CSDP-2020-Curriculum-Vitae-Ralph-Brindis CURRICULUM VITAE
Updated February 2020
Ralph Gerard Brindis, MD, MPH, MACC, FSCAI, FAHA
May 20, 1949 New Brunswick, New Jersey
1410 Monterey Boulevard, San Francisco 94127
(415) 333-5070 home; (240) 418-5341 mobile e-mail: ralph.brindis@gmail.com
Married to Dr. Claire Brindis, Professor of Pediatrics and Health Policy; Director, The Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies; University of California, San Francisco Children: Seth, age 41 and Daniel, age 38.
September 1980: Certified in Internal Medicine November 1983: Certified in Cardiology November 1999: Certified in Interventional Cardiology January 1985: Fellow, American College of Cardiology March 2010: Fellow, Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Intervention May 2014: Fellow, American Heart Association California Medical License: G37831; DEA # AB8330398
Cardiology Fellowship, UCSF School of Medicine, Moffitt Hospital San Francisco, CA Dr. W.W. Parmley, Director.
Chief Medical Resident, UCSF VA Hospital, San Francisco, CA Dr. Marvin Sleisenger, Chief of Medicine.
Internal Medicine Internship and Residency, UCSF Moffitt Hospital Dr. Lloyd H. Smith, Chief of Medicine.
Emory University Medical School; Atlanta, GA Degree: Doctor of Medicine, graduated Summa Cum Laude - First in Class
UCLA School of Public Health, Division of Environmental Health, Nutrition & Biochemistry; Los Angeles, CA Degree: Masters of Public Health in Nutrition/Biochemistry
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts Degree: Bachelor of Science in Biology.
9/62-6/66 The Peddie School, Hightstown New Jersey
7/98 to present: 2009 to present:
7/92 to 6/98: 7/85 to 6/92: 12/83 to 6/85:
Clinical Professor of Medicine, UCSF School of Medicine (volunteer) Affiliated Faculty, Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies, UCSF (volunteer) Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, UCSF School of Medicine Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, UCSF School of Medicine Clinical Instructor in Medicine, UCSF School of Medicine
2017 to present 2018 to present 2013 to present
2014 to 2016
2003 to 2012
2005 to 2008 2001 to 2003
1999 to 2003 2003 to 2012 1983 to 2003 2000 to 2012 1988 to 1999
1988 to 2003 1986 to 1991 1981 to 1983 1974 1972 to 1973
1972 1969-1971
President and Director, AC Wellness Network Consultant, Apple Corporation Senior Medical Officer, External Affairs--ACC National Cardiovascular Registry (NCDR) Consultant- Stanford Clinical Excellence Center: AIM Value in HealthCare project Regional Senior Advisor for Cardiovascular Diseases; Kaiser Permanente Northern CA Chief Medical Officer, ACC National Cardiovascular Data Registry Assistant Physician-in-Chief, Kaiser Permanente Medical Center; San Francisco Chief of Cardiac Services, Kaiser Permanente Hospital; San Francisco Staff Cardiologist, Kaiser Permanente Medical Center, Oakland Staff Cardiologist, Kaiser Permanente Medical Center, San Francisco Staff Cardiologist, Summit Medical Center; Oakland Director of Coronary Care Unit, Kaiser Permanente Medical Center San Francisco Staff Cardiologist, St. Mary's Hospital; San Francisco Staff Cardiologist, Seton Medical Center; Daly City Staff Physician, St. Catherine's Hospital; Half Moon Bay/Moss Beach Research Assistant, Yerkes Primate Research Center Atlanta, GA Research Assistant--Thyroid Research, UCLA/VA Wadsworth Hospital; Los Angeles, CA Research Assistant--Lipid Research, UCLA School of Public Health Research Assistant--Lipid Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Clinical Research Center; Cambridge, MA.
2019 2016 2011 2011 2011 2010 2010
The 2019 Quality Leadership Award, American College of Cardiology UCLA Fielding School of Public Health Hall of Fame Master designation (MACC), American College of Cardiology ACC California Chapter Elliott Rappaport Cardiologist of the Year Honorary Fellow of the Columbian Cardiac Society Gold Medal of the Spanish Cardiology Society Miembro Correspondiete Extranjero, Sociedad Argentina de Cardiologia
HONORS & AWARDS--Continued
2010 International Cooperation Outstanding Contribution Prize of Cardiology, The 21st Great Wall International Congress of Cardiology, Beijing
2010 Morris F. Collen Permanente Medical Group Lifetime Research Award 2007 ACC Distinguished Fellowship Award 2007 Physician Honoree - AHA Celebrate Gala, East Bay Area, California 2007 Special Recognition Award, FDA- Center for Devices and Radiological Health 2001-13 American Top Doctor's Cardiovascular Disease 2006-13 Who's Who in America 2006 ACC-NCDR Founding Father Award 2006 Outstanding Contribution Award ICD Registry 2006 Outstanding Contribution Award NCDR Management Board 2006 Outstanding Contribution Award NCDR Cath-PCI Registry 2004 American Heart Association Twenty Year Service Award 2002 Certificate of Accomplishment, American College of Cardiology 1999 Professor of Medicine Teacher of Year Award, Association of Clinical Faculty, UCSF 1999 California Chapter ACC Volunteer of the Year Award 1994 American Heart Association Ten Year Service Award 1993 John J. Sampson Exemplary Volunteer of the Year, San Francisco Chapter, American
Heart Association 1991 Professional Education Award, S.F. Chapter, American Heart Association 1991 Certificate of Merit California Affiliate, American Heart Association 1989 Henry J. Kaiser Award - Outstanding Clinical Professor in Medicine, UCSF Medical
School Graduation 1987, 1988 &1989 Distinguished Teacher Award - UCSF Medical School Preceptorship,
Introduction to Clinical Medicine 1984 San Francisco Kaiser House Staff Teaching Award 1977 Summa Cum Laude Emory Medical School 1976 Alpha Omega Alpha, Medical Honor Society 1972 Delta Omega, UCLA Public Health Honor Society 1966 Bausch & Lomb Science Award for Outstanding High School Science Student
American College of Cardiology (Active in National Organization & CA Chapter) American Heart Association
Clinical Cardiology Scientific Council Quality of Care and Outcomes Research American Medical Association California Medical Association Society of Cardiovascular Angiography and Intervention
2005-12 2003-12 2003-10
Chair, Regional Cardiovascular Technology Committee Member, Northern California Kaiser Cardiac Oversight Leadership Team Oakland Medical Center Cardiac Care Committee
San Francisco Kaiser Medical Center Administration Team
Member, Quality Evaluation and Oversight Committee, Kaiser San Francisco
Northern California Kaiser Guidelines Committee on Management of
Acute Coronary Syndromes
1997-00 Northern California Kaiser Guidelines Committee on Management of Acute
Myocardial Infarction
1999-2013 Co-Chair: Northern California Kaiser Annual Cardiovascular Conference
Monterey (COAST Conference)
Co-Chair: Northern California Kaiser Intensive Care Subspecialty Conference;
Co-Chair: Northern Kaiser Conference on Congestive Heart Failure
Co-Chair: First Annual California Kaiser Cardiology Retreat, Monterey
San Francisco Kaiser ICU-CCU Committee
San Francisco Kaiser Critical Care Committee
San Francisco Kaiser Intern-Resident House Staff Committee
Medical House Staff Training Committee
2018-2019 BOT Guidelines Task Force
2018-present The Research to Practice (R2P) Work Group, NCDR
2019-present Chair, ACC Quality Summit Conference
2015-2018 Co-Chair, NCDR Annual Conference
2015-2016 ACC Clinical Quality Committee
2015-2018 ACC Task Force on MACRA
2014-2016 ACC Clinical Quality Committee
2013-2016 Planning Committee - Cardiovascular Summit
2013-present Senior Medical Officer, External Affairs - ACC National Cardiovascular
2014-present CQC Patient Navigator Program Work Group
2014-present Co-Chair, ACC International Centers of Excellence Oversight Committee
2012-2013 ACC CEO Search Committee
2011-2012 Immediate Past President, ACC
2011-2015 NCDR PINNACLE Practice Research Network Workgroup
2011-present NCDR International Strategy Work group
2012-2017 Member, ACC/AHA Clinical Practice Guidelines Task Force
2012-present ACCF/AHA UA/NSTEMI Clinical Practice Guidelines Writing Committee
2012-2016 ASCERT II Steering Committee
2012-2015 ACC Governance Committee
2012-2015 Geriatric Cardiology Section Leadership Council
Chair, ACC Nominations Committee
2111-2016 STS-ACC NCDR TVT Steering Committee
2011-2013 ACCF/AHA/SCAI WC on CCS on Cardiac Interventional Procedures
2010-2012 ACC-CRF Partnership Council
Chair, ACC Executive Committee
ACC CEO Search Committee
2008-2018 ACC/AHA Acute Coronary Syndrome Data Standards Writing Committee
ACC/AHA Joint Officers Committee
ACC/AHA/ESC Joint Leadership Group
2011-present Contributing Editor, ACCEL (ACC Extended Learning)
President, ACC
President-Elect, ACC
Vice President, ACC
Executive Committee, ACC
Board of Trustees, ACC
ACC Budget Finance Investment Committee
NCDR ICD Registry Steering Committee
NCDR PCI Registry Steering Committee
NCDR Carotid Registry Steering Committee
NCDR ACTION Registry Steering Committee
NCDR IC3 Registry Steering Committee
Imaging Registry Feasibility Steering Committee
PAR 3 working group, Advocacy Committee
ACC CEO Search Committee
ACC Document Oversight Committee
ACC International Committee
Steering Committee, D2B Alliance
ACC Door-to Balloon STEMI Task Force
Chair, ACC Appropriateness Criteria Task Force
Chief Medical Officer and Chair, ACC-NCDR Management Board
Chairman, Task Force ACC-NCDR Management & Oversight Committee
Chairman, ACC Strategic Quality Directions Committee
ACC Strategic Quality Directions Committee
Editorial Board, CARDIOSOURCE, Practice Quality Section
BOT Work Group to Develop an ACC-wide Theme
Chairman, Task Force on Clinical Data Standards, ACC
Chairman, ACC Database Research & Development Committee
Co-Chairman, ACC-NCDR Publications Subcommittee
Task Force on Science and Quality of Care, ACC
Advocacy Committee, ACC
Chair, Workgroup-Defining Measures and Systems for Evaluation: Task
Force on Science and Quality of Care, ACC
Task Force to Develop a Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory CQI Tool Kit
Long Range Planning Task Force, Advocacy Committee, ACC
1997-2000 Governor, Northern CA Chapter of ACC
Past-President, CA Chapter of the ACC
Chair, CA Chapter ACC Long Range Planning Retreat
1999-2004 ACC-NCDR Ad Hoc Task Force Management & Oversight Committee
1999-2000 Task Force on Member Relations, ACC
1999-2002 Health Economics Committee, ACC
1999-2002 Chapter Relations Committee, ACC
1999-2002 Outcomes/Intervention Subcommittee, ACC Database Committee
Annual Meeting Planning Committee, CA Chapter, ACC
1997-98 1998-2000 1999 1998-99 1998-2000 1997-98-99 1997 1995-2005 1995-97 1995-97 1997-99 1996- 2000 1995 1995- 2001
President, CA Chapter of ACC Nominating Committee, ACC Nominating Committee, Board of Governors (BOG), ACC NonProfessional Education Committee, ACC Ad-Hoc Board of Governors' Committee on Chapter Communications, ACC Co-Chair, ACC CA Chapter Annual Meeting Ad-Hoc Task Force: Inpatient Clinical Guidelines for Cardiology, ACC CA Executive Committee, CA Chapter of ACC Governor-Elect, Northern CA Chapter of ACC President-Elect, CA Chapter of ACC Education Sub-committee, ACC Database Committee National Data Base Committee, ACC Ad-Hoc Committee on Managed Care in Cardiovascular Disease, ACC Private Sector Relations Committee, ACC
2014-2018 AHA QCOR planning committee
2009-14 AHA Western Affiliate STEMI Mission Lifeline Task Force
2006-12 Alameda County AHA Gala Executive Planning Committee
Executive Planning Committee, AHA Outcomes & Quality of Care Conference
Concurrent Sessions Planning, AHA Outcomes & Quality of Care Conference
Plenary Working Group, AHA Outcomes & Quality of Care Conference
AHA/ACC Angioplasty Writing Group, Conference on Performances Measures
And Outcomes Research in Cardiovascular Disease, Washington, DC
1985-2008 Professional Symposium Committee SF Chapter, AHA
Communications Recognition Task Force, Calif. Affiliate, AHA
State Board of Directors, California Affiliate Board, AHA
Public Affairs Committee, California Affiliate, AHA
Division Relations Committee, California Affiliate, AHA
1994-2001 Celebrate with Heart Committee, San Francisco Division, AHA
Chairman, Sampson Physicians Symposium Committee, San Francisco Chapter
Past President, S.F. Chapter, American Heart Association
President, S.F. Chapter, American Heart Association
Executive Committee, San Francisco Chapter, AHA
Board of Governors, San Francisco Chapter, AHA
Nominating Committee, San Francisco Chapter, AHA
Chairman, Community Task Force Committee, San Francisco Chapter, AHA
Filipino Community Heart Council, San Francisco Chapter AHA
1990,'91, '95, & '96 State Delegate, California Affiliate AHA
Fund Development Committee, San Francisco Chapter, AHA
President-elect, San Francisco Chapter, AHA
Chairman, Sampson Professional Education Symposium, San Francisco Chapter,
Programs Council, SF Chapter, AHA
Professional Education Committee, San Francisco Chapter, AHA
Chairman, Professional Education Committee, San Francisco Chapter, AHA
2019-present Co-Chair, Patient Preference Committee, RAPID MDEpiNet initiative
2016-present Panel member- CTAF- California Technology Assessment Forum, ICER
2016-present RAPID initiative for peripheral vascular disease, MDEpiNet
2015-2018 Chair, DSMB, ADMIRE (AdreView Myocardial Imaging for Risk Evaluation
Multicenter Automatic Defibrillator Implant Trial
2015- present MDEpiNet Scientific Oversight Committee
2015-present Board Member, Health Outcomes Sciences (ACC representative-unpaid)
2014-2018 Chair, Data Use and Reporting Committee, SMARTCare CMMI innovation grant
2013-present Chair, Cardiac Advisory Panel, State of California - OSHPD- Oversight
for State Mandated Program for Public Reporting of CABG outcomes
2014- present MDEpiNet National Registries Task Force
2014-2018 Consultant, Working Group, YNHHSC/CORE's Centers for Medicare and
Medicaid Services- Patient-Reported Outcome Performance Measure for
Patients Undergoing Non-Emergent Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
CEO Search Committee, Society of Cardiovascular Angiography and
2014-2016 Arnold P. Gold Project 800 Task Force Planning Committee
2013-present Chair, DeQCAD Expert Advisory Board: NHLBI Shared Decision Making
Grant, UCSF
2013-Present Kaiser Permanente Inter-Regional Implant Registries Committee
2012-2015 Trustee, Society of Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions(ACE)
2012-2013 Joint Commission/AMA PCPI Over Use Summit Committee- PCI
2012-present Editorial Board Cardiology
2011-present FDA Cardiovascular Device Advisory Panel, Special Government Employee
2011-2013 CMS MEDPAC Committee
2011-2016 National Radiation Oncology Registry Scientific Advisory Board
2010-2015 Co-Chair of Board, Accreditation for Cardiovascular Excellence (ACE)
2010-2016 Advisory Board, California State Dept of Health Pilot Program for Elective PCI
With off-site CV Surgery
2010-present Abstract grader SCAI Annual meeting
2009-2015 Dual Anti-Platelet Therapy (DAPT) Study Advisory Committee, HCRI
2009-2012 RAND - Stanford CER Advisory Committee
2009-2012 CMTP CER Advisory Committee
2009-2012 NCQA Heart/Stroke Advisory Committee
2009-present Editorial Board, US Cardiology
2009-present Abstract Grader TCT annual meeting
2007-2012 State of California STEMI Regionalization EMS Advisory Committee
2005-2014 Data Safety Monitoring Board, CPORT Elective Trial
National Veterans Administration CABG Quality Oversight Panel
Veterans Administration QUERI Executive Committee Advisory Board
2006-present Abstract Grader, AHA annual meeting
2005-present Abstract grader AHA QCOR annual meeting
2008-2018 Guest Editor JACC Interventional
2003-2006 National Veterans Administration Blue Ribbon Panel VA Cardiac Care
2002-present Cardiac Advisory Panel, State of California Office State Heath Planning
Department Oversight for State Mandated Program for Public Reporting
of CABG outcomes
2001-present Abstract Grader, ACC Annual Meeting
2008-2014 Abstract Grader i2 Summit, ACC Annual Meeting
Executive Committee, CRUSADE, Acute Coronary Syndrome Registry
2008-present Reviewer, New England Journal of Medicine
2002present Reviewer, American Heart Journal
2003present Reviewer, Journal of the American College of Cardiology
2010-present Reviewer, Journal of the American College of Cardiology Interventions
2003-present Reviewer, Circulation
2005-present Reviewer, Annals of Internal Medicine
2005-present Reviewer JAMA Internal Medicine
2006-present Reviewer JACC Intervention
2006-present Reviewer, American Journal of Cardiology
2012-present Reviewer JAMA
2014-present Reviewer Circulation Outcomes
2016-present Reviewer JAMA Cardiology
2002-2010 Cardiology Scientific Committee, California Medical Association Council
of Scientific Affairs
Editorial Board, Journal of Clinical Pathways
American Heart Journal Editorial Board, US Cardiology
National ICD Registry Working Group (CMS appointment)
1. 1R01HL134182-01 NIH/NHLBI (PI Hsia) 07/16/2016 - 06/30/2019 The Impact of Cardiac Care Regionalization on Access, Treatment, and Outcomes Role: Significant Contributor
1990 & 1991 Speaker, Scientific Sessions, Nursing Symposium, AHA
July 1994
Kaiser Maui Internal Medicine Symposium Four lectures: topics in
September 1994 Sampson Physician's Symposium "Acute Myocardial Infarction 1994."
May 1997
Medical Grounds, Seton Medical Center "Management of Acute Myocardial
October 1998 Kaiser Monterey Conference "Regional Variations in Treatment of CV
November 1998 Northern Calif. Kaiser Teleconference "Clinical Guidelines in Acute MI."
December 1998 Portland Kaiser Medicine Rounds, "NRMI and Application of Clinical
Guidelines in Acute MI."
February 1999 Bundle Branch Block in Acute Myocardial Infarction, Valley Care Medical
Center, Pleasanton, California
May 1999
Management of Acute Myocardial Infarction, National Kaiser Hospitalists
Conference, Berkeley, California
September 1999 Kaiser Cardiology Conference Monterey- "Lessons from NRMI"
October 1999 AHA Sampson Symposium, San Francisco "Acute Coronary Syndromes"
March 2000 ACC-NCDR Users Group Conference "ACC-NCDR Goals and New
March 2000 ACC Annual Meeting Chair- Luncheon Panel, "What the STS and ACC-
NCDR Databases can do for you".
March 2000 ACC Annual Meeting "ACC-NCDR Goals and New Initiatives" Special
April 2000 Northern Calif. Kaiser Video Teleconference "Acute Coronary Syndromes"
May 2000
"Risk Stratification in Non-Q Wave Myocardial Infarctions" Las Vegas, NV
July 2000
"Management Of Stable Angina", "Valvular Heart Disease", "Atrial
Fibrillation: Conversion to NSR or Therapeutic Nihilism" at Kaiser Internal
Medicine Symposium Kauai.
Summer 2000 "Cardiovascular Concerns in the use of Sildenafil for Erectile Dysfunction"
Chicago, Cleveland, and in San Diego for the Cleveland Clinic Continuing
Medical Education Course
September 2000 " Management of Acute Coronary Syndromes" Plenary Speaker: Kaiser
Portland Cardiovascular Annual Conference
September 2000 "Update on the ACC-NCDR National Registry" Texas Chapter ACC.
September 2000 " Management of non-ST segment Elevation MI's- Redwood City Kaiser
October 2000 "Update and Overview of the ACC-NCDR Registry" ACC-NCDR User Group
Meeting, Bethesda Maryland.
