Boggo Road
Cross River Rail Priority Development Area Interim Land Use Plan
October 2020

The Department of State Development, Tourism and Innovation improves productivity and quality of life in Queensland by leading economic strategy, industry development, infrastructure and planning, for the benefit of all.
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Copies of this publication are available on our website at www.statedevelopment.qld.gov.au and further copies are available upon request to:
Cross River Rail Delivery Authority PO Box 15476, Brisbane City East, QLD 4002 Phone: 1800 010 875 Email: info@crossriverrail.qld.gov.au
Web: www.crossriverrail.qld.gov.au
Economic Development Queensland Department of State Development, Tourism and Innovation GPO Box 2202, Brisbane Queensland 4002. 1 William Street Brisbane Qld 4000 (Australia) Phone: 13 QGOV (13 7468) Web: www.statedevelopment.qld.gov.au/economicdevelopment-qld.html

Table of Contents

1 Preliminary



Economic Development Act



Priority Development Area description



Application of the Interim Land Use Plan



Components of the ILUP


1.4.1 Strategic context


1.4.2 Development assessment procedures


1.4.3 PDA development requirements


1.4.4 Levels of assessment


1.4.5 Infrastructure requirements


1.4.6 Schedules


2 Strategic context





2.1.1 The Cross River Rail project


2.1.2 History of the Boggo Road CRR PDA land


2.1.3 Key features


2.1.4 Infrastructure designations





3 Development assessment procedures



Types of development



Development consistent with the ILUP



Plans of development



Notice of applications



State interests



Relationship with other legislation



Relationship with Brisbane City Plan 2014



Interim uses



PDA-associated development


4 PDA development requirements



PDA-wide criteria


4.1.1 Urban design, built form and public realm 9

4.1.2 Heritage


4.1.3 Connectivity


4.1.4 Impacts and amenity


4.1.5 Service infrastructure



Precinct provisions


4.2.1 Precinct 1


4.2.2 Precinct 2


5 Levels of assessment


6 Infrastructure requirements


7 Schedules


Boggo Road | Cross River Rail Priority Development Area | Interim Land Use Plan


1 Preliminary

1.1 Economic Development Act
The Economic Development Act 2012 (the ED Act)1 establishes the Minister for Economic Development Queensland (MEDQ) as a corporation sole to exercise the powers and functions of the ED Act.
The main purpose of the ED Act2 is to facilitate economic development and development for community purposes. The ED Act3 seeks to achieve this by establishing the MEDQ and providing for a streamlined planning and development framework for particular parts of the State declared as priority development areas (PDAs).
1.2 Priority Development Area description
The Boggo Road Cross River Rail (CRR) PDA was declared by a regulation4 on 2 October 2020.
The Boggo Road CRR PDA, identified in Map 1, is approximately 39 hectares. It is a transit rich environment that includes a significant public transport interchange incorporating the new underground Boggo Road CRR station and tunnels, existing surface rail stations (Park Road and Dutton Park) and rail lines (Beenleigh/Gold Coast and Cleveland lines), and existing Eastern Busway stations (Princess Alexandra Hospital and Boggo Road) and tunnels. The PDA also includes significant existing and planned active transport infrastructure including the Princess Alexandra Hospital cycleway and the new central pedestrian and cyclist bridge which is being delivered as part of the CRR project.
Significant existing facilities and government land holdings are located within the PDA which will support the continued focus and investment in health, science, innovation, research and education services. These facilities and land holdings include the Boggo Road Urban Village (which includes the Ecosciences Precinct, Dutton Park Police Station and the heritage listed Boggo Road Gaol), the Pharmacy Australia Centre of Excellence, the Translational Research Institute and the Princess Alexandra Hospital.
The Boggo Road CRR PDA is generally bounded by Burke Street to the north, Cornwall Street to the south, Annerley Road to the west, and Ipswich Road to the east. The PDA does not include Dutton Park State Primary School or the new Inner City South State Secondary College although these facilities have an important relationship to the health, science, innovation, research and education focus of the PDA.

1.3 Application of the Interim Land Use Plan
The Boggo Road CRR PDA Interim Land Use Plan (ILUP)5 is applicable to development on land within the Boggo Road CRR PDA.
This ILUP was made by the MEDQ and took effect on commencement of the declaration regulation for the CRR PDA. The declaration regulation provided for the ILUP to be effective for 18 months unless the development scheme for the PDA takes effect earlier.
1.4 Components of the ILUP
This ILUP consists of the following components:
a. the strategic context for the PDA (section 2), including the vision (section 2.2)
b. development assessment procedures (section 3) c. development requirements (section 4) d. levels of assessment (section 5) e. infrastructure requirements (section 6), and f. schedules (section 7). 1.4.1 Strategic context
The strategic context includes background information and the vision for the PDA.
The vision establishes the overall outcomes to be achieved in the PDA that:
a. seek to achieve the purpose of the ED Act for the PDA, and
b. provides the basis for the PDA development requirements.
1.4.2 Development assessment procedures
The development assessment procedures outline matters relating to the interpretation and operation of the ILUP.
1.4.3 PDA development requirements
The PDA development requirements apply to all PDA assessable development and incorporate:
a. PDA-wide criteria, and b. precinct provisions.

1 See section 8 of the ED Act. 2 See section 3 of the ED Act. 3 See section 4 of the ED Act. 4 See section 37 of the ED Act.

