jhardcastle The Royal Veterinary College

PDF MRes Student Handbook 20-21 Final
MRes Student Handbook 2020/21

Welcome to The Royal Veterinary College's Graduate School
Dear MRes Student
The Royal Veterinary College has a unique history of innovation in biomedical and veterinary sciences, education and clinical practice. We're delighted that you have chosen to study at RVC and we hope that you will thoroughly enjoy your time here acquiring the knowledge and skills you'll need to build a successful and stimulating career.
This handbook is intended to provide you with the key information about your studies, the College and its many resources but if you can't find what you're looking for, don't hesitate to ask one of us.
We're looking forward to working with you and wish you every success with your research.
Head of the Graduate School (Academic): Prof Kristien Verheyen
Email: kverheyen@rvc.ac.uk
MRes Course Director Prof. Brian Catchpole Email: bcatchpole@rvc.ac.uk
Head of Postgraduate Administration Miss Natalie Hubble
Email: nhubble@rvc.ac.uk Ext: 6017
Postgraduate Clinical and Research Degrees Officers: Mrs Lisa Matamala-Shaw Email: lshaw@rvc.ac.uk Ext: 5541
Mrs Carole Tilsley Email: ctilsley@rvc.ac.uk
Ext: 5134
Research Admissions and Ethics Officer Emily Hicks
Email: ehicks@rvc.ac.uk Ext: 4612
Location: The Student Centre The Royal Veterinary College
Camden Campus Website: http://www.rvc.ac.uk/study/postgraduate/graduate-school
Email: rdofficer@rvc.ac.uk RVC Learn: https://learn.rvc.ac.uk

Welcome from the RVC Postgraduate Officers
Hi and welcome to the RVC! Our main role is to ensure that your voice is heard throughout the college - ranging from the SU itself to the Graduate School and other academic and non-academic forums - as well as organise events and socials for postgraduate students. As a postgraduate student studying at the RVC, you are automatically a member of the Students' Union. Although undertaking postgraduate study (especially a PhD, MRes or clinical training) may feel very different from your undergraduate days, it is important to remember that you are still a student! This allows you to use the facilities and services available to all students, including joining clubs and societies. Do get involved with whatever you enjoy and take advantage of support on hand! We hope to arrange some educational and social events throughout the year, however, if there is anything you would like to do - be that suggesting speakers, have ideas for social events or want particular workshops - please get in touch. Our aim in the SU is to ensure that postgraduates are able to work and be in an environment that is friendly, helpful and productive; something we all know is important for success. The easiest way to contact us is via email, however, we are always happy to arrange meetings in person (especially if a cup of tea/coffee is involved!). No matter how big or small your query may be, we can help guide you to the right place. Suggestions and comments are always greatly received to improve your experience at the RVC. So, all that's left to say is good luck and we look forward to meeting you all. Victoria Lindsay and Gareth Jones SU Postgraduate Officers

Student Engagement
Student feedback is essential in ensuring that the RVC continues to make changes to improve our courses and students' experience at the RVC.
Student Surveys
Surveys enable individual students to provide feedback on their experiences at the RVC. Research students will be invited to feedback through:
· Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES): conducted annually between February-June. This survey is conducted by the Higher Education Academy and collects feedback on your experiences of your programme of study. The results of the survey will be considered by the Graduate School and Research Degrees Committee.
· Skills training sessions: feedback is sought on each of the face-to-face training sessions listed in the research student training programme. All feedback is considered by the Graduate School and the Research Degrees Committee.
Student Representation
The Student Union has 2 Postgraduate Officer this year ­ Gareth Jones and Victoria Lindsay .
The PG Officers collect the views/concerns/suggestions of PG students and present them to the College through committees and interactions with staff, and at the Student Union at Council and Trustee meetings in order to develop solutions and make changes to improve the PG student experience where required.
A number of PG students sit on committees at the College and are nominated by the PG Officer after advertising for nominations.
If you have any suggestions/issues, you are encouraged to raise them with your PG Officer.
For further information please see the Student Union website (https://www.rvcsu.org.uk).
If you have any queries or comments, please contact: Gareth Jones and Victoria Lindsay (supostgrad@rvc.ac.uk). Academic Quality Officer (Student Engagement) (AQOfficerSE@rvc.ac.uk)



The Royal Veterinary College


Research at the Royal Veterinary College


General Conditions of Study


MRes Programme


MRes Timetable of Activities


Programme Specification for the MRes


Assessment and Award Regulations for the MRes


Interim Progress Review


MRes Dissertation Guidelines


Developing your Skills as a Researcher


A ­ Z of General Information




Accident and Reporting Procedure


Advice Centre






Data Protection




Educational Development




Ethics and Welfare




ID Cards




Journal Access


Keeping in Touch


Library and Information Services Division (LISD)




Postgraduate Academic Progress Issues


Student Performance and Development System


Postgraduate Student Advisors




Use of Experimental Animals


Students' Union


Work ­ International Students

Student Social Media Policy


Facilities, Maps and Travel


College Regulations and Policies


General Regulations for Study and Awards


Academic Misconduct


Appeals Procedure


Complaints Procedure


Professional Requirements Procedure


Appendix A ­ Good Research Practice (GRP)


Appendix B ­ Instructions and notes on submission, format, and binding of MRes



Appendix C ­ Insurance cover for RVC students travelling overseas


Appendix D ­ Guidelines on personal relationships at work




The Royal Veterinary College
Our Vision: To be the place of recommendation for education, clinical care, research, expert opinion and employment in veterinary medicine and related biological and biomedical sciences. Our Mission: To deliver inspirational leadership and excellence in veterinary medicine, biological and biomedical sciences, research and education by embracing the aspirations of our talented staff and students and meeting the diverse and dynamic needs of society through innovative scholarship and pioneering clinical activity. Our Values and Behaviours: Our values are those of professionalism and commitment, manifest in a caring, compassionate culture and environment that speaks to others of our respect for our heritage, our dedication to quality and innovation, our support for each other, and our devotion to the advancement of knowledge and the alleviation of suffering.
As published in the Strategic Plan to 2021

Research at the Royal Veterinary College
The Royal Veterinary College is a leading veterinary research centre and research at the College is of international quality. The 2014 Research Excellence Framework, a system for assessing research quality in UK Higher Education Institutions, rated 79% of the College's research output as internationally world leading or excellent.
The level and breadth of our veterinary and biomedical sciences research demonstrates the College's commitment to improving human and animal health and welfare, and the important role that veterinarians and biological scientists play on the international stage.
Our research is of the highest quality and has an impact on the health and welfare of humans and animals around the world.
· RVC researchers benefit from being close to London's international centres of excellence in biomedical and biological sciences
· Researchers have easy access to expertise in functional genomics, proteomics, metabolomics and bioinformatics support
· Co-operation and collaboration between clinicians and basic scientists leads to high quality research outcomes
· RVC scientists are focused on bridging the gap between early scientific discovery and its translation into practical applications and societal impact
Our approach extends from the molecular level to the whole animal and animal populations. Underpinning research across these themes are animal welfare, biomechanics, genetics, bioinformatics, pathology, epidemiology and public health.
Research Programmes
Comparative Physiology and Medicine https://intranet.rvc.ac.uk/DeptResearch/CPM.cfm
Livestock Production and Health https://intranet.rvc.ac.uk/DeptResearch/livestock-production-and-health.cfm
Research Centres
Research Centres
Animal Welfare Science and Ethics Animal Welfare lies at the heart of much Royal Veterinary College research. The Animal Welfare Science and Ethics group was established in 2005. They have three complementary strands of expertise: animal welfare science, animal behaviour and ethics.
Centre for Emerging, Endemic and Exotic Diseases The RVC's Centre for Emerging, Endemic and Exotic Diseases (CEEED) is a state-of-the-art facility for infection and immunity research. Clinical Investigation Centre

The Clinical Investigation Centre team work closely with clinicians across all veterinary disciplines in order to improve our understanding of disease conditions affecting animals and thereby reduce suffering and improve quality of life. Contract Research Services The Contract Research Unit represents a team of experienced project managers dedicated to providing access to a range of services for both animal and human health related companies, ranging from small biotechnology to large pharmaceutical as well as pet nutrition companies. Lifelong Independent Veterinary Education (LIVE) LIVE is a Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL). Its aim is to ensure that veterinary education meets the needs of committed independent learners, from entry to retirement, through an innovative programme of educational development and research. Structure & Motion Laboratory The Structure and Motion Laboratory is part of the Comparative Physiology and Medicine Research Programme at the Royal Veterinary College. With state-of-the-art facilities and multidisciplinary expertise, the laboratory has an international reputation for excellence. Veterinary Epidemiology, Economics and Public Health Group (VEEPH) Research in the VEEPH group has a direct impact on shaping policy both at national and international level. The group has expertise in livestock and companion animal epidemiology, veterinary public health, animal health surveillance programmes and animal health economics.

General Conditions of Study
Students may be governed by regulations laid down by individual grant-awarding authorities or places of employment. Where this is not the case the following apply:
a) If a student is absent through illness, the supervisor must be informed. If the absence is for more than 5 consecutive weekdays, medical certification from their doctor must be given to the supervisor and a copy sent to the Graduate School. For periods of sickness absence exceeding 4 weeks (and up to a maximum of 12 months), the student must inform the Graduate School and request an interruption to study (which will require the approval of the Student Performance and Development System (SPDS)). The request must be approved by their supervisor and supported by medical certification.
More information regarding the Sickness Policy for Postgraduate Research Students and eligibility for receiving sickness pay can be found on the Graduate School site on RVC Learn. Information regarding SPDS can be found on the Intranet here;
b) Applications to interrupt study must be made in advance (except in cases of illness where this is not possible) and must be approved by SPDS, via the Graduate School.
c) Interruptions to the course of study may be permitted for a number of reasons: illness, maternity/paternity leave, personal and family reasons. It should be noted that these reasons are not exhaustive, and SPDS may grant interruptions for other reasons it considers acceptable.
d) Students will not normally be permitted to interrupt their studies for more than 12 continuous months. However, it is recognised that a longer interruption may be necessary in certain circumstances where there is a compelling reason but this will require approval from the Principal and is only considered in very exceptional circumstances.
e) Requests to interrupt study should be made on the change in registration status form which can be found on the Graduate School site on RVC Learn. Medical and/or other supporting evidence must always be provided, together with a supporting statement from the student's supervisors.
f) The College permits MRes students to interrupt their degree for a maximum period of 12 months in total throughout the duration of their degree for the purpose of maternity leave or adoption leave where the student is the primary carer.
There is no entitlement to paid maternity, paternity and adoption leave for MRes students. Sponsored students may be governed by regulations laid down by individual grant-awarding authorities or places of employment.
g) Supervisors may grant up to five days leave at their discretion on compassionate grounds for reasons such as the death of an immediate family member, serious illness or injury involving a loved one or a serious personal relationship problems. Time in-lieu will not be added on at the end of the studentship.