November 2000 "New Frontiers in Thrombolytic Therapy and Management of Acute ST
Segment Elevation MI", South Bay Kaiser Physician NRMI Group, Palo Alto
November 2000 " Management of Acute Coronary Syndromes with Attention to the Non-ST
Segment MI's: The Year 2000" South San Francisco Kaiser
December 2000 "Update of Management of Acute Coronary Syndromes" St Mary's Hospital
Noon Conference
December 2000 "Update of Management of Acute Coronary Syndromes: Relevance of New
Clinical Trials" Medical Grand Rounds, CPMC Hospital
January 2001 "Update of Management of Acute Coronary Syndromes" Grand Rounds, San
Jose Kaiser Medical Center
February 2001 " The Management of Erectile Dysfunction in the patient with Cardiovascular
Disease" Pri-Med West Symposium, Long Beach Convention Center
March 2001 "The State of the ACC-NCDR" ACC Annual Meeting, Orlando
March 2001 " ACC-NCDR, Multicenter Registries: What I've Learned From Our Registry
That Has Changed Our Clinical Practice" ACC Annual Meeting, Orlando
March 2001 "It's a Small World After All: Convergence of Professional Society Databases
From Europe and North America; the ACC-NCDR "ACC Meeting, Orlando
March 2001 "Keys to Quality Care: ACC Clinical Guidelines/Data Standards/Performance
Measures" ACC-NCDR User Group Meeting
March 2001 " Erectile Dysfunction and the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease", Pri-Med
East Symposium, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
April 2001 "Update in Management of ACS with attention on Recent Clinical Trials"
Medical Grounds Rounds, SF Kaiser.
April 2001 "Professional Societies and their role in Quality Initiatives"- the ACC-NCDR
Peripheral Vascular Intersociety Symposium, Atlanta, Ga.
May 2001 "The Role of the ACC-NCDR for local Cath Lab CQI Initiatives" North Bay
Cardiology Conference, Monterey Ca.
May 2001 "Management of Non- ST Elevation MI: The Role of Low Molecular Weight
Heparin", Aventis Vancouver Conference.
June 2001 "Sneak Preview of Northern California Kaiser Guidelines for Cardiac Care"
San Diego Kaiser Evening Lecture, San Diego, Ca.
June 2001 " The Management of Erectile Dysfunction in the patient with Cardiovascular
Disease" Pri-Med Symposium, Chicago
September 2001 "New Kaiser 2001 Cardiac Care Guidelines : Videoconference" Oakland
Kaiser Regional Teleconference
September 2001 Northern Kaiser Cardiac Care Guidelines: 2001" Oakland Kaiser Medical
Center Grand Rounds
October 2001 "Are the 2000 UA/NSTEMI ACC?AHA Guidelines Outdated?" Medical Grand
Rounds, Tripler Army Hospital, Hawaii
October 2001 "Update on Management of STEMI- Role of LMWH" Aventis Las Vegas
October 2001 "Atrial Fibrillation: Cardioversion or Therapeutic Nihilism" San Francisco
Kaiser Medical Noon Conference
December 2001 "Getting Started in Cardiology Practice", California Chapter ACC Annual
Meeting, Monterey
December 2001 "Ensuring Quality Cardiovascular Health Care" California Chapter ACC
Annual Meeting, Monterey
January 2002 "Defining Measures and Systems for Evaluation- Quality Health Care" ACC
Task Force on Clinical Science and Quality of Care
January 2002 "Do Guidelines Implementation Effect Patient Outcomes? :
The Kaiser 2001 Cardiac Care Guidelines" Walnut Creek Kaiser
January 2002 "Evidence Based Guidelines and Their Application in Clinical Practice"
CRUSADE Registry Meeting, San Francisco
April 2002
"Do Guidelines Implementation Effect Patient Outcomes? :
The Kaiser 2001 Cardiac Care Guidelines" Richmond Kaiser
April 2002
"Do Guidelines Implementation Effect Patient Outcomes? :
John Muir Hospital Grand Rounds, Walnut Creek, CA
April 2002
"Building a Bridge Between Science and Practice", American Association of
Health Plans Building Bridges VIII, Long Beach, CA
May 2002
" Therapy of Acute Coronary Syndromes: Drug Therapies with attention to
recent Clinical Trials" California ACC Foundation, San Diego CA
May 2002
" Therapy of Acute Coronary Syndromes: Drug Therapies with attention to
recent Clinical Trials" California ACC Foundation, Sedona, AZ
May 2002
"Do Guidelines Implementation Effect Patient Outcomes? Annual Kaiser
Nursing Symposium, Sacramento, CA
July 2002
"Emergency PCI Stand-By for Coronary Artery ByPass Surgery: A New
Paradigm" Kaiser 4th Annual COAST Conference, Hawaii
August 2002 "The Role of National Registries in Assessing Cardiovascular Outcome and
Performance" Kaiser 4th Annual COAST Conference, Hawaii
September 2002 "What is the Role of the ACC in Measuring Quality" Medical Director's
Institute ACC Forum, Denver.
October 2002 "Implementation of the ACC/AHA Clinical Guidelines for Acute Coronary
Syndromes: Does it Really Matter?" Feather Creek Cardiovascular
Conference, Sacramento
October 2002 "Implementation of the ACC/AHA Clinical Guidelines for Acute Coronary
Syndromes: Does it Really Matter?" Kaiser Oakland Medical Grand Rounds
October 2002 "National Performance Measurement Initiatives: Perspective of an HMO
Measuree" AHA/ACC Forum on Quality of Care and Outcomes Research in
Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke, Washington DC
October 2002 "The Impact of the Patient Privacy Act on Outcomes Research- The
Perspective of the Professional Registry: ACC-NCDSR" AHA/ACC
Forum on Quality of Care and Outcomes Research in CV Disease and Stroke,
Washington DC
January 2003 "Implementation of the ACC/AHA Clinical Guidelines for Acute Coronary
Syndromes: Does it Really Matter?", University of New Mexico Cardiology
Grand Rounds, Albuquerque
March 2003 " Present Accomplishments and Future Horizons of the ACC-National
Cardiovascular Data Registry"
ACC-NCDR User Group meeting, Chicago
March 2003
" Quality Assurance and Improvement in the Cardiac Catheterization
Laboratory" ACC Annual Sessions, Chicago
March 2003
" ACC CATHKit: A Continuous Quality Improvement Initiative", ACC-
NCDR User Group meeting, Chicago
March 2003
"Does your Cath Lab Measure Up? ACC Toolkits and Measurement
programs lead the Way", ACCA/AAMA 14th Annual Cardiovascular
Administration Management Conference, Chicago
May 2003
"Cardiovascular Emergencies: Perspective from a Non-Profit Integrated
Health Network: Kaiser Permanente", Sixth National Congress of Chest Pain
Centers, San Francisco
May 2003
"Implementation of ACC/AHA Clinical Guidelines for Acute Coronary
Syndromes", UC Davis Cardiology Grand Rounds
June 2003
"Implementation of the ACC/AHA Clinical Guidelines for Acute Coronary
Syndromes: Does it Really Matter?" U.C.L.A. Cardiology Grand Rounds
October 2003 "The Role of the ACC-NCDR in assessing Cath Lab Quality", ACC
Wisconsin Chapter annual meeting, Kohler, WI
October 2003 " Recommendations of the VA Cardiac Blue Ribbon Panel for cardiac care"
S.F. VAH Medical Grand Rounds
October 2003 "What it takes to have a Quality Cath Lab", NCDR Participants Conference,
San Diego, CA and Ft Lauderdale, Fl
October 2003 " Drug Eluting Stents: New Technology and Cost Economic Analysis",
NCDR Participants Conference, San Diego, CA and Ft Lauderdale, Fl
November 2003 "How to implement a CQI program in your Cath Lab", Annual AHA
Meeting, Orlando, Fl
November 2003 "Quality Oversight through the American College of Cardiology: Past,
Present, and Future, Plenary Session, AHA Annual Meeting, Orlando, Fl
November 2003 Panelist: First annual DCRI Cardiovascular Quality Summit, AHA Annual
Meeting, Orlando, Fl
February 2004 "The Role of the ACC-NCDR in assessing Cath Lab Quality", ACC Illinois
Chapter, Chicago Il
February 2004 "Implementation of the ACC/AHA Clinical Guidelines for Acute Coronary
Syndromes: Does it Really Matter?" Univ. Washington, Seattle Cardiology
Grand Rounds
February 2004 "Update on Acute Coronary Syndrome Kaiser Clinical Guidelines" Oakland
Kaiser Medical Grand Rounds
February 2004 "The Hub and Spoke Model for Delivery of Cardiac Care" National Veteran's
Administration's Hospital Conference on Cardiac Care, Washington, D.C.
March 2004
"The ACC-NCDR: The Future" ACC-NCDR User Group Conference, New
Orleans, La
March 2004
"Hitting the Ground Running- Quality Initiatives for the Cardiac Cath Lab"
ACC Annual Meeting Mini-Course Seminar, New Orleans, La
March 2004
"Quality Assurance in the Cath Lab Brown Bag Luncheon" ACC Annual
Meeting, New Orleans, La
March 2004
"Guidelines Applied in Practice: Meet the Experts" ACC Annual Meeting,
New Orleans, La
March 2004
"California Heart Disease & Stroke Prevention Program Forum Panelist"
San Francisco, Ca
October 2004 " Outcomes Evaluation in CV Disease" Oakland Kaiser Medical Grand
October 2004 " California CABG Public Reporting- OSHPD Update" Cal ACC Chapter
Annual Meeting, Los Angeles
October 2004 " Cardiology Career in the HMO Environment" Fellows in Training
Cal ACC Chapter Annual Meeting, Los Angeles
October 2004 "The Physician Perspective: Efficiency Measurement and Appropriateness
Criteria in CV Disease", ACC- Medical Director's Institute, Dallas
October 2004 "The Role of CT Coronary Angiography", ACC-NCDR User's Group Mtg
Wash DC
November 2004 "Pay for Performance: The Role of the ACC-NCDR" ACC Board of
Governors meeting, AHA Annual Meeting, New Orleans
December 2004 "The Role of the ACC and the AHA in Assessing Cardiovascular Quality"
Institute of Healthcare Improvement Symposium, Orlando, Florida
March 2005 "Time as a Quality Metric in STEMI" ACC Annual Meeting, Orlando
March 2005 " Quality in the Cath Lab: The role of the ACC, NCDR, CathKit, and our State
Chapters" ACC Annual Meeting, Orlando
March 2005 " The ACC-NCDR and CathKit" ACC Annual Meeting, Orlando
March 2005 " Update Report of the ACC-NCDR: Launching us to the Future" ACC-NCDR
User's Group Meeting, ACC Annual Meeting, Orlando
May 2005
"Cardiovascular Quality Boot Camp" AHA Outcomes and Quality Forum,
Washington DC
May 2005 "The Quality Cycle of Cardiovascular Disease: The Work of the ACC to
Promote CV Quality of Care" Oregon ACC Cardiovascular Symposium,
Portland, Oregon
June 2005 "Management of acute coronary syndromes in Italy and North America: from the
guidelines to the real world: From Theory to Practice: Registry Experience in
North America", Italian Congress of Cardiology Annual Meeting, Florence
October 2005 "How Databases and Registries can improve your Care" Kaiser COAST
Conference, San Francisco, October 2005
November 2005 "The Future of the ACC-NCDR Registry Rollout of the ICD National
Registry", NCDR User's Group Meeting San Diego, November 2005
November 2005 "The NCDR Carotid Stent Registry", NCDR User's Group Meeting San
Diego, November 2005
January 2006 "Management of Acute Coronary Syndromes" Oakland Kaiser Medical Grand
March 2006 "Reflections on Quality" NCDR User's Group Meeting ACC, Atlanta
March 2006
"The Present and Future of the NCDR" User's group meeting ACC Atlanta
April 2006
"Reflections on Quality" ICD NCDR User's Group meeting, Washington DC
April 2006
"The Present and Future of the NCDR" ICD NCDR User's group meeting,
Washington DC
May 2006
"Cardiovascular Quality Boot Camp" AHA Outcomes and Quality Forum,
Washington DC
May 2006
"Appropriateness Criteria in Cardiovascular Disease- SPECT-MPI" AHA
Outcomes and Quality Forum, Washington DC
May 2006
"Electronic Health Records in Large Healthcare Organizations: The Kaiser
Permanente Experience" Society of Cardiovascular Angiography &
Intervention Annual meeting, Chicago
May 2006
"Lessons Learned from the ACC-NCDR- Quality and Advocacy" Cardiology
Grand Rounds, Penn State Medical School, Hershey, PA
June 2006
"Appropriateness Criteria for Cardiac CT and Cardiac Magnetic Resonance"
CT/MR Symposium, Washington DC
September 2006 "Quality lessons learned from the ACC-NCDR PCI Registry" NCDR CARE
User's Group Meeting, Las Vegas
September 2006 "The Power of the NCDR" NCDR CARE User's Group Meeting, Las Vegas
October 2006 "ACC's Appropriateness Criteria: SPECT-MPI, Coronary CT and MRI"
Cedars Sinai "Controversies in Cardiology", Los Angeles
October 2006 "What about the cardiologists? Focus on PCI and the ACC-NCDR" CCSIP
Quarterly Meeting, Cal STS Chapter, Los Angeles
December 2007 Visiting Professor and Grand Rounds, St Luke's Hospital. Milwaukee,
"Quality Initiatives of the ACC"
February 2007 ACC Big Sky Conference- "Door-to Balloon Alliance" and "Lessons
Learned from the NCDR
March 2007
Visiting Professor and Grand Rounds- Christiana Care, Wilmington
"The NCDR and ACC Appropriateness Criteria"
March 2007
"NCDR Overview"- i2 Summit, ACC annual meeting, New Orleans
March 2007
Luncheon Panel- Larry King ACC's Campaign for the Future
May 2007
"Physician Specific Public Reporting: Benefits, Traps, Pitfalls, and Negative
Unintended Consequences" AHA Quality/Outcomes Forum, Wash DC
May 2007
"NCDR- Present and Future" NCDR Users Group, Wash DC
May 2007
"NCDR- A Decade of Quality", NCDR Users group, Wash DC
May 2007
"The NCDR ICD Registry-Hospital Reports, Performance Metrics,
Benchmarking &Data Access and Confidentiality" HRS Annual Meeting,
June 2007
Visiting Professor and Grand Rounds, Beaumont Hospital- "Differential
Reimbursement for CV Quality" and "Lessons Learned from the NCDR"
June 2007
"Cardiovascular Appropriateness Criteria ACC Quality Initiatives &
Principles and Pitfalls of Pay for Performance Programs" Oakland Kaiser
Grand Rounds
September 2007 "Controversies in Cardiology, Cedar's-Sinai CAACC Conference "ACC
Guidelines in the Treatment of Acute Coronary Syndromes: Are They
Evidence-Based? Protagonist View"
September 2007 "Quality Improvement through Data Reporting and Education:
A Perspective Based on ACC Experience-Role of the NCDR and
Appropriateness Criteria" Wash DC Heart House, Legislative Fly-in
September 2007 "Professional Society BCBS Collaboration Quality, Appropriateness, & Cost
Initiatives: American College of Cardiology" BCBS Meeting, Orlando.
September 2007 "Impact of NCDR on Clinical Practice of PCI: A National Treasure
A Celebration of Interventional Cardiovascular Medicine
The Legacy of Andreas Gruentzig" Wash DC, Heart House
November 2007 "NCDR: Physicians Leading the Effort To Quantify Quality", AHA Annual
Meeting, Chicago
December 2007 "Aortic Stenosis: Diagnosis & Treatment: Classic and Novel Approaches"
Oakland Kaiser Medical Center Grand Rounds
March 2008
"The Future of National Data Registries and Challenges of Data Collection"
Quality Spotlight Session, ACC Annual Meeting, Chicago
March 2008
"NCDR® Annual Meeting: From Data Collection to Quality Improvement!"
ACC Annual Meeting, Chicago
May 2008
"Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus-True for Heart Disease?
Bay Area Go Red For Women Luncheon Keynote
May 2008
"NCDR Registries: The Present and the Future Role in Device Surveillance
and Cardiac Service Line Quality Oversight" IHA Pursuit of Value for
Medical Devices- Strategies for Collaboration, UC Irvine.
August 2008 "Clinical Lessons from the National Cardiovascular Data Registry" Antonio
Columbo Alumni Association Conference, San Francisco
September 2008 "Safety and Efficacy of PCI without Onsite Surgery & Other Clinical Lessons
from the National Cardiovascular Data Registry" Cedar's Sinai Controversies
and Advances in Cardiovascular Disease, Los Angeles
September 2008 "The Importance of Cardiovascular Registries in Clinical Practice", FITS
Conference, Cal ACC Chapter meeting, Los Angeles
September 2008 "Health Care Reform and Conflicts of Interest", Scott & White
Center,Temple Texas
September 2008 "The ACC Quality Agenda & the National Cardiovascular Data Registry",
Newell Powell Lectureship, Scott & White Medical Center, Temple, Texas
October 2008 "PCI: Lessons Learned from the ACC CathPCI National Cardiovascular Data
Registry & ACC Appropriateness Use Criteria for Coronary Revascularizaion"
Spanish Society of Cardiology- ACC Roundtable, SEC Annual Meeting,
Bilbao, Spain
October 2008 "ACC Quality Update & What the ACC has done for you lately" Ohio Chapter
Annual meeting, Columbus, Ohio
November 2008 " Selecting Optimal Patients for Revascularization: Opportunities to Improve
Quality, Costs, and Patient Outcomes", AHA Annual Session, New Orleans
November 2008 "Setting New Standards to Transform Health Care: Defining the Appropriateness of Cardiac Care: Opportunities and Challenges", ColemanBranton Lecture, Mid America Heart Institute, Kansas City
December 2008 " Challenges in the Management of CAD- The Care of the Very Elderly" Oakland Kaiser Grand Rounds
February 2009 "National Cardiovascular Disease Registries: Current Practices in Moving From Evidence to Decision" Institute of Medicine Workshop on Systems for Research and Evaluation for Translating Genome-Based Discoveries for Health, Irvine, CA
March 2009 "Aligning Payment, Accountability and Opportunity in Specialty Care" Pay for Performance IHA Summit, San Francisco
March 2009 "Medical, PCI, and Surgery Considerations in the Elderly "ACC Annual Session Orlando
April 2009 "Thrombocardiology Introduction" German Cardiac Society, Mannheim May 2009 "Who Gets PCI in Current Practice? A Report from the NCDR Registry"
SCAI Annual Meeting, Las Vegas May 2009 "Challenges and Pitfalls of Hospital and Physician Specific Public Reporting:
What Should the Rules of Engagement Be? All That Jazz, New Orleans May 2009 "Door to Balloon Introduction: National Perspective, Quality Reporting and Pay
for Performance" Oregon STEMI Summit Conference, Portland May 2009 "Management of CAD in the Very Elderly", ACC Oregon Chapter Annual
Cardiovascular Conference" Portland May 2009 "ACC National Update" Oregon ACC Chapter Dinner, Portland, Oregon July 2009 "Appropriateness Criteria for Coronary Revascularization: What Does it Mean to
Practice? Pro: It is the Benchmark Which you Measure Your Practice Against" CICT 3rd Annual Mtg, Napa, Ca August 2009 "Controversies in Revascularization: Are We Appropriate?? Kaiser COAST Conference, Maui. August 2009 "Literature that Should Have an Impact on our Practice: The JUPITER Study" Kaiser COAST Conference, Maui. September 2009 Cardiology, approaches to the chest pain patients and new dx/therapeutic
Modalities. Kaiser HBS Conference, Monterey, Ca. September 2009 Case Studies in CAD: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly. Kaiser HBS
Conference, Monterey, Ca. September 2009 The Role of Registries in Comparative Effective Research, CER Summit,
Washington DC. September 2009 Results from the ACC-NCDR "Real World" PCI Database Comparing
DES and BMS, TCT San Francisco. September 2009 Using Large Registries to Improve Care: Lessons from the NCDR, TCT San
Francisco. September 2009 Top 5 Ways to Improve Outcomes in STEMI Today! Insights from the
ACC D2B Program, TCT San Francisco. October 2009 DES vs BMS What Does the Data Tell Us About Long Term Safety and
Outcomes. Napa Valley Cardiology Conference. October 2009 Appropriateness Criteria for Coronary Revascularization: Pro. Controversies and
Advances in the Tx of CVD. Cedar's Sinai/Cal ACC Mtg.
