnd .\. stock, gr.. Nil Tone Medb lii'- (>>mpaDy, Ottumwa, la.

itl Ihiptr Mfii who are cl**:in worker.s an«l can furni.«h references, of inlerest to Fruit and Vegetable Growers. New and most ati niakfiip. Also anotht r f<>r cttinbination. lain ral irroiio.sition;

rvice. Write


CIRCULATION MANAGER, Box 2711, Tampa. Florida.

Center Bnlldinp. It I* planned that the office* win lie taken by Nii.kins. ticket and theater supply concern* and by cen-or*. .\ large reliear-al hall will lecupy the entire top floor.
"This development is to he made early next tear by the Kmpire Proiiertleg Co., of which Mr. Manlo im 1- president ami treasurer; B. II. Todd, V ce-pre-ident; Harold U. Burton, aecn tary, with I'. I» Kenoug. Harry Small and Harry Kohn as the remaining directors.
"The land front- KH fe -t on E. Oth street and ·-'"II on I'Kilivar road. The theater will cover the entire depth with entrance from E. '.tth street. The otliee huilding will cover the E. Pth street frontage to a d' pth of sixty feet. Ttw' development has been ib-igni-d by Morris Jt We nberg, archUects, r.mpie Court Building"



New York. June S'l.--Louis Bedelsheimer,

specializing in placing performers in Mutual

Has Thirty*Seven Houses and Thirty' Four Shows Now Booked

Circuit slows, reports engagements us follows: ·Tat White's Irish Daisies" Company, Helen
Bnssel, prima donna; Violet Baron, ingenue;

New York. Jul.v `JT.--When seen at noon tod.iy I. H. Merk. presid, ut and g.-neral manager of the Mutual Burbsqae .\s-oclation. said t at
was highly elated at the success he and his asMveiat, * have had in Nioking li"U- « an'l show*, and t at at the pre-ent time they have th rty-»Tpn bouses and thirty.four shows booked for the coming season, whoh will have it* preliminary opening at>out .\ugu-t IS, with the rcgi lar season's opi-nhig set for Labor Da.v.
Since oiir la-t list of bouses and fraiic'.iises XVa* piihli-h,s1 some tliri*e weeks ago there has ben a change in route that eliminates Blnghunium, N. Y., which ha* been replac'd t>y Geneva for Monday. Elmira for Tuesday. Oswego for Wednesday, and Schenectady for Thursday.

Lou Devine, comic. ·Hello Jake Girls", Frances Ryer, prima
donna. "UuiJon Gayety Girls", Madeline Bice,
sov.brct. · Wh.x Bang Girls". May Jesen. Ingenue. ' Liw Kelly's Show", Cress Hillary, char-
acters; Mary Lane, ingenue. i.eorgia IVaches", Minnie Rudd Harri-on;
Ernie Mack, comic; Fay Shirley, prima donna: Forte and Rogers, straight-ingenue; Barkham and Wagner, comic and soubret.
"Sam Raymond's Maids of Merry Lands", Miss Vale-ca. prima donna: Fairclough and M Evoy, straight and specialty; Dan Evans, characters; Jules Jacobs, comic.

Friday and Saturday. This Is the week between Kvicbester and Scranton.
There have been additional franchises granted


to IzzT Welngarien, Al Somerly and Lon

Reals, wtth three more franchises to bi-

grant'd as won a* arrangements are completed

with the pro*i'ectlye producers.

at the Playhouse. 1`assalc. N. J. Mutt Kolb

Charles I'>anklyn snd the railway traffic moved his company from the Majestic Ti.eater,

agents are now at work on the route sheet Scranton. Pa., into the Playhouse, Pass.iic.

and expect to have it fully completed in


lime for our m xt issue, when we will give a Morris & Bernard have signed up what they

tabulated 1 st of cities, theaters, franc! Ise evuisidcr a great nnd in soubrets by the single

ois'taior*. title of shows and stars. The Mu- name of ".Termaln" for their next season's

tual-Washington, Inc.; I. II. Herk, David Kia'is ` Step Along" Mutual Circuit skoxv.

ami E. Tho*. Betty will control the Cosmos


Tt»-atcr.' Washington. D._ C_. Sidman and Bedini Appreciative

Howard i Hirshw, managers of the Gaye.ty g,,,| Bijou theaters. Philadelpl.ia, llkewi-e

Boston, Ma--.. June JT.--Dave SiJman an'l · French Frolics ', a Mutual Cirvuit show, have

General manager of the Circo Modelo, the largest resident cirrus in Mexico. Mr. Gruber, a former widely known American ahowman, has been for a number of years in the country south of the Rm Grande, and has had a busy time escaping annihilation at the hands of the revolutionists. He still makes hia stands on time--when he can. And Max doesn't know what the word quit means.
After playing to a Idonmer at Xewburg. N. Y., Jack Singer transferred his la'W Kelly Show to the Broadway Theater, lamg Branch, X. J., for Friday and Saturday evening, June J7-Js, and in all probability will also play .Vsbury Bark. Jimmy Franks la the agent In advance of the sIjow.
W. Manheim of Cleveland baa signed nr Vivian La Vardo as a souhret for three year*. Thus again is our prediction contirmed. for when we saw thia dn-aray-eyed doll In the churns we predicted that if she bad the talent and ability to back up her pleasing personality some enterprising manager would make b r a souhret.
.\ftcr debating with herself over aeveral Imrutlve offers Kitty Madison, last sca-..n soubret In Frod Clark's "la-t'a Go" Oolumbia Burlesqne show, has reached the decision to accept the offer of Rut>e Bernstein, and Kitty, with all her brunet b«`ant.T, talent and ability, will be seen in Rube's Columbia Burlesque show next season.
The Minsky Brothers closed their stock season for u summer la.voff of company and renovation of their National Winter Garden at S. cond avenue and Uoii-ton street. New York city, June l'<. Bay Paiiie, straight man. goes to I'liilaJelphia to visit n latives. Rilly Wallai-e, comic, gvs s into the Bijou Stock for

Seed for Itpecizl


Prirr* In


·oactlty v«..

' % ilriotlt for r n n. order*.

T KOBAVASHI A ro.. 208 N. Wabaah Av..Chleafe

r.i'st National Dimo Keceipts.
139 N. Clark Street. CHICAGO. ILL.
Vtirk a hiK eVniorionn Laibor NVwsI'll't'r at Fairs, Cities, R. F. D., unyIV hero In U. S. WRIGHT, Box 284, Battle Creek, Mich.

VDIAM -'Ll' l*-*urs; *1*.) tlerman. S-'vlet. xniMn M ^, .4,1, ,.c: BONDS AND COINS, trian t o > i OMPl-ETE \VHOLl>At.H M c- N PUICE I l*r FUEE POSITIXT " " I.Y 1.0\\»T PlllCES and Be-t
IICNCAID \N D'li-Kr. non i e* $l 45 DAVID WEISSl 1115 Lamar. Mrmphia. Tcaa
AGENTS--200®e PROFIT -ijlliig the marvelous Dol¬ lar Ma-Iiii Beater fia ji''. M  nee ej ot all kitchen ti;r;'*i:*. Saiu-te. IV S>i..i f. t circular. HE.VDLEYWIM.IAMS Ct*. -Jll Keal EsUte Biag.. Rlchinocd. ' Irginla.


VJU¥4*luOOr V61CDrsiiionsO


thp bll^ine>lj intpri>KtK that ^uarantrpd ihr riIn-iiHP tlian pviT bt'fore. In the tiu'atrrii biisiiiPHB is siifriTliig ihp regular KUmniPr fnlling off iiikI only at night are they getting eapaeitv innvds In -oine lln'illers. Vaiidevlllp and tin' -took rompanles are drawing well, and business III general in an amusement way Is fair and g.Mid. rommer^'ially it U nut showing the iisiial a< tlvlty.

Bazaars, Street Fairs, Block Parties, Parades, Pageants, Mardi Gras, Trade Sales and Old-Home Weeks, Commercial and Amusement Expositions, Advertising Weeks, Fiestas, Fireworks Spectacles, Holiday Jubilees, Harvest Home Festivals, Society Circuses, Campus Fetes. Conventions, Aquatic Fetes, Business Booster Weeks, Powwows, Jollification Weeks, Fun Fests, Labor Day Events, Patriotic Weeks, Stadium

I.iicy Fox. who arrived recently in Hollywood to work In Tom Mix iilctiires. came forth the I'list week aniioimcing her engagement to marry .lilies Foreman, a New York silk lnii>opter. The event will take place the coming full.

Shows, Field Days, Baby Shows, Electrical Shows and Displays, Church Fairs, Agricultural Street Shows, Historical Pageants, Barbecue Days.

Y The American Home Welfare Kxbibit Asso0 eiatiun will conduct the first annual lireat

__- ,


\ I'acltic Prosperity Pageant and Industrial Trades' Fxitosillou In 1.0S Angeles, tx'ginnlng Septemlier This will be held in new buildings, whleh will be ereeled on the Foy property at Wash-


Salina. Kan.. June JS.--T.ively iuterp-t is be-

iiig Hhown ill the .shrine .Iiihilee to he staged at

Kenw'Mid Park July I-."*. X. Sellars has charge

and is advertising the event extensively. The

··ntertaliiiiieiit featiire.s are to take jilaep on

three stages and ill two rings.


the opening night there will he a luililie wed-

ding jiree..,! ng whieh will he a eoneert li.v the

Shrine Ihnid and a icitrol iiarade .\ fireworks

speetaele is i.mioiiue. d for Tliursd.iv. Friday

and Saturday nights and dayliglit lireworks Fri-

day afternoon. 'I'here will :il--o he a musieal

girl revue, witli a ehaiige of program nightly.

Among the acts to particiiiale are the Tv.'eiitieth

Cenlury lllohe Trotlers. Fl.viiig Miller Troupe, Thornton Sisters, Sliepp's Cninedy Cireii-. the


Mattoon. HI.. June 29.--H(tne of features nof tih,,e. MatftOvin IHlilssttorieal pageant. July H3-0.'i.. inelusive., w;ill bhe an exhibition of maechiniiee--gguliin
warfare h.v a eompan.v of men who saw servic
the world war.'
Parrttiieeit|i>iation in Flag Pay exercises will be by wiinnddow display at pageantry heailquarters. wl!iieenn there will be shown historic flags, ip>iicc-
tiirreess ooff LL nneeoollnn aanndd O lirraanntt aanndd ii«.oossssiill,)llyy aa ssttaanndd
of eolors of the allies during the world war.




* Astoria. Ore.. June 27--Keen ' interest is lie-
*'ig sliown hy loi al residents in preparations

All trvDACi-riAM


-- -- Tulsa, ttk., June 20.--Men have been put on ilipp Job to transform tlise seven-aere iraet in the northeastern part of Tulsa, formerly owned liy I'rairie nil and Has Ci>m|iany. into a show plai-e for the seeoiid annual Inlernatioiial I'etroieiim KxiHisition and Congress to tw held in OetolMT. ' K. KF. Meellnnft;.ire. general manager of
the exposition, says the biiidings will be completed before August 1.


CCaannttoonn.. NN.. Y.. JJuunnee 22'..>--.-- A bbiigg Froouurrtthh ooff July ecelelbiration will be held here on the fair grounds, with athletic events, a baschall game. iior^e racing and otlier features. James rollins.
who has eliarge of the racing program, has ar-

lugton aiid Vermont. The affair will be elaborate in its anrroundlngs, with lakes and

other ptetureaiiue environments. Frank Cox Is president and general manager. L. L. Rurns it
^j,resident, James tiysin at-s-retapy and treag-


Franklin assistant secretary



One of the sueoesaes of this city bai been the comedy. "White Oillars", which la enter-
l,,g its twenty-second week at the Egan Thea-
ter. Edith Ellis has made some changes in tbe
ddiiaalloogg and^_

A baby camel was born during the past week at the S-Ilg Zoo. It weiglied tw.nty |s>und8, and mother and baby are in spl.-ndid

Ilelen I'.aeli Trio, Sankers and S.vlvers, aeroIiats; Harry Sykes and Compnny, eyelists. and thp LaKole Trio. Streids are being decorated and esiM'dally equipped with ligliting effeets
for the five days and nights of frolic.

f' r the "New .\storia Celebnit on' . to lie

staged July

ineliisive. Pageanf--. parades,

aililetie eonte-ts on land and water, dam-es.

band eoneerts ainl fireworks displays are planned.

Preparations will be made to take visitors to

many points of historical interest about the

ranged two named events and a farmer's raee. ipiip Ogdeiisbiirg City Hand will play during jpg afternoon,


Venice Pier Ocean Park Pier Santa Monica Pier

Pes Moines. la.. June 28.--Committees have



hei-ii ehosen to arrange details for a fall style show to he staged similar to the spring fashion
show here recentl.v The opening' date of the festival Will lie SepfemlMT 19 the tinva iling of vvindovv-s parade band eoneerts and


anr"aVnrd'?v *witl''mb" f*^'alur('^

^ T. * ,'


The Illinois Chamber of Commerce is plan¬

ning to stage a "lirown or Made in Illinois"

(e"'.xvX hmhipe-ibha.i.'gi,,t;"o.. a,,rPtietotbheer,


EFxxp.oZsittiion Palace, ceotton from Alleexx¬-

ander and Im'liulasskkvy ccoonunnHtieess wwiillll hbee among the

pITr"o'ddiiUu'-ttss'oonn'ddi'issppllaayy..*^"Iitt"Viss''oesst'c:mmaatt<^dd that more tt*h''a"n'" lHl..OOi'VO aocrecs of ceotton are under cullttiivvaa¬-


Loew State Bldg.. Lot Angelct



I Long Beach Pitr Reddosndos Besach Seal Beacrh I

" I.os Angeles, June 2'-'.--The past week's big




Tr.tir'n'^ !· '01^ ii"I'lt M«!nnym,t' f ne iTh s'l'n-e't Srr!dge"\rrb::;i;g"nrTM^^^^ The fe"ti-
val is to be sponsored by tlie Retail Merchants'

tion *th**i*s* 1y*'e®a**r'' *in" fS*o<'uHt*hhePrrnn Illinois.

event was the annual Kiddies' Flovv. r Parade. J*"'** on the beach of (M ean Park and Venice

The affair this year eelipsed all previous ones


J'**TM*'*`®_"''** ,**)*" elabor.ite duoratmns

| D

 I C ^

Bureau of the Chamber of Commerce.

I'ort Orford. Ore., June 29.--Plans are be- o' »be floats. The civic prize, whleh was th'-

ing formulated whereb.v prejiarations for the largest, was won by Pasadena, Calif., wliich


WWte Cedar Carnival to have been held here rightly deserved it as in floral parades and LarCC aSSOrtlUBnt tO SelCCt frOHl.


next fall may be abandoned, and the local decorations it has long excelled The affair


I, * I





Cliamber of Commerce may devote its energies drew a crowd of forty to fifty thousand .-MSO haVC OnC-SneOt LiltnOS lOF

Chicago. June M.--Iromoters of tbe Chicago to promoting a reunion of Southwestern Oregon p,,ople. and the parade had as many an Ton |i,- CU-Sr»a»si«

rilr« Panlo

Carnival and Industrial Evrosiuon are busy pioneers at Port Orford. August 14. l.v and It), entries. The day was dark with fog and cool

on comprel.ensive plans for
inent, which will be held

their entertain-
.\ugust 30 to

JTOO O O.^.BBrsSS^EEi-RRrsV VwEE,- 5r5n00-TTreHHv


*Ittnhh"ee«at'wwtmnlhooioossllppeehh,. eerryyeeee,,tt wwiihtthi<itpphhrroohhvvaaeedddd bbiinnuucctt oonnssvvlliieeggnnhhiitteenneett fffftteeoocctt tthhoonnee

SnrinerS, C.IKS, tagie,

MOOSC. K. Of P. and W00d»

* .



day and n ght TIm- entertain-

- -

ppaarraaddeerrss.. wwhhoo wweerree iinn ggaarrm meennttss aanndd ccoovveerriinnggss

VTian Of tilC WOrlO*

ment mil he held on the North Shore I olo Sceottdilale. Pa.. June 2299._--SSccoottffddaa'le will oele- l*it for warm sunshine. It Ilas safe to say tliat


l'\eeurvVs^o"\V* underta\"ing^an^^

iirate the fiftietli anniversary of its founding next y.yeeaar will be even greater still, as the

U·1mlle..v,, duiirrfieiituorr:, Rivaay. mmounudu Tul.. .iiiuiii. ra^i'-torney; L. Peters, general manager; K. timer


4. -AV night,


ffaeeniaidttuurrfeeissre,. works



enthusia-m vwviitthli wvvhliiieeh Omle-, entries came in was more encouraging to the promoters and


r IvVyivlI 1\»


tValsb, secietary-treasiirer. and J. E. Doekert. of the rioleee & Shepl.erd Stone Compnny.l will
__.Dales, Banners, Heralds l>e consulting engineer.


I 1PUubDliicciitty IMMiasinn W Wsainttcecdi prices right. Santa Barbara. Calif.. June 29--Si'ini-li


1 Festival, remindful of tiie olden day- when

nightly strumming on giiitiirs and singing of old Spanish love songs from vv luiow to window zi5

W H H niiiigpgg-nhhh nppooonw w w weeeprrrr,,, lliivvee w wiirree,, w wiitthh pplleennttyy eexxppeerriieennccee,, ppeerrssoonnaalliittyy..

« jUP nni]||| nCnU I 17110 TH

of the homes of tlie city were ;n vogue, will be is> staged here Aiigii-t II. .til committeemen are

SSiiXx w weeeekkss'' eeineragement, perhaps longer, in connection with

Zs jnr [Ji|NQI IJ\nN Ml nil 1.1]

I out in colorful Spanl-h attire and the greetings 24
on the streets are all in Spanish, so far as accosting by given names is cone.-rned, ."-panis.i Zi

A »




a aaa* i


hewport, Kentucky.

sashes are to be worn by re-idents from now until the elo-e of the earuival.


In one of the large cities.



| Z

Write quuiiick, experience, references, salary expected.


Carthage. N Y . .Tune 2"--It is annoime.-d that more than flft.v evliil) 'or- have coiitrn-led for -pace ill tile -eioiiil annual Hreater Cartilage EiiMj-ition. to be h'dil July 21 29. .VII iudiea tkiiis point 'o tie sliow being mneh larger tlian that of last yar. a>- onling to i liailes J .Milvo. wlio vva- in eiiarge of tin- lirst exi>ositien and is st.agiog this year's nffa r under aii-lee. s of the f'lianiber of Comnien,'. He has arranged II fine program. All rhurelies luive he.-n In¬ vited to liiive evhlliil- in tlie eivie liiKitlis and all the grangis Ja tlie agrii-nltnral ImmiIIi. the
latter in el.nrge of K. A Slnin. nd.

J4Z9 A Addddrreessss BBOOXX D0D---2c2007, care Billboard,



Cincinnati, Ohio. V





* J



For OouUr Annual Pumpkin Show, week August 25.
U Unnddeerr ddiirreeccttiioonn Oof Putn im Amusomont As.sociaf ion, Zanesville, Ohio. Adili'V's-. S. T. PRICE, Secretary.

^rww^ r\ A
O/t/O oa ys^ Bapb^ouc
Tv liA htld St WiiTihii litiin. Mn.. .Auginl 7. 9. !*. la the rity I'jrk. All kliidi of ShOA* slid roncrivlon* MziitH. WOUTIIlNCTON' IIAIIBJXH B 00.. U. C. (in.ii, S'-iriunr.

Port.ige, Wis.. .Time 2s.--Woik on t e am: id

tlieater. le-ing erec ti-d tor tlie W - .ns.n itniind

up and Itodi o program of July 1 and i- niio it

eoiilldeled T. e eeatlng eapaeily w II Im- 11 -

OMO and the a-ena will in- I'iH y.,rds wide and

.'am yards long

<'o\vboy~ wdl loin.'le for

iiODors to be iTe.senred iiniier the directinii i-f f'ol. De Haven, who i- bring i g ·outlaw '

l.orses and iong-horn steers e-peeia'lv for this eient. The 1`ortage Ameriian le-gioii Post Is

sponsoring the affair.


"r.gon Ci'v. (Ire. .Inii,' L's--.\ tyt'i day eele-

biatioD will be held at tie- C'laikaina' ('yiiii'l.v

 I I grioind- it I'.in'oy. .Inlv )

l.v i:ver< tfe

Wilson, of IP-ay.T ( reek, who had eliarge of the loiiniliip at .Molal a for I'e pa t t.vo v.-ars I ore wil! I.e liiiehmg liionelo'. iiinning ami

t Ilf ng if r- a:.<l oilier evelils .Mai.y well knovMi ridels will '.artieijiate. iii.luding llllle

(I'lMiru. will, won ei ond pl.n e In the Inn k rig

horse events at il.i. i'. ndleton rioiindiip last

C. A. .Stelle. eiiairman of a eomin It. . ,,f jue tTc-pport (lll.l post of the Aineriean l.egion, plans to -tage a roundup or h-.rse show early next lall to raise funds for the organiza¬ tion.


M L lU YI||Jii


I m||%

FFR R' EEDONIA. N. Y., AUGUST 18, 19, 20. 21. FFour Big Days and Four Big Nights.

^Aldl aRmidi es<jac ntdi Li-gitimnie r'diico-.-hins open ·KNOUPrPr' &&. PKAAU ULL., 3Ot5> W V ater Street, Fredonia, N, Y.

Write or wire Telephone 229-J.

. -
TI thiliarlteen11 t(h Annual Home-Coming
AUGUST 28, 29, 30, 1924.
lRiiiggggefsstt C Ccellfelbjlr'aattiioonn 1i1n Oliio. We want Free A< ts, Ride.s. Concessions.
Address HF . H. HEILMAN, Secretary, Hoytville, Ohio

¥* T'TX ¥ ¥^

RED LION. PA AUGUST I&, 18, 19. 20, 21. 22. 23. NIGHTLY.

n'nW WvooiA'wlV iIN'dJiV jTsi SsS*aiBn'q*dUI"acLiynoeuxS. h*s.L®<efo)t`f;r\jtH",Im"«'a(;l.^mgt'"num'lui9.cut'V 4®iieyyotfI.»tciAe.hmvW.i<ji'il.j,tn.e)i

ra-t jus of nu'.y; tuii,i Ita -i-a'e

all klnUa. give lioiitl.


WTieel* rxily >»nr

can t.liy > \*« .tamiM U>

.. n« nv

R. M. SPANGLER, Secretary.


Trombone Player and Orummer
ll-«»M>tlv <1l#< :r(! fn'in I* H. .Aniiy lUnA. tli^x frx eiiKAateiuftiL >Kitli ClrcuA or ('(int'crt Haml. Ki*lit )r4r'' «\lN-r|rnrf vtitli jitiiiy «n<l otloT g" mI bamlt. itithg M4r. A. W. SIMONKY', ILix 5!6, ruirer^HI )*4rk. lu^a.
d'aniivgi Cumoany for William* flrnre Picnic. Augui^ '2*i. 27, .'M tri'l 29. (·tmniunli'ate C. A. M.IRKLKY. William# Grove. Pa

North Baltimore

W'WTX rri-r# uii # frw

\rl4 atxl Kid;' ^

titrir lltnejt dVlftnaiinn. Si'puinltrr !<>. M


sEr Y rUMMKIU lAli ITJ U. .North nalUni* *«.


r ir 1llo< k Purty, tu **r hrht hv Amrrlr^n Ij#*. loik P^'**


July Ij lo '!** Stratgli! rciitiN. Parc J.

M Kl'KVKK, iv*«t d · inmaii cr. P.rtihkx'k. P#

THREE niG DAYS. AnKunt 11. 15. 1«. nt l*4tk. Wc«rrlc lUliti lu r#ik. GooU .4f>cKkln*'. I*#' I hjmI fiiurtittf. For «'0i»rcH#hm Nparr ·il*lre*» W '»· KUdlR. Matiager of llome (.Vmlna PhirlG I'iitok#. Illinois.


JULY 5, 1924

Xtie Billboard

cDiidition. It U a rir<> thing In tWx oounlry

to liave a Imby ('am<`l iKirn. fi>p«fialljr a^ th<`

niothiT ha»

in ruidivlly for the pant hI*

^<·arK. Tlic l)al>y li Mliriiriing mn<-li atti-ntion.

t'l'i-il Moara, »lio liaa tlio Clrciia Siilo-sliow on till' Vniii-o riiT. waa puttinu uvor laraf audirii<'<-H la«t Sunday. Ho liaa a full huililing of allrai'tiiins tiMl ploaao, and Jii't ricoivi'd auollii'r Iha l{<H'k I'.ttlion tlial uii'UHuroH twi-nty* ll\<- foi'l and waa goltiiu; iiiin'Ii faroralde coin*
iiii'iit on it.


H Bridi# Laaig, t6.85. Junitr Lamp. $9.50. Floar, $10.50. We a lu'r j Cinipirte line, a» follows* J












Write for Circular and ITiecs.


S DIRECT SALES & SERVICE CO., 24 W. Washington St, Chicago, IllinoisJ

A. F. Beard. Manafer. "The House That Knows Your Needs. '


equipment prior to hia departure in bis auto en route to bis aiunmer camp at Los Aogeles, Caiif.
·Tosepb Bingham, late of the Hartler-Hall Pl.iyers, center of a group di*cus8ing stock couditioD* past, present and future.
W. W. Prosser, af the Keiib Players at the Keith Theater, Coiombu.*, 0., with a group of Uhioau*.

Haruiy kat^i'O, wlin nianaKoa »lio«ra and runI'l'aaiotia on til*- Vonirc I'oir. liaa moaf of llio a^ailal>l· apace Ullcd. Aliiioat all ahowa ar>' nou iKMiai'd in a|o-ciiil liuildinaa of iinli|u<an'liitio'tnrc, and Kat/.cn ia tinding it liard to accomiumlatc apaco iinplicniita. Then' are twenty-live alaiwa cliarging a<linia>iona. Is'aldea unnnTona conccaaiotia.
Alii-e lientle. of the Mctr<i|a>litan Oia-ra I'omI>an.v. waa prin-lpal giieat urtiat In tie' caat of tie-'Hay t'itioa' ii|a'ra Conipany, wrhich put on `'I'availerla liiiatliana" at the Municipal Auditoriiiin. iician I'ark. tiie paat week, and |iroved an Iniui'U'e drawing card

Paul l*iuer receiving congratulation* of iiuni''r"ii* frieud* on the hit be made in "Wildflower". Paul wa* formerly in stuck at Waterbur*. foiiii., hut if* only a step from stock to iineluetii'u*. and he m.ide the Step.
Aan Warrington, who recently playotl eharat ter part* oppoaite I*ahel Lowe and Wilfred I..vtel at .Vtlanta, Ga., *va* seen during the **'ek in a -tunning go*vn thaf oau*i'd many **oim'u to c.i*t gliiup*!'* of envious admiration.

It haa la'cii learned in Venice tliat Ciirtia Irela:id. once popular candy manufacturer for the allow world, liaa been auppl.viug the Kaatern inarActa with tiali caught In tlie rirera of

V'n.i N T.. Jiin** J'*.--EiTii»`nt Conrtois*


'·»`rioU'`Iy ininriMl l.»*r** Ihii*

wht-u a

afo|i a t w* ut.v-fiMit i»oIf

1* okf .it t!i**

'I'hfatt r,


Tbe run of Harold Llojd'a lateat picture. ` tiirl Shy", haa end'd an eight wWeka' run at tlie Criterion Theater. .kudiiun'er laive laeii large, and tbe engageinent la rcniarkahle for
thla seaaon.

aiul IiiN

Mji.x CuriH I, «fr*' pt'pforiiiinsr.

Il*` wii-a Takt-n t(» fl.c

IlttHitftal. nlar** it

u.i'*' «l:**4'«tvt r* t| tiiat Ibk haJ s'l'^tain**!] a '·`Vt-r**

-all* \Miuiii) · 'iinisiuu* on th- l$*ft Hide ©f


d.'hM-atfil Wri^tn and a fr«rturvil

·tohn (SlltaTt haa r>'tumi-d to tbe tlohlwyn Stiidioa, now the Metro 'loldwyii-Mayer Stndioa. after aM%atiaence of aix yara. when it Waa the Triangle Studioa.
The I'alieia. a tlnafic couple, m'ver failing to hold eier.vone within tie- dia*ance of llodr voice, are erecting an'* building at Vetih e I'h r to 'le ller Ilnur niyafic wrk ami inagi'' ait hj Mr. I alo r. It la a W'lrthy allrac. tloll.
T'atroiia of III" I'oniinuiiitr I'la.vera of I'a-adiua havi- h'-artilv ai'i>ioV'-<l ·The rolll'-- of I'aaaileiia''. now in it- fourth w' k. Tin- no ana more thati twentv la-. forniaiice- of thi' heal revile. Tie' .Mall .l"ni:g hall la one of t'e I'rellleat -'-la ..·It in Ihia Stale, .\nio'lg the priuci|>ala are Hclle Miietieii. i;,Hirge It.da. Mr-. .V. H. Paliinr. Italidi II lluir. ilrn-e K-'-d'-rnk. Iioiighia- Moulgonnrt ami ICola rt liritllii.
n \V. Mcii'^ary I- -aid to he vv arfi.g 'uit two pair- of ali'M'a a wc k running ha' k ami form among hla almw- at V'-noe I'ier. "Ma'" aa.ihe la doing tin' ly with ihein. amt I- to have -everal more on tl." in 'mh I'ark I'n r wlo u it ia · ompleti-d.
Samuel loihlwin lia- niin"Unc"l that .M'raliaiii lehr will Im-mil'' gS'iteral nianager "f the SaniU''l tiolilwin and tJeorge Ktziuaurne pro¬ duction.
Iren'' i'rauklin. fauioiia vainh'. artiate. will !·" an added f-ature to tin' program of itrauiiiaii'a Meiro|aditan Thi'gier the "lining w-t'k. .Mi -- f ranklin ia a tt''iuendoii> favorite here.
Harr.v C IE"li|u-on Iwi- d''|iarti'd for Honolulil to ejM'iid aevral wck- with liN frt''tid. Kilw. feriianih'r. Mr Kol'lii-on ha'* many w-11 wNliere in thN c ty. tl will mark the lant |>eTfuruianc*' of the "Ten Coiiiiuaiiiliii' ute ' at i:raiiniau'» lloll.* Wieid Kr.vptian Theat'-r. <'ndiiig a run of thirty-oni' wifki* there. At lie lotfli |»'rforniance. which will lai Uf ttilc wi'i'k. more tiain i: imhi.ihni (htroil" will have paid ailini-»ion to tlii- Him. it ia -al'I.
Sam ru|iclaiid, who ha-* lien working In plcti ri'« here for vver.vl nionthe. and who ha" heeii i'"nni'i'ti'd in the oiitiloor < ir' iia game for tnaiiv yar-. left tliii wi'k for CI''Veland. tk. where hi- prop'rty liiieri'«i» d'-inand ld> r''tiirn.
Tlw I."« .tngele- S'M'ietv of Magi'ian- h' hl a r**i-eption ami han'|U*'t to th*' vi-iting iiiagi''i:inthal were I'la.v ng lor'' i.i-l wek. iiaiii'Iy. Ko'ami 1 ra*' - tue tlr' ui .Ma irii'-. the tl i'ui l.·'oll and It .lu-''iiila. It ua- hehl in ilo' Turk i'*h Villag'' aii'l IT'-blent Harrv Cook did th'' honor- for fie ao'iety.

In.v fjovemment and Hjilrnad pey UaVi. Groun la on Lln<-oIn nighivay. Wheel., peimitie l Gcvcrnineni Ikt d. Addir-'t JOHN J. KIESLIN6. Chairman. Harold Cele Cheater. Disabled American Veterans. Federal Park. Perryville. Mirvland

lt"l"'rf M'-Kim. who for manv year# played

t" 'villain' In Him drama-, will embark on

H vau'Ieville I'.nr in a pla.*l''l eiititl'-d 'The

It e- .I'l'ir - Itr'de

Ih' I- t'l pay tie' I'aiitag''!,

t ir' iiit itinl will shortly apie-ar in t.os c ty

Thoiua- Wilk's, iif t'le .M'-a/ar. antiouii"'thaf he ha* ..ntract* wth Harri. t H' ''i"r. 'lamer; le v i lierr.vtitan, now playaig in 1."- .X'lueles in "I'olly l`r''f''rr''d". and Cihiii'T T.awley, the t''H"r wh". while tew to till* ''ily. made an lii-tantan''Oit- hit tie' "leuiing night in " riie
t altph '.

Virginia Tc* Corlen. l.'.-y ar-old San

. -eo -I ;,o.d girl, w ill I'lav |·'':·'r I'an". S ,>·

ha* le'eti -t.iMiig in San Kr.a ii'-i-o with h'T

inotl.'T w* I'.' le'Ing tllnie'l in lo. al seen' - with

.lack It''mp*''y.


Mr*. .\'la n Fair, moth'r 'vf Vain r Fair, a' t-

re**. ha- ·i'' d -mt for

'laiiiag' - :igaiii-t

the r'-nfirv Th'-ati'r l'"inp.i''V "f thi- '-ify. Mr-

Fsir -a* that "ii May IH. VJ3. -he f' ll thru a trap d""T at the f afer ami In.-urr-d iiijurh-

that will t'e (ermani'iit Vanev F.air wa* then leading Iflv in ` ri" Ivenil-Virgln" af the f'n-


Vnii'inn' etii' rt I* m.Tle that V'ln' e 0'N''ll will '"Iii'> "lit to the I'na-r durhg the latt''r part of .Iti'y for tti*' pr''-''ntatl'.n of "Vlact'eth" at th'*
t;r.'.'k Tlieater In H'rkeley.

Mr*. r,>'rfr'iile Atherton, author, refurii'-.l t'l till* ''Ity a f' W 'lay* ago ami will *i»'ml tlie -tun nier h're. M-- .Vthertoit wilt give a -erle* of b'cttire* in Ka-tern eltle* thi- winter.
Pat aii'l Paula'ii. liroflu-r amt -l-t'r who hav.' I" , n v. r* -ueci--ftll in vaiiih vllh- In .\ii<tr.illa. w' r*' attioug thi- wi-ek'- *i*it"r- to thi* "'til e. They plav'-d the FuII'T |·ir'·ult for two and one tialf V' .ir* Their -l-t.'r* a-" the Fi'tair Twin* (of Hilly Well- ainl the I'h'air Twin-1, who have playil In vatnhvilli' in th'- .ouiitry f,.r «e\eral Ttar-

PROLOGING PLAYS AND PLAYERS t '"lit. ult'-'l ' uu I'a g  . ''
Gle.anon. a-»i«t''d by Harry Irving. ea*t. vix : I'arl Hyron a* .I"hii Miller. Kohert Mi-Parthy a* Hu* Kau**h. Wiihiirton GitlH'ert a* the Hutu. Mr*. M. (' tlle i'cn a* F'ritxie /.iiiiim r. Harrv Irving a* T' <1 S' hlo--. .lehn l!a\"hl a* Nick S' t I '-*. Fdw ir'l l'a-''y a* .Iiiii Kiiowlc*. Ilet- rt .\riu->r"iig .1* Uuih'lph ^iiiiiii'r. to'crge Speliiii a* iirtl''r K'll,*. Flori'iici' Pili'r-en a- Kaii' /Imiii'T. I'-rry I.yinh a* William J I'.irker.

nohert Lynn a* swi'en'^y. D'UiaM Stewart a* Jack.
Broadway Players Grand Ilapid*. .Mi'It.. PoW'T* Theater--' riie MeaU'**t Man In the Worl'F*. i'r''-'*nte'l hy W. !I. Wriglit. with the *t.;g'' dir'-'tieii of .lolin Kill*, ea-l. viz.; K'':iii''th li iigm-au ..s Ifit I t'l trke, llamon Gr''''iil'af a* .V''d Stei' ii-. .krtliur K'dil a* l'."rf Na*li. Willi,im Laveaii as Fr' di'rl' k I.'ggitt. si'-n'' r Tr;" v a* rarli'.u fhihl*. Hilliain H -wrih a* .Mi. Ici' l l)'Hr:. n. Herbert Tr'-it''! a- Hir.iiii l.'-ed*. .I'lin Flh* a* H'nry Hilling. KIIi- Gr' .i; a- Fraiikiiii Fi' hling. KI-li' K"i lie :i*'' Huil*on.«'ih .tlh ii a* K.fty I ro' kett, I'l.arlott" Wa'le H.iniel a* .'Ir*. I l.irU", n. ii.'va Harri*"!! .is N.'llte riark.'.
Marguerite Bryant Players S ixiiiiiiali. Ga.. S'l!aiiiiah Th''iiler--·`'i'', pri'*'nl''il hy the Margin'ril.' Hrvant Player*, umh'r the -i.ige 'lii'''ii"ii of fha*. Kramer, a**i-l''il I'.v Kirk Hiowii. Ir : ''.i-t. viz.: Ha*--'II V. Sl.elien a* .1.0 k K'" ne. fha*. Krtimer a* i;a-ton Mariem. Kirk P'rowu. .Ir . a* rom H.'.vil; f. U i--'II Sag'' a- Mr. G'.d'lar'I. .1 'lin Hum* a* Huggiii*. Virginia Fr.o I a* Matl' l'iu'. Nell tValker a* .'Ir*. Kei'iii'. Margn.'rite a* Mar.v. Mi*- .- Tlmlma H'-a- li. Tliedn rollin*. Kathl'-en I.e Nolr. IP a trice Itahham. .Tim tVilliamson. Ttorothy Har-'n; Me**r». l:ud"|pli Paul, .lack Ktilton, G.'orge l:i<'lnrd-i'n ami .I"hn Sambr*. gu.*t*.
T'uth Thoiu.i*. f'lnip'r iiig. niie with the Pell St'» k ('"iiipaiiy. n' g"i>aiing fot .lU'dher eiig.ig'iueiit in .N.w Ilngl.'iti.l.
.Vrtliiir lilt'hi''. 'lir'ctiir of ll.e .Vinlitorinm T . at. r. Mali!' u, M.i**., tec utl> i-lo-.'il. glu'l l"in'l>liaking with th.' Ma--ai'lin*elt* iL'Iegati'* to the P'mo'-raiii' ('"ii*. nlii'ii.
Hi riiaiil Ni'I'-n. i.itc l.'adiug m lu with lie .'*"iii'rville Plafr*. Soincr* ille, M.i--.. on a vi-it 'll Spaiil'liiii. - Spi rt Sliiip. la.*'tig m

Katheryne M'tiiiir*' ha* ri'tiirned to riiiver-al t'lly Studio* ufi'T an ah-ini'' of it year. Sti'will Work in man.* picture* during il*' « mer.

lalw M'lxart I* li.vk in I o* .\ngi I. * gi'tting read* for lMH*klnga that *v.'re ina'I)' *"iin' tint" ago. Fdw. I* one of tlie |M'p|iie*t «howiueii on tie- I "11*1, anil c'lUiil* 111- fro'iiit* t'V the fh.'ii

I'hi.* liMtif. T!i.* doctors Hlau* tliat he wlM

.lit* t'l hi> excelleut


1 hf arritli'iif was the fourth for i'ourtois,

Hi-oord nu t») liS i»artiifP. who vai i that they

hav** htTii on th»* -taj.s

.* p ^*tr


L'`'in>r undiT t! *· haiio* of t ··! IVom. fn

( ttlirlo <* f. :i :,f Miotfsoti StJM.lP ` ^hird^D!*.

hroakiuK l«'th hu'. wi. I»* wjUi Kinirliu!; Itrua.-

I`.aruiim «V I'.aliov <' r U'. In lifJL* ho Iiad a

·*·1111!.ir fall a' < ».f,. \ N'nh.l inid la**^ ,\»`ar b**

WH"* injur* d wiiil*- tloinc

a- t a* IIob<jk*`U.


"gden-hurg. N. Y.. J'lne J*.--The Strand Teater will h>' clo*''d for alioiit *i\ tvek* **!ille a tiumher "f repair* are U-lng niad<' to interior. Wts'n the *v"rk i* completeil th" lioll-e *vill be oil'- of till' line-t in fh'« -'cfi'in. .\u important all'ration to t'e mad" i* tile reiii"*al of the i-'-t* and fh«' -til'*titutioii "f -tei'I girdi'T*. The lol hy i- to he refiiriil*hed \*illi iii.irlih', tl.e *' ati:ig cai a'ity I- to !*· iu' ri'a-' .l an'I thi- sfagi* i* to I"' e`|Ui|i|M'd wth lu *v --' iii ry aii'l a nei* hgli'iiig -j-'i iii. P>iiriug the time thi' Strand i* cl"*'<1 the Sf;r Theater ** ill h.' ti'i 'I. The m.iiia.:''iiii'iit ha* aMuiuiKa'd that If the patronage 1* Mitli. lent It plan- to ki i'p 1-ilh li«"i-'* opi'ii the l omiiig * .i-"ti, Pre-- ent plan- al*o call fur tie' l>""kitig "f v.*ii;il'*ville in the Strand .iml oih'-r tl»'at"r- '·"iitrolh'd li.*' till' *ame niaD.igem''Ut in Nerthern New York State.


Milwaukee, Wi*., .liiii'' "s.-- Tax ll'-n* were

tileil iigaiu*t tl'r' i' .luni-'ui' iit eulerprt-e* thi*

*vi'''k I'V

H. W<Ikii*-"ii. ei'lleitor of internal

ti't'UlIe. TU'-y are the .\|iii"ii .Ytidri'W* fon-

eert Hliriail. .*! h'ttl *1!': the It"-'' Theater. .SeilO.

and th" GaV' ty Tn. it. r, S.`.;iii

Jtr. Wilkin

-on *tale'l !'· li'ti- are *.ati-flei|

the i.riipi'ri* uf ..iiipaiiii'* will b«" seized.

· Vll are for h," k a'luii--4i 11 ta.\e*.

GUM-VENDING Bowling Alley
\ h.ill "f xura xml s ,tirt at the 10-pli.j -- alt for Ic. Legit imate iu all State*. OreratM*. Parks, Ar¬ cades. write for griccs and circular.
Gatter Novelty Co.
HJ East 23d Street. new YORK.


Tlie H«'ili Wledoifl (ir'lie*lra. tliat ha* teen pla.iiiig *vitli tri'iii'iidiiii- will''''** 111 III'' fiiidi r ella It'M'f lii'r,' for tie* |'a*l .*''ar, **itl h'a*'July 7 for *iHil« t" New York, fhlcago. fle*e land ami li. iroll ami ** H make -i veral newrei-or.' "f til.' on lie-tru for Hriin*wick iH-for.retur.iing lore.
Madi'liiii' Hiamlie* ha* *vrilt'U it I'lllaby in waltz fiTiii I" I"' ri'Iea«'d hy H"'lklu',in *vllh her ph tiiie I*" 111 ' Not tim To Si'.iri'''.

*' *'jicie>.ia I'ar .V'uueta. fr .sale, or will mike a '* g.-d ha-e to a tc-pii-lh.e pai:>. far Jti*' x- It 111 ·t'.iii the l ailia.ii, I ''. Ilx- ti-n stater aim-, with
' '·:ti'* liaht*. 'liiii'iii.: water In each r< 'Ui, x-'.l fur' 111. far ca" he tmvi as per route .Vitrota. ImL,
' *! aci'k. Mill'll Gn.:'er *1 "*-. Wile cr 'rite C SMITH.
Wanted, Musicians
I  e a-d Ti.'iiili'for the RrunJaze Slicws. Jure -''li:. ·'. M  ,. HI : .Ii'y hi.'. M dliic. 111.

ifiuiliiiiii it fieiii png'- *.kl)

Fraii' i-i" .l"iiriial. I* ii"*v H.-rvltig In the -aiui' iiil'ni'il* "11 ITii' lllii-lrat'il ll'-ralil .ii tin* cit> Fd**iird FItxgeralil. who >*h* itramiilie eilitor of Till' Journal, ha* *N" g"m' *i*er to The lb r ahl. **h«'re hi' **lll hohl 'lii'*u He 'h»k flay M. Gn'ine hii* aihleveil i*>ii'hl''r»hl'' siieee**
a* all author and playwright Fitzgerald wii* an ai lor In pre war day* anil aitn'e til* return from Fraiii'e Im ha* ·erv'd on the dramiitic de»W of aeveral Fa»fern pai'er*.

The above sextet, snapped recently in Pitt-burg. Pa., is made up of men. all of whom are quite well known in the outdoor show* world. They are. reading from loft to right: Bert Rutherford, general agent Christy Bros.' Shotrs; Arthur Hopper, general agent the John Robinson Circus; Bill Rice, of Plessure Islam!, Charlea Watm'iff, general agent Brown & Oyer Shows; Floyd King, of King Bros., and Fddie Brown, of Pleasure Island.


· :it* wet'K. Sei\Nv'UOU P\KK. 7."*»0 p.HRi*


· -rklui: tull timr. Addrori-L liOX

'7. l.itfhtWl lUiixvljt

Huiidre>l* of them at cut rxt<-. New list with T«'luced PI ice* free. NF.UMlN SI PPLY HOI'RE. Mi E. ilh St.. South Boston, Mass.


JULY 5, re24

^ w



News News ^ VnT 

M rr, About I'O.Oi O viiillor« i* the wook-

'"a w"or.l,.. «.«..> «ho -.n.


. . .Jsloii' ll.n.oiit tlk I>;iik iir.-: ItrmU. .-iitiily

ilo-s amt rffr*-'lmii'iiti. Mr. aiul Mr». 1'.irl I'liik

liain; iM.ji-ii lo. <

and ciiimIv. Mr. iisul .Mrs


Meet With First Accident of the Sea* son--Business Great Around New York

Many thiuKs ran bapi« n in a wn-k and

.rlalnly llio one jii't eud. d has Is .ii eventful

or the fhrist.i Pros.- .^ho«s. i,.,n-.s lliver.


wa'i th»` »-\»*uiful

of ll. · bt'ason.

T!iP show usocl tho '·aim* lot jis tl.i* Walter L.

Maiu Sliowfi l\M» vrjr" ;il'o ;im1 l! w.j- jii-'t as

Soft. T«» add to t*j*` *l;!lirulty it al"*)

but this tiiJH* in tli«* ttinrhiiic. making it aft* r

noon h«fiiro th**

t-uuhl tt" piilliil on the

lot. There was a l.ite iMatini-t-. Th*-

cleared at nitjht. wliii t!i`i»* uas


Dave Marion *-jiuh* in froiu his tariu ainI sa .v

both |n*rforni{inr«< \n;i1i h luirly «·: ;'ritiids

Harry r.eud* r. wli«» is in i har^o of tie* !*ulldoj:

tiruti*`Kk,. i.madi a n.irrow fs»a|M* iirrnnm ni flait.aili injury u«in,.e.n a Kknniift*o* ff*.-l!l! from thin**- fto»o«itil»Hi*.narr*dl of thh*o* eraar
anidl .s'ttruutrkk hInimin in ttlaio* riuM liuim;:. makkiiunkg' a
sfieorriioouus uwoouunnd. Ttiue* tra ii \wmai.s. lbor:iid«,|i*sl| am ndi
rreoaadd.yv to l*o*aai\oe w \vihiim *n. imn makkiiini;a; a fl>Minm»:

switech., tthh<o* lhotaaddiiiniK;: lHl.iit \wma».s, m nti om\.-r a dd*o*--

rail and tilppiiMii *d!, onvoeriliuirniiiiia- Hilt»u*- trnui k., p*oil!oe wagon, ono animal w.igon ami tho ligliiini:

plant. Co. il Norton, w uo wa^ a-lo. ji 111 tli.

light wagon, w.i« hiir od bcno.itli a lot of iron

atakes and mantlo ho\os, but e^.aiod

only a fow brui*ov.

wro.-king train from

Perth .A\nmils"ii.r had ftlixx'' flat b.o k on tihno- raaiiii-'

about ill o . lo. k. Tio- w.igoiis Wor.. daioag..!.

but woro n .t j.ut out of . .unmissioii. Tlioro was a lalo ar:ival. of o.iiir'.., in l!aliwa\ aiol

the lot a long way out. it imp.."it.b- t-.

give any parado. but llio ^t. .1111 i ailio|io

sent down to th". nty at 7 o'clock at iiiglo

and broiigbt a ..I crowd m.t to tin- 11 gli' perforniai.ia'. Now Y..rk . irnis fans la gan t .

put in an ali|ii arati. ·· here. Hums O'.'iulllvau

was on hand w tb Walt .Moldblon. Tie y ha.l a great visit, slaving till aft. r the p. rf'.rnian. · and wont l.aok boost, rs f..r tho show. A daiightor of Sallio Huglu s, who is now marrb <1 was a visitor with her liU'l.iind. rili' Joseph, the S.vdtiey i.Xustraliai atiimal ni.iii. also came on and arranged to ship on in. :.Hiiinials. Til*, slx.w r.'.oivod two ram. Is In Itom .N. vr ^. rk. making sis n all. .\ zol.ra calf was born brr.' and is a gnat ad.litimi t . tho I'aliv family in the luonagorie. P.iisin.-- was mil. ll hot lor tluin exiiortod lu re. Salom. X. J.. woko U|i for tie sliow and tlur.* was good business at both i.erformanees. Sunda.v. .tuno go, evorvone who rouid g. t awa.v speni IIh' day in X. vv York City. Walt Ilodgodiiii. pilot, d by I'liarlio Sommer', made hi® first vi'it to tlie b.g oity. Tlio youngi r inomloTS ol the big show band also tisik flieir first look at the tall buildings and will have plenty to t I. I 10 lolks liaok Immo no\t winter. Mr. aiel ·Mrs. I'irisf y visitod the island, returning to
the show by automobile Monda.v morning uflor an enjoyal.le outing.
Tlx' show had an early arrival at .Xsbury

Park Sunda.v morn ng, June "J. The old ! .t at Bradley Bea. h has lieon niado into a ball
grounds and the show was obliged to ns.- a lot at Xopiunc f ity, two milos farth'r out

The parado wont out at 10 o'clock Monday

morning and iiiado tlio r.umd' of .Vshnry park.

getting back almut

.\Itho tlie siimm. r

soasoii i;ad not set in. it was said by .Vsbtirv

rosiib Ills vvlio kiMW that the sixivv had th. higgo't erovvil at the matineo tbev evor saw

there with .aii.T show. Tlio short on childnii.

there were niauy grown folks. The night hnus.-



capacity, ju't os.apmg the use of straw

Sergeant Now tierry. of the .Vshury Park traffic

force, cnatod s,.nie exoitoniout aft.-r tho

wrestling ann.iiinooinont and the introdnotioii

of Xiok Isindriis by coming out of the seatand offering to take liliii on for the sake of throwing b:iii. Tlie two met two years ago with allotlier show and Xewla'rry was anxious to get at Xiok again, tliis t me in earnest.
match was arrant d with all rules barred and

the two w.-nt at it with nearly a tliousand people rooting for Xovvtierry. In the time

limit neither mail w.nt to the mat. bntli

sparring for a Ix-ld Tho crowd wont wild an.l

was mirprisrd at tho ouToomi`. Louis Kal.r.v

who is now ill. at, d ;it L.iig Branoh. vv.irking a

fhoat. r. was ,,n t.i -. 0 fr .'iids vvitli ti... s:.ovv.

After man.v yours with Sparks. Main and S.-lls

Floto, Louis has maiiagod to stay off the road

for a season and will bo buok in tin fall

witli ono of

Pit..11 attru.'tioiis as stago

otr|«'Utor. Hurry Ponson. fornuTly of tlo

Main SIxiw. witli Ins w'fe and son. vy. r"

visitors. The l.ig s ..w band has again l«'on rniurg.'d li.r tlio u.I.i,* ;..|1 of two ooriiots.

alto and .lur not. inuking tvvinfv-iwo in al! Tl.oro was a long run .and annoying d-liiy®
In g-tting ihn: tlio vards from tlio lu-nnsv to
the I).. I.. A W from .Xsbury Park to i.yii'l burst and tho train did not arrivo iint;! In

o'oI,K-k. Th-re was ,, late parado and only fair matin.-e. It was a night town, with all tlx* s.ats fillod. am! the show wont ovor
big. K'lii.'sirian Iiiriutur .Merritt Below, who
has b.. n iiiid. r tho woathor with an atta- k of a'thnia. Iiu' so far reoorerod as to h.
able to again hlovr the whbtle and work thbig liorse act. .\1 Lean vvorkod in his jdac. diir'ng the ahseuee. p. ggv CJine. just Joined
fell from .t swinging ladder during th.' ih rformanee at .X'lniry Park and siitlerid a liad
sl»aking-u|ij tlio no iK.nes were broken. Knink I.el'.ar . lew retits-d and living at Deal Ib-aeli

With his wife had a ploasunt visit af Ashurv Ihi-k witii thi'ir niiee, Mrs. M.-rritt Below
Tho .\-lu rr Paris Ihiily Pro-- gave 111.. -Iiow a fine afte liolioo paying oS[H.eial atlontion to tho parade and the "spo." A speolal hanging Iiio.',.. ri pr. s. tiling the grounds of a country club, was used liere for tlx f r'f fitiio in the hunting SI ene. It add- t.. · ·· nirubir.


