15347789.1 REGULAR MEETING1 2 OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE MID-PENINSULA WATER DISTRICT3 4 5 February 28, 2019 6 Belmont, California 7 8 9 1. OPENING 10 A. Call to Order: 11 The regular meeting of the Mid-Peninsula Water District Board of Directors was called to 12 order by President Vella at 6:30PM. 13 B.14 Establishment of Quorum: 15 PRESENT: Directors Vella, Zucca, Warden, Schmidt and ...
REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF DIRECTORS THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 2019 6:30PM 3 DAIRY LANE, BELMONT CALIFORNIA 1. OPENING A. Call to Order B. Establishment of Quorum C. Pledge of Allegiance AGENDA 2. PUBLIC COMMENT Members of the public may address the Board on the Consent Agenda or any item of interest within the jurisdiction of the Board but not on its agenda today. In compliance with the Brown Act, the Board cannot discuss or act on items not on the agenda. Please complete a speaker's form and give it to the District Secretary. Each speaker is limited to three (3) minutes. 3. AGENDA REVIEW: ADDITIONS/DELETIONS AND PULLED CONSENT ITEMS 4. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS/PRESENTATIONS None 5. CONSENT AGENDA All matters on the Consent Agenda are to be approved by one motion. If Directors wish to discuss a consent item other than simple clarifying questions, a request for removal may be made. Such items are pulled for separate discussion and action after the Consent Agenda as a whole is acted upon. A. Approve Minutes for the Regular Board Meeting on February 28, 2019 B. Approve Expenditures from February 22, 2019 through March 21, 2019 6. HEARINGS AND APPEALS None 7. MPWD FY 2016-2021 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AND 2016 COP (CERTIFICATES OF PARTICIPATION) FINANCING None 8. REGULAR BUSINESS AGENDA A. Consider Approving Roster of Director Assignments/Committees for 2019-2020, including Standing Finance Committee B. Consider Resolution 2019-06 Approving Updated MPWD Rules of the Board C. Consider Resolution 2019-07 Approving MPWD Policy for Public Records Act Requests MPWD Regular Meeting 1 March 22, 2019 15325787.1 D. Consider Resolution 2019-08 Approving Updated MPWD Personnel Manual E. Discuss Preliminary Revenue Requirements for FY 2019/2020 and Proposed Water Rate Adjustments F. Review Preliminary DRAFT Operating & Capital Budgets for FY 2019/2020 G. Receive BAWSCA Update H. Receive San Mateo County Chapter CSDA Update 9. MANAGER'S AND BOARD REPORTS A. General Manager's Report, supplemented by: 1. Administrative Services Manager's Report 2. Operations Manager's Report 3. District Engineer's Report B. Financial Reports 1. Receive Financial Reports for Month Ended February 28, 2019 2. Presentation by District Treasurer of Proposed Monthly Financial Reports C. Director Reports 10. COMMUNICATIONS 11. CLOSED SESSION A. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION AND ASSOCIATED NEGOTIATIONS Government Code §§54957 and 54957.6 Title: General Manager 12. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION 13. ADJOURNMENT This agenda was posted at the Mid-Peninsula Water District's office, 3 Dairy Lane, in Belmont, California, and on its website at www.midpeninsulawater.org. ACCESSIBLE PUBLIC MEETINGS Upon request, the Mid-Peninsula Water District will provide written agenda materials in appropriate alternative formats, or disabilityrelated modification or accommodation (including auxiliary aids or services), to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in public meetings. Please contact the District Secretary at (650) 591-8941 to request specific materials and preferred alternative format or auxiliary aid or service at least 48 hours before the meeting. Next Board Meeting: Thursday, April 25, 2019, at 6:30PM MPWD Regular Meeting 2 March 22, 2019 15325787.1 1 REGULAR MEETING 2 OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 3 OF THE MID-PENINSULA WATER DISTRICT 4 5 February 28, 2019 6 Belmont, California 7 8 9 1. OPENING 10 A. Call to Order: 11 The regular meeting of the Mid-Peninsula Water District Board of Directors was called to 12 order by President Vella at 6:30PM. 13 14 B. Establishment of Quorum: 15 PRESENT: Directors Vella, Zucca, Warden, Schmidt and Wheeler. 16 17 A quorum was present. 18 19 ALSO PRESENT: General Manager Tammy Rudock, Operations Manager Rene Ramirez, 20 District Engineer Joubin Pakpour, District Treasurer Jeff Ira and District Counsel Julie 21 Sherman. 22 23 District Secretary/Administrative Services Manager Candy Pina was absent, and General 24 Manager Rudock served as District Secretary for the meeting. 25 26 C. Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was led by attending audience staff 27 members. 28 29 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS 30 None. 31 32 3. AGENDA REVIEW: ADDITIONS/DELETIONS AND PULLED CONSENT ITEMS 33 District Counsel inquired about the closed session agenda item and whether it would be 34 postponed and President Vella confirmed that item 11 would remain on tonight's agenda. 35 36 4. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS/PRESENTATIONS 37 A. Michael Anderson, Operations Supervisor 20th Service Anniversary (January 4, 38 2019) 39 General Manager Rudock introduced Mr. Anderson and commended him for his 20- 40 years of service and Operations Manager Ramirez spoke on behalf of Mr. Anderson's 41 dedication, community effort and the work load he carries. 42 43 President Vella presented Mr. Anderson with a service award. 44 45 Mr. Anderson addressed the Board and expressed his gratitude for all the positive 46 changes and improvements staff has witnessed since he last stood before the Board 47 and the support of management. 48 49 President Vella thanked and congratulated Mr. Anderson. 50 15347789.1 1 51 B. Misty Malczon, Administrative Specialist/Billing Lead 15th Service Anniversary 52 (January 26, 2019) 53 General Manager Rudock introduced Ms. Malczon, commended her for her 15-years of 54 service and highlighted many accomplishments, especially related to the MPWD's billing 55 and customer services, during her tenure. 56 57 President Vella presented Ms. Malczon with a service award and thanked her for 58 service. Vice President Zucca shared a story about one of his first customer service 59 interactions with Ms. Malczon and the fact that she was familiar with the location he was 60 describing even before he finished reporting a possible leak. 61 62 C. Brent Chester, Operations Supervisor AWWA CA-NV Backflow Prevention 63 Assembly Proctor 64 General Manager Rudock introduced Mr. Chester and congratulated him for reaching 65 this highest level of a backflow and cross connection specialist. She further shared that 66 this achievement was a personal goal of his and Operations Manager Ramirez 67 commented on the wealth of knowledge Mr. Chester brings to the District. 68 69 Mr. Chester explained the education requirements and his role as a proctor and thanked 70 management and the Board for the opportunity to serve in this capacity. 71 72 5. CONSENT AGENDA 73 A. Approve Minutes (as amended) for the Regular Board Meeting of January 24, 2019 74 Director Schmidt brought to staff's attention a couple of needed corrections and inquired 75 about the expenditure to the City of Belmont included in the January 16, 2019 through 76 February 21, 2019 Expenditures Report. 77 78 Staff responded that the corrections will be made and General Manager Rudock replied 79 that the City of Belmont expenditure was for the pay-go portion of the coordinated joint 80 project between the MPWD and Belmont. 81 82 B. Approve Expenditures from January 16, 2019 through February 21, 2019 83 84 C. Approve Resolution 2019-04 (as amended) Establishing Surplus Items List 19-01 85 and Declaring Four (4) Items in District Inventory as Surplus and Authorizing Staff 86 to Sell the Items via GovDeals.com 87 Staff discovered an error in the numbering of the Board resolution for this item 88 (duplicated) and subsequently corrected it to be Resolution 2019-06. 89 90 D. Ratify Two (2) Professional Services Agreements Approved by the General 91 Manager for Temporary Staffing Services in FY 2018/2019 each Totaling an 92 Amount in Excess of the $25,000 Signature Authority per MPWD Procurement 93 Policy: 94 1. Office Team for one (1) Administrative staff member estimated not to exceed 95 $45,000 total; and 96 2. WaterTALENT for Two (2) Water System Operators estimated not to exceed 97 $150,000 total 98 99 Director Warden moved to approve the consent agenda. Vice President Zucca 100 seconded and it was unanimously approved. 101 15347789.1 2 102 6. HEARINGS AND APPEALS 103 None. 104 105 7. MPWD FY 2016-2021 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AND 2016 COP 106 (CERTIFICATES OF PARTICIPATION) FINANCING 107 A. Consider Resolution 2019-01 Authorizing the Sixth Amendment to the Master 108 Professional Services Contract with Pakpour Consulting Group, Inc. referenced as 109 Contract No. 02-1621-CP in the amount of $45,000 for Additional Engineering 110 Services related to the Hillcrest Pressure Regulating Station 111 Operations Manager Ramirez reminded the Board why this item was tabled last month 112 and reviewed briefly some time and material description highlights from the additional 113 report Pakpour Consulting Group, Inc. delivered to staff on January 30, 2019. 114 115 District Engineer Pakpour commented on the request for additional information. 116 117 The Board thanked staff for providing supplemental documentation and Director Wheeler 118 moved to approve Resolution 2019-01 Authorizing the Sixth Amendment to the Master 119 Professional Services Contract with Pakpour Consulting Group, Inc. Director Warden 120 seconded and it was unanimously approved. 121 122 8. REGULAR BUSINESS AGENDA 123 A. Consider Approving the Two-Year MPWD Strategic Plan for 2019-2020 including 124 Mission Statement, Vision Statement, Strategic Goals and Director Assignments 125 General Manager Rudock replied to a couple of comments about edits for the chart-pad 126 notes. 127 128 President Vella complimented Julie Brown on her facilitation of the planning session and 129 requested that staff add himself and Director Wheeler to the San Mateo County Chapter 130 California Special Districts Association (CSDA) assignment in addition to the General 131 Manager. 132 133 General Manager Rudock reviewed strategic plan elements and objectives. 134 135 Director Schmidt expressed interest in customer service response time rates. Staff and 136 the Board discussed known metrics. General Manager Rudock advised she would 137 consult with staff and report back her findings on the subject to the Board. 138 139 Director Schmidt moved to approve the two-year MPWD Strategic Plan for 2019-2020 140 including Mission Statement, Vision Statement, Strategic Goals and Director 141 Assignments. Director Wheeler seconded and it was unanimously approved. 142 143 B. Receive Mid-Year Review of MPWD FY 2018-2019 Operating and Capital Budgets 144 and Consider Resolution 2019-05 Approving the Amended Budgets 145 A brief review of the highlights from the proposed mid-year budget changes was 146 presented by the General Manager. 147 148 Director Warden requested that going forward he would like the Financial Audit Review 149 Committee to meet in advance of the Board's consideration of the mid-year budget 150 approval. 151 15347789.1 3 152 Vice President Zucca moved to approve Resolution 2019-05 Approving the Amended 153 MPWD FY 2018-2019 Operating and Capital Budgets. Director Warden seconded and it 154 was unanimously approved. 155 156 C. Consider Discuss Scheduling a Financial Planning Workshop in April 157 General Manager Rudock made the suggestion and offered dates for consideration. 158 The Board discussed and settled on the date of April 11, 2019. 159 160 Director Warden inquired with District Counsel about ad-hoc committees and Brown Act 161 compliance. 162 163 Vice President Zucca suggested that staff amend the Financial Audit Committee title on 164 the Director's Assignments list to include the word Review. 165 166 9. MANAGER AND BOARD REPORTS 167 A. General Manager's Report 168 General Manager Rudock gave a progress report on the MPWD's Transparency 169 Certificate of Excellence and reported that next month staff and District Counsel will 170 present a couple of remaining policy documents for the Board's consideration in order to 171 meet the transparency basic requirements. She provided a summary report and 172 presentation of the SFPUC Annual Wholesale Customer Meeting. 173 174 Director Schmidt inquired about the Ethics Training blank next to his name on page 86 of 175 the Board packet. General Manager Rudock advised that the line indicated he had yet 176 to fulfill the requirement and District Counsel recommended that the training be 177 completed as soon as possible. 178 179 1. Supplemented by Administrative Services Manager's Report 180 General Manager Rudock commented on the LAIF balance and PARS OPEB 181 funding. 182 183 2. Supplemented by Operations Manager's Report 184 Operations Manager Ramirez reported on staff's new real-time AMI reporting method 185 and January 2019 USA numbers and main break totals. 186 187 Director Wheeler asked about the AMI meter install sequence and Operations 188 Manager Ramirez explained the procedure. 189 190 3. Supplemented by District Engineer's Report 191 District Engineer Pakpour reported on the Stolaski & Gonzalez Inc. pre-construction 192 meeting for the Hillcrest Pressure Regulating Station capital project and two of the 193 CIP engineering design projects in queue. 194 195 B. Financial Reports 196 Receive Financial Reports for Month Ended January 31, 2019 197 General Manager Rudock reported on the status of revenues and expenditures. She 198 also reported that staff would be meeting shortly with District Treasurer Ira to discuss 199 financial reports formatting. 200 201 202 15347789.1 4 203 C. Director Reports 204 Director Warden suggested staff consider a bill insert to address water quality (e.g., 205 taste and odor) customer concerns. 206 207 President Vella commented on the Harbor Industrial Association's Caltrain update and 208 the LAFCO Special District alternate member election results. 209 210 10. COMMUNICATIONS 211 General Manager Rudock inquired about the date for the Annual Employee Appreciation 212 Dinner on May 3rd, and Board members were available. She also reported that the annual 213 disclosure report required for the 2016 COP financing was timely filed by the MPWD's 214 agent, Dan Bergmann with IGService. 215 216 The Board convened to Closed Session at 8:30PM to discuss one item. 217 218 11. CLOSED SESSION 219 A. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION 220 AND ASSOCIATED NEGOTIATIONS 221 Government Code §§54957 and 54957.6 222 Title: General Manager 223 224 12. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION 225 The Board reconvened to the open session at 9:17PM. District Counsel reported that no 226 reportable action had been taken. 227 228 13. ADJOURNMENT 229 The meeting was adjourned at 9:18PM. 230 231 232 __________________________________ 233 DISTRICT SECRETARY 234 235 APPROVED: 236 237 238 ______________________________ 239 BOARD PRESIDENT 15347789.1 5 Accounts Payable Checks by Date - Summary by Check Date User: Printed: candyp 3/20/2019 4:14 PM Check No 100154 100156 Vendor No ACHRETN ACHRETN Vendor Name ACH Returns ACH Returns Check Date 02/22/2019 02/22/2019 Total for 2/22/2019: 100157 DEPOSITE DEPOSITED ITEM RETN UNPAID 02/26/2019 Total for 2/26/2019: 100135 100136 100137 100138 100139 100141 100142 100143 100144 100145 100158 CALPERS HEALTHEQ ICMACONT ADPPAYRL ADPPAYRL CALPERS ICMACONT HEALTHEQ ADPPAYRL ADPPAYRL CALPERS CALPERS Health Equity ICMA contributions adp adp CALPERS ICMA contributions Health Equity adp adp CALPERS 02/28/2019 02/28/2019 02/28/2019 02/28/2019 02/28/2019 02/28/2019 02/28/2019 02/28/2019 02/28/2019 02/28/2019 02/28/2019 Total for 2/28/2019: 34509 34510 34511 34512 34513 34514 34515 34516 34517 34518 34519 34520 34521 34522 34523 34524 34525 34526 34527 34528 34529 34530 34531 34532 DBAACCUT ACWA5661 AIRGAS ANDERSNM ATT60197 CGUHLENB CARQUEST COMCAST COMCASTB COUNTYCO DITWITWT GSFLOWM GRANITE HMBPAVIN ANNHEARN HOMEDEPO HUBERCAR INDORAIR INTERGAS LINCOLNL STELOUIE MATCOTLS MHN NAPAAUTO ACCUTITE 03/05/2019 ACWA JPIA 03/05/2019 AIRGAS, LLC 03/05/2019 MICHAEL ANDERSON 03/05/2019 AT&T 60197 03/05/2019 C G UHLENBERG LLP 03/05/2019 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 03/05/2019 COMCAST 03/05/2019 COMCAST BUSINESS 03/05/2019 COUNTY OF SAN MATEO 03/05/2019 DITCH WITCH WEST 03/05/2019 GOLDEN STATE FLOW MEASUREMENT0I3N/0C5/2019 GRANITE ROCK, INC. 03/05/2019 HALF MOON BAY GRADING & PAVING I0N3/C05/2019 ANNE HEARN 03/05/2019 HOME DEPOT 03/05/2019 CAROL HUBER 03/05/2019 INDOOR AIR DESIGN, INC. 03/05/2019 Interstate Gas Services, Inc. 03/05/2019 LINCOLN LIFE 03/05/2019 STEPHANIE LOUIE 03/05/2019 MATCO TOOLS 03/05/2019 MHN 03/05/2019 NAPA AUTO PARTS 03/05/2019 AP Checks by Date - Summary by Check Date (3/20/2019 4:14 PM) 6 Check Amount 91.02 799.18 890.20 28.86 28.86 7,866.32 1,280.00 699.64 32,130.29 12,600.04 3,335.32 1,742.70 200.00 13,033.24 5,901.87 227.74 79,017.16 350.00 41,678.42 410.25 55.00 1,341.02 1,600.00 145.48 590.32 628.97 8,284.00 153.49 176,120.92 740.44 6,556.61 100.00 876.48 100.00 175.00 1,600.00 200.00 100.00 610.67 45.54 48.58 Page 1 Check No 34533 34534 34535 34536 34537 34538 34539 34540 34541 34542 34543 34544 34545 34546 34547 34548 34549 34550 100130 100131 100132 100133 100134 Vendor No OFFICTEM OREILLYA PACESUPL PG&E RAMACHER RECOLOGY RANDB ROYALWHO SMELECTR SFPUCWAT MSORACCO STANDINS STEPFORD TAPMASTR TOWNEFOR VALLEYOL VANGUARD VERIZON pakpour SFWATER WATERTAL WFBUSCAR WFBUSCAR 34551 34552 34553 34554 34555 34556 34557 34558 34559 34560 34561 34562 34563 34564 34565 34566 34567 34568 34569 34570 34571 34572 34573 34574 34575 34576 34577 100140 ACWA5661 ATT60197 BARBERCH BAWSCA BPLANDSC BEANMAC CALCHAMB CARQUEST CINTS CITYBELM COASTCOU DAMSTEVE HANSONBR HOMEDEPO INTRBATT KIMBALLM MATCOTLS OFFICEDE PACESUPL PACOFFIC PENBLDG PG&E PRECISE RMORGAN RANDB STARWELD VALLEYOL DAVIDSON Vendor Name Check Date OFFICE TEAM 03/05/2019 OREILLY AUTO PARTS, INC. 03/05/2019 PACE SUPPLY CORP 03/05/2019 PG&E CFM/PPC DEPT 03/05/2019 MARK RAMACHER 03/05/2019 RECOLOGY SAN MATEO 03/05/2019 ROBERTS & BRUNE CO. INC. 03/05/2019 ROYAL WHOLESALE ELECTRIC 03/05/2019 SAN MATEO ELECTRIC SUPPLY 03/05/2019 SFPUC WATER QUALITY 03/05/2019 MICHAEL SORACCO 03/05/2019 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY 03/05/2019 STEPFORD BUSINESS, INC. 03/05/2019 TAP MASTER, INC 03/05/2019 TOWNE FORD SALES 03/05/2019 VALLEY OIL COMPANY 03/05/2019 VANGUARD CLEANING SYSTEMS, INC.03/05/2019 VERIZON WIRELESS 03/05/2019 PAKPOUR CONSULTING GROUP, INC 03/05/2019 SAN FRANCISCO WATER DEPT 03/05/2019 WATERTALENT 03/05/2019 WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 03/05/2019 WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 03/05/2019 Total for 3/5/2019: ACWA JPIA 03/13/2019 AT&T 60197 03/13/2019 CHRISTOPHER BARBER 03/13/2019 BAY AREA WATER SUPPLY & CONSERVA0T3/I1O3N/20A1G9EN BAY POINTE LANDSCAPE 03/13/2019 MAC BEAN 03/13/2019 CALIFORNIA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE03/13/2019 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 03/13/2019 CINTAS CORPORATION 03/13/2019 CITY OF BELMONT 03/13/2019 COAST COUNTIES TRUCK & EQUIPMEN0T3/C13O/2. 