REACH. 933D41 RevA; Issued by Tripp Regulatory; 10/09/2020. Template 93398D RevD August 2020. DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY.
Template 93398D RevD August 2020 The following product below comply with the listed Directives of the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and R egistration, E valuation, A uthorization and restriction of Ch emicals (REACH) that affects producing, importing, using or placing
ROHS REACH DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY The following product(s) below comply with the listed Directives of the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and restriction of Chemicals (REACH) that affects producing, importing, using or placing products on the European market that do not contain any SVHCs (Substance of Very High Concern) over the 0.1% w/w threshold. This declaration of conformity is issued under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer. REACH compliance: Our products do not contain any of the Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) above the specified concentrations, as defined in Article 57 and Annex XIV (including all amendments). Our products do not contain any of the restricted substances, as defined in Article 67 and Annex XVII (including all amendments). We monitor all changes to this Directive and Annexes XIV and XVII, and ensure that our products continue to be Compliant with all future requirements and amendments. Type of equipment: USB, Lightning & Firewire Model number(s): UR030-001 Applicable Council Directive(s): RoHS3 2011/65/EU as amended by 2015/863/EU REACH 1907/2006 RoHS Exemption(s): 6a, 7c-II, 8b REACH SVHC List: Candidate List 205 (published January 16, 2020) Standards to which conformity is being declare: IEC6000:3016 933D41 RevA; Issued by Tripp Regulatory; 10/09/2020 Template 93398D RevD August 2020Microsoft Word 2016 Microsoft Word 2016