Trevor Spence

Health & Safety Policy - Storyblok

Date of Next Review: September 2021 ... to provide adequate information, instruction and training to enable staff and pupils to carry out their work activities in a ...

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Current View
Health & Safety Policy

Document title:

Health & Safety Policy

Date Created:

March 2011

Author: Individuals Involved in Developing the Document:
Document Purpose:

Headteacher Executive Committee SLT Site & Maintenance Manager
To bring together in one document the procedures and guidelines developed within the school, and a framework for future developments and updating that may apply as necessary

Related Documents:
Date of Next Review: Change Log (what changes have been made, by who and when):

Evacuation Procedures Risk Assessment Policy Activities Events and Excursion Policy COSHH Acceptable Use Policy Equal Opportunities and Accessibility Policy Safeguarding Policy E-Safety Policy Rewards, Behaviour and Sanctions Policy
September 2021
September 2017 MBR: Changes in reporting from Head Teacher direct to Site Manager direct.
September 2018 ­ RTA/NWI: Clarification of Management of H&S at work regulations 1999, added related documents, amended job roles, reference to new Google Drive Maintenance log,

Health & Safety Policy
Our statement of general policy is: · to provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities; · to consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety; · to provide and maintain plant, machinery and equipment which is safe, has been manufactured to a British, European or International standard, is regularly inspected, tested and maintained as appropriate; and that offers protection from danger by being suitably guarded (where appropriate). This would include such items as heating and hot water plant, kitchen equipment and appliances e.g. meat-slicer, powered cleaning equipment and portable electrical appliances; · to ensure safe handling, use, storage and transport of articles and substances; · to provide adequate information, instruction and training to enable staff and pupils to carry out their work activities in a healthy and safe manner, and to enable them to contribute positively to their own health and safety and that of others; · to ensure all employees are competent to do their tasks; · to prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health; · to make arrangements within the school for the reporting of all accident/violent incidents to the Health and Safety service; · to make positive arrangements for fire evacuation, first-aid and other emergency situations; (see Evacuation Procedures) · to provide and maintain a safe and healthy school building with safe access and egress, paying particular attention to the structure of the buildings, the electrical installation, draining, glazing, maintenance of floors / corridors / playgrounds / steps / doorways / fire escape routes and security arrangements which would minimise the risk of acts of violence; · to provide and maintain a safe and healthy working environment with effective management of illumination, temperature, ventilation, dust, smoke, fumes, noise, cleanliness and food hygiene and adequate protection against occupational disease and infestation; · to provide and maintain adequate welfare arrangements such as eating, washing and toilet facilities and accommodation for clothing and personal belongings; · to maintain safe and healthy working conditions; and · to review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals.
The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and regulations made under that Act, in particular, the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, place duties upon employers and employees including those who are clients, designers, principal contractors or other contractors to protect everyone involved in, or affected by, work activities.

This Health and Safety policy brings together into one document the procedures and guidelines developed within the school and residence buildings, and a framework for future developments and updating that may apply as necessary.
Responsibility for the production, updating, and development of this policy lies with the Head teacher, but the actual updating and amendment may be delegated.
All employees and contractors are required to be familiar with, understand, and act upon its requirements.
All employees and contractors have a legal requirement to keep themselves and others around them safe while at work and to comply with statutory duties, and not to recklessly misuse anything provided by the school in the interests of health, safety and welfare.
This policy is issued with the authority of the Headteacher and its requirements are binding upon all employees.
Policy Statement
The Executive Committee exercises its statutory responsibilities for compliance with Health & Safety requirements. The Executive Committee reviews termly reports from the School Health & Safety Committee, and provides adequate budget and resources to ensure the health and safety of employees, students, non-employees and members of the public is maintained at all times so far as reasonably practicable.
The School recognises its responsibility for managing, and therefore monitoring the whole safety performance in school, residence building and oversight in host family homes.
This policy explains the arrangements for implementing and overseeing health and safety within the School, Residence buildings and Host Family homes i.e. who does what, and the procedures to be followed which will ensure the health and safety of staff, students and visitors.
The Headteacher of EF Academy Torbay (here in after called the Headteacher) has a duty to ensure the highest standards of health and safety within the organisation and through its undertakings for its employees, students, non-employees and members of the public are achieved.
The Headteacher recognises and accepts that health and safety is an integral part of the day to day working of the organisation and receives the same commitment as other managerial functions.
Roles and Responsibilities
Executive Committee

