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Circle 2 on Reader Inquiry Card
2159 Bering Drive, San Jose, California 95131 (408) 263-9920 TWX 910-338-2145 Circle 4 on Reader Inquiry Card
The Problem: Glare from CRT displays. Eye strain. Inefficiency. Loss of operator-hours. The ergonomic difficulties of interfacing man and CRT are growing. OCLI has the solution: HEA®- High Efficiency Antireflection Coating. HEA reduces glare .by 94o/o while optimizing contrast. It improves the operator's visual efficiency and comfort. It's cost efficient. It's the solution. For more information write, phone, or TWX: OCLI, Dept. 109-DQ, 2789 Giffen Ave., P.O. Box 1599, Santa Rosa, CA. 95402. (707) 545-6440. TWX: (510) 744-2083.
Circle 3 on Reader Inquiry Card 2 Digital Design SEPTEMBER 1981
Group Publisher: Main Office Harold G. Buchbinder (617) 232-5470
Associate Publisher: Main Office Jeffrey C. Hoopes (617) 232-5470
Editorial Director: Western Office George King (714) 789-6688
Editor: Main Office Paul Snigier (617) 232-5470
Managing Editor
Harry Shershow
Book Review Editor
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West Coast Editor
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General Administration
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DIGITAL DESIGN is circulated only to qualified research, development and design engineers in all branches of industry, government institutions and universities. To obtain a complimentary subscription , request (on company letterhead) a qualification card from Circulation Director. For change of address, attach old address label from recent issue to new company letterhead or note. Send this plus request for new qualification card to :
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DIGITAL DESIGN solicits editorial material and articles from engineers and scientists. Contributors should submit duplicate manuscripts typed with two spaces between lines. All illustrations should be clear; components on all schematics and line drawings should be labeled. The editors assume no responsibility for the safety or return of any unsolicited manuscripts.
Published monthly by Benwill Publishing Corporation, a Morgan-Grampian Company, Harold G. Buchbinder, Chief Executive Officer; George Palken, President; Domenic A. Mucchetti, Treasurer; Executive, Editorial and Subscription Offices, 1050 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, MA 02215. Telephone : (617) 232-5470.
Morgan-Grampian also publishes American City & County · Circuits Manufacturing · Contractor · Design Engineering· Electronics Test· Industrial Distribution · Industrial Product Bulletin · Mart · Municipal Index
Another industry first from Dataram: simple snap-off front panel. And when
The 804 chassis that lets you add
you use DEC's LSI-I I / 23 along with
TU58 capability to your LSI-! I®
Dataram's 256KB single-board
configuration without buying two DEC® DR-l 13S in the 804 chassis, there's
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same thing, saving space and money at the same time.
There's also a lot of innovative thinking in our 804 chassis - practical
The 804 saves time and trouble, too,
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backplane slot; and a trough that provides space for routing cables to the rear of the 804 chassis.
If you don't need TU58 capability, our 803 chassis provides these same features (less the TU58s) in a 5\4'' alternative.
In addition to the 803 and 804 chassis, Dataram also provides LSI-11 / 2 and LSI-11 / 23 microcomputers; memory; cartridge disk, tape, and SMD controllers; and a wide range of accessories. Give us a call.
I TU58 I
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DEC, LSI-I I, and PDP arc registered trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation.
1amW&e-~1 Princeton Road Cranbury, New Jersey 08512 Tel: 609-799-0071 TWX: 510-685-2542
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Auotrall·/New Zealand: Anderson Digital Equipment, (03) 544-3444 · lndl·: lnfosystems Private Limited, 79281 · Israel: Minix Computers & Systems ltd., 03-298783 · J·pan: Matsushita Electric Trading Co., ltd., 06 (282) 5111 · T·lw·n: Rabbit Associates, ltd ., 7219573-5 ·Hong Kong: Automated Systems (HK) Ltd., 5-630256-9 · M·l·y·I·: Automated Systems (M) Sdn Bhd ., 773777 · lndoneala: P. T. Daya ASL, 584306 ·Singapore: Automated Systems (PTE) ltd., 2354133
Circle 5 on Reader Inquiry Card
SEPTEMBER 1981 Digital Design 3
Requiein For The Prograrrunable Calculator
by Paul Snigier, Editor
A powerful new engineering tool , the pocket computer, promises to more than merely
displace the programmable calculator. Pocket computers, such as those sold by Sharp
and Tandy, are only the beginning; in two years, we will look back on them as the
initial and primitive forerunners of a new executive and engineering tool: the
Future pocket computers will evolve into " microworkstations" by adding such
extra functions as calendars , tickler files, messaging, speech synthesizers (or tone
generators), up-to-date product "manuals", algorithms to aid specific users or
customers, humanized and .interactive tutorial devices, language translators, limited
speech inputting and ability to remotely access large data bases. These multifunction
microworkstations - with mass memory and microprinter, modem and LCD
displays (capable oflimited graphics) - will easily fit into any briefcase with room to
spare. With lowered costs, microworkstations will quickly establish a phenomenal market when they begin to arrive in the
mid 1980's.
They'll even challenge the post office by delivering text and limited graphics electronically via modem . With limited fax
capability, microworkstations (together with intelligent copiers with high-end fax capability) will begiri to compete with fax .
By 1986, limited voice entry will program these units, thus circumventing inadequate keyboards .
By now you've seen ads for Sharp' s PC-1211 pocket computer, which resembles Tandy's unit. The PC- 1211 contains l.9K
of RAM, is programmed in Basic to run 40-line programs, and displays or enters 24 alphanumeric characters on its LCD matrix
display and keyboard . It hooks up to a printer and loads and unloads programs with most cassette recorders. The display scrolls
left or right and displays instructions asking for data or other user-prompting . It has 22 statements and 12 commands.
Commonly-used commands and mathematical functions can be assigned to reservable keys, thus saving keying-in time.
Though I'd like to see more RAM and a few other features, these pocket computers are a quantum jump over programmable
calculators. When in a program or learn mode, a prograrnmable's sequence of keystrokes (instructions) creates the program.
The instructions are limited, and memory is used up faster than expected . Many programmables are also limited in a single-step
key sequence to portraying code digits that identify instructions .
For the pocket computer, Basic's advantage will clearly give it a competitive edge. It has no formatting worries , and writing
in it is trivial (relative to writing , say , a PL/I compiler). It is user-friendly and touts high learnability, since any software-
ignorant MD , lawyer, high-school student, architect or non-electronics engineer can pick it up in a week or two .
What about Basie's inherent unstructurability, which is due to limited control structure set and lack of local variables? This is
a problem for applications systems - not pocket computers . Basie ' s easy patching feature tempts programmers to add code
and jump around bad code rather than edit - producing lucid (but sometimes strange) code that's incomprehensible three
months later. Patching may be difficult with upcoming units.
Since scientists and engineers will be using pocket computers first , Basie's letter and alphanumeric identifiers lend
themselves more to formulas than do existing programmables . There is a lack of user-defined external procedures . Altering a
file, data item or procedure affects every program in that system . If all variable names are accessible by the main program and
its subroutines (global variables), then keeping track of control flow increases oversights . But, in a pocket computer, there is
no problem.
Basic is streamlined; its minimal control or data structure (array), short identifiers, easy typability, interactivity and
problem-solving nature make it well-suited to the pocket computer. It' s also a market environment suited to pocket computers
writing 80-line Basic programs. These small and infrequently-run programs will never be intended for larger systems with their
shared data. And, slowness is no disadvantage. Despite the need for main storage, upcoming mass memory devices (such as
256-K RAMs) make the pocket computer and the microworkstation a sure bet. Whatever direction pocket computer evolution
takes, one thing is certain: a large market is about to open .
4 Digital Design SEPTEMBER 1981
There IS a Better Way!
Are your expansion plans causing you a headache? Need decisions? Not delays?
There is a better way. Plessey compatibility. Maybe it's time you talked to Plessey Peripheral Systems about your expansion plans.
Plessey Compatibility means the widest selection of DECcompatible controllers and peripherals available anywhere. Plessey Compatibility offers you a choice. Not a challenge.
Our subsystems are completely DEC hardware and software compatible with our computer systems - the most complete line of DEC-based systems in the business.
We eliminate your expansion headaches by evaluating your existing system configuration and recommending proper solutions.
Plessey offers proven designs in the latest microprocessorbased controllers. And industry-standard drives.
Plessey Compatibility means the media and storage capacity you need. And a good deal more.
Plessey Peripheral Systems offers you choices not available from DEC. Winchester subsystems in a variety of capac-
ities. Ultra-fast streaming Y.-inch cartridge tape back-up subsystems. Double-sided floppy disc subsystems. And more ...
Your delivery schedule is our delivery schedule. And at considerable savings .
Our field service personnel are thoroughly trained to insure Plessey Compatibility works for you. And keeps on working with Factory Support. Software Support. Spares.
If saving time , money and headaches is important to you, you're ready for Plessey Compatibility.
Call Plessey Peripheral Systems today. We'll show you THE BETTER WAY.
Plessey · Peripheral Systems
Atten : Marketing Dept., P.O. Box 19616 1691 Browning Avenue Irvine, CA 92714 (714)557-9811 TOLL FREE: 800-854-3581 800-422-421 7 (in California)
*Trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation
See Us During Systems-81 In Munich, West Germany- Hall 7, Booth 7104
Circle 6 on Reader Inquiry Card
s s SEPTEMBER 19 1 Digital Design
- Technology Trends-
Designing With A Dot-Matrix Printer
Low cost computers, CRTs and communications have opened vast new market opportunities. New applications now demand hard copy output for uses such as customer receipts, permanent records for IRS or product quality assurance and other "convenience" requirements. For this reason, printer mechanisms are becoming integral parts of most electronic data processing and communications equipment.
Besides the large-format document printers utilized by the manufacturers of data processing equipment, the major markets for printer mechanisms are the manufacturers of POS terminals, electronic cash registers, medical instruments , data logging equipment, banking terminals, lottery systems, weighing systems, personal computers and various test and "special purpose" instrumentation.
In most of these and similar applications, the small integral printer mechanism is incorporated into the data terminal or instrument. In this area of small printers, 20-40 columns, product designers must consider a variety of printing technologies, electronic interface, physical size, serviceability.
Four types of printing technology are available to the designer requiring a small printer: fully formed character impact (drum), impact dot-matrix, thermal dot-matrix and electrosensitive dot-matrix . The advantages of the impact-type printers, the fully formed ,character and the dot-matrix, are that they can produce multiple copies and use ordinary paper (far less costly than electrosensitive and thermal papers) . The advantages of the dot-matrix printers are the flexibilities of character set, character font and character size. Only impact dot-matrix printers possess all the above advantages.
Dot-matrix impact printers have achieved popularity among designers and end users. This popularity is due to greater versatility and use of standard paper rolls, ticket forms, and multiple paper. Unlike electrostatic and thermal printing methods , impact-printed documents produce readable copies that do not fade or darken with age.
Printing speed - frequently a design concern - of dot-matrix impact printers is up to 200 cps, which is sufficient for most terminal applications.
operating principles
Dot-matrix impact printer operation is based on the activation of print wires or needles in a printhead to create characters on a medium - paper rolls , form or ticket. Generally , the characters are formed serially as solenoids and activate the wires in accordance with information provided by a host computer or microprocessor. Actual impressions are rendered by an ink ribbon onto paper. Unlike drum, chain, belt, or other fixed font printers , there is no limit to the number and font variations of characters that can be formed in this manner at high speeds. With appropriate input, a dot-matrix
printer can now combine different fonts, sizes, and even graphics on a single line.
Field-replaceable printheads now have a life exceeding 100 million characters, and the overall printermechanism MTBF is 10 million cycles. Printer mechanisms combine speed, reliability and cost effectiveness.
design considerations
When including a dot-matrix impact printer mechanism in a data terminal or similar piece of OEM equipment, a few simple, yet critical, product features should be kept in mind. Certainly, physical dimensions and cost must be considered. More serious, long-term consequences are reliability and ease of
service. Once equipment is installed in ·
geographically dispersed and remote locations, costs of maintenance and
The Eaton M-4 family of dot-matrix Impact printer mechanisms Includes a document printer, a 40-eolumn, single roll unit, and a split paper feed printer. The small Integral mechanism is Incorporated Into the data terminal.
6 Digital Design SEPTEMBER 1981
service quickly and significantly outweigh any variances in the initial product costs of printer mechanisms . To this end , many designers look for operational simplicity of print mechanisms.
Simplicity can be seen in many print mechanisms. Rather than drive belts , cables, bi-directional motor drives, and complicated ribbon mechanisms and paper advance systems, Eaton , for example , introduced a unidirectional , double helix drive cam and simple, independent ribbon cartridge and paper system which involves a minimum number of moving parts (and potential failure points) .
A single continuous helical slot runs the length of the cylinder with two primary sections displaced by 180°. Using a guide pin, the printhead runs first in one direction and then the other. As the cylinder rotates, the motor
· continues to run in one direction only .
Thus, a single-direction d.c. motor drive can be used without .additional components required for bi-directional drive. Beyond simplicity, the double helix cam also affords notable constancy in speed .
Furthermore, drive motor speed is controlled to eliminate need for clock signals (although they are included as Eaton's alternate means of character generation or graphics). Clock signals enhance resolution by generating improved dot-to-dot accuracy. It is important, however, to note that in the move toward simplification, the need for clock signals has been eliminated for most applications .
Printers that feature integral motor drive and speed control electronics eliminate sizable design engineering expense and time for the OEM designer and equipment cost. Simplicity of design and construction methods also are important to OEM designers. List of components should be ideally reduced so the whole device can be assembled with just two screwdrivers. That suggests a sizable advantage for the manufacturer in terms of cost factor and production ease, but it is also an end user plus in terms of virtually maintenance-free operation and inexpensive repair.
compatibility of inputs
Inputs to a print mechanism are analog in nature ; i.e ., solenoid drivers , motor drivers , etc. and are usually unique to a given vendor and model. Eaton adopted a family approach to print mechanisms , allowing designers to accommodate a customer' s need for a variety of printer
types in the same terminal. For example , the same POS terminal could be fitted with a ticket, single-roll or split-paper feed printer with no change in the electronic input from terminal to printer. This feature saves the OEM time and money and allow~ him to accommodate special customer needs without excessive special changes.
One of the real strengths of quality dotmatrix print mechanisms is that they can be installed in virtually any attitude
except for those imposed by paper supply . After mounting, the only adjustment required is the head-to-platen gap on the Eaton M400 ticket printer. Maintenance is limited to periodic cleaning and lubrication. Normally such maintenance can be accomplished by relatively unskilled customer personnel.
by Joe Dennis
Eaton Corp .. Count Control/ Systems Div.. Riverton Printer Products Plant. Watertown . WI
The Hecon with the Hopper.
The Hecon A0542 impact dot matrix ticket printer with hopper feed. Load up to 75 tickets in the easily accessible hopper. When you are ready to print, the A0542 automatically feeds, prints and transports the ticket for removal. You can even reinsert a ticket for additional printing thru the unique reprint feed slot.
The highly visible Time and Date feature is standard and can be printed with a single command.
The A0542 can print the 96 character ASCII set bidirectionally at 120 characters per second. The standard print head is rated at 200 Million characters minimum for long, dependable service.
HI It's got to be good. It's a Hecon.
Hecon Corporation, 31 Park Road. Tinton Falls. NJ 07724 · (201) 542-9200
Circle 7 on Reader Inquiry Card SEPTEMB!:!R 1981 Digital Design 7
1816 CMOS
8 or 16K words storage memory with on-board battery. Compatible with LSI-11/2 and LSI-11/23. Battery allows user to tum off power for long periods of time - up to a full 168-hour week (at normal temperatures) , and still maintain the data in the memory. Uses only one slot due to its standard component height. Configuration switches are accessible even when board is plugged into the rack . Adac Corp, 70 Tower Office Park, Woburn , MA 01801 .
Circle 274
circuit boards that slip into the chassis (or into expansion cabinets).
J\ II manufacturers of board memories who
.fl. were contacted have not responded by
publication date and some did not send complete product descriptions. They will be included
in a more comprehensive listing in the next
MEMORY SHOWCASE we run. Meanwhile, if
you are a manufacturer of add-in board memories and have not been listed, please send us a
description of your product for our files. Shown here are only one new or most popular
product for each company. Every manufacturer
has a catalog ofmany otherproducts they make.
Information on those other products can be obtained by writing to them.
32 kB to 2 MB Add-In Cache Memory
Fast parity and upgrade memory for Q-bus , Unibus and
Mass Bus systems.
Advanced Digital Products, 7584 Trade St, San Diego,
CA 92 121 .
Circle 270
MEM 11-128
Add-in memory board (256 KB) . For use in LSI-11/23
systems that can utilize memory in excess of 64 KB . The
MEM 11-128 offers more compactness (1 card); less cost;
less power consumption . Plugs directly into Q-bus back-
plane . Memory chip is 64K x l dynamic RAM . Entire
memory array socketed for easy maintenance and upgrade .
Andromeda Systems, Inc, 9000 Eton Ave, Canoga
Park, CA 91304.
Circle 226
Multibus compatible add-in non-volatile RAM memory
module . For 8080 computers. Storage capacity: 16,384
Bytes. Read access: 325 ns; read restore cycle: 780 ns;
clear write cycle: 1240 ns . TTL compatible. 86 pin double-
sided printed circuit edge connector. 0 .156" contact center.
Alternative of SBC's -016, -046, -416, NDS-016.
Interfaces directly with System 80 computers.
Ampex Corp, Memory Products Div , 200 N. Nash St, El
Segundo, CA 90245 .
Circle 227
The Cache
8 KB Cache/434 (and 440). Industry 's first 8 KB cache
memories for the PDP 11/34, -11 /34A and PDP-11/35
and -11/40. Requires no additional backplane space.
Easy to install. Contains 8192 Bytes high speed memory .
Implemented on a pair of dual-width modules . Monitors
both address and data parity . Two activity indicators gi ve
visual display of cache operation. A green LED indicates
hit rate (the more reads from cache, the brighter the light).
A red LED indicates cache error.
Able Computer Co., 1751 Langley Ave, Irvine, CA
Circle 228
8 Digital Design SEPTEMBER 1981
Solid state non-volatile memory available in l/4MB
Alpha Data Inc, 20750 Marilla Sr. Chatsworth. CA
Circle 264
I28K 9-bit words . Memory modules completely compat-
ible with WANG MVP, VP and LVP memory boards.
Detects parity errors on incoming and outgoing data.
Parity errors are stored in memory array and are indicated
by card edge LED indicators,which can be manually reset.
Read access time: 400 ns: write access time: 470 ns: R/W
cycle time: 660 ns. Data input 18 lines: output. 18 lines.
Automated Control Systems, Inc, 1801 /30th NE Suite
4 . Bellevue. WA 98005.
Circle 229
6502 DM
32K RAM. Compatible with a 6502 CPU-based processor
(KIM, PET, AIM, or SYM) which operates at 1.2 MHz.
Memory sizes available: 32K, 16K or 8K organized in 4K
blocks. Inputs buffered with ILS TTL load . Interface to
memory board requires only + 5 VDC power. Power
dissipation is 4 watts, maximum.
Beta Computer Devices, 1230 W Collins Ave. Orange.
CA 92668.
ROM/RAM CPU memory boards. Handles up to 16 KB
ofRAM8-bitwordsize.450nsaccesstime. +5V, l.8A.
BK & Associates, 11891 Martha Ann Dr. Los Alamitos.
CA 90720 .
Circle 231
Add-in memory. Compatible with DEC PDP-11/40.
Offers flexible expansion. Available in 64 KB increments
to 256 KB . For troubleshooting or configuration procedures.
Braegen Minicomputer Peripherals Div, PO Box 3320.
Anaheim. CA 92803 .
Circle 263
Bubbl-Tec TM
A non-volatile solid-state magnetic bubble memory. Ideal
for mass storage applications. Entirely contained on one
or two PC boards that plug into present systems - no
extra chassis required. Uniquely ideal for harsh conditions.
Low power requirements (around 20 watts). Very fast
access time: less than 7.5 ms to first byte . Wide range of
Bubbl-tec, Div of PC/M Inc , 6800 Sierra Court,
Dublin. CA 94566.
Circle 285
Dynamic RAM board . 64K. Supports memory expansion
to 5 I2K through its bank-selection system. Berg jumpers
allow selection of the board's bank and the bank port's
address . Any 16K block can be made bank-independent
or be disabled while all 64K can be set to come up
bank-enabled on reset and power-on.
California Computer Systems, Inc, 250 Caribbean
Dr, Sunnvvale, CA 94086.
Circle 305
Multibus dynamic RAM board. Sizes: from 32K to 128K.
Parity checking standard . Full 24 bit address bus. Full
Multibus compatibility . 330 ns access time: 430 ns cycle
time . Physical size: 6 3/4" x 12" .
Central Data Corp, 713 Edgebrook Dr. Champaign, IL
61820 .
Circle 233
Dynamic memory system. For DEC 11/23. First and only
memory, says company, to place the full complement of
memory, 256 Bytes ( l28K words by 18 bits) on a single
dual width board . Replaces the need of the standard 4 dual
width board requirements necessary for populating a PDP
11 /23 with its full complement of memory. Frees critical
backplane space and reduces substantially the system
power requirements . 4 MB address field (22 address lines).
"No need to worry about obsolescence when PDP 11/23
is upgraded in near future to address this amount of
memory. Generates a check parity. Access time of240 ns:
cycle time of 400 ns. Single 5 V power requirement;
battery backup."
Christin Industries, Inc, Computer Products Div
Inc, 31352 Via Colinas #102 . Westlake Villaf?e, CA
Circle 319
Micro Stor-11
Add-in memory for DEC LSI 11/02-03-23 systems . Expands main memory . " First dual sized" LSI- I I compatible memory card to feature highly reliable 16K Dynamic RAM construction and achieve 64K word density. (Double the density of standard DEC memory.) Storage capacity 16K , 32K, 48K or64K words. On board parity . Refresh options, provision for halting backup. 1/0 page select - 2 KW or 4 KW. Write access time: 100 ns: read access time: 145 ns . Cambex Corp, 360 Second Ave, Waltham, MA 02154
SEPTEMBER 1981 Digital Design 9
Add-In / Add-On Showcase
NMOS version, 16K or 32K. CMOS version, 8K , 16K or 32K . Multibus memory static RAM, power fail interrupt, logic battery backup for CMOS versions, 8 or 16-bit operation. 86-pin edge connector.
Comark Corp, 257 Crescent St, Waltham, MA 02154.
Memory expansion unit. Memory parity. Memory protect.
Multiply/divide options available. Fully compatible with
DG operating system software . Easy installation in new or
existing systems. Memory management option is required
to support memory sizes above 32K words .
Custom Systems, Inc, 6850 Shady Oak Rd, Eden Prairie,
MN 55344.
VRL 11
Up to 16 KB or 2716 type EPROM or pin compatible
RAM in any combination on a dual width board. On-board
programming directly from file or keyboard with no
software wait loops required. The unit operates with
standard +5 VDC and + 12 VDC power available on
LSI-11 bus. Addressing and bank enabling is . done via
on-board DIP. Switches in 2K word increments to 128K.
The VRL 11 is software and hardware compatible to LSI-
11, -11/2 , -11/23 , and PDP-11/03.
Computer Extension Systems, Inc, 17511 El Camino
Real. Houston , TX 77058 .
Circle 236
A high density memory board for the DEC LSI-11 /03 -/ 23 . The device features up to 256K bytes on a dual height card. Addressing to 22 bits allows the use ofup to 4MB of main memory with an LSl-11/23 CPU . Standard features include on-board transparent refresh, delay line timing for optimum reliability , switch selectability for starting and ending addresses , extended boundary for an additional 4 KB in the 1/0 page and 75% Jess power dissipation .
Cyberchron Corp, PO Box 164, Garrison, NY 10524.
Semiconductor memory . Add-in memory board for DEC's PDP-11/44. Includes ECC, 64K x 39, 128K x 39, 256K x 39. Read cycle time: 525 ns; write cycle time: 900 ns. Battery backup.
Control Data Corp, Computer Memory Div, 800 I E Bloomington Freeway, Bloomington, MN 55420.
Dual port memory. 1MB virtual spaces - 65K Map per port. 16K R/W on board memory. 16 or 20-bit port address bus . Automatic 20-bit address . Translation for 16-bit memory address. Dual processor ports-complete control and contention logic . Allows two independent Multibus ports to share access to a common memory area.
Datacube SMK Inc, 670 Main St, Reading, MA 01867.
8688/ 8689
8K words EPROM Module. A R/W switch is provided to set the card in program mode and disable programming when set in Read-Only mode. Allows programming of any memory location, individually, sequentially or random1y under software control.
Control Logic Inc, 9 Tech Circle , Natick, MA 01170 .
16 KB static RAM. Non volatile. Module designed for
compatibility with the EXORCISOR-Micromodule µ,P
bus . Utilizes byte-wide CMOS static memory devices that
are supported by batteries for data retention during power
transitions . Devices can be removed from system and
transported without loss of data. Batteries will last for 3
years and so will data retention.
Creative Micro Systems, 11642-8 Knott St, Garden
Grove. CA 92641 .
RAM/EPROM memories. Extends PROM-able capabilities to the microNOVA MP/200 computer. No. 8316 provides the capabilities of a portable memory .
Data General Corp, Rt 9, Westborough , MA 01581 .
Diagnostic Module
A set of PROMs that provides power-up diagnostics and bootstrap code for DEC LSI-11/2 and -11/23 processors. Previously the alternatives have been to purchase the DEC bootstrap/diagnostic module, BDV-11 , or to exclude power-up diagnostics . For users who have chosen not to use BDV-11 , Dice has introduced a set (2) of 512 Byte PROMs which replaces the present bootstrap PROMs on the MX Vl 1-A Multipurpose module.
Dice Systems, Inc, 71/i Harris Rd, Nashua , NH 03062.
1.0MB Semiconductor add-in for DEC's PDP-11/44. The
10 Digital Design SEPTEMBER 1981
SPLIT PLATEN PRINTER · Various Platen Splits · Five Line Validation · Paper-Supply and
Take Up · Logo Printing · Automatic Receipt
SLIP/DOCUMENT PRINTER · Up to 40 Print Columns · Large Clear Print · Side or Front Form
Insertion · Top and Bottom Form
Sensors · Adjustable Slip/Document
WESTREX 800 Series of alphanumeric bi-directional printers include split platen printers, flat bed
slip/document printers and 51 to 96 column journal printers in a variety of standard models to suit a wide spectrum of OEM applications. All WESTREX 800 Series printers utilize the same simple, reliable drive system, head position sensors, ribbon transport mechanism and
other quality tested components for maximum cost effectiveness.
Basic models illustrated on this page are obtainable with various options to suit your application needs. Data
sheets with technical specifications for each of these products are available upon request.
LOW PROFILE, LOW WEIGHT, PRINT HEAD: · 7 Needle Vertical Array · Low Power Consumption · 100% Duty Cycle · 100 Million Character Life
· 51 Print Columns · Integral Paper Supply
Holder · Easy Top Paper Insertion · Document Validation
· Up to 96 Characters Per Line@ 12 CPI
· Bi-Directional Printing · Standard & Graphic Feed · 576 Print Dots Per Line
1140 Bloomfield Ave. , West Caldwell, N.J . 07006 (201) 227-7290 IN FRANCE - WESTREX OEM PRODUCTS, 103-107 Rue de Tocqueville, 75017, Paris, France 01-766-32-70 IN SWEDEN - WESTREX OEM PRODUCTS, Box 3503, S-17203 Sundbyberg , Sweden 46/8+981100
Circle 8 on Reader Inquiry Card
SEPTEMBER 1981 Digital Design 11
Add-In I Add-On Showcase
only PDP-11/44 add-in on the market which exceeds J/4MB with 16K RAMs . Other capacities available: 256 KB, 512 KB and 768 KB . Company's design boasts a unique mechanical package. Mother board (only board which interfaces to the Unibus) contains the overhead electronics. Therefore , maximum capacity of l .OMB is cost effective. With two DR-144S modules, maximum capacity of PDP-11/44 is 2.0MB as opposed to the 1.0 MB limitation using DEC-supplied modules. Dataram Corp, Princeton Rd, Cranbury, NJ 08512 .
Circle 314
65K x 9 dynamic memory module. It is addressable in
segments, offers parity generation and check and has
on-board refresh. Also features write protect, over voltage
and reverse polarity protection. Allows users to address
multiple 65K memory banks. Selectable speeds, extremely
low power consumption and direct compatibility with
6500/6800 families. Four 16K arrays addressable in 4K
increments. Each array can be write protected . A 9th bit in
each byte stores data for on-board parity generator and
parity check.
General Micro Systems Inc, 1320 Chaffey Ct, Ontario.
CA 91762.
Memory Board
Complete line of memory boards compatible with DEC
and DG.
Digital Data Systems, Inc, 1551 NW 65th Ave, Planta-
tion , FL33313.
64 KB Memory Board. General purpose memory card for
LSI-11 ,800 ns access time , 500 ns cycle time . 32,768 x 16
bit capacity. 18 address lines. Switch selectable configur-
ations. Uses one dual height Q-bus module slot.
General Robotics Corp, 57 N Main St, Hartford, WI
Circle 332
128 KB module is Digital's first product using 64 KB RAM memory technology. Another module in the series is the MSVI 1-LK, which is 256 KB. Both products (for the LSl-11/23) feature byte parity . The new memories offer on-board refresh capability and either 18 or 22-bit address decoding . The modules include a control and status register that permits isolation of memory faults and provides software compatibility with DEC's OS's. Both modules are claimed to offer a combination of compactness and high data integrity forthe LSI-11/23. Digital Equipment Corp, Maynard, MA 01754.
8K RAM. 24-pin device. Standard or low power versions. Pin to pin compatible with GTE's 2716 EPROM. 8112 can be used in software development to improve turnaround time " by eliminating the time-consuming steps of erasing or reprogramming." A detached write function unit allows data-in to be controlled by the write enable function . GTE, 2000 W 14th St, Tempe, AZ 85281. Circle316
Memory expansion module. Plugs into peripheral slot of
any model PDP-I I (from 11/04 to 11/70). "A restoration
kit for rejuvenating tired, old PDP- I Is or LSI-11 s," says
company. Operates on standard +5 V levels. A parity
option is available. Requires no special power supply.
Provides PDP-11 users with low-cost memory expansion.
Digital Pathways Inc, 1260 L' Avenida, Mountain View.
CA 94043 .
Circle 322
CMOS RAM , 2K x 8. Pin compatible with byte organized
industry standard EPROMs. NMOS high bit densities and
CMOS low power dissipation . Device has an address
access time of 120 ns . Power dissipation during operation
is 180 mW; JOO mW during complete standby.
Hitachi America Ltd, 1800 Bering Dr, San Jose , CA
95112 .
Circle 246
AM Series
MB 8167
A high-speed +5 V only 16K static RAM. Pin compatible
with Intel's 2167. Has an access time of 70 ns and is fully
static operational. Maximum power consumption is 180
mA. Separate data input and output. TTL compatibility.
Three-state output with OR-tie capability . Chip select for
simplified memory expansion and automatic power down .
Fujitsu Microelectronics Inc, 2945 Oakmead Village
Ct. Santa Clara. CA 95051.
Circle 326
A complete line of add-in memory products for the entire
line of Hewlett Packard 's 9800 series desk top computers.
All the memories in the series are warranted for one full
year. Both the dimensions and color coding are similar to
HP so installation is identical as well as simple. More than
1,000 systems owners have already installed Infotek
memories in their HP 9800 series desk-top computers .
Easy to fol low detailed instructions are included and the
only required tool, a Phillips screwdriver, is included .
lnfotek Systems, 1400 N Baxter St, Anaheim, CA
92806 .
Circle 286
12 Digital Design SEPTEMBER 1981
You should hear what
users are telling us!
One happy user rated the PDQ-3 up to 6 times faster than a LSI-ll*based system in the development of the LISP Compiler. · Another user rated the PDQ-3, up to 20 times fas ter than the APPLE, while running a Financial Planning Software Package he is m arketing. A third user reported that the PDQ-3 required only one and one-half hours to reformat the text of a 200 p age manual. He estimated a savings of three and oneh alf hours over another popular microcomputer. In a Recursive Quicksort comparison, for example, the PDQ-3 was matched against the TERAK version of the LSI-11 and the INTEL 8080. This benchmark generates a list of 10,000 random numbers, which it sorts using a process of array indexing, integer arithmetic, comparisons and procedure calls. The INTEL 8080 took 316 seconds ; the TERAK required 198 seconds; but the PDQ-3 took only 44 seconds to sort the entire list. · The PDQ-3 benchmark comparisons are available in print on request. They include tests for Transitive Relations, Floating Point Add/Subtract and Multiply/Divide, Transcendental Functions, Task Switching and many more.
EXPANDABLE Options available:
Backplane expandable
to 8 Slot Quad size Expandable to 128KB Memory Double sided, double density floppy disc drives Hard disc drives up to 300MB Mag Tape Drives up to 75 IPS Printers up to 300LPM Abundant communication capability Unlimited LSI-11 "Q-Bus" Options ECONOMICAL The PDQ-3 Computer Systems consist of: A Processor card containing a 16 Bit Stack Oriented Processor Real Time Clock Fully Interrupt Driven Interval Timer DMA Floppy Disc Controller that can be ordered with Single or Double Density Multiplexed CRT and Printer Interface Two 8" Floppy Disc Drives 4 Slot Quad size LSI-11 "Q-Bus" Backplane Complete UCSD Pascal Software Operating System Complete System for under $7900 (includes Z-19 terminal). Call or write now to:
Advanced Computer Design
A Subsidiary of Computer Services Group, Inc.
7584 Trade St. I San Diego, CA 92121 I (714) 578-%20
·LSl-11 and "0-Bus" are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation and UCSD Pascal trademark of the Regents of the University of California. Educational Discounts and OEM pricing available
Circle 9 on Reader Inquiry Card
Add-In/ Add-On Showcase
IMS 1400
READ cycle and access times are 530 and 250 ns . Can be
used to expand basic VAX 11/780 memories up to 4MB.
Intel Corp. 1302 N Mathilda Ave. Sunnyvale. CA
Circle 248
16K Static RAM. Fastest available (45 ns) high speed
device. Maximum power dissipation of600 mW . Housed 256 KB MOS
in a standard 20-pin 300-mil-wide package . Requires only
a single 5 V power supply . All inputs and the output have Low power. single board 256 KB MOS memory for Perkin-
direct TTL compatibi lity. Memory has equal access and Elmer 7/32 computer. Contains error correct ion and
cycle time (40 ns max).
INMOS Corp, PO Box 16000. Colorado Springs . CO Macrolink, 1150 E Stanford Ct. Anaheim. CA 92805.
Add-in memory for DG Nova 3 computer. Up to l 28K
words on a single card. Boards availab le for other
Intersil Systems Div, 1275 Hammerwood St. Sunnvvale .
CA 94086.
Circle 273
Add-in memory for the VAX-11/780. Plug in memory card comes in either 512 KB or 1024 KB versions. Module is organized as 64K or 128K words of72 bits each . Typical
A 16 ,384 word, 16-bit per word core memory system .
Designed and developed as an enhancement or replace-
ment memory for DEC' s LSI- I I . Cycle time: 1. 2 ms:
access time: 400 ns. Expandable in 4K memory blocks up
to 128K. Input is TTL compatible .
Micro Memory, Inc, 9436 Irondale Ave. Chatsworth .
CA 91311.
Circle 272
IM 1680
Intelligent memory board. 16K of static RAM and sockets
14 Digital Design SEPTEMBER 1981
Circle 10 on Reader Inquiry Card
for 8. 2716 EPROMs interfaced to Intel's Multibus. Inte l-
ligence derived from on board Z80 processor. Devices can
be used as regular memory or on board Z80 can process
data in parallel with the Multibus Master. Several boards
can be used in a system to increase memory capac ity.
Microsignal Co. 3704 State St. Santa Barbara. CA
MSC 4804
A 256 KB dual-height memory system. Fully compatible
with LSI- I I processors. 22-bit addressing capabi lity (up
to 4 MB). Configured fo r DEC compatible battery backup
operation. 256 KB on a sing le dual-height mod ule. Parity
generation. checki ng and storage standard.
Monolithic Systems Corp, 84 Inverness Circle East.
Englewood. CO 80112.
Circle 328
System 3000
General purpose mass memory system. I MB to 32MB of
dynamic RAM with a unique error correction scheme for a
single bit error correct and double bit error correct . Block
transfer rate of 64MB per sec. is achieved through an
efficient bus architecture. Three interface slots are avail-
ab le to adapt the System 3000 to any app lication. By
including an MC 68000 inte lligent user card the memory
system can handle those data forma tting routines which
normally interface with the host ' s main task.
Motorola Inc, MOS IC Div, 350 1 Ed Bluestein Blvd.
Austin. TX 78721 .
Circle 252
MK 8024
Add-in memory board. Offers low power dissipation. Has
I28K x 22 capacity . Hardware and software compat with
DG Eclipse. Three error correction options and on-board
LEDs all ow analysis at RAM level while running the
Mostek Corp. 1215 W Crosby Rd. Carrollton. TX
Circle 315
An inexpensive large RAM memory for DEC Unibus
systems. Built-in self diagnostics and se lf-maintenance .
2, 4 or 8MB of auxiliary memory . Emulates DEC's RS 04
fixed-head-disk subsystem. High field reliability. 16 spare
RAMs per MB can substitute a good RAM for a failing
RAM "on the fly. " Access time 2ms. Transfer rate 500
KB/second .
National Semiconductor Corp, 2900 Semiconductor
Dr. Santa Clara, CA 95051.
Circle 253
The MSl11 series of Multiple Serial Interfaces from Andromeda offers the Q-Bus user a variety of ways to connect serial devices to an LSl-11 system. These include 1, 2, or 4 serial channels on a dual-width card; and the MSl11-P series has 2 or 3 serial channels combined with a parallel printer interface, also dual width.
· Low Cost: the MSI 11-4 is only $500, quantity 1
· 16 Data Rates: 50 baud to 19,200 baud including 11 0 bd. and 134.5 bd.
· Data rates are selectable on the board by jumper plug or remotely by DIP-switch, without wire-wrapping
· RS232 and 20ma current loop interfaces are provided for all channels, without external hardware
· Q-Bus address and interrupt vector selection are by plug-in PROMS, more flexible and independent
· Hardware handshake for serial printers is an option
· Cable cost is low too: a 4-channel cable assembly, like the CMSIB-4, is only $115
Andromeda provides a large selection of LSl-11 related products; contact us for details
LSl-11 is a tradema rk of the Dig ital Equipment Corp. Wire -Wrap is a trademark of the GardnerDenver Corp.
INC. 9000 Eton Ave. Canoga Park, Calif. 91304 Phone: (213) 709·7600 1WX: (910) 494·1248
Prices are domestic U.S.A. only.
Circle 11 on Reader Inquiry Card
SEPTEMBER 1981 Digital Design 15
Add-In I Add-On Showcase
BP 0200
Dynamic RAM Board Module . 5 1/2" high x 9 3/4" wide . Signal voltages are 1TL compatible. Average input power
is 5 watts maximum . Operating temperature range is 0° to
CMOS RAM Board. Maintains data during power outages . 70°C . Available with 16 , 32 or48K RAM . Expansion kits
Has 16 KB R/W memory, on board batteries and battery avai lable . Interface: System 50 (SS-50) Bus.
charger, 7 days continuous battery backup, memory Percom Data Co, 211 N Kirby St, Garland, TX 75042 .
deselect in 2K byte blocks. A memory inhibit allows
Circle 255
paging of 2 or more boards to the same address block.
Supports both 16 bit and 20 bit addressing with data
retention for 168 hours after removal of+ 5 V bus power. PM-SIIE/2
NEC Microcomputers, 173 Worcester St, Wellesley ,
MA 02181.
Circle 254 Add-in memory with on board ECC for PDP- I I processors.
Single hex card (8.875 x 15 .688). Capacities 256 KB and
NM 3602
512 KB available. Access time: 550 ns; cycle time: 700 ns. Interface: unibus, modified unibus and extended unibus.
Depopulated capability options available.
256 KB ECC MOS Memory for DEC equipment .
Plessey Peripheral Systems, 1691 Browning Ave. Irvine.
Nordata Corp, 4433 27th Ave, Seattle, WA 98199.
CA 92714 .
Error correcting memory system for Q-bus . LSI- I I compatible. PEBX, Inc, 501 Vandell St. Campbell, CA 95008.
32K word MOS memory for Data General Nova 1200 and 800 computers. Reliable static SC memory - no refresh circuitry. Single power supply operation - 5 V only. Low power consumption, 5 W total. Available in four memory
Add this image processing peripheral to your present PDP-11* or LSl-11* to measure variations in image brightness, separate image features, enhance edges and contrast, measure areas of interest, do real time image integration, and real time image differencing.
A basic software package is provided to apply the EyeCom System to your particular problem .
FEATURES: · Real Time Digitizing, 640x480x8-blts · Add, Subtract and Convolution of Images
at video frame rates ·Joystick Cursor, 640x480 Resolution ·Graphic & Alphanumeric Overlay · Color & Gray Scale Mapping Tables ·Terminal or Rack Mount Configuration
Call or write for complete information:
EyeCom II Picture Digitizer & Display System
·Trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation The Image Processing Company
16 Digital Design SEPTEMBER 1981
Circle 12 on Reader Inquiry Card
configurations of 8K, 16K, 24K and 32K words .
Quentin Research Inc, 19355 Business Center Dr. North-
ridge , CA 91324.
A high speed Multibus compatible memory board. Offers 1
MB and 1 megaword of addressability . Has page switching
option, on-board refresh, and sequential refresh . Single
memory card is dedicated in 8-bit mode when strapped
(jumper is set) for 8 bit processor use . The board can also
be used in 16-bit mode with 16-bit bus when strapped for
16-bit processor use .
Relational Memory Systems, Inc, Box 6719. San Jose .
CA 95150.
4K x 16 bit static RAM shared by two processors. Q-bus
and Unibus compatible. Single cycle interprocessor OMA.
Supports 18-bit memory addressing. Manual Enable/Dis-
able switches. Optional read only access from remote port.
Standard Engineering Corp, 44800 Industrial Dr,
Fremont , CA 94538 .
Dynamic RAM Boards
Dual-ported memory for Q-bus. Has 2 channels of AID data operating at 1 MHz, 128 KB . Can control two Reticon live scan or Matrix cameras for image processing. Sky Computers, Inc, Foot of John St, Lowell, MA 01852 .
With hidden refresh are available in 16K, 32K, 34K, 48K
and 64K memories in either 1 or 2 MHz versions . Memory
refresh is performed on board during Phase I when the
processor is not accessing memory. The memory array
can be deselected in 4986 byte blocks to meet any system
requirement. These boards are directly compatible with
Motorola , EXORcisor/Micromodule bus.
Synertek Systems, PO Box 552, Santa Clara, CA
Circle 284
for efficient software development!
Sell your customers
for on-line applications without programming!
What ls It?
· Relational DBMS with
-Access Control/Logging -Integrated Data Dictionary -Data Definition Language -Data Manipulation Language -Utility Libraries
· Interactive (Jtilities for
-Directory Management -File Management -Index Management -CRT Display Generation - Transaction Processing -Data Management -File Listing -Report Generation -Sorting and Selection -Operating System Interface -Applications Interface
· No SYSGEN Required
· Adapts to Operating System
· ases Standard File Formats
· CRT Screen "Forms" Oriented vs. "Language" Oriented
· Shares Resources With Any Other Programs and Data
Who uses It?
