Emanuela Coaccioli

Covid Risk Assessment Assessment by: Emma Clarke, Mark ...

adhering to advice, instructions, and procedures for COVID-19 safety compliance. • Report any COVID-19 unsafe practices which come to their notice to the HSO as soon as possible. • Be aware that failure to observe COVID-19 compliance requirements by

EF Academy Oxford Covid Risk Assessment

英國高中 - 牛津寄宿學校 | EF Academy英國牛津國際寄宿中學

Covid Risk Assessment

Assessment by: Emma Clarke, Mark Fletcher- Date: Date: Mon. 9th Mar.'20. Updated: Thurs. 12th Mar.'20, Fri. 13th Mar.'20, Date for review:

Single and Helen Calkin

Mon. 15th Jun.'20, Mon. 29th Jun.'20, Weds. 1st Jul.'20, Mon. 6th Jul.'20;


reviewed 15 July (PE) Updated 13th Oct 30th Nov 20

Approved by: Mark Fletcher-Single and Paul Ellis

Position(s): Deputy Head (Pastoral) & Head Teacher



Significant Hazards

Those who might be harmed and

Control Measures

Additional CMs


Risk Rating (H / M /



Minimise contact with individuals who are unwell by ensuring that those who

have coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms, or who have someone in their

household who does, do not attend the setting.

New and returning students

· The Admissions Offices have been asked to help assess prior to departure

for the UK the suitability of an international boarding school environment

for each student from the point of view of COVID-19 vulnerability.

· Supported by Admissions colleagues, Pathway Managers will identify


students who are 'clinically vulnerable...[and how they] will be

Contracting and transmission of Covid 19 ­ through contact with individuals, contaminated surfaces etc

Students Contractors Visitors
Respiratory infection with the potential to cause hospitalization

accommodated alongside returning year groups and encourage attendance (unless they are extremely clinically vulnerable and shielding, or medical advice or further guidance suggests they should not attend)' The Deputy Head Pastoral and Pathway Managers, in conjunction with medical advice from Bury Knowle Heath Centre staff, will identify any returning student who may fall into these categories and ensure that appropriate medical advice is followed.


and death

Initial process for students with symptoms or have been contacted by the

NHS test and trace (see below)

· If we think a student is displaying the symptoms of COVID-19 (i.e. a

continuous cough, high temperature - over 37.8C, loss or change in sense

of smell or taste), we'll call 111.

· The NHS has said: 'Do not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital...'.

· Anyone with symptoms must isolate for 10 days (14 days if symptoms

persist) and anyone they have been in close contact with (less than 2m

distance for more than 15 mins. without a mask) over the last 2 wks. will

need to be isolated for 14 days. Those needing to isolate will include the

student's roommate and anyone who shares a bathroom with the student displaying symptoms. · NHS 111 has an online coronavirus service that can give medical help and advice: https://111.nhs.uk/covid-19/. · If a student is raised as a cause for concern by 111, the NHS will ask for them to take a swab test for definite clarification. If the swab test returns negative, the student will be looked after according to their symptoms (i.e. as usual). · If the test returns positive, the Public Health England (PHE) local protection team will be contacted by the Deputy Head Pastoral or the Head of Boarding as required.
Students who are isolating must
· Stay in the emergency rooms / their own rooms in the designated isolation wards.
· Avoid contact with others (e.g. they will not be allowed to visit other students' rooms or accept visitors to their rooms).
· Keep their rooms well ventilated. · Contact House Parents or Pathway Managers to carry out reasonable
errands (such as buying food, medications, or toiletries) for them. · Use ONLY the toilets, washrooms, etc. that they have been allocated. · Wear a mask when out of their room and when a member of staff comes
to their room. · Practise excellent hygiene (i.e. careful handwashing). · Students who are well enough will be given classwork to complete via
Google Classroom to ensure they are able to keep up with their schoolwork while in isolation. · Students will also be provided with guidance on appropriate calisthenics that they can carry out in their rooms if they wish.
Staff looking after isolating students
· No 'clinically vulnerable' member of staff must look after a student who is isolating.
· The House Parent / Pathway Manager rota for attending to isolating students must aim to minimise the risk of transmission.
· When supervising an isolating student, members of staff must wear a fluid-resistant surgical face mask. If contact with the student is necessary, then disposable gloves, a disposable apron and a fluid-resistant surgical face mask should be worn. If a risk assessment determines that there is a