· The Executive Committee is responsible for health and safety. · The Executive Committee delegates day to day operations of health and safety to the
Headteacher · The Executive Committee provides adequate budget and resourses to the Headteacher to
ensure the health and safety of staff, students and visitors
· The Headteacher is responsible for the day-to-day management of the school under the care of the Site Manager
· The Headteacher delegates oversight for annual health and safety checks in host family homes to the Head of Boarding (Residences) and shall so far as is reasonably practicable:
· ensure the Health and Safety Policy is implemented and adhered to at all times; · ensure all members of staff know, understand and accept their health and safety duties and
responsibilities; · ensure adequate resources are allocated to facilitate healthy and safe working and teaching
practices; · ensure the Executive Committee is advised of health and safety implications when undertaking
the management of the school budget; · ensure all employees, pupils and visitors receive adequate information, instruction, training and
supervision, both within school, residence and on school trips as appropriate; · ensure all machinery, appliances and equipment purchased by or used within school, conforms
to a British, European or International Standard, is used in the manner that it was designed for and is periodically examined, tested and maintained as appropriate; · ensure the use of safe working practices and where necessary draw up and communicate written codes of practice for safe working and teaching; · ensure only approved chemicals and substances are used at school and ensure that the appropriate safety information and risk assessment is available to the user; · ensure suitable and appropriate protective clothing is provided for staff and pupils who require it, and ensure that it is worn when necessary; · ensure adequate first aid treatment is available by the provision of a First-Aider or appointed person and ensure that first aid boxes are kept adequately stocked; · ensure accidents/violent incidents are recorded and where necessary, investigated and reported to the Health and Safety Service as soon as possible and also reported to the Executive Committee in the quarterly Headteachers report. In the event of a major injury, the Chairman of the Executive Committee shall be informed; · ensure a record is kept of any contagious disease that is contracted, and all acts of violence and bullying, and that this is reported to the Executive Committee as appropriate; · ensure that a suitable and sufficient fire risk assessment is carried out, updated and reviewed for the school premises

· ensure fire procedures are planned and rehearsed at least once per term; · ensure fire equipment, fixtures and exits are checked periodically and maintained to ensure
they are in working order; · ensure adequate welfare facilities are provided and maintained for staff and pupils; · ensure periodic safety inspections of the school and residence buildings are carried out; · ensure that there is consultation with the staff Safety Representative on matters of health,
safety and welfare; · ensure contractors working in the school building report to him/her before work commences in
order to ascertain work details and agree safety procedures; · ensure contractors working in residences report to the person with delegated oversight of
maintenance for each residence before work commences in order to ascertain work details and agree safety procedures, any doubts should be refered to the staff Safety Representative; · ensure in his/her absence, health and safety duties are delegated as appropriate; · ensure there is an annual appraisal of the school's health and safety performance; · ensure risk assessments are undertaken and reviewed as appropriate; and · review and up-date the policy as appropriate.
Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff
All Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff shall, where appropriate and so far as is reasonable practicable:
· ensure the School's policies are implemented at all times; · be responsible for the health and safety of the students they supervise; · ensure equipment used at school and in the residence buildings are safe and presents no risk to
health and ensure that any defects are reported immediately to the Site Manager or Head of Boarding (Residences) so that the equipment can either be repaired or disposed of; · in the event of a fire, ensure all students know the fire procedures and are evacuated safely; · in the case of an injury, arrange for suitable first aid treatment, investigate the accident that caused the injury and record the details on the appropriate documentation; · ensure all classroom-based activities are carried out in a safe and healthy manner; · ensure outside activities are supervised as appropriate and any violent behaviour is stopped; · ensure students are adequately supervised at lunchtimes; · ensure that, whilst students are playing for a sports team, provision has been made for dealing with injuries and other emergencies; · ensure that whilst transporting students by car, appropriate restraints are worn and the Council guidelines are followed; · ensure that when undertaking school trips and residentials trips, sufficient research, planning, precautions and supervision are undertaken as laid down in the Council guidance; · ensure that students do not bring into school any potentially dangerous article or hazardous substance without the expressed permission of the Headteacher; · take appropriate action to make safe any dangerous condition caused by wet or icy weather; · ensure any agreed security provisions are carried out;

· co-operate with the Headteacher on all aspects of health, safety and welfare; and · co-operate with the Headteacher in undertaking risk assessments for all activities with
significant risks, to identify hazards and control measures and to communicate this information to all people who need to know.
Specific post holders have health and safety duties identified within their roles eg. Fire Marshal