-Research Organizations -Educational Institutions -Government Agencies -Manufacturing Firms -Commercial Enterprises -Professional Offices -Systems Houses -OEMs
For what?
On-line, interactive applications requiring data entry, update, and retrieval with varied reporting demands.
Like what (Installed)?
-Inventory Management -Property Management -Survey Analysis -Production Planning -Contract/Project Management -Communications Accounting -Scheduling and Billing -Personnel Management -List Processing
International Computing Company ATTN : Robert C. Natale, Product Manager 4330 East West Highway, Bethesda, Maryland 20014
(301) 654-9120, TWX: 710-824-04 14
What does It work with?
· Operating Systems:
--RCTT-S1-1JO·O* } s·mgIe-User
-STAR-eleven· : Multiprocessor Networking Distributed Data Processing System
-TSX.Plus ·: Multiuser Timesharing -DYN/X* (UNIX* V7.0) · Hardware: -Any DEC PDP- 11 · or LSl- 11 · CPU -Minimal Memory (64 KB) -Any Random Access Mass Storage
Devices (Microfloppies to SMDs) - Any CRTs or Printers
What about support?
· Full Documentation Provided · Hot-Line Telephone Support · OEM Training ls Available
How do I get It?
· $2,500 First-Copy License FeeSend Check or P.O.
· Substantial Volume Purchase Discounts Available!
Digital Eq uipment Corp. HAMMOND software S&H Computer Systems San ta Cru z Ope rat ion Bell Laboratories
Circle 13 on Reader Inquiry Card
SEPTEMBER 1981 Digital Design 17
The CYBER I is more than just another front-end ... It offers you a flexible, open-ended design that is readily expandable to meet a variety of requirements.
· Compatible with: IEEE-488 NOVA·; MICRO-NOVA°, LSl-11
· Automatic strain Gauge Measurement
· Serial Remote Operation
· Optically Isolated Data Trans.
· Automatic Calibration
· 50.000 Chan/sec Sampling Rate
· Automatic Bridge Balancing
'NOVA Is a registered trademark of the Doto General Corporation.
For the whole story on CYBER I, send for FREE descriptive literature.
2031 E. Cerritos Ave.· Anaheim, CA 928g6/(714) 772-2051
Circle 14 on Reader Inquiry Card See Us at SYSTEMS '81
Add-In/ Add-On Showcase
DMB 6400
Bank select 64 KB expandable memory board. Four inde-
pendent 16K software selectable banks. Switch selectable
bank sizes - from 16K to 64K in 16K increments. Eight
bands (5 l 2K) per 1/0 port for each of the 256 ports . Z-80 ,
4 MHz operation with no wait states. Low power-8 watts
maximum . Reliable, tested and burned-in memory. 1year
guarantees . IEEE S-100 compatibility.
Systems Group, 1601 Orangewood Ave, Orange , CA
92668 .
Circle 257
Add-in memory boards in 4K increments.
Telefile Computer Products Inc, 1713 Daimler St,
Irvine, CA 92711 .
Circle 261
TMM 20000 Series
Add-in memory systems. 256K word/128K word highdensity versions. Error detection/correction enhances system reliablity. Fully compatible with PDP-11/34 and PDP-11/44. Unibus computers. Addressing capability to two megawords. Low power. Programming options.
18 Digital Design SEPTEMBER 1981
Modified or extended Unibus, 1/0 page size, error status
Texas Instruments Inc, Semiconductors Group , PO Box 1443, MS6958, Houston; TX7700/. Circle258
Semiconductor add-in memory. For DEC VAX-11/750
minicomputers. Memory organization on the device is 39
bits wide (32-bit data word + 7 error check bits) . The
check bits provide single error correction and double or
multiple error detection. An on-line/off-line switch
allows memory to be switched off line as an aid in trouble
shooting or when configuring a system.
Trendata Corp, 3400 W Segerstrom Ave, Santa Ana ,
CA 92704 .
128K RAM. Dynamic RAM for Multibus systems. 450 ns access. 1 ms cycle (Byte swapping) . Power requirements : +5 Vat 0.6 Amps; +12 VatO . l Amp; -12 Vat0.001 Amp . Also available, a 5 V only operation. Switch locatable on any 32K boundary. R/W data buffers. On-board hardware . Refresh controller (8202A) . All signals are TTL compatible.
Zendex Corp, 6680 Sierra Lane, Dublin , CA 94566.
· Computer-controlled testing.
,., Easy test definition and setup-
no computer programming required.
· Automatic self-checking and calibration.
· Automatic null pacing.
· Integral data acquisition
automatically synchronized
with loading.
· Failure history storage eliminates analog tape or
o-graph recording.
For the whole story. send for FREE literature.
W , 0 3 1 E. Cerritos Ave . · Anaheim, CA 92806 / (714) 772-2051
Circle 15 on Reader Inquiry Card See Us at SYSTEMS '81
n oh.is,
Cove at
r ennessee
lntcr~ tate 38134
The DILOG Model DQ202A is a µP based intelligent SMD 1/0 hard disc single board Controller
selectable emulations. As for disc compatibility, the
D0202A interfaces drives from
for your LSl-11 , 11/2, 11/23 com-
the following manufacturers.
puter. It permits up grading or expanding your data base
without changing components. (The first true SMD 1/0
controller that does not retain disc drive parameters in
on-board components.)
If you start with one (or two drives) and later wish to
Of course the Controller has automatic self-test
increase capacity, change to another manufacturer, etc .,
with built-in microdiagnostics and LED status indicator,
simply plug in the new drive (or drives). That's it. The
along with numerous other important features you 'll
Controller's universal firmware set saves you changing
find invaluable.
anything but the drive.
Call or write for complete details on the Controller
You can mix drives, or match them .. .use one or two
that lets you mix or match drives and expand your data
8"- or 14"-Winchester/SMDpack or CMD cartridge
base ... without changing components. Distributed Logic
drives ... mix different transfer rates , number of heads,
Corp., 12800 Garden Grove Blvd., Garden Grove,
data surfaces, capacities from 8-300 Mbytes each , etc.
California 92643, Phone: (714) 534-8950, Telex: 681-399
And you can add or change drives at anytime.
The Controller offers full DEC software compatibility
64-A White Street, Red Bank, New Jersey 07701 , Phone:
with either RT-11, RSX-11 or RSTS operating systems.
(201) 530-0044.
Versatility is further enhanced with switch
·Trademark Digital Equ ipment Corp.
Circle 16 on Reader Inquiry Card
SEPTEMBER 1981 Digital Design 21
Compatible Video Display Units
VP 828. (One of the VP 800 Series.) Video display terminal tailored to be functionally equivalent to the HP 2645A and DEC VT 100. Has a low profile design . The system is fully supported . 32K RAM memory . " Memory manager" allows storage of up to 40 pages of data. High resolution 132col umn display . Detachable , fold-up keyboard. Flexible
this showcase highlights the wares of 4 7
computer compatible
product manufacturers exhibiting at
character size allows for selection of double high and/or
double width characters . Other products and compatibility:
VP 825 (HP2645), VP 800/A (VTIOO/VT52), VP 800/B
(VT l 00/VT52).
Direct, Inc, 1279 Lawrence Station Road, Sunnyvale , CA
94086 .
Circle 313
T he first national exhibition dedicated exclusively to the constantly expanding world of computer compatible products was held September 16-17 in San Francisco. Seen at the show, sponsored by the Benwill Conference Group, were peripherals, controllers, accessories, functional boards, software packages, etc., all designed to interface to the most popular computers (DEC, Data General, Hewlett Packard, IBM, etc.) This first show was eagerly received by an audi, ence consisting of qualified buyers and specifiers of compatible computer products. The next show, scheduled for February 16-17 in Anaheim, promises to be bigger and better. The manufacturers who exhibited their products in San Francisco are listed in the following pages. If you missed the show you can stroll down the magazine aisles at your own pace and stop to look at some of the offerings.
Power From Cigarette Lighter
THE FINDEX. A complete system in a compact package that weighs only 31 lbs. Can be carried easily from place to place. System includes an 80K RAM memory, expanded keyboard, a gas-plasma display, disk drive and a printer. This microcomputer can be purchased as a patient-accounting turnkey system for a medical office (one application for the system from an extensive library ofFindex supported applications software packages). Battery backup allows machine to operate for up to 30 minutes without outside power. Can be operated in automobile through cigarette lighter. Find ex, 20775 South Western Ave, Torrance, CA 90501.
ADD-IN/ADD-ON. Memory for DEC and Data General. Included are 3 memory boards for Data General , 5 memory boards for DEC and l memory board for Perkin Elmer equipment. The DEC boards have been on the marketplace for a period of time ranging from new introduction to four years. What is unique about the newly introduced DEC board is that it is on a 64K chip. The Perkin Elmer memory board is just coming off the production.line. It was designed for the
22 Digital Design SEPTEMBER 1981
COMPAT Showcase
3220 and the 3240 (PE). The brand new units for Perkin
Elmer and for DEC have on-board diagnostics which find
failing memory chips by LEDs on the m~mory board.
MOSTEK, Memory Systems Div, 1215 W. Crosbv Rd,
Carrolton, TX 75006 .
Circie 240
keyboard, 250 x 512 resolution, selective graphic erase,
white-on-black or black-on-white display, 24 lines or 80 ASCII A/N characters, block and conversational modes as options, protected fields , and full editing capability.
New Life for Old Heads
HEAD RECOVERY SERVICE. Company reconditions
6250 bpi high-density tape heads. State-of-the-art techniques
have been developed through seven years of dedication to
finding methods of recovering and extending tape head life .
"After recovery. each head meets or exceeds the original
manufacturers specifications for new heads,'' says the com-
pany. Complete test and data packages are delivered with
each reconditioned head providing quality records and trace-
ability. Basic recovery service has been available on lower
density heads since 1974.
Magnetic Recovery Technologists, Inc, 25431 Rye Canyon
Rd. Valencia . CA 91355.
Micro With Unlimited Expansion
AME 1000. A complete system based on Rockwell's AIM 65, with disk operating software, add-on memory, CRT for 6502 development or as an industrial controller. Application software can be written in Assembler, Forth , Basic, PL 65. The System is designed for portability. A complete AME 1000 with 20 character printers and alphanumeric display including CRT and floppy disk controllers and 32 KB of RAM weighs less than 15 pounds (excluding the monitor and floppy disk drive) . It is a low cost, portable microcomputer system with essentially unlimited expansion options for industrial control applications. Dynatem Inc, 20881 Paseo Olma , EL Toro , CA 92630
Two New Products
AUTOGRAPH 150. Complete point-to-point control of graphic input is now available on this versatile, low-cost, Tektronix-compatible, graphic display terminal. Detached
INFOSCRIBE 1000 is a new serial matrix impact printer. It
is aimed at designers of small business and minicomputer
systems who require up to 180 cps print speed and up to 136
column output. This new printer has only a few, easily
understood external controls and can be successfully oper-
ated with a minimum of training.
MQI Computer Products, 2815 Miller Ave , Mountain
View, CA 94041
Text to Speech
SPEECH-1000. Electronic Speech Synthesizer. Company
specializes in limited vocabulary stored-speech system, and
unlimited vocabulary text-to-speech system. Utilizes such
speech technology as compressed waveform encoding , linear
predictive coding and formant. The unit has superior voice
quality with natural life-like speech using linear predictive
coding. Interfaces: Multibus, parallet I/O, serial output (RS
232C) . Large vocabulary storage of up to458 kilobits (typical-
ly 200-300 sec. of speech). Low-cost vocabulary generation
service in all languages using customers' speakers or com-
pany's. Also showing a variety of other speech synthesizing
Telesensory Speech Systems, 3408 Hillview Ave., Palo
Alto, CA 94304.
Video Processing System
MODEi,. VG-120. A total video acquisition and display system for the Intel Multibus. Provides binary storage and regeneration of a full screen of video information. It has quality resolution of black-and-white or pseudo-color images . True EIA-compatible inputs and outputs. Full computer access of binary screen memory. Has high pixel resolution . Unit can acquire a full screen of display information from any EIA-standard video source. The data with 3 or 6 bit resolution, are then available in an on-board memory for computer access . Choose between 320 or 640 screen display location (pixels) per line and 240 or 256 lines . Both black and white and pseudo color display versions are available. And your computer can transmit the same memory information to a remote site for analysis or display Datacube Inc, 670 Main St, Reading, MA 01867. Circle 333
SEPTEMBER 1981 Digital Design 23
COMPAT Showcase
An Ideal Data Back-up Device
MODEL 5750 and Model A506. Disk Drives which are functionally compatible with the Shugart SA 850 floppy disk drive and the Seagate Winchester disk drive respectively (or their equivalents.) May be employed as a stand alone on a
to achieve the high speed processing necessary to accomo-
date the 1/4 MB , resulting from the digitizing ofjust one full
video frame."
Quantex Corporation, 252N Wolfe Road. Sunnyvale, CA
Circle 330
New Back-ups Coming
MULTIFUNCTION DISK TAPE CONTROLLERS. Compatible with PDP-11 , Data General and Perkin Elmer. These multifunction single board controllers attach any 4 SMD disk and 8 formatted tape drives . Full emulation of DEC and DG disk and tape subsystems is standard. "We are also about ready to announce Spectra Stream - streaming software for streaming tape drives and disk back up." says the company. Other products: Spectra 10 , emulating DG
line storage device or as adata back up drive with Winchester
disk drive. The unit offers an unformatted capacity of 8 MB .
"It is ideally suited as a data backup device," says Jim
Snow, Marketing Director. Amlyn Corp, 1758 H Junction
Ave. San Jose , CA 95112
High Speed Video Processing
DIGITAL VIDEO PROCESSOR. These video processors are designed to convert video pictures into digital data in real-time and on-line. As "processors" they provide further extensive pre-processing of the digital data to achieve noise reduction , contrast, enhancement, on-line mask subtraction, etc. The company says: ''The Quantex digital video processors incorporate a 'hardwired computer' as 'arithmetic unit'
compatible disk controllers; Spectra 11 , emulating DEC compatible disk controllers: Spectra 14, emulating Perkin Elmer compatible disk controllers. Spectra Logic Corp, 1227 lnsbruck Drive. Sunnyvale , CA 94086. Circle 222
Five Moving Parts
NIP 18. Non impact dot matrix printer mechanism . It prints a 5 x 7 matrix on metallized , electrosensitive paper which provides a permanent impression . It can print any A/N character or symbol by control logic . It has only five moving parts. The applications are for data loggers , instruments, calculators and any application requiring a printed record. Prints 25 characters per line. The company also exhibited its versatile Bar Code Scanner Wand . Intertelephon N.V., 1200 Levin Ave, Mt View. CA 94040 .
VAX Storage and MUX Products
TCll/V. This model is a hardware/software package designed to add economical tape storage to the VAX-11 system. Hardware is the standard TCl l controller. Package provides complete capability for installation and operation of all industry-compatible reel-to-reel NRZ/PE/dual-density tape transports on the VAX-11 series computers . "This con-
24 Digital Design SEfYfEMBER 1981
COMPAT Showcase
"'111!,ll '"'~ ..
~ ~1 ;.14. ~-·
Data Protected for up to One Week
1816. A 16K word, non-volatile CMOS memory board. Plugs directly into a single slot of the LSI-I I backplane . This unit consumes 1/6 the power, occupies 1/4 the space, and is 2/3 the price of competing core memory. Retains data during temporary power-outages or equipment shut-down periods for up to one week. On-board 18 bit address-decoding circuitry and write-protect dip switches (accessible while the
figuration provides the same storage capability as 800/ 1600
bpi DEC Massbus installations at a fraction of the cost,"
says the company. Other units: CSU/HV VAX/VMS
Communications multiplexer; SC21/V, a hardware/software
package designed to add economical big disk storage to a
VAX system . Company also has a complete line of disk, tape
and communications controllers for use with LSI-I I, PDP-
! I and VAX-11 Series computers.
Emulex Corporation, 2001 Deere Avenue , Santa Ana. CA
Circle 213
Eliminates 80% of Disk Access Time
EDC 21. An emulating disk controller which emulates the DEC RHl 1 controller interfaced to multiple RM02/03/05 disk drives . Turbo 21 is a single board add-on disk cache
board is positioned in backplane) permit memory access to
start at any 4K work boundary and write protect either 4K,
8K, 12K or 16K word segments. ADAC Corp, 70 Tower
Office Park, Woburn , MA 01801
Circle 215
Powerful, Single-User Computer
DSC-3/102. ''The speed, reliability and data storage capacity ofthese systems," says the company, "makes them excellent, extremely powerful single user computers ." Within a single cabinet the unit includes a ZSBC-3 SBC, a single 8" floppy disk drive (dual density, single sided) the OMS intelligent disk controller and a Winchester drive in either 10 or 23 MBytes. System is HiNetTM compatible and may be
which eliminates up to 80% of all disk access time. Both
feature 32-bit ECC. Each is contained on a single hex-wide
board; both run with unmodified DEC operating systems,
including RSTS/E, RSX-I IM, RT-11 , VMS and with Unix.
Both are transparent to host software. Other products: ED 22
for Data General, EDC 23 for Perkin Elmer; EDC 24 for
LSI-11 . Storage module controllers are available for DEC,
DG and PE; Trident controllers for Data General and Perkin
Minicomputer Technology, 2470 Embarcadero Way. Palo
Alto, CA 94303
Circle 341
expanded to network operation (HiNet) at any time. Other products include: Streamer Tape Drive, Serial Port Expander, Controllers , Disk Drives , etc . Digital Microsystems, 1840 Embarcadero . Oakland. CA 94606
SEPTEMBER 1981 Digital Design 25
COMPAT Showcase
Highly Reliable 5 1/4 Micro Disk
MODEL 951. A perfect RS-232 addition for sophisticated but simple operation at remarkable cost savings . These micro-disks are microprocessor-intelligent, minidiskette systems featuring over 200,000 useable character storage.
Contains easy file oriented mass data storage. File names are
automatically recorded on a directory as you enter data in
either file or batch modes . It is a powerful disk editor and
high speed string searcher. Can add, delete or replace data
with one command. 5 1/4" minidiskettes . Mfr's statement:
"Nobody does it better than us."
Techtran Industries, Inc, 200 Commerce Drive, Rochester,
NY, 14623
Circle 301
energy magnets, custom IC hammer drivers, and Data-
products' specially designed steel band .
Circle 327
FINCHTM MODEL 9410 8'' FIXED DRIVE by CONTROL DATA An 8" rigid disk drive that provides 8 or 24 MB of unformatted storage on fixed, lubricated media in a sealed
Arrow Exhibits Six Clients, Products
(Compatible with RS232). Has four pages memory, detach-
able keyboard, smooth scrolling, 15 graphics characters, 22
function keys, wraparound.
Circle 304
recording environment. The Finch digital interface is intended to be attached to a single controller capable of controlling both a 9410 and a flexible disk drive . Circle 338
low-cost CRT with detachable keyboard and visual attri-
butes. A unique feature is that it has only 11 LSI chips in
Circle 335
---------------- ---
-- ----- --
: _· ' .
- - - ;..l"::
MODEL B-600 by DATAPRODUCTS COMPANY. Unique combination of simple design and field proven technology. Built for dependable operation, the B-series Printers incorporates today's state-of-the-art band technology. Friction-free hammers, microprocessor-based electronics, high-
26 Digital Design SEPTEMBER 1981
COMPAT Showcase
track density is 250 tpi ; its bit density is 9,000 bpi . It has up to
32 read/write heads in the system plus total back-up
New World Computer Company, Inc, 3176 Pullman St,
Suite 120, Costa Mesa , CA 92626.
ST506 514" WINCHESTER DRIVE by SEAGATE TECHNOLOGY Low cost and unit reliability for this RAM storage device are achieved through the use of a band actuator and open loop stepper head positioning mechanism.
TECHNOLOGY CORP. The DTC-510 microprocessor-
based, intelligent controller provides all the functions
necessary for the systems implementation of up to 2 Seagate
Technology ST 506 drives.
Above si.x products shown at Compat by ARROW ELECTRONICS (Headquartered in Farmingdale, LI, NY) 521 Weddell Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086.
Increases Data Throughput 100 Times
GPIBllV-2. High-speed OMA interface between the DEC Q-Bus microcomputer and the IEEE Std 488 Bus . With the use of this device the DEC Q-Bus user can now make high speed data transfers between the computer and the IEEE Std 488 Bus . "This is the first high speed interface between the DEC computers and the IEEE-488 (GPIB) Bus," says
New Systems on Market
CD lOOL. A new configuration presented for the first time at
the show. It is the only integrated DEC compatible (VT 100)
system featuring an intelligent terminal, an integrated card
cage, and a disk memory system , all desk-top. Basic memory
system includes a 5 MB 5 1/4" Winchester Drive emulating
RL 01. It also has a 0.5 MB Floppy back-up emulating RX 02 .
Callan Data Systems. 2637 Townsgate Rd, Westlake
Village, CA 91361 .
Multi Head 5 1/2 Disk Drive
MICRO-DISK V. A family of Winchester disk drives (5 1/4"). Units offer the performance of bubble memory, the reliability of a Winchester drive and the convenience of a removable disk cartridge within the size of a standard mini floppy. Its capacity is 8 MB (unformatted) . Average access time is 8.3 ms; cylinder to cylinder access time, 5 ms. Its
National. "It has increased data thr.oughput capability up to I00 times more than what was previously available." National Instruments, 8900 Shoal Creek, Bldg . Al 17, Austin, TX 78758.
It Talks to Eveiybody
SLC-11. A sophisticated monitor that intercepts mess'ages
from a computer and takes specific actions. Hooks up be-
tween the CPU and terminal with its standard RS-232 or 20
mA serial loop interface. It automatically dials a pre-set
telephone number and delivers any given message in an
electronically synthesized voice. So, if trouble comes , the
SLC-11 can make the necessary phone calls to have it fixed.
"The SLC-ll is a microprocessor that talks to everybody,"
says the company. "Its vocabulary runs well over 300
words. And what it can't say, it will spellfor you in English."
Digital Pathways, 1060 East Meadow Circle, Palo Alto,
CA 94303.
Circle 339
SEPTEMBER 1981 Digital Design 27
COMPAT Showcase
Hot Off The Press
THE SIZZLE SHEET. This lively communications sheet offers COMPAT attendees a special 12-month subscription price of only $24. This is the only marketing communications guide for marketers of computer, electronics , communications and information products , systems and services. Every issue features important data and analyses to aid marketers and marketing communications professionals in buying and applying advertising, trade shows, public relations, sales promotions, research and marketing support services. The Sizzle Sheet, PO Box 801, Framingham. MA 01701.
Compatible Units ·For Wang
ACS INTELLIGENT PRINTER INTERFACE. Mates the Texas Instruments 820 RO , the Tally 1612 RO , the Diablo 1640, 1650 and 630 printers all with the WANG 2200 MVP, LVP and T computers. Also mates with Televideo Terminal. The SMS3515 128K custom memory system modules are completely compatible with, and meet or exceed all specifications for WANG MVP, VP and LVP memory boards and are available at a cost effective price . These
unique boards (with many exclusive features) were designed
by ERG of Kent , WA , and are manufactured and warranted
for one year by Motorola Memory Systems.
Automated Control Systems Inc, /80/-/30th NE Suite 4.
Bellevue , WA 98005 .
Circle 300
Able's Multi Products
ENABLE/34. Supports expansion of existing POP-11 /34 RSTS/E systems by up to 4 MB of main memory . Includes ENABLE CONTROL and Bus Isolater. Bus Isol ate r supports use of existing 18-bit memory and additional non-OMA 1/0 devices at user's options. Among the many other prod-
28 Digital Design SEPTEMBER 1981
ucts made by Able are: multiplexers , bus converters, bus repeaters, OMA interprocessor links, cache memory for the PDP-11/34 and 34A: Cache memory for the POPI 1/35 and 40. modem controls, fastbus memory modules. etc. Able Computer, 1751 Langley Ave, Irvine. CA 92714.
Wirewrap Panels
COMPUTER INTERFACE WIREWRAP PANELS. Compatible with DEC, Multibus , Prolog , Exercisor, TI, Versabus , Nova . New bondex Multibus panel offers flexibil ity of wirewrap, but profile of multilayer. Augat, 33 Perry Ave, Attleborough , MA 02703. Circle 303
Barney Stevenson just spent two . years programming and de-bugging a process control system in assembly code.
Now Barney thinks he deserves some congratulations for his efforts.
Barney Stevenson
but would run
thought he deserved a pat
too slowly and
on the back. As project
take up too
manager at Smart
much memory.
Widgets, Inc., he had
Assembly code
taken on the biggest real-
would take
time process control
longer to pro-
heodache of his life . And
gram and de-
after 24 months he'd finally L__ _ _...__ __, bug, but was
succeeded in programming
the only answer for real-time
and de-bugging Smart's
appl ications.
newest product.
Wrong .
We think Barney missed
Real wrong .
the boat.
Barney didn't know
Barney figured the choice was simple. High level
about FORTH : a language that runs nearly as fast as
languages like Pascal and For- assembl y, is just as compact
tran could program quickly,
(if not more so), yet can cut
development time by a factor able for just about any mini or
of 10 over assembl y language . micro processor.
He also didn't know
For Barney? Still no
about FORTH, Inc.
cigar. But for you, FORTH
They're the people who offers a software tool that in
invented this remarkable tool, speed, compactness and
evolved it, and for 10 years
extensibility, simply has no
have seen it used in thousands match.
of applications ... from run-
So call us at (213) 372-8493 .
ning an observatory to sorting Or write FORTH,lnc., 2309
baggage, from video games
Pacific Coast Highway,
to industrial robotics. Virtu-
Hermosa Beach, California
ally every real-time applica-
90254 . We'll rush you the
tion imaginable.
latest on polyFORTH,TM and
The latest evolution of FORTH is called polyFORTH,TM
tell you where you can see it in action.
An incredible program-
FORTH, Inc. ming environment avail-
Circle 75 on Reader Inquiry Card
...the real-time saver.
COMPAT Showcase
Our Unit Sets a New Standard
SAPPHIRE 160. A 14" Winchester Disk Drive. This unit replaces Control Data's 9730, DEC's RM80 and other highdensity Winchester drives. Has an SMD-compatible interface with execution of instructions performed by µ.,Pcontrolled electronics. Uses four fixed-drives ln density of
slots: +5 and + 12V internal power supplies: optional mass
storage: easy board accessibility: high reliability: modular
design for ease of maintenance: low cost. The company also
supplies a complete series of LSI-I I processors, memory
modules, interface modules and mass storage options which
can be installed in the backplane of NET PAC 95.
Netcom Products Inc, 430 Toyama Drive. Sunnyvale.
CA 94086.
Low-Maintenance Disk Drives
DSS 1100. This first series of a new line called the "Cynthia DSS 1100" family features full compatibility with DEC ' s LSI - I I Q-Bus family of processors , as well as full compatibility with DEC RT 11 and RSX 11 M operating systems. Available in three configurations packaged in 19" rackmountable drawers: DSS 1111 (2 D 120S disk drives) total 20
6400 bits/inch and 600 tracks/inch. Air conditioning not required. "The Sapphire 160 is a mature product. is in production. and is availale now." says the company . "Our unit sets a new standard in 160MB capacity ." Tecstor, Inc, 16161 Gothard St .. Huntington Beach, CA. 92647
A New Video Display Enclosure
NET PAC 95. This company, which specializes in LSI-11 compatible products, revealed at the COMPAT show a new Video enclosure, the NET PAC 95. This unit provides a video building block for complete LSI 11/2 and LSI 11/23 system configurations in a single desk top package . Features of the unit are total video enclosure: 8 quad , 16 dual height
MB storage: OS 1120, (I D 140 disk drive) with 20 MB of
storage - 10 MB fixed, 10 MB removable: DS 1122 (2 D
140S Disk drives) . The DS 1122 has the storage capacity of
four DEC RL 02 drives in a package the size of one RL 02.
' 'These units in OEM quantities," says the company , "will
be offered at prices 40% to 50% below DEC list."
Cynthia Peripherals Corporation (Div. ofCii-Honeywell-
Bull) 3600 West Bayshore Drive, Palo Alto CA
Circle 321
A New Terminal
. TS-1. Brilliant terminal. Permits user selection of terminal
emulation including TS-I native mode , ADM-31 , VT-52 ,
VT- I00 (optional). User selectable from set-up screen. Fea-
tures include detachable keyboard with programmable func-
tion keys, sculptured key caps, typewriteror data-entry style
keyboard. Other features: split screen, dual intensity , four
character sizes , cursor control, standard or smooth scrolling
se lectable , 12 or 24 hours clock, freeze mode, etc .
Falco Data Products, Inc., 1286 Lawrence Station Rd.
Sunnyvale, CA 94086.
30 Digital Design SEPTEMBER 1981
DeAnza's VISACOM/23 now offers you features and capabilities previously only found in large-scale systems. Features like proven and superior image and graphic display software, advanced computing capabilities and proven operating systems software.
All at a very reasonable price.
The VISACOM/23 and the DeAnza Library of Image Processing Software (LIPS) allows you to perform work you only thought possible on the
large, expensive systems. Graphic and display efforts like convolutions,
rotations, classification , amplifications, addition , subtraction , image and graphic zoom and scroll as well as much more.
And, the VISACOM/23 incorporates the powerful LSl-11/23 computer so you perform graphic and
image processing more easily and much faster.
It allows you to do more work in less time. VISACOM/ 23 has a full 512K byte memory for dedicated computer operation or image display as well as 128K bytes of dedicated memory outside of the image memory, four independent graphic overlay channels, alphanumeric character generators, color and monochrome transformation units and cursor overlays. If your graphic and imaging application calls for a system that provides quality, flexibility and added capabilities all in an economical package, find out more about the VISACOM/ 23 today. Call or write:
Del\nza Systems Incorporated
Corporate Headquarters: 118 Charcot Avenue · San Jose, Californ ia 95131 · (408) 263·7155 ·TWX (910) 338·7656 Regional Offices: 100 First Avenue N.E., Suite 114F, Cedar Rapids, IA 52401 , (319) 354·1366, TWX (910) 525·1306 · 3918 Prosperity Avenue, Suite 204, Fairfax , VA 22031 , (703) 698·0600, TWX (710) 833-0369 · 500K Middle Country Road , Middle Island, NY 11953, (516) 736-3440 · 4401 Atlantic Avenue, #28, Long Beach , CA 90807, (213) 422·4445.
Circle 71 on Reader Inquiry Card
COMPAT Showcase
Daughter Boards Are Unnecessary
MODEL 420. 16-channel Programmable Tenninal Interface
(PTI) . It is fully compatible with Nova 3, Nova 4, Eclipse
and Data General's ALM/ATI programming fonnat. It sup-
· ·, CllJ
ports Clear-To-Send and can be switched by line to operate
RS232 or 20mA tenninals . The PTI mounts in the CPU
chassis and comes complete with 16-port, prewired distribu-
tion panel. " With the Model 420, daughter boards are un-
necessary." says the company . "The cost and rack space
usage associated with a communications chassis is
eliminated. ''
Custom Systems Inc, 6850 Shady Oak Rd. Eden Prairie.
MN 55344.
Terminal With Operator Comfort
LOG 53. Alternative to Data General's 6053 CRT display terminal. "The 'Log 53 gives you complete emulation ofthe model 6053 functions." says the company , "with more operator comfort and less operator fatigue." 1211 screen size .
eliminate costly expansion chassis." National Semi-
conductor Corp, 2900 Semiconductor Drive , MIS 7C-265 ,
Santa Clara. CA , 95051
Circle 220
A Printer with Message Buffer
SERIES 6010. A high-perfonnance, low cost dot matrix
printer. Has 2 KB message buffer (expandable to 4 KB) to
protect against loss of data. Microprocessor controlled.
Operates at a print speed of 150 CPS. 9 x 9 dot matrix for high
quality printing. Unit is available with a Centronics com-
patible parallel on an RS-232 serial interface operating at
maximum baud rates up to 19,200 baud. A rear-panel switch
permits choice of active or passive 20MA current loop .
Qantex Division, North Atlantic Industries Inc, 60 Plant
Avenue, Hauppauge, NY 11787.
. A - - ----.--,..,,
80 x 24 character display. Data rate 75-19,200 Baud: inter-
face, EIA-RS-232-C, 20mA C/L. Character set, 96 display-
able ASCII: character matrix , 7 x 12 in 10 x 14 . Emulog
Inc, 3730 Yale Way. Fremont, CA 94538
Eliminates Costly Expansion Chassis
HEX 1000TM CONTROLLER. A single hex-wide card which simultaneously controls 1/0 operation by 3 peripheral subsystems: disk, tape and a fixed-disk emulator. The HEXACON controller installs on any DEC Unibus system and is fully compatible with operating systems providing transparent emulation of the RM02 disk TM 11/TU10 tape subsystem and RS04 FHD, which is emulated by National's NURAMTM system . "One (I) hex wide card controls simultaneous 1/0 operations." says the company, "by all three high-speed peripheral subsystems . This not only provides slot-saving advantages but many users will also be able to
32 Digital Design SEPTEMBER 1981
Give your Q-BUS the UNIBUS award.
There's a definite place for the Q-BUS. Some applications are right on target, but if yours has _even a slight chance of expanding upward, we want you back on the UNIBUS. That's where the action is, and that's where you belong. We
can get you there, too. Quick and easy, with two highly effective add-ins.
QNIVERTER'", our exclusive Q-BUS to UNIBUS or UNIBUS to Q-BUS converter, opens the wonders of the UNIBUS world to PDP-11/23 and LSI-11 users. Completely contained on a single quad-width board, QNIVERTER'"
plugs into the LSI-11, LSI-11/23, PDP-11/03 or PDP-11/23 and allows UNIBUS compatible controllers to be used with LSI computer systems or LSI based peripherals to be used with PDP-11 systems.
Our companion add-in, the ABLE BUSLINK, installs
in any LSI-11 or PDP-11 and provides UNIBUS to UNIBUS, UNIBUS to Q-BUS or Q-BUS to Q-BUS link. ABLE BUSLINKS deliver in
pairs of hex-width, hex/ quad-width or quad-width
boards. They provide full DAll-B compatibility, operate at DAll-B transfer rates up to fifty feet and are soft-
ware compatible with the existing and proven DAU driver.
BUSLINK are designed exclusively
for use in LSI-11 and PDP-11 com-
puters. Just like the rest of our line,
they cost less but do more than the
products they are intended to replace.
To find out more about them, call or write
the computer experts
for details. We'll include information on our complete line of UNIBUS compatible
ABLE COMPUTER, 1732 Reynolds Avenue, Irvine, California 92714. (714) 979-7030. TWX 910-595-1729 ACT IRIN.
general-purpose, special-memory and datacommunications products as well as the
ABLE COMPUTER-EUROPE, 74176 Northbrook Street,
MAGNUM'" Series of computer systems.
Newbury, Berkshire, England RG13 lAE. (0635) 32125. TELEX 848507 HJULPHG.
DEC, UNIBUS, Q-BUS, PDP and LSI are t rademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation.
Circle 17 on Reader Inquiry Card
See ABLE products, COMPAT '81, San Francisco
COMPAT Showcase
Enlarging Memory
IMC-8000. 128Kx24 bit multi-purpose memory board.
Compatible with various minicomputers. The board is avail-
able in word lengths of 16, 18, 20, 22 or 24 bits . It has
on-board refresh/timing/control logic plus versatile interface
options all available in a single card. Two or more boards
may be operated in parallel to provide larger word lengths
than those listed. For example, three cards may be used
together to provide 128K x 72 bits or one megabyte (with
ECC bits) memory system. Among other company products
are MCB x 332, 32K Byte CMOS nonvolatile memory mod-
ule for Multibus; IMC-11/780, VAX-11/780 Add-in Mem-
ory; IMC-3 Series, Nova 3 Add-in Memory; and others.
Intersil Inc, Systems Div, 1275 Hammerwood Ave, Sunny-
vale, CA 94086.
Bring Your Printer Problems to Us
1200 Series Chaintrain Printer. Top-of-the-line heavy duty Chain Train models offer high speed, superior print quality and durability seldom available from minicomputer vendors. These printers feature two sets of motorized
Circle 18 on Reader Inquiry Card 34 Digital Design SEPTEMBER 1981
tractors, 95% parts commonality, compact size and micro-
processor electronics make them perfect for a variety of
"work horse " applications. The company also makes band
printers. drum printers, belt printers and matrix printers .
" Bring your minicomputer printer problems to Digital
Associates," says the company. "Our printer specialists are
anxious to be ofservice to you.''
Digital Associates Corp, 1039 East Main St. Stamford
CT 06902.
Circle 320
SEPTEMBER 1981 Digital Design 35
COMPAT Showcase
New Development System
DCS/86. A 16-bit microcomputer development system which uses Intel's 8086 16-bit processor plus the CPM/86 operating system . The DCS/86 can be used for most industrial applications where minicomputer performance is required . Applications include data communications,
... ...
I ··
___________ .)
graphics , industrial control , process control , etc . "Th is
unit," says the company , "is a 16-bit microcomputer system
with the performance ofa minicomputer.' '
Distributed Computer Systems, 223 Crescent Street,
Waltham , MA 02 154
Circle 212
Highest Performance Subsystem
DS-231. A DEC emulating RM02 disk subsystem . Compatible with PDP-11 . Storage capacity: 67MB formatted. Five di sks (14") ; five sides; six heads. Recording density: 6038 BPI. Track density : 384 TPI. Avg. access time: 35 ms. Track to track access: 6 ms . Latency: 8.33 ms. Data transfer rate: 1200 KB/sec . " This subsystem has the highest per-
Byte Exchange & Mega~Memory are trademarks of Relational Memory S)5cems. Inc. M ultibus"· is a trademark of Intel Corp
Circle 20 on Reader Inquiry Card 36 Digital Design SEPTEMBER 1981
formance/dollar ratio of any subsystem presently offered,"
claims the company. "Its average data through-put is limited
only by the disk drive transfer rate .'' Western Peripherals.
14321 Myford Road, Tustin , CA 94680
Circle 218
The DILOG D0130 and DU130 are µP based intelligent V2 11 Tape Couplers for your
The Couplers emulate the DEC TM-11/TS-03 and you ' ll get full software compatibility with
LSl-11 , 11/2, 11/23 or PDP-11 computers respectively. They ' re the only Couplers·
RT-11, RSX-11 , RSTS , IAS and MUMPS.
for standard start-stop or streaming mode operation
As for tape drive compatibility, both the D0130
·capable of handling 8 drives· proven reliability and performance with an installed base in excess of 1,000 units· all on a single quad board that plugs
and DU130 interface drives from the following
manufacture rs :
into your CPU . If you intend using your streaming tape drive in
a standard start-stop mode and later wish to employ streaming mode for Winchester back-up, DILOG Couplers will handle both . You don 't need to change a thing. The Dilog 'Backup/Restore' stand-alone driver software will implement and support streaming operation.
The '130' Series can also accommodate two standard V2 /1 formatted tape drives with three slaves each, or two stand-alone formatters that handle four
To insure ease of maintainability & data integrity
the Couplers incorporate an automatic self-test
feature, with card-edge LED status indicator, and
data protect feature.
Write or call for complete details on the Coupler
that lets you mix or match up to eight V2 /1 tape drives
for standard or "streaming" operation.
drives each ... 9-track 800 bpi NAZI , 9-track 1600 bpi PE, or 800-1600 bpi dual density .. .with 7 ", 8 V2 " or 10 V2" reels and read/write speeds from 12.5 to 125 ips and data transfer rates to 200 ,000 bytes per second.
Distributed Logic Corp., 12800 Garden Grove Blvd., Garden Grove, California 92643 Phone : (714) 534-8950 Telex: 681 399 DILOG GGVE ·EASTERN REGIONAL SALES OFFICE, 64-A White Street, Red Bank, New Jersey 07701 , Phone: (201) 530-0044.
*Trademark Dig ital Equipment Corp.
Circle 21 on Reader Inquiry Card
llUMBER 1F· DEC·11
SEPTEMBER 1981 Digital Design 37
.... fHlflDlJflCHlu ....
....THE $~~[][]····
..... l~flE []A~UEA .... . . . . CllJPtflT~TY DflE .. .
COMPAT Showcase
Memory Expandable Module
DR-1448. This is the industry's only 16K RAM-based PDP 11/44 module to provide more than 256KB capacity . It provides 1.0 MB! Only one unit load. Lower power. The DR- 144S is the only PDP 11/44 semiconductor ADD-IN
The bo-sherrel M-3 Asynchronous Line Driver provides full duplex data transmission over regular 4-wire lines. It is end-to-end compatible with bo-sherrel's M-1 Short Haul Modem, but requires power from the attached terminal.
bo-sherrel co.
6101 Jarvis Avenue Newark, CA 94560 415 + 792-0354
Quantity: 10 - 99 100 - 999 1000 - UP
Price: $83.00 $67.00 $51.00
Circle 22 on Reader Inquiry Card
DCS/86 (16 bit)
I· I· Development/ -=----r====-
~;Q ..
The DCS/86 is an industrial quality rack mountable Multibus* system based on the Intel 8086 16 bit microprocessor. A DCS/86 system includes dual 8" floppy disks with controller, DCS 86/16 CPU, 9-slot backplane, and heavy duty power supply. A 64K byte system with CPM/86 * * software is $6500.00.
MULTIBUS HARDWARE - DCS designs and manufactures a complete line of Multibus compatible modules which includes the DCS 86/16 that contains an 8086, 3 serial ports (two of which are capable of high-level protocols including HDLC and SDLC), vectored interrupt, counter/timer, RAM/PROM, 24 bits of parallel 1/0 and full multimaster capability.
SOFTWARE - The DCS/86 utilizes CPM/86 **, a complete disk operating system with assembler. editor and utilities. 8080, 8085, Z80 to 8086 translation software is also available. High level languages include Basic, Pascal, Fortran, PL/I (Subset G) and Cobol .
DCS/80 - 8080 based system prices begin at $3995.
*Multibus TM of Intel , ** CPM/86 TM of Digital Research
Distributed Computer Systems 617 899-6619
223 Crescent Street, Waltham, Ma . 02154 Toll Free 1-800-225-4589
(from either DEC or the independents) to exceed 256KB in capacity while utilizing 16K RAMS . (Using 16K RAMS rather than 64K RAMs, for higher capacity systems , takes advantage of the lower price/bit of 16K RAMs, compared to 64K RAMs) . Dataram Corp, Princeton Rd, Cranbury, NJ 08512.
Dependable Power Supplies
DU 50 and DU 250. All the power you'll ever need in OEM power supplies. 50 to 250 Watts . Reliability is assured with a one-year warranty. Units are available open-frame or e nclo sed. Standard or optional features include brown-out protection , short-circuit protection, power-fail option, overtemperature protection , and OVP for all outputs. Each unit is EMI filtered and constructed of proven quality material s. All units deliver up to 80% efficiency. Custom designs are available for special needs . Digital-Power, 686 E. Gish Road, San Jose. CA 95112.
A Flexible Controiler
MODEL 5287. Controller interface allows attachment of any printer (whether RS232 or Centronics) to IBM 3274 Cluster Controller or IBM 3276 Cluster Controller. The unit
Circle 23 on Reader Inquiry Card 38 Digital Design SEPTEMBER 1981
COMPAT Showcase
will support both BSC or SNA/SDLC applications. Agile Corporation, 1050 Stewart Dr, Sunnyvale, CA 94086.