019 STEVE DAM 03/13/2019 HANSON, BRIDGETT 03/13/2019 HOME DEPOT 03/13/2019 INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEM, INC. 03/13/2019 KIMBALL MIDWEST, INC. 03/13/2019 MATCO TOOLS 03/13/2019 OFFICE DEPOT, INC. 03/13/2019 PACE SUPPLY CORP 03/13/2019 PACIFIC OFFICE AUTOMATION 03/13/2019 PENINSULA BUILDING MATERIALS 03/13/2019 PG&E CFM/PPC DEPT 03/13/2019 PRECISE, INC. 03/13/2019 RAY MORGAN COMPANY 03/13/2019 ROBERTS & BRUNE CO. INC. 03/13/2019 STARCO WELDING L.L.C. 03/13/2019 VALLEY OIL COMPANY 03/13/2019 JOHN T. DAVIDSON OR DBA JRocket77 D0E3S/1I3G/N20&19MKTG Total for 3/13/2019: AP Checks by Date - Summary by Check Date (3/20/2019 4:14 PM) 7 Check Amount 1,700.00 207.23 145.58 12,564.90 50.00 1,329.64 21,981.63 67.86 388.04 2,680.00 100.00 1,150.17 12,697.26 896.00 89.03 3,018.17 385.00 905.28 2,804.76 347,902.10 10,235.00 2,245.02 5,792.42 671,846.28 236.00 40.88 5,024.66 6,376.50 10,590.00 8,633.02 399.00 115.66 538.26 3,225.00 108.74 5,124.85 8,003.00 251.86 294.75 135.04 223.64 197.08 162.28 232.94 901.54 235.96 8,729.72 5,717.42 24,216.13 345.00 1,715.44 3,969.96 95,744.33 Page 2 Check No 34578 34579 34580 34581 34582 34583 34584 34585 34586 34587 34588 34589 34590 34591 34592 34593 34594 34595 34596 34597 34598 34599 34600 34601 34602 34603 Vendor No ATT60197 BENNETT CINTS CTYBLMTP COMCAST GSFLOWM GRANITE JIMWALTE KALABOLA KIMBALLM LINCOLNL M&MBACKF NGUYENHO OREILLYA PG&E PINA RECOLOGY RANDB SANDIEAR SCOTSMAN SIMPSONM TAPMASTR PARSPRSP DIGSAFE VALLEYOL WATERTAL Vendor Name Check Date AT&T 60197 03/20/2019 BENNETT MARINE UTILITY, LLC. 03/20/2019 CINTAS CORPORATION 03/20/2019 CITY OF BELMONT PUBLIC WORKS 03/20/2019 COMCAST 03/20/2019 GOLDEN STATE FLOW MEASUREMENT0I3N/2C0/2019 GRANITE ROCK, INC. 03/20/2019 JIM WATERS CONSTRUCTION, INC. 03/20/2019 JEANETTE KALABOLAS 03/20/2019 KIMBALL MIDWEST, INC. 03/20/2019 LINCOLN LIFE 03/20/2019 M&M BACKFLOW & METER MAINTENA03N/C20E/2019 HOANG NGUYEN 03/20/2019 OREILLY AUTO PARTS, INC. 03/20/2019 PG&E CFM/PPC DEPT 03/20/2019 CANDY PINA 03/20/2019 RECOLOGY SAN MATEO 03/20/2019 ROBERTS & BRUNE CO. INC. 03/20/2019 SANDIE ARNOTT 03/20/2019 WILLIAMS SCOTSMAN 03/20/2019 MILES SIMPSON 03/20/2019 TAP MASTER, INC 03/20/2019 U.S. Bank PARS ACCOUNT #6746050100 03/20/2019 USA NORTH 811 03/20/2019 VALLEY OIL COMPANY 03/20/2019 WATERTALENT 03/20/2019 Total for 3/20/2019: Report Total (115 checks): Check Amount 81.87 6,140.00 538.26 119,394.42 590.32 28.57 481.19 9,951.40 132.90 116.01 200.00 18,829.61 2,891.75 35.87 2,933.37 80.00 674.86 2,561.50 3,444.95 537.91 2,503.37 725.00 400,000.00 1,686.33 195.00 18,400.00 593,154.46 1,440,681.29 AP Checks by Date - Summary by Check Date (3/20/2019 4:14 PM) 8 Page 3 AGENDA ITEM NO. 8.A. DATE: March 28, 2019 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Tammy Rudock, General Manager ____________________________________________________________________________ SUBJECT: REVIEW REVISED DRAFT AND CONSIDER APPROVING ROSTER OF DIRECTOR ASSIGNMENTS/COMMITTEES FOR 2019-2020, INCLUDING STANDING FINANCE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION Approve revised roster of Director Assignments/Committees for 2019-2020, including Standing Finance Committee, and clarify for staff the Board's direction of financial activities that should be reviewed at the Finance Committee level. FISCAL IMPACT None. BACKGROUND Last month the Board approved the MPWD 2019-2020 Strategic Plan, including its roster of Director Assignments. Subsequently on the same agenda, during the Board's discussion on the mid-year budget review for FY 2018/2019, Director Warden inquired about a potential transition of the Financial Audit Review ad hoc committee to a standing Finance Committee. District Counsel Sherman replied that there would be Brown Act compliance requirements, including the standing committee meetings would be open to the public. According to the CSDA Brown Act Compliance Manual for Special Districts (2016): Standing committees of a legislative body, irrespective of their composition, which have either: (1) a continuing subject matter jurisdiction; or (2) a meeting schedule fixed by charter, ordinance, resolution, or formal action of a legislative body. Even if it comprises less than a quorum of the governing body, a standing committee is subject to the Brown Act. For example, if a governing body creates long-term committees on budget and finance or on public safety, those are standing committees subject to the Brown Act. Further, according to the California Attorney General, function over form controls. For example, a statement by the legislative body that the advisory committee "shall not exercise continuing subject matter jurisdiction" or the fact that the committee does not have a fixed meeting schedule is not determinative. "Formal action" by a legislative body includes authorization given to the agency's executive officer to appoint an advisory committee pursuant to agency-adopted policy. DISCUSSION In the past staff worked with the Financial Audit Review Committee on an ad hoc basis, including an annual exit conference with the financial auditor and staff before the presentation to 9 the Board of Directors. Last year, staff met with the committee at least one other time (besides the audit exit conference) regarding specific questions around Management's recommendation for employee position equity adjustments to salary ranges based on the MPWD Total Compensation Study by Koff & Associates. These were "one-and-done" ad hoc committee meetings. At last month's meeting, since the Board had already approved the roster of Director Assignments for 2019-2020 when the idea for a standing Finance Committee came up, staff felt it prudent for the Board to formally consider a revised roster. Further, staff would like to get clarification from the Board of Directors about which financial activities would be delegated to the standing Finance Committee for "continuing subject matter jurisdiction" so that it can alter its processes and scheduling in order to be prepared for such meetings (e.g., Operations & Capital Budgets, including mid-year budget review, 2016 COP CIP Financing quarterly reporting, monthly financial reports for Board meetings, annual financial audit exit conference, monthly Board review of financial transactions). Finally, staff would like direction from the Board as to whether it wants formal minutes to be produced as a result of the standing Finance Committee meetings. Attachment: Revised MPWD Roster of Director Assignments/Committees for 2019-2020 BOARD ACTION: APPROVED:_____ DENIED:_____ POSTPONED:_____ STAFF DIRECTION:_____ UNANIMOUS_____ VELLA_____ ZUCCA_____ WARDEN_____ SCHMIDT_____ WHEELER_____ 10 FebruaryMarch 28, 2019 DIRECTOR ASSIGNMENTS/COMMITTEES ASSIGNMENT 2019-2020 ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA WATER All AGENCIES (ACWA)/REGION 5 ACWA/JOINT POWERS INSURANCE AUTHORITY (JPIA) Kirk Wheeler Dave Warden BAY AREA WATER SUPPLY & CONSERVATION AGENCY (BAWSCA) Louis Vella SAN MATEO CHAPTER -CALIFORNIA SPECIAL DISTRICTS ASSOCIATION (CSDA) Louis Vella Kirk Wheeler Tammy Rudock, General Manager GENERAL MANAGER PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Louis Vella Matt Zucca HARBOR INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATION (HIA) Louis Vella Kirk Wheeler FINANCIAL AUDIT REVIEW COMMITTEE Dave Warden Brian Schmidt BELMONT "HAPPY HYDRANT" PRESERVATION AD HOC COMMITTEE Dave Warden BELMONT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE All STANDING COMMITTEE FINANCE COMMITTEE 2019-2010 Dave Warden Brian Schmidt Jeff Ira, CPA, District Treasurer 11 AGENDA ITEM NO. 8.B. DATE: March 28, 2019 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Tammy Rudock, General Manager Julie Sherman, District Counsel ____________________________________________________________________________ SUBJECT: REVIEW REVISED DRAFT AND CONSIDER RESOLUTION 2019-06 APPROVING UPDATED MPWD RULES OF THE BOARD RECOMMENDATION Adopt Resolution 2019-06 approving the updated MPWD Rules of the Board. FISCAL IMPACT District Counsel and staff time. DISCUSSION As discussed last month, staff has been working on the CSDA (California Special Districts Association) Special District Leadership Foundation's compliance checklist for the District Transparency Certificate of Excellence. There are twelve (12) basic requirements--Board policies and financial policies, nineteen (19) website requirements, two (2) Outreach/Best Practices requirements, and two (2) Community Transparency Review requirements. Attached is a revised version of the MPWD's Rules of the Board (adopted last year on June 28, 2018) that has incorporated enhanced and added policy elements in order to meet compliance with a couple of outstanding requirements: 1. Enhanced Section 2.1 regarding the Ralph M. Brown Act; and 2. Added Ethical Guidelines in Sections 8.3 through 8.6 for the required Code of Ethics/Values/Norms or Board Conduct. The next item on the agenda will be the Board's consideration of an added MPWD policy for Public Records Act requests, which is the final outstanding basic requirement for the MPWD. Attachment: Revised MPWD Rules of the Board Resolution 2019-06 BOARD ACTION: APPROVED:_____ DENIED:_____ POSTPONED:_____ STAFF DIRECTION:_____ UNANIMOUS_____ VELLA_____ ZUCCA_____ WARDEN_____ SCHMIDT_____ WHEELER_____ 12 RESOLUTION NO. 2019-06 ADOPTING REVISED RULES OF THE BOARD * * * MID-PENINSULA WATER DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Mid-Peninsula Water District ("District") Rules of the Board were developed by the Board of Directors, General Manager, and District Counsel and adopted by the Board on June 28, 2018 per Resolution 2018-15, which govern the Board of Directors' proceedings pursuant to Section 30530 of the California Water Code; and WHEREAS, the District is completing its application for the CSDA Special District Leadership Foundation's District Transparency Certificate of Excellence, which required minor edits to the MPWD Rules of the Board in order to be compliance with basic transparency requirements; and WHEREAS, staff reviewed the draft revised Rules of the Board with the Board President on March 14, 2018, and discussed with the Board of Directors at the March 20, 2019 Board meeting; and WHEREAS, the General Manager recommends the Board of Directors adopt the revised Rules of the Board, with the understanding that the Rules are not intended, and shall not be construed, to create procedural or substantive rights in any person who is not a member of the Board in the event an action is taken by the Board in a manner that may depart from, or be inconsistent with, the Rules. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Mid-Peninsula Water District that the revised "Rules of the Board" as documented in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein, is hereby adopted. REGULARLY passed and adopted this 28th day of March 2019. AYES: NOES: ABSTENTIONS: ABSENCES: ATTEST: __________________________________ DISTRICT SECRETARY _____________________________________ PRESIDENT, BOARD OF DIRECTORS 13 DRAFT BOARD OF DIRECTORS RULES OF THE BOARD The Board of Directors ("Board") of the Mid-Peninsula Water District ("MPWD" or "District") hereby adopts these Rules of the Board ("Rules") to govern its proceedings pursuant to Section 30530 of the California Water Code. These Rules are designed solely to facilitate the handling by the Board of its own affairs. These Rules are not intended, and shall not be construed, to create procedural or substantive rights in any person who is not a member of the Board in the event an action is taken by the Board in a manner that may depart from, or be inconsistent with, these Rules. 1. OFFICERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1.1 The officers of the Board of Directors are the President and Vice President. 1.2 The President of the Board of Directors shall serve as presiding officer at all Board meetings. The President shall have the same rights as the other members of the Board with regard to voting, introducing motions, resolutions, and ordinances, and participating in any discussion. 1.3 In the absence of the President, the Vice President of the Board of Directors shall serve as presiding officer over the Board meeting. If the President and Vice President are both absent, the remaining members shall select one among themselves to act as presiding officer for the meeting. 1.4 The President and Vice President of the Board shall be elected annually at the first regular meeting in December and the term of office shall commence immediately upon election and continue for one year or until replaced. 1.5 The President or their designee shall sign all contracts for the procurement of equipment, supplies, materials or services when the amount to be paid by the District exceeds the spending limits delegated to the General Manager. MPWD Board Rules 1 Adopted: June 28, 2018 / Revised: March 28, 2019 14280191.4 14 DRAFT 1.6 The President shall have power to appoint directors to standing and advisory committees of the Board and to designate the chairperson of such committees. With Board approval, the President shall also have power to appoint directors to serve as the representative of the District to all other groups and organizations, except in cases of appointments that the law requires be made by action of the full Board. 1.7 The President shall have such other powers and duties as shall be designated by the Board. 2. MEETINGS 2.1 All regular and special meetings shall be open and public as required by the Ralph M. Brown Act ("Brown Act"). Regular meeting agendas must be posted a minimum of 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Special meeting agendas must be posted a minimum of 24 hours in advance of the meeting. Agendas will be posted: in the lobby of the MPWD offices, 3 Dairy Lane, in Belmont, California; outside of the MPWD office building; and on the District's website. 2.2 Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall commence at 6:30PM on the fourth Thursday of each calendar month at the MPWD offices, 3 Dairy Lane, in Belmont, California unless otherwise directed by the Board of Directors. 2.3 Members of the Board of Directors shall attend all regular and special meetings of the Board unless there is good cause for their absence. 2.42.3 2.52.4 A majority of the total membership of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of MPWD business. A majority of the total membership of the Board is sufficient to do business; however, motions must be passed unanimously if only three Board members are in attendance. When there is no quorum for a regular meeting, the President, Vice President, or any Board Member shall adjourn such meeting, or, if no Board Member is present, the District General Manager shall adjourn the meeting. 2.62.5 A roll call vote shall be taken upon votes on ordinances and resolutions (unless such resolutions are on the consent agenda) and any other matters that may be requested by a majority of the Board members, and shall be entered in the minutes of the Board showing those Board Members voting aye, voting no and those abstaining or absent. Unless a Board Member states that they are not voting because of a conflict of interest and steps down from the dais prior to the discussion of the item, MPWD Board Rules 2 Adopted: June 28, 2018 / Revised: March 28, 2019 14280191.4 15 DRAFT his or her silence shall be recorded as an abstention and a vote of abstention shall be recorded as an abstention. 