PDF 2019-20
Annual Report 2019-20
Indian Council of Social Science Research Aruna Asaf Ali Marg,
J.N.U. Institutional Area, New Delhi-110067


Programmes 1. Overview 2. Research Promotion
Research Projects Research Fellowships National and International Seminars/Conferences Training and Capacity Building Programme Research Survey and Publications National Social Science Documentation Centre (NASSDOC) ICSSR Regional Centres ICSSR Research Institutes
3. International Collaboration 4. Impactful Policy Research in Social Science (IMPRESS) Scheme
Appendices 1. List of Members of the Council 2. ICSSR Senior Officials 3. Research Projects 4. Research Fellowships 5. Financial Assistance Provided for Organising National and
International Conferences/Seminars in India 6. Training & Capacity Building Programmes

1-54 3-8
9-39 9
11 18 18 19 21 23 29 40-47 48-54
55-375 57-59 60
61-107 108-191
192-211 212-215

7. Publication Grants 8. Bibliographies Compiled by NASSDOC 9. Financial Assistance Provided to Scholars to Participate
in International Conferences and for Data Collection Abroad 10. Major Activities of ICSSR Regional Centres 11. Major Activities of ICSSR Research Institutes 12. Research Projects and Seminars
Approved under IMPRESS Scheme
Statement of Accounts

216-218 219-220
221-234 235-258 259-342
376-380 381-440


1 Overview

It is widely regarded that social science research enhances our understanding of the society and its functioning, provides policy inputs for socio-economic development and generates ideas and information that could be used in teaching and research. Thus, social science research renders vital services to the society and the country.
India has a long and rich tradition of social science teaching and research. Takshashila, Nalanda, Vikramashila, Valabhi, Pushpagiri and Somapura universities flourished as global centres of learning in different parts of India. The subjects taught in these universities included Vedas, Vedanta, Ayurveda, medicine and surgery, mathematics, astronomy, physics, metallurgy, civil engineering, architecture, philosophy, grammar, agriculture, economics, commerce, politics, state craft, military education, literature, craft etc. and these universities could set very high standards of teaching, learning and research for scholars from across the world. This system of Indian education produced scholars of great stature such as Aryabhatta, Bhaskaracharya, Mahaviracharya, Charaka, Susruta, Baudhayan, Chanakya, Brahmagupta, Panini, Patanjali, Nagarjuna, Pingala, Gargi, Kanad, Varahamihira, Thiruvalluvar and so on.
Social science teaching and research in the country, however, made a formal beginning with the introduction of modern university system in the second half of the 19th century

as the University of Mumbai (1857), University of Madras (1857), University of Calcutta (1857) and Allahabad University (1875) came into existence. The real break through came only after Independence with the rapid expansion of higher education system as a part of the planned socio-economic development. As the country's development process threw up numerous and diverse problems that required extensive research and analysis, Government of India established a Committee for Social Science Research under the chairmanship of Professor V.K.R.V. Rao in 1965 to review the social science research scenario in the country and make recommendations to accelerate its progress. This led to the establishment of the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) in 1969 to encourage, promote and fund social science research in the country.
The ICSSR is an autonomous body under the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India and a premier organisation with 24 Research Institutes (grant-in-aid), five Recognised Research Institutes and six Regional Centres located in different parts of the country.
The ICSSR's aims and objectives as spelt out in its Memorandum of Association (MoA) are the following:
· To review and survey the progress of Social Science Research and advise the Government on policy issues;



· To fund and promote Social Science Research in Universities/Colleges/ Research Institutes;
· To award Doctoral, Post­doctoral, Senior and National Fellowships to researchers and faculties;
· To award Minor, Major and Collaborative Research Projects to researchers and faculties;
· To fund National and International seminars and conferences to disseminate social science research findings;
· To support training and capacity building programmes for young researchers and faculties;
· To provide international travel and data collection grant to scholars and faculties;
· To encourage international collaboration in social science research with well recognized foreign research funding agencies;
· To fund publication of journals and books in social science research and also strengthen professional social science associations/organizations;
· To provide library, documentation, data and online services for social science research;and
· To indicate periodic themes in neglected and new critical areas of research.
During the last about 51 years of its establishment, the ICSSR has been actively promoting and funding social science research in the country. It provides regular maintenance and development grant to its Research Institutes (on matching grant basis) to study national and regional research issues from inter-disciplinary perspectives. It also fully supports its six Regional Centres which represent the Council within their respective regions with a view to

spread the programmes and schemes of the ICSSR. Under the International Collaboration Programme, ICSSR has signed bilateral collaborative agreements with 12 countries including the United Kingdom, Japan, South Africa, Germany, South Korea, Switzerland, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Netherlands, Sweden, Taiwan, Bosnia & Herzegovina, and Cultural Exchange Programmes with three countries, namely, France, China and Thailand to engage in activities such as exchange of scholars, joint seminars, research projects, publications, exchange of books and periodicals. The ICSSR also participates in the activities of the international social science organizations like International Science Council (ISC), Science Council of Asia (SCA) and UNESCO etc. The Council has been identified as the nodal agency for participating in the activities of the UNESCO's MOST (Management of Social Transformation) programme and its implementation.
Since its inception, the ICSSR has granted 6719 Major, Minor and Collaborative Research Projects, awarded 8,658 Doctoral (6515 Fullterm and 2143 Short-term) Fellowships, 2574 Post-doctoral Fellowships, 795 Senior Fellowships and 174 National Fellowships. It has sponsored 4144 National and 1130 International seminars/conferences, funded 2144 scholars for attending seminars abroad and 458 scholars for data collection abroad. The ICSSR has sponsored 1029 Training & Capacity Building Programmes for young faculties and researchers, provided financial assistance to 1853 scholars for publication of their Doctoral Theses/Projects/Fellowship Reports/Conference Proceedings, financially supported 1008 social science journals and 374 professional associations involved in social science research activities. It has also conducted Six rounds of surveys of current status of research in some social science disciplines, namely, Economics, Political Science, Sociology



and Social Anthropology, Geography, and Psychology in the country. These surveys have also been published by ICSSR in collaboration with reputed publishers like Sage, Pearson and Oxford University Press (OUP) etc. The ICSSR used to publish prestigious social science research journal ­ `The Indian Social Science Review' which was discontinued in 2011. Now, we are restarting the journal; and papers have been invited for the same and are being reviewed by experts of eminence. Apart from this, the ICSSR provides research services like library, documentation, data and e-resources to several thousand social science scholars across the country through its National Social Science Documentation Centre (NASSDOC).
The ICSSR has been offering its research-based advice, whenever needed, to the Government of India on policy relevant issues and has contributed in the Newton-Vivekanand programme with the U.K. (2016). It has also carried out studies for various Ministries of Government of India including Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Ministry of Minority Affairs, Ministry of Home Affairs, and the Ministry of Science and Technology. In addition, there is considerable presence of ICSSR studies and references in various policy documents and reports of the Ministries and the Planning Commission (erstwhile). Moreover, the Member Secretary and Council members have regularly participated and contributed to the deliberations of other government organisations involved in policy making or implementation such as the University Grants Commission, Indian Statistical Institute, Indian Council of World Affairs, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation etc. Many officers of the ICSSR have also given their presentations on various schemes of the Council.
As the ICSSR has completed 51 years of its existence, it faces significant challenges alongside opportunities while giving direction

to social science research in India and actively participating in social science research at global level. According to a University Grants Commission Report (November 2018), there are 882 Universities in the country (48 Central Universities, 392 State Universities, 317 Private Universities and 125 Deemed to be Universities). Similarly, as per the data drawn from International Standard Series Number (ISSN) and Ulrich International Periodical Directory data books, there were 2131 social science journals published in India during the period 2000-2015.
The ICSSR Review Report (2007) mentions that while the scale and range of social science research in the country has expanded, the quality of research output of a majority of institutions as well as their contribution to a better understanding of socio-economic processes and shaping public policy, have fallen short of expectations. The quality also needs to be improved considering that the precious resources are being spent on research. The research quality constitutes a major challenge for all spheres of research in the country, including social science.
Moreover, with the introduction of National Institutional Ranking Framework in 2015, there is a greater focus on research as the rankings significantly depends on the research orientation and related output of the institutes or universities. The entire issue has raised the concerns of the policy makers to adopt newer strategies and best global practices for enhancing the research quality and culture to improve the global rankings of the Indian institutes and universities. Thus, all institutions entrusted with the task of promoting and supporting researches like the ICSSR face this key challenge of promoting advanced, novel and cutting-edge researches to help institutes and universities in improving their national and global rankings, and also build a robust research culture in the



country. There are enormous opportunities that place the ICSSR in an advantageous position to play a leading role in social science research, at country as well as international levels.
The 21st century is widely said to belong to Asia where India, Japan and China are perceived as major actors. India and China have already been emerging at a rapid growth rate in the last three decades. The end of the Cold War and the growing impact of globalisation also require India to redefine its position and role at the regional and global levels. Ever since economic liberalisation of the 1990s, India's global presence has been steadily rising. India is now one of the fastest growing economies for more than two and a half decades, and it is world's fifth largest economy after the United States, China, Japan, Germany and United Kingdom (in nominal GDP terms). In next few years, it is projected to be among the largest three economies of the world. There are many issues that constitute common research concerns of the world, and at the same time there are a number of country and policy specific research concerns that nations are interested in getting examined with a view to understanding the existing problems and finding their possible solutions. Rising population, national security, development pattern, water resources, climate change, sustainability, migration, urban infrastructure, inclusiveness etc. could be some of India's specific concerns. Many times, nations converge in terms of their common problems and so, the research concerns.
India's aspiration to become one of the global leaders in knowledge creation rests on its research capabilities and infrastructure. The researches ultimately have to and must serve the society and should contribute towards policy formulation and its objective assessment. At the same time, the modern researches are crossing the tight compartments of disciplines and moving towards inter and

multi-disciplinarity, where many disciplines combine their resources to achieve the common objective of larger welfare. In this respect, the ICSSR's role acquires a greater significance as we have been promoting such inter or multidisciplinary researches. Even developments in science and technology require a social science perspective for greater acceptability of new developments and preparing society to accept and adapt to those developments. Fortunately, all these aspects of robust research and innovation base have been well captured by the Draft National Education Policy, 2019 which underlines "Knowledge creation and research are well known to be centrally critical to growing and sustaining a large and vibrant economy, uplifting society, and continuously inspiring a nation to achieve even greater heights" ....... "A robust ecosystem of research is perhaps more important than ever with the rapid changes occurring in the world today....."
India is viewed as a major stakeholder in global political, economic and technological environment, and therefore its research output is expected to have a larger share in global quality researches. New researches are leading to many paradigm shifts and are challenging colonial concepts and theories. There is also a greater emphasis in the country on analyzing our problems based on our own socio-political and economic conditions instead of seeing them through unquestioned western prism and conditions. Such researches are better placed to solve various local or community and country specific problems and suggest innovative solutions and alternatives.
The ICSSR aspires to give a Big Push to social science research in India with the support of government and other research organisations. India's high growth rate of social science publications at international level (Scopus statistics) is a strong indicator of India's role now and also in years to come. Greatly



conscious of its new role, the ICSSR has undertaken some vital steps in this regard. Now it is focusing on both, quantitative expansion of its programmes and schemes and delivery of quality research output. During the

year 2019-20, the ICSSR has provided financial assistance to several hundred scholars, faculties and research organisations to encourage and promote quality social science research in the country as given in Table No.1.1.

Table 1.1 Year at a Glance (2019-20)


Name of the Programme/Scheme/Service


1. Research Projects (Major, Minor & IMPRESS Scheme)

2. Final Reports of Research Projects Received (Previous Years)

3. National Fellowships (Awarded)

4. Senior Fellowships (Awarded)

5. Post-doctoral Fellowships (Awarded)

6. Doctoral Fellowships (Awarded)

7. Fellowship Reports Received (Belonging to Previous Years)

8. Publication Grant for Research Reports/Doctoral Theses etc.

9. Ad-hoc Grant for Publication of Social Science Research Journals

10. Ad-hoc Grant to Associations/Organisations of Social Scientists for Maintenance and Professional Development
11. Library and Documentation Services

12. Exchange of Scholars under International Collaboration Programme (Awarded)
13. Financial Assistance to the Scholars for Participation in International Conferences/Workshops, Data Collection Abroad etc.
14. Training Courses in Research Methodology and Capacity Building Programme 15. Proposals Approved for Organising International/National Seminars
(including IMPRESS Scheme) 16. Research Output from ICSSR Research Institutes (Publications)
a) Books b) Working Papers/Monographs c) Research Papers

No. of Beneficiaries
837 278
04 45 269 495 580 25 33 07
5705 12
67 358
154 368 542

ICSSR Organisational Structure: The ICSSR's ICSSR Chairman and the Member-Secretary, highest decision making body, known as the 18 social scientists and 6 Ex-officio members Council has 26 members, which includes the representing the Government of India. The list



containing members of the Governing Council is given at Appendix ­1.
The Member Secretary is the Chief Executive Officer and heads the ICSSR Secretariat consisting of Directors, Deputy Directors, Assistant Directors and other officials. The ICSSR's officials, apart from their normal official duties, keep contributing through research papers, articles, articles in edited books, journals etc. and have also delivered lectures during the reporting year.

The Council has three standing committees namely Research Committee (RC), Research Institutes Committee (RIC), and Planning and Administration Committee (PAC). During the financial year 2019-20, the ICSSR has conducted its meetings of the Council, Research Committee, Research Institutes Committee and Planning & Administration Committee.
This is the 51st Annual Report of the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) delineating the Council's activities from 1st April, 2019 to 31st March, 2020.

2 Research Promotion

Promotion of research in social science disciplines is the most important task assigned to Indian Council of Social Science Research.

(f) Commerce and Management (g) Social Psychology (h) Education

The ICSSR has been doing this through its various programmes and schemes such as funding of Minor, Major and Collaborative Research Projects; providing Doctoral, Post-doctoral, Senior and National Fellowships to scholars and faculties; awarding seminar and conference grants to disseminate social science research findings; sponsoring training and capacity building programmes for young researchers and faculties; providing international travel and data collection grants to scholars and faculties; encouraging international collaborations in research with national level funding agencies abroad; funding publication of research based journals and books, strengthening professional social science associations/organizations through infrastructural grants; providing library, documentation, data and online literature services to social science researchers and institutions etc.
The ICSSR has identified the following broad disciplines of study, within the domain of social sciences:
(a) Economics
(b) Sociology and Social Anthropology
(c) Political Science/Public Administration
(d) International Studies
(e) Social Geography and Population Studies

(i) Social Linguistics/Socio-Cultural Studies
(j) Law/International Law
(k) National Security & Strategic Studies
(l) Other allied Social Science disciplines such as Library Science, Social Work, Media Studies, Modern Social History, Health Studies, Gender Studies, Environmental Studies, Diaspora Studies, Area Studies, Socio-Sanskrit & Cultural Studies etc. to promote interdisciplinary and multi- disciplinary research.
Research Projects
Research Projects, both individual and institutional, are an important way to promote social science research in the country. The research projects may belong to any of the social science disciplines or may be interdisciplinary or multi-disciplinary in nature. The specific objectives of the programme are: a) to support high quality independent programme of research; b) to provide opportunities for training to future researchers; c) to contribute to the development of new theoretical or methodological approaches to research; d) to maintain and sustain various disciplinary research activities; e) to foster and promote collaborative, interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research activities among



researchers in social science; and f) to facilitate communication of research outputs among the academic community and also to provide key inputs to policy makers.
The ICSSR awards two types of Research Projects to Indian scholars: (a) Major and Minor Research Projects which were earlier known as Research Projects (Responsive) (b) Research Programmes which were previously known as Research Projects (Sponsored).
Major and Minor Research Projects
Major and Minor Projects are basically demanddriven as under this scheme, the ICSSR provides grant to scholars to conduct research largely on the topics of their choice. The yearwise position of research projects sanctioned since its inception and reports received till 31st March, 2020 is furnished in Table 2.1.
During the year 2019-20, ICSSR approved 320 Major and Minor Research Projects and received

the final reports of 236 research projects which were sanctioned in earlier years. The total expenditure incurred in 2019-20 for Research Projects was 935.17 lakh (736.84 under General,  137.26 under SC and 61.07 under ST Category). The grant includes expenditure on Major/Minor Research Projects and Research Programme.
Research Programmes
Research Programmes are a series of research studies undertaken simultaneously or sequentially on themes of significance and priority in policy and social science research. These studies, identified by the ICSSR from time to time, are expected to be inter-disciplinary or multidisciplinary or inter-institutional in nature for critical understanding of new social science research issues & areas and develop deeper understanding in terms of theory, methodology, new findings and policy outcomes. However, high impact studies that

Table 2.1 Status of Research Projects (Major & Minor)

From April 1969 to March 1990 (21 yrs.) 1990-2010 (20 yrs.) 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 Total

Projects Cancelled/Closed/ Awarded Withdrawn



Projects Joined

Final Reports Received

185 365 289 187 333 326 470 356
04 320 6284





































Note: All figures in the table have been updated and corrected in the light of the sanction orders.

Reports Pending
05 03
37 140 185

Ongoing Reports
Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing



Table 2.2 Status of Research Programmes or Projects (Sponsored)

2011-2012 DNT Studies 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 Total

Projects Awarded
27 04 43 75 61 73 32 73
47 435

Cancelled/Closed/ Withdrawn 01 10 03 03 01 18

Projects Joined
27 04 42 65 58 73 32 70
46 417

Final Reports Received 27 04 41 65 58 66 27 19 307

Note: All figures in the Table have been updated and corrected in the light of sanction orders.

Reports Pending
01 07 05 51 64

Ongoing Reports
Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing

are extensive in their organization but fall Doctoral Fellowship are offered to scholars who within the ambit of a single discipline are also are at various levels in their profession. considered under the scheme.

The scheme of Research Projects (Sponsored) or Research Programme was launched in 2011-12 with the All India Report on Educational Status of Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes and De-notified Tribes (DNT) for various states. The year-wise position of research programmes sanctioned since 2011-12, projects cancelled/ withdrawn/closed and reports received till 31st March, 2020 is given in Table 2.2. During the year 2019-20, 47 Research Programme were awarded and the final reports of 42 sponsored research projects sanctioned in earlier years were received.

National Fellowships
ICSSR National Fellowships are aimed at providing opportunities to eminent Indian social scientists to engage themselves in fulltime researches on important themes of their choice or to write books based on their research works that have potential to lead to the advancement of knowledge in various social science disciplines. The ICSSR has so far awarded 174 National Fellowships. During the year, 04 National Fellowships were awarded and 02 final reports pertaining to previous years were received. The relevant details are given in Table 2.3:

Research Fellowships
In order to provide research opportunities to young, senior and established social scientists and to engage them in full-time research on important themes of their choice, three categories of fellowships, namely, National Fellowship, Senior Fellowship and Post-

Senior Fellowships
Senior Fellowships are awarded to outstanding Indian social scientists for conducting full time research on themes and issues of national and social concerns proposed by the applicants. These studies are expected to contribute to



Year (s)
1969-1990 1991-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 Total

Table 2.3 Year-Wise Status of ICSSR National Fellowships (As on 31.03.2020)

National Fellowships Awarded
41 60 06 04 13 17 12 10 --07 04 174

Final Reports Received
34 54 05 04 10 13 08 05 ----133

Not Joined/ Cancelled/Closed
07 06 --02 01 02 ---01 -19

Studies in Progress
---------06 04 10

Outstanding Final Report
--01 -01 03 02 05 ----12

theoretical and conceptual advancement in different disciplines, help to generate field work based empirical data and contribute in policy making. The ICSSR has so far awarded 795

Senior Fellowships. During the year, 45 Senior Fellowships were awarded and 41 final reports relating to previous years were received. The relevant details are given in Table 2.4:

Table 2.4 Year-Wise Status of ICSSR Senior Fellowships (As on 31.03.2020)

Year (s)
1969-1990 1991-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 Total

Senior Fellowships Awarded 256 187 18 14 40 34 35 47 34 36 49 45 795

Final Reports Received 226 153 15 13 30 31 26 31 25 05 --555

Not Joined/ Cancelled/Closed
30 31 --06 03 05 10 02 ---87

Studies in Progress
--------31 49 45 125

Outstanding Final Reports -03 03 01 04 -04 06 07 ---28



Post-Doctoral Fellowships
Post-doctoral Fellowships are awarded to young Indian social scientists with a high potential and promise for conducting full time research on specific themes and issues proposed by the applicants. These studies are expected to contribute to theoretical and conceptual advancement in different disciplines, help to generate field work based empirical data and contribute in policy making. The ICSSR has so far awarded 2574 Post-doctoral Fellowships. During the year 2019-20, 269 Post-doctoral Fellowships were awarded and 204 final reports relating to previous years were received. The relevant details are given in Tables 2.5.
During the year, the total budget allocated for National/Senior/Post-doctoral Fellowship Schemes was  1849.62 lakh ( 1486.16 lakh for General,  277 lakh for SC and  86.46 lakh for ST Categories), which was fully utilized.

The ICSSR envisages the following Perspective Plan in respect of Fellowships:
1. Looking at the number of applications being received by the ICSSR from all over India and to attract sincere research scholars, ICSSR envisions that there is a need to relook at the amount of fellowship, duration and their number.
2. Digitalization of the guidelines by making them interactive, providing the facilities of online applications, acknowledgment of receipt of applications, status of applications, status of the ongoing fellowships, etc.
3. Releasing fellowships only in the accounts attached with PFMS (ICSSR 0877) instead of RTGS or cheques.
4. To ensure publication of its Outstanding/ Excellent/Very Good fellowship reports

Table 2.5 Year-Wise Status of ICSSR Post-doctoral Fellowships (As on 31.03.2020)

1969-1990 1991-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 Total

Post-doctoral Fellowships
Awarded 117 212 38 55 200 404 252 321 256 226 224 269

Final Reports Received
79 137
30 44 164 298 157 155 80 13
0 0 1157

Not Joined/ Cancelled/Closed
38 67 06 05 26 44 60 76 30 13 10
8 383

Studies in Progress
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 200 214 261 675

Outstanding Final Reports
-08 02 06 10 62 35 90 146
0 0 0 359



for wider dissemination of research findings and benefit of the social science research community.
Further, the following steps have been initiated to strengthen the Fellowship Programme based on the feedback from the secretariat and the fellows:
Strong Award (Selection) Process: Currently, ICSSR is following a three-tier process of selection in which initially the applications are scrutinized by a Screening Committee. At the second stage, the proposals which are found eligible are evaluated by subject expert committees that assign grade and score to each proposal. Thereafter, based on the availability of seats, the applicants are invited for personal interaction/presentation before an Expert Committee in the order of merit. It is anticipated that the scholars selected through such a rigorous process would certainly produce high quality research work.
Streamlining the Process of Progress Monitoring: The scholars are required to submit the periodic progress reports. In order to ensure that, a well-structured proforma has been developed that covers various research aspects and stages. It gives a fairly good idea about the actual progress of the research work undertaken by the scholar, helps the scholar stick to his/her plan of research and thus, assists him or her in timely completion of the study.
Motivating Research Publications: Guidelines have been changed since last year to motivate scholars to produce at least two research papers/articles in reputed journals during the course of their research work. The scholars are also asked to present paper(s) in the conferences and seminars in India or outside India to get greater exposure in related areas of research.

Streamlining the Evaluation Process: In the past, the final reports under different fellowships, barring doctoral fellowship, were evaluated by subject experts. But this practice of expert evaluation of final reports was discontinued. Again, the process of expert evaluation has not only been revived, but also streamlined in the interest of objectivity. Based on best international practices, a proforma for the `Evaluation Report' has been prepared covering all aspects of a good research work in order to seek an objective evaluation report with explicit suggestions from the subject experts. The comments and suggestions of the expert are conveyed to the scholars to improve or revise his/her report (wherever required). The revised report is again sent to the expert for re-evaluation and final comments.
Dissemination of Research Findings: ICSSR has introduced a practice of taking second opinion on outstanding, excellent or very good reports in order to take those further for publication. In this regard, 3-4 meetings are held with reputed publishers for publication of such final research reports. Many of these reports are under publication.
Addressing the Problem of Default: A scholar is required to submit the final report of the fellowship or project within three to four months of the duration of fellowship or project. However, in many cases, the reports were not submitted or delayed much beyond acceptable time limit. The concerned Division continues to follow up with such scholars by writing to them, their supervisors and Vice-Chancellors/ Registrars/Directors of the affiliating institution requesting them to ensure submission of the report of their fellowship without such delay. Efforts are also made to contact the scholars through mail or phone to expedite the submission of reports. As a result, we have been able to reduce the pending cases quite considerably.



Doctoral Fellowships
ICSSR provides financial assistance to selected registered Ph.D. scholars to pursue and complete their doctoral thesis in social science disciplines. The main aim is to provide financial support to scholars to enable them to focus full time on their research work and bring out a quality research output in the form of their Ph.D. theses and publications.
ICSSR is providing Doctoral Fellowships under its `Centrally-Administered Doctoral Fellowship Scheme' and `Institutional Doctoral Fellowship Scheme' in accordance with the prescribed guidelines. Under `CentrallyAdministered Scheme', the fellowships are awarded and monitored directly by the ICSSR and the concerned doctoral fellows are affiliated to a university or college or research institute. Under the `Institutional Fellowship Scheme', the doctoral fellows are affiliated to and monitored by an ICSSR sponsored/ recognized Research Institute. The Call for the Centrally-Administered Fellowships is given by ICSSR itself and the fellowships are awarded after screening and evaluation by Expert Committees. The call for `Institutional Doctoral Fellowships' is given by the respective ICSSR Research Institute and after preliminary scrutiny, the short-listed applications are sent to ICSSR for evaluation by its experts and finalization of awards. Institutional Doctoral Fellowships essentially involve a tenure of two years on full time basis.
Within ICSSR's `Centrally-Administered Doctoral Fellowship Programme', there are following three types of schemes:
1. The Full-term Doctoral Fellowships are awarded for a period of two years or till submission of the thesis with the

university/research institute, whichever is earlier.
2. The Short-term Doctoral Fellowships are awarded for six months to support scholars who are at final stage of completing their doctoral work.
3. Contingency Grant is a consolidated grant for meeting expenses on thesis completion and it is provided to the scholars who have not received any other fellowship.
Centrally Administered Doctoral Fellowships, 2019-20
The ICSSR invited applications for `ICSSR Centrally-Administered Doctoral Fellow- ships for the year 2019-20 through online mode, by placing a Call for Applications on its website and other media in the last week of June 2019. In response, the Research Fellowship Division received a total of 2,896 applications for its three schemes under the 25 broad disciplines of social sciences. Out of which, 2,722 applicants applied for the regular Full-term Fellowships, 129 for Short-term Fellowships and 45 for Contingency Grant. After careful scrutiny of applications for eligibility by the Screening Committee, the 2,819 applications of eligible candidates were evaluated by the relevant Expert Committees. Finally, 450 Centrally-Administered Full-term Fellowships were initially awarded including 348 to General category candidates, 68 to Scheduled Caste and 34 to Scheduled Tribe categories.
In addition to this, 57 applicants were selected following similar procedure of selection for Short-term Fellowships and 17 for Contingency Grant. The total committed expenditure on the 524 new awards of Centrally Administered Doctoral Fellowships was  2424.72 Lakh.



Table 2.6 Institutional Doctoral Fellowships Awarded for ICSSR Research Institutes (2019-20)

S.no Name of the Institute




CDS, Thiruvananthapuram


CESS, Hyderabad


CMDR, Dharwad


CRRID, Chandigarh


CSSS, Kolkata


CWDS, Delhi


GIDR, Ahmedabad


GIFT, Thiruvananthapuram

10 IDSK, Kolkata

11 IEG, Delhi

12 IIDS, Delhi

13 IPE, Hyderabad

14 ISEC, Bangalore

15 ISID, Delhi

16 MIDS, Chennai

17 MPISSR, Ujjain




















































































































Institutional Doctoral Fellowships, 2019-20
During the year 2019-20, 45 Institutional Doctoral Fellowships were awarded through 17 ICSSR Research Institutes in those disciplines/ areas in which the individual institute has specialized faculty. The total expenditure involved was 234.00 Lakh. The detailed distribution of the 45 Institutional Fellowships awarded during the year is given in Table 2.6.
Overall Doctoral Fellowships Awards, 2019-20
Thus, ICSSR initially awarded a total of 495 Full-term Doctoral fellowships in the year 2019-20. ICSSR also ensured that 473 awardees finally joined and availed fellowships by awarding fellowships to the waitlisted candidates against 66 withdrawals. In all, 569 ICSSR Doctoral Fellowships were awarded

under its four schemes in the year 2019-20 with a total financial commitment of  2658.72 Lakh. The list of ICSSR Doctoral Fellowships awardees under all four schemes may be seen in Appendix 4.
Ph. D. Theses and Publications Received in 2019 During the year 2019-20, 333 Ph.D. theses were submitted by the ICSSR Doctoral Fellowships awardees, their list may be seen at Appendix 4.
During the year 2019-20, ICSSR received copies of 331 research articles from its awardees of 2017-18 and 2018-19 batches.
Status of ICSSR Doctoral Fellowships Since inception of the Doctoral Fellowship scheme in 1971, ICSSR has so far awarded 8,658 doctoral fellowships of both kind - Full-



Year of Award
1971-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 Total

Table 2.7 Year-Wise Details of ICSSR Full-term Doctoral Fellowships

Full-Term Doctoral Fellowships Awarded
1357 89 94 28 80
102 96 77 99
131 498 545 765

434 8 2 3
11 8 7
12 8
16 43 40 92 63 51 27 19 22 866

Awardees Joined 923 81 92 25 69 94 89 65 91 115 455 505 673

term and Short-term. These included 6,515 Full-term fellowships centralized scheme as well as scheme for the institutes and of these 5,649 awardees availed the fellowship grant.
The year-wise information of the ICSSR Fullterm Doctoral Fellowships awarded till 201920, withdrawals and final joining by the awardees over the years may be seen in the Table 2.7

The programme seeks to attract the best talent for fellowships following a rigorous selection process. In this pursuit, ICSSR shall continue to particularly focus on the relevance of the proposed research while taking into consideration the specific contributions that a study proposes in terms of generating data or knowledge and its implications on policy formulation or evaluation and future researches in that area.

Future Perspective
ICSSR shall continue its endeavour to support and encourage meritorious Ph.D scholars to pursue their doctoral research and provide quality research output through their theses and high quality publications.

ICSSR intends to enhance the number, duration and amount of the fellowship, especially in view of the fact that a large number of applications are being received every year and the rate of selection is just around 15-16%. It is expected to encourage promising post-graduates to take up doctoral studies and publish in high



impact journals. ICSSR also intends to support publication of outstanding or excellent Ph.D. works through highly reputed national/ international publishers. The objective is to facilitate and encourage young scholars for building better research capacities, and participation in research activities.

National and International Seminars/ Conferences
Sponsoring/funding Seminars/Conferences in India is one of the major activities of ICSSR to promote deliberations on issues of high importance in social science research. They provide opportunities to researchers and academicians to exchange views and research findings, discuss important research questions on policy relevant issues, and generate academic research reports on important social problems. Although the Council itself organises a few seminars, most of its support is in the form of partial financial assistance to academic institutions for organising national and international seminars or conferences.

Table 2.8
National and International Conferences/ Seminars (Sponsored/Funded)

1971-1990 1990-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 Total

National Conferences/Seminars
297 1400
81 82 249 270 347 462 277 217 235 227 4144

International Conferences/Seminars
24 161
15 59 108 130 133 149 79 87 91 94 1130

During 2019-20, ICSSR received 508 proposals for organizing national/international seminars/ conferences, from all across the country, of which 321 proposals were selected for funding by the Expert Committees. This included 94 international and 227 national seminar proposals involving a total expenditure of 378.37 lakh. The list of seminars approved may be seen at Appendix-5. Further, the year-wise details about the seminars funded by the ICSSR since its inception may be seen in Table No 2.8.
Training and Capacity Building Programme
The basic requirement for a high-quality research in Social Science is the training in the science and art of doing research. While the philosophical basis of social science research is common to all disciplines of social sciences, different subjects have evolved their own theoretical frameworks and discipline specific techniques of research. However, scholars engaging themselves in interdisciplinary or multi-disciplinary research need to familiarize themselves with the research methodologies applied in disciplines other than their own in which they are trained. Moreover, from the stage of identification of research problem to methodology and finally, reporting and analysis of findings and also publication of these findings, there are several aspects in which a good researcher has to refine his/ her skills. Therefore, the ICSSR supports and sponsors Research Methodology and Capacity Building Programmes in Universities and Research Institutes.
The ICSSR provides grants to the social science faculties for organizing Research Methodology and Capacity Building Programmes for young researchers and faculties in various social science disciplines, which may include training in multi-disciplinary areas and research tools. The Programme is divided into the following two categories:



(A) Research Methodology Course (RMC)
The aim of the course is to enhance the methodological and writing skills of the PDF/ Ph.D./M.Phil. scholars and develop their potentials as future faculties or social science researchers.
(B) Capacity Building Programme (CBP)
The objective of this programme is to expose the young faculties, mainly Assistant Professors, in social science disciplines to the latest advances in their subjects and also to improve their capacity in understanding of methodology and writing skills.
Since 1971 when the programme was first conceptualised and till 2019-20, 1029 Research Methodology and Capacity Building Programmes have been funded by the ICSSR. During the year under report, a total of 233 proposals for both Research Methodology Course and Capacity Building Programme (RMC- 145 and CBP- 88) were received and placed before the Expert Committees for evaluation. The Committees had approved 67 proposals, 47 under Research Methodology Programme and 20 under Capacity Building Programme with a total expenditure of 252.78 lakh. The lists of Research Methodology Course and Capacity Building Courses approved during the year may also be seen at Appendix-6
The details about RMC and CBP courses organised/funded by the ICSSR is given in Table 2.9

Table No 2.9
RMC and CBP Courses Organized/Funded (As on 31.03.2020)


Research Methodology



























Capacity Building Programme
38 18 24 23 23 23 25 20 194

119 235
10 17 146 71 79 102 59 52 72 67 1029

Future Perspective
Short-term Training Course to impart highly focused training to young scholars in research writing, data processing and computer applications for lesser number of days involving reduced financial support is being introduced apart from the usual ten-day RMC and two weeks CBP.

Research Survey and Publications
Publication & Research Survey Programme is another major activity of the ICSSR through which it disseminates important research outputs produced both within and outside the Council. Under its publication programme, the Council used to publish its research journal `The Indian Social Science Review' which was discontinued in 2009, but the Council has decided to restart the journal to publish high quality research papers resulting from its own supported research activities and also the research output from outside.



Besides, the Council also provides grants to (a) Indian nationals for publication of their Doctoral Theses, Project/Fellowship Reports, Monographs and Seminar/Workshop Proceedings in the areas of social science and (b) Professional associations/organisations of social scientists including universities, colleges and research institutes for publication or continuing with their research journal(s). It also provides ad-hoc grants to professional associations/organisations of social scientists for maintenance and developmental activities.
So far, the ICSSR has published 1853 books, supported 1008 associations/organisations for publication of their research journals and supported 374 associations/organisations for maintenance & development activities. During the year 2019-20, 25 doctoral theses and research reports were published with ICSSR grant involving a total expenditure of 13.88 lakh. Similarly, 33 professional organizations/associations of social

scientists received ICSSR grant of 29.25 lakh for publication of their journals and seven organisations received grant amounting to 13.50 lakh for their maintenance and infrastructural development.
The details of published books, grants given to professional associations/organisations grants for publication of research journals and also for development is given at Appendix 7 and Table 2.10
Moreover, since inception, the Council has undertaken the task of surveying research developments in chosen disciplines of social science through its programme of `Surveys of Research'. The core objective of the surveys is to have a comprehensive overview of research undertaken during a specified period, involving stock-taking of what has been achieved in a particular social science discipline or area in terms of theory, methodology, empirical evidence and the gaps which need to be

Table 2.10 Publication and Maintenance Grant Beneficiaries (Year-Wise)

From 1969 to 31st March 1990 1990-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 Total

Grant Given for Publication of Doctoral Theses/ Research Projects/ Fellowship Reports/ Conference Proceedings etc.
591 22 33 20 23 30 23 21 28 12 25

Grant Given for Publication of Research Journals
430 45 47 61 66 64 51 47 40 32 32

Grant Given to Professional Associations of Social Scientists
for their Development
70 05 07 13 11 08 08 08 03 05 07 374



prioritised for future researches. So far, the ICSSR has published around 70 Volumes of Research Surveys and 60 other publications.
The Council has undertaken the Sixth Round of ICSSR Research Survey in the disciplines of Psychology, Political Science, Geography, Sociology & Social Anthropology and Economics covering the period 2003-2009 and published these Research Survey Reports through M/s Oxford University Press (OUP), New Delhi.
National Social Science Documentation Centre (NASSDOC)
Established in 1970, the National Social Science Documentation Centre (NASSDOC) is an important Division of ICSSR, provides library and information services to the social science research community including academic institutions, autonomous research organisations, policy making bodies, planning and research units of the government departments etc. It uses the web based digital environment to create, apply and utilise the information with its automated library collection, WebOPAC, online databases/ e-resources etc. Major activities and services of the NASSDOC include Library, Reference & Information Services, e-resources for ICSSR's Research Institutes & Regional Centres, Compilation of short bibliographies/Literature Search Services, Microfilm & Microfiche Services, Continuing Education Programme, value added services like Current Awareness Service (CAS), Professional Skill Development, National Knowledge Network, internet facility to access e-resources in social sciences with the state of the art `Digital Resources Learning Centre' (DRLC). In addition to this, the NASSDOC has a `Sales and Distribution Unit' to ensure easy availability of ICSSR publications.

Library, Reference and Information Services
NASSDOC has a wide range of document collections (26,818) comprising of: (a) reference source collections like bibliographies, encyclopedias, directories etc.; (b) grey collection consisting of doctoral theses, research project reports; unique collection on research methodology, research surveys and; (c) strategic collection on all social science disciplines including library & information science and (d) computer & information technology and 13,342 bound volumes of journals. The Library remains open for scholars from 9:30 am to 6:00 pm from Monday to Saturday.
A total number of 5705 research scholars visited/approached NASSDOC during the year 2019-20. A large number of reference queries were attended. Research related information was provided to scholars from NASSDOC's collection, its in-house databases and by exploring electronic sources and several other internet-based resources.
ICSSR-NASSDOC library's membership is available for ICSSR officials, consultants, ICSSR scheme beneficiaries, borrowers, institutes and guests. A total number of 321 scholars have taken membership during 2019-20.
E-resources for ICSSR Research Institutes (RI) and Regional Centres (RC)
In order to enhance capacities of ICSSR's Research Institutes and Regional Centres with regard to advancements in knowledge in social science, NASSDOC subscribed to four e-resource consortiums/bases during 2019-20. The information about the e-resources and the number of institutions getting free access is provided below in Table 2.11. The number of sites made available depends on actual usage and needs of ICSSR institutes:



Table 2.11

S. No Name of E-resource
1. EconLit with full text (USA, EBSCO)
2. IndiaStat and its all other associate sites (Datanet India)
3. JSTOR (USA, ITHAKA) 4. Prowess IQ (India, Centre for
Monitoring Indian Economy)

No. of Sites (RIs &RCs)
20 Sites
21 Sites
24 Sites 10 Sites

During the year 2019-20, 55 short and select bibliographies with abstracts (NASSDOC Appendix-8) were compiled and supplied to research scholars and ICSSR officers on the basis of demand received from them.

Bibliographical Themes
During the period, 14 bibliographies (based on the needs of the scholars) have been prepared on the following themes: (a) North East India (b) Governance and Panchayati Raj (c) Agrarian Distress, Money Lenders and Farmer Suicides in India (d) Jammu & Kashmir (e) Science, Technology and Society (f) Journalism and Mass Communication (g) Changes in Technologies and Society (h) Ease of Doing Business (i) Indo Sri-Lankan Relations (j) Terrorism (k) Environmental Changes (l) Democracy (m) ICSSR Research Projects 2014-17 (n) ICSSR Research Projects 2017-19. So far 581 scholars have consulted these bibliographies.

Data Services
During this period, 4817 datasets have been provided to the scholars who were from various reputed institutions like: Tata Institute of Social Sciences, IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Presidency University, Lovely Professional University, Delhi School of Economics, etc. The number of each datasets are: (a) Enterprise (1511), (b) Household Consumer Expenditure, (1253) (c) Employment and Unemployment (255), (d)

Health care (315), (e) Housing Condition (207), (f) Education (197), (g) Debt and Investment (307), (h) Domestic Tourism (93) and (i) Economic Census (79).
Microfilm & Microfiche Services
NASSDOC has a good collection (approx about 3500) of microfilms & microfiches along with a microfilm reader facility.
Continuing Education Programme
In order to enable scholars keep up with the latest developments and develop specialised skills in accessing social science information, NASSDOC organises short-term training workshops/seminars/interactive sessions and lectures under its `Continuing Education Programme' on regular basis.
User Awareness Trainings
Training/Orientation courses were conducted for the academic community to familiarize with availability and access to online resources, viz.: (a) J-Gate: one Platform to discover all scholarly e-journal Literature (b) Manupatra: Power of Your Legal Research (c) Prowess IQ: Queryable Database of Over Fifty Thousand Indian Companies (d) IndiaStat: Revealing India Statistically (e) JSTOR: Archival Journals (f) EBSCOHOST: Delivering research better than ever (Advance training). These training programs benefitted 173 libraries bonafide scholars.
Value Added Services
Current Awareness Service (CAS) is provided by bringing out different publications at periodic intervals under "NASSDOC Research Information Series". During 2019-20, 4 issues of `Social Science Conference Alert', 4 issues of `New Arrival: List of New Additions with Summaries' and 3 issues of `Current Contents' were brought out.



Professional Skill Development and Networking
Educational Tour: NASSDOC is a part of curriculum of various Library and Information Science schools of Indian universities and other educational institutions. Scores of students from National Archives of India and other universities visited NASSDOC to have firsthand knowledge of its functioning.

Membership of Professional Bodies for 2019-20
Annual membership of the following was renewed - International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), The Hague, Netherlands; DELNET (Developing Library Network); Indian Library Association (ILA) New Delhi, and Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centers (IASLIC), Kolkata.
The total expenditure incurred by NASSDOC during the year 2019-20 was 177.26 lakh. The information about NASSDOC's Activities (Members, Services etc.) is given below in Table 2.12:

Table 2.12
Information of NASSDOC's Activities, Members, Services etc. (since its inception)

No. of Members
Subscription of E-resources
Acquisition of Research Material: Books/ Theses/Periodicals
Compilation of Short Bibliographies/ Literature Search Services
Number of Visitors
Workshop/ Training Programmes Conducted/ Funded by NASSDOC
Any Other Information (Education Tour Visitors)

Total 3075
222 122896
215469 121

ICSSR Regional Centres
The ICSSR Regional Centres were established as part of the Council's programme of decentralising administration, broad-basing social science research and involving social science institutions in different regions of the country for promoting social science research. Their main objectives of a regional centre were defined as follows:
· Represent the ICSSR within the region and spread the message and the programmes of the ICSSR to social scientists in the region;
· Bring research ideas and problems of the social scientists of the region to the notice of the ICSSR for possible action;
· Bring the social scientists of the region close to ICSSR for promoting social science research within the region; and
· Serve as a link between the social scientists of the region and the national and international community of social scientists.
· Promoting documentation and bibliographical work in the regional languages;
· Organizingseminars/workshops/conferences in the region;
· Organizing lectures by distinguished scholars;
· Assisting regional professional associations of social scientists and social science journals in the regional languages;
· Providing low-cost accommodation (wherever possible) to scholars/students visiting a regional centre for library or field work;



· Awarding study grant to scholars for visiting libraries and institutions for academic work;
· Providing photocopying facilities to scholars, especially photocopies of selected articles from journals etc.; and
· Any other activity that may promote social science research in the region and/or any such activity that may be delegated by the ICSSR to a centre.
Regional Centres have developed infrastructure and research support facilities over the years under the auspices of ICSSR and the host university/institute. These include hostel/ guest house facilities, library space, conference halls, seminar rooms and reprographic facilities etc.
Regional Centres ­ Year at a Glance
The ICSSR has six Regional Centres. Their location and coverage are as follows:
Eastern Regional Centre (ERC), Kolkata covers Bihar, Odisha, West Bengal, Jharkhand and the Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Eastern Regional Centre was established in 1972.
ERC, Kolkata situated at 1/R-1, Baishnabghatta Patuli Township, Patuli, Kolkata, West Bengal is the National Centre to provide social science material to scholars in Bengali and Oriya. During 2019-20, the Centre funded 22 seminars/ conferences/workshops, one research project has been completed and seven research projects are ongoing. Five scholars were awarded study grant. The web address of the Centre is http:// www.ercicssr.org.
Northern Regional Centre (NRC), New Delhi covers Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan. Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Chattisgarh and Delhi. Northern Regional Centre was established in 1975.

NRC, New Delhi, situated at Jawaharlal Nehru University, CRS Building, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi, acts as a national Centre to provide social science material to scholars in Hindi and English. The Centre funded 20 seminars/ conferences/workshops and completed two research projects during the year while five research projects are ongoing. The web address of the Centre is www.nrc-icssr.org.
North-Eastern Regional Centre (NERC), Shillong covers Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura and Sikkim. North-Eastern Regional Centre was established in 1977.
NERC, Shillong is situated at North-Eastern Hill University (NEHU) Campus, Umshing, Shillong, Meghalaya. During the year, the Centre funded 45 seminars/workshops/ conferences, awarded study grant to nine scholars and sanctioned doctoral contingency grants to 20 scholars. One research project has been completed and six are in progress. The Centre itself organized three seminars/ conferences/training programmes and one lecture during the period under report. The web address of the Centre is http://www.icssrnerc. org.
North-Western Regional Centre (NWRC), Chandigarh covers Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab and the Union Territory of Chandigarh. North-Western Regional Centre was established in 1977.
NWRC, Chandigarh is situated at Panjab University Library Building, Chandigarh. It provided financial support to 46 workshops/ seminars/conferences and organized two research methodology training programmes and one lecture during 2019-20. Three research projects have been completed and one is ongoing. The web address of the Centre is http://www.icssrnwrc.org.in.



Southern Regional Centre (SRC), Hyderabad covers Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and the Union Territories of Lakshadweep and Pondicherry. Southern Regional Centre was established in 1972.
SRC, Hyderabad situated at Osmania University Library, Hyderabad, financially supported 52 seminars/workshops/conferences and 20 Research Methodology workshops. It organized two workshops/training programmes and four lectures during the year. The Centre sanctioned eight research projects during the year under report. It also awarded study grant to five scholars. The web address of the Centre is http://icssr-src.org.
Western Regional Centre (WRC), Mumbai covers Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa and the

Union Territories of Daman and Diu, Dadra and Nagar Haveli. Western Regional Centre was established in 1972.
WRC, Mumbai situated at J.P.Naik Bhawan, Mumbai University Campus, Vidyanagari, Vidyanagri Marg, Mumbai, has financially supported 29 seminars/workshops/ conferences during 2019-20. The Centre provided financial assistance to two research projects. It also provided grant for publication of 13 books and three journals and awarded study grant to five scholars. The web address of the Centre is http://www.wrcicssr.org.
The major activities of above mentioned six Regional Centres during 2019-20 are given at Table 2.13 and Appendix- 10.

Table 2.13 Major Activities of the Regional Centres during the Year 2019-20

S. Name of the No Regional Centre
1 WRC, Mumbai 2 ERC, Kolkata 3 SRC Hyderabad

Study Grants Awarded

Grant for Programmes/Seminars/ Workshops/Conferences/
Lectures/ Training Programmes/ Publications/ Research Projects







Hostel and Guest House Facility
Availed by Scholars/ Researchers
Guest House is under construction

4 NWRC, Chandigarh




5 NRC,New Delhi




6 NERC, Shillong








* Indicates one Honorary Director

Staff Strength
1*+6 1*+8 1*+10 1*+12 1*+2 1*+10 6*+48



Table 2.14 Fund Statement (Unaudited) 2019-20

Unspent Balance as on 01.04.2019 Grant Under OH-31 Grant Under OH-36 Interest Received

1. Eastern Regional Centre, Kolkata

Amount Expenditure ( in Lakh)

105.79 9.85 0.00 1.48

Salaries Administrative Expenses Plan Expenditure Other Establishment Expenses Excessive Income Over Expenditure

117.12 Total

Amount ( in Lakh)
39.79 8.33
41.73 1.97


Table 2.15
2. North Eastern Regional Centre, Shillong Amount Expenditure
( in Lakh)

I. Opening Balances a) Cash Balances b) Bank Balance: Government Grant (ICSSR) Earmarked/Endowment Fund
II. Grants Received: a) From ICSSR OH-31 b) From ICSSR OH-35 c) From ICSSR OH-36
III. Academic Receipts IV. Receipts Against Earmarked/ Endowment Funds V. Interest Received on Savings Bank Accounts VI. Other Income (including Prior Period Income)

15.28 42.99
78.87 11.00 85.49
0.00 11.24
0.40 7.41

I. Expenses a) Establishment Expenses b) Administrative Expenses c) Transportation Expenses d) Repairs & Maintenance
II. Payments Against Earmarked/ Endowment III. Expenditure on Fixed Assets IV. Interest Refund V. Other Payments (Grants to Other Institute for Organising Seminars, Workshops, etc.) VI. Closing Balances:
a) Cash in Hand
b) Bank Balances:
Government Grant (ICSSR)
Earmarked/Endowment Fund Total

Amount ( in Lakh)
88.33 26.32
0.00 8.96
34.60 11.00
0.00 0.00
28.79 19.63 252.68



Table 2.16

3. Northern Regional Centre, New Delhi

Income Opening Balance Cash

Amount ( in Lakh)

Expenditure Establishment Expenses

Opening Balance in Canara Bank


Other Administrative Expenses

FDR in Bank


Repair Maintenance

Grant Received from ICSSR Plan (OH-31)


Programme Expenses

Grant Received from ICSSR Plan (OH-35) Grant Received from ICSSR Plan (OH-36)


Expenditure Earmarked/

Endowment Funds


Interest Refunded to ICSSR

Other Scheme Opening Balance Grant Received Interest Received

2.54 2.80 4.46

Closing Balance Cash
Closing Balance in Canara Bank Govt. Grant Earmarked/Endowment Fund

Amount ( in Lakh)
10.44 4.86 0.23
35.98 3.39 5.48 --
15.95 1.95

Table 2.17

4. North Western Regional Centre (NWRC), Chandigarh


Amount Expenditure ( in Lakh)

Grant from ICSSR (OH-31) Grant from ICSSR (OH-36) Grant from ICSSR (OH-35) Interest Received Guest House Income Other Miscellaneous Income (OH-36) Other Miscellaneous Income (OH-31) Regn. Fee Res. Methodology Imprest Money Opening Balance OH-36-31 Opening Balance Mess Fund Account

0.00 0.00 12.00 9.19 43.71 0.00 0.65 0.25 0.03 349.37 17.72

Salaries Other Establishment Expenses Transfer of Balance and Interest
Administrative Expenses OH-31 Expenditure Guest House Expenditure OH-35
Cash in Bank OH-36-31 Cash in Mess Fund Account



Amount ( in Lakh)
58.98 21.68 186.96
0.00 40.07 11.58 10.78
53.02 49.85 432.92



Table 2.18

5. Southern Regional Centre, Hyderabad


Amount ( in Lakh)


Grant from ICSSR (Plan OH-31) Grant Received Conference Hall Rent
Sale of Scrap
E-Library Income Overhead Charges of Fellowship Grant from ICSSR (Non-Plan OH-36) Grant from ICSSR (OH-35) Earmarked Funds Guest House Room Rent Fellowships RMC Interests Received (HBL) Excess of Expenditure over Income Total

0.19 0.53 24.76 10.00
3.32 7.16 0.98 0.21 0.57 140.75

Plan Expenditure (OH-31) Administrative Expenses (OH-31) Salaries (OH-36) Other Establishment Expenses (OH-36) Others (Earmarked)

Amount ( in Lakh)
39.27 24.19 50.47 14.26 12.56

Table 2.19


6. Western Regional Centre (WRC), Mumbai

Amount ( in Lakh)


Grant from ICSSR Plan (OH-31)



Grant from ICSSR Non-Plan (OH-36)


Administrative Expenses

Interests Received


Plan Expenditure

Guest House Income


Other Establishment Expenses

Other Miscellaneous Income


Income over Expenditure

FD Surrender





Amount ( in Lakh)
38.34 40.41 25.26



Table 2.20
Allocation and Final Release of Grant to Regional Centres for the Financial Year 2019-20 (As on 31.3.2020)

( in Lakh)

Sl. Name of the No. Regional



Allocation 2019-20 (Plan) (OH-31)

Plan Grant Released (OH-31)

Allocation 2019-20
(NonPlan) (OH-36)

Non-Plan Grant
Released 2019-20 (OH-36)

Allocation 2019-20 (Plan) (OH-35)

Plan Grant Released (OH-35)

Grant Released (Total)

1 WRC, Mumbai








2 ERC, Kolkata






10.00 19.85

3 SRC, Hyderabad

101.00 88.57




10.00 123.33

4 NWRC, Chandigarh 45.00





12.00 12.00

5 NRC, New Delhi






5.00 12.70

6 NERC, Shillong

89.00 78.87




11.00 175.36


392.70 184.99 344.00 116.83


49.00 350.82*

* Plan & Non-plan grant of  350.82 lakh released against the allocation of  785.70 Lakh for 2019-20. Regional Centres utilized unspent funds of 2018-19 for the remaining balance.

ICSSR Research Institutes
The ICSSR provides maintenance and development grant to 24 Research Institutes. Sponsoring of Research Institutes outside the scope of the University Grants Commission has been one of the major endeavours of the Council in enlarging the base of social science knowledge, improving the quality of research and promoting an interdisciplinary perspective. These institutes constitute important instruments for implementing the Council's policy of spread of research talent and building up of research capabilities in the different regions of the country, particularly in the areas where social science research was or has not been well developed.
The Research Institutes have established close links with the scholars in the region as well as elsewhere through various activities such as seminars, workshops, training and consultancy programmes. Some of the institutes are closely associated with national and state level planning and development agencies and have,

thus, strengthened the links between research and policy making.
Each institute determines its own direction of research, which includes a wide spectrum of subjects related to agricultural and rural development, industrial structure and growth, income distribution and poverty, employment and wages, inter-regional differences in levels of development, education, health, nutrition, problems of weaker sections of society including women, energy, technology, ecology and environment, and social, cultural and institutional aspects of development. Thus, research studies have generated substantial empirical knowledge of the structure of Indian economy, polity and society and their dynamics both at the national and regional levels.
During the last five years, the institutes have completed 1335 research projects, while 1689 are continuing at various stages. These cover a wide spectrum of issues relating to areas that are already mentioned above. What is more



significant in these efforts is that they are not only interdisciplinary in nature but also focused on regional and local problems. In this process, they have become centres of research for the region's specific issues and have immensely contributed towards awareness of the nature of development problems and potential of the country as a whole. In terms of publications, the institutes have brought out 679 books & reports and 863 working papers during the last five years.
Another important activity, that has been given importance by the Council is training of young social scientists by the research institutes through M.Phil. and Ph.D. programmes, workshops and seminars. During the last five years, 202 Ph.Ds have been produced and 2469 scholars have been working on their Ph.D. The Council can justifiably take pride in its role of promoting the research and training efforts made by the research institutes. A total of 306 projects were completed in these institutes during the year under report. The total number of ongoing studies at the end of the year was 337.
Research institutes disseminate the results of their research studies in the form of published books, mimeographs, working/occasional papers etc. During the year under report, the number of books/ reports published was 154, monographs/mimeographs was 165 and working/occasional papers was 203. The number of research papers published was 542.
The institutes also undertake training of young social scientists and help fresh researchers in designing and conducting their research. To this end, doctoral fellowships have been provided to these institutes. Some of the institutes have been supporting in teaching and training programmes for M.Phil. and Ph.D. students. In addition, as per the Council's policy, they participate in postgraduate teaching, research guidance in the universities

and also involve the university teachers in their research programmes. During the year, 475 scholars were working under the guidance of the faculties of the research institutes, 50 were awarded Ph.D. degrees and 39 scholars submitted their doctoral dissertations. A total of 568 seminars and workshops were held during 2019-20.
Profile of individual Research Institutes
The focus and activities of the individual Research Institutes during the reporting year are presented below:
The focus of the A.N. Sinha Institute of Social Studies (ANSISS), Patna, was on concurrent evaluation of National Food Security Act 2013, monitoring of Lohiya Swachh Bihar Abhiyan, social impact of land acquisition for thermal power project, impact of education projects achievements of students, study of Gram Panchayat functionaries, impact study of proposed land acquisition for bridges, roads, railways and other public infrastructure, evaluation study on education incentive schemes, women's empowerment & child health, impact of microfinance and ethnographic studies. During the period, 25 projects/studies were completed and 23 were in progress. Apart from bringing out 10 research articles by the faculty, the Institute also organized 11 seminars/workshops/ conferences.
The research activities of the Centre for Development Studies (CDS), Thiruvananthapuram, during the year were directed on elderly parents care in India, study on flood in Kerala, evaluation of state finances and migration studies etc. Nine studies were completed while work on 12 studies were in progress. Four students were awarded Ph.D., two theses were submitted and 41 were working for their Ph.D. degrees. 12 books and 36 research articles were published whereas 59 monographs



and 20 working papers were brought out by the faculty. Also, 47 seminars/conferences/ lectures/ workshops were conducted by the Centre.

scholars were pursuing their Ph.D. work. The Centre organized 18 seminars/conferences/ lectures. The faculty published two books, three monographs, and three research papers/ articles.

The research activities of the Centre for Economic and Social Studies (CESS), Hyderabad revolved around study of working children and adolescent workers, socioeconomic conditions of backward castes, young lives tracking survey, impact assessment of zero budget natural farming, education as means to end child marriages, evaluation of Andhra Pradesh state finances, baseline survey of working children and adolescent workers, baseline survey under National Child Labour Project Scheme, election survey of knowledge, attitudes and practices of citizens, agriculture in tribal areas of Maharashtra, data mining for the Telangana State and internally displaced persons in India etc. The Centre completed 15 research projects and seven studies/projects were in progress. The faculty published three books, nine research articles/chapters in edited books. Besides, two monograph/mimeographs and two working papers were also brought out by the faculty. Four scholars were awarded Ph.D. and 56 scholars were pursuing research. A total of 17 seminars/conferences/workshops were organised during the year by the Institute.
The main activities of the Centre for MultiDisciplinary Development Research (CMDR), Dharwad, were centered on study of outward migration, economics of tobacco farming in India, facilities at government schools, status, use and management of CPRs (Non-forest) in different agro-climatic zones, sustaining ODF and its implications on standard of living in Karnataka, health impact of continuous vs. intermittent water supply, making of Model Gram Panchayats and incorporating equity into the sanitation service chain etc. During the period under review, the Institute completed eight research projects and 13 projects were at various stages of completion. Thirty-four

The focus of studies of the Centre for Policy Research (CPR), New Delhi has been on climate, energy and environment, urban-rural boundaries and basic services, scale, institutions and networks in transboundary waters, land rights, development and the constitution, developing practice on integrating climate, energ y and environment in India's development, political and economic history of India-Nepal water, female labour force participation, qualitative study on the political economy of implementation of classroom focused reforms in government schools in Delhi, efficacy of 14th Finance Commission transfers to Gram Panchayats, water conflict and governance, capacity building of community cadres on legal remedies for land and environment violations, creating employment and entrepreneurial opportunities for women in India, negotiating India's 21st century transition etc. During the year, the Centre completed 16 projects and twelve were at various stages of completion. The faculty published 23 books/reports. Besides, 50 research papers in journals/ chapters in books were also brought out. The Centre also organized 89 seminars/workshops/ conferences during the year.
The Centre for Research in Rural and Industrial Development (CRRID), Chandigarh conducted research on monitoring of rural development schemes, social impact assessment studies of railways projects, agro-biodiversity and impact on current practices of agriculture and allied sectors, special monitoring of Mission Antyodaya, employment/self-employment amongst women, vocational education in schools, dynamics of drug addiction and abuse, social audit of Mid-day Meal Scheme, implementation of NRHM and concurrent evaluation of home-based newborn care in India etc. During



the year, the Centre completed 33 projects and 22 were at various stages of completion. In addition, the Centre organized 32 seminars/conferences/workshops and training programmes. Two books and 14 research papers were published by the faculty in various journals and edited books. 29 scholars were pursuing Ph.D. from the institute.

context of politics-policy, Interface in Indian States, Jharkhand Post poll Analysis, end-line survey of knowledge, attitude and practice of citizens, Delhi governance survey, Delhi Election-Eve Survey 2020, media, democracy and media research in government archives etc. During the year, 16 projects were completed and 23 studies were in progress.

Research activities of the Centre for Social Studies (CSS), Surat, were related to study of family, mobility and social capital, sociological study of exodus of Dalits in rural Gujarat and inclusive rural development through Anand Pattern Co-operative Dairy in Gujarat. During the period, three projects were completed and four projects were in progress. The faculty members published 13 research papers in various journals and conducted six seminars/ conferences/training programmes.
The Centre for Studies in Social Sciences (CSSS), Kolkata, concentrated its work on history and culture of Kolkata, role of participatory theatre in empowering women, unskilled immigration, technical progress and wages, social identity, centering children in the development debate in India, taxes, public expenditure and growth, socio-economic and health analysis of Andaman and Nicobar Islands and endangered archives etc. During the year, eight projects were completed and five projects were in progress. The Centre published 29 research articles. During the period, 37 workshops/lectures/ seminars were organized. Three scholars were awarded Ph.D. nine scholars submitted theses and 62 were pursuing their Ph.Ds.
The main focus of research at the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS), Delhi, has been on National Election 2019: Pre-poll study, influence of social media on public opinion in the context of 2019 General Election, study of Police in India, women & politics, inequalities, welfare & democracy in

The Centre published 13 books/research reports and 30 research papers/articles in various journals. The Centre also organized 47 seminars/conferences/lectures.
The Centre for Women's Development Studies (CWDS), Delhi, since its inception, has undertaken research on the themes like early and child marriage, violence against women, violence against girls with physical disabilities in India, minor forest produce & livelihood, integrated tribal development through Tasar culture in Bankura District, West Bengal, water conservation, women negotiating space and work, analysis of education policy under in Delhi, commemorating a hundred years of Rosa Luxemburg ­ her life, ideas and works, and women's labour migration in India etc. During the year, 12 projects were completed and 14 were in progress. Six books and 23 research papers/chapters in reputed journals and edited books were published by the faculty of the Institute. Three scholars were awarded Ph.D. and 32 were pursuing their Ph.D. The Centre also organized 22 seminars/conferences/ workshops on various themes.
The focus of research activities of Council for Social Development (CSD), Hyderabad has been on electoral participation and representation of Dalits and Adivasis, deep sea fishing and small scale fishers with focus on economics of Tuna fishing crafts in Andhra Pradesh, geographical indication of protected agricultural products from select states of India, implementation of forest rights act, strengthening of schooling for Chenchu



Children, Dalit migrant workers in Hyderabad, migrant women domestic workers in Greater Hyderabad, assimilation of social and cultural change at work place and Bihari rural migration towards the industries of Hyderabad etc. The Council published three books and completed 11 projects and five projects were in progress. A total number of eight seminars/conferences/ workshops/ lectures were conducted during the year.
The research work carried out by Giri Institute of Development Studies (GIDS), Lucknow was focused on intra-household variations in consumption, educational and economic attainments of different categories of households, preparation of Input-Output transaction table for U.P., social impact assessment of integrated township, third party evaluation of Glanders & Farcy Disease Surveillance Scheme of RKVY, third party evaluation of scheme of Vocationalisation of Secondary Education, End-line Survey of Parliamentary General Election­2019 (Knowledge Attitude & Practices), third party evaluation of Rehabilitated Scavengers and Dry Toilets Converted into Water Drain Toilets, concurrent evaluation and doubling of farmers income by 2022-23 in the State of U.P., skill development among SCs and their employability, democracy, electoral politics and the emerging political consciousness among the marginalized, estimate rent of dwellings in rural and urban U.P., sub-state level estimates of socio economic indicators of U.P. by using small area techniques, benchmark survey for area and production estimate of horticultural crops, mapping of social protection schemes and identification of gaps in entitlement coverage, feedback on processes from the aspirational districts in Uttar Pradesh, costing and budget analyses of child protection schemes in Uttar Pradesh, insurance based healthcare service in India, estimation and Geotagging of homeless population in urban areas of U.P., and marginalization and exclusion of the scheduled

tribes in U.P. etc. During the year, the Institute completed 20 projects while another 14 were in progress. The Institute's faculty published two books, 28 research articles/papers in various journals and edited book volumes. In addition, the Institute conducted 19 seminars/ workshops/ conferences/ training programmes.
The focus of the research at the Gujarat Institute of Development Research (GIDR), Ahmedabad has been on topographic mapping and supplementary survey of PAFs in the E-W Corridor, evaluation of state finances in the context of recommendations of the 14th Finance Commission, preparation of DPRs for proposed projects in Kerala and Puducherry under Enhancing Coastal and Ocean Resources Efficiency (ENCORE) Programme, geographical indication of protected agricultural products from select states of India, water conservation, financial inclusion and its impact on domestic economies, effectiveness of management of the natural resources through Prakriti Karyashala of FES, value of statistical life and compensating wage differentials: workers in manufacturing sector in Ahmedabad, rural sanitation etc. During the year, the institute completed nine research projects and seven studies were in progress. The faculty of the Institute published 18 research papers/articles in various journals, besides bringing out 22 working/ occasional papers. The Institute conducted nine seminars/ conferences/workshops and two research scholars were pursuing their Ph.D.
The research programme of the Indian Institute of Education (IIE), Pune was focused on monitoring of rural development programme, Mission Antyodaya and baseline surveys of various government schemes etc. During the year, eight projects were completed and one was in progress. Four scholars were awarded Ph.D. The Institute conducted eight seminars/ conferences/workshops. The faculty published six books and 17 research papers/articles in various journals and edited book volumes.



The research work undertaken by the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), Jaipur relates to child labour, teenage pregnant girls and young mothers in government shelter homes in Rajasthan, self-help group women, post-harvest issues of coriander and cumin in Rajasthan and human development report of Rajasthan etc. During the year, six projects were completed while another two were in progress. The Institute conducted two seminars/workshops/lectures. The faculty of the Institute published two research papers. Four scholars were pursuing their Ph.D. in the Institute.
Research activities of the Institute of Economic Growth (IEG), Delhi pertain to utilization and impact evaluation of Fourteenth Finance Commission Grants to Gram Panchayats in Selected Indian States, climate change and agriculture, investment and growth in agriculture, National Food Security Act, forecasting agricultural output, horticulture assessment and management using Geo-informatics, econometric crop yield modelling with satellite remote sensing, revival of fallow land, cold-chain for fruits and vegetables, risk and vulnerability analysis of rural farm households, evaluation of Integrated Child Development Services Scheme, cost effectiveness of Antiretroviral Therapy under National AIDS Control Programme in India, Ayushman Bharat Costs and Finances of the Prime Minister's Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY), public finances for health, health expenditure priorities in India, climate change, livelihood diversification and well-being, resource sharing between Centre & States and allocation across States, pay commission and fiscal implications, National Health Mission home based new born care, evaluation of Prime Minister's special scholarship scheme, qualitative assessment of Kayakalp programme for public health care facilities and maternity, O.T. sterilization practices and post-caesarean surgical site infections etc. The Institute completed 38

research projects and 45 research projects were in progress. The Institute organized 42 workshops/seminars/ training programmes, etc. One scholar was awarded Ph.D. and 13 scholars were pursuing Ph.D. programme. The Institute published three books, 17 working papers, 47 monographs and 61 research papers/ chapters in various journals and edited books.
The Institute of Public Enterprise (IPE), Hyderabad concentrated its work on health equity in primary health care, water conservation, management and governance and a sociocultural study of women purchase behaviour etc. The institute provides courses on MBA (PE) and PGDCS. The Institute completed three research projects and 10 were in progress. During the year, 14 books/reports and 32 research papers/chapters in various journals and edited books were published. In addition, the institute organized 30 seminars/conferences/training programmes and workshops. 25 scholars were pursuing their Ph.D. research work, two submitted the theses and five scholars were awarded degree.
The Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC), Bangalore focused its research on contract farming, conservation of agro-biodiversity and ecosystem management, crop insurance in Karnataka, data reported by the public health facilities in Karnataka, inequality in quality of primary education, care among older persons in Karnataka, skewed sex ratios and cross border marriages in Tamil Nadu, price volatility and major issues in demand and supply management of Onion in India, breakeven analysis in dairy farm enterprises and strategies for its sustainable growth, evaluation of Karnataka state finances, citizenship and marginality in global cities of India, North-East migrants in Bengaluru: employability issues, challenges and prospects, integrating air and space-borne spectroscopy and laser scanning to assess structural and functional characteristics of crops and field



margin vegetation, Swachh Bharat Mission in Karnataka and Status of Rural Godown Scheme etc. During the year, 21 research projects were completed and 57 were at different stages of completion. The Institute published 24 books/ reports, 58 research papers/articles in various journals and brought out two monographs and 51 working/occasional papers. It conducted 27 seminars/workshops. Besides this, 13 scholars were awarded Ph.D., five submitted their theses and 86 scholars were pursuing their research work.
The thrust area of research at the Institute for Studies in Industrial Development (ISID), New Delhi has been on FDI-linked trade through related party transactions: a study of manufacturing foreign subsidiaries in India, penetration and effectiveness of health insurance schemes in India, urbanization and human capital development in Assam and portrayal of women: an empirical study of advertising content etc. During the period, nine research projects were completed and seven were in progress. The Institute published 13 books/reports and 15 research papers/articles in various journals and edited books, besides 35 working/occasional papers. The Institute organized 21 seminars/workshops.
The Madhya Pradesh Institute of Social Science Research (MPISSR), Ujjain (M.P.) undertakes interdisciplinary research in social sciences with special emphasis on educational inclusion through RTE Act 2009, evaluation of the implementation of National Food Security Act, National Election Study 2019: Post-poll Study in Madhya Pradesh, a study of beggars in the religious city of Ujjain, monitoring of rural development programmes, state of democracy in South Asia, monitoring of Mission Antyodaya and people's plan campaign and childline project etc. During the year, the Institute completed 13 projects and another four were at various stages of completion. The faculty

published fifteen research papers/articles in various journals. The Institute organized seven seminars/lectures. Five scholars were awarded Ph.D., and three submitted their theses.
The Madras Institute of Development Studies (MIDS), Chennai, focused its research on boundary spanning and intermediation for urban regeneration, affordable housing policies, mapping vulnerability and social protection in Tamil Nadu, structural transformation, regional disparity and institutional reforms in agriculture and relational approach to agency for mapping pathways into and out of poverty etc. During the year, five research projects were completed and nine were in progress. The Institute published nine books/ reports, 40 research papers/articles and brought out nine working papers. The Institute conducted 41 seminars/conferences/workshops during the year. Three scholars submitted their Ph.D. theses and 32 scholars were pursuing their research work under Ph.D. programme.
The research focus of the Nabakrushna Choudhury Centre for Development Studies (NCCDS), Bhubaneshwar has been on family genealogy of Utkal-D Coal Mine of NALCO, implementation of MGNREGA to provide livelihood security and arrest distress migration in drought affected districts of Odisha, technical quality and agro-economic assessment of water conservation and rejuvenation of water bodies under MGNREGA in Odisha, All India Survey on Higher Education, End-line Survey on Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of the Citizens of Odisha and management of forest fire in Odisha etc. During the period under review, the Centre completed six research projects while another 12 were in progress. The faculty also published 15 articles/research papers in various journals and organized 11 conferences/seminars/workshops. During the year under report, 12 Ph.D. scholars were pursuing their research work.



The Omeo Kumar Das Institute of Social Change and Development (OKDISCD), Guwahati focused its research on social inclusion through constitutional amendments in the context of India's NorthEast, history of North East India and its neighbours, collective violence in western Assam: its causes, accounts and consequences, cultural study of Assam and Thailand, traditional land management and types of alienation, documentation, monitoring and evaluation of CSR Initiatives of NEEPCO Ltd. and documentation, monitoring and evaluation of CSR Interventions of NHPC Ltd. etc. The Institute completed eight research projects and 26 projects were in progress. The faculty published five research papers. The Institute organized ten seminars/ workshops/ training programmes during the year under report. During the year, ten Ph.D. scholars were pursuing their research work.

The major research areas covered by the Sardar Patel Institute of Economic and Social Research (SPIESR), Ahmedabad, during the year, were farmer producer organizations in Gujarat, drivers and obstacles of female labour force participation in India, structure of wages, development of Scheduled Tribe & Caste in Gujarat etc. During the period, six research projects were completed and three were in progress. The Institute published one book and nine research articles in various journals/ edited books. During the year, one scholar was awarded Ph.D. and four seminars / conferences were organized by the Institute.
The major activities of the above-mentioned Research Institutes during 2019-20 are given at Appendix-11.



Table 2.21
Research Activities of Research Institutes (Since coming under ICSSR Grants-in Aid Scheme)

Name of the Research Institute and Year of Coming under ICSSR Grant-in-Aid Scheme

Research Projects

Ph.D. Degree Awarded

Books/ Reports

ANSISS, Patna (1971-72) CDS, Thiruvananthapuram (1974-75) CESS, Hyderabad (1985-86) CMDR, Dharwad (1990-91) CPR, New Delhi (1977-78) CRRID, Chandigarh (1984-85) CSS, Surat (1971-72) CSSS, Kolkata (1974-75) CSDS, Delhi (1976-77) CWDS, New Delhi (1986-87) CSD, Hyderabad (1979-80) GIDS, Lucknow (1976-77) GIDR, Ahmedabad (1986-87) IIE, Pune (1976-77) ISEC, Bengaluru (1972-73) ISID, New Delhi (1987-88) IDS, Jaipur (1981-82) IEG, Delhi (1974-75) IPE, Hyderabad (1976-77) MPISSR, Ujjain (1993-94) MIDS, Chennai (1976-77) NCCDS, Bhubaneswar (1986-87) OKDISCD, Guwahati (1989-90) SPIESR, Ahmedabad (1975-76) Total

258 144 181 457 307 134 115 309 208 459 320 161 939 102 358 1229 286 182 176
169 272 7484

82 17
0 0 15 20 25 28 6 49 1 66 240 0 0 79 93 51 32
15 72 1105

148 183 315 472 471 286 120 134 250 102 310 673 1272 110 415 353 298
42 215
81 12 7036

Monographs/ Mimeographs

Working/ Research Seminars/

Occa- Papers/ Conferences/

sional Articles Training





































































129 140 1076 897 673 1314 744 769 208 276 367 547 652 174 462 846 1443 139 905





175 30

19 28 3988

149 1132 28047

213 93



Table 2.22 Name of Research Journals Published by ICSSR Research Institutes and Regional Centres

Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12.
13. 14.

Name of the Research Institutes ANSISS, Patna CSSS, Kolkata CRRID, Chandigarh CSS, Surat CSDS, Delhi
CWDS, New Delhi IIE, Pune ISEC, Bengaluru IEG, Delhi IPE, Hyderabad
MIDS, Chennai MPISSR, Ujjain
OKDISCD, Guwahati SPIESR, Ahmedabad

Name of the Journal & ISSN/ ISBN/ RNI Number
Journal of Social and Economic Studies (ISSN: 0377-0508) South Asian Journal of Macroeconomics and Public Finance (ISSN: 22779787) Man and Development (ISSN 0258-0438) Arthat (ISSN: 2319-653X) 1. BioScope: South Asian Screen Studies (ISSN 0974-9276) 2. Pratiman: Samay, Samaj, Sanskriti (ISSN 2320-8201) 3. Studies in Indian Politics (ISSN 2321-0230) Indian Journal of Gender Studies (ISSN 0971-5215) Shikshan ani Samaj (ISSN: 2278-6864) Journal of Social and Economic Development (ISSN: 0972-5792) Contributions to Indian Sociology (ISSN: 00699667) 1. The Journal of Institute of Public Enterprise (ISSN: 0971-1864) 2. Journal of Economic Policy & Research (ISSN: 0975-8577) 3. Indian Journal of Corporate Governance (ISSN: 0974-6862) 4. Journal of International Economics (ISSN: 0976-0792) 5. Journal of Marketing Vistas (ISSN: 2249-9067) 6. IPE Journal of Management (ISSN: 2249-9040) 7. Journal of Governance & Public Policy (ISSN: 2231-0924) Review of Development and Change (ISSN 0972-2661) 1. Madhya Pradesh Journal of Social Sciences (English) (ISSN 0973-855X) 2. Madhya Pradesh Samajik Vigyan Anusandhan Journal (Hindi) (ISSN 09738568) Social Change and Development (ISSN 0975-4016) 1. Anvesak (ISSN 0378-4568) 2. Madhukari (ISSN 2394-3663)

Table 2.23 Research Output of ICSSR Research Institutes During the Year 2019-20

Sl. Name of the Research No. Institutes



1. ISEC, Bengaluru

2. CDS, Thiruvananthapuram

3. CSSS, Kolkata

4. ANSISS, Patna

5. IPE, Hyderabad

6. IEG, Delhi

7. CSDS, Delhi

8. CSS, Surat

9. MIDS, Chennai

10. IIE, Pune

11. GIDS, Lucknow

12. CPR, New Delhi

13. SPIESR, Ahmedabad

14. CSD, Hyderabad

15. IDS, Jaipur

16. CRRID, Chandigarh

17. CWDS, New Delhi

18. CESS, Hyderabad

19. NCCDS, Bhubaneswar

20. GIDR, Ahmedabad

21. ISID, New Delhi

22. OKDISCD, Guwahati

23. CMDR, Dharwad

24. MPISSR, Ujjain


Projects Completed
3 21
9 8 25 3 38 14 3 5 8 20 16 6 11 6 33 12 15 6 9 9 8 8 13 306

Projects In-progress
4 57 12
5 23 10 45 23
4 9 1 14 12 3 5 2 22 14 7 12 7 7 26 13 4 337

Ph.D. Degree Awarded
5 13
4 3 1 5 1 2 4 1 1 2 3 4 1 5 50

Theses Submit-
6 5 2 9 1 2 1 5 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 39

Ph.D. in Progress
7 86 41 62 26 25 13
2 32 1 4 29 32 56 12 2 8 10 34 475

Books/ Reports
8 24 12
8 2 14 3 5 12 9 6 2 23 1 3 1 2 6 3 1 13 2 2 154

Published Research Papers/ Articles
9 58 36 29 10 32 61 24 11 40 17 28 50
9 18
2 14 23
9 15 18 15
5 3 15 542

Monographs/ Mimeographs
10 2
59 4 -
47 -
20 4 5 2
18 1 3 -

Working/ Occasional Papers/
11 51 20 10
2 12 17
9 2 10 2 2 3 22 35 2 4 203

Seminars/ Conferences/ Workshops
12 27 47 37 11 30 42 43 13 41
8 19 89
4 8 2 32 22 17 11 9 21 10 18 7 568

Faculty Strength

Staff Strength























































3 International Collaboration

Promoting social science research through international collaboration is one of the major approaches followed by the ICSSR. Under this programme, the Council provides opportunity to both Indian and foreign scholars to interact, learn, research and contribute to social science in India and abroad. The Council undertakes several important activities under the programme which include bilateral and multilateral collaborations with foreign funding councils and social science organisations, providing financial assistance to Indian scholars for presenting papers in international conferences & data collection abroad etc.
The ICSSR has established strong bilateral social science collaborative agreements with its counterparts abroad. Besides, the Council is one of the implementing agencies of the Cultural Exchange Programme and Educational Exchange Programme of the Government of India with other countries.
Our crucial task is to promote and fund innovative, interdisciplinary/multi-disciplinary and policy relevant social science research in the country and thus, lead the way in which social science research is to be shaped and strengthened in India which also incorporates collaborative research with similar Councils or agencies abroad. Its vision is to nurture, train and build capacity of social scientists through a comprehensive, challenging and innovative training in research.
The ICSSR in its endeavor to encourage dialogue and discussion on important issues

of social science relevance provides financial assistance to organize national & international conferences/seminars in India. The ICSSR's `Seminar Grant Scheme' aims at facilitating research in discipline specific areas of social science as well as in interdisciplinary areas.
The International Collaboration Programme of the ICSSR provides an opportunity to both Indian and foreign scholars in the field of social sciences to interact and research. Financial assistance is also provided to Indian social scientists, who have been invited to present and contribute paper at seminars/conferences abroad. The ICSSR also provides financial assistance to social scientists who have a plan to visit abroad for the purpose of data collection or consulting archival material in connection with their research work.
The ICSSR has emerged, over the years, as a premier social science research organization in India with a highly visible international presence. Activities relating to promoting academic links among social scientists of India and other countries of the world have been the prime task of the International Collaboration Division. The Division, on behalf of the Council, leads programmes of collaboration and joint research with several countries and organizations.
International Collaborations
While the ICSSR is continuing its cooperation with the existing programmes of different countries like Vietnam Academy of Social Science



(VASS), Vietnam; National Science Foundation (NSF), Sri Lanka; Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), UK; The Netherlands Scientific Organization (NWO), The Netherlands; German Research Foundation (DFG), Germany; Korean Social Science Research Council (KOSSREC), Republic of Korea; Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), Switzerland; Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Taipei, Taiwan; Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS), Japan; National Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIHSS), South Africa; Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare (FORTE), Sweden; Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina (ANUBiH), Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The ICSSR also has ongoing Cultural Exchange Programmes with Thailand, France and China. The ICSSR has multilateral collaborations with EU-India Platform on Social Sciences and Humanities (EqUIP).
Besides, the ICSSR has been participating in the activities of international social science organizations such as International Federation of Social Science Organizations (IFSSO), International Science Council (ISC), Science Council of Asia (SCA), UNESCO through its MOST programme etc. The ICSSR is also the nodal agency of the Sub-Commission on Social Sciences constituted by the Ministry of Human Resource Development under the Indian National Commission for Cooperation with UNESCO (INCCU).

DST, ICMR, DBT, ICAR etc. During the year, the ICSSR in collaboration with Indian Institute of Management, Trichy has organized a "Conclave on Re-defining Management Research in India" in which many Directors of IIMs and resource persons in the field of Management participated in the Conclave. Based on its success, the ICSSR is planning to collaborate with IITs and NITs of the country to have joint workshops and seminars. Similarly, the ICSSR plans to have collaborative arrangements with National Law Universities of India (NLUs). A meeting in this regard has already been held.
There is a constant move to project a strong innovative role of the ICSSR through new programmes & activities.
Bilateral Collaborative Programme
The ICSSR has signed `Bilateral Collaborative Programmes' with parallel organisations of several countries to implement activities such as exchange of scholars, joint seminars, joint projects, joint publications, exchange of books and periodicals, etc. The Council also plans to invite eminent foreign scholars to visit India for delivering lectures under its scheme of "Visit of Distinguished Scholars". The ICSSR has bilateral collaboration with the following organisations or countries:
Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), UK

Broad-basing ICSSR through Interdisciplinary and Trans-disciplinary Collaborations
In India, there are scientific, medical and agricultural councils, which too have international collaborations. The ICSSR is developing programmes which would have stronger and deeper interface between society and science through bilateral or multilateral agreements with research organisations like

The ICSSR-Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) have a bilateral collaboration programme since 1st April, 2008. The renewed MoU has been signed on 14th September, 2018 for a period of three years.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Tokyo, Japan
The ICSSR and JSPS signed an MoU commencing from 26th February, 2015 which will remain in



force for a period of three years and thereafter it will be automatically extended for a further period of three years, unless either party expresses its desire for discontinuation.

promoting high standards of research and excellence in social sciences. The MoU shall have a duration of three years and will be renewable for another three years.

National Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIHSS), South Africa
The ICSSR and the NIHSS, South Africa signed an MOU on 20th March, 2014 for a period of three years which is renewable for another three years, unless either party gives notice to terminate.
German Research Foundation (DFGDeutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft), Germany

Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), Switzerland
The ICSSR and the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), Switzerland in its capacity as "Leading House" mandated by the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI), acknowledging the importance of international scientific and scholarly cooperation and exchange have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 10th April 2019 and it will remain in force till 31 December 2020.

The ICSSR and the German Research Foundation (DFG--Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft), recognising the importance of the mutual benefit to be derived from bilateral collaboration and with the desire to strengthen the research cooperation on the basis of equality between the researchers and academics from the universities and the research institutions in both the countries in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 9th September 2019. The signed MoU shall remain in force for a period of five years and shall subsequently extended thereafter annually.
Korean Social Science Research Council (KOSSREC), Seoul, Republic of Korea
The ICSSR and the Korean Social Science Research Council (KOSSREC), Seoul, Republic of Korea signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 10th March 2020, which aims at enabling sustained and continuing partnership in the social sciences, including exchange of researchers, methodologies and results and

National Science Foundation (NSF), Sri Lanka
The MoU between ICSSR and NSF, Sri Lanka was signed on 3rd October 2019 for a period of four years, which will automatically be extendable for further period of four years unless either party terminates the MoU by giving six months' notice.
Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Taipei, Taiwan
The ICSSR and the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Taipei, Taiwan have agreed to promote cooperation in the fields of social science on the basis of equality and mutual advantage and through mutual consent by defining various areas in which this cooperation is desirable. The MoU came into existence on 26th July 2019. The MoU shall be in force for a period of five years and will be renewable for a further period of five years unless either party give twelve months' notice of its intention to terminate the MoU.



During the reporting year, the following activities were organised under the Bilateral Collaborative Programme of ICSSR:
ICSSR-JSPS (Japan) Bilateral Programme
The ICSSR and JSPS, acknowledging the importance of developing the premises of academic cooperation in the fields of humanities and social science between the Japanese and Indian researchers, and wishing to promote further development of the research communities of both countries signed the MoU.

The major activities under the programme are: (1) Joint Research Projects; (2) Joint Seminars; and (3) Other collaborative activities as may be mutually decided upon. The ICSSR has given a call for joint research projects and joint seminars inviting Indian scholars to explore research under India-Japan collaboration in the field of social science research. Against the Joint Call, ICSSR received a good number of applications. After going through the review process, the following two joint research projects and two joint seminars were sanctioned (Table 3.1 and Table 3.2):

Table 3.1 India-Japan Collaborative Projects


Indian Lead Collaborator


Japanese's Lead Collaborator

Title of the Project

1. Prof. Dibyendu Maiti Associate Professor, Delhi School of Economics, Centre for Development Economics, Delhi University, Delhi

Dr. Kenmei Tsubota Research Fellow Institute of Developing Economics, Japan External Trade OrganizationJapan

International Trade, Uneven Gains and the Role of ICTs

2. Prof. Ram Sateesh Pasupuleti

Prof. Subhajyoti Samaddar An Integrated Framework

Assistant Professor,

Associate Professor,

for Disaster Risk Reduction

Department of Architecture and Planning, Research Division of Disaster

and Climate Change Adapta-

Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Management for Safe and Secure tion


Society, Disaster Prevention

Research Institute,

Kyoto University, Japan

Table 3.2 India-Japan Joint Seminars


Indian Lead Collaborator


1. Dr. Rachana Bhangaokar Department of Human Development and Family Studies, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara, Gujarat

2. Prof. Sony Pellissery Professor, Institute of Public Policy, National Law School of India University, Bengaluru, Karanataka

Japanese's Lead Collaborator

Title of the Seminar

Prof. Satoshi Shimai Professor, Department of Psychological Sciences, Kansai University of Welfare Science, Japan
Prof. Yasuhiro Kamimura Associate Professor, Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University, Japan

Work-Life Balance in India and Japan: Measuring and Designing Interventions from a Cultural Perspective
Social Policy for Informal Economy: Challenges and Innovations



Cultural Exchange Programme (CEP)
The ICSSR not only sponsors Indian social scientists to visit other countries but also entertains foreign scholars under the Exchange Programmes. The purpose of such visits is to enable social scientists to collect research material, deliver lectures, participate in seminars, consult libraries and interact with social scientists. The ICSSR is presently having cultural exchange programme with the following organisations:
National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT), Thailand
The ICSSR has collaborative relations with National Research Council Thailand (NRCT), Bangkok in the field of social science under the framework of `ICSSR-NRCT Bilateral Programme', which includes exchange of scholars and joint seminars/publications. TheMOU is based on the continual framework of the Cultural Exchange Programme signed between India and Thailand on 11th September, 2006. The current MoU with NRCT was signed in August, 2013 for a duration of three years and is automatically renewable for another three years. During the reporting period, the following activities were undertaken under this programme:
Exchange of Scholars
From India
1. Dr. Tosib Alam, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Central University of Kashmir, Srinagar (J&K) visited Thailand from 17 January to 02 February, 2020 in connection with his research work on "An Analysis of Fiscal Decentralization and Governance for Delivery of Public Services: A Comparative Study of India and Thailand".

2. Dr. Sanjay Dhir, Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Technology(IIT), New Delhi visited Thailand from 25 January to 03 February, 2020 in connection with his research work on "Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Tourism Industry: A Comparative Study of India and Thailand".
3. Dr. Karmveer Singh, Assistant Professor, Dept. of History and Indian Culture, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur (Rajasthan) visited Thailand from 2nd to 20th March, 2020 in connection with his research work on "India-Thailand Cultural Linkages: A Study of Shared Cultural Heritage".
4. Dr. Samhita Chaudhuri, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Bijoy Krishna Girls' College, Howrah (WB) visited Thailand from 4th to 20th March, 2020 in connection with her research work on "Customs of Contemporary Buddhist Communities in India and Thailand: A Cultural Perspective".
5. Prof. Kavita Rastogi, Professor, Dept. of Linguistics, University of Lucknow, Lucknow (UP) visited Thailand in connection with her research work on "Revitalising Raji: Creating Value in Local Raji Products Using the Black Tai Model and Best Practices".
6. Dr. G. Jayachandran, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mathematical Economics, School of Economics, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai (TN) visited Thailand in connection with his research work on "Foreign Direct Investment Inflows into Health Care Sector and Promotion of Medical Tourism in India and Thailand".



From NRCT, Thailand
1. Dr. Kangvol Khatshima, Silpakorn University, Thailand visited India from 1st to 20th December, 2019 in connection with his research work on "The Influence and Relationship between King Mahendra- varman-I of Pallava Dynasty in India and King Mahendravarman of Chenla Kingdom in Cambodia: An Analytical Study through Inscriptions".
2. Dr. (Ms.) Pakadeekul Ratana, Chiang Mai University, Thailand visited India from 1st to 20thDecember, 2019 in connection with her research work on "A Study of Sustainable International Tourism between India and Thailand".
3. Mrs. Suchittra Pongpisutsopa, State Railway of Thailand, Thailand visited India from 1st to 20th December, 2019 in connection with her research work on "Human Resource (HR) Analytics Adoption: Indian Railways Organization".
4. Mr. Taya Techasay, Nakhon Si Thammarat Rajabhat University, Thailand visited India from 6th to 25th December, 2019 in connection with his research work on "The Appreciative Enquiries of Sitar, Classical Music Instrument of India".
5. Dr. Suraphong Lorsomradee, Chiang Mai University, Thailand visited India from 13th to 31st December, 2019 in connection with his research work on "Sociological Barriers and Facilitators to Implementing Health Service Research of Goal-Directed Therapy for Enhanced Recovery after Surgery into Clinical Practice".
6. Dr. Worawit Boonthai, Thammasat University, Thailand in connection with his research work on "An observation

of Royal Cranium from Moidam at Cheraidoi and A Comparative Study of Burial Practice with other Tai Group".
Further, year-wise details about the Exchange of Scholars funded by the ICSSR since its inception may be seen in Table No.3.3.

Table 3.3
Year-Wise Distribution of Exchange of Scholars

1971-1990 (19yrs) 1990-2010 (20yrs) 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 Total

Exchange of Scholars 197 553 33 45 33 27 27 11 20 12 12 12 982

14th ICSSR-NRCT Joint Seminar & Joint Advisory Committee (JAC)
The 14th NRCT-ICSSR Joint Seminar on "India ­Thailand Moving Forward" and `ICSSR-NRCT 15th Joint Advisory Committee Meeting' was held on 25th to 26th February, 2020 in Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh). 18 Thai and 20 Indian scholars participated in the two-day event.

Membership of International Organisations
The ICSSR is a member organization of international eminent research bodies such as as International Science Council (ISC), and Science Council of Asia (SCA), UNESCO etc. The Council has been identified as the



nodal agency for participating in the activities of the UNESCO's MOST (Management of Social Transformation) programme and its implementation.
The International Science Council (ISC) is a membership-based organization governed by a General Assembly and an elected Executive Committee. The ISC members include international professional associations and unions, regional and national social science research councils and academies, universities and institutes with major interests in the social sciences. The Secretariat of ISC is in Paris and manages a dynamic portfolio of programmes and activities aimed at strengthening the social sciences to help solve global priority problems and secure a sustainable future for everyone.
The Science Council of Asia (SCA) is a regional organization of Asia established in May 2000. The SCA has been working to strengthen the cooperation between scientists and facilitate interactions with policymakers in keeping with its role of providing a multifunctional platform of networking for effective partnerships among the countries in Asia. The SCA has constantly reviewed its management and activities in order to maximise its scientific and social influence. The ICSSR actively and regularly participates in various SCA Annual Meetings and Annual Conferences which helps the Council in aligning its priorities with other member countries. The ICSSR, however, could not take part in the 19th SCA Conference held during 3-5 December 2019 at Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar.
Official Visits of Member Secretary and Chairman
The Member Secretary, ICSSR was invited by Hon'ble Minister for Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)-Centre for Global Affairs and Science Engagement (GASE) to participate in the "2019 Global Science and Technology

Leaders Forum' in Taipei (Taiwan) from 30th October-1st November 2019. The Forum provided global S&T leaders with a platform for discussing emerging issues of their common interest. The Forum celebrated Taiwan's milestone and prosperous development of its partnership in research and innovation.
National Science Foundation, Sri Lanka
The International Conference on `Social and Cultural Nexus of Science and Technology Development (SCST)' was held from 3rd ­ 4th October 2019 in Colombo, Sri Lanka. The conference aim was to bring together academics, researchers, policy makers, university students in to a common platform to discuss, present and debate knowledge relevant to the S&T development in various perspectives. The Indian delegation namely Prof. Amita Singh, Prof. Bhushan Patwardhan, Prof. Aswini Mohapatra, Prof. P. Kanagasabapathi alongwith ICSSR officials was headed by the Member Secretary, ICSSR.
ICSSR-ZHAW Joint Workshop
Two-day Joint Workshop Programme in Social Sciences organized by ICSSR in collaboration with Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), Switzerland was held on 25-26 November 2019 at ICSSR, New Delhi. This workshop was a part of the activities being undertaken within the framework of `ICSSRZHAW Bilateral Collaboration Programme'. The objective of the joint workshop was to investigate the future of India-Swiss bilateral relations and focus on how policy in both countries ought to respond to the challenges identified. The focus areas of the workshop were skills and employability, women: status and empowerment & trade and investment issues. Thirteen Indian and Eight Swiss scholars participated in the deliberation of the two-day event.



ICSSR-NeNAP Joint Workshop
Two-day Joint seminar on the theme "Research Collaboration in Education and Social Sciences" organized by ICSSR in collaboration with Neeti Anusandhan Pratishthan (NeNAP), Nepal, was held on 6-7 February 2020 at ICSSR. The objective of the joint seminar was to discuss the areas of collaboration that institutes of higher excellence including universities and research institutes of Nepal and India. More specifically, it deliberated upon key issues such as identify the areas of collaboration of research in social science and education, preparing a modality for exchange programs between the institutes of Nepal and India & identify the challenges for such collaboration and way out to mitigate challenges.
International Travel Grant for Paper Presentation/Data Collection Abroad
The aim of this programme is to assist social science scholars to make substantial contributions to important international seminars/conferences. The programme thus promotes academic links amongst the social scientists in India and abroad, provides opportunity to develop new insights and enlarges their research perspectives and contributes to the advancement and dissemination of knowledge in social science subjects.
In pursuance of its policy to promote closer contacts between India and overseas social scientists, the ICSSR has developed two programmes. Under the first, financial assistance is provided to Indian scholars, who have been invited to contribute and present

papers at international conferences abroad. In its second programme, ICSSR provides financial assistance to scholars who intend to visit abroad for the purposes of data collection or consulting archival material in connection with their research work.
During the year 2019-20, 194 scholars availed travel grant for participation in international conferences & data collection abroad (Appendix-9). The International Collaboration programme has spent a total of `258.40 lakh for all its activities during the year 2019-20.
Further, year-wise details about the Travel Grant funded by the ICSSR since its inception may be seen in Table No. 3.4

Table 3.4 Year-Wise Distribution of Travel Grant

1971-1990 (19) 1990-2010 (20) 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 Total

Travel Grant for Participation in
Seminars/ Conferences
342 547
35 50 101 120 146 202 197 54 178 172 2144

Data Collection Abroad
116 64 06 03 06 32 48 57 59 23 22 22

Impactful Policy Research in Social Science (IMPRESS) Scheme

Every nation, at all points of time, aspires to witness encouraging developments in all dimensions of its life which include economic, social, political, cultural, educational and other dimensions. These aspirations have driven mankind to assess the needs of the society and innovate accordingly. The very process of evolution suggests how mankind has faced problems and challenges at every successive stage of development and attempted to overcome these difficulties and adversities through its creativity, innovativeness and advancement of new techniques and tools. Thus, the task of nation-building and progress of the society remain ever continuing.
Many scientists and researchers believe that nation building is an outcome of developments in science & technology or in capital formation. This view gained prominence in almost all major countries of the world which has led to larger parts of their societies failing to match the swiftness of developments in science & technology. Hence, a number of issues pertaining to development gaps, imbalances, poverty, malnutrition, exploitation of various kinds, inequality, tension, stress, violence, discrimination, security etc. have emerged. These issues have acted and continue to act as impediments to the very process of potential development and well-being. So, every society needs thorough study of such problems, their causative factors, inter-related issues, acceptable explanations and workable solutions under demanding situations.

The Scenario of Social Science Research (SSR)
Many commissions and committees of the government as well as thinkers have felt that there is a perceptible degree of disparity between thrust on science & technology and social development. Several committees have strongly recommended to encourage and promote social science research (SSR) and its greater participation in public policy. India's first Higher Education Commission, 1950 (Radhakrishnan Commission) highlighted the disparity between natural and social science, and contended for assigning greater importance to social science research. Indian Education Commission (196466), popularly known as `Kothari Commission', emphasized the need for development of scientific approach in social science research and also urged for the knowledge creation in these areas through training and capacity building programmes. The Commission also recommended for greater allocation of resources for SSR. Though, India's first Education Policy i.e. `National Policy of Education (NPE), 1968' implicitly held Social Science as Policy Science, yet it insisted on science education and research for national development. However, the Policy recommended that the `Centres of Advanced Study' should be established or strengthened for the upliftment of social scientific research. The `National Policy of Education, 1986' and `Programme of Action, 1992' insisted to minimise the gap between researchers and policy makers and to maintain focus on policy driven research, especially the SSR. The Policy also endorsed the view that inter-disciplinary



and trans-disciplinary researches generate greater utility than purely unidisciplinary researches. There is no doubt that research domains have widened in both, science and technology researches as well as in social science researches. There is a growing appreciation of rising degree of complementarity in researches in both the spheres as the two have to be deeply interconnected in order to maximize the benefits from such scientific explorations.
Science and technology research, which upholds to improve the quality of life, needs to be entirely connected with the society as any deficiency in expected degree of its association with the society is bound to result in concentration of benefits among very few people. Besides, there is a fair degree of realization that social science research and social scientists need to be closely connected to the policy making at all levels, including that in science and technology because the idea is to translate researches into impactful policy documents to help research findings bring about still more improvement in the quality of life. It can happen only when research problems emanate from the society & its problems, and researchers endeavour to provide some pragmatic solution to those problems. The linking of social science research with that of science & technology research is bound to provide a very powerful insight even to the researchers in science and help them make their researches or innovations more agreeable to the society. It would also inspire potential social scientists to contribute more vigorously and enthusiastically in policy making. There is no doubt that social science researches are extremely important for policy conception, implementation and final delivery as every policy eventually is to be appreciated and accepted by the society for its (policy's) making attempt to serve the society much better. Identification of critical issues also assists the policy makers to formulate better and more agreeable policies, schemes and

programmes. In this connection, the role of social science ecosystem is also very crucial. There is no refutation of the fact that no public policy can be very successfully implemented without discussing it with the society, without being aware of society's aspirations, and also without acquainting the society with new and major developments.
In Scopus database, India is now ranked at 8th position for its social science publications and its share in global publications is nearly 2.8% whereas in Science & Technology publications, India is ranked at 3rd place and its share is around 7.8%. The share of expenditure on social science research is 0.025 per cent of the budget of the central government while it is 0.86% for science research. Thus, the expenditure on social science research is less than 3% of that on science research. Thus, in order to tap the potentials of social science research optimally, it required a big push for which IMPRESS makes a sincere attempt in the expected direction.
IMPRESS (Impactful Policy Research in Social Science)
Impactful Policy Research in Social Science (IMPRESS) is an idea of its own kind as it aims to provide a research-based roadmap to address policy challenges pertaining to society and the social science research expanses. The researchbased inputs are the central prerequisites in the process of policy making as a policy should evolve from the society and its concerns; and the policy is finally expected to respond to societal aspirations. It has been pointed out that the gaps of any kind between policy makers and the society need to be bridged. Social science researchers can be very helpful in identification of the gaps between the society and policy makers and they may attempt to provide vital evidence-based inputs about the perception, appreciation and outreach of the policies among people. Besides, there may be



critical areas where policy makers require timely inputs, evidence, feedback and participation in order to make policy considerably effective. So, IMPRESS is dedicated to address the issue of bridging the gap between policy making & implementing and the society by generating or encouraging crucial inputs at the end of researches in important social science spheres so as to assist in having maximum impact on governance and society.
The domain and sub-domain areas need to be identified in a way that encompasses most of key subjects under public policy debate due to new developments, earnest concerns, emerging issues and grave deficiencies. Based on these aspects, the following eleven (11) important broad domain areas have been identified after a fair degree of consultations:
1. State and Democracy
2. Urban Transformation
3. Media Culture and Society
4. Employment Skills and Rural Transformation
5. Governance,InnovationandPublicPolicy
6. Growth, Macro-trade and Economic Policy

Some of these sub-domains include India as a Welfare State, Nature of Federalism in India, Security & Defence Policy, India's Soft Power Policy, Diaspora, Indian Portrayal, Regional Cooperation, Urbanisation, CitiesandSustainability, Urban/City Governance, Urban Transportation, Women Empowerment and its Status, Inclusion and Development of Scheduled Castes &Tribes, Skill and Employability, Rural Transformation, Infrastructure and Transportation, Technology for Rural Transformation, E-Governance and Smart Governance, Innovation, Knowledge and Governance, Technology and Governance, Growth, Inclusiveness, Poverty and Inequality, Ease of Doing Business, Make in India Initiative, Financial Inclusion, Revitalisation of Manufacturing, Informal Sector Issues, Agrarian Distress and related Issues, Food and Nutrition Security, State Level Developments, Environmental Problems and Climate Change, Water Problem, Swachh Bharat Initiative, Universal Health, Disaster and Its Management, Science & Society, Access, Equity and Quality in Higher Education, Digital Learning, Technology and Social Media, Social MediaNetworks, Ethics, Accountability and Big Data Issues, Bureaucracy & Administrative Reforms, Judicial Activism, Rape Survivors and Justice System etc.

7. Agriculture and Rural Development
8. Health and Environment
9. Science and Education
10. Social Media and Technology
11. Politics, Law and Economics
Since IMPRESS intends to support social science scholars, academicians and policy makers for greater impact of research and policy, and for that, it aims to connect social science researches having their objective assessment of ongoing policies with the policy makers. The scheme has more than 100 sub-domain areas within the above mentioned broad 11 domain areas.

The proposal of Impactful Policy Research in Social Sciences named as IMPRESS scheme was approved by Government of India in August 2018 with a total budget of  414 crore spread over three financial years for its implementation starting from October 2018. ICSSR being a highly reputed Social Science Research Council under the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Higher Education, Government of India, was entrusted with the responsibility of implementing the scheme. ICSSR would also contribute a small part its research project grant towards funding of IMPRESS scheme.



The scheme has a target to award a minimum of 1500 research projects and 200 seminars/ conferences/workshops over the scheme period. Regular faculty from institutes of national importance, central and state universities, private universities/institutes having UGC12(B) status, and ICSSR research institutes can apply for research programme or projects and seminars under IMPRESS. The proposals are to be invited in a competitive mode through open calls (three to four) and the first call was launched in October 2018. The evaluation process is quite transparent as each proposal is blind peer reviewed by three experts who are assigned proposals through a computer driven system. Based on the recommendations of the experts and merit, the proposals are shortlisted for presentation & interaction before another Expert Committee which makes its observations/recommendations for the consideration of the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee takes the final decision in the light of merit, observations and recommendations of the Expert Committee/s, including the budgetary aspect.

pan India outreach as faculties/scholars from 32 states and union territories had applied.
In the First phase of First Call, the proposals recommended under blind peer review up to middle of February, 2019 were invited for presentation and interaction. The Project Directors of the shortlisted proposals were given an option of appearing in-person or through skype. Finally, in respect of Phase I of Call-I up to middle of February 2019, 269 projects and 70 proposals for seminar were selected for award by the `Steering Committee'.
Rest of the proposals of Call-1 shortlisted under blind peer review were invited in the beginning of the financial year 2019-20 for presentation & interaction. The Project Directors of the shortlisted proposals were given an option of appearing in-person or through skype. Finally, in respect of Phase II of Call-I, 470 projects and 37 proposals for seminar were selected for award by the Steering Committee in the month of June 2019. Domain wise list of these selected research projects (470) and Seminars (37) maybe seen at Table No. 4.1

First Call of IMPRESS
The online portal of IMPRESS was formally launched by the then Hon'ble Minister of Human Resource Development, Shri Prakash Javadekar Ji on 25th October, 2018.
Under the First Call of IMPRESS scheme, 2484 proposals (thus far the largest number for ICSSR project applications against a call) were received till 30th November 2018, the last date for receiving the proposals. The scheme had a

Second Call of IMPRESS
Under the Second Call of IMPRESS scheme, 3626 proposals (even larger than the number of applications received under First Call) were received till 30th November 2019, the last date for receiving the proposals. The scheme has a pan India outreach as faculties/scholars from 32 states and union territories had applied (brief detail of state-wise participation may be seen at Table No. 4.5.



Table 4.1
Domain-wise Position of the Research Projects and Seminars Approved under the Phase II of First Call

S. No. Domain


Agriculture and Rural Development


Employment Skills and Rural Transformation


Governance, Innovation and Public Policy


Growth, Macro Trade and Economic Policy


Health and Environment


Media, Culture and Society


Politics, Law and Economics


Science and Education


Social Media and Technology


State and Democracy


Urban Transformation


Research Projects Approved
77 41 48 18 94 66 25 28 30 11 32 470

Seminars Approved
03 03 01 02 06 07 01 04 05 03 02 37

Table 4.2 State-wise Details of the Research Projects Approved under the Phase II of First Call

S. State No.


Andhra Pradesh


Arunachal Pradesh










Delhi (NCT)





10 Haryana

11 Himachal Pradesh

12 Jammu and Kashmir

13 Jharkhand

14 Karnataka

15 Kerala

16 Madhya Pradesh


Research Projects Approved 10 7 13 7 12 4 51 3 13 11 5 14 3 22 25 7

















Puducherry (UT)






Tamil Nadu






Uttar Pradesh




West Bengal


Research Projects Approved 56 1 1 4 1 26 7 12 10 59 16 3 34 9 24



Table 4.3 State-wise list of Research Projects Selected under the First Call of IMPRESS

S. State No.


Andhra Pradesh


Arunachal Pradesh










Delhi (NCT)





10 Haryana

11 Himachal Pradesh

12 Jammu and Kashmir

13 Jharkhand

14 Karnataka

15 Kerala

16 Madhya Pradesh


Research Projects S.
























Puducherry (UT)












Tamil Nadu









Uttar Pradesh






West Bengal

739 (269 + 470)

Research Projects Selected 72 1 3 6 2 37 8 18 21 01 99 32 4 53 11 44

Table 4.4 Domain-wise Details of Proposals Received under Second Call of IMPRESS

Sl. No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Domain Agriculture and Rural Development Employment Skills and Rural Transformation Governance, Innovation and Public Policy Growth, Macro Trade and Economic Policy Health and Environment Media, Culture and Society Politics, Law and Economics Science and Education Social Media and Technology State and Democracy Urban Transformation Grand Total

Proposals Received 424 485 292 180 746 471 109 448 197 92 182



Table 4.5 Details of Applications Received under the Second Call of IMPRESS

Sl. No.



Andhra Pradesh


Arunachal Pradesh










Delhi (NCT)





10 Haryana

11 Himachal Pradesh

12 Jammu and Kashmir

13 Jharkhand

14 Karnataka

15 Kerala

16 Madhya Pradesh


Projects Received
88 15 58 79 38 30 221 13 115 64 27 37 34 254 252 110

Sl. No.















Puducherry (UT)








Tamil Nadu






Uttar Pradesh




West Bengal


Projects Received
444 24 8 86 8 84 59
138 118
1 677 112
6 241
48 137


Appendix 1 List of Members of the Council
(As on 31st March 2020)

1. Prof. Bhushan Patwardhan Chairman Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi- 110067. 011-26741679 011-26742516 chairman@icssr.org
2. Prof. V.K. Malhotra Member Secretary Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi ­ 110067. 011-26741833, 26742059 ms@icssr.org
3. Prof. Deena Bandhu Pandey Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, House No. E-1, Hisar-125 001, Haryana. 08901402928 sanskritishodh@gmail.com
4. Prof. P. Kanagasabapathi 403, Surya Apartments, Bharthi Colony, Peelamedu, Coimbatore ­ 641004. 09842233102 pkspathi@gmail.com

5. Prof. Sanjay Kumar (Satyarthi) F ­ 203, Dunes Residency, Nani Daman, Daman ­ 396210. 09427140488 satyarthisanjay@gmail.com
6. Prof. H.S. Bedi 125, Kabir Park, Post Office, Khalsa College, Amritsar - 143002. 09356133665, 0183 - 2258774 harmohinderbedi@gmail.com
7. Prof. Harish Chandra Singh Rathore Vice Chancellor, Central University of South Bihar, Gaya, BIT Campus, PO: B V College, Patna ­ 800014. 09415336710 07260814333 hcsrathore@gmail.com
8. Prof. Panchanan Mohanty Institute of Applied Sciences & Humanities, GLA University, Mathura-Delhi Road, P.O. Chaumuhan, Mathura-281 406 (UP). 040 ­ 23133300, 040 ­ 23012068, 09441270568 panchananmohanty@gmail.com panchanan.mohanty@gla.ac.in



9. Prof. Amita Singh Chairperson, Centre for the Study of Law and Governance (CSLG), JNU, Nelson Mandela Marg, New Delhi - 110067. 011 ­ 26704021, 26704761, 09910170904 Amita@mail.jnu.ac.in Amita.singh3@gmail.com
10. Prof. Kshamadevi Shankarrao Khobragade Vice-Principal & Head, Department of Environmental Science, SBES College of Science, Aurangabad (MS) ­ 431001. 9822294639 Kshama.earth@gmail.com
11. Prof. T. Subramanyam Naidu No. 316, 3rd Main Road, Mahaveer Nagar, Lawspet, Puducherry ­ 605008. 0413-2255767, 0413-2654760 09443250405 Tsnaidu1952@gmail.com
12. Dr. Rakesh Sinha Associate Professor, Motilal Nehru College, University of Delhi, 889, Benito Juarez Marg, West End Colony, Block D, New Delhi, 110021. 9711153110, 9810518823 Rakeshsinha46@gmail.com
13. Prof. Aswini K. Mohapatra Chairperson, Centre for West Asian Studies, School of International Studies,

Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi ­ 110067. 011-26741293, 011-26704602 9910312774 aswinijnu@gmail.com
14. Prof. P.V. Krishna Bhatta 969, S.V. Residency, 8th Main Road, Srividyanagar, BSK 3rd Stage, Bengaluru -560085. 080-26724537, 9448147845 pvkbhatta@gmail.com
15. Prof. Santishree Dhulipudi Pandit A3/13 & 14, Meenal Garden, Patwardhan Baug, Erandavana, Pune ­ 411004. 8600764188, 9225519091 santishreepandit@gmail.com santishreepandit@hotmail.com
16. Prof. J.K. Bajaj Director, Centre for Policy Studies, 11-12, Ashok Nandhavanam, Kundrathur, Chennai-600 069. 09444074352 (Chennai No.) IInd address 83, DDA Site 1, Shankar Road New Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi-110060. 011-28744344 jatinderkbajaj@gmail.com; policy.cpsindia@gmail.com
17. Prof. M.P. Bezbaruah 10, Sriram Path, Nandanpur, Japorigog, Guwahati-781 005. 09864055485 bezbaruah.mp@gmail.com

18. Prof. D.D. Pattanaik Modi Pada (in front of Toshali Enterprises), Sambalpur, Odhisa-768 002. 09778387007 ddpatnaik1952@gmail.com
19. Prof. Madhu Purnima Kishwar C/o Manushi Sadan, 3A Pocket-B, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi- 110076. 8826377770 madhukishwar@manushi-india.org
20. Prof. N.K. Taneja Vice-Chancellor Chaudhary Charan Singh University, CCS University Main Road, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh -200005. 09752094800 vc@ccsuniversity.ac.in
21. The Secretary Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource, Development, Government of India. Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi- 110115. 011-23386451 (O) 23385807 (Fax) secy.dhe@nic.in
22. The Secretary Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, Government of India, North Block, New Delhi- 110001. 011-23092929, 23092663 (O) 23092546 (Fax) secyexp@nic.in



23. The Chairman Indian Council of Historical Research, 35, Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi- 110001. 011-23384869 ichr.chairman@gmail.com
24. The Chairman Indian Council of Philosophical Research, Darshan Bhawan, 36, Tughlakabad Institutional Area, (Near Batra Hospital) Mehrauli Badarpur Road New Delhi ­ 110 062. 011-29901503 Fax: 91-11-29964755 chairman@icpr.in
25. The President Sahitya Akademi, Rabindra Bhavan, 35, Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi-110001. 09415691378, 09810139991 (Delhi) president@sahitya-akademi.gov.in
26. The Chairman University Grants Commission, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi ­ 110002. 011-23234019, 23236350 cm.ugc@nic.in

Appendix 2 ICSSR Senior Officials
(As on 31st March 2020)

Chairman Prof. Bhushan Patwardhan
Member Secretary Prof. V. K. Malhotra
Directors Sh. Ajay Kumar Gupta Sh. Ramesh Yernagula Dr. G.S. Saun, (on Re-employment basis) Sh. Rajiv Khera (Officiating)
Administrative Officer Dr. Ashish Deolia
Systems Analyst-cum-Senior Programmer Sh. Rajiv Khera Sh. Pushkar Pathak
Dy. Chief Finance Officer Sh. Naresh Saini

Deputy Directors Mrs. Alka Srivastava Mrs. Revathy Vishwanath Dr. S.M. Verma Dr. S.N. Chari Sh. M.P. Madhukar (on Re-employment basis) Dr. Abhishek Tandon (on Deputation) Dr. Abhay Jain (on Deputation) Dr. Vijay Intodia (on Short­term Contract basis)
Documentation Officers Mrs. Reeta Rajasekhar (on Short-term Contract basis)
Section Officers Sh. Shambhu Nath Mahto Sh. Anupam Garg Sh. Subhash Chand Sh. Satish Kumar (on Deputation) Smt. Suchitra Bhatnagar (on Deputation)

The Following Officials/Staff Members Retired during the Year:
1. Sh. Madan Lal, MTS (Retired Voluntarily on 04.04.2019) 2. Sh. Juggi Lal, MTS (Retired on 31.05.2019) 3. Smt. Sheela Rani, DEO (Retired on 31.07.2019) 4. Smt. N. Nagajyotsna Rao, Dy. Director (Retired on 30.09.2019) 5. Sh. Subodh Kumar, Photocopy Machine Operator (Retired on 31.10.2019) 6. Smt. Krishna Dudeja, Personal Secy. (PS) (Retired on 31.10.2019) 7. Sh. Dinesh Chander, Account Assistant (Retired on 31.10.2019) 8. Sh. M.P. Madhukar, Dy. Director (Retired on 31.01.2020).