5 The ILUP has been prepared pursuant to section 38 of the ED Act.


Boggo Road | Cross River Rail Priority Development Area | Interim Land Use Plan

1.4.4 Levels of assessment
The following levels of assessment are established for all development within the PDA in section 5:
a. PDA accepted development -- column 1, and b. PDA assessable development -- column 2. 1.4.5 Infrastructure requirements
This component identifies how infrastructure requirements will be determined for development. These must be taken into account in the preparation of PDA development applications.

1.4.6 Schedules
Schedule 1 identifies PDA accepted development.
Schedule 2 defines terms used in the ILUP.
Schedule 3 identifies heritage places within the PDA, including those listed in the Queensland Heritage Register and the Brisbane Heritage Register and Brisbane City Plan 2014 Heritage overlay.
Schedule 4 provides details of PDA-associated development.

Map 1: Boggo Road CRR PDA boundary

This map is for illustration purposes and is not to scale.

Boggo Road | Cross River Rail Priority Development Area | Interim Land Use Plan


2 Strategic context

2.1 Background
2.1.1 The Cross River Rail project
CRR is a 10.2 kilometre rail line from Dutton Park to Bowen Hills, which includes 5.9 kilometres of tunnel under the Brisbane River and city centre. The project has been designed to alleviate constraints at the core of the rail network, so it can grow and evolve to benefit communities across the region.
CRR includes a new underground Boggo Road station which is proximate to the Boggo Road Urban Village (which includes the Ecosciences Precinct, Dutton Park Police Station and the heritage listed Boggo Road Gaol). Boggo Road will become South East Queensland's second-busiest public transport interchange, with more than 22,000 commuters expected to use the new Boggo Road station each week day.
The project is also delivering a new pedestrian and cyclist bridge over the existing railway corridor which will connect the Princess Alexandra Hospital (eastern) side of the PDA to the Boggo Road Urban Village (western) side of the PDA, providing greater connectivity choice and access to the new underground station and transport interchange whilst also completing a significant regional cycling link between University of Queensland, the Inner City South State Secondary College, Dutton Park State School, and the Ecosciences Precinct to the Princess Alexandra Hospital and the Veloway 1.
On 26 March 2010, the Coordinator-General declared CRR a significant project under the State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971 (SDPWO Act) and required the preparation of an environmental impact statement (EIS). Following an evaluation of the EIS by the Coordinator-General, the project was approved with conditions on 20 December 2012. The CoordinatorGeneral has subsequently approved project changes. The approval under the SDPWO Act is for tunnel and station works associated with the CRR project including works both above and below ground level.
The Cross River Rail Delivery Authority Act 2016 establishes the Cross River Rail Delivery Authority (CRRDA). A purpose of the CRRDA is to plan, carry out, promote or coordinate activities to facilitate economic development, and development for community purposes in a CRR PDA. A CRR PDA is defined as a PDA declared under the ED Act for proposed development for the CRR project or a part of the project.

The Boggo Road CRR PDA will accommodate one of the five new CRR stations and integrate with existing rail and busway stations, and proposed Brisbane Metro services. Declaration of a CRR PDA is not required to construct the rail infrastructure but has occurred to enable the CRRDA to carry out its functions and powers to facilitate economic development and development for community purposes.
2.1.2 History of the Boggo Road CRR PDA land
The Boggo Road CRR PDA extends over a number of government land holdings, and throughout history, has accommodated a variety of institutional uses and public services. The heritage listed Boggo Road Gaol features the only intact 19th century style prison in Queensland, rare in being originally built for women, as well as having parts that reflect the evolution of policy about how prisoners should be held well into the 20th century.
Like many of the roads around Brisbane, Boggo or Annerley Road follows an Aboriginal pathway. Traditionally, these often followed ridgelines which provided easier access through undulating country, as well as views of the surrounding areas. The Dutton Park/Boggo Road Prison precinct was ideally placed for subsistence, settlement and cultural activities given its elevation, access to terrestrial and riparian resources, and proximity to the bora ground at Woolloongabba. Various artefacts have been found from within this vicinity and are stored in the University of Queensland Anthropology Museum.
The suburb `Dutton Park' was zoned in 1910, with the local school and railway station also taking the same name.
2.1.3 Key features
The PDA extends over a number of state transport corridors and roads and is serviced by a major transport interchange inclusive of the Eastern Busway (Princess Alexandra and Boggo Road station), Park Road and Dutton Park rail stations and the CRR Boggo Road station (under construction). The Eastern Busway connects to the South East Busway, with local bus services also providing access to the PDA and stations.
Major cycle and pedestrian links are to be integrated within and adjoining the PDA as indicated on Map 2.


Boggo Road | Cross River Rail Priority Development Area | Interim Land Use Plan

The PDA identifies new and improved connections within the precinct, particularly between the eastern and western areas via a central pedestrian and cyclist bridge, whilst also providing better access for surrounding communities to major transport infrastructure, community services and research facilities. The new central pedestrian and cyclist bridge is an important network enhancement that spans the railway corridor and provides a new link between the Princess Alexandra cycleway, Veloway 1, the Woolloongabba bikeway (via Annerley Road) and to the University of Queensland via the Eleanor Schonell Bridge.