October 2009 STEMI Process Controversies. . Controversies and Advances in the Tx of CVD. Cedar's Sinai/Cal ACC Mtg.
October 2009 IC3 and H2H ACC Quality Initiatives, Michigan ACC Chapter Mtg. October 2009 The Role of Registries in Comparative Effectiveness Research and to Improve
Care: Lessons from the NCDR. Michigan ACC Chapter Mtg October 2009 The Healthcare Landscape: How the College and its Members can Shape It.
Michigan ACC Chapter Mtg. October 2009 Public use of Proprietary Data, Cardiac Safety Research Consortium, Bethesda October 2009 Plenary Talk: Cardiac Safety- The Academia View, Cardiac Safety Research
Consortium, Bethesda MD November 2009 HealthCare Reform- How the College and its Members can Shape it, ACC
Washington Chapter meeting, Seattle, WA November 2009 National Perspectives on STEMI Care and Pay for Performance Initiatives
ACC Washington Chapter meeting, Seattle WA December 2009 `The Role of Registries in Comparative Effectiveness Research: Insights from
the ACC National Cardiovascular Data Registry (NCDR)" Cardiological Indian Society, Kochi, India December 2009 "Appropriate Use Criteria: Creation, Assessment & Implementation for Imaging and Coronary Revascularization" Cardiological Indian Society, Kochi, India December 2009 `The Role of Registries in Comparative Effectiveness Research: Insights from the ACC National Cardiovascular Data Registry (NCDR)" Society of Italian Cardiologia, Rome, Italy. January 2010 "Funding Issues/Opportunities for Registry Development"- SAFARI Think Tank, Boston.Mass. February 2010 "DES vs. BMS, What Does the Data Tell Us about Long Term Safety and Outcomes" Saudi Heart Association meeting, Riyadh,SA February 2010 "Primary Prevention and the Management of Risk Factors & Interpretation of the Jupiter Trial Findings" Saudi Heart Association meeting, Riyadh, SA March 2010 Inaugural Presidential Address, ACC Annual meeting Atlanta March 2010 "The Role of Registries in a Reformed System and How They Can Help Measure Success, Reduce Health Care Disparities and Serve as an Important Tool in Comparative Effectiveness Research" ACC annual meeting, Atlanta. March 2010 "The Role of Registries in Comparative Effectiveness Research: Insights from the ACC National Cardiovascular Data Registry (NCDR)" ACC Annual meeting, Atlanta. March 2010 "Reflections on the NCDR", NCDR User's Group Meeting , Atlanta March 2010 "ACC Perspective of Health Care Reform and the role of the NCDR for Comparative Effectiveness Research" UCSF Cardiology Grand Rounds, San Francisco. April 2010 "Management of CAD in the Very Elderly" Malaysia heart Annual Meeting, Kuala Lumpur April 2010 "The Role of Registries in Comparative Effective Research" Malaysia Heart Annual meeting, Kuala Lumpur April 2010 Global Initiatives of the American College of cardiology" Kuala Lumpur April 2010 "NCDR® and PINNACLETM: Achieving equivalent of a virtual focused factory Using registries and data to systematically improve quality" 7th Annual World Health Care Congress, Wash DC
May 2010 "Current Status of Evidence Appraisal in Appropriateness Criteria Development" AHA QCOR conference, Washington DC
May 2010 "Setting the Stage: STEMI Care in the US", Cardiovascular Emergency 2010 STEMI Conference, Chicago
May 2010 "New Horizon in Quality Assessment: Appropriate Use Criteria for Coronary Revascularization" COAP Conference, Seattle, WA
May 2010 "Management of CAD in the very Elderly" ACC Puerto Rico Chapter Annual Meeting
May 2010 "The State of the American College of Cardiology" ACC Puerto Rico Chapter Annual Chapter Meeting
June 2010 "U.S. Politics, Health Care Reform and the Cost of Care" ACC Oregon Chapter Annual Meeting, Portland
June 2010 "Quality Versus Service Delivery An International Conundrum?"British National Health Service-American College of Cardiology Meeting, Manchester, England
June 2010 "Use of ACC-NCDR in Contributing to Comparative Effectiveness Research" World Heart Federation, Beijing, China
June 2010 "Acute Coronary Syndromes-USA Registries" World Heart Federation, Beijing July 2010 "Health Care Reform in the United States", California ACC Chapter District mtg
San Francisco August 2010 "Management of CAD in the Very Elderly", Florida ACC Chapter Annual Mtg,
Orlando September 2010 "The Role of Registries in Comparative Effective Research" 58th Japanese
Cardiac Congress, Tokyo September 2010 "Knights, Knaves or Pawns- A Call for CV Professionalism" ACC Fall
Legislative Conference, Washington DC September 2010 "Management of CAD Revascularization in the Very Elderly". TCT meeting,
Washington DC. September 2010 "ACC Quality Initiatives: The NCDR Registries", CardioSur Conference,
Montevideo, Uruguay. September 2010 "Interventional and Surgical Management of CAD":, Society of Brazil
Cardiology, Bele Horizonte, Brazil October 2010 "Controversies in Clinical Practice Guidelines in Patients with STEMI and High
Risk NSTEMI Presentations" Russian National Congress of Cardiology, Moscow October 2010 "Infarto Agudo en el Geronte". XXXVI Argentine Congress of Cardiology
Buenos Aires October 2010 "The Role of Registries in Comparative Effectiveness Research: Focus on the
ACC National Cardiovascular Data Registry (NCDR)" XXXVI Argentine Congress of Cardiology, Buenos Aires October 2010 "Enhancing CER: Evidence with Personalized Data from Large Health Care Systems Kaiser Permanente and ACC-NCDR" NIH Conference on PatientCentered CER, Bethesda, MD October 2010 "Organization of STEMI Systems of Care in the United States" Spanish Cardiac Society Annual meeting, Valencia Spain October 2010 "Professional Society Perspective on Improving Patient Adherence to Medications" DCRI Think Tank, Washington, DC October 2010 "Health Care Reform One Year Later: What it Means for the CV Specialist on a State Level and Nationally" Indiana ACC Chapter meeting. Indianapolis
October 2010 "Are You Getting Good Grades? Cardiovascular Quality Indicators and Their Impact on Your Performance Measures" Indiana ACC Chapter meeting
November 2010 " Knighthood of ACC Professionalism" Wisconsin ACC Chapter meeting, Milwaukee, WI
November 2010 "Controversies in the ACC/AHA STEMI Clinical Practice Guidelines & New ACC Cath Lab Initiatives", Cardiovascular Leadership Network, San Francisco, CA
November 2010 "The Role of Registries in Comparative Effectiveness Research: Focus on the ACC National Cardiovascular Data Registry (NCDR)" Cardiology Grand Rounds, Emory University, Atlanta GA
November 2010 "Getting Ready for the Changes in Cardiology : Quality... Not Quantity Reimbursement" Georgia ACC Chapter Meeting, Oconee, GA
November 2010 "Knights, Knaves or Pawns- Health Care Reform One Year Later: What it Means for the CV Specialist" Georgia ACC Chapter Meeting
December 2010 "Cardiac Safety in Medical Product Development: Critical Path Collaborations, Public Private Partnerships & Comparative Effectiveness: Where Are We & Where Do We Need to Go?" Cardiac Research Safety Consortium-Critical Path. Silver Spring, Maryland
December 2010 ""Lessons Learned and Future Visions of the NCDR Carotid Stent Registry" S.I.C. Annual Meeting, Rome, Italy
February 2011 "Pro: Catheter Based Aortic Valve Replacement for Aortic Stenosis (TAVI) will Replace the Conventional Surgical Approach for Most Patients by 2020" Bay Area Thoracic Surgery Society Meeting, San Francisco.
March 2011 "Professional Society Roles in Drug-Device Cardiac Safety" TREATII Think Tank on Transradial PCI, FDA, Maryland
March 2011 "Cardiovascular Professionals: Are we knights in Shining Armor or Just Knaves and Pawns?" XXIII Interamerican Congress of Cardiology, Cartagena, Columbia
March 2011 "The Role of Registries for Comparative Effectiveness Research" XXIII Interamerican Congress of Cardiology, Cartagena, Columbia
April 2011 "Present Day Practice of Cardiovascular Medicine: Challenges Ahead for the Profession" Opening Spotlight Session, ACC Annual Meeting, New Orleans
April 2011 "The State of Cardiology" Convocation Speech, ACC Annual Session, New Orleans
April 2011 "Professional Responsibility for Evaluation of Appropriateness of Coronary Artery Revascularization", Keynote- Cardiac Care Team, i2 Summit, ACC Annual Meeting, New Orleans
April 2011 "Cardiovascular Professionals: Knights in Shining Armor or Just Knaves and Pawns" NCDR Users Group, ACC Annual Meeting, New Orleans
April 2011 "Appropriateness of Coronary Revascularization" Providence Hospital System Appropriateness Symposium, Portland Oregon
April 2011 "Cardiovascular Professionals: Knights in Shining Armor or Just Knaves and Pawns" ACC Florida Chapter, Ponte Vedra, FL
May 2011 "Cardiovascular Professionals: Knights in Shining Armor or Just Knaves and Pawns" 18th Asian Pacific Congress of Cardiology 2011, Malaysia
May 2011 "Incorporating Evidence into Guidelines (the bigger picture)" 18th Asian Pacific Congress of Cardiology 2011, Malaysia
May 2011 "Management of Coronary Artery Disease in the Very Elderly" 18th Asian Pacific Congress of Cardiology 2011, Malaysia
May 2011 "Cardiovascular Professionals and Accountable Care Organizations: Finding the Unicorn" Rhode Island ACC Chapter Meeting, Providence, RI
May 2011 "Challenges for the responsible diffusion of innovative technology into the community: The Case for TAVI" Bay Area Thoracic Society, San Francisco
May 2011 "The Role of Registries for Comparative Effectiveness Research", ACCMexicana Conference, Puerto Vallarta
May 2011 "Management of Coronary Artery Disease in the Very Elderly" ACC-Mexicana Conference, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
June 2011 "The Role of Registries for Comparative Effectiveness Research" CardioAlex, Alexandria, Egypt
June 2011 "Management of Coronary Artery Disease in the Very Elderly" CardioAlex Alexandria, Egypt
June 2011 "Professional Responsibility for Evaluation of Appropriateness of Coronary Artery Revascularization", CardioAlex, Alexandria, Egypt
June 2011 "Organization of STEMI Systems of Care in the United States" CardioAlex, Alexandria, Egypt
June 2011 "Controversies of Antiplatelet and Antithrombotic Use in ACS and the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory", CardioAlex, Alexandria, Egypt
June 2011 "The Role of the Specialist in Accountable Care Organizations" Brookings Institute ACO Conference, Washington DC.
July 2011 "Incorporating Evidence into Guidelines (the bigger picture)", Oakland Kaiser Medical Grand Rounds
September 2011 National HTN Forum Kaiser Permanente Innovation Center, Panelist, Washington DC
September 2011 "The Role of the ACC National Cardiovascular Data Registry (NCDR) in Improving Quality, Access and Cost Effectiveness at Kaiser Permanente" Morris Collen Lifetime Research Award Lecture, Kaiser Permanente Medical Group Board of Directors, Monterey, CA.
September 2011 `The Role of Registries in Comparative Effectiveness Research: Insights from the ACC National Cardiovascular Data Registry (NCDR)" Cardiology Grand Rounds, Penn State Medical School, Hershey PA.
October 2011 "Success Stories from Cardiology: The ACC's Quality Portfolio Its Integral Role in Professionalism" Am. Assoc. Ortho Surgery, Washington DC
October 2011 "Professional Responsibility for Evaluation of Appropriateness of Coronary Artery Revascularization" Great Wall ICC meeting, Beijing, China
October 2011 " Organization of STEMI Systems of Care in the United States" Great Wall ICC Meeting, Beijing, China
October 2011 "Academic Institutions and Professional Societies: Important Role for NCD Prevention" Great Wall Meeting ICC, Beijing, China
October 2011 "Present Day Challenges and Threats in the Practice of Cardiovascular Medicine: ACC's NCDR Registry transforms these into Opportunities" PA ACC Chapter Meeting, Philadelphia, PA
October 2011 "Bending the Cost Curve in Health Care Reform: ACC's Quality Portfolio, Advocacy Efforts and NCDR's Comparative Effectiveness Research Make a Difference" Massachusetts ACC Chapter Meeting, Waltham, MA
October 2011 "Values and Costs in Cardiovascular Disease", CMTP CV CER Summit, Baltimore, MD
November 2011 "Separating Healthy Wine Drinking from Alcohol Abuse: Creating a Useful Healthcare Policy to Reduce CV Disease" 6th Wine and Heart Health Summit, Willamette Valley, OR
November 2011 "Decisions in ACS/Primary PCI: Conflicts in Quality Indications for Public Reporting" Trans Catheter Therapeutics, San Francisco, CA
November 2011 "Registries Are an Invaluable and Indispensable Tool; Plenary Session XV Clinical Trials: The Cornerstone of Evidenced-Based Medicine" Trans Catheter Therapeutics, San Francisco, CA
November 2011 "Appropriate Use of PCI in Stable Coronary Artery Disease" AHA Annual Meeting, Orlando
November 2011 "Efficacy and Effectiveness of Cardiovascular Therapeutics: Tools for Evaluation Prospective Registries". AHA Annual Meeting, Orlando.
November 2011 "Are We the Knights of Professionalism or Just the Pawns? Arizona ACC Chapter Meeting, Phoenix
November 2011 "Accountable Care Act and Healthcare Reform: How Do We Adapt? Arizona ACC Chapter Meeting, Phoenix
November 2011 "El Papel de los Registros en la Investigación de la Efectividad Comparativa" Mexican Cardiac Society Meeting, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
January 2012 "The ACTION GWTG Program & the Management of the STEMI Patient: From ED to Discharge" Honolulu, Oahu
January 2012 "The ACTION GWTG Program: How the New Mission Lifeline Line Regional Reports can make a Difference in Quality Improvement, Honolulu, Oahu
February 2012 "Challenges for the Practice of CV Medicine" Northern California Kaiser Permanente Cardiology Grand Rounds
February 2012 "Bending the Cost Curve in Health Care Reform: ACC's Quality Portfolio and Comparative Effectiveness Research through the NCDR Cardiovascular Registries Make a Difference". Stockton Cal, ACC Area Chapter meeting
March 2012 "STEMI Systems of Care in the United States", 8th International Congress on the Update of Cardiology and CV Surgery, Antalya, Turkey
March 2012 "The National Cardiovascular Registry and its Role in Comparative Effectiveness Research" 8th International Congress on the Update of Cardiology and CV Surgery, Antalya, Turkey
March 2012 "Appropriateness of Coronary Revascularization and the role of the NCDR CathPCI Registry" UCSF Cardiology Grand Rounds, San Francisco
March 2012 "Valvular Disease in the Elderly- Experience of the NCDR" ACC Annual Meeting, Chicago
March 2012 "Mandated Public Reporting and Transparency of National Registries" ACC Annual Meeting, Chicago.
April 2012 "TAVR will be the preferred method of therapy for AVR in 2012 for Severe Aortic Stenosis" Hayward/Fremont Kaiser Medical Center Grand Rounds.
April 2012 "Professional Responsibility for Evaluation of Appropriate Use of Coronary Artery Procedures" Emory University CV Conference, Atlanta
April 2012 "Politics, Policy, Economics and Practice: What's Influencing Your Health Care System? The Cardiovascular Perspective" Volcano Conference Dallas
May 2012 "Transforming Health Care Delivery Through CV Registries: Cath Lab Data:
What you need to Know and Why", SCAI-ACC CLI Conference, SCAI Annual
Meeting, Las Vegas
May 2012 "Today's Practice of Interventional Cardiology: Threats and Challenges or
Opportunities?" Hildner Lecture SCAI Annual Meeting, Las Vegas
May 2012
"Professional Responsibility for Appropriateness of Coronary
Revascularization" Torrance Memorial Annual CV Meeting, Torrance
June 2012 "Appropriateness of Coronary Revascularization" Oregon ACC Annual Meeting,
Portland, OR
June 2012 "Left Main PCI in the era of Appropriate Use Criteria "Transparency": Discordant
or Concordant? C3 Global Summit, Orlando Florida
June 2012 "Appropriate Use Criteria: Why do we need them and how are they made" C3
Global Summit, Orlando Florida
June 2012 "The NCDR CATHPCI Registry and its role in Quality Assessment" Portland
Heart Club, Providence Hospital System
July 2012 Politics, Policy, Economics and Practice: What's Influencing Your Health Care
System? The Cardiovascular Perspective" Volcano Conference Atlanta
August 2012 "When Should the Interventional Cardiologist Perform Left Main PCI"
CARDIOSUR, Asuncion, Paraguay
August 2012 "Management of NSTEACS In the Elderly Diabetic" CARDIOSUR, Asuncion,
September 2012 "Establishing Common Data Module/Definitions", FDA Medical Device Post
Market Surveillance Conference, Washington DC
September 2012 "Professional Society Registries: Portal for Multi-stakeholder Participation",
FDA Medical Device Post Market Surveillance Conference, Washington DC
September 2012 "National Professional Society Registries", FDA Medical Device Post Market
Surveillance Conference, Washington DC
September 2012 "Implementation of the Affordable Care Act: Influences of the President,
Supreme Court, Congress, States and the 2012 Election" Torrance Memorial
Medical Center
September 2012 "Application of Cardiology Registries for Quality Monitoring and Improvement
Measures" National Kaiser Permanente Implant Registry Symposium,
Huntington Beach CA
September 2012 Politics, Policy, Economics and Practice: What's Influencing Your Health Care
System? The Cardiovascular Perspective" Volcano Conference San Francisco
September 2012 Organization of STEMI Systems of Care in the United States: "As You Like It"
Romanian Cardiac Society Annual Congress, Sinaia, Romania
September 2012 "Incorporating Evidence into Practice Guidelines:The Bigger Picture",
Romanian Cardiac Society Annual Congress, Sinaia, Romania
October 2012 "Professional Responsibility for Evaluation of Appropriateness of Coronary
Artery Revascularization", 28th Congreso Uruguayo de Cardiologia,
Montevideo, Uruguay
October 2012 "Management of Coronary Artery Disease in the Very Elderly", 28th Congreso
Uruguayo de Cardiologia, Montevideo, Uruguay
October 2012 "Cardiogenic Shock: Revascularization Strategies" 28th Congreso Uruguayo de
Cardiologia, Montevideo, Uruguay
October 2012 "PCI in Stable Angina: Indication and Results", 28th Congreso Uruguayo de
Cardiologia, Montevideo, Uruguay
October 2012 "Organization of STEMI Systems of Care in the United States" 28th Congreso Uruguayo de Cardiologia, Montevideo, Uruguay
October 2012 "Utilization of Pre-Procedure Risk Assessments to Prevent Post-Procedure Complications In-Hospital Mortality and Major Complications" (NCDR CathPCI) TCT Annual Meeting, Miami, FL
November 2012 "Offsite PCI: Impacting Economies and Outcomes" AHA Annual Sessions. Los Angeles
November 2012 "Management of Patients with CAD: Outcomes and Quality" AHA Annual Sessions, Los Angeles
November 2012 "PCI in Facilities Without Cardiac Surgery On Site- Other ConsiderationsImpacting Economies and Outcomes", NJ State Dept. of Health Expert Panel Review, Monroe Township, NJ.
December 2012 "Politics, Policy, Economics and Practice: What's Influencing Your Health Care System? The Cardiovascular Perspective". Long Beach Memorial Hospital Visiting Professorship, Long Beach, CA.
December 2012 "Avoiding `Ageism' in our Treatment of Coronary Artery Disease and Aortic Stenosis in the Very Elderly". Long Beach Memorial Hospital Visiting Professorship, Long Beach, CA.