Rayoiin- IM-aMir- Park. Hers n Po nt, Xow

·'r:' '

... ,,

, ,


M..-rs. W. Il.rm.uau Hud A. boaow who for



havo IS.I, o,a-rafmK .-ou-

....>.ou> at tl..- IVont . .......oiy.,! 11... ul ..

of a la.k". ..Md ... .. au'.liil amu-.-m. n

H.k and .. . ar.d a o.,;; l.-a-o on a jur.. I o

land .·..v. r.nk foM v a. r. s w,.l. a iron. «t

* "11" ... i... aM..n1, II.. iI-a,rrk' ff.,rr ttrr in. -iI s.rr<'atI on

fariliti. ~ .-..nld not !..· I. tt.r..|. Ii i- witliin

.t-s- «.,lk f:on. t o St.-i n l.l.n.l

it-rrit-s. ...

utut Hti^Uon


l m-s ;r:.| t'-. »;ri-' n\ill** sKrfmo '.n.-.

Mos-' -*. IP rnn nau ..lei 1v(i;:o\v int* r»'stt d in


u iV

>t iiUirf r.ak' T.

tie* \^ ho

\vt ll-kii`»\vu ru!** hujhh rs. in turn int'n-'trd sum*,

o^tjhpllf».M r..ti-iaa«-rJof*ie.«`

'··vt kiitiXMi r:*l* nun m tie* K.asi to lIajere uith tliieir M xairriioouij.^. rid» s u.»r*.*.o*rie oo* rc*-* aijitd! U U ;;i;!i:ainii Krtutlfv. uiii-'»*

' "listruetf*! th»* *i .irii * "iisi. r; a t'.iin i'.. ! jim!

Wli.p, "p.`riit» d hv T. Mnrph\:

j1m\.- N.

«.|M rat 'd i-v Wi liain

^^ ...

r;* Mar au-l and
O IMam*.


^Vollo Itroth.*-.


I'l.ins aio iindtT way for r iii'trr'tion of

·**· 'lumimotli damo |.a\iiion and 'wimmini; pool

'11 iTo aro now aliotit forty l oiioossioii staniN

as 'l "I' tiuiform ib'ifii loraio.l tli'uoiit tlio

park. Piilrous |,i r.. havo tlx ir cl ol. o of a

w.oi.l. rfiil d *plav ot mon hami so ran-Jine from

a half pound iX'X of randr to nn automobilo.

1 *'o rating and ,pinking tmoth* aro all c.|uippo.|

" lb ga*. o.ootri.- Iij..ts and running water |1'dll amroe s'aannn:iitttaaarr.yv in iv.o-ry rneosssppeict. n;rallv all arn.- pbl.-:a,s' .1 ttoo see tho weather

la r and w w..iirriiiioer, am liuiicsiim n ss in general Is

xlrl." sa.n`7u.'k. r7''M^^

M. i:av|w.>od: nillk bar I!, llanii. k.ii; liaiii-


,,ri,,ks. .lolin <i. Trinildo;


Sorv 11.-

inanaa-d by .lark W. ,,

Vak-Iiok'hi. fharlos M Walk. r. k.h.i.oM.t. X. Y.. has or,., of his fam..u*

.Irinkinp ·oniiKiriiini'. tlx- 1 jl» rty; i, Ibl'i.d la r .r

, '

'```'`I , ,, '-ri . i'.'' m

.md w.f..

are in eharce.


for the Park).


t*hi*'apo. ·tune Jt. --I n« !*· Hiram and .\ lU-

T.n. ind.v IMnls.-ed w. re Pdllbn.ird eulh rs D*'l:n ^


Iwis elosi*tJ with ' I'ln on the tarni

and >sitl op* n th.dr fair dit* s in Atirorn. HI..

AiiffU^t 10. In the int-.intlme s* vt ral »'ort dat*-s

^'iH be pla.ved.


I<an*ai` PIfy. Mo.. .Inno '.'.*1.--rornoinpipbbttoo ohuni:o in tlio cirrus liu'-up at Id.-rfric I'.irk
made .lunc -1 with t'.ic cvccption of tho p-iy),,p Milh-pi. r.istinc n turn art. held ovi r, g,|,j i>m,db * 11 innoford and tto Uidlnc Ilannofords, who arc .`iigag. d for o gbt w* ok*. Tho jirogram, wh'rh will romain until .Tnl.v wiioii another n.ovwv hill will b1 eo piirt..s'..nntt.-idl. is-; Thoe Youngs, ciuillbrl'ts: Fraiu ls r.a-th, balanolrg; Ila^el Cotter, baluneing; elown w.ilkaroiind:



jn It tiiti lari' rtL"Al.J iJ

H ^


H || j

f 1 Il f' '

* '


iiiJiiiii 'f '

' t'






fi 1 " f

' J

"i I


1 '·










B ;


I; ' I










1 "






*'** D |rj|j-|'j'»%i1tTiI AIiIlUuiIlIllllUlI ffIiCeRsIiTt cBmill ISNIKISISS FCRIlt YiCI llRIfe** «·!·*




%J PiMmi (fl.viiiiuuiinnliiii M t.llinIIuI s iiiiiiiiEiiiii 11111111 nil st rviuiii

|B 1^-- H  B  g  p *

B ligiiiaaggiaggnaa


B giapggaagg||a*aggg M asaaaaaaangaaaa
a a na a saa aaasaaa

B !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BannanaanaBaaBaBa BaaBaaaBaBaaaaaaa B a a a a a a a a a  a bji a a a a



Coral Color Enameled
Pencil and Fountain Pen Deal
No. B890--Deal rtMisi.s'ts of .stanilanl size goods. 5 Pen¬ cils and > regular .size Fountain Pens, with one extra large size (Genuine Coral Eiubbor-Bar¬ rel Fountain Pen. with solid gold pon rtoinl. nicely put up on 1,000-Hole Board. Complete. I'cr Deal,
Rohde-Spencer Co.
(Wholesale) 215 W. M.-fdi8on St.,


-.rm.-- -«ws^ %
w .M.


^ | 13 j

% aB

m. .

Pit Attractions, GCil;ii..'«*Ss B15low, rs. Any A, t siiitiilde for Side-Show. .Mso want

T.ilikefr. Tliose wrote before, write again.

E ESSSSIIE E FFA AY Y, ccaarree DD.. DD.. Murphy Shows,


Indianapolis, Ind.

Hin TO


SHOTGUNS, \U||i ||
iJilU I WV





iVrile for Catalog. H'e can sate you money.


, 1 it .:..S Jh. XI 75; 1-1,1.. 3-in. a, .1 f.-i,i.. X2; \ it 'iiixll',. $l!fio! s'all.fl,'-

J1.75 PPoossttppasiidd P1 ACIFIC IMPORT CO., Box 65, Wall Street Sta., (Dept. R.) N. Y.




Wanted, Quick, for Cole Bros.' Shows |H|Q|1TQ|1

a a i |||| IIU

" BiBBomwwaj


tt ... o01i ..aaiiooiicc» ..i.l u' i

eonicit. Wi.l -.a.. 1 half of Ira isr®,Hal Inn to mil. Slate

*all ai.,1 Ien.Hwi..-.f! ihni hr-t wire. Shbnixw i!.,;::, ..i, a.', I will liave hn.i .-i.asun U. ule: Snlilrt. lulv :i. .\Ux. 1;

I-.aaiis-.nmmbbee,, 55;; '· H...u::

77.. DDaayys-UjUnnd, ?, Provost, 9; all In .Xllgrta, f.ina,U. Waller Italnl, I'.mr ixi.



Ilf R I |

WW fl I I





WAN r>TlKS QL'iICCIKx. rl<e"a:ill Haxv.'iiiaii Musicians ainl 1 hit, rtainer.s, for H.TXvaii.nn

V Viillll..i'KigOo,. ttxWx'Oo m nPoUrOe Kgocto.ndl Big Show Acts. St. Johnsbury, Vt., July 4; Groveton,

N. H., 5; Berlin, N. H.. 7. Tintxrie ;ir.<i ^^lrrn Piper prix-ib'g,. ,.pen




II, f . !ie;'-S;.;.:ii, .|. -r:.;, "-.Vbi e t. Ida new, o\, i luiiil.-d .'inrl rep.iiiii<,l. II, xx- art xvoik titid; includes txvo large Bubber-lire.l T-.nlm.s

liavuniie. X T . J'lie g's.--That dbl -aymg C...-ii $5,500.00.

"Tiiey're fifl" !- il g.H.rl way ..f .-xpr.--mg Hi.' epcning of Xevv Jef'ey'g uewe t pla.vground.

W. H. CASPER, 3947 Armitage Avenue,



TiivuniH JapH. foot Juggling, balancing an,I

lumbllug; Billy Wells and Jack Van. vumed.v

a. 'iiibatH: I'ri'd O. llaekvit. eluwn feature, and

olio Fliivlu. burles.pie feats ,.f xtri.iigth: .Xerlal

Viiungs, trapeze nuvelty; I'raucia llartli ami

lli'l'n I'litliT, trapeze artiHl,"; iluwii niimb.'i

I'.i.mIIi'm lliinneford and tlx- Ilanneford Kam ly,

-t.vb il ·'.XmiTb a'* (in-at,'t It..ling .Xef

< |..vviix' earnival, Tovama. In nla ileath d'-fylng

-llil,.. an.l tile Fl.vitig Mill. f. Klei'trle Park

M,a ..nii'lhing new this

,i ft, ita twn-ring

. ir.'it® and is dr.iwlng eruwds Hint xeem tu

tu. r' ii'e i ni'li night.


l'·.>tb Nat l>. Itodgi-r' an.l I'. L. llama, nl K.'.lg, r- »X Ilarrl.' I'lr ii'. are ri'eent Ix'iiedl, t 

an.l ar.. niiivlng eungratalatiiinH from tlieir

m. iny fv,.n,ls tliriiout ..iintry. Mr Ilarrl-

was iiiarii,'d f..i r w, rk' a ;<v at Kan-a- t'il.v,

ill III*, li.vme c.f the briil... lo Ib'lt n V, rmlllimi

..f Xfrmlllii.n and (;,...d. II. ,,p, r.itle 'Ing.-r-

wifh *be eir, u®. .Mr. K.xl.:, rs and Mis® llixalell

att<'m|.,l th," brill., and gr.«>m

.'nn,. k'7 .Mr. K.,.lg,.rs an.l .Xflas (ioedell were

niarr . il In the Puti iitai.. s piirlor® at Mii-af

Shrine .XI..'ill...",!:'. and were iilt.i.ib'il

by Mr. 1111,1 Mr®, ll.irr;' an.I t,y lauitse Itmlg. rx.

a 'I'lir ,.f the grix'iii. vvlm eain,. from I.,,'

.Xngt.les fur the ,.>.r,'munv. The weilding wa-

r.-ail by th,' lli v.

It. Taylor uf th,. Bn.adw.ay

M. Ihixiial r.piseopal i h'lr. t». Xlr-, .Xrnuld

Spi ll, i T Ilf thi. Inil anainli' f,,n',.rv ntory n. Mii'ie xU ig. a. isinipiinl, ,1 by XIr. Sp, ii.  r.

Mr. and Mrs. K,»,lg. r' l.iive ih.* hunur of

b. ing Ih,. fir't |.ouple <.v.r m.i'.rb'il the

p.irtals «f the Inillunai.,,1i' Slirin,. M .Xr-

rang, meiita for the ha; py evi nt w. re ma.le hv

K.ib* rt L. Filler. prum.ti>.nt ludiaeapolis hnsl-

n, .'S man. wlx, Is of the Shrine < Iri-iis

e..mni tt,.,". The bride- of .Mr. Ibulg, is and Mr. Harris

-aiig with tlx- elr. lis la t hea-uii and vv, r.- re-

,.iig.,g.,l the p-, - nl - .i'..n. They an'

b.-autifnl anil ii. euiiipli'. ,sl .vuiing ladua. an,I

have a

elr. 1.' uf fri,'uls n the vaude¬

ville. up ratle and < ir. :.s w..:.d. Kudg-r« and

ll.irns are l'ai:.i'. L x., r, b lit' vv!,u have

l..n viTT'-tul in opi-rallng tlmlr elreti® tJ la-t three '·:i'uns in; b r au-piees of the

sl.r.n.', tinilto, Klan and the I'lLs.


York. Pa.. June 'JT.-- It has te en d, llnitely de,··,11,1 f.y tlie munaa, ni, lit that the Sells-Floto Cir. us. whi. h IS 1.k. ,1 I'l '`."W hire .Viigu-t <·>, will u-'e the fair groiin,!' b'-iati-e of railroad fai'ililies there. An agi'nf uf the e.n'U'. whu was Iwre la't Satur.lay. el '"I a eontraet f,.r t'.e Staiiff'r tra. t iii th,' '.> i:h, a-t-rn »,.,'?1«ii ,.f Y. rk. I.'it eon'r.'ii t h.i- b,-. n rane.':i..| an.l a ia>nfra, t whi. h iva- nia,b' w;ili the York I'.uiuty .Xgr.eultural Su. lel.v f.'r the nse of th,' fair gruunds will -tand. a.'.urling t.v a lett'T whieh 11. P. SmysiT. of the buildings and g-..finds eommitti'e of th,' -orb-tv, received fr..m v'. W. Finuey. an ac tit of the elreus. .X r. pre-entatlve of the p. K. SI luff- r estate also r. ..|.|v d a b-t'er fr. in the -ame agent can, ellng I'le (ontrai t f-.r the .south Kml lot.

Pavenport, la., .lune k**!--PoPee Chief Tonis Tekhart has l",i,,l an or,|,.r that all gaudy elrou® p.>'f. r- must b*. T.-mov.-d from down-town hitlMIng® at oner. Citizens eomp!aln<d tn the Pollee Pepartment that the |v.'r,r® were too ,-on«p(c,iouH and marn d th.- 1.,-auty of the etty. There Is an ordlnan,-e pr..l llilting the posting r.f posti-r® on down-town b,.'Idinc«. The order w-HI afTi- t the .tohn llohln-on CIrens, which la billed to -how here .Inly 10.

Sideshow Aitractions
With Two sr Mere lllutlonA, and
JOIN' XT oven
W. H. SMITH, Rendezvous Park



nir r^nitiiM llnlr Squatf, wi»h fmir

r< b»lr.

f',' `.tl.n «f Ijithir-K -sTiMh,

%%|fh Ih# bf-.l of

ro imrl Ttl'l S..M !»%· ihr htfr#*!. Vjo lo 110.

pRicr Rfouren rn $i^no pfr ioo


fTS $7^0, or $'» 50 with other qo*>dt. Trrrn^ Mi'lf

all «a !i. all <ih r sti'rk nnr-l'i'f <Lah. hulun o C.


727 Snuthwevt Blyd.


Rwnril Swallower Taiino Man 'r Isi 'v. Musbail .\rt any gixal N'.iveliv X I. l«u nx re llawalbai Mu-lrlani. .la'k lie X'rtte. answer al pi.r retile.

Plattsburgh, New York,.'.V,R
AUGUST 25-29. FIVE DAYS AND NIGHTS. Far C'.,,<--..-I..,,', alln-ss K C. Hl'TSlUUIi. Prea.
OIIhT It', fill Kid,' II, Ip. B,'S| ol ..<;i|nru-.'s. but xmi rtni-if I,,' ;ib|,' to )l,'liv,<i' No ti,k«'i-. W. O. BROWN, 870 N. State Street, Chicago.

JULY 5, 1924

Xlie Billboard

Of Sundae'S

$3,000 to $5,000

PROFIT You Can Do the Same Selling


In Sli Months Made by Many Operators Using Our
Crystal Snow Machine


Will Get You Top Money

PRICE,$250.001.0.b. EITHER OFFICE SM.eO Deposit, BaUnce C. 0. D.


tOivver AAllll OUther RKeftreshmentls


i" 'i "i



" t '

rRV^TAi QMnvA/ 'M'Ar ii'i'ioc the UKYbTAL SNOW MACHINE


original and only Snow Suii.iau Machine on the market. It is of .solid aluminum, of the iiia-st bronzo.and comes with motor allaclicd. Full counter equipment is
kave before you can .sell the Snow lUfrcshmcnt. You cannot operate witli^ complete list of equipment furnislied with our machine. When you buy
can start operating within an hour all. r express comt'anv delivers the machine


Crystal Snow Machitie is the ONLY Snow Machine on t^ markK

tiitit IS . oltl witli full <Miuipni<*nt. r**atly to operate. A Word to the Wi.«e is Sullicient.

CRYSTAL CREAMED ICE MACHINE CO., 428-434 East Second Street. CINCINNATI, OHIO. Phone' Main 339


NEW YORK AGENT BEN E. NORRIS, Starlight Park, 177th St., Bronx


.\iiinial !;\p.i«:t on" 1- ttio title in sllvi-r lot- m:ide til" cvoii'Tig Vory cnjoj-ahle to hiS gUestS. t' Ts on ll.e i-ar- of t ,0 llvin;; sootlon of tins 'I'llli aftoriiiio,, Im-inoss was I'ad, but at night .ircus. It is a f.>urtoon-ear ori;aniz:iti"ii witli all -oats woro till' .1  \.-opt ti l- siiiir--, iid bluea.

Olio tar in ad'amo. a- follows: Kmir -loop.r-,

IV. II. ib-if-. v vis.t.j n the aftorniH.n.

tlir.'o stook and li.iciiaao, oio- liiiiiu'l oar < for

Ueit Knll.i rfiird. t . · gotu ral agi-ut of the

parade waxou-I and -iv so\i.|i;.v-f.ot Hiit oars. eiroi.s, W.IS a V s tor tlio day.


Tliis is not a *'-a-jv li.iaiiy' train, but rfoo,l

Kl' t'I'-r .siultli is pro-- r'-iui sontatiTe, cal-

i-ilirpnient. wliloh will a:! 1 attrae' atten¬ li"I'<| lilayor. froi t door, gouoral iitilltT and

tion on any sid uk :n any town.

*-uli rta;iii r ia gi noral. 1! · -.i.d wl.on he Jolnoil

N'rvfr mxke tt.i- mlrtHko of ·Jotnintr nut"


.vo'l bare it in >''ur nature to U' .rk liar.l.

l.o.»ii!t,T to f!.o (iwinr-Mii anil inanaK.'Ul.'Ut li


!i. 't a>.. t iiii <-111 loi. -- .;iu lir.nx onto

a . ..MO tut. It li't MitU .t and fur it ittuy

li.taiO p4-ople payinir n'lml.^sion. Ten ton» of straw wa- plat.-d on t!ie i.ippodrome tra.-k to aoat till- patron-. 4>n!y onor* th-fore havo the l{ii.eIinK- bail -in k a irowil and tbiit wa« at X'irfolk. N !>.. --lino y.-ar- ae". -o tbo powort'.at III- tnf.iriiioil in.*.** tbi ,t. Kt-nuoily is an
old llurnuiu »V lia.loj- man.

Tile canvas e<|UiT'mont ·'-ts of .1 hnudroiifoot round top t'.roo forty-f.sit! pii.o-, metiagTie, side-show aud two onep.t shows.
The ticket wason and other waamis are g -. I and to tills can U* addod a hitiii-io wcrcd mol r truck. Ail -tuck Is u tine coiida.ou.

out lie d ll - I w -ll ilie .di-a of making himself of i.iliio to t..i' org.iiiizat.'m and lie evidently la.
Ibiwniaii S. llolcii- m i- a circus graduate and looks ;;f-i r Iln- t'-. .i.ioa itios of ti.o circus.
-M; . .'..rlsty is 111 tl-c t.oket wag m and ban¬ dit s all the nioiii v.
'1 :.ii p'Tforriiain 0 runs two of tlie fastest lioiir- !i: inrcusil'ini proloibly Spi od makes it,

The porfonnance is tiMn-iial in m:i::y n- w ill ;i.o » d of an eici u. nt twcaty-pioce band.


!- ijo iiiiiiiai:'no nt t.lif or I'tfto wl.i,-;i

- :V

;i;. l i;.j l to r-i-


»m1 r.ti. . Ill If i; \, ii lu till' 'luril of loyalty

;. -lu all ·

· <·.


o!ri-us ra- not b.- put ovor aa a "Town

Ilali" ,toii.ebt all.iir.

Till- Illnirllr.e IlroMior--Itarniini .k Ualtoy C nils do«s not <110 parados.

spcits and given almo-t in its cnl.ri'y liy tralm-rs wiili animal- of nearlj- eicry d' script;. 11 from couiiiom hmi-e cats to IloU'. camels aud clopl.atus, and from pigeons to ostrb li
Tl.rcc rings, a -con e s> t, "Noal.'s .\rk" i;-i

I'iie 4 ri-'v ltri*'.or-' I'lrciis Is sold out for a Wook u I'niiail' l·...ia. l`a., to i|i,i John Wananiakor -t-iri for tie' cot'rtaiiimeiit of its emp.0.4. os
V, 'atoll Coorge Wa-liington t'brlsf.v grow. He

the cout r of wli.i h is a stool aroiiai. laakos is going to be t.o.nril from. YViam a man

Wh r.'· .a nun;I» r of <-iri-ii«.-< lai-k n .·n-

AVo tioar Saiiin.-I McCraok' n t- eotnit to re- lip the aroiia layout, surrounded by a b p; .i- cliangos fur t e upgrade for the good of hla

· T.t .-I,, r lo-lj.-iio- aiol .in-Utoii. y m tlin l> t- turn to Ibr wliiio top*. It., wa- report 1 d to droiiie till' k.


-s and that of the field li- is in he gets

ti i f i j-s,

;iiii| pniM-r.

tn. I.oaded for .\ow York !a-t we.k.

Notiooab o in f .e porformanee i- ftie a'is..ii.-,. tliere.

of aets, -oal- ui'd t- g aorml nuiiitiers.

; .· -...i-i! KXI'ii.'-ITION *;« appliril to a t'lRn > a I < ,.t of r.

1: ('lUrf'! .-an itaiol on

own any pla.-o

i-n ! > : :i. :!ierl aii-l do-> n<'t lia\.- to to-

1 am. i:l4k->-'l

"slioiis", ·.\u.tual .Vn na ' or

Will n .roll -01' eonM 'll fa'ni wairons on a i-ir. u- lot it vory oa-y to t- .1 just Wout kind of a I'ireu- ;t
Tbor nil ! ad to start i;i 1 -iiiall way. but why -ta.v In tbal -luall-t no f..iii.e of iiiind'f ib-t out of t.· li-ik" class a- s>">u as 1*0--.ble.

T'.e la;t r ;s eonbued lo -aig.e ' trap- ' and
sw ngiiig laddors Ti.e pi rforin.iuce open- w-"i a s|.,.,-ta. !..,
··Noah and 1! s Ark ' e mpan.iins, and cl'-- '
w.tb the "Iluilt''. Tbis wr.t r vis 'oj ar l.yndburs', y. ,T . T a--
day, June III. and r de tlie tra 11 to ^

YVe are t"M that this Is a historical erent.

W. H. .M.ddlcton says the advance car of tne <; ntry-Ihit|or...n C rcijs arrived in the Crand I  I' -tati' ii. New Y'ork. ."Saturday, June k'l.

and that it

the first circus advanre car to

pail into the may yi 4V Y'ork (Irand Central

II rminul.

Ill*, e r.-* a ^atb.nal In-tltut-on ami


Ih. -o iI.-..,;iiuI. .1 :ii . .··ry form u wli.rli

I - ',.11-I.'..I to ilio i> jirei.,. and pro-

!i ':;i I- a 1-lie Ih-fino Ho* tatV of lIio

t» * I'.io... JuUf liy tto*

4 .r.'U« at

I*-*· II. -le.--., dies out. T:im oreau.x.'it .on

v.-ui* to i,a\r ''h t " In .N. w Kiieinnd a' lu-l.

la A- !« i.rov.ue to b<- otc«dl-nt ni.iea-

r o-  'i

I."--Wrtfo II- hiHik alroit y -ur

 Ti. rt.\ \oar- iii l ir. u- Itu-ui-s* '.

Itrcsa u.o.
Cbarlos Itoulwaro. a-'-tanf manairer .`v-IIsKliito I'lren-, was in .N. w York lu-t Wo4>k and Ihi'Kilt two li'ii kiUK h'r-o- from 11.e d. funet r.-li-o in Itriiok!. n and -l..p;>.'d tbom cm to t!:e -how.
I» C. nillett. coiioral acont < bntry-I'att.-rsoa r r.-ii', a v;-tor in >· w \'..ik la-t weok. Tbi- i-lroii- w.ll ! ay J|i Von oii. N. Y'.. Satlirilay, J'lly o. .\ larite p irrJ f'om b.jJ City
r.rolbi-r-' I! »· i ll iii; Tra n.d Wild

N. .1.. the W'o.lii -day stand, and l ad tiie opl-irtuiiity to oli-erw- that ovorvone ou tie s'.ow is With and for Cioorgi- YV,.siiiugtoii 4'br!sl\, of C'hauiler-burg. I'a.. lio i-oar-iod t - i-us ·w`:..r ani iiiaiiagiT. 'l'..e food is g.'od uml salaries are
pa d prompt.y. Till* writiT sat on tbe vats for t*e nght
s!...w Jack Mi'.ee of ll. K.'s y, w
York !l plMKl.i ine. Mas Klliott of tl.c ko.tli ofti. c.s. Hums l» Sui:;van, ni inager J-flors.ui T'ta-
ter. New York; Kills .1 .s.p,.-. Aa' -al.ari ani¬
mal d aler; W. H .MIdilletoii and Mr. 4 hr;- y. Tlie latter i- o-.on and frank in s;i,a-,h and actions, lie t..;d of I. s ami. tion.- and p nniod out the* sl.otio' ai.ngs Ilf h s c.r" - in a manner tbat W.IS suri» for a ciicus owui-r and

.lohii Wi 'sb. of the old Brothers' C;"ctis, ,11 x..\v Y'ork recently from I'biiadel-
phia. Ill' a:. I brother, C' I. Mike YVelsh, are in the -oat bu-iuess .u the cjuaker City.

-YIcTand. I A. T.owande says he la seeing to it

that lldward S:.o44-!es. 1( year-old son of t e

late YVilliam (liiliyl Showles (circus riderl. 4Vill

got a good 1 ducat on. Mr. T.owande reports be

Is ri coiving bolp from members of the llingl ng-

rianuim and other circuses. All those! ig


to this cans® can adrde-s .Mr.

l.' waude, k'".'3 Cast Kifty-fourtli atret t. New


i ...rl.-s It neline tti.' man ..f do

Kd <7. II Itand says he was the first to put `'Hilly'' .-' ",4 .'s oil a hors. 's back. "Billy" was a -mall bo.v then, concludes Kd O.

I'llli I s .M.\\.V'.ItU.s--.<· 1 .1 111 3'oiir routi-« .j.fc \oii .'aiiiiol liido. aud. if J'ou ilo "-lit to ll.'ll, w l.o froiii'r 3 our routo in a..ou > iir |i!a. o of loi-iiio--. I>..ii i J..U «anl your
J O ..I i.ii-iiio-- kioo.ii lo |>io-|ioi 114,. |.atron:ie<-' of · o i.r.>f. --,..u aiid lo.lili.-V

^ t.i k f .lip-. I·.llldlll.l-t r ai.d Ilia,I man w.tli 1 : . 1- .ilw;,.- rie'f l-.oro ou lliiio

" Ui * o 1.  V W -  iiiaii  ill f'l

II,.1.1, I'.iii oard- aiol loufo raid-. of tl,,. -aiio* I III II-. lit it Ih- mi d.
..f III- Word and wo w.-!i lo t'.iiiik roiio into a II. 0-. \,.\v li.ilf.ird, M.i-- ,

1- axa.ii oio- of till- t. e -.loit- for SiMirk-,

Heller Acme Shows

YVoIl. h"44- are fi:e Tiding Ttooneys doing? · ·rtou bear t. .s team's name niont.onctL

4',in you ll. at tiii-; .\ c.ri-'is must now b«

|·l·I.sldorl d a- a to r^ gain one's health.

In the etlice llu* I'ier div tlie jilione Ikdl rang.

.1 iady s 4.i;o,i -a d: · ihiti y.oi tell me w.'iat

0 roll- I- pla\ iig in or uoar No4V Y'ork? My

dii'ghter 1- Hot ill g.I : alt;, and 1 thought

Iilly a il.iy at a c - us w'.iiiM greatly

1 ":.o;it tier'' W" g.i

.r the nformation.

r ·· T'ai.k'd us anil ,1 .|

4voubl -tart at

41;.' e fur tlie grounds and tl.ou rang off.

Kr ila.v. Juiif 1.'. waa in.f an nniia kv dav for 0.0 Ilaie .ne l'·^llfl:rr- llarii'iiii ,V v 4 r'`I-. I!'! .\. Komi ily 4110I w ttb 111 wntoa Iroiii -nr iietiotd. .Ma--., Juno 1*: "Ti..» lliue· tx liuiioiiii iiri-u« i.|ii,»od |i, I,. Kr daj- lo a llirl.t nial.i.i,- and ]>aokoi| tboin at mebt. .\t Ilartt" 'I. l oiiii.. rbur-di4v niebt tlmy playt-d to · i.o of till- li eif'-'t boiiM-s of tbfir (.·ri-tr, fully
Miowiiif Ethel Atkinson, Prince Elmer *nd Mans^er Thomas Atkinson, of the Atuuton Circiu, now plajrinc in HawaU.




Ijllij.;-;_\\',i call l>la< i' for loti'4 .sca.-i'il nf

aiiil l'i li"!'r.Ui'>iis. S«';i|il.itie

ainl .\Ii rry .Mix-l'l». Slinws as tullows; ILiw.iiiaii, l-'iw or Ti n-in-t'tio ati.l IM i;-

fiinii ."shtiivs. t'oiicessioas as follows: Fookhouso, .Iiiiio Joiat, Forii

r.all Ci.iiii4S. Grintl .<toi'>"s. I'ovil's F.owhnff .YIU'V .and I-'ish I'on.l. YVh-- Is as

follows: Fiimi.v, Fillows, T'.ath Hobos. Itoiirs, Itolls. (..`vfrnifrht Rags. Silver,

rirds, ilroi-iriis anil ('looks. Two Concession .Ygents. T'or oiir


Minstr^'Is, w o can pla<'c Colori-il Porfonnors, tbri o fasl-sti pptni: I'

two Trains and four Girls for Chorus, also six-piroi' Colorrd I ir.d don-

Mi-s in (M'chrstra. V'air .^rerrtarirs .and Crb'liralion i''otnin'tt"<-s ailiise rs

vonr datis and will send I'onrti'ous rrprosrntalivo to cotT'rr wiGi yoti. All ad-

tlrr^s or wire AV'I. NA'. 'I M'. 'Isr.. .Snitli Slih*. I>aiiiilli*. 111., wook <»l .Iiiii" :Jn.

MARINE CITY, MICH., JUNE 7th to 12th. l''irst Carnival in six yr:irs. YY'.inti il .all kinds <;rind Stores. Alt. Clemens to follow' for the I'olioi* li'iind. .Yddrrss LEW HENRY SHOWS., Mich.
Golden Brothers Circus Advance
Fxpirirnriil Cirrus F 11 rusiias. Litlioirraphrrs. I'.aniirr Man. LJill cur on routo. Frank Van .Mill*'!'. .Manapror. Want capablo Press .-Vgent to handle buck. Wire DAN FRANCE, American Annex Hotel, St. Louis, Mo.

.T im. s \v liwyer. we hear y.m are Jn the no It ll:-1.1-- at ITuutingion. \V. Va. Let's !.a4e a line.

Cliar'i s T. Sa-'.i ;.r..m:-os nniisiiat ac'ivities w ith I reii-es t' - w;nt'r In\uier can <"UUtr;o-. Il.i ro-.ort- 111 gotiafi"ns iimler wiy for a large l'.iiuI-t of p. ril"imers.
· rul r"p"r'- fn 'ii S i'itli .Viii'rictin po.nt^ siiy t e nati''s a-.' 44:1 r ng for anil .v .nil'-r ng 44 :iy Sli pp .1 K ' - do Hot c-iio' ('· r way any more. T I- li :ii b:i- an onv;al''e f' iifafl..a all 04' r S"UT'i All.'r  , ;f 4vh.1t 4V'- g.ithi r can Ic tak'U a- true a;.d we belo-ve it is.

Eftiy Direct Prom \1unutacturer



1 .


^ l' V "V (V
V^.-i XA A

wldi i*'e rr-'P itlon of Nest quallly C'.hI^

' r lev. .t pr s. \ trial crier will eon-

vt;.4af j'u. N'r4T 4'-r«'l ns in



S' I s;ijdt«.

N». ICCO .$l75pfrDojia

No4. 304). 4C0 .J.Ii prr Dox'n

Nos. 500. COO. 7C0.... 2.M> Ptr Otxti



Itai.di. A " I ( a

On.' vlo-tii e-. ,» . irj. K a.;y 4'....i.

SI 25 per Doxrn.

I"',' r. ..t. Ill 4.:.-, tail-.

2.'> : .14  

ts'"re 4' 41. I>.


271 Cpnpr,-, Ave..

New Haven. Cpnn.

Jos. Itigger's P.and, Robbins Bros.
Gettysburg, S. D., July 5th; Oakes, N. D., July 7th.
of Fair 4la'4'-. tu'r open tl'.ue for Falra. Michigan. Ohio Aid the S'lLiti. Merry-m-Tiwnd. FerrU wheel 11141 I'cn'e-elJii'i I t.W ilKNUY', 'JSl j4Xies Stre«L ML Clemens. Ml.-hlgan.


Xl\e Oillt^oard

JULY 5, 1914



(Ni;\V YOUK ((FKK K)

T.oi:t« .T. !!arM>. <if I'olai'k lSn»s.'

·Iiiliii Kifii-r, (if `Cir.ii'liiiur'. riinl tln'ir top

il 'Iro.vfil !)>· atoiin in ItnioklvD,

V., lait

« I l k. ||·ilr lirml.v, lalki-r. Is out of fhe lo^pital.

Iiiit 't.ll taking rmliiim tn-alunat' for kncitrnlllilo

l/iilis .1. I!i-ik. Iiioz Amlorson. Cliiof Wliity

Hawk, .laiiirs M. ll.itliaway.

.IcK'ica i'rauk. d'iiilp|o-\iiii-i' voialisl. Canio

l-.i''l to try for a piuili.- ti'ip Has Ih-imi pl.iv-

im; vaiidi Nilli' and iiirimi- liiiiisi ,. Wi st as a soInist. .Sio|ipid at Holil .\siiir.

Ccori;!' It. ItoiiiTs. 1.1 ft f,,i- Wi'toiti I'oiiii

sylyania to siatt a pmio it."ii fur a "i>i(; top " show.

dark Kiiitirdy, Ilf f!.; .jau, oiiiirossionniro.

I.iirkiio; til jirii .all I'.a'ti ni lairniial.

lOildir illa.iilrni <I I iiiiiiiir. y.iiidctillo atitlior. .Nrw ^ ark

Sirlta. daiiiir. Nrw Yotk.

(irorirr W. Sti wari. of "jazz lliilo-trnmbom*"

fainr. IMa.viatr li.i-irrti iiarks and dolii;; widl

witli this iniM l iiHi'.i al iiistruto nt.

.. .Mlairr, liiirnin an jn^.'i'li T Oooiiod

for a viiiidi-x 111- dair at llrtinif .Inly 117, to In-

followid 1(\ a strinv of fair lunik,iiirs.

.\lfri`d Haiiiiltiiit, larntyai ronn-ssionairiNow York

.\1 K. Wlorli-r. inanaaii I'.rlinunt's .Vnim.iils. Nrw- York.

Kuiidy Ityan. of .\:li.uiy. N. Y., foiinf-rl.v in tin- oiitiliior slmw li;i~iiirv^



Wr ail- ipntr s n,. | out knir iiiti-ii'»ts will ni`\ir stand fur ili lai nn imr i \rii lurddliin; Iroiii till- \ a iii!i'\Hr li'ii't. riyaidir" of tin«I'lntnissioiii i s i iidi aMirs


* Mti` >1



rMiii!nis-ioii. r.


C'-r iiiniiediale ddivoiy. .\s IllUiiralcd. II T lii.i'.-- tell,. 1'.. iinhes ilicp. iMikcd il do'/eii j I- I ; . ill assoited efilors.
I 30c Each


dit.o-il imiM a ieiii|>any all ordcis. fsil-

1 .an e V', U. 1).

(Rrad Wonderful Letter of Commendation From


Biggevt House of Fruit B.vsket User* in New York City.)


.\,.v Yelk, 'me


I Ml..'.'l(S. CMII 'illEKNHM M A: .'OX.


j21 Citai.d .sirisl, e'lly.

I Cenlleiiirn--We are uddii'-ini these te.v lines I to y. II a., an ef ..iir apinet iatl'iii for
li.e jiileinlid servl.e .vo'i have tendered ns fer a nnin'ei- of .Mats Past.

' 'll;- nuality it ilie 'i4i.-kets fmni-li.t liv V 1 .1. d tlie |ioiu| t (Miveiy of .same on iiuiiui'US oi-a-ions al elioit noH-'e has lieen of
;ie,it assislanec to ns.

Veiy truly .vours ( If.MU.Ks & CtWirANV.
W .\. Cliailt's. Vii-e-l'resiilciil.


524 Gfand Street,


Local 3nd Long Distance khone: Orchard 3521

Paul Wenzel'a famoiia "skeleton" run¬ around with the Sparks Circus. Wenzel is s.sid to bo the patentee of this numlier and also the creator of the "chasing tiger" bit.

\*\v ^4»Ik. .Tiiut* J''. -- Mr. tiiitl Mtk. IMd

r.ruuji, ulm liavi*

thN o.ty for

fr\v ut 'ks t iHii.iiiiiii;:

witli ph'a^ni


lor ('Ilienko.

.\vr till* nirniliiTs nf n,,. Siiowim-irs l.inis-

lat \o I iiiiiin I..

to a linanrial sta'r.

iiii iit s|,,,r ini; ii,.;ni/i il tiynn-s ot li ri-ipts and

di btirM iiii-nt

TiiO I'Ointliissiiiin r is iwiiii ii.i; a sllontr inilination til liiilil on to Ins pra. I...-. Ills driani ot a -inr,-vnr iiiliri- with a ii K salary that
wonid III* lirid'd mi I - i- ontdiHir siiowiiirll as a Iiirirtnal ta\ is failiii;;.

I Is' I'.ili iiaiil is a siil illy rsialilish-d iiisijtn-' tinii ili o.iiv and iiiipait ally to tinM llirr (it till- pro; Ir o! f" shew Wnrid and sri ir.- raiu rr hi j ri datory and si-liish inu rrs;, m ihi- s .ow wm lil.
| ill- i d.t,'!' of Till- r.illlinatd was aaain strotiKl.\ rriT'd to tiitr t at the ronimissiourr was irr. iiii.i; plrnty of in nr y if it were rightly rxpritih d.
Ur lannot sa.i a liiing tliat wi" do not bolii >.
Wr do iiiliM-, 'siwiMr. that if the outdoor shiiwiin n i riisalrrrd i nn wniiliy of Uis biro thry wmild lla\r 'ilirujl 11 d lim.
I.itllc r-al i rnarr's ratt hr mado by confin¬ ing iinr atii lilts soii-iy to iliminating and Mipprissiiii; (hr mils in the Inisinrss. We will grt on iiiir h fasi. r by siriying to di velop that whii li .- giHiiI.


Maytirld. ih, . .lui.r h's---riie Wonderland Exliosiiiini Shows j isi rhi-rd a viry n-initnerative Week lii-rr nnili-i aii'|ii'rs of tin- William Walki-r Hiisr t'o,. an! Wi n- roiii|diuiriitrd on their showing.
T: r show ii.ovrs, foi iir\t Wrrk, to Exeter, 1`a.. for II !''irih of .Inly leieliration. Another I'ligagi nil III of iiiiiiortanre for a few wriUs bit. r wiil hr the old-ilomi* Week nt Wist Srtaiiioii. I'a.
Tin rxei III M- sialT of the show incll.des Carl H. Harlow, iiirnig-r; .tl.inny Kline, seentary; -Irhn Itiin'i-a. grir-ral agent; Ei/arns Natiian, lolvi rtisiiig man; .Mr. S.-ott, eirrtrieian, and .lames I'rrzii sa. trati-|Hirtatioii manager .Ml rides are ownnl and operalrd by .1. Imwrrnee U right. The eonri ssjoiiaires at pr-sent are; .lohn .Maiistirld, three: Wni. Cafiery. three; Win. Wright, two: Wii-im Wiilaiii. two; I.azari..Nathan, oiie; .1.(ih l liriin. two; Mi. Hillard. two; Hernard. tlirr.-; .lo . i-.n .Mnr;ihy. one; I!.il|ih Baker, three; .lark Ivinne.v, one; Mr. Harlow, three. The fr.e atlrartion is a ti,rillir, furnishtsl h.v the well-known MarM-hnis .M, leville. The show mov.-s hv trurks. .Ml of wiiieli is aeeorJiug to an (Xnutive of the aboye sliow-.


ll.tvc live l)if7 week.s of mone.v spots in New Jersey, liist in, ;uul ei.hilit weeks of Fairs. 'W.ant to join at once. Motordrome Uiders, with or without Dog and Pont- Sliow. Will furnish complete outfits for any money-getlin.g Show. Want Concessions of all kinds. Have opening for Merchan¬ dise AVheels and Grind Stores. Route furnished to tliose in¬ terested. Address

tllieertaillty ,if the steel Inisiiiess. was retleetei}
in tlie falling nlT in patnniage. Tl»- Hilllaiard representative here visited tiie slmw iiKist <it tlie day and renrweii aecmaintances with M.-ssrs Warrell, (ieorge Smith, I.ew Urahaui, Conk. Will'll, Hriee and otliecs- on the front door. ·Ml had many friends visit them here, among wlgim were Hosa Kosalind and htt'liand. Carl r.aui-r .and his w fe. furmerly Madame Clifford, sword swallower; .1. .1. Evans. .\la"illon. tir(Its owner, and a party of relatives und friends of Hie Charles Siegri't troupe of aerialists, whieh aet is from Canton. The Weather has loin minli belter during reeent weeks and

Inisiness everywherr has boi-n big, .according to ollieials of llilf show.
.\kron. O.. .Tune k'7.--The Uingling-H.irniiiu C.retis did not start its matinee Is re Weitin >. tlay until after d:.:0. The m vv lot. m ar Ih aver and l.xcliange, was in a terrilile condition, due to lieavy rains, an,) miieh tronble was expert, enced in getting tlie lieavy liaggage wagons on and off the lot. Tlie iiiglit I'erformaiiee went iitT on sehednle tiim-. Hnsimss here, despite the fact that tlie riildier indii-try is euriail.d to a considerable extent. Was gisid. attendance being fa r at tlte matinee and capaeit.v at night.


Nmv Yerk. .Time J'--.lann-s M. IlatliavvaT is .11 the city Havana,, and Miami, E u. lb- plans to leinaiii Imre all sniiinnr I'l.iiis f..r He- imniedmte riitiirc m-t known at pre s. Ilf eibi-r tlmii side to Hoston, Ma's.. for lie- Elks' eouvetitien.
N' vv Ymk. .Tune --Mr and Mr«. Patrick I'rain ls Slianli-y. of Pai lm- « oast hotel fame, arrived ft.on Eos .Viigeles via the I'anania c.inal hist Week. They plan to remain Ea't vis ting the Coast resorts until the middle of .Vngiist.
N'.-vv Y -rk. June ·_·«.--Calls have reached this city troiii a uiimher of the East-rn carnivals tliH, vve,k for general agents. Tills indiiatc' there is a viiatige in executive staffs impending among a iiiimlH-r who Iiave experteneist grave di-ap|M>iiilments regarding niid-siimmer bookings.
New York. .little 'JS.--Ellis Josephs. .\ustraIiaD animal dealer, win* liad Ix-t-n eotiffned to bis apartment in the l'enii~ylv ania Hotel by illiiess, is out au'l at work again. He recently sidd and had shipped two caniids to Al H. Haines and two to George W Christy.
New York, June 'JS,--.·samiiel McCracken ar¬ rived yesterday and is making his head(|Uarters at the Hermitage Hotel.
Vi'vv York. June --Klim r I Brown, amU'etiieiit promoter, of Cineiniiatl. came to town this Week. May start some celebration promo¬ tions in the East.
New York. June 2S --I.iicile .\ndcrson and her diving girls open Moiida.v at Kecreation Park. Pulton, N. Y., for the week, to be_ fojlovveci h.v an engagement at Jamestown, N. Y. .she will (lilt out a -No. J a-1 stain for parks and fairs.
New York. .Tiiiie 2^.--.Viniisemvut imrks in this vie uity, vvitlioiit exee]iiioii. arc making iiniisiial preparal -ois to entertain patron' on July 4. ti|diiitism in jirevailiiig and predictions are la-itig made Hint, weatlo-r iieriiiittiiig. Inde|ieiideni e Hay at ( om v Island will have tlie largest |iatroniige In the history of that resort The deeoralioiis put ii|i for the I)emo. ratic conventlona n-s will remain until the Sunday fol¬ lowing the hig holiday.
New York, Jiiiie 2S. --Boy Cate, known ns the "ligliluing arti't ", iiirlved yesterday from Bead¬ ing. Pa , i-u route to Pliiil. .Mich. He worked last winter decorating Camonla Park, ReaiEng. for Ed Boodes, and will do the same thing at the Flint AmiiscmcDt Park for E. J. Lauterbacli. ·

frying J. Polai k last xv.-. k i.ass. il thru .New York (it.v'en i nit.- to Join hi.s eirrns, wliieh is showing in W:lllains;'ort, i'a., this week under ausidee.s of the Elks. Mr. I'olaek adih d .inothi-r hig altra.-tion while stiowing for the lienetit of the (iarfii ld (.\. .T.) Voliiiifeer I' re iiien's Assoeiation last week -- the eighteen trained s, whii li n eently elo'i d a long engagement at tlie X. w York Hippodrome. In spite of the rainy weeks thru whieh tlie einnhas just passed, it lias k. pt its head ahov.water and is showing to good attendaine. Mr I'lilaek's manager, Charle.s Cohen, is In 1 liarge at WiIliani'i>ort tins wi.-k. I.oiils .1 Harris, (iress agent, tol.l a representative of 'I'ls- Hillhoard tliat Mr. Eolaek has sonietliing Ip Ids si, that will a-toand llii- anni-enn nt V.I. Id te xt wi .ter. The eiretis is bieiked foi <'and, Md., following t e Willinnisiiort mi-


(.i tiiii. th, .1 .lie -s.--Tlie ningling-H.irnnni * ·  medet d le re Tiilir-d.i.v to a fair and ma ea a it v at iiigiit. It w.,s

I lie

I nie ,1] .(ear- t! tlie town has lie.-n

on tile reji. at route, ti.e sl ow i.Iaying lieri-

El'' 'eat to 1 a|.ai ity Imsine.- at Isitli inrfoim-

anies. Ind.istr al conditions, espeeiully the

The nitty layout pictured above one ot the Croft & Allen concessions at Atlantic City. Shown in the picture are, left to right: G, Tait. of the concesaion department of Croft tc Allen Company; Mrs. Scattergood. of Scattergood'i Amusemment Pavilion; Herman T. Ohl, OKI's auto racer; David Ohl. operator, and S. Murphy, electrician.

ITiiTitiia. Ctiha. June 'J.'i.--Ben Krause, who h.i' heeii rntiiilng a fair and (lark In the Interior of Ciiiia, eii tour, rvieiitly opened n|i a .Smith ·' terprisc In tlie Milinrhi- of Havana, and i|nile near the race track and basehall luirk at Man.mao. It has been ivlaylng to gisKl hii'lties-.
Krail'e shows hiivo played oilier West liidisn islands sill'll as I'nrto Bho, Santo Itoniingo iiml the westein end of Cuba, vvhete very gisid Ini' · ness was reiairted. Mr. Krause has reeelve.l eiiei iirageiiieiit and praise from tlie governtiieiit ollieials of Ctilia and Santo Itomingo. Ha- ' letter from Hie preslili-iii of Santo Homlngo. and .il'o from the govi-rnor of the provlnee of Cams giiev. Ciili.i. .Sr. /.aylas P.aiaii.
.s.piiii of the at trait ions that he has been of|e|ing III Hie t'liban piildle an- a niolordroinlot'} (tty. "world's sm.illest lad.v," "How ('<m He Eive': '- diving girl', fealiiritig MI'S ' 'Ibis latter p.irt of his exhibition Is a free aet Till re are al'o mei haiii'al rides sm li as tlm whip, ferri- vvln-el, laiig.i swings and meriy gloniid- The 'how rinses at Ho- lot in .Mnriaii.oi on Sunday iiiglit, .lime I".!, and mnves Intu H.ivima City for an indillnlle slay.
f hiiago. June 2S--I W. Mareelllis, of the Nliiiix City Booking Hfflee, was In the city yes¬ terday, Jim niiglies was piloting him about.

JULY 5, 1924

professionals out of it


N ,t Included in Wild West Contests jt Rocky Ford (Col.) Fair


Pi.lit. Ciilii.. Jiii.i- -S.--.Vu iniiiiviilioii ill

t W ilil ci-t tniiiii' aihiTt -I'll ill  niiin  i .mi

, , ,1,. \rK.iii»ii" V illi'v I'alr to !»· Iiflil iit

|. ,

iili-iiilii r 'J-.'i. Ii !l "OunrMiys'

I', .|i

"'" II 11'" Imi.vh ,111(1 (tiriH of iln-

\\. I rt II Im*

of III*' fiiir tt"*ii iMilon hikI,

r.,'.ill .V. til*' lii».V''"t l·<«l··|.\|> ill til*'Stiiti''<

i .1, .y i' '':iii|i'li* *l on 111*' fiiir irnminlK. .Sc|i. .iii.irti'i" "111 I'c |·r^lVl.|·ll fur t>lr*'pini;.

ii ,,.11 li>' fro*', liul till' 'ki.v^ u II li:i,H to
|,iir. I..I''' tli*'ir iri'iib ftoni Hi*' liitf `fliii* U" ...i,. »iM l><` on II.*' V'riiiitiilH. All kDiinii fi .. .111.(1', ·( li.iiiniidii' " and tundcville ix-r-

' . iii.r' i(ic l'arr( (I fr((iii t:tk nu .joirt In the

...(III I'. "Ill'll "ill I'c (·S|'ri''i>l,v f(*r the hcne-

iit (i'll I nic. tiiliinii Dt of the ri'iil rowlioy untl

. .11, ital.

It 1 ( x|o'flcd that this " II lx the lartn 't

;;aiiii'tint; of real rii"lK>.vs that the Stufe has

,,.r · III. and Hie fur ii"'M'ialiiiii is |ilanniiii;

,1 yac llii'iii all a ttiKni time.

I a".i('iati*iii "ill iil'o eondtirl n rnuiiint;

iie-i I. Then* "ill he live or si.\ laci s ca. !i

·liiv .11 (liaic*' of tv. It. Kiiliiier, of tliii.iha. and

\ri'nr M. hiiiaht. of K.iiisas l ily, "ill Bitaiii

do the '.lartiiii;.


Vh 111.. 11, .Jill." .'7.--Miii.v'' L\|s>'iliiin Sh.iw '

., . , a.iin;.' .\ toll tl..', "

on l.i- liri'lou

'..r iiij.ler aii'l'.i I ' of the liln oou' .Vtlih-tu- I'liih,

and le VI "Il k "ill lie at .Mox' idore. II. llieh r

(.1. .f '

K of I*, lloiiiccoiit.ui; and

rmirlli of .Inly t'oniniittee, A i.iiiiiii. r of I lie '.lo,*f..lW visile*! fix* It.n*!


Ikir i'llll linilH \V. (Ill*'dav . 'l i e >.||*IW li.i'

1.1.1 many visitor' this Wiek frmii t'l.'Vilaiiil

., .1 ..tie r I'lHIl'. "Jai'k", th*' llllds'. t Inollki v.

a fialiir*' of Hi*' idl 'how and kiionil as tlj..