Change of Circumstances
A change in circumstances may require a student to interrupt their studies. Interruptions are approved by the SPDS upon completion of the appropriate form (see Absence section (e)). Students who have been interrupted will remain registered with the College but the time does not count towards the period of registration. No fees are payable during this time. Students who are considering withdrawing from their programme of study should discuss this with their supervisors and the Head of the Graduate School before finalising their decision. Once they have made the decision to leave, they should send a signed letter to the Head of the Graduate School; an email is not sufficient.
Communications to Press, Radio and Television
Communications to the press, radio, television or on social media networks expressing personal views may not be communicated from the College address (including email) except by permission of the Principal.
The consent of the Principal is required before expressing views in public on matters connected with the work of the Royal Veterinary College.
Good Research Practice
The College expects all students undertaking research to recognise that it is their responsibility to carry out their work with rigour and integrity and to the highest possible ethical standards. See Appendix A for further details.
Health and Safety
Students are required to conform to the College's Health and Safety regulations at all times and will be asked to sign confirming that they have read the College's safety regulations. Students are expected to understand the process of risk assessment and how it impinges on their work following health and safety training provided at the start of their programme.
MRes students can take up to 8 weeks' (40 days) annual leave per annum (pro-rata for part-time students), including public holidays and College closures, at times agreed with their supervisor.
Income Tax
A student stipend is not normally regarded as income for income tax purposes. It should, however, be noted that earning from sources such as teaching and demonstrating received during the award must be processed through payroll, be subject to normal employment law and follow HR requirements, policies and guidelines. Students on placements who receive a salary in addition to the MRes stipend should contact the HMRC to discuss the tax implications for their particular situation.

Intellectual Property (IP) Rights: Commercial Confidentiality
The intellectual property position of registered students of the College who are employed by, or whose studentships are funded by, certain independent organisations (e.g. Pirbright; APHA) may be governed by the policies of those organisations.
Students sponsored by a company or a CASE studentship will almost certainly be required to sign a legal agreement with the company covering rights to any IP arising from the sponsored project.
IP generated in the course of their studies by students who are also employees of the College, will automatically belong to RVC.
Subject to the above, postgraduate students will be formally requested to assign all IP that they may generate in the course of their studies to RVC. In return, they will be able to benefit from the same incentives and rewards as if they were members of staff. This is a condition of undertaking commercially sensitive projects as a student at RVC. Students who do not wish to make such an assignment may be transferred to alternative research projects.
Teaching, Demonstrating and other Paid Work
Students may undertake teaching, demonstrating and, subject to the supervisor's approval, other paid work directly relating to their training, provided that the total demand on their time, including time spent in preparation, does not normally exceed six hours a week and in all cases must not exceed 180 hours per year averaged over the course of the academic year. The limit of 180 hours incorporates related activities such as preparation and assessment or demonstrating. It is felt that further commitments would interfere with an individual's studies.
Students who elect to engage in teaching will need to complete the mandatory teaching workshop entitled "Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (TLiHE)" ­ see Research Student Training & Education Programme for further details.
Attending the entire TLiHE course (8 weeks) is a requirement for anyone who is doing, or intends to do, more than 6 hours of teaching in any one academic year on behalf of the RVC at, or outside, the College. Teaching is defined as including small group teaching, directed learning, tutorials, practicals, distance learning, research training and assisting with undergraduate/MSc project supervision. Teaching for distance learning courses includes teaching using webinars and asynchronous or synchronous discussions and tutorials. This is a postgraduate Masters level course comprising 5 credits and for students who complete the course and assessment, a certificate will be provided.
The employment of MRes students is subject to normal employment law and must follow normal HR requirements, policies and guidelines.

Working Hours
Whilst there is an officially agreed upper limit to the number of days of holiday you may take during the MRes, the College has no rules on working hours for research students. That said, the success of an MRes project should not depend upon a student having to work excessively long hours over protracted periods of time and, as a guide, full-time students should expect to spend, on average, 40 hours per week on their thesis studies (pro-rata for part-time students). Note that the College places a limit on the hours of paid work a full-time MRes student can undertake (see section on Teaching, Demonstrating and other Paid Work).
Working hours are not fixed and will, to some extent, be determined by the nature of your research project. In addition, some people like to start work early in the day and leave early; some prefer the opposite. Your supervisors are likely to have a view on what hours they expect you to be in College but there may be times when you'd prefer to work off-site, for example if you're writing (an abstract, report or paper), or catching up with some reading. Providing the arrangement has been agreed with your supervisors in advance, and you keep in regular contact, normally there should be no reason why you are not able to do so.
The key point is that you get things done and that you meet project milestones and agreed deadlines in a timely manner. A very demanding workload is a normal part of studying for an MRes and you will have to manage your time well. You will need to work flexibly around the requirements of your experimental or other investigative work, and this may well involve working in the evenings and/or weekends for some periods of time. However, if at any stage during your studies you feel that the demands being placed upon you by your supervisors are unreasonable, do not hesitate to speak to a member of staff in the Graduate School, a mentor (if you have one) or one of the PG Advisors. The same applies if at any time you find you are struggling to meet the demands of a reasonable workload.
PgR Manager
PgR Manager is an online tool that has been developed to enable MRes students and their supervisors to help manage and streamline, the administration of the Research student journey from registration through to graduation.
The key users of the system will be the Research students, their Supervisors and Graduate school staff. It will help in monitoring progression points, enable supervision meetings to be arranged via the system, recording a training plan and log attendance of training workshops, conference attendance and other activities related to your research project. Please note that this system is COMPULSORY for students joining the RVC from 2019/20 onwards.
To log into PgR manager, you can follow the link here and log into the system using your College username and password.
You should discuss PgR Manager with your Supervisors and agree how it is going to be used for Supervision meetings (there are functions for requesting and recording meetings / actions)
Both MRes student and Supervisors will be able to see the Training and Development records for each Student. Upcoming Graduate school workshops can be booked via the system.

MRes Programme
The contents of this handbook must be read in conjunction with the Code of Practice for Postgraduate Research Degrees,. You will have been sent an electronic copy at the start of your studies and you can also find a copy on the Graduate School site on RVC Learn at https://learn.rvc.ac.uk/ The RVC Code of Practice outlines your roles and responsibilities, as well as those of your department and your supervisors, the resources and support you may expect, details of managing and monitoring student admission and progression, the processes leading to examination, quality assurance processes and student liaison, feedback, complaints and appeals. You will have a primary supervisor and at least one co-supervisor. Your primary supervisor is ultimately responsible for the supervision and administration of your progression (registration, nomination of examiners to the Research Degrees Committee and arrangements for the oral examination. Please make sure you have read, and are familiar with, the contents of the Code of Practice, which is updated annually.

MRes Timetable of Activities 2020/21

Activity #Induction day 1 #Induction day 2* #Mandatory training Lab based Health and Safety

Date 1st October 2020, on-line 2nd October 2020on-line
8th October 2020 On line training

Non Lab based Health and Safety Good Research Practice On line training

Comments Compulsory attendance Compulsory attendance
Compulsory attendance at the session most relevant to each student

Working with your supervisor Research Integrity + Quiz

On line training On line training

General Data Protection Regulations #Training workshops Writing Workshop 1 (WW1) Time Management Project Management Effective presentation skills Research with Impact
Writing Workshop 2 (WW2)
#Statistics course Statistics sessions 1-8
Session 1

On line training
3rd December 2020 on-line 9th December 2020, on-line 10th December 2020, on-line 4th March 2021 date and method of delivery tbc 16th March 2021, method of delivery tbc 26th May 2021, method of delivery tbc October ­ March On-line videos available for all sessions for student to work through at their own pace. The videos will be supported by synchronous on-line Q&A sessions listed below 12th & 14th October 2020

Session 2

22ndd & 28th October 2020

Session 3

12th & 17th November 2020

Session 4

20th & 24th November 2020

Session 5

19st & 3rd December 2020

Session 6

14th & 17th December 2020

Session 7

19th & 20th January 2021

Session 8

26th & 28th January 2021

To be completed in the first 3 months To be completed in the first 3 months To be completed in the first 3 months
Whole day workshop Half day workshop Half day workshop Whole day workshop
Half day workshop
Whole day workshop
Each 1 hour 09:3010:30 Each 1 hour 09:3010:30 Each 1 hour 09:3010:30 Each 1 hour 09:3010:30 & 11:00-12:00 Each 1 hour 11:0012:00 and 09:30-10:30 Each 1 hour 09:3010:30 Each 1 hour 09:3010:30 Each 1 hour 09:30-

Final Q&A Statistics Exam Coursework Project abstract and short oral presentation
Impact statement Poster abstract PG Research Day Poster presentation Reflective essay
Critical review of three original research publications Seminar Attendance PG Seminar Series
College Seminar Series
#See Learn for training programme

10th February 2021 16th February 2021
Part of Interim Progress Review, which will be organised after ~3 months of study (pro-rata for PT students).
date and venue tbc,
Must be completed after Interim Progress Review and before submission of dissertation. Must be completed before submission of dissertation
Tues lunchtimes
Wed lunchtimes

10:30 09:30-10:30 Venue tbc
Reflective essay on effective engagement with a nominated research seminar.
At least 50%; 12-13 per year At least 6 and 6 other talks on topics relating to your field of study


Programme Specification for the MRes

1. Applies to cohort commencing in: 2. Degree Granting Body 3. Awarding institution 4. Teaching institution 5. Programme accredited by 6. Name and title 7. Intermediate and Subsidiary Award(s) 8. Course Management Team
9. FHEQ Level of Final Award 10. Date of First Intake 11. Frequency of Intake
12. Duration and Mode(s) of Study
13. Registration Period (must be in line
with the General Regulations for Study and Award)
14. Timing of Examination Board meetings
15. Date of Last Periodic Review 16. Date of Next Periodic Review 17. Language of study and assessment 18. Entry Requirements
19. UCAS code 20. HECoS Code
21. Relevant QAA subject benchmark 22. Other External Reference Points

October 2020 University of London The Royal Veterinary College The Royal Veterinary College N/A Master of Research N/A

Course Director: Prof. Brian Catchpole Deputy Course Leader: Dr Claire Thornton

Level 7

September 2008

Full time annually in October. Part-time October or April (the latter with Course Director approval).

Full time; one calendar year Part-time; two calendar years

Full Time Minimum Maximum
1 year 24 months

Part Time Minimum Maximum
2 years 36 months

Not applicable as individual students are examined by internal and external examiners with either Course Director or Deputy Course Director as the Independent Chair, to validate the assessment process. Vivas take place during the last two weeks of September, annually.

10th December 2015



https://www.rvc.ac.uk/study/postgraduate/ mres#tab-entry-requirements


To be advised by Student Records and Planning Officer as part of course development process



23. Aims of programme
The programme aims to: · provide experience of planning and executing a substantial research project in an
area of biological, biomedical or veterinary science;

· equip the student to critically evaluate the research literature, laboratory methodologies and data analysis techniques;

· provide the generic and transferable skills training to support the development of an early stage postgraduate researcher.

24. Overall Programme Level Learning Outcomes - the programme offers opportunities for students to achieve and demonstrate the following learning outcomes. Learning outcomes should be specified for all intermediate awards as well as for the terminal award.