3. AGENDAS 3.1 The General Manager, in consultation with the Board President and Vice President, shall prepare an agenda for each regular and special meeting of the Board of Directors. Any Board Member may contact the General Manager and request an item to be placed on the regular meeting agenda no later than 4:30PM two (2) weeks prior to the meeting date. The General Manager shall establish an MPWD policy to guide staff in the preparation of meeting agendas. 3.2 Public comments on agenda items should be held until the appropriate item is called. Public comment shall be directed to the President of the Board and limited to three (3) minutes unless extended or shortened at the President's discretion. Board members may briefly respond to public comments, however, a discussion should not occur. 3.3 Those items on the MPWD agenda, which are considered to be of a routine and non-controversial nature, are placed on the CONSENT AGENDA. These items shall be approved, adopted, and accepted by one motion of the Board of Directors. For example, approval Minutes, approval of Expenditures, minor budgetary items, status reports, contracts for budgeted items, and routine MPWD operations. A. Board Members may request that any item listed under CONSENT AGENDA be removed from the CONSENT AGENDA, and the Board will then take action separately on that item. Members of the public will be given an opportunity to comment on the CONSENT AGENDA; however, only a member of the Board of Directors can remove an item from the CONSENT AGENDA. Items, which are removed ("pulled") by a Board Member for discussion, will typically be heard after other CONSENT AGENDA items are approved unless the President orders an earlier or later time. B. A Board Member may ask questions on any item on the CONSENT AGENDA. When a Board Member has a minor question for clarification concerning a CONSENT AGENDA item, which will not involve extended discussion, the item may be discussed for clarification and the questions will be addressed along with the rest of the CONSENT AGENDA. Board Members are encouraged to seek clarifications prior to the meeting, if possible. C. When a Board Member wishes to pull a CONSENT ITEM simply to register a dissenting or abstaining vote, the Board Member shall inform MPWD Board Rules 3 Adopted: June 28, 2018 / Revised: March 28, 2019 14280191.4 16 DRAFT the presiding officer that they wish to register a dissenting or abstaining vote without discussion. These items will be handled along with the rest of the CONSENT AGENDA, and the District Administrative Services Manager or Secretary (hereinafter referred to as "Secretary") will register a "NO" or "ABSTAIN" vote in the minutes. 4. PREPARATION OF MINUTES AND MAINTENANCE OF RECORDINGS 4.1 The Secretary shall arrange for minutes of each Board meeting to be prepared. Such minutes need not include the text of ordinances and resolutions adopted, which shall be recorded in separate volumes by the Secretary. Such minutes are intended to be a summary of discussion and Board action, and shall not be a verbatim transcript of the meeting. Minutes shall reflect roll call votes on all motions approving ordinances and resolutions and the dissenting votes of any director(s) on other motions. 4.2 Written materials delivered to the Board at the meeting that were not contained in the Board agenda packet for review by the Board prior to the meeting shall not be included in the meeting minutes. 4.3 The Secretary shall attempt to record the names and general place of residence of persons (if voluntarily provided) addressing the Board, the title of the subject matter to which their remarks related, and whether they spoke in support or opposition to such matter. 4.4 Whenever the Board acts in a quasi-judicial proceeding, such as in assessment matters, the Secretary shall compile a summary of the testimony of the witnesses. 4.5 Any electronic media of an MPWD meeting made for whatever purpose at the direction of the MPWD shall be subject to inspection pursuant to the California Public Records Act. MPWD tape and film records may be erased ninety (90) days after the taping or recording, or as provided in MPWD's record retention policy, which policy shall control. 5. COMMITTEES 5.1. Standing Committees. The Board may create standing committees that have continuing jurisdiction over a particular subject matter, or a set meeting schedule. 5.2. Ad Hoc Committees. The President on his or her own initiative, may create ad hoc committees to undertake special assignments on behalf of the Board. An ad hoc committee shall exist until its special assignments are completed or it is disbanded by the President of the Board. MPWD Board Rules 4 Adopted: June 28, 2018 / Revised: March 28, 2019 14280191.4 17 DRAFT 6. AUTHORITY OF BOARD MEMBERS 6.1 The Board of Directors is the body that directs and authorizes policies for the MPWD. Board Members have no individual authority, and s individuals, Board Members shall not commit the MPWD to any policy, act, or expenditure. Routine matters concerning the operational aspects of the MPWD are to be referred to the General Manager. 6.2 Board Members are responsible for monitoring the MPWD's progress in attaining the Board's goals and objectives, while pursuing the Board's mission. 6.3 The offices of District General Manager, District Counsel, District Engineer and District Treasurer shall be appointed by the Board of Directors and those appointed individuals shall serve until removed or replaced. 7. BOARD MEMBER COMMUNICATIONS 7.1 Board Members, by making a request to the General Manager or Secretary, shall have access to information relative to the operations of the MPWD, including but not limited to statistical information, information serving as the basis for certain actions of staff, justification for staff recommendations, etc. 7.2 In handling complaints from customers within the MPWD, or other members of the public, Board Members are encouraged to listen carefully to the concerns, but the complaint should be referred to the General Manager for processing and the MPWD's response, if any. 7.3 When approached by MPWD personnel concerning specific MPWD policy, Board Members should encourage such personnel to direct their inquiries to the General Manager. The chain of command should be followed for personnel matters. 7.4 Board Members and the General Manager should develop a working relationship that fosters open communication and discussion about current issues, concerns, and MPWD projects. 7.5 When responding to constituent requests or concerns, Board Members should respond in a positive manner and route their questions to the General Manager, or in his/her absence, to the Secretary. MPWD Board Rules 5 Adopted: June 28, 2018 / Revised: March 28, 2019 14280191.4 18 DRAFT 8. CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND ETHICAL GUIDELINES 8.1 The Board shall adopt a Conflict of Interest Code, which will designate the officials and employees required to file disclosure of economic interest statements on an annual basis. 8.2 State conflict of interest rules, the purpose of which is to ensure all public agency actions are taken in the public's interest, apply to the Board. These laws include, but are not limited to, the Political Reform Act and Government Code section 1090 et. seq. Board members are encouraged to consult with District General Counsel for advice regarding such laws. 8.3 It is the policy of the District that Board members and District employees will maintain the highest standard of personal honesty and fairness in carrying out their duties. 8.4 Board members, in the performance of their official duties and responsibilities, will not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, religion, color, creed, age, marital status, national origin, ancestry, gender, sexual orientation, medical condition or disability. A Board member will not grant any special consideration, treatment or advantage to any person or group beyond that which is available to every other person or group in similar circumstances. 8.5 Except as specifically authorized, a Board member will not use or permit the use of District owned property for personal benefit or profit. A Board member shall not ask or require a District employee to perform services for the personal benefit or profit of a Board member or employee. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Board members are not prohibited from hiring District employees to perform services on said employees' own time outside of their District work hours. Each Board member must protect and properly use any District asset within his or her control, including information recorded on paper or in electronic form. Board members will safeguard District property, equipment, moneys and assets against unauthorized use or removal, as well as from loss due to criminal act or breach of trust. 8.6 Board Members are prohibited from soliciting political funds or contributions from District employees. The foregoing does not prohibit voluntary employee contributions. A Board member will not accept, solicit or direct a political contribution from vendors or consultants that have a material financial interest in a contract or other matter while that contract or other matter is pending before the District. A Director will not use the District's seal, trademark, stationery or other indicia of the District's identity, or facsimile thereof, in any solicitation for political contributions contrary to state or federal law. A Board member will not include false or MPWD Board Rules 6 Adopted: June 28, 2018 / Revised: March 28, 2019 14280191.4 19 DRAFT misleading information in a candidate's statement for a general District election filed pursuant to Section 13307 of the Election Code. 9. CORRESPONDENCE DISTRIBUTION POLICY The following correspondence shall be electronically delivered to the Board of Directors or with the monthly agenda packet: A. All letters approved by the Board of Directors. B. All letters and other documents received by the MPWD that are of an MPWD-wide concern as determined by MPWD staff. The MPWD General Manager shall establish a policy for receiving, processing, and distribution of MPWD correspondence. 10. EVALUATIONS The MPWD's General Manager shall be evaluated annually, in accordance with the terms of the General Manager's employment agreement. 11. AMENDMENTS These Rules may be suspended, amended or repealed at any Board of Directors' meeting by a majority of the members of the Board. MPWD Board Rules 7 Adopted: June 28, 2018 / Revised: March 28, 2019 14280191.4 20 AGENDA ITEM NO. 8.C. DATE: March 28, 2019 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Tammy Rudock, General Manager Julie Sherman, District Counsel ____________________________________________________________________________ SUBJECT: REVIEW DRAFT AND CONSIDER RESOLUTION 2019-07 APPROVING MPWD POLICY FOR PUBLIC RECORDS ACT REQUESTS RECOMMENDATION Adopt Resolution 2019-07 approving the MPWD Policy for Public Records Act Requests. FISCAL IMPACT District Counsel and staff time. DISCUSSION As reported last month (and in the previous agenda item), staff has been working on the CSDA (California Special Districts Association) Special District Leadership Foundation's compliance checklist for the District Transparency Certificate of Excellence. While the MPWD has met most of the certification requirements, it lacked a formal policy for handling Public Records Act requests. Attached for the Board's consideration is the proposed MPWD Policy for Public Records Act requests, which is the final outstanding basic requirement for the MPWD. Staff reviewed it with President Vella on March 14, 2019 and incorporated his input. Attachment: MPWD Policy for Public Records Act Requests Resolution 2019-07 BOARD ACTION: APPROVED:_____ DENIED:_____ POSTPONED:_____ STAFF DIRECTION:_____ UNANIMOUS_____ VELLA_____ ZUCCA_____ WARDEN_____ SCHMIDT_____ WHEELER_____ 21 RESOLUTION NO. 2019-07 ADOPTING A POLICY FOR PUBLIC RECORDS ACT REQUESTS * * * MID-PENINSULA WATER DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Mid-Peninsula Water District ("District") General Manager and District Counsel have developed a proposed Policy for Public Records Act Requests, which will govern as the District's policy concerning accessibility and processing of District public records; and WHEREAS, staff and the Board of Directors discussed the proposed policy at the March 21, 2019 Board meeting; and WHEREAS, the General Manager recommends the Board of Directors adopt the proposed Policy for Public Records Act Requests. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Mid-Peninsula Water District that the Policy for Public Records Act Requests as documented in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein, is hereby adopted. REGULARLY passed and adopted this 28th day of March 2019. AYES: NOES: ABSTENTIONS: ABSENCES: _____________________________________ PRESIDENT, BOARD OF DIRECTORS ATTEST: __________________________________ DISTRICT SECRETARY 22 3 Dairy Lane, Belmont, CA 94002 (650) 591-8941 PUBLIC RECORD REQUEST POLICY PURPOSE: To establish the Mid-Peninsula Water District ("District") policy concerning accessibility and processing of District public records. DEFINITIONS: Section 6253 of the Government Code provides that every person has a right to inspect any public record except those specifically exempted by law. The term "Public Record" includes any writing containing information relating to the conduct of the District business prepared, owned, used, or retained by the District. The term "writing" means handwriting, typewriting, printing, photo-stating, photographing, electronic mail, facsimile, and every other means of recording upon any form of communication or representation, including letters, works, pictures, sounds, or symbols, or combination thereof, and any record thereby created, regardless of the manner in which the record has been stored. POLICY: Records of the District are open to inspection at all times during normal office hours at the District's offices, 3 Dairy Lane, in Belmont, California. PROCEDURE: 1. All requests to view or photocopy District records other than typical billing and account information shall be forwarded to the District's Administrative Services Manager for processing. 2. When a member of the public requests the inspection of a public records, or requests a copy of a public records, and to the extent such records are not exempt from disclosure, the District's Administrative Services Manager will to the extent reasonable, assist the individual in identifying records that are responsive, describe the information technology in which the records exists, and provide suggestions for overcoming any practical basis for denying the access to the record. 3. To the extent identifiable public records exist in electronic format and access to which is not otherwise restricted by law, and to the extent the information is not exempt from disclosure, the information will be made available to the public in 15334601.1 23 3 Dairy Lane, Belmont, CA 94002 (650) 591-8941 such format, but only if the production will not jeopardize or compromise the security or integrity of the original record or of any proprietary software in which it is maintained. The person requesting the information shall bear the cost of producing the record, including the cost to construct the record, and the cost of programming and computer service to produce the record when the District is requested to produce a copy of an electronic record that is produced only at otherwise regularly scheduled intervals or the request requires data compilation, extraction, or programming to produce. 4. District staff shall provide a "Request for Public Record Form" ("Request") to each individual who requests the inspection or photocopying of District records and shall reasonably assist the individual in completing the form, if so requested. 5. Upon receipt of a completed Request, the District will, when appropriate and within the applicable time period dictated by law: a. Indicate the place within which the inspection must be made and the time limitation, if any, for the return of the documents. b. Supervise and assist the requestor in reviewing the records. c. Provide links to the records if such records are available on the District's website. d. Provide copies upon request and after payment of the appropriate fees. 6. The District may extend the response period as provided by law because of the need: a. To search for and collect the requested records from field facilities or other establishments separate from the office processing the request. b. To search for, collect, and appropriately examine a voluminous amount of separate and distinct records demanded in a single request. c. To consult with another agency having substantial interest in the request, or among two or more components of the local agency with substantial interest in the request. d. In the case of electronic records, to compile date, write programming language or a computer program, or to construct a computer report to extract the data. 15334601.1 24 3 Dairy Lane, Belmont, CA 94002 (650) 591-8941 FEES: A request for a copy of an identifiable public records, for information produced from such a record, or for a certified copy of such a records, must be accompanied by payment of the appropriate fee as determined by District staff based on the cost to the District. Any fee established may be modified from time to time by District staff to reflect actual chargeable costs, and any fee schedule, if developed, shall be made available by the District's Administrative Services Manager. Where the State Legislature has established a statutory fee for any given records, the statutory fee shall be charged. RECORDS NOT OPEN FOR INSPECTION: The following is a representative, but not exhaustive, list of records that are not open for public inspection: 1. Preliminary drafts, notes, or interagency or intra-agency memoranda, which are not retained by the District in the ordinary course of business. 