and trips manual handling, temperature and then describe what effect have it will have e.g. staff, visitors, students, pregnant women, young persons plus indicate what harm will be done e.g. hearing damage, or entanglement in machinery or exposure to dust List current control measures in place to minimise the risk. Cross reference
and trips manual handling, temperature and then describe what effect have it will have. e.g. staff, visitors, students, pregnant.
Risk Assessment Form SD 0526 Risk assessment Number: Date of risk assessment: Review Date: Assessor Name: Julie Forster, Corporate H&S Manager Reviewer Name: Professor Ken Smith Authoriser Name: Professor Jonathan Elliott Date: 26th October, 2020 Date: 26th October, 2020 Date: 26th October, 2020 SD0526 Risk Assessment Form Version 17.05 Issued May 2017 Section 1: General Information Site Room / Lab Number or Space where activity takes place Title of Activity Description of Activity (Cross reference and / or hyperlink to any relevant SOPs or Methods or provide a brief description of the task) Is a permit to work required e.g. hot work, confined spaces, work at height Is the overall risk from the activity acceptable? Complete after the assessment Level of risk with current controls in place * Go to the Risk Matrix section All campuses Department: This risk assessment covers all Departments RVC wide (applicable to Camden, Hawkshead and Boltons Park Farm) Risk assessment detailing the control measures identified by the RVC to reduce the risk of infection with COVID-19 The risk assessment covers the general principles for the control of infection with COVID-19 at the RVC. It also covers the control measures for additional hazards that may arise due to the outbreak and documents the changes in staff working conditions and teaching for students. This overarching risk assessment provides the framework for the management of the risk associated with the COVID-19 outbreak, however, where specific control measures are required, (e.g. for clinical areas, animal husbandry, maintenance, research and cleaning), specialist risk assessments are in place and will be reviewed regularly in line with RVC activities and Government guidelines. This risk assessment has been updated to reflect recent changes. They ensure that the resumption of teaching through blended learning, the reintroduction of a level of practical and clinical teaching and the limited return of employees to the workplace is carried out in a COVID secure work and study environment. It also reflects the local tracing and notification procedures which are now in place, the use of QR codes on campus and the formation of an outbreak plan and response teams. Not applicable Yes Medium Level of risk with additional Low controls in place SD0526 Risk Assessment Form Version 17.05 Issued May 2017 Identify the hazard Who is at risk and how? e.g. noise, chemical hazards, sharps, fire, explosion, slips and trips manual handling, temperature and then describe what effect have it will have Risk of infection and spread of COVID-19 e.g. staff, visitors, students, pregnant women, young persons plus indicate what harm will be done e.g. hearing damage, or entanglement in machinery or exposure to dust Staff may become infected with COVID19 and symptoms of the disease can range from mild, to moderate, severe or fatal What controls have you already in place? List current control measures in place to minimise the risk. Cross reference to guidance e.g. HSE guidance, British Standards Do you need to have any extra control measures to control the risk List any additional controls required for the task e.g. additional training, monitoring, inspecting the area regularly, better lighting required Additional action owner Identify person or Group with ownership of additional controls Reduced population of employees on campus Staff that can work at home will normally continue to do so to keep None N/A the campus population at a level that will enable the RVC to maintain a COVID secure work environment. Some staff will come to work on a rotational / staggered basis to ensure that numbers on campus are maintained at a level that does not increase the risk of infection and to ensure that social distance measures can be met. SD0526 Risk Assessment Form Version 17.05 Issued May 2017 Priority for additional controls (High, medium, low) High = as soon as possible Medium = within 6 months Low = before next assessment review N/A Staff who cannot work at home e.g. clinical, maintenance, animal husbandry staff or employees None required N/A required for practical teaching duties will attend work as required and will observe the local rules and government guidelines on social distancing, PPE and notification of COVID symptoms. Research staff and PG research students have returned to work in a phased approach and will work (following the authorisation process for researchers) in accordance with government guidelines and local COVID rules. Protection of vulnerable staff All employees have been required to complete an individual COVID risk assessments. This assessment will identify any clinical vulnerable staff that may require referral to occupational health and identifies any additional PPE or other reasonable adjustment that may be required. The risk assessment will identify the demographic and personal characteristics that increase the risk Referral to occupational health provider if dermatitis is suspected Line managers N/A Medium SD0526 Risk Assessment Form Version 17.05 Issued May 2017 to individuals e.g. BAME, gender, age, clinical conditions. ISD High Additional signage Hand Washing guidance on public health Stringent and frequent handwashing messages will be put advised. in place. Guidance has been provided on correct handwashing technique. Staff are