The PDA is anchored by the Princess Alexandra Hospital, Ecosciences Precinct, Translational Research Institute, and Pharmacy Australia Centre of Excellence. The PDA provides a vision for the precinct, facilitating new investment and jobs, supporting continued innovation and growth in health, science, innovation, research and education services. The PDA does not include Dutton Park State Primary School or the new Inner City South State Secondary College although these facilities have an important relationship to the health, science, innovation, research and education focus of the PDA.

Map 2: Key features ­ Boggo Road CRR PDA and surrounds

This map is for illustration purposes and is not to scale.

Boggo Road | Cross River Rail Priority Development Area | Interim Land Use Plan


2.1.4 Infrastructure designations
Under the Planning Act 2016 (Planning Act) both public and non-public sector entities can seek designation of premises for development of infrastructure (a designation). The designation process provides entities with a streamlined assessment process to facilitate the delivery of community infrastructure. Once a designation is made there is no need to attain further planning approvals that would otherwise be regulated by the Planning Act or the ED Act, unless development departs from this designation.
Where within a PDA, the ability for an entity to continue to operate under an existing designation, and to seek new designations, remains unaffected by the ED Act. The process of making and determining a designation is set out within the Minister's Guidelines and Rules6.
For the Boggo Road CRR PDA there are several existing designations over key community infrastructure, associated with the Princess Alexandra Hospital.
Map 3: Infrastructure designations

There is also a designation adjacent to the PDA for the Inner City South State Secondary College described in Table 17 and shown in Map 3.

Table 1: Infrastructure designations

Reference Description Type

Date of Gazettal



Hospital and 29/09/2000







Hospital and 07/09/2007







Hospital and 05/03/2010





MID-0419-0332 Inner City South Educational 27/09/2019 State Secondary facilities College

This map is for illustration purposes and is not to scale.
6 For guidance, refer to chapter 7 and 8 of Minister's Guidelines and Rules https://dsdmipprd.blob.core.windows.net/general/GuidanceforMGRfinal. pdf

7 To access details of existing Infrastructure designations, refer to https://planning.dsdmip.qld.gov.au/planning/better-development/ infrastructure-designations


Boggo Road | Cross River Rail Priority Development Area | Interim Land Use Plan

2.2 Vision
Development in the Boggo Road CRR PDA will enhance the already established world-class health and research facilities with a focus on health, science and education services. The PDA will reinforce the precinct's role as a regionally significant economic cluster, facilitating high skilled employment with supporting services and amenity for employees, patients, students and visitors.
The Boggo Road CRR PDA will become a key southern city destination and transport interchange with direct connections to the CRR rail network and Brisbane Metro services.
New and enhanced high-quality, sub-tropical, public realm will provide improved connectivity for pedestrians and cyclists between rail, bus and major institutional facilities within and surrounding the precinct. New civic spaces will be vibrant, open, and green, and revitalisation of landmarks such as the Boggo Road Gaol will celebrate the precinct's unique history and identity and contribute to its distinct character.

Development in the Boggo Road CRR PDA will:
1. be transit oriented and provide a safe, legible, and convenient transport interchange with high-quality connections to, and between, rail and bus services to improve accessibility for users,
2. deliver a mix of land uses facilitating employment and precinct supporting services, amenity and community facilities,
3. provide a cohesive and interconnected public realm, which creates a focus for community activity incorporating high-quality landscaping treatment,
4. achieve a highly permeable environment, with a connected movement network within the PDA and to surrounding areas which prioritises pedestrian and cyclist movements,
5. deliver high-quality sub-tropical architecture and buildings, landscaping (including public art) and public realm that are open, engaging and embellished with greenery,
6. protect the functional requirements of state transport infrastructure, state transport corridors and future state transport corridors, to ensure the operational efficiency, capacity, integrity and safety of the transport network is maintained including any future planned upgrades,
7. ensure the continued successful operation of the Princess Alexandra Hospital and existing research and education facilities, and
8. provide for the conservation, including adaptive reuse, of heritage places within the PDA and adjacent to the PDA8.

8 Schedule 3 Heritage places identifies heritage places within the Boggo Road CRR PDA. The Queensland Heritage Act 1992 defines conservation as including "protection, stabilisation, maintenance, preservation, restoration, reconstruction and adaptation".

Boggo Road | Cross River Rail Priority Development Area | Interim Land Use Plan


3 Development assessment procedures

3.1 Types of development
Section 5 of this ILUP prescribes the following levels of assessment for development in the PDA:
a. PDA accepted development which is development that does not require a PDA development approval under the ED Act, and
b. PDA assessable development which requires a PDA development approval. A PDA development permit is required to carry out PDA assessable development9.
3.2 Development consistent with the ILUP
PDA assessable development is consistent with the ILUP if it complies with all relevant PDA development requirements set out in section 4.
However, development that does not comply with one or more of the relevant PDA development requirements is consistent with the ILUP if:
a. the development is an interim use that due to its nature, scale, form or intensity does not conflict with the vision, or
b. both of the following apply: i. the development does not conflict with the vision for the PDA (section 2.2), and ii. there are sufficient grounds to justify the approval of the development despite the non-compliance with the relevant PDA-wide criteria.
In this section 'grounds' means matters of public interest which include the matters specified as the main purpose of the ED Act as well as:
a. superior design outcomes10, and b. overwhelming community need. 'Grounds' does not include the personal circumstances of an applicant, owner or interested third party.
Development that is inconsistent with the ILUP cannot be granted a PDA development approval11.