2. Memoranda, correspondence, and writings submitted to the District or its Board of Directors by the District's legal counsel pursuant to the attorneyclient privilege, and any other documents that would fall within the attorneyclient privilege and/or the attorney work product protection. 3. Records pertaining to pending litigation to which the District is a party, or to claims made pursuant to Division 3.6 (commencing with Section 810) of Title 1 of the Government Code3, until such litigation or claim has been finally adjudicated or otherwise settled. 4. Confidential, closed session minute book. 5. Personnel, medical, or similar files, the disclosure of which would constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. 6. Records pertaining to a utility customer, except to an agent or authorized family member of the customer in questions, governmental or law enforcement agencies when appropriate, or unless disclosure is specifically required by law. 7. Geological and geophysical data, plant production data, and similar information, related to utility systems development, or market or crop reports, which are obtained confidence from another person. 8. Test questions, scoring keys, and other examination data used to administer 15334601.1 25 3 Dairy Lane, Belmont, CA 94002 (650) 591-8941 a licensing examination, examination for employment, or academic examination. 9. The contents of real estate appraisal or engineering or feasibility estimates and evaluations made for or by the District relative to the acquisition of property, or to prospective public supply and construction contracts, until all of the property has been acquired or all of the contract agreement obtained. 10. Records the disclosure of which are exempted or prohibited pursuant to provisions of federal or state law, including, but not limited to, provision of the Evidence Code related to privilege. 11. Records constituting "trade secrets", which may include, but is not limited to any formula, plan, pattern, process, tool mechanism, compound, procedure, production data, or compilation of information which is not patented, which is known only to certain individuals within a commercial concern who are using it to fabricate, procedure, or compound an article of trade or a service having commercial value and which gives its user an opportunity to obtain a business advantage over competitors who do not know or use it. 12. Records in which the public interest served by not making the record public clearly outweighs the public interest served by disclosure, where an applicable exemption under the Public Records Act exists, or where the production of such documents would be contrary to law. 15334601.1 26 3 Dairy Lane, Belmont, CA 94002 (650) 591-8941 REQUEST FOR PUBLIC RECORDS Upon receipt of a request for Mid-Peninsula Water District (District) records, the District shall determine within ten (10) days if responsive records are available and notify the requestor of such determination (Government Code Section 6250 et seq.). A fee will be charged for any reproduction of a record based on actual District cost. REQUESTOR: Name: Address: City: Zip Code: Email Address: Telephone No.: Date of Request: DESCRIBE THE SPECIFIC PUBLIC RECORDS REQUESTED: FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Date of Request: Date Requester Notified: Copy Fee: Date Due: No. of Copies: Total Charges: 27 15334601.1 AGENDA ITEM NO. 8.D. DATE: March 28, 2019 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Tammy Rudock, General Manager __________________________________________________________________________________ SUBJECT: CONSIDER RESOLUTION 2019-08 AUTHORIZING 2019 REVISIONS TO MPWD PERSONNEL MANUAL ___________________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATION Approve Resolution 2019-08 authorizing 2019 revisions to the MPWD Personnel Manual. FISCAL IMPACT There will be nominal printing costs to replace the impacted pages for the hard copies of the manual that were distributed among employees and Directors. BACKGROUND The MPWD Personnel Manual was last reviewed and revised by the Board on October 26, 2017 (via Resolution 2017-19). Last year during labor negotiations, several Personnel Manual provisions were approved for revision as a result of bargaining (reference MPWD Employee Letter Agreement dated September 25, 2018). One of the 2019-2020 MPWD Strategic Plan goals (Priority No. 4-1/19) was to review the manual for any updates, revisions, or additions/deletions. DISCUSSION Staff reviewed the MPWD Personnel Manual and proposed the edits outlined in the attachment. We met and conferred with the MPWD Employee Association and discussed the suggested revisions and get their input, and they were satisfied with them. Finally, staff requested that District Counsel review the MPWD's Policy Against Unlawful Harassment, Discrimination and Retaliation and minor wordsmithing was suggested. For reference, staff attached the nine (9) impacted pages from the MPWD Personnel Manual to compare the existing provisions with the proposed revisions. Attachments: Proposed 2019 Revisions MPWD Personnel Manual Resolution 2019-08 Nine (9) pages from the MPWD Personnel Manual impacted by proposed revisions ______________________________________________________________________ BOARD ACTION: APPROVED:_____ DENIED:_____ POSTPONED:_____ STAFF DIRECTION:_____ UNANIMOUS_____ VELLA_____ ZUCCA____ WARDEN_____ SCHMIDT_____ WHEELER_____ 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2019-08 APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE REVISED PERSONNEL MANUAL FOR THE MID-PENINSULA WATER DISTRICT, EFFECTIVE MARCH 28, 2019 * * * MID-PENINSULA WATER DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Mid-Peninsula Water District (MPWD) adopted a new Personnel Manual on September 26, 2016, which stated the terms and conditions of employment with the District; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors approved revisions to the MPWD Personnel Manual on October 26, 2017; and WHEREAS, the MPWD 2019-2020 Strategic Plan included a priority objective to review the MPWD Personnel Manual and consider any updates, corrections, additions, or deletions; and WHEREAS, the General Manager met and conferred with the MPWD Employees Association about the proposed 2019 revisions to the Personnel Manual and encouraged input, and they were satisfied with the changes; and WHEREAS, the General Manager presented the proposed 2019 revisions to the Personnel Manual to the Board of Directors at its March 28, 2019, regular meeting. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the MidPeninsula Water District that the 2019 revisions to the Personnel Manual created by the General Manager in collaboration with the MPWD Employees Association, and District 12715578.1 29 Counsel, and presented to the Board on March 28, 2019, are hereby approved and adopted, and effective March 28, 2019. Regularly passed and adopted this 28th day of March 2019 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTENTIONS: ABSENCES: ATTEST: PRESIDENT, BOARD OF DIRECTORS ________________________________ DISTRICT SECRETARY 12715578.1 30 March 28, 2019 PROPOSED 2019 REVISIONS MPWD PERSONNEL MANUAL 1. Cover Page and Spine Cover Change Date: Revised March 28, 2019 2. Page 5 - MPWD Personnel Manual History Add: Revision adopted March 28, 2019 (Resolution 2019-08). 3. Page 13 Section 5.02 Call Back Replace first sentence with the following: Call back hours for non-exempt employees include time between 4:30PM and 6:30AM. Replace the second paragraph with the following: If a non-exempt employee is called back during the thirty (30) minutes before and sixty (60) minutes after the regular working day, they will be compensated at regular overtime, or one and one-half (1.5) times the employee's regular rate of pay. 4. Page 34 Section 7.05(I) Sick Leave / Receiving Sick Leave after Applying for Disability Benefits Retitle this sub-section as follows: Sick Leave Benefits May Not Be Used if Receiving Disability Benefits. Delete the last two sentences from this section because they are not applicable. Integration of accrued sick leave benefits has never been permitted with the MPWD's short-term and long-term disability programs. Therefore, Section 7.05(I) will be revised to read as follows: I. Sick Leave Benefits Many Not Be Used if Receiving Disability Benefits. An employee that applies for short-term or long-term disability benefits may continue to use their sick leave until the employee begins receiving disability benefits under the disability program. The employee must agree in writing to notify the MPWD immediately when they first receive disability benefits. 5. Page 44 Section 8.04(A) Employee Complaint Procedure Steps 2 and 3 in their entirety will be eliminated from the procedure (Board review). Section 8.04(A) will be revised to read as follows: A. Procedure. Any regular full-time employee that contests an adverse employment action may initiate the complaint procedure. A complaint must be in writing, addressed to the General Manager, and submitted within ten (10) working days of the event giving rise to the complaint. The complaint shall be reviewed by the General Manager who will make a 31 March 28, 2019 written determination within ten (10) working days after receiving it. The determination of the General Manager shall be final. 6. Page 55 Section 8.24(B) Driving on the Job / Driving Record Review Criteria The sub-section will be labeled correctly as "B". In the opening paragraph of the sub-section, the "General Manager" will replace the "Administrative Services Manager" as the one that will review the employee's Driver Record Report to determine into which category the results will fall. In Section 8.24(B)(2) and Section 8.24(B)(3) the words "As determined by the General Manager, up to..." will precede Class II's "12-Month Driving Probation" and Class III's "120-Day Suspension of MPWD Driving Privileges". 7. Page 57 Section 8.27 California Public Records Act Request Revised to read as follows: The MPWD strives to comply with all applicable laws and provide the public with information as requested. Therefore, the MPWD's goal is to respond promptly to any public records request in accordance with its Policy for Public Records Act Requests. Any employee receiving a request from the public for documents is to forward that request to the Administrative Services Manager and General Manager immediately. Employees are not to respond to public records requests independently. 8. Page 52 Section 8.21 Policy Against Unlawful Harassment, Discrimination and Retaliation, and Page 62 Attachment A Policy Against Unlawful Harassment, Discrimination and Retaliation Replace the second sentence in both Section 8.21 and Attachment A with the following: MPWD policy prohibits sexual harassment (including harassment based on pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, or related medical conditions), as well as harassment based on such factors as race, color, religion (including religious dress and religious grooming), gender (including gender expression and gender identity), transgender identity and transitioning, sex stereotyping, genetic information, national origin, ancestry, age, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, marital status, sexual orientation, military or veteran status, political affiliation, and family care or medical leave status. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 AGENDA ITEM NO. 8.E. DATE: March 28, 2019 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Tammy Rudock, General Manager ___________________________________________________________________________ SUBJECT: DISCUSS PRELIMINARY REVENUE REQUIREMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019/2020 AND PROPOSED WATER RATE ADJUSTMENTS ___________________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATION Discuss preliminary revenue requirements for Fiscal Year 2019/2020 and proposed water rate adjustments. FISCAL IMPACT The MPWD's cash flow projections and water rates were updated last year on May 18, 2018, by Bartle Wells Associates (BWA). An annual water revenue requirement and cumulative water rate increase of 4.1% was projected for FY 2019/2020. Water commodity charges would increase by 3.0% for each of the four (4) residential rate tiers and the two (2) commercial rate tiers, and the monthly fixed system charge would increase by 7.7%--from $26 month to $28 month for the majority of customers within the MPWD system. FY 2019/2020 is the final year of the MPWD's 2015 Proposition 218 5-year water rate plan. (The MPWD's 2015 Proposition 218 notice is attached for reference.) The maximum water rate increase (cumulative) approved by the Board for FY 2019/2020 was 6.0%. Last fiscal year (FY 2018/2019) there was a 4.1% increase in MPWD water rates, and the year before (FY 2017/2018) there was a 0.0% increase. Based on the BWA Water 2018 Water Rate Update (attached), with the Board's adoption of the 4.1% water rate increase effective July 1, 2019, approximately $277,000 more in water commodity revenues and $224,000 in fixed system revenues are projected to be collected in FY 2019/2020. 42 The following table shows the breakdown of MPWD water rate revenues for FY 2018/2019 (including estimates for March 1, 2019 through June 30, 2019): Also shown above is the breakdown of the volumetric commodity charges and monthly fixed system charges as a percentage of the MPWD's total revenues. As the Board may recall from the 2015 water rate study, it was a goal to increase the monthly fixed rate revenues from 20% to 25% over the five years. We will get close to achieving that goal if the Board adopts the rate adjustments effective July 1, 2019. Finally, the annual average CPI for All Urban Consumers in 2018 was 3.9% per the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, for the San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward area (compared to 3.2% for 2017). For the first two months of 2019, it was 3.5% (compared to 3.6% for the first two months of 2018). Reference attached CPI table. BACKGROUND The projected SFPUC wholesale water rate increase effective July 1, 2019 is 0.0%, meaning that SFPUC's per unit wholesale water rate will remain $4.10CCF for FY 2019/2020. This will be confirmed at the SFPUC's water rate hearing scheduled in May. As stated above in the fiscal impact section, the MPWD's cash flow projections and water rates were updated last year on May 18, 2018, by Bartle Wells Associates (BWA), wherein an 43 annual water revenue requirement and cumulative water rate increase of 4.1% was projected for FY 2019/2020. Key factors considered during development of last year's (2018) updated multi-year financial plan and cash flow projections: 1. Maintain at least a 1.3 debt service coverage; 2. Caution about relying on one-time development revenues (Capacity Charges and Water Demand Offset Fees); 3. Additional staffing for succession planning added; 4. In the past MPWD spent closer to $1.5 million per year on capital replacement and capital outlay, meaning, at a minimum, $500,000 should be budgeted each year together with the $1,045,000 annual debt service payment, to maintain that objective. 5. Recent Board action to fund the OPEB and pension liabilities from MPWD cash reserves was included as part of the multi-year financial plan and water rate update. 6. The Project Fund for the 2016 COPs was added to the multi-year financial plan. DISCUSSION As stated above, the last financial review and water rate update was completed by BWA on May 18, 2018, which projected a 4.1% cumulative water rate adjustment for FY 2019/2020. Also attached for background information are the following pages from MPWD's Water Financial Plan & Rate Study dated May 26, 2015: 1. Page 24 MPWD Cash Flow Projections for 10 years; 2. Page 32 MPWD Water Cost Recovery Allocation; 3. Page 33 Table 8. Proposed Water Rates; and 4. Page 34 Table 9. Single Family Residential Bill Impacts. The overall projected rate increase for FY 2019/2020 would be 4.1%, broken down as follows and reflected in the table on the next page: 3.0% adjustment to commodity charges; and 7.7% adjustment to monthly fixed system charges. 