Description: Manual Recognition for message receipt. 94. Billable Quantity. Description: Number of billable units used.
EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Appendix A Trading Partners Business Customers 811 Transaction Set Transmission Process Ve rizon November 2020 Verizon 811 Transaction Set Appendix A v20 4 Disclaimers This document and the information contained within are provided by Verizon1 subject to the limitations of liability and other terms of its related service agreement(s) and without warranty of any kind. Further and without limitation, Verizon and its affiliated companies disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including without limitation, warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, against infringement, or merchantability. In addition to and without limitation of any other limitation of liability of Verizon or its affiliated companies set forth in an applicable tariff or elsewhere, in no event shall Verizon or its affiliated companies, or their agents or suppliers, be liable under contract, warranty, tort, or any other legal theory, for any incidental, consequential, punitive, special or indirect damages arising from or relating to this document or its contents, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. Confidentiality This document and the information contained within represent proprietary information of Verizon or its affiliated companies and suppliers. No use, reproduction or disclosure is permitted except as expressly authorized in an applicable tariff of, or written agreement with, Verizon or its affiliated companies. Trading Partner Information Verizon bills customers for services provided by Verizon and other service providers on a monthly basis (except as otherwise agreed). There is no connection between Verizon and other, non-affiliated service providers. Residential customer accounts should refer disputes or discrepancies to your business office/service representative or consult the Rights and Responsibilities section of your local telephone book for information. © 2020 Verizon. All Rights Reserved. The Verizon names and logos and all other names, logos and slogans identifying Verizon's products and services are trademarks and service marks or registered trademarks and service marks of Verizon Trademark Services LLC or its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners. 1 "Verizon" refers to the Verizon entities that provide the services to which the EDI and other billing-related services addressed in this document apply. November 2020 ii Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A A. Segment and Data Element Use TCIF Guideline Appendix B in Section 10.4 can be ordered form Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS)-sponsored Ordering and Billing Forum (OBF) which was formerly called TCIF ( 811 Consolidated Service Invoice/Statement CI Functional Group= This Draft Standard for Trial Use contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Consolidated Service Invoice/Statement Transaction Set (811) for use within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment. This transaction set provides for the billing or reporting of complex and structured service invoice/statement detail. This standard can be used by organizations who are interested in sending or receiving either consolidated or standalone invoices for service arrangements which require processing other than that done for the typical product invoice. The Consolidated Service Invoice/Statement can be used as a credit/debit memo to differentiate between payable invoice items and information-only memo items. This transaction set should not be used as a standalone notification of a credit/debit adjustment. Notes: 2/010 Valid codes for HL03 to define levels for this transaction set are given below: 1 - Service/Billing Provider (Identifies the Company Providing the Service/Billing) 2 - Billing Arrangement (Identifies a Specific Billing Arrangement) 3 - Sub-billing Arrangement (Identifies a More Detailed Billing Arrangement) 4 - Group (Identifies a Group of Charges on the Bill) 5 - Category (Identifies the Subdivision of the Group) 6 - Subcategory (Identifies a Further Breakdown of the Category) 7 - Type (Identifies a Further Breakdown of the Subcategory) 8 - Charge Detail (Identifies the Lowest Level of Charges within a Billing Arrangement) 9 - Line Detail (Identifies the Supporting Detail Associated with the Charge or Group Level). They must be used in the (hierarchical) order in which they are listed; however, certain levels are optional and may be omitted. At least one occurrence each of the service/billing provider level and group level is required. 2/210 The group level is defined by at least one occurrence of the IT1 loop which may only appear at the group level. 2/390 The SLN loop may only appear at the charge detail level. 2/590 The TCD loop may only appear at the line detail level. 2/620 The USD loop may only appear at the line detail level. 3/115 The number of line items (CTT01) is the accumulation of the number of IT1 segments. User: This Customer Guideline explains Verizon's ' implementation of the Consolidated Services Invoice/Statement Transaction Set 811 for billing telephone invoices. Where ever possible, Verizon adheres to EDI standards set forth by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) X12 in Release 00410. This guideline should be used with the Telecommunications Industry Forum (TCIF) EDI Guidelines, Issue 9.4, available on the Internet at Codes from an industry code list are available in TCIF Guideline Appendix B in Section 10.4. November 2020 Verizon 811 Transaction Set Appendix A v20 4 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Pos Id ISA GS Heading: Pos Id 010 ST 020 BIG 030 NTE 040 CUR 050 REF 070 ITD 080 DTM 090 TXI LOOP ID - N1 100 N1 110 N2 120 N3 130 N4 140 REF 150 PER Segment Name Interchange Control Header Functional Group Header Segment Name Transaction Set Header Beginning Segment for Invoice Note/Special Instruction Currency Reference Identification Terms of Sale/Deferred Terms of Sale Date/Time Reference Tax Information Name Additional Name Information Address Information Geographic Location Reference Identification Administrative Communications Contact Detail: Pos Id Segment Name LOOP ID - HL 010 HL LOOP ID - LX 020 LX 030 SI 040 PID 050 REF 060 AMT 070 DTM 080 TXI LOOP ID - QTY 090 QTY 100 SI LOOP ID - NM1 110 NM1 120 N2 130 N3 140 N4 150 REF 160 PER 170 TXI LOOP ID - ITA 180 ITA 190 DTM 200 TXI Hierarchical Level Assigned Number Service Characteristic Identification Product/Item Description Reference Identification Monetary Amount Date/Time Reference Tax Information Quantity Service Characteristic Identification Individual or Organizational Name Additional Name Information Address Information Geographic Location Reference Identification Administrative Communications Contact Tax Information Allowance, Charge or Service Date/Time Reference Tax Information November 2020 Req Max Repeat Notes Usage Use M 1 Must use M 1 Must use Req Max Repeat Notes Usage Use M Must use M Must use O Used O 1 Used O Used O 5 Used O Used O Used >1 O 1 O 2 O 2 O 1 O 12 O 3 Used Used Used Used Used Used Req Max Repeat Notes Usage Use >1 M 1 N2/010 Must use >1 O 1 O 8 O 200 O >1 O 5 O 8 O >1 Used Used Used Used Used Used Used 10 O 1 O 1 Used Used 1 O 1 O 1 O 2 O 1 O >1 O >1 O >1 Used Used Used Used Used Used Used >1 O 1 O 1 O >1 Used Used Used 2 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A LOOP ID - IT1 210 IT1 230 PID 250 TXI LOOP ID - ITA 310 ITA LOOP ID - SLN 390 SLN 400 SI 410 PID 420 CUR 430 INC 440 ITA 450 TXI 460 REF 480 DTM 490 AMT LOOP ID - QTY 510 QTY 520 SI LOOP ID NM1 530 NM1 LOOP ID - TCD 590 TCD 600 SI 610 TXI 615 ITA LOOP ID - QTY 617 QTY LOOP ID - USD 620 USD 625 SI 630 ITA 640 TRF LOOP ID - QTY 650 QTY Baseline Item Data (Invoice) Product/Item Description Tax Information Allowance, Charge or Service Subline Item Detail Service Characteristic Identification Product/Item Description Currency Installment InformationNM101 Allowance, Charge or Service Tax Information Reference Identification Date/Time Reference Monetary Amount Quantity Service Characteristic Identification Individual or Organizational Name Itemized Call Detail Service Characteristic Identification Tax Information Allowance, Charge or Service Quantity Usage-Sensitive Detail Service Characteristic Identification Allowance, Charge or Service Rating Factors Quantity 999999 O 1 N2/210 Used O 200 Used O >1 Used 10 O 1 Used >1 O 1 N2/390 Used O 2 Used O 200 O 1 O 1 O 10 O >1 O >1 O 10 O 15 Used Used Used Used Used Used Used Used >1 O 1 O 1 Used Used >1 O 1 Used >1 O 1 N2/590 Used O 2 Used O >1 Used O >1 Used >1 O 1 Used >1 O 1 N2/620 Used O 2 Used O 2 Used O 18 Used >1 O 1 Used November 2020 3 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide Summary: Pos Id 010 TDS Segment Name Total Monetary Value Summary LOOP ID ITA 020 ITA 030 DTM LOOP ID BAL 040 BAL LOOP ID - N1 060 N1 LOOP ID BAL 070 BAL 080 DTM LOOP ID ITA 090 ITA 100 DTM LOOP ID - LX 107 LX 108 REF LOOP ID - AMT 109 AMT 110 DTM 115 CTT 120 SE Allowance, Charge or Service Date/Time Reference Balance Detail Name Balance Detail Date/Time Reference Allowance, Charge or Service Date/Time Reference Assigned Number Reference Identification Monetary Amount Date/Time Reference Transaction Totals Transaction Set Trailer Pos Id GE IEA Segment Name Functional Group Trailer Interchange Control Trailer VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Req Max Repeat Notes Usage Use M 1 Must use >1 O 1 O 1 Used Used >1 O 1 Used >1 O 1 Used >1 O 1 O 1 Used Used >1 O 1 O 2 Used Used >1 O 1 O 1 Used Used >1 O 1 O 1 Used Used O 1 M 1 N3/115 Used Must use Req Max Repeat Notes Usage Use M 1 Must use M 1 Must use November 2020 4 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A ISA Interchange Control Header Pos: Max: 1 - Mandatory Loop: N/A Elements: 16 To start and identify an interchange of zero or more functional groups and interchange-related control segments: The Interexchange Control Header is the first segment of the transmission. It indicates the start and identifies one or more functional groups. Element Summary: Ref _ ISA01 ISA02 Id_ Element Name I01 Authorization Information Qualifier Description: Code to identify the type of information in the Authorization Information. _ Req M Code Name 00 No Authorization Information Present I02 Authorization Information M Description: Information used for additional identification or authorization of the interchange sender or the data in the interchange; the type of information is set by the Authorization Information Qualifier (I01). User: (10 Spaces) unless mutually agreed to by Verizon Type ID Min/Max 2/2 Usage_ Must use AN 10/10 Must use ISA03 ISA04 I03 Security Information Qualifier M Description: Code to identify the type of information in the Security Information. Code Name 00 No Security Information Present I04 Security Information M Description: This is used for identifying the security information about the interchange sender or the data in the interchange; the type of information is set by the Security Information Qualifier (I03). User: (10 Spaces) ID 2/2 Must use AN 10/10 Must use ISA05 ISA06 I05 Interchange ID Qualifier M Description: Qualifier to designate the system/method of code structure used to designate the sender or receiver ID element being qualified. Code Name 01 Duns (Dun & Bradstreet) I06 Interchange Sender ID M Description: Identification code published by the sender for other parties to use as the receiver ID to route data to them; the sender always codes this value in the sender ID element. User: 107212169CAB (Verizon DUNS number for CABS billing Systems) 107212169CBS (Verizon DUNS number for CBSS billing system) 107212169CRS (Verizon DUNS number for CRIS billing systems) ID 2/2 Must use AN 15/15 Must use November 2020 5 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ ISA07 ISA08 ISA09 ISA10 ISA11 Id_ Element Name _ Req 107212169ESG (Verizon DUNS number for expressTRAK and NBBE systems) 107212169SSB (Verizon DUNS number for SSB billing system) 107212169V5 (Verizon DUNS number for Vision V5 billing System) VERIZONBUSINESS (Verizon DUNS number for GCS, Dispatch 1, ICI Credit Notes, ICI Debit Notes, IX Plus, NCBS (IBRS//Vision), Prime Biller International, Prime Biller US OPCP, SingleView, Terremark, Terremark Aria Billingand WIN systems). I05 Interchange ID Qualifier M Description: Qualifier to designate the system/method of code structure used to designate the sender or receiver ID element being qualified. Code 01 08 09 12 14 16 17 ZZ Name Duns (Dun & Bradstreet) UCC EDI Communications ID (Comm ID) X.121 (CCITT) Phone (Telephone Companies) Duns Plus Suffix Duns Number With 4-Character Suffix AMERICAN Bankers Association (ABA) Transit Routing Number Mutually Defined I07 Interchange Receiver ID M Description: Identification code published by the receiver of the data; When sending, it is used by the sender as their sending ID, thus other parties sending to them will use this as a receiving ID to route data to them. User: Customer supplied Receiver ID I08 Interchange Date M Description: Date of the interchange. User: Interchange Submit Date I09 Interchange Time M Description: Time of the interchange. User: Interchange Submit Time I10 Interchange Control Standards Identifier M Description: Code to identify the agency responsible for the control standard used by the message that is enclosed by the interchange header and trailer. Code Name U U.S. EDI Community of ASC X12 and UCS Type Min/Max Usage_ ID 2/2 Must use AN 15/15 Must use DT 6/6 Must use TM 4/4 Must use ID 1/1 Must use November 2020 6 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A ISA12 ISA13 ISA14 ISA15 ISA16 I11 Interchange Control Version Number M Description: This version number covers the interchange control segments. Code Name 00401 Draft Standards for Trial Use Approved for Publication by ASC X12 Procedures Review Board through October 1997 I12 Interchange Control Number M Description: A control number assigned by the interchange sender. I13 Acknowledgment Requested M Description: Code sent by the sender to request an interchange acknowledgment (TA1). Code Name 0 No Acknowledgment Requested I14 Usage Indicator M Description: Code to indicate whether data enclosed by this interchange envelope is test, production or information. Code P T Name Production Data Test Data I15 Component Element Separator M Description: Type is not applicable; the component element separator is a delimiter and not a data element; this field provides the delimiter used to separate component data elements within a composite data structure; this value must be different than the data element separator and the segment terminator. User: Verizon does not allow @ to be used as a separator. ID 5/5 N0 9/9 ID 1/1 ID 1/1 1/1 Must use Must use Must use Must use Must use November 2020 7 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A GS Functional Group Header Pos: Max: 1 - Mandatory Loop: N/A Elements: 8 To indicate the beginning of a functional group and to provide control information: Semantics: 1. GS04 is the group date. 2. GS05 is the group time. 3. The data interchange control number GS06 in this header must be identical to the same data element in the associated functional group trailer, GE02. Comments: 1. A functional group of related transaction sets, within the scope of X12 standards, consists of a collection of similar transaction sets enclosed by a functional group header and a functional group trailer. Element Summary: Ref _ GS01 GS02 Id_ Element Name _ Req 479 Functional Identifier Code M Description: Code identifying a group of application related transaction sets. Code Name CI Consolidated Service Invoice/Statement (811) 142 Application Sender's Code M Description: Code identifying party sending transmission; codes agreed to by trading partners. User: Product/Billing Services GS02 Value3 CABS CABS-V1 CBSS CBSS-V1 CRIS North (NE/NY) CRIS-V1 CRIS South (NPD) NPD-V1 Dispatch 1 D1-V1 E-Trak/NBBE (MDVW) ETRAK-V1 GCS GCS-V1 IBRS (Formerly VNET®) VNET-V1 ICI Credit Notes ICI Credit-V1 ICI Debit Notes ICI Debit-V1 IXPlus IXPLUS-V1 NBBE NBBE-V1 Prime Biller International PB-V1 Prime Biller Next Gen PBNG-V1 PBEE (Formerly SingleView) SVIEW-V1 SSB SSB-V1 Terremark TRMK-V1 Terremark Aria Billing TRMA-V1 Type ID Min/Max 2/2 Usage_ Must use AN 2/15 Must use November 2020 8 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ GS03 GS04 GS05 GS06 GS07 GS08 Id_ Element Name Verizon Billing Engine (VBE) VBE-V1 VISION VISION-V1 VISION V5 V5-V1 Wholesale Invoicing Network WIN-V1 _ Req 124 Application Receiver's Code M Description: Code identifying party receiving transmission. Codes agreed to by trading partners. User: Receiver's ID, the same value as used in ISA08, or another code mutually agreed to by Verizon and the Trading Partner 373 Date M Description: Date expressed as CCYYMMDD. User: Functional Group Date (CCYYMMDD) 337 Time M Description: Time expressed in 24-hour clock time as follows: HHMM, or HHMMSS, or HHMMSSD, or HHMMSSDD, where H = hours (00-23), M = minutes (00-59), S = integer seconds (00-59) and DD = decimal seconds; decimal seconds are expressed as follows: D = tenths (0-9) and DD = hundredths (00-99). User: Functional Group Time (HHMM) 28 Group Control Number M Description: Assigned number originated and maintained by the sender. User: Functional Group Control Number 455 Responsible Agency Code M Description: Code used in conjunction with Data Element 480 to identify the issuer of the standard. Code Name X Accredited Standards Committee X12 480 Version / Release / Industry Identifier Code M Description: Code indicating the version, release, sub release, and industry identifier of the EDI standard being used, including the GS and GE segments; if code in DE455 in GS segment is X, then in DE 480 positions 1-3 are the version number; positions 4-6 are the release and sub release, level of the version; and positions 7-12 are the industry or trade association identifiers (optionally assigned by user); if code in DE455 in GS segment is T, then other formats are allowed. User: 004010 (Version 4 Release 1) Code Name 004010 Draft Standards Approved for Publication by ASC X12 Procedures Review Board through October 1997 Type Min/Max Usage_ AN 2/15 Must use DT 8/8 Must use TM 4/8 Must use N0 1/9 Must use ID 1/2 Must use AN 1/12 Must use November 2020 9 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A ST Transaction Set Header Pos: 010 Max: 1 Heading - Mandatory Loop: N/A Elements: 2 To indicate the start of a transaction set and to assign a control number: Semantics: 1. The transaction set identifier (ST01) used by the translation routines of the interchange partners to select the appropriate transaction set definition (e.g., 810 selects the Invoice Transaction Set). Element Summary: Ref _ ST01 ST02 Id_ Element Name 143 Transaction Set Identifier Code Description: Code uniquely identifying a Transaction Set. Code Name 811 Consolidated Service Invoice/Statement _ Req M 329 Transaction Set Control Number M Description: Identifying control number that must be unique within the transaction set functional group assigned by the originator for a transaction set. User: This value must match the value in SE02 of the Transaction Set Trailer (SE). Type ID Min/Max 3/3 Usage_ Must use AN 4/9 Must use November 2020 10 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A BIG Beginning Segment for Invoice Pos: 020 Max: 1 Heading - Mandatory Loop: N/A Elements: 3 To indicate the beginning of an invoice transaction set and transmit trading partner identifying numbers and dates: Semantics: 1. BIG01 is the invoice issue date. 2. BIG03 is the date assigned by the purchaser to purchase order. 3. BIG10 indicates the consolidated invoice number. When BIG07 contains code CI, BIG10 is not used. Comments: 1. BIG07 is used only to further define the type of invoice when needed. Element Summary: Ref _ BIG01 Id_ Element Name 373 Date Description: Date expressed as CCYYMMDD. User: Account Bill Date _ Req M Type DT Min/Max 8/8 Usage_ Must use BIG02 76 Invoice Number M Description: Identifying number assigned by issuer. User: If the billing system doesn't provide an Invoice Number, Verizon will create a unique identifying invoice number by adding the account billing date as a suffix to the account number. AN 1/22 Must use BIG07 640 Transaction Type Code O Description: Code specifying the type of transaction. Master-Account: Code CD CE CF CG FD Name Consolidated Debit Invoice Description: A consolidated account that has billed amount greater than or equal to zero. Consolidated Credit Invoice Description: A consolidated account with a billed amount less than zero. Consolidated Debit Memo Description: The term `Memo' (as part of the DE640 code set) is used in BIG07 when the 811 invoice is informational only. No payment is to be rendered from a memo transaction. Consolidated Credit Memo Description: The term `Memo' (as part of the DE640 code set) is used in BIG07 when the 811 invoice is informational only. No payment is to be rendered from a memo transaction. Consolidated Invoice, Final Bill Description: A final (last) bill for a discontinued consolidated account. ID 2/2 Used Sub-Account: November 2020 11 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ Id_ Element Name _ Req Code CR DR FE PB Name Credit Memo for a consolidated account. Debit Memo Description: A component of a consolidated account depicting charges greater than or equal to zero. Memorandum, Final Bill Description: The final (last) bill for a nonpayable invoice. (memo) Partial Bill Description: IX Plus sub-account and group pays, but the sub-account has a balance that the sub-account is responsible for. Stand-Alone-Account: Code CI CN DI FB ME RG Name Consolidated Invoice for a non-consolidated account. Credit Invoice for a non-consolidated account. Debit Invoice Description: A non-consolidated account with a billed amount greater than or equal to zero. Final Bill. Description: A final (last) bill for a discontinued non-consolidated account. Memorandum Description: Code to indicate that this bill is for Information only for a non-consolidated account. Revised Final Bill Description: Code to indicate that the last bill has been recalculated due to the receipt of delayed usage, or credits; to identify unpaid overdue final accounts, which are reissued each month (non-consolidated account). Type Min/Max Usage_ November 2020 12 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A NTE Note/Special Instruction Pos: 030 Max: 100 Heading - Optional Loop: N/A Elements: 2 To indicate the beginning of an invoice transaction set and transmit trading partner identifying numbers and dates: Semantics: 1. NTE01 is the Note Reference Code. Comments: 1. The NTE segment permits free-form information/data which, under ANSI X12 standard implementations, is not machine process able. Element Summary: Ref _ NTE01 NTE02 Id_ Element Name _ Req 363 Note Reference Code Description: Code identifying the functional area or purpose for which the note applies. Code Name ADD CCG GEN PAY Additional information Customer Description Entire transaction set Payables 352 Description M Description: A free-form description to clarify the related data elements and their content. Type Min/Max ID 3/3 Usage_ AN 1/80 Note: The invoice messages can exceed the number of NTE Segments allowed. Please review the messages on the paper invoice or PDF invoice available online. November 2020 13 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A CUR Currency To specify the currency (dollars, pounds, francs, etc...) used in a transaction Element Summary: Pos: 040 Max: 1 Heading - Optional Loop: N/A Elements: 4 Ref _ CUR01 CUR02 Id_ Element Name _ Req 98 Entity Identifier Code M Description: Code identifying the organizational entity, a physical location, property or an individual. Refer to 004010 Data Element Dictionary for acceptable code values. Code Name VN Vendor 100 Currency Code M Description: Code (Standard ISO) for country in whose currency the charges are specified. USER: This is the currency EDI 811 is presented in. Code Name AED ALL ANG ARS AUD AWG BBD BGN BHD BIF BRL BWP CAD CHF CLF CLP CNY COP CZK DKK ECS EGP EUR FJD GBP HKD United Arab Emirates Dirham Albanian Lek Netherlands Antilles Guilder Argentine Peso Australian Dollar Arubian Guilder Barbados Dollar Bulgarian Lev Bahraini Dinar Burundi Franc Brazilian Real Botswana Pula Canadian Dollar Swiss Franc Chile, Unidad de Fomento Chilean Peso China Renminbi Colombian Peso Czech Koruna Danish Krone Ecuadorean Sucre Egyptian Pound Euro Fiji Dollar British Pound Sterling Hong Kong Dollar Type Min/Max ID 2/3 Usage_ ID 3/3 November 2020 14 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ CUR03 Id_ Element Name HRK Croatian KunaHUF Hungarian Forint IDR Indonesian Rupiah ILS Israeli Shekel INR JMD JOD Indian Rupee Jamaican Dollar Jordanian Dinar JPY KES KRW Japanese Yen Kenyan Shilling South Korea WON KZT Kazakhstan Tenge LTL Lithuanian Litas LVL MAD MDL Latvian Lats Moroccan Dirham Moldova Leu MUR MXN MYR Mauritis Rupee Mexico Peso Malaysian Ringgit NAD Namibia Dollar NGN Nigerian Naira NOK NZD OMR Norwegian Krone New Zealand Dollar Omani Rial PAB PEN PHP Panamanian Balboa Peruvian Sol Philippines Peso PKR Pakistan Rupee PLN Polish Zloty PYG QAR ROL Paraguay Guarani Qatar Rial Romanian Leu RON RSD RUB SAR SCR New Romanian Leu Serbian Dinar Russian Ruble Saudi Riyal Seychelles Rupee SDR SEK SGD (Special Drawing Rights) Swedish Krona Singapore dollar SVC THB TND TTD TWD El Salvador Colon Thai Baht Tunisia DinarTRY New Turkish Lira Trinidad/Tobago Dollar Taiwan Dollar UAH USD UYU Ukranian Grivna US Dollar Uruguay Peso Uruguayo VEB Venezuelan Bolivar VEF Venezuelan Bolivar Fuerte VES XAF ZAR Venezuelan bolívar soberano CFA Franc BEAC South African Rand ZMK Zambian Kwacha _ Req 280 Exchange Rate O Description: Value to be used as a multiplier conversion factor to convert monetary value from one currency to another. Type Min/Max Usage_ R 4/10 November 2020 15 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ CUR05 Id_ Element Name _ Req USER: This is the exchange rate that the EDI 811 currency amounts can be multiplied by to convert them into the currency in CUR05. 100 Currency Code O Description: Code (Standard ISO) for country in whose currency the charges are specified. Code Name AED ANG ARS AUD AWG BBD BHD BIF BRL BWP CAD CHF CLF CLP CNY COP CZK DKK ECS EUR FJD GBP HKD HRK IDR ILS INR JMD JOD JPY KES KRW KZT LVL MAD MDL MUR MXN MYR NAD NOK NZD OMR PAB PEN PHP PKR PLN PYG United Arab Emirates Dirham Netherlands Antilles Guilder Argentine Peso Australian Dollar Arubian Guilder Barbados Dollar Bahraini Dinar Burundi Franc Brazilian Real Botswana Pula Canadian Dollar Swiss Franc Chile, Unidad de Fomento Chilean Peso China Renminbi Colombian Peso Czech Koruna Danish Krone Ecuadorean Sucre Euro Fiji Dollar British Pound Sterling Hong Kong Dollar Croatian KunaHUF Hungarian Forint Indonesian Rupiah Israeli Shekel Indian Rupee Jamaican Dollar Jordanian Dinar Japanese Yen Kenyan Shilling South Korea WON Kazakhstan Tenge Latvian Lats Moroccan Dirham Moldova Leu Mauritis Rupee Mexico Peso Malaysian Ringgit Namibia Dollar Norwegian Krone New Zealand Dollar Omani Rial Panamanian Balboa Peruvian Sol Philippines Peso Pakistan Rupee Polish Zloty Paraguay Guarani Type Min/Max Usage_ ID 3/3 November 2020 16 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide Ref _ Id_ Element Name QAR Qatar Rial ROL Romanian Leu RON New Romanian Leu RUB SAR SCR Russian Ruble Saudi Riyal Seychelles Rupee SDR SEK SGD (Special Drawing Rights) Swedish Krona Singapore dollar SVC El Salvador Colon THB Thai Baht TND TRY TTD Tunisia Dinar New Turkish Lira Trinidad/Tobago Dollar TWD UAH USD Taiwan Dollar Ukranian Grivna US Dollar UYU Uruguay Peso Uruguayo VEB Venezuelan Bolivar VEF VES XAF Venezuelan Bolivar Fuerte Venezuelan bolívar soberano CFA Franc BEAC ZAR South African Rand ZMK Zambian Kwacha VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A _ Req Type Min/Max Usage_ November 2020 17 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A REF Reference Identification To specify account, billing, and accounts receivable numbers: Pos: 050 Max: Heading - Optional Loop: N/A Elements: 3 Syntax: R0203 -- At least one of REF02 or REF03 is required. Semantics: 1. REF04 contains data relating to the value cited in REF02. User: This REF segment is used to provide information about the account, including account number, account receivable number, billing number, Revenue Accounting Code (RAO) and state code. Element Summary: Ref _ REF01 Id_ Element Name 128 Reference Identification Qualifier Description: Code qualifying the Reference Identification. _ Req M User: The value '11' is only used with expressTRAK accounts Code 06 11 12 14 I5 1J 5B 61 79 AAW ACB AH AP BAD BN Name System number Description: The actual Verizon billing system that produced this bill. This is needed for National Summary Bills. On National Summary Bills the ISA06 will contain 107212169ESG. This will allow the customer to identify what billing system produced the sub-account's EDI 811. Account Number Description: For expressTrak and NBBE customers only: a cross reference to the old account number, usually the billing telephone number, used in the legacy billing system. Billing Account Description: Account number under which billing is rendered. Master Account Number Description: Account number used to represent individual billing accounts which have been consolidated and/or summarized. Invoice Identification Facility ID Number Supplemental Account Number Description: Additional Location Identifier Tax Authority Identification Number Cost Center/Account Agency Assigned Number Region Agreement Number Contains the Master Service Agreement Accounts Receivable Number Description: Information required to remit payment. State Tax Identification Number Booking Number Type ID Min/Max 2/3 Usage_ Must use November 2020 18 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A REF02 CT Contract Number DD Document Identification Code (Document Number) IK Invoice Number Contains the Local and Tax Regulatory Invoice Number/ID (for example in Portugal, this is the SAF-T Invoice Number) IT Internal Customer Number Contains the Global Customer Hierarchy (GCH) ID LU Location Number Description: Rev Location PO Purchase Order PX Prior Invoice Number Description: The original invoice number this credit/debit is related to. Q8 Registration Number RE Description: Verizon Internal 811 Release Number. SU Description: Verizon Internal use. TX Tax Exempt Number U1 Regional Account Number Description: Customer Number (Corp ID) VX Value-Added Tax Registration Number (European) ZX Country Code ZZ Description: Verizon Electronic Billing Internal Identification = EBID 127 Reference Identification X Description: Reference information as defined for a particular Transaction Set or as specified by the Reference Identification Qualifier. User: Account number as described from the value in REF01. When REF01 is 'AP", the content is the identifier needed to apply payment. When REF01 is 'RE", REF02 contains the following values concatenated together: VZ450 version (2 bytes) VZ450 release (2 bytes) VZ450 date (6 bytes) State code (2 bytes) Note: for Prime Biller conferencing invoices, the following state codes have special meaning: AU = Australia Bill Center EU = Euro Billing Center HK = Hong Kong Bill Center JP = Japan Bill Center November 2020 AN 1/30 19 Used Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide SG = Singapore Billing Center UK = United Kingdom Bill Center US = Chicago Bill Center System ID Database segment ID (2 bytes) (1 byte) When REF01 is '06", the value identifies the billing system that produced the bill: `01' = CRIS NE/NY `03' = CBSS `04' = expressTRAK `05' = CABS former BA `07' = SSB `10' = Dispatch 1 `13' = CRIS NPD `16' = CABS former GTE `22' = NBBE/EA `IC' = ICI Credit Notes `ID' = ICI Debit Notes 'M1' = IBRS 'M2' = Vision 'M3' = IX PLUS `M7' = Mega Audio Conference `MA` = GCS NOTE: The "MA" billing systems contains the following sub-billing systems: - GCS (Cycle 1 - 5) - GCS F&E (Cycle 8): - GCS GIS (Cycle 9): - GIS EMEA (Cycle 10) - GIS ASIA PAC (Cycle 11) - ASIA PAC VOIP (Cycle 15 & 16) - GCS (Cycle 30) - GVV (Cycle 32) - Card Services (Cycle 32) - GCS Mega (Cycle 36) - Global Managed Mobility (Cycle 40) `MB` = LBS `MI` = Millennium `MH' = SingleView `ML` = WIN November 2020 VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A 20 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A `PO' = Primebiller Next Gen `T1' = Terremark `T4' = Terremark Aria Billing `V5' = Vision V5 `VB` = Verizon Billing Engine (VBE) When the Billing System (REF*06) is VB and REF01 is '6P', REF02 contains the VBE Configuration ID REF03 352 Description X Description: A free-form description to clarify the related data elements and their content. When REF01 is '06' AND REF02 = `M3' (IX Plus): Then REF03 will contain the following values to distinguish the type of balancing used by the by the IX Plus Group Account: "1 : FULL FINANCIAL RESP" "2 : PART FINANCIAL RESP" When REF01 is '06' AND REF02 = `01' (CRIS NE/NY) OR REF02 = `03' (CBSS) OR REF02 = `04' (eTRAK) OR REF02 = `13' (CRIS NPD): Then REF03 will contain `APB' if the VB811 was produced via the APB process. When REF01 is '06' AND REF02 = `IC' (ICI Credit Notes) OR REF02 = `ID' (ICI Debit Notes): Then REF03 will contain the billing system that originally created the charge that the Credit/Debit is related to. When REF01 is '06' AND REF02 = `PO' (Primebiller Next Gen) Then REF03 will contain `RAPID DELIVERY' for Verizon Rapid Delivery accounts. Then REF03 will contain `GIPC' for GIPC accounts. Then REF03 will contain `former GCS F&E account' for former GCS F&E accounts November 2020 When REF01 is '06' AND REF02 = `01' (CRIS North (NE/NY)): AN 1/80 21 Used Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide If this is a LEC North (NE/NY) account, billed via Vision V5, then The REF03 will contain `V5'. The VB811 will be populated the same as a Vision V5 VB811 When REF01 is '06' AND REF02 = `04' (expressTRAK): If this is a LEC MVD (MD, VA or DC) account, billed via Vision V5, then the REF03 will contain `V5'. The VB811 will be populated the same as a Vision V5 VB811 When REF01 is '06' AND REF02 = `13' (CRIS NPD): If this is a LEC NPD account, billed via Vision V5, then REF03 will contain `V5'. The VB811 will be populated the same as a Vision V5 VB811 When REF01 is '06' AND REF02 = `22' (NBBE/EA): If this is a former NBBE/EA account, billed via Vision V5, then the REF03 will contain `V5'. The VB811 will be populated the same as a Vision V5 VB811 When REF01 is '12' AND this is a LEC NPD account, billed via Vision V5 (REF*13*V5) then the REF02 will contain the NPD account number and the REF03 will contain Vision V5 account number When REF01 is '12' AND this is a LEC North (NE/NY) account, billed via Vision V5(REF*01*V5) the REF02 will contain the North (NE/NY) account number and the REF03 will contain Vision V5 account number When REF01 is '12' AND this is a LEC MVD account, billed via Vision V5(REF*01*V5) then the REF02 will contain the LEC MVD (expressTRAK) account number and the REF03 will contain Vision V5 account number When REF01 is '12' AND this is a former NBBE/EA account, billed via Vision V5(REF*01*V5) the REF02 will contain the former NBBE/EA account number and the REF03 will contain Vision V5 account November 2020 VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A 22 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide number When REF01 is '14' AND this is a LEC NPD Master-Account, billed via Vision V5 (REF*13*V5) then the REF02 will contain the NPD Master-Account number and the REF03 will contain Vision V5 Master-Account number When REF01 is '14' AND this is a LEC North (NE/NY) Master-Account, billed via Vision V5(REF*01*V5) then the REF02 will contain the North (NE/NY) Master-Account number and the REF03 will contain Vision V5 Master-Account number When REF01 is '14' AND this is a LEC MVD Master-Account, billed via Vision V5(REF*01*V5) then the REF02 will contain the LEC MVD (expressTRAK) Master-Account number and the REF03 will contain Vision V5 Master-Account number When REF01 is '14' AND this is a former NBBE/EA Master-Account, billed via Vision V5(REF*01*V5) then the REF02 will contain the former NBBE/EA Master-Account number and the REF03 will contain Vision V5 Master-Account number When REF01 is 'AAW", the value identifies the agency `Argentine Federal Tax Authorities (AFIP) electronic authorization code (C.A.E.) Number' When REF01 is 'I5", the value identifies the Government assigned Invoice Sequence Number Note: Most LATAM governments provide the Invoice Sequence Number and this is displayed on the PDF invoice (the Verizon Invoice Number may not appear on the PDF invoice) When REF01 is 'ZZ', REF03 will contain the level of billing for the VB811 VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A November 2020 23 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A ITD Terms of Sale/Deferred Terms of Sale Pos: 070 Max: 5 Heading - Optional Loop: N/A Elements: 5 To specify if Late Payment charges could apply: Syntax: L03040513 -- If ITD03 is present, then at least one of ITD04, ITD05 or ITD13 is required. L08040513 -- If ITD08 is present, then at least one of ITD04, ITD05 or ITD13 is required. L091011 -- If ITD09 is present, then at least one of ITD10 or ITD11 is required. Semantics: 1. ITD15 is the percentage applied to a base amount used to determine a late payment charge. Comments: 1. If the code in ITD01 is "04", then ITD07 or ITD09 is required and either ITD10 or ITD11 is required; if the code in ITD01 is "05", then ITD06 or ITD07 is required. User: To specify due date and late payment terms. Element Summary: Ref _ ITD01 Id_ Element Name 336 Terms Type Code Description: Code identifying type of payment terms. _ Req O User: When no Late Payment charge applies or for accounts that are exempt from Late Payment charges, the value in ITD01 is '3'; when Late Payment charges can be applied, the value in ITD01 is '18'. Type Min/Max Usage_ ID 2/2 Used IF two ITDs are provided the ITD with ITD01 = `3' indicates the payment due date. The ITD with ITD01 = `18' indicates when Late Payment charges become applicable. Code 03 05 10 18 Name Fixed Date Discount not applicable Instant Fixed Date, Late Payment Penalty Applies Description: Sales terms specifying a past due date, and a late payment percentage penalty applies to unpaid balances past this due date November 2020 24 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A ITD02 ITD06 ITD07 ITD12 333 Terms Basis Date Code O Description: Code identifying the beginning of the terms period. User: This data element will be passed on non-memo invoices, or on invoices with a debit amount. Code Name 3 Invoice Date 446 Terms Net Due Date O Description: Date when total invoice amount becomes due expressed in format CCYYMMDD. User: Pay by Date, after which Late payment Charge applies. 386 Terms Net Days O Description: Number of days until total invoice amount is due (discount not applicable). 352 Description O A free-form description to clarify the related data elements and their content. ID 1/2 DT 8/8 N0 1/3 AN 1/80 Used Used Used Used November 2020 25 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A DTM Date/Time Reference Pos: 080 Max: 10 Heading - Optional Loop: N/A Elements: 52 To specify the Bill From and Bill Through dates: Syntax: R020305 -- At least one of DTM02, DTM03 or DTM05 is required. C0403 -- If DTM04 is present, then DTM03 is required P0506 -- If either DTM05 or DTM06 are present, then the others are required. User: To specify billing period. Element Summary: Ref _ DTM01 Id_ Element Name _ Req 374 Date/Time Qualifier M Description: Code specifying type of date or time, or both date and time. User: Indicating the bill from and bill through dates of the account. Type ID Min/Max 3/3 Usage_ Must use Code 003 186 187 652 964 Name Invoice Description: The original invoice date this credit/debit is related to. Invoice Period Start Description: When the billing period covered by an invoice begins; the Bill From date. Invoice Period End Description: When the billing period covered by an invoice ends; the Bill Through date. Assignment Recorded Contains the Date related to the REF*AAW Bill Contains the last Bill Date DTM02 373 Date Description: Date expressed as CCYYMMDD. X DT 8/8 Used DTM03 DTM05 373 1250 Time X Description: Time expressed in 24-hour clock time as follows: HHMM, or HHMMSS, or HHMMSSD, or HHMMSSDD, where H = hours (00-23), M = minutes (00-59), S = integer seconds (00-59) and DD = decimal seconds; decimal seconds are expressed as follows: D = tenths (0-9) and DD = hundredths (00-99). Date Time Period Format Qualifier X Code indicating the date format, time format, or date and time format Refer to 004010 Data Element Dictionary for acceptable code values. TM 4/8 ID 2/3 Used Used Code Name CM Date in Format CCYYMM DTM06 1251 Date Time Period X Expression of a date, a time, or range of dates, times or dates and times AN 1/35 Used November 2020 26 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A TXI Tax Information To specify tax exemption information: Syntax: R020306 -- At least one of TXI02, TXI03 or TXI06 is required. P0405 -- If either TXI04 or TXI05 are present, then the others are required. C0803 -- If TXI08 is present, then TXI03 is required. Pos: 090 Max: Heading - Optional Loop: N/A Elements: 2 Semantics: 1. TXI02 is the monetary amount of the tax. 2. TXI03 is the tax percent expressed as a decimal. 3. TXI07 is a code indicating the relationship of the price or amount to the associated segment. User: This segment will be used to convey tax exempt status only. Element Summary: Ref _ TXI01 TXI06 Id_ Element Name 963 Tax Type Code Description: Code specifying the type of tax. User: Indicates the tax jurisdiction. _ Req M Code CA CG CT FD LO MP OH SP ST VA Name City Tax Description: Service Tax imposed by City Federal Value-Added Tax (GST) on Goods User Note: "CG" is used for GST Goods and Services County Tax Federal Tax Description: Usage tax imposed by federal (US and Canadian) government Local Tax (Not Sales Tax) Description: Service tax imposed on a local level Municipal Tax Description: Service tax imposed by a municipality Other Taxes State or Provincial Tax State Sales Tax Value Added Tax 441 Tax Exempt Code X Description: Code identifying exemption status from sales and use tax. Code Name 1 Yes (Tax Exempt) Type ID Min/Max 2/2 Usage_ Must use ID 1/1 Used November 2020 27 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A N1 Name Pos: 100 Max: 1 Heading - Optional Loop: N1 Elements: 2 To identify the Billing and Billed trading partners by name: Syntax: R0203 -- At least one of N102 or N103 is required. P0304 -- If either N103 or N104 are present, then the others are required. Comments: 1. This segment, used alone, provides the most efficient method of providing organizational identification. To obtain this efficiency the "ID Code" (N104) must provide a key to the table maintained by the transaction processing party. 2. N105 and N106 further define the type of entity in N101. Element Summary: Ref _ N101 N102 Id_ Element Name _ Req 98 Entity Identifier Code M Description: Code identifying an organizational entity, a physical location, property or an individual. Code 8W AAA LW O2 O5 PE PR RI Name Payment Address Sub-account Customer Originating Company User Note: "O2" is used for the Operating Company address Merchant Bank Payee Description: Indicating the Billing Trading Partner Payer Description: Indicating the Billed Trading partner Remit To User Note: Remit address for payments in non-local currency 93 Name X Description: Free-form name Type ID Min/Max 2/3 Usage_ Must use AN 1/60 Used November 2020 28 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A N2 Additional Name Information To specify additional names or those longer than 35 characters in length: Pos: 110 Max: 2 Heading - Optional Loop: N1 Elements: 2 Element Summary: Ref _ N201 Id_ Element Name 93 Name Description: Free-form name _ Req M Type AN Min/Max 1/60 Usage_ Must use N202 93 Name Description: Free-form name O AN 1/60 Used November 2020 29 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A N3 Address Information To specify the location of the named party: Element Summary: Ref _ N301 N302 Id_ Element Name 166 Address Information Description: Address information 166 Address Information Description: Address information Pos: 120 Max: 2 Heading - Optional Loop: N1 Elements: 2 _ Req M O Type AN Min/Max 1/55 Usage_ Must use AN 1/55 Used November 2020 30 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A N4 Geographic Location Pos: 130 Max: 1 Heading - Optional Loop: N1 Elements: 6 To specify the geographic place of the named party: Syntax: C0605 -- If N406 is present, then N405 is required. Comments: 1. A combination of either N401 through N404, or N405 and N406 may be adequate to specify a location. 2. N402 is required only if city name (N401) is in the U.S. or Canada. 3. N405/N406 is to be used when the input data is not available as individual data elements. User: Interpreted from N101 value. Element Summary: Ref _ N401 N402 N403 N404 N405 N406 Id_ Element Name 19 City Name Description: Free-form text for city name. _ Req O 156 State or Province Code O Description: Code (Standard State/Province) as defined by appropriate government agency. 116 Postal Code O Description: Code defining international postal zone code excluding punctuation and blanks (zip code for United States). 26 Country Code O Description: N404 Country Code only populated if State is blank indicating an international address. 309 Location Qualifier X Description: Code identifying type of location Code CC CY DR SP Name Country County/Parish District of Residence State/Province Refer to 004010 Data Element Dictionary for all acceptable code values. 310 Location Identifier O Description: Code which identifies a specific location Type Min/Max Usage_ AN 2/30 Used ID 2/2 Used ID 3/15 Used ID 2/3 Used ID 1/2 Used AN 1/30 Used November 2020 31 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A REF Reference Identification Pos: 140 Max: 12 Heading - Optional Loop: N1 Elements: 3 To specify identifying information: Syntax: R0203 -- At least one of REF02 or REF03 is required. Semantics: 1. REF04 contains data relating to the value cited in REF02. Element Summary: Ref _ REF01 REF02 Id_ Element Name 128 Reference Identification Qualifier Description: Code qualifying the Reference Identification. _ Req M Code Name8J Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT) 8N Receiving company Identifier (ACNA) CR Customer Reference Number IS Invoice Number Suffix User: Used to identify Regional Accounting Office (RAO) Q8 Registration Number VX Value-Added Tax Registration Number (Europe) XY Other unlisted type of reference number 127 Reference Identification X Description: Reference information as defined for a particular Transaction Set or as specified by the Reference Identification Qualifier. User: Customer supplied authorization or identification number. Type ID Min/Max 2/3 Usage_ Must use AN 1/30 Used REF03 352 Description X Description: A free-form description to clarify the related data elements and their content AN 1/80 Used November 2020 32 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A PER Administrative Communications Contact Pos: 150 Max: >1 Heading - Optional Loop: N1 Elements: 3 To identify a person or office to whom administrative communications should be directed: Syntax: P0304 -- If either PER03 or PER04 are present, then the others are required. P0506 -- If either PER05 or PER06 are present, then the others are required. P0708 -- If either PER07 or PER08 are present, then the others are required. Element Summary: Ref _ PER01 PER03 PER04 Id_ Element Name _ Req 366 Contact Function Code M Description: Code identifying the major duty or responsibility of the person or group named. Code Name TR Technical Marketing Rep. 365 Communication Number Qualifier X Description: Code identifying the type of communication number. Code Name TE Telephone 364 Communication Number X Description: Complete communications number including country or area code when applicable. Type ID Min/Max 2/2 Usage_ Must use ID 2/2 Used AN 1/80 Used November 2020 33 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A HL Hierarchical Level Pos: 010 Max: Detail - Mandatory Loop: HL Elements: 4 To identify dependencies among and the content of hierarchically related groups of data segments: Comments: 1. The HL segment is used to identify levels of detail information using a hierarchical structure, such as relating line-item data to shipment data, and packaging data to line-item data. 2. The HL segment defines a top-down/left-right ordered structure. 3. HL01 shall contain a unique alphanumeric number for each occurrence of the HL segment in the transaction set. For example, HL01 could be used to indicate the number of occurrences of the HL segment, in which case the value of HL01 would be "1" for the initial HL segment and would be incremented by one in each subsequent HL segment within the transaction. 4. HL02 identifies the hierarchical ID number of the HL segment to which the current HL segment is subordinate. 5. HL03 indicates the context of the series of segments following the current HL segment up to the next occurrence of a HL segment in the transaction. For example, HL03 is used to indicate that subsequent segments in the HL loop form a logical grouping of data referring to shipment, order, or item-level information. 6. HL04 indicates whether or not there are subordinate (or child) HL segments related to the current HL segment. User: When the HL segment for a Level 4 indicates that there are no children, multiple IT1 loops may appear at this level; otherwise, there will only be one IT1 loop per HL loop. As in the HL segment at level 4, when the HL segment for level 8 indicates there are no children, multiple SLN loops may appear within one HL 8 loop; otherwise, there will only be one SLN loop per HL 8 loop. Element Summary: Ref _ HL01 Id_ Element Name _ Req 628 Hierarchical ID Number M Description: A unique number assigned by the sender to identify a particular data segment in a hierarchical structure. User: Sequential number assigned to this HL segment. Type AN Min/Max 1/12 Usage_ Must use HL02 734 Hierarchical Parent ID Number O Description: Identification number of the next higher hierarchical data segment that the data segment being described is subordinate to. AN 1/12 Used HL03 735 Hierarchical Level Code M Description: Code defining the characteristic of a level in a hierarchical structure. Code 1 2 3 4 5 Name Service/Billing Provider Description: Code identifying the telecommunications company providing service/billing. Billing Arrangement Description: Code identifying a specified billing arrangement. Sub-Billing Arrangement Description: Code identifying a more detailed billing arrangement. Group Description: Code identifying a group of charges on the bill. Category ID 1/2 Must use November 2020 34 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ HL04 Id_ 6 7 8 9 Element Name _ Req Description: Code identifying the sub-division of the group. Sub-Category Description: Code identifying a further breakdown of the category. Type Description: Code identifying a further breakdown of the sub-category. Charge Detail Description: Code identifying the lowest level of charges within a billing arrangement. Line Detail Description: Code identifying the supporting detail associated with the charge or group. 736 Hierarchical Child Code O Description: Code indicating if there are hierarchical child data segments subordinate to the level being described. User: Required by TCIF. Code 0 1 Name No Subordinate HL Segment in This Hierarchical Structure. Additional Subordinate HL Data Segment in This Hierarchical Structure. Type Min/Max Usage_ ID 1/1 Used November 2020 35 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A LX Assigned Number To reference a line number in a transaction set: Element Summary: Ref _ LX01 Id_ Element Name 554 Assigned Number Description: The number assigned for differentiation within a transaction set. Pos: 020 Max: 1 Detail - Optional Loop: LX Elements: 1 _ Req M Type N0 Min/Max 1/6 Usage_ Must use November 2020 36 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A SI Service Characteristic Identification Pos: 030 Max: 8 Detail - Optional Loop: LX Elements: 21 To specify service characteristic data: Syntax: P0405 -- If either SI04 or SI05 are present, then the others are required. P0607 -- If either SI06 or SI07 are present, then the others are required. P0809 -- If either SI08 or SI09 are present, then the others are required. P1011 -- If either SI10 or SI11 are present, then the others are required. P1213 -- If either SI12 or SI13 are present, then the others are required. P1415 -- If either SI14 or SI15 are present, then the others are required. P1617 -- If either SI16 or SI17 are present, then the others are required. P1819 -- If either SI18 or SI19 are present, then the others are required. P2021 -- If either SI20 or SI21 are present, then the others are required. Comments: 1. SI01 defines the source for each of the service characteristic qualifiers. Element Summary: Ref _ SI01 SI02 Id_ Element Name _ Req 559 Agency Qualifier Code M Description: Code identifying the agency assigning the code values. Code Name TI Telecommunications Industry 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier M Description: Code from an industry code list (TCIF Additional Code Lists) qualifying the type of service characteristics. Type ID Min/Max 2/2 Usage_ Must use AN 2/2 Must use User: See TCIF section 10.4 for complete list of valid values. For Circuits and Circuit Components: - CN in SI02 means that all other SI Pairs on the SI Segment pertain to the Originating/Primary portion. - ES in SI02 means that all other SI Pairs on the SI Segment pertain to the Termination portion. Verizon uses the following Service Characteristic Qualifier values `99' Continuation Code Used only when preceding DE234 exceeds maximum length of Field. For example Continuation of location or continuation of CLI `BG' Location Billing Group. Identifies a group of stations by customer location for the application of billing rates. November 2020 37 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ Id_ Element Name _ Req 'BN' Billing Number `BS' Billing Structure Code `BT' Basic Service Type `CC' Calling Card Number 'CN' Circuit ID or Circuit Component ID (HL6) `CO' NXX Code 'CX' Centrex Location `DE' Primary/Originating Exchange Carrier Circuit (ECCKT) Data Link Connection Identifier (DLCI) `EN' Earning Number The "Earning Number" might contain a Call Line Identifier (CLI). If the CLI exceeds 48 bytes, it will be continued in the next SI pair (99) `ES' Term exchange ID `GN' Global Circuit Number `LF' Line Class Code `NP' NPA Code `OL' Originating Location `PA' Primary/Originating Message Carrier Identification Identifies a third party service provider. 'PQ' Major Product Code 'PX' PX/Serial Number `RF' Related Circuit Number `SD' Settlement Code `SE' Secondary/Terminating Exchange Carrier Circuit (ECCKT) Data Link Connection Identifier (DLCI) `SG' Service Group `SN' ISDN Service Profile Identifier (ISPID) `SQ' Sub-Product Code 'SW' Switchboard Code `TL' Terminating Location 'TN' Telephone Number 'TT' Transmission Type `UC' Class of Service (UC may appear more than once in the SI segment) `VC' Virtual Circuit ID `VK' Virtual Connection Identifier (Contains Outer VLAN of PIP Ethernet Circuit) 'WS' WATS Number `ZK' Conference ID `ZL' Description (can contain the "identifying code" for the conference held and is Type Min/Max Usage_ November 2020 38 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ SI03 Id_ Element Name _ Req usually a seq#/id code followed by the leaders last name) `ZM' Suite (Can contain the Conference Suit Description (i.e. UNATTENDED)) `ZO' Verizon Rapid Delivery Service ID 234 Product/Service ID M Description: Identifying number for a product or service If DE1000 `CN' If HL5: Circuit Number/ID If HL6: Component id or Flow ID Type Min/Max Usage_ AN 1/48 Must use If DE1000 `ES' If HL5: Term exchange Circuit ID or "term Circuit" if not avail. If HL6: Component Term exchange Circuit ID -- Destination Circuit ID or Domain ID If DE1000 `LF' B = BACKUP C = CONTROL D = DROP N = NNI S =STANDARD 1 = ON-NET 2 = SECONDARY = a secondary PVC 3 = OFF-NET 4 = CRITICAL 5 = ROUTINE If DE1000 `SD' EE = Interstate InterLATA ER = Interstate IntraLATA IA = Intrastate IR = Interstate IT International LO = Local NS = Non-Standard RE = Intrastate InterLATA RR = Intrastate IntraLATA If DE1000 `SG' M = video November 2020 39 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ Id_ Element Name N = net conference S = ssl net conference _ Req Type Min/Max Usage_ If DE1000 'TT' Values for non-CABS billing systems: S1 - Metro S2 - Frame Internetworking/ATM Internetworking S3 - Standard S4 - Intl Intra-County S5 - Dynamic S6 - Internet Service Provider S7 - Internet S8 - Digital Gateway SA - ATM Internet SF - Frame Internet SP - PIP PVC riding on circuit associated to another product If DE1000 `UC' 1 = Variable Bit Rate Non Real Time 2 = Variable Bit Rate real Time 3 = Constant Bit Rate 4 = Unspecified Bit Rate 5 = Available Bit Rate 6 = Variable Frame Rate Non Real-Time 7 = Variable Frame Rate Real-Time 8 = Unspecified Frame Rate B = Private IP (PIP) PVC: Best Effort D = Private IP (PIP) PVC: Disaster Recovery E = Enhanced Traffic Management L = Flow Speed M = Premium Quality of Service P = Private IP (PIP) PVC: Standard Q = Private IP (PIP) PVC: Enhanced Traffic Management R = Disaster Recovery PVC S = Standard V = Standard W = Enhanced Traffic Management X = Standard Y = COS5 Real Time Traffic INS = Instant November 2020 40 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ Id_ Element Name PRE = Premiere STA = Standard UNA = Unattended IMR = Instant Meeting Replay _ Req Type Min/Max Usage_ SI04 SI05 SI06 SI07 SI08 SI09 SI10 SI11 SI12 SI13 SI14 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier X Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See SI02 above. 234 Product/Service ID X Description: Identifying number for a product or service. User: See SI03 above. 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier X Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See SI02 above. 234 Product/Service ID X Description: Identifying number for a product or service. User: See SI03 above. 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier X Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics User: See SI02 above.. 234 Product/Service ID X Description: Identifying number for a product or service. User: See SI03 above. 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier X Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See SI02 above. 234 Product/Service ID X Description: Identifying number for a product or service. User: See SI03 above. 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier X Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See SI02 above. 234 Product/Service ID X Description: Identifying number for a product or service. User: See SI03 above. 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier X AN 2/2 AN 1/48 AN 2/2 AN 1/48 AN 2/2 AN 1/48 AN 2/2 AN 1/48 AN 2/2 AN 1/48 AN 2/2 Used Used Used Used Used Used Used Used Used Used Used November 2020 41 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ SI15 SI16 SI17 SI18 SI19 SI20 SI21 Id_ Element Name _ Req Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See SI02 above. 234 Product/Service ID X Description: Identifying number for a product or service. User: See SI03 above. 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier X Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See SI02 above. 234 Product/Service ID X Description: Identifying number for a product or service. User: See SI03 above. 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier X Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See SI02 above. 234 Product/Service ID X Description: Identifying number for a product or service. User: See SI03 above. 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier X Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See SI02 above. 234 Product/Service ID X Description: Identifying number for a product or service. User: See SI03 above. Type Min/Max Usage_ AN 1/48 Used AN 2/2 Used AN 1/48 Used AN 2/2 Used AN 1/48 Used AN 2/2 Used AN 1/48 Used November 2020 42 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A PID Product/Item Description Pos: 040 Max: 200 Detail - Optional Loop: LX Elements: 6 To describe a product or process in coded or free-form format: Syntax: C0403 -- If PID04 is present, then PID03 is required. R0405 -- At least one of PID04 or PID05 is required. C0703 -- If PID07 is present, then PID03 is required. C0804 -- If PID08 is present, then PID04 is required. C0905 -- If PID09 is present, then PID05 is required. Semantics: 1. Use PID03 to indicate the organization that publishes the code list being referred to. 2. PID04 should be used for industry-specific product description codes. 3. PID08 describes the physical characteristics of the product identified in PID04. A "Y" indicates that the specified attribute applies to this item; an "N" indicates it does not apply. Any other value is indeterminate. 4. PID09 is used to identify the language being used in PID05. Comments: 1. If PID01 equals "F", then PID05 is used. If PID01 equals "S", then PID04 is used. If PID01 equals "X", then both PID04 and PID05 are used. 2. Use PID06 when necessary to refer to the product surface or layer being described in the segment. 3. PID07 specifies the individual code list of the agency specified in PID03. Note: The invoice messages can exceed the number of PID Segments allowed. Please review the messages on the paper invoice or PDF invoice available online. Element Summary: Ref _ PID01 PID02 Id_ Element Name 349 Item Description Type Description: Code indicating the format of a description. _ Req M Code F X Name Free-form Semi-Structured (Code & Text) 750 Product/Process Characteristic Code O Description: Code identifying the general class of a product or process characteristic. This element is used when PID01 = X. Code Name ZZ Mutually Defined Type ID Min/Max 1/1 Usage Must use ID 2/3 Used November 2020 43 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A PID03 PID04 559 Agency Qualifier Code X Description: Code identifying the agency assigning the code values. USER: PID03 is only populated when PID01 = X. However, PID03 is not required when PID01 = X Code AS Name Assigned by Seller: Code in PID04 is defined in the VB811 Implementation Guide Appendix A. 751 Product Description Code X Description: A code from an industry code list which provides specific data about a product characteristic. Code Name 001 Product description 002 Sub Product description 003 Circuit attribute 004 Customer reference text 005 Circuit name/description 006 Platform Type 007 Service Type 008 Product Type 009 Entity Type 010 Discount Name 011 Discount Line Item 012 Bill Payer Literal 013 ID Code Description 014 Account Code Description 015 Calling Card Code Description 016 Conference Description 017 Class of Service 018 Entity Size 019 Service Type 020 CIR 021 Peak Cell Rate 022 Sustained Cell Rate 023 PIP Connection 024 vBNS Connection 025 Standard QoS 026 EF Real Time CAR 027 Premium QoS 028 COS5 Real Time Connection 029 Multicasting CAR 030 Charge Description 031 Additional Charge Description 032 Directed Billing Account Number 033 Application ID 034 Minimum Cell Rate (speed literal) 035 EVS Description 036 DSLACI Description 037 Access Charges Description 038 URI Description NOTE: For Inbound Toll Free: When the URI is presented at HL7, the Toll Free number will be provided in the SI Pair (TM) within TCD loop at HL9 039 PVC Attribute 040 Flow Speed November 2020 ID 2/2 AN 1/12 44 Used Used Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide November 2020 041 Current PIR 042 Bundles 043 PVC Speed 044 Billing Type 046 Ownership Type 062 CUR The conversion rate from billing currency to alternate currency used on the original invoice that is being credited. 067004 Terminal ID 074AC CLIN Action Code 077021 Unique Billing Identifier 077039 ANI Name 077057 Application Identifier 077061 Revenue Category 077067 Partner Information 077070 Circuit Line Type 077110 Contract/SOF 077130 Charge Code 077154 GSEC/Custom Grouping 077161 Dynamic URI 077183 Site ID 077184 Business Unit (077186 Branch Criticality 077195 Charge Level PIP Port Speed 077196 DCAR Speed 077200 Z-End Site ID (077201 Z-End Site Criticality 077202 Z-End Business Unit 077206 Xtraconnect Reference 077214 Service Pack 077225 Verizon Rapid Delivery Service ID 077255 Secondary Instance ID 077258 Termination Name 079019 Secondary Number Identifier 079026 Circuit Attribute (includes circuit attribute and value) 079030 Customer Reference Number/Text (40) 079045 Service ID 079064 Directory Name Service (DNS) 079162 Domain 079185 Site Type Detail 079266 Colombia CUFE ID 117A Audio Conferencing 117C Conferencing 117N Net Conferencing 117V Video Conferencing 118D Description Of Video Conferencing Service 118F Video Conferencing Facility 125A Circuit Service Type Description: Identifies circuit type/pipe size i.e. DS1, DS3, etc 125B Access Circuit ID Description: Identifies the access circuit for a DS1 125C NxDS1 Indicator Description: Identifies whether a circuit is comprised of a bundle of DS1s 3VEN Third party vendor VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A 45 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A PID05 PID09 71COL Circuit Origination Location ID 71CTL Circuit Termination Location ID BS Billing Structure Code: Description: Provides the description of SI pair = "BS". PID05 contains the Billing Structure description. BT Basic Service Type Description: Provides the description of SI pair = "BT". PID05 contains the Basic Service Type PA-ADDR Other Service Provider Address Description: PID05 contains the other service provider's CIC code followed by their address. The two fields are separated by ": " PA-REG Other Service Provider Tax Registration Number Description: PID05 contains the other service provider's CIC code followed by their tax registration number. The two fields are separated by ": " PG4 4th product grouping level PQ Major Product Code: Description: Provides the description of SI pair = "PQ". PID05 contains the Major Product description. SOL-ID Solution ID The entire Solution is provided in multiple segments within a LX loop. The Solution ID is the key to the LX loop and the link to the charges in the SLN loop SOL-NAM-A Solution Name Part 1 The Solution Name is up to 110 bytes long and is provided in two PIDs. This is the first 80 bytes of the Solution Name. Note the Solution ID is provided in the same LX loop in a PID with PID04 = "SOL-ID" SOL-NAM-B Solution Name Part 2 The Solution Name is up to 110 bytes long and is provided in two PIDs. This is the last 30 bytes of the Solution Name. Note the Solution ID is provided in the same LX loop in a PID with PID04 = "SOL-ID" SOL-PROD Solution Product Note the Solution ID is provided in the same LX loop in a PID with PID04 = "SOL-ID SQ Sub-Product Code: Description: Provides the description of SI pair = "SQ". PID05 contains the Sub-Product description. 