encouraged to protect the skin by applying emollient cream regularly or may use of soap-free alternatives. Additional gel sanitisers have been provided in any area where washing facilities not readily available. Occupational health review if skin conditions appear. DSS, ASS, High The frequency and campus service Cleaning level of cleaning will managers Increase in the frequency of cleaning be monitored by and disinfecting of objects and Campus services and surfaces that are touched regularly, building managers particularly in areas of high use such on a regular basis. as door handles, light switches, reception area, catering areas and Departmental Safety wash rooms using appropriate Supervisors (DSS), cleaning products and methods. area safety Use of deep cleaning procedure for supervisors (ASS) areas were suspect COVID-19 staff and building may have worked (in accordance with managers to ensure SD0526 Risk Assessment Form Version 17.05 Issued May 2017 government guidance). Staff undertaking deep cleaning will be provided with PPE according to government guidelines. Staff using shared equipment in labs, clinics have procedures for decontamination. Communal equipment such as photocopiers have been provided with cleaning stations including disinfectant, cloths and waste bins to ensure they are regularly cleaned by users. that staff are maintaining social distances Water bottle fountains have been replaced with touch free alternatives. ISD Hand towel dispensers have been replaced with hands free dispensers. Social Distancing ISD The number of staff in all areas has Additional signage been reduced to ensure that the for social distancing current guidelines for social distancing is on order. can be met. Applies to all areas, labs, offices, reception areas etc. The use of one-way system in some buildings will be used. Signage placed on lifts to ensure that use is restricted for essential use only. The use of signage and floor markings to remind staff and students of social distancing measures and hygiene. SD0526 Risk Assessment Form Version 17.05 Issued May 2017 High Medium The use of screens to protect in key areas such as reception. For work activities were social distancing is difficult or impossible, additional risk assessment has been carried out. Fabric masks have been issued to all staff and students. In addition, staff and students have been issued with PPE including face visors and safety glasses for use when social distancing cannot be maintained .e.g. when working with animals and clinical duties. Maximum occupancy for areas such as labs, restaurants, have been defined Use of public transport Government guidance now states that public transport is safe to use. Employees are allowed (where possible) to use flexible working hours to avoid busy times on public transport services. PPE Washable fabric masks have been provided for use on public transport and other crowded areas off campus in line with government advice. Advice will be updated in accordance with government guidelines The use of fabric masks is now mandatory for external contractors including restaurant Line managers Medium SD0526 Risk Assessment Form Version 17.05 Issued May 2017 A policy on the use of masks and PPE in the outbreak has been written and staff have been required to read the document. The use of hot desk areas is discouraged (wherever possible) and equipment for cleaning of phones, keyboards are in place. If there is any shared IT or other equipment e.g. in laboratory areas, there are procedures for the disinfection of surfaces and PPE. Provision of advice All staff have been provided with up to date government advice and signposting through regular updates from the Principal, dedicated intranet and intranet pages and messages of the day. staff and shuttle bus drivers. Senior management team Infection control measures If an employee develops COVID-19 symptoms when on site or reports a positive result after being on site, control measures would include reporting to line management, tracing known contacts (as far as possible) and deep cleaning affected areas. First aiders have been provided with advice on how to manage suspected COVID- Regular monitoring of ill health and absence by line managers, HR and HR, CHST, Line managers and departmental administrators Medium High SD0526 Risk Assessment Form Version 17.05 Issued May 2017 19 patients to reduce the risk of Corporate H&S team spread. A policy with additional (CHST). A daily requirements on contact tracing and report summary of notification has been developed. Key COVID related points of contact (departmental absences is contract tracers) have been identified submitted by CHST to provide an early alert process for to Principal's suspect or confirmed cases. Advisory group Ongoing RVC-wide review of COVID- (PAG)- ongoing. 19 related symptoms and self- Risk based isolation incidence to provide early inspections will be detection of infection clusters and the led by CHST to iterative and integrated approach ensure COVID secure ensures comprehensive capture of measures are in CHST /DSS High cross-over between groups. place. An outbreak Control document is in place and Gold, Silver and Bronze response teams have been identified for staff and students. QR codes have been assigned for use through out the RVC (one for each campus). They are posted throughout the RVC in key areas. Visitor and contractor guidance requires their use when entering the campus buildings. Wearing of Gloves Where a Risk Assessment identifies wearing of gloves as a requirement of the job, an adequate supply of these SD0526 Risk Assessment Form Version 17.05 Issued May 2017 Students will be provided. Staff will be instructed on how to remove gloves carefully to reduce contamination and how to dispose of them safely. The