January 2013 Professional Responsibility for the Appropriateness of Coronary Revascularization, Toledo Promedica Hospital
January 2013 "Changing HealthCare within the ACC" Montana ACC Chapter meeting, Butte, Montana
February 2013 "Politics, Policy, Economics and Practice: What's Influencing Your Health Care System? The Cardiovascular Perspective", Scottsdale Interventional Conference 2013, Scottsdale Arizona
March 2013 "NCDR in the Era of HealthCare Reform", NCDR.13 annual meeting, San Francisco
March 2013 "Implementing Appropriate Use Criteria through the NCDR", ACC.13 Annual Meeting, San Francisco
March 2013 "Case Presentation"- Public Reporting, James T. Dove Lectureship, ACC.13 Annual Meeting, San Francisco
April 2013 "Clinical Outcomes Research and Evidence-Based Medicine the NCDR Experience", CORE Summit, Shanghai, China
April 2013 "The ACC NCDR: Post Market Surveillance & Quality Improvement", CORE Summit, Shanghai, China
April 2013 "National Procedure Registries: the ACC Perspective", Society of Interventional Radiology38th Annual Scientific Meeting 2013, New Orleans
April 2013 Politics, Policy, Economics and Practice: What's Influencing Your Health Care System? The Cardiovascular Perspective", Desert Regional Hospital, Palms Springs, CA
May 2013 Politics, Policy, Economics and Practice: What's Influencing Your Health Care System? The Cardiovascular Perspective", Warren Lecture, Ohio State University Medical Grand Rounds, Columbus, Ohio
May 2013 "How Does One Measure Appropriateness?" SCAI Annual Meeting, Orlando May 2013 "Decision Making- The Ethics of Intervention: A Discussion of the Difficult
Decisions We Face" SCAI Annual Meeting, Orlando
May 2013 "The Quality Mandate Understanding New Regulatory Policies and Establishing Interventional Cardiologists as Quality Superheroes" SCAI Annual Meeting, Orlando
May 2013 "Implementing Quality Improvement Initiatives to Promote Desired Clinical Outcomes" Cardiology 2013 Update, Torrance Memorial Hospital
May 2013 "Adopting New Practices and Technology: Advantages, Disadvantages and Unrecognized Potential of Kaiser Permanente" 14th Annual Kaiser Permanente COAST Conference, Portland, Oregon
May 2013 "PCI: What's Appropriate and What is Not?" 14th Annual Kaiser Permanente COAST Conference, Portland, Oregon
June 2013 "The Role of the ACC National Cardiovascular Data Registry (NCDR) in Improving Quality, Post Market Surveillance and Cost Effectiveness: Focus on the PINNACLE Registry", Sao Paulo Cardiac Society, Sao Paulo
June 2013 "ACC Position Statement on FDA Re-adjudication of RECORD study on Rosiglitazone", FDA Panel hearing. Washington DC
June 2013 "Politics, Policy, Economics and Practice: What's Influencing Your Health Care System? The Cardiovascular Perspective", Volcano Conference, Chicago
June 2013 "ACS Update" UCSF Medical Resident Noon Conference, San Francisco August 2013 "A New Era in Health Care Delivery: How Can Interventional Cardiologists
Prepare for the Future?" CICT 2013, San Francisco August 2013 "ACC Update and Acute Coronary Syndrome Management", 6th Annual Northern
California Cardiac Care Associate Symposium, San Francisco September 2013 "The Future of CV Health Care- An ACC Perspective" ACC Legislative
Conference, Washington, DC October 2013 "Ventricular Assist Device for Advanced Heart Failure: What is the Evidence?"
9th Annual ACC-SEC Cardiovascular Symposium Madrid, Spain October 2013, "Antithrombotic Selection: What Have We Learned From Recent Trials"
9th Annual ACC-SEC Cardiovascular Symposium Madrid, Spain October 2013 "Physician Leadership and Research Investigator Development Program"
Mexico ACC Chapter Fellows-in-Training, Mexico City, Mexico October 2013 "Overview OF TVT Registry Data Completeness & Site Performance" TCT
Annual meeting, San Francisco October 2013 "How to Use Your NCDR Data to Benefit Your Lab and Your Patients" TCT
Annual meeting, San Francisco October 2013 "US Standards for Left Main Revascularization: Guidelines, Appropriate Use
Criteria and Current PCI Penetration" TCT Annual meeting, San Francisco October 2013 "Potential Impact of NCDR Registry" Radiation Safety Advisory Meeting
TCT Annual meeting, San Francisco October 2013 "The TVT Registry: Potential Applications for the MitraClip" TCT Annual
meeting, San Francisco October 2013 "Public Reporting is Coming: Are You Ready?" TCT Annual meeting,
San Francisco November 2013 "CV Compound and Non CV Compound Registry Studies- Event Identification
Ascertainment and Strategies" Adjudication Thinktank CSRC-FDA Meeting, Washington DC February 2014 "Avoiding Ageism in the management of CAD and Aortic Stenosis in the Very Elderly". UC Irvine Medical Grand Rounds, Orange, CA.
February 2014 "US Academia View: Goals for Global TAVR Registry Data" CRT2014, Washington, DC.
February 2014 "Working Collaboratively with FDA & CMS: The ACC NCDR Formula for Success". FDA Town Hall, CRT2014, Washington, DC.
March 2014 "STS / ACC TVT Registry: The Journey Toward a New Paradigm for PostApproval FDA-CMS Registry Data Collection". SIF2014, Scottsdale, AZ.
March 2014 "A New Era in Health Care Delivery: How Can Interventional Cardiologists Prepare for the Future" SIF2014, Scottsdale, AZ.
March 2014 "Measuring to Improve With the NCDR CathPCI Registry: Are We as Good as Our Mothers' Tell Us That We Are?" ACC 2014 Annual Sessions, Washington, DC.
May 2014 "Coordination in the Management of Congestive Heart Failure: Preventing Early Readmissions through ACC Quality Programs" Tacoma, WA
May 2014 "ACA and SGR legislation efforts for ensuring Quality: Public reporting via Hospital and Physician Compare" Torrance, CA.
May 2014 "Quality at the Individual Patient Level Can be Measured and Should be used for Payment. Protagonist View" San Francisco, CA
May 2014 "Reflections of a CV Leader", ELM Course, SCAI annual meeting, Las Vegas June 2014 " FDA Guidance Document Creation and Documentation Panelist" FDA Guidance
Development Workshop, Washington, DC June 2014 "Politics, Policy, Economics and Practice: What's Influencing Your Health Care
System? The Cardiovascular Perspective", Indiana University Kraenert Institute, Indianapolis July 2014 "The Value of Evidence-based Practice: It's Not Just About Putting Statins in the Water". CV Update for Primary Care, Swedish Hospital, Seattle. July 2014 "A New Era in Health Care Delivery: How Appropriate is it to have a 0 "Rarely Appropriate" Rating!" CICT 2014, San Francisco August 2014 "The Challenges and Successes of the Affordable Care Act & a National ACC Update" California CA ACC CCA 7th Annual meeting, San Francisco September 2014 "Avoiding Ageism in the management of CAD and Aortic Stenosis in the Very Elderly". Hoag Memorial Hospital Cardiology Update, Newport Beach, CA. September 2014 "Public Reporting: What You Need to Know". TCT, Washington, DC. September 2014 "ACC's Quality Agenda and the National Cardiovascular Data Registry" ASTRO annual meeting, San Francisco, CA. September 2014 "Quality Measures and the Affordable Care Act- The Business of Cardiology"
UC Irvine, CA. September 2014 "Politics, Policy, Economics and Practice: What's Influencing Your Health
Care System? The Cardiovascular Perspective" UCSF Medical Resident Noon Conference, San Francisco, CA. October 2014 "What we can and need to implement in the USA: An Academic View. PASSION Registries for CV Disease Conference, FDA, Washington DC. October 2014 "Debate: Protagonist-Appropriate Use Criteria" Cardiovascular Disease Management Conference, Phoenix AR November 2014 "The Challenges and Successes of the Affordable Care Act" CA ACC Quality Forum, Los Angeles, CA November 2014 "Choosing Wisely- A Cardiovascular Perspective." Stanford School of Medicine Clinical Excellence Annual Summit, Stanford, CA November 2014 "Quality Measures and the Affordable Care Act- The Business of Cardiology"
Washington, DC.
November 2014 "Cath/PCI Data and Appropriate Use Criteria: Implications for Public Reporting and Payment". Lee Memorial Hospital., Fort Myers, FL.
November 2014 "A New Era in Health Care Delivery: How Can Cardiologists Prepare for their Future?" Cedars Sinai-Controversies in CV Disease, Los Angeles, CA
January 2015 "Medication Adherence: Policy and Solution Implications: Consideration of Collaborating- MD Engagement". Medication Adherence Policy Think Tank, Washington DC.
January 2015 "NCDR 101: Start with the Basics and Develop a Champion", ACC CV Summit, Orlando, FL
January 2015 "AUC: How Can We Embed This into our work Flow?" ACC CV Summit, Orlando, FL
January 2015 "Professional Societies and Healthcare Value: A Cardiovascular Perspective on Choosing Wisely", UCSF Course on HealthCare Value, San Francisco, CA.
February 2015 "Registry Design and Reporting: NCDR" ACC/AGS/NIA Multimorbidity in Older Adults with CVD Workshop. Washington DC.
February 2015 "National Cardiovascular Data Registry- Research Opportunities". ACC/AGS/NIA Multimorbidity in Older Adults with CVD Workshop:
pecial Session for Young & Early Career Investigator, Washington DC. February 2015 "Cardiovascular Data Registries Fostering Innovation: Improving Care"
Congressional Health Aides Breakfast/Lunch Session, Washington DC. March 2015 "What Will a "Valuable" Cardiologist have to do by 2020" James T. Dove Lecture,
ACC 2015 Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA March 2015 "Data Management in the California Healthcare System". ACC 2015 Annual
Meeting, San Diego, CA March 2015 "Beyond Medicine...Impact of Climate Change, Pollution, Population Migration,
War". ACC 2015 Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA April 2015 "Big Data Are Watching You" ACC Florida Chapter Regional Meeting
Ponte Vedra, FL April 2015 "Avoiding Ageism in the management of CAD and Aortic Stenosis in the Very
Elderly". Gottleib C Friesinger II Lecture, Cardiology 2015: Advance in Science & Practice, Vanderbilt University, Nashville April 2015 "Fireside Chat- Health Politics and Policies" Freisenger Society Annual Dinner, Vanderbilt University, Nashville April 2015 "A New Era in Health Care Delivery: How Can Cardiologists Prepare for their Future?" 5th Shiu Kwong Ho, D.Phil., M.D. Lecture, Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital, Boston May 2015 " Interpreting literature from the NCDR: Strengths and Pitfalls", SCAI Annual Meeting, San Diego May 2015 "Public Reporting" Torrance Memorial Medical Ctr CV Update, Torrance, CA June 2015 "Protecting the Brain; Keeping Things from Going Upstream- In the Catheterization Laboratory" Cardiology Napa Valley 2015, Napa CA June 2015 CAD "My Way": Interactive Case-Based Illustration of What I do? "FFR Guided PCI", Cardiology Napa Valley 2015, Napa CA June 2015 "Appropriate Use Criteria: Essentials for Fellows" C3 Summit, Orlando, FL October 2015 " Professional Society Registries partnership with MDEpiNet" AdvaMed ,
San Diego. October 2015 "My AUC Scorecard Doesn't Look Good: What Should I do?" SCAI Boot Camp
at TCT2015, San Francisco.
November 2015 "Planning the Future: Phases II and III: CRN-based Clinical Trial Options: An
academic perspective". RAPID think tank, Heart House, Wash DC.
November 2015 "Physician-Specific Mortality: an Important Measure of PCI Quality", AHA
Annual Meeting, Orlando, Fl.
November 2015 "Registries are Invaluable and Should Form the New Basis for Defining Patient
Management". Cedars Sinai Controversy Conference, Los Angeles
December 2015 "The Overview of NCDR", Emerging ACC Advocates Conference, Wash DC.
January 2016 William Winter's 23rd Annual Lecture - "ACC's National Cardiovascular Data
Registry Helping Clinicians, Patients and Regulators Assess and Promote
Cardiovascular Quality, Safety and Efficacy". Houston Methodist Hospital.
January 2016 "Professional Societies and Healthcare Value: A Cardiovascular Perspective on
Choosing Wisely", UCSF Course on HealthCare Value, San Francisco, CA.
February 2016 "ACC's National Cardiovascular Data Registry Helping Clinicians, Patients
and Regulators Assess and Promote Cardiovascular Quality, Safety, Efficacy,
and Life-Long Learning" ACGME Accreditation Council for Graduate
Education, Chicago, Il
February 2016 "Are You a "Valuable" Cardiologist: What You Must Do to Get Paid by 2020"
ACC CV Summit, Las Vegas, NV
February 2016 "Workshop Quality and Efficiency: Public Reporting and Data -Transparency in
2016 What Is Changing and What Does It Mean? ACC CV Summit, Las
Vegas, NV
April 2016 "Lightning Round of NCDR Program Updates", NCDR Annual 2016
Conference, Chicago
April 2016 "AUC for Revascularization... Do They Help?" ACC Annual 2016 meeting,
April 2016 "The Import and Challenges of Open Science: A Professional Society View"
MDEpiNet PASSION Registries for Cardiovascular Devices Think Tank II,
Washington DC.
April 2016 "Two Divergent Roads I took the one less traveled and it made all the
Difference". Emory School of Medicine Research Day Keynote. Atlanta
April 2016 "The Role of Physician Leadership and Professionalism for Achieving
Successful Health Care Reform". Emory AOA Induction dinner keynote.
May 2016 "Registry Business Model Basics: Introduction to the Registry Business
Model". 2016 NQRN Registry Conference/CMSS, Chicago.
June 2016
"A New Era in Health Care Delivery: How Can Cardiologists Prepare for
their Future?". New York University School of Medicine, Cardiology Grand
Rounds. New York.
June 2016 "A New Era in Healthcare Delivery: Preparing for the Future" ESCAPE, Emory
School of Medicine, Amelia Island
June 2016 "Evaluation of NSTEMI/ACS" ESCAPE, Emory School of Medicine,
Amelia Island
September 2016 "A New Era in Health Care Delivery: How Can Cardiologists Prepare for their
Future?" UCLA Harbor Cardiology Update Keynote, Los Angeles.
September 2016 "Update on the Treatment and Duration of Dual Antiplatelet Therapy in
Patients with CAD". ACC-KCS Joint Session. Korean Cardiology Society
Annual Meeting, Seoul, Korea.
October 2016 "What databases can tell us about CV disease in older adults". Hoag Memorial
Hospital Cardiology Update, Newport Beach, CA.
October 2016 `Role of public-private partnerships. How can working together be enhanced? ACC Perspective." FDA-CSRC Think Tank, Silver Oak, MD
October 2016 "The Shift to Value-Based Healthcare- How can Cardiologists Prepare for Their Future?" Missouri ACC Chapter annual meeting keynote, St Louis, MO.
October 2016 "Update on Value of NCDR Metrics and AUC" Lee Memorial Hospital, Ft. Myers, FL
October 2016 "Medical Device User Fees Amendments- ACC Perspective". MDUFA IV Public Hearing, White Oak, MD.
November 2016 "Big Data are Watching you - A Cardiology Perspective". U of New Mexico Medical Center Medical/Cardiology Grand Rounds. Albuquerque NM.
November 2016 "Update on Duration of Dual Antiplatelet Therapy in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease". Renown Conference: Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine for the Primary Physician, Lake Tahoe, NV
November 2016 "Choosing Wisely A Cardiovascular Perspective". Renown Conference: Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine for the Primary Physician, Lake Tahoe, NV.
November 2016 'Piecing Together the MACRA Puzzle: How the ACC and NCDR will help Members Navigate Radical Changes Ahead". Cedar Sinai Conference Controversies in Cardiology. Beverley Hills, CA.
December 2016 "A new era in health care delivery: How can clinicians prepare for their future?" UCSF Advances in Heart Disease 2016, San Francisco, CA
January 2017 "What Databases Can Tell Us About CV Disease In Older Adults", Texas Chapter, ACC Essentials of Cardiovascular Care in Older Adults, Houston
January 2017 "The Journey of the ACC-NCDR in assuring FDA's mission of safety and effectiveness of medical devices: Focus on the STS / ACC TVT Registry" UCSF Cardiology Grand Rounds, San Francisco
January 2017 "Quality & Efficiency: Perhaps You're Further Along Than You Think: Using Your NCDR Data for Quality Reporting" ACC CV Summit, Orlando
January 2017 "Quality & Efficiency: Do You Understand How CMS Is Tracking the Cost and Quality of Care That You Deliver? ACC CV Summit, Orlando.
January 2017 "Quality & Efficiency: How Choosing the Right Quality Metrics Can Affect Your Bottom Line" ACC CV Summit, Orlando.
March 2017 "DES Thrombosis/DES stenosis: How to Treat?" India Live Fellows Course, Delhi, India
March 2017 "Appropriate Use Criteria for Coronary Revascularization: Essentials for Fellows". India Live Fellows Course, Delhi, India
March 2017 "Peri-Procedure Anti-Platelet Therapy and its Impact on Outcomes". India Live Fellows Course, Delhi, India
March 2017 "Assuring Quality on Cath lab- Debate-Pro "Quality Assurance in the Cath Lab, More external oversight is Needed". ACC Scientific Sessions, Washington DC
March 2017 "Post FDA Release Prosthetic Valve Surveillance - Watching for Signals" ACC Scientific Sessions, Washington DC.
April 2017 "A New Era in Health Care Delivery: How Can Cardiovascular Specialists Prepare for their Future? Richmond Kaiser Medical Center Medical Grand Rounds. Richmond CA.
May 2017 "A New Era in Health Care Delivery: How Can Cardiovascular Specialists Prepare for their Future? Mid-West Cardiovascular Forum, Minneapolis MN
May 2017 "Methods for Data Capture, Integration, Exchange, & Management Registry Data Collection: Successes and Challenges: NCDR PVI RegistryTM, Rapid MDEpiNet Think Tank, Washington DC.
May 2017 "Inaugural RAPID Phase II/III Research Project-Timeline for Implementation by Registries, EMRs Industry NCDR PVI RegistryTM" Rapid MDEpiNet Think Tank, Washington DC.
June 2017 "A New Era in Health Care Delivery: How Can We Prepare for Our Future?" NYU Langone Medical Center, Quality and Safety Day, New York, NY.
June 2017 "A New Era in Health Care Delivery: How Can Cardiovascular Specialists Prepare for their Future? UC Irvine Cardiology Grand Rounds, Irvine CA.
September 2017 "2017 State of Union: Cardiovascular Care". 10th Annual Northern California Cardiovascular Team symposium. San Francisco, CA.
October 2017 "Choosing Wisely- A Cardiovascular Perspective- How clinicians can prepare for their future". Orlando Health CV Annual Symposium, Orlando, FL.
October 2017 "CED-NCDR: ICD, TAVR, MitraClip & LAA-Closure: The Sun is SettingImplications for Moving Forward", Dartmouth Device Development Symposium, Hanover, NH.
October 2017 "The Journey of the ACC-NCDR in assuring FDA's mission of safety and effectiveness of medical devices: Focus on the STS / ACC TVT Registry" ACC Maui CV Symposium, Maui HI.
October 2017 "MACRA, Value-Based Purchasing and Registry Optimization", Q-Centrix Quality Insights, Anaheim, CA
March 2018 "Lessons from the National Registries TVT and NCDR" CRT Meeting, Washington DC
March 2018 "Making the CDCRN a reality Academic Society View", FDA Town Hall, CRT Meeting, Washington DC.
March 2018 "Whose responsibility is it to Monitor Physician and Hospital Performance" ACC Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.
April 2018 "STS/ACC TVT Registry Overview" PCORnet and Device Research Stakeholders Meeting, Washington DC.
September 2018 "Registry Update: National/Multimodality Perspective on Registries" ASNC Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA
September 2018 "TVT Registry: What Have We Learned?" Kaiser Permanente 18th Annual Cardiovascular Medicine & Surgery COAST Conference, Las Vegas
September 2018 "Public Reporting of Outcomes Data: Lessons Learned and Future Directions" Kaiser Permanente 18th Annual Cardiovascular Medicine & Surgery COAST Conference, Las Vegas
October 2018 "Public Reporting: The Good Bad and the Ugly" Rose Weiss Visiting Professor, Lahey Clinic ,MA
October 2018 "Insights from the TVT Registry & The Conundrum of Volume-Outcomes Relationship & Access? Rose Weiss Visiting Professor, Lahey Clinic MA
October 2018 "Public Reporting: The Good Bad and the Ugly" 11th Annual Northern California Cardiovascular Team Symposium, Burlingame CA
October 2018 Diagnostic Testing in Older Adults with CVD: Choosing Wisely "Research Resources Perspectives" U13 ACC/AGS/NIA Workshop, Washington DC.