Increase Storage Capacity Four Times
WINC 08. Utilizes Fujitsu 811 Winchester drives which allows the system to operate in a standard industrial environment. By providing two 811 Winchesters, a total usable storage of 4 l .6MB is usable. System is provided in a 5 1/4" high , rack-mountable or table top chassis. Winc-08 will operate under DEC's PDP-I I or LSI-I I CPU series. The unit is available in varying system configurations to allow the user the most cost efficient system . The device is completely software transparent to DEC's RL02 system and provides up
The sound of Hecon's 60687 Electrosensitive Tape Printer.
Reliable. The only moving part is the paper feed . A unique, fixed 100 wire printhead produces a full 20 characters per !ine. No shuttle mechanism to fail. No ink cartridges or ribbons to replace.Lots of dependable printing .
Legible. The 64 character ASCII set is produced in a unique 5 x 14 matrix pattern . Crisp, clear characters line after line at 5 lines per second.
Versatile. Available versions are desktop, wallmount, and rackmount complete units or OEM mechanisms. A model for every application.
Reliability, legibility, versatility-all you ever needed in a Tape printer.
H IH ECO Available now in the G0687.
It's got to be good. It's a Hecon.
Hecon Corporation. 31 Park Road . Tinton Falls . NJ 07724 · (201 I 542-9200
Circle 24 on Reader Inquiry Card
to 4 l .6MB of data storage. "And that," says the company, "is four times as much storage capacity as DEC's Rl202 gives you-in just half the space ." Advanced Electronics Design Inc, 440 PotreroAve, Sunnyvale , CA 94086
Scratch Resistant Disks
MODEL 5800C. Dual 5 1/2" Micro-Winchester Disk System . Compatible with LSI-I I. Provides 10.4 MB of formatted storage emulating the equivalent of two RLOls. The disk drive utilizes plated disks to improve data reliability and is 1000 times more resistant to scratches and damage than traditional oxide-coated disks. Other products: MODEL 980/990 (2/4 MBs) fixed hard disk memory: MODEL 9800R 811 Winchester for hostile environments. Dataflux Corp, 1050 Stewart Drive, Sunnyvale , CA, 94086.
Second Sourcing
This company offers a second source hardware integration and UNIX operating systems support for the PDP- I I and VAX minicomputer systems . !OS's product has been on the market for approximately five years. International Data Services, /020 Stewart Dr, Sunnyvale , CA 94086.
· Standard and extended length cables. · Highest quality materials. · Stringent quality control. · Stocked lengths for immediate delivery. · Custom lengths to order. · Coax/twinaxial cables also available. · Quantity pricing and fast delivery.
WIREWORKS CORPORATION Data Communications Division 380 Hillside Avenue, PO Box 3600 Hillside, New Jersey 07205 Tel: (201) 686-7 400 Twx: 710-985-4675
Circle 25 on Reader Inquiry Card
SEPTEMBER 1981 Digital Design 39
COMPAT Showcase
Voice-Entry Device
AURICLE-I. Stand alone development system intended to familiarize OEM ' s of computer based systems with user trainable speech recognition. The OEM will find it easy to integrate a low-cost modular speech recognition subsystem into his product. Device has a vocabulary of 80 words or short phrases . Voice data entry capability enables an OEM to
Mini-disk speed, capacity and reliability for only $399.50.
· Standard RS-232C communications link · Built-in operating system · Two file management structures: ASCII and binary · Three baud rates available: 300, 1200 and 9600 · Busy/ready handshaking supported
Call our HOTLINE... · exatron
(800)-538-8559 In California, Call (408)-737-7111
Exatron, inc.
1a1 Commercial Street
~~~)~;i~?~1a~ifornia 94oaa
Circle 26 on Reader Inquiry Card
Storage System
Offers superior performance, throughput and reliability!
Compatible with: ·D.E.C. ·Data General ·Westinghouse
The non-rotating MaxiRam is a solid-state disc replacement storage system that operates at the speed of main memory. It is ideal for the following : ... if your processor is disc 1/ 0 bound. ...if your CPU spends too much time in the 'wait' state. ...if your present disc gives you reliability headaches.
Write or call to find out how your memory performance and reliability can be dramatically improved. Units available in both core and semiconductor.
I ~ Imperial Technology, Inc.
831 S. Douglas Street · El Segundo,
~ Californi a 90245 ·Telephone : (213) 679 -9501
Circle 27 on Reader Inquiry Card
40 Digital Design SEPTEMBER 1981
add significant value to his product. It is a natural man/ machine interface that permits hands-free interaction with a system. It eliminates need for skilled key operators. Auricle Inc, A Subsidiary of Threshold Technology Inc, 20823 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014. Circle 243
Announcing a Wedding
WDC 2880. Winchester Disk Controller. Compatible with Intel Multibus. it can control up to eight rigid disk drives from any manufacturer complying with the new ANSI X3T9 .3 interface specifications (which are expected to be the accepted industry standard for new 811 Winchester drives and
possibly for new 5 1/4" Winchester drives.) "Our WDC
2880," says the company, "marks the marriage of two
great standards, the ANSI X3T9.3 Winchester Disk
interface standard and the powerful MULTIBUS ."
Interphase Corporation, 32667 Floyd Circle , Dallas
TX 75243.
Circle 249
The Superior 51,4 inch Winchester
Disk Drive
We're starting out ahead of the
industry. Our new CM 5000 514 inch
Winchester disk drive is already
superior to any drive available. It
delivers more capacity at the lowest
cost per megabyte. An incredible 16
megabytes in a minifloppy-sized unit
that fits into most floppy systems
without requiring system structural
changes. It's a result of our
no-compromise design
philosophy that improves
upon proven Winchester
No Equal
Our CM 5000 has no equal.
We've designed features into
a 514 inch Winchester disk
drive that no one else has. For
example, there are our high
resolution, high output heads.
There's a unique no hysteresis
positioning feature. Added to that are
such exceptional features as 345 TPI
recording, an internal microprocessor
and a high torque stepper motor.
With capacities of 5.3, 10.7, and 16
megabytes in one, two or three platter
versions. All built around proven
Winchester technology.
The Leading Edge
We're not stopping here. Our concept,
philosophy and commitment is to
keep ahead. To stay at the leading edge
of Winchester technology. You'll see
us lead the rest in innovations and
features that translate into an even
lower cost per megabyte.
To find out how you can have the
superior Winchester drive in your
system, call us at (213) 709-6445
today for complete specifications,
prices and for immediate delivery of an evaluation unit.
Computer Memories, Incorpora ted
9 2 3 3 Eton Ave . Chatsworth, Ca li form a 913 l l
(2 13) 709-644 5 T W X 910 494-48 34
Circle 28 on Reader Inquiry Card
COMPAT Showcase
Triple Density Tape System
GROUP 3000. Triple density 125 ips Tape System . Until
recentl y, 6250 technology was only available on very large
mainframe CPUs . "Now," says Qualex, "ourGroup3000 is
a plug-compatible compact upgrade that brings 6250 bpi.
125 ips performance to your HP 3000 computer." Tran sfer
rate is 781 KB (" 20-fold boost over HP 's 800 bpi drive ") .
Other specs: rewind speed , 500 ips: density, 800-6250 bpi :
dual density : triple density: rewind time, 1 minute: auto load:
automatic reel latch.
Qualex Technology Inc. 6925 Canby Ave, Building 109,
Reseda . CA 91335
New Multiplexers
MODELS 4107, 4111, AND 4118. ULM transparent mul-
tiplexers . Al so models 4307 , 4311 , and 4318 ALM/ATM
software transparent multiplexers, and the 4808 8-port OMA
multiplexer. First public showing of these models .
Quentin Research Inc, 19355 Business Center Dr. North-
ridge , CA 91325.
(If you mi ssed seeing the products in the designated booth areas, then use circle numbers to get all pertinent information by mail from the manufacturer.)
The Model 5401 is a versatile interface that consists of a standard Intel size PC incorporating all the required interface logic. This board can be configured with either a multi-purpose two-speed (36:1 /18:1) Synchro/Resolver-to-Digital converter, or any combination of three 16 bit Synchro/ Resolver-to-Digital or Digital-to-Synchro/Resolver converters. Accuracy to ± 20 arc seconds.
210 ADAMS BLVD. · FARMINGDALE, N.Y. 11735 Circle 29 on Reader Inquiry Card
Itching ... for a Thermal Printer?
Don't Scratch Your Head!
Don't scratch your printhead, that is. Only the Hecon A0550 Thermal Printers lift the printhead away from the paper during pa per advance. This unique feature reduces unnecessary wear and extend s print head life to a minimum of 4 million lines at 2 lines per second.
Designed for long term reliability, the A0550 uses ca st parts for consistent and dependable operation. Even the rubber roller uses an exclusive compound to ensure acc urate paper position and superior print quality.
Available in 20 or 40 column versions. you can specify desktop complete units or O EM mechanisms. Two copy thermal paper is also available.
If thermal is the way you go, don't scratch your head-make Hecon
H IH EC 0 I your destination'
H's got to be good. It's a Hecon.
Hecon Corp orat ion, 3 t Park Road. Tinton Fa lls. NJ 07724 · (201) 54 2-9200
Circle 30 on Reader Inquiry Card
If you 're building , industrial micro systems,
the Pocket Terminal could save you time, money and frustration .
It gives full ASCII 1/0 facilities with 16 segment display, 30 character
memory and a wide range of signalling options in a low cost, hand-
~~~~\ _ ....
held package weighing approx.V2lb. Thousands of units are now in service in
applications including instrumentation,
data collection, telecommunications,
radar, process control, traffic
regulation, analytical and
medical systems.
The Pocket Terminal is a real ,
cost-effective alternative to
fixed control panels and bulky,
expensive terminal equipment.
Try one.
It could solve a lot of problems.
Further information from:
1640 Fifth Street,
Santa Monica, CA 90401 .
Telephone: (213) 395-4774
Telex: 65-2337
(BT Smedley SNM) .
Circle 31 on Reader Inquiry Card SEPTEMBER 1981 Digital Design 43
The Computer Compatible Directory
Part Two
a listing of plug-compatible _ QeriQherals and P-Toducts
L ocating compatible peripherals for DEC, DG, P-E, HP and other computers has been a problem - until now. This directory of computer compatible products gives you model names, descriptions, prices and company contacts right at your fingertips so that you, the OEM integrators and system designers, may evaluate and make comparisons without spending valuable time
searching through many different sources. Here is the industry at a glance.
Part Two contains listings of: Display Terminals, Flexible Disk Drives, Packaging/Hardware/ Backplanes/Enclosures, Printers and Plotters, Rigid Disk Drives, Services, Special I/O's, Tape Systems, Test Equipment/Instrumentation, Other. For more information on AC/DC Power/UPS/Une Conditioners, Add-In/Add-On Memories, Array Processors, Communications, Controllers and Disk Emulators, see Part One of the directory in the August 1981 issue of Digital Design. The complete listing of manufacturers, including addresses and phone numbers, is given following both parts.
This directory will continue to be expanded as new companies come into this growing market and as new products are introduced. If you were left out and want to be listed in our next directory, fill out the questionnaire that follows the Manufacturer's Usting and return to Directory Editor, Digital Design, 1050 Commonwealth Ave, Boston, MA 02215.
_ _ D_isI?_lay_ Terminals
VT100 Terminal Emulator ABT VT.1 00 is a PASCAL program that uses the Videx 80 column board and the Apple comm . card to emulate a DEC VT- 100 and VT-52 terminal . It enables dial-up access to any established RSTS/E operating system or data base . $495 w/ Videxboard:
$250 w/ SW only. Vend maint.
ABT and Apple. Advanced Business Technology Inc, Saratoga, CA.
Zenith Data Systems Z-19 Video terminal. Manu facture. service. 4FO . Advanced Digital Products, San Diego, CA.
AED 512 256 colors, 5 12 x 483 resolution. Intellige nt based contro ller provides scroll , pan. zoom plus exc lusive Superroam feature . Extern al comm. via RS-232 serial interface or parallel DMA interactive capabi li ty via keyboard and
joystick. $8875-$ 16 ,500. Vend Maint. 2 FO . Advanced Electronics Design Inc, (AED). Sunnyvale , CA.
ABM 85 Video Terminal Smart terminal, high resolution green screen. full video attributes. line graphics, advanced editing. $700- $900. Vend maint. 6FO. Amtek Business Machines Inc, Santa Clara , CA.
190-T Tektronix Plug-in conversion board for the Tl 810 RO printer. Emulates the Tektronix 4611 and 463 1 hardcopy units whi le serving as 150
cps serial RS-232 printer at rates to 9600 baud. $995 . Analog Technolog_v Corp. lnvindale. CA .
AMBASSADOR 100 Supports DEC VTIOO private use modes and controls. $ 1095 qty IOOOEM .
VT52-COMPAT DEC VT52 emulation; 24 line x 80 char display; test mode for system debugging; erase to end-ofIine/page: U/L case display ; blink accent std (dim and reverse-video opt.); 15" screen & detached keybd . $1 450.
44 Digital Design SEPTEMBER 1981
DG-COMPAT Dasher emulation; 24 line x 80 char display; blink. dim. underline accents; standard printer output: 20 function keys; 15" screen and detached keybd. $1600 .
AMBASSADOR ANSI X3.64 compat. CRT terminal; standard with editing. formatting , block or char transmission. printer output; displays up to 60 lines of 80 chars; 64 downloadable strings for function keys. $9951100 qty 100 OEM. RTFM . Ann Arbor Terminals Inc . Ann Arbor, Ml.
Televideo 950 Terminal w/ACS-WANG Interface Emulates Wang 2236 DE. including limited graphics. Protected fields. underlining. self-tests. tiltable screen. 24 lines x 80 char reverse video dual intensity. blink. blank. detached selectric keyboard w/ switch selectable key click compat to Wang MVP. LVP. VP. $2236. Automated Control Systems Inc . Bellevue , WA .
5216,5215, 5217, 5217CT, 8000 Series CRTS Graphic display terminals, RGB color video monitor. 8 FO. Aydin Controls. Ft. Washin gton , PA .
Micro 4400 and OM 3270 OM 3270 is an IBM 3276 compat. terminal. Enhanced emulation. Micro 4400 is a µ.P based data comm. terminal. Emulates Burroughs TD 700/800. Can support special protocols. Beehive Int' I, Salt Lake City. UT.
BT-100 +Video Display Terminal Plug-compat with DEC VT- 100. Features a 15" diagonal non-g lare screen and detached keyboard. Includes advanced video, pri nter port. 20mA current loop and auxii iary AC ou tlet.
BT-314 Emulates Lier Siegler ADM-3A. 12" high data display monitor. User-controlled brightness . standard control functions and cursor positioning .
BT-100 Plug-compat with DEC VT-100. 12" diagonal screen and advanced video . 20mA current loop. and printer port.
BT-2A Emulates DEC VT-52 . 12" diagonal. non-glare screen and displays 1920 characters. 80 char/line by 24 lines . Cursor control. 32 char graphics mode. Vend maint. 55FO. Braegen Minicomputer Peripherals Div, Anaheim. CA.
CAL-COM 920-H/CAL-COM 3132 VT100 Emulator
Smart scroll. non-glare screen.
Honeywe ll emulation. Sync or blink/non-blink cursor. detachable
async models. Enhanced features. keyboard with operator selectable
cost savi ngs. From $1595-$2895 . configuration. advanced video
Vend maint.
attributes and serial printer port.
California Communications,
$1795. RTFM .
Playadel Rey, CA.
Cobar Inc,
4650 and 4651 Video Display Anaheim , CA.
12" CRT. 80 char x 24 line. 25th Completely integrated Q-Bus ter-
command/status line. detached minal w/ 11 /2 or 11/23 CPU. dis-
keyboard . to 19200 baud . 96 char play . keyboard . and Q-Bus back-
ASCII . 4650 char mode on ly. plane . Rugged enclosure. Console
4651 char/block mode. 20 user emulates VT52. $3295 w/out CPU.
programmable function keys . Both have full cursor control and number keypad. Furnished with shielded cable. 4650. $995: 4651. $1245 . RTFM . ISFO. California Computer Systems Inc. Sunnyvale. CA.
MB851 Industrial Multibus Microcomputer. Fully integrated terminal constructed for durability . Environ mentally sealed for protection. unique thermal heat exchanger. ther'lnostatic protection .
DECVT100 Retail. systems integrator. vend ma int. California Data/ease Systems & Financial Corp, Anaheim, CA.
MB 80/280 Integrated Multibus microcomputer w/: 12" CRT. keyboard . backplane. control panel. and 8085 CPU . Vast array of SW available. $3495. 3FO.
Comark Corp,
VTI00/52 compat video proces- Waltham , MA.
sor: 2 mini floppies (512kB each) RX02 compat: 6 slot LSI-I I QBus compat card cage. All integrated in desk top work station.
Vision One/20 Digital image exploitation system . Self-contained with multipurpose programmable processors
and large data bases. Stand-alone
VTJ00/52 compat video proces- or coupled processor to numerous sor; one 5 MB mini-Winchester. hosts . Field upgradable to 40962
RLOI compat and one 512kB mini data bases.
floppy RX02 compat 6 slot LSI-II 8000-R Q-Bus compat card cage. All in- Solid state RAM memory LSI tegrated in desk top work station. peripheral processor. Semi-
autonomous device. Pipeline
Advanced video processor ANSI processing capability and color or
compat. One SMB mini-Winchester monochrome image enhance-
and one IMB mini -floppy ; Z80 ment , storage. and display.
CPU with 64K RAM and 2 serial ports: CPM operating system: 6 slot Intel Multibus card cage. Vend Maint. 15 FO. Callan Data Systems. Westlake Village, CA .
CGC 7900 Color Graphic Computer Driven by MC68000 chip . standalone mode or as an inte lligent terminal. 19" tube with 1024 by 768 screen resolution. up to 256 colors displayable simultaneously, a menu of 16 million color shades , graphic and alphanumeric overlays that are independent of the underl yi ng bit map screen. up to 8
DVIP Digital Video Input Processor. Multiple frame integration TV image digitizer. Max frames integrated of64. 128. or256.
MAPPER A digital 6 degree of freedom spatial warping HW option for mapping digital imagery in approximately 1/5 of a second time
frames for 51 :z2 output pixels. cozo
Continuous zoom processor, provides real -time HW magnification of fac tors ranging from 1x up to 512 x .
windows. Compal. with DEC's Twin Display
DRVll-B. $19.995.
Version of the Vision One/20. de-
signed for the graphic ans com-
Tucker. GA.
munity. provides for various
3100 VT100 Emulator Advanced video option . printer port . non -glare screen. 4 video attributes. set up prompt legends.
combinations of black and white and color page make-up . co lor previewing. color correction. and job control generation .
19.200 baud operation and screen
save. $1595.
HRP Hi gh Reso lution Processor. High speed special purpose HW to accept a job control to produce high spatial and color brightness resolution output required for printing operations.
2000 Stores digi tal color imagery in digital NTSC form in a single 8 bit 512 x 512 monochrome refresh memory . ComtalCorp. aSubsidiaryof3M. Altadena. CA.
Em3275/6 Plug-compat IBM 3270 information display systems . $2350. qty . discounts avai l. Vend maint. 7FO. Control Concepts Corp , Arlington, VA.
CTi1000 3767/2740 compat display with printer. CRT: $2350: printer: $1650. Vend maint. 3FO. Custom Terminals Inc, Raleigh. NC .
132-1 D Display Terminal 132-col . emulates DEC VT-100. Uses the Charactron (R) CRT which displays fully-formed (rather than dot matrix) characters. Has VT52 operating mode. Set-up from keyboard via English-langul)ge menu . Range of data rates from 300 to 19 .2 K. $1695 . lease for $96/mon th incl. maint. for24-
mo. lease. 100 + FO.
DatagraphiX Inc, Display Products Dept. San Diego. CA.
EXCEL 12, EXCEL 14 VT-100 emulator with 12" or 14" non -glare screen . tilt screen: detachable keyboard; advanced video option and enhanced printer port standard.
EXCEL22,24 VT-100 emulator. 12" or 14" tilt screen. detachable keyboard .
EXCEL 52, EXCEL 54 Provides VT-100-like capabi lities with APL as a second language. 12" or 14" screen. non-glare tilt monitor; detachable keyboard .
Color Scan 1O VT- 100 emulator display. 8 co lors. 12" non-glare screen. tilt monitor. detachable keyboard.
EXCEL 32, EXCEL 34 Keyboard selectable emulation of Lear Siegler ADM 3A . Hazeltine 1420. ADDS Regent 2J. Datamedia 1521 : 12" or 14" non-glare screen . tilt monitor. detachable keyboard. All include business graphics. Vend maint. 7FO. Datamedia Corp, Pennsauken. NJ.
SEPTEMBER 1981 Digital Design 45
/'/r:T.1 The Computer Compatible Directory Part Two
_ _D_is~lay_ Terminals
IPG4002 Image Processing System DEC Unibus compat. with digital video processor. video output control. up to four 512x512x8 bit image memories plus overlay memory. Color or monochrome. From $20.000-$60.00.
ID2000 Image Display System 256 x 256 pixel. DEC unibus compat. for display of color or monochrome images. From $7500.
512 x 512 pixel. DEC Unibus
compat. for display of mono-
chrome or color ima!.!es. From
Vlsacom/23 Visual Computer System Stand alone image processing system. incorporates DEC LSI11/23. Optional interface to larger DEC host system. 512 kB image memory. From $25 .000. Vend Maint. 2 FO. DeAn:a Svstems Inc. San Jose. CA.
Hazeltine, Lear Siegler, Dlablo, Cltoh Wholesale. discounted prices. vend maint. 3 FO. Digital Data Systems Inc, Plantation, FL.
Retro-Graphics Enhancement RG-512 Retro-Graphics PC card upgrades LSI ADM3A. 3A+ dumb terminal into graphics terminal. $1150. Vend Maint. 1 FO. Digital Engineering Sacramento. CA
VP800/A ANSI Compliant Display Terminals Interactive display. VTIOO compat. SK display memory. buffered printer port. load font.
VPBOO/B 16K display memory. block mode . buffered editing. buffered printer port. load font.
VPBOO/C Interactive Programmable Display Station. 16K display memory. buffered editing. full format capability. buffered printer port. download program capability.
VP825 Display station. V/3000 compat. l6K display memory. 80 or 132 col. complete video attributes and smooth scroll.
VP828 V/3000 and ANSI compat. 32K of display memory. 80 or 132 col. buffered pri nter port. complete video attributes. smooth scroll.
32KOptlon VP800/B and VP800/C only. 32K display memory.
Cables Color coordi nated RS-232C cable. H-P Paddleboard Connector. Direct Inc, Sunnyvale, CA.
VGT- 100 VT-100 emulation with Plot 10 grap hics capab ility. $3154. Vend ma int. l FO. DY-4 Systems Inc, Ottawa, Ontario.
LOG-53 Emu lation of DG 6053/6052. D200/D l00 or Dasher display termi nals. Complete SW and keyboard compat. non-glare. high contrast screen. 1920 char display. serial printer port.$ 1600: $995 (OEM 100). Emulog Inc, Fremont, CA.
IM-1 5 12 x 484 V resolution. text in 39 lines by 85 char. light pen interface. 20 MHz monitor. kevboard . RS232 interface. on-boa'rd µ.P. primitive SW. $3000 for CRT. $ 1000 operating SW. $1500 dot matrix printer. Vend Maint. 1 FO. Form & Substance. Inc. Westlake Vge. CA.
VuePoint/0190-001 o Complete terminal. 120 line by 40 c har display. optical grid (LED) touch screen with up to 120 sensitive locations. µ.P controller with up to 51 pages of display memory. RS232 interface and keyboard and printer ports. $3500. 3 page memory. RTFM. General Digital Corp, £. Hartford. CT.
GT-100A 12" ASCH RS-232C w/ printer port: programmable function keys: full ed iting capabilities: block mode: line graphics: smooth scroll: XY cursor addressing.
GT-100D 6053 emulator. printer port: programmable fu nction keys: line drawi ng graphics: XY cursor addressi ng: smooth scroll: half/full inte nsity.
GT-101 12" ASCII RS-232C w/ printer port: programmable function keys: full editing capabilities: block/c har mode: line graphics: half/fu ll intensity: smooth scroll.
GT-110 12" ASCII RS-232C w/ printer port: programmble function keys: full editi ng capabilities: block mode; line & block graphics; video attributes: foreign char sets.
GT-400 12" ASCII: detach kybd: 24 function keys; block/char/line transmission; video attributes: additional pages of memory: buffered printer port: foreign char sets. General Terminal Corp. Tustin , CA.
G-1000 Interactive Low cost. high resolution. monochrome raster scan graphics terminal: user programmable: RS232C compat. with any host computer: selective erase: 1024 x 1024 resolution: detachable keyboard: 60 Hz flicker-free refresh: Z800 1 processor. $11.150.
GCT-3000 Series Hi!.!h resolution monochrome or full color displays (512 x 256 to 1280 x 1024 pixels): flicker-free 30. 40 or 60 frames/sec refresh: modular design. user programmable: video look-up tab le: ultra fast data transfers. $11.000 and up. Vend Maint. 5 FO. Genisco Compurers, Costa Mesa. CA and Silver Spring . MD.
H-89 Microcomputer Microcomputer with built-in disk drive. 12" video display. keyboard built-in: ASCII. DEC VT-52 compat terminal: Z-80 based with choice of CP/M: HOOS or UCSD Pascal operating systems. $1.695 for H-89: $2.895 for assembled Z-89 w/ 48K RAM.
H-19 Video Display Terminal Monochrome 12" terminal. available as kit or assembled. ASCII. DEC VT-52 compat: 84-key keyboard includes 12 numeric. 8 special function keys: RS-232 interface. $695 kit: Z-19 (fully assembled) is $995 . Vend maint. 57FO. Heath Co, Benton Harbor, Ml.
ID-100 VT-100 modified for 8 color display. all features of VT-100. Added capability of full graphics3 levels of resolution. Foreground/ background color/blink. Standard $3095: Full Graphics ID-lOOVA $4895. Vend Maint. lD Systems. Inc. Dublin. OH.
304-D Compal w/ VT 52 CRT terminal. $2295: discounts up to 40%.
304-DP Datapoint 3601 compat. $2295 .
304-DG Compal with DG Dasher 6053. D200 Terminals. $2295.
304-M Microdata compat. $2295 . Vend maint. 2FO. lnformer Inc, Los Angeles, CA.
4424 Graphic Video Generator Multi-channel. multi-resolution. graphic display for HP 2100/MX/ XE/XF computers. User switch selectable among 8 densities ranging from 256 x 240 thru 512 x 512. Each channel has an enable. data & polarity control for complete nexibility in monochrome or color applications. $3.550.
4600 Graphics Display System Hi-res. color graphics for HP 2100/MX/ XE/XF computers. Resides in host computer. Display channel format 768 x 512 dot matrix w/ 2 to 8 channels per system. Stnd fnctns: vectors , areas. perimeters. characters. points & image readback. $5500-$13.000. Vend Maint. 1 yr. warranty. I FO. lntermedia Systems. Cupertino. CA.
System 3400 Display Processor Image and graphics processor that provides state-of-the-art refreshed raster-scan display technology . From$10.000. Vendmaint.2FO.
System 8000 Display Processor With dual processor architecture . combines the performance of Lexidata's high speed raster display processor with a powerful 16/32 bit Motorola MC 68000. From $26.200. Vend Maint. 2 FO. Lexidata Corp. Billerica. MA.
HyperGraf 2600 - UltraGraf Interactive intelligent systems using stroke writer technology . $45 .000 to $60.000. Vend Maint. 25 FO . Lundv Electronic Svstems Inc. Glen.Head. NY. ·
CTM-300 Color alphanumeric/character graphics smart terminal. RS232 . exte nded character set. light pen. printer interface.
GT-600 Full inte ll igent graphics add-on to VT 100/103. Printer interface. high level commands incl arcs. ellipses.
46 Digital Design SEPTEMBER 1981
Our LSl-11 * compatible memory
systems come with built-in ECC (Error Checking and Correction) circuitry. So you don't have to worry about expensive service calls, or strained relations with customers. Our 2,500 ECC systems in the field have a proven MTBF in excess of 15 years.
PEBX is the first to protect your LSl-11 system from failing RAMs and those random alpha particle crashes. We've also made protection from power outages as easy as hooking up a battery.
We'll give you from 32 to 256K bytes of error-correcting memory that takes care of
all single-bit errors. Plus a display that points to any erring RAM, allowing preventive maintenance rather than fingerpointing after a system crash.
So if you 're an OEM and you don't want
to worry about costly service calls, find out
about our add-in reliability and relax. Con-
tact PEBX toll-free today at (800) 538-3112,
(in California (408) 866-7838), for full infor-
mation on how you
JPllR<o can get the best
LSI-11 compatible
memories available
501 Vandell Way
Campbell , CA 95008
(408) 866 -7838
*LSl·l l is a registered trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation.
Circle 32 on Reader Inquiry Card
SEPTEMBER 1981 Digital Design 47
COMPAr '81 The Computer Compatible Directory ·111111111111111·
Part Two
_ _D_isQlay_ Terminals
GET- 100 General Terminal emulator card . Multibu s. Marrox Electronic Systems Ltd. Quebec.
Ampex Dialogue 80 CRT Terminal Intelligent CRT terminal with detached keyboard. numeric keypad. full SW support for DG Business Basic. Wholesale . $1295. OEM discounts . MBS Inc. Madison. WI .
WHIZZARD 7200 family Raster and stroke refresh co lor or monochrome graphics terminals. 7210-stroke: 7250-raster: 7290 stroke & raster. $20-50K.
WHIZZARD 6200 family 512 or I024 color or monochrome raster graphics terminal s (4 models). $17-35K . Vend Maint. 7 FO. Megatek Corp. San Diego. CA.
VMD-04 Graphics Video Generator Quad-size board for LSI- I I . 11-2. 11 -23. One channel of 256X256 resolution. Drives 2 separate video displays. Output composite video for American or European TV sync. Full graphics . point addressable. partial and fu ll screen operation. SW support avai lable for characters & graphics. Runs under RT- I I orRSX - 11. $995 (14). Vend Maint. l FO. Mennen Medical. Inc. Clarence. NY.
AlphanumericLED Flat Panel Smart Terminal, LO 2650 2 .3" char height x 16 char long. Overall: 6" H x 3' L x 2.5" D. RS-232 port and tape storage port. UL Class 2 plug-in transformer included as power supply . Accessories: detached keyboard. cassette tape mass storage unit. Designed for large group viewing. $1200 (1-4) . Vend maint by board excha nge. MIM (Modern Information Methods) . Redwood City. CA.
Autograph 150 Tektronix compat graphics display terminal with detached keyboard and input cursor control. Features: Tektronix Plot 10 SW compat. 250 x 512 reso lution. selecti ve graphic erase. white-onblack or black-on-w hite display. 24 lines of 80 ASCII alphanumeric characters. block and conversational mode options. protected fie lds . full editi ng capabili ty. and
many communication options. $2590 . MQI Computer Products . Mountain View, CA .
Net-Pac 105 VTIOO compat LSI 11/12 or 11/ 23 Q-Bus . Complete video enclosure. 80 o r 132 col.. graphics optional. Built in mini-floppy. mini -Winchester options. 8 Quad (16 dual height) backplane. $3400.
Net-Pac 95 LSI 11 /2 or 11/23 Q-Bus. Complete video enclosure. 80 coL version. built in mini-floppy. miniWinchester options. 8 Quad (16 dual hei ght) backplane. $2800. Vend mai nt. Netcom Products Inc. Sunnyvale. CA.
DSG 101 Compal to VTIOO including current loop and advanced video. Periphere Computer Sysreme Gmbh. Munich.
VRC-Q, VRC·U High-speed color alphanumeric CRT interface for LS I- I I. PDP11.
VRG·Q 22-bit graphi cs CRT interface for LS I- I I. 5 12x5 12 resolution .
VCG-Q 22-bi t color raster-scan graphics interface for LSl-11 .
VRA·Q, VRA·U Hi gh-speed alpha CRT display interface for LSI- I I. PDP- I I. Peritek, Oakland. CA.
PM 2010 Complete set of ANSI std. terminal. control function s . 66 x 80 char. display. 16-bit J.LP. 32K RAM expandable to 256K. and 8kB EPROM. $2500 (OEM qty. 500) . Piiceon In c. San Jose. CA.
Zenith Z19 Video Terminal 24 x 80. 12" diag. ASCII 128 char. U/L case. VT52 graphics . keypad . 12 function keys. EIA/ RS232 SW/HW/keyboard programmable. VT52 or ANSI. $795 . PK Systems In c, Bloomington IL.
PT-100 VT-100 Alternative 80 or 132 col. by 24 lines. reverse video/blink fields on per-char. bas is. variable intensity (bold to half-bright). Parity baud rate. underlining. tabs KB-se lectable. Detached KB. Switch-selectable 20mA/EIA interface. printer port (RS-232 interface) . Plessey Peripheral Systems. 17466 Daimler. Irvine. CA.
6211 Colorgraphic Terminal 6212 Colorgraphic Terminal 4100 Colorgraphic Printer 15 FO . Ramrek Corp. Sama Clara . CA .
PTS-100 Display termi nal system.
PTS-2000 In formatio n display terminal. Raytheon Dara Systems. Norwood. MA.
VT-100-Compatible Video Display Generator LS1- 11 bus resident. Comes as board set or w/ KB and monitor as console or workstation RDA In c, Beltsville, MD.
Graphlc7 Refresh stroke graphics system. two 16-bit programmable J.LP·s . up to 256kB memory . and monochronme or color display . Parallel interface allows compat. with over 12 major computer lines.
Graphics Raster scan graphics system. 10242 resolution. up to 256 simultaneous colors. and dual bit memory for dynamic updating. Sanders Assoc. Inc. Nashua . NH.
Graphics 100 Add- in pri nted circuit card gives VT-100 full graphics capab ility . Has li g ht pen. hardcopy . support SW options. 1220 x 240 dot screen resolution: ASCII . APL. GREEK . RAM char sets standard: 3 rotations for labels: boldface. doublewidth type: separate graphics memory : light pen option. printer dump port to DECwriter II with Graphics II. $ 1200. I FO. Selanar Corp. Santa Clara. CA
ST-103 CRT Terminal with VT103 Expansion CRT/keyboard wi th mounting for LS I-I I Series. Video terminal with detached keyboard . Power supply and 4-row quad backplane provides mount ing for LSI - I I . -
11 /2. -1 1/ 23 CPUs + associated
devices . Sigma Sales Inc , Anaheim. CA.
GT-100E Emulates DEC VT-52 . Factory upgradable to any other GTC 100 series. $995.
G T- 1 0 0 0 Plu g-in replacement (aside from no underscore and no individual blinking char). Line graphics. smooth scroll. programmable function keys . $1580. Wholesale. Vend Maint. Small Business Systems Group Inc. Westford. MA .
EyeCom Ill Real ti me picture processing system. B&W and color with A/N. graphics. joystick. All models of DEC PDP- I I and LSI-I I systems. From $60.000.
EyeCom 109PT Im age processing terminal includes A/N, graphics. image display. color display and image digitizer. All models of DEC PDP- I I and LSI- I I systems. $15 .500 - $40.000. Vend Maint. Spatial Data Systems. Goleta . CA .
TAB 132/15 ANSI/DEC compat. terminal. 15" screen 132 col .. 4 pages of mem ory. large characters and 8 soft keys with over I 00 operator assignable function s. $2450. Vend Maint. 22FO. TAB Products Co . Palo Alto. CA.
630 Data Screen Terminal Detached keyboard. 6 function keys. 12" screen. separate cursor control. transfer rates from 1109600 baud. $1100. TEC Inc. Tucson , AZ.
4020 Series Raster scan graphic terminals Including monochrome and color models: stand ard 525 line scan with 476 lines displayed . $3 .7~ $9.000. Vend Maint. 53 FO. Tektronix Information Display Div. Beaverton . OR.
100 Super VTIOO-compat. w/extended user-programmable function memory . advanced video plus many other programmable feature s. $1705 . 10-V52 Plug-to-plug and code-compat w/ DEC VT52. $1290. 10-MP Plug-to-plug and code-compat w/ Microdata Prism . $ 1260. 10-DG Single-page editor. complete DG Dasher-compat. $1260. Vend Maint. 46FO. Teleray. Div. ofResearch Inc. Minneapolis , MN.
48 Digital Design SEPTEMBER 1981
Model 910 Display Terminal VC2100
DM-9300 AQ Removable
Lear Siegler ADM-3A/ADM-5. VTIOO compat. Multi µ.P-based . Media
Hazeltine 1410. ADDS 25 com- serial typewriter style. detached Replacement for CDC 9766 disk
pat. 10 preprogrammed function keyboard . non-glare screen. drive. plug. media. and data com-
codes. typewriter tabs. monitor 80/132 col. display. 2 pg . mem- patible. Utilizes CDC 9883-91 type
mode. erase to end of line/ page. 4 ory . 8 independent attributes. 20-surface disk packs, 15 ,637 data
strappable languages. gated print- selectable audible feedback.
tracks. 823 cylinders per track , in-
er pon. S screen attributes. IS VC414H
line heads. Vend Maint.
baud rates from SOB to 19.2 kB . Hazeltine 1510 compat. µ.P-based Ampex Corp , Memory Products
self test.
buffered editing data terminal. Div.
Model 912/ 920 Editipg keys (char insert/delete: line insert/delete). 22 special function keys. true block mode . S visual attributes. 7 x 10 char resolution. protected fields. nonglare screen. 9 baud rates from 75B to 9.6 kB.
Model 950 Programs 22 special functions using 256-bytes on-board RAM . advanced editing with wraparound. split screen with line lock and smooth scrolling. 25th status line. 15 special graphics char. tiltable nonglare screen. IS baud rates from SOB to 19.2 kB. protected fields. self test. buffered auxiliary port. 14 x 10 char resolution. Tele Video Inc . San Jose. CA.
3300-3400 Interactive graphic systems. Vend Maint. 4 FO. Vector General. Woodland Hills. CA .
VC404 Teletype compat. data terminal. Detached keyboard. 1920 char. auto repeat. U/L case. numeric keypad. 12 program function keys.
Block mode. char. highlighting . VC415 APL µ.P-based w/ASCII and APL overstrike. VC410 µ.P-based teletype compat w/ buffered line editing and split screen. VC4404 (-The Chat) Conversational data terminal. compat w/Lear Siegler ADM-3A . µ.P-based circuitry. modular design char highlighting . 10 program function keys. detached keyboard. 14 key numeric pad. Volker-Craig ltd, Waterloo , Ontario.
Z-89 Microcomputer Green glare-free display. disk drive. keyboard. microcomputer in one housing: ASCII . DEC VT52 compat. . Z-80 based. expandable to 64K internal memory (48K std) . $2895 w/built-in drive: $2595 w/o drive .
Z-19 Video Display Terminal Monochrome 12" display. 25 lines . 80 char per line; ASCII. DEC VT-52 compat: 84-key keyboard including 12 numeric. 8 special function: RS-232 interface. $995 . Vend Maint. 200FO. Zenith Dara Systems,
El Segundo. CA.
Dual Mini-Disk System (DMDS) For DEC LSI-I I , packaged 5-1/4" system, 205 kB-l.5MB: avail. with or without controller which provides bootstrap ROM, ability to control up to 4 drives . From $1429 w/o controller - $2454 w/ controller, 2-head, double-density . RTFM. Andromeda Systems Inc . Canoga Pk. CA.
Digidisk I & II
Floppy add-on: video forms display . $1095-$1295.
Digili nk Protocol convener. electronic mail. text editor. $775-$1050 (depending on RAM configuration). Vend Maint. I FO. Backus Data Systems. Inc . San Jose. CA.
Model 6106/8 5.25" single or double-headed floppy disk drive.
FlexyDisk 8" and 5.25" floppy disks , singlesided, double-sided , single- and dual-density. 4 FO. BASF Systems Corp, Bedford. Mk
VC4152 VT52 compat. detached keyboard. char. highlighting . hold screen mode . auto repeat. U&L case.
Glenview. fl.
MD122 Mini Disk Drive Plus Multibus Adaptor 6MB storage capability on 2 flexible media. Multibus adaptor drives 2 ports ofMDl22orFD210
series fixed drive. $4700.
Burroughs Corp. OEM Div.
Flexible Disk Drives Detroit. Ml. 4600 Series 8" Floppy Disk
Model840 Dual-drive system, S12 kB storage per disk. $3875. Vend Maint. 47 FO. ADACCorp. Woburn. MA .
Shugart SA800/SA850 8" sing le- or dou.ble-density soft seciored floppy disk drives . Vend Maint,4 FO . Advanced Digital Products, San Diego. CA.
Flexible Diskettes Single/double density. Single or double sided 8" or 5-1/4". Shugart, Memorex, Burroughs & IBM
A506 & 5850 8MB cartridge mini floppy . Qty 500 - $850. I FO. AmlynCorp. San Jose. CA .
DM-980 Removable Media 82 .9MB pack capacity, CDC 9877 or equivalent pack , 823 cylinders per pack, 4115 data tracks , 384 tracks per in .
DM-9160 Removable Media 165 .8 MB per pack , 5-high SMD pack per Ampex specification 3309806, 1645 cylinders per pack, 8225 data tracks , 768 tracks per in.
Single-sided , double-density: and, double-sided . double-density subsystems and expansion subsystems. Subsystems include controller for up to 4 drives any mix. S 100 Bus system compat. usin g OMA data transfer. Real time HW vectored interrupt control. $995+ . RTFM. California Computer Systems Inc . Sunnyvale. CA.
DEC RX01 , RX02 Floppy disks. Vend Maint. I FO. California Data/ease Systems & Financial Corp. Anaheim. CA.
compat. I FO.
American National
Supply Corp. ANSCO.
Gardena , CA.
MF211 10 1/2" enclosure housing LSI 11 / 23 , memory and associated DEC interface cards. 8 quad backplane and RX02 equivalent dual floppy system: optional double-sided drives. $4450-$8755.
FD311 Dual floppy disk system completely SW and media compat. with RX02 system. For LSI 11 / 23. LSI 11/2 and all PDP 11 processors: optional double-sided drives . $3250. Vend Maint. Charles River Dara Systems Inc. Natick. MA .
QF11 DEC Q-Bus compat. dual Shugart drives , RXOI or RX02 compat.. write protect and unit select switches, up to four 8" drives . $3450.
MF80 Dual Shugart drives 8". Intel compat (201/202). write protect and unit selection switches. $3295 .
MF85 IBM Format Floppy Disk Multibus compat. Shugart 8" drives, single- or double-density and sided. 951 IA or 9512 math subsystem option, PLL data separator. $2995. Vend Maint w/in 50 mi .. 3 FO. Comark Corp , Waltham . MA .
430- L 11 · 2 A/ 470-L11 -2 A I MB (2MB-470) floppy subsystem for LSI-I I. RXOl /RX02 compat. Built in bootstrap. formatter. diagnostics.430-$3395. 470-$4295. RTFM. Compumart Corp. Cambridge. MA.
DSD430 Low-cost single-sided. doubledensity floppy disk storage system for LSI- I I computer. FLPEXR (Floppy Exerciser). bootable mini operating system on a diskette shipped with every system. $3395 .
DSD440 Single-s ided, double-density memory system. I MB capacity. Available with PDP-I I or LSI-I I interface. Exclusive HyperDiagnostics perform self-tests independent of host computer. $3695 .