All students must:


co-operate with Teachers and school staff on health and safety matters;


not interfere with anything provided to safeguard their own health and safety;


take reasonable care of their own health and safety; and


report all health and safety concerns to a Teacher.

a. Compliance with the requirements of The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and all other relevant health and safety legislation and approved codes of practice;
b. A working environment that is, so far as is reasonably practicable, safe, without risks to health and with adequate facilities and arrangements for welfare at work;
c. A safe place of work, and safe access to and egress from;
d. Plant, work equipment and systems of work that are, so far as is reasonable practicable, safe and without risk to health;
e. Arrangements for ensuring safety and absence of risks to health in connection with the use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances;
f. Sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision to enable all employees to avoid hazards and contribute positively to their own health and safety at work;
g. Necessary safety devices and personal protective equipment and supervision of their use;
h. Adequate financial provision to meet the approved codes of practice and requirements of all legislation including protective measures identified by risk assessment;
i. A constant and continuing interest in all aspects of health and safety;
j. Investigating accidents and hazardous incidents involving or likely to involve personal injury;

k. To keep and maintain adequate records of accidents and violent incidents and provide appropriate management reports to help identify potential improvements;
l. Carrying out regular safety inspections;
m. Risk assessments with appropriate preventative and protective measures to eliminate or significantly reduce workplace hazards;
n. A smoke-free working environment.
Monitoring and Review
This policy will be regularly monitored to ensure that the objectives are achieved. It will be reviewed and updated annually to ensure that if reflects revised legislative or organisational changes. A copy of this policy is available to every member of staff on the school website.
The policy will be communicated to new staff during induction and any updates to the policy during term time will be highlighted in morning briefings. All other updates will be explained during staff INSET.
Accident Reporting All accidents and near misses must be reported to the Site Manager.
The relevant form (available on the school intranet) should be completed in black or blue ink and be legible. The form must contain the following information:
· student name · their tutor group number · the date the accident happened · the place where the accident happened · which part of the body was injured (all relevant boxes should be completed) · what treatment was given (all relevant boxes should be completed) · the name of the first aider who treated the student · whether an accident form has been completed (see note below*) · whether a note had been sent home to the Parents or Guardian · Please see the student Accident Report Form for accidents involving students or the Accident
Book for accidents involving staff. The former is kept on the school intranet under Staff Forms, the latter is kept in the First Aid Room

The safety system will be audited every year. Quarterly reviews are provided to the Executive Committee by the Site and Maintenance Manager.
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
Safe Handling and Use of Substances
· Designated staff will be responsible for identifying all substances that require COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) assessments.
· Science Technicians & designated staff will be responsible for undertaking COSHH assessments. · Head of Faculty will be responsible for ensuring that all actions identified in the assessments are
implemented. · The use of chemicals for teaching as set out in the national curriculum will be done so in
accordance with guidance and hazard cards produced by CLEAPS Schools Science Service. · Designated managers will be responsible for ensuring that all relevant employees are informed
about the COSHH assessments. · Designated managers will check that new substances can be used safely before they are
purchased. · Assessments will be reviewed on a regular basis, when the work activity changes, or the
constituents of the product change, whichever is the sooner.
Chemicals and cleaning chemicals are always stored in their own container with the original label and warnings showing clearly on the container.
Food or drink containers are never to be used to store chemicals. Only small quantities of the chemicals are kept in school at any given time.
All spillages must be cleaned up immediately, and accidents recorded on the accident form as outlined above under Accident Reporting.
As part of Health education, students should be taught to recognise the orange warning symbols, which they may come across on household containers, such as bleach, disinfectants, lavatory cleaners, oven cleaners, paint strippers etc., and are warned of the associated dangers. Protective clothing is available to all staff when using chemicals.
COSHH assessments are always carried out before chemicals are used, and the user is informed of the dangers and control measures to be in place for that chemical. There are also suitable first aid arrangements for treating chemical splashes.
The Science Department is subject to separate regulations (CLEAPPS) and currently undergo an external review of procedures every two years.