October 2018 2018 MDEpiNet Annual Meeting: Building Collaboratives without Borders Quality Improvement/Beneficial Change- NCDR QCDR Experience Value of Routine Feedback & Assessment of Devices and Providers FDA Wash DC
October 2018 "Public Reporting: The Good Bad and the Ugly" CA ACC Maui Symposium November 2018 "Update on the Treatment and Duration of Dual Antiplatelet Therapy in
Patients with CAD". China Hospital tour- Guandzhou, Nanjing, Shanghai. March 2019 "Pivotal Role of the NCDR for the CDCRN FDA Initiative" CRT 2019,
Washington DC March 2019 "The Role of Registries to Improve Care" Kaiser Permanente Northern California
Cardiovascular Research Symposium, Oakland CA September 2019 "When the Public Wants to Know: Public Outcomes reporting". PICS/AICS
San Diego September 2019 Discussant, Social Determinants of Health" TCT Annual Meeting
San Francisco. October 2019 "Assuring High Quality for TAVR While Achieving Adequate Patient Access:
What's the Controversy?" ACC CA Chapter Meeting, Maui. November 2019 "Debate: STS/TVT Registry Should we shut down small centers? Yes!
CSI 2019 San Francisco January 2020 "Case-Based: Update on the Treatment and Duration of Dual Antiplatelet Therapy
in Patients with CAD" JIC 2020, Ahmedabad India January 2020 "A Case of Hypertriglyceridemia Current Approach" JIC 2020, Ahmedabad
India January 2020 "Choosing Wisely - How Clinicians can Prepare for their Future?" JIC 2020,
Ahmedabad India January 2020 "Case-Based: Evaluation and Management of ACS" JIC 2020, Ahmedabad India January 2020 "Case-Based: ACS in a Patient of AF on OAC What to Do?" JIC 2020,
Ahmedabad India
2012- 2018 2014- 2018 2004-2012 1983- 2014
1983 2004 1983 2004 1986 2003
InPatient Cardiology Consultative Rounds, UCSF Moffitt Hospital In-Patient Cardiology Service and CCU Attending Physician CCU and Cardiology Consultative Rounds, Oakland Kaiser Medical Residents First and Second year UCSF Medical Students. Developing skills in Clinical Examinations, Patient Histories, Cardiology teaching sections. CCU Rounds, SF Kaiser with Kaiser Medical Residents Consultative Cardiology Rounds, SF Kaiser Medical Residents Teaching Cardiac Catheterization and Interventional Cardiology to St. Mary's Cardiology Fellows and visiting UCSF Cardiology Fellows.
1. Brindis RG, Peterson BJ, Thompson JH, Alfin-Slater RB. "Lack of Effects of Chronic Nicotine Administration on Fatty Acid Distribution in the Liver, Testis and in Adipose Tissue of Male Fischer - 344 Rats." J. Lipid Res 1973. 14:688-691.
2. Brindis RG, Lipton MJ, McKay CR, Brundage BH. " Graft Patency in Patients with Coronary Artery Bypass Operation Complicated by Perioperative Myocardial Infarction". Am J Cardiol. 1982;49:908-91
3. Cheitlin MD, Hutter AM, Brindis RG, Ganz P, Kaul S, Russell RO, Zusman RM. " Use of sildenafil (Viagra) in patients with cardiovascular disease." J Am Coll Cardiol 1999; 33:273-282.
And also in Circulation 1999;99:168-177.
4. Brindis RG, Fitzgerald S, Anderson HV, Shaw RE, Weintraub WS, Williams JF, "The American College of Cardiology-National Cardiovascular Data Registry (ACC-NCDR): Building a National Clinical Data Repository" J Am Coll Cardiol 2001;37:2240-2245.
5. Cannon CP, Battler A, Brindis RG, et.al. "American College of Cardiology Key Data Elements and Definitions for Measuring the Clinical Measurement and Outcomes of Patients with Acute Coronary Syndromes" J Am Coll Cardiol 2001;38;2114-30.
6. Anderson HV, Shaw RE, Brindis RG, Hewitt K, Krone RJ, Block PC, McKay CR, Weintraub, WS. "A Contempary Overview of Percutaneous Coronary Interventions- The American College of Cardiology-National Cardiovascular Registry (ACC-NCDR)" J Am Coll Cardiol 2002; 39:1096-1103.
7. Shaw RE, Anderson HV, Brindis RG, Krone RJ, Klein LW, McKay CR, Block PC, Shaw LJ, Hewitt K, Weintraub WS. "Development of a Risk Adjustment Mortality Model Using the American College of Cardiology-National Cardiovascular Data Registry (ACC-NCDR) Experience: 1998-2000" J Am Coll Cardiol 2002; 39:1104-1112.
8. Klein LW, Block P, Brindis, RG, McKay CR, McCallister BD, Wolk M, Weintraub W on behalf of the ACC-NCDR Registry. " Percutaneous Coronary Interventions in Octogenarians in the American College of Cardiology- National Cardiovascular Registry" J Am Coll Cardiol 2002; 40:392-402.
9. Hoekstra JW, Pollack CV, Roe MT, Peterson ED, Brindis R, Harrington RA, Christenson RH, Smith SC, Ohman EM, Gibler WB. "Improving the care of patients with non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndromes in the emergency department: the crusade initiative" Academic Emergency Medicine 2002;9:1146-1155.
10. Califf RM, Peterson ED, Gibbons RJ, Garson A, Brindis RG, Beller GA, Smith SC."Integrating Quality Into the Cycle of Therapeutic Development" J Am Coll Cardiol 2002; 40:1895-1901.
11. Brindis RG, Sennett C. "Physician adherence to clinical practice guidelines: Does it really matter? Am Heart J 2003;145:13-15.
12. Brindis RG, Weintraub WS, Dudley RA "Volume as a surrogate for PCI quality: Is this the right measuring stick?" Am Heart J 2003;146:932-4.
13. Krone RJ, Shaw RE, Klein LW, Block PC, Andersen HV, Weintraub WS, Brindis RG, McKay CR, ACC-National Cardiovascular Registry "Evaluation of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association and the Society for Coronary Angiography and Interventions lesion classification system in the current ''stent era'' of coronary interventions (from the ACC-National Cardiovascular Data Registry)" Am J Cardiol August 15, 2003;92:389-94.
14. Roe MT, Ohman EM, Pollack CV, Peterson ED, Brindis RG, Harrington RA, Christenson RH, Smith SC, Califf RM, Gibler WB, "Changing the Model of Care for Patients with Acute Coronary Syndromes" Am Heart J 2003;146:605-612.
15. Brindis RG and Kloner RA "Sildenafil in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease" in Symposium: Erectile Dysfunction and Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Am J Cardiol 2003;suppl 92(9A);26M-36M
16. Kloner RA, Brindis RG, Cheitlin MD, Kuritzky L, Miller TA, Padma-Nathan H, and Rosen RC "Roundtable Discussion: Tadalafil Study Group, Am J Cardiol 2003;suppl 92(9A);58M-64M
17. Pheatt N, Brindis RG, Levin E "Putting Heart Disease Guidelines into Practice: Kaiser Permanente Leads the Way" Permanente Medical Journal, Winter 2003, 7;1:18-23.
18. Dehmer GJ, Hirshfeld JW, Oetgen WJ, Mitchell K, Simon AW, Elma ME, Kellet MA, Brindis RG "CathKit: Improving Quality in the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory: J Am Coll Card 2004;43:893-899.
19. Tavris DR, Gallauresi BA, Lin B, Rich SE, Shaw RE, Weintraub WS, Brindis RG, Hewitt K. "Risk of Local Adverse Events Following Cardiac Catheterization by Hemostasis Device Use and Gender", J Inv Card 2004; 16:459-464.
20. Wolk MJ, Peterson E, Brindis R, Eagle K "President's Page: The Appropriate Cardiologist: Responsible Stewardship in a Golden Age of Cardiology" J AM Coll Card 2004;44:933-935.
21. Bhatt DL, Roe MT, Peterson ED, Li Y, Chen AY, Harrington RA, Greenbaurm AB, Berger PB, Cannon CP, Cohen DJ, Gibson MC, Saucedo JF, Kleinman NS, Hochman JS, Boden WE, Brindis RG, Peacock WF, Smith SC, Pollack CV, Gibler WB, Ohman EM, for the CRUSADE Investigators "Utilization of Early Invasive Management Strategies for High-Risk Patients with Non-ST Segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes- Results from the CRUSADE Quality Improvement Initiative" JAMA 2004;292:2096-2104.
22. Ohman EM, Roe MT, Smith SC, Brindis RG, Christenson RH, Harrington RA, Gibler WB, Peterson ED for the CRUSADE Investigators "Care of non-ST-segment elevation patients: Insights from the CRUSADE national quality improvement initiative" Am Heart J 2004;148:S34-9.
23. Foody JM, Roe MT, Chen AY, Smith SC, Brindis RG, Peterson ED, Gibler WB, Ohman EM for the CRUSADE Investigators "Lipid management in Patients with Unstable Angina Pectoris and Non ST-Segment Elevation Acute Myocardial Infarction (from CRUSADE) Am J Cardiol 2005;95:483-485.
24. Peterson ED, Chen Ay, Brindis RG et al. "Blood Transfusions in Patients Admitted With NonST-Segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes: Results from CRUSADE" N Engl J Med. 2004 Nov 11;351(20):2058-68. Epub 2004 Nov 7
25. Klein LW, Shaw RE, Krone RJ, Brindis RG, Anderson HV, Block PV, McKay CR, Hewitt K, Weintraub WS "Mortality After Emergent Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Cardiogenic Shock Secondary to Acute Myocardial Infarction and Usefulness of a Mortality Prediction Model-American College of Cardiology National Cardiovascular Data Registry" AM J Cardiol 2005;96:35-41.
26. Brindis RG, Fischer E and ACS KPMG Clinical Practice Guidelines Team "Tools for Acute Coronary Syndromes from Northern California Kaiser Permanente" Crit Pathways in Cardiol 2005;4:64-80.
27. Patel MR, Spertus JA, Brindis RG, Hendel RC, Douglas PS, Peterson ED, Wolk MJ, Allen JM, Raskin IE "ACCF Proposed Method for Evaluating Appropriateness of Cardiovascular imaging" J Am Coll Cardiol 2005;46:1606-13.
28. Brindis RG, Douglas PS, Hendel RC, Peterson ED, Wolk MJ, Allen JM, Patel MR, Raskin IE "ACCF/ASNC Appropriateness Criteria for Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography Myocardial Perfusion Imaging (SPECT-MPI): a report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation Quality Strategic Directions Committee Working Group and the American Society of Nuclear Cardiology" J Am Coll Cardiol 2005;46:1587-605.
29. Anderson HV, Shaw RE, Brindis RG, Klein LW, McKay CR, Kutcher MA, Krone RJ, Wolk MJ, Smith SC, Weintraub WS "Relationship between Procedure Indications and Outcomes of Percutaneous Coronary Interventions by American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force Guidelines" Circulation 2005;112:2786-2791.
30. Yang X, Alexander KP, Chen AY, Roe MT, Brindis RG, Rao SV, Gibler WB, Ohman EM Peterson ED "The Implications of Blood transfusions for patients with Non-ST Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes: Results From the CRUSADE National Quality Improvement Initiative" J Am Coll Cardiol 2005;46:1479-87.
31. Roe MT, Peterson ED, Newby LK, Chen AY, Pollack CV Jr, Brindis RG, Harrington RA, Christenson RH, Smith SC, Califf RM, Braunwald E, Gibler WB, Ohman EM "The Influence of Risk Status on Guidelines Adherence for patients with Non-ST segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes. Am Heart J 2005.
32. Douglas PS, Wolk MJ, Brindis R, Hendel RC "President's Page: Appropriateness Criteria: Breaking New Ground" J Am Coll Cardiol 2005;46 2143-2144.
33. Krumholz HM, Brindis RG, Brush JE, Cohen DJ, Epstein AJ, Furie K, Howard G, Peterson ED, Rathore SS, Smith SC Jr, Spertus JA, Wang Y, Normand SL; American Heart Association; Quality of Care and Outcomes Research Interdisciplinary Writing Group; Council on Epidemiology and Prevention; Stroke Council; American College of Cardiology Foundation. Standards for statistical models used for public reporting of health outcomes: an American Heart Association Scientific Statement from the Quality of Care and Outcomes Research Interdisciplinary Writing Group: cosponsored by the Council on Epidemiology and Prevention and the Stroke Council. Endorsed by the American College of Cardiology Foundation. Circulation. 2006 Jan 24;113(3):456-62.
34. Douglas PS, Brindis RG "President's Page: A Question of Quality: Why National Benchmarking?" J Am Coll Cardiol 2006;47:1076-8.
35. Brindis RG, Dehmer GJ "Continuous Quality Improvement in the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory: Are the Benefits Worth the Cost and Effort?" Circ 2006;113:767-770.
36. Hammill S, Phurrough S, Brindis R. "The National ICD Registry: Now and into the future" Heart Rhythm 2006;3:470-473.
37. Peterson ED, Roe MT, Mulgund J, DeLong E, Lytle BG, Brindis RG, Smith SC, Pollack CV, Newby LK, Harrington RA, Gibler WB, Ohman, EM "Association Between Hospital Process Performance and Outcomes Among Patients With Acute Coronary Syndromes" JAMA 2006;295 1912-1920.
38. Menon V, Rumsfeld JS, Roe MT, Cohen MG, Peterson ED, Brindis RG, Chen AY, Pollack CV Jr, Smith SC Jr, Gibler WB, Ohman EM." Regional outcomes after admission for high-risk non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes" Am J Med. 2006;119:584-90.
39. Roe MT, Peterson ED, Newby LK, Chen AY, Pollack CV Jr, Brindis RG, Harrington RA, Christenson RH, Smith SC Jr, Califf RM, Braunwald E, Gibler WB, Ohman EM. The influence of risk status on guideline adherence for patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes. Am Heart J 2006;151:1205-13.
40. Rao SV, Shaw RE, Brindis RG, Klein LW, Weintraub WS, Krone RJ, Peterson ED. Patterns and outcomes of drug-eluting coronary stent use in clinical practice. Am Heart J 2006;152:321-6.
41. Rao SV, Shaw RE, Brindis RG, Klein LW, Weintraub WS, Peterson ED. On- Versus OffLabel Use of Drug-Eluting Coronary Stents in Clinical Practice (Report from the American
College of Cardiology National Cardiovascular Data Registry [NCDR]). Am J Card 2006:97;1478-81.
42. Brindis RG, Fischer E, Besinque G, Gjedsted A, Lee PC, Padgett T, Petru M, Raley J, Levin E, Strohmeier A. Acute coronary syndromes clinical practice guidelines. Critical Pathways in Cardiology 2006;5:69-102.
43.Brindis RG, Spertus J: The Role of Academic Medicine in Improving Health Care Quality. Academic Medicine 2006;81:802-806.
44. Hendel RC, Patel MR, Kramer CM, Poon M, Hendel RC, Carr J, Gerstad NA, Gillam LD, Hodgson JM, Kim RJ, Kramer CM, Lesser JR, Martin ET, Messer JV, Redberg RV, Rubin GD, Rumsfeld JS, Taylor AJ, Weigold WG, Woodard PK, Brindis RG, Hendel RC, Douglas PS, Peterson ED, Wolk MJ, Allen JM, and Patel MR. ACCF/ACR/SCCT/SCMR/ASNC/NASCI/SCAI/SIR 2006 Appropriateness Criteria for Cardiac Computed Tomography and Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation Quality Strategic Directions Committee Appropriateness Criteria Working Group, American College of Radiology, Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography, Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, American Society of Nuclear Cardiology, North American Society for Cardiac Imaging, Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions, and Society of Interventional Radiology. J Am Coll Cardiol 2006;48 1475-1497.
45.Anderson HV, Shaw RE, Brindis RG, McKay CR, Klein LW, Krone RJ, Ho KL, Rumsfeld JS, Smith SC, Weintraub WS, "Risk-Adjusted Mortality Analysis of Percutaneous Coronary Interventions by American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Guidelines Recommendations. Am J of Cardiol 2007;99:189-196.
46. Brindis RG "The Challenges and Pitfalls of Door-to Balloon Time as a Performance Metric. Cardiosource" Website Editorial 6/14/2006.
47. Dehmer GJ, Kutcher M, Dey SK , Brindis RG et al: Performance of Percutaneous Coronary Interventions at Facilities without On-site Cardiac Surgical Backup is Increasing A Report from the American College of Cardiology National Cardiovascular Data Registry (ACC-NCDR®). Am J Cardiol 2007;99:329-332.
48. Patel MR, Chen AY, Peterson ED, Newby LK, Pollack CV, Brindis RG, Gibson CM, Kleiman NS, Saucedo JF, Bhatt DL, Gibler B, Ohman EM, Harrington RA, Roe MT "Prevalence, predictors, and outcomes of patients with non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction and insignificant coronary artery disease: Results from the Can Rapid risk stratification of Unstable angina patients Suppress Adverse outcomes with Early implementation of the ACC/AHA Guidelines (CRUSADE) initiative" Am Heart J 2006;152:641-646.
49. Mehta RH, Roe MT, Chen AY, Lytle BL, Pollack CV Jr, Brindis RG, Smith SC Jr, Harrington RA, Fintel D, Fraulo ES, Califf RM, Gibler WB, Ohman EM, Peterson ED, "Recent Trends in the Care of Patients with Non-ST Segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes: Insights From the CRUSADE Initiative" Arch Intern med 2006;166:2027-2034.
50. Brush J Jr., Krumholz HM, Wright JS, Brindis RG, Cacchione JG, Drozda JP Jr, Fasules JW, Flood KB, Garson A Jr, Masoudi FA, McBride T, McKay CR, Messer JV, Mirro MJ, O'Toole MF, Peterson ED, Schaeffer JW, Valentine CM, "American College of Cardiology 2006 Principles to guide physician pay-for-performance programs: a report of the American College of Cardiology Work Group on Pay for Performance. J Am Coll Cardiol 2006;48:2603-9.
51. Tavris DR, Gallauresi BA, Dey S, Brindis R, Mitchell K "Risk of local adverse events by gender following cardiac catheterization" Pharm and Drug Safety 2007:16;125-131.
52. Tavris DR, Gallauresi B, Brindis RG "Hemostatic Devices" Chapter in : Medical Device Epidemiology and Surveillance John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, England 2007, pages 379-394.
53. Peterson ED, Ohlman EM,, Brindis RG, Cohen DJ, Magid DJ, "Development of Systems of Care for ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) Patients: Evaluation and Outcomes" in Development of Systems of Care for ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) Patients Circulation 2007;116:e64-7.
54. Douglas PS, Khandheria B, Stainback RF, Weissman, Brindis RG, Patel MR, Khandheria B, Alpert JS, Fitzgerald D, Heidenreich P, Martin ET, Messer JV, Miller AB, Picard MH, Raggi P, Reed KD, Rumsfeld JS, Steimle AE, Tonkovic R, Vijayaraghavan K, Weissman NJ, Yeon SB, Brindis RG, Douglas PS, Hendel RC, Patel MR, Peterson E, Wolk MJ, Allen JM. "ACCF/ASE/ACEP/ASNC/SCAI/SCCT/SCMR 2007 Appropriateness Criteria for transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography." J Am Coll Cardiol 2007:50;187-204.
55. TTE/TEE Appropriateness Criteria Writing Group, Douglas PS, Khandheria B, Stainback RF, Weissman NJ; TTE/TEE Appropriateness Criteria Technical Panel, Brindis RG,* Patel MR, Alpert JS, Fitzgerald D, Heidenreich P, Martin ET, Messer JV, Miller AB, Picard MH, Raggi P, Reed KD, Rumsfeld JS, Steimle AE, Tonkovic R, Vijayaraghavan K, Yeon SB; ACCF Appropriateness Criteria Working Group, Hendel RC, Peterson E, Wolk MJ, Allen JM; American College of Cardiology Foundation Quality Strategic Directions Committee Appropriateness Criteria Working Group; American Society of Echocardiography; American College of Emergency Physicians; American Society of Nuclear Cardiology; Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions; Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography; Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance. ACCF/ASE/ACEP/ASNC/SCAI/SCCT/SCMR 2007 appropriateness criteria for transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2007;20:787-805.