DSD470 Low-cost double-sided. doubledensity memory system. 2MB of on-line storage for LSI-I I. FLPEXR (Floppy Exerciser), bootable mini-operating system. exercises the system. diagnoses problems. $4295.
DSD480 2 MB double-s ided. double-density memory system for on-line storage for LSI- I I or PDP- I I. Contains HyperDiagnostics for stand-alone testing . $4495 .
SEPTEMBER I981 Digital Design 49
COMPAL '81 ·111111111111111· The Computer Compatible Directory
Part Two
Flexible Disk Drives
DSD 880 Combination Winchester & Floppy Disk Memory Systems Double-density floppy. single- or double-sided for .5 or I .OMB of formatted removable storage. Winchester system drives for 7.8 or 3 l.2MB formatted capacity . All with HyperDiagnostics builtin intelligence for stand-alone self-testing. DSD880D/8: $6895; 880S/8: $6525. Vend Maint, 2 FO. Data Systems Design Inc. San lose. CA.
Dicom 422 Floppy Disk ·system I. 2, or 3 drive hard-sectored. Interfaces HP 21xx/1000. FOOS or RTE. Starts at $3825. Vend Maint, 12 FO. Dicom Industries Inc, Sunnyvale , CA.
DUALTAPE DT-58 Dual cassette drive and controller. Factory maintenance . 256 kB/ cassette: 2 drives: 9. 5-sec av. access time to any block of 5 12B. RS-232 interface. $1200.
DUALDRIVE 800/00-800 Dual Shugart 801 or 850 floppy drives + chassis + supply + controller for Q-Bus. $2995. General Digital Ind, Inc . Huntsville. AL.
FDV11 LSI-I I floppy disk controller, controls 5 I/4" and 8" floppy disk drives, single-sided or doublesided. double-density. $1500: $975 (qty 100).
Gemini Includes: 8 quad slot (16 dual slot) Q-bus backplane; LSl-11/2 or LSl-11/23 CPU: 64 kB to 256 kB memory: DLV 11 serial async 1/0 interface or the QLVI I quad serial sync/async interface: and 2 8" double-sided, double-density floppy drives , 2.5MB mass storage. $9500 to $12500.
Scorpio Microsystem Includes: 4 quad slot (8 dual slot) Q-bus backplane: LSI-11/2 or LSl-11/23 CPU: 64 - 128 kB memory, DLVI I serial async 1/0 interface or the QLV11 quad serial sync/async 1/0 interface: and 2 5-1/4" double-sided, doubledensity minifloppy drives, 1.8 MB mass storage. $7000-$10000.
Super Pegasus Includes: 8 quad slot (16 dual slot) Q-bus backplane; LSl-11/2 or LSI-11/23 CPU ; 64 kB-256 kB memory: DLV 11 seria l async 1/0 interface or the QLVI I quad serial sync/async interface; and I 90 MB storage module. $22500$25500.
Tri star Includ es: 8 quad slot ( 16 dual slot) Q-bus backplane; LSl-11/2 or LSl-11/23 CPU; 64 kB - 256 kB memory; DLV 11 serial async 1/0 interface or the QLV11 quad serial sync/async interface; and 3 8" double-sided double-density floppy drives; 3.75MB mass storage. $11000-$14000. Vend Maint. General Robotics Corp, Hartford, WI .
H-27 8" Drive Compal with DEC RXOI (PDP11/03) and RXVIl (PDP 11 V03) HW/SW. Storage to 500 kB. Compal with IBM 3740 format. Vend Maint., 57 FO. $2195 kit; $2595 assembled. Heath Co, Benton Harbor. MI.
ISG 11/80 Dual floppy disc w/ optional hard disc upgrade . Vend Main!. lntermountain Systems Group Inc. Orem , UT. ·
Alpha 10 10 MB storage subsystem . Alpha 10 drive uses 10 MB removable cartridge that contains an 8" floppy. $2300 for drive and controller in OEM qty. Iomega Corp, Ogden, UT.
950 Dual drive system consisting of Seagate Technology ST506 with Shugart SA450 700 kB floppy to include controller and appropriate system interface.
LOOS Lobo disk operating system for use with TRS-80. When used with LX80 expans ion interface, allows for double-sided, double density drives.
5202CA w/ LCA22 Dual Shugart SA850/85 I 8" double-sided double-density disk drive for the Apple (3.2MB).
1850 Dual drive system consisting of Shugart SA I000 lOMB hard disk drive with SA850 l.6MB floppy to include controller and appropriate system interface .
4401C 5-1 /4" 40 track floppy disk drive (250 kB).
8202C Dual SASOO/SO I Shugart S" singlesided, sing le or dual density disk drive (1.6MB).
8202CA w/ LCA22 Controller Dual Shugart SASOO/SOI S" singlesided , dual density drives with dual density controller for the Apple II.
5202C Dual Shugart SAS50/S5 I S" doublesided, single or dual density disk drive.
31011 Shugart SA 390 5-1/4" floppy disk drive with controller for Apple II. (120 kB). Vend Maint Opt. Lobo Drives International, Goleta, CA.
DF-28S Dual floppy disk drive. $2310. Vend Maint. Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd. Quebec, Canada.
550 Compact, direct access disk storage unit. Capacity 243 kB in IBM 3740 format or up to SOO kB unformatted. Vend Maim, 5 FO. Memorex, OEM Div, Santa Clara, CA.
1015 MegaFloppy 5- 1/4" IMB floppy disk drive . From $467. Vend Maint. Micropolis Corp, Chatsworth. CA.
MD3101 Dual single-sided S" floppy system: LSl-11, RX0l/RX02 compat. w/ controller (Shugart SASOi Drives). $3250.
MD3103 Dual double-sided 8" floppy system: LSl-11, RXOl/RX02/RX03 compat, w/controller (Qume Data Trak S Drives). $4145.
MD3001 Dual single-sided S" floppy subsystem; 1.6 MB unformatted, Shugart SASOi Drives. $1995 .
MD3003 Dual double-sided 8" floppy subsystem; 3.2 MB unformatted, Qume Data Trak 8 drives. $2850.
Double-sided 8" floppy drive & S"
Winchester single disk drive sub-
system: Shugart
6.9 MB
SA 1002 &
uQnfuomrme atDtaeld~
Trak 8 drives. $4595.
MD3012 Double-sided 8" floppy drive & 8" Winchester disk drive subsystem: 12.3 MB unformatted: Shugart SAI004 & Qume Data Trak 8 drives. $5295.
MD3020 Dual 8" Winchester 2 disk drive subsystem: 21.4 MB unformatted , Shugart SA 1004 drives. $7730.
Disk Controller: MXV21 LSl-11, Q-Bus, RXOl/RX02/ RX03, Shugart interface compat. $1140.
Mini-Floppy Disk Controller: MXV21M LSI-I I Q-Bus, RX02. Shugart interfacecompat. $1260. -
Controller: MX21 PDP-I I Unibus, RXOl/RX02/ RX03, Shugart interface compat. $1495. Vend Maint, l FO. Micro Technology Inc, Irvin e, CA .
00400 Flexible Disk Drive Over 3 million bits of 'on line ' storage on interchangeable floppy disk media (over 6 million bits with optional double density). Media compatibility with IBM3740; each diskette provides 77 data tracks with 3200 bits/inch data packing (6400 bpi double density). Any addressable position on the diskette can be accessed in random sequence. Data transferred at a peak rate of 250 KC (500 J<C double density). Track-to-track access within 6 ms. Slave $4700; Master $8850. Mi/rope Corp, Plainview, NY.
MSC 8206 Floppy Disk Power Supply +5 VDC ±5%, 2.5A: +24 VDC
±5%, 2.6A: - 12 voe ±5%.
0.8A; short circuit protected. Monolithic , Englewood, CO.
LSll-FD-DDDS RX02-compat. subsystem for LSI ll,2x !MB.
YD-174 Floppy drive 8" double sided. 1.6 MB unformatted, Shugart compat. Vend Maint, 2 FO. Periphere Computer Systeme GmbH, Munich, Germany.
FD650 8" double-headed flexible disk . $675 OEM qty 100.
FD200/250 FD200 5 1/4" single-head flexible disk drive, FD250 5-1/4" doubleheaded flexible disk drive. FD200 - $260, FD250 - $340. OEM qty 100. Vend Maint, 9 FO. Pertee Computer Corp. Peripherals Div. Chatsworth. CA.
50 Digital Design SEPTEMBER 1981
PMXS31 2 MB, rack-mount, dual floppy subsystem: 2 !MB double-density, double-sided drives, µ.P-based controller uses single-density encoding (IBM 3740 FM) or double density (DEC Modified MFM) RX 11 and RX2 I I compat.
PMXSV31 Double-density floppy subsystem w/ double-sided drive, PM-XCY31 controller. Write precompensation, transparent firmware, bootstrap, 4 level interrupt priority. IMB w/ single drive or 2MB w/ two drives .
PMXS21 !MB. rackmountable , dual floppy subsystem has two S 12 kB double density floppy disk drives, µ.Pbased controller. Single density encoding (IBM 3740 FM) or double density (DEC-modified MFM) RX 11. RX2 I I compat SW, diagnostics.
PM-XSV-21 Dual density floppy subsystem for LSI-11/2, LSl-11/23.
PM-TS11 TM! l/TUIO equivalent mag tape subsystem for PDP-I I. Plessey Peripheral Systems, 1691 Browning, Irvine . CA.
F\YT0122, F\YT0127 RX02-compat floppy storage w/ Winchester add-on capability. Low profile S 1/4" enclosure allows direct connection to 14" WIN 1400 26.4 MB Winchester disk option. Includes sel f-test, resident diagnostics, IBM double density format support. dual-head drive option. LSI-I I or PDP- I I interface. Factory warranty/ service . $3900 ( I): $26SO (SO). Scientific Micro Systems, Mountain View, CA.
SA400 Single-Sided Minifloppy Sing le/double density, (S.2S") 12S/2SO kB, 48 tpi, 20 ms trackto-track. $23S , Qty: 100-249.
SA450 Double-Sided Minifloppy Sing le/double density, S.2S" 2SO/ SOO kB , 48 tpi , 20 ms track-totrack . $360. qty: 100-249.
SA410 Single-Sided Minifloppy Single/double density , S.2S" 2SO/ SOO kB, 96 tpi , 6 ms track-totrack . $32S , qty: 100-249.
SA460 Double-Sided Minifloppy Sing le/double density , S.2S" O.S/ 1.0 MB . 96 tpi , 6 ms track-totrack. $400 , qty: 100-249 .
SA801 Single-Sided 8" Floppy Single/double density. 400/800 kB, 48 tpi. 8 ms track-to-track. $440, qty: 100-249.
SA851 Double-Sided 8" Floppy Single/dou ble density , 0.8/ 1.6 MB , 48 tpi. 3 ms track-to-track. $62S , qty: 100-249. Vend Maint, IOFO . Shugart Assoc. Sunnyvale, CA .
FOO 100-5 S I/4" flexible disk drive, single head , 48 tpi , industry compat. $3SO (1-9).
FDD200-8 8" flexibl e disk drive , double head. industrycompat. $700(1 -9).
FDD100-8 8" flexible disk drive , sing le head , industry compat. $SOO (1-9).
FDD296-5 S 1/4" flexible disk drive, double head , 96 tpi , industry compat. $SSO (1-9).
FDD200-5 S 1/4" flexible disk drive , double head , 48 tpi, industry compat. $4SO ( 1-9) .
FDD196-5 S 1/4" flexible disk drive , si ngle head , 96 tpi , industry compat. $4SO (1-9). RTFM . Siemens Corp, Anaheim, CA.
9400-62 Disk Storage System DEC-com pat . 80 MB disk drive and controller, replaces RM03 . removable med ia, single or dual channel. $14000-$330oo. Vend Maint , 14 FO. System Industries , Sunnyvale. CA.
Mini-Floppy Disk Drive/TM100 Series Single and double-sided, 48 and 96/100 tpi, 2SO - 1000 kB unformatted . Access time: track-totrack is S ms for48 tpi : 3 ms for96 tpi. Average: 7S ms for 48 tpi: 90 ms for 96 tpi. $3SO-$SOO.
8" Thinline Disk Drive Single-sided TM 848-1: doublesided TM848-2. Exactly half the height of any other 8" model , DC operation, track-to-track access time is 3 ms, average (including head settle) is 91 ms. Unformatted recording capacity for TM 848-1 is 0.8MB single density. TM 8482, l.2MB double density. $S30$63S . Vend Maint. 4 FO. Tandon Corp, Chatsworth, CA.
FD-50A 51/4" Floppy 48 tpi. 40 track, single sided . single or double density. $298 . Vend Maint , 2 FO. TEAC , Montebello, CA.
950/951 Micro-Disks µ.P intelligent minidiskene system . Half/full duplex: async transmission. Selectable l 10to9600baud . Unrestricted file lengths: automatic file directory: add. delete. replace data on disk using si ngle command: high speed string search. Techtran Industries In c. Rochester. NY.
ZBX-218A Floppy Disk Module Small add-on module compat with SBX specifications. Allows SBC to directly address 4 MB of private , removable media. $480. Zendex Corp . Dublin , CA.
Packaging, Hardware, BackQ.lanes, Enclosures
System 1000 22 slot backplane with SY @ 2SA power supply. LSI- II compat. $1700.
System2000 13 slot backplane with SY@ ISA power supply. LSI-11/2. 11/23 compat. $109S. Vend Maint. 47 FO. ADACCorp, Woburn , MA.
DEC 0011-DK DEC 9 slot backplane.
DEC 0011-CK DEC 4 slot backplane . Vend Maint. 4 FO. Advanced Digital Products. San Diego. CA .
8x4 Q-Bus Card Cage/8LCC Q-Bus compat card cage and backplane; holds up to 16 dualwidth cards. or 8 quad-width cards. Can be used as primary or secondary card cage: BCV compat connectors: choice of 3 diff. input connector types. $340-$3SO. Andromeda Systems Inc. Canoga Pk , CA.
Deskware for DG Housings and computer furniture for DG systems and peripherals.
Deskware for DEC Computer furniture and work stations for DEC systems and peripherals. Ardent Computer Products. Dobbs Ferry , NY.
Computer Interface W/W Panels DEC. Multibus . TI. Nova. etc. compat. Bondex Multibus Panel. Flexibility of W/W. but profile of multilayer. Augat In c, Attleboro. MA.
Enclosures And Accessories Packaging. components. HW. 46 FO. Bud Industries Inc , Willoughby, OH.
Cabinets . expansion boxes. back-
planes . Retail. systems integrator.
California Data/ease Svstems &
Financial Corp.
Anaheim. CA.
CC 11 Card Cage Q-Bus card cage. aluminum construction, 9 quad card capacity. reversible mounting ears for flex ibility in mounting .. S" card spacing. l or 2 fans for ventilation. $450.
PC 11A Same specs as CC 11 but includes a 200 W switcher power supply. $119S.
CC80/280 Multibus card cage. 9 or 18 slot versions . rugg~d Anodized aluminum construction. I or 2 fans for cooling. terminated backplane. .6" card space. closed plenum design . $400.
PC80A/280 Same as CC 80/280 but includes 200 W switcher power supply (400 W w/PC 280). 3 FO. Comark Corp, Waltham. MA.
HV 1123 Enclosure 4 x 8 enclosure for LSI-I I com-
pat modules. $1300-1500. Compumart Corp, Cambridge . MA.
240/Wirewrap Development Board Includes basic board and printed circuit wiring and 2 sets of logic. Programmed l/0 only. $480. Vend Maint. Custom Systems Inc. Eden Prairie . MN .
BM-2 Computer System Bulk-Mini is a combination of an LSI- I I micro computer and a MOS/ECC disk emulator. packaged in a single IS -3/4" chassis. Available in a dual port version for interfacing w/ larger CPU's.
SEPTEMBER 1981 Digital Design SI
COMPAI 'Bf ~,./'J':1 The Computer Compatible Directory
Part Two
Packaging, Hardware, Back2lanes, Enclosures
BM-1 Computer System Combination of an LSl-11 micro computer and a core disk emulator. packaged in a single 15-3/4" chassis. Ideal for applications not suited for mechanical devices.
BOS Chassis Assembly IO'h" LSI-I I system chassis with power supply and mounting rails. Will support two 9 x 6 LSI system units to obtain 54 dual slots. $2500.
B03 Chassis Assembly 51,4'' LSI-I I system chassis with 8 quad slot backplane and power supply. $1250.
DR-414 Expansion Chassis 5\4" expansion chassis containing DOI 1-D type backplane and power supply. $1685.
DR-832 Chassis Assembly 14" P-E 8/32 expansion chassis. $2900.
MBI Chassis Assembly 14" expansion chassis for use in place of P-E's Local Memory Bank Interface Chassis. $2400. RTFM . Dataram Corp, Cranbury, NJ .
ICM/80 Industrial Multibus chassis for rack mounting or NEMA enclosure. $1400. Vend Maint. Distributed Computer Systems, Waltham , MA.
Micro Power/23 Based on PDP- 11/23. turnkey system. 256 kB MOS memory , 32 or 96MB disk drive. VT 100 terminal. letter quality printer. Wholesale . EEC Systems, Sudbury , MA .
SBC 604-SBC 6026 Card Cages 4-26 slots. The Multi-Cage with motherboard backplane is 100% compat with Intel ' s iSBC 80 cards and card cages . Also comes with rack mountable application . .75" card spacing avail. $195-$1200.
Prototyping Boards PR80H, PR80A Board with holes only: and prototyping board with interface area. $75-$355.
80 EX-2 Extender card for Multibus. $75 . Vend Maint. Electronic Solutions , San Diego, CA .
8100 Multibus Chassis 16 gauge steel, 30AMP power supply , accommodates 9 boards, 19" rack mountable. 2 hush fans. switched AC outlet. $1280 in 50 piece price. ET! Micro , Dublin , CA.
AIM-Mate Case Completely supports an AIM 65 computer plus add-ons . Including internal power supply , memory expansion , video display interface . floppy disk interface and other special I/O. $99-$208 . RTFM . Forethought Products, Eugene , OR.
BA/X3 LSl-11 Base System Chassis Includes: BP84 backplane and cardcage with 8 quad (16 dual) height Q-Bus slots , power supply , and TBC Terminator/Bootstrap/ Clock.$1650;$1072,qty!OO .
Nebula Computer System Includes : 8 quad slot ( 16 dual slot) Q-Bus backplane; LSl-11/2 or LSl-11/23 CPU; 64 kB-256 kB memory; DLV 11 serial async 1/0 interface or the QLVI I quad serial sync/async interface. $4250- $7250; OEM discounts. Vend Maint. General Robotics Corp , Hartford, WI.
High Frequency Series/ Model 4-DE6/12-VHF Compal with DEC VAX System HW. Negligible series inductance in bypass path. 3 isolated sections of equal area. or can be joined with jumpers. Extended version of HEX. $582.50.
Universal Extender Card/ 8010ET;Z80ET; 6800ET; DE2ET;DE4ET;DE6ET Models for popular µ.P card cages , gold-plated TPs allow TPs to hang at any angle , staggered test contact pts eliminate test probe cluttering. side strips for positive-ground clip retention. Intel. Zilog. Motorola. $65-$165.
Socket Pinned Boards Model 4-DE2-VHF; 4-DE6-VHF; 4-DE4-VHF Dual. quad and hex-type boards; compat with DEC HW. 2-format boards loaded with screw-machined socket pins. factory installed. Pin level can be low profile (1.5) . 2level or 3-level. $87-$395.
High Frequency Series, Model 2-DE2-VHF; 2-DE4VHF; 2-DE6-VHF Dual. quad and hex type bds. compat with DEC HW. Extended frequency range to 500MHz for high-speed logic . continuous ground plane , low noise crosstalk disappears. $55-139.
Low-Profile Series/2-DE6-SS, 3-DE6-SS Compal with DEC low-profile. mounts on W' centers. handles all sizes of D!Ps . Single-sided board permits stacking on W' centers. Comes pinned or loaded with 16pin DIP sockets, tantalum caps. $175-$453.
Socket Pinned Boards/ 4-801 OA-TG and 4-801 OB-TG Intel Multibus compat board , prepinned with screw machined socket pins . Allows complete design flexibility in circuit layout and interfacing of custom designed memory or 1/0 circuitry. Documentation Kit available for this series. $284-$294.
Controlled Impedance Extender Cards/DE2ETI 4ET/6ET/ML Usable with DEC HW, signal lines simulate a transmission line roughly matching bus impedance; connectors are offset to prevent interference with adjacent card handles. $275. RTFM. Hybricon Corp, Littleton , MA.
Clear Signal Cables & Connectors Interface virtually any HW with any peripheral. lnmac, Santa Clara , CA.
11WWB Quad Wire Wrap Module For PDP- I I , PDP-8 and LSI-I I. Accommodates up to 70 DIP sockets or ICs. Includes 4 connector positions of up to 50 conductors each for cable to peripheral devices or to wire wrap modules for expansion of user logic. $150.
11 WWB-01 Quad Wire Wrap Module Same as 11 WWB but with sockets inserted for 70 IC positions. For PDP-I I. $220.
W9501 Universal Quad Wirewrap Module PDP-II orLSI-11. Accommodates IC sockets from 14 to 40 pins. in any combination and location. Power and ground decoupling pads provided. Wirewrap pins
mounted on component side of module. Two I/O connector positions provided. $175.
W9500 Universal Hex Wire Wrap Module Pins inserted for almost any combination of up to 96 sockets or ICs from 14 to 40 pins. Two 1/0 buses are provided. For PDP- I I. $195 .
M91WW Dual 110 Coupler Wire Wrap Module Accommodates any combination up to 28 sockets or !Cs from 14 to 40 pins. Two 1/0 positions are provided, 120 pins each on both sides to accommodate any configuration edge connector. For PDP-II. $75.
MLSl-BCV-000 Backplane Jumper/Cable Assembly For use between Ist and 2nd chassis in multiple chassis configuration. 250 ohm termination in first system; second should be terminated separately. Cable length 6' . LSI-I I. $3 IO.
MLSl-BCV-001 Backplane Jumper/Cable Assemly Used between 2nd and 3rd chassis in multiple chassis configuration. Not terminated on either end. Cable length 4'. LSI-11. $230.
MLSl-BGC LSI-I I bus grant continuity card. LSI-I I. $15.
MLSl-WWB1 Universal Dual Wirewrap Module Wirewrap pins provided for 36 IC positions on component side of module. Has multiple external 1/0 provisions. Will accommodate any .300'', .400" or .600" center DIP packages. Provisions for 4 cable connector positions, up to 50 pins each. LSI-I I. $75.
W9501 Universal Quad Wirewrap Module Accommodates IC sockets from 14 to 40 pins , in any combination and location. Power and ground decoupling pads provided. Provision for wide variety of cable connector positions in two different locations. $175.
MLSl-BPA82 Backplane/ Card Guide Assembly Provides 8 standard LSI-I IQ-Bus dual slots: accepts one LSI-11/2 or LSl-11/23 processor and 7 dual modules. $275 .
52 Digital Design SEPTEMBER 1981
MLSl·BPA84 Backplane/ Card Gulde Assembly Provides 8 quad or 16 dual standard LSI- I IQ-Bus slots. Compact assembly fits into S 1/4" RETMA chassis. Standard LSI-I I bus accepts one LSI-11/2 or LSI- I I/ 23 processor and IS dual modules . $42S.
MLSl-BPA84· A Backplane/ Card Gulde Assembly Identical to BPA84 except for 2 dual slots, 6 C-D and 7 C-D. Wired to accept DEC's RLYI I or RLY2 l disk controller. All other slots are wired for Q-Bus . $S6S .
MLSl-H984 Roll-Around System Cabinet Rear panel with cable cut-out. Louvered side and rear panels . Internally mounted A/C power strip. External on/off circuit breaker. Two sets of vertical mounting rails . RETMA spacing. $67S .
MLSl-H961 · A High-Boy System Cabinet 60" panel height. Removable side and back panels . Top mounted cooling fa n and filter. Internally mounted AC power strip. $1490 .
MLSl· BA11· 20X System Chassis Assembly For LSl-11 Processors Inc ludes front panel , front loading BPA84 backplane/card guide assembly and triple output regulated switching power supply . Two cooling fans for 200 cfm air circulation . Includes bus terminator. power on/off failure sequencing and Line Time Clock. Front panel switches and indicators for user selected DEC LTC or KWI 1-L compatibility. $1990.
MLSl-BA11 -21X System Chassis Assembly Same as MLSI-BAI l-20X except includes the BPA84-A backplane/ card guide assembly for use with R LOI or RL02 disk controllers. Last dual slot in backplane is occupied by bus terminator and LTC module functions . $2130.
MLSl-BA11· 30X Expansion Chassis Assembly Blank front panel. BPA84 backplane/card guide assembly . Triple output regulated switching power supply with + SY @ 2SA . + 12Y @ SA and -12Y @ IA . Front loading chassis holds 8 quad or 16 dual size modules. Two cooling fans . SISSO.
MLSl-BA11 ·31X Expansion Chassis Assembly Same as MLSI-30X, but contains BPA84-A backplane/card guide assembly for use with RLOI or RL02 disk controllers. $1690.
MLSl-BA11·58X TU-58 Chassis Assembly Includes rear loading BPA82 eight slot dual width backplane/ card guide assembly with removable 120 ohm termination . Triple output regulated switching power supply with +SY @ ISA. + 12Y @ 4A and - 12Y @ IA. Two cooling fan s. Unit includes dual front loading TU-58 cartridge tape drives and controller with a combined storage capacity of SOO kB . $30SO .
MLSl-BA11-580X TU-58 Chassis Assembly Includes rear loading BPA84 backplane to hold 16 dual size boards or 8 quad size boards . Triple output regulated switching power supply. Includes dual front loading TU-SS cartridge tape drives and controller with combined storage capacity to SOO kB. $3330.
MLSl·BA11·581X TU-58 Chassis Assembly Includes BPA84-A quad width backplane to hold 16 dual or 8 quad boards. Backplane can accommodate DEC RLOI or RL02 disk controller. All other features are the same as the MLSI-BA l l580X. $3440.
MLSl-11/ 03-58X LSl-11/2·TU-58 System Includes LSI-11/2 CPU . 2 async serial ports. line time clock . bootstrap. 32 kB of RAM plus dual TU-SS cartridge tape units with combined storage capacity of SOO kB. $46SO.
MLSl- 11 /03-SSOX LSl-11/2·TU-58 System Similar to above. but contains BPA84 backplane. $4800 .
MLSl-11/03-581X LSl-11/2·TU-58 System BPA84-A backplane. All features of MLSI-BAI l -S8X but with a quad size backplane that will accommodate DEC 's RLOI orRL02 disk controller. $S040.
MDB-1021 All Wirewrap Interface Board Contains 198 socket positions for 14 or 16 pin !Cs. Can accommodate larger !Cs on .3. .4 or .6" centers . Provisions for up to four 50 pin connectors for flat ribbon cable connection . Board uses one slot position of computer chassis. DG Nova & Eclipse . $248 .
MDB-1 022 Same as MDB-1021 except includes wirewrap pins installed in 198 IC positions . DG . $49S .
MDB-1023 Same as MDB-1021 except includes wirewrap pins and lo-profile sockets installed in 198 IC positions . DG Nova & Eclipse. $660.
MDB-NEC-01 Expansion Chassis For interface controllers. Front loading chassis contains 6 1/0 slots on 3/4" slot spacing. Inc ludes dual fans . S' interconnecting cable to computer chassis included. Optional bus terminator module and power supplies . DG. $963.
NTM-01 Bus Terminator Module
Used to terminate the 1/0 bus at
the expansion chassis. DG. $138.
MDB-CPNL-01 Communication Panel Four 2S pin connectors and 6' cable to attach to computer backplane. DG. $248 .
MDB-CPNL-02 Communication Panel Eight 2S pin connectors and 6' cable to attach to computer backplane. DG . $330.
MNTL·WWB Universal Wire Wrap Board For In tel 8 and 16-bit single board computers . Combinations of up to 60 lo-profi le sockets or !Cs in any DIP configuration can be accommodated . Wire-wrap posts on component side of the board permits half inch spacing. Provides 3 pos itions for edge connectors for up to SO conductor ribbon cable assemblies . $14S .
MBl-49-WW64 All Wire Wrap Interface Board . Contains provision for 64 sixteenpi n, 66 fourteen-pin , or 14 twenty-pin. plus 48 sixteen-pin IC positions. Will accommodate any .300. .400.. SOO or .600 center dual-in-line packages . IBM Series/ I. $49S .
MBl-49-WW72 Wire Wrap Module Has provision for up to 72 twentypin. 90 sixteen-pin. or 99 fourteenpin IC posit ions. Both boards are double sided with plated thru holes . with power and ground prewired for each standard socket position. IBM Series/I. $49S .
MDB-48-002-01 General Purpose Wirewrap Module Provides wirewrap pins installed for 197 14 or 16 pin !Cs or sockets. Can accommodate larger !Cs on .3. . 4. .S and .6" centers. Provisions for up to four SO pin connectors for flat ribbon cable connection . Board uses one slot in computer chassis P-E. $49S .
MDB-48-002-02 Same as MDB-002-01 except includes lo-profile sockets for 197 IC positions . P-E . $69S .
MDB-48·002H-01 General Purpose Wlrewrap Half Board Provides wirewrap pins installed for 91. 14or 16 pin ICsor sockets. Can accommodate larger !Cs on .3. .4 , .Sand .6" centers . Provisions fo r up to one 40 pin and one 50 pi n connector for flat ribbon cable connection . Board uses one half slot in computer chassis . P-E. $27S.
MDB-48-002H-02 Same as MDB-48-002H-OI except includes lo-profile sockets for 9 1 IC positions. P-E. $37S. RTFM. I yr. warranty . MDB Systems Inc, Orange, CA.
MSC 8202 Microcomputer Power Supply Cables provided for basic or ex-
pansion chassis; +s voe ±S%. ts A; -s voe ±So/o. 1.2A: + 12 v oe ±So/o . 2.4 A; -12 voe
±So/o. l.OA; powerfaildetection. short circuit and over voltage protected. sequencing of supplies upon power up or power down.
MSC 8203 Extender Board Use with any Multibus boards. ground plane reduces noise . supports and protects board under test. rail for test cable strain relief.
MSC 8204 Universal Board Full Multibus interface and bus arbitration logic on-board. selectable memory or 1/0 addressing, integral power and ground planes. standard serial and parallel card edge connector.
MSC 8201 Chassis & Expansion Chassis Monolithic , Englewood, CO .
Net-PAC95 LS I 11 /2 or LS I 11/23 Q-Bus comp lete video enclosure. 80 col version . built-in mini -floppy . mi ni Wi nchester options. 8 quad ( I6 dual height) backplane. $2800.
Net-PAC 105 YTIOO compat. LS I 11 /2 or LSI 11/23 complete Q-Bus video enclos ure. 80 or 132 col. graphics optional. built-in mi ni-floppy. mini Wi nchester options. 8 quad ( 16 dual height) backplane. $3400.
HV-1123 Enclosure Assembly Q-Bus enclosure for LSI 11 /2 and LSI 11/23 systems. 8-slot quad backplane. front panel switch group. intern al power supplies +S V @ 2S A. ± 12 V . rotatable or front load access backplane . $ 142S .
SEPTEMB ER 198 1 Digital Design S3
COMPAT. '81 The Computer Compatible Directory ·1t1f1f"111f1f1I
Part Two
Packaging, Hardware, Backp_lanes, Enclosures
HV 1148 Backplane Compal with LSI 11/2 or LSI 11/ 23 and associated Q-Bus options. space for 8 quad or 16 dual height modules. mountable in customers' custom enclosure. Full 22-bit addressing. RL options. $380. Vend Maint. Netcom Products Inc . Sunnyvale. CA.
Powerl/0 PB32 DEC quad Pak. rack & quad
Pak 1/0 modules. Direct connec-
tion to LSI 11/2 thru DRY! IJ board. Optical isolation. 3 A power switching . High density I/ 0. PB32 DEC mounting rack $150. quad Paks $40.
Industrial Power 1/0 PB24 mounting rack for Opto 22 1/0 modules. Direct compat with Intel 8010. 8020. 8030 boards.
Also 1/0 modules directly compat
with ICS-80. $100. PB24; $to.SO permod~le.
PB16PI Addressable Multiplexer Provides 1/0 expansion to 1024 points from 19 bits of any host paralle1 1/0 port. Building block design allows cost effective design by adding boards in 16 point 1/0 increments to achieve required number of points. $275/16 point board. 3 FO. Opto22 . Huntington Beach . CA .
ZIF-TENDER PDX-2, 4, 6 PDP-I I and LSI- I I compat extender cards with either a standard PC connector or a zero insertion force ZlF connector. Pin numbers for each pin provided for ease of location . ZIF conn 1-49 $90 for Dual. $120forQuad. $l(i()forHex . Pacific Digital Systems. Sunnyvale , CA.
921-002 LSI- I I enclosure incl power 5VI25A 16 dual- 8 quad slots. Vend Maint. 2 FO. Periphere Computer Systeme GmbH. Muni ch .
System 1261 Industrial Control Unit-SYS1261 19" rack mount or stand-alone chassis with 11 slot aluminum card cage and 4 output switching regulator power supply interfaced to a keylock or push/push front panel. Intel SBC 80 compat. $1750.
Serles 126 Card Cage, CWA126P and CWF-126P 11 slot aluminum card cage with wire wrappable or bussed backplane compat with Intel SBC 80 series. From $215.
Series 126 Extender Card, ECA-126 & ECA-126R Extender cards compat with Intel SBC 80 series. From $85 .
Universal Wire Wrap Card, WWA-126 and WWB-126 Universal 3 level wire wrap card. Intel SBC 80 compat. From$ I to. Prototek Inc. Cincinnati. OH.
Flexible Circuits Designed for rotating memory systems. Permit error-free assembly and eliminate as many as 28 individual wire connections. Series CK 1IZ and CK l2Z. $11.90 (100-499). Rogers Corp. Chandler. AZ.
SA·H103 CPU/Drive Mounting Chassis for LSl-11 10.5'' high chassis provides mounting for LSI- I I . -11/2. -11/ 23 CPUs/associated devices +2 mix/match floppy/8" Winchester/ Cartridge tape drives. Q-Bus compat power supply. front control panel. 8-row quad or 9-row hex backplane. fans .
SA-H104 CPU/Floppy Drive Mounting for LSl-11 10.5" high chassis provides mounting for LSI-I I. -11/2. -11/ 23 CPUs & associated devices. plus I or 2 vertically mounted floppy drives. Includes 8-row quad-wide backplane. power supply. fans. & front control panel.
SA-BA11N-1 LSl-11 Processor Chassis 5.25" high chassis provides mounting for LSI-I I . -11/2. -11/ 23 CPUs and associated devices. Contains Q-Bus power supply. fans. 8-row quad-wide backplane & front control panel. Front loading . $1092 .
SA-H100 Backplane/ Cardframe Assembly for LSl-11 8-row quad-wide backplane/cardframe assembly supports all LSI11 . -11/2. -11/23 CPUs and associated devices. 16 dual slots with 2 optional slots dedicated to RLO l/RL02 controller. Full length guides provide positive module alignment. Optional cooling fan available. $324.
SA-H101 Floppy Disk Drive(s) Mounting Chassis Provides mounting for I or 2 Shugart SA800/850 compat drives side-by-side horizontally in 19" rack. 5.25" high chassis includes power supply. fan . AC switch & installation sleeve. Power outputs are regulated & adjustable . Access holes for drive strapping. 115 or230 VAC.
SA-H102 CPU/Drive Mounting Chassis for LSl-11 to.5'' high chassis provides mounting for LSI-I I. -11/2. -11/ 23 CPUs/associated devices +2 mix/match floppy/8" Winchester/ cartridge drives. Q-Bus power supply. front control panel. 8row quad backplane. fans . Vend Maint. 7 FO. Sigma Sales Inc, Anaheim. CA .
Accessories for Dataroyal Printers Various accessories for Dataroyal printer stands. ribbons. Small Business Systems Group Inc. Westford. MA .
PDQ/DSC Backpanel Compal to CK and DK DD 11 Series . built to an F-style length.
DEC-Compat Backpanels PDQ backpanel packaging system offers PC board/edgecard circuit connector integration in single. double-sided . true multi-layer
assemblies. Complete wire-wrap services. full testing. total inhouse backpanel construction. DEC-compat backplanes PDQ/ DSC offers prewired. pretested unit in 4- and 9-slot systems & custom configs. Pin grid patterns in . 125 x . 125 and . 125 x .250. Connectors can be assembled to any length.
4 x 6 and 9 x 6 units . pre-wired
and tested . Vend Maint. 88 FO. Stanford Applied Engineering/ Engineered Products, Santa Clara . CA.
Interface Cables for All Manufacturers Large selection of DEC compat cables outside of DEC direct. Thousands of custom cables for most major manufacturers. Multiconductor-coax-triax-ribbon. $to & up . Vend Maint. I FO. Tel Com Products Inc . Westmont. IL.
WP-909 General purpose expansion chassis for PDP- I I or LSI-I I systems. $750 .
WP-921 System housing for LSI- I I computers . 5-1/4" high . with 25 A. SY power and a 9 x 4 backplane . $1750. Vend Maint. 4 FO . Wesperline Division of Wespercorp. Tustin , CA.
Printronix P-600 600 lpm dot matrix printer. controller. Static eliminator. pedestal and paper latcher.
Printronix P-300 300 lpm dot matrix printer. controller. Static eliminator. pedestal and paper latcher.
Centronics 704 150 cps bidirectional dot matrix printer.
Centronics 737 Dot matrix printer for 8'h'' x 11" paper. Vend Maint. 4 FO. Advanced Digital Products. San Diego. CA .
Sprinter Series Printers High speed thermal plotter/printers for small business and personal computers . 20. 40 and 80 char models. User selectable parallel or RS232 serial interface. 8 user selectable baud rates. user selectable char or graphics mode. SW controllable print speeds from 2-4 lps . From $175-$595. Also OEM printer mechanisms . controller boards and interface cables avail. Alphacom , Campbell , CA .
DP9500/950 150 cps printer with dot addressable graphics. 132-220 char/line. 150-200 cps. all forms controls. 1.75 to 16.8" paper width. 3 char fonts std. $1650. Vend Maint. 4 FO . Anadex Inc, Chatsworth , CA .
54 Digital Design SEPTEMBER 1981
the ChiefDevelopment System
Smoke Signal's 6809-based PATHFINDERTM - the Engineer's
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standard Motorola assembler directives. Relocatable code eliminates reassembly of modules when changes are made.
· IN-CIRCUIT EMUIATOR uses Pathfinder, target system or emulator memory. Replaces 6800, 6802 or 6809 CPU and Interfaces with standard 40-pin socket and cable.
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· EPROM PROGRAMMER handles 1k. 2k or 4k single voltage EPROMS in only one 30-ptn slot
· PLUS 8080, 8085, Z-80 Cross Assembler, Text Editor, Text Processor. Outstanding Support and a spectrum of other features. At prices up to 60 percent below comparable 6800/6809 Development Systems.
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COMPAl '81 The Computer Compatible Directory ·/IJ////IJllllll·
Part Two
Model 180 Graphics Conversion Board For TI 810 RO printer. Provides raster graphics plotting capab ili ty in 2 modes plus user-defined SW font of 75 char in addition to all printer function s. $695. Analog Technology Corp. Irwindale. CA.
Diablo 1640-1650 RO Printer W/ ACS-Wang interface WP printer. 45 cps. host control through escape sequences. internal diagnostics. 1640 has plastic print wheel and 40 type styles. 1650 has metal print wheel and 80 type styles. 1640 - $3880: 1650 - $4248 .
Diablo 630 RO Printer W/ ACS-Wang interface WP printer. Metal or plastic wheel. 40 cps. I20 print wheel sty les. internal diagnostics . Compal w/ Wang 2200 MVP. LVP. VP and T computers . $3480 .
Tl 820 RO Printer W/ ACS-Wang interface. 150 cps. logic se;king. expanded/ compressed print. 6-8 !pi . device forms control. LED status control panel. 1280 FIFO buffer. $2990.
Tally 1612 RO Printer
W/ ACS-Wang interface. 160 cps: logic seeki~g: 6 or 8 !pi: 10.
12 or 16 .5 print: expanded 5. 6 or
8.25 print : 132 . 158 or 218 col:
forms control programmable: bot-
tom feed: 9-wire print head: U/L
case: dual color option avail.
$2990: w/ dual color$3395. Vend
Automated Control Svstems Inc.
Bellevue . WA.
LPD 300 and 600 LPM Matrix Printers Compat with DEC PDP- I I . Use standard 96-char ASCII code set and print 132 char/line: 10 char/in. horizontal: 6 or 8 char/in. vertical.
LPD 1000 Impact Line Printer System DEC-compat . Consists of µ.P controlled chain train printer and a single board embedded contro ller with interface cables. Produces hard copy output of 1000 lpm . Vend Maint. 55 FO. Braegen Minicompt11er Peripherals Div. Anaheim. CA.
Printer/VAX Interface In stalled on VAX- 11 /750. 11/780 Unibus . this word-buffered interface permits access to Calcomp's 5000 series of 7 electrostatic printer/planers (I l"/22"/36" wide. 0.72-3.25 ips). $2380 . California Computer Products. Anaheim, CA.
4671 Dot Matrix Printer 180 cps. 132 col. impact. 6 part forms. front panel programmable and SW override. RS232 and Centronics parallel interface standard . Furnished with shielded cable. True logic seeking bidirectional printing. $1 725.
4672 Full Character Printer 60 cps. 132 col. impact daisy wheel. furnished with shie lded cable . $2475. RTFM . 15 FO . California Computer Systems l11c. Sunnyvale . CA.
Band and Drum Printers
300. 600. 900 lpm. DEC and Data
Products. Retail. systems integrator.
Vend Maint. I FO.
California Data/ease Svstems a11d
Financial Corp.
A11aheim. CA.
LP Series 600 LPM Plug-compat with DEC . DG and IBM systems. 2 versions: standard pedestal-mounted unit with open paper path (LPS): and a totally enclosed office quiet version with noise level less than 60dbA (LPQ). Operator activated se lf-test. buihin µ.P electronics. Choice of 48. 64. 96 and 128 char set print bands . Vend Maint. 21 FO. Centronics Data Computer Corp. Hudson. NH.
Miniterm 2101 Thermal Matrix 160 cps. 80/132 col. 10 or 18.4 cpi ho riz spacing. 6 lpi vertical spaci ng. 96 ASCII. APL. custom char sets. RS232 . 20 mA . Self test. $1385 . Vend Maint. 11 FO. Computer Devices !11c. Bur/i11gto11. MA.
DmC-1500 Medium-speed. non-impact military page printer. Dry electrosensitive printing . async up to 1200 lpm . 80 c har/l ine. 64 char ASC II. built-in test. optional plotting .
DmC-2001 Alphanumeric. high-speed . nonimpact military half-page printer. 32 col. 2000 lpm . small and lightweight. quiet. 64 char ASC II. 32 c har/ line.
DmC-4003 Alphanumeric. high-speed . nonimpact military half-page printer. 33 col. 2000 lpm . small size and light-weight. Dry electrosensitive printing . 20.000 hr. MTBF.