It is unlikely that our school should have any quantities of flammables, particularly flammable liquids. Some cleaning items however are flammable and some highly flammable. Where these items are used, no large quantities will be stored. Deliveries and orders will be kept to a minimum.
Where such items are required in the school, they will be stored in a suitable, locked metal cabinet, in the science preparation room.
Classroom Equipment
All staff in classrooms have a responsibility to ensure that all equipment used by themselves and by the students is reasonably clean, well maintained and safe. If any item of equipment is identified as being unsafe in any way, its use should be discontinued and reported to the Site and Maintenance Manager.
Conduct and behaviour in and around School
Students are made explicitly aware of how they should behave in and around the School through the use of School and classroom rules. Non-compliance is dealt with in accordance with the School's Rewards, Behaviour and Sanctions Policy.
Movement around the School: · all persons in the building should walk at all times · doors must be opened with care and caution
Contractors on Site
· Unchecked contractors on site are always supervised by the Site and Maintenance Manager, or designated substitute, who is fully aware of the school's responsibilities regarding contractors.
· Checks are made for competence and insurance of all contractors.
· Contractors are asked to provide risk assessments for all work undertaken on site where reasonably practicable.
The following guidelines will be followed:
1 Before any work commenced, a meeting is held on site with the contractor to agree how potential problems will be avoided.

2 When using local contractors, the school's own `approved list' is used as the source. This ensures that only suitable contractors are brought into the school to perform tasks. There are many advantages in drawing from the approved list:
· the school knows who to call quickly in the event of an emergency · staff know who to call in the absence of the Site and Maintenance Manager · the contractor will have been checked or recommended beforehand so the school knows it is
getting good service · Where possible appropriate vetting checks will be made on contractors regularly attending the
School site.
For a contractor to get onto the approved list they should satisfy the following:
· be capable of carrying out the work in a competent manner, either by qualification of experience
· can supply the resources to satisfactorily complete the job, without up-front payment · able to supply several satisfactory references, which can be checked · is a member of the relevant trade association · Has sufficient and up to date Public Liability Insurance. Staff must ask for a copy of the certificate
and keep it on file, diary date the expiry to check for renewal · has an up to date and meaningful safety policy · has documented risk assessments · agrees to abide by the School's health & safety policy and rules · Clearly states what work will be done, at what cost, and by when, in writing, before the work
commences so that understanding and agreement can be reached.
Electrical Safety and PAT testing
Most people will be well aware of the dangers associated with electricity and electrical equipment. Electricity is potentially dangerous and must be treated with respect. The following procedure is adhered to in the use of electricity:
· All electrical equipment in the school needs to be pat tested at least once a year or more depending on the item involved, not doing so could see the item removed or switched off until it is tested.
· Where possible staff should visually check each item of electrical equipment before it is used. Look for signs of burning, damaged cables, loose covers etc.

Any faults must be reported to the Site Manager immediately and the equipment taken out of use until it is suitably repaired
· All staff must be aware of the dangers of trailing cables. Trailing cables must NEVER be allowed to cross walkways
· The fixed electrical installation should be tested at five yearly intervals.
Fire Safety
First Action
If possible try to extinguish the fire using the appropriate fire extinguisher. However, use your judgement. Never take personal risks. Call the nearest fire extinguisher trained member of staff for assistance.
Exit Procedure; Please refer to the Evacuation Procedure.
Fire Drills
Fire Drills are carried out at least once per term. All staff and students must treat the drill with the utmost seriousness, and all instructions above must be adhered to.
At the fire assembly point, all procedures for roll call must be followed as if in the event of a real fire. During the fire drill, it is recognised as good practice to block off one of the escape routes to more closely simulate a fire situation, and this may take place.
The time taken to evacuate the school must be recorded each time there is a fire drill. If it takes longer than the recognised time, the cause/s will be investigated and the Headteacher will consider carrying out the drill again if deemed necessary.
At the end of the fire drill, classes will be instructed by the Headteacher ­ or in his absence by The Deputy Head ­ to return quietly to their classrooms. They will be given feedback about how well they did, and told about any changes necessary if things did not go well. They should be reassured about the need for safety, and for regular fire drills. They will be reminded about the need for self-discipline and that they should be walking smartly and listening at all times.
Any problems or difficulties with procedures after a fire drill MUST be reported immediately afterwards to The Headteacher and Site Manager.