risk of splashing to the eyes, for e.g., from coughing or vomiting, then eye protection must also be worn.
Cleaning of isolation areas
· Government cleaning guidelines must be followed in the isolation areas: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19decontamination-in-non-healthcare-settings
Staff with Symptoms
· Staff displaying symptoms or living with someone displaying symptoms should self-isolate at home following the NHS guidance: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/what-to-do-if-youor-someone-you-live-with-has-coronavirus-symptoms/when-to-selfisolate-and-what-to-do/
· Staff displaying symptoms or living with someone displaying symptoms must inform the Deputy Head Pastoral of those in the school that they might have been in close contact with (less than 2m for more than 15 mins. without a face mask).
NHS Test and Trace
· Staff must immediately inform the Deputy Head if they have been notified by the NHS Test and Trace service that they have been in contact with someone with the coronavirus. They'll need to self-isolate for 14 days, along with their household and if they get symptoms be tested.
· Students who have been contacted by the NHS Test and Trace service must immediately inform their Pathway Manager or one of the House Parents.
Further details are here: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid19/testing-for-coronavirus/nhs-test-and-trace-if-youve-been-in-contact-witha-person-who-has-coronavirus/
All employees must make themselves familiar with the COVID-19 Policy and all school COVID-19 safety requirements. They must: · Ensure they work in ways that are 'COVID-19 safe' to themselves,
students, other staff and visitors. · Co-operate with others to ensure COVID-19 related health and safety by
adhering to advice, instructions, and procedures for COVID-19 safety compliance.

· Report any COVID-19 unsafe practices which come to their notice to the HSO as soon as possible.
· Be aware that failure to observe COVID-19 compliance requirements by any member of staff could lead to disciplinary action.
· All staff will be expected to have a swab test at the start of term (the procedure will be the same as for students). Tests will be paid for by the school.
· Each morning students must go directly to Cotuit House Reception are for a temperature check. Any student who registers a temperature of 38 or higher will be required to wait 10 minutes and take their temperature again. If the temperature is still 38 or above additional checks will be undertaken
· Handheld temperature scanners are available for staff in Cherwell building, temperature should be recorded twice a day. Anyone recording a temperature of 38 will be required to wait 10 minutes and take their temperature again. If the temperature is still 38 or above, please inform Mark Fletcher-Single and your faculty lead
NHS Covid-19 app (22 September)
Functions · The NHS app is designed to complement the NHS Test and Trace service.
It can be used by anyone aged 16 and over. There is no requirement to use the app (at present: 23 September), but is a government expectation that post-16 settings promote its responsible use. · Instructions for downloading the app are here: https://covid19.nhs.uk/pdf/android-download-guide.pdf https://covid19.nhs.uk/pdf/iphone-download-guide.pdf · The school will ensure that students know of the app and are familiarised with its use. Staff are also be expected to make themselves familiar with its use. There are 6 key features:
1. Trace ­ alerts the individual if they were in close contact with a confirmed case
2. Alert ­ provides the individual with the risk level associated with coronavirus (COVID-19) in their local area, based on the postcode district they enter
3. Check in ­ allows the individual to check in to locations via the app and official NHS QR codes
4. Symptoms ­ allows the individual to check symptoms against government guidance and to get advice