On successful completion of the Masters in Research, students will be able to demonstrate the following learning

Teaching and learning methods and assessment

outcomes and achieve:

Knowledge and understanding of:
· Research skills and techniques
· Research planning
· Good research practice
· Safety and legal requirements, when undertaking scientific research
· Research project management
· Presentation skills (written, visual and verbal)
· Statistical methods underpinning research

Teaching/learning methods: Students acquire knowledge and understanding through participation in:
· research presentations (attending and giving)
· workshops · classes in statistics · undertaking research project · scientific writing (abstracts, project
Assessment by: · statistics examination · preparation of a scientific abstract and poster presentation · written research project dissertation · oral examination


Cognitive (thinking) skills:
Systematic understanding and critical awareness of current problems and/or new insights into the forefront of the fields of study
Planning Logic and reasoning Comprehension Visual and auditory processing

Teaching/learning methods: Students' cognitive skills are developed / reinforced through participation in:
· research presentations (attending and giving)
· journal clubs / research paper review
· workshops
· classes in statistics
· undertaking research project

Assessment by: · statistics examination
· preparation of a scientific abstract and poster presentation

· reflective essay on engagement with research talks/seminars

· written research project dissertation

· oral examination

Practical skills:
Scientific skills, including the execution and analysis of laboratory, field or epidemiological studies
Use of software for data analysis and research reference management

Teaching/learning methods: Students learn practical skills through participation in:
· classes in statistics
· individual research project
· workshops

Assessment: · statistics examination
· written research project dissertation
· oral examination

25. Teaching/learning methods Seminars/research talks/presentations Classes in statistics Key skills training e.g. presentations 26. Assessment methods Reflective essay Statistic Examination Scientific abstracts and poster presentation Written research project dissertation

Approximate total number of hours 12 21 40 Percentage of total assessment load 2% 5% 3% 70%

Oral examination


27. Feedback Describe how and when students will receive feedback, individually or collectively, on their progress in the course overall: Student will have an interim progress review with the Course Director after 3 months of commencing the course (pro-rata for part-time students) Feedback on reflective essay Statistics examination result ­ March Feedback on final dissertation and oral exam at the end of the course
28. Programme structures and requirements, levels, modules, credits and awards

29. Work Placement Requirements or



30. Student Support


31. Assessment Hyperlink to A&A Regs [https://www.rvc.ac.uk/Media/Default/About/Academic%20Quality,%20Regulations%20an d%20Procedures/assessment-and-award-regs/201920/MRes%20AA%20Regulations%20-%202019-20%20Final.pdf Link to 19/20 A&A to be updated once 20/21 A7As


Assessment & Award Regulations
1. Course:
The Master of Research (MRes)
2. Year:
One year full time two years part-time 3. Applicable to Academic Year:
For students commencing in 2020
4. Aspects of course covered by Examination:
· In course assessment, consisting of a statistics exam, poster abstract/presentation and a reflective essay.
· Dissertation of between 10,000 and 15,000 words. · Oral examination (minimum of 45 minutes and normally not exceeding 90
5. Assessment:
Course requirements to be completed before submission of the dissertation and oral examination:
· Project abstract and short oral presentation as part of the interim progress review.
· Completion of the statistics course for postgraduate research students and passing the associated statistics examination.
· Attendance at 50% of College internal seminars, a minimum of 6 of the College's research seminars and 6 other talks on topics relating to the field of study. Documentation of engagement, using the designated proforma.
· Critical review of three original research publications that are relevant to the research topic.
· Attendance at induction and skills training workshops (time management, project management, effective presentation skills, writing workshops 1 and 2, research with impact and the online research integrity training)
· Poster presentation at Postgraduate Research Day (includes submission of a poster abstract and impact statement)
· A short reflective essay (500 words) on effective engagement with a nominated research seminar.

6. Marking Criteria:
Plagiarism software will be used for all written assignments
In-course assessment and dissertation - see the College's Common Marking Scheme https://www.rvc.ac.uk/about/the-rvc/academic-quality-regulationsprocedures#panel-exams-assessment Oral examination ­ see the College's marking scheme for Masters Research Project Oral Exams https://www.rvc.ac.uk/about/the-rvc/academic-quality-regulationsprocedures#panel-exams-assessment 7. Allocation of marks and any additional requirements:
· In course assessment (10%), Dissertation (70%); Oral (20%). The in-course assessment comprises: statistics examination (5%), poster abstract/presentation (3%) and reflective essay (2%).
8. Requirements to Pass the MRes:
· A mark of 50% or more for the combined elements (in-course assessment, dissertation and oral examination).
9. Consequence of Failure:
A candidate who fails the statistics examination will be required to resit at the earliest available opportunity (mark will be capped at 50%). Subsequent failure at the re-sit examination will require the student to meet with the College statistician to discuss the reasons for their poor performance and to identify ways of improving their understanding of statistical methods, which may require referral to the Student Performance and Development System (SPDS) and/or Advice Centre, if additional support (e.g. numeracy) is considered necessary. In addition, examiners will be informed of this result prior to the oral examination and asked to specifically question the candidate's understanding of the data analysis presented in the dissertation.
A candidate who fails overall at the first attempt shall have a right to resubmit the dissertation and to re-sit the oral examination. In terms of in-course assessment, the candidate can elect to carry forward their mark, but will be given the opportunity to re-sit the statistics exam (unless this was resat previously), reflective essay and/or poster abstract/presentation. A candidate who fails at the second attempt will be required to relinquish the course; s/he will have a right of appeal as described in College Regulations.

10. Classification and Awards: Distinction: an aggregate score of 70% or more Merit: an aggregate score between 65-70% Pass: an aggregate score between 50-64% A maximum mark of 50% will be awarded for a second attempt. 11. Absence from summative assessments: Where a student has an allowable absence, they will be required to contact the Course Director to request an extension (in the case of in-course assessment and/or submission of the dissertation) or deferral (in the case of the oral examination). An allowable absence is one that is for a significant unforeseeable event such as illness. Any other foreseeable absence will only be considered allowable if agreed by SPDS and this will only apply in very limited circumstances. A student absent for any other reason will be awarded 0 (zero).
12. Late Submission of work: Dissertations submitted after the due deadline (the end of the eleventh month of study pro-rated for part-time students), without a Course Director-approved extension, will be subject to the late submission policy set out in the College's General Assessment Regulations, which can be found in the Examiners and Assessment section at the following link: http://www.rvc.ac.uk/about/the-rvc/academic-quality-regulations-procedures
Interim Progress Review
An Interim Progress Review will be organised after ~3 months of study (pro-rata for part-time students). The Course Director and Deputy Course Director will meet with each student as an opportunity to review and reflect on progress and to provide feedback and advice. Students will be required to provide a 300-word abstract in advance of the meeting and give a short oral presentation on their research project (background, hypothesis, study design, preliminary findings), which will be formatively assessed as part of this process. Students are required to take their MRes Student have their up to date PgR Manager record available for the review.

MRes Dissertation Guidelines
Dissertation Length 10,000 ­ 15,000 words including footnotes but excluding the bibliography and any appendices [Note: appendices should only include material which examiners are not required to read in order to examine the dissertation, but to which they may refer if they wish]. Dissertation Structure: The dissertation should contain the following: abstract (up to 300 words), acknowledgements, index, introduction (review of the relevant literature), aims and objectives of the project, methods, results, conclusions/discussion, possible future work leading on from the reported findings, bibliography and, if necessary, one or more appendix. The introduction, methods, results and conclusions/discussion may be organised into four separate sections. Alternatively, the general introduction and methods sections can be followed by one or more results chapters, concluding with a short overarching discussion that synthesises the main conclusions from each of the chapters and discusses future work. Results chapter are typically comprised of a very brief introduction followed by a description of methods specific to that chapter and the results obtained, ending with a discussion of the results. Aims and objectives can be included either at the end of the general introduction, or in individual chapters, as appropriate. Dissertation Format: Instructions are available in Appendix B of this document or on RVC Learn. Go to Graduate School > PhD and MRes > PhD, MPhil and MRes submission and Examination information > MRes. Oral Examination The written dissertation will be marked by two examiners familiar with the research topic. One will be from RVC and the other external to the College. The examiners will also discuss the dissertation with the MRes candidate during an oral examination that is normally 45-90 minutes in length.

Developing your Skills as a Researcher
Employers not only seek individuals with specialist knowledge who are able to undertake complex procedures but those with particular generic skills. The knowledge, behaviours and attributes expected of highly skilled researchers are set out in the Researcher Development Statement (RDS) which is derived from the Researcher Development Framework (RDF). To learn more about the RDF and RDS go to: https://www.vitae.ac.uk/researchers-professional-development/about-the-vitae-researcherdevelopment-framework
To assist you with developing and recording the skills you will need as a successful researcher, the RVC offers a number of online and face-to-face training events. You will record attendance at these and at your structured meetings with your supervisor in your student Log.
Academic Skills, Seminars and Journal Clubs
Academic skills will be enhanced as part of your MRes programme through engagement with research talks and critical appraisal of published work.
· You are required to attend the two weekly College seminar series to broaden your knowledge. You will be expected to attend at least 50% of the postgraduate seminars (Tuesdays), a minimum of 6 of the College's research seminars (Wednesdays) and 6 other talks on topics relating to your field of study. RVC seminars are video-linked across the two campuses. You are required to sign a book recording your presence at each seminar. Students will be required to reflect on how they engage with research talks and seminars. A pro-forma will be provided on which students will note their views on key issues such as the quality of the presentation (e.g. tone, pace, time-keeping), the quality and use of visual aids, speaker engagement with the audience and ability to address questions. Students will be expected to have attended three of the College's research seminars by the time of the Interim Progress Review and to bring the completed forms to the review for discussion (formatively assessed). They will be tasked with writing a short reflective piece (~500 words) on their engagement with one of the remaining research talks they attend subsequently. The reflective essay will be summatively assessed and contributes 2% of the final mark. For all the other talks and for those in the PG seminar series, students will be expected to record the title, name of speaker(s) and, using the pro-forma, to indicate the quality of the presentation from their perspective.
· Students will be required to critically appraise three original research publications that are relevant to their research topic and will be formatively assessed. The first critical review must be undertaken by the student with their supervisor at the 2 month formal supervisory meeting; the supervisor will provide feedback on the student's ability to critique the paper (taking into account the level of difficulty) and record a view of their overall ability (poor, satisfactory, good, excellent) in the Student Log. The other two critical reviews may be undertaken with the supervisor or at research group Journal Clubs. In each case a note should be made in the Student Log of the paper that is evaluated and the quality of the student's critical ability.
Transferable (key or professional) skills
These are defined as essential work skills that are not specific to any one subject or profession.