Fire Notices and Fire Exits
For classrooms it is the relevant class teacher's responsibility to ensure that: a. The fire exit is clear at all times; b. The following notices are prominently displayed directly adjacent to the fire exit:- i. fire exit sign ii. Map showing red route to fire assembly point. RED route is on the fire published document and then printed off and out in classrooms. c. Any missing or damaged notices must be reported to the Site & Maintenance Manager; d. Any other adults working in the room are directed to the fire regulations displayed on the wall; e. All students are instructed in fire precautions and related safety issues; f. All students know where the fire exit is and where the signs are; g. All students understand the importance of keeping fire exists clear.
The Site and Maintenance Manager will carry out regular fire safety inspections of the whole school building, and take action as appropriate. He will check fire extinguishers, fire blankets, fire exits (to ensure they are not blocked), and fire doors (to ensure they are in good condition and open easily). This will be recorded in the appropriate check sheets.
Fire Alarm System
An approved contractor on a regular basis tests the electric fire alarm system. Any faults on the systems are reported to the contractor immediately, so that it can be rectified without delay.
Emergency lighting and alarm systems are also regularly tested, and any faults reported immediately. All records of the fire drills are kept in an incident report folder under Building Maintenance on the school's shared drive.
Fire extinguishers are also serviced regularly. This is also recorded in the appropriate check sheet. Fire exit doors are checked regularly by the Site & Maintenance Manager to ensure that they are in good condition and can be opened easily. All staff have a responsibility to report any faults to Site Manager.
Fire signs are checked regularly by the Fire Safety Manager (Site Manager) to ensure that they are visible, complete and compliant with latest regulations. Staff have a responsibility to report missing or damaged signs to the Site Manager.
All staff are made aware of the Fire Action Plan during induction. A copy of the Fire Evacuation Procedures is documented within the Staff Handbook and a copy is displayed on the Staff Room noticeboard.

Manual Handling
Manual handling includes lifting, pulling, pushing, moving and carrying. All staff are made aware of the risks associated with manual handling. Staff are advised to avoid manual handling as much as possible. Seeking assistance with the task can often reduce the risks for simple handling tasks.
Where staff have to carry out manual handling operations then the appropriate level of training will be provided.
PE Safety & Procedures
Safety Procedures
`The Physical Education Curriculum and the extra-curricular programme both require the same duty of care of teachers and provide many continuing opportunities to involve young people in safety matters. Awareness of safety is an integral part of the education process and its development will enable greater responsibility to be exercised by students as they mature. The knowledge derived has wide applications outside and beyond school, where the principles of safe practice are significant in underpinning the tasks and challenges of daily living. Safety is a cross-curricular theme but it will be most effectively demonstrated and applied in the practical areas of learning; nowhere more so than in physical education,'
(Safety in Physical Education ­ The British Association of Advisors and Lecturers in Physical Education).
Our first priority is to establish a good working relationship with students of all ages where discipline is firm and the students always know exactly what is required of them at any given time. A controlled environment is essential to safe practice. No group is allowed to work in a potentially dangerous field or activity until the teacher is satisfied that he/she has established good discipline.
We try to ensure that no student is given work which is beyond his physical capabilities. Students are encouraged to tell the teacher if he has particular fear of some activity. Consideration is given in particular to any student who is subject to a medical condition which can create difficulties in certain activities. All our work is differentiated and designed for mixed abilities groups. As new activities are introduced the students are shown the potential hazards involved and safe working practice.
No PE group is ever left unsupervised in a potentially dangerous environment.
A well-stocked First Aid Box is maintained for the treatment of any minor injuries. In cases of more serious injury a telephone is readily available if the support of the emergency services is required. A record of all injuries is kept and in every case contact is made with Pathway Managers, House Parents or Host Families and where necessary for more serious injuries Parents in the home country.

Whatever activity is being undertaken, it must always be ensured that the appropriate clothing is worn, particularly on the feet. No jewellery or watches are ever allowed to be worn which could cause injury, and the chewing of sweets or gum is strictly forbidden at all times.
Property Maintenance Although the Site Manager is committed to regular buildings and maintenance checks, all staff are required to be vigilant about the issue of property maintenance. Any defects in the conditions of buildings or grounds should be reported to the Site Manager.
The Purpose of Risk Assessment The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 places general duties on employers to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of employees and others. These duties implicitly include a duty to assess risks and take necessary precautions. Employers also, however, have specific legal duties to carry out risk assessments for all aspects of workplace health and safety due to the requirements of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 and other regulations such as the manual handling, COSHH and fire safety regulations.
Risk assessment is also a useful tool for safety representatives in taking up issues of health and safety. Where a potential problem has been identified, safety representatives can pose an immediate question to the employer or manager simply by asking to see the risk assessment for the activity or process in question.
Risk Assessments will be carried out by the school to comply with legislative requirements. The risk assessment process will be led by senior school management, but will include as many staff as possible. Risk assessments are carried out by:
· The Headteacher · The Site Manager · All organisers of off-site activities · The Co-Curricular Coordinator · Curriculum Coordinators · Heads of Faculty · Teachers
The risk assessment will look the hazards encountered, who may be harmed by them, how they may be harmed and the control measures that are in place or need to be put in place. The findings of the risk assessment will be brought to the attention of staff and the assessment reviewed and revised as necessary. The review will take place at least annually but will also take place if there are changes that require it, such as building work being carried out at the school.
The Health and Safety Executive has proposed a "five step approach" to risk assessment. The following

sections outline how this would govern risk assessment in schools.