Appendix 3 Research Projects

Research Programme
Research Programme (General)
1. Ruchira Das, Institute of Home Economics, DU, Delhi, "Examining Exclusion on Community School Axis: An Ethnographic Study of Lower-Class Urban Settlement in South Delhi". (`9,16,000)
2. Ganpat Indrasingh Rathod, Swami Ramanand Teerth Mahavidyalaya, Ambajogai, Maharashtra, "Swikaranke Pariprekshya mein Ghumatuon ke Samajik evam Sanskritik Sthition mein Parivartan ke Sanket (Vishesh Sandarbha-Maharashtra, Telangana, evam Karnatak ki Dhangar, Goundhali evam Vanjara Janjatiyan)". (`10,00,000)
3. Sanjeev Sharma, University Institute of Applied Management Sciences, Panjab University, Chandigarh, "Green Business Strategies for Gaining and Retaining Corporate Leadership: Modeling the Mediating Influence of Managerial Orientation and Consumer Perception". (`23, 80,000)
4. S. Thangarajathi, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, "Effect of School Based Educational Intervention on Knowledge and Practices regarding Menstrual Hygiene among Tribal Adolescent Girls". (`8,00,000)
5. Kareti Srininivasa Rao, IGNTU, Amarkantak, Madhya Pradesh,

"Development of an E-Module for Conservation, Training and Preparation of Value Added Tribal Medicinal PlantsA Sustainable Livelihood Practice for Tribal Economy". (`20,00,000)
6. Pallavi Sajanapwar, SCES's Indira Institute of Management, Pune, Maharashtra, "Development of Digital Marketing Place for the Women SelfHelp Groups located in Rural Western Maharashtra". (` 9,70,000)
7. Sheikh Mohammad Feroze, Central Agricultural University, Imphal West, Manipur, "Spice Based Rural Economy and Livelihood Under Climate Change in Himalayan Region of India: Economics of Adaptation Measures". (` 20,00,000)
8. S. Anand Lenin, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, "Effectiveness of Media in Transmitting Weather Forecasting Information among the Coastal Inhabitants: A Study in Selected States of India". (` 15,00,000)
9. Vivek Kumar Jaiswal, Dr. Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh, "Media and Identity Politics: Revisiting the Issues in the Context of National Interests". (` 5,00,000)
10. Vipin Kumar Mishra, GIDS, Lucknow, "Conventional and Cross-Border Human Trafficking in the Adjoining District of Indo-Nepal Border and Implication of Stakeholders Response". (` 20,00,000)



11. Shireesh Pal Singh, Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya, Wardha, "Scientific Temperament in Social and Educational Realms in India: Status and Way Forward". (` 25,00,000) (Cancelled)
12. Payal Mago, Shaheed Rajguru College of Applied Sciences for Women, DU, Delhi, "Ecological Feminism of Indian Women- A Comprehensive Study of Indigenous Practices for Sustainable Development". (` 25,00,000)
13. Sunita Singh Sengupta, DU, Delhi, "Vedic Foundation of Indian Management". (` 22,00,000)
14. Lakshmana G., Central University of Karnataka, Bangalore, "Community Based Integrated Intervention among Families and Persons with Alcohol Abuse, Who are Economically, Socially Vulnerable: Development of a Module through Action Research". (` 13,50,000)
15. Mahuya Bandyopadhyay, IIT, Delhi, "Security Work, Unionization and Everyday Violence: Works and Lives of Security Guards in Mumbai and Delhi". (` 10, 40,000)
16. H. P. Singh, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, BHU, Varanasi, "Economics and Environmental Impact of Surface Seeding Technology (SST) in Wheat in Eastern Uttar Pradesh, India". (` 18,80,000)
17. R.C. Patel, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Gujarat, "Construction and Standardization of Work Place Happiness Scale for Teachers". (` 7,75,000)
18. Rakesh Mohan Joshi, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi, "Implications of Bhagwat Geeta in Contemporary Management: An Empirical Study". (` 15, 00,000)

19. Vaidehi Shriram Daptardar, University of Mumbai, Mumbai, "An Investigation into the Trends, Pattern and Impact of Health Expenditure in India: Issues and Challenges". (` 15,00,000)
20. T.S. Devaraja, University of Mysore, Karnataka, "An Evaluation of Economic Cost of Production and Marketing of Bio-fuels in India". (` 18,00,000)
21. Victor Paul, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Karnataka, "Welfare Needs of the Survivors of Human Trafficking: A Multi Stakeholder Approach" (` 10,00,000)
22. Meenakshi Sharma, Birla Institute of Technology, Ranchi, "Impact of Green Brand Image on Green Brand Equity and Green Purchase Intention in Indian Banking Sector". (` 16,00,000)
23. Sobh Nath Pathak, DAV Post Graduate College, BHU, Varanasi, "Adhunik Bharat mein Mokshkami Prabasi Vidwaon ki Prasthiti evam Bhumika (Kashi mein Prabasi Bidwaon par Adharit ek Adhyayan)". (` 6,00,000)
24. P.N. Udayachandra, SDM College, Karnataka, "Empirical Study on Governance Ranking Framework for Micro-Finance Institutions (MFIS) in Three South Indian States of Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu". (` 4,00,000)
25. Manjula M., M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, "Inclusive Approach to Sustainability in a Subsistence Economy: A Comparative Study of Two Scheduled Tribe Dominant Districts of Odisha and Kerala". (`19,25,000)
26. Gulshan Kumar, UILS, Panjab University, Chandigarh, "Assessing Quality of Life of Transgenders in India: A Case Study



of Tri-City (Chandigarh, Mohali and Panchkula)". (` 9,00,000)
27. Jawaid Iqbal, AMU, Aligarh, UP, "Political and Economic Relations between India and Countries of Levant". (` 7,00,000)
28. K. Venkatesan, Jawaharlal Nehru Rajkeeya Mahavidyalaya, Port Blair, "Health, Sanitation and Hygiene Practices of Women in the Tribal Households of Nicobar District of Andaman and Nicobar Islands". (` 14,00,000)
29. Srabjit Singh Kular, Guru Gobind Singh College, Sanghera, Punjab, "Evaluation of Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme: A Comparative Study of Punjab and Rajasthan States of India". (` 25,00,000)
30. Romate John, Central University of Karnataka, "Prevalence, Associated Risk Factors, Beliefs and Knowledge About Hypertension: A Study among Tribal Population of Hyderabad, Karnataka Region". (` 18,00,000)
31. Chandrima Sikdar, Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies University, Mumbai, "Productive Growth from Technology Transfer in Indian Manufacturing Sector: A Firm Level Study". (` 13,20,000)
32. Vikash Kumar, Iswar Saran Degree College, Prayagraj, UP, "Janjatiye Sanskriti mein Parampara Evam Pragatisheel ke Tatva: Urav Janjati ke Vishes Sandarbh mein (Jharkhand and Chattisgarh Rajya ke Urav Janjatiyon ka ek Tulanatmak Vishleshan)". (` 14,60,000)
33. L. Ganesan, Bharathidasan University, Tamil Nadu, "Impact of Swachh Bharat Mission on Improving Sanitation Facilities in Tamil Nadu". (` 9,00,000)

34. Ankitaben Dhirubhai Kathiriya, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, "A Study of Doubling Farmer's Income and Agrarian Distress Related Issues and Challenges with Reference to Gujarat". (` 2,40,000)
35. Hemasrikumar, Providence College for Women, Coonoor, Tamil Nadu, "Role of Tribals in Forest Conservation and Environmental Sustainability with Special Reference to Nilgiris DistrictIssues and Challenges". (` 7,80,000)
36. Parikshat Singh, University of Jammu, Jammu, "Role of Social Entrepreneurship in Building Craftsmanship's at Conflict Ridden Tourist Destinations". (` 8,60,000)
37. Manisha Laxman Waghmode, Bharati Vidyapeeth's Institute of Management Studies and Research, Navi Mumbai, "Impact of E-Resources on The Reading Habits of Graduate Students". (` 8,40,000)
38. Pintu Kumar, Motilal Nehru College (Eve), DU, Delhi, "Re-defining the Fundamentals of India's Foreign Policy: The Paradigm Shift in Narendra Modi's Regime". (` 5,00,000)
Research Programme (SC)
39. Arup Ratan, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, "Chronic Non-communicable Disease in Eastern and North Eastern India: Study on Average/Deprivation/ Inequality (ADI) Analysis". (` 24,00,000)
40. B. Srinagesh, Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telengana, "Status of Drinking Water Resources Sustainability Using GIS and Digital Database Analysis and Thematic Mapping of Rangareddy District of Telengana State". (` 10, 70,000)



41. Shailesh Kumar Diwakar, Ramjas College, DU, Delhi, "Understanding Special Status of Jammu and Kashmir: A Study of Its Impact on the Upward Mobility of SCs, STs, OBCs and Minority Hindus since Independence". (` 19,60,000)
42. Sundara Raj T., Periyar University, Salem, Tamil Nadu, "Health Seeking Behavior of Malyali Tribal Women in Salem District of Tamil Nadu". (` 10,00,000)
Research Programme (ST)
43. Ramdas Rupavath, Centre for Human Rights, SSS, University of Hyderabad, Telengana, "Educational Status of Women and Girl Child of Scheduled Tribe in Telengana and Andhra Pradesh: An Experience of Beti Bachao and Beti Padhao". (` 5,00,000)
44. Soihiamlung Dangmei, IGNTU, Regional Campus, Manipur, "Politics of Ethnic Plurality and Territoriality in Manipur: Claims and Counterclaims". (` 20,20,000)
45. Ng. Ngalengam, IGNTU, Amarkantak, MP, "Go to Village Mission of BJP Govt. in Manipur since 2017: A Study of SocioPolitical and Economic Changes in Tribal Areas of Manipur". (` 5,00,000)
46. Yaruingam Awungshi, DU, Delhi, "The Importance of Africa in India's Quest for Energy Resources and Emerging Energy Challenges: Examining China Factor". ( ` 16,00,000)
47. George T. Haokip, IGNTU, Regional Campus, Manipur, "Problems, Prospects and Comparative Study of Administrative Structures and Government of Sixth Schedule in North East of the Constitution". (` 10,00,000)

Major Research Projects (General)
1. Deepika Gautam, Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla, "Impact of MGNREGA on Socio-economic Status of Tribal People in Himachal Pradesh ". (` 7,30,000)
2. T.S. Devaraja, University of Mysore, Mysore, "An Evaluation of Economic Cost of Production and Marketing of Bio- fuels in Karnataka". (` 10,00,000)
3. S. Jaisankar, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Saravanampatti, Tamilnadu, "Investigation on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of Low Performing Khadi Institutions and Development of Growth Strategies for their Business Advancement". (`5,55,000)
4. Mohammad Shahid, AMU, Aligarh, "Design and Analysis of a Novel Portfolio Selection Model to Optimize Return on Risk Using Evolutionary Optimization Methods". (` 6,00,000)
5. S. Pardhasaradhi, Osmania University, Hyderabad, "Corporate Sickness: Socioeconomic Political and Legal Issues & Implications". (` 14,50,000)
6. Pugazhenthi V., Rajah Serfoji Govt. College, Tamil Nadu, "Effectiveness of Ayushman Bharat Health Insurance Scheme in Ensuring Universal Health Coverage: An Empirical Study in Thanjavur District, Tamil Nadu". (` 9,90,000)
7. Vikram Sandhu, University Business School, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, Punjab, "Green Banking for Sustainable Development: A Study of Banking Sector in Punjab". (` 5,00,000)



8. RatulDutta,SibsagarCommerceCollege, Assam, "A Study on the Changing Role of Self-saving Groups in Financial Inclusion of Women and Its Impact on Formal Financial System with Special Reference to Dibrugarh District of Assam". (` 6,30,000)
9. P. Vidhya Priya, Kongu Engineering College, Tamilnadu, "A Study on Entrepreneurial Attitudes and Startup Attempts in Rural Tamil Nadu". (`7,30,000)
10. D. Joel Jebadurai, Acharya Institute of Graduate Studies, Soldevanahalli, Bengaluru, "Climate Change and Its Effect on Agricultural Pattern and Lifestyle of Farmers in The Selected AgroClimatic Zones of Karnataka- Suggest Measure for a Policy Framework". (`6,60,000)
Cultural Studies
11. Karan Singh, Government College for Women, Mahendergarh, Haryana, "Syncretic Spaces and Pilgrimage: Making of a Nation". (` 9,50,000)
12. NasirRazaKhan,JMI,Delhi,"Sufismand Multi-culturalism in India: It's Impact on Contemporary Society". (` 7,10,000)
13. Joya Chakraborty, Tezpur University, Tezpur, "Historical Continuity and Cultural Connotations of the Mask Traditions of North East India". (` 9,70,000)
14. S. Uma Mageshwari, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore, "Socio-cultural Explorative Study on Ethnic Foods of Tamilnadu". (` 7,75,000)

15. Surya Tewari, ISID, New Delhi, "Spatial Dynamics of Manufacturing Landscape in India: A District Level Comparative Analysis of Pre and Post-Reform Contexts". (`5,00,000)
16. N. Rajasekaran, Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraja College, Tamilnadu, "Impact of Agriculture Value Chain and Food Value Chain on Small Farm Agricultural Transformation and Sustainability". (`5,00,000)
17. Subir Kumar Sen, Tripura University, Tripura, "A Study of Inter-relationship between Surface Transportation Network and Pattern of Commodity Flows in North Eastern Region of India". (`12,00,000)
18. Deepali Handa, DAV College, Jalandhar, Punjab, "Digital Way to Financial Inclusion: The Economics of New Growth Agenda". (` 10,00,000)
19. M. Vasim Khan, Devi Ahliya University, Madhya Pradesh, "Modernization of Agriculture and Labor Factor Productivity: A Comparative Study of Large and Marginal Farmers in Madhya Pradesh". (`10,20,000)
20. ManidipRoy,TripuraUniversity,Tripura, "An Evaluation of Healthcare Services under National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) in Tripura". (`13,30,000)
21. S. Linga Murthy, Central University of Karnataka, "An Empirical Analysis on Employment and Productivity of Micro and Small-scale Enterprises with Reference to Selected Clusters in Telangana". (`11,50,000)
22. S. Theenathayalan, The Madura College, Madurai, "An Economic Study of Urban Solid Waste Management with



Reference to Madurai (Smart City, Tamil Nadu)". (`9,90,000)
23. Arunkumar R. Kulkarni, CMDR, Dharwad, Karnataka, "Status and Management of a Grazing Lands in Karnataka". (`8,40,000)
24. Niladri Sekhar Dhar, Asian Development Research Institute, Bihar, "Farmers' Income: Issues, Determinants and Strategies". (`7,75,000)
25. RajeshBhausahebLahane,Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Maharashtra, "Socio-economic Study of Backward Classes Entrepreneurs in Marathwada Region". (`10,00,000)
26. Tulika Bhattacharya, St. Joseph's College (Autonomous), Bengaluru, "Discrimination in Maternal Health Care and Its Impact on Female Labour Force Participation: A Study of Indian Economy". (`5,00,000)
27. Daisy Das, Cotton University, Assam, "Crop Loss and Farmers Vulnerability to Poverty in Assam: The Role of Institutions and Safety Nets". (`11,00,000)
28. Shaijumon C.S., Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Kerala, "Lifeline for Remote India: A Study on TeleMedicine Units in India". (`13,00,000)
29. Sanhita Athawale, Shri Siddhivinayak Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Pune, "Welfare, Resettlement and Empowerment Policies for War Widows in Maharashtra: An Empirical Study (1999 ­ 2019)". (`14,75,000)
30. Surajit Saikia, Gargaon College, Assam, "Sustainable Agriculture Practices among the Tribes of North East India". (`10,00,000)

31. Chhatrapal, R. J. Mahavidyalaya, Raipur, UP, "Analysis of Supply Chain of Major Fruits & Vegetables and Possibility in Value Addition of UP." (` 7,90,000)
32. John Chelladurai, Gandhi Research Foundation, Maharashtra, "Receptivity for Agricultural Technology among the Marginal Farmers in the Khandesh Region of Maharashtra". (` 8,40,000)
33. Reeta Chouhan, St. Aloysius College, Jabalpur, "Role of Rural Livelihood Diversification to Reduce Agricultural Distress: A Case Study of Madhya Pradesh". (`6,90,000)
34. Krutika V. Khandare, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad, "Negotiating Scarcity: A Study of Management Strategies of Successful Farmers in Drought Affected Marathwada Region". (`6, 90,000)
35. Kumar Bijoy, Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies, DU, New Delhi, "Increasing the Impact of Government Welfare Policies for Social and Financial Inclusion through Technological Integration in India.". (` 6,40,000)
36. Mohammad Aasif Shah, Govt. Degree College, Bandipora, "Higher Education Efficiency in J&K: An Empirical Study". (` 15,00,000)
37. Vishal Samartha, Sahyadri College of Engineering and Management, Mangalore, "Skill Assessment and Training to Empower Female Students of Government Under-graduate Colleges on Employability- A Study in Dakshina Kannada District, Karnataka". (` 3,10,000)
38. T. G. Amuthavalli, Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam, Tirupati, "Predictive



Power of Cognitive Skills Training in Enhancing Reading Comprehension and Emotional Intelligence of HearingImpaired Students". (` 11,00,000)
39. R. Bagdha Vatchala Perumal, Gandhigram Rural Institute, Gandhigram "Socio- economic Status and Educational Attainment of Female Children of Tea Garden Workers in Southern Districts of Tamil Nadu". (` 4,75,000)
40. Om Mishra, Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar College, Yamuna Vihar, Delhi, "Rajdhani Dilli ke Uch Shiksha Sansthano mein Divyang Vidyartiom ki Shiksha ke Prati Adhaypakom ki Abhivriti ka Adhyan". (` 8,00,000)
41. Meenakshi Ingole, DU, Delhi, "Cyber Bullying of Females at Indian Higher Education Institutions: Exploration of Status: Issues, Challenges and Implementation of Initiatives". (` 8,90,000)
42. T. Sumalini, University of Hyderabad, Telangana, "Nai Talim for Livelihood Education". (` 4,00,000)
43. Sheela Sharma, Kalindi College of Education, Raipur, "Impact of Different Yogic Practices on Life Satisfaction, Frustration Tolerance, Stress and Anxiety in Relation to Gender". (` 9,00,000)
44. A.V. Bharathi, Tolani Commerce College, Adipur ­ Kachchh (Gujarat), "A Study of the Impact of Social Media on Students Writing Skill in English Language at the Under Graduate Level". (` 5,00,000)
45. Tarika Sikarwar, Prestige Institute of Management, Gwalior, "Re-imagining the Role of Technology in Education: Student and Teacher Perception and Usage of SWAYAM Platform for Learning". (` 9,00,000)

46. Amit Gangotia, Central University of Jammu, Jammu, "Creating Skilled Landscape of Human Capital through Vocational Education in Tourism at School and Under Graduate Level: Challenges and Opportunities in the Context of Himachal Pradesh, India". (` 8,50,000)
47. M. Venkatesan, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi, "Mindfulness, Learned Optimism, Happiness and Achievement among Government Schools Children of Delhi". (` 8,45,000)
Environmental Studies
48. Madhusudan Bandi, GIDR, Ahmedabad, "Tribals, Forest Rights and Heritage Conservation: A Study of Western Ghats in Karnataka". (` 8,35,000)
49. Jayant Gogoi, Jogananda Deva Satradhakar Goswami College, Assam, "Bio-diversity Conservation Vis-aVis Sustainable Development: A Case Study in Bio-diversity Hot Spot World Heritage Site, Kaziranga National Park to Assam". (` 5,00,000)
50. Avilash Roul, IIT, Chennai, "Urban and Peri-urban Forestry in the Context of Resilient Cities in India: Assessing and Advancing the Urban Agenda of Chennai and Bhubaneswar". (` 4,90,000)
Gender Studies
51. Jharna Pathak, GIDR, Ahmedabad, "Socio-legal Support System in Protecting the Women Victims of Domestic Violence: A Critical Study of Law with Special Reference to Ahmedabad, Gujarat". (` 5,00,000)
52. Ritu Tyagi, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry, "A Study of Relationship between Women and Hinduism



within the Shifting Socio-politics of Post-indentured Indian Diaspora". (` 4,80,000)
53. Kushagra Joshi, ICAR-VPKAS, Almora, Uttarakhand, "Gender Dynamics in Agricultural Information Network Usage among Hill Farmers of North Western and North Eastern Himalayan Regions of India". (` 10,75,000)
54. Malini L. Tantri, ISEC, Bengaluru, "Gender and Identity with Reference to North Eastern Migrant in Bengaluru". (` 7,00,000)
55. Suja Roy Abraham, Thane College, Maharashtra, "Study of Eco-feminism in the Agricultural Folk-songs of Kerala". (` 6,75,000)
56. Suraiya Tabassum, JMI, Delhi, "Understanding the Role and Relevance of Community Policing in Crime Prevention against Children, Women and Senior Citizens: A Case Study of Delhi NCR". (` 4,00,000)
57. Nameirakpam Surjitkumar, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Manipur, "Youth and Skill Development in Manipur: A Critical Appraisal with Special Focus on Young Women". (` 7,00,000)
58. Aliva Mohanty, Rama Devi Women's University, Odisha, "Agro-Forestry Management for Sustainable Livelihood and Empowerment of Rural Women of Odisha with Special Reference to Nuapada District of Odisha". (` 9,00,000)
59. Shital H. Shukla, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, "Assessment of SocioEconomic Vulnerabiltiy of Agricultural Sector towards Volatile Climate of

Gujarat by Using GIS and Remote Sensing Techniques". (` 11,00,000)
60. Mahabir Singh Jaglan, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana, "Spatiality and Dynamics of Socioeconomic Development in Haryana: Analysis and Consequences". (` 10,10,000)
61. Suryawanshi Dnyaneshwar Shivaji, Vidyawardhini Sabha's College, Maharashtra, "Geo- Pharmacology of Hot Springs in Khandesh: An Interdisciplinary Study for Exploring Pharmacological Significance of Hot Springs through Geographic and Biological Investigations". (` 9, 24,000)
62. Swati Rajput, DU, Delhi, "Mapping and Analyzing the Land-use, Land Cover and Food Insecurity in Rajasthan". (` 5,75,000)
63. Saptarshi Mitra, Tripura University, Tripura, "Tribal Culture and Problems, Prospects and Strategies for Development of Tourism Economy in Tripura: A Geographical Appraisal". (` 7,45,000)
64. Kunal Keshri, G B Pant Social Science Institute, Allahabad, "Understanding the Pattern and Processes of Temporary and Permanent Labour Migration from Rural Jharkhand: An Exploratory Study". (` 9,00,000)
65. Ram Nagesh Prasad, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University, Lucknow, UP, "Addressing Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Human Wildlife Conflict in Eco-Sensitive Zone of Valmiki Tiger Reserve, Bihar". (` 4,80,000)
Health Studies
66. Gitanjali Narayanan, National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences



(NIMHANS), Bengaluru, "Cannabis Initiation, Normative Beliefs, Expectancies and Identity Development Among Young Adults Studying in College: A National Study". (`5,90,000)
67. Ajay Murlidhar Bhamare, Ramanand Arya D.A.V. College, Mumbai, "A Study on Assessment of Role of Primary Healthcare Centres in Social Health Care Development of Villages in Maharashtra". (` 8,00,000)
68. Patel Kamalesh Kumar Kevalbhai, Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan, Gujarat, "An Evaluation and Designing of Policy for Effective Implementation of Ayushman Bharat as a Universal Health Coverage in India: A Case Study of Gujarat". (` 7,35,000)
69. Bhupinder Singh, Guru Gobind Singh College, Punjab, "British India in The First World War: Role of Punjab in Mesopotamia". (` 4,90,000)
70. John S.P., University College, Thiruvanthapuram, "A Study on the Impact of Rivers in the Socio-cultural Life of Rural and Urban Population in Kerala". (` 7,00,000)
International Studies
71. Archan Nandi, University of Kalyani, West Bengal, "Dancing with the Water': A Critical Geo-political Study of Blue Economy, Blue Diplomacy and Blue Infrastructure of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh". (` 8,10,000)
72. Manan Dwivedi, Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA), New Delhi, "A Study of India's Foreign Policy: From Nehruvian Period till Date". (` 9,00,000)

73. Murari Prasad Verma, Meerut College, Meerut, "A Socio-legal and Medical Analysis of Surrogacy and of Proposed Law in India". (` 5,00,000)
74. Udaya Shankar, Koneru Lakshmaiah Educational Foundation, A.P., "Rural Woman Empowerment in Solar Power Sector of East and West Godavari Districts of Andhra Pradesh". (` 7,00,000)
75. Sonal Thukral, Delhi Technological University, New Delhi, "A Study of Consumers' and Producers' Participation and Behaviour Towards E-Waste Management in Delhi NCR". (` 8,75,000)
76. Shiv Kumar Gupta, HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar Garhwal, Uttarakhand "Behavioural Intentions Towards the Use of Selected Mobile Wallets for Digital Payments". (` 7,00,000)
77. Manoj Kumar Dash, Khallikote University, Odisha, "Investigating the Role of Social Media in Addressing Public Health Development Issues in India: A Multi-Criteria Decision Making Approach". (` 8,00,000)
78. Gaurav Agrawal, Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management (IIITM), Madhya Pradesh, "Modeling for Adaptability and Utilization of Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY) for the Social Security of Senior Citizens in Central India". (` 8,90,000)
79. C. Viswanatha Reddy, Rayalaseema University, Kurnool, "Impact of Dairy



Farming on Socio-economic Empowerment of Women in Drought Prone Backward Villages- A Study with Reference to Rayalaseema Region of Andhra Prdesh". (` 5,50,000)
80. Anju Bala, Dev Samaj College for Women, Ferozpur, Punjab, "Social Transformation and Swachh Bharat Abhiyan: A Study on the Punjab State of India". (` 5,00,000)
81. Md. Qaiser Alam, D.S College, Near Achal Taal, G.T. Road, Aligarh, UP, "Management, Challenges and Prospects of Water Resources in Western Uttar Pradesh: A Case Study of District Aligarh and Bulandshahar". (` 5,25,000)
82. R. Subramaniya Bharathy, Periyar University, Tamilnadu, "An Appraisal of Awareness, Perception and Digital Competency of Teachers of Affiliated Colleges of Periyar University Towards E-learning Resources and Methodologies in Higher Education". (` 9,80,000)
83. Parvez Abdulla, Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah University, J&K, "Role Stress and Coping Strategies: Its implications on Gender Workforce Disparity in the Health and Higher Education Sectors". (` 4,40,000)
Media Studies
84. Pranava Prakash, Delhi Pharmaceutical Science Research University, Delhi, "An Exploratory Study of Portrayal of The Women Body Image in Mass Media and Its Relationship with Self-esteem and Psychological Well-being of Teenage Girls". (`12,00,000)
85. R. Sunandamma, Karnataka State Akkamahadevi Women's University, Vijaya-

pura, Karnataka, "An Evaluation Study on Media Intervention in Capacity Building among Women Grampanchayat Members in Karnataka". (`5,00,000)

86. V.Sundararaman,


Sundaranar University, Abishekapatti,

Tirunelveli, "A Study on Media Accessing

Pattern and Entrepreneurship Awareness

among Rural Youth in Southern

Districts of Tamilnadu". (`5,00,000)

87. Alankar Kaushik, EFL University, Shillong Campus, Meghalaya, "Media Systems in Transition­ Locating the Regional Language Media in North-east India". (`8,00,000)

Political Science
88. Asima Sahu, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, Odisha, "Vulnerability, Deprivation and Well-being of the Geriatric Persons in Odisha: Challenges and Opportunities". (` 10,00,000)
89. Arshi Khan, AMU, Aligarh, "Madarsa Reforms in India: Government Initiatives and Community Responsesince 2009". (`10,00,000)
90. Priyasen Singh, Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida "Governance in Ancient Indian Scriptures: A Study in Context of Contemporary Governance". (` 10,00,000)
91. Manisha Madhav, SNDT Women's University, Mumbai, "Women as `Digital Subjects' in India: Participation, Negotiating Vulnerabilities and Building Empowerment". (` 9,25,000)
92. Nishant Kumar, DU, Delhi, "Analyzing the Implementation of Swachch Bharat Abhiyan (G): A Study of West Champaran District of Bihar". (` 3,80,000)



93. Ritu Goyal, NRC-ICSSR, New Delhi, ''Political Ethos of Delhi - Making a Case for Gender Inclusive Governance''. (`8,00,000)
94. Jiwan H. Pawar, Shri Shivaji College of Arts, Commerce & Science, Akola, Maharashtra, "An Analytical Study of Backward Class Women's Participation in Panchayati Raj System in Akola District". (` 6,00,000)
95. Shruti Narain, Patna Women's College, Patna, "Impact of Eroding Culture, Fractured Family and Encroaching Individualism on Adolescents' Loneliness and Suicidal Ideation". (` 9,50,000)
96. Laxmi, Central University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, "Psychosocial Care for Ageing Activity Under Institutional Care". (` 7,95,000)
97. N. Dhanya, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, "Assessment of General Well-being and Prevalence of Mental Health Issues among Early Adolescents". (` 9,00,000)
98. Anand Pratap Singh, Gautam Buddha University, Gautam Budh Nagar, Greater Noida, UP, "Post-imprisonment Psycho- social Rehabilitation of Juvenile Delinquents". (` 12,00,000)
99. Priyanka Kacker, Institute of Behavioral Science, Gujarat Forensic Sciences University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, "Developing a Neuro Signature System Based Profile of Victims of Domestic Violence". (` 15,00,000)
100. Lekha D. Bhat, Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur, Tamil Nadu, "Depression Among Adolescents: Development of a Risk Assessment

Tool Using Multi-disciplinary, CrossCultural Approach". (` 5,10,000)
101. Bansh Gopal Singh, Pandit Sundarlal Sharma (Open) University, Chhattisgarh, "Effect of Psycho-social Intervention on Depression among People Living with HIV/AIDS: A Study in the Context of Some Psycho-demographic Variables". (`8,90,000)
Public Administration
102. V.S. Prasad Kandi, Koneru Laksmaiah Educational Foundation, A.P., "Corporate Social Responsibility for Rural Development: An Empirical Analysis of Firms and Beneficiaries in Andhra Pradesh". (`9,40,000)
103. Sanjay Kumar, Dr. Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh, "Kathasaritsagar Mein Katanak, Abhipray Evam Prateek: Ek Samalochanatmak Adhyan". (` 2,62,000)
Social Work
104. Y. Vijila, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu, "Allied Occupation Strategies to Face the Livelihood Challenges among the Farmers of Coastal Districts in Tamil Nadu". (` 7,00,000)
105. Bula Bhadra (Retired), University of Calcutta, "Utilization of Indigenous Ayurvedic Knowledge for Health Empowerment of Indian Women". (` 8,50,000)
106. P.C. Joshi, DU, Delhi, "An Assessment of Social and Mental Health of Communities Living on the India-



Pakistan Border in Jammu and Kashmir". (` 14,50,000)
107. AkashPatel,PanditDeendayalPetroleum University, Gujarat, "A Study on Socioeconomic Impacts of Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana". (` 4,60,000)
108. Gita Dharampal, Gujarat Vidyapith, Gujarat, "Redressing the Balance: Mahatma Gandhi's Experiments with Constructing an Alternative Society". (` 15,00,000)
Major Research Projects (SC)
109. K. Krishnakumar, Periyar University, Tamil Nadu, "Problems and Prospects of Rural Women Entrepreneurs in Informal Sectors with reference to Tamil Nadu". (` 11,00,000)
110. Arindam Das, University of Burdwan, West Bengal, "Evaluation of Service Quality in Digital Banking Services: A Study in Western Part of West Bengal". (`7,35,000)
111. Pratap Chandra Mohanty, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee, UK, "An Investigation of Pluralistic Health Practices and Adverse Selection in Healthcare among Tribal Communities in Mayurbhanj District of Odisha". (`10,00,000)
112. Sunil Sheshrao Narwade, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Maharashtra, "Patterns of Rural Employment among Scheduled Castes in India". (`6,30,000)
113. B. Sporthi, National Institute of Technology, Warangal, "Building an Artificially

Intelligent Virtual Laboratory to Develop Employability Skills of Engineering Students `AIVLES' to Bridge the Gap between College and the Corporate". (` 2,00,000)
Health Studies
114. Kahalekar Chandoba Mariba, Swami Ramananad Teerth Marathwada University, Maharashtra, "paæiwj ftYgkfugk; dq"Bjksx laca/kh leL;k,a% ,d v/;;u ¼egkjk"Vª jkT;½". (`9,50,000)
115. S. Thilagavathi, Periyar University, Salem, Tamilnadu, "Study on Quality of Life of Institutionalized Senior Citizens in Salem, Tamilnadu". (`7,80,000)
116. Nanachand Tarachand Wankhade, Shri Shivaji College of Arts, Commerce & Science, Maharashtra, "Historical Study of Tourist Places in Vidarbha". (`3,00,000)
117. Rup Kumar Barman, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, "Historical Legacy and Regionalism in India: A Study on the Regionalism of Post-colonial North Bengal". (`9,00,000)
118. T. Githesh, Madurai Kamaraj University, Tamil Nadu, "Social Linguistic Aspects of Movies: A Study Based on Contemporary Malayalam Movies". (`3,00,000)
119. Landa Ramesh, Koneru Lakshmaiah Educational Foundation, A.P., "Financial Inclusion Strategies and Its Implementation by Commercial Banks: An Empirical Study of Rural Households in Andhra Pradesh". (`7,00,000)



120. Chaman Lal, Central University of Himachal Pradesh, Dharamshala, H.P., "Marketing Strategies for Organic Products: An Empirical Study of Producers and Consumers" (`10,90,000)
Media Studies
121. Lokesh Kumar Chandel, Rajasthan University, Jaipur, "Sanskritik Rupantaran Mein Media ki Bhumika". (`4,00,000)
122. C. Suresh Kumar, Pondicherry University, Puducherry "Digital India Rural Youth: Studying Digital Penetration, Reach and Usage among College Students of Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry". (`5, 00,000)
Political Science
123. Rakhi Panchola, Saheed Durgamal Government (P.G) College, Uttarakhand, "Seemant Janpad Uttarkashi mein Kaushal Vikas Nitiya evam Rojgar Srajan ki Sambhavanae". (`3,00,000)
124. Yashpal Ashokrao Jogdand, IIT Delhi, Delhi, "Group Based Humiliation, Social Identification and Justice Processes: A Multi-method Investigation". (`4,30,000)
Public Administration
125. Pravesh Kumar, JNU, New Delhi, "Public Policy and Governance in India: Strengthening Justice and Equality under Modi Government (2014-2019)". (`11,30,000)
Social Work
126. A. Muthulakshmi, Mizoram University, Aizawl, "A Study on Integrated Child

Development Services (ICDS) in Rural Areas of Mizoram". (`8,00,000)
Sociology 127. Jitendra Kumar Premi, Pt. Ravishankar
Shukla University, Chhattisgarh, "Involvement of Men in Reproductive Health: A Cross-cultural Comparative Investigation among the Tribal and the Rural Males of Chhattisgarh". (`7,00,000)
Major Research Projects (ST)
Cultural Studies 128. Anga Padu, Rajiv Gandhi University, Arunachal Pradesh, "Status of Violence Against Children in Arunachal Pradesh". (` 7,50,000)
Education 129. Yodida Bhutia, Sikkim University, Gangtok, "Development of Women's Education and Problems of Women Students in Higher Education of Sikkim". (` 8,00,000)
Geography 130. Changadev Kisan Kudnar, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, "Human Development Indicators Among Primitives Tribal Groups (PTG) in Nashik, Maharashtra". (` 5,00,000)
Management 131. P. Ramlal, NIT, Waraangal, "Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for Empowering Differently Able: A Study in Telangana Region". (` 5,90,000)
132. Suman Sharma, Central University of Himachal Pradesh, Dharamshala, "Handicraft Tourism: A Source of Community Development". (` 12,00,000)



Public Administration
133. Gugulothu Srinu, Central University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, "Comparative Study on Sociocultural Subjugation and Structural Transformation of Nomadic Tribes in Telangana State in Post Globalized Era with special reference to Banjara Community". (` 7,00,000)
134. T. Longkoi Khamniungan, Central University of Haryana, Haryana, "Reservation for Women, Customary Laws and Article 371A: A Naga Women Struggle for Power Sharing in Nagaland". (` 12,90,000)
Minor Research Projects (General)
1. Mousumi Choudhury, University of Science and Technology, Meghalaya, "Assessment of Bancassurance Business from the Perspective of Customers: A Study in Assam". (` 4,00,000)
2. M.Vidya, The Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University, Chennai, "A Study on Implementation of Green Supply Chain Management Practices with reference to Agricultural Products". (` 4,00,000)
3. Vanshree Mehta, St. Aloysius College, Sadar Cantt, M.P., "Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana ke Samajik Arthik Prabhav ka Mulankann: Mahakaushal Shetron ke Vishesh Sandharbh Mein". (` 4,00,000)
4. C. Vijaya Banu, SASTRA Deemed University, Thanjavur, Tamilnadu, "Technoeconomic Quality of Life (TEQOL) for Sustainable Growth of Street Vendors in the Digital Era ­ An Empirical Study

with Special Reference to Tamil Nadu". (` 4,00,000)
5. I. Siddiq, Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraja College, Pollachi, Tamilnadu, "Inter State Migrant Workmen- A Paradigm Shift in Labour Employment Pattern in Textile Sectory in Tirupur District". (`4,00,000)
6. Mohua Das Mazumdar, Rampurhat College, Birbhum, West Bengal, "Employment Generation by Cooperatives as One of the Major Actors of Social and Solidarity Economy: A Study in India with special reference to West Bengal". (` 3,00,000)
7. Syed Atif Jilani, AMU, Ahiron, West Bengal, "An Empirical Study on Rural Financial Inclusion in Murshidabad District of West Bengal". (` 3,50,000)
8. K. Kumuthadevi, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, "Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction Towards Digital Banking in Post Demonetization­ Reference to Coimbatore District". (` 3,50,000)
9. Namita Bhandari, MCM DAV College for Women, Chandigarh, "A Study of Awareness Level and Determinants of Purchase Decision of Health Insurance in Punjab; A Women Perspective". (` 3,50,000)
10. Poda Pala Siva Reddy, Lakireddy Bali Reddy College of Engineering, Andhra Pradesh, "Financing Issues of MSMEs in Krishna District of Andhra Pradesh -A Diagnostic Study". (` 3,00,000)
11. Popy Devi Nath, St. Annees College for Women, Mehdipatnam, Hyderabad, "A Comparative Study on Socio-economic Status of Women Tea Plantation Workers in Assam and Kerala". (` 4,00,000)



12. Ruhi Bakhare, Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Management Studies and Research, Deekshabhoomi, Nagpur, "Human Resource Management in Hospitals (HRM) Skill Gap among Health Care Workers ­A Case of Cancer Hospitals in Vidharba". (` 4, 00,000)
13. Arindam Laha, The University of Burdwan, Golapbag, West Bengal, "The State of Digital Economy in West Bengal: Is There Any Role of Digital and Financial Literacy?" (` 2,50,000)
14. T.S. Kavitha, Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraja College, Pollachi, "A Study on Market Potential of MSME (Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises) Coir Industry in Coimbatore District of Tamilnadu". (` 2,50,000)
15. R. Umamaheswari, PSG College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, "Rural Entrepreneurship and Business Prospects: An Insight Study in Rural Areas of Coimbatore District". (` 2, 50,000)
16. ArchanaDubey,SAGEUniversity,Indore, Madhya Pradesh, "An Exploration into Entrepreneurship Opportunities in Tourism Development of Madhya Pradesh". (` 4,00,000)
17. G. Venkadasalapathi, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu, "A Study on Impact of Apparel Industries in Women Empowerment in Tamil Nadu with special reference to Thoothukudi District". (` 1,50,000)
18. M. S. Ranjithkumar, Dr. N.G.P. Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, "A Study on Farmer's Perception on Different Marketing Channels for Major Vegetables in Ooty and Coimbatore Districts of Tamil Nadu". (` 3, 00,000)

19. N. Bagyalakshmi, Nallamuthu Gounder Mahalingam College, Tamilnadu, "Investigation and Implenmentation Strategy of GST on Small and Medium Traders in Coimbatore District, Tamil Nadu". (` 2, 50,000)
20. Nidhi Khurana, St. Aloysius College, Madhya Pradesh, "A Study on Women Buying Behaviour Online v/s In-Store". (` 3, 50,000)
21. S. Umamageswari, A.P.C. Mahalaxmi College for Women, Tamil Nadu, "A Study on Micro-finance by NABARDIts Impact on SHGs in Thoothukudi District". (` 3,00,000)
22. Nitin Chandrakant Mali, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, "A Study on Impact of Farmer Producer Organisation on Small and Marginal Farmers in Western Maharashtra". (` 4,00,000)
23. S. N. Venkatesh, Seshadripuram First Grade College, Bengaluru, "Organizational Climate, Organizational Commitment and Professional Development of Teachers Working in First Grade Colleges in Karnataka". (` 2, 25,000)
24. R.Alamelu,SASTRAUniversity,Tanjavur, Tamil Nadu, "Accessible, Adoptable and Sustainable Practices of anytime Learning through SWAYAM- A Digital Transformation of Higher Education Ecosystem in Tamil Nadu". (` 2, 00,000)
25. Vandana Madhav Kumar, PSGR Krishnammal College for Women, Coimbatore, "Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on Performance of SMEs in Coimbatore". (` 3,00,000)
26. Priyanshi Gupta, Christ University, Bengaluru, "Prediction of Corporate Bankruptcy Using a New Integrated Model for Emerging Economies: Evidence from India". (` 1,75,000)



27. Bharati R. Hiremath, A.S. Patil College of Commerce (Autonomous), New Campus, Vijayapur, "An Evaluative Study of Functioning of Co-operative Banks with special reference to Karnataka State". (` 4,00,000)
28. J.Lilly,BharathiarUniversity,Tamilnadu, "Farmers' Perception towards Organic Farming for Sustainable Livelihood in Coimbatore District". (` 3,50,000)
29. V. Kannan, St. Joseph's College (Autonomous), Tamilnadu, "A Study on the Startup Ecosystem with Special reference to Tamil Nadu State". (` 3,06,000)
30. Sarita Goel, St. Aloysius College, Madhya Pradesh, "e/;çns'k ds mPp f'k{kk {ks= esa dk;Zjr efgykvksa dh lkekftd & vkfFkZd fLFkfr dk fo'ys"k.kkRed v/;;u" (` 2,30,000)
31. Gaurav Agrawal, Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management (IIITM), Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, "Modeling for Adaptability and Utilization of Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana in Central India". (` 2,69,000) (To be Cancelled)
32. M.J. Senthil Kumar, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, "A Study on Awareness of Social Security Schemes Implemented by the Government with special reference to Social Insurance in Virudhunagar District". (` 3,75,000)
33. Dilip Kumar Sharma, Shri Varshney College, Aligarh, "Veshik Karko ka Upbhokta Vyvhar per Prabhav: Ek Vishesrakmak Adhyayan (Janpad Aligarh ke Vishesh Sandarbh Main)". (` 4,90,000)
34. J. Johnmanoharan, Shri Nehru Maha Vidyalaya College of Arts and Science, Tamilnadu, "To Study About Importance

of Health, Nutrition and Sanitation of the Masses in Rural Villages with Affiliation to In and Around Coimbatore District". (` 3,50,000)
35. Pravallika Akula, Mahatma Gandhi University Anneparthy, Telangana, "NRHM-Role of Asha Workerswith reference to Telangana state". (` 4,20,000)
36. V. Sangeetha, Sri Sarada College for Women, Tirunelveli, "Beneficiaries' Opinion on Service Sector: Primary Health Centres in Thoothukudi District". (` 5,00,000)
37. N.S. Santhi, K.S.R. College of Engineering, Tiruchengode, "Effectiveness of Information, Communication Technology for Upliftment of Tribes in Yercaud Hill, Salem". (` 2,68,500)

Cultural Studies

38. Bhavesh M. Jethava, KSKV Kachchh




Loksanskriti ka Aadhyaan: (Waolong

Bhubhag ke Sandharbh mein)".

(` 4,00,000)

39. Gitartha Goswami, Jorhat College, Assam, "Role of the Satras in Assamese Nation Building Process: Problems and Prospects". (` 4,00,000)

Diaspora Studies
40. Madhavi Pimple, Rajkumar Kewalramani Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Napgur, "Exploring Feminism in Indo-American Diaspora in the Writings of Kiran Desai and Jhumpa Lahiri". (` 2,00,000)
41. Jagjeet Kaur, PG Government College, Chandigarh, "Punjabi Diaspora: Marriages Leading to Stress among the Husbandless Wives and Fatherless Children in Punjab". (`5,00,000)



42. Archana Srivastava, Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani, Hyderabad, "Impact of Modern Organized Multi Brand Retail Trade (MOMBRT) on Street Vendors: Case Study of Two Capital Cities (Hyderabad and Bhubaneswar)". (` 4,50,000)
43. Maila Lama, Rajiv Gandhi University, Arunachal Pradesh, "Valuing Ecotourism in a Sacred Lake of Eastern Himalayas: A Case Study of Sangetsar (Madhuri) Lake in Tawang District of Arunachal Pradesh". (` 3,00,000)
44. Arif Billah Dar, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Jammu and Kashmir, "Women Financial Inclusion: Post-pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojna Analysis for India". (` 3, 50, 000)
45. Dyaneshwar Vishnu Gore, Shri Vyankatesh Arts, Commerce and Science College, Maharashtra, "Agrarian Crisis and Farmers Suicides in Maharashtra State: A Comparative Study of Marathwada & Vidarbha Regions". (` 3,00,000)
46. Srinivasa Reddy Mandala, Centre for Economic and Social Studies (CESS), Telangana, "Marketing of Pulses in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana: Opportunities and Constraints". (` 4,00,000)
47. K.S. Hari, Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Maharashtra, "Employment Generation through Affirmative Action: A Case Study of Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY) in Pune District of Maharashtra". (` 4,00,000)
48. Sumit Mahajan, College of Dairy Science and Technology, LUVAS, Haryana, "A Study on Choice of Availing Veterinary Services in India". (` 1,80,000)

49. Sriram. M, Christ (Deemed to be University), Bangalore, "Economic and Operational Challenges of Road-side Vendors in Bengaluru". (` 2,00,000)
50. C. Athena, PSGR Krishnammal College for Women, Tamilnadu, "Access to Water, Sanitation and Management Practices among Selected Rural Households in Coimbatore District: A Contemplative Analysis". (` 3,00,000)
51. Syed Noman Ahmad, AMU, Aligarh, "Farm Mechanization and Female Labour Participation in Agriculture: A Study of Indian Districts". (` 3,00,000)
52. Sandeep Kaur, Central University of Punjab, Punjab, "An Economic Evaluation of Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna: The Way Forward for Diversification". (` 3,50,000)
53. Anjali Parag Kalkar, College of Computer Science, Pune, "Study of Women Entrepreneurs Engaged in Food Processing in Pune". (` 3,50,000)
54. Rajesh Gangakhedkar, IPE, Hyderabad, "Evaluation of UJALA Programme­ A Focus on Residential Electricity Consumers of Select Regions of Hyderabad and Rangareddy District". (` 3,50,000)
55. Deepika Joshi, St. Joseph's College of Commerce (Autonomous), Bengaluru, "Garbage Collectors' Well-being for Sustainable Communities: A Study of Bangalore Metropolitan Area". (` 2,50,000)
56. Sagaya Doss, Government Arts College for Men, Nandanam, Chennai, "Demand for and Supply of Health Insurance in Tamil Nadu". (` 3,00,000)
57. Vinod Ratiram Bansile, Shri Vyankatesh Arts, Commerce & Science College,



Maharashtra, "egkjk"Vª ds cyq Mk.kk ftys ds fdlkukas dh vkfFkZd ,oa lkekftd fLFkfr ij la'kksf/kr jk"Vªh; --f"k chek ;kstuk dk gksus okyk ifj.kke & ,d v/;;u". (` 3,00,000)
58. Arif Billah Dar, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Jammu and Kashmir, "Women and Financial Inclusion: Post-Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojna Analysis for India". (` 3,00,000) (To be Cancelled)
59. Punya Gogoi, NLB City College, Dibrugarh, "Status of Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Pracitices among the Missing Community of Assam: A Case Study of Leai Kilakhowa Area of Dibrugarh District in Assam". (` 2,50,000) (To be cancelled)
60. Sangeeta Arora, Dev Samaj College for Women, Ferozapur City, Punjab, "Socio -economic Impact of Stubble Burning in Punjab- A Study of District Ferozpur". (` 3,00,000)
61. Jayanta Saud, Dibrugarh University, Assam, "A Study of Impact of Cropping Intensity in Farmer's Income Generation in the Brahmaputra Valley of Assam". (` 3,50,000)
62. Rajesh Acharya H., National Institute of Technology, Karnataka, "Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture and Exploring the Role of Technology in Adaptation". (` 4,05,000)
63. Pankaj Marotirao Tayde, Bhausaheb Lahane Dnyanprakash Arts College, Maharashtra, "An Evaluation of Food Security - A Case Study of Akola District". (` 2,50,000)
64. Anita Nangia, Dev Samaj College of Education, Chandigarh, "Poor Children in Affluent Schools: A Study of

Implementation of 25% Free Education to Children Belonging to Economically Weaker Sections of Society under Section 12(1)C CRTE 2009 in Private Schools of Chandigarh". (` 4, 00,000)
65. M. Pravathy, Bharathidasan University, Thiruchirrappalli, "Developing Metacognitive Strategy Enabled Module for Fostering Employability Skills Among the Persons with Vision Impairment". (` 4,50,000)
66. Jadab Dutta, Himalayan University, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh, "Problems and Prospect of Women Education in East Kameng District of Arunachal Pradesh". (` 4,50,000)
67. Irum Alvi, Rajasthan Technical University, Kota, Rajasthan, "Linguistic Skills, Social Integration and Commitment towards the University- A Study of Socio-economically Backward Technical and Professional Students of Rajasthan". (` 4,00,000)
68. Kirti Prajapati, MJP Rohilkhand University, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, "Developing a Professional Ethics Programme for Teacher Education". (` 4,50,000)
69. Paonam Sudeep Mangang, National Institute of Technology, Meghalaya, "The Use of E-Writers in Teaching Writing Skill to Special Students of Dwar Jingkyrmen". (` 4,00,000)
70. ShirishN.Nemade,CollegeofEngineering & Technology, Akola, "Study on Employability Skills of Engineering Graduates: An Education Beyond University Scheme for Backward Class, Poor Learners and Minority Students". (` 4,00,000)
71. Mrinal Kumar Dutta, Sibsagar Commerce College, Sivsagar, Assam, "Social Networking Sites and Its Impact



Among the Students of Higher Education with special reference to the Colleges under Dibrugarh University, Assam". (` 3,00,000)
72. Nirbhaya Singh, Bhadawar Vidya Mandir (P.G.) College, Bah, Agra, "Muslim Mahilao ka Saikshik Vikas or Sanskritik Badhae". (` 3,00,000)
73. Gouri Kumar Nanda, Acharya Prafulla Chandra College, Kolkata, "Attitude of Parents and Teachers towards Private and Public School at Elementary Level in the Rural Areas of West Bengal". (` 3,50,000)
74. Geeta Rai, DU, Delhi, "Education and Social Change: A Study of the Gorkhas Communities in India". (`4,00,000)
75. Niranjan K. P. Nandanam, University of Calicut, Kerala, "Occupational Aspirations in Relation to Academic Achievement of Fisheries Secondary School Students of Kerala". (` 3,00,000 )
76. Sunita Singh, DU, Delhi, "Role of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT) for Quality Enhancement in Higher Education: Formative Assessment of Faculty Development Centres of India". (` 4,00,000)
77. Vivek Singh, Rajiv Gandhi University, Arunachal Pradesh, "Monastery System of Education in Arunachal Pradesh". (` 4,00,000)
78. Shabana Ashraf, Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad, "Effect of Techno-Pedagogy on Coping Strategies, Study Habits and Academic Performance of Madarsa Students at Secondary Level". (` 2,50,000)

79. P. Vidhya, Sri Rama Krishna College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, "Impact of Free Education for all Children in Rural and Urban Areas and their Rights in Education Related to Coimbatore City". (` 2,00,000)
80. Sunil Kumar Pahwa, G.S College of Commerce and Economics, Jabalpur, "Human Resource Management Practices in Institutes of Higher Education - A Study of Colleges Affiliated to RDVV Jabalpur". (` 2,50,000)
81. Sheeba Krishnan, NSS Training College, Kerala, "Development of a Writing Skill Enhancement Package for Dystrophic Children at Primary Level with Special Reference to Specific Learning Disabilities". (` 3,00,000)
82. NausadHussain,MaulanaAzadNational Urdu University, Hyderabad, "Impact of Personal Values and Personality Traits on Academic Achievement: A Comparative Study of Madrasa and Government Elementary School Students". (` 3,00,000)
83. G. Kalvikkarasi, Dharmamurthi Rao Bahadur Calavala Cunnan Chetty's Hindu College, Chennai, "Effectiveness of MOOCs in Higher Educational Institutions in the Rural Tiruvallur District of Tamil Nadu". (` 3,00,000)
84. Hatim Fakhruddin Kayumi, Institute of Management Studies Career Development and Research, Maharashtra, "An Analytical Study on Increasing Stress among Academicians of Private Un-aided Institutions Offering Degree Programmes Recognized by U.G.C. in Maharashtra State". (` 3,00,000)
85. Kalpana Sahoo, Xavier School of Human Resource Management, Odisha, "Yoga's Influence on Teachers' Professional



Well-being in Academic Organizations in Higher Education Sector in India: An Empirical Validation". (` 3,50,000)
86. Nil Ratan Roy, Department of Education, Tezpur University, Assam, "Problems Faced by the Children of Tea Garden Workers at Secondary Level Education in Assam: An Analytical Study". (` 3,50,000)
87. Seema Menon K.P., N.S.S. Training College, Kerala, "Education of Tribal Students of Attappadi Area ­A Study with special reference to School Facilities and its Utilization. (` 3,00,000)
Environmental Studies
88. S. A. Shahanaz Begum, Sreenivasa Institute of Technology and Management Studies, Chittoor, "Extraction and Mathematical Modelling of Herbal Dyes from Floral Waste of Pilgrim City Tirupati: An Approach to Sustainable Municipal Solid Waste Management". (` 3,50,000)
89. Leena Borah, Cotton University, Panbazar, Guwahati, Assam, "Investigation of the Impacts of Climate Change on Food and Livelihood Security of Assamese Farmers and their Adaptive Responses ­ A Study from North East India". (` 4,00,000)
90. Prabhakar Tyagi, Government Degree College, Chaukhutia, Uttarakhand, "Historical and Eco-tourism Attraction for Tourists at Lesser Known Sites on the Way to Char Dham Yatra: A Case Study of Chaukhutia in District Almora (Uttarakhand)". (` 3,50,000)
91. Sheena Rajan Philip, Bharata Mata College, Ernakulam, "Beat Plastic Pollution: A Study on the Impact of Food Chain Delivery on Plastic Waste

Generation in Ernakulam District of Kerala". (` 3,00,000)
92. B. Jeeva Rekha, Sri Vasavi College, Erode (DT), Tamilnadu, "Transforming Higher Education Institutions into Green and Sustainable Campuses: A Toolkit for Implementers in Erode District". (` 3,00,000)
93. Satendra Kumar, Govt.Degree College, Dakpathhar, Dehradun, Uttrakhand "Parvatiye Rajyo ki Prakartik Swaroop ko Banaye Rakhne ki Chunautiya". (` 3,00,000)
94. Ved Prakash Joshi, M.P.G. College, Mussoorie, Uttarakhand, "Uttrakhand Mein Prayravaryan Prayatan ki Sambhavna aur Chunotiya" (` 3,00,000)
95. G. Thenmozhi, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, "Impact Analysis on Climatic Conditions due to the Development of Highway Roads and other Infrastructures". (` 3,00,000)
96. Anupam Kumar Singh, Jai Prakash University, Chapra, Bihar, "Impact of Solid Waste on the Environment: A Case Study on Chapra". (` 3,00,000)
97. NibeditaMukherjee,BankuraUnviersity, West Bengal, "Folklores and Folkvoices: Conserving the Environmental Ethno-spcace". (` 4,50,000)
Gender Studies
98. Rachna Chaturvedi, Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Madhya Pradesh, "An Evaluate Study of Digitally Empowering Urban and Rural Women in the District of Guna, Madhya Pradesh". (` 3,00,000)
99. Hima Gupta, Indira Institute of Management, Pune, "Study of Women Domestic Workers in Pune Region from



the Perspective of Designing a Legal Framework for Them". (` 4,00,000)
100. Sanjay Kumar, Rashtriya Kishan(RK) College, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, "Crime Against Women and Role of Women Police: A Study of Western Uttar Pradesh with Special Reference to Baghpat, Bulandshshr, Hapur, Ghaziabad, Muzaffarnagar and Meerut Districts". (` 4,50,000)
101. Archana Bhattacharjya, Barpeta Road - Howly College, Howly, Assam, "Efficiency of Micro-finance Programme towards Women Empowerment­ A Comparative Study of Southern and North Eastern Part of India". (` 4,00,000)
102. Nazrul Islam, Sitalkuchi College, West Bengal, "Status of Women Workers in Brick Kiln Industry in Tufanganj Block-I, Koch Bihar, West Bengal". (` 4,50,000 )
103. K. Balasubramani, Central University of Tamil Nadu, Tiruvarur, "Measuring Vulnerability to Coastal Hazards in Tamil Nadu: Implications for Policy Formulation towards a Resilient Coastal Society".(` 4,00,000)
104. Md.SelimReja,UniversityB.T.&Evening College, West Bengal, "Out-Migration of Muslim Youth beyond State Boundary from Rural Bengal: A Study of Murshidabad District". (` 4,00,000)
105. Yogesh Kumar Garg, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (MANIT), Bhopal, "Exploring Social Equity Issues of Present Urban Transport Scenario in Indian Context". (` 4,00,000)

106. Ritesh Venkatesh Wangwad, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Maharashtra, "Difference in Physical Activities Levels in Different Town's Size from the Context of Social, Environmental, and Infrastructural Barriers". (` 3,00,000)
107. Mukunda Misra, Dr. Meghnad Saha College, West Bengal, "Identifying Vulnerable Economies and Livelihoods due to Climate Change towards Framing the Resilience Policies: A Study in West Bengal, India". (` 4,50,000)
108. Nityananda Deka, Gauhati University, Assam, "Changes in Agro-ecosystems and their Implications on the Peasant Societies of the Brahmaputra Valley, Assam, India". (` 4,50,000)
109. R. Balajivignsh, Sakthi Institute of Information and Management Studies, Tamilnadu, "Attitude and Perception of Coconut Farmers towards Organic Farming- A Study with Special Reference to Coconut Growers in Pollachi Taluk, Coimbatore District, Tamil Nadu". (` 3,50,000)
110. Dhrubajyoti Rajbanshi, Gauhati University, Assam, "Socio-economic Conditions of Muga Farmers of Lakhimpur District of Assam: A Geographical Study". (` 3,50,000)
Health Studies
111. Ravi K. Dhar, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi, "Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of WASH (Water, Sanitation & Hygiene) in the Slums of NCT of Delhi". (` 4,00,000)
112. V. Bhanu Rekha, Rajiv Gandhi College of Veterinary Education and Research, Puducherry, "Study on the Hurdles Faced by Fisherwomen in their Occupation and Its Outcome in Puducherry". (` 3,50,000)



113. Sarika Dixit, School of Social Sciences, Devi Ahilya University, Indore, "An Analytical Study on Menstrual Health & Hygiene Among Tribal Women of Madhya Pradesh". (` 3,50,000)
114. Vibha Sharma, Institute of Human Behaviour & Allied Sciences (IHBAS), Delhi, "Relationship of Domestic Violence and Mental Health among Women Suffering with Common Mental Health Disorders". (` 4,00,000)
115. MeeraKulkarni,InstituteofManagement Studies, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, "Assessment of Healthcare Services for Chronic Diseases among the Rural Community through Government Hospitals and Public Health Centers in Ahmednagar District". (` 3,00,000)
116. Sridhar L.S., St. Joseph's College of Commerce, Brigade Road, Karnataka, "A Study on Utilisation of Health Care Services in India- A Special Reference to Child Care". (`4,00,000)
117. Suranjana Barua, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Guwahati, "Makers of Modern Assam: A Case Study of Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi, Kalaguru Bishnu Prasad Rabha, Chandrani Saikiani". (` 4,00,000)
118. Pooja Parashar, Dev Samaj College for Women, Ferozepur City, Punjab, "Socioeconomic Changes in Ancient Kashmir: A Historical Perspective". (` 4,00,000)
119. Harneet Kaur, Guru Nanak Dev University, Punjab, "The Issue of Female Infanticide/Foeticide among the Religious Groups of the Punjab". (` 3,00,000)
120. Pricila, Holy Cross College, Tamil Nadu, "A Critical Study on Women Pavement

Dwellers in Tirchirappalli Corporation: A Study". (` 2,50,000)
121. DivyaSethi,JNU,NewDelhi,"Migration, Mobility and Crossroads in Pre-modern India: Ethnography of the Mahajans of North-Western Rajasthan". (` 4,00,000)
International Studies
122. Manish, Central University of Gujarat, Gujarat, "Geo-political Implications of CPEC Extension into Afghanistan". (`4,00,000)
123. Suresh Kumar Bhaira, Maharshi Arvind University, Mundiya Ramsar, Rajasthan, "Criminal Justice System and Women in India". (`1, 00,000)
124. Showkat Ahmad Bhat, University of Kashmir, Srinagar, "Identification of Effectiveness of Mediation and Arbitration in Domestic Cases: A Study of Jammu & Kashmir". (` 5,00,000)
125. Rashmi Baruah, University of Science and Technology, Meghalaya, "Impact of Government Restrictions on the Sale of Alcohol in the Shops Located on the Highway of Meghalaya: Special Reference to RiBhoi District". (` 4,55,000)
126. Praveen Patil, Shahaji Law College, Maharashtra, "A Critical Analysis of Grievance Redressal Mechanism and Monitoring under the National Food Security Act, 2013 with Reference to Western Maharashtra". (` 4,87,000)
127. Rajni Singh, IIT (ISM) Dhanbad, Jharkhand, "Designing Tri-lingual Dictionary of Lesser Known Munda Languages in Jharkhand: Towards



Promotion and Dis-semination of Indigenous Knowledge and Heritage". (` 4,50,000)
128. Tiluttoma Baruah, Cotton University Guwahati, Assam, "Endangered Dialects and Cultural with Special Reference to the Tai Phakes of Assam". (` 4,00,000)
129. Md. Jamshed, JMI, New Delhi, "Identifying the Export Potential of Small-scale Enterprises: A Study of Handicraft Industry in Uttar Pradesh". (` 4,00,000)
130. Ashutosh MuduliI, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, Gujarat, "Occupational Health and Safety in the Healthcare Industry of Gujarat". (` 4,00,000)
131. Ravindra Singh, DU, Delhi, "Assessing Living and Working Conditions of Child Waste-Pickers at Bhalaswa Landfill Site, Delhi". (` 3,00,000)
Media Studies
132. Tanu Dang, Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti Urdu, Arabi - Farsi University, Lucknow, "Analysis of Access, Exposure and Communication Gaps of Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gramin Kaushalya Yojna (DDU - GKY) in the Rural Periphery of Lucknow District". (`3,00,000)
133. LeenaRatnakarKulkarni,ICSSRWestern Regional Centre, Mumbai, "Kumbhmela ke Parivartanshel Swaroop: Ek Maramgarahi Adhayan". (` 4,00,000)
134. Vemireddy Vamshi Krishna Reddy, IIT, Tirupati, "Political Communication and Mass Mobilization: The Role of Folk Media in Telangana Movement". (` 3,00,000)

135. Rubal Kanozia, Central University of Punjab, Punjab, "Understanding the Sociology of Fake News in India: How to Track & Debunk Social Media Hoax Using Digital Tools". (` 3,00,000)
136. G. Satyavathy, Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science for Women, Coimbatore, "Analyzing the Impact of Media Usage on the Different Kinds of Abuse over Girl Children in India". (` 3,00,000)
National Security
137. Imran Khan, Municipal Post Graduate (MPG) College, Mussorie, Dehradun (U.K), "Aatankwaad or Drugs per Kaale Dhan ka Prabhav". (` 3,00,000)
Political Science
138. Surajit Chakravarty, IIM Calcutta, Kolkata, "Planning Smart Cities to Promote Civic Engagement and Stakeholder Participation". (`4,50,000)
139. Sunkari Satyam, Southern Regional Centre, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, "Dynamics of Parental Choice of Schooling in Rural Areas: A Study in Telangana". (` 4,00,000)
140. Arvinder Singh, Gujranwala Guru Nanak Khalsa College, Ludhiana, "Guru Nanak's Model of Multi-cultural Society and Peaceful Coexistence: It's Relevance in the 21st Century". (` 4,00,000)
141. Surendra Singh, DU, Delhi, "Identity, Ethnicity and Social Movement: A Case Study of the North-eastern States of India". (` 4,00,000)
142. R. Sivakumar, Thiruvalluvar Govt. Arts College, Tamil Nadu, "The Performance of E-Governance Programme in Delivery of Public Services in Tamilnadu: An Evaluative Study". (` 4,00,000)



143. Gurpreet Singh Brar, Punjabi University, Patiala, "Bharti Kisan Union and Agrarian Crisis in Punjab Since 1990". (` 2,00,000)
144. Sangita Bhagawati, Guwahati College, Kamrup, Assam, "Role of Women in Ensuring Food Security: A Case Study of Assam". (` 3,50,000)
145. Sudhir Kapoor, DU, Delhi, "Gender Differences in Cigarette Smoking Trends and Smoking Outcome Expectancies in the University Students in India". (` 4,25,000)
146. Mamman Joseph C., Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur, "Resilience, Mental Health and Suicidal Ideation among the Flood Affected People in Kerala". (` 2,25,000)
147. Pravakar Duari, KISS (Deemed to be University), Bhubaneswar, "Towards an Effective Swachha Bharat Abhiyan: Some Behavioural Determinants for Collective Participation". (` 3,00,000)
148. Swati Dhir, International Management Institute, New Delhi, "Impact of Workplace Spirituality on Employees and Organization of Indian Service Sector: Moderating Role of Organizational Culture and Organizational Politics". (` 2,00,000)
Public Administration
149. Ranjit Patil, Dr. D.Y. Patil ACS College Pimpri Pune, "Aadhaar Card (UIDAI Number) for Sustainable Development of Local Government for the State of Maharashtra". (`4,00,000)
150. M. Shanthini Devi, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, "E-Governance Towards Good Governance-An Analysis

of Selected Village Panchayat Blocks in Coimbatore District". (` 4,00,000)
151. Sudheeran T.S., Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala, "Prevalence and Demographic Correlates of Type-D Personality among Stroke Survivors: Scope for Psycho-social Rehabilitation". (` 1,00,000)
152. Ashwani Kumar, H.P. University, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, "Democratic Decentralisation and Women's Empowerment: A Comparative Study of Panchayati Raj Institutions in Jammu and Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh". (` 3,00,000)
153. Manoj Joseph, TISS, Mumbai, "Longterm Care of Adults with Developmental Disability: A Study of Parents having Adults with Developmental Disability in Rural Areas". (` 3,00,000)
154. Yogesh Devkinandan Mahajan, Indira School of Business Studies, Pune, Maharashtra, "Assessing the Impact of Mudra Loans on Small/ Micro-enterprises in Pune City of Maharashtra". (` 4,00,000)
155. Gireesh Gourav, Patna University, Bihar, "Sankraman mein Lok-Sanskritik Parampara- Bihar ke Lok-Sanskriti ka Ek Samajshastriya Adhyann". (` 4,00,000)
156. Nivedita Som, Vivekananda College for Women, Kolkata, "Knowledge and Attitude towards Sanitation and Hygienic Practices: A Study from Rural West Bengal". (` 3,50,000)
157. Y. Vijila, St. Joseph's College, Bharathidasan University, Thiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, "Allied Occupation Strategies to Face the Livelihood Challenges among the Farmers



of Cauvery Delta in Taminadu". (` 3,50,000) (To be Cancelled)
158. Archana Patnaik, IIT, Kharagpur, "Gendering the Smart City: Migrant Women Experiences". (` 3,00,000)
159. Shruti Tandon, Government Meera Girl's College, Rajasthan, "Marginalised Elders: A Comparative Study of Rural and Urban Elders in Udaipur, Rajasthan". (` 3,50,000)
160. Ambadas Navanath Kardile, Jawaharlal Nehru College of Social Work, CIDCO, New Nanded, Maharashtra, "tu&tkrh; efgykvksa dks çloiwoZ vkSj çloksÙkj feyusokyh LokLF; lsokvksa dk v/;;u] lanHkZ% ukansM+ ftyk] egkjk"Vª". (` 3,00,000)
Minor Research Projects (SC)
161. Pushpender Kumar, DU, Delhi, "The Socio-economic Impact of Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojna (PMMY), (Credit for Micro-enterprises), on Women Empowerment in India". (`4,00,000)
162. K. Ganesamurthy, Alagappa University, Tamil Nadu, "Energy Consumption and Utility Practices of Farmers in Southern Districts of Tamil Nadu". (` 3,00,000)
163. B. Chinna Muthu, Madras Christian College, Tambaram, Tamil Nadu, "Problems and Prospects of Rural Women Entrepreneurs in Tamil Nadu- An Empirical Study". (`3,00,000)
Cultural Studies
164. Shital Prasad Mahendra, SRP Govt. PG College, Rajasthan, "Rajasthan ke Naath Santo ke Sahitya ka Samajik Sanskritik Adhyayan (Jaipur, Alwar and Dausaa ke Sandarbh mein)". (`4,00,000)

165. K.S. Kumaravel, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru College of Agriculture and Research Institute, Puducherry, "Socioeconomic Impact of Farmers Producers Organisations in Union Territory of Puducherry". (`4,00,000)
166. Provashis Mondal, Swami Niswambalananda Girls College, West Bengal, "Present Condition of the Drop-out Girls Student in the North 24 Parganas District or (Present Condition of the Drop-Out Girls Student in the IndoBangladesh Border Region of North 24 Parganas District)". (` 3, 00,000)
167. Geeta Garwa, Biyani Girls College, Vidhyadhar Nagar, Jaipur, "Social Transformation through the Praxis of Critical Pedagogy". (` 2,50,000)
168. Bipul Chandra Sarkar, Ananda Chandra College, West Bengal, "Strategies for Economic and Social Sustainability of Tea Garden Workers of Mal Block in Jalpaiguri District, West Bengal". (` 4,00,000)
169. Mohan Bera, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Goa, "Coping with Displacement due to River Erosion in the Indian Sundarban and Lower Assam". (`4,50,000)
170. Barnali Das, Kalyani Mahavidyalaya, University of Kalyani, West Bengal, "Population Growth and Inter-ward Disparities in Urban Facilities: A Case Study in Kalyani- A Planned Town, Nadia, West Bengal". (`3,50,000)



Health Studies
171. Vini Sivanandan, Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Maharashtra, "A Comprehensive Assessment of Occupational Health Hazard of Municipal Sanitary Workers of Pune, Maharashtra". (`2,70,000)
International Studies
172. Jyoti, Maharshi Dayanand (MD) University, Rohtak, Haryana, "Emerging Multi-polar World Order and The U.S.China-India Triangular Dynamics". (` 4,00,000)
173. Zafar Mahfooz Nomani, AMU, Aligarh, "Role of International Bio-diversity Law in Developing Legal Framework for Access & Benefit Sharing (ABS) Regime in India". (`5,00,000)
Library Science
174. Lavjibhai N. Zala, PG Department of Library & Information Science, Sardar Patel University, Gujarat, "Digital Library of Gujarat in Vernacular Language: A Model for Government of Gujarat". (` 4,50,000)
Political Science
175. Resham Lal, Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapith, Varanasi "Changing Status of Women in Indian Society: Caste-wise Socio-political Study of Sonebhadra District of Uttar Pradesh". (`4,00,000)
176. B. E. George Dimitrov, Bangalore University, Bangalore, "A Study on the Status of Manual Scavengers Liberation and Rehabilitation with special reference to Manual Scavenging Act 2013 in Bangalore, Karnataka". (`2,00,000)

177. Moromi Talukdar, Dibrugarh Hanumanbax Surajmall Kanoi College, Assam, "A Study on Traditional Knowledge System among the Meyors of Arunachal Pradesh". (`2,50,000)
178. Uttam Jakoji Sonkamble, Bhagini Mandal Chopda, College of Social Work, Maharashtra, "A Study on Issues and Challenges of Tribal Women Empowerment in Nandurbar District of Maharashtra". (` 3,00,000)
179. G. Tirumala Vasu Deva Rao, Govt. Degree and PG College, A.P., "Analyzing Tourism Potentials in Chittoor District with Particular reference to Nature Tourism". (`2,20,000)
Minor Research Projects (ST)
180. C. Lalengzama, Higher and Technical Institute, Mizoram, "Agrarian Transformation and Development in Lunglei District Mizoram". (`2,00,000)
Environmental Studies
181. K. Vungzamawi, Manipur University, Manipur, "Conservation Strategy in Tribal Areas: A Study of Kailam Wildlife Sanctuary in Churachandpur District, Manipur". (`4,00,000)
Health Studies
182. Saraswati Kerketta, Rabindra Bharati University, Kolkata, "Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Menstrual Hygiene in Context of Rural Adolescent Girls in Bankura District". (` 4,90,000)



183. Weena Yancey M. Momin, University of Science & Technology, Meghalaya, "Human Capital Development in Meghalaya through Skill Based Education for Transforming Youths into Relevant Workforce". (`5,00,000)
Political Science
184. Sakhawliana, Government Kamalanagar College, Kamalanagar, Mizoram, "Working of the Sixth Scheduled of the Constitution of India: A Study of the Three Autonomous District Council in Mizoram: Problems and Prospects". (` 3,00,000)
Final Reports Received
1) Special Research Programmes on "Research Studies on Specific Issues in Special Regions"
1. Sanjeev Kumar Tiwari, Maharaja Agrasen College, DU, Delhi, "A Comparative Study and Documentation of Debates on Jammu and Kashmir in Indian Parliament, National Assembly of Pakistan and Legislative Assembly of Jammu and Kashmir".
2. Aradhana, Department of History, Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut, "Displaced Person J & K: A Study of the Socio-economic and Political Status".
3. B.S. Gautam, Central University of Himachal Pradesh, Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh, "A Comparative Study of the Integration Process of Jammu and Kashmir and North East Riyasts: Issues and Challenges".
4. Pawan Kumar Sharma, Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut, "Contemporary Educational Practices in Jammu and

Kashmir with special reference to Democratic Values in Higher Education".
5. Jayashree Pillai, Miranda House, DU, Delhi, "Jammu and Kashmir: A Study of Socio-political History and Intra-State Regional Aspirations in India".
6. Shailendra Singh Jamwal and Versha Gupta, University of Jammu, Jammu, "Historical and Cultural Continuity of Jammu and Kashmir".
7. Anand Paliwal, Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur, "Marginalised Population Group of Jammu and Kashmir: A Socio-legal Study".
8. Neerja A Gupta, Study Abroad Pragram & Diaspora Studies, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, "Ubiquity of Ancient Civilization in Linguistic Contents of Kashmiri Realities'.
9. Sheila Rai, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, "Evolution of Article 370: An Analysis".
2) Research Programmes
1. Santadas Ghosh, Associate Professor, Dept. of Economics & Politics, VisvaBharati, Santiniketan, Dist. Birbhum, West Bengal, "Developmental Intervention, Rural Transformation and Environmenmental Sustainability: A Study on Sundarban in India".
2. Krishna Raj, Associate Professor, ISEC, Bengaluru, "Climate Change Efficiency of Urban Water Supply and Demand Management in Bangalore and New York Cities: A Comparative Study".
3. Manish K. Jha, Prof. & Dean, School of Social Work, TISS, Mumbai, "Experience Aspiration and Struggles: A Study of New Middle Class in Four Indian Cities".



4. Madhushree Sekher, Prof., Center for Study of Social Exclusive and Inclusive Policy, TISS, Mumbai, "Poverty, Inequality and Social Policies in India: Tracing Pattern in Indian Welfare System".
5. Nilanjana Das Chatterjee, Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Environment Management, Vidyasagar University, Medinipur, West Bengal, "Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Crime against Women in Selected District of West Bengal: A Geographical Perspective".
6. P.H. Mohammad, Professor, Centre for the Study Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy, Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad, "South Indian Muslims: Present and Future".
7. Jeet Singh Mann, Associate Professor of Law, Centre for Transparency and Accountability in Governance (CTAG), National Law University, Delhi, "An Empirical Study to Examine the Impact of the Legal Aid Services Provided by the Legal Aid Counsels (LAC) on the Quality of the Legal Aid System in India".
8. Neetu Sharma, Fellow Programme Head, Right to Food Centre for Child and Law, NLU, Bengaluru, "Legal Landscape of Food Security and Nutrition in India with special reference to Children: Scope, Issues and Challenges".
9. Sabiha Hussain, Sarojini Naidu Centre for Women's Studies, JMI, New Delhi, "Muslim Women Negotiating the Boundaries: A Study of Elected Representative in the Local Selfgovernance Institutions in Three States".
10. B. Deepa Jyothi, Assistant Professor of English, Kakatiya University,

Warangal, "Literature of the Lambada Tribe in Telangana: A Socio-cultural Perspective".
11. Ranjit Singh Ghuman, CRRID, Chandigarh, "Dynamics of Drug Addiction and Abuse in North West India: Social Economic and Political Implication".
12. Ananta Kumar Giri, Professor, MIDS, Chennai, "Social Theory and Asian Dialogues: India and the Calling of Planetary Conversations".
13. Sanjeev Kumar HM, Professor, Department of Political Science, DU, Delhi, "Popular Imaginaries and Discourses on Politics in India: Exploring Cultural Narratives as the Sites of Knowledge Construction".
14. Sunita Yadavrao Patil, Assistant Professor, School of Educational Sciences, Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded, Maharashtra, "A Study of Domestic Violence against Women in Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe and to Examine the Effect of their (Domestic Violence) Childern's Educational Achievement in Marathwada Region".
15. Arun Kumar Misra, Associate Professor, Vinod Gupta School of Management, IIT Kharagpur, Kharagpur, "Globalization and Competition: A Cluster Approach for Enhancing Competitive Advantage for Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) in India".
16. SupriyaRoyChowdhury,ISEC,Bengaluru, "India's Changing City Scapes: Work Migration and Livelihoods".
17. Rabindra Kumar, Associate Professor, IGNOU, New Delhi, "The Post Liberalization Rural Transformation: A Study of Rural Society of Bihar".



18. TanujaBora,AssociateProfessor,Swahid Peoli Phukan College, Sivasagar, Assam, "Ram Katha Tradition in Assam: A Potent Force for Integration".
19. Amrita Datta, Associate Fellow, IHD, New Delhi, "Poverty, Migration and Development in Rural Bihar 19812015".
20. Pradeep Ramavath, Assistant Professor, Centre for the Study of Social Exclusion & Inclusive Policy, NLU, Bengaluru, "Searching Rationale of Scheduled Caste Sub-plan (SCSP) and Tribal Sub-plan (TSP) fund Allocation and Its Effectiveness for Five Southern States".
21. Rajashri Barvekar, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, "Culture Practices, the Folklore and Dialects of Generic Trading Communities and Balutedars of Kolhapur District: An Analytical Study".
22. Jaishri Jethwaney, ISID, New Delhi, "Portrayal of Women: An Empirical Study of Advertising Content- Issues and Concerns for Policy Intervention".
23. Amita Bhide, Dean, School of Habitat Studies, TISS, Mumbai, "Boundary Spanning and Intermediation for Urban Regeneration: Comparative Case Studies from Three Indian Cities".
24. Manvita Beradi, Dean, Faculty of Management, CEPT University, Kasturbhai Lalbhai Campus, Ahmedabad, "Awareness and Adoption of E-Government Initiatives ­ A Study of Drivers and Barriers".
25. Chandi Prasad Nanda, Department of History, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, "Development, Displacement and Resistance: Exploring Contemporary Social Movement in Odisha".

26. Ganesh N. Devy, Hon. Professor, CMDR, Dharwad, Karnataka, "A Study of Outward Migration in Four States of India-Uttarakhand, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Gujarat with a View to Assessing the Extent of Distress Migration and Determining the Relation between Migration and Modernity".
27. A. Mathew, Fellow, NUEPA, New Delhi, "State Policies in Higher Educational: Policy Evolution on Critical Aspects".
28. Sanjay Kumar, Director, CSDS, Delhi, "Inequalities, Welfare and Democracy: Studies of Politics Policy Interface in Indian States".
29. Ravindra Ramesh Patil, Associate Professor, Department of Social Work, JMI, New Delhi, "Mapping of Residential School in Tribal Areas: A Study of Select States of Western India".
30. Smita Sirohi, Principal Scientist, National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI), Karnal, Haryana, "Risk and Vulnerability Analysis of Rural from Households in Drought Prone and Coastal Regions of India".
31. Ajailiu Niumai, Associate Professor, Centre for Study of Social Exclusion & Inclusion Policy, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, "Issues in North East India: Contemporary Debates".
32. Amita Baviskar, Associate Professor, IEG, Delhi, "Risk, Returns and Resilience: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Climate Change and Agriculture".
33. Ajay Kumar Naik, Associate Fellow, IIDS, New Delhi, "Religion based Discrimination in the Urban Market Economy".
34. N Lalitha, Professor, GIDR, Ahemdabad, "Geographical Indication Protected



Agricultural Products from Select Studies on India: An Inquiry into the Economic, Livelihood and Institutional Aspects".
35. T. Sobha Rani, Associate Professor, Department of Communication & Journalism, Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalam, Padmavathi Nagar, Tirupati, Chittoor, "Empowering Tribal Entrepreneurs through Information on Communication Technologies in Marketing of their Products and Services in Andhra Pradesh".
36. Kanchan Mathur, Professor, IDS, Jaipur, "Labeling Women as Witches: A Multi State Study of Impact of Policy Interventions and Strategies".
37. Tara Nair, Professor, GIDR, Ahmedabad, "Financialisation and Its Impact on Domestic Economics: An Inter-disciplinary Equity in the Context of Select India States".
38. R.K. Maikhuri, Scientist `F'&Incharge, GB Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment and Sustainable Development, Garhwal Unit, Srinagar Garhwal, Uttarakhand, "Identification of Land and Bio-resources Based Potential Options for Livelihood Enhancement and Diversification through Simple Technological Interventions for Sustainable Development of the Disaster Affected Rural Landscape of Kedar Valley Uttarakhand".
39. C.J.Sonowal,AssociateProfessor,Centre for Study of Social Exclusion & Inclusive Policies, TISS, Mumbai, "Situating Violence against Women within Gender System: A Study among the Tribes of North East India (Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur and Meghalaya)".
40. Anindya Sekar Purakayastha, Associate Professor, Department of English,

Kazi Nazrul University, Burdwan, West Bengal, "New Social Movements Media & Civil Society in Contemporary India: Paradigm Shifts in Public Protest and Political Mobilization".
41. Dev Nathan, Professor, IHD, New Delhi, "Violence Against Women in Private Realms in India: A Study in Rural Areas of Four Selected State".
42. Gopal Sankhala, Principal Scientist, NDRI, Karnal, "Urban and Peri-Urban Dairies among Marginalized Dairy Holders and Its Effect on Society".
3) Major and Minor Projects
1. SantoshKumarP.K.,AssistantProfessor, School of Management Studies, Cochin University of Science & Technology, Kochi, Kerala, "The Infrastructural Determinants of Tourism Demand in Karnataka".
2. Tanushree Moitra, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Barrackpore Rastraguru Surendranath College, Kolkata, "What Determines Risk Taking Behaviour among Adolescents Investigating Bio-psychosocial Correlates".
3. Nasrin Banu, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Aliah University, Kolkata, "A Pragmatic Assessment of Health Care Facilities and Health Well-being in 24 Parganas: A Case from Indo-Bangladesh Border".
4. C.S. Dalvi, Associate Professor, Chhatrapati Shahu Institute of Business Education & Research (CSIBER), Kolhapur, Maharashtra, "Problems and Prospects of Retail Business in Selected Cities in Western Maharashtra".
5. Ravindra Kumar Brahme, Professor, School of Studies in Economics, Pt. Ravi Shankar Shukla University, Raipur,



Chhatisgarh, "Economic Impact of Air Pollution on Urban Household with Special Reference to Raipur District".
6. Subhashree Sanyal, Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work, Visva Bharti University, Shantiniketan, West Bengal, "A Study on the Implementation of Swachh Bharat Abhiyann in Tribal Dominated Rural Settlements of Birbhum District".
7. Pitam Singh, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad, "Social Priority Based Urban Road Transport System Using GIS and DEA Performance Assessment and Designing for Major Cities of U.P.".
8. A.Husca,AssistantProfessor,Department of History, Japfu Christian College, Kohima, Nagaland, "Status Achievements of the Sumi Nagas, Change and Continuity".
9. R. K. Sharma, Associate Professor, VSJMC, Vivekanand Institute of Professional Studies, Delhi, "Impact of Social Networking Sites on Youth".
10. Seema Bathla, Professor, CSRD, JNU, New Delhi, "Employment and Productivity Growth in Agro and Food Processing Industry in a Liberalized Regime in India".
11. Mohd. Mohsin Khan, Department of Commerce, AMU, Aligarh, "The New Middle-Class Impact on Growing Indian Economy vis-à-vis Consumer Market ­ A Case Study of Delhi & NCR".
12. A Gayathri, Associate Professor, Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraja College, Pollachi, Tamil Nadu, "Impact of Digitalisation on Business Development".

13. G.BhuvaneswaraLakshmi,Principal,Y.V. Rao Siddharatha College of Education, Kanuru, Vijayawada, "A Comparative Study of Self-efficacy and Academic Stress of Girls Studying in Kasturba Gandhi Balikas Vidyalayas and other than Kasturba Balika Vidyalayas in Relation to Available Facilities".
14. Sudatta Banerjee, Assistant Professor, BITS Pilani, Hyderabad, "Determinants of Women Empowerment and TrickleDown Effect of the same on Children Overall Educational and Health Development Challenges, Effects and Intervention through Training".
15. S.K. Hooda, Assistant Professor, ISID, New Delhi, "Penetration and Effectiveness of Health Insurance Schemes in India".
16. R. K. Barman, Professor, Department of History, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, "The Dwellers of India Bangladeshi Enclaves and their Struggle for Survival ­ A Study on the Indo-Bangladesh Enclave Dwellers".
17. Nishu Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Chamanlal Mahavidyalaya, Landhura, Haridwar, Uttarakhand, "Bharat Sarkar ki Beti Bachao Beti Padhao evam Usaki Upayogita ka Vishlesalatmak Adhyayan (Hariyana ke Mewat aur Mahendargarh Jile ka Vishlesan Adhyayan)".
18. Ranjan Shankar Salunkhe, Head, Department of Commerce, Arts, Commerce & Science College, Palus, District-Sangli, Maharashtra, "An Empirical Study of Financial and Social Issues of Widows in Sangli District".
19. Muktikanta Mohanty, Reader in Political Science, Vyasanagar Autonomous College, Odisha, "Migration and



National Security Challenges: A Case Study of Illegal Immigration of Bangladesh in Odisha".
20. Ajay K. Mehra, Associate Professor in Political Science, Shaheed Bhagat Singh College (Evening), DU, Delhi, "Sharing Sovereignty ­ A Cross National Perspective on Identity, Regionalism and Autonomy".
21. TilakRaj,AssistantProfessor,University of Business School, Punjab University, Chandigarh, "Economic Viability of Organic Farming ­ An Empirical Study on Himachal Pradesh".
22. Chittaranjan Senapati, Associate Professor, GIDS, Lucknow, "Human Security and Vulnerability in Uttar Pradesh and Odisha".
23. Veenaben K Patel, Dean & Principal, Department of Education, Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya, Gandhi Nagar, Gujarat, "Study of Effectiveness of Special Training Programme in Ahmedabad District".
24. Subhra K. Bhattacharya, Assistant Professor, Shiv Nadar University, Greater Noida, Gautam Buddha Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, "Does Asymmetric Valuations of Public Goods Alleviate the Free-Rider Problem in Private Provision".
25. R.K. Amit, Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, IIT Madras, Chennai, "Valuation of Privacy in Cloud Contracts".
26. Vivek Tiwari, Assistant Professor, Department of Management & Humanities, NIT Hamirpur, H.P., "Linking Human Resource Management & Environment Performance- The Role of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour for the Environment".

27. Nisha Pandey, Associate Professor & Chairperson Entrepreneurship Cell, Vivekanand Education Society, Mumbai, "Does National Mission on Empowerment of Women Promote Social Entrepreneurship".
28. S. Vanitha, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce & Financial Studies, Bharthidasan University, Tiruchirapalli, Tamilnadu, "Government Policy and Foreign Portfolio Investment Challenges in Indian Stock Market ­ A Scientific Approach".
29. V. Seethalakshmi, Associate Professor, Department of History, Seethalakshmi Rameswami College, Thiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu, "Culture Life in Cauvery Belt Region During the 18th Century".
30. Suprabha K.R., Assistant Professor, School of Management, NIT Karnataka, Srinivasnagar, Surathkal, Mangaluru, Karnataka, "Sustainability Reporting and Indian Companies: A Cross Sectional Study to Evaluate the Extent of GRI Compliance".
31. Abhigyan Bhattacharjee, Associate Professor, Department of Management, NEHU, Tura Campus, Meghalaya, "Dynamics of Cross Border Trade and Assessment of the Socio-economic Impact on the Tribal Populace of Border Regions of Meghalaya".
32. C. Aruna, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, "Social Networks of Rural Women Implication for Healthcare Services".
33. Vishwa Raj Sharma, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, DU, Delhi, "Sustainable Tourism Management in Agra Carrying Capacity Assessment and Modelling".



34. Naval Bajpai, Associate Professor, ABV Indian Institute of Information Technology & Management, Gwalior, "Elder Abuse ­ A Comparative Study in Delhi Mathura & Gwalior".
35. Sumati Ray, Professor & Head, Department of MHRM, Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management, Management House, Kolkata, "Leaders Emotional Intelligence and Organisational Performance".
36. Patil Sunil Subhash, Assistant Professor, DAV Velankar College of Commerce, Solapur, Dayanand Nagar, Solapur, Maharashtra, "A Study of Problems Faced by Vegetable Selling Women from Gauda & Kumbi (Scheduled Tribe) Community in Goa State".
37. Nivedita Bhattacharya Sahu, Assistant Professor, Department of Library & Information Science, Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, West Bengal, "An Investigative Study of the Information Needs of Visually Challenged Students and Information Services with Special Reference to Blind Schools in South Bengal".
38. Jyoti Bawane, Associate Professor, Centre for Education Studies, IIE, Pune, "Need Assessment Study of Professional Development Areas among DIET Facility in Maharashtra".
39. L. Santhi, Librarian, Department of Library, PSGR Krishnammal College for Women, Coimbatore, "Multidirectional Decision Making System Using Collaborative Filtering Methods for Library User Assessment Based Education".
40. Neetu Yadav, Assistant Professor, Department of Management,

BITS, Pilani, Rajasthan, "Drivers of Sustainability Practice in SME: An Exploratory Study of Small Manufacturing Firms in Rajasthan".
41. Jayanta Kumar Behera, Department of Sociology, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak, Anupur (M.P.), "Educational Status among the Children of Tribal Communities ­ A Comparative Study of Dindori and Mandla District of Madhya Pradesh".
42. Rajiv Divakar, Director, Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies, Pune, "Developing of Vroom's Expectancy Model to Increase Academic Library Usage Using Grounded Theory Approach".
43. Sidhartha Sankar Laha, Tufanganj Mahavidyalaya, Cooch Behar, West Bengal, "Objectives vs. Outcome: Appraisal of Guaranteed Employment in West Bengal".
44. A.N. Vijayakumar, Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Plantation Management, Bengaluru, "Rubber Price Uncertainty and Risk Management Strategies for Small Farm Holders of India".
45. Shubhan Goswami, Sir Padmapat Singhania University, Bhatewar, Udaipur, Rajasthan, "Developing Community Based Sustainable Electronic Waste Management Model in Rajasthan".
46. R. Renganathan, Professor, School of Management, SASTRA University, Thanjavur, Tamilnadu, "A Study on Infrastructure Significance and Tourism Amenities in Religious Places of Tamilnadu Tempqua Scale Development ­ A Pragmatic Study".
47. Veena Rajendra Humbe, Professor, Department of Commerce, Dr.



Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, "An Analytical Study of Handloom Industries for Empowering Women Workers Working in Handloom Sector of Maharashtra State".
48. Jyoti Kulshreshth, Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities, Anand Engineering College, Sharda Group of Institution, Agra, "Implementation of Sociometer for Increased Industrial Production ­ With Special Reference to Agra City".
49. Sanatan Nayak, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, School of Ambedkar Studies, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow, "Pricing and Health Cost Measurement in Urban Drinking Water ­ A Study in Slum and Non-slum Areas in Lucknow, U.P."
50. Surendra Mehar, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow, "Occupational Segmentation and Intergroup Inequalities in Labour Markets in India ­ A Field Level Investigation from Odisha".
51. Rajinder Kumar, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, Punjab, "Sociolinguistic Study of the Bagri People".
52. P.K.Mishra,AssistantProfessor,Department of Geography, Shivaji College, DU, Delhi, "Indigenous Ecological Knowledge for Soil, Water and Nutrient Conservation in Sikkim Himalayas".
53. Manoj Kumar B., Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Government College, Kottayam, Kerala, "The Rule of Law for Environmental Governance: A Case Study on the

Western Ghats Conservation in Kerala and Tamilnadu".
54. Rajiv Sutradhar, Assistant Professor, OKDISCD, Guwahati, "Welfare Implication of Collective Action in Global Value Chain: A Case Study of Dynamic Ginger in Karbi Anglong, Assam".
55. Siddaraju V.G., Centre for Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy, Humanities Block, Manasagangothri, University of Mysore, Mysore, "An Empirical Investigation of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural employment Guarantee Act in Inclusive Development in Karnataka".
56. Anindita Chatterjee, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Durgapur Government College, West Bengal, "Sari Story: Dressing the Indian Women through History, Tracing the Origin, Growth and Evolution of the Traditional Indian Wear".
57. Karishna Mohan Sharma, Executive Editor, Delhi, "Education, Economy, Environment, Easy Money or Tourism: A Study of Factors Affecting STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) in North-East and its Comparison with Tribal Populations of Central India".
58. Sudha Sharma, Principal, Bhawani Degree College, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, "Contested Borders and Power Politics: A Study of the Indian Enclave Migrants in the Border Regions of India and Bangladesh".
59. Puran Singh, Assistant Professor, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, "Evaluation of Business Correspondent Model of Banking: A Case Study in Himachal Pradesh".



60. R.K.BrajanandaSingh,Luwangsangbam Mayai Leikai, Imphal, Manipur, "To Study and Evaluate the Implementation of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) in Manipur (With special reference to Imphal ­ East District)".
61. Sanjay Malharrao Bhak, Associate Professor, Indira Institute of Management, Tahtwade, Pune, Maharashtra, "A Critical Appraisal of SEZ for Sustainable Economic Development in India".
62. Kh. Kabi, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Mass Communication, Rajiv Gandhi University, Arunachal Pradesh, "Media, Gender Issues and Poor Initiatives in Conflict Environs of North-east India".
63. Nirmal Bhadra, Associate Professor, Department of History, Swami Vivekananda Mahavidyalaya, Tripura, "Migration Cohabitation Change and Modification in the Tribal Society ­ A Case Study of Tripura".
64. Anjan Ray Chaudhary, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Durgapur Government College, Durgapur, West Bengal, "Inequality, Opportunity, Skill Formation and Labour Market Outcome Across Welldefined Groups: Evidences from the Two Districts of West Bengal".
65. Bhavana Verma, Department of Social Work, Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapith, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, "An Assessment of Status of the Adolescent Girl's in Rural Areas of District Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh".
66. Samik Shome, Associate Professor, Nirmal Institute of Management, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat,

"Effectiveness and Efficiencies of MGNREGA in Five Districts of Central Gujarat and Its Impact on Quality of Life".
67. Lokesh Kumar Chandel, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, Rajasthan, "Bharat mein Gair-Congressvad, Dr. Lohiya ki Bhumika: Ek Adhyann".
68. Sangita Gupta, Professor and Head, Department of Library and Information Science, University of Jammu, Jammu, "Collaborative Role of Community Information Centres and Public Libraries in Dissemination of Community Information Services in J&K: A Model".
69. Neera Chandhoke, DU, Delhi, "Plotting the Life and Times of Secularism".
70. Dhananjay Tripathi, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, NIT, Sikkim, "The Occult of Tradition of Shamanism in Sikkim: A Study of its Belief and Tribal Nature".
71. Khawlsonkim Suantak, Assistant Professor, Department of Linguistic & Tribal Languages, Tripura University, Agartala, "A Comprehensive Study of the Vaiphei Vocabulary".
72. M. Hilaria Soundari, Department of Applied Research, Gandhigram Rural Institute, Gandhigram, Tamil Nadu, "Socio-economic Status of Women Manual Scavengers in Tamil Nadu".
73. Upsana Joshi Sethi, Professor, Punjab University, Chandigarh, "Organizational Citizenship Behaviour ­ A Study of Telecom Industry in North India".
74. RituAgarwal,AssociateProfessor,Centre for East Asian Studies, SIS, JNU, New Delhi, "Asian Connections and Trans-



boundary Linkages in Yunnan Province, China".
75. Suresh R., CSDR, JNU, New Delhi, "Economic Reforms and Industrial Performance Evidence from Indian Engineering Industry".
76. Prashant Mehta, Director, Baddi University of Engineering Science & Technology, Makhnumajra, Solan, Himachal Pradesh, "An Impact Analysis of World Heritage Site Designation on Local Culture and Future ­ A Study of Great Himalayan National Park".
77. Rajesh Shastri, Department of Humanities and Social Science, Motilal Nehru Institute of Technology, Allahabad, "A Study on Role of NGO in Capacity Building, A Social Mobilization of Rural People: With Special Reference to Uttar Pradesh".
78. Pratibha B. Desai, Department of Sociology, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, "A Study of Contribution of Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs) in the Improvement of Child and Maternal Health in the Kolhapur District".
79. Kanika T. Bhal, Modi Foundation Professor, Department of Management Studies, IIT Delhi, Delhi, "Assessing the Societal and Business Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility".
80. Md. Hasan Ali, Technical Assistant, Professor, Aliah University, Kolkata, West Bengal, "Child Labour and their Psycho-economic Conditions in the Brick Kiln Industries: A Study of Murshidabad District, West Bengal".
81. Sushma J. Bhosle, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Psychology, Annasaheb Magar College, Pune, "A Critical Study of Issues of Mental

Health of the Deprive Caste with Special reference to Maharashtra".
82. Alka Singh Bhatt, Assistant Professor, Amity Business School, Amity University, Lucknow, "Shaping Entrepreneurial Intentions with Effective Student Engagement".
83. Akhandanand Shukla, Assistant Professor, Department of Library and Information Science, Mizoram University, Aizawl, "Mapping of School Sciences Research Across the Globe: A Scienometric Assessment Based on Scopus during 1996-2016".
84. Nilam Panchal, Associate Professor, B.K. School of Business Management, Gujarat University, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, "Implications of Financial Globalization on MSMEs: A Study on the Perception of the Promoters of MSMEs in Gujarat".
85. Bibhu Prasad Sahoo, Head, Department of Business Economics, SGTB Khalsa College, DU, Delhi, "Sustainable Agriculture Practices in India: Economic and Environmental Viability of Farm Inputs used in Wheat Production in Uttar Pradesh".
86. Sunil Kalai, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Tripura University, Suryamaninagar, Agartala, Tripura, "A Study on Socio-economic Issues and Challenges of the Kalai Tribe in Tripura".
87. Seema Malik, PG Department of Political Science, Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar, "Land Alienation and Threats to Livelihoods: Understanding Rural Poverty in India".
88. Kanwaljit Kaur, Assistant Professor, Department of Distance Education, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab,



"Gender Crisis and Punjab Insurgency 1983-1995: Memories, Suffering and Effects".
89. K.Chandraiah,DepartmentofPsychology, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, "Effect of Social Networking on Psychological Wellbeing among Adolescence".
90. Ajit Kurup, Director, Tilak Education Society's S.K. College of Science & Commerce Nerul (East), Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, "Analysis of Various Steps Taken to Enhance Teaching and Learning through Quality Faculty in Higher Education Teacher's Perspective".
91. Om Prakash Bharatiya, Department of Sociology, BHU, Varanasi, "Gramin Vikas mein Ambedkar Gram Vikas Yojna ka Prabhav: Ek Samaj Vaigyanik Adhyaan".
92. Dilip Shah, CSS, Surat, "An Exclusive Rural Development through Anand Pattern Cooperative Dairy in Gujarat".
93. Naved Iqbal, Department of Psychology, JMI, New Delhi, "The Effect of Positive Exercises on Well-being in Adolescents: The Role of Self Esteem".
94. V. Anil Kumar Voddiraju, Assistant Professor, Centre for Political Institutions, Governance and Development, ISEC, Bengaluru, "Urban Governance and Local Democracy in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, India".
95. Aribam Bijayasundari Devi, Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, Dr. Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar, M.P., "Perception and Practice of Tobacco Use and Its Health Consequences Among the Adolescents and Young Adults of Sagar District, M.P.".

96. Debprasad Sankar, Assistant Professor in Economics and Head, Department of Economics, Barackpore Rastraguru Surendranath College, Barrackpore, North 24 Parganas, West Bengal, "Measurement and Evaluation of Primary Healthcare Facility System in West Bengal".
97. Shankar Prasad Mohanty, Department of Education, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, Odisha, "Quality Issues in Education in Ekalavya Model Residential Schools under Odisha Model Tribal Education Society".
98. MonalisaPattnaik,Lecturer,Department of Business Administration, Sambalpur University, Sambalpur, Odisha, "Application Supply Chain Network Design Under Forward Financing and Preservation Technology for Perishable Products: An Empirical Analysis".
99. Saroja Kanta Choudhary, Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Model Degree College, Boudh, Odisha, "Empowerment of Tribal Women through Education with Reference to Elimination of Witchcraft".
100. Sanjay Sharma, Assistant Professor, Army Cadet College, (Wing), Indian Military Academy, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, "Role of Panchayati Raj Institutions in Disaster Management: An Empirical Study of Rudraprayag (Garhwal Division) and Pithoragarh (Kumaun Division) District of Uttarakhand".
101. Sunkari Satyam, CSD, Hyderabad, "Electoral Politics and Elected Presidents Dalits and Adivasis: A Study on Gram Panchayats in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh".
102. Pravina Nilay Khobragade, Assistant Professor, RTMN University's Dr.



Babasaheb Ambedkar College of Law, Amravati, Nagpur, Maharashtra, "The Need for Developing Model Law on Award of Compensation to The Rape Victim ­ A Study in The Light of Judicial Decisions in India".
103. Asis De, Department of English, Mohishadal Raj College, Medinipur, West Bengal, "Indian Decolonization Prison Narratives and Testimonies of the Cellular experience".
104. R. Kumaran, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Gandhigram Rural Institute, Gandhigram, Tamil Nadu, "Social and Health Consequences of Dyeing and Bleaching Industries in Karur District of Tamil Nadu: An Interpretative Study for Your Perusal Scrutiny and Consideration".
105. Bhupinder Kaur, Assistant Professor, Miranda House, DU, Delhi, "Access of Institutional Credit to Small and Marginal Farmers and Its Impact on their Livelihood ­ A Case Study of Punjab".
106. Dunlop S. Anjou, Library & Information Centre, Acharya's NRV School Architect, Bengaluru, "Traditional Folk Medicinal Practices in Bellary and Koppal Districts of Hyderabad Karnataka Region: A Study"
107. Sanjay Kumar, Associate Professor, Department of Defence Studies, Meerut College, Meerut, "India-Pakistan Relations and Kashmir Dispute: An Analytical Study".
108. Shobana Banu, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, BHU, Varanasi, "Relational Orientations and Mutual Attitudes of Hindu & Muslim Groups".

109. VenkateswaraRaoPodile,Professor,MBA Department, Andhra Layola Institute for Engineering and Technology, Vijaywada, Andhra Pradesh, "Impact of Land Pooling Scheme on Industrial Social and Economic Development: An Empirical Study in Capital City Area (Amaravathi) of Andhra Pradesh".
110. Dinesh P.T., CSSEIP Humanities Block, University of Mysore, Mysore, "The Contribution of Health Insurance Schemes for Inclusive Development: An Explorative Study of Karnataka".
111. Alpana Srivastava, Amity Business School, Lucknow Campus, Amity University, Lucknow, "Assessment of Quality of Life of Cancer Patients in a Tertiary Care Hospital of Uttar Pradesh India".
112. Dipak K. Midya, Professor, Department of Anthropology, Vidyasagar University, Midnapur, "Experism at Junglemohal in West Bengal: A Study in Search of Socio-economic Roots of Violence.
113. Kritika, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Ch. Bansi Lal University, Bhiwani, Haryana, "Impact of Skill India Initiative in the Promotion of Rural Entrepreneurship in Haryana".
114. Praveen Kumar, Centre for Political Science Studies, Central University of South Bihar, Bihar, "A Study of Contemporary Geopolitical Structure in the Indo-Pacific through Application of a Mixed Approach of Kautalyan Theory and 20th Century Western Geo-political Theories".
115. Smrutirekha Mohanty, Assistant Professor, SPIESR, Ahmedabad, "Drivers and Obstacles of Female Labour Force Participation and Structure of Wages".



116. Navin Kumar Rajpal, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Sidho Kanho Birsha University, Purulia, West Bengal, "An Analysis of the Impact of SHG Federation of WSHGs Development in Odisha: A Case Study of Mayurbhanj District".
117. N. Boobalakrishan, V.L.B. Janakiammal College of Arts and Science (Autonomous), Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, "A Study on the Influence of Social Media on Academic Performance of College Studies in Coimbatore".
118. S. Gopalakrishnan, Department of Commerce and Management, Acharya Institute of Graduate Studies, Bengaluru, "An Analytical Study of Social Waste Management Process Implementation Issues Faced by BBMP in Bengaluru City and Suggest Suitable Solution Model".
119. Srirupa Chatterjee, Assistant Professor, Department of Liberal Arts, IIT, Hyderabad, "Body and Female Identity: Popular Theoretical Innovations and Possible Implications".
120. Poonam Singh Kharwar, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, "Study of General Health, Education and Socioeconomic Status of Scheduled Tribes in Eastern Uttar Pradesh".
121. Pushpender Yadav, Assistant Professor, MANIT, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, "Swach Bharat Abhiyan: An Assessment of Rural Madhya Pradesh".
122. Divesh Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Management, MNIT, Jaipur, Jawaharlal Nehru Marg, Rajasthan, "Diffusion of Environmental Sustainability Innovations in Hotels of Rajasthan State".

123. Anita Chattwal, Librarian, Sri Guru Gobind Singh College, Chandigarh, "Usage and Perception of Academic Social Net Working Websites on Academia: A Cross Section of Study on the Universities of North India".
124. Nishikant C. Warbhuwan, Assistant Professor, School of Management Science, SRTM University, Nanded, Maharashtra, "Socio-economic Determinants of Temporary and Seasonal Labour Migration from Marathwada Region to Western Region of Maharashtra State".
125. Ramesh, Associate Professor, Department of Studies in Law, University of Mysore, Mysore, "A Socio-economic and Legal Status of the Street Venders: A Case of Karnataka".
126. Jaya Rajan K, Assistant Professor, Govt. College, Chittur, Kerala, "A Geographical Analysis of Women living with HIV-AIDS in Palakkad, Kerala: A GIS Approach to Public Health Planning".
127. Rita Jain, Head & Associate Professor, Department of BBA, S.S. Jain Subhodh P.G. College, Jaipur, "Appraisal of Credit Policies Under Micro Finance in India (With special reference to Rajasthan)".
128. Priyadarshini M. Gangte, Associate Professor, Department of History, Damedei Christian College, Motbung, Manipur, "Reinforcing Subordination of Women: A Study of Widows in the Conflict and HIV/AIDS Affected Manipur".
129. Benjamin L. Saitlunga, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography & Resource Management, Mizoram University, Aizwal, Mizoram, "Towards Territorial Justice, Mapping Social Well-being and Environmental Quality in Mizoram".



130. Rama Vaidyanathan Baru, Institute of Chinese Studies, Delhi, "Commercialisation of Elderly Care in India and China ­ Case of Delhi and Shanghai".
131. Md. Asfar Ali, Assistant Professor, AJCB College, Kolkata, "A Study on the Attitude of Sec. School Teachers of Malda and Murshidabad District, West Bengal towards Yoga Education in Schools in Relations to their Religious Belief, Gender School of Management and Mental Health".
132. Thirumegal J. Pillai, Associate Professor, Indira Institute of Management, Pune, "Micro-level Study of Factors Affecting Schools' Dropouts and A Re-visit on the Implementation of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan Schemes in Different Talukas of Pune".
133. Venkatesh Vaditya, The English & Foreign Languages University, O.U. Road, Tarnaka, Huyderabad, Telangana, "Right to Development and Scheduled Tribe Sub-plan: The Case of Telangana".
134. Kakali Majumdar, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Sri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, Jammu & Kashmir, "Efficiency Analysis of Hill Agriculture­ A Micro-level Study of J&K".
135. Satya Narayan Munda, Dharti Foundation, Sarnatola, Hatma, Ranchi, Jharkhand, "Status of Right to Education (RTE) Act-2009 in Tribal Dominated Areas of BIMAROU States".
136. Santesh Kumar Singh, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Saheed Bhagat Singh College, DU, Delhi, "A Critical Study of United States' Fight Against HIV/AIDS in India".

137. Manjula R. Iyer, Head, Department of Commerce, Bharata Mata College, Cochin, Kerala, "A Study on the Accountability Towards Society by the Packaged Drinking Water Industry in the State of Kerala".
138. J.P., Basu, Professor, Department of Economics, West Bengal State University, North 24 Parganas, West Bengal, "Measurement of Vulnerability to Climate Change ­ Household Level Study in Different Agro-Climate Regions of West Bengal".
139. Ashu Khanna, Assistant Professor, Department of Polymer and Process Engineering, IIT Roorkee, Roorkhee, U.K., "Assessing and Analysing the Quality of Work Life of Police Personel with Special Reference to Uttarakhand Police".
140. Joanna P. Coelho, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Goa University, Goa, "Deteritorialisation, Nationalism and Cultural Homogenisation ­ A Study of Institutions and the Public Sphere among Tibetans in Exile".
141. Imran Khan, Lecturer, Department of Political Sciences, MPG College, Mussoorie, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, "Bhartiya Sansad Ka Badalta Swaroop".
142. Veena Naregal, Associate Professor, IEG, Delhi, "Framing Inter-Regional Comparison - Historical Demarcation and Developmental Transition in South Asia 1905-1960".
143. M.K. Behera, Assistant Professor, School of Humanities, KIIT University, Bhunbaneswar, "Literacy in Promoting Empowerment among the Tribal­ A Case Study of Odisha".
144. M.K.Padhy,AssistantProfessor,Department of Mass Communication and



Journalism, Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur, Tamil Nadu, "Poverty, Food Security and Social Sustainable Development ­ A Participatory Rural Communication Approach".
145. Praveen Mishra, Associate Professor, Department of Law, Sikkim University. Gangtok, Sikkim, "Witch Hunt and Violence against Women in North East India ­ Analysis of Social Trends and the Interface with Law".
146. Sankar Narayanan Pakkri, Assistant Professor, Department of S.S.E., NSS Training College, Ottapalam, Palakad, Kerala, "Dialectal and Cultural Impediments in Learning School Subjects Among Secondary Level Tamil Linguistic Minority Students of Kerala and Developing Select Teaching Strategies to Enhance their Academic Achievement".
147. Vijay Jaiswal, Assistant Professor, Department of Education, CCS University, Meerut, U.P., "Perceptions Possibilities and Problems of CPD for Social Science Teachers in Higher Education".
148. C. Meena, Senior System Analyst, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science & Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, "Enhancement of Encryption Algorithm to Mitigate Security Risk in Multi-tenacy Cloud Computing".
149. L.K. Dharavath, Head, Department of Public Administration, Osmania University, Hyderabad, "Potential of Forest Right and Panchayat Extension Act to Scheduled Area in Building Self Governance and Livelihood in Tribal Communities".
150. Girish Gourav, Patna University, Patna, "Samveshi Vikas ki Chunautiyaan:

Bihar ke Mushar (Mahadalit) Jaati ka Ek Paristhithik Adhyan".
151. Pravesh Kumar, Assistant Professor, Centre for Comparative Politics and Political Theory, SIS, JNU, New Delhi, "Understanding Social Justice: A Comparative Study of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and Deen Dayal Upadhyaya in Contemporary India".
152. N. Maruti Rao, Associate Professor, PG Department of Business Administration, Rani Channamma University, Vidya Sangama, Bengaluru, "Social Inclusion in Karnataka's Higher Education: Measuring Degree of Access and Equity".
153. Sandeep Joshi, MPISSR, Ujjain, M.P., "Educational Inclusion of PVTGTS through RTE Act-2009 ­ A Comparative Study in Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka".
154. Swati Verma, ISID, New Delhi, "Understanding FDI Linked Trade Through Related Party Transactions: A Study of Manufacturing Foreign Subsidiaries in India".
155. Madan Lal, Professor, Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi, Delhi, "An Analysis of Trade Economic Growth and Poverty in India".
156. Aznarul Islam, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Aliah University, Kolkata, West Bengal, "Assessment of Socio-economic Vulnerability of Flood Victims and preparation of Community Based Disaster Management Plan using Social Engineering ­ A Study of Murshidabad District, West Bengal".
157. A.K. Mahapatra, Associate Professor, Centre for Research and Studies in



Diaspora, Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, "Impact of Right to Education Act on the Enrolment Ratio among the Children from BPL Families in Gujarat".
158. Subarna Bhattacharya, Assistant Professor, School of Environment Studies, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, "Potentiality Assessment of Sericulture as a Climate Resilient Rural Livelihood in Cyclone Affected Areas of Indian Sundarban".
159. A.K. Eriogala, Assistant Professor, Department of Education, NEHU, Shillong, Meghalaya, "Exclusion of Schedule Tribes from Secondary Education in Meghalaya".
160. Rajesh Chatterjee, Assistant Professor, Centre for Study of Social Exclusion & Inclusive Policy, Tripura University, Agartala, Tripura, "Assessment of Influencing Factors Distressing Rural Micro-entrepreneurship Growth of Tripura".
161. V.B. Shahare, Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work, JMI, New Delhi, "Governance Growth Access and Equity: A Study on School Education of Scheduled Caste Children in Rajasthan".
162. Vishwas Patel, Department of Political Science, St. Aloysius College, Jabalpur, M.P., "Impact of Right to Information in Strengthening the Panchayat Raj Institutions in Madhya Pradesh".
163. Anupreet Kaur Mavi, Assistant Professor, Punjab University, Chandigarh, "Financial Awareness Index- An Empirical Study of Chandigarh (U.T.)".
164. Sariak Sharma, Associate Professor, Department of Education, Central University of Haryana, Mahendergarh, Haryana, "Crossing Boundaries

Escaping Marginality: An Exploration of Socio-cultural and its Impact on Girls Education in Haryana".
165. Lerinthunga, Department of Public Administration, Mizoram University, Aizwal, Mizoram, "Role of Local Govt. in Urban Disaster Mitigation and Management in Mizoram".
166. Vishal Gautam, Lecturer, S.S. Jain Suboth P.G. College, Jaipur, Rajasthan, "Impact of Financial Assistance in Living Standard of Tribes in Rajasthan".
167. Sunita Santosh Khasase, Assistant Professor, Department of History, Smt. C.B. Shah Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Ratanshinagar, Sangli, Maharashtra, "Development of Gender Historiography- Special Reference to Maharashtra".
168. S. Rajamohan, Professor, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, "Climate Change and its Vulnerabilities on the Well-being of the Farmers in Tamil Nadu".
169. Jai Prabhakar S.C., Assistant Professor, CMDR, Dharwad, "Performance of Scheduled Caste in Higher Education: Is there a Nexus between Inclusion and Outcomes in Karnataka"?.
170. S. Surapa Raju, Assistant Professor, CSD, Hyderabad, "Deep Sea Fishing and Small-Scale Fishers Focus on Economics of Tune Fishing Crafts in Andhra Pradesh".
171. Stellina Jolly, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Legal Studies, South Asian University, Chanakyapuri, Delhi, "The Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Management in Delhi ­ A Socio-legal Study of Okhla Land fill".
172. Udamati Tataji, Institute for Economy and Social Justice, Visakha Patnam, Andhra Pradesh, "Rajamundry: A Study



in Urban History, Society Economic and Ecology".
173. Sunildro L.S. Akoijam, Assistant Professor, Department of Management, NEHU, Tura Campus, Meghalaya, "Socio-economic Impact of Weekly Markets in Rural Areas ­ A Study of farmers in Garo Hills of Meghalaya".
174. Charles Reuben Lyngdoh, Associate Professor, & Head, Department of Political Science, Synod College, Shillong, Meghalaya, "Cultural and Environmental Sustaining: A Comparative Analysis of the Role of Culture in Sustainability in Meghalaya and Odisha".
175. Nidhi Meena, Lecturer, Govt. Arts College, Kota, Rajasthan, "Meena Janjati ki Mahilawo ki Rachanatmakta Yevam Samaj ­ Ek Adhyayan (Visehesh Sandarbh Shhetra Tonk evam Sawai Madhopur)".
176. Jagannatham Begari, Assistant Professor, Centre for Gandhian Thought & Space Studies, School of Social Studies, Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, "The Procedural and Substantive Democracy: A Study of New Telangana New State ­ The People's Aspirations and Policy Making".
177. Retal Dutta, Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Sibsagar Commerce College, Sivasagar, Assam, "The Potentialities of Tourism Development-via-Regional Connectivity of State in North-Eastern Region (With Special Reference to Arunachal Pradesh)".
178. SuvidhaKhanna,AssistantProfessor,The Business School, University of Jammu, Jammu & Kashmir, "Tourism Entrepreneurship for Peace and Development in Jammu and Kashmir".

179. Renu Modi, Senior Lecturer, University of Mumbai, Mumbai "India Africa Engagement in Agriculture: Building Capacity Adding Value".
180. Mayanglambam Lilee Devi, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Manipur University, Imphal, Canchipur, "Gender Dynamics Markets and Women Empowerment - A Study of Women Vendors in a Scheduled Caste Town in Manipur".
181. Richa Choudhary, Department of Humanities & Social Science, IIT, Patna, Bihar, "Green Human Resource Management in India Automobile Industry Located in Tamilnadu State of India".
182. Sheetal Thapar, Department of Agricultural Journalism, Language & Culture, Punjab Agricultural Univesity, Ludhiana, Punjab, "Access and Utilization of Online and Mobile Media Vis-a-vis Agriculture among the Farmers of Punjab".
183. B. Sudha, Associate Professor cum Principal Investigator, Department of Banking Management, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, "Asset Quality Management of Indian Banks: An Empirical Evaluation".
184. Ishwara P, Professor, Department of Commerce, Mangalore University, Mangalagangothri, "A Study on Effectiveness of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Activities with Reference to Some Selected Banks in the Karnataka".
185. A. Pouchepparadjou, Professor (Agricultural Economics), PJN College of Agriculture and Research Institute, Karaikal, Puducherry, "Socio-economic Impact of Farm Mechanization on



Agricultural Labour in Cauvery Delta of Tamil Nadu and UT of Puduchhery".
186. P. Sashikala, Associate Professor, IBS-IFHE Department of Operations, ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education, Shankerpally, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Factors Affecting the Food Wastage in Post Harvesting of Fruits and Vegetables: A Comparative Study Along the Supply Chain Across the State Telangana and West Bengal".
187. Rajesh Kumar, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, P.G.Govt. College of Girls, Chandigarh, "PsychoSocial Correlates of Traffic Jams on the Mental Health among Young Adults".
188. Deepak Upadhyaya, Assistant Professor, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Tripura University, Suryamanianagar, Agartala, Tripura, "Digitally Enabled or Digitally Addicted Youths - A Study of Addiction to Social Media among the Educated Youths in the State of Tripura, India".
189. Dwijen Sharma, Assistant Professor, Department of English, North Eastern Hill University, Tura Campus, Meghalaya, "The Cultural Icon Dr. Bhupen Hazarika, Art Society and Philosophy".
190. Abhishek Tandon, Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, Saheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies, DU, Delhi, "A Study on Consumerism, Market Competition in Digital Era Abstract".
191. Hamendr Kumar Dangi, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi, Delhi, "Pre-purchase Information Search Behaviour for Healthcare Services".

192. M.V. Hegde, Assistant Professor, Department of P.G. Studies in Commerce, K.H. Srinivas Institute of Post Graduate Studies, Lal Bahadur Arts, Science & S.B. Salabanna Shetty Commerce College, Sagara, Shivamogga, Karnataka, "Accessibility, Utilization and Impact of Rural Credit".
193. S.C. Subudhi, Assistant Professor, Department of Education, NEHU, Tura Campus, Tura, Meghalaya, "Study of Domestic Violence in Relation to Demographic Variables of Rural Women in Meghalaya and its Influence on their Children's Education".
194. Rekha Handa, Assistant Professor, Department of Management, DAV University, Jalandhar, Punjab, "Social Inclusiveness through Better Gender Participation - A Corporate Perspective".
195. M. Neelamalar, Assistant Professor, Department of Media Science, Anna University, Chennai, "Online Media and Youth Radicalisation: An In-depth Analysis of its Origin, Nature & Preventive Measures".
196. C. Lalfakzuali, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Tripura University, Suryamaninagar, Agartala, Tripura, "Psychological Factors Influencing Alcohol use in Mizoram ­ The Neglected Dimensions".
197. N. Annalakshmi, Professor, Department of Psychology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, "Multi-level Intervention for Building Psychological Resilience among the Adolescents at Risk and a Mixed Methods Impact Evaluation".
198. Uma Pant, Centre for Social and Management Solutions, New Delhi, "Family Functioning and Child Overweight".



199. V. Ramakrishnappa, Associate Professor, Mangalore University, Mangalagangothri, Mangalore, Karnataka, "Women Workers and Wage Disparity in Urban Informal Sector- A Case Study of Construction Industry in Karnataka".
200. L. Lakshmi, Chairperson/Professor in Education, Department of Studies & Research in Education, Karnataka State Open University, Mysore, Karnataka, "A Study of Equity and Equality Status of Social Inclusion in Elementary Schools of Karnataka District".
201. Anjali Gera Roy, Professor, Department of Humanities & Social Sciences, IIT Kharagpur, West Bengal, "After Partition Post-Memories of Afterlife of Partition 1947".
202. Sanjay Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Dr. Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar, M.P., "Awareness and Attitude towards Globalization and its Impact on Personal and Social Identity among India Youth".
203. Bimal Pramanik, ICSSR-ERC, Kolkata, "Influence of Neo-Bangladeshi Culture on Ethic and Religious Groups in the East and North East Region of India Sanctioned".
204. Mukta Mani, Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, NOIDA, "A Study on Financial Inclusion Initiative and their Impact on Performance of Commercial Banks in Ghaziabad District".
205. U.A. Mir, Assistant Professor, School of Liberal Studies & Dean, Ambedkar University, Delhi, "Impact of Protracted Conflict Situation and Violence on Mental Health of Adolescents in J&K An Ethnographic Study".

206. Sharmistha Banerjee, Professor, Department of Business Management, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, "SocialEconomic and Political Empowerment Role of Micro-finance Intervention in Diverse Cultures".
207. A.P. Khairnar, Head, Dept. of English, Adarsh College of Arts, Maharashtra, "A Socio­linguistic Study of the Bhilori Dialect (The Dialect of the Bhills - A Tribal Community) in Nandurbar District in Maharashtra ".
208. Jose P. Verghese, Professor, Lingaya University, Faridabad, Haryana, "Origins of Indian Constitutionalism: An Enquiry Whether the Arthasastra of Kautilya is the First Written Constitution of India".
209. Madhuri Hooda, Assistant Professor, M.D. University, Rohtak, Haryana, "Capacity Building Programme for Teacher Educators at PG Level in Haryana Through Constructivist Pedagogy Based on MOOC ApproachDesign & Development of E-learning Course".
210. A.Kannan,AssistantProfessor,Schoolof Economics, Department of Environment Economics, M.K. University, Madurai, Tamilnadu,"Changing Scenario of Common Property Resources and Its Impact on Local Communities Livelihood ­ A Study with Reference to Pudhukottai District of Tamilnadu".
211. S.A. Shah, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Kashmir, Hazratbal, Srinagar, J&K, "Perceived Social Support and Resilience as the Determinants of Well-being ­A Comparative Study of Orphans and Non-orphans of District Budgam and Baramulla in Kashmir".



212. R.C. Paliwal, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science ASM (PG) College, Roorkee, Uttarakhand, "Youth Modernisation and Social Transformation - A Study of Rural and Hill Society in Kumaun Division, Uttarakhand".
213. Manoj Praveen, Associate Professor, Farook Training College, Kozhikode, Kerala, "Development and Validation of a Case Library with Moodle to Foster Ability to Solve Classroom Management Problems for Beginner Teachers".
214. M. Suguna, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Periyar University, Salem, Tamilnadu, "Socio-economic Development of Scheduled Caste in Tamilnadu (With Special Reference to Scheduled Caste Sub-plan)".
215. Namita Chakma, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, University of Burdwan, Bardhaman, West Bengal, "Responses of Indigenous Communities to the Changing Climate and its Impact of Life and Livelihood in Rural West Sikkim".
216. Sabu Thomas, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Govt. Bernnan College, Kannur, Kerala, "Digital Democracy and the Digital Divide- A Study on the Digital Governance Initiatives and its Impact in the State of Kerala".
217. Boa Reena Tok, Associate Professor, Department of Education, Rajiv Gandhi University, Doimukh, Arunachal Pradesh, "A Study of Development and Problems of Secondary Education in the State of Arunachal Pradesh".
218. G. Victoria Naomi, Professor, Department of Special Education, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science & Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore,

Tamil Nadu, "Positive Behavioural Intervention and Support for Students at Risk for Disabilities in Inclusive School".
219. B.C. Das, Head, Department of Education, NEHU, Tura Campus, Tura, Meghalaya, "The Study of the Organization of Teacher Education Programmes for Secondary School Teachers in North Eastern Regional of India".
220. B.K. Das, Assistant Professor, Department of International Relations, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, "Rise and Growth of Naxalism as a Major Threat to India's Security- A Case Study in the State of Orissa".
221. Shweta Sharma, R.J. Mahavidyalaya, Raipur Gharbhra, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, "Aadhi Aabadi ki Suraksha ka Sawaal: Tezaab Peerith Mahilayon ke Vishesh Sandharbh Mein".
222. J.K. Nayak, Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee, Uttarakhand, "An Analytical Study of the Handicraft Industries for Empowering the Artisans - The Progress Challenges and Way Forward".
223. Pawan K. Sharma, Associate Professor, Department of General & Applied Geography, Dr. Hari Singh Gaur University, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh, "Spatial Variation in the Level of Development in Bundelkhand Region of M.P.: A Microlevel Analysis and Planning of Rural Growth Centres for Intergrated Rural Development".
224. Pankaj Deep, Assistant Professor, School of Law, Justice and Governance, Gautam Budha University, Gautam Budha Nagar, Greater Noida, UP, "Inclusive Policies and Status of Inclusion of Tribals and Dalits in India: A Study of



Implementation of TSP (Tribal Subplan) and SCSP (Scheduled Castes Subplan) in Odisha (1985-2015)".
225. Amalendu Bhunia, Dept. of Commerce, University of Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal, "A Study of Savings and Investment Behaviour of Women Investors in West Bengal".
226. Rajiv Kumar, Meerut College, Meerut, UP, "Diversification in Agriculture through Farmer Drive Experimentation: An Analytical Study of UP".
227. Joyeeta Deb, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Commerce, Assam University, Silchar, Assam, "Competition and Its Impact on Financial and Social Performance of Micro-finance: A Comparative Study of India and Bangladesh".
228. S.M. Bagh, Associate Professor, Dept. of History, University of Mumbai, Mumbai, "A Study of Atrocities against Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes in Maharashtra".
229. P. Rajendran, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Education, Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur, TN, "Emotional Intelligence and Competencies of School Teachers with Respect to Inclusive Education".
230. Amarnath Paswan, Assistant Professor, Centre for Study of Exclusion and Inclusive Policy, BHU, UP, "Dalit Sashaktikaran evam Panchayati Raj Vyavastha: Uttar Pradesh evam Tulanatmak Adhyayan".
231. Sesadeba Pany, Assistant Professor, Centre for Education, Central

University of Punjab, City Campus, Bathinda, Punjab, "Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation in Upper Primary Schools of Punjab: An Evaluative Study".
232. Amrita Choudhary, Assistant Professor, R K College, Kithore, Meerut, UP, "The Working Conditions and Challenges of Women: A Study of Stone Breaking Labours in Uttarakhand with Special reference to Champawat, Haridwar and Dehradun Districts".
233. P. Sarthi, Associate Professor, Dept. of Commerce, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, "Access and Utilisation of Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna (PMFBY) Scheme, A Micro-level Study among Farm Strata in the Selected Districts of Tamil Nadu".
234. P. Nalini, Assistant Professor, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, "An Empirical Investigation of Problem and Prospects of Textile Merchants to Invest in Texvalley (Special Textile Zone) for their Business Growth and Development".
235. N.G. Ghosh, D.D.C. College of Secondary Education, Vidyamandir Campus, Gujarat, "A Study of Indigenous Scientific Practices Used by the People of Tribal Areas of Banaskantha District of Gujarat State and their Prevalence in Modern Society".
236. Prakash Singh, NRC-ICSSR, "Kumbh Mela: A Study".