11.11'.Ill ' of tlie Maey .sho"'. <li. d 'ri.lir-slay

'i aft. i an illn* ss of tl.n e day* and was

I.-o|. rl.v li' T .' il · .Iu* k" w ll Ih' nil's* d l>y

'll- lilt ae oiitlil and esisfially hy ''liov." unil

Ml'. Ma y.

1:. 'i.i." |il.i>i(l i;;ict. It., Canton, last

«. k. ic.di r au'|ii*'c.' of the .Mldetio .\ss(K-ia-

·;,in. Mr. and .Mr'. Collier Join* <1 there witli

ii.i- I..1 lo-N.'i Shew, one (Oil.."ion and th ir

idl (liv ini: do- -- "llieh inal-'S Ihp-e free a*ts.

Mr. t'o|...r al-K) css ale ail as [ironioter, mil

Mr'. Co.lier, w.ili tla-ir s|«eiul auto and

lalliai.hoiie". Hill do advert i'inic In t(V«n'

Harry U Small, a"!staDt nianan'er, flo'cd diir

Im: t!ie Co'hm ton h'.I ( nttaui incut to join a

Southern diittif. ('arl St. (iiarles and M k-

l.aue closed lately with their coni ession*. .M

Itaiinoii.l, of Itatliato's I'.ajiil. closed two "eek'

a.'o. .Mr, Halli.ilo has iilnisl iinotlnT cuiic's

Mun Kand.v i. iiiakinK live for Mm.

DniriTT CURTIS (for the Show).


At Rodeo in London

On Swagger Slicks to Jobbers and the Trade
Tlie best-lookinK Htufi' in tlif> countr>. In stof'k tor inuin-iliatf <If-livpry.
We Guarantee Prompt Shipments.

PRICES: $11 6t, $21.50, $24.C0, $17, $3(. $4 $U. $72, SN, $101, $126. $144, $216, Per Gross

Wire ><»iir orUer.s or

l.'i.oo fur complete s:im|)le line.

Must have 25% deiiosil wiili each order, balance C. O. D.

FRANKFORD MFG. COMPANY, 906 Filbert St., Philadelphia, Pa
Philadelphia's Largest Umbrella and Stick Makers.

'iiir new "I'.W ttRITR" Hall Cem (e der i' Rett.rut a c..od iiiay ev¬ erywhere. It's souiethim; nc". ' iiii'thinir ilifterenr. Re the first to oiH-rate It In yottr territory.
'I*ry either or horli of these ma1 h n.-s vm our motu y-back it'iarati lee. Write for ciriular NOW!
Hi«h.Grade Ball Gum. $16.00 prr Ca.r of lO.OOO Ballj. or $19.00 prr lu-i Pounds (MS R.ills to the I'aur.dt. 1 ·I Ii . Si'v V Ih. N'. Y *s et ji f lo!-jhlpisd. Write for sample.
`THE MASTER' 1-2-3. lit W. ltd SIlMl. NEW YORK. N. V.



SHEBA DOLLS. 13 In Ur.e (l.i;':<r plume du-- ar.d head

dri'-, irinmi'l wltlt iii.-e'. Each.


CALIFORNIA CUPID DOLLS. 1:1 in. huh. drcisrd dume as She-AC,. haj. Eath . l`ai :it J 10 to a haiiel.
VASES. Oraie. Piiim and rhrrrv. 19 In. high, asinrled. In `h-r
60.00 PPerr, lOOOO^.a ·* tvax/.x/x $ #

BULL DOGS. SPANIELS. SPITZES. DEERS. PARROTS, all 10 Oft* c.ihe' 1. .1.. I'j h. .1 :;ii to a ' .re ii'-: dtp Mt "Ml e' hr. hi.a e C. O. D.

ITALIAN ART STATUARY CO., 805 S. Vandeventer Ave.,

Phone. Linden 923


New York. June --W iHer liiki-r. one e' .·vii \v Y' rk s leading stage darn ing ma't-rs, re|i' rfs ill! reusing (irogri 's at Ids sindio'. Mr
ll.iker lia. Iniiglit many of tlie leading ei lehritie. (if 111- 't.ige, aiming them M .rllyii Milhr, Kaiil.lnl.:-- 'Iwins, N.izarro, Jr.; Ct.iee .M.sire, Ciiy .''I.e, FloreU'e Walton and Ray IXMiIey.
I'.a'.-r was for y-ars daixing master for tlie "Ziogf. id Fi llies", riias, I)illini;h:itii, Mes'rs.
Lee 6: J. J. Si-uhert. (leo. M. Cohan, John Cort, and th- first r-viies of the Capitol Tlii ater.
Calls for .Mr. Baker's Bcrvlces luve so in<ica:-'d fie has b*'en forced to build a stud  at Ff-r-'t Hills to take care of his L-iig I l.d 'tlld.Iit'.
.Vii-'iig the various inipils now attemliug hi. Well-klelVV n st.eli..' (1. voted eXelU'IVely to
ti rp'O Ill'll .in arl an : .'label K'lk-n, )ilayiug ill ' IiiiiiH-ut E.'es", tiiivv at the Winter tlanleii: .b'l.ii Itob-s, of li.e  .les',. James" Company; 'nt.iliM'k and Sniitli, playing the Keith Circuit; l ie s .foy.-e. "till p!.i*s in tlie next new Havege
S'.ow, and Prince'S Wliite liecr and h-r partner.
Peppy' .


EJdi.' I '.nard. maii.igii.g ilirector of the .\1. (}.

Fi. id M.n'iri M. and hi. f.iinily jii't relurneil

to 111 T home in Foinmluis. t(., from a two

iveeks' iiet'ir Inii ih''ii tlie Fast. Tilt* ('ouard 'p'nt a ibligi.tfiii week vvitU Mr.

· "uuid' iiietlei' and father at the old home-

l'n.·e at

V( rmiii. I'.i. IMdi- eaiue back

piaiiii' to go", and fr-m tlie portfolio full of

maiiU'a ripl he ilidu t s|H-iid iiiueli time "grabbing

eiiery". as In- has a lot of inw material and

promi' -- 11.(t tin- e.iiiiiug s*:i'Oii's 'Inov will be

"lugger and better thiiil even". .Most of tlie

Cidtinihns Imv. are 'i,imping out' with Cn-le

Joe llaifiehl at Bin key- latke. (>.. and there

will be a let (it 'tor I S during re' earsals about

"·!'(· big one got av.av '. I n'le Jix* is

' giiriug on build ng an addition to his eottage,  .'liiisirel'' Best ", to take cure of the over-

llovv of performers and iig* nts dropping In to pay their resji-. i' and partake of one of Cnele

Joe's faiiioi.s ti'li (liiiners. Maiiriee Sharr, III'.'ii III din'tor of the show, and Ibden James

Wire luarri'd .filin' 11* at Covington, Ky.

Maurice Is the iift:i no ml. r nf the alfiiw to

Is'i ome a b' in do t this y. ar.

Ivii.ilon. June .·!! ISpe* iul Cahl.' to The Hill-

heardl.-- In ceiiiie, txm wilU the hiu rod*o here at the Stadium the tinal winners In tu- Hreakaaay Steer Itoioni; ,ont<'ts last niKbt Were .li'iiier Ward, Hlio set till a new W( mtdey rcc-


ird by ropiufT bis hea't In eikht secnnda. and ililly KinKi.ani, seiaiud, with eleven aeconds.
Very fast limes were made In steer wrestllnir. Jack Kersehcu threw Ids 'tier in fourteen and

will furnith Ten-ln-0:.e Outfit to capable showman. Tern .«.nilly. Captain ChrK Kerr, aaswer. All Coa-
cfdslcni open except Noxeltlrs, C.amt, Cock TTouse aed Juice. .Xeeln. Minn., thla week. Eleven
County Fairs In llklnola hooked. Including McLeausboro, Ureei.up. Mount Carmel. .\Ibloa. Newton. Benton


omis and rr ink Met arndl was ar.l Martinsville; all In Illincis.

only one aevond lond'r, while Mike Ila'tinus

hsik lwent.t tirree and one tl ft It «*'eoii(|s. Itm k Lili as, whose lime lust ni|Cht was slow--on ·



minute and four and fmr-tenth' 'issind' has made extraordinarily l'ihmI l;ni*' thruoiit thI'outesi' and l·(·(omes "hat i' Is iiiK aivarded us the new `'World's ehuniiilon". winning tirst prize of * Nouata Slim is si-emid and

tCeutiuuvd from juige `J) n:.d will open the aearen la the .*tiar aud Carter Theater.
I'ri (I .'"tone, they say. buys apartiiieut

Cliiiago. June

.Vdviees from Peoria. I'l .

state tliat Irving's Midget' were eaugnt

in the tornado there y 'terd.iy while going i.i a

wins $5.11(0.
CORONADO TENT CITY Ilieito, Calif., June J.`«.--Coronado C ty niiisieal 'cason oix-ns June '.I' with the same Is.liUlar oti lustra that It enjoyid la't y( ar uiiih r the leailer'hi)i *if J. Ward Iliitton, wlui has

houses. Will Rogers buy* a gnoil hmkinif California oil w. 11 ever* time he get* baok to the OiU't. .VI Jelsuii has a strong leaning fur govorumeut bon I-. T ey -ay Eddie t'Mi.tor is on canny picker of real c.tate tlxit grows In value and m> on.

hotel and that one woman in Hie a-t w.i' in¬ jured. If is 'aid that till' members nl the a^ f. tvventy-flve in niiinher. Joined hands and ein ir»Ied a lamp-jHist, to nhlih they clung until tl.e w.nd abated. Several of th*' tiny folks are re¬ ported to have suffered bruises.

valhetert a uunilier of isnmUr iiiii-ieians in hN
eicanlzatiun. ihtui Santa Kmma. a well-known IDEAL WEATHER IS AID TO


iniiiiis-t aoluist. will be one of the leadinx »|s`-

1 illsis.


riie crowd' at tent city so far this aeason are «  a 1 of U'l year.:

New York, June 30.--Ideal weather Saturday atid Sunday, with the t xceptiou of a heavy

Nashville, Tenn., .T'.ine Suyd.r, a member of the Orplieum Players here, was struck by an automubile this week. He was


shower last night, resulted In enormous patroniige at all Jiarks and beat h re-x>rts in this seetlon. .Vttetiil.ince at Coney Island yesterday

taken to the Woman's Iloyital. where It was said that be was not seriously injured aiol would soon lie able to resume his nde at Hie

^1. 1.11.1 «, June 3i>.--Maeiin K. WIIHk. gen¬ "as esitmateil at mere tlnin 40lh*SiO.


ii agent (if the Seh»ab|e-Wulllek tlreater

; iiW'i. Imlay Migned n eimtract to furniali

"lU'iii. It. fiir the -Mi'sonrl .'>tate Fair to lx-

·id at tMilulia .Vugin-t It* to 2:i.

'I.II.lie Fisher auhmil. some "remeiiilu'is" of ' · liuig'ing Bros.' t'lreiis. .tears l.s'.i? I'* llsM :
1 ri-mi iiili,.r when tin- Diieoam and '>" Hrigiiml Flying Fishers had two of Hie h''! eiistiuK H, nj, neriul uels III the biisiin'S' I' ll Were fealiired vv d h llu' Rlliglllig show fee '·srs; "hell tile I.eoinbiH Bros, had the aerial ' iiieilv bar act; ju-k Tv hell and wife did h'lakavvay ladder I'ln! impiib iiieiit m l. I'Irs l.'bll being the first vvoinuii to do a lead hnUuee on top of n Ivveiilv-fool i>. le sue. es-I i.'l; Joliiiur ItiHiiiey, feel l.oWainla. I.lxiie 'e"Uiey, Nellie It v land iiiid .1' Ha Sliipji Her ' Ihe liarcbaek rldi r-; John Ian khart ami hi-' "lull rfull) trained cb pli.inlfive in iiniiiliei : I ' ll ii'Brii'ii, iiieiiagv ruli r and gieiil hors'" I'lier; John .(gi'e. m 'uige and r.iee hoi'e
'"r. iiiid .\1heri ('rand ll vvll.i hi' original le lie aci; Nettle Carroll iind Ji s-e l.,s>ti, "Iru i.'li s; _xi and Steve M ,ieo, spub-r .lehii'on. 'H \dalr iliid Silvers tlakh v. priiienml (lovviis;
"11 Sarah Irwii* and 'Ifiiiiie F 'lo r did Iron Ji'V iSarah was one ef Hi.- grealc'l .iiiii jaw
"tf irmei-' ill iiie Itusiness and or gliiuleil th" "'Veil: Lew tlrahaiii was sble-si,o,v manager: ·1 "hi Royal was Ikis. of ring stork. Miss ''"er also Worked for Walli-r I. Main. "P"p* "tfi " Heiirgp Hall. Sam Mi Flliiii. Ilairl' Nickel'"ale Shiivva and Johnny Shb lda."
Uick iitfu the Ilott'I niroctory In this U.suo. Jn.t the kiou of a hotel you want may be listed.

A reproduction of the performers with the Gollmar Bros.' Show, season 1914: CllAS. Booney, Doc Stoddard, Hook Cross. Red Miller. Earl Shipley. Dewey Campbell, Gary Yan* derbilt, Walter Ouice. Toy Wallace, Buck Leahy, Major Busa and Toby Tyler.


ToiH'ka. Kan.. .Iiim' 30.--The New Uiand Tlieat* r on Ja-kson street is nearing eompletlon and will Ix' (ipeii'd Hie latter part of August. The theater stands on Hu- site of tlie old Grand, has an el.ilsirate front, is ei|uip|H'd to handle liietures, vandevilb- or legitimate attractions litul l as a se.i'ing (.ipa'ity of over l.tidfi
Ti.e I'i' Tneati-r "ill be reseated and re.
drioiateil and t ' Niti-iial Tlealers Company will b, gin the ereite ii of a new pirtiire bouse on Eighth street u' soon as work I' eompleled on t|.e Hratid ni.d the r'lUiHleling of the other
the.Iter is fiiilsl 1 d.
Tl.e National Tie ati r- Company, owner of the Grind and I-is thciilers. anuoilueea it has Jiisf taken a leug-lime lease on the Or(dienm Tlnatcr, ami will reluiiiil that house, giv* lug It a .seating (aiuiiity of l.e'io, as sixm as plans can he pr-iiared by Poller Brothers, ar¬ chitects.
Tlie Gnaneiug of the above theaters was taken care of thru an increase in the capital stock ot the eomi>auy.


The Palace Balirimui, Old On hard Beach. Me., oi'ued Jtiue 28. It is located in the new

I--u lie. reational Rutldiug, which is along tbo III .! h aud -aid to be one of the luo't up-to-date

h .i'.d.ngs of the sort in New England. It is

I'l by

fief. bu;:t of slcd and eon, 'ete. and

- lif ;-"of lliruuut. The h.illro'm extends the


l·^gth of th(- htiiliFng and has a fimir

 a of F'..' IXI 'ipiare feet


fliii.igo. June 3t>.--TI."mas M, Keiiz.e, iiiana'

a r of t Crystal Theater iii 'Vest N<ui:i

avetifie, reperte.l to p"! ·'· t a' h*' ".is u-·! lip

l.i't m dii'ght by three ariii'd iie ii lu . lobby

(.1 I e theater and rot li-d 'f $1.1'«'


l ip:', the b.andits t' ap iig iti iii aut 'iimh.Ie.


N. « Y-rk, June 2'.t.- I'  rill." ouidoor shiiwnii.n an.
.i.iie of Long Beach. C.ilif., a

- .T I'aunoB. .Ill oil mag-
· ! here yeatet-

Tr»p I'lUiimi.'i Tv'ani. man aud wife, that do two or m.*ve Cii us t.-. Prvbr Xrr.a:. Candy Stand and N.wcHy Ptlvlk.,e to Its, 50-5') bajlj. FNiiutsh voai* own team, waten or tru, k. Write or wire (lukk. July 3, Smlthland; 1. Calvert City; 5. Bcutoo: 7. niekorjt-. H, Fancy Farm: alt Kentucky. Fsefwl atogoo ihow people write LAMONT BUUtt ' tiUO'V.


Tl^e Billt>oarcl

JULY 5. 1924




The lollowing roster of the in rsonii. 1 aa.l is attraitions with the T. A. Wolfe Shows wa- V .ast week sent The Billboard b.v Hoe Waddell, is

press representative for that org.iui/.atjon;


agents; llarrj Dixon and I>. A. Stanton, spoeial agents: Thos. tJallraith, seventy-hour man: J. i?
'' (has. Abrams. Mu key Mefarland and .laiios <s Boss; Doe Waddell, press amj pnblieit.v direelor,
with Stella Uartuian and Itewe.v Baker, a- « Sistants; Jack Hatlwua.v. sti noaraph r; Toiiiin.v A -McDherson, messenger; J. .1. B. i~. se. rt tar.t. K. A. Potter, trainmaster; Ihlward Owen<. s> sUiierintendent^ of l<h; Poo Seanhoi, a'si-taui is



¥¥ 79 O


First-cl.iss Ten-in-t>ne. Nuthilif; but the best. Furnish Cat veii W'apon Front aiiv poo.l show. Coneessiolis all open.
Sixteen weeks of Fairs, starting July 26. Ride Help wanted. A.,lso Iirst-i lass FvlitoCnttlleCioUi-»'nn. Addre.=S FRANK WEST. General Manager, Baltimore, Md.




(I'onliiiiuil from i ace `H


is **>* meratiers I revloiiK to that M..^, had told

sS "oiiiithinK attoiit liN work.

>? provided an interesting program as well «, an exeelhnt dinner. A short Inipromptti vatide


l"*" th,

V ti'k'l't ooncltided the w« leome home demou-tra-


iv P^mk Tinner was the first so.aker t.. 1 1 iinne.r was tu* nr*t sp. aker to Im- in
i> 'r'sltn ed liy Tannen. T nuey Ininiediately j,,. is ,, langh t>.v addre-slng those present n- floi thi ^ where a jury, rorreeting himself as fho a si p of

jnster; Edward Latham, (dei trieian, assisted t).v E. L. Merwin; John Emgeihut. m.iMeal di-
rector; ··Parson" Andies. "( anNas clmreh"; Lmmett Kineaid and E. ('. I'lielianati. · sei-ret wrvice"; t laude Kin. aid. masf r hiiiller; Doe Bcanlon. boss caretaker of caaias; ls:ia. t.ithn, blacksmith: W N. Clay, paint, r an I s,. me artist, assisted by (..'orge .h.i.imy ZamlH. ami Peter ' fhailes harness maker: Master Billy, tw. nt.x-mouth-..1.1 s..n ..t Mr. and Mrs. Al.salom, the ' T. .V. Wolfe Masi-of


. ^

^.. r; Jam s IHPodlefooimnbboe., <Cteroorrjgroe M Maarrttiinn,, TToom m i..ii,iKins and Benny (irini'haw. ticket sellers


;,,,,i assistants. · ( aterpillaF': E. Cha'. Bowe. Hartwell. O.. June L'T --The Smith (treat, r

managir; Mrs. ('has. Bowe. ca'hier, assisted Shows arrive.I here Stin.lay i ien ng from Pans,

i,y p,,i|y A'.soU.m: Pr. <1 Kraiis. . foreman; Ky.. and oi>ened Monday li ght t.i eneoiineing

..r.y S. P.Iwai.l J. Harris, aiteiidaiu-e. since whl.-li. li.iweier. a ...

ti.u.t taker; Pred Williams and Bert Lot. II. as- str.-t f.. r in a m-arh.x . ..mmiimty has greatly

sManls. M.-rrx-Bo-Bound: Biairge Dolihins, d. tra. ted fr..m the exp.-. t.d larg.'. niimti.T of

m.anager; Clarenee Dh'hel and Janu s Dase.iinli.' mhlway visitors and r.. eijits. hnt Satiinlay

f. i . .St Jo,,, Pete and S?. C. I.osh', c.tght is e\pe. ted to roiiml .nit .i siie'essfni stand


' *' *

w. rk In the club get along and con

grafilated li.m on Its sueeess. Hjr.dd t anela n.

district attorney ot >a-siiii < oim'y. was i .

n. vt sp.`aker. and was am-. e. d.-d b.v B S. Moss

head of the tVeatri. al enterprises that biar hi«

name. He re. elved an ovat on that to- k on


,, ..nnr.nflnn H n,nnsts»«i,.., t

i*. * ^


* native son. Mr .M.iss sj^ike on the psychology

of salesmanship ami how he went about putting

,,p Eights fliib oyer.

T. A. Wolfe · All-Auierh au" (Viie. rt Baud-

Jobu Finnorliut. Uir>i t>ir; fLa'. W..j(-l-a, ll- rt

AinswurtL, C. F. ><irmiin. t'. V. I'aruil.i. Win.

Btein. Will. Mead. 11. J. Sl.-agall. <

11. -Me-

(iee, Jas. Carlton, l harles Z. ke P. Wiit, H. B.

Lueas, Jay B-.«h, Bihi. ttl.xcr and 1. J. 11.11.

Shows--Bolieuiian Classhloxxers; Bobt. I..

HutchiU'..!!, mgr , .Nan I', lliitcliinsoii, tickets

end treasurer; Wui. .Nort.iii. Ik>'s can

vusman: Jam. s Hui.':..ns..n, supi riutcud. ut

glassblowers. assisted by J.-s L.xijo.x. .Mike

Stravick, and A.

P. xim- ami .xile. (Iphidia:

Doc Scanlon, manager; Bill >.niiiis, Isi's cau-

vasman; .Vrthur J..lin'..n. inside l.ciunr; FFrraanncciiss' JJoo'llssoouu aanndd (B...uorrggee W w'....rrrrccllll.. ltiicckke.ttss';; i"·a·AAAtonnnraaa"...,oooinnnaddPaa.h"u,.gevssnnop.-a'.tkkkh..e^-o^ uicc.ilesi.ii\iVino..-..drr, Wffeeeaasittiu:irrTeessoro·"·CiUB.lloluuaxdd.vl--ard nlauag. r VVius. inW.M X iim^^


l'aVson'" vVad^

assistants. IB'|t,,,E.M M iu.ilsl-.i.Sr..haBff-ko.ivyn aHIIn.ud.,n,t,w x,v.,ri.i,ffee.0f».Pet\e

.Mitchell. Jack Burke, Mike Smith. Boh Martin, pMisxxell and wife. Sam Chi'kin and xvift>.

·'B.'d" Kirslmer and wife. Cor.l.iu Hines and xxlfe, Harry Phil Bass,.t. C.sirge

iS.i.tty) Scott, Charles Naliell and xvife. Oil.iiicl

 ilmon. Harry (In n . 1 I r ii. h and w if .

Jolm Broxxu, pill Hart and xxiie. I.t 's.-H

( anghey and wife. Ernie taiighey.

I-. While-

head. Rols-rt .M.'rris. · l.lule ITankie". s.d

Nuger. Bessie .Vilen. Beorge Cole and wife

P. W*. Boss,

I*. Mari.-tta. Ila/el .Vvery.

Tent: p'scjd* ('Bveri. manag. r: Dann.v " Brien. Joseph tdiveri, Jr.; Boy W illinnis.m.
jj^Oee. Paul McBee. Win. Walk.-r. T,.m

.T.diii-on, Hilly It.irah and B..i.. rt Ti.ornt..n. as.

Jeannette Gra.x. cashier: Barmy Bor-

VVtieorge M -rt m I . xy. we'l known attornev

· be show'''sk litff*e `adni . raTl.'lly " , lo<'ati »sl Ii n Hartweliil. was ttlmienn linnitrr...'..ttim ii lo.xv Tlamnnneenn. Hit.. w waiss frnnll-

a sul.urli of Cineimiiiti. tlie lot In'ing alongsl.i,. lowed hy JuBiis Miller, boro presld.nt of

the P \ e Highxva.v and s,> sltunti-d--r'lear view
on lilher side--as to attract attention of uiie i..r<ts and sir. et-. ar tr.itli.-. The aitr.ietlons are lai.l out in an oval formatiou. one side b«dng

M Maannhhaattttaann. H'.i rarlllo oonclud.d the ISt .f
sp· eak.TS ami lie paid a glowing tr hute to B Mo^s, also mentioning the material a d b*-

g ven ov.T t.x <sxn. e"i.>ns and th.- oih r to the Pad given Ih.. cliih at ttie crucial moment when

'hoxvs and the metrygg.e.eroro''..iinnd, oisniit.-.l under p wa<« most n.'...dd....!l A t..a't to Arngel Carlllo

larg. indivl.liially er.-.l'd top. ami with the


then rroix'sed

,,ti,.r four r ding devh.s arrang.-d in a straight

''r«. rarlllo wa then prop 1-



Telegrams w. r- rea.I from many thea»r'cil

A late add tion to tlie ri.les Is Hugh McPhll- folk unati'e to tw pres.-nt. These Inclnd d oom lijis' new "M.-rry Mix np". xvhlch is iiuiking it mnni. atlons fr.mi P. F .Vitas., J J Murd ck

e. ry strong hi.l for fo,emoney patronag.. It s. ,.m» like "old times i.i flml "Mack* aga n xxlih the show. In ad.Ilt .vn to the rides there

Vincent. W Dsvt n W. gefartti. W Ed-

, ''

it ·'

ctnno > Fred Stone. A

.,r.. at thF writing live Mi..xvs. with a War Ex- O Brown and others, l.iht to join next w..k at Uislng Sun. Ind..

( barley Box k and wif.-, Boia-rt Siiyd. r. Eilxxar.l _ -_ --- ^


Irwin, J. S. Suiitli, .Martin Young. Ilxlxu King, Ethel Martin. Zi-b J.ui. s. T.u.y l,.-.i|.arda, exv-


a b k :t « gyggY; ·?-« « «


hoys and coxvgirls. t'r. us S..i. -Slioxx: B. nc Mil- ^ ton. maoagx r; E. Jx.nes ami .1. Pax is. tick, t-; .^2·-

ill New York, June H'* On tt'c eve of a re.op

Claude Ingalls, boss caiivasman; ilcrnian .·'ing. r. 2-

Ytl rllli.vtlop with his wf., fr..m whom he h ;

"Human Vol.aiio"; ( arl li-.r-.m, com.d.x jug-

glcr; Mile. Leon, sxxord sH:iiii,\\,.r; B. J. Klim , X
2; tattooed man; ttmar, Hindu xxurker: Cha-. M. ^
Fulton, bagpuii.her:, r.i'lilcs; ir'i"*;. »;

magician: l`rincv.`»s Y>onu»-, ni:rnlri'axiiT; l.iMD*

«; >»onio, "AztK"; Koval llighlaudFr Kand,


rd by Killy ll.vud-. Hurry MalI^H\\^ and «jj;.

Jimmy Copeland. Monkey S,»oedway: Harvy iJrovfs, maiiagir; *loi»u K.>bn«'r and Waldo

^ "

Wren, tickc·l^; llarvey iiriuiin, »Icftnciau; dia>. ^a'

Sawyer, boss canva-man; B. nuy (', dirx.l..r of tracks and lox.p-lhe-lo..p; t nas. haxxy. r, t.andlcr of monkeys. Water Shuxv ami Dixing

g ^
» ra

N.W 3a1mTIeGsS

ttO o

cCoOnT·lj'JulirrC e

with -- names


bring o


m me em mo orriie ess ooff tthhee old days in the circus

world --, a/ re mentioned in

w ui


Apprenticeshhiipp. Days of ,




lA T¥ri|rO|^Tl

X A Lz L/X V.-A 1. VA w-


^ wn .·s.rane. i f.r m r. tta,. a rear e. w..i^^^

« r.UUr't·. i-r

^rii»r ami pul'li'^hrr. trIK Im- c'Vf'n
r'...rgi t... n. n t.i p. ni^^^


fri-'xi* i... i.i.unc m mieipai oiti.

innsic an.l imw .pat., r no n.


Vlmx-ot Is"i« z au.l b;« t'an.l will l~. nmong

1% pri s, nl also. Kate Wolfe BHImtI an.|

li- '*" fo"*'

. n ar.' xlue to arrive h* f ·

Birls' Bevue; J. L. Millx-r. uiau-i-'.-r; Hch n ' Osbotnx', feature in dixing and sxviiiimiiig,
5 (ilenuola Vaughn, iK.rothy tixxen-, B adys Mor-
ford, (irai-c Siinouton, Jenuix- ( ranstou, Jane tt,


fr*~|rAAAl _

/^ ·

" pb t'ire work .it tlie Bii-t.-r Keaton studio-

T1I hf¥e 1Circus rPrrooifeessssiion I

Darlington, Gladys Emery. Jin-s Haney. Etlie .t*. Farley, .Mary Vinger, Xauce Henry. "Mermaids'' ^* and Beauty B.xiie; fai't. la Bu-h. lire div-r;

M x-re.lil.'d with doing mux h toward the roeoncilEag tIoD.

Eddie Buth-r, cioxxn; Bob Kelley and Giles Uoxxlett. tickets: Barney Biau. boss canvusman.





Pennyland; H. D. .Vxery. nianag.'r; H.-ury Frill-

man and Jack Noyx'.s, tick, ts; tmlc.v Johnson,
mechanic and boss cauxasuiiin. Igorrot.' V illage; Dr. J. E. E«'oue. manager; C. B. Spratt, »t on the, assist-d by Buth Weakley and «K''

ij.; izindon. June JO ( ('able to The BdlM i.iardt.--Betty ris sii-r. w ll-known comedlenn.. W cut olT by tide while exploring oaves near

a May Davidson; B. C. Tiiason, lecturxT; Ma. k K
Williams, tio-K caiivasman; Ena, Lulu. Kiiita. "

A AppppeBaJrfiinngj 1iIm1n1 ttiuhhliiSsr iIISsmSsuUme6 -- page 4IQ9.

You'll be interested in reading it M y.'ir'r'huraianm""

tiaban, Aauia. olof aud Kame, Igorrotc«; ,5t

monkeys.«. Luzon W-ar and marmosets --a strictly d..nation sboxx--"l uy wliat yi`U xvisb

@ § a

*ben you come out." llaxvaiiau Th.-ater; BeaD ,R tfs"PYt.-&STSSTMg ^ it s ;: ·.; ;f;: s a sx « s k « ss ts s ;; It h s s

jtJt s ss Ys » ss ss ss ss k ss Yf ;s ss ss x ts s ^

-, manager; Framis Xadreau au.l BcO.

I.os .Vngeleg, June Ih*.--George Je«kem. m.*-

Howard. ti.k.Ms; Marshall Bumly. boss cauxas- __

^ tl..n picture dln-.lor. was prot.ably fatally

man; Bill Holt. Edna Holt, Bob Keliiaa, Uuby
Kcliiaa, l.exai Iirexv Jo -u Kalama and Joe ..^L'stic Il.iud. Liarcn.-e .1.
Willett, managxITr;, (xhuasi'. Bi^*.rr*. hII,, H ijaarrr.r>j l-lt''**-'' and Minnie Ballinger, assistants, G(...-morgia M -Miinn-


gan. boss oCaannvvaassnminann., aanndd BBllaakkee GGoonnzraables an.l

Winlil. .Vbsolom. managers of .Viiiiex HEathing d*'-

jpirairtmeennttisi. DPiinniing f('aarr: H H*e'rrlbl'»'.'rrt Swartjz.,. man-


p. iHiuuggih,,e.,,s and Arthur leaaixxvr.e'nmee. as-

where the shews are s.-lie.lnb'd to p'.ay iind. r the an-phes of a lilg I'nirili of .Inlv t'chtiratlon. Tlh.e.' rlonecce^ssion^s njinummliHih'rt ailM.outilt lthliilrril.vy*-tilvv«**'. In oi.l-r to gx't into Ifsmg Sun. the

liiirm-d In an attem|>t l.> put out a fir. Ihreulened the I vx's of Hire*' Women.



strels: Bay Dah· yy.; John W \\ ilis....n auu'J ^i.,,,nt8; MWymin. f. Grandhb-yv. cook: Tad ^Worth- "iH of necessity lie m..v..l -. v. ral mlh s bv

Bench Hand, ti Kkeettss;, "lIlI avv}y W W inchcell. canvasman; .lio k Wiggins, feature dancer; · Jazz  Warren, "Pop. oru ' Hood. Sle rinuii Bohin.son, llcl. u Wiggiu-, Florence Jones, Vic¬
toria Warren. Jennie Prather, farr.e Jones

jinngjjtjoyDn, Jjijim gmj M Miissssiioonn aanniddl PPeettee HIHiiaainnddyyv,,. w w waaaiitteerrss..





tn.itor trucks, there iK-'ing no railroad into that little city.
-V. K. I Andy) I .ig-.lon. g.-neral agent, was ti n k to the show for a f.-xv d:iys. eomtng fn.m W s. rsmsln with some very i.r.inilsing .··.iitra. ts. II.-

and Pior.m e Stewart, on st.ige; Ernest .Montague, band anil or. ie stra b ail.-r: fbas. Jones,

/(CasVO/xj TlttTcI Ov(Jm INN lKfV cEctINk'liTIt oSeM Hij OWS

has the show tsioked for the ri'malnder of the season.

Harvey Prath.-r, Harry Lexig.r, .Manzie Drew.


W'M. C. MURRAY (Frets Representative).

Aulx-in MatIth^exv-.' 1Pom \x p G`o'.J.hd-eInI.. P1 hhi.liii;,.' Tiiuirrnn..rr..

^ letter from VV. H. Brownell, ^weellll--known

Bob Sanders and Warder ( uiunssii..iiann>s. ,,ut.bK)r .-how agg..iiiit. fr.oim AM -liillaann.l. Ky.. sfate.l

·"lPOOriD P"o C SMMItT-rHu Aa xV/IieSiI-TrrOxD R

·"`BBuug IIl.'i>U1.''*.-'

bEvvc.-rr»x'ttlt ^ KBrainiiiaini. imijaaniiaagg.f-r;i that KElnnHio»rr.»*' ^Y al<'S anio»l IhiIihnii'*s*. If. btioitlhi of wliom

James Hlly'hllii'-li..r a..i.l

l:..l.nK t:. k. 'thI ave b.-.-n alh'oead ..f .MMiillll,i-r BBrroo--'' Shl.ooww- HIhi - s.-a-

Veiong nailers list xx-.-.'k at Hie flmliinatl

Braneh P1 bi...-'s xwcorrkkimuaan. ".M.Mxx-c-chlaiaiiili.naal nu. hi,ani,l| rreiec.iiittllyv . I.nis-. .<11 wxx tlhi that'/.at i.oi ofllce of The Hillhoar.l xx .i» ..n.-..f t n.-Is-t kn .xx ii

thty": Shian and llrun.l.ig.', managers; W. H.

ii.-.ii giv.-n tln-ir 'iii.|».it l.ixx.iril enlarging and tno-f r. veieran shoxxiii. n of tlie -otitli-

Sloan. Iini iko, 'Il-'; J. .V. Bruiinilagi.'. iiiiii lliiiirr.r; aunin.l ix' Hie foMoii K. nt Slo xv- into c.i-lcrn ijiiart* r of Hio ..milry. f. (I'.ijH .-in Hi.

Chari.8 (iriiliil.e, bos- xvorkman. ' Failan.l": a liMa''gg r ami iiior.- |irr**''tt..nnll.iii- aiiiiiiiii-'.-'imm. niit orrggiiiii- xx hose nanie until a .'otii''.' .'f .xi .ir- .rgn xxn-

Harry l..i..aie, mamig.T: H.-o. Man. h'-tiT amt Izafoii.

I iik. .1 as thai ..t Hi., .nxm r aii.t in.iniir. r of

Manuie l-.'Xi. tix'.v't-; l.'.i. iiriiig liivix- ^ and *'Wp .1,0 aireaxly iHo.k.'xl nl.'X'Iy for Hie fall **"' SiiiIHi (.ri'at.'r Sli.txv-. xvlih'ii org.i niz;. t .011 1-

Edna ; Vliarli .v Snunb, I'..-- eanxa-nian. -li'a- -.·:i-..ii,'' udd.-d Mr. B nxvnell in liis l**tt.'r, '

**ral. .1 i.y 1. - -on-, fhri- At an.l E.l. K.,

I'ot Dxjiiix Harry W, B.n.l.-r.; flias. · «,'|, f,,,ir rixl.'S, six shows and plenty of eon-

"·`I'''' l-i't ''·'·k -t II . n-i.ig.

Biles and Ey d. BEh tt. li.-k.-ts: M.irxm Wind.-I. xx --i.)us.''

*a'rt Iiilaarritxxvv"'Ii.. 1(·1 a if.-.xvv 1im111!:.. - imi,,.rrHtli of i .1m,, oo mati.

isiss I'anxa-muu. 1 r.-ak .\niiiial .Shoxv: Harry Duiisx', ma.'ia.:. : . i.i-org.' Il.irlm tt ami "B.-d'' Murphy, t-.a.l-; l>axi- B;lli«pie. Isi-- xanxa --

Mr. .s'liilHi X -Itx.l ami --. d xx Hi aMu. hi-of several d< : irtnii'iiis ..f "B ll.xl.,x" .m.l *1,. I.r.'-.'iii'c was tiio-t xxi''...ui.. to all xx th xxhoiii lo'

man. Train. .1 W.l.l .Vuimal-: A. E. li.-B.-lle,

manager; ( harley M-xiiiey ami Hi. k framlall. Hx'keu; Harry M;ll. r. b<i-s eaux.isman: ( ap-

tain Kianki , Ma«l-r*t"Ilori ru*- xtiul il-


tralnefs and handler-. `' Tcmpui-

lion": lU'Ksif May Jfmilii, manacer:


and Jane Setman. th ket-: !!· len Tlartman. .Jen-

S .ine ·'r. niemts rs'' from Bii.-k le-aluv:

K^ank (M.ple xxa- xvirh Klein Bros'.' Miii-trol-'f

\M;, ,,


^.,,,.,.,1 a,

p,, -i


Kul'*-! .* K(m.ij»* u,,.. 'vith ..hi Kd.'i il

sh w'l \V i n I.« w lIci*. , \ v i- w.rti Seli


SIh.w*' W .* »i Henry Ku. I*. 't*s,* ,n-iir* -"V*

M*-sj. \\ *11

r .!

was r« lue.



lame In .'01111111. Wl.'n a-k.'.| if lii- lia, I., n fx'rtii ning .< y '.t. as a- t.i nca 11 P.' ng '
Ill i.l of an oiiiitiMir .iiii'i-. iio nt .ir.'.iii'zat on. Iilr ply in . tT.-. t xx,.!. HiN -'ln.i'" . al. I'.' uNo in'.'rill .1 llial ( ;,rl- s iiiHi |. -hnxlv r<'.'overiiig from lii- lllii. -- amt nlimr-t ,vorks a lilHx' nt i.iix' ot iiix' 1 on i'h-Ioh-.

n!e Marlowe, Frances Marlowe, Madge Uinaldo, fr**;? inun. Wii- u ti*

r.dw.' w' m n^trci

Mary Jane StiUi-on, K« ity I rant is. t;iadys " ' ji Kre*l H* Marr exax*a*- xwviitlhli <H1..UUmmar BKrroo-- ' Jerome, Milinda Kr* u'-uor, IJda Hilliland, Marie SiM.w V W .«*ii lb* - Hll.itrril//,.*. 1i '.fftt Htini*.' iIrtobPiiiiix-ton


MeDcinald. Martha Freeman. illnx;oiiH, ci*orus Show**?^ U .cn Ivu.ko XuX 1i-- XwX Hihi X·.. Vv BKro-». '

and dances; Karl Mayuo, bo-'^s canvasman; Wihl M

s ' \» h* n \. .»« n th v.m- witii M

Cancel Lorain Because of Tornado and

Aisnworth, eh-etneiaii.

1 <

S .*rU- ' W Im-h hf ·! I.e».ne was wi

Play Nexnrark, O.

hides--Motordrome: Frank Kramer, uian.nceil

Mi-.U'/ \\ 1 n I*'r» K nzo


Carl Oeorge and K* rtnim <iiles, tickets; H.-rarU

Stlrers. tioss workman; Sadie 4*ofer, "Dare-


Ihiv**r r..i.xIl.--. .

.a.\nM xd-iid[.p"M : .iJeT. a EM. in(. i%hita*t-h"anHi. lnmhaeny-.

aog.reir:. EI.v..,r..--.t,t Pr i,,t.z,.gK...rraalid,i., .Jlaaks-e' xfoowxv..Iie.'lili, p1'. X.

Atawa.v and Mike In.min. tixket -elb'rs and assistants. '`iSs.eaaii.illaanneess":; DDxe'xxvxxx'.yv Joihinson,. manager: 1*. J .M.l'Jane. Mike Meehan, Martin Hursh aud Jolm Fedor, tb-ket seller- and assisiauts. Ferria YVheel; Sam ('ampbt'Il. mana-

-Uiiain < ' "'*/ 'V**' "

"j , `

#* w'1 ''``Vl'

V j'o'0,x.' ,,,n..

K' i.1iV,..X'.tr'

nxn".. rx lHiiiiliilv

* it'/aiV».'Xv . *H11*-rrli)."rr!t^ Sxx 1 th B'lrl.ixx - Mo.-ti.l

| ..... ii.',',,, . iK. i.'lv. K^r0u.g.. r^. .iI. i n! ;*

B.iiHev. Oi' n II'.;!

I'xl Mil'.'H. B'rt M i.X'.,

Fs'lvyiitn.og* Dii...m.....x..s.. li.i-«u .xMin.ll llarrx Clark Jimiiiv

Spriggs, Bmk I.ealiv. Saiiimx'' N.-l-oii .lax'k

.Vlbirm, Del Fiigo. No-.y .Mi.iiiih' war.' with W.

I*. Hall's Show'/

A t.'li'gram from Wall-r B F.i\, g.-rn'ral reprx'senlallve Hi.- E. .1 II.lli Sli'.xv-. a.1x1-.-.I lliat the sia.U's' s. ti4'diil.-.l x'ligi'.g. tii.'nt nt l.oralli' ()., tills xxi-el. Iiad Im-i.ii'l.d mi iie is.iiiit of III.' lonia.l'i t i r.. Iii-t Sitiii.lii.x ami tliat tl'i> .irganixatimi hoiiIiI |i|8v four days at N.'wark, (*.. In«t.'ad.
A glance at the Hotel Dlrex tory In thin Isniie may save ronilderalde time and Incronvenlence.

ThU artlite. who aniwers to the name of Don Taylor, li in his second season with the Gentry-Pattrrson Cirrus at lecturer, magician and Punch and Judy worker. Hit troiiping days date back to 1!*02, and in¬ clude engageroentt with dramatic shows and in vaudeTille.

JULY 5.1924

Ttie Billboard


greater shee^ley shows

, .. <. . . *t a,u i' wa.tinic in the ra Iroail ymnln 1 ' . ' vi.-l fr<Ain K. M. OHn, Mlchlitaa Stjii-*

n 111 T r IT .tu .

·iHT, a)U*wluir it to move for a b.g Fourth of Juir

""iV,. - h I'th onliT" Ti»» hi' ll la.xTitir.l (o th**


. .;i

··'lay. if l<»al lieaUTi boar.!*

-ffT il iiM'nit'.ry tif Ih- »h'iw» e.iowr 'Ipii!*

v'' :

h:.'I will (···ri fy ihf orsanizatliin

I fHOENIX EXPOSITION SHOWS WANTS I dJiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiii

-- Kt.h rl^tirnl \foC'»r«irume V n, to

chnr:e f emiplft^Iv fromo>l T)rora«. fettr

-- Mvor- --

-- Vn**^*^'

Or n l7fii I'!t

Tbve i.^o

complete, f'r jiny s^ott nUtfnrni aitr`.:i« n>. "


muf'-^iors t.i»eu exE'ci-t Corn

JuUe s: .{ rjlxUrn*. WANT jrool Tv'tok H-U:-?. W.ieels. "

w l-'.'Ou;

t<tt>ref. I.I0.00, tncluMlii:; j»l!. Ti. i U 4 IVcar

Everjthlns ]0uu,4 ; :i wa,?0'*. "

^ J'lUcr, Okij.. vicrk .1uii» O'l;

cU:'. ii u .

.I ;> 7; rorMi ^tIIV. Ol U , w(=^k .T-iTv IT. On "


*0**1 -nJ u;iUrr fry J juj; l.t,. Wir.i: . r »!:«. PHOINIX EXPOSITION SHOWS, ai pfr route. --




(Continued from pa %e 6)
I'r HlU' Ing Managers' Assc lation for the sar.i*p::rpo-e. claim'ng that the latter was larg. » th- product of a dispn'e b.*tween man.agers. lb also explained that he had appeared as counsel In IhJth cases, but denied tbat this lndl<*nte.| tl.-'lr similarity. GoIJing .-aid Ex-Governor AI r-r was originally s« lected to handle f.i* F.d.»'s' case, but be bad gone to Europe a I (i.iMIng was seict-d becau-.* of hs famiFarit' with the cirourastajcfs. lie argu-'1 that '' ia-t four weeks have shown that an iron-boun-l


m "nopoly exl-t-d la the theater and that tl; . -·lity-fw. nfy contract was only nsed to seemlng-


- I nnt.l

I rr»\VS' PPTT \iic'Fr. fes caps lIe. P..-. >·* d.I

.1I .nn. '«e .., .. \tVv ..r.1k,1p. .'men. rr»t.-'lv.e..r-. TT _m_en_arId r. V1. I i.v I'over this up. Me stated that no Fido Is work¬

CLAUDL R. ELLIS (Preif Rcpreiantat'.Te).

Hnii.e II.ip Wlte a'l. slate |. a - . Oi. v Hit sh..'.v neo; le « ! lt-. -- M E. GOLDEN; .<110 Sh. .1.

ing In Newr York at tie p?. s.-nt time and


CHARLES f. CURPAN. W.okint Mf aid i .* II ..... GOLDEN EROS. IV era. JOHN WIL¬ SON. Train atul l*ri>p.-, W. H. TADLOCK. .\J re?j Iki't S'. le'u;*, Jul> 2 a d 3; Jerseyillle, July

V. :.t'd to know w li.-re F does would work if the

I: breh Il'Inels.

< 'a;raft stay.-d in eff-. t. Tils finished Gold¬

fmr St Ty'Ui' crtli'*' artrlseil Jnnp 2*: '`Wlra

t,,t r" lv*il II. 11. .Muri'liy M|..wa tr**

. . f... f , f »:it.r at r. kin. liT Watar

show is'rai'l*'··ly tvr. t k. (I |.y t-lct'trlral at..-in,


t :iiiil U.l'.''S I.r. k.-n. Otli.r otiowa.

- aii.l i.-iiti. dimag*<t."

'.f.irii .(t ..'ll f .'lu 1 M Rrophy, manac r Af ! «· ·*' V. I'lt .1; "AVlt.-r f>h.'W severely
, W.ifcT · s ii;.-.'t. la.l'l.r- br'k.-n. plat-

4. w i.k. V* \  t i

.\t t .' .** .ow t p 1; -rn to ribbons. i f ; -rus n'ff. re. 1 *."as» dsaidg*

1 A W r ,n.l » .r*akag- All t.i'|i» blown off.

I.t .1 l''.l I

s'.irm '-a 1 .'.1 l;i. y. .HS(

U.''. s' ,.W W as under tht.-e f · t of w.;ter."


X 1. t'.r to oiir Uaii'.ss fity ..t*', -.. f.arl


ai d rTt v "i'"'

THREE WEEKS. AUGUST I TO 21. SUNDAYS INCLUDED. No Wheel*. Games cf skill only, .("endance of over 2f0.<'i'O eipef j w-e. write
A. 1. PICKER, Concession and AmusemeTt Manager, Baytieid. Wi*.

ropy to b<' retained In the file* of the taxpayer
arniidl the oth r fc..ii'.VT bh.yf the rollh.i't 'Tr. It lIas
b< lileTverd that thN pprr<otvT sion will r.'»tui!t In fewer fr.anti'lnlent representations as to tlie loss or di.-
th kels which were ns a matter of

ears d the Rintt! n'2 Hrofhers and Rarnum .k JItl.ri.y C('Ilrecns ton lIo.'se thli...if asftnand .Satur.dlay nicht f. m.e.v sutT.' rie'd little '.rro.iiirs- rty loess.,
The I''oolllile rRt-'oo''hh..-ras' t'lroenii*s .antt Warren. (O.,
a l .tt 11 .ni .1 dd not show,

ing's argnm* nt, and fliarl-s II. Tuttle, for the managers, was fir-t to s!i....t holes into It. He promptly stlgmatiz.-d th.- a tl-u as an attempt to put the th. ater ba. k to tl-.e tint.- b.'fore col¬ lective bargaining was tl.e or-b-r of the day la It. He flatl.r sail that GoMIng really repre¬ sented the uianag r-. calling tl.e F'idoes "a com¬ pany un ou". f'.rm. d b.v mar.agers and cons;-ting larg'ly of who. because of th.'ir indiv dual po-iti- n, did not ne.*d economic IMOtection and wh.i lad >;. !i a selfish viewpoint tliat th-y w.-re n..t w ng to allow small.-r a. tors to get it for tli-lu-i-lves. Tuttle atat.-d 111.. .t theaters wlc li . i.- d 1 were n-.t «.'.'.'d of th- . g .ty-t wer.ty contract, for liiat document re.iiiy oC.-r-d an opi>ortunity fot

n T .le rer.IoMs Il.t' ital.M .-.i;rl s't..le


*"** **'*" *** **`'''* <'* '* thereon n .t

d.mee pavilion at .Tun 'l..n I'ark. N. k-I' them op.'n. 11.· jH-rtin.-ntly told the

I'T - ti a« e..--4.':l''tt..rr n ini' r 1>. : f<r H-.M M and Hat l.e. V .'1 d.1 s..'me fnimuimin. .ajl a-'ssllestann.c-e toowwa. d pa.' ·i..a ra lroad fare to a iG.oovveerrnnmment hh..i--i|.'al .dt iIin. ttitt'.Tr. <t.!l... ff.'<'rr tfre.aatfmmecnnt, for w whbiuch ! , ' "·..rrsstlsatt dd hh.. had arraauuistej.


, iCnonntt.lnnuu''id ppaaffee ss))

Rcr .to-'k compan.r and the early clu'ins of the

.11 ;:i .M al I

-ly t ompany woi.ld ser-m to

Indicate that th s u the sounder expltnatioo.

· ·is.-iii:,* In v;... ww oOfi tlhaee flaa tt tfh.aait tmhee Ststtiiiiaafftt Ws'k.'r rompanjyy 11«- ssoo wweellll eessttaabblliisshheedd Iinn CCllnn rinciti.
T  company wwaass uunnddeerr tthhee ddiirreeccttiioonn ooff JJoohhnn M K.e and nnuunmittsa-rr.. dd IInn iIttss ccaaasft IUc-oonnaarrdd
W y. Rrnce Rn feehl-r. Herbert A«htnn. Jr.;; I'.it .'Sullivan, Edward Iiame.v, Walter Ayer*,

T'l th Gordon. Ray Mcl'h liij's, .Augusta I>ur-

Returned This « m. re'y a brief^ment -f the nia n
points of the procedure under t'e new ^.fth which th. ·nter owners w`ll be coiu'.-riie.l
'ntend.-d to rover completely nil

chances, but to dirc-t attention to the moro

Important ones. Regn'atlona 41, Part 1. are

heinif revlfcd and win be available for diatribn-



(Contlnned from page S> j},,, scs.-. n rights for c.ish and pi-rcent-
age of Its profits. "Hen Iliir" has N'en In the making for six
months, m.-t of the time until rec..ntly hav ng he. n spent in the pTannlng and c..n«triiet n of ttiiee m maannyy ggrr..aatt sseettss aanndd tthhee llaarrggee fflle.'eettss ooff anci.ent sh (s wTh'rch the story caalllls, f(-.r. George

Itrlshton. Pa.. W;tas <sftnnii..kk IT''vv Hirhtn'ns .m a .l

was damac' d by -'hhe,. ffiirr..,' wwhh-l.. hh ffoolllloowweedd..




EEaa««tt>>rrpp OOhhiioo ppaa-kkas hheiaavtyy llOos'Sa.. rPaa-'-.a

·a··r» A.\kkrroon. Cant m>n. T niir^-town and sevenratl otlhi. r

c't'ea suspended In;- ni sa s itnrdny n cht.

Two side-show tents and part of the mona;erle tent of 'he Ilas'enheck-Wailace Cir ns. showine at KIttunnine. I'a . were blown d'lwn.