44 PROPOSED WATER RATES Effective July 1, 2019 2018/2019 2019/2020 CURRENT ADOPTED DESCRIPTION OF CHARGES RATES RATES Fixed Monthly Charges Billed based on meter size 2019/2020 PROPOSED RATES Meter 5/8" 1" 1 ½" 2" 3" 4" 6" Meter Ratio 1.00 1.50 2.50 4.00 6.00 10.00 25.00 $ 26.00 39.00 65.00 104.00 156.00 260.00 650.00 $ 30.00 45.00 75.00 120.00 180.00 300.00 750.00 $ 28.00 42.00 70.00 112.00 168.00 280.00 700.00 Water Consumption Charges Billed based on monthly metered water use ($/hcf) Residential Rate Tiers Tier 1 0 2 hcf Tier 2 3 8 hcf Tier 3 9 20 hcf Tier 4 Over 20 hcf $ 5.69 8.44 10.29 12.14 $ 6.25 9.00 11.00 13.00 $ 5.86 8.69 10.60 12.50 Commercial Rate Tiers Tier 1 0 5 hcf Tier 2 Over 5 hcf Note: 1 hcf = One hundred cubic feet or approximately 748 gallons. $ 7.57 8.89 $ 8.00 9.50 $ 7.80 9.16 Staff projected 3.0% CPI increases for a few line items in the preliminary FY 2019/2020 Operating Budget (see attached Preliminary Operating Budget Summary for FY 2019/2020 in the next agenda item), and the water rate adjustments would cover the projected increased expenditures and allow for $343,276 to be transferred to the MPWD Capital Budget, together with the $970,000 projected Depreciation. Staff is meeting with District Engineer on April 17th to review the MPWD Comprehensive System Analysis (last updated in FY 2016/2017) and prepare an updated plan with recommended capital project priority updates, project additions/deletions, revised project cost estimates, and engineering and construction plan options. That updated information will then be used by staff and the financial planning consulting team to develop a long-term financial plan and forecast model (including water rate projections) for the MPWD, including options for how to fund the 2016 COP CIP gap. 45 MPWD WATER RATES COMPETITIVENESS It is the MPWD's mission to operate the system and serve customers as efficiently and costeffectively as possible. Three (3) water rate comparison charts among Bay area water suppliers for FY 2019/2020 are in the process of being updated by BWA and will be ready for presentation at the Board meeting: Single Family Residential Water Charges Low Use (3 CCF Monthly); Single Family Residential Water Charges Median Use (6 CCF Monthly); and Single Family Residential Water Charges Average Use (7 CCF Monthly). Given MPWD's history of prudent fiscal stewardship and management, and responsible attention to its capital rehabilitation and replacement programming, it is staff's recommendation that the Board adopt the water rate adjustments in FY 2019/2020 as updated last year and outlined in the 2018 BWA financial plan and water rate update. CITY OF BELMONT'S PROJECTED SEWER RATE INCREASES For information last year Belmont's Proposition 218 process proposed 7.0% annual sewer rate adjustments for FY 2019/2020. Attachments: MPWD 2015 Proposition 218 Water Rates Notice BWA Water Rate Update for the MPWD dated May 18, 2018 US DOL BLS CPI Table (San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward) Four (4) pages from the MPWD Water Financial Plan & Rate Study dated May 26, 2015 __________________________________________________________________________ BOARD ACTION: A PPROVED:_____ DENIED:_____ POSTPONED:_____ STAFF DIRECTION:_____ UNANIMOUS_____ VELLA_____ ZUCCA_____ WARDEN_____ SCHMIDT_____ WHEELER_____ 46 Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Water Rate Increases Dear Property Owner or Customer, Mid-Peninsula Water District (MPWD) is a community-owned and governed public agency that provides water service to Belmont, San Carlos, and surrounding areas in San Mateo County. This notice is being sent to inform you that MPWD is proposing to increase water rates over the next five (5) years and adopt Water Shortage Emergency Rates designed to recover costs of providing service during periods of drought and reduced water sales. MPWD will hold a public hearing on the proposed rates as follows: Date: Time: Place: Thursday, June 25, 2015 6:30PM Mid-Peninsula Water District 3 Dairy Lane Belmont, CA 94002 MPWD relies primarily on revenues from water service charges to fund its costs of providing water service. As such, water rates must be set at levels adequate to fund the costs of operating and maintaining the water system, pay for wholesale water supplied by the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC), and fund necessary capital investments to keep the water system in good operating condition. WHY ARE WATER RATE INCREASES NEEDED? The proposed rate adjustments are needed to pay for increasing costs of water supply purchased from the SFPUC, fund MPWD capital improvement needs, and keep rates aligned with the cost of providing service. Key factors driving the need for water rate increases include: Pay for Wholesale Water Rates Increases MPWD relies on imported water from the SFPUC for 100% of its supply. The SFPUC is in the process of completing a $4.8 billion capital program of seismic upgrades and reliability enhancements to the aging Hetch-Hetchy regional water system. To help fund these capital upgrades, the SFPUC has doubled its wholesale water rates over the past five (5) years and is planning to increase wholesale rates by an additional 61% over the next five (5) years, including a proposed 28% increase effective July 1, 2015. Address MPWD Infrastructure Deficiencies and Replace Aging Water Distribution Pipelines Approximately 60% of the MPWD's water pipelines are over 50 years old and approaching the end of their useful lives. Some are undersized for current fire flow requirements. The majority of the water pipeline system lacks seismic restraints. Additional revenues are needed to address existing system deficiencies, improve fire flow and service reliability, and adequately fund a long-term capital improvement program to replace aging and substandard water distribution pipelines with seismically resilient facilities. WHAT IS THE MPWD DOING TO KEEP COSTS DOWN? MPWD has implemented a number of cost-cutting measures over the years and remains committed to providing high-quality water service as cost-efficiently as possible. Operating expenses, including personnel costs, have increased very little over the past few years as a result of continued budget reductions, cost-containment, and financial controls. It is the MPWD's policy that operating cost savings are reinvested back into the system through capital infrastructure replacement, rehabilitation, or improvement. 41 7 PROPOSED WATER RATES MPWD is proposing to phase in a series of water rate increases over the next five (5) years as shown in the table below. A larger rate increase is needed the first year (effective July 1, 2015) due to SFPUC's proposed 28% wholesale water rate increase planned for July 1, 2015. MPWD water service charges include two components: 1) Fixed Monthly Charges based on meter size, plus 2) Water Consumption Charges based on metered water use. Water Consumption Charges for single family residences are billed according to a 4-tiered rate structure based on the MPWD's cost-of-service analysis, including water cost recovery calculations attributable to each tier, with water first billed in Tier 1 and subsequently billed in higher tiers as water use increases. Water Consumption Charges for all other customers are billed according to a 2-tiered rate structure. Water Consumption Charges are billed per hundred cubic feet (hcf), with 1 hcf equal to approximately 748 gallons of water. Current Rates Proposed Water Rates Effective on water bills sent on or after: July 1 July 1 July 1 July 1 2015 2016 2017 2018 FIXED MONTHLY CHARGES Fixed monthly charge based on meter size Meter Size 5/8-inch 1-inch 1 1/2-inch 2-inch 3-inch 4-inch 6-inch $18.43 27.65 46.08 73.73 110.59 184.31 460.79 $22.00 33.00 55.00 88.00 132.00 220.00 550.00 $24.00 36.00 60.00 96.00 144.00 240.00 600.00 $26.00 39.00 65.00 104.00 156.00 260.00 650.00 $28.00 42.00 70.00 112.00 168.00 280.00 700.00 July 1 2019 $30.00 45.00 75.00 120.00 180.00 300.00 750.00 WATER CONSUMPTION CHARGES Billed based on monthly metered water use ($/hcf)* Single Family Residential Customers Water Usage Billed in Tier Tier 1 0 - 2 hcf 0 - 2 hcf Tier 2 3 - 10 hcf 3 - 9 hcf Tier 3 11 - 25 hcf 10 - 22 hcf Tier 4 Over 25 hcf Over 22 hcf 0 - 2 hcf 3 - 8 hcf 9 - 20 hcf Over 20 hcf 0 - 2 hcf 3 - 8 hcf 9 - 20 hcf Over 20 hcf 0 - 2 hcf 3 - 8 hcf 9 - 20 hcf Over 20 hcf 0 - 2 hcf 3 - 8 hcf 9 - 20 hcf Over 20 hcf Water Consumption Charge per Tier Tier 1 $4.20 Tier 2 6.46 Tier 3 7.75 Tier 4 9.04 $5.00 7.50 9.00 10.50 $5.30 7.90 9.50 11.10 $5.60 8.30 10.00 11.70 $5.90 8.65 10.50 12.35 $6.25 9.00 11.00 13.00 All Other Customers Tier 1 0 - 5 hcf Tier 2 Over 5 hcf $5.81 6.78 $7.00 8.00 $7.25 8.35 $7.50 8.70 $7.75 9.10 $8.00 9.50 * 1 hcf = one hundred cubic feet or approximately 748 gallons. Sample Bill Calculation for a Typical Single Family Home Effective July 1, 2015, the monthly bill for a typical single family home with a standard 5/8-inch water meter using 8 hcf of water per month (approximately 200 gallons per day) would be calculated as follows: Fixed Monthly Charge 5/8" Meter $22.00 Water Consumption Charges First 2 hcf x $5.00 Next 6 hcf x $7.50 $10.00 $45.00 Subtotal $55.00 Total Monthly Bill $22.00 + $55.00 $77.00 428 The proposed rates assume that the SFPUC will increase its wholesale water rates on July 1 each year from the current level of $2.93 per hcf to $3.75 per hcf in 2015, $3.78 per hcf in 2016, $3.79 per hcf in 2017, $4.31 per hcf in 2018, and $4.72 per hcf in 2019. Pursuant to California Government Code 53756, the MPWD is proposing to pass-through any additional increases in SFPUC wholesale water rates above these projected SFPUC rates. Future pass-throughs will be implemented by increasing the MPWD's proposed Water Consumption Charges by exact amount of the increase in cents per hcf in excess of the assumed SFPUC wholesale rates. For example, if the SFPUC raises its wholesale water rate to $4.51 per hcf on July 1, 2018, the MPWD would be authorized to increase its Water Consumption Charges by an additional $0.20 per hcf on or after July 1, 2018. Prior to initiating a pass-through for SFPUC wholesale rates, the MPWD will send notification to all customers at least 30 days prior to implementation. NEW STATE DROUGHT REGULATIONS AND WATER SHORTAGE EMERGENCY RATES California is experiencing one of the most serious droughts on record. On April 1, 2015 the Governor issued an Executive Order directing the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) to implement mandatory water conservation regulations to reduce water usage by 25% statewide. To achieve these savings, the SWRCB is expediting emergency regulations to set water conservation targets for communities around the State. Agencies that fail to achieve the required reductions could be subject to penalties of up to $10,000 per day. Based on the State's draft proposal, the MPWD would be required to reduce water demand by 20% from demand in calendar year 2013. Thanks to MPWD customer conservation efforts, the MPWD is already more than half-way toward meeting the State's proposed 20% cutback target for MPWD. In order to help MPWD recover its costs of service and remain financially stable during periods of emergency water shortages and reduced water sales, MPWD is proposing to authorize the implementation of Water Shortage Emergency Rates. These emergency rates would be implemented in response to escalating drought conditions and water supply shortages, or in response to additional State-mandated cutbacks in water use in excess of 20%, and would replace MPWD's regular Water Consumption Charges. Water Shortage Emergency Rates may be implemented upon declaration of a water shortage emergency pursuant to Water Code Section 350 and/or Water Code Section 31026. Prior to initiating Water Shortage Emergency Rates, MPWD will send notification to all customers at least 30 days prior to implementation. The proposed Water Shortage Emergency Rates may be implemented by authorization of MPWD's Board of Directors up to the maximum levels shown on the table below, which correspond with a 50% cutback in water demand from usage in 2013. No changes are proposed to Single Family Residential Tier 1 for the Water Shortage Emergency Rates. Proposed Maximum Water Shortage Emergency Rates Maximum rates effective on or after: July 1 July 1 July 1 July 1 2015 2016 2017 2018 July 1 2019 WATER SHORTAGE EMERGENCY RATES (CONSUMPTION CHARGES) Billed based on monthly metered water use ($/hcf)* Single Family Residential Rate Tiers Tier 1 $5.00 $5.30 $5.60 $5.90 Tier 2 9.90 10.57 11.15 11.72 Tier 3 11.88 12.71 13.43 14.23 Tier 4 13.86 14.85 15.72 16.74 $6.25 12.14 14.83 17.53 All Other Rate Tiers Tier 1 $9.24 Tier 2 10.56 $9.70 11.17 $10.07 11.69 $10.50 12.33 $10.79 12.81 * 1 hcf = one hundred cubic feet or approximately 748 gallons. Based on same levels of water use per tier as shown in Proposed Water Rates table. 439 WHAT CAN CUSTOMERS DO TO MINIMIZE THE IMPACT OF RATE INCREASES? To minimize the impact of the proposed rate increases, customers are encouraged to continue conserving and to further reduce indoor and outdoor water use where possible. As a member of the Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency, the MPWD offers rebates for 1) high-efficiency toilets, 2) high-efficiency washing machines, 3) rain barrels, and 4) transitioning turf lawns to drought tolerant landscaping. For more information on any of these rebate programs or other water conservation opportunities, please visit the MPWD website at www.midpeninsulawater.org or contact the MPWD at (650) 591-8941. HOW TO SUBMIT A WRITTEN PROTEST Property owners and customers may file written protests against the proposed rate increases. Pursuant to California law, protests must be submitted in writing and must 1) identify the affected property or properties, such as by address, Assessor's Parcel Number, or customer account number, 2) include the name and signature of the customer or property owner submitting the protest, and 3) indicate opposition to the proposed water rate increases. Protests submitted by e-mail, facsimile or other electronic means will not be accepted. One written protest counted per parcel. The proposed rates cannot be adopted if written protests are received from a majority of affected parcels. Written protests can be mailed to: Mid-Peninsula Water District, Post Office Box 129, Belmont, CA 94002, or can be submitted to the MPWD at its headquarters located at 3 Dairy Lane in Belmont. All written protests must be submitted prior to the close of the Public Hearing on June 25, 2015. 540 Water Rate Update May 18, 2018 51 Single Family Residential Monthly Water Charges 2017/18 Low Use: 3 ccf monthly use (74 gpd) $120 Fixed Monthly Charges $100 Water Consumption Charges 86.62 $80 17.94 $60 52.32 55.44 19.08 42.32 42.83 43.46 43.56 44.00 44.32 44.42 45.44 46.08 $40 34.94 37.76 24.36 68.68 14.83 36.36 22.10 23.34 27.38 17.04 24.49 19.83 27.96 31.25 20.00 24.00 23.10 20.47 24.00 19.46 21.49 21.33 22.49 19.83 17.07 20.69 19.85 15.09 $20 16.06 16.06 - $0 1 Bay Area service areas includes San Carlos, San Mateo, South San Francisco. 2 Bear Gulch service area inlcludes Atherton, Woodside, and part of Menlo Park. 52 Rates Effective March 2018 $120 $100 $80 $60 Single Family Residential Monthly Water Charges 2017/18 Median Use: 6 ccf monthly water use (148 gpd) Fixed Monthly Charges Water Consumption Charges 104.56 35.88 50.03 58.93 62.15 63.74 64.15 66.63 66.75 68.00 68.12 70.31 71.19 77.57 84.81 56.85 41.21 39.94 48.21 44.12 48.00 43.66 45.14 39.66 36.36 39.66 $40 34.24 68.68 41.86 30.18 27.96 36.36 31.25 22.10 24.00 20.00 23.10 21.49 24.49 27.38 22.49 16.06 18.18 $20 17.07 19.85 $0 1 Bay Area service areas includes San Carlos, San Mateo, South San Francisco. 2 Bear Gulch service area inlcludes Atherton, Woodside, and part of Menlo Park. 53 Rates Effective March 2018 $120 $100 $80 $60 Single Family Residential Monthly Water Charges 2017/18 Average Use: 7 ccf of monthly water use (172 gpd) Fixed Monthly Charges Water Consumption Charges 110.54 97.00 41.86 55.06 65.98 68.87 70.56 70.76 74.56 74.48 76.00 76.34 79.62 80.14 85.32 69.04 48.96 48.89 57.52 52.34 56.00 51.39 53.07 46.27 43.18 46.38 40.30 $40 48.91 68.68 35.21 27.96 36.36 31.25 22.10 24.00 20.00 23.10 21.49 24.49 27.38 16.06 24.24 $20 22.49 17.07 19.85 $0 1 Bay Area service areas includes San Carlos, San Mateo, South San Francisco. 2 Bear Gulch service area inlcludes Atherton, Woodside, and part of Menlo Park. 54 Rates Effective March 2018 Table 1 Mid-Peninsula Water District Water Sales by Fiscal Year Includes estimates for remainder of fiscal year 2017/18 July August September October November December January February March April May June Total % Change 2012/13 155,974 153,190 145,980 122,618 90,723 80,604 84,202 86,478 106,663 120,265 155,736 __1_5_0_,6_1_4_ 1,453,047 Water Consumption (hcf) 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 156,081 155,788 145,551 122,117 106,535 94,062 102,910 73,221 89,152 96,019 126,934 __1_3_9_,7_2_9_ 134,669 128,924 118,284 109,652 86,670 72,835 82,360 79,782 102,964 91,491 97,806 __1_0_3_,8_6_3_ 102,202 104,096 101,546 95,095 81,298 67,438 70,890 60,940 65,700 73,821 85,446 __1_0_8_,1_3_6_ 1,408,099 1,209,300 1,016,608 -3.1% -14.1% -15.9% 2016/17 111,110 113,341 112,591 101,247 76,838 66,486 67,261 65,165 63,193 69,702 89,353 __1_0_8_,1_3_6_ 1,044,423 2.7% 2017/18 117,761 124,029 127,050 117,970 100,278 76,510 85,964 65,000 63,000 70,000 89,000 __1_0_8_,0_0_0_ 1,144,562 9.6% 2017/18 year-to-date water consumption through January 2018 is 15.5% higher than the same period in the prior fiscal year; assuming water use parallels prior year use for the remaining months of the fiscal year, water use will end up about 9.6% higher than 2016/17. 