5. Test ­ allows the individual to order a free test and to receive results and advice via the app
6. Isolate ­ provides an isolation `companion', which counts down how many days they have left to isolate and provides links to useful advice
· The PDF - https://covid19.nhs.uk/pdf/introducing-the-app.pdf - will additionally be emailed to students as a reference guide.
· Staff should tell students that contact tracing should be paused when students are not with their mobile phones. However, students must also remember to switch it on again. The app will not work with the phone switched off.
· Notification and responses · Students who receive a notification via the app that they have been in
contact with a positive case must tell a member of staff. · Members of staff alerted by students that they have received a
notification should inform the relevant three people: Pathway Manager, Head of Boarding, and the Deputy Head Pastoral, immediately. · The isolation procedures for students outlined above apply, as does the school's requirement to contact PHE and procedure for doing so as outlined in this policy. · Staff who are contacted by the app must inform the Deputy Head Pastoral immediately and `before self-isolating'.
Relation to other policies · The policy regarding mobile phone use is unchanged, as students can
check their mobile phones at least every hour or so. Phones must be on silent in lessons, unless otherwise instructed by their teacher for educational purposes. · Students who misuse the app by, for example, logging false symptoms, will face disciplinary sanctions (see updated `Behaviour Policy'). · Staff, particularly Pathway Managers, the Residence Team, and those delivering PSHE, will need to consider how best to support students who experience increased anxiety through engagement with the app functions.

Further information about the app https://covid19.nhs.uk/ Information and resources for the app (e.g. posters) are here: https://covid19.nhs.uk/information-and-resources.html https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/use-of-the-nhs-covid-19-appin-schools-and-further-education-colleges/use-of-the-nhs-covid-19-app-inschools-and-further-education-colleges
Staff welfare
· Regular check-ins by Line Managers. · The school also subscribes to the Education Support Counselling Service.
The helpline number is: 08000 856 148. · Though not specifically for teachers, MindEd have a useful resource,
drawn from a panel of international experts and created with NHS England-Improvement and supported by Skills for Care: https://covid.minded.org.uk/.

National Lockdown 5th November 2020 ­ 2nd December 2020

· Students must not leave or be outside the campus except for specific

purposes. These include:

· Students can leave or be outside the campus to buy things essential goods

Catching and Transmission of Covid 19

Staff Students Contractors Visitors
Respiratory infection with

from shops which are open, for instance for food and medicine, or to collect any items - including food or drink - ordered through click-andcollect or as a takeaway, to obtain or deposit money, or to access critical public services (see section below). · Students can leave or be outside the campus for education and training (formal provision, rather than extracurricular classes such as music or drama tuition).


the potential to · Students can also exercise outdoors or visit an outdoor public place.


Students need to use the booking in and out system before they leave


the campus.

and death

· Students must not meet people socially. Outside of campus you can only

meet with your residential bubble. When around other people, stay 2

metres apart from anyone not in your residential bubble. Where this is

not possible, stay 1 metre apart with extra precautions (e.g. wearing a

face covering).

· You must not meet socially indoors with family or friends unless they are

part of your residential bubble.

· Students can leave or be outside the campus for any medical reason, including to get a COVID-19 test, appointments and emergencies.
· Students can leave or be outside the campus to attend a place of worship for individual prayer
· Travel in or out of local areas should be avoided, and parents, carers and staff should look to reduce the number of journeys they make travelling to deliver and access education is still permitted.
· Staff, children and their parents and carers are encouraged to walk or cycle when travelling to and from school where this is possible, and to plan and avoid busy times and routes on public transport. This will allow social distancing to be practised.

Covid 19 Tier 2 restrictions post 2nd December 2020

This applies to Oxford city residents while they are within Oxford City, and if visiting areas outside the boundary.

· Students must not socialise with anyone you do not live with or who is

not in your support bubble in any indoor setting, whether at home or in a

public place

· Students must not socialise in a group of more than 6 people outside,

Staff Students

including in a garden or a public space ­ this is called the `rule of 6' · pubs and bars must close, unless operating as restaurants. Hospitality

venues can only serve alcohol with substantial meals

Respiratory infection with

· hospitality businesses selling food or drink for consumption on their


the potential to

premises are required to:

cause hospitalization and death

o provide table service only, in premises which sell alcohol o close between 11pm and 5am (hospitality venues in airports,
ports, transport services and motorway service areas are