The lights were p'lt out . f commission an'l .1 section of hines cave war, Th- 2or n'"'o p*'ople In the Wp top eot out safely. Rob'-rt M I'herson. an'mal trainer, «ncC'eded In Retting the t gers Into the r rag 's while the tent sway- i

and threaten'd to crash. Car No. 1 of the ITagenherk-Wallace Shows. dU" In Sandu-ky M -nday. J-tsp missed the tornado at Cedar I'olnt.
steamers Chippewa and G. A. Rooekling. ptcti-.g between C-'dar Point and Sandnsky, roile

c i.rt tbat if an inj-.m -tion was grant.-d It w lid not ojM n these th. aters, but, instead, woul.l otlicrs.
William Kle.n then nro-e to present the Shub. rt-' side. H" bJ'd tiiat the closed theaters li-a-cd sh'jws whi.'h in the ordinary coarse of e'.'uts would cot be oja-n at this time of year, lie stat.d that where the I'rotectlve Alanagera' .A-MH-lation memh.'rs had slews that were anita ie for hot wea'h.r t-. y were o;u*n, and cited the "Zieglefd F-'.Iie-", "Kid Boots" and t.i'-rge White's ".SeanJals", which opens I. ght, to i-r -ve h s iriint. Klein made the stateui-nt that in all ca-ses brought against E<]nlty a I the Managers' Fro'ective Association the 1.. 1Dds of Augii-tus Ti.cinas and Henry Miller W'Te >een. U.' claimed all atfidavite pointed to an attempted eonsp.ia. y agaiu-t the Shnb. rts' sho'vs by a combination of rival m in.igi-rs and F;do»`s.

; n. T. G Q-jevl', Carl T'.ioma. Shirley Booth ·T'l Remard.
(Continuerdd ffrroom m ppaaggee 00))
` f"t a general vxempt'on of rg> cents on each

Wal-h went ov. r to play the b -iding role, but

R,, amon

N.. ovarnv.,

, who

w w


.v j abroad


V Loew,

tirayv take h!is place In the event that neiwy

plavyers are subssttllttiiiitt..--'l it will necessitate the

retak ng of many scen.-s. It 1> sa'd that th*

pprroo<.llnncctt!!oonn ccoossttss h, ave a' run up close to * m ddoo.lllaarr*s..

»Ini.-sion. Thus, on ea adm.ssi.m ci ..'ge of 6 tax nf f, .ents should be coCect.d.
Tie chief concern of taxpayers under 8e. f on 7'*1 of the R.venne .A-1 of 1021 a* the pre-.-n'

ncATU rvAl

death THE



((CCoonnttlinnued from page 5)

t me V-:i (h with regard to t'e n-e of tickets.M-S' ttlhi -- ppeerrm maanneenntt s-ttjaff 0' the theater accompanied I'.l'er- .i:..l other plae.-s to which *dm's-lon Is t'e tmraain to l.o-a n' and a'd.-l in the relb f work.

il- rg.'d will have on hand supplies of t . k.-ts yM,. mls-rs of the s..,ffs of K. th theaters In Hay.

r-r.b-d In accordan.-e with t' e r-iuiremenfs of "· nevemie .Act of 1021. the e.fah'l.h.d pr .. ..'

, ,n,. Cr nnccllnnnnaaffll aanndl YY..m mnnggssttoowwnn aaNl'oo vvoollnnnntteeeerre.dd

'· , .. `

,. ,,.,,,k.

1: zTnzz,zj\rzrz'·> ..- -r'rrT: -n__


. J*

t'. aa dd IInn tthhee nn-l f wwoorrk..



la V.wtlieas'ern f'h o anil W - .-rn · nn-y va-

.· .··sIhIIPs.vs...,,ti np.. -o pr n'eda sF-or exampl1e: n'Aa the s.torm. pjKa.irraallyyrMs. --d.. am.un--'m men.f..h» ini's-inn...-.-'.Ss

A ticket m.,rk..d estlhllshed price JO cents, t .y of all kinds !taturd.a.v night. ^A numtx'r "off car-

paid .1 nt-. t..'a' .n e.-nt. " msv be so'd f r "n val« were *In" "tl·.·e* Ip'.'a''t"h' of the «'.>rra and. while

cen'. .A tl'k. t marked staMl.hed prl. -

H Ilvvess W w.ere b.'-t as far as coini d be Ic.irni.-d.

1 "n'. t.,, paid I rent, total ^A cents." may

h `show paraphernalia w.xas damaged or doc-

Following the storm much looting was re-

..... .

^ .v


.. j


military was calb-d

out to preserve order.


(Contlnned from page

of prominent styge folk. Inclndlng E. TT. Snthj Bitrlch-teln and Julia Hoyt., who are
(o appear next season In the ^hnbert prodneCon,

"-Tudirh". .Accomp.'r.ying him on the trip a-e
·'"vretary .and G. or.-. R. M-Cieliand. Eng -h pro<l i  J

Mr. fSn"n1i"H'*'rt

^ e .t-


.v than

nrd.iy, but was f, r - d to po-'en^e the trip t;n-

^ m.itt r of ag'-''mcnf b.'t'v.-.-n the M ir..i.

pr.,,eotive A--. iation and F trty had b. n

p.,..,,j upon hy the .\;`P' Hate 1) v .'oa of the

sniTeme Court. He got off S.ifiirday in an op-

i.mistic fr.ame of mind the .App- lhi'e

court's decision Friday which approved of the

1 aul X. Turner then closed the case by pre¬

senting E'lu ty's side. He gav- a short re¬

sume of the establi.-hment of the Equity Shop

P' li' y, pointing out to the court that it was a

1 beral policy for a labor union and one which

int rfered in no way with wages or hours of

wo;fc. To show til,, absurd.ty of the Pidoes*

cla.m that they are prev, uted from

engagements under tie e.ghty-twe nty contract.

Turner showed the court cojiies of The Bill¬

board's F'all Ind' x and stated that from the

compilation of a-.-tors' nam.'s there, for the past

t«o s.a-ou.s, when man.-g, rs tad no restrictions

p a-.'d on th'm as t-. t.ic nuiuUer of noa-£quity

piuyers they m.ght ea:p.'.v, t:;iy eleven per cent

of players in Froad'cay

uud-r F. M. -V.

uianageui.-nt w.-rc- n";i-ii ta rj. Turner then re-

m.nd' d the eo . t !i. it ti.- . .ghty-twenly eon-

tra-t provided t. at uinic"; tw.'C this piTcentago

uj gi.t be (.mp.'.'ed .c.l i. .- con-lit...ns under it.

Were more ! :

un i. r the oi.l centruct.

This C'lo-.d argi::i., at ,,f the ra.-e and the aocuUUc'ed inat li.- w .,..1 r.'-erv.- decision,

`·c "'M f'r Al e- nfs. hut the last-mentloto 1 i k.'t may n t tn- ..d-l, for Ah es-nts merely be ·'S' t' i.tahllsh.d price and the forme'
ifiount i f tax to h.. pa d total A.' cents T't
·I" .. w Mil »» s Tlo'stb.n of both Se.f on .'/fi
I' S'-I 1 ojfl of t' e Revenue .\. t of ll»2(. T'.  g't to u-«. ench tbkets w'li he g'snte 1
' S. ;'t. ni''ir 1 1921. which Is C'-ittsUlered to »o. -j-ti,.!, m time to procure tirkefs which


agreement in question.

The Taggart .>"i^hho'.wws at Wayncshnrg. Fa., s'uf- The vacation Is Mr. Shubert's first in fli\v<e

f r- I . ..ti-.b raf'b- pr.v|.erty damage wi.'a tents years. During his absence the pro-lucing pr.>

were leveled by th.- wind.

gram will go on as usiiaU J. J. Shubert Is al-

The Mary Exposition .«^bows are reported to n-ady selecting the cast for a new "FFaass-'mna

have lost heaavrlily In East Akr.omn,. O.

'**'ow of 1924" and for the second e-Jitlon o(

High W waatteer and wind at NNeewwr Castl.e;,. Ih'ai., "--VVrrtlsts and Modellss"'.



- -


I ..s is tie u-' . .are iii la-es of this

k.n.l and it is exp.-.'-.J a ci.-e.s.on will l>e

in-Ue known wr....a a f<>..a.g;it. It may come

down in a f. w d->-. I:

meant me the s.t-

ua; on .s aitogctCi T n:.. .1: ged wh.le the ca»e :s pending.

(Cuntinu.'.l fr ;u p.-ge o)

I ·h .s-ptenber 1 * taxpayer still hs" on hand


A m

p r-on belou-;ug to or with their organ.zat.uu wi.l ite giautcd permits to travel, t'l It lieat.on of pli.'-.'.an Mic..igan li-

> 'srge sM plv of these tl, L' t«. and It won'd

c-nse to pr.i' .iee m.>f lie .-ubm.tteJ to State

nio ' 11- ln]u>tice to ts.mpel him to pnr

· hs.e I new

prop, riy p'ltit.d. In .o h

only he may he allowed to use t'e obi '·k. ts. p'ovl.h d h.' ov.'stamps or nveti.Hnts

· ·-n the pr r. for whieh ..'Id In such a man ·'tf It Is Ceble-sr that no tax 1. h.-dlntigs ceol-


t'nri. -- tfhhee ''eerv*.s,..dd RReeggnnlissttlbo'nns. |lAA FFa.rrtt tt ttoo "I tl.k.ts of sdml.slon for w'-lrh th-
I*r'.' 1. *,./p> eceonot.s. -- or 1less p.'ed not h1.a.v.e p'ln*. .d1

··laqsd or wr'tten thereon the name of th.*

to which they are va'd f r ndml-slnn ·r 's It ne.essnry that they t*«. s.rfallv
«im'he.,.,t n, ,t,t..,t It shniiM h.- l>orne In n-'t-d

li'rtvn..r. th,, under aecflon Wt (d» of the Act 't l> ne,'.. -arv that all tickets have printed.

`·'tnp.d nr written thereon the prim for whlob

T*..' rogu'atlons as reylsed w'll contain rrovi

'' r '-rii ig the destrnetlnn of tickets which

Fate l,e. nme obsolete due to changes In price

O' nn'i.aMp

s,,,.h tIeVeis

O'IS. ho drstrnv.'d hy or In the pres.'nce of a

'*''!'"'v cnlleetor or other,ntatlv.' of t'l-*

h'lrran of Internal Revenue. After d- strii. tlon

> - I'.ni.'tii will I... Issii.'d -I'ltlng fort), the

smnhera of the tlrketa d-str..Ved the ' d-

'"tl! nation and all other pertinent Information

T'l* abatement will be lasu.-d In duplicate, one




New York
xewTo 'raufield A ((Iissi.kk.e.. Manli.iaittun. in .t.oini,lils(sti -' II'',.s' . onininmioii -ltouck., n«o I'ar 'a uU-' ;.

^ ('bi ke R rK;r;a"no'"-r.', 1 R RT o,(`'rtawtifrivcv.1''. (Attorne.y. T F M.Mahon 1 |.k* Rr^dwar)
Rbie R'».h..ti F. I II. Film « ' . Manhattan.

A-her (Attorney,

M I ini' 1>

'I ng t'orji.. Xtan' motion

plctiires, l.iaai share- eoinmon sto«*k. no p-ir

'a o; II b ( ·I..11, II Arta.-feld, J. V

( Aitorn. y. R. Ih .'th geNteln. 99 N 1 -.1 1 » S''ulM'rt Th.ater Corp

^ Manhattan. 2's'"'"*

sl-.i-. - I'otntii.'n -t -k. 1 t.allagln r. F J I · .'u 1 I

par value; L. L. A'torney. \V K eln.

1 2 AA .'"t I-.I street.)

IIini,. kyv Star A.Anniuiiiss,eiiient ffoo-pp. Manhattan,

imn-..'vvlliniKg ppii.. ttnnrreeas.. $1P,i

Al .1 .A IT .A S 11

tGb.''lM.l I·''int' ' AAlHl..'r'rmtu'V'y.. S *<11(·1r1n1.. 229!'1l RRrr.o>aaddwwaayy >»

MAI.. rrnm.nnMdl rrumt.. rrpprrll--.-, Rr..,.',-'nn Mtiii""t -"n pi'oc-

ltuonr.-HII AAVV

2·A'hHi. *srr-- . FFoolliioo,, kk..

..'-"mtiinion IIII II - .1


-.'.-..i'kk f.--n.

no A

pnar valune; \Aaarr...nnss....n

((A Alilioorrnnee..''Ss.. .llaa..k-kssoonn >.A' Foil.*.)k; KK...."'.i Hr-.'aiddwwiai,.' )

OOAxff'o.rr..ll TThheeaall..TT U U--alty Corp,. Brooklyn, 190

II aith Comm --. n< r l.-f e travel (HTmits will

's' .ires common -to-. k. no par valne; S8>.. Schwartz. Is- I's.ieil. Name of car:  r aa l iunerary must

II 'Mluul'l.lcer.^ R. f."i:I..aapie:io. (Attorney, AWV. U. a i-iiil>any r.'.i ;. st- for rroit."

CChhoorroo--hh.. llll..i'll RRrrooHa''ltwwaayy..))

It is pr.

,1 ti .it t" order will apply as

FF'yylng .AArrrrow FI'..ccturcs. Mannnhh..autttt.nan. moott!l'U.1 w.'il to all tr.ivei ng 1. .strcal eompani. s, as ,p, , t .,r.,'.s,., .A ont(A» -hhaa-- '.'s prre.f.errrrced stock. Alt' eachh; til's.. w.-re iuc'iu.le.l in th.* form.T order, ae-

o2'-'<.i>, (c-oommmnion,. no par valu'ie.'; M. E. Cyynnii''o..*.. 1> e T ling to a I* l*'gram ree''ived last Week by

>M1.-rrmcelsfein., X. Klein. (.AAlltto'nncc.yv, I. .AA. Needle-,. F'raak D.ire. C...g.'!go representative of t;.e

n in. A21 Stone avenue. Rrooklyc.)

A- lor-' E.|Uity .Vssoe'iation.

I'.a'fmove Music F':''l'-'. ic Co . Manhattan.
y nnd A. I.rirln, E. Ie`vy. (Attor- ARBITRATOR CAN'T

Schreiber, Col'ln-


Hifghv Remard and ; ·I I. rraine. Manhattan, t'leatrleal. .«'* ("hA; H R-rnard. S. I, .rtarne. (.Attorney, AV. A. Hyman. 1>X1 AA'IlIlam st-e-1 t

Nad'a. Manhattan t''.e-atr'ecal rcnnttecrrttaalnii'ents. y-_saivat; M. FV. Hip-. AV n lAirby. .A Ja-.-us.

j Attorney. E. F. tt g.'r 2''A AA'e-t I'JI -tr^ · · A i;,.mance F . tnr. s. Man'atlan. S2i>.<XVA; f R

llalperin. 1. Kaplan, I. Reinthaler. (.Attorney,

^ <, prliom ndl. .-tAi.AA AV st nth stnvt.)



_ ,

Delaware t'nited Theaters of .An:> rh a. AVIlmIngt n, ?A...

t»sH. .shA, (foonrp>o..ra t on Tr'i-t Co of .Amerlea.)

1F*rrooddnnec.e*rrss' DNNIIir'hiif In'g flulld. Wilmington, ni..>.vviinng pictures. $> 1.00(),1100. (.American Gnar-.

anty & Trust Co.)

(Font niied f; m page 5) Fublishers' I'nit.-. ' iv,. .\--(K*iat on. for arbitra-

t -1

AI Ms. aft. r rev'i'wlng the evidence,

di- Ti'd that l>oth pul.i -lers split fifty-fifty <'U

I'" -. a!i'I. b.v an aec-o nting rev.ib ri'd by AV"

II k. Mi ls ..r*I* red tl* :n to pay Shapiro-B-rn-

-t II t: ,* -lint of jtl.l'.t as tbeic. share of the

pr-l's on the* music ptibiishing rights.

AVitmark promptlv tendered them the amount of ft* awar.l but mtrinwhile Shap!roB«Tn-

ste.n c'aini-1 to lave disc*overed new evlden<s*

nritl they refu-ed to accept the sum. Seven

months later on Mills nride a ne-w awanl In

t'.elr favor of $2.1fi7. Th's Witmark refused

to iieeept, apiH'tling to the court* to sustain




Ttie Billboard








12 Beanie Dog Pinkey Winkle Eyes $ 9.00

589 Oitagon LTcad Tray with Handle .. 12 09


10(10 Racs Track Came Pff 100 . $ 0.33


\7K31702 Cc'k Hr.ldir Pfr 100 Cork Cijiritte Hcldrr. Per 100

.40 .40




w.i-i airaiii drawn i.ji l>.v U»-' N.itiimal

f>T · i r: ManiiK. rs` .\sv,,i iati<in


GIR Nrgro Babies


B40 Paiier Ciaantt# Whistles.75

020-21-22 Gilt Scarf Pins. Assorted... .85

!'· (, · Mii'i'-al Maiiaiirr'' A^sorial  i.- iiiir im iiilu r' wiTp

li vory

62R Round Larqc Sire Purries .91)

6hl Weddirg Rings .


Alio Lucky Ch.srnis .. 100

ir.iiiKl.v at 111" iiH-i-tiiit; in til" llil^tiwatiT

G3I Clapper Noistmakeis. 1.00

It ii. li Hull I. Til" aeiTctary's report indicnti d till! riiifnulij was iin-t with in obtaining r"-

1768 Joke Mirrors . 1.00
1284 Purric Mirrors . I 00 EI4 Slide Note Books, with Pencil. 1.00

pi"> 111 imiiiirtanl Ii lt rs taut out by her pall-

III.' for I\|ir"-siiiii friini tlie miinliiT aildr"""c|. Ai- a ri-'iilt 111" f'lllowiiig resolution was pro¬ posed and ;Mlo|i|t<l.


Ill- it i:i s,,;v, (l. l.ial wII s|,,-, jti" i|Ui-8-

tioiis rilaiiiig to nia l"is (lirecfly affoctinj

415 1248 275 GI3 M24
M:6 52

Stone Set Rings . Ball Blowers . Memorandum Books . Bobbing Zulu . Picture Books .
Fortune Telling Cards . Jumping Frogs .
Feather Burrs .

I 00 1-00 1.00 1.00 1.00
1-00 1-00

the gfiieral intiTi-st of "om > rl nianakti rg are pill, I Ilia r lij I' tti r or li l"grani. iiii'inbors will bt* lull] resiMiiisiltl" for a jironipt reply.

B4 Miss Lola Novelty . 1-25

24 Pertume in Vial . 1-25

BI9 Tongue Farr

. 1.25

625 Imitation Diamond Scarf Pin . 1.40

TJioae loiisisieutly indifferent will forfeit lltenibersiii|i.

C6 Cat and Dog Charms. 1.50 B30 Ash Tray . 1-50 A129 Collar Button Set . 1-75

  IP- .1 Ki soiled. 1 ail iio iiili'rs 111 ii i|ii.r"d to iitieiid at least one meet iig a .'ear; con-

AI23 Biad Nerklices . 2-CO 066 Blue Enameled Brooches. 2.00
1291 Bead Bracelet Watches . 2.00

seeiilive iibsi nees, eveepi where aileipiate ex-

65 B-anjo Troth Picks .2 00

ense is offered ill wiling, will loustilute a reason for forfeiting nn nilieisliip."

1280 Gold Bead Necklace


A122 Face Powder Book . 2.25

EI2 Scissor Toys . 2.25

"An uuienduieiit to the by-laws of the assoe.a*

630 Aluminum Egg Cups . 2.50

tioii, ptoiidiiig lor the eslal'l:sliniei.l of lionor-

2660 White Stone Rings . 2.50 G29 tmportid Wood Snakes . 2 50

itry iiieiiibersliips, was rei uniiiieiideil and tlgp

B49 Windmill Toy .. 2 75

uiaeldiiery -el ill iiioiion to tliat iml. lor till- piirpi-e of iiiakii.g eo-oi«Tat ion
JMI-Slble and efteelive hetween the Coneert .Managers' and the Miisiial Managers' assoeiiithiiis the following leeoninienila'ions were

629 Montana Diamond Scarf Pins.

78/139 Celluloid Bra.elet Watches.


104 Glass Bracfletl . 1289 Mirror Compass . 1290 Harmcniias .

M23 Sterk Scissor .

B52 Admiral P.iprr Hats .

300 3.00 3 00 3.00
3.00 3.00 3.00

ihawn to lie siibiiiilt--l to til" iniisieul man¬ agers for their eoii'idei at ion and uetion:

624 Water Whistle


1299 Nrte Books


E46 Aluminum Teoter . 3 50

1. The meiiibers of the X. f. M.


D48 Geese Scissor Toy


test the praetiee of aitisi maii.'iaers setting lip a manager of elnb in eoniin iition against

1295 Cigar Tubes . 700 Coral Bead Necklace M27 Magnifying Glass

3.75 3 75

a- loeal manager, iiiember of this a'soeiation,

M25 Match D;x Novelty. 3.75

i-leept on grounds that tan be Jiistif.ed. It is re' iiiiitueuded tliat tl.e introdui tory

6887 White Stone Buttons

3 76

2657 White Strne Silver Finish Rings.. 4.00

99 Roulette Wheel Set .. 4.00

liriee of an artist be til lowed to stand for a

M6 Mystic Fans .


return engagement the same season or the fol¬ lowing season. If an artist makes good and

1283 New Spinning Tops .. G33 Whistle and Bird Tty
01 Locket and Chain

4 1)0 5.00 5.00

demand' a higher fee for the seeoud seu'on the mlvaiirid priee shall be im|iosed onl.v on s ieli

2147 Spiral Cigarette Holders


A99B Wire Arm Bands, in Individ. Boxes 5^00

A99 As abeve, in Culk


members as failed to present tlio arti-t in his

A7.36 Calabash Pipes. Bulk..

6 00

or her first season and on managers not mem¬

bers of tls' N. C. M.

This is a-ked not

BSI Parasol with Blowout.


163 Wallet


2668 Silk Knitted Men's Neckwear.21.00

i.uly for tlie proteetion of onr members, but in the interest of the artist and artist manager


122 26.Pifco Malabar Dinnir Set. 12 00

3760 White House Clocks

24 00

4335 Gilbert M.ihogany Clocks.

24 00

S3 Rogers Sugar Bowl, with 12 Rogers



24 00

8 Gallon Thermic Jug



306 Blue Bird Metal Serving Tray,

13x19 inches


Milo Rogers Dinner Set

. 33.00

1112 Four-Piece Chornl.ste Set . 33.00

4336 Largo Gilbert Mahogany Clocks.. 39.90

201 Jewel Case and Clock Combination.. 36.00

024 26-Pioce Regers Dinner Set - 36 00 "

706 Sessions 8-Day Clock . 51.00 W 2046 Laagp Silver Dog Clock. 54.00 >





260 Beautiful China Cups and Saucers $ I 25

621 Photographio Cigarette Case


336 Cigarette Case . 125

425 Slipper Pin Cushion . I 25

405 Gold Slipper Pin Cushion . 1.60

2095 54-In. Peart Long Chain . I SO

502 Gold Jewel Case . I 80

135 Silver Finish Powder Compacts


3654 Photographio Cigarette Cases. Belter

Grade . 2 00

7589 Opera Glasses, in Caso. 2 00 XIO Imporleri Flashlights . 2.00

720 Gillette Type Razors. 2 50

131 Oprra Glasset . 2 50 415 Slipper Pin Cushion . 2 75 544 Jewel Box . 2 75

1500 New Gillette Type R.vzors..3 00

706 Japanese Inlaid CiQ-vretta Cases... 3 00 837 Revilvoe Paper Weight . 3.00

252 Dutch Silver Vase . 3.00 1903 Silver Bon Bon .... .. 3.00

1256 Perplex Locks . 3.50 504 Metal Cigar Caso . 3.75 5 12 12-In. Metal Tray . 3.79

70C8 Shopping Bar . ^7S

20 Salt and Pepper Shakers . 175 6581 Buckle and Belt Chain. Set Boxed. 4.00 2559 Silver Hat Brush . 4 50

6252 Silver Flower Vase. Flower. 6.00

105 Silver Salt and Pepper S t . ^50

500 Black Pint Vacuum Bottles


503 Aluminum Vacuum Pint Bottles... 9.00

1000 Impr.rted Midget Clocks. 10 20

2003 Leatherette .


AI30 Dire Clock. Ameriran Mcvrmrnt... 16.80

92 Imported Desk Clock.

. 16.00

500 As above. American Movement.... 21-00

Daniel Mayer has announced that next sej Soli Huy Maicr and Lee Dattison will Introduia- a lu-'v composition by .Arthur Bllsa for t .i . pianos and orebestra,
.Anuthcr city has become interested in ojn-, in the siiiiiiiicr In the open air. It Is OkIah»ra.i City. The citizens are said to lie InrcHtiguting Costs of «ia>ru« as presented In 8t. laitils
Muie. Bernice de Dasquali, American sopiaiio has lM*en accepted as a mcmlH-r of .\eadeni:.i Kilaliarnionlt'a in Borne, and, according to re I««rl of HiO'C In tlic know, is the flrst .Vmerb m woman to receive that bunor.
Mary Mct'ormlc, protege of Mary Card, j, l.a, iM'cn given a contract to sing with the Fren. h National '0|>era in Paris In lt)2-''>. She w 11 sing again next season 'vith the t'hleago I'li Opera Company and at the coneluslon of h.-r contract with that organ'zatlon will return t-i Paris to Join the French cHimpany,
Bobert Blngling, baritone, and Mr-. King ling accompanied William S. Brady, New V..rk liistritclor of music, to Ctilcago. wberc ih  latter i< to c.intlili't a class at the Clib ag · MU'iesI ('ollege for the next several w.-. Mr. Ilingling, who Is a pupil of Mr Brad.v. will contdiiie hls musical studies while in tlWindy City.
The .\ssiiciation of Music School Settlements of New York City will give six concerts m \i season and it Is planned to ojien the series mi Novcnib.r II. .Among artists announced a'" Mary tiarden, who will give an ojK-ratie e.., tume recital with orchestra; Wanda I.andmv ska. the liarpsieliord soloist; also there will ba pri'gram by tlic Pliilharmonic Orchestra


1504 1502 5301 9160 2101 1505 1501
899 600


Pencils with Dice

...$ 1.25

Amber Cigarette Holder

... 1.75

Leather Cigarette Case ...

... 1.85

Bobette Comb, with Chain


Fancy Long Chain Cube Bead. 2.00

7-In. Cigarette Holder. 2.00 C-lear A- mber C- igar Holder. 3.00

Sliver Salt and Pepper Sets. 3.50

Silver Salt and Pepper Sets. 5.50

24-Inch Opalescent Pearl Necklace,

.At tbc ITiiversity of Chicago there |, bcii.g

presented a series of summer concerts slid |.e

lures and the musical programs include a re

dial III F.iniilc llhsimtield Zeisb-r, pianist, on

the evening of .Inly 11. and on .August I*. I'lan

M. .'tebevlll mezzo-soprano, and Ferdinand

_ Selievill w.ll be heard in "Folk and Folk Song

® --

of the llcliridcs".

Ernest Bloch, eminent composer and direet'.r . of the Cleveland Instltiife of Music, Is D'iw

· w'lio by this plan encourages the loeal mauig-r to undertake the introiiuetion of new taleut to their respective communities.

No. 716

Dozen. Long Swagger Sticks. Fancy Han¬ dles and Leather Strap.$ 2.25 As above, heavier . 3.50

510 21

Indestructible .6.50
As above. 30-lncb. 7 25 ,Flask, with Three. T. utes . 9.00 F* ilm Pack Eaetman Box Camera.. 11.50

conducting hls lecture course in the San Franelsco Conservatory of Music at San Franc!-e 
Tbe course consists of Iwcnty-flve lectures d"

The matter of whether loneert artists

-liould la- allowed to sing over radio eaiiie Iw-

fore the convention, wlueli eipr"s-ed a (lositive

mgative without a dissenting voiee.

"The radio Is creating a nation of `stay-at-

iMinies'." declared Mr. Helim.'er. "It has

affei-ted all lines of the eatertaiuraent world.

It presents a problem that r* quires the most

i-areful study and atteutiou. We have it with

IIS iu all its mugu lude and it is soinetliiiig to

lie analysed and met rath'T t -an soinetliing to



pfopU* liav** to

D63 1000 1200
328 329 IH 1201
906 907
I 3

Crrnival Canes . Pearl Handle Goods. Berry Spoons. I3-Inch Plums Cupie Dolls. Junior Oval Play Ball . Climax Large Sporting Ball. Spark PIP'S Stuffed Tcy . Latest Novelty Sand Doll ... . . Donkey Stuffed Toy . As above. Elephant. 16-Inch Bear Doll with Overalls.. As above, 22 Inches High. "Rudy", Ostrich Toy.
As above. Larger .

2.75 3.60 4 50 3.75 8.00 7.00 8.00 7.50 7.50 10 50 15.00 7.50

AI33 8120
693 SCO 2098 403 360
Al 5648
305 542t

DutrJi Silver Oprra Glasset. 15.00 2-Pieog Pipe Set . U.OO 28-In. English Gloria Silk Umbrella 21.00 Pittsburg Lamps, Class Shade ....27.00 60-In. Opalescent Pearl Necklace.. 15.00 Beautiful Serving Tray. 33 00
New Filigree Frame Shimmie Beaded Bags .33 og
Ladies' Pure Silk Umbrella. 42 00 lO-Piecs Overnight Suit Case. 42 00 U-ln. Patent Leather Hat Box.... 45.00 Mens Cowhide Traveling Bag.... 48 00 Eastman Ftiding Camera. 54.00


signed to help teachers as well as students, an l covers all the elements of music and the pr;iic pies of constrnctlon.
Joseph Paget Fredericks, dancer, who i' verr well known in California, will give a dance re cital In the f'.rcek Theater, Berkeley, on th" evening of July 7. Sp<-clal eostumes and de signs have lus-n prepared for this program anl aa the spectacles he has presented in the pa-l have al'vays lieen most artistic much Inicre-t is being taken In the forthcoming program.

/see Is llHull to prmlu"" that "ill bring p"opl"

a'lay from ' b"ir radii!'.' ·

A vi-r.v pi i-assiil diiiiii ·r ^^as ·njo.vt d in the

Iwtel Hieir

M' 'iitlii .V gu- -'1' .

i-VflliUg L' 111** aimoig Hi!I- Iiitt-T

iiii'iii b-r' and
bfing s!-viral

il.'itiiig art! 't UMll.lgiT '. Tu-'s-lay afli'rn-mn

H" T" ll a- an (Ip-n 111""! ng fiir vi'Hing


In Cincinnati by the fir-t Mondu.v in Oi tobor to
start choral rfbearsala of the four works to b*-
Iu' srutrd. whb'h are Klga's "I·roam of (lerontiiii'. llacb's `Miigiiifii-af ", Ilrabms' "U"<|uiem" aiiii the third art of "Die Melster-iiiger". In

least two good locations, namely, either Lake
Dark or Washington Dark, siiitahle for the ois-n-alr theater, and it Is planned to have the park board take action in ample time to have everything ready next season.

The Pageant Chorus of 2.200 vulcci of T1 rontu, under the direction of Kotanan lI.rlMri Fricker, conductor of the famous Mendclssobn Choir, gave a i-onccrt for the Rotarians at their convention held recently in Toronto. Tb" comert took place in the Coliseum of the Canadian National Exhibition, which scats T,.'sst

1 aili'ts. m.iii rs JimJ

of tl-o i»ri

Tl." -ll'j' t-T (Ii'"ii""d w as rel.'itid to tb" g"ii-

."a! "Oil .'.`1 «' '-tiiati.iii in .Ani- ri- a


s|'"ii ii;g oil Hi" .'iibj.-ct w-rt- Wad" Iliii'haw.

H.-i;.'" H r:i- '. .tel lll.r ·t. <Ia:ii"s, Kli/iub"tb

l!u"i.' , 1

saumb ··'. Mr', rbiri-nci · Frcni'li.

1.. 1;. 1: "hii .-r. Ii-iM.i Ilarslibargi r and t lu¬

\I,-.,r, ll.i 11'. Si ill'.-n I'itzg- rabi. ll an'Oil

.111(1 V"la : a«' k. Till..

'Vus -'i.'iieduli'il

fur .Inn*-

2.; and _'l.


add tion to these 'v.irks Mr. Van Der Stiicken. iilKin Ms arrival In rineinnatl. "Ill al-o select two or three new works for performani'e.
Now Eligible in Contests of the Society of American Musicians
.\t the .iriniiul iiiiu'tiiig of til" National .\sMi'-iafion of tirgaiii'ts. the eleit'.on of otlbora ii-iilff'd in til" following b"ing auiMilnti d; .li.lin \V. Norton, pri--id'nf; .tltsTf rutswortli .'ind Floritite Hodge. vi""-presid"nf -; \Vi!

An American Opera Will Be Presented at Fourteenth Biennial of N. F, M. C.
At the recent meeting in Kan'U' rily, Mo , of the executive hoard nieMibcrs of t'e National Federation of Miisje f'lulis it was dcilded to present "'I be Kelio", an .Vnierlcan opera, by Frank Datferson, at Hie fourleenlli biennial eoiiveiitlon to Is- held In Dorlland. tire.. In .Tune, 192.1. Tl.e presioitation of this opera will

jM'opIe, and every seat was taken.
All size*--100 hoist to 4.000 holts.
Batoball Board* $6 00 A DOZEN. Put and Tab* Boards $6 00 A DOZEN.

I*i-s|i,ie the slimmer In,it. a fair-'izid aidi1-411 e atlendi'd the -ong g.veii b.v Ilipolit'i
I.azaro in farn. gie n.ill. New 1 ,,rk C ty. the
i-'endig of .Inne iv, ai,,| evidently was w.-ll satisfied With the program if one is to judge by the exeei-diugly 'earty applause w!P.-|| greeted almost every nnmbi-r given Mr. I.aziro was decidedly at In- bi->t n fli" oiM-r:il:i- .eleetions from M.u.on, Tiigolettn and l.a Favorita, nlthii r.iduiaii'- ``.\t Iiawning" and also a Cnbaii melody were nmii-i.-d w <li miieli artistr.v. Tli po-se-i.e- a tenor voii-i* of miii h power but a'so a sp',, nddl (piality and -iiig- wPli ease and ex 'ression.


Announces Frank Van Der Stucken as Conductor of Cincinnati May

Afi", a b-ngtliy jM-r.'-l if

ion (Ir-1 t"i


' bi.!.i. ·- ..f t:M.1,1 F.,v.i 1 A- O' atiiiTi

ill ! 11- 'l l. ·'r.i";a''.y am.-. . .1 } I iiik Van 1). ,

II. r.arn"', seoretary. and .i-aiiiiiel .1 Kenii son,

d"".'ion of wiib-jiriad infin-st

":i» the re-oliition that b"n""fortb orgaiii-ts

i II bo inoliub d in Hi" "oiiti'l- of tin- S" iot.v

of American Musicians for -olo aiip araiu-cs

" itli the riiii-ago S.vtiiplioiiy tlri-'ii -t la. Tbi-

d"'-lsion was rea<-l" d a- a result of tl.c < 011-

fi'ienee held tiy Mr. Vortoii, prcsiibnl of ili"

a-sociation, witb Fr"d"''i"k stock aid H'"' I'-ii

Wells, prosidi'iil of H'" .Soe-.-tv of .yiiieiuaii

Milsici.'lD'. .Viiierieiin organi-t- h"lwi'Ou tb"

ages of 21 and o1 W ll be elig l.t" f.-r tllis i-on-

I' -t. 'v'lio'i t"··IIlifl lies Iievt D"| oni'e r. tllill-

Moiit's Kir-t .Soii.ita s Hi" eoiniio-ition ibosen

f'lr the connH'ting orgaiii-ts.


As a Nucleus for a Civic Opera Assn.

Ni i. - fioiM M.Iwaiik"". \Vi.'.. i- tliiil !'- IIIorg.inizations of tli" i .i.v are start.iig
I I >-ii'iiiaiieiiMy t ' o"g:in · iiirt- of the
 I /."ii- of ti," I'ity a H," nil''"11- of a Cnie

mark tl.c geeond event of its kind as a f. ainrc

of Hie federation eoiiv.'Ht umi. Hie lir-l baling

Ik-cu the prize o]ier:i 'vrilieii l« Iloratbi

Darker .and perfori.I ui I...s .Viig.-le-, t'alif


The opera not only will afford en¬

joy ment to fbe deleglll.-s Wbo ullelid Hie nie.-t

ilig at I'ortland. but Us product i.ui i- a pari

of the (·oiislnii'liie program wlibb K I.eing ad

'.lined I1.T tbc Federation's .Vnierie.iii Mu-,. |i..

I.iiliiienl of wliicb Mrs IMgar Stillman Kelby

Is chairman


l.ll.liott <1 Tilde 'li.l kleillll Iri'll tenor, -a led a few dais ug.. for Ids native liunie in Ire'iiiid. in W'lii.-li country li" has 1.. 1 n iHH.keil for -eieral con erl-. .\f file coBelusioii of Hiese engagenielifs le nil] g,, ti, H.m,, _ Hall
"here lie 'b- beell efigagd for Hie .oniiOg o|H-ratlc bcason.

Mirldili I.i-vltzki llll- been engaged f-u t.e

Poker Boards $6 00 A DOZEN.
Tea Pot Dome Boards SI.20 TO $10.00 EACH.
Write for prlcrs tnj drs.TlptUe clrcultr. Prices Lswed. Quality
H if best.
3727 Milwiukee Avenue, Chica{0, III.


Orisinal--PnrtiOile--Reliable. Immeni* Prsflts--StssSv Rrptiter,

On til* road, ixrki.

streelt. slnrrs, any

iiliiTe that jieiiple p«.*

ur sal her It'* lilib

I'Uss, wuniirrfully ("St

Ing tl d a priirril "In

"ef Mjr.hsll esms I V'.lii nn In M ilsys. Joiie*


IS) In 19

· lays llrrry clcarel

.Sill- b- a

' ." '.lull f'.i Ih 1 >2r. M ly

l-"'t. i a T: ' (b .'bin ll 1'

ll a H." aii-

1.. -1 II" "! iz "f H"' il.r-1 1-1 ' aii'l St (II kb-ld-r'.

t'lsTa .\s-o"iiHon. 'I'l."'" bii'lne's pe.iple and I I zi ns are .'lof ivi 'y hilorc-tod in tl.e pronioH'lii of a Civi" li|iera Conipany to pre-ont ligbt

Iti-rksliire F'. 'liiiil lo vt fall at DiH-fieid .Muss. Accord iig to Haiiiel .Miiyer, his niana ger. Mr. I.cvilzkl will play Hie idaiio juirl of

$.'0)119 III 6 ilsys
riir. kt on II K tick*! Complelo liualnei* plsti and aei'zgi recipe* fur-


1 .r 1 f.'' 'v.-r--

Ml · r, to ·*. oiM-ra- In Hio pnblir parks of fbe rlty next a new fpilntct by .Tosef Huk with the Berk- liidicd AioImkIv nil handle

Ir. Van Di-r Slipki D . it is sail , will lx- siimiiier. They as«ert that ililwauk*-e has at uhirc Hiring Quartet.


1213-17 Cbaataut Strtet.



Why Pay More ?
highly siueh plated $ J.50


Of.'.' GUI ei. DMtn .

N.vil'v A'lt Trayv. Prr OrMi. ,

Cn till* C«SM DiZfll .

Slum S'an Hitts Cr«M .

Rufr Eritv. O.jrn


C'tjr Tub" Fhviki Cron.

Jl.Pir-i Mvniciiro Ert. Each.

Cdsv and Bru'brS. Dorfll.

Ot'iniohl Cnvtf. Each .

FUvkt Otzi-n

li, in.ilt. halai T C, O. D.


81 Bowery,

New York

Your Customers
Demand Better
Merchandise -- WHY ?
I have '."11 an . Krainr for nine yrart and I ki, >w IliOa n . ' =i . . e I ha.I to give luy .uaJonuri tilt F'j. . ' or let the vtkir fth. * net the hadnt.*.
Saifs -at 1 oi'erat'-r. let's gel lo.ei' r I hate Just teflveJ s ' -'lisuent of EUilN VL . . h'- fh-jr hi BV ,!. · . . I' · a KE« ONSTKI 1 Ti;i> F-Uil.V, liui r. fr :n ' , la ' irv. ai. I I-- a Iff. t that »i.l nun gi'u >'.u a In un.e ». > >'-r eiiii.'tuera
T . i '· a I'J r-iie. *-'e»el ten fa,», (V.irt are my f. e 1 ita 1111''!" luylii. .\ i.'i'Jerful luims lir ' r · is :- '. > aid. I will ee.l iloeee Wii.-hea ai ' .a pri r. i e or a hundred.
MY PRICE, $10.85
with Price Tag Marked in-i.OO.
Sr ! .· mut.pj, jtiii your orJer. G aaIj fthlpKd aahu


350 Wieting Bldg.,

Syracuse, N. Y.


U'xMtIiiucil friiiii


live iiiimeH to wiiii h inr m>"n|C>' "U' to no. Fifty tPiit«. triilv H fiirliiiif.

Mr. Drew Tets the World Right

Jolm Jin w ' r« (i.y to mi i ilituriiil In Tlie .\. w York M<`iiiiiii( tVorlil It 'i-lf < X|ilanati>rr:
.ti a III'iiili-r of till' ml\i«or.v ti'anl of tlie A' f"fs' K'lnlt}' .\-soi'i:iil',ii I woiiM Ilk" to liiiw yiiii ku'ivv tliaf }"iir uliiorial, i-ntir|.-.l '.V' lor'H Tri'li -I', ill yiiiir I'l.iii! of Jiiii" li>. ilo-1 not M l 111 ijuiti* a'-' Urjt". Voti say tliat tliiTo* nr" iih'IiiIkTs of ll.i* K'loily A"-o< iatii ii *\vl.o il'iiil't til" ul'ili'ni of ri-'iulrinir ilii"i fniiii evi'iy iitlor who ui'i'ear-; in any ca-t In N' W York I il.v .' Ihi ,\'in hiii'p'u to iinow that n< .irly all tin- U'tor-i who an- not iii"nil>* ra of riiulty are n."iiihi'rs of tin- .V. t'lr^' Fnlahly Lraitiii- ami that all ii'TilaTa of ihla leiiitue worklnn for thi -" inaiian'-rs iiro i X"iniit fp m III" iiayimnt of any iiiomy at allV You (ioiiht|i la ilo know that Itie ManiiiC'T->' I'piI"'tii" A -o. lath n N hy the larm -t pnaliuinn f.o lor In N"W York f'ity mi ihat the opiMirtiinlly for employment with that croup 1- very C""'!. mill wlnii the old I'p"! : iiiL' Maninera' A'M.elatii'U tell, over its pp '"lit pi.ill.' and Joins the n. vr aseueiatlon. or al 'or..' it, tinHeld will he ry larn" iuJ'-'-d.
"1 wotid'r a'.'" if .too r'aliz*' why K.|iiity feels It only fair that in eertun ea'.-s uoiiiiieniliers rhuiiid ui.ike II pa.vimnt in order to work with K'l'iiiy .i. tor-i. Oil" of th.` priiielpal r» .i^oiis I- that r.'o:'. l.a- I'l op.rato all over the country and almost all of its overhead nm-s t.» the adjiistiii.'i.t if dispiit.s. This overhead auioiinta to over $lTit.'>«» annually. Now moet of these ·'·tlleiiii n's are inpmiy settlements, that is, wliete all of the ni. iul'ers of the comluiny are alTv' t'd and wlem-vir a Si-ftlem.'nt is tuade, a non ii'iiiity im uih. r i:et« the Is m-lit of it ]ii-t till' sain- as an Equity member, and this la true not only a« t" sif.-nients. hut as to the many ihanc's "f workinir csjnditions I < u. tieinl to the .11 t'r whieh E'pilty has weiind Xonim ailsTs c * all tl.i"" beni tits. Would you siinn. sc that they should take fh.'O h. neflts without iiavinc an'thine an'l If not. what Would tw to joiir mind a fiir payment?"
Tills let''r has U'd t'lrn. d tip in print yet. no doubt eruwJ"J out hy eonviutiou news.

Rhymes in the News Crimes in


The followlnc. from Tl.eal.r Chats, dis-
trlhiltcil with the procrams in Shubert bouses,
atruok us as ratlnr elever rhymiuc: JESTIt 1 LATItlNS, Ity AUTIII U KOBER
po« f who wish''I to ese.ip.' from a creditor Applied to a n.'W spaiHT's manacine edlt'vr. Who threw all liis p." try Into the sewer And made him the paiK-r's dramatic reviewer.

OPERATORS: --Here They Are With UrU/ CCATIIDCC usEO connection with well

New arrangement of front provides elaborate mint display-- additional features conforming to modern legal opinions. Recover your old territory and open some new sections.
Prices are from $75.00 to $90.00 F. 0. B. Chicago, according to Model

W" liiiy these

hji k from you
a t less

than s.ile^ prii'o,

wiih'u .!<· days

of sliippin.: date,

aii'l thereafter at

all additional ih-

ilintaiU of


r ll I s

proteit' your 'u-



deposit r"'iuir"'l

with onh-r or wi'a your 1". a.

V VI ress .tgeiit to ,. o v e r shipping

1 har.-e.

^ ^ cc


3450 West Lake Street,


WHY WAIT I NTU. A l i'Ml'i:TiTnl: ·^IIOWa' i:. luuud. '

W.* aNo maintain OlTice!' and Rrpair

au*i M*


liifnmqfln Torirof Ql/ill A legal trade stimulator which prooioles friendly competitive
AUlUindllU Idl^gl uRIII skill among patrons attracted by its lasdnaliiig operatHM
Theroughly groteeted Dy patents.


c- C` © G'


i> ij

iX vj u I .1 hoik t vTrnniT.xn and rnAin

'iV Si;-'.

Wlhl. I'LAiE ANV A>


v> M\I. WTl.Ii VVI.-iT. ni»i; \\1> ri>NY \M> o

Mlla;i-Ti. CtiM KiSIONt (th ALL K1M>< v?

vV V*



' f,

-life no, A-hl.i.l, LV Va.: t'laik-aiig.

K,V , wl'h ruml«r1an.l


Jv · I a r. A:--a. Pa, w-.k Aur. 11 \It.r v'

vV 'I · ` ll'l C'.tUtinaa, I'l fain. Write er


Circus Bandmaster
iTiiii. Itiiiiii,'), T..h1v MonaK*' Hiilvrs, ^\a^ll^(ll>o .M.m ,i|- Woin.iii, Cirlsi with SiiiLriii): ViHi'i's fur, Avill b ii'h vmi to ri'l'' linrsv-s; oni* inoro ·iii'l with P.iK V'uii'f til fvtilurt' ill Sint;ihR Niiiiilu r. 1'..milniastiT, iu*
vounK. fiH'i'Kftii' mill fATU'i'icncc'il. '\Vi'
li;i\i> Tw't'iitV-l·'^lllr-1'ifco
Shenandoah, Pa., 4th; Shamokin, 5th; Sunbury, 7th.
General Agent
'· t * 'It Kit I'l'.-'iilts, Man mill Wifo " I'll Shuw I'.iixi'is .Hill Wrc.'-lliT'
Vilili'iii,' .`slinw. Can placu ;in\' "'W wiili thi ir iiwii miliii. WaiiL * ti niiti Wife for SiiaKi' Show, li.ive "I'M'Ii II' iiiMiit. .Ml Ciiiit't'.osiiins ti|>i`ii. ' Itiilitii; ('imk I liiil'i' mill .Iiiic,*. Slinw ' iii/iiiL; lit I'-lv Ilii`\ illi , Ark., .Itilv ·' I'l U'ti, F. W. MILLER SHOWS. Linil.t, Ark., thi» week.

1' ai.e uf .Allilrlli Shnw, I'laiit. Xliow, Dog '* !^i.i.w. I'alinI'i. t'laii'twrliaia. K. rt. COUKV. 1. liiilUiia I'o., I'a.

Blit rhymes fight B. fore they're slain TIlE.sE ran at nieht Tiu'u the poet s braio:
Fay Bnlnter. Ethel Barr'more.
Eleanor I'lln'er, Franeliie Larrimore,
.Vrnold Hal.v. T.vri'Ile Fewer.
Barniim aU'l B.iiley, M iri.M''.'t Mower.
Bh 'soin S. eley. I.entrhe Joy,
Jmi.t \elie. itlor'a Koy,
J.'lin I'r'W. .`t.ini White.|s|l|s i'lloll, i'. r. ival Kuisht,
Marc ('oniiclly. Kai'liel t'rothers.
Ikirnthy fkinnclI.T.
Till' F"iir .Marx Brothers,
Frill Stine. Ted Shawn.
Madame Simone, Hazel Hawn.
These lyiieat strains tiave 11 1 iiiM I the Idiu'S
.Si) he hh K out his hmins .\iid 'tin i, I'l reviews.
Contract Changes Must Better Terms
giii'slii'ii If 1 want to *!gn a contract tallini; for a Kiniraut' e of four or sly vveoks* work ns
I d'd hi fore a:'1 'iino tlio hirfh v'f r.itiiiy,
0.111 I do it vvitlioiit hurting our stanJartl form or mi' -'tit: up ih tigs;
Answer- Yi'. leii.i'nly. yon can liis. rt a Riair.inlce i I ni'O .ti any Einiily coiifrait. In deed. Hint is not liifrei|iii nl'y duiio. Tl.o lonirai t ilsi lf .s a nnniiiinin ono. I'l o coun. d has no ol'Jl'i lioll to havinc I'l" li rills letterid hut will not pi rmit Ihem ui hi less, n,d. To givo an iMieiiio iiisi. till' lolir woiil'l I'l iieriiiitl·"l to ni.iki' ;.;s ii.i.'r.i.i . n Iho I'.is - of 'A perfiirniaio I s a wiik, hut ii"t on h.,'' hasls I'f ten
)'l rfiinil.lll' * s a week FKANK GILLMORF. Fxecntivo Secretary.
Evieiiiivi s.'ii-i'iir. - wl'ki.v nimrl for
louii'il uniting .tilin' tii t'.i.'i:
New Candidates
It'cnlar Ml iiihcrs ^l.;..rl. ^ B.-orie. .limiiiv
lait.a'l \ .1 lo'gslriit. .\\el Olsou, AllInin.I', rry. l lln'I Shi.Ha. Italp: s,.ii|c. Hoik* \. 111.'ll ''I I'r.iii. 1 s Williams.
Ml nil i-rs Without \ olo iliinior Mi min r-v \ .in'i lit \l.lsill, I liurli s S I osli'llo, l.'ilili-li H. rt. h'.ink I'. Imii'i laud. Itiith ii. It.ilp.i I. . I'l iiililotuil. Nikol.ii Koiii.ii.i'IT, lillso Souls, llarhara 11. Welly tiud I'liarles Vi. Wlueier.
A Blalici' al Hie Hotel nireclory in lliii* issue may save ronwlderable t iiir and ineouvenleiiee.

ELSv AS on. "w DEREO^^^


Farui steaily profits ."liVi iM.Vii p- r year w ithout iiitvrruptiuD or tr.iiihle Chicago, k'ltfr deposit rei|ii.ri d. I'r.. e .n. 'iides I', .s. tax. We will huy you at jtTd.Oi) within ;:0 ihiy. of sli pping da'e, and thereafter at an additu tiou of ui,e dollar.

After five' of fli 'rougli ; r. p'a f:.e .\l"l't>MATTC T.\ Is ready for the he-t ef O|.iraloi' aw.nt.: . its pio-hl tuiii. It L' a 

mate, ab-ilutriy il' p.-ud.ihl" iii.e'i ne. t.'iu ii.g .ih.'ut the s.aaie .

with appr.x.m.ite tut eiin.tig' tiv.- t uu'^ .iriat. r d'lring p'-t peri,

thirt.v t.iwti' Ill'll 1 .lies n vii .'i '·· » ..'in aiitunia':i ally lu.i.N a :i."\a''!,. j. -i,.! witii 'te.-l hul'i'. .nl!

Utive ahi'i' a' a s, r . ' of ki,.' t'. iiiiuil" .1 ;>-pe'· vely


shots rtg'''r autiiiii. tk .lily a'i.r eitli

"t .i.'ul t.ual n'ldii.g ih

amount of return' to /. r,i.

t' l.ul t. r. in i u~ ii v . w uu'il uiuitber eoiu iTI ·· p.ilriii i h ' - iii' ' re  - .it w II. N.'. .· 'I

easy to ' .ire. No. Id

uu r.' il Hu lit to ' .. aiul esi li higher mu

dltlii ult. .\ novae ,.,11 ' a !· ' il  ' -'.'i ;i. t. r n ;. ,v trii! . .And with a
hap' ','.re .'·it. \\ · u lie h. .'Uu i .i-ri lu' ..iii average To or ever

Ik.'i, but till- '' s,Ill I'l.tii in .l I'y eV'U :

ou st expert.