55 Table 2 Mid-Peninsula Water District Water Rates Fixed Monthly Charges Billed based on meter size Meter 5/8" 1" 1 1/2" 2" 3" 4" 6" Meter Ratio 1.00 1.50 2.50 4.00 6.00 10.00 25.00 July 1 2015 Adopted & Charged July 1 2016 Adopted Charged July 1 2017 Adopted Charged No Increase July 1 2018 Adopted July 1 2019 Adopted $22.00 33.00 55.00 88.00 132.00 220.00 550.00 $24.00 36.00 60.00 96.00 144.00 240.00 600.00 $24.00 36.00 60.00 96.00 144.00 240.00 600.00 $26.00 39.00 65.00 104.00 156.00 260.00 650.00 $24.00 36.00 60.00 96.00 144.00 240.00 600.00 $28.00 42.00 70.00 112.00 168.00 280.00 700.00 $30.00 45.00 75.00 120.00 180.00 300.00 750.00 Water Consumption Charges Billed based on monthly metered water use ($/hcf)* No Increase Residential Use per Tier Tier 1 0 - 2 hcf 0 - 2 hcf 0 - 2 hcf Tier 2 3 - 9 hcf 3 - 8 hcf 3 - 8 hcf Tier 3 10 - 22 hcf 9 - 20 hcf 9 - 20 hcf Tier 4 >22 hcf >20 hcf >20 hcf With $0.32 Residential Rate Tiers Pass-Through Tier 1 $5.00 $5.30 $5.62 $5.60 $5.62 Tier 2 7.50 7.90 8.22 8.30 8.22 Tier 3 9.00 9.50 9.82 10.00 9.82 Tier 4 10.50 11.10 11.42 11.70 11.42 0 - 2 hcf 3 - 8 hcf 9 - 20 hcf >20 hcf $5.90 8.65 10.50 12.35 0 - 2 hcf 3 - 8 hcf 9 - 20 hcf >20 hcf $6.25 9.00 11.00 13.00 Commercial Rate Tiers Tier 1 0 - 5 hcf $7.00 $7.25 $7.57 T_i_e_r_2_____O_v_e_r_5__hcf 8.00 8.35 8.67 * 1 hcf = one hundred cubic feet or approximately 748 gallons. $7.50 8.70 $7.57 8.67 $7.75 9.10 $8.00 9.50 56 Table 3 Mid-Peninsula Water District Estimated Water Rate Revenues 2017/18 July August September October November December January February March April May June Total % of Total Water Use (hcf) 117,761 124,029 127,050 117,970 100,278 76,510 85,964 65,000 63,000 70,000 89,000 __1_0_8_,0_0_0_ 1,144,562 Usage Charges $991,425 1,058,492 1,086,960 969,367 842,728 597,628 460,723 517,000 207,000 555,000 718,000 __9_9_2_,0_0_0_ 8,996,323 77.2% Fixed Charges $221,480 221,539 221,731 220,229 221,252 221,492 221,521 221,500 221,500 221,500 221,500 __2_2_1_,5_0_0_ 2,656,744 22.8% Total Charges $1,212,905 1,280,031 1,308,691 1,189,596 1,063,980 819,120 682,244 738,500 428,500 776,500 939,500 1_,_2_1_3_,5_0_0_ 11,653,067 100.0% 57 Table 4 Mid-Peninsula Water District Projected vs. Actual SFPUC Wholesale Water Rates Prior SFPUC Projections (2015 Rate Study) Actual or Updated Wholesale Rates Difference July 1 2015 3.75 3.75 - July 1 2016 3.78 4.10 0.32 July 1 2017 3.79 4.10 0.31 July 1 2018 4.31 4.10 (0.21) SFPUC Wholesale Water Rates ($/hcf) Prior SFPUC Projections (2015 Rate Study) Actual or Updated Wholesale Rates $6.00 $5.00 $4.00 + 0.32 + 0.31 - 0.21 $3.00 3.75 3.75 3.78 4.10 3.79 4.10 4.31 4.10 $2.00 $1.00 $0.00 2015 2016 2017 Wholesale Rates Effective July 1 2018 58 Table 5 Mid-Peninsula Water District Fund Reserves 2013 Fund Reserves as of June 30 2014 2015 2016 2017 Cash & Equivalents $3,621,126 $4,465,380 $3,582,734 $4,265,885 $5,203,740 Plus Accounts Receivable Prepaid Expenses & Assets Subtotal 916,448 115,278 1,031,726 849,549 92,625 942,174 679,566 135,503 815,069 973,931 255,814 1,229,745 1,212,306 231,282 1,443,588 Less Accounts Payable Accrued Expenses/Unearned Revs Subtotal 162,195 131,706 293,901 422,373 54,431 476,804 185,507 78,189 263,696 206,936 711,290 918,226 236,936 1,512,722 1,749,658 Adjusted Total _____________ 4,358,951 4,930,750 4,134,107 4,577,404 4,897,670 Source: Audited Financial Statements 59 Table 6 - MPWD Cash Flow Projections 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Overall Rate Increase Consumption Charge Adjustments Fixed Rate Adjustments (1-year lag) Growth in Service Connections Water System Capacity Charge Change in Water Sales Total Water Sales (hcf) SFPUC Water Purchases (hcf) +7% Projected SFPUC Rate per hcf Prior Est of SFPUC Rate per hcf Interest Earnings Rate Cost Escalation 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 32 $9,750 9.6% 1,144,600 1,224,700 $4.10 $3.79 1.5% Projected 4.1% 2.8% 8.3% 5 $9,950 0.0% 1,144,600 1,224,700 $4.10 $4.31 1.5% 4.0% Projected 4.1% 3.0% 7.7% 5 $10,150 0.0% 1,144,600 1,224,700 $4.10 $4.72 1.5% 4.0% Beginning Fund Reserves $4,898,000 $3,729,000 $2,323,000 2020/21 Projected 4.0% 3.0% 7.1% 1 $10,350 0.0% 1,144,600 1,224,700 $4.30 $4.74 1.5% 4.0% $2,590,000 REVENUES Monthly Service Charges Water Sales Subtotal Rate Revenues Annual Increase % Interest Revenue Lease of Physical Property Property Taxes Capacity/Demand Offset Charges Other/Miscellaneous Revenues Total Revenues 2,657,000 __8_,9_9_6_,_0_0_0_ 11,653,000 3.5% 50,000 150,000 260,000 310,000 ___2_9_5_,_0_0_0_ 12,718,000 2,880,000 __9_,2_4_8_,_0_0_0_ 12,128,000 4.1% 56,000 155,000 268,000 250,000 ____6_5_,_0_0_0_ 12,922,000 3,104,000 __9_,5_2_5_,_0_0_0_ 12,629,000 4.1% 35,000 160,000 276,000 250,000 ____6_7_,_0_0_0_ 13,417,000 3,326,000 __9_,8_1_1_,_0_0_0_ 13,137,000 4.0% 39,000 165,000 284,000 10,000 ____6_9_,_0_0_0_ 13,704,000 EXPENSES Operating & Maintenance Personnel Costs SFPUC Water Purchases BAWSCA Bond Surcharge Maintenance & Repair Utilities Professional Services Admin & Equipment Membership & Gov't Fees Other Operating Costs Subtotal Debt Service Non-Operating Capital Improvements (Pay-Go) OPEB & PRSP Contributions Subtotal Total Expenses Revenues Less Expenses Ending Fund Reserves % of O&M+Debt Debt Service Coverage 2,978,000 5,096,000 500,000 654,000 306,000 406,000 317,000 209,000 ___4_0_0_,_0_0_0_ 10,866,000 1,052,000 419,000 __1_,5_5_0_,_0_0_0_ 1,969,000 13,887,000 (1,169,000) 3,729,000 31% 1.76 3,131,000 5,096,000 500,000 680,000 318,000 422,000 330,000 217,000 ___4_1_6_,_0_0_0_ 11,110,000 1,068,000 600,000 __1_,5_5_0_,_0_0_0_ 2,150,000 14,328,000 (1,406,000) 2,323,000 19% 1.70 3,256,000 5,096,000 500,000 707,000 331,000 439,000 343,000 226,000 ___4_3_3_,_0_0_0_ 11,331,000 1,069,000 750,000 _________0_ 750,000 13,150,000 267,000 2,590,000 21% 1.95 3,386,000 5,341,000 500,000 735,000 344,000 457,000 357,000 235,000 ___4_5_0_,_0_0_0_ 11,805,000 1,064,000 750,000 _________0_ 750,000 13,619,000 85,000 2,675,000 21% 1.78 Project Fund for 2016 COPs Beginning Project Fund Interest Earnings Capital Improvements 19,225,000 200,000 3,448,000 15,977,000 143,000 3,305,000 12,815,000 85,000 8,683,000 4,217,000 26,000 3,153,000 Ending Project Fund Capital Funding Target 15,977,000 3,448,000 12,815,000 3,305,000 60 4,217,000 8,683,000 1,090,000 3,153,000 2021/22 Projected 6.0% 6.0% 6.0% 5 $10,560 0.0% 1,144,600 1,224,700 $4.50 $4.90 1.5% 4.0% $2,675,000 3,528,000 _1_0_,4_0_0_,_0_0_0_ 13,928,000 6.0% 40,000 170,000 293,000 53,000 ____7_1_,_0_0_0_ 14,555,000 3,521,000 5,586,000 500,000 764,000 358,000 475,000 371,000 244,000 ___4_6_8_,_0_0_0_ 12,287,000 1,070,000 1,500,000 _________0_ 1,500,000 14,857,000 (302,000) 2,373,000 18% 2.12 1,090,000 5,000 1,095,000 $3M Shortfall 0 4,074,000 Table 7 Mid-Peninsula Water District Projected Water Rates Fixed Charges: Lag Adopted Rate Increases by 1 Year Usage Charges: Adopted Rates Adjusted by SFPUC Differential Proposed Water Rates Effective July 1, 2018 2017/18 2018/19 Decrease from Current Adopted Adopted Rates Rates Rates $ % Fixed Monthly Charges Billed based on meter size Meter 5/8" 1" 1 1/2" 2" 3" 4" 6" Meter Ratio 1.00 1.50 2.50 4.00 6.00 10.00 25.00 $24.00 36.00 60.00 96.00 144.00 240.00 600.00 $28.00 42.00 70.00 112.00 168.00 280.00 700.00 ($2.00) (3.00) (5.00) (8.00) (12.00) (20.00) (50.00) -7.1% -7.1% -7.1% -7.1% -7.1% -7.1% -7.1% 2018/19 Proposed Rates $26.00 39.00 65.00 104.00 156.00 260.00 650.00 Water Consumption Charges Billed based on monthly metered water use ($/hcf) Residential Rate Tiers Tier 1 0 - 2 hcf $5.62 Tier 2 3 - 8 hcf 8.22 Tier 3 9 - 20 hcf 9.82 Tier 4 Over 20 hcf 11.42 Commercial Rate Tiers $5.90 8.65 10.50 12.35 Tier 1 0 - 5 hcf $7.57 $7.75 T_i_e_r_2___________ Over 5 hcf 8.67 9.10 Note: 1 hcf = one hundred cubic feet or approximately 748 gallons. SFPUC Rate Differential* (0.21) (0.21) (0.21) (0.21) -3.6% -2.4% -2.0% -1.7% maintain current rate (0.21) 0.0% -2.3% * Accounts for difference between SFPUC's prior projected rate used in the rate study ($4.31), and SFPUC's latest wholesale rate projection for fiscal year 2018/19 (4.10). $5.69 8.44 10.29 12.14 $7.57 8.89 61 Table 8 Mid-Peninsula Water District Impact of Proposed Rates on Monthly Water Bills Impact of Proposed Rates Effective July 1, 2018 Monthly % of Bills % of Bills Use (hcf) in Block at or Below Monthly Charges Impact of Proposed Rates Compared to Current Adopted Proposed Current Rates Adopted Rates 0 1.1% 1.1% 1 2.8% 3.9% 2 5.1% 9.1% 3 7.5% 16.5% 4 9.4% 26.0% 5 9.9% 35.8% 6 9.0% 44.9% 7 7.7% 52.6% 8 6.9% 59.5% 9 5.8% 65.3% 10 5.0% 70.2% 11 4.3% 74.5% 12 3.7% 78.2% 13 3.1% 81.3% 14 2.7% 84.0% 15 2.2% 86.2% 16 1.9% 88.1% 17 1.6% 89.6% 18 1.3% 91.0% 19 1.2% 92.2% 20 1.1% 93.3% 21 0.9% 94.2% 22 0.7% 94.9% 23 0.7% 95.6% 24 0.6% 96.2% 25 0.4% 96.6% 26 0.4% 97.1% 27 0.4% 97.4% 28 0.3% 97.8% 29 0.2% 98.0% 30 0.2% 98.2% 50 31-50: 1.5% 99.7% 75 >50: 0.3% 100.0% $24.00 29.62 35.24 43.46 51.68 59.90 68.12 76.34 84.56 94.38 104.20 114.02 123.84 133.66 143.48 153.30 163.12 172.94 182.76 192.58 202.40 213.82 225.24 236.66 248.08 259.50 270.92 282.34 293.76 305.18 316.60 545.00 830.50 $28.00 33.90 39.80 48.45 57.10 65.75 74.40 83.05 91.70 102.20 112.70 123.20 133.70 144.20 154.70 165.20 175.70 186.20 196.70 207.20 217.70 230.05 242.40 254.75 267.10 279.45 291.80 304.15 316.50 328.85 341.20 588.20 896.95 $26.00 31.69 37.38 45.82 54.26 62.70 71.14 79.58 88.02 98.31 108.60 118.89 129.18 139.47 149.76 160.05 170.34 180.63 190.92 201.21 211.50 223.64 235.78 247.92 260.06 272.20 284.34 296.48 308.62 320.76 332.90 575.70 879.20 $2.00 2.07 2.14 2.36 2.58 2.80 3.02 3.24 3.46 3.93 4.40 4.87 5.34 5.81 6.28 6.75 7.22 7.69 8.16 8.63 9.10 9.82 10.54 11.26 11.98 12.70 13.42 14.14 14.86 15.58 16.30 30.70 48.70 ($2.00) (2.21) (2.42) (2.63) (2.84) (3.05) (3.26) (3.47) (3.68) (3.89) (4.10) (4.31) (4.52) (4.73) (4.94) (5.15) (5.36) (5.57) (5.78) (5.99) (6.20) (6.41) (6.62) (6.83) (7.04) (7.25) (7.46) (7.67) (7.88) (8.09) (8.30) (12.50) (17.75) 62 63 64 65 66 67 AGENDA ITEM NO. 8.F. DATE: March 28, 2019 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Tammy Rudock, General Manager Candy Pina, Administrative Services Manager Rene Ramirez, Operations Manager ___________________________________________________________________________ SUBJECT: DISCUSS PRELIMINARY DRAFT MPWD FISCAL YEAR 2019/2020 OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGET SUMMARIES AND ASSUMPTIONS ___________________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATION: Discuss Preliminary Draft MPWD Fiscal Year 2019/2020 Operating and Capital Budget summaries and assumptions. FISCAL IMPACT: Preliminary discussion at this time--fiscal impact to be determined. DISCUSSION: Attached are the Preliminary Draft summaries for FY 2019/2020 Operating and Capital Budgets. This is a preliminary peek at next fiscal year's MPWD operational and capital needs based upon the following assumptions: OPERATIONS Projected Water Commodity Charges at $9.8 million (if the Board approves a 3.0% water rate adjustment effective July 1, 2019). Projected Fixed System Charges at $3.0 million (if the Board approves the 7.7% adjustment effective July 1, 2019). Projected capacity revenues based upon known "pipeline" Belmont projects. Projected 3.0% inflationary index on operational line items staff believed might be impacted by pricing increases, except water purchases from the SFPUC. Maintained Purchased Water expenditure based upon FY 2018/2019 projections (and FY 2017/2018 actuals). Projected a full year of Debt Service expense totaling $1,068,300 from the MPWD 2016 COP Official Statement. 68 Increased Depreciation per GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles). Based upon these assumptions, a $343,276 Operating Surplus would be projected for transfer to Capital, together with the $970,000 Depreciation projection. CAPITAL Miscellaneous Capital Outlay/Projects for $50,000 (from Operating Surplus). The FY 2019/2020 Capital Budget will be a "work-in-progress" and staff will be recommending that it be finalized after the MPWD's long-term financial planning and forecast model are developed and presented to the Board of Directors for consideration. For now, $50,000 will be budgeted in case something comes up between now and September/October 2019. This is the first of a few FY 2019/2020 budget discussions in the coming months, and staff is seeking input from the Board for further FY 2019/2020 budget discussions. Attachments: Preliminary Draft Summary MPWD Operations Budget for FY 2019/2020 Preliminary MPWD Capital Budget for FY 2019/2020 __________________________________________________________________________ BOARD ACTION: A PPROVED:_____ DENIED:_____ POSTPONED:_____ STAFF DIRECTION:_____ UNANIMOUS_____ VELLA_____ ZUCCA_____ WARDEN_____ SCHMIDT_____ WHEELER_____ 69 MID-PENINSULA WATER DISTRICT PRELIMINARY OPERATIONS BUDGET FOR FY 2019-2020 SUMMARY 3/22/2019 15:18 DESCRIPTION OPERATING REVENUE WATER COMMODITY CHARGES FIXED SYSTEM CHARGES FIRE SERVICE CHARGES MISC CUSTOMER ACCOUNT FEES SERVICE LINE & INSTALLATION CHARGES MISCELLANEOUS OPERATING PROPERTY TAX REVENUE TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE * WATER SYSTEM CAPACITY CHARGES WATER DEMAND OFFSET CHARGES MISCELLANEOUS NON-OPERATING * INTEREST REVENUE - LAIF * INTEREST REVENUE - COP LEASE OF PHYSICAL PROPERTY * LANDSCAPE PERMIT REVENUE TOTAL NON-OPERATING REVENUE APPROVED AMENDED FY 2018-2019 BUDGET PRELIMINARY FY 2019-2020 Increase BUDGET (Decrease) 9,611,800 2,880,000 14,000 43,000 10,000 25,000 268,000 12,851,800 250,000 20,000 55,000 75,000 150,000 175,000 1,000 726,000 9,800,000 3,000,000 14,000 43,000 10,000 25,000 268,000 13,160,000 100,000 10,000 50,000 75,000 150,000 175,000 1,000 561,000 188,200 120,000 - 308,200 (150,000) (10,000) (5,000) - (165,000) % Change 2.0% 4.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.4% -60.0% -50.0% -9.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% -22.7% TOTAL REVENUE 13,577,800 13,721,000 143,200 1.1% OPERATING EXPENDITURES (OP EXP) SALARIES & WAGES PAYROLL TAXES & BENEFITS PURCHASED WATER OUTREACH & EDUCATION M&R - OPS SYSTEM M&R - FACILITIES & EQUIPMENT SYSTEM SURVEYS ADMINISTRATION & EQUIPMENT MEMBERSHIP & GOV FEES BAD DEBT & CLAIMS UTILITIES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TRAINING/TRAVEL & RECRUITMENT RESTRICTED EARNINGS DEPRECIATION DEBT SERVICE TOTAL OP EXP LESS DEPRECIATION (DEPREC) NET RESULTS OF OPERATIONS NET TRANSFERS TO CAPITAL DEBT SERVICE COVERAGE * Revenues included in Debt Service Coverage Ratio 1,821,385 1,280,803 5,654,624 60,000 350,000 150,000 31,050 313,483 215,915 30,000 316,917 650,000 50,000 225,000 931,500 1,051,500 13,132,176 445,625 445,625 1.91 2,069,385 1,391,967 5,654,624 60,000 360,500 154,500 35,000 309,000 225,000 30,000 324,450 450,000 50,000 225,000 970,000 1,068,300 13,377,725 248,000 111,164 10,500 4,500 3,950 (4,483) 9,085 7,533 (200,000) 38,500 16,800 245,549 343,276 (102,349) 343,276 (102,349) 1.98 13.6% 8.7% 0.0% 0.0% 3.0% 3.0% 12.7% -1.4% 4.2% 0.0% 2.4% -30.8% 0.0% 0.0% 4.1% 1.6% 1.9% -23.0% -23.0% 70 MID-PENINSULA WATER DISTRICT PRELIMINARY BUDGET FOR FY 2019-2020 CAPITAL OUTLAY/CAPITAL PROJECTS 3/22/2019 15:19 DESCRIPTION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS - WORK IN PROCESS (WIP) 2017 Joint WMR and Belmont Sewer Rehab Project (Pay-Go Portion) 2017 Water Main Replacement CIP (Pay-Go Portion) AMI Meter Change Out Program CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS - WIP TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY Replacement Mini-Excavator for Operations Replacement Service Truck for Operations Replace Hybrid Vehicles Replace Fuel Station Controller @ Dairy Lane Operations Center Phase 2 SCADA System Replacement Miscellaneous Capital Outlay/Projects CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS & CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL DEPRECIATION TRANSFER FROM OPS TRANSFER (TO)/FROM CAPITAL RESERVES (PRIOR YEAR) * TRANSFER (TO)/FROM CAPITAL RESERVES CAPITAL OUTLAY/CAPITAL PROJECTS NET RESULTS OF CAPITAL * COMMITTED FROM PRIOR YEAR: Joint CIP with City of Belmont Proceeds from sale of Surplus Items APPROVED AMENDED FY 2018-2019 BUDGET $ PRELIMINARY BUDGET FY 2019-2020 BUDGET $ 750,000 - 5,000 - 678,500 - 1,433,500 - 45,998 90,000 65,783 30,000 50,000 50,000 331,781 1,765,281 931,500 445,625 595,000 (206,844) (1,765,281) (0) 50,000 50,000 50,000 970,000 343,275 (1,263,275) (50,000) (0) $ 500,000 $ 95,000 $ 595,000 71 TO: FROM: DATE: Board of Directors Tammy A. Rudock General Manager March 28, 2019 MANAGER'S REPORT FOLLOW-UP FROM 02/28/19 REGULAR BOARD MEETING Executed Sixth Amendment to the Master Professional Services Contract with Pakpour Consulting Group, Inc., referenced as Contract No. 02-1621-CP, in the amount of $45,000, for Additional Engineering Services related to the Hillcrest Pressure Regulating Station Project Posted MPWD Strategic Plan for 2019-2020 on the website. Posted MPWD Amended FY 2018/2019 Operating and Capital Budgets on the website. Canceled Financial Planning Workshop scheduled for April 11, 2019. CANCELED FINANCIAL PLANNING WORKSHOP Because of scheduling conflicts with our financial consultant and the Board's discussion about a standing Finance Committee that could be used to initially review financial planning options for the Board's consideration, staff canceled the April 11th workshop. Preliminary discussion topics for the committee, should that be the Board's direction, would be: 1. Introduce concept for financial forecasting and modeling for development of long-term (10-year) financial plan, including integration of payment plan of MPWD OPEB and Pension liabilities from PARS Trust. 