3.3 Plans of development12
A plan of development (PoD) may:
a. accompany a PDA development application for a material change of use or reconfiguring a lot,
b. consider any proposed use, and any associated building work or operational work, and
c. form part of a PDA development approval. Schedule 1 identifies development consistent with an approved PoD as PDA accepted development.
3.4 Notice of applications
A PDA development application will require public notice if the development:
a. may, in the opinion of the MEDQ: i. have adverse impacts on the amenity or development potential of adjoining land under separate ownership, or ii. is for a use of a size or nature which warrants public notice, or
b. is for a material change of use in precinct 2 or is a material change of use in precinct 1 that is not a preferred use listed in Table 2.
c. is greater than the specified building height guidance on Map 4: Boggo Road CRR PDA precinct plan and building height guidance.
3.5 State interests
Relevant matters of state interest have been considered in the preparation of the ILUP and will be considered further as part of the assessment of a PDA development application13.

9 Section 94(2) of the ED Act. 10 A design review panel will provide guidance on the assessment and
acceptance of superior design outcomes. 11 See section 86 of the ED Act.

12 For further advice on preparing a PoD refer to the applicable EDQ practice note available at www.edq.qld.gov.au/resources/priority-developmentareas-guidelines-and-practice-notes.html
13 Section 87 of the ED Act states that any relevant state interest must be considered in deciding a PDA development application. For the purposes of addressing state interests in development assessment, the State Development Assessment Provisions (SDAP) provide guidance in identifying if a state interest is relevant to the assessment of a PDA development application.


Boggo Road | Cross River Rail Priority Development Area | Interim Land Use Plan

3.6 Relationship with other legislation
In addition to assessment against the ILUP, development may require assessment against other legislation including, but not limited to, the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994, Environmental Protection Act 1994, Plumbing and Drainage Act 2002, Building Act 1975 and the Planning Act including subordinate legislation. Relevant local laws made under the City of Brisbane Act 2010 apply in the PDA to the extent they are not replaced by a by-law made under the ED Act14.
The existing approval for the CRR project under the SDPWO Act does not limit the effect of the ED Act including the ability for relevant development instruments, including this ILUP, to regulate development. Similarly, an approval under the ED Act does not limit the power of the Coordinator-General to approve subsequent CRR project changes under the SDPWO Act.
3.7 Relationship with Brisbane City Plan
Schedule 6 of the Planning Regulation 2017 (Planning Regulation) prohibits the Brisbane City Plan 2014 from making PDA-related development assessable under the Planning Act. However, Schedule 2 of the ILUP adopts certain definitions from Schedule 1 of the Brisbane City Plan 2014 and calls up various other parts of the Brisbane City Plan 2014 as guidance.
Under section 71 of the ED Act, if there is a conflict between the ILUP and a planning instrument or assessment benchmarks prescribed by regulation under the Planning Act or another act for the Planning Act, the ILUP prevails to the extent of any inconsistency.

3.8 Interim uses
An interim use is a land use that - because of its nature, scale, form or intensity - is not an appropriate long-term use of the land but may be appropriate for a short or medium-term period as the PDA develops.
A PDA development application for an interim use must demonstrate that the use will not prejudice or delay:
a. an appropriate long-term use b. an appropriate intensity of development, or c. infrastructure delivery envisaged by the vision for
the PDA. The PDA development requirements also apply to PDA assessable development that is an interim use.
The MEDQ may impose a condition of approval related to the interim use including, for example, limiting the duration of an interim use.
Information to support a PDA development application for an interim use may include:
a. a suitability assessment, and b. plans showing how the development could
transition from the proposed interim use to an appropriate longer-term use.
3.9 PDA-associated development
Schedule 4 identifies development external to the PDA that is PDA-associated development. The development specified in Schedule 4 as PDA-associated development is PDA-assessable development under Table 3.

14 For example, the Economic Development (vegetation management) by-law 2013 replaces Council's Natural Assets Local Law.

Boggo Road | Cross River Rail Priority Development Area | Interim Land Use Plan


4 PDA development requirements

4.1 PDA-wide criteria
4.1.1 Urban design, built form and public realm15
1. is designed to enhance the character, safety and attractiveness of the Boggo Road CRR PDA by:
a. accommodating a diverse range of land uses that promote day and night activation
b. creating an integrated and cohesive precinct, with well-connected, functional and attractive interfaces between developments and to the public realm, and
c. delivering a built form which creates a legible and permeable pedestrian and cyclist friendly environment.
2. exhibits high-quality sub-tropical architecture and:
a. addresses all elevations, with front, rear and side elevations displaying a high level of articulation and high-quality materials and finishes
b. incorporates an articulated building shape and setbacks that reduce the visual width and scale of buildings and provides variation, maintains the openness of street vistas and contributes positively to the streetscape
c. provides building separation that ensures access to light, promotes air circulation, minimises overshadowing and maximises amenity and privacy for both occupants and neighbours, and
d. integrates building services (including air conditioning, lift wells, fire and electricity components) into the building design, ensuring these features do not visually, acoustically or climactically detract from the building or its use.