Appendix 4 Research Fellowships

National Fellowships Awarded
1. Srikumar Chattopadhyay, National Centre Earth Science Studies, Tiruvananthpuram, "River Restoration and Water Governance in Urbanising Landscape of India: A Co-evolutionary Framework for Sustainable Urban Water Management".
2. S.R. Bhatt, Shri Lal Bahadur Shashtri Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth, New Delhi, "Tantrayuktis-Methodological Devices for Composition of Scientific Treatises".
3. S. N. Chaudhary, NMML, New Delhi, "Cultural Heritage - Implications for Development (with particular reference to Bhil and Gond Tribes of MP)".
4. Rameshwar Prasad Mishr, Atal Bihari Bajpayee Hindi Vishwavdiyalaya, Bhopal, "/keZ&'kkL=ksa esa çfrikfnr lekt'kkL=& vk/kkj] fl)kar] O;ogkj ,oa ijEijk,¡ rFkk fu;ekoyh".
Senior Fellowships Awarded
(General Category)
1. Prem Lal Joshi, ICSSR-WRC, Mumbai, "Critical Determinants of Internal Audit Effectiveness in Indian Listed Companies".
2. S. Upendra, CESS, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Impact of Information Technology on Service Quality and Customer Satis-

faction in Banking Sector- A Comparative Study of SBI & ICICI Bank".
3. Chhanda Chatterjee, NMML, New Delhi, "Freedom's Quest: Tagore's Thoughts on Indian Heritage and History".
4. Anita Panda, NEHU, Shillong, Meghalaya, "ewy [kklh laL--fr ,oa ekuoh; ewY;".
5. S. M. Sirajuddin, NMML, New Delhi, "Impact of Legislative Measures on Atrocities against SCs and STs (with Particular Reference to Andhra Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh and Gujarat State)".
6. V. Suryanarayan, MIDS, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, "The Other Tamils of Sri Lanka: People of Indian Origin: New Opportunities, New Challenges".
7. A. Padmavathi, SVU, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, "Development of Cultivable Waste Land through Farm and Nonfarm Activities in Rayalaseema Region of Andhra Pradesh".
8. M. Indira, UOM, Mysore, Karnataka, "Cross-Sector Partnerships for Development: An Empirical Study of CrossSector Partnerships under Mandatory CSR in Karnataka".
9. Uttam Kumar Bhattacharya, IDS, Kolkata, WB, "Machine Tool Industry in the context of `Make in India': An Assessment of its Potential Contribution Towards Manufacturing Output and Employment".



10. Kappagantula VVAPT Surya Rao, AU, Visakhapatnam, AP, "An Economic Analysis of Determinants of Happiness ­ A Case Study of Andhra Pradesh".
11. Kondapalli Parameswara Rao, AU, Visakhapatnam, AP, "Agriculture Distress in Andhra Pradesh: A Case Study in North Coastal Districts of Andhra Pradesh.".
12. Netranand Jayadev Pradhan, MS University of Baroda, Vadodara, Gujarat, "A Study on Inclusive Education at Elementary Schools in India".
13. Padala Prasad, OU, Hyderabad, "Innovation and Intervention for Welfare of Senior Citizens ­ A Case Study of Telangana".
14. Niranjan Kumar Khicha, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, Rajasthan, "i;kZoj.k psruk ,oa laj{k.k% tSu laL--fr ds ifjçs{; esa ewY;kadu".
15. Ramireddy Mallikarjuna Reddy, CESS, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Livelihoods of Rural Households in Different Climatic Conditions with Special Focus on Dairy Farming ­ An Assessment".
16. Ram Bilas, BHU, Varanasi, UP, "Electromagnetic Radiation and its Effect on Human Health".
17. Alka Singh, GIDS, Lucknow, UP, "Hkkjr esa dk;Z&LFky ij ;kSu mRihM+u f'kdk;r fuokj.k lfefr;ksa dh Hkwfedk vkSj çHkko dk vkadyu".
18. Hari S. Bisht, Uttarakhand Open University, Haldwani, Uttrakhand, "A Study of Social Determinants of Health & Health Seeking Behaviour among Elderly People in Mountain Region of Uttarakhand".
19. Anita Sengupta, Netaji Institute for Asian Studies, Kolkata, WB, "Historic Connects and New Corridors: India's

Asian Alternatives in an Era of Connectivity".
20. S. Sudarshan Rao, ICSSR-SRC, OU, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Open Access (O A) Journals in Social Sciences: A Study of their Acceptance and Use by the Indian Social Scientists".
21. Alka Jain, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, Rajasthan, "çkphu tSu&lekt dh çca/ku rduhdksa dh vk/kqfud ;qx esa çklafxdrk".
22. Gudivada Venkat Rao, AU, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, "Skill Development Initiatives by Business Enterprises: A Comparative Study of Public and Private Sector".
23. Jaishri Jethwaney, ISID, New Delhi, "Wages and Related Issues- A Critical Appraisal of the News Media Industry in India".
24. Santosh Kumar Dave, JNVU, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, "xzkeh.k fodkl esa ehfM;k dh Hkwfedk ¼jktLFkku çns'k ds xzkeh.k fodkl ds fo'ks"k lanHkZ esa½".
25. Tapan Biswal, DU, Delhi, "Africa's Economic Growth: Factoring IndiaChina Engagements".
26. Kamal Kant Misra, NCCDS, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, "Social Anthropology in India: Colonial Legacy and Post-Independence Challenges".
27. Bhagavatula Venkata Raviprasad, University of Mysore (UoM), Mysore, Karnataka, "The Anthropological Study of Port Blair City in Andaman and Nicobar Islands".
28. Venkateswara Subramanayam, Andhra University (AU), Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, "Social Exclusion, Inclusion and Integration of Scheduled Tribes in Andhra Pradesh".



29. Kumaraswamy K., Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, TN, "Evaluation of Drinking Water Quality and Human Health Status towards Achieving Sustainable Development Goals ­ A Case Study of Noyyal River Basin, TN".
30. Niranjan Das, Tezpur University, Tezpur, Assam, "Socio-economic Impact of Muga Silk (Antheraea Assamensis) Production on Livelihood in the Upper Brahmaputra Valley of Assam-A Post GI (Geographical Indication) Assessment".
31. T. Muthukrishanan, MKU, Madurai, TN, "A Sociolinguistic Study on Telugu Minorities of Southern Region of TN".
32. Madhubala Jain, Mohanlal Sukhadia University (MLSU), Udaipur, Rajasthan, "esokM+ ds laL--r f'kykys[kksa dk lkekftd ,oa lkaL--frd v/;;u".
33. Aradhana Shukla, KUMU, Nainital, Uttrakhand, "Mental Health of Kumauni Women: An Intervention Based Study in Cultural Perspective".
34. A Gayathri, SVU, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, "Psycho-social Constituents of Well-being of Octogenarian, Nonagenarian and Centenarians".
35. Mohd. Ilyas Khan, AMU, Aligarh, UP, "Effect of Acculturative Stress and Alienation on Social Well-being and Academic Performance Among Students of Different States of India".
36. Asha CM, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, "A Reproductive Health and Reproductive Empowerment of Tribal Women in Kerala".
37. V. Reddeppa Naidu, SVU, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, "Impact of Displacement and Rehabilitation on Tribal Lives-A Case Study of Polavaram Development Project in Andhra Pradesh".

38. GurumoorthyV.,RaniAnnaGovernment College for Women, Tirunelveli, "Sociological Perspective of Agriculture in TN: A Comparative Study between Organic and Chemical Fertilizer Ased Farming".
39. Beena Agrawal, UoR, Jaipur, Rajasthan, "d'ehjh Hkfä lkfgR; vkSj ledkyhu lkekftd ds lanHkZ esa".
(SC Category)
40. Ramakrishnaiah K., SVU, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, "Role of SHGS in the Empowerment of Scheduled Castes SHG Women and Non-Scheduled Castes SHG Women in Rural Areas of Rayalaseema & Coastal Regions in Andhra Pradesh: A Comparative Study".
41. D. Retnaraj, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, "Emergence of Census TOENS/MEGA-Cities and Associated Problems -The Kerala Experience".
42. T. M. Mahesh, UoM, Mysuru, Karnataka, "Industrialization and Its Impact on Urban Form and Environmental Quality in Mysuru City".
43. Durga Rao Sodem, SVU, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, "Problems and Prospects of Peer to Peer Lending in India".
44. Mahadevi, Karnataka State Open University, Mysuru, Karnataka, "Dr. B. R. Ambedkar and Women Rights: An Historical Study of Mysore Taluk".
(ST Category)
45. Ignatius Topno, Aryabhatta Knowledge University, Patna, Bihar, "Digital Awareness Self-esteem and Soft Skills of Secondary School Tharu Students of West Champaran".



Post-Doctoral Fellowships Awarded
General Category
1. Varun Sharma, UoR, Jaipur, Rajasthan, "An Empirical Study on the Impact of Government Schemes and Policies in Promoting Entrepreneurship and Economic Development (Trends After 2014)".
2. Shivam Jindal, AMU, Aligarh, UP, "IT Inference in New Age Indian Banking Restructuring Socio-Customer Services with Special Reference to SBI".
3. Ravindra Pathak, Jiwaji University, Gwalior, MP, "The Role of Astrology in Business: A Study on Effect of Movement of Moon on Sales".
4. Mohd Amir, AMU, Aligarh, UP, "The Moderating Influence of Social Media and Green Consumption Values on Purchase Behaviour of Green Products Sustainability: A Study of Millennials Perspective".
5. Hridaya Raj Bharti, MLSU, Udaipur, Rajasthan, "A Study on Trade War Between U.S.A. and China & Its Impact on India Economy".
6. Smriti Tiwari, UoR, Jaipur, Rajasthan, "A Study of Obstructions before Women in Divert Professions: A Case Study of Politics, Bureaucracy and Banking in Ajmer and Jaipur Cities".
7. Abdul Vajid, JNVU, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, "An Analytical Study on India's Trade Relations with GCC Countries: 20102020".
8. Prashant Upadhyay, JNU, New Delhi, "Char Dham: An Essence of Cultural Integration and Connecting Geographies".

9. M. Sreekanth Kumar, OU, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Significance and Sociocultural Study of Golconda Telugu Literature".
10. Soumick De, JNU, New Delhi, "Limits of the Impolitical: Studying the Concept of Power Through Aesthetics, Theology and Philosophy".
11. Rajkumari Sharma, DU, New Delhi, "yksd lkfgR; esa fganh yksd&xhrksa dh Hkwfedk".
12. Mohammad Salim, JNU, New Delhi, "Indian Culture and Society in the Writings of Arab Scholars in the 20th Century".
13. Saltanat Farooq, UoK, Srinagar, J & K, "Cultural Plurality and Psycho-social Makeup of Kashmir Personalty: Role of Lal Ded and Shaikh-Ul-Alam".
14. Yashaswini, IGNCA, Delhi, "orZeku f'k{kk esa oSfnddkyhu f'k{kk dh çklafxdrk&efgykvksa ds fo'ks"k lanHkZ esa".
15. K. Thomas Felix, TN Agricultural University, Chennai, TN, "Strategies to Achieve an Efficient Oil Seed Marketing System: An Economic Analysis of Oil Seed Production, Trade and Demand for Edible Oil in India".
16. Kamrul Hasan, GIDS Institute of Development Studies, Lucknow, UP, "Educational Mainstreaming and Employability of Madarsa Students in UP".
17. T. Topisab, SKU, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, "Tax Revenues of Gram Panchyats and Tax Awareness Among the Tax Payers: A Study in Rayalaseema Region of Andhrapradesh".
18. Chaitra, Bangalore University, Bengaluru, Karnataka, "Impact of FDI on the Telecommunication Sector ­ A Comparison between India and Netherlands".



19. Geetanjali Singh, University of Kurukshetra, Haryana, "Impact of Rural Electrification on the Growth of MSMEs: A Case Study of Haryana State".
20. Shipra Panwar, LU, Lucknow, UP, "Climate Change and Urban Resilience: A Study of Selected Cities in UP".
21. Akoijam Amitkumar Singh, ISID, New Delhi, "Exploration of Innovation and Technological Changes: A Study of Select Renewable Energy Technologies in India".
22. Mohd Iqbal Rather, AMU, Aligarh UP, "Insurgency in Kashmir and its Impact on Horticulture Sector - A Case Study of Baramulla District (1989-2018)".
23. Antony J. Kuttencherry, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi, Kerala, "Impact of Tribal Welfare Schemes in the Development of Tribal Communities in Kerala".
24. Chetana Chaudhuri, Public Health Foundation of India, Gurugram, Haryana, "Socio-economic and Health Impact of Access to Clean Fuel in NCR Delhi".
25. BechanYadav,UoA,Allahbad,UP,"Impact of Food Processing Industries on Farmers - A Case Study of Soraon Tehsil of Prayagraj District, UP".
26. Pavan Kumar Gajula, AU, Vishakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, "Impact of Union Finance Commission Grants-in-Aid on Rural Amenities in India (A Study in Visakhapatnam District of Andhra Pradesh)".
27. Antarjeeta Nayak, NIT, Rourkela, Odisha, "Empowerment through Skill India Project: Status and Possibilities (with particular reference to Rural and Tribal Women of Odisha)".

28. Parnasudha Karmodak, The University of Burdwan, Bardhaman, WB, "Water and Development: A District Level Analysis of WB".
29. Tariq Ahmad Bhat, UOK, Srinagar, J & K, "Economic Efficiency of Apple Production in Kashmir Valley".
30. Sadhana Bhausaheb Patil, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, "Economic Analysis of Waste Recycling in Aurangabad".
31. Chilpimpre Anil Balajirao, Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathawada University, Nanded, Maharashtra, "foÙkh; lekos'ku ds dk;Z vkSj ewY;kadu% ukansM+ ftys ds lanHkZ esa".
32. Vidya. K. Kuvempu University, Karnataka, "Performance Appraisal of PLD Banks in Karnataka: A Study of Shivamogga District".
33. Hemendra S. Mistry, The MS University of Baroda, Gujarat, "Teachers' Training on Inclusive Education in India: A Study of Gujarat Region".
34. Garima Singh, CCS University, Meerut, UP, "Critical Examination of Fake Information in Social Media: Tendencies and Approaches of Higher Education Learners".
35. Chandra Shekhar Pandey, BHU, Varanasi, UP, "Educational Psychology of Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta".
36. Ananya Singh, BHU, Varanasi, UP, "Impact of Mass Media on the Mental Health & Socialization Among Undergraduates Leading towards Depression, Anxiety and Isolation: A Survey Study in Varanasi District of UP".



37. S.D. Subadra, Bharathidasan University, Thiruchirappalli, TN, "Developing Educational Practices Integrating Stem Skills for Curriculum Transaction in Biological Science Education".
38. Rajni Singh, BITS, Pilani, Rajasthan, "Assessment of Problem Solving and Social Skills in Engineering Education: Bridging the Gap Between Academia and Industry".
39. Chandra Kant Tewari, DU, Delhi, "fo|ky; Lrj ij fganh Hkk"kk f'k{k.k esa ICT ds vuqç;ksx% lalk/ku ,oa pqukSfr;k¡".
40. Nithya Prem S.R., UoK, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, "Nurturing Integrated Process Skills through Problem Solving Model of Teaching Physics among Higher Secondary School Students".
41. Divya Sharma, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, "Effect of Specific Yogic Practices on Physiological and Psychosomatic Variables of Teacher Trainees and Higher Secondary School Students of Chhattisgarh State".
42. P. Bhavani, Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, "Effect of Parenting Styles Strategies on Emotional Intelligence and Academic Achievement of Adolescents".
43. Poonam Tiwari, BHU, Varanasi, UP, "Empowering Women through Life Skills Intervention in Education: Development of Module for Selected Life Skills and Assessment of Its Effectiveness".
44. Lavanya, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, "Ambit and Genesis of School Dropouts in Educationally Backward District of Tamilnadu".

45. Indu R., Amrita School of Arts and Sciences, Kochi, Kerala, "An Empirical Research on the Efficiency of Transformative Pedagogic Approach to Education for Sustainable Developmentin Research and Higher Education Sector in Kerala and Development of a Holistic Framework for Indian Higher Education Sector".
46. Fatima Islahi, AMU, Aligarh, UP, "Understanding the Influence of Non-formal Education on Job Prospects, Social Acceptability and Empowerment of Women".
47. Rashim Wadhwa, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, "A Comparative Study of the Psycho-social and Emotional Problems Faced by First and Non-First-Generation Students".
48. Sonika Kaushik, JMI, New Delhi, "An Exploratory Study of Out-of-School Literacy Expereinces of Primary School Children".
49. Pratishtha, UoR, Jaipur, Rajasthan, "cky&Jfedksa dk 'kSf{kd fodkl & leL;k,¡] ç;kl ,oa mipkjkRed laHkkouk,¡".
50. JyotiAwati,KSAWUniversity,Vijayapur, Karnataka, "Effects of Selected Exercises in Yoga on Motor Fitness and Football Skills of Boys Ages 14 to 16 Years".
51. Shashwat Kumar, National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration, Delhi, "Pedagogy of Women's Emancipation: An Exploration into the Educational Vision of Swami Vivekananda".
52. Srinivasa Nallella, OU, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Effect of Yogic Exercise on Selected Physical Fitness Components and Physiological Variables at Second-



ary Educational Schools in Telangana State".
53. Pakala Nagsuresh Kumar, Acharaya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, "Mental Stress and Suicidal Ideation Among Adolescent Students".
54. Tambare Sachin Hari Usha, BPC'S Collge of Physical Education, Mumbai, Maharashtra, "A Study of Effect of Selfdefensive Training Module on Selected Psycho-Physiological Variables and Health Related Physical Fitness of College Girls".
55. Mandava Neelima, Vikas College of Education, Andhra Pradesh, "A Study of Emotional Maturity and Self­efficacy of Girls Studying in Gurukulas in Relation to their Adjustment Problems".
56. Atman Desai, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara, Gujarat, "Effectiveness of Virtual Reality Interactive Learning Programme for Understanding Sustainable Development Goals."
57. Syed Noor Ul Amin, UoK, Srinagar, J & K, "ICT- Based Education with Special Reference to Initiatives, Implementation and Challenges in Conflicted Areas of Jammu and Kashmir".
58. Tabassum Fatima, AMU, Aligarh, UP, "Influence of Peer Pressure, Social Media Usage and Mental Health on the Academic Achievement of Senior Secondary School Adolescents".
59. Suman Panwar, Jain Vishva Bharti University, Ladnun, Rajasthan, "Environmental Studies of Herbal Medicinal Plants and their Uses".
60. Arshi Iram, UoR, Jaipur, Rajasthan, "Fluoride Toxicity in Thar Desert Area and Mitigation through Household Technological Advancement".

61. Pooja, PAU, Ludhiana, Punjab, "Analysis and Risk Assessment of Textile Effluents caused by Textile Industries in Ludhiana".
62. Vyankatesh Balajirao Yannawar, Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada Universiy, Nanded, Maharashtra, "Sustainable Urban Development with Special Reference to Management of Environmental Pollution in Nanded City of Maharashtra".
63. Abaas Ahmad Mir, UoK, Srinagar, J & K, "Hydrological Information, Land Use/ Land Cover Prediction and SWAT Analysis for Affective Watershed Management in Pohru Watershed of Kashmir Valley, (J&K)".
64. Sweta Gupta, AMU, Aligarh, UP, "Women Empowerment Through Livestock Sector: A Comparative Analyses of Beneficiaries v/s Non-beneficiaries of Various Government Schemes".
65. Asmita Haribhau Rajurkar, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University of Social Sciences, Indore, MP, "Expression of Gender and Changing Sociology of Marriage: An Analytical Study (with Special reference to Third Gender Marriage)".
66. Amaldass M., The Gandhigram Rural Institute, Chinnalapatti, TN, "An Impact of Developmental Programmes for Empowerment of Women: A Study on Selected Regions in Uttarkhand State".
67. Shreyosi Mitra, CU, Kolkata, WB, "Inception of Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) Programme in Government and Private Hospitals in Kolkata: A Policy to Protect, Promote and Sustain Breastfeeding".
68. Sasmita Jena, IDSK, Kolkata, WB, "Breastfeeding Practices Among Urban



Poor Women: A Comparative Study of Working and Non-working Women in Metropolitan City of Kolkata".
69. Abhilasha Kapoor, DU, New Delhi, "Socioeconomic, Psychological and Emotional Needs of People with Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus and their Health Implications".
70. Mukhtar Ahmad Bhat, JMI, New Delhi, "Significance of India, Iran and Central Asia Cooperation in Changing Regional Scenario".
71. Sumit Kumar, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, "The US, India and the Free and Open Indo-Pacific Strategy: Imperatives, Challenges and Prospects".
72. Prashant, JNU, New Delhi, "India and Russia in a Changing World Order: Consequences and Prospects (With special reference to 2014-2019)".
73. Nishu Sharma, JNU, New Delhi, "India's Foreign Policy during Modi Regime, 2014-2020".
74. Atik U. Rahman, JMI, New Delhi, "Changing Contours of Indian Foreign Policy towards the GCC Countries: Challenges and Opportunities".
75. Chandra Shekhar Rai, BHU, Varanasi, UP, "21st Century and Drinking Water for All in India: Issues and Challenges"
76. Neha, MLSU, Udaipur, Rajasthan, "Right to Life and Outreaching Medical Facilities".
77. PujaBanshtu,PanjabUniversity,Chandigarh, "Role of Farmer Producer Company in the Transformation of Rural Economy with Special Reference to District Shimla of Himachal Pradesh".
78. Anushree Manohar Karani, G.H. Patel Postgraduate Institute of Business Management, Anand, Gujarat, "Effects

of Psychological Contract on Well-being & Innovative Behavior: Mediating Role of Psychological Empowerment & Occupational Stress".
79. Shazia Parwez, AMU, Aligarh, UP, "Socially Responsible Investment: Risk and Returns in the Indian Market".
80. Sarika Agarwal, GGV, Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh, "SWOC Analysis of Entrepreneur Availability of Tribal Women's in Bilaspur (District)".
81. Shivesh, BHU, Varanasi, UP, "Changes and Challenges in Health Care Management in Eastern UP."
82. Safika Praveen Sheikh, JMI, New Delhi, "Measuring the Performance and Mortality of the Fixed Income Instruments: A Comparative Study of Bond Market of Select Economies Versus India".
83. Taviti Naidu Gongada, Andhra University, Vishakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, "Stress Management and Employees Performance- A Study of Select IT and ITES Companies in Visakhapatnam".
84. Tarannum Hussain, MLSU, Udaipur, Rajasthan, "Tourism and Sustainable Livelihood of Tribal Communities: Comparative Study of Udaipur and Dungarpur".
85. Sumana Chaudhuri, KIIT, Odisha, "Measuring the Antecedents and Consequences of Impulse Buying Behaviour in the Organized Grocery Stores in Odisha".
86. Awadhesh Kumar Bhatt, BHU, Varanasi, UP, "Portrayal of Media in the Augmentation of Indian Classical Music".
87. Nirmala Rajput, SNDT Women's University, Mumbai, Maharashtra, "xhrksa esa ekuoh; ewY; ¼1950 ls 1980 rd ds fo'ks"k lUnHkZ esa)".



88. Shikha Shukla, BHU, Varanasi, UP, "lks'ky ehfM;k esa Níe lekpkjksa dh leL;k ,oa mlds fujkdj.k esa vkfVZQhfl;y baVsfytsal rduhd dh Hkwfedk% ,d v/;;u".
89. Mili Singh, MU, Aizwal, Mizoram, "Job Satisfaction of Tribal Journalists (A Comparative Analysis of Male and Female Tribal Journalists of Mizoram)".
90. Manraj Singh, PU, Chandigarh, "Role of the Print Media from 1947-1966 (from Partition to Punjabi Suba".
91. Garima Tyagi, BSM PG College, Roorkee, Uttarakhand, "nSfud lekpkj&i=ksa esa tu ljksdkj ds eqíksa dh mifLFkfr dk v/;;u&mÙkj çns'k ds lanHkZ esa".
92. Pravin Kumar Jha, ARSD College, DU, New Delhi, "xjhch] xzkeh.k fodkl o LFkkuh; --f"k vk/kkfjr m|ksxksa dh mis{kk vkSj ehfM;k ¼fcgkj ds pEikj.k ftys ds fo'ks"k lanHkZ esa)".
93. Sanjay Kumar, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, "lekpkjkas esa uDly çHkkfor vcw>ekM+% tuvkdk¡{kk,¡] pqukSfr;ka ,oa fodkl dh laHkkouk,a ¼jk;iqj ls çdkf'kr lekpkj i=ksa ds fo'ks"k lanHkZ esa)".
94. Vikas Bokdia, MLSU, Udaipur, Rajasthan, "jktLFkku ds p;fur lekpkj&i=ksa esa lekpkj vfHk;kuksa dh lkekftd Hkwfedk dk v/;;u ¼2009 ls orZeku rd)".
95. Sapna, KU, Kurukshetra, Haryana, "Frame Analysis of Indian Polity in U.S.A. and U.K. Newspapers: A Comparative Study in Post 2019 Parliamentary Elections Scenario"
96. Priyanka Srivastava, C.S. Azad University of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur, UP, "Impact of TV News Debates on Social Issues Organized by Different News Channels".
97. Nivedita Sharma, Government College, Malpura [Tonk], Rajasthan, "21oha lnh ds flusek esa /keZ o lekt fp=.k% çfØ;k vkSj Lo:i".

98. Penukonda Jyothi, SKU, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, "Socio-economic Conditions of Tribal Women Before and After Independence: A Historical Study of Rayalaseema Region of Andhra Pradesh".
99. Jadhavar Shantabai Nanasaheb, Dr. BBMU, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, "A Critical Study of Increasing Trends of Hysterectomy in Sugarcane Workers in Beed District in Marathwada".
100. Pravin Jagdishrao Nadre, SRTMU, Nanded, Maharashtra, "Ancient Historical Places and Tourism in Marathwada: A Study in the Socio-economic Developmental Context".
101. Kamlesh Chandra Pandey, HNBGU (A Central University) Srinagar, (Garhwal), Uttarakhand, "Proliferation of Small Arms in India- An Exploratory Study".
102. Chetan, JNU, Delhi, "National Security and Diaspora: A Comparative Study of India and Ethiopia".
103. Ajaz Ahmad Khan, UoK, Srinagar, J & K, "Mutual Assured Security: India-Nepal Security Co-operation to Mitigate Common Threats".
104. Konsam Shakila Devi, Manipur University, Imphal, Manipur, "India's Policy towards Myanmar: 2014-2019".
105. Rimki Pat, GIDS, NEHU, Shillong, Meghalaya, "Localizing Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's) Through Panchayats: A Study on PRI's of Assam".
106. Chanchal, Mahatma Gandhi Central University, Motihari, Bihar, "çkphu Hkkjr esa yksd dY;k.kdkjh jkT; dh vo/kkj.kk dh ledkyhu çklafxdrk".
107. Arti Sharma, UoR, Jaipur, Rajasthan, "Hkkjr&vesfjdk lEcU/k% pqukSfr;k¡ vkSj laHkkouk,¡ eksnh ,oe~ VªEi ç'kklu ds lUnHkZ esa ,d v/;;u".



108. Ramesh Chandra Yadav, JNU, New Delhi, "Education and Nation Building: A Study on Madan Mohan Malaviya's Contribution to Education and Its Global Application".
109. Ashish Kumar Yadav, Rani Durgavati Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur, MP, "jk"Vªokn vkSj yksdlHkk pqukoksa esa varj&laca/kksa dk fo'ys"k.kkRed v/;;u".
110. Attikuppam Umapathi, UoH, Hyderabad Telangana, "Prospects and Problems of Direct Democratic Deliberation by Stakeholders: A Study of the Role of Executive Committees of Community Based Organizations in PMKSY-WD, Karnataka".
111. Sanjay Kumar Maurya, MGKV, Varanasi, UP, "Socio-economic and Political Perceptions of Ladakhi People: Post Abrogation of Article 370".
112. Mohan Lal Jakhar, UoR, Jaipur, Rajasthan, "America ki Vapasi ki Ghoshna ke Baad Afganistan ke Punarnirmaan mein Bharat Ka Samaaveshee Yogadaan".
113. Sunita Chaudhary, UoR, Jaipur, Rajasthan, "Naagrik Seva Vitran mein Samanya Seva Kendro ki Bhumika: Digital India Karaykaram Ke Vishesh Sandrbh mein (Jaipur Zile Ka Anubhavmulak Prashashnik Adhyan)".
114. Sanjay Kumar Sharma, UoR, Jaipur, Rajasthan, "21 oh lnh dh j.kuhfrd pqukSfr;ksa ds cnyrs ifj­'; esa Hkkjr dh leqæh dwVuhfr ¼phu ds fo'ks"k lUnHkZ esa)".
115. TikendraKumarChhetry,SikkimUniversity (SU), Gangtok, Sikkim, "Schedule Tribes (STs) Status and Seats Reservation Among Different Communities in Sikkim- An Inclusive Approach".

116. Shailja Sandu, MLSU, Udaipur, Rajasthan, "Political Institutions at Local Level and Participation of Women in Rajasthan: With special reference to Udaipur Division (1998-2018)".
117. Durgesh Sharma, CCS University, Meerut, UP, "Legalisation and Politization of Surrogacy Motherhood- Case Study of Anand (Gujarat)".
118. Santosh Kumar, MKU, Madurai, TN, "Skill Development for Child Labour: A Case Study in Himachal Pradesh".
119. Poonam Tiwari, UoR, Jaipur, Rajasthan, "Regeneration of Traditional Industries Through Make in India Program - Case Study of Rajasthan".
120. Salil Kumar Pandey, K. S. Saket PG College, Ayodhya, UP, "Dakshin Purva Asia mein Bhartiya Loktantra Mul Rajtantra Ka in Desho mein Prabhav evam Sabhyta"
121. Lingaswamy Baikani, UoH, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Development, Water and Sustainable Smart Cities: A Case Study of Vishkhapatnam".
122. Sadia Nizami, JMI, New Delhi, "Significance of Indian Sufi Saints & their Teachings in Nation Building - A Critical Analysis".
123. Sivakumar. M.P., MKU, Madurai, TN, "Food and Nutritional Need for Next Five Years - A Case Study of TN".
124. Biswapriya Jena, KIIT, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, "A Study on Bio-medical Waste Disposal in Hospitals Located in Bhubaneswar & Cuttack. Methdology Needs thorough revision".
125. Anu Jasrotia, Panjab University, Chandigarh, "Women Empowerment Initiatives in Haryana: A Study of One Stop



Centre (OSC) Scheme with Special Rereference to Karnal District".
126. Padmashree. T., UoM, Mysore Karnataka, "A Comparative Study on the Living Conditions of the Safai Karamchari in Mysore and Mangalore City Corporations".
127. P. Vasantha Gouri, OU, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Convergence of SHGS with PRIS in India: A Study in Telangana State".
128. Sheetal Dwivedi, Ranchi University, Jharkhand, "lq'kklu dh çkfIr gsrq ^>kj[kaM yksd lsok nsus dh xkjaVh vf/kfu;e] 2011ß vkSj Þe-ç- yksd lsokvksa ds çnku dh xkjaVh vf/kfu;e] 2010* ds fØ;kUo;u dk rqyukRed v/;;u] ¼jkaph vkSj Hkksiky ftys ds fo'ks"k lUnHkZ esa)".
129. Nida Fatima, AMU, Aligarh, UP, "Performance Evaluation of the Policy on Skill Development in India with special reference to Women Entrepreneurship in UP".
130. Bharati Devi, Govt. Degree College, Jabera, New Delhi, "efgyk mRFkku ,oa ç'kklu ¼fo'ks"k lUnHkZ & cqansy[kaM {ks= ds yfyriqj ftys dh ikyh rglhy ds dqN xk¡oksa dh efgykvksa dk v/;;u)".
131. Shiv Shankar, BHU, Varanasi, UP, "Bastar Ke Pramukh Adivasi Dev Sampraday: Ek Samajik, Sanskritik Aur Aitihasik Adyayan".
132. Arpita Ghosh, VBU, Santiniketan, WB, "Status of Tribal Women in International Borders ­ A Study in Malda and South Dinajpur District of WB's Borderlands".
133. Gangotri Bhuyan., NEHU, Shillong, Meghalaya, "Social Significance of the Lithic Territorial Landmarks Among the Garos of Nokrek Hills in Meghalaya".
134. Appalanaidu Pappala, AU, Vishakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, "Impact of

Government Schemes (PMMVY and JSY) on the Maternal Morbidity among the Tribal Women in Viskhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh".
135. Ramandeep Bawa, Panjab University, Chandigarh, "Home Health Care Services: A Socio-medical Perspective of Patients Receiving Care at Home".
136. Preeti Padmakar Prabhune, SPPU, Pune, Maharashtra, "Setting-up Interventional Model to Combat Nutritional Challenges of Street Children in Pune City".
137. Ashok Pandey, UoA, "Interface of Indigenous and Modern Medicines on the Health Status of the Tribal People: A Study of Dudhi Region in UP".
138. Thokchom Ursa, Manipur University, Imphal, Manipur, "An Anthropological Perspective of Tourism in Manipur."
139. Gunjan Arora, JNU, New Delhi, "Interrogating Motherhood and the Female Body: Desire, Reluctance and Technological Interventions".
140. Salma Sultana, AMU, Aligarh, UP, "The Challenges of Transforming Traditional City into Smart City".
141. Indira Donakanti, OU, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Urban Planning Characteristics to Mitigate Climate Change in Context of Urban Heat Island Effect: A Case Study of Greater Hyderabad".
142. Visha Sharma, JMI, New Delhi, "SpatioTemporal Analysis of Crimes Against Women in Western UP: A Case Study of Ghaziabad District by Using GIS Techniques".
143. Srikanth Katta, OU, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Urban Healthcare and Patient Access - A Case Study of Hyderabad, Telangana".



144. Rakesh Kumar, DDU Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, UP, "tuin vktex<+ esa vuqlwfpr tkfr;ksa dk O;kolkf;d çfr:i ,oa lkekftd&vkfFkZd fodkl% nf{k.kh Hkkx ds fo'ks"k lUnHkZ esa".
145. Sumitra, Shivaji College, New Delhi, "Status and Implications of Legally Imprisoned Women: Empirical Study of Rehabilitation Problems of Women in Society after the Jail (A Case Study of Tihar Jail, Delhi)".
146. Pradeep Kumar Upadhyay, UoA, Allahbabd, UP, "dqEHk esys dk lkekftd ,oa lkaL--frd v/;;u& ç;kxjkt ds fo'ks"k lUnHkZ esa".
147. P. Swarna Latha, JMI, New Delhi, "Assessment of Natural Resources and their Impact on Socio-economic Development of Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups of Eastern Ghats, Andhra Pradesh Using Geospatial Methods".
148. Awadh Narayan Choubey, JNU, New Delhi, "A Way Forward - Migrating from Traditional City Management to the Smart City: A Case of Delhi".
149. Md. Jahidul Dewan, Atma Ram Sanatan Dharma College, New Delhi, "A Sociolinguistic Study of Hindi Speaking People of Assam: in the Context of Sikh, Marwari and Bihari Community".
150. Poonam Vyas, BITS, Pilani, Rajasthan, "Factors Causing Communication Barriers Among Tribal Secondary School Students in Rajasthan".
151. Aditi Swami, The LNM Institute of Information Technology, Jaipur, Rajasthan, "Complete English Translation of Dadu Dayal's Dadu Anubhav Vani: Impact of Socio-lingual and Socio-Cultural Milieu in Contemporary India".
152. Deepa Cherukunnath, Government Mlb Girls PG College, Bhopal, MP, "Devel-

oping Educational Resources for Training School Students on Mental Health Hygiene Practices".
153. Mubashir Gull, AMU, Aligarh, UP, "Perceived Social Support and Emotional State as Predictors of Social Wellbeing Among Borderline Personality Disorder in Patients".
154. Ruqaiya Javed, AMU, Aligarh, UP, "Effectiveness of Motivational Counselling in Career Decision Making Proficiency among School and College Dropouts".
155. Ani Bajpai, C.S. Azad University of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur, UP, "Role of Women in Dairy Enterprises".
156. Lalji Yadav, Lucknow University (LU), Lucknow, UP, "iapk;rh&jkt O;oLFkk esa f'kf{kr&vf'kf{kr pquh x;h efgyk xzke ç/kkuksa dk rqyukRed v/;;u ¼y[kuÅ] ckjkcadh ,oa lhrkiqj tuin dh iapk;rh&jkt esa fuokZfpr efgyk xzke ç/kku ds fo'ks"k lanHkZ esa)".
157. Ameesha Oberoi, JMI, New Delhi, "A Study of Alternative Child Care Services for Children in Delhi".
158. Ajay Pratap Singh, LU, Lucknow, UP, "Urban Sustainable Sanitation and Septage: A Study of the Ganga Cities in UP".
159. Divya Bala Pathak, D.A.V. PG College Bulandshahr, UP, "Portrayal of Street Children in Contemporary Indian English Novels".
160. Md. Asif Iqbal, AMU, Aligarh, UP, "Social and Economic Consequence of Gulf Migration on Families of the Migrants in WB".
161. Shabnam Banu, Janardan Rai Nagar Rajasthan Vidyapeeth, Udaipur, Rajasthan, "'kklu }kjk efgykvks dh lkekftd& vkfFkZd fLFkfr esa lq/kkj ds fy, lapkfyr ;kstukvkas dk v/;;u ¼mn;iqj ftyk esa eqfLye efgykvksa ds fo'ks"k lUnHkZ esa)".



162. Ritu Mishra, LU, Lucknow, UP, "A Study of the Awareness Level of Human Rights Among Working Women in Selected Districts of UP".
163. Syed Taheer Ahmad, AMU, Aligarh, UP, "Impact Assessment of Watershed Development Component of Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (WDCPMKSY) in Datia District of MP".
164. Yamini Padiyar, MLSU, Udaipur, Rajasthan, "os';ko`fÙk dk lekthdj.k vkSj çfLFkfr ¼e/;çns'k ds ck¡NM+k leqnk; dk ,d v/;;u)".
165. Reva Yunus, TISS, Mumbai, Maharashtra, "How Children Combine Work and Schooling: An Investigation of Childhoods, Marginality and Mobility in Urban India".
166. Sameena, Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi, Karnataka, "Empowerment of Muslim Women Through Self-employment: A Sociological Study on Hyderabad Karnataka Region".
167. Santosh Kumar Singh, LU, Lucknow, UP, "A Sociological Study of Urban Sanitation in Lucknow City".
168. Archana, JNU, New Delhi, "Transformation in Social Movement, Conflict and Cooptation of States: A Study of Dalit Movement in Bihar".
169. Preeti Sinha, LU, Lucknow, UP, "A CrossSectional Study of Socio-demographic and Cultural Factors Affecting Prevalence of Japanese Encephalitis Among Children in Eastern UP".
170. Shailendra Kumar, LU, Lucknow, UP, "Social Security and Health Rights of Migrant Workers: A Sociological Study of Lucknow".

171. Saumyata Pandey, GIDS, Lucknow, UP, "Impact of 2013 Sexual Harassment Act in Empowing the Women".
172. Ansari, JMI, New Delhi, "Exploring the Socio-economic Links, Issues and Challenges in Gulf Migration: A Study of Kerala, India".
173. Shweta Jhambh, MLSU, Udaipur, Rajasthan, "ouoklh Hkhy efgykvksa esa ;kSu leL;k,a vkSj LokLF; psruk ¼mn;iqj ftys ds fo'ks"k lUnHkZ esa)".
174. Sadhna Srivastava, BHU, Varanasi, UP, "Socio-economic Status and Livelihood Security of Women - With special reference to Lucknow District".
175. Shubhria Sharma, GIDS, Lucknow, UP, "Respiratory Health Symptoms of School Going Children Near Traffic Pollution Area in Lucknow City".
176. Kaushal Kumari, MC, Meerut, UP, "A Study of Socio-economic Factors in Promoting Communal Harmony in Western UP (Meerut and Aligarh Cities)".
177. Meenakshi Maheshwari, UoR, Jaipur, Rajasthan, "jkT; esa efgyk ekuokf/kdkj dh ifjfLFkfr ds lanHkZ esa jk"Vªh; efgyk fufr ¼t;iqj ,oa vtesj fT+kys dk rqyukRed v/;;u)".
178. Pinky Sharma, MLSU, Rajasthan, "Study of Sanitation and Health in Tribal Women (special reference to Tribal Women of Udaipur Rajasthan of Subplan (Tada-Mada) Area)".
179. Manas Upadhyay, BBACU, Lucknow, UP, "Educational Deprivation and Learning Achievement of Children: A Sociological Study of Lucknow Slums".
180. Nandini Mishra, UoR, Jaipur, Rajastha, "v,uj fdfyax% çfr:i ,oa dkjd fo'ys"k.k ¼if'peh mÙkj çns'k ds fo'ks"k lUnHkZ esa)".



181. Jayan, MKU, Madurai, TN, "Tax Free Lands to Temples in TN 8th -15th Century AD: A Socio-philosophical Study".
182. Jan Mohammad Lone, JNU, New Delhi, "Islamic Resentment to Secularism: A Socio-political and Philosophical Critique".
183. Umesh Saraf, Dr HSGU, Sagar, MP, "/keZ dh vo/kkj.kk dk ewY;kadu ,oa Lokeh foosdkuan ç.khr lkoZHkkSe /keZ dh mikns;rk".
184. Maiser Hussain Untoo, University of Kashmir, Srinagar, J & K, "Relevance of Sufism and Social Harmony in Present Scenario in Jammu and Kashmir with Special Reference to Kashmiri Society".
185. Sudhanshu Chaubey, BHU, Varanasi, UP, "_Xosn esa fufnZ"V yksd&laL--fr% Lo:i ,oa oSf'k"Vî".
186. Ishrat Sultana, JMI, New Delhi, "ekuokf/kdkjksa ds lq­<+hdj.k gsrq çeq[k Le`fr 'kkL=ksa dk leh{kkRed v/;;u".
187. Sapna Yadav, JNU, New Delhi, "mifu"knksa esa of.kZr fo'o&'kkafr LFkkiu esa ç.ko /ofu dk vonku ¼'kkjhfjd ,oa ekufld fodkjksa ds lUnHkZ esa)".
188. Mahendra Yadav, JNU, New Delhi, "vkpk;Z 'kda j ,oa Lokeh furkuna ds v}rS k n'kuZ dk lkekftd lejlrk ij çHkko".
189. Sanyogita, LU, Lucknow, UP, "egkHkkjrdkyhu ukfj;ksa dh lkekftd fLFkfr ,oa pqukSfr;k¡% ,d vuq'khyu".
190. Pragati Singhal, UoR, Rajasthan, "çkphu Hkkjrh; xzaFkksa esa foKkua ,oa çkS/kksfxdh".
SC Category
191. Ashish Kumar, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad, UP, "An Empirical Study of Problem and Prospects of Tribal Entrepreneurs in Gujarat".

192. Andugula. Srinivasa Rao, UoH, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Occupational Diversification in Rural Areas: A Case Study of Gollalakoderu Village in West Godavari District of Andhra Pradesh".
193. Salwe Sandip Gorakh, R.G. Bagdiya Arts, S.B. Lakhotiya Commerce and R. Bezonji Science College, Jalna, Maharashtra, "ejkBokM+k foHkkx ds varxZr vuqlwfpr tkfr ds Nk=ksa dks mPp f'k{kk ysrs le; vkus okyh vkfFkZd vkSj lkekftd leL;kvksa dk v/;;u".
194. Nakkala Suresh, ANU, Andhra Pradesh, "Socio-economic Status of Marginalized Construction Workers in Urban informal Sector of Andhra Pradesh".
195. Yogesh H.S., UoM, Karnataka, "Issues and Challenges of Financial Inclusion of Marginalized Sections in Karnataka - A Case Study of Mysuru District".
196. Thapai Ananda, SVU, Andhra Pradesh, "A Study on Drudgery in Farming Among Women Farmers in Rayalaseema Region of Andhra Pradesh".
197. Sooriya, Periyar University, Salem, TN, "Imparting Cultural intelligence Among Adolescents' -- With special reference to Personality Traits, Communication Styles and Value Orientation".
198. Sanjay Kumar, Central University of Himachal Pradesh, Dharamsala, Himachal Pradesh, "Impact of Education on Ethno-Medicine Practices: A Study Among Gaddi Tribes in Bharmour Region of Himachal Pradesh".
199. Vijayalaxmi Pawar, Karnataka State Akkamahadevi Womens University, Vijayapur, Karnataka, "A Study on Dropout Among Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe in Primary Schools at Hyderabad Karnataka District".



200. R. Balamurugan, TU, TN, "Digital Literacy in Pedagogy and Its Practices in Teacher Education Institutions of Tamil Nadu".
201. Andrey Shastri, LU, Lucknow, UP, "Gender Inequality in Primary Education: A Study of UP (1900-2011)".
202. Srujana Kathi, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, "Behavioural Effects of Traffic Related Air Pollution and Transportation Noise on Primary School Children".
203. Sudhakar Gummadi, ANU, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, "A Study on Environmental Awareness and Conservation of Natural Resources Practices Among the High School Students in Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh".
204. Aparna Eswaran, JNU, New Delhi, "Forging A Gendered Identity of Place: Upcountry Tamils in Sri Lanka".
205. Robin Kumar, PU, Chandigarh, "The Food Security Act and Availability of Food- A Comparative Study of Doaba and Malwa in Punjab".
206. S. Mercy Suhasini, OU, Telangana, "Effect of Social Media on Workplace Productivity in I.T. Sector, Hyderabad".
207. Iyappan Arumugam, AU, TN, "Leveraging Sustainable Management Techniques for Effective Implementation of Agripreneurship".
208. Vijaya Vardhan Manchala, OU, Telangana, "Role of Communities of Practice, Network of Practices and Farmers Networks on Farmers Innovation: A Mixed Model Approach".
209. Ravi Kumar P., KU, Shimoga, Karnataka, "Communication Interventions to Increase E-service Awareness and Utilisation Among Tribals in Karnataka".

210. Nagaraju Munnangi, AU, Andhra Pradesh, "Role of Media in Sensitizing Tribes towards Welfare Schemes (A Participatory Study with reference to Araku Agency Area)".
211. Alladi Mahalakshmi, ANU, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, "Devadasi and Mathamma Cult in Andhra Pradesh: A Socio-historical Study".
212. Ram Dayal, JNVU, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, "Hkkjrh; bfrgkl ys[ku dk ewY;k¡du& jktLFkku ds fo'ks"k lUnHkZ esa".
213. Jasvir Singh, PU, Chandigarh, "Role and Status of Hindu Temples in the Society - Case Study of Colonial Punjab".
214. Anita Kaul, BHU, Varanasi, UP, "efgykvksa ds çfr ?kjsyw fgalk% okjk.klh tuin ds vjkthykbu Cykd ds nfyr vkSj Lo.kZ efgykvksa dk rqyukRed v/;;u".
215. Naresh Kumar Sagar, UoR, Jaipur, Rajasthan, "jktLFkku esa vuqlwfpr&tkfr efgyk ljiapks dh ç'kklfud Hkwfedk% t;iqj] Hkjriqj vkSj Vksad ftyksa dk rqyukRed v/;;u".
216. Paplee Ram, UoR, Rajasthan, "xzkeh.k fodkl es iapk;rh jkt laLFkkvks dh Hkwfedk% xzkeh.k fodkl ;kstukvks ds fo'ks"k lUnHkZ es v/;;u".
217. Jyoti, IGNOU, New Delhi, "iyk;u] efgyk& l'kfädj.k ,oa jktuhfr% fnYyh dk ,d v/;;u".
218. Ramaiah G., KU, Warangal, Telangana, "Role of Corporation Social Responsibility in the Rural Development of Telangana State".
219. Pitta Narsingam, KU, Warangal, Telangana, "Impact of Watershed Development Programme in Telangana State - A Study in Karimnagar District".
220. Meena Suhel, MLSU, Udaipur, Rajasthan, "nf{k.kh jktLFkku ds vkfnokfl;ksa esa ^^ekSrk.kk çFkk^^ dh çklafxdrk ¼,d vkuqHkkfod v/;;u)".



221. Sonkenapalli Spandana, KU, Warangal, Telangana, "Impact of Digital India Programme on Socio-economic Status in Rural Areas - A Study in Telangana State".
222. Basingala Radhadevi, KU, Warangal, Telangana, "Human Rights of the Children of Women Prisoner in Telangana State: A Study".
223. Kuruva Vijaykumar, OU, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Work Attitudes, Ethics and Work Culture of Public Servants for Good Governance: A Comparative Study of Kerala and Telangana States".
224. K. Thirupathi, OU, Hyderabad, Telangana, "A Study of Information and Communication Technology in District Administration: A Comparative Study of Selected States".
225. Jangaiah Boya, University College of Arts & Social Science, Telangana, "People's Participation in Developmental Programmes: A Comparative Study of Kolams and Lambada Tribes in Adilabad District of Telangana".
226. Arun Kumar, MGAHV, Maharashtra, "Socio-cultural and Medicinal Importance of Traditional Food and their Products of Korku Tribe of Melghat Tiger Reserve Area of Amravati, Maharashtra".
227. Mallarapu Gangaraju, AU, Vishakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, "Assessment of Trends in Malaria Incidence: A Case Study of Visakhapatnam District, Andhra Pradesh, India".
228. Roohi Rawat, UoA, Allahbad, UP, "Status of Health and Sanitation Among the Women in Urban Slums: Understanding the Challenges of Female Healthcare Practices in the Economically Weaker Sections of Prayagraj City".

229. Anil Kumar Akela, MDU, Rohtak, Haryana, "An Analysis of Magnitude, Spatial Pattern and Trends of Farmers' Suicide in India: A Case Study of Malwa Region in the Punjab State".
230. Pandula Nagesh, OU, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Empowerment and Social Refuge of Rural Women in Relations of Education, Health and Employment with Special Alignment to Rangareddy District of Telangana".
231. Priyaranjan Maral, UoA, Allahabad, UP, "Trauma, Cognitive Abilities and Resilience: Street Children".
232. Jogdand Amrapali Mahadeo, Dr. BAMU, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, "Problems and Effectiveness of Home based and School Education for Children with Special Needs: With special reference to Samagra Shikhsha".
233. Sonu Bharti, UoL, Lucknow, UP, "Innovation, Rural Industries and Entrepreneurship for Poverty Eradication: A Case Study of Jaunpur District, UP".
234. Shiv Poojan Premi, MGKV, Varanasi, UP, "HkxksM+s fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds d{kk iqulZek;kstu esa lekt dk;Z gLr{ksi ,oa lkekftd dk;ZdrkZ dh Hkwfedk ¼okjk.klh tuin ds ek/;fed fo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ij vk/kkfjr½".
235. Laxmi Mehra, MLSU, Udaipur, Rajasthan, "xkz eh.k ,oa 'kgjh efgykvkas eas jäkYirk ds lkekftd&lkaL--frd dkjd ,oa ifj.kke dk rqyukRed v/;;u".
236. Didgi Harshavardhan, OU, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Decoding Science Policy Resolutions of the Government Since Independence: An Explorative Study".
237. Neelima Arya, MLSU, Rajasthan, "fo/kok ,oa ifjR;äk efgykvksa dk iquoZlu ¼mn;iqj ftys dk ,d lekt'kkL=h; v/;;u)".



238. Raju Gadhepaka, OU, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Ideology and Political Activities of Dalit Organizations in Telangana State".
239. G. Samba Siva Rao, ANU, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, "A Study on Displacement and Rehabilitation at Polavaram Project Area in Andhra Pradesh: Issues and Constraints".
240. Pravinyalata Markandey, Govt C.L.C. Arts and Science College, Patan Durg, Chhattisgarh, "ikFkhZ tutkfr ij 'kkldh; ;kstukvksa ds çHkkoksa dk lekt'kkL=h; v/;;u& NÙkhlx<+ ds cysM ftys ds fo'ks"k lUnHkZ esa".
241. A. Velmurugan, Gandhigram Rural Institute, Dindigul, TN, "Social Exclusion and Livelihood Challenges Among Cremation Workers (Vettiyans-GraveDiggers) in Dindigul and Theni Districts of TN".
242. Santosh Kumar, BHU, UP, "Bhichhavriti Ka Vyvsaik Etihas Aur Vartman Prabhav (Varanasi Janpad Par Aadharit Ek Samaj Vaigayanik Adhyayan)"
243. Manoj Kumar, BHU, UP, "psjks tutkfr dh yksd&laL--fr dk lekt'kkL=h; v/;;u ¼lksuHkæ tuin ds fo'ks"k lUnHkZ esa)".
244. Shaligram Ahirbar, Dr. H.S. Gour Central University, Sagar, MP, "vk/kqfud Hkkjrh; fpUru esa uO;osnkUr% ,d lekykspukRed v/;;u ¼foosdkuan ,oa jkerhFkZ ds fo'ks"k lanHkZ esa)".
245. Ajay Kumar Singh, LU, UP, "Social Aspects and Perspectives of Ramayana and Geeta in Urdu Literature".
246. Manoj Dahiya, DU, Delhi, "jfonkfl;k /keZ dk lkekftd vkSj nk'kZfud v/;;u".
247. Sushma Devi, JNU, New Delhi, "Nature and Structure of Social Discourse in Sanskrit Epics: A Study of Brihattrayi Mahakavyas".

ST Category
248. S. Rapheileng, MU, Imphal, Manipur, "Entrepreneurship and Self-employment as a Solution to Youth Unemployment in Manipur".
249. Namita Pegu, JMI, New Delhi, "Indigenous Cultural Communication among the Mising Tribe of Assam".
250. Suman Kumari, HPU, Dharamsala, Himachal Pradesh, "A Study of Life Skill among Tribal Students of Kinnaur and Lahul Spiti: Prevailing States, Influencing Factors and Interventions Strategies".
251. P. Lakshman Naik, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, "Analysis of HealthRelated Physical Fitness Academic Achievement Mental Health and Psychomotor Ability Among Urban Rural and Tribal School Boys".
252. Cheepuru Eswara Rao, AU, Vishakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, "Community Impact on Enrollment and Dropout Rates in Tribal and Non-tribal Primary Schools in Vizianagaram District".
253. Kavitha Guguloth, The EFLU, Telangana, "Multilingual Abilities of Tribal Children: A Study in Bhadradri-Kothagudem District of Telangana State".
254. Savitri Devi Meena, MLSU, Udaipur, Rajasthan, "nf{k.kh jktLFkku ds tutkfr fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh 'kSf{kd miyfC/k;ksa ,oa i;kZoj.kh; tkx:drk ij ifjokj dh ç--fr ds çHkko dk v/;;u".
255. Manish Meena, MLSU, Udaipur, Rajasthan, "Food and Nutritional Security: An Analysis of Tribal Women in Southern Rajasthan".
256. Bhuvana, VELS Institute of Science, Technology & Advanced Studies (VISTAS), Chennai, TN, "Rural Devel-



opment through E- Governance Innitiatives with special reference to TN".
257. Khumtiya Debbarma, Tripura University, Agartala, Tripura, "Laws and Policies Pertaining to Internally Displaced Persons: A Case Study of Bru Community in Tripura".
258. Krishna Nayak Bhukya, Telangana University, Nizamabad, Telangana, "Educational Status and Challenges among Tribal Women in Telangana: A Study".
259. Basavaraja M.T., Tumkur University, Tumakuru, Karnataka, "Research Productivity of South Indian Universities using Web of Science Data".
260. Chungkhosei Baite, Manipur University, Imphal, Manipur, "India's Look East Policy: Challenges and Opportunities for Tribal of Chandel District in Manipur".
261. Nitesh Khant, MLSU, Udaipur, Rajasthan, "Impact and Implementation of Panchayat Extension Act, 1999 on the Tribal Areas in South Rajasthan".
262. K. Ravi, OU, Hyderabad, Telangana, "A Study on the Performance of Integrated Tribal Development Agencies (ITDAs)".
263. B. Srinivas Nayak, KU, Warangal, Telangana, "Education for Employability of Lambada Tribe in Warangal District, Telangana Focus on Case Studies Rather than Survey".
264. Venkata Prasad Rao Sriram, AU, Vishakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, "State Initiatives to Create Livelihoods: A Study of MGNREGS Implementation among Tribes of North Coastal Andhra Pradesh".
265. Rebeka Debbarma, Tripura University, Agartala, Tripura, "Psycho-social

Intervention for Depression and Anxiety among Bru Community: A Study on Internally Displaced Persons Resettled in the State of Tripura".
266. Kamal Kant Patel, MLSU, Udaipur, Rajasthan, "Impact of Globalization on Tribal Society: Study of Southern Rajasthan".
267. NageshaM.,KannadaUniversity,Hampi, Karnataka, "Indigenous Knowledge of Pastoral Community (with Reference to Mysabeda Community in Chitradurga District)".
268. Kanta Meena, UoR, Jaipur, Rajasthan, "e/;çns'k ,oa jktLFkku dh tutkfr efgyk Jfedks esa f'k{kk ,oa LokLF; lEcU/kh leL;kvksa dk ,d lekt'kkL=h; v/;;u".
269. Arvind Kumar, BHU, Varanasi, UP, "fganh miU;kl lkfgR; esa vkfnoklh thou dk lekt'kkL=h; fo'ys"k.k".
Final Reports Received
National Fellowship
1. Utsa Patnaik, JNU, New Delhi, "Exploring the Poverty Question: Trends in Inequality and Poverty in India, 197374 to 2009-10"
2. Ajit K. Ghosh, Institute of Human Development, New Delhi, "Structural Transformation of India's Economy"
Senior Fellowship
1. Niladri Bhattacharya, JNU, New Delhi, Custom, "Law and Property: The Making of Patriarchal Power in Rural North India".
2. Fahimuddin, GIDS, Lucknow, UP, "Livelihood Sustainability of Drought Prone Farmers- A Study in Bundelkhand Region of UP".



3. Radhakant Barik, IHD, Delhi, "Empowerment of Women through SHG- The case Study of Odisha".
4. Sangeeta Bhatia, DU, New Delhi, "The Social World of Adolescents Cognition of High Risk Behaviours and Mitigating Effects of Mindfulness Meditation".
5. Zenab Bano, MLSU, Udaipur, "Social Reform Movement and Women Empowerment (DAWOODI BOHRA Reform Movements in Indian Context)".
6. Kakani Nageswar Rao, Andhra University, "Andhra Pradesh, Geospatial Analysis of Socio-economic Impact of Aquaculture- A Case Study of Kolleru Lake".
7. T. R. Kundu, Kurukshetra University, Haryana, "Service-led Growth and Inequality in India- A Sectoral Analysis of Regional Inequality in Post Reforms Period".
8. Archana Rani Dubey, JNU, New Delhi, "Acharya Jinsen Kriti Adipuran Ka Samajshastriya Adhyayan- Adhunik Paripekshya Mein".
9. R.M. Khandelwal, UOR, Jaipur, Rajasthan, "Pre-school Program (ICDS) in Rajasthan Problems and Suggestions".
10. Alok Kumar, BHU, Varanasi, UP, "Violence Against Women: Sociological Analysis of Male Response".
11. Dipak Dasgupta, CSD, New Delhi, "Improving Small Holder Agricultural Supply Response to Manage Food Inflation Meet Rising Urban Food Demand and Adopt to Climate Change".
12. Meenakshi Saxena, CSD, New Delhi, "A Glimpse into the Minds of the Aged in Terms of Guilt and Other Related Factors".

13. Reena Marwah, DU, New Delhi, "Re-imaging India-Thailand Bilateral Relations: Moving Beyond Economic Relations".
14. Uliveppa H. H., Karnatak University, Karnataka, "A Study of Wind Energy Development in Karnataka: A Case Study of Selected Districts".
15. A.K. Sengupta, Lucknow University, UP, "An Evaluation of the Mechanism of Federal Fiscal Transfers in India with special reference to Backward States".
16. S. Subramaniam, Bhartiyar University, Coimbatore, TN, "Assessing the Efficacy of Multi Model Integrated Intervention for Enhancing Academic Performance and Psychological Resources among Slow Learners in Rural Schools- An Experimental Study".
17. S. Ramakrishna, Osmania University, Hyderabad, "Irrigation Development and its Impact on Agriculture: A Study of Telangana".
18. Mamata Biswal, Gujarat National Law University, Koba, Gujarat, "Legal Challenges before India to Ratify the United Nations Convention on Courtesy for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) A Critical Analysis".
19. Ashwani Kumar, TISS, Mumbai, "Is India a Case of Ordered or Fragmented Welfare State? The Case of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act".
20. Ashok Ranjan Basu, IIPA, New Delhi, Tribunalisation in India: "A Critical Study of the Central Administrative Tribunals in India".
21. Debdas Banerjee, IDS, Kolkata, "Regional Perspective on Expanding up and Expanding out Restoring Balance in Indian Education System".



22. S.S.A. Jafri, GIDS, Lucknow, UP, "Un-healthy Stagnation of Few Cities and Fast Stagnation and Decay of Majority of Towns in UP- A Remedial Study of Central Region 2001-2011".
23. Mamta Swain, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, Odisha, "Crop Insurance for Management of Agricultural Risk in India".
24. Arun Kumar Bandhopadhyay, IDSK, Kolkata, "The Engineering Education in Bengal in the Light of an Institutional History B.E. College,1856-2001".
25. Poulimi Lahiri, IDSK, Kolkata, "The Relationship between Ownership Structure and Dividend Pay-out Policy in India in the Post Reform Period".
26. Ravinder Talwar, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, "The BJP in Punjab and its Regional Compulsions".
27. Surinder K. Shukla, Panjab University, Chandigarh, Punjab, "Gender and Public Policy in India".
28. Joseph Abraham, CESS, Hyderabad, Telangana, "An Analysis of Abject Poverty and Multiple Deprivations of Rural Households Based on Socio-economic and Caste Census 2011: In Comparison with NSSO/NFHS Findings and To Highlight Issues of Practice and Policy Outcomes for Rural Development in India".
29. K. Anandan, Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Cross Cultural Study of Tribes in Tamil Telugu Folk Art Forms".
30. D.N. Kakkar, GIDS, Lucknow, UP, "Performance Gaps among Institutions of technical Education in India: An Explanatory Study of UP".

31. K. Pushpangadan, GIFT, Thiruvanantampur, Kerala, "Cost Efficiency, Economic Growth and Fiscal Decentralisation: A Study of Kerala".
32. Vani Archana, IIT Madras, TN, "Analysing the Issue of India's Free Trade Agreements from a Micro Perspective".
33. Yaseen Khan, Barkatullah University, Bhopal, MP, "Socio-economic Dimension of Migration Among Selected Aboriginal Tribal Communities of Various Parts of MP".
34. D. Sundar Ram, SVU, Tirupati, TN, "Dimensions of Dalit Leadership in Local Self-government Institutions- A Comparative Study on Delivery of Good Governance in Chittoor and Guntur Districts of Andhra Pradesh State".
35. S. C. Gupta, CCS University, Merut, UP, "Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima YojanaFestival Gift to Farmers ­ A Critical Appraisal (A Case Study of Selected District of Rajasthan State)".
36. Dilip Chandra, JNU, New Delhi, "Islamic Resurgence in Indonesia: Myth or Reality? Historical Development of Political Islam in Indonesia".
37. Karen Haydock, TISS, Mumbai, "The Cultivation of Cultivation: Dialectics of Learning in One Small Family Farm in Rudravali, Maharastra".
38. B.L. Mathur, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, Rajasthan, "A Study of Performance of Public Vs Private Sector Life Insurance Companies in India".
39. P.V.S. Reddy, CESS, Hyderabad, "Impact of Sakshar Bharat Programme on Marginalised Communities- A Study".
40. Meenakshi Jain, NMML, New Delhi, "Nationalism and History ­ Developments in Post ­ independence India".



41. Mondira Dutta, JNU, New Delhi, "Disasters and Human Trafficking ­ Role of Institution & Civil Society Organization".
Post-Doctoral Fellowships
1. Shashi Punam, Career Point University, Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh, ``Child Sex-Ratio and Female Foeticide in Himachal Pradesh: A Socio-psychological Aspect of Society".
2. S. Thippa Reddy, SKU, Anantapur, A.P, "Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme and Its Impact on Rural Women: A Study of Rayalseema Region, Andhra Pradesh".
3. T. Gopal, SKU, Anantapuram, A.P, "Marketing of Agricultural Products in Andhra Pradesh- Case Study of AMCs in Rayalseema Region".
4. Bindiya Narang, JMI, New Delhi, "Women's Reproductive Healthcare Seeking in Rural Mewat (Haryana)".
5. A. Lalitha, Bharathidasan University, TN, "Migration, Social Development and Poverty Alleviation- District Level Analysis in TN".
6. Virendra Singh, Hindu College, Moradabad, `'Alternative Livelihood of Women Fishier Folk Empowerment Perspective and Ergonomic Challenges".
7. Mahasweta Roy Dutta, The University of Burdwan, WB, "Customer Satisfaction Based Performance Analysis of Digital Banking Service in Southern Part of WB".
8. T.I. Nagarjuna, SVU, Tirupati, A.P., "An Investigation of Reasoning Ability in Science of Secondary School Students in Relation to Home Environment,

Leadership Style, School Organizational Climate, Personality and Other Variables".
9. Rohit Misra, LU, Lucknow, U.P., "Muslim Samudaya mein HIV/Aids ke Prati Jagrukta ka Adhayayan".
10. Harsha Sharma, D A V (P.G) College, Bulandshahr, U.P., "Income Generation and Livelihood Security among Dalits: A Study of MGNREGA Scheme in UP".
11. Tinku Paul Bhatnagar, G. B. Pant Social Science Institute. Jhusi, Allahabad, "Justice with a Human Face: A Study of Women Prisoners".
12. Shekappa Gyanappa, Gulberga University, Kalaburagi, "Socio-economic and Educational Problems of Muslim Child Workers: A Study in Hyderabad-Karnataka Region".
13. Md Akhtar Hasinur Rahaman, AMU, ligarh, U.P., "Impact Assessment of Dairy Farming on Socio-economic Transformation of Small and Marginal Farmers in Murshidabad District, WB".
14. Manju Devi Sharma, UoR, Jaipur, Rajasthan, "Nagariye Stariye Sansthao ki Samaveshi Vikas mein Bhumika (Rajasthan ke Jaipur Jeele ki Chayeneet Nagariye Sthariye Sansthaon mein Nirbal Varg ki Mahilaon ki Sehbhagita ka Adhayayan)".
15. Krishna Sharma, Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya, Bilaspur, Chattisgarh, "Study of Emotional Preference and Well-being in Working and Non-working Women".
16. Deepak Pandey, PT Sunderlal Sharma Open University, Bilaspur, Chattisgarh, "Influence of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy on Depression and Immune Response through Meditational Factors: A Study of People Living with HIV/ AIDS".



17. Deepika Rai Mathur, MLSU, Udaipur, Rajasthan, "Empowerment of Educated and Working Women (A Sociological Study)"
18. Hemant Singh, Vikram University, Ujjain, MP, "The Economic of Disequilibrium in Demand and Supply of Chemical Fertilisers in MP: A Comparative Study with special reference to Central MP".
19. Prajakta Bagwe, Centre for African Studies, JNU, New Delhi, `'BRICS in Africa: Analyzing Emerging Powers Engagement with Africa".
20. Shamshad, AMU, Aligarh, "Individual Houseless and Houseless Families in Aligarh City: A Socio-economic and Structural Analysis"
21. Pirzada Athar Husaain, University of Jammu, J&K, "Challenges of Divorce and the Process of Re-adjustment in North West India: A Longitudinal Study".
22. Kasturi Bharadwaj, UoA, Allahabad, U.P, "Women and Gender in India: A Study of Matriliny in Meghalaya".
23. Deepali Tyagi, Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya, Bilaspur, Chattisgarh, "A Study of Neo-ICT and Pedagogy Symbiosis in Teacher Education Programmes for Next Generation Teachers".
24. Kamei Samson, Manipur University, Canchipur, Manipur, "Resilience of Religious Identity of a Minority Ethnic Group: A Sociological Analysis of Tingkao Ragwang Chapriak in Manipur".
25. Sarika Kaushal, IIT, New Delhi, "Whether ICTs amplify the Economic Welfare of Women Headed Indian Households? An Empirical Analysis of NSSO Data".

26. Mahvish Anjum, AMU, Aligarh, "Occupational Health of Cottage Industry Workers in Ambedkarnagar District".
27. Santosh Kumar Singh, JNU, New Delhi, "Discrimination and Poverty: A Study of Rural Labour Market in UP".
28. Ashok Kumar, D.A.V (PG) College, Bulandshahr, U.P, "Bharatiya Rajneeti or Shetrabad: Ek Bishleshanatmak Adhayayan".
29. Dinesh Kumar Gupta, UoA, Allahabad, U.P, "Proliferation of Small Arms & Light Weapons and its Impact on Indian Security".
30. ShivKumarKushwah,VikramUniversity, Ujjain, MP, "Anusuchit Jaati ka Samajeek, Artheek evam Rajneetik Peechdepan ka Adhaar aur Seemantikaran: MP ke Sandarbh mein Ek Adhayayan".
31. Lalit Kumawat, MLSU, Udaipur, Rajasthan, "A Comparative Study of the Political Participation of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Women in Panchayati Raj Institutions".
32. Anindita Sinha, Tripura University, Tripura, "Gender System, Social Change and Fertility Limitation among the Reangs: A Historcal- Comparative Approch".
33. Sandhya Mohitye, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathawada University, Aurangabad, "Bashwikaran ka Mudrit Madhyamo ki Vasha Par Pravab evam Samajeek Sarokar (Maharashtra ke Hindi Samachar Patron ke Sandarbh mein)".
34. Jayan T., Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi, "Targeted Public Distributin System among Tribal Households in South India".



35. Subhra Nagalia, Centre for Russian and Central Asian Studies, JNU, New Delhi, "Traces of Russian Feminism: A Critical Feminist Evaluation of 25 Years of PostSoviet Space".
36. Gouri Mishra, Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur Vishwavidyalaya, Gorakhpur, "Manavadheekar Ki Avdharana (Mahilaon evam Bachon ke Vishesh Sandarbh Mein)".
37. Ganesh Kondaji Khillare, Dankunwar Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Near Ganpati Netralaya, Jalna, "A Study of Socioeconomic Impact of MGNREGA on SC & ST Families in Backward Districts of Maharashtra State".
38. PragatiDixit,AMU,Aligarh,U.P.,"Impact of Social Networking Sites on Mental Health and Personal Values among Adolescents".
39. Pawan Kumar, Centre for the Study of Law and Governance, JNU, New Delhi "Political Corruption and Democracy: Evaluating the Relationship through Democratic Audit in India".
40. Alka, UoR, Jaipur, "Janheet Yatchika evam Naba Samajeek Andolan: Rajasthan Rajya ke Vishesh Sandarbh mein Adhayayan".
41. Leena Verma, LU, Lucknow, "Social Ecology and Environmental Pollution: A Study of Attitudinal Change among Youth in UP and Uttarakhand".
42. Garima Sharma, Udaipur, Rajasthan, "Rajasthan Police mein Mahila Sahbhagita: Mahila Sasaktikaran ke Sandarbh mein ek Anubhav".
43. Sneha Gopeekrishna, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, TN, "A Study on the Impact of Financial Literacy on

Economic Empowerment of Working Women in Kerala".
44. Kishore Dere, JNU, New Delhi, "Comparing Indian and US legislative Perspectives on Pak-origin Terrorism".
45. Sushil Kumar, Nanak Chand Anglo Sanskrit (PG) College, Meerut, U.P., "Vumandalikaran Tatha Paribaron ke Badalte Pratiman (Nagariya Parivesh mein Hindu evam Muslim Parivaron ka ek Samajsastriya Adhayayan)".
46. Arpita Singh, LU, Lucknow, U.P., "Swayang Sahayata Samuha ki Sahayata se Mahilaon ki Samajeek- Artheek Prasthiti mein Sakaratmak Paribartan".
47. Seema Pareek, UoR, Jaipur, "Education and Inclusive Growth".
48. B. N. Harisha, Kuvempu University, Shankaraghata, "Fiscal Consolidation Strategy of State Governments: A Study of Karnataka".
49. Vijay Kumar, JNU, New Delhi, "India's Energy Security and the Role of Central Asian States".
50. P. Alagarsamy, Madurai Kamaraj University, TN, "A Study on Impact of Microfinance on Rural Development in Tamilnadu".
51. Ch. Lakshmi Kumari, Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad, "Impact of Memorandum of Understanding on Performance Evaluation of State Level Public Enterprises in India".
52. Manas Jyoti Deka, Omeo Kumar Das Institute of Social Change and Development, Guwahati, "Understanding Subjectivity: A Cultural Study of Assam and Thailand".
53. B. Prabhakar Rao, SVU, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, "Empowerment of Rural Women Through SHGs- A Comparative



Study of Nellore and Chittor Districts in Andhra Pradesh".
54. R. Ponni Brinda, University of Madras, Chennai, "Ecotourism and Local Community Participation in Mawlynnong Village, Meghalaya".
55. Babita Tyagi, J S Hindu (PG) College, Amroha, U.P., "Vikas ki Rajneeti evam Gair Sarkari Sangathan: Rajasthan Rajya mein Gramin Vikas ke Khsetra mein Gair Sarkari Sangathanon ki Bhumika ka Ek Vishlesanatmak Adhayayan".
56. Vishwanath Bellard, Gulberga University, Kalaburagi, "Socio-economic and Health Problems of Age Old: A Cross Sectional study in Kalaburagi Districts, Karanataka State".
57. Bhavana Tripathi, BHU, Varanasi, U.P., "Living Heritage of Rathwa Tribe and their Social Change".
58. Anuradha Pal, CCS University, Meerut, U.P., "Samajik Upeksha Ka Sheekaar Tejaab Pidit (Acid Attack) Mahilae".
59. Nitendra Singh, D.A.V (PG) College, Bulandshahr, "Sustainable Livelihoods Perspective and MGNREGA: An Assessment in Mewat District of Haryana".
60. Priyanka Chawla, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, "Impact of Self-Help Group Programme on Empowerment of People of Indore in MP".
61. P. Sudhakar, SVU, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, "Socio-economic Analysis of Handloom Industry in Andhra Pradesh: A Study on Kadapa and Chittoor Districts".
62. Amber Goel, JSH PG College, Amroha, U.P., "A Study on Economics of Organic Farming in Different Crops: A Compar-

ative Analysis Between Two Northern States of Uttarakhand and UP".
63. Manish Tandon, JSH PG College, Amroha, UP, "A Study on Financial Inclusion through Micro-finance Products with Special Reference to Micro SIPs in Rajasthan".
64. Naresh Kumar, CCS University, Meerut, U.P, "21bi Satabdi mein Bharat- America Samareek Sambandh: Seetyudhotar (Post-Cold War) Yug Ka Sameekshatmak Adhayayan".
65. Mukesh Kumar, Mahatma Gandhi Antarashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya, Wardha, Maharashtra, "Ati Peechdey Varg ka Rajneetik-Samajeek Aur Artheek Sasaktikaran (Bihar Ke Seemanchal Shetra ke Vishesh Sandarbh mein)".
66. Shiv Kumar, LU, Lucknow, U.P., "An Empirical Study of Socio-economic Status of Labour in UP".
67. Dillip Kumar, UoR, Jaipur, Rajasthan, "Role of New Media in Indian Foreign Policy Since 2014".
68. Maya Kumari, UoR, Jaipur, "Seekhsha ke Adhikar Adhiniyam ka Kriyanbayan: Rajasthan ke Jaipur evam Jodhpur Zillon ke Sarkari Bag Air Sarkari Vidyalayaon ka Anubhabmulak Adhayayan".
69. S.V.G. Choodamani, SVU, Tirupati, "Gandhi's Views on Conflict Resolution".
70. S.NarayanaSwamy,SKU,Ananthapuram, "Finances of Gram Panchayats in Rayalseema Region of Andhra Pradesh".
71. Bhupendra Singh, UoR, Jaipur, "BharatNepal Sambandh: Bartaman Paridrusya Ubharte Ayam Evam Chunotian".
72. Nimisha Gaur, UoR, Jaipur, "Gramin Rojgar evam Vikash Yojnaon (MGNREGA Ke Vishesh Sandarbh Mein) ke



Samajeek Ankekhyan me Graam Sabha ki Bhumika (Jaipur Zille ke Sandarbh mein Anubhabmulak Adhayayan)".
73. Dasaratha Kumar, JNU, New Delhi, "Russia-US Strategic Engagement in Georgian Conflict, 1991-2010".
74. Ritu Jain, UoR, Jaipur, "Financial inclusion and Women Empowerment (A Study in the Context of Socio-economic Upliftment)".
75. Ajay Pal Singh, Kisan (PG) College, Simbhaoli, Hapur, U.P., "Assessment of Risks and Vulnerability to the Environmental Hazards and Disasters and the Disaster Perception of People of Sunderban".
76. Rekha Rani, D.A.V. (PG) College, Bulandshahr, U.P., "Bharat-Iran Sambandho mein America ki Neeti evam Media Ki Bhumika (Samasamayeek Sandarbh mein Ek Adhayayan)".
77. Pravesh Kumar, D.A.V. (PG) College, Bulandshar, U.P., "Social Characteristics of Private Medical Colleges in India, A Study of Select States".
78. Meenal Suhel, MLSU, Udaipur, "An Empirical Study of the Implementation of the `Community Forest Right' in the Tribal Regions of Southern Rajasthan".
79. Seema Rani Sharaf, MGKV, Varanasi, U.P., "Positive and Negative Affect, Depression and Well-being in Relation to Meta-cognitions and Meta-emotions in Coronary Heart Disease Patients".
80. B.ManikyaRao,DrBRAmbedkarCollege of Law, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, A.P., "Dissemination of Information through Public Libraries to Create Legal Awareness with Special Reference to Visakhapatnam".

81. Monika Goel, Institute of Financial Management and Research, Andhra Pradesh, "Impact of Micro-finance on Sustainable Livelihood Development in Slum Areas of Delhi".
82. Kailash Bhanudas Yadav, Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathawada University, Nanded, Maharashtra, "Mass Media: Governance and Rural Development: A Case Study of Marathawada Region".
83. Virendra Kumar Tyagi, Lucknow University, Lucknow, "Gramin Vikas ke Antargat Anusuchit Jati ke Ekikrut Vikas mein Panchayati Raj ki Bhumika ka Adhayayan".
84. I.Rambabu,AU,Visakhapatnam,Andhra Pradesh, "Study of East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh, India".
85. Rachana Narayan, BHU, Varanasi, "Children and Structural Violence in Context of Primary Education in India with special reference to Four Major City of UP".
86. Vijay Deshmukh, C E P T University, Gujarat, "Strategic Quality Policy for Higher Education".
87. Reena Jain, UoR, Jaipur, Rajasthan, "Samajeek Samajasyata mein Jain Dharm evan Darshan ka Yogdan".
88. Sadaaf Fareed, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow, U.P., "Acculturation, Assimilation and Multiculturalism: A Case Study of Parsi Diaspora".
89. Nilu Singh, LU, U.P., "Women Empowerment Through Skills and Entrepreneurship Development: A Sociological Study in UP".
90. Mohini Mittal, CCS University, U.P., "Institutionalized Orphans and their



Socio-psychological Problem: A Study with Special Reference to Western U.P".
91. Anita Kumari, UoR, Jaipur, "Sahari Sthaniya Nikayon mein Bittiya Prabandhan: Jaipur Nagar Nigam Ke Vishesh Sandarbh mein".
92. Angesh Kumar, Kedarnath Girdharilal Khatri (PG) College, Moradabad, U.P., "Effects of Social Media Use on the Mental Health, Personality and Adjustment of School Students".
93. Rashmi, Nagaland University, Nagaland, "To Study the Effect of Psycho-social Variables on Academic Achievement of Secondary School Tribal Students of Mokokchung District of Nagaland, India".
94. Krishna Sinha, Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan, "Impact of Positive Discipline Workshop on Parents and Teachers Abusive Tendences".
95. Prarthana Kumar, Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad, "A Socio-cultural Study of Woman Purchase Behaviour".
96. Shahin Zafar, AMU, Aligarh, "Religiosity, Spirituality and Attachment to God as Predictor of Spiritual Well-being Among Elderly People".
97. A. Rambabu, SVU, Tirupati, A.P., "Economic Empowerment of Rural Households through Dairy Industry in Andhra Pradesh".
98. Avneesh Kumar, J S Hindu (P.G) College, Amroha, U.P., "Spatio- Temporal Assessment of Irrigation and Its Impact on Land-Use Cropping Pattern and Socioeconomic Life in Indira Gandhi Canal Project Area (Rajasthan)"
99. M. Lakshmi Narasimha, SVU, Tirupati, A.P, "Impact of Emotional Matu-

rity, Intelligence and Self-efficacy on the Academic Achievement of Tribal Students".
100. Pooja Gupta, IIT, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, "Interplay between Women's Reproductive Health Behaviour and Sociocultural Milieu: A Study of Balrampur District of Chattisgarh".
101. Asfiya Karimi, AMU, Aligarh, U.P., "In Pursuit of Digital Inclusion in India".
102. Prem Chand Dabi, Department of History, MLSU, Udaipur, Rajasthan, "Bhilo ki Lok Sanskriti evam Sahitya: The Bhil Culture in Banswara and Dungarpur Dist. (Vagad in Rajasthan), Jhabua (Bhagoriya in M.P) and Dahod Dist. in Gujarat".
103. Shivani Batra, BBD Govt College, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, "A Study on Challenges, Contributions of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Programmes Undertaken by Indian Oil Corporation Ltd in the State of Rajasthan".
104. Sushil Kumar Sharma, MC, Meerut, U.P., "Marginalisation and DenotifiedNomadic Tribes in Maharashtra".
105. Neetu Singh, Sambalpur University, Sambalpur, Odisha, "Socio-cultural Implication of Railway Project in Naxal Dominated Area of Odisha".
106. Shraddhesh Kumar Tiwari, D. D. U. Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, UP, "Social Dominance Orientation Selfesteem and Behavioural Orientation in Inter-group Relations".
107. Bibhudatta Khandayatray, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, Odisha, "Gender Issues in Tribal Development and Empowerment: A Focus on Women Displaced by Industrial Projects of Eastern Odisha".



108. Earam Prince, UoR, Jaipur, Rajasthan, "74ve Samvidhan Sansodhan ke Paschat Rajasthan mein Nagar Nigamon ke Swarup evam Bhumika ka Adhayayan (Jaipur Nagar Nigam ke Vishesh Sandarbh mein Ek Adhayayan)".
109. Chandrika Thilari, SVU, Tirupati, A.P., "Cultural Transformation of Little Tradition Goddess Gangamma in a Sacred Complex of Tirupati".
110. Rashmi Jaiswal, MLSU, Udaipur, Rajasthan, "Vulnerability of Unorganized Women Workers in Udaipur District of Rajasthan- A Tehsil-wise Study".
111. Shahnaw Abbas, Centre for West Asian Studies, JMI, New Delhi, "India and China's Energy Relations with Saudi Arabia: A Continuing Evolution".
112. Birendra Suna, JNU, New Delhi, "Waves of Globalization and Expansion of Red Corridor in India: A Case Study of Odisha and Chattisgarh".
113. ShilpaShukla,LU,Lucknow,UP,"Hygiene and Health Problems of Dalit Women: A Social Work Intervention Study in Two Slums of Lucknow City".
114. N. Ganeshan, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, "Migration and Settlement Pattern in Urban Puducherry".
115. Ankur Srivastava, BHU, Varanasi, "Intellectual Property and Access to Medicines for All in India: An Empirical Observation in Human Rights Perspective".
116. NgangomJasantakumarSingh,Manipur University, Manipur, "Militarisation and Human Security in Manipur".
117. Reena Singh, Barkatullah University, Bhopal, "Work Life Balance and Well-

being among Women in the Unorganized Sector".
118. Anu Chauhan, South Bihar Central University, Gaya, Bihar, "Mahila Sasaktikaran Hetu Delhi Mahila Ayog Dwara Banai Gayi Neetion ka Vivechanatmak Vishlesan Adhayan.
119. Madhu G.R., UoM, Mysuru, "Impact of Global Economic Crisis on International Migration: A Case Study of Return Migration to India".
120. P. Durgappa, SKU, Anantapuramu, A.P., "Watershed Development Programmes and its Impact on Rural Livelihoods: A Study in Three Regions of Andhra Pradesh".
121. Megha Vimal, CCS University, Meerut, U.P., "Income Generation and Livelihood Security among Dalits: A Study of MGNREGA in UP".
122. Nikhat Shama, IGNOU, New Delhi, "Perspective and Consequences of the Nepalese Girls Trafficking Returnees into Society (With special reference to District Kathmandu and Birjunj of Nepal)".
123. A. Nageswara Rao, SKU, Anantapuram, A.P., "A Study on Child Labour in Limestone Industry in Rayalseema Region of Andhra Pradesh".
124. Jagbir, UoR, Jaipur, Rajasthan, "Loktantra evam Artheek Punanirman: M.N. Rai Tatha Jayprakash Narayan Ji Bikalpeek Drusti (Samasamayeek Prasangeekta ke Sandarbh mein ek Adhayayan)".
125. Ajmeera Shankar, OU, Hyderabad, "Political Participation of Tribal Women in Panchayat Raj Institutions- A Study in Telangana State"



126. Samir Ahmad Bhat, UoK, Jammu & Kashmir, "Making Borders Irreverent in Divided Jammu and Kashmir: Concept and Practice"
127. K. Harika, AU, Visakhapatnam, Telangana, "Empowerment with Micro-Credit as a Poverty Alleviation Strategy and Gender Relations (A Study of Women Self-Help Groups in Andhra Pradesh)".
128. Shabnam Khan, Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, U.P., "Growth Centres and Socio-economic Planning and Development in the Rural Areas of Aligarh District".
129. Ramakrishna Panasa, KU, Warangal, "Food Culture in Hyderabad State During the 1724 to 1948 A.D".
130. Anju Rani, UoR, Jaipur, "Uchch Shaikshnik Sansthano mein Vidharthi ­ Shikshak Ant Sambandh: Ek Samajshtriya Aadhayayan".
131. K. Swarna Latha, AU, Visakhapatnam, "The Electoral and Democratic Process in India: A Study of 2014 General Elections in Vizianagaram District".
132. Ch. Srikanth Verma, Kakatiya University, Warangal, Telangana, "Competency Mapping of Teachers and Students in Management Education- A Study in Telangana".
133. Monika Rai, Jai Narayan Vyas University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, "Promoting Adolescent's Mental Health- A School Based Intervention Approach".
134. Sanjay Kumar, JNU, New Delhi, "Socioeconomic and Political Implications of Black Consciousness in South Africa and Dalit Consciousness in India: A Comparative Study".
135. Mausumi Bhattacharyya, JMI, New Delhi, "Mobile Telephony and Empow-

erment of Rural Women: A Study in the Bolpur Sub-Division of Birbhum District, WB, India".
136. Sanchita Ray, IGNOU, New Delhi, "Positioning Namasudra Movement and the Dalit Discourse".
137. Radhu Panwar, B S M (P.G) College, Haridwar, Uttarakhand, "Majduro mein Madak Dravya Ka Badrta Prayog: Samajeek Samasya Ke Roop mein Ek Vishleshanatmak Adhayayan",
138. Deepali Sharma, TISS, Mumbai, "Role of Nutrition in Human Development among Middle-Income Countries: Policies, Progress and Pathways".
139. Arsheed Ahmad Malik, AMU, Aligarh "Socio-cultural Scenario of Raddles: A Study on Linguistic Scrutiny of Kashmiri Riddles".
140. Renuka Rathore, UoR, Jaipur, "Yoga and Yajna: A Harmonious Life Style Solution to Modern Conflicts".
141. Renu Chaudhary, B S M (PG) College, Rurkee, "Himalayee Rajyon ke Prakruteek Swarup ko Banaye Rakhne ki Chunooteean (Uttarakhand ke Vishesh Sandarbh mein)".
142. Gaurav Kumar, CCS University, Meerut, U.P., "Panchayati Raj Sansthaon ke Madhyam se Mahatma Gandhi Rashtriya Gramin Rojgar Guarantee Yojna ka Mulyankan (Meerut Zille ki Prakriya ba Pravab ke Vishesh Sandarbh mein)".
143. Vikas Pandey, J S Hindu (PG) College, Amroha, UP, "A Demand and Supply Analysis of Quality in Higher Education: A Study in UP State".
144. Sanjeev Kumar, JNU, New Delhi, "A Study of Social Issues in Ramayana in the Light of Selected Sanskrit Commentaries".



145. Jagannath Behera, IIDS, New Delhi, "Inclusiveness in Integrated Child Development Services in".
146. Razia, JMI, New Delhi, "Madrasa Shikshan Sansthaaon ka Adhunikikaran: Musalmanon ke Vikas ki Disha Mein ek Avashyak Kadam"
147. Ayaz Ahmad, AMU, Aligarh, "Environmental and Occupational Health Problems of Child Labour in Aligarh District: Issues and Challenges".
148. Rinkoo Wadhera, Centre for Women's Development Studies, New Delhi, "Dancing Gods & Travelling Goddesses: Re-thinking Gender, Power and Agency in the Folk Epics of Central Himalayas".
149. S. Marulu Reddy, AU, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, "Determinants of Life Insurance at Household Level: An Empirical Analysis of Andhra Pradesh".
150. D. Swaminath, SKU, Ananthapuram, A.P, "Causes and Consequences of Farmers Suicides in Dryland Areas of Andhra Pradesh".
151. A. Krushnamma, SKU, Andhra Pradesh, "Empowerment and Impact of Women Entrepreneurship: A Comparative Study of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana States".
152. Ashaq Hussain, Centre of Central Asian Studies, University of Kashmir, Srinagar, J & K, "Peace, Coexistence and Communal Harmony: A Study".
153. Bhavna Jyotishi, M.P. Institute of Social Science Research (MPISSR), Ujjain, MP, "Socio-economic Transformation and Emerging Challenges among Baiga (PVTGs) Women: A Study of Eastern MP".

154. Neetu Batra, GIDS, Lucknow, UP, "State and Family: Gender Class Intergenerational Issue and Ageing".
155. A. Ramachandra, SVU, Tirupati, A.P., "Impact of New Agricultural Technology on Income and Employment Generation of Farmers in Andhra Pradesh: An Empirical Study".
156. P Subramanyam, SVU, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, "The Influence of the Digital Administration on the State Administration: With Reference to Chittoor District of Andhra Pradesh".
157. Sant Saran, LU, Lucknow, U.P., "Vumandaliya ke Dor mein Uchh Sikhsha mein Daliton Ki Bhagidari".
158. Nidhika Joshi, Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati University, Ajmer Rajasthan, "A Study of Destination Marketing Competitiveness and Cultural Tourism's Promotional Strategies in Rajasthan".
159. Ramesh Tripathi, LU, Lucknow, UP, "UP mein Mahatma Gandhi Rastriya Gramin Rojgaar Gaurantee Adhiniyam ka Gramin Vikas par Prabhav".
160. Priyanka Kunwar Devara, MLSU, Udaipur, Rajasthan, "Impact on Southern Rajasthan Banswara, Dungarpur, Udaipur District Tribal Life: A Sociological Study".
161. Ramesh Tripathi, Bareily College, Bareilly, U.P., "Manav Adhikar Aangrakhsan ki Drishti se Police ki Bhumika ka Vishlesan (Bareily Janpad ke Vishesh Sandarbh mein)".
162. Amit Pandey, UoA, Allahabad, "Market Strategies of Rural General Insurance Companies: An Analytical Study of Health Insurance in Eastern UP".
163. Jyoti Garg, Punjabi University, Patiala, "Cold-Chain Infrastructure in India:



Linkages to Food Processing Industry in Punjab".
164. S. Bhaskara Rao, AU, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, "Literacy and Health Conditions in Tribal Areas- A Case Study of Visakhapatnam District in Andhra Pradesh".
165. V.NagendraNaik,SKU,Ananthapuramu, Andhra Pradesh, "Indira, India and The World: A Study of India's Foreign Policy During Indira Gandhi's Regime".
166. K. Pushpam, The Gandhigram Rural Institute, Dindigul, TN, "Socio-economic and Political Empowerment of Rural Women in India: A Sociological Study on Sustainable Inclusive Policy".
167. Anuj Kumar Verma, UoR, "Rajasthan mein Mahila Sasaktikaran ki Neetiyan Evam Unka Prabhab: Ek Adhayayan (Jaipur Zille ke Sandarbh mein)"
168. Tayanna, Karnataka University, Dharwad, "Elderly Population and Wellbeing in Migrant Households in NorthKarnataka".
169. Arvind Kumar, CCS University, Meerut, "Impact of Small-Scale Industries on Generation of Employment Opportunities in Western UP (An Empirical Study)".
170. B. Dorababu, SKU, Ananthapuramu, A.P., "Self-Help Groups and its Impact on The Socio-Economic Conditions of Rural Women in Andhra Pradesh: A Study of Rayalaseema Region".
171. Irfana Samdani, "An Analysis of Electronic Industry in India and China: A Comparative Study".
172. Anil Kumar Yadav, UoR, Jaipur, "Impact of NCR Plan on Environment Degradation in Sub-region of Rajasthan (A special reference to Alwar District)".

173. Anupama Dubey, Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad, "Water Conservation, Management and Governance: A Study of Indigenous Practices in a Watershed Community".
174. Ajay Kumar Singh, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, U.P., "Swatantrottar Purvi UP ke Gramin Mahila Sasaktikaran mein Samabeshi Lok Tantra (Panchayatiraj) ke Madhyam se Samabesi Vikas ki Bhumika (1993-2013) ki Etihaseek Purnadrusti".
175. Bhukke Sudheshna, SVU, Tirupati "Stress Management among Women Entrepreneurs in Rayalseema Region of Andhra Pradesh".
176. Rashmi, Bareilly College, Bareilly, U.P "Mahilaon mein Vibhin Bhumika Sangharsh: Ek Samajsashtriya Adhayayan".
177. Jyoti Shukla, LU, Lucknow, U.P., "A Comparative District Level Study of Maternal and Child Health Issues among Tharu Tribal in UP"
178. S. Lalitha, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, TN, "Transfer of Technology for Youth Civic Engagement in Restoration of Water Bodies in Kachipattu Village, Sriperumbudur Block, Kancheepuram District, T.N.".
179. Sumedha Shukla, LU, Lucknow, U.P "Avadhi Bhasa ki Stheeti: UP ke Sandarbh mein".
180. Parvinder Kour, University of Jammu, Jammu (J & K), "Analysis of Risk Perception Among Solo Women Travelers in India: A Pathway to Conserve Destination Brands".
181. K. Chennakesavulu, SKU, Anantapuramu, Andhra Pradesh, "Role of Information and Communication Technol-



ogy in Promoting Good Governance: A Study of Mee-Seva Kendras in Andhra Pradesh".
182. Neelo Farooqui, GIDS, Lucknow, U.P., "A Psycho-social Impact of the Major Communal Riots on the Victims in UP".
183. Priyanka Khanna, Punjabi University, Patiala "Swachh Bharat Abhiyan: An Evaluative Study of Issues and Challenges in Rural Punjab".
184. AnjaliMalik,SambhuDayal(PG)College, Ghaziabad, U.P. "Bharatiya Samaj Me Vidhbaon ki Paristheeti Evam Bhumika (Varanasi Janpad mein Nivas Karne Wali Vidhwaon par Adhareet ek samaj Vaigyaneek Adhyayan)".
185. Manoj Kumar, CCS University, Meerut, U.P., "Naxalite Movement in Odisha: A Sociological Study".
186. Vivek Singh, Km Mayawati Govt. Girls (PG) College, Gautam Buddha Nagar, U.P., "Religion and Civil Society in India: A Study of Ramakrishna Mission, Shiromani Gurdwara Prabandhak Committee (SGPC) and Don Bosco Foundation".
187. Harishankar Bonothu, KU, Warangal, "Human Development Indices of Tribal Population- A Study in Telangana State".
188. Barkha Srivastava, Giri Institute of Development Studies, Lucknow, "An Analytical Study of Relationship Between Environmental Problems and Public Health in Lucknow City".
189. SachinSinduria,CCSUniversity,Meerut, UP, "Rajneetik Sahbhagita Evam Mahila Sasktikaran- Paschimi UP ke Sanderv mein Ek Vishlesanatmak Adhayayan".
190. Mangi Lal Janba, MLSU, Udaipur, Rajasthan, "Traditional Caste Panchayat: Continuity and Change".

191. G. Kumaravelu, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, "A Study of Hope and Resilience as Related to the Vulnerability among HIV Positive Patients".
192. GawandeSunilKumar,SwamiRamanand Teerth Marathawada University, Nanded, Maharashtra, "Impact of Digital Administration on the State Administration: With Special Reference to Nanded District of Maharashtra".
193. Shannaz Parveen, AMU, Aligarh, "Family Environment and Optimism as Predictors of Psychological Well-being among Divorced and Non-Divorced Women".
194. V. Subramayam, SVU, Tirupati, "Credit Financing for Small and Marginal Farmers as an Instrument of Inclusive Growth in Andhra Pradesh".
195. Pooja Choudhary, MLSU, Udaipur, Rajasthan, "Enhancing Quality of Life for `Active Ageing' and use of Productive Role Activity as Therapeutic Intervention among Aged".
196. Devapriya Sanyal, JNU, New Delhi, "The Representation of Women in Aparna Sen and Rituparna Ghosh's Cinema: A Critical Study".
197. V. Bama Ponnuthai, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, "Female Infanticide and Foeticide in TN with Special Reference to Madurai District".
198. G. Maddulety Swamy, SVU, Anantapuramu, Andhra Pradesh, "Socio-economic Conditions of Child Labour in Drought Prone Rayalaseema Region of Andhra Pradesh".
199. Anuj Kumar Verma, MGKV, Varanasi, "Contributions, Expectations and Problems of Youth in Contemporary Indian Family".



200. B. Dhana Lakshmi, University of Madras, Chennai, "Domestic Workers Welfare and Social Security Act its impact on the Socio-economic Empowerment of House Maids with Respect to Chennai and Kanchipuram".
201. Chanda Kumari, JNU, New Delhi, "Samvidhan Brahmana mein Pratipadita Prayaschita Vidhana ka Dharma Sastriya Vishlesan".
202. Vijapure Balaji Vithalrao, Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded, Maharashtra, "Impact of Local Self-governance in Nanded".
203. Mohd. Ibrahim Wani, UoK, Srinagar, J&K, "Energy Crisis in Jammu & Kashmir State: A Study in the Context of Energy Efficiency".
204. NandiniBasitha,JMI,NewDelhi,"Development- Security Nexus as a Conflict Management Tool in India's North-east: Assessing India's Policies and Practices during NDA Government (2014-2019)".
Centrally-Administered Doctoral Fellowships
(General Category)
1. Navneet Guleria, IGNTU, Amarkantak, M.P., "Critical Evaluation of Tax Reforms during 21st Century: A Case Study of Goods and Services Tax".
2. Manisha Devi, GAU, Guwahati, Assam, "Dynamics of Twin Deficits in India: An Empirical Investigation".
3. Sampriti Das, GAU, Guwahati, Assam, "India's Services Exports-led Growth: An Enquiry into its Sustainability".

4. Varsha Gupta, JNU, Delhi, "Female Labour Force Participation in India since the Early 1980s: An Analysis using NSS Data".
5. Dattatray Shivaji Gaikwad, BAMU, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, "Participatory Irrigation Management in Maharashtra: A Region-wise Study". (withdrawn)
6. Zeeshan Ahmad, AMU, Aligarh, U.P., "Energy Consumption, Carbon Emissions and Economic Growth in India".
7. Garima Mishra, University of Lucknow, Lucknow, U.P., "Changing Pattern of Inclusive Development Strategies in India: A Study of Rural Uttar Pradesh".
8. Vishal, Panjab University, Chandigarh, "An Analysis and Financing of Out-ofPocket Health Expenditure on Elderly Population: A Case Study of Haryana".
9. Anup Kumar Yadava, BHU, Varanasi, U.P. "A Comparative Economic Study of Organic and Non-organic Farming in Uttar Pradesh".
10. Kiran, PU, Patiala, Punjab, "India-UK Trade Relations: Status and Post-Brexit Potentials".
11. Banisetti, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, A.P., "Public Health Financing in the State of Andhra Pradesh: A Comparative Study of Change in Health Financing in the Decade from 2008-2018". (Withdrawn)
12. Srishti Negi, HNBGU, Srinagar, U.K., "MSME and Regional Economic Development: A Study of Hill and Plain Districts of Uttarakhand State".
13. Sujay Phatak, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore, M.P., "A Study of Education and Economic Growth in India: An Inter-State Analysis".



14. Venkatesh M., TNAU, Coimbatore, T.N., "Developing Simulation Model for Assessment of Demand and Supply of Water for Agriculture in South Pennar (Thenpennaiyaru) River Basin of Tamil Nadu".
15. Ruchita Tripathi, BHU, Varanasi, U.P., "Measuring Impact of Social Capital on Agricultural Labour Productivity: A Case Study of Varanasi District".
16. Sable Jagdish Bhagwanrao, BAMU, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, "An Empirical Analysis of Economic Growth and Employment Linkages in India". (Withdrawn)
17. Nazar Ali, AMU, Aligarh, U.P., "Oil Price, Exchange Rate and Economic Growth in India: An Empirical Analysis". (Withdrawn)
18. Shama Firdaush, Vidyasagar University (VU), Midnapore, W.B., "A Study of the Status of Empowerment of Muslim Women in West Bengal".
19. Dilpreet Kaur Dhillon, GNDU, Amritsar, Punjab, "Energy Sector of India: Trends, Efficiency, Security and Sustainability".
20. Jinny Sharma, GNDU, Amritsar, Punjab, "Shadow Education System: A Study of Coaching Classes". (Withdrawn)
21. Priya Sharma, University of Jammu, Jammu, J&K, "Rural Employment Diversification in Jammu District of Jammu and Kashmir State".
22. Devendra Singh, CCS University, Meerut, U.P., "The Role of Pradhan Mantri Jandhan Yojna in Woman Empowerment: A Case Study of Meerut District".
23. Chanchal Jain, MSU, Udaipur, Rajasthan, "Employability and Skill Develop-

ment through Vocational Education in Udaipur District".
24. Admankar Mahesh, OU, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Impact of Special Economic Zones on Economic Development in Telangana". (Withdrawn)
25. Simarjeet Kaur, PU, Patiala, Punjab, "Micro-finance Institutions and Indebtedness: A Case Study of Rural Punjab".
26. Dinesh Kumar Mahapatra, TISS, Mumbai, Maharashtra, "A Historical and Institutional Analysis of Fiscal Rules". (Withdrawn)
27. Ishfaq Hamid, SMVDU, Katra, J&K, "Foreign Direct Investment Inflows and the Macro-economy: An Empirical Analysis of Some Select Asian Economies".
28. Saheli Das, JNU, Delhi, "Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change: Do Farmers' Ability and Community Networks Matter?".
29. Towseef Ahmad Shan, AMU, Aligarh, U.P., "Trade Openness, Inflation and Growth in Select Asian Countries with special reference to India".
30. R. Azhagesan, ANNAU, Annamalai Nagar, T.N., "Socio-economic Impact of Crop Insurance Scheme (PMFBY): A Comparative Study on Insured and Non-insured Paddy Farming in Coastal Belts of Tamil Nadu". (Withdrawn)
31. Thakur Dev Pandey, KUMU, Nainital, U.K., "Financial Inclusion of Rural Households in Uttarakhand: An InterDistrict Study of Kumaun Region".
32. Ramandeep Kaur, PU, Patiala, Punjab, "Dynamics of Female Labour Force Participation in Himachal Pradesh". (Withdrawn)



33. Maliha Batool, University of Jammu, Jammu, J&K, "Pattern of Energy Consumption among Rural and Urban Households of Jammu and Kashmir: A Comparative Study of Doda and Jammu Districts".
34. Adnan Javeed Kichloo, University of Jammu, Jammu, J&K, "Public-Private Partnership in Physical Infrastructure Development in India: A Study of Road Projects in the North-Indian States".
35. Abhilasha M.L., University of Mysore, Mysuru, Karnataka, "Women Labour in Informal Sector: An Empirical Study in Mandya District".
36. Radhika,CUS&T,Kochi,Kerala,"Impacts of Climate Change on Coastal Wetland Agriculture and Adaptation of Coastal Communities in Central Kerala".
37. Niharika Rawal, PU, Patiala, Punjab, "Pattern and Quality of Rural Non-farm Employment in Punjab".
38. Maddela Santhosh, OU, Hyderabad, Telangana, "The Dynamic Relationship between Education Expenditure and Economic Growth with special reference to India".
39. Reffat Mushtaq, MANUU, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Institutional Quality and Tourism Demand in India with special reference to Jammu and Kashmir State".
40. Sonal Ann Dsouza, JNU, Delhi, "Political Economy of Dispossession: A Case Study of Mining in Odisha".
41. Mohan Lal, PU, Patiala, Punjab, "Financing of Health Care Expenditure in Rural Punjab: A Case Study of Cancer Patients of Malwa Region". (Withdrawn)

42. Ayatakshee Sarkar, TISS, Mumbai, Maharashtra, "Elements and the Role of `Non-violence Behaviour' at the Workplace".
43. Sunit Prasad, BITS, Ranchi, Jharkhand, "A Study of Capital Structure of Indian Manufacturing SMEs: Auto Components and Consumer Goods Industry".
44. Kirti Sharma, GKV, Haridwar, U.K., "Influence of Mobile Network Service Quality on M-Commerce Adoption".
45. Renu Bala, Chaudhary Devi Lal University, Sirsa, Haryana, "Employability Skills of Management Students: A Study of Academic and Industry Perspective".
46. Bhuvaneswari D., Periyar University, Salem, T.N., "Conceptual and Empirical Study on Managing Work-Life Balance among Women Police Personnel for Developing an Integral Model with reference to Salem District Police Department".
47. Deeksha Ahuja, GKV, Haridwar, U.K., "Corporate Governance Model: Incorporating Vedic Wisdom".
48. Amrita Mishra, Sambalpur University, Sambalpur, Odisha, "Sustainable Agriculture of Tribal Farmers: An Analysis in Koraput and Malkangiri Districts of Odisha".
49. Kavithambika S., TNAU, Coimbatore, T.N., "Entrepreneurial Intention and its Determinants: A Study amongst the Educated Youth". (Withdrawn)
50. Reshma M., BU, Coimbatore, T.N., "The Moderating Role of Emotional Intelligence on the Relationship between Entrepreneurial Competencies and Firm Performance among Women Entrepreneurs in South India".



51. Riya Shah, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, "A Comparative Study of Returns of Value Stocks and Growth Stocks".
52. Aiman Fayaz, University of Kashmir, Srinagar, J&K, "Social Entrepreneurship Intentions of Youth: An Empirical Study of Jammu and Kashmir".
53. R. Swathi, OU, Hyderabad, Telangana, "A Study on Woman Empowerment and Work-Life Balance: Policy and Practices for Employees in Technology-driven Organisations with special reference to the Selected Private and Public Sector Organisations in Telangana".
54. K.Neeraja,GulbargaUniversity,Kalaburagi, Karnataka, "Performance Management System: A Study on Select Cement Manufacturing Unit in Hyderabad Karnataka Region".
55. Dimpy Suhalka, MSU, Udaipur, Rajasthan, "Economics of Temple: A Study of Select Indian Temples of Mewar and Malwa Region".
56. Vijaya Laxmi E., OU, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Competency Mapping and its Impact on Organizational Effectiveness".
57. Nishant Agrawal, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, "The Role of Supply Chain Ambidexterity in Attaining Supply Chain Resilience during Disruption".
58. Mohan Bailpattar, CUKG, Kalaburagi, Karnataka, "Performance, Challenges and Strategies for Revival of Tur Dal Industry in Kalburagi District".
59. Leelapriyadharsini, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, T.N., "Sustainable Humanitarian Logistics in the Disaster Affected Areas of Tamil Nadu: A Salutary Analysis".

60. Urmi Rameshchandra Khatri, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, "Revisiting Fama French Factor Model and Empirical Testing of Cross-sectional Data on Indian Stock Market".
61. Mehak, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, "A Study of Measurement and Relationship between Financial Inclusion, Financial Behaviour and Financial Satisfaction".
62. Akanksha Sharma, BHU, Varanasi, U.P., "Role of Spiritual Intelligence in Managing Stress: A Study on Defense Personnel in India".
63. E. Irene Preetha, University of Madras, Chennai, T.N., "Impacts of Tourism Development on Tribal Community in Yelagiri Hills at Vellore District, Tamil Nadu".
64. Manini Nanda, Sambalpur University, Sambalpur, Odisha, "The Use of Information and Communication Technology on Human Resource Management Practices in Selected Manufacturing Industries of Western Odisha: An Empirical Study".
65. Kamlesh Chandra Joshi, HNBGU, Srinagar, U.K., "Sustainable Pilgrimage Tourism in Kedar Valley: A Holistic Tourism Development Approach Post-2013 Disaster".
66. Sarath S., TNAU, Coimbatore, T.N., "A Study on Customers' Expectations towards Agri-tourism in Tamil Nadu".
67. Karishma Sharma, Govind Guru Tribal University, Banswara, Rajasthan, "Role of Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan in Enhancing the Quality of Education: An Empirical Study in Pratapgarh District of Rajasthan".



68. Sheenam Ayyub, Jamia Hamdard, Delhi, "Exploring Sustainability in Consumer Behaviour: An Empirical Study".
69. Rita Singh, Sambalpur University, Sambalpur, Odisha, "Forensic Accounting in India: An Analytical Study".
70. Prakhar Gupta, University of Lucknow, Lucknow, U.P., "Management of Nonperforming Assets in Indian Banking Sector in India: A Case Study of State Bank of India".
71. Akanksha Singh Fouzdar, DEI, Agra, U.P., "Dynamics of India's Fiscal Deficit: An Analytical Study of Issues and Management".
72. Nayana Prabhash, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, "Infrastructure Support Systems and Ease-ofdoing Business in Kerala". (Withdrawn)
73. Sreekutty K.S., University of Calicut, Malappuram, Kerala, "Stress Management of Members of Local Government Institutions in Kerala".
74. Parvathy P.S., University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, "Social Responsibility of Non-corporate Enterprises in Kerala: An Evaluation".
75. Shikha Goyal, Amity University, Noida, U.P., "An Evaluation of Non-performing Assets in Upper Middle Income, Lower Middle Income and Low-Income Countries".
76. Sakshi Yadav, DEI, Agra, U.P., "Role of Luxurious Trains in Promotion of Tourism in India: A Study in Historical and Cultural Perspective". (Withdrawn)
77. Shivam Agnihotri, DEI, Agra, U.P., "An Empirical Study of Integrated Report-

ing Disclosure Practices in Selected Indian Banks".
78. Jay Singh, DEI, Agra, U.P., "Institutional Agriculture Finance in Uttar Pradesh: A Study of Agra District".
79. Meghana D.S., Kuvempu University, Shivamogga, Karnataka, "A Study on Personal Financial Management Practices among Workers of Unorganised Sector in Karnataka".
80. Thalhath P., CUTN, Coimbatore, T.N., "An Empirical Examination of Relationship among Emotional Aspects, Customer Devotion and Brand Devotion towards Global Fashion Brands". (Withdrawn)
81. Raouf Ahmad Khanday, University of Kashmir, Srinagar, J&K, "Assessing the Role of Political Skills on Relationship between Personality Traits and Leadership Effectiveness: An Empirical Study of Public Sector Undertakings".
82. Noopur, CUKG, Kalaburagi, Karnataka, "Aligning Financial Products with LifeCycle Financial Needs of Women".
83. Nitisha Bhandari, SU, Gangtok, Sikkim, "Assessment of E-Commerce Adoption by Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises of Sikkim". (Withdrawn)
84. Aryasree M., Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, "Financial Capability and Behavioural Performance: A Study among BPL Households in Kerala".
85. Ritu Pareek, VU, Midnapore, W.B., "Corporate Governance, Performance and Sustainability: A Study on Selected Indian Companies".
86. Shivangi Jaiswal, DEI, Agra, U.P., "Indian Strategy for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals: A Study with refer-



ence to Decent Work and Economic Growth".
87. Suchismita Ghosh, VU, Midnapore, W.B., "Environmental Pollution, Firms' Characteristics and Environmental Sustainability of Selected Indian Companies".
88. Kallem Saisudheer Reddy, OU, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Implications of GST on Pharma Industry".
89. Rajani, DEI, Agra, U.P., "An Analytical Study of Movement of Stock of Automobile Industry in National Stock Exchange since 2000".
90. Krati Agarwal, DEI, Agra, U.P., "Wellbeing and Public Expenditure: A Study of Indian Economy".
91. Tabish E. Waris, AMU, Aligarh, U.P., "An Appraisal of Green-Shoe Option in Select Indian Industries".
92. Archana Yadav, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, Rajasthan, "Women Empowerment in Panchayati Raj System: A Case Study of Jaipur District".
93. Khushboo, BBAU, Lucknow, U.P., "Globalisation and New Tourism: A Sociological Study of Wellness Tourism with special Focus on Yoga".
94. Suchismita Mohanty, RU, Cuttack, Odisha, "Women in Politics: A Study of Female PRI Functionaries in the District of Cuttack, Odisha".
95. Akanksha Singh, MGKV, Varanasi, U.P., "Health Status of Women in Rural Areas: A Sociological Study with special reference to Varanasi District".
96. Amit Kumar Tiwari, CUG, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, "Gandhi and Nationalism: A Study of British India".

97. SwatiRath,RU,Cuttack,Odisha,"Changing Approaches to Religion and the Impact of Godmen: A Study of Select Cults".
98. Manabendra Sarma, NEHU, Shillong, Meghalaya, "Interrogating Identity: A Sociological Study of Bodo Ethnicity".
99. Anna Zacharias, JNU, Delhi, "Nostalgia, Loss and Belonging: A Study of Cultural Identity among the Kerala Jews".
100. Pusham Azad Babu, JNU, Delhi, "Collective Violence and the Forging of Community Boundaries: A Study of the Relationship between Pangals and Meiteis of Manipur".
101. Prama, DU, Delhi, "The Fisherman of the Forest: A Socio-Anthropological Study of the Landscape in Deltaic Sundarbans in Bengal".
102. Neha Singh, MGKV, Varanasi, U.P. "okjk.klh egkuxj esa efgyk mRihM+u% ,d lekt'kkL=h; v/;;u".
103. Ankit Dhasmana, Panjab University, Chandigarh, "Work Conditions, Problems and Coping Strategies: A Study of Domestic Workers in Chandigarh".
104. Krishna Tripathi, JNU, Delhi, "Innovating the Energy Storage Systems for Adoption of E-mobility in Delhi: A Responsible Innovation Perspective".
105. Sujan Bhakat, TISS, Mumbai, Maharashtra, "Education of Tribes in Sociohistorical Perspective: A Comparative Study of Oraons and Santhals".
106. Ashish Kumar, CUH, Mahendergarh, Haryana, "Socio-cultural Condition of Across-region Brides: A Study of Selected Villages in Jhajjar District, Haryana".



107. Gurram V. Snigdha Raj, OU, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Vadderas: Genesis, Social History and Present Status".
108. Dasari Manjula, OU, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Caste Dynamics in Higher Education: Educational Aspirations and Educational Achievements".
109. Shreya Urvashi, TISS, Mumbai, Maharashtra, "University in A Democracy: The Development of Sociology in India".
110. Neetu Jalodiya, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore, M.P., "xzkeh.k {ks= dh [kkrh tkrh esa ySafxd HksnHkko dk lekt'kkL=h; v/;;u% e/;çns'k ds lhgksj ftys ds fo'ks"k lanHkZ esa".
111. Nidhi Srivastava, BHU, Varanasi, U.P., "Sociological Study on Online Shopping: Tracing Change in Buying Behaviour and Pattern of Consumption in Varanasi".
112. Arjun C.S., JNU, Delhi, "Caste Dynamics and Political Processes: A Study of Ezhava Community in Contemporary Kerala".
113. Pritam Biswal, NIT, Rourkela, Odisha, "Developing Employability Skills among the Tribal Youths in Mining-affected Districts of Odisha: A Framework on Capacity Building Sustainable Livelihood".
114. Nakka Padma, OU, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Social Beliefs, Herbalism and Traditional Healthcare Practices: A Sociological Study of Yadadri-Bhongiri District in Telangana State".
115. GurhansSingh,GNDU,Amritsar,Punjab, "Emerging Trends in Innovative Entrepreneurship in Agriculture: A Sociological Study of Punjab".
116. Mudasir Qadir, BBAU, Lucknow, U.P., "Men, Masculinity and Violence against

Women: A Sociological Study of Selected Districts of Jammu and Kashmir".
117. Priti Mishra, BHU, Varanasi, U.P., "Influences and Effects of Electronic Media on Adolescents with Parenting Styles".
118. Sandeep Kaur, Panjab University, Chandigarh, "Employment of Persons with Disabilities in Punjab: A Socio-legal Study of Barriers and Opportunities".
119. Chandani, MGKV, Varanasi, U.P., "eqlgj tkfr esa lkekftd :ikUrj.k% ,d lekt'kkL=h; v/;;u% fcgkj jkT; ds fo'ks"k lUnHkZ esa".
120. HinaKausar,JMI,Delhi,"ArmedConflict and Children: A Sociological Study of Orphanages in Kashmir".
121. Rashmi Raina, HNBGU, Srinagar, U.K., "Social Networking Sites and its Impact on Marital Relations with special reference to Jammu City".
122. Tabassum, University of Lucknow, Lucknow, U.P., "xzkeh.k mÙkj çns'k esa ySafxd vlekurk% fQjkstkckn tuin ds rhu xk¡oksa dk lekt'kkL=h; v/;;u". (Withdrawn)
Social Anthropology
123. Maitrayee Mitra, VBUS, Shantiniketan, W.B., "Knowledge, Attitude and Practice towards the Mother and Child Health Care during Pregnancy among the Pregnant Mothers of Kolkata, West Bengal, India".
124. Payal Kalra, Panjab University, Chandigarh, "Saadat Hasan Manto: Unpacking Representations and Echoes in the Contemporary Context".
Social Work
125. Saket Vats, CUTN, Coimbatore, T.N., "Substance (Drug) Abuse in BPOs in India".



126. Akhila K.P., CUK, Kasaragod, Kerala, "Efficacy of Psycho-social Interventions for Girl Survivors of Sexual Abuse".
127. Thaduru Surender, OU, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Impact of Innovative Technologies in Agriculture and Rural Transformations: A Critical Study".
128. Diston Kunjachan, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, "The Content and Context of Family Life Education in Vaikom".
129. Neeti Kushwaha, University of Lucknow, Lucknow, U.P., "Good Touch and Bad Touch: An Interventional Comparative Study to Assess the Level of Knowledge and Awareness among Primary School Students of Lucknow District".
130. Rajakomuraiah G., OU, Hyderabad, Telangana, "The Role of NGOs in Empowerment of Women: A Study in Jayashankar Bhupalpally District, Telangana".
131. Arshi Showkat, JMI, Delhi, "Matrimonial Violence in the Context of Kashmir's Protracted Conflict: Exploring the Survivor's Journey of Seeking Redressal within Private and Public Domain". (Withdrawn)
132. Narbat Narayan Tatyaba, TISS, Mumbai, Maharashtra, "Understanding the Relationship between Drought and Livelihood of Pastoral Nomadic Tribes: Study of Dhangar Community of Maan Block of Satara District, Maharashtra".
133. Geeta Rajashekhar Pattar, Kannada University, Hampi, Karnataka, "Educational Problems of Madiga Community Women in Rural Areas with reference to Yadagiri District".
134. Krishnakhi Choudhury, MU, Aizwal, Mizoram, "Agriculture Entrepreneur-

ship and Rural Development in Lower Brahmaputra Valley, Assam".
135. Veena Yellu, Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam, Tirupati, A.P., "Problems of Urban Street Vendors, Strategies for Providing Social Security and Livelihood Rights; A Study in Municipal Corporation of Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh". (Withdrawn)
136. Dundappa Y. Badlakkanvar, Karnatak University, Dharwad, Karanataka, "Knowledge and Attitude among Secondary School Children about Water and Sanitation: A Study in Dharwad District".
137. Garima Singh, Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur, U.P., "Benefits and Constraints faced by Women in Pradhan Mantri Mudra Scheme: An Empirical Study in Lucknow City".
Cultural Studies
138. Mahi S. Thavarathu, JNU, Delhi, "The Afro-Asian Representation in Contemporary Irish Literature: A Comparative Study of Select Irish and Afro-Asian Writings of 21st Century Irish Fiction and Non-fiction in English".
139. Neha Jain, JNU, Delhi, "Towards a Poetics of Precarity: Enracinerrance in Select Trans-cultural Writings of France and Quebec (1992-2017)".
140. Debasish Dey, VBUS, Shantiniketan, W.B., "Boat Building Tradition of Majuli Island, Assam: Historical and Ethnoarchaeological Study".
141. Nimra Rizvi, JNU, Delhi, "Articulating Power and Culture through Objects of Value: Awadh and the World c. 17401857".



142. Sudheesh A., JNU, Delhi, "Configuring the `Vernacular Artworld': Paradigms, Politics and Institutional Networks of Kerala".
143. Soorya P., University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, "An Archaeological Investigation of Megalithic Culture of Malappuram District, Kerala".
144. Qaisar Mohammad, University of Kashmir, Srinagar, J&K, "Sufi Tafasir in Classical Times: A Study of Sahl Tustari and Imam Qushairi".
145. Parul Singh, JNU, Delhi, "Ecology at Bay: Aesthetic Imaginings of Contemporary Delhi".
146. Krishna Mohan, MGAHV, Wardha, Maharashtra, "Analytical Study of the Text and the Performances of `Abhigyan-Shakuntalam' and `Romeo and Juliet'".
147. Ruchika Saini, Raj Rishi Bhartrihari Matsya University, Alwar, Rajasthan, "Purvi Rajasthan ke Sangrihalyon mein Pratibhimbit Lok Sanskriti ka Itihasik Adhayayan". (Withdrawn)
148. Santosh Kumar Mandal, CUHP, Kangra, H.P., "Bhartiya Bhashaon ke Upnyason mein Bharat Vibhajan ki Trasdi".
149. Neha Soman, BU, Coimbatore, T.N., "Survival, Co-existence and Humanitarianism: Representation of Race and its Implications on Cultural Evolution in the Select Israeli Narratives".
150. Kannan M., MKU, Madurai, T.N., "Traditional and Modern Water Management Practices in Folk Life".
151. Shaikh Jasmine Mohammadsalim, CUG, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, "Popular Fiction and Investigative Spaces: Selected Works of Arthur Conan Doyle, Agatha

Christie, Ian Fleming and Robert Ludlum".
152. Ankita Dutta, CUG, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, "Trans-Culturality and Trans-Mediality of the Asian Nama Traditions with special reference to Medieval India".
153. Deepna, JNU, Delhi, "Animal Symbolism and Representations in Early Tamilakkam, C. 3rd Century BCE - 9th Century CE".
154. Sambanagoudda Naregal, Kannada University, Hampi, Karnataka, "The Cultural Study of the Puravanthike Art with reference to Havrei District".
155. Satish Shivappayyanamath, Kannada University, Hampi, Karnataka, "Features of Secularisation in Mystic Literature with reference to Dharwad District". (Withdrawn)
Socio-Sanskrit Studies
156. Anasuya Moharana, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, "A Critical Edition of Tilaktika of Jayarama on Kavyaprakasa".
157. Himani, JNU, Delhi, "A Dialectical Study of the Vaisnavite Commentaries on Brahmasutra with special reference to the II Para of the II Adhyayan".
158. Jyoti Prasad Gairola, Sri Lal Bahadur Shastri Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, Delhi, "Puraneshavagatdevdevivigrahanamvastushastradrishtya Parishilnam".
159. Abirlal Gangopadhyay, UoH, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Therapeutic Effect of Indian Classical Music: A Svara based Approach to Mental Health".
160. Shweta Singh, Sampoornanand Sanskrit University, Varanasi, U.P. "Paaduka-



shahastram Syaalankar Shashtra Disha Samkishatamak Madhyanam".
Socio-Philosophical Studies
161. Shibin Joseph, JNU, Delhi, "ContextDependence of Metaphor Creation and Interpretation in John Searle and Donald Davidson".
Social Linguistics
162. Surybhan Rai, JNU, Delhi, "chloha lnh ds mÙkjknZ~/k dk fgUnh miU;kl vkSj iwokaZpy dk xzkeh.k thou% pqfuUnk miU;klksa ds lUnHkZ esa".
163. RamandeepKaur,PU,Patiala,Punjab,"Jh xq# xzUFk lkfgc esa vuqL;wr vkpkj&lafgrk dk fo'ys"k.k".
164. Shahnawaz Bhat, University of Kashmir, Srinagar, J&K, "Kashmiri Theatre and Linguistics".
165. Dharmendra Patel, MGAHV, Wardha, Maharashtra, "cqansyh vkSj fganh fØ;k inca/kksa dk O;frjsdh v/;;u".
166. MahadevBaliramKarde,BAMU,Aurangabad, Maharashtra, "fganh vkSj ejkBh dgkfu;ksa esa L=h foe'kZ% rqyukRed v/;;u ¼,,åå ls ,,åå rd dh dgkfu;ksa dsa fo'ks"k lUnHkZ esa)".
167. Pathan Asad Khan, BAMU, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, "vlxj otkgr dk ukV~î lkfgR;% laosnuk vkSj jaxf'kYi".
168. Prameela P.K., CUK, Kasaragod, Kerala, "A Comparative Study of the Lexicographic Structure of Gundert's Dictionary, Sabdathrvali and Malayalam Lexicon".
169. Ankush Jaywant Shelar, Punyaslok Ahilyadevi Holkar Solapur University, Solapur, Maharashtra, "Harish Naval Ka Vyang Sahitya: Ek Anushilan".