Training: What are your needs?
At induction you will be introduced to the process of completing a Training Needs Analysis. You will use your Log to monitor your training needs and your progress with them. The College provides a number of training opportunities throughout the year.
Some sessions are compulsory for MRes students. These are:
· Induction · Statistics course and associated examination · Online training skills ­ Research with integrity, Working with your supervisor, Selecting a
conference, presenting and networking, Getting published in the sciences and Project management in the research context · Writing Workshops 1 and 2 · Project management · Time management · Presentation skills · Research with Impact · Postgraduate Research Day including writing an abstract, presenting a poster and submission of a research impact statement. These will be summatively assessed and contributes 3% of the final mark.
Some specialist training will be mandatory before you start laboratory or field work e.g. handling radioactive substances, use of experimental animals. This is for legal and safety reasons.
Statistics Course
This is provided as a series of eight sessions. All sessions for 2020/21 will be on-line and will be delivered by Dr Ruby Chang, a chartered statistician.
A mandatory exam is held at the end of the compulsory sessions which all students are expected to pass, after which a certificate will be issued.
The timetable and content for the 2020/21 course can be found on the Graduate School site on RVC Learn.
Training Opportunities and Booking Information
For information and booking details about all of the training on offer at the RVC please refer to the Graduate School site on RVC Learn. Invitations to sessions and booking for all training is done through PGR Manager
MRes students may attend staff training sessions if places are available. For more information and booking details go to the staff training section on the intranet home page (see below) or http://intranet.rvc.ac.uk/hr-internal/training-and-development/training-programme.cfm
The Graduate School keeps a record of your attendance at skills training sessions.

Training Cancellation Policy
There will be no charge for a cancellation made with at least 3 working days' notice.
A £25 cancellation fee (payable by student or supervisor) will normally be charged for last minute cancellations (less than 3 working days' notice) or failure to attend without good reason.
If you are unwell on the day of the workshop, please e-mail rdofficer@rvc.ac.uk or telephone the Graduate School (020 7468 5134) as soon as possible after 9am. If there is no-one available to take the call, a message should be left on the answer machine.
Bloomsbury Postgraduate Skills Network
The purpose of the BPSN shared skills training programme is to allow research students in the participating institutions to enhance their generic research skills and personal transferable skills, through attending training courses and workshops at other member institutions. Whilst each institution offers its own training to its registered students (and handles their registration separately), the BPSN programme allows access to a variety of different training from other member institutions.
The skills attained from the programme are intended to help research and also to enhance life skills and employability: the members are leading higher education institutions within Bloomsbury, from smaller specialist institutions to large multi-faculty ones.
The programme of training courses on offer from the participating institutions continues to change as the year proceeds; please review the programme on offer at regular intervals in order to ensure that you make the most of the opportunities open to you. More information can be found at: http://courses.grad.ucl.ac.uk/bloomsbury/
Eligibility A list of BPSN member Institutions can be found at: http://courses.grad.ucl.ac.uk/bloomsbury/eligibility.pht
N.B. only research students from these institutions are eligible to attend BPSN courses
The BPSN website functions to:
· allow students to register on skills training courses at participating institutions · provide information on useful resources.
Please note that some of these courses are very popular, and places may be limited. To avoid disappointment please register early. Please also note that once a student has registered for a course, s/he will be expected to attend.
Attendance / Cancellation Fees Once a student has registered for a course he/she will be expected to attend. Cancellations should be notified as soon as possible in order that students on the waiting list can be offered the place.

The BPSN reserves the right to charge a cancellation fee of £50 where a student does not attend a course / workshop without giving 2 working days' notice.
How to use the BPSN Registration System http://courses.grad.ucl.ac.uk/bloomsbury/how-to-use.pht Details of Training Available http://courses.grad.ucl.ac.uk/bloomsbury/list-training.pht Further Information on Generic and Transferable Skills Training http://courses.grad.ucl.ac.uk/bloomsbury/generic-skills.pht
UKCGE: The Council for Graduate Education
UK Council for Graduate Education (UKCGE) is the leading independent representative body for Postgraduate Education in the UK. Its mission is to be the authoritative voice for postgraduate education in the UK, providing high quality leadership and support to its members to promote a strong and sustainable postgraduate education sector. To its members UKCGE communicates valuable information and research, facilitates networking through events and forums, provides an influential lobbying function and produces relevant publications. The council's website http://www.ukcge.ac.uk/ is a reference tool where all of these opportunities can be brought together for relevant and interested parties. The council encourages all users to explore the website and contact the UKCGE office with any comments or questions.
Workshops and Working Groups The Council runs a full programme of workshops on a wide variety of postgraduate issues. Working groups investigate and report on a range of current postgraduate issues. A list of these and other published reports can be found on the publications section of their web site. Publications UKCGE produces regular publications which are available to both members and non-members. The newsletter is produced three times a year to keep members up to date on UKCGE activities, and also to inform of relevant developments in the postgraduate arena and provide topical book reviews. In addition to this, UKCGE produces conference and workshop summaries for the majority of its events and these can be accessed through the website.

Vitae: Realising the Potential of Researchers Vitae (www.vitae.ac.uk) is a national organisation championing the personal, professional and career development of doctoral researchers and research staff in higher education institutes and research institutes. Postgraduate research students benefit directly and indirectly from the work that Vitae undertake. Vitae are committed to enhancing the quality and output of the research base in the United Kingdom, through supporting the training and development of the next generation of worldclass researchers.

A ­ Z of General Information
Please see information under General Conditions of Study on page 9 of this handbook.
Accident and Reporting Procedure
The RVC uses an online incident reporting system called SafetyNet for all staff and students to report incidents, accidents and near misses. More information can be found here: https://intranet.rvc.ac.uk/professional-services/estates/health-and-safety/information-a-toz.cfm#Accident-Incident-Reporting
Advice Centre
The Advice Centre team is here to offer advice, information and guidance to help you make your time at the Royal Veterinary College a success. We offer confidential and impartial support to all RVC students on a variety of matters including:
· Wellbeing Support · Money and Welfare Advice · Disability, Learning Difference and Long-Term Health Issues · International Student Matters · Counselling and Psychological Support · Careers · Housing Email: advice@rvc.ac.uk Phone: 0208 051 3500
Wellbeing Support Student Advisers are available to provide advice and guidance on any general or wellbeing issues you may be experiencing. They provide a confidential and supportive space to discuss any current difficulties that might be impacting on your studies or student life. They can advise on what might help you to improve your situation and work together with you to offer the most appropriate support. They will also be able to signpost you to other appropriate support and make follow up appointments or referrals for further assessment and support as necessary.
Appointments with Student Advisers are available Monday ­ Friday and you can book these via RVC Learn.
Drop-in sessions with Student Advisers are also available daily on a first come, first served basis, as follows:
· 11am-1pm Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri at both Camden and Hawkshead Campus.

Counselling We also offer counselling. Counselling can help you with any emotional or psychological difficulties that may be preventing you from making the most of your time at the RVC. Counselling is ordinarily provided for up to six sessions over consecutive weeks, usually on the same day and at the same time each week. If you think you may benefit from counselling the first step is to discuss this with a Student Adviser by booking an appointment or attending a drop in session.
Support for International Students Our International Adviser offers guidance on visa issues and support on issues related to living in the UK.
Disability Support Our Disability Adviser can provide advice and support to students with disabilities, learning differences and long-term health issues including:
· Screening for specific learning difference (e.g. dyslexia) · Applying for the Disabled Students Allowance
· Advice on special exam arrangements and other reasonable adjustments
Email: disability@rvc.ac.uk Phone: 0208 051 3500 Appointments can be booked through RVC learn
Money Matters The Money and Welfare Adviser is here to support you with financial issues during your time at university
· Student Finance · Tuition Fees
· Student Loans · Benefits
· Grants and Bursaries · Budgeting Advice
· Council Tax · Hardship Funds Email: moneymatters@rvc.ac.uk Phone 0208 051 3500 Appointments can be booked through RVC learn
Full information on all available support can be found at https://www.rvc.ac.uk/study/support-for-students/getting-support

The College has procedures in place to deal with the different types of complaints that can be made. In each case, the aim is ensure that the problem is resolved at an early stage, in a timely manner and to the satisfaction of all parties. All complaints will be handled in strict confidence.
Further information about the complaints procedures and links to the relevant documents are given on page 49 of this document in the section on College Regulations and Policies
It is essential in the current circumstances that students are familiar with and keep up-to-date with the current COVID-19 guidance.
Please see relevant pages on the RVC Intranet here
More information and FAQ's can be found here.
Data Protection
The Academic Registry holds records about you, the essentials of your academic progress, correspondence between us and background details. You are entitled to see these.
We will not divulge details to third parties without your permission so make sure your friends and family know how to contact you, because we won't tell anyone.
If an outside company needs us to confirm any of your details, including course, address or date of birth, they need to send us a declaration signed by you that says you are willing for us to release this information. Without this we cannot even confirm your student status.
Students should take note of the General Regulations for Students,, paragraph 4. Please note the following:
4.4. A student who is in debt to the College for tuition fees, will not be permitted to progress to the next academic year or to receive their degree until a payment plan or full payment has been agreed with the Director of Finance
4.5. A student who is in tuition fee debt to the College and breaks their agreement with the Director of Finance may have his or her registration terminated, at the discretion of the Principal.
4.6. Debts arising from fines, accommodation or other purchases from the College will be subject to commercial debt recovery procedures. Students with such debts will not be permitted to attend a Graduation Ceremony until the debt is paid.
Students having difficulty, for whatever reason, in paying tuition fees, hall fees, or any other fees owing to the College, are strongly advised to discuss their problem at an early stage with the Warden of the Hall of Residence and/or the Money and Welfare Adviser (moneymatters@rvc.ac.uk or tel. 0207 468 5037). Discussion with a Supervisor may also be

helpful. The College will make every effort to view the situation of individual students sympathetically, but is bound ultimately to collect any income owing to it. The College operates a small Hardship fund administered by the Money and Welfare Adviser who can provide details about the application procedure.

Educational Development
Educational Development tutors are available if you have been out of education for a while, are not used to the academic system here and/or generally need some advice on study skills and strategies. Contact EDtutors@rvc.ac.uk or visit their pages on RVC Learn to find out more about their services, book a 1-2-1 appointment and access online support materials.
Make sure you always enrol promptly with the Graduate School and keep them informed of changes to any of your contact details or relevant personal details. That way council tax exemption certificates, certificates of attendance and communications from RVC can be dealt with as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Ethics and Welfare Committee
The RVC is committed to ensuring that we promote animal welfare as our first priority. It is acknowledged, however, that it is necessary to undertake research to achieve this aim. As an academic institution research is also undertaken for knowledge acquisition of the basic and medical sciences; clinical training and for treatment trials aimed to improve the health and welfare of animals and human patients. All have the potential to have adverse effects on research participants. British law places a very strong burden of responsibility on scientists undertaking any research to ensure that any adverse effects are eliminated or minimised, and always fully justified.
The Committee, which is a committee of the Council of the Royal Veterinary College and to which it reports, was set up initially to meet the legal requirements within the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 [A(SP)A]. It is responsible for the Animal Welfare & Ethical Review Body (AWERB) that reviews Project Licenses (PPLs). In addition, it must ensure that clinical research projects, which are done by veterinary surgeons licensed to practice in the UK [as recognised veterinary practice can legitimately be done under the Veterinary Surgeons Act (1966)] and other research projects on animals that do not fall under A(SP)A are ethically sound ­ this is done through the Clinical Research Ethical Review Board (CRERB). In particular, it is able to advise and arbitrate on those projects where there may be doubt or debate about the appropriate legislation for the study. Thus the Committee ensures that members of staff of the RVC do not contravene the law, thereby protecting both the College and the individual. Most importantly, its principal aims are to ensure that any potentially harmful effects on animals involved in research studies are minimised and to ensure that the outcomes of the research will have maximum benefits for animals and/or people through improved understanding of diseases and disorders, and enhanced treatment modalities.
The Committee is also responsible for ensuring that any studies involving people, be they students, members of staff, animal owners or members of the general public, are conducted ethically with due regard to ensuring that there is no compulsion, maintaining both confidentiality and anonymity based on the concept of informed consent.
There are three sub-committees who deal with the ethical approval of research, depending on the type of research undertaken. These are:
· AWERB ­ for projects involving the A(SP)A · CRERB ­ for clinical animal and human research not involving the A(SP)A · SSRERB ­ for research involving social science, case records or archives
More information about the Committee can be found on the Intranet here.