DmC-4680 Airborne half-page thermal printer/ plotter. 160/240 !pm. OCR BI char. 64 ASCII coded char. 150/ 200 dots/ in . silent operation. Selectable 40. 53. 66. 80col. 1920 char buffer. Vend Maim . 2 FO. Datametrics Corp, Va11 Nuys, CA.
D-50 Daisy Wheel Printer/ Terminal 50 cps in bidirectional mode: provides graphics capability with resolution of 11.520 points/sq. in.: high capacity ribbon system (multistrike-120 yds. fabric-50 yds): avail as RO printer. RO and KSR temiinals . RO printer $2047: RO terminal $2667: KSR terminal $30560EM .
M-100 140 cps in bidirectional lo!!ic-
seeking mode: char structu~ is
9x9 using 14-wire printhead: prints true subscripts. superscripts and underlining: avail with options to print block letters. bar codes. graphics. programmable char generator. full year warranty on complete unit including replaceable printhead . $2705 OEM.
M-120 180 cps in bidirectional logicseeking mode: matrix char st~c ture is 7 x 7 using 7-wire printhead: operator replaceable printhead: full year warranty on complete unit including printhead. $22500EM .
M-200 340 cps in bidirectional logicseeking mode: matrix char st~c ture is 7x7 using 14-wire printhead: operator replaceable printhead: full year warranty on complete unit including printhead. $26500EM. Vend Maint. 20 FO . Daraproducrs Corp. Woodland Hills . CA.
DLP11 Band Printer 48 . 64. 96 and 128 char set sizes: operator-changeable char >ets. Self-adjusting char set size and 10 or 15 cpi. Vend Maint. 4 FO. Data Svstems Sen·ices. £/Tor~. CA.
APP-20A2 20 col thermal printer: 96-char ASCII alphanumerics. RS -232-C serial inrerface: up to 72 lpm . $795 .
APP-48 48-col thermal printer: 96-char ASCH alphanumerics : RS-232-C serial data interface : up to 72 !pm. $1095. Datel-lmersil In c. Ma11sjield. MA .
Series 2510 Printing Terminal 150-200 cps: for 3"-15" wide forms in up to 6 parts: 7 x9 dot matrix: 11 0-19.200 baud: RS -232 interface. Height 8.5''. width 22". depth 18.5" (keyboard) or 16" (RO). $1880(R0): $2150(KSR ). RTFM. I FO. Digi- Data Corp. Jessup . MD.
Line Printer Systems Full product line including Chain Train . Band. Drum. Belt and Matrix . Up to 40% off !isl prices. Complete line of printer controller/ interfaces and comm buffers. Supp lier. 3 types of serv ice. over 200 FO. Digital Associates Corp. Stamford, CT.
MDP-125 Hard copy printer for Intel Development Systems. Original plu s 5 copies. Prints 125 cps. 9 x 9 dot matrix. U/L case plus underlining . 96 ASCH char. 80 or 136 col. optional control pane l/se lf test. From $1355 . EMC Corp. Newton , MA .
LPV11 LSI-I I line printer controller. Parallel interface for most Centronics compat commercial line printers. $250: $130 Qty 100. Vend Maint. 3rd P. General Robotics Corp. Hartford. WI.
lnfoscribe 500 and 1000 150 and 180 cps printers: 10. 12. 16.5 cpi: correspondence quality print : graphics. downloadable c har sets. low noise. 500. $1595 : 1000. $1825 . Vend Maint. lnfoscribe Inc. Sama A11a, CA.
Dual-Mode 200 DP speed. letter qualiry WP and do! control graphics: daisywheel control code compatibiliry: RS232C serial/Centronics parallel interface : tracror feed and fricrion feed standard. $2995 : $1745. Qry 500+ . Factory and Distributor Service. Malibu Elertronics Corp. Westlake Village. CA.
88G 80 col printer. $749 .
TP40 40 co l licket printer. $885. Vend Maint. 27 FO. Micro Peripherals Inc. Salt Lake Cin" UT.
56 Digital Design SEPTEMBER 1981
Z e t a 3 6 53 SX
M200 Line Printer System
Weighs less than 65 lbs. & pro- 4-pen. 36" drum plotter with full 300-lpm model. Same features as 200 lpm matrix line printer with
vides 64-char ASCII alpha- plotting area of 34" by 120' for all P l 50.
128 char. 132 col. form length
numeric subset plus graphs up to pens. Speeds up to 15 ips on axis. P600
select switch. diagnostic displ;y.
400 lpm . Qualified to MrL-E- 21 ips diagonally . Resolution of 600-lpm model. Same features as IO & 16.7 cpi . self test with com-
5400 . MIL-E-4158 & MIL-E- 0.001" and absolute repeatability. Pl50. Vend Maint. 100 Locations. puter interface (parallel or serial).
16400. Switch selectable 80 col & $21.900.
Various 3rd P. 40 FO.
1/0 cable. $2995.
132 col printout on multiple copy Zeta 3620
Printronix Inc.
2550 Line Printer System
- up to 4 part - fanfold paper. 4-pen . 36" intelligent drum plotter Irvine, CA.
1500 lpm charaband line printer
Std interface is serial by char and parallel by bit including full line buffer. Unit includes off-line built-in test capability. 9 .5"H x 14"W x 19"D . Controllers: PDP1IM/Rolm 1602/N1DS/RS-232C/ MIL-Std-188C. $14.500.
with proprietary servo-motor drive system and linear actuator pen system. Axial speed 35 ips. diagonal speed 50 ips with 4g acceleration. resolution of 0.00049". $30.900-$32.900.
Dataroyal IPS-5000
150 lps: selectable print styles: 9 x 9 impact: up to 5 multipart forms. $1495 . Vend Maint. Small Business Systems Group Inc.
system with 64 and 96 char set. 132 col. 12 ch. VFU. self test. static eliminator. paper puller. active ribbon control. 6/8 lpi. with contro ller. I/0 cab le assembly . $33.000.
Zeta 5400
Westford, MA .
Model 2230
LP3036 Line Printer Lightweight ( 12 lbs .). multifunction. µ.P controlled line printer provides 36 or 42 col. printout to 240 lpm. Meets MIL-T-21200. MIL-E-16400. MIL-E-5400.NACSEM 5100. Internally stores to 150 sheets of 4 .25" wide. single or
4-pen. 54" itelligent drum plotter with proprietary servo-motor drive system with linear actuator pen system.
Zeta Z1004 High speed electrostatic printer/ plotter. Printing speed is 1.000
2290 Line Printer System 900 lpm . 132 col. 64 char 6/8 !pi . form length select switch. static eliminator. self test. active ribbon con trol. paper motion detect. I/O cable assembly. DEC . DG. HP. TI. Burroughs. P-E. Controllers:
300 lpm line printer system. with 64 char. 136 col. 6/8 lpi . form length select switch. static eliminator. paper receptacle . self test. controller. I/O cable. $9000. Southern Systems Inc. Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
multi-part fanfold paper.' 64 lpm . plotting speed 120 in/min. included with line printer. 4611 , 4632, Video Hard Copy
ASCII char set is std. 96 or 128 with a resolution of 100 dots/in. $18 .000.
char optional. $5000.
$8500 .
8-300 Line Printer System
Produce B&W or grey scale
TP2000 Thermal Line Printer Meets environmental requirements of MIL-T-21200. MIL-E16400. MIL-E-5400. 7 lbs. Internal storage for a 150' roll of 4 .25"
Zeta C63 On-line/off-line plotter workstation consisting of a plotter controller. tape drive . CRT and keyboard in one compact unit .
300 lpm band printer. 64 or 96 char. 132 col. 6/8 lpi. form length se lect switch . pedestal. diagnostic display . with computer interface. I/O cable. DEC. DG. P-E. HP.
copies from most video signals. The 461 1 is an electrostatic copier. the 4632 uses electrophotographic technique. $4400$5350 .
wide thermal paper. Automatic $ 19.900. Vend Maint. 30+ FO. Burroughs TI and most other 4662 Interactive Digital
paper take up optional. I0 cpi. 40 Nicolet Zeta Corp.
processors. $6000.
col printer. operates at 160 lpm. Concord, CA.
2260 Line Printer System
B size plotter which creates
For greater page density . a 66-col P 80 Serial Matrix
600 lpm. 136 col. 64 char. 6/8 lpi . graphic images on paper. mylar.
(17 cpi) version available. $5000. 7 x 9 dot matrix . 80 cps . bidirec- form le ngth select switch. static or overhead transparency film
Miltope Corp.
tional logic seeking. 96 char eliminator. self test. paper recep- with fiber-typed or wet-ink pens.
Plainview. NY.
ASCII. U/L case. Optional APL tacle . controller. 1/0 cable assem- $4600. Vend Maint. 53 FO.
KPV-1180 Line Printer Interface
International and graphic char bly. $12.000.
sets. $635 . OEM 100 Qty .
8-600 Line Printer System
Tektronix Information Display Div, Beaverton. OR.
Q-Bus compat parall el interface to P250 High Speed Matrix
600 lpm band printer. 64 or 96
most popular printers . Switch Printer
char. 132 col. 6/8 lpi . form length WX4675
selectable device and interrupt 7X9 matrix. 250 cps. 96 char select switch. pedestal. diagnostic 6-pen plotter. flat bed. 5 cm/axis/
vector address. low cost. totally SW compat w/LAVI !. $295 .
ASCII. U/L case. Optional APL International and graphic. Up to
display. with computer interface . 1/0 cable assembly. $8000.
sec speed. $1700. 2 FO. Watanabe Instruments Corp ,
Vend Maint.
19.200 baud . optional 2K char 8-900
Costa Mesa . CA.
Netcom Products Inc,
buffer. Serial RS-232C. optional 900 lpm line printer system with Z8X-349 Printer Interface
Sunnyvale. CA .
Centronics interface . $1740. 64 or 96 char. 132 col. 6/8 lpi. Small board module. plugs onto
Zeta 1553 Digital Drum
OEM Qty 100 .
form length select switch. quiet- SBX connector of various Intel
Stylist 360 Daisywheel
ized cabinet. paper puller. diag- and Zendex baseboards . Included
One-pen. 12" drum plotter for use Letter quality . l00 char ASCll. nostic display. with computer cable is 8' long and connects at
with continuous feed paper for U/L case. symbols. proportional interface. 1/0 cable assembly . one end to a 50-pin edge on the
unattended multiple-plot opera- and OCR type . 17 cps. bid irection- $ 12.000 .
ZBX-349. the other end plugs
tion. Speeds: 10 ips on axis. 14 . 14 al logic seeking. $820. OEM qty ips diagonally . Resolution of 100. Vend Maint. 9 FO .
directly into the parallel connector on a Centronics line printer. $190.
0.0025". $5950.
Pertee Computer Corp.
Zendex Corp.
Zeta 14538
Peripherals Div,
Dublin , Ck
4-pen. 12" drum plotter with con- Chatsworth, CA .
tinuous feed paper for unattended Dataproducts and Tally
_ _R_igid Disk Drives multiple-plot operation. Speeds: Printers
10 ips on axis. 14 . 14 ips diagon- Full line of printer systems. Band.
ally . Resolution of 0.0025" and Daisywheel. Matrix. Drum .
absolute repeatability . $8950 .
Zeta 1453SX 4-pen. 12"drum plotter with con-
Thermal. Wholesale. Vend Maint. Printer Systems Corp, Gaithersburg , MD .
CDC 9762 BOMB storage module drive with removable media .
CDC 9448-32 32MB cartridge module drive with 16MB fixed/16MB remov-
tinuous feed paper for unattended P150 Matrix Impact Line
CDC 9766
able media.
mutiple-plot operation. Speeds up Pri nter
300MB storage module drive with CDC 9448-64
to 15 ips on axis. 21 ips diago- 150-lpm 96-char ASCII sets. ex- removable media.
64MB cartridge module drive
nally. Resolution of 0 .001" with absolute repeatability . $10.950.
pandable to 160 char. unlimited font versatility . and full plotting and graphics capabi Iity .
CDC 9730-80 80MB mini-module drive with floor unit or rack mount option.
with 48MB fixed/l6MB removable media .
SEPTEMBER 1981 Digital Design 57
COMPAT: '81 The Computer Compatible Directory ·111111111111111·
Part Two
---"R-=i,gid Disk Drives
CDC9448·96 96MB cartridge module drive with BOMB removable media. Vend Maint. 4 FO. Advanced Digital Products, San Diego, CA.
PDS-100 Si;igle board S-100 Bus controller for Priam 3350 14". 33MB Winchester and 6400 bpi cartridge for backup . $695 Controller with SW. Warranty: RTFM . Alloy Engineering Co. Inc, Computer Products Div, Natick, MA.
Disk/Atlas 80 BOMB hard 14" disk. B ms access time per single MB of access. 35 ms for random !MB access. SBOOO.
Disk/Model 80 B ms access time. 14" hard disk . I. 2. 4 and BMB increments. Can be daisy-chained up to B units/ controller. Between SB000$22.000. Limited Maint. 45 FO. Alpha Data Inc. Chatsivorth. CA.
BOSO, BD80, BO 100, BO 160 50. BO. 100 and 160MB capacities. Rack or console mount. easy maintenance. protective features. self-diagnos ti cs. Ball Computer Products. Boulder. CO.
Model 6171 B" fixed disk drive. BMB.
Model 6172 B" fixed disk drive. 24MB.
Model6173 B" fixed disk drive. 40MB. BASF Systems Corp. Memory Div, Los Gatos. CA.
Disk Systems-Mass Bus Utilize SMD and Winchester technologies in formatted capacity ranges from 67.4 to 551.BMB. with state-of-the-art contro llers included .
VAX Disk Systems Utilize SMD technology in formatted capacity ranges from 67.4 to 256.2MB. with state-of-the-art controllers included .
Disk Systems-a-Bus Wide variety of Q-Bus disk subsystems utilizing SMD. fixed/ removable and Winchester technologies in formatted capacity ranges from 10.4 to 551.BMB. with state-of-the-art controllers included~
Disk Systems-Unibus Wjde variety of Unibus disk subsystems utilizing SMD. fixed/ removable. and Winchester technologies in formatted capacity ranges from 10.4 to ·551.BMB. with state-of-the-art controllers included. Vend Maint. 55 FO. Braegen Minicomputer Peripherals Div. Anaheim, CA.
FD211/214 20/BOMB storage capability on 14" rigid media . Multibus adaptor drives 2 ports of FD211/214 or MDI22 flexible disk drive . $5100/$6300. Burroughs . Detroit. Ml.
4610 and 4620 Winchester disk subsystems and expansion subsystems. 4610 is IOMB . 4620 is 20MB . Intelligent controller w/DMA BOO kB transfer rates. Up to 4 drives any mix per controller. SI 00 Bus system compat . Uses real-time HW vectored interrupt control. RTFM . 15 FO. California Computer Systems Inc, Sunnyvale. CA.
DEC Drives RLOI. RL02. RK05. RK06. RK07. RP04. RP05. RP06 .
CDC Drives
BOMB . 300MB . Retail. systems
in tegrator.
California Data/ease Svstems &
Financial Corp.
Anaheim. CA.
HD 11/T
20.BMB Winchester drive sys-
tem. SW equivalent to 4 RLOls .
Optional cartridge tape backup.
$B 700 with tape option: $6500
w(o tape option.
Charles River Data Svstems Inc
Natick . MA.
Cynthia DSS 1100 Family Cartridge disk drives and subsystems. LSI- I I Q-Bus and RT I I. RSX I IM compat. Includes disk drives. power supply and controller. 3 confi!.!urations. Cii- Hone_v111ell-B11ll. Waltham . MA.
QD 11 DEC compat hard disk 14". 5440 top loader/200 tpi. 5MB fixed. 5 MB removable . Emulates DEC RKVI I. $7995 .
MD80 Multibus compat hard disk 14". intelligent controller. OMA operation. 5440 top loader. 200 tpi. 5MB fixed. 5MB removable. $7995 . Vend Maint. 3 FO. Comark Corp. Waltham. MA .
QRM03/QRMOS/URM03/ URMOS 67-256MB subsystem for LSl-11/ PDP- II /VAX- II. 100% DEC compat with RM disk family. $9000-$24.000 .
8 8 0 - 0 / 8 - L 11 Winchester/floppy subsystem for LSI-I I. 7.BMB Winchester with !MB floppy . Built in diagnostics. formatter. bootstrap. $6B95 .
8 8 0 - D / 3 0 L 11 Winchester/floppy subsystem for LSI-I I/PDP- I I. 3IMB Winchester emulatin!.! 3-RL02 with I MB floppy. Built-in diagnostics. formatter. bootstrap. Under $9000. Compumart Corp, Cambridge. MA .
CM S616 5\4'' disk drive . I6MB unformatted. $2140. Computer Memories Inc . Chatsivorth. CA.
20L,11L, SL Compal w/LSl-1 1. provides 5.2. 10.4. or 19.6MB of formatted storage. Supports all DEC compat operating systems. $4250 . $5B50. $6950. Corvus Svstems Inc. San Jose : CA.
Wave80 Intellil!ent B" Winchester disk drives~ Model 11 is an I !MB drive. Model 22 is a 22MB drive . Cyberdata. Monterey. CA.
SMDDRM02/3 BOMB for PDP- I I. 6000 bpi. DEC SW transparent.
SMDDRM04 300MB for Unibus-based PDP- I I.
Fixed Media Drive DRM07 600MB for PDP- I I. SMD interface protocol. 25 ms access time . Optional head per track- I.92MB.
Mini Module DAMM 80-160 80 or 160MB for PDP- I I. SMD interface protocol. Sealed module. Vend Maint from CDC. GE & DEC. 4FO. Data Systems Services. El Toro . CA.
DTC-S10 Intelligent Disk Drive Controller µ.P-based provides all the functions for implementation of up to2 Seagate Techno logy ST506 disk drives. Features: overlapped seek. automatic seek and verify. ECC. fault detection sector buffer.
DTC-S20 Intelligent Disk Drive Controller Capable of handling up to 4 disk drives. any combination of ST506 disk drives and IBM-compat single or double-density. single or double-sided flexible mini-disk drives . IBM format compat. Data Technology Corp, Santa Clara. CA.
CDC 9766/CDC 9762 300 and BOMB disk drives are available for subsystem needs. Vend Maint. 2 FO. Datum In c, Anaheim, CA.
Dlcom604 14" Winchester disk system to 130MB . Interfaces HP 2 Ixx/1000 and DEC LS!s. From $9875 . Vend Maint. 12 FO. Dicom Industries Inc, Sunnyvale, CA.
Model 601-17A Disk Drive Subsystem Computer Automation LSI-2 and NMI-4 compat disk drive. Supports cartridge disk 005 and file manager system. Capacity is 2.5MB. Operating temp . 0°C to 60°C. Shock and vibration resistant. $5000-$10.000.
Model 601-178 H-P 9825/35/45 compat. Supports file manager ROM s for H-P 9B217A and 9B33IA. Capacity is 3MB. Operating temp . 0°C to 60°C. Shock and vibration resistant. $5000-$10.000.
Model 601-17 Intelligent bit-slice controller drives general purpose 16-bit bidirectoral data bus for special interface applications. 0°C to 60°C. Shock and vibration resistant. $5000-$10.000.
Model 601-16 Intelligent bit-slice controller drives general purpose B-bit bidirectoral data bus for special interface applications. 0°C to 60°C. Shock and vibration resistant. $5000-$ 10.000.
Model 601-1S Intelligent bit-slice controller drives RS232/422 serial data port. Data rates to 500 K baud. 0°C to 60°C. Shock and vibration resistant. $5000-$10.000.
Model 601-14 Emulates ANSI std Winchester interface for plug compat. Capacity 5MB. $5000-$10.000.
58 Digital Design SEPTEMBER 1981
Model 601 -13 IEEE 488 GPIB compat . Uses intelligent bit-slice controller under firmware control. 5MB . 0°C to 60°C. Shock & vibration resistant . $5000-$10.000.
Model 601-1 2 Emulates Shugart 850/851 floppy disk drives or equivalent. Plug compat with floppy disk controller HW & SW. Can be daisychained to existing floppy . 0°C to 60°C. Shock & vibration resistant. $5000-$10.000.
Model 601-11 Emulates head-per-track NRZ serial data interface . Plug compat with HPT drives from DOC. Data Flux . Amcomp and Librascope. Capacity 5MB . 0°C to 60°C . Shock and vibration resistant. $5000-$10 .000 .
Model 601 -10C Intel Multibus compat system supports 8080/8085/8086 µ.P . Capacity is 2 .5MB. 0°C to 60°C . Shock and vibration resistant. $5000-S 10.000.
Model 601-108 DEC LSI- I I Q-Bus and RK 11/ RK05 compat. 2 .5MB . Completely sealed disk drive. 0°C to 60°C . Shock and vibration resistant. $5000-$ 10.000 .
Model 601 -1 0A DEC PDP-I I Unibus and RKI l/ RK05 compat. 2 .5MB . Completely sealed disk drive . 0°C to 60°C . Shock and vibration resistant. $5000-$10.000. Vend Maint. 5 FO. Disk Memory Technology , Portland, OR .
DCS/ 80-W Complete Multibus system with 24MB Winchester disk and SW (8080 based).
DCS/ 86-W Complete Multibus system with 24MB Winchester disk (8086 based) and SW. $12 .500 Distributed Computer Systems, Waltham , MA .
Super Gemini Includes: 8 quad slot ( 16 dual slot) Q-Bus backplane: LSI-11/2 or LSI- 11/23 CPU ; 64 kB to 256 kB memory: DLV 11 serial async 1/0 interface or the QLV l l quad serial sync/async interface; and l 8.5MB/mini-Winchester drive and l l .25MB double-sided double-density floppy drive. $13.500 to $16 .500: OEM discounts avail .
Super Trlstar Includes: 8 quad slot ( 16 dual slot) Q-Bus backplane; LSl- 11/2 or LSI-11/23 CPU; 64 kB to 256 kB memory: DLV 11 serial async 1/0 interface or the QLVll quad serial sync/async interface; and l 8 .5MB/mini-Winchester drive and 2 I .25MB double-sided. double-density floppy drives. $15 .000 to $18 .000; OEM discounts avail. Vend Maint. General Robotics Corp, Hartford, WI .
Ampex DFR-996 DG emulating disk drive and controller: 67MB fixed. l3MB removable: full ROOS and AOS SW support . $11.950: OEM discounts. Vend Maint. MBS Inc, Madison, WI .
101 - 8" Product family o ffering 8" Winchester disk drive . I l.7MB capacity . low power requirements. sealed medi a. integ ral data separation .
6n - Removable Media 200/300MB capacity. Off-line tester avail.
601 / 612 14" Winchester di sk drive . Capacities from 50 to 84MB . sealed environment. broad range of a p p l i c a tion s.
659 14" W inchester disk drive 680MB storage. direct access. SMD interface. l.2MB transfer rate . Vend Maint. 5 FO. Mem orex OEM Div, Santa Clara , CA .
1200 Series 8" Winchester ri!!id disk drives. 9 . 27 . 45MB capa;ity . Offered with or without controller. Vend Maint. Micropolis Corp , Chatsworth , CA .
MSC 9800H 5MB subsystem which combines a 5- l/ 4" Winchester drive . power-
supply and GPIB controller. Designed to work with the HP85 s mall business computer. Under $4000. Ve nd Main!. 2 FO . Microcomputer Systems Corp , Sunnyvale, CA.
RD45 45MB capacity rig id disk drive. Wincheste r technology . $23 .000: with controller $38 .000. Vend Maint. 3 FO. Miltope Corp, Plainview, NY.
Mikro-Disk V Fam ily From 2MB-8MB. 5 1/4" Winc hester disk drive with removable cartridge giving 8MB of storage. 4 fi xed and 4 removable . $1196. (Qty 500) . RTFM . New World Computer Co . Inc, Costa Mesa . CA .
NWMOS 300MB. SMD disk drive with Massbus controller for DEC. $20.500. Vend Main!. 8 FO. Nordata , Seattle , WA .
WCF-1 Mini-Winchester/ Floppy System Compact rac k mountable 19" enclosure housing a 5MB Winchester. IMB floppy drive (both 5-1 /4") . Choice of LSI/11 -2 or 23 with up to 256K RAM . The WCFl includes a controller. and 4 port RS232 I/0 . Included are all power supp lies and control e lectronics foreloc k/enable. run/ halt . DC on/ boot. AC on -off. Accepts up to 12 Q -Bus dual height slots and includes top mounted fans for efficient cooling.
WCF-3 8"Winchester/Floppy System 19" rack mountable system . Inc ludes 8" Winchester (for up to 70MB) and 8" !MB fl oppy . Choice of LSI/ 11 -2 or 23 with up to 256K RAM and 4 port RS232 1/ 0 . Can house combinations of dual or quad cards. North Atlantic Industries, Hauppauge. NY.
PRM-Q Bus adaptor interface between LSI - I I and Priam Winchester disk .
WIN-Q Bus adaptor interface between Micropolis Winchester and LSI- I I . Peritek, Oakland, CA.
03000 Extension Ri g id disk drive . 24MB . $4680. OEM Qty 100. 03000 Ri !!id di sk dri ve. t2MB . $3900. OEM Qty 100.
MiniWini/ 08000 8" Winchester drive . $1980. OEM Qty 100. Vend Maint. 9 FO . Pertee Computer Corp . Peripheral Div. Chatsworth . CA .
PM-RF11 Replaces RF- I IA . High-performance . disk emulator. Utilizes 16K MOS memory in place of mag disk Unibus systems.
PM-DSW11/E 254MB disk storage system for PDP-11/70 . PM-DCWI l controller interfaces direct to RH70 . Em ul ates RH70 w/RP06 drive .
PM-OS11 /300 C DEC RH 11 replacement. Complete mass storage disk system. Expandable to 8 drives .
PM-DSA 111300 256MB disk pack subsystem for PDP- 1l.
PM-FS11G 14" Winchester disk subsystem for PDP- I l s. Has single hex-wide PM DCllOO controller board . FDI IG fixed-disk drive w/25.3MB formatted capacity. Compal with RP l l/C controller & SW. Plessey Peripheral Systems , 1691 Browning, Irvine, CA .
Diskos3350 Winchester disk drive. DEC. DG . Intel. TI-990. Interdata. Hard disk drive. controllers . Capacity: I0-160MB ; access: 45 ms ; 8" & 14" . $2195 to $6600. Priam, San Jose , CA .
ST 506 5-1/4" micro Winchester. 6.38MB unformatted. 5MB formatted . 5 Mbit/sec transfer rate . 170 ms random average access .
ST512 12 .76MB unformatted. IOMB formatted. on 2 disks. Thin film head technology . 100 ms average access. Seagate Technology , Scotts Valley, CA .
SA 1000 8" Winchester 5 .3/L0.7MB . $1140 (SA 1002); $1400(SA1004).
SA 4000/4100 14" Winchester.;. 14.5/29.0/58.0 MB . $1600 (SA4004); $2000 (SA4008); $2650 (SA4 104): Qty 100-249.
SA600 5 .25" Winchester 3 .3/6.6/10.0MB . $870 (SA602) ; S 1125 (SA604): $1380 (SA606): Qty 100-249. 3 Reg Svc Cntrs. 10 FO. Shugart Assoc, Sunnyvale , CA.
Mikro-Disk VIII-I 8" Winchester disk drive that gives the user the performance of bubble memory. $1150. (Qty 500).
SEPTEMBER 1981 Digital Design 59
COMPAr '81 The Computer Compatible Directory ·111111111111111·
Part Two
_ _Ri~'gid Disk Drives
Cheyenne 8" Winchester disk drive. From 7.3MB to 52MB. SMD. ANSI or floppy-type interfaces . From $1815 (OEM Qty). SL/ Industries, Woodland Hills. CA.
9400-75 Disk Storage System DEC-compat. 600MB disk drive + controller. fixed media. single or dual channel. $36.900-$61.400 depending on CPU interface. 9400-84 DEC-compat. 160MB disk drive
+ controller. fixed media. single
or dual channel. $14.000-$21 .500. 3100-66 DG compat. 300MB disk drive + controller. removable media. $20.500 single channel: $25.000 dual channel. 3100-75 DG compat. 600MB disk drive + controller. fixed media. $34.200 single channel: $37 .500 dual channel. 3100-84 DG compat. 160MB disk drive+ controller. fixed media. $15.000 single channel: $19.500 dual channel. 3100-62 DG compat. BOMB disk drive + controller. removable media. $13.000 single channel: $16.450 dualchanne( 9400-66 DEC-compat. 300MB disk drive + controller. replaces RP06. Removable media. single or dual channel. $23.900-$47 .500 . Vend Maint. 14 FO. System Industries, Sunnyvale , CA.
Custom MIS Packages Generate turnkey SW packages to fit needs. Build spec, & deliver quotes. AMT Software Systems , Boxboro . MA .
Mini Winchester Disk Drive/ TM600 2 & 3 platter Models: 254 tpi: unformatted recording capacity: TM 602-6.4MB: TM 602E-7.8MB: TM 603-9.5MB: TM 603E-1l.6 MB. Access times: track-to-track3 ms. average-153 ms & 210 ms. $1220-$1485. Vend Maint. 4 FO. Tandon Corp, Chatsworth , CA.
Sapphire 160 14" Winchester disk drive. 168MB with SMD interface and internal power supply. $4950. OEM Qty. RTFM. 2 FO. Tecstor Inc, Huntington Beach , CA.
Series 8000 Cartridge Disk Drive 20MB capacity. IOMB fixed + IOMB removable. Top loading. digital controls servo electronics. µP controlled. brushless DC motor crystal controlled sectoring with switch selectable sector option on fixed disk. $2300.
Series 6000 Cartridge disk drive. IOMB capacity. 5MB fixed + 5MB removable. Front or top loading. $2100.
Series 4000 Fixed disk drive. IOMB capacity with 2 fixed disks . $1650. Vend Maint. Western Dynex Corp, Phoenix, AZ.
XD1000 Winchester Disk Module For Q-Bus. Unibus. Multibus and DG 1/0 Bus. Xylogics XDlOOO Winchester disk module provides up to 48MB of on-line storage using up to 2 disk units with associated power supplies. The completely self-contained XD 1000 uses Xylogics 530. 550. 650. 440 or 850 Peripheral Processors to support: Q-Bus/BASF disk bus: or Q-Bus . Unibus. Multibus. or DG 1/0 Bus with SMD interfaces. Xylogics In c. Burlington , MA.
Software Maintenance Service Similar to HW service. SMS offers preventative examination/ correction to SW as well as priority on-site response in emergencies. $200/up.
The Converter Semi-automated aid to conversion from MICO'S Basic to DG Business Basic. May also be adapted for other Basic versions (Binary. etc) to DG . Bellin Computer Systems Inc, Plainview. NY.
PC Design Design and documentation of PCBs compat with DEC. etc. for terminals , add-in/add-on memory. floppy disk drive , hard disk drive , controllers . I/O analog boards, processors. Price qnoted. based on complexity/density. Bill White Printed Circuit Design . Anaheim. CA .
Product Design Services Disk controllers - SMD . ANSI, cartridge. Winchester. Tape controllers - NRZI , PE. GCR. Memories - 16 bit through ECC capabilities. Concept Development Inc. Costa Mesa . CA .
Computer Repairs DEC. NOVA , CPU's. memory & power supplies. all manufacturers. $90 to $300 . 3 FO . Digital Data Systems Inc. Plantation. FL.
System Integration HW/SW interfacing for 8 bit microcomputers and 16 bit minicomputers. Form & Substance Inc . Westlake Vge. CA.
LSI 11/2 or LSI 11123 . Systems Configured to customer specification s. completely tested , quick delivery, low cost. lndec Computer Systems. Sunnyvale. CA.
DEC Service Terminal s. CRTs , printers . David Lee . Van Nu_vs, CA.
Magnetic Tape Heads Reco nditio ns , rebuilds. or otherwise restores worn or worn out head s to like-new condition at less than 1/2 the cost of a new head. All models. Maint at vendor's facility . Magnetic Recovery Technologists In c. Valencia . CA.
Disk Drive Service Most companies/models. Disk drive motor repair: spare parts: absolute & pre-filters repl acement: spindle repair: circuit board replacement and/or repair. Maint at site. Quote after evaluation. NOW Enterprises. Valen cia. CA.
Consulting and Programming Services Consu !ting and contract programming for PDP- 11/03 and 11/ 23. Specialize in RT- I I , DfBOL. BASIC. Certified. PK Systems Inc. Bloomington . IL.
UNIX Management and Technical Services Services dedicated to the development, support and application of UNIX based systems and products. Consultants. The Santa Cruz Operation Inc. Santa Cruz. CA .
Software Consulting Services Provides a broad array of highpowered DEC SW expertise on every level from applications design to driver development using RSTS/E , DECNET, and BAS1C +2. Software Techniques Inc. Los Alamitos. CA.
Custom SW & HW As an OEM for DEC . has developed an extensive library of scientific SW and expertise in FORTRAN. MACRO & BASIC . Spectrogram Corp. No. Haven . CT.
Maintenance Service Spare parts repair service for Lockheed LEC-16 and MAC- 16 computers. 17 FO . Contract $250-$400 per month orT & M. Telefile Computer Products Inc, Irvine . CA.
RP03, RP04, RPOS, RP06, RM02, RM03 Critical component reconditi oning . Disk heads. spindles and motor reconditioning available. All se rvice backed with warranties and guaranteed turnaround within 45 days. Trans Datacorp . Belmont. CA .
RP03,RP04,RP05,RP06 Disk Drives Third party re pair facility. printed circuit assemblies, electronic subassemblies. Phone for quotations . Unitrace Inc. Santa Clara . CA.
60 Digital Design SEPTEMBER 1981
_ _ _ _SP-_ecial I/Os
Dual 11010039 General purpose interface between PDP- I I and 2 user peripherals . Replaces 2 DEC DRI 1-C units. $950. Vend Maint, I FO. Able Computer, Irvine, CA .
1616/011, 1616/010 16 lines of optically isolated inputs and outputs. 1616/0IJ: $345: 1616/010: $275.
1632TTL, 1664TTL, 1664ATTI. 32 or 64 lines of programmable TTL compat 1/0 lines. 1632TTL: $275: 1664TTL: $350: 1664ATTL: $350.
1750 Dual port serial 1/0: RS232 and current loop. $395. Vend Main!, 47FO. ADACCorp. Woburn. MA.
8911 Programmable IBM Channel Interface Stand-alone IBM channel-speed interface for attaching non-IBM DP equipment and peripherals to an IBM 360/370, 303X, and 4300 channel. $12 ,995 .
8900 IBM Channel Interface Module Programmable IBM-to-DEC LSl11 interface module. Attaches to all IBM 360/370. 303X , 4300 system channels, operates at channel speed . $4995: $2995 (50 or more). Auscomlnc. Austin . TX.
MP1104 Analog output for LSl-11. Specialized terminals. 1/0 analog boards. 4-output channels: 12-bit resol : ±0.025% ace: 10 µ.s conversion. $550.
MP1216 Analog input for LSI-I I. 16 DIF/ 32 SE input channels: 12-bit resol: ±0.025% ace: 40 µ.s conversion: ± IOV to± IOmV range . $550.
MP1216·PGA Analog input for LSI-I I. 16 DIF/ 32 SE input channels: 12-bit resol: ±0.025% ace: 350 µ.s conversion: ± IOV to± 10 mV range . $675. Burr Brown Industrial Systems Products, Tucson . AZ.
2830 6 channel serial 1/0 module . Async RS 232C channels with programmable control for each channel. SIOO Bus system compat. Uses real time vectored interrupt control. Includes 6 . 30" internal cables . $600.
2710 4 channel serial 1/0 board . Async channel with independent program
control. Fully buffered 1/0, ROM option with phantom enable capability. SIOO Bus compat. $340.
2718 Serial/parallel 1/0 board. 2 serial async channels (RS232C) 75-19.2K baud, one channel may be used in sync mode; 2 , 8-bit parallel channels with full buffering and invertible handshaking using jumpers. SIOO Bus compat. $360.
2720 4-channel parallel 1/0. 3. 8-bit I/ 0 ports and I output only port, full handshake control with invertible handshake using jumpers. 7-bit status register. fully buffered , provision for 2K ROM with phantom enable . SIOO Bus compat: $250. RTFM . 15 FO. California Computer Systems Inc , Sunnyvale, CA .
MIP-3/V Video Input Processor Solid state video camera and input processor. Samples up to 30 frames/ sec. 128 x 128 pixels by 8 bits of intensity resolution/frame. Grab single frame or process image data on the fly . $7950.
MIP·3/A Data Spooler Input processor includes 16-channel, 12-bit. 100 KHz ADC. integral 16-bit bit slice minicomputer. and 20K word dual port. dual buffer memory . Transfers data continuously to system disk. $7320.
MDP-3 Display Processor Programmable image processor drives color RGB monitor: 64K word image data memory plus separate graphic/alphanumeric overlay memories: $12,000. Computer Design and Applications Inc. Newton . MA .
OT 2762 Series DEC Q-Bus . Analog 1/0 systems for DEC Q-Bus processors.
DT1711 Serles DEC Unibus. Analog 1/0 systems for Unibus processors .
DT1751 Series Multibus . Analog 1/0 systems for Intel SBC-80 and National BLC80 Multibus.
DT3362 Serles DEC Q-Bus . High performance. dual ported. advanced architecture analog 1/0 systems for Q-Bus processors .
OT 3752 Series Intelligent analog peripherals (Multibus). Analog input and output. digital input and output . CPU . RAM. EPROM. all in one family of Multibus compat boards . $600-$2000. RTFM. I
yr. warranty. Data Translation Inc, Marlboro , MA.
ST-711/ST-732 Intel Multibus compat. 32SE (16
Dit) AID channels with 12-bit
resolution; PGA (XI, 2, 4, 8 gains); EOC, EOS, Ext start trigger interrupts; pacer clock, DC-DC converter; systems manual & diagnostics included. ST-732: all above plus 2 DIA channels (12-bit) with current loop outputs; 23 ,000 samples/sec. ST-711 pin-for-pin replacement for iSBC-711: ST-732 pin-for-pin for iSBC-732. ST-711, $625: ST732. $788.
ST-800, ST·800·ADX Intel Multibus compat. ST-800: 32SE or 16 Dif AID channels: 12 bit resolution: 20,000 samples/ sec: optional DMA (36,000 samples/sec with DMA): scan clock. ST-800-ADX: expander board: 32 SE, 32 Dif, 48 SE or 48 Dif channels avail: 256 A/D chans max including ST-800. Manual & diagnostics i;cluded with ST-800 & ST-800-ADX . ST-800-16S (16 SE A/D chans). $687: ST-800ADX32S (32SE AID chans, expander), $330.
ST·800·DA8; ST·800-DAX8 Intel Multibus compat. ST-800DA8: 8 SE (4 Dif). DIA channels: 12-bit resolution: scan clock . ST800-DAX8: 8 SE (4 Dif). DIA channels. expander card. ST-800DA8. $860: ST-800-DAX8 . $825 .
ST-6800DA Compal with Motorola M-6800 Series EXORciser. 4 or 8 D/A channels, 12-bit resolution : 12-bit outport: optional DC-DC converter: manual and diagnostics included. From $546 . -
ST-6800 & ST-6800ADX Compal with Motorola M-6800 EXORciser. ST-6800: 32S or 160 AI D chans. 2 D/A chans: 12 bits of resolution : DC-DC power converter: current or voltage inputs: 12-bit digital outport: manual and diagnostics included. ST6800ADX: 32S/D or 48 SID channel A/D slave expander. ST6800, from $485: ST-6800ADX. from $226 .
ST-LSI-DA Compal with DEC LSI-I I . Halfquad 4-channel DIA board: 12-bit output: optional DC-DC converter. ST-LSI-DA. $524 (w/o DCDC): $590 (w/DC-DC).
ST-LSl2, ST·LSl2-ADX, ST·LSl-DMA Compal w/DEC LSI- I I & LSI11 /2 . ST-LSl2: half quad A/ D brd : 16S/8D AID chans: pacer clock. PGA. DC-DC conv. STLSI2-ADX: half-quad AID ex pander: 48S or 24D chans. STLSI2-DMA: half-qu ad OMA A/D bl ock transfer controller. 32 .768
16-bit words; EOC & end of cycle interrupts, 2 vectors, 50 kHz transfer rate. ST-LSl2, $625: STLSI2-ADX, $376: ST-LSI2DMA, $368.
ST-LSI, ST·LSl-ADX Compal with DEC LSI-I I. STLSI: full quad; 32S/16D AID channels, 2 D/A channels; pacer clock; 12 bit resolution, AID and DIA sections; current loop outputs: optional PGA or instrumentation Amp. ST-LSI-ADX: half
quad slave AID expander: 32S or
16D channels. ST-LSI , from $734: ST-LSI-ADX , $326.
ST-LSI-ALY Compat with ST-LSI and STLSI2. Half-quad , 8-channel dif-
ferential AID board: relay MUX
permits 126 dB CMRR and 250V RMS isolation. PGA (Xl ,2.5,10): EOC interrupt: ext trigger start: DC-DC converter: includes manual and diagnostic. $695.
PDAS-250/PDS-32 Computer data acquisition/distribution syst. Up to 2565 (128D) AID. 32 D/A channels: A/D section - 12 bits: 250.000 samples/ sec: D/ A section - 8, 10, 12, or 14 bits; SS&H optional; used with any computer parallel 1/0 port. System shipped with systems manual. From $2845.
ST-724 Intel Multibus compat 4 channel DI A board: 12 bits: selectable XACK delay: DC-DC converter: voltage or 4-20 mA current outputs selectable can be used with RMX-80 SW. Includes systems manual and diagnostic. $595.
ST-711 RLY8D and ST·711RLY16D Intel Multibus compat. 8 or 16 relay-isolated differential A/D channels: 126 dB CMRR, 250 VRMS isolation: 12-bit resolution: PGA (XI. 2. 5. 10 gains): EOC. EOS. ext start trigger interrupts: pacer clock: systems manual. diagnostic included. 30 samples/se'C. ST-71 IRLY8D. $683: ST-71 IRLY16D, $1045 .
System 256/DDS-32 Computer data acquisition/distribution system. Up to 256S (1280) AID. 32 D/A channels: SS&H
available: AID - 12-bit resolu-
tion: 50K or IOOK samples/sec: DIA - 8-. 10-. 12-. or 14-bit resolution. Systems manual inluded with each unit. From $1675. Datel-lntersil Inc. Mansfield. MA .
DIGSYN Multibus compat digital-to-sync and sync-to-digital interface.
DCS488 Multibus interface for IEEE 488 (GPIP). Distributed Computer Systems. Waltham, MA.
SEPTEMBER 1981 Digital Design 61
COMPAL '81 ~-r~.1 The Computer Compatible Directory
Part Two
- - --=SQecial I/ Os
STD-VI08 1/0 Timer Counter Board 8 programmable (/0 ports: four 16-bit programmable timers: four 16-bit event counters: 4 programmable shift regi sters: programmable interrupts from all devices: fully decoded address space: switch selectable addressing: reliable output connectors: 65/6800 STD Bus compat: single 5V supply operation . $199. RTFM. Forethought Products, Eugene, OR.
S TC- 100 Serial (RS-232) magnetic tape coupler. RS-232 serial port controller for IBM format compat. I/ 2" magnetic tape drives. $2320 to $5025 . Vend Maint. 5 FO. IBEX Computer Corp. Tarzana, CA .
Graphic CRT Interlace DG compat interface to Tektronix GMA 102A graphic CRT. Direct memory access controller. $3850.
Custom Design Custom interfaces to the customers printers, machinery. testers. etc. Interface Electronics. Southfield. Ml.