Gender Studies
170. Poushali Basak, TISS, Mumbai, Maharashtra, "Imagining the Different Way of Life: Exploring Autonomy, Friendship, Differences, Affect in Feminist Collectives and Movements in India since 1980s".
171. Sonam Singh, JNU, Delhi, "Early Heroic Raso Poetry and Life of Women in special context of Khumman Raso and Prithviraj Raso".
172. Shweta Shandilya, JNU, Delhi, "Prostitute's Life in Hindi Novels (20002015)".
173. Mohammed Imran, UTKU, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, "Determinants of DropOut among Muslim Girls in Secondary Education: A Study in Rural Odisha".
174. MenkaRai,JNU,Delhi,"Representations of Women in the Mahapuranas through the Lens of Family, Caste and Class, C. 3rd to 8th Centuries".
175. Kalpana R., Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore, T.N., "Domestic Violence and Women Empowerment among Low Income Communities in Coimbatore City".
Health Studies
176. Sneha Smita Bora, JNU, Delhi, "Traditional Healing Practices and Utilization of Health Care Services: A Study among the Mishings of Majuli Island".
177. Naveen Kumar, DU, Delhi, "Organ Transplantation: An Anthropological Perspective".
178. HasratDhanjal,PanjabUniversity,Chandigarh, "Psychological Correlates of Health Related Quality of Life among Adolescents with Beta Thalassemia Major".



179. Anurag Chaurasia, DHSGU, Sagar, M.P., "Impact of Natural Disaster (Flood) on Fetal Programming and Child Growth among Himalayan Population of Uttrakhand".
180. Sara Huq, University of Lucknow, Lucknow, U.P., "The Anthropo Therapy and Traditional Medicine: An Anthropological Study among the Tharus of Uttar Pradesh".
181. Sohini Sinha, DU, Delhi, "An Anthropological Understanding of the Dynamics of Depression among Women during their Post-partum Period". (Withdrawn)
182. Nibedita Roy, JNU, Delhi, "Lived Experience of Female Sex-workers in Sonagachi, Kolkata: A Study of their Wellbeing".
183. G. Subha Sree, CUKG, Kasaragod, Kerala, "Self-efficacy and its Relation with Coping Style: Role of Stress Mindset".
184. Sabhya Juneja, DU, Delhi, "Mobile Based ICTs and Primary Health System of India: A Case of ReMiND Project Uttar Pradesh".
185. RashmiSingh,BHU,Varanasi,U.P."Effective Communication Strategy: A Key to Facilitate Reproductive Child Health Programme".
Political Science
186. Sujeet Kumar Sharma, JNU, Delhi, "Kazakhstan's Foreign Policy and its Impact on Relations with India, 20022018".
187. Lijitha T. Thampy, CUK, Kasaragod, Kerala, "Tradition and Modernity in Kerala: The Impact of Social Reform Movements".

188. Shraddha Mishra, Lucknow University, Lucknow, U.P., "cgqlaL--frokn% çksQslj Hkh[kw ikjs[k ds jktuhfrd fparu ds fo'ks"k lanHkZ esa".
189. Tahir Rashid Bhat, University of Kashmir, Srinagar, J&K, "Employing SoftPower Strategy: A Study of Post-9/11 Indian Policy Engagement in Afghanistan".
190. Naveen Singh, ALU, Prayagraj, U.P., "Hind Mahasagar mein Bharat Amerika Sambandh: Cheen ke Badhate Prabhav ke Vishesh Sandarbh mein".
191. Kamini Sharma, JNU, Delhi, "Community, Urban Politics and Exclusion: A Case Study of Trilokpuri in Delhi".
192. Aashish Kumar Shukla, DU, Delhi, "Political Mobilization by Cultural Organizations: A Study of Changing Nature of Electoral Politics in Post-Independence India".
193. Elangbam Ashakiran Chanu, JNU, Delhi, "Group Accommodation and Federalism: A Case Study of Autonomous District Councils in Manipur Tribal Areas (Ukhrul and Churachamdpur Districts)".
194. Aman Agrawal, University of Lucknow, Lucknow, U.P., "Hindu Rastravadi Vichardhara evam V.D. Savarkar ka Yogdan".
195. Gaurav Kumar Mishra, BHU, Varanasi, U.P. "India's Foreign Policy towards Nepal under NDA Regimes".
196. Shweta Srivastava, GBPSSI, Jhusi, U.P., "Caste, Religion and Contentious Marriages: A Study of Inter-caste and Inter-religious Marriages in Prayagraj District".
197. Tarushi Pandey, ALU, Prayagraj, U.P., "Role of Indian Judiciary in Promotion and Protection of Human Rights in the 21st Century".



198. Kuver Pranjal Singh, DU, Delhi, "Rajneetik Itihasbodh tatha Smriti: Azamgargh tatha Ballia ke Vishesh Sandarbh mein Bharat Chhoro Andolan ka Ek Adhyayan".
199. Waseem Ahmad, JMI, Delhi, "India's Soft-Power Diplomacy with special reference to the GCC Countries".
200. PriyankaNeog,JNU,Delhi,"ChildRights Protection in India: A Study of Tea Plantations in Assam, 1990-2020".
201. Rajesh Kumar Raman, ALU, Prayagraj, U.P., "21vi Sadi mein Panchayati Raj ka Vikas evam Prabhav: Bihar Rajya ke Vishesh Sandarbh mein".
202. Sadia Hussain, JMI, Delhi, "The Impact of Women Representatives on Public Policy: A Study of Indian Parliament (2009-2019)".
203. Sunil Kumar Verma, HNBGU, Srinagar, U.K., "Public Distribution System and Food Security in India: A Study with special reference to Bahraich District of Uttar Pradesh".
204. Drishty Mukherjee, BHU, Varanasi, U.P. "Impact of Migration on Education and Well-being of Children of Migrant Workers: A Case Study of Varanasi".
205. Barnali Kalita, Krishna Kanta Handiqui State Open University, Guwahati, Assam, "Implementation of National Rural Livelihood Mission in Alleviating Poverty in Assam: A Study".
206. Pournamy, JNU, Delhi, "Policy Shifts in School Education Sector in Kerala: A Study of `Uneconomic Schools' since 2000".
207. Subhadra Maharana, IGNTU, Amarkantak, M.P., "Neo-liberal India and Gender Equality: A Study of Metropolitan Areas in Central India".

Public Administration
208. Prayaga, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, "Role of Police in Disaster Management: A Study of Kerala".
209. Afreen Gani Faridi, JNU, Delhi, "Constituting Informality of Work: A Comparative Study of Select Himalayan Tribes".
210. Rajender Kumar, HPU, Shimla, Kangra, H.P., "Building Disaster Resilience in Tribal Areas in Himachal Pradesh".
211. M. Srishailam, Kakatiya University, Warangal, A.P., "Impact of Training and Development Programmes on Indian Railways: A Case Study".
212. Sruthi Vijayakrishnan, CUK, Kasaragod, Kerala, "Women Participation in IT Sector: A Study of Kerala".
213. Oraganti Yellaiah, Kakatiya University, Warangal, A.P., "Solid Waste Management in Telangana State: A Study on Sanitary Workers of Karimnagar Municipal Corporation".
214. Prasad Thotapally, OU, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Deprivation of Right to Education: A Study on Girls Education in Telangana State with special reference to Nalgonda District".
215. Khullakpham Ruqaiya, JNU, Delhi, "Democratic Governance and Development: A Study of the Panchayati Raj Institutions and Autonomous District Councils in Manipur".
International Studies
216. Abhishank Mishra, JNU, Delhi, "India and the Asia-Pacific: A Theoretical Re-appraisal of the Strategic and Economic Order".



217. Rishi Gupta, JNU, Delhi, "Evolution of Nepal's Security Policy: Factors and Challenges, 1990-2016".
218. Tribedi Chutia, JNU, Delhi, "State Discourse on Terrorism in Russia and India: A Comparative Study, 20012018".
219. Piyush Ranjan Jha, JNU, Delhi, "Trade Unions and its Role in Politics and Labour Welfare in Mauritius,1968-2017".
220. Somanath Sahoo, JNU, Delhi, "China's Tibet Policy and its Impact on India, 1979-2018".
221. Rohit Kumar Sharma, JNU, Delhi, "Yemen Crisis since 2011: Role of Saudi Arabia".
222. Thabira Meher, JNU, Delhi, "Women's Security in the context of Globalisation: Central Asian and Indian Experiences, 1991-2017".
223. Syed Kumail Sajjad, AMU, Aligarh, U.P., "Economic Diversification in West Asia and its Impact on India's Trade".
224. Gargee Sahoo, JNU, Delhi, "Changing Nature of Women's Movement in Tunisia, 1987-2011".
225. Yasir Ali Mirza, JNU, Delhi, "Role of Iran in Post-Saddam Iraq: Political and Ideological Dimensions".
226. Lokesh Kumar, DU, Delhi, "India's Foreign Policy towards Horn of Africa since 1990s".
227. Renu Kumari, JNU, Delhi, "United Nations Peace Operations and Protection of Civilians: A Case Study of Mali".
228. Amresh Kumar Gauda, JNU, Delhi, "Separation of Powers and Political Institutions in Russia, 1993 - 2017".

229. Gitanjali Barik, JNU, Delhi, "Environmental Degradation and its Impact on Socio-cultural Development in South Caucasia, 2000-2016".
230. Shreejita Biswas, JNU, Delhi, "Evolution of Humanitarian Intervention India's Policy: A Study of Norm Localization".
231. Ashutosh Mukund Pandey, CUG, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, "Impact of Media on Foreign Policy Decision-making: A Study of Mass Media in India".
232. Nawnit Kumar, JNU, Delhi, "South Korea's Public Diplomacy towards India: Korean `Cultural Wave' as a New Variable".
233. Kshipra Vasudeo, JNU, Delhi, "IndiaChina Competition in the Indian Ocean: Implications for Coastal Countries of Africa, 2000-2019".
234. Shrabana, JNU, Delhi, "Infrastructure Diplomacy as a Tool for Regional Influence by China and India: A Case Study of Myanmar".
235. AshaMaryMathew,JNU,Delhi,"Hispanics and Asian-Americans in the Presidential Electoral Politics of the Sun-Belt Region of the US (2000-2012)".
Diaspora Studies
236. Anshuman Rana, CUG, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, "Cultural Cartography of `Spiritual Landscape': A Case Study of Lifestyle Migrants in Varanasi City".
237. Sumit Kumar, CUG, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, "Britain ke Hindi Diaspora Lekhan ka Anushilan: Katha Sahitya ke Vishesh Sandarbh mein".



National Security and Strategic Studies
238. Vipin Kumar, CCSU, Meerut, U.P., "ns'k dh vkarfjd lqj{kk esa lks'ky ehfM;k dh Hkwfedk% ftyk&eqt¶Qjuxj esa gqbZ fgalk] naxk ,oa vkj{k.k vkanksyu dk ,d fo'ys"k.kkRed v/;;u".
239. Manisha, CUG, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, "A Study of Militant Network in Afghanistan: 2009-2019". (Withdrawn)
240. Komal, CUG, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, "Understanding the Discourse on Radicalization: An Analysis of India's Counter-Terrorism Strategy".
241. G. Satheesh Kumar, MKU, Madurai, T.N., "Effects of Battle Rope Training and Resistance Band Exercise on Selected Physical, Physiological and Skill Performance Variables among School Level Badminton Players".
242. Shiney Vashisht, JMI, Delhi, "A Study of Educational Status, Government Provisions and Aspirations of De-notified Communities".
243. Gayathri Belram, University of Mysore, Mysuru, Karnataka, "Effect of Doodling on Recall Ability among Students".
244. Roli Gupta, CUG, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, "An Analysis of Needs and Problems on Various Rehabilitation Programme of Girls with Juvenile Delinquency".
245. Km. Pooja Saini, C.C.S. University, Meerut, U.P., "Lukrd Lrj ij vkoklh; egkfo|ky;ksa esa v/;;ujr~ fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds ekufld LokLF;] /kkj.k {kerk] lek;kstu Lrj ,oa 'kSf{kd miyfC/k ij ;ksx ds çHkko dk v/;;u".
246. Richa Rana, JNU, Delhi, "Caste, Class and Achievement Motivation: A Study of Challenges and Coping Strategies among Women Research Scholars in Two Universities".

247. Mohna Bhaisora, JNU, Delhi, "Role of Social Identity in Classroom Interactions and Student Engagement: A Study of Middle School Children in Delhi".
248. Sunil Kumar Tomar, CCSU, Meerut, U.P., "ch0,M0 dh ijh{kk&ç.kkyh dk ç'u&i=ksa dh xq.koÙkk ,oa ijh{kd vkUrfjd çlj.k dk vadu dh oLrqfu"Brk ds ifjçs{; esa fo'ys"k.kkRed v/;;u".
249. Ranjan Kumar Singh, CUSB, Gaya, Bihar, "Development of Self-instructional Module on Creative Environmental Awareness for Secondary School Students".
250. Kounsar Jabeen, AMU, Aligarh, U.P., "Impact of Teacher Freezing, Job Satisfaction and Spiritual Intelligence on Teaching Effectiveness of Secondary School Teachers".
251. Vipin Teotia, CCSU, Meerut, U.P., "nwjLFk ,oa ijaijkxr f'k{kk laLFkkuksa esa Lukrd Lrj ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh v/;;u&vknrksa] thou&dkS'ky ,oa 'kSf{kd vfHko`fÙk dk rqyukRed v/;;u".
252. Kathryn Rai, Tezpur University, Tezpur, Assam, "A Study on Brain Hemispheric Dominance, Metacognitive Awareness and Perceptual Learning Style Preferences of Senior Secondary School Students in relation to their Academic Achievement in Biology".
253. Aasiya Mudasir, AMU, Aligarh, U.P., "A Critical Study of Educational Philosophies of Maulana Jalal-U-Din-Rumi and Dr. Sir Mohammad Iqbal and its Relevance to the Contemporary World". (Withdrawn)
254. Sukanya Menon, JNU, Delhi, "Negotiation of Knowledge within a Story Pedagogy: An Ethnographic Study of Pedagogic Recontextualization in Classrooms".



255. Vimy V. Vijayan, University of Calicut, Malappuram, Kerala, "Intellectual Giftedness: An Exploratory Study on Cognitive and Psycho-social Domains".
256. M. Rani Kiran Priya, Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, Chennai, T.N., "A Study on Social Media Induced Anxiety, Stress and Related Psychological Problems Influencing Decision Making Ability and Academic Achievement in Under-graduate Students".
257. Aakriti Singh, CUHP, Kangra, H.P., "Awareness and Attitude of Teachers in Higher Education Institutions towards Open Educational Resources and their Utilisation Effects on their Professional Competency".
258. Pranavi, Sri Padamavti Mahila Visvavidyalayam, Tirupati, A.P., "Effect of Closed and Open Kinetic Chain Weight Training and Plyometric Training in Combination on Explosive Strength, Stride Length, Stride Frequency and Acceleration Ability of Sprinters in Rayalaseema Region".
259. Appaji Korikana, UoH, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Indigenous Interventions of Teaching for Enhancing Academic Achievement of Under-Achievers". (Withdrawn)
260. Shaila B.I., AMU, Aligarh, U.P., "A Study of the Gifted Students in relation to their Vocational Aspiration, Self-concept and Socio-economic Status at Senior Secondary School Stage". (Withdrawn)
261. Amit Shanker, Central University of South Bihar (CUSB), Gaya, Bihar, "Impact of Assistive Technology for Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities".
262. Khurshid Ahmad Bhat, CUK(KU), Kashmir, J&K, "Academic Achievement in

relation to Adjustment, Academic Anxiety and Self efficacy of Higher Secondary School Students".
263. Urvashi Jagota, Panjab University, Chandigarh, "Inclusive Education: Infrastructure in Schools, Teachers' Preparedness, Parental Perspective and Peer Acceptance".
Social Psychology
264. Anukampa Sharma, Gujarat Forensic Sciences University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, "Effects of Confabulation, Misinformation and Emotional Response in Memory Consolidation Process: A Forensic Electro-physiological Investigation".
265. Sreelekha N., Pondicherry University, Puducherry, "Role of Loneliness and Neglect on Psychological Well-being among Elderly in Kerala: Intervening Effect of Death Anxiety, Nature Involvement and Resilience". (Withdrawn).
266. Anavila Lochan, DU, Delhi, "Children's Interpretive Reproductions of the Adult World: A Critical Perspective".
267. Ishita Singh, Thapar University, Patiala, Punjab, "Determinants of Dark-Triad and its Impact on Children's Academic and Behavioural Outcomes".
268. Kaveri Gupta, JMI, Delhi, "Exploring the Dynamics of Academic Leadership".
269. Shivani Mishra, ALU, Prayagraj, U.P., "Factors Affecting De-escalation of Inter-group Conflict".
270. Mahesh Kumar Tiwari, BHU, Varanasi, U.P. "Role of Triguna in Understanding the Construct of Mental Health and Decision Making among Working and Non-working Women". (Withdrawn)



271. Kumar Ujwal, DU, Delhi, "Psycho-social Influences on the Experiences and Responses to Inter-Group Bias".
272. Ion Sharma, DU, Delhi, "Psycho-social Determinants of Political Ideologies".
273. Akhilesh Singh, CUKG, Kalaburagi, Karnataka, "Tele-pressure and Organisational Effectiveness: Role of Cultural and Situational Determinants".
274. Athira Aneesh E.K., Pondicherry University, Puducherry, "Psychological Wellbeing of Students with Single Parent: Examining Some Contributors and Intervening Variables". (Withdrawn)
275. Akancha Pandey, DDUGU, Gorakhpur, U.P., "Relationship of Distress, Psychological Immunity and Coping with Premenstrual Syndrome and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome".
276. Apoorva Adhikari, JMI, Delhi, "Posttraumatic Growth among the Female Victims of Sexual Violence".
277. Zaira Seraj Khan, AMU, Aligarh, U.P., "Autonomic Nervous System as a Function of Emotion Regulation and Selfconsciousness among Single Women".
278. Govind Singh, ALU, Prayagraj, U.P., "Time Perspectives and Well-being of Youth".
279. Shilpa Siby, BU, Coimbatore, T.N., "Uplifting the Socially-challenged Adolescent Students: Efficacy of Multimodal Therapy on Delinquency Proneness, Metacognition, Emotional and Social Competence".
280. Naila Firdous, AMU, Aligarh, U.P., "Parenting Style as Determinant of Emotional Intelligence and Self-efficacy of Adolescents".
281. Mizaj K.V., JNU, Delhi, "Resilience as a Developmental Process in the Matrilineal Community in Kerala: A Phenom-

enological Inquiry amongst Mappila Women".
282. Bijeta Mishra, NIT, Rourkela, Odisha, "Effects of Social Isolation on Psychological Well-being of the Aged: An Intervention Study".
283. S. Umamaheshwari, Karnatak University, Dharwad, Karanataka, "Dietary Self-regulation, Exercise Adherence and Life Style of Diabetic and Non-Diabetic Adults".
Social Geography
284. Vignesh Kumar S., TNAU, Coimbatore, T.N., "Study on Management of Water Scarcity using Integrated Approaches in Drylands of Tamil Nadu". (Withdrawn)
285. Ishita Manna, JNU, Delhi, "Reconstructing Glacial Phases and Palaeo-environment in a Part of the Upper Beas Basin, Himachal Pradesh".
286. Manash Jyoti Bhuyan, GAU, Guwahati, Assam, "Ecology and Livelihoods in the Villages of the Brahmaputra Valley, Assam: Interactions, Transformations and Sustainability". (Withdrawn)
287. Prakash, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, T.N., "A Study on Urban Dynamics of Tiruchirappalli and its Sub-tier Towns and the Implications for Urban Planning Using Geospatial Technology".
288. Mohammad Danish, AMU, Aligarh, U.P., "Role of MGNREGA (Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act) in Alleviating Rural Poverty in Azamgarh District, Uttar Pradesh".
289. Arabinda Roy, Raiganj University, Raiganj, W.B., "Social Well-being of Namasudra Community in Dakshin Dinajpur District, West Bengal: A Study in Social Geography".



290. Kundan Kunwar Chouhan, MSU, Udaipur, Rajasthan, "Solid Waste Management of Udaipur City".
291. Mohini Jadon, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore, M.P., "A Study of Solid Waste Management of Indore City: Present Practices and Future Challenges with special reference to Bio-Medical Waste".
292. Rajiv Kumar, JNU, Delhi, "Immigration Policy and Employment Condition in United Arab Emirates: A Case Study of Indian Labour".
293. Rajee R., MKU, Madurai, T.N., "Influence of Global Climatic Drivers on Regional Climatic Variability with Emphasis on Drought over Southern Agro-climatic Zone of Tamil Nadu: A GIS Approach".
294. Soma Sarkar, TISS, Mumbai, Maharashtra, "Exploring Urban Water Crisis and Governance Mechanisms in Western Himalayan Cities in India". (Withdrawn)
295. Ishita Afreen Ahmed, JMI, Delhi, "Impact Assessment of Flood under Climate Change Scenario: A Study of Urban Watershed, Guwahati, Assam".
296. Mirza Razi Imam Baig, JMI, Delhi, "Climate Change and Coastal Vulnerability Assessment in the Coastal Andhra Pradesh".
297. Ankita Srivastava, JNU, Delhi, "National and Sub-national Projections of Aging in India: A Probabilistic Approach".
298. Sandeep Kumar, C.C.S University, Meerut, U.P., "ckxir dLck ¼mÙkj çns'k½ dk uxjh; çlkj ,oa dk;kZRed vkdkfjdh dk HkkSxksfyd ifjçs{; esa ,d v/;;u". (Withdrawn)
299. Kundan Kishor, BHU, Varanasi, U.P., "A Study of Salient Demographic Characteristics of Nalanda District, Bihar".

Environmental Studies
300. Ramoji Rao Jogi, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, A.P., "Geo-spatial Assessment of Industrial Effluents and its Impact on Bio-diversity". (Withdrawn)
301. Mousumi Roy, Diamond Harbour Women's University, Sarisha, W.B., "Geomorphological Study of the Sobha River Basin of Chotanagpur Plateau, India: A Step towards Better Management of Land and Water". (Withdrawn)
302. AneesahRahaman,UniversityofMadras, Chennai, T.N., "A Study on the Evaluation of Landslide Susceptibility Zonation Mapping of Gangtok Block, East Sikkim, Sikkim".
303. Anwesha Mohanty, BITS, Pilani, Rajasthan, "Integrating Women's Knowledge into Environmental Governance".
304. Sharanya Chattopadhyay, TISS, Mumbai, Maharashtra, "Understanding Ecosystem Services, Rural Livelihood and Policy Implications: A Study of Sundarbans Delta Region of India".
305. Nahida Yousuf, Kashmir University, Srinagar, J&K, "Impact of Water Scarcity on Rural Development of North Kashmir, India".
306. Manimozhi R., Anna University, Chennai, T.N., "Vulnerability Assessment through the Lens of Climate Change: An Integrated Approach". (Withdrawn)
307. Jahangeer Quadar, GNDU, Amritsar, Punjab, "Occupational Health Problems among Door-to-Door Solid Waste Handlers in Amritsar City, Punjab".
308. Kirti Sharma, Dr. Y S Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Solan, H.P., "Appraisal of Groundwater Quality in



Semi-arid Region of Southwest Punjab: An Integrated Hydro-Geochemical and Health-risk Assessment Approach".
Legal Studies
309. Dwivedi Ruchi, BHU, Varanasi, U.P., "Investment Arbitration: International and National Perspectives".
310. Vandini Sharma, Symbiosis International, Pune, Maharashtra, "A Critical Analysis of Fake Police Encounters in India with special reference to Human Rights and Rule of Law".
311. Neelam Upadhyay, BHU, Varanasi, U.P., "Early Childhood Care and Education: National and International Perspective".
312. Sovindra Kumar Tyagi, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut, U.P., "The Law and the Policy on the Issue of Rape: A Socio-legal Study in Present Perspective".
313. Himani Bisht, HNBGU, Srinagar, U.K., "The Emerging Menace of Revenge Pornography: Legal Perspective and Challenges".
314. Divya Dwivedi, DRMLNLU, Lucknow, U.P., "Data Privacy and Public Service Delivery in India: A Critical Legal Study".
315. Gurpal Singh, PU, Patiala, Punjab, "Law Relating to the Settlement of InterCountry River Water Disputes in South Asian Countries".
316. Himanshi Babbar, National Law University, Nagpur, "Compensatory Framework in Land Acquisition: Issues and Challenges". (Withdrawn)
317. Preeti Singh, DRMLNLU, Lucknow, U.P., "Interface between Competition

Commission of India (CCI) and Sectoral Regulators: A Critical Analysis".
318. Matam Siva Linga Murthy, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, A.P., "The Efficacy of Public Health Care Systems in the Promotion of Right to Health: A Case Study of Visakhapatnam".
319. Anju Sharma, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana, "Law Relating to Human Trafficking: National and International Perspective".
Modern Social History
320. Ramandeep Kaur, PU, Patiala, Punjab, "Vernacular Press in British Punjab; A Case Study of Khalsa Advocate (19031947)".
321. Chandrakala Rai, Rani Durgavati University, Jabalpur, M.P., ",sfrgkfld uxjh dk'kh ds çeq[k ?kkVksa dk ,sfrgkfld vkSj lkaL--frd egRo".
322. Biresh Chaudhuri, DU, Delhi, "From Nationalist Fervour to Communal Discord: A Study of Social, Political and Cultural Transformation in Lahore 1913-1947".
323. Zameerah Yusuf, University of Kashmir, Kashmir, J&K, "History in Vernacular: A Study of Progressive Kashmiri Poetry".
324. Nidhi Mishra, JNU, Delhi, "Caste Violence in Central Bihar (1970-2000)".
325. Vanita Devgonda Patil, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, "Agricultural Policies of Maharashtra Government and Southern Maharashtra (19602010): A Critical Study".
326. Prashant Kumar Singh, JNU, Delhi, "A Social History of the Indian Academy of Sciences: Fellows, Disciplines and Research Programmes".



327. Maibam Nilakanta Singh, JNU, Delhi, "Interrogating Manipur's Past: The Idea of Manipur in the Writings of Atom Bapu, Naoria Phulo and Hijam Irabot".
328. Munaza Fayaz, Kashmir University, Srinagar, J&K, "Rise and Decline of Buddhism in Kashmir: An ArchaeoHistorical Approach".
329. Srishti Malik, HNBGU, Srinagar, U.K., "The Role of Women in Environmental Conservation in Uttarakhand (1970 2015)".
330. Anas Ali, JNU, Delhi, "Games and Physical Culture: A Social History of Modern Sports in Colonial and Post-colonial Kerala, 1900-1970".
331. Shaikh Ismile Mehbub, BAMU, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, "A Historical Review of the Social and Economic Conditions in the Nizam Rule with special reference to Marathwada from 1858 to 1948".
332. Muzafar Ahmad Dar, JNU, Delhi, "Popular Resistance to Authoritarian Rule: Role of Political Leadership in Jammu (1930-1947)".
333. Satarupa Lahiri, JNU, Delhi, "Between Duty and Dilemma: Medical Personnel of the Indian Army in World War II". (Withdrawn)
334. AnishaDeswal,JNU,Delhi,"WorldWars, Remembrances and Strategies in the Empire: India and Britain (1914-2018)".
335. Punita Kapoor, JNU, Delhi, "Visions of Imperial, National and the Global in Arts and Heritage in India: Exhibitions and Museums from 1851 to 1960s".
336. Preethi Ayyalusamy, TISS, Mumbai, Maharashtra, "Colonial State, Women's Crime and Punishment: 1862-1912".

337. Shreejita Basak, JNU, Delhi, "Urban Servants in Mughal India: Labour, Status, Remuneration".
338. Swati Goel, JNU, Delhi, "The Development of the Region of Braj: Bhakti Sects, Political Groups and the Merchants (16th to mid-18th Century)".
Media Studies
339. Anupam Kumar Rai, MGAHV, Wardha, Maharashtra, "fganh i=dkfjrk esa jk"Vªn'kZu% foe'kZ ,oa foospuk".
340. Sandeep Kumar Dubey, MGAHV, Wardha, Maharashtra, "dyk flusek esa thou dk ;FkkFkZ".
341. Ranjith E.V., IGNOU, Delhi, "Media and Health Awareness in Attappady Tribal Development Block".
342. Aruna K.C., IGNOU, Delhi, "Health Communication for Social Change: A Case Study on Communication Strategy of Asha Workers".
343. Poorva Dashora, Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agriculture University, Bikaner, Rajasthan, "Utilization Behaviour of Krishi Vigyan Kendra Scientists of Rajasthan on Information Communication Technology Tools".
344. Sudha Verma, MGAHV, Wardha, Maharashtra, "Study on Role of Opinion Leader in Health Communication with special reference to Mitanin Health Workers of Chhattisgarh". (Withdrawn)
345. Basanti Shahu, IGNTU, Amarkantak, M.P., "Impact of Communication Technology on De-notified Tribes: An Ethnographic Study in Nagaur District of Rajasthan".
346. Chandani Kumari, MGAHV, Wardha, Maharashtra, "caxh; fganh i=dkfjrk esa ÞnSfud fo'ofe=ß dh Hkwfedk".



Library Science
347. Sagender Singh Parmar, CUG, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, "Open Educational Resources in Indian Public Schools: An Investigative Study".
348. Shweta Gupta, BHU, Varanasi, U.P. "Impact of E-Learning and Online Information Resources on Students Learning Outcome, Academic Performance and Creativity".
Waitlisted Candidates Awarded Fellowship (General Category)
1. Thokchom Omena, Manipur University, Imphal, Manipur, "Livestock Economy in Manipur: Potentials and Challenges".
2. Mirza Nazrana Beg, CUK(KU), Srinagar, J&K, "Gender Differences in Household Education Expenditure: A Study of Kashmir Valley".
3. Aquib Parvez, UoH, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Educational Performance Gaps within Indian (United Andhra Pradesh) Children: What, How and Why with respect to Various Characteristics".
4. Anjali Singh, BBAU, Lucknow, U.P., "An Economic Analysis of Investment and Marketing Efficiency of Jaggery Industry in UP with special reference to Ayodhya District".
5. Harishankar K., TNAU, Coimbatore, T.N., "Interventions for Enhancing Farm Income in Sorghum-Dairy-based Farming System in Tamil Nadu: A System Dynamics Modelling Approach".
6. Brahmacharimayum Poojalaxmi, Manipur University, Imphal, Manipur, "Socioeconomic Conditions of Women Weavers in Manipur: A Study of Valley Districts".

7. Arpit Huria, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, U.K., "A Study on Stubble Burning Behaviour of Farmers in Northern India".
8. Anshu Kumari, JNU, Delhi, "RussiaIndia Trade and Investment Strategy: Hydro-carbon and Nuclear Energy, 2000-2018".
9. Preksha Dassani, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, A.P., "A Study on Behavioural Finance on Retail Investors" Decision".
10. Damini Baloria, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab, "Understanding Homosexuality after Decriminalized Act: A Sociological Prognosis".
11. Abhishek Kumar Rai, MGAHV, Wardha, Maharashtra, Lo;alsoh {ks= ds mHkjrs gLr{ksih; e,My ,oa mldh laHkkouk,a% fonHkZ ds --f"k {ks= dk ,d v/;;u".
12. Joby M. Abraham, BU, Coimbatore, T.N., "A Study on the Social Exclusion Experienced by Migrant Workers in Kerala".
13. Rupali, JNU, Delhi, "The Self through a Graphic Lens: The Personal and the Political in Contemporary Graphic Memoirs by Women".
14. Vivek Mamgain, HNBGU, Srinagar, U.K., "Adhunika Mahakavya Shri Gwalldev Charitam Mahakvya Ka Shastriya Paryalochan".
15. Yudhister Kumar, CCSU, Meerut, U.P., "dkSjoh yksdxhrksa esa yksd thou".
16. Sumit Chauhan, CUHP, Shimla, H.P., "Effect of Smartphone Usage and Nomophobia on Mental Health of Prospective Teachers".



17. Suraj Pandey, MGAHV, Wardha, Maharashtra, "lkekftd&lkaL--frd ifjorZu ds ifjçs{; esa xzkeh.k fd'kksjksa dh 'kSf{kd&O;kolkf;d vkdka{kk,a ,oa layXurk,a".
18. Athullya S. Nair, Amity University, Gurgaon, Haryana, "Mental Health in Adolescent Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse: An Experimental Research with Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy (REBT)".
19. Rishabh Jaiswal, DDUGU, Gorakhpur, U.P., "Effect of Stereotype Threat and Self Esteem on Retrieval from Memory Stores".
20. Shama Rahman, AMU, Aligarh, U.P., "Emotional Maturity, Self-concept and Inferiority Complex as Predictors of Psychological Well-being: A Study of Vitiligo Patients".
21. Swedhaa Shanmathi V., BU, Coimbatore, T.N., "Enhancing Pro-environmental Behaviour through Mindfulness, Digital Story Telling and Pro-behaviour Modeling among Adolescence for Environmental Sustainability: An Experimental Design Study".
22. Spoorti Kallur, UAS, Dharwad, Karnataka, "Impact of Noise Pollution in Textile Industries and Measures to Combat its Effects on Health of the Workers."
23. Suruchi Kumari, JNU, Delhi, "Sociospatial Dimensions of Industrial Townships in India: Study of Manesar and Greater Noida, 1990-2018."
24. Apeksha Agarwal, HNBGU, Srinagar, U.K., "Vulnerability Assessment of Slums: A Study in Dehradun City of Garhwal Region".

25. Rabbya Ul Qalab, University of Kashmir, Srinagar, J&K, "Assessment of Urban Growth along National Highways and its Geo-environmental Implications: A Study of South Kashmir".
26. Prashant Ankush Ghadage, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri, Maharashtra, "Impact of National Innovations on Climate Resilient Agriculture Project on Beneficiaries in Western Maharashtra".
27. Kosaraju Suman Krishna, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, A.P., "An Assessment of Agri-insurance Policy Enforcement in Andhra Pradesh: A Socio-legal Study with special reference to Guntur District".
28. Chandrasheel Pandey, MGKV, Varanasi, U.P., "iqjk.kksa esa lapkj% ,d v/;;u ¼Jhfyax egkiqjk.k] JheRL; egkiqjk.k] Jhfo".kq iqjk.k o Jhokeu iqjk.k ij vk/kkfjr fo'ys"k.k".
29. Liza Shoor, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, "Online Impulse Buying: A Study of its Extent, Factors and Comparison with in Store Impulse Buying".
30. Lipika Sarmah, University of Science and Technology, Baridua, Meghalaya, "A Study on Women Reproductive Rights in Char Areas of Morigaon District, Assam".
31. Dolly Purohit, JNU, Delhi, "Marathas and the Naval Supremacy on the Western Coast: Ocean, Power and Sovereignty in the 17th-18th Century".
32. Aprajita Pathak, BHU, Varanasi, U.P., "A Study on the Status of Women's Health in State of Bihar: Looking into the Need of Communication."



Scheduled Caste Category
349. Rohini Ashok Vilhekar, CUK (KU), Rahuri, "Impact Analysis of Investment on Citrus Research and Extension of University Released Varieties."
350. Sumit, CUK(KU), Srinagar, J&K, "Social Inclusion and Economic Well-being of Agricultural Labourers: A Study of Rural Haryana."
351. Chandrashekhar Kallappa Madar, Karnatak University, Dharwad, Karanataka, "An Economic Analysis of Sunflower Cultivation in Karnataka: A Case Study of Bagalkote District." (Withdrawn)
352. Duragesh Pujari, Karnatak University, Dharwad, Karanataka, "Public Debt Management and Fiscal Discipline in India: Approaches, Challenges and Ways Forward."
353. G. Kokila, ANNAU, Annamalai Nagar, T.N., "Economic Efficiency of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in Climate Change Adaptation in Different Irrigation Systems of Tamil Nadu."
354. Partha C.N., MYU, Mysuru, Karnataka, "A Study of Renewable Energy Financing in Karnataka." (Withdrawn)
355. Kishore Kumar Takri, SU, Gangtok, Sikkim, "Economic Evaluation of Public Distribution System in KalahandiBolangir-Koraput (KBK) Districts of Odisha: Implications for Food Security."
356. Pukhrem Priyalaxmi Devi, Manipur University, Imphal, Manipur, "Public Expenditure, Inflation and Growth: A Macro-econometric Model for Manipur."
357. Kavita, Chaudhary Devi Lal University, Sirsa, Haryana, "Rural Entrepreneur-

ship in Haryana: An Empirical Analysis."
358. Katta Kiranmai, Mahatma Gandhi University, Nalgonda, Telangana, "Occupational Stress: Its Effects on Single Working Parents."
359. Kamaljeet Singh, PU, Patiala, Punjab, "An Empirical Study of Measuring Performance of Manufacturing and Service Sector in India."
360. Prince Verma, HNBGU, Srinagar, U.K., "Pro-poor Tourism Promotion for Poverty Alleviation in Uttarakhand State: Evaluating the Nature and Scale of Local Community Participation in the Emerging Tourism Areas."
361. Sushila, BHU, Varanasi, U.P., "Role of Financial Literacy and Financial SelfEfficacy in Investment Decision Making: A Study of Working Women."
362. Shrimant, Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi, Karnataka, "Human Resource Management Practices in Cement Industry: A Case Study of Kalburgi Cement Private Limited Chatrasala, Kalburagi District."
363. Sathiyamoorthy D., ANNAU, Annamalai Nagar, T.N., "Working Performance of Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana and Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana in Tiruvannamalai District: A Study with special reference to Nationalized Commercial Banks."
364. Balaji Arjun Kamble, SRTMUN, Nanded, Maharashtra, "The Study on the Impact of Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana in the Development of Agricultural Sector in Nanded District."



365. Deepali Ashok Pagare, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar University, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, "A Study of Goods and Services Tax (GST) and its Impact on Purchase Decisions of Selected Consumers Durable Products in Maharashtra State." (Withdrawn)
366. Rajbir Kaur, Panjab University, Chandigarh, "Accounting Conservatism, Corporate Governance and Firm Performance: An Empirical Study in Indian Context."
367. Botica Madhu Kumar, OU, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Asset Liability Management in Commercial Banking: A Case Study of HSBC Bank."
368. Aditi, JNU, Delhi, "Dalit Entrepreneurship: A Sociological Enquiry into its Rise and Growth with reference to MSMEs, 2008-2018."
369. RanjanDas,AU,Silchar,Assam,"Wetland Degradation and its Impact on Life and Livelihood of People: A Study in River Island Majuli, Assam."
370. Ravi Hebasur, Karnatak University, Dharwad, Karanataka, "Social Change among Chalwadis: A Study from Subaltern Perspective."
371. Madhu Bala, HNBGU, Srinagar, U.K., "Sociology of Gender: A Study of Women of Kathua District."
372. K. Poovarasan, TNAU, Coimbatore, T.N., "Income Risk and Coping Strategies of Small and Marginal Farmers in Irrigated Agro-ecosystem of Tamil Nadu."
373. Sandeep Nimesh, CCSU, Meerut, U.P., "cnyrs gq, xzkeh.k ifj­'; esa vLi`';rk dh n'kk ,oa fn'kk% esjB tuin ds nks p;fur xk¡oksa dk lekt'kkL=h; v/;;u."

374. Pratibha Bhasker, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi, M.P., "oS'ohdj.k dk 'kgjh efgykvksa ij iM+us okys çHkko dk lekt'kkL=h; v/;;u% >k¡lh uxj ds fo'ks"k lUnHkZ esa."
375. Rajnikant,GulbargaUniversity,Kalaburagi, Karnataka, "Old Age Homes: A Sociological Study of Hyderabad-Karnataka Region."
376. Savita Gautam, JNU, Delhi, "Dalit Students in Higher Education: A Comparative Study of Two Central Universities."
377. Indla Lavanya, OU, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Farmers of Telangana: Welfare Schemes, Changing Status and Development."
Social Anthropology
378. Sanjeev Kumar, CUHP, Kangra, H.P., "f?kFkZ tkfr dh lkekftd ,oe~ lkaL--frd fojklr dk v/;;u."
Social Work
379. Santosh, Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi, Karnataka, "Impact of Social Security Measures on Construction Workers of Hyderabad Karnataka Region."
380. Shobha Rani Kommu, OU, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Role of Education on Woman Empowerment in Rural Telangana: A Case Study of Nalgonda District, Telangana State."
Cultural Studies
381. Sriraman S., JNU, Delhi, "A Comparative Study of the Morphology in Tolkappiyam (Tamil) and Andhra Bhasa Bhusanamu (Telugu)."
382. Abhilasha H.K., Kannada University, Hampi, Karnataka, "A Research on Native Roots of Buddhism with special respect to Karnataka."



383. Lalita Lahari, IGNTU, Amarkantak, M.P., "Pre-historic Investigations of Seonath River Basin, Chhattisgarh."
384. Banani Barman, JNU, Delhi, "Voicing the Marginal: The Linguistic, Literary and Socio-cultural Assertion of the Rajbangshi Community."
Socio-Sanskrit Studies 385. Meriya Hetalbahen Hameerbhai, Krantiguru Shyamji Krishna Verma Kachchh University, Bhuj, Gujarat, "A Study of Kavita Kane's Fictions in the Light of Rasa Theory."
Socio-Philosophical Studies 386. Sanjit Barman, Presidency University, Kolkata, W.B., "Beyond Distributive Justice: A Quest for Human Equality." (Withdrawn)
Social Linguistics 387. Dinesh Baburao Lahade, BAMU, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, "A Study of AntiSlavery System in the Selected Novels of Fredrick Douglass, Harriet Beecher Stowe and Toni Morrison."
Gender Studies 388. Priyanka Masant, CUG, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, "Women Trafficking in India: A Study of Odisha and West Bengal."
Health Studies 389. Pritam Das, GAU, Guwahati, Assam, "A Study on Hemoglobin Variants and Some Other Genetic Markers of the Barmans in Barak Valley." (Withdrawn)
Political Science 390. Alka, DU, Delhi, "Dalit Dharmik Parivartan ke Vibhinn Aayam: Haryana Rajya ke Vishesh Sandarbh mein."

391. Ajay Kumar, DU, Delhi, "Hkkjr esa tkfr o fodkl ds e/; var% lca/k% mÙkj çns'k ds xzkeh.k ¼vkSjS;k½ o 'kgjh ¼lksuHkæ½ f'kf{kr cgqla[;d ftys dk rqyukRed v/;;u."
392. Gajendra, JNU, Delhi, "B.R. Ambedkar and Deendayal Upadhyaya's Approach to Social Justice: A Comparative Study."
393. Ranjeet Kumar, Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University, Jaunpur, U.P., "1991 ke Baad Bharat aur America Sambhandho ka Track 2 Kutniti ke Paripekshya mein Adhyayan."
394. Sumit Aujainwal, DU, Delhi, "Knowledge of Sanitation, Science and Politics of Social Relation: A Case Study of Northern Western Railway with special reference of Safai Karamcharis."
Public Administration
395. P.Vinodhini,UniversityofMadras,Chennai, T.N., "Sexual Abuse of Children and POCSO ACT, 2012: An Empirical Study with special reference to Chennai City."
International Studies
396. Ratan Kumar Nayak, JNU, Delhi, "Palestinian Statehood and the European Union, 1991-2017."
397. Sunanda Sarkar, JNU, Delhi, "Media and the Nature of Political Communication Processes: A Comparative Study of Russia and Kazakhstan, 1991-2018."
Diaspora Studies
398. Chandra Prakash Y., TISS, Mumbai, Maharashtra, "Migration and Displacement of Up-Hill Country Tamils (Indian Origin): A Case of Repatriates in Kerala."



399. Rasmi Das, Tezpur University, Tezpur, Assam, "Evaluation of School Internship Programme of Teacher Education Institutions in Assam."
400. Vandana Vyas, JNU, Delhi, "Lifelong Learning amongst the Elderly of BadenWurttemberg: An Ethnographic Study on Active Ageing."
401. Thupakula Linga Murthy, OU, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Yoga Practice vis-a-vis Happiness, Motivation and Academic Performance among Disadvantaged Community Students: An Explorative Study."
402. Uday Y., MYU, Mysuru, Karnataka, "Effectiveness of Genre-Based Approach on Communicative Competence and Creative Writing Skills in English among Secondary School Students."
403. Nandhini Nanjappan, TISS, Mumbai, Maharashtra, "Transformative Ethics of Social Studies Education: A Comparative Study of Schooling in Tamil Nadu (India) and Finland."
404. Suman Lata Tiruwa, HNBGU, Srinagar, U.K, "dLrwjck xk¡/kh ckfydk fo|ky; esa v/;;ujr~ mPp çkFkfed Lrj ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh 'kSf{kd lEçkfIr dk 'kSf{kd lek;kstu] Lo& vo/kkj.kk o laosxkRed cqf) ds lUnHkZ esa v/;;u."
Social Psychology
405. Prabhu, CUKG, Kalaburagi, Karnataka, "Organizational Effectiveness: Role of Workplace Incivility, Leadership and Organizational Justice."
Social Geography
406. Dharmendra Kumar Bharati, Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University, Jaunpur, U.P., "A Study of Applied Geomor-

phology of Bandhavgarh Tehsil (Janpad Umariya M.P.)."
407. Thati Srujana Deepthi, OU, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Land Use/Land Cover and Change Detection using GIS on Medak City."
408. Ramappa Chavva, Karanatak University, Dharwad, Karanataka, "Solid Waste Management and its Impact on the Urban Life in Gadag-Betageri Twin Cities: A Spatial Analysis."
Environmental Studies
409. Mayanglambam Victoria Devi, CAU, Imphal, Manipur, "Social Simulation on Assimilation of Climate Smart Agricultural Practices in North Eastern Hill Region of India."
410. Pooja Arya, Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur, Rajasthan, "Assessment of CO2 Mitigation and Techno-economic Feasibility of Improved Cook Stoves in Tribal Household Kitchens." (Withdrawn)
Legal Studies
411. Ram Karan, ALU, Prayagraj, U.P., "A Critical Study of Legal Control of Manual Scavenging with special reference to Sanitary Measures in India."
Modern Social History
412. Bidyut Hari, Kazi Nazrul University, Asansol, W.B., "Reconstructing the History of Dacoity in Bengal; Perspective and Interpretations (1772 -1872)." (Withdrawn)
413. Vaishali, University of Delhi, Delhi, "The Valmikis in Delhi and the Historical Transition of their Socio-economic Patterns."



414. Reshma Singh, Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University, Jaunpur, U.P., "ckS) lkfgR; esa çfrfcafcr efgyk çfLFkfr."
Media Studies
415. Naneetha R., BU, Coimbatore, T.N., "Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities, Experience and Decision-making in Preparing the Visually-challenged for the New Socio-economic Developmental Sphere."
Library Science
416. Pramod, Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi, Karnataka, "Use of E-Resources and Services in Indian Institute of Technology in South India: A Study."

7. Revathi A, Periyar University, Salem, T.N., "Effect of Blended Learning and Social Media on Achievement of Higher Secondary Students in Tamil Nadu".
Scheduled Tribe Category
417. Umadevi, Kannada University, Hampi, Karnataka, "Malnutrition of Women and Children: Study of Development Programmes in Koppal District."
418. S. Radhakrishnan, ANNAU, Annamalai Nagar, T.N., "An Economic Analysis on Impact of Agro-processing Industries on Enhancing Farmers Income in Tribal Areas of Tamil Nadu."

Waitlisted Candidates Awarded Fellowship (Scheduled Caste Category)
1. Prakhar Anand, ALU, Prayagraj, U.P., "Dynamics of Vulnerability and Livelihood Strategies: An Analytical Study of Urban Poor in Selected Districts of Uttar Pradesh from 2000-2018".
2. Mukesh Kumar, BBAU, Lucknow, U.P., "Agrarian Crisis and Capital Formation in India".
3. Ramesha G., Kannada University, Hampi, Karnataka, "Folk Cultural Transitions of Harapanahalli".
4. Vinita, DU, Delhi, "Food and Food Habits in Tribal Society of Chotanagpur 18001950".
5. Prabodha Kumar Malik, JNU, Delhi, "Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development in Kazakhstan, 20002018".
6. Kiruthiga, MKU, Madurai, T.N., "A Sociolinguistic Study of Mullu Kurumba Tribes in Nilgiri District".

419. Priya Shah, BHU, Varanasi, U.P. "Workplace Spirituality and its Impact on Organizational Commitment and Employees' Job Satisfaction: An Empirical Study amongst Higher Educational Institution Teachers." (Withdrawn)
420. Raghuveer Negi, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, T.N., "Problems and Prospects of Motor and Pumps Export in India: A Study with special reference to Coimbatore Region."
421. Jyothsna Maloth, OU, Hyderabad, Telangana, "A Study of the Recruitment and Selection Process."
422. Prasansha Dong, SU, Gangtok, Sikkim, "Talent Supply and Skill Gap Analysis of Business Process Management Sector: A Study of Non-engineering Graduates in Sikkim."



423. P.L. Vanrozama, Periyar University, Salem, T.N., "Causes and Consequences of Drug Addiction among the Youth of Mizoram: A Sociological Study." (Withdrawn)
424. Vinitoli H. Zhimo, University of Science and Technology, Baridua, Meghalaya, "Reflection of Sumi Naga Culture on Verbal Art."
425. Dziesetuolie Metha, Nagaland University, Lumami, Nagaland, "Illegal Immigrants in Nagaland and its Impact."
426. Gailianglung Panmei, University of Delhi, Delhi, "Negotiating Indigeneity: Politics, Identity and Culture in the Assertion for Tribe Recognition."
Social Anthropology
427. Honjem Konyak, JNU, Delhi, "Social Consciousness and Cultural Property: A Material Culture Study of the Konyak Baan since Nineteenth Century."
428. P.S. Vaveine Pao, Manipur University, Imphal, Manipur, "Menstrual Disorders among the Poumai Tribe of Manipur: Bio-Anthropological Approach." (Withdrawn)
429. Manasi Naik, Kalinga Institute of Social Science, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, "Role of Education in Tribal Development: A Study of Keonjhar District of Odisha." (Withdrawn)
Social Work
430. Ajit Kumar, NEHU, Shillong, Meghalaya, "Vartman Sadi ki Hindi Aalochana mein Pakshadharta ke Vividh Aayaam."

Cultural Studies
431. Yangkee Taggu, MGAHV, Wardha, Maharashtra, "Awadhi aur Adi Lokgeeton ka Sanskritik Adhyayan."
432. Dingupe Lasuh, Nagaland University, Lumami, Nagaland, "Domestic Architecture of the Nagas: A Study on their Types, Functions and Meanings."
433. Pradeep Kumar Meena, Janardan Rai Nagar Rajasthan Vidhyapeeth, Udaipur, Rajasthan, "Rajasthan ka Adhunik Sanskrit Sahitya: Ek Adhyayan (2000 se 2015 tak ke Vishesh Sandarbh mein)". (Withdrawn)
Social Linguistics
434. Susil Mandi, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, W.B., "Comparative Linguistic Study of Santhali, Mundari and HO Languages."
Gender Studies
435. Irma Kerketta, TISS, Mumbai, Maharashtra, "Gender Trafficking and Migration Intricacy: An Inquiry on Consent or Coercion of Ethnic Populaces in the Rustic Zones of Simdega, Jharkhand, Enunciated by the Grassroots."
Health Studies
436. Sashirenla Mollier, Nagaland University, Lumami, Nagaland, "Hope, Religiosity, Perceived Social Support among Naga Cancer Patients and their Primary Caregivers in relation with Psychological Distress."



Political Science
437. Manglien Gangte, IGNTU, Kangpokpi, Manipur, "Electoral Politics in Manipur with special reference to Chandel District (2002-2017)."
438. Hoishing Koren, IGNTU, Kangpokpi, Manipur, "Traditional Village Administration of Koireng Tribe of Manipur."
439. Sumit Kumar Minz, Sambalpur University, Sambalpur, Odisha, "Changing Dimensions of International Security Amidst the Crisis of Illegal Migrants: A Case Study of Rohingya Conflict in South Asia."

Environmental Studies
444. P.C. Laldingliani, NEHU, Shillong, Meghalaya, "Estimation of Reducing Sugars in Selected Herbaceous Biomass and Production of Bioethanol."
445. PynshailangSyiemiong,NEHU,Shillong, Meghalaya, "Carbon Stock and Carbon Sequestration Potential of Narpuh Wildlife Sanctuary in Meghalaya."
446. Sujit Hanmantrao Pedewad, SRTMUN, Nanded, Maharashtra, "Planktonic Diversity Evaluation of Manar Water Reservoir in Relation to Nutrient Cycle Studies."

International Studies
440. Release Eknee C. Khongrei, JNU, Delhi, "Protestantism, the Constitution and Americans: A Study of the Importance of Religion in the United States since 2001."
National Security and Strategic Studies
441. Ripi Bagra, JNU, Delhi, "The Indian State, Border and Borderland Communities in Arunachal Pradesh, 1962-2017."
442. Kongkona Sonowal, Avinashilingam University for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore, T.N., "Formulate an Early Childhood Education Curriculum Framework based on Developmentally-appropriate Practices (DAP) for Pre-school Children." (Withdrawn)
443. R.D. Albert Povah, TISS, Mumbai, Maharashtra, "Higher Education and the Marginalized: Trajectories and Experiences of the Poumai Naga Youth."

Legal Studies 447. Kunja Rukmini, OU, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Protection of Tribal Rights in Telangana Agency Area with special reference to Bhadradri Kothagudem."
448. M. Harichand, OU, Hyderabad, Telangana, "The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2000: A Study of its Implementation in Agency Areas of Telangana."
Modern Social History 449. Vikavi K. Assumi, IIT, Guwahati, Assam, "Becoming Modern: Transitions in the Everyday Culture of the Sumi Nagas."
Library Science 450. Niengneimawi, NEHU, Shillong, Meghalaya, "Documentation of Indigenous Knowledges on Handicrafts of the Vaipheis of Manipur."
Waitlisted Candidates Awarded Fellowship (Scheduled Tribe Category)
1. Sahebagouda B., Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi, Karnataka, "Consumer Behavior towards Health Care Products:



A Case Study of Patanjali Health Care Products in Kalaburgi District".
2. Mijing Daimary, AU, Silchar, Assam, "Health Status of Bodos in Forest Villages of Assam: A Study of Manas National Park".
3. Krishna Kumar Paikra, PRSU, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, "NÙkhlx<+ esa eSuikV ds 'kj.kkFkhZ frCcrh leqnk; dk lkekftd& lkaL--frd vuq'khyu% ,d ekuo'kkL=h; vUos"k.k".
4. Shring Dao Langthasa, AU, Silchar, Assam, "Archaeological Excavations in the North-east India".
5. Munmi Barman, AU, Silchar, Assam, Assam, "Interactive Video-based Instruction and its Interrelationship with Social Skills and Cognitive Development of Children with Intellectual Disability".
Institutional Doctoral Fellowships
A.N. Sinha Institute of Social Studies, Patna
451. Shakeel Ahmad, "Socio-economic Inequality in Access to Healthcare Services in Bihar: An Intersectional Approach."
452. Md. Mustafa Ansari, "An Economic Analysis of Cost of Cultivation of Selected Crops: A Study based on Selected Firms in Bihar."
453. Khusbhoo Shimran, "Livelihood Status of Women in Aquaculture: A Sociological Study of Fishing Community in Bihar."
454. Sukriti, "Out-Migration from Bihar: Changing Patterns, its Determinants and Gender Dimensions."
455. Ravi Kumar, "Educational Status of Dalit Women in Bihar: A Sociological Study."

Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram
456. Rahees K.A.(SC), "Export and Productivity of SMEs: Evidence from the Indian Manufacturing Sector."
Centre for Economic and Social Studies, Hyderabad
457. M. Vani, "Urban Forestry and its Role in Regulating Cities Environment: A Study of Hyderabad City." (Withdrawn)
458. Puttaraj (SC), "Role of Micro-finance in Creating Employment Opportunities with reference to Kalburagi District."
459. Lavanya P, "Economic Viability of Organised and Unorganised Dairy Sector in Telangana State."
460. Sunil Neeradi (SC), "Social Exclusion of De-notified, Nomadic and Semi nomadic Tribes in Telangana State: A Study on Democratic Integration."
461. Lokesh Kumar, "Development and Management of Ground Water Resources using Geo-spatial Technologies: A Case Study of Halia River Sub-basin in Telangana."
462. Medi Pramukh (SC), "Adoption and Acceptability of Digital Health: Evaluation through Empirical Analysis of Online Pharmacies." (Withdrawn)
Centre for Multi-Disciplinary Development Research, Dharwad
463. Chethana Veerabhadrappa (SC), "Accessibility and Utilization of Maternal Health Care Services in Rural Karnataka."
464. Nayana F. Patil, "Storage and Warehousing of Agricultural Product in Karnataka: Accessibility and Utilization."



465. Ashok Patil, "Anthropological Study of Juvenile Delinquency: A Case Study of Juvenile Delinquents in Karnataka."
466. Kalal Axata, "Child Health Care Services in Karnataka: Accessibility and Utilization."

Gujarat Institute of Development Research, Ahmedabad
473. Ajay Kumar Verma, "Household Investment in Human Capital and Cognitive Development of Children: An Empirical Study in India." (Withdrawn)

Centre for Research in Rural and Industrial Development, Chandigarh
467. Yaadveer Singh, "Industrial Growth and Inter-Firm Linkages in Two Auto Component Centers in North India: Implications for Technology and Competitiveness."
468. Deep Ratan Singh Khara, "Dynamics of Groundwater Usage in Punjab Agriculture: Institutions, Markets and Management."

Gulati Institute of Finance and Taxation, Thiruvananthapuram
474. Lekshmi Prasad, "A Study on the Financial Inclusion of Margilinalized Groups in Kerala."
Institute of Development Studies, Kolkata
475. Monalisha Chakraborty, "Parental Migration and Child Well-being: A Study of Indian States." (Withdrawn)

Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Kolkata
469. AmmelSharon,"Community-Formation in the Bhakti Archive: A Manuscript History of the Kannada Sunyasampadane." (Withdrawn)
Centre for Women's Development Studies, New Delhi
470. Garima (SC), "Visual Culture and the Emergence of `New Woman' in Contemporary Hindi Films: An Ethno-graphical Study of Women Spectators."
471. Jeripothula Rajani (SC), "Role of Women in Environmental Sanitation and Hygiene: A Sociological Study of Warangal District in Telangana."
472. Ziana Razianreiliu Panmei (ST), "Women & Marriage: An Analytical Study of the Lived Experiences of the Rongmeis with respect to Divorce in Imphal Manipur."

Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi
476. Jimmy Goyal, "An Economic Analysis of Multi-dimensional Poverty and Inequality among Small Cultivators and Landless Labourers in Rural Punjab." (Withdrawn)
477. Amit Pandey, "Ecological and Economic Significance of Sacred Forests of Kachchh, Gujarat: An Arid Bio-geographic Province of India."
478. Geetika Gunjan, "Exploring the Pathways Linking Agriculture and Nutrition in India." (Withdrawn)
Indian Institute of Dalit Studies, Delhi
479. Khansemphi K.K. Raleng (ST), "Employment and Livelihood of Migrants from North East: A Study of Delhi Metropolitan City."



Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad
480. Shahana Jabeen, "Financial Performance Evaluation of Public Sector and Private Sector Banks Study with reference to Lending Operations." (Withdrawn)
481. P. Shyam Sunder, "Corporate Governance Disclosure Practices: A Study on Select Insurance Companies in India." (Withdrawn)
482. B. Arun Kumar, "A Comparative Study of Performance Evaluation of National Pension System and Select Mutual Fund Retirement Schemes."
483. G. Rambabu, "Participation of Derivatives in Indian Stock Market." (Withdrawn)
484. MeenuSambaru,"AStudyonIntegration of Finance and Technology (Fintech) for Effective Capital Market." (Withdrawn)
485. Binod Kumar Rajak (SC), "A Study of Antecedent and Consequences of Emotional Labour of Tourism & Hospitality Industry in India." (Withdrawn)
486. Shravani Bongu, "Role of Psychological Capital-Parental Locus of Control and Social Support as Correlates of Wellbeing and Perception of Impact of Intellectual Disability on Mothers of Intellectually Disabled Children." (Withdrawn)
487. Pavan Benakatti, "A Study on Working of Rural Procurement and Supply Enterprise Model for Rural Entrepreneurship Development." (Withdrawn)
Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bengaluru
488. Rosemary George, "Accessibility to and Quality in Higher Education in Kerala: A Grounded Theory Study of Barriers

and Privileges Experienced by Youth." (Withdrawn)
Institute for Studies in Industrial Development, New Delhi
489. Mohit Kumar Gupta, "Investments, Taxation and Corporate Governance: Family Ownership and Control of Business Groups in India."
490. Sarika Shantaram Moon (SC), "Determinants of Job Performance and Career Growth of Women Employees in the `New Economy': A Study of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Sector in Maharashtra."
491. Smita Dikshit, "Impact of Media Convergence on Socio-economic Lifestyle: A Comparative Study between Marginalised Communities in Prayagraj District (UP) and Anantapur District (AP)."
Madras Institute of Development Studies, Chennai
492. Brinda G. Krishnan, "Interaction of Ecological Changes and Agro-Value Chains: A Study of Small Holder Livelihoods in Spices Value Chains."
M.P. Institute of Social Science Research, Ujjain
493. Shobhna Shukla, "Grameen Mahilayon ke Swasthya Star ka Samaaj Shastriya Adhyayan."
494. Rashmi Tatwal (SC), "Kaamkaji Mahilayon ka Bhumika Sangharsh: Ujjain Shaher mein Anusuchit Jati ki Mahilayon ke Sandarbh mein Ek Samaaj Shastriya Adhyayan."
495. Sunil Barde (ST), "Narmada Bandh Pariyojanayon se Adivasiyon ka Visthaapan, Punarwas ki Rajneeti evam Vikas ki



Rajneeti: Madhya Pradesh ke Badwani Jile ke Vishesh Sandarbh mein Ek Adhyayan."
Centrally Administered ShortTerm Fellowships
(General Category)
1. Sangmesh Chendrashekhar, UAS, Bangalore, Karnataka, "Dynamics of Labour Migration and its Impact on Agriculture in Karnataka: An Economic Analysis."
2. Govindaprasad P.K., CUK, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, "Understanding the Changing Land Use Pattern in the Hilly Areas of Malabar, Kerala."
3. Sangeetha M., UAS, Bangalore, Karnataka, "Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) of Bio-Resources: An Economic Analysis of its Implementation in Indian Agriculture and Allied Sectors."
4. Piyush Kumar Singh, CUSB, Gaya, Bihar, "oS'ohdj.k vkSj lkekftd& lkaL--frd ifjorZu% lksuHkæ] ftyk mÙkj çns'k ds xksaM tutkfr dk ,d lekt'kkL=h; v/;;u."
5. Upasana Borthakur, IGNOU, Delhi, "Women, Work and Economy: A Study of Tea Plantation Workers in Assam."
6. Vairaj Arjune, JNU, Delhi, "Changing Patterns of Science and Technology Collaboration in the Caribbean Community: An International System of Innovation Perspective."
7. Geetanjali Atri, JNU, Delhi, "Religiosity, Identity and the Deras in Contemporary Punjab: A Study of Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan."

Social Anthropology
8. Manjuprakash, UAS, Bangalore, Karnataka, "Farmers Suicide Syndrome and its Consequences on Socio-economic Conditions of their Family in Karnataka State."
9. Devika N., JNU, Delhi, "Adiya and Paniya Performances as Spaces of Encounter: Contestations within and from the Margins of Adivasi Cultural Practices in Wayanad."
Social Work
10. Talari Yugandhar, SKU, Anantapur, A.P., "Role of Community Care and Support System in Living with HIV/AIDS Patient: A Case Study in Ananthapuram District of Andhra Pradesh."
Cultural Studies
11. Kalpana Singh Rathour, JNU, Delhi, "Aadikaalin Hindi Kavyalochna: Swaroop aur Moolyankan."
12. Subodh Kunwer, JNU, Delhi, "Festival as a Mode of Conceptualization in Adivasi (Indigenous) Movements in Jharkhand."
Socio-Sanskrit Studies
13. Mangla Thakur, RSS, Puri, Odisha, "LokrUR;kZr~ ija laL--r lkfgR;L; fodkls fgekpy çns'kL; ;ksxnkue~".
Socio-Philosophical Studies
14. Resmi Balakrishnan P., The English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Narrative Interface and Evolution of Human Consciousness: History, Methods and Conventions of Traditional and Digital Discourses."



Social Linguistics
15. Saloni Priya, JNU, Delhi, "A Descriptive Study of Magahi Verb Structure."
Health Studies
16. Isha Chaudhary, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore, M.P., "Effectiveness of Meditation as Behavioural Medicine in Pregnancy."
17. Santanu Sahoo, DDUGU, Gorakhpur, U.P., "Geo-Spatial Analysis for Encephalitis Disease in Gorakhpur District."
18. Mohit P. Gandhi, JNU, Delhi, "Understanding of Primary Health Care among Faculty of Community Medicine in India: A Study of Knowledge, Perceptions and Pedagogy."
19. Neethu V.V., University of Madras, Chennai, T.N., "A Geo-Spatial Study on Health Risk Assessment and Climate Change Impact on Spread of Communicable Diseases in Ernakulam District, Kerala."
Political Science
20. Bornali Hati Boruah, AU, Silchar, Assam, "Ethnicity and Identity Politics: A Study of Tai Ahoms of Assam."
21. Akhilesh Kumar Singh, CUSB, Gaya, Bihar, "Implications of Remittances from the Gulf on Electoral Politics: A Case Study of Siwan and Purnia Districts of Bihar."
22. Hardeep Kaur, PU, Chandigarh, "Dr. B.R. Ambedkar's Vision on Social Justice related to Women Empowerment and its Implementation under the Indian Constitution in the Era of Globalization."
23. Jithesh Balakrishnan, CUK, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, "The Evaluation of

Results Made through `Modi Doctrine' and a Close Scrutiny of Fast Track Diplomacy".
Public Administration
24. Baljit Kaur, PU, Patiala, Punjab, "Role of Deputy Commissioner in District Administration of Punjab: Emerging Issues and Challenges."
25. Murali V., Kakatiya University, Warangal, A.P., "Implementation of Indira Awaas Yojana: A Study in Telangana."
International Studies
26. Nisha Sharma, JNU, Delhi, "Migration and Skill Development: A Case Study of Russia and India, 2001-2016."
27. Nazia Khan, JNU, Delhi, "Religious Extremism in Sri Lanka and Myanmar: A Comparative Study."
28. Surbhi Choudhary, JNU, Delhi, "Multilateralism in Foreign Policy of Russia, 2001-2015."
29. Ratnesh Kumar Yadav, CUSB, Gaya, Bihar, "nf{k.k ,f'k;k dh Hkw&jktuhfr dk ledkyhu Hkkjr&usiky f}i{kh; laca/k ij çHkko% ,d vkykspukRed fo'ys"k.k."
30. Nahida Akhter, CUG, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, "Reconstruction amidst Conflict in Afghanistan since 2001: The Role of Women."
31. Debangana Chatterjee, JNU, Delhi, "International Discourses on Embodied Cultural Practices and Representation of Women: A Study of Female Genital Mutilation and Veiling in India."
32. Asha Sundaramurthy, JNU, Delhi, "Assessing Regional Stability through Bilateral Relations: The Case Study of India-Australia Relations, 1991-2018."



33. Jayapraveen J., University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, "Role of Institutional Research Culture on the Research Engagement and the Quality of Work Life (QWL) of Teachers in Higher Education."
34. Kaushal Kumar Jha, RSS, Puri, Odisha, "fcgkjjkT;s çf'k{k.kkfFkZuka ckSf) dLrjL; laosxkRed&ifjiDork;ke~ v/;;uço`ÙkkS 'kSf{kdksiyfC/kLrjs tk;ekuL; çHkkoL;k/;;ue~A"
35. Usha Devi T., MMSU, Tirunelveli, T.N., "Influence of Metacognition on Resilience and Academic Achievement of Higher Secondary Scheduled Caste Students."
36. Vasudha C.R., Regional Institute of Education (NCERT), MYU, Mysuru, Karnataka, "Effectiveness of Contextual Teaching-Learning Process on Learning Attainment, Scientific Inquiry, Metacognitive Skills and Values among Students in Science at Elementary Level."
Social Psychology
37. Sabah Sultana Siddiquee, AMU, Aligarh, U.P., "Role of Self-esteem, Self-efficacy and Ego-resiliency on Self-determined Behaviour among Orthopedically and Visually Challenged Students."

Environmental Studies
40. Vandana Devi, CUG, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, "Climate Change Impact on Plant Diversity in North-Western Himalaya."
41. Fahima Khanum, JMI, Delhi, "Climate Change Governance: A Study of India and South Africa."
42. Amrin Mirza, BAMU, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, "Bio-diversity Mapping of Gautala Reserve Forest of District Aurangabad."
Legal Studies
43. Avinash Kumar, CUSB, Gaya, Bihar, "Protection of Foreign Investors in India and its Regulatory Power as Host State: A Critical Study."
Modern Social History
44. Pooja, IGNOU, Delhi, "Domestic Workers in Colonial and Post-colonial Delhi and NCR Area from 1911 to 1960."
45. Sonu Vincent, JNU, Delhi, "Women Religious" in Syrian Catholicism and the Expressions of Renunciant Self in Kerala (1866-1985)."
46. Sana Kochak, JNU, Delhi, "Gender Discourses, Community Narratives: Women in Twentieth-Century Kashmir."

Social Geography
38. Sourav Saha, GAU, Guwahati, Assam, "Indigenous Water Resource Management in the Bhutan Himalayan Foothill Zone of Assam: Present Status and Future Prospects."
39. Meghamrita, TISS, Mumbai, Maharashtra, "Industrial Location and Clusters in India: Emerging Geography in the Postreform Period".

Media Studies
47. Nisa Askari, AMU, Aligarh, U.P., "Framing of Climate Change in Major Dailies of India and USA."



Scheduled Caste Category
Economics 48. Dubba Ranjith, OU, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Problems and Prospects of the Beedi Workers in Telangana State; An Inter Districts Analysis."
49. Vikas Sonker, University of Lucknow, Lucknow, U.P., "Impact of FDI on Employment Generation in Selected Industries of Indian Manufacturing Sector during the Post-liberalization Era."
Commerce 50. Guru Prakash Satsangi, DEI, Agra, U.P., "Bharat mein Nigmiya Paryavarniya Praktikaran ki Nitiya evam Abhyas ka Adhyayan."
Social Work 51. Dharmendra Kumar Veeroday, JNU, Delhi, "Hindi Dalit Aatmakathaon mein Istree Prashna."
Cultural Studies 52. Ritu Ahlawat, CUG, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, "nfyr vkRedFkkvksa esa vfHkO;ä fgalk-"
Social Linguistics 53. Devibhavani S., MKU, Madurai, T.N., "A Socio-linguistic Study of Paniya Tribes."
Public Administration 54. Teena, HPU, Shimla, H.P., "Empowerment of Scheduled Caste Women through Education in Haryana."
Social Geography 55. Rashmi Rani, CCS University, Meerut, U.P., "Declining Water Quality and Depleting Livelihood Patterns Along

Industrial Site in Hindon Neighborhood (Meerut and Ghaziabad Districts)."
Environmental Studies 56. Jyoti, JNU, Delhi, "Development of Sustainable Bio-fuels in India: A Responsible Innovation Perspective."
Scheduled Tribe Category
International Studies 57. Teresa Mili, JNU, Delhi, "Japan-Vietnam Bi-lateral Relations: Economic and Cultural Dimensions, 1991-2017."
Centrally Administered Contingency Fellowships
(General Category)
Economics 1. Sujay Phatak, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore, M.P., "A Study of Education and Economic Growth in India: An Inter-State Analysis."
2. Vikash Kumar, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore, M.P., "A Study of Mechanization in Agriculture and its Impact on Production and Productivity with special reference to Khargone District."
Commerce 3. Sunny Yadav, Vikram University, Ujjain, M.P., "Ujjain Jile mein Pashupalan Vyavsaye ki Aarthik Sthithi ka Vishleshanatmak Adhyayan."
Sociology 4. Prakash Bhue, Sambalpur University, Burla, Odisha, "Decentralisation of Elementary Education through Community Participation under RTE Act (2009): A Sociological Study in Western Odisha."



Social Linguistics
5. Narayanapuram Brahmaiah, ANAU, Guntur, A.P., "Attitudes of ESL Speakers towards the Phenomena of CodeSwitching and Code Mixing in Andhra Pradesh."
Health Studies
6. Pooja Verma, BHU, Varanasi, U.P., "Current Status of Mother and Child Tracking System and its Effect on Mother and Child Health in District Varanasi: A Cross-sectional Study."
7. Badri Sankar Das, CUSB, Gaya, Bihar, "Understanding Gender Equality in PVTGs: A Comparative Study of Lanjia Soura and Dongaria Kondh Tribes in Rayagada District of Odisha."
8. Manmohan Dwivedi, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore, M.P., "Bhartiye Rajneeti mein Safai Kaamgaro ki Sthiti: Aarakshan ke Paripreksh mein."
9. Gurjeet Kaur, PU, Patiala, Punjab, "Electoral Politics in Haryana: A Comparative Study of 15th and 16th Lok Sabha Elections."

13. Rupashree Sahoo, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, "Investigation and Trial of Cyber Offences in Odisha: A Critical Analysis."
Media Studies 14. Ravia Gupta, Lovely Professional University, Punjab, "Changing Media Ecology and Influence of Social Media on Contemporary Journalism in India."
Scheduled Caste Category
Commerce 15. Ambhore Vinod Govindrao, BAMU, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, "A Critical Analysis of Agricultural Products and Pricing Strategy Adopted by the Farmers and Government Agencies in Maharashtra State."
Social Work 16. Arumai Samarpana S.R., University of Madras, Chennai, T.N., "HR Practice and Employee Engagement towards Employer Brand in Leather Industry, Puducherry."

Environmental Studies
10. Avijit Mahala, JNU, Delhi, "Land Degradation Processes in Select MorphoClimatic Region: A Study from Tropical and Arid India."
Legal Studies
11. Elisha Kanungo, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, "Compensation to Victims of Crime-Implementation of Laws in Odisha: An Empirical Analysis."
12. Sameer Kumar Dwivedi, CUSB, Gaya, Bihar, "Monitoring and Surveillance vis-a-vis Administrative Interference with Personal Liberty in India."

International Studies 17. Chitra, JNU, Delhi, "Democratization and Legitimacy of the Political System in Kazakhstan, 1991-2016."
Ph.D. Theses Received at ICSSR
Theses received from CentrallyAdministered Doctoral Fellowship Awardees
1. K. Kannadasan, BDU, Tiruchirappalli, T.N., "Social Media Behaviour of Higher Secondary Students in relation to Certain Select Variables".



2. FoziaJan,UniversityofKashmir,Hazratbal, Srinagar, J&K, "The Indo-Iran Relations since 1990: An Evaluation".
3. Yogyata Shakya, JU, Gwalior, M.P., "Paschimi Uttar Pradesh mein Mahilaho ki Sthiti: Khaap Panchayat ke Pariprekshya mein Baghpat Zile ka Adhyayan".
4. Sagorika Singha, JNU, Delhi, "The Local Digital Networks of the North-east: Politics of Participation Access and Popular Culture".
5. Amitabh Sarkar, JNU, Delhi, "World Bank's Aid in Health System Strengthening in India: A Policy Analysis".
6. Bandana Upadhyay, JNU, Delhi, "Boundary Negotiations in Chinese Foreign Policy: A Comparative Study of Russia and India".
7. Hema Narang, JNU, Delhi, "China and India in Africa: Expansion and Consolidation of Soft Power, 1990-2015".
8. Rajashree Saharia, JNU, Delhi, "Women on the Margins: A Study of Marginalization and its Linkages to Women's Health".
9. Basani Lavanya, KU, Warangal, Telangana, "Political Participation of Women in Panchayat Raj Institutions: A Study in Telangana State".
10. AsemTombaMeetei,JNU,Delhi,"Migration and Determinants of Health and Well-being: A Study among the Northeast Migrant Workers Living in Delhi".
11. Dhanwati Yadav, JNU, Delhi, "Mauritius Competitive Security Engagements with India and China: 1968-2015".
12. Kumar, MMSU, Tirunelveli, T.N., "Prediction of Soccer Playing Ability on Selected Ki-anthropometric, Physical

and Physiological Variables among Women Soccer Players".
13. Anuj Pal Kapoor, DU, Delhi, "Determinants of Internet/Mobile Banking and Trends in Online Shopping DiffusionCreating Strategic Partnership between Banks and E-commerce Players in India".
14. Vetriselvan V., Periyar University, Salem, T.N., "A Study on Public Awareness and Perception towards Homeopathy in Tamil Nadu, India".
15. Muhammed As-Had V.P., AMU, Aligarh, U.P., "Impact of Talent Management on Organizational Performance: B-Schools in Southern State".
16. Shilpi Singh, JNU, Delhi, "Market of Marriage: Consumption, Class and Gender in India".
17. Dumaniya Mayur Kumar N., CUG, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, "Post-conflict Reconstruction in Sri-Lanka".
18. Nityanand, JNU, Delhi, "Inter-ethnic Relations and Conflict in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan: A Comparative Study 1990-2015".
19. Dolly Mishra, CUG, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, "Impact of Globalization on Human Trafficking in India: A Case Study of the North-eastern Region".
20. Bimla Kumari Gurung, GNDU, Amritsar, Punjab, "Effects of Inter-marriages on Gender and Generational Relations: A Sociological Study in Kathmandu City".
21. Akhilesh Kumar, JNU, Delhi, "Slums and Urban Citizenship: A Study of Urban Development in South Delhi".
22. Ansari P.A., AMU, Aligarh, U.P., "The Socio-economic Rights of Internal



Migrant Workers in India: A Study of Kerala".
23. Arul U., BU, Coimbatore, T.N., "Domestic Medical Tourism in Puducherry: A Study on Health Seeker from Rural and Semi Urban People of Tamil Nadu".
24. Vences Cyril, St. Xavier's College of Education, Tirunelveli, T.N., "Metacognition, Emotional Maturity and Class Room Management of High School Teachers".
25. Ramya V., CUG, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, "Prabha Khetan ke Katha Sahitya mein Istri: Samvedna aur Sahanubhuti".
26. Prabhat Kumar Singh, HNBGU, Srinagar, U.K., "Corporate Attributes and their Impact on Corporate Social Responsibility Practices: A Study of Selected Indian Companies".
27. Tsewang Mingure, JNU, Delhi, "China's Internal Security Policies and Management in Tibet, 1989-2015".
28. Devendra Singh, Ragunath Girl's (PG) College, Meerut, U.P., "Effect of Socioeconomic Activities on Ponds' Water Quality: A Regional and Seasonal Study of Lakhaoti (Bulandshahar) Development Block".
29. Jyotsna Panwar, HNBGU, U.K., "Environmental Issues and Print Media Coverage: An Analytical Study with special reference to Ganga Pollution in Garhwal".
30. Shailja Sandu, MSU, Udaipur, Rajasthan, "Empowerment of Women through Reservation at Grass Root Level with special reference to Sirohi District of Rajasthan".
31. Shahnawaz Mushtaq, AMU, Aligarh, U.P., "Study of Psychological Morbidity in Caregivers of Person with Dementia and Role of Cognitive Reframing".

32. Purnima Singh, CUH, Mahendergarh, Haryana, "Shifting Paradigm of Corporate Social Responsibility: An Analysis of Select Organizations of Sonbhadra Region".
33. Ashim Das, Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, W.B., "Culture and Politics in the Maoist-Affected Villages of Junglemahal in Paschim Medinipur District of West Bengal, India".
34. Revathi K. Sivadas, Sacred Heart College, Kochi, Kerala, "An Economic Analysis of Spices Sector in Kerala under the WTO Regime: Focused on Pepper and Cardamom".
35. S.M. Anees Fathima, Queen Mary's College, Chennai, T.N., "The Prevalence, Determinants and Influence of Anaemia: A Study on Working Women of Chennai City".
36. Parvesh Kumar Rajpur, Panjab University, Chandigarh, "Powers and Privileges of the Armed Forces: A Study".
37. Shweta Priyamvada, NEHU, Shillong, Meghalaya, "Supply Chain Analysis of Organized and Unorganized Dairy Sectors: A Comparative Analysis in Jorhat District of Assam".
38. Deepankar Bhattacharjee, Dibrugarh University, Assam, "A Non-parametric Measure of Efficiency and Modelling Supply Chain Process in Indian Tea Industry".
39. Indu T.K., University of Mysore, Mysore, Karnataka, "Impact of Urbanization on Urban Environment-Land Transition using Geo-spatial Techniques: A Case Study of Mysore-Srirangapatnam Region".
40. Mehrunnisa, AMU Aligarh, U.P., "A Socio-spatial Analysis of the Linkages of Muslim Female Workforce and



Child Labour in Power Loom Sector of Mau City and its Impact on Education Attainment of the Community".
41. Veena H. Kattegowdar, Bangalore University, Karnataka, "A Feminist Analysis of the Existing Health Care and Social Support System of the Elderly Women Suffering from Dementia: A Case Study of Bengaluru".
42. Sandeep Kaur, PU, Patiala, Punjab, "Academic Competence of School Students in relation to their Academic Achievement, Emotional Intelligence and Happiness".
43. Richa Nautiyal, BU, Coimbatore, T.N., "Assessing the Efficacy of Multimodal Intervention Strategy in Improving the Psychological Well-being of Rape Survivors".
44. DevikaR.,BU,Coimbatore,T.N.,"Efficacy of Integrative Approach on Enhancing Physical and Mental Health of Unwed Mothers in Kerala".
45. Manish Pandey, SABVGACC, Indore, M.P., "Exploring New Possibilities of Development in Tribal Business Sector through New Market Trends: Spatial Analysis of Alirajpur District, M.P".
46. Preeti, Panjab University, Chandigarh, "Inter-caste Differentials in Select Demographic Aspects of Scheduled Caste Population in Punjab".
47. Archana Jose, BU, Coimbatore, T.N., "Effects of an Integrated Intervention Strategy among Students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): An Experimental Study".
48. Preetu Vijay, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, Rajasthan, "An Empirical Study of Performance of Aviation Industry in India with special reference to Selected Airlines".

49. More Sarika Vishwas, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, "Women Empowerment through Municipal Corporations in Kolhapur and Sangli Districts".
50. Umesh Thonse, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, Karnataka, "Modification and Demonstration of Efficacy of an Existing Module for Affect Recognition Training in Schizophrenia".
51. Aathy Kannan T., University of Madras, Chennai, T.N., "Union Financial Transfers: Vertical and Horizontal Fiscal Imbalances in India".
52. Chanchal, CCSU, Meerut, U.P., "Prachin Bharat mein Samajik evam Rajnitik Nyaya: Vyas, Manu, Kautilya evam Shukra ka Alochanatamak Adhyayan".
53. Mohmad Aabid Bhat, JMI, Delhi, "Psycho-social Implications of Counter Insurgent Laws on Children: A Case Study of Public Safety Act, PSA 1978 in Kashmir".
54. Jai Pratap Singh, DU, Delhi, "Education and Skill Enhancement for Street Children in Delhi: An Exploratory Study".
55. Kriman, PU, Patiala, Punjab, "Quality Standards Technological Capabilities and Competitiveness of Indian Firms".
56. Gurjinder Kaur, PU, Patiala, Punjab, "Overseas Migration from Farm Households in Punjab: An Empirical Analysis".
57. Vasudha Sharma, Panjab University, Chandigarh, "Dams-induced Displacement and Re-settlement in India: A Case Study of Ranjit Sagar Dam, Punjab".
58. Tariq Ahmad Bhat, Vikram University, Ujjain, M.P., "Economics of Sericulture Industry in Jammu and Kashmir".



59. Shrawan Kumar Pandey, JMI, Delhi, "Defeating Anti-incumbency Factor in State's Election: Study of Bihar, Orissa, Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh".
60. Dharmender Kumar, HPU, Shimla, H.P., "Financial Inclusion in Himachal Pradesh: An Empirical Study of Direct Benefit Transfer Scheme".
61. Konthoujam Sarda, NEHU, Shillong, Meghalaya, "India-ASEAN Relations and Emerging Regional Economic and Security Scenario".
62. Anupam Bahri, HPU, Shimla, H.P., "Cognitive Effects of Advertising on Consumers: A Study of Durable and Non-durable Products".
63. Kamani Dutta, University of Jammu, Jammu, J&K, "Exploring Determinants, Dimensions and Outcomes of Customer Experience in Selected Services".
64. Nilu Khan, CUG, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, "Workers in Lock Industry: An Empirical Study of Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh".
65. Sunil Kumar, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, Rajasthan, "Loktantra mein Suchna ke Adhikar ki Uplabdhiya evam Chunotiya: Rajasthan ke Sandarbh mein Ek Adhyayan".
66. Pritam B. Gedam, RTMNU, Nagpur, Maharashtra, "Bibliometric Study of Doctoral Thesis in Social Work".
67. Karuppasamy R., Anna University, Chennai, T.N., "A Study on Strategic Role of Logistics Management in Seaport with special reference to VOC Port".
68. Brigit Joseph, JNU, Delhi, "Agricultural Performance in Kerala under Economic Liberalization: An Analysis with special reference to Commercial Groups".

69. R. Tamilselvan, Periyar University, Salem, T.N., "Impact of TAHDCO Schemes and Empowerment of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes: A Study with special reference to Salem District of Tamil Nadu".
70. Pawan Kumar, Meerut College, Meerut, U.P., "Role of Commercialization of Agriculture and Industrialization in Rural Development: A Case Study of Community Development Block Rohta, District Meerut, U.P.".
71. Chintha Ramakrishna, OU, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Urban Governance in Andhra Pradesh: A Study of JNNURM".
72. M. Narsing Rao, Telangana University, Nizamabad, T.N., "Performance of Information Technology Companies in Stock Market: A Select Study".
73. Babit Kumar Bihan, CCSU, Meerut, U.P., "Social Change among the Jaunsari Tribes of Dehradun, Uttaranchal".
74. Rakesh Kumar, BHU, Varanasi, U.P., "Jaunpur Janpad mein Jal Sansadhan evam Uska Krishigat Upayog: Ek Bhaugolik Adhyayan".
75. Raviraj, CUHP, Dharamshala, H.P., "E-Waste Generation and Awareness in Higher Educational Institutes and Designing Educational Strategy for its Reduction and Management".
76. Winson Thomas, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, "Economics Geographical Indications and its Implications for Producers: A Study with reference to Kerala".
77. Sanbanielyne Ryndem, NEHU, Shillong, Meghalaya, "A Sociological Study of the Authority Structure in Khasi Family".
78. Nijra Brahma, Bodoland University, Kokrajhar, Bodoland, Assam, "Tradi-



tional Tools and Technology of the Bodos".
79. Chamgauillu Gonmei, NEHU, Shillong, Meghalaya, "Traditional Village Council: A Comparative Study of Zeme, Liangmai and Rongmei Naga Tribes in Manipur".
80. Rakesh Kumar Gaur, DDUGU, Gorakhpur, U.P., "Uttar Pradesh ki Tharu Janjati mein Samajik evam Aarthik Gatishilta: Maharaj Ganj Zile ke Vishesh Sandarbh mein".
81. Abang Pertin, NEHU, Shillong, Meghalaya, "Religious Beliefs and Practices among the ADIS: An Anthropological Study of Continuity and Change".
82. Raje Brahma, Bodoland University, Kokrajhar, Bodoland, Assam, "Bodo Vocabulary: A Structural Analysis".
83. Siddappaji D., University of Mysore, Mysore, Karnataka, "Dairy Development Programmes and Milk Producers in Karnataka: A Case Study of Mysore District".
84. Kamalaskshi T., Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi, Karnataka, "An Evaluative Study of Rural Housing Schemes in Karnataka: A Case Study of Gulbarga District".
85. K. Kumaresan, Periyar E.V.R. College Tiruchirappalli, T.N., "Youth Entrepreneurship Development Programmes and their Effectiveness in Salem District".
86. Arun Kumar, JNU, Delhi, "Coalition Politics in Estonia and India: A Comparative Study 1991-2014".
87. Santosh J., JNU, Delhi, "Political Participation and Parliamentary Debates: A Study of Andhra Pradesh Dalit MPs in the 14th Lok Sabha".

88. Chitta Ranjan Malik, JNU, Delhi, "Japan's Relations with Ethiopia (1991-2015)".
89. Lalrosanga, Amity University, Noida, U.P., "Potential and Strategies for Ecotourism in Mizoram: A Case Study of Phawangpui National Park".
90. Happyson Gachuiwo, AU, Silchar, Assam, "Assam Working Capital Management: A Study on Select India- based IT Service Multinational Corporations".
91. Balakrushna Padhi, JNU, Delhi, "Wage Mobility and Inequality Dynamics in the Indian Labour Market, 1983 to 2012".
92. Pooja Chandrawat, Vikram University, Ujjain, M.P., "The Contribution of Co-operative Banks in Agricultural Development: An Economic Analysis with reference to Ujjain District".
93. Sachin Chandrakant Phuge, Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli, Maharashtra, "Economics of Farming Systems in North Konkan Region of Maharashtra".
94. Aijaz Ahmad Bhat, SGRR (PG), College, Dehradun, U.K., "Present Status and Future Aspects of Apple Farming in Jammu and Kashmir".
95. Shalini Singh, BHU, Varanasi, U.P., "A Study on Working of Financial Inclusion Practices in Varanasi District".
96. Reetika Thakur, HPU, Shimla, H.P., "Impact of Quality of Work Life on Work Performance of Employees of Himachal Pradesh Power Corporation Limited".
97. Naila Zia, AMU, Aligarh, U.P., "A Study on Organizational Culture and its Impact on the Performance of Employees in Banking Sector in Delhi".



98. G. Boobalan, Periyar University, Salem, T.N., "A Study on Buying Behaviour on Mobile Phones among Rural Consumers with reference to Coimbatore Region".
99. S. Felin Bimba, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, T.N., "Career Development of Women Employees of IT Industry in Chennai City".
100. Jitendra Kumar, University of Allahabad, Prayagraj, U.P., "Bhartiya Rajneeti mein Chunaav Sudhaar (1990 ke Paschaat)".
101. Fakhruzzaman, JNU, Delhi, "Politics of "Barelvi Islam in India: A Study of Syed Pak Makhdum Dargah, Kichauchha Sharif ".
102. Rajiv Rai, Sikkim University, Gangtok, Sikkim, "State Formation in Sikkim: A Subaltern Perspective".
103. Hoimonti Barua, JNU, Delhi, "The Role of Higher Education Cooperation in India-Bangladesh Bi-lateral Relations: 1991-2015".
104. Arshi Javed, JNU, Delhi, "Contested Politics of `Self' and `Other': The Case of Kashmiri Nationalism, 1989-2016".
105. Santosh Kumar Jha, JNU, Delhi, "Civil Society and its Role in Democratic Transformation of Mongolia, 19962012".
106. Talwar Aradhana Shampal, JNU, Delhi, "Role of Ba'ath Ideology in Syrian Foreign Policy, 1970-2000".
107. Rahila Perween, JNU, Delhi, "People Indian Origins in South Africa's Fight against Apartheid: A Comparative Study of Yusuf Dadoo and Monty Naicker: 1948-83".
108. Rachit Kumar Murarka, JNU, Delhi, "Political Economy of Post-Revolution Iran's Economic Diversification with reference to Automobile Industry".

109. Hilal Ahmad Dar, GNDU, Amritsar, Punjab, "Development and Transformation of Scheduled Tribes of Jammu and Kashmir".
110. Juhi Singh, JNU, Delhi, "Social Class, Urban Growth and the Rise of `New' Education Economy in a Small City: A Study of Dhanbad in Jharkhand".
111. Narra Maduri, ANAU, Guntur, A.P., "Study on the Impact of Education on Health of Adolescent Girls in Guntur District of Andhra Pradesh".
112. Misbah Rashid, JNU, Delhi, "Women in Islamic Jurisprudence: Analyzing Select Fatwas of the Deoband School since 1987".
113. Caroline C. Netto, JNU, Delhi "Social Construction of Well-being among Professional Women in Thiruvananthapuram".
114. Varsha Singh, BHU, Varanasi, U.P., "Psycho-social Correlates of HIV/AIDS Stigma among HIV/AIDS Children".
115. Aswartha Reddy, Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa, A.P., "Psycho-social Correlates of Everyday Memory in the Aged: An Intervention Study".
116. Nidhi, HNBGU, Srinagar, U.K., "Effects of Academic Interventions upon the Academic Stress and Temperament of the Dyscalculia Students".
117. Shreela Misra, JNU, Delhi, "Caste and Individual Psychological Processes: A Study of Ability, Success and Failure among University Students in Delhi".
118. Hena Fatima, AMU, Aligarh, U.P., "Personal Identity in Relation to Selfefficacy, Values, Personality Type among Adolescents of Minority and Majority Communities".



119. Srishti Puri, JMI, Delhi, "A Study of Psycho-social Implications of Type-1 Diabetes Mellitus amongst Children and their Family Coping Mechanisms in the NCT of Delhi".
120. Aneesh T., TISS, Mumbai, Maharashtra, "The Effects of Divorce in Children and Family in Kerala".
121. Rakesh Kumar Singh, JNU, Delhi, "Media and Development: A Case Study of MGNREGA in West Champaran, Bihar (2006-2016)".
122. Anuradha Ghatak, Banasthali Vidyapith, Vanasthali, Rajasthan, "A Study of Problem-solving Ability and Leadership Skill among Meritorious School Students".
123. R. Karthick Narayanan, JNU, Delhi, "Maintenance of Minority Languages of Nilgiri District, Tamil Nadu: A Case Study of Toda and Kota".
124. Nazim Ali, AMU, Aligarh, U.P., "Labour Market Workers in Moradabad City: A Socio-economic and Structural Analysis".
125. Prakriti Priya, JNU, Delhi, "Inclusion and Place Making: A Study of Women from North East India in Delhi".
126. Mukesh Kumar Vishwakarma, JNU, Delhi, "A Critical Study of Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Afghanistan, 2001-2011".
127. Divya Shekhawat, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, Rajasthan, "Work-life Balance in Hotel Industry in Rajasthan: A Study of Selected Star Hotels".
128. Atithi Pant, DU, Delhi, "Environment, Socio-economic Setup and Perceived Impact of Climate Change in Kumaon Himalaya, Uttarakhand".
129. Jothilakshmi P., Periyar University,

Salem, T.N., "A Study on Shipping and Port Management in Tamil Nadu with special reference of Tuticorin".
130. Rajiv Kumar, CUG, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, "Changing Profile of Automobile Innovations Systems in India".
131. R.D. Geetha, Periyar University, Salem, T.N., "A Study on Satisfaction of Policy Holders towards Select Schemes of LIC of India in Salem District, Tamil Nadu".
132. Vruttant Manwatkar, JNU, Delhi, "Religious and Ethnic Tolerance in Higher Educational Institutions of Russia: Case Studies of Moscow State University and North Caucasus Federal University".
133. Divyadarshi Jennifer, JNU, Delhi, "Cultural Construction of Home among Middle Class Persons: A Comparative Study of Dwelling Spaces in Gurgaon and Visakhapatnam".
134. Prashant Subhash Gaikwad, Solapur University, Solapur, Maharashtra, "A Study on Youth Participation in Development of Slums of Solapur City".
135. Sakthivel, JNU, Delhi, "A Comparative of Social Novels of Kalki in Tamil and V.S. Khandekar in Marathi (translated by Ka. Sri. Sri)".
136. Rajvardhan, BBAU, Lucknow, U.P., "Child Labour in India: A Socio-legal Study with special reference to Lucknow District".
137. Praveen Kumar Ramkuri, ANAU, Guntur, A.P., "E-recruitment Practices in Indian Corporate Sector: A Study of Select Private Companies in Andhra Pradesh".
138. Tsering Norphel, University of Jammu, Jammu, J&K, "Buddhist Rituals and Environmental Ethics: A Study in Leh District".



139. Hoineichin Haokip, Assam Don Bosco University, Guwahati, Assam, "Child Labour in Unorganized Sector: A Case Study on Manipur".
140. Purchila Jamir, Assam Don Bosco University, Guwahati, Assam, "A Comparative Study of Indigenous Religious Beliefs and Baptist Christian Beliefs among the AOs in Nagaland".
141. Ankita Kumar, JNU, Delhi, "MarathaPortuguese Relations in Western India (16th-18th Century)".
142. Ashokraj S., BU, Coimbatore, T.N., "Educational Status in relation to Problems and Challenges to Transgender People".
143. Payal Sharma, BHU, Varanasi, U.P., "Psychological Correlates of Death Anxiety in Institutional and Community-Dwelling Elderly: Role of Ego-integrity".
144. Banshilal Bhahoda, University of Rajasthan,Jaipur, Rajasthan, "Rajasthan mein Manavadhikaar: Chunautiyan evam Sambhavnayein".
145. Azad Ahmad Khan, JMI, Delhi, "Madarsas and Society: A Case Study of Pakistan".
146. Varun Sharma, DU, Delhi, "Crime, Tribe and Nature in India: A Case Study".
147. Yash Kumar Singh, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, Rajasthan, "Jaipur ke Rickshaw Chalakoan ki Madyapaan Pravritti ke Sandarbh mein Ek Samajshastriya Adhyayan".
148. Pdianghunshisha Lyngkhoi, William Carey University, Shillong, Meghalaya, "A Study of Wastage and Stagnation at Secondary School Level in Meghalaya with special reference to Mawkyrwat Area of South West Khasi Hills District".

149. Alita Beniwal, IIS, Jaipur, Rajasthan, "Quality of Work Life in Dual Career Couples: A Case Study in Academics with special reference to Rajasthan".
150. Sonawane Satish Waman, CUG, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, "Public Expenditure and its Impact on Primary Education: A Case Study in Gujarat".
151. M. Arulmurugan, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, T.N., "Economic Impact of Water Pollution on Dalit Households: A Case Study of Palar River Basin, Tamil Nadu".
152. Lakshmi Vishali, ANAU, Guntur, A.P., "Foreign Institutional Investments: It's Impact on Indian Economy with special reference to Indian Capital Market".
153. M.R. Naveen Kumar, TNAU, Coimbatore, T.N., "Developing Integrated ICT Model for Improving Skill of Rural Youth for Attracting Rural Youth towards Agriculture: An Experimental Study".
154. Priyanka Pandey, Shri Shravannath Math Jawaharlal Nehru (PG) College, Haridwar, U.K., "Attitude towards Saving and Investment Pattern: A Study of Gender Differences in Uttarakhand".
155. Prabhunath Kumar Prasad, HNBGU, Srinagar, Garhwal, "Kendra mein Gathbandhan Sarkaro ki Rajniti: UPA ke Vishesh Sandarbh mein".
156. S Ashokraj, BU, Coimbatore, T.N., "Educational Status in relation to Problems and Challenges of Transgender People".
157. Deepthi Vijayan, BU, Coimbatore, T.N., "Enhancing Academic Achievement and Psychological Resources Using a Multimodel Intervention among Students with Dyslexia: An Experimental Study".
158. Elayaraja K., Kuvempu University, Shivamogga, Karnataka, "Performance Eval-



uation of Targeted Public Distribution System: A Study in Karnataka".
159. Yaochuila Kasar, JNU, Delhi, "Ideology in Soviet Policy towards Nazi Germany, 1933-1945".
160. Rajkumar Mareppa, Gulbarga University. Kalaburagi, Karnataka, "The Communication Philosophy of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar: A Study".
161. Nida Nafees, AMU, Aligarh, U.P., "Fear of Rejections, Sense of Control and Mental Health among Adolescents of Majority and Minority Community".
162. Suvendu Kumar Pratihari, NIT, Rourkela, Odisha, "Assessment of Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Branding: Evidence of Indian Banking Sector".
163. Bamonlang M. Dkhar, NEHU, Shillong, Meghalaya, "School Environment and Level of Educational Aspiration in relation to Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students in Jaintia Hill, Meghalaya".
164. Machavarapu Milcah Paul, Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Creative Interior Design Intervention using Handloom Products and Assessment of Consumer Satisfaction".
165. Ritika, Chittora, MLSU, Udaipur, Rajasthan, "A Study of Selected Aspects of Financial Management in Foreign Controlled Indian Companies and other Domestic Companies".
166. Nituja Singh, JMI, New Delhi, "Impact of Public Opinion on Judicial Process: A Case Study of India".
167. S. Pitchammal, MMSU, Tirunelveli, T.N., "Role of Financial Institutions in

Promoting Women Entrepreneurship in Tirunelveli District".
168. G. Saranya, Periyar University, Salem, T.N., "Brand Preference, Consumer Satisfaction and Loyalty towards Smartphones among College Students in Tamil Nadu".
169. Narayanapuram Brahmaiah, ANAU, Guntur, A.P., "Attitudes of ESL Speakers towards the Phenomena of Code Switching and Code Mixing in Andhra Pradesh".
170. Apoorva Kumar, HPU, Shimla, H.P., "Consumer Skepticism towards Online Shopping Decisions among Millennial".
171. Ruchi Sharma, HPU, Shimla, H.P., "Customers Perception and Satisfaction regarding Online Shopping: A Study of Select Cities of India".
172. N. Venkateshwarlu, OU, Hyderabad, Telangana, "A Critical Study of Law relating to Data Protection and Privacy Issues with reference to the Information Technology Act, 2000".
173. Vishal Yadav, BHU, Varanasi, U.P., "Effects of Cognitive Task Load on Prospective Judgement for Time Perception".
174. Gitumoni Rajbongshi, NEHU, Shillong, Meghalaya, "Traffic Congestion in Shillong and its Economic Impact".
175. Reshma Jacob, JNU, Delhi, "ESL Phonology of Heritage Konkani Speakers and Malayalam Speakers of Kerala".
176. Neeru Puniya, Chaudhary Devi Lal University, Sirsa, Haryana, "Impact of Information Technology on Customers Satisfaction: A Study of Public and Private Sector Banks".
177. Deepika Chauhan, MGKV, Varanasi, U.P., "Ni-Shakt Kishoro ka unke Sahodar ke Saath Antarsambandh".



178. Randhir Kumar, DU, Delhi, "Corporate Social Responsibility in Coal Mining Region and Rural Development: A Comparative Study of Witbank Region (South Africa) and Dhanbad Region (India)".
179. J. Naipunya, ANAU, Guntur, A.P., "Efficiency of Future Trading and Direction of Trade in Selected Agricultural Commodities".
180. Sreelakshmi K.M., JNU, Delhi, "A Sociolinguistic Study on Women's Language in Matrilineal Malabar Muslim Community in Kerala".
181. Temsusenla Jamir, Gauhati University, Guwahati, Assam, "Inter-generational Transmission of Parenting Styles among AO/Nagas: Association with Psychological Well-being in Adolescents".
182. Biplove Kumar, Sikkim University, Gangtok, Sikkim, "Democracy and the Persistence of Caste: Revisiting the Ambedkar-Gandhi Debate".
183. Dheeraj Kumar, BHU, Varanasi, U.P., "Assessment of Cognitive Functions and Psychological Distress in Breast Cancer Patients".
184. Nitamoni Bharali, AU, Silchar, Assam, "Socio-economic and Demographic Determinants of Maternal and Child (0-5 years) Nutritional Status: A Study among Mishing Tribe of Lakhimpur District of Assam".
185. L. Chandrakala, OU, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Marketing Strategies of Pre-owned Goods: A Study of Automobile Section".
186. Anu Rani Brahma, NEHU, Shillong, Meghalaya, "Emergence and Role of Bodo Middle Class in Assam".

187. Arfat Ahmad Sofo, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, "Analysis of Income Disparities and Regional Convergence in India".
188. R. Lalnuntluangi, UoH, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Role of Self-efficacy, Outcome Expectancy, Perceived Health Competence in Coping and Selfmanagement of Diabetes Patient".
189. Priyanka Tiwari, BHU, Varanasi, U.P., "Effects of Spatial Attention and Familiarity on Visual World Recognition during Reading".
190. Benny Jose, JMI, Delhi, "Analyzing Interactions in a Social Science Classroom at Elementary Level".
191. Pribat Rai, Sikkim University, Gangtok, Sikkim, "Traditional Knowledge Systems and Methods of Disaster-Risk Reduction among the Communities in Sikkim Himalaya".
192. Arunima Anil, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, "Effects of ICT on Education: The Situation of Rural Schools in Kerala".
193. Akhter Hussain Khan, JMI, Delhi, "IndiaChina Relations: A Study of Emerging Geopolitics and Maritime Security in the Indian Ocean".
194. Manju Devi, HNBGU, Srinagar, Garhwal, "Development of Tourism in Hardwar District: Problems and Potentials".
195. Vaishali Raghuvanshi, South Asian University, Delhi, "Images of the Other: Pakistan in the Narratives of India's Popular Culture".
196. Sanjesh Kumar, DEI, Agra, U.P., "Comparison of Cognitive and Personality Dimensions between Students of Yogic (Gurukul) and Modern Education System".



197. Maheema Rai, Sikkim University, Gangtok, Sikkim, "Gender Justice and Uniform Civil Code in India: A Study of Darjeeling District in West Bengal".
198. Keka Das, JNU, Delhi, "Regional Traditions in the Early Medieval Period: A Comparative Study of the Brahma Vaivarta Purana and the Kalika Purana".
199. Sunil Kumar, HPU, Shimla, H.P., "Dynamics or Coalition Politics in India: A Study of National Democratic Alliance and United Progressive Alliance (1998-2014)".
200. Neelima Joshi, MSU, Udaipur, Rajasthan, "A Study of Well-being among Teenagers in relation to Social Media".
201. Amrita Purakayastha, BU, Coimbatore, T.N., "Socio-economic Challenges, Health-related Risks, Employment and Livelihood Opportunities for Transgender Community in Kolkata".
202. Ritu Devi, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, Rajasthan, "Bharat ki Nirvachan Vyavastha ke Samaksh Utpann Chunotiya evam Sambhavnaayein: Nyaypalika ke Vishesh Sandarbh mein Ek Adhyayan".
203. Waghmare Balaji Ranganathan, CUG, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, "Caste and Gender in Selected Post-independence Marathi Novels: A Comparative Study".
204. Mithila Biniwale, JNU, Delhi, "Documentary Film in India: Critical Articulation, Subjectivity and Site of Resistance".
205. Himani Jalal, Kumaun University, Nainital, U.K, "Entrepreneurship and Economic Development: Policies, Issues and Performance".

206. Biswa Nath, VBUS, Shantiniketan, W.B., "A Study on Inclusive Science Education for Learning Disabled Children in Context of Universal Design for Learning".
207. Anju M, Periyar University, Salem, T.N., "Devotion and Gender Expression: A Study of Women in Temple Ritual Practice of Kerala".
208. Abdul Qadir, AMU, Aligarh, U.P., "Food Security Laws in India: Problems and Prospects".
209. Deepanjali Das, BBAU, Lucknow, U.P., "A Time Series Analysis of Interest Rate Movement in Credit Lending Channel with reference to India's Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanism".
210. Kritika Agrawal, BBAU, Lucknow, U.P., "Social Media and Suicidal Ideation among Students Pursuing Higher Education: A Study Based in Lucknow, U.P".
211. Hema S. Kurup, Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Pune, Maharashtra, "Demographic Dividend, Skill Formation and Employability of the Indian Labour Force".
212. R. Minithra, TNAU, Coimbatore, T.N., "Strategies to Enhance the Income of Small and Marginal Farmers: An Analysis on the Role of Technology, Markets and Policy".
213. Nasir Ahmed Bhat, JMI, Delhi, "Self-efficacy, Resilience, Optimism and Coping among Orphan Adolescents of Kashmir".
214. Priyanta Ghosh, JNU, Delhi, "Theories and Empirics of Firm Export Behaviour: Revisiting the Home Market Hypothesis".



215. Pragya Sharma, BBAU, Lucknow, U.P., "Groundwater Sustainability: A Common Pool Resource Approach towards its Management".
216. Ruchi Bhalla, BBAU, Lucknow, U.P., "Inter-linkages between Human Development Indicators and Economic Growth in India: A Study with reference to Kerala and Uttar Pradesh".
217. Amita, JNU, Delhi, "A Study on the Fiscal Multipliers in India: 1990-91 to 201516".
218. Minakshi Rana, JU, Gwalior, M.P., "Cultural Intelligence and Adaptability: A Study of International Students in Northern India".
219. Himani Pant, JNU, Delhi, "The European Union and Russia in their Common Neighborhood: A Case Study of Georgia and Ukraine, 2004-2016".
220. Ouffee Maqbool, University of Kashmir, Jammu, J&K, "Transition from Movements to Power Politics: A Study of Asom Gana Parishad (AGP) and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP)".
221. C. Sathiyapriya, Periyar University, Salem, T.N., "Research Productivity on Immunology during 1991-2016: A Scientometric Study".
222. Pooja Chetry, UoH, Hyderabad, T.N., "Sex Trafficking in the Borderlands of Eastern Himalayas".
223. Anil Gangadhar Gumgol, Karnataka University, Dharwad, Karnataka, "A Study of Social Maturity, Metacognitive Awareness, Adjustment and Mind Style in relation to Academic Achievement of Devadasi's Children".
224. Malini Revankar, Karnataka University, Dharwad, Karnataka, "Women in Agri-

culture: A Sociological Study in Western Ghats of Karnataka".
225. Vatsala Audichya, MSU, Udaipur, Rajasthan, "A Study on Prospects and Problems of Adventure Tourism in Southern Rajasthan".
226. Rashmirani Balabantaray, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, "Management of Land Resources and Empowerment: A Study among the Bhuiyan Women in Keonjhar District".
227. Tanu, AIIMS, Delhi, "Neuro-Cognitive and Psycho-social Aspects of Childhood Obesity".
228. Ravikumar N., BU, Coimbatore, T.N., "Myth and Fantasy in Select Works of J.R.R. Tolkien: An Application of MythRitual Theory".
229. Raji Jennet, PSGR Krishnamal College for Women, Coimbatore, T.N., "A Comparative Study on Socio-psychological Barriers faced by Women Leaders and Strategies Adopted to Overcome with special reference to IT Sector in Bengaluru and Coimbatore".
230. Deepa Thangjam, Central Agricultural University, Imphal, Manipur, "Livelihood Security of Farmers in Meghalaya under Tribal Sub-plan: A Result-based Evaluation".
231. Swati Singh, CUHP, Dharamshala, H.P., "Micro-Financing through Self-Help Group Bank Linkage Programme: An Impact Assessment in Himachal Pradesh".
232. Vijender Singh, JMI, Delhi, "Why There Are Only Few Women Managers? A Case Study of Indian Administration Service".
233. Aradhana Panigrahi, NIT, Rourkela, Odisha, "Positive Health Aspects



Influencing Health Management Skills: A Study on Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients".
234. Gholape Suraj Manohar, Dr. Babasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli, Maharashtra, "Agro-enterprises for Socio-economic Development of Farm Women in Konkan Region of Maharashtra".
235. G. Balasubranian, MMSU, Tirunelveli, T.N., "Role of NGOs and Banks in Empowering Women SHGs through Micro-finance: A Study with reference to Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu".
236. Nairita Bhattacharjee, AU, Silchar, Assam, "Central Dependency, Fiscal Behaviour and Economic Growth: A Case of Northeast India since 1991".
237. Sajad Ahmad Rather, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, "Openness Inflation and Global Financial System".
238. Vipin Sharma, Panjab University, Chandigarh, "A Study of India's Trade Relations with SAARC Countries under SAFTA".
239. Uma Parashar, GNDU, Amritsar, Punjab, "Reproductive Health of Tribal Women: A Sociological Study of Jammu and Kashmir".
240. Hriday Ranjan Kalita, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh, Assam, "Women in Armed Conflict Situations: A Sociological Study of Five Districts in Assam".
241. S. Gowri, BU, Coimbatore, T.N., "A Study on Consumer Buying Behaviour towards Green Marketing with special reference to Green Products".
242. Bethi Madhu, OU, Hyderabad, Telangana, "An Analysis of Social-economic Conditions of Agricultural Labourers".

243. Vijay Pratap Gaurav, JNU, Delhi, "Kazakhstan Russia Relations, 19912000".
244. Vandana Mandloi, Vikram University, Ujjain, M.P., "Madhya Pradesh mein Udyaniki Fasaloan ka Ek Aarthik Adhyayan".
245. Manu S., University of Mysore, Mysore, Karnataka, "Impact of CSR Spending on Rural Households in Karnataka: A Case Study of Mysore District".
246. Aarti N. Nagpal, UoH, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Minimizing Reproductive Health Risk Behaviour in Adolescent Girls: Efficacy of an Integrated Psycho-social Intervention Model".
247. Harshvardhan, Ranchi University, Ranchi, Jharkhand, "Critical Evaluation of Green Technology and its Impact on Industrialisation in the Context of the Green Economy Initiative in India".
248. Dharmendra Singh Chauhan, SABVGACC, Indore, M.P., "Indore Zile ki Depalpur Tehsil mein Jaivik Krishi ka Krishko ke Samaajik evam Aarthik Vikas par Prabhaav".
249. Waghmare Sandeep Bhujangrao, CUG, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, "Caste and Gender in Selected Post-Independence Marathi Novels: A Comparative Study".
250. M. Monika, Urumu Dhanalakshmi College, Tiruchirappalli, T.N., "A Study on Organizational Climate in Southern Railway, Golden Rock Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu".
251. Brilla Balsam J., Shri Shankaracharya University of Sanskrit, Kalady, Kerala, "Environmental Etiology of Spatial Distribution of Diseases: A Micro-level Study of Kalady in Ernakulum, Kerala".



252. Vandana Kapoor, CUG, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, "Social Class and Ownership of Enterprises in Unorganized Manufacturing Sector: A Study of Indian State of Gujarat".
253. Baljit Kaur, PU, Patiala, Punjab, "Role of Deputy-Commissioner in District Administration of Punjab: Emerging Issues and Challenges".
254. Dhulgand Vijay Ganpat, Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani, Maharashtra, "Socio-economic Impact of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act on its Beneficiaries in Marathwada Region".
255. Gautam Das, AU, Silchar, Assam, "History, Marginality and Tea Garden Women: A Study of Jorhat District of Assam".
256. Priti Sharma, DEI, Agra, U.P., "A Study of Effect of Enrichment Programme on Social Conformity and Personal Values of Delinquent Children".
257. Imran Ahmad, JMI, Delhi, "Perception of Costumers towards Online Shopping".
258. Manish Phalke, Shri Vaishnav Institute of Management, Indore, M.P., "Impact of Merger on Bank Performance: A Comparative Study".
259. Gurwinder Singh, PU, Patiala, Punjab, "An Economic Analysis of Substance Abuse in Punjab".
260. B. Nepolian, BDU, Tiruchirappalli, T.N., "An Economic Analysis of Electricity Power Sector Performance in Tamil Nadu with special reference to Tiruchirappalli Circle".
261. Siddharth Misra, NIT, Rourkela, Odisha, "Improving Attitude towards Brand with Environmental Association: An Empirical Approach".

262. Shyna V.V., Pondicherry University, Puducherry, "Public Opinion as a Factor in the Making of India's Foreign Policy: A Case of India's Policy towards Civil Nuclear Agreement with US, 20052008".
263. Junuthula Shirisha, Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Millet Consumption Pattern and Metabolic Disorder among Tribal and Urban Population of Telangana".
264. Vikash Kumar Singh, JNU, Delhi, "Changing Dynamics of China's Religious Policy towards Tibet".
265. Tanisha Gogoi, JNU, Delhi, "Development and Civil Society: An Enquiry into the Politics of Dam Construction in Lower Subansiri Hydro Power Project".
266. S. Parameswari, BDU, Tiruchirappalli, T.N., "A Study on Psycho-social Wellbeing of Parents with Intellectually Disabled Children".
267. Sukanya Bharadwaj, JNU, Delhi, "Disciplining the Liberal Democratic State: Police, Violence and Identity in Assam".
268. Lipika Roy, Tripura University, Agartala, Tripura, "Women in Ethnic Conflict Situation: A Study of the Bodo Women in Kokrajhar District of Assam".
269. Lhamo Tso, BHU, Varanasi, U.P., "Tibetans in Exile Debating the Status of Refugees in India".
270. Mahfooz Alam, AMU, Aligarh, U.P., "Corruption and Black Money in India: Judicial and Administrative Responses since 2000".
271. Divya, GNDU, Amritsar, Punjab, "CEO Succession and Stockholder Reaction: A Case of Selected Companies in India".



272. Winson Thomas, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, "Economics of Geographical Indications and its Implications for Producers: A Study with reference to Kerala".
273. Sunanda Jha, NIT, Rourkela, Odisha, "Service Sector Micro-enterprises: Informality, Migration and Productivity".
274. Vivek, JMI, Delhi, "Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Brand Image: An Interface".
275. Mohd. Afzal Shah, JMI, Delhi, "Consumer Shift from Unorganized Retailing: An Empirical Study".
276. Rajashree Vijay Kshirsagar, Deccan College, Pune, Maharashtra, "The Study of Hymns and Rituals Related to the Salilagana".
277. Anuradha Kalhan Siddiqui, University of Mumbai, Mumbai, Maharashtra, "Examining the Security Hypothesis in India in the Post-liberalization Period".
278. Nandan Nawn, JNU, Delhi "A Comparative Study of Modern Chemical-based Agriculture and Organic Farming in terms of Sustainability".
279. Somali Chakrabarti, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, W.B., "Urbanization and Urban Development in West Bengal: A Study of Regional Variation".
280. Anil Dutt, HNBGU, Srinagar, Garhwal, "Geographic Analysis and Prospects of Indigenous Technology Used in Mountain Agriculture: A Case Study of Mori Tehsil Uttarakhand District".
281. Rakesh Parmar, Vikram University, Ujjain, M.P., "Madhya Pradesh mein Police Bharti Prakriya mein E-Prashashan ki Bhumika: Ujjain Zile ke Vishesh Sandarbh mein".

282. Kommu Shiny Israel, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, Karnataka, "Tamarind Processing in Karnataka: A Management Appraisal".
Theses Received from Institutional Doctoral Fellowship Awardees
Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram
283. Albert Christopher, "Dynamics of Bovine Economy of Tamil Nadu: An Analysis of Factors, Processes and Implications".
284. Prabhkaran Nair V.R., "Financial Liberalization, Capitalist Structure and Investment: A Study of Indian Private Corporate Manufacturing Sector".
285. Syam Prasad, "Deprivation and Poverty among Elderly in India".
286. Rudra Narayan Mishra, "Under-nutrition in India: Dimensions and Correlates".
287. Varinder Jain, "Dynamics of Insecurity in India's Informal Sector: A Study of Manufacturing in Punjab".
288. Amrendra Das, "Performance of Public and Private Mining Firms in India: In Productivity, Environmental and Social Dimensions".
289. Ranjan Kumar Dash, "Stock Market Development and Economic Growth in India: A Study in the context of Financial Liberalization".
290. Murugan G., "Endowments, Institutions and Capabilities: An Application to Drinking Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Rural India".
291. Harilal M.S., "Growth, Transition and Globalization of Traditional Medicine: Ayurvedic Manufacturing with special focus on Kerala".



292. Rajeev Sharma, "Rural Development and Livelihood Diversification: An Empirical Investigation from Jammu and Kashmir".
293. Gargi Sanati, "Macro-economic Implications of Financial Integration: Empirical Evidence from India in a Liberalized Era".
294. Beena S., "Cross Border Mergers and Acquisitions in India: An Exploratory Study".
295. Suparn Pal, "Measuring GDP of Health Care Services in India: From a Critical Evaluation to a Quest for Alternatives".
296. Krishna Reddy Chittedi, "Stock Market Development, Integration and Contagion: An Empirical Analysis from the `BRIC' Economies".
297. Hari Kurup K.K., "Consumer Choice and Provider Strategies in the Health Care Sector of Kerala".
298. Neethi P., "Globalization Lived Locally: A Labour Geography Perspective on Kerala's Labour Market".
299. Meena Abraham, "Foreign Portfolio Equity Investments in India: A Comparative Analysis of Determinants and Impact".
300. Bibhunandini Das, "Diffusion of Information and Communication Technologies: Evidence from Indian Agriculture".
301. Sajitha Beevi Karayil, "Movement of Natural Persons and the Sieve of Immigration Policy: A Study on India's Mode4 Exports to the United States".
302. Shyjan D., "Services Sector Growth in Kerala: Character, Composition and Implications".
303. Sreerupa, "Transnational Linkages and Organization of Care Work for the Aged:

Experiences from Central Travancore, Kerala".
304. Mythri Prasad, "Migration and Production of Space: Labour Capital, and the State in Kerala, India".
305. Kiran Kumar Kakarlapudi, "Innovations and Inclusive Development: The Case of Banking Sector in India".
306. Sanjay Kumar Malik, "Technological Change in Capital Goods Sector: The Case of India's Textile Machinery Industry".
307. Vachaspati Shukla, "Examining Educational Progress in India: Characteristics and Consequences".
308. Namrata Thapa, "Institutions, Innovations and Inclusive Development: A Study of Select Plantation Crops in India".
309. Mohd. Imran Khan, "Internal Migration and Labour Markets in India".
310. Anirban Kundu, "Re-visiting FormalInformal Agriculture Interlinkages in India: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis".
311. Kavitha P., "Corporation Social Responsibility: Determinants and Impacts: A Study of Manufacturing Firms in India".
Centre for Women's Development Studies, New Delhi
312. Kirti Sharma, "Street Girls: Life Struggle and Challenges".
313. Manoj Kumar Gupta, "Panchayat Raj System: Women Leadership and Governance".
314. Nidhi Varma, "The Politics of Gender in Contemporary Indian Women's Popular Fiction in English".