352 Description X Description: A free-form description to clarify the related data elements and their content. 819 Language Code O Description: Code designating the language used in text, from a standard code list maintained by the International Standards Organization (ISO 639) AN 1/80 ID 2/3 Used Used November 2020 46 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide User: Language code values are: ALB = Albanian ?? BEF = Belgian French BRP = Brazilian Portuguese BUL = Bulgarian CAF = Canadian French CHI = Simplified Chinese CZE = Czech DAN = Danish DEU = German DUT = Dutch ENG = English (UK) EST = Estonian FIN = Finnish FRA = French FSW = Swiss French GRE = Greek GSW = Swiss German HRV = Croatian HUN = Hungarian ITA = Italian JPN = Japanese LAV = Latvian LIT = Lithuanian NLD = Dutch, Flemish NOB = Norwegian (Bokmål) NOR = Norwegian OST = Austrian German POL = Polish POR = Portuguese ROU = Romanian RUS = Russian SLE = Slovene SLO = Slovak SPA = Spanish SRP = Serbian SWE = Swedish TUR = Turkish UKR = Ukrainian ZHO = Chinese EN1 - Australian English EN2 = Japanese English November 2020 VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A 47 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide EN3 = South Asia English EN4= North Asia English EN5 = American English EN6 = English (Canadian) EN7 = English (India) VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A November 2020 48 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A REF Reference Identification To specify identifying information: Syntax: R0203 -- At least one of REF02 or REF03 is required. Pos: 050 Max: >1 Detail - Optional Loop: LX Elements: 3 Semantics: 1. REF04 contains data relating to the value cited in REF02. Element Summary: Ref _ REF01 Id_ Element Name 128 Reference Identification Qualifier Description: Code qualifying the Reference Identification. _ Req M Code 11 12 1J 3H 79 8M AH AAC BN BLT C7 CR CT IV K9 LI OI OW P4 PM Name Account Number User: If the Account Number exceeds 30 bytes, it will be in REF03. Billing Account Description: Account number under which billing is rendered. Facility ID Number Case Number Cost Center/Account User: If the Cost Center/Account exceeds 30 bytes, it will be in REF03. Originating Company Identifier User: If the Company Code exceeds 30 bytes, it will be in REF03. Agreement Number Contains the Master Service Agreement Agency Hierarchical Level Booking Number Billing Type Contract Line Item Number Customer Reference Number Contract Number Seller's Invoice Number Inquiry Request Number Line Item Service ID Original Invoice Number For Credit Notes: Contains the Local and Tax Regulatory Invoice Number/ID (REF*IK value) from the original invoice. Service Number Project Code USER: Project Code will be populated in REF03 Part Number USER: Contains the Verizon Part Number Type ID Min/Max 2/3 Usage_ Must use November 2020 49 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ Id_ Element Name PO Purchase Order _ Req Type Min/Max Usage_ User: If the Purchase Order Number exceeds 30 bytes, it will be in REF03. PX Prior Invoice Number Description: The original invoice number this credit/debit is related to. Q1 Quote Number TA Telecommunications Circuit Supplemental ID Attributes U2 Term VN Vendor Order Number REF02 127 Reference Identification X Description: Reference information as defined for a particular Transaction Set or as specified by the Reference Identification Qualifier. If DE128 `79' USER: if the Cost Center/Account is less than 31 bytes, then REF02 will contain the Cost Center/Account. if the Cost Center/Account is larger than 30 bytes then REF03 will contain the Cost Center/Account. If DE128 `8M' USER: If the Company Code is less than 31 bytes, then REF02 will contain the Company Code. If the Company Code is larger than 30 bytes then REF03 will contain the Company Code. If DE128 `LI' Service ID If DE128 `OW' Component Type Code If DE128 `PO' Purchase Order Number (PON) USER: if the PON is less than 31 bytes then REF02 will contain the PON. if the PON is larger than 30 bytes then REF03 will contain the PON. If DE128 `TA' Attribute ID for Component AN 1/30 Used November 2020 50 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A REF03 352 Description X Description: A free-form description to clarify the related data elements and their content. If DE128 `11' USER: if the Account Number is less than 31 bytes then REF02 will contain the Account Number. If the Account Number is larger than 30 bytes then REF03 will contain the Account Number. REF3 may also contain the Secondary ID for Account Number If DE128 `79' USER: if the Cost Center/Account is less than 31 bytes, then REF02 will contain the Cost Center/Account. if the Cost Center/Account is larger than 30 bytes then REF03 will contain the Cost Center/Account. If DE128 `8M' USER: If the Company Code is less than 31 bytes, then REF02 will contain the Company Code. If the Company Code is larger than 30 bytes then REF03 will contain the Company Code. If DE128 `BLT' FIXED USAGE If DE128 `LI' USER: Chargeable Service ID will be populated in the REF03 If DE128 `OW' Service Type Description If DE128 `P4' USER: Project Code will be populated in the REF03 If DE128 `PO' Purchase Order Number (PON) USER: if the PON is less than 31 bytes then REF02 will contain the PON. if the PON is larger than 30 bytes then REF03 will contain the PON. AN 1/80 Used November 2020 51 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Comments: 1. REF01=TA is used when component contains attributes such as "AUTO REDIRECT" which will be in REF03, and the redirected/attribute ID will be contained in REF02. November 2020 52 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A AMT Monetary Amount To indicate the total monetary amount: User: This AMT segment is informational only for total current charges. Pos: 060 Max: 5 Detail - Optional Loop: LX Elements: 2 Element Summary: Ref _ AMT01 AMT02 Id_ Element Name 522 Amount Qualifier Code Description: Code to qualify amount. Code 8 0S AP LH NA RJ SC Name Discount Previously Billed Amount Prior to Fractionalization Baseline Net Adjustment Rate Total Service Charge 782 Monetary Amount Description: Monetary amount. NOTE: AMT segments are not used in balancing the EDI 811 _ Req M Type ID Min/Max 1/3 Usage_ Must use M R 1/18 Must use Comments: 1. Baseline and Rate amounts are only present for Inter-Office Components of a circuit. November 2020 53 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A DTM Date/Time Reference To specify pertinent dates and times: Syntax: 1 At least one of DTM02 DTM03 or DTM05 is required. 2 If DTM04 is present, then DTM03 is required. 3 If either DTM05 or DTM06 is present, then the other is required. Semantics: Comments: Pos: 070 Max: 8 Detail - Optional Loop: LX Elements: 2 User: Used to convey surcharges and miscellaneous charges at the Service provider level. Element Summary: Ref _ DTM01 DTM02 DTM03 DTM04 Id_ Element Name _ Req 374 Date/Time Qualifier M Description: Code specifying type of date or time, or both date and time. Code 003 007 093 150 151 196 197 276 603 911 Name Invoice Description: The original invoice date this credit/debit is related to. Effective Date Contract Expiration Service Period Start Service Period End Start End Contract Start Date Renewal Last Activity 373 Date X Description: CCYYMMDD format 337 Time X Description: Time expressed in 24-hour clock time as follows: HHMM, or HHMMSS, or HHMMSSD, or HHMMSSDD, where H = hours (00-23), M = minutes (00-59), S = integer seconds (00-59) and DD = decimal seconds; decimal seconds are expressed as follows: D = tenths (0-9) and DD = hundredths (00-99) 623 Time Code O Description : Code identifying the time. In accordance with International Standards Organization standard 8601, time can be specified by a + or - and an indication in hours in relation to Universal Time Coordinate (UTC) time; since + is a restricted character, + and are substituted by P and M in the codes that follow Code Name LT Local Time Type ID Min/Max 3/3 Usage_ Must use DT 8/8 TM 4/8 Used Used ID 2/2 Used November 2020 54 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A DTM05 1250 Date Time Period Format Qualifier X Description: Code indicating the date format, time format, or date and time format Refer to 004010 Data Element Dictionary for acceptable code values. Code RTS Name Date and Time Expressed in Format CCYYMMDDHHMMSS ID 2/3 Used November 2020 55 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A TXI Tax Information Pos: 080 Max: >1 Detail - Optional Loop: LX Elements: 8 To specify tax information: Syntax: R020306 -- At least one of TXI02, TXI03 or TXI06 is required. P0405 -- If either TXI04 or TXI05 are present, then the others are required. C0803 -- If TXI08 is present, then TXI03 is required. Semantics: 1. TXI02 is the monetary amount of the tax. 2. TXI03 is the tax percent expressed as a decimal. 3. TXI07 is a code indicating the relationship of the price or amount to the associated segment. Element Summary: Ref _ TXI01 TXI02 Id_ Element Name 963 Tax Type Code Description: Code specifying the type of tax. _ Req M Code AB CA CG Name Surtax City Tax Federal Value-Added Tax (GST) on Goods User Note: "CG" is used for GST Goods and Services CT County Tax FD Federal Tax Description: Usage tax imposed by federal (US and Canadian) government. FR Franchise Tax LO Local Tax (Not Sales Tax) Description: Service tax imposed on a local level. LT Local Sales Tax OH Other Taxes OT Occupational Tax SC School Tax SL State and Local SP State/Provincial Tax ST State Sales Tax SU Sales and Use Tax TX All Taxes (combined) VA Value Added Tax 782 Monetary Amount X Description: Monetary amount. Type ID Min/Max 2/2 Usage_ Must use R 1/18 Used TXI03 954 Percent Description: Percentage expressed as a decimal. X R 1/10 Used November 2020 56 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A TXI04 TXI05 TXI07 TXI08 TXI10 955 Tax Jurisdiction Code Qualifier X Description: Code identifying the source of the data used in tax jurisdiction code. Code Name VD Vendor defined 956 Tax Jurisdiction Code X Description: Code identifying the taxing jurisdiction. User: For IBRS, the TXI05 will contain the Customer's Cost Center, if it is available. 662 Relationship Code O Description: Code indicating the relationship between entities. User: Indicates whether the amount in this segment is to be used in summing. Code A I O Name Add Included Information Only Description: Charges that relate to but may not be included in or added to the unit price of the SLN. (i.e., compute WATS calculation based upon usage amounts). 828 Dollar Basis For Percent O Description: Dollar basis to be used in the percent calculation of the allowance, charge or tax. 350 Assigned Identification O ID 2/2 AN 1/10 ID 1/1 R 1/9 AN 1/20 Used Used Used Used Used November 2020 57 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A QTY Quantity To specify quantity information: Syntax: R0204 -- At least one of QTY02 or QTY04 is required. E0204 -- Only one of QTY02 or QTY04 may be present. Pos: 090 Max: 1 Detail - Optional Loop: LX/QTY Elements: 3 Semantics: 1. QTY04 is used when the quantity is non-numeric. Element Summary: Ref _ QTY01 QTY02 C0301 Id_ Element Name 673 Quantity Qualifier Description: Code specifying the type of quantity. _ Req M Code 01 X3 WE Name Discrete Quantity Speed Capacity Limited Quantity 380 Quantity X Description: At HL3: The total number for the entire location/account. 355 Unit or Basis for Measurement Code M Description: Code specifying the units in which a value is being expressed, or manner in which a measurement has been taken. Code Name 4L MegaBytes 10 Group User Note: "10" is used for Trunks or Trunk Groups C0 DH Miles MJ Minutes QC Channels KB Kilocharacters TO Telecommunications Lines in Service (circuits) Calls User Note: "T0" is also used for count of telephone numbers Type ID Min/Max 2/2 Usage_ Must use R 1/15 ID 2/2 Used Must use Comments: 1. At HL5, QTY is used to provide total circuit miles, circuit speed in Kbps, and/or total megabytes transmitted. November 2020 58 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A SI Service Characteristic Identification Pos: 100 Max: 1 Detail - Optional Loop: LX/QTY Elements: 21 To specify service characteristic data Syntax: P0405 -- If either SI04 or SI05 are present, then the others are required. P0607 -- If either SI06 or SI07 are present, then the others are required. P0809 -- If either SI08 or SI09 are present, then the others are required. P1011 -- If either SI10 or SI11 are present, then the others are required. P1213 -- If either SI12 or SI13 are present, then the others are required. P1415 -- If either SI14 or SI15 are present, then the others are required. P1617 -- If either SI16 or SI17 are present, then the others are required. P1819 -- If either SI18 or SI19 are present, then the others are required. P2021 -- If either SI20 or SI21 are present, then the others are required. Comments: 1. SI01 defines the source for each of the service characteristic qualifiers. Element Summary: Ref _ SI01 SI02 Id_ Element Name _ Req 559 Agency Qualifier Code M Description: Code identifying the agency assigning the code values. Code Name TI Telecommunications Industry 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier M Description: Code from an industry code list (TCIF Additional Code Lists) qualifying the type of service characteristics. Type ID Min/Max 2/2 Usage_ Must use AN 2/2 Must use User: See TCIF section 10.4 for complete list of valid values. SI03 Verizon uses the following Service Characteristic Qualifier values: `ST' Message Service Type `TE' Transmission Speed 234 Product/Service ID M Description: Identifying number for a product or service. If DE1000 'ST' CE - Cellular AN 1/48 Must use If DE1000 `TE' CIR NON DISCARD ELIGIBLE DELIVERED DISCARD ELIGIBLE DELIVERED CONNECTION EF REAL TIME CAR November 2020 59 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ SI04 SI05 SI06 SI07 SI08 SI09 SI10 SI11 SI12 SI13 SI14 SI15 Id_ PEAK CELL SUSTAINED CELL IP MULTICASTING Element Name _ Req 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier X Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See SI02 above. 234 Product/Service ID X Description: Identifying number for a product or service. 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier X Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See SI02 above. 234 Product/Service ID X Description: Identifying number for a product or service. 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier X Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See SI02 above.. 234 Product/Service ID X Description: Identifying number for a product or service. 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier X Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See SI02 above. 234 Product/Service ID X Description: Identifying number for a product or service. 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier X Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See SI02 above. 234 Product/Service ID X Description: Identifying number for a product or service. 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier X Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See SI02 above. 234 Product/Service ID X Description: Identifying number for a product or service. User: See SI03 above. Type Min/Max Usage_ AN 2/2 Used AN 1/48 AN 2/2 Used Used AN 1/48 AN 2/2 Used Used AN 1/48 AN 2/2 Used Used AN 1/48 AN 2/2 Used Used AN 1/48 AN 2/2 Used Used AN 1/48 Used November 2020 60 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ SI16 Id_ Element Name _ Req 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier X Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See SI02 above. Type Min/Max Usage_ AN 2/2 Used SI17 234 Product/Service ID Description: Identifying number for a product or service. User: See SI03 above. X AN 1/48 Used SI18 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier X Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See SI02 above. AN 2/2 Used SI19 234 Product/Service ID Description: Identifying number for a product or service. User: See SI03 above. X AN 1/48 Used SI20 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier X Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See SI02 above. AN 2/2 Used SI21 234 Product/Service ID Description: Identifying number for a product or service. User: See SI03 above. X AN 1/48 Used Comments: 1. This SI segment is only used to provide a description of transmission speed or transport volume quantities provided in the QTY segment loop start. This is due to a restriction in the QTY not being allowed to use the description text element if quantity element is used. November 2020 61 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A NM1 Individual or Organizational Name Pos: 110 Max: 1 Detail - Optional Loop: NM1 Elements: 8 To supply the full name of an individual or organizational entity: Syntax: P0809 -- If either NM108 or NM109 are present, then the others are required. C1110 -- If NM111 is present, then NM110 is required. Semantics: 1. NM102 qualifies NM103. Comments: 1. NM110 and NM111 further define the type of entity in NM101. User: This segment is used at HL1 to provide Service Provider Name and at HL7 to provide the service location. Element Summary: Ref _ NM101 Id_ Element Name _ Req 98 Entity Identifier Code M Description: Code identifying an organizational entity, a physical location, property or an individual. User: 'SJ' is the only valid code at HL1 (Service Provider Level). Code Name 75 Participant 77 Service Location Description: Identifies name and address information pertaining to a service location; such as a telephone's or circuit's service address. AO Account of Description: Identifies name and address information as pertaining to a Location/Account for which billing is being rendered. C3 Circuit Location ID EN End User Description: The name of the mobile telephone number user KM Coordinator L5 Contact SJ Service Provider Description: Identifies name and address information as pertaining to a service provider for which billing is being rendered. VN Vendor Type ID Min/Max 2/3 Usage_ Must use November 2020 62 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ NM102 NM103 NM104 NM105 NM106 NM108 NM109 Id_ 1065 Element Name Entity Type Qualifier Description: Code qualifying the type of entity. Code 1 2 Name Person Non-Person Entity _ Req M 1035 Name Last or Organization Name O Description: Individual last name or organizational name. User: Service Provider Name 1036 Name First O Description: Individual First Name 1037 Name Middle O Description: Individual Middle Name or Initial 1038 Name Prefix O Description: Prefix to Individual Name 66 Identification Code Qualifier X Description: Code designating the system/method of code structure used for Identification Code (67). User: Code values '41' and '42', are the only valid values at HL1 (Service Provider). Code 41 42 91 Name Telecommunications Carrier Identification Code Description: Identifies the Interexchange carrier for the charges being billed. Telecommunications Pseudo Carrier Identification Code Description: A code similar to the standard Carrier Identification Code which is used to identify the local exchange service providers. Assigned by Seller 67 Identification Code X Description: Code identifying a party or other code. User: For values, see the NANPA maintained CIC list ( and the TCIF Guideline Appendix B in Section 10.4 ( Verizon Pseudo CIC going forwards is: 0222 Verizon 0555 Verizon 0698 Verizon Communications Type ID Min/Max 1/1 Usage_ Must use AN 1/35 Used AN 1/25 AN 1/25 AN 1/10 ID 1/2 Used Used Used Used AN 2/80 Used For Historical records, Verizon Pseudo CIC values were: 00BP Bell of Pennsylvania 00DS Diamond State 0CPD Chesapeake & Potomac of District of Columbia 0CPM Chesapeake & Potomac of Maryland November 2020 63 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ Id_ Element Name 0CPW Chesapeake & Potomac of West Virginia 0CPV Chesapeake & Potomac of Virginia 0698 New York Telephone 09X0 New England Telephone GTET Former GTE Telephone CONT Former Contel Telephone EC99 BOBO EnTelegent _ Req Type Min/Max Usage_ "As of October 01, 2010, Verizon uses the following CIC (NOTE: This list can change. Please use the industry lists for the entire list of CIC codes): I288 AT&T INVOICE BILLING I556 USBI INVOICE READY 0DIR Verizon Directories Corp. 000H SPECIAL U.S. 0015 Verizon Long Distance 0078 Enhanced Services Billing Inc. 0086 FRONTIER 0092 Verizon 01HB Hawaiian Telcom Online 01HC Hawaiian Telcom Online 0110 OTHER CARRIER 0112 Business Discount Plan 0123 Americatel Corp 0131 USP&C 0209 Intl Satellite Comm 0284 AmeriVision-LifeLine 0285 Federal Transtel 0288 AT&T 0307 American TelNet 0326 I4MATION, INC. 0333 Sprint Invoice 0359 Empire One Telecommunications 0402 Integretel, Inc. 0432 Qwest Communications 0457 Telco 0459 Telecom*USA 0488 LDDS WORLDCOM 0491 AmeriVision/LifeLine 0502 Worldxchange Communications 0534 Touch 1 0554 The Chaparral Network Group 0556 USBI 0571 FairPoint Long Distance November 2020 64 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide Ref _ Id_ Element Name 0577 Discounted Telecommunication S 0582 West Interactive Corp 0585 VERIZON NEDERLAND B.V. 0616 TeleSaver 0625 Operator Assistance Network 0636 Clear Choice 0650 OAN Services, Inc. 0656 Verizon TeleProducts Corp. 0658 United Telemanagement 0664 DIRECTV 0752 EXCEL Long Distance 0756 ZERO PLUS DIALING 0777 Sprint 0782 ILD Teleservices 0805 Telemation 0811 VarTec Telecom, Inc. 0815 Sprint Calling Services 0830 Verizon Wireless 0831 United Telemanagement Corp. 0845 Verizon Network Integration 0849 Evercom Systems, Inc 0860 Verizon Online 0863 Verizon Online 0864 FairPoint Broadband 0865 FairPoint Broadband 0874 PaymentOne 0877 BASIC ACCESS COMMUNICATIONS, I 0882 Hold Billing Services 0884 FairPoint Long Distance 0894 Value Link Plus 0896 Integrated Voice Svc 0903 eBillit 0917 Pay Tel Communications 0925 KCI Long Distance 1180 XO 2345 NBBE/VADI Services 5483 Verizon Long Distance 6224 Hawaiian Telcom Long Distance 6397 TMS 6953 Verizon Select Services Inc 6963 Verizon Long Distance 7703 DIRECTV 7820 Transaction Clearing 9003 Verizon Online 9007 Verizon Directory Services Inc November 2020 VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A _ Req Type Min/Max Usage_ 65 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide Ref _ Id_ Element Name 9071 Verizon Long Distance 9074 Verizon Enterprise Solutions 9129 Verizon Advanced Data Inc. 9143 Verizon Online Enhanced Svcs 9147 Advanced Data Services 9158 Verizon Internet Svcs, WADSL 9300 FiOS TV 9301 Verizon Online 9302 FiOS Digital Voice 9304 Verizon Online VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A _ Req Type Min/Max Usage_ November 2020 66 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A N2 Additional Name Information Pos: 120 Max: 1 Detail - Optional Loop: NM1 Elements: 2 To specify additional names or those longer than 35 characters in length: Element Summary: Ref _ N201 N202 Id_ Element Name 93 Name Description: Free-form name 93 Name Description: Free-form name _ Req M O Type AN Min/Max 1/60 Usage_ Must use AN 1/60 Used November 2020 67 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A N3 Address Information To specify the location of the named party: Element Summary: Ref _ N301 N302 Id_ Element Name 166 Address Information Description: Address information. 166 Address Information Description: Address information. Pos: 130 Max: 2 Detail - Optional Loop: NM1 Elements: 2 _ Req M O Type AN Min/Max 1/55 Usage_ Must use AN 1/55 Used November 2020 68 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A N4 Geographic Location Pos: 140 Max: 1 Detail - Optional Loop: NM1 Elements: 6 To specify the geographic place of the named party: Syntax: C0605 -- If N406 is present, then N405 is required. Comments: 1. A combination of either N401 through N404, or N405 and N406 may be adequate to specify a location. 2. N402 is required only if city name (N401) is in the U.S. or Canada. 3. N405/N406 is to be used when the input data is not available as individual data elements. User: Interpreted from N101 value. Element Summary: Ref _ N401 N402 N403 N404 N405 N406 Id_ Element Name 19 City Name Description: Free-form text for city name. _ Req O 156 State or Province Code O Description: Code (Standard State/Province) as defined by appropriate government agency. 116 Postal Code O Description: Code defining international postal zone code excluding punctuation and blanks (zip code for United States). 26 Country Code O Description: N404 Country Code only populated if State is blank indicating an international address. 309 Location Qualifier O Description: Code identifying type of location 310 Location Identifier O Description: Code which identifies a specific location Type Min/Max Usage_ AN 2/30 Used ID 2/2 Used ID 3/15 Used ID 2/3 Used ID 1/2 AN 1/30 Used Used November 2020 69 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A REF Reference Identification Pos: 150 Max: Detail - Optional Loop: NM1 Elements: 3 To specify identifying information: Syntax: R0203 -- At least one of REF02 or REF03 is required. Semantics: 1. REF04 contains data relating to the value cited in REF02. Element Summary: Ref _ REF01 REF02 REF03 Id_ Element Name 128 Reference Identification Qualifier Description: Code qualifying the Reference Identification. _ Req M Code Name 11 Account Number User: Carrier's account number 4U Market Area/Type BF Billing/Cost Center M# CT Contract Number EV Receiver Identification Number PO Purchase Order Number Q8 Registration Number TJ Federal Taxpayer's Identification Number 127 Reference Identification X Description: Reference information as defined for a particular Transaction Set or as specified by the Reference Identification Qualifier. 352 Description X Description: A free-form description to clarify the related data elements and their content Type ID Min/Max 2/3 Usage_ Must use AN 1/30 Used AN 1/80 Used November 2020 70 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A PER Administrative Communications Contact Pos: 160 Max: >1 Detail - Optional Loop: NM1 Elements: 4 To identify a person or office to whom administrative communications should be directed: Syntax: P0304 -- If either PER03 or PER04 are present, then the others are required. P0506 -- If either PER05 or PER06 are present, then the others are required. P0708 -- If either PER07 or PER08 are present, then the others are required. Element Summary: Ref _ PER01 PER02 PER03 PER04 PER05 PER06 Id_ Element Name _ Req 366 Contact Function Code M Description: Code identifying the major duty or responsibility of the person or group named. User: Contact information for a Service Provider Code 1G AR BI IC OC TR Name Service Team (Customer Service) Accounts Receivable Department Bill Inquiry Contact Description: Service Provider contact for making inquiries about information on the invoice Information Contact Order Contact Technical Marketing Rep 93 Name O Description: Free-Form Name 365 Communication Number Qualifier X Description: Code identifying the type of communication number. Code EM FX TE UR Name Electronic Mail Facsimile (FAX) Telephone Uniform Resource Locator (URL) 364 Communication Number X Description: Complete communications number including country or area code when applicable. 365 Communication Number Qualifier X Description: Code identifying the type of communication number. Code EM FX TE UR Name Electronic Mail Facsimile (FAX) Telephone Uniform Resource Locator (URL) 364 Communication Number X Type ID Min/Max 2/2 Usage_ Must use AN 1/60 ID 2/2 Used Used AN 1/80 Used ID 2/2 Used AN 1/80 Used November 2020 71 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ PER07 PER08 Id_ Element Name _ Req Description: Complete communications number including country or area code when applicable. 365 Communication Number Qualifier X Description: Code identifying the type of communication number. Code EM FX TE UR Name Electronic Mail Facsimile (FAX) Telephone Uniform Resource Locator (URL) 364 Communication Number X Description: Complete communications number including country or area code when applicable. Type Min/Max Usage_ ID 2/2 Used AN 1/80 Used November 2020 72 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A TXI Tax Information Pos: 170 Max: >1 Detail - Optional Loop: NM1 Elements: 8 To specify tax information: Syntax: R020306 -- At least one of TXI02, TXI03 or TXI06 is required. P0405 -- If either TXI04 or TXI05 are present, then the others are required. C0803 -- If TXI08 is present, then TXI03 is required. Semantics: 1. TXI02 is the monetary amount of the tax. 2. TXI03 is the tax percent expressed as a decimal. 3. TXI07 is a code indicating the relationship of the price or amount to the associated segment. Element Summary: Ref _ TXI01 TXI02 Id_ Element Name 963 Tax Type Code Description: Code specifying the type of tax. _ Req M Code AB CA CG CT FD FR LO LT OH OT SC SP ST SU TX VA Name Surtax City Tax Federal Value-Added Tax (GST) on Goods User Note: "CG" is used for GST Goods and Services County Tax Federal Tax Description: Usage tax imposed by federal (US and Canadian) government. Franchise Tax Local Tax (Not Sales Tax) Description: Service tax imposed on a local level. Local Sales Tax Other Taxes Occupational Tax School Tax State/Provincial Tax State Sales Tax Sales and Use Tax All Taxes (combined) Value Added Tax 782 Monetary Amount X Description: Monetary amount. Type ID Min/Max 2/2 Usage_ Must use R 1/18 Used TXI03 954 Percent Description: Percentage expressed as a decimal. X R 1/10 Used November 2020 73 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A TXI04 TXI05 955 Tax Jurisdiction Code Qualifier X Description: Code identifying the source of the data used in tax jurisdiction code. Code Name VD Vendor defined 956 Tax Jurisdiction Code X Description: Code identifying the taxing jurisdiction. Code Name UK-TAX-EX - UK Regulatory Tax Exempt Statement & Amount User: The VAT Amount displayed here is shown in the billing currency of this invoice. The amount of VAT due to HMRC under the reverse charge is the GBP equivalent of this amount xxxx.xx ID 2/2 AN 1/10 Used Used TXI04 TXI07 TXI08 TXI10 955 Tax Jurisdiction Code Qualifier X Description: Code identifying the source of the data used in tax jurisdiction code. Code Name VD Vendor defined 662 Relationship Code O Description: Code indicating the relationship between entities. User: Indicates whether the amount in this segment is to be used in summing. Code A I O Name Add Included Information Only Description: Charges that relate to but may not be included in or added to the unit price of the SLN. (i.e., compute WATS calculation based upon usage amounts). 828 Dollar Basis For Percent O Description: Dollar basis to be used in the percent calculation of the allowance, charge or tax. 350 Assigned Identification O ID 2/2 ID 1/1 R 1/9 AN 1/20 Used Used Used Used November 2020 74 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A ITA Allowance, Charge or Service Pos: 180 Max: 1 Detail - Optional Loop: ITA Elements: 15 To specify allowances, charges, or services: Syntax: L02031314 -- If ITA02 is present, then at least one of ITA03, ITA13 or ITA14 is required. C0809 -- If ITA08 is present, then ITA09 is required. P1011 -- If either ITA10 or ITA11 are present, then the others are required. C1502 -- If ITA15 is present, then ITA02 is required. C1712 -- If ITA17 is present, then ITA12 is required. Semantics: 1. ITA09 is the allowance or charge percent. 2. ITA10 is the quantity basis when the allowance or charge quantity is different from the purchase order or invoice quantity. 3. ITA12 is the quantity of free goods. Comments: 1. If ITA01 equals "A" - allowance or "C" - charge, then at least one of ITA06, ITA07, or ITA08 must be present. 2. ITA02 identifies the source of the code value in ITA03 or ITA15. 3. If ITA07 is present with either ITA06 or ITA08, then ITA07 takes precedence. 4. ITA13 is used to clarify the allowance, charge, or service. 5. ITA15 specifies the individual code list of the agency specified in ITA02. 