56. Roe MT, Chen AY, Mehta RH, Brindis RG, Smith SC, Rumsfeld JS, Gibler WB, Ohman EM, Peterson ED "Influence of Inpatient Service Specialty on Care Processes and Outcomes for Patients With Non-ST-Segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes". Circulation 2007; 116:1153-1161.
57. Hammill SC, Stevenson LW, Kadish AH, Kremers MS, Heidenreich P, Lindsay BD, Mirro MJ, Radford MJ, Wang Y, Lang CM, Harder JC, Brindis RG " National ICD Registry Annual Report 2006 - Review of the Registry's First Year, Data Collected, and Future Plans" Heart Rhythm 2007;4:1260-1263.
58. Brindis RG Spertus JA. "Specialty Cardiac Hospitals: How Special Are They? Circulation 2007;116;2238-2240.
59. Dove JT, Brindis RG, Fasules JW, Schaeffer JW, Wright JS. "President's Page: American College of Cardiology's Quality Leadership Influencing Health System Reform" J Am Coll Cardiol 2007;50:2016-2017.
60. Brindis Ralph G "Quality of Care in Interventional Cardiology" Chapter in Textbook of Interventional Cardiology 5th Edition, Eric Topol, editor Saunders Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA 2008; pages 1221-1240.
61. Brener SJ, Milford-Beland S, Roe MT, Bhatt DL,Weintraub WS, Brindis RG; American College of Cardiology National Cardiovascular Database Registry. "Culprit-only or multivessel revascularization in patients with acute coronary syndromes: an American College of Cardiology National Cardiovascular Database Registry report." Am Heart J 2008;155(1):140-6.
62. Douglas PS, Khandheria B, Stainback RF, Weissman NJ, Peterson ED, Hendel RC, Stainback RF, Blaivas M, Des Prez RD, Gillam LD, Golash T, Hiratzka LF, Kussmaul WG, Labovitz AJ, Lindenfeld J, Masoudi FA, Mayo PH, Porembka D, Spertus JA, Wann LS, Wiegers SE, Brindis RG, Douglas PS, Hendel RC, Patel MR, Peterson ED, Wolk MJ, Allen JM; American College of Cardiology Foundation; American Society of Echocardiography. ACCF/ASE/ACEP/AHA/ASNC/SCAI/SCCT/SCMR 2008 appropriateness criteria for stress echocardiography: a report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation Appropriateness Criteria Task Force, American Society of Echocardiography, American College of Emergency Physicians, American Heart Association, American Society of Nuclear Cardiology, Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions, Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography, and Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance endorsed by the Heart Rhythm Society and the Society of Critical Care Medicine. J Am Coll Cardiol 2008;51(11):1127-47.
63. Shaw LJ, Shaw RE, Merz CN, Brindis RG, Klein LW, Nallamothu B, Douglas PS, Krone RJ, McKay CR, Block PC, Hewitt K, Weintraub WS, Peterson ED; American College of Cardiology-National Cardiovascular Data Registry Investigators. Impact of ethnicity and gender differences on angiographic coronary artery disease prevalence and in-hospital mortality in the American College of Cardiology-National Cardiovascular Data Registry. Circulation 2008 Apr 8;117(14):1787-801.
64. White CJ, Anderson HV, Brindis RG, Cates CU, Cohen DJ, Ho K, Hopkins LN, Jaff MR, Koroshetz WJ, Rosenfield KA. The Carotid Artery Revascularization and Endarterectomy (CARE) registry: objectives, design, and implications. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2008;71(6):721-5.
65. Wang TY, Peterson ED, Dai D, Anderson HV, Rao SV, Brindis RG, Roe MT, on behalf of the National Cardiovascular Data Registry (NCDR) "Patterns of Cardiac Marker Surveillance After Elective Percutaneous Coronary Intervention and Implications for the Use of
Periprocedural Myocardial Infarction as a Quality Metric: A Report From the National Cardiovascular Data Registry (NCDR)" J Am Coll Cardiol 2008;51 2068-2074.
66. Roe MT, Chen AY, Delong ER, Boden WE, Calvin JE Jr, Cairns CB, Smith SC Jr, Pollack CV Jr, Brindis RG, Califf RM, Gibler WB, Ohman EM, Peterson ED. Patterns of transfer for patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome from community to tertiary care hospitals. Am Heart J 2008;156(1):185-92.
67. Brindis RG "Quality of Care and the ACC-NCDR Overview" Chapter 100, pages 11621171. CathSAP3, Cardiac Catheterization and Interventional Cardiology Self-Assessment Program, David J. Moliterno, Editor-in-Chief, American College of Cardiology, Washington DC, 2008.
68. Hammill SC, Kremers MS, Stevenson LW, Kadish AH, Heidenreich PA, Lindsay BD, Mirro MJ, Radford MJ, Wang Y, Curtis JP, Lang CM, Harder JC, Brindis RG. Review of the Registry's second year, data collected, and plans to add lead and pediatric ICD procedures. Heart Rhythm. Sep 2008;5(9):1359-1363.
69. Masoudi FA, Bonow RO, Brindis RG, Cannon CP, Debuhr J, Fitzgerald S, Heidenreich PA, Ho KL, Krumholz HM, Leber C, Magid DJ, Nilasena DS, Rumsfeld JS, Smith SC,Wharton TP. ACC/AHA 2008 Statement on Performance Measurement and Reperfusion Therapy. A Report of the ACC/AHA Task Force on Performance Measures (Work Group to Address the Challenges of Performance Measurement and Reperfusion Therapy). J Am Coll Cardiol 2008;52:2100-12.
70. Li Zhongman, Kravitz RL, Marcin JP, Romano PS, Rocke DM, Denton TA, Brindis RG, Dai J, Amsterdam EA "Survival enhancing indications for coronary artery bypass graft surgery in California" BMC Health Services Research 2008, 8:257.
71. Patel MR, Dehmer GJ, Hirshfeld JW, Smith PK, Spertus JA, Masoudi FA, Brindis RG, Dehmer GJ, Patel MR, Smith PK, Beckman KJ, Chambers CE, Ferguson TB, Garcia MJ, Grover FL, Holmes DR, Klein LW, Limacher M, Mack MJ, Malenka DJ, Park MH, Ragosta M, Ritchie JL, Rose GA, Rosenberg AB, Shemin RJ, Weintraub WS, Wolk MJ, Brindis RG, Allen JM, Douglas PS, Hendel RC, Patel MR, Peterson ED. ACCF/SCAI/STS/AATS/ASNC 2009 Appropriateness Criteria for Coronary Revascularization." J Am Coll Cardiol 2009;53:500-18.
72. Klein LW, Kolm P, Krone RJ, Anderson HV, Rumsfeld JS, Brindis RG, Weintraub WS. A Longitudinal Assessment of Coronary Interventional Program Quality. J Am Coll Cardiol Intv 2009;2:136-43.
73. Douglas PS, Brennan JM, Anstrom KJ, Sedrakyan A, Eisenstein EL, Haque G, Dai D, Kong DF, Hammill B, Curtis L, Matchar D, Brindis R, Peterson ED. " Clinical Effectiveness of Coronary Stents in Elderly Persons: Results From 262,700 Medicare Patients in the American College of CardiologyNational Cardiovascular Data Registry." J Am Coll Cardiol 2009;53 1629-1641.
74. Kutcher, MA, Klein LW, Ou F, Wharton TP, Dehmer GJ, Singh M, Anderson HV, Rumsfeld JS, Weintraub WS, Shaw RE, Sacrinty MT, Woodward A, Peterson ED, Brindis RG.
Percutaneous Coronary Interventions in Facilities Without Cardiac Surgery On Site: A Report From the National Cardiovascular Data Registry (NCDR). J Am Coll Cardiol 2009;54;16-24.
75. Arora N, Brindis RG, Cannon CP "Acute Coronary Syndrome in North America" Acute Coronary Syndromes: A Companion to BRAUNWALD'S HEART DISEASE, Second Edition edited by Pierre Theroux, MD. Elsevier Inc..2011.
76. Curtis JP, Schreiner G, Wang Y, Chen J, Spertus JA, Rumsfeld JS, Brindis RG, Krumholz, HM. All-cause readmission and repeat revascularization after percutaneous coronary intervention in a cohort of Medicare patients. J Am Coll Cardiol 2009;54:9037.
77. Brindis RG "Chapter 6: Principles of Quality of Care and Appropriateness in Cardiovascular Medicine" ACCSAP7, Adult Clinical Cardiology Self-Assessment Program, Patrick T. O'Gara, Editor-in-Chief, American College of Cardiology, Washington DC, 2009.
78. Dehmer GJ, Brindis RG "Non-ST Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction Treated at Hospitals With and Without On-Site Cardiac Surgery: What is the Important Point?" JACC: Cardio.Interv: 2009:2;953-555.
79. Hammill SC, Kremers MS, Kadish AH, Stevenson LW, Heidenreich PA, Lindsay BD, Mirro MJ, Radford MJ, McKay C, Wang Y, Lang CM, Pontzer K, Rumsfeld J, Phurrough SE, Curtis JP, Brindis RG. "Review of the ICD Registry's third year, expansion to include lead data and pediatric ICD procedures, and role for measuring performance". Heart Rhythm. 2009 Sept;6(9):1397-401.
80. Rumsfeld JS, Dehmer GJ, Brindis RG "The National Cardiovascular Data Registry Its Role in Benchmarking and Improving Quality" US Cardiology 2009;6:11-15.
81. Patel MR, Dehmer GJ, Brindis RG "Unprotected left Main Coronary Intervention- A Review of the Guidelines and Appropriate Use criteria" Cardiac Interventions Today 2009:3;51-55.
82. Hendel RC, Cerqueira M, Douglas PS, Caruth KC, Allen JM, Jensen NC, Pan W, Brindis R, Wolk M. "A Multicenter Assessment of the Use of Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography Myocardial Perfusion Imaging With Appropriateness Criteria." J Am Coll Cardiol 2010;55 156-162. 83. Anderson HV, Rosenfield KA, White CJ, Ho KKL, Spertus JA, Jones PG, Tang F, Cates CU, Jaff MR, Koroshetz WJ, Katzan IL, Hopkins LN, Rumsfeld JS, Brindis RG. "Clinical features and outcomes of carotid artery stenting by clinical expert consensus criteria: a report from the CARE registry." Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2010:
84. Patel MR, Peterson ED, Dai D, Brennan JM, Redberg RF, Anderson HV, Brindis RG, Douglas PS. "Low Diagnostic Yield of Elective Coronary Angiography". N Engl J Med 2010;362:886-95.
85. Peterson ED, Dai D, DeLong ER, Brennan JM, Singh M, Rao SV, Shaw RE, Roe MT, Ho KL, Klein LW, Krone RJ, Weintraub WS, Brindis RG, Rumsfeld JS, Spertus JA. "Contemporary Mortality Risk Prediction for Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Results From 588,398 Procedures in the National Cardiovascular Data Registry". J Am Coll Cardiol 2010;55:1923-1932.
86. Brindis R "President's Page: Defending the Value of the Cardiovascular Professional" J Am Coll Cardiol 2010;55;1998-2000.
87. Brindis R, Yancey C, "President's Page: The American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association: A Strong, Synergistic Partnership" J Am Coll Cardiol 55;2010:25113.
88. Brindis, R and Walsh MN " President's Page: Patient-Centered Cardiovascular Care: An ACC Initiative" J Am Coll Cardiol 2010;56;155-157.
89. Roe MT, Messenger JC, Weintraub WS, Cannon CP, Fonarow GC, Dai D, Chen AY, Klein LW, Masoudi FA, McKay C, Hewitt K, Brindis RG, Peterson ED, Rumsfeld JS. "Treatments, Trends, and Outcomes of Acute Myocardial Infarction and Percutaneous Coronary Intervention." J Am Coll Cardiol 2010;56;254-263. 90. Brindis RG Douglas PS. "President's Page: The ACC Encourages Multi-Pronged Approach to Radiation Safety". J Am Coll Cardiol 2010;56;522-524.
91. Brindis R Harrington R "President's Page: The ACC Reconfirms Commitment to Transparent Relationships With Industry" J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 2010;56;900-902.
92. Krone RJ, Rao SV, Dai D, Anderson V, Peterson ED, Brown MA, Brindis RG, Klein LW, Shaw RE, Weintraub WS, ACC/NCDR Investigators. Acceptance, Panic, and Partial Recovery: The Pattern of Usage of Drug-Eluting Stents After Introduction in the U.S. (A Report From the American College of Cardiology/National Cardiovascular Data Registry). J Am Coll Cardiol Intv 2010;3 902-910.
93. Brindis R and Krumholz HM "President's Page: National Quality Initiatives Put ACC's Mission Into Action". J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 2010;56;1260-1262.
94. Brindis, R "President's Page: Cardiovascular Professionals: Are We Knights in Shining Armor or Just Knaves and Pawns?" J Am Coll Cardiol 2010:56; 1606-1608.
95. Brindis R, Spertus JA. "President's Page: Employing Shared Decision Making Models to Improve Care and Patient Value: A Cardiovascular Professional Initiative" J Am Coll Cardiol 2010:56;2046-2048.
96. Al-Khatib SM, Calkins H, Eloff BC, Kowey P, Hammill SC, Ellenbogen KA, Marinac-Dabic D, Waldo AL, Brindis RG, Wilbur DJ, Jackman WM, Yaross MS, Russo AM, Prystowsky E, Varosy PD, Gross T, Pinnow E, Turakhia MP, Krucoff MW. "Developing the Safety of Atrial Fibrillation Ablation Registry Initiative (SAFARI) as a collaborative pan-stakeholder critical
path registry model: A Cardiac Safety Research Consortium "Incubator: Think Tank." Am Heart J.2010;160:619-626.e1.
97. Brindis RG, Goldberg SD, Turco MA, Dean LS." President's Page: Quality and Appropriateness of Care: The Response to Allegations and Actions Needed by the Cardiovascular Professional". " J Am Coll Cardiol 2011;57:111-113.
98. Brindis R & Gray H "The ACC Looks Globally to Tackle Cardiovascular Disease" J Am Coll Cardiol 2011:57;631-633.
99. Brindis R, Rodgers GP, Handberg EM "President's Page: Team-Based Care: A Solution for Our Health Care Delivery Challenges". J Am Coll Cardiol 2011;57;1123-1125.
100. Chan PS, Brindis RG, Cohen DJ, Jones PG, Gialde E, Bach RG, Curtis J, Bethea CF, Shelton ME, and Spertus JA. "Concordance of Physician Ratings With the Appropriate Use Criteria for Coronary Revascularization". J Am Coll Cardiol 2011;57;1546-1553.
101. Patel MR, Wolk MJ, Allen J, Dehmer GJ, Brindis RG. "The Privilege of Self-Regulation the Role of Appropriate Use Criteria". J Am Coll Cardiol 2011;57;1557-1559.
102. Brindis R. "President's Page: The State of Cardiology Is Sound: A President's Perspective on Leaving Office". J Am Coll Cardiol 2011;57;1564-1566.
103. Douglas PS, Patel MR, Bailey SR, Dai D, Kaltenbach L, Brindis RG, Messenger J, Peterson ED. "Hospital Variability in the Rate of Finding Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease at Elective, Diagnostic Coronary Angiography" J Am Coll Cardiol 2011;58;801.-9. 104. Fraser AJ, Krucoff MW, Brindis R, Komajda M. "Setting standards for the clinical evaluation of medical devices the case for international collaboration". Brit Med J 2011;342:d2952.
105. Chan PS, Patel MR, Klein LW, Krone RJ, Dehmer GJ, Kennedy K, Nallamothu BK, Weaver WD, Masoudi FA, Rumsfeld JS, Brindis RG, Spertus JA. "Appropriateness of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention" JAMA 2011;306:53-61.
106. Dehmer GJ and Brindis RG "Quality of Care in Interventional Cardiology" Chapter 62 in Textbook of Interventional Cardiology 6th Edition, Eric Topol, editor Saunders Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA 2011; pages 877-893.
107. Rao SV, Kaltenbach LA, Weintraub WS, Roe MT, Brindis RG, Rumsfeld JS, Peterson ED. "Prevalence and Outcomes of Same-Day Discharge After Elective Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Among Older Patients". JAMA. 2011; 306:1461-1467.
108. Bosworth HB, Granger BB, Mendys P, Brindis R, Burkholder R, Czajkowski SM, Daniel JG, Ekman I, Ho M, Johnson M, Kimmel SE, Liu LZ, Musaus J, Shrank WH, Buono EW, Weiss K, Granger CB. "Medication adherence: A call for action." Am Heart J 2011 Sep;162 (3):41224.
109. Chin CT, Weintraub WS, Dai D, Mehta RH, Rumsfeld JS, Anderson HV, Messenger JC, Kutcher MA, Petersen ED, Brindis RG, Rao SV. Trends and predictors of length of stay after primary percutaneous coronary intervention: A report from the CathPCI Registry. Am Heart J 2011;162:1052-61.
110. Krucoff M, Brindis RG, Hudgeons P, Mack M, Holmes D. Medical Device InnovationProspective Solutions for an Ecosystem in Crisis -- A Professional Society Perspective. J Am Coll Cardiol Interv 2012;5:790-6.
111. Crawford GB, Brindis RG, Krucoff MW, Mansalis BP, Carroll JD. "Percutaneous Atrial Septal Occluder Devices and Cardiac Erosion: A Review of the Literature". Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2012:80;157-167.
112. Subherwal S, Peterson ED, Dai D, Thomas L, Messenger JC, Xian Y, Brindis RG, Feldman DN, Senter S, Klein LW, Marso SP, Roe MT, and Rao S. "Temporal Trends in and Factors Associated With Bleeding Among Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: A Report From the National Cardiovascular Data CathPCI Registry" J Am Coll Cardiol 2012;59;1861-1869.
113. Dehmer G, Weaver WD, Roe M, Milford-Beland S, Fitzgerald S, Hermann A, Messenger J, Moussa I, Garratt K, Rumsfeld J, Brindis R. "A Contemporary View of Diagnostic Cardiac Catheterization and Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in the United States. A Report from the CathPCI Registry® of the National Cardiovascular Data Registry® (NCDR®) 2010 - June 2011". J Am Coll Cardiol 2012;60:201731.
114. Curtis JP, Geary LL, Wang Y, Chen J, Drye EE, Grosso LM, Spertus JA, Rumsfeld JS, Weintraub WS, Masoudi FA, Brindis RG, Krumholz HM. "Development of Two RegistryBased Risk Models Suitable for Characterizing Hospital Performance on 30-day All-Cause Mortality Rates Among Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention". Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes 2012;5:628-637.
115. Cannon CP, Brindis RG, Chaitman BR, Cohen DJ, Cross Jr, JT, Drozda, JP, Fesmire F, Fintel DJ, Fonarow GC, Fox KA, Gray DT, Harrington RA, Hicks KA, Hollander J, Krumholz H, Labarthe DR, Long JB, Mascette A, Meyer C, Peterson ED, Radford MJ, Roe MT, Richmann JB, Selker HP, Shahian DM, Shaw RE, Sprenger S, Swor R, Underberg JA, Van de Werf F, Weiner BH, and Weintraub WS. ACCF/AHA Key Elements and Data Definitions for Measuring the Clinical Management and Outcomes of Patients with Acute Coronary Syndromes and Coronary Artery Disease. A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Data Standards ((Writing Committee to Develop Acute Coronary Syndromes and Coronary Artery Disease Clinical Data Standards). J Am Coll Cardiol 2013:61:992-1025.
116. Rao SV, Dai D, Subherwal S, Weintraub WS, Brindis RS, Messenger JC, Lopes RD, Peterson ED. Association Between Periprocedural Bleeding and Long-Term Outcomes Following Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Older Patients. J Am Coll Cardiol Interv 2012;5:95865.
117. Hlatky MA, Solomon MD, Shilane D, Leong TK, Brindis R, Go AS. Use of Medications for Secondary Prevention After Coronary Bypass Surgery Compared With Percutaneous Coronary Intervention. J Am Coll Cardiol 2013;61:295301.