o stop taking orders after 10pm

· hospitality businesses and venues selling food and drink for consumption

off the premises can continue to do so after 10pm as long as this is

through delivery service, click-and-collect or drive-through

· early closure (11pm) applies to casinos, cinemas, theatres, museums,

bowling alleys, amusement arcades, funfairs, theme parks, adventure

parks and activities, and bingo halls. Cinemas, theatres and concert halls

can stay open beyond 11pm in order to conclude performances that start before 10pm · public attendance at outdoor and indoor events (performances and shows) is permitted, limited to whichever is lower: 50% capacity, or either 2,000 people outdoors or 1,000 people indoors · public attendance at spectator sport and business events can resume inside and outside, subject to social contact rules and limited to whichever is lower: 50% capacity, or either 2,000 people outdoors or 1,000 people indoors · places of worship remain open, but you must not socialise with people from outside of your household or support bubble while you are indoors there, unless a legal exemption applies · organised outdoor sport, and physical activity and exercise classes can continue · organised indoor sport, physical activity and exercise classes will only be permitted if it is possible for people to avoid mixing with people they do not live with (or share a support bubble with). There are exceptions for indoor disability sport, sport for educational purposes and supervised sport and physical activity for under-18s, which can take place with larger groups mixing · you can continue to travel to venues or amenities which are open, but should aim to reduce the number of journeys you make where possible · if you live in a tier 2 area, you must continue to follow tier 2 rules when you travel to a tier 1 area. Avoid travel to or overnight stays in tier 3 areas other than where necessary, such as for work, education, youth services, to receive medical treatment, or because of caring responsibilities. You can travel through a tier 3 area as a part of a longer journey · for international travel see the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office travel advice for your destination and the travel corridors list


Hygiene protocols



Students and staff must



· Wash their hands with soap and water about six times a day (and do this


for at least 20 secs. each time).

infection with · Always wash their hands when they get to their room / home and into

the potential to



· Use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available.

hospitalization · Cover their mouth and nose with a tissue or their sleeve (not their hands)

and death

when they cough or sneeze.

· Put used tissues in a covered bin straight away and wash their hands


· Try to avoid close contact with people who are unwell.

· Avoid public and shared areas where possible.

The slogan is, 'Catch it, Bin it, Kill it'. Additionally, teaching staff should encourage good hygiene routines such as using hand sanitizer on entering a classroom.


· Good ventilation is required at all times. · In classrooms exterior doors or windows are to be kept open at all times,
or for 15 minutes per hour in extreme weather conditions · Windows are always to be kept open in students' rooms · Communal spaces such as student lounge or staff room exterior windows
or doors are to be opened at all times, or for 15 minutes per hour in extreme weather conditions

Face Coverings

· Wear a face mask as instructed, completely covering the nose and mouth. Apply and remove the face covering using the fasteners, do not touch the front of the mask
· Face masks must not be shared with anyone · Face coverings must not be worn around the neck when not in use. · Hair should be tied back to avoid touching your face · When not in use face coverings need to be stored in a sealable plastic bag · Single use face coverings need to be replaced at least once a day · Multi use face coverings need to be washed at least once a day

· Face mask should be worm in all communal areas and areas where 2m social distancing cannot be maintained.
· Face covering will be worn in line with UK government guidelines i.e. on public transport, in shops etc
Students and staff shouldn't · Touch their eyes, nose, or mouth if their hands are not clean. · Use public transport (if avoidable). · Invite visitors to their room (or visit their friends' rooms). · Share eating utensils, bedding, or towels.
· Students are to be allocated specific laundry times by rooms. · Students to wash their own linen until further notice.
· The increased frequency and intensity of disinfection routines established since Mar.'20 will continue.
· 'Deep cleaning' will take place three times a day in the isolation areas. · Government guidance will be followed:
Surface disinfecting
· In addition to the professional cleaning routines, wipes will be available throughout the campus for multi-use surfaces such as photocopiers.
· It is, however, important for us to develop a culture of 'multi-contractavoidance'. Photocopies, for e.g., must be kept to the absolute minimum.
· Some surfaces will require consideration: water fountains, for example, are necessary for student hydration. However, they should be used only to fill a water bottle; taps must be wiped with disinfecting wipes after and before use.
Personal objects
Students and staff must not share equipment, utensils, foodstuffs, etc. Where this is not possible, the object should be disinfected with a wipe after use.