.\ll ni.ulii.u' p.irl' .lie 'lu' il.ird .' 1 .iml iiit''r.'li:ing'ahi.' wiiii

'll,' aiii'iii is 'iniple an.| . ini .i. f. I`r u tii al up. r.itors aiul niaiiufi

Lurietue dev''l"|"d thi' nia i n. hioI .iniple time ai.'l iiioiu-y wU' ih

perfe.-'lull. F.I. Il Iiuiliii.e ' euii' vv.tli .in r-gi'ler. whi.-li e

i.irg'' iM'li lii'X is |.ruiul>'l lo,- friHiue;.' v  i' iiy 'illi i t-.r'.


.1'' ,11 ' T'p'i'g ... 1" 'I 'lu ' w 'll', r_` lUi'I'i ' iilgli and --

'ire 'll Illy pr-I ', li'a'ui.t w "

'it.'tiel u.iT U' aiul a irgui tiei'

g. iieral upi r.i' ing ii

' llr.'n .i. ui Hie i aiu!. h,i' !> nl. .ii f-r t

where gaini ' uf 'k II

. I'.on vv i . uierili.ii.'ii',. are featured. .\

with elalmrate im rehaiul '·· d '.'ai , ai; h-' i iiul!'',! by one .I'tenilai

i Iiei'kod.

A. B. T. MANUFACTURING CO., 3601 West North Avenue, CHICAGO

Chicago Office
·M.iik f.: '. "K>r.i

A Vittt Tirginis
cug_t.o.m^e^r ^roto:

Kansas City Office

itwpln f'r**flva times what


1 paid for it." A Canr.cct -

Icul i-u.'-.omer wrltru: "Mjr

little cItX lx tvcll pleased with the simpirx.'' .Vgent,

w.i:`,'J. Oily .Al.tiS, sent C O 1). Hun> yi«ir

ii'ur. Wo ti.'Ill. you. Wird Pub. Ce.. Tilt»n. N. H.

Bi gu'.ar Ml iiilsTs--llai'v Jol.iisoii, H. B. JonUVIII. H.itd F. Xoreross aiul Miuiiie I>ixon I'arker
Menilwr Without Vote L^uniur ilembet)-- Mrs. Cart MIIum.

slile Sh.iw Punch. Matic. Talking Ptgur*. Openbigs. «ic. No. S loiiicoln 9L. Biadiori, Mass., wUI leaih me.


Xhie Billboard

JULY 5. 1924


In the Profession

ACKEHMAK--Paul nill. 3.'. of Piuil Hill and

(oiniiuu.v, di< (J June

at St. .IiiM iiire Ilo>-

I'iial. New York. Tlie fiiiains wi-n sliiiu'. d

to Titelihurj:,

where interment was

niade June I'l. Tie' w dow snrvivi s.

ANDREWS--Ilarrr, M, stase dir* elnr of th `

VuiiKlian tilasi r I'la.ver', died suddi id.v June J'.'

of heart disease wh le iliri'etint; a ri lnairsiil of

the eonipany in Uoel,eater, N.

Mi. Aijlrew-'

llrst aiiix araiii e was on tour w itli J.iiii. s tcN.-il

in ··'J'he Count of Monte Cristo". lie was

later assoeiaf d witli Kose Stahl, i;iea:i'>r Kolie-

son, the Alhanihra I*la,\ers in uii<l the Wadswortli I''is in \.'W .li rsev. Th 

deeeasi'd had heeii staj<` ilins lor for .Tohn t ort

for tliree .v. nis anil al'o as'iM-iat. d w t.i lieorge Itroailliiirsi in se\ir,il of his |!.l^s aiit

had het*n tin* t'aiiLhaii Claser l*la.'*-rs lor three .V' ar~. Tl.e llma.ns wi 'e sent to Nt w

York, whi'ri- inn rnn nt was m,ide.

BARTLETT--I-ouis It.,

died rieentl.e at

his hollo*, iT.IT South I.attoiola :t\* iiUi*, Spi.u--

field, O. 'ill** ili-t eased liail lii'eii a i-.r*'Us

IH*rf»rno'i pra* tieall.i all I»:s life anil of hit** had teaiiii'd With Waller .Mhu in  liniliiiii;

huildiuys, duiiiK hiiniaii'fl.v stunts, with Itarileit

in clown niahi*ii|i aiol Alien dolnt: -traiiiht.

Burial was hy the l\. K, K. at S|ir.iu;fii Id,

owins to lai'U of loeessaij fund-,

BOWEN--N elson .V., inaiiaai r of th** t oroi.a (N. Y.) Mti'ie Slmii. d.e,l s.nldeniy June ill in San Krani*'seo. r.iiri,il was m Ih itiillen, iinl , Canada, his hirthpla. e.

COOKE--Prof, 11. <1,, ,M, hono-ary i ri*'ident

of the So* iety of .\meiiiau .Ma.'ieians and well known lift.T yi'ars ayo as a frandnhni

spirit and medium e\|ioser, <lied ,1uni' Jh at Ins

home in I,os .Ana* h*', Calif. He was tie* i \-

poser of ·`Th** Sl'irit 1!: de" in .Nii'liville, Tenn.. and diiriiii; Ins -tO >ears in maite* wa-

Considi*red u jiasl ma'ti r in roiieties. at wl,;«h

Iv* was a<tive untjl just jirior to ins di-mise.

Prof. Cooke was \er.v liijtli in Masonry and oie*

of the last of I, ueoln'.s l ederal S.oiils ,,f the

Citil War. He is siirvvd liy tiie wiil.*«, a

daughter, Mrs. Clara I oiii'e Wa'i-m. and a


His loss js keenly felt li.i Hi'*

miigieal fraternity all over the eoiintry.

and Ib«* sS*iii rraueisro Ad riiib. M XUv Xime

t»f liis diUiiNe Mr. ll

xsa'* Ke<T»*tary Hiid :i

nn jul'or of tin* I'oard of dirortor^ of the \V ley

I*. Al.en t«>>. A d.-in^'litcr and sevf ral

bln! lei's .-,11*1 si-i**rs survive. Rur'al was in

.'-.II rraiici-io.

JOHNSON--I.. Praul;. 7h. formerl.v a ue iiibi-r "I Hi.' old-iiiiie ainu-. !M, 1.1 tj; t,, ,,f .Viidr w s.

.Moulton A .leliiisou. *i.''d .luiie

a* his home

ia Salt Ill, M.t-s. .Mr. .l·.^lns<,ll , ail he* u failing

for (pl.t,* soiue I 111**, li t his ji.i-siiig was

unite sudd' n and a -I*o,-k to I,,s man.v friends.

.Air Jolitison was aii.* l.i '*iigag,»d in iimuselO'iit aiel lliiatiial l·u.l.::s.s tor tw. ii y-s|\

.'··ar-, j.lining willi N. 'i miah \A'. .\mir *ws nuil

J'*liu S. .Moupoii III

-... I ul I r ci 'iHv lie

hail 'e.*:i I.iiuavr of He' Salmi Meal.r in his llolllc tow ;1.

LEFEA RE--Mrs. Mari*'. foriii'*rI.v Mr-. Charles Herman .'.*, ii.w .i *., w.d .w of lie* piaeo mauulii. luri-r. .1 d 1.. tiiiy ;!1 I'a ii.a. Calif. Mr-. I.ef.vre w.i, married 1., Mr. Stemway in ISSa. 'Its **oU, .** li..ii u -oil au*l a da'ighti*r.

LIVINGSTONE--tP'orge. .'.s. vv'll knttwti thru-

out tie l.wi.s ..f .N.w Aork Si..le

a vaud*'-

v.llo aril '

di '1 - 'id u . .1 ;i.** 1' of acute

lieltge.-tiou a* \ iig.l. N, Y . vviieic lie was

a.p'.ir.iig vi h a noil .vine show in the Grange

Ha I. .Mr. 1 iv iiig* ton** and his wife had le *n

tra\**l ng in t]ie *h*i s, .-.n* in

p p,, ^vH'

-ir.i '."ii. lie* ill**** ,1-** J ii.tertil 11* * spovv busi-

I** s- iii.inv .vv.irs ago n'lli hi- dauguter ntul

h *r hu-haie], K.irl Ivan h, T e troiip** was

kieiwii as Saug**r aiel Eaiiiily and Iat**r he :ip-

I i*.ir**il uml*'r the uaim* of Sanger au*l n**\'iTt*.

I lie naiiit' of Ins last -how is Sanger's Coin)iin*d

> "ow-.

Riiiiil Was ill AA'.i V I.i 11*1 l*mi*ti*rv.

A--*111 a. N. Y.

LOUPE--I'J. P.i 'giau a**"* bat. <E**d Jum* 14 ill N**vv"asi 1**. England, as tl.** rcsiiii of injuries sii-taiii***! wpen |e rforming at tlie N'**vvcasH>' H .i*p*Mli*ome. 'r**aini*d vviii. A'an HumuK*. th** 1*1111^*' and i**iu**liidiiig nuiiihiT of Hi**;r act was a ib alde cartwli****I -iiiiie**-au i tilling with led'.i a* roliats roiEiig aero-s t.i * s a-r,* and fai' iig on I * it* ie**t in the *.r**;i* -tra p t. 'l iirii a m* I] I.onpe fell six feet from the atrlge all 1 lir.ike his hack.

DAVIDSON--Tl.e fa'lier of M.tJi'lon Itii 1 R<iti, actri'ss, died ri i * iitlv at Mount A · i ueu,
N. y.

MOORE--* arvle. l.'i, pla.v vvright. scenat u w ,t.*r ami a lor. di**il June I'ti at hi- sumiier le in*' oil In** hanks of tie* Ili lavvaie Riv r. m ar

DeVERE--Harry, .3fi, died suddenly June j.A from heart failure at the home of In- neillie-. k'tVJ East Se. olid str*'* I. Jamestown, N. A . The dei-eased was a well-known adiaiioe ag' lit for many years.
DOUGLAS--Royal, .jo^ *uu*,* a iirom.n«*iit stage and seri-eu ai tor. d.ed reiiiitly at t .e City Hospital of Clovehind. (i. It Is saal Douglas 'Uppoftid Jiiinis H. Hackett and oil,or eelehrities and was 1 ailing man in many enmpanies. Forsaking t.a- Ii-gitimate stage for the wTeen the iMoverlul Klh g 1 ghts nearly Idiud 1 him, oreiug hliii .to gi\e up acting and eoloreil glasses for the fst of his life. Turning Lis atteutioii to direet.iig lie is said to have d reeted the flish Sisters, lh*verlr Hayne. Fran¬ cis X Ilushmuu and othi-rs. The Ihsl'y was un¬

-Alillord. Pa., when a shotgun with wh'.-h he lad Ie*,*ii l.uiiHiii^ with his young son Was a<*· I'entally dis. harg***!. .Air. M or*- inimle'r.-.l aaeilig his su'*i*es*-es siii*ii pla.vs a- **Siop
**'*'f . w hi* It be wrote for Sam Harris, ami · l.isiening 111'', a m.v-t*'r.v plav pre-'iited at the Rijoii Theater, N. vv \..rk. in H'l.mle'r of RiJk' 'J'lie d**ieased was al-*i a lapalile a**'i''*. I ik.iig tl.e fiiaie of Eriie-t GI**n*i lining, flic sta*. in Ills ow*n "l.isi**iiing In ' at a iin iiit'iii's Entice when the star laibil to apie-ar.
MORRISON--c p. iCiii'k*. **\pi*rt h.irstiiiiin and prom mut motion m.iii, wlm-e last a.'hievemeui was that of iraiuin*.' ' Rex. king of tlie wild l.trses", for the Hal E. Roa.h Studios at t.'iilvt r City, Calif., was almost in¬ stantly kilhd recently vv!. n a l.'Tse he was

claimed and faced burial in p<>lter s fii-M until riding at tte Roaeh Rau**l» stiimli:**d and f-'i!

claimed hy The L/i.val (Irder of tJreeters, a haul up.iii him, * rushing his i,,,dy b**f*)re he could

th<intrical club of Cleveland, which provided (*s. ap".

burial in Woodland Cemeter.v.

NARD--111 iie Stanley, di**d June 4 at her

HAYAVARIN--Fred .A.. 04. for thirty .v**ars ^lonn*. 117 East Walnut, str**'t. Induiniipidis,

connect I d w th theatrical enterprises in varioucapaeities with tlie Sliuherts and tie* old Aane. * Sullivan organization, died June J.'i at tin* /"Post-tlrailuate llo.-iitul. New York. .Air. Hay¬ ward had heen ill for -oin,* mouths from caneer of the liver. For thi* last four y-ars

Ilid., of tubercultihis

Her husband. AA'aRer

Nird; motlei. thr.e sisters. Mrs. Ma -A. .A' ley.

.Mr-. Neil *' lairkin. leilh of .Ale'nle. n. AA

Ml-. Flo Ka'muss. u. Pertlaiid. Hr** . and one

brother. F:* I .A"i.'*y. of Hunlirgt 'u !!· a**li , 1 .ilif.. siirv iV I*.

he had teen in the hotel hu-lni-s in Plvmoutli.

pierce--Air- J. ssle, ..i>t. r **f .s.-idiie AIi.*l..

Muss. He is suriived hy a widow, kn ovn iiro- a*riali-t with t .,* IPngliig Bros u,;.| Baruuin

fc-sioniilly as I'arol.'ii I*r end. who was with A. Biciey Conihint'd .Simw-, ili***! Jui.e h'J at her

him at the end. servlees were eon- home in IroHloii. H. 'I'ln- ll·'*'eH-'d is survived

duetcil hy It. p f|. i;. N'o. 1 ami burial was i'.v her liii-ba 1*1. one dauglitir. Beiilali: inothet.

Imm th<* I 'lueral Parlors. .",p7 l.eyington av**-

niie. N(w A'nrk. June J7. Kinx eo <'iiieter.'.

lutermeiit was iii

l"iir si-fers aiifl ihr**** l*r**liers. Iijft***!!)*'!!! was in AVoodlawu Ceni**l**r,v. Iroiilou.
SANTOS--I Ior**tM * I "h.iii, hO, of .-^antos ainl

H.ATHERTON--.Arthur, wa ll known English eomedian. died June 11 in Eoinlon, England. Ills fir-t ai'|'**.araiiee was ;n Septi-mlier. Is;*<i. at Iliir.v, I aiie.isl.ire, in the <; oriis of tieirOily Caite iip'-ra Company. Mr. Ilaih'Ttun stayed with t!i - <iinipan.v for s:x .'ears, nltitiiately rising from lli*.- oliseur** eliorus parts to eonicdy lead-, H,.,|uent|y t'liind S<iUtli -Afriea iind'-r the mauagi mi nt of th*' laf" «i*'Org*' Kilwar'l,-. H" was nsso. iat. d w:tli th*' tlai**t.v 'rii'uit.r frotii V.e"i to lull, iiiaying in "The M'*s-**ng'r P.**\". "T-.*' Tor' a*ioi**, "The Spring fhii'k' ir'. ' (Uir Miss flil-l's" .ami *iili' rB. .Afl*'r h aving the 'ini* ly Tln at. r Is* piav' *1 -, wi ll-known big-Hui** ly iidline ad. di**:l


'.`J in



"P.iisti r '

'an'"-, wle* .vas Hie stout girl of H.e ac t. lia I

le. n tr.vlng to rt ilm*** fo* -onie iiiontbs ami It

is belitviil lilt* eonsiaiii dieting vveakimd hi'r

and vva- partl.v respoiisilde f .r le r ib iiH* H* r

fir-t i*r.g:ig**m.-nf was .ns p!.*ini-ti* f..r John 1'.

H.irris at hi* F.fHi Avi iiti" Mi.-einn *n P tt--

liiirg'. W'iiil*' 111 charge of He* tipi-i'* d**parf

im iit of AV ilt**'s Hpt ra Il.iuse, M, K**e-|,.,rl.

Pa.. .Miss Santos met Jae'iues Hav**s and d*

cidetl to Irani up. The act was an n-tarit .and

***instant sucl»*ss. Burial was tnad** Jum Jl In

-Avalon. I'a,, where Hie girl-* lia*l a hom**.

in man.v ot'.i r pnelii'tiims, s, nr ng gri at suecess as H l.uiig in ".A Cliiii' se rion'*.t mO"U"

and as I`ih in "I)**ar Il'-titiis". He was last

s*'*'n as t'l" s. rvant in ' Tlie (ireen tloddess".

at the St. James Theater. I/mdon.


Hiitiarton was a i»* 'Ular number of the f',r'*'n

Room t luh. of I>jiid"n.

HOLBROOK--*airi'* (Mil*'. Carrie), ritired aeir**ss. died Jim* Rt at the IScw England Sanitarium. M* Iros,.. .Ma-s., aft* r a ling* ring illness. 'j'lif. de*'*'Hse(l was a wiilow *if Josh Holhpiok, of the Musii-al HolbrisiUs. ami ill'*) of Eddie E*slle. of I>**Clair and I.*'-li*'. Mrs. HiiIhro<ik was well known as Mil*'. Carii*'. "The Hi lie of th*' P.' lh s'', hut Imd lH*<*n r*'1ir*'d for some time. .A brother. living in I!*'rl n. Germany, is believed to be the only surviving relative.

SEFTON--Ixuis (Louis Fitzpatrick 1. 71, oldtime performer, died June I."* in Eaglaud afl*r a lingering lllni*RS. .Air. S. fton was one tune a--.e*iat**d with the late G. II. Cliirgwin in the · liirgwiii Brothers and bad b«** n a fri* ml of t!** White-Eyed Katlir. He had al'o le **n a-sm iatid vv th the Blaek ami AATilte 'I i.-ir**ls, w*ldili le- ran for many j**ars at Hi ting-. Eiiglaml. ami from wliosi- ranks sprang many notable stars.
SMITH--c iarl(*s 0.. M'cU Kmiwn l oim iliaii at *b'ier**nt tiii.*s wurkiiig iie p.irim*r vviHi b**'li l)'*ilo Gre.*n lie] Ja<*k Mill-, di***! .1 tie 111 in IP,* · oiint.v llos] itiil of Clii<*iig*i aft r a* ring iEm-'S. 'I'll*' w idow*, w ho w Hi 1, m at I end arraiig *d to have tie* ii ina n- s pie *1 to · 'liarles' fur lu r hom** ri* ar i.a.. for h ir al. B* - *b*-. till* Widow a *laught**r and two l;rot..i*rs sill l ive.

HUGHES -- George R.. ."ifi, noted music d'ahr, di*'d Jum- 17 at* .Merey Che ago, following a bri* f illness of pm-uinouia. *`intraet* d wh.le att* ri*l ng the National .Altisie Minhaiils' Convention in N'ew A'ork City. Mr. Hugl'.'S was one <if the h*-tki)0\vn mil'i  ihalers in t'.** Cnit'd ."ilatis ami |,ad long
be* n promiie i.t in ni*'r* aiitil*' * ir< b*' in Sati Eriinei-co. w e r,' he was pri-iih-nt of Hi" It** lad Mcrelia'P-' ,A--o* IhI on atal a *1 r* * o r of Hi" ('haruli": of <  iiiim r* #' He was ai-.j j.resi. ileni of *' North'rn CaEfornia M\|s c le al r-' .\--*>ciat**;U aii*I the \A'f*st**rn Al'.sic Trarhs'
.A-so*'iHtion. .Among his oile r < ivi*' iii livd **.".A' :..* iiila-r-hip in the Dewn-Town Association

STRICKLAND--Si adrai k.


w* II-known

English midland trawler ami foriii**rly niana-

g* r of one c)f P. ColliiiH' roun*l iboiils. r**'***nHy

*1'll In Engliiiid. He Is surviv.d hy his widovv,

da ighftr, liroHa r and two si-ii*"-. Burial was

Jum* Ih in .Alanchester, England

SAA'ETLAND--Ibarare AI`*nro**. 71. prt*s;d**nf of

H.*- Na' nal Piildish*

.A s,,. i;iiion. di**d Jnni*

I"* at his |i'*m** at 'I'i.t>!air. N. J.


*1 I*;! I'd was el**ii#*| tir'*s dt lit of He* National

I ubli-l.**rs' .A--o**:atio|| m Piju b**iiig iinantueeis y r<*-'*l*-* f d mi It**.'). lUJi; and Pijit.

H s vvi-'lorii. foresight ami I' liderslnp vver**

respotisili',. in a larg*

ini-esii-e for the

su* l ess of the National Publisherb' .Assoeiaf ion.

the largest organization of magazine pnldshers in the world, and inilndes every cla-s of period cal known to t e .\nierh*iin public. I'lmeral serA'l<*es were hchl at bis home June 17 and interment made at l>t*doni!i, N. June l.S.
WHALEN--Harry K., k'tf. husband of Ger¬ trude Dougins, of the Kiiiealde Kilties, died June 1(1 of appendieltis at Sanford, Me. Inter¬ ment wa.s in Forest Hills Cemeter.v, Boston, .'lass.

Mr. .\p|H*ll 1.S the manager of the York Op"r.i House. Orpheutn. 'Vizard and Ull'pndniQje tlieatila, York, Pa.
In the Profession

V'HITESIDE--I.yd a, J4, word of whose (hath, .April 11, at the Methodist Hosi'llal. Gary, lud.. following a Ivvcuty-two-day illm*'s of pneumonia, has just le** n n ieived hy 'The BilllKi.trd. The d(*ci*a'*d was a inciiiler of tlie diiiicing I' lim of Wliiti'sliP* and AVI iti side, playing th** K**iHi and .Siiti time. Ibr hrolhir, .bdin (Jin k) AA'hit*-i*l*, Mirv:v.*s. Burial was
.Al'rll 1*11 in New Y'ork.

Patr'(*la Morris Gordon. «f New York City,

was last week granli*l a divor.c from Itichani

Gordon In the Sup**rlor Court, ltridg'*piirt.

Conn., ti.v Judge John 'A'. Ranks on th*' gro ...*(

of des.rlion iiml glv.n ie*inilssi,,i|


sunic hi-r maid'll n.iiiie. Roth are on th** -t.i..-

«ml Gordon Is IT .v.ars hi*r s,*iilor. Tl.**y w* re

marrii*d Nov i*ml*i*r 33, R*Ri.

WILDER--J.. (17. s.'tiior partner in the Him of W A- J. W;hl**r. faiiems pyroteclmists of
B.rmingliani, Eiig'.iud. d.ed .Inue RJ. The d**<(-asi*d Was Wi ll kuovvii n the show and ga'a hii- ii(*ss and had leioki d many artistes for various gala- tiiruout England

Jam t 1..IVV-OII Rose, musical i**>mi***Iv a, t *-.

has fll,*d stilt for si parat **ii fr..m J.i k I!*.-,

"nut ("Ill* dian''. iiEi*glt'.g **in**lt.v . Mrs. n,,...

ii'k' ?.'isi a w.***k iiliimiii.v. i l.iiming I!**..

.<.,*11 a W"<*k.

Tin* (oiipl** w**r.' marri.**l

E* hriinr.v 3. I'.tJJ.

WILLIAMS--P.illie, late stir of Gns HIU's "Il"m*v*-P>.>y I'vaii- .APn-lrels ', died May 31 at
his home in .Atlanta, (i.i , of doiihli- pneumonin.

Mrs, J. ssle Mi stay* r was granted a il. iT.*.* of ilivoi* *' June 34 in I. 's .Ang>*l(*s from H irrv Tw*** *1 M**r. movie a**lor. on gruiind of

('Xinme cnnliy.


Mrs. G.'raldine Griff n was granted


w**ek alimou.v jicnding trial of hi-r action for

divorce fioiii G(**>ig<* Griffin. self - s|}led

"traveling a* tor", hy Ji.sHic Ti**rii**.v. ol the

·Supr*me Couit of .\**w York, June 31. 'fh*.

In the Profession

couple w*i*r** marri.d lii E.H'i and u four.
.t(*!ir-old *I.nighf'*r. Mr-. Griffin aE* g. s **rii**I:\ Mar.v AA'onm ll, *laiu***r. **bta.n* *l a *1* *  ·· i,*

(Tivoree June 3t'* fioiii Role rt I'..*r *-. .* . .i t

Al ER . B(»(H T.s;K.A STEIN--Leopold Auet. well.kiiowii colic* rt violinist, 7;i v>*ars old, aU'l Mrs. AA'amla Bogiits'ga .stein, piar.i'i, 4s. vv***r** marri**d Jiiie- J' mi th*- Muimip.d N**w York, initii* >I at* Iv after ih'-y -··(*ui*il tli- lr Ii('(*ns>*. Both t!i*' bri.l** ami gneoii have ha<l pr**v*ioiis marital **\p* rit n* *.
.AEGT'STIN - P.'H HRF AI --II. He rt A jgli-tiii. hroHii r of 'V Eiam .A igu-tin. wi*ll-i.m'vvii N**vv England sto'k manag**r uiel ha.liug man. ami liims,*!f kieiwn to stiH*U (lUili lues In many N* vv England t*>vvi*^ thru h:* app**arances as a m**mb**r of bis l*ri>Hi**r's taimpani**s. was ri*****ntl.v to I.ila B.imlresu, of Framiiigliam. Mass. AA'iIEam .Angnstln was b**st at tin* (*i`ri*m"ny and Hie brld**'s s ster

in the Court of l>*'m**-l,.* R. Iiiiion- CiiniiiMit ,

on grunmis of d'*-**rf .**n am! **r'e*lt.v

T .

. Iiuple w<*re liiHsn. d June 3d. IPJJ. In N'.vv

York City aft**r .M -s AA'*iiiii**ll b.i.l in* I B r -

while plav mg In the ' Mi.-n* B,.x Rivm".

.Airs. Evil g Hii.vl. a**li< - ami sis*i.*iv w,

**f N'.vv York C'v. ii'iT suit for*-*

June 3d in the .'-. iiie 'rr:liiilial. **f I'arls. fr .;ii|ig H. vt, to whom ' *' was main**! Jiiii*

R114. 'I'he (llvor.**, s.i. l to le* an iimi.i'*,* one.

<*iiin**s on the In** I< <*f a r. purt fr*iin p.iri- la-*

wi * k that l.yJig ll''.v| suing Mr-. Ibiy:

lor *liv ..r, *'.

Ethelyii ('lark was graiil-*d a divore** in l'..*ve-

laml. (I . Jane 31. from .1 .*' Ilowaril. siin..vvr.l**-

itml a*-I"r, known In private pr*- as J-.-. i>h E

.'* 1. Evtriiiie cim-ll.v atel gr*.-- mgl*.*t

Was mad of lyim"*.

*·1 *! ty vv*c*' ale g*'*l

B.ARI 11 W-El tiST A MI--Carl IT Barlow, owner tiiol maiiagi*r **f Barlow 's A\ emb rlan*! Shows, ami I.oraMi*' ncstand. iTof* " lUia'I.v known as l. 'irse l.arue. aiel late of ti e Man! e'm Proilnel.oiis. w re niarrii'd .Tone ."* In S'*rautoii. Pa., wle ie tlay plan to make th* Ir lioiue.

HR WFS-LEA'Y--TI els*rt Grav*'s, eono 'lian and il.uK'-r. ami .A*l. :i.a <itav**s, piani-t. km vvn ill Hie pr"f**s- iin as .Aililie I.a'e, Were niarr i d .April l.`i in Pi**t!moiit. .Ala.

Harris VERMILT ION-E. L. Harris, of Hie H.irr s vV i:,,g. rs Cir* us. and He'en Vermlll <>:i.
of A **rniilli*'n an l Goodell. oimratic singers, also
vv.tii Hie Sim** clreii.s, were married reointly In Kansas City. Mo.

T rwiS-PROA'OST--Hairy Lewis. T.amleviiie artiste and a nn lulier of .\1 Tui*ker's So* **ty
Hrvli. stra, atul Rose Provost, a fornn-r m**mTe*r of the "Z egf 'hl Fivlllcs '. were married June 37 la Spnngtield, Muss.

N.AsTT-.AXThN--E M. Nash, nonprofessloniil, ami Kitty AM"n, blues 'iiig**r with Pete Pate's Sjneopiitril st.*pp*rs. Win* marr:i*d June 33, in B.aniuont, T*'X.

RhGERS-CHhDELI --Nat D. Rog* rs. of the IT.iriis ,v l:"g**rs Ci i 'is. .n l AIiss i; Hid.'l!. of

AeniiiPion ami G(v..d.''I. op. -itic sing, r', of th*-

s.i'iu- siiow, wer** niarr ***l Jiin** 37 in Indiunaii-

oiis. Ind.


Final dvtree of divorce w*.i.s graiit**.! .Mrs

Thelma .A. <iu**st, "Bi'iii. ·· In-.v--' **f ; ** stag**

anil s*-r(***n. in San F;aii**l-(** Jiim* 33 .*-11 also the **ii«'.*'lv* of 'lar n. h**r *.-

.vear-obl d.iught* r. Extriiiie **nielt.v w .- il-

l(*g***l. .Max R**lnh.irilt. Germaiiy s mo-t famoii- tlea-

ti*r dirc tor. i*.***uf'v ai'ie ibil from ti.*' d ... of the Pr**s-burg (Hurt, vvh giaiit*sl > wif*'

>13(1 nniiEh'.v a im**;..v on i .*' gronml i at h-

* .11.11. t a:r"i*l to p.iv -o mm h

H» w


I. '** It* 111', w *.|l-kn*ivv II i.e. Ilian a* Ir.--. n*i'v

iipp. iiriiig in i.i '.rg * K.i.vr - comi**lv. * K >1

p . tail*-' ', at th*' I,." iig I h* liter. Ih-rlui. w tm *

f'*r:m r'y le-.iuig*.*! tt* Re-uliiirdt.

Sm -ii.*l

 f'*r illvor***' on tin* ground of unfai.fu'*.'--

.ilhgiiig ti at Rein limit « « *"t t.* many lb en

I'hlni.g. one of the 'tars of 1..** n* vv A ivuua

Tleater. Ellle pardtl*', fernnTly a ballet iliim.r vi *!i

th** Si'Ils-FIoto C:ri*u». lufornis Tin* Billls'a* I

that she vvas gr.iiit* *! a <1 * r* e of divorc* lu

AVatiU'h, Iml.. June 3t. from Cat't. T'rrhl M Jai'obs. an uuimal tratn**r with sells Flot.* f'.r-

c .s. am! also was r**>l.*r* 'I th*' use of her mal*l*n nani*'. and stut-s t e r'_l'«H*'.I di

voric t* III i*"ntaim't in th*- .luii" 7 Is- n* of

Th*' B;l'!..:.*il W.I., **rr"m*'i;s Blam ill' A iiik.i iss (1  *1 s'l.t in .V* vv York f*'"
s* |iar;it:..ii fr":'i le ', I lu h''ir . .''..a'«'*

siear ail u.'"r. s j ining I*' vvus u .ilii'.v .it;*n

S AT EfMI.A Ii V .ACS--i;..irge Sam r. N'**w Y 'tk I>II-|I1*SS was Iiiirn.d In Lilian Harmok, .voiiiig**st m**mb**r of * " "K.i p Kool" (*)i..nis. lepiv playing the'. o Tln ali r. New York, June 3'T.

tivi* to uii'.'li' T II.II'SS 'Eie* **. Iipl*' w.*r.* m >r ri***I III S'*pt'*i* le'r. E'l'i The n.*t.. n broug'.t hv Mrs. tv* .Ht ;» lu (.· iiatiir** of a **"mii*'r-il't. ler hii-b.i:..l having lust .tut*'*! s**p.iliti"n pre***** M.iy 1*1
.Aii'iiar*Mta K* .ils-ii-'.iie was r* ceutiv gra' ("d

SCIIII.T.ER-ITHNNER -- George A. Sehilb'r .*in*I 'trs. Pauline Donn. r, danglil* r of Mr. and Mrs Is'*iI>old ToNiIdt, of Philaih lplda, w r * married Jiin** 3.'>. This Is .Mr. S**hill**i*'s third marruigc.
SH A I!R - J A ATES -- .Atatirn*** ,Sliarr.* miisi**al din*. t.*r of th** AI G. I'l. Ids .Alinstn ls. ami H**len James were w***d June Ri at ('ovington. Ky*
·SIT.1.MAN RhI.FE--C.. il Sillinan. weallhv

n***' ill I *

Aug**'* s. Calif . from Ui'V

Kiiate n'hu*'. h.illi.oa >1. on Ih** ground of tem-


Tie si, I was Hot ***>nt**sl**il

Jos* ph tlr.i.v. Sill h'ran.'is**** biisin**ss man.

was gran* *1 a ilivon*** m san tr.imi-*** Inn**

3ii from t. mis** t.oi.n**. mot *in p***|iir** S'tr*-*.

ii"vv plav ng Ml SHIP "t of .All .Ai***ii*-il in .''.in-

I .igo. ( hill* 'Ir. Bray nll**g*'t il**'i*rll*>D


real **'Iati* man of H troif, an-I

Add`e Ko'f.*

fAd.Ial.le Siith.Tl, *.f the ·'Zi**gf.*lil FoI1I**k".

w**r<> niiirr .-d Jon*' 3*1 in the Miini.-iinil Knibling

of N'. vv York bv* P* luity i l**rk J. J. Mc('*irmi**U.

S''r?inton, Pu., .Tuif*

--n I'.ih l«'nk*(l out si

th;it 1*", It k ro

lo mI

H'arl II



Mr. It.irhiw aiHl I'`'Jiin** ITOst uj,!. pref*''-


Klon.*lly known


lair'i*-. 4if Spin K'tnht.

f)., U "r»* in.irrlril Jon*' '

\f!**r a lii*n* >

trip !«· r.iifTHlo. N. V . ^prin.:tiil(|. 't . iMvN'fi

nml l.itcrtla. Ky,. tiic ioiiph* r« tiirn''<l h* "

In the Profession

mil. th*. f'lrnl

I'Im'V Win*


r» p^ --n **'

arni tho lolk^ wltli naih»w't4 Wnn.h-r

whirh t«`rniinat< f| m a wr'I'Jmj

party {..r .1!!. Th»* L'r'Niiii li. \\*4\ knuwn in .-Imw hir ·!»<

Mr. and Mr- .A. 11 s<aiil**v. of Mamnroni'ck.

N. Y . have aiin.iiim * *1 ...

of tli**lr

d.*iught<*r. Alarjori'*. ...iiirallii soloist of Hi**

Clirist Chur* h in It.v**. \. V , to iTar**Ti**o E

AA' (irgiiiiist in He* sani*- <*hiir**li. Th*- **n*

gug'*ni**nt I- lie* **uliii rial ion of a roman***'

b' giiii In til*' I le ir.

I arlo E lwards, stag,, dir. . tor at the Metro-


.hmI tiiiiti.'tu'* r Mm \''4H;4!* r1u»d >1' "· mil

i.'tw «!)!· . *,nu' tlM* Minn «·'HM*!!** for tiM*

S« ranl'*ii nh1 I|·`!||M \Vr»*k




of ilio Nl.iiitM'ini |*rM4li!« fion*« .in-i


mI-·! to to* l.< r

ii>.i>tant in

of hiH fiiinro ariMM-A-MM-tit ii«livith's.

li:irh»wH aro lot hlin^ a lunno In iv `in'l

will inuko tliN thoir fiitnro homo.

iK.liiaii *»|.**ra H"U-.*, N* w York, will he iiiarri**d v.ry sleirilv in (ii[e*nling'*n, I)**nmark, to G**r*lH II*'n:us, ilauglit. r of .ATux IleniilM, of


Rumor has It Hint Pola N*'grl, n*it**d film a**tr*'"'. is now **ngiig***l to Rial Jm R*)c(jue, also engugi'd in Him work.

Canton, ().. .tun*' .Hi (itlb i.iN of tl**' t'olhe Rroa.' ('ir**ns r**port He* -low i1i***<l***l in S'lu*'* (lay'a storm nt AV.iii**i), (i . .iti.l iiniihl*' I** g**' Hip lot until lai** 'I.lav. Exhibit l**ii( bi"« *


down. iiii*l prop-. 1111*1 *-<inipiii* nt ilaniiig**il. 1 ' |ind<*r lhr**e fi***t of w.ii.r,

To Members of the Profession
To Mr. 1(11*1 Mrs. Jliiiini*' Tans* y. an (`ighlan*l a half 1*01 nil bahy girl. Jim*' 3, at .i.VJ M* Irose sir****t, Clii* ago. Moth* r and Tialiy ar*' iJ.iing tl!*** Iv.
'I'o Mr ami Airs. lanils J. Appell, on June R*. at the York lIoKpltal, York, Pa., a aon.

Warren. O . .tune 3(l. -- The Pollle Br*


CtlS, which slit,.. Its op.-lllllg 11 few W***k- IV"

has licen pl.i.ving vM***k ami two and tin** *1"

stanits iiml'r .lu-pl***-, Is In iimh rgo n **om|'*'''

n-orgnulzntloll ami will iirm ual** Its cxInbiHn

h**r** for a slmrl lim** f,.r pnrpos*'. AA Ml**

no **vii"t *b*tai|s on Hi** pi ins «»f th** iiianag'*iii**el

have as y**l Ih***ii m,o1*> pii!*n**, Il Is slal**l Hull

111*' -how will b*' r*'orgiiniZe*l on an eiitlr.'l.T *1H`

fiTi'iit IiusIr Ilian Hint l.'ntatively planneil orig¬ inally.

JULV 5, 1924

Xl^e Billboard



light opera at CHAUTAUQUA

iViiiliniii'il from p.iu  .V:i

I'olii  -"I

>'· · ·liif'l ·l'*` l<rii«`. Slo-


**;imo moinlo fi>r iKitli Hhowa.

 II .« rio "<· It' * '' T to

IIP ln-r loail tours

mil or'iliii o ^onlllalli«^ only for ii»? f!o Into ,i.,. . ,« liusimms In iiny of Its briinrhos iinil

uki- till' i.inililo you wouM liuvo to ami you

of his He I.tixe Cireiilt this season, working largely In I'ennitylvania.
IlcIviihTc, 111.. Is to have a chautamiiia again this year, ami has signe.l with the Midland Cliuiitainiiias. Iteii.derc lia'I Its first cbantHmina iie.irly iwonty-ttvc years ago, with Harry M. Holbrook as manager.

Ill eliilnis to Im- the onl.v direetor and aetos -

and one of very few Iiiinian liemg --who h.-. ·

never written a plav

Hit Sam is v-e-ng y-t.



May Be Delayed by Death of P. ERichie


Zoo Planned at Long Beach, Calif.

I HI n'll L'rali a yooil safo mntrai t olTofoil you
...H I ' ni; M-asoii. Ii tt nir si nn-tHuly ·No tako  . -k'. Mi*"* Vali-ntiiif Is a musical (ji-n ii-
 I ,1 »''ki s Ini' licss wnrric'. She likes t i

!j,,,|!, the niii'hal mil nml let us atteml to

l'|\ ...

Ui-'ii't, we are ;:iv!nir our patrons

,i,, I, 't I'at w II tour the \Vi «t this -eason.

·All oar troiilile Is to t to itet if«i<l lilays


ra«. It l» to make folks Ike you !>···

|.,.w · it |·|,·^lll',v If we i-l anreci .«·.* .Vt for our -hows nml
y\ for the mil'lial i-roeram the nail to Man
, «t.r w oiM be with O (Inr Ka-i>ls

Monelt. Mo . has added a new feature to

l:s I'liaiitamina piogrum. It Is to offer prize.s for a linin'er of .-onl.-sts.

Then- will lu- eight

tn a*4 follow**:

H.-. !aiii.itory, for those uii«l> r thri***'ii. (1.*-

iljinitiiiy. fi,r tlios.' nv.-r Thi.t. · n. piano 1*1 i>.

for those iiiul.-r lli.ri-i-n; I)-auo sol.i, f ir l.jiiHf

over lliirteen; viol n solo, for fii.>-e uii h r

siMisii; viol Q solo, for those over s.xtei'ii;

V... al solo, for tlio-e under sixteen; vio'al solo,

for tlivise ovir sixte«>n.

.\ny iion-professionul iiersoa ri'siding in

l.avvience or Harry County may enter oiie or

New York, June :i(t.--Tie- death of 1'. E.

He ine, regl.ster of i-opy- gilts of Canada uiil

author of the rei-iutlv pu-s-d copirig'.it Iivv

of raiiuda, a n-port of wbieh vva- r.-e. vt.l

lo re today, |s evpe -ted in delay t


eopv right ameiiiliio Ills under vva.v.


wiiii, aeeording to th-- r" ort, dropped il ad

last W'-ek. was most i onciiiator.v and am euhi

ill his negotiations w h .Vno rr- an rep.-e .-ma in tlolr di-eii'shins of m-vv Cana-lian

I'-pv right law la-t vviiitir.

Thu all .Vmi-riean ilruniatie r.gilts are fiiily

Charles Woodford at Head of Enterprise- Labor Day is Opening Date
Eos .viigi-les, Jlirn- --.\nother ent r;'ri.s"' of Importan-'e t*. the amiisem»uts of th- I'lo-.f,.I .liist has c"·ue to light Tiiis tini- It i- in l ong H. ai-h. within forty live mmiile-' t.df'-'in t'.is I-ty.
Cl.aries W'linlfi.n!. w.d'-iy known tliruoiit

filk- finiT ,, '1 r .liahly fmillshly pass np this opportunity
at movie prices' "
iConiimieil from pam .'ll d. l V. p 'l. Iieltevcs the crenteBt need pf the rhiatawiiia movement today l« one hundred m w ,., .r:ative adjcetlvc* to luj U-cd In advance
liregraiu mws.
Tie towns of Newton County. Ca.. are workImr t' cottier to put over a "home-made , : Sii'amitia" which will he held next Anrust. Tie'ir pp*cram eonini'ti*`e has h4`en ap|a>liited tr.d they arc now selectiui: talent.
T'e Cary (Ind > Community Chautaoi)na la n i; : c ' a'ou tickets for the M? slx-ilay ir.'i.'s:ii at one iloliar eaeh for the first n.otiO t.kei- slid. The Cary Tribune says;
r,,. C.iry Cliaiitamiiia I' sponsored ami h.ih r-rd hy fifty h adinc huslness and profess . nal men. memlxr' of the Oary ChumlW'r of ^^·nlaleree. f. r the heneflt of the Gary Women's U.'iitf C-rp*.
·A'ever Is'fore In the history of the circuit (haiitai:>|iia movement has a six-day season ticket Isen sold at the price fixed for Gary. Here the en'Ire eleven performances. s*x nichts ami five afternistns, may be enjoyed for only

mere of these contests. 1` will be held and the two contestants w.ll compete for tbe prize on the regular chautamjua program.
The riayeri, of Ho'ion, Is an a'-ociatiun of lecturers, musicians and cuterta.uers. llcuige .\. Wliipp.e i.s president amt general manager, and George W. is asso.'iate manager. I he u-siM'.utiuu iueluiles in its tuemhersiiip six repreieulutiVi s. The aunuiinceuient of the a-Hoe,atioD states: "The gove;niiig spirit of Tiie I'ia.vers --.ts constant uudevialiug aim and ideal --has hi eu to gather into Its assoi .ation only those men and women who are mo-t highly represfUtutive of the eullure, tasle-, a. eompl.s.iiueuts aovl mental, and sp.r.taal advaiie* ineiit of our limes; men a:ial Women of national and iuteinutional note, vvls, have themh'lvis made woiid h story in the varied and imlorlant fields to whi.-n they Lave ded.cuted iiie,r lives, and who'e magmtic personalities uio-t completely i|uaiify them to .utere't. enter¬ tain and lustruit others." .Xmoi.g the sisakers of note are William Montgomery McGovern, of the I'liiversity of Loudon, who cro--ed the Himalayan Mountains in w oter and pii-netrated l.lgisa in disguise: Houatd H. MacMillan, of aii'ttc fame; John Spargo, s.s'ial philusopiher; Hr. Hsieb (fi-e "Teddy lloo-eveit of China") and other spiakers and entertainers well known

l-toteeted under the ciirn nt loll, .Vnieriean pith- t ·· I'liiiiil Stat.-s ns an animal man. and whos-

il-lers, the good otliees of the C.iiiad an li-me in Cudahy ha* !"iig siii.-e been a spot

Hegisti-r of Copvrights, were seeking to br.iig of interest ti> toiir.-ts wi.o h:iv>- lie.-n fortunate at out certain changes in the measure. Hii hb-'s < moigh to gain .idmi-shui to his estate. Is th-

ib-ath, it Is said, will somewhat bandiiaji Hie man who h:is j'linped in and wiil give th s sec¬

putting thru of tlii-s,- amendments.

tion of Soiith.-rn California a real Z'Vi, to b.* built on a novelty plan that ts inti-r.-sting as Well as iini.pie.
.\fter rei-eiving Hie sanction and indor'e-

London, June

(.s,.M ial Catile to The Hill- m. lit of tiie Eong Ib-neh Cliamher of C-un

Isiardl.--Leon Lion Tuesday piesent-d Karen men-.-, Mr. WisMlf.ird set to work and ohtained

Hranison's ixiuiedy, "T g- r Cats", with Edith a -ite at the entrance to Ijiug H> -i.-li i-alle.l

Evans, as a sensual and seifi-h wife, giving a remarkable iK-rforniance, teehni ally and emotiuiially. tlio tin- gr-at iiualities of Eng¬ land's best aefri-s* overtlowed Hie nar-vv Emits of Madame Hrausou's superficial stiuly of feline psv'clioleg.v. The 1 rodii.-tion i- badl.v l aiiilled. .Nadine Ma'- b atti-mi-ied imsueeess-

*'W llowttriM.k'*. Tlo- thorofare 1- tr«v.-rs.<l bv some tliniisaiid- of automobiles daily and eont.i ns t.-n acres. .\Um rt Wo-ulford. Cbarles W ooilford'.s sou. is at pr.'sent on his wa.v hornf oiii H.e Drient with a full cargo of animals be Iious.-d in buildings that are b.-iiig hiiilt for them.

fi.iiy to rise to the r-iii.i-lte dist notion as the

Work h;is alread.v started on the building

I oiintess. Nicholas Ilanneu a* the Count gave of this .amusement resort, and the fence in-

aa a<lei|uate iH>rlra.'al of u j-art iiia-leiiiiate t-i ' · -sing Hu* j.ark is painted with a world of

liis talents. Hole rt I.etaine did make the badly eonc-lved part of

b*--! to I'rofe.-sor

an nials of evi-ry d.-seription, showing th.-m In var.oii' ails, whi.-li will Ih- f.-atnr.-s of the ilai'.v p. rfornianees t** be given at Hie ri«> In-

N'.-iiroIogy seem a r- al el ara ter and had some s.ib- tiler.- vvll! hi- bn It a lake. -l<ifi feet long

fine moments.

ly k'fk) f.-'t wide, and In the e.-nt.-r of this

Tlvis is an nndi-tinguished. thin play. It 1- lake will be seven Islands, housing animals

be ng priMluced for a series of mafin*'es aii-l N in tlu-ir natural environments. Tin- m--nk ys

tn-t likely to a--.'ear in an evening bi!l. alilio w .ll be i-alb-d from the tre.-8 t.i p>-rf-rm t .-ir

Edith Evana adorns the ca't.

stunts. ,as will the b.-ars from th-ir ahisle

eoe deilar. · I'll y other city on the elrcult is cliarKini; .'-It to t" for till' Iden'lcal procram,
it s declared. Single admission for the ojieninc n cht is one dollar and the same price wiil prevail for trn- closing nisht. Of course, the I irited numis-r of si-S'- n tleketa--w .11 he exhausted. It is declared, before the o( js rfonaanec."
The Citizen, of Shuliert, Neb., compiaini of a ' dead !· wn" at follows:
rile closing of a general store location, clo-ely feilowi'd hy "fideout'' of baal plcutre thi w house and theater; losa of Cliautau'iiia for the  urrent sisison; fa.lure of this community to a ept invitation to jtiin Community Council of I:.': aplson t'ounty; lack if commercial club or
,er lonimereial orKaniialion«; lack of la"'.liny aiieii.g bus ness interests and failure to la.;. .ze hi. al Imlii'tries prove a l tis> ri n· '·isv. y that Shuts rt lia- h't Its js p and has r.' II ,11-III.I claim to being the best little town .n s.eit,.ea«t Xcbr.iska. However, all these I '"I.iioiis can Is- righted, and without muih vfl.rt. .Ml It taki-s Is a little "close harmony" t'.v till* entire comniim.ty. Hy this wvi mean: 1.1's kuiskiiig. less goss.p, iirojier ajipreelathn Jill pifpiiiage of existing Industries and insiitiit 'll', more rc'is-it for law and order, organized e^ort to attract new Industries, etc. .\s a pri! III.nary for detlnite action The Cttizcn 'iir.-.s » a "Comniiin.t.v Itctiermciit Cluh" or i`m:ioi. .il orcaiiizatlon of si me kind to keep Hie lovvu in a isisitioo to at least hold its own.
In a rei int Issue of. The IlilllMiard we ran a h'l of the aitr.iedons appearing on the lb dp. Ill ll.iri ^son cli.siitauiiuas and unintentionally Ola Hell i.eoirrey Morgan The omission was Jli'iil by the fact that he did not Join ttie ' r''i;i Until a few days after it oiwned lie Is hew w.ih them and has tilled every engageuc lit since.
Ihi'pi llingliani, the inim table, is going to Is 1. . i,ie ii.iiep.'iiih Ills for the siimiucr -ej-on «f t''.'.",. He vvill he Issiked by .\ni.v Weiskopf, »f ilie lleiipath Itiireaii. Ilils will Iw good new s 1,1 til,, many old lime cliaiitaminas that h.i'i b,.. ,1 trying to to i urc him for several .'eat, pa,t.
'I iii.hsville, 1ml., wlileli had been in the nn ' 'll n · olnmii , f for this s. a-on.
I'll III,, viiliic of the eliaiilauuna was

In .tnierica.



.troiind til s lake will be a blpp-'drom*- tra.-k vvhii'h will allow the land niiinials. sin-h ns

Vv'hen Geoffrey F. Morgan lectured in HumIcldt, Tenn., recently, he found that bis fame for once bad j.receded him. for the local h gh r ..ool had pcoviuceil oo'h of t..e musical comedli a which he has published. "A Uoyal Cutup " and "In Hut Tamala Land". Several of the east were In the audieuee, and h,' bad a pleas ant talk with them afterward* in the course of which they agr.ed iuformally to province his n' w piece, "In Hinky Hindle Town", as soon as it is off the press. This last opus, the preceJ ng ones, !« puhli'hed by the T. J). I)enis n Company, of Chicago.

London, June J'J (SiK-cial Cable to The ItilliHurd).--Sir .\Iexund.r MaeKenzie's one-act ipera. "The Eve of .''aint John", was given its first Loudon perfo: nianee by the liritisli National Hp-ra Comi-aiiy at His Mafest.v's Th«at. r with Waller Hyde ami WiMlam Mlelia.-l as poacher and tinker, and I'oris I . iiion and .Muriel Brunskell a* Hrvad and Naiad. The 1 l.retto Is inexiH-rt. i-oi-ioiis and overweig! t -.1 by musical treatment. Its pop-alarity ia doubt¬ ful.

elephants, eam.-ls, etc., to do tlu-ir acts. Out s di- of tills inclosure will be seat* nml pvom.-nades for the v^-ctators. .Xroiin.l tli tl""ks and corners of the inclo«iir.- will Is- f-.iin.l many coneesslons. an Indian Villag*-, nnvva an Vil age and other such attractions as w H b.- nil vv ;!i the entire seh.ine.
Tl.i- date set for the ojiening is Labor Hay. and with the for.-e of men at work this will li - ai-eompl 'lied. In the shipni- nt that will nrriv.- s' -.rtly will be .IbO lords of various sp.'cics. 2"*) monkeys an.l many earn vor-ns animals. Charles Woodford has at present many animal' that are housed in th- -M G M


Is.udon, June gl) iS,s-- al Cable to The Hillboard).---Vt the Garr.'» Theater, Tne'day, was

Hariii-s winter quarters and zoo. ami Is pre-ji

paring tlu-m in their stunts for the n.-w hom.-S

la Long Ib-a.-h.


(Oontlntied from page pi no ndabljr high degree. Kemley s j-urtrayul is one of the outstanding features of Hie show. II chanls carries off the juvenile roie w.lh re¬ markable sova-ess for a chap of his--er, ability

presented the fare.- l.y Will Evans and Giiy-

IE A K slier, of St. I.ouis. Mo., and who

Ki-eve entltbd ''Tiie (it!.er,Mr. G.i'bs", a has been eoiine.-te.l vv;!h shows f-.r many years

IK.iiKiurri of familiar ingredients with mori> in.i'Hirs an.l .>nt. i' s.-.-r.-tary for th.-

than U'Ual loiiua. it.v.