3. responds to the sub-tropical climate and improves the urban amenity by:
a. orientating buildings to mitigate climatic impacts and reduce the need for mechanical heating, cooling and lighting
b. maximising natural light and air flow in private spaces
c. ensuring natural lighting, access to cooling breezes and reducing direct solar heating in streets, public spaces and parks
d. incorporating landscaping, outdoor spaces and water features on ground levels, roofs, balconies, terraces, and edges of buildings, that make the most of Brisbane's sub-tropical climate, and
e. using appropriate landscaping, vegetation and large trees, eaves and structures to provide shade and shelter for pedestrians and cyclists.
4. ensures buildings at the ground-plane are designed to:
a. define and address the adjacent street, accessway or public space, creating active and continuous edges
b. establish a high level of landscaping, shade and shelter along these edges
c. be highly permeable and articulated, avoiding blank walls and ensuring car parking at ground level is sleeved with active uses
d. have a height and façade length that reflect human-scale and contribute to the vibrancy of the street or public space, and
e. minimise driveways and service entries.

15 For guidance, development responding to criteria 4.1.1 should provide a site context report and design responses that consider:
a. PDA guideline no.18 Development interfaces. b. Brisbane City Council's New World City Design Guide: Buildings that
Breathe. c. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design, Guidelines (Queensland
Government 2007) and the Crime prevention through environmental design planning scheme policy in Brisbane City Plan 2014. d. Landscape work code in Brisbane City Plan 2014. e. Park planning and design code and Infrastructure design planning scheme policy in Brisbane City Plan 2014. f. For residential and accommodation uses, private open space is provided at the minimum rate of 9m2 for 1 bedroom and 12m2 for 2 or more bedrooms; and communal open space is provided for the needs of the residents. g. The development assessment manager may seek guidance on the assessment and acceptance of design outcomes from a design review panel.


Boggo Road | Cross River Rail Priority Development Area | Interim Land Use Plan

5. creates a public realm that:
a. is connected, legible, permeable, comfortable and safe
b. allows for universal access for all members of the community and their mobility needs
c. creates a highly landscaped, attractive subtropical environment
d. ensures any significant vegetation removed during development is replaced with advanced stock of suitable tree species
e. includes areas of open space sufficient to meet the needs of the precinct users whilst also being accessible for the local community
f. includes public art as an integral part of the landscape design, and
g. is provided with lighting that reinforces the night time presence of buildings and public spaces.
6. ensures residential development and accommodation provides generous private open space and universally accessible communal open space, for its purposes, which:
a. may be provided through a combination of ground level, vertically integrated or roof top settings
b. is located or screened to maximise privacy
c. includes landscape and deep planting shade trees or structures, and
d. is positioned for good solar orientation and to minimise water use.

4.1.2 Heritage16
1. does not destroy or substantially reduce the cultural heritage significance of a State heritage place
2. to the extent possible, promotes the historic identity of the area by showcasing heritage places within and adjoining the PDA as key civic landmarks by maintaining sightlines and improving access to them
3. provides for the conservation and adaptive re-use of heritage places within the PDA in a way which: a. conserves its cultural heritage significance17 while allowing for the functional requirements of the new use
b. maintains or enhances the historic built form character and setting within heritage places
c. does not compromise the structural integrity of heritage places including protection of the building fabric during construction, and
d. minimises or mitigates unavoidable impacts on cultural heritage significance18.
4.1.3 Connectivity
1. prioritises access by public transport, walking and cycling over private vehicles
2. facilitates a highly permeable movement network within the PDA and improves connectivity to key destinations and with the surrounding area
3. establishes seamless and legible pedestrian connectivity to, and between, the underground CRR station, existing rail and busway stations, and
4. integrates with, and supports convenient access to, the new central active transport connection traversing the PDA.

16 Schedule 3 Heritage places identifies heritage places within the Boggo Road CRR PDA.
17 Refer to the relevant statement of significance contained in the place's Queensland Heritage Register entry or Brisbane City Plan Heritage overlay citation.
18 To understand how to fulfil these requirements, development applicants should refer to:
a. State Development Assessment Provisions (SDAP) State Code 14: Queensland Heritage.
b. Developing Heritage Places: Using the development criteria document, a guideline prepared by Department of Environment and Science, as amended or replaced from time to time.
c. The Burra Charter: The Australia ICOMOS Charter for Places of Cultural heritage significance 2013, available at http://australia.icomos.org/ publications/charters/ along with several useful Practice Notes.
Boggo Road | Cross River Rail Priority Development Area | Interim Land Use Plan 10

4.1.4 Impacts and amenity19
1. ensures the continued successful operation of the Princess Alexandra Hospital and existing research and education facilities, having regard to: a. access, movement, servicing and parking arrangements, and b. the operation and efficiency of administration, maintenance and other support facilities.
2. is designed to minimise adverse lighting, noise, odour and air-quality impacts, having regard to impacts generated by the development itself, nearby transport corridors, or other existing or anticipated development within or near to the Boggo Road CRR PDA
3. is designed to ensure public health and safety and the integrity and efficient operation of emergency services and public utilities
4. does not create a permanent or temporary obstruction or hazard to operational airspace of the Princess Alexandra Hospital helipad and the Procedures for Air Navigation Services ­ Aircraft Operational Surfaces (PANS-OPS) for the Brisbane Airport20
5. is managed to avoid environmental harm from disturbance of acid sulfate soils or contaminated land, and potential for erosion and sedimentation
6. has regard for the archaeological potential of the site21
19 For guidance, refer to the mapping and requirements set out in the following components of the Brisbane City Plan 2014:
a. Filling and excavation code b. Infrastructure design code c. Landscape works code d. Operational work code e. Outdoor lighting code f. Potential and actual acid sulfate soils overlay code g. Stormwater code h. Transport air quality corridor overlay code i. Transport noise corridor overlay code, and j. Infrastructure design planning scheme policy. 20 Refer to Brisbane City Plan 2014 Airport environs overlay code for guidance.
This criterion is relevant to the consideration of building height within the PDA. 21 Archaeological artefact discoveries are required to be reported in accordance with the Queensland Heritage Act 1992. In some instances, an archaeological management plan may be required which should be prepared in accordance with the Department of Environment and Science guidelines `Archaeological investigations'.

