The Chamber Desk Manual: Labor and Employment. Law for Hawaii Employers, Seventh Edition, 2004,. Torkildson, Katz, Fonseca, Moore & Hetherington,.
Candidate Information Bulletin State of Hawaii COMMERCIAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY EXAM At a glance The Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (the Department) has contracted with Prometric Inc., to conduct its examination program. Prometric provides exams through its Prometric network of testing centers. In Hawaii, every employment agency is required to hold an employment agency license. Prior to applying for an agency license, applicants must pass a required exam. This bulletin is your guide to the process of obtaining a Hawaii Commercial Employment Agency license. The steps below summarize the process. For information about a step, go to the page listed. To obtain your license 1 Submit your Exam Registration Form and ($50) fee to Prometric--Page 7. In return, you will receive an admission letter and exam appointment. 2 Prepare for your exam using this bulletin and other materials--Page 3. 3 Present your admission letter and required identification; then take the exam-- Page 3. 4 Once you pass your exam, you will receive a License Application Form--Page 4. To get answers not provided in this bulletin For questions about exams: Prometric 354 Uluniu Street, Suite 308 Kailua, HI 96734 Phone: 808.261.8182 For questions about licensing: Commercial Employment Agencies Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs P.O. Box 3469 Honolulu, HI 96801 808.587.3222 Copyright© 2015 Prometric Inc., a Delaware Corporation. All rights reserved. 1 Rev. 20151218 HAWAII COMMERCIAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY EXAMINATION Registering for an exam To register and schedule an exam, you should: 1 Complete the Exam Registration Form (Page 7). When completing the registration form, you must provide your contact information, Social Security number, exam scheduling preferences and payment. Prometric will treat your Social Security number as confidential. It will be used only as an identification number in maintaining your record and reporting your score to the Department. 2 Mail the registration form and the exam fee to Prometric at the address shown on the form. Fees. The exam fee is $50. Payment can be made by Visa, MasterCard, cashier's check, or money order. Personal checks and cash are not accepted. Fees are nonrefundable. Exam dates and registration cutoff dates. Exams are offered six times each year at several locations. Exam appointments are assigned according to availability and preference you indicate on the registration form. Note Prometric must receive your registration form and fee on or before the deadline date. Special consideration ADA accommodation. If you require testing accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), please call Prometric at 808.261.8182 to obtain an accommodation request form. This form must be submitted, along with written professional verification of your disability, before you schedule your exam. Reasonable testing accommodations are provided to allow candidates with documented disabilities recognized under the ADA an opportunity to demonstrate their skills and knowledge. ESL note. If English is your second language, please note that a language barrier is not considered a disability. Admission letter If your registration form and payment are received by the registration deadline, Prometric will send you an admission letter. This letter provides information regarding the specific date, time and location of your exam. You must present this letter at the testing center or you will not be allowed to test. You should receive your admission letter approximately one week before the exam. If you lose your admission letter or have not received it three days before the exam, call Prometric immediately at 808.261.8182. Be sure to notify Prometric and the Board of any change of address. Important If you do not appear for your exam on the date and at the time shown on your admission letter, you forfeit all fees. Rev. 20151218 2 HAWAII COMMERCIAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY EXAMINATION Preparing for your exam Format 1--Direct question Preparing can help you pass your exam and possibly save time and money needed to take it again. You may use the content outline on Page 5 of this bulletin to prepare for your exam. The exam is based on this content outline. The exam consists of multiple-choice questions. Three different multiple-choice formats are used on the test. Each format is shown in the following examples. An asterisk (*) indicates the correct answer in each sample question. Which of the following may be legally asked in a pre-employment interview? (A) How tall are you? (B) What is your mother tongue? (C) What is your spouse's maiden name? * (D) What languages do you speak fluently? Format 2-- Incomplete sentence Under the Hawaii Child Labor Law, the minimum age allowed for a child to obtain a "work permit" or child labor certificate is (A) 13. * (B) 14. (C) 15. (D) 16. Format 3--All of the following EXCEPT Under Chapter 373, Hawaii Revised Statutes, "actual earning" from employment means all compensation earned on a job EXCEPT (A) tips. (B) bonuses. * (C) lodging. (D) commission. What to bring on exam day Bring all the following items with you to your exam appointment: · Your admission letter from Prometric. · Two