Students who are not already registered with a doctor should do this as soon as possible on arrival.
You can find your nearest NHS practice by entering your postcode in www.nhs.uk
Camden Campus
Students living in RVC halls of residence in the Bloomsbury area may register with the University's Central Institutions Health Service. This is situated at 20 Gower Street, London WC1E 6DP (tel: 020 7467 6800) which is within walking distance of the Halls and a short bus ride away from the College in Camden Town. The Service provides NHS clinics (medical, dental, psychotherapy) and home visits for students registered with the Practice. University Vision in the University of London Union Building, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HY (tel: 020 7636 8925) can provide eye care for University students at discounted rates.
Hawkshead Campus
Students living in Halls of Residence on Campus should register with the local medical practice - the Parkfield Medical Centre. Their contact details are The Walk, Potters Bar, Herts, EN6 1QH (tel: 01707 291 041).
Medical treatment for overseas visitors and students
Students resident overseas who are attending courses at the College for a period of more than six months are eligible for treatment under the National Health Service and should register with a general medical practitioner (GP). Before any treatment is given make sure it is clear that you wish to be treated on the NHS and not as a private patient or you will have to pay a fee. When you attend a hospital or register with a GP, you should take evidence that you are in the UK as a student ­ for example, your passport, evidence of your address in the UK and a letter from the RVC confirming that you are following a course of study with us.
Identity Cards
You will be issued with a College identity (ID) card when you register. This MUST be worn at all times when you are on the premises. If you lose your identity card, you will have to apply for a replacement at a cost of £10. The swipe card access system is used on both sites.
At home Responsibility for students' belongings rests with the individual. We advise that you take out contents insurance whilst attending the College.
Travelling on College business
When a student is to undertake study or research overseas, they must inform the Graduate School where and when they intend to travel.
Policy document https://intranet.rvc.ac.uk/Finance/Insurance.cfm

All RVC students who are undertaking placements, study or research overseas (i.e. away from their country of residence *) as part of their registered degree programmes are protected by the College's Personal Accident & Travel Insurance. * Under the definitions for this insurance, the country of residence is deemed to be the UK for any student who is undergoing education in the UK. The College, in order to protect itself and those acting on its behalf, maintains legal liability insurance policies that are of relevance to students undertaking overseas work, study or research activities:
· Public Liability ­ covering accidental death of or injury to any person (other than an employee) &/or accidental damage to property for which the College has a liability at law or is found to be legally liable.
· Employers Liability ­ covering liability to employees [as are defined in the policy wording] for death, injury or disease arising out of or in the course of their employment and for which the College has a liability at law or is found to be legally liable. For further information on College Insurance Policies, please follow this link: http://intranet.rvc.ac.uk/Finance/Insurance.cfm
Journal Access If students have any issues regarding accessing journals while off site, the instructions here should be useful. If you require access to journals that the RVC does not subscribe to, there is an Inter-Library Loan facility available. Please see the information here. The cost is £8 per article. If there are journals that you think RVC should provide access to, students can suggest titles via YouSayWePay wepaybook@rvc.ac.uk Keeping in Touch The Graduate School normally contacts students via email to inform them of events, seminars, training opportunities and general correspondence regarding the Research Degree programme. All students are assigned an RVC email address upon registration. We therefore require all students to use their RVC email address for College correspondence, including students based off-site.

Library and Information Services Division (LISD)

Web Address: http://intranet.rvc.ac.uk/ASD/LISD/Index.cfm

Library Camden Library Opening Hours

Mon - Fri Sat - Sun

Term Time 8.30am - 8pm Closed

Issue desk ext: 5162 Vacation 9am - 5pm Closed

Camden open access IT suite and study rooms have 24-hour access

Hawkshead Library Opening Hours

Mon-Fri Sat Sun

Term Time 8am ­ 10pm 9am ­ 6pm 12pm ­ 4pm

Issue desk ext: 6457 Vacation 8.30am ­ 7pm 10am ­ 5pm 12pm ­ 4pm

Hawkshead open access IT suite has 24-hour access. Library Services Contact Details

Sally Burton

Hawkshead Customer Services Manager

Gwyn Jervis

Research Data and IT Procurement Manager

Angie Poole (Camden) AV support

Chris Kench (Hawkshead) AV support

IT Helpdesk

General enquiries


General enquiries


Book purchasing at a discounted rate





X5181 X5181 X5181 (24 hrs) X5180 (24 hrs)

apoole@rvc.ac.uk ckench@rvc.ac.uk helpdesk@rvc.ac.uk library@rvc.ac.uk bookshop@rvc.ac.uk

For information relating to library tours, induction, general information and EndNote training please contact library@rvc.ac.uk
For information regarding journal access see here.


Information Technology Services (IT)

Computer Access Both Camden and Hawkshead have learning resource centres with a number of open access computers.

What do IT services provide? · Drop-in student computing facilities, PCs and printers in "open access" rooms, which are also bookable for classes and training sessions · Advice and assistance in using the standard software packages and dealing with PC hardware and configuration issues · Support for PCs on staff desktops · Advice on designing and specifying new IT systems, procurement and installation services · Management of the College's network infrastructure · Management of central servers and systems e.g. email, finance system · "Quick Access" PCs in various places, for email and web access

Contacting IT All requests for service should be made through the Helpdesk, who have responsibility for entering your requirements into the Service Request database and ensuring that your job is attended to in a suitable timeframe and you are kept informed of progress.

Helpdesk telephone number

020 7468 5181 or ext. 5181

For Service Request logging and "first line" telephone help is available from 9am to 5pm Mon ­ Fri and technical staff are on duty from 9am to 5pm Mon ­ Fri. Advice is normally provided over the phone, but if you require more than a few minutes of technical staff time, then your job will be added to the queue of outstanding work. Jobs are prioritised according to the type of request; please refer to the IT Service Level Agreement targets for more details (IT Department pages intranet.rvc.ac.uk). You can also email enquiries to: helpdesk@rvc.ac.uk

You can also visit the Helpdesk office in the LRC at both Camden and Hawkshead.

Computer Accounts and Passwords When you join the Royal Veterinary College a computer account will be created for you; this will enable you to login to the College network, use "open access" PCs and printers and access e-mail. If you have any problems related to your computer account contact the Helpdesk.

Office 365 and webmail You can access your email mailbox at mail.rvc.ac.uk using your full RVC email address and password. The new email system gives you 50GB of mailbox space, a 150MB attachment limit, and lifetime access for RVC students. Your new account also entitles you to up to five free downloads of Microsoft Office 365 software for Windows or Mac.

How to update passwords remotely Computer password format If you log in to the RVC computer network and receive a message that a password change is due shortly, please remember that passwords must be at least 6 characters long and not contain parts of the user name (since this makes it easier to guess). Also, passwords must contain 3 out of 4 of the following types of characters:
· English uppercase characters (A through Z) · English lowercase characters (a through z)

· Base 10 digits (0 through 9) · Non-alphanumeric characters (e.g., !, $, #, %)
Please note the server retains the list of last 10 passwords used and thus it is important to utilise a different password
Please contact the IT Helpdesk if you have any doubts over these issues If your password expires, the IT Helpdesk will reset this for you. Please email them at helpdesk@rvc.ac.uk.
Email The IT Department provides an email service for all staff and students, all new students will receive accounts on the new Exchange/Outlook system. See the RVC student guide to email (available at the Helpdesk offices and all open access facilities) for instructions on how to use the system.
LinkedIn Learning LinkedIn Learning (formerly Lynda.com) is a free resource of video tutorials on various subjects in personal development, leadership and management, IT packages, teaching and education... To access this resource, go to RVC Learn ­ log in to Learn using your usual RVC details then click on "Learning Resources" and then LinkedIn Learning (bottom of the drop down). Use you RVC email address to log in.
IT Code of Conduct All students and staff are required to abide by a few sensible rules that are designed to protect the College against legal actions, ensure data is stored securely and to minimise unnecessary inconvenience. Please see the Acceptable Use Policy, in the IT Department pages on the RVC Intranet site for further details http://intranet.rvc.ac.uk/ASD/LISD/PoliciesRegulations.cfm
Plagiarism is regarded as a serious and punishable offence. Any quotations of work published in printed or electronic form should be attributed and the source appropriately cited. More information regarding plagiarism can be found on RVC Learn at the following link: https://learn.rvc.ac.uk/mod/page/view.php?id=32144
You will be required to complete a declaration at the beginning of your studies and your dissertation will be put through anti-plagiarism software (Turnitin).
Postgraduate Academic Progress Issues
If you have a problem that is affecting your ability to study, whenever possible, you should approach your primary or a co-supervisor in the first instance. However if this is not possible, perhaps because the problem is to do with supervision, or you simply aren't comfortable talking to your supervisors, you can arrange to see the MRes Course Director or the Head of the Graduate School informally. Please email or come to the Graduate School Office to make an appointment.
Student Performance and Development System (SPDS)
SPDS deals with matters of academic progress that are beyond normal supervisory activity. Information regarding SPDS can be found on the Intranet here; .

Students may refer themselves to SPDS at any time by contacting the Research Degrees Officer. They may also be referred to the system by their supervisor(s) or the Head of the Graduate School, if a student has given cause for concern in relation to their academic progress.

Postgraduate Student Advisors

In addition to speaking to the Head of Graduate School, students are welcome to contact any of the members of staff listed below for general advice on matters relating to their studies.




Dr Siobhan Abeyesinghe



Siobhan is part of the Animal Welfare Science & Ethics group at the RVC and is based in the

Pathobiology and Population Sciences (PPS) department at the Hawkshead Campus.

Prof. Brian Catchpole



Brian is part of the Comparative Physiology & Medicine research group at the RVC and is based

in the PPS department at the Hawkshead Campus.

Dr Mandi De Mestre



Mandi is part of the Comparative Physiology & Medicine research group at the RVC and is based

in the Comparative Biomedical Sciences (CBS) department at the Hawkshead Campus.

Prof Virginia Luis Fuentes



Virginia is Head of the Cardiology Service and is based in Hawkshead splitting time between

clinics at the Queen Mother Hospital, teaching and research.

Dr Scott Roberts



Scott is part of the Comparative Physiology & Clinical Sciences research group at the RVC and

is based in the CBS department at the Camden Campus.

Dr Claire Russell



Claire is part of the Comparative Physiology & Medicine research group at the RVC and is based

in the CBS department at the Camden Campus.

Dr Carol Thomas



Carol is part of the Livestock Production & Health research group at the RVC and is based in

the PPS department at the Hawkshead Campus.