6. ITA16 describes the relationship of ITA06, ITA07 or ITA09 to an associated segment. User: Used to convey surcharges and miscellaneous charges at the Service provider level. Element Summary: Ref _ ITA01 ITA02 ITA03 Id_ Element Name _ Req 248 Allowance or Charge Indicator M Description: Code which indicates an allowance or charge for the service specified. Code A C N Name Allowance Charge No Allowance or Charge 559 Agency Qualifier Code X Description: Code identifying the agency assigning the code values. Code Name TI Telecommunications Industry 560 Special Services Code X Description: Code identifying the special service User: For IBRS, the ITA03 will contain the Customer's Cost Center, if it is available. Type ID Min/Max Usage_ 1/1 Must use ID 2/2 Used ID 2/10 Used November 2020 75 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A ITA04 ITA05 ITA07 ITA08 ITA09 ITA10 ITA11 ITA12 ITA13 331 Allowance or Charge Method of Handling Code M Description: Code indicating method of handling for an allowance or charge. Code Name 04 Credit Customer Account 06 Charge to be Paid by Customer 15 Information Only 341 Allowance/Charge Service Category O Description: If ITA14 = `ZZZ', then ITA05 will contain the contract #, if the commitment is related to a contract. 360 Allowance or Charge Total Amount O Description: Total dollar amount for the allowance or charge. 378 Allowance/Charge Percent Qualifier O Code Name Z Mutually defined percent of commitment allocation met 322 Percent O 380 Quantity O Description: Number of billing units. 355 Unit or Basis for Measurement Code O Description: EA = Each if for Bill Units 380 Quantity O Description: Eligible Amt for Discount. 352 Description X ITA14 150 Special Charge or Allowance Code X Description: Code identifying type of special charge or allowance. User: See TCIF section 10.4 for valid values. Code 230 ACH CEF DDS DSC EAD FFA FUS GRS LSS MEM MSG MUS Name Credit Access Charges Customer Owned Party Telephone Surcharge Deaf and Disabled Surcharge Discount E911 Administration Charge Franchise Fee Federal Universal Service Gross Receipts Surcharge Lifeline Surcharge Membership Fee(s) Miscellaneous Charge Municipal Surcharge PCC REE SMS STC SUR SUS TRS TRU TXS UTL ZZZ Poison Control Center Surcharge Regulatory Fee State/Metropolitan Transit Authority Surcharge State Surcharge Surcharge State Universal Service Transferred Charges Thruway Charge Tax Surcharge Buried Facilities Surcharge Mutually defined Commitment information November 2020 ID 2/2 Must use AN 1/16 Used N2 1/15 Used ID 1/1 Used R 1/6 Used R 1/15 Used ID 2/2 Used R 1/15 Used AN 1/80 Used ID 3/3 Used 76 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A ITA loops with ITA14="ZZZ" are used to convey total commitment, contributions to total commitment, contributions by service, contributions by account, and enrolled promotions information. If the commitment is related to a contract, ITA05 will contain the contract number. ITA16 662 Relationship Code Description: Code indicating the relationship between entities. O ID 1/1 Code A I O Name Add Included Information Only Description: Charges that relate to but may not be included in or added to the unit price of the SLN. (i.e., compute WATS calculation based upon usage amounts). ITA17 355 Unit or Basis for Measurement Code for ITA12 O ID 2/2 Code 1R 2P 4L C0 DA DH DO EA EJ HR IE MJ Name Transactions Kilobytes Megabytes Calls Days Miles Dollars Each Locations Hours Users Minutes Used Used November 2020 77 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A DTM Date/Time Reference To specify pertinent dates and times: Syntax: 1 At least one of DTM02 DTM03 or DTM05 is required. 2 If DTM04 is present, then DTM03 is required. 3 If either DTM05 or DTM06 is present, then the other is required. Semantics: Comments: Pos: 190 Max: 1 Detail - Optional Loop: ITA Elements: 4 User: Used to convey surcharges and miscellaneous charges at the Service provider level. Element Summary: Ref _ DTM01 DTM02 DTM05 DTM06 Id_ Element Name _ Req 374 Date/Time Qualifier M Description: Code specifying type of date or time, or both date and time. Code 150 151 276 603 Name Service Period Start Service Period End Contract Start Date Renewal 373 Date X Description: CCYYMMDD format 1250 Date Time Period Format Qualifier O Description: DTM05/06 for period range is only present if both start and end date is provided for the charge in the ITA. Code Name RD8 Range = CCYYMMDD-CCYYMMDD format 1251 Date Time Period O Description: DTM05/06 for period range is only present if both start and end date is provided for the charge in the ITA. Type ID Min/Max 3/3 Usage_ Must use DT 8/8 ID 2/3 Used Used AN 1/35 Used November 2020 78 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A TXI Tax Information Pos: 200 Max: >1 Detail - Optional Loop: ITA Elements: 8 To specify tax information: Syntax: R020306 -- At least one of TXI02, TXI03 or TXI06 is required. P0405 -- If either TXI04 or TXI05 are present, then the others are required. C0803 -- If TXI08 is present, then TXI03 is required. Semantics: 1. TXI02 is the monetary amount of the tax. 2. TXI03 is the tax percent expressed as a decimal. 3. TXI07 is a code indicating the relationship of the price or amount to the associated segment. Element Summary: Ref _ TXI01 TXI02 Id_ Element Name 963 Tax Type Code Description: Code specifying the type of tax. _ Req M Code AB CA CG CT FD FR LO LT OH OT SC SL SP ST SU TX VA Name Surtax City Tax Federal Value-Added Tax (GST) on Goods User Note: "CG" is used for GST Goods and Services County Tax Federal Tax Description: Usage tax imposed by federal (US and Canadian) government Franchise Tax Local Tax (Not Sales Tax) Description: Service tax imposed on a local level Local Sales Tax Other Taxes Occupational Tax School Tax State and Local State/Provincial Tax State Sales Tax Sales and Use Tax All Taxes (combined) Value Added Tax 782 Monetary Amount X Description: Monetary amount. Type ID Min/Max 2/2 Usage_ Must use R 1/18 Used TXI03 954 Percent Description: Percentage expressed as a decimal. X R 1/10 Used November 2020 79 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A TXI04 TXI05 TXI07 TXI08 TXI10 955 Tax Jurisdiction Code Qualifier X Description: Code identifying the source of the data used in tax jurisdiction code. Code Name VD Vendor defined 956 Tax Jurisdiction Code X Description: Code identifying the taxing jurisdiction. 662 Relationship Code O Description: Code indicating the relationship between entities. User: Indicates whether the amount in this segment is to be used in summing. Code A I O Name Add Included Information Only Description: Charges that relate to but may not be included in or added to the unit price of the SLN. (i.e., compute WATS calculation based upon usage amounts). 828 Dollar Basis For Percent O Description: Dollar basis to be used in the percent calculation of the allowance, charge or tax. 350 Assigned Identification O ID 2/2 AN 1/10 ID 1/1 R 1/9 AN 1/20 Used Used Used Used Used November 2020 80 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A IT1 Baseline Item Data (Invoice) Pos: 210 Max: 1 Detail - Optional Loop: IT1 Elements: 8 To specify the basic and most frequently used line item data for the invoice and related transactions: Syntax: P020304 -- If either IT102, IT103 or IT104 are present, then the others are required. P0607 -- If either IT106 or IT107 are present, then the others are required. P0809 -- If either IT108 or IT109 are present, then the others are required. P1011 -- If either IT110 or IT111 are present, then the others are required. P1213 -- If either IT112 or IT113 are present, then the others are required. P1415 -- If either IT114 or IT115 are present, then the others are required. P1617 -- If either IT116 or IT117 are present, then the others are required. P1819 -- If either IT118 or IT119 are present, then the others are required. P2021 -- If either IT120 or IT121 are present, then the others are required. P2223 -- If either IT122 or IT123 are present, then the others are required. P2425 -- If either IT124 or IT125 are present, then the others are required. Semantics: 1. IT101 is the purchase order line item identification. Comments: 1.Element 235/234 combinations should be interpreted to include products and/or services. See the Data Dictionary for a complete list of IDs. 2.IT106 through IT125 provide for ten different product/service IDs for each item. For example: Case, Color, Drawing No., U.P.C. No., ISBN No., Model No., or SKU. User: The group level is defined by at least one occurrence of the IT1 loop that may only appear at the group level. Element Summary: Ref _ IT101 IT102 IT103 IT104 Id_ Element Name _ Req 350 Assigned Identification O Description: Alphanumeric characters assigned for differentiation within a transaction set. 358 Quantity Invoiced X Description: Number of units invoiced (supplier units) 355 Unit or Basis for Measurement Code X Description: Code specifying the units in which a value is being expressed, or manner in which a measurement has been taken. User: When IT103 = "M4" - Rules of extended pricing do not apply. Code Name M4 Monetary Value 212 Unit Price X Description: Price per unit of product, service, commodity, etc. Type Min/Max Usage_ AN 1/20 Used R 1/10 ID 2/2 Used Used R 1/17 Used November 2020 81 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A IT106 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier X Description: Code identifying the type/source of the descriptive number used in Product/Service ID (234). ID 2/2 Used Code Name SV Service Rendered IT107 234 Product/Service ID Description: Identifying number for a product or service User: See TCIF section 10.4 for valid values. X AN 1/48 Used Possible SI DE235/DE234 pairs Code 0110 0200 0300 0305 0400 0500 0510 0520 0600 0700 0705 0710 0715 0800 0900 0905 1000 1100 1110 1200 1400 1410 1420 1600 1605 1710 1740 1810 1820 1830 1990 2050 2060 2110 2500 2600 Name Recurring Monthly Service Charge Access Charges Service and Equipment Information Other Charges and Credits/Additions and Changes Itemized Calls Interexchange Carrier Invoice Charges Itemized Charges/Credits Directory Advertising Usage Measured Service Message Rate Service CABS Usage Optional Call Plan/ Discount Plan Directory Assistance Direct Customer Access WATS Mobile/Cellular/Personal Communications Service Usage Roamer Equipment Other Voice Services Advance Intelligent Network ISDN Service Non-Voice Service Packet Switching Customized Billing Service Miscellaneous Foreign Exchange (FEX) Voice Mail Extended Area Other Line Charge Total Amount Billed (for Summary/Consolidated Billing Only) Set Use Free Contracts/Discounts Purchases Late Payment Charges November 2020 82 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A IT108 IT109 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier X Description: Code identifying the type/source of the descriptive number used in Product/Service ID (234). User: "ZZ" is temporarily being used for Telecom Service Type. Code Name ZZ Mutually Defined 234 Product/Service ID X Description: Identifying number for a product or service. User: Valid values are: 1 - Recurring Charge 2 - Other Charges 3 - Usage 4 - Summary/Combined Charges ID 2/2 AN 1/48 Used Used November 2020 83 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A PID Product/Item Description To describe a product or process in coded or free-form format: Syntax: C0403 -- If PID04 is present, then PID03 is required. R0405 -- At least one of PID04 or PID05 is required. C0703 -- If PID07 is present, then PID03 is required C0804 -- If PID08 is present, then PID04 is required C0905 -- If PID09 is present, then PID05 is required Pos: 230 Max: 200 Detail - Optional Loop: IT1 Elements: 2 Semantics: 1. Use PID03 to indicate the organization that publishes the code list being referred to. 2. PID04 should be used for industry-specific product description codes. 3.PID08 describes the physical characteristics of the product identified in PID04. A "Y" indicates that the specified attribute applies to this item; an "N" indicates it does not apply. Any other value is indeterminate. 4. PID09 is used to identify the language being used in PID05. Comments: 1.If PID01 equals "F", then PID05 is used. If PID01 equals "S", then PID04 is used. If PID01 equals "X", then both PID04 and PID05 are used. 2. Use PID06 when necessary to refer to the product surface or layer being described in the segment. 3. PID07 specifies the individual code list of the agency specified in PID03. Element Summary: Ref _ PID01 PID05 Id_ Element Name 349 Item Description Type Description: Code indicating the format of a description. Code Name F Free-form 352 Description Description: A free-form description to clarify the related data elements and their content. _ Req M X Type ID Min/Max 1/1 Usage_ Must use AN 1/80 Used User: A more detailed description of the Product/Service listed in IT107 November 2020 84 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A TXI Tax Information Pos: 250 Max: >1 Detail - Optional Loop: IT1 Elements: 8 To specify tax information: Syntax: R020306 -- At least one of TXI02, TXI03 or TXI06 is required. P0405 -- If either TXI04 or TXI05 are present, then the others are required. C0803 -- If TXI08 is present, then TXI03 is required. Semantics: 1. TXI02 is the monetary amount of the tax. 2. TXI03 is the tax percent expressed as a decimal. 3. TXI07 is a code indicating the relationship of the price or amount to the associated segment. Element Summary: Ref _ TXI01 TXI02 Id_ Element Name 963 Tax Type Code Description: Code specifying the type of tax. _ Req M Code AB CA CG CT FD FR LO LT OH OT SC SL SP ST SU TX VA Name Surtax City Tax Federal Value-Added Tax (GST) on Goods User Note: "CG" is used for GST Goods and Services County Tax Federal Tax Description: Usage tax imposed by federal (US and Canadian) government. Franchise Tax Local Tax (Not Sales Tax) Description: Service tax imposed on a local level. Local Sales Tax Other Taxes Occupational Tax School Tax State and Local State/Provincial Tax State Sales Tax Sales and Use Tax All Taxes (combined) Value Added Tax 782 Monetary Amount X Description: Monetary amount. Type ID Min/Max 2/2 Usage_ Must use R 1/18 Used TXI03 954 Percent Description: Percentage expressed as a decimal. X R 1/10 Used November 2020 85 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A TXI04 TXI05 TXI07 TXI08 TXI10 955 Tax Jurisdiction Code Qualifier X Description: Code identifying the source of the data used in tax jurisdiction code. Code Name VD Vendor defined 956 Tax Jurisdiction Code X Description: Code identifying the taxing jurisdiction. 662 Relationship Code O Description: Code indicating the relationship between entities. User: Indicates whether the amount in this segment is to be used in summing. Code A I O Name Add Included Information Only Description: Charges that relate to but may not be included in or added to the unit price of the SLN. (i.e., compute WATS calculation based upon usage amounts). 828 Dollar Basis For Percent O Description: Dollar basis to be used in the percent calculation of the allowance, charge or tax. 350 Assigned Identification O ID 2/2 AN 1/10 ID 1/1 R 1/9 AN 1/20 Used Used Used Used Used November 2020 86 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A ITA Allowance, Charge or Service Pos: 310 Max: 1 Detail - Optional Loop: IT1 Elements: 6 To specify allowances, charges, or services: Syntax: L02031314 -- If ITA02 is present, then at least one of ITA03, ITA13 or ITA14 is required. C0809 -- If ITA08 is present, then ITA09 is required. P1011 -- If either ITA10 or ITA11 are present, then the others are required. C1502 -- If ITA15 is present, then ITA02 is required. C1712 -- If ITA17 is present, then ITA12 is required. Semantics: 1. ITA09 is the allowance or charge percent. 2.ITA10 is the quantity basis when the allowance or charge quantity is different from the purchase order or invoice quantity. 3. ITA12 is the quantity of free goods. Comments: 1. If ITA01 equals "A" - allowance or "C" - charge, then at least one of ITA06, ITA07, or ITA08 must be present. 2. ITA02 identifies the source of the code value in ITA03 or ITA15. 3. If ITA07 is present with either ITA06 or ITA08, then ITA07 takes precedence. 4. ITA13 is used to clarify the allowance, charge, or service. 5. ITA15 specifies the individual code list of the agency specified in ITA02. 6. ITA16 describes the relationship of ITA06, ITA07 or ITA09 to an associated segment. Element Summary: Ref _ ITA01 ITA02 ITA04 Id_ Element Name _ Req 248 Allowance or Charge Indicator M Description: Code which indicates an allowance or charge for the service specified. Code A C N Name Allowance Charge No Allowance or Charge 559 Agency Qualifier Code X Description: Code identifying the agency assigning the code values. Code Name TI Telecommunications Industry 331 Allowance or Charge Method of Handling Code M Description: Code indicating method of handling for an allowance or charge. Code 04 06 Name Credit Customer Account Charge to be Paid by Customer Type ID Min/Max 1/1 Usage_ Must use ID 2/2 Used ID 2/2 Must use November 2020 87 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A ITA07 ITA14 ITA16 360 Allowance or Charge Total Amount O Description: Total dollar amount for the allowance or charge. 150 Special Charge or Allowance Code X Description: Code identifying type of special charge or allowance. User: See TCIF section 10.4 for valid values. 662 Relationship Code O Description: Code indicating the relationship between entities. Code I O Name Included Information Only Description: Charges that relate to but may not be included in or added to the unit price of the SLN. (i.e., compute WATS calculation based upon usage amounts). N2 1/15 ID 3/3 ID 1/1 Used Used Used November 2020 88 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A SLN Subline Item Detail To specify product subline detail item data: Syntax: P0405 -- If either SLN04 or SLN05 are present, then the others are required. C0706 -- If SLN07 is present, then SLN06 is required. C0806 -- If SLN08 is present, then SLN06 is required. P0910 -- If either SLN09 or SLN10 are present, then the others are required. P1112 -- If either SLN11 or SLN12 are present, then the others are required. P1314 -- If either SLN13 or SLN14 are present, then the others are required. P1516 -- If either SLN15 or SLN16 are present, then the others are required. P1718 -- If either SLN17 or SLN18 are present, then the others are required. P1920 -- If either SLN19 or SLN20 are present, then the others are required. P2122 -- If either SLN21 or SLN22 are present, then the others are required. P2324 -- If either SLN23 or SLN24 are present, then the others are required. P2526 -- If either SLN25 or SLN26 are present, then the others are required. P2728 -- If either SLN27 or SLN28 are present, then the others are required. Pos: 390 Max: 1 Detail - Optional Loop: SLN Elements: 8 Semantics: 1. SLN01 is the identifying number for the subline item. 2.SLN02 is the identifying number for the subline level. The subline level is analogous to the level code used in a bill of materials. 3. SLN03 is the configuration code indicating the relationship of the subline item to the baseline item. 4. SLN08 is a code indicating the relationship of the price or amount to the associated segment. Comments: 1. See the Data Element Dictionary for a complete list of IDs. 2.SLN01 is related to (but not necessarily equivalent to) the baseline item number. Example: 1.1 or 1A might be used as a subline number to relate to baseline number 1. 3.SLN09 through SLN28 provide for ten different product/service IDs for each item. For example: Case, Color, Drawing No., U.P.C. No., ISBN No., Model No., or SKU. User: The SLN loop may only appear at HL8 (Charge Detail level). Element Summary: Ref _ SLN01 Id_ Element Name _ Req 350 Assigned Identification M Description: Alphanumeric characters assigned for differentiation within a transaction set. Type AN Min/Max 1/20 Usage_ Must use SLN03 662 Relationship Code Description: Code indicating the relationship between entities. M ID 1/1 Must use SLN04 Code Name I Included 380 Quantity Description: Numeric value of quantity. November 2020 X R 1/15 Used 89 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ SLN05 SLN06 SLN08 SLN09 SLN10 Id_ Element Name _ Req C001 Composite Unit of Measure Description: For examples of composite data elements see Figures Appendix in X12 Standards. 355 Unit or Basis for Measurement Code M Description: Code specifying the units in which a value is being expressed, or manner in which a measurement has been taken. Code 03 12 1I 1N 2P AH BL C0 DQ EJ HR KB KF M4 MJ UN Name Seconds Packets Fixed Rate Count kilobytes Additional Minutes Block Calls Description: Number of calls handled Data Record. Locations Hours Kilocharacters Kilopackets Description: Kilopackets of data transmitted. Monetary Value Minutes Unit 212 Unit Price X Description: Price per unit of product, service, commodity, etc. 662 Relationship Code O Description: Code indicating the relationship between entities. Code I O Name Included Information Only Description: Charges that relate to but may not be included in or added to the unit price of the SLN. (i.e., compute WATS calculation based upon usage amounts) 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier X Description: Code identifying the type/source of the descriptive number used in Product/Service ID (234). Code SK SV Name Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) Service Rendered 234 Product/Service ID X Description: Identifying number for a product or service. User: See TCIF section 10.4 for complete list of valid values. If SLN09 = `SK' Type Min/Max Usage_ Comp Used ID 2/2 Must use R 1/17 ID 1/1 Used Must Use ID 2/2 Used AN 1/48 Used November 2020 90 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ SLN011 Id_ Element Name then SLN10 contains the SKU _ Req If SLN09 = `SV' then SLN10 contains the Service Rendered Possible SI DE235/DE234 pairs Code 0200 0220 0225 0250 0400 0500 0700 0900 1000 1200 1400 1410 1420 1430 1450 1600 1605 1615 1650 1740 1820 1830 1850 1880 1910 2010 2500 Name Monthly Service Charge Summary Charge Mileage Charge CENTREX/ESSX Other Charges and Credits/Additions and Changes Itemized Calls Usage Directory Assistance WATS Equipment Other Voice Services Advanced Intelligent Network ISDN Service Remote Call Forwarding (RCF) Information Services Non-Voice Service Packet Switching Custom Local Access Switch Services (CLASS) Video Services Miscellaneous Voice Mail Extended Area 976 800 Common Line Billing/Transaction Processing Charges Directory Product Purchases 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier X Description: Code identifying the type/source of the descriptive number used in Product/Service ID (234). Code Name ZZ Mutually Defined Type Min/Max Usage_ ID 2/2 Used November 2020 91 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A SLN12 234 Product/Service ID Description: contains three bytes that identify Charge Type. 1. The first byte contains the Charge Type Code. 2. The second byte contains the Charge Sub Type Code. 3. The third byte contains the Activity Code. Possible SI DE235/DE234 pairs First byte (Charge Type Code): Code Name A Adjustments B Prepaid C Summary D Discount E Extra Service Baseline Summary F Extra Service ARC/RRC Summary M Customer Level Minimum Spend N Non-recurring P Promotions R Recurring S Service display only T Tax CLIN (Informational) U Usage X Unknown Y Rounding Difference Second byte (Charge Sub Type Code): Code Name A Adjustment B Bulk upload Adjustment C Consumption Event E Early Termination Liability F Recurring Feature Charge I Incollect charges L Line Rental M Product Level Minimum Spend N Adjust/Discount/Promotion applied on an NRC O One Time Contractual Credit/Signing Bonus P One Time Contractual Charges/Penalties R Adjust/Discount/Promotion applied on an MRC S Service related charges U Adjust/Discount/Promotion applied to Usage W Waived Charges Third byte (Activity Code): Code Name F Recurring Feature Charge 1 Change 2 Install 3 Cancel 4 Disconnect 5 Create 6 Modify 7 Dial-up 8 Dedicated 9 Dial-up Dedicated November 2020 X AN 1/48 Used 92 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide A Activate B Credit C One-time D Expedite E Distributed Corporate Charges VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A November 2020 93 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A SI Service Characteristic Identification Pos: 400 Max: 2 Detail - Optional Loop: SLN Elements: 21 To specify service characteristic data: Syntax: P0405 -- If either SI04 or SI05 are present, then the others are required. P0607 -- If either SI06 or SI07 are present, then the others are required. P0809 -- If either SI08 or SI09 are present, then the others are required. P1011 -- If either SI10 or SI11 are present, then the others are required. P1213 -- If either SI12 or SI13 are present, then the others are required. P1415 -- If either SI14 or SI15 are present, then the others are required. P1617 -- If either SI16 or SI17 are present, then the others are required. P1819 -- If either SI18 or SI19 are present, then the others are required. P2021 -- If either SI20 or SI21 are present, then the others are required. Comments: 1. SI01 defines the source for each of the service characteristic qualifiers. User: See section 10.4 for valid values when using data element 1000/234 pairs. Element Summary: Ref _ SI01 SI02 Id_ Element Name _ Req 559 Agency Qualifier Code M Description: Code identifying the agency assigning the code values. Code Name TI Telecommunications Industry 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier M Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See TCIF section 10.4 for complete list of valid values. Possible SI DE1000/DE234 pairs: `A1' Actual/Assumed Usage Indicator: A code that identifies usage as being based upon actual recorded usage or assumed usage. 'BA' Band `BT' Basic Service Type `CE' Cellular Air Time Package Code `CH' Partial Period Ind: A CABS Indicator which Indicates the incidence (or lack thereof) of a change during the usage billing cycle. `CT' Common Segment Hops `CZ' Cellular Usage Indicator: A code used to identify cellular usage and separate cellular usage type. 'DA' Directory Assistance Category Code `DB' Directory Book Code The Yellow Pages Publishing Association (YPPA) Directory Type ID Min/Max 2/2 Usage_ Must use AN 2/2 Must use November 2020 94 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ Id_ Element Name _ Req Publication code. SOURCE: Publisher Contact List AVAILABLE FROM: Yellow Pages Publishing Association Operations Group 820 Kirts Blvd - Suite 100 Troy, MI 48084 (248) 244-6200 (248) 244-0700 (Fax) INTERNET: `DC' Directionality Indicator: A CABS code that identifies directionality. 'DH' Discount/Promo Application Code 'DI' Department Code/Customer ID Code `DJ' Sub-Departmental ID Code `DN' Directory Book Name 'DP' Different Premise Address/Location Code `DS' Discount Planned Code `DZ' Directory Advertising Category Code 'EN' Earning Number `FN' From Telephone Number `IC' Summary Office Identification (CLLI code) 'KS' Key System Number `K1' Digital Network Info System ID (DNIS ID) `LF' mmLine Class Code `LJ' Local Transport Element: A CABS Indicator which identifies the type of traffic to which local transport charges apply. `LX' Local Exchange: Indicates the provider's NPA/NXX `LA' LATA 'LN' Listed Telephone Number `MC' Message or Rate Class `MT' Message Type `NC' Network Channel Code: Identifies the network channel code for the circuit(s) involved. It describes the channel provided by the exchange company between two customer locations. `NG' Network Point Indicator `NI' Network Channel Interface Code: Indicates the electrical and physical interface between the telecommunications provider office and the customer location. `NJ' Secondary Network Channel Interface Code (SECNCI): Identifies the electrical connotation on the circuit at the secondary ACTL or primary location. `NK' Network Path Indicator `P0' Pricing Plan Type Indicator Type Min/Max Usage_ November 2020 95 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ Id_ Element Name _ Req `NP' NPA (Area Code) 'OC' Other Charges and Credits Category Code 'OD' Other Charges and Credits Description Code `OL' Originating Location `PA' Primary/Originating Message Carrier Identification Identifies a third party service provider. `PQ' Major Product Code `PU' Percent of Interstate Usage (PIU): Specifies the percent of interstate traffic, a physically intrastate circuit carries or is capable of carrying. `R2' Routing Indicator: A CABS code which identifies how the usage was routed through the network. `RF' Related Circuit Number `RJ' Rate Zone for Taxing (Switch / Taxing Geo code) 'RP' Rate Period Code `RS' Rate Schedule. Identifies the rating schedule used to calculate usage charges. For CABS, a code that denotes whether a premium or non-premium rate is applied or when there is no distinction between premium and non-premium in the tariff. `RT' State Code `RY' Local / Toll Indicator 'SA' Service Activity Code 'SC' Service Category Code 'SD' Settlement Code 'SF' Service Feature/Option Code 'SG' Service Group: A CABS Indicator denoting the Feature Group. 