2. Discuss Water Rate Study options for next 5-Year Proposition 218 process. 3. Consider funding gap options for COP Capital Improvement Program. Staff will be coordinating a meeting within the next 60 days with the committee (Directors Warden and Schmidt). UPDATE ON SURPLUS REAL PROPERTY 1513-1515 Folger Drive in Belmont Staff and District Counsel are preparing the next steps for the Board's consideration to list this property for sale in the open market. A closed session will be scheduled next month to discuss with the Board. F Street Parcel in San Carlos The San Mateo County Department of Housing is in the process of doing its due diligence (e.g., environmental assessment, affordable housing contractor, etc.) and anticipates making its formal offer to the MPWD within the next 90-120 days. 72 WATER CONSERVATION SUMMARY Water consumption for February was down 19.2% when compared to 2013. (For trend comparison, last year for February was down 10.0% when compared to 2013.) The R-GPCD (Residential-Gallons per Capita per Day) for February was 62.4 (compared to 75.4 in 2013). Cumulative water savings from July 1, 2018 through February 28, 2019 (compared to 2013) was -13.3%. SDLF DISTRICT TRANSPARENCY CERTIFICATE OF EXCELLENCE The SDLF (Special District Leadership Foundation) transparency certification was created to promote transparency in the operations and governance of special districts. There is no fee for the certification and there are three (3) subject matter areas required for transparency: Basic Requirements; Website Requirements; and Outreach/Best Practices Requirements. After the Board policy considerations this evening, the basic requirements for the MPWD's transparency certification will be met. The MPWD is fully compliant with the website requirements and outreach/best practices requirements. For community transparency review, I will meet with the Belmont Chamber of Commerce President and Vice President for review on March 29th, and the first week of April with one of my General Manager colleagues. Staff will remit the MPWD's application by the second week of April, and has confirmed that the MPWD will receive recognition of its transparency achievement at CSDA's Special Districts Legislative Days in Sacramento on May 21-22, 2019. 3-MONTH "LOOK AHEAD" FOR BOARD MEETINGS* APRIL 25, 2019 Consider and approve water rate adjustments effective July 1st. (Required 30-day notice to ratepayers.) Review DRAFT Operating Budget for FY 2019/2020. Review DRAFT Capital Budget for FY 2019/2020. Closed Session: General Manager annual performance evaluation. Closed Session: 1513-1515 Folger Drive property listing and sales price. MAY 23, 2019 Review final DRAFT Operating & Capital Budgets for FY 2019/2020. Receive BAWSCA update. Receive San Mateo County Chapter CSDA update. JUNE 27, 2019 Adopt Operating & Capital Budgets for FY 2019/2020. *In 2019: Schedule required bi-annual Harassment Prevention training by January 1, 2020 expanded for all employees (SB 1343) and for elected officials (AB 1661). 73 PUBLIC SERVICE ETHICS EDUCATION (AB 1234) The due dates (in alphabetical order) for certification renewal of Public Service Ethics education, required every two (2) years by AB 1234: · Joan Cassman · Jeff Ira · Joubin Pakpour · Candy Pina · Rene Ramirez · Tammy Rudock · Brian Schmidt · Julie Sherman · Louis Vella · Dave Warden · Kirk Wheeler · Matt Zucca March 9, 2019 November 23, 2020 November 19, 2020 December 13, 2020 December 7, 2020 November 29, 2020 ________________ March 10, 2019 December 4, 2020 January 26, 2021 January 3, 2021 April 16, 2019 For compliance, training should be completed on or before the due date, and the certificate turned in to the MPWD. Here is the link to the FPPC free online ethics training: http://localethics.fppc.ca.gov/login.aspx UPCOMING MEETINGS/EVENTS BAWSCA Water Management Meeting (Foster City): April 4, 2019 HIA Meeting (Belmont): April 4, 2019 ACWA JPIA 2019 Spring Conference & Exhibition (Monterey): May 6-10, 2019 San Mateo County Chapter CSDA Meeting (Burlingame): May 7, 2019 CSDA Special Districts Legislative Days (Sacramento): May 21-22, 2019 CSDA Annual Conference & Exhibitor Showcase (Anaheim): September 25-28, 2019 ACWA JPIA Fall Conference & Exhibition (San Diego): December 2-6, 2019 ACWA JPIA 2020 Spring Conference & Exhibition (Monterey): May 4-8, 2020 74 TO: FROM: DATE: Board of Directors Candy Pina March 28, 2019 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES MANAGER'S REPORT FINANCIAL REPORTING: 1) Schedule of Cash and Investments: SCHEDULE OF CASH AND INVESTMENTS BALANCE CASH ACCOUNT 2/28/2019 PETTY CASH $400 CASH DRAWER $200 WELLS FARGO CHECKING $349,627 LAIF $4,942,276 BNY INSTALLMENT ACCOUNT $345,538 TOTAL $5,638,040 BALANCE @ 03/21/19 $400 $200 $102,556 $4,342,276 $345,163 $4,790,595 Reserve Account Capital Reserves Working Capital Reserves TOTAL RESERVE FUNDS Committed Capital Pay-Go* PARS OPEB Liability PARS PRSP Pension Liability** APPROVED RESERVE EXP TOTAL RESERVE FUNDS Balance @ 02/28/17 $ 5,568,454 $ 5,568,454 Balance @ 02/28/18 $ 6,672,532 $ 6,672,532 Balance @ 02/28/19 $ 2,697,131 $ 1,500,000 $ 4,197,131 $ 345,145 $ - $ 400,000 $ 745,145 $ 4,942,276 Budget for Reserve Policy $ 1,500,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 3,000,000 $ 595,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 1,600,000 $ 3,695,000 $ 6,695,000 * Committed Capital Pay-Go spent to date totals $749,855 for Joint Capital Project with Belmont so reduced liability by that amount which includes both the $595,000 and the $500,000 identified in the Approved Mid-Year Budget. ** Final PARS PRSP Contribution by 3/31/19. 75 Water Revenue Report: Month JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB TOTAL WATER REVENUES for FISCAL YEAR 2018/2019 Water Fixed Total Total Commodity System Water Units Charges Charges Revenues 122,334 1,020,243 221,322 1,241,565 122,489 1,064,995 240,529 1,305,524 123,229 1,094,168 240,313 1,334,481 108,426 922,019 240,702 1,162,721 107,945 926,926 239,712 1,166,638 79,231 655,976 240,162 896,138 68,405 545,132 242,370 787,502 69,797 569,182 241,945 811,127 801,856 6,798,641 1,907,055 8,705,696 Misc Rev 1,309 1,302 1,315 1,303 1,319 1,328 1,344 1,335 10,555 CONFERENCES, TRAINING, & MEETINGS: 1) Misty Malczon: 03/07/19 Civic Pay webinar 2) Candy Pina: 03/06/19 Debris Management & Post Disaster Workshop 3) Jeanette Kalabolas: 03/07/19 Operations Math Webinar 4) Jeanette Kalabolas: 03/11/19 BAWSCA C11 Pilot Working Group 5) Candy Pina: 03/21/19 Meeting with Vincent Xi from District Treasurer's office to review financials 6) Jeanette Kalabolas/Laura Ravella/Misty Malczon/Candy Pina: 03/26/19 Student Field Trip @ MPWD 7) Misty Malczon: 03/27/19 Active Shooter Training 76 8) Jeanette Kalabolas: 03/27/19 Presenting on AMI in a panel discussion @ BAWSCA Workshop 9) Misty Malczon: 03/28/19 Enhanced Recurring Payments Webinar TEAM BUILDING ACTIVITIES We continue to celebrate employee birthdays and participate in trivia and Wellness Program activities. 77 TO: FROM: DATE: Board of Directors Rene A. Ramirez, Operations Manager March 28, 2019 OPERATIONS REPORT February Projects: - Below is current AMI status as of March 20, 2019 As Of 3-20-2019 AMI Installation Status 80.1% Total Meters 8020 AMI Installations 6421 Remaining 1599 Installations January 256 February 1-20 578 February 21 to March 20 759 New Development Status Total New 100.00% 110 AMI Installations 110 Remaining 0 - Held a 90% review for plans and specifications for the El Camino Real project with the design team, District Engineer and staff; - Attended the pre-construction meeting for the Hillcrest Pressure Reducing Stations with Stoloski and Gonzalez, District Engineer and staff; - Staff made effort to notify affected customers of District system flushing at least 48 hours before flushing to occur in the area (this maintenance work is being undertaken before the work at the Hillcrest Pressure Regulating Station); and - During days with heavy rain, staff spent day dismantling retired water meters into better marketable metal components; Maintenance: - Responded to and completed 154 USA (underground service alerts) requests in January. This was a 16% drop when compared to January where we responded 78 to 184. Slowdown in work due to winter and weather contributed to drop in requests; - Read meters in zones without AMI; - Collected a requisite 44 water samples for bacteriological testing all samples were absent of coliform bacteria contamination; - Continue to routinely monitor water system dead-ends continued for disinfectant residual; and - Monitored for signs of nitrification within our tanks, sample stations and dead ends continues as a part of regular water quality monitoring. All tanks are in service as we prepare for the Hillcrest Pressure Reducing Station project, which will require water for Zone 1 to come downhill from Hallmark and West Belmont tanks. System Repairs: Date Location 2/27/19 1525 Vine St Event Main Break Material Installation Date 6" CIP 1958 Estimated Water Loss (Gals.) 4,200 Development: Staff is currently working with developers on 65 development projects: Mixed Use Commercial/Multi-Family Residential: o 576-600 El Camino Real 32 meters installed at manifold. Awaiting conduit installations/punch list items prior to wiring remotes; o 400-490 El Camino Real 74 meters installed at manifold. Remotes are wired, and all meters are reporting!; o 1325 Old County Rd. Project re-submitted larger project of 250 units; letter of intent provided; o 800 Belmont Ave. Contacted by developer, tentative plans; o 815 Old County Rd. Contacted by developer regarding fire flow; o 1300 El Camino Real - Currently reviewing plans, letter of intent provided; o 803-815 Belmont Ave Contacted by developer regarding existing facilities and available fire flows. Additional information requested on adjacent parking lot parcels; and o 900 El Camino Real contacted by architect, working for the City of Belmont. Commercial: o 539 Harbor Blvd. Updated installation quote; o City of Belmont Island Park - Currently reviewing their plans; o 1477 El Camino Real Currently reviewing their plans; o Belmont Ave Parcel APNs (2) awaiting plans; o 1500 Ralston Ave. Currently reviewing plans; o 2200 Carlmont Dr. Installation complete; 79 o 1400 Alameda de las Pulgas Submittals approved; o 1306-1308 Old County Rd. Submittals approved; o 1888 Ralston Awaiting contractor installation o 612 Mountain View - Awaiting plans o 880 Old County Rd. - Awaiting payment; o 1110 Old County Rd. Currently reviewing plans; and o 2710 Ralston Ave. Currently reviewing plans. Residential: o 2 Wakefield Ct Plans approved; o 2828 Monroe - Currently reviewing their plans; o 33 Chesterton Ave. Currently reviewing their plans; o 1926 Oak Knoll Dr. Currently reviewing their plans; o 1830 Robin Whipple Currently reviewing their plans; o 2009 Mezes Provided installation quote; o 2723 Monserat Currently reviewing their plans; o 796 Miramar Terrace - Currently reviewing their plans; o 2114 Cipriani Provided updated quote; o Bishop Road development Installed 1 of 3, Awaiting plans on 2 remaining lots; o 4 Tioga Way Plans through staff approval process; o 1230 Alden Ct Plans through staff approval process; o Talbryn Dr. parcel Awaiting engineering information; o Ralston parcel - Developer requesting system information; o 2620 Ponce Currently reviewing their plans; o 1320 Talbryn Lane development- Awaiting payment of connection fees; o 517 Middlesex Road - Currently reviewing their plans; o 665 South - Currently reviewing plans; o 713 Alameda Installation complete; o 853 Alameda Plans through staff approval process; o 857 Alameda Plans through staff approval process; o 10 Notre Dame Place Awaiting contractor installation schedule; o 861 Alameda Currently reviewing their plans; o 2723 Wemberly - Currently reviewing their plans; o 3900 Marsten Currently reviewing their plans; o 3405 Hillcrest Installation complete; o 1424 Sunny Slope Installation complete; o 1503 Folger - Currently reviewing their plans; o 1651 Francis - Currently reviewing their plans; o 1961 Bishop Rd. - Currently reviewing their plans; o 2021 Lyon Ave. - Currently reviewing their plans; o 2106 Lyon Ave. - Currently reviewing their plans; o 1525 Vine St - Awaiting plans; o 1519 Escondido Awaiting homeowner payment; o 1560 Escondido Awaiting contractor payment; 80 o 1651 Francis - Currently reviewing their plans; o 1050 Chula Vista Awaiting payment; o 2110 Pullman Ave - Currently reviewing their plans; o 2019 Belle Monti - Currently reviewing their plans; o Monte Cresta Drive Extension Reviewing plans, developing WSA; o 507 Sterlingview - Currently reviewing their plans; o 511 Sterlingview - Currently reviewing their plans; o 1234 North Rd. Awaiting contractor schedule; and o 3105 Marburger Awaiting plans. Administration: - The GM and Ops Manager met with West Yost Associates, one of the capital project design teams to discuss breaking capital project 04-1621-CP, the PAMF and SR101 crossing project into two phases, which would allow for the Silicon Valley Clean Water Facility to carry out a capital project on a 54" force main under Shoreway Road which is a concern for our capital project; - Participated in the agenda review meeting with the Board President and General Manager; - Attended the quarterly meeting with City of Belmont Public Works Department; - Went over evaluation with employee and supervisor; - Attended the quarterly GM lunch and learn put on by District Engineer's office for several water agencies along the peninsula; - Met to de-brief over the waterTALENT interviews and next steps; - District Engineer invited a corrosion consultant to speak in the Board's meeting room on the topic of corrosion control for water distribution systems for water agencies they serve; - The GM and a few members of staff attended in the Emergency Exercise put on by the SFPUC; - A customer with a concern about chromium-6 in water actually found a typographical error in our 2016 CCR that lead to a rather lengthy exchange in an attempt to educate our customer. The EPA has yet to set an MCL for chromium6, but during 2016 the EPA gathered water quality data via through testing known as the UCMR3 (third round of unregulated contaminant monitoring rule). We participated. Lab results for chromium-6 in our water ranged from 0.037 to 0.12 ppb. The typographical error came in how we printed a table with results from the UCMR3 testing in the 2016 CCR. We followed a format used by the SFPUC. Their table had footnotes. For chromium-6, there was footnote #3, which they listed in their table as chromium 63. So, the 3 was a super-script, not another type of a chromium compound. We copied their listing for chromium-6 as chromium 63, no super-script, which was not correct. We thanked our customer for catching our error and had John Davidson edit the 2016 CCR to correct the typographical error; - Continued to actively managing five (5) engineering design contracts related to the CIP; and - Continued to actively manage power use for pumping operations. 81 MID-PENINSULA WATER DISTRICT BUDGET FOR YEAR 2018-2019 SUMMARY Target YTD % APPROVED 66.6% AMENDED ACTUALS REMAINING Y-T-D FY 2018-2019 7/1/2018 BALANCE/ % OF DESCRIPTION BUDGET $ 2/28/19 (OVER BUDGET) BUDGET OPERATING REVENUE WATER COMMODITY CHARGES FIXED SYSTEM CHARGES 9,611,800 6,798,641 2,880,000 1,907,055 2,813,159 972,945 70.7% 66.2% FIRE SERVICE CHARGES 14,000 10,555 3,445 75.4% MISC CUSTOMER ACCOUNT FEES 43,000 12,003 30,997 NA SERVICE LINE & INSTALLATION CHARGES MISCELLANEOUS OPERATING PROPERTY TAX REVENUE 10,000 25,000 268,000 24,363 271,587 10,000 637 (3,587) NA 97.5% 101.3% TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE 12,851,800 9,024,204 3,827,596 70.2% WATER SYSTEM CAPACITY CHARGES WATER DEMAND OFFSET CHARGES MISCELLANEOUS NON-OPERATING INTEREST REVENUE - LAIF INTEREST REVENUE - COP LEASE OF PHYSICAL PROPERTY LANDSCAPE PERMIT REVENUE TOTAL NON-OPERATING REVENUE 250,000 20,000 55,000 75,000 150,000 175,000 1,000 726,000 576,250 39,767 85,688 83,617 209,306 113,044 400 1,108,071 (326,250) (19,767) (30,688) (8,617) (59,306) 61,957 600 (382,071) 230.5% 198.8% 155.8% 111.5% 139.5% 64.6% 40.0% 152.6% TOTAL REVENUE OPERATING EXPENDITURES (OP EXP) SALARIES & WAGES PAYROLL TAXES & BENEFITS PURCHASED WATER OUTREACH & EDUCATION M&R - OPS SYSTEM M&R - FACILITIES & EQUIPMENT MAJOR MAINTENANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT MEMBERSHIP & GOV FEES BAD DEBT & CLAIMS UTILITIES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TRAINING/TRAVEL & RECRUITMENT RESTRICTED EARNINGS DEPRECIATION DEBT SERVICE TRUSTEE FEES & EXPENSES DEBT SERVICE 2016 COPs 13,577,800 10,132,274 - 1,821,385 1,280,803 5,654,624 60,000 350,000 150,000 31,050 313,483 215,915 30,000 316,917 650,000 50,000 225,000 931,500 1,051,500 1,153,077 535,700 3,877,063 30,369 120,128 114,234 193,016 158,101 24,844 198,901 352,954 20,057 292,922 610,124 204 807,496 3,445,526 74.6% 668,308 745,103 1,777,561 29,631 229,872 35,766 31,050 120,467 57,814 5,156 118,016 297,046 29,943 (67,922) 321,376 (204) 244,004 63.3% 41.8% 68.6% 50.6% 34.3% 76.2% NA 61.6% 73.2% 82.8% 62.8% 54.3% 40.1% 130.2% 65.5% N/A 76.8% TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 13,132,176 8,489,190 4,642,986 64.6% NET OPERATING SURPLUS/(LOSS) TRANSFER TO CAPITAL DEBT SERVICE COVERAGE 445,624 1,643,085 (445,624) (1,643,085) 1.91 2.77 (1,197,461) 1,197,461 368.7% 82 ACCOUNT NUMBER MID-PENINSULA WATER DISTRICT OPERATIONS BUDGET FOR YEAR 2018-2019 DETAILED ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION APPROVED AMENDED FY 2018-2019 BUDGET $ ACTUAL 7/1/2018 2/28/2019 REMAINING BALANCE/ (OVER BUDGET) Target YTD % 66.6% Y-T-D % OF BUDGET 4010 Water Commodity Charges (A) 4020 Fixed System Charges 4030 Fire Service Charges 4040 Credit/Debit Card Fees 4041 Late Fees 4042 48-Hour Notice Fees 4043 Shut Off Fees 4044 After Hour Fees 4050 Service Line & Installation Charges 4080 Miscellaneous Operating (B) 9,611,800 2,880,000 14,000 25,000 10,000 5,000 2,000 1,000 10,000 25,000 6,798,641 1,907,055 10,555 12,003 24,363 2,813,159 972,945 3,445 12,997 10,000 5,000 2,000 1,000 10,000 637 70.7% 66.2% 75.4% NA NA NA NA NA NA 97.5% 4000 TOTAL WATER CHARGES 12,583,800 8,752,617 3,831,183 69.6% 4202 Property Tax Revenue ('C) 268,000 271,587 (3,587) 101.3% 4200 OTHER OPERATING REVENUE 268,000 271,587 (3,587) 101.3% TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE 12,851,800 9,024,204 3,827,596 70.2% 4060 Water System Capacity Charges (D) 4070 Water Demand Offset Charges (D) 4090 Miscellaneous - Non Operating (E) 250,000 20,000 55,000 576,250 39,767 85,688 (326,250) (19,767) (30,688) 230.5% 198.8% 155.8% 4102 Interest Revenue- LAIF(F) 4103 Interest Revenue-COP Funds (F) 75,000 150,000 83,617 209,306 (8,617) (59,306) 111.5% 139.5% 4100 INTEREST REVENUE 225,000 292,922 (67,922) 130.2% 4201 Lease of Physical Property . 