Dr Tim West



Tim is part of the Comparative Physiology & Medicine research group at the RVC and is based

in the CBS department at the Hawkshead Campus.



Should any student be pregnant, become pregnant, or plan to become pregnant, they should contact the Research Degrees Officer or Head of PG Administration as soon as possible, so that appropriate advice can be given. They should be aware that there are risks to the pregnancy that can result from exposure to animals and the performance of laboratory or clinical duties. There is particular risk from zoonotic pathogens, the use of some drugs, and during radiography. There is no entitlement to paid maternity, paternity and adoption leave for MRes students. Sponsored students may be governed by regulations laid down by individual grantawarding authorities or places of employment.

Use of Experimental Animals

Experimental work using animals is performed under the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 (ASPA). All such work requires a Home Office Project Licence which gives the authority to perform specific regulated procedures on specific animals at a specific place or places. In addition all personnel who carry out procedures on experimental animals must be in possession of a Home Office Personal Licence which grants them permission to carry out the required procedures. It will be necessary to attend Home Office training courses before applying for a personal licence for the first time.

Experimental work performed under ASPA can only be carried out in specified areas of the College, which have been authorised by the Home Office as suitable for that purpose. There are designated areas located at all the College's campuses, namely Camden, Hawkshead and Bolton's Park Farm.

There are a number of people at the College who have specific responsibilities under ASPA (see below). It is advisable to discuss any work you may wish to undertake with one or more of these individuals before making any firm plans. They will be able to ensure that understand all aspects of the legislation and that your work is properly licensed, assist you in reserving space for the animals and be available to offer advice as your project progresses.

The College Ethics and Welfare Committee (see earlier) considers and approves experimental work to be undertaken at the College under APSA and in the clinics. You can also approach the Committee if have any questions or problems relating to the ethics and/or welfare of animals kept at the College.

Position BSU Manager

Name Kelly Jones

Phone Number or Email kljones@rvc.ac.uk

Establishment Licence Holder

Prof Jonathan Elliott jelliott@rvc.ac.uk

Named Person Responsible for Compliance Named Animal Care and Welfare Officers (NACWO):

Prof Jonathan Elliott
Kelly Jones Chris Davies

kljones@rvc.ac.uk chdavies@rvc.ac.uk

BSU Camden

Tony White Laura Smith Jo Dlugozima Kelly Jones

twhite@rvc.ac.uk lksmith@rvc.ac.uk jdlugozima@rvc.ac.uk kljones@rvc.ac.uk


Tracy Van Der Merwe Barbora King

tvandermerwe@rvc.ac.uk baking@rvc.ac.uk

Named Information Officer (NIO)

Prof Jonathan Elliott jelliott@rvc.ac.uk

Named Training and Competency Kelly Jones

Officers (NTCO)

Named Veterinary Surgeon (NVS):

Chris Handley

kljones@rvc.ac.uk chandley@rvc.ac.uk

Home Office Liaison Contact

Liz Wilkinson

Secretary to the Ethics and Welfare Committee (and contact for the Ethics Committee)

5300 lwilkinson@rvc.ac.uk

Secretary to Animal Welfare and Ethical Review Board (AWERB) and Clinical Research Ethical Review Board (CRERB)

Contact for ethical approval applications for staff and PhD students: Home Office Courses Contact


Chair of Social Science Research Matthew Grigson

Ethical Review Board

Secretary to SSRERB

Emily Hicks

6802 4612

Chair of Animal Welfare Ethical Review Kelly Jones Body (AWERB)



Jonathan Elliott

Chair of Clinical Research Ethical Nicola Menzies-Gow

Review Board (CRERB)

jelliott@rvc.ac.uk nmenziesgow@rvc.ac.uk

Student Social Media Policy

The Royal Veterinary College recognises that social media provides unique opportunities to participate in interactive discussions, engage with the wider community, and share information using a wide variety of media. The College encourages students to engage in appropriate and responsible use of social media, which allows for useful communication channels and maintains the wellbeing of individuals and the wider community.

1.2 However, use of social media can pose risks to both students and the College. These include risk to the College's reputation and compliance with legal obligations. Students may also be at risk of committing offences or projecting an image that does not conform to their professional standards, which may have long term effects on their professional reputation. To minimise these risks the College requires students to adhere to this policy, which outlines student responsibilities when using social media


Students' Union All postgraduate students are automatically members of the RVC Student Union which runs and supports many clubs and societies within the College. More information can be found at http://su.rvc.ac.uk/ There are two PG Officers who represent postgraduate student interests on College Committees and are able to offer support and advice. Details of the current PG Officers are given at the beginning of this handbook. The RVC SU is affiliated to the University of London Students' Union (ULU), which means students are entitled to be members of ULU as well. Go to http://www.ulu.co.uk/ for more information about the work and activities of ULU. Proof of student status can be obtained from the Graduate School. Work ­ International Students In 2020, students from a European Economic Area (EEA) country* do not need permission to work in the UK. You will need to show an employer your passport or identity card as proof that you are a national of an EEA country. *citizens of Switzerland enjoy the same rights as EEA nationals. This is subject to change with BREXIT on the horizon in 2021. Up-to-date information can be found on our Intranet pages here Students studying at UK institutions who are not EEA or Swiss nationals are authorised to work in the UK subject to the terms of their Tier 4 visa. More information can be found at the following: http://www.ukcisa.org.uk/International-Students/Study-work--more/Working-during-yourstudies/How-many-hours-a-week-can-I-work/# Any student wishing to work in the UK will need to apply for a National Insurance (NI) number. Please contact the Research Degrees Officer for advice on how to apply.

Facilities, Maps and Travel
Inter-Campus Mail Internal mail is sent between the campuses once daily. Mail leaves Camden at 10.30 each morning, and leaves to return from Hawkshead and Bolton's Park at about 11.15am. Internal mail for another College site must be left at Reception in Camden or the post room at Hawkshead, with the addressee's name, department and campus clearly written on the envelope. Small, folded pieces of paper can easily get lost.
Inter-Campus Travel The nearest railway station to the Hawkshead campus is Brookman's Park but Potters Bar station, which is also close by (approximately 5 min by car), is reached by a fast train (15 minutes) from Kings Cross station and is served by a College bus service. To get from Potters Bar station:
· the College runs a shuttle bus service which leaves the station forecourt at regular intervals throughout the day on Mondays to Fridays. For an up-to-date timetable go to: http://intranet.rvc.ac.uk/InformationAndServices/HawksheadBusTimetables.cfm
· A minicab company is located in the station forecourt (telephone 01707 650077)
Sports Facilities The College's Sports and Wellbeing Centre (SAWC) is situated at the Hawkshead campus. There are a number of football, rugby and cricket pitches and two hard tennis courts. These facilities are available for any member of staff or student attending the College. Health and Safety regulations must be complied with at all times. Use of the football, rugby and cricket pitches is by pre-booking only by ringing ext. 6321.. There are a number of Sports Clubs, including Rowing, Mountaineering etc. For more information about RVC sport clubs please see the following link: http://su.rvc.ac.uk/pages/sports-a-z.
Students have access to a gym at both campuses. Access is via your College ID card. In order to have your ID card activated, you will have to attend an induction session. To book an induction, please go to https://learn.rvc.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=293 .
Bicycles Please ensure that your cycle is securely locked using a D Clamp. The cycle shed is located at the rear right hand corner of the building behind the skips. Please do not lock cycles to the railings outside the College entrance or anywhere down the main drive near the gates: if they don't get stolen first, they'll be `relocated' by the College authorities.
Lost Property When found, should be handed in at Reception where it will be logged. Enquiries about lost property can be made here.
Motor Vehicle Parking
Post Graduate students, may apply for a parking permit based on various extenuating circumstances including: Blue Badge Holders, being a carer or parent with child care responsibilities, having no or extremely limited public transport access etc.

Applications will be reviewed by representatives from the College Transport Management Group and the Infrastructure Services team whose decision will be final.
Printing and Photocopying There are photocopiers in a number of locations around the campus. Your college ID card is needed to log into the photocopiers and credit can be purchased from the issue desk in the library. Copyright rules must be followed. College printer and photocopy paper may not be removed under any circumstances.
Restaurant The Lightwell café in Camden is normally open Monday to Friday, serving snacks, cakes, sandwiches and drinks. Vending machines are situated at the back of the café, to the left hand side of the serving counter.
During term time, the restaurant is normally open for breakfast and lunch. More information and opening times can be found here.
It is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN for laboratory coats, wellington boots, overalls, and similar clothing to be worn in, or taken into, the restaurant or cafe. Catering staff have been asked not to serve anyone who is wearing or carrying any such clothing.
Security Entry/Exit to the College is by the Main doors on Monday to Friday until 6pm. Students can access the main building via the side door after 6pm on weekdays and at the weekends. Doors have special magnetic release locks. Please ensure that you always carry your College ID/swipe card with you. You may be asked to show this in order to gain access to the College. If you see anything or anyone that you feel to be suspicious, please report it to staff at reception.
Please familiarise yourself with College Fire and Emergency evacuation procedures. The fire alarms are tested every Monday morning at 10am. This test alarm will ring for 10 seconds ­ if the alarm rings for longer, please evacuate the building immediately using the nearest exit (do not use the lift) and go directly to the assembly point which is on Royal College Street, across the road, directly in-front of the RVC.
Anyone staying in the building after 6.30pm must sign the Register in reception.
Smoking The College operates a `No Smoking' policy. Smoking outside the front entrance is also not permitted.
Telephones Students are not permitted to use the College telephone or fax for private business.
Bicycles Please ensure that your bicycle is securely locked using a D Clamp. There is a secure area located behind the eclipse building (beside the post room), where bicycles can be stored.