Social Distancing

2m social distance should be maintained at all times. The academy has facilitated several administration / Engineering controls to facilitate this. Including:

Social Bubbles

Residence Bubble (RB)

· Residence Bubbles (RB) will be established.

· The RB consists of 'the student, his / her roommate and those with

whom the roommates share a bathroom' (approx. 4 to 8 students).

· If any member of the RB is symptomatic, all in the RB will have to self-


isolate for 14 days. The symptomatic student will isolate for 10.


· All staff should encourage these discrete RB 'bubbles' to stay together in

Contracting and Contractors transmission of Visitors

so far as possible - at mealtimes, for e.g.

Covid 19 ­

· The bubble is breached when 'close contact' occurs. This is defined

through contact Respiratory

under 3 categories in the Thurs. 2nd Jul.'20 guidance:


with individuals, infection with · direct close contacts - face to face contact with an infected individual for

contaminated the potential to

any length of time, within 1m incl. being coughed on, a face to face

surfaces etc

cause hospitalization and death

conversation, or unprotected physical contact (skin to skin) · proximity contacts - extended close contact (within 1m to 2m for more
than 15 mins.) with an infected individual)

· travelling in a small vehicle, like a car, with an infected person

· If 2m social distancing can't be maintained in a particular class or in

another known context, then a student who displays COVID-19

symptoms will therefore trigger the following isolations:

· the Residence bubble;

· any students known to have been in close contact with the symptomatic

student (e.g. sharing a taxi);

· any students who have been in classes with the symptomatic student

and been less than 2m without a mask for 15 mins. or more.

· These measures will be our internal version of the NHS 'test and trace',

essentially using the same principles and process.

· It is therefore especially important that all teaching staff ensure that set lists and registers are accurate on a lesson-by-lesson basis. Any changes must be reported to the Assistant Head IB (for IB students) or the Assistant Head A Level (for A Level students).
· During the Christmas break the students that remain on the Cotuit campus will form one residential bubble. Once term begins in the new year the arrangements as describe above will be reinstated.

All students are to be familiar with the School COVID-19 Policy (Student

Version) and:


Ensure that they minimise Covid-19 risk to themselves and others.


Co-operate with others to ensure Covid-19 compliance by adhering

to advice, instructions, and procedures.

Be aware that any non-compliance will be treated as a health and safety matter in the first instance and a disciplinary matter thereafter.

Student rooms (Cotuit House, Brewer, Marcus Lower)

· Social distancing in shared rooms is possible but unlikely to be maintained. Consequently, the 'household' model applies in a boarding school setting for students sharing a room and a bathroom.
· The definition of a 'household' has implications for deciding who must isolate if a member of the 'household' displays COVID-19 symptoms.
· In our context, a 'household' would initially be a room of two students and extend to anyone who shares the bathroom used by those two students.
· This proposed 'household' unit is how we define a 'bubble' of students. · However, the definition of 'household' or 'bubble' may expand,
depending on the circumstances and on specific advice from Public Health England (PHE). · The shared kitchens will be closed during this period to maintain the student bubbles.
Within main buildings
Cotuit Hse. · Main Reception area: enter through the double glass doors, exit through
the door opposite toilet (linen to be removed).