sharpened No. 2 pencils. · A current, valid, government-issued photo identification, such as a passport, driver's license, or military identification card. Important Failure to provide appropriate identification and your admission letter at the time of the exam is considered a missed appointment. If you miss an appointment or arrive late, you forfeit your fees. Test center regulations References To ensure that all candidates are tested under equally favorable conditions, the following regulations and procedures will be observed at each testing center. Failure to follow any of these security procedures may result in disqualification of your examination. Prometric reserves the right to audiotape and videotape any examination session. · No reference materials, papers or study materials are allowed at the test center. If you are found with these or any other aids, you will not be allowed to continue the exam and your answers will not be scored. 3 Rev. 20151218 HAWAII COMMERCIAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY EXAMINATION Personal items · You must not bring any personal/unauthorized items into the test center. Such items include but are not limited to: cell phones, PDAs, pagers, cameras, recording devices, photographic equipment, watches, outerwear, hats, food, drinks, purses, briefcases, backpacks, and notebooks. Breaks · If you leave the testing room while an exam is in progress, you must sign out/in on the roster and you will lose exam time. · You are not allowed to use any electronic devices or phones during breaks. Visitors · No guests, visitors or family members are allowed in the testing area. Misconduct or · Candidates who engage in any kind of misconduct or disruptive or offensive disruptive behavior behavior may be dismissed from the examination. Examples are: giving or receiving help, taking part in an act of impersonation, removing test materials or notes from the testing room, using rude or offensive language and behavior that delays or interrupts testing. Weapons · Weapons are not allowed at the testing center. Important Before an exam begins, the test center administrator will inspect all references, briefcases, purses, and so on to ensure that candidates are not in violation of any of these rules. The administrator will collect any materials that violate the rules. If questions arise. Test center administrators are not allowed to answer any questions pertaining to the exam content. If you do not understand a question on the examination, you should answer the question to the best of your ability. Copyrighted questions. All test questions are the property of Prometric Inc. and are protected by copyright. Federal law provides severe civil and criminal penalties for the unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or exhibition of copyrighted materials. Your exam results A score report will be mailed to you approximately 10 business days after your exam date. To ensure confidentiality, scores will not be disclosed over the phone. All score reports are mailed simultaneously. Passing score. A score of 70 percent or above is required to pass your exam. If you pass the exam, you will receive a Licensure Application Form with your score report. Complete and submit the form to the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs. The Department approves applications for licensure. Retake information. If you do not pass the exam, retake procedure information will be included with the score report. Certificate of achievement. Candidates passing their exams deserve recognition for their accomplishment. Prometric has prepared an 8.5" 11" certificate of achievement. This certificate is suitable for framing and contains your name and the name of the exam you successfully completed in a calligraphy typeface. The cost is $15. Rev. 20151218 4 Appeals process Exam content outline HAWAII COMMERCIAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY EXAMINATION Our goal is to provide a quality exam and a pleasant testing experience for every candidate. If you are dissatisfied with either and believe we can correct the problem, we would like to hear from you. We provide an opportunity for general comments at the end of your exam. Your comments will be reviewed by our personnel, but you will not receive a direct response. If you would like to submit an appeal concerning examination content, registration, scheduling or test administration (testing site procedures, equipment, personnel, etc.), please submit an appeal by visiting The Appeals Committee will review your concern and send you a written response within 20 business days of receipt. The Commercial Employment Agency exam is a closed book exam that consists of 40 multiple-choice questions. The following outline lists all subjects covered and the number of questions asked about each topic. Commercial Employment Agency Licensing Exam 40 questions -- 1-1/2-hour time limit I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. Interviewing 7% (3 questions) A. Principles B. Techniques Job Descriptions and Specifications 5% (2 questions) Placement Procedures 23% (9 questions) A. Recruiting B. Screening C. Referral Aids for Applicants 2% (1 question) A. Resumes Agency Management 23% (9 questions) A. Worker Compensation B. Unemployment Insurance C. Compensation Laws D. Hawaii Child Labor Law E. Family and Medical Leave Act and Hawaii Family Leave Act Business Law 25% (10 questions) A. Contracts B. Fees and Collection of Fees C. Fair Credit Reporting Act D. American with Disabilities Act E. Age Discrimination in Employment Act F. Occupational Safety and Health Administration G. Immigration Laws H. Fair Labor Standards Act Hawaii Statutes and Rules 15% (6 questions) A. Chapter 373, Hawaii Revised Statutes Commercial Employment Agencies B. Chapter 108, Rules of the Commercial Employment Agencies References The following references were used to create the exam. While no references are allowed during the exam, you may find these to be useful as study tools. 