7. implements water sensitive urban design through stormwater and drainage systems, by: a. maximising infiltration and opportunities for capture and reuse to minimise runoff and peak flows b. using natural drainage paths and integrating with landscaping wherever possible c. ensuring sufficient capacity to safely convey runoff d. maintaining or improving water quality leaving the development site e. not worsening drainage conditions outside the development site, and f. minimising whole of life-cycle costs of infrastructure and provide for safe and efficient maintenance.
8. ensures landscape works are undertaken to an appropriate standard to ensure sustainable, functional, attractive, safe and well-integrated landscape design.
4.1.5 Service infrastructure22
1. ensures the design of vehicular access, on-site servicing and parking does not compromise the walkability, amenity or activation of a public space or street frontages, and opportunities for colocation of servicing and parking openings within single buildings or with adjoining developments is maximised
2. provides car parking, bicycle parking and end of trip facilities to meet the functional requirements of the PDA
3. provides water, wastewater and other services and utilities to meet the needs of the development in a timely, orderly and integrated manner
4. provides utilities and services to the standards that ensure an acceptable level of environmental performance, safety and efficiency
22 For guidance, refer to the mapping and requirements set out in the following components of the Brisbane City Plan 2014:
a. Infrastructure design code b. Transport, access, parking and servicing code c. Stormwater code d. Wastewater code e. Infrastructure design planning scheme policy, and f. Transport, access, parking and servicing planning scheme policy.

11 Boggo Road | Cross River Rail Priority Development Area | Interim Land Use Plan

5. facilitates opportunities for sustainable, integrated on-site water, wastewater, waste, energy or other systems, provided that they:
a. do not result in any undue impact on the amenity or visual quality of the surrounding area
b. will not result in any environmental harm or nuisance
c. achieve a level of service, environmental performance and life-cycle cost that is equivalent to or better than normal servicing arrangement, and
d. do not detract from the ability to develop and use the PDA as intended.
6. appropriately integrates with and does not detract from existing or planned infrastructure within or external to the PDA
7. ensures the efficient delivery and functioning of major electricity infrastructure is not compromised
8. does not adversely impact the structural integrity or ongoing operation and maintenance of sub-surface transport infrastructure that is existing or proposed and supported by23:
a. a RPEQ certified preliminary geotechnical investigation
b. scaled and detailed plans (including cross sections and elevations) that clearly show the development's interface with, and minimum setbacks to, State controlled transport infrastructure
c. a RPEQ certified earthworks plan, supported by scaled plans (including cross sections and elevations) that clearly shows the location and extent of:
i. proposed excavation and filling (including volumes)
ii. temporary and permanent basement retention systems
iii. temporary and permanent retaining walls or structures
iv. gradient and height of temporary and permanent batters

d. a RPEQ certified preliminary structural engineering design plan for the development, and any supporting technical details including building foundation structures, retaining structures, and loading implications of the development, and
e. a stormwater management plan that demonstrates a no worsening impact for all flood and stormwater events that exist prior to development up to and including a 1% Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP).
9. does not:
a. create a safety hazard for users of a state transport corridor, a future state transport corridor or state transport infrastructure, by increasing the likelihood or frequency of loss of life or serious injury
b. compromise the structural integrity of a state transport corridor, future state transport corridor or state transport infrastructure and associated works within a state transport corridor
c. result in a worsening of the physical condition or operating performance of state transport infrastructure and associated transport networks
d. compromise the state's ability to construct, maintain or operate state transport infrastructure, or
e. expose the public to significant adverse impacts resulting from environmental emissions generated by state transport infrastructure.

23 Development located in proximity to sub-surface transport infrastructure is to be supported by the submission of engineering and geological reports and certification or consent provided by the relevant infrastructure owner.
Boggo Road | Cross River Rail Priority Development Area | Interim Land Use Plan 12

4.2 Precinct provisions
The location and boundaries of the two precincts in the PDA are shown in Map 4: Boggo Road CRR PDA precinct plan and building height guidance.
4.2.1 Precinct 1
Precinct intent
Precinct 1 includes the Boggo Road Urban Village (which includes the Ecosciences Precinct, Dutton Park Police Station and the heritage listed Boggo Road Gaol) and the Pharmacy Australia Centre of Excellence. Development will support and enhance the existing health, science and education functions of the PDA whilst respecting and supporting adaptive reuse of the Boggo Road Gaol.