· Student rooms: enter through the double glass doors and go up the main staircase, down the staircase leading to and exit via the black door by the Deputy Head Pastoral Office.
· Students can only access the Deputy Head Pastoral Office and Music Room by the black door by the Deputy Head Pastoral Office (code needed).
· Laundry Room: enter by the black door by Mark F-S's office, exit via the other door leading to the front lawn.
Brewer North / South · Both residences have only one main door access, so 'corridor rules' will be
developed (e.g. a student must wait 2m before entering a corridor, either outside the main entrance or in a stairwell).
Marcus Lower (ML) · Enter ML north door, exit ML south door. · Floor access: ground floor left, 1st floor right, 2nd floor left. · Some student rooms and associated bathrooms go against the flow of the
floor, so only those students may go in that area and there can be are no visitors or students using the wrong bathrooms.
Cotuit Hall Lecture Hall (CLH) · One-way system will be in place if CLH is used as a single building: enter
via door closest to ML, exit in the small car park area (middle door locked).
Cotuit Hall · main reception at Cotuit: 2 designated staff on the front desk · Goldfish Bowl: 3 / 4, including 1 Pathway Manager during the day · library: 4 (currently) · Music rm: 3 · Head's office: 3 · Admin. office: 4 · Deputy Head's office: 3 · Art Space: 5 · Quiet Study Area: 8 · Student Lounge: 28 · kitchen: Students from the same residential bubble with 1 HP · Pathway Manager base: 1 Pathway Manager (and student) at a time; the
other Pathway Managers will be located at ILS and in the Goldfish Bowl. · Cotuit Lecture Hall: LH1: 10, LH2: 7, LH3: 7 (the space as a whole: 25)

· furniture has been removed where possible (desks, etc.): in the Student Lounge, the football table, some sofas, and small round tables will be removed.
· hazard tape will demarcate safe distances where possible. · loss of space at Cotuit Hall for student study has been mitigated by
opening the Cherwell classrooms in the evenings under the supervision of a House Parent.
Medical Room and Bury Knowle Health Centre (non-COVID-19 illness) · UK Health centres are minimising face-to-face time with patients to
reduce the risk of transmission (mainly from health workers to patients rather than vice versa), so it is likely that students will have a telephone consultation with all students who want to see the doctor or nurse. · If a student needs a physical, face-to-face assessment, the Health Centre will arrange to do that in the safest space. The Medical Room is therefore out-of-bounds for students unless otherwise indicated
The following rooms can accommodate the following number of people, 2m apart. Variation is accounted for by layout of furniture and the positioning of people within the space. These figures have been arrived at by measurement. The precise nos. permitted in each room will, however, be kept under continual review
Cherwell · classrooms: 4 / 5 students · main lab: 6 / 7 · prep. rm: 1 · staffroom: 4 · other areas in Cherwell (e.g. cafeteria) as designated by ILS · a rota of available classrooms will be made available to staff so that they
have somewhere to work when they are not teaching, other than the staffroom. This may involve working in a classroom where 4 students are also working.
The Cherwell building and cafeteria are to be accessed by the side gate. This gate has a keypad access system and must be closed after use. All Academy students and staff must follow current ILS social distancing arrangements and other COVID-19 protocols in Cherwell. Masks are to be worn everywhere on the ILS site except in classrooms during class (where this is at the teacher's discretion whether they wear a mask or not).

Practical Scientific Activities
· Wherever possible, practical experiments will continue in seminar-type groups alongside curriculum delivery and may be supplemented with demonstrations.
· Practical activities will be risk assessed against COVID-19 working recommendations prior to experiments taking place following recommendations from CLEAPPS: http://science.cleapss.org.uk/ResourceInfo/GL336-CLEAPSS-Advice-during-the-COVID-19-CoronavirusPandemic.aspx.
· Students will be expected to attend practical 'catch-up' sessions where they may need additional support to complete course requirements. Formal sessions are incl. in the academic calendar and additional sessions may be organised at the discretion of the science teaching faculty.
· Equipment must be washed thoroughly and frequently and, if possible, used in rotation with 48 (72 for plastics) hour intervals.
Cafeteria (Capers)
· As masks will be off and people socialising, this may be the highest risk activity in the school day. It is essential that social distancing is followed.
· Pathway Managers will allocate to students their breakfast, lunch, and dinner timeslots according to students' timetables.
· Staff will be given a lunch timeslot according to their timetable. · Students and staff must not go to the cafeteria area outside their
allocated times. Staff members who are free in the period before / after lunch may be asked to take their lunch in this period. · Non-resident staff are not permitted to eat breakfast or dinner in the cafeteria. · Staff are welcome to bring in their own packed meals. · Capers have their own risk assessments and planned control measures in place (e.g. removal of tables and chairs, extended meal timings, direction of service flow, queuing, etc.). · The Campus Manger will liaise with Capers to ensure effective communication regarding Capers' COVID-19 safety measures and protocols. · Masks can of course be taken off during eating where seating has been arranged to now allow four students/table in some areas. Students are not allowed to move chairs.