Lost Property When found, should be handed in at Reception where it will be logged. Enquiries about lost property can be made at Reception.
Motor Vehicle Parking Post Graduate students may apply for a parking permit based on various extenuating circumstances including: Blue Badge Holders, being a carer or parent with child care responsibilities, having no or extremely limited public transport access etc.
Applications will be reviewed by representatives from the College Transport Management Group and the Infrastructure Services team whose decision will be final.
More information can be found at https://intranet.rvc.ac.uk/professional-services/estates/facilities/parking.cfm The Hawkshead campus is not only a teaching campus, but also a place where clients bring sick animals. This makes for a very busy campus in terms of traffic. For these reasons, certain areas are restricted to visitors and staff only.
No parking by students is allowed in the Queen Mother Hospital car park, except out of hours for students on clinical rotations. Please note that your insurance may be invalidated if you park in a non-authorised parking space and damage is caused to your motor vehicle by any delivery or other vehicle or by an animal. Printing and Photocopying There are photocopiers in a number of locations around the campus. Your college ID card is needed to log into the photocopiers and credit can be purchased from the issue desk in the library. Copyright rules must be followed. College printer and photocopy paper may not be removed under any circumstances.
Restaurant The café on the ground floor of the Eclipse Building is normally open Monday to Friday, serving snacks, cakes, sandwiches and drinks.
During term time, the restaurant is normally open for breakfast and lunch. More information and opening times can be found here.
Vending Machines (cold drinks and snacks) are placed around the Campus.
It is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN for laboratory coats, wellington boots, overalls, and similar clothing to be worn in, or taken into, the restaurant or cafe. Catering staff have been asked not to serve anyone who is wearing or carrying any such clothing.
Security The College has a 24 hour security presence. The Security Guard is generally to be found in the Gatehouse at the Main Entrance and can be reached on ext. 6258. The guard also has two-way radios available for student use. Any student concerned about working late at night should ensure that the guard is aware of where they are and borrow a radio in order to be able to keep in constant touch in the case of an emergency. Students working in one of the hospitals must immediately contact the Duty Clinician in the case of a clinical emergency or the Security Guard for any other reason.
Please familiarise yourself with College Fire and Emergency evacuation procedures. The fire alarms are tested every Tuesday between 7.30 ­ 11am. This test alarm will ring for 10 seconds ­ if the alarm rings for longer, please evacuate the building immediately using the nearest exit

(do not use the lift) and go directly to the nearest assembly point. This varies depending on the building you are in so please ask where this is when you begin your studies. Telephones Students are not permitted to use the College telephone or fax in Reception for private business. There is a telephone in Odiham Hall that can be used for internal calls only. Potters Bar and the Surrounding Area The Hawkshead campus is situated near to Potters Bar in the south of Hertfordshire. This is an excellent location for motorways, plus the rail links into London make Potters Bar a popular location. Other towns and villages near to Potters Bar include Borehamwood, Brookman's Park and Hatfield and the London suburb of Barnet, Potters Bar was once a Roman town and evidence of this can be seen at Potters Bar Museum. This museum includes exhibits from a Roman tile kiln and it was this connection with pottery that helped to give Potters Bar its name. There are plenty of restaurants and pubs to choose from in the town. There is also a theatre Wyllyotts - which puts on a varied schedule of shows and entertainment throughout the year. The following link gives you more information regarding what to do in Potters Bar and its surrounding areas: http://www.pottersbar.org/

Maps & Travel Camden Campus Contact Details: The Royal Veterinary College Royal College Street London NW1 0TU Tel: +44 (0) 20 7468 5000 The Campus is approximately 1 mile north of King's Cross/St. Pancras and Euston mainline and underground railway stations, all of which are located on the Euston Road.
The closest Underground stations are: · Mornington Crescent (Northern Line (Charing Cross Branch)) · King's Cross (Northern Line (Bank Branch), Piccadilly, Victoria, Hammersmith and City and Circle Lines).
Travel Directions From King's Cross or St. Pancras International Station From Kings Cross Station or Kings Cross/St Pancras Underground Station follow signs to St Pancras International Station. Once in St. Pancras International Station make your way to the Midland Road exit. This is between the Great Northern/Thameslink ticket barriers and the desVins Wine Bar. Leave via the Midland Road exit turning right immediately and walk straight on (keeping St. Pancras Station on your right hand side). Within about 10 metres cross the road at the pelican

crossing. Continue walking the way you were heading (with St. Pancras Station on your right) for about 5 minutes; in that time you should pass a sign pointing straight on for Kentish Town and Camden Town, then a traffic light T-junction, several bus stops and St. Pancras Parish Church (on the opposite side of the road). Shortly after you see St. Pancras Church cross the road using the zebra crossing and continue heading in the direction that you were travelling. This will bring you to another traffic light junction. Here you should cross St Pancras Way at the Pedestrian Crossing and then turn right after Goldington Buildings. This is Royal College Street the home of our Camden Campus. Our main entrance, which has a flag flying above it, is approximately 150 metres up Royal College Street on the right hand side, past the London Bioscience Innovation Centre.
Alternatively, you can take either the 214 or 46 bus from just outside King's Cross on the Pancras Road up to the College.
From Mornington Crescent Underground Station Turn immediately right on leaving the Station and head east along Crowndale Road. Proceed over the traffic lights at the junction with Camden Street and pass the row of shops on your left. Turn left at the next junction to take you into Royal College Street. Cross this road and the main entrance to the College is approximately 150 metres on the right hand side.
From Euston Station If arriving by mainline train, leave by the left hand exit (next to WH Smiths, the newsagent) as you enter the concourse on leaving the platform. If arriving via the Victoria line, proceed up the escalator onto the concourse and head straight ahead to the east exit. Walk along the colonnade and turn left into Eversholt Street. Proceed along Eversholt Street and turn right into the south side of Oakley Square at the first set of traffic lights. Turn right again at the next set of traffic lights into Crowndale Road. Pass the row of shops on your left. Turn left at the next junction to take you into Royal College Street. Cross this road and the College is approximately 150 metres on the right hand side.
Hawkshead Campus
Contact Details: The Royal Veterinary College Hawkshead Lane North Mymms Hertfordshire AL9 7TA Tel: +44 (0)1707 666333 Fax: +44 (0)1707 652090
The campus is located near the town of Potters Bar in Hertfordshire which is just a short train journey away from London's King's Cross station, and not far from the main roads leading north from London.

Travel Directions
By Road Approaching the campus from the south, most visitors enter the local road system from either Junction 23 (with the A1(M)) or Junction 24 of the M25. From the north, follow the Veterinary College road signs in to Hawkshead Lane for the Hawkshead Main Site.
[Larger vehicles (such as those carrying animals or making deliveries) are urged to approach (and leave) the College's Hawkshead Main Site from the east - such as from Junction 24 of the M25 then via the A1000 through Potters Bar to Hawkshead Road, then into Hawkshead Lane.]
Cyclists and pedestrians are urged to take particular care in the generally narrow and unlit local byways around the campus.
By Rail The nearest railway station is Potters Bar which is approximately 5 minutes by car from the Hawkshead main site.
Trains (operated by Great Northern and Thameslink) generally run every thirty minutes, during normal working hours with a reduced service at the weekend, from London King's Cross; the journey takes about 15 minutes.
A minicab service is available from beside the Potters Bar railway station forecourt (telephone 01707 650077). The College runs a minibus service which leaves the station forecourt (Mondays to Fridays)

College Regulations and Policies

General Regulations for Study and Awards

These Regulations apply to all RVC students and can be found here.

Academic Misconduct

Academic misconduct is defined for this purpose as:


An attempt by a student to complete an examination, project or other assessment

by any means considered to be unfair.

This definition includes actions such as


Plagiarism (see below for more details)


unreasonable collusion between a group of students and


research misconduct (see below for more details)


falsifying results


taking unauthorised materials or devices into examination

rooms without permission


other breaches of the General Assessment Regulations


If a student misrepresents a case of extenuating circumstances in order to gain

extension to a deadline or any other advantage in assessment this shall be

considered as academic misconduct.

The definition of plagiarism used by RVC Plagiarism is the copying and use of someone else's work, whether intentionally or unintentionally, as if it were the student's own. Another person's work includes any source that is published or unpublished that has been produced including words, images, diagrams, formulae ideas and judgments, discoveries and results. Direct quotations, whether extended or short, and from the published or unpublished work of another person must always be clearly identified. Quotations must accurately refer to and acknowledge the author or person who originally wrote or produced the work. Paraphrasing ­ using other words to express another person's ideas and judgments ­ must be acknowledged (in a footnote or bracket following the paraphrasing).

The definition of Research Misconduct used by RVC Research Misconduct includes (but is not limited to): fabrication; falsification; misrepresentation of data and/or interests and/or involvement; piracy (deliberate exploitation of the ideas of others without their consent); plagiarism and failure to follow accepted procedures or to exercise due care in carrying out your responsibilities for i) avoiding unreasonable risk or harm to animals or humans used in research and the environment ii) the proper handling of privileged or private information on individuals collected during the research.

More information on Academic Misconduct and the procedure to be followed where academic misconduct is suspected can be found here.


Appeals Procedure
Students may wish to put forward a case regarding their results or continuation of study as result of various factors. Depending on the factors cited, the case will be considered either as an Appeal a potential Administrative Error or a Complaint.
A student who makes an appeal will suffer no disadvantage as a result of making an appeal.
Details about the Appeals procedure, including the grounds for making an appeal and how to prepare for an appeal can be found here
Complaints Procedure
Complaints made against the action(s) of a member of staff or the operation of a College service are addressed using the Complaints procedure. Complaints which are of wider concern should normally be made through collective channels, such as PG representatives on College committees.
Details about the complaints procedure, including the grounds for making an appeal and how to prepare for an appeal can be found can be found here
Complaints that involve bullying or harassment are dealt with through a separate procedure. Any student who finds themselves in a situation of apparent harassment or bullying is advised to keep a record of the incident(s) and in the first instance, to seek support and information from an appropriate person. The advisor will provide support and information on the best possible way forward in dealing with the problem, and can be consulted at any stage during this process. Taking advice does not oblige the individual to take any action, but it does provide an opportunity to discuss their perception of events and their effects and to consider the options available:
The Dignity at Work policy, procedure for dealing with alleged bullying and harassment and a list of Harassment Advisors trained for this purpose, can be found under D at the following link: http://www.rvc.ac.uk/about/our-people/human-resources/a-to-z
Professional Requirements Procedure
Given the nature of the work at RVC, which in all courses involves exposure and access to animals and drugs, expectations of professional requirements apply to all students. These expectations are clearly stated in the Code of Professional Requirements which can be found here.

Appendix A
Good Research Practice (GRP) The College's guidelines on GRP apply to all personnel, new and existing, who carry out research within the RVC. Awareness of GRP is an important part of an individual's training requirement. The GRP documents can be found on the Intranet at the following link and links are included below: http://intranet.rvc.ac.uk/DeptResearch/good-research-practice.cfm Research Integrity The College expects all staff and students undertaking research to recognise that it is their responsibility to carry out their work so with rigour and integrity and to the highest possible ethical standards. The College has introduced a "Research Integrity Quiz" and accompanying presentation. It is compulsory for all PhD students to complete the quiz within 3 months of starting their PhD and the Graduate School will be monitoring the completions. The quiz and presentation are available at: https://learn.rvc.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=870 Other useful information produced by the College relating to research integrity can be found on the Intranet at: https://intranet.rvc.ac.uk/DeptResearch/Docs/ResearchIntegrityforstaffandstudents_2018.doc x

Appendix B
Instructions and notes on submission, format and binding of MRes dissertations
For the requirements of a thesis (including any length limitations), the current Regulations for the relevant degree should be consulted.
Every candidate submitting a thesis for examination must do so in accordance with the following instructions:
1. Title Page The title page must bear
- the officially-approved title of the thesis - candidate's full name as registered (followed by any previous qualifications, if desired) - the name of the College/Institute at which the candidate was registered and the degree
for which it is submitted - The month and year which it was submitted - The following copyright statement:
"The copyright in this thesis is owned by the author. Any quotation from the thesis or use of any of the information contained in it must acknowledge this thesis as the source of the quotation or information."
The title page should be followed by a signed declaration that the work presented in the thesis is the candidate's own (format given in Appendix A of these instructions).
2. Abstract The title page should be followed by an abstract summarising the work presented in the thesis and consisting of no more than 300 words.
3. Acknowledgments The acknowledgments of the thesis are written in gratitude to all those who were instrumental in bringing the thesis to fruition.
4. Table of Contents The acknowledgements should be followed by a full table of contents (including any material not bound in) and a list of tables and figures.
5. Layout Margins at the binding edge must be not less than 40mm (1.5 inches) and other margins not less than 20mm (0.75 inches). Double or 1.5 line spacing should be used throughout, except for indented quotations or footnotes where single spacing may be used.
6. Pagination All pages must be numbered from the first to the last space in one continuous sequence, i.e. from the title page to the last page, in Arabic numerals from 1 onwards. This sequence must include everything bound in the thesis, including figures, diagrams, blank pages, bibliography, appendices etc. Any material which cannot be bound in with the text must be placed in a pocket inside or attached to the back cover or in a rigid container similar in format to the bound thesis.