4208 Landscape Plan Permit Review 175,000 1,000 113,044 400 61,957 600 64.6% 40.0% 4200 OTHER NON-OPERATING REVENUE 176,000 113,444 62,557 64.5% 4000 TOTAL NON-OPERATING REVENUE TOTAL OPERATING & NON-OP REVENUE 726,000 13,577,800 1,108,071 10,132,274 (382,071) 3,445,526 152.6% 74.6% 6011 Salaries & Wages 6012 Director Compensation 1,725,000 11,385 1,111,204 3,500 613,796 7,885 64.4% 30.7% 6010 GROSS REGULAR WAGES 6017 CAPITAL SALARY & WAGES reversed 1,736,385 - 1,114,704 621,681 - 64.2% 6021 Overtime Labor 6022 Standby Labor 45,000 40,000 13,225 25,149 31,775 14,851 29.4% 62.9% 6020 SUB-TOTAL SALARY & WAGES 1,821,385 1,153,077 668,308 63.3% 6031 FICA/Medicare PR Tax 6038 ACWA Health Care 6039 ACWA Dental 6040 ACWA Vision 6041 ACWA Life/AD&D 131,963 400,000 30,000 83 4,250 4,200 81,704 268,181 19,223 2,958 3,136 50,259 131,819 10,777 1,292 1,064 61.9% 67.0% 64.1% 69.6% 74.7% MID-PENINSULA WATER DISTRICT OPERATIONS BUDGET FOR YEAR 2018-2019 DETAILED ACCOUNT ACCOUNT NUMBER DESCRIPTION 6042 Standard LDL/SDL Disabiility 6043 Workers' Comp Insurance 6044 Unemployment 6045 CALPERS Retirement - ERC 2%@55 6045 CALPERS UAL Fresh Start 7/1/18 6046 Retirees' ACWA Health Care 6047 Directors' ACWA Health Care 6049 Medical Reimbursement 6050 Employee Service Recognition 6051 Safety Incentive Program 6052 Uniforms 6053 PARS OPEB Expense APPROVED AMENDED FY 2018-2019 BUDGET $ 17,500 32,500 1,066 140,000 136,604 71,770 115,000 600 10,350 15,000 25,000 145,000 ACTUAL 7/1/2018 2/28/2019 11,145 24,726 86,620 91,069 29,830 74,747 364 5,317 4,880 13,427 - REMAINING BALANCE/ (OVER BUDGET) 6,355 7,774 1,066 53,380 45,535 41,940 40,253 236 5,033 10,120 11,573 145,000 Target YTD % 66.6% Y-T-D % OF BUDGET 63.7% 76.1% NA 61.9% 66.7% 41.6% 65.0% 60.7% 51.4% 32.5% 53.7% NA 6030 TOTAL PAYROLL TAXES & BENEFITS 6054 CAPITAL PAYROLL, TAXES & BENEFITS 1,280,803 717,327 (181,628) 563,476 181,628 56.0% N/A 6000 PERSONNEL COSTS 3,102,188 1,688,777 1,413,411 54.4% 6101 SFPUC Treated Water (A) 6102 BAWSCA (Debt Service Surcharges) 6103 Rates Stabilization 6104 SFPUC Water Service Charge 5,100,000 476,000 78,624 3,486,967 337,920 52,176 1,613,033 138,080 26,448 68.4% 71.0% NA 66.4% 6100 PURCHASED WATER 5,654,624 3,877,063 1,777,561 68.6% 6301 Water Conservation Program 6302 School Conservation Program (G) 6303 Public Outreach & Education (H) 7,452 7,452 15,525 4,221 7,056 17,274 3,231 396 (1,749) 56.6% 94.7% 111.3% 6305 HET Rebates 6306 Washing Machine Rebates 6307 Lawn-Be-Gone Rebates 6308 Rain Barrel Rebates 6304 TOTAL WATER CONSERVATION REBATES 9,221 - 17,685 2,665 29,571 1,580 206 30 1,817 7,641 - 17,479 2,635 27,754 17.1% NA 1.2% 1.1% 6.1% 6300 OUTREACH/EDUCATION 60,000 30,369 29,631 50.6% 6401 Water Quality 6402 Pumping 6403 Storage Tanks 6404 Mains/Distribution 6405 Meters & Service 6406 Fire Hydrants 6407 Regulator Stations 6408 Safety 6409 SCADA Maintenance 6410 Generator Maintenance 60,000 50,000 10,000 100,000 10,000 33,000 10,000 37,000 14,415 25,585 33,680 6,152 2,463 52,255 (5,550) 13,284 87 16,980 82 695 26,320 43,848 7,537 47,745 15,550 19,716 9,913 20,020 14,333 24,890 56.1% 12.3% 24.6% 52.3% -55.5% 40.3% 0.9% 45.9% 0.6% 2.7% 6400 M&R - OPS SYSTEMS 350,000 120,128 229,872 34.3% 6501 M&R-Buildings&Grounds (I) 6502 M&R- Equipment&Tools 6503 M&R- Vehicles & Large Equipment 80,000 84 20,000 20,000 67,538 11,889 13,936 12,462 8,111 6,064 84.4% 59.4% 69.7% ACCOUNT NUMBER 6504 M&R - Fuel MID-PENINSULA WATER DISTRICT OPERATIONS BUDGET FOR YEAR 2018-2019 DETAILED ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION APPROVED AMENDED FY 2018-2019 BUDGET $ 30,000 ACTUAL 7/1/2018 2/28/2019 20,871 REMAINING BALANCE/ (OVER BUDGET) 9,129 Target YTD % 66.6% Y-T-D % OF BUDGET 69.6% 6500 M&R - FACILITIES & EQUIPMENT 150,000 114,234 35,766 76.2% 6601 Cathodic Protection Survey 6602 Leak Detection Survey - 31,050 - - NA 31,050 NA 6600 MAJOR MAINTENANCE 31,050 - 31,050 NA 6701 Office Supplies 6702 Insurance- Liability/Vehicles 6703 Postage 6704 Printing/Printing Supplies 6705 Equipment Services/Maintenance 6706 Computer Supplies & Upgrades 6707 Security & Safety 6708 Other Fees 6709 Customer Credit Card Svs Fees .(J) 15,991 82,800 8,528 10,350 20,700 33,120 11,461 533 130,000 6,641 50,826 1,420 1,412 8,309 14,100 4,439 - 105,870 9,351 31,974 7,108 8,938 12,391 19,020 7,022 533 24,130 41.5% 61.4% 16.6% 13.6% 40.1% 42.6% 38.7% NA 81.4% 6700 OFFICE SUPPLIES & EQUIP 313,483 193,016 120,467 61.6% 6801 Dues & Publications (K) 6802 Gov't Fees & Licenses 6803 BAWSCA Membership Assessments 6804 Env Health - Cross Connection Inspection 6805 Software License (L) 31,759 30,893 78,660 33,048 41,555 27,778 21,895 48,885 22,333 37,208 3,981 8,998 29,775 10,715 4,347 87.5% 70.9% 62.1% 67.6% 89.5% 6800 MEMBERSHIP & GOV FEES 215,915 158,101 57,814 73.2% 6901 Bad Debt (M) 6902 Claims (N) 24,000 6,000 19,556 5,288 4,444 712 81.5% 88.1% 6900 BAD DEBT & CLAIMS 30,000 24,844 5,156 82.8% 7001 Utilities-Internet/Cable 7002 Utilities-Cellular Telephones 7003 Utilities-Electric-Pumping 7004 Utilities-Electric-Bldgs&Grounds 7005 Utilities-Telephones 7006 Utilities-Sewer - NPDES 10,350 12,633 234,531 25,585 25,875 7,943 4,517 8,829 147,648 15,969 17,344 4,593 5,833 3,804 86,883 9,616 8,531 3,350 43.6% 69.9% 63.0% 62.4% 67.0% 57.8% 7000 UTILITIES 316,917 198,901 118,016 62.8% 7101 Prof Serv - District Counsel 7102 Prof Serv - District Engineer 7103 Prof Serv - IT 7104 Prof Serv- Annual Finance Audit (O) 7105 Prof Serv - Mngmt Consult 7106 Prof Serv- Accounting & Payroll 7107 Prof Serv- Customer Billing 7109 Prof Serv - Answering Svs 7110 Prof Serv - Miscellaneous 7111 Prof Serv - District Treasurer 65,000 100,000 22,000 18,850 24,000 60,000 4,000 85 352,550 3,600 48,815 68,203 13,742 18,850 42 15,845 41,724 2,248 141,085 2,400 16,185 31,797 8,258 (42) 8,155 18,276 1,752 211,465 1,200 75.1% 68.2% 62.5% 100.0% NA 66.0% 69.5% 56.2% 40.0% 66.7% ACCOUNT NUMBER MID-PENINSULA WATER DISTRICT OPERATIONS BUDGET FOR YEAR 2018-2019 DETAILED ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION APPROVED AMENDED FY 2018-2019 BUDGET $ ACTUAL 7/1/2018 2/28/2019 REMAINING BALANCE/ (OVER BUDGET) Target YTD % 66.6% Y-T-D % OF BUDGET 7100 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 650,000 352,954 297,046 54.3% 7201 Director Travel 7202 Director Expense 7203 Elections 7204 Employee Travel/Training 7205 Meetings Expense (P) 4,000 1,600 15,000 24,400 5,000 725 791 13,729 4,813 3,275 809 15,000 10,671 188 18.1% 49.4% NA 56.3% 96.3% 7200 TRAINING & TRAVEL 50,000 20,057 29,943 40.1% 7302 Restricted Earnings Expense - Interest LAIF & COP (D) 225,000 292,922 (67,922) 130.2% 7300 RESTRICTED EARNINGS EXPENSE 225,000 292,922 (67,922) 130.2% 8001 Working Reserves: Capital 8002 Working Reserves: Operating - - - - NA - NA 8000 RESERVES 9010 DEPRECIATION 9011 DEBT SERVICE TRUSTEE FEES & EXPENSES 9012 DEBT SERVICE 2017-2018 COPs SUB-TOTAL - OPERATING EXPENSES 931,500 1,051,500 10,029,989 610,124 204 807,496 6,800,414 321,376 (204) 244,004 3,229,575 NA 65.5% NA 76.8% 67.8% TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 13,132,176 8,489,191 4,642,986 64.6% NET OPERATING SURPLUS/(LOSS) TRANSFER TO CAPITAL 445,624 1,643,084 #REF! (1,197,460) 445,624 (A) Water revenues are at 73.9% and water purchases are at 68.4%. Water revenues is a preliminary number. Revenue does not include the (B) Reimbursement for damage to Fire Hydrant totaling $8,245. Reimbursement for Property Damage on 7/10/17 at 4110 Block of Skymont Drive totaling $15,948. .(C) Have received expected property tax before April 10th (due date). (D) Water Capacity Charges and Demand Offset Charges for completed jobs: Three residential new Services installed totaling $34,375 & $2,321 ; two commerical New Serices Installed totaling $541,875 and $37,446.. .(E) Fire Flow Revenue totaling $11,599; PG&E Reimbursement for work not completed totaling $6,029; Project vehicle revenue totaling $61,580.. (F) LAIF and COP funds generating more interest revenue than expected. (G) Purchase of promotional inventory totaling $7,056. (H) Purchase of promotional inventory totaling $17,274. (I) Dairly Lane Landscape project totaling $8,900. (J) Customers are using credit cards to pay their monthly water bills. Credit card fees to customers using their credit cards to pay their bills totaled $12,003 to date. (K) CSDA membership which was not paid for 2017 totaled $561, ACWA Dues for 2019 increased by $2,400 annually from PY 2018. (L) Software Licenses were higher than expected to date. (M) Sent customers to collections this Fiscal year since the implementation of the new financial management. (N) PG&E Emergency Repair/Gas Main Struct during Main Break (O) Audit complete. 86 (P) Year-End Board Meeting celebrating the retirement of two board members totaling $1,092.50. MID-PENINSULA WATER DISTRICT STATEMENT OF REVENUES & EXPENSES PREVIOUS YEAR COMPARISON - GAAP BASIS Ordinary Income/Expense Income OPERATING REVENUE INTEREST INCOME CAPITAL CONTRIBUTION OTHER INCOME Total Income Expense PERSONNEL COSTS PURCHASED WATER OUTREACH/EDUCATION M&4 - OPS SYSTEMS FACILITIES & EQUIPMENT OFFICE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT MEMBERSHIP & GOV FEES BAD DEBT & CLAIMS UTILITIES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TRAINING & TRAVEL Total Expense Net Ordinary Income Other Income/Expense Other Expense DEPRECIATION COP Financing Costs Total Other Expense Jul 18 - Feb 19 Jul 17 - Feb 19 $ Change % Change 9,024,204 292,922 214,515 815,148 10,346,790 1,688,777 3,877,063 30,369 120,128 114,234 193,016 158,101 24,844 198,901 352,954 20,057 6,778,444 3,568,345 8,948,529 162,772 0 351,534 9,462,835 1,696,223 3,846,426 31,148 239,944 81,739 175,760 143,181 -2,662 166,786 240,202 20,751 6,651,874 2,810,961 75,674 130,151 214,515 463,614 883,955 0.85% 79.96% 100.0% 131.88% 9.34% -7,446 30,638 -779 -119,816 32,495 17,256 14,919 27,506 32,115 112,752 -695 126,571 757,384 -0.44% 0.8% -2.5% -49.94% 39.76% 9.82% 10.42% 1,033.31% 19.26% 46.94% -3.35% 1.9% 26.94% 610,124 462,496 1,072,824 581,286 471,580 1,052,866 28,838 -9,084 19,958 4.96% -1.93% 1.9% Net Revenue/(Expenses) 2,495,522 1,758,095 737,426 41.9% RECONCILIATION TO OPERATING BUDGET Adjustments to Increase Net Operating Surplus Interest Income - LAIF & COP Interest Capital Contribution Debt Service Principal Payment Total Adjustments to Increase Net Operating Surplus Net Operating Surplus/(Loss) Transfer to Capital -292,921 -214,515 -345,000 -852,437 1,643,085 87 MID-PENINSULA WATER DISTRICT ACTUAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES SUMMARY Feb-19 % OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES ACTUAL $ TOTAL PURCHASED WATER 3,877,063 45.7% SALARIES, WAGES, PAYROLL TAXES & BENEFITS 1,688,777 19.9% OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE 953,876 11.2% DEPRECIATION 610,124 7.2% PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 352,954 4.2% UTILITIES 198,901 2.3% DEBT SERVICE 2016 COP's 807,496 9.5% TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 8,489,191 100% - 198,901 352,954 610,124 953,876 807,496 1,688,777 PURCHASED WATER SALARIES, WAGES, PAYROLL TAXES & BENEFITS 3,877,063 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE DEPRECIATION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES UTILITIES DEBT SERVICE 2016 COP's 88 2018/2019 BUDGET vs ACTUAL TOTAL EXPENDITURES Feb-19 $16,000,000 $14,000,000 $12,000,000 $10,000,000 $8,000,000 $6,000,000 $4,000,000 $2,000,000 $- BUDGETED ACTUAL TOTAL EXPENDITURES PERSONNEL COSTS PURCHASED WATER OPERATING EXPENSES CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT TOTAL EXPENDITURES BUDGETED $ 3,102,188 $ 5,654,624 $ 4,375,364 $ 1,765,281 $ 14,897,457 BUDGETED % OF ACTUAL TOTAL $ 1,688,777 21% $ 3,877,063 38% $ 2,923,350 29% $ 1,391,745 12% $ 9,880,936 100% ACTUAL % OF TOTAL 17% 39% 30% 14% 100% 89 MID-PENINSULA WATER DISTRICT BUDGET FOR FY 2018-2019 Capital Projects DESCRIPTION APPROVED AMENDED FY 2018-2019 BUDGET $ CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS - WORK IN PROCESS (WIP) 2017 Joint WMR and Belmont Sewer Rehab Project (Pay-Go Portion) 2017 Water Main Replacement CIP (Pay-Go Portion) AMI Meter Change Out Program CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS - WIP TOTAL 750,000 5,000 678,500 1,433,500 CAPITAL OUTLAY Replacement Mini-Excavator for Operations Replacement Service Truck for Operations Replace Hybrid Vehicles Replace Fuel Station Controller @ Dairy Lane Operations Center Phase 2 SCADA System Replacement Miscellaneous Capital Outlay/Projects* 45,998 90,000 65,783 30,000 50,000 50,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 331,781 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS & CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 1,765,281 DEPRECIATION TRANSFER FROM OPS TRANSFER (TO)/FROM CAPITAL RESERVES (PRIOR YEAR) * TRANSFER (TO)/FROM CAPITAL RESERVES** CAPITAL OUTLAY/CAPITAL PROJECTS 931,500 445,625 595,000 (206,844) (1,765,281) NET RESULTS OF CAPITAL - * COMMITTED FROM PRIOR YEAR: Placeholder - Joint CIP with City of Belmont Proceeds from sale of Surplus Items $ 500,000 $ 95,000 90$ 595,000 ACTUAL 7/1/2018 2/28/2019 Target YTD % 66.6% REMAINING Y-T-D BALANCE/ % OF (OVER BUDGET) BUDGET 749,855 12,704 510,763 1,273,322 145 (7,704) 167,737 160,178 100.0% 254.1% 75.3% 88.8% 45,998 - 65,783 - 6,642 118,423 1,391,745 610,124 1,643,084 (861,463) (1,391,745) (0) 0 90,000 0 30,000 50,000 43,358 213,358 373,536 321,376 (1,197,459) 595,000 654,619 (373,536) 0 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 13.3% 35.7% 78.8% 65.5% 368.7% 0.0% 416.5% 78.8% N/A MID-PENINSULA WATER DISTRICT STATEMENT OF NET POSITION PREVIOUS YEAR COMPARISON ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Total Checking/Savings Total COP Funds Total Accounts Receivable Total Other Current Assets TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS FIXED ASSETS Fixed Assets Accumulated Depreciation Construction in Progress TOTAL FIXED ASSETS TOTAL OTHER ASSETS TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES & EQUITY LIABILITIES CURRENT LIABILITIES Total Accounts Payable Total Other Current Liabilities TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES LONG TERM LIABILITIES Total COP Financing Debt (B) Total COP Premium (B) Total Other Long Term Liabilities (B) TOTAL LONG TERM LIABILITIES TOTAL LIABILITIES EQUITY 3000 · Opening Bal Equity 3800 · RESERVES * 3940 · Fund Bal Invest in Util Plant Net Assets (A) TOTAL EQUITY TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 28-Feb-19 28-Feb-18 $ Change % Change 5,658,380.45 15,070,692.50 830,404.54 337,712.83 21,897,190.32 25,065,532.99 -19,407,152.54 0.00 0.00 1,086,277.65 -255,873.11 282,498.16 55,214.67 26,434,308.80 -4,537,118.48 -77.43% 100.0% -23.56% 19.55% -17.16% 47,614,881.15 43,872,409.91 -27,876,892.33 -27,199,138.65 3,534,320.59 2,475,995.04 23,272,309.41 19,149,266.30 1,210,079.34 803,133.00 46,379,579.07 46,386,708.10 3,742,471.24 -677,753.68 1,058,325.55 4,123,043.11 406,946.34 -7,129.03 8.53% -2.49% 42.74% 21.53% 50.67% -0.02% 786,791.08 1,500,825.16 2,287,616.24 455,816.73 2,202,567.00 2,658,383.73 330,974.35 -701,741.84 -370,767.49 72.61% -31.86% -13.95% 17,550,000.00 868,063.70 1,535,175.00 19,953,238.70 22,240,854.94 17,910,000.00 899,345.30 1,765,634.45 20,574,979.75 23,233,363.48 -360,000.00 -31,281.60 -230,459.45 -621,741.05 -992,508.54 -2.01% -3.48% -13.05% -3.02% -4.27% 0.00 4,942,275.76 23,272,309.41 -4,075,861.04 24,138,724.13 46,379,579.07 0.00 6,672,532.22 19,149,266.30 -2,668,453.90 23,153,344.62 46,386,708.10 0.00 -1,730,256.46 4,123,043.11 -1,407,407.14 985,379.51 -7,129.03 0.0% -25.93% 21.53% -52.74% 4.26% -0.02% (A) CalPERS Net Pension Liability - GASB 68 requirement. (B) COP Financing Debt and Debt Premium total $19,185,626.90. 91Adobe Acrobat 11.0.23