315. R. Usha Bhagavathi, "New Thinking on Infertility: A Sociological Study on Childless Women".
316. S. Mageswari, "Water and Sanitation Accessibility among Urban Slum Women of Chennai City: An Analytical Study".
Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Kolkata
317. Prithiviraj Biswas, "Advertisements, Manufacturers and Consumer Culture of Colonial Bengal (1880-1920)".
318. Agniv Ghosh, "Manasamikshyano Bish Shataker Adhunik Bangalir Manasdandwa".
319. Sayantani Sur, "Desire, Drugs and Distress: A History of Contraception in India (1930-1977)".
320. Somraj Basu, "The Boundaries of Belonging: A Social Anthropological Appraisal of Tibetan Medical Identity Building in India".
321. Sagnik Atarthi, "Towards an Alternative History: Bengal and its Musical Publics (1940-1970)".
322. Devleena Majumdar, "Environmental Pollution and International Trade: Three Essays".
323. Swati Chaterjee, "City Sensed: Body, Space and Power in Colonial Calcutta".
324. Madhumita Saha, "Reception of Shakespeare in 19th Century Bengali Literary Sphere".

Giri Institute of Development Studies, Lucknow
325. Ravindra Pratap Singh, "Communal Tendencies in Indian History Writing: Problematizing Historiography and its Interface with State".
326. Satpal, Department of Economics, "Competitiveness of Indian Agriculture under WTO Regime: A Case Study of Wheat".
Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi
327. Guru Prakash Singh, "An Empirical Study of Changing Dynamics of Employment in Construction Industry".
328. Masudul Hasan Adil, "The Demand for Money in India: Assessing the Role of Financial Innovation".
Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bengaluru
329. S. Subramanian, "Dynamics of India's Agricultural Workforce and PluralActivity in Farm Sector".
330. Dhananjay K., "Stock Market Development, Corporate Finance and Economic Growth in India".
331. Gana Shruthy M.K., "A Study on Education and Marketing of Coffee in Western Ghats Region of Karnataka".
332. Chaya Ravishankar, "Study for Water Use Efficiency for Augmenting Water Resources for Growing Population of Bengaluru".
333. Mrinalini Goswami, "Study of Ecosystem-based Livelihood in a Rural and Peri-Urban Landscape of Assam".

Appendix 5
Financial Assistance Provided for Organising National and International Conferences/Seminars
in India

Proposals Approved for Organising National Conferences/ Seminars in India
General Category
Commerce and Management
1. Tarvinder Kaur Kainath, STALC, Madhya Pradesh, "Role of Skill Development in Transforming Indian Workforce" at Jabalpur from 26-27 July 2019. (`2,00,000)
2. K. Nithya Kala, PSGRKCW, Tamil Nadu, "Sustainable Business Approaches & Models for Industry 4.0" at Coimbatore on 3rd September 2019. (`1,50,000)
3. Seema Bathla, JNU, New Delhi, "Intersectoral Linkages, Productivity and Competitiveness of Agro and Food Processing Industries in India" at New Delhi from 20-21 September 2019. (`2,50,000)
4. D. John Paul, LOYC, Tamil Nadu, "Labour Management Relations in India with Specific Reference to the Changing Scenario of Human Resources Management" at Chennai from 23-24 September 2019. (`2,00,000)
5. K. Arutselvan, NSIT, Tamil Nadu, "Special Scheme for Farmers for the Installation of Solar Pumps and Grid" at Salem on 12th October 2019. (`40,000)

6. T. Satyanarayana, ISAM, Telangana, "Agricultural Marketing" at Hyderabad from 7-9 November 2019. (`2,50,000)
7. Turaga V. Rao, AGSGSCAS, Andhra Pradesh,"Entrepreneurship­Present Scenario" at Krishna from 1-2 December 2019. (`75,000)
8. J. Savitha, SCSCM, Tamil Nadu, "Digital Cyber Security Forensics-Issues and Challenges" at Saravanampatty on 2nd December 2019. (`75,000)
9. Scarlet, JACW, Tamil Nadu, "Empowerment of Women through Micro-finance" at Periyakulum from 4-5 December 2019. (`75,000)
10. Danamaraju V. Priya, BTC, Andhra Pradesh, "International Financial Reporting Standards (Universal Accounting)" at Madanapalla on 28th December 2019. (`1,50,000)
11. U.B. Mohapatra, NOU, Odisha,"Green Technology for Environment Management" at Baripada from 22-23 January 2020. (`1,50,000)
12. P. Manilal, CSIR-CFTRI, Karnataka, "Innovation and Sustainable Information Services in Digital Era" at Mysore on 4th February 2020. (`1,00,000)
13. S. Vidhya, PKRACW, Tamil Nadu, "Startup Businesses for Economic Revival: Prospects and Challenges" at Gobi-



chettipalayam from 4-5 February 2020. (`2,00,000)

row" at New Delhi from 8-9 April 2020. (`2,00,000)

14. Suman Kumar, RAJC, New Delhi, "Mission 370 and Beyond: Contemporary Narratives of Jammu and Kashmir" at New Delhi from 6-7 February 2020. (`2,00,000)

23. Manali M. Londhe, SKSASC, Maharashtra, "Academia-Industry Interface and Collaborations in a Globalized World" at Mumbai from 17-18 April 2020. (`2,50,000)

15. Janga Venugopal, AVVDPGC, Telangana, "Impact of Information Technology on Customer Service in Service Sector: Emerging Issues & Challenges" at Warangal from 18-19 February 2020. (`2,50,000)
16. B. Vijayalakshmi, SPMVV, Andhra Pradesh, "Indian Startups: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities' at Tirupati from 28-29 February 2020. (`2,00,000)

24. Jayanta Gogoi, Jogananda Deva Satradhikar Goswami College, Assam, "Trade and Commerce in North-East India: Path Traversed and Way Ahead" at Golaghat from 25-26 April 2020. (`2,00,000)
25. Madhu Lal M., MGU, Kerala, "Artificial Intelligence and Robotics in Business Organisations: A New Era for Sustainable Growth and Profitability" at Kottayam from 27-28 May 2020. (`2,00,000)

17. N.S. Nithya, KSRCE, Tamil Nadu, "Cyber Security Awareness Training Programme for Women Welfare" at Tiruchengode from 5-6 March 2020. (`80,000)

26. R. Jayanthi, DRVASC, Tamil Nadu, "Waste Recycling Management for Environmental Sustainability" at Coimbatore on 15th June 2020. (`1,00,000)

18. Venkataramanaiah M., SGGPGDC, Andhra Pradesh, "Digital Economy in India: Trends, Opportunities and Challenges" at Piler from 5-6 March 2020. (`2,00,000)
19. Ila Joshi, IIS, Rajasthan, "Advances in Food Science, Processing and Safety" at Jaipur from 13-14 March 2020. (`80,000)

27. Padmanabhan V., SR-CAS, Tamil Nadu, "Digital Transformation to Industry 4.0- "The Future is Here" at Coimbatore on 27th August 2020. (`1,50,000)
28. Arockiam Kulandai, STJC, Tamil Nadu, "The Labour Codes: Implications and Challenges for Industries and Organisations in India" at Tiruchirappalli from 27-28 August 2020. (`2,00,000)

20. Ramesh Kumar Sharma, VIPS, New Delhi, "Media Literacy and Communication for Sustainable Development" at New Delhi from 20-21 March 2020. (`2,00,000)
21. D. Nabirasool, IIPM, Karnataka, "Innovative Management Strategies in Agriculture and Business" at Bengaluru from 27-28 March 2020. (`1,50,000)
22. Atul Kumar, PGDAV College, New Delhi, "Sustainable Development and Business: Managing Organizations of Tomor-

29. Surajit Saikia, GAC, Assam, "Sustainable Agriculture in North East India: Issues, Policies and Way Forward" at Gargaon on 27th June 2019. (`1,25,000)
30. Kilumoni Chutia, BCC, Assam, "Problems and Prospects of Rural Employability in North East India: Issues and Consensus" at Dhemaji from 4-5 October 2019. (`1,50,000)



31. K. Saritha, SGSGIASE, Andhra Pradesh, "The Electronic Thinking of the Rural India is driving the Nation's Growth" at Rajamahendravaram from 25-26 October 2019. (`1,50,000)
32. Mangnale V. Santukrao, AKIMSS, Karnataka, "Contemporary Issues in Development Economics ­A Road Ahead" at Solapur from 31 October-1 November 2019. (`2,00,000)
33. Padam Singh Bisht, KUMU, Uttarakhand, "15th Annual Conference of UPUEA: Unemployment Situation and Policies for Employment Generation" at Nainital from 10-11 November 2019. (`3,50,000)
34. Rashi Krishna Sinha, DSMNRU, Uttar Pradesh, "Globalization, Growth and Sustainability" at Lucknow from 15-16 November 2019. (`2,00,000)
35. C. Kandasamy, Dr. NGPASC, Tamil Nadu, "Saving Avenues for Unorganized Working Women" at Coimbatore from 5-6 December 2019. (`75,000)
36. G. Rajesh, MASC, Tamil Nadu, "One Nation ­ One Election: Political, Legal and Economic Perspectives in India" at Namakkal from 5-6 December 2019. (`75,000)
37. Ramna Thakur, IIT, Himachal Pradesh, "Health and Development" at Mandi, H.P. from 8-10 December 2019. (`3,50,000)
38. D. Tata Rao, BRAU, Andhra Pradesh, "Emerging Issues in Rural Development with special reference to A.P." at Etcherla from 11-12 December 2019. (`1,00,000)
39. Mynd B Vaijanath, VKM, Maharashtra, "Financial Literacy and Digital Payment System in India" at Dhoki on 28th December 2019. (`1,50,000)
40. N.R. Bhanumurthy, TIES, New Delhi, "56th Annual Conference of the Indian

Econometric Society" at New Delhi from 8-10 January 2020. (`2,50,000)
41. M. Julias Ceasar, ST.AC, Tamil Nadu, "MSMEs: A Panacea for Growth, Entrepreneurship and Employment" at Tiruchirappali from 21-22 January 2020. (`1,00,000)
42. Udai Prakash Sinha, T.M. Bhagalpur University, Bihar, "Water Resources and Sustainable Development: A Global Challenge" at Bhagalpur from 24-25 January 2020. (`2,50,000)
43. M.N. Mohamed Abusali Sheik, SAC, Tamil Nadu, "Impact of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 on MSME" at Tirunelveli from 14-15 February 2020. (`1,25,000)
44. Moirangthem H. Meitei, MU, Manipur, "Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in North-Eastern Region of India" at Imphal from 14-15 February 2020. (`1,50,000)
45. K. Mohan Reddy, KKU, Telangana, "Rural Youth, Unemployment and Migration ­ Issues and Challenges" at Warangal from 15-16 February 2020. (`2,00,000)
46. Pawan Kumar Pandey, RRPGC, Uttar Pradesh, "Innovation and Entrepreneurial Framework for the Growth of Indian Economy in the Era of Digitalization Competitiveness" at Amethi from 15-16 February 2020. (`1,00,000)
47. L. Senthil Kumar, SKASC, Tamil Nadu, "Mainstreaming the Bio-diversity and Bringing Back the Forgotten Foods Back to the Plate" at Coimbatore from 21-22 February 2020. (`75,000)
48. Narendra K. Bishnoi, GJUS&T, Haryana, "Paradigm Shift in State Economies of India" at Hisar from 26-27 February 2020. (`2,50,000)



49. Sudha Vasan, DSE, New Delhi, "The Environment as Meta-narrative" at New Delhi from 5-6 March 2020. (`2,00,000)
50. Sr. Venissa A.C., ST.AC, Karnataka, "Agrarian Distress and Environmental Issues and Challenges" at Mangaluru from 10-11 March 2020. (`2,00,000)
51. Kalpana Virendra Singh, GMSPGC, Madhya Pradesh, "India, from Energy Deficient to Sustainable Renewable Energy State: A Paradigm Shift in Policy Planning" at Ujjain, M.P. from 20-21 March 2020. (`2,00,000)
52. Satarupa Bandyopadhyay, BETC, West Bengal, "Analysing the Growth Trajectory of Indian Economy: Productivity, Efficiency" at Kolkata from 29 February-1 March 2020. (`2,00,000)
53. Dinesha P.T, UOM, Karnataka, "Sustainable and Inclusive Urban Development in India" at Mysore from 12-13 March 2020. (`1,25,000)
54. R. Rajendra Naidu, GDPGC, Andhra Pradesh, "Food and Livelihood Security among Scheduled Tribe People in India and Sustainable Management Practices" at Puttur from 19-20 March 2020. (`2,00,000)
55. Rudragouda R. Biradar, KKU, Karnataka, "Indian Public Finance and Policy: Achievements, Challenges and Ways Forward" at Dharwad from 27-28 March 2020. (`2,50,000)
56. Thiruchelvam C., AGAC, Tamil Nadu, "Economic Slowdown and Remedial Measures in India" at Karaikudi from 27-28 March 2020. (`1,50,000)
57. R. Parthasarathy, GIDR, Gujarat, "Inclusive Development in India: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities" at Ahmedabad from 24-26 June 2020. (`3,00,000)

58. Vinod K. Mishra, GSC, Madhya Pradesh, "Madhya Pradesh ke Aarthik Vikaas kee Jeevan Dhaara Narmada" at Jabalpur from 6-7 November 2020. (`1,00,000)
59. Manjusha Ghosh, BIMS, West Bengal, "KOHA: An Open Source Solution for Making Effective Library" at Kolkata from 27-28 July 2019. (`1,50,000)
60. Smita Saxena, MCE, Chhattisgarh, "Imparting Vedic Facets in Global Perspective of Education: The Future" at Bhilai from 7-8 September 2019. (`1,50,000)
61. Mohd. Zafar Shaikh, DYPSOE, Maharashtra, "MOOCS and Moodle ­Challenges and Opportunities in Higher Education" at Pune from 16-17 September 2019. (`2,50,000)
62. Ajantha, SRNMC, Tamil Nadu, "Artificial Intelligence, Multimedia and ICT in Teaching, Learning and Acquisition" at Sattur from 23-24 September 2019. (`1, 25,000)
63. Gagan Bihari Sahu, VNSGU, Gujarat, "Understanding Child Malnutrition in India" at Surat from 4-5 November 2019. (`2,00,000)
64. Subhabrata Kar, UCTC, West Bengal, "Comprehensive Impact of Yoga, Meditation and Wellness on Social Well-being in 21st Century" at Berhampore from 21-22 November 2019. (`1,50,000)
65. Anita Moral, MC, Uttar Pradesh, "Relevance and Challenges of Social Media: A Global Perspective" at Meerut from 23-24 November 2019. (`2,00,000)
66. T. Sundara Pandian, MITE, Nagaland, "Integrating Teacher Education Colleges for Access, Equity and Justice" at



Kohima from 29-30 November 2019. (`1,25,000)
67. G. Venkata Nagaiah, IPE, Telangana, "Competitive Intelligence through Information Harvesting" at Hyderabad from 2-3 December 2019. (`1,50,000)
68. J. Jeyachidra, PMIST, Tamil Nadu, "Awareness and Services Provisions for Persons with Multiple Disabilities for Requiring Early Rehabilitation in Tamil Nadu" at Vallam from 3-4 December 2019. (`2,50,000)
69. P. Manjula, AIISH, Karnataka, "Functional Intervention for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): Finding the Harmony" at Mysore from 16-20 December 2019. (`1,50,000)
70. H. Subhramanyam, BRAU, Andhra Pradesh, "Privatization of Secondary Education in India: Issues and Challenges" at Etcheral from 20-21 December 2019. (`2,00,000)
71. N. Dandinker Suryakant, MLMNCE, Karnataka, "Issues and Challenges of Integrated Teacher Education" at Chikmagalur on 24 December 2019. (`1,00,000)
72. Palanimani, ESEC, Tamil Nadu, "Research, Application and Innovation in Teaching Mathematics with Technology" at Perundurai on 24 December 2019. (`75,000)
73. Devendra S. Bhongade, JVM, Maharashtra, "Academic Libraries in E-Learning Environment: Role and Prospect" at Nagpur from 27-28 December 2019. (`2,00,000)
74. Sr.Jaculine Mary, NCW, Tamil Nadu, "Exploration of Research Innovation: Its Trends and Challenges" at Coimbatore on 11 January 2020. (`75,000)

75. V.P. Matheswaran, MAU, Tamil Nadu, "Education and Skill Development for Human Resource Development" at Chennai from 23-24 January 2020. (`2,00,000)
76. P. Eugene Michael, MCE, Tamil Nadu, "Global Challenges and Recent Trends in Holistic Education and Research" at Chennai from 23-24 January 2020. (`1,25,000)
77. Dipakshi Boruah, HC, Assam, "Issues and Challenges of Higher Education in North East India" at Lakhimpur from 24-25 January 2020. (`1,50,000)
78. Maheshkumar R. Solanki, AEC, Gujarat, "Quality Improvement through SoftSkills in Teacher Education" at Anand from 27-28 January 2020. (`2,00,000)
79. S. Venkataraman, ANNAU, Tamil Nadu, "Identification and Renovation of Content and Strategies to Enhance Adolescents Mental Health" at Annamalainagar from 30-31 January 2020. (`1,50,000)
80. Jalindar Yadavrao Ingle, MSGC, Maharashtra, "Language Education & Employment Opportunities" at Nasik from 7-8 February 2020. (`1,50,000)
81. Alok Kumar Upadhyay, AIISH, Karnataka, "Paradigm Shift in Early Childhood Education for Children with Communication Disorders" at Mysuru from 17-18 February 2020. (`1,25,000)
82. Baalanchandran S., THIRC, Tamil Nadu, "Creating A Milieu for Quality Research Among Academic Community" at Papanasam from 21-22 February 2020. (`1,50,000)
83. Satya Narayan Misra, MIITDU, Odisha, "Inclusiveness of the Differently Abled: Challenges and Opportunities in India"



at Bhubaneswar from 22-23 February 2020. (`2,00,000)
84. Mandita Devi, BAC, Assam, "Fee Waiver in Higher Education: A Challenge to the Education System with Special Reference to Rural Colleges of Assam" at Barama from 26-27 February 2020. (`1,50,000)
85. C.J. Anson, CUSAT, Kerala, "Research Methods in Intellectual Property Rights: An Empirical Study Orientation" at Kochi from 28-29 February 2020. (`1,00,000)
86. Rita Sharma, SASSM, Rajasthan, "Bhartiy Vangmay ke Paripekshay mein Shikshak-Shiksha ki Sankalpna" at Jaipur from 28-29 February 2020. (`2,00,000)
87. Anila Soluchana, CUTN, Tamil Nadu, "Digital Scholarship ­ NCDS" at Thiruvarur from 12-13 March 2020. (`1,50,000)
88. G. Saroja, BRAOU, Telangana, "Changing Contours of Research in LIS in the Information Age" at Hyderabad from 13-14 March 2020. (`2,00,000)
89. Siddharth K. Pokhriyal, UoU, Uttarakhand, "National Policy on Education 2019 and its Impact on Disabilities Studies" at Haldwani from 14-15 March 2020. (`3,00,000)
90. B. Elango, IFETCE, Tamil Nadu, "Awareness of SWAYAM Courses" at Villupuram on 21March 2020. (`80,000)
91. M.S. Siddiqui, TEZU, Assam, "Questing Knowledge for Quenching the Heart: Contextualizing Srimad Bhagvadgita" at Sonitpur from 24-25 March 2020. (`1,50,000)
92. S. Sumasundaram, MSDTTC, Tamil Nadu, "Mindfulness in Education (ME)

­ 2020" at Ramanathapuram from 17-18 April 2020. (`75,000)
93. Alok Gardria, BHU, Uttar Pradesh, "Recent Reforms in Teacher Education: Issues and Challenges" at Varanasi from 6-7 November 2020. (`2,00,000)
International Studies
94. K.P. Vijaylakshmi, JNU, New Delhi, "India-US-China: Emerging Strategic Equations" at New Delhi from 8-9 August 2019. (`3,00,000)
95. Hemayun A. Nazmi, JMI, New Delhi, "India's Interconnection with West Asian Countries: Historical Understanding of Socio-economic Relations and Future Prospects" at New Delhi from 18-19 March 2020. (`2,50,000)
Law/International Law
96. Raj Kumar, BMU, Haryana, "Criminal Law Reforms in Recent Times: Issues and Challenges" at Rohtak on 25 April 2020. (`80,000)
National Security and Strategic Studies
97. Swami Kamalasthananda, RKMVCC, West Bengal, "Planetary Crisis and Human Liberation" at Kolkata on 29 December 2019. (`1,50,000)
98. Mamta Patel, DHSGU, Madhya Pradesh, "Criminology for Global Wellness" at Sagar from 20-22 February 2020. (`2,50,000)
99. Dibyatanu Dasgupta, ABNSC, West Bengal, "Indian Institute of Plantation Management" at Cooch Behar from 27-28 February 2020. (`1,00,000)
100. Sarah Hilaly, RGU, Arunachal Pradesh, "Border Communities of Western



Arunachal Pradesh" at Itanagar from 5-6 March 2020. (`1,00,000)
101. Mangesh G. Acharya, AMJVM, Maharashtra, "Terrorism: Challenges and Issues" at Nagpur from 10-11 December 2020. (`2,00,000)
Political Science and Public Administration
102. Mithlesh J. Mukherji, ST.AC Telangana, "India's Foreign Policy Transformation: Prospects and Challenges" at Hyderabad from 10-11 July 2019. (`2,00,000)
103. Ganesan S., JAC, Tamil Nadu, "Water Management and Food Security" at Sivakasi from 11-12 July 2019. (`1,50,000)
104. Ashutosh Angiras, SDC, Haryana, "Emerging Trends in Global & Indian Political, Business, Religious Leadership & Their Visions" at Ambala Cantt from 6-7 September 2019. (`75,000)
105. Radhakrishnan Pillai, CIILS, Maharashtra, "Youth Alone Can- Study of Youth Movements that Created Leadership and Social Change" at Mumbai from 27-28 September 2019. (`3,00,000)
106. Sushma Talesara, VBGSTC, Rajasthan, "Gandhian Philosophy: Its Relevance in the Contemporary World" at Udaipur from 1-2 October 2019. (`1,50,000)
107. Deepan Das, RGBC, Assam, "Women of North East India: Issues and Prospects of Empowerment" at Guwahati from 20-21 November 2019. (`2,00,000)
108. Debdutta Chakraborty, AMMI, West Bengal, "Aftermath of Bengal Partition: Refugee Crisis" at Kolkata from 6-7 December 2019. (`75,000)
109. Bandana Pandey, GBU, Uttar Pradesh, "Political System of Ancient Bhartiya

Dynasties" at Greater Noida from 23-24 December 2019. (`3,00,000)
110. Indu Baghel, BHAC, New Delhi, "Politics of Development in India: Issues, Challenges and Possibilities" at New Delhi from 27-28 December 2019. (`2,00,000)
111. Archana Barua, IIT, Assam, "Truth and Non-violence: Gandhi in the Post-Truth Era" at Guwahati from 8-9 January 2020. (`2,00,000)
112. Vivek Kumar, CU Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, "Emergence of New India: Philosophy and Teachings of Swami Vivekananda" at Bagla from 16-17 January 2020. (`2,00,000)
113. Subhendu S. Padhi, Govt. College(GC), Odisha, "Political Economy and Governance Reforms in Tribal Regions of Odisha: Climate Change, Culture and Development Experience" at Koraput from 18-19 January 2020. (`2,00,000)
114. Prathiba S. Unhale, BAMU, Maharashtra, "Identity Crisis of Public Administration; Then and Now" at Aurangabad from 6-7 February 2020. (`2,00,000)
115. Shiv Bahadur Singh, DAVPGC, Uttar Pradesh, "Nation Building and Rashtriya Swayam Sewak Sangh: Fallacy and Efficacy" at Varanasi from 7-8 February 2020. (`3,00,000)
116. Pahi Saikia, IIT, Assam, "Sub-regional Cooperation: BIMSTEC and North-east India in Perspective" at Guwahati from 19-20 February 2020. (`2,50,000)
117. Mohanan B. Pillai, PONU, Puducherry, "Bharat Shakti: Which Means India's Inherent Energy" at Puducherry from 24-25 February 2020. (`3,00,000)
118. D. Venkateswara Reddy, ANU, Andhra Pradesh, "Mahatma Gandhi: Ideology,



Philosophy and Relevance in Contemporary Society" at Ongole from 29 February ­ 1 March 2020. (`2,00,000)
119. Shantesh K. Singh, CUH, Haryana, "Neighbourhood Foreign Policy during Prime Minister Modi's Regime" at Mahendergarh from 4-5 March 2020. (`2,50,000)
120. Anupam Sharma, IGNTU, Madhya Pradesh, "Visual Media and Indian Democracy (Scanning the Scanners)" at Amarkantak, M.P. from 16-17 March 2020. (`2,00,000)
121. Niraj Kumar, MAC, New Delhi, "Perspective of Indian Democracy: One Nation, One Election" at New Delhi from 18-19 March 2020. (`2,00,000)
122. Pankaj K. Sarmah, KBVSASU, Assam, "Democratizing the Discourse of Right: Understanding the Question of Human Security and the Role of the State in North East India" at Nalbari from 19-20 March 2020. (`2,50,000)
123. Krishna K Krishna, MMC, Bihar, "Efforts and Impact of Women Empowerment in Bihar: A Case Study Since 2005 Till Now" at Gopalganj from 20-21 March 2020.(`2,00,000)
124. Bidyut Bora, JORHC, Assam, "The Bodo Peace Accord of 2020: Implications for Reconciliation and Development in the North East" at Jorhat from 22-23 March 2020. (`2,00,000)
125. Aparna, CUJ, Jharkhand, "India's Engagement with the World in the 21st Century" at Ranchi from 8-9 April 2020. (`2,00,000)
126. Jagmeet Singh, CUHP, Himachal Pradesh, "Ancient Indian Political Institutions and Values: Their Relevance for Modern Times" at Dehra from 16-17 April 2020. (`2,00,000)

Sociology and Social Anthropology
127. Rajendra P. Singh, MGKV, Uttar Pradesh, "Bhartiya Parampara Ka Aadhunik Bharat: Swarup evam Disha" at Varanasi from 27-28 July 2019. (`3,50,000)
128. Satish K. Ganjoo, CUHP, Himachal Pradesh, "Life and Thought of Guru Nanak: Their Impact on Society" at Dehra from 2-4 September 2019. (`2,50,000)
129. Kawaljeet Kaur, SNC, Punjab, "Drug Abuse: Menace to Society" at Amritsar on 7th September 2019. (`60,000)
130. Tapas Kumar Dalapati, MPISSR, Madhya Pradesh, "Social Development of Vulnerable Groups: Issues and Challenges in Contemporary India" at Ujjain, M.P. from 12-13 September 2019. (`1,50,000)
131. B. Sanjay, TRIPU, Tripura, "Dynamics of Social Reformation and Relevance of Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar" at Suryamaninagar from 26-27 September 2019. (`2,00,000)
132. Akhilesh K. Dwivedi, GRDGPGC, Chhattisgarh, "Social, Economic and Political Inclusion of Tribal in the Contemporary India: Issues and Challenges" at Ambikapur from 27-28 September 2019. (`2,00,000)
133. Sheo Kumar Lal, GDPGC, Uttarakhand, "Himallayi Kshetra ki Lok Sanskriti evam Parytan- Uttarakhand ke Vishesh Sandarbh Mein" at Chamoli from 28-29 September 2019. (`2,00,000)
134. Ajay Kumar Singh, CU Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, "Contribution of Jammu and Kashmir to Indian Thought" at Bagla from 22-24 October 2019. (`1,50,000)
135. Ramanpreet Kaur Aulak, GNDUC, Punjab, "Guru Nanak Dev: Universal



Message of Humanity" at Patti from 1-2 November 2019. (`1,25,000)
136. Gurmeet Singh, PANU, Chandigarh, "Role of Shri Guru Nanak in Shaping Society, Literature and Spirituality" at Hoshiarpur on 16 November 2019. (`75,000)
137. Ganesh Ankush Chavan, PVDTCEW, Maharashtra, "Social Media for Social Harmony" at Mumbai from 29-30 November 2019. (`2,00,000)
138. L.S. Gajpal, PRSU, Chhattishgarh, "21st Sadi mein Gandhiji ke Samajik Vichaaron ki Praasangikta" at Raipur from 6-8 December 2019. (`75,000)
139. M.D. Sampath, ASASI, Karnataka, "Socio-Cultural Life of People" at Mysore from 10-11 December 2019. (`1,50,000)
140. Vikram Singh Bhati, RSS, Rajasthan, "Rajasthan ke Samaj-Sanskriti mein Aprakashit Shilalekhon ka Mahatva" at Jodhpur from 11-13 December 2019. (`2,00,000)
141. Elsa Mary Jacob, BMSSW, Kerala, "Green Social Work: Emerging Trends and Prospects" at Kochi from 18-19 December 2019. (`2,00,000)
142. Lizy P.J., RCSS, Kerala, "Social Inclusion: Perspectives for Human Rights and Social Work Practice" at Kochi from 9-10 January 2020. (`2,00,000)
143. Rajesh Kumar Pal, GTGPGC, Uttar Pradesh, "Ancient Indian Social Institution and its Present Relevance" at Chitrakoot from 19-20 January 2020. (`1,25,000)
144. Arvind D. Joshi, CPBESC, Maharashtra, "Relevance of Post-Independence Social Movements in India" at Nagpur on 4th February 2020. (`3,00,000)

145. Trailokya Dehingia, KC, Assam, "Sustainable Rural Development in North East India: Issues and Challenges" at Dibrugarh from 4-5 February 2020. (`2,00,000)
146. Gurnam Singh, LU, Uttar Pradesh, "Social, Political and Spiritual Teachings of Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji" at Lucknow from 7-8 February 2020. (`2,00,000)
147. M.P. Tripathi, RRPGC, Uttar Pradesh, "Relevance of Gandhian Thoughts in Contemporary World: with special reference to Education, Literature and Economy" at Amethi from 8-9 February 2020. (`1,75,000)
148. Ashish Bhat, MPISSR, Madhya Pradesh, "Policies and Programmes of Social Security in India: Challenges, Opportunities and Possibilities" at Ujjain from 6-7 February 2020. (`2,00,000)
149. R. Saravana Selvakumar, GVNC,Tamil Nadu, "Women Empowerment: A Fusion of Media, Literary Culture and Society" at Kovilpatti on 12th February 2020. (`80,000)
150. SushmaMishra,DAVPGC,UttarPradesh, "Transforming India: Issues & Challenges" at Varanasi from 28-29 February 2020. (`2,00,000)
151. Vaidehi Daptardar, ACAC, Maharashtra, "Indigenization of Social Sciences: Need of the Day" at Badlapur from 28-29 February 2020. (`3,00,000)
152. Narendra Kaur, RRMK ARYA, Punjab, "Looking into Folklores of Punjab through Guru Nanak's Tradition of Music" at Pathankot on 14th March 2020. (`2,00,000)
153. Kavita Tiwade, VVIC, Maharashtra, "Understanding Transgender (LGBTQ) Community for Inclusive Society" at Kolhapur on 24th March 2020. (`80,000)



154. Pawan Kumar Sharma, HKMV, Punjab, "Bharitya Sahatiya Mulya aur Samajik Sarokar" at Gurdaspur from 24-25 March 2020. (`1,50,000)
155. Diganta K. Gogoi, TINC, Assam, "Development of Weaker Section in North East India: Issues and Challenges" at Dibrugarh from 3-4 April 2020. (`2,00,000)
156. Bikram K. Mishra, RU, Odisha, "Re-visiting Women and Development in India: Rhetorics, Realities and Possibilities" at Cuttack from 4-5 April 2020. (`2,50,000)
157. Ranjit Handique, HC, Assam, "Ethnic Conflict in North East India: Issues, Causes and Concern" at Lakhimpur from 11-12 April 2020. (`1,50,000)
158. Murchana Gogoi, SC, Assam, "Violence Against Women in India: A Special Reference to North East India" at Dhemaji from 29-30 April 2020. (`1,75,000)
Social Geography and Population Studies
159. Vijay K. Chaudhary, MPPGC, Uttar Pradesh, "World Energy Scenario & the Indian Sub-continent: Challenges & Opportunities" at Gorakhpur from 5-6 October 2019. (`2,00,000)
160. Naresh K. Baghmar, PTRSU, Chhattishgarh, "Building a Disaster Resilient Society Methods and Approaches" at Raipur from 21-23 November 2019. (`2,00,000)
161. R.P. Mishra, DHSGU, Madhya Pradesh, "21st Century Challenges of Agriculture, Health and Development in Indian with special focus on Tribal Areas" at Sagar from 28-30 December 2019. (`3,00,000)
162. Neelima Deshmukh, RTMNU, Maharashtra, "Environment Protection and

Sustainable Development" at Nagpur from 7-8 January 2020. (`2,00,000)
163. Poonam Sharma, SBSC, New Delhi, "Geographers' Youth Conclave on Sustainable and Innovative Environmental Practices" at New Delhi from 30-31 January 2020. (`2,00,000)
164. Ateeque Ahmad, AMU, Uttar Pradesh, "Impact of Climate Change on Food, Water and Health: Issues & Challenges" at Aligarh from 1-2 February 2020. (`2,00,000)
165. Ranjit Dutta, MADU, Assam, "Social Impacts of Large River Dams in Northeast India" at Lakhimpur from 3-4 February 2020. (`2,00,000)
166. Neeraj Tomar, MC, Uttar Pradesh, "Population Explosion ­ Food Security Scenario & Sustainable Development in Rural India: Issues and Challenges" at Meerut from 8-9 February 2020. (`2,00,000)
167. Bharat Deora, JNVU, Rajasthan, "Traditional Water Conservation Methods: Issues and Challenges" at Jodhpur from 1-2 March 2020. (`1,50,000)
168. Khalid Anwar, JVJC, Uttar Pradesh, "Agriculture, Climate Resilience and Nutrition: Adoption of Integrated Approach for Sustainable Development" at Saharanpur from 15-16 March 2020. (`2,50,000)
169. M.S. Mozibar Rahman, FAAC, Assam, "Immigration of Population in Assam and its Impact on Indigenous Ethnicity: Its Solution Through NRC" at Kamrup from 18-19 March 2020. (`2,00,000)
170. Manjeet Baruah, JNU, New Delhi, "Space, Knowledge, Capital (Young Scholars Conference Focusing on North East India)" at New Delhi form 19-20 March 2020. (`2,00,000)



171. Manu Gautam, MPISSR, Madhya Pradesh, "Environmental Issues and Present Society: Challenges and Possibilities for its Preservation and Restoration" at Ujjain from 26-28 March 2020. (`2,00,000)
Social Linguistics/Socio-Cultural Studies
172. Pradeep Trikha, MLSU, Rajasthan, "Borders and Spaces: Re-calibrating Indian Diaspora in the 21 Century" at Udaipur from 6-7 December 2019. (`1,75,000)
173. Kshirsagar B. Shankarrao, SC, Maharashtra, "Changing Religious Movement's in Pre-medical Indian History" at Hingoli from 17-18 January 2020. (`1,00,000)
174. Biraj Buragohain, MARGC, Assam, "Ethnic Communities of the Dehing Patkai Region: Present Status of the Ethnic Communities and their Developmental Strategies" at Tinsukia from 24-25 January 2020. (`80,000)
175. A.R. Bharathi, ACASW, Tamil Nadu, "Gender Issues in Literature" at Karur on 7th February 2020. (`50,000)
176. J. Nirmaladevi, ECET, Tamil Nadu, "Multi-lingualism and Need of Language Diversity in the Rural Education" at Komarapalayam from 27-28 February 2020. (`1,50,000)
177. Mohd. Jahanger Warsi, AMU, Uttar Pradesh, "Heritage Language Teaching: Challenges, Issues and Needs" at Aligarh from 14-15 March 2020. (`2,00,000)
178. Noor Hasan, SDMGPGC, Uttarakhand, "Social Tolerance in Indian Literature and Traditions" at Dehradun from 29-30 March 2020. (`1,50,000)

179. Rabindra Bordoloi, NNSC, Assam, "Exploring Local History and Folk Culture of the Indigenous People of North East India with special reference to Assam" at Jorhat from 30-31 March 2020. (`1,50,000)
180. Suparna Bhattachacharya, CGC, West Bengal, "World of Comics: Its Art, Aesthetics & Future" at Kolkata from 7-8 April 2020. (`2,00,000)
181. G. Ruby, GASC, Tamil Nadu, "Augmentation of Innovative Strategies in English Language and Literature" at Komarapalayam Namakkal on 16th May 2020. (`75,000)
Social Psychology/Psychology
182. Roshan Lal Dewangan, KNU, West Bengal, "Entitlement, Equality and Mental Health: Contemporary Psychosocial Perspectives" at Asansol from 8-10 November 2019. (`2,00,000)
183. Sherkar S. Tulshiram, SCM, Maharashtra, "The Importance of Sports, Physical Education & Psychology for Personality Development at Present Scenario" at Hingoli on 1st February 2020. (`1,50,000)
184. K.P. Naachimuthu, PSGCAS, Tamil Nadu, "Human Behavior and Environmental Sustainability" at Coimbatore on 29th February 2020. (`75,000)
185. Pallavi Pangaluri, KLEF, Andhra Pradesh, "Indispositions Among Adolescents: Overcoming Challenges Through Interventions" at Guntur from 26-28 March 2020. (`1,50,000)
186. Meena K. S. Murthy, NIMHANS, Karnataka, "Suicide Prevention: Current Challenges and Innovation" at Bangalore from 8-9 April 2020. (`1,00,000)



187. Sudhansu K. Sarangi, PANU, Chandigarh, "Hatha Yoga Tradition in Indian Cultural History and its Theoretical and Practical Persuasions" at Hoshiarpur from 18-20 September 2019. (`1,50,000)
188. Daksha Parmar, IIT, Assam, "Graduate Research Meet (GRM-2019): Contemporary Trends in Humanities and Social Sciences" at Guwahati from 1-2 November 2019. (` 2,00,000)
189. Ramesh Salian, TUMU, Karnataka, "Indigenization of Social Sciences in India" at Tumakuru from 13-15 December 2019. (`3,00,000)
190. Penna Madhusudan, KSU, Maharashtra, "50th Session of All India Conference" at Nagpur from 10-12 January 2020. (`3,00,000)
191. O.K. Belwal, HNBGU, Uttarakhand, "Role of Recent Applied Statistical Techniques in Inter-disciplinary Research" at Srinagar from 20-22 February 2020. (`2,00,000)
192. Rajwinder Kaur, DSCEW, Punjab, "Fit India Movement: Happy and Healthier India" at Ferozepur on 26th February 2020. (`1,00,000)
193. Ishwar Chandra Awasthi, IASSI, New Delhi, "20th Indian Association of Social Science Institutions (IASSI) Annual Conference" at New Delhi from 27-28 February 2020. (`3,00,000)
194. Bhoomadevi, SRIHER, Tamil Nadu, "Healthcare System and Healthcare Delivery in India: Challenges and Opportunities" at Chennai from 6-7 March 2020. (`2,00,000)
195. R. Rama Prabha, PSGCAS, Tamil Nadu, "Communication for Universal Health

Coverage" at Coimbatore from 10-11 March 2020. (`1,50,000)
196. R. Jayanthi, DRVASC, Tamil Nadu, "Effectiveness of Creating Awareness on Women Health and Environment" at Coimbatore from 18-19 March 2020. (`1,00,000)
SC Category
Commerce and Management
197. M.P. Singh, BBAU, Uttar Pradesh, "8th International Library and Information Professionals Summit (I-LIPS 2019) on Empowering Libraries with Emerging Technologies for Common Sustainable Future" at Lucknow from 22-24 November 2019. (`2,00,000)
198. T. Dhanabalan, AIGS, Karnataka, "Artificial Intelligence and Robotics in Business and Employment: Opportunities and Challenges" at Bangalore from 27-28 February 2020. (`1,50,000)
199. Amit Kumar Das, ASU, Assam, "Sustainable Business Model Innovation and Management Practices: Priorities and Perspectives" at Silchar from 26-27 March 2020. (`2,00,000)
200. Rajendra More Saybu, SRRPM, Maharashtra, "Industry, Trade and Commerce in Historical Period in India" at Sangli from 13-14 December 2019. (`1,00,000)
201. RitaRani,DRC,NewDelhi,"IncomeInequity, Protectionism and International Trade in Digital Age" at New Delhi on 21st January 2020. (`2,00,000)
202. Phulan Rani, GGDSDC, Punjab, "Sustainable Rural Livelihood ­ Opportunities & Challenges" at Haryana on 7th February 2020. (`2,00,000)



203. Khandu B. Shirse, GSGM, Maharashtra, "Emerging Innovative Trends in Higher Education: An Interdisciplinary Approach" at Yavatmal on 25th September 2019. (`1,50,000)
204. Jayant M. Nandagaoli, HPTASC, Maharashtra, "Libraries in Scholarly Communication: Writing and Sharing on Social Science Research in Open Science" at Nasik from 9-10 December 2019. (`1,00,000)
205. T. Sundara Raj, PEU, Tamil Nadu, "Life Skills Training for SC/ST Students" at Salem from 22-24 January 2020. (`1,25,000)
206. Amit Kumar, MZU, Mizoram, "Social Media and Librarianship: Connecting the Communities" at Aizawl from 26-28 February 2020. (`2,00,000)
207. Sangeeta Dhamdhere,PESMCA, Maharashtra, "IPR and Research Ethics" at Pune from 27-28 February 2020. (`2,00,000)
208. Nayankanta Maddaiah, SVAGC, Andhra Pradesh, "User Perceptions and Expectations from Academic Libraries in Digital Information Society" at Chittoor from 28-29 February 2020. (`2,00,000)
Political Science and Public Administration
209. Harimohan Baruwa, MPDSA, Madhya Pradesh, "Relevance of the Thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi in Modern Society" at Ujjain from 29-30 December 2019. (`1,50,000)
210. Amarnath Paswan, BHU, Uttar Pradesh, "Dr. B.R. Ambedkar's Thoughts on Indian Democracy, Constitutional Rights and Social Justice" at Varanasi from 13-14 April 2020. (`2,50,000)

Sociology and Social Anthropology
211. Dharmendra Kumar, CLM, Uttarakhand, "The Buksas: Social Study of a Tribe Community of Uttarakhand" at Haridwar from 7-8 December 2019. (`1,50,000)
212. M.Pushpam,UoK,Kerala,"Environment, Culture and Development ­ Discourses and Intersections" at Thiruvananthapuram from 27-28 December 2019. (`2,00,000)
213. Suresh Humane, ACSW, Maharashtra, "Impact of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar's Thoughts on Developing India" at Chandrapur from 17-18 January 2020. (`2,00,000)
214. Keshav Manik Walke, MSSISW, Maharashtra, "Tribals in Protected Areas in India: Their Rights, Issues and Challenges" at Nagpur from 6-7 March 2020. (`1,50,000)
Social Geography and Population Studies
215. Deepak Kumar Mandal, NBU, West Bengal, "Applications of Geospatial Technology in Geomorphology and Environment" at Darjeeling from 12-14 November 2019. (`2,00,000)
216. Sigamani P., CUTN, Tamil Nadu, "Public Health Challenges of Tropical DiseasesMoving Towards Universal Access" at Thiruvarur from 13-14 February 2020. (`2,50,000)
217. Somnath S. Lokare, ADPMWCACH, Maharashtra, "The Status of Disability Studies: Film and Literature" at Jalgaon on 22 February 2020. (`1,50,000)



ST Category
Commerce and Management
218. Benjungkumba, DGC, Nagaland, "Urban Solid Waste Management: Challenges and Issues" at Dimapur from 14-15 June 2019. (`2,00,000)
219. Yemokhya Fakay, MARGC, Assam, "Industrial Development in North East India: Past, Present and Future" at Tinsukia from 13-14 March 2020.
220. Ngalengnam, IGNTU, Manipur, "Development Discourse: Political and Economic Perspective in North East India" at Kangpokpi from 8-9 October 2019. (`2,50,000)
221. Xavier P. Mao, NEHU, Meghalaya, "Asian African Understanding of Truth and Non-violence" at Shillong from 7-11 March 2020. (`2,50,000)
Sociology and Social Anthropology
222. Mari Lollen, SFS, Arunachal Pradesh, "Gender Issues in North-East India: Challenges and Opportunities" at Aalo on 21st March 2020. (`75,000)
Social Geography and Population Studies
223. K.C. Lalmalsawmzauva, MZU, Mizoram, "Natural Resource Management for Sustainable Development" at Aizawl from 7-8 November 2019. (`2, 50,000)
224. Lalrinmawia, GANC, Mizoram,"Urbanization and its Impact on the Environment" at Aizawl from 30-31 July 2020. (`2,00,000)
Socio-linguistics/Socio-cultural Studies
225. Devarakonda Suresh, JNIAS, Telangana, "Dynamics of Hindu Temple Architec-

ture" at Hyderabad from 5-6 July 2019. (`2,50,000)
226. Saralin Lyngdoh, NEHU, Meghalaya, "International Language Fest on Indigenous and Endangered Languages" at Shillong from 25-26 October 2019. (`2,00,000)
227. Antiarbum Ranglong, MBBU, Tripura, "Development Administration of the Tribes India: Revisiting the Approaches and Polices" at Agartala from 30-31 January 2020. (`2,00,000)
Proposals Approved for Organizing International Conferences/ Seminars in India
(General Category)
Commerce and Management
1. Komma Siva Prakash Rao, KBC, Andhra Pradesh, "Strategies for Transforming India- The Way Forward(SFTI)" at Vijayawada from 18-19 July2019. (`2,50,000)
2. Ramesh Anbanandam, IIT, Uttarakhand, "Flexibility, Innovation and Sustainable Business" at Rorkee, from 6-8 December 2019. (`3,00,000)
3. V. Devadas, IIT Rourkee, Uttrakhand "Future Cities-2019" at Uttarakhand from 11-13 December. 2019. (`3,50,000)
4. Upam Pushpak Makhecha, IIM, Tamil Nadu, "Architecting Indian Management Scholarship in the Era of Disruption" at Tiruchirappalli from 2-4 January 2020 (`3,00,000)
5. Archana Singh, TISS, Maharashtra, "South Conference on Social Enterprise ­ Values and Process"at Mumbai from 8-9 January 2020 (`3,00,000).



6. Shikha Arora Bakshi, St.XC, Rajasthan, "Rethink, Restrict, Restructure and Reinvent: The Sustainable Development Perspective" at Jaipur from 7-8 February 2020. (`3,00,000)
7. M.K. Singh, IIM Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, "Management Libraries: Sustaining Excellence Through Innovation, Technology and Re-positioning" at Lucknow from 26-28 February 2020 (`2,00,000).
8. C. Sengottuvelu, PGABBS, Bengaluru, "Digital Supply Chain" at Bengaluru from 10-11 July 2020. (`2, 50,000).
9. Anupama Dubey, IPE, Hyderabad, "Water Resources, Climate Change & Sustainability" at Telangana from 27-28 September 2019. (`2,50,000)
10. Biswajit Roy Chowdhury, VSC, West Bengal, "Sustainable Economic Development in India: A Global Perspective" at Kolkata on 23rd November 2019. (`1,50,000)
11. Shobana Nelasco, FC, Tamilnadu, "Gandhian Thoughts" at Madurai from 22-23 November 2019. (`1,00,000)
12. Seema Singh, ISLE, Delhi "Technology, Globalization and Work Labour Organisations and Labour Rights in the Changing World of Work Changing Pattern of Rural Labour Markets" at Delhi from79 December 2019. (`2,50,000).
13. Kanwaljit Kaur, SGGSC, Chandigarh, "Road Map to Sustainability: Environment and Health" at Chandigarh from 5-6 March 2020. (`2,00,000).
14. Mahammad Sharif, PU, Patna, "Business Risk in Changing Dynamics on Global Village (BRCDGV) 2020" at Patna from 23-24 March 2020. (`2,00,000)

15. Yogesh C. Goswami, ITM, Madhya Pradesh, "Issues and Challenges in Doctoral Research" at Gwailor on 25th August 2019. (`2,00 ,000)
16. Jatinder Grover, PUNIV, Chandigarh, "Glorious Legacy of Guru Nanak in the Era of Globalization" at Chandigarh from 11-12 October 2019. (`3,00 ,000)
17. Vinod Chandra, SJNPG (KKC) College, Uttar Pradesh, "Life Skills and Yoga as Cutting-Edge Mechanism for Transformative Competencies" at Lucknow from 1-3 November 2019. (`2,50,000)
18. Sukhvinder Singh, CRRID, Chandigarh, "Guru Nanak's Philosophy to Spread Peace, Harmony and Human Happiness" at Chandigarh from 7-8 November 2019. (`2,00,000)
19. Renu Nanda, UJ, Jammu, "Re-visiting the Virtues of Gandhian Philosophy: Relevance and Applicability in the 21st Century" at Jammu from 7-8 November 2019. (`2,50,000).
20. Arun Kumar Chaturvedi, LSM, Govt. PGC, Uttarakhand, "Relevance of Mahatma Gandhi in Present Global Perspective" at Pithoragarh from 17-18 November 2019. (`2,00,000)
21. Bhojaraju D. Gunjal, NIT, Odisha, "Next Generation Libraries-2019 (NGL-2019): New Trends & Technology, Collaboration & Community Engagement, Future Librarianship, Library Spaces & Services" at Rourkela from 12-14 December 2019. (`3,00,000).
22. Dhaval D. Bhatt, PU, Gujarat, "MANLIBNET 2019: Sustainable Librarianship: Re-imagining and Re-engineering Libraries" at Vadodara from 19-21 December 2019. (`2,00,000).



23. Gurmukh Singh Popli, DSPSR, Delhi, "Achieving Excellence in Higher Education" at Delhi from 4-5 January 2020. (`2,00,000).
24. Hemant Sharma, JU, Madhya Pradesh, "Academic Libraries: Latest Trends, Challenges and Opportunities" at Gwalior from 14-16 February 2020, (`2,00,000)
25. D. Baskaran, AU, Tamil Nadu, "Mahatma Gandhi's Contributions to Education, Culture and Society" at Karaikudi from 26-27 February 2020. (`2, 00,000).
International Studies
26. Virendra Gupta, ARSP, Delhi, "Synergising India Bangladesh Relations for a Mutually Beneficial Future, Kolkata" at Delhi from 7-9 June 2019. (`3,50,000)
27. Ghulam Mursaleen, AMU, Uttar Pradesh, "Iran, Turkey and Saudi Arabia ­ Regional Rivalries & Alliances: Implications for India" at Aligarh from 9-11 January 2020. (`2,00,000)(Withdrawn)
28. Anisur Rahman, JMI, Delhi, "India's Emerging Relations with West Asian Countries: A Global Perspective" at Delhi from 27-28 January 2020. (`2,50,000)
29. K. Santhanam,(ICAF), Delhi, "India and Tajik Relations: Retrospect and Prospects" at Delhi on 31st January 2020. (`4,00,000)
30. Ravinder Kaur, IIT Delhi, Delhi, "Reproduction, Demography and Cultural Anxieties in India and China in the 21st Century" at Delhi from 20-21 February 2020. (`2,50,000)
31. Rajneesh Kumar Gupta, CUG, Gujarat, "Diaspora Governance in International Relation: Opportunities and Challenges

for India" at Gujarat from 10-11 February 2020. (`3,00,000)
32. Paokholal Haokip, PU, Puducherry, "Indian Diaspora in the West Indian Ocean Region: Historical and Contemporary Relevance in the Changing Global World Order, Kalapet from 5-6 March 2020. (`2,50,000)
Law/International Law
33. Muzamil Ahmad Baba, IPE, Telangana, "Making Sense of Muslim Personal Laws in Post-Independent India" at Hyderabad from 20-21 September 2019. (`3,00,000)
Political Science and Public Administration
34. Simple Mohanty, SBSC, Delhi, "The Gandhian Way: An Idea Whose Time has Come" at Delhi from 11-12 April, 2019. (`3,00,000)
35. Ramesh Bharadwaj, DU, Delhi, "Legacies of Gandhi & Mandela and It's Contemporary Relevance" at Delhi from 18-19 July, 2019. (`2,50,000)(Withdrawn)
36. Harpreet Kaur, MSCW, Delhi, "Guru Nanak Dev Ji: Life Philosophy and Legacy" at Delhi from 27-28 September 2019. (`2,00,000)
37. Priya Ranjan Kumar, CUG, Gujarat, "Gandhi, Conflict Resolution and Peace: Emerging Dynamics in Twenty First Century" at Gandhinagar from 30 September to 2nd October 2019. (`3,00,000)
38. Gayreen Lyngdoh, SC, Meghalaya, "An Eye for an Eye: Conflict in South East Asia" at Shillong from 6-7 November 2019. (`3,00,000)



39. JosukuttyC.A.,KU,Kerala,"TheGeopolitics of Indo-Pacific: Perceptions, Opportunities and Challenges" at Thiruvananthapuram, from 11-13 December 2019. (`2,50,000)
40. Ambika Datta Sharma, HSGCU, Madhya Pradesh, "Acharya Samkara's Advaita Vedanta: Philosophy of Universal Oneness" at Sagar from 25-27 December 2019. (`4,00,000)
41. Vanita Sondhi, VC, Delhi, "Perspectives on Peace and Sustainable Development in a World of Conflict" at Delhi from 13-15 February 2020. (`2,00,000).
42. Ramakrushna Pradhan, FMU, Odisha, "New India: Regional Concerns and Global Ambitions" at Balasore, 13-14 February 2020. (`3,00,000)
43. Tej Pratap Singh, BHU, Uttar Pradesh, "Gandhi and Diaspora" at Varanasi from 23-24 April 2020. (`3,00,000)
44. Rajiv Aggarwal, DC, New Delhi, "Human Rights-National and International Issues and Challenges" at Delhi from 22-23 February 2020. (`3,50,000)
Social Geography and Population Studies
45. Sugam Anand, Pt. DDUIRD, Uttar Pradesh, "Himalaya-Hind Mahasagar Rashtra Samuh" at Agra from 28-29 September 2019. (`2,00,000)
46. Shiva Kant Singh, GU, Uttar Pradesh, "Environment, Sustainability, Law & Cultural Landscapes of Asia" at Gorakhpur from 17-19 October 2019. (`3,00,000)
47. Kheraj, UH, Haryana, "Heading towards Zero: Sustainable Development in Economy, Environment and Society"

at Mahendergarh from 19-21 October 2019. (`3,00,000)
48. Sanjay Arora, SCSI, Delhi, "Soil and Water Resources Management for Climate Smart Agriculture, Global Food and Livelihood Security" at Delhi from 5-9 November 2019. (`2,50,000)
49. Jeena T. Srinivasan, CESS, Telangana, "Telangana Climate Change and Disasters: Challenges, Opportunities and Responses" at Hyderabad from 6-8 November 2019.(`3,00,000)
50. P. Mohanachandran, UK, Kerala, "Population, Nutrition and Development" at Thiruvananthapuram, from 12-14 December 2019. (`2,00,000).
51. Bashabi Gupta, MH, Delhi, "Himsamvad Sustainable Development in the Indian Himalayan Region: Partnership for Sustainable Development Goals from Himalayan Perspectives" at Delhi from 29-30 January 2020. (`4,00,000)
52. Biswajit Das, JMI, Delhi, "Encountering the Social: Masquerades, Fluidities and Becoming of Post-capitalism" at Delhi from 20-22 February 2020. (`3,00,000)
53. Narayan Chandra Jana, UB, West Bengal "Agriculture, Food, Water, Bio-diversity and Health in Changing Climate" at Burdwan from 6-8 March 2020. (`3,00,000)
54. P.C. Tiwari, KU, Uttarakhand, "Adaptive Natural Resource Management for Climate Change Mainstreaming and Environmental Governance: Options and Opportunities" at Nainital from 18-20 March 2020, (`3,00,000)



Socio-Linguistics/Socio-Cultural Studies
55. Gautam Kumar Jha, JNU, Delhi, "Indian Epics and Soft Power: India & Southeast Asia Lecture Demonstration on Indonesian Mahabharata" at Delhi from 6-7 November 2019. (`3, 50,000).
56. Pramod Kumar, IGNTU Madhya Pradesh, "Linguistics Society of India (ICOLSI)-4)" at Amarkantak, from 13-15 November 2019. (`4,00,000)
57. O.N. Singh, BHU, Uttar Pradesh, "Assimilative Nature of Indian Culture and its Continuity" at Varanasi from 13-15 December 2019. (`3,00,000)
58. Sandip Ain, BU, West Bengal, "ENGLISH and Englishes: Culture, Power, Politics in a Neo-liberalist Regime"at Bankura, Purandarpurl from 22-23 January 2020. (`1,50,000)
59. Mahmood Alam, TEFLU, Hyderabad, "Indo-Persian Manuscripts: Issues and Challenges in the Modern Time" at Hyderabad from 6-8 March 2020. (`2,00,000)
60. Lavkush Mishra, ITHM, Dr.B.R.A.U., Uttar Pradesh, "Cultural Tourism: Issues and Challenges" at Agra from 12-14 March 2020. (`3,00,000)
61. Bachchan Kumar, IGNCA, New Delhi, "Shiva Heritage in Vietnam" at Delhi from 20-22 March 2020.(`3,00,000) (Withdrawn)
62. Shruti Amar, KIIT, Odisha, "The Mystic Eyes: Jagannath in South Asian Literature, Culture and Folklore" at Bhubaneswar from 19-20 June 2020. (`2,50,000)

Social Psychology
63. Gauri Shanker Kaloiya, AIIMS, Delhi, "Addiction in a Rapidly Changing World" at Delhi from 13-16 November 2019. (`2,50,000)(Withdrawn)
64. Madhu Arora, RDIAS, Delhi, "Happiness and Performance Management in Modern Globalized Business Scenario (HPMMGBS, 2019)"at Delhi from 21-22 December 2019. (`2,00,000)
65. Surendra Kumar Sia, PU, Puducherry, "Making Psychology Deliverable to the Society" at Puducherry from 20-22 December 2019. (`3,00,000)
Sociology and Social Anthropology
66. Sudhanshu Shekhar, BNMU, Bihar "Sanskrit Rashtrvaad Ke Aayyam" at Madhepura from 27-28 March 2020. (`3,00,000)
67. Ashok Pankaj, CSD, New Delhi, "Social Sector Development in North-East India: Problems, Issues and Challenges" at Delhi from 15-16 July 2019. (`3,00,000)
68. Mahabir Narwal, KU, Haryana, "Dr. B.R. Ambedkar's Vision of Socio-Economic Transformation" at Kurukshetra from 7-8 November 2019. (`2,50 ,000)
69. H.R. Tripathi, University of Delhi, Delhi, "Social Harmony Vedic Knowledge Tradition" at Delhi from 9-11 November 2019.(`3,50,000)
70. Mamta Sharma, AM, Delhi "Global Mothers 2019, Indian Value System in Indian Family" at Delhi from 15-16 November 2019. (`3,50,000).
71. Jagan Karade, SU, Maharashtra, "Society: Reconstruction, Reflection and Responsibilities" at Kolhapur from 10-12 December 2019. (`2,00,000).



72. Rajesh Kumar Srivastava, ISIMSREE, Maharashtra, "Changing Environment Requires a New Approach to Problems in Business Scenario, Role of Business Research in Providing the Solution in Current Environment" at Mumbai from 6-7 January 2020.(`3,00,000)
73. K. K. N. Sharma, HSGCU, Madhya Pradesh, "Indigenous Knowledge & Prevalent Practices" at Sagar from 10-12 January 2020. (`3,50,000)
74. Geetali Tilak, MVVB,Maharashtra" Lokmanys Tilak-Maker of Modern India" at Pune from 22-24 January 2020 (`2,00,000)
75. Manohar Kumar, IIT, Delhi, "Social Scientists in the Civic Space" at Delhi from 30 -31 January 2020.(`2,00,000)
76. Kishore Kumar, MGGPGC, Uttar Pradesh "Ancient Wisdom, Civilizational Antiquities and the Contemporary Universe" at Greater Noida, from 31 January to 2 February 2020. (`2,50,000)
77. Sejal A. Desai, JZSA&HPDCC, Gujarat "Emerging Issues in Development for Future Generation" at Surat, from 12-13 February 2020. (`1,50,000)
78. Subhrajit Chatterjee, KMMM, Purulia, "Media, Society and Culture: Interrelations and Changing Scenario" at Panchakote Raj from 25-26 February 2020. (`1,75,000)
79. Dr. P.C. Joshi, DU, Delhi, "Anthropology of Food and Health" at Delhi from 27-29 February 2020. (`2,50,000)
80. Sibnath Deb, RGNIYD, Tamil Nadu, "Understanding Youth: Challenges and Prospects" at Sriperumbudur, from 20-21 March 2020. (`4,00,000)

81. Devika P. Madalli, ISI, Karnataka, "Data Representation and Organization Techniques" at Bengaluru form 2-4 July 2019. (`2,50,000)(Withdrawn)
82. Bipin Kumar, VHP, Delhi, "Multi-functional Gandhi: Diverse Landscapes" at Delhi from 13-14 September 2019. (`3,50,000)
83. Dinesh Kumar Madan, CBLU, Haryana, "Vedic Mathematics, 2019- Emerging Dimension & Applications in Science, Technology & Social Sciences Research" at Bhiwani from 22-24 December 2019. (`2,00,000)
84. Madhusudan Karmakar, MCI, West Bengal, "Combating Child Trafficking: Vulnerability, Efforts and Challenges" Jalpaiguri from 27-28 January 2020. (`3,00,000)
85. Pushpinder Walia, BBK DAV CW, Punjab, "Kudrat de Sab Bandey: Reflections on the Life and Legacy of Guru Nanak Dev in the Contemporary Context" at Amritsar from 29-30 January 2020. (`3,00,000)
86. Awa Shukla, Dr. BAO University, Ahmedabad, "Media, Culture and Development: Issues and Perspectives" at Gujarat from 7-8 February 2020. (`3,00,000)
87. NishaantChoksi,IITGN,Gujarat,"Affect, Embodiment and Ecology: Multi-disciplinary Perspective" at Gandhinagar from 2-4 March 2020. (`3,00,000)
88. Atul Baravkar, SPIPSR, Maharashtra, "Tobacco and Tuberculosis (TB)" at Pune on 25th March 2020. (`2,00,000)
89. Biswanath Dutta, ISI, Bengaluru, "Semantic Techniques and Technologies for Data and Knowledge Representation" at Bengaluru from 6-10 July 2020. (`2,50,000)



SC Category
Education 90. D. Parimala, UD, Delhi, "Higher Education in South Asia: Challenges and Possibilities" at Delhi from 2-5 December 2019. (`2,00,000)
Economics 91. Dinesh Das, G C, Assam, "Environmental Degradation and Sustainable Development: A Global Perspective" at Kokrajhar from 29-31 August 2019. (`2,50,000)
ST Category
Economics 92. Fames Linggi, IGGC, Arunachal Pradesh, "Tourism: A Passage to Environ-

mental Sustainability and Development" at Lohit from 24-26 April 2020. (`3,00,000)
Social Geography and Population Studies
93. Sheker Naik, MU, Karnataka, Tourism and Sustainable Development­ Issues, Challenges and Best Practices (TSD2019)" at Mangalagangothri from 27-28 December 2019. (`2,00,000)
Socio-Linguistics and Socio-Cultural Studies
94. Alok Kumar Meena, SDGC, Rajasthan, "Socio-Cultural Transformation: Global and Indian" at Ajmer from 11-12 October 2019. (`2,50,000)

Appendix 6 Training & Capacity Building Programmes

Research Methodology Course (RMC)
General Category
1. Sujit Kumar Mishra, Council of Social Development (CSD), Hyderabad, Telangana. (`5,50,000/-)
2. Shweta Anand, School of Management, Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh. (`5,50,000/-)
3. Kulwant Singh Pathania, Dept. of Commerce, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh. (`5,45,000/-)
4. Kiran Desai, Centre for Social Studies, Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat, Gujarat. (`5,50,000/-)
5. Arbind Kumar Jha, School of Education, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, University of Central, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. (`5,50,000/-)
6. Nigamananda Das, School of Humanities & Education, Nagaland University, Kohima, Nagaland, (`5,50,000/-)
7. H.C. Purohit, School of Management, Doon University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, (`5,50,000/-)
8. R.K. Satapathy, ICSSR-North, Eastern Regional Centre, NEHU Campus, Shillong, Meghalaya. (`5,50,000/-)
9. R. Venkatesakumar, Dept. of Management Studies, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, (`5,50,000/-)

10. Binod Kumar Chaoudhary, Dept. of Sociology, Lalit Narayan Mithila University, Darbhanga, Bihar. (`5,45,000/-)
11. Renu Jatana, University College of Commerce & Management Studies, Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur, Rajasthan. (`5,50,000/-)
12. Arup Kumar Baksi, Dept. of Management & Business Administration, Aliah University, Kolkata, West Bengal. (`4,90,000/-)
13. Ashish Bhatt, Madhya Pradesh Institute of Social Science Research (MPISSR), Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh. (`5,50,000/-)
14. K. Krishna Sharma, Dept. of Human Consciousness & Yogic Sciences, Mangalore University, Mangalagangotri, Karnataka. (`5,50,000/-)
15. Arun Kumar, Dept. of Education, University of Lucknow, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. (`5,50,000/)
16. Snigdharani Panda, Dept. of Commerce, Kalinga Institute of Social Science (KISS), Bhubaneswar, Odisha. (`5,50,000/-)
17. Udayan Chanda, Dept. of Management, Birla Institute of Technology & Science (BITS), Pilani, Rajasthan. (`5,50,000/-)
18. N. Lalitha, Gujarat Institute of Development Research, Ahmedabad, Gujarat. (`5,50,000/-)
19. Subrata Dutta, Sardar Patel Institute of Economic & Social Research, Ahmedabad, Gujarat. (`97,000/-)



20. Jyoti Bawane, Centre for Educational Studies (CES), Indian Institute of Education, Pune, Maharashtra. (`5,50,000/-)

32. A.K. Ravisankar, Dept. of Population Studies, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Tamil Nadu. (`5,47,500/-)

21. Rachita Gulati, Dept. of Humanities & Social Science, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee, Uttarakhand. (`5,45,000/-)
22. Sabiha Hussain, Sarojini Naidu Centre for Women's Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. (`5,50,000/-)
23. Nizamuddin Khan, Dept. of Geography, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh. (`5,50,000/-)
24. Vishal Sood, School of Education, Central University of Himachal Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh. (`5,45,000/-)
25. R.C. Dangwal, Dept. of Commerce, Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University, Garhwal, Uttarakhand. (`5,50,000/-)
26. Abhigyan Bhattacharjee, Dept. of Management, North Eastern Hill University, Tura, Meghalaya. (`97,000/-)
27. Krishna Murari, Dept. of Management, Sikkim University, Gangtok, Sikkim. (`1,20,000/-)
28. C. Subramanian, Dept. of Library and Information & University Librarian, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Tamil Nadu. (`5,50,000/-)
29. Reji K. Joseph, Institute for Studies in Industrial Development (ISID), Vasant Kunj, New Delhi. (`5,50,000/-)
30. Himanshu Pandey, Centre For Corporate Law and Governance, Dept. of Political Science, Maharashtra National Law University Nagapur, Nagapur, Maharashtra. (`97,000/-)
31. S.K. Sinha, Dept. of Management, Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University, Jind, Haryana. (`5,50,000/-)

SC Category
33. Anand Sugandhe, Dept. of Economics, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak, Madhya Pradesh. (`5,40,000/-)
34. M. Krishnamurthy, DRTC, Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore, Karnataka. (`5,50,000/-)
35. J.B. Komaraiah, Dept. of Economics, Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. (`5,50,000/-)
36. Nagaraju Battu, Dept. of HRM, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh (`5,50,000/-)
37. Minaketan Behera, Centre for Informal Sector & Labour Studies (CISLS), School of Social Science, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi. (`5,50,000/-)
38. Naba Kumar Mondal, Dept. of Environmental Science, The University of Burdwan, Burdwan, West Bengal. (`5,50,000/-)
39. S.M. Makvana, Dept. of Psychology, Sardar Patel University, Vidyanagar, Gujarat. (`5,50,000/-)
40. Subhash Anand, Dept. of Geography, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi, Delhi. (`5,50,000/-)
41. D.M. Madari, Dept. of Economics, Karnataka State Akkamahadevi Women's University, Vijayapura, Karnataka (`5,50,000/-)
42. Birednra Suna, Dept. of Sociology, KISS Higher Education Campus, Bhubaneswar, Odisha. (`5,50,000/-)



43. K. John, Dept. of Human Resource Management, College of Arts and Commerce, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. (`5,50,000/-)
44. A. Muthusamy, Dept. of International Business, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu. (`5,44,000/-)
ST Category
45. Yodida Bhutia, Dept. of Education, Sikkim University, Gangtok, Sikkim. (`5,50,000/-)
46. Kedilezo Kikhi, Dept. of Sociology, Tezpur University, Sonitpur, Assam. (`5,50,000/-)
47. Sonam Joldan, Dept. of Sociology, Centre for Himalayan and Trans Himalayan Studies, University of Ladakh, LehLadakh, Jammu Kashmir. (`5,50,000/-)
Capacity Building Programme (CBP)
General Category
1. G. Muruganantham, Dept. of Management Studies, National Institute of Technology (NIT), Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu. (`7,50,000/-)
2. Yatindra Singh Sisodia, Madhya Pradesh Institute of Social Science Research (MPISSR), Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh. (`8,00,000/-)
3. Subhabrata Dutta, Dept. of Social Work, Assam University, Silchar, Assam. (`8,00,000/-)
4. M.R. Murthy, Institute for Studies in Industrial Development (ISID), Vasant Kunj, New Delhi. (`8,00,000/-)
5. Sumathy Mohan, Dept. of Commerce, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. (`7,28,000/-)

6. Diwarkar Rajput, Dept. of Sociology, Dr. Hari Singh Gour Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh. (`8,00,000/-)
7. Tapan R. Mohanty, Distance Education Department, National Law Institute University (NLIU), Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. (`8,00,000/-)
8. Sumit Mukerji, Dept. of Political Science, University of Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal. (`8,00,000/-)
9. B.K Bajpai, Giri Institute of Development Studies, Lucknow, U.P. (`8,00,000/-)
10. S.P. Singh, Dept. of Humanities & Social Science, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee, Uttarakhand. (`8,00,000/-)
11. Satish Kumar, Dept. of Management Studies, Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur, Jaipur, Rajasthan. (`8,00,000/-)
12. M. Dhanabhakyam, Dept. of Commerce, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. (`8,00,000/)
13. R.V. Gangshetty, Dept. of Economics, Karnataka State Akkamahadevi Women's University, Vijayapura, Karnataka. (`8,00,000/-)
14. Huchhe Gowda, Dept. of Studies in Economics, Davanagere University, Shivangangotri Davanagere, Karnataka. (`7,92,000/-)
15. Meera Shanker, Dept. of Education Management, Jankidevi Bajaj Institute of Management Studies, S.N.D.T. Women's University, Nathibai, Mumbai. (`8,00,000/-)
16. Saurabh, School of Business, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, Jammu & Kashmir. (`8,00,000/-)



SC Category
17. Bidhu Kanti Das, Dept. of Management, Mizoram University, Aizawl, Mizoram. (`7,94,000/-)
18. P.G. Arul, Dept. of International Business, School of Management, Pondicherry University, Puducherry. (`8,00,000/-)

19. L.N. Bunker, Dept. of Psychology, Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan. (`8,00,000/-)
20. Iswar Chandra Naik, Dept. of Sociology, Kailinga Institute of Social Science (KISS), Bhubaneswar, Odisha. (`8,00,000/-)

Appendix 7 Publication Grants

Doctoral/Post-Doctoral Theses/ Research Projects/Fellowship Reports/Books/Monographs Published
1. B. B. Kumar, "Fifty Years of ICSSR", Academic Foundation Press, Gurugram, Haryana.
2. Kashinath Pandit, "Ten Studies in Kashmir ­ History and Politics", Academic Foundation Press, Gurugram, Haryana.
3. Chintamani Mahapatra, "Rise of the Indo-Pacific Perspectives--Dimensions & Challenges", Pentagon Press, New Delhi.
4. S.R. Bhatt, "Indian Paradigm for Social Science Research", ICSSR, NewDelhi.
5. Manoj Kumar Aggarwal, "Deen Dayal Upadhyay evam Bhartiya Arthavyavastha", Academic Foundation Press, Gurugram, Haryana.
6. Aastha Kant, "Gender, Power Relations & Childbirth", Rawat Publications, Jaipur, Rajasthan.
7. Rimai Joy, "Tribal Religion", Rawat Publications, Jaipur, Rajasthan.
8. MouneshwaraSrinivasrao,"Bureaucracy and Development Administration", Rawat Publications, Jaipur, Rajasthan.
9. Kuldip Kumar, "US Policy towards Pakistan 1980-88", Gyan Publishing House, New Delhi.
10. V. Srinivasa Rao, "Community, Participation and Education and Tribes Comparisions of States and Communities", Manak Publications, Delhi.

11. Rekha Kurre,"Samkaleen Paridrishya aur Prabha Khetan ke Upanyas", Hindi Book Centre, Delhi.
12. Rajnikant Neeraj, "Gramin Samudaya mein Jansankhya Niyantran evam Niyojan", Hindi Book Centre, Delhi.
13. J.V.M. Sarma, "Federal Fiscal Relations in India", SAGE Publications India Pvt Ltd., New Delhi.
14. Aswani Mohopatra, Surender S. Ghonkrokta, Aashish V. Bhave, Deepika Singh (Ed.), "Revisiting Hill Valley Connection in North East India", M/s Macmillan Publications, New Delhi. (In-press)
15. Pankaj Arora, Saroj Sharma, Yukti Sharma (Ed.), "Synergizing Educational Concerns and Social Needs", M/s Macmillan Publications, New Delhi. (In-press)
16. Surinder Aggarwal, "Urban Dynamics and Rise on Non-communicable Diseases in India", M/s Routledge, New Delhi. (In-press)
17. Aditi Chatterjee, "Landscape and the Bengali Diaspora", M/s Routledge, New Delhi. (In-press)
18. S. Sudarshan Rao, "Knowledge Management in Academic Libraries in India: A Study of Tools and Techniques Used in Information Creation, Storage and Exchange", M/s Motilal Banarsidass Publications, New Delhi. (In-press)
19. Sheela Bhargava, "Corporate Culture and Work Ethics in Indian Print Media Industry", KW Publishers, New Delhi. (In-press)



Adhoc Annual Grant-in-Aid to Social Science Organisations for Publication of Research Journals (2019-20)


Title of the Journal

1. Indian Journal of Tai Studies (ST)

2. Man & Society: A Journal of North-East Studies (ST)
3. Transactions

4. Purvadeva (SC)

5. Hill Geographer

6. Madhya Pradesh Journal of Social Sciences
7. Review of Agrarian Studies 8. Rajasthan Journal of Sociology

9. Journal of Governance and Public Policy

10. Indian Linguistics 11. Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics

12. Journal of the Indian Anthropological Society
13. Population Geography

14. Vanyajati (ST) 15. Journal of Institute of Public Enterprise 16. IPE Journal of Management 17. Artha Beekshan 18. Regional Symbiosis

19. Journal of International Economics 20. Panchayat Prahari 21. Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing

22. Varta 23. Jharkhand Journal of Social Development

Name of the Organisation/Association/ College Department Publishing the Journal Institute of Tai Studies and Research, Assam-785670 ICSSR North-Eastern Regional Centre, Shillong, Meghalaya Institute of Indian Geographers, University of Pune, Pune Madhya Pradesh Dalit Sahitya Academy, Ujjain Geographical Society of North-Eastern Hill Region, Shillong M.P Institute of Social Science Research, Ujjain (M.P.) Foundation for Agrarian Studies, Kolkata Rajasthan Sociological Association, Rajasthan Institute of Public Enterprise (IPE), Hyderabad Linguistic Society of India, Pune Indian Society of Agricultural Economics, Mumbai The Indian Anthropological Society, Kolkata
Association of Population Geographers of India, Panjab University, Chandigarh Bhartiya Adim Jati Sevak Sangh, Delhi IPE, Hyderabad IPE, Hyderabad Bangiya Arthaniti Parishad, Kolkata Institute for Regional Development Studies, Kanpur (U.P.) IPE, Hyderabad Gramya Gaurav Sansthan, Jaipur Indian Society of Agricultural Marketing Near Borlaug Guest House, PTSAU Campus, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500030 Bhartiya Arthik Shodh Sansthan, C/o Institute for Economic Growth, Allahabad Jharkhand Development Forum, Ranchi, Jharkhand

Grant Sanctioned ()



24. Indian Journal of Gerontology

Indian Gerontological Association, Jaipur

25. Journal of Economics & Social Development

Institute for Economics & Social Development, 63, New AG Colony, Kadru (Opposite DAV School), Ranchi-834002 Jharkhand

26. IASSI Quarterly: Contributions to Indian Indian Association of Social Science

Social Science


27. The Geographical Observer

Meerut College, Meerut (U.P.)

28. Peaceworks

Centre for Peace and Development, BHU, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh

29. Dialogue (English-Quarterly)

Astha Bharati, 27/201, East End Apartment, Mayur Vihar Phase-I Extn., Delhi-110096

30. Raj-Yashti

Rajasthan Political Science Association 6, Shivaji Nagar Jaipur 320006

31. Chintan-Srijan (Hindi-Quarterly)

Astha Bharati, 27/201, East End Apartment, Mayur Vihar Phase-I Extn., Delhi-110096

32. Chetanta

Kaundinya Sahitya Sewa Samiti (Reg.) MO Pateenagar P.O. Kadipur Dist.- Sultanpur, U.P. 228145


Adhoc Annual Grant-in-Aid to Social Science Organisations for their Development

Item. Name of the Institution/Association Address of the Institution/Association No.

1. Indian Society of Agricultural Marketing

PJTS Agricultural University Campus Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500030

2. Madhya Pradesh Dalit Sahitya Academy (SC)

Banbhatt Marg Opp. Central School Ujjain (M.P).

3. Academy of Grassroots Studies and Research of India

Plot No.11, Sri Venkata Sai Nilayam, Thummalagunta, SV University P.O. Tirupati -517502 Andhra Pradesh

4. Linguistic Society of India

Linguistic Society of India, C/o Department of Linguistics, Deccan College PG & RI, Pune-411006

5. The Indian Society for Ecological Economics (INSEE)

C/o Institute of Economic Growth, University of Delhi Enclave, North Campus, Delhi-110007

6. Rambhau Mhalgi Prabodhini

17, Chanchal Smruti, Mumbai

7. Antar-Rashtriya Sahayog Parishad

Antar-Rashtriya Sahayog Parishad Pravasi Bhawan Deen Dayal Upadhyay Marg, New Delhi

Amount Sanctioned during 2019-20 ()

Appendix 8 Bibliographies Compiled by NASSDOC

1. D.R.Gautam,AnnotatedBibliographyon Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in Social Sciences and Humanities.
2. Jasintha Victoria S., Effectiveness of Instructional Design and Learning Style of Achievement of Students.
3. Kritika Netam, Gandhian Movement as Echoed in the National Press: A Case Study of the Central Province (19201942).
4. Mrigender Singh Bedi, Indian Ethos and Concepts of Management: A Study of Selective Indian Thinkers.
5. Kanishk Verma, Sociological Study of Workers Engaged in Cottage Industry in Ranipura, Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh.
6. Raghav Kumar Jha, Credibility of Social Media Information Flow and its Effects: A Critical Analysis with special reference to Facebook and Whatsapp.
7. Nusrat Jahan, Chhatisgarh Rajya mein Mahila Police Thana ki Bhoomika ka Prashasanik Adhyayan.
8. Sheetal Sharma, Religion Terrorism in Uttarakhand.
9. Kn. Narasimhulu, Consumer Behaviour Towards Branded Tea Products.
10. Ravinder K. Gupta, Handloom Industry in India: Socio-economic Problems.
11. Reena Marwah, India-Thailand Relation on Culture, Economic and Tourism Strategic Relations.

12. K. Manjunatha, A Case Study on Green Market in India.
13. Devajani, Duarah, Effectiveness of Special Training Programme in Maintaining of Reference of School Children: An Evaluative Study in Morigaon District of Assam.
14. Sandeep Kumar Chauhan, Bhrastachar Unmulan mein Lokayukt ke Karyeevam Bhumika ka Vishleshan.
15. Shivani Saraswat, A Study of Teaching Effectiveness of Teacher Education in Relation to Sense of Humour and Emotional Maturity.
16. Pankaj Kumar, India's Development Cooperation in Sub-Saharan Africa.
17. Suresh Kumar, Digital Transformation of Logistics Industries: Gate to All Round Growth to the Economy.
18. Pitamber Datt Pant, Trends of Foreign Direct Investment in India (19912015).
19. Ravi Pant, Emotional Labour and Burnout among Teachers, Educators of Gaya District.
20. Kishor Kunal, Status of Higher Education in India.
21. Nirupoma Saika, Empowerment of Women through Open and Distance Learning Mode: A Case Study of Assam.
22. Pawan Sahu, Effects of Agricultural Extension Education on Farmers in



special reference of Sagar District, Madhya Pradesh.
23. Ashish Kumar Yadav, Rashtravad aur Loksabha Chunavon Mein Antar Sambhandhon ka Vishleshdatmak Adhyayan.
24. Kumar Ambar Pandey, Hollywoodization of Indian Cinema: A Critical Analysis of Bollywood Commercial Films of Current Decade.
25. Rinki, Effects of Hands on Activities on Achievements and Enjoyment in Science Among Grade VII Students.

36. Sardindu Mukherjee, Indian Partition.
37. Taby Navneet Guleria, Goods and Service Tax.
38. Abhay Jain, Exante Customer Experience of Recycled Products-Cognito, Incognito.
39. Ashwani Kadiyan, Bibliography on Dalit Poets.
40. Munesh Sen, Centralised and Decentralised Civil Services.
41. Shivaputra Patagundi, Political Psychology of India's Foreign Policy.

26. Ananduraj, FInancial Inclusion in India and Kerala.
27. M. Sumathy, E-Governance Practices in Tamil Nadu.
28. Kavya Shabu, Green Finance: The Role of Banking Industry in India.
29. Cimcima Hazarika, Role of Family Environment and Parent-Child Relationship on Mental Health of Adolescents with Hearing Impairment and Visual Impairment.
30. Deeksha Bhatt, Poverty Alleviation Program and Society Economy Development.
31. Sanu F., Behavioral Economic Perspective of Fisherfolk Households in Kerala.

Bibliographies on Social Science Recent Trends
42. Bibliography on Indo-Sri Lankan.
43. Bibliography on Ease of Doing Business.
44. Bibliography on Change in Technology and Society.
45. Bibliography on Journalism and Mass Communication.
46. Bibliography on North East India.
47. Bibliography on e-governance and Panchyati Raj.
48. BibliographyonAgrarianDistress,Money Lenders and Farmer Suicide in India.
49. Bibliography on Jammu & Kashmir.

32. Archana Srivastava, Role of ST and SC in Economic, Social and Environmental Development in Rajasthan.
33. Rudrappa K.M., Trade Relation between India and European Union (E.U.).
34. VenkatRao,SkillDevelopmentInitiatives by Business Enterprises.
35. Satish Verma, Educational Achievement in Higher Education in Social Science in India.

50. Bibliography on Science, Technology and Social Science.
51. Bibliography on Terrorism.
52. Bibliography on Environmental Changes.
53. Bibliography on Democracy.
54. Bibliography on ICSSR Research Projects 2014-17.
55. Bibliography on ICSSR Research projects 2017-19.

Appendix 9
Financial Assistance Provided to Scholars to Participate in International Conferences and for
Data Collection Abroad

Proposals Approved for Participation in International Conferences
1. Soumya Awasthi, SIS, JNU, New Delhi, "77th Annual Midwest Political Science Association Conference" at Chicago, Illinois, USA during 4-7 April 2019. (Not Availed)
2. Bishnu Charan Satapathy, Shivaji College, University of Delhi, Delhi, "Ireland India Institute Conference on South Asia, Dublin City University" at Dublin, Ireland during 24-26 April 2018.
3. Debajyoti Biswas, Bodoland University, Rangalikhata, Deborgaon, Kokrajhar, Assam, "International Symposium on Mythology" at Ardahan University, Turkey during 2-5 May 2019.
4. Jagdish Chander, Hindu College, University of Delhi, Delhi, "15th Interdisciplinary Conference in Disability Research, Nordic Network on Disability Research (NNDR 2019)" at Copenhagen, Denmark during 8-10 May, 2019. (Not Availed)
5. Manisha Dilip Bhingardive, Satish Pradhan Dnyansadhana College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Thane West, "International Multi-disciplinary Conference on Commerce, Management & Social Science" at Bangkok, Thailand during 24-28 May 2019. (SC Category)

6. Anupam Jain, Lal Bahadur Shastri PG College, Jaipur, "Global Research Conference: Sustainable Business Growth, Challenges, Measures and Solutions in Global Scenario" at Bangkok, Thailand during 25-26 May 2019.
7. Pallavi, Department of Education, University of Delhi, Delhi, "International Conference on Multi-lingual Theories and Practices" at Corfu, Greece during 9-11 May 2019.
8. Indrani Talukdar, SIS, JNU, New Delhi, "Transcultural Studies Student Conference 2019" at University of Heidelberg, Germany on 10th May 2019. (Not Availed)
9. Priti Laishram, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi, New Delhi, "Democracy and Digital Media Comparative Media Studies Program, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)" at MIT, USA during 17-18 May 2019.
10. Misbah Rashid, JNU, New Delhi, "IAPSS World Congress 2019" at Madrid, Spain during 20-25 May 2019. (Withdrawn)
11. Mohammad Mohnish, MMAJ Academy of International Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, "International Association for Political Science Students (IAPSS), World Congress 2019" at Madrid, Spain during 20-25 May 2019. (Not Availed)



12. Jandhyala B.G. Tilak, NUEPA, New Delhi, "XVIIth World Congress of Comparative Education Societies: The Future of Education" at Cancun, Mexico during 20-24 May 2019.
13. Mohit Kant Kaushik, Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, Rajasthan,"TASK 2019 Conference" at Dubai, UAE during 1-2 May 2019. (Not Availed)
14. Jagadeeshwar Rao Veeraneni, Educational Multimedia Research Centre, Osmania University, Hyderabad, "International Conference for Academic Disciplines" at Massachusetts, USA during 28 May- 01 June 2019.
15. Sanjeev Sharma, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, "International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries (ICQQML)-2019" at New York, USA during 4-5 June 2019.
16. Abhay Kumar, Deshbandhu College, Delhi University, New Delhi, "International Conference on Hindi as a Second/ Foreign Language" at Lisbon, Portugal during 5-7 June 2019.(SC Category)
17. Mohammad Idris Lourey, Punjabi University, Patiala, "550 Years of Guru Nanak: Guru Nanak's Message of Universal Brotherhood & Peace: Guru Nanak's Global Message to Humanity" at Frankfurt, Germany during 7-8 June 2019. (Not Availed)
18. Hari Priya Pathak, DSB Campus, Kamaun University, Nainital, "13th International RAIS Conference on Social Sciences, Sciences and Humanities" at Rockville, USA during 10-11 June 2019.
19. Phanindra Goyari, School of Economics, University of Hyderabad, Telengana, "3rd Development Economics Confer-

ence 2019" at University of Lincoln, UK during 17-19 June 2019. (ST Category)
20. Bindu K.C., Ambedkar University, New Delhi, "International Conference on Humour and the Performance of Power in South Asia: Anxiety, Laughter and Politics in Unstable Times" at Colombo, Sri Lanka during 27-28 June 2019. (Not Availed)
21. Anupama Singh, University of Lucknow, Lucknow, "The Migration Conference `2019' at Bari, Italy during 18-20 June 2019. (SC Category)
22. Priyanka Shukla, North Eastern Hill University, Shillong, "XI Scape 2019, 11th Linguistic Landscape Workshop" at Bangkok, Thailand during 3-6 June 2019.
23. Antora Borah, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi, Delhi, "Nineteenth International Conference on Diversity in Organizations, Communities & Nations" at Patras, Greece during 5-7 June 2019.
24. Shazia Khan, University of Hyderabad, Gachibowli, Hyderabad, "Pilgrimages and Tourism International Conference" at Cambridge, UK during 15-16 June 2019. (Not Availed)
25. Sneha Smita Bora, CSMCH, JNU, New Delhi, "8th Nordic Geographers Meeting 2019" at Trondheim, Norway during 16-19 June 2019. (Not Availed)
26. Isha Kaul, Panjab University, Chandigarh, "The IIAS-Lien 2019 Conference on Effective, Accountable and Inclusive Governance" at Singapore during 18-21 June 2019. (Not Availed)
27. Neha Singh, SSS, JNU, New Delhi, "17th Annual Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religion



(EASR)" at Tartu, Estonia during 25-29 June 2019.
28. Baljit Kaur, Panjab University, Patiala, Punjab, "4th International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP4- Montreal)" at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada during 26-28 June 2019.
29. Satinder Singh, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, Punjab, "JVET Conference 2019" at Oxford, UK during 28-30 June 2019.
30. Adila Majeed, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, "International Conference on Gender Studies, Gender and Mobility" at London, UK during 29-30 June 2019. (Withdrawn)
31. Hardeep Singh, Punjab University, Chandigarh, "4th International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP)" at Montreal, Canada during 26-28 June 2019. (SC Category) (Not Availed)
32. Nikhil Malakar, CHS, JNU, New Delhi, "12th Annual Conference of the International Society for Cultural History" at Tallinn, Estonia during 26-29 June 2019. (SC Category)
33. Siwani Mech, Tezpur University, Dist.Sonitpur, Assam, "3rd Annual Memory Studies Association Conference" at Madrid, Spain during 25-28 June 2019. (ST Category)
34. Akanksha Malik, IIT Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi, "ASIA 2019" at New York, USA during 4-6 June 2019.
35. Shashikanta Khuntia, Indian Institute of Technology, Dhanbad, Jharkhand, "Crypto Currency Research Conference-2019" at Southampton, UK during 15-16 June 2019. (Not Availed)
36. Luthufi M., SMLS, TISS Mumbai, Mumbai, "European Academy of

Management-2019 (EURAM) Conference" at Lisbon, Portugal during 26-28 June 2019.
37. Saish Nevrekar, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR), Goregaon, Mumbai, "2019 North American Summer Meeting of the Econometrics Society" at Washington, USA during 27-30 June 2019. (Not Availed)
38. Purushottam Vishnu Bhandare, SMLS, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, "6th European Research Conference on Micro-finance" at Paris, France during 3-5 June 2019. (SC Category)
39. Ravindra Kumar Vamula, The English and Foreign Languages University, NEHU Campus, Shillong, Meghalaya, "International Association for Media and Communication Research Conference" at Madrid, Spain during 7-11 July 2019. (Not Availed)
40. Saurabh Maheshwari, Sikkim University, 6th Mile, Tadong, Gangtok, "13th Biennial Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology" at Taipei, Taiwan during 11-13 July 2019. (Not Availed)
41. Mahesh Prasad Tripathi, Ranveer Ranjanay Post Graduate College, Amethi, UP, "Second Canadian International Conference on Humanities & Social Sciences 2019 (HUSO 2019)" at Toronto, Canada during 13-14 July 2019. (Not Availed)
42. Ritu Modi, University of Allahabad, Prayagraj, UP, "21st International Conference on ICSD" at Yogyakarta, Indonesia during 16-19 July 2019. (Withdrawn)
43. Kumar Bijoy, Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies, University of Delhi, Rohini, Delhi, "9th International Conference on Restructuring of the



Global Economy (ROGE)" at University of Oxford, UK during 8-9 July 2019.
44. Preeti Nakhat, SLS, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, Raisan, Gandhinagar, "XVI European Congress of Psychology" at Moscow, Russia during 2-5 July 2019.
45. Gaurika Chugh, CSLG, JNU, New Delhi, "LANDac Annual International Conference 2019" at Utrecht, The Netherlands during 3-5 July 2019.
46. Rajeshwar Prasad Singh, CSLG, JNU, New Delhi, "11th International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS)" at Leiden, Netherlands during 16-19 July 2019.
47. Prolay Mondal, Raiganj University, P.O. Raiganj, Dist. Uttar Dinapur, WB, "ISER International Conference on Education and Social Science (ICESS-2019)" at Frankfurt, Germany during 4-5 July 2019.(SC Category)
48. Nirmal Singh, Sri Guru Govind Singh College of Commerce, University of Delhi, Delhi, "2019 GBATA 21st Annual International Conference" at Paris, France during 9-13 July 2019.(SC Cateogry) (Not Availed)
49. Archana Kumari, Central University of Jammu, Rahya-Suchani (Bangla), Dist. Samba, Jammu, "5th World Journalism Education Congress (WJEC, 2019)" at Paris, France during 9-11 July 2019.
50. Roshan Lal Dewangan, Kazi Nazrul University, P.O. Kalla, Asansol, "13th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology (AASP)" at Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan (R.O.C) during 11-13 July 2019.
51. Kapil Kumar, SSS, IGNOU, Maidan Garhi Road, New Delhi, "International Confer-

ence, "Forced Labour & Migration: Indentured & Pacific Labour Trades" at Lautoka, Fiji during 15-17 July 2019. (Not Availed)
52. Shree Priya Singh, FSS, BHU, Varanasi, "IAESV Workshop on Economics for the Social Good" at Leicester, UK during 4-5 July 2019.
53. Ayushi Rawat, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi, Delhi, "The Children and Childhood Conference" at Neptune Quay, UK during 16-17 July 2019.
54. Joymati Thoudam, Lady Irwin College, University of Delhi, Delhi, "11th International Convention of Asia Scholars" at Leiden, The Netherlands during 16-19 July 2019.
55. Amit Kumar, SSS, JNU, New Delhi, "11th International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS)" at Leiden, Netherlands during 16-19 July 2019. (SC Category)
56. Kimi, University of Delhi, Delhi, "6th Annual International Conference on Library and Information Science" at Athens, Greece during 29 July - 1 August 2019. (SC Category)
57. Suneel Kumar Chitturi, University of Delhi, Delhi, "ESSCA, School and Management International Public Management Network 2019 Conference" at Paris, France during 18-19 July 2019. (SC Category) (Not Availed)
58. Anjali Tandon, Institute for Studies in Industrial Development (ISID), Vasant Kunj, New Delhi, "27th International Input-Output Conference" at Glasgow, Scotland during 30 June- 5 July 2019.
59. Pawan Kumar Avadhanam, Institute of Public Enterprise (IPE), Shamirpet,



Hyderabad, "World Finance Conference" at Santiago Do, Chile during 24-26 July 2019.
60. Shuchi Srivastava, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (MANIT), Bhopal (MP), "International Conference on English Learning and Teaching Skills (ICELTS-19)" at Singapore during 9-10 July 2019.
61. Pooja Sankhyayan, IIT Mandi, Mandi, HP, "International Conference on Emerging the SDGs through Appropriate Technology and Governance" at Leicester UK during 4-5 July 2019. (Not Availed).
62. Noor Ulain Rizvi, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, "The 31st Asian Finance Association Annual Meeting" at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam during 7-9 July 2019.
63. Anushka Ghosh, Indian Statistical Institute Biological Anthropology Unit, Kolkata, "48th Annual Conference of the British Society of Gerontology" at Liverpool, UK during 10-12 July 2019. (Not Availed)
64. Yadawendra Singh, C.M. College, L.N. Mithila University, Dharbhanga, Bihar, "75th Annual Congress of the IIPF" at Scotland, UK during 21-23 August 2019. (Not Availed)
65. Sudip Chakraborty, Ananda Chandra College, College Para, P.O. & Dist. Jalpaiguri, West Bengal, "International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences Inter-Congress on World Solidarities" at Poznam, Poland during 27-31 August 2019. (Not Availed)
66. H.S. Mistry, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara, Gujarat, "World Congress of the International Association for the Scientific

Study of Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities" at Glasgow, Scotland, UK during 6-9 August 2019. (Not Availed)
67. Anju Sosan George, CMS College (Autonomous), Kottayam, Kerala, "The World Congress of the International Association of the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities" at Scotland, UK during 6-9 August 2019.
68. Nivedita Sen, Hansraj College, University of Delhi, Delhi, "IRSCL Congress 2019: Silence and Silencing in Children's Literature" at Stockholm, Sweden during 14-18 August 2019.
69. Gayatree A. Chincholkar, Presidency College, Kempapura, Hebbal, Bengaluru, "2nd International Hindi Literature Conference" at Brampton, Ontario, Canada during 13-20 August 2019.
70. Anjali Dinkar Kurane, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, "IUAES 2019 Inter Congress, World Solidarities" at Poznan, Poland during 27-31 August 2019. (SC Category) (Not Availed)
71. Mohini Jagdish Gawai, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Ganeshkhind, Pune, "IUAES 2019 Inter-Congress World Solidarities" at Poznan, Polandduring 27-31 August 2019. (SC Category) (Not Availed)
72. Ambady K.G., School of Behavioural Sciences, Mahatama Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, World Congress of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Development Disabilities" at Glasgow, UK during 6-9 August 2019. (Not Availed)
73. Pramila Tiwari, Barkatullah University, Bhopal (MP), "2nd Bodhi International Conference on Insights and Innovations



in Humanities, Arts and Science-2019, (BICOIHAS-19)" at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia during 22-26 August 2019.
74. Sanganagouda S. Patil, Rani Channamma University, S.R. Kanthi P.G. Centre, Anubhava Sngama, S.C. Nandimath Law College Premises, Bagalkot, "2nd Bodhi International Conference on Insights and Innovations in Humanities, Arts and Science-2019, (BICOIHAS-19)" at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia during 22-26 August 2019.
75. Sarbjeet Singh, Punjab University, Chandigarh, "IUAES 2019 Inter Congress World Solidarities" at Poznan, Poland during 27-31 August 2019. (SC Category)
76. Murshida Khatoon, Psychological Research Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, "Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association (APA)" at Chicago, USA during 8-11 August 2019
77. Shubham Sharma, IIT Roorkee, Uttarakhand, "Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management" at Boston, USA during 9-11 August 2019.
78. Swati Agarwal, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), New Delhi, "Academy of Management Annual Meeting" at Boston, USA during 9-13 August 2019.
79. Ipsita Roy, DST-CPR, Institute of Technology Delhi, "Economic & Finance IISES 2019 Conference" at Dubrovnik, Croatia during 27-30 August 2019.
80. Himani Anand, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Dayalbagh, Agra, Uttar Pradesh, "2019 International Conference on Education and Leaning" at Osaka, Japan during 28-30 August 2019. (SC Category) (Not Availed)

81. Sudhir Kumar Singh, Dayal Singh College, University of Delhi, Delhi, "International Conference on the Meaning of Democracy: Foundation and Contemporary Challenges" at Washington DC, USA during 19 August to 20 September 2019.
82. Tejinder Kaur, Punjab University, Chandigarh, "3rd IWA Resource Recovery Conference" at Venice, Italy during 8-12 September 2019.(SC Category) (Withdrawn)
83. Sudhir Chandra Das, Faculty of Commerce, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, "XII ILERA European Congress" at Heinrich Heine University, Dusseldorf, Germany during 5-7 September 2019. (SC Category) (Withdrawn)
84. Anil Kumar Biswas, University of Burdwan, Purva, Burdwan (WB), "Theveli 2019", 3rd International Conference on Multi-disciplinary Research" at Maldives National University, Maldives during 8-9 September 2019. (SC Category)
85. Vishwambhar Prasad Sati, Mizoram University, Aizawl, Mizoram, "International Mountain Conference 2019" at Innsbruck, Austria during 8-12 September 2019.
86. Avishek Ray, NIT Silchar, Cachar, Assam, "Us and Them: Diasporas for Others in the Indian Oceans" at Halle, Germany during 16-18 September 2019.
87. BalwinderjitKaurBhatti,PunjabiUniversity, Patiala, "A Journey of 550 Years: Sikh Studies in Academia" at University of Wolverhampton, UK during 3-5 September 2019. (Not Availed)
88. Varun Gautam, PGDAV College, University of Delhi, Delhi, "Accounting Histo-



ry International Conference (10 AIHC)" at Paris, France during 3-5 September 2019. (Not Availed)
89. Arvinder Singh, Gujranwala Guru Nanak Khalsa College, Ludhiana, Punjab, "A Journey of 550 Years: Sikh Studies in Academia" at University of Wolverhampton, UK during 3-5 September 2019. (Not Availed)
90. Harsha Rajwanshi, Gujarat National Law University, Koba, Gandhinagar, "8th Journal of Private International Law Conference 2019" at Munich, Germany during 12-14 September 2019. (Not Availed)
91. Sumalatha B.S., Central University of Tamil Nadu, Neelakudi, Thiruvarur, T.N., "1st Fingeo Global Conference 2019: Global Financial Shift Mapping a Financialized World in Transformation" at Beijing, China during 15-18 September 2019.
92. Bangarupet Venkatesulu Muralidhar, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, A.P., "Institutions, Ideas, and the Challenges of Democracy in the 21st Century" at Prague, The Czech Republic during 20-21 September 2019. (SC Category)
93. Mary George Varghese, MES Pillai College of Education and Research, Chembur, Mumbai, "Commonwealth of Learning (COL) Plan-Commonwealth Forum" at Edinburgh, Scotland during 9-12 September 2019.
94. Sheetal Prasad, SIS, JNU, New Delhi, "Theveli 2018, "Motivate, Integrate and Discover" at Male, Maldives during 8-9 September 2019.
95. Ramanand Pandey, University of Delhi, Delhi, "9th Plan-Commonwealth Forum

(PCF9)" at Edinburgh, Scotland during 9-12 September 2019. (Not Availed)
96. Elangbam Ashakiran Chanu, SSS, JNU, New Delhi, "13th Pan-European Conference on International Relations" at Sofia, Bulgaria during 11-14 September 2019.
97. Pankaj Singh Kushwaha, SIS, JNU, New Delhi, "2nd International Conference of Disability and Diversity in Asia" at Malang, Indonesia during 24-25 September 2019.
98. Aprana Premi Lina Oraon, Ranchi University, Ranchi (Jharkhand), "7th International Conference on Sustainable Development 2019" at Rome, Italy during 4-5 September 2019. (ST Category)
99. Nawang Choden, SSS, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, "Narratives of Forced Migration in the 20th and 21st Centuries" at University of Stirling, Scotland during 16-18 September 2019. (ST Category)
100. Sukanta Kumar Mahapatra, National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS), Noida (UP), "9th Pan-Commonwealth Forum: Innovations for Quality Education and Lifelong Learning" at Edinburgh, Scotland during 9-12 September 2019.
101. Umar Bashir Mir, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, "13E2019 - The 18th IFIP Conference on E-Business, E-Services and E-Society" at Trondheim, Norway during 18-20 September 2019.
102. N.M.P. Verma, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow, "7th International Conference on Business Economics, Marketing & Management



Research (BEMM-2019)" at Istanbul, Turkey during 1-3 October 2019.
103. Kh. Narendra Singha, Assam University, Diphu Campus, Assam, "Universal Academic Cluster International October Conference" at Bangkok, Thailand during 3-4 October 2019. (Not Availed)
104. Suman Bhakri, Shri Ram College of Commerce, University of Delhi, Delhi, "International Conference on Business, Accounting, Finance and Economics (BAFE) 2019" at Pahang, Malaysia on 4th October 2019.
105. Naveen Mittal, Shri Ram College of Commerce, University of Delhi, Delhi, "International Conference on "Globalization: Trade and Economic Policy: Way Towards Achieving Sustainable Development" at Seoul, South Korea during 18-19 October 2019. (Not Availed)
106. Parminder Walia, Sri Guru Gobind Singh College, Chandigarh, "Learning with MOOCS 2019" at Milwaukee, WI, USA during 23-25 October 2019.
107. Narasingappa H.N., Hasanamba College of Education, Vidyanagar, Hassan, Karnataka, "22nd ICTEL 2019 International Conference on Teaching, Education and Learning" at Bangkok, Thailand during 14-15 October 2019. (SC Category).
108. Narender Kumar, SSS, JNU, New Delhi, "Fifth International Conference-Unfinished Legacy of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Dalits in Global Context: Rethinking Gender and Religion" at New York, USA during 24-26 October 2019. (SC Category)
109. Ramesh Kumar Sahu, Dr. Hari Singh Gour Central University, Sagar, "XIXth World Congress of Criminology" at

Doha, Qatar during 28-30 October, 2019.
110. Saloni Priya, SLLCS, JNU, New Delhi, "South Asian Languages Analysis Round Table (SALA Conference)" at Paris, France during 29-31 October 2019.
111. Jagjit Kaur, ZHCES, JNU,Delhi, "CIISE 2019 1st International Congress on Social and Educational Inclusion" at Bilbao, Spain during 24-25 October 2019. (Not Availed)
112. N. Nyejat Konyak, NEHU, Shillong, Meghalaya, "32nd JASAS Annual Conference" at Keio University, Kanagawa, Japan during 5-6 October 2019. (ST Category) (Withdrawn)
113. Rachita Gulati, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee, Uttarakhand, "5th Annual International Corporate Governance Society (ICGS) Conference" at University of Essex, UK during 11-13 October 2019.
114. Sarvani Gooptu, Asian Literary and Cultural Studies, Netaji Institute for Asian Studies, Kolkata, "M K Gandhi and the Media Conference" at St. Andrew, Scotland during 5-6 October 2019.
115. Kesana Srinivasa Rao, Giri Institute of Development Studies, Lucknow (UP), "14th Himalayan Policy Research Conference" at Madison, Wisconsin University, USA during 17-19 October 2019.
116. Medha Nayak, National Institute of Science, Education and Research, Khurda, Jatni, Odisha, "16th International Elephant Conservation and Research Symposium" at Limpopo, South Africa during 21-25 October 2019.



117. Shivani Satija, Advance Centre for Women Studies, TISS, Mumbai, "Gender Studies 2019 Conference on Violence" at Helsinki, Finland during 24-26 October 2019.
118. Somnath Bera, Centre for Geoinformatics, JTSDS, Tata Institute of Social Science (TISS), Mumbai, "4th International Conference on Mountains in the Changing World" at Kathmandu, Nepal during 18-19 October 2019.
119. Yukti Bajaj, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, "2019 Vietnam Symposium in Banking and Finance (VSBF 2019)" at Hanoi, Vietnam during 24-26 October 2019
120. Sukanta Kumar Patra, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, "22nd International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations - ETD 2019" at Porto, Portugal during 6-8 November 2019.
121. Hemendra S. Mistry, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Maharaja Sayajirao University, Vadodara, "4th World Disability & Rehabilitation Conference (WDRC 2019)" at Bangkok, Thailand during 7-8 November 2019. (Not Availed)
122. Kedar Vishnu Shankarrao, Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC), Nagarabhavi, Bengaluru, "Symposium on "Small-holder Farms in Market Integration ­ Lessons and Experiences from South and East Asia" at Nanjing, China during 10-14 November 2019.
123. Seema, Shyama Prasad Mukherji College for Women, University of Delhi, New Delhi, "6th Biennial International Conference on Africa and Diaspora (BICAID) 2019" at Georgia, Athens, USA during 13-15 November 2019. (Not Availed)

124. Krishnendra Meena, SIS, JNU, New Delhi, "EU-Africa Migration Conundrum in a Changing Global Order" at Joensuu Finland during 21-22 November 2019. (ST Category)
125. Pradyut Guha, Sikkim University, Gopal Dahal Building, Sikkim, "89th Annual Conference of the Southern Economic Association" at Fort Lauderdale FL, USA during 23-25 November 2019. (Not Availed)
126. Santosh Kumar, Shri Ram College of Commerce, University of Delhi, Delhi, "Financialization and Development in the Global South" at Beunos Aires, Argentina during 26-28 November, 2019. (ST Category)
127. Soumya Sagarika Sahoo, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar (Odisha), "2nd South Asia Conference on Multi-disciplinary Research 2019" at Colombo, Sri Lanka during 8-9 November 2019.
128. Naresh Kumar, SSS, JNU, New Delhi, "Urban Futures: Critical Transformations in Asian Cities" at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam during 27-30 November 2019.
129. Anjan Chamuah, SSS, JNU, New Delhi, "2019 Bi-annual Conference of the 4TU" at Eindhoven, The Netherlands during 7-8 November 2019. (Not Availed)
130. Utsav Kumar Singh, University of Delhi, Delhi, "6th Biennial International Conference on Africa and Diaspora (BICAID) 2019" at Georgia, Athens, USA during 13-15 November 2019. (Not Availed)
131. Anjali Tiwari, University of Delhi, Delhi, "25th Biennial Conference of the Association for Canadian Studies in the United States" at Montreal, Canada during 13-16 November 2019. (Not Availed)



132. Appaji Korikana, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, "International Academic Conference on Education" at Oxford University, UK during 8-10 November 2019. (Not Availed)
133. Bipin Kumar, Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), Delhi, "15th International Asian Urbanization Conference (AUC)" at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam during 27-30 November 2019.
134. Lakshita Bhagat, SIS, JNU, New Delhi, "National Women's Studies Conference" at San Francisco, USA during 14-17 November 2019. (SC Category)
135. Uday Kumar R., A Constituent Unit of KLE Academy of Higher Education and Research, Belagavi, "128th Congress of the Korean Association of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease" at Seoul, Korea during 7-8 November 2019. (SC Category)
136. Abhishikta Ghosh Roy, Anthropological Survey of India, Kolkata, "6th International Conference on "Emerging Trends in Academic Research (ETAR)" at Bali, Indonesia during 27-28 November 2019.
137. Nabajyoti Deka, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, W.B., "89th Annual Conference of the Southern Economic Association" at Florida, USA during 23-25 November 2019.
138. Pratima Tete, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Deonar, Mumbai, "23rd New Zealand Asian Studies Society International Conference" at Wellington, New Zealand during 24-27 November 2019. (ST Category) (Withdrawn)
139. Reetu Chandra, NCERT, New Delhi, "The Asian Conference on Education (ACE2019)" at Tokyo, Japan during 31

October to 3 November 2019. (SC Category) (Withdrawn)
140. P. Ravichandran, G.T.N. Arts College (Autonomous), Dindigul, Tamil Nadu, "Managing Ecological Changes for Global Development: Challenges and Policies" at Hanoi, Vietnam during 1-3 December 2019.
141. Ganesan Lakshmanan, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, "9th IIMS International Conference" at Hanoi, Vietnam during 1-3 December 2019.
142. M. Sumanthy, Bharathia University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, "9th IIMS International Conference HTU" at Hanoi, Vietnam during 1-3 December 2019. (Not Availed)
143. Jeevamol Joy, School of Engineering, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi, "The International Conference on Data Science, E-Learning and Information System 2019(DATA 2019)" at Dubai, UAE during 2-5 December 2019. (Not Availed)
144. Mehebub Rahaman, SSS, JNU, New Delhi, "Oxford Women's Leadership Symposium" at Oxford, UK during 4-6 December 2019.
145. Akoijam Malemnganbi, CALTS, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, Telangana, "SEASIA Biennial Conference 2019" at Taipei, Taiwan during 5-7 December 2019
146. Anshita Yadav, University School of Management Studies, Guru Govind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi, "33rd Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Conference" at Cairns, Australia during 3-6 December 2019. (Withdrawn)



147. Ashish Kumar, Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalya, Gayatrikunj, Shantikunj, Haridwar, "International Conference on Yog for Global Harmony (ICYGH-2019)" at Dubai, UAE during 16-17 December 2019. (Withdrawn)
148. Neharika Sobti, University of Delhi, (South Campus) Moti Bagh, New Delhi, "32nd Australasian Finance and Banking Conference (AFBC) 2019" at Sydney, Australia during 15-18 December 2019. (Not Availed)
149. Uttam Kumar Saikia, School of Rural Development, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Deonar, Mumbai, "14th ICA CCR Asia Pacific Research Conference" at University of Newcastle, Australia during 12-14 December 2019.
150. Nishant Kumar, Dayal Singh College, University of Delhi, Delhi, "International Studies Association (ISA) 2020" at Honolulu, Hawaii, USA during 25-28 March 2020. (Not Availed)
151. Subhash D'souza, St. Joseph College of Arts and Commerce, Maharashtra, "11th Academic International Conference on Multi-disciplinary Studies and Education" at Oxford, UK during 20-22 January 2020.
152. Bharati Harnal, Satyawati College, University of Delhi, Delhi, "8th Annual Conference of Economic Forum of Entrepreneurship and International Business" at Oxford University, UK during 1-2 February 2020. (Not Availed)
153. Kaushalya, Motilal Nehru College, University of Delhi, Delhi, "The Conference on Asian Linguistic Anthropology 2020" at Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia during 5-8 February 2020. (SC Category)

154. Sandeep Tiwari, School of Economics, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, J&K, "The South-east Asian Conference on Education (SEACE)" at Singapore during 7-9 February 2020.
155. Smruti Ranjan Sahoo, Centre for Development Studies, Ulloor, Trivandrum, Kerala, "5th SANEM Annual Economist's Conference" at Dhaka, Bangladesh during 1-2 February 2020.
156. Devender Kumar, SIS, JNU, New Delhi, "The Rise of Asia in Global History and Perspective" at Paris, France during 12-14 February 2020. (SC Category)
157. Sowmy Dhanraj, Madras School of Economics in Collaboration with Central University of Tamil Nadu, Kottur, Chennai, T.N., "Australian Gender Economics Workshop 2020" at Brisbane, Australia during 5-7 February 2020.
158. Debasish Nandy, Kazi Nazrul University, Nazrul Road, Asansol, Bardhaman, W.B., "UNE Peace building Conference" at Sydney, Australia during 12-14 February 2020.
159. DibyaNandanMishra,NationalInstitute of Technology Rourkela, Odisha, "2020 Winter Academic Conference" at Diego, California, USA during 14-16 February 2020.
160. Tanima Kumari, C.M. College, Lalit Narayan Mithila University, Dharbhanga, Bihar, "Applied Research International Conference on Education, Literature and Language (ARICELL) 2020" at Oxford, UK during 24-25 February 2020.
161. Anjana Girish, Inter University Centre for IPR Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin, Kerala, "Second IP & Innovation Researchers of Asia Conference" at Jakarta, Indone-



sia during 27-28 February 2020. (Not Availed)
162. Arya Priyadarshini, SHSS, IIT Mandi, Tehsil Sadar, Kamand, H.P., "North-east Modern Language Association's 51st Annual Convention" at Boston, Massachusetts, USA during 5-8 March 2020. (Not Availed)
163. Snigdha Singh, Miranda House, University of Delhi, Delhi, "Annual Conference of the Israel Association for the Study of Religions" at Haifa, Israel on 19 March 2020. (Not Availed)
164. Rongnyoo Lepcha, Sikkim University, Gangtok, Sikkim, "2020 Annual Conference of the Association of Asian Studies" at Michigan, USA on 20 March 2020. (ST Category) (Withdrawn)
165. Merieleen Engtipi, SIS, JNU, New Delhi, "ISA 61st Annual Convention: Multiple Identities and Scholarship in a Global IR: One Profession, Many Voices" at Honolulu, Hawaii, USA during 25-28 March 2020. (ST Category) (Withdrawn)
166. Sagnik Bagchi, The LNM Institute of Information Technology, Jaipur, "15th Australian Trade Workshop" at Canberra, Australia during 21-22 March 2020. (Withdrawn)
167. Neelam Rani, Indian Institute of Management, Shillong, Maghalaya, "89th International Atlantic Economic Conference" at Rome, Italy during 25-28 March 2020. (Not Availed)
168. Pinki Maurya, Lakshmibai College, University of Delhi, Ashok Vihar, Delhi, "78th Annual Midwest Political Science Association Conference" at Chicago, USA during 16-19 April 2020. (SC Category) (Not Availed)

169. Manoj Joseph, SRD, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Osmanabad, Hyderabad, "2020 Annual Meeting of the Population Association (PAA)" at Washington DC, USA during 22-25 April 2020. (Not Availed)
170. Amrita Saikia, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Deonar, Mumbai, "3rd International Conference on Gender Research (ICGR)" at Reading University, Reading, UK during 2-3 April 2020. (Withdrawn)
171. NamitaGupta,CHRD,PanjabUniversity, Chandigarh, "IV ISA Forum of Sociology" at Porto Allegra, Brazil during 14-18 July 2020. (Withdrawn)
172. Sayani Das, Indian Statistical Institute, B.T. Road, Kolkata, "32nd International Congress of Psychology" at Prague, Czech Republic 19-24 July 2020. (Not Availed)
Data Collection Abroad
1. Rajeshwari Dutt, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Mandi, Kamand Campus, Dist. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh visited London, UK for a period of 15 days for her research work "Inventing `Indians': Emancipation and Informal Empire in Nicarugua's Mosquito Shore, 1844-1894".
2. Anamika Patel, SIS, JNU, Delhi visited Moscow, Russia for a period of 15 days for her research work "Russia's Nuclear Energy Policy towards India- A Case Study of Kundankulam Nuclear Power Project".
3. Anuj Kumar Singh, Centre for Diaspora Studies, Central University of Gujarat, Gandhingar, Gujarat visited Viti Luva Island, Taveuni Island, Lau Island, Fiji for a period of 15 days for his research



work "Indian Diasporic Communities in Fiji: A Study of Ethnic Media & Indianness".
4. Sapna Pradhan, Department of Peace and Conflict Studies and Management, Sikkim University, Lower Samdur, Gangtok, Sikkim visited Kathmandu, Nepal for a period of 15 days for her research work "Human Trafficking and Displacement in Nepal: A Study of Jhapa District".
5. Dhanraj Sardar Gusinge, Centre for Diaspora Studies, Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar, Gujarat visited Mauritius for a period of 15 days for his research work "History and Cultural Identity of Marathi Diaspora in Mauritius".
6. Swati Saini, SIS, JNU, New Delhi visited New York, Massachusetts, Arizona, Phonic, USA for a period of 15 days for her research work "United Nations and Climate Change: Role of Principal Organs, 1992-2015".
7. Poonam Khatana, CWAS, JNU, New Delhi visited Beirut, Lebanon for a period of 15 days for her research work "The Influx of Syrian Refugees in Lebanon: Economic and Political Implications 2011-2016".
8. Anirban Sen, SIS, JNU, New Delhi visited London, UK for a period of 15 days for his research work "Iran-India Interactions in Afghanistan, 1996-2015".
9. Abdul Razak Kunnathodi, SIS, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi visited Sharjah, UAE & Kuwait for a period of 14 days for his research work "American Universities in the Arab World: Implications and Regional Responses".
10. Anjali Yogi, CSAS, JNU, New Delhi visited Dhaka, Bangladesh for a period of

14 days for her research work "Transformation in Foreign Policy Making of Bangladesh 1991-2014".
11. Haseeb Cheerathadayan, SIS, JNU, New Delhi visited Moscow, Russia for a period of 14 days for his research work "Nuclear Governance: A Comparative Study of Russia and India, 1991-2017".
12. PromodSingh,SIS,JNU,NewDelhivisited Malaysia for a period of 15 days for his research work "Indian and Chinese Diaspora in Malaysia: A Comparative Study, 1981-2016".
13. Monica Verma, M.G.A.H.V. Wardha, Maharashtra visited Moka, Mauritius for a period of 14 days for her research work "Impact of Arya Samaj on Upliftment of Indian Diaspora in Mauritius (1903-1968)".
14. Rishi Gupta, SIS, JNU, New Delhi visited Kathmandu, Nepal for a period of 10 days for his research work "Evolution of Nepal's Security Policy: Factors and Challenges, 1990-2016".
15. Sanjit Kumar Das, University of Delhi, Delhi visited Dhaka, Bangladesh for a period of 14 days for his research work "Prawas, Asmita, Mirmitti Evam Shiksha: Champaran mein Basey PureBango Samuday ke Vishisht Sandarbh Mein".
16. Harmanpreet Singh Sandhu, Panjab University, Chandigarh visited Hanoi, Vietnam for a period of 14 days for his research work "A Study of India-Vietnam Strategic Partnership: Challenges and Prospects".
17. Sreshtha Chakraborty, SIS, JNU, New Delhi visited Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, UAE for a period of 14 days for her research work "India's Cultural Diplo-



macy with United Arab Emirates, 20062017.
18. Subh Kirti, SIS, JNU, New Delhi visited Mannheim, Cologne, Berlin (Germany) for a period of 14 days for his research work "Cultural Diversity in the Small and Medium Enterprises in Germany".
19. Sandip Ram Shendge, CDS, Central University of Gujarat, Gandhi Nagar visited Buckinghamshire New University, UK for a period of 15 days for his research work "Marginality and Identity in the Selected Narratives of Romani Diaspora in the United Kingdom". (SC Category)
20. Gurinder Kaur, Punjabi University, Patiala visited University of Worcester, UK

for a period of 14 days for her research work "Professional and Economic Growth of Teachers of U.K. and India: A Cross Cultural Study of Predictors and Control Indicators of Interpersonal Violence". (SC Category)
21. Mr. Arun Kumar Oraon, SIS, JNU, New Delhi visited Bangkok and Chiang Mai, Thailand for a period of 14 days for his research work "Role of Social Media in Thai Politics, 2001-2016". (ST Category)
22. Mr. Sachin Limbu, SIS, JNU, New Delhi visited Moscow & St. Petersburg, Russia for a period of 15 days for his research work "Russian Policy Towards United States of America: Neo Eurasianist Perspective, 2000-2006". (ST Category)

Appendix 10 Major Activities of ICSSR Regional Centres

Eastern Regional Centre (ERC), Kolkata
The Centre provided financial assistance to organise the following Seminars/Conferences/ Workshops:
1. National Symposium on "Dalit Studies: Issues, Challenges, Possibilities and Reception," Department of English, University of Kalyani, April 26, 2019. ( 70,000/-)
2. National Conference on "Labour Market Issues in India," Centre for Training and Research in Public Finance and Policy, CSSSC, August 26, 2019. ( 1,50,000/-)
3. International Seminar on "100 Years of International Relation Studies," School of International Relations and Strategic Studies (SIRSS) in collaboration with the Bengal Institute for Political Studies, Kolkata at Jadavpur University, September 7, 2019. ( 45,000/-)
4. National Seminar on "Gender in Indian History: Its Relation with Different Trajectories of History of Indian Women from 1857 to 1947," Department of History, Vijaygarh Jyotish Ray College, Kolkata, September 17, 2019. (1,30,000/-)
5. Seminar on "Disaster Management to Adolescent Girls Students under Preview of Disaster Management

Act, 2005," Jhumak Mahaseth Dr. Dharmapriya Lal Mahila College, Madhubani, Bihar, September 27, 2019. ( 1,30,000/-)
6. National Seminar on "Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar: A Great Social Reformer and Crusader of Women's Empowerment," Mugberia Gangadhar Mahavidyalaya in Collaboration with the Centre for Knowledge Ideas and Development Studies, Kolkata at Mugberia, Purba Medinipur, September 27, 2019. ( 90,000/-)
7. Seminar on "Citizenship in Contemporary Times," Institute of Development Studies, Kolkata, November 19-20, 2019.(1,50,000/-)
8. International Seminar on "Global Warming, Eco-system/Bio-diversity Changes: Issues & Challenges," Haldia Law College, Purba Medinipur, November 23-24, 2019. (1,40,000/-)
9. National Seminar on "Contemporary Issues in Commerce and Economics," Department of Commerce, Vidyasagar Evening College, Kolkata in Collaboration with Department of Commerce, Tara Devi Harakh Chand Kankaria Jain College, Kolkata, December 7, 2019. ( 90,000/-)
10. 29th Annual General Conference on "Contemporary Issues in Development Economics," Department of Economics, Jadavpur University, December 16-17, 2019. ( 1,50,000/-)



11. National Seminar on "Rethinking Literature: Eco-criticism and Socioeconomic Concerns," Post-Graduate Department of English, Trivenidevi Bhalotia College, Raniganj, Paschim Bardhaman in Collaboration with Department of English, Kazi Nazrul Islam Mahavidyalya, Churulia, Paschim Bardhaman, December 19-20, 2019. ( 1,50,000/-)
12. International Conference on "The Sundarbans: Past, Present and Future Possibilities," Department of English, Sundarban Hazi Desarat College, South 24 Parganas, January 4-5, 2020. ( 1,50,000/-)
13. Young Economist Students' Meet (YESM) on "Green Economy: Role of Public Policy in Environmental Security," Department of Economics, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, January 7-9, 2020. ( 1,35,000/-)
14. Inter-disciplinary Seminar on "Heritage, Culture & Identity: Re-negotiating Spaces of Memory in a Time of Rapid Urbanisation," Sarat Centenary College, Dhaniakhali, Hooghly, January 20-21, 2020. ( 70,000/-)
15. 8th Annual Conference of the "Indian Health Economics and Policy Association," National Institute of Science Education & Research, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, January 23-24, 2020. ( 1,25,000/-)
16. Seminar on "Socio-economic Empowerment of Indian Women through Self-employment Schemes & SelfHelp Groups Initiatives: Reference to Island Women," Department of Economics, Jawaharlal Nehru Rajkeeya Mahavidyalaya, Port Blair, February 4-5, 2020. ( 1,50,000/-)

17. Annual Arthabisleshon Workshop on "Bharatbarshe Karmasanasthan: Samasya Aur Sambhabana (Employment in India: Problem and Prospect" Barrackpore Rastraguru Surendranath College, Barackpore, Kolkata, February 4, 2020. ( 60,000/-)
18. National Seminar on "Culture, Society & Politics: Colonial & Post-colonial Period" Department of Political Science, Maharajadhiraj Uday Chand Women's College, Burdwan, February 15-16, 2020. ( 1,40,000/-)
19. Seminar on "Relevance of Vidyasagar After 200 Years," Department of History, Heramba Chandra College, Kolkata, February 26, 2020. ( 1,25,000/-)
20. National Seminar on "Locating `State' and `Society' in Indian Political Thought," Department of Political Science, Karimpur Pannadevi College, Nadia, March 3-4, 2020. ( 1,30,000/-)
21. International Seminar on "Global Environmental Challenges: Environment, Society and Development in the Anthropocene," Department of Geography, Women's Christian College, Kolkata in Collaboration with School of Oceanographic Studies, Jadavpur University, March 6-7, 2020. ( 1,75,000/-)
22. National Seminar on "Information Strategy for Social Science Research in India: Tracing the Future Trajectory," Department of Library & Information Science, March 12-13, 2020. ( 1,40,000/-)
The Centre Organized International Conference on "Issues in International Trade and Open Economy Macro-economics," in Collaboration with the Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta (CSSSC) and Centre for Training & Research in Public Finance and Policy (CTRPFP) during December 12-13, 2019.