118. Jacobs AK, Kushner FG, Ettinger SM, Guyton RA, Anderson JL, Ohman EM, Albert NM, Antman EM, Arnett DK, Bertolet M, Bhatt DL, Brindis RG, Creager MA, DeMets DL, Dickersin K, Fonarow GC, Gibbons RJ, Halperin JL, Hochman JS, Koster MA, Normand S-LT, Ortiz E, Peterson ED, Roach WH Jr., Sacco RL, Smith SC Jr.,Stevenson WG, Tomaselli GF, Yancy CW, Zoghbi WA. ACCF/AHA clinical practice guideline methodology summit report: a report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines. J Am Coll Cardiol 2013;61:21365.
119. Harold J.G., Bass TA, Bashore TM, Brindis RG, Brush JE, Burke JA, Dehmer GJ, Deychak YA, Jneid H, Jollis JG, Landzberg JS, Levine GN, McClurken JB, Messenger JC, Moussa ID, Muhlestein JB, Pomerantz RM, Sanborn TA, Sivaram CA, White, CJ, Williams ES. 2012 ACCF/AHA/SCAI 2013 Update of the Clinical Competence Statement on Cardiovascular Interventional Procedures: a report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Assocation/American College of Physicians Task Force on Clinical Competence and Training (Writing Committee to Update the 2007 Clinical Competence Statement on Cardiac Interventional Procedures). J Am Coll Cardiol 2013;62:357-396.
120. Mercado N, Cohen DJ, Spertus JA, Chan PS, House J, Kennedy K, Brindis RG, White CJ, Rosenfield KA, Marso SP. "Carotid Artery Stenting of a Contralateral Occlusion and InHospital Outcomes. Results From the CARE (Carotid Artery Revascularization and Endarterectomy) Registry". J Am Coll Cardiol Interv 2013;6:5964.
121. Hendel RC, Patel MR, Allen JM, Min JK, Shaw LJ, Wolk MJ, Douglas PS, Kramer CM, Stainback RF, Bailey SR, Doherty JU, Brindis RG. Appropriate Use of Cardiovascular Technology: 2013 ACCF Appropriate Use Criteria Methodology Update. J Am Coll Cardiol 2013;61:1305-1317.
121. Anderson JL, Halperin JL, Albert NM, Bozkurt B, Brindis RG, Curtis LH, DeMets D, Guyton RA, Hochman JS, Kovacs RJ, Ohman EM, Pressler SJ, Sellke FW, Shen W-K. Management of patients with peripheral artery disease (compilation of 2005 and 2011 ACCF/AHA guideline recommendations): a report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2013;61(14):1555-1570.
122. Anderson JL, Halperin JL, Albert NM, Bozkurt B, Brindis RG, Curtis LH, DeMets D, Guyton RA, Hochman JS, Kovacs RJ, Ohman EM, Pressler SJ, Sellke FW, Shen W-K. Management of patients with atrial fibrillation (compilation of 2006 ACCF/AHA/ESC and 2011 ACCF/AHA/HRS guideline recommendations): a report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines. J Am Coll Cardiol 2013;61:1935-44.
123. Carroll JD, Edwards FH, Marinac-Dabic D, Brindis RG, Grover FL, Peterson ED, Tuzcu EM, Shahian DM, Rumsfeld JS, Shewan CM, Hewitt K, Holmes DR, Mack MJ. "The STS-ACC
Transcatheter Valve Therapy National Registry: A New Partnership and Infrastructure for the Introduction and Surveillance of Medical Devices and Therapies." J Am Coll Cardiol 2013;62:102634.
124. Wagle RR and Brindis R. "From Femoral to Radial: An Ongoing Paradigm Shift" Card Interv Today 2013;7:53-57.
125. Mack MJ, Brennan JM, Brindis R, Carroll J, Edwards F, Grover F, Shahian D, Tuzcu EM, Peterson ED, Rumsfeld JS, Hewitt K, Shewan C, Michaels J, Christensen, Christian A, O'Brien S, Holmes D, for the STS/ACC TVT Registry. "Outcomes Following Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement in the United States". JAMA 2013;310(19):2069-2077.
126. Wolk MJ, Bailey SR, Doherty JU, Douglas PS, Hendel RC, Kramer CM, Min JK, Patel MR, Rosenbaum L, Shaw LJ, Stainback RF, Allen JM. Brindis RG, et.al. ACCF/AHA/ASE/ASNC/HFSA/HRS/SCAI/SCCT/SCMR/STS 2013 multi- modality appropriate use criteria for the detection and risk assessment of stable ischemic heart disease: a report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation Appropriate Use Criteria Task Force. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2014;63:65-90.
127. Fogel RI, Epstein AE, Estes M, Lindsay BD, DiMarco JP, Kremers MS, Kapa S, Brindis RG, Russo AM. "The Disconnect Between the Guidelines, the Appropriate Use Criteria, and Reimbursement Coverage Decisions: The Ultimate Dilemma." J Am Coll Cardiol 2014;63:12-4.
128. Dehmer GJ, Drozda JP, Brindis RG, Masoudi FA, Rumsfeld JS, Slattery LE, Oetgen WJ. "Public Reporting of Clinical Quality Data: an Update for Cardiovascular Specialists" J Am Coll Cardiol 2014;63:1239-45.
129. Hsiue P, Gregson A, Injean P, Vangala S, Brindis RG, Shemin RJ, Shahian DM, Miller LG, Shapiro M, Benaharash P, McKinnell JA. Variation in Antibiotic Prophylaxis Selection for Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Procedures in an Era of Rising Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Prevalence. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2014 Jun; 35(6): 737740.
130. Amsterdam EA, Wenger NK, Brindis RG, Casey DE Jr, Ganiats TG, Holmes DR Jr, Jaffe AS, Jneid H, Kelly RF, Kontos MC, Levine GN, Liebson PR, Mukherjee D, Peterson ED, Sabatine MS, Smalling RW, Zieman SJ. 2014 AHA/ACC guideline for the management of patients with nonST-elevation acute coronary syndromes: executive summary: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines. J Am Coll Cardiol 2014;64:264587.
131. Amsterdam EA, Wenger NK, Brindis RG, Casey DE Jr, Ganiats TG, Holmes DR Jr, Jaffe AS, Jneid H, Kelly RF, Kontos MC, Levine GN, Liebson PR, Mukherjee D, Peterson ED, Sabatine MS, Smalling RW, Zieman SJ. 2014AHA/ACC guideline for the management of patients with nonST-elevation acute coronary syndromes: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines. J Am Coll Cardiol 2014;64:e139228.
132. Yeh RW, Czarny MJ, Normand ST, Kereiakes DJ, Holmes DR, Brindis RG, Weaver WD, Rumsfeld JS, Roe MT, Kim S, Driscoll-Shempp, Mauri L. Evaluating the Generalizability of a
Large Streamlined Cardiovascular Trial: Comparing Hospitals and Patients in the Dual Antiplatelet Therapy Study Versus the National Cardiovascular Data Registry. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2015 Jan;8(1):96-102.
133. Holmes DR, Brennan JM, Rumsfeld JS, Dai D, O'Brien SM, Vemulapalli S, Edwards FH, Carroll J, Shahian D, Grover F, Tuzcu M, Peterson ED, Brindis RG, Mack M for the STS/ACC TVT Registry. "Clinical Outcomes at 1 Year Following Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement" JAMA. 2015;313(10):1019-1028.
134. Brindis RG, Sherman E. "Medicare Fee Cuts and Hospital- vs. Office-Based Cardiovascular Imaging Services". JAMA Intern Med. 2015 Jul 1;175(7):1231-2.
135. Halperin JL, Levine GN, Al-Khatib SM, Birtcher KK, Bozkurt B, Brindis RG, Cigarroa JE, Curtis LH, Fleisher LA, Gentile F, Gidding S, Hlatky MA, Ikonomidis J, Joglar J, Pressler SJ, Wijeysundera DN. Further evolution of the ACC/AHA clinical practice guideline recommendation classification system: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines. J Am Coll Cardiol 2016;67:15724.
136. Levine GN, O'Gara PT, Bates ER, Blankenship JC, Kushner FG, Ascheim DD, Bailey SR, Bittl JA, Brindis RG, Casey DE Jr, Cercek B, Chambers CE, Chung MK, de Lemos JA, Diercks DB, Ellis SG, Fang JC, Franklin BA, Granger CB, Guyton RA, Hollenberg SM, Khot UN, Krumholz HM, Lange RA, Linderbaum JA, Mauri L, Mehran R, Morrow DA, Moussa ID, Mukherjee D, Newby LK, Ornato JP, Ou N, Radford MJ, Tamis-Holland JE, Ting HH, Tommaso CL, Tracy CM, Woo YJ, Zhao DX. 2015 ACC/AHA/SCAI focused update on primary percutaneous coronary intervention for patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction: an update of the 2011 ACCF/AHA/SCAI guideline for percutaneous coronary intervention and the 2013 ACCF/AHA guideline for the management of ST-elevation myocardial infarction: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines and the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions. J Am Coll Cardiol 2016;67:123550.
137. Holmes DR, Nishimura RA, Grover FL, Brindis RG, Carroll JD, Edwards FH, Peterson ED, Rumsfeld JS, Shahian DM, Thourani VH, Tuzcu EM, Vemulapalli S, Hewitt K, Michaels J, Fitzgerald S, Mack MJ for the STS/ACC TVT Registry. Annual outcomes with transcatheter valve therapy: from the STS/ACC TVT Registry. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2015;66:2813-2823.
138. Garrison LP Jr, Lewin J, Young CH, Généreux P, Crittendon J, Mann MR, Brindis RG. The clinical and cost burden of coronary calcification in a Medicare cohort: An economic model to address under-reporting and misclassification. Cardiovasc Revasc Med. 2015 OctNov;16(7):406-12. doi: 10.1016/j.carrev.2015.08.002. Epub 2015 Aug 12. PubMed PMID: 26361178.
139. Forman DE, Alexander K, Brindis RG, Curtis AB, Maurer M, Rich MW, Sperling L, Wenger NK. "Improved Cardiovascular Disease Outcomes in Older Adults". F1000Research, 5:112 (doi; 10.12688/f1000research.7088.1
140. Brindis RG. Cardiovascular Advocacy: Its Role and Importance for the Cardiovascular Professional. J Am Coll Cardiol, 2016;67:594-595.
141. Levine GN, Bates ER, Bittl JA, Brindis RG, Fihn SD, Fleisher LA, Granger CB, Lange RA, Mack MJ, Mauri L, Mehran R, Mukherjee D, Newby LK, O'Gara PT, Sabatine MS, Smith PK, Smith Jr SC, Focused Update Writing Group, 2016 ACC/AHA Guideline Focused Update on Duration of Dual Antiplatelet Therapy in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease, J Am Coll Cardiol 2016;68:1082115. doi.org/10.1016/j.jacc.2016.03.513
142. Brindis RG and Dehmer GJ The VolumeOutcome Relationship Revisited Does It Matter for High-Risk PCI? J Am Coll Cardiol Interv 2016:9;20942096.
143. Gurvitz M, Burns KM, Brindis R, et al. Emerging research directions in adult congenital heart disease: a report from an NHLBI/ACHA Working Group. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2016;67:1956-64.
144. Grover FL, Vemulapalli S, Carroll JD, Edwards FH, Mack MJ, Thourani VH, Brindis RG, Shahian DM, Ruiz CE, Jacobs JP, Hanzel G, Bavaria JE, Tuzcu EM, Peterson ED, Fitzgerald S, Kourtis M, Michaels J, Christensen B, Seward WF, Hewitt K, Holmes Jr DR, for the STS/ACC TVT Registry, 2016 Annual Report of the Society of Thoracic Surgeons/American College of Cardiology Transcatheter Valve Therapy Registry. J Am Coll Cardiol 2017;69:121530.
145. Grover FL, Vemulapalli S, Carroll JD, Edwards FH, Mack MJ, Thourani VH, Brindis RG, Shahian DM, Ruiz CE, Jacobs JP, Hanzel G, Bavaria JE, Tuzcu EM, Peterson ED, Fitzgerald S, Kourtis M, Michaels J, Christensen B, Seward WF, Hewitt K, Holmes Jr DR, for the STS/ACC TVT Registry, 2016 Annual Report of the Society of Thoracic Surgeons/American College of Cardiology Transcatheter Valve Therapy Registry.Ann Thorac Surg 2017;103:102135.
146. Krishnan SK, Bahia A, Brindis RG, Lepor N, Itchhaporia D, Patel PM. Two Perspectives of the Appropriate Use Criteria in Cardiology Practice: Advantageous and Useful or Limiting and Harmful? Rev Cardiovasc Med. 2017;18(2):73-77.doi: 10.3909/ricm0884.
147. Hsia RY, Sarkar SN, Sporer K, Rokos IC, Brown JF, Brindis RG, Guo J, Shen YC. Trends in Regionalization of Care for ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction. West J Emerg Med. 2017;18(6):1010-1017. DOI: 10.5811/westjem.2017.8.34592
148. Brindis RB. "How Can the ACC Cardiovascular Registry Help Prevent Unnecessary Procedures?" In Medical Law Perspectives, Wordsworth Law Publications, Inc. February 2018.
149. Hendel RC, Lindsay BD, Allen JM, Brindis RG, Patel MR, White L, Winchester DE, Wolk MJ. ACC Appropriate Use Criteria methodology: 2018 update. J Am Coll Cardiol 2018;71:935 48.
150. Forman DE, Maurer MS, Boyd C, Brindis R, Salive ME, McFarland Horne F, Bell SP,
Fulmer T, Reuben DB, Zieman S and Rich MW. Multimorbidity in Older Adults With
Cardiovascular Disease. J Am Coll Cardiol 2018;71:214961.
151. Desai NR, Bourdillon PM, Parzynski CS, Brindis RG, Spatz ES, Masters C, Minges KE, Pamela Peterson P, Masoudi FA, Oetgen WJ, Buxton A, Zipes DP, Curtis JP. Association of the US Department of Justice Investigation of Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillators and Devices Not Meeting the Medicare National Coverage Determination,2007-2015. JAMA. 2018;320(1):63-71. doi:10.1001/jama.2018.8151
152. Gibbons RJ, Weintraub WS, Brindis RG. "Moving from volume to value for revascularization in stable ischemic heart disease: A review". Am Heart J 2018 Oct;204:178-185. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ahj.2018.04.001
153. Brindis RG. "Burning Platforms in Healthcare Delivery. A 2018 Cardiovascular Clinician's Perspective." San Francisco Marin Medicine. 2018. Vol. 91:July/August pages 24,25,29.
154. Brindis RG and Carroll JD. "Assuring High Quality for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement While Achieving Adequate Patient Access: What's the Controversy?". Cardio Revasc Med.2018.19;907909.
155. Dehmer GJ, Brindis RG, Shahian DM, Mack MJ. "Challenges of Measuring and Assuring Quality for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement". J Am Coll Cardiol.2019:73;336339.
156. Bavaria JE, Tommaso CL, Brindis RG, Carroll JD, Deeb GM, Feldman TE, Gleason TG, Horlick EM, Kavinsky CJ, Kumbhani DJ, Miller DC, Seals AA, Shahian DM, Shemin RJ, Sundt TM, Thourani VH. 2018 AATS/ACC/SCAI/STS Expert Consensus Systems of Care Document: Operator and Institutional Requirements for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement. J Am Coll Cardiol 2019;73:34074.
157. Vemulapalli S, Carroll JD, Mack MJ, Dai D, Kosinski AS, Kumbhani DJ, Ruiz CE, Thourami VH, Hanzel G, Gleason TG, Herrmann HC, Brindis RG, Bavaria JE. Procedural Volume and Outcomes for Transcatheter Aortic-Valve Replacement. New Eng J Med. 2019; DOI: 10.1056/NEJMsa1901109.
158. Nishimura RA, O'Gara PT, Bavaria JE, Brindis RG, Carroll JD,Kavinsky CJ, Lindman BR, Linderbaum JA, Little SH, Mack MJ, Mauri L, Miranda WR, Shahian DM, Sundt TM 3rd. 2019 AATS/ACC/ASE/SCAI/STS expert consensus systems of care document: a proposal to optimize care for patients with valvular heart disease: a joint report of the American Association for Thoracic Surgery, American College of Cardiology, American Society of Echocardiography, Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions, and Society of Thoracic Surgeons. J Am Coll Cardiol 2019;73:2609-35.
159. Szerlip, M, Zajarias, A, Vemalapalli, S, Brennan M, Dai D, Maniar H, Lindman BR, Brindis R, Carroll JD, Hamandi M, Edwards FH, Grover F, O'Brien S, Peterson E, Rumsfeld JS, Shahian D, Tuzcu EM, Holmes D, Thourani, Mack M. Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement in Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease. J Am Coll Cardiol 2019;73:280615.
1. Anderson, HV, Mitchell KR, Hewitt KM, Emlet JL, Brindis RG " Quest for an EvidenceBased Minimum Cardiac Cath Lab Dataset: Version 2.0" presented at AHA/ACC 2nd Scientific Forum on Quality of Care and Outcomes Research in CVD and Stroke, May 2000. Washington, DC. J Invas Card 2000;12:581
2. Anderson HV, McKay CR, Hewitt KM, Emlet JL, Mitchell KR, Brindis RG "Complications of Percutaneous Interventions: Preliminary Results from the ACC-NCDR" presented at AHA/ACC 2nd Scientific Forum on Quality of Care and Outcomes Research in CVD and Stroke, May 2000, Washington, DC J Invas Card 2000;12:581
3. Shaw RE, Emlet JL, Hewitt KM, Mitchell KR, Brindis RG " An Automated Program for Insuring Data Quality for the ACC-National Cardiovascular Data Registry" presented at AHA/ACC 2nd Scientific Forum on Quality of Care and Outcomes Research in CVD and Stroke, May 2000, Washington, DC. J Invas Card 2000;12:581
4. Shaw RE, McKay CR, Pliam MB, Brindis RG "Development of an Initial Model for Risk Adjustment of Mortality Following Coronary Intervention: Results from the ACC-NCDR Registry" Circulation 2000; 102:432 Supplement II
5. McKay CR, Shaw RE, Brindis RG, Anderson HV, Weintraub WS "The Influence of Age on the In-Hospital Outcome of PCI: Results from the ACC-NCDR Database" Circulation 2000; 102:730 Supplement II
5. Anderson HV, Shaw RE, McKay CR, Mermelstein PD, Mitchell KR, Krone RJ, Block PC, Brindis RG "Indications for Coronary Intervention by ACC Criteria: The ACC-NCDR Registry" Circulation 2000; 102: 841 Supplement II
7. Anderson HV, McKay CR, Shaw RE, Mitchell KR, Mermelstein PD, Brindis RG "Variations in Risk-Adjusted Mortality with PCI: The ACC-NCDR Registry" Circulation 2000; 102:841 Supplement II
8. Brindis R, McKay C, Anderson H, Shaw R, Weintraub WS, On Behalf of the ACCNCDR/ACC Database Committee, Bethesda, MD "The Influence of Diabetes on the In-Hospital Outcome of PCI in the ACC-NCDR Database" J Am Coll Cardiol 2001; 37:65A
9. Anderson HV, Weintraub WS, Shaw RE, McKay CR, Brindis R on Behalf of the ACCNCDR/ACC Database Committee, Bethesda, MD " Are Women at Increased Risk of Death After PCI? Results from the ACC-NCDR Database" J Am Coll Cardiol 2001; 37;327A
10. Krone RJ, Shaw RE, Anderson HV, Block PC, Brindis RG "Outcome of PCI with Stenting is Independent of Lesion Classification, but Lesion Classification by the ACC or SCAI System Assumes Great Importance If a Stent is Not Used: A Report from the ACC-NCDR" Circulation 2001, 104:423 Supplement II.
11. Gibbons RJ, Shaw RE, Klein LW, Brindis RG, Shaw LJ " Prediction of Severe Three-Vessel or Left Main Coronary Disease Using a Simple Clinical Risk Score in 98,544 Patients" Circulation 2001, 104:550 Supplement II.
12. Klein LW, Brindis RG, Kutcher M, Hewitt K, Weintraub WS "Intervention in Saphaneous Vein Grafts: A Predictive Model of Mortality Based on Clinical Presentation of 5,899 Consecutive Cases in the ACC-NCDR Registry" J Am Coll Cardiol 2002: 39:8A.