All staff are asked to bring in their own mugs, teaspoons, teabags, coffee, milk, sugar, etc. and are asked not to share or use another colleague's supplies, crockery, or utensils.
Students must never share any drinking vessel or take food from someone else's plate
Pathways Support, Assemblies and Academic Tutoring · Pathways Support will be mainly online and asynchronous. Some
sessions will be pre-recorded, with follow-up in academic tutorials (i.e. academic-related, with study skills), and with small-group sessions led by Pathway Managers for PSHE; other sessions (e.g. University Guidance and Extended Essay) will be live in the form of a Zoom session. There will be a designated PSHE website. · Whole-school or Yr. grp. assemblies will continue online. · One-to-one Academic Tutoring should still be possible face-to-face so long as social distancing is maintained. It will take place online for student who are self-isolating or away from campus.
Procedures have been modified to minimise staff-student contact in the residences. This will entail 'greater e-chasing' by House Parents and Pathway Managers, and an extremely proactive and preventative approach by individual teachers. Full details on the attendance procedure are in the updated 'Attendance Policy'.
Pullens Lane · Students and staff must follow the 'always walk on the right' rule when
walking down Pullens Lane (ensuring 2m's social distance), always in single file.
Oxford Brookes University Library and Sports' Facilities · These will be out of bounds until further notice. · The school's online provision of databases will continue to give excellent
access to research articles, etc., and the Cherwell (ILS) classrooms will remain open in the evenings for study, in addition to other spaces on campus.
Headington and Oxford · Students are permitted to go into Headington and Oxford, so long as
national restrictions allow it, social distancing and any other required measures are followed, and good judgment is exercised.

Other locations · Any other locations are out of bounds until further notice, unless
specifically agreed by the Head of School. These exceptions will be risk assessed and the benefit must clearly outweigh any risk. An e.g. of a valid exception might be if a student wishes to volunteer for a charity organisation that has its own effective risk assessment in place.

Visitors from off-campus

Visitors to campus are strongly discouraged. Host Family students are not classed as off-campus visitors as their lessons and lunches, etc., are oncampus

Access to site

· Visitors to school can be admitted provided:
- the visit is essential for the education, health, or wellbeing of
the student concerned
- the visit is to carry out essential maintenance on school
- the visitor is not showing any symptoms that would require
'self-isolation' under the current government guidance
- the visitor has not arrived from overseas in the prior 14 days - the visitor follows the hand washing / sanitisation requirements
of the school, wears appropriate PPE, and their own highvisibility vest as appropriate · Each visitor must sign in on the electronic system (to be cleaned after each use). · Visitors will be given a visitors' sticker badge to wear and be handed a visitors' information sheet. · Contractors will be emailed their usual document and the visitors' information sheet prior to arriving on campus.

Contracting and

Administrative considerations

transmission of

Covid 19 ­ through contact with individuals,

Staff and students

· Administrative processes have been redesigned as necessary in order to minimize the risk of transmission.
· Operations Manager (Nelli Williams), in conjunction with those



responsible for each area of school life, will initiate and review all school

surfaces etc

administrative processes.