MDB-4040 General purpose in terface board for DG contains basic logic for device addressing. BUSY and DONE status and interrupt logic. Provisions for 105 14- or 16-pin res for user-designed logic . $424.
MDB·DR11B Direct memory access module for PDP- I I completely compat with DEC DR 11-B on a single quad module instead of the complete systems unit required by the DEC equivalent. Provides interrupt request and bus master control for bi-directional exchange of 16-bit data from the Unibu~ to an external device . $1450 .
MDB-DR11 · BLL Direct memory access module for PDP- I I with RS-422 long line differential circuitry which~occu pies a hex size slot. Allows placement of peripheral devices or other computers up to 3.000' from the PDP-I I or VAX . $ 1995 .
MDB· BLL11 RS-422 long line extension module for MDB and DEC DRI 1-B modules. The dual size module can be used to provide long-line signal capabilities to previously purchased MDB ORI 1-B modules. $795.
MDB· DR11-C General purpose parallel interface fo r PDP- I I. Direct replacement for DEC DR 11 -C. Provides bidirectional exchange of 16-bit data from PDP- I I end external device. $550.
MDB-TA528 General purpose digital I/0 interface with external bus control for PDP- I I . Provides bus-to-bus interface up to 100' . Includes line drivers and receivers and buffered inpu t and output. Consisting of input buffer (16-bit RO). output buffer (16-bit R/W) , and control status register (16-bit R/W) . $6 15 .
MDB-KW11 · P Programmable real-time clock for PDP- I I . Provides 4 clock rates , program selectable (external. 60 Hz. IOKHz, IOOKHz) . Has own 60Hz crystal controlled oscillator. $810.
MDB· MR11A Bootstrap loader/restart module for PD P- I I . Incorporates all features of DEC 873 . 793 and MR 11 on a si ngle quad module. Includes connector for independent quad module and connector for independent external bootstrap control and watchdog timer. $795.
MDB-118 General purpose DMA interface for PDP- I I on a single quad board with provision for 12 IC positions of user logic . Includes two connector positions of up to 50 conductors each for cable-to-periphera l devices or to wire -wrap modules for expansion of user logic. $1 195 .
MDB· 11C General purpose parallel bus foundation module for PDP- I I with all logic for bus interface. interrupt service. address selection plus 16-bit input and 16-bit output registers. A universal wirewrap portion is provided for up to 20 sockets or devices of any DIP configurations. $570.
MDB-1710 Ge neral purpose parallel bus foundation module for PDP-I I with all logic for bus interface and interrupt service . In addition provides universal wire-wrap portion for user logic of up to 40 sockets of devices of any DIP configuration. $425.
MDB- 1710-01 General purpose parallel bus foundation module as 1710 but with sockets inserted in 40 positions. PDP- I I compat. $445 .
MLSl-1710 General purpose bus foundation
module for LSI-11 . Basic Q-Bus programmed I/0 interface . Address decode circuitry and multiple interrupt vector priority selection. Multiple external l/O provisions on module. Pinned for 20 wire-wrap IC positions for user designed logic. $225 .
MLSl-DRV11-P General purpose bus foundation module for LSI-I I. Same as MLSI-1710 but has available up to 56 IC positions for user designed logic . Provision for wide variety of cable connector positions . $325 .
MLSl-118 General purpose direct memory access bus foundation module for LSI- I I . Contains basic Q-Bus programmed l/O interface with address decode circuitry . interrupt vector priority selection. plus address word count. data registers and bus master control and timing logic . Includes 26 IC positions for user designed logic and multiple external 1/0 provisions. $650.
MDB-48-013-01-WWI Universal logic module for P-E has a basic 16-bit 1/0 which includes: device addressi ng and handshake logic: 8 status lines: interrupt control including standard interrupt arm/disarm and enable/disable control. $500.
MDB-48·013-01 ·WW2 Universal logic module same as MDB-48-013:01-WWI except includes lo-profile sockets for 92 IC positions. $600.
MDB-48-o13H-01 Universal logic half module for P-E provides basic 16-bit l/O with device addressing and handshake logic : 8 status lines: interrupt control with standard arm/disarm and enable/disable logic: 16-bit input and 16-bit output register. $495 .
MDB-48-o13H-o2 Universal logic half module for P-E same as MDB-48-013H-Ol except includes lo-profile sockets for 42 IC positions. $550
MNTL-GP-8 General purpose bus foundation module for use with Intel 8-Bit single-board computers. Contains address selection logic which includes receivers and a decoder to provide 8 sequential addresses . The interrupt logic provides a request latch and a status latch for the nonbus vectored interrupts. All eight interrupt request lines are selectable. $245 .
MNTL-GP-16 General purpose Bus foundation module for use with Intel 16-bit single-board computers. Contains
address selection logic which includes receivers and a decoder to provide 8 sequential addresses. $295 . RTFM. I yr warranty. MOB Systems Inc, Orange, CA.
MSC 8103110 & Memory Expansion 4K/8 kB RAM , 4 EPROM sockets. IK to 16 kB capacity, I RS-232C serial 1/0 port, 48 parallel 1/0 lines.
MSC8104 951 IA or9512 APU optional , 16K/ 32 kB RAM. 4 EPROM sockets, lK to 32 kB capacity, I RS-232C serial 1/0 port, 48 parallel 1/0 lines.
MSC8050 Z80A.16kB/32kBRAM, IK-32K EPROM capacity. I RS-237C port, on-board OMA controller.
MSC8107 951 IA or9512 APU optional , 16k/ 32kB RAM. 4 EPROM sockets. IK to 32 kB capacity. 3 RS-232C serial l/0 ports. 24 parallel l/0 lines. Monolithic. Englewood, CO .
Powerl/O PB 32 DEC Quad PAK Rack and Quad PAK I/O Modules. Direct connection to DEC LSI 11-2 thru DRVl IJ board. Optical isolation 3A power switching. High density 1/0. PB 32DEC mounting rack $150: Quad PAKS $40.
Industrial Power 1/0 PB 24 mounting rack for Opto 22 l/O modules. Direct compat with Intel 8010. 8020. 8030 boards: also l/0 modules directly compat with ICS-80. $100-PB24.
PB16P1 Addressable Multiplexer Provides 1/0 expansion to 1024 points from 19 bits of any host parallel I/0 port. Building block design allows cost effective design by adding boards in 16-point l/0 increments to achieve required numberof points. $275 per 16-point board .
SAMUX Remote 1/0 System Provides serial data communication to any host serial 1/0 port. handles up to 8000 points of digital and analog 1/0 at up to 64 locations which can be located to 5000' from host. $25-$55 per point depending on mix of digital and analog points. Opto22, Huntington Beach. CA .
DMA-Q 22-bit OMA interface for LSl-11
HEX-Q Multi-processor linking system for the LSI-I I. Peritek, Oakland. CA.
62 Digital Design SEPTEMBER 1981
The Computer Compatible Directory Part Two
_ _ _ _S12ecial I/Os
CD23-4 OSI to SA4008 Interface Board Hard disk interface which allows users to interface from I to4Shugart SA4008 drives to one Ohio Scientific C3-C computer thru the existing controller board. $845.
CD-74 Interface Modification HW and SW modification to an Ohio Scientific C3-B computer which allows multiple (up to 4) Ohio Scientific Memory Products (formerly Okidata) series 3300 drives to one computer. $200. TEACOlnc. Michigan City. IN.
Series Ill Speech Synthesizer Module/S3D
Interfaces directly to 8080. 8085. Z80 system bus. includes 119 Basic vocabulary with extra socket to expand. Single + 5V supply. uses standard ROMs and EPROMs. Intelligible male voice.
System/Model TTS-X Unlimited vocabulary. speech peripheral device . ASCTI coded text input via RS232C. unrestricted English language output. Speech rate: 50-200 words/minute . Speaking modes: Lexical . prosodic. spell .
Series II Mini Speech Board/ S2A,S2B,S2C,S2S Economical stored speech board. Variety of standard vocabularies to chose from. Requires external filter and amplifier.
SPEECH 1000 Synthesizer Board/SP1000 Stored speech system using linear predictive coding (LPC) . High speech fidelity almost as natural sounding as a tape recording . 200 seconds of speech storage on board. Multibus compat. TIL parallel. RS232C. RTFM Telesensory Speech Systems. Palo Alto. CA.
____Ti_a12e Systems
Model 2000TV Dual-Drive Cartridge System: 256 kbytes per drive: RS 232 interface: RT- 11 compatible, $1395 . Vend Maint. 47 FO. ADAC Corporation. Woburn , MA.
LSl-30 Controller to integrate DEi 30 ips streamin g cartridge to LSI-I I under standard SW. emu lating TM-11 . $875 controller with SW .
DP-8000 6400 bpi cartridge tape backup to emulate the Pertee FT7000/ FT8000 formatted 9-track drive: $900 - Controller only.
DMB-1 6400 bpi cartridge tape backup with software for multibus based processor: $750 Controller with Software, $2900 complete Subsystems.
DS-100 6400 bpi cartridge tape backup with software for S-100 based processor: $500 Controller with Software. $2650 complete Subsys te m .
DRS-232 6400 bpi cartridge tape backup for RS-232 conection: $900 Controller only. $3300 complete Subsystem. Allm· Engineering Co. Inc. Computer Products Div. Natick. MA .
Magnetic Tape Heads New direct replacement magnetic tape heads for the OEM . Most model s avai lable . From 20% to 50% less. On Site Maint. Alternatives In Magentics . Valencia , CA.
Rigid Disk Cartridges Available for DEC RLOI , RKOI , RK02 , RK03. RK05 , RK08E, RK05A : also for Data General 6045 . 6046 . 6047 ' 6048. 6095: Diablo 41.43 .44: 6070: 4047A.B: Diablo 4237 .8.9 . Call for current prices . American National Supply Co. ANSCO. Gardena . CA .
Mag Tape System TFS 712 45. 75. or 125 ips dual density tape drive plus TFC 7 12 controller.
TFS812 45 . 75 . or 125 ips dual density tape drive plus TFC 812 controller.
TFS822 45. 75 . or 125 ips dual density tape drive plus TFC 822 controller.
TFS912 45 . 75 or 125 ips dual density tape drive plus TFC 912 controller.
GCR Mag Tape System TFS 706 6250 GCR/1600 PE/800 NRZI bpi mag tape system. Compal with DG's Nova/Eclipse computers .
TFS804 6250 GCR/1600 PE/800 bpi mag tape system for PDP-11/VAX-11 systems. TM-I I compat. For operation with VAX system TM11 handler furnished .
TFS805 6250 GCR/ 1600 PE/800 NRZI
For bpi mag tape system. TM-11
compat. operation with VAX system TM-11 handler furnished.
TFS806 6250 GCR/ 1600 PE/800 NRZI bpi mag tape system. TM- It compat . For operation with VAX system TM-11 handler furnished. End-user and OEM qty price avail. Vend Maint. 25 FO. AVIV Corp, Woburn. MA .
Single Disk Cartridges I00/130/Phoenix 671 , 681 top and front load single disk cartridges. BASF Systems Corporation. Bedford. MA .
TSQ 75 Mag Tape System Compal with DEC LSI-I I. Operates at 75 ips a nd has both NRZI 800 bpi and PE 1600 bpi mode capability. The basic system consists of a vacuum column tape drive with cabinet and a 2-board controller with cables.
TSO 75 and 125 Tape Systems Operates at 75 and 125 ips . res pectively . Both are DEC Unibus compat. SW compat with RT-I I. RSX-I I. RSTS/E. and !AS operating systems. Vend Maint. 55 FO. Braegen Minicomputer Peripherals Div. Anaheim. CA.
Streaming Tape Drives DEC TE16. TU45. TU77. Cipher 45 . 75 . 125 ips . Retail. systems integrator. Callfomia Data/ease Systems & Financial Corp. Anaheim. CA .
MT 80 Mag Tape Subsystem Multibus compat 1/2" mag tape system . NRZI (800 bpi) or PE ( 1600 bpi) operation. tape speeds up to 125ips. 10-I /2".8- l/2"or7" reel sizes. SW drivers avail.
QT 11 DEC Q -Bus compat mag tape subsystem. Emulates DEC TM 11. 45 . 75 or 125 ips . tension arm tape drives. 10- 1/2". 8-1/2" or 7" reel s izes . From $5250. Vend Maint w/in 50 mi . 3 FO. Comark Corp. Waltham , MA.
Cartridge Module Drive Combines removable cartridge fixed disk for PDP- I l s: Ve~d Maint from CDC/GE & DEC.
DTU n/100/125 100/125 ips tape drive. Dual PE/ NRZI format. dual GCR/PE format. PDP- I I compat.
DTU45 45 ips tape drive. Full PDP- I I compat. std interfaces. rack mountable. dual mode PE/NRZT. Vend Maint from CDC/GE & DEC. 4FO. Data Systems Services, El Toro. CA .
0451 1/2" mag tape transport. 800/1600 bpi . 45 ips . $4550 end user dual density . Vend Maint. 2 FO. Datum Inc, Anaheim, CA .
DICOM374 Cassette system micro controlled . Interfaces most minis and micros . I , 2. or 3 drives. ANSI or DIPHASE . Starts at $3280. Vend maint. 12 FO . Dicom Industries Inc, Sunnyvale . CA.
Model 6400 1/4" Cartridge Drive Reads and writes MFM or other high density codes at 6400 bpi , for transfers at 192 Kbits/second . in both " blocking" and "streaming" modes at 30 ips . High speed search operations are performed at 90 ips. Three levels of industry-standard interfacing are offered: basic drive : drive with control electronics and drive with control and MFM formatting electronics: $1265 , $1390. $tS65:RTFM.
Series 40 Mag Tape Systems Transports with embedded formatters and single board plug-in interfaces for PDP- I I . NOVA/ Eclipse. and HP2100/21MX computers . Transport reel sizes 7". 8- 1/2" and 10-1/2": speeds 12-1/2 to 75 ips: formats NRZ. PE. NRZ/ PE: densities 800. 1600 bpi for 9track and 200. 556 and 800 for 7track. $4850-$7775 . RTFM. I FO. Digi-Data Corp . Jessup, MD .
DCS/3 MCAR-1 Multibu s based system for 3M cartridge tape.
DCS/HD CDC Hawk drive with IO MB : Intel Multibus compatible with CP/M software: $8000.
DCS/MT Multibus interface for Cipher 1/2" mag tape with SW. Distributed Computer Systems , Waltham , MA.
Series Two 9 IEEE-488 mag tape recording system . 7" to 10-1/2" reel sizes. 12 .5 to 75 ips. Single and dual
64 Digital Design SEPTEMBER 1981
density. IBM. ECMA and ANSI compat. Up to 24 kB of l/0 memory. Transfer rate to 100 kB/sec.
Series Four IEEE-488 digital cartridge recording system. Single and dual density. I2MB formatted storage. 1600 and 6400 bpi. Transfer rate of 30kB/sec. Up to 24 kB of 1/0 memory.
Series Five HP-IB mag tape recording system. Compat with HP 3000 series. Requires no SW. Dual density. 45 to 125 ips . Up to 200 kB/sec trans fer rate .
Series Eight IEEE-488 microstreamer recording system. 100 ips. 1600 bpi. Disk backup. l/0 buffer storage up to 24 kB. Transfer rate over 150 kB/sec.
Series Ten HP-IB mag tape recording system . Compal with HP IOOOL. IOOOXL. Requires no SW. Single and dual density. 25 to 125 ips. Dy/on Corp , San Diego, CA.
STR-LinkllA Digital cassette recorder, completely self-contained unit, collects and transmits serial data between various data processing devices. Manual or remotely controllable program loader can be used with computers, controllers , and other devices which require temporary or permanent storage of digital data.
EPI STA-Stream I/4" cartridge magnetic tape drive designed for Winchester disk backup, large scale data and file storage systems, or any unique save and restore application.
EPI STR-610 Digital cartridge recorder utilizing the 3M DC-IOOA minicartridge serves in a broad range of applications including remote data logging , word processing, point-ofsale terminals, and IEEE 488 or standard Mini/Micro computer interfaced peripherals.
EPI STR-810 Utilizes the 3M DC-300 quarterinch cartridge: features include high speed search and optional format facilities .
STR-LINK Ill Self contained, µ.P-based , magnetic tape storage device for use with computers. controllers or other devices requiring temporary or permanent storage of digital information . Electronic Processors. Inc. Englewood. CO.
TD 1050 Series/TC 3000 Series 1/2" IBM compat. industry standard reel-to-reel tape drives. 1/4" ANSI/ECMA compat cartridge
recorders . $3000-$11.000. Vend Maint. 2 FO. Innovative Data Technology, San Diego, CA.
Mark Ill, Mark V Cartridges 2.5-IOMB cartridges suitable for use on virtually all drives in this range - special sectoring and formatting available Vend Maint, 15FO. Memorex-Rigid Media & Components Div, Santa Clara , CA .
CR300 Compact Cartridge Recorder The compact CR300 (5.5" x 8.5" x 8. 5") provides record/playback of digital data on DC300A (1/4") data cartridge . 30-ips tape speed with 90-ips search/rewind. 1600bpi PE recording the CR300 utilizes a completely sealed. interchangeable SUPER PAC cartridge. Reliable in severe military environments and operator-proof data security. $5000.
CR 600 Mag Tape Cartridge Recorder Reel-to-reel cartridge recorder offers cartridge operation and reel interchangeability with IBM compat transports. Utilizing 7" reels with 600' of storage. supply reel within cartridge readily removed for loading & processing on any IBM compat mag tape unit. Processes data at 25-ips tape speed in IBM compat 556/800-bpi NRZI format or optional 1600-bpi PE format. Rewind at 50-ips. $11.300.
AT-1161 Tape Transport (Auto Threading) operates to 130 ips with 200/556/800 bpi NRZI format. Optional 1600 bpi PE. Complies with MIL-E-16400/ MIL-T-21200. Built-in test equipment. Unit is interfaced to NORDEN (DEC) and ROLM (DG). Litton 3050. CDC 560124A µ.P (ANEW interface). Varian 620. Honeywell RL-6 . others. $23.500. Mi/rope Corp, Plainview, NY.
T1000 Vacuum col tape drive . 75-125 ips. $7565 OEM qty 100.
T7000 Tape transport. 7" tape. 12.5-18.75 ips . $2505 OEM qty 100.
T8000 Tape transport . IO" tape. I2.5-25 ips . $3525 OEM qty 100.
T9000 Vacuum col tape drive. 37 .5-75 ips. $4245 OEM qty 100. Vend Maint. 9FO. Pertee Computer Corp. Chatsworth. CA.
PMTS11 Mag tape subsystem for PDP- I I is direct replacement for TM I I{TV
IO tape system. Compal w/all DEC SW diagnostics.
SYST-13V Line of disk cartridge micro systems: 128 kB MOS memory.
PM·DSA 11/32 Cartridge disk subsystem contains DC! 100 controller with PMDD 11/32 CMD Disk Drive: one 13.4MB fixed: one I3.4 MB front-loading cartridge.
PM-DSA11 5 & 10-MB cartridge disk subsystem for PDP- I I.
PM-CSV11 Minicartridge tape backup subsystem for LSI- I I.
PM-DSV-21L RL02 equiv. disk cartridge subsystem for LSI- I I.
PM-DCV11A Cartridge disk controller for LSI11 based systems. Plessey Peripheral Systems. 1691 Browning, Irvine, CA.
Group 3000 Tape System Triple density 125 ips system for HP3000. Combines 800. 1600 and 6250 bpi recording densities in one system. 781 kB transfer rate. ANSI/IBM compat. Qua/ex Technology Inc, Reseda, CA .
RDS-58 Mass Storage Unit Version of DEC's TU-58 dual drive tape cartridge unit. Completely compatible with DEC/LSI HW and SW. $1425. RTFM . Remtech Inc, Huntsville, AL.
Architape 14 MB cartridge tape backup for all Perkin-Elmer 16- and 32-bit minicomputers, and Tektronix 4081 graphics systems: half-card
Z-80 based "Smart" interface. $4800 in single qty. (OEM discount): RTFM. Scientific Enterprises, Inc , Wilsonville, OR.
9700-53 Mag Tape System DEC-compat. tri-density (800/ 1600/6250 bpi) tape drive & controller. 75/125 ips. $32.100$36.600 depending on CPU interface.
9700-20 Mag Tape System DEC-compat. dual density (1600/ 6250 bpi) tape drive & controller. 75 ips. $26. 100-$30.600 dependine on CPU interface. Vend Maint. 14~FO.
System Industries, Sunnyvale. CA.
800 Series Datacassette µ.P intelligence and RS-232 plug compat. On-line/off-line with remote control. Optional ANSI/ ECMA recording format. File skip. binary mode. 2400 baud. editing. Half/full duplex . async transmission. 20 ips R/W. 120 ips rewind. Techtran Industries Inc, Rochester, NY.
MT201/4" Cartridge tape drive. $950: $1395 with formatter. Vend Maint. 2 FO. TEAC. Montebello. CA.
5017/8401 Rugged high-performance moving head drive with controller for PDP- I I: has interspersed servo track following system: 52 MB top load cartridge with I fixed disk. Avg. access time, 5.5 ms: transfer rate - 763. 8 bytes/sec. Vermont Research Corp. N. Springfield. VT.
Test Equipment/ Instrumentation
clone-A-prom 2716/2732 5V EPROM copier. $299. Warranty and RTFM . Alloy Engineering Co , Inc, Computer Products Div. Natick, MA .
MACSYM20 Intellieent measurement & control fr~nt end. RS232 compat. 16 I/0 card slots (512 channel max). 3400 channels/sec sampling rate to RAM. data storage for 18000 readings. $4980 base. Vend Maint. 9FO. Analog Devices Inc , Systems Div, Nonvood, MA.
MODEL 1038 Floppy disk drive exerciser for any 5-1 /4" or 8" Shugart compat
floppy disk drive. $520 . Vend Maint. A VA Instrumentation Inc, Ben Lomond, CA.
DEC Memory Tester Model T-119 Semiconductor/core memory board tester. Stand-alone. bench-top tester. Fixtures avail for LSI- I I and PDP- I I series memories . $13.400. RTFM. Concept Development Inc. Costa Mesa , CA.
Unibus Cable Tester OST11-A Unibus cable tester allows convenient verification of continuity of all Unibus lines simultaneously. $195. 30day warranty. RTFM. Datafusion Corp, Calabasas, CA.
SEPTEMBER 1981 Digital Design 65
The Computer Part Two
Test Equipment/ Instrumentation
µ.M In-circuit emulation for 8080. 8085. Z-80 and 68xx type /-'P's . Distributed Computer System , Waltham , MA .
EP-710 Personality Board Personality board plugs into Intel's Universal PROM programmer and allows user to program the 2508. 2758. 2716. 2732. 2732A and 2532 EPROM types. $625. Factory 1 yr warranty and service. Eden Engineering, San Jose, CA.
Video Reader Model 9763 Combines frame store and reader functions in single unit to allow operator to accurately measure points of interest within both real time and frozen frame TV video interfaces to HP 9800 Series via HPIB. $9500. RTFM. Instrumentation Technology Svstems. Northridge, CA.
0132 Logic Analyzer 32 to 64 channel logic analyzer. To 400 MHz (2 .5 ns) sampling rate. IEEE-488 and RS232 compat. $12.000-$17 .000. VendMaint. IOFO. lntech Instruments Div. Santa Clara. CA.
DGEB-01 Extender board for 00. Used to extend interface board from computer chassis for trouble shooting. $193 .
MBl-49-EB 18" extender board for IBM Series I that allows easy debugging of circuitry developed on MDB wire wrap boards. or can be used for trouble shooting of Series/I boards. $395 . RTFM . I yr. warranty. MDB Systems Inc , Orange . CA.
IEEE-488 Bus Tester (GPIB-400) Will test/analyze IEEE-488 based systems. Will operate as a singlestep controller or monitor. By use of an external RS-232 port. a standard terminal may be used to implement fast troubleshooting via the 400's automatic source or acceptor handshake modes. $995 (1-9). RTFM . National Instruments. Austin, TX.
NDRV-11 Parallel Line Interface SW compat with Digital's DRV11. switch selected register and vector addresses. word or byte transfers . $240.
NDRV11-B Parallel OMA Interface SW compat with Digital's DRVl 1B. switch selected device and interrupt vector addresses. Data transfer rate up to SOOK. 16-bit words/sec. $570. Vend Maint. Netcom Products Inc , Sunnyvale, CA.
Unibus Status Monitor PDM-U1 Dual wide status monitor that provides the capability of monitoring all 56 Unibus signals simultaneously. Each signal is displayed by a LED and can be stored in an onboard latch . 1-9. $350; 10-24. $315:25-49.$300:50-99 . $275. Pacific Digital Systems, Sunnyvale, CA.
GM Serles Systems GM/PLl/O Data acquisition sub-systems: A/ D conversion systems: D/A conversion systems. $10.000 to $80 .000.
GM Series System ADC11 l/O Data acquisition sub-systems: A/ D conversion systems; DIA conversion systems. $10.000 to $80 .000. Preston Scientific Inc, Anaheim, CA.
6809ASM Cross-assembler. relocatable. macro. 6809. ISIS-I I compat. $1200.
F8/3870/72 ASM Cross-assembler. relocatable. macro . F8/3870/3872. ISIS-I I compat. $995.
8051 ASM Cross-assembler. relocatable . macro. 8051. ISIS- I I compat. $1200 .
ASM 1802 Cross-assembler. relocatable. macro. 1802. ISIS-II compat. $995 .
A S M Z 8 0 0 0 / ASMZ8K Cross-assembler. relocatable. macro. Z800. ISIS-I I compat. $1950.
ASM6500/01 /02 Cross-assembler. relocatable. macro. 6500/01/02. ISIS-I I compat. $995.
6805ASM Cross-assembler. relocatable. macro. 6805. ISIS-I I compat. $1200.
800ASM Cross-assembler. relocatable. macro. NSC 800. ISIS-I I compat. $995 .
Z8ASM Cross-assembler. relocatable. macro. Z8 ISIS-I I compat. $1200.
Z80 Spice (In-circuit Emulator) Z80 microcomputer emulator for Intellec development system. Includes Spice operating system and ISIS- I I compat Z80 assembler. Z80A - $4800; Z80AMB $5590 (includes 64K memory).
Z80ASM Cross-assembler. relocatable. macro. Z80. ISIS- I I compat. $995. RTFM. Relational Memory Systems/ RELMS, San Jose, CA.
EYECOMPMS Automatic non-contact dimensional measurement system for incoming inspection of part or in process inspection of parts for LSI-11/2 . $40.000- $90.000. Spatial Data Systems . Goleta, CA.
VERS-1/0 For PDP. LSI 11/2. 11/23 series. Provides the user with a convenient. flexible means of interfacing PDP-11. LSI to external equipment for control and monitoring funct ions. SW can be readily developed in MACRO. BASIC or FORTRAN. $1875. Vend Maint. Spectrogram Corp . No. Haven, CT.
STEP-3 Development instrument compat with DEC. DG . HP. P-E. IBM . Intel. and all computer systems with an RS 232 port for interface. Includes ROM simulator with built in logic analyzer with process controls for debug. 7FO. Step Engineering. Sunnyvale , CA .
TE001 Interface Monitor Continuity Tester Has 2 functions : tests continuity on cables for proper loading and works as a break out box to monitor signals. $249. Vend Maint. I FO. Tel Com Products Inc, Westmont, IL.
3PX 140 5" single-sided flexible disk certifier. Performs ANSI tests . 1-'Pcontrolled. adjustable threshold. 3 operating modes. used for production or evaluation.
3PX 148 8". 4-drive. dual-sided flexible disk production certifier. Performs ANSI specified tests. adjustable thresholds. 1-'p controlled. Includes sort assist for disk classification.
3PX 158 5" and 8" dual-sided flexible disk certifier. 2 drives in one unit. 1-'p controlled with adjustable thresholds . Economical production and evaluation tool.
3PX 133 8" single sided flexible disk certifier. - Performs ANSI specified tests. 1-'p controlled. Adjustable thresholds . 3 operating modes. Used for production or evaluation.
3PX 134 8" dual-sided flexible disk certifier. Performs ANSI specified tests . 1-'p controlled. Adjustable thresholds. 3 operating modes. Used for production or evaluation. Vend Maint. 3 FO. Three Phoenix Co , Phoenix, AZ.
SX-530 Storage Module Tester Drive variations accommodated by plug-in interface cards include CDC SMD. CMD & MMD; the Kennedy 5300: Trident T25-T300. Ampex SMD compat. Pertee. Priam. BASF. SL!. !Ml. ANSI standard and other 8" and 14" Winchester devices. $2250.
DX-1000 Disk Drive Tester Portable designed to evaluate and exercise IBM type 2315-5440. disk drives manufactured by many companies. $2250.
FX-500 Floppy Disk Drive Tester Prol!rammable to serve all standard - drives including GSI-110 . Shugart 800/801/900/901. Wangco 76/76S. Calcomp 142M/143M. Pertee FD5xx/FD400. Memorex 550/552 and similar drives . $1495.
CX-500 Communications Exerciser Provides all testing capabilities to detect and isolate problems that occur in RS-232-C or current loop data communications interfaces. $1295 .
TX-1200 Tape Drive Tester Portable tester used on any digital tape transport and will handle NRZI or PE at speeds from 12 .5 to 75 ips. Also customer specified interface and tape speeds of up to 250 ips avail. $2250.
TFX-500 Formatted Tape Drive Tester Tests formatters for Cipher Microstreamer type drives. Substitution of cable end adapters allows testinl! of Kennedy. Datum. Cipher. Pe-rtec. P-E and other dual-mode formatters. $1795. RTFM. Wilson Laboratories Inc , Orange , CA .
66 Digital Design SEPTEMBER 1981
ZT80 IEEE-488 (GPIB) Bus interface/processor. Multibus intelligent slave processor. $995 .
ZT7399 Dual 4 digit BCD counter/timer for STD Bus. 2 MHz count rate . optional human-readable display . $275 .
ZT7502 Reed relay cards for STD Bus. S dry or mercury-wetted relays. $195 - $360. Vend Maint. Ziatech Corp , San Luis Obispo, CA .
Emuloader (10047) ODT/ Bootstrap Loader Provides fixed console emulator (ODT) + bootstrap loaders replacing DEC BMS73 , M9301, M9312 boot, terminator, console emulator. $750.
Qniverter (10067) Bus Converter Pennits LSI- I I , LSI-11/23 or PDP 11/03 to access Unibus compat controllers + memories, OR pennits PDP- I I Unibus systems to access LSI-I I compat controllers + memories. $S25 .
Interlink/LSI (10049) Buslink Q-Bus version of DEC ORI 1-B OMA interface for LSls. $950.
Interlink/UNI (10046) Buslink Replaces DEC DRl 1-B OMA interface and l/2ofDAI 1-B Unibus Link. $1600.
Rebus (10014) Bus Repeater Allows physical + electrical extension of DEC Unibus (19 extra bus loads and 50' extension in bus length). $1500.
Buslink/UNl/LSl/U-Q High-speed, parallel , half-duplex OMA channel between 2 DEC computers (Unibus to Unibus, QBus to Unibus, Q-Bus to Q-Bus . From $2100-$3600. Vend Maint, I FO. Able Computer, Irvine , CA .
1014 Data Acquisition 16-channel MUX, 14-bit ADC. LSI-11 , -11/2 , - 11 /23 compat. SI 195.
1616/MIC 16-line multiple interrupt encoder LSI-I I. -11/2 , -11/23 compat. Optically isolated input, prioriry encoding. $495.
1616 CCI & 1632 HCO 16-line contact closure detector. 32-line high current driver. LSI! I , -11 / 2, -11/23 compat. 1616 CCI: $275; 1632 HCO: $395.
1604/0PI & 1604/POC 4-channel pulse counter. 4channel pulse generator. LSI- I I ' -11/2 , -11/23 compat. 1604/0PI: $395; l604/POC: S520.
1023AD 16-channel MUX. 12-bit ADC with LSI-11/23 compat interrupt
structure . 35/100 KHz throughput. $695.
1012 16-channel MUX , 12-bit ADC, 35 KHz throughput , 100 KHz optional. $630.
735/DAC 4-channel 12-bit DACs. All Mul tibus CPUs . Third wire sense for ground noise rejection . $520.
710-RL Low Level Data Acquisition 16-channel thermocouple digi tizer. All Multibus CPUs. Input full scale ranges from 10 mv to 500 mv . Programmable gain amplifier with 6 gain settings. S1145 .
735/SBC 64-channel MUX 12-bit ADC with 2 DACs. All Multibus CPUs . Single-ended or differential inputs, voltage/current loop inputs. $520 to $1070.
600111 DA Multi-Channel DAC 4 channels of 12-bit DAC. POPI I series compat. $1075 .
1620 OMA, 1620 TTL Controller used to allow OMA ' transfers . LSI- I I , -11/2 , - 11/23 compat. 1620 OMA: $450: 1620 TTL: $350.
1900 & 1950 Bus Interface Cards 1900: Unibus to LSI-I I bus translator. 1950: Bus repeater. LSI- I I , -11/2. - 11/23 compat. 1900: $650: 1950: $450.
500/DGC, 535/DGC 64-channel input , 12-bit ADC with OMA . DG Nova and Eclipse compat. High -speed sample and hold. 35/100 KHz throughput. $1545 to $3000.
600/11AD, 635/11AD 64-channel MUX , 12-bit, 4 channels of DAC. PDP- I I series compat. $1795 to $3000.
600/8EDA 4-channel , 12-bit DAC. PDP-SE, F, M +A compat. $1050.
600/8EAD, 635/8EDA 64-channel MUX , 12-bit ADC . PDP-SE, F, M + A compat. $1545 to $2400.
1601 GPT General purpose timer. LSl-11 . - 11/2. - 11/23 compat. 16-bit
counter, SW programmable clock. $595 .
1412DA 4-channel 12-bit DAC. LSI- I I , - 11/2, - 11/23 compat. $545 .
1113AD Low -level ADC with up to 12S input channels. Can directly digitize thennocouples. LSI- II , -11/ 2 , -11/23 compat. $495.
1030Series 64-channel MUX , 12-bit ADC , 2channel 12 bit DAC. $630 to $1400. Vend Main!, 47 FO. ADACCorp, Woburn . MA .
AR-Z100 High Speed Digitizer 15 MHz sampling ofreal-time signals with storage for up to 4MB . Local editing and time-tagging plus many other features/options . Typically $100,000 up .
AR-40 Microcomputer/ Signal Processor An attached or independent signal processing system for data reduction . array processing , data interpretation and control. $10,000 up .
AR-10 Signal Processor An attached signal processing peripheral for programmable array processing , data interpretation and control. From $45 ,000 to $155 ,000. Vend Maint, 2 FO. Adams-Russell . Digital Processing Div, Waltham , MA .
LC-36 Protocol Translator Allows any RS232C peripheral to be compat with Burroughs Poll Select Protocol. $995.
LC-3000 Protocol Translator Allows any RS232C peripheral to be compat with H-P's MTS3000 multipoint terminal SW. $1595 . Vend Maint. Agile Corp. Sunnyvale, CA.
ANDS5400 Data Acquisition The System will acquire, condition , measure . translate and output a wide variery of signal types, enabling direct connection to real world environment. SW controllable throughput rates up to IOOKHz . specifiable resolution up to 16 bits for analog 1/0. Vend Maint. 35 FO . Analogic Corp, Wakefield, MA .
Compat Products Distributor for Applied Digital Data Systems. Control Data Corp. Data Products . Data Technology Corp. Seagate Technology and Televideo Systems . CRTs. disk drives. printers. interface boards. etc . Arrow Electronics, Sunnyvale, CA .
IF-11/1100 Mainframe Interfaces Allows interconnection of POPI I to 1/0 channels of a Univac 494 or 1100 series processor. Provides mapping of Univac word into PDP-I I 16-bit word. Word mapping can be varied under program control and is defined using replaceable PROM devices within the controller. $19 ,000.
IF-11/6600 Provides interface for the PDP- I I on a Control Data CDC 6600 Processor. Word mapping can be specified . $19 ,000.
IF-1117600 Provides interface for the PDP- I I on a Control Data CDC 7600 Processor. Word mapping can be specified. $19,000.
IF-11/B6700 Allows PDP- I I to attach to a Burroughs B6700 Processor. Allows parallel data transfer with 1/0 multiplexer in excess of 300 kB/ sec when attached to the Burroughs SPC- l6A . $19,000.
IF-11/Bnoo Allows PDP- I I to attach to a Burroughs B7700 Processor. Allows parallel data transfer with 1/0 multiplexer in excess of 300 kB/ sec when attached to the Burroughs SPC-16A. $19.000.
IF-11/370 Interface for PDP- 11 Unibus to IBM 370 Byte Multiplexer, Block Multiplexer, or Selector Channel. $19 ,000.
IF-11/NTDS Provides means of connecting a PDP- I I with processors or peripherals adhering to US Navy NTDS interface standards. Fullduplex OMA capabilities to and from PDP- I I memory . $15 ,000 .
IF-110/NTDS Allows connections of LSI-I I (PDP-11/23) to 32-bit wide NTDS system . Full -duplex parallel transfer takes place on a OMA basis. Requires I dual slot and 2 quad slots in LSI- I I backplane. $9100 .
IF-11/H6000 Provides interface between POPI I and Honeywell 6000 Processor. Mapping if di ssimil ar word sizes between the two machines can be specified . $15 .000.
UA/11 Unibus adaptor for LSI- I I , PDP11 /03 and PDP-23 systems . Allows Unibus device s to be connected to these syste ms.
SEPTEMBER I9S I Digital Design 67
The Computer Compatible Directory Part Two
FCSR Function Control Switch Register front panel contains 16 switches and indicators accessed as a single definable address in PDP- I I peripheral address space . Connects to the Unibus for use as a function switch and display register on 11 /04 and 11/34 Processors . $1000.
DG/11·A High -speed data transform unit provides a means for moving blocks of data (messages) from one area of PDP- I I memory to another. Operates on DMA basis and can expand, compress , justify . and generally manipulate characters as in formation is moved . Operates on bit boundaries. $4000. Vend Maint, 2 FO. Associated Computer Consultants, Santa Barbara . CA .
ACS/ Wang Compat Interface External box for Televideo 950 terminal , built-in power supply
and cables . Compat w/Wang
MVP. LVP + VP computers.
ACS/ Wang Compat Interfaces
External box for Tally 1612 RO
TI820 RO + Diablo 1640. 1650 + 630 RO printers. Built-in power supply + cables. Compat w/Wang
MVP. LVP . VPandTcomputers .
$1100. Vend Maint. Automated Control Systems Inc,
Bellevue . WA.
Magnetic Media 1258 Trident disk pack/1268 storage module . 80MB storage capacity di sk packs.
2000 A.O. Premium grade computer tape .
EnduraTape Computer tape. 4 FO . BASF Systems Corp . Bedford, MA .
DH- 11 VAX/VMS Terminal
A versatile terminal driver that
offers advanced DH-1 1 VAX
Terminal/Driver capabilities for
VAX systems . Features include:
programmable line parameters.
DMA output to 19.2K baud per
line. split speed, full modem con-
trol forRS232 . supportofVT-100.
VT-52 and inte ll igent terminals.
normal VAX user interface . Sup-
ports DEC and ABLE DH-11 type
products . $1450.
Best & Midcom Data Svstems.
Orange. CA .
BC223 System Provides max performance based on the DEC LSI-11/23 processor. Utilizes state-of-the-art Winchester and tape cartridge technology. Wide range of options avail. Up to 256 kB of MOS memory . SW compat with RT-11 and RSX- 1I M .
BC 323 Computer System LSI- 11 /23 processor. Up to 256 kB memory . DLV1IJ 4-channel port. 75 ips tape drive . Housed in a 5' cabinet. 80MB SMD disk drive on pedestal. Vend Maint, 55 FO. Braegen Minicomputer Peripherals Div. Anaheim, CA.
Turnkey Distributors PDP-I I famil y. Professional market target. BST Data Svstems Inc. Tampa , FL :
MBC-11 , MBB-11 LSI- I I compat bubble memory system . Up to 655 kB non -volatile mass storage in 40 kB increments.
MBB-80 Bubbl-Board Intel (and other) SBC-80 Multibus compat bubble-memory system. 92 kB non-vol atile memory and all required control logic and page buffering. Typically $2000. Bubbl-Tec Div, Dublin , CA .
Processors, Concentrators LS I-X .25 front end processor. LSI-X .25 intelligent host port concentrator. 11 C-$6750 to $13 ,950: F .E.P $16 ,000. Sell , Service, 3 FO. Cableshare Limited. London , Ontario .
DEC Compat Products D2-1 I async MUX , DH! I async . MUX . DC- I I interface , DDl I backplanes. MS- I I memory , MK 11 memory . RM05 di sk drive controllers , TU77 tape drives. Wholesale, Vend Maint . 2 FO. California Computer Group . Costa Mesa. CA .
MC85SBC 8085A-Z-based SBC , 5 MHz operation . Multibus compat (8 bits) . 12 interrupt levels. 3 16-bit counters. Complete display controller. 4K RAM. 48 1/0 ports . 80/20 structure. keyboard input, RS232 port, 1/0 mon itor included . $1295 . Vend Maint w/ in 50mi. 3 FO. COMA RK Corp . Waltham . MA .
TC-3 Terminal Concentrator Plugs on Unibus and communicates with 8 remote terminals over
one phone line. The local TC-3 board combines DZl 1-A functions with statistical multiplexing in one hex slot. The remote TC-3 unit connects to 4 or 8 async terminal devices . Features up to 40% cost savings , high performance, auto SW downloading , powerful diagnostic panel and complete transparency. TC-3 local: $3200: TC-3 4-line remote: $1950: TC-3 8-line remote: $2650.
TC-5 Statistically multiplexes 4 to 16 ports and is compat with all systems using async terminals . Features up to 400% throughout improvement , easy front panel programming , powerful diagnostic and status monitoring capabilities , complete transparency , Autobaud, ECHOPLEX . Alarm Messages, statistical readouts, data viewing and dial-up capabilities . 4-Port: $1625: 8-Port: $2450: 12-Port: $3300: 16-Port: $4150 . Vend Maint, next day replacement . ComDesign Goleta , CA .
QUICModule Q-Bus to Unibus bus converter, line clock, 2 RS-232 serial lines, 16K x 16 bits RAM . $2495/ QUIC backplane-$850. Computer Design and Applications Inc. Newton . MA .
NTDS to PDP-11 Unibus IF/NPFM Thi s interface allows data transfers between devices with a
NATO std I/0 port (such as AN/
UYK -20. AN/ USH-26. etc ) and DEC Un ibus. Data transfers are DMA and can be 16- or 32-bit parallel words.
Computing Devices Co, Div of Control Data Canada . Nepean , Ontario.
Interface Cables DEC , IBM . TI . DG. Wang. H-P. compat cables.
RS232C Null Modem Cable Wiring configuration negates need for a modem when direct communication is required but system is configured to operate only with an interfacing modem .
RS232C Interface Cables 25 position ' D' connectors and 25 conductor. 22AWG wire. shielded or unshielded for interfacing computer equipment of the majo~ manufacturers . Craig Data Cable Co. Inc, Stamford. CT.
SOSO Line Distribution Rack Current loop , RS232C or RS449 line interface cards for DEC DHl 1 MUX . Rack-mount 16 or 32 cards in 10-1/2". LEDs show data movement. Select 20mA or EIA on line-by-line basis . Plugconnectable with DHl 1-AA , SD150, SD250 and SD450. SD 50/16-$4700: SD50/32-$8800.