use of gloves during COVID-19 and the risks in overuse have been A review of the documented in a COVID-19 specific ventilation system PPE policy. has been carried out Risk of infection through ventilation and assurance ISD systems provided on the The risk of infection through safety of systems ventilation is low but could potentially when natural occur through recirculating systems. ventilation is not the Such systems have been switched off sole control and will be reviewed prior to measure. reinstating. Undergraduates are being taught through blended learning. Those students having an on-campus blended learning experience 2020/21 are permitted on campus for up to 8 hours per week, inclusive of required face-to-face teaching such as practical classes which are now delivered in reduced numbers to ensure that COVID measures can be maintained. The formation of student bubbles are in place to reduce the level of mixing during teaching. Ongoing review Academic staff and ISD Medium Accommodation, ISD Medium SD0526 Risk Assessment Form Version 17.05 Issued May 2017 In the event that students need to self-isolate on campus, they are supported by Student Advice Centre with advice and food and medical provisions as required. Students (and post-graduate students) who may be clinically vulnerable are identified through the revised reasonable adjustments form or COVID individual risk assessment and controls measures should be identified as required. They are referred to occupational health when complex health conditions require a medical review. Students have been provided with face masks, visors, safety glasses, thermometers to monitor their personal temperature and guidance on COVID measures at the RVC. A new mandatory student Health and safety training module is being made available through RVC Learn and includes information on COVID measures at the RVC. Student Advice centre, Occupational Health and CHST Medium CHST Medium Rotation leads Low BvetMed 5 students on extra mural rotation with off campus collaborative partners, study within a bubble. Prior to the onset of each rotation, SD0526 Risk Assessment Form Version 17.05 Issued May 2017 Contractors students will be tested for COVID using either NHS or private testing. Contingency plans have been made to ensure that students who become unwell during rotation can gain access to transport, self isolation facilities and support. Post-graduate students Residents and interns, that have been required to carry out essential clinical duties have continued to attend campus as required. Post-graduate research students (from 8th June) have been given limited access to research facilities to continue their studies. This is continuing in a phased approach. In all scenarios, where students have come on site, the same control measures for staff have been applied to students. Contractors have been made aware of the increased hygiene requirements when arriving on campus, the requirement to maintain social distancing and of local rules. All contractors must submit a selfdeclaration form to ensure they are The adherence to the control measures will be monitored on an ongoing basis by contractor hosts, maintenance and security. Where Contractor hosts Medium SD0526 Risk Assessment Form Version 17.05 Issued May 2017 not experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or self-isolating. Failure to book in contractors or to complete the self-declaration form will result in contractors not being given access to the campus. Contractors are required to check in using the NHS App when arriving on campus. contractor hosts are not available on site, a deputy host should be appointed (where possible) and maintenance and security informed of the arrangements For large-scale construction project work on campus, comprehensive risk assessments have been completed. Any COVID suspect or confirmed cases will be declared by RG Carters immediately to the RVC. Carter do not use any communal services such as washrooms. They will only use the restaurant facilities on campus if they do not have daily food provision with them. They are encouraged to use their own facilities. Control measures are monitored through weekly updates with RG Carter and RVC staff. ISD, CHST, Carters Visitors Visitors hare required to complete a COVID self-declaration and are provided with guidance on the RVC requirements when on campus. This includes the requirements to wear a SD0526 Risk Assessment Form Version 17.05 Issued May 2017 Medium Clients First aiders may risk COVID-19 infection if they have to attend incidents and provide first aid support face covering in communal areas. All visitors (including auditors, inspectors, trainers) must be logged onto the VisitorNet system prior to arrival. Visitors are required to check in when arriving on campus using the NHS APP. There are strict guidelines in place to reduce the risk to clients and the risk of infection from clients. These include (but not limited to) increased use of telephone consultations, very limited access for clients into hospital areas, declaration that patients come from COVID-19 symptom free homes. Specialist risk assessments and procedures are in place for all areas. All staff, PG research students and contractors had been advised not to attend campus if they have COVID-19 symptoms or are required to selfisolate. Advice has been provided to all first aiders on ways to reduce potential for infection with COVID-19 Hospital Directors and manager to monitor and review Corporate H&S to monitor supplies and to provide ongoing advice and support CSS staff CHST Additional PPE (e.g. FFP2/3, aprons, gloves) has been provided in key areas None N/A for first aider use. SD0526 Risk Assessment Form Version 17.05 Issued May 2017 Medium Medium Fire safety CPR respirator