· Gloves will need to worn to scan documents, paper use will need to be keep to the minimum, VISA meetings, etc., will take place via Zoom.
· All room bookings (e.g. Music Room) will be by Google Calendar and appear in 'My Academy'.
· External-facing administration will follow UK government procedures. For e.g., 'Right to Work' checks have been temporarily adjusted. As of Mon. 30th Mar.'20: - checks can now be carried out over video calls - job applicants and existing workers can send scanned documents or a photograph of documents for checks using email or a mobile app, rather than sending originals
employers should use the Employer Checking Service if a prospective or existing employee cannot provide any of the accepted documents

Deliveries to Cotuit House

Contracting and transmission of Covid 19 ­ through contact with individuals, contaminated surfaces etc

Staff Students Members of the public
Respiratory infection with the potential to cause hospitalization and death

· No takeaway deliveries will be allowed to campus until after 6:00pm Mon. to Fri.
· Students will be encouraged to reduce their online ordering from Amazon, etc., significantly. Delivery drivers will not be permitted entrance to Cotuit Hall Main Reception. Student deliveries must be left in the designated external area or weatherproof receptacle, as indicated.
Weekend Trips · These will depend on national restrictions, risk-assessed small-group
trips within Oxfordshire may take place as often as possible. An Inter-house games programme will essentially take the place of weekend trips, using open spaces on campus and Headington (e.g. Headington Hill Park).
Clubs and Activities · Weekly clubs will run as per the schedule set out with social distance
guidelines in mind (schedule available).
· If a club is in a space where social distancing guidelines cannot be applied, we shall try to rearrange a new place and if not possible, the club will be online.

Everybody incl. Supply and use


visitors and contractors etc.

· The UK government guidance (Thurs. 2nd Jul.'20) states that:

The majority of staff in education settings will not require PPE beyond what they would normally need for their work. PPE is only needed in a very small number of cases, including:
- where an individual becomes ill with coronavirus (COVID-19)
symptoms while on site, and only then if a distance of 2m cannot be maintained
- where a learner already has routine intimate care needs that
involve the use of PPE, in which case the same PPE should continue to be used · PPE will be available to students and staff where appropriate · PPE will be a compulsory measure for the House Parent team in many circumstances owing to the nature of their work (e.g. looking after a student whose illness is not COVI-19 related). The same applies to the Pathway Managers and other staff in similar circumstances. · PPE stock will incl. disposable gloves and face masks for non-residence staff. PPE stock for House Parents, Pathway Managers, and those who are 'clinically vulnerable' will incl.: disposable FFP3 face masks, aprons, and overshoes; vizor shields and safety specs. · Further advice on the types and use of PPE can be found here: safe working in education, childcare and children's social care.


All used PPE must be disposed of in yellow clinical bags (if in contact with symptomatic students or staff, waste must be labelled and securely stored for 72 hrs. Communication policy

Misinformation and miscommunication

Everybody incl. visitors and contractors etc.

· Well considered information shared as needed (e.g. signage, policy, emails, visitor information)
· Informed advice given to staff on `key Covid-19 safety' messages and responses to any student/parent concerns
· Follow up information / support given to anyone especially affected · Calm approach needed · Staff members not to share their own concerns with students but with
their line manager · Staff members and students instructed not talk to members of the press,
put things on social media, etc. · NHS and PHE (Public Health England) to be kept up to date with any
confirmed cases

Anxiety/ mental health

coordination between ILS and Academy achieved through regular meetings and frequent E-messaging (i.e. email, teams, etc.)

Staff and student mental well being

Everybody incl. visitors and contractors etc.

· Student mental health: usual channels (e.g. general staff duty of care to students, specially trained Pastoral staff, PSHE programme, NHS services, School Counsellor)
· Staff consultation on school COVID-19 policy · Employee Support ­ 24/7 professional telephone counselling service
(school subscribes: free to all staff): 08000 856 148 · regular check-ins with line manager · Encouragement of mindfulness and staff wellbeing generally (e.g. yoga
sessions, encouraging cycling)

Protecting those who are vulnerable (general): stress, anxiety, severe ill health from the symptoms of COVID-19 and death

Vulnerable staff Vulnerable Cohabitants

· Staff assessed for COVID-19 vulnerability via completion of questionnaire and follow up conversations
· Individual risk assessment carried out to identify appropriate controls to include:
o working from home where possible and if appropriate o 2m social distancing to be maintained o thorough hand-hygiene regime to be followed o given guidance on the areas of the school in which social
distancing is not feasible o Face covering o PPE

Assessor Helen Calkin Approver Mark Fletcher-Single

Date 30th November 2020 Date 30th November 2020

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