Look for hazards

Hazards can be defined as "anything that can cause harm" and can include substances; processes; the layout or structure or condition of premises and machinery. In schools, they can even include students.

The important matter is that a wide-ranging examination is undertaken. A risk assessment which looked only at work procedures and processes might miss a hazard associated with, for example, a slippery surface on a staircase. It is better for a person undertaking a risk assessment to think creatively and look for all factors which might create hazards and include the widest range of possible hazards rather than to overlook potential problems.


Decide who might be harmed and how

In schools, consideration needs to be given to the number of staff who might be harmed by a particular hazard, as well as the number of students and visitors who might be harmed.


Evaluate the risks and decide whether existing precautions are adequate or whether more should

be done

"Risk" reflects a combination of the likelihood that a particular hazard will cause harm or injury and the likely severity of that harm or injury. The risk assessment process will assess the level of risk in the particular circumstances and identify the measures to be taken.

For example, a slippery floor surface in a school is a hazard wherever it occurs. A slippery surface on a steep staircase is likely to cause injuries of a more severe nature than those caused by a slippery surface in a corridor. The risk assessment might therefore identify a greater level of risk from the staircase surface and propose significantly greater protective measures there. Where, however, the corridor was very busy and the staircase rarely used, the level of risk might nevertheless be greater in the corridor due to the likely greater frequency of injuries.

Once the risk has been evaluated, the School should adopt a three-tier approach to instituting safety precautions.

· The first option is to seek to remove the risk altogether by removing the hazard or discontinuing the hazardous process.

· Where this is not practicable or possible, the employer should, as a second priority, seek to reduce the risk by modifying the work processes involved and thereby making the activity less hazardous; reducing the number of people exposed; or reducing the length of exposure.

· The third option, acceptable only where neither of the first two is feasible, is to institute appropriate protective measures such as providing protective equipment or isolating or drawing attention to the hazard.


Record the findings

Recording the findings of a risk assessment is a legal requirement where there are 5 or more employees, but should always be a matter of course in schools due to the presence of pupils.


Review the assessment from time to time

The requirement to review the risk assessment applies particularly when significant changes have taken place in schools which may have introduced new hazards. An up to date Risk Assessment Record is
held by the Site Manager.

Violence to Staff For the School to function it is necessary for staff to have contact with members of the public. Whilst contact with members of the public brings with it a threat of violence the chances of becoming a victim of physical attack are very low. The Health and Safety Executive define violence as "Any incident, in which an employee is abused, threatened or assaulted by a member of the public in circumstances arising out of the course of his or her employment."
All instances of threatening behaviour or acts of violence must be reported in line with the Schools Rewards Behaviour and Sanctions Policy or Expulsions and Serious Sanction Policy.

E-safety (refer to Acceptable Use Policy and E-Safety Policy) The school recognises that new technologies are integral to student's lives and to the process of learning. The internet and other digital information are powerful tools for learning and provide opportunities for creativity. Therefore all users, both staff and students have an entitlement to safe internet access at appropriate times. In order to facilitate this the school's Acceptable Use Policy requires all users to be responsible users and stay safe when using the internet and other communication technologies for educational, personal or recreational use. In doing so the Acceptable Use Policy protects the school IT systems and users from accidental or deliberate misuse or potential risk

Appendix 1: Student Accident/Incident Report Form
Student Accident/Incident Report Form

This form is to be completed by all relevant staff as soon as possible and at the very latest by the end of the school day upon which the accident occurred or following morning if related to an evening activity or event.

Name of student

Date of Birth


Date of

Time Location


Reported by

Nature of accident/incident What happened
Details of injuries sustained ­ if applicable

Details of any treatment given or follow up care/advice given
Outcome of accident/incident

Parent contacted & Date

Name of Parent Contacted

Who contacted parent

How was parent contacted ­ phone/email/other

YES NO Full name of staff member



Date of report

Microsoft Word for Office 365