Study Grant
During the period, five scholars were awarded study grant.
Research Projects (Completed)
1. "Identifying the Reasons behind the Highest Dropout Rate among the Tribal Students at Primary Level in Meghalaya" Conducted by Rajesh Kumar Saha, Department of Education, Rabindra Bharati University, Kolkata. (1,50,000/-)
Research Project (Ongoing)
1. "Partition and Triple-marginalization of Lower Caste Women: A Case Study of Namasudra Community" Avishek Biswas, Vidyasagar College. ( 1,60,000/-)
2. "Tant of Bengal (Machine Defeats the Artists)" Aditya Mukhopadhyay, Mayureswar High School, Birbhum, West Bengal. ( 30,000/-)
3. "Study on the Present Status of the People of Erstwhile Bangladeshi Enclaves and Migrated People from Erstwhile Indian Enclaves as Consequence of Exchange of Enclaves by Means of Land Boundary Agreement, 2015," Debarshi Bhattacharya, Department of Commerce, Sewnarayan Rameswar Fatepuria College, Beldanga, Murshidabad, West Bengal. ( 1,45,000/-)
4. "Environmental Sustainibility of the State of Sikkim", Rimu Chaudhuri, and Anup Kumar Sinha, Heritage Business School, Kolkata. ( 1,50,000/-)
5. Research Project entitled "A Study on Attitude of Typically Developing Students Towards their Peers with Disability in the Alipurduar District

of West Bengal", Ritwika Laskar, Department of Education, Alipurduar Mahila Mahavidyalaya. ( 1,60,000/-)
6. "Bango-Utkal Sangskritik Samparka: Othanamar Brittanta," Arindam Chakraborty, Department of History, Mahishadal Raj College. ( 1,48,000/-)
7. "Influence of Chinese Buddhism in Bengal," Bela Bhattacharya, University of Calcutta. ( 1,45,000/-)
Training Programme
1. Faculty Development Pogramme on "Modern Methods of Teaching and Advanced Research Methods," Department of Geography, Bhatter College, Dantan, Paschim Medinipur during November 4-8, 2019. ( 1,30,000/-)
1. Keshab Chandra Mandal, S.M. Nagar Derozio Smiriti Vidyalaya (High), Kolkata was sanctioned publication grant for his research work entitled "Sustainable Development in India in Comparison with the G-20." ( 45,000/-)
2. Avijit Sikdar, Department of Commerce, Kidderpore College, Kolkata was sanctioned publication grant for the publication of Edited Volume entitled "Contemporary Issues and Challenges in Indian Accounting Standards (IND-AS) and Indirect Taxation." ( 50,000/-)
3. Shekhar Bhowmick, Department of History, Vidyasagar College, Kolkata was sanctioned publication grant for a manuscript of "Bankura Darpan", to reprint the news paper which had been published during 1904-1954 at Bankura District, West Bengal. ( 50,000/-)



During this period, 66 journals were subscribed and 14 books were received as gift. Also, nine newspapers were subscribed. 6000 pages of photocopy materials were supplied during this period.
Northern Regional Centre (NRC), Delhi
The Centre provided financial assistance to organize the following seminars/conferences/ workshops:
1. Historical Geographies of Location and Cultural Evolution in India by Dr. Amrita Bajaj, Department of Geography, Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, New Delhi on 13th -14th April 2019. ( 1,50,000)
2. Concept of Social Justice and Peace: A Buddhist Perspective by Dr. Heero Hito, Director, Subharti School of Buddhist Studies, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut on 16th July 2019. ( 1,50,000)
3. orZeku 'kSf{kd ifjfLFkfr;ksa ij ckS)&n'kZu dk çHkko by Dr. Ishdatta Yadav, Krishna Mahavidyalaya Tajpur, Usmanpur Pipiridih, MAU (U.P.) on 10th-11th August 2019. ( 1,50,000)
4. Prospects for Resettlement of Kashmiri Pandits: Socio-economic and Psychological Dimensions by Dr. Mahesh Ranjan Debata, Assistant Professor, Centre for Inner Asian Studies, SIS/JNU, New Delhi on 28th-29th September 2019. ( 1,50,000)
5. fdlkuksa dh vkRegR;kvksa ls lqyxrk Hkkjr% leL;k,a ,oa pqukSfr;k¡ by Dr. Nishu Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Chaman Lal Mahavidhyalaya,

Roorkee, Uttarakhand on 30th September 2019. ( 1,00,000)
6. egkRek xka/kh ds fopkjks ds lanHkZ esa Hkkjrh; lkekftd foKkuksa dh lhekvksa] laHkkoukvksa rFkk voljkas dh leh{kk by Dr. Anita Singh, Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Pt. Sundarlal Sharma (Open) University Chhattisgarh, Bilaspur on 15th-16th October 2019. ( 1,50,000)
7. Asia-Africa Engagement: Historical, Economic and Diasporic Dimensions by Prof. Ajay Dubey, Chairperson, Centre for African Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi on 16th-18th October 2019. ( 1,50,000)
8. Rethinking Management in the Age of Innovation by Dr. Vipin Kumar Agarwal, Department of Commerce, Aurobindo College, New Delhi on 18th October 2019. ( 75,000)
9. mÙkj çns'k esa nfyr jktuhfr by Dr. Ajay Kumar Tripathi, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Mahavidyalaya, Jhotari on 16th -17th November 2019. ( 1,50,000)
10. Social Sciences: Research, Methodology and Curriculum Development by Prof. Kaushal Kumar Sharma, Hony. Director, Northern Regional Centre, New Delhi on 20th November 2019. ( 83,000)
11. Society & Academic Institutions: Nation Building by Dr. Poonam Kumria, Department of Geography, Miranda House, University of Delhi, Delhi on 29th­30th November 2019. ( 1,50,000)
12. Exclusion, Inclusion and Equity in Education by Dr. S. Srinivasa Rao, Chairperson, Zakir Husain Centre for Educational Studies, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi on 9th-11th December 2019. ( 1,50,000)



13. Climate Change and Sustainable Development: Issues and Policy Initiatives by Dr. B. P. Sharma, Head, Department of Geography, S.S. Jain Subodh P.G. (Autonomous) College, Jaipur on 23rd-24th December 2019. ( 1,50,000)
14. Plagiarism and Research Reference Management Tools for Social Science Scholars by Dr. P. S. Rajput, Assistant Professor, Department of Library and Information Science, Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur on 14th-16th January 2020. ( 1,35,000)
15. Sustainable Development Goals 2030: Ideas and Innovations for Better Tomorrow by Dr. Anupama Parashar, St. Wilfred's P.G. College, Jaipur on 17th-18th January 2020. ( 1,50,000)
16. iaå nhu n;ky mik/;k; ds jktuhfrd fparu esa ,dkRe ekuookn by Dr. Umesh Kumar Srivastava, Jay Prakash Mahila P.G. College, Nagra, Balia (U.P) on 27th -28th January 2020. ( 1,50,000)
17. Hkkjr dh ^iwoZ dh vksj ns[kks^ uhfr dh çklafxdrk by Dr. Pankaj Kumar Chaturvedi, Assistant Professor, Santbula Satyanam Das Birbal P.G. College, Ghazipur on 23rd-24th Febuary 2020. ( 1,50,000)
18. vuqlwfpr tkfr;ksa ds jktuhfrd psruk ds fodkl esa M, vacsMdj vkSj dk'khjke dk ;ksxnku by Dr. Suman Yadav, Bhagwati Smarak Mahavidyalaya, Mirjapur Khas, Shahpur, Jahanaganj, Azamgarh on 28th-29th February 2020. ( 1,50,000)
19. Migration and Sustainability of Rural Settlements by Dr. Kalpana Tripathi, D.D. College, Dehradun on 6th -7th March 2020. ( 1,50,000)
20. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and Uniform Civil Code: Social Relevance by Prof. Dr. Pravesh Kumar, Assistant Professor,

Centre for Comparative Politics & Political Theory, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi on 21st-22nd February 2020. ( 1,20,000)
During the year, the Centre organized Seventh Northern Regional Social Science Congress, in Collaboration with U.P. Rajshri Tandon Open University, Allahabad at Udaipur from 2nd -4th February 2020.
Research Projects (Completed)
1. Analysis of Factor Affecting the Voting Pattern in Urban India: A Study with reference to Socio-economic Situation, Krishna Mohan Sharma, Ghaziabad. ( 7,00,000)
2. Impact of Social Networking Sites on Youth (A Comparative Analysis of Impact of Social Networking Sites of Youth in Metro and Remote Area), Ramesh Kumar Sharma, Vivekanand Institute of Professional Studies, Delhi. ( 7,50,000)
Research Projects (Ongoing)
1. Impact of Workplace Spirituality on Employees and Organisation of Indian Service Sector: Moderating Role of Organisational Culture and Organisational Politics, Swati Dhir, International Management Institute, New Delhi. ( 2,00,000)
2. Kumbh, Prayag Raj 2019- Analysis of Urban Planning (Sanitation and Health Amenities with special reference to Swachh and Surakshit), Satish Kumar, Ghaziabad. ( 1,70,000)
3. Murder on Highways as a Result of Rash Driving ­ An Unraveled Story of Urban and Rural India, Sangeeta Mohan Sharma, Ghaziabad. ( 7,00,000)



4. A Kumbh- Study, Prakash Singh, Noida. ( 5,40,000)
5. Education, Economy, Environment, Easy Money or Tourism: A Study of Factors Affecting in North East and Its Comparison with Tribal Population of Central India, Krishna Mohan Sharma, Ghaziabad. ( 2,50,000)
1. `Demographic & Social Implications of NRC: A Way Forward' by Dr. Nandita Saikia, Assistant Professor, Centre for the Study of Regional Development, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi on 5th November 2019. ( 18,500)
North-Eastern Regional Centre (NERC), Shillong
During the year, the Centre provided financial assistance to the following Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops:
1. Workshop on "Research Methodology for Research Scholars", Siba Charan Subudhi, Department of Education, NEHU Tura Campus, Tura, 14th-19th October 2019. ( 90,000/-)
2. Seminar on "Ethnicity, Culture & Identity in North-East India", Khafeel Ahmed, Govt. Zawlnuam College, Zawlnuam, Mizoram, 26th September 2019. ( 30,000/-)
3. Seminar on "Gender and Development: A Global Perspective," Dinesh Das, PG Dept of Economics, Gossaigaon College, Assam, 26th-28th August 2019. ( 50,000/-)
4. State Level Seminar on "The Mizo Society: Continuity and Change," J.

Zorema, Government J. Buana College, Lunglei, Mizoram, 17th-18th July 2019. ( 50,000)
5. National Seminar on "CFL Hmingthanga Hla te Zirchianna (A Study of Mizo Songs with reference CFL Hmingthanga)," Lalrintluanga, Govt. T. Romana College, Aizawl, Mizoram, 29th ­ 30th May 2019. ( 50,000)
6. National Seminar on "Human Rights and Gender Justices: Issues, Perspectives and Challenges," Abul Foyes Md Malik, Department of Bengali, Digboi Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Digboi Tinsukia, Assam, 30th and 31st May 2019. ( 50,000)
7. National Seminar on "Migration and its Impact on Socio-economic Development of North-East India" Tapan Saikia, Department of Sociology, H.P.B. Girls" College, Golaghat, Assam, 6th ­ 7th September 2019. ( 60,000)
8. Workshop on "Writing Histories of Resistance: From Transgression to Transformation" Tejimala Gurung Nag, Department of History, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong, 6th -7th June 2019. ( 60,000)
9. National Seminar on "Contesting the Site of Sights: The Discourse of Visual Media Cultures with Reference to North-east India" Arzuman Ara & Alankar Kaushik, English and Foreign Languages University, Shillong Campus, Shillong, 10th-11th June 2019. ( 60,000)
10. 36th International Candlelight Memorial Conference on "Intensifying the Fight for Health and Rights" Meghalaya State Network of Positive People (MSNP+), 19th May 2019. ( 30,000)



11. Conference on "Purvottar Bharat Ki Vividh Lok Kalaye (Different Types of Folk Art of North East India) organised by Bharat Prasad Tripathi, Department of Hindi, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong, 25th May 2019. ( 30,000)
12. International Seminar on "Understanding Water Crisis: The Way Forward", organised by R.M. Lyngdoh, Synod College, Shillong on 6th-7th June 2019. ( 50,000)
13. National Seminar on "Recent Trends in Educational Psychology", Anju Verma, Department of Education, Sikkim University, Gangtok on 7th-8th November 2019. ( 50,000)
14. National Seminar on "Hindi Sahitya Ka Samajik Pariprekshya", organised by Satya Prakash Paul, Department of Hindi, Rajiv Gandhi University, Arunachal Pradesh, 12th-13th September 2019. ( 50,000)
15. Workshop on "Culture and Education in North-East India", organised by Akash Ranjan, Department of Education, Rajiv Gandhi University, Arunachal Pradesh on 16th-17th October 2019. ( 50,000)
16. National Seminar on "Ethnicity, Identity and Politics: Quest for Peace and Development", Department of Political Science, Sonapur College, Sonapur, Kamrup Assam, 25th-26th October 2019. ( 50,000)
17. National Seminar on "North-East and Boundary Issues: Problems and Prospects in the Context of Globalization," Keneisenuo Solo, Eastern Christian College, Dimapur, 7th-8th June 2019. ( 50,000)
18. Seminar on "Urban Folklore," Desmond L. Kharmawphlang, Department of Cultural and Creative Studies, North-

Eastern Hill University, Shillong on 22nd ­ 23rd August 2019. ( 50,000)
19. National Seminar on "Understanding Tribes in North-East Indian Context: Issues and Challenges," N.T. Rikam, Dera Natung Government College, Itanagar, 21st-22nd September 2019. ( 50,000)
20. National Seminar on "Development of Higher Education in India with Special Reference to North-East India: Challenges and Remedies", Departments of History & Education, J.D.S.G. College, Bokakhat, Golaghat, Assam in collaboration with Mangalam, NGO, Golaghat, Assam, 23rd -24th August 2019. ( 50,000)
21. Workshop on "Research Methodology and SPSS Usage in Data Analysis in Social Sciences," organised by Joyjit Sanyal, Department of Commerce, Assam University, Diphu Campus, Karbi Anglong, 29th July­ 2nd August 2019. ( 80,000)
22. National Workshop on "Sociocultural Perspective of Translation in Writings from North-East India", P.K. Bhattacharya, Arya Vidyapeeth College, Guwahati on 21st -26th October 2019. ( 80,000)
23. National Seminar on "Sustainable Development: Challenges and Issues in North-East India", Jose George, Don Bosco College, Itanagar, 9th-10th August 2019. ( 50,000)
24. National Seminar on "Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures: The Interfaces, with special reference to the North-East," Sajal Dey, Department of Russian Studies & Sharavan Kumar, Department of French Studies, English and Foreign Language University (EFL),



Shillong, 19th-20th September 2019. ( 50,000)
25. National Conference on "The Relevance of Gandhian Philosophy in the Contemporary World", P.G. Jangamlung Richard, William Carey University, Shillong, 17th-18th October 2019. ( 50,000)
26. Seminar on "Opportunities and Challenges of Governance and Development in North-East India with special reference to Assam," Kshirod Saikia, Department of Political Science, Kakojan College, Jorhat, Assam, 21st-22nd October 2019. ( 50,000)
27. International Seminar on "Entrepreneurial Innovation and Regional Development ­ A Bridge between North-East India & Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN)," Gauhati Commerce College, Guwahati, 23rd -24th October 2019. ( 60,000)
28. Conference on "Exploring the Marriage and Family Experience in North-East India," Department of Social Work, Assam Don Bosco University, Assam, 22nd ­ 23rd Feb 2020. ( 50,000)
29. International Conference on "Intersections of Literature and History for Social and Cultural Change," Paonam Sudeep Mangang, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Institute of Technology, Shillong, 19th-20th October 2019. ( 50,000)
30. National Seminar on "Resurgence of Nationalism: Citizenship, Identity and Belonging," Department of Political Science, Government Aizawl College, Aizawl in collaboration with the Mizoram Political Science Association, 18th ­ 19th October 2019. ( 50,000)

31. National Seminar on "Concept of Property in Naga Customary Tradition", Imjungla Imchem, Department of History, Immanuel College, Lengrijan, Dimapur, Nagaland, 20th­21st September 2019. ( 50,000)
32. National Seminar on "Sufism and its Influence in Indian Sub-continent", M.S.N. Rahman, Department of History, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong, 3rd September 2019. ( 30,000)
33. International Conference on "Global Hospitality and Tourism Conference ­ 2020 (GHTC-2020) on Experiential Management and Marketing", organised by Dr Saurabh Kumar Dixit, Associate Professorn & Head, Department of Tourism & Hotel Management, NorthEastern Hill University, Shillong on 18th­20th March 2020. ( 50,000)
34. National Seminar on "Act East Policy: Implications, Challenges and Issues for North-East India," North-east Adventist College, Thadlaskein, Jaintia Hills, 25th ­ 26th September 2019. ( 50,000)
35. Workshop on "Status of Tai Language and Culture in North-East India: Problems and Prospect," Girin Phukon, Institute of Tai Studies and Research, Assam, 17th-21st November 2019. ( 40,000)
36. Seminar on "Act East Policy of India and Engagement with ASEAN," Manjit Das, South and South East Asia Study Centre, Bodoland University, Kokrajhar, Assam on 7th-8th November 2019. ( 40,000)
37. Workshop on "Climate Action for Peace," organised by the Department of Conflict Management and Peace Initiatives, Martin Luther Christian University, Shillong, 26th August 2019. ( 25,000)



38. Seminar on "Issue-Centric Politics in India," Department of Political Science, Modern College, Kohima, 27th-28th November 2019. ( 30,000)
39. National Seminar on "Changing Dynamics of Tribal Society with special reference to North-Eastern Region," Shillong College, Shillong, 5th­6th November 2019. ( 40,000)
40. National Seminar on "Management for Sustainable Growth," Munindra Kakati, Assam Rajiv Gandhi University of Cooperative Management (ARGUCOM), Assam, 30th January 2020. ( 25,000)
41. National Seminar on "State, Governance and Development in Northeast India," Department of Sociology and Research Committee, Sazolie College, Kohima, Nagaland, 28th-29th November 2019. ( 30,000)
42. National Seminar on "Human Security Paradigm in North-East India: Challenges and Responses", N. Lokendra Singh, Department of National Security Studies, Manipur University, Imphal, 20th-21st April 2020. ( 50,000)
43. National Seminar on "Children's Literature: Addressing the Role of Folktales," Rebeka Debbarma, Department of English, Maharaja Bir Bikram University, Tripura, 28th-29th March 2020. ( 40,000)
44. Basic Level Workshop on "Manuscriptology and Textual Criticism," Manashi Sharma, Department of Sanskrit, Manohari Devi Kanoi Girls' College, Dibrugarh, Assam, 30th March ­ 4th April 2020. ( 80,000)
45. Conference on "Ethnic Relations among the Trans-Border Communities at the Borderland of India and Myan-

mar", M.C. Arunkumar, Department of Anthropology, Manipur University, Imphal, 27th-28th March 2020. ( 40,000)
During the year, the Centre organized following Seminars/Conferences/Workshops:
1. Ten days Research Methodology Course for M.Phil/Ph.D./PDF scholars in Social Sciences from 4th-13th December 2019.
2. Panel Discussion on "Remembering Mahatma Gandhi through His Contributions" on 25th October 2019 to Commemorate Mahatma Gandhi's 150th Birth Anniversary in the Conference Room of the ICSSR-NERC, Shillong.
3. Second Annual Social Science Congress held at Tripura University on 11th-13th March 2020 in Collaboration with the Department of Economics, Tripura University, Tripura.
Study Grants During the year under report, nine scholars were awarded study grant.
Doctoral Contingency Grant Contingency grant was provided to 20 scholars during the period.
Research Projects (Completed) 1. "Origin and Development of the Lyngdohship in Khasi-Jaintia Society", Dr. Rusievan Shangpliang, Department of History, Synod College, Shillong.
Research Projects (Ongoing) 1. "Priority Sector Lending by Assam Gramin Vikash Bank: A Study with



Reference to Udalguri District of Assam", Dr. Kingshuk Adhikari, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Assam University, Silchar.
2. "Development of Border Villages in Garo Hills: A Pilot Study", Professor H. Srikanth, Department of Political Science, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong.
3. "Social and Cultural Dimension of Health of Tribal Tea Plantation Workers in Tripura", Dr. Surojit Sen Gupta, Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Sociology, M.B.B Collge, Agartala.
4. "Socio-cultural Perspective of Goalpariya Folk Songs in Assam: An Undocumented Part of Indian Civilization", Dr. Somenath Bhattacharjee, Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, Assam University, Diphu Campus, Diphu, Karbi Anglong, Assam.
5. "Bengali Rites and Rituals of Barak Valley: A Special Study on Brata Parvan", Dr. Kalipada Das, Assistant Professor, Department of Bengali, Radhamadhab College, Silchar.
6. "A Study of Job Involvement and Job Satisfaction of School Teachers in Hill Areas of Manipur". Dr. Thenkhogin Haokip, Assistant Professor, Department of Education, N.G. College, Imphal.
1. Ambassador Shri Ajai Malhotra, IFS (Retd), Former High Commissioner to Nairobi and currently Distinguished Fellow and Senior Adviser (Climate Change), TERI delivered ICSSR-NERC Special Lecture on "India, Russia, USA: Convergences and Divergences"

on 3rd May 2019 at the ICSSR-NERC Conference Room.
Publication 1. Journal "Man and Society ­ A Journal of North-East Studies" Volume XVI Summer 2019.
2. "News on North-East" Monthly Newspaper Clippings March Volume 17, 2019 ­ December Volume 17, 2019.
Library During the period 2019-20, 296 books purchased, 13 books received as gifts, 11 journals subscribed, 12 journals received on exchange basis and 11 newspapers subscribed.
North-Western Regional Centre (NWRC), Chandigarh
Seminars/Conferences/Workshops During the year, the Centre provided financial assistance to the following Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops:
1. Workshop on "Women Social Entrepreneurship in North Western Region Challenges and Prospects," University Business School, Chandigarh. ( 60,000)
2. "Teacher Education Institutes and School Partnership for Effective Teacher Education in the Present Scenario", Institute of Educational Technology and Vocational Education, Chandigarh. ( 60,000)
3. "Social, Economic and Political Justice: Vision of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Under Living Constitution of India", University Institute of Legal Studies (UILS), Chandigarh. ( 50,000)
4. "Sustainability: Fashion, Design & Apparel", University Institute of



Fashion Technology and Vocational Development, Chandigarh. ( 50,000)
5. "The Changing Contours of Jammu and Kashmir: Retrospect and Prospects", Deptt. of Defence and National Security Studies & Dept. of Geography, Chandigarh. ( 60,000)
6. "Trends in Tourism & Hospitality: Status and Perspective", University Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism Management, Chandigarh. ( 60,000)
7. "Inter-disciplinary Approach in the Field of Education ­ the Platform for Connecting Learning to Life with reference to North Western Region of India", Dev Samaj College of Education, Chandigarh. ( 40,000)
8. "Good Governance and Sustainable Development", Sri Guru Gobind Singh College, Sector-26, Chandigarh. ( 40,000)
9. "Bringing More Women into Workforce: New Approach and Strategy", Centre for Economic Policy Research, Chandigarh. ( 40,000)
10. "Need of Technologies Development for Better Life of Divyangjan", Research Centre for Technology Development for Differently Abled People (RCTDDAP), Deptt. of Computer Science, Punjabi University, Patiala. ( 50,000)
11. "Stress Management: A Holistic Perspective, Department of Psychology", Akal University, Talwandi Sabo, Bathinda (Punjab). ( 50,000)
12. "Higher Education in India: A New Vision", DAV College, Malout (Muktsar Sahib). ( 40,000)
13. "Revised Accreditation Framework of NAAC", Gobindgarh Public College, Alour (Khanna). ( 40,000)

14. "Drug Abuse and Punjab: Political Apathy or Cultural Character", Shaheed Udham Singh P.U. Constituent College, Vill. Mohan Ke Hithar, Guru Harsahai, Ferozepur. ( 40,000)
15. "Teacher Education Work Culture and Ethical Principles", Sai College of Education, Sardulapur-Hoshiarpur. ( 40,000)
16. "Teacher Education at the Cross Roads", S.D. College of Education, Barnala. ( 40,000)
17. "Ajoke Daur Wich Nanak Darshan Di Samajik Prasangkata. (Nanak Philosophy of Social Context in Present Era)", Deptt. of Punjabi, Guru Nanak Dev University College, Phillaur. ( 40,000)
18. "Journey Towards Positive Youth Development", Malwa Central College of Education for Women, Civil Lines, Ludhiana. ( 50,000)
19. "Recent Developments in Punjab and Jammu & Kashmir: Implications for Indian Foreign Policy since 2014", DAV College, Amritsar. ( 40,000)
20. "History, Culture and Literature of the Marginalized", S.D. College, Hoshiarpur. ( 40,000)
21. "Phenomenon of Migration in Punjab: Socio-economic and Political Dimensions", Khalsa College, Amritsar. ( 40,000)
22. "Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture and Economy of Punjab", Gopi Chand Arya Mahila College. ( 40,000)
23. "Contextualizing the Punjab in the Age of Globalization: Political, Economic and Socio-cultural Aspects", Panjab University Constituent College, Karyal, Dharamkot (Moga). ( 40,000)
24. "Women Empowerment in India: Issues, Challenges and Future", Panjab



University Constituent College, Nihal Singhwala (Moga). ( 40,000)
25. "Financial Inclusion and Women Empowerment", Swift Technical Campus, Ghaggar Sarai, Rajpura, Patiala. ( 40,000)
26. "Significance of Guru Nanak Dev Ji's Life, Philosophy and Teachings in the Present Time", Ramgarhia College of Education, Satnampura, Phagwara. ( 40,000)
27. "Contemporary Issues in Finance and Taxation", Guru Nanak College for Girls, Tibbi Sahib Road, Sri Muktsar Sahib. ( 40,000)
28. "Quality Assurance, Enhancement and Sustainability in Higher Education", D.A.V. College, Abohar. ( 50,000)
29. "Human Rights: Problems and Challenges in North West India", Guru Nanak Dev University College, Verka, Amritsar. ( 40,000)
30. "Role of Digitalization in Economic Development of Punjab: With special reference to Agriculture", S.L. Bawa, D.A.V. College Batala. ( 50,000)
31. "RethinkingtheHistoryMakingthrough Analysis of Regional Literature of Northern India", Dev Samaj College for Women, Ferozepur City. ( 40,000)
32. "Student Migration in Punjab: Social and Economic Challenges", Guru Teg Bahadur Khalsa College for Women, Dasuya-Hoshiarpur. ( 40,000)
33. "Dynamics of Politics in North-West India", Baba Namdev University College, Kishankot (Ghoman) - Gurdaspur. ( 50,000)
34. "India-Canada Relations: The Contemporary Dynamics", Centre for Cana-

dian Studies, H.P. University, Shimla. ( 60,000)
35. "ExploringNewFrontiersoftheBusiness: Opportunities and Challenges", PCJ School of Management, Maharaja Agrasen University, Baddi (Solan). ( 50,000)
36. "Social Inclusion and Sustainable Development of Himachal Pradesh: Looking Ahead", Govt. Degree College, Majheen, Kangra. ( 50,000)
37. "Sustainable Development: Issues and Challenges", Govt. College, Sanjauli, Shimla. ( 50,000)
38. "EmpoweringWomenthroughEntrepreneurship", Women's Studies Research Centre, Kurukshetra. ( 50,000)
39. "Applied Indian Models of Critical Thinking and Media Literacy- Looking for New Paradigms", Sanatan Dharma College (Lahore), Ambala Cantt. ( 50,000)
40. "Tourism in Northern India-Prospects and Challenges", University Business School, Chandigarh. ( 60,000)
41. "Guru Nanak's Philosophy in 21st Century: Challenges and Hierarchies", P.U. Constituent College, Sikhwala (Muktsar Sahib). ( 40,000)
42. "State Level Electoral Politics: 2019 and After (Focus on North Western States)", Deptt. of Political Science, Chandigarh. ( 30,000)
43. "New Horizons in Police Administration in the North Western Region of India", Centre for Police Administration, Chandigarh (in collaboration with ICSSR NWRC). ( 80,000)
44. "Skill Development and StartUps in Agriculture", MDU Centre for



Professional and Allied Studies, Sector -40, Gurgaon (In collaboration with ICSSR NWRC). ( 80,000)
45. "Hundred Years of Jallianwala Bagh Massacre: Various Dimensions", Dr. B.R. Amdedkar National Law University, Rai, Sonepat. (In collaboration with ICSSR NWRC). ( 80,000)
46. "Electronic Information Resources: Boom for Libraries and Information Centres", Deptt. of Library and Information Science, University of Kashmir, Srinagar (In collaboration with ICSSR NWRC). ( 80,000).
During the year, the Centre organized Panel discussion on "Improvement of Financial Reporting through Rules vs Social Norms," in collaboration with Indian Accounting Association, Chandigarh.
Research Projects (Ongoing)
1. "Democracy in Emerging New Publics in North West States of India ­ Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Jammu", Surinder K. Shukla, Department of Political Science, P.U. Chandigarh, ICSSR New Delhi. ( 3,77,325)
Training Programmes
1. Training Programme on "Research Methodology in Social Sciences for Research Scholars/Faculty Members" ICSSR North-Western Regional Centre at ICSSR Complex, Panjab University, Chandigarh, January 13-25, 2020.
2. Training Programme on "Research Methodology in Social Sciences for SC/ ST Research Scholars/Faculty Members" ICSSR North-Western Regional Centre at the ICSSR Complex, Panjab University, Chandigarh, February 10-22, 2020.

1. Lecture of H H Krishna Kshetra Swami, Senior Fellow, Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies, Oxford, United Kingdom on "Cow Care in Hindu Animal Ethics" was organised by the ICSSR NWRC on February 28, 2020.
The Library of the Regional Centre is located in the A.C. Joshi Library building, Panjab University Campus, Chandigarh. The Library has a collection of 4605 books and 3352 bound volumes of journals in the field of social sciences received from various social science institutions from all over the country. The library provides reference services and dissemination of information regarding library facilities & services. The wi-fi/internet system as provided by the Panjab University to the ICSSR Library is extended to the users to access internet for their academic activities. The Library has 548 seminar papers, sponsored by the ICSSR NWRC out of which 23 seminar papers were received in the year 2019-20. In addition, the Centre received two books. The Library is currently subscribing to 51 social science journals out of which 18 are foreign publications and 33 are Indian journals. Some journals have e-access only and some are print and e-access. The Social science scholars can access these journals on the University Campus through wi-fi/internet connections. Apart from these the centre subscribes to six social sciences relevant Journals in Punjabi language to promote research in Punjabi language in the Region.



Southern Regional Centre (SRC), Hyderabad
The Centre provided financial assistance to the following seminars/conferences/workshops during the year:
1. National Seminar on "Emerging Trends in Banking, Insurance & Tourism", D. Chennappa, Dept. of Commerce, Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana, 28-29 June, 2019. ( 70,000)
2. National Seminar on "Culture, Communication and India's Development: Contributions of Anthropology of Communication, Media and Communication", M. Romesh Singh, Dept. of Anthropology, Central University, Hyderabad, Telangana, 27-29 August 2019. ( 1,05,000)
3. 74th Anniversary Celebrations of United Nations Day 2019, University Main Library, Osmania University, Hyderabad in Collaboration with ICSSRSRC, Hyderabad, 24th October 2019. ( 5,760)
4. National Seminar on "Dealing with Fake News," K. Stevenson, Dept. of Communication and Journalism, Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana, 25 October 2019. ( 35,000)
5. National Conference on "Recent Trends in Corporate Laws their Impact on Socioeconomic Development in India", T. Aparna, P.G. College of Law, Hyderabad, Telangana, 23rd-24th November 2019. ( 70,000)
6. National Seminar on "Emerging Trends in Business Management-Opportunities and Challenges", Rev. Fr. Dr. D. Sunder Reddy, St. Joseph's Degree & P.G. College, Hyderabad, Telangana, 30th November, 2019. ( 20,000)

7. Workshop on "Business Analytics in Social Science Research," P. Rajavardhan Reddy, Aurora's PG College, Hyderabad, Telangana, 2nd - 7th December, 2019. ( 60,000)
8. National Seminar on "National Education Policy-2019 (Prospect and Retrospect)", Repudi Vijayalatha, Kakatiya University, Warangal, Telangana, 6-7 December, 2019. ( 70,000)
9. Workshop on "IBM SPSS" V. Santhoshi, Dept. of Commerce, Tara Government College, Sangareddy, Telangana, 19th20th December 2019. ( 50,000)
10. Seminar on "Gandhian Ideology: Theory and Practice," B. Sanjeeva Reddy, Dept. of Political Science, Kakatiya University, Telangana, 27th-28th December 2019. ( 70,000)
11. National Seminar on "Minor Irrigation, Issues and Challenges", Metta Usha Rani, Dept. of Economics, Satavahana University, Karimnagar, Telangana, 30-31 December 2019. ( 70,000)
12. National Seminar on "Money in Politics", K. C. Suri, Dept. of Political Science, School of Social Sciences, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, 8-10 January 2020. ( 90,000)
13. International Conference on "NorthSouth Imbalances: Global Perspectives and Challenges", G. Vinod Kumar, Dept. of Law, Osmania University, Hyderabad, 12-13 January 2020. ( 60,000)
14. 6th International Conference on "Corporate Social Responsibility and Best Practices in CSR", R.K. Mishra, Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad, 30-31 January 2020. ( 60,000)
15. National Seminar on "`Digital Transformation' Mega-Trends in Accounting,



Insurance and Finance (Problems and Prospects)", V. Neeraja, Dept. of Commerce, Keshav Memorial Institute of Commerce and Sciences, Hyderabad, 7-8 February 2020. ( 40,000)
16. National Symposium on "Women Empowerment in India: Issues and Challenges", P. Archana, Dept. of Commerce, A.V.V. Degree & P.G. College, S.V.N. Road, Warangal, 13-15 February 2020. ( 60,000)
17. National Seminar on "Rural Youth, Un-employment and Migration - Issues and Challenges", K. Mohan Reddy, Dept. of Economics, Kakatiya University, Warangal, 15-16 February 2020. ( 60,000)
18. National Seminar on "IND AS- Implementation and Implications", K.V. Rajya Lakshmi, Dept. of Commerce, Smt. A. Shyamala Devi Degree College for Women, Hyderabad, 19-20 February 2020. ( 40,000)
19. National Seminar on "ICT Innovations for Quality Enhancement in Higher Education", K. Sarada, Dept. of Education, Raja Bahadur Venkat Rama Reddy Women's College, Hyderabad, 21-22 February 2020. ( 50,000)
20. National Seminar on "Combating Psycho Socio-economic Issues of Women", P. Swathi, Dept. of Psychology, Osmania University, Hyderabad, 5-7 March 2020. ( 90,000)
21. National Seminar on "Environment and Health: Challenges for Sustainable Development in India", K. Raja Mohan Rao, Centre for the Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy, School of Social Sciences, University of Hyderabad, Telangana, 12-14 March 2020. ( 90,000)

22. National Seminar on "Inclusive Growth through Navaratnalu in Andhra Pradesh: Future Prospects and Challenges", B. Ramachandra Reddy, Dept. of Commerce, Sri Venkateshwara University College of Commerce, Management & Computer Science, Tirupati, 4-5 November 2019. ( 70,000)
23. National Seminar on "Women and Girls are the Keys to Ensuring Food Security", G. Krishnaveni, KBN College (Autonomous), Vijayawada, 27-28 December 2019. ( 40,000)
24. National Conference on "Role of MSMEs in Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Economic Development of India: Issues and Challenges", S. Linga Murthy, School of Business Studies, Dept. of Economics Studies and Planning (DESP), Central University of Karnataka (CUK), Kalaburagi, 6-7 December 2019. ( 70,000)
25. National Conference on "Innovative Teaching and Sustainability of Business Education in India", Vijay Kumar A.B., Dept. of Management, Seshadripuram First Grade College, Bangaluru, 10-11 December 2019. ( 40,000)
26. National Seminar on "Contemporary Issues in Commerce and Management", Shailaja S.M., Dept. of Commerce, Government First Grade College, Ballari, 8 February 2020. ( 25,000)
27. National Seminar on "Sustainable Development in India: Contemporary Challenges and Opportunities", Vijaykumar R. Betgar, Dept. of Political Science, Good News Welfare Society's Arts & Commerce First Grade College, Kalaghatgi, Karnataka, 14-15 February 2020. ( 50, 000)



28. National Conference on "Logistical Intricacies in Waste Management for Achieving Circular Economy", S. Gopalakrishnan, Dept. of Management, Acharya Institute of Graduate Studies, Bangalore, 20 February 2020. ( 20,000)
29. National Seminar on "GST Impact on Indian Economy", Jayakumar A Sindhe, Dept. of Economics, Government First Grade College, Bidar, Karnataka, 29 February 2020. ( 25,000)
30. National Seminar on "GST Implications on Indian Economy", Chandrashekar Sheelvanth, Dept. of Commerce, Dr. Ambedkar College of Arts, Commerce & P. G. Centre, Kalaburagi, Karnataka, 2-3 March 2020. ( 50,000)
31. National Seminar on "Current Economic Policies and its Impact on Indian Economy", Devidas Tumkunte, Dept. of Economics, Government First Grade College, Bidar, Karnataka, 6-7 March 2020. ( 50,000)
32. National Conference on "Women in Climate Change", Sheeja Remani B Karalam, Dept of Sociology, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore, 9 March 2020. ( 20,000)
33. National Seminar on "Financial Inclusion in India: Issues and Challenges", Jagadeesha. K. M., Dept. of Commerce, I.D.S.G. Govt First Grade College, Chikkamagaluru, 14 March 2020. ( 25,000)
34. National Seminar on "Environment and Sustainability: Contestations and Confrontations", Johnson M M, Dept. of Sociology, CMS College, Kottayam, 22-24 November 2019. ( 1,05,000)
35. Workshop on "Research Methodology for Social Sciences", Devi Parvathy, Dept. of Public Administration, Central

University of Kerala, Kasaragod, Kerala, 5-7 February 2020. ( 70,000)
36. "Navigating the Idea of Indo-Pacific: Indian and South-east Asian Perspectives", R. Pavananthi Vembulu, Dept. of Political Science, Directorate of Distance Education, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, 29-31 October 2019. ( 80,000)
37. Workshop on "Training of Trainers Towards National Development: Beti Bachao Beti Padhao is a Tool for Gender Mainstreaming", R. Nageswari, Dept. of Economics, Seethalakshmi Achi College for Women, Pallathur, Sivagangai District, Tamil Nadu, 5 December 2019. ( 35,000)
38. National Seminar on "Challenges and Innovations: Healthcare Management in India", A. Antonyraj, Dept. of Management Studies, Bon Secours College for Women, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, 6 December 2019. ( 20,000)
39. Conference on "E-Waste Management", PG & Research Dept. of Commerce, Sengamala Thayaar Educational Trust Women's College, Main Road, Sundarakkottai, Mannargudi, Thiruvarur District, Tamil Nadu, 11 December 2019. ( 20,000)
40. Conference "Rejuvenation of Emerging Economies through Rural Skill Development", B. Revathy, Dept. of Commerce, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, 13-14 December 2019. ( 70,000)
41. Workshop on "Sensitizing Entrepreneurship through Franchising", P. S. Nagarajan, Dept. of Management, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, 19-20 December 2019. ( 70,000)



42. National Workshop on "Transgender's Current Opportunities and Challenges in Higher Education, Empowerment and Entrepreneurship in Tamil Nadu State", T. Sampath Kumar, Dept. of Education, Tamil Nadu Open University Regional Office, Dharmapuri, Tamil Nadu, 20-21 December 2019. ( 70,000)
43. National Seminar on "Financial Inclusion: Creating Value for Banks and Boosting Economic Growth", P. Chellasamy, Dept. of Commerce, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, 6-8 January 2020. ( 1,05,000)
44. National Conference on "Corporate Sustainability - Problems and Prospects", C. Muthulakshmi, Dept. of Commerce, G. Venkataswamy Naidu College, Kovilpatti, Thoothukudi District, Tamil Nadu, January 2020. ( 25,000)
45. National Seminar on "Emancipating Entrepreneurial Innovation: Competitiveness & Prospects", A. Suresh Kumar, Dept. of Management, Vel Tech High Tech Dr. Rangarajan Dr. Sakunthala Engineering College, Avadi, Chennai, 5 February 2020. ( 20,000)
46. National Seminar on "Impact of Demonetisation on Sectoral Growth in Indian Economy", P. Loganathan, Dept. of Economics, Kandaswami Kandar's College, Velur, Namakkal, 17-18 February 2020. ( 50,000)
47. National Seminar on "Environmental Concerns, Water Crisis and Sustainable Development - Issues and Challenges", A. Xavier Susairaj, Dept. of Economics, Sacred Heart College (Autonomous)

Tirupattur, Vellore, 20-21 February 2020. ( 40,000)
48. National Seminar on "Urban Transformation: Changes and Challenges in 21st Century", S.T. Akilan, Dept. of Sociology, University of Madras, Chennai, 3-4 March 2020. ( 60,000)
49. International Conference on "Digital Transformation and Local Prospects in India- ICDTALPI'20", Sr. Cathelina, Dept. of Commerce, Bon Secours College for Women, Vilar Bypass, Thanjavur, 13-14 March 2020. ( 40,000)
50. International Workshop on "Restriction of Plagiarism: A Quality Measure in Social Science Research", P. Balasubramanian, Dept. Library and Information Science, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, 13-14 March 2020. ( 60,000)
51. National Seminar on "Technology for Women Entrepreneurs in Small Businesses", B. Aishwarya, Dept. of Management, Loyola Institute of Business Administration, Loyola College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 21 March 2020. ( 20,000)
52. National Seminar on "Relevance of Dr. Babasaheb Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar: Inclusive Governance and Social Justice", J. Subramaniyan, Dept. of Political Science, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Tamil Nadu, 27-28 March 2020. ( 60,000)
Study Grant
During the year 2019-20, five scholars were awarded study grant.



Research Projects (Ongoing)
1. Study on "Social Security of Domestic Migrant Workers (SSDMWs): Empirical Evidences from Bengaluru Urban District of Karnataka", D. Raja Jebasingh, St. Joseph's College of Commerce, Bangalore. ( 1,10,000)
2. "Socio-economic Impact of Un-skilled and Semi-skilled in Migrant Workers with reference to Perumbavoor Town in Ernakulam District", Tinsy Rose Tom, St. Xavier's College for Women, Aluva. ( 1,10,000)
3. "Effect of using Computer with Screen Reader on Creative Writing Skills among Students with Visual Impairment at Primary Level", K. Dhanalakshmi, Faculty of Disability Management and Special Education (FDMSE), Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Educational and Research Institute (RKMVERI), Coimbatore. ( 90,000)
4. "A Study on Menstrual Health Management of Adolescent Girls with Intellectual Disability", C. Renuga Devi, Mother Teresa Women's University, Kodaikanal, Dindigul (Dist). ( 1,10,000)
5. "Promotion and Sustainability of Livelihoods among Scheduled Tribe Households through Self Help Groups (SHGs) in Scheduled Areas (Agency) in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana", K. Chitti Kalavathi, Government Degree College, Nagari, Chittoor District. ( 1,10,000)
6. "A Study on Social Security for Women in Unorganised Sector", M. Ravinder Reddy, National Institute of Technology, Warangal. ( 1,10,000)

7. "Pathway to Women Empowerment: An Evaluation Study of Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY) In Karnataka", Dinesha P T, Centre for the Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy (CSSEIP), University of Mysore, Mysore. ( 1,10,000)
8. "ICSSR Supported Social Science Research in South India: A Study Prospective and Restrospective", V. Usha Kiran & Jacob Kalle, ICSSR-SRC. ( 1,10,000)
Training Programmes
The Centre sanctioned grant for conducting following Research Methodology courses:
1. Workshop on "Doing Research in Political Science: Approaches, Areas & Methods", M. Channa Basavaiah, Dept. of Political Science, Osmania University, Hyderabad, 20-26 November 2019. ( 1,05,000)
2. Workshop on " Social Science Research Methodology with special reference to Commerce", Gopala Sudarshanam, Dept. of Commerce, Government Degree & P.G. College, Gajwel, Siddipet District, Telangana, 29-30 November 2019. ( 70,000)
3. National Workshop on "Research Methodology in Commerce", B. Sandhya Rani, Dept. of Commerce, Osmania University, Hyderabad, 5-7 December 2019. ( 1,05,000)
4. National Workshop on "Research Methodology and Data Analysis for Social Sciences Students", K. Priya, Dept. of Commerce, Vivekananda College of Arts and Sciences for Women (Autonomous), Elayamapalayam, Tiruchengode, Tamil Nadu, 11-13 December 2019. (60,000)



5. National Workshop on "Advanced Research Methodology and Statistical Data Analysis for Research Scholars", S. Suguna, Dept. of Commerce with Professional Accounting, Dr. N.G.P. College of Arts and Science (Autonomous), Coimbatore, 11-13 December 2019. ( 60,000)
6. National Workshop on "D-Basics Introduction to Digital Marketing", D. Prabha, Dept. of Management, Pioneer College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, 17 December 2019. ( 20,000)
7. Research Methodology and Application of Statistical Packages for Research, M. Selvakumar, Post Graduate and Research Dept. of Commerce, Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College (Autonomous) Sivakasi, Virudhunagar District, Tamil Nadu, 17-19 December 2019. ( 1,05,000)
8. Workshop on "Research Proposal Writing & Funding Agencies", C. Paramasivan, Dept. of Commerce, Periyar E.V.R. College (Autonomous) Tiruchirappalli, 20 December 2019. ( 35,000)
9. Orientation Workshop on "Scientific Project Proposal Writing and Sources of Funding Agencies", Sindhe Jagannath. R., Dept. of Sociology, Dept. of Studies and Research in Sociology, Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi, 20-21 December 2019. ( 70,000)
10. Workshop on "SPSS for Social Science Data Analysis", P. Adi Lakshmi, Dept. of Management, P. V. P. Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Kanuru, Vijayawada, 9-11 January 2020. ( 60,000)
11. Research Methodology Course for Ph.D. Scholars of Social Sciences, Mohamed Haneefa K., Dept. of Library and

Information Science, University of Calicut, Calicut, Kerala, 20-29 January 2020. ( 90,000)
12. State Level Workshop on "Assimilating Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in Research", V. Sugumar, Dept. of Management, Navarasam Arts and Science College for Women, Arachalur, Erode District, 20-30 January 2020. ( 60,000)
13. Workshop on "Research Methods in Public Administration", Ravinder Kaur, Dept. of Public Administration, Osmania University, Hyderabad, 22-28 January 2020. ( 90,000)
14. National Conference on "Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and Ideological Journalism", Y. Prabhanjan Kumar, Dept. of Mass Communication, Telangana University, Dichpalli, Nizamabad, 29-31 January 2020. ( 90,000)
15. Workshop on "Academic Research Writing for Ph.D. Students and Early Career Professionals", Vamshi Krishna Reddy, Dept. of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, Tirupati, 7-9 February 2020. ( 1,05,000)
16. National Workshop on "Application of Statistical Tools for Research in Commerce & Management (Using Statistical Packages)", Prashanta Athma, University College of Commerce and Business Management, Osmania University, Hyderabad, 24-29 February 2020. ( 90,000)
17. Workshop on "Research Methodology in Social Sciences", V. Bastin Jerome, Dept. of Commerce, St. Joseph's College, Thiruchirappalli, 27-28 February 2020. ( 50,000)



18. National Workshop on "Advanced Research Methodology & Statistical Analysis (SPSS & AMOS) for Social Science", P. Ravichandran, Dept. of Economics, G.T.N. Arts College, Dindigul, Tamil Nadu, 5-7 March 2020. ( 75,000)
19. Workshop on "Core Elements of Social Science Research Methodology", Shriprasad H., Dept. of Economics, Population Research Centre, Institute of Economic Research, Koushalya Building Vidyagiri, Dharwad, 19-21 March 2020. ( 90,000)
20. National Workshop on "Data Analytics in Management Sciences using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science)", M. Sandra Kirthy, Dept. of Management, Guru Nanak Institutions Technical Campus, Ibrahimpatanam, R.R. District, Telangana, 20-21 March 2020. ( 40,000)
The Centre organized following Research Methodology courses in collaboration with different Universities:
1. Workshop on "Research Methodology Course for PhD Students in Social Sciences", ICSSR-SRC, Hyderabad in Collaboration with Manju S. Nair, Department of Economics, University of Kerala, Kerala, 3rd-9th February 2020. ( 2,20,000)
2. Workshop on "Research Methodology Course for SC/ST PhD Students in Social Sciences" ICSSR-SRC, Hyderabad in Collaboration with P. Premanandam, Dept. of Political Science and Public Administration, Andhra University, Andhra Pradesh, 14th-20th February, 2020. ( 2,20,000)

1. "Privacy: The Changing Legal Landscape", Venkat Iyer, School of Law, Ulster University, UK, ICSSR ­ SRC in Collaboration with Dept. of Law, University College of Law, Osmania University, Hyderabad, 19th November, 2019.
2. "South African Economy ­ Challenges and Prospects for Indian Investors", Ravinder Rena, NWU Business School, Mahikeng Campus, South Africa, ICSSR ­ SRC in Collaboration with Dept. of Economics, University College of Arts and Social Sciences, Osmania University, Hyderabad, 4th December, 2019.
3. "Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and Federalism" Kumari Kiruba Munusamy, Advocate, Supreme Court of India, ICSSR ­ SRC in Collaboration with Dept. of Law, University College of Law, Osmania University, Hyderabad, 6th December, 2019.
4. "Strengthening Knowledge Creation and Entrepreneurship Spirit to Create Jobs and Growth", V. K. Kaul, Delhi University, New Delhi, ICSSR ­ SRC in Collaboration with Dept. of Economics, University College of Arts and Social Sciences, Osmania University, Hyderabad, 13th February, 2020.
The Centre has a good collection of books and reference material in the Library. The library subscribes to both national and international periodicals which include journals from ICSSR, New Delhi and journals as gift from other institutions. The emphasis in the collection of books in the library is on research methods in different disciplines of social sciences, reference



books, books on Women Studies etc. Important books in Telugu and Urdu languages in social sciences are also acquired. Visiting research scholars from outside Hyderabad and the local scholars are utilizing the library facilities. The library database is made accessible on OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) and there is a proposal for network facility with other Regional Centres and ICSSR funded Research Institutes in India. The Centre has received books and publications (Gratis) from ICSSR (NASSDOC), New Delhi, and other Regional Centres of ICSSR.
In the reference material the library has social science encyclopedias, almanacs, reference tools like gazettes, reports, abstracts and indexes, bibliographies, NASSDOC bulletins and select bibliographies. The Centre has been receiving government documents from different government departments on budget etc. The Centre has been subscribing to newspapers of the region regularly and getting them in bound form for longer use by the Scholars. The library has suibscription fo 25 journals and 20 news papers. It has a collection of 8353 books, 390 theses/dissertations/reports, 2971 bound volumes of journals, 6117 bound volumes of news papers and 3229 govt. publication.
Western Regional Centre (WRC), Mumbai
During the year, the Centre provided financial assistance to the following Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops:
1. Seminar on "The Powers of Assertiveness in A Value Added Life", R B Patil, College of Arts, Goa, Sept, 2019. ( 50,000)
2. Workshop on "Digital Content: Creation and Presentation", Karuna Gupta, Guru Nanak College, Mumbai in Aug, 2019. ( 50,000)

3. Workshop on "Core Concepts in Geography and Various Methods of Teaching Geography", Arts, Commerce & Science College, Onde, Vikramgad, Palghar, July, 2019. ( 24,000)
4. National Conference on "Psychological Contributions in Sustainable Human Development in Sports Organizations and Community Health", VPSPMS Arts, Commerce & Science College, Kannad, Aurangabad, Dec, 2019. ( 70,000)
5. Conference on "Panchayat Raj and Rural Development", P B Patil, Karmveer Hire College, Kolhapur, November 2019. ( 45,000)
6. Seminar on "Social Science Researches for Sustainable Development", Mahesh Raval, Shri C. H. Shah Mahila College, Surendra-nagar, Gujarat, Feb 2020. ( 40,000)
7. Conference on "Changing Dynamics of Business in 21st Century", D.N. Sarkar, L.S. Raheja College, Mumbai, Jan, 2020. ( 50,000)
8. Seminar on "The Relevance of Mahatma Gandhi's Thoughts in the 21st Century", S D Waghmare, Shiv Jagruti Senior College, Nalegaon, Latur, Sept 2019. ( 60,000)
9. Workshop on "Importance of Hypothesis in Social Sciences: Formulation and Testing", Rohini K Pandhare, Government College, Aurangabad, Dec 2019. ( 25,000)
10. Workshop on "Data Analysis using SPSS", Lidwin Dias, College of Social work, Nirmala Niketan, Mumbai, Feb, 2020. ( 30,000)
11. Inter-disciplinary Workshop on "Use of Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education in India", R. T. Bedre, Shri P.



Pardikar Mahavidyalaya, Sirsala, Beed, October, 2019. ( 40,000)
12. Seminar on "Social Structure of Tribal India: Theories, Concepts and Empirical Realities", Lancy Lobo, Centre for Culture & Development, Vadodara, October, 2019. ( 50,000)
13. Seminar on "Migration and Population Movement in Goa: Local, National and International Dimensions", Badruddin, PEN's RSN College of Arts & Science, Ponda Goa. ( 40,000)
14. National Seminar on "Environmental Degradation on Society: Causes, Effects and Remedies", V D Satpute, Principal, Warpudkar College, Sonpeth, Parbhani, Feb, 2020. ( 50,000)
15. Workshop on "Conducting and Analyzing Focus Group Discussions", Lidwin Dias, College of Social Work, Mumbai in January, 2020. ( 20,000)
16. National Conference on "Evolving Trends and New Pedagogic Paradigms in Education", G P Arya, Rizvi College of Education, Mumbai, March 2020. ( 50,000)
17. National Conference on "Impact of Migration on Rural and Urban Area of India", K M Kotwal, Manohar Hari Khapne College, Pachal, Rajapur, Ratnagiri, Feb, 2020. ( 50,000)
18. National Seminar on "Indian Economy: Contemporary Issues and Challenges", Sonali Pednekar, Mulund College of Commerce, Mumbai, Feb, 2020. ( 70,000)
19. Seminar on "Socio-economic Importance of Federal Structure in India", S.B. Sawant, R Gogate College, Banda, Sawantwadi, Jan, 2020. ( 50,000)

20. Workshop on "Academic Writing and Research Methodology in International Relations/Strategic Studies", Uttara Sahasrabudhe. Head, Dept of Civics & Politics, University of Mumbai, 20-28 Feb, 2020. ( 50,000)
21. "44th Annual Convention of Vidarbha Arthashastra Parishad", Bharatiya Mahavidyalaya, Morshi, Amravati, Feb, 2020. ( 50,000)
22. National Seminar on "Problems and Prospects of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme in India", C S Shendre College, Hapari, Kolhapur, Feb, 2020. ( 50,000)
23. Inter-disciplinary Conference on "Literature, Society and Culture", K Hire College, Gargoti, Kolhapur, Feb, 2020. ( 30,000)
24. Workshop on "Perspectives on Sustainable Development in Rural India", Arts & Commerce College, Dindori, Nashik. ( 40,000)
25. "Inter-disciplinary Research Methodology Workshop in Marathi Medium", Dept of Lifelong Learning & Extension, University of Mumbai, Mumbai, May, 2020. ( 75,000)
26. Workshop on "Social Exclusion: Review and Reality", Dept of Sociology, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, March, 2020. ( 50,000)
27. National Seminar on "Geo-politics and Geo-economics in Contemporary South Asia", Dept of Geography, S Phule Pune University, Pune, March, 2020. ( 50,000)
28. Seminar on the theme "A Century of the Discipline: Sociology in India", Dept of Sociology, University of Mumbai, Mumbai", March, 2020. ( 100,000)



29. National Conference on "Exploring Linkages between Corporate Needs and Economics Research", Dept. of Economics, SNDT Women's University, Mumbai. ( 75,000)
During the year, the Centre organized the following Seminars/Conferences/Workshops:
1. Seminar on "Reading Ambedkar's Preamble", book by Akash Singh Rathore, WRC in collaboration with Dr. Ambedkar Centre for Social Justice, University of Mumbai, 1st March, 2020.
2. Panel discussion on theme "Understanding Pluralism and Mutual Coexistence", WRC in association with Dr. Ambedkar Center for Social Justice, March 2, 2020 at ICSSR - Conference Hall.
Study Grant
During the year study grant was awarded to five scholars.
Research Projects
1. "To Study the Socio-economic Status of Women with reference to SelfHelp Groups in Thane District", Minu Madlani, K.P.B. Hinduja College, Mumbai. ( 70,000)
2. "A Socio-economic Study of Women Trained Under Skill Development and Vocational Training Programs of the Government in Mumbai", Ruby Ojha, Head, Dept of Economics, SNDT Women's University, Mumbai. ( 75,000)
Book Grant
1. Principal, Arts & Commerce College, Dindori, Nasik. ( 25,000)

2. Principal, Shri Pancham Khemraj College, Sawantwadi, Sindhudurg. ( 25,000)
3. V D Satpute, Ramesh Warpudkar College, Sonpeth, Parbhani. ( 25,000)
4. Principal, Shivjagruti College, Nalegaon, Latur. ( 25,000)
5. Sangita Takkamore, Shri Narendra Tidke College, Ramtek, Nagpur. ( 25,000)
6. S D Disale, Sant Rawool M Mahavidyalaya, Kudal, Sindhudurg. ( 25,000)
7. V.A. Patil, Laxmibai Sitaram Halbe College, Kasai, Dodamarg. ( 25,000)
8. K.M. Kotwal, Shri Manohar Hari Khapne College, Pachal. ( 25,000)
9. Shri Panditguru Pardikar Mahavidyalaya, Sirsala, Beed. ( 25,000)
10. Principal, Arts, Commerce & Science College, Onde - Vikramgad, Palghar. ( 25,000)
11. Babasaheb Gore, Janvikas Mahavidyalaya, Bansarola, Kaij, Beed. ( 25,000)
12. D L Bharamal, Pancham Khemraj College, Sawantwadi, Sindhudurg. ( 25,000)
13. Somnath Vibhute, Gonsalo Garcia College, Vasai. ( 25,000)
Journal Grant 1. P. S. Khobrekar, Director, Itihas Sanshodhan Mandal, Dadar, Mumbaifinancial assistance towards publication of the Marathi journal­ `Bharatiya Itihas Ani Sanskriti'. ( 25,000)
2. Bharati Shelat, Director, Gujarat Research Society, Ahmedabad-financial assistance towards publication of the journal of Gujarat Research Society. ( 25,000)
3. Ashok Chousalkar, Editor, Samaj Prabhodhan Patrika, Kolhapur-



grant towards publication of Marathi quarterly journal - `Samaj Prabhodan Patrika' ( 25,000).
1. 28th I.P. Memorial lecture by Prof Gopal Guru, Centre for Social Studies, Surat, January, 2020. ( 70,000)
2. Public lecture on "Value Octagon: Managing for Value Creation", by Dr. Prasanna Chandra, Director, Centre for Financial Management, Bangalore on 29th February, 2020 at the ICSSR Conference Hall.

3. Public lecture on "Politics of Psychology of Self-hood", by Dr. Arvind K Mishra, Professor of Psychology, Zakir Husain Centre for Educational Studies, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi on 14th February, 2020.
4. Public lecture on "Nation & Nationalism: The Indian Perspective", by Dr. D.D. Patnaik, ICSSR, New Delhi on 18th January, 2020.

Appendix 11 Major Activities of ICSSR Research Institutes

A.N. Sinha Institute of Social Studies (ANSISS), Patna
Research Projects (Completed)
1. Abhijit Ghosh and Rajeev Kamal Kumar, "Concurrent Evaluation of National Food Security Act, 2013 in 38 Districts of Bihar," (Phase-I) Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution Department, Government of India.
2. Rajeev Kamal Kumar and Abhijit Ghosh, "Concurrent Monitoring of Lohiya Swachh Bihar Abhiyan (LSBA)/SBM (G) in Select District of Bihar," sponsored by UNICEF.
3. Aviral Pandey, "Assessing the Social Impact of Land Acquisition for Buxar Thermal Power Project, Buxar (Linear and Non-linear)," DM Buxar, Government of Bihar.
4. Biplab Dhak, "Assessment of Impact of Monthly, Half-Yearly and Yearly Evaluation Process in Improvement of Achievement Level of Class I to VIII Student," Bihar Education Project Council (BEPC).
5. Biplab Dhak, "Whether Transfer of Funds to Students" Accounts is Actually Leading to Timely Availability of Text Books to Children," Funded by Bihar Education Project Council (BEPC).

6. Bipul Kumar, "Time and Work Study of Gram Panchayat Functionaries in the Selected Districts of Bihar," National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, Hyderabad.
7. B N Prasad, "Socio-economic Impact Study of Proposed Land Acquisition for Four Lane H. L. R. C. C. Bridge along with Approach Road over River Ganga Parallel to Vikramshila Bridge at Bhagalpur," Bhagalpur Samaharnalaya, Govt. of Bihar.
8. B N Prasad, "Socio-economic Impact Study of Proposed Land Acquisition for HLRCC Bridge along with Approach Road between Dhankutwa -Singhpur at Trimuhan Ghat, West Champaran," Bettiah Samaharnalaya, Government of Bihar.
9. B N Prasad, "Socio-economic Impact Study of Proposed Land Acquisition under the Project of New Rail Line Chhapra-Muzaffarpur," Muzaffarpur Samaharnalaya, Government of Bihar.
10. B N Prasad, "Socio-economic Impact Study of Proposed Land Acquisition under B. G. Rail Line between NeoraDaniawan of Patna District," Patna Samaharnalaya, Government of Bihar.
11. B N Prasad, "Socio-economic Impact Study of Proposed Land Acquisition for Construction of Headquarters of Border Security Force (Patut Mauza



under Bikram block), Patna District," Patna Samaharnalaya, Government of Bihar.
12. Vidyarthi Vikas, "SIA of Land Acquisition for Approach Road at Sukhlahiya Tola Madhubani, AnchalSangrampur, East Champaran," SADistrict Collectorate, East Champaran, Government of Bihar.
13. Vidyarthi Vikas, "Social Impact Assessment on Land Acquisition for RCC Bridge on Dobha River near Nirmalichak Middle School and Approach Road under Malpur Village, Khushrupur in Patna District," SA- District Collectorate, Patna, Government of Bihar.
14. Vidyarthi Vikas, "An Evaluation Study on Implementation of Education Incentive Schemes (Cycle-Dress-ScholarshipNapkin) in Schools, Government of Bihar (2016-17/2017-18)," SA- Education Department, Government of Bihar.
15. Habibullah Ansari, "Social Impact Assessmenton Land Acquisition for Construction of Intermodal Terminal at Kalughat Project at Village-Murthan, Thana No.-49 and Village-Parmanadpur, Thana No.- 51; Anchal- Sonpur, Saran District, Chapara," sponsored by The D.M., Saran Distt, Chapra, Bihar.
16. Vaishali, Kaushal Kishor, Sandhya R Mahapatro and Renu Choudhary, "SIA of Land Acquisition for the Approach Road of Buddha Samyak Darshan Smriti Stoop and Sangrahalay," sponsoring Agency: Collectorate, Vaishali.
17. Kaushal Kishor, "SIA of Land Acquisition for High Level RCC Bridge-cumApproach Road at NH-28 Chandchaur Dih ­ Nazirganj Road under Samastipur District," Sponsoring Agency: Collectorate, Samastipur.

18. Rakesh Tiwary, "Social Impact Assessment of Land Acquisition for KarotaPatner-Mankattha Railway Surface Triangle Line (Lakhisarai district, Bihar)," sponsoring agency Department of Revenue and Land Reforms Govt. of Bihar.
19. Rajeev Kamal Kumar, "Women's Empowerment and Child Health: Exploring the Impact of Rojiroti Microfinance in Poor Communities in Bihar, Northern India (Qualitative Study)," with Univ. of Nottingham, UK, May 2018-19.
20. Rajeev Kamal Kumar and Abhijit Ghosh, "Concurrent Monitoring of Lohiya Swachh Bihar Abhiyan (LSBA)/ SBM (G) in Select District of Bihar (Round-1)," sponsored by UNICEF, funded by Govt. of Bihar.
21. Rajeev Kamal Kumar, "Ethnographic Study of Mallah Nishad (Bind, Beldar, Chai, Tiyar, Khulwat, Suraiya, Godhi, Vanpar, Kevat) and Nonia Caste of Bihar," funded by Department of General Administration, Government of Bihar.
Research Projects (Ongoing)
1. Abhijit Ghosh and Rajeev Kamal Kumar, "Concurrent Evaluation of National Food Security Act 2013 in 38 Districts of Bihar," (Phase-II) Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, Department of Food and Public Distribution, Government of India.
2. D.M. Diwakar and Aviral Pandey, "Mapping Inequality in Bihar," OXFAM.
3. Biplab Dhak, "Social Impact Assessment Study due to Proposed Land Acquisition



for Punpun Barrage Project," Funded by Government of Bihar.
4. Biplab Dhak, "A Decade of MGNREGA: Participatory Assessments and Way Forward (A Study of Jharkhand)," Funded by National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, Hyderabad.
5. Biplab Dhak, "A Decade of MGNREGA: Participatory Assessments and Way Forward (A Study of Bihar). Funded by National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, Hyderabad.
6. B.N. Prasad, "Socio-economic Impact Study of Proposed Land Acquisition Under Construction of Road Over Bridge in Lieu of Level Crossing No. 79, Mithapur of Patna District," Patna Samaharnalaya, Government of Bihar.
7. D.M. Diwakar, "Mapping Inequalities in Bihar," funded by OXFAM India, New Delhi.
8. Vidyarthi Vikas, "Social Impact Assessment (SIA) of Land Acquisition for Pariyojna Ganga Path Nirman at Mauza Mainpura, Rajapur and Patna City in Patna District," SA- District Collectorate, Patna, Government of Bihar.
9. Vidyarthi Vikas, "Social Impact Assessment (SIA) of Land Acquisition for Police Centre in Madhubani District," SA- District Collectorate, Madhubani, Government of Bihar.
10. Habibullah Ansari, "Social Impact Assessment Project on Land Acquisition for Construction of Hathua-Bhatani New Broad Gaze Rail Line at Village Jagadishpur (Thana No. 640), Anchal Kuchaikot, Distt. Gopalganj," sponsored by Dist Collectorate, Gopalganj.

11. Kaushal Kishor, "Constitutional Status versus Social Status: Problems and Prospects of Tharu Tribe," Sponsoring Agency: ICSSR, New Delhi.
12. Renu Choudhary, "Liquor prohibition and its Impact on Toddy Trappers: An Ethnographic Study of Pasi Community in Bihar, Sponsoring Agency-ICSSR.
13. Rajeev Kamal Kumar, "Compendium of Traditional Medicinal Practices with special reference to Santhal, Munda and Oraon," funded by Dr. Ram Dayal Munda Tribal Welfare Research Institute (TWRI), ST, SC, OBC Welfare Department, Govt. of Jharkhand, Ranchi.
14. Sandhya R. Mahapatro, "Overcoming Challenges of Newborn Care in Bihar: Exploring Barriers to Quality of Care," sponsored by UNICEF, Bihar.
15. Sandhya R. Mahapatro, "Impact of Demand Side Financing Instruments on Continuum of Care for Maternal and Child Health in Bihar," funded by Centre for Development Studies, Kerala.
16. Sudhir Kumar, "Social Impact Assessment Study under Bihar Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Rules Pertaining to the Proposed Land Acquisition for Construction of Hajipur-Sugauli New Rail Line, Motihari Sadar ­GurahaKoraiya-Areraj-Harsiddhi-Kanchhedwa, East Champaran," Sponsored by District Magistrate, East Champaran, Govt of Bihar.
17. Sudhir Kumar, "Social Impact Assessment Study under Bihar Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Rules Pertaining to



the Proposed Land Acquisition for Construction of Hajipur-Sugauli New Rail Line, Motihari Sadar­SugauliBhatahan and Motihari Sadar-SugauliShripur, East Champaran," Sponsored by District Magistrate, East Champaran, Govt of Bihar.
18. Sudhir Kumar, "Social Impact Assessment Study under Bihar Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Rules Pertaining to the Proposed Land Acquisition for Construction of Hajipur-Sugauli New Rail Line, Areraj-Sangrampur-Madhubani, East Champaran, 2019," Sponsored by District Magistrate, East Champaran, Govt of Bihar.
19. Sudhir Kumar, "Social Impact Assessment Study under Bihar Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Rules Pertaining to the Proposed Land Acquisition for Construction of Hajipur-Sugauli New Rail Line, Village Madhubani, Chadar No 011, P.S. 176, Circle-Sangrampur, East Champaran," Sponsored by District Magistrate, East Champaran, Govt of Bihar.
The institute organized five seminars, two conferences, and six lectures during the year 2019-20.

Society & Himanshu Publications, New Delhi, 2019.
Research Papers and Articles Published in Journals/Chapters in Books
The faculty of the institute published 10 research papers/articles in various journals and seven chapters in published books during the year 2019-20.
Research Reports/Monographs/ Working Papers
1. Pandey, Aviral. Gender Dynamics of Female-headed Households in Rural Bihar, India: Reflections from Kosi River Basin, ICIMOD Working Paper 2019/1 (Jointly Published).
2. Dhak, Biplab. Health Vulnerabilities among Children in the Age Group of 0-5: An Analysis of the Data from the NSS 71st Round, GIDR Working Paper No 252.
3. Kumar, Rajeev K. (2019). Social Changes due to Exposure to the Outer World: A Case of Tribal Communities of West Champaran (Bihar), Working Paper Series, No.-4, ANSISS, Patna.
4. Kumar, Rajeev K. (2019). Proceeding of Networking Event & Workshop on "Exploring Link between Female Empowerment and Child Health" Organized by School of Medicine, University of Nottingham, UK & A N Sinha Institute of Social Studies, Patna on March 18, 2019, Published by ANSISS, Patna.

1. Bhargava, N.K, B.N. Prasad, et.al, (ed.), Agrarian Structure and Social Transformation, RC-15, Indian Sociological

The library provides `Current Awareness Services (CAS)' of recent reports and publications of ANSISS. It also provides a host



of "Users Oriented Services" such as Reference Services, e-journals, Documents Delivery Services (DDS), Institute's News Services (INS), Seminar Alerts, Bibliographic Service and e-library services. There is also a link on the website for ANSISS e-library. The library also subscribed some important national weeklies besides newspapers. At present, the library has 33471 books. In addition, there are 33132 bound volumes of journals and reports. ANSISS library has also access to most of the databases of Social Studies. New books and reports of the library are powered by e-Granthalaya 4.0. Library has been extending facility of free access to e-resources from NASSDOC-ICSSR. Members of the faculty as well as doctoral and post-doctoral fellows can access full text journals titles from the following databases apart from subscribed e-journals on Static IP addresses. The databases are ­Online EPW, EconLit (EBSCO), JSTOR, IndiaStat and

Prowess. Besides, there are CDs in the stock as well. Many institutions including ICSSR, New Delhi and individuals have been sending complementary copies of their publications to this library. Various government agencies, State Assembly, UNESCO and ILO send their reports and publications.
The library has also personal collection of Lok Nayak Jayprakash Narayan (JP) which is a gift from him. The collection consists of nearly 3,000 books and wide range of subjects. All such documents have been kept under separate section known as the "JP Collection". The institute's library has been designated as one of the Depository Libraries in India by International Organizations like UNCTAD and UNESCO. The library subscribes 15 national journal and 13 international journals. During the year 74 bound volumes of journals and 97 books were added.



Funds (Un-audited) 2019-20

Income (Heads) ICSSR Grant Non-Plan (OH-36) Plan (OH-31) State Govt. Grant Non-Plan Plan Income from Own Sources (Projects, Fellowships, Consultancy etc.)
Any other Sources Total

152 50
260 -
64 527.78

Expenditure Salary Non-Plan Plan Establishment/Administrative Expenses Non-Plan Plan Projects Fellowships Workshops/Training Programmes Other Misc. Expenses Misc. Expenses Total

( in Lakhs) Amount
152 114
NIL 1.78 NIL
NIL 527.78

Centre for Development Studies (CDS), Thiruvananthapuram
Research Projects (Completed)
1. S.IrudayaRajan,"Relative Contributions of Adult Daughters and Sons to Elderly Parents' Care in India," University of Guelph, Canada.
2. S. Irudaya Rajan, "Preparation and Finalisation of Policy Papers and Background Papers on Demographic Dynamics & Labour Force, Internal Migration and International Migration," ILO Regional Office, New Delhi.
3. Sunil Mani, "PDNA Kerala: Macro Economic and Human Development Impact (Study on Flood in Kerala 2018)," UNDP.
4. N. Vijayamohanan Pillai, "Sector-wise Electrical Energy Intensity in Kerala Factoring in Energy Efficiency and Productivity," Energy Management Centre, Kerala.
5. Sunil Mani, "Outcome Evaluation of State Finances in the Context of Recommen-

dations of 14th Finance Commission," 15th Finance Commission, Government of India.
6. S. Irudaya Rajan, "Designing Weights for Transfer for States Based on Progress Made towards Replacement Level of Fertility" 15th Finance Commission, Government of India.
Research Projects (Ongoing)
1. K.N. Harilal, "International Trade in Health Services in Ayurveda," Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics (DGCI&S), Kolkata.
2. Vinoj Abraham, "Course for the Master Students of Norwegian University of Life Science," Norwegian University of Life Science, Norway.
3. S. Irudaya Rajan, "Should We Provide Incentives for Investment Use of Remittance? A Randomized Controlled Experiment of India," UAE Exchange Centre LLC, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
4. Udaya Shankar Mishra, "Impact of Demand Side Financing Instruments on



the Continuum of Care for Maternal and Child Health in India and Bangladesh," Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India
5. Sunil Mani, "Assess Capacity Gaps Pertaining to Agro-biodiversity and Identify Opportunities to Mitigate Impacts of Current Practices of Agriculture and Allied Sectors on Agro-biodiversity Conservation, Management and Use," UNFAO.
6. S. Irudaya Rajan, "Kerala Migration Survey 2018," New York University, Abu Dhabi.
7. Sunil Mani, "Cat Chain Project," sponsored by EU.
8. J. Devika, "Righting Gender Wrongs: A Study of Law Enforcement Responses to Online Violence Against Women," sponsored by IT for Change India.
The institute organised 36 conferences and seminars including one international conference, eight lecture series, three training programmes, three workshops and four public lectures.
Research Affiliation and Ph.D./M.Phil.
In the year 2019-20, 17 scholars were admitted for M.Phil/Ph.D Programme and 17 students for the MA programme. The total number of students pursuing their doctoral research during the year was 41. Four scholars were awarded Ph.D degree. Research Affiliation has been granted to three scholars during the year.
1. Irudaya Rajan, S, ed. 2019. India Migration Report 2019, Diaspora in Europe, Routledge.

2. Irudaya Rajan, S and Sumeetha, eds. 2019. Hand Book on Internal Migration. Sage.
3. Irudaya Rajan, S and Ginu Zachariah Oommen eds. 2020. Asianisation of Migrant Workers in the Gulf Countries, Springer.
4. Irudaya Rajan, S and Debabrata Baral, eds. 2020. Development, Environment and Migration: Lessons for Sustainability, Routledge.
5. Shah, A., Lerche, J., Raj, J., Axelby, R., Benbaabali, D., Donegan, B., & Thakur, V. Vikas ki Chak ki Mein Piste Log: Ikkiswi Sadi ke Bharat mein Jatiya, Janjatiya, aur Vargiya Asamanta. New Delhi: Oxford University Press (Hindi Edition of Ground Down by Growth).
Research Papers and Articles in Journals/Chapters in Books
The institute published 36 research papers/ articles in various journals and 19 chapters in published books.
Research Reports/Monographs/ Working Papers
1. Devika, J. 2019. "Why Do People Deny Environmental Destruction? The Pollution of the Periyar at Eloor and Local-level Response", CDS Monograph Series 1, Ecological Challenges and Local Self-Government Responses, CDS: Thiruvananthapuram. (jointly with Chithira Vijayakumar and N C Narayanan).
2. "Empowering Tribal Peoples, Deepening Democracy: An Advocacy Note for Strengthening Local Governments for the Effective Implementation of the Forest Rights Act in Kerala", RULSG Advocacy Note, February, 2020.



3. Eswaran, K.K. 2019. "Petty Production ­ A Survival Strategy and its Limits: Some Observations on Kudumbashree's Productive Activities," Lateral Studies Series on Kudumbashree -4, May.
4. Kodoth, Praveena 2019. "How Kudumbashree Forged a Massive Network of Neighbourhood Groups: Micro Politics and the Strategies of Mobilisation of Women in Kerala," Lateral Studies Series on Kudumbashree -5, May.
5. Väyrynen, Saija., Darley Jose Kjosavik. 2019. "Inclusive Development and Empowerment of Women: A Study of Microfinance Programmes in Kerala, India," Lateral Studies Series on Kudumbashree -6, May.
6. Anand, Anurag. 2020. "Economic Policy Reforms, Foreign Capital Flows and the Patterns of MNC Presence in India: Overall and Sectoral Shares," CDS Working Paper No. 493, January.
7. Bhattacharyya, Chandril 2019. "Unionised Labour Market, Environment and Endogenous Growth," CDS Working Paper No. 486, May.
8. Chaudhuri, Sudip 2019. "How Effective has been Government Measures to Control Prices of Anti-Cancer Medicines in India?" CDS Working Paper No. 490, December.
9. Ghosh, Sunandan and Vinoj Abraham. 2019. "The Case of the `Missing Middle' in the Indian Manufacturing Sector: A Firm-Level Analysis," CDS Working Paper No. 487, June.
10. Kannan, K.P. 2019. "India's Social Inequality as Durable Inequality: Dalits and Adivasis at the Bottom of an Increasingly Unequal Hierarchical

Society, CDS Working Paper No. 488, June.
11. Mishra, Udaya Shankar and S. Irudaya Rajan. 2020. "Resource Allocation in lieu of State's Demographic Achievements in India: An Evidence Based Approach," CDS Working Paper No. 492, January.
12. Mallick, Hrushikesh. 2020. "Role of Governance and ICT Infrastructure in Tax Revenue Mobilization in India," CDS Working Paper No. 491, January.
13. Mani,Sunil.2019."HistoryDoesMatter: India's Efforts at Developing a Domestic Mobile Phone Manufacturing Industry," CDS Working Paper No. 489, October.
14. Agarwal, Manmohan and Irfan Ahmed Shah. 2019. "Monetary Policy Journey to Inflation Targeting," Commentary on India's Economy and Society Series No. 6, April.
15. Byahut, Rajkumar., Sourish Dutta, Chidambaran G. Iyer and Manikantha Nataraj. 2020. "World Development Report 2020: Trading for Development in the Age of Global Value Chains," Commentary on India's Economy and Society Series No. 11, March.
16. Chaudhuri, Sudip. 2019. "Are Medicine Prices High and Unaffordable after TRIPS? Evidence from Pharmaceutical Industry in India," Commentary on India's Economy and Society Series No. 10, December.
17. Devika, J. 2019. "Gender-based Cyber Violence Against Women in Kerala: Insights from Recent Research," Commentary on India's Economy and Society Series No. 7, May.
18. Kannan, K.P., PL Beena, M Parameswaran, Vinoj Abraham, G Murugan, Udaya Shankar Mishra and Sunil Mani. 2019.



"Dimensions of Indian Economy: As Seen Through the Economic Survey 2018-19 and the Union Budget 201920," Commentary on India's Economy and Society Series No. 9, August.
19. Murugan, G. 2019. "Swachh Bharat -2019: Will Rural India be ODF/ SWACHH," Commentary on India's Economy and Society Series No. 8, May.
20. Parameswaran, M., Thiagu Ranganathan, Sunil Mani, Sudip Chaudhuri, Manikantha Nataraj, Tirtha Chatterjee and Ritika Jain. 2010. "Dimensions of Indian Economy: As Seen through the Economic Survey 2019-20 and the Union Budget 2020-21," Commentary on India's Economy and Society Series No. 12, March.
Book Reviews
1. Beena P.L. 2019. "India's Recent Inward FDI: An Assessment," by Chalapathi Rao and Biswajit Dhar, ISID in Emerging Markets Journal, Vol. 9, No.1, 2019, http://emaj.pitt.edu/ (Review article)
During the reported year K.N. Raj Library provided circulation services, reservation service, journal contents page alert service, bibliography service, literature search, selective dissemination of information (SDI), Library Blog and social media based information service, new additions list & display, photocopying facility, document and data delivery, and inter-library loan facility through DELNET. The library is fully computerized and for the user's convenience the library catalogue [OPAC] is made available online at link: http:// cdslib.cds.ac.in:8380/opac4x/. Searches can be made by author, title, subject, class number, publisher or words in title and boolean search.

CDS Information Repository (Digital Library) is installed to capture/preserve digital content and make them accessible to scholars and faculty. "India Time Series (ITS) database" by EPW Research Foundation is also available. ProwessIQ database (Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy, CMIE): ProwessIQ is a database of large and medium Indian firms. It includes the data and information on the financial performance of more than 20,000 firms from 1989 onwards. The database covers most of the - Organized Industrial activities; Banking and Organized financial and other services sectors in India. This is provided through the ICSSR/NASSDOC consortia. United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database. UN Comtrade contains detailed imports and exports statistics reported by statistical authorities of close to 200 countries or areas. It concerns annual trade data from 1962 to the most recent year. UN Comtrade is considered the most comprehensive trade database available with more than 1 billion records.
The library is having 18197 bound volumes of journals/periodicals. This includes complete run of several valuable publications like Economic Journal (1891 onwards), and Economic and Political Weekly (1966 onwards). The library subscribed 76 print Journals (Indian ­ 24, International ­ 52) and 12 News Papers. It received 57 periodicals/journals as gift (Indian ­ 45, International ­ 12) in print format. KN Raj Library also subscribes to the e-journals collection Oxford Online ­ Social Science collection (86 journals), Wiley Online (22 journals), Project MUSE ­ Social Science collection (113 journals), Science Direct Economics, Econometrics, and Finance (SDEEF) journals (106 journals). Subscription to the e-journals collections "EconLit" (599 journals) and "JSTOR" (2400 journals) were renewed through the ICSSR/NASSDOC consortia. During the year 793 books, and 2



Funds (Un-audited) 2019-20

Income ICSSR Grant Non-Plan (OH-36) Plan (OH-31) State Govt. Grant Non-Plan Plan Income from Own Sources (Projects, Fellowships, Consultancy etc.) Fellowships Workshops/Training Programme Other Misc. Expenses Any other Sources Total

275.32 50.00
308.43 253.00 105.11
105.11 172.94 1164.80

Expenditure Salary Non-Plan Plan Establishment/Administrative Expenses Non-Plan Plan Projects
Misc. Expenses Total

( in lakhs) Amount 762.57
0 43.82 253.30
0 1164.80

CD-ROMs/DVDs were added to the collection. The library collection was particularly enriched by the addition of personal libraries of two distinguished scholars. Prof. Joan Robinson's collection was donated by her daughter Ms. Barbara Jeffrey in April 2020. Apart from donating his book collection, Prof. Robin Jeffrey visited the library on September 4th, 2020 and inaugurated the collection named after him.
Centre for Economic and Social Studies (CESS), Hyderabad
Research Projects (Completed)
1. K.S. Babu, "Study of Working Children and Adolescent Workers in the State of Telangana," Ministry of Labour, Employment Training and Factories, Government of Telangana.
2. E. Revathi, C. Ravi, Pradeep Kamble, G. Tiloth, P. Anjaneyulu, S. Harinath and S. Naresh, "Assessment of Socio-economic Conditions of Backward Castes in Telangana State," Telangana State Commission for Backward Classes.

3. E. Revathi and P. Prudhvikar Reddy, "Young Lives Tracking Survey and to Identify Children for the Proposed Study on `SDG Children'," Young Lives India, New Delhi.
4. S. Galab, P. Prudhvikar Reddy, D. Sreerama Raju, C. Ravi and A. Rajani, "Impact Assessment of Zero Budget Natural Farming in Andhra Pradesh (Consolidated Report for the Agriculture Year 2018-19)," RySS, Government of Andhra Pradesh.
5. S. Vijay Kumar, P. Prudhvikar Reddy and Usha, "Secondary Education ­ Means to End Child Marriages: Empirical Evidences from Telangana State," Government of Telangana.
6. N. Sreedevi, M. Gopinath Reddy, G. Alivelu, "State Level Public Enterprises Chapter in Evaluation of Andhra Pradesh State Finances (Fifteenth Finance Commission's Study on Evaluation of State Finances)," Fifteenth Finance Commission, Government of India.



7. K.S. Babu, C. Ravi, Sriparna Banerjee, K. Chandrasekhar, K. Vijay, "A Baseline Survey of Working Children and Adolescent Workers in the State of Telangana ­ Phase 2," Labour, Employment, Training and Factories Department, Government of Telangana.
8. K.S. Babu and K. Chandrasekhar, "Baseline Survey under National Child Labour Project Scheme in Nalgonda District in Telangana State (NCLPS)," Labour, Employment, Training and Factories Department, Government of Telangana.
9. M. Gopinth Reddy, Ch. Krishna Rao and Bishnu Prasad Mohapatra, "An End Line Election Survey of Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) of Citizens in Telangana State," Chief Election Officer, Telangana State Election Commission, Hyderabad.
10. M. Gopinath Reddy, Ch. Krishna Rao and Bishnu Prasad Mohapatra, "An End Line Survey of Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) of Citizens in Andhra Pradesh," Chief Electoral Office of Andhra Pradesh, Amaravati.
11. P. Padmanabha Rao, K.S. Babu and P. Aparna, "Agriculture in Tribal Areas Maharashtra," ICSSR, New Delhi.
12. S. Galab, E. Revathi, C. Ravi, G. Alivelu, D. Sreerama Raju and P. Aparna, "Mission Bhagiratha ­ Baseline Survey, 2017," UNICEF and Government of Telangana.
13. P. Aparna, "Data Mining for the Telangana State," MCRHRDI, Hyderabad.
14. Vijay Korra, "Pan India Review of Literature on Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in India," Save the Children India, New Delhi.

Research Projects (Ongoing) 1. G. Alivelu, Ana Carolina, Bheki, Carlos, Mathias, Palesa, and Silvi, "Toolkit for the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals," German Development Institute, Bonn, Germany.
2. Vijay Korra, "Economic and Social Cost of Gulf Migration: A Study of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh," ICSSR, New Delhi.
3. E. Revathi, C. Ramachandraiah, Bharat Bhushan Mamidi, G. Alivelu and P. Aparna, "Preparation of Telangana State Gazetteer," Government of Telangana.
The institute organized one international conference, five lectures, and 12 workshops during year 2019-20.
Research Affiliation and Ph.D./M.Phil. The institute awarded four Ph.Ds affiliated to Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University, Hyderabad. Eight students were admitted into the regular Ph.D Programme for the academic year 2019-20, affiliated to the Telangana University, Nizamabad.
Books 1. R. Radhakrishna, Essays on the Econometrics of Consumer Behaviour, Academic Foundation, New Delhi, 2019.
2. R. Radhakrishna, Essays and Econometrics of Inflation, Consumption and Welfare, Academic Foundation, New Delhi, 2019.
3. Vijay Korra, Forgotten Communities of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh: A Story of De-notified Tribes, Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore Ltd.



Research Papers and Articles in Journals/Chapters in Books
The faculty published six research papers/ articles in various journals and three chapter in published books during the year 2019-20.
The library is equipped to provide the services such as document delivery service, current contents, articles database of print journals, online literature search services, conference alerts, reprographic service, inter library

loan, current awareness service, selective dissemination of information, digitization/ software services and user awareness programmes. It is equipped with KOHA ­ a library management software and Dspace for institutional repository. The library has collection of 3450 back volumes of Journals/ periodicals. It has subscription of 101 Journals in addition to the online databases JSTOR, EBSCO-EconLit, EPWRF India Time Series, IndiaStat and CMIE-Prowess. The library has new additions of 250 new titles during the year. It has total collection of more than 50,000 documents.

Funds (Un-audited) 2019-20

( in Lakhs)

Income ICSSR Grant Non-Plan Plan State Government Grant Non-Plan Plan Income from Own Sources Interest Receipts M.Phil/Ph.D Receipts Rent Receipts Other Receipts Sponsored Projects Sponsored Fellowships Sponsored Seminars & Workshops
Excess of Expenditure over Income Total:

274.35 50.00
0.82 222.50

Expenditure Salary Non-Plan Plan Establishment/Administrative Expenses Non-Plan Plan

275.44 320.51
49.59 134.28

0.70 9.40 22.80 0.20 436.57 59.61 25.71
383.42 1486.08

Projects Fellowships Workshops/Training Programmes Other Misc. Expenses

640.24 42.12 23.90 0.00

*Includes Final instalment of Non-plan grant of  58.00 lakh of 2018-19 received in April, 2019.
# Reasons for Excess of Income over Expenditure:
1) The overspent grant of  199.05 lakhs under Non-plan/Plan is mainly due to non-receipt of Plan grant of  77.50 lakh from State Government and also due to increase in unavoidable research and maintenance costs.
2) The overspent amount of  201.86 lakhs under sponsored project & Seminar and Workshops is due to meeting of expenditure in respect of grants released in advance for on-going project in previous year.
3) The overspent amount of  17.49 lakh under Fellowship is due to continuation of scholars during the next financial year for which the amount was received in advance from ICSSR.



Centre for Multi-Disciplinary Development Research (CMDR), Dharwad (Karnataka)
Research Projects (Completed)
1. Ganesh Devy, "A Study of Outward Migration in Four States of India Uttarakhand, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Gujarat with a View to Assessing the Extent of Distress Migration and Modernity," ICSSR, New Delhi.
2. Nayanatara S. Nayak, Arunkumar Kulkarni, S.V. Hanagodimath, "Economics of Tobacco Farming in India, Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids (CFTFK), New Delhi.
3. V. Annigeri, A.R. Kulkarni and D.R. Revankar, "Requirements of Desks and Benches at Government Schools: Reflections from Hubli-Dharwad Region," Indian Oil Corporation, Hubli.
4. A.R. Kulkarni, "Status, Use and Management of CPRs (Non-forest) In Different Agro-Climatic Zones of Karnataka: Post 73rd Amendment Scenario," Government of Karnataka.
5. A.R. Kulkarni and Narayana Billava, "Sustaining ODF and its Implications on Standard of Living in Karnataka, Government of Karnataka.
6. Ayse Ercumen, Emily Kumpel, Nayanatara Nayak and Narayana Billava, "Health Impact of Continuous vs. Intermittent Water Supply in Hubballi-Dharwad, India," University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
7. N. Sivanna, Nayak N.S Narayana Billava and Hungund V.T., "Making of Model Gram Panchayats: Situation Analysis of Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (SAGY) in Karnataka," Government of Karnataka.

8. Zachary Burt, Sharada Prasad, Narayana Billva, Nayanatara Nayak, "Incorporating Equity into the Sanitation Service Chain," GIZ, Germany and Ecosan Services Foundation (ESF), Pune.
Research Projects (Ongoing)
1. Nayanatara S. Nayak, Dr. Narayan Billava, Shri V.T. Hungund, "Transforming in to People Driven Gram Panchayat Action Intervention in Mugad Gram Panchayat (2016-2021)," Sri Abdul Nazir Sab Panchayat Raj Chair, CMDR.
2. Nayanatar S. Nayak, "Struggle for Retaining Identity, Recognition and for a Better Future: A Case of Indian Siddi Tribe of African Descendant," Government of Karnataka.
3. Jai Prabhakar S.C., "Performance of Scheduled Castes in Higher Education: Is There a Nexus between Inclusion and Outcomes in Karnataka," ICSSR, New Delhi.
4. Jai Prabhakar and V.T. Hungund, "Unknown to Known: An Ethnographic Study of Kapala Community in Kodagu District of Karnataka, Government of Karnataka, Bangalore.
5. Jai Prabhakar, "Problem of School Dropout among Scheduled Caste Girls in Rural Settings of Karnatak," ICSSR, New Delhi.
6. Jai Prabhakar S.C., "Status of Tribal Development, A Select Study: Karnataka Experience," Department of Higher Education, Government of Karnataka, Bangalore.
7. T. Brahmanandam, "Evaluation Study of Performance of Dr. Babu Jagjivan Ram Leather Industry Development Corporation Ltd.", Dr. Babu Jagjivan Ram Leather Industry Development Corporation Ltd. Bangalore.



8. S. Hanagodimath, "Hunger and Malnutrition in Karnataka," Government of Karnataka.
9. S. Hanagodimath, "Workers in Construction Sector in Karnataka," CMDR/ Government of Karnataka.
10. Bhubaneswar Sabar, "Impact of Special Micro Projects on PVTGs in Odisha," ICSSR, New Delhi.
11. S. Hanagodimath, "Development Status of Taluks of Karnataka: At the Time of Dr. Nanjundappa and Now," Dr.D.M. Nanjundappa Chair, CMDR.
12. S. Hanagodimath, "Recent Taluk Level Developmental Indicators and Further Challenges in Karnataka," Dr. D.M. Nanjundappa Chair, CMDR.
13. N. Sivanna and Narayana Billava, "Political Inclusion and Participation of SC/ST and OBC Women Members in Local Government: A Study in Karnataka," Government of Karnataka.
The institute organized nine lectures, three seminars and five workshops/training programmes during the year.

2. Panchamukhi P. R. (2019) "Tatva Vada Based Ethics in Dasa Sahitya with a Focus on the Contributions of Kanaka Dasa", Kanaka Adhyayana Publication35, Prasaranga, Karnatak University, Dharwad
Research Papers and Articles in Journals/Chapters in Books
The faculty published three research papers/ articles in various journals during the year.
Research Reports/Monographs/ Working Papers
1. Krishna Kumar T, "Consumption Deprivation as an Objective Poverty Measure: An Engelian Approach", CMDR Monograph Series No. ­ 103.
2. Annigeri V.B. and Kulkarni A.R, "Farmers Loan Waiving Scheme: Are we Caught-Up in a Conundrum (In Kannada)", CMDR Monograph Series No.­104.
3. Hanagodimath S.V., "Regional Disparity in Per Capita Income in India: A Study on Inter-state and Intra-state Analysis", CMDR Monograph Series No. ­ 105.

Research Affiliation and Ph.D./M.Phil.
During the year one scholar submitted Ph.D. thesis and 34 were purusing their doctoral research work under the faculty of the institue who are recognized as research supervisors with different universities.
1. Annigeri Vinod B., S. V. Hanagodimath (2019) "Regional Imbalances in Karnataka: A Decadal Comparison Through Taluk Report Cards", Serials Publications Pvt. Limited, New Delhi.

The library has been providing various services including Reference Services, Bibliographic Services, Current Awareness Services, News Paper Clippings and Photocopy Services to the readers. Library is fully computerised with LIBSYS and provides Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) for its readers. It has 1423 back volumes and journals/periodicals related to the field of social scieneces. The library has subscription of 58 journals including 42 national and 16 international journals. During the year 2019-20, 309 documents comprising books, reports, working papers, CDs and thesis were added to the collection.



Funds (Un-audited) 2019-20

Income (Heads) ICSSR Grant Non-Plan (OH-36) Plan (OH-31) State Govt. Grant Non-Plan Plan Income from Own Sources (Projects Grants, Fellowships, Consultancy etc.)
Any other Sources

Amount 80.79 50.00 -
200.00 131.06

Expenditure Salary Non-Plan Plan Establishment/Administrative Expenses Non-Plan Plan Projects Fellowships Workshops/Training Programmes Other Misc. Expenses Misc. Expenses Closing Balance Total

( in Lakhs) Amount
221.25 86.92
59.16 5.17
3.10 50.76 461.85

Centre for Policy Research (CPR), New Delhi
Research Projects (Completed)
1. Initiative on Climate, Energy and Environment - Oak Foundation.
2. Understanding Metropolitan Homelessness ­ ICSSR.
3. India-Urban Rural Boundaries and Basic Services-Institute of Research and Development, France.
4. Scale, Institutions and Networks in Transboundary Waters - Asia Foundation.
5. Land Rights, Development and the Constitution: Mapping Land Legislation in India ­ ICSSR.
6. Developing Practice on Integrating Climate, Energy and Environment in India's Development - MacArthur Foundation.
7. Political and Economic History of IndiaNepal Water - Asia Foundation.
8. Female Labour Force Participation ­ Oxfam.

9. Qualitative Study on the Political Economy of Implementation of Classroom Focused Reforms in Government Schools in Delhi, PAL, Institute of Financial Management and Research, Chennai.
10. The Efficacy of 14th Finance Commission Transfers to Gram Panchayats Analysis of Fund Flows from the Union Government to Rural Local Bodies, Fifteen Finance Commission, New Delhi.
11. The Efficacy of 14th Finance Commission Transfers to Gram Panchayats (GPs) - A Sample Study of Select GPs, Fifteenth Finance Commission, New Delhi.
12. Metamorphoses Series Tech Talks- Niti Aayog.
13. Water Conflict and Governance - World Bank.
14. Technical Support for Capacity Building of Community Cadres on Legal Remedies for Land and Environment Violations ­ Oxfam.



15. Creating Employment and Entrepreneurship Opportunities for Women in India ­ UNDP.
16. Negotiating India's 21st Century Transition: CPR Dialogues 2018 - Ford Foundation
Research Projects (Ongoing)
1. Accountability Initiative - William and Flora Foundation.
2. Manju Menon and Vidya Viswanathan, "CPR-Namati Collaboration Programme on Environmental Justice," funded by Namati Inc.
3. Partha Mukhopadhyay, "Integration and editing of Manuscripts Relating to the Planning and Development Efforts in the Calcutta Metropolitan Area," funded by Ford Foundation.
4. Ramesh Chandran, "GPPI-CPR Collaboration on Child Survival," funded by Global Health Strategies Emerging Economies (P) Ltd.
5. Shubhagato Dasgupta, "Scaling City Institution for India: Sanitation," funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
6. Partha Mukhopadhyay, "Tacit Urban Networks," funded by Ford Foundation.
7. Shyam Babu, "Why Dominant Castes Demand Reservations? A Comparative Study of Marathas, Jats and Patidars," funded by ICSSR.
8. Collaboration to Support Nutrition Financing Network and Costing of Nutrition Interventions in India, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington D.C.
9. The New Great Game in East Asia-Korea Foundation.

10. Tracking State Housing in India- A Comprehensive Housing Focused Research Programme.
11. Land Rights Initiative and Research on Women's Right to Property ­ Centre for Ethics in Action.
12. Water Conflicts and Governance ­ Ministry of Jal Shakti, Government of India.
Conferences/Seminars/Lectures The institute organized 11 lectures, one conference, 46 seminars/panel discussions and 17 workshops during the year 2019-20.
Books 1. Navroz K. Dubash (ed.), "India in a Warming World: Integrating Climate Change and Development", Oxford University Press, 2019.
2. Philippe Cullet and Sujith Koonan, "Research Handbook on Law, Environment and the Global South," Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019.
3. T.R. Raghunandan, "Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Bureaucracy but Were Afraid to Ask," Penguin India, 2019.
4. Shibani Ghosh, "Indian Environmental Law: Key Concepts and Principles," Orient BlackSwan, 2019.
5. Philippe Cullet, Sujith Koonan, and Lovleen Bhullar, "Right to Sanitation in India: Critical Perspectives," Oxford University Press, 2019.



Research Papers and Articles in Journals/Chapters in Books The faculty published 50 research papers/ articles in various journals and 18 chapters in published books during the year 2019-20.
Book Reviews 1. Gregory F. Randolph and Mukta Naik. 2018. "Subaltern Urbanization in India: An Introduction to the Dynamics of Ordinary Towns." Sage Journals.
Library During the year 2019-20, 153 books were added to the library of the Centre. The

acquisition mainly related to books of subjects such as Policy Sciences, Economic Policy Analysis, Urbanisation, Political Science, Law, Regulation, and the State, Environmental Law and Governance, International Relations and Security, Defence and other fields of relevance to research programmes of the Centre. The CPR library has a collection of a total of 10,961 books after weeding out a few old books. The library subscribed to 41 journals and periodicals and received gratis 60 periodicals. These cover major policy fields of concern to scholars at CPR. In addition to these, 13 daily newspapers are being received in the library.
The library continued to be a member of the Developing Library Network (DELNET),

Funds (Un-audited) 2019-20

Income (Heads) ICSSR Grant Non-Plan (OH-36) Plan (OH-31) State Govt. Grant Non-Plan Plan Income from Own Sources (Projects, Fellowships, Consultancy etc.)

88.37 50.00

Expenditure Salary Non-Plan Plan Establishment/Administrative Expenses Non-Plan Plan Projects

( in Lakhs) Amount
309.18 ---
--100.40 10.75

Workshops/Training Programmes

Any other Sources (Interest Income and Misc. Income)

91.94 538.72

Other Misc. Expenses Misc. Expenses
Provision for 7th CPC Arrears Provision for Building Maintenance and Infrastructure Provision for Faculty Capacity Fund Surplus Total

40.00 30.00
20.00 27.40 538.72

Note: The year ended with a surplus of ` 27.40 lakh after provisions mainly due to the overheads from the research projects. The surplus will be utilized in subsequent years for research activitie



New Delhi. One Samsung SCX 4521F multifunctional fax machine and email service are being used extensively for communication and information retrieval purposes.
One HP Elite 8300 is being used by CPR faculty/ researchers. With the help of Canon IR-ADV 4545 Digital Plain Paper Copier with Reverse Automatic Document Feeder, Duplexing for Automatic Back to Back copying, Set making, Sorting, Rotate sorting, 25%- 400% Zoom with A-3 Size Network Laser Printer and Scanner, and 250 GB Hard Disc for document server, better and efficient reprographic facilities were provided to researchers and other staff of the Centre. For other material and publications, the CPR library depends upon the services of 25 libraries of various academic and other research institutions in Delhi which have been generous enough to lend their books and journals for the Centre's use on the principle of reciprocity.
Centre for Research in Rural and Industrial Development (CRRID), Chandigarh
Research Projects (Completed)
1. Sukhvinder Singh, "NLM Monitoring of Rural Development Schemes and Programme during 2019-20 (Phase-I) in the District of Hisar, Bhiwani, Jhajjar, Mewat of Haryana and Hardoi, Kannauj of Uttar Pradesh," Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India, New Delhi.
2. Sukhvinder Singh, "National Level Monitoring of Rural Development Schemes Under the Regular Monitoring Programe in Two districts namely Chamba and Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, 2018-19 (Phase II)," Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India, New Delhi.

3. Sukhvinder Singh, "Field Verification of Panchayats Recommended by the State Government of Panchayat Awards under Deen Dayal Upadhyay Panchayat Sashaktikaran Puraskar & Nanaji Deshmukh Rashtriya Gauravgram Sabha Puraskar (DDUPSP & NDRGGSP) 2019 in the state of Himachal Pradesh & Uttrakahand," Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Government of India, New Delhi.
4. Sukhvinder Singh, "Social Impact Assessment Study of Rajpura-Bhatinda Rail line doubling project," State Institute of Rural Development, Punjab.
5. Sucha Singh Gill, Sunil Bansal, and Sukhvinder Singh, "Assess Capacity Gaps Pertaining to Agro-Biodiversity and Identify Opportunities to Mitigate Impacts of Current Practices of Agriculture and Allied Sectors on Agro-Biodiversity Conservation, Management and Use the State of Punjab," Food and Agricultural Organization, New Delhi.
6. Sukhvinder Singh, Hans Lal and Sunil Agnihotri, "Special Monitoring of Mission Antyodaya & People's Plan Campaign State Rajasthan 2019-20 District of Jaisalmer, Bikaner, Nagare, Barmer, Jalore and Jodhpur," Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India, New Delhi.
7. Bindu Duggal and Gurinder Kaur, "Status on Employment/Self Employment Amongst the Women in Punjab and Opportunities to Improve Avenues of Employment and Self-employment for Women in the State, Department of Planning, Government of Punjab.
8. Neetu Gaur, "Vocational Education in Schools: A Study of SC and ST Girl Students in Haryana, ICSSR SC/ST Component Plan Fund.



9. R.S. Ghuman Gurinder Kaur and Jatinder Singh, "Dynamics of Drug Addiction and Abuse in North West India: Social, Economic and Political Implications," ICSSR, New Delhi.
10. Sunil Bansal, Madan Mohan Singh, Sunil Agnihotri and Kuldeep Singh, "Social Audit of Mid-day Meal Scheme in UT Chandigarh," Department of Education, UT Administration, Chandigarh.
11. Aswini Kumar Nanda and Rajesh Kumar Aggarwal, "Programme Implementation Plan (NRHM) in Haryana (2018-19): Quarterly Quality Monitoring Report (Gurgaon District)", PRC Annual Grant.
12. Aswini Kumar Nanda and Rajesh Kumar Aggarwal, "Programme Implementation Plan (NRHM) in Haryana (2018-19): Quarterly Quality Monitoring Report (Mewat District)", PRC Annual Grant
13. Aswini Kumar Nanda and Rajesh Kumar Aggarwal, "Programme Implementation Plan (NRHM) in Rajasthan (2019-20): Quarterly Quality Monitoring Report (Dausa District)", PRC Annual Grant.
14. Aswini Kumar Nanda and Rajesh Kumar Aggarwal, "Programme Implementation Plan (NRHM) in Haryana (2019-20): Quarterly Quality Monitoring Report (Ambala District), PRC Annual Grant.
15. Aswini Kumar Nanda and Rajesh Kumar Aggarwal, "Programme Implementation Plan (NRHM) in Haryana (2019-20): Quarterly Quality Monitoring Report (Kaithal District)," PRC Annual Grant.
16. Aswini Kumar Nanda and Rajesh Kumar Aggarwal, "Programme Implementation Plan (NRHM) in Haryana (2019-20): Quarterly Quality Monitoring Report (Fatehabad District)," PRC Annual Grant.

17. Aswini Kumar Nanda and Rajesh Kumar Aggarwal, "Programme Implementation Plan (NRHM) in Haryana (2019-20): Quarterly Quality Monitoring Report (Faridabad District)", PRC Annual Grant.
18. Aswini Kumar Nanda and Rajesh Kumar Aggarwal, "Programme Implementation Plan (PIP) in Chandigarh (2019-20): Quarterly Quality Monitoring Report (Chandigarh)", PRC Annual Grant.
19. Aswini Kumar, Nanda and Rajesh Kumar Aggarwal, "Programme Implementation Plan (NRHM) in Haryana (2019-20): Quarterly Quality Monitoring Report (Yamunanagar District)," PRC Annual Grant.
20. Pawan Kumar, Sharma Poonam Sandhir and Shaikh Iftikhar Ahmed, "Programme Implementation Plan (PIP) in Punjab: Fatehgarh Sahib District," PRC Annual Grant.
21. Pawan Kumar Sharma, Poonam Sandhir and Shaikh Iftikhar Ahmed, "Programme Implementation Plan (PIP) in Punjab: Sangrur District," PRC Annual Grant.
22. Pawan Kumar Sharma, Poonam Sandhir and Shaikh Iftikhar Ahmed, "Programme Implementation Plan (PIP) in Punjab: Muktsar District," PRC Annual Grant.
23. Pawan Kumar Sharma Poonam Sandhir and Shaikh Iftikhar Ahmed, "Programme Implementation Plan (PIP) in Punjab: Hoshiarpur District," PRC Annual Grant.
24. Pawan Kumar Sharma, Poonam Sandhir and Shaikh Iftikhar Ahmed, "Programme Implementation Plan (PIP) in Haryana: Sonipat District," PRC Annual Grant.



25. Pawan Kumar Sharma, Poonam Sandhir and Shaikh Iftikhar Ahmed, "Programme Implementation Plan (PIP) in Haryana: Rohtak District," PRC Annual Grant.
26. Pawan Kumar Sharma, Poonam Sandhir and Shaikh Iftikhar Ahmed, "Programme Implementation Plan (PIP) in Punjab: Kapurthala District," PRC Annual Grant.
27. Pawan Kumar Sharma, Poonam Sandhir and Shaikh Iftikhar Ahmed, "Programme Implementation Plan (PIP) in Haryana: Mewat (Nuh) District," PRC Annual Grant.
28. Pawan Kumar Sharma, Poonam Sandhir and Shaikh Iftikhar Ahmed, "Programme Implementation Plan (PIP) in Haryana: Rewari District," PRC Annual Grant.
29. Pawan Kumar Sharma, Poonam Sandhir and Shaikh Iftikhar Ahmed, "Programme Implementation Plan (PIP) in Haryana: Gurugram District," PRC Annual Grant.
30. Pawan Kumar Sharma, Poonam Sandhir and Shaikh Iftikhar Ahmed, "Programme Implementation Plan (PIP) in Rajasthan: Chittaurgarh District," PRC Annual Grant.
31. Pawan Kumar Sharma, Poonam Sandhir and Shaikh Iftikhar Ahmed, "Assessment of the Implementation of Laqshya in Punjab," PRC Annual Grant.
32. Aswini Kumar Nanda and Rajesh Kumar Aggarwal, "Concurrent Evaluation of Home-Based Newborn Care (HBNC) in India," MoHFW, GoI, New Delhi.
33. Jatinder Singh and Vikash Kumar, "Constraints and Prospects of Industrial Development: A Study of Two Industrial

Districts of Punjab," Department of Planning, Government of Punjab.
Research Projects (Ongoing)
1. Satish Verma, "Farmers' Suicides and Agricultural Challenges in India: A Study of Selected States," ICSSR, New Delhi.
2. Satish Verma, "Role of Moneylenders in the States of Punjab and Haryana and Its Impact on the Farmers," Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai.
3. Satish Verma, "Rural Credit and Financial Penetration in Haryana," Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai.
4. Sukhvinder Singh, Sunil Agnihotri and Hanslal, "NLM Monitoring of Rural Development Schemes and Programme during 2019-20 (Phase-II) in the Tonk, Kota, Bundi, Sawai Madhopur, Alwar, Bhartpur district of Rajasthan state," Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India, New Delhi.
5. Sukhvinder Singh, "Study of Assessing and Enhancing the Impact of Live Stock Intervention on Gender and Equity," Department of Planning, Government of Punjab.
6. Sukhvinder Singh, "Training of Elected Representative and Functionaries of Zila Parishad and Panchayat Samiti in Punjab," IRD&PR Punjab.
7. Kulwant Singh, "State Agriculture Infrastructure Development Programme Plan (SAIDP) of Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY-RAFTAAR)," Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Haryana.
8. Kulwant Singh, "Documentation of Good Practices in Saksham Yojana in Haryana," United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), New Delhi.



9. Sunil Bansal and Madan Mohan Singh, "Impact Analysis of Self-Help Groups (SHGs) Constituted under Extremely Aided Projects Implemented by the Forest Department of Haryana," Forest Department, Government of Haryana.
10. Vikash Kumar and Jatinder Singh, "Identifying the Most Remunerative Crop-Combinations Regions in Haryana: A Spatial-Temporal Analysis," NABARD, Mumbai.
11. J.S. Samra and Sukhvinder Singh, "Use of Renewable Energy for Agriculture Activities in Punjab," NABARD, Chandigarh.
12. J.S. Samra and Neetu Gaur, "Conducting a Survey on Crop Residue Management Landscape Study on Rice­Wheat System in Punjab and Haryana," FAO, Rome.
13. Neetu Gaur, Gurinder Kaur and Shaikh Iftikhar, "Survival of Surviving: A Study on Widows of Farmers Suicide Victims in Punjab," ICSSR, New Delhi.
14. Neetu Gaur, "Assessment on Learning Outcomes in Language, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies for Class 8th Students, Sponsored under Punjab Annual Grant Fund," Out of Punjab Government Grant- in- Aid.
15. Neetu Gaur, Gurinder Kaur, Shaikh Iftikhar Ahmed, "Status of Hunger Index, Issues and Corrective Action in Punjab, sponsored under Punjab Annual Grant Fund," Out of Punjab Government Grant- in- Aid.
16. Bindu Duggal, "Issues and Problems of Elderly: A Study of Chandigarh," ICSSR, New Delhi.
17. Gurinder Kaur and Shaik Iftikhar Ahmed, "Socio-cultural Dynamics of

Child Immunization: Perspectives from Muslims of Punjab," ICSSR Impress, New Delhi.
18. Aswini Kumar Nanda and Rajesh Kumar Aggarwal, "Role of Health and Wellness Centres (HWCs) in Delivery of Comprehensive Primary Health Care: An Empirical Study," MoHFW, GoI, New Delhi.
19. Aswini Kumar Nanda and Madan Mohan Singh, "Round Table in Punjab on Safe and Legal Informational out Migration from Punjab to Canada," Government of Canada, Ottawa.
20. Manoj Kumar Teotia, "Municipal Solid Waste Management Problems in the State of Punjab," Department of Planning, Government of Punjab.
21. Jatinder Singh and Vikash Kumar, "What Ails Industrial Development?: A Study of Major Industrial Clusters in Punjab," ICSSR, New Delhi.
22. R.S. Ghuman, "Economic Implications of Curbs on Trade between India and Pakistan through Wagah Border, commissioned by CRRID," CRRID, Chandigarh.
The institute organized, 18 international & seven national conferences and seven workshops/training programmes during the year.
Research Affiliation and Ph.D./M.Phil.
CRRID is affiliated to Panjab University, Chandigarh, as its approved research centre and offers Ph.D. Programme in Economics and Sociology. A total of 39 students are pursuing Ph.D. during the session 2019-20.



1. Kumar, Vikash, Understanding South Asia: Society, Economy and Politics, New Delhi, Academic Foundation, March 2020.
2. Verma,Satish,RuralCreditandFinancial Penetration in Himachal Pradesh, Chandigarh, CRRID, June 2019.
Book Reviews
1. Gill, Sucha Singh, "Emerging Water Insecurity in India: Lessons from Agriculturally Advanced State by Ranjit Singh Ghuman (2018), U.K. Cambridge Scholars," Publishing in IASSI Quarterly Contributions to Social Science, Vol. 38 (2), July-September, 2018.
2. Gill Sucha Singh, "Ajit Singh of Cambridge and Chandigarh: An Intellectual Biography of the Radical

Sikh Economist," by Ashwani Saith, (2019) Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, in Indian Journal of Labour Economics, Vol. 62 (3), July ­ September, 2019.
Library provides reference service, a list of new additions to the CRRID library, interlibrary loan-service, Wi-Fi service, CD-ROM facilities and reprographic facilities to its users. The software services available in the library are LSEase, an offshoot of LIBSYS and SPSS software for the data analysis of the faculty. As on March 2020, the library has 28,985 books. During 2019-20, 112 books/reports were added to the collection. The library has back volumes of 2100 journals. Library receives 80 journals both Indian as well as foreign. In addition to this, it receives 15 journals on exchange and 15 on complementary basis. The ICSSR has also provided access to the following online databases like JSTOR, IndiaStat Database, EconLit with Full Text (EBSCO).

Funds (Un-audited) 2019-20

Income (Heads) ICSSR Grant Non-plan (OH-36) Plan (OH-31) State Govt. Grant for the F.Y.2017-18 received in 2018-19 Non-plan Plan Income from Own Sources (Projects, Fellowships, Consultancy etc.)
Any other Sources (Interest from Corpus Fund)
Deficit Total

154.00 50.00
158.18 41.50 -23.07
63.00 523.08

Expenditure Salary Non-plan Plan Establishment/Administrative Expenses
Non-plan Plan Projects Fellowships Workshops/Training Programmes Other Misc. Expenses Misc. Expenses
Contingent Expenses

( in Lakhs) Amount
11.48 --
1.37 29.59 13.86 15.30 28.57



Centre for Social Studies (CSS), Surat
Research Projects (Completed)
1. Satyakam Joshi, "A Study of Family, Mobility and Social Capital: With reference to Diamond House of Govindbhai Dholakia," SRK Knowledge Foundation, Surat.
2. Arjun Patel, "A Sociological Study of Exodus of Dalits in Rural Gujarat," ICSSR, New Delhi.
3. DilipShah,"InclusiveRuralDevelopment through Anand Pattern Co-operative Dairy in Gujarat," ICSSR, New Delhi.
Research Projects (Ongoing)
1. Gagan Bihari Sahu, "An Exploration into Nutritional Status of Tribal Communities in Gujarat," ICSSR, New Delhi.
2. Gagan Bihari Sahu and Satyakam Joshi, "A Study of Food Security of the Tribals in Gujarat," ICSSR, New Delhi.
3. Dinesh Chaudhari and Satyakam Joshi, "Tribes in Gujarat: Interrogating Social Change and Development," ICSSR, New Delhi.
4. Satyakam Joshi, "Development, Deprivation and Discontent: A Case Study of the Dangs 1947-2009," ICSSR, New Delhi.
The institute organized one seminar, three training programmes and nine lectures workshop during the year 2019-20.

Research Affiliation and Ph.D./M.Phil.
During the year, two scholar were purusing their doctoral research work under the faculty of the institue who are recognized as research supervisors with different universities. The institute is having one research scholar pursuing her Post-Doctoral Fellowship from ICSSR and a Fulbright-Nehru Student Researcher from Syracuse University, New York. A Senior Professor is also affiliated to the institute pursuing an ICSSR funded research project.
Sadan Jha ed., The Political and Cultural Heritage of Mithila written by Radhakrishna Chudhary, Published posthumously by Kameshwar Singh Bihar Heritage Series, Maharajadhiraja Kalyani Foundation, Darbhanga, 2019.
Research Papers and Articles in Journals/Chapters in Books
The faculty published 11 research papers/ articles in various journals and four chapter in published books during the year 2019-20.
CSS library provides Bibliographic help, Photocopy, Current awareness and referencing facilities. It makes use of softwares and digital services including SOUL, J-STOR, Econlit and PROWESS. The library has a total number of 34101 books, back volumes of journals and periodicals. During 2019-20, 257 books have been added in the collection. The library subscribes 101 national journals in three languages (77 in English, 22 in Gujarati and 01in Hindi) along with 02 international journals. Besides, CSS also receives 10 journals on exchange basis and 08 on gratis.



Funds (Un-audited) 2019-20

Income (Heads) ICSSR Grant Non-Plan (OH-36) Plan (OH-31) State Govt. Grant Non-Plan (OH-36) Plan (OH-31) Income from Own Sources Projects, Fellowships Consultancy etc. Any Other Sources Non-Plan Plan Projects Fellowships Workshops/Training Programmes Other Misc. Income Deficit Total

78.00 50.00
22.00 0.00

Expenditure Salary Non-Plan Plan Establishment/Administrative Exp. Non-Plan Plan

6.52 0.12 4.82 1.98 6.00 0.00 90.00 259.44

Projects Fellowships Workshops/Training Prog. Other Misc. Expenses Misc. Expenses

( in Lakhs) Amount
185.20 13.61
0.00 40.77
5.33 2.15 12.38 0.00 0.00

Centre for Studies in Social Sciences (CSSS), Kolkata
Research Projects (Completed)
1. Abhijit Bhattacharya, "Ami Kolkata: Its History and Culture," Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India.
2. Jyotsna Jalan, "Role of Participatory Theatre in Empowering Women (Part Completed)," The World Bank.
3. Sugata Marjit, Manoj Pant and Sugandha Huria, "Unskilled Immigration, Technical Progress, and Wages-Role of the Household Sector," CTRPFP.
4. Sugata Marjit, Surajeet Chakravarty, Miguel A. Fonseca, Sudeep Ghosh and Pradeep Kumar, "Religious Fragmentation, Social Identity and Other-Regard-

ing Preferences: Evidence from an Artefactual Field Experiment in India," CTRPFP.
5. Manabi Majumdar, "Centering Children in the Development Debate in India: Public Action for Early Start, Fair Start, and Fitting Start," ICSSR, New Delhi.
6. Saibal Kar, "Taxes, Public Expenditure and Growth," SANEI (South Asian Network of Economics Research Institutes) XVIth Round, Kathmandu.
7. Pranab K. Das and Saibal Kar, "Socio-economic and Health Analysis in Andaman and Nicobar Islands" Indian Space Research Organization, Ahmedabad.
8. Abjit Bhattacharya and Rajarshi Ghosh, "EAP 921: Endangered Archives Project," British Library, UK.