7. Presentation Theses must be presented in a permanent and legible form in a clear and legible font (e.g., Times New Roman 12 or Arial 10). You must make every effort to correct grammatical and formatting errors before submission. It is not the task of Examiners to act as editors and/or proof-readers of a thesis.

8. Paper A4 size paper (210 x 297 mm) should be used. Plain white paper must be used, of good quality and of sufficient opacity for normal reading. The thesis can be printed double-sided, provided that good quality paper is used.

9. Referencing Either the Harvard or Vancouver style of referencing should be used. Detailed information on referencing can be found on RVC Learn at: https://learn.rvc.ac.uk/mod/book/view.php?id=41713&chapterid=69253 Detailed information regarding plagiarism can be found on RVC Learn at: https://learn.rvc.ac.uk/mod/book/view.php?id=41713&chapterid=69037


Published work

Papers describing information contained in the thesis that have been published can be included

as an appendix.


Number of copies

In normal circumstances two copies must be submitted to the RVC Graduate School. Three

copies need to be submitted if you are being examined by three examiners. Each candidate is

required to bring one additional copy to the oral examination paginated in the same way as the

copies submitted to the RVC and adequately bound. An exact electronic copy (PDF format) of

the thesis should also be sent to the Research Degrees Officer just before or at the time of




All submitted copies of the thesis must

· be soft-bound with pages glued in;

· be covered in medium blue cloth (water resistant material);

· be lettered in gold up the spine with Degree (PhD), Year, and Surname and Initials, with

letters 16 or 18 point (.25 inch).

[The date on the copies of the thesis submitted for examination in November and December should be that of the following year.]



Addresses of binders are available from the Graduate School and RVC Learn.


Additional Information

Examiners often require candidates to make minor amendments to otherwise successful theses. They may either give you the annotated theses back after the oral examination or ask the Research Degrees Officer to do so.

If you are asked directly by your examiners to make amendments, you should forward an electronic copy of the revised thesis to the Research Degrees Officer who will pass it on to either the examiners or the supervisor, depending on who is to approve the corrections (this decision is made by the examiners and communicated in the examiners' report).

The Research Degrees Officer will not issue the result of the examination to successful candidates until the Graduate School has received the final electronic copy of the thesis and the examiners (or supervisor) have confirmed that any required amendments to the thesis have been made. Once the examination is successfully completed, the library log an electronic copy of the thesis so that the research undertaken can be publicly available. A hard-bound copy should be printed and given to the supervisor(s), if requested. If at any stage you are uncertain what to do, please ask the Research Degrees Officer at the RVC.
Revised September 2018 Appendix A Student Declaration form On submitting the thesis, a student will be required to insert the following signed Declaration into their bound thesis: I certify that:
1. The thesis being submitted for examination is my own account of my own research; 2. My research has been conducted ethically; 3. The data and results presented are the genuine data and results actually obtained by me
during the conduct of the research; 4. Where I have drawn on the work, ideas and results of others this has been appropriately
acknowledged in the thesis; 5. Where any collaboration has taken place with other researchers, I have clearly stated in
the thesis my own personal share in the investigation; 6. The greater portion of the work described in the thesis has been undertaken subsequent
to my registration for the higher degree for which I am submitting for examination; 7. The thesis submitted is within the required word limit as specified by the RVC; the total
number of words is given below.
Student signature.................................................................................. Date:
Word count:..............................................

Appendix C
Travel Prior to any overseas travel on College/Research business you must complete a risk assessment. Overseas Travel Risk Assessment-Policy Overseas Risk Assessment Form A Overseas risk assessment Form B A summary of the Approval process for Students Travelling Overseas can be found HERE This process MUST BE FOLLOWED for all travel overseas. Policy document: https://intranet.rvc.ac.uk/Finance/Insurance/PA&Travel%20RSA%20Covernote.pdf

Appendix D

This guide is intended to provide information to employees regarding personal relationships within the College, in order to avoid any perceived, actual or potential conflicts of interest or misuse of authority.




The College values and relies upon the professional integrity of its employees,

particularly where an employee has supervisory responsibilities or a professional

relationship with a student.


So that employees conduct themselves and are perceived to conduct

themselves in a professional manner, it is necessary to recognise and take account of

personal relationships which might affect working relationships.


The College is committed to promoting equal opportunities and eliminating


Accordingly, these guidelines will be applied fairly and consistently and with due regard

to equality

of treatment.


The guidelines do not form part of employees' contracts of employment. They

will be kept under review and may be revised from time to time.




The guidelines apply to all individuals working at all levels and grades, including

full time and part- time employees.


In the context of these guidelines:


a 'personal relationship' is a personal relationship which is:


a family relationship;


a business/commercial/financial relationship; or


a sexual/romantic relationship; and


a 'working relationship' is any situation in which individuals will interact in

the course of their day-to-day work. This includes situations where one of the individuals

in the personal relationship is not an employee of the College. For example, they might

be an agency worker, or work for a contractor.


The guidelines apply to personal relationships between:


employees of the College;


an employee of the College and an agency worker, casual worker,

consultant, contractor or supplier, and/or



an employee of the College and a current student of the College,


Although most social and personal relationships need not present a difficulty, it is

recognised that

there will be certain circumstances where employees may need to avoid taking certain

decisions or undertaking certain roles in order to protect themselves and the College from

any potential allegations of impropriety, unfair bias, abuse of power or conflict of



These guidelines are therefore intended to:


provide guidance in areas where a personal relationship overlaps

with any working relationship and particularly where it might cause:


a conflict of interest (for example where an employee's personal

interests clash with their professional obligations);


breach of confidentiality;


unfair advantage; or


allegations of abuse of power;


ensure that an employee in a personal relationship is not open to

allegations that it has affected a working relationship; and


enable the situation to be managed, if considered necessary, with a

view to avoiding difficulties within any working relationship.





To maintain professionalism and avoid embarrassment to others, an employee in

a personal relationship should avoid public displays of affection in the workplace. This

includes, for example, kissing, touching and holding hands.


Where an employee is in a line management or supervisory position, that

employee must not be involved in any recruitment, appraisal, promotion, disciplinary or

grievance process or in any other process involving the other. Where authorisation is

required for any financial matters e.g. expenses claims/salary changes or allocation of

external funding for an employee with whom a personal relationship has been declared,

additional independent authorisation must be sought.


When an employee has been in a personal relationship, but it has come to an

end, they must throughout remain professional and ensure that the ending of the

relationship does not affect their work or their working relationships.

3.4 Employees should at all times conduct themselves in a manner consistent with their role and duties and the College's policies and procedures (including those relating to equality and diversity and dignity at work).




It is vital that trust and confidence exist between employees and students to

ensure that students maximise their learning experience. The professional relationship

between a student and an employee of the College is a central part of the student's


educational development. A personal relationship could compromise this professional relationship and damage the teaching and learning environment for other students and employees.


Employees are strongly discouraged from entering into a personal relationship

with a student they are responsible for teaching, tutoring, supervising or assessing. It

would be considered unprofessional for an employee to seek actively to initiate a

personal relationship without regard to the problems that may ensue.


If a consensual personal relationship does develop between an employee of

the College and a student they are responsible for teaching, tutoring, supervising or

assessing, the employee must declare the relationship to their line manager without

delay. Any such disclosure will be treated sensitively.


The College reserves the right to discontinue the responsibility of the member of

staff for teaching, tutoring or supervising a student with whom they have a personal



In no circumstances will an employee be permitted to take part in the

assessment of a student with whom they have a personal relationship.


In the event that the supervision of a Post-Graduate student involves two

employees who are in a personal relationship, a third supervisor should always be






Where a personal relationship exists or develops within a line management or

supervisory working relationship, the line manager's manager must be informed. Upon

receiving this information, the line manager should seek further guidance from Human



Employees may be reluctant to disclose their personal relationship, but it is

important that the College is able to assess any risk of conflict of interest, unfair

advantage or breach of confidentiality and discuss with employees concerned, ways in

which such issues can be avoided.


Information relating to a disclosure of a relationship will be handled with

confidence. Employees will be treated with sensitivity during this process.


Upon learning of the personal relationship, the College will consider what, if any,

steps need to be taken. Due regard will be given to the potential effect of the

relationship on others in the College, any potential negative effect on the workings of a

department or team and the professional conduct of the College's business.


The employee concerned will be consulted with a view to reaching

agreement regarding the appropriate action. No action will be taken without first

discussing it fully with the employee concerned.


The College may, at its discretion, make alternative management arrangements.

This may include transferring some of an employee's duties or transferring an employee

to another department. Any actions to be taken will be confirmed in writing to any

employee concerned.


5.7 In no circumstances will an employee be permitted to appraise another employee with whom they have a personal relationship, nor will they be permitted to sign off expenses or other administrative documentation.


If it is considered necessary to inform other employees about the personal

relationship (for example, in order to explain a change in management arrangements)

this will be discussed first with the employee concerned.


If the circumstances of the personal relationship change, the employee must

also advise their line manager, who may seek advice from Human Resources. The

previously agreed actions will be reviewed in consultation with the employee and any

further appropriate action taken.





Even where there is no managerial/supervisory relationship with an employee

in a personal relationship, there may still be a risk of a conflict of interest, breach of

confidentiality or unfair advantage being perceived to be gained from the overlap of a

personal and working relationship.


Where there is any possibility of conflict of interest, breach of confidentiality or

unfair advantage, the relationship should also be declared as above.


An employee should seek the guidance of Human Resources if in any doubt as

to whether or not there is or might be a risk of a conflict of interest, breach of

confidentiality or unfair advantage.


Upon learning of the personal relationship, the College will consider what, if

any, steps need to be taken, as above.


The line manager/head of department, in consultation with HR, may consider

transferring one party or both parties, making alternative line management or supervisory

arrangements or implementing other appropriate arrangements to eliminate the conflict

of interest, depending on the circumstances. In very rare circumstances, such alternative

arrangements may not be feasible and the College may then have to consider dismissing

one or both parties.

7.1 In the event that an employee fails to declare a personal relationship where required to do so in accordance with these guidelines, or where it would have been prudent to do so, disciplinary action will be taken. Serious cases will be dealt with as gross misconduct.



Employees are reminded that unwanted attention given by either party, whether

at work or outside work (for example, when a personal relationship has ended) could

constitute bullying and/or harassment. In such cases disciplinary action may be taken.

Serious cases will be dealt with as gross misconduct.




Any personal data provided to the College as a result of this

policy will be treated in accordance with the principles set out in the

Data Protection Act 1998.



Employees may seek further guidance, on a confidential basis, from the HR department.

Last Reviewed August 2016


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