H«- ert H.ile, Hollie Wiuilfor.I int.-r. -ts ai..l i* da ly getting many

*Eniery and Kate (Nttb.-r succeed.-d In amusing new f-T H..' hi-.iid ng .-f t i' m v»- venture.

In eharacter parts--and Ji'I M.ddleton gives a tlw audience heartily lE spite long vv iiiih-d

Mr. Wo..iIfor.l inf..rnis H e r-pr.-- ntat ve of

del gliiful and thor.'Iy natural performanee. d alog.

.\nn Mason, as K.ile H. nee, Imiks and acts the

p.Tf to the fancy of the audience, and .Vnna


The Hilll-.-a-'l that .m cut re m-nag-ri.- has been piir. l.a-e.l n Eiir..iM- that .-oRtains many l. -rform'iig animal-, ai.'l H at it w'' rei|iiir<-

I a.viig. Viola It iacb. Samuel Godfrey and I'aiil

littb- t.-tu- to pul lli.-ni in a.-ti.-n one.- they

v.onion fill their respective roles aceeptably.

Luiidou, June kti i.siM-eial Cable to The Hill- arriv.* in this p rt. ^!r X\'··Hlf<.r.l ha- had

After another week or two of this the board).--Clxirles Haim K-iiiied.v'* re' gi-oi' I'l.iy, .-xt.-nsive an an nial trainer and

M James will elose .ind iinderg.) s,,nie reeon- hiimlling the early life i-f Ci.risl, eiitith d "The collector an.l .« vv.-ll qialifi.-.I i" .ondiict the d tinning for the reopening August So. when Chastening", has hev-n bai.m-d bv tl.e e.-U'cr. ZvK). Th.- trappings an.l wanlrob- Hat are to

nil augmented conivany wilt he P'esented to the patrons. The new players already en¬ gaged Ineliide 1 oiils Ij'on Hall, who la* just lompleied a Season w th Rohi'rt It Mantell; John Collier, a local Harvard voting man wii.i 1 as attracted i-onsideralde attention bv his

Hen Greet, w Ih) pri'duces It. dceliled to give invitation i>erfornianc.-s. inviting tl..- eeiisor to att.nd. Edith Wynne Matt'i-on. wifi- of Mr. K.-nned.v, is vv-l-onied bi k after a long so¬ journ in the I'nit. d Stat.-'.

be ns.-d. in'!u*tiig siiihl'.-s. .tc.. have been pur.-Iias.'d fr-'iii tlu- nia-k.-ts ..f th.- obi world .and many of tlu-m have already arriv.-d.
Th.-re s.-.-ni' to 1-.- no la-'k of m -ney to put t' .· 7is> i-v.-r, and with Iiamni.-rs and saws busy EaNif Hay will . fin.l Eos Angeles and

w · rV with the Ifiv-ton Stage Guild and the "STREET SINGER" LACKS PUNCH I'.ea. h Willi anoth.-r up-to-the minute amnae-

fanioiii .\mateiirs of RriKikline. an.l who w;'l

m. -nt enl'-rpris.- w ith n h'-r gate*.

niidoiihtedly bring a following of many new

f.iiis to th.- St James Thea'er; Nina ttllve-.

l.ondun, June k".) tSiu-Cial Cai-b- I" The Hill-

for Hie year with George R.'ban. and hoariH.--Phyllis Hare receiveil a


Car! Ja. k'on. sn .1 to he know n among Hie profession as the man vv'.o ".Iresses the part" I e idnys. Tt.e m, nihers of tl'.e past si.ason's ·..inpan.T who will return In the fall inI I :.le Walter Gilliert, Ka'ph Moret.vviise. Hoiis. t.iii IHchard'. .Vnna I ayng. Samu.d Goilfrey. Ilalph M. Itemley, anil no doubt, Mark Kent and JIM Mhhlleton.
Maniglng Hirectnr George A. Giles Is g.iing t'l make a westward tour t' s 'i luMier. and

re. I ption on her n-ti rn to I.oinloii I'rid.iy in

"Tbe Str.-i-l S.iig r ".

Crow.Is besieged tin-

tli.-ater hours h.-f. re lir arrival. The p.t

lacks putieli ami 1* to 'Uiee.-il. aUU.

A. W. I'.as'.cviiiib i-ontr:l> .t. s amusing e-.iii. ily.


New York, June do.--"n eonii-iaint of .t,.s.pliiiie K>cfe. s iig.-r, Irw n Silbie vva* h.-l! in

Ij.ndon. Jun- 2t* iSp.-clal Cable to Tlu- Hill-

p .ardi.--in repl.v to tlu- invital on o' the

.\i tors' .X'so.-iat'on to Hu- Stag*-

for a

piildic d-'l-ati-, the Stage Guild writ.-s to the

A Hat its aims ar.- id.-utbal with Hu- excep-

Heii that tlu- Guild 1' directly opisis. d to

s.-.-kiiig 111.- silppo. t of braiieh.-s of organ.z.-.l

lab r "hat ar-- in no way conais-t-d with the

art of He Huat.r, T'o-r.-fore th.- Guild de-

!l'.>l· iilally sfop off to see the Sltm-f Walker .s;.i.«) lail t-'day f* r flirt er lie.iring on a eilm-s the Invltatb-n of the ass..ciation to a

cIllpllny In Clnelmiat . presnnialdy w ib a v-w c'.airge of grand lar.-.-nv. Tin- sc.g>-r alb-g. s p-ibi.c il.'- .I.-, as l-'.ib.ii- ilis. iission t-ouM not 1.1 lirliiging liai k some Ideas f. r n-e In li s own H at sls- gav.- Iiiiii a .<; >·«* l-r-oeli on P-l-rtiary in I ·· 'Iig!.'-'t li gree r.-.auieile tlu--- fnnila-

orgaiiizaHoii. Viola lioaeh will again s!^·n I 7 last to '<11 for her and In- d- .i'.I. ui. ntal dir.-r.-nc. s.

>1.111 lit It eoii.d not afterd to* he without

' 11. IO C il signed lip vvilli Hie lawr Independ-

' ·' I l.anlaiiuinis oiov inoie, and will pill oil a

liii. p-i.grain this suuiiiier. It is the

- r .i.a.-I p .igi.ini il has over had. Tlint Is


«,,j |,, |,,r,, failure Into sinec-s.

· -' M.i! lie I 111.) Clisiitiimin.i will donate s ' .r.fiis ,,f ||, eliaui.iio|iia to IIk- chiireliea o 1 'll t|,,. Auicriian I.egioii.

I'aiil M. I'carsoii is in isrsoual charge

her vacation !n Vermont, whe-e s' e w " ilivote part of tor l me to t. aeli ng d-ainat'o nrt. lleniler will pass his vaeatiou "In ramp" with his form, r o.e! seas regiment, nnd Vnna 1 llVIlg will enjoy Hie sea breezes of SwampKi'ott for a tiioiitl or so W.-iIti r GIIti--rt, It
Ini' Ih-vii lea" id is making a moving pb-tui.for till' .M'.-is V 111 C-111"any. S.imiiel G >,1 frey will probab y sp ml H e siimm " reatl ng pluya. Sam sa.vs be n**'er ilreann-d tiu-re were as many "biini'' plays en *lio market a* be has read In the last two weeks. What Is more.

Hi* was arr.-st- il >.it.;ril.iy l.v d-teetiv.-s ii;siu tie di'.ription fiirii.'h d b; tin- 'ing.-r
San H i-go, Calif. June k*'-. Kritz P;elds at t!..' Colonial Tie at.-r n*\l vve k will pr. sen* for tb- tlr-l tiiiu- in S;in He go at isipalar prices "In He". With Ma.lge r... '.v-r a* ba.Ili.g Eid.v. Joi- I'arr, an old time favorite of Cobuiial trv>-is, who Ti-ieiilly left for El Jbi'O to play with Uirani Clair, has returned to the ColunlaL

New Y.-rk, June .'?i'.--The illu.-'S of Dltver Morose.) r.-siilt'd in the i-osti-onemeut of "The rnchasl.-n.d Woman", which was to have been presented last night for the lu-nefit of the A-tors' Pund at the Little Theater. Morosco, who itiis bet-n staging the plei-c, was taken 111 I>iday with tonsilllls. The bi-nefit wllf be staged next Sunday night.


Free, prompt aid far-famed, the
Mail Forwarding Service of The Billboard stands alone as a safe and sure medium thru which professional people may have their mail

Ttie Billboard

iTiSJr'^g ' «

J-T" J


· r~^ iJ



" "





r l J

JULY 5. 1924

Montrose. Jackie Mooney, AHva
tKlMoore. Mrs.
C. Moore. Mra R-iy ·Sloors, Mrs.

Btunders. Mrs. Paul.'.
··Sawyer, loiuris
E. ·s.lillT. Mrs M Bchlmnlni. 5P P,, 

addressed. Thousands of actors. receive their mail thru this highly etficient department.
artistes and other showf oiks now Mail is sometimes lost and mixups
result because people do not write plainly, do not give correct address or forgot to give an address at all

'^ I

^ i

I 11 li



notence (KlSchmuik l, u ,, Moore, Miss Davis t»<-hol*. Lena

Mivasea. .Mrs .1 V. (K)S.lusi|e K t

Mordeanx. Madam ··sJehwaru. Mrs ·-Morrell, DorvShy

^firrii, Mary

(KlPrbafer. Ml- a.

Morris, klarda

Hrott. Mrs. Krlizl-

Morris, Babe

.Setrs May Joe

·Morrlsey. Mrs.

`.Searlet, .Mrs It, p

when writing for advertised mail. Others send letters and write address and name so near postage stamp that
it is obliterated in cancellation by the post-otftce stamping machines. In Eiich cases and uh^^re such letters bear no return address the letter can

only be forwarded to the Dead Letter Office. Help The Billboard handle

your mail by complying with the fol-



Write for mail when it is FIRST

advertised. The following is the key

to the letter list:

Cincinnati.(No Stare) New York.One Star (*) Chicago.Two Stars ( J St. Louis.Three Stars (···)

Kansas City. Los Angeles...(l)

Boston . T * If your name appears in the Let-
List with star, before .it write to^the office holding the mail, which

you wUl know by tbne metihuodu ouuuvt-

lined above. Keep the Mail Forwaro-


Department *,0,--....^-..

-su-p-p.rl-ie, d


,, ,, Mr-. Karl Pavlg, Irene

ijuit,itt, .Mrs.

Iiavls. Kihrl e«l:.

nctclicr. Kuth **Foiitaiue. DI)i>eris

Harvey. Betty '···Ilarvcv. Hetty

.toy. Esther Kachkley,. Otllllive

···Llghtner. Ml»s B

May Seunett, Dvsrls

(K)Ulllller, .MMaargairret wMuomrriasssey,. M j rs.

.'seihua. Mrs. n^.

Mabel "Darls, Ray

(K)Koor. Marie

Harvey, Rose

.Kalney, Helen

'·Il-aiJniiddssaayy, UGr»st^e


··luiiiis. Billy
Bums. Mis. M. K. lUiribHi, Mrs. B. W,
«Morence Caiiili, Vivian L. **··t'aallllaalliiaauu,, M MrrssJ..ack ·"·Ccaammeerroann.
SMlaarrgguueerite C:amoron. Luiiliie (ivH ampbell. Bose
amidiell. Mrs. -M *1. 4 .M'-. \V. M. ·Cspl.iii. Louise ·CarlsiHi. Wiie
tail-ou I'-agy

Tiavis, Mrs. Bert Pavts, Mrs. R. LL,. (K)Uay!ci!i. Mrr?s^
NNeellie DeCosta. Madelin "DeHaven. .Mrs.
A Mlio
HeKos. Mrs. Irene iieXance, Jackie HeKos.ilt, .tiu;io n,.\\,e. flllie -lieVoe. E. HeViie, Glailys ·DeVries. Violet H.'.in. Peppv
··lUaii, iJeitrude

`*KK rd, .lessle Ford. Mra \Vm. B. (KlFord, Clarice Fiiryay. Ruth (K)Fiisnlght. Ludlle Poster, Mrs.
Midred (KlFoster. Dolly (K)Fnx. Mrs.
®·Foy, Qlotis Frankfort. Mrs.
Miltun M Franklin, Sllldred Fra/, lie Z. e French, Miss D.

`Hass. M.-r. AnnaM. Havortee. Charlotte Haves. rK>reihy Hays. I-ena (L Hayward. Ina Hedricks, Mrs. Bay
Uoldemess, Mrs. Oco. W.
Helms. Mrs. Garry
Ueltzel. Ursula -M. ···Henderson. Mrs
Helle ·Henderson. Betty
·Henderson. Myrtle H. iirv Arlliie Henrv, Mrs. Beatrice

·Karl, Mrs. Wilhelm ·M.iiidsey. Lady


(KlKasper. Emms LliuUey. Mrs. HlUarrry Ji'TM,-


··Keck. Mrs. Pearl ··Llusen. Tilnl Iima

JIivcwaai., .M'i rs.


··Keefe. Eugenia

I.lirhfleld,. M.Mrr.-. Evra

, ,

Martha ··Shaiilu, Btllle

(KlKoellng. Mrs. A. II»»aarraarr,, ILxowuiilssee

M"IIey. l.ii. v

Sharkey. Allae

Kehoe. Mrs. W, J. ···lLaKah'hwiiXxHall. Clara


N Shelton. Mrs Geo.


Sirrs. Darid

`·LLooggainn,, SSiirrss.. *·LDi>uiiig. Ruilli


Murdock. Sirs.

(KIShepard. lU/ei

. ,, Retlle ·Sherry. Elaine

Kelley, Marie

Loostln, Sirs. Abe Murphy. lUxe

···Shmnbank. Mrs.

··Kelly, Violet

Uxiker, Goldie

"·Murphy, Sirs.

.. `1*»

··KKeellyy',. Mae ··KKeellly, SMirs.

1L/rrkkeet M ^L.ittlle }L*o"t't*a, JMjaaddaammee

Eldna ^h-'^^nn. Mrs. Xell `Murphy. PauUn« tkilidey. Sirs. James

3Marlon Louise. Madam

Myers, Sfarv


··K.xe,l.s,,o,. M ....r.a. W ... H. ,*L«-ou.,, H.SMI H

Kelton, Port

Lucas. Mrs. Bert

Mvert. S-- lUdre.d Xaiilagca Marl#

(.K,l,Shlirley- ,. UL-- oxts Sldtlell, PI'e^gwgvy

Keiiedv Mrs. H. L. "Lu'ca. Kailiir

Nash, Nora

fBellddeeuubbUuTrgf,, M Mrrs;^

Carlyle, Uita

(KlUeaii, Eihel

larroD. Mrs.

··niaii. May

C.itlo ··iiean. Hirdie

(KH'arsey. Lottyc Dean. Rose

French, Mrs. Thelins ··Heras. Mrs. N'iicna ·KM:ncdy. Virginia Lu'm'f-

Fritz. Mrs. O. \V. 'Herbst. .Marianna Kennedy. Mrs.

·Fr.f«it, Sjt.

HIlfenrniiillooii Florence

Imogene ,

·Fru-t, Mr«. H.

(K)lletzel., Mrs.

·Kerns Mrs. Ibee f?'.*.*;

Neal, Mrs. Gladys ^**^**^ Nell, Aim 3L ·'***68 "Nelson. HHlIe
`Neison. Mrs.

SoS.iimmppssoonn.. EEtthhrrTll hre-as Silmpasoun. Kasthluetrline SSiimmiiii*sji«aii.. ..MMaauudd

·CaratV. tlrs. H. T 1,0.,,. Uuhv

·Frost. Mrs. Forrest


Di'on. Mrs. Kussell (IK^'lJl'urujljlullSof, ' tleorgla ((KK))HHiicckkss.. EEddnnaV

fKnity^.'%tndred jKlSuioskiF Mr.




Mrs. p^,..a^rl ·(.irtn-, Mrs. C. ··Cearsryil", liHizeenTa

Hekos. Mrs. Irene
(DIKII. Edna `nU. Hell. .Mrs. M. E. ··Ducclhiio. Hniiccmol

"-F·Fuuilkkeerrssoonn., MMrrss..^ eG-a.l,e.., M wo_ na Cha«. ·*G.iles, inoience.

HHiiggggiinnss., M Sirrss,.


Jolmnle Flo

Hildreth. Mrs. .T. W.

-Hiilhume. Peggy

".Kidd. CCo(»a H^.

E1d^ na NxlcJhioTli.^A'agP lie*s ^ H *Sralls ^hL . CoT rey Anna

((LLllKKiiddddeerr,. M hSlirrs^.

M<<Mllough, Margaret ·^7:;Te.te''7reni-'"* to `thS: F«i

·Kincaid, Poarle

\L,rgie v.'-'.'iT!:, `'V

wi"uout^ho uecessAy of advertisiiig


'Vi*' v (KlKing, Mrs. p JMIccDDcontiuulldd W Wi.uuoonnaa |

' '·_" B. M.

Mrs. Irma

it. Postage is required 0"'^ ^ ages--letter service IS absolutely free
Mad ia held but 30 daya. and c^ not be recovered alter it goes to tbe Dead Letter Office.

-M^'eanVugh* S a?ii»i avaaUi . aim
J.- a hits Mrs ·-l.,,i,.ht.., Ch.iumit. Madam

"·"`"`"f,Kll)ickersc>n. Kuth
···Diliion. Mr.-. Gertrude

·Garner, Ruth ·Cates, Sallle

(KIGates. Mrs.

,, ,,,


(KlHoId, Mrs. Fal -Hooleu, laiurette Hol.icrness, Hazel HclTman. Lmftlie«` ·Holgulm .MJr.!-".

King. M Sirs. B.

·"··MMccFPaatlral.nne. RPiu,?tlhi ·^xVr?Ilt

< Ki King. Mrs. J. D. aMclUI?*F1ureuce" nn/' \rJ.

Kin?. Kuth KKiirrkkllaanndd. HBlUanncchhee

··McHeliry Mrs -Mrs

···O'Hara Irene

"Ki.``rk'^' 1'"' Mclnivie. V Mrrss. W La J ii'l.carv' He

31. B. .`tordelet, Mrs. Myra (KI Spark, Louise Sta-T. Edna
Staiifind, Mrs Jtik Stanley, Maggie

Mail advertised*in this issue was "-chase, Ltura uncalled lor up to last Sunday nooa. cimutie. Fk ieiice

···Dinsdaie. Mrs,

Mis. Helen

Dllle .UfofKL. i'''v7.-

"·Holloway, IMvsai*rbs"e.-l"l*e


``MiKay, Ivy `·M Mc-KKaayy..' Ivy

oO····''··XN(tVFenXixil.'eeilLlJeeaaxi Jn

Sfai'Ies, Mrs. Sellir Slarck. Irene

All requesta tor mail must be signed chess. Marlon

··Diitai, Mrs.


' Lela Kiippei. yirs.i H. ^L. M 'hD,i.ommoorree., .Annette O'Sullivan Rrlda sia.'key, .Mri

bv the oarty to whom mail ia ad- cinld-. 1, c

Harry E. ribbons H. n Holt. Mrs. D O.


M McclD.eriom<uuee. Della

Odu"s Madam " Siaiifl'er, Bobby

rddirrLeeTTssshhasseeeeedrrddee.. cceeiivviinngg

^ aarree m maadd

numetoui tthhrruu TThhee


FFoorrwwaarrddiinngg SSeerrvviiccee wwhhoo hhaavvee tthhee

same namea or initials. When a

letter la forwarded to a person for

whom it ia not intended please re¬

(DClare. Mrs. P. W. » Urke. K. . ark. I). ::y 1). ..,.|j,rj5 muy .L;ijrk. Katbara

Dix n. IWlv ·Hola. Jsckle

Oi^on, Nelda Olbson. Sirs. Cleo

D lly. Bahlsoti (KlUouglas. iirs.

Glerhart, Mrs. Falw. c tT. r.l Iteity

Ed GlUiemeester, Jessie

`lllHl'oJol,*«p'.e.. V'-VKiviivilaSinabn. Hosner. Helen ···Howard. Mrs.

Mvovac. .Mrs. .X. Kramer. Mrs. A. .M. ··Krueger. Myrtle Krug. Mrs. C. H. Laccy, Dlltlan

lMi.KK.-ilXM .'bu-,t.Vt\.aabhH..azAAelnnnnaa

MeSherrv ilachevon

MPersa.rlI M M.

iOOO((tinKKrrllwlisalleiOeeOmncentiuet.earsssooILosnJvn^ibd.,iilsiuj.iMGreso. rgia

Stednell. Elolis
J«an (Ki.steele. RUIls
·StMtl, Mrt.

AAlleexx ··OO-sbKo*mt»e. Hl elen V. ^ ^

.. P-anle

^ (KlUsburn. Jlra.

Btenheff. Sira.


^ a




... LoclDe

Oswald. Mrs. Helen S"rUnf. Mrs.^

turn it so that it may be advertiaed

··Pickard. .Allera


again untd the person lor whom it is intended receives it.

Members of the Profession

·Pslgo. LIsty
Palner, Bolns Pjrlo. Mrs. Rosa Paris. Jlrs. Lu Parks. riirabcU

··Stevfos Mra. W. U
Rfwsrt. Tressl* Stiickwell. Fl'ireoc* ··.`»tokes, VUlro

Aker. E U.. ic

'·LaCombe. Uhas..




··Bloiidey, Prill.. l.>

10c 'Diuuibe. Cliarlie.


··Bonlwe, 'Zelia. Be

^l.ib y

and mat includes musicians, advance agents, managers, concessiottaircs, press agents, stage hands, ride men and privilege people, as well as actors, actresses and artists.

Parks. Babe

·Bums, Isobel

Parker, Beesie

Stoudtr, Mrs. R

Payne, Mrs. L H "Stred*. KlUsbeth

Pence Mrs. W. 1* **Strlcltl«t#. Mrs

Blight Jacob N. ·Krottii, Jack, loc Brown. Jolui, ige

·Low. Joe, `Jc


·McBride. Edw., 4c ©

··McLeod. Ellz, 13o S

Who Desire To Make Their Permanent

I'endli-toii. Ricbi`1 ··Peppers. Helen M'crklrw. Louisa

Sluchbeny, Mrs.

·Bruce. Veia. 'Jc

.Millii. O.. 8c


·Carson. Edw. l)..3i' Mui-jut, John S..4o g

tone, Diwey. 3c ·.Montgoniety. U. J.. M

Doran. Jimmy. 6r

3c g

Address in Care of The Billboard

Perrv RHIle



Peters. Mrs. Leoo P Sturdlvsn. Mrs. R

"Peterson. Alice ···Phlllloo, Mrs.

Sturgis, Viols

·Dorman. Stanley

··Xotak, Eva. 2e

may, of course, choose oiiv of our offices, i. c., Xcw York, Chicago, St. Louis, Boston,

W.. 3c ··Xoyie, Eail C.,55c ^

Marie Sutliik. Mrs W R

··inillllps Mil

··.<wshn. GUUe

Edwanis, Mis.

O'l.rady, Martin, 8c a

Cedor.i, 10c M'u.teU. Fled E. 3c H

·Elam. Walter

·Kuyiiolcte. M.. 3c


Los Angeles or Kansas City, but you are advised, if en route, to give the home of¬ fice careftd consideration.

Junllts Talley, Desels

·PhilTlps,. Helen ···'Tsrbes, Mrs. Max

··Iffiilllps. Mrs.

···Tsrbes Jlrs.

Irtlr.g. 2c Itnb - Piciuic- 8c M

·Haikett. Edw.. 3c

8c M

Cincinnati is but Thirty-one Miles from the Geographical Center of Population



Plikell. Mrs, c. W ·'Tiylor, Edna

Hamilton, Cha.-. Russell. J. H.. 4c ig of the United States and Canada, and it follows naturally that less delay will ensue in

·PIckford Ruth

Tiylor, Mrs

11. X . 'Jc "Strade. Elizabeth,

··Hammer. Tao, 4o



the handling and forwarding of your mail.

Pickle. Mrs. Art


·Pierce, Luclle

Taylor. Ctal

·Harrison, Mis.

Swor. Bert 4c


Jas. U., 4c 'n.iimas. Grade, 15c M

We want our service to continue to be, as it always has been, the very best and prompt¬

PKfer. Mrs IVdIle Temple, Mrs. FranrU

Plrroti, 'nieckla

Tlurdo. Jlrs. N'lllls

Hairls. Sailor 2c Waiideralls 'nie..2 · [Kj est, and, therefore, we recommend "Permanent Address, care of The Billboard, Cin¬

··Plank. Lela

'Tlicmas. Harlett JL

·U.rrlson. H. II..2c ·Wayne. (Itlda. 3c ··Ibberson. Bert 2c `Wltkesser, Wm.

'Kl ij-i


P'o'ke. Mr« Harry Thomas. Mrs. Kid

· KlPogiif. (1.1,

Tbumas. Eileen

Kaufman. Whitie,

F., 2c

3c Wilcox. Walter. 2o

In writing for mail it is not necessary to send self-addressed and stamped envelope--

Polk. Mrs. Maud (KI Poor, Marie

`·Fiotnas. Bobby.

'nc-mas, Zltt


LeVetta, Jack. 15c ·Wliyatt. W. L., 4c ^ a Postal Card will do. Give your route far enough ahead to permit your mail to reach


| you. Write names of towns, dales and signatures legibly.

Abbott. Fay

Blake. Mis. B.


Letters Are Held Thirty Days Only, after which, if no ^address has been obtained,

Porter. Retie

'Thoentoo. Jlrs.

Porter. .Mrs. Alma

Jerry H.

Pounds. Mrs.

(KlThorp, Jlrs.

Chss. H.

t'xrsh R

Powe Mrs. Leon

·`Thrower. Bhirley

Abbott. Jlrs.

·Kl.iiichard. Eva

Ulllan Bla-ke. Jlabel F.

Adams. Lucille

Kleitlcr, Babe

S they are sent to the Dead Letter Office. It is desirable to send for mail whenvour name first S appears in the list. Address your postal to "Mail Forwarding Service, 'The Billboard."

(K)Pratt. Jlrs.

Tliisch. Jlrs. A. L

Olsdyi ·Towers, Beth

·Prete Mrs. Peggy ·Townswid, Mis.

·Adler, Ml- h. ·Allen Ehtl

··Blue Buddy Blue Feather,

Read the Explanation at the Head of This List.

···Price. .Mrs. IL C.


Price Pearl

Trout. Rita

".Allen. -Ada


·Pruitt. Glstte

*Tr«ver. Pan

lKjA,.ei). Mis

Bi'iiiin.v Helen

IvUJse "·Bi'lln. Mrs. .Alice

: 1 e;isi3

rs n :: :xK K u WuXK K a^sTlTff'Sd

(KIRalston Clarice ·Tru(ip«ll. Arline Hardin, Mrs. ^eil -Trupiiell. Artliie

·Aharez. Grate'

·It me. Mrs. Jlabel

Raii.lall. JL'dcllne I. ·*Tullls, Jlrs. Bae

.AXmmbbiicirr J31uaee ·· AAiliiujecrrss lui.. M Ml'S.--.
D.'itii( .A;, let.-'11. v ;

Blimoni DHon. Gaby ·'I!'I d

ciaik. Lenore ··Clark. E:-ie

Iloiihotumc. Mr-.

"Clark. Grace

Ida elements. Mis.

`·Doris. Vera Dougl.iS. Hazel N. (LL))DDoovvee.., Cleo DuKaiie. .losecphlne

(L)Glles,. Mrs.

"Howard, Charlotte ·laallelle. Ruby

JIabley, Betty

HsaUt ie "Howard. Jits. C. L.Ucll. Florence

Mack. Jean

Oilmwe, LilRin

A. ·Lak'rance. Baby Mack. Viola

Gloiilbiame. Mamie ··Howard. Mrs. Clara

Emma Mackay testers

Rawllnion. Batty ""Itav. JIane
Bsym'Sul. Nellie KRiynuaid. Marlon

·Tuyman, Jlrs Gsa ··'ijiler. Harley AA'andae Leuna
··Valdes, DiHoree

Ai.gcl. '![; y tie'ini. Mr-,. ileeggggyy


Hugh L

Beatrlcs ('tlifti,,m;, Margie


Botsford. Mi-.

Clifton^ Marlon

··.Arm.-trong. lit;-y A-af. Mn.. Barbara


Maalellne Mrs. Art

ii iCllne Orsee Ivyi,,",,.

·.A-tor, .luiie

Brower, Flo

Dubarrvy. Mrs. Ann "·Dubois. Mrs.
·Dudley, Jlrs. May DunhJVen. .Mrs.

Golden. Geraldine Goiuidhart., Hattie
(Jordon. Flo ··Gordon, Vivian

Hralran, Bertha (Killiighes. I..liia ··Hughes. Mrk
Fr.iik E

*L Jhait. Marllonll
I-sJl 'nt Knty' ·MaiM.ait. Dm
I.iM site, lilllaa l..ll·.·rle. Habe

··Mackay, Dorothy tKIIIced. Mrs.

(KlValetUliie, .Alms

·Madden. Fioreiiyo


Nellie eeA'an Alleu. Jlrs

Mlasglll. Mr- (»ma ·Pee.l. Billie


Ilii ves. Mrs Ed

Af. M. *Kigan. Kuth

··Van. Mra. K Viriiler, Kaitb

.A-'er. Bet:.v

··Ibiwers. Blaiuhe

-Aurora, Lillian

Bowers, Blanche

Au-tiii, .lulia

Bowles. Mr-, lln'i

Aieiv. Nil.a

···Bowlin, .Mr.-.

Ayers. L^` 1


(K)Boyd. Ada

·Bliley Mra. I im itovd, (ieleii B-i' -T Mr-, .lohiinic ];,,y,| Kayiieil

B.: ;T, .' -i i'bl' e

H'.y>. Mr-. Rose

Mrs T Gra--er. Mrs. I/silse lliiiit, Goldie


Jaik MarHii. Mr- Frankie ··nirliter. Mrs

Vincent Rene

··I'.a Jwiii. B.ihentyi.r,

K. ,; a E®'

lKirraaddeeiiii., JJllrr--.. EE.. B. *Conrad. Mrs. K. L


Conn. .Mr-i, Gladys

MMiillildrid ···foimor-. Mf.

·Ijii-c May FEllw'''a!r®ds' iE?lll''u'li

Grates, .Mrs. Ijlliaii Hunt. Mr-. Tli. Irna ((KK)lGG.rraavveess. J.MM1 rrAss.nna ·1(,·lD.`,)oHnItI,,ci,,Iidle

I ((,, KMIf lI ll..f aaM m m·f bb'M M., Ma rrss· .. r a IIrrt oo· r uuiM tJ·n lR Miiirrattn llrnn.ti..n.. JMi la(r.m-laf l.eIyBsl ,«e e ···BRlvif. alse,.

Ilallle RR.,»«l|ee Grac.'e

Vbilrlte. Jlrs. Jl. VVllvvFl.iuu A Allmma aCf ·Vulkwlue, Jlrs.


Bandell. Gail

*BraazzHil. Mi--si K

J.mmle EHi'.it. M'- Maude G Grraayy. RRR.ooesi«ee e1L L.

Hil ler. Pep


vI'.-'iV'u* 1\\1.' ·`M 'Ijarrttliini. Beltlty

·U.JJiieerrls. fF.dlrtu

Clara L.


'Mr,.''L"e,l F'Ig'lllwl* JL

Gray .lTeeaann ^ `·GGrraeyy.''IiXxis-rllss

IH··l·aiuHiintuotenorti.e.rr,MrJa,?sl-- rs.I. JMt. ! 'IUfl-"af ,m''.'s,.ioioi^ni'.,·"7.MfM,ir-rs-^.. '

I"."I'M ·M .IM IMIlaa''a"a"rrrr'tt'lt"!iiiinnn'"n-...'

Blllv Ilcttv

·IbbJlicctriua Gla. ie IKI)ll(.Juritsf Iliuiby

V.air, Mrisl. Ealmrner F ··Waacdbilrr. LFee.aan

rv 1, mine p.reniier Dot

iKvllBliatry,. Jlary

·llirigbl., M.Mrrs. RBee--ss

Ba'lle, .Mr- MyV.le ··Brill, JIi,. I. E

B. t.ett, Mr- Wayne ·Brji dley si.dla

Bailow. Mr-.

Brl=key, Jlrs.



B- ·in. Jlrs. DetUe Bi-.i-t. Jlariani.i

··B..rst'Oi. Ann ·Ba--eti, EiUiaii t!t:i.aa..hh. .IIee---iiee

I'.n.-k. Jlrs. Bdiia ··Broome. Erma Br. wn V.olet

·Ibal. llaMie It. . ke'.t. Margare-

Brown Jlrs. Clara

B licc. Jlr?. Earl

11, Bell. Mrs. Wra iMli., NGlie  KiBei.-ou, Ml-s C.

WaUer C Hi. wn. Mr-1. EF\ Jifl.
Blown, Bemi. e

B>',dae OrHiia

Brown. Kuly M.

·Ber.ird Myra

Brown. Lillian

T.ern rd. Jlrs. Hazel !:·· wi.n,, Mr.-. F.

Gorbiii .Mi- Gi.. 11 <i oi ',.i':i::i .AMt' !I. ·Cce-lello. IieZ (K M'l U' li. -Mr-,
Gouber < in Coulter. Haz.-i ' u.'n. Ii.'iiv ·` rjig. I-V>> ' ··! laig. H .ra ' raav rd. Mr-
G M. Cnii-liaw, B'niiie ··('Ulililiigtialu.
.Nikola ·Cunnliigbam, Mr-.
Fred ruiinlngh rn. Beryl

IK''..!" 'I Mr- Jim I'.iner-oti, I byli-s

\ F I'l If. -alie

F-ke. M.ilaine

··F-ii'idc. Elsie


I 1 Hail

Fmii-. I., ilia ·'Fair, Mall le

··Fair. Hill la

Kai; Mr- H I'. .1

(K)Farrir. .Mr-

Elna L

Tarrell. Mary

r.i.y. Flora -r. i. · I Mr- Dw Mrs.


`Fernandez, .\idla

··F.-rris. B.'r'il..-

( yydd. mT-v G .·`G.'rr'Ueni. rI-lui; HHiiee' ·Grreeeenn.' M MiildldrenddFF., GGrreeeenn,. ..llaanniiee

Grieiie. I-aiielle

Grey. Kve ·.Ii

"Grey. Jlari' ii ··GGiev. Gene <:· ffioc i-.n;."lilittiirriiiinn. ' Mary I!,

Grrii--'i -.I.|. M..c. Guieriirni,. Balw


·"H ·I-liilleeyy,. lliaillniiaa H.i1 .., ec., Mr- .'-.-.rtii ··HH..dill Iri.nnee

Hall. Mrs. Harry H.


Nellie HIt `i tlhi

Archie "Hyde. Mrs.
Jlsbelle (KlUyland
Tarlln B
·Daacs.' JiVa" BaivKy ··`k. .Mr- A. M ·Jacks..!!, Ilillte .lai ksiai. .Myrtle ·'»' .b-. Mrs. T. C .lain.-. Mr- It K lai.n. Jlrs. Walter ..llaarrvvbU... lIaaei.1i1lee_ .loblirtis-.ait rttertieiieve ttKK. I1.!!TTiirle.s.. Shhiirley lenkln.s. Ruth o ··liI..twt'tvnveaclnlll.,let.MiV. faAi.ldE'aaimam"n"i*i®*'*

Ro<ii'llnnasnti Peggy

iKKliAWV.allllee lGilaidlly"

d7z , R.^n

Marlin. afIfetty » d!'·"ww.oni GG''....llvvs,

' ** ***

'MImarim n-i. M '1r'-\, KKreHlly» ·"··RR.Hhsaoo.. ffllaarreell

Aurlela ·Marlin. Iz-rtts

R-aHlglg.iras. Rerriilbis

W Waallkkeerr.. JJllrrss.. RRllaaiiinclliiie
W.lker, Jllniile A

··DBoy. -M/a. Billie

·K.ias'.o-ltirr. Jlrs.

Wall. Virginia

Billy I'-l,."c*a''l,'.'- Babe

E. K

i*\M ·li·'V'MJJ.*i-lI"a.*`j*as"?!i.oi,"i«tn»il..,Mf*IrMsn"*arsa'M .*r"a*rg*iI*e

{-R*o<g«e'r's".. li.areri.

EEtthheell Air,.

Llh lllo ···AVslla.c. -MrDs uel Fwl Wallscs, Jlrs.

Lc Margaret V. at

at. . .

K"*. ra. Mrs. Wlbum


I-.-c .Mr- 11. W. Mauiti. Vb

·Fee, laicllle lac. M non

MMaaftfhieeww-'ss. MA M Aljattilr^i MMrr

s`m »·"

I ^

·Wallair. Annie o-k ""** "WallaiT, Mabel


Al L.

··lae. Marie

Fee. .r/arali

··M Meellvvlillll.e-,' AIrs,`Bert ·!(. g.'r87".Ut.e ^

·Me.rr//,. Willie

B..,tiev, Mirinte

M Jleerrrrliltt. Jrr, Mra ··lime, I llhan

la-eniaii lliaiiiie

"laigh. Mabel

Mlilble-r. Mrrv'

"la..Hard. .Mrs .May ·Miller. M

R.*:.:*- Ethd'' dalllime. I.HMait

(Kiuouaro; Mn\lfav M Mill!I»h*rr'AHIrc-iiv `a.

f·lRviMisaeilmlem.' \iBr«*1

W W U*W "AW Gaa.iilln,liaiiimdHdW ie.riirrr.*illl,'lllAnnM ngglClaa.,orrggrM M.aa'rrtrrcenssttMa.MMtv (·KWlAarVdarilHLa^Sl1her'l:sr*le'". .·A'·mAW 'v'.ir,i*rVrrririeL.fnn..'.A'''()', B' .

*B.`*...:d. .Mitia

* Bril e V* ra

Curry. Butb

·Ftdds .Mjude

IlUlam inttll,, KEdsttie-lIllep

"**.I`*n`'h*inr'^s*. 1B^o'*n^

Ikoonard, Grace * (K).\!illrr,

··ISn--rl*l. T!irlra» ((KK))W W«arrwwilcckk.. Jlrs

K Beiry . .Mr.-.

Brun iage. Jltldrcd ·I'urti,. Mr-. Peggy Fields. Jfarie

·Haarnnrllllrr .nii,, MAHr--- HH ··..lloobbtniwKmm,, (Gteenneerrlleve l.....,,ar.F .Margie

Albert Ru -ell. Irene


B a


loi' .He Vi, let

`Buckler. EniHv Bit kl.'V, Vi ..,

I; , Is 11:-

Butiker, .At.iia E

. 'iit|. .. \l' I! I, l iter. I'. ;gi, Mr-'. Marg Fink. Mi.? Msmitr


M Mrras.. TTPoJtoo

"·JJ.ngliinnssouilii.. ..llaanneerrll:no Jolly., Irma


·Flniicrly, Mr,.

l.lanapF Mrs. Ruth .Pbimiiecs, Mr-. J.c^de

··lai.tianE Bcrilia Mlfls Piggy C

Bussell Jlrs Wm. "W"sarrewlcicfkc. Jeainiette

la-ilaire. j.Afrfsri. Jriie ··M Mlinn.oar Mr . EL A

HwIpM '"V' Katie

··laaTrttdrliienii Gretchluwai .AMllrddni.lIF Mrs MMRR Huuss--cdll lIaa-s«lliiee

·`W "aatktkliiniss. Aera

il.ii/liarii Airi'.i Hi : , Mr- C''ata BF V Mr It ii.i It
Hit 1-. F.lith Rla.kburti Jlra

iKliBurdi. Mr]Jfaggie
Burgess, .Ttiel
KllniiKiey, AV'iivienne

Har.zelle, Miss

I'.r- l'ii.|.j L. Iiarlic. . A(..lly.


(Dliarr. Mrs. A. L.

Flslicr, Mr Grace ·Fllih, Kuril FUl.i rtv, A
Ehamnie, Gn.-le

Hinlcv, F.-lher ·llatil.iii. Te.l'ly ··Harris, Air- J-a*
'·Harrison. A'lvlan ·Hirt. KaiFerine

.p.ties. Mrs Ma

.loinMrs Pete



Julies. Killy

Junes. Na.anI

·la- I|c. Moiia

M.I bell. Mr-,

··Rulan, Mrs

AAats<«i, Vernr

·laslle. Alla


ChktUo lb,].".*'

la-vaii, Mrs. Helen Jlltclieltree. Mrs

·Ryan. D.rr.gbv

AAalaiSi. JllnefVS

luvaii. .Airs. May

C O. Helen

"`Wayne, lawUse

·"la-vy. Mrs. Jeunle `Montague Alin.. Siiii|, Klalo

AVayne. IHIIy

Til He P.'irk .--islfi-

·RUilib Peggy

··Rutke. Belly

·I iil'.rt Adeie Eucantl. Mr-

·Hart. Stella

··'..lI.'aaiieea. Wlr.llfred

Augu-tiue Hartley. .Mrs. Laiaius Joseplune Lois

"lawia. Margie Lewis Mantu

MoiUgimicry, Mrs. Sander. Mrs AV O


Max (KlSsnfotd. Blllls Wayne. Lurllls

M" Craoe

Wil.Mai, Mlklred ·Wllvin, Irene

(KlI'.Ttr*. <' W'. lKIII>er>. .1 M

Wtl.vii. Mrs. Ted C. Byrrstul. Hrri

;ir. M ^.<·i 'WviislsiHoni, II''lliitt

(Killy `r. .'`am H.

".Ii-I II i!ioii

\\\\::..M .MJj1iIi.. II>XIIa<


`^luetilr WiiiiUiefld. \MJrr»s

CalilHi'l'. Dl'k Calilucll. Ward

II./..I "'''' ' A Ilf

Thelma `Calen. Hob tc .hie ··W Wiinnoona. I'rliiiui«e>aa Calkliis Jr . .1 >(

. !· .1-'I-

Wii..>>»e. M .Maauude

ralkliiF. Fred

oire. U: al

Call.<han <'ai>(.

w" I


,l. ,lna

Wiolilli/. M«" Karl W'lalall. Mr*. Ilalie

IK >Ca.laliar Flank Canioroii Charles



. Il.ilrli'*

111.. '» 1! .O 'lie

iKil\..i Mf'- -''dl*

IM k-. oil" a iKiW.''*01- Uiitn

11, liaiii.- I.'·'Hue ·IVil. a. S -leii

llll»." 'Ir- Mabel lliiulj. `uce

··Wray, riiyllsi ··WiithI Kitlyn Wrahi. Killian M'nalii Mis. K. W' ···Yeager. Mrs.
nutb Voiiiig. Irene Z^irliugtun. Mrs.

Camiiiii I'baa. < S<'iXty
Cami-bell H W ·Canirbrll, l.ewls ··CamibrII. Ti l
(K)Canada Wm. Canilli-r Ail ···Canireil. Edw. J. farlsaie R. Carev. E*lw n M. ·Carey. Sk'p


Carev. Oeo. Carey. W. J.

Ctrln.elll. Prof.

Abl'OC, "m. it.b'. Kliigslnn .Miiauam
.lUiu-. 1.l.ljm*. Mas A.lains. Billie

·Berg, Kills O. ·'Iifriiahut'il. Jr.oka
·· Lyle (K)Bciiuiid. Iri-h
Harry iisie_ ln. Moo

u. c. `Carl, Alton Car ell. Bud ··('ar.e.Mi .li'iii ·Carlton. James B.
Cmey. Joe

Aiini- J- U-

Hfirv. llugh

Car..i.«a:r. I'r f

·JX All

llia-iiii. L.>ul«


I'riiirii Kraiik Craun ril, II I,, Crawl'III, Ilji il Cra.yti>r`l. 'Hu'

··K·KIdIifC ih

lianm It

mI .1

Kl.liii;>w..r(l. (lien

'Kllloll. (lliiiii

Crawl'lid. Art ai

Kill!. II It.

Clara Klilf. .1. U

Cremieiit. Sr., S. B. iKlK.iia JiJin

Criakrll. lleiiiy W. ...l.-w »ili. .\d.'

·Croi-kille. Ia'Uiij KKi.ii. W. W.

Crniiweil. It W.

Kmeraon, Doc Bill

·Cruui li Riihardi i Kmer-ori c. H

I'ulUe'i, D. T.

Krigelke. W. J. H.

·· ilii.el i.'.,:l;li. laa J.

Ciimniingi, J. B.

Kpence. D.

Ciiriiiiitiiga, .1. C.

··Ktllrmari. Eildie

Ciiiiiiliigliai:!. C. J. ··Kai.a. Bill

Cuuiil! aliaiu. W. i» ··Kiain. C II

`Ciiuningliam. F'red "Fiv ns. Harry Ike

Curlev. (Ik.all m, F>ain. Everett

···Curran. Chas.

(KlKvai.s, R. Iiort

Curtis. I'erry D. Curtis. Kmmctt

Kvererie. T. F'. Krl't'iii. .lim

···Cu-bnuii. Ka.:h IBlF'agan. Raymotid

·Cy'lln. >Iax D'.Abreu. John Dalilbrrg, Ray Daily. J. E B.
·Dsiab. B. Da.I*. Jack
(KIDale, Tommy Dale. C ··Daley. Robt.
Daly. UlLle

Fairchilds. Frank Fair.':, Geo (]
Falk. Clward F'alkersni.. Itube ··F'allii. F>.ii k
Fgiishawe. Arthur Fanieil. FI. F'arr. El F'arthirg. J. D.
··Farthing Jack D

'l-ahain Wm U Crakeii. Harrv
·iCaM* Italrh (··r(aiiriatliii.tmi.Al.Virgil -'.'-·a II W. (KKlry. Dan L. ··(Iriy. Morris
Oray. Luwrervce · ir. V 1/ -let ·Irajr. Ifony
Dray. Henry
Crealer Di-iroit
Shows ·Ortb. Walter
··Dreeii. Bert Dreen. C. V. ·'Dreen. Max Dreen Sewell ··Dreen. Jn',;
·Dreene. H. A. Dreve. IL A. (KHJrevcr. IJttle
Harry fircT. It hort ···'iir.r. 0;iSy Drlrf -h. Curly ftrlfrlrh Deo. H.
flrifflth A Hartman ··Driifin, ·IVim

M Ig-'i. Jimmie

]lodg*on. Wm. A. ···11 -ifman. I L.

··Hodman, Mike

M a.' . Iraik

H ggatt, C. fa. Hiihf Robert E.

Uolbert. E. K.



nmden. H. M H >1. n .1,

··IIoMotf R. O.

nollatid. Wm. A.

'·Hi. ma: .('I niin;

··Holston. Rudolph Hirr-K'iig F'.l.iee ··III I e. .1 Ke; h D

Uopi/tr. W. M.

···Horin. Harry'

Horielv. Winston fi " .1. !·

··H-rthorii. ,Ta, k

··oiid'. Xe'l 11.

H··"!U! ,·n er.


Sam H irrv


(K  Hi. ard. Bob

lEward. Jim

·' ' '' 1 a tV-lght **11 'ward, Billy
w, l: it hard

il' le .Sim ··ll'iwi'il. A H

··II V* . c <;

Kit-on, Al ·K;z Harry Kline. ChiA F. Klinge. J. .M. Knechel Xaihin kii jh* ten I , Kohler. Wm. S, Kohler. JS' k U. Kohn An iile C. K'* n* Fred ·Kork, Rciliby Korte loruis Kramer, faiuis K'uUie E. (J. ·Krepa Daith
·KrlKiTian F ,:.k

MeDowin, .lai. C. ·Mediraw, Mr. McGuire. Mack ·M Diilre .M i. k ··Mi'Intyre. Haidiy
.Mtlnlyre. lai'.vrenre B
··Mi KolTie. W. (KlMcLean. Jas. ·AfcLeen Paul
··McLean. Ted .Mi'Mahflti, C. G. M Mahon. Bill .'I -.MlIIan. B. C. ··-M .Minn. Mr.
Murphy, Frank Mr.Nally, Jas.

···Kwro"cIk'oy"e`r ` `IittalIpali 'M' -Queen. -'"H'Bareonld

Kr'u""n',!p' rciluiiiilloo (KcllK Knniigg. f( aaireeiiiirri*

M'Quira. Samuel m -Quire. Ralph

· K. vlc. B (KlKvle.

.!,B> ibw

KiM .-`la-.:.. Faiu M Swain, London


EalKII* Rllly

(Kil.aJuiie. Vance

EaMance. \V. H.

E··is IM-eaNc rl.irlj.-ii'illiaclr;

^* Etnlo

LaRCfC luVan.

A LaRi-'e Miirpliy

Mick A William.* ··-Mjikflty. W. E

Mua, Jim. K. .Muar, Wm. W. ··Muir. H-ibert Mulcahy, O. H. ·Miiiiiia!. Deo. B. Miinlock. lamia Miirdcick. Jamea *·MMuurphy. Harry ··Murphy. Wul E ··.Murphy. .1. Truer ··Murphy. J. c -Murphy, A H (KiMurphy. Tim
··.Murphy. .1 Murray A .Murray A While (KiMurrv It
MMyyeerrss,. fSt. OM., N'ahat, Leslie -Valler. M.intai.a J. Xatlon. FYank B (KlXatlon. .«
··XeHotl. Jas. K. Xelson. J. H. -Velson. Carl
- Xfia son. ?E^'>MM
.·`·NXelscn,. BBuu*dJdy (Ki.\el*,,n. Os<«r J. ·Xelson. Wiitee \'e'- T), H. T

Mibama B*`i l**Mlirb.hl. Bay ..^. .un:.-

··ll.llitigi "m.
Bllyen. Mur lllligam-'l' earn B. llu.grr. Clii*.

CariA'iiter. Maisluill
Carr J lin Carr. Hei ry Carr, kilwr

(KlDauletv F'rauk Daip. Henry
DarlUig. Jack O.
iKiDauglirrty. D.

"Faust Ben Kiitfii. Harry
Kenrufai Bros. Co. (KlF'ey. Wm. U.

Drol' i'gooil. Carl Dneiplng. Ben «:r 's J. P. (K>D"i.s-, II irry

II ley. civile C.
·Hoyt. 11. X. Holier Hairioin Huebner. .trihur

"IdVelle. .M. ···EiVelu, Jack LaVerne. Al La Veit a. .lark

··.Mukle. Qeo

.Vels.,11. Melville F.

-vladdocka, F' E

Nivcr* F'red

···Maaee, .-`lim Cider ··Vewherry. Earl

··.M..lienara, .M S. Newman. Glenn V11g.

Mburiu- A S.

liiiel.o, K I'He

C'rr. Walter

·Dauphin. Wm.

··Field*. C.

Durlcv. R W'

Hu;;ell, .1 il.n

··luVlr.c. Frank

··N'e-vton. G. A.

K-i.i,.. ' .

lli-lfii. Eineet

Catr. .1.*

DaVas. W. E

IDFielles. Xabo

tKlOnthrle. H R. in - · Th J

(KiXii'holson. IJoyd

Aiuerfer Bit* ' .Midw

Hi- lue J. *· iHucr. Thomas F.

(KlCaricII. Jimmy Carroll, I)r Roy

Davenpitrt. it. r. Davies. Harry E

·F'lnk. Uiward ··FlnkJ. Ray T.

(KlOuyer. Roy Diiz/y, Jimmy

lliialie.* F'raok C. ·Hughes Jim

Lad;"ux. .1 Watron .M.iluan



Xlr-kerojn. D XL ·Xohle. Rcb

Aleiid'ie. Jar K.

liialr. C. D.

Cars. ii. .s«mT

Dav.s. J Ira

Finn A Wise

'Ha.'kett. Edw.

Hughes A K'jgman ··Eamb. Barney

·Xial.,. Al

"lklevxaaiiiodliirr.. tSdliigotle HIII ir, Jjj.'kk 'V..

i it^ n Mdrew

Georgia Siuiflowers IKIFirestone A

Haikney. Clem


-Neff*!' ger, .Tack St

AAllred. Jaecrk 1..11111 Frlank ilh^.K.V . -.. 1`uuttWly ( .>,n \ D<1.

iB; aktee. Jo"ilinimidle Bllaauii.'bIiyy. A ll«'»n UBlainitiai Couoiiwer ·!I!I igU. FK'rraatmKUli J.

Carv.ei W. E. i'acer Mar.-k C. Caiwi. Walter Carter I* T.

Davii* Biviii, M

.Marine ·Ha ke t. E. J.

Davis. Phil R.

FTsher. C. J.