'SS' Service Sub-category Code `ST' Message Service Type `SQ' Sub-Product Code `TE' Transmission Speed `TL' Terminating Location `TM' To Number 'TN' Telephone Number 'TT' Transmission Type `UB' Class of Service (USOC) Indicator: A code used to identify the type of USOC presented in customer 'WN' Wide Area Telephone Service (WATS) Line Number SITS Code 'WS' Wide Area Telephone Service (WATS) Line Number SIS Code `Z1' Transport Rate Element Indicator: A CABS code that denotes which transport rate element applies. `Z2' Local Service Element: A CABS code that denotes which local service element applies. Type Min/Max Usage_ November 2020 96 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ Id_ Element Name _ Req `Z3' Local Service Traffic Type Indicator: A CABS code that identifies the local service traffic type. `Z4' Directory Assistance Type Indicator: A CABS code that identifies the type of directory assistance usage charge. `Z5' Operator Services Type Indicator: A CABS code that identifies the operator service category type of charge. `Z6' Operator Type Indicator: A CABS code that denotes the type of operator usage being billed or the type of operator surcharge being applied. `Z7'End Office/Common Carrier Line Indicator: A CABS code that indicates if the Usage data is End Office Usage Detail or Carrier Common Line Usage Detail. `Z8' End Office Element: A CABS code that identifies the major element applicable for the end office usage charges. `Z9' Common Line Element: A CABS code that identifies the traffic type and directionality or other methods of assessing common line access charge. `ZA' End Office Traffic Type Indicator: A CABS code that identifies the type of traffic for the end office. `ZB' Originating/Terminating Office Code: A code that identifies the CLLI code of the End office in which traffic originates or terminates. `ZC' Service Method || Entry Code Service Method: Differentiates special traffic Entry Code: Distinguishes whether the traffic being processed is EVS traffic or tells the type of EVS traffic. `ZD' Call Termination `ZE' Access Code for Conferencing. `ZF' Operator Assisted Code `ZI' Activity Code `ZL' Description (can contain the "identifying code" for the conference held and is usually a seq#/id code followed by the leader's last name). `ZM' Suite (Can contain the Conference Suit Description (i.e. UNATTENDED) `99' Continuation of Location Type Min/Max Usage_ SI03 234 Product/Service ID Description: Identifying number for a product or service. User: If DE1000 'A1' `1' Actual Usage `2' Assumed Usage (Non Recorded) M AN 1/48 Must use November 2020 97 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide Ref _ Id_ Element Name If DE1000 = `CE' A - Cellular Call (type unknown) D - Daily Roamer Surcharge E - Extended Home Area F - Forwarded G - Regional Roaming H - Home Airtime L - Landline Termination N - Market Roaming R - Out-of-Territory Roaming T - Toll If DE1000 `CH' `06' Change occurred, partial period is before change `07' = Change occurred for this partial period If DE1000 = CT A - Interswitch DTO for Redirect B - Intraswitch DTO for Redirect C - Call Leg 1 no hops D - Call Leg 2 no hops E - Call Leg 3 no hops F - Call Leg 1 w/ 1 hop G - Call Leg 1 w/ 2 hops H - Call Leg 1 w/ 3 hops I - Call Leg 1 w/ 4 hops J - Call Leg 1 w/ 5 hops K - Call Leg 2 w/ 1 hop L - Call Leg 2 w/ 2 hops M - Call Leg 2 w/ 3 hops N - Call Leg 2 w/ 4 hops O - Call Leg 2 w/ 5 hops 1 - 1 Overflow Hop for NCR (Network Call Redirect) 2 - 2 Overflow Hops for NCR (Network Call Redirect) 3 - 3 Overflow Hops for NCR (Network Call Redirect) 4 - 4 Overflow Hops for NCR (Network Call Redirect) 5 - 5 Overflow Hops for NCR (Network Call Redirect) 6 - 6 Overflow Hops for NCR (Network Call Redirect) 7 - 7 Overflow Hops for NCR (Network Call Redirect) 8 - 8 Overflow Hops for NCR (Network Call Redirect) November 2020 VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A _ Req Type Min/Max Usage_ 98 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide Ref _ Id_ Element Name 9 - 9 Overflow Hops for NCR (Network Call Redirect) If DE1000 'CZ' `0' Not Cellular Usage `1' Cellular Usage `A' Type 1 connection `B' Type 2 connection If DE1000 'DA' '01' Local '02' Intrastate/Intraprovincial '03' Intrastate/IntraLATA '04' Intrastate/InterLATA '05' Interstate/Interprovincial '06' Interstate/IntraLATA '07' Interstate/InterLATA '08' Corridor '09' 411 '10' 555 '11' Both 411 and 555 combined '15' Intrastate Operator '19' Call Credit '21' Information Call Completion '22' Intrastate Call Completion '23' Interstate Call Completion '24' Name/Address '26' 555 National '32' Business Listing If DE1000 'DC' `O' Originating `T' Terminating `C' Combination of Originating and Terminating If DE1000 'DI' 'F' Flat Rate 'P' Percentage If DE1000 `DH' `1' Flat Dollar Discount November 2020 VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A _ Req Type Min/Max Usage_ 99 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide Ref _ Id_ Element Name `2' Percentage Discount `3' Seasonal Suspend `4' Universal Service Schools and Libraries Discount `5' Promotions If DE1000 `DZ' `01' DA Issue Billing `10' DA Monthly Billing `15' DA Adjustment `20' Credit/Debit `25' DA Sales `30' Increase in DA `35' Decrease in DA If DE1000 `LA' Format can be Originating LATA "/" Terminating LATA If DE1000 ` LF' `1' Restricted Centrex line `2' Unrestricted Centrex line `3' Patient Station Centrex line `4' WATS line (both inward and outward) `5' 800 Service line `6' Circuit Alias `7' Individual Line `8' Two Party Line `A' Four Party Line `B' Digital Centrex Line `C' Cocots Line `D' Eight Party Line `E' ISDN BRI Line `F' ISDN PRI Line `G' Remote Forward Line `H' Digital Circuit Line `I' Circuit Line `J' Public Line `K' Semi Public Line `L' PBX Inward Line `M' PBX Outward Line `N' PBX Combination Line November 2020 VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A _ Req Type Min/Max Usage_ 100 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ Id_ `O' MRNE Air Line `P' Centrex Line Element Name _ Req Type Min/Max Usage_ If DE1000 'LJ' '00' Local Transport Equals Statistics* `01' Unidentified (Traffic Type/Directionality Unknown `02' Originating Operator Handled 0+ `04' Originating Operator Handled 800 `05' Originating MOU `06' 06 Originating 976 V15 `07' Originating Operator Handled 700 `08' Originating 800 Data Base `09' Originating Operator Handled 900 `10' Originating Operator MOU `11' Originating International Operator `12' Originating Operator Pass Thru/MOU/OPH 0-/Operator Transfer `13' Originating Operator Pass Thru/Messages/Operator Transfer `14' Originating 00-Coin `15' Originating Domestic Dialed MOU `16' Originating Cellular `17' Originating 500 Service `18' Originating-Switched Data Service (ISDN Interconnected Traffic) `19' Originating Telecommunications Relay Service(TRS) `20' Originating IDDD MOU `21' Originating-Switched 56 KBPS `22' Originating - SNC `23' Originating WATS MOU `24' Originating 800 not PIL'D `26' Originating-800 Common Line `27' Terminating 800 Serv MOU `30' Originating 900 Service MOU `31' Originating 700 Service `32' Terminating SNC `33' Terminating Directory Assistance MOU `34' Originating Coin 1+ `35' Terminating MOU `36' Terminating-Switched 56 KBPS `38' Terminating-Carrier Estimated `39' Terminating-Cellular `40' FG A Supplement November 2020 101 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ Id_ Element Name _ Req Type Min/Max Usage_ `41' Originating Directory Assist `42' FG B Supplement `44' Originating Coin 0+ `46' Originating Credit Card `47' Calling Card Count `48' Billed Number Screening `49' Calling Name (CNAM) `50' Originating Line Number Screening (OLNS) `62' Terminating-Switched Data Service (R1) `71' Terminating IOPH `73' Originating Local Trans Credit `74' Terminating Local Trans Credit `81' Terminating OutWATS-FG C `82' Terminating IDDD `84' Terminating - 800 not PIL'D `90' Local Transport Subtotal `91' Total of All Discounts `92' Ttl Lcl Trans Fac Chg for EC `93' Ttl Lcl Trans Term Chg for EC `94' Ttl Lcl Trans Chg for EC `95' State Subttl `96' Ttl Lcl Trans RIC Chg for EC `97' Total Tandem Switching Charge for EC `98' Ttl Lcl Trans Muxing Chg for EC `99' Local Transport Ttl' `9L' Total Tandem Switch Termination `9M' Total Tandem Trunk Side `NA' Minutes not Billed In Local Transport or Statistics Total Record** `B1' Common Transport-Fixed `B2' Originating 64 Clear Channel `B3' Terminating 64 Clear Channel `B4' Originating Multi 64 CCC `B5' Terminating Multi 64 CCC `B7' Originating Operator Handled 500 `C1' Operator-950 `C2' Originating-950 `D1' Debit Card `D2' Debit Card (International) `F1' Call Set Up `F2' Call Duration November 2020 102 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide Ref _ Id_ Element Name `R2' Terminating EAS V38 `R3' ISP (Internet Service Provider) MOU `H8' Ttl. Transit Local If DE1000 = MC DS - Dial Station, OS - Operator Station, If DE1000 = MT CC - Calling Card CL - Collect CP - Coin Paid SC - Special Collect SP - Sent Paid TF - Toll Free TN - Third Number If DE1000 'NG' `1' End Office `2' LTL/SWC `3' Tandem `4' Host `5' Remote `6' HUB `7' Dial Tone Office `8' Terminating Office ID `9' Host/Tandem # `A' Host/Remote # `B' Gateway Tandem If DE1000 'NK' `1' Serving wire center to dial tone office `2' Dial-tone office to terminating end office `3' Host office to remote office `4' Serving wire center to host office `5' Tandem to host `6' HUB to host `7' End office to tandem `8' End office to HUB `9' Dial-tone office to host November 2020 VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A _ Req Type Min/Max Usage_ 103 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ Id_ Element Name `A' Serving wire center to terminating end office `B' Serving wire center to end office `C' Serving wire center to tandem `E' Tandem to Tandem `G' End Office to End Office `H' TOPS to Terminating End Office `J' End Office to Gateway Tandem `K' Gateway Tandem to Host _ Req Type Min/Max Usage_ If DE1000 'OC' '02' Annual Inventory '06' Out of Service '08' Miscellaneous Activity '12' Service Order Activity '16' Interest on deposit 'B01' Charge or credit related to rate change 'C01' Addition, change or deletion related to monthly recurring events 'D01' Adjustment related to previously billed event 'D07' Late payment charge `D09' Transferred Billing Charges/Payments 'E01' Refund 'E02' Interest 'E03' Deposit Refund 'G01' Charge or credit related to installment billing 'H01' Charge or credit related to nonrecurring event `H14' Change/rearrangement/removal 'H16' Gift of service/installation `H20' Promotional Credit/Discount/Gift If DE1000 `OD' `02'=Inventory `03' = UBB Overage Charge `06'=Out of service credit `07'=Out of service charge `08'=Miscellaneous activity (also used for held deposit) `09' = ESG Portal OC&C `10' = ESG Claim OC&C `11' = eRate OC&C `12'=Service order activity `14'=Deposit refund November 2020 104 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ Id_ Element Name _ Req `16'=Interest on a deposit `17'=Installment Billing: Charges Included in Installment Plan `18'=Installment billing `19'=Installment Billing Credit `20'=Rate change `22'=Fractional charge `24'=Fractional credit `26'=Non-recurring charge `28'=Non-recurring credit `29'= Save Winback (Retain Credit) `30'=Gift service `32'=Rate refund `34'=Interest on rate refund `36' = Late Payment Charge `37'=Maintenance Contracts '40' Invoiced Adjustment `48' = Termination `50'=BAC Total '60' = Addition of Contact `61'= Removal of Contract `62' = Contract Rate Increase `63' = Contract Rate Decrease `64' = NICB Retroactive Charge `65' = Shortfall Penalty '66 = Termination Penalty Charge `80' = Balance Transfer `81' = Carryover Charge `92'=Full Month Recurring Charge `94'=Full Month Recurring Discount `95' = National Discount Tax Adjustment (used between Media and VAC) `96' = TBR National Tax Adjustment for NBBE Billing `97'=Interest for installment billing debit amount `98'=Interest for installment billing credit amount `99' = Installment billing surcharge Type Min/Max Usage_ November 2020 If DE1000 = P0 D - Duration Based C - Application Counter Based B - Combination of Duration & Application Counter Based N - Not in-plan 105 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ Id_ P - Price Cap Y - In-plan Element Name If DE1000 `R2' and CABS (REF*06 = `05' OR REF*06 = `16') `1' = Direct Routed `2' = Tandem Routed `3' = TSP Direct Routed `4' = TSP Tandem Routed If DE1000 = R2 and NOT CABS 0 - Not Available for call 1 - Off Net 2 - Local Origination 3 - Local Termination 4 - On Net 5 - Excluded (such as calling card/pre-rated calls) A - Local Network to Local Network B - Local Network to Dedicated C - Local Network to Switched Access CA - Card Access D - Dedicated to Local Network DA - Dedicated Access E - Switched Access to Local Network F - Switched Access to Switched Access FRA FreePhone Remote Access G - Dedicated to Dedicated H - Switched to Dedicated I - Dedicated to Switched Access J - Local Network to Mobile K - Switched Access to Mobile L - Dedicated to Mobile M - Customized Announcement MT - Mobile Termination N - Mobile to Local Network O - Mobile to Switched Access P - Mobile to Dedicated Q = Local Originating R = Dedicated Originating RSA - Register Site Access S = Switched Originating November 2020 _ Req Type Min/Max Usage_ 106 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide Ref _ Id_ Element Name SA = Switched Access T = Local Termination U = Dedicated Termination V = Switched Termination W = Local to Verizon Wireless X = Switched to Verizon Wireless Y = Dedicated to Verizon Wireless If DE1000 = RJ 100 - West Orange, NJ 300 - Atlanta, GA 310 MiniMode 400 - West Sacramento, CA If DE1000 `RP' `01' Peak `02' Off Peak `03' Day `04' Evening `05' Night/Weekend `06' Weekend (when separate from night) `07' Special Intrastate `08' Late night `09' Regular (Non time of day WATS) `10' Discount `11' Economy `12' Prime `13' Standard `14' Multi-period If DE1000 `RS' `1' Premium `2' Non-premium `3' Non-distinct `4' Discounted Premium `S' Simple Rate `T' Tiered Rate If DE1000 = RY L - Local November 2020 VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A _ Req Type Min/Max Usage_ 107 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ Id_ Element Name T - Toll / Long Distance _ Req Type Min/Max Usage_ If DE1000 'SA' `A' Add `AF' Add Feature(s) `C' Change `CF' Change From `CT' Change To `D' Delete `H' Short Term `I' Include `L' Seasonal `P' PIC Change `R' Record Information only `RA' Record Activity Add `RD' Record Activity Delete `RF' Remove Feature(s) `RL' Relocate Service Location `RS' Restore Service `S' Reseller Assume `SS' Suspend Service `V' Conversion as specified `W' Conversion as is `X' Exclude `Y' Deny If DE1000 'SC' For Verizon Rapid Delivery (VRD), SI pair SC contains the Feature Instance ID. Notes: 1. For VRD bundled services, the Feature Instance ID is at the Bundle-Level; hence all the bundled products can have the same Feature Instance ID. 2, The VRD Feature Instance ID is an unique value for almost each individual charge. Also see the VRD Feature Code provided in the SI Pair UB. November 2020 If DE1000 'SD' `AB' Intra US/US `EE' Interstate - InterLATA `ER' Interstate/IntraLATA `IR' Interstate 108 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ Id_ Element Name `IA' Intrastate `IC' Inter US, Hawaii, Puerto Rico & US Virgin Islands `IT' International `LO' Local `N'B' International International Point/International Point `NC' International US or Canada `NJ' Non-Jurisdictional `RE' Intrastate - InterLATA `RR' Intrastate/IntraLATA _ Req Type Min/Max Usage_ If DE1000 'SF' in all billing systems: '05' Packet Switched Services (Infopath) '10' ISDN '15' CLASS - Custom Local Access Switch Services (includes I.Q. Services, Pay-Per-Use, IntelliSmart and Call Answering) '20' Direct Customer Access(DCA) '25' Gateway Services '35' Circuit 9 (Information Provider Service) '40' Centrex Extended Usage '50' AIN '60' Single Number Service '70' Virtual Private Network In expressTRAK and Legacy South: '30' Switched 56 Kbps '45' Voice Messaging Service In Legacy North: '30' Announcement Service '45' Verizon Electronic White Pages 'A1' Switched Wide Band 'A2' Group Bridging 'A3' IINS Plan 'B2' Inf Numbering Plan (INPS) 'B5' Circuit 9 (Enduser Transport) 'B6' Circuit 9 (Enduser Details) 'B7' Circuit 9 (Subscriber Transport) 'B8' Circuit 9 (Subscriber B&C) 'WA' Wide Area Centrex November 2020 109 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide Ref _ Id_ Element Name If DE1000 `SG' `A' Feature Group A `B' Feature Group B `C' Feature Group C `D' Feature Group D `G' Electronic Directory Assistance `I' IntraLATA Wholesale Service `L' Cellular Type 1 `N' Net conference `Q' LATA Wide Paging `S` Cellular Type 2A `T' Cellular Type 2B If DE1000 'SS' `1' Local Calling `5' Message Units `M' Metered `N' Non-metered If DE1000 'ST' `CE' - Cellular If DE1000 'TE' A - 56 or 64 Kbps B - 128 C - 192 D - 256 E - 320 F - 384 G - 448 H - 512 I - 576 J - 640 K - 704 L - 768 M - 832 N - 896 P - 960 Q - 1024 R - 1088 November 2020 VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A _ Req Type Min/Max Usage_ 110 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ Id_ S - 1152 T - 1216 U - 1280 V - 1344 W - 1408 X - 1472 Y - 1536 Element Name _ Req Type Min/Max Usage_ If DE1000 'TT' Values for non-CABS billing systems: 2 - Universal Domestic 3 - Coverage-Ext Call 5 - Intracountry 6 - Virtual Network Con 7 - Concert VNS 8 - Market Area Calling 9 - Global Voice VPN A - Standard A Analog B - Standard B Digital C - Cellular D - Canada E - Mexico F - Non USA Caribbean G - Intrastate - Intralata H - Intrastate - Interlata I - Internet Fax K - Domestic to International L - Extended Call Coverage to International M - Standard M Digital N - International to International O - Domestics R - Aeronautical Digital if DE1000 `UB' For Verizon Rapid Delivery (VRD), SI pair UB contains the VRD Feature Code. The VRD Feature Code is more like a product code. November 2020 if DE1000 `Z1' `1' Transport facility mileage sensitive `2' Transport termination `3' Transport facility non-mileage sensitive 111 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ Id_ Element Name _ Req `4' Shared (Common) Trunk Ports `5' LIDB Transport `6' LIDB Applications `7' RIC/ACE (Residual Interconnection Charge/Access Connection Element) `8' Multiplexing `9' Banded `A' Tandem Switching `B' Facility/Banded `D' CONUS (Continental US) Transport `E' Intra-Alaska Transport `F' Intermediate (Transit) Tandem Transport `G' Blended Rates `H' Local Rates `L' Tandem Switch Termination `M` Tandem Trunk Side `R' Transit Local `W' Banded RIC `Y' Expanded LATA-Wide Tandem Switching Type Min/Max Usage_ If DE1000 `Z2' `1' Interconnection `2' 800 Access `3' Operator `9' Local Service Total If DE1000 `Z3' `05' Originating 800 Data Base `06' 800 - Record Process `20' Directory Assistance `25' Directory Transport `50' Services (Operator) `60` Terminating MOU `90' Subtotal Local Service November 2020 If DE1000 `Z4' `01' LEC Branding `02' Branding `03' Call Completion Messages `04' Call Completion Conversation MOU* `05' Live Operator 112 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ Id_ Element Name _ Req `06' Live Operator with Branding `07' Local `08' Toll `10' Name & Address (Reverse DA) `11' Telephone Number `12' Expanded Area DA Search `13' Branding Surcharge `14' Telephone Number and Name and Address `15' Credits `20' Direct Access Single Listing V `21' Electronic White Pages `22' Direct Access Multiple Listings `33' Non-Published Call Notification `34' Direct Dial `35' Business Category Search `40' Unbranded `42' Call Completion Attempts `51' Short Message Service (SMS) `52' Wholesale Automated Directory Assistance Call Completion (WADACC) `53' Short Message Service (SMS) / Wholesale Automated Directory Assistance Call Completion (WADACC) `55' Returned Calls `56' Introductory Messages `59' Reverse DA Credit Type Min/Max Usage_ If DE1000 `Z5' `1' Mass Announcement `2' Busy Line Verification `3' Call Interrupt `4' 0+/Mechanized Operator Calls `5' 0-/Operator Work Time `N' Call Completion Termination `O' Operator Handled/Partially Automated `R' Recording Services November 2020 If DE1000 `Z6' `1' Calling Card `2' Bill to Third `3' Collect `4' Calling Card - Operator Dialed 113 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide Ref _ Id_ Element Name `5' Billed to Third - Operator Dialed `6' Collect - Operator Dialed `7' Operator Dialed `A' Person to Person `B' Traffic Service Positions (TSPS) `C' TSPS/Mileage `D' TSPS Not Customer Dialed `E' Calling Card Mileage `G' Automated Coin Toll Service Usage `J' Branding `K' Returned Calls `R' Time and Charge `S' Sent Paid `T' Call Completion Attempts `U' Call Completion Access `V' Connection Services `W' OLNS (Originating Line Number Screening) `X' Emergency Assistance `Y' Station to Station `Z' Miscellaneous If DE1000 `Z7' '05' Local Transport Usage Detail '10' End Office Usage Detail '15' Carrier Common Line Usage Detail '20' Miscellaneous Usage Detail '25' Local Service Usage Detail If DE1000 `Z8' `05' Local Switching `10' Line Termination `15' Intercept `17' DA Information Surcharge `18' Information Surcharge Multi 64 CCC `19' Call Set Up `20' Message Unit Credit `21' Common Switching `22' Automatic Number Identification `23' Called Directory Number Delivery `26' 800 Data Base Query Charge November 2020 VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A _ Req Type Min/Max Usage_ 114 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ Id_ Element Name _ Req Type Min/Max Usage_ `27' 500 Data Base Query Charge `29' 500 Service Customer Identification Charge(pre data base) `30' Switched 56 KPBS Surcharge `31' Blended Rate `35' Initial Address Message Delivery `40' Inter-Tandem Trunking (RCC) `43' Bulk Calling Line Information Delivery `45' Support Fund `46' Multi 64 CCC Support Fund `47' Interim Access `48' Universal Service Fund `50' Charge Number `51' Equal Access Recovery Charge `54' Tandem Signaling `60' Call Duration `71' Shared (Common) Trunk Ports `91' Total of All Discounts `99' End Office Total If DE1000 `Z9' `03' Originating 700/900 `04' Originating 700 `05' Originating MOU `06' Originating 500/700/800/900 `08' Originating 900 `09' Originating 800/900 `10' Terminating MOU `11' Originating 800 Data Base `12' Terminating 800 Credit `14' Originating 700/800 `15' Terminating 800 `16' Originating Multi 64 CCC `17' Terminating Multi 64 CCC `21' Originating SNC `22' Terminating SNC `30' Non-800 Terminating Usage Charge `33' Originating Cellular `34' Terminating Cellular `36' Originating 500 Service `50' Access Line Charge (no traffic type or directionality required) November 2020 115 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ Id_ Element Name `51' Terminating Interim Access Minutes `52' Terminating Universal Service Fund Minutes `53' Originating Interim Access Minutes V40 `60' Originating Marketing Expense* `61' Terminating Marketing Expense* `62' Originating Non Common Line Marketing Expense* `63' Originating Multi 64 CCC Marketing Expense* `64' Terminating Multi 64 CCC Marketing Expense* `90' Common Line Subtotal `91' Total of All Discounts `99' Total Common Line _ Req Type Min/Max Usage_ If DE1000 `ZA' `01' Originating `02' Terminating `03' Originating Operator `04' Originating 800 `05' Terminating 800 `06' Originating Multi 64 CCC `07' Terminating Multi 64 CCC `08' Originating International DDD `09' Originating Domestic Dialing `10' Originating Switched 56 KBPS `11' Terminating Switched 56 KBPS `12' Originating 900 `13' Originating 800/900 `14' Three Way Call Transfer Message Charge `15' Originating SNC `16' Terminating SNC `17' Originating Messages/Attempts `18' Originating Cellular| `19' Terminating Cellular `20' Originating 700 `21' Originating 500 `26' Terminating EAS `28' ISP (Internet Service Provider) MOU November 2020 If DE1000 'ZC', Then DE234 contains two bytes: the first byte is Service Method and the second byte is Entry Code First byte (Service Method): 1 - Universal Freephone 116 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ Id_ Element Name 2 - Plus Universal Freephone 3 - Call Center MCI Traffic 4 - Directline Traffic Second byte (Entry Code): 1 - CMA 2 - DMR 3 ECR _ Req Type Min/Max Usage_ If DE1000 'ZD' A - This call Terminated to another Corporate ID B - This call Originated from another Corporate ID 01 - Shared 02 - Dedicated If DE1000 'ZE' 1 - Card Call Access 2 - Switched Access 3 - Cellular Access 4 - Remote Access 5 - Dedicated Access 6 - International Freephone Access 7 - Dedicated Termination 8 - Toll 9 - Toll Free Meet Me A - Dial November 2020 If DE1000 'ZF' A - Live but not Operator Dialed B - Automated C - Must be Live D - Operator Dialed E - Non-Operator Dialed and Originated at Premise Owner Location F - Operator Dialed and Originated at Premise Owner Location G - Must be Live and Originated at Premise Owner Location H - Automated and Originated at Premise Owner Location N - Station to Station - Live but not Operator Dialed O - Station to Station - Automated P - Station to Station - Must be Live Q - Station to Station - Operator Dialed R - Station to Station - Non-Operator Dialed and Originated at Premise Owner Location 117 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ Id_ Element Name _ Req S - Operator Dialed and Originated at Premise Owner Location T - Station to Station - Must be Live and Originated at Premise Owner Location U - Station to Station - Automated and Originated at Premise Owner Location 1 - operated Assisted type not known Type Min/Max Usage_ If DE1000 `ZI' '1' Change '2' Install '3' Cancel '4' Disconnect '5' Create '6' Modify '7' Dial-up '8' Dedicated '9' Dial-up Dedicated 'A' Activate 'B' Credit 'C' One-time 'B' Expedite If DE1000 = ZL For Mega Audio: Leader ID and Date/Account-type are concatenated in the Conf Description. They are separated by " -- " SI04 SI05 SI06 SI07 SI08 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier X Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See SI02 above. 234 Product/Service ID X Description: Identifying number for a product or service. User: See SI03 above. 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier X Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See SI02 above. 234 Product/Service ID X Description: Identifying number for a product or service. User: See SI03 above. 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier X Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. November 2020 AN 2/2 AN 1/48 AN 2/2 AN 1/48 AN 2/2 118 Used Used Used Used Used Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ SI09 SI10 SI11 SI12 SI13 SI14 SI15 SI16 SI17 SI18 SI19 SI20 Id_ Element Name User: See SI02 above. _ Req 234 Product/Service ID X Description: Identifying number for a product or service. User: See SI03 above. 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier X Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See SI02 above. 234 Product/Service ID X Description: Identifying number for a product or service. User: See SI03 above. 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier X Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See SI02 above. 234 Product/Service ID X Description: Identifying number for a product or service. User: See SI03 above. 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier X Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See SI02 above. 234 Product/Service ID X Description: Identifying number for a product or service. User: See SI03 above. 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier X Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See SI02 above. 234 Product/Service ID X Description: Identifying number for a product or service. User: See SI03 above. 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier X Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See SI02 above. 234 Product/Service ID X Description: Identifying number for a product or service. User: See SI03 above. 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier X Type Min/Max Usage_ AN 1/48 Used AN 2/2 Used AN 1/48 Used AN 2/2 Used AN 1/48 Used AN 2/2 Used AN 1/48 Used AN 2/2 Used AN 1/48 Used AN 2/2 Used AN 1/48 Used AN 2/2 Used November 2020 119 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ SI21 Id_ Element Name _ Req Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See SI02 above. 234 Product/Service ID X Description: Identifying number for a product or service. User: See SI03 above. Type Min/Max Usage_ AN 1/48 Used November 2020 120 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A PID Product/Item Description To describe a product or process in coded or free-form format: Syntax: C0403 -- If PID04 is present, then PID03 is required. R0405 -- At least one of PID04 or PID05 is required. C0703 -- If PID07 is present, then PID03 is required. C0804 -- If PID08 is present, then PID04 is required. C0905 -- If PID09 is present, then PID05 is required. Pos: 410 Max: 200 Detail - Optional Loop: SLN Elements: 6 Semantics: 1. Use PID03 to indicate the organization that publishes the code list being referred to. 2. PID04 should be used for industry-specific product description codes. 3.PID08 describes the physical characteristics of the product identified in PID04. A "Y" indicates that the specified attribute applies to this item; an "N" indicates it does not apply. Any other value is indeterminate. 4. PID09 is used to identify the language being used in PID05. Comments: 1.If PID01 equals "F", then PID05 is used. If PID01 equals "S", then PID04 is used. If PID01 equals "X", then both PID04 and PID05 are used. 2. Use PID06 when necessary to refer to the product surface or layer being described in the segment. 3. PID07 specifies the individual code list of the agency specified in PID03. Element Summary: Ref _ PID01 PID02 PID03 Id_ Element Name 349 Item Description Type Description: Code indicating the format of a description. _ Req Type Min/Max Usage_ M ID 1/1 Must use Code F X Name Free-form Semi-Structured (Code & Text) 750 Product/Process Characteristic Code O ID 2/3 Description: Code identifying the general class of a product or process characteristic. This element is used when PID01 = X. Used Code Name ZZ Mutually Defined 559 Agency Qualifier Code X ID 2/2 Description: Code identifying the agency assigning the code values. Used USER: PID03 is only populated when PID01 = X. However, PID03 is not required when PID01 = X Code AS Name Assigned by Seller: Code in PID04 is defined in the VB811 Implementation Guide Appendix A. November 2020 121 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ PID04 Id_ Element Name _ 751 Product Description Code Description: A code from an industry code list which provides specific data about a product characteristic. Code 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 041 042 043 044 045 045A 046 048 049 050 057A Name Product description Sub Product description Circuit attribute Customer reference text Circuit name/description Platform Type Service Type Product Type Entity Type Discount Name Discount Line Item Bill Payer Literal ID Code Description Account Code Description Calling Card Code Description Conference Description or XO ATI Invoice Number Class of Service Entity Size Service Type CIR Peak Cell Rate Sustained Cell Rate PIP Connection vBNS Connection Standard QoS EF Real Time CAR Premium QoS COS5 Real Time Connection Multicasting CAR Charge Description Additional Charge Description Directed Billing Account Number Application ID Minimum Cell Rate (speed literal) EVS Description DSLACI Description Access Charges Description URI Description PVC Attribute Flow Speed Current PIR Bundles PVC Speed Billing Type Verizon Part Description Product ID Ownership Type Title ID Package Product Grouping 3 Category Speed Description Req Type Min/Max Usage_ X AN 1/12 Used November 2020 122 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ Id_ Element Name _ Req Type Min/Max Usage_ 062CUR The conversion rate from billing currency to Alternate currency used on the original invoice that is being credited. 067004 Terminal ID 069A Inventory Category 069B Payment Option 074AC CLIN Action Code 077002 Location Identifier 077021 Unique Billing Identifier 077027 Market Type 077032 Network Duration 077033 Talk Duration 077044 Network Start Time 077055 Price Quote Text 077057 Application Identifier 077061 Revenue Category 077067 Partner Information 077072 Project Phase/Milestone 077073 Charge Type 077074 Secondary ID 077081 Access Speed 077085 CPE Package ID 077087 Ethernet Virtual Connection ID 077088 Ethernet Virtual Connection Speed 077091 Port Speed 077092 Permanent Virtual Connection Effective Date 077093 Permanent Virtual Connection ID 077095 Permanent Virtual Connection Speed 077096 Racer Quote ID 077097 Router Service Order Code 077098 Service Industry General 1 Equipment 077099 Effective Date 077101 Service Type ID Equipment 077103 Statement of Work ID 077104 Service Level 077110 Contract/SOF 077114 Case Number Description 077125 Employee Name 077126 Country or State of Service 077130 Charge Code 077131 GP Service ID Label 077132 Corporate Billing Reference Number 077134 Bridging Indicator 077135 Connecting Facility Assignment (CFA): Identifies the carrier system and channel to be used. 077144 Access Type 077145 Speed 077146 Class of Service 077147 PIP Connection 077148 Service Location ID 077154 GSEC/Custom Grouping 077155 Trip Number 077156 Employee Number 077158 PVC Termination Address 077166 Resource Level 077174 Mileage 077176 DDC Network Element ID / DDC Server ID November 2020 123 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ Id_ 077183 077186 077195 077200 077201 077202 077204 077205 077210 077212 077213 077214 077215 077217 077218 077220 077221 077223 077224 077225 077240 077245 077249 077250 077251 077252 077255 077257 077261 077266 077269 077271 077285 079020 079025 079026 079030 079038 079045 079064 079082 079083 079084 079086 079089 079090 079094 079102 079112 079143 Element Name _ Req Site ID (Provides the value for the A-End, if there are A & Z ends)077184 Business Unit (Provides the value for the A-End, if there are A & Z ends) Branch Criticality (Provides the value for the A-End, if there are A & Z ends) Charge Level PIP Port Speed Z-End Site ID Z-End Site Criticality Z-End Business Unit Discount Key (Used to link a charge to the associated discount) Multi-Cast CAR Tier PIP Access Delivery Task Order Numbers Service Pack Purchase Type (i.e. lease, purchase...) Managed (CPE product is part of a Managed Service) Global Customer Hierarchy (GCH) ID Extended Specification Related Product Product Legal Entity Price Book Line Item Id Disconnect Date Group Contains the Committed Disconnect Date and the Physical Disconnect Date, in that order Verizon Rapid Delivery Service ID Tax exempt indicator Facility Target Summary Bundle ID Ownership Type Description Product Type description Usage Type Description Secondary Instance ID PVC ID or EVC ID Vacation Suspend Application Type Geography Type HSN /SAC Number LAG ID Contract line item numbers (CLIN) Package Feature Circuit Attribute (includes circuit attribute and value) Customer Reference Number/Text (40) Expanded-Entity-Name Service ID Directory Name Service (DNS) Circuit Description Circuit Literal Circuit Message Equipment Name Manufacturer Model Permanent Virtual Connection Literal Origination Account Code Billing Type Type Min/Max Usage_ November 2020 124 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ Id_ Element Name _ Req Type Min/Max Usage_ 079152 Resource Unit Name 079159 VLAN ID 079162 Domain 079177 Cardholder Name 079178 User Name 079179 IT Solutions Service ID Text / Service Name 079182 Work Request 079185 Site Type Detail 079190 Profile Name 079192 Bundle Instance ID 079193 Bundle Name 079203 PTT Provider 079246 Service Group ID 079247 Ticket Number 079248 Ticket Description 079263 Package Grouper 095A Offer Phrase 098A Related Product Instance ID 098B Related Product Group 2 100A Video Promo Name 118D Description Of Video Conferencing Service 118F Video Conferencing Facility 122A CPE Item Number 140A Resource Unit (RU) Category and Measurement Period 140B Resource Unit (RU) ARC/RRC 314 Vendor Conference ID 3VEN Third party vendor 306A Base Product ID 306B Companion Product ID 306C Base Product Instance ID 306D Service ID 306E Service Type 306F Event Type ID AHC Agency Hierarchy Code BA Band: Description: Provides the description of SI pair = "BA". PID05 contains the Band description. BT Basic Service Type: Description: Provides the description of SI pair = "BT". PID05 contains the Basic Service Type description. BT-2 Basic Service Type Description Continuation Description: Provides the continuation of the description of SI pair = "BT", when the Basic Service Type Description exceeds 80 bytes. PID05 contains bytes 81-100 of the Basic Service Type Description CUSTOM FLD 1 Description of Customer Defined Field 1 CUSTOM FLD 2 Description of Customer Defined Field 2 CUSTOM FLD 3 Description of Customer Defined Field 3 CUSTOM FLD 4 Description of Customer Defined Field 4 CUSTOM FLD 5 Description of Customer Defined Field 5 CUSTOM FLD 6 Description of Customer Defined Field 6 CUSTOM FLD 7 Description of Customer Defined Field 