Development in precinct 1 will:
1. provide building heights that24:
a. respond to the significant economic opportunity and transit rich nature of the precinct
b. address contextual matters such as existing development and features within and adjacent to the PDA (including heritage sites, open space areas and sensitive receptors), and
c. allow for a transition of building heights from within the PDA to surrounding neighbourhoods including consideration of adjoining Brisbane City Plan 2014 allowances, development approvals and character residential areas.
2. include a balance of land uses that are aligned to the PDA vision, preferred land uses are listed in Table 2, and

Map 4: Boggo Road CRR PDA precinct plan and building height guidance

This map is for illustration purposes and is not to scale.

24 Refer to building heights on Map 4 for guidance.

13 Boggo Road | Cross River Rail Priority Development Area | Interim Land Use Plan

3. address key features, public transport infrastructure and public accessways as identified on Map 5 to ensure safe and convenient pedestrian, cyclist and micro mobility access between major public transport infrastructure and key destinations within and surrounding the precinct.

Table 2: Preferred land uses Preferred land uses
» Centre activities (activity group)25
» Home-based business » Hospital » Market » Multiple dwelling » Park

» Research and technology industry
» Residential care facility
» Retirement facility
» Rooming accommodation
» Telecommunications facility, where not a broadcasting station or television station

4.2.2 Precinct 2
Precinct intent
Precinct 2 includes existing government land holdings, facilities and infrastructure. Major redevelopment activities, other than for transport (including CRR project) and Princess Alexandra Hospital related works, are not anticipated over this land during the ILUP26. Further detailed planning, including community engagement, will inform the overall future outcomes for development in this area, as part of the forthcoming development scheme.
Development associated with the Princess Alexandra Hospital can continue to be facilitated under existing Infrastructure designations for this land as detailed within section 2.1.4.

Map 5: Boggo Road CRR PDA transport and public realm considerations

This map is for illustration purposes and is not to scale.
25 For guidance, refer to the defined activity groups in Brisbane City Plan 2014, Schedule 1 Definitions, Table SC1.1.2.B ­ Defined activity groups.

26 Refers to development regulated by the PDA and does not refer to potential development under an Infrastructure designation.

Boggo Road | Cross River Rail Priority Development Area | Interim Land Use Plan 14

5 Levels of assessment

Table 3: Levels of assessment Column 1 ­ PDA accepted development All development specified in Schedule 1.

Column 2 ­ PDA assessable development Any development not mentioned in column 1.

15 Boggo Road | Cross River Rail Priority Development Area | Interim Land Use Plan

6 Infrastructure requirements
Infrastructure requirements to achieve the vision of the Boggo Road CRR PDA will be determined through the development assessment process, conditioned as part of a PDA development approval and delivered as part of the development of the site. Conditions for delivering infrastructure will only be for infrastructure that is defined as development infrastructure in Schedule 2 of the Planning Act. Infrastructure charges will be based on the applicable local government infrastructure charges instrument in force at the time the PDA development application is approved unless:
a. a development charges and offset plan (DCOP) is approved for the PDA, or
b. an infrastructure agreement is entered into between the applicant and the MEDQ.
Infrastructure delivered as part of the development may be eligible for an offset against the infrastructure charges.
Boggo Road | Cross River Rail Priority Development Area | Interim Land Use Plan 16

7 Schedules

Schedule 1 ­ PDA accepted development

Table 4: PDA accepted development Building work Carrying out minor building work where not on a heritage place.
Carrying out building work, where for demolition of a building or other structure, where not on a heritage place or within 10 metres of a heritage place. Carrying out building work associated with an approved or accepted material change of use not on a heritage place.
Carrying out building work associated with a material change of use that is PDA accepted development.

Reconfiguring a lot Reconfiguring a lot involving road widening and truncations required as a condition of development approval.

Material change of use Making a material change of use of premises for a park or utility installation if provided by a public sector entity.

Making a material change of use of premises for the following where in an existing building that is not a heritage place, and involving no increase in gross floor area:


caretaker's accommodation


community residence


food and drink outlet, where located at ground level and not exceeding 250m2 GFA per tenancy


indoor sport and recreation


multiple dwelling




retirement facility


research and technology industry, where located at ground level and not exceeding 250m2 GFA per tenancy


rooming accommodation


service industry, where not exceeding 100m2 GFA per tenancy


shop, where located at ground level and not exceeding 250m2 GFA per tenancy


short term accommodation

Operational work

Carrying out operational work for filling or excavation where not on a heritage place and:


not resulting in a retaining wall greater than 1 vertical metre, or


not resulting in an increase in the depth or height of the ground level or finished design level greater than 1 vertical metre.

Carrying out operational work in accordance with the conditions of a PDA development approval.

Carrying out operational work that is clearing of vegetation other than significant vegetation, unless the clearing of significant vegetation is carried out by or on behalf of a public sector entity, where the works being undertaken are authorised under a State law.

Carrying out operational work for advertising devices where not on a heritage place. Note: The Brisbane City Council Advertisements Local Law 2013 and Advertisements Subordinate Local Law 2005, as amended or replaced from time to time, apply in the PDA.
Plumbing work or drainage work

Carrying out plumbing work or drainage work.

All aspects of development

Development consistent with an approved plan of development.

Development prescribed in Schedule 6 of the Planning Regulation 2017, other than Part 5 section 28.

Development prescribed in Schedule 7 of the Planning Regulation 2017.

Development for the Cross River Rail project.

Development on a heritage place if an exemption certificate for that development has been given under the Queensland Heritage Act 1992.