Ilagao*. Dmi-Ing

(KIDavU. Dewey Al F'lsher, Alim

Hagir. E.wrcnct

DavU. Harry W.

··FTsher, Harry P. ··Hager O. K

··Hugo, ('apt. ··Hullig. A E Hiini;ke, J. Mack
·'Uniuke. J. Mack

··LSmErC L. E I.aniphtie Floyd A. Laneioc, Win.'

Mancheli .lljll'i?'


N'lilari. Wm, P.
(KlXorliietli, Elmer A.
Xorman. C E

Alililcen. H E1-

IB; 1I-*-* Clear

·Carter, Al

DjvU. LmxiiM & ··FTilrer. Waller

··*·HIlahn Oeo.

Hiii. ieli-,. De». U. ··I ine loe

Niansf.elel. A. L

IL'Norman. Curly

Alllllfeii. A Ilaks^'

·······AAillllci*e'n.. .

'I >B· Jimmy

·tl.e: . ID''

···AMl eenii Ml..kkety

(LUIAtrl.'e-cnn. .-'MlaaJj-. Cclluus.

AA. (e1i1! K. J Itl'ietvy Y C AAUUefrf. K\ . M't. AAlllhif-Sni. D:i King

··AUliyn. Maacik

(LlAisoo. A. EE.

AV '; Il.a...Ce

·"·AAlvlrUlnie. lHUarrry

AmiaPblerr Milliou

ik'A-.'ler«i): Ftan»

Ard>r>*>n. Arthur E

.tiiitrr'iai. liafl B.

Ai-iierwin. Jake

···AndetMai. Helmer


···AiiJerson. T- H

···AiiJifKsi. W. F.

Andrew*. M E

Aliul.* A Ulll ··Ambotiy. <«»· ··A. · '  BaV'l

··Altilegale J. E

Anmita. .Miitiu

· Wi'.lle

Bli/it rd FKliaank Bllll".r«o. lilillhile ··`BII.....I1.1.1I1 u. M. ··It.Obmiidly. Prof. (LiBiiaim. Mai W.
Uw.' H ,e. Dlik
lilyihe. Billy Buaid. larwreiice U ii' i'Mc. t apt.
Scotcti ··Bixlner. Uesler Floyd ··B.aoom. Vem H. 1,.,. Ue L.
ll.iiiuelH. Jaiucs IP r liatdt. W,iU*r
·luaiomly, Bemle ··Itouiware. Cl'.ss. T.
·it.aitler. Great
B.'Well W E ··B*>wrr, Raymnno
Baiwers. B'bbl*
Buwtrs. Biwkei. Waiter It, wn. Ihei ·llr.Mli rd. Timey Bia'Iley. !·*
··Bradley. l'i»

Cartla' d'a Cutups ·Davij, Wm.

·Fiizgcrald. Deraid

Canallo. J K.

··Davis. Leonard

FT'.uiei ry JiJin

Catier. F'. 11.

Daw ear IE>

·'F'acTi. ClUrlie

Caisan. Clilef


Flaghtry, John

Ca'h. Sicwart

··Dawi.ei B. W.

··F'lanagan, Fred C.

·*Ca>h. M uriif J. Day. E E

···FTannigan. Paul

·Ca-hiii, Ceo.

·Iiav Char.t a V. FTeenyucketf.

Il.tCa.A < Irester

·DfBeck. Euile


i adlr. J.'lm U.

·DuClerq. Al

Flemliis H.-ward

Caswell. ts>muel

··DeCUrQ. .VI

Fleming. Curtis

Catii ir.i laous

DeF'ayay. Ai.louio FTeMier. Cyril E

Cea'ar, D.

"Dellaven. A. MHo ·Flit-her. Phillip

Cel I in A Wilson

Dc'Eini'y Harry

Flood. J. J.

··Ccime. IKiward

DeLandry Shuwi

Flou*l. Al V.

Clialkuii, M. E

DeLane. Harry

1K ' F' Tm

iKlChambera. Harold DtlaiLgue. l. S.

·FTynn. Thornton

cy.a:.d'.ir. Buddie

Delariu. Ruby

F'iynn. J. Fraiccis

l lun.ller. Kewpfe

Dr Luxe S<Aie(V

Fi'gle. Billie

iLlChaplain, i*am

Cirdks "Foster, Leland

iKiCharIra. A. E. - ··DeMarrs. Fred

Ford. Edlle

··cha*. T 1/ Jack

De Hi test, ibwiaud 1 rd tc Truly (DUeVere. Harry Ford. Bob

Charvrrs. Deo

"DeVoaie. Chas.

··Ford .\ttraiAloiis

Chief. Clear Sky
C bil.liigew..rth Ckulcle Joe
Chllo Walter Ch ppo. Frank A. Cl'r..i r areme
·· n. Lew

"Deagaii, Cyrus ·Dein. Ben De..n, Toen. Ur. "De.di. Al
Dee. Itaiy Jay ·I> aiiv. \Nm. E ·Delloc. (F. A.

li.'iev>t. Eiwto F'oiiest Stuck Co. F'bitb, ('.trenaC A. Forth. Allen iKiF'oater. Curly F .-ter. H

Hngali,. Hairrv ·Haines,. Ch.ii. H. ··Hale. DDec'Tge Ha'I. > >!. m "Hall. Xorm-n T. TTslI. Gene Hall. L^
nilalldorsuo. T. S.
ll.illlnga,. W W ard ·'Hal*sen. .«s C Hamblin. AArthur "liamiltuR. J. O. "Hamliucn. Joe
(K)Uami.toii, Doc Bubbles
Hammer, Toco
HammlU. D. T. Uammcxid. George Hamnn, Wesley Har.tfln. High Hancock Happy ··Han, oik. Robt. B.
Ha:.*u.k. & B. Hai.'vim. George
Hand. P. S. Uandmaker, Bennie ·U"- Mr Hannon W-avd Hanley. Xorman
"Hardee. F. E

··It ii.i. in . M. "Huntley, S. L.
··Huiil.ii.ger J. Hurley. Geo. E
llutciiinson. Geo. T. lliit-i >. Jiuuuie Hyman. S. Imming. 1 C.
Ireland. Rit-hmutid Irving. M. M. ··Irwin. James I vie Stixk I ·Jackson, J. A.
Jaekson. Uicbaid Jsc'Fson A. M.
k.on, Bobby ···Jackaon. E James. Edward ·James Bofct. C. Jaminsuo, Jimmie "Jarger. Chas.
Jefferson. F, Jenkins. Cecil Jenkins. Ftank ··Jeriulr.g-. J. Jesperson, U. A. (KiJ-wer.. K'd ·Jewell. Billie
JiggJ. Mr. Wm.

.Kl Ldinir.? Art W. ^If***-


Eatimeire. Jack.***
(KlUrue. G o. loa-.hroi. Murn't E Idughlin. Jack 1 Htier. T. ai ··E urie. .lames "Law. Chas.

aM ·M vairamcneul,lso?..' a··.M vMJaa^nrVlyon.' .

Chas. Wm. C*^H1h1asr.ry

. S

`M.irlon. Harry

iK) Marks. Jake

La .rence, Eugene Lawrence Frank E ···Eiwion. J, E Lawson, Jack

·M.rki, (·has Marriott. .Arthur Mardiall. F'. R. *M.rr-:htiaaIiIl. Frank

"Lay. Earl

'·.Marshall, Harieli

loizelle, Wilbert

·Martella. Paul

··E'Dcau, IL G.

··Martelle .Art

LeBliuc. Walter

"Mardn. E W.

ioT Roy, Jame*

·Martin. Harry

E Huy. R| y E

"Martin, J. B.

LeRcy. J. F.

Martinez. Robt. B.

"loelloy. BllUe

·Mashlcnkarrp, Al

EeVan. Harry

··-Miaker Joe P.

Lev Ine. Harry

Mii*on. G. B.

Ea. .Mark

.Matney. Lee

Ledoux Lawrence

Mattesuo. E E

Lee Bernard E

Slattox. H. D.

Lee. Vernon

Mathewi Bill

"Lee, Bob

·Mvxam. Eiuren E

E'i'li. Paul

Maximo. Mr.

"Efeve. H. C.

Mayberry. F'. M.

··I.<lim.i'i. Walter Mayberry. Irvin

.Votmaii. Karyl N'o-man. Jese ·Norman, Karyl Xortcsr «i npanose Xortoci. Frank B. Xosse*. Sf'ivicai N'ne.*ra. Basil ··Niig. nt. Th"¥ B. Nye. Ben H
KiO'itrien Jnrx iDri'iBarilofnn. Btm. -wP. ·"·Oo'HntdlcLni BBrnag. Ollrien. Harry
Ck)I^« Stock Ca O'Brine. B,iy
(KHVIItra. Herbert O'Hara. Herbert ·(J'Nell. Jack ·O'Xcll. Phil o· ·'Nrye.ill.R.TRha- v B. O'lare, Jlmtnle ·Aieikirk, Claude
·tCan. Walter ·iihm*tead. E A.
K ('Ms, fUreoee Oliver. Otli

·Armen'" An^lo AirndtJ'l .Ar. hie Ainetl. Walter \r ..1. Flank C. ·M hnr He'' .ta.. "llB'^.. Aibford. Hughle .t*b.r> Burt A-'.ella Dell Athrv ITalr Alklnvei, T'm "Aubrey A W^io Aust.o. Dr Hairy U.
"··AAuussltlin. Tvx A.Mvery Harrv A»»ail Frank EU Aviiie'Ss T. ··Bieeiis*i. Ilwwll,, KjlIlUa.'iisse'rr. HH-.irtrry ·.
BBuuiieoy DGeo-. ,, Bi'i'eicvv. Burt CE. Baity. Paul BBtt..vrvdl. Joe . iKiBatker. Nut Bi.lecy URoy Baker., JoUnmnie ·Baker. C. E "BBaallettha. Mall (ikllUlta.iiwIln., Ba;ett. Frn.nk T. BBaallll Jei*» B. , 5B'a'..*it"il'. ,lI!'r'a I F'i.-, Barber. I rig. J. F.
Bargrr II A. Barham iCam Barker. A. Hal..' F rnl G. '·Ilartiard. le'.e Bana l. N'Wti'h Bari.ts Whiter tBIlUrnc*. Whiter ·Bar es. Whlley
Ka' ha''. Nathan Barr Harry lUttr't A U. A. far I. .1 e C. Batirtt. Thi**. Kitpsi, Billy ··Harrv 1..-lie BaiKII. Laiu iKiIia''.iii '^sumy ·Bartlrtl Geo Hartiin. Cbariea
Itasliigir H'-ke A. Kao, K'Ugrne *lU-*ett. Jie ·Hasui A Bailey ·liar. AV B. Ba'hrlik. J W. "'K ui-rs. Chuck
Il.'liaiiiiian .Artli'jr "Kavls. Jim Havrr. AValler Kavter Ed ··llavier J.gin
Ka-fs Al "·It vlr*5, f II
Krvali ai-r .A B. "'Rvaii. Jim K'ard 11. A C ''ail- ry. Ja.-k Kra'ili J AV (LHtfhrrg. IWar
iKHtwk A Walker . !·' L AV A
^·|>ktnan. Dli-k Kjhimr Ervin
'·''K'd. .Arthur I'"-I l.r Kell. Ik> Kell E k II
uH'dll i'-lbal'.ai,ii*
JJel ill* A'liirrni Keiii 11 Harry l|eii*i,|r..= .V ^
iUIII OU-li Kfni. iiasU

I.,.' (K.itra.ile,. W. L.
Btamby. Jaik
tl.illian.h. E A. ·Brauer. Allred Brave. Cliaiws

ChrNtlaii. 1; T Church. I.. C.
Chun h. Imher Clrem. Ki.l 'Clapter. Bill

Utniiioi. loawreuce Dou.:!. .'Kii.i.y lO'iiy. Jaa B Del.barn. E Pervy Ueunmg. Jaik

F X. Maji-r ·I'm, Wm. *Foa. Ben
·F"X. Torn J. F'ril^. \\i 1

Hari'v. Ja k
Harlan, El-w.ird " C. M. Harmon. George
KI Harrington. Mr.

Bteeje. WnL

`Clark. E m-r

iKlllieui aus.

Clark. Fratik U.

Musiusl Clark. Jnlui C.

UeldalS Eugene Derr. Vdgil Devruney, James

·F'ranee. Keniieih ··F'rauk. S. Frankliu. H H.

Harrington. W. M T.
·"Harris. Hiwicy

Brennan. Jack

··Clark. J E.

Breti I E

·`Clark Harry Dad

Brewster, lies Jansca Clark Drs, A May

yrnige. Jlra

···Clark, .trt

Dcveraui. Bert Devine. Arthur Dew. X. W. ··UicklllaiSI. Jno.

F'rankim. Joe B.
Franks C. B. ·"Ftaiig. E J. (K)Fraua. E J.

Harris, .kl-I.vman Harris. Honey
Harris, Bill
Harris. Vlnreol T.

Hrighi Jake

(LlClark W E.

Du.lcy Java

·Freedman. U. Ike ··Harris. T-r.y

lBlrriia.oimn,. Bay lBli.iiiluoiii BilT Br...a»ddlliiuurrst. O( eo. BBnn<a«ddiiffyy, Boobb ··Brroil»l-t. .MM. ··iiiAiie X.\>er,i
···Brooks A BHiucbanan
···BlUr-'csAA*s K. 1. Broussaaavrd. E'ugene Bni'wwnii SSaaXt rSn . Brown. Clarreetni rc D. Brmvini. Francis D. Brown, F'rradiik Brown. Seat BIHrown, Berthie E ··lBer-w'wvrii,. A.k F.. BBnro-wwun AAirithhiur lBlhh''wwnn,, FKii.llwwllin E jsr »u. Evun
Bruwu. Tiiiy
Hr un. Hank Bt'iwn A Fine ··Brown. r*am Browu'a Tennessee

(LlClark. El (LlCUlark. Vic:. < lark. II ninin IKt Claus. Da.Iton J. Clemeiilj Joe Cllfffoorrll,. Dave
Clifff.ordJ. Ja. k Rube ··C:liltfff,o.-'d Billy THItord. Ray Clifton. LI.oenvd Clifton. Wimn. E Cobhb. It y Ciiss-hh. Fal Couctiran, Capr JaAa. Cochran. W W. fCiee IIVkse kk M Muurrrrvy CCooffffeeee EEiivvdd "' (tK)C.,fffmni..srn, W \V. M. ·"···CCooffffmman, Will
·C.'lin. R. hert Cohen. C. S. Cola. Sant  F. F. Cide. Happy
Cole. E E Cole. P II Cole'. Geo

·Dl-n. Rav

Fretiam. W. C.

Dixby, Geo. E

Freeman. Biili*

Dixie Plantation

Freeman, Doc

t=how Fwma:.,

··Dixon. F'red · ""DUDDDltixxiii.xuoxiiionoii.,,nn.,HHBHaJaentailtrtory'y.r'.yC.LL..aEEa-*.

Freeman, E V. FT-eese. Carl F'renier. Ray'd F'rledman. F.auier ·Frost. B. B. ·Frugi'll. Eouis

"D·ol>ilog*inig. cnGuyGGUuVy*- 

F'rye.·'Du>r-scy J.

"Doeike. F·'rraannkk

' Fulton, Joseph

Doos-ugue;. FF ramudliCO


·Dv^mruson. lia;py

(K)D'inaldJ.>n. Bert

1 >1 rmxu, Div
"Uesu. Billy ··Dors. Jimmy U. "Duumaa, K. J Douglas. Jules V.

Gamble. Clyde Gammon. C. E.
tklGaiuis. K F'
Qanard. Erry K. (KlGatit. I.

Kaid' ^ Garcia, Emilio Psi Gardner. Ewood

··Harris. S^am &
Goldie TTarrfson, Herb 11. UarrisoQ. Jr.,
'James ."Hgntson, E AWV. ·Hart. Harry Hart. Carl "Hart. Harold Sg.
Harman, Kay Ff; · (KJHaitman. EUd'ddiie Harrell,. Henry. Harvey. X C. Harvey, A. J. Harvev Melvin1 (KIBarvey. Jacrlk[
& Irene ·TTarrev. R. kless
Harrey, Earl Harvey. Jack Hartwig. John Hartz BetiJ. A. ··lErwiod. K.V A. (KlHx-hman. Bud ··Hassi'n. Ben (KIHastingi. G. O. (KIHatfleld. Juhn

!kiBrownie, vlu

Harry  w^t«

iwi^ Ha' 1. .. le-

Gardner. Dare ttarrboo. Herb. ··tiatemaa. Fred

·Hawke* AVm. J. Hawkins. Paul Hawkins O. E

KiKrui*. k d *
itm i Elgar' n Bruha^a.. A O.
llrumnnll. `llairy S. "Brummell. Harry Krunner. Jules
Bruno. Ftank iKIItryan. J e B. (KlBryan. FL ·"Hu* lit:4au.. xGiessoo.

'· 'gate. AVm. ^ *'
Conily. N. rmah C'Sie. Ilcrroau ·Cieiley. B.>M. J. Ci.nnelly, (Kiar Connors. losv F'. fg,,,,,,_ Claud

.`"V i"' piea.iu. Jodi Uressman. Bl l
DuiiV'in. Don DukS!^E k

iKlGalcs AA-.' A. ··VGoGieaaediidhhddrriillssggliiiTTtfrriiooSrjiillaass A. ···Gentle. Pat Geiiilc, E E Gentry A Gentry Gentry, Dewey tDiee** rrggee., FF'rraannkkUUnn Deralil, Jai'k Gerard. Frank *G*tz. Jo« ·Getzman. Harry

UawklDson, Howard Hawwtthhnfimmee.". lDiaave (KiHays Jamees
Ha-ves. Desfy
Hayes. Sailor ·Hayes. Sebromn UFI. Hivue*. FTcil "H.iyward, F J. Heard. Bert Tr. Heck. Henrv Hegner. An lleinr. Edw.

Buikells. Frank ' Buiklrli. Al »
··Bu.klry M. M. Iliiklev This., Itiihler, AA'rit F.
Bulllllfcr. Al (Kllliiicb. Iliws Hurgrtl. Howard Rurgner K. A.

fi!';?.**!, W-
**/ J. . ·'''`''`J
(KlCivper. E E ·"Cooper. E E "i'"rciiraii, Wm.
"Cor. hran. James A. (KlCorciran T"rumy-

"Deyer. Chas. ··GIkvIji'II. Blcbarvl

Dunn. 11. I. Dunn. Eslic Durandc. Henri J.
UiitUuf. Otto (KilhirTell. Guy

Git'-en AVm. Gibsca. H i try
Gib-otr Robert rGGUinfIf,orJdia'.c*kB" AV.

E E^K s

GUI. U. O.

Duiaart. llenders.m^


Ilel.tcruers. D.. C. llelroo. O. L
Helms. Garry
···llemberger. Fred Tlenipliill p, .k "Henderaori. Bert ··llendersisi Ab
."nenderson. De Ju. iT

Burke. Bob Uutiuartcr. P. T Bnrnrt, .1 P IIttiirinM.t'lll Frr'rci .dl A,. ·"linriu. Slim AAm
Iliinis BUi kie ···Itnriis. B E. ··Burns. FkIw.
(KIKurtMigl.t. Tom Burrows. lUrvild ··lluttley, Ji k C.
Burtley. la-k C. lliirliui, 11 D

·Cop-orsn Frank iKlCorry Kd Curley. Harrv Cor-.'ttl. ,D·..ii'·"A IK** orti'llo. t.eo.
` ' · t ou ter DItnn U
`**'"·`1"* '<"·*> I,*""'* < owsn Il,.>
* I":".-**'!- t-'U'len I Kit ox. 1,1.-n

Dyer. Ja.k Bube .E..a. gule. JI keII . J ·
Ekm. J. llaroid

'-V A Vi'kiiis


I ^

I .1 ·

Karle. Hurt

sE-*sVie»yv, TThlfi'imuajs. F.a* man. H-: ry
FFi.abietrmhaanrd. t. LFcKreody E

.'iVni'rurM 'll* F ·.JG: irraJrrd.l. Efcd,wii. ni.wer. AV. M.
Harry Dol.leii. B i ble Doblen. H. E
J*,®'; *"· «',«
D··oDl-il'lmdaante.lnL. utAs be fi.nding F. E iDtooioHililierilil*e. AxVx. Dw.


Hemlrlc. Henning.

MNa. thheew

Henncuse I.e.g>inaarrd

Henry. Eld e

·Ilei'iier. Harrry

Herb F.l

Hewlit. Jiff

Hewlii .liff

··He.ieiick J''l<hhnn

"Hickey. Nelil

HIgglus. tie, rrgge

Higgins. F'lanIkk

(Killiinon. Bciiiamlii

Clareii.-e E .Al Elrert Jr.. A

(KiG.xxlman. Wm

··Hlgglii* Arthiuur

IKlIturtiSi Frank P. *''' Jerrv

Elwy. Frank J.

··lllldehrat *1, J, J

·llniioii. F»lw- C. Bu*h H L.

toy- Falille ·Crt'l.l.ak Karl

Fal'ItiigGa' D AA*. G*.a«nHllmmaan Jake

Fldiburii T E.

D(biaaiilrlch Herb

(K >11111. C. X H II, E 1.

(Ktlliill.t. VniHUi (l.iCralg. Cipl.

kiciman Bpa*

··Go*\lwln,. Roi'*s.coe Hill. W G FFat

Butler. Jr.. Chas. t'raiu r. Jifeph

K.l*"" Gc B

GG'..l'Iwwil--, I. A

Hlllarx IressI

iKilliiGct .la.k

Cran.lell. F'ted

E'lgerson. lewreiti-e D.ailwln. Mart

HIIl.Mat. A.

lliittrrflil.l F' It

(KiCran.lell, Rci

P. Dor.b'ii. AA'allcr

Hinig.'**. C G.

·lliilii-ra. Peter AV. ··Crandcll, Flverett K*lward.i. Artikrvr

G- traan Frank

Hints. Paul

··Bnlllmer Harold Oane, AVm AV.

FMw.irds. AVIllte


Hnke. Mill

Biitiiait. Jess

Crane. Bill

F.'gner F AA'

G-w- J P

Hlnnlan Ralph AAA''.

Jlnkins. Waller U. .1"*'. Sailor "Johuaou, Everett J .111.51,11. C. .\.
·J' lmson. Jolu.suu. J. Harold John.:, u. ,iy® Xiiby
··J' lly. Chas. Jones. Miltou H. J.'iiis. Dr. E 1). Jones. S. R. Jo.'.o*. Uarv Clsey ···Jones. Jack JJoonneesj.. KKuidi

·Jordanu. E KalI

-lordon, Frank J'.vi.e. Patrick

J'Vie. M. F.

'·Juhlen. Carl A.

Jump, Elw.


Junco Eiigeiiio

Jurgens, ioruis A.

K.ifka A Stanley

··Kahn. M.

Kaia. Foot

KaJalubl. Ewrence

Kampe, Nick

Ka- akahiloo, Joe. K.

Kane. Ili-bt. **>***· Maxwell · K ' Kane. Al

(KlKaita. To!

Kanuhl B,lb!.

Karmino G. G.

'`FCanies. J. E

·*Karioo. Rex

`Kaufm-in, AValter

Kaulabou. Jak

"Kay. Arthur

`"Ka-vs. J. U.

Keari.y, Ja*

Keene. Musnal

Kehoe. Cha.*.

··Kelly Timothy

Kelly. Til' :. FI.

Kelly. Slierraaii

Kelti !,, F'rank C.

ILlKeinp, Billy

Kemper. Charlie

·Kemplon. Eddie

"Keuchel. Xatbaii

Kenm.*re. Eugene

Kennedy. Sergl. Dick

Keuiieiiy'. F. C. Kenney, Earl

·Knisbaw A Paul

"Kent, AVdlard

Ken! C. .A.

·Kenyon Chaa. AA'.

···Kepilcr, C. J.

Kerr. S. A.

Kerlh. VA'alfer

'Kesl.-h. Frank

K'tile, .Ino,

Key Clus. D.

iK)Ke*.*tone. U.

·Khean. Jack

(KiKteli.*. Fu*l

Klehl. F;,1w. E

··K ehl. Kdw. L

Klllaniey. D.u.i, i P

`Kl'-riT. James

Kimball. F'rc'l s.

Kl-ig. AA'ni F.

"King. Slim `King J . J

"Hint Jeptlu

King. B'l I

King Chemical Co.

`King Tom

IKIKiiig. Dart

IK'King. Mr.


(KiKlrmey. AA'm.

Kirkland. Bonnie

1K'Klrkwoixl. .1 AV

E.berwitx. .foe

(K)Ma.vtield. Orville

Lrlchi. Billy

.Miynard. Kenneth

Elilitie. Air.

M.iy-. I'lii!

Erd. Jas.

Me.iil. Dwigh'

(KlEeig.. A

Sleeker Fraiik

·Leon, Geraldo B. Melbourn. ii. C

tKlloe'nar.l Teddy Melbfiume. (TiaJ.

Eonard. Dave Lei.uard. E U

f hr.s n

Leonard. F'rank X Mebimt. Armar.d

iKiLeoi.ard. J. Sam 'icTnee. Dtwi

E-lie Emia Ester. Kill

"Aleltzer. D. ·Melville A

·Ester. Bert

···Men.leliohn. O J.

Eveue, Tom Evl A- Kadiu

·Menet'l. Edil> ·Merellth. E E

Ewis, Ru*,ell

"Meric. E

Ewia, .Admire

Mersen, Morrl*

"Ewis, Phil

Merwlr. Harold

Ewis. A. B

Metcalf Geo.

(K Ewli. Prank

Metro. Charlie

"·Lcwii*. E AA',

Meyer. Pe'er

Ewis, Bookie

Meyers, Kruly

·LieEtman, Ja k Meyers C. J

"Lniiccbommanii. Bxvuoob<e-

M...i.cnha.ceil D..aann iC..

Onstiee A LoerdXe: m "·O-lHin, James (K'wiriit Erm IKven AVm R. ··Owen. Harry '·Owens. J. J.
John ».
**l'a,lul.i. J. B. Pace, AA'm. F Pa;e, Robt.
Ptlmer. .Auguste. Palmer, O. W. Palmer, Joe ·Palmer, D H. ·"Paris. .Air. Paris. Lee M. Parker. Ehrl I'arker. W. D Parker, Emeat ·Ppar.krbear.. Mi-..-a

Llahtfoot. .Andrew ·Mi lwest S'.vck Co.

"EI.lillil.easa. IInnrdliiiainn

···"·M Miilllleerr. FFVrefcdl RP. pf j.i,,, ill' ""

La.vteiwe (KiMlIIer. Jack S pHC

(K)Elly. E.ile

Miller, J. m.

pl-fe'Miw, w m

Endsev. Ester.

·^- f^xyten p

Players Miller A SIItIx Unstrom. Harry P. ···Mlll.r R .\

··Paul Kv* ^ p '

-- I.ittlefleld If H. Miller. J. G " Norman ··Miller. Billy




"Livermore. Art

Miller. A. O.


LI">dJ. Bvo'bbby E

Miller. FEugene O.

LcixKkkaarrd. E R

M Nlillier. Warren

Locikkwwood. Jaactk

'"Miller H Ilaarrcdld

E>gan. AA'liite lx)h.*e A Sterling

·"Miller. M Moonrrrote. P "··MMiillller Tsaa*. Er.

(KlUtnaftewa. Vlets Miller. J D.

UmbarJ. Jack O. AtllN. j, h.

logrergan, AVm. ··Lag. Rav
liag. Boh Long. F'rank

·"·'Atitnlll**.. J. C. Milton A St. -Clair <· KKl)MMllnnerk Ta EF Mitchell. Pref

··Long. B y

AfltcheH. Lculs

u 1 Longendorfer, Paul Lorraine. Ted ··l.otns^ Tfi
Iii»ve. A. J. Love. Buddie Eweu. Gea lon-r
Ew-; mrry R. (KiEwe. Hali'b Eiwenstein. Ben I.rwTT. Glemi ··Eicas. Eddie (L)Lucas. Joe ·Lu. lara, J. Teshy

"'Hf-ben. Ben Mp*'hcm J B

,, ._, _ M.Moohnaammmnieeda tIDhe

MoIlaer, MoEarrh.


Hindu s.

Monette. FTrta*nk

·"Moon. O9'e®o. W. MM*o>nmtaanriee. AAAAa'aher


· ·'fToonnttffnnppl. Stanley

·MMoontgomery. H. j.

M''ntgomery, CC has.

Moore, VA. W.

·.pJm^W,«' P m



·iw-ii plt.i

p^!^'l.'f'.ff''* "`ll'e IVrkins Cy

"Perklm. Oeo.

Perkins Lonnie

(L)PeiTT. a. Git

·"Perry. J. N.

Perry, Tex

tKlPetera E ·Pe'ers. Harry

Petrey. H. B.

Pfeiffer. John A.

Phelps, AVertna
Phelps. Joseph

Phllbnitosi K iw-.

Phllllra. Eirl

·Phillips. O. H

(KiPhnilpc Stanley

Phillips. John g.

·Phllllpa. F^ed

`Phlnnev, E E

fK*Plckard. Henry

Piedmont. Dave

(KlPlercy, W. .T.

Lu* kner Frank
Lui d. Fred Lurue. Herman

M'We. Smoky Aloore. A. Moore. Curly

··Pincus. C. E ·"Pink. Wm. PInkham. J. W*.

··Lu*e. Chas. H.

(LIM'XWvhouae. Jack ···Pola.a, Mike

L\i.:i F'red

Morales. Felix

nitPolk. Ollle

Mf.Aiiliy. J. M.

Moran. Earl

··Pollard. Freddla

K 'M* Bride. L. E '"Aloran. E Fr.

··Pollock. W.

M BtMe. Cha*. Al I'abe J.imi-

M'lran. Mart ··Al >rgan. Dinclnf

Phloon, E B. ·Pod. N. E

M-Call. Archie

·Morris. MannJy

AH'allj. Ueiiiv M. ··M trls. Ike {E

Pope. S'anlev Post A IFoprae

M.d'arty. .1. E

Post A Olhson

McCarty. Fred

··PoCer. Otto

Mis'lf'kcy. J-ack·

··Morrlt, Robgt.

·Potter. B.

Ml flute Gc*'. E

Bube ··Porters. Berwiie

AL Corral, k. Jos. E "'forrls. Jbe

Potts. Harold F

AM ra. k' U Sara

Morrison. Frog*

··Powell Walter

M DanliT. J. G.

Moriisey. D. T.

··Powell. Lerry

M Di'iial*! Jimmie M'M. Frank

Powell. Geo. H.

tK>M I'liialil AVm. 'f'"**. Jim

·Powell. P. E

AlcD.aial. ivui

'loa-* T. 0.

Powers. C Eany


···Moss. Frank

Powers. Ted

Scotty 'fotts. Fred

Pratt. Ehi

MiDsrrv B V Mertavln Jno. J.

"Al'Wer. A. W. Jdoyera, W. H.

Preecott. Prank P. Price. Boy E

r. K. *Bfmoii. J.

Byars, Rnfiis O Byers. Eugene C.

Crane. E, A. Crane. Hod

Eiler. a C. ·Elam. Walter I.

GiHiIiI. E. E


Uraham. Herbert Hoaglan I. R.. W W'.

··Klrkwooii. BUly ··Kuer, Hal

McGowan. .Aluki-y ·McOowan. Prank

(OOatinaed oa page 118)

Tlie Billboard

JUNE 28. 1924


K'lintinufd from pagp 117)

(Kll'rico. (K I'ruketl, TI. D. "Priucf. <'h»s. rriiKc. Arthur L. Viuttor. Bert I'rex lor. J. W. PrurtlKimrae, >1. A. I '1.1. t . il *I'ur<.elI, Rvimlt rurl. Billie ·M'ii.c, lUke
I'Mir, Hilliard I .ml. J. A ··Quigley. Frank Quin. F. Uuiiilaii. Ice l: ilclitft. Frank (KiHafTerty. Billy

···Reynold?. Lake F. ·Reynolds, L. K. ·Reynolds. Maxwell IKlRliea CTiSs. 1). Bliinehart. Ma...r .1. Hilda Iboal Mu.Wi Rlioiia Royal Hhdes. S. J. Rke. Chai W.
··Hleh. Geo. Rich's Feature
Pictures iLlRieiiardS, A. IL Richard?. A. B. Kiohar ls. .lack Richard?. Vic Ridimond. Paul \V. ·Richter. Hieliard

··R . .V

1! I. 1 .al.» L,

" R '.lllK 1,11, .1.,

A Cj.

(KiB -1 . I. I..

(K)H -e. F. O.

Rii.-e, t . .1.

Rose. .1. G.

RosC. .Like

Ri..-o. Maiinie

(KIR - . M. E

·R.. I'illial, Laiiils

R -eiiiliai, Louis

·liiss. .VllllUl

··II. s. i; D.



(Kllbitli. J. E. II.Hill-, k. A. A, Rowland. Ed R. iVir, H. B. Rn ' l.l. w i: ·Rudl. IT. G. A Riiiil iy Etlinger

< . vnli, B. M.

Sillil'.. Iiwl:

S. .1-. .la. b

M l:,M r. W . G.

·s'lioir. r.

S, rail B. y

·`Mward. .V C.

(BiSixtoii, T .y

Sexton. .Vllieii

S'Miuau. Walter l.adihk. A



Schafer. Charlie


···Sh.inks, lb .lilt Shank.i:.. I'  M.

·'sinur.oii. E.ldif

SliaiuiiMi. S.iiuUcl

Sli.iikty. Fred

Mu.r. M 1 ·

siiaw. Sidney

Ssl.jw, K K.

·SI,aw. lal

S-i  .X B...'.' ··.-Ulith. Sam U.
I, .1 *<uiitli. Hank
Suil h. TanieSniiih. W.lile . le'S:..t:li. W M.
S',. .. llariy ler I ' ...
.sn'det. ITonald E. s. V .1, !l. G.
·s . nia-. Sam Soi'er. ilci.iy iV
S iilC'.i ;. Jilm ·S|«eldillg. Joilli . K . .< . ... <1



S'l, kl. r. Bill

·Si rii kiiioinl. .\inos

··Sill, ids. Ruasi I

iKiStllllnga. F. IL

Slliic. \1

··Stine Trio

·Stolmakrr. Bmiard

Stu.e. Geo.

··Stikes. (ieno

Story, A1 O.

S', ver. la-.n

··stt.ili'li ll.irv.y F., t'uuilney

strode. \\ lu. M .1

stnud. E.'iard

··Siroul. E D.

Stuart. G. K.

·S'tlllo. Xul

Sturgis. Ilariy

lKl.'?uezz, litnaid

sug'irs, J 1. St.ln C. R

·Tlionig-on. Wiu F.

Il.n .vat.I



Tli.vriil ui g. R. & A T .* Bert

···Tiiorp. BrtsUve

·ThillI Bros.

Tllhr. C. L

Ttnii. Waller

·rils'ili., Gio. A


Titus. C.

T .icr. line

Tomas. Jack

Tom; kills. Clias.

T'V kill. i'll.I

Tih- c. he. 11

T loy. I'r.iiik

Toto, -loe. .\.

T ule. Bur let

T. W . . .1 e

Travers. C. H.


i: \\

·\ i'lolyiiskl. C P Wells. E W.

·V.Will F.

W .... J iHi O,

Wills. Odll



W ai h* iiheienii I.

WcNli, t' E

W 'V'llllssootii., Ralelgli 'I

lanii- .Ma'slull W i.ti . E wisvl J|K> Wi s.1.. Rn.,

Wa.|.It'll C. S

W.'riilk.gT. Jake

···W ih-si, .la. I

W ki'fh'.d. II W

III Wi.t. I all

(KilWil,-...ii. R. .

W'll o. .1. J.

·West, Arthur O.

·W Wii|l,^!!-;i. Ilatrv iG;

Wald.. A Wclser W . . I. A

Wist. L F. -'W ' I, \

Wl - .. y\, ,, WIImmi. W, II

(K Slioiiy ··Wci.l'jKe, W, II. Wi.,.,i. Kail V

W ,1'rr. I i vv

·Weallake, C. L.

Wila'tn. Fuderbt

Walker. Ib.ward F. W o .M'Ke


Walker. Wm.

··Wl.aieti. Ray

Wll-o*- H I.

iK Walkri, .lohiitilc (KlWlieelcr. Mai

·· W'II.s..ti. I.lnd,.. ,

Wailkkee:r'., IIl.i.tare E K.

A Tivv ··Tt-i.'su;. R 'I i

(K Walker. II F. ··Whettan Fn.l D. WT'.ila..w. R.ibt

Walkln*. H'rank

White. Ikl.l e

" '


W W aa... U P

While. Gyp

Winkle., Carl

··Wail ,1


While. G. S an.ssr ··Win

I) y\

Wall. Jimmie

··While. Ha v

Wiinn--,,ctaadd. E .s

W l, a i. H C.

··While, V. II.

W W'litlee. Frai.i .s-

Walllii.i-'e. Joe

·Wluie. APs-it T. W'.ilfe. R 1i,,

W Waallaa..... lave (KK' WWalla,. e'. Wm.

·W i!te. Danny White. H. IE

·W.iiiKlirniuii, Wimn ,| ··W Woisiinvllrraak W .a1

···Hajah tlie Great Kalbton, 3. P.
·Haiilall. A. J.

RidiHD,.!. HUiu lUckatd. Dan Riddle. .Tack

Rulil. Will. H.

··Shaw. (.eo. Tciie

Ruis. h. Alliert H. Slii'Cls. Tb. -

·Riiiiilev. Btsi H.

IK'Sl.ell, Hatty

··Sneimil. Yo'g.g S- i.Tl , t.e ".
·Sib'rr.v, .lames H.

··Suiton. Lariy ···"ulliyan. .\rthur S i liva'.. Texa.s Kid

Tre'il. Marlen ··Tr.s-er. E A TrU'-ilell. A. J.

·W, J.1.. E
··W Waall--eeyy.. W Wm m Walsh., Jimmie

Willie, Za.'tiarlahh

(, HHaarrrry

(MWlilth tie H Douvkk 'V "'·'*··'. 'Ri.x*y'n"i"ii''t-.i'i' s

Wlui.ev. W : ic

W.aannJl. T.eini

Randaii. Bub (KlUandcl. Doc Kaiidiilih. Art KarmiUftstii. Hans ·Ra'ith. Eugene Havel. Clias. itavltere. tieo. Rave. Eiivv. ··Ha.imuiiil, Billy
·*Kaym.iiid, Jugglint
iKiHayiuure. Harry C.
·RetD. One-Man Band
Redding. Ohas. ···Hee.i. C. K. ·Reed. D-in Reeiler A; Armstroos Reese. J. U.
Reeve., Mai'v Reeves. 0. B. ··Regan. Ted ·Regay. J.l.n ··Regent/.. Herman Reichbaeh. Bennie Kei i. Husseil Heiiley. I'.ert Reilly. Patrick Reinliaidl. Geu.
Reitihart. Jr.. Cy ··R..m>eii. Art ··Renau.l. J. P. Reno. Paul (Killeno. E. Revniard 1 ayton M. Beviiulda. Dad F. C.

Riegel. R.'lieit D. Rlfncr. t'arl ···lUghlcr. riiiit Riley. iJudJ ·Riley. Harry ··Rind. .<1.1 Riiiker, Lloyd (L)Risner, W. A. IKlRitiliie. II. L Ritchie. .Tack Ritz. ill,111. Ruacli. Jack ··Rot'h A Wl.ltiiiau ···Rob'ulus. Dave
Robnins. Bcb ··|{·bt^.- R E. Roberts, Fred Roberts. F. IL (KiRoLierts. J. 0. (Kl UuiM'its.
rrendile Rnlierls. K J. ··Rntiiil. Eiiiest G. Il.liiiiMi, I'ete Roliinson, O. R. Roldii'iHi. Eugene ·'Rolilnsuii. Flank
·II.'liiUMiii. Win. ··Rockwell, Geo. (Kill .igir .Vriliur Redgers, Nat 111 gel-. I Rogers, Art ··Rulle?. W. J Rulles. Willie J. ·Runaldseiii. N'. Rondeau, Louis

(KIRu-e, Jie li

Siir.ii.ii, W .\ Tiby

··ll iil;. .1. C.

slurpatd, .T. H.

RumIi. Eii.c-t

Sherwood. J. James

Rusllill. lels. R.

·shlisien. J.

Rii,-sel. Dale

sliit. inly.I Geo.

Min-i l-e.irie Russell. 1'
Ru.-seil. Clias. Bu.-tv. Tire L.i'.r ·'·livaii Howard E U'.aii, Paul (KlRyder. E<I. (KiRyd.r. Bobby Salii.v, Hurt

sh. I'l


··Shote. Eildie

Shu. k K T sliul'z. Harry

Shultz. k>ank J.

*slium-kl. J.ilm

IKIS inle'r. Geo.

Shurtirff. Oeorgo

SliMU.tiiia. Gt->.

S. I.-I1-. Rali.h

Sickles, Bull

··Sackcr. W. D. Sa ray, R. bl. D. ···Sager. E.1

· Sihama-i, .\bslam B. Silver. Due ·Slmmovis. .T. C.

(KlSii'lairi. A1 .<aniucls. Mailtke **<tandlsh. Gecrge

Siiii' II .\ II.


\ I-.

·Simons. A

Sanford. Otis .V.

Siiiiiai?. Homer

s.iu' `lers. G. <.ivage Billy K.
s-.y. n>l;h

Simusoii. R. S. ··Simpson. Geo. Siini juii. Tl.e

Saxen. j(. r.

S'liis. Pe'e

·Saxton. .Tclin W.

··Sims. TV. D.

·Saye. Os at

Si... lair. A:t

Sl'.itir.r. \iil

Si-ir V rgll

·Searna. .Tack

Singleton. Eddie

··Scliaitiii e. Harold Singleton, Tt. D.

··Sell. 11. Wal ir

s'-lower, Dave

.< hneidcr. Irilu F. ··S'iin. Panl'andle

S' hiilz. Wm.

(LlSmall. T'lai i;

S-oit. .Tohii

L. C.

.<1.11. B. M.

Smaliey. Fox

S 11 iln. N. C.

Smiley, John C.

Scuily. Buck

·'sinith. Eii.eal

Splash. Emnieit s.rin,', .\ntoiiie S'l ui. : f arelli e .stalev. Ernest ·Stsfford. Edw. ·S-a,.Russell P.
*<:ai Kard. Paul

·Stanley, Jack Sia' 'ey. Ja.k Stanley A .\lrte

f'taii'ln'ry W. D.

(K'Star. Bill
·*s aik, L. C. Bla.kwy

Stank. Carl D.

Sla'k. B a kl y l.eslie

(K s-iiTens. .Tack

S'." .-r 1 ' Bu S'erall. Tk'.ry G.

Steiger, Wm .T S'.i' . I d Ia-r.r ··s-eln' Walter

··Steihens. .Tas. A.


I' F

S'erliitg, L r* n

··Ster'Ing, I'iurin.'e

··Stevens. C. D.

S e'eHs. l`rll.. e \i.'. - ai

Stevetis. B.M'V

'·"Stevenson, T- TI, ·Ste-.vart. Steamboat
S'.w .rl. J. .1. ·Stewart. Steamboat .siewait, C. A.

·s.illnan. J.iiumie s-;; iy.. tb.s sintiiii .r- Ver' UI 1*.


, vv.T 1. i:

·Tuik. Hui'cr J.

·Tucker. Clias.. Jr.

Sumner. Jamea S. S'l .ig. tntu

T'Catio. Dili ··T ' V I V k .M

sii'lur. i.d 11 E

'·Turner. Wm.

···Sutton. Krank

T".'.' r. G>11

(1,1 Sutton, Maritz

Tur'.r. J.'C

s 1 an. Ill rt

Turpin. Ja.'k F.

Swai.k. Jerry

··Tvylst. Willie

(K Swiet, Geo.

··T .'1 llcriett

·T.ii' Rel (I. T.!.:. Eiw. E

··I'ggen. A. M. ··I iideililll, Howard

Taltiol. Bilw. C.

rnderwoul. H.d'l.

··Talley, H. J. K'evl H.

Tail' . Ill

T rltaii. Frank

·Tau'os. Philip

·I slicai'k. Ed

Tavl. r. It, .N

Vail. Irahk

Tayl'T, Eniesi

\ V Wiu. K.

Tay 1 -. J. II

Van Alsl. P.

··Tayli.r, H. D.

Vji.. .lark G

Taylor. Bill

Van Camp. Elilie

Ti ll 1. r. .1

·Van H.rrei,. ITa.ok

Temherlan. ('. Slim Varga. Joe

Tinip.e. Raymond

·Varney. S. W.

Tertell. Kenneth

(IklVaughu, J.

·Terr. A That. her. Joe

Rayra.a.d Vaughan, Chas.

(KITTi ina- 1 W

··Vaughn, Oeo.

Til m «. s Im

Veal lllrain

(LIThunas. \V. W. Velar ll. I'ranel? s "H

IK I V . rn n 1 n-'

·Thomas. H L.

··Vims 1. Art

Tli, Iiiav. Wa '< r Hale ·Vincent. Nat

Tlienipson. B lb

Vine, llarry

Thompson. Ernest

·V ' g, ( ha?.

·Th.imtson. A! E.

·M liti.e .'. X.

Thimpsoc. James

T isher, Herman

··Walsh. Mr.

Whltloek. Buur.yr

··W sa..,l1.. T.aen

W'aa..tieers. Belnl

Wbl'niiii i b' .

W W.».s»ll. E J.

W . '.r. .\itliur W WaatteiTr*s., J s.
··Walters., J.looe
Wamsley, Ctrl
Wanderer, TTTliiee (KlW Wairitl. A. A. W W*arrdd.. DDiicrkk
Waid. T F

Whittier, Rudy Whitiitv A 'I'ntlt (KlWhltniy, Jo·ee Whitnev, M A.
·Wli'i'. \ M ^ Whittaker. Hugh
Whlttlr. J, C.
·Whltiemore. W.

*·W W.u»s«l|lluui:li. Era:.!,. W WiuIikkIIss. I.arrvy
W WioXtsaluwaarrdd. Jlim muulir ····W Wrrgghhii x\"W WiiK lg'hhli AA V Viivviiaann W Wrrll--'hhtt. "Haall Wrriigghhtt..' Walter
E WrUht. R,*>»evcli

··W.trd A- WllAin

K W. H., HI

Wiall Jaek

Warde. Joe

··WIIlK-e. Ira

KiWv.kuff >

iKIWaiiial.v. F

···WIIlHr!, ('. V.

Wv'k.t. R (

Jim W. iiur. A · vrl

··Yamai'.atn. Jas. T

(KlW'arner. 11 S.


,, U'*** Yainell. Jene

W irieii. W l ter

·Wiggins, H. E

S'ateinan It.I

Warren, Ilarycy

W' le. James A.

··Ys'ias. Wm

Warren. S, 11.

···Wiley. George

Yearer. C H

i?Warren. Ernest
iKIWa-libur' Jai'k

Wayne. Stacy ·Weaver. t>t .


W'., II

··W. iver. .Tolin H.

W'. eks, laT

Weeks. Wm. V. Wl. ,. El. E

Wchtle. Felix

Weir. Frank H.

Weir It.rt

W l-'ier. Ja.'k

Welch. Albert «. Wellington. Waiter W 's B. H

··Well. Geix

Wells. Jack

·W 1.», Bay

Yearot. V. J.

wiiii-ox. wniie Wh.laiiis f^.a-., WIHIanxe. H>t-l X.

y*'*'* »**11» y**'*^'* 'oun*. Curt la R

Wiillam-. \v 11M1 nfl4,
Williams. Willlami.

Irvin C. 14aic

. ·>`l'l»


'· If

ynungbloojU Zeko

Xounger. Btmey

Sirlnglwaus Z.-rwl k J.

(K W'lBlams. H'. W.


IK Wi; la'iis. Joe



I K. Williatixs. J. A, ··Zetiiater, Clias

·W'liilams. Milt

Zi  -s Ia-slle

··Willlajua. W. G. Zerra. LawTen ·>

BlIMe Zimmerman, Jack

··WHlEun*. A. Z. 7,.nk Jean D.

W'lniami. Shrety

Williams, J.^avni.iidd*e E Enla. Piof

W wi'iliiiaiatnmAAkni, J. GO.

*Zul(xi;. P-P

W waauus, A. N.,

i;irt k

L' (Hi Cl' 'VJ ^


Martha Lamps


(Beceived Too Late for Clasai&cation)
.\!I-.\merirau sipiyv-. Nip Butt-. muT.: Kivy Fil.v. Dk.. .'IH-.Iul.v .*1.


Anicrivaii Expo, .siuiyy-, Iik'., M. J. La.p, nii;r.: !'<>iigl»ki.viiM*', N. Y. ll" Jiil.y
ItarkiKit, K. G., Show*: Maniuctle. Mich., ik*-

On Boardwalk The


Jiil.v o.

B< riiardi Grciitc r SIhivvs: Wati-rtown, N. Y'..


Ituclic*tcr 7-1'J.

Florida Aeenue and Btardealk. Under Cover. Open Rain cr Shint. Work Day and Night, Seven ij] Boyd <k' Lindi'rmuu Show*: Elkhart, Iiid., i!"-


Days a Week.

^ J iil.v .".



g liiiriis (inatcr Shuivs: Fri'ana. 1).. .'lOJuly 5.

Cuvaiiaiigh's. J. S.. Vuudcrille Mi-diclnv? Co.:



@ Chaoiiia. .Mu., i; -.Inly o.

I 0

l.OOO.llOO rcH .t io vli.w fiom da.!; tiPE.NKl) WEEK JIXE 30. Act Quick.

IE Cci.xl B' lt -tin'i-i III* lit Oi>.: CarrltTi! Milla, Ill., lit'-JuIv o. Fuirlield 7-1'J. Cutasaut**'* Bitud: (DoiuiulOD Turk) Montr*al,

H Ex ·epiiiig Wlietls or ('..rr tiain.

Hla- t- vv. ik. R..11 Ho.viii. (i iiiie- ..ii.l "Skiil 'Jami-. or a:tf- ^

tan., l-iil.

g tiling legiiiiiiiite. Exclusive priHiege will tiaioe.- for foli vv!!..: Biankiis. Leatlier Gtx>>U. Sllrer- g CiKip<.r li alto Show*: Marliua Fyrr.v, O., ii"

g ware. Surf It..aids, fldna Ware. Sj. r'in.'

. .is, Fnil* a I (.: tie-. Ca.urv Bi'.l-. Ib il*. C:.-. k*. gJ

July 3.

MS Your Opportunity To Clean Up for the Season. Get Your Bank Roll Here. Wire What You Have, g Cu-iiiuj.iii.tan Shows: Ib-np Water, Mo.,


1 July .'1.

@ J. A. BRODIE, Managir. Olhee; Florida Avrnue and Boardvealk. Home Address; 243S Atlantic ^ Cruuti'O. A. F.. I'uiti'd Shows: Ogdenabarg, N


Avenue, Atlantic City, New Jersey. Home Phone. Marine 6426.

Y.. lie-Jii'y ,>.


& DcPlill ,V DvFhil: iCi utfUiiial) R dg* way, I'u..

cJIcUcUcL'L- . "u 1.

Dixieland Show, J. W. Hildreth, mgr.: radui'iili.



Ky., llii.Iu'y 1iixl*.|aii<l Sli.'vy*; Piolii* all, Ky., ilO-.IiiI.T .T. I'l-rrant*'* Band: Stt'lllvr, .\lta., fan., 3; Alix
4; J .(.'..iiiIh.

Giihl Miiliil Si.ow-; Ituslin.ll, HE. llO-.Ttily ~i.

A-1 Men and L.iily Hitlers for llunian StantlinK Itace.-, Monkt-.v iJiill, lloUKh Riders. Flat Races, ('liaiiot R.nts. Hi>gh-.lunii>inn Horses, Menace Horsts,

Gruy Sliuw*. Ituy Gra.v, mgr.; (hikdulf, l.a., .'J(l-

July .T.

ID'fli, 1.. .1., Shows (Curn-i'tlon): Newark, (E, .'l"-.liily .*.

Kell'* l oin* illan*: Vamluliii. Mo., I!*'.Tuly 7>.

I.iil'* !]*', .\riliur t

S'..ilile, Wa'li., B-b;

Trick Riders. Ruckintr Horst s. l',ull`;ilo. Steers, O.strioh Hitlers, and A-1 Horse

(Hipp.l I'ortliiiKl, tir*'.. '.ill.