13. Klein LW, Krone R, Block P, Brindis RG, Shaw RE, McKay C, Hewitt K, Weintraub WS, "Mortality After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Cardiogenic Shock: A Predictive Model Based on 1,869 Consecutive Patients in the ACC-NCDR Registry" J Am Coll Cardiol 2002: 39:40A.
14.Shaw LJ, Gibbons RJ, McCallister B, Mitchell KR, Hewitt K, Klein LW, Weintraub WS, Brindis RG, Shaw RE "Gender Differences in Extent and Severity of Coronary Disease in the ACC National Cardiovascular Registry" J Am Coll Cardiol 2002: 39:321A.
15. McCallister BD, Shaw LJ, Mitchell KJ, Wolk MJ, Klein LW, Weintraub WS, Brindis RG "The Expected Rate of Normal Arteriograms in the Cardiac Laboratory" J Am Coll Cardiol 2002: 39:435A.
16. Radford MJ, Lin B, Hewitt K, Shaw L, Brindis R "Hospital Variability in Diagnostic Catheterization: Insights from the ACC-NCDR" AHA/ACC Forum on Quality of Care and Outcomes Research in Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke, Washington DC October 2002.
17.Brindis RG, Dorick B, Hewitt KM, Fitzgerald S, Sennett C, "ACC-NCDR: A National Quality Measurement Program for Cardiac Catheterization Laboratories" AHA/ACC Forum on Quality of Care and Outcomes Research in Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke, Washington DC October 2002.
18. Klein LW, Anderson HV, Brindis R, Shaw RE, Lin B, "Predictors of Outcome of Primary PCI in ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction in 6251 Consecutive Cases during 2001: A report from the American College of Cardiology- National Cardiovascular Registry" Circulation 2002:106;19,II 363.
19. Gibbons RJ, Lin B, Krone RJ, Brindis RG, "Percutaneous Coronation Intervention and Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in Severe Coronary Artery Disease- Does Contemporary Practice Reflect Existing American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Guidelines?" Circulation 2002:106;19,II 639.
20.Klein LW, Brindis R, Krone R, Weintraub W, Shaw RE ," The Relationship of Coronary Stenting and Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Inhibitors to PCI outcomes in Insulin Dependent Diabetics: A
Report from the American College of Cardiology-National Cardiovascular Registry" Circulation 2002:106;19,II 716.
21. Beinart SC, Mahoney E, Shaw RE, Brindis RG, Klein LW, McKay CR, Hewitt K, Veledar E, Weintraub WS "Effect of Hospital Volume on PCI Outcomes in the ACC-NCDR" Circulation 2002:106;19,II 753.
22. Levin E, Brindis R, Petru M, Lee P, "Myocardial Infarction Mortality in Patients Administrated Thrombolytic Therapy versus Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: A Two-County Comparison in Northern California" Circulation 2002:106;19,II 761.
23. Roe MT, Peterson E, Pollack CV, Smith S, Brindis R, Christenson R, et al. "Targeting improved adherence to the ACC/AHA guidelines for the management of non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes. Eur Heart J 2002;4;4;626.
24. Peterson ED, Roe MT, Harrington RA, Brindis RG, Smith S, Gibler B, Ohman EM, "Influence of Physician Specialty on Care and Outcomes of Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients: Results from CRUSADE" JACC 2003:41:534A.
25.Roe MT, Li Y, Harrington RA, Pollack CV, Brindis RG, Christenson RH, Smith SC, Gibler B, Ohman EM, "Suboptimal Adherence to the ACC/AHA Non-ST Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome Practice Guidelines for Patients with Positive Troponin Levels" JACC 2003:41:390A.
26. Singh KP, Roe MT, Chen A, Harrington RA, Brindis R, Smith SC, Pollack CV, Ohman, EM, Gibler WB, Peterson ED, " Improved Outcomes with Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin versus Unfractionated Heparin for Patients Receiving Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Antagonists for Acute Coronary Syndromes: Results from the CRUSADE Initiative Circulation 2003 Suppl IV;108:579.
27. Hoekstra JW, Venu M, Li Y, Roe MT, Peterson ED, Pollack CV, Palabrica T, Brindis R, Gibler B, Ohman EM, " Early GP IIb/IIIa inhibitor Use for Non-ST-Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes Is Associated with Lower Mortality " Circulation 2003 Suppl IV;108:580.
28. Klein LW, Anderson HV, Lin B, Brindis R, Kutcher, Shaw RE, Weintraub WS, on behalf of the ACC-NCDR "Predictors of In-Hospital Outcomes of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Unstable Angina and Non-ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction: Report from the National Cardiovascular Registry (ACC-NCDR) Am J Cardiol TCT Abstracts 2003;92 suppl:71L.
29. Saucedo JF, Bhatt DL, Li Y, Roe MT, Harrington RA, Berger PB, Cannon CP, Gibson M, Kleinman N, Brindis R, Peterson ED, Gibler WB, Ohman EM "Use and Predictors of Early Catheterization in High-Risk Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome. Analysis from the CRUSADE Registry" Am J Cardiol TCT Abstracts 2003;92 suppl:71L-72L.
30. Greenbaum AB, Kleinman NS, Berger PB, Cohen DJ, Cannon CP, Brindis R, Li Y, Roe MT, Harrington RA, Peterson E, Gibler WB, Ohman EM "Improved Outcomes with "upstream" Use of Glycoprotein Iib/IIIa Inhibition Prior to Early Percutaneous Coronary Intervention after Admission for Non-ST Elevation Acute Myocardial Infarction" Am J Cardiol TCT Abstracts 2003;92 suppl:72L.
31 Klein LW, Anderson HV, Lin B, Brindis R, Kutcher R, Shaw RE on behalf of the ACCNCDR, "Development of a Nomogram to Predict In-Hospital Outcomes of PCI in Unstable Angina and Non-ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction (UA/NSTEMI): A Report from the American College of Cardiology-National Cardiovascular Registry (ACC-NCDR) Circulation 2003 Suppl IV;108: 538.
32. James JC, Lin B, Shaw L, Cohen D, Brindis R, Radford MJ, "Hospital Variability in Patients, Procedures, and Outcomes for Percutaneous Coronary Interventions: Insights from the ACCNCDR. Circulation 2003 Suppl IV;108: 568.
33.Roe MT, Boden WE, Chen A, Calvin JE, Smith SC, Ohmas EM, Gibler WB, Pollack CV, Brindis RG, Califf RM, Peterson ED "Is the Hub and Spoke Model Working? Patterns of Transfer for High-Risk Acute Coronary Syndromes Patients From Community Hospitals without Revascularization Capacity" J Am Coll Cardiol 2004;43:1A.
34.Kutcher MA, Klein LW, Wharton TP, Applegate RJ, Brindis RG, Shaw RE, Weintraub WS, ACC-NCDR " Clinical Outcomes in Coronary Angioplasty Centers with Off-Site Versus OnSite Cardiac Surgery Capabilities: A Preliminary Report from the ACC-NCDR" J Am Coll Cardiol 2004;43:96A.
35. Singh KP, Roe MT, Harrington RA, Brindis RG, Smith SC, Pollack CV, Ohman EM, Gobler WB, Peterson ED " Improved Outcomes with Low Molecular Weight Heparin versus Unfractionated Heparin for Patients Receiving Glycoprotein Iib/IIIa Antagonists for Acute Coronary Syndromes: Results from the CRUSADE Initiative" Circulation 2003 Suppl IV;108:579.
36. Hoekstra JW, Venu M, Li Y, Roe MT, Peterson ED, Pollack CV, Palabrica T, Brindis R, Gibler B, Ohman M, "Early GP Iib/IIIa Inhibitor Use for Non-ST-Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome is Associated with Lower Mortality" Circulation 2003 Suppl IV;108:580.
37. Anderson HV, Shaw RE, Klein LW, Weintraub WS, Brindis RG, McKay CR, Kutcher MA, Krone RJ "Percutaneous Coronary Interventions (PCI): Relationship Between Indications and Outcomes by American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association (ACC/AHA) Task Force Guidelines" Circulation 2004 Suppl
38. Rao SV, Shaw RE, Brindis RG, Klein LW, Peterson ED "Predictors of Drug Eluting Stent Use in Clinical Practice: A Report from the Amertican College of Cardiology-National Cardiovascular Data Registry (ACC-NCDR)" Circulation 2004 Suppl
39. Rao SV, Shaw RE, Peterson ED, Klein LW, Brindis RG, Weintraub WS "On- vs. Off-Label Use of Drug-Eluting Stents in Clinical Practice:Data from the American College of CardiologyNational Cardiovascular Data Registry (ACC-NCDR) Circulation 2004 Suppl
40. Fiocchi FF, Kennett JD, Hermann T, Dobson S, Weintraub WS, Shaw RE, Mitchell KR, Hewitt K, Brindis RG "Accuracy of Data is Dependent on Whether it is Subjective or Objective: Results from the ACC-NCDR Pilot Data Audit Program" J Am Coll Cardiol 2005:45;22A.
41.Tavris DR, Dey S, Weintraub WS, Shaw RE, Gallauresi BA, Brindis RG, Mitchell K, "Risk of Local Adverse Events Following Cardiac Catheterization by Hemostasis Device and Gender" J Am Coll Cardiol 2005:45;40A.
42. Peterson ED, Chen AY, Yang X, Roe MT, Rao SV, Brindis RG, Gibler WB, Ohman EM "Blood Transfusions in Patients Admitted with Non-ST-Segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes: Results from the CRUSADE Registry" J Am Coll Cardiol 2005:45;232A.
43. Brener SJ, Roe M, Bhatt DL, Foster JK, Veledar E, Anderson GT, Weintraub WS, Brindis RG "Culprit or Multi-vessel PCI in Patients with ACS? Why not finish the job? Circulation 2005 Suppl II;112:320.
44. Dehmer GJ, Kutcher MA, Dey SK, Shaw RE, Weintraub WS, Mitchell KR, Hermann AJ, Lattoz DM, Brindis RG, "Performing Percutaneous Coronary Interventions at Facilities Without Onsite Cardiac Surgical Backup is Increasing: A Report from the ACC-NCDR" Circulation 2005 Suppl II;112:481.
45 Foster JK, Klein LW, Veledar E, Kolm P, Zhang Z, Anderson GT, Brindis RG, Mitchell KR, Hewitt KM, Krone R, Wharton TP, Kutcher M, Weintraub WS "On-Site Surgical Backup as a Predictor of Mortality Among PCI Patients with STEMI, NSTEMI, or no AMI" Circulation 2005 Suppl II;112:737.
46. Weintraub S, Kolm P, Rao S, Hewitt K, Mitchell K, Foster J, Zhang Z, Anderson G, Krone R, Shaw R, Brindis R "Comparison of In-Hospital Mortality for PCI Patients Receiving DES Comparing Sirolimus vs Paclitaxel with or without Acute Myocardial Infarction(AMI):the ACCNCDR Experience" Circulation 2005 Suppl II;112:745.
47. Veledar E, Kolm P, Klein L, Hewitt K, Mitchell K, Brindis R. Weintraub W, "Outcome of Patients 85 and Older Undergoing PCI for Chronic CAD, Non-ST-Elevation MI: Experience from the ACC-NCDR" Circulation 2005 Suppl II;112:775.
48.Mehta RH, Roe MT, Chen AY, Pollack CV, Brindis RG, Ohman EM, Gibler WB, Fintel D, Fraulo ES, Peterson ED, " Changing Practice for Non-ST Segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes: Trends from the CRUSADE Quality Improvement Initiative from 2002-2004" Circulation 2005 Suppl II;112:793.
49. Zhang Z, Veledar E, Foster J, Block P, Klein L, Krone R, Hewitt K, Mitchell K, Brindis R, Anderson G, Zhao L, Kolm P, Weintraub W "Relationship between Hospital Coronary Angioplasty Volume and In-Hospital Mortality: Results from the ACC-NCDR" Circulation 2005 Suppl II;112:792.
50. Kolm P, Veledar E, Foster JK, Hewitt KM, Mitchell KR, Brindis RG, Shaw RE, Weintraub WS "External Validation of Models of In-Hospital Mortality for Acute Myocardial Infarction Patients with and without ST-Segment Elevation following Percutaneous Coronary Intervention" Circulation 2005 Suppl II;112:823.
51. Veledar E, Kolm P, Hewitt K, Mitchell K, Brindis R, Klein L, Weintraub WS "RiskAdjusted Modeling of In-Hospital Mortality for Insulin-Dependent PCI Patients Receiving DrugEluting Stents: A Report from the ACC-NCDR" Am J of Cardiol Suppl 2005.
52. Andersen HV, Shaw RE, Brindis RG, McKay CR, Klein LW, Krone RJ, Ho KK, Rumsfeld JS, Smith SC Jr, Weintraub WS "Risk-Adjusted Mortality Analysis of Percutaneous Coronary Interventions by the American College of cardiology/American Heart Association Guidelines Recommendations" Circ 2006;114:SuppII-842.
53. Peterson JL, Roe MT, Mulgund J, Blazing MA, Foody JM, Smith Sc Jr, Califf RM, Pollack CV Jr, Harrington RA, Gibler WB, Brindis RG, Peterson ED "Impact of the national Cholesterol Education Program Third Adult Treatment Panel Lipid-Lowering Recommendations on the Management of Patients with Non-ST Segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes" Circ 2006;114:SuppII-899.
54. Rao SV, Ou FS, Wang T, Shaw RE, Brindis R, Rumsfeld JS, Peterson ED, "The Radial Artery Approach to PCI is associated with a lower risk for complications regardless of radial artery procedure volume: A report from the ACC-NCDR" J Am Coll Cardiol 2007 49;Suppl 3B.
55. Cannon CP, Roe MT, Chen AY, Rumsfeld JS, Brindis RG, Ohman EM, Gibler WB, Fonarow GC, Lambrew CT, Penney J, Peterson ED. Temporal Improvements in Door-toBalloon Times for Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: Results from the CRUSADE and ACTION Registries. Am J of Cardiol 2007;100 (Suppl 8A):209L.
56.Rao SV, Ou F, Wang TY, Shaw RE, Brindis R, Rumsfeld JS, Peterson ED "The Radial Approach to Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Is Associated With a Lower Risk for Complications Regardless of Radial Procedure Volume: A Report From the American College of Cardiology- National Cardiovascular Data Registry" Circ 2007; 116:II
57. Cannon CP, Matthew T. Roe M,. Chen AY, Rumsfeld JS, Brindis RG, Ohman EM, Gibler WB, Fonarow GC, Lambrew CT, Penney J, Peterson ED "Temporal Improvements in Door-toBalloon Times for Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: Results from the CRUSADE and ACTION Registries". Circ 2007; 116:II
58. Ho KH, Anderson HV, Shaw RE, Klein LW, Beachy JH, Cannon CP, Krumholz HM, Fitzgerald S, Hermann A, Mitchell K, Rumsfeld J, Brindis RG, on behalf of the National Cardiovascular Data Registry "Absence of Flow-Limiting Coronary Artery Disease Among Patients Undergoing Emergent Cardiac Catheterization For ST Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction in the National Cardiovascular Data Registry CathPCI Registry: Implications for Primary Angioplasty Programs" Circ 2007; 116:II 624-b.
59.Anderson HV, White CJ, Katzan IL, Rosenfield KA, Jones PG, Spertus JA, Cates CU, Ho KK, Jaff MR, Caldwell SP, Rumsfeld J, Brindis RG "High-Risk features of Carotid Artery Stent Patients: Preliminary Results from the CARE Registry" J Am Coll Cardiol 2009;53 (Suppl A):A452.
60.Douglas PS, Brennan JM, Anstrom K, Eisenstein EL, Dai D, Haque G, Kong DF, Brindis RG, Sedrakyan A, Matcher DB, Peterson ED " Outcomes following coronary stenting in a linked
NCDR and CMS Database: A national study of long-term real world outcomes of bare metal and drug eluting stents." J Am Coll Cardiol 2009;53 (Suppl A):401A.
61. Brennan JM, Anstrom K, Eisenstein EL, Dai D, Haque G, Kong DF, Brindis RG, Sedrakyan A, Matcher DB, Peterson ED, Douglas PS "Long-term outcomes of drug-eluting stents versus bare metal stents in underrepresented populations: Results from the linked NCDR and CMS Database". J Am Coll Cardiol 2009;53 (Suppl A):A386.
62. Rao SV, Dai D, Wang TY, Roe MT, Marso SP, Rumsfeld JS, Brindis R, Peterson ED "Annual case volume is not a strong predictor of bleeding complications after percutaneous coronary intervention: A report from the National Cardiovascular Data Registry" J Am Coll Cardiol 2009: 53 (Suppl A);A373.
63. Chin CT, Wang TY, Dai D, Roe MT, Mehta RH, Rumsfeld JS, Kutcher MA, Brindis RG, Peterson ED, Harrington RA, Rao SV. "Trends and Predictors of Length of Stay after primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: A Report from the NCDR". J Am Coll Cardiol 2010;55 (Suppl A) A113.
64. Sciammarella M, Brindis R. "Implementation of the 2010 Update Appropriate Use Criteria for Cardiac Computed Tomography at the Point-of-Ordering Via the Electronic Health Record: A Northern California Kaiser Permanente Pilot Study" Journal of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography, Vol 6, No. 4S, July/August 2012.
65. Tuzcu EM, Brennan JM, Brindis R, Carroll J, Edwards F, Grover F, Shahian D, Peterson E, Rumsfeld J, Holmes D, Mack M. "Transcatheter Aortic Valve in Valve Replacement for Degenerative Aortic Bioprosthesis: Initial Results from the STS/ACC Transcatheter Valve Therapy Registry". J Am Coll Cardiol 2014:xxxxxx
66. Mack MJ, Brennan JM, Peterson E, Edwards F, Tuzcu EM, Carroll J, Grover F,Shahian D, Brindis R, Rumsfeld J, Mack M, Holmes D, STS/ACC TVT Registry. "The Outcomes of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement in Patients with End-stage Renal Disease: A Report from the STS/ACC TVT Registry". J Am Coll Cardiol 2014:xxxxxx
67. Holmes DR, Brennan JM, Rumsfeld J, Dai D, Edwards E, Carroll J, Shahian D, Grover F, Tuzcu EM, Peterson E, Brindis R, Mack M. "One Year Outcomes from the STS/ACC Transcatheter Valve Therapy (TVT) Registry". J Am Coll Cardio 2014:xxxxx
68. Garrison LP, Lewin J, Young CH, Genereux P, Crittendon J, Mann MR, Brindis RG. "The Clinical and Cost Burden of Coronary Calcification: An Economic Model to Address Under-reporting and Misclassification". J Am Coll Cardiol Intv 2015;8:S30.
69. Weiner B, Dehmer G, Brindis R, et al. "What structure and process characteristics identify ACE-accredited catheterization laboratories?" Presented at the 2015 Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (SCAI) Scientific Sessions. May 6-9, 2015; San Diego, Calif. Abstract 13849.
70. Weiner B, Dehmer G, Brindis R, et al. "What outcome characteristics identify ACE-
accredited catheterization laboratories?" Presented at the 2015 Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (SCAI) Scientific Sessions. May 6-9, 2015; San Diego, Calif. Abstract 13862.
71. Weiner B, Dehmer G, Brindis R, et al. "The value of catheterization laboratory accreditation." Presented at the 2015 Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (SCAI) Scientific Sessions. May 6-9, 2015; San Diego, Calif. Abstract 13833.
1. Brindis RG, Walsh MN, May DC "Specialist Practices as Medical Homes" N Engl J Med 2010;363:991-993.
2. Masoudi FA, Messenger JC, Weaver WD, Brindis RG "Reply- Door to Balloon Time as a Performance Measure" J Am Coll Cardiol 2010;56:1763-1764.
3. Brindis R "Questioning The Objectivity and Value of Imaging Articles" Health Affairs March 2011;30:3.xx.
4. Brindis R, Sacco R "The Proactive Management of "Relationship with Industry by AHA/ACC in the Creation of Our Cardiovascular Clinical Practice Guidelines". Arch Int Med. 2011;171:1598-1599.
1990 to present University of San Francisco Master's Swim Team: Competitive Short Course, Long Course, and Open Water Swimmer
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