masks have replaced face shields as they provide improved protection for first aider. A video has been made as a refresher for CPR, infection control and use of new CPR mask. Thermometers (aural) have been provided in the first aid areas for employees to check temperatures when on campus if they feel unwell. These can be disinfected with disinfectant wipes which are also provided. Risk of COVID outbreak and impact upon staff, students and RVC business Staff may be at risk as areas that have reduced occupation levels may not have regular fire marshal An outbreak plan has been developed. Meetings are held on a regular basis with local public health in Herts County Council and London Higher. The provision of advice from Infection control consultants have been received and acted upon. See above for additional controls - daily reports are generated to review COVID cases and formation of outbreak response groups. Weekly fire alarm checks have been carried out throughout the lockdown period even in buildings that were not occupied. None SD0526 Risk Assessment Form Version 17.05 Issued May 2017 PAG, CHST High N/A CHST Medium checks and marshals All staff and students returning to Corporate safety to and emergency co- campus (such research labs) have to monitor attendance ordinators may not be complete a short 10 minute fire in attendance in the refresher zoom video to ensure they event of a fire or fire know the emergency arrangements in alarm activation the event of a fire. Injury or ill health Staff or post graduate Line managers should ensure that a Corporate health DSS and CHST High and provision of research students on first aider is present on site during and safety to First Aid site may not receive working hours. In clinical areas this is monitor and review prompt first aid managed locally. level of cover assistance due to In research labs this is co-ordinated by reduced numbers of departmental lab manager and first aiders on site. Corporate Safety. Staff have been advised of alternative arrangements to contact their first aid dependent on their location on campus In high hazard areas, where staff work Line managers alone, lone worker alarms should be should ensure high implemented to ensure assistance is hazard activities readily available. where there is lone working are risk assessed DSE issues due to Staff working at home Staff have been permitted to bring N/A home working e.g. on lap tops may some DSE items home to assist with be affected by upper DSE set up. limb discomfort or Small purchases of keyboards or back pain laptop risers and mice have been authorised for use at home. SD0526 Risk Assessment Form Version 17.05 Issued May 2017 Wellbeing Legionella Equipment safety testing Staff and students mental and physical health may be adversely affected by COVID-19 Staff using infrequently flushed water outlets may be at risk of contracting Legionnaires Disease if water outlets have not been used frequently during the lockdown period. Statutory testing of safety critical equipment may not have been carried out during lockdown period Advice on posture and DSE set up and assessment have been circulated COVID-19 self-care programmes have been launched for staff and student on themes including; Be Kind; be active, be healthy, be connected. Counselling, support and advice is continuing to be available remotely. On-line drop in support services are available from student advice, chaplaincy and HR. Most water outlets that have been infrequently used e.g. washrooms, restaurant, offices, laboratories have continued to be flushed on a weekly basis in accordance with L28. Most statutory tests have been maintained e.g. weekly fire alarm testing If safety critical equipment testing e.g. LEV, lifting equipment, lifting operations, have not been maintained, every effort should be made to have the tests carried out. The equipment should either not be The effect on staff and students will be monitored by HR and Advice Centre and the Wellbeing Committee The Legionella responsible person to review water flushing schedule and reports and to ensure infrequently used outlets in areas such as student accommodation is assessed Maintenance and local building / laboratory managers to continue to review testing requirements HR and Learning and Wellbeing ISD DSS, building managers, Maintenance Medium Low Medium SD0526 Risk Assessment Form Version 17.05 Issued May 2017 used or a risk assessment should be carried out to determine if there is an increased risk of harm or injury. Emergency Procedures: Describe any actions to be taken or first aid required in the event of an emergency (cross reference to SOP if this are detailed elsewhere: All details regarding first aid provision, emergency response to COVID-19 infected persons on site is detailed within the risk assessment. Additional local procedures will apply. SD0526 Risk Assessment Form Version 17.05 Issued May 2017 Likelihood of occurrence Very Unlikely Unlikely Possible Likely Very Likely Negligible Low Low Low Low Medium Slight Low Severity of hazard Moderate Low Low Low Low Medium Medium Medium Medium High High Low Medium Medium High High Very High Low Medium High High High Risk Matrix Low Medium High No additional controls required Additional controls should be looked at and actioned where required to ensure the risk is controlled as far as is reasonably practicable (in terms of time, cost and effort) Immediate action required, work should not start or continue until additional controls are implemented This chart is to give the assessor an idea of the level of risk involved with the activity. It is not a detailed qualitative risk assessment. If the level of risk is high then an additional more detailed assessment may be required. SD0526 Risk Assessment Form Version 17.05 Issued May 2017