Research Projects (Ongoing)
1. Rosinka Chaudhuri, "Decolonization, the Disciplines and the University," Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
2. Jyotsna Jalan, "Role of Participatory Theatre in Empowering Women (part ongoing)," The World Bank.
3. Sugata Marjit, R. Oladi and P. Raychaudhuri, "Inequality and Trade: A Behavioral Economics and Social Psychology Perspective," CTRPFP and CSSS.
4. Sugata Marjit and Eden Yu., "Globalization and Environment in India," CTRPFP and CSSS.
5. Abjit Bhattacharya and Rajarshi Ghosh, "EAP 1031: Endangered Archives Project," British Library, UK.
The institute organized, four conferences, two seminars, two trainings/workshops and four lectures during the year 2019-20.
Research Affiliation and Ph.D./M.Phil.
The Ph.D. programme of the institute is affiliated to Jadavpur University. The Centre currently has 72 students enrolled in its Ph.D Programme of whom two are receiving ICSSR Fellowship, four receiving Junior Research Fellowship and two receiving Senior Research Fellowship from the UGC. During the year 2019-20, nine Ph.D thesis were submitted and two Ph.D degrees and 13 M.Phil degrees were awarded. In M.Phil programme, the institute had 16 enrolled students in batch 2018-20 and 14 students were admitted in the 2019-21 batch.

1. Jalan, Jyotsna, S. Marjit & S. Santra, Health Matters.
2. Karthick Ram Manoharan, Frantz Fanon: Identity and Resistance. Orient BlackSwan, 2019.
3. Karthick Ram Manoharan (co-editor), Re-thinking Social Justice. Orient BlackSwan 2019.
4. Marjit, Sugata, B. Mandal and N. Nakanishi, Virtual Trade and Comparative Advantage: The Fourth Dimension (2020), Springer-Nature. [Part of the Kobe University Monograph Series in Social Science Research Book Series (KUMSSSR)].
Research Papers and Articles in Journals/Chapters in Books
The faculty of the institute published 17 research papers/articles in various journals and eight chapters in published books during the year 2019-20.
Research Reports/Working Papers
1. Jalan, Jyotsna, Health Status in India (with Sattwik Santra, CTRPFP & Sandip Sarkar, XIMB).
2. Jalan, Jyotsna, "Participatory Theatre Empowers Women: Evidence from India" (with Karla Hoff, The World Bank and Sattwik Santra, CTRPFP), mimeo, CTRPFP, CSSSC, 2019.
3. Deshpande, Prachi, "Reassessing the Paimash: Land Revenue, Native Surveyors, and the State in Early Colonial Bombay", in a Volume of Essays on Mountstuart Elphinstone edited by Shah Mahmoud Hanifi and Spencer



Leonard, to be published by Hurst Publishers, UK.
4. Deshpande, Prachi, "Kaulnmas: Maratha Adaptations of a Persianate Form," submitted to special issue of Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, published by Brill Publishers, Leiden, Netherlands.
5. Das, Pranab K, "Does Source of Finance Matter for Growth: An Empirical Analysis with IHDS Data". (Jointly with B. Ganguli, S. Marjit and S. Sen Roy), Mimeo, Deptt. of Statistics, University of Calcutta. (2019).
6. Das, Pranab K, "British Stock Market, BREXIT and Media Sentiments ­ A Big Data Analysis". (Jointly with G. K. Basak, S. Marjit, D. Mukherjee and L. Yang), CES-ifo Munich Working Paper No. 7760, CESifo Munich, Germany.
7. Das, Pranab K, "Contagion: Can It Occur Without Trading Relations?" (Jointly with G. K. Basak and A. Rohit), SSRN, (2019).
8. Das, Pranab K, "Building an OLG-India Model, TPRU-World Bank Project, Tax Policy Research Unit". Ministry of Finance, Govt. of India (Sept. 2019).
9. Kar, Saibal & Mandal, Biswajit & Marjit, Sugata & Mukherjee, Vivekananda, 2019. "Seeking Rent in the Informal Sector," IZA Discussion Papers 12068, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
10. Banerjee, Trina, "Essay on Five Performances" ("Queen Size", "Parayan Maranna Kadhakal", "Agent Provocateur", "Akshayambara" and "Gentlemen's Club") for the journal Projects/ Processes brought out by Serendipity Festival, Goa. Published by Harper Collins (India) in December 2019.

Book Reviews
1. Singh, Asha (2019), Book Review of Maitrayee Chaudhuri (2017), Refashioning India: Gender, Media, and a Transformed Public Discourse. Orient Black Swan in the journal Society and Culture in South Asia (Volume 5, Issue 2), 372­375.
2. Islam, Maidul, "The Idea of a `New India', Review of Re-forming India: The Nation Today", edited by Niraja Gopal Jayal (Penguin, 2019), The Hindu, June 01. 2019.
3. Deshpande, Prachi, "Ideas, Institutions, and Individuals in Colonial Bombay," book review of The Collected Works of J V Naik: Reform and Renaissance in Nineteenth Century Maharashtra, edited with an introduction by Murali Ranganathan, Mumbai: Asiatic Society of Mumbai, 2016, in Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 54, Issue No. 28, 13 Jul, 2019.
4. Banerjee, Trina, "Storytelling as a Political Instrument", review of Teresa Rehman's The Mothers of Manipur: Twelve Women who Made History published in The Book Review, Volume XLIII, Number 4 (April 2019).
The Library provides reading facilities, reference service, bibliography and customized information service, database search, referral service, reprographic services, etc. The entire book collection of the library is reflected through its online catalogue which is also accessible from outside the campus during working hours. The circulation of books is managed electronically as KOHA is an integrated library system that helps the library to perform realtime processing. The library provides access



to e-resources such as JSTOR, EBSCO Econlit, PROWESS and IndiaStat through ICSSR/ NASSDOC consortia. The Library subscribes total 69 journals titles.
The Library provides reading facilities along with IP bases access to the institutional resources to the scholastic community. The lending facility is restricted to the institutional members only. Reference service, bibliography and customized information service, database search, referral service, reprographic services, etc. are extended to the researchers. The entire book collection of the Library is reflected through its online catalogue. This Library OPAC is accessible during working hours. Circulation of books is also managed electronically as KOHA is an integrated library system that helps the Library to perform real-time processing. But at the same time manual records are also kept for circulation purposes.

The Library has preserved almost all the backvolume journals since inception and it tries to acquire the missing issues of the same as and when feasible. The Library depends upon the ICSSR/NASSDOC Consortia for accessing e-resources such as JSTOR, EBSCO Econlit, PROWESS and IndiaStat. This year, ICSSR/ NASSDOC has introduced a new concept called REMOTEX platform that enables all the consortia members to get access to all the above-mentioned e-resources from their respective workstations (within the campus and off campus) on 24X7 basis. Although the access to this platform is currently restricted to the faculty and information service professionals but in future this may be extended towards the entire research fraternity to provide better working environment. The Library has been subscribing to about 60 journals titles.

Funds (Un-audited) 2019-20

Income (Heads) ICSSR Grant Non-Plan (OH-36) Plan (OH-31) State Govt. Grant Non-Plan Plan Income from Own Sources (Projects, Fellowships, Consultancy etc.)
Any Other Sources Deficit Total

Amount 230.52
50.00 159.74
1.69 91.05 568.47

Expenditure Salary Non-Plan Plan Establishment/Administrative Expenses Non-Plan Plan Projects Fellowships Workshops/Training Programmes Other Misc. Expenses Misc. Expenses

( in Lakhs) Amount 512.29
50.43 5.48
0.27 568.47



Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS), New Delhi
Research Projects (Completed)
1. Deborah Sutton and Hilal Ahmed, "SHARC-DILLI/SAFARNAMA, a Mobile App on A Partitioned City," funded by AHRC, UK.
2. Sanjay Kumar, Suhas Palshikar and Sandeep Shastri, "National Election Study 2019: Pre-poll Study," funded by The Hindu, Dainik Bhaskar and Tiranga T.V.
3. Sandeep Shastri, Suhas Palshikar and Sanjay Kumar, "National Election Study 2019: Post-poll Study", funded by The Hindu.
4. Suhas Palshikar, Sandeep Shastri and Sanjay Kumar, "Studying the Influence of Social Media on Public Opinion in the Context of 2019 General Election", funded by Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, New Delhi.
5. Sanjay Kumar, Suhas Palshikar and Sandeep Shastri, "Rule of Law: The Study of Police in India," Round II, funded by Common Cause, New Delhi.
6. Suhas Palshikar, Sandeep Shastri and Sanjay Kumar, "Women & Politics: Changing Trends and Emerging Patterns," funded by Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, New Delhi.
7. Sanjay Kumar, Rajeshwari Deshpande and Kailash K.K., "Inequalities, Welfare & Democracy: Studies of Politics-Policy Interface in Indian States," funded by ICSSR, New Delhi.
8. Sanjay Kumar, "Jharkhand Post-poll Analysis," funded by The Indian Express and Prabhat Khabar.

9. Sanjay Kumar, "Endline Survey of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) of Citizens in the NCT of Delhi," funded by Election Commission of India, New Delhi.
10. Sanjay Kumar, "Delhi Governance Survey," funded by The Indian Express.
11. Sanjay Kumar, "Delhi Election-Eve Survey 2020," funded by The Indian Express.
12. Ravikant, "Pilot: A Multimedia Archive of the Political," funded by International Centre for Advanced Studies, New Delhi.
13. Awadhendra Sharan, "Dust and Smoke", CSDS, New Delhi.
14. Ananya Vajpeyi and Volker Kaul, "Minorities and Populism: Comparative Perspectives from South Asia and Europe, funded by Springer NL RESETDOC, Milan Italy.
15. Ravi Vasudevan and Srirupa Roy, "Crowds, Media, Democracy," funded by International Centre for Advanced Studies, New Delhi.
16. Ravi Vasudevan and Srirupa Roy, "Media Research in Government Archives," funded by International Centre for Advanced Studies, New Delhi.
Research Projects (Ongoing)
1. Abhay Kumar Dubey, Hilal Ahmed and Satyendra Singh, "English in India: A Study of Power, Culture and Knowledge," funded by ICSSR, New Delhi.
2. Hilal Ahmed, "An `Official Memory' of India, IAS-Nantes, France.
3. Pradeep Chhibber, Francesca Jensenieus and Sanjeer Alam, "Politics and Development in India: A Micro-level Study of Who Gets, What and Why,"



funded by Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, Norway.
4. Sanjay Kumar, "Status of Policing in India Report 2020: Policing in Disturbed Areas," funded by Common Cause, New Delhi.
5. Sanjay Kumar, "Indian Youth: Livelihood Opportunities, Aspiration and Vision of the Future," funded by Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, New Delhi.
6. Sanjay Kumar, "State of Democracy in South in Asia Round III," funded by Taiwan University.
7. Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, "Philosophical Aesthetics and the Critique of Modern Civilization," Rakesh Pandey.
8. Awadhendra Sharan, "Cities, River, Nation, A History of the River Ganges, 1830s to 1940s."
9. Awadhendra Sharan, "Heat in Urban Asia: Past, Present and Future," funded by National University, Singapore.
10. Ananya Vajpeyi, "Who Were the Shudras? By B.R. Ambedkar (Annotated Critical Edition with an Introduction)."
11. Ananya Vajpeyi and Sheldon Pollock, "Bharthari: The Three Hundred (Translation of Poems from Sanskrit to English)."
12. Ananya Vajpeyi, "Aroop: Journal of Arts and Ideas," funded by Raza Foundation, New Delhi.
13. Ravi Vasudevan and Tapati Guha Thakurta, "Objects, Media Technologies, Aesthetics and Politics: Material Histories and Cultural Imaginaries, India c. 1940-1960," CSSSC, funded by International Centre for Advanced Studies, New Delhi.

14. Ravi Vasudevan and Srirupa Roy, "Media in Times of War," funded by International Centre for Advanced Studies, New Delhi.
15. Ravi Vasudevan and Srirupa Roy, "Law and Media, funded by International Centre for Advanced Studies, New Delhi.
16. Ravi Vasudevan and Srirupa Roy, "The Evidentiary Status of Video," funded by International Centre for Advanced Studies, New Delhi.
17. Ravi Vasudevan and Srirupa Roy, "Political Publicity," funded by International Centre for Advanced Studies, New Delhi.
18. Ravi Vasudevan and Srirupa Roy, "Social Media and the Circulation of Violent Videos," funded by International Centre for Advanced Studies, New Delhi.
19. Priyadarshini Vijaisri, "Jati's Offsprings: Trans-structural Kinship Model and the Origin Myths.
The institute organized one panel discussion, three lectures, and five workshops during the year 2019-20.
1. Ahmed, Hilal. 2019. Siyasi Muslims: A Story of Political Islams in India, Penguin-Random House: Delhi.
2. Ahmed, Hilal, deSouza, Peter Ronald and Alam, Sanjeer. 2019. Democratic Accommodations: Minorities in Contemporary India, Bloomsbury: New Delhi and London.



3. Bhargava, Rajeev. 2019. Secularism as Principled Distance, Brill Research Perspectives (e-book).
4. DeSouza, Peter Ronald and Nair, Rukmini Bhaya. 2020. Keywords for India: A Conceptual Lexicon for the 21st Century, Bloomsbury: New Delhi and London.
5. Dubey, Abhay Kumar. 2020. HinduEkta Banaam Gyan Ki Rajniti, Vani Prakashan, Delhi.
6. Dubey, Abhay Kumar. 2019. Jigari Dushman (Translation of Ashis Nandy's book The Intimate Enemy: Loss and Recovery of Self under Colonialism), Vani Prakashan, Delhi.
7. Kumar, Sanjay. 2019. Youth in India: Aspirations, Attitudes, Anxieties, Routledge Taylor and Francis Group.

8. Kumar, Sanjay. 2019. fcgkj dh pqukoh jktuhfr% tkfr&oxZ dk lehdj.k ¼<<å&,,å½] Q,joMZ VªLV] ubZ fnYyh.
Research Papers and Articles in Journals/Chapters in Books
The faculty of the institute published 22 research papers/articles in various journals and seven chapters in published books during the year 2019-20.
The library at the institute has adequate infrastructure for provding necessary services to the readers. During the year, library added 237 new books out of which 93 were in English and 142 in Hindi. Two new journals - Tadbhav and Anustup were subscribed. The Centre Library also received a generous donation of approximately 10,000 books on social sciences and humanities from the family of the late Mr. Bhagat Vats.

Funds (Un-audited) 2019-20

Income (Heads) ICSSR Grant Non-Plan (OH-36) Plan (OH-31) State Govt. Grant Non-Plan Plan Income from Own Sources (Projects, Fellowships, Consultancy etc.)
Deficit* Total

Amount 484.00
100.37 1118.16

Expenditure Salary Non-Plan Plan Establishment/Administrative Expenses Non-Plan Plan Projects Fellowships Workshops/Training Programmes Other Misc. Expenses Misc. Expenses Total

* The deficit of  100.37 lakh is on account of salaries of 5 Faculty members and carry over deficit of last year

( in Lakhs) Amount 692.90
80.15 345.11



Centre for Women's Development Studies (CWDS), New Delhi
Research Projects (Completed)
1. Mary John, "Historical Overview on Early and Child Marriage," funded by UNFPA.
2. Renu Addlakha, "Interrogating Violence Against Women from the Other Side: An Exploratory Study into the World of Perpetrators," funded by NHRC.
3. Renu Addlakha, "Violence Against Women and Girls with Physical Disabilities in India: Understanding the Issues and Promoting Legal Empowerment," funded by South Asia Women's Fund.
4. Bhaswati Thakurta, "Minor Forest Produce & Livelihood: A Gender Analysis," supported by CWDS.
5. Pulak Gupta, Meghnad Deshmukh, Swapan Chowdhury and Bimal Pakhira, "Action Research Project- Integrated Tribal Development through Tasar Culture in Bankura District, West Bengal," funded by Central Silk Board and the State Department of Sericulture, West Bengal.
6. Dimple Tresa Abraham, "Cumentation of Successful Case Studies of Water Conservation initiatives under MGNREGS (for National Water Conclave)," funded by NIRD&PR, Hyderabad.
7. Dimple Tresa Abraham, "Women Negotiating Space and Work: A Study on Quasi-Live-in Domestic Workers in Lutyens Delhi," supported by CWDS.
8. Anshu Singh, "Girls in Schools: An Analysis of Education Policy under the Aam Admi Party Regime in Delhi," supported by CWDS.

9. Indrani Mazumdar, "Commemorating A Hundred Years of Rosa Luxemburg ­ Her Life, Ideas and Works," funded by Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung.
10. Indrani Mazumdar, "Action Research on Womenss Labour Migration in India," funded by ILO's Work in Freedom Project.
Research Projects (Ongoing)
1. "Engendering Change: Exploring the Inter-linkages between Marriage, Disability, Sexuality and Knowledge Building in India from a Women's Studies Perspective" ­ (funded by Ford Foundation) - 4 sub-projects:
· Mary E. John, "Analysing Early and Child Marriage in India: The Interlocking Markets of Education, Marriage and Work.
· Renu Addlakha, "Intersectional Analysis on Disability and Sexuality."
· Sanghamitra Jana Chatterjee, "Knowledge Gateway on Women's Studies in South Asia and Creating a Digital Archive of Grey Literature on Women's Studies."
· Indrani Mazumdar and Indu Agnihotri, "Building Capacities of Women's Studies Centres in Regional Contexts".
2. Neetha N., "Laws of Social Reproduction," collaboration with Kings College, London.
3. Indu Agnihotri, Sanghamitra Jana Chatterjee, Madhu Shri Pandeya, Akhlaq Ahmed, "From Memory to History," funded by CWDS.
4. Vandana, "Schedule Caste Girls and Access to Higher Education: Exploring their Experiences in Natural Sciences," funded by ICSSR.



5. Seema Kazi, "The Gender of Democracy: A South Asian Comparison," funded by ICSSR.
6. Vijay K. Jha, "Reader on Caste and Gender in Hindi," funded by CWDS.
7. Bijoya Roy, "Maternity Care Provision, Medical Dominance and Healthcare Market in India," funded by ICSSR.
8. Vandana, "Mother's Negotiating for Daughters' (Higher) Education: Studying the Intersection of Caste, Class and Gender in Balmiki Community," supported by CWDS.
9. Khundongbam Gyanabati Devi, "North East Migrant Women in Service Sectors: Evidence from Manipuri Women in Delhi and NCR Regions," supported by CWDS.
10. Nayantara Singh, "Gender Resource Centre in Delhi," supported by CWDS.
11. Savitri Ray, "National Crèche Scheme for the Children of Working Mothers and Impact on Women in the labour market in India," funded by ILO.
The institute organized five seminars/panel disscussions, one conference, four lectures and 12 workshops/training programmes during the year 2019-20.
Research Affiliation and Ph.D./M.Phil.
During the year, seven M.Phil and three Ph.D. students completed their degrees as part of the AUD-CWDS M.Phil/Ph.D. Programme in Women and Gender Studies. Three students were awarded ICSSR Doctoral Fellowships in 2019-20. Three Post-doctoral Research Scholars in the Project Laws of Social Reproduction were supported by Kings College London (KCL). One foreign scholar was given affiliation for her research work and one Indian student

was associated with CWDS academic staff for internship.
Books 1. Seema Kazi, "Gender and Governance: Perspectives from South Asia", New Delhi: Zubaan, 2019.
2. Renu Addlakha, Handbook on "Legal Literacy Manual for Empowerment of Women and Girls with Physical Disabilities in India", CWDS, 2019. (Available in English and Hindi).
3. "Women's Labour Migration in India", Factsheet, CWDS, 2019.
Research Papers and Articles in Journals/Chapters in Books The faculty of the institute published 15 research papers/articles in various journals and eight chapters in published books during the year 2019-20.
Research Reports/Monographs/ Working Papers
1. Renu Addlakha, "Interrogating Violence Against Women from the Other Side: An Exploratory Study into the World of Perpetrators", Research Report, 2020.
2. Indrani Mazumdar, "Remembering Rosa Luxemburg: Panel Discussion on Life and Ideas" (full text report), 2020.
3. Indrani Mazumdar, Neetha N, Indu Agnihotri, "Women Migrating in India: Evidence from Odisha" CWDS, 2019. (Monograph).
4. Neetha N, "Macro-data Analysis of Women's Employment and Migration", (ILO, WiF, 2019) (Working Paper, Mimeo).



5. Indrani Mazumdar, "Women Migrant Workers in Indian Policy Perspectives" (ILO, WiF, 2019). (Working Paper, Mimeo).
6. Indrani Mazumdar, "Action Research on Women's Labour Migration in India: Review of Literature, Reportage, and Policy Updates" (Monograph, Mimeo).
7. Dimple Tresa Abraham, "Gender Dimensions in Migration and a Public Works Programme" (ILO, WiF, 2019), (Working Paper, Mimeo).
Book Reviews
1. Neetha, N., Women's Unpaid Work: Measurement and Macro Policy, Review of the Mainstreaming Unpaid Work: Time Use Data in Developing Policies edited by Indira Hirway, Economic and Political

Weekly, Vol. 54, Issue No. 23, 08 Jun, 2019.
The library is a specialized research resource centre for a comprehensive collection of published and unpublished material relating to Indian women. The library has Institutional Digital Repository in collaboration under National Mission on Education through ICT (NMEICT), an initiative of the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD). More than 2000 e-documents have been digitised and integrated in Dspace and more than 60,000 pages have been digitized in the forms of PDF image and text (through OCR). An oral history series "From Memory to History" has been initiated to document the rich experiences and engagement of various women studies scholars and activists. Approximately 25,800 news

Income (Heads) ICSSR Grant Non-Plan (OH-36) Plan (OH-31) State Govt Grant Non-Plan Plan

Funds (Un-audited) 2019-20

390.00 50.00
0.00 0.00

Expenditure Salary Non-Plan Plan (Honorarium to Editors) Establishment/Administrative Expenses: Non-Plan Plan (OH-31) Establishment/Administrative Expenses

( in Lakhs) Amount
453.07 11.58

Income from Own Sources: (Projects, Fellowships, Consultancy etc) Projects Fellowships
Workshop/Training Programmes Salary Component Project Project Overhead Other Misc. Receipts
Any Other Sources (Interest) Total

270.03 41.91
25.73 60.00 26.79
96.90 965.07

Development Activities (In House): Research Publication/Library SC/ST Programmes Others (Field Based Research and Other Misc.Expenses) Non-Recurring Expenditure Projects (Recurring) Fellowships Workshops/Training Programmes Non-Recurring Expenditure (Projects) Earmarked Fund Total

15.85 4.71 7.80
0.00 267.44
30.00 25.87 32.90 66.54 965.07



paper clippings have been digitized for the period from 1984-till date and are accessible on Intranet. The library has an Electronic Discussion List on Gender Issues in South Asia (BOL). VMML is moderating BOL since 2000. Currently, it has 1180 members from 40 different countries. The Library provides access to the following online databases, supported by the ICSSR: (i) JSTOR; (ii) Collections of back volumes of Journals/periodicals etc.
The total number of titles of Journals/ Newsletters (Indian and International) is 720 and number of back volumes of Journals/ Periodicals is 1136. The Library subscribed 36 Indian journals and received 92 complimentary journals/newsletter (Indian/International) on complementary basis and also received 6 journals on exchange basis for IJGS. A total of 1,754 articles from journals and newspapers are added during April 2019-March 2020. Presently, the Koha (catalogue) database has over 1,29,483 records including 41,000+ full text articles from journals and newspapers available only through intranet. A total of 404 books, monographs, reports, conference documents are added to the collection of which 200 books are purchased and 204 documents are complimentary.
Council of Social Development (CSD), Hyderabad
Research Projects (Completed)
1. Sunkari Satyam, "Electoral Politics and Elected Presidents of Dalits and Adivasis: A Study on Gram Panchayats in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh," ICSSR, New Delhi.
2. S. Surapa Raju, "Deep-Sea Fishing and Small-Scale Fishers: Focus on Economics of Tuna Fishing Crafts in Andhra Pradesh," ICSSR, New Delhi.

3. Soumya Vinayan, "Geographical Indication Protected Agricultural Products from Select States of India: An Inquiry into the Economic, Livelihood and Institutional Aspects," ICSSR, New Delhi in collaboration with Gujarat Institute of Development Research, Ahmedabad and School of Business, Amrita University, Kochi.
4. Kalpana Kannabiran, "Case Study Documentation on the Implementation of Forest Rights Act in Eleven Districts," Collaborative study with Vasundhara, Bhubaneswar.
5. Kalpana Kannabiran, "Strengthening of Schooling for Chenchu Children: A Study of Ashram Schools in Nagarkurnool District of Telangana State.
6. SunkariSatyam,"Women'sEntryintothe Ayyappa Temple in Sabarimala: Understanding the Contexts of Intersecting Conflicts and Normative Orders."
7. Ganesh Digal, "Caste and Migration: A Study of Odia Dalit Migrant Workers in Hyderabad," Government of Telangana and ICSSR.
8. Tajuddin Md., "A Study of Migrant Women Domestic Workers in Greater Hyderabad," Government of Telangana and ICSSR.
9. G. Venkateswarlu, "Assimilation of Social and Cultural Change at Work Place: A Case Study of Dalit migration in Hyderabad," Government of Telangana and ICSSR.
10. Keyoor, "Bihari Rural Migration towards the Industries of Hyderabad: A Strategy of Survival," Government of Telangana and ICSSR.



Research Projects (Ongoing) 1. L. Reddeppa, "Impact of MGNREGS on Rural Employment and Migration: A Study in Andhra Pradesh," Department of Panchayati Raj & Rural Development, Government of Andhra Pradesh.
2. Kalpana Kannabiran, "Action Plan for Aspirational Districts in Telangana," Marri Channa Reddy HRD Institute of Telangana, Government of Telangana.
3. Kalpana Kannabiran, "Telangana Social Development Report 2020".
4. Sujit Kumar Mishra, "Statistical Compendium on the Status of Education in Telangana."
5. Sunkari Satyam, "Dynamics of Parental Choice of Schooling in Rural Areas: A Study in Telangana," ICSSR, New Delhi.
Conferences/Seminars/Lectures The institute organized five seminars/penal discussions, one lecture and two workshops/ training programmes during the year 2019-20.
Research Affiliation and Ph.D./M.Phil. During the year 2019-20, Ph.D. degree was awarded to two research scholars.

and five chapters in published books during the year 2019-20.
Research Reports/Monographs/ Working Papers
1. Raghunandan Sriram with Kalpana Kannabiran, Justice Alladi Kuppuswami in Court: Compendium of Judgments, Hyderabad: CSD 2019 Released on the Occasion of the Justice Alladi Kuppuswami Centenary Seminar, CSD, Hyderabad 26-27 September 2019.
2. Kalpana Kannabiran (Coordinator & Editor), Sujit Kumar Mishra, D. Sunder Raj and Soumya Vinayan (Principal Researchers and Chapter Authors), 2019, Forest Dwelling Communities & Forest Rights Act 2006: Evidence from 24 Sites (Based on Documentation of Cases in Ten States Carried out in 2019), CSD, Hyderabad and Vasundhara­Democratising Natural Resource Governance, Bhubaneswar.
Book Reviews
1. Keyoor, "Staying Alive: Women, Ecology and Development, Vandana Shiva, North Atlantic Books, 2016 (Reprint Edition), Journal of International Women's Studies (Co-author: Subuddhi), Vol. 20, Issue 7, 2019

1. Sunkari Satyam, 2019. Tribals and Democratic Politics: Understanding from Agency Areas of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, Jaipur: Rawat Publications.
Research Papers and Articles in Journals/Chapters in Books
The faculty of the institute published 12 research papers/articles in various journals

The Institutes library has a select collection of 14,418 books/documents which includes books, reports, reference documents, encyclopaedias, union catalogues, bibliographies, atlas, etc. The library services include online access of catalogue, SDI, CAS etc. to its faculty and visitors. It also provides access to e-resources like Taylor and Francis e-books; South Asian Archives; EBSCO, JSTOR, INDIASTAT etc. Photo copying facility is available. Back volumes are collected/procured



as and when there is a gap in the subscribed journals/periodicals and the library received around 34 Journals/Newsletters including foreign publications (also includes received on gratis). Eight Newspapers ­ including Four National Newspapers in English ­ are made available in the library. During the year the Institute's library added 220 books/documents to its collection.
Giri Institute of Development Studies (GIDS), Lucknow
Research Projects (Completed)
1. B.K. Bajpai & Fahimuddin, "Study to Assess the Intra-household Variations in Consumption, Educational and Economic Attainments in Different Categories of Households," Directo-

rate of Economics and Statistics (DES), Lucknow.
2. B.K. Bajpai, "Preparation of InputOutput Transaction Table for U.P.," Directorate of Economics and Statistics (DES), Lucknow.
3. B.K. Bajpai and Nomita P. Kumar, "Physical Verification for the Year 2011-12 & 2015-16 (PMEGP)," Khadi & Village Industries Commission (KVIC).
4. B.K. Bajpai, "Social Impact Assessment of Integrated Township Village Baghamau, Dist. Lucknow," sponsored by District Magistrate Lucknow, U.P.
5. B.K. Bajpai, "Third Party Evaluation of Glanders & Farey Disease Surveillance Scheme of RKVY," sponsored by Agriculture Directorate, U.P.

CSD, Hyderabad Funds (Un-audited) 2019-20

Income (Heads) ICSSR Grant Non ­ Plan (OH-36) Plan (OH-31) State Govt. Grant Non ­ Plan/ Plan
Income from Own Sources (Projects, Fellowships, RBI Professorial Chair, etc) Any other Sources: Non-Plan Plan Research Corpus Fund Others Grant Receivable ­ Research Programmes/ Fellowships, etc. Total

Amount 68.00 50.00 12.98
13.00 5.00
123.07 4.75

Expenditure Salary Non-Plan (OH-36) Plan Establishment/Administrative Expenses: Non-Plan (OH-36) Plan: Research Programmes Academic Activities Other Establishment/Administrative Expenses Projects, Fellowships, RBI Professorial Chair, etc Transfer to Library Fund
Transfer to RBI Chair Corpus Fund
Grant Refundable ICSSR OH-36

341.70 Total

( in Lakhs) Amount
167.01 43.81
17.13 4.28
34.79 52.68



6. B. K. Bajpai, "Third Party Evaluation of Scheme of Vocationalisation of Secondary Education," sponsored by U.P. Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan.
7. B. K. Bajpai, "Endline Survey of Parliamentary General Election­2019 (Knowledge Attitude & Practices)", sponsored by Chief Election Commission, U.P.
8. B. K. Bajpai and Kavita Baliyan, "Third Party Evaluation of Rehabilitated Scavengers and Dry Toilets Converted in to Water Drain Toilets in 38 Districts of U.P sponsored by Swachh Bharat Mission, Department of Panchyati Raj, Government of Uttar Pradesh.
9. B. K. Bajpai, Prashant K. Trivedi & K.S. Rao, "Concurrent Evaluation and Doubling of Farmers Income by 202223 in the State of U.P. for 75 Districts," sponsored by Deptt. of Agriculture, Govt.of U.P., Lucknow.
10. Chittaranjan Senapati & Kavita Baliyan, "Skill Development among SCs and Their Employability: A Study of Two Districts in Uttar Pradesh," funded by Institute under SC/ST Grants.
11. Prashant K. Trivedi & Shilp Shikha Singh, "Democracy, Electroal Polities and the Emerging Political Consciousness among the Marginalized," sponsored by Internal Funded by the GIDS.
12. Animesh Roy & N.K. Maurya, "Study to Estimate Rent of Dwellings-Rural and Urban in U.P.," sponsored by Directorate of Economics and Statistics (DES), Lucknow.
13. K.S. Rao, "Study to Estimate the Sub-State Level Estimates of Socioeconomic Indicators of U.P. by Using Small Area Techniques," sponsored by

Directorate of Economics and Statistics (DES), Lucknow.
14. Nomita P. Kumar & Kavita Baliyan, "Benchmark Survey for Area and Production Estimate of Horticultural Crops," sponsored by Directorate of Economics and Statistics (DES), Lucknow.
15. R.P. Mamgain, "Mapping of Select Social Protection Schemes and Identification of Gaps in Entitlement Coverage," sponsored by UNICEF.
16. Nomita P. Kumar & Kavita Baliyan, "Ayushman Bharat: Feedback on Processes from the Aspirational Districts in Uttar Pradesh," A joint study of UNICEF and GIDS, Lucknow.
17. C.S. Verma, "Costing and Budget Analyses of Child Protection Schemes in Uttar Pradesh," funded by UNICEF.
18. C.S. Verma, "Insurance Based Health Service in India: Boon or Curse: An Analytical Study of Ayushman Bharat PMJAY" sponsored by GIDS.
19. B. K. Bajpai, K.S. Rao, C. Senapati, Nomita P. Kumar, Manjur Ali, Shilp Shikha, Kavita Baliyan and Animesh Roy, "Estimation and Geo-tagging of Homeless Population in Urban Areas of U.P."
20. Animesh Roy and Manjur Ali, "Marginalization and Exclusion of the Scheduled Tribes in U.P.," funded by Institute under SC/ST Grants.
Research Projects (Ongoing)
1. B. K. Bajpai, "Social Impact Assessment of Purvanchal Expressway of 29 Villages Report and Management Plan of District Azamgarh", sponsored by District Magistrate, Azamgarh, U.P.



2. B. K. Bajpai, "Social Impact Assessment for Bundelkhand Expressway Project Dist. Jhansi," sponsored by Special Land Acquisition Officer Collectorate, Jhansi (SLAO) Officer, Jhansi, U.P.
3. B. K. Bajpai, "Social Impact Assessment for Bundelkhand Expressway Project Dist. Jalaun," sponsored by ADM (F&R) Jalaun, U.P.
4. Chittaranjan Senapati, "Book Project on Economic Integration and Peace Prospects in South and Central Asia: Implications to India's External Security," sponsored by Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA), New Delhi.
5. Nomita P. Kumar, "Employment Vulnerabilities Faced by Women in Urban Unorganized Sector in U.P.," sponsored by ICSSR, New Delhi.
6. Surinder Kumar & Prashant K. Trivedi, "Rural Transformation in U.P.: A Longitudinal Study of Selected Villages sponsored by ICSSR, New Delhi.
7. Khalida Akhtar, "Impress Research Study on Role of Financial Aid in the Socialeconomics Empowerment of Madarsa Student in Uttar Pradesh, India," sponsored by ICSSR, New Delhi.
8. Kavita Baliyan, "Performance of Agriculture in Eastern U.P.­Emerging Trends and Constraints," sponsored by ICSSR, New Delhi.
9. B. K. Bajpai, "Social Impact Assessment for Gorakhpur - Link Expressway Project District Azamgarh," sponsored by District Magistrate Azamgarh, U.P.
10. B. K. Bajpai, "Evaluation of Project, Quality Production of a Biotic Stress Torrent Microbe Based Bio-inoculants

and their Popularization for Improving Soil Health and Sustained Crop Production in U.P. of RKVY."
11. B. K. Bajpai, "Evaluation of Integrated Computerization, Networking and Management Information System (MIS) Scheme of RKVY."
12. B. K. Bajpai, "Evaluation of Participatory Vegetable Quality Seed Production to Enhance Vegetable Production in U.P. Scheme of RKVY."
13. C. Senapati, "Study on Inter-State Trade-To Identify and Estimate Value of Commodities being Imported/ Exported to/from U.P.," sponsored by Directorate of Economics and Statistics (DES) Lucknow.
Conferences/Seminars/Lectures The Institute organized one seminar, three lectures and 15 workshops/training programmes during the year 2019-20.
Research Affiliation and Ph.D./M.Phil. During the year 2019-20, one Ph.D. degree was awarded and two scholars submitted thesis.
Books 1. Prashant Trivedi, Surinder Kumar, Fahimuddin and Srinivas Goli, "Backward and Dalit Muslims-Education, Employment and Poverty," Rawat Publications, Jaipur.
2. Kavita Baliyan, "Impact of WTO on Horticulture Exports: A Case of Indian Mango" Mittal Publication.



Research Papers and Articles in Journals/ Chapters in Books
The faculty of the institute published 24 research papers/articles in various journals and four chapters in published books during the year 2019-20.
Working Papers
1. C.S. Verma, "Public Health Care Sevices in Uttar Pradesh," Published by JSAUP, September 2019.
2. Manjur Ali, "Budgeting for Happy Childhood," GIDS, December 2019.
The GIDS Library provide various Current Awareness Service like New Acquisition list, Current Content, Book Reviews, Bibliography on Demand, Select Dissemination Service, News Paper Clipping, Article Indexing and Abstracting and Documentation Bulletin on U.P. The readers are provided Online Public Access Catalogue facility through LIBSYS. The Library also provides electronics resource service to its readers which include Indiastat.com, EBSCO, JSTOR, Prowess and EPW Archive. The library provided network facility for resource sharing through DELNET. The on line subject searches on demand and on line information retrieval and dissemination service is also provided to readers. The readers are provided services of inter Library loan and photocopy procurement of documents. Besides a few CD ROM database are also provided to its readers.
The library operates on LIBSYS Software for its in house operations and to provide documentation and reader services to readers. The software is now upgraded from single user to multiuser. Thereby, the GIDS users are able to use Library database on LIBSYS software, OPAC module and other services on their systems only through LAN. At the same time in house operation are also available on three

working nodes. All the GIDS publication and theses have been digitized and are kept in (PDF) format along with the hard copies in the Library. The Library houses 7206 back volumes of journals which it subscribes. The GIDS Library Subscribes to 114 journals (including India, Foreign, Political Mouth Organs). There are about 52 journals which are received both with print and on line version. Annual acquisition of documentations in GIDS Library during 2019-20 was 695. The total collection of documents available in the Library as on 31st March 2020 is 46775 which include 250 books, 55 Monographs, 34 Institute publications and 68 Government reports.
Gujarat Institute of Development Research (GIDR), Ahmedabad
Research Projects (Completed)
1. R. Parthasarathy, "Topographic Mapping and Supplementary Survey of PAFs in the E-W Corridor (Western Reach and Underground Alignment)," Metro Link Express for Gandhinagar and Ahmedabad (MEGA) Company Limited, Gandhinagar
2. Outcome Evaluation of State Finances in the Context of Recommendations of the 14th Finance Commission: Determination of a Sustainable Debt Roadmap for 2020-25, Taking Into Account Impact of Introduction of GST and other Tax/Non-tax Trend Forecasts," 15th Finance Commission Government of India
3. R. Parthasarathy and N. Lalitha, "Preparation of DPRs for Proposed Projects in Kerala and Puducherry under Enhancing Coastal and Ocean Resources Efficiency (ENCORE) Programme," National Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management, Chennai.



GIDS, Lucknow Funds (Un-audited) 2019-20

Income (Heads) ICSSR Grant Non-Plan (OH-36) Plan (OH-31) State Govt. Grant Non-Plan (OH-36) Plan (OH-31) Income from Own Sources (Projects, Fellowships, Consultancy etc.)
Any Other Sources (Institute Own Sources)

Amount 119.00
50.00 139.95
25.00 219.36
17.45 570.76

Expenditure Salary Non-Plan Plan Establishment/Administrative Expenses Non-Plan Plan Projects
Fellowships Workshops/Training Programmes Other Misc. Expenses Misc. Expenses Balance Total

( in Lakhs) Amount 295.01
105.28 169.02
1.45 570.76

* Difference of Expenditure of 36.06 lakh on Salary OH-36 met from institute own sources and previous balance under OH-36. * Difference of Expenditure of 30.28 lakh on General OH-31 met from institute own sources and previous balance under OH-31

4. N. Lalitha, "Geographical Indication Protected Agricultural Products from Select States of India: An Inquiry into the Economic, Livelihood and Institutional Aspects," Supported by ICSSR, New Delhi.
5. Tara Nair, "Case Studies of Initiatives for Water Conservation under NREGS in Gujarat and Rajasthan National Institute of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj, Hyderabad (NIRD & PR).
6. Tara Nair, "Financialization and Its Impact on Domestic Economies: An Inter-disciplinary Enquiry in the Context of Select Indian States," ICSSR, New Delhi.
7. Jharna Pathak and Amrita Ghatak, "Evaluation of Effectiveness of Managing the Natural Resources and Commons through Prakriti Karyashala of Founda-

tions for Ecological Securities, Anand. Gujarat."
8. Amrita Ghatak, "Value of Statistical Life and Compensating Wage Differentials: A Study on Workers in Manufacturing Sector in Ahmedabad," GIDR, Ahmedabad.
9. Keshab Das, "India Component of the Project "Broad-basing Rural Sanitation: Issues and Strategies in Inclusive Innovation in India and South Africa," The India-South Africa Social Science Bilateral Collaboration Research Programme of the ICSSR, New Delhi.
Research Projects (Ongoing)
1. R. Parthasarathy, "MEGA Centre for Management and Coordination of R&R Work and Agencies," Metro-Link Express for Gandhinagar and Ahmedabad (MEGA) Company Limited, Gandhinagar.

2. Itishree Pattnaik, "The Left-Behind: Impact Farmer's Suicide on Women," The Australian National University, Canberra.
3. Rudra Narayan Mishra, "Impact of Demand Side Financing Instruments on the Continuum of Care for Maternal and Child Health in India and Bangladesh Centre for Development Studies, Trivandrum.
Conferences/Seminars/Lectures The institute organized one orientation programme and eight lectures during the year 2019-20.
Research Affiliation and Ph.D/M.Phil The institute offers Ph.D. programme in Economics affiliated to Indira Gandhi National Open University and Maharaja Krishna Kumarsinhji Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar, Gujarat. During the year, two doctoral scholars continue to pursue their research at the institute.
Books Rajeswari S. Raina and Keshab Das (Eds.), Inclusive Innovation: Evidence and Options in Rural India, Springer, New Delhi, 2020. {ISBN: 978-81-322-3927-7}.
Research Papers and Articles in Journals/Chapters in Books The faculty of the institute published six research papers/articles in various journals and twelve chapters in published books during the year 2019-20.
Research Reports 1. Das, Keshab, "Broad-basing Sanitation in Rural India: Issues and Strategies in Inclusive Innovation" (Prepared under



the India-South Africa Social Science Joint Research Project of the ICSSR, New Delhi and the National Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIHSS), Johannesburg, submitted to the ICSSR, New Delhi.
2. Pathak, Jharna and Amrita Ghatak, "Assessment of Prakriti Karyashalas for Training the Community to Manage Natural Resources for Foundations for Ecological Securities" submitted to Foundations for Ecological Securities, Anand, Gujarat.
3. Lalitha, N., Soumya Vinayan and Madhusudan Bandi, "Geographical Indication Protected Agricultural Products from the Select States of India: An Enquiry into the Economic, Livelihood and Institutional Aspects", submitted to ICSSR, New Delhi.
4. Parthasarathy, R. and N. Lalitha, "PONDI Necklace Eco Tourism Development Project" (in collaboration with School of Planning and Architecture, Nirma University, Ahmedabad), submitted to National Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management, Chennai.
5. Parthasarathy, R., "Topographic Mapping and Supplementary Survey of Project Affected Families", submitted to MEGA Company Ltd., Gandhinagar.
6. "Land Acquisition at the Saurashtra Vishwakarma Society & Mangaldeep Apartment of Jivraj Park Station", A Case Study submitted to GMRCL, Gandhinagar.
7. "Land Acquisition at Nirant Cross Roads Metro Station", A Case Study submitted to GMRCL, Gandhinagar.
8. "Case Study 3: Land Acquisition at Amraiwadi Metro Station", A Case Study submitted to GMRCL, Gandhinagar.



9. "Bangalore Metro: A Case Study," Report submitted to GMRCL, Gandhinagar.
10. Sharing of Experiences in Setting up of Metro Rail in Various Indian Cities, Edited by R. Parthasarathy, Archana Goswami and Halak Bhatt, A Compendium submitted to GMRCL.
11. Nair, Tara and Rudra Narayan Mishra, "Case Studies of Initiatives for Water Conservation under NREGS in Gujarat and Rajasthan", submitted to National Institute of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj, Hyderabad (NIRD & PR)
12. Nair, Tara and Rudra Narayan Mishra, "Financialization and Its Impact on Domestic Economies: An Inter-disciplinary Enquiry in the Context of Select Indian States", submitted to ICSSR, New Delhi.
13. Nair, Tara and Rudra Narayan Mishra, "One Decade of MGNREGA in Gujarat: Participatory Assessment and Way Forward", submitted to National Institute of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj (NIRD & PR), Hyderabad.
14. Nair, Tara and Rudra Narayan Mishra, "One Decade of MGNREGA in Rajasthan: Participatory Assessment and Way Forward", submitted to National Institute of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj (NIRD & PR), Hyderabad.
15. Yadav, Yogesh and Himani Baxi (on behalf of GIDR), "Outcome Evaluation of State Finances ­ Gujarat", submitted to the Fifteenth Finance Commission, Government of India.
Working Papers
1. Lalitha N. and Soumya Vinayan, Infringements in GI Protected Products:

How Do We Protect the Producers and the Consumers?
2. Amrita Ghatak, Economic Vulnerability of Women in Rural Agriculture Sector: Evidence from India's National Sample Survey 2013.
3. Keshab Das, Job Creation in Gujarat's Ceramic Clusters: Issues and Possibilities.
4. Keshab Das, Labour Agency in Times of Global Production Networks: Reflections from India.
5. Kingshuk Sarkar and Amrita Ghatak, Collective Bargaining as an Innovative Instrument for Labour Entitlement: Cases of Tea-plantation, IT and Manufacturing Sectors.
6. Kingshuk Sarkar and Amrita Ghatak, Paradox of Co-Existing Backwardness and Industrialization in Tea Districts of West Bengal.
7. Itishree Pattnaik and Kuntala LahiriDutt, Gendered Impacts of ShortDuration Male Out-migration: Evidence from Rural India.
Book Reviews
1. Lalitha,N.,"DynamicsofLabourUseand Role of Genetically Modified Crops in Cotton Cultivation" in Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol74, No.4, PP 576-579, October-December, 2019.
2. Pathak, Jharna, Skewed Sex Ratio Behind Ban on Rural Thakor Girls" Mobile Use, Inter-caste Marriage Counterview, https://www.counter view.net/2019/08/ skewed-sex-ratio-behind-ban-on-rural. html August 12, 2019.
3. Parthasarathy, R. Review of Mehta, Niti, Dynamics of Labour Use and Role of Genetically Modified Crops in Cotton Cultivation, in Anvesak, 48 (3), JulyDecember 2019, pp.118-120.



The Library provides the following services: Issue-return service; Reference Service; Newspaper Clippings; Photocopying; InterLibrary Loan; Services through Internet; Database/Article Search; Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC); Scanning Facility; Current Awareness Service (CAS); New Arrival List (through e-mail). All the library functions are fully automated using the user-friendly library management software KOHA and CDS/ ISIS. Bibliographic details of library holdings are accessible through OPAC from the library computers. Apart from its own holdings, OPAC facility also provides access to articles from selected Indian and foreign journals. At present, the library had a collection of 3695 bound volumes and 22,622 books selectively chosen for reading and reference which include reference materials, reports, books and micro materials. The subjects covered include Urban Development, Industry, Employment and Labour Studies, Ecology and Environment, Forestry, Health and Social Welfare, Women Studies, Population Studies, Social Sector, infrastructure, finance, Banking, Land and Agriculture Studies, Water and Natural Resources, Economics, Economic Development and Planning.
The library has a good collection of micro materials which include working papers, occasional papers and research reports from national and international organisations of repute. About 53 printed national and international periodicals were subscribed to and 21 journals received on exchange and as gift. A total number of 69 publications were added to the collection during 2019-20. The publications include 34 books purchased and 35 books and reports received as gift. It also subscribes nine daily newspapers. The library's electronic resources include online database like IndiaStat, JSTORand Ebsco-Econlit with

full text, CMIE ­ PROWESS-IQ, EPWRF India Time Series database.
Indian Institute of Education (IIE), Pune
Research Projects (Completed)
1. Mohan Nanekar, "National Level Monitors of Regular Monitoring of Rural Development Programme during 201920 (Phase-II) in selected two districts of Gujarat," funded by Department of Rural Development, Ministry of Rural Development, New Delhi.
2. Mohan Nanekar, "National Level Monitors of Regular Monitoring of Rural Development Programme during 2019-20 (Phase-II) of selected Four Districts in Karnataka," funded by Department of Rural Development, Ministry of Rural Development, New Delhi.
3. Mohan Nanekar, "National Level Monitors Field Visits for Special Monitoring of Mission Antyodaya (MA) & People's Plan Campaign (PPC)/ Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP) in selected Two Districts of Gujarat," funded by Department of Rural Development, Ministry of Rural Development, New Delhi.
4. Mohan Nanekar, "National Level Monitors Field Visits for Special Monitoring of Mission Antyodaya (MA) & People's Plan Campaign (PPC)/Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP) in selected Four Districts of Madhya Pradesh," funded by Department of Rural Development, Ministry of Rural Development, New Delhi.



GIDR, Ahmedabad Funds (Un-audited) 2019-20

( in Lakhs)

Income (Heads)

Amount Expenditure




Non-Plan (OH -36)

98.54 Non-Plan


Plan (OH-31)

50.00 Plan


Plan one time grant received in 2018-19 and utilised in 2019-20 (GIDR letter ref no. ICSSR /G&S/753 dated May 20,2019 to ICSSR refer)


Plan one time grant received in 2018-19 and utilised in 2019-20 (GIDR letter ref no. ICSSR /G&S/753 dated May 20,2019 to ICSSR refer)


State Govt. Grant

19.00 Establishment/Administrative Expenses


- Non-Plan


- Plan


Income from Own Sources (Projects, Fellowships, Consultancy etc.)


Projects Fellowships Workshops/Training Programmes Other Misc. Expenses


Any other Sources



576.91 Total


5. Vrushali Dyhadray, "Baseline of ECE in Aurangabad District (CECED, funded by Ambedkar University, Delhi)".
6. Vrushali Dyhadray, "Baseline of ECE in Palghar District (Consultant) (CECED, funded by Ambedkar University, Delhi)".
7. Vrushali Dyhadray, "Baseline of SLMT (Consultant) (CECED, funded by Ambedkar University, Delhi)".
8. Vrushali Dyhadray, "Review of the Tools Developed to Assess the Impact of Palavee Programme on its Stakeholders (Financed by Quest, Palghar)".
Research Projects (Ongoing) 1. Corporal Punishment: Violation of RTE in Madhya Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh (Financed by Azim Premji University).
Conferences/Seminars/Lectures During the year 2019-20, the institute organized three seminars, three lectures and

two workshops/training programmes.
Research Affiliation and Ph.D./M.Phil. The M.Phil and Ph.D programme offered by the Centre for Educational Studies, of the Indian Institute of Education, is affiliated to the Savitribai Phule Pune University. During the year, four scholars were awarded Ph.D. degree, three scholars were awarded M.Phil degree and one scholar completed post-doctoral fellowship. One senior fellow is currently associated with the institute.
Books 1. Murzban Jal & Jyoti Bawane (Eds.), "Theory and Praxis: Reflections on the Decolonization of Knowledge" (London: Routledge, 2020).
2. Murzban Jal, "The Prison House of Alienation" (London: Routledge, 2019).
3. Yusuf and Zuleika, "On the Return of



the Despot- Murzban Jal" (Delhi: Aakar Books, 2019).
4. Santosh Sable, "Ethnic-Racial Identity based Exclusion of Roma People (Gypsies) in Europe", (Delhi: Abhijeet Publications, 2019).
5. Santosh Sable, "Scavenging Castes and Exclusion: A Study of the Safai Karamcharis", (Delhi: Abhijeet Publications, 2019).
6. Manoj Kar, "Governance of Public Health Response to HIV/AIDS in India", (Delhi: Kalpaz Publications -Gyan Books, 2019).
Research Papers and Articles in Journals/Chapters in Books
The faculty of the institute published nine research papers/articles in various journals and eight chapter in published books during the year 2019-20.
Book Reviews
1. Murzban Jal, "Naxalbari and the Specters of Marx: A Contemporary Reflection on the Maoist Movement in India" in Critique", (Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group), Vol. 48, No. 1, 2020.
The institute's library was established in 1977 and some of the facilities provided in the library are related to reference service, photocopying service and internet search services. Rare books and articles written and edited by J.P. Naik have been scanned and are kept for reference for the faculty and readers of the library. The library software was purchased by the Institute for the data entry of the books. Library also possesses theses and dissertations of the M.Phil and Ph.D. students of Education (Interdisciplinary) programme offered by the Indian

Institute of Education and affiliated to the Savitribai Phule Pune University. The library has a collection of 30607 publications which include books and government publications and the total collection of the back volumes of various national and international journals is 670. It also receives national and international journals on complimentary basis. During the year 2019-20, almost 20 periodicals were subscribed and 29 new books were purchased for the library.
Institute of Development Studies (IDS), Jaipur
Research Projects (Completed)
1. Shobhita Rajagopal, "Public Expenditure Review of Health in Rajasthan," CBPS, Bangalore.
2. Shobhita Rajagopal, "Analysing Early and Child Marriage in India," supported by Centre For Women's Development Studies, New Delhi.
3. Kanchan Mathur and Shobhita Rajagopal, "Labelling Women as Witches: A Multi-State Study of Impact of Policy Interventions and Strategies," ICSSR.
4. Mohanakumar, S, "Endline Survey of SHGs in Rajasthan Government of Rajasthan," RMOL.
5. Mohanakumar, S, "Competitiveness of Farm Produce in India under Neoliberal Economic Regime in India," ICSSR.
6. Varsha Joshi, "ICPS Support Programme," Freedom Fund, UK.
Research Projects (Ongoing)
1. Mohanakumar, S, "Crony Capitalism and Local Self-government Institutes in India," Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram.



IIE, Pune Funds (Un-audited) 2019-20

S. No Income 1 Grant Received From
a. I.C.S.S.R. New Delhi Non-Plan (OH-36) Plan (OH -31)
b. Maharashtra Government Non-Plan Plan
2 Income from Other Sources a M.phil & Ph.D. Course fees b Conferance, Seminar, Other Receipts

Amount S. No 1











c Fellowship Received d Contribution from IIE Trust





3 Excess of Expenditure over Income 82.78



Expenditure Salary Non-Plan (OH-36)
Administrative Exp. Plan (OH -31) Library Expenses
M.Phil & Ph.D. Course Expenses Research Seminars & Workshop Expenses Fellowship Paid Contingency Expenses (Admin. Expenses)

Note: Salary paid in following manner: Academic @ 50% of Total salary payable and Non-academic @ 10.

( in Lakhs) Amount 115.49
12.78 0.08 0.71 3.11 8.50 0.04

2. Mohanakumar, S. & K.J. Joseph "Postharvest Issues of Seed Spices in India," Research Fund under NRPPD, Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.
The institute organized four workshops/ training programmes and one seminar during the year 2019-20.
Research Affiliation and Ph.D./M.Phil.
The institute offer Ph. D programme in Economics affiliated to the Central University of Rajasthan. During the year 2019-20, one doctoral scholar submitted thesis and four continue to pursue their research at the institute.

Books 1. Shobhita Rajagopal (2020), "Open and Distance Learning in Secondary School Education in India", Routledge, ISBN/ ISSN: 978-0367,46372-4 (Co-authored)
Research Papers and Articles in Journals/Chapters in Books The faculty of the institute published two research papers/articles in various journals during the year 2019-20.
Book Reviews 1. Varinder Jain (2019), "Chasing High Growth Rate and Tryst with Inclusiveness: India During 2004­ 2014. Sucha Singh Gill. 2019, Centre for Research in Rural and Industrial

Development, Chandigarh, India, xvi + 164 pp., `399, E-ISSN: 2321-7081, Print-ISSN: 0976-3996, ISBN: 978-8185835-91-8 (Hardback).
The library provides Issue, Return and Reference Services. The IDS library has computerized 45,417 articles, 22,282 books, 11,828 research material in its in-house collection. The IDS Library has About 6600 back volumes of journals periodicals. The library continues to subscribe 31 journals of (Foreign origin) & 73 Indian journals. It also subscribes eight English newspapers and six Hindi newspapers which helps researchers to keep track of policy and development issues. The library also has various useful online data bases for users including JSTOR: A leading online Full Text Archives of Social Sciences Journals (ICSSR Consortium), IndiaStat: - Online statistics data base of Indian States (ICSSR Consortium), EconLit (Economic Literature (ICSSR Consortium), EPW (Full Text), EPW Research Foundation India Time Series data. (EPWRFITS. The new addtions during the year include 93 Books, 208 Research materials, 1064 Articles indexed, 216 data CDs and 301 books.
Institute of Economic Growth (IEG), New Delhi
Research Projects (Completed)
1. Sangeeta Chakravarty, Manoj Panda and William Joe, "Utilization and Impact Evaluation of Fourteenth Finance Commission Grants to Gram Panchayats in Selected Indian States", funded by Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Government of India.
2. Amita Baviskar, Purnamita Dasgupta and CSC Sekhar, "Risks, Returns & Resilience: A Multi-disciplinary



Approach to Climate Change and Agriculture", funded by ICSSR, New Delhi.
3. Anita Kumari and Brajesh Jha, "Some Evidences on Investment and Growth in Agriculture", funded by Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare (MoA&FW), Government of India.
4. William Joe and T Jayan, "National Food Security Act among Rural Households in Karnataka", funded by Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR).
5. Nilabja Ghosh, M. Rajeshwor, Alka Singh and Yashika Rani, "Forecasting Agricultural Output Using Space, Agro-Meteorology and Land based Observation (FASAL)", funded by Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare (MoA&FW), Government of India, initiated in 2005, submitted kharif and rabi forecasts for 2019-20.
6. Nilabja Ghosh, M. Rajeshwor, Satarupa Charkravarty and Yashika Rani, "Coordinated Horticulture Assessment and Management using Geo-informatics (CHAMAN)", funded by Mahalanobis National Crop Forecast Centre (MNCFC) under MoA&FW.
7. Nilabja Ghosh, M. Rajeshwor and Yashika Rani, "Econometric Crop Yield Modelling with Satellite Remote Sensing under Space Utilization for Food-security and Agricultural Assessment and Monitoring (SUFALAM)' Programme", funded by Space Applications Centre (SAC), Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) SAC.
8. Nilabja Ghosh and Thiagu Ranganathan, "Dynamics and Revival of Fallow Land", funded by Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare (MoA&FW), Government of India.



IDS, Jaipur Funds (Un-audited) 2019-20

Income ICSSR Grant Non-Plan (OH-36) Plan (OH-31) State Government Grant Non-Plan (OH-36) Plan (OH-31) Income from Own Sources (Projects, Fellowships, Consultancy etc.) Any Other Source (Interest, Rent etc) *Excess of Expenditure Over Income Total

108.00 25.00
40.00 0.00
12.55 137.27 339.15

Expenditure Salary Non-plan (OH-36) Plan (OH-31) Establishment/Administration Expenses Non-plan (OH-36) Plan (OH-31) Projects, Fellowship, Workshops/Training Programmes, Other Misc. Expenditure. Misc. Expenditure

( in Lakhs) Amount
286.91 0 0
52.24 0

* The expenditure incurred on salary and maintenance of office premises are committed expenditure and, therefore, it is a fixed cost and cannot be reduced. The IDSJ has limited sources of Income, viz., (i) Grant from ICSSR, (ii) Grant from Government of Rajasthan and (iii)
Own Source Income. Government of Rajasthan has been releasing a fixed grant amount of  40.00 lakh for the last 10 years. The faculty strength in IDSJ was only five during the reference period against the sanctioned post of 16, of which two senior faculty members have been holding Director and Secretary posts for the last few years. To a great extent, generation of own income through research projects, workshops and seminars have been constrained by the miniscule size of faculty in IDSJ. The excess of expenditure over income ( 137.27 lakh) may be viewed against the backdrop explained above

9. Chandra Sekhara Rao Nuthalapati, "Requirement and Availability of Cold-Chain for Fruits and Vegetables in the Country", funded by Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare (MoA&FW), Government of India.
10. Purnamita Dasgupta and Smita Sriohi, "Risk and Vulnerability Analysis of Rural Farm Households in Drought Prone and Coastal Areas of India", funded by ICSSR, New Delhi.
11. William Joe and Malavika Subramanyam, "Evaluation of Integrated Child Development Services Scheme (ICDS), India", funded by NITI Aayog.
12. William Joe and Mala Ramanathan, "Concurrent Monitoring of Mahatari Jatan Yojana in Chhattisgarh, India", funded by UNICEF.
13. Indrani Gupta, "Cost-effectiveness of Antiretroviral Therapy under National AIDS Control Programme in India"

funded by NACO/Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India (MoHFW).
14. Indrani Gupta, "Ayushman Bharat Costs and Finances of the Prime Minister's Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY)", funded by Fifteenth Finance Commission.
15. Indrani Gupta, "Public Finances for Health: An Analysis of State Budgets for 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18 for Bihar, TN and WB", funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
16. Indrani Gupta, "Musculoskeletal Conditions in India: Analysis of Occurrence and Economic Burden Using National Sample Survey Data", Self-initiated.
17. Indrani Gupta, "Health Expenditure Priorities in India: A Methodological Approach to Analyse State Budgets", funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.



18. Indrani Gupta, "The Lancet NCDI Poverty Commission: Bridging a Gap in Universal Health Coverage for the Poorest Billion", funded by the Lancet.
19. Sabyasachi Kar and Saon Ray, "Kuznets Tension in India: Two Episodes", funded by UNU WIDER.
20. Arup Mitra, S. Das, A. Tripathi, T. Sarangi and Thiagu Ranganathan, "Climate Change, Livelihood Diversification and Well Being in Rural Odisha".
21. Arup Mitra, "Million Plus Cities in India", Self-initiated.
22. Basanta Kumar Pradhan, "Cyclically Adjusted Primary Balance for Centre and States in India", funded by Finance Commission of India, Govt. of India.
23. Basanta Kumar Pradhan, "Perspective Plan for Odisha, 2036-37", funded by Planning and Convergence Department, Government of Odisha.
24. Manoj Panda, Purnamita Dasgupta and William Joe, "Resource Sharing Between Centre & States & Allocation Across States, 15 Finance Commission, GoI (September 2019)", funded by Fifteenth Finance Commission of India.
25. Manoj Panda, Purnamita Dasgupta and William Joe, "Pay Commission: Fiscal Implications", funded by Finance Commission, GoI.
26. Manoj Panda, William Joe and Sangeeta Chakravarty, "Utilisation and Impact Evaluation of 14th Finance Commission Grants to Gram Panchayats in Selected Indian States", funded by MOPRF.
27. Pravakar Sahoo, "What Led to the Slowdown and How to Accelerate Investment in India", funded by ICSSR, New Delhi.

28. William Joe, "CNN Jharkhand State Report", funded by UNICEF.
29. Suresh Sharma and William Joe, "National Health Mission: Monitoring of Important Components of State Programme Implementation Plans in India" funded by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), Government of India.
30. Suresh Sharma and William Joe, "Home Based Newborn Care (HBNC) Program: Concurrent Monitoring of Selection Indian States", funded by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), Government of India.
31. Suresh Sharma and all PRC Staff, "NHM Delhi, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Jharkhand States Programme Implementation Plans (PIPs): 2019-20 Monitoring and Evaluation for 75 Districts", funded by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), Government of India.
32. Suresh Sharma, "Evaluation of Prime Minister's Special Scholarship Scheme for Jammu and Kashmir" funded by Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India.
33. Suresh Sharma, "Evaluation of Central Sector Scheme of Scholarship for College and University Students", funded by Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India.
34. Suresh Sharma, "National Family Health Survey--5", funded by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), Government of India.
35. Suresh Sharma, "Qualitative Assessment of Kayakalp Programme for Public Health Care Facilities", funded by



Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), Government of India.
36. Suresh Sharma, "Strengthening Comprehensive Care through Health & Wellness Centres: A Facility Based Study in Uttar Pradesh", funded by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), Government of India.
37. Suresh Sharma and Vandana Sharma, "Maternity O.T. Sterilization Practices and Post-Caesarean Surgical Site Infections: Ensuring Safer Deliveries in the purview of LaQshya Programme", funded by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), Government of India.
38. Veena Naregal, "Framing Inter-regional Comparisons: Historical Demarcations and Developmental Transitions in South Asia 1905-1960", funded by ICSSR, New Delhi.
Research Projects (Ongoing)
1. Amita Baviskar "Food Practices in Western India: Environment, Production and Consumption", Self-initiated.
2. "Public Health Initiative on LMIC (Low and Middle-Income Countries) Air Pollution", funded by UK Medical Research Council-Arts and Humanities Research Council.
3. Sangeeta Chakravarty and Brajesh Jha, "Future Market for Agricultural Commodities in India", funded by Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India.
4. Saudamini Das and E. Somanathan "Effects of Heat on Incomes of Workers in the Informal Sector", funded by Environment for Development (EfD) initiative, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

5. Saudamini Das, "Impact Evaluation of Climate Change Adaptation Projects undertaken by NABARD under the Adaptation Fund (AF)" funded by National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) and National Adaptation Fund for Climate Change (NAFCC), Mumbai.
6. Saudamini Das and Ratul Mohanta, "Social-ecological Analysis of Meghna Basin", funded by IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Asia Regional Office, Bangkok.
7. Purnamita Dasgupta and Manoj Panda, "Developing Socio-economic Scenarios for India in the Context of Climate Change", funded by Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India (MoEFCC).
8. Purnamita Dasgupta, "Valuation of The Commons: Essentials of Managing the Environment", funded by Foundation for Ecological Security, India.
9. Oindrila De, "Impact of NREGA on Small Scale Sector and its Clusters", funded by ICSSR, New Delhi.
10. Nilabja Ghosh, M. Rajeshwor, Alka Singh and Yashika Rani, "Forecasting Agricultural Output using Space, Agro-meteorology and Land based Observation (FASAL)", funded by Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare, Government of India.
11. Nilabja Ghosh, M. Rajeshwor, Satarupa Chakravarty and Yashika Rani, "Coordinated Horticulture Assessment and Management using Geo-infromatics (CHAMAN)", funded by Mahalanobis National Crop Forecast Centre (MNFC)



under Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare, Government of India.
12. Nilabja Ghosh, M. Rajeshwor and Yashika Rani, "Econometric Crop Yield Modelling with Satellite Remote Sensing under Space Utilization for Food-Security and Agricultural Assessment and Monitoring (SUFALAM)" programme, funded by Space Applications Centre (SAC), ISRO.
13. Nilabja Ghosh and FASAL CHAMAN Team "Real Time Information System of Agriculture Sector (RTISA)", Proposed at the request of Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare but funding is not finalized yet.
14. Nilabja Ghosh and FASAL CHAMAN Team, "Land Use Changes from Agriculture to Urban Landscape", Selfinitiated.
15. Indrani Gupta, "Fiscal Restructuring and its Implications on Health Sector: An Analysis of State Budgets with Focus on UP and Bihar", funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
16. Indrani Gupta, "Costing of Health and Wellness Centres under Ayushman Bharat", funded by ACCESS Health International.
17. Brajesh Jha, "In Search for Suitable Price Policy for Agriculture Commodity", funded by Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare.
18. William Joe, "Concurrent Monitoring of Anaemia Mukt Bharat Program, India", funded by UNICEF.
19. William Joe, "CNNS Data Analytics and Knowledge Products", funded by UNICEF.
20. William Joe, "Data Science Initiative for

Health, Nutrition and Development in India", funded by Tata Trusts.
21. William Joe, "Provision and Promotion of Spacing Methods under Family Planning Program in Bihar", funded by Centre for Catalyzing Change, India.
22. Sabyasachi Kar and Debajit Jha, "State of Growth in Indian States", Self-initiated.
23. Sabyasachi Kar and Spandan Roy, "Ease of Doing Business and Corruption: An Empirical Study of Indian Firms", Selfinitiated.
24. Sabyasachi Kar and Mausumi Das, "Policies at the time of Pandemic: Policy Ineffectiveness Revisited", Selfinitiated.
25. Arup Mitra, "Multiple Sources of Livelihood", Self-initiated.
26. Arup Mitra, "Service Sector and Migration", Self-initiated.
27. Arup Mitra, "Census Towns and the Rural Nonfarm Sector", Self-initiated.
28. Veena Naregal, Dezy Kumari and Arup Mitra, "Social Policy Analysis beyond Development Discourse", Self-initiated in collaboration with CMDR, Dharwad.
29. Veena Naregal, "Knowledge and Political Legitimacy: Comparative Asian Frameworks c. 1880-1950", funded by ICAS- `Metamorphoses of the Political' - Thematic Module 1.
30. Veena Naregal, "Language, Marginalisation and the Tribal Question", Selfinitiated (in collaboration with Lincoln University, UK; Tribal Academy, Gujarat & CSD, Hyderabad).
31. Veena Naregal, "India's Economic Shutdown and Escalation of Social Vulnerability: Implications for the Formal/Informal Divide", Self-initiated.



32. Chandra Sekhara Rao Nuthalapati and Arup Mitra, "Start-ups with Innovations: Impacts on Growth, Employment and Welfare", funded by ICSSR, New Delhi.
33. Chandra Sekhara Rao Nuthalapati, "Innovations in Food Value Chains and Dynamics of Participation and Welfare Effects in India", funded by NABARD, Mumbai.
34. C.S.C. Sekhar, "Market Imperfections and Farm Profitability", funded by Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, GoI.
35. Suresh Sharma and PRC Staff, "NHM States Programme Implementation Plans (PIPs):2019-20 Monitoring and Evaluation for Districts", funded by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.
36. Suresh Sharma, "National Scheme of Incentive to Girls for Secondary Education", funded by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India.
37. Suresh Sharma, "National Means-cumMerit Scholarship Scheme", funded by Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India.
38. Suresh Sharma, "Impact of Kayakalp Programme in BIMARU States of India", Self-initiated.
39. Suresh Sharma, "Study of Functioning of Anganwadi Workers as Representators of the Health Care System in the state of Uttarakhand of Integrated Child Development Service", funded by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.

40. Suresh Sharma, "Role of Health & Wellness Centres in Reducing the Burden of Non-communicable Diseases: A Comparative Study between Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh", funded by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.
41. Suresh Sharma, "Effective Utilization of ANMOL and Its Impact on Public Health System in the State of Himachal Pradesh", funded by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.
42. Sanjay Srivastava and Ayona Datta, King's College London, "Learning from Small Cities: Governing Imagined Futures, and the Dynamics of Change in India's Smart Urban Age", funded by ICSSR-ESRC, Kolkata.
43. Sanjay Srivastava and Manali Desai, Cambridge University, "Gendered Violence and Urban Transformation in India and South Africa", funded by ICSSR-ESRC, Kolkata.
44. Sanjay Srivastava and Manisha Sethi, NALSAR University, Hyderabad, "Religion and Urban Planning: A Study of NCR of Delhi and Hyderabad Metropolitan Region, funded by ICSSR.
45. Ajit Mishra, Amita Baviskar and David Hulme, "Developmental Impacts of Large Dams", funded by University of Manchester, U.K.
The institute organized one international conference, 29 seminars, 10 panel discussions, two lectures, eight workshops and four training programmes during the year 2019-20.



Research Affiliation and Ph.D./M.Phil During the year, nine international scholars, four ICSSR Post Doctoral Fellows and seven ICSSR Doctoral Fellows were associated with the institute. During the year, six Ph.D/ M.Phil scholars were purusing research at the institute.
Books 1. Amita Baviskar, "Uncivil City: Ecology, Equity and the Commons in Delhi", Yoda Press & Sage Publications, January 2020.
2. Vikram Dayal, "Quantitative Economics with R: A Data Science Approach", Springer, 2020.
3. Sanjay Srivastava, (Co-editor). "History of Desire: Sexuality and Culture in Modern India", Cambridge University Press, 2019.
Research Papers and Articles in Journals/Chapters in Books The faculty of the institute published 47 research papers/articles in various journals and 14 chapters in published books during the year 2019-20.
Research Reports 1. Nilabja Ghosh, M. Rajeshwor, Satarupa Charkravarty and Yashika Rani, "Coordinated Horticulture Assessment and Management using Geo-informatics (CHAMAN)", funded by Mahalanobis National Crop Forecast Centre (MNCFC) under MoA & FW.
2. NilabjaGhosh,M.RajeshworandYashika Rani, "Econometric Crop Yield Modelling with Satellite Remote Sensing

under `Space Utilization for Food-Security and Agricultural Assessment and Monitoring (SUFALAM)' programme", funded by ISRO, Space Applications Centre (SAC).
3. Nilabja Ghosh and Thiagu Ranganathan, "Dynamics and Revival of Fallow Land", funded by Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare (MoA&FW), Government of India.
4. William Joe, "CNN Jharkhand State Report", funded by UNICEF.
Working Papers
1. Jha, Brajesh, "How Efficient is the Price Support Scheme (PSS) for Pulses, Oilseeds, Cotton and Copra?", IEG Working Paper No.379/2019.
2. Adil, Hasan Masudul, Hatekar, Neeraj and Sahoo, Pravakar, "The Demand for Money and Financial Innovation: An Empirical Verification in India", IEG Working Paper No.380/2019.
3. Bera, Mohan Kumar, "River Erosion Induced Migration in the Indian Sundarban: A Study of Involuntary Residential Mobility", IEG Working Paper No.381/2019.
4. Mishra, Ajit and Indranil Dutta, "Identifying the Vulnerable: Concepts and Measurement", IEG Working Paper No.382/2019.
5. Rastogi Rashmi, Chakravarty, Sangeeta and Basanta K. Pradhan, "Wagner's Law for Low Income States in India", IEG Working Paper No.383/2019.
6. Kohli, Renu, Sahoo, Pravakar and Vaid, "Serene (2020). G20's Effectiveness in Turbulent and Normal Times", IEG Working Paper No.384/2020.



7. Sakshi Saini, Sehgal, Sanjay and Deisting, Florent, "Monetary Policy, Risk Aversion and Uncertainty in an International Context", IEG Working Paper No.385/2020.
8. Ray, Saon and Kar, Sabyasachi, "Kuznets' Tension in India: Two Episodes", IEG Working Paper No. 386/2020.
9. Nuthalapati, Rao, Chandra Sekhara, Bhatt, Yogesh and Beero, K., Susanto, "Is the Electronic Market the Way Forward to Overcome Market Failures in Agriculture?", IEG Working Paper No. 387/2020.
10. Murty, M., M.N. Panda, Manoj and Joe William, "Estimating Social Time Preference Rate for India: Lower Discount Rates for Climate Change Mitigation and Other Long Run Investment Projects", IEG Working Paper No:388/2020.
11. Das, Saudamini, Saudamini, Jha, Prabhakar and Chatterjee, Archana "Assessing Marine Plastic Pollution in India", IEG Working Paper No.389/2020.
12. Arup Mitra and Tripathi, Sabyasachi "Does City Size Matter for Migration and Poverty: A study of Million-plus Cities in India. Published as South Asian University working paper, WP. No.: SAUFE-WP-2020-005, 2020.
The IEG library contains a specialised collection of books and documents in the social sciences, with an emphasis on development and planning. It caters mainly to the needs of faculty research and training. It also has micro documents, serials and official publications brought out by research organisations, corporate bodies, international organisations and their allied agencies, universities and the Central and the

State governments, departments and their research and evaluation cells. At present, the library has about 1,47,968 accessioned documents (as on 31st March, 2020), including books, monographs, workshop papers, conference proceedings, and about 3,500 statistical serials in the social sciences containing statistical information on India and other countries. It also has micro documents such as institutional research reports, working papers and annual reports of companies and government departments and other bodies. In addition, it has a stock of 23,000 back volumes of journals of 1,250 titles. The library receives 187 journals of which it obtains 67 journals on subscription, 28 journals in exchange and 92 journals in gratis. The library exchanges IEG's research output and publications (including its journal, Contributions to Indian Sociology) with similar institutions in India and abroad.
The library has a complete set of census reports commencing from 1872. For the period 1872 to 1951, the census data is in microfiche format and from 1951 to 2011 in hard copy. For 1991, 2001 and 2011, the census is also available in CDs. It also has a unique collection of old manuscripts and documents which it inherited as part of the UNESCO collection. The IEG Library is also having a good collection of important dataset and CDs of ASI, NSS, World Bank, IMF, ADB etc. It's total CD-Rom collection is 1396 as on 31st March, 2020. IEG Library has digitized IEG Working Papers, IEG Discussion Papers etc. All these IEG research papers (full text) may be accessed from the IEG Intranet. IEG Library has also developed a Data Centre. Presently, the library is connected with the University of Delhi's LAN systems andis also a member of DELNET. This allow access to many online resources, journals and databases like Taylor and Francis, Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, Sage Online, Econlit, JSTOR, Science Direct, EBSCO etc. IEG Library had conducted many user's



IEG, New Delhi Funds (Un-audited) 2019-20

Income (Heads) ICSSR Grant Non-Plan (OH-36) Plan (OH-31) State Govt. Grant Non-Plan Plan Income from Own Sources (Projects, Consultancy etc.) Total

370.00 50.00

Expenditure Salary Non-Plan Plan Establishment/Administrative Expenses Non-Plan Plan Other Misc. Expenses

557.60 Total

( in Lakhs) Amount
507.33 45.00
0.27 5.00

orientation and training programmes for our faculty and researchers. During the 2019-20, it had organized EBSCO database uses training for the faculty and research staff. Apart the above, IEG Library also provides internship training for short durations in the field of Library and information science students from the University of Delhi and Institutions etc.
Institute of Public Enterprise (IPE), Hyderabad
Research Projects (Completed)
1. Anand Akundy, "Advancing Health Equity in Primary Health Care: An Anthropological Study of Community Participation Using Capability Approach (Interdisciplinary Study Engaging Social Anthropology and Health Studies)," ICSSR, New Delhi.
2. Anupama Dubey, "Water Conservation, Management and Governance: A Study of Indigenous Practices in a Watershed Community," ICSSR, New Delhi.
3. Prarthana Kumar, "A Socio-cultural Study of Women Purchase Behaviour," ICSSR, New Delhi.

Research Projects (Ongoing)
1. S. Sreenivasa Murthy, "Bank Credit, Micro & Financial Inclusion: The Progress, Challenges and Way Forward," ICSSR, New Delhi.
2. Sandeep Kumar Kujur, "Labour Displacement Potential of Technology Adoption: Firm Level Evidence from Indian Manufacturing Industry," ICSSR.
3. V. Srikanth, "Whistle Blowing Policy Disclosure as a Corporate Governance Mechanism in Indian Listed Firms," ICSSR, New Delhi.
4. Usha Nori, "Export Competitiveness of Indian SMEs and the Rise of Global Value Chains: A Study of Manufacturing and IT Sectors," IMPRESS: ICSSR, New Delhi.
5. Pawan Kumar Avadhanam, "Impact of Corporate Governance on the Value Creation in Stock Markets: A Case of CPSEs in India," IMPRESS: ICSSR, New Delhi.
6. Ch. Lakshmi Kumari, "A Study on Socio-economic Factors Influencing Sustainability of Open Defecation Free Villages in India," IMPRESS: ICSSR.



The institute organized seven conferences and 23 workshops/training programmes during the year 2019-20.
Research Affiliation and Ph.D./M.Phil.
During the year, five scholars were awarded Ph.D. degrees, two submitted their theses and 25 scholars were pursuing research work.
1. Mishra, R.K. and Sarkar, S. (2019) "Responsible Initiating CSR ­ Glimpses from Hazardous Sector, `Corporate Social Responsibility': The Changing Perspective", Academic Foundation. New Delhi.
2. Mishra, R.K., Sarkar, S. and Kiranmai, J. (2019) "Responsible Business Conduct­ Indian Business Practices Towards Social Inclusiveness, `Corporate Social Responsibility': The Changing Perspective" Mishra & Sarkar (Ed) Academic Foundation, New Delhi.
3. Mishra, R.K., Sarkar, S. and Kiranmai, J. (2019) "CSR in Hazardous Sector: A Global Review, `Corporate Social Responsibility': The Changing Perspective", Academic Foundation, New Delhi.
4. Mishra, R.K. & Trivikram. K. (2019), "Annotated Bibliography on Public Enterprises", Academic Foundation, New Delhi.
5. Mishra, R.K. and Sarkar, S. (2019) "Corporate Social Responsibility: The Changing Perspectives", Academic Foundation, New Delhi.

6. Mishra, R K and Sarkar, S. (2019) "The Journey of Neyveli Lignite Corporation to NLC India ­ A Growth Saga", Academic Foundation, New Delhi.
7. Mishra, R.K., Anupama Dubey, V. Srikanth (2019) "Research and Consultancy Projects: An Institutional Experience", Academic Foundation, New Delhi.
8. Mishra, R.K., Praveen Arora, N.G. Satish (2019) "Industrial Research Development & Innovation in Central Public Sector Enterprises", Academic Foundation, New Delhi.
9. Mishra, R.K., Anupama Dubey, V. Srikanth (2019) "Management and Social Science Research: An Institutional Experience", Academic Foundation, New Delhi.
10. N.G. Satish, R.K., Mishra (2019), "Patent Ownership in India", Academic Foundation, New Delhi.
11. Mishra, R.K., Janaki Krishna, Ch Lakshmi Kumari, Ms. Kiranmai, Usha Nori (2019) "Open Defection Free India", Academic Foundation, New Delhi.
12. Mishra R.K., P.S. Janaki Krishna, Usha Nori, Ch. Lakshmi Kumari, (2019) "Science and Technology & Economic Growth".
13. Mishra, R.K. and A. Sridhar Raj (2019), "Case Studies in Modern Human Resource Management", Academic Foundation, New Delhi.
14. Mishra R.K., P.S. Janaki Krishna, Ch. Lakshmi Kumari, Usha Nori, Ms. Kiramai J (2019) "ODF: A case of Krishna Disrict in AP", Academic Foundation.



Research Papers and Articles in Journals
The faculty of the institute published 32 research papers/articles in various journals during the year 2019-20.
The library is a valuable resource to the faculty, scholars and students. The computerized library has over the years built a robust collection of over 51,350 which includes books, reports and journal back volumes in different areas of management and information technology. It subscribes to 200 international/national journals and magazines in hard copy and 14 national/regional newspapers, and has a rich collection of working papers, 106 doctoral theses, 3500 students' project reports, 200 audio/video CDs etc. During the year 2019-20, 1628 titles were added.

The Library also provides access to the best of business and management related digital resources through its subscription to various databases consisting of scholarly and industryrelevant content. It is at the heart of IPE's Academic Center and is designed to meet the information needs of the IPE community and is also the source for news on the latest developments in business and management. The IPE library providing the following online databases: EBSCO: EconLit & Business Source elitle, Bloomberg database, Prowess IQ­ CMIE Prowess, JSTOR, Indiastat, EPWRFITs, PRIME Database, Business Management collection, INFLIBNET N-List, DELNET, ICSSR Data Service: Social Science Data Repository, NDL: National Digital Library and SWAYAM ­ NPTEL Local Chapter, etc.
The library's collection also includes the publications of the Controller and Auditor

Funds (Un-audited) 2019-20

Income (Heads) ICSSR Grant Non-Plan (OH-36) Plan (OH-31) State Govt. Grant
Non-Plan Plan Income from Own Sources (Projects, Fellowships, Consultancy, MDPs, L T Programmes etc.)
Any Other Sources
Excess of Expenditure over Income

Amount 75.00 50.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
950.51 16.00

Establishment/Administrative Expenses
-Fellowships Projects Fellowships Workshops/Training Programmes L T Programmes Other Misc. Expenses
Misc. Expenses (Interest on Secured Loan)
Depreciation on Fixed Assets
Transfer to Gratuity, EL, Infrastructure and other Funds

( in Lakhs) Amount 1518.16
326.02 436.00 1395.00 5760.88



General (CAG) of India; the Annual Survey of Public Enterprises brought out by the Ministry of Industry, Government of India; and also, the evaluation reports brought out by the State Bureau of public Enterprises. The library provides an environment that is conducive for earning, with excellent facilities to students, researchers and faculty for their research training and consultancy activities. It also caters to the needs of enterprise managers, practitioners from the industry, government and policy makers.
In pursuit of quality research, the library has specialized shelves for subjects like Corporate Governance, Information Technology (IT), Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility, Privatization etc. The services available in the IPE Library: Reference Services, Bibliographic Services, Internet Information based Service, WebOPAC, E-Journals full text, Reading Material Service for Training Programmes, Reprographic Service, E-mails Services, Newspaper Clipping Services, Library Software Package for LMS-NewGenlib and Institutional Repository DSpace.
Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC), Bengaluru
Research Projects (Completed)
1. Parmod Kumar and A.V. Manjunatha, "Conducting Indepth Study on Contract Farming: Land Leasing and Land Sharing Company," Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers' Welfare, Govt. of India.
2. Sunil Nautiyal, "Conservation of Agrobiodiversity and Ecosystem Management: A Study in Indian Agro-Climatic Sub-zones", TIFAC, DST, New Delhi.
3. Meenakshi Rajeev and Parmod Kumar, "Crop Insurance in Karnataka",

Agricultural Price Commission, Govt. of Karnataka.
4. S. Madheswaran and B.P. Vani, "Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) ­ Baseline Survey, 2018," Election Commission, Govt. of Karnataka.
5. C.M. Lakshmana and Prabhuswamy, "Quality of HMIS: A Critical Analysis of Data Reported by the Public Health Facilities in Karnataka," Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India.
6. Indrajit Bairagya, "Inequality in Quality of Primary Education: An Analysis Across Regions, Gender and Social Groups", ICSSR, New Delhi.
7. Lekha Subaiya, T. S. Syamala and N. Kavitha, "Need for Care Among Older Persons in Karnataka," Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India.
8. Lekha Subaiya, T. S. Syamala and N. Kavitha, "Skewed Sex Ratios and Cross Border Marriages in Tamil Nadu: Issues and Concerns", Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India.
9. T. S. Syamala, P. Prabhuswamy and N. Kavitha, "Functioning of SNCUs in Selected Districts of Karnataka", Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India.
10. PIP Monitoring in Three Districts of Karnataka, Three Districts of Andhra Pradesh, Four Districts of Tamil Nadu and Two Districts of Telangana, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India.
11. A.V. Manjunatha, Prof I. Maruthi and Dr. Khalil M.S., "Price Volatility and Major Issues in Demand and Supply Management of Onion in India, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers' Welfare, Govt. of India



12. A.V. Manjunatha, "Breakeven Analysis in Dairy Farm Enterprises and Strategies for its Sustainable Growth under NDP-I" Karnataka State Agroeconomic Research Centre, Sardar Patel University, Anand, Gujarat.
13. K. Gayithri and M.G. Chandrakanth, "Evaluation of Karnataka State Finances," 15th Finance Commission, Govt. of Karnataka.
14. Ambuja Kumar Tripathy and Anil Kumar V., "Citizenship and Marginality in Global Cities of India: A Study of Bawana Slum Resettlement Colony in Delhi", ISEC Project.
15. Marchang Reimeingam, "North-East Migrants in Bangalore: Employability Issues, Challenges and Prospects", ISEC Project.
16. Sunil Nautiyal and Meenakshi Rajeev, "Integrating Air and Space-borne Spectroscopy and Laser Scanning to Assess Structural and Functional Characteristics of Crops and Field Margin Vegetation", Dept. of BioTechnology, Govt. of India.
17. D. Rajasekhar and R. Manjula, "Swachh Bharat Mission in Karnataka: Status, Issues and Prospects," Rural Drinking Water and Sanitation Dept., Govt. of Karnataka.
18. C.M. Lakshmana and C. Yogananda, "Functioning of NCD Clinics: A Comparative Study in Selected Two Districts of Karnataka," Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India.
19. "PIP Monitoring in 10 districts of Karnataka, 5 districts of Arunachal Pradesh, 11 districts of Meghalaya, 2 districts of Puducherry, 2 districts of Sikkim and 5 districts of Manipur", Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India.

20. T. S. Syamala, Lekha Subaiya, P. Prabhuswamy and N. Kavitha, "Assessment of Home Based New Born Care (HBNC) in Selected Districts of Karnataka," Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India.
21. K.B. Ramappa, "Status of Central Sector Scheme of Gramin Bhandaran Yojana/ Rural Godown Scheme: A Case Study Approach", Ch. Charan Singh National Institute of Agriculture Marketing.
Research Projects (Ongoing)
1. K.B. Ramappa, Parmod Kumar and I. Maruthi, "Agricultural Indicators", Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India.
2. Parmod Kumar, "Outlook on Agriculture," NCAER.
3. Parmod Kumar, "Information, Market Creation and Agricultural Growth," University of Glasgow, UK.
4. A.V. Manjunatha and M.G. Chandrakanth, "Alternate Arrangements of Farm Land in India ­ An Analysis of Institutions and Governance," ICAR-National Institute of Agricultural Economics and Policy Research (NIAP), New Delhi.
5. Parmod Kumar, "Seed Mini-Kits of Pulses and Other Crops ­ Its Relevance and Application/Distribution Efficiency ­ Karnataka," Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India.
6. ParmodKumar,"SeedMini-KitsofPulses and Other Crops ­ Its Relevance and Application/Distribution Efficiency," Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India.
7. Parmod Kumar and K.B. Ramappa, "Study of Functioning of DBT at Retail Points," Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India.



8. Parmod Kumar, I. Maruthi and K.B. Ramappa, "Village Study in Karnataka," Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India.
9. I. Maruthi, "Assessment of Feed and Fodder in All States/UTs ­ Karnataka," Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India.
10. I. Maruthi, "Assessment of Feed and Fodder in All States/UTs ­ All India," Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India.
11. I. Maruthi, "Assessment of Ratio of Different Products/Forms of Spices being Marketed ­ Study Based on Ginger and Turmeric ­ Karnataka," Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India.
12. Parmod Kumar, A.V. Manjunatha and Mohin Shariff, "Evaluation of Global Food Chains Concerning Sustainability: Development of a Methodology and Case Studies of Indian Products with Swiss Target Market," ICSSR.
13. D. Rajasekhar and R. Manjula, "Improving Institutions for Pro-poor Growth," ISEC Project.
14. D. Rajasekhar, "Increasing Enrolment and Savings in a Long-term Pension Savings Product," USAID.
15. D. Rajasekhar and R. Manjula, "Financial Inclusion and Old Age Income Security through Contributory Pension Schemes for Unorganized Workers," Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI).
16. D. Rajasekhar and R. Manjula, "Decentralisation and Delivery of Public Services," Part of Oxford-LSE Project.
17. D. Rajasekhar and R. Manjula, "Women Leadership, Governance and Allocation

of Public Goods in Karnataka," Tsuda University, Japan.
18. M. Balasubramanian, "Ecosystem Services and Human Wellbeing: Application of Sen's Capability Approach," ISEC Project.
19. Sunil Nautiyal, "Exploring Wild Edibles of the Male Mahadeshwara Betta (MM Hills) and their Potential for the Socio-economic Development of Local People," Dept. of Science & Technology, GoI.
20. M. Balasubramanian, "An Economic Value of Forest Resources: A Case Study of Nine Districts in Karnataka," ICSSR.
21. Sunil Nautiyal and Nirajan Roy, "Climate Change, Dynamics of Shifting Agriculture and Livelihood Vulnerability in the North-Eastern Region of India," ICSSR in collaboration with Assam University.
22. Sunil Nautiyal, M. Balasubramanian and M.G. Chandrakanth, "Documentation of People's Bio-diversity Registers (PBRs) in Five Districts of Karnataka," Karnataka Biodiversity Board. GoK.
23. M. Balasubramanian, "High-Resolution Genome Based Tracing of Antimicrobial Resistant Escherichia Coli in the Pork Production Chain to Identify the Critical Control Points: A One Health Systems Study," Dept. of Bio Technology (DBT).
24. Sunil Nautiyal and S. Srikantaswamy, "Climate Smart Livelihood & Socioecological Development of Bio-diversity Hotspots of India, TIFAC.
25. Meenakshi Rajeev and B.P. Vani, "Interest Subvention in Agriculture Credit: Does it Serve the Purpose?" Reserve Bank of India.



26. Meenakshi Rajeev, "Food Distribution in Emerging Markets: The Case of Indian Seafood (Traders in Food Value Chain)," Norwegian Research Council thro" NUPI.
27. S. Madheswaran and B.P. Vani, "Deciphering Caste Discrimination in Indian Urban Labour Market: Estimating Wage and Employment Discrimination," ICSSR.
28. S. Madheswaran, B.P. Vani and M.G. Chandrakanth, "Estimating the Potential Value of Eco-tourism and other Cultural Services of Forest Ecosystems in Uttarakhand," Uttarakhand Forest Development Corporation, Government of Uttarakhand.
29. K. Gayithri, Malini Tantri and D. Rajasekhar, "Scaling up Apprenticeship Programme in Karnataka: Policy and Strategy Suggestions, KVSTDC, Govt of Karnataka.
30. Meenakshi Rajeev, "Financial Flows in the Rural-urban Interface of Bengaluru ­ Access to Credit and its Impacts," International Centre for Development & Decent Work, Germany.
31. B.P. Vani and S. Madheswaran, "MGNREGA Evaluation: Workers' Perspective and Issues in Implementation", RDPR, Govt of Karnataka.
32. Meenakshi Rajeev, "Peri-Urban Regions of Bangalore: Changing Structure of Economic, Social and Financial Paradigms," International Centre for Development and Decent Work, Kassel University, Germany.
33. Krishna Raj, "Developing Evidence Based Sustainable Development Indicators: A Study on Sustainable Tourism in Kodagu District," Department of Tourism, Govt of Karnataka.

34. Krishna Raj, "Sustainable Scientific Framework for Collection of Tourism Statistics in Karnataka," Department of Tourism, Govt of Karnataka.
35. Malini L. Tantri, "Governance Approach for Nutrition Security: A Case Study of Goa," IGC, Goa.
36. S. Madheswaran and B.P. Vani, "Endline Survey for Knowledge Attitude and Practice of Citizens," Election Commission, Chief Electoral Office, Karnataka.
37. M. Kusanna, S. Madheswaran and B.P. Vani, "Socio-economic Status of Scheduled Castes Leather Artisans in Karnataka: An Assessment," Dr. Babu Jagjeevan Ram Leather Industries Corporation Ltd., GoK.
38. S. Madheswaran and B.P. Vani, "Documentation and Evaluation of the SVEEP Intervention in Karnataka," Election Commission, Chief Electoral Office, Karnataka.
39. Indrajit Bairagya, S. Manasi and Channamma Kambara, "Promoting Leadership Skills among the Children in Government Schools: Impact of Young Instructor Leaders Program, Agastya Foundation," Agastya International Foundation.
40. Indrajit Bairagya, "Role of Skill Development for Promotion of Rural Non-farm Self-employment in India, ICSSR-IMPRESS Scheme.
41. Supriya Roy Chowdhury, Carol Upadhya and B.P. Vani, "India's Changing Cityscapes: Work, Migration and Livelihoods," ICSSR.
42. V. Anil Kumar, "Urban Governance and Local Democracy in Tamil Nadu & Kerala," ISEC Project.



43. V. Anil Kumar, "Jurgen Habermas and Critique of Ideology," ISEC Project.
44. V. Anil Kumar and Ambuja Kumar Tripathy, "Mapping Civil Society Movements Inter-sectionality: Dalit, Women's and Environmental Movements in Contemporary Karnataka, ISEC Project.
45. Channamma Kambara, "Enabling Environment for Women Employees: with reference to Organisations in Bengaluru," ISEC Project.
46. Channamma Kambara, Malini L. Tantri and S. Manasi, "Situational Analysis of Education and Nutrition Status of Children of Migrant Workers in Bengaluru," WFP Trust for India, New Delhi.
47. Sobin George and T.S. Syamala, "Tuberculosis & the Social Construction of Women's Employability: A Study of Women with History/Symptoms of Tuberculosis in Bangalore City," Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), New Delhi.
48. Sobin George, "Informed Choices and Affordability: Linkages of DoctorPatient Interaction, Prescription Practice and Medical Expenditure in Cancer Care in Karnataka," ICSSR, New Delhi.
49. Sobin George and Lekha Subaiya, "Inclusive Cities through Equitable Access to Urban Mobility Infrastructures for India and Bangladesh," Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NOW), the Hague.
50. T.S. Syamala, Lekha Subaiya, B.P. Vani and P. Prabhuswamy, "Validation of Dried Blood Spots," Harvard T.H. Chan, School of Public Health.

51. Lekha Subaiya, T.S. Syamala, Prabhuswamy and N. Kavitha, "National Quality Assurance Standards Certification of Public Health Facilities in Karnataka: Enablers and Barriers," ISEC Project.
52. A.V. Manjunatha, "Institutional and Economic Analysis of Human-Wildlife Conflict Mitigation in the Indian Coffee Plantations (ICIMOD-SANDEE Project)", ICIMOD-SANDEE, Nepal.
53. Meenakshi Rajeev, "How Effective are Training Programmes in Providing Sustainable Livelihood Options for Women: A Study of DAY-NULM Programme in Karnataka," Govt of Karnataka under DAY-NULM.
54. Malini L. Tantri, "Doing Business and Trade Facilitation: A Study of Selected Agricultural Export Zones in India", ICSSR.
55. Parmod Kumar, A.V. Manjunatha, K.B. Ramappa, Elumalai Kannan, M.J. Bhende, Komol Singha, "Impact Evaluation Study of Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) in India," Dept. of Agriculture & Cooperation, GoI.
56. Maruthi, "One Decade of Mahatma Gandhi NREGA: Participatory Assessment and Way Forward," National Institute for Rural Development & Panchayat Raj, Hyderabad.
57. Manohar Yadav, "Kudubi Community in Karnataka: An Ethnographic Study," Karnataka Tribal Research Institute.
The institute organized two conferences, seven seminars, 15 workshops/training programmes and three lectures during the year 2019-20.



Research Affiliation and Ph.D./M.Phil.
During the year 2019-20, 13 scholars were awarded Ph.D. degree, five submitted their theses and 86 scholars were pursuing research work. Nine doctoral fellowships were allotted by ICSSR for the year 2019-20.
1. Gayithri, K., N. Sivanna and M. Devendra Babu ­ "Decentralised Governance and Planning in India". New Delhi: Studium Press, 2020.
2. George, Sobin, Manohar Yadav and Anand Inbanathan ­ "Change and Mobility in Contemporary India: Thinking MN Srinivas Today". London and New York: Routledge, 2019.
3. Manasi, S. and K.V. Raju ­ "Coping Mechanisms for Climate Change in Periurban Areas". New Zealand: Springer, 2019.
4. Nadkarni, M.V. ­ "Socio-economic Change and the Broad-basing Process in India". Routledge International, October 2019.
5. Nautiyal, Sunil, Roy N., Roychoudhury S., Agarwal S.K. and Baksi S. ­ "Socioeconomic and Eco-biological Dimensions in Resource use and Conservation: Strategies for Sustainability". Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, February 2020.
6. Rajasekhar, D., M. Devendra Babu and R. Manjula ­ "Decentralization, Cooperatives and Rural Development". Rawat Publications, 2020.
7. Rajeev, Meenakshi and B.P. Vani ­ "Interest Subvention for Short Term Crop Loans in Karnataka". Reserve Bank of India, 2019.

8. Sridhar, Kala Seetharam, Ranjit Gadgil and Chhavi Dhingra ­ "Paving the Way for Better Governance in Urban transport - The Transport Governance Initiative". Springer, January 2020.
9. Sridhar, Kala Seetharam, Karen Seto, Darren Robinson, Hassan Virji, Zoltán Kovács, John Zhai, Neha Sami, Christopher Pettit ­ Edited Journal (Special Issue): "Urban Transitions Conference". Procedia Engineering (Elsevier).
Research Papers and Articles in Journals/Chapters in Books
The faculty of the institute published 58 research papers/articles/chapters in various journals and published books during the year 2019-20.
1. Meenakshi Rajeev and Supriya Bhandarkar, "Traders in Food Value Chain: Fisheries Sector in India," Social and Economic Change, Monograph No. 62, May 2019.
2. M. Balasubramanian, M. Manjunath, O.K. Remadevi, K.H. Vinay Kumar and Rittu Kakkar, "Climate Change and Its Impacts on Vulnerable Communities: A Case Study of Karnataka," Social and Economic Change Monograph No. 63, November, 2019.
Working Papers
1. Kedar Vishnu and Parmod Kumar, "Structure and Strategy of Supermarkets of Fruits and Vegetables Retailing in Karnataka: Gains for Whom?" Working Paper No. 438: April, 2019.
2. Vijayalakshmi S. and Krishna Raj, "Income and Vehicular Growth in India:



A Time Series Econometric Analysis," Working Paper No. 439: May, 2019.
3. K. Gayithri, Malini L. Tantri and D. Rajasekhar, "A Critical Review of Apprenticeship Policy of India" Working Paper No. 440: May, 2019.
4. Abnave Vikas B., "Sustainability Concerns on Sugarcane Production in Maharashtra, India: A Decomposition and Instability Analysis," Working Paper No. 441: May, 2019.
5. Reimeingam Marchang, "Economic, Occupational and Livelihood Changes of Scheduled Tribes of North East India," Working Paper No. 442: May, 2019.
6. "Need for a Study of State Policies towards the Development of Religious Minorities in Karnataka" Working Paper No. 442: May, 2019.
7. Malini L. Tantri and Preet S. Aulakh, "An Analysis of Bilateral Trade Between Canada and India" Working Paper No. 444: June, 2019.
8. Meenakshi Rajeev and Pranav Nagendran, "Should They Avoid the Middleman? An Analysis of Fish Processing Firms in India," Working Paper No. 445: June, 2019.
9. Jithin G., "Growth and Consolidation of Kerala Non-Gazetted Officers' Union: From its Formative Years to Union Militancyphase," Working Paper No. 446: June, 2019.
10. Kaumudi Misra, "The Relationship Between Economic Growth and Carbon Emissions in India," Working Paper No. 447: June, 2019.

11. Pratap Singh, "Tax Revenue in India: Trends and Issues," Working Paper No. 448: June, 2019.
12. Padmavathi N., "Technical Efficiency of Unorganised Food Processing Industry in India: A Stochastic Frontier Analysis," Working Paper No. 449: July, 2019.
13. Pratap Singh, "Demonetisation 2016 and Its Impact on Indian Economy and Taxation," Working Paper No. 450: July, 2019.
14. Kaumudi Misra, "Impact of PerformAchieve-Trade Policy on the Energy Intensity of Cement and Iron and Steel Industries in India," Working Paper No. 451: July, 2019.
15. Indrajit Bairagya and Rohit Mukerji, "Impact of Non-cognitive Skills on Cognitive Learning Outcomes: A Study of Elementary Education in India," Working Paper No. 452: July, 2019.
16. Niranjan Pradhan and S. Madheswaran, "Assessment of Vulnerability to Floods in Coastal Odisha: A District-Level Analysis," Working Paper No. 453: July, 2019.
17. Ramanjini and Karnam Gayithri, "Who Benefits from Higher Education Expenditure? Evidence from Recent Household Survery of India," Working Paper No. 454: August, 2019.
18. Kedar Vishnu, Parmod Kumar and A.V. Manjunatha, "How the Modern Food Retail Chains Emerging as Alternative Channels of Agricultural Marketing? Evidence from Karnataka," Working Paper No. 455: August, 2019.
19. Reimeingam Marchang, "Educational Development, and Household and Public Expenditures on Education in



Manipur," Working Paper No. 456: September, 2019.
20. Sanjiv Kumar and S. Madheswaran, "Social Audit of MGNREGA - A Panacea or a Placebo? Issues and Ways Forward in Karnataka," Working Paper No. 457: September, 2019.
21. Abdul Raoof, "State, Religion and Society: New Roles of Faith-Based Organisations in Kerala," Working Paper No. 458: September, 2019.
22. N. Pautunthang and T.S. Syamala, "Single Child Families in Tripura: Evidence from National Family Health Surveys," Working Paper No. 459: October, 2019.
23. Sanjiv Kumar and S. Madheswaran, "MGNREGA Ombudsman A Forlorn Scarecrow: Issues and Ways Forward in Karnataka," Working Paper No. 460: October, 2019.
24. Kedar Vishnu and Parmod Kumar, "Dynamics of Procurement of Modern Food Retail Chains: Evidences from Karnataka," Working Paper No. 461: October, 2019.
25. Lavanya B.T. and A.V. Manjunatha, "Determinants of Micro-Level Decisions of Sugarcane Farmers," Working Paper No. 462: October, 2019.
26. Indrajit Bairagya and Bino Joy, "Assessing Quality of Higher Education: An Empirical Study of Commerce Graduates, Kerala State," Working Paper No. 463: October, 2019.
27. Jayanti Mala Nayak and A.V. Manjunatha, "Farmers" Perception on Risk and Management Strategies in Mahanadi River Basin in Odisha: An Economic Analysis," Working Paper No. 464: November, 2019.

28. J.S. Darshini and K. Gayithri, "An Analysis of Revenue Diversification Across Select Indian States," Working Paper No. 465: November, 2019.
29. Anil Kumar Vaddiraju, "Urban Governance in the Context of Urban `Primacy': A Comparison of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh," Working Paper No. 466: December, 2019
30. Shankari Murali and S. Manasi, "Urban Financing and Accountability Structures - Case Study of Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike," Working Paper No. 467: December, 2019.
31. Padmavathi N., "Status of Unorganised Food Processing Industry in India- A Study on Key Performance Indicators," Working Paper No. 468: December, 2019.
32. Aneesha Chitgupi, "Sustainability of India's Current Account Deficit: Role of Remittance Inflows and Software Services Exports," Working Paper No. 469: December, 2019.
33. Reimeingam Marchang, "BCIM Economic Corridor and North East India," Working Paper No. 470: December, 2019.
34. Anil Kumar Vaddiraju, "The Nation and Its Historical Mediations: towards Typologies of Regions/States," Working Paper No. 471: January, 2020.
35. Sneha Biswas, "Structure and Functions of Social-Ecological Systems: A Case Study from Indian Sundarbans," Working Paper No. 472: January, 2020.
36. Prem Shankar Mishra and T.S. Syamala, "Multiple Vulnerabilities in Utilising Maternal and Child Health Services Across Regions of Uttar Pradesh, India," Working Paper No. 473: January, 2020.



37. Ujjwala Gupta, "Fertility at the Crossroads of Ethnicity and Gender: Understanding Oraon Tribe in Jharkhand, India," Working Paper No. 474: February, 2020.
38. Ambuja Kumar Tripathy, "Complexities of Collaboration, Negotiation and Contestation: Agragamee and the State," Working Paper No. 475: February, 2020.
39. K. Gayithri, Malini L. Tantri and D. Rajasekhar, "International Best Practices of Apprenticeship System and Policy Options for India," Working Paper No. 476: February, 2020.
40. Mohamed Saalim P.K., "Public Healthcare Infrastructure in Tribal India: A Critical Review," Working Paper No. 477: February, 2020.
41. Karthick V. and S. Madheswaran, "Whether Caste Impedes Access to Formal Agricultural Credit in India? Evidence from NSSO Unit Level Data," Working Paper No. 478: March, 2020.
42. Tantri, Malini L. and Aluakh Preet S., "Bilateral Trade Relationship Between Canada and India: A Report on Its Characteristics and Prospects," Center for Global Enterprise, Schulich School of Business, York University, Canada March 2019.
43. Bairagya, Indrajit, "Returns to Education in Self-Employment in India: A Comparison Across Different Selection Models". WIDER Working Paper 2020/5. Helsinki: UNU-WIDER, 2020.

Dr. V.K.R.V. Rao Library is one of India's premier research libraries in social sciences. Since its inception in 1972, the library has been an integral part of the institution, providing efficient and timely support to the institute's faculties, researchers, PhD scholars as well as to policy makers, administrators, consultants, students from all over the country. Library offers services such as research data service, lending service, reference service, current awareness services i.e. new additions, current journal list, current contents and monthly index of articles to its esteemed users. Interlibrary loan services are provided to the users, with the well-established libraries such as IISc, ISI Bangalore, IIM Bangalore and DELNET. The library is fully computerized using LIBSYS software. The major databases available are JSTOR, Econlit Fulltext; Indiastat.com; EPWRF ITS; CMIE Prowess; IMF Databases and World Bank Data.
The Library digitization programme has been going on strongly and the number of documents digitized has crossed 13,500. The digital library is hosted in DSPACE digital library server located in the library and available to global social science research community. The library collection now stands at 1,40,155 which consist of 48,511 books, 49,612 reports 22,709 bound volumes and 19,323 other documents. Back volumes of many important journals were maintained from the first issue onwards. Current subscription includes 265 journals consisting of 141 foreign and 124 Indian journals. During the year 2019-20, 1266 documents consisting of 415 books, 158 reports and 693 other documents were added to the library collection.

Income (Heads) ICSSR Grant Unspent Grant of Previous Year Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan (OH-36)
Plan (OH-31) State Govt. Grant Non-plan Plan
Income from Own Sources (Projects, Fellowships, Consultancy etc.) Any Other Sources (Interest on SB a/c) Overspent Grant Non-Plan Plan Total



Funds (Un-audited) 2019-20

(-) 3.43 (+)4.03

Amount 0.60

Expenditure Salary Non-Plan Plan

352.06 50.00
363.37 100.00

Establishment/Administrative Expenses Non-Plan Plan
Projects, Fellowships, Workshops/ Training Programmes Misc. Expenses

( in Lakhs) Amount 828.69
94.26 144.94 3.89 36.52

I .26

185.15 5.20





Institute for Studies in Industrial Development (ISID), New Delhi
Research Projects (Completed)
1. Swati Verma, "Understanding FDI-linked Trade Through Related Party Transactions: A Study of Manufacturing Foreign Subsidiaries in India," ICSSR.
2. Shailender K. Hooda, "Penetration and Effectiveness of Health Insurance Schemes in India", ICSSR.
3. H. Ramachandran and Poonam Sharma, "Urbanisation and Human Capital Development in Assam," ICSSR.
4. Jaishri Jethwaney and Seema Goyal, "Portrayal of Women: An Empirical Study of Advertising Content ­ Issues and Concerns," ICSSR.

Research Projects (Ongoing)
1. M.R. Murty and T.P. Bhat, "Industrial, Trade and Investment Policies: Pathways to India's Industrialisation", ICSSR.
2. Smitha Francis, "Global Value Chain Engagement and Industrial Restructuring: A Study of the Indian Electronics Industry," ICCSR.
3. Beena Saraswathy, "Changing Business Group Strategies in India: An Inquiry from the Lens of Mergers and Acquisitions," ICCSR.
4. Pradyuman S. Rawat and Akhilesh Kumar Sharma, "Understanding Criticality of Flow of Funds for Robust Growth of MSMEs in India," sponsored by State Bank of India, UCO Bank, Canara Bank,



Corporation Bank, Bank of India and United Bank of India.
5. Santosh K. Das, "Performance of India's Banking Sector: A Critical Focus on Non-Performing Advances (NPAs)," sponsored by the ICSSR.
6. Anjali Tandon, "Measuring the Changes in Factor Proportions vis-à-vis Factor Endowments of the Indian Economy ­ An Inter-temporal Study," sponsored by the ICSSR.
7. Surya Tewari, "Spatial Dynamics of Manufacturing Landscape in India­A District Level Comparative Analysis of Pre and Post Reform Contexts" sponsored by the ICSSR.
Conferences/Seminars/Lectures The institute organized one conferences 13 seminars, three workshops/training programmes and four lectures during the year 2019-20.
Research Affiliation and Ph.D./M.Phil. During the year under report, eight scholars were pursuing Ph.D under joint supervision of faculty of the institute.
Books 1. Tandon, Anjali and Shahid Ahmed (2019), Measuring Structural Change and Energy Use in Indian Economy: An Input-Output Approach, Bookwell Publishers, Delhi.
2. Roy, Satyaki (2020), Contours of Value Capture: India's Neoliberal Path of Industrial Development, Cambridge University Press, United Kingdom.

Research Papers and Articles in Journals
The faculty of the institute published 14 research papers/articles in various journals, and nine chapters in published books during the year 2017-18.
Working Papers
1. Shailender K. Hooda, "Promoting Access to Healthcare in India: Role of Health Insurance and Hospital Network," ISID Working Paper No. 208, May 2019.
2. Reji K. Joseph, Biswajit Dhar and Akoijam Amitkumar Singh, "FDI in R&D in India: An Analysis of Recent Trends," ISID Working Paper No. 209, June 2019.
3. Jaishri Jethwaney, "Voyeurism, Misogyny and Objectification of Women: Critical Appraisal of the Historicity of the State of Women in Society and Its Possible Impact on Advertising," ISID Working Paper No. 210, August 2019.
4. Shailender K. Hooda, "Penetration and Coverage of Government-funded Health Insurance Schemes in India," ISID Working Paper No. 211, August 2019.
5. Anjali Tandon, "Re-assessing Factor Proportions in Tradable Sectors of the Indian Economy," ISID Working Paper No. 212, October 2019.
6. Satyaki Roy, "Structural Asymmetry in Global Production Network: An Empirical Exploration," ISID Working Paper No. 213, October 2019.
7. Reji K. Joseph, "Outward FDI from India: Review of Policy and Emerging Trends," ISID Working Paper No. 214, November 2019.



8. Shailender K. Hooda, "Financial Risk Protection from Government-funded Health Insurance Schemes in India," ISID Working Paper No. 215, November 2019.
9. Beena Saraswathy, "Economic Reforms and Market Competition in India: An Assessment," ISID Working Paper No. 216, December 2019.
10. H. Ramachandran, "Review of Industrial and Development Corridors in India," ISID Working Paper No. 217, December 2019.
11. T.P. Bhat, "India and Industry 4.0," ISID Working Paper No. 218, January 2020.
12. Santosh K. Das, "Industrial Structure, Financial Liberalisation, and Industrial Finance in India," ISID Working Paper No. 219, January 2020.
13. Mahua Paul and Ramaa Arun Kumar, "Import Intensity of India's Manufactured Exports­An IndustryLevel Analysis," ISID Working Paper No. 220, January 2020.
14. Surya Tewari, "Special Economic Zones: Location and Land Utilisation," ISID Working Paper No. 221, March 2020.
15. Ajit Kumar Jha, "Occupational and Employment Mobility among Migrant Workers: A Case Study of Slums of NCT of Delhi," ISID Working Paper No. 222, March 2020.
Book Reviews
1. Akhilesh Kumar Sharma (2019), "Book Review," FIIB Business Review, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 192­193. Review of Mobile Telephony and Socio-economic Transformation by Balwant S. Mehta, Studium Press (India) Pvt. Ltd, 2019.

2. Atul Sharma (2019), "Book Review," Social Change, Vol. 49, No. 1, pp. 169­171. Review of The Development Dilemma: Displacement in Meghalaya 1947­2010 by Walter Fernandes et al., NorthEastern Social Science Research Centre, Guwahati, 2016.
3. Akhilesh K. Sharma (2020), "Book Review," Journal of Asian Economic Integration, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 122­125. Review of Fintech for Asian SMEs by Naoko Nemoto and Naoyuki Yoshino (Eds.), Asian Development Bank Institute.
The library provides a variety of services to its users. These include reference queries, referral services, reprographic services, document delivery services and inter-library loan. It has established contacts with many national organisations for exchange of the Institute's publications and inter-library loan arrangement with reputed. To facilitate easy and quick access to the new collection, a current awareness service is provided by the library on a regular basis to inform the users about the new acquisitions of the library, i.e. new books/ reports. The Library is an active member of DELNET and has been making considerable use of the network's facilities for inter-library loan, acquiring references, document delivery services and ascertaining the availability of documents. The Digital Document section of the Library plays a complementary role by acquiring and storing relevant documents in electronic form for easy reference and sharing. Presently, a collection of about 650 documents is hosted on Greenstone and is accessible within campus network. Recently, the library its automation function using KOHA. Total collection of back volumes of journals/ periodicals are 3,114 and the total holdings in the library stood at 16,291 as on March 31, 2020.



The library currently subscribes to a total of 140 publications comprising academic journals/ periodicals & magazines, and 14 English daily newspapers. The Institute has been accessing to the following Electronic Resources (e-resources): CMIE ­ Prowess IQ, CMIEEconomic Outlook, CMIE- States of India and CMIE-Capex dx, EPWRF India ­ Time Series online database; and IndiaStat (Datanet India). The library subscribes full text e-journals including EconLit and JSTOR: Additionally, the library subscribes to forty-one full text E-journals from Sage India and one from EPWRF, and, has access to full text articles of these through login & password. Besides these, the Library continues to subscribe to IMF e-Library statistics. During the year 2019-20, a total of 1913 processed documents including books, reports, bound volumes, CDs/DVDs have been added to the library.

A special feature of the ISID has been its efforts at developing databases to facilitate learning through research in the area of industrial policy as well as in other spheres of economic and social science studies. The databases--On-Line Index (OLI) of Indian Social Science Journals, Press Clipping Archive and Communication Networking--constitute the core infrastructure of the Institute. The databases are continuously enlarged and updated in line with the Institute's research programme and analytical requirements. At present the database had over 2.3 lakh indices covered as on March 13, 2020.
The Institute has been maintaining on-line computerised newspaper clippings-- referred to as the Press Clippings Index (PCI)--on wideranging subjects to help users search, identify and view the clippings at the click of a button. The selected clippings are being stored in the

Funds (Un-audited) 2019-20

S. No Income 1 ICSSR Grant-in-aid a) Salary (OH-36)
b) Development (OH-31)

Amount 237.00

2 State Govt. Grant


i) Plan


ii) Non-Plan


3 Income from Other Sources

i) Income from Corpus Fund & Other interest


ii) Research Programmes/ Projects/Fellowships/Seminar/Conferences & Database Usage, etc.


iii) Income from Own Source 1,193.18

4 Excess of Expenditure/ Overdraft from Bank




S. No 1 2 3

Expenditure Salary & Allowances Establishment/Administrative Expenses Research Programmes/Projects/ Fellowships, Workshops/Training Programme, etc. Others: i) Repayment of Loans & Advances ii) Others


( in lakhs) Amount 949.89 400.35
278.58 --



form of digital images under 60 broad subject heads. At present the database contains over 21 lakh digital clipping images.
M.P. Institute of Social Science Research (MPISSR), Ujjain
Research Projects (Completed)
1. Sandeep Joshi, "Educational Inclusion of PVTGs through RTE Act 2009 ­ A Comparative Study in Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka," sponsored by ICSSR, New Delhi.
2. Manu Gautam, "Concurrent Evaluation of the Implementation of National Food Security Act (NFSA), 2013 in Harda, Burhanpur and Khargon Districts of Madhya Pradesh."
3. Yatindra Singh Sisodia and Ashish Bhatt, "National Election Study ­ 2019: Post-Poll Study in Madhya Pradesh," in collaboration with Lokniti-CSDS, New Delhi.
4. Manu Gautam, "Concurrent Evaluation of the Implementation of National Food Security Act (NFSA), 2013 in Jhabua, Alirajpur and Barwani Districts of Madhya Pradesh."
5. Tapas Kumar Dalapati, "A Study of Beggars in the Religious City of Ujjain," sponsored by MPISSR, Ujjain.
6. Yatindra Singh Sisodia and Ashish Bhatt, "National Election Study ­ 2019: Pre-poll Study in Madhya Pradesh," in collaboration with Lokniti-CSDS, New Delhi.
7. Manu Gautam, "Concurrent Evaluation of the Implementation of National Food Security Act (NFSA), 2013 in Rajgarh, Shajapur and Guna Districts of Madhya Pradesh."

8. Manu Gautam, "Concurrent Evaluation of the Implementation of National Food Security Act (NFSA), 2013 in Umaria, Shahdol and Narsingarh Districts of Madhya Pradesh."
9. Sandeep Joshi, "National Level Monitoring of Rural Development Programmes (Phase I, 2019-20) in Akola and Amravati Districts of Maharashtra," sponsored by Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
10. Yatindra Singh Sisodia and Ashish Bhatt, "State of Democracy in South Asia (SDSA): Survey in Madhya Pradesh," in collaboration with Lokniti-CSDS, New Delhi.
11. Sandeep Joshi, "National Level Special Monitoring of Mission Antyodaya and People's Plan Campaign (Gram Panchayat Development Plan 2019-20) in Kolhapur, Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg Districts of Maharashtra," sponsored by Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
12. Ashish Bhatt, "National Level Monitoring of Rural Development Programme, Regular Monitoring (I Phase, 2019-20) in Solapur and Osmanabad District of Maharashtra", sponsored by Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
13. Sandeep Joshi, "Childline Project," sponsored by Ministry of Women and Child Development, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Research Projects (Ongoing)
1. Yatindra Singh Sisodia, "Panchayati Raj Institutions under PESA in Fifth Scheduled Areas in Two Decades: An Assessment in Tribal Regions of Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Gujarat,"



sponsored by IMPRESS-ICSSR, New Delhi.
2. Tapas Kumar Dalapat, "Livelihood Transition and Marginalisation: A Study of Sahariya Tribe in Madhya Pradesh," sponsored by ICSSR, New Delhi.
3. Manu Gautam, "Agrarian Crisis and Farmers Unrest in Madhya Pradesh: A Study with special reference to Malwa Region," sponsored by IMPRESS-ICSSR, New Delhi.
4. Sandeep Joshi, "Childline Project," sponsored by Ministry of Women and Child Development, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
The institute organized three national seminars, four workshops/training programmes and one lecture during the year 2019-20.
Research Affiliation and Ph.D./M.Phil.
MPISSR is a recognised research centre of Vikram University, Ujjain for research leading to Ph.D. in Political Science, Economics, Geography and Sociology. The Institute offers three ICSSR Institutional Doctoral Fellowships, annually to pursue Ph.D. on topical issues of social sciences. Apart from scholars under ICSSR Fellowship, MPISSR also offers guidance and research facilities to scholars under open category, and also under various UGC Fellowships. Currently, 31 research scholars are pursuing Ph.D. in Political Science, Economics, Commerce and Sociology and three scholars are pursuing Post-doctoral research work. Five scholars have been awarded and three scholars have submitted their doctoral theses from MPISSR Ujjain during 2019-20.

1. Sisodia, Yatindra Singh and Tapas Kumar Dalapati (2020), "Strategies for Human Development and People's Participation: Challenges and Prospects in Rural India", New Delhi: Primus Books
Research Papers and Articles in Journals/Chapters in Books
The faculty of the institute published five research papers/articles in various journals and three chapters in published books during the year 2019-20.
The MPISSR library has a good collection of books, journals, periodicals, annual reports, newsletters, working papers and monographs related to social sciences. The library offers following services to its users (i) Current Awareness Service (ii) Selective Dissemination of Information (iii) Current Content list for Journals/Periodicals (iv) Reprographic Services and, (v) Circulation Service. The library has 17230 books and 3000 bound volumes of journals. The library exchanges the Institute's research output and publications, including its journals i.e. Madhya Pradesh Journal of Social Sciences and Madhya Pradesh Samajik Vigyan Anusandhan Journal published with financial assistance of ICSSR, with other social science institutions of India. MPISSR library subscribed to various online data bases, viz. JSTOR, ECONLIST, EBSCO and Indiastat for its users. During 2019-20, 522 new books on various topics broadly related to the Social Sciences have been added to the existing collection. Apart from this, the Institute has received 198 journals and periodicals on exchange/subscription basis during the period.



Income Opening Balance ICSSR Grant
Non-Plan (OH-36) Plan (OH-31) M.P. Govt. Grant Non-Plan Plan Deficit of Salary Met from Institute's Own Sources Other Income

Funds (Un-audited) 2019-20

Amount 28.10
76.48 50.00
35.00 11.36

Salary Non-Plan Institute's Own Sources
Establishment/Administrative Expenses Non-Plan Plan
Research Promotion Exp. (Seminar/ Workshop/Lectures and Research Publications) Misc. Expenses C/F for Next Year Total

( in Lakhs) Amount
104.98 47.19
32.30 18.82
28.67 231.96

Madras Institute of Development Studies (MIDS), Chennai
Research Projects (Completed)
1. Amita Bhide and Karen Coelho, "Boundary Spanning and Intermediation for Urban Regeneration: Comparative Case Studies from Three Indian Cities," collaborative study of Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Centre for Policy Research, and Madras Institute of Development Studies.
2. "Evidence Toward Affordable Housing Policies: The Case of Chennai; Karen Coelho"; Tamil Nadu State Land Use Research Board.
3. K. Jafar, "Mapping Vulnerability and Social Protection in Tamil Nadu: An Analysis of E-Database and Field Study," UNICEF.
4. Umanath Malaiarasan & L. Venkatachalam, "Structural Transformation, Regional Disparity and Institutional Reforms in Agriculture," National Institute of Agricultural Economics and Policy Research, New Delhi.