1. Digest of Chapters 386, 392 and 393, 2000, Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, Princess Keelikolani Building, 830 Punchbowl Street, Honolulu, HI 96813, 2. Handbook for Employers on Unemployment Insurance, 2003, Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, Princess Keelikolani Building, 830 Punchbowl Street, Honolulu, HI 96813, 3. Hawaii Administrative Rules, Title 12, Chapter 46, Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, Princess Keelikolani Building, 830 Punchbowl Street, Honolulu, HI 96813, 4. Hawaii Revised Statutes, Commercial Employment Agencies, Chapter 373, 2002, Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, 335 Merchant Street, Honolulu, HI 96813, 5. Hawaii Revised Statutes, Payment of Wages and Other Compensation Laws, Chapter 388, 2003, Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, Princess Keelikolani Building, 830 Punchbowl Street, Honolulu, HI 96813, 6. Hawaii Revised Statutes, Wage and Hour Law, Chapter 387, 2003, Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, Princess Keelikolani Building, 830 Punchbowl Street, Honolulu, HI 96813, 7. Hawaii Rules for Commercial Employment Agencies, Title 16, Chapter 108, Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, 335 Merchant Street, Honolulu, HI 96813, 5 Rev. 20151218 EXAM CONTENT OUTLINE 8. Highlights of the Hawaii Prepaid Health Care Law, January 2001, Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, Princess Keelikolani Building, 830 Punchbowl Street, Honolulu, HI 96813, 9. Highlights of the Hawaii Temporary Disability Insurance Law, March 2004, Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, Princess Keelikolani Building, 830 Punchbowl Street, Honolulu, HI 96813, 10. Highlights of the Hawaii Workers' Compensation Law, May 2003, Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, Princess Keelikolani Building, 830 Punchbowl Street, Honolulu, HI 96813, 11. Human Resource Essentials: Your Guide to Starting and Running the HR Function, First Edition, 2002, Society for Human Resource Management, 1800 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314, 12. Human Resource Management: Essential Perspectives, Third Edition, 2005, Thomson SouthWestern, 5191 Natorp Boulevard, Mason, OH 45040, 13. Procedure for Obtaining a Child Labor Certificate, 2003, Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, Princess Keelikolani Building, 830 Punchbowl Street, Honolulu, HI 96813, 14. The Chamber Desk Manual: Labor and Employment Law for Hawaii Employers, Seventh Edition, 2004, Torkildson, Katz, Fonseca, Moore & Hetherington, 700 Bishop Street, 15th Floor, Honolulu, HI 96813, 15. The HR Answer Book, 2004, AMACOM American Management Association, 1601 Broadway, New York, NY 10019, Rev. 20151218 6 Hawaii Commercial Employment Examination Registration Form Print or type clearly and neatly. Incomplete or illegible forms will not be processed. Candidate Information Last Name First Name Street Address (including Apt. number or P.O. Box, if applicable) Middle Name Social Security Number ___ ___ ___-___ ___-___ ___ _Da_t_e o_f_B_irth City Daytime Phone Number (including area code) ( ) State ZIP Code Email Address applications without an email address may experience delays) Evening Phone Number (including area code) ( ) Exam Selection and Fee Commercial Employment Agency Exam Title Exam Fee $50 Total Fee Total $ $ Payment: Fee may be paid by MasterCard, Visa, money order or cashier's check. Personal checks and cash are not accepted. Fees are nonrefundable. To pay by credit card, please complete the information below. Card Type (Check One) MasterCard Visa Name of Cardholder (Print) Card Number Signature of Cardholder Expiration Date Exam Date and Location Selection Registration Deadline Oahu Maui 02/05/21 02/19/21 02/19/21 04/09/21 04/23/21 04/23/21 06/04/21 06/18/21 06/18/21 08/06/21 08/20/21 08/20/21 10/08/21 10/22/21 10/22/21 12/03/21 12/17/21 12/17/21 Kona 02/19/21 04/23/21 06/18/21 08/20/21 10/22/21 12/17/21 Hilo 02/19/21 04/23/21 06/18/21 08/20/21 10/22/21 12/17/21 Kauai 02/19/21 04/23/21 06/18/21 08/20/21 10/22/21 12/17/21 Island Oahu Maui Kona Hilo Kauai Location Prometric, 354 Uluniu Street, Suite 308, Kailua, HI Maui Beach Hotel, 170 Kaahumanu Ave, Kahului, HI Kona Outdoor Circle, 76-6280 Kuakini Highway, Kailua-Kona, HI Puna Hongwanji Mission, 16-492 Old Volcano Road,Keauu, HI UPW Building, 4211 Rice Street, Ground Floor, Lihue, HI Time 7:45 a.m. 8:45 a.m. 7:45 a.m. 7:45 a.m. 7:15 a.m. By signing and submitting this form, I certify that I am the candidate named above and I agree to comply with all examination rules and regulations. Signature: (Keep a copy of this registration form for your records.) To register, send this completed form with the appropriate fee to: Prometric. 354 Uluniu Street, Suite 308, Kailua, HI 96734 Date: 7 Rev. 20151218Microsoft Word for Office 365