Note: Development in accordance with an Infrastructure designation is not assessable development under the Boggo Road CRR PDA (refer section 2.1.4 for further information).

17 Boggo Road | Cross River Rail Priority Development Area | Interim Land Use Plan

Schedule 2 ­ Definitions
Unless defined below or in the Economic Development Act 2012, the definitions in Schedule 1 of the Brisbane City Plan 2014 apply to all development.
Note: Schedule 1 of the Brisbane City Plan 2014 includes use definitions, activity groups, industry thresholds and administrative terms.
Brisbane City Plan 2014 ­ means the Brisbane City Council planning scheme 2014, as amended and replaced from time to time.
Cross River Rail project ­ the project known as the Cross River Rail project described in the CoordinatorGeneral's report for the environmental impact statement for the project, dated December 2012, under the State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971 and any Coordinator-General's change report for the project under that Act.
Future state transport corridor ­ refer to Schedule 24 of the Planning Regulation 2017.
Note: Future State transport corridor means:
· a future state-controlled road
· a future railway corridor
· a future busway corridor, or
· a future light rail corridor.
Heritage place ­ means places within the PDA which are identified in Schedule 3, and places outside the PDA which are listed in the Queensland Heritage Register, the Brisbane City Council Heritage Register or the Commonwealth Heritage List or National Heritage List.
Public passenger transport infrastructure ­ refer to the Transport Planning and Coordination Act 1994.
Note: Public passenger transport infrastructure means infrastructure for, or associated with, the provision of public passenger transport, including, but not limited to:
· a transit terminal for public passenger services (for example, an airport terminal, a coach terminal, a cruise ship terminal)
· a ferry terminal, jetty, pontoon or landing for ferry services
· a bus stop, bus shelter, bus station or bus lay-by
· a busway station
· a light rail station
· a taxi rank, limousine rank or limousine standing area
· a railway station

· vehicle parking and set-down facilities · pedestrian and bicycle paths and bicycle facilities, or · a road on which a public passenger transport service
operates. Significant vegetation ­ means all vegetation, except that listed as pest vegetation by state or local government that is significant in its: · ecological value at local, state or national levels · contribution to the preservation of natural landforms · contribution to the character of the landscape · cultural or historical value, or · amenity value to the general public27. Note: Vegetation may be living or dead and the term includes their root stock. State transport corridor ­ refer to Schedule 24 of the Planning Regulation 2017. Note: State transport corridor means: · a busway corridor · a light rail corridor · a railway corridor, or · a State-controlled road. State transport infrastructure ­ refer to State Development Assessment Provisions, State Code 6: Protection of state transport networks. Note: State transport infrastructure means any of the following: · state-controlled road · busway transport infrastructure under the Transport
Infrastructure Act 1994 · light rail transport infrastructure under the Transport
Infrastructure Act 1994 · rail transport infrastructure under the Transport
Infrastructure Act 1994 · other rail infrastructure under the Transport
Infrastructure Act 1994, or · active transport infrastructure under the Transport
Planning and Coordination Act 1994.
27 As part of a relevant development application, a tree survey may be required to determine what is considered significant vegetation.

Boggo Road | Cross River Rail Priority Development Area | Interim Land Use Plan 18

Schedule 3 ­ Heritage places

Table 5: Heritage places Heritage place name

Address/ property description


Boggo Road Gaol: No 2 Division and remnant No 1 division­ State Prison for Women

150 Annerley Road, Dutton Queensland Heritage

Park 4102

Register place ID no. 601033

Lot 4 on SP217441; Lot 901 Local Heritage Register on SP217441. BHR entry also (Brisbane City Council) includes Lot 3 on SP217441; Lot 1 on SP217441; Lot 188 on SP198209; Lot 9 on SP217441

Former Dispenser's House, Diamantina Hospital

237 Ipswich Rd

Queensland Heritage

Woolloongabba 4102 (place Register place ID no. 602560

on Cornwall Street)

Lot 702 on SP198203

Local Heritage Register (Brisbane City Council)

Hefferan Park Air Raid Shelter

260 Annerley Rd, Annerley Queensland Heritage

(bus shelter)

Register place ID no. 602472

Lot 1 on RP806368

Local Heritage Register (Brisbane City Council)

28 Details of the places on the Queensland Heritage Register, including boundaries and statements of cultural heritage significance, can be found at https://apps. des.qld.gov.au/heritage-register/
19 Boggo Road | Cross River Rail Priority Development Area | Interim Land Use Plan

Schedule 4 ­ PDA-associated development

Table 6: PDA-associated development

Description of PDA-associated development

All aspects of development identified in Map 6 below, if the works:
1. are carried out by or on behalf of the MEDQ
2. provide development infrastructure for the Boggo Road CRR PDA to address the impacts of any development within the PDA, whether or not the development infrastructure has another function or purpose

3. include one or more of the following:

a. roadworks

b. pedestrian/ cyclist infrastructure works

c. landscape works

d. stormwater works

e. water connection service works f. sewer connection service works

g. public transport infrastructure works

h. associated ancillary works.

Descriptions of PDA-associated land

The road reserve as identified on Map 6, including parts of Railway Terrace, Annerley Road, Rusk Street, Cornwall Street, and Ipswich Road.
Map 6: Boggo Road CRR PDA-associated land

This map is for illustration purposes and is not to scale. Boggo Road | Cross River Rail Priority Development Area | Interim Land Use Plan 20

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