SD1 50 Multiplexor Trunk S w it c h Electronic fallback switch for DEC DH! I type MUXes. The SD150 can switch up to 256 terminals between 2 CPUs in groups of 32 . Rack-mount, pushbutton control panel , also has 8-bit port for SW control. $2900-$7800.
SD250 Terminal Line Switch Electronic fallback switch for DEC DH! I type MUXes. Switches 32 serial Jines between 2 CPUs. Individual line control or group control. Rack mount , pushbutton control panel , 8-bit port for SW control. $2100.
SD450 Electronic Matrix Switch Electronic switch array for multiple DEC DHl I type MUXes . Any port to any terminal up to 128 x 256. Port expansion - more lines than ports, port contentionuser controlled switching , preset pattern switching for fast reconfiguring . $6000-$100,000. RTFM or on-site spares. Crosspoint Systems Inc. Eugene . OR .
Unibus Router OSR11·A Allows reconfiguration of Unibus with the push of a button. Many CPUs can share many buses. Uses include backup and reduction of expensive peripherals. $2900. 2 CPUs. I bus .
Associate File Processor, AXP
An efficient HW approach to text retrieval in large unformatted tex-
tual data bases~ $39.000.
Bus Repeater OSB11·A Repeats Unibu s signals an additional 50' and allows 19 additional loads . Ultra fast. only 40 ns delay through repeater. Plugs into 2 adjacent SUs in place of an M920 jumper. $1250 . RTFM . 30 day to I yr warranty. Datafusion Corp, Calabasas . CA .
510/Mlcro Mutt Remote diagnostic tool that allows the CPU to be assessed from a remote terminal to provide HW di agnostic or SW debugging and updating. $895.
68 Digital Design SEPTEMBER 1981
420/Programmable Terminal Interface 16 channel of MUX. Each line individually switchable for RS232 or 20 mA. Operates in CPU chassis of NOVA 3, NOVA 4 and Eclipse. $2200 incl udes distribution panel. Vend Maint. Custom Systems Inc, Eden Prairie, MN.
MBIBoard 512 kB memory bank interface for use in place of P-E's local memory · bank interface module. $3300.
R03 Bus Repeater LSI- I I bus repeater allows the extension of the Q-Bus beyond 20 loads. $350.
B04 Chassis Assembly 7" LSI- I I system chassis with 8 quad-slot backplane, power supply, dual TU58s and controller. $2700.
P03 Parity Control Card This dual-wide card provides the control circuitry to allow LSI-I I parity memory to operate with the LSl-11/23 processor. $300. RTFM . Dararam Corp, Cranbury. NJ.
101100 Image Display System 1024 x 1024 pixel image display system. DEC Unibus compat, high resolution display of monochrome or color images. From $25 ,000. Vend Maint, 2 FO. De Anza Systems Inc, San Jose. CA .
RTP Series Measurement And Control Analog and digital I/0 interface equipment compat with PDP- I I, LSI-II , DO . H-P , Intel, Texas, Modcomp. Computer Automation.
IBM and P-E. $2000 +. Vend
Maint. I FO. Di-An Dara Systems Ltd, Stockport. England .
Diagnostic Engineering Services Diagnostic products for DEC/DO compat products. OS drivers for DEC compat products (RSX-1 IM. RT-11 and VMS).
LSl-11 Diagnostic and Bootstrap PROMs I kB power-up diagnostics and RX/ RL bootstrap PROMs for LS I-I I systems. Direct insertion into MXVI I-A compat modules. $90/set. Direct mail replacement of failing components. I FO. Dice Systems Inc, Nashua. NH.
401 Multi Processor General purpose multi-processing computing system. Uses LSI 11/ 23 with 8085A front end. Cassette subsystem. and 5-1 /4" Winchester
standard . Full range of printers, CRTs. communications avail. Starts at $16 ,500. Vend Maint. 12 FO. Dicom Industries Inc, Sunnyvale, CA.
DSC-4 Microcomputer System An Intel Multibus compat multiuser Z80A-based µ.P system. Will address upto512K RAMand interfaces to HiNet local computer network . Basic system with 128K RAM , 2 floppy disks - $6950. Vend Maint, I FO. Digital Microsystems Inc , Oakland, CA.
TCU-150 Calendar Clock Battery-supported calendar clock for PDP- I I Unibus. Continuously maintains year, month , day. hour, min, sec. Batteries support for 3 mo, but recharge automatically when computer power restored. $460.
TCU-100 Time-of-day calendar clock , battery-supported . PDP-I I Unibus. Continuously maintains month , day. hour. min. sec. Batteries good for 3 mo. recharge automatically when power restored. Programmable interrupts. $495.
TCU-50D Battery-supported time-of-day calendar clock for LSI-I I Q-Bus. Dual-width board maintains hour, min, sec, mo, day. Battery supported (self-recharging) time is continuously avai l. $325 . Digital Pathways Inc. Mountain View, CA.
DCS 86/16 SBC 16-bit using Intel 8086 µ.P .
DCS 8010A SBC Compal with Intel 80IOA. $425. Vend Maint. Distributed Computer Systems. Waltham. MA.
Orion µ.P Systems STD Bus-based. CP/M based dual 8" floppy disk . Vend Maint , I FO. DY-4 System In c. Ottawa, Ontario.
AME 1000 Microcomputer System Unlimited expansion options for industrial control applications. Allows up to IO modules to be added to a Rockwell AfM 65 microcomputer. within a single enclosure. Drives floppies and mini -floppie s. cassettes . D to A and A to D modules. solid state relays. CRTs and printers . A disk operating system . SW and application engineeri ng are also offered. Dynarem Inc, £/Toro. CA.
Compat Products Complete DEC/DO PC supplier. Vend Maint , 12 FO. EMC 2, Newton, MA.
SECS2 Ruggedized 16-bit mini I/O & SW compat to PDP- I I. Floppy drive: ruggedized floppy disk SEDS-1. Controllers: tape system controller, 1553 bus controller. I/O analog boards: serial I/0 for RS232/422 . Also: supply, extenders, half, full ATR chassis. MIL E5400, MIL E16400, MIL E4158B . EMM. Severe Environment Systems Co. Chatsworth. CA.
Video-Mate Video Board 3 programmable character sizes: programmable screen format: programmable reverse video characters . 2716 compat character ge nerator RAM . Includes graphic character set: 64 or 80 character/ line versions: 2K on-board RAM: STD Bus compat: composite & non-composite video outputs: 5 V on ly operation. 80 char x 25 line version - $265: 64 char x 28 line version - $249.
Memory Mate 16K to 48K RAM expansion: parity check circuitry: programmable tone output : PROM sockets on-board: compat mounting under AIM: programmable write protect: I/O ports with handshaking: STD Bus interface (opt). w/l~K RAM-$440: w/32K RAM-$495 : w/48K RAM-$550 .
STD-Mate STD Bus interface card to the memory-mate board. Direct interface to STD Bus card cage from AIM 65 development system. Substitutes for a 6502 processor card in STD Bus card cage. Allows single step trace breakpoint and other debugging/development facilities with actual system 1/0 in place. With 50-pin 3' cable-$140: without cable-$120.
AIM-Mate Power Supply (A.M.P.S.) 4" x 10": 2-1/4" tall: powers entire AIM-Mate system - including AIM 65: provides 5V (ii' 3.5A: 12V @ 200mA. 24V@ .5A avg: accommodates either 115 or 230 VAC input . and includes short circuit & over vol tage protection. $79. RTFM. Forethought Products. Eugene. OR.
Gateway Series 16-Bit SBC Ff-86C. Ff-86/FP, FT-86M. FT86M/FP and FT-68M. With Intel's 8086. 8087 and Motorola 68000. Multibus compat. multimaster capability. From $1250 to $2950. Vend Maint. Forward Technologv Inc. San Jose. CA.
QLV11 LSI- I I quad serial sync/async I/0 interface. Furnishes 4 DLVI 1-E compat serial ports with full modem control. $800: $520 qty 100.
BP84 LSI-I I Q-Bus backplane and cardcage, accommodates 8 quad height or 16 dual height modules. $350: $227 qty 100.
TBC LSI-I I terminator/boostrap/clock . $350: $227 qty 100.
DRV11 LSI - I I general purpose parallel I/ 0 interface. HW/SW compat with DEC DRVI I. $250: $162 qty 100.
DLV11 LSI-I I serial async 1/0 interface. HW/SW compat with DEC DLVI I. $250: $162 qty 100. Vend Maint. General Robotics Corp, Hartford. WI. GRS 232~S8RC Switching Unit Remote connection of up to 3 peripheral devices to a CPU or modem . Switching of all basic EIA interface signals . Communication speeds up to !MB/sec. $289; $198 in OEM qty .
GBNC-SS Terminal Switchers Compal with WANG, H/P, IBM and DEC . Will switch one terminal between 3 or more CPUs or modems . The GBNC-S8RC can be operated via remote control. $139 for GBNC-S8: $298 for GBNC-S8RC. OEM qty discounts avail. Gilrronix Inc . Palo Afro, CA.
Industrial Distributor Flexible/rigid disk drives , I/0, memory, teminals. printers, etc. Hamilton/Avnet Electronics. Culver City, CA.
H-11 A Computer System Uses same µ.P memory, interfacing and operating system as DEC LSl-11, runs SW designed for PDP-11/03 . $1395 for kit: $1995 for assembled. Vend Maint , 57 FO. Heath Co. Benton Harbor, Ml
Periphicon Series 500 Image Digitizer System Includes controller (ti up to 6 image digitizing cameras. (Periphicon 521. 32 x 32 pixels). Controller interfaces the camcra(s) to DEC LSI- I I and PDP-I I architecture using Q-Bus or Unibus. From $2500 to $8450. Hinds lntemarional Inc. Portland. OR.
SEPTEMBER 1981 Digital Design 71
COMPAL '81 !tn r1 The Computer Compatible Directory
Part Two
Videoprint 3000/Videoprint 5000 Photographic hard-copy device . Prints, slides or transparencies. Accepts RGB or NTSC signals. Approx $.60/hard copy. $4000-8000. Image Resource, Westlake Village, CA.
Series 1000 Phototypesetter Interface RS-232C to AM International comp/set or comp/edit phototypesetter. Internal buffering, 1109600 baud, XON/XOFF handshaking , modem compat. $1495. Factory board exchange. Information Design, Hillsboro , OR.
Compat Products Distributors of terminals, printer! and data communication equipment. Vend Maint, 3 FO. Inland Associates Inc. Olathe, KS .
UNIX Operating Systems SW support on PDP- I I and VAX systems. Custom integration of mixed vendor PDP- I I and VAX minicomputer systems. Design of custom interfaces for foreign peripherals. International Data Services (IDS), Sunnyvale , CA.
PR77E EPROM programming system for LSI-I I. $695. lnterplex Inc, Mountain View, CA.
Port and Intelligent Data Concentrators KR-870 for IBM protocol: KR-87 1 for UTS-400 protocol. Converts any dumb async ASCn terminal to IBM 327X , does protocol code conversion, and handles 32 nodes - 8 drops per node - onto a single host port. RTFM. Kaufman Research Manufaturing Inc, Los Altos Hills. CA .
LX80 Expansion Interface For TRS-80 Model I allow use of 5-1/4", 8". and hard disk for up to 40+ MB of on-line storage.
Lobo Pack Multiplexer Hard disk multiplexer to allow use of multiple mix and match terminals for up to 8 computers of the same or different type. Lobo Drives International. Goleta . CA.
ZBC-80CPU 8-bit Multibus Z-80 bused CPU card. 16K/32K/64K RAM options . $ 1045.
MBC-86/ 12 CPU 16-bit Multibus CPU , 8086 based up to 128K on-board dual-port RAM. $1 995. Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd, TMR, Quebec.
MDB-MDU11 High speed sync programmed controlled data serial interface for PDP- I I . Complete modem control. Sync or i~ochronous commu nications modes , either half or fu II duplex. Provides all features of DEC DU- 11 plus speeds up to 650bytes/sec. $ 1775.
MLSl-DRV11-C System Module Parallel line interface module for LS I- I I with multiple address selection and multiple interrupt vectors. Provides 16-bit word programmed data transfers with 4 control li nes to peripheral units. Up to 90K words/sec transfer rate. $275 _
MLSl-KW11 -P System Module Programmable real time clock for LS l- 11. Prov ides 4 clock rates, program selectable (external, 60 Hz, IOKH z, IOOKHz). Has own 60Hz crystal controlled oscillator. $725 _
MLSl-DR11-B OMA System Module Compat with DEC Unibus operating and diagnostic SW. Provides in terrupt request and bus master control for bi-directional exchange of 16-bit data from the LS I- I I bus to an external device. $650.
MLSl-DRV11 -B OMA System Module Compal with DEC operating and diagnostic SW . Provides interrupt request and bus master control for bi -directiona l exchange of 16-bit data from LS I- I I bus to an external device. $670.
MLSl-TEV-003 Bus Terminator Module with 120-ohm termination. $ 11 0.
MLSl- 1 1 / 0 3 -LHBX LSl- 11 /2 system which includes LS 1-11 /2 CPU , 2 async serial ports, line time clock, bootstrap. 32 kB of RAM plus EIS/FIS instruction set. $3440.
MLSl-11/03-LHX LS l-1 1/2 system same as MLSl11/03-LHBX except slots.6 and 7 in columns C and D are wired to accept the RLO I or RL02 disk controller. $3580.
MLSl-11 /03-LKBX LSl-1 1/2 system same as MLSl11 /03-LHBX except includes 64
kB RAM and 4 async serial ports. area for customizing CPU board,
5 or 8 MHz CPU, up to 32 kB
PROM/ROM or 4 kB of RAM .
LSI- 11 /2 system same as MLSl- $995-$1395.
11/03-LHX except includes 64 kB GPC86, 16-BitSBC
RAM and 4 async serial ports. 8086-based SBC on 796 Bus
(formerly Intel's Multibus) . Serial
MLSl-11 /23-AAOX LSl-1 1/23 system which inc ludes 11/23 CPU with memory management, 128 kB of RAM, 4 async serial ports, bootstrap, line time clock and bus termination.
port, 24 programmable parallel I/ 0 lines, optional 8087, 5 or 8 MHz CPU, up to 32 kB PROM/ ROM, up to 128 kB RAM, 2 general purpose timers and an interrupt controller. $1495-$2925 .
MM86, 16-BitSBC
MLSl-11/23-AA1X LSl- 11 /23 system which inc ludes LS l- 11/23 CPU with memory management, 128 kB of RAM , 4 async serial ports, bootstrap, line time clock and bus termination. $6220.
Memory management module for Microbar 8086 SBC for running XENIX operating system or other memory management requirements . $495. Vend Maint. Microbar Systems Inc, Palo Alto. CA.
MLSl-11 /23-581 X LSl - 11/23-TU-58 system which includes LSI-11/23 CPU with memory management, 128 kB of RAM. 4 async serial ports, bootstrap. line time clock and busterminator, plus dual TU-58 cartridge tape units with combi ned
MSC 9800 H Subsystem Comb 5-1 /4" Winchester drive plus IEEE 488 controller plus power supply compat with HP 80 Series 5MB storage. OEM 10-50 units-$2995; 51-100-$2795. Microcomputer Systems Corp. Sunnyvale, CA.
storage capac ity of 500 kB. $7530. RTFM. I yr warranty. MDB Systems Inc, Orange . CA .
MSC8009 Z80A, 32 kB RAM , I kB-32 kB EPROM capacity , 2 RS-232C ports , floppy disk on-board
MMX-01 Multi-Function
MSC 8004/8007 SBC
Multi-function, Q-Bus compat, Z80A CPU, 16 kB/32 kB RAM ,
dual-size board. Time and date 1-3 RS-232C ports, 48 or 24
functio ns with on-board battery parallel 1/0 lines.
backup, I sec resolution . Crystal- Monolithic Systems.
controlled line time clock, 50 or Englewood. CO.
60Hz. Universal Bootstrap PROMS for RLO I , RL02, RXOI, RX02, TV58. Up to 16 kB of EPROM. Q-Bus termination . LS I- I I processor switch indicator panel control. Qty 1-9: $550.
VMD05 Graphics Video Generator Dual-s ize board for LS I-I I, 11-2, 11-23. Dual channel, multiresolution . 3 selectable resolutions: 2 channels 256 x 256 or
NET/80 and EXP/80 Slave Processor Z80 based, compat with any S-100 bus computer system. Has 64 kB of RAM , I or2 serial ports, optional parallel pon , interrupt controller, EPROM, and bus master capability. $1395 for NET/80; $295 for EXP/80. MuSYSCorp, Tustin , CA .
512 x 256 , or one channel 5 12 x C-XX Overtemperature
512 . Each chan nel has 2 outputs . Protection System
Output composite video for All DEC computers . Provides an
American or European TV sync. operator warning at the lower of2
Full graphics , point addressable, high temperature limits (77°F) and
partial & full screen operation. an automatic total system power
Multiple cards stackable for color/ shutoff at the upper limit of 83°F.
gray scale applications. SW avail $749.
for char and graphics. RT-11 or
RSX-I I. Qty 1-4: $1495. Vend
Maint , I FO.
Mennen Medical Inc.
Clarence , NY.
Custom 86, 16-Bit SBC 8086-based SBC on 796 bus (formerly Inters Multibus) , serial port. optional 8087. prototype
72 Digital Design SEPTEMBER 1981
The sun shines 360 days a year in Tucson.
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COMPAr ,81 The Computer Compatible Directory .,1,11/1/111/1/11
Part Two
B-11 DEC POPI 1/70 CPU speedup systems & sevices. Simple modification and test of timing generator in POPI l/70CPU alfo;;_,s 1015 % speedup in CPU instruction processing rate and a significant improvement in overall system throughput. Conversion of customer owned timing module: $749; complete unit: $2989. RTFM, I yr warranty, 2 FO. Nassau Systems, Cincinnati, OH.
PBV-102 Multifunction Module Power up/down sequence. LTC with programmable control, onboard console switch. 2 sockets for associated logic. Also supplied with terminator as an option. $285 . Vend Maint. Netcom Products. Sunnyvale. CA.
New/Used DEC & DG Equipment POPI I. POPS. VAX. ECLIPSE. NOY A systems. processors. peripherals . Buy, sell. Warranty service only. 90-day warranty: most items eligible for manufacturer mainte~ance . Discounts to 50% off list on late-model equipment. Neivman Computer Exchange. Ann Arbor. Ml.
MCC-2 Portable MicroChassis
Portable. table-top package for up
to 4 dual-height DEC-type µ.C
modules. 5Y (ii 8A. 12Y (ji: I .SA
supply w/ front-panel controls.
fan. prewired Q-Bus backplane.
Terminals. add-in/add-on mem-
ory. floppy drive. hard disk drive.
controllers. 1/0 analog boards.
others. $690.
SBC-1 Shoe-Box Computer Portable desk-top computer w/ front panel controls & indicators. supply. fan. LSl/l l-2CPU w/ multi-function module. 8K RAM. 60Hz crystal clock. 2 RS-232 1/0 ports. 2 Q-Bus slots for expansion. $1980.
MCC-3 System MicroChassis 19" rack-mount chassis for up to 16 quad-height or 32 dual-height DEC-type micro modules. +5Y @: 12A & 12Y @' 2.5A supply w/ front-panel controls. Modules are front-mounted vertically for easy access & cabling. Includes 2 cooling fans. $139S w/ Q-Bus backplane for 8 double-height or 4 quad-height cards.
MCC-1 System MicroChassis 19" rack-mountable chassis for up to 20 dual -height DEC-type micro modules. +5Y@: 12A & + 12Y (ii 2 .5A supply w/ front panel controls. Modules are frontmounted vert for easy access & cabling. Includes 2 fans. $1195 w/12-slot Q-Bus backplane . supply. 2 fans. 20 slots add $200. North Atlantic Industries/ACS Div. Hauppauge. NY.
4400 Font Digitizing Module Automatic font creation for CRT terminals . dot matrix printers & word processors. $16.000 (includes SW).
4200 Robot Vision Module Machine vision system for DG computers. Counts objects. holes: measures size. location. orientation. etc. $5148 (100): $9900 (I).
2000 Image Analyzer Video digitizer. video display . image processor for DG. 2 video inputs. 4 video outputs. 16 greylevels. 320 x 240 x 16. $4900 (100): $9400 (I). Vend Maint. I FO. Octek Inc. Burlington. MA.
PP-Series EPROM programmers. $325 to $350. Vend Maint. Oliver Advanced Eng Inc. Glendale. CA.
PCM-12 Omega Complete TTL µ.C system. Runs all PDP-8 SW . Typical system $2500.
PPS-12 Comp lete all-CMOS µ.C . PDP-8 SW compat. Runs all PDP-8 SW . For battery and solar-power applications. Typically $950. Pacific Cyber Metrix (PC/M) . Dublin. CA.
BT-II Voice response front-end supporting 4 to 32 telephone lines. $15.000 to $50.000. Perception Technology Corp. Winchester. MA.
PM-Rev 11/2 Dual-height console bootstrap ROM loader compat with LSI-I I. Plessey's Micro I & Micro II.
SYST-34 Line of mini systems offers sophisticated computing applications.
SYST-23VX Micro systems for sophisticated computing applications in small sysrems environment. LSl-11/23based system has IOMB dualplatter cartridge disk subsystem.
dual floppy disk subsystem. Expansion to large data base. Protects HW/SW. Integral memory management for max of256 kB of addressable memory, four-leve l interrupt protocol , parity check, optional floating point. Plessey Peripheral Systems. 1691 Broivning, Irvine. CA.
SYST-1V LSl-11/2 systems.
SYST-2VX General purpose µ.C systems for small system applications. Terminals: PT- 100.
PM-KG11A Communications arithmetic option is programmable polynomial calcu lator providing error detection capabilities for data communications.
PM-DC 11/300C Mass disk storage control unit consists of PM-De 11/300 disk controller, supply, fans. Replaces RH! I-based systems. DEC SW compat. 200MB per system when extended to full capacity of 8 drives .
PM-DSA 11/80 Disk subsystem consists of DC! 100 controller board (fully SW transparent to DEC SW) & DD l l/80 disk drive. Single-
board controller directly sup~rts
2 drives: 8 drives can be added to upgrade the subsystem to a maximum formatted capacity of 538.4MB.
PM-7850 Dual-wide parity controller for PDP-I I contains parity memory. Odd parity checking detects memory failures of all o·s on the Unibus. a more probable failure than all l's. Insures memory integrity. Plessey Peripheral Systems. 17466 Daimler. Irvine . CA.
Digital Video Processors Convert video pictures into digital data in real-time and on-line. As processors they provide extensive pre-processing of digital data to achieve noise reduction. contrast enhancement. on-line mask subtraction. etc. Compat with any computer via DMA interface and any IEEE-488/GPIB std interface. Quantex Corp. Sunnvvale. CA.
90MPS/SBC 280/A CPU. 4.0MHz without floppy disk controller avail with 4 kB dynamic RAM to 65 kB dynamic RAM.
94F/MPS Z80/ A CPU, 4MHz. with floppy disk interface under OMA control to support up to four Sv..'' or 8" single/double density drives. Avail with 16 kB dynamic RAM to 65 kB dynamic RAM. Quay Corp. Eato111oivn , NJ.
PTS/1200 Data Processing Systems Variety of configurations and communication options, memory sizes and peripherals. Stand-alone or part of larger system. Ravtheon Data Svstems. Nonvood. MA. ·
PCI 2200 Series Pseudo Color lmager
256 x 256 x 8 bit planes of image memory. 256 x 256 x 4 bit
planes of graphic overlay, X-Y scroll. integer magnification with HW interpolation, cursor, alphanumerics. joystick options. Expands to 32-bit planes of image memory. $930010$17 ,840.
Up to 4 channels of256 x 256 x 8
bits of image memory. Processes images at video rates , real-time integer magnification with HW interpolation, X-Y scroll of all channels. monochrome. pseudocolor or pure color. $8500 to $21.000. Vend Maint, I FO. Recognition Concepts Inc . Lakeport. CA.
ZBOASAM µ.C CPU card. Z80 A, Z80 AMB for Intel MDS-800. Includes powerful Z80 relocatable macroassembler. ZSOA-$2195: Z80 AMB-$2985. RTFM . Relational Memorv Svstems. San Jose, CA. · ·
RDS-VT 23 Microcomputer System General purposes µC system with LSI 11 /23 CPU and IOMB of hard disk storage. $16.500. RTFM Remtech 1'-,,c, Huntsville . AL.
TheBanker Memory bank switch allows any LSI-I I to use up to 256 kB. Usable with any memory that is DECcompat.
RSI 16 Multiple-processor system fearures multi-user capability. Uses DEC Q-Bus std DEC compat peripherals. Up to 16 independent processors. Mix a variety of CPUs in same system. Supports any DEC LSl 11 or68000.
74 Digital Design SEPTEMBER 1981
RSl68K 68000 systems use DEC Q-Bus and std DEC compat peripherals. Renaissance Systems Inc. San Diego, CA.
Multiplexer Model 1116/1116A. 16 channel async MUXer. 1116, 1116A , w/modem control. PDP! I. 1116-$5100; 1116A-$6000.
GCR (6250 bpi) Tape Systems, Model 1939 Provides an ind std Pertee NRZI/ PE formatter plug-compat interface to CPU interface port so existing CPU adapter designs can have high performance 50 to 125ips dual density PE (1600 CfP/ GCR 6250 cpi) mag tape subsystems easily added. DG , DEC, SEL, etc. Pertee NRZl/PE formatter compat. $35 ,000. Rianda Electronics ltd. Anaheim , CA.
DU·11 Trigger Trace Diagnostic Memory Special quad-height trigger trace diagnostic memory card. Senses trigger conditions entered by ODT or program control/locks latest stored bus transaction info for readout thru console ODT. Uses include SW debugging, development , system diagnostics . PDP- I I/ 34 etc. (Unibus). Diagnostic memories . Size quad: trace memory 240 words: trigger/command memory 16 words: trigger levels 3: selective trace. $975 .
DQ-11 /23 Trigger Diagnostic Memory Special dual-height trigger trace diagnostic memory card. Senses trigger conditions entered by ODT or program control/locks latest stored bus transaction info for readout thru console ODT. Uses include SW debugging, development , system diagnostics . LSI- I I, - 11/2, -11/23, -11/03. Size dual; trace memory 240 words; trigger/ command memory 16 words; trigger levels 3; se lective trace . $890.
DM-11 Diagnostic Memory Special dual-height Flight Recorder memory card. Buffer stores latest bus transaction info until locked by computer's spurious or programmed halt. Data read-out thru system console ODT. LSI- I I, -11/2, PDP- 11/03 . Dual size: trace memory 256 words: bus transactions computed, DAT!, DATO . DATIO , Interrupt. $650. Scanoptik Inc, Rockville, MD.
Disk System 11X DSX0122, DSX0127, DSX01172 Complete LSI- I I computer system w/ choice of 2 floppy disk drives or one 8.9MB 8" Winchester and one floppy disk. Includes power, 8-quad slot Q-Bus backplane , disk drives, enclosure in attractive
10-1 /2" table top package . LSl11/2 or LSI-11/23 optional. DSXO 122- $5600; with computer$7400. Scientific Micro Systems, Mountain View, CA.
Bus Control Unit Model BCU· 11LA MIL-STD-1553A interface is plug compat with LSI-I I Q-Bus minis. $6,000 (4). SCI Systems Inc. Huntsville, Al.
Multiplex Data Bus Emulators Full MIL-STD- 1553 system capability: supports F-16. 1553A. a nd 1553B formats: commercial minicomputer interfaces: SW controlled: microprogrammed for flexibility: operates as controller, multiple remote terminal , and bus monitor: programmab le error injection capabi lity. Simulation Technology Inc. Da.vton. OH.
Q-Bus to Unibus Converter QS-070 Converts LSl-11 bus to Unibus. Drives 19 Unibus loads and drives over 50'. Handles program transfers, interrupts, and DMA . $695. Vend Maint. Standard Engineering Corp, Fremont, CA.
LASERSCAN 100 Gun-type bar-code laser scanner. Hand-held laser gun for supermarket price file verification. inventory control, direct store delivery , POS Scanning . Manufacturer programmable to read most commer~ially available bar codes (UPC. EAN, Code 39. Codabar, Code 2 of 5). Aggressive decoding of printed symbol on all substrates. DEC, DG. Intel , Univac, Motorola. IBM . RS232C Communications Interface.
LASERSCAN 410 Blood product identification scanner - desktop laser scanner for fast, accurate identification , processing of blood bags/tubes via scanning linear bar code symbols.
LASERSCAN 550/500 Hi gh-speed laser scanning data terminal. Unit is a Scan-Above portable work station designed for unsold returns processing applications for UPC and EAN. For the processing of magazines. paperbacks. newspapers, etc. RS232C communications interface . Symbol Technologies Inc. Hauppauge. NY.
T68KQ Processor Board Motorola 68,000 CPU on a quad width board. Also contains 4 kB of EPROM with bootstraps, diagnostics, and debugging utility. Addresses 4MB and supports
interrupts. $2295 , OEM discounts avail. Tele Soft, San Diego, CA.
LSI·11 /23 96-KWord Modules TM10000 Series 64KWor96 KW, optional parity, -Std dual DEC board : 5V MOS dyn RAM s.
PDP-11/34, ·11/44 256 KW/ 128 KW Modules TMM20000 Series Error-det. error-corr transparent to OS , compat w/ PDP-11/34, 11 /44. addressing 2MW. Programming options: modified or extended Unibus. 1/0 page size, control status ref reg address location/error status reg: 5V MOS dyn RAMs. Texas Instruments Inc, Semiconductor Group. Houston , TX .
TEC 8770/20 IMIU Intelligent multi-device interface unit. Provides RS232 interface using VIP 7700 protocol in a Honeywell Level 6/62/64/66. DPS-4 , or DPS-8 host, for up to 32 VIP-compat terminal s. $6195 including floppy disk and 4 terminal adapter ports and SW.
TEC 8770/20 IMIU Intelligent multi-device interface unit. Provides RS232 interface using bi-synch protocol in an IBM host , for up to 8 3270-compat terminals. $6195 including floppy disk and 4 terminal adapter ports and SW. Thomas Engineering Co, Concord, CA.
CSS-11 Storage System Fully integrated sub-system including IMl-7700 series Winchester 8" disk ( 10, 20 or40 MB), DEI-3400 cartridge tape (17.25MB unformatted) . Dual intelligent controller, power supply: packaged for desk-top use or 19" rack mount: also so ld without cartridge tape. $11 ,788 (20 MB). RTFM. U.S. Design Corp. Crofton, MD .
Compat Products Purchase , sell , lease and exchange minicomputer equipment. Systems integrator, subsystem supplier, manufacturer of DEC interfaces, di stributor. West Coast Computer Exchange Inc. Sunnyvale, CA.
XL2300 - LSI·11 /23 Computer Contains from 96 kB to 4MB of main memory - 20.8MB Winc hester disk and l7MB cartridge tape drive - 8 communication ports. Run s DEC operating systems RSTS/E. RSXI IM and RTI I and any DEC LSI-I I compat app lication program. 256 kB$26.900 ( 1-4): $22.900 (25-99).
RTFM and dealer. I FO. Xy/ogics Inc. Burlington, MA.
ZX-85/88 Processor 2 versions with different CPUs, support various standard DOS. ZX-85 uses the 8085A-2 CPU for execu tion of8-bit code; the ZX-88 uses the 8088 CPU for execution of 8086 code over the 8-bit system Multibus. On-board complement of 64 kB dynamic RAM . ZX-85$2660: ZX-88-$2750.
ZX-80-05 SBC 6. 75" x 12" Multibus compat SBC. SW transparent to code written for the Intel SBC-80/05. 4 times the capacity for EPROM (32K) and double the RAM ( IK). $550.
ZBX-324 Analog 110 Module Baseboard expansion module to fit the Intel SBX-Module interface specification. Comes with two 8bit monolithic DACs with buffered output and two 8-bit CMOS ADC units with a common precision voltage reference . $442 .
ZBX-350 Parallel 1/0 Expansion Module Increase the capabilities of any SBC µC that contains a Multimodule connector. Contains an 8255A programmable peripheral interface that may be set to: basic 1/0. strobed 1/0. bidirectional bus interface. $141.
ZX-200A Single Board Diskette Controller One board solution to running Intel 's single- and double-density media on an lntellec MDS or SBC system. $1500.
ZX-906A Multibus Display Aid to programmers and HW designers in debug of systems SW and HW for SBC and other Multi bus compat systems. $480.
ZX·908A EPROM Programmer Program s up to 16 kB of Intel type 2716. 2732. or 2732A. Can operate in either the Multibus chassis with simple SW drivers or standalone cabled to an MDS development system and run under ISIS UPM SW. $720. Zendex Corp, Dublin . CA.
ZT85/38 IEEE 488 Controller High-speed GPIB interface for Multibus. 250 kB/sec data rate. $1200.
ZT7488/28 IEEE 488 Controller For STD Bus. Up to 250 kB/sec w/external DMA. $488.
ZT7488/08 IEEE 488 Interface Talker/listener for STD Bus. Up to 250 kB/sec with external DMA . $298 . Ziatech Corp , San Luis Obispo. CA.
SEPTEMBER 1981 Digital Design 75
List of Manufacturers
List of Manufacturers
sup2liers of com2uter com2atible 2roducts
T his alphabetical listing of computer compatible product manufacturers includes company names, addresses, phone numbers and sales contacts. All companies cited in the Computer Compatible Directory, Part One and Two, are listed here for your convenience.
_ j\
Rav Bal l Able Computer 17.51 Lan!! leyAve . Irvine. CA 927 14 17141979-7030
All en L. Po llen' ADACCorp. 70 Tower Office Park Woburn. MA 0 180 1 16/719.l5-666R
John H. Mcvn Adams Ru~ll Digirnl Proccv..ing D iv. I370 Main St . Waltham. MA02 154 16171R9! -4700
Tami,ic Hone v Advanced B u~iness Technology Inc. 12333 SarnrngaSunn yv:.ilc Rd . S:iratnea . CA 95070 (40RI 446-2013
K.J . Sc:;.1nncl l. Vince M arum Adva nced Digital Products 7584 Tratle St. S:.an Dic!!o. CA 92 12 1 171415iR-9595
Gury WiJ.,1m Advanced Electronics Desig n Inc. 440 Polrcm Ave . Sunm valc . CA 94086 l~OR} 73.1 -3555
Jnhn Rudcmuker Agile Corp. 1050 Stcwan Dr. Sunnv\'::llc. CA 94086 (Rfl{)/5311-1634
Wi ll ium Alden Ald en Computer Systems :?J Strathmore Rd . Nati ck. MA 0 1760 16171655 -6 6 / 0
Ni~e l R. Sricer Alloy Engi neering Co.Inc. . Compulcr Produc ts Di v. 12 Mercer RJ . Natid.. MA 0 1760 16171655 -3900
Barhara Curr;.ill Alphaco m Inc. 2323 S1) . Ba,c:om A ve . Camphcll . CA 95008 !40RI 559-R(){)()
D. Cun iv, John,on Alpha Data Inc. 20750 Mari ll a St. Chal\wonh. CA 913 1I 12131 R82-65(}()
Richard F. Rohrev Alphamatrix Inc. 1021 Millcreek Dr. Lan!!horne . PA 19047 (2 /JI 355 -3297
Rohen Siller" Darre ll Spragl1c Alternatives in Magnetics 254 31 Rvc C:m von Rd. Va lenci;. CA 9.1~55 IR05 I 257-2262
Linda T:.iylor American National Supply Corp. (ANSCO) 80'".. 2259 Gartlcna. CA 90247 IR00142 / -1270
Jim Snow Amlyn Corp. I 758· H Junc:1ion Ave . Sun fo.,e. CA 95 11 2 140111275-R6 /6
John fo rv Ampex Corp., Memorv Pm<luc1., Div. 200 N. ·Na'h El Segun<ln. CA Q0245 (J/31640 -0 / 5 0
John Kim Amtek Business Machines Inc. '225 5· H M anin Ave . Santa Cla ra.CA 95050 (4081727-15/0
Rich McMahon AMT Soft ware Systems UUGlH!!! in., Bo ·dmr~l~ MA 0 17 19 (617126.1-.10.10
John Knox Anadex Inc. 9825 DeS~lfo A"c . Chat11worth. CA 9 131 I 0 l.119911-110 /0
Le.. Si lvem Analog Devices Inc.. Sy,tcm.. Div. Box :?RO Norwood. MA 02062 16171.129-4700
Jim Lawrence Analog Technology Corp. 15859 E. Edna Place Irwi nda le. CA 9 1706 12 I .I I 96fl-4(}()4
Linda Rioux Analogk C orp.· Data Acqui ..ition & Conver11ion Product' Auduhon Re.I. Wakefield. MAO l 880 16 171246-03()()
Will Alger Andromeda Systems Inc. 9000 Eton Ave . Canoca Park. CA 91304 1213J709-761)()
Saruh Frcem;rn Ann Ar bor Termin als Inc. 6 175Jack,on Rtl . Ann Arhor. Mi 48 103 (.1/31663-8()()()
Elirnhcth Ferebee Applled Infonnallon Systems Inc. 500 Eu..,towne Dr. . Sui1e 207 Chapel Hill. NC 275 14 19/91942-7RO I
An Garofolo Ardent Computer Products 145 Pali,ade< St. Dohh' Ferrv. NY 10522 (9 /41693-69()()
Arrow Electronics 52 1 Weddell Dr. Sunnvvole. CA 940R6 140R} 745-661)()
Sheldon He-.!' Associated Computer Co ns ultan ts 228 E. Cora St. Sa nta Borbara CA 9J 10 1 IR05196.l-lili0 1
Don Ravmond Atl as Energy Systems 9457 Ru'h St. So. El Monte. CA 9 17J3 I 21.11575 -0755
Augat Inc. JJ Perrv Ave . Attlc ho.ro MA 0270J (6/7) 222·~'!02
Duvid A. Hu1,!' Auscom Inc. 2007 K ramer Lane Au..1in. TX 78758 15 121836-80RO
Natalie J. Rieh l Automated Control Syste ms Inc. Bnx 74 8 Bellevue. WA 98009 (2061881-0177
Allan Hug heAVA Instrumentation Inc. 9672 M unzanita Ave . Ben Lomond . CA 95005 14081336-504R
John S. Connoll v Av ivCorp. · 6 Cum mini!"' Park Woburn . MA 0 1801 (6/7) 933-1165
J. Tavlnr Aydin Controls 4 14 Commerce Dr. f<"1 W!Min,'10!1. PA l<m4 12151542-7R(}()
I 120 Crane St. Men lo Park. CA 94025 14151326-2115
Jnhn McPhai l. Ron Hardv Beehi ve International 49 10 Ame lia Earhan Dr. Salt Lake Citv. UT 84 125 !RO/I 355-60oo
D. Bellin Bellin Computer Systems Inc. 206 Terminal Dr. Plainview. NY 11 803 15161349-9714
Stephen F. Grnnde Best & Mldcom Data Systems 1940 N. T u, tin. Suite I 17 Orange. CA 92665 17!4) 99R-604/
Bi ll Whi te Bill White Printed Ci rcuit Design I 106 S . Am hridoe St . Anaheim. CA 9'?806 1714177R - 1477
Wi lliam Backu-. Backus Data Systems Inc. 1440 Ko ll Circle. Su ite I 10 San Jo'< . CA 95112 14081279-R7 I I
Prenti\li Smi th Ball Computer Products P.O . Drawer K Bou lder. CO 80306 130.1 144 1-4646
David F. Pippin BASF Systems Corp. Cro,hy Dr. Bedford. MA 0 17JO 16 17127/ -4()()()
Rohen Harvev BBN lnform ~tion Ma nage ment Corp. 68 Mouhon St. Camhricfoc. M A 02238 16171 ./9l-2929
BDS Computer Corp.. Li nc PrinicrSy-.iem'
Laurel Lea Bizcomp Corp. Box 7498 Me nlo Park. CA 94025 (4 151 966- 1545
Steve Lip-.ey Bolt Beranek a nd Newman Inc. (BB N), Computer Sylitem' Di v, I 0 Moulton Stree t Camhridge. MA 02238 (617) 49 1-li4R8
Boston Systems Ofnce (BSO ) 469 Moodv St. Waltham ..MA 02 154 1617) 1194-78()()
Roger Nadow Braegen, Minicomputer Peripheral' Div . )~20 E. La Palma Ave . Anahei m. CA 92806 17141520-92()()
C.A . William .... Jr. BST Consultants Inc. BST Data Syst ems Inc. Box 2:\425 Tampa. FL 3J62J IR/3196 1-3902
76 Digital Design SEPTEMBER 1981
R. L. Ne l,on Bubbl-Tee Div. 6800 Sierra Cou n Du bli n. CA 94566 (4 15 J1129-H705
J. Doron°'kv Bud lndusiries Inc. 4605 E. 355th St. Wil loughby. OH 44094 (2 16) 946-3200
C. R. Teeple Burr Brown Industrial Systems Products 3631 E. 44 th St. Tuc..,on. AZ 857 1) (6/)2 / 747-0711
D. Barrv Donahue Burrou.ghs Corp. OE M Div . Burmu!!h' Place Detroit~ Ml 482J2 (.1 13} 972 -803 1
o· Ro!!er Hollander
Cableshare Ltd. 20 Enterpri\e Dr. London. Ontario N6A4L5 Canada 151916116 -2900
Brett Bcn<ton Tammy Ben,on California Communications 8405 Pm hing Dr. # 40 I Pi aya del Rey. CA 9029 1 12 131306 -2377
Zee r Ro1c California Computer Group 330J Hamor Blvd . #K - 11 Cn,ta Me,a . CA 92626 1714)966-166 1
Dave Hall California Computer Products Inc. 241 1 W . La Palma Ave . Anaheim . CA 9280 1 (7 /4/li21 -254 1
Sale' Dept. California Computer Systems 250 Ca rihhean Dr. Sunnyvale. CA 94086 140/l) 734-511 11
Matt hew Go ldhack California Datalea.w 2770 E. Rega l Park Or. Anaheim. CA 92806 1714 /632 -6986 (HOO) H54-0350
L. E . Thomp,on California Instruments, D i vi<;ion of Norlin lndu.;;t rie' 5 150 Convoy St. San Diego. CA 9211 1 1714 1279-H6W
David Gel lall y Callan Data Systems 2637 T own ..ga1e Rd . WNlakc Villa~'C. CA 91361 (HOS) 497-61137
John Rohin...on Cambex Corp. 360 Seco nd Avc . Walt ham . MA 02 154 (6/7/ R90-6()()()
Walter HodZ:?c Chri' Patton Cambridge Computer Assoc. Jnc. 222 Alcv.ife Bmok Pkwy. Camhrit.h?c . MA 02138 (6 17/H6X- l II I
Mr. John Garrity Centronics Data Computer Corp. One Wall St. Hud,on. NH 0305 1 IMJJ HH3-011 I
Wi ll iam Nimcc Charles River Data Systems Inc. 4 T ech C ircle Na tick. MA 0 1760 16 171655- / 11()1)
John Ro'' Chrislin Ind. Inc. JI 352 Via Co lina' Wc,tlake. CA 91362 l] /3/99 / -]254
Lowel l Cnul!>.nn Chromatics Inc. 25.5R Mnu nw.in lndu ..tnal Blv<l . Tu cke r. GA 30084 lli()()/74/ -9467
C H-Honeywell-Bull (Bull Corp. of America) 200 Smi th St. Walt ham. MA 03 154 (6 17/ H95-6020
Ed Kramer Clary Corp., Prcci,ion fn.,.t rumenr ' Div 320 W. Clarv San Gah riel.. CA 9 1776 121312117-6 111
Allan R. Clvde Clyde Digiial Systems, Div. of Clyde En1erpri"'e' Bo' 348 Be<lfor<l. MA 0 1730 16 17) 275-6642
Pe rer A le'<.ander CNR Inc., Comrurcr Pm<luch Di v 220 Rc..,crvoi r St Needham. MA 02194 1617) 449-49()6
Phv li' Comiiroto Cobar Inc. 11 8 1 N . Fountain Way Anaheim. CA 92806 1714/630-0970
A J. Ann ..1mng Comarco Inc. Sterling Eng inee rin~ Div l .50Ccrriro' Anahe im. CA 92805 1714/535-2464
Rov·, Chapman He,hil Kal!en Comark Corp. 257 Crc,cent St. Wa ltham. MA 02154 (6 / 7) H94-7000
Kenne th Guy Com Design Inc. 751 S. Kellogg Ave Goleta. CA 93 11 7 IH05/ 964-9R5]
Compiler Systems lnc. Bo' 145 Sierra Madre . CA 9!024 12131355- /063
Compower Corp. 548 Di vi\ion S1 . C'amphc ll . CA 95008 (408/ H66-H141
John M an:u' Compumart Corp. 6.5 Bl"nt St . Btn .568 Camhrid!..!e. MA02 1J9 (6 / 7 / 49l -]7()()
Computer Covenant 790 F:1rmi n1!ton Ave Fa rrni n !..!lon~ CT 06012 (203/6l7 -6563
De nni' Fe nnell y Computer Design and Applications Inc. 377 Elliot St New ton Upper Fa ll, , MA 02 164 (6171964 -3770
Donald Cadicu'< Computer Devices lnc. 2.5 North Ave . Bu rl in!..!lon . MA 0 1803 16 171 J73 - 1550
David Kahlrom Computer Memories Inc. 92JJ Eton Avc. Cha"wonh . CA 9 13 11 (2 13) 709-6445
E<lMu'o Computer Power Solutions Bo' 974 Placcn1ia. CA 92670 (7/4) 993 -25411
Ron Thnma, . Stu Rei le Computer Products Corp. 241 .5 An napoli' Lane Plymouth . MN .5544 1 (612/ 559-2034
Mi chael L. Weher Computer Technology Corp. CCTC) 2002 Ford Cr Mil ford . OH 45 150 15/3/li.l/ -2340
Computing Devices Co., Div . of Con1ml Dara Canada Bn' 8508 Ncpcan . On1arin K IG 3M9 Ca nada ( 6 / 3 / 5 9 6 - .1050
Garry Stephen' Computrol·Corp. 15 Eth;tn Allen Hwv. Rid!..!efidd . CT068.77 (]O.i/544 -9371
Paula M Bvmc Comtal Co.rp.. Suh,i<liary nf JM .50.5 W Wooc.Jhury Rd . Alt adcna . CA 9 100 1 12131797 - 1175
M:.irtin Bod, Concept Development Inc. J 198 -G Airport Loop Dr. ('o...ta Mi: ...:1. CA 92626 (7 141557- I Hll
J. P O'Neil Control Concepts Corp. 216 1 S. Jcffcr.on Da vi\ Hwy Arlin!..!lon . VA 22202 1703J5] / -Hli66
Jame' Clemen1' Control Concepts Corp. 225 B roadway. Suite 18 10 San Diego . CA 92 10 1 1714)235-6721
Len Mue hl ei,en Control Data Corp., Computer Memory Div. ROO l E Bloomington Freeway Bloorni nglon . MN 55420 (6/2/H31! -6135
Boh Snnn;ihcnt.I Chud Siirt:' Control Logic Inc. 9 T1.x·h Circk ~am· · - MA 01 170 1617! 655 -11 70
Sl"h Hu !!hl" ' Corvus-Systems Inc. 20:!Q O' T1\{1k Ave. Sanfo,c. CAQ51J I (411/li 946 -7 71KI
D1mn:.i John , nn Country Programmers International Inc. Hnlit.la y Inn Dr White Rt \l"r Jurn.:tinn . VT05001 i/10] / 295- 9/()()
Nick Gri ll o Craig Data Cable Co. Inc. 652 Glenhronk Rd S1amford . CT 06906 (]03)356 -9315
John P. Davi... C rosspoint Systems Inc. Ben .5 267 Eu"e ne. O R 97405 r5fi314H5 -4]54
EU Ar-.cnault CSPI 40 Linnell Cirdc Bilh:ri<.·a. MA 01821 16171272 -6020
Pari' J . Camphcll C ustom Systems Inc. 6850 Shadv Oak R<l Et.kn Prairie. MN 55144 i612/94/ -94HIJ
J. David Hill Custom Terminals lnc. 5:!49 Nonh Bl v<l . Ralei"h. NC 27604 1919JH76-1173 I
G;ii l Bo\l.ler Cyberdata 26 1I Garden Rd Monterey. CA 93940 (408)373 -2601
Bernard Grinhcn..! Cybergraphic Systems I8 I Bark ly St StJ... ilda. Victoria 1182 Au , tralia 13) 534 -4347
Rohcrt Wang Datacube Inc. 670 Main St R<:1dine. MA 01867 16171944-46011
Ai li Dilfer Datarusion Corp. 5 11 5 Ooughi... Fir Rd C'alaha...a\. CA Ql.:\02 (] 131 HH7-9523
Mil am Hall Datagraphix Inc.· Di,p lay Pn1duci... Dept. Ro' R~449 San Diego. CA 92 1JR 1714/291 -9960
Frank P Zcli' Datamedia Corp. 740 1Ccniml H\\~ Pcnn...m1kc n. NJ 08 109 ( 6 0 9 1 6 6 5 -5400
Mr JimF01i Datametrics Corp. 76JOGlnri '-l Van Nu". CA 91406
e 1.119R9-3H4o
Eri c Moothart Data Processing Design Inc. I RI W Or:rn_g ethorpc . Su ite F Pl:.1L·cn1ia . CA Q2670 17 1.J i 993 -4/fill
Jo<1n aidi ' h Data products Corp. 6200 C :moga A \ C W1"101.llan<l Hill\. CA C) J165 1! /3/8R7 -845 /
Pc1c Y catm:.rn Dataram Corp. Pn nn.·ton Rd Cranhun . NJ 08512 W19J 799-11071
Jim Mar, hall Dat as yste ms , Suh... idia~ t)f Wc... rc rt·t1rp
87 16 Produclio n Ave. San Diego . CA 92 12 1 (7 N) 566-55110
Da vuJ Belove Data Systems Design Inc. 2241 Lun<l v Ave San Jo,c_ CA 95 13 1 140/ii 946 -5/iOO
Pa rrid: Carlin Data Systems Services ::?.:\90 1 Remme Rid!.!e El Toro. CA 9~705 17 14) 770-H024
Data Technology Corp. 2J44A WaJ,h A\ C. S:1nta Clara . CA 9505 1 1411/i/ .J96-0434
Data Translation I OOLod..1.· Dr ~1arlh11ro . MA 0 1752 16/7/4/i/ -3 7()(1
Ted Pe1i1 Datel-lntersil Inc. 11 Ca bot Blvd . Man,fie l<l. MA 02048 (6 171339-934 1
Dav id Riley Garv Gonne lla Dat"Um Inc. 1363 S. State College Blvd . Anahei m. CA 92806 (7 14 /533 -6333
Phil Cleveland De Anza Systems Inc. 11 R Ch:..ircc'll Ave San Jo, c . CA 9513 1 (4011/ 263-7155
Nancy Sa vinclli Design Aids Inc. 27822 El La10 Rd . Lag una Nigue l. CA Q2677 17/4/ H.11-56 11
G Rcadman Di-An Data Systems Ltd. Mcr...cy Hou...e . Hca1on Mcr-.cy Strn.:kftt1rt. Chc,hirc Engl:.1nd
(061) 442 -976/i
Thoma' Mnriartv Dice Systems l~c . 7 1h Harri' R<l . Na , hu;1. N H 03062 (603 / /IHH -6711f!