Roper, to join at once or D.v August 1st. .-Xlso want A-1 Htirse Tr.iint r. AVe carry twent.v-flve iieatl of >rotul Wild West stock, twent.x'-flve heatj tif ilitiroughbretl liorses. Sti<iw httoki-d .solid. .Vrlinirton Re-acli. a mile from Wasliington, I). C.. until August Isi; then Free .'Attractions at tin* Fairs. As usual.

I.··wi(i, Goin-; i.Vtla-l t lie.v· nii*', W.vo., ilO-.Iuly "i I ( 'llI it'll) ('li*'.y..|iii*' 7-12.

Mio'.y's Expo. Siuivv*; Vloga*l**ii , U . .'ioJillT .T.

.'liiiii. W.ilt.r I... i ri i*. B'rliii.

II . 7: S

Fun*. Ml . >; M'"t«ini.« Fall* I'uriiiliiKiou

South all winter. AtUinss

Hi; Skiivyhegiin II: |l·'\l*·r I'J


·M.'iii'* Gr*at*'r Sle.w*. Wm. .Mail, mgr.: South Sid*., Danyllle. HE. lin.liil.y .'*.

JACK W. KING, Gen'l Mgr,

Gen'l Delivery, Washington, D, C, Mill* r Hr**'.' SlmvV'*: ('l^«rll·*ton. W Va . 7 12.

Miilliollan*! Show*: .Xii'.iirn, Ind., .P'-l Iv

Nar*l*'r Brn*.' .Sh<*yy«; Daiiylll*., I'a., iioJuly .T.

1:*' 's. Nat, Sli**yv*i; Marlon, 111., Iin-July .T;

Ibllevlll*' 7 12.


Iiol*l)lri* Bro*.' flreii?: l ake I'r* -ton, S. D., 2; .Milb r ll.
S*.I!--FI*jro Cir*'U*: T,ow*.t1. tia--., 7; IlrtH-kl***! S; 'riiuntoii it; \V*>*iii-*M ket. ll. I.. 1**1 l a I

i:iv*r. Ma-*.. 11; N*'yv|...ri. R I.. 12.


JULY 14th to 19th, INCLUSIVE.

| · .si*'gfrl*d. Gr*.Bt: (lg*iig Brau-li FarkI S.vr:i*`i.'*',

I) Lithor I'nion au.-pici's. Kveryone enthusiast it- ami Dtit/stiiig. Ni> tlull- '

.N. Y.. ;:*i-.luly i|ti'*ir 7 12.

iS. a I'.r* *'/*- I'ark) lr.*ii*l*-

[; times here. Money idt-nfiful. AX'hile I'lains has Dt-fii eitisetl to ('.irnix iil.s t' for .several years. All Stock Wln els ami Flashers open at $10.00 each. . ij Orind Stores, $1.'0.00, which are li-.-e at.d let live jirices. Want (.'<irn
Game, Palmistry ami Shows, with «ir without outfiis. l-'our Rides booked, i Write or wire W. J. NELSON, 40 Grand Street, White Plains, N. Y, |

Si'iirk*' l ir*'!!*: Brblgi wat* r. N. S , Can . .S. Tarnoi'ilh it; D gli.v I**; K>ntyll|>. II; Tnin* 12; I i.a rl'*t )*'·*» II. I'. E. I.. I).
SH'Mar. J. J. slmiv*: Whitehall, X. Y., .'lO july .*; Ilolgevlll*. 7 12.
Stiiurr'*, X* il. Sli*>yvs: Go(*(liieh, X. D., .'(()

I Two more big ones to follow.

.Inly .'*: Bow don 7 lit. Taggart Sh**vy*; Milh rsluirg, (E. ihejuly 5.

W*'*t Sh**w«: Hair iii'*ri', Md.. ::ii.Iii1.v o.

William*' llrOK.' Show*; St. .lobn, .N. )!., Can.,


July 4th Celebration

W*.rrliam Sli**w*' (li'outo, Wis., i'.d-Julv

Bi'tirlPiI Bioiue ITnUa.
$21.00 Dozen
with Plume Sh».1e.
$10.50 Dozen
'The it Te In d.-r*-! P'r
TOlSTTTt Fll.S. ^


MH PI V'rE^'pUIZBS s*n.j for ratVog todiy.
ROMAN ART CO. · The Hvuve of Prompt
2704-06 Ltruit' Streil ST. LOUIS. MO
Locil pad Lear Dutax* Phene, Bomoht 1220



70 Heavy Gai. Greu

70 Gai. Tranxp. Greet- 3.*®

70 Giv Tranvp.. Printed.

Grme .. . 4 90

# i-

^ 70 Cm Ccld or Silver

0 I

J 1

Bird Print*. Groes


70 G.'e Chink Balle«n. Gr. 4.M

O'""* Alrthtp 36 in. Cr. 6.M


Balieen Stitki Cron. 3Se

V \

and .**

Rtultd bqu«K»lifri. Grosi

.$I.2J. $2.75 and 3.M

Ga« BallKfi Rf^nUtcr. Each .


Rubber Built. Gro$t.$1 75. $2 25


Hlain Whips. Grm..$4.00 I Rubber Tap< tb 135

Fancy HandIr Whipi. Gro*f .$5 75 and 8.3^

Hat Bands. Per C $2.25 I Paper Hornt. Grott 3^

Cflluleid pin Whfcla. Grc»» . 8 50

Larpt Dancinp Fur Monkryt. Grati. 9.00

Br$t Filing Birds. 36-in Stirli Gross. 4.75

Asst Scarf Pms. Gr., $0.751 Bre«chrs. Grass,. 100

21 Pe. Mani. Roll Doz.. $|l50|6 Pc. Pcien,. 4 50

Chtntsa Baskets. 10 Rings. 10 Tasstls. 8«t


Jag OilrU Paprf Parasol- Ooz

.,.$900 and 1150

24 In. R. W & B CUtli Pamtals. Dozen

3 65

.Irp elf rf'iulrr l ^Ith ail « tJiis. Sei.U I**- ·

liUitciil a<lilrrss f< r iirw rataM>g!ir.


816 Wyandotte Street,

Kanaa% City, 84o




 u6 -» *102*





111 - « I41f Lorryfive e02M«5» \W

_^*'>· ''* |402 D2 S7Ai


Our Ola'ewarr la Ih* ft'ifel uriaillv-trnip<'r*'*l *' ·

BERN'S GRE.XTER SHOWS W.WT (/<<· iU"ir Sli.,.y. vvitii ur wlihuut uu'iit. |i, fyaiiirt W \\T fullnwlng

Conr^-ioi'.-: ll^ivha. Ill'll S'llkir. F.'· r E*'.i| . I .lup Ii'>ll-, S;*;-Hi.-sp<>i "

Gnu.I <'.iiirt -b.i-.

W.IXT I .'(*1 Mi:.,to] p. rfi riiKi,, -I'igr- ai I d ii'.'iai*., Erylurf l M'l-h n - .liunith Williaiii. .Ii4,i nv

Snfi'v. G. .dhc'h llud-uii, Icii!


Advertise in The Billboard--You'll Be Satisfied With Results.

Three moif BIII|o*iei». al«o g..*.l ('*>ik. lying -la-
Hoo. .\iMi<*- H.I> I* BIl.t.N.N.V.N. Wliidjur-Cllftun Ho¬ tel, fhi* ago. Illliiult.

rr>>ui rli at Nirfhlui: il-r irjuiU it lii Mtl'fi'll"n

Wrltn f'»T

li'ti* »if tilgrs i*C I'r**! Iv-Hilrr »' '

M-lulil ··Jilin-*** of all kln«l-. aU · P-rta'*'*

*l Ahn StiiMU. maiu*' JuItT MIIU,|lar\ OraiiiH h*

Tntta. rmhrritai, Siu'W Ma«`hl!"». I


TKll.MS <*a<4h «>r onn-tliltJ tlrl»u*Jt alin


TALBOT MFO. CO . 1213-17 Cheitnut. St. Leule, Me.



FRENCH DOLL. 26 Inches in height. Dres.sed in mannish sport suit, shingled bobbed hair and patent leather shoe.s.
Per Dozen, $36.00.

No. 114--Code Name Fraternal.
STROOCK ROBES OF PLUSH. With Elks', Masonic, Shrine or K. of C. Embleni.
Price, each, $5-00.

No. 405--Code Name Tambour. GILBERT TAMBOUR.
Height, 8% inches; width, Ij's Inches. Price, each, $3.15. Packed 12 to case.

Swagger Sticks, guaranteed assorted or will refund money. Doz.. $4.00

Beacon Wigwam Blankets, each Blanket bound all round. Each $3.50

Perfecto Play Balls, 41 inches in circumference. I'er Dozen, $8.00





Overnight Cases, fitted with 10 use¬ ful necess;ties, the GOOD KIND. Each .$3.50
Glass Post Clocks. Each.$4.75
Gilbert Blackwoods. Each... .$4.50
Our I'rices are the very lowest.
Our service is the very best.
Above all--our is as represent id.

No. 1501--Code Name Sarah. 8-quart Paneled Aluminum I're-
serve Kettle. Packed 3 doz. to case. Each, 70 Cents.

"Write for our 40-Paire C' it.ilogue. You need it. ltemend>er, i inir order will be filled upon its receipt.
Phones · 4080-4081

TORCHIERS. Not the cheap kind. Height,
12 inches; base. 7 inches. Dozen, $650.


SiTlnpapld. O., June 2r>.--Afrit.ifion for ri p<>at J

of springtleld's anti-earnival ordinan-e has t«. a H ninwi'd, and pr^^«ure 1» now boin* Iru'iBlit 

to lit ar b.v Int.-re-ti-d per-on« on ni* ra'xTs of B

thi. ritjr oomtu -lion in the bope that early B

a'tion Mill be taken.



.tdiwatea of the repeal of the ordinance, B

Mhhh waa adopted some months ago, point out B

a SOUVENIRS M -v Carper Witkly agents u<ie our $30 no per cross,


I.irC'-r jlze. also at hUher rthe We guaran¬

tee to l-ii at.y price. WE M.VKE TUEM IX Ul R

1 \i TiiUY. When you com* to Indiana I'alr,

come and see King. Write us.


Indiana. Pennsylvania.

that recently a loeal organUath n a'a.:ed a ··eireus" In this clt.v for a week, althu in riality it was a carnival di^gui-ej nnder the name. Th s they regard a« indicating a favoiable attitude on the part of the present eily adminl'tration toward rc<i indinir an ordlnance n!,l>b ha* put up the bars against all carnixal* heretofore.
originally the very di-eu^-.ahle point was raised that carnival* "took tim niiieh money out of tie city." ai.d fh comb.ned with *ome Iniiiioral sbow* stage.! b.v *'>me of the lowerI la-H organization* hd to <naetmi nt of the ordintnee. It was said. In reeent weeks, however, friruila of the clean carnival have Ih-. u j>ointing out to commls'ioners that carnivals Islp to attract rural ami 'iiburhau trade to the city, and that the nieri-hant* and others lo-netit more tban they lo*e; al-o that the carnivals ibom* selve* have taken -tep* to get riil of the ohjeetionatile features that formerly tlwew a

B   B

St gnia on all of the orgauiration*.


Canoes. Oezen $0.35 Canoet Dozen .60

While It 1* n d i vis-eted that action will be B taken In lime fer an.v carnival* to l*">k Spring-  Held this }>ar. effort* are Ndiig dir-eTed toward 

6-In. BirchioBirk Canoee. Dozen .00
n Is. Birrh Berk

repeal of the law *4v that early bookings m.ay Bl In* arranged for the 11i2.'* seaM'u.

Canoes. Dozen. 1.20 12 In Tomahawks.


Dozen . 0.60

Oezen . ..S4

'4- In. Fanry Pad¬

dles. Oezen ... 1.50 _20-In. Fanry Pad¬

dles. Dozen.... 2.40

'*. I ly Paddles. Dozen.2.75

 In. Crevs Paddlev. Dozen.


t2.|n. Crest Paddles. Dozen.3.25

14-1.1. Czosi Paddles. Oeztn .4.00

Send (or Cataloguo.

Niine of park or town on free.


St. Joseph, Michigan

St. Ix)ul*. Ml, . June 27.--.\ccorJing to 11. P. Wt lib, owniT tind maiiiigiT of tbc fmil 11,11 .Xiiiii'i'nii nt IN*., his *! ·*w ha* had a sati*fa> tury 1*11*.n*'**, in t'<*ii*id*'ratuin «*f inclement vveathir c**it*lit:<*n*. *o far tlsi* .v*ar,
Th*, -ln*w c<iii*i-l* of a mi-rry-go round and K. rls vvh*'el. fn. r *h,'W* an*l almiit lift, *11 ,',*tice-*ii*n*, of Mhiih latter .\1 Hansen ha* a hair d**z*'n. E*ld llarrigan three, and the vt>mpaiiy HlH,nt tlv,,.
f.irrliTs Mill*. HI.. I* the sliovv's stand for ·'I'lnirth" week. With Vairhi'Id anil Ma-on. HI.. r<*ti*''>'ntlvelv, to (**llow. It I* llsn schedul*',l l«i play Kentik ky an«l West Virgin a fair dales. «`lght of which. .Mr. Webb advises, an* already tssiki'd.

tND CHILDREN. BABIES AND PUPPIEILfa, v*e have >ni. isn't get alistg wllh*stt
i ate isirl i*t tis: thev lirli* I,* make oiir lit* I piiiii'riiu ii*ti*>i · iMiiiHUM*rus,
' With a < ,, Ins r Ill I* II |·||l>l Tint. M ,t a rr
II**. *Mv

I* Inee E. Ziilong. (oriinTly of the Uinglingr-arnuni I'riai*. las hi en reliM*,-d fri*tu the l....liflal In Santa M,>nie*. t'al'f.. where h,' iiii,|,'rvvetit an le eratien nn hi . right f,**! T'l.  liilury MS* eiii-iiiiiiteri il vvhde Is vva* ihtn, iiig en gl.i*s and lilis>d pel-,inlni; residleil. Mr Xi:hing Is at pt* «* nl siinlying hiw. H*' I* .l!'*> pr**<lnelng uiaiiagiT ef th*- s.nith .*, n I«lan<l Village, on the Vitilie 1* *T. under the geueral managership of Hoe. L. It. I'ord.

'3= CUEANUP '3 =

19Valuable Premiums


List of Premiums

1 Ritirtte Razor Blads Strepper.

2 Piprs 2 Perk.-t Knivfs.
2 Novelty Umbrella Pen and Ptntilp.

2 Gcld-Pl.-tcd P»n and Pencil Sets.

2 Gold.Filled Waldemar Chains.

2 Cig.vrette Cases.

2 Fancy Cig.vrefte Holders.

1 S7.50 Penn Safety Razor.

2 Opera Glasses.

I Beaded Bag for Last Sale.


IN LOTS OF SIX. Eaih.10.25

IN LOTS OF TWELVE. Each.. 9.50

Com, .

iw.i ,1 1. p-lloie 5c


MDNEV KKFl .Nl>l,l> --.\L> Ul'ES-

Tli'N.d .VSIvIlI).

i`a-h in In.;, or

with order, bal-

a:. e 0. O. 1>. *  .1 .M ney Order or

le.'ilel ·

k to a* Id dela.v.

Write tor Our Illustrated Catalsf.


.*1., .arda on Earth.

MOC LEVIN &. CO ElsIiiilishtJ 1907

180 No. Wabash Ave., Chicago, III.



T ti e Billboard

JULY 5, 1924


One Full Gross of Roses Free







No. N-E-5(I--Yes. fifty beautiful Uce i itiiketo. attiaotlvely colore^f in the ttry newfit fhaJe<. l'U4'h ba'sket JO liulirs hUli and tilled wtU> gwieout (CLPTBl ·itlflrlai tlowcii--KWES. CAHN.MlONr! .\Xn rOlTlK.' A inilllon-d.Olar tia-h ati any etaniL .Vbaolutely a inmey-Sfller any plane; no matter bow largv or amail tlie crow<f you'll get the player*. Kitchen no«<r lUikcts are u<ej cii the Mg sh.w.a with great suertss ami hare taku In hlg mniiey when all other ceaweealona liara fallen down. Order tllln number If you WMit to start nuklnj real Immeiliately--A.\I>. ItKMK'Mr.ER. vee give y-wi alwiOutcly FRKK. to get you |tarte<l. a fun gtoaa of beautiful HOe<Bll
'Ve dl«o have a larg<' ..f other .\.ei-ne< tilc O.i.keta. all sires ami stjles. at reasonable prices. .\lso the fankus KIKCUEN "Kadlaut-Hay" MaSsla Electrle Barker --8-Ughl Rackets. $3.75 each, and It-Laght Raskete at S4.00 each. WHITE FOR t'OMPI.VrTE lIXrSTllATKTI CIlU'lL.\Bs

NOTICE!--FOR YOUR RROTECXION, INSIST ON KIRCHEN BASKETS FIRST Rcrxii.'ie uc am the originators of the Flower Racket Store for cuncessioualr** and know thru experience the kind of baakete that are amt ptnfitable for tbe cnticr-'bi.alrp to haiutls. SECOND--Klrthrn Racket* arc u?e 1 by the t'lggfst Carnival* and Parks In the cotmtiy. Tliey have hern tried and proven to be a tremendous raccee*. THIRD--'file KIltrilKN ''tll-.VKT'' KvctUsiins Waterproof Green Foliage it only used to Kirclien Basketa. .V very IropoTtam Item, as the foliage uaed Id apdlnary ba.skcts wilt wilt ar.d faile from damis'ers, dew and rain. Kirchen `'UI-ART'' Foliage Js obemJcally prepared to atand up In any climate. Rctalua its ihapa and color always and give* the basket the proper fla-h lo get the caih.
KIRCHEN BROS., """rTS;?",V,V»5liSk!'o*','!RlP'`" 22» Watt Randolph St., CHICAGO, ILL,

Genuine Boston Bags
Aladc of DuPont Fabrikold. gtrongly getreJ, with tolld brags buekici and two straps--water-proof, I'sed as bathing baa, shopping, lunch .r school bat. -V won¬ derful item and a sure number.
33? cents each
In Gross Lots tnly,
GROSS $48.00 DOZEN $4.50
Prepaid Sample, SOc.


Boom 301 Little Bldf .,

80 Boylitos St,

Bogfon, June 2S.--For the next week or two the Elks' National Convennon will dominate Intern't nnd attention in the Huh. Elnttorate prepaMtiimg for this event are nnder way. Flngb, biintinp and other palriotic nnd fraternal dikplayg are being put up everywhere; store and shop windows are being decorated In their begt style; beautiful floafg are being built for the parades, and a good list of prizes is being gotten up for various competitive fiature* of the convention. For ibe comfort and advaniag*of the more fortunate spectators a huge grand stand has been erected along Tremont street on the Common. It is several blocks long ant will seat a good many thou-and. The conven¬ tion will last for a week Yrom July 6.


Gold finished. Complete lamb's wool nuff and mirror. top.
tSV_c eacli

with Plain

Hand painted in attractive colors,

Single Mesh, $1.50 per Gross.
Double Mesh, $3,00 per Gres*.

29i--hC each In Dozen Lots only.
We will paint your own deslga if you wish, free of charge.

255«> depoeit, balance C. O. D.

WHOLESALE NOVELTY CO., bic., · 95 Fifth Avenue, NEW YORK

In the Theaters
Jean Bedinl'a ''Peek-a-Poo" made Its b"W at the Gayety Theater last Saturday night nnd wag pronounced one of the best 1'urles.iue shows seen nere In a long time. Man.<)g> r Tom Henry of the Gayety had his bouse and u-herall dre-si'd up for the CK'iaslon. Sam S'-rlhn'T, gi-n'-ral manager of the rolitmbia Rurlf-i|Uf Wheel, came o\er from X'w York to aliiinl the oitenlng. and other visitor* Ineh;ded .\lb ii K. Foster, who stag'd the danelng numters; lingo Gerber, hiiibler of the sciO'-ry; Meyer Harris, who furnishid the ab'ctrical effects; Bert Bernstein and many others.
"The Dream GirP' eontinues to do big biisin'ss .at tie- Wilbur, Imt tlie other hons«'s have been hit some by the hot weather that lias tiniilly eum" along. Grant Mltehell, in ' Tlie Whole Town's Talking'', closes tonight at the I'lymontb, and tbe new stork company at the t opl''y will keep ''Hohson's Cholee'' on for an¬ other week, lack of encouragement notwith¬ standing.
E. M. Loew Activities

Beautiful bl{h lustre 24-iocti Leonardo Pesrli, in puih, acam or white, stitb merling Silver Safety deep, ^elfy eolore when orderinr Absolutely todestniCtUlU tad oerrylog our iron-clad guannlea and tag. Put up In elaborate silk-lined display box.
DIANA PEARLS. 36 Inches, In Elaborate Jewel Case. $3.30 Eacti
25*'. Oepesit Must Aeeomaany All C. 0. D. Drdere. Nat Connected With Any Other Firm.

·Another theater has been added to the long list already controlled by E. M. latew, the young nnd progr.'Ssive New England fbeatrieal magn.ate. The latest Is the Dorchester Theater, and Loew has bought the entire proiH-rty, including stores and garagea. The iMiuse oiHns tumnrmw with a vatidevllle and moving plettire policy.
I'liiltp Rurler, who formerly managed various theaters for E. M. Isoew, is now attached to IxH w'a exeeulive offices, at 142 Berkely street, wb'-re he has charge of all bookings and ad vertislng.
im'ideiitally Lot w dentes there it any truth In the rimiors that have l>een clD'ulatIng to tbe effect that he ia acting for other theater interests in tl.ts section.



$2.50 per
case of 250 Packages

Benefit Show at Norumbega

The hig siKiw at NormiiM'ga Park last Sun-

due, fur til'- !>'in-tlt of the Cliildr'n's Hospital,

iiiira' t' d luoii.v p'oi'le and was a gri'at siiec as.

of tie iiiaiii tialur<'s liy .Manager

W II I.. Whii<' Wii- Jean B'dinrs ''pick a-

I'.oo' t onipany from He- <;'l,\ 'Ih' at' r. nii'l

till' oHor nniiili'is on tlo' piogr.siii Inelnded

I barbs i;. |Ii"'lor unit his ei'iiihiiosl St James

and Siinli'-am orchestras, Carollni' Nb hols' fa

molls iail'ii's < ir'lo'si ra. D"rotli,\ Giilinn'l,

.siii III Olid ( sher. .liiiimy ILir'i \. I'liin Sist'r«,

Ibl'ii K'efe. 'I'eimv mid l\ a lie and I'riMik

H' llis

master of is r' iiioii > s,

K, F. Ketchum's 20th Century Shows
Want Concessions of all kinds. Everything open for three of the biggest spots in the ElasL where everyone is working. Will place Shows with or without outfits. Address Nswburg, N. Y,, this week.
On account of dlsippoIntMOt,
Aa A*1 Wrsstler to take charge Athlotk Show
We furnish Tent. Mat and new Wigna FraeL Harry Manas, writ* or wire.
c.iN .vU'X) ri-Arr \ iTw more conces¬ sions. AMi.mrA.v p.klmistry opbw.
Shrnaadeali, li., Jua* 30 t* July S; Clarloea, la., July 7 to 12.

Now playing third week Paragon Park. Xantasket Beach.
America's Premier Outdoor Attraction.
Management JOHN C. JACKEL.



Ret of 1 200 Rail*. DRILLED. $· 50.


421 N«nh eth street.



First-class iriacksmith and Circus Me¬ chanic who can also do horseshoeing. Answer per Billboard route.




Bip Enouah
. To Give You Service I and t Satisfaction.

I'li. t j.i.t
red and

Sire ol Pa<ka'f. 6', In. Ly 2'. In.
e .dtl-tled « 'll [.Irtlri. ii» itIrm iiv Olveawavs that rnst a- rau'h. . r nmr.'! I.-. I. .i.- la- in the H«-hy tWJ-rMoi blue parkaje ai"1 noii'p tlie 'llff.-en't

Small Enroouuaabh'

·to* RR.'sallllyy 1

Appre i'*nt*e I




SAMNER CANDY CO., 11'7-II9 N. Desplalnes St., Chlcano, III

For Sale--Special Railway Car--For Sale
Se-venty-five-foot Wooden Cur. with sie"4 untierfraine. ten sections, two drawinpT rooms, b:ith.« ami l;ii<'h»'n Fully eiiuippetl and nttw in operation in Middle West. In .`'ph'ntlid eonflition. Will sell at a barpain. I'or <i;itps and plares ear m:iy he seen, adtlreps FATHER FLANAGAN'S BOYS' HOME · Oriaha, Nebraska.
Advertise in The Billboard--You'll Be Satisfied With Results.

Boston Boy Wins Contest
Itonal'l \ .ire), a I'ii >' old local tkiy. Iw' won a -iiigiiig contest, in wliu'li bits Ir'uii -iv Slat! piirtl''lpati d. for tie- prhllege of j'l.niiig the P'lelt'in Woo'Is Sing. rs. mi orgaiil/atloii tliiil iiiak' s a siiiiiiii' r tour of tlu' hot'Is in tlo' Wl' te .Mniintaliis. Donabl s t son of G|| lierl S. Varey. who was eonni'ited with I toprofession ill Engl iiid H.- has li'-'ii aM'n'Iltig S'Imd in \i w ' oik < Itv and at the hhiio' lino' ap ' I'iiig .IS a solo! I at ihe ' I itt  ('hiin li .Vrii'iiid the I'oriier'' the aetors' rliiireb -- for will' ll h'- ilrnw- JI 'SKi a year, «ald to b.' · be lilgli '-l Slim IMT paid n lioy for aiieh work V New' York manager now wanta to put Ikim
'I a Rro.idwi'y firo'tiii t on next season.
·Arthur I' Feriial I, treuaiirer of tlie St .lames 'Th' a'er, w ill go aliioad to study llie piano iitt' r the 'losing of the season by the Bustuii .SImk Cornpan.' .
Tliomaa S, I,. fViwell, whose faee ba« iM-en ·ei-ii ' . b nd xanoiis bsuil Imv-olllee wlO'lows |..r
tti. bi I tweoly .\c:irs or -·« ba i'ei.n iippoinl'>1
Ina-iir'i 'if tiu' ( 'ipby lie il r dirinv Ibe run
of lb'- fi'`W siiii'k ''oiiipant ilial Ini' nils |<> Inibl fortll tll'T'' tbni the Slllllleel
SIssle and RIak" will gp a midniabt perforniariee of ``In Riimville'' >in .Inl.t .'I
'Ihomaa B. laitldaii. direetor of the Colonial,

McClellan shows WANT
Talkers for Olant and Fat Lady Shows, f'.ooil proposition to capable people.
McClellan shows, · La Plata, Mo.

Must Sell--Going West

T * n<t|*M with fiAtiir*, ninhI ai nrw.

f liilD.

ofiitr llt*< AUo ti.rpp flampii, ml ·nd hlai'k mitn"


numl»rr« oof Atttf. 36 o<hpr

irinik Niitl (Hhfr NirenaiirteA. All

\V T\vi4m. vni iu*th , Hl.hmtmd HlUe Y> i

WANTED Man lo tNtti* r*rf <»f hiiinII


furnierf for amill riri'iito, bII klnda f*f MuAtriNii'*. lt» `j

IjpNtlrr. Ftfika (or

Hhtiw. Arts for Hid# HIm»"

t iNiffrt liiiiiK wiion KirriiOW |tHOx*< * Wll.l*

\VIM\fg HIlOW, Hlilnt Hun, O.. July 4:

n itiiv 7.


\ Ic |««t rsrd will tiring vrsi s mes.ggr with i pntssdlliin that le HEP llitT fbie itnllar peld tufull one year. (TRCPlJtTION MANAGKH, 152 Mtlk HI.. Ibioin 3, Roston, llaiMchuaetl*.

JULY 5, 1924









Very attr.K'tivi* TR.W, 1.3xl!> inches, hand-painted in natural colors. Set in high-grade nickel £rame. ^lade in <5 assortf'd de.signs. like cut.
521.00 DOZEN Sample, $2.25 Each.


Consisting of 6 Snpoons.,- f6i Forks, 6 Knives, 6 Teaspoons, 1 Sugar Shell, 1 Butter Knife.
TERMS: 25% ca.«h with order, balance C. O. D. Goods positiv'lv shipped same day order received.
Our new catalog will be issui-il aljout July 10th. Send your permanent address and we will mail you a copy.






Tl*e Hr*! IVII rs-r

that K K \ I. 1. V

M lLK-4 \ r e , .

rser ilein. .·ri'c-r " . 1

-tli-l* iraSi- uu any

--'. T lie .

high. I't- -d In -.'l-

cre*l IP :iL . I




ilets'slt wlttt 0. II It orders, sample, Preptid. $3.25.
0. F. QUIGLEY. Ctn. Agt.,
P 0. Box I2$l BOSTON. . MAS&

$5.95 - BOXES --

Tr<-niiiiit and II..'!-. tli.aii-r'. will spend tho

`;imm-r pt line.


Jiii.n Kili.i, - . . r riiiallj* cip.-n bis u* w

fr.'sipl I.iikr I'ark. M.iru lii--'i r. N. II..*;.r

K »a. in Imiv:! j.- t.-rilay i-nsatfiriif a,ii.T on-' sfr-i f r li's iLir.- hall aiul ni.-ikinp

a-'iiiieeni* Ills f-r iit:. r nmu'. me-tils to offi-r bis pal runs.

M-.uagiri; I>''* '· r I :i«ri-nri* K. .Mt'iart of the

r* L»a.v iii.B'-r l.M' I ut uv.r a bun ktuut at

It s imp'Kiir ll - ll'* iir.:anl/> d a jazz band

uiDODit tie- U'l-'-r. aii.l Diadt* It part of last

k'p pri-griini T' fm.'s [tot.-1 .o zoi>d And

Ilia ie

h .a bit «:f:i lb,, patriins ti nt they

are ll* iutr b -bl i*n f"r anothi-r week. The

renway I «her«' J*'/ Hand Is composed of Her-

Is-rt lt..rni- K-M Ib.'-ii.*, Hen W**;n>-r. rb.llip

s,rr.i:..i a ll M ..sin .laz/bo" Mi-Ihaine. 5Iax· · II 1: - ' ; r- :i' c'rl. ind J

Wolf, y.-cretary to .Manager Mtoart. al-o coo-

tribute tpeeialtlee.

'I - 1-

· Illy g.n.-ral a,*, ut fer tlie

\ ·i:*an K .-u .Mbons, was a Tl-itor io

'<n ti-la w- tk.


N \ T-rk. Jii;..- .**--l a*.ng at ac-hor in .s.'i*  I-bi-ad l'* i.y, I'l- '-k jn. N. \ . is nn* of the
ijtl.i.:.:*-f craft ev-r - en In fb-- wat* rs. It'S
tile · .Xmox", a : fimt I'hin*-e Junk, built of

ramr-hi-r a*;'l I'amlioc and ni u- . J l-y h r

<i«i. r. raii Kn i;."rg.- W.inni, :i I`ut h-t aiia<1 an. and h:s 4': i:..*-,' w fe. I'b.-i*..-. t g*''.*r

w.* I' r .

u-.x* -M --r.. Tl.*-se three,

a*-*-·iiipali.-.1 -y a - .M -r f--rtiin.*. the

I'ailfi,* in

ut; -r - I in eg:*----nn

daxs. en- *ir- .g -a u - r T.ixage pyth-ms.

tx; |i.*in» ai. i plrat.'. 1

' .X i -x " has le · n

cr il'ing 't*ailll.x f r u- ps-t f'xo .venrs an-l Doxy -h.* - a: :i -I'A .'-r oxyn.-r is r**Ci-ixing T:-it-*r- a' .ir-l st txr. nfT-:ix-,* cent* per

pi r-in .s:i.l tl-r 's i . m xviih yarns of th*

adx-ntur-- not xx tli .1 :rM.g the to.x ic-'. aii-l

of the i-hi-'es be Iw- b* - n :n .in his cru:-e. IIpNo de .x.r- a x.-ry ii.*-r--* ug T--tur'- a'sxitt

t'tiina .Slid . x--!a::. t-- xarem- curios ties to be

foiu.ii a' .irl ll s juiik. A Ti-ry iiitf- -M.g log of the trip Is now
be-ng xxr:i'fn f-*r f,i vKit-ir-. t--g-'h-r xvith

pl-tir-s of M.- x.,-.l of I 1* trip, and rnrif - t .»s br.mglit from the vartoii' ports




ind Cherrits, includibt · ^ mm Q C U N boi lor list $il« and ^

I (M-holc salcsboard . .

VJhcn sold brings in $30.00

Complete, each in cifton No. B 42 . .$5.95

i'a-t .octj^ of


* -

: 0 It I I y ·. ' ;»h tnaiu ` i .* It t! i Ml ' < l?Y T>rlt '5.Iff. iMi.Ai if r. O. I).

HECHT, COHEN & CO. 201.201.205 W. M.sdlSMt S*.. CHICAGO. ILL.

It S. Oneinfarii*.-. Ii-'w with thP Boh Al.'-fon r'r. n«. .arriT. i| In ''In-Innatl In«t wm k to or. p tin* pr.ini'ilioij nnil olhnr matiiT. for th-' I- r K k«' I'I'.u.. fn tn" arac.'d by tho Bnh M. rinn t'ln-n- |·.·nl:> .^v tv.-, k nf July C'. II.- is Iiiak -n.: hN ' . ad in lO. r. at th.' rllli'nn II't.-I whiTP thp clrrja hi-adiiuartira trp also loi atnd. 4 I'M  nt an.-**, no n \*;lti I'l'llln Itrn.. i Ir.-il' I'arlii-r In tin* .- a-nn. Iia.l rlaree nf thn l-rnnii'il'ins soteral nr.-.* In advatii'o nf that i-lr1*1. nhnn It ri'.- Mil* :l.-itod Cincinnati nnrti'r a s;-i.i- nf fh- i:--!'.

Ico .!·

»>iir I'rlir*

No. 101--Ltftit. with Mrlal C** Frrtulf. Loop Strap P«r tir»«a, $:· 00.
Nt. lOW-llghI with laary Can
Lapp Strap Par (iiata tH 50 Na 105--Mrdium. MitP Ivary Cap.
Stda Strap. Prr Grata. $54 OO
Na. t07--Haaty, aith Ivary Cap. Sida Strap. Ptr Orait. $4i> 00
it It J'r f ir aami'irt. <Kia raih nf pinna. |>vri'al`t. Wr iiHjUiro iwa thlnl ilrpiMlI oti all oivliTi
Bptt Flyinp Blrda. $1 00 par Gr.

bOO Blua Itl.viid Ava , CHICAGO.

^ tPur rarrtippManoa Is advartiMra by Rtaalisnlnt Th* Binbaard.

r''ii. Mt'i. .Inn" iitaii, " mail

i inrli - i. K t ·· >'iiwin. ii". ! IN TIi"

I'.i! iHiaril

h"' ri" I't ' ii'a.-.l in. r*

III.Ill fliiOiiiai (n run n-nraiii'i- ilnh'i'tv fur t ·' .Inly I ilalf. It .-.Ifliratliinn rarniv.iN.

I nnci »nliin«. cvri'i'i n a'lil nllu r .! .i\v« "K'l · I* lint aniiinu tli.-  .univ .mil Slat** fa ra an-l

iiit iT Me f.irll! 'iniii'e i vi-nl; lat. '. !i"t nfit r

lh.. Hint " I niaL-- ' in ^

nr. iin I

tlia wnrlil'' pfli't tbi" flrnt nf I  y. ar.

JOHN GOLDEN TO REMAIN AS Manager of circus

1 , le i .Inni' J" \ l '|e'all I - i

i,..:.!. n 111

f' lrlii-. of Ihi' K v. r- ,l.> rnni

lie I'liiniiany. Imltn. tlial Mr (.oM. n

III. I>.fn ri-tHln.-.l M- p. n. ral nianacir nf tin'

I.nlilnn · \n Mia' t I.n.. wtii. ' wa, «n'il

at aiii'tlnii la I litln Um'k. .Erk . Jnnn |s


nili-aen. Jniif IN I>i'<- S. iintnn. .n'lni.iknr Pllli till' T V Mnlfi- Siippr'iir Minna., wii- a 4 lili'HKii viMlnr tnila.i. 'I'hi' alintv In at Wliilln> In.l till, tvi-rk.


3rur?:,r.t;^rE^s b^dTha^.h'';?;. "1^'^.*;';;.
Mnoititniny Qu&ranteea.

*l -  - Zli il -- - b _o --- s "Rs n-nn-e Pn" *d 2 knivfDsE,

soo-hole gold-em. luxe board. Hand


'^Ap ij T«sY»e aL,i.jT rwi.

O palnlfd Art Phetopraphv. on a iparkllnp ··Jevkrtrd"


. rt

^ jjMLA i3 background of eight different colors. The CO CA


' X **1.^**^

newest thing put .


JL - 5't7S

H Uto


"JFWFI" knives, iooo.hole'PLUSH.COV.

EREO BOARD. A masteipivce of the

Kknniife makkeerr's art. KnivMes with hh.aynnddleley sparkle

and glcw as ilfl set with a thousand tiny ijeweils.

Ruby. Emerald. Turquoise. Diamond. Gold, co CA

G.irn-t .


·`^Fl I FR" '2 ·"T KNIVFS. 600-HOLECC CA

OLLLLH BOARD. Very popuLar a-.**. JO.DU

"nilAl ITY"

knives 80(1 hole board.

viunkl t I Knises extra large. Two ,ery 47 7A

laroe Six different styles. fSrn pliTure) ^f.lU

··nniOR" knives Rf-O-HOLE BOARD. A|.

t/ULUn scrted Colored Celluloid Han CC CA

dies: Red. Green. Blur. Ivory. To*'oi*.



pearl knives soo-hole

rt-nnL board. Clear White Pnarl t1 A C/$

--none yellow: a splendid assortment



ourncmc ,ty pearl knives, soo.hole


rainbow hued pearl are the finest Knivrs moc AA made. The · King #f Knife Be.irds'. D'O.UU

Order by name. Ptr lOOO.Holp Board add 25 cents. .nr> w.Tis order. b4la:.-?o r. O. D.


Successors to


212-26 N. Sheldor St,



Miila -.if ---*1 C'.lira tVatnrpriiof



In.-,.. Li;..-il

with -i.K-:.. -.1 111 .a.'.,I in

Rise. Pi::. T Ii:'ae


10 Ivnrv -a ;.h T a * rinlngs, as

lllujt: - e.I


EACH in Doz. Lots Samples. $4.00 Each. TERMS: :s*odrpaPn balance C. 0. 0.
Leonardo Novelty Go.
S32-S}4 Broadway. New York City
Phones: Canal 0680 and 5402


le and 5o Play.

Ic and 5e Pliv.

5c Play.


25® PUy.


Send lor CiUlogue.

REX NOVELTY CO., 2843 Southport Ave,, Chicago, III.



WvNTm- \ fi » Miarn g .1 V. -. .I.'tn. I» > iw nunn A t... rr.niiip o( nn-y; .» ,l Ponle. and Bui kind

M l..- \N\>I I.l> I IKK TO IIKVH KUOM A r.Ot'O. tlH I LltlX I l'llX E llANO. A KUtV MOILH

t.OOO, I.KAUnMAFK I'ONI r.olONs AM» >1Im\\ s W vM trii Wri-.- or wire.

JOHN I. KEELER. 522 Warren St.. BrOfklyB. M. Y.

THIS ··niu'r!5T..\VTi" IS lUMtKv.n soun ix'r tkn mteeks.


JULY 5, 1924

No. 448 Code Name
HOYAL. I'ull frallon size. Polislud AlumiII u m. Great I'iasli.

No. 443 Code Name
r.OUNCE. Full 12 inches (liimeter. Liitost improved KuarMiuccd rubber bladder. Each Hall in a sepa¬ rate box. New Price now

No. 441--Code Name LUNCH. Our Famous Motor Restaurant. A su
perior outfit. Fit for a Rolls Royce. Priced for a Ford.

Swagger Sticks. la-markabU- unality Overnight Cases. <iuality counts.... Blackwood Clocks--Sessions .
Irarryham. $4.25 Blankets--I'eacon Wipwam.s .
Esmonds 2-in-l.

ou have not received our 192/ Cotalofi, tcrile for it
(orfov. YOV SEED IT.

No. 74 -- Code Name KUPEE3. Packed 6 Dozen in case. 14-inch Fan Doll, sateen dress, with heavy tinsel trimming. Best value on the market.
Per Dozen, $5.00

TERMS: 25-c D..|.oslt »ith Ml C, O. T>. Orders

A vv^




307 Sixth Avenue,


14-in. I7oll, with splendid ostrich B

Now $6.00 Dozen


Sure Bet" when i will handle the


24-in Necklace in Container

Oi aiiue. bcRntifiil
| fi.fiii, titst ijua iiy.
«da i-f:*'!'-'. "Itli siEi-lliii! liii'fr onf-
Ftone ^affty clasp, iii printcj paper oohtainer.




, rv.-__


LoU Only

othc, Sccklacu at $U5, !l£5, $2£5. S3.25. 23.65,14.50 and Up. 25% Deposit Must Accompany All C. O. D. Orders


49 West 42nc] SI.,


Uuar.  i\l

No. ^ Assortment

In Wonderful New Salesboard Assort¬ ments




..0--tOc ficxn

fa--5Cc Bears

3--tl 5I» Tors (Milk)

3--tl 73 Boxes

(Nu*'-Fruit Centers)

2--12.50 Boxfs

2--31 25 Bexts

I --'.3.CO Box

PCO-Holo 5c

Price. $16.00

Board FREE

1200-Hcle 5c Board

Bring* in $40.00

FREE. Brings in $60

12 1 . ii' ' .i- nmeiits.

Tim... ·. ·i t

T 'I Irr ..I.di.'-e i'. I». U.

, 1 t'.- < n i .ni,

< dinlv ."-idM-laU.

Theodore Brothers Chocolate Co.. Inc.

Park and Cometon AvtS.. ST LOUIS, MO.


Labor Union Auspices.

YONKERS. N. Y.. JULY 7th to 12th, INCLUSIVE.

Iihal Incalion. lAfr\nu*' bcKisiiug. I'lotilv mom's. I',v<Tv«m<> svorkmr No Show III lliir- ; < <'li(iii for two yc.HH. .Ml Stock \N'li<'> Is and l·|^l ·

open live


h. lii iiid ('oncv.s.sions, pl.'ico Corn (lam*' and

I$.2iOlm.(ii0>.lrw> hirhW.!mii<l-

live and Show:- with

or wiihoni oulliis. Four Kah's liooki'd. \Vir»` W. J. NELSON, 40 Grand

Street, White Plains, N, Y. Three Ing om-.s lo folU>>v.



,  ^ o . still any othrr nuJi..

Tl.ii" r:j»(,r


Otutjout wHEWING GU.'^ OiiKious-'

GUlVt Ic a F*acl< S1.0E> A lOO

I! VI ) II'U) l-d-kiint.s.

r'iulrnd wills OT'I.r.


- Hnr»wt. Ky.

 ·Inifailr . rUt IUaiII.ih SI ·«. Write ..r war MANAGER COsMOPtlLITAN SHOWS Drrp Wairr. Mo., this wrrk.
Advertise in The Billboard--You'll Be Satisfied With Results.


jULV 5, 1924



GAS mask;, i 7 h M J

I. .' -fiiulne (IS mask cliith. .Ru- 1. I / \ f

-f iia 'ilii. Duacn or C4 QO L;} I ' - ' «


tt a b J'H ...j 1 I `-..uX ..'L^



Oiulliy x'ayll>>K wesre miirriu!. I 'al 1 i;a' k tlf'liin. FNiU cut. all s-ams all' `.'.I and ccprrinnii*TrTtffdfi. luicrnit alnl anrn* immiLi, iC.cfariirMre.rd,

((SSaammppllee CCooaatt.. $$22..1155))

A- \a. '`A "ir'o.J.";;



iVi. ·u».




,-.z ·


z'l. 1 c '

**2 ,*'_"**

if. $) ·> a Ucztn, $48 W a Cross-


mobile and wtreel wear. -zcrTlcealiic,

L^'' shine Made of -.ft ai I flexilile

i I ./ Blul'Elal- <!ii.ira-'eeif lot tu .ra. k <r (cl: ilcu>I r< guteiy waterpi f I'nlur In'I.u:i Ur w!!. tfO OC


jriw' Off · Pain, $2.00 Don# Pair*, as- ^

1 :^ru

TphW'*' "0^

hy ci.^hp THuiipy

d'r `.ra uJ.ttk. h» ance 1*. O. I»

^ «>-» '-m*- <T> Tl(l« cwoiaati., ,*:r.35V0P).^


RIICBER Si:.VI~E CAPES, mj d blue,

$11.10 a Do/^n: Simple C. pe. $1.00

SATEEN CAPES, frtl ti.ii bli^r, $18.00 # Oosefi!

Sample Cape, $l.b# Write for


B2CIS5--Bridge L'.mo. with llejiy .-'Ilk .<hiJe

I Fresh stuck arrivin* tblly

irid Wfi.nttd 11' Ea h.S 6.75 B2CI77--Junior Lamu*. M::h Si.k .'hade)





(nut men. rizrd). Xi.uir l d>:9l.;i., and

rulors, Wflirhtrd hiar. Eich. 9.50

B2CI78--Butterfly Limp. Eich . 9.50

E85NI1--70 C. M.

B2C129--Butterfly Frlme. Each

Limp, with Uullluu .



Franco.American Transparent Balloons. Per Gross .$3.25


Big Chief Indian, 16 Paitemi. Each.$2.75 Eimend Indian. Each . 3.00 Beacon Wigwam, ·'`tltch..! taidj. Each.3.25 Beacon Wigwam. .<ilk Huui.d Each. 3.50 K. of C. Emblenr Blankets. Each.3.85 Elks* Emblem Blankets. Each .3.85

B85NI4--«5 C. M. France-American Trans¬ parent Balloons. Per
Cross . 3.53

B85N83--Sams as

85NI3. with Animal

Pictures. Per Gross.... 3.75


B38NS7 --Flying Birds, best quaiitj. decorated stlckk Per Gross.

Goodyear fQdi:-

NOTE: No Connection With Any Other Concern Using Similar Name.

Our Specialty
Scenic Desiflns
New VorK, Florida. CiiUlorKiii. Lltota. \\ yoinliifi. Colorado,
N'iafiura Falls, Vello^vstonc Park. Hot Siprlngs, Galveston,
.Aslte^'llle. N. C.

Gel Our Quantity Price
Fifty Stic Dtjiiru

We Ship Same Day Order is Received '

mmn art leather co.




eoo-Ilo'.o Jtirl. 8 rilloKi.S 7 50

8n')-ii. :» H . » iS


Inou.lI.MO ILard. 13 I'tlluis. 11.50 i

lnr.>-lI,.;o IL-ird. 1« PlU.m,. 14.00

I50')-Ilu:o B'lrd. T1 PrltM: 10 Plllcmt. St Pio-.


niiiti. If P-lb. 1 I-.ithrr J'lll.n*- ' r U«t «ilr.. 18.00 1


With Grnulua IxiiLM PlUow. 80 Pu.ia.



llrlncj tJ.OO. Cl b .


SPECIAL--l.Cnu-H Io Boinl, 3 Ixithrr Pi;' wi. 1

I.ri-h.r Till* 511' 4 Sllk-Uko Ptlloai. 10 CIA OD Uiilirr Til Hir.-fn . »I`».IA7


W» ihip am* dij or lir rreilrrd. I'or quPa letgn wlr,


» 'h order IS'V tilin.'o C. fV b.

Gtnuino Lather PIllMti AND TABLE MATS, tS OO EACH.

P. 0. Box 484, Toboi Bldg., DENVER, COLO.


B8C85--Smooth Edge Rear Blades. (Will fit

(illletto iloldcr.) Per Grets.$1.50 I

BIOC 1560--5-in.I Metal Tool Handle (factory


run). Per Doren, $1.25: Per Crcsi . (4.50 I

BI5C63'/2--t0-in.| Weod Toot Handle (fat-


t -ry tu:. Per Derm. $1.50: Per Gross . 17.50 !

BICC900 --Imported Raion. H-im auuaie


>iinl blade. Ptr Doien. 2.25

BI7CII --Styptic Pencils. Per Gross. 1.75

BIICI7 -Rarer Paste Per Dor., 25c: Gross ^75!

BIIC26 --Crown Karor Hones, Per Dor.,


iOj; Gross ,. . 7.00

BClOO --Safety Rirori (Ciillnte sUle). Per Dozen . 2.00 '

BI1C69 --Folding Scissorv Per Dozen. I.-O .

BI5C2CI7A--Pot Cleaners. Per Dozen, 65e;


Pec Cross ..


BI5CI30 --Gas Lighters, with 2 flints. Per

Dcren, 55e: Per Grese. 6.(M

BI5CI60 --Csmbinstion 7-Tool Glass Cutter.


Per Dozen, 65c: Per Gross. 7.50 I

BS43I452--Red MetsI Fountain Pen. Per Gr. 13.50 !

BSI205 --Gilt Magazine Pencil. Per Grets. 9.00

B38NI52 --7-in-l White Celluloid Combina-


tion Opera and Field Glastet, extra pusrer-


fal lens. Per Gross . 19.50 l


Lsdies' Swagger canes. 36 Inches lor.K.

Beautifully le .mieleJ, ni ely fliiished with

tnetai ai d cellululd t i;-». Trimmed with heaiy

silk curd and

an I wrist loui) Ics'h^r

huiedles. lleaiitiful ass Tied l olors. Prices

rauiiii.' fr< m $2.00, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 and

$4.50 Per Dozen.

Self Filling Fountain Peng. Made of Ramliuo. .Nickel hill-end clip. Screw Cap. With twu Stylu-raphic ,:ia9S points, Ea h In t,.x ».:h dirertluiis fur ui'eratlng. Cempleto with two el.its peints. B64SI.5--Per Dozen. $3.25. Per Gross. $36.00

For Complete Lines Send for Our Catalog No. 103.



Here It Is, Salesboard Operators,
Jobbers and Salesmen!
Tak«-s In fl50. Pays out 169.50. Tn 5c size; 3,000 Holes.
AIst> made in 10c size. Takes in $300. l'a>s out $110. 3.000 Holes
$5.00 EACH, IN LOTS OF SIX. Sample, only $7.00.
Write today for Free Illustrated Oireiil.trs on oiir complete line of number, trade and novelty boards.
Reid Paper Products Co., Peoria, 111.




No. 7--Flasher, .Attractive I'icture P>ox. Size T.xS'a.Each 10c

No. 13--Leader, Ileautiful Girl Designs. Size



No. 37--K.AVOKITE--tlirl's Head in Fr.ime. Size lO'jxS. "


No. 15--Concession Special. Size lOxC'*. Xew Designs. " 22c

No. 17--Flower Girl. Size 14x8. New' Attractive Designs.... ·* 36c

No. 19--BIG HIT. Size 15'2x9. Padded Top Extension Box.. " 64c

No. 50--2-I.;iyer, 1-Lb. Box. Glassine Wrapped. " 20c

No. 51--1-Lb., 2-Layer, 2-Lb. Box. Glassine Wrapped. "



Thirty-three Selections Suitable for Any Purpose.


The Supreme Give-Away.$10.00 Per Thousand

S.ALESBOARD OPER.ATORS--Save Money. Send for Circular No. 15.


Quality Chocolates for the Salesboard Operator and Concessionaire.

227 West Van Buren Street


Local and Len, Olotanco Phono: Wabash 9SS4.

5 Siidcs of Chewin9 Gum
^-==^ full size--5 STICK PACKS
Spearmint. Peppermint and Fruit Flavors--for I'ri'miunis, Schemes. Concessions. I'acked In tlasliy boxes. You can double your money. Al.xo Novelty Packages. New Ideas In Gum. Wo make all kinds. "Bair* Gum, "Give - Away" Gum, etc. Deposit reQUired.
HELMET CUM SHOP Cinemnati 0,
Advertise in The Billboard--You'll Be Satisfied With Results.

Latest Sensation in Pearls
Fofh hcaj hand main and hind i^llshcL I/mph. 30 IrifhM. Complete with ailrrr cliip and attractlTo Juplay Ix'Z.
$2.00 Each'".ST"
tTI'.e drM tlma In America at a prioo withla tho m h of 1.1.)
Wo biflt our xuirahtre l^r rrturnlnx jour monej If mrrohiiidUo U uot MUsfirtorj.
75% Dtpotit on Coodt Sent C. 0. D.
"Prompt Dellretj'* Our Motta ·'SaUsfactlo*" Our Aim.
Dept. M, 63 Second A««., NEW YORK CITY

$10.00 Per Thousand Packages
$10.00 Per Thousand Packages

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