5. Ajit Menon, "Towards a Relational Approach to Agency for Mapping Pathways into and Out of Poverty," Economic & Social Research Council (United Kingdom).
Research Projects (Ongoing)
1. M. Vijayabaskar, "Becoming a Young Farmer: Pathways of Young People into Farming," Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada.
2. Ajit Menon, "Coastal Transformation and Fisher Well-being-Synthesized Perspectives from India and Europe," ICSSR, New Delhi, under EU­India Platform for the Social Sciences and Humanities Call for Collaborative Research: Sustainability, Equity, Wellbeing and Cultural Connections.
3. A.R. Venkatachalapathy, "Dalits and the Making of the Public Sphere in Colonial Tamil Nadu: A Documentation of Tamilan, 1907­1914," ICSSR SC­ST Component for 2016­17 (One-time grant by MIDS).



4. L. Venkatachalam, "Economic Valuation of Eco-system Service: A Study of 80 Prioritized Wetlands in Tamil Nadu," Tamil Nadu State Land Use Research Board.
5. Kripa Ananthpur L. Venkatachalam, and K. Jafar, "Tamil Nadu Household Panel Survey," Planning, Development and Special Initiatives Department, Government of Tamil Nadu.
The Institute organized 24 seminars/panel discussions, one lecture and 16 workshops/ training programmes during the year 2019-20.
Research Affiliation and Ph.D./M.Phil.
The Institute runs a Ph.D programme and also offers affiliation programme for foreign scholars for their research work. During the year 2019-20, three scholars have submitted Ph.D thesis while 32 scholars were pursuing PhD. Four international affiliates were also associated with MIDS during the year.
1. Anandhi, S., Manoharan, K.R., Vijayabaskar, M., & Kalaiyarasan, A. (Eds.). (2020). Rethinking Social Justice. Orient Blackswan.
2. Giri, A.K. (Ed.). (2019). Transformative Harmony. Studera Press.
3. Giri, A.K., & Marquez, I. (Eds.). (2020). The Essays of Chitta Ranjan Das on Literature, Culture and Society: On the Side of Life in Spite of. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
4. Pandian, M. S. S. (2020). Strangeness of Tamil Nadu: Contemporary History and Political Culture in South India (S.

Anandhi & D. Ludden, Eds.). Permanent Black.
5. Veeraraghavan, D. (2020). Half A Day for Caste: Education and Politics in Tamil Nadu, 1952­55 (A.R. Venkatachalapathy, Ed.). LeftWord Books.
Research Papers and Articles in Journals/Chapters in Books
The faculty of the Institute published 24 research papers/articles in journals and 16 chapters in published books during the year 2019-20.
Research Reports/Monographs/ Working Papers
1. Malaiarasan, U., Felix, K. T., & Paramasivam, R. (2019). Households' Energy Choice and Demand in Tamil Nadu (Working Paper No. 236), MIDS.
2. Mallampalli, C. (2019). Re-examining Cultural Accommodation and Difference in the Historiography of South Indian Catholicism (Working Paper No. 237), MIDS.
3. MIDS (with Malaiarasan, U.). (2020). How Can We Meet the Growing Demand for Sugar? (Research Brief No. 1), MIDS.
4. Sethi, R., & Somanathan, R. (2019). Meritocracy in the Face of Group Inequality (Working Paper No. 234), MIDS.
5. Sivasubramaniyan, K. (2019). Water Management of Two Major System Tanks According to Mamulnamas (Working Paper No. 235), MIDS.
6. Vijayabaskar, M., & Viswanathan, P. K. (2019). Emerging Vulnerabilities in India's Tea Plantation Economy: A Critical Engagement with Policy Response (Working Paper No. 233), MIDS.



7. Coelho, K. (2020). Boundary Spanning and Intermediation for Urban Regeneration: Comparative Case Studies from Three Indian Cities (Research report submitted to ICSSR).
8. Coelho, K. (2020). Dynamics and Determinants of Affordable Housing in Chennai (Research Report Submitted to State Planning Commission, Government of Tamil Nadu).
9. Vijayabaskar, M., & Balagopal, G. (2019). Politics of Poverty Alleviation Strategies in India (Working Paper WP 2019­ 7). United Nations Research Institute for Social Development.
Book Reviews
1. Anandhi, S. (2019, May 20). A Personal Struggle [Review of the book Coming out as Dalit: A Memoir, by Y. Dutt]. Open Magazine, 10(73).
2. Venkatachalapathy, A. R. (2019, April 28). Verses Born Out of Doubt and Torn Identity [Review of the book Journeys: A Poet's Diary, by A. K. Ramanujan]. The Tribune.
3. Venkatachalapathy, A. R. (2019, June 23). The Summer of 1911 [Review of the book Cricketing Country: The Untold Story of the First All India Team, by P. Kidambi]. The Tribune.
4. Venkatachalapathy, A. R. (2019, September 9). A Subtle Feast of Words to be Valued. [Review of the book Translating the Indian Past and Other Literary Histories, by A. K. Mehrotra]. The Tribune.
5. Vijayabaskar, M. (2020). Financializing Poverty: Labor and Risk in Indian Microfinance [Review of Financializing Poverty: Labor and Risk in Indian

Microfinance, by S. Kar]. Pacific Affairs, 93(1).
The MIDS Library with its collection of knowledge resources and innovative information services provides important services to the students and faculty in the institute and where possible, to the general public in their intellectual pursuits. The Library has over 61,402 printed documents and subscribes to 108 Journals. MIDS library subscribes to nearly 111 academic journals in the form of printed subscription. Out of this nearly 56 journals are now available through online access, and the members can access these journals in the campus on all days. Apart from this, the ICSSR has provided the access of J-Stor, Econlit, and Prowess IQ annually on a consortium basis. MIDS library procures electronic databases such as Census of India, NSSO, ASI, etc. on a regular basis. These databases are available in the form of CDROM/DVD. The library also subscribes to the online access of Economic Outlook from CMIE and EPWRF time series database. In addition to this, the ICSSR supports us in subscribing Indiastat.com annually. The library provides documents, reports, journals, etc. in electronic format from the Institute's archive, public domain and from other libraries to its users.
The library provides reference services to the readers in the library. The library arranges to provide document delivery services on request from other academic libraries to our faculty members and students. The library provides photocopying services to its members and other library users. A regular update on the arrival of new books/reports added in the library is intimated to the students and faculty periodically. The library in MIDS provides bibliography details to its faculty and students based on their specific subjects. The MIDS Library is a member of British Council Library



and Anna University Central library. With this facility, the library arranges inter-library loan facilities to faculty and research scholars in the Institute.
MIDS Library is using LIBSYS software for its in-house operations. J-Stor, Econlit, CMIEEconomic Outlook, PROWESS IQ, EPWRFIT, and Indiastat Databases are available in the library to enrich the knowledge base of students and faculty. The library acquires databases in the form of CD-ROM/DVD for our academic use. The Collection includes Census of India, DLHS, NSSO (Mainly Consumer Expenditure, Employment and Unemployment, Household Assets, Morbidity and Health Care etc). MIDS Library added 194 bound/back issues of journals in 2019­20. The library subscribes to 55 international and 53 Indian periodicals.

Nabakrushna Choudhury Centre for Development Studies (NCCDS), Bhubaneshwar
Research Projects (Completed)
1. Shibalal Meher, "Updation of Family Genealogy of Utkal-D Coal Mine of NALCO," sponsored by NALCO.
2. Shibalal Meher, "Implementation of MGNREGA to Provide Livelihood Security and Arrest Distress Migration in Drought Affected Districts of Odisha," sponsored by PR & DW Dept., Govt. of Odisha.
3. Shibalal Meher, "Technical Quality and Agro-economic Assessment of Water Conservation and Rejuvenation of Water Bodies under MGNREGA in Odisha," sponsored by PR & DW Dept., Govt. of Odisha.

MIDS, Chennai Funds (Un-audited) 2019-20

( in Lakhs)


Amount Expenditure



Non Plan - (OH 36)

Non Plan (OH ­ 36) Salary

212.00 Salary OH - 36


Plan (OH ­ 31 General)


OH 36 - Reduction of Grant towards Unspent Balance of OH - 36 for the F Y 20182019 from the Grant of 2019-20


State Govt. Grant (Both Plan and Non-Plan For the F Y 2019­2020


Plan (OH - 31)
General (OH-31) Establishment/Administrative Expenses


Arrear Grant from State Govt. 2018-19


Income from Own Sources (Projects, Fel-

47.11 Projects


lowships, Consultancy etc.) and Any Other Sources (10% of Institute's Income Over 90% of Grants

Fellowships Workshops/Training Programmes

Other Misc. Expenses

Excess of Expenditure over Grant

129.06 Misc. Expenses


546.19 Total


Notes: The Excess of Expenditure over Grant is due to Government of Tamil Nadu Grants for the year 2019-20 has not been received.



4. Rashmi Mishra, "All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE, 201819)," sponsored by Deptt. of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India.
5. Chita Ranjan Das & Biswabas Patra, "End-line Survey on Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of the Citizens of Odisha (KAP)," sponsored by Chief Electoral Officer, Odisha, Election Commission of India.
6. Chita Ranjan Das & Biswabas Patra, "Management of Forest Fire in Odisha," sponsored by PCCF(HoFF), Odisha.
Research Projects (Ongoing)
1. Srijit Mishra, Hippu Salk Kristle Nathan, Lakshmikanth Hari, "Analyzing Poverty Change in India: Decomposition, Inclusiveness and Multi-dimensional Nutritional Deprivation," sponsored by ICSSR, New Delhi.
2. Rajeswari Raina, Srijit Mishra, A. Ravindra, "Millet-based Nutrition Programmes: Theoretical Challenges and Policy Problems in Rainfed Agriculture," sponsored by ICSSR, New Delhi.
3. Srijit Mishra, "Transforming India's Green Revolution by Research and Empowerment for Sustainable Food Supplies," a collaborative project led by University of Cambridge with many other institutes as partners.
4. Srijit Mishra, Chita Ranjan Das & Biswabas Patra, "Special Programme for Promotion of Millets in Tribal Areas of Odisha," sponsored by Agriculture Department, Govt. of Odisha.
5. Srijit Mishra, Chita Ranjan Das & Biswabas Patra, "Special Programme

for Promotion of Integrated Farming in Tribal Areas of Odisha (Malkangiri District)," sponsored by Agriculture Department, Govt. of Odisha.
6. Shibalal Meher, "Survey for Updation of Family Genealogy of Utkal-E Coal Mine of NALCO," sponsored by NALCO.
7. Rashmi Mishra, "Digital Gender Atlas for Higher Education in the State of Odisha, Phase ­II," sponsored by Higher Education Deptt., Govt. of Odisha.
8. Rashmi Mishra, "All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE, 201920)," sponsored by Deptt. of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India.
9. Rashmi Mishra, "Evaluation Study on Biju Kandhamal O' Gajapati Yojana (BKGY) in the State of Odisha," sponsored by Planning and Convergence Department, Govt. of Odisha.
10. Chita Ranjan Das & Biswabas Patra, "The Impact of Online Transfer of Fund to the Plucker/Binders and other Seasonal Staff in their Socio-economic Development," sponsored by PCCF, Odisha.
11. Chita Ranjan Das & Biswabas Patra, "The Impact on Deregulation of KL Working in Malkangiri, Nabarangpur & Bhawanipatna (KL) Division, based on Forest Rights Act, 2006," sponsored by PCCF, Odisha.
12. Ramesh Prasad Mohanty, "Interactive Space for Learning," sponsored by NCDS.
The institute organized six seminars and five workshops/training programmes during the year 2019-20.



Research Papers and Articles in Journals/Chapters in Books
The faculty of the institute published 12 research papers/articles in various journals and three chapters in published books during the year 2019-20.
Research Papers/Monographs/Working Papers
1. Srijit Mishra & Kaushiki Singh. 2019. Scale Neutrality in Indian Agriculture. NCDS Working Paper No.75, Bhubaneswar, July.
2. Ramakanta Patra & Hitoshi Sadakane. 2019. Bertrand Competition with One-sided Cost Uncertainty. NCDS Working Paper No.76, Bhubaneswar, August.
3. Srijit Mishra & Lakshmikanth Hari. 2019. Nutritional Deficiencies in Maharashtra, 2004-05 and 201112. NCDS Working Paper No.77, Bhubaneswar, December.
4. Kiran Limaye. 2019. Proposed City GDP Measurement Framework: Some Suggestions. 2019. NCDS Policy Brief 7. Bhubaneswar, May.
5. Srijit Mishra, Sarthak Gaurav, Hippu Salk Kristle Nathan. 2019. Gross and Per-Capita District Domestic Product for Odisha, 2018-19. NCDS Policy Brief 8. Bhubaneswar, June.
6. Srijit Mishra, Lakshmikanth Hari. 2019. Fani's Impact on Incidence, Depth and Severity of Poverty in Odisha. NCDS Policy Brief 9. Bhubaneswar, June.
7. Bijaya Kumar Nayak, Chita Ranjan Das, Srijit Mishra. 2019. Procurement of

Ragi in Odisha: Ground Level Issues and Recommendations. NCDS Policy Brief 10. Bhubaneswar, November.
8. Srijit Mishra. 2019. Ragi Procurement in Odisha: Strengthening the Farm to Plate Initiative. NCDS Policy Brief 11. Bhubaneswar, November.
9. Srijit Mishra. 2020. COVID-19 Incidences Across Countries and Provinces of China: Some Observations. NCDS Policy Brief 12. Bhubaneswar, March.
10. Sarthak Gaurav. 2020. Behavioural Economics in the Fight Against COVID19: BOMA Framework. NCDS Policy Brief 13. Bhubaneswar, March.
11. Srijit Mishra. 2020. Two Developments of COVID-19 in Odisha: Some Suggestions. NCDS Policy Brief 14. Bhubaneswar, March.
12. NCDS (2019a) Baseline Survey: Gajapati District 2016-17, Phase-1 (Special Programme for Promotion of Millets in Tribal Areas of Odisha or Odisha Millets Mission, OMM), NCDS, Bhubaneswar, June 2019.
13. NCDS (2019b) Baseline Survey: Kalahandi District 2016-17, Phase1 (Special Programme for Promotion of Millets in Tribal Areas of Odisha or Odisha Millets Mission, OMM), NCDS, Bhubaneswar, June 2019.
14. NCDS (2019c) Baseline Survey: Kandhamal District 2016-17, Phase1 (Special Programme for Promotion of Millets in Tribal Areas of Odisha or Odisha Millets Mission, OMM), NCDS, Bhubaneswar, June 2019.
15. NCDS (2019d) Baseline Survey: Koraput District 2016-17, Phase-1 (Special Programme for Promotion of Millets in



Tribal Areas of Odisha or Odisha Millets Mission, OMM), NCDS, Bhubaneswar, June 2019.
16. NCDS (2019e) Baseline Survey: Malkangiri District 2016-17, Phase1 (Special Programme for Promotion of Millets in Tribal Areas of Odisha or Odisha Millets Mission, OMM), NCDS, Bhubaneswar, June 2019.
17. NCDS (2019f) Baseline Survey: Nuapada District 2016-17, Phase-1 (Special Programme for Promotion of Millets in Tribal Areas of Odisha or Odisha Millets Mission, OMM), NCDS, Bhubaneswar, June 2019.
18. NCDS (2019) Baseline Survey: Rayagada District 2016-17, Phase-1 (Special Programme for Promotion of Millets in Tribal Areas of Odisha or Odisha Millets Mission, OMM), NCDS, Bhubaneswar, June 2019.
19. NCDS (2019h) Baseline Survey: Area, Production, Sale Price, and Value of Produce for Millets across Blocks 201617, Phase-1 (Special Programme for Promotion of Millets in Tribal Areas of Odisha or Odisha Millets Mission, OMM), NCDS, Bhubaneswar, August 2019.
20. NCDS Study Team (2019) Baseline Survey: State Report 2016-17, Phase 1 (Special Programme for Promotion of Millets in Tribal Areas of Odisha or Odisha Millets Mission, OMM), NCDS, Bhubaneswar, December 2019.
21. Srijit Mishra (2020) Area, Yield, Production and Value of Produce under the Special Programme for Promotion of Millets in Tribal Areas of Odisha (Odisha Millets Mission), 2017-18, Phase-1, NCDS, Bhubaneswar, February 2020.

The Centre has a well maintained Library in a separate building in the campus. The Library has a collection of 19185 volumes of print books, 76 subscribed print journals and more than 20 years periodical back volumes in social sciences. Besides these, PhD theses, M. Phil dissertations, different reports are also part of the Library's collection. The Library is equipped with Air-conditioned reading room, E-library with computers, internet access points and WiFi connectivity, photocopy and print facility. The Library automation work is being managed by e-Granthalaya software which is developed by National Informatics Centre. The library is receiving institutional publications (books, journals, magazines etc.) from a number of institutions including different publications of government of India and Government of Odisha. The library is a now a Participant of the e-resource Consortium of ICSSR/NASSDOC and avail access to its e-resources. The Library is also a part of Odisha University Consortium to access e-resources provided by ProQuest.
The service available in the library include Open Access System, Circulation ServiceIssue/Return of Books, Reprography Service- Print & Photocopy, Reading Room Service- Air-Condition Reading environment, E-Library Service- Computer, Internet, Wi-Fi, E-Resources, Remote-Access, CAS- Current Awareness Service, News Clipping Service, SDI Service- Selective Dissemination of Information, DDS- Document Delivery Service, Reference Service. The digitalization/software services available include E-Granthalaya 3.0 for Library Automation and E-Resources access to Full Text Databases- JSTOR, EBSCO and ProQuest, Statistical Databases- IndiaStat, Prowess IQ, Sage Online Journals and EPW Archives (Digital Back volumes since 1949). During the year, 1116 books were added to the collection.



Funds (Un-audited) 2019-20

Income (Heads) ICSSR Grant Non-Plan (OH-36) Plan (OH-31) State Govt. Grant Non-Plan Plan Income from Own Sources (Projects, Fellowships, Consultancy etc.)

91.74 50.00
380.00 --

Expenditure Salary Non-Plan Plan Establishment/Administrative Expenses Non-Plan Plan Projects Fellowships Workshops/Training Programmes Other Misc. Expenses

Any other Sources Total

0.11 1319.15

Misc. Expenses Excess of Income over Expenditure Total

* Grants received for externally funded projects will be spent in subsequent years, since the projects are long-term by nature.

( in Lakhs) Amount
453.71 --
-57.31 86.07
722.06 1319.15

Omeo Kumar Das Institute of Social Change and Development (OKDISCD), Guwahati
Research Projects (Completed)
1. Rabin Deka, "Attempting at Social Inclusion through Constitutional Amendments in the Context of India's NorthEast," ICSSR, New Delhi.
2. Bhupen Sarmah, "Looking Into the Past for a Future: Shared History of North East India and its Neighbours," Sasakawa Peace Foundation, Japan.
3. Bhupen Sarmah, "Collective Violence in Western Assam: Causes, Accounts and Consequences," ICSSR, New Delhi.
4. Manash Jyoti Deka, "Understanding Subjectivity: A Cultural Study of Assam and Thailand (Post-Doctoral Fellowship)", ICSSR, New Delhi.
5. Walter Fernandes, "A Study of Traditional Land Management and Types of Alienation," In-house Study.

6. Saswati Choudhury, "Documentation, Monitoring and Evaluation of CSR Initiatives of NEEPCO Ltd., NEEPCO Limited."
7. Saswati Choudhury, "Documentation, Monitoring and Evaluation of CSR Interventions of NHPC Ltd.," NHPC Limited.
Research Projects (Ongoing)
1. Bhupen Sarmah, "Work and Well-being in Rural Assam," In-house Study.
2. Bhupen Sarmah, "Discovery of Assam: History of Settlement in Assam," Government of Assam.
3. Rikil Chyrmang, "Life, Livelihood and Exclusion: The Char Dwellers in the Brahmaputra Valley of Assam," ICSSR, New Delhi.
4. Arunima Deka, "Ethnic Identity, Regionalism and Coalition Politics in India's North East," Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi.



5. Bhupen Sarmah, "A Study on NRC and Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2016," In-house Study.
6. Dipongpou, "India-Southeast Asia Relations and the New Silk Road: A Study of the Impacts for North-East India (Post-Doctoral Fellowship)," ICSSR, New Delhi.
7. Monjit Borthakur and Akshay Jyoti Sarma, "Documentation, Monitoring and Evaluation of CSR Interventions of North Eastern Electric Power Cooperation," NEEPCO Limited.
8. Joydeep Baruah and Saswati Choudhury, "Second State Human Development Report," Arunachal Pradesh, Government of Arunachal Pradesh.
9. Bhupen Sarmah, "Status of Women Studies in the Northeast," In-house Study.
10. Joydeep Baruah, "Estimation of Gross Fixed Capital Formation in Assam," Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Assam.
11. Joydeep Baruah, "Emerging Agrarian Relations in North East India," In-house Study.
12. Rajib Sutradhar, "Political Economy of Cash Crop in North East: A Value Chain Approach," In-house Study.
13. Saswati Choudhury, "Distressed Situations and Indebtedness of Rural Households in Assam and Tripura," In-house Study.
14. Kalyan Das, "Livelihood in the Context of Resources and Regulations in North East India: Does Outmigration for Work Ensures Economic Freedom?", In-house Study.
15. Indraneel Bhoumik, "Outmigration from North East India: Causes and

Consequences," In-house Study.
16. Akshay Jyoti Sarma, "Does Informality Matter? Understanding Interactions Along and Across the Indo-Myanmar and Indo-Bangladesh Borders," In-house Study.
17. Gorky Chakraborty, "Situating the Ethnic Communities in the Polity Discourse: A Study of the Mizoram-Myanmar Borderlands," In-house Study.
18. Monjit Borthakur, "Understanding the Human-Nature Interaction: Political Ecology of Wetland Conservation in Assam," In-house Study.
19. Arunima Deka, "Encountering Development: Locating Changing Gender Relations in India's North East," In-house Study.
20. Bhupen Sarmah, "Integrationist-Transformative Agenda of the Nation State and the North East India," In-house Study.
21. Anindita Ghoshal, "Experiences and Experiments over Refugee-hood: A Study on Camps-Colonies and Spatial Change in North East India (19471971)," In-house Study.
22. Joseph K. Lalfakzuala, "Re-visiting "Khawkhawm": The Application and Implication of Village Re-settlement in Mizoram," In-house Study.
23. Benzamin L Saitluanga, "Quality of Life and Livelihood Options of Landless Households in Mizoram," In-house Study.
24. K. Santha, "Evolution of Democracy and Political Integration of Sikkim with the Indian Union," In-house Study.
25. Subir Kumar Sen, "The Efficacy of Road Transportation Network in North East



India: An Aggregative Study," In-house Study.
Conferences/Seminars/Lectures The institute organized one conference, four seminars, four workshops/training programmes and one lecture during the year 2019-20.
Research Affiliation and Ph.D./M.Phil. Ph.D. programme of the Institute is affiliated to Dibrugarh University, Assam. Currently, 10 students are pursuing their PhD research at the Institute.
Research Papers and Articles in Journals/Chapters in Books The faculty of the institute published three research papers/articles in various journals and two chapters in published books during the year 2019-20.

Research Reports/Monographs/ Working Papers
1. Evaluation of CSR and Environmental Sustainability: Subansiri Lower HE Project, 2017-18
2. Evaluation Report of CSR Initiatives of NEEPCO, 2017-18.
Book Reviews
1. Akshay Jyoti Sarma, (Review of Gogoi, Dilip (2020) Making of India's Northeast: Geopolitics of Borderlands and Transnational Interactions, London: Routledge), Northeast Today, February, 2020.
The library provides various services to its users like (a) Web services; (b) Photocopy; (c) Archival services; (d) Rate book services; (e) Data base access: Jstor, EPW, Indiastat etc. The digitization/software services available at the library include (a) SOUL 2.0 and KOHA for

Funds (Un-audited) 2019-20

Income (Heads) ICSSR Grant General (OH 36) Gerenal (OH 31) State Govt. Grant Salary Non-Salary Project Grants from ICSSR Project Grants from other Agencies Any other Sources Total

102.00 34.17
170.00 140.00
3.15 22.47 14.22 486.01

Expenditure Salary Establishment/Administrative Expenses Projects Fellowships Workshops/Training Programmes Miscellaneous Expenses Balance of funds *

* Balance of Funds includes funds of ongoing projects and unutilised Grant under OH 36 for the year 2019-20.

( in lakhs) Amount 246.24
24.39 21.66
4.32 11.25
4.40 173.75



In-house library management; (b) DSPACE for Digital Archive. There are 3750 back volumes at present in the Library. The Library has subscription of 48 Journals (national and international) in total. During the year 201920, 100 books were added to the collection.
Sardar Patel Institute of Economic and Social Research (SPIESR), Ahmedabad
Research Projects (Completed)
1. Niti Mehta, "Diagnostic Study of Farmer Producer Organizations in Gujarat. February 2020.," Farm Sector Policy Department, NABARD, Gujarat Regional Office, Ahmedabad.
2. Forum Dave, "National Level Monitoring Project (NLMs) Phase- I," Rajasthan Gram Panchayat Development Program (GPDP).
3. Smrutirekha Mohanty, "Drivers and Obstacles of Female Labour Force Participation in India and Structure of Wages," ICSSR, New Delhi.
4. Vachaspati Shukla, "Impact Evaluation Study of TDF Wadi Projects: Kaprada ­ I," NABARD.
5. Vachaspati Shukla, "Impact Evaluation Study of TDF Wadi Projects: Naswadi ­ I", NABARD.
6. Vachaspati Shukla, "Development of Scheduled Tribe Caste in Gujarat: A Multi-dimensional Assessment," ICSSR, New Delhi.
Research Projects (Ongoing)
1. Hansa Jain, "Digital Connectivity and Rural Development: Implications for Socio-economic Disparities," ICSSR, New Delhi.

2. Forum Dave, "Effectiveness of Self-Help Groups on Rural Empowerment - The Case Study of Gujarat and MadhyaPradesh, Evaluation of National Institute of Design - NID, National Level Monitoring - Phase-II- Maharashtra., ICSSR, New Delhi.
3. Gosavi, Nachiket, "Re-visiting Passenger Transport in Metropolitan Cities of India: How Far do People Commute?" ICSSR, New Delhi.
Conferences/Seminars/Lectures The institute organized one seminar and three lectures during the year 2019-20.
Research Affiliation and Ph.D./M.Phil. During the year one scholar was awarded Ph.D. degree, one submitted thesis and one was pursuing doctoral research work under the the faculty of the institue who are recognized as research supervisors with different Universities.
Books 1. Mehta, Niti (2019). Dynamics of Labour Use and Role of Genetically Modified Crops in Cotton Cultivation, Academic Foundation, New Delhi.
Research Papers and Articles in Journals/Chapters in Books The faculty of the institute published eight research papers/articles in various journals and one chapter in published books during the year 2019-20.



The H.K. library provides range of information services to facilitate the dissemination of its resources such as Current Awareness Bulletin (Monthly), Database Search including full text, Inter Library Loan (ILL), Photocopying and printouts, Document and Data delivery, Scanning services, Newspaper clippings. The library functions are fully automated using the user-friendly library management software SOUL 2.0 version and the bibliographic details of library holdings are accessible through Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC). The library has uploaded its bibliographic records in "IndCat: Online Union Catalogue of Indian Universities" developed by INFLIBNET. Due to this the SPIESR library's bibliographic records can be accessible from anywhere at any time. It has also developed an institutional repository

(IR) for its in-house journal "ANVESK". It includes papers published since its inception. The repository has 566 full-text articles.
The library receives access to the various e-resources including EconLit with full text (EBSCOhost), JSTOR and Indiastat. The library has a good collection of Bound volumes, which include most of the scientific journals. Total no. Bound Volumes added during the year 20192020 is 145. The library subscribes to twenty (20) national journals and receives more than 75 journals on exchange basis. It also subscribes 6 daily newspapers. From April 2019 to March 2020, the library has acquired new titles to its collection. It includes and other publications such as books, research report, working papers from various social science research institute. This brings total collection of 46812.

Funds (Un-audited) 2019-20

Income (Heads) ICSSR Grant Non-Plan (OH-36) Plan (OH-31) State Govt. Grant Non-Plan Plan Income from Own Sources (Projects, Fellowships, Consultancy etc.)
Any other Sources Excess of Expenses over Income Total

65.49 50.00 52.50
4.54 52.65 249.07

Expenditure Salary Non-Plan Plan Establishment/Administrative Expenses Non-Plan Plan Projects Fellowships Workshops/Training Programmes Other Misc. Expenses Misc. Expenses

( in Lakhs) Amount
166.21 ---
49.68 ---

Appendix 12
Research Projects and Seminars Approved under IMPRESS Scheme

Research Projects Approved under IMPRESS Scheme
Agriculture and Rural Development
1. Thanuja Mummidi, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, "The Loss of Commons and its Impact on Food Sovereignty: Comparing the Konda Reddis (PVTG) and Malayalis (ST), South India".
2. Ganeshkumar C., Indian Institute of Plantation Management, Karnataka, "Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Indian Agriculture for Food Security: Value Chain Analysis".
3. Hans Ram Meena, ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI), Karnal, Haryana, "Mitigation of Stubble Burning through Custom Hiring Centers for Agricultural Machinery in Trans-Gang".
4. Akanksha Shukla, National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, "Identification of Factors for Successful Implementation of Amul Like Cooperatives for Forest Produce".
5. Asif Mohammad, ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, Haryana, "Formulating Coping-up Strategies for Extreme Weather Events in Sundarbans Region through Livestock based Integrated Farming System: A Societal Perspective".
6. Joseph M.K., Rajagiri College of Social Sciences, Kerala, "Farmer Engagements

in Fair-trade Practices: Opportunities and Challenges for Sustainable Livelihoods".
7. Zahoor Ahmad Parray, South Campus, University of Kashmir, Jammu and Kashmir, "Impact of Centrally Sponsored Micro-Finance Schemes on Rural Development in Jammu and Kashmir".
8. Dr. Saroj Kumar Sahoo, Sambalpur University, Sambalpur, Odisha, "Marketability of Regionally Surplus Agricultural Products: A Critical Analysis to Provide Integrated Strategies".
9. Subramaniyaswamy V., SASTRA Deemed University, Tamil Nadu, "Design and Development of Decision-making Tool for Crop Selection in Precision Agriculture".
10. Rolee Kanchan, Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara, Gujarat, "A Geospatial Evaluation of Agricultural Land Suitability in South Gujarat, India".
11. Rahul Kamble, Sardar Patel Mahavidyalaya, Maharashtra, "Sustainable Adaptation Strategies for Climate Smart Agriculture with Emphasis on Marginalized Farmers".
12. Srinivasa Reddy Mandala, Centre for Economic and Social Studies (CESS), Telangana, "Climate Change and Contractual Terms of Tenancy: A Study in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana".



13. S.P. Singh, Indian Institute of Techno logy, Roorkee, Uttarakhand, "Agriculture Sustainability and Economic Efficiency under Conventional and Alternative Farming Systems in the Ganga River Basin".
14. Chinmoyee Mallik, West Bengal State University, Barasat, Kolkata, West Bengal, "Hazard Vulnerability and the Political Economy of Livelihood Transformation: Insights from the Indian Sundarban".
15. Nizamuddin Khan, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, "Assessment of Potential of Dairy Farming and Its Allied Activities for Socio-economic Development of Farmers in Devipatan Region (TransGhaghara) of Uttar Pradesh".
16. Chitra Parayil, Regional Agricultural Research Station, Kerala Agricultural University, Kerala, "Export Market Potential and Accreditation Systems for Organic Rice in Kerala".
17. Ashish Makwana, SMC College of Dairy Science, Anand Agriculture University, Gujarat, "Comparative Analysis of Dairy Business Models Existing in Gujarat: Study of Selected Districts and Exploring Possibility of Implementing New Models".
18. Rajesh Acharya, National Institute of Technology, Karnataka, "Assessing the Impact of Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) on Small-holder Farmers".
19. Debasree De, Maharaja Sris Chandra College, West Bengal, "The Policy of Land Acquisition and Tribal Development in Rural Jharkhand and Odisha during the Neo-liberal Regime".

20. Gomathi K K, Gobi Arts & Science College, Tamil Nadu, "Impact of Organic Farming in Alleviation of Rural Poverty: A Study in Erode District of Tamil Nadu".
21. Kavita Baliyan, Giri Institute of Development Studies (GIDS), Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, "Performance of Agriculture in Eastern Uttar Pradesh - Emerging Trends and Constraints".
22. Vijay Gaikwad, Dahiwadi College, Dahiwadi, Maharashtra, "Impact of Rainwater Harvesting Structures on Artificial Ground Water Recharge in Drought Prone Area of Satara District in Maharashtra".
23. Pawan Kumar Sharma, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Science & Technology of Jammu, Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, "Economics of Integrated Farming Systems under Diverse Agro-climatic Situations in Jammu & Kashmir State".
24. Mudasir Hassan Bhat, Lalit Narayan Mithila University, Darbhanga, Bihar, "Dynamics of Agriculture Diversification, Infrastructure Development and Food Security: A Case Study of Darbhanga District of Bihar".
25. Kiran Sharma, Amity University, Uttar Pradesh, "Impact Assessment of Poverty and Food Security Scheme for Tribal Groups in Jharkhand: A Case Study of Palamu District".
26. Nilesh Kumar Rai, Lal Bahadur Shastri Girls College of Management, Uttar Pradesh, "Rural Development in Eastern Uttar Pradesh Through Exploring Market of Milk Production (A Study based on Ballia and Ghazipur District)".



27. Saravanakumar Venkatachalam, Tamilnadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, "Frontier Agricultural Technologies for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation: Policy Options for Innovations and Technology Diffusion".
28. Shobharani Hanumanna, Kuvempu University, Shankaraghatta, Shimoga, Karnataka, "A Study on Problems and Prospects of Contract Farming".
29. Anandan Pouchepparadjou, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru College of Agriculture and Research Institute, Karaikal, Puducherry, "Socio-economic analysis of Agrarian Crisis in the Coastal Belt of Cauvery Delta in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry".
30. Preethi Dsouza, Mangalore University, Mangalore, Karnataka, "Agri-business and Women: A Stride En Route for Rural Amplification -A Study of Selected Districts in the State of Karnataka".
31. Bimal Deb Nath, North Eastern Hill University Tura Campus, Meghalaya, "Application of Big Data in Agriculture Development in Rural Areas: A Study on Three Rural Districts of Garo Hills, Meghalaya".
32. Chidanand Patil, Central University of Punjab, Bathhinda, Punjab, "Youth Involvement in Agriculture Projects ­ A Case of Agri-clinics and Agri-business Centres (ACABC) Scheme in Punjab".
33. Maulikkumar Prajapati, SMC College of Dairy Science, Anand Agriculture University, Gujarat, "To Evaluate Various Socio-economic Upliftment Schemes Provided to Member Farmers by Gujarat Dairy Cooperatives".
34. Murugan K., Guru Nanak College, Tamil

Nadu, "Accessibility of Rural Banking Credit and Farmer's Livelihood in Tamil Nadu".
35. Seema Rathee, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, Haryana, "Farmer's Awareness and Perception on Various Crop Insurance Schemes in Haryana".
36. Honnappa Bharadi, Karnataka University, Dharwad, Karnataka, "Promoting Income Security of Farmers: An Evaluation of Crop Insurance Schemes in Karnataka State".
37. Damodar Jena, KIIT (Deemed to be University), Odisha, "Climate Change Effects on Livelihoods and Adaptation Strategies: An Empirical Inquest with special reference to Marginal and Small Farmers in Odisha".
38. Suchitra Pardeshi, PDEA's Prof. Ramkrishna More A.C.S. College, Maharashtra, "Impact of Floods on Stream Behaviour, Agricultural Land Use and Its Repercussions in Upper Krishna Basin, Maharashtra".
39. Suneel Kumar, Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, Delhi, "Sustainable Rural Tourism: An Approach for Transforming Rural India- A Case Study of Himachal Pradesh".
40. Ranjana Sahu, G. S. College of Commerce & Economics, Nagpur, Maharashtra, "A Study of Innovative Measures for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in India (With special reference to Nagpur Division)".
41. Kavita Vadrale, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, "An Evaluation of Formal and Informal Rural Finance in Western Maharashtra".
42. Sinitha, Pannampilly Memorial Govt. College, Chalakkudy, Kerala, "Economic



Sustainability and Viability of Integrated Farming in Kerala Economy".
43. Bino Paul, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Maharashtra, "Impact of Agricultural Interventions on Farmers Wellbeing: Evidences from Semi-arid Regions of Rural India".
44. Sadanand Gone, Ujwal Gramin Mahavidyalaya, Ghonsi Tq. Jalkot, Dist. Latur, Maharashtra, "Regional Distribution of Agro-service Centres and Its Role in Development Planning of Latur District".
45. S. Parthasarathi, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru College of Agriculture and Research Institute, Karaikal, Puducherry, "A Study on the Farmers' Producer Organisations and its impact on the Sustainable Livelihood of Small Holders of Coastal Districts of Cauvery Delta".
46. Gummadi Sridevi, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Access and Appropriation of the Commons: A Study of Village Commons in Punjab and Telangana".
47. Sougata Ray, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Kerala, "Climate Change Impact and Self-Help Adaptation Strategies in the Sunderban Region of West Bengal".
48. Srilata Patnaik, Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, "Natural Disaster and Vulnerability: An Empirical Study in Drought Prone Region of Western Odisha".
49. Jai Kishan Chandel, Institute of Management Studies, Kurukshetra University, Haryana, "Protecting Agriculture Sector Through Insurance: A Study with reference to Haryana".

50. Nilakantha Panigrahi, Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya, Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh, "Status of Land Ownership and Empowerment of Baiga Tribal Women of Chhattisgarh: An Empirical Study".
51. Appavu Alias Balamurugan, E.G.S Pillay Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, "Automated Green Smart Farming Device Using IoT and Big Data Analytics for Precision Irrigation".
52. Manashi Gogoi, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat, Assam, "Exploring Agribusiness Opportunities in Indigenous Fruits of Assam".
53. Sanjay Patil, Matsyodari Shikshan Sanstha's, Ankushrao Tope College Jalna, Maharashtra, "Organic FarmingProblems and Prospects: A Case Study of Aurangabad District".
54. Sanjay Salunke, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, "Educational Status of `Gond Tribe' in Maharashtra".
55. Manika Kamthan, Symbiosis International, Maharashtra, "Law, Gender and Disasters: A Case Study of Drought in Bundelkhand".
56. Saswat Mishra, Administrative Staff College of India, Telangana, "Mining, Vertical Integration and Corporate Initiatives: Implications for Ecology and Socio-economic Inclusion in Odisha, India".
57. Chhatrapal Singh, R.J. Mahavidyalaya Raipur, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, "Analysis of Supply Chain of Major Fruits & Vegetables and Possibility in Value Addition of UP".
58. Yoganandan G., Periyar University, Salem, Tamil Nadu, "An Empirical Study of Marketing Challenges and



Opportunities in Flower Farming in Salem District of Tamilnadu, India".
59. Chidanand Patil, Central University of Punjab, Bathhinda, Punjab, "Performance of Regulated APMCs in Haryana under New Agricultural Marketing Reforms (e-NAM) Regime".
60. Pravin Pandurang Chavan, Chhatrapati Shahu Institute of Business Education and Research, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, "Assessment of The Effectiveness and Impact of Jalyukt Shivar Abhiyan: An Analytical of Maharashtra".
61. Geetilaxmi Mohapatra, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, Rajasthan, "Measuring the Vulnerability of Agricultural Households to Climate Change in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions of Rajasthan - A Capacity to Adapt Perspective".
62. Sandeep Kaur, Central University of Punjab, Bathhinda, Punjab, "An Evaluation of Effectiveness of Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana for Haryana and Punjab: The Way Forward for Diversification".
63. Girdhari Lal Meena, Rajasthan University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, "Impact Analysis of MGNREGA on Agriculture in Jaipur District of Rajasthan".
64. Resmi R., Sree Sankara Vidyapeetom College, Kerala, "A Study on Entrepreneurship as an Economic Force in Rural Development".
65. Naresh Singla, Central University of Punjab, Bathhinda, Punjab, "Re-structuring in Agri-food Markets in India: Impacts on Primary Producers and Workers".
66. Kishor Goswami, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, West Bengal,

"Economic Viability, Value Chain Analysis, and Micro-entrepreneurial Development for Selected Crop Varieties With Medicinal Values in North East India".
67. P. Revathi, Dr. N. G. P. Arts and Science College, Tamil Nadu, "Wild Life Damage, Crop Insurance /Compensation for Farmers in Coimbatore Division".
68. Srinivasa Sasdhar Ponnaluru, Vijayanagara Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Bellary, Karnataka, "Quantitative Assessment of Socio-economic Impacts of Climate Change on Farmers".
69. Sunil Kumar C.V., Institute of Public Enterprise, Telangana, "A Study on Lean Agricultural Supply Chain for High Valued Products".
70. Rajesh Kumar Abhay, University of Delhi, Delhi, "Agricultural Development, Land Degradation and Rural Sustainability in Border Areas of Uttar Pradesh: A Case Study of Siddharthnagar District".
71. Tribhuvan Nath, National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management, Haryana, "Designing Entrepreneurial Policy Framework for Smart Eco-social Villages Development".
72. Piyush Kumar Singh, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, West Bengal, "Development of a Digital Platform for Efficient Use of Agricultural Resources by Farmers".
73. Uma Sah, ICAR-Indian Institute of Pulses Research, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, "Value Chain Analysis of Pulse Crops in Bundelkhand Region of Uttar Pradesh State".



74. Revathy B., Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, "ICT Revolution to Revitalize Rural Women Agriculturists in Tamilnadu".
75. Sumant Kumar, Alliance University, Karnataka, "Farmer Suicide in India: A Case Study of Karnataka".
76. Ruchika Singh, Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, "National Food Security Act, 2013 (NFSA 2013): An Appraisal of Public Distribution System".
77. Rajas Courtyard, National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, Telangana, "Inclusive Growth in Indian Agriculture: Need for Commercially Viable and Financially Sustainable FPOS".
Employment Skills and Rural Transformation
78. C. J. Sonowal, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Maharashtra, "Problems and Prospects of Rural Transformation among the Tribes of Assam".
79. Mohammad Naseem Khan, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, "Participation of Women in Panchayati Raj Institutions: A Case Study of Aligarh District of Uttar Pradesh".
80. Paramasivan Chelliah, Periyar E.V.R. College, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, "Entrepreneurial Competence and Activities Engaged by Prisoners in Tamil Nadu ­ An Evaluation Study".
81. Manishkumar Mishra, K.M. Agrawal College Kalyan West, Maharashtra, "egkjk"Vª ds rek'kk dykdkjksa dh lkekftd Loh--fr ,oa la?k"kZ dk lelkef;d ifjçs{;".
82. Yatindra Singh Sisodia, Madhya Pradesh Institute of Social Science Research,

Madhya Pradesh, "Panchayati Raj Institutions under PESA in Fifth Scheduled Areas in Two Decades: An Assessment in Tri".
83. Diganta Kumar Das, Lakhimpur Commerce College, Assam, "The Role of National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) for Socio-economic Development of SC Communities: A Study with special reference to Lakhimpur, Dhemaji and Majuli District of Assam".
84. Arun Fred, Nesamony Memorial Christian College, Tamil Nadu, "A Study on the Effectiveness of Skill Development on the Rural Transformation with Respect to South Tamil Nadu".
85. Chitra, Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science for Women, Tamil Nadu, "Employability Skill Gap to Meet Industry 4.0 Requirements: An Empirical Study".
86. Nausheen Nizami, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, Gandhi Nagar, Gujarat, "Analysing Impact of Automation on Employment: Assessment and Policy for IT-BPM Sector".
87. Jyothi Polepeddi, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Literacy and Empowerment in Rural Women: A Longitudinal Evaluation of Targeted Literacy Programs in Select Districts of South India".
88. Asha Elizabeth Thomas, St. Paul's College, Kalamassery, Kerala, "Factors Affecting the Educational Attainments of Tribal Students in Kerala: An InterCommunity Study".
89. Anirban Dutta, National Institute of Technology, Agartala, Tripura, "Skill Development in Tripura:



Analysis on Problems, Challenges and Opportunities".
90. Nisha Pandey, Mumbai University Mumbai, Maharashtra, "Skill Promotion and Sustainable Development: Woman's Role in Rural Transformation".
91. Tarak Nath Sahu, Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, West Bengal, "Effectiveness of Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana in Employment Generation and Livelihood Transformation of Tribal Women Entrepreneurs in West Bengal".
92. Pravati Dalua, Kamala Nehru College, University of Delhi, Delhi, "Gender, Mobility and Informal Entrepreneurship in Contemporary Handicraft Industries: A Comparative Study of Women Entrepreneurs of Odisha and Delhi".
93. Satyapriya Rout, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Decentralised Governance through People's Planning: A Study of Implementation of Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP)".
94. Binita Tiwari, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Odisha, "Youth Employability: A Capability Building Framework to Overcome Employability Issues in Semi-Urban and Rural Areas of Eastern India".
95. Ganesh Sahu, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, "Developing a Model for Effective Adoption of Solar Energy System in India".
96. Archana Thulaseedharan, Indian Institute of Plantation Management, Karnataka, "Effective Implementation of Plantation Act, 1951 through Gender Intelligent Policies: A Study from the Tea Plantations of Assam".

97. Prashant Kandari, Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal Univeristy, Srinagar, Garhwal, Uttarakhand, "Financial Inclusiveness among Rural Households and its Role in Attaining Inclusive Growth in Hilly Areas of Uttarakhand: A Study of Pauri, Chamolian".
98. Muzamil Mushtaq, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, "Employability and Skills Needed by LIS Professionals in India: A Framework for Designing LIS Curriculum, Pedagogy and Special Training Courses".
99. Neeta Sinha, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, Gandhi Nagar, Gujarat, "An Exploratory Study on Employability of Transgenders in Gujarat".
100. Nittala Malati, Delhi Institute of Advanced Studies, Delhi, "Structural Model for Skill Development and Women Empowerment through Vocational Education in National Capital Region, India".
101. MalharKolhatkar,VMVCommerce,JMT Arts & JJP Science College, Maharashtra, "Socio-economic Development through NREGA Schemes for the Upliftment of the Rural Area (Case Study of Nagpur, Wardha & Amravati District)".
102. Rahul Sapkal, Maharashtra National Law University Mumbai, Maharashtra, "Waste-Work, Caste Stigma and Urban Precarity: Empirical Evidences from Guwahati and Mumbai in India".
103. Sravani Maddala, Krishna University, Machhlipattanam, Andhra Pradesh, "Problems and Prospects of Kalamkari Units in Machilipatnam: A Study with reference to Selected Villages Practicing Kalamkari Art in Machilipatnam, Kris".



104. Sakthivel Murugan, Dhanraj Baid Jain College, Tamil Nadu, "A Study on Soft Skill Training and Its Impact on Employability of College Students in Corporate Sector in Tamil Nadu".
105. Sahil Raj, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, "Building Employment Skills by Analysing Destination Image of Punjab".
106. Bimal Kishore Sahoo, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, West Bengal, "Quality of Work in Labour Market".
107. Subburaj Srinivasaragavan, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, "Development of ICT Enabled Skills for Employability and Entrepreneurship among Rural Women in Tamil Nadu by Establishing an Information System".
108. Padmavati Undale, MIT Arts, Commerce and Science College, Maharashtra, "A Study of Employability Skills among Rural Youths with special reference to Pune District of Maharashtra".
109. P. Karthikeyan, Kongu Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, "Assessment on Employability Skills of SC, ST Rural Youth in Western Districts of Tamil Nadu".
110. Manoj Sharma, National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh, "Bridging the Mountainous Divide through Digital Astuteness and Capacity Building of Rural Women in Himachal Pradesh".
111. Bharat Mahadev Yadav, Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyaapeeth, Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, "Rehabilitation of Marine Fishers through Alternative Livelihood Options".

112. Senthil Kumaran Piramanayagam, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Karnataka, "Employing People with Disability (PwD) into Hospitality Workforce to Mitigate the Issues and Challenges of Employee Attrition".
113. Binayak Choudhury, School of Planning & Architecture, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, "Spatio-temporal and Socio-economic Rural Transformation in Madhya Pradesh: An Inter District Econometric Analysis".
114. Giribabu. M., Nagaland University, Nagaland, "An Evaluation of National Rural Livelihood Mission on Sustainable Livelihood and Women Empowerment in Nagaland".
115. Catherine Nirmala, St. Agnes College, Karnataka, "An Analysis of Employability Skills of Post-graduate Students and their Impact on Job Prospects".
116. Ganesh Chavan, Smt. Nathibai Damodar Thackersey Women's Univeristy, Mumbai, Maharashtra, "Development of Knowledge, Skills and Competencies among Dairy Farm Workers through Blended Mode Training Program and its Efficacy".
117. Indrajit Bairagya, Institute for Social and Economic Change, Karnataka, "Role of Skill Development for Promotion of Rural Non-farm Self-employment in India".
118. K.S. Ranjani, National Institute of Industrial Engineering, Maharashtra, "Impact of Skill Development Programmes on Borrower and Institutional Performance in Indian Micro-finance Institutions".



Governance, Innovation and Public Policy
119. Dhirendra Mani Shukla, Indian Institute of Management Udaipur, Rajasthan, "Inter-firm Collaboration Networks: Implications for Firm Innovation".
120. Shalini Garg, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi, "Assistive Technology, Assistive Technology Services Framework and Artificial Intelligence Applications for People with Disabilities: A Cross National Study".
121. Fathima Jaseena, Farook Training College, Farook College, Kerala, "Re-defining Teen-Brain Epistemology: Integrating New Dimensions of Cognitive Psychology & Research Outputs Implication for Adolescents Development".
122. Rachita Gulati, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, Uttarakhand, "Impact Evaluation of Governance Compliance on the Performance and Stability of Indian Banks".
123. Gyanaranjan Swain, Ravenshaw University, Cuttak, Odisha, "Governance and Management of Religious Tourism in India: A Comparative Study of Jagannath Temple of Odisha, Tirupati Temple of Andhra Pradesh, Sabarimala Temple of Kerala and Vaishno Devi Temple of Jammu & Kashmir".
124. Manoj Verma, Mizoram University, Aizwal, Mizoram, "Content Analysis and Design Trends of Websites of ICSSR Institutes of India: An Evaluation".
125. Arvind Kumar, Lady Shri Ram College for Women, Delhi, "The Study of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Practices of Select Companies in India with special reference to North Eastern Region".

126. Kalyan Sankar Mandal, Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, West Bengal, "A Study of Business Methods in Promoting Social Development".
127. V. Kavida, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, Puducherry, "Open Innovation in TRIPs Compliant Intellectual Property Regime: Obstacles and Opportunities for Manufacturing SMEs in India".
128. Swati Ray Chakraborty, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Manipur, "A Case Study of Sustainable Drinking Water Project of Haraorou Village, Imphal East District, Manipur".
129. Jyotish Prakash, West Bengal State University, Kolkata, West Bengal, "Good Forest Governance, Inclusive Development and Forest Dependent Communities: A Study in South and North Bengal Forest Divisions of West Bengal".
130. Arindam Roy, Burdwan University, Burdwan, West Bengal, "Criticality of Socio-cultural Factors in Public Policy Making: A Study of Reproductive Health Care in Rural West Bengal".
131. Gyana Ranjan Panda, Central University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, Rajasthan, "Legislative Policy-making on Climate Justice in India: The Study of Parliamentary Businesses, Practices and Oversights Since Thirteen Lok Sabha".
132. Anupam De, National Institute of Technology, Durgapur, West Bengal, "The Social Impact of Corporate Social Responsibilities of the Major Public Sector Undertakings in India: A Case Study of West Bengal".
133. Vikram K. Joshi, Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, Maharashtra, "Performance Evaluation of



Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana (PMMY) ­ An Empirical Study of Beneficiaries of Nagpur District".
134. Rajesh Modi, Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat, "Women Empowerment through Panchayati Raj Institutions: A Study of Role and Responsibilities of Women Heads of Village Panchayats in Gujarat".
135. Subhendu Sekhar Padhi, Government College, Koraput, Odisha, "Working of Pesa: Governance Gaps and Scope for Policy Intervention (A Case Study)".
136. Bimal Puthuvayi, National Institute of Technology, Calicut, Kerala, "Sociotope Mapping as a Tool for Policy Framework in an Urban Cultural Landscape".
137. Deepanjali Mishra, KIIT, Odisha, "Strengthening Societal Roles in Developing and Implementing An Effective Alcohol Policy in India: A Case Study".
138. Samapika Mohapatra, Central University of South Bihar, Bihar, "Effects of `Sharab Bandi' (Alcohol Prohibition) on Women's Socio-economic Conditions in Rural Bihar".
139. Narayan Chandra Nayak, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, West Bengal, "Evaluating Effectiveness of the Channels of Financial Inclusion: A Study of Rural Odisha".
140. G.S Sandhya Nair, Sree Vivekananda College, Kerala, "A Study on the Effect of Green Protocol Initiatives on Low Impact Tourism & Sustainable Destination Management".
141. Radhika S., VLB Janakiammal College of Arts and Science, Tamil Nadu, "Awareness on Atal Pension Yojana among the Employees of Unorganized Sector in Coimbatore City".

142. Indrani Sarma, Cotton University, Assam, "Forests and Forest Dwellers in Assam: Searching for a Sustainable Relationship".
143. Reshma Gills, Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kerala, "Knowledge Value Chains for Sustainable Marine Fisheries Management: A Diagnostic Assay in an Eco-polity Spiral System of Governance".
144. Anil Sarode, Moolji Jaith College, Jalgaon, Maharashtra, "Impact Assessment of Digital India Initiative for e-Governance, Financial Inclusion and Digital Empowerment of Citizens: A Study of Maharashtra".
145. Mohammad Tarique, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, "Role of Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) in Poverty Alleviation: A Case Study of Select Districts".
146. Chandraiah Gopani, University of Allahabad, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, "Justice for `Nomadic Communities' among Scheduled Castes (SC): A Study of Nomadic Scheduled Castes' (SC) Empowerment in Telangana".
147. Sunita Singh, University of Delhi, Delhi, "The Impact of the Rastriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) in Secondary Schools of Eastern Uttar Pradesh with reference to Special Focus Groups".
148. Jyoti Niswade, Matru Sewa Sangh Institute of Social Work, Maharashtra, "Widows' Social Security, Issues of Entitlement and Accessibility of Governmental Programmes: A Study of Widows in Rural India".
149. Smita Salunke, Akbar Peerbhoy College of Commerce & Economics Maulana Shaukatali Road Mumbai, Maharashtra, "Work Efficiency Maximization by Lady



Police Personnel - A Case Study of South Mumbai".
150. Samir Sarkar, Gauhati University, Guwahati, Assam, "A Study on the Effectiveness of e-Governance in Government to Citizen Service Delivery Mechanism in Assam: Special Reference to e-District Mission MoD".
151. Kamruddin Shaik, Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Impact of Organisation Climate on Occupational Stress of Police Personnel in Hyderabad City: An Empirical Study".
152. Chitra D., V.L.B. Janakiammal College of Arts and Science, Tamil Nadu, "Impact of `Swachh Swasth Sarvatra' on the Villagers in Coimbatore District- A Survey".
153. Sitaram Kumbhar, University of Delhi, Delhi, "Sea-born Disaster Risk Reduction, Governance and Management in Odisha: A Comparative Study of Policy and Innovation".
154. Shanthini Devi Mounaswamy, Dr.N.G.P. Arts and Science College, Tamil Nadu, "e-Governance towards Good Governance- An Analysis of selected Village Panchayat Blocks in Coimbatore District".
155. Sibananda Senapati, Chandragupt Institute of Management Patna, Bihar, "An Assessment of Prime Minister's Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) and its Future Scope: Evidence from Patna District in Bihar".
156. Bidyut Bikash Baishya, Pragjyotish College, Assam, "Health Care Service Deliveries through ESI Scheme in North East India: A Comparative Assessment".

157. Sunil Kumar Ambrammal, National Institute of Technology, Goa, "Harnessing Technological Innovations for Sustainable Development: The Role of Intellectual Property Rights".
158. Skylab Sahu, Mirenda House, University of Delhi, "Understanding the Effectiveness of the Role of the State in Tackling Decreasing Sex Ratio: A Study of the State of Haryana".
159. Wakar Amin, University of Kashmir, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, "Understanding the Need for Formulation of a Resettlement and Rehabilitation Policy in J&K".
160. Anupama Sihag, Gandhi Memorial National College, Haryana, "Psychological Correlates of Political Behavior".
161. Rajendra Kumar Pandey, Choudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, "Political Economy of Disaster Management in India: A Study of Flood Management in Jorhat and Dibrugarh Districts of Assam".
162. Srabanti Choudhuri, Netaji Subhash Open University, Kolkata, West Bengal, "Understanding Social Empowerment among the Young Women in Malda District of Bengal with special reference to Beti Bachao & Beti Padao Programme.".
163. Rajeev Kumar, Jananayak Chandrashekhar University, Uttar Pradesh, "Innovation, Knowledge and Governance in Public Policy: A Study of Scheduled Tribes in Uttar Pradesh".
164. Vageshwari Deswal, University of Delhi, Delhi, "Agrarian Issues and Plight of Farmers".



165. Surendra Singh, Atma Ram Sanatan Dharma College, Delhi, "A Study of Urban Governance around the World: Examine the Ground Realities and Suggestions for Effective and Innovative Public Policy in India".
166. Sudhir Singh, Association of Indian Universities, Delhi, "Concept of Kautilya's Governance; A Re-examination of Hindu Political Thought in Contemporary Context".
Growth, Macro Trade and Economic Policy
167. Malini Tantri, Institute for Social and Economic Change, Karnataka, "Doing Business and Trade Facilitation: A Study of Selected Agricultural Export Zones (AEZs) in India".
168. Raghavender Raju, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Andhra Pradesh, "A Structural Model of the Current Account of India's Balance of Payments Under the New Economic Policy Regime".
169. Ruchi Sharma, G.G.D.S.D. College, Chandigarh, "Development of Commercial Banks in India: A Study of Inter-State Disparity".
170. Mithun Jagadish Sharma, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh, Assam, "Evaluation and Benchmarking of Statistical and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Models in Predicting Probability of Default on Loan Portfolios of Public".
171. Chandrima Chakraborty, Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, West Bengal, "Analysis of Efficiency and Total Factor Productivity Growth of Indian Pharmaceutical Industry with special reference to West Bengal".

172. Biswajit Prasad Chhatoi, Khallikote Univesity, Berhampur, Odisha, "An Impact Assessment of Financial Literacy on Financial Inclusion: Special Reference to Khurda and Ganjam Districts of Odisha".
173. Priti Sharma, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, Haryana, "Intellectual Capital- A Linchpin for Sustainable Growth of Indian Small & Medium Enterprises".
174. Krishna Prasanna, Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, "Non-performing Assets: Linkages with Firm Level Credit Quality and Financial Fragility".
175. Ashok Sar, KIIT, Odisha, "Impact of Dynamic Capability on Success of Entrepreneurs: A Study of Small and Medium Manufacturers in Odisha".
176. Arun Kumar Giri, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, Rajasthan, "Linking Energy Poverty with Human Development: A Case Study of Two Districts of Rajasthan".
177. Sujit Metre, Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Management Studies and Research, Maharashtra, "Evaluating Policy Dilemma for Financial Education, Financial Inclusion & Financial Well-being with reference to Adopted Villages in Nagpur Division".
178. Ruhee Mittal, Rukmini Devi Institute of Advanced Studies, Delhi, "Digitization Enabling Delhi MSME's to Scale-up for Inclusive Growth".
179. Nazia Sultana, University College for Women, Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Impact Assessment of Service Quality for Business Incubation with Mediating Effect of Government Policies in India".



180. Sheena Suresh, National Institute of Technology, Karnataka, "Brand India: The Futuristic Medical Tourism Hub ­ A `Make in India' Initiative".
181. Arthi Jeyaraj, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Tamil Nadu, "Instituting Women Startups Promoting Incubators in Academic Institutions through Leveraging CSR Contribution in Selected Districts around Coimbatore".
182. Venugopalan T., University of Delhi, Delhi, "Sustainable Tourism Development in India ­ A Case Study of Uttar Pradesh Heritage Tourism".
183. Vidya C.T., Centre for Economic and Social Studies, Telangana, "Global Value Chains in the Apparel Sector in India: In-depth Study of ServicesManufacturing Linkage, Employment and Trade Barriers".
184. Narendra Kumar Bishnoi, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology, Hissar, Haryana, "Economic Impact of Highway Projects in India".
Health and Environment
185. Pravesh Tamang, Presidency University, West Bengal, "Economic Valuation and Benefits Transfer of Restoring the Teesta Riverine Ecosystem".
186. Vinay V. Panicker, National Institute of Technology, Calicut, Kerala, "Assessment of Occupational Hazards for Worker Well-being under Clean India Initiative".
187. Manas Ranjan Behera, Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (Deemed to be a University), Odisha, "Relationship between Household Sanitation and Women's Experience of Menstrual

Hygiene under Swachha Bharat Mission (Clean India Mission) in Odisha".
188. Somenath Bhattacharjee, Assam University, Silchar, Assam, "Natural Resources and Indigenous Knowledge as an Alternative Source of Tribal Medicine in Assam".
189. S. Gandhimathi, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Tamil Nadu, "Impact of Water Pollution on Welfare Loss of Farm Households in Tiruppur District ­ An Imperfect Market Approach".
190. Srinivasan Kannan, Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, "Social, Economic and Health Impact of Industrial Pollution in Dindigul District, Tamil Nadu".
191. Rajeswari Kalidass, Mother Teresa Women's University, Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu, "Work Environments with respect to Female Nurse-friendly Public Hospitals in Tamil Nadu".
192. Harvinder Kaur Sidhu, Desh Bhagat University, Punjab, "Comparative Analysis of the Impact of Stubble Burning on Health in Urban and Rural Area in selected Area of Punjab".
193. Rahul Kamble, Sardar Patel Mahavidyalaya, Maharashtra, "Occupational Health Assessment of Bio-medical Waste Transporting and Treatment Facility Workers".
194. Pratibha, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, "A Comparative Study of Reproductive Health Problems and Rights of Urban and Rural Women in Western Maharashtra".
195. Adani Azhoni, National Institute of Technology, Karnataka, "SEIBOCCA: Socioeconomic and Institutional Barriers



and Opportunities for Climate Change Adaptation in North-east India".
196. Richa Chaudhary, Indian Institute of Technology, Patna, Bihar, "The Diffusion of Environmental Sustainability Innovations in Hospitals of Patna Region in Bihar State of India".
197. Rajendra Zolekar, Kr. V. N. Naik Shikshan Prasarak Sanstha's Arts, Commerce and Science College Nashik, Maharashtra, "Assessment of Groundwater Quality for Human Health and Agriculture of Nashik District using Multivariate Statistical Techniques and GIS".
198. L.T. Sasang Guite, Central University of Punjab, Bathhinda, Punjab, "Availability and Accessibility of Health Care Facility with special reference to the Hill Districts of Manipur".
199. Geetanjali Dash, Fakir Mohan University, Balasore, Odisha, "Tribal (Adivasi) Women, Climate Change and Social Equity in Selected Districts in Odisha, India".
200. Subhash Karande, Chhatrapati Shivaji College, Satara, Maharashtra, "Geospatial Study of Landslide Potential Villages in Satara District of Maharashtra".
201. Sindhu Joseph, Govinda Pai Memorial Govt. College, Manjeswaram, Kasaragod, Kerala, "Equitable Healthcare Access to the Elderly in Rural Kerala: An Investigation of Healthcare Barriers and Relationship Dimensions".
202. Xavier Susairaj, Sacred Heart College, Tamil Nadu, "Economic Valuation of Health Impact of Tannery Water Pollution in India: An Application of Cost of Illness Approach".

203. Nirban Manna, Indian Institute of Technology Dhanbad, Jharkhand, "Theatre and Dance Movement Therapy as Rehabilitative Tools for People with Mental Retardation: An Empirical Study".
204. Bidyut Jyoti Bhattacharjee, Barpeta Road Howli College, Assam, "An Empirical Study on Access of Health Care & Health Insurance by the Rural Populace of Assam".
205. Mohammad Younus Bhat, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, "Economic Valuation of Himalayan Biodiversity: A Case Study of Selected Wetlands and National Parks of Northern India".
206. Prakash Patil, K.V.P.S. Kisan Arts, Commerce and Science College, Parola, Maharashtra, "Problems and Prospects of Food Security among Tribal Population in Satpuda Region of Jalgaon District (M.S.)".
207. Chitra K.P., Central University of Tamil Nadu, Tiruvarur, Tamil Nadu, "Access and Barriers to Mental Health Care: A Situational Analysis of the Families of Persons with Mental Illness in Thiruvarur District, Tamil Nadu".
208. V. Sujatha, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi, "Social Inequality and Medicine. Access and Utilisation of Medicinal Substances by Social and Economic Strata in Central India".
209. Nalina Bathran, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, "Elderly Fall: Developing an Intervention Model as a Preventive Strategy to Promote Healthy Ageing".
210. Suman Sigroha, Indian Institute of Technology, Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, "A Study of the Intersections of Oral



History and Religion for Sustainable Development in the Fragile Himalayas Located in Himachal Pradesh".
211. Dhanapal Janagam, Periyar University, Salem, Tamil Nadu, "Bio-diversity of Herbal Plants and Indigenous Knowledge of Tribals in Kolli Hills of Tamil Nadu".
212. Sarjoo Patel, Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara, Gujarat, "Designing Food Stalls Operating on Solar Energy for Energy Conservation and Reduction in Pollution".
213. Navreet, Panjab University, Chandigarh, Chandigarh, "Promoting and Facilitating Usage of Solar Energy under National Solar Mission in India: An Evaluative Study of Punjab, Haryana and Himachal Pradesh".
214. Saleha Jamal, Aligarh Muslim University, Uttar Pradesh, "Environmental and Health Consequences of Slaughter Houses: A Study of Slaughter Houses Located on the Outskirts of Aligarh City".
215. Prakash Rao, Symbiosis International, Maharashtra, "Linking Community Perceptions, Livelihoods Resilience and Scientific Evidence on Climate Change in Selected Coastal Communities of Maharashtra".
216. Archana Sethi, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, "NÙkhlx<+ dh efyu cfLr;kas ds ifjokjkas dh ÅtkZ miHkkxs dh fLFkfr dk v/;;u ¼jk;ijq 'kgj ds fo'k"s k lUnHkZ e½as ".
217. Pravati Dalua, Kamala Nehru College, University of Delhi, Delhi, "Green Consumption in India: A Study of Changing Organic Food Consumption Patterns in Delhi and Bhubaneswar".

218. Meera Shanker, Smt. Nathibai Damodar Thackersey Women's University, Mumbai, Maharashtra, "Stress and Mental-physical Well being of Working Women: Acceptability and Affordability".
219. B. Suresh Lal, Kakatiya University, Telangana, "The Mechanism to Prevent the Economic and Health Damages from Inadequate Sanitation: Investigating Best Experience in Rural/Tribal Areas of South India".
220. Sivakami Nagarajan, Central University of Tamil Nadu, Tiruvarur, Tamil Nadu, "Community-based Participatory Research on the Psycho-Social Impact, Problems and Reality Responses to Disasters: Study on the Experiences of Women In".
221. Khushwinder Kaur Gill, Panjab University, Chandigarh, "Development of Ecofriendly Microencapsulated Finish for Cotton and Wool Using Selected Plant Sources".
222. Kavitha H, Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Karnataka, "Efficient Utilization of Used/Waste Flower by Converting it to Useful Products and thus Conserving Nature".
223. Manokamana Ram, Banaras Hindu University, Banaras, Uttar Pradesh, "Health Inequalities among Indian States with special reference to Eastern Uttar Pradesh".
224. Vandana Rao, Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Management Studies and Research, Maharashtra, "Bridging the Gap for Better Health Sustainability through Solid Waste Management".
225. Saroj Kumar Routray, KIIT, Odisha, "Socio-economic and Health Interventions for the Greying Population:



An Impact Assessment in the State of Odisha".
226. Manoj Kumar Jena, Jawahar Lal Nehru University, Delhi, "Climate Change, Environmental Degradation and its Impact on Human Health: A Study of selected Households in Delhi NCR".
227. Vandana Gupta, Panjab University, Chandigarh, Chandigarh, "Breast Feeding: A Step towards Healthy and Productive Life".
228. Farida Ahmed, University of Allahabad, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, "Developing Communication Plan for Two Districts under Swachh Bharat Mission in Uttar Pradesh".
229. Mamman Joseph C., Central University of Tamil Nadu, Tiruvarur, Tamil Nadu, "Gatekeeper's Attitude, Skill and Knowledge about Psycho-social Care for the Disaster Affected".
230. Nandini Ghosh, Institute of Development Studies, West Bengal, "Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in the Primary Health Care System".
231. Geetilaxmi Mohapatra, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, Rajasthan, "Health and Environmental Impact of Pesticide Use Versus Organic Farming: A Case of Two Districts in Rajasthan".
232. Muhamad Yousuf Ganai, Institute of Kashmri Studies, University of Kashmir, Jammu and Kashmir, "Sustainable Livelihood and Conservation Practices among Lake Dwellers: A Study of Dal Lake".
233. Nazir Ahmad Kotey, Govt. Degree College for Womens, Anantnag, Jammu and Kashmir, "Health Seeking Behaviour Patterns in Jammu and Kashmir: A

Comparative Study of Rural and Urban Households in Jammu and Kashmir".
234. R. Nirmala, Goa University, Goa, "Relationship between Green HRM Practices of Industry and Environmental Performance, Sustainability and Employee Health".
235. Karikalan, National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis, Tamil Nadu, "Measuring Socio-economic Risk-Benefits and Health Related Quality of Life Changes Associated with Tuberculosis Disease Disclosure".
236. Hari K. Choudhury, Indian Institute of Information Technology Guwahati, Assam, "Determinants of Women's Acceptance of Cervical Cancer Screening Program: A Case Study of Kamrup District of Assam".
237. Ramna Thakur, Indian Institute of Technology, Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, "Do Health Policies Require to Address Gender Related Unique Needs to Control Non-communicable Diseases in India? An Investigation in Punjab".
238. Raveendra Naik, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupathy, Andhra Pradesh, "Health Hazards and Infant Mortality among the Adolescent Married Tribal Girls in Andhra Pradesh".
239. Sweta Sinha, Indian Institute of Technology, Patna, Bihar, "Designing Disaster Preparedness Training Modules using Indigenous Knowledge and Increasing Community Awareness Through Contextualized Techniques in Bihar".
240. Shah Mohd. Khan, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, "Perceived Mental Health Problems, Organizational Climate and Job Satisfaction among Working Women: A



Psychological Study of Working Women in Delhi NCR".
241. Showket Ahmad Mir., Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah University, Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, "Economic Valuation of High Altitudes Wetlands of Pir Panjal (J&K)".
242. Kanmani T.R., National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Karnataka, "Utilisation of Health Care Schemes among Families of Urban Slums in Bengaluru City".
243. Sibananda Senapati, Chandragupt Institute of Management Patna, Bihar, "Coping with Climate Change and Human Development Challenges: A Study on Bihar".
244. Saswat Mishra, Administrative Staff College of India, Telangana, "Natural Resource Management under MGNREGA in Climate Vulnerable Regions of Odisha, India".
245. Gaurav Agrawal, Atal Bihari Vajpayee Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, "Accessibility and Adaptability of Ayushman Bharat Program for Social Security of Elderly in Central India".
246. Anish K.R., Rajagiri College of Social Sciences, Kerala, "Access to Health and Well-being of Migrant Workers in Kerala: An Inquiry into Policy Implications for Achieving the 2030 Agenda of SDGs".
247. Tapan Kumar Bihari, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi, "Impact Assessment of Swacch Bharat Mission on the Health Profile of Rural Women: Comparative Study of Himachal Pradesh and Odisha".

248. Rajesh Das, Burdwan University, Burdwan, West Bengal, "Health Awareness among Schedule Caste Community in Rural Bengal: An Analysis of Television Coverage".
249. Prerna Diwan, Ram Lal Anand College Delhi University, Delhi, "Communicating the Science behind the Phenomenon of Antibiotic Resistance to Promote Social Awareness".
250. Saumya, Indira Gandhi National Open University, Delhi, "Impact of Swachch Bharat Abhiyan on Rural Health and Hygiene Practices: A Study of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar".
251. Tapas Pal, Raiganj University, West Bengal, "An Appraisal on Women and Children's Health Security and Self Esteem due to the Implementation of `Swachh Bharat' in the Four Eastern States of India".
252. Mohmad Saleem Jahangir, University of Kashmir, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, "Socio-economic and Cultural Dimensions of Sexual and Reproductive Health of Adolescent Girls in selected Rural Areas of Jammu and Kashmir".
253. Velayudhan A., Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, "Efficacy of Supportive and Benson Relaxation Therapy on Cognitive, Behavioural, Emotional and Social Well-being among PCOD Women".
254. Krunalkumar Kamani, Anand Agricultural University, Anand, Gujarat, "Evaluation of Health Promoting Schemes Jointly Offered by Government and Dairy Cooperatives of Gujarat".
255. Neeta Sinha, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, Gandhi Nagar, Gujarat, "Menstrual Hygiene Awareness



Assessment among Rural Adoloscents in Gujarat".
256. K. Rajaekharan Nayar, Santhigiri Research Foundation, Kerala, "Infectious/Emerging Diseases and Health Services Preparedness in the Context of Climate Change: A Study in Three Physiographic Zones in Kerala".
257. V. Amalan Stanley, International Institute of Biotechnology & Toxicology, Tamil Nadu, "Geographical Information of Hydrofluorosis in Tamil Nadu, its Prevalence, Identification of its Sources, and Dissemination of Preventive Measures".
258. Pawan Kumar Sharma, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Science & Technology of Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, "Socio-economic Aspects of Pesticide Use and Ex-ante Analysis of Organic Inputs in Agriculture in Jammu Region of J&K".
259. Thangarajathi. S., Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, "Development and Validation of Interactive Multimedia Package on Disaster Management Learning Activities for School Students".
260. Nimesh Bhojak, Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan, Gujarat, "Healthcare Financing System Behavior Model: A Systematic Review of its Contributing Factors".
261. Madhan Shankar S.R., Rathinam College of Arts & Science, "An Analysis of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Prevailing among the Tribal Women in Nilgiri District on Polyscystic Ovarian Syndrome".
262. Kamaljeet Sandhu, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra, Uttar Pradesh, "Psycho-Physiological Correlates of

Suicidal Ideation in Jail Inmates of UP: An Intervention Study".
263. Bijoylaxmi Sarmah, North-Eastern Regional Institute of Science & Technology, Arunachal Pradesh, "An Assessment of Health Care Waste Management Practices in Health Care Units of Arunachal Pradesh".
264. Sunita Dixit, Vasant Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Uttar Pradesh, "Ergonomic Intervention for Occupational Health Hazards Faced by Handloom Weavers in Varanasi".
265. Sridevy, Mother Theresa Post Graduate and Research Institute of Health Sciences, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, "Effectiveness of the Coping Enhancement Program on the Mothers of the Special Children".
266. Venu Prasad H.D., Centre for Water Resources Development and Management, Kerala, "Effects of Flooding on Social and Psychological Well-being of Individuals".
267. Neeru Malik, Dev Samaj College of Education, Chandigarh, "Role of Diabetic Yoga Protocol in Bio-chemical and Molecular Profile of Pre-diabetic Populaion".
268. Prabha Bhola, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, West Bengal, "Exploring Future of Renewable Energy and its Implication in Reduction of Carbon Footprint in India".
269. Arun Kharat, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi, "Studies on Identifying the Financially Feasible Policies to Reduce the Spread of Antibiotic Resistance in Environment".
270. Indrani Roy Chowdhury, Jawahar Lal Nehru University, Delhi, "Himalayan



Ecology, Challenges and Threats of Sustainable Transhumant Pastoralism: Policies for Sustainable Livelihood of the Gaddi Tribe in HP".
271. Anitha V., University of Kerala, Kerala, "Households Drinking Water and Sanitation in Urban Kerala".
272. Gurinder Kaur, Centre for Research in Rural and Industrial Development, Chandigarh, "Socio-cultural Dynamics of Child Immunization: Perspectives from Muslims of Punjab".
273. Somasundaram Ramasamy, Kongu Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, "A Study on Work Place Environmental Parameters and Occupational Health Problems among Women Construction Workers in Western Tamilnadu".
274. Madhu Prashar, Dev Samaj College for Women, Chandigarh, "A Study on Occupational Respiratory, Musculoskeletal, Reproductive and Other Adverse Symptoms and Diseases among Cosmetologists in Punjab, India".
275. Sunita Reddy, Jawahar Lal Nehru University, Delhi, "Demand for Desired Babies and Supply of Surrogate, Sperms and Eggs: A Multi-Cited Study of Gamete Banks in India and its Policy Implications".
276. Manish Joshi, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon, Maharashtra, "Monitor and Manage the Effect of Stress on Academic Performance of Students in Higher Education Institutions using Data Analytics".
277. Madhuri Parikh, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, "A Study on Public Participation in Environmental Decision-making Process in Gujarat with special reference to Environment Impact Assessment Process".

278. Shanmugananda Vadivel J., Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science, Tamil Nadu, "Health Insurance in Rural India ­ (A Study with reference to Coimbatore District)".
Media, Culture and Society
279. Jinu Koshy, Madras University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, "Rock Art from Uppalapadu-Chennakkapalle Complex, Kurnool District, Andhra Pradesh".
280. Vamshi Krishna Reddy Vemireddy, Indian Institute of Technology, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, "Folk Media and Identity Construction: Production and Dissemination in Second Phase Telangana Movement".
281. Chithra P.S., Sree Kerala Varma College, Kerala, "The Indian Family System at the Crossroads: The Politics and Changing Trends in Select Malayalam Films".
282. Mahalingam Alagu, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, "Social Customs, Festivals and Entertainment through the Temple Art During the Vijayanagara Nayak Period in Tamil Nadu".
283. Rajeev Ranjan Prasad, Rajiv Gandhi University, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh, "v#.kkpyh yksd&lkfgR; vkSj ehfM;k% var%lEcU/k ,oa var%fØ;k".
284. Ashish Pandey, Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai, Maharashtra, "Well-being, Value Orientation and Aspirations among Students in India: An Exploration".
285. Brahma Prakash Singh, Jawahar Lal Nehru University, Delhi, "The Musical Mediation: Competitive and Collaborative Lives of Popular Music in North India".



286. Suman Dhaka, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Odisha, "Social Isolation and Cognition: Interventions to Reduce Social Isolation and Loneliness Amongst the Elderly".
287. MeghnaChhabra,ManavRachnaUniversity, Haryana, "Antecedents Leading to Capacity Building of Women Entrepreneurs: A Study with reference to Women Entrepreneurs from Delhi NCR".
288. Rahael Mariam Kurian, Assumption College, Kerala, "Digitally Empowered Teaching and Female Teachers: A Study".
289. Sonu Trivedi, University of Delhi, Delhi, "Kalinga and Champa: Retracing Hindu Civilisational Linkages between India and Vietnam".
290. Nawaz Khan, Rajiv Gandhi University, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh, "Information Needs of the Frontier Communities in Indo-China Border and their Information Seeking Patterns: A Study of Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh".
291. Karthihai Selvi V., Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College, Tamil Nadu, "Impact of Education on Socio-economic Conditions and Empowerment of Tribal Women in Tamil Nadu".
292. Kaptan Singh, Army Cadet College, Indian Military Academy, Uttarakhand, "Heroism and the Narratives of Drugs, Violence and Consumerism: A Study of Punjabi Pop Music and Cinema and Its Impact on Culture and Society".
293. Asif Zahri, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi, "Gita Ke Urdu Tarajim: Riwayat Aur Tajziyati Muta'la' (Urdu Translations of Shreemad Bhagvat Gita: Tradition and Analytical Study)".

294. Supriya Pathak, Mahatama Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya, Wardha, Maharashtra, "Media Images and Lived Realities: The Case of Women on Periphery".
295. Tarun Mene, Rajiv Gandhi University, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh, "A Study of Traditional Knowledge of The IDU Mishmi Shamans (IGU) of The Eastern Himalayas of India".
296. Poornapushpakala S. Suriyamoorthi G., Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Tamil Nadu, "Development of Non-destructive Digital Technology for Restoration and Archiving of Tanjore Paintings and Murals".
297. Ridhima Tewari, Indian Institute of Technology, Dharwad, Karnataka, "Women in the Intellectual and Historical Traditions of North Karnataka: A Digital Archive".
298. RameshChandraMalik,UtkalUniversity, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, "Situating Culture and Society in Medieval Odisha: A Study of the Sarala Mahabharata".
299. Indraneel Pegu, Rangachachi College P.O. Majuli, Assam, "Influence of Vaisnavism among the Misings of Majuli: A Case Study".
300. Avantika Singh, Central University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, Rajasthan, "Assesing Econoic and Social Impact of Self-Help Group Movement in Rajasthan".
301. Urmishree Bedamatta, Ravenshaw University, Cuttak, Odisha, "Intellectual Histories of Bhakti: Concepts, Institutions and Practices in Orissa, 15002000".
302. Deep Narayan Pandey, University of Delhi, Delhi, "tEew&d'ehj ds /kkfeZd i;ZVu dk lkekftd&HkkSxksfyd v/;;u% oS".kks&nsoh ds fo'ks"k lUnHkZ esa".



303. Navneet Arora, Panjab University, Chandigarh, "Social Media Usage and Family Communication: A Study into Social Effects of Media Use on Urban Families".
304. Maheshwari Kachapur, Rani Channamma University, Belagavi, Karnataka, "Work-Life Balance Issues of Women Police Constables in Karnataka State".
305. Chhavi Garg, Central University of Punjab, Bathhinda, Punjab, "Effects of Internet-enabled Mobile Phone on Youth: A Study of Bathinda District (Punjab)".
306. Manoj Kumar Lodha, Rajasthan University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, "Socioeconomic Changes and Livelihood Pattern of Tribals in Tribal Sub Plan Area of Rajasthan".
307. Arobindo Mahato, Tripura University, Tripura, "Civilisational History of Tripura: A Socio-cultural Transitional Analysis".
308. Anshu Shukla, Vasant Kanya Mahavidyalya, Uttar Pradesh, "Assessing Marital Attitude of Unmarried Adolescents for Various Domains (Marriage, Co-residence and Family Formation)".
309. Sunil Babu C.T., University of Delhi, Delhi, "D. P Mukerji: An Indian Genesis of Critical Theory".
310. Shahin Sultana, Pondicherry Univeristy, Puducherry, "A Study of the Student Welfare Services Prevalent in Higher Educational Institutions in Union Territory of Puducherry".
311. Deo Nath Pathak, South Asian University, New Delhi, Delhi, "Performative Tradition of Bahrupiyas and Bhands in Contemporary India: Saving the Surviving Indigenous Knowledge System".

312. Silky Kushwah, New Delhi Institute of Management, Delhi, "Women Empowerment through Entrepreneurship Support: An Assessment of `Stand up India Loan Scheme' for Women".
313. Mini Thomas, Shree Sankaracharya Univeristy of Sanskrit, Kalady, Kerala, "Kudumbi Community of Ponnuruni Panchayat in Kerala ­ Ongoing Pace with Modernity".
314. Sanjeev Kumar, Raiganj University, West Bengal, "Birhor Tribe in India: The Facing Challenges of Vulnerability".
315. Asis De, Mahishadal Raj College, West Bengal, "Diaspora and the Historicity of Change in Indian Family: A Study of Transforming Family-Ties and Kinship in Select Indian Anglophone Literature".
316. Prabha Shankar Dwivedi, Indian Institute of Technology, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, "Pn. inan School of Grammar: A Seat of Modern Linguistics and (Post) Structuralist Poetics".
317. Sunil Sondhi, Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA), New Delhi, "Culture and Communication in India: Contemporary Relevance of Classical Indian Texts".
318. Rachna Sharma, Lady Shri Ram College for Women, Delhi, "Relevance of Gandhi's Journalism in Contemporary Indian Media in Light of Ethics and Commercialism".
319. Agya Ram Pandey, Galgotias University, Uttar Pradesh, "Study of Audience Reception, Motivation and Effectiveness of SWAYAM Based Media Courses".
320. Umesh Deshmukh, Shri Vyankatesh Arts, Commerce and Science College Deulgaon Raja, Dist. Buldana, Maha-



rashtra, "Information Literacy: Skill Campaign for Rural Communities".
321. Tarushikha Sarvesh, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, "Social Exclusion and Media Coverage of Women's Issues in Turmoil Zones: A Study of District Kulgam, J&K".
322. Raichel M. Sylus, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Tamil Nadu, "Assessment of Social Emotional Learning Skills among II-year Under-graduate Women Students in Coimbatore through Select Panchatantra Tales".
323. Seema Sharma, Meerut College, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, "fgUnh Hkk"kk ds le`f)dj.k esa {ks=h; cksfy;ksa dh Hkwfedk ¼ekudhdj.k vkSj lapkj ds fo'ks"k lanHkZ esa½".
324. Tarika Sandhu, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, "Transforming Media Induced Self-objectification in Adolescent Girls: Efficacy of Johari Window Intervention".
325. Swati Soni, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur, Rajasthan, "From Mediation to Mediatization of Culture and Society: An Urgent Policy Priority".
326. Sachin Gadekar, AES' Tuljaram Chaturchand College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Baramati, Pune, Maharashtra, "Socio-cultural Representation in the Selected Plays of Post-Independence Indian Women Dramatists in English".
327. Dhananjay Singh, Jawahar Lal Nehru University, Delhi, "Word, Image and Gesture: Discourse of Contemporary Media in the Interpretive Framework of Indian Intellectual Tradition".
328. Awadhesh Kumar Yadav, Govt. College, Nahan, Distt. Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh, "fgekpy çns'k dh

lkaL--frd fojklr ij mixzgh; Vsyhfotu pSuyksa dk çHkko".
329. Neelam Rathee, Govt Post-graduate College for Girls, Sector-11, Chandigarh, "Caring for the Caregiver: How Changes in the Household Composition are affecting Elder Caregivers?".
330. Vidya Kala, PSGR Krishnammal College for Women, Tamil Nadu, "A Study on Leadership Styles and Strategies Adopted by Women to Overcome the Barriers in Leadership Position ­ With specific reference to Tamil Nadu".
331. Manoj Kumar Sil, Lakhimpur Commerce College, Assam, "vle ds dksU;kd ukxk tu&tkfr ds lekt vkSj laL--fr dk fooj.kkRed v/;;u".
332. Sathya Bama B., Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Tamil Nadu, "Development of Object Based Re-identification of Religious Idols/Arts/ Sculptures".
333. Adinath Gade, D. R. Mane Mahavidyalaya, Kagal, Dist. Kolhapur, Maharashtra, "Socio-economic Development and Empowerment of Pardhi De-notified Nomadic Tribes in Solapur District: A Geographical Study".
334. Ravisankar A., Erode Sengunthar Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, "A Critical Analysis on Gender Based Violence in Rural District of Tamil Nadu".
335. Arulchelvan Sriram, Anna University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, "Character Education Intervention through New Media for Behavioral Change among School Students".
336. Akshaya Rath, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Odisha, "Restoring the Sacred in Public Spheres".
337. Varadraj Bapat, Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai, Maharashtra,



"The Impact of Socio-emotional Wealth on Succession in Indian Family Firms".
338. Raghavendra Mishra, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak, Madhya Pradesh, "Mass Media Influence on Tobacco Users of Tribal Areas: An Analysis of Select Villages of District Anuppur of Madhya Pradesh".
339. Sunil Babu C.T., University of Delhi, Delhi, "Land, Language and Identity: An Anthropological History of Mappilas".
340. Manish Arora, Banaras Hindu University, Banaras, Uttar Pradesh, "Re-designing the Advertising Methods in Digital Media to Curb Environmental Deterioration".
341. Satya Prakash Paul, Rajiv Gandhi University, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh, "Purwottar Bharat Ke Janjatiyon Ka Itihas-Darshan, Sanskriti Evam Sahitya: Arunachal Pradesh Ke Vishesh Sandarbh Mein".
342. Sanjay Kumar, Mizoram University, Aizwal, Mizoram, "feT+kksje dh çkphu ekSf[kd yksd lkfgR; dh ijaijk dk v/;;u (A Study of the Tradition of Ancient Oral Folk Literature of Mizoram)".
343. Santha Kumari, Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, Punjab, "Factors Influencing Resilience in Children: The Mediating Role of Protective and Compensatory Factors in Coping with Adversities".
344. Rasal Singh, Central University of Jammu, "mÙkj&iwoZ ds lekt esa varfuZfgr Hkkjrh; lkaL--frd ,dkRerk ds vUr%lw=".
Politics, Law and Economics
345. Sonam Joldan, University of Ladakh, Ladakh, "Trade and Cultural Ties of Ladakh: A Study on the Linkages between Central Asia and South Asia".

346. Manoj Kumar Dash, Khallikote Univesity, Berhampur, Odisha, "A Study on Exploration of ICT Tools for the Sustainability of Socio-economic Development of Fishing Community of Odisha State".
347. Prasanth Kumar R., National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management, Haryana, "Social Entrepreneurship-Impact Assessment".
348. K.M. Baharul Islam, Indian Institute of Management Kashipur, Uttarakhand, "Witch-hunt Violence against Women in India: A Study in Socio-legal Policy Recommendations and Response".
349. Aneesh V. Pillai, Cochin University of Science & Technology, Kochi, Kerala, "Biological Diversity Act, 2002 and its Implementation - With Special Reference to Bio-diversity Management Committee".
350. Jaikhlong, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi, "Salafi-Jihadist Threats in the Indian Sub-continent: Current and Future Challenges in India's Policy Making".
351. Shanthi Marie, Government Arts College, Tiruppur, Tamil Nadu, "Sustainable Tourism ­ An Approach Towards Building Destination Competitiveness for Economic Development in Tamil Nadu and Kerala".
352. Lopamudra Sengupta, Bangabasi College, West Bengal, "Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Development".
353. Suwalal Jangu, Mizoram University, Aizwal, Mizoram, "Kaladan MultiModel Transit Transport: A Study of Its Multi-implication for India's Northeast and South-east Asia".
354. Dipti Rekha Mohapatra, Sambalpur University, Sambalpur, Odisha, "A



Critical Assessment of the Efficacy of the POCSO Act, 2012 in Odisha".
355. Samanta Sahu, Rajiv Gandhi University, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh, "Contestations Along the Mahanadi: The Making and Unmaking of a River Water Conflict and Its Implications for Federal Relations in India- A Study".
356. Kavita Arora, University of Delhi, Delhi, "Assimilation of Bangladesh's Enclaves in India: Assessing the Socio-economic Condition of Rehabilitated People in Cooch Behar District, West Bengal".
357. Ravi Inder Singh, Panjab University, Chandigarh, "Electronic Payments System: An Empirical Investigation of User's Acceptance and Satisfaction in the States of Punjab, Haryana and Himachal".
358. Mujahid Siddiqui, Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Management Studies and Research, Maharashtra, "Autonomy of Universities in India - A Comprehensive Policy Review and Proposition for Regulatory Reforms".
359. Pramila Dsouza, Mulund College of Commerce, Maharashtra, "A Study on Abuse of Elderly People in Maharashtra".
360. Arjyalopa Mishra, National Law University, Cuttuck, Odisha, "Patterns of Prison Adjustments and Psychological Intervention for Correction Facilities in Prisons of Odisha".
361. Shreya Chatterjee, Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, "Exploring the Limitations of Medical Negligence Law with special reference to Odisha".
362. Riyazahmed Mangoli, Rani Channamma University, Belagavi, Karnataka, "Criti-

cal Evaluation of Public Perception on Decriminalization of Adultery Crime in India: A Case Study of Karnataka".
363. Sanjeev Sharma, Jawahar Lal Nehru University, Delhi, "Policy Framework Analysis towards Strengthening Livelihood Opportunities and Protection of Culture and Sustainability of Mountain Ecosystem".
364. Praveen Patil, Shahaji Law College, Maharashtra, "A Critical Analysis of Grievance Redressal Mechanism and Monitoring Under the National Food Security Act, 2013 with reference to Western Maharashtra".
365. Shashikala Gurpur, Symbiosis International, Maharashtra, "Law, Disaster and Trafficking: Tracing the Interlinkages".
366. Soman N.S, Tamil Nadu National Law School, Tamil Nadu, "Need for a National Legislation on Refugees ­ Contextualizing the Lacunae in the Indian Legal Regime in Light of Rohingya Refugee Crisis".
367. Chandraiah Gopani, University of Allahabad, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, "Struggles for `Equity' in Reservations: A Study of Most Marginalized Scheduled Castes Demand for Sub-categorisation of SC Reservations in South India".
368. Prerna Malhotra, Ram Lal Anand Collegee, Delhi, "A Study of the Socioeconomic and Cultural Impact of the Left-Wing Extremism (LWE) in Bastar, Chhattisgarh".
369. Vijay Kumar Kaul, University of Delhi, Delhi, "India's Role in Indian Ocean Region: Stimulating Growth and Strengthening Strategic Interests".



Science and Education
370. Vikram Meena, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak, Madhya Pradesh, "Promoting the Importance of Higher Education and Curbing Dropouts: Bridging the Gap through an Action Research".
371. Dr. Janardhana Naidu Ganta, Government Degree College for Men, Andhra Pradesh, "Role of Assistive Technology in Education and Employment of Visually Impaired: A Study of Andhra Pradesh".
372. Ashish Hattangdi, Alkesh Dinesh Mody Institute for Financial and Management Studies, Maharashtra, "Assessing the Effectiveness of SWAYAM (Technology Enabled Education Program Offered by Government of India)".
373. Naba Kumar Mondal, Burdwan University, Burdwan, West Bengal, "Interference of Vehicle Noise in Teaching-Learning Process and Development of Strategies for Abatement of Classroom Noise".
374. Nallamalli Udaya Bhaskar, Adikavi Nannaya University, Rajahmundry, East Godawari, Andhra Pradesh, "Evaluation of Service Quality in Secondary Education ­ A Study of Select Schools with reference to South India".
375. Dinesh Kumar Singh, Lucknow University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, "Higher Education in Uttar Pradesh: Trends & Defies".
376. Brijesh Sivathanu, Symbiosis International, Maharashtra, "A Study on the Online Learning Experience of SWAYAM MOOCs: The Perspective of Students from Pune Region and its Suburbs".

377. Shireesh Pal Singh, Mahatama Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya, Wardha, Maharashtra, "Teachers Preparation through Blended Learning: A Pedagogical Rejuvenation".
378. Dr. Binoy Joseph, Rajagiri College of Social Sciences, Kerala, "Situational Analysis of Adoptive Parents on Adopted Children and Adolescents: Special Reference to Kerala".
379. Arunkumar S., SASTRA Deemed University, Tamil Nadu, "Integrating Flipped Classroom with Bloom's Modified Taxonomy Model as a New Paradigm for Management Education: An Exploratory Study".
380. Ravneet Kaur, Mata Sundari College, Delhi, "cPpksa dk nSuafnu&Kku vkSj fo|ky;h&f'k{kk dh ikjLifjdrk".
381. Chandra Prabha Pandey, Central University of South Bihar, Bihar, "Education for Citizenship: An Analysis of Policy and its Implications".
382. Yukti Sharma, University of Delhi, Delhi, "Creativity and Associated Skills Across School Curriculum: A Pursuit towards Informing Policy".
383. Dr. Mohammad Nazim, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, "Access to Libraries for Persons with Disabilities: An Investigation Into the Library Facilities and Services in India".
384. Sowmyya T., Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Assessment of Psychosocial Profile, Addiction Trends, Suicidal and Criminal Tendency among Adolescents and Young Adults of Major Cities in India".
385. Sanjay Sharma, Dr. Harisingh Gaur Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh, "Re-visiting the Idea of Nationality,



Pride and Patriotism in Indian Educational Policies and Curricular Practices in School Education".
386. Farah Qayoom, University of Kashmir, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, "Quality Disquiets in Higher Education: A Case Study of University of Kashmir".
387. Vijayalakshmi S., Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science for Women, Tamil Nadu, "Learning Management Tool (LMT) for Learning Disability Student (DL)".
388. V. Vijayalakshmi, Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, "Development and Introduction of a New Course Curriculum based on Universal Human Values: An Experimental Study in Higher Education in South India".
389. Aneesa Shafi, University of Kashmir, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, "Status of Women in Higher Education among Weak and Under-privileged Communities of Jammu and Kashmir".
390. Rehma Kumari Tiwari, Tezpur University, Tezpur, Assam, "Forensic Accounting Education in India: Prospects and Problems".
391. Karpagavalli S., PSGR Krishnammal College for Women, Tamil Nadu, "Tamil Speech Enabled Mobile Interface for Learning Disabled Children".
392. Adit Gupta, MIER College of Education, Jammu and Kashmir, "Role of Digital Media in Building World Class Institutions with special reference to Teaching-Learning: A Survey".
393. Rajeev S.P., Rajagiri College of Social Sciences, Kerala, "School Based Multicomponent Intervention Study on

Substance Abuse among the Higher Secondary School Students in Kerala".
394. Tayum Saroh, Rajiv Gandhi University, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh, "Impact of Privatization of Higher Education in Arunachal Pradesh: A Critical Study".
395. Sagar Wadkar, Vaikunth Mehta National Institute of Co-operative Management, Maharashtra, "Assessment of Core Competencies of Agribusiness Professionals in India: A Study to Develop a Strategy for Agri-business Development".
396. Sushil, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, "Assessment of Indian Higher Education Institutions in NIRF Ranking: A Comparative Analysis".
397. Manoj Pant, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, "Assessing the Logistics Cost Competitiveness and the Impact of Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) Norm on the Livelihood Patterns and Health Conditions".
Social Media and Technology
398. R.N. Subudhi, KIIT, Odisha, "Digital Diversity: A Study on Digital Consumption and Digital Escapism".
399. Manimekalai K., Alagappa University, Alagappa Nagar, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, "Prevalence of Screen Addiction among College Students in Sivaganga District-A Gender Analysis Study".
400. Shraddha Kumbhojkar, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Maharashtra, "Digital Humanities: Study of a Dialogue between Technology, Policy and Knowledge Creation".
401. R.AkilaRamasamy,JeppiaarEngineering College, Tamil Nadu, "Cyber Crime in Social Media Network against Women



and its Impact on their Social, Economic Empowerment with special reference to Tamilnadu Regions".
402. Victoria Naomi, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Tamil Nadu, "Development of Accessible Website for Persons with Disabilities".
403. Komal, University of Jammu, Jammu Tawi, Jammu and Kashmir, "Investigating the Relationship among University Students' Social Media Multitasking, Academic Performance and Perceived Employability Prospects".
404. Francis Barclay, Central University of Tamil Nadu, Tiruvarur, Tamil Nadu, "Ethics, Autonomy, Privacy and Regulation: Balancing the Social Media Spheres of Political Influence".
405. Shamshir Singh Dhillon, Central University of Punjab, Bathhinda, Punjab, "Effect of Blended Learning on Pedagogy, Achievement Motivation and Academic Achievement of Class VIIth Science Students".
406. Vivek Tiwari, National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh, "Information Technology Stress and Productivity: A Case Study".
407. Vimal Kishor, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi, Jharkhand, "Students' Involvement and Attitude towards Learning with Social Networking Sites".
408. Natisha Saqib, University of Kashmir, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, "Development and Validation of the Social Media Addiction Scale for Indian Emerging Market".
409. Rama Devi Vangapandu, National Institute of Technology, Warangal,

Telangana, "The Role of Social Media in Rural Development ­ A Study in Telangana State".
410. Umesh Gupta, MATS University, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, "Impact of Social Networking Sites on Employee Productivity- A Study among Young Professionals of Raipur City in Service Sector".
411. Gaurav Dixit, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, Uttarakhand, "A Study on Trust, Social Influence, and Emotion in Social Media Context: Using EEG as a Brain Imaging Tool".
412. Manisha Shukla, Bharati Vidyapeeths Institute of Management Studies & Research, Maharashtra, "The Influence of Internet Exposure on Children's Development, Behavior & Learning".
413. S. Parthasarathi, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru College of Agriculture and Research Institute, Karaikal, Puducherry, "A Study on the Impact of Social and Digital Media Initiatives among Farmers of U.T. of Puducherry".
414. Upender Gundala, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Odisha, "The Psychology of Distraction: Social Media and Language Use in Technical Education in India".
415. Ranjay Vardhan, Govt Post Graduate College for Girls, Chandigarh, "Social Media, Women Empowerment and Re-shaping Feminism: A Study".
416. Pushpesh Kumar, University of Hyderabad, Telangana, "Development and Evaluation of an e-Health Intervention to Promote HIV Prevention Behaviours & Mental Health of Transgender Women in India".



417. Masoom Raza, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, "Application of Web 2.0 Technology in University Library Websites of India: Impact Assessment Study".
418. Shivani Arora, Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, Delhi, "Social Media-Developing Ethics and Protocols".
419. Tanushri Anchan, Karnataka University, Dharwad, Karnataka, "An Assessment of Privacy Infringement in Social Networking Sites and Online Applications".
420. Rani V.G., Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science for Women, Tamil Nadu, "Impact and Effectiveness of the Digital Teaching and e-Learning Process in Higher Education among Faculty and Students: An Empirical Study".
421. Ajaya Kumar Sahoo, University of Hyderabad, Telangana, "South Asian Youth in the Diaspora: Transnationalism, Social Media and Identities".
422. Neena Kohli, University of Allahabad, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, "Character Virtues and Well-being of Youth: Role of Social Networking Sites (SNS)".
423. Bagavandas M., SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tamil Nadu, "Mapping of Information Sharing Behaviour of Transgender in Chennai City, India: Social Network Analysis".
424. Sudharma Haridasan, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, "Role of Libraries in Strengthening the Information Ecosystem for Building An Ecologically Sustainable Information Society and the Impact of Use of Information Communication Technologies: An Explanatory Study of Academic Libraries in Delhi and Uttar Pradesh".

425. Vijayakumar Velusamy, Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science, Tamil Nadu, "Intelligent Chatbot Mobile App Development for Detection and Prevention of Cyberbullying in Social Media Networks".
426. Chandi Prasad Painuli, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh, "Qsd U;wT+k% ehfM;k dh fo'oluh;rk vkSj lekt ij çHkko".
427. Indu Nair, SCMS School of Technology and Management, Kerala, "To Identify the Employability of Cognitive Science to Enhance the Ease of Use of Digital Devices with special reference to Senior Citizens in Kerala".
State and Democracy
428. Tara Devi, S.G.G.S. Khalsa College Mahilpur, Punjab, "Women Participation in Panchayati Raj Institutions: A Case Study of District Hoshiarpur (Punjab)".
429. Sanjay Singh Baghel, University of Delhi, Delhi, "Hkkjrh; yksdra= esa lks'ky ehfM;k dk çHkko% xSj&fganh Hkk"kh jkT;ksa ds fo'ks"k lUnHkZ esa".
430. Azra Abidi, Jamia Millia Islamia University, Delhi, "State, Education and Democracy: A Case Study of Valley of Kashmir".
431. TriptiSharma,GandhiMemorialNational College, Haryana, "A Study of Welfare Schemes for Women Empowerment in Haryana".
432. C.Vinodan,MahatmaGandhiUniversity, Kottayam, Kerala, "Rise of China and the New Silk Road Project: Implications for India's National Security".
433. Hemlata Borkar Wasnik, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, "tutkfr;ksa ij uDlyokn ds



çHkko dk lekt'kkL=h; fo'ys"k.k ¼NÙkhlx<+ jkT; ds dkadsj ftys ds fo'ks"k lUnHkZ esa)".
434. Seema Kazi, Centre for Women's Development Studies, Delhi, "The Gender of Democracy: A South Asian Comparison".
435. Janardhana Naidu Ganta, Government Degree College for Men, Andhra Pradesh, "Implementation of Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995: A Study of Andhra Pradesh".
436. Prabhat Kumar Mishra, Assam University, Silchar, Assam, "Hkk"kk laj{k.k vkSj lao/kZu esa Hkkjr ljdkj dh Hkk"kk uhfr dh Hkwfedk vkSj çklafxdrk% v"Ve~ vuqlwph vkSj eSfFkyh Hkk"kk ds fo'ks"k lanHkZ esa".
437. Iqbalur Rehman, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, "Kashmir Turmoil and its Impact on Gujjar Bakarwal Tribe: A Case Study of Rajouri Poonch Districts".
438. Ratnakar Lakshete, Degloor College Degloor, Maharashtra, ",d jk"Vª&,d pquko dh lkekftd & vkfFkZd ,oa jktuhfrd miyfC/k;ksa ,oa pqukSfr;kas dk v/;;u".
Urban Transformation
439. Ritanjali Majhi, National Institute of Technology, Karnataka, "Exploring Efficient Solutions for Management of Household Waste: A Multi-Stakeholder Approach".
440. Sudharsan S., Madras Christian College, Tamil Nadu, "Impact of Peri-Urban Development: with special reference to Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in Kancheepuram District of Tamil Nadu".
441. Maya Unde, B. P. H. E. Society's Ahmednagar College, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, "Impact of Urban Transforma-

tion on Rivers in Ahmednagar District, Maharashtra".
442. K. Kanaka Raju, Central University of Tamil Nadu, Tiruvarur, Tamil Nadu, "Impact of Urban Governance on Urban Transformation in Selected Cities of Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu".
443. Dr. N. Padmavathy, Jeppiaar Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, "A Study on The Role of Drivers Behaviour in Road Traffic Accident with special reference to Urban Chennai".
444. Vishwa Raj Sharma, University of Delhi, Delhi, "Appraisal of Urban Growth Dynamics and Pollution using GIS Techniques along River Yamuna".
445. Ashish Saihjpal, Panjab University, Chandigarh, "The Street Vendors Act 2014: A Study of Implementation Gaps and Level of Awareness amongst Street Vendors in Ludhiana City".
446. Ankitaben, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, "A Study on Sanitation Facilities in Urban Slum Area of Municipal Corporations in Gujarat".
447. Sibabrata Das, Ravenshaw University, Cuttak, Odisha, "Urban Transformation and Well-being: A Study of Slum Dwellers of Bhubaneswar Smart City".
448. Manish Kumar Jha, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Maharashtra, "Migrant Workers and Urbanisation in Politically Sensitive Areas: A Study of Kashmir & Manipur".
449. B. S. Vasudeva Rao, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, "Urban Transformation: Social Responsibility of People for Capital Development with reference to the Amaravati -The People's Capital of Andhra Pradesh".



450. Moushumi Datta, Nagindas Khandwala College, Maharashtra, "Study of Road Traffic Congestion in Greater Mumbai: Spatio-social Dimension and GeoSpatial Appraisal and Solutions".
451. Hari Om Bansal, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, Rajasthan, "Modelling the Drivers and Barriers of Electric Vehicle Penetration in Emerging Economy: A Study of Indian Market".
452. Anand Wadwekar, School of Planning & Architecture, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, "Mapping the Socio-spatial Divide in A City- A Tool for Informed Decision Making in Urban Transformation".
453. Nandkumar Sawant, Parvatibai Chowgule College of Arts and Science Autonomous, Goa, "Revealing the (In)visible Cultural Landscape and Heritage: Amalgation of Goa's Urban Transformation and Identity".
454. Arindam Biswas, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, Uttarakhand, "Investigating the Impact of Skilled Workforces from Knowledge-based Industries in Socio-cultural Gentrification in City Regions".
455. Ratul Das, National Institute of Technology, Agartala, Tripura, "Developing a Methodology for Self-cleansing of Urban Storm Water Drainage System: A Scientific Approach for Greening Smart City".
456. Kaniska Sarkar, Jadavpur University, West Bengal, "A Case Study on New Trends of Social Mobility in New Generations in Kolkata Metropolitan City".
457. Sravani Maddala, Krishna University, Machhlipattanam, Andhra Pradesh, "Progress, Issues and Challenges of

Select Smart Cities in India: A Study with reference to Visakhapatnam, Kakinada and Tirupati Cities of Andhra Pradesh".
458. Aparna Phadke, Mumbai University, Mumbai, Maharashtra, "Transformative Urban Regions: Governing Accessibility, Liveability and Sustainability in the Megacity Regions".
459. Kshyana Prava Samal, Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT), Bhubaneswar, Odisha, "Social Determiners of Water Inequity: A Systematic Investigation at Bhubaneswar".
460. Pradip Kumar Sarkar, Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, "An Assessment of Central and State Water Laws to Address Water Management Problems of Mid-sized Cities: A Case Study at Bhubaneswar".
461. Santosh Bhailume, Kr. V.N. Naik Shikshan Prasarak Sanstha's Arts, Commerce and Science College Nashik, Maharashtra, "Urban Growth of Pune, Pimpri-Chinchwad and Nashik City in Maharashtra: An Assessment through Geospatial Techniques".
462. Mona Mehta, Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, "Transforming Peri-urban Spaces into Exemplary Live-Work Networks".
463. Manisha Sethi, Jamia Millia Islamia University, Delhi, "Religion and Urban Planning: A Study of National Capital Region of Delhi and Hyderabad Metropolitan Region".
464. Konthoujam Gyanendra Singh, National Institute of Technology Mizoram, Mizoram, "Preference over Multi-Modal Mobility Options of Urban Dwellers: A Case of Aizawl City in Mizoram".



465. Milap Punia, Jawahar Lal Nehru University, Delhi, "Socio-ecological Perspective for Urban Growth and Water Resource Sustainability: A Case Study of Jaipur".
466. Tejvir Singh, S.M.J.N. College, Haridwar, Uttarakhand, "Urban Transformation, Ethical Ideology and Civic Engagement".
467. Dr. Shubha., Government First Grade College, Vijayanagar, Bangalore, Karnataka, "Lifestyle Diseases in Rural Women due to Urbanisation-A Case Study in Bangalore Rural".
468. Binita Tiwari, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Odisha, "Smart Workforce: Talent Development Initiatives for Knowledge Workers in the Proposed Smart Cities of India".
469. Dr. Reeta Sinha, Burdwan University, Burdwan, West Bengal, "ledkyhu dFkk&lkfgR; esa ifjofrZr 'kgjh psruk dk lekt'kkL=h; ewY;kadu".
470. Manoj Kumar Agarwal, Lucknow University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, "Primary Health Centres and Healthcare ­ Assessment of Rural and Urban Uttar Pradesh".
Proposals Approved for Organizing National/International Conferences/Seminars in India under IMPRESS Scheme
Agriculture and Rural Development
1. Shilpa S.K., IIPM, Karnataka, National Seminar on "Promoting Farmers' Producer Organizations: Market Linkage Support" at Malathalli on 26th July, 2019. ( 2,00,000)
2. Ishwara P., MU, Karnataka, National Seminar on "Role of Institutional

Financing in the Development of Agriculture" at Konaje during 25-26 October, 2019. ( 2,50,000)
3. Ashish. K. Makwana, AAU, Gujarat, National Seminar on "New Developments in Dairy Sector: Issues and Strategies for Increasing Income of Rural Milk Producer of India" at Anand on 16th November, 2019. ( 2,50,000)
Employment and Rural Transformation
4. Himanshu Das, NIEPMD, Tamil Nadu, National Seminar on "Skilling and Employment for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities and High Support Need Group" at Kovalam during 17-18 May, 2019. ( 3,50,000)
5. U. Pandian, TTEU, Tamil Nadu, National Seminar on "Fill the Mind Gap by Occupational Skills" at Karapakkam during 4-5 September, 2019. ( 2,50,000)
6. Nirmal Kumar, SVC, Delhi, National Seminar on "Home-Stays: The Future of Possibilities in Hill States" at New Delhi during 11-12 October, 2019. ( 3,00,000)
Governance, Innovation and Public Policies
7. Gagan Deep Sharma, GGSIPU, Delhi, National Seminar on "Governance in South Asia: Themes and Issues" at New Delhi during 25-27 September, 2019. ( 3,00,000)
Growth, Macro Trade and Economic Policies
8. Pawar Avinash Vilasrao, JACSC, Maharashtra, National Seminar on



"Recent Economic Reforms and its Impacts on Industrial Development in India" at Latur during 20-21 August, 2019. ( 2,00,000)
9. K. Chandrasekar, AGU, Tamil Nadu, National Seminar on "Re-engineering Business Environment for Sustainable Development in India" at Sivaganga during 12-13 December, 2019. ( 2,00,000)
Health and Environment
10. Ashmeen Kaur, HRMM, Punjab, National Seminar on "Navigating the Rapids of Parenting: A Social Responsibility Perspective" at Jalandhar on 5th April, 2019. ( 2,50,000)
11. Kunal Keshri, GBPSSI, Uttar Pradesh, National Seminar on "Population, Health and Environment" at Jhusi during 24-26 April, 2019. ( 3,00,000)
12. Beena S. Khemchandani, SSCE, Maharashtra, National Seminar on "Environmental Protection- An Avenue for Better Tomorrow" at Thane during 23-25 September, 2019. ( 3,00,000)
13. Abha Khetarpal, DAVCG, Haryana, National Seminar on "Adolescent Health: Issues and Challenges for the Society" at Yamuna Nagar during 12-13 October, 2019. ( 2,00,000)
14. Lourdu Mary, HCC, Tamil Nadu, International Conference on "Availability, Accessibility, and Affordability of Health and Education for an Inclusive Society- ICAAA 2019" at Tiruchirappali during 16-17 July, 2019. ( 3,50,000)
15. Somen Saha, IIPH, Gujarat, International Conference on "Mental Health Issues Among Uniformed Personnel in India" at Lekawada during 10-11 October, 2019. ( 3,50,000)

Media, Culture and Society
16. Balwinderjit Kaur Bhatti, PU, Punjab, National Seminar on "Life, Teaching and Legacy of Guru Nanak" at Patiala during 15-17 March,2019. ( 1,75,000)
17. Mohinder Kumar Slariya, GVC, Himachal Pradesh, National Seminar on "Culture, Development and Society" at Chamba during 18-20 April, 2019. ( 2,50,000)
18. K. Saileela, AU, Tamil Nadu, National Seminar on Education on "Digital Culture and Social Media" at Annamalai Nagar during 9-10 August 2019. ( 2,50,000)
19. Bhumida Sharma, DSCW, Punjab, National Seminar on "Literature, Media and Culture: An Advanced Perspective" at Ferozpur on 6 September, 2019. ( 2,50,000)
20. Shailendra Kumar Mishra, ALU, Uttar Pradesh, National Seminar on "Globalized Media and Transforming Societies: Issues and Challenges in Contemporary India" at Prayagraj during 21-22 November, 2019. ( 2,50,000)
21. P. Dhaneswari Devi, KMC, Manipur, National Seminar on "Media, Culture and Society: Influence of Social Media on Education" at Kakching during 25-26 November, 2019. ( 2,50,000)
22. Christina Bridget, HCC, Tamil Nadu, National Seminar on National Conference on the "Role of Media and Culture on Indian Family System in the Process of Nation Building" at Tiruchirappali on 13th December, 2019. ( 2,50,000)



Politics, Law and Economics
23. A.S. Hange, KSKC, Maharashtra, National Seminar on "Black Money and Its Impact on Indian Economy" at Beed on 10th July, 2019. ( 2,00,000)
Science and Education
24. N. Pasupathi, PC, Tamil Nadu, National Seminar on "SPSS- A New Era for Researchers" at Tiruppur on 1st March, 2019. ( 65,000)
25. B. Sivakumar, PC, Tamil Nadu, National Seminar on "Academic Identity, Enhancing Research Visibility and Improving Citations" at Tiruppur during 26-27 April, 2019. ( 1,75,000)
26. D. Gnana Senthil Kumar, PC, Tamil Nadu, National Seminar on "Advanced Excel Spreadsheet Analysis for Social Science Research" at Tiruppur on 3rd July, 2019. ( 65,000)
27. D. Sathishkumar, SCSC, Tamil Nadu, National Seminar on "EducationManagement and Social Sciences" at Coimbatore on 26th July, 2019. ( 50,000)
Social Media and Technology
28. D. Karthika, PKRC, Tamil Nadu, National Seminar on "Digitization and Economic Development" at Erode during 13-14 March, 2019. ( 1,50,000)
29. N. Ramakrishnanan, TTEU, Tamil Nadu, National Seminar on "Social Media Networks and Society" at Karapakkam during 21-22 August, 2019. ( 2,50,000)
30. S. Kalaivani, AU, Tamil Nadu, National Seminar on "Education on Online Resources and Online Scams" at during 6-7 September, 2019. ( 2,00,000)

31. Suchitra Das, KC, Assam, National Seminar on "Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) and Open Educational Resources (OER) in Social Science Teaching" at Karimganj during 6-8 September, 2019. ( 3,00,000)
32. P. Balasubramanian, MMSU, Tamil Nadu, National Seminar on "Current Technology and Trends in Libraries" at Tirunelveli during 12-13 September, 2019. ( 2,50,000)
State and Democracy
33. Amulya Kr. Borah, FC, Assam, National Seminar on "Ethnic Diversity of North East India and Indian Democracy" at Golghat during 28-29 June, 2019. ( 1,75,000)
34. Bharath Kumar, IITT, Andhra Pradesh, International Conference on "Indian Ways of Thinking about Multiculturalism" at Chittoor during 2-3 August, 2019. ( 3,50,000)
35. R. Pavananthi Vembulu, MKU, Tamil Nadu, International Conference on "Navigating the Idea of The IndoPacific: Indian and South-East Asian Perspectives" at Madurai during 20-22 August, 2019. ( 3,00,000)
Urban Transformation
36. Venu Babu Chowtapalli, KBC, Andhra Pradesh, National Seminar on "An Impact of Developmental Programmes for Social Transformation of Scheduled Castes & Schedule Tribes" at Vijaywada during 29-30 August, 2019. ( 1,50,000)
37. Ritu Priya, JNU, Delhi, National Seminar on "Sustainable Water and Waste Management Systems: Planning for Healthy Cities" at New Delhi during 9-10 September, 2019. ( 2,50,000)



Anand Agricultural University
Aryabhatt College, Delhi
Arts and Commerce College
Acharatlal Girdharlal Teachers College
Alagappa University
All India Institute of Medical Sciences
All India Institute of Speech and Hearing
Association of Indian Labour Historians, Delhi
Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences
Aliah University, Kolkata
University of Allahabad
Aligarh Muslim University
Annamalai University, Chidambaram
Adivkavi Nannaya University
Atma Ram Sanatan Dharma College
AVVVM Sri Pushpam College
Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University
Dr. Bahasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow


B. Borooah College, Guwahati
Bordoloni Central College
Bharathidasan University
Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah University
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
Birla Institute of Technology & Science
Bapu P.G. College
Bharathiar University
Central Agricultural University, Imphal
Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut
Centre for Economic and Social Studies
Centre for Gerontological Studies
College of Home Science
Chaman Lal Mahavidyalaya
Centre for Research in Rural & Industrial Development
Council for Social Development
College of Social Work
Calcutta University
Central University of Jammu




Central University of Gujarat
Central University of Haryana
Central University of Himachal Pradesh
Central University of Jharkhand
Central University of Kerala
Central University of Kashmir
Central University of Karnataka
Central University of Punjab
Cochin University of Science & Technology, Cochin
Central University of South Bihar
Central University of Tamil Nadu
Devanga Arts College
DAV College for Girls
DAV PG College
Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar College
Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar Govt. PG College Girls
DDU Gorakhpur University
Dayalbagh Education Institute
Dakshin Kamrup College
Doon Library and Research Centre
Dr. N.G.P. Arts and Science College
Dhanaji Nana Mahavidyalaya
Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University
Dev Samaj College for Women


Delhi School of Economics
Delhi School of Professional Studies & Research
Delhi University
Ewing Christian College
English and Foreign Language University
Gopichand Arya Mahila College
Gauhati University, Assam
G.B. Pant Social Science Institute
Gautam Buddha University, Noida
Government College
Government D.B. Girls' College
Government Degree College
Government First Grade College of Women
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya, Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh
Gujarat Institute of Development Research, Ahmedabad
Gurukul Kangri Vishwavidyalaya
Guru Nanak Dev University
Guru Nanak Dev University College
Goa University, Goa
Gauhati University Institute of North East India Studies
Himachal Pradesh University




Dr. Hari Singh Gaur University
Indian Academy of Social Science, Allahabad
Indian Association of Social Science Institutions
Institute of Development Studies
Indira Gandhi National Open University
Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak
Institute for Human Development
Indian Institute of Education
Indian Institute of Information Technology
Indian Institute of Labour Economics, Delhi
Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad
Indian Institute of Public Health
Indian Institute of Plantation Management
Indian Institute of Technology
Institute of Public Enterprise
Indian Society of Agricultural Marketing
Iswar Saran Degree College
Institute for Social & Economic Change, Bangalore
Indian Statistical Institute
Institute for Studies in Industrial Development
ITM University, Gwalior


Institute of Town Planner, Delhi
The Jadavpur Association of International Relations
Jamia Millia Islamia
Jawaharlal Nehru College
Jawaharlal Nehru University
Jai Narain Vyas University
Jnana Prabodhini's Institute of Psychology
J.S. Hindu PG College
JSS Institute of Economic Research
Jiwaji University
Kalyani University, Nadia
Kakaraparti Bhavanarayana College
Khalsa College of Women
Kerala University, Thiruvananthapuram
Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology
Kalinga Institute of Social Science
KRK Govt. Degree College
Kumaun University, Nainital
Lady Shri Ram College for Women
University of Lucknow
Maharaja Agrasen College
Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad
Madras University, Chennai
Maharaj Balwant Singh PG College




Meerut College, Meerut

MCMDAVCW MCM DAV College for Women


Maharshi Dayanand University


Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi University


Mahishadal Girls' College


Mata Ganga Khalsa College for Girls


Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapith


Madurai Kamaraj University


Madhya Pradesh Dalit Sahitya Academy


M.P. Institute of Social Science Research


Manikchand Pahade Law College

MSU/MLSU Mohanlal Sukhadia University


Mother Teresa Women's University


Mumbai University, Mumbai

MVSGASC M.V.S. Govt. Arts & Science College

MYU/UOM Mysore University, Mysore


Nandalal Borgohain City College


University of North Bengal


Nabakrushna Choudhury Centre for Development Studies


North Eastern Hill University, Shillong


N.E.S. Ratnam College, Mumbai


National Institute of Advanced Studies


National Institute of

Hydrology, Roorkee

NIMHANS National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences


National Institute of Rourkela


National Institute of



National Law School of India



North Orissa University


N.S. Patel Arts College


Osmania University


Panjab University


Punjab Agricultural University


Park's College


Pashim Dhemaji College

PDDUGACC Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Govt. Arts & Commerce College, Sagar


P.D. Women's College

PESRSNCAS PES's Ravi Sitaram Naik College of Arts & Science


Periyar University


Pithubar Girls' Degree College


Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education & Research


Public Health Foundation of India


Pondicherry University


Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University


Pt. Sundarlal Sharma (Open) University