7 CUSTOM FLD 8 Description of Customer Defined Field 8 CUSTOM FLD 9 Description of Customer Defined Field 9 CUSTOM FLD10 Description of Customer Defined Field 10 November 2020 125 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ Id_ Element Name _ Req Type Min/Max Usage_ User: For GID customers with contract specific Customer Defined Fields, Verizon provides up to 10 generic labels (i.e. CUSTOM FIELD 1 through CUSTOM FIELD 10). Each generic label has a customer defined description. The customer defined description is provided on a PID with PID04 = CUSTOM FLD 1 through CUSTOM FLD10; in the SLN loop. The customer defined value is provided in the REF*CR. CUST ID Customer ID DS Discount Planned Code: Description: Provides the description of SI pair = "DS". PID05 contains the Discount Planned description. LOC Originating Location: / Terminating Location: PG4 4th product grouping level PQ Major Product Code: Description: Provides the description of SI pair = "PQ". PID05 contains the Major Product description. PRG NAME Program Name RF Related Circuit User: The first eight related circuits are provided in SI pair (RF) S20001 Solution ID S20011 CLIN/Feature ID Description SC Service Category Code: Description: Provides the description of SI pair = "SC". PID05 contains the Service Category description. NOTE: Some billing systems include a Product ID which is presented in the SI pair "SC", but do not contain a link to the Product ID description. These billing systems do have a charge description in a PID without PID03 or PID04 populated. SF Service Feature/Option Code: Description: Provides the description of SI pair = "SF". PID05 contains the Service Feature/Option description. SOL-CODE Solution Code SOL-ID Solution ID The entire Solution is provided in multiple segments within a LX loop. The Solution ID is the link to the Solution information provided in the LX loop SOL-PROD Solution Product For VRD Speed examples: Port Speed: PID~X~ZZ~AS~SOL-PROD~Port Speed: SP PORT SPEED: 1.5 Mbps| Internet Dedicated Speed: PID~X~ZZ~AS~SOLPROD~Port Speed: SP IDS PRT SPEED: 1 Gbps| Access Speed: PID~X~ZZ~AS~SOL-PROD~Access Speed: SP ACC SPEED: 1.5 Mbps| November 2020 126 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ PID05 PID09 Id_ SQ VC VH Element Name _ Req Multi-Cast CAR: PID~X~ZZ~AS~SOL-PROD~Multicast CAR: SP MULTI CAST CAR: 3 Mbps| CAR Speed: PID~X~ZZ~AS~SOL-PROD~EF Realtime CAR: SP EF REALTIME CAR: 128 Kbps| Wave Speed: PID~X~ZZ~AS~SOL-PROD~Speed: SP WAV SPEED: 10 Gbps| Ethernet Speed: PID~X~ZZ~AS~SOL-PROD~Connection Speed: SP ES CONN SPEED: 1 Gbps| Sub-Product Code: Description: Provides the description of SI pair = "SQ". PID05 contains the Sub-Product description. Video Channel Video Header: Description: PID05 contains the Video Header description. Type Min/Max Usage_ 352 Description X Description: A free-form description to clarify the related data elements and their content. AN 1/80 Used 819 Language Code Description: Code designating the language used in text, from a standard code list maintained by the International Standards Organization (ISO 639) O ID 2/3 Used User: Language code values are: ALB = Albanian ?? BEF = Belgian French BRP = Brazilian Portuguese BUL = Bulgarian CAF = Canadian French CHI = Simplified Chinese CZE = Czech DAN = Danish DEU = German DUT = Dutch ENG = English (UK) EST = Estonian FIN = Finnish FRA = French FSW = Swiss French GRE = Greek GSW = Swiss German HUN = Hungarian ITA = Italian JPN = Japanese November 2020 127 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide Ref _ Id_ Element Name LAV = Latvian LIT = Lithuanian NLD = Dutch, Flemish NOB = Norwegian (Bokmål) NOR = Norwegian OST = Austrian German POL = Polish POR = Portuguese ROU = Romanian RUS = Russian SLE = Slovene SLO = Slovak SPA = Spanish SRP = Serbian SWE = Swedish TUR = Turkish UKR = Ukrainian ZHO = Chinese EN1 - Australian English EN2 = Japanese English EN3 = South Asia English EN4= North Asia English EN5 = American English EN6 = English (Canadian) EN7 = English (India) VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A _ Req Type Min/Max Usage_ November 2020 128 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A CUR Currency To specify the currency (dollars, pounds, francs, etc...) used in a transaction Element Summary: Pos: 420 Max: 1 Detail - Optional Loop: SLN Elements: 3 Ref _ CUR01 CUR02 CUR03 Id_ Element Name _ Req 98 Entity Identifier Code M Description: Code identifying the organizational entity, a physical location, property or an individual. Refer to 004010 Data Element Dictionary for acceptable code values. Code Name VN Vendor 100 Currency Code M Description: Code (Standard ISO) for country in whose currency the charges are specified. Code Name USD US Dollar 280 Exchange Rate O Description: Value to be used as a multiplier conversion factor to convert monetary value from one currency to another. Type Min/Max ID 2/3 Usage_ ID 3/3 R 4/10 November 2020 129 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A INC Installment Information To specify installment billing arrangement: Semantics: 1. INC02 is the installment period (e.g., months). 2. INC03 is the total number of installments. 3. INC04 is the number of the current installment. 4. INC05 is the installment balance after the current installment is applied. Element Summary: Pos: 430 Max: 1 Detail - Optional Loop: SLN Elements: 5 Ref _ INC01 INC02 INC03 Id_ Element Name 336 Terms Type Code Description: Code identifying type of payment terms. _ Req M Code Name 04 Deferred or Installment C001 Composite Unit of Measure Description: For examples of composite data elements see Figures Appendix in X12 Standards. 355 Unit or Basis for Measurement Code M Description: Code specifying the units in which a value is being expressed, or manner in which a measurement has been taken. Code Name MO Months 380 Quantity M Description: Numeric value of quantity. User: Indicates the total number of installments. Type ID Min/Max 2/2 Usage_ Must use Comp ID 2/2 Must use Must use R 1/15 Must use INC04 380 Quantity Description: Numeric value of quantity. User: Indicates number of current installment. M R 1/15 Must use INC05 782 Monetary Amount Description: Monetary amount. User: Balance remaining after this installment is billed. O R 1/18 Used November 2020 130 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A ITA Allowance, Charge or Service Pos: 440 Max: 10 Detail - Optional Loop: SLN Elements: 14 To specify allowances, charges, or services: Syntax: L02031314 -- If ITA02 is present, then at least one of ITA03, ITA13 or ITA14 is required. C0809 -- If ITA08 is present, then ITA09 is required. P1011 -- If either ITA10 or ITA11 are present, then the others are required. C1502 -- If ITA15 is present, then ITA02 is required. C1712 -- If ITA17 is present, then ITA12 is required. Semantics: 1. ITA09 is the allowance or charge percent. 2.ITA10 is the quantity basis when the allowance or charge quantity is different from the purchase order or invoice quantity. 3. ITA12 is the quantity of free goods. Comments: 1. If ITA01 equals "A" - allowance or "C" - charge, then at least one of ITA06, ITA07, or ITA08 must be present. 2. ITA02 identifies the source of the code value in ITA03 or ITA15. 3. If ITA07 is present with either ITA06 or ITA08, then ITA07 takes precedence. 4. ITA13 is used to clarify the allowance, charge, or service. 5. ITA15 specifies the individual code list of the agency specified in ITA02. 6. ITA16 describes the relationship of ITA06, ITA07 or ITA09 to an associated segment. Element Summary: Ref _ ITA01 ITA02 Id_ Element Name _ Req 248 Allowance or Charge Indicator M Description: Code which indicates an allowance or charge for the service specified. Code A C N Name Allowance Charge No Allowance or Charge 559 Agency Qualifier Code X Description: Code identifying the agency assigning the code values. Code Name TI Telecommunications Industry Type ID Min/Max 1/1 Usage_ Must use ID 2/2 Used November 2020 131 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A ITA04 ITA05 ITA06 ITA07 ITA09 ITA10 ITA11 ITA12 ITA13 ITA14 331 Allowance or Charge Method of Handling Code M Description: Code indicating method of handling for an allowance or charge. Code 04 06 15 ZZ Name Credit Customer Account Charge to be Paid by Customer Information only Mutually Defined 341 Allowance or Charge Number O Description: The number assigned by a vendor referencing an allowance, promotion, deal or charge 359 Allowance or Charge Rate O 360 Allowance or Charge Total Amount O Description: Total dollar amount for the allowance or charge. 332 Percent X 380 Quantity X 355 Unit or Basis for Measurement Code X Description: Code specifying the units in which a value is being expressed, or manner in which a measurement has been taken. 380 Quantity X Description: Numeric Value of Quantity 352 Description X Description: Additional information about Local Calling Plans. Code LOCAL TOLL CustoPak 150 Special Charge or Allowance Code X Description: Code identifying type of special charge or allowance. User: See TCIF section 10.4 for complete list of valid values. Code 230 275 295 AAJ AMB ANB CCR COM DSC EAC LPC MGC MSG PAI PPU QQD SAB SER SUR Name Credit Discount - Incentive Discount Special Adjustment Adjustment for Maximum Charges Billing Adjustment for Minimum Charges Billing Concession Credit Combination (bundle) Discount Exchange Access Credit Late payment charge Message Charge Miscellaneous Charge Promotional Discount Prepaid Usage Allowance Quantity Discount Shipping and Handling Service Charge Surcharge ID 2/2 AN 1/16 R 1/15 N2 1/15 R 1/6 R 1/15 ID 2/2 R 1/15 AN 1/80 ID 3/3 Must use Used Used Used Used Used Used Used Used Used November 2020 132 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A ITA16 ITA17 TXS VAB VAT Tax Surcharge Volume Discount Value Added Tax 662 Relationship Code O Description: Code indicating the relationship between entities. Code A I O Name Add Description: The value in ITA07 is included in the IT1 amount Included Information Only Description: Charges that relate to but may not be included in or added to the unit price of the SLN. (i.e., compute WATS calculation based upon usage amounts). 355 Unit or Basis for Measurement Code for ITA12 O Code C0 DO MJ Name Calls Dollars Minutes ID 1/1 ID 2/2 Used Used November 2020 133 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A TXI Tax Information To specify tax information: Syntax: R020306 -- At least one of TXI02, TXI03 or TXI06 is required. P0405 -- If either TXI04 or TXI05 are present, then the others are required. C0803 -- If TXI08 is present, then TXI03 is required. Semantics: 1. TXI02 is the monetary amount of the tax. 2. TXI03 is the tax percent expressed as a decimal. 3. TXI07 is a code indicating the relationship of the price or amount to the associated segment. Element Summary: Pos: 450 Max: >1 Detail - Optional Loop: SLN Elements: 9 Ref _ TXI01 Id_ Element Name 963 Tax Type Code Description: Code specifying the type of tax. _ Req M User: Refer to the code list provided in the TXI segment in Table 1 position 090. Code AB CA CG CP CS CT FD FR LT LO MP OH OT SC SL SP ST SU TT TX VA ZE Name Surtax City Tax Description: Service Tax imposed by City. Federal Value-Added Tax (GST) on Goods User Note: "CG" is used for GST Goods and Services County/Parish Sales Tax City Sales Tax County Tax Federal Tax Description: Usage tax imposed by federal (US and Canadian) government. Franchise Tax Local Sales Tax Local Tax (Not Sales Tax) Description: Service tax imposed on a local level. Municipal Tax Description: Service tax imposed by a municipality. Other Taxes Occupational Tax School Tax State and Local Tax Description: State and Local tax funds, exclusive of State and Local Sales tax. State/Provincial Tax State Sales Tax Sales and Use Tax Telecommunications Tax All Taxes (combined) Value Added Tax 911 Tax Type ID Min/Max 2/2 Usage_ Must use November 2020 134 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ TXI02 Id_ Element Name 782 Monetary Amount Description: Monetary amount. _ Req X Type Min/Max Usage_ R 1/18 Used TXI03 TXI04 TXI05 TXI06 TXI07 TXI08 TXI10 954 Percent X Description: Percentage expressed as a decimal. 955 Tax Jurisdiction Code Qualifier X Description: Code identifying the source of the data used in tax jurisdiction code. Code Name VD Vendor defined 956 Tax Jurisdiction Code X Description: Code identifying the taxing jurisdiction For NCBS: `Local Serv' or `Long Dista'. 441 Tax Exempt Code X Description: Code identifying exemption status from sales and use tax. Code Name 1 Yes (Tax Exempt) 662 Relationship Code O Description: Code indicating the relationship between entities. Code A I O Name Add Included Information Only Description: Charges that relate to but may not be included in or added to the unit price of the SLN. (i.e., compute WATS calculation based upon usage amounts). 828 Dollar Basis For Percent O Description: Dollar basis to be used in the percent calculation of the allowance, charge or tax. 350 Assigned Identification O R 1/10 ID 2/2 AN 1/10 ID 1/1 ID 1/1 R 1/9 AN 1/20 Used Used Used Used Used Used Used November 2020 135 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A REF Reference Identification Pos: 460 Max: >1 Detail - Optional Loop: SLN Elements: 3 To specify identifying information: Syntax: R0203 -- At least one of REF02 or REF03 is required. Semantics: 1. REF04 contains data relating to the value cited in REF02. Element Summary: Ref _ REF01 Id_ Element Name 128 Reference Identification Qualifier Description: Code qualifying the Reference Identification. _ Req M User: Refer to code list provided in the REF segment in Table 2 position 050. Code 1J 2I 3H 73 79 82 8M AAL AG AH BM C2 C7 CO CR CT D9 E5 Name Facility ID Number Tracking Number User: Actual Tracking Number will be in REF03, because the Tracking Numbers can exceed 30 bytes. Case Number Statement of Work (SOW) Cost Center/Account User: If the Cost Center/Account exceeds 30 bytes, it will be in REF03. Data Item Description (DID) Reference Originating Company Identifier User: If the Company Code exceeds 30 bytes, it will be in REF03. Agent Number Shipment Number User: If the Shipment Number exceeds 30 bytes, it will be in REF03. Agreement Number Contains the Master Service Agreement Bill of Lading Number User: If the Bill of Lading Number exceeds 30 bytes, it will be in REF03. Customer Order Number Contract Line Item Number (Customer Process Specification number) Customer Reference Number Contract Number Claim Number User: Verizon Dispute Number Claimant's Claim Number User: Customers Dispute Number Type ID Min/Max 2/3 Usage_ Must use November 2020 136 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ REF02 Id_ Element Name _ Req IV Seller's Invoice Number IX Item number K9 Inquiry Request Number LI Line Item Service ID LU Location Number: Access Customer Terminal Location (ACTL) MF Manufactures Part Number OI Original Invoice Number For Credit Notes: Contains the Local and Tax Regulatory Invoice Number/ID (REF*IK value) from the original invoice. OW Service order number (the last service order) P4 Project Code USER: Project Code will be populated in REF03 PM Part Number User: Contains the Verizon Part Number PO Purchase Order Number User: If the Purchase Order Number exceeds 30 bytes, it will be in REF03. PX Prior Invoice Number Description: The original invoice number this credit/debit is related to. Q1 Quote Number SE Serial Number VR Vendor ID Number WO Work Order Number XN Title Identification Number ZH Carrier Identification Code Detail 127 Reference Identification X Description: Reference information as defined for a particular Transaction Set or as specified by the Reference Identification Qualifier. If REF01 = `1J' and REF03 = `Tandem' then REF02 contains the Tandem ID Type Min/Max Usage_ AN 1/30 Used If REF01 = `1J' and REF03 = `Local Transport Location ID' then REF02 contains the Local Transport Location ID If REF01 = `1J' and REF03 = `SUMOFC' then REF02 contains Summary Office ID If DE128 `79' USER: If the Cost Center/Account is less than 31 bytes, then REF02 will contain the Cost Center/Account. If the Cost Center/Account is larger than 30 bytes then REF03 will contain the Cost Center/Account. If DE128 `8M' November 2020 137 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ Id_ Element Name USER: If the Company Code is less than 31 bytes, then REF02 will contain the Company Code. If the Company Code is larger than 30 bytes then REF03 will contain the Company Code. If DE128 `82' `LISTNM' = Directory Name If DE128 `C2' USER: For DDC REF02 contains the Work Flow ID If DE128 `IX' ` DLNUM' = Directory Advertising Transfer Tel Number If DE128 `LI' Service ID _ Req Type Min/Max Usage_ If DE128 `PO' Purchase Order Number (PON) USER: if the PON is less than 31 bytes then REF02 will contain the PON. if the PON is larger than 30 bytes then REF03 will contain the PON. If DE128 `VR' USER: For DDC REF02 contains the Third Party Vendor ID REF03 If DE128 `XN' USER: For DDC REF02 contains the Title ID 352 Description X Description: A free-form description to clarify the related data elements and their content. If DE128 `79' USER: If the Cost Center/Account is less than 31 bytes, then REF02 will contain the Cost Center/Account. If the Cost Center/Account is larger than 30 bytes then REF03 will contain the Cost Center/Account. If DE128 `8M' USER: If the Company Code is less than 31 bytes, then AN 1/80 Used November 2020 138 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ Id_ Element Name REF02 will contain the Company Code. If the Company Code is larger than 30 bytes then REF03 will contain the Company Code. _ Req Type Min/Max Usage_ If DE128 `AG' USER: If the Shipment Number is less than 31 bytes then REF02 will contain the Shipment Number. If the Shipment Number is larger than 30 bytes then REF03 will contain the Shipment Number. If DE128 `BM' USER: If the Bill of Lading Number is less than 31 bytes then REF02 will contain the Bill of Lading Number. If the Bill of Lading Number is larger than 30 bytes then REF03 will contain Bill of Lading Number. If DE128 `CR' AND REF02 = `CUSTOM FIELD 1' REF03 will contain the customer assigned value for Customer Defined Field 1 If DE128 `CR' AND REF02 = `CUSTOM FIELD 2' REF03 will contain the customer assigned value for Customer Defined Field 2 If DE128 `CR' AND REF02 = `CUSTOM FIELD 3' REF03 will contain the customer assigned value for Customer Defined Field 3 If DE128 `CR' AND REF02 = `CUSTOM FIELD 4' REF03 will contain the customer assigned value for Customer Defined Field 4 If DE128 `CR' AND REF02 = `CUSTOM FIELD 5' REF03 will contain the customer assigned value for Customer Defined Field 5 If DE128 `CR' AND REF02 = `CUSTOM FIELD 6' REF03 will contain the customer assigned value for Customer Defined Field 6 November 2020 139 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ Id_ Element Name _ Req If DE128 `CR' AND REF02 = `CUSTOM FIELD 7' REF03 will contain the customer assigned value for Customer Defined Field 7 Type Min/Max Usage_ If DE128 `CR' AND REF02 = `CUSTOM FIELD 8' REF03 will contain the customer assigned value for Customer Defined Field 8 If DE128 `CR' AND REF02 = `CUSTOM FIELD 9' REF03 will contain the customer assigned value for Customer Defined Field 9 If DE128 `CR' AND REF02 = `CUSTOM FIELD10' REF03 will contain the customer assigned value for Customer Defined Field 10 NOTE: For GID customers with contract specific Customer Defined Fields, Verizon provides up 10 to generic labels (i.e. CUSTOM FIELD 1 through CUSTOM FIELD 10). Each generic label has a customer defined description. The customer defined description is provided on a PID with PID04 = CUSTOM FLD 1 through CUSTOM FLD10; in the SLN loop. The customer defined value is provided in the REF*CR. If DE128 `LI' USER: Chargeable Service ID will be populated in the REF03 If DE128 `OW' USER: CPE Service Order Code (SOC) will be populated in the REF03 If DE128 `P4' USER: Project Code will be populated in the REF03 If DE128 `PO' Purchase Order Number (PON) USER: if the PON is less than 31 bytes then REF02 will contain the PON. if the PON is larger than 30 bytes then REF03 will contain the PON. If DE128 `VR' USER: For DDC REF03 contains the DDC/DMR/Third Party November 2020 140 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ Id_ Element Name Network Element ID _ Req Type Min/Max Usage_ If DE128 `WO' USER: For DDC REF03 contains the Work Order Version If DE128 `XN' USER: For DDC REF03 contains the Title C04001 C04002 128 Reference Identification Qualifier Description: Code qualifying the Reference Identification. Code Name 1J SUMMARY OFFICE ID INDICATOR 127 Reference Identification Description: Reference information as defined for a particular Transaction Set or as specified by the Reference Identification Qualifier. O ID 2/3 Used O AN 1/30 Used If REF04 = `1J': `0' = End Office `1' = Tandem `2' = Remote Office `3' = Dial Tone Office If DE128 `PO' Purchase Order Number (PON) USER: if the PON is less than 31 bytes then REF02 will contain the PON. if the PON is larger than 30 bytes then REF03 will contain the PON. November 2020 141 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A DTM Date/Time Reference Pos: 480 Max: 10 Detail - Optional Loop: SLN Elements: 2 To specify pertinent dates and times: Syntax: R020305 -- At least one of DTM02, DTM03 or DTM05 is required. C0403 -- If DTM04 is present, then DTM03 is required. P0506 -- If either DTM05 or DTM06 are present, then the others are required. Element Summary: Ref _ DTM01 DTM02 Id_ Element Name _ Req 374 Date/Time Qualifier Description: Code specifying type of date or time, or both date and time. Code 003 007 011 015 016 092 093 150 151 193 194 196 197 209 373 396 911 938 Name Invoice Description: The original invoice date this credit/debit is related to. Effective Shipped date Promotion Start Promotion End Contract Effective Contract Expiration Service Period Start Service Period End Period Start USER: Used for grouping charges by the Services period begin and end dates Period End USER: Used for grouping charges by the Services period begin and end dates Start End Contract Performance Start (Service/Term Start Date) Order Start Termination (Deactivation Date) Last Activity Order 373 Date X Description: Date expressed as CCYYMMDD. Type IDM Min/Max 3/3 Usage_ Must use DT 8/8 Used November 2020 142 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A AMT Monetary Amount Pos: 490 Max: 15 Detail - Optional Loop: SLN Elements: 2 To indicate the total monetary amount: Element Summary: Ref _ AMT01 AMT02 Id_ Element Name 522 Amount Qualifier Code Description: Code to qualify amount. _ Req M Code Name 6 Amount Subject to Total Monetary Discount Description: Amount eligible for discount. 8 Discount 93 Contribution Description: Contract commitment contribution amount. AP Amount Prior to Fractionalization. Description: Full charge amount for the service per service period, prior to pro-rated fractionalization due to partial period billing. BD Unpaid balance EC Allowances SC Total Service Charge RJ Rate ZZ Mutually Defined Description: Amount contributing to discount. 782 Monetary Amount M Description: Monetary amount. Type ID Min/Max 1/3 Usage_ Must use R 1/18 Must use November 2020 143 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A QTY Quantity To specify quantity information: Syntax: R0204 -- At least one of QTY02 or QTY04 is required. E0204 -- Only one of QTY02 or QTY04 may be present. Pos: 510 Max: 1 Detail - Optional Loop: SLN/QTY Elements: 3 Semantics: 1. QTY04 is used when the quantity is non-numeric. Element Summary: Ref _ QTY01 Id_ Element Name 673 Quantity Qualifier Description: Code specifying the type of quantity. _ Req M Code 01 11 1K 1Y 40 46 63 7K 87 8G 8H 91 92 94 96 98 99 A5 AG AT AS B8 D1 DY M2 MI Name Discrete Quantity Split Quantity (Fractional Usage) Time Units Rate per day Remaining Quantity Total Transactions On Order Time Frame (length of contract or agreement) Quantity Received Number Additional Directories + 1 Minimum Additional Usage Quantity Description: The amount of usage incurred above the allotted or allowable use for a service Allotted Usage Quantity Description: The amount of allowable usage related to a service Billable Quantity Description: Number of billable units used Non-Billable Quantity Description: Number of non-billable units used Overflow Quantity Description: Number of overflow messages, (Busy condition count for 800 service) Quantity Used Description: Quantity of units used Adjusted Quantity Number of Users Actual Participant Total Average Billed Number Effective Days Maximum Miles Type ID Min/Max 2/2 Usage_ Must use November 2020 144 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ QTY02 C0301 Id_ Element Name PO Percentage of Ordered Quantity/Allocated QD Quantity Delivered SF Site SX Shipments UC Telecommunications Ports V1 Flat V2 Available Quantity _ Req V3 Transfers WE Limited Quantity Description: The Concurrent Call Limit X3 Speed Capacity 380 Quantity X Description: Numeric value of quantity. 355 Unit or Basis for Measurement Code M Description: Code specifying the units in which a value is being expressed, or manner in which a measurement has been taken. Code 03 10 12 1N 1Q 1R 4L 82 AD AH AL AN BL BX C0 DA DC DH DO DQ EA EJ FT HR IE KB KF MA MJ MO NF Name Seconds Group Description: 10 is used for Trunks or Trunk Groups Packets Count Frames Transactions MegaBytes Session Bytes Additional Minutes Access Lines Description: Number of lines subject to Carrier Access Line Charges. Minutes or Messages Description: Number of minutes or messages contracted or used in telephone services where either the number of minutes or messages are the unit of measure for the calculation of charges. Block Box Calls Description: Number of calls handled. Days Disc Miles Dollars Records Each Location Foot Hours Persons/Users Kilocharacters Kilopackets Machine/Unit Minutes Months Messages Type Min/Max Usage_ R 1/15 ID 2/2 Used Must use November 2020 145 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ Id_ Element Name _ Req Type Min/Max Usage_ Description: Number of Messages transmitted, or delivered. NL Load (Downloads) OP Two Pack P0 Pages P1 Percent P3 Three Pack P4 Four Pack P5 Five Pack P6 Six Pack P7 Seven Pack P8 Eight Pack P9 Nine Pack QC Channels S7 Storage Units TO Telecommunications Lines in Service (circuits) User Note: "T0" is also used for count of telephone numbers TP Ten Pack T0 Telecommunications Lines in Service (circuits) UN Unit Comments: 1. For FE: This QTY is ONLY present if the line speed was changed during the billing cycle and this represents the previous line speed and is associated to the charges in the current SLN loop. November 2020 146 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A SI Service Characteristic Identification To specify service characteristic data: Syntax: P0405 -- If either SI04 or SI05 are present, then the others are required. P0607 -- If either SI06 or SI07 are present, then the others are required. P0809 -- If either SI08 or SI09 are present, then the others are required. P1011 -- If either SI10 or SI11 are present, then the others are required. P1213 -- If either SI12 or SI13 are present, then the others are required. P1415 -- If either SI14 or SI15 are present, then the others are required. P1617 -- If either SI16 or SI17 are present, then the others are required. P1819 -- If either SI18 or SI19 are present, then the others are required. P2021 -- If either SI20 or SI21 are present, then the others are required. Pos: 520 Max: 1 Detail - Optional Loop: SLN/QTY Elements: 21 Comments: 1. SI01 defines the source for each of the service characteristic qualifiers. User: See section 10.4 for valid values when using data element 1000/234 pairs. Element Summary: Ref _ SI01 SI02 Id_ Element Name _ Req 559 Agency Qualifier Code M Description: Code identifying the agency assigning the code values. Code Name TI Telecommunications Industry 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier M Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See TCIF section 10.4 for complete list of valid values. Possible SI DE1000/DE234 pairs: `CE' Cellular Air Time Package Code `CZ' Cellular Usage Indicator 'RP' Rate Period Code `SG' Service Group: `SS' Service Sub-category Code Type ID Min/Max 2/2 Usage_ Must use AN 2/2 Must use SI03 234 Product/Service ID Description: Identifying number for a product or service. User: If DE1000 = CE E - Extended Home Area November 2020 M AN 1/48 Must use 147 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ Id_ Element Name H - Home Airtime S - Roaming U - Home Roam/Roam-Like Home _ Req Type Min/Max Usage_ If DE1000 'CZ' H2 = Home R2 = Roam If DE1000 `RP' 01 = Peak 02 = Off Peak 03 = Day 04 = Evening 05 = Night/Weekend 06 = Weekend (when separate from night) 07 = Special Intrastate 08 = Late night 09 = Regular (Non time of day WATS) 10 = Discount 11 = Economy 12 = Prime 13 = Standard 14 = Multi-period SI04 SI05 SI06 If DE1000 'SG' For SingleView: The SI pair `SG' contains the Market Center and Capacity Type If DE1000 'SS' For SingleView: The SI pair `SS'contains the Sub Service 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier X Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See SI02 above. 234 Product/Service ID X Description: Identifying number for a product or service. User: See SI03 above. 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier X Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See SI02 above. AN 2/2 AN 1/48 AN 2/2 Used Used Used November 2020 148 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ SI07 SI08 SI09 SI10 SI11 SI12 SI13 SI14 SI15 SI16 SI17 SI18 Id_ Element Name 234 Product/Service ID Description: Identifying number for a product or service. User: See SI03 above. _ Req X 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier X Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See SI02 above. 234 Product/Service ID X Description: Identifying number for a product or service. User: See SI03 above. 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier X Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See SI02 above. 234 Product/Service ID X Description: Identifying number for a product or service. User: See SI03 above. 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier X Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See SI02 above. 234 Product/Service ID X Description: Identifying number for a product or service. User: See SI03 above. 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier X Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See SI02 above. 234 Product/Service ID X Description: Identifying number for a product or service. User: See SI03 above. 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier X Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See SI02 above. 234 Product/Service ID X Description: Identifying number for a product or service. User: See SI03 above. 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier X Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. Type Min/Max Usage_ AN 1/48 Used AN 2/2 Used AN 1/48 Used AN 2/2 Used AN 1/48 Used AN 2/2 Used AN 1/48 Used AN 2/2 Used AN 1/48 Used AN 2/2 Used AN 1/48 Used AN 2/2 Used November 2020 149 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ SI19 SI20 SI21 Id_ Element Name User: See SI02 above. _ Req 234 Product/Service ID X Description: Identifying number for a product or service. User: See SI03 above. 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier X Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See SI02 above. 234 Product/Service ID X Description: Identifying number for a product or service. User: See SI03 above. Type Min/Max Usage_ AN 1/48 Used AN 2/2 Used AN 1/48 Used November 2020 150 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A NM1 Individual or Organizational Name Pos: 530 Max: 1 Detail - Optional Loop: SLN/NM1 Elements: 3 To supply the full name of an individual or organizational entity: Syntax: P0809 -- If either NM108 or NM109 are present, then the others are required. C1110 -- If NM111 is present, then NM110 is required. Semantics: 1. NM102 qualifies NM103. Comments: 1. NM110 and NM111 further define the type of entity in NM101. User: This segment is used at HL1 to provide Service Provider Name and at HL7 to provide the service location. Element Summary: Ref _ NM101 NM102 NM103 Id_ Element Name _ Req 98 Entity Identifier Code M Description: Code identifying an organizational entity, a physical location, property or an individual. Code 75 VN Name Participant Vendor 1065 Entity Type Qualifier M Description: Code qualifying the type of entity. Code 1 2 Name Person Non-Person Entity 1035 Name Last or Organization Name O Description: Individual last name or organizational name. Type ID Min/Max 2/3 Usage_ Must use ID 1/1 Must use AN 1/35 Used November 2020 151 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A TCD Itemized Call Detail Pos: 590 Max: 1 Detail - Optional Loop: TCD Elements: 16 To specify detail information for itemized calls: Syntax: P0405 -- If either TCD04 or TCD05 are present, then the others are required. P0708 -- If either TCD07 or TCD08 are present, then the others are required. Semantics: 1. TCD12 is an undiscounted amount. 2. TCD13 is a net amount after the discount has been applied to the amount in TCD12. 3. TCD14 is an undiscounted amount. 4. TCD15 is a net amount after the discount has been applied to the amount in TCD14. 5. TCD16 is a code indicating the relationship of the price or amount to the associated segment. Comments: 1. TCD01 is the detail information. 2. TCD02 is the date of the call. 3. TCD03 is the connect time of the call. 4. TCD04, TCD05, and TCD06 are the 'to' location of the call. 5. TCD07, TCD08, and TCD09 are the 'from' location of the call. 6.TCD10 and TCD11 are the total duration of the call. TCD10 is the time measured in minutes or minutes and tenths of minutes. TCD11 is time measured in seconds or seconds and tenths of seconds. User: The TCD loop may only appear at the line detail level. Element Summary: Ref _ TCD01 TCD02 TCD03 Id_ Element Name _ Req 350 Assigned Identification O Description: Alphanumeric characters assigned for differentiation within a transaction set. 373 Date O Description: Date expressed as CCYYMMDD. 337 Time O Description: Time expressed in 24-hour clock time as follows: HHMM, or HHMMSS, or HHMMSSD, or HHMMSSDD, where H = hours (00-23), M = minutes (00-59), S = integer seconds (00-59) and DD = decimal seconds; decimal seconds are expressed as follows: D = tenths (0-9) and DD = hundredths (00-99). User: Connect time of call. Type Min/Max Usage_ AN 1/20 Used DT 8/8 TM 4/8 Used Used TCD04 309 Location Qualifier X Description: Code identifying type of location. User: Code identifying the type of "TO" location provided in TCD05 and TCD06. ID 1/2 Used November 2020 152 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ TCD05 TCD06 TCD07 TCD08 TCD09 TCD10 TCD11 Id_ Element Name _ Req A value of "ZZ" indicates any point of originating/termination or service for a call that cannot be qualified by traditional geographic qualifiers (i.e., City or Country). The point of origination/termination or service that this code qualifies could be the name of an aircraft, vessel, vehicle, or service where a call originated/terminated or the service was provided. Code CC CI ZZ Name Country City Mutually Defined 310 Location Identifier X Description: Code which identifies a specific location 156 State or Province Code O Description: Code (Standard State/Province) as defined by appropriate government agency. 309 Location Qualifier X Description: Code identifying type of location. User: Code identifying the type of "FROM" location provided in TCD08 and TCD09. A value of "ZZ" indicates any point of originating/termination or service for a call that cannot be qualified by traditional geographic qualifiers (i.e., City or Country). The point of origination/termination or service that this code qualifies could be the name of an aircraft, vessel, vehicle, or service where a call originated/terminated or the service was provided. Code CC CI ZZ Name Country City Mutually Defined 310 Location Identifier X Description: Code which identifies a specific location. 156 State or Province Code O Description: Code (Standard State/Province) as defined by appropriate government agency. 739 Measurement Value O Description: The value of the measurement. User: For Enhanced Call Routing (ECR) calls (SI pair "ZC^ 3"), TCD10 will contain the Transport Minutes 739 Measurement Value O User: TCD11 is in Minutes For Enhanced Call Routing (ECR) calls (SI pair "ZC^ 3"): Type Min/Max Usage_ AN 1/30 ID 2/2 Used Used ID 1/2 Used AN 1/30 ID 2/2 Used Used R 1/20 Used R 1/20 Used November 2020 153 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ TCD12 Id_ Element Name TCD11 will contain the Platform Minutes 782 Monetary Amount Description: Monetary amount. User: TCD12 contains the full amount (prior to discount) _ Req Type Min/Max Usage_ O R 1/18 Used TCD13 TCD14 TCD15 782 Monetary Amount O Description: Monetary amount. User: TCD13 contains the amount after the discount is applied. If TCD13 and TCD12 are present, TCD13 is the billed amount (dependent on the TCD16 value) 782 Monetary Amount O Description: Monetary amount. User: TCD14 is info only and this amount is included the full charge in TCD12. For Enhanced Call Routing (ECR) calls (SI pair "ZC^ 3"): TCD14 will contain the Transport amount. 782 O User: TCD15 is info only and this amount is included the full charge in TCD12. For Enhanced Call Routing (ECR) calls (SI pair "ZC^ 3"): TCD15 will contain the Platform amount. R 1/18 R 1/18 R 1/18 Used Used Used TCD16 662 Relationship Code O Description: Code indicating the relationship between entities. Code I O Name Included Information Only Description: Charges that relate to but may not be included in or added to the unit price of the SLN. (i.e., compute WATS calculation based upon usage amounts). ID 1/1 Used November 2020 154 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A SI Service Characteristic Identification Pos: 600 Max: 2 Detail - Optional Loop: TCD Elements: 21 To specify service characteristic data: Syntax: P0405 -- If either SI04 or SI05 are present, then the others are required. P0607 -- If either SI06 or SI07 are present, then the others are required. P0809 -- If either SI08 or SI09 are present, then the others are required. P1011 -- If either SI10 or SI11 are present, then the others are required. P1213 -- If either SI12 or SI13 are present, then the others are required. P1415 -- If either SI14 or SI15 are present, then the others are required. P1617 -- If either SI16 or SI17 are present, then the others are required. P1819 -- If either SI18 or SI19 are present, then the others are required. P2021 -- If either SI20 or SI21 are present, then the others are required. Comments: 1. SI01 defines the source for each of the service characteristic qualifiers. User: See section 10.4 for valid values when using data element 1000/234 pairs. Element Summary: Ref _ SI01 SI02 Id_ Element Name _ Req 559 Agency Qualifier Code M Description: Code identifying the agency assigning the code values. Code Name TI Telecommunications Industry 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier M Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See TCIF section 10.4 for complete list of valid values. Type ID Min/Max 2/2 Usage_ Must use AN 2/2 Must use Possible SI DE1000/DE234 pairs: `99' Continuation Code Used only when preceding DE234 exceeds maximum length of field. `AM' Main/Alternate Telephone Number User: Pseudo Number/Alt CLI/COI Dialer `BA' Band User: for international billers, this might be the Usage Group or Destination Group `BT' Basis Service Type `CD' Customer Dialed Acct. Recording/Sub authorization Number `CE' Cellular Air Time Package Code November 2020 155 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ Id_ Element Name _ Req `CO' Central Office Exchange Code User: for international billers, this Dial Prefix `CT' Common Segment Hops `CZ' Cellular Usage Indicator 'DI' Department Code/Customer ID `DJ' Sub-Departmental ID Code `DS' Discount Planned Code `DT' Dialed Telephone Number `FN' From Telephone Number `K1' Digital Network Info System ID for NIVR `LA' Local Access Transport Area (LATA) Code `MC' Message or Rate Class `MD' Miscellaneous Description `MT' Message Type `P0' Pricing Plan Type Indicator `PA' Primary/Originating Message Carrier Identification Identifies a third party service provider. `PX' Private Branch Exchange/CENTREX Extension Number. User: This can contain the Trunk extension. `R2' Call Routing Termination Code `RJ' Rate Zone for Taxing (Switch / Taxing Geo code) `RP' Rate Period Code `RS' Rate Schedule User: for international billers, this might be the Usage Class or Destination Class `RU' Rate Country User: Dialed Country Code `RY' Local / Toll Indicator `S1' Surcharge Applicability Indicator `SD' Settlement Code `SF' Service Feature -- Advanced Card Feature Codes: `SS' Service Sub-category Code `ST' Message Service Type `TE' Transmission Speed `TH' Trunk Group Number User: Elective Calling Number for Enterprise (ECNE) Group' `TK' Trunk Number/Identification Identifies individual trunks in a trunk group. `TL' Terminating Location User: Provides the Destination City for international calls Type Min/Max Usage_ November 2020 156 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ Id_ Element Name _ Req `TM' To Telephone Number The "To Telephone Number" might contain a Call Line Identifier (CLI). If the CLI exceeds 48 bytes, it will be continued in the next SI pair (99) 'TT' Transmission Type `Z1' Transport Rate Element Indicator: A CABS code that denotes which transport rate element applies. `ZC' Service Method || Entry Code Service Method: Differentiates special traffic Entry Code: Distinguishes whether the traffic being processed is EVS traffic or tells the type of EVS traffic. `ZD' Call Termination `ZE' Access Code for Conferencing. `ZF' Operator Assisted Code `ZG' Carrier ID for the line used `ZH' Enhanced Feature Codes `ZL' Description (can contain the "identifying code" for the conference held and is usually a seq#/id code followed by the leaders last name) `ZM' Suite (Can contain the Conference Type Description (i.e. UNATTENDED) `ZN' Dynamic URI Type Min/Max Usage_ SI03 234 Product/Service ID Description: Identifying number for a product or service. If DE1000 = BT `DATA' = Data `L' = NLVR `N' = NIVR `NIVR' = NIVR `ROAM' = Roam `S' = SIVR `SIVR' = SIVR `V' = VXML `VOICE' = Voice If DE1000 = CE A - Cellular Call (type unknown) D - Daily Roamer Surcharge E - Extended Home Area November 2020 M AN 1/48 Must use 157 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide F - Forwarded G - Regional Roaming H - Home Airtime L - Landline Termination N - Market Roaming R - Out-of-Territory Roaming T - Toll If DE1000 = CT A - Interswitch DTO for Redirect B - Intraswitch DTO for Redirect C - Call Leg 1 no hops D - Call Leg 2 no hops E - Call Leg 3 no hops F - Call Leg 1 w/ 1 hop G - Call Leg 1 w/ 2 hops H - Call Leg 1 w/ 3 hops I - Call Leg 1 w/ 4 hops J - Call Leg 1 w/ 5 hops K - Call Leg 2 w/ 1 hop L - Call Leg 2 w/ 2 hops M - Call Leg 2 w/ 3 hops N - Call Leg 2 w/ 4 hops O - Call Leg 2 w/ 5 hops 1 - 1 Overflow Hop for NCR (Network Call Redirect) 2 - 2 Overflow Hops for NCR (Network Call Redirect) 3 - 3 Overflow Hops for NCR (Network Call Redirect) 4 - 4 Overflow Hops for NCR (Network Call Redirect) 5 - 5 Overflow Hops for NCR (Network Call Redirect) 6 - 6 Overflow Hops for NCR (Network Call Redirect) 7 - 7 Overflow Hops for NCR (Network Call Redirect) 8 - 8 Overflow Hops for NCR (Network Call Redirect) 9 - 9 Overflow Hops for NCR (Network Call Redirect) If DE1000 = CZ 1 = PTT Allowance 2 = Verizon Wireless Airfone Service 3 = Global Phone 4 = Home 5 = Get it Now Download 6 = TXT Messaging Download November 2020 VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A 158 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide 7 = Roam A = Price Plan Allowance B = Bank of Minutes C = Call Waiting D = Usage Discount E = Mobile Web F = Call Forwarding G = Airbridge Gateway H = Voice Mail Outdial I = Incoming Allowance J = Incoming Feature Minutes K = No Ans./Busy Transfer L = LD Direct M = IN Network (Mob to Mob) N = IN Network (Mob to Mob Allow) O = 3 Way Calling P = Prior Month's Delayed Call R = Voice Mail Retrieval S = Talk Dial T = Regional / LD Allowance U = Data V = Voice Mail W = Wknd/Night Feature Mins X = Partial Allowance Y = Promotional Allowance Z = International Traveler If DE1000 = K1 DNIS ID If DE1000 = MC AB - Automated Billing Service, DS - Dial Station, OC - Operator Completed with Dial Rate Applied, OS - Operator Station, PC - Person Call Back, PR Person If DE1000 = LA Format can be Originating LATA "/" Terminating LATA November 2020 VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A 159 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide If DE1000 = MT CC - Calling Card CL - Collect CP - Coin Paid SC - Special Collect SP - Sent Paid TF - Toll Free TN - Third Number If DE1000 = P0 D - Duration Based C - Application Counter Based B - Combination of Duration & Application Counter Based N - Not in-plan P - Price Cap Y - In-plan If DE1000 = RJ 100 - West Orange, NJ 300 - Atlanta, GA 310 MiniMode 400 - West Sacramento, CA If DE1000 = RP 01 - Peak, 02 - Off Peak 03 - Day, 04 - Evening, 05 - Night or Weekend, 06 - Weekend, 07 - Special Intrastate, 08 - Late Night, 09 - Regular, 10 - Discount, 11 - Economy 12 - Prime 13 - Standard 14 - Multi-period If DE1000 = RY L - Local November 2020 VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A 160 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide T - Toll / Long Distance If DE1000 = R2 A - Local Network to Local Network B - Local Network to Dedicated C - Local Network to Switched Access CA - Card Access D - Dedicated to Local Network DA - Dedicated Access E - Switched Access to Local Network F - Switched Access to Switched Access FRA FreePhone Remote Access G - Dedicated to Dedicated H - Switched to Dedicated I - Dedicated to Switched Access J - Local Network to Mobile K - Switched Access to Mobile L - Dedicated to Mobile M - Customized Announcement MT - Mobile Termination N - Mobile to Local Network O - Mobile to Switched Access P - Mobile to Dedicated Q = Local Originating R = Dedicated Originating RSA - Register Site Access S = Switched Originating SA = Switched Access T = Local Termination U = Dedicated Termination V = Switched Termination W = Local to Verizon Wireless X = Switched to Verizon Wireless Y = Dedicated to Verizon Wireless 0 - Not Available for call 1 - Off Net 2 - Local Origination 3 - Local Termination 4 - On Net 5 - Excluded (such as calling card/pre-rated calls) November 2020 VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A 161 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide If DE1000 = S1 C - Calling Party Number Termination Surcharge assessed If DE1000 = SD AA - Intra-Canada AB - Intra US AC - Intra IECIEC AF - Intra Intercompany ER - Intralata IA - Intrastate IB - Inter IEC IC - Inter US, Hawaii, Puerto Rico & US Virgin Islands IR - Interstate IT - International IU - Inter US LO - Local NA - International US NB - International International Point/International Point NC - International US or Canada ND - International US/Mexico NS - Non-Standard OC - Outside Specified Area If DE1000 'SF' 10 ISDN 1A Analog 1N Non-ISDN A - Toll Free Answering Service B - Messenger Broadcast C - Conferencing M - Messenger N - News Flash V - Voice Mail If DE1000 'SS' CD - Calling Card DA - Directory Assistance DD - Direct Dialed DN - Integrated Services Digital Network ND = National Directory Assistance OA - Operator Assistance November 2020 VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A 162 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide PP - Person to Person SS - Station to Station TN - Third Number TP - Third Party CL - Collect BV - Busy Line Verification BI - Busy Line Interrupt TG Telegram TS - Third Party Vendor/Service Profile Inventory Manager OT - Other AD - Credit/Adjustment CC - Conference Calling (applicable to a conference suite) If DE1000 'ST' CE - Cellular RA- Network Remote Access If DE1000 'TE' A - 56 or 64 Kbps B - 128 C - 192 D - 256 E - 320 F - 384 G - 448 H - 512 I - 576 J - 640 K - 704 L - 768 M - 832 N - 896 P - 960 Q - 1024 R - 1088 S - 1152 T - 1216 U - 1280 V - 1344 W - 1408 X - 1472 November 2020 VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A 163 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide Y - 1536 If DE1000 'TT' Values for non-CABS billing systems: 2 - Universal Domestic 3 - Coverage-Ext Call 5 - Intracountry 6 - Virtual Network Con 7 - Concert VNS 8 - Market Area Calling 9 - Global Voice VPN A - Standard A Analog B - Standard B Digital C - Cellular D - Canada E - Mexico F - Non USA Caribbean G - Intrastate - Intralata H - Intrastate - Interlata I - Internet Fax K - Domestic to International L - Extended Call Coverage to International M - Standard M Digital N - International to International O Domestics P - International to Domestic R - Aeronautical Digital if DE1000 `Z1' `1' Transport facility mileage sensitive `2' Transport termination `3' Transport facility non-mileage sensitive `4' Shared (Common) Trunk Ports `5' LIDB Transport `6' LIDB Applications `7' RIC/ACE (Residual Interconnection Charge/Access Connection Element) `8' Multiplexing `9' Banded `A' Tandem Switching `B' Facility/Banded November 2020 VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A 164 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide `D' CONUS (Continental US) Transport `E' Intra-Alaska Transport `F' Intermediate (Transit) Tandem Transport `G' Blended Rates `H' Local Rates `L' Tandem Switch Termination `M` Tandem Trunk Side `R' Transit Local `W' Banded RIC `Y' Expanded LATA-Wide Tandem Switching If DE1000 'ZC', Then DE234 contains two bytes: the first byte is Service Method and the second byte is Entry Code First byte (Service Method): 1 - Universal Freephone 2 - Plus Universal Freephone 3 - Call Center MCI Traffic 4 - Directline Traffic Second byte (Entry Code): 1 - CMA 2 - DMR 3 ECR If DE1000 'ZD' A - This call Terminated to another Corporate ID B - This call Originated from another Corporate ID 01 - Shared 02 - Dedicated If DE1000 'ZE' 1 - Card Call Access 2 - Switched Access 3 - Cellular Access 4 - Remote Access 5 - Dedicated Access 6 - International Freephone Access 7 - Dedicated Termination 8 - Toll 9 - Toll Free Meet Me A - Dial November 2020 VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A 165 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide If DE1000 'ZF' A - Live but not Operator Dialed B - Automated C - Must be Live D - Operator Dialed E - Non-Operator Dialed and Originated at Premise Owner Location F - Operator Dialed and Originated at Premise Owner Location G - Must be Live and Originated at Premise Owner Location H - Automated and Originated at Premise Owner Location N - Station to Station - Live but not Operator Dialed O - Station to Station - Automated P - Station to Station - Must be Live Q - Station to Station - Operator Dialed R - Station to Station - Non-Operator Dialed and Originated at Premise Owner Location S - Operator Dialed and Originated at Premise Owner Location T - Station to Station - Must be Live and Originated at Premise Owner Location U - Station to Station - Automated and Originated at Premise Owner Location 1 - operated Assisted type not known If DE1000 'ZH' 1 - Busy/Announcement 2 - Database Routing 3 - Menu Routing 4 - Caller Takeback 5 - Message Announcement 6 - Takeback and Transfer 7 - Networx TF/ECRSpch Transcription 8 - Announcements 13 - Call Prompter 14 - Announcements 15 - In Route Announcements 16 - Agency Based Routing Database 17 - Call Redirection Blind XFER 18 - Call Redirection Rest TNT A - Inbound call to domestic AA - Voice XML (VXML) AB - Voice XML (VXML) and Intelligent Contact Routing Integration (ICRI) November 2020 VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A 166 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide AC - Automated Speech Recognition (ASR) AD - Automated Speech Recognition (ASR) and Intelligent Contact Routing Integration (ICRI) AE - Text to Speech (TTS) AF - Text to Speech (TTS) and Intelligent Contact Routing Integration (ICRI) AG - Text to Speech (TTS) and Automated Speech Recognition (ASR) AH - Text to Speech (TTS) and Automated Speech Recognition (ASR) and Intelligent Contact Routing Integration (ICRI) AI - Intelligent Contact Routing Integration (ICRI) AJ - Voice XML (VXML) and Automated Speech Recognition (ASR) AK - Voice XML (VXML) and Text to Speech (TTS) AL - Voice XML (VXML) and Text to Speech (TTS) and Automated Speech Recognition (ASR) AM - Voice XML (VXML), Automated Speech Recognition (ASR), Intelligent Contact Routing Integration (ICRI) AN - Voice XML (VXML), Automated Speech Recognition (ASR), Text to Speech (TTS), Intelligent Contact Routing Integration (ICRI) AO - Voice XML (VXML), Text to Speech (TTS), Intelligent Contact Routing - Integration (ICRI) B - Inbound call to International C - Voicemail D - Faxmail E - Fax/voicemail retrieval E4 = Standard Database Routing (TF ECR Feature) E5 = Busy / No Answer Rerouting (TF ECR Feature) E6 = TakeBack / SIP Refer Transfer (TF ECR Feature) E7 = Announce Connect (TF ECR Feature) E8 = Voice Call Back (TF ECR Feature) EA - Caller Takeback (TF ECR Feature) EB - Menu Routing (TF ECR Feature) EC - Message Announcements (TF ECR Feature) ED - Database Routing (TF ECR Feature) EE - Busy Announce (TF ECR Feature) EF - Take Back & Transfer (TF ECR Feature) EG - Networx TF/ECRSpch Transcription (TF ECR Feature) EH - Announcements (TF ECR Feature) EM - Call Prompter (TF ECR Feature) EN - Announcements (TF ECR Feature) EO - In Route Announcements (TF ECR Feature) EP - Agency Based Routing Database (TF ECR Feature) November 2020 VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A 167 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A SI04 SI05 SI06 EQ - Call Redirection Blind XFER (TF ECR Feature) ER - Call Redirection Rest TNT (TF ECR Feature) ES - Reserved (TF ECR Feature) ET - Reserved (TF ECR Feature) F - Domestic fax/Voicemail broadcast G - International fax/Voicemail broadcast H - Paging I - Outbound Call to Domestic J - Outbound Call to international 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier X AN 2/2 Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See SI02 above. Used 234 Product/Service ID Description: Identifying number for a product or service. User: See SI03 above. X AN 1/48 Used 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier X AN 2/2 Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See SI02 above. Used November 2020 168 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A SI07 SI08 SI09 SI10 SI11 SI12 SI13 SI14 SI15 SI16 SI17 SI18 234 Product/Service ID Description: Identifying number for a product or service. User: See SI03 above. X AN 1/48 Used 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier X AN 2/2 Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See SI02 above. Used 234 Product/Service ID Description: Identifying number for a product or service. User: See SI03 above. X AN 1/48 Used 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier X AN 2/2 Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See SI02 above. Used 234 Product/Service ID Description: Identifying number for a product or service. User: See SI03 above. X AN 1/48 Used 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier X AN 2/2 Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See SI02 above. Used 234 Product/Service ID Description: Identifying number for a product or service. User: See SI03 above. X AN 1/48 Used 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier X AN 2/2 Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See SI02 above. Used 234 Product/Service ID Description: Identifying number for a product or service. User: See SI03 above. X AN 1/48 Used 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier X AN 2/2 Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See SI02 above. Used 234 Product/Service ID Description: Identifying number for a product or service. User: See SI03 above. X AN 1/48 Used 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier X AN 2/2 Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See SI02 above. Used November 2020 169 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A SI19 SI20 SI21 234 Product/Service ID Description: Identifying number for a product or service. User: See SI03 above. X AN 1/48 Used 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier X AN 2/2 Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See SI02 above. Used 234 Product/Service ID Description: Identifying number for a product or service. User: See SI03 above. X AN 1/48 Used November 2020 170 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A TXI Tax Information Pos: 610 Max: >1 Detail - Optional Loop: TCD Elements: 4 To specify tax information: Syntax: R020306 -- At least one of TXI02, TXI03 or TXI06 is required. P0405 -- If either TXI04 or TXI05 are present, then the others are required. C0803 -- If TXI08 is present, then TXI03 is required. Semantics: 1. TXI02 is the monetary amount of the tax. 2. TXI03 is the tax percent expressed as a decimal. 3. TXI07 is a code indicating the relationship of the price or amount to the associated segment. Element Summary: Ref _ TXI01 TXI02 TXI07 TXI10 Id_ Element Name 963 Tax Type Code Description: Code specifying the type of tax. _ Req M Code AB CG LO OH SP ST VA Name Surtax Federal Value-Added Tax (GST) on Goods User Note: "CG" is used for GST Goods and Services Local Other Taxes State or Provincial Tax State Sales Tax Value Added Tax 782 Monetary Amount X Description: Monetary amount. 662 Relationship Code O Description: Code indicating the relationship between entities. Code A O Name Add Information Only 350 Assigned Identification O Type ID Min/Max 2/2 Usage_ Must use R 1/18 ID 1/1 Used Used AN 1/20 Used November 2020 171 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A ITA Allowance, Charge or Service To specify allowances, charges, or services: Pos: 615 Max: >1 Detail - Optional Loop: TCD Elements: 10 Syntax: L02031314 -- If ITA02 is present, then at least one of ITA03, ITA13 or ITA14 is required. C0809 -- If ITA08 is present, then ITA09 is required. P1011 -- If either ITA10 or ITA11 are present, then the others are required. C1502 -- If ITA15 is present, then ITA02 is required. C1712 -- If ITA17 is present, then ITA12 is required. Semantics: 1. ITA09 is the allowance or charge percent. 2.ITA10 is the quantity basis when the allowance or charge quantity is different from the purchase order or invoice quantity. 3. ITA12 is the quantity of free goods. Comments: 1. If ITA01 equals "A" - allowance or "C" - charge, then at least one of ITA06, ITA07, or ITA08 must be present. 2. ITA02 identifies the source of the code value in ITA03 or ITA15. 3. If ITA07 is present with either ITA06 or ITA08, then ITA07 takes precedence. 4. ITA13 is used to clarify the allowance, charge, or service. 5. ITA15 specifies the individual code list of the agency specified in ITA02. 6. ITA16 describes the relationship of ITA06, ITA07 or ITA09 to an associated segment. Element Summary: Ref _ ITA01 ITA02 Id_ Element Name _ Req 248 Allowance or Charge Indicator M Description: Code which indicates an allowance or charge for the service specified. Code A C N Name Allowance Charge No Allowance or Charge 559 Agency Qualifier Code X Description: Code identifying the agency assigning the code values. Code Name TI Telecommunications Industry Type ID Min/Max 1/1 Usage_ Must use ID 2/2 Used November 2020 172 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A ITA04 ITA05 ITA06 ITA07 ITA09 ITA10 ITA11 ITA12 ITA13 331 Allowance or Charge Method of Handling Code M Description: Code indicating method of handling for an allowance or charge. Code 04 06 15 ZZ Name Credit Customer Account Charge to be Paid by Customer Information only Mutually Defined 341 Allowance or Charge Number O Description: The number assigned by a vendor referencing an allowance, promotion, deal or charge. 359 Allowance or Charge Rate O 360 Allowance or Charge Total Amount O Description: Total dollar amount for the allowance or charge. 332 Percent X 380 Quantity X 355 Unit or Basis for Measurement Code X Description: Code specifying the units in which a value is being expressed, or manner in which a measurement has been taken. Code 1N MJ SG UN Name Count Minutes Segment (Call Segments) Unit 380 Quantity X FOR NCBS: ITA12 quantity will only be populated for Enhanced Features for Toll Free Service. 352 Specific charge description X FOR IX Plus: `PAYPHONE USE CHARGE' `CALL SURCHARGE' FOR NCBS: `PAYPHONE USE CHARGE' `CALL SURCHARGE' `BUSY/ANNOUNCEMENT ENHANCED FEATURES' `CALLER TAKEBACK' ® ENHANCED FEATURES `DATABASE ROUTING ENHANCED FEATURES' `MESSAGE ANNOUNCEMENT ENHANCED FEATURES' `MENU ROUTING ENHANCED FEATURES' `TAKEBACK AND TRANSFER' ® ENHANCED FEATURES ID 2/2 AN 1/16 R 1/15 N2 1/15 R 1/6 R 1/15 ID 2/2 R 1/15 AN 1/80 Must use Used Used Used Used Used Used Used Used November 2020 173 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A ITA14 ITA16 ITA17 150 Special Charge or Allowance Code X Description: Code identifying type of special charge or allowance. User: See TCIF section 10.4 for complete list of valid values. Code DSC FFR MSG PAI SER SUR TAA TXS Name Discount Flat Rate Miscellaneous Charge Promotional Discount Service Charge Surcharge Telephone Charges Tax Surcharge 662 Relationship Code O Description: Code indicating the relationship between entities. Code A I O Name Add Description: The value in ITA07 is included in the IT1 amount Included Information Only Description: Charges that relate to but may not be included in or added to the unit price of the SLN. (i.e., compute WATS calculation based upon usage amounts). 355 Unit or Basis for Measurement Code for ITA12 O Code 1N MJ Name Count Minutes ID 3/3 ID 1/1 ID 2/2 Used Used Used November 2020 174 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A QTY Quantity To specify quantity information: Syntax: R0204 -- At least one of QTY02 or QTY04 is required. E0204 -- Only one of QTY02 or QTY04 may be present. Pos: 617 Max: 1 Detail - Optional Loop: TCD/QTY Elements: 3 Semantics: 1. QTY04 is used when the quantity is non-numeric. Element Summary: Ref _ QTY01 QTY02 C0301 Id_ Element Name 673 Quantity Qualifier Description: Code specifying the type of quantity. _ Req M Code 01 2W PO SF WE Name Discrete Quantity Segments Percentage of Ordered Quantity/Allocated Site Limited Quantity Description: The Concurrent Call Limit 380 Quantity X Description: For NCBS: QTY segment is used to provide total number of individual calls represented by this TCD Call Detail loop for NIVR calls. If the QTY segment is not present, then the default of 1 is assumed. 355 Unit or Basis for Measurement Code M Description: Code specifying the units in which a value is being expressed, or manner in which a measurement has been taken. Code 1I 1R 4L 10 C0 DQ EA EB IE LH M0 NL NF P0 Name Fixed Rate Events / Transactions MegaBytes Group User Note: "10" is used for Trunks or Trunk Groups Calls Records Each Electronic Mail Boxes Persons/Users Labor Hour Magnetic tapes Load (Downloads) Messages Description: Number of Messages transmitted, or delivered Pages Type ID Min/Max 2/2 Usage_ Must use R 1/15 Used ID 2/2 Must use November 2020 175 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ Id_ P1 QC TO UN Element Name Percent Channels Telecommunications Lines in Service (circuits) _ Req User Note: "T0" is also used for count of telephone numbers Unit Type Min/Max Usage_ November 2020 176 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A USD Usage-Sensitive Detail Pos: 620 Max: 1 Detail - Optional Loop: USD Elements: 11 To specify usage-sensitive details which qualify for discounts or are subject to special rates: Syntax: E0304 -- Only one of USD03 or USD04 may be present. L03060708 -- If USD03 is present, then at least one of USD06, USD07 or USD08 is required. L040809 -- If USD04 is present, then at least one of USD08 or USD09 is required. P0506 -- If either USD05 or USD06 are present, then the others are required. C070506 -- If 07 is present, then USD05 and USD06 are required. L101112 -- If USD10 is present, then at least one of USD11 or USD12 is required. C1110 -- If USD11 is present, then USD10 is required. C1210 -- If USD12 is present, then USD10 is required. Semantics: 1. USD01 is a code indicating the relationship of the price or amount to the associated segment. 2. USD03 is the allowance or charge rate per unit. 3. USD04 is the discount percentage. 4. USD06 is the quantity of usage. 5.USD07 is a quantity of usage different than the quantity in USD06. When USD07 is present, it is used in conjunction with USD06, and then the rate USD03 is applied. 6. USD09 is the total amount of terms discount. Comments: 1. If both USD03 and USD08 are present, then USD08 takes precedence. 2. If USD11 is present and USD12 is not present, then the range is open ended. 3. If USD12 is present and USD11 is not present, then the minimum is zero. User: The USD loop may only appear at the line detail level. Element Summary: Ref _ USD01 USD02 Id_ Element Name 662 Relationship Code Description: Code indicating the relationship between entities. _ Req M Code I O Name Included Information Only Description: Charges that relate to but may not be included in or added to the unit price of the SLN. (i.e., compute WATS calculation based upon usage amounts) 350 Assigned Identification O Description: Alphanumeric characters assigned for differentiation within a transaction set. Type ID Min/Max 1/1 Usage_ Must use AN 1/20 Used USD03 USD05 118 Rate X Description: Rate expressed in the standard monetary denomination for the currency specified. C001 Composite Unit of Measure R 1/9 Comp Used Used November 2020 177 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ USD06 USD07 USD08 USD09 USD10 USD11 USD12 Id_ Element Name _ Req Description: For examples of composite data elements see Figures Appendix in X12 Standards. 355 Unit or Basis for Measurement Code M Description: Code specifying the units in which a value is being expressed, or manner in which a measurement has been taken. Code 03 C0 HR MJ NF Name Seconds Calls Description: Number of calls handled Hours Minutes Messages Description: Number of Messages transmitted, or delivered 380 Quantity X Description: Numeric value of quantity. 380 Quantity X Description: Numeric value of quantity. 782 Monetary Amount X Description: Monetary amountUser: This value has been `rounded' to two decimal points. 610 Amount X Description: Monetary amount. C001 Composite Unit of Measure Description: For examples of composite data elements see Figures Appendix in X12 Standards. 355 Unit or Basis for Measurement Code M Description: Code specifying the units in which a value is being expressed, or manner in which a measurement has been taken. User: See USD05 for valid code list. 740 Range Minimum X Description: The value specifying the minimum of the measurement range. 741 Range Maximum X Description: The value specifying the maximum of the measurement range. Type Min/Max Usage_ ID 2/2 Must use R 1/15 R 1/15 R 1/18 Used Used Used N2 1/15 Comp Used Used ID 2/2 Must use R 1/20 Used R 1/20 Used November 2020 178 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A SI Service Characteristic Identification Pos: 625 Max: 2 Detail - Optional Loop: USD Elements: 7 To specify service characteristic data: Syntax: P0405 -- If either SI04 or SI05 are present, then the others are required. P0607 -- If either SI06 or SI07 are present, then the others are required. P0809 -- If either SI08 or SI09 are present, then the others are required. P1011 -- If either SI10 or SI11 are present, then the others are required. P1213 -- If either SI12 or SI13 are present, then the others are required. P1415 -- If either SI14 or SI15 are present, then the others are required. P1617 -- If either SI16 or SI17 are present, then the others are required. P1819 -- If either SI18 or SI19 are present, then the others are required. P2021 -- If either SI20 or SI21 are present, then the others are required. Comments: 1. SI01 defines the source for each of the service characteristic qualifiers. User: See TCIF section 10.4 for valid values when using data element 1000/234 pairs. Element Summary: Ref _ SI01 SI02 Id_ Element Name _ Req 559 Agency Qualifier Code M Description: Code identifying the agency assigning the code values. Code Name TI Telecommunications Industry 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier M Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See TCIF section 10.4 for complete list of valid values. Possible SI DE1000/DE234 pairs: `BA' Band 'DA' Directory Assistance Category Code `DS' Discount Planned Code `MC' Message or Rate Class `MT' Message Type 'RP' Rate Period `RY' Local / Toll Indicator 'SD' Settlement Code `SG' Service Group `SS' Service Sub-category Code Type ID Min/Max 2/2 Usage_ Must use AN 2/2 Must use SI03 234 Product/Service ID Description: Identifying number for a product or service. November 2020 M AN 1/48 Must use 179 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide Ref _ Id_ Element Name If DE1000 'DA' '01' Local '11' Both 411 and 555 combined If DE1000 = MC DS - Dial Station, OS - Operator Station, If DE1000 = MT CC - Calling Card CL - Collect CP - Coin Paid SC - Special Collect SP - Sent Paid TF - Toll Free TN - Third Number If ED1000 = `RP' 01-Peak, 02-Off Peak, 03-Day, 04-Evening, 05-Night or Weekend, 06-Weekend, 07-Special Intrastate, 08-Late Night, 09-Regular, 10-Discount, 11-Economy If DE1000 = RY L - Local T - Toll / Long Distance If DE1000 'SD' `AB' Intra US/US `IR' Interstate `IT' International November 2020 VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A _ Req Type Min/Max Usage_ 180 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ Id_ Element Name If DE1000 'SS' `ATM' ATM `DI' DEDICATED INTERNET `DSL' DSL `FR' FRAME RELAY `M' Miscellaneous `NU' Non-Usage `NUC' Non-Usage Conferencing `NUF' Non-Usage Feat/Misc `NUL' Non-Usage Local `NV' NETWORK VPN `NVD' Non-Voice Data Services `NVS' Non-Voice Services `PIP' PRIVATE IP `U" Usage `UC' Usage-Conferencing _ Req Type Min/Max Usage_ SI04 SI05 SI06 SI07 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier X AN 2/2 Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See SI02 above. Used 234 Product/Service ID Description: Identifying number for a product or service. User: See SI03 above. X AN 1/48 Used 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier X AN 2/2 Description: Code from an industry code list qualifying the type of service characteristics. User: See SI02 above. Used 234 Product/Service ID Description: Identifying number for a product or service. User: See SI03 above. X AN 1/48 Used November 2020 181 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A ITA Allowance, Charge or Service Pos: 630 Max: 2 Detail - Optional Loop: USD Elements: 7 To specify allowances, charges, or services: Syntax: L02031314 -- If ITA02 is present, then at least one of ITA03, ITA13 or ITA14 is required. C0809 -- If ITA08 is present, then ITA09 is required. P1011 -- If either ITA10 or ITA11 are present, then the others are required. C1502 -- If ITA15 is present, then ITA02 is required. C1712 -- If ITA17 is present, then ITA12 is required. Semantics: 1. ITA09 is the allowance or charge percent. 2.ITA10 is the quantity basis when the allowance or charge quantity is different from the purchase order or invoice quantity. 3. ITA12 is the quantity of free goods. Comments: 1. If ITA01 equals "A" - allowance or "C" - charge, then at least one of ITA06, ITA07, or ITA08 must be present. 2. ITA02 identifies the source of the code value in ITA03 or ITA15. 3. If ITA07 is present with either ITA06 or ITA08, then ITA07 takes precedence. 4. ITA13 is used to clarify the allowance, charge, or service. 5. ITA15 specifies the individual code list of the agency specified in ITA02. 6. ITA16 describes the relationship of ITA06, ITA07 or ITA09 to an associated segment. Element Summary: Ref _ ITA01 ITA02 Id_ Element Name _ Req 248 Allowance or Charge Indicator M Description: Code which indicates an allowance or charge for the service specified. Code A C N Name Allowance Charge No Allowance or Charge 559 Agency Qualifier Code X Description: Code identifying the agency assigning the code values. Code Name TI Telecommunications Industry Type ID Min/Max 1/1 Usage_ Must use ID 2/2 Used November 2020 182 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A ITA04 ITA07 ITA09 ITA14 ITA16 331 Allowance or Charge Method of Handling Code M Description: Code indicating method of handling for an allowance or charge. Code 04 06 ZZ Name Credit Customer Account Charge to be Paid by Customer Mutually Defined 360 Allowance or Charge Total Amount O Description: Total dollar amount for the allowance or charge. 332 Percent X Description: Percent expressed as a percent. 150 Special Charge or Allowance Code X Description: Code identifying type of special charge or allowance. User: See TCIF section 10.4 for complete list of valid values. Code 275 295 CCR DSC EAC LPC MGC MSG PAI QQD STC SUR VAB Name Discount - Incentive Discount Special Concession Credit Discount Exchange Access Credit Late payment charge Message Charge Miscellaneous Charge Promotional Discount Quantity Discount State Surcharge Surcharge Volume Discount 662 Relationship Code O Description: Code indicating the relationship between entities. Code I O Name Included Information Only Description: Charges that relate to but may not be included in or added to the unit price of the SLN. (i.e., compute WATS calculation based upon usage amounts). ID 2/2 N2 1/15 R 1/16 ID 3/3 ID 1/1 Must use Used Used Used Used November 2020 183 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A TRF Rating Factors Pos: 640 Max: 18 Detail - Optional Loop: USD Elements: 5 To specify rating information used to calculate usage-sensitive charges: Comments: 1. TRF01 defines the rating basis (e.g., acknowledged calls, minimum period, etc.) for the segment. 2. TRF02 and TRF03 define equivalent units per standard unit. 3. TRF04 and TRF05 define the standard unit. Element Summary: Ref _ TRF01 Id_ Element Name 673 Quantity Qualifier Description: Code specifying the type of quantity. _ Req M User: Code specifying the rating basis (e.g., acknowledged calls, minimum period, etc.) for the segment. Code 01 02 27 38 47 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 AA AB AC AD Name Discrete Quantity Cumulative Quantity Committed Quantity Original Quantity Primary Net Quantity Acknowledged Quantity Description: Network Recognition for message receipt. Additional Usage Quantity Description: The amount of usage incurred above the allotted or allowable use for a service. Allotted Usage Quantity Description: The amount of allowable usage related to a service. Attendant-Handled Quantity Description: Manual Recognition for message receipt. Billable Quantity Description: Number of billable units used. Data Storage Quantity Description: Number of storage units used. Non-Billable Quantity Description: Number of non-billable units. Non-Urgent Delivery Quantity Description: Number of units delivered in non-urgent status. Overflow Quantity Description: Number of overflow messages, (Busy condition count for 800 service). Quantity Used Description: Quantity of units used. Unacknowledged Quantity Description: Message received without network, or attendant recognition. Urgent Delivery Quantity Description: Number of units delivered in urgent status. Voice Storage Quantity Description: Number of voice storage units used. Maintenance Units Type ID Min/Max 2/2 Usage_ Must use November 2020 184 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ TRF02 Id_ Element Name _ Req Description: Number of units of maintenance provided. AE Minimum Average Time Requirement (MATR) Units Description: Number of units calculated at a minimum usage rating basis, such as X minutes per message. AF Wide Area Telephone Service (WATS)/800 Service Units Description: Number of units of usage, for WATS or 800 service. AG Number of End Users Description: Number of participating users. AH Number of Message Recipients Description: Number of recipients. AI Number of Operator Credits Description: Number of operator credits given. AJ Daily Adjustments NS Number of Stations Description: Number of stations, or terminating points, which are in use, deleted, added, etc. for service delivery; ports or lines on a computer. C001 Composite Unit of Measure Description: Equivalent units per standard unit. For examples of composite data elements see Figures Appendix in X12 Standards. User: Equivalent units per standard unit. 355 Unit or Basis for Measurement Code M Description: Code specifying the units in which a value is being expressed, or manner in which a measurement has been taken. Code 03 12 AD AH AI AL AN C0 Name Seconds Packet Bytes Description: A computer string of data that consists of a quantity of bits, treated as a unit; a bit is a binary digit. Additional Minutes Description: The minutes, usually associated with usage-sensitive pricing of telecommunication services, which are above the minutes allowed for that particular service. Average Minutes Per Call Description: The total number of minutes of a category of calls divided by the total number of calls within the category for telephone services calculated to provide call summary details. Access Lines Description: Number of lines subject to Carrier Access Line Charges. Minutes or Messages Description: Number of minutes or messages contracted or used in telephone services where either the number of minutes or messages are the unit of measure for the calculation of charges. Calls Description: Number of calls handled. Type Min/Max Usage_ Comp Must use ID 2/2 Must use November 2020 185 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ TRF03 TRF04 TRF05 Id_ Element Name _ Req EA Each HR Hours HT Half Hour KB Kilocharacters Description: Kilocharacters of data transmitted. KF Kilopackets Description: Kilopackets of data transmitted. MJ Minutes QH Quarter Hours Description: Number of 15 minute increments of usage handled. UB Telecommunications Lines in Service - Average Description: Average number of lines in service specific to equal access requirements. UC Telecommunications Ports Description: Number of network access ports. UD Tenth Minutes Description: Number of 6 second increments of usage. UE Tenth Hours Description: Number of 6 minute increments of usage. UF Usage per Telecommunications Line - Average ZZ Mutually Defined 380 Quantity M Description: Numeric value of quantity. C001 Composite Unit of Measure Description: Equivalent units per standard unit. For examples of composite data elements see Figures Appendix in X12 Standards. 355 Unit or Basis for Measurement Code M Description: Code specifying the units in which a value is being expressed, or manner in which a measurement has been taken. Code 03 AN HR Name Seconds Minutes or Messages Description: Number of minutes or messages contracted or used in telephone services where either the number of minutes or messages are the unit of measure for the calculation of charges. User: Will be used to indicate minutes Hours 380 Quantity M Description: Numeric value of quantity. Type Min/Max Usage_ R 1/15 Comp Must use Must use ID 2/2 Must use R 1/15 Must use November 2020 186 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A QTY Quantity Pos: 650 Max: 1 Detail - Optional Loop: USD/QTY Elements: 3 To specify quantity information: Syntax: R0204 -- At least one of QTY02 or QTY04 is required. E0204 -- Only one of QTY02 or QTY04 may be present. Semantics: 1. QTY04 is used when the quantity is non-numeric. Element Summary: Ref _ QTY01 QTY02 QTY03 Id_ Element Name 673 Quantity Qualifier Description: Code specifying the type of quantity. _ Req M Code 94 99 Name Billable Quantity Description: Number of billable units used. Quantity Used Description: Quantity of units used. 380 Quantity X Description: Numeric value of quantity. C001 Composite Unit of Measure Description: For examples of composite data elements see Figures Appendix in X12 Standards. 355 Unit or Basis for Measurement Code M Description: Code specifying the units in which a value is being expressed, or manner in which a measurement has been taken. Code 03 2P C0 EJ HR HT MJ NF QH UE Name Seconds kilobytes Calls Description: Number of calls handled. Locations Hours Half Hour Minutes Messages Description: Number of Messages transmitted, or delivered. Quarter Hours Description: Number of 15 minute increments of usage handled. Tenth Hours Description: Number of 6 minute increments of usage. Type ID Min/Max 2/2 Usage_ Must use R 1/15 Comp Used Used ID 2/2 Must use November 2020 187 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A TDS Total Monetary Value Summary Pos: 010 Max: Summary - Mandatory Loop: N/A Elements: 1 To specify the total invoice discounts and amounts: Semantics: 1.TDS01 is the total amount of invoice (including charges, less allowances) before terms discount (if discount is applicable). 2. TDS02 indicates the amount upon which the terms discount amount is calculated. 3.TDS03 is the amount of invoice due if paid by terms discount due date (total invoice or installment amount less cash discount). 4. TDS04 indicates the total amount of terms discount. Comments: 1. TDS02 is required if the dollar value subject to discount is not equal to the dollar value of TDS01. Element Summary: Ref _ TDS01 Id_ Element Name 610 Amount Description: Monetary amount. User: Total current month invoiced amount. _ Req M Type N2 Min/Max 1/15 Usage_ Must use November 2020 188 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A ITA Allowance, Charge or Service Pos: 020 Max: Summary - Optional Loop: ITA Elements: 8 To specify allowances, charges, or services: Syntax: L02031314 -- If ITA02 is present, then at least one of ITA03, ITA13 or ITA14 is required. C0809 -- If ITA08 is present, then ITA09 is required. P1011 -- If either ITA10 or ITA11 are present, then the others are required. C1502 -- If ITA15 is present, then ITA02 is required. C1712 -- If ITA17 is present, then ITA12 is required. Semantics: 1. ITA09 is the allowance or charge percent. 2.ITA10 is the quantity basis when the allowance or charge quantity is different from the purchase order or invoice quantity. 3. ITA12 is the quantity of free goods. Comments: 1. If ITA01 equals "A" - allowance or "C" - charge, then at least one of ITA06, ITA07, or ITA08 must be present. 2. ITA02 identifies the source of the code value in ITA03 or ITA15. 3. If ITA07 is present with either ITA06 or ITA08, then ITA07 takes precedence. 4. ITA13 is used to clarify the allowance, charge, or service. 5. ITA15 specifies the individual code list of the agency specified in ITA02. 6. ITA16 describes the relationship of ITA06, ITA07 or ITA09 to an associated segment. Element Summary: Ref _ ITA01 ITA02 ITA04 ITA07 Id_ Element Name _ Req 248 Allowance or Charge Indicator M Description: Code which indicates an allowance or charge for the service specified. Code A C N Name Allowance Charge No Allowance or Charge 559 Agency Qualifier Code X Description: Code identifying the agency assigning the code values. Code Name TI Telecommunications Industry 331 Allowance or Charge Method of Handling Code M Description: Code indicating method of handling for an allowance or charge. Code 04 06 Name Credit Customer Account Charge to be Paid by Customer 360 Allowance or Charge Total Amount O Description: Total dollar amount for the allowance or charge. Type ID Min/Max 1/1 Usage_ Must use ID 2/2 Used ID 2/2 Must use N2 1/15 Used November 2020 189 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ ITA11 ITA13 ITA14 ITA16 Id_ Element Name _ Req 355 Unit or Basis for Measurement Code X Description: Code specifying the units in which a value is being expressed, or manner in which a measurement has been taken. Code Name M4 Monetary Value 352 Description X 150 Special Charge or Allowance Code X Description: Code identifying type of special charge or allowance. Code AAJ LPC MSG TRS Name Adjustments Late payment charge Miscellaneous Charge Transferred Charges Description: Adjustment for delayed charges or payments to an account number no longer in service. 662 Relationship Code O Description: Code indicating the relationship between entities Code A O Name Add Information Only Description: Charges that relate to but may not be included in or added to the unit price of the SLN. (i.e., compute WATS calculation based upon usage amounts). Type Min/Max Usage_ ID 2/2 Used AN 1/80 ID 3/3 Used Used ID 1/1 Used November 2020 190 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A DTM Date/Time Reference To specify pertinent dates and times: Pos: 030 Max: Summary - Optional Loop: ITA Elements: 2 Syntax: R020305 -- At least one of DTM02, DTM03 or DTM05 is required. C0403 -- If DTM04 is present, then DTM03 is required P0506 -- If either DTM05 or DTM06 are present, then the others are required. Element Summary: Ref _ DTM01 DTM02 Id_ Element Name _ Req 374 Date/Time Qualifier M Description: Code specifying type of date or time, or both date and time. Code Name 009 Process 373 Date X Description: Date expressed as CCYYMMDD. Type ID Min/Max 3/3 Usage_ Must use DT 8/8 Used November 2020 191 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A BAL Balance Detail To identify the specific monetary balances associated with a particular account: Pos: 040 Max: Summary - Optional Loop: BAL Elements: 3 Element Summary: Ref _ BAL01 BAL02 BAL03 Id_ Element Name 951 Balance Type Code Description: Code indicating the type of balance. _ Req M Code A M P Name Adjustment Current Month Previous Month Description: Balance of previous period charges prior to applying payments and adjustments for the previous period billing. 522 Amount Qualifier Code M Description: Code to qualify amount. Code C4 NA PB TP TT Name Prior Payment -Actual Net Adjustment Previous Billed Amount Description: Total amount due on the period bill. Total Payment amount Total Transaction Amount 782 Monetary Amount M Description: Monetary amount. Type ID Min/Max 1/2 Usage_ Must use ID 1/3 Must use R 1/18 Must use November 2020 192 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A N1 Name Pos: 060 Max: Summary - Optional Loop: N1 Elements: 4 To identify parties by type of organization, name, and code: Syntax: R0203 -- At least one of N102 or N103 is required. P0304 -- If either N103 or N104 are present, then the others are required. Comments: 1.This segment, used alone, provides the most efficient method of providing organizational identification. To obtain this efficiency the "ID Code" (N104) must provide a key to the table maintained by the transaction processing party. 2. N105 and N106 further define the type of entity in N101. Element Summary: Ref _ N101 N102 Id_ Element Name _ Req 98 Entity Identifier Code M Description: Code identifying an organizational entity, a physical location, property or an individual. Code SJ Name Service Provider Description: Identifies name and address information as pertaining to a service provider for which billing is being rendered. 93 Name X Description: Free-form name User: Service Provider Name Type ID Min/Max 2/3 Usage_ Must use AN 1/60 Used N103 N104 66 Identification Code Qualifier X Description: Code designating the system/method of code structure used for Identification Code (67). Code 41 42 Name Telecommunications Carrier Identification Code Description: Identifies the Interexchange carrier for the charges being billed. Telecommunications Pseudo Carrier Identification Code Description: A code similar to the standard Carrier Identification Code which is used to identify the local exchange service providers. 67 Identification Code X Description: Code identifying a party or other code. User: If N103 = "41" - Use Bellcore CIC list. If N103 = "42" - Use Pseudo-CIC list provided in TCIF section 10.4. ID 1/2 AN 2/80 Used Used November 2020 193 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A BAL Balance Detail To identify the specific monetary balances associated with a particular account: Pos: 070 Max: Summary - Optional Loop: N1/BAL Elements: 3 Element Summary: Ref _ BAL01 BAL02 BAL03 Id_ Element Name 951 Balance Type Code Description: Code indicating the type of balance. _ Req M Code Name M Current Month 522 Amount Qualifier Code M Description: Code to qualify amount. Code C4 Name Prior Payment - Actual Description: Amount paid in reality at an earlier time. 782 Monetary Amount M Description: Monetary amount. Type ID Min/Max 1/2 Usage_ Must use ID 1/3 Must use R 1/18 Must use November 2020 194 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A DTM Date/Time Reference To specify pertinent dates and times: Pos: 080 Max: Summary - Optional Loop: N1/BAL Elements: 2 Syntax: R020305 -- At least one of DTM02, DTM03 or DTM05 is required. C0403 -- If DTM04 is present, then DTM03 is required. P0506 -- If either DTM05 or DTM06 are present, then the others are required. Element Summary: Ref _ DTM01 DTM02 Id_ Element Name _ Req 374 Date/Time Qualifier M Description: Code specifying type of date or time, or both date and time. Code Name 050 Received 373 Date X Description: Date expressed as CCYYMMDD. Type ID Min/Max 3/3 Usage_ Must use DT 8/8 Used November 2020 195 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A ITA Allowance, Charge or Service Pos: 090 Max: Summary - Optional Loop: N1/ITA Elements: 8 To specify allowances, charges, or services: Syntax: L02031314 -- If ITA02 is present, then at least one of ITA03, ITA13 or ITA14 is required. C0809 -- If ITA08 is present, then ITA09 is required. P1011 -- If either ITA10 or ITA11 are present, then the others are required. C1502 -- If ITA15 is present, then ITA02 is required. C1712 -- If ITA17 is present, then ITA12 is required. Semantics: 1. ITA09 is the allowance or charge percent. 2.ITA10 is the quantity basis when the allowance or charge quantity is different from the purchase order or invoice quantity. 3. ITA12 is the quantity of free goods. Comments: 1. If ITA01 equals "A" - allowance or "C" - charge, then at least one of ITA06, ITA07, or ITA08 must be present. 2. ITA02 identifies the source of the code value in ITA03 or ITA15. 3. If ITA07 is present with either ITA06 or ITA08, then ITA07 takes precedence. 4. ITA13 is used to clarify the allowance, charge, or service. 5. ITA15 specifies the individual code list of the agency specified in ITA02. 6. ITA16 describes the relationship of ITA06, ITA07 or ITA09 to an associated segment. Element Summary: Ref _ ITA01 ITA02 ITA04 ITA07 Id_ Element Name _ Req 248 Allowance or Charge Indicator M Description: Code which indicates an allowance or charge for the service specified. Code A C N Name Allowance Charge No Allowance or Charge 559 Agency Qualifier Code X Description: Code identifying the agency assigning the code values. Code Name TI Telecommunications Industry 331 Allowance or Charge Method of Handling Code M Description: Code indicating method of handling for an allowance or charge. Code 04 06 15 Name Credit Customer Account Charge to be Paid by Customer Information only 360 Allowance or Charge Total Amount O Description: Total dollar amount for the allowance or charge. Type ID Min/Max 1/1 Usage_ Must use ID 2/2 Used ID 2/2 Must use N2 1/15 Used November 2020 196 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Ref _ ITA11 ITA13 ITA14 ITA16 Id_ Element Name _ Req 355 Unit or Basis for Measurement Code X Description: Code specifying the units in which a value is being expressed, or manner in which a measurement has been taken. Code Name M4 Monetary Value 352 Description X 150 Special Charge or Allowance Code X Description: Code identifying type of special charge or allowance. Code 230 AAJ MSG TRS Name Credit (VCAP-R) User: ITA14 = "230" is only used for VCAP-R credits. Adjustments Miscellaneous Charge Transferred Charges Description: Adjustment for delayed charges or payments to an account number no longer in service. 662 Relationship Code O Description: Code indicating the relationship between entities. Code O Name Information Only Description: Charges that relate to but may not be included in or added to the unit price of the SLN. (i.e., compute WATS calculation based upon usage amounts). Type Min/Max Usage_ ID 2/2 Used AN 1/80 ID 3/3 Used Used ID 1/1 Used November 2020 197 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A DTM Date/Time Reference To specify pertinent dates and times: Syntax: R020305 -- At least one of DTM02, DTM03 or DTM05 is required. C0403 -- If DTM04 is present, then DTM03 is required. P0506 -- If either DTM05 or DTM06 are present, then the others are required. Pos: 100 Max: 2 Summary - Optional Loop: N1/ITA Elements: 2 Element Summary: Ref _ DTM01 DTM02 Id_ Element Name _ Req 374 Date/Time Qualifier M Description: Code specifying type of date or time, or both date and time. Code 009 050 Name Process Received 373 Date X Description: Date expressed as CCYYMMDD. Type ID Min/Max 3/3 Usage_ Must use DT 8/8 Used November 2020 198 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A LX Assigned Number To reference a line number in a transaction set: Pos: 107 Max: Summary - Optional Loop: N1/LX Elements: 1 Element Summary: Ref _ LX01 Id_ Element Name _ Req 554 Assigned Number M Description: Number assigned for differentiation within a transaction set. Type N0 Min/Max 1/6 Usage_ Must use November 2020 199 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A REF Reference Identification Pos: 108 Max: Summary - Optional Loop: N1/LX Elements: 2 To specify account, billing, and accounts receivable numbers: Syntax: R0203 -- At least one of REF02 or REF03 is required. Semantics: 1. REF04 contains data relating to the value cited in REF02. User: This REF segment is used to provide the invoice number that the previous invoice information is for. Element Summary: Ref _ REF01 REF02 Id_ Element Name 128 Reference Identification Qualifier Description: Code qualifying the Reference Identification. _ Req M Code 1L K9 PX Name Group Number Inquiry Request Number Prior Invoice Number Description: The invoice number this payment is for. 127 Reference Identification X Description: Reference information as defined for a particular Transaction Set or as specified by the Reference Identification Qualifier. Type ID Min/Max 2/3 Usage_ Must use AN 1/30 Used November 2020 200 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide AMT Monetary Amount To indicate the total monetary amount: Element Summary: Ref _ AMT01 AMT02 Id_ Element Name 522 Amount Qualifier Code Description: Code to qualify amount. Code 0S 0T NA TP Name Previous Invoice Billed (zero `S') Currently Due (zero `T') Net Adjustment for Invoice Total Amount Paid for Invoice 782 Monetary Amount Description: Monetary amount. VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A Pos: 109 Max: 1 Summary - Optional Loop: N1/LX/AMT Elements: 2 _ Req M Type ID Min/Max 1/3 Usage_ Must use M R 1/18 Must use November 2020 201 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A DTM Date/Time Reference To specify pertinent dates and times: Syntax: R020305 -- At least one of DTM02, DTM03 or DTM05 is required. C0403 -- If DTM04 is present, then DTM03 is required. P0506 -- If either DTM05 or DTM06 are present, then the others are required. Pos: 110 Max: 1 Summary - Optional Loop: N1/LX/AMT Elements: 2 Element Summary: Ref _ DTM01 DTM02 Id_ Element Name _ Req 374 Date/Time Qualifier M Description: Code specifying type of date or time, or both date and time. Code 007 009 050 Name Effective Process Received 373 Date X Description: Date expressed as CCYYMMDD. Type ID Min/Max 3/3 Usage_ Must use DT 8/8 Used November 2020 202 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A CTT Transaction Totals Pos: 115 Max: 1 Summary - Optional Loop: N/A Elements: 1 To transmit a hash total for a specific element in the transaction set: Syntax: P0304 -- If either CTT03 or CTT04 are present, then the others are required. P0506 -- If either CTT05 or CTT06 are present, then the others are required. Comments: 1. This segment is intended to provide hash totals to validate transaction completeness and correctness. User: The number of line items (CTT01) is the accumulation of the number of IT1 segments. Element Summary: Ref _ CTT01 Id_ Element Name 354 Number of Line Items Description: Total number of line items in the transaction set. User: Number of IT1 segments in this transaction set. _ Req M Type N0 Min/Max 1/6 Usage_ Must use November 2020 203 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A SE Transaction Set Trailer Pos: 120 Max: 1 Summary - Mandatory Loop: N/A Elements: 2 To indicate the end of the transaction set and provide the count of the transmitted segments (including the beginning (ST) and ending (SE) segments): Comments: 1. SE is the last segment of each transaction set. Element Summary: Ref _ SE01 SE02 Id_ Element Name _ Req 96 Number of Included Segments M Description: Total number of segments included in a transaction set including ST and SE segments. 329 Transaction Set Control Number M Description: Identifying control number that must be unique within the transaction set functional group assigned by the originator for a transaction set. User: The value of this data element in SE02 in the Transaction Set Trailer (SE) must match the value of the same data element in ST02 of the Transaction Set Header (ST). Type N0 Min/Max 1/10 Usage_ Must use AN 4/9 Must use November 2020 204 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A GE Functional Group Trailer Pos: Max: 1 - Mandatory Loop: N/A Elements: 2 To indicate the end of a functional group and to provide control information: Semantics: 1. The data interchange control number GE02 in this trailer must be identical to the same data element in the associated functional group header, GS06. Comments: 1. The use of identical data interchange control numbers in the associated functional group header and trailer is designed to maximize functional group integrity. The control number is the same as that used in the corresponding header. User: Indicates the end of a group of related transaction sets. Element Summary: Ref _ GE01 Id_ Element Name _ Req 97 Number of Transaction Sets Included M Description: Total number of transaction sets included in the functional group or interchange (transmission) group terminated by the trailer containing this data element. User: Number of included transaction sets Type N0 Min/Max 1/6 Usage_ Must use GE02 28 Group Control Number M Description: Assigned number originated and maintained by the sender. User: The value is the same as in GS06 N0 1/9 Must use November 2020 205 Verizon EDI Billing Implementation Guide VB811 Transaction Set Version 004010 Appendix A IEA Interchange Control Trailer Pos: Max: 1 - Mandatory Loop: N/A Elements: 2 To define the end of an interchange of zero or more functional groups and interchange-related control segments: User: The Interchange Control Trailer is the last segment of the transmission. Element Summary: Ref _ IEA01 IEA02 Id_ Element Name _ Req I16 Number of Included Functional Groups M Description: A count of the number of functional groups included in an interchange. I12 Interchange Control Number M Description: A control number assigned by the interchange sender. User: This value is the same as in ISA13 Type N0 Min/Max 1/5 Usage_ Must use N0 9/9 Must use November 2020 206Microsoft Word 2013 Microsoft Word 2013