R. N. Tingley Dicom Industries Inc. 71.5 N Pa...1nria Ave . Sunn vvale. CA 94086 !40Hi 73] - /()6f)
Allen R. Gram\ Digi-D·ta Corp. 8580 DoN:y R un Rd . Jc..,,up . MD 20794 (.Ill/) 4911-0200
Arthur L. Schimel Digital Associates Corp. 1039 E. Main Stamford. CT 06902 (]03 / 327-9210
J ~1111 c... B Lee Digital Communications Associates (DCA ) JO:\ Tcc hnn lo!.!V Park ~·.forc ro....... GA~:\{X)92 141!4}4-1/i- /41)(/
A lfrt:d Gome/ Digital Data Systems Inc. 1)51 N. W. 65th A'c Plantation . FL JJJ U (.105 ) 792 -3290
Lee Am hro... ini Digital Engineering 610 Bcrcut Dr S ~K r:11nrn10. CA 9.5R l 4 1916) 447 7600
SEPTEMBER 1981 Digital Design 77
Rov Bcncnhau..,cn Diii;taJ Microsystems Inc. 1840 EmharcaJero Oakland . CA 94606 14/5 ) 532 -3686
Mari e Stokco; Digital Pathways Inc. 1260 L·Avenida Mmmtain View. CA 94043 1415 ) 969-76()()
Direct Inc. 1279 Lawrence Sration Rd. Sunn yvale . CA 94086 1408) 734-5504
Adri enne Webb DISC 6247 Fair Oaks Bl vd . Carmi c hae l. CA 95608 1916) 485 -4849
De nni s Setera Disk Memory Technology Inc. Box 198 14 Portl and. OR 972 19 150.1) 643- 1887
Gerry Nad ler Distributed Computer Systems 22 3 Cresce nt St. Wa lth a m. MA 02 154 16 17)899-66 19 1800 ) 225 -4589
Les Albe rts <Domestic) Steve Arnaudo ff (International) Distributed Logic Corp. (DILOG) 12800-G Garde n Grove Bl vd. Garde n Grove. CA 92643 17 14 ) 534 -8950
Ga rry Dool DY-4 Systems Inc. 1573 Laperriere Ave. Ott awa. Ontario Ca nad a 16 13) 728-37 11
Rod Lati mer Dylon Corp. 10 130 Sorre nto Valley Rd. San Diego. CA 92121 1714 ) 455-6/02
Dynatem Inc. 2088 1 Pa,t.>o Olma El Toro.<:A 92630 17 /4 /R55 -3235
Eden Engineering 2 10 1 Minto Dr. San Jose. CA 95132 1408) 263- 9152
Eric Dickm an EEC Systems 3 15 Good man's Hill Rd . Sudh ury. MA 01 776 161 7) 443-6376
Vince Stinton
Electronic ~rs Inc. Box 569 Englewood. CO 80 11 0 1303} 76 1-8540
Claire Mau nd Electronic Solutions 5780 C hesapeake Ct. Sa n Di ego. CA 921 23 (7 14 ) 292-0242 1800) 1154-7086
Ernest R. Murillo Elgar Corp., Co. of On an Powe r Svstems 8225 Me rcury C t. San Di ego. C A 92111 1714 )565- 1155
Richard Eean EMCCo;p. 385 Ell iot St. Newto n. MA 02164 16 17) 244-4740
Dea n Kn uf\on. Al Butta EMMSESCO 20630 Plummer St. Chatsworth . CA 91311 121 3) 998- 9090
Phill ip Beg ich Emu lexCorp. 2001 E. Deere Ave. Sa nt a An a. CA 92705 17 14 )557-7580
Chri' Rva n Emuloii Inc. 3730 Yale Wav Fre mo nt. CA 945 38 14 15) 4 90- 1290
Bnicc Welt v Enterprise.Technology Corp., Mark erin 2 305 M ad ~o n Ave . N YC. NY 10028 (2 12) 972- 1860
Alan R. Dani el" ETI Micro 691 8 Sierra Ct. Duhl in . C A 94566 141 5) 1129-6600
Paul S hap iro Floating Point Systems
Bo' 23489 Port la nd. OR 97223 1503)641 ·3 15 1
Ja v Lo we F.;.,nly Inc. 160 S. Wh i, man Rd. Mnuntai n View. CA 94041
Gin nv Bea r Foreihought Products R7070 Dukh1tlia r Rd. Eu~c n c. OR 97402 (503 J 4R5-R575
Ga~ Gcli na-. Form & Substance Inc. 756 L.t ~cficld Rd . Sui re B
Wc-.1l akc Vi lh1!.!e. CA
9136 1
1805) 497-8529
Denni -. J. Da nie l' Forward Technology Inc.
l-l40 K1'll Cin.·lc . Suite 105 Sa n Jn-.c . CA 95 11 2 1 ~08) 293-8993
Su-.:m H Kalich-.1cin Gejac Inc. Bo' IRR Ri,crdalc . MD :!0840
(.W//86 ~ -3700
GL·rald E. Nuffer GEN/COMP Inc. 6 Al~n nq uin Rd .
Ca nion. MA 0202 1 (6 171 R28-2008
Slll:.i rt H. Hoffer General Digital Corp. 700 Burn... ide Ave . Ea't Hart fo rd. CT06 108 1203)52 1-9048
Ph ilip R. Mnorc General Digital Ind. Inc. 500 Wvnn Dr. Hunt,,.·illc . AL 35805 1205 I R37-8305
Joaqu in Mi ller General Eclectics 2604 Rth St. Bcrke lev. CA 94710 14/5)540-0504
Dona ld D. Wncl7 General Robotks Corp. 57 Nort h Main St . Hartfnrd. WI 53027 1800)55R-78.12
Al Gu7telli General Terminal Corp. 14R3 1 Frank lin Tu,tin. CA 92680 17 /4) 730-0123
Bi ll Grav. Wc,t Co:.l\I Safe, GeniscO Computers 3545 Cadi ll ac Ave C'tl\ta Mc\:J. CA 92626 1714) 556-4916
Bnh Diorio. E"" ' Cna\I Sulc.., Genisco Computers 17.5 1 Elhtn Rd ... Suite 209 Si lver Spring . MD 20903 130/) 445-3434
!\he Gill Giltronix Inc. -l.50 San Anronio A'c Pal<> A It<>. CA 94:106 14151493-1300
Thoma' G K ur17 Gould-Deltec "'2.7'2.7 K ur11 S1 San Dic!.!n. CA 92 11 0 17/4}2Q/ -42//
Ale'<. M<KC Hamilton/ Avnet Electronia 10950 Wa,hin!.!.tnn Blvd
Cu lver Cit~. cA 90230
(213) 558-2977
F A!!uirrc Don~ld C. Harder Co. Inc. ~580 K St San Dic!.?1'. CA 92 102 17/ ~ J2.i9-802J
Dk~ S had ler Heath Co. Benion Harhor. Ml 49022 16/6/ 982-3519
Jame' Hemen" :t\ Hemenway A~ . Inc. I0 I Tremont S1 B1h1t1n. MA 02 108 16171426-193/
Jimmie Mo!.!lia Hinds lnte;national Inc.
Portland . OR 97:?29 (50.1) 234-7411
Ja ni" Par~cr. W ire Wrapped Bd... . C . M irh~1c: I H a~ ward. Bad pl:1ne' Hybricon Corp.
41 0 Great Rd. Bo' 206 Littl e ton. MA 0 1460 1617) 486-3 174
R. E. Conti IBEX Computer Corp. I87:10 O'nard St Tarzana. CA 91356 1213) 705-2517
Mike Fitak ID Systems Corp. 4789 Rine' Rd .. Box 39:1 Duh li n. O H 4)0 17 16 14 ) 764-125(}
Ga ry P~.r!c' IDT (Innovative Data Technology) 4060 More na Blvd . San Dic~o. CA 92117 17141270-3990
Mor!.!:.in Walker Image Resource 2260 Tow n... !!ate Rd We,tlal.e Yiilace. CA 9 1361
r1 1805 ) 496-33
Gerald J. Sullivan Imperial Technology Inc. RJ I S. Dougl:.i-.. Sui1e 102 El Sc!.!um.Jo. CA 90245 1213 ,·679-950/
Al Allen lndec Computer Systems 5 10 La\HCnL'C E'\p. Sui te 2 10 Sunn~ '·tic.CA 940R6 1~08} 738-3083
Willi;.1m L Br;.tdv Information Ac~ess Systems Inc. Bo' 815 Spa n a. NJ 0787 1 1201) 729-758 /
L.1rry L:.iri ... on Information Design Bn' 68 HiJl ,hmn. OR 97 121 1503) 649-4975
C Stephen Carr Information Processing Techniques Corp. 1070 E. Mcado"' Circle Pain Alto. CA 94303
1415)49~ -32//
Dou~l:.i' R1ch1cr Informer Inc. 811:! O-.agc A.. c. Ltl\ An!!elc-.. CA 90045 12 '-'} 649 -2030
Carl Pch:r'lln lnfoscribe Inc. 2 7'~0 S . Crn<ldv
Santa Ana. cA 92704
(7 N J64 1-8595
Denni-. Seeger Inland Associates Inc. 1;02 1 w I 17th St Olat he. KS M<lli~ 19131764-7977
lnmac ~A f!.Cii Au!!t"1inc Dr Santa Cl;ra. CA 9~05 1 1408) 727-1970
Linda Willi-. Instrumentation Technology Systems 19360 Bu,i nc-... Cen ter Dr. Nonhridl!c. CA 9 1124 f:!/3JR8°6-:!D3 4
Howard Randall lntech Instruments Div. 282 Bmkaw Rd . Sa nta Clara.CA 95050 1408) 727.()5()()
Bud Batt le Intel/Memory Systems Operation 1302 N. Mathi lda Ave . Sunnvvak'. CA 94086 (408) 734-8 /02
Alan Barman Interface Electronics 2 I 134 Brid!.!c St. Snuthfield .·MI 48034 1313) 352-882()
Tom Kornei lntermedia Systems 1061 S . De An1a Blvd. Cupe rtino CA 9.50 14 14(}8) 996-0900
Intermoontain Systems Group 14 15 N. State St. Ore m . L'T 84057 1801) 226-()/84
RClherl Nata le International Computing Co. 4310 Ea,t-We...1 Hwv . Bethe,da. MD 20014 13(} / )654-9120
Grac.·c Pierce International Data Base Systems Inc. 2100 Walnut St.. Suite 217 Philade lphia. PA 19 103 !215!56R-2424 International Data Servi<es (IDS) I020 Stc\vun Dr. Sun n ~ v:.ilc. CA 94086 14081738-3368
CS . Bnmn lnterplex Inc. 2680 Ba\'-.horc Front;.n!c Rd . .\1o u n1ai~ Vicv. . CA 94041 1415) 969-9050
P:nd Bach lnterscience Systems 841.Ci Cano!.!a Ave . Cann!..!a Pa~k. CA 91304 I~ /3 i'709-77 II
R;.1y Jone' lntersil Systems Div. 1275 Hammcrwoo<l Ave Sunnyvale. CA 950 14 1408) 743-4442
Jame' Linton Iomega Corp. 4646 S . 1500 W . Ogden. UT 84403 18011392-75111
Kenneth Grcen hali!h lsil Associates Ltd. Llgrcr Dalgairn C'up:.ir. Fife. Scorl and 5:!21:! or 54727
Mark Raw li n-. ISSCO Graphics .ll 8 6 SnrrentnValle~ Bini s~m Dic~o. CA 92 121 17 /4) 452-0170
Cha rli e Chapin Kaufman Research Manufacturing Inc. 14 100 Doncl,on Place lo' Alto..; Hill ". CA 94022 1415) 948-3777
78 Digital Design SEPTEMBER 1981
Geoffrey Archibald Language Resources Inc. 4885 Riverbend Rd . Boulder. CO 80301 1303) 449-8087
David Lee 16828 Saticov Van Nuy< . CA 91406 (213) 780-6958
Gail Brown Lexldata Corp. 755 Middlesex Turnpike Billerica. MA 01865 1617) 663-8550
Deborah J . Scherer Lobo Drives International 354 South Fairview Goleta. CA 93117 (805) 683 -1576
Ravmond C. Malonev 0
Lundy Electronic&. Systems Inc. I Roben Lane Glen Head . NY 11545 1516)671-9000
Bill Goodale Macrolink 1150 E. Sranford Ct. Anaheim. CA 92805 (714)634-8080
Al Rohert' Univer"iity of Wi..,con..,i n Madison Academic Computing Center (MACC) 12IOW. Dayton St. Madison. WI 53706 (608) 262 -2054
S. Edmund John'>on Madzar Corp. 37490 Glenmoor Dr Fremont. CA 94536 1415) 79~ -7400
Robert Siller<. Darrell Sprague Magnetic Recovery Technologists Inc 2543 1 Rye Canyon Rd . Valencia. CA 91355 (805) 257-2262
Mike Alli\on Malibu Electronics Corp. 2301 Townsgate Rd . Wesrlake Village. CA 91361 (805)496- 1990
Wavne Whitnev Ma'rway Prod~cts Inc. 2421 S. Birch Sr. Santa Ana. CA 92707 (714) 549-0623
Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd. 5800 Andover Ave. TMR . Quebec. H4T IH4 Canada 1514) 735 -1182
Patrick Coffey MBSlnc. 6333 Odana Madison . WI 53719 1608) 273-2966
Bill Wollam MOB Systems 1995 N. Batavia St. Orange. CA 92665 (714) 99R-6900
D.L. Knittel Megatek Corp. 393 1 Som:nto Valley Blvd . San Diego. CA 92121 (714)455-5590
Memorex Corp. San Tomas at Central Expwy. Santa C lara. CA 95052 (408) 987- 1000
Harrv Come rchero Men.nen Medical Inc. 10123 Main S1. Clarence. NY 14031 (716) 759-6921
Richard Rauch Melacomp Inc. 7290 Engineer Rd . San Diego. CA 92111 (714)278-0635
Raymond T . Burkley Mlcrobar Systems Inc. 1120 San Antonio Rd . Palo Alto. CA 94303 (4 15) 964-2862
Hank Vlcek Microcomputer Systems Corp. 432 Lake<ide Sunnyvale. CA 94086 (408) 733-4200
Bob Lepore Micro Memory Inc. 9436 Irondale Ave. Chal\worth. CA 91311 (213) 998-0070
Susane Matlock Micro Peripherals Inc. 4426 S. Century Salt Lake Ci ty. UT 841 19 (801)263-308 1
Don Venable Mlcroperipheral Corp. 2643 151 st Pl. Redmond. WA 98052 (206)881 -7544
Denni'> Resnik Mlcropolis Corp. 2 1329 Nordhoff St. Chatswonh. CA 91311 (2 /3) 709-3300
Mlcroslgnal 3704 Srare St .. Suite 214A Santa Barbara. CA 93 105 1805) 687-8608
Qi;;car Rosenbloom Microtech Exports 467 Hamilton Ave . Palo Alto. CA 94301 (415)324-9114
W.A. Williamson Micro Technology Inc. 2 192 Martin . Suite 230 Irvine . CA 92715 1714)851-2 120
Charles A. Sereno Mikros Systems Corp. 3828 Quaker Bridge Rd . Mcrcerville. NJ 08619 (609) 890-0440
Robert Ceonzo MlltopeCorp. 9 Fairchild Ave . Plainview. NY 11803 1516) 349-95()(]
Bob Kone MIM (Modern lnrorma· lion Methods) 2860 Bav Rd . Redwood Citv. CA 94063 1415J367-95BO
Garv W. Hedee Chri.., Ch ri sroj;hcn;en Mini·Computer Business Applications Inc. (MCBA)
244 1 Honolu lu Ave. Montrose. CA 91020 (2 13) 247-9050
60 Plant Avc. Haup pauge. NY 11787 (516) 582-6500
Nick Hom Mlnloomputer Tedmology 2470 Embarcadero Way Palo Alto. CA 94303 (415)856·7400
Roben Reiss. Dororhy Spr~ue Now Enterprises 25433 Rye Canyon Rd . Valencia. CA 91355 (2 13) 250-2050
Mike Hart Monolithic Systems Corp. 84 ln veme~'\ Cr. E. Enolewood. CO 801 12 (303) 770-7400
Gary Andcrsori Mostek Corp., Subsidiarv of UTC 1215 Cro;by Carrollton. TX 75006 (214)323-8840 1800)527-74/0
Motorola Inc. 350 1 Ed . Bluestein Blvd. Austin. TX 78721 !512) 928-6776
Averv Blake MQiComputer Products 26 15 Miller Ave. Mountain View. CA 94041 (4 15) 948-8961
William A. Schultz MuSYSCorp. 1451 E. Irvine Blvd .. Suite 11 Tu<tin . CA 92680 1714) 730-5692
Bruce P. A lmich Nassau Systems, DEC Compatible Hardwa re Acce"isories Box 19329 Cincinnali. OH 45219 (5 13) 231 - 1283
Frances Drurv National Insiruments 8900 Shoal Creek Blvd . Austi n. TX 78758 (512) 454-3526 (800) 531-5066
Chuck Depew. Bill LeDuc D on Johnson National Semiconductor/ Memory Systems 2900 Semiconductor Dr. M/S 7C265 Santa Clara. CA 95051 (408) 736-69<J.I
Pau l Bloomb Octek Inc. Corp. Pl.. S. Bedford S1. Burlington. MA 0 1803 (617) 273-0851
Francine Parker Oliver Adnnced Eng. Inc. 676 W . Wilson Ave. Glendale. CA 91203 (213) 240-0080
J . R. Pancake OPT022 15461 Springdale St. Hun tinl?:ton Beach. CA 92649 (714) 891-5861
Anne Smilh Oregon Software Inc. 2340 SW Canyon Rd . Portland. OR 9720 1 (503) 226-7760
R. L. Nelson Pacific Cyber/Metrlx Inc. (PC/M) 6800 Sierra Coun Dublin. CA 94566 (415)829-8700
Pal Dawson Pacific Digital Systems 878 Ho ll enbeck Sunnyvale. CA 94087 (408) 732-0656
Bill Sayre PEBX Inc. 501 Vandell Way Campbell. CA 95008 (408) 866-7838
Jeo"ieph Scally Perception Technology Corp. 95 Cross St. Winche<ter. MA 01890 (617) 729-0110
Kai Hubler Netcom Products Inc. 430 Toyama Dr. Sunnvvale. CA 94086 (408j 734-R732
Newman Computer Exchange Box 8610 Ann Arhor. Ml 48107 (313)994-3200
Phil Haine" New World Computer Co. Inc. 3176 Pullman St.. Suite 120 Costa M<'a. CA 92626 (714) 556-9320
Mike Hif?g: ins Nicolet Zeta Corp. 2300 Stanwell Dr. Concord. CA 94520 (415) 67/.()60()
Seth Basker Nordata 4433 27th Ave . West Seattle . WA 98199 (206)282 -1170
Ken Salz North Atlantic Industries, ACS Div .
Werner K. Hintze Perlphere Computer Systeme GmbH Pfal zer-Wald-Strasse 36 D-8000 Munich. W. Germany 089/681021
Hugh Gigante Perlphonics Corp. 4000 Vets Memorial Hwy . Bohemia. NY 11716 (516) 467-0500
Tom Birc hell Perltek Corp. 3014 Lakeshore Ave Oakland. CA 94610 (415)465-9000
Jim Chrisrian Pertee Computer Corp. 9600 Irondale Chatswonh. CA 91311 (213) 999-2020
Pifceon Inc. 2350 Bering Dr SanJo<e.CA95131 (408) 946-8030
L. Lathbury . P. Kaufford PK Systems Inc. 11 3 N. Ce nter Bloomington. IL 61701 (309)828-6031
Plessey Perip heral Systems 17466 Dai mler Ave . Irvi ne . CA 92714 (7 14 )540-9945
Dan Reese Plessey Peripheral Systems 169 1 Browning Avenue Irvine. CA 92714 (714)557-98 11
Marianne Manda la Point 4 Data Corp. 2569 McCabe Irvine . CA 927 14 (7/4) 754-4 114
Sherill Milner Powertec 20550 Nordhoff St. Chatsworth. CA 91311 (213) 882-0004
Carol Brady Precision Visuals Inc. 250 Arapahoe Boulder. CO 80302 (303) 449-0806
C. J . McGui re Preston Scientific Inc. 805 E. Ce rritos Ave. Anaheim. CA 92805 (714) 776-6400
Marla Quandt. Kathy Smith Priam 3096 O rchard Dr. San Jose. CA 95 134 (408) 946-4600
Joe E. Bailev Printer Sysiems Corp. I West Deer Park Rd .. Suite 104 Gaither;burg. MD 20760 (800) 638-4041
Ed Win.;;Jow Prlntronlx Inc. 17421 Derian Ave .. P. 0 . Box 19559 Irv ine . CA 92713 (714)549-7700
Paul W . Means Prod a ta 509 Spruce. SE Albuquerque. NM 87106 (505) 243-5639
Robert A . Shaver Protolek Inc. Box 46512 Cincinnari. OH 45246 1513)874-5094
Srephen F. Heffner PSI (Pennington Systems Inc.) 65 S. Main St .. Bldg . C Penningron. NJ 08534 (609) 737-2727
Leon Maimed Qantex Div., North Atlantic Industries 60 Plani Ave . Hauppauge. NY 11787 (516) 582-6060
Q-TECH Asooclates Box 952 Old Lyme . CT06371 (203\ 434-2423
Qualex Technology Int, 6925 Canby Ave. Bldg 109 Reseda. CA 91335 (213) 708-1170
SEPTEMB ER 1981 Digital Design 79
List of Manufacturers
George Stoeppel Quantex Corp. 252 N. Wolfe Rd . Sunnyvale. CA 94086 1408) 733-6730
Bob Shuniard Quay Corp. 527 Industrial Way West Bo' 783 Eatontown. NJ 07724 (201)542 -7344
Daniel Duke Quentin Research Inc. 19355 Busines" Center Dr. Nonhridge . CA 91324 1213) 701 -1006
Tony Glinskas Ramtek Corp. 22 11 Lawson Lane Santa Clara. CA 95050 1408) 988-2211
Ge ne Piotrowsky Rational Data Systems Inc. 205 Ea..i 42nd St. Ne w York City. NY 10017
Charles E. Donahue Raytheon Data Systems 1415 Bo'\ ton ~ Pmvidence Tpke . Norwood. MA 02062 (617) 762-6700
RDA Inc. 50 12 Hen:el Pl. Belt<ville. MD 20705 (301) 937-2215
Richard Pizza Recognition Concepts Inc. 916 Forbes St. Lakepon. CA 95453 (707) 263 -6869
Duncan Kellev Relational M~mory Systems Inc. (RELMS) Bo' 6719 SanJo<e. CA95150 1408) 732-5520
Boh Prc1?er Relatio~al Software Inc. 3000 Sand Hill Rd . Menlo Park. CA 94025 (4/5)854-7350
Jim Levie Remtech Inc. 2603 Anie St.. Suite 21 Hunt>ville . AL 35805 (205) 536-8581
Renaissance Systems Inc. I0639 Rn<elle St. San Diego. CA 9212 1 17141457-2700
Rianda Electronics 2535 Via Pa lma Anaheim . CA 92801 1714) 995 -6552
John G . Burlinggame Rockwell International, Auronetic'\ Marine Sv'\lem<i> Div. 3.~70 Miraloma Ave Anaheim . CA 92803 (7/4)632-4995
P. L. Ander<;;on Rogers Corp. Bo' 700 Chandler. AZ 85224 (602 ) 963-4584
Nancy Zawadzki Rubel Software, Andrew Rubel & Associates . Inc . I Soldiers Field Park 605 Boston. MA 02163 (617) 876-7993
Ame Schumacher Sanders Associates Inc., Information Products Div . D. W. Highway . South Na.hua. NH 03061 (603) 885-5280
Laura Hoffman The Santa Cruz Operation Inc. 500 Chestnut St . Santa Cruz. CA 95060 1408) 425-7222
Marv Kun'\tmann Sat~m Systems Inc. 6875 Wa'\hington Ave . So.. Suite 2 18 Minneapoli·. MN 55435 1800) 328-6145
Jcrrv L Shumwav Sca~optik Inc. Box 1745 Rockville. MD 20850 (301) 762 -06 12
Charl e~ Vollum l'cientiftc Enterprises Inc. 9375 SW Commerre Cirt:lc Wil<trnville . OR 97070 1503) 682 -3900
Mike Liccardo Scientific Micro Systems Inc. 777 Ea" Middlefield Rd . Mountain View . CA 94043 1415) 964-5700
Jerrv Blevins SCi Systems Inc. Box 4000
8600 s.
Memorial Pkwy . Huntsv ille. AL 35802
x (205)882-4800 251
Seagate Technology 360 El Pueblo Rd . Scott< Valley . CA 95066 (408) 438-6550
Pal Greenwell. Brian Murphy Selanar Corp. 2403 De La Cruz Blvd . Santa C lara . CA 95050 1408) 727-2811
George So ll man Shugart Associates 47~ Oakmc;id Pkwy. Sunnyva le . CA 94086 (408) 7.13 -0/(}()
J . Barrie Clark Siemens Corp. OEM Data Products Div. 240 E. Palais Rd. Anaheim . CA 92805 (7/4) 99/ -9700
Marv Atonhv Sigma SatesInc. 6505C Serrano Ave . Anaheim . CA 92807 (7/4) 974-0166
Rov Penwell Simulation Technology Inc. 4126 Linden Ave. Davton. O H 45432 (5 i3) 252-5623
Irene A . Navickas SIR Inc. Box 1404 Evanston. IL 60204 (3 12) 475 -23 14
Howard Klemmer SKY Computers Inc. Foot of John St. Lowell. MA 0 1852 1617) 454-6200
R. Kri li tian.,en SLI Ind. 2 1040 Victory Blvd . Woodland Hill·. CA 91367 1213)884 - 7300
Roger Handy Small Business Systems Group Inc. 6Carlislc Rd . Westford . MA 01886 (617)692 -3800
R. Scherle Software Techniques Inc. 5242 Kate ll a Ave. # JOI Lo' A lamito·. CA 90720 1213) 594 -9405
Dona ld Doolev Southern Systems Inc. 2841 Cypre" Creek Rd . Ft. Lauderdale . FL 33309 1305) 979-1000 1800) 327-5602
M. Stanlev Schlos'\er Spatial D~ta Systems Box 978 Goleta. CA 93116 (805) 967-2383
Rohcrt Carter Spectra Logic Corp. 1227 ln nl\bntck Dr. Sunnvvale. CA 94086 1408i 744-0930
He len T . Haver.>at Spectrogram Corp. 385 State St. Nonh Haven . CT 06473 (203)281 -0121
Dan Janzen Standard Engineering Corp. 44800 Industrial Dr. Fremont. CA 94538 (4/5) 657-7555
David Jorgen.;;cn Ron Rader. Joe Vallerend Stanford Applied Engineering 3520 De La Cruz Blvd. Santa Clara. CA 95050 1408) 988--0700
Steve Cuni'\, Steve Drucker Step Engineering 757 Pa.<i>loria Ave . Bn' 61166 Sunnvvale. CA 94086 (408i 733 -7837
G . L. Swartzfager Slorage Technology Corp. 2270 South 88th St. Louil\ville. CO 80027 (30.1)673 -5151
Shekar Muthuswamy STS Inc. 7751 Carondelet Ave. Clay ton. MO 63105 13141725 -2750
S Richard Rauo:;ch Symbol Technologies Inc. 90 Plan! Ave. Hauppauge . NY 11787 1516) 231 -5252
Kcnl Winton System Industries
525 Oakmead Parkway Box 425 Su nn vva le. CA 94086 1408i 732- 1650
David B. Beckel! Sytek Inc. 1153 Bordeaux Dr. Sunnyvale. CA 94086 1408) 734-9000
James Massey TAB Products Co. 1451 CalifomiaAve. Palo Alto. CA 94304 1415)858-2500
Jeff Segers Tandon Corp. 20320 Prairie St . Chatswon h. CA 91311 1213) 993-6644
Al Astor TEAC, Industria l Products Div. 7733 Telegraph Rd . Montebello. CA 90640 12 13)726--0303
Ross Terry TEACOlnc. Box E. 2117 Ohio St. Michigan City . IN 46360 12 / 9) 874 -6234
W. H. J. Seldef' TEC, Inc. 2727 No. Fairview Tucson . AZ 85705 (6(}2) 792-2230
Techtran Industries Inc. 200 Commerce Dr. Rochester. NY 14623 17161334-9640
Trevor Constable Tecstor Inc. 16 161 Gothard St. Huntington Beach. CA 92647 1714)842-0077
Marketing Communication.~ Tektronix Information Display Div. Box 500 Beavenon. OR 97077 1503) 682 -3411
James Erne Tel Com Products Inc. 107W. 61stSt. Westmont . IL 60559 1800) 323 -7385
Bruce Sherman Tele Soft 10639 Roselle St. San Diego. CA 92 12 1 17141457-2700
Clint DeGabrielle Teleftle Computer Products Inc. 1713 1 Daimler Irvine . CA 927 )4 17141557-6660
T . D. Henry Teleray, Div. of Research Inc . Box 24064 Minneapolis. MN 55424 1612) 941 -3300
David Gi lblom Telesensory Speeeh Systems Bo< 10099 Palo A lto. CA 94304 (4 15)856-8255
TeleVideo Inc. 2 149 Paragon Dr. San Jose. CA 95131 1408) 946-8500
Texas Instruments Inc. Semiconductor Group Box 1443. MIS 6958 Houston . TX 7700 I (713)490-3746
Thomas Engineering Co. 1040 Oak Grove Rd .. Suite 106 Concord . CA 94518 1415) 680-8640
J. Greene. P. Dosrie Three Phoenix Co. 21639 N. 14th Ave. Phoenix. AZ 85027 1602) 242-6300
Earl Jacobsen Topaz, Inc., OPP Div. Bo· 8 1446 San Diego. CA 92 138 1714)292-171 1
Keith Nelson Topaz, Inc., Powennark Div. 3855 Ruffin Rd . San Diego. CA 92 123 1714)565-8363
Rob Britton Topaz, Inc., Topaz Electronics Div. 9192 Topaz Way San Diego. CA 92123 1714) 279-083 1
John Scanlon Transcomm Data Systems Inc. 1380 Old Freepon Rd . Pittsburgh. PA 15238 14/2) 963-6770
Randy Smith Alan Glickman Trans Datacorp 1717 Old Cou nty Rd . Belmont. CA 94002 1415)591-5705
Miles Efron Trendata Corp/Standard Memories 3400 W. Seoe"trom Sa nta Ana. CA 92704 1714)540-3605
Len Buge l. Dave Tyburski Tycnm Associates 68 Velma Ave. Pittsfield. MA 01201 1413)442-9771
John Pingel Unitratt Inc. 3350 Scon Blvd .. Bldg. II Santa Clara. CA 95051 1408) 727-7573
Marketing Department U. S. Design Corp. 24 1I Crofton Lane Crofton . MD 2 1114 (30/) 858--0800
Jim Church Vector General 21300 Oxnard Woodland Hills. CA 91367 1213) 346-3410
80 Digital Design SEPTEMBER 1981
E. Hinkley
Vermont R.......m c..,,.
Precision Park N. Springfield. vr05150 1802) 886-2256
Ron Gurich
v · ......,
2805 Bowen Ave. Santa Oara. CA 95051 (408) 988-2800
J. Ulenas Vttra Systerm C..,,. Box 714 Melville. NY 11747 1516) 454-6469
John R. Haley Viking Software Servia5 Inc. 28 15 E. Skelly Dr. Tulsa. OK 74105 (918) 749-229()
Rick Barry Volker-Craig Lid. 266 M~land Dr. Waterloo. Ontario Canada N2J 3Z I 1519)884-9300
Jack Campbell Watanabe lmtnunenls Corp. 3186 Airway Ave.. Bldg. D Costa Mesa. CA 92626 (800) 854-8385
Dick Sholly Wesperlin<, Div. of Wesperco<p 14321 Myford Rd. Tustin . CA 92680 (714) 730~250
Paul Bakken WestO.Computer Exchange 248 Sobrante Way Sunnyvale. CA 94086 (408) 732-4523
C.H. Flaheny
Western Dynex c..,,.
3536 W. Osborne Rd . Phoenix. AZ 85019 (602) 269-6401
Dick Sholly Western Ptripherals, Division ofWespercorp 14321 Myford Rd. Tustin. CA 92675 (714) 730~250
Jon Kostner Wilson Labonllories Inc. 2237 N. Batavia St. Orange CA 92665 (714)998-1980
Lynn Speaker Xylop:s Inc. 42 Third Ave. Burlington. MA 01803 (617) 272-8140
Rob Richards
7.endex c..,,.
6680 Sierra Lane Dublin. CA 94566 (4 15)829-1284
John Frank :lmlth Data Systerm IOOO Milwaukee Ave. Glenview. IL 60025 (3!2)391-88fJO
Glenn Bumen
Box 351 Morris Plains. NJ 07950 (201)540-9341
Donna Drum
Ziatech Corp. 24!0 Broad St. San Luis Obispo. CA 93401 (805)541-0488
Bill Galarneau ZiJog 10460 Bubb Rd . Cupenino. CA 95014 (408) 446-4666
ComRuter ComRatible Ql.!estionnaire
If your firm manufactures compatible memories, peripherals or equipment for DEC , Data General and other computers, then let our 67 ,000 direct (198,000 total) readers know . Send us all the product literature you' ve got. Please place one product per page (make photocopies as desired) . Give brief description and important specs. Please do not write , " See Spec Sheet," we cannot reprint spec sheets.
Category (for this product)
D Magnetic Media Drive
D Printers and Plotters
D Power Supplies/UPS/Line
0 Add-In/Add-On Memory
D Interface Boards (Controllers,
D Communications
Converters, Special 1/0, etc) D Packaging, Hardware,
D Array Processor
D Test Equipment/
Backplanes, Enclosures
D Display Terminal
D Services
D Other(describe) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - D Software
Product Name/Model No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Description/specs_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
This product is compatible with? _ _DEC, __DG, _ _P-E, __HP, _ _Intel, _ _ _ _Other Price(s) _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Do you D manufacture? D wholesale? D service? D other? describe_____________
Check type(s) of maintenance available: _ _Return to factory (RTF) _ _Third party service (3rd P) _ _Other? describe_____________ __________________ Number of your field offices: _ _FO. Company contact (sales) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Company Name/Division - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Street/Box# _________________________________ City_ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ State/Zip_____ Phone ( Whom should our editors contact? ___________________________
Mail this form to Directory Editor, Digital Design, 1050 Cpmmonwealth Ave ., Boston, MA 02215 (617) 232-5470
SEPTEMBER 1981 Digital Design 81
-Designers' Notebook-
Use Off-The-Shelf Components
To Design 300-Baud AnswerI Originate Modem
first, some basics
One of the very few methods of exchanging data (files, source code, object code, etc.) between diverse µ.Ps without having to combat the problems of differing mass storage media is by means of data transmission over switched or leased telephone facilities. Most other means of data exchange such as floppy diskettes or cassette tapes are specific to one or a few µ.Cs. Data transmission over phone lines can be independent both of the µ.Ps involved and of the method or speed of the mass data storage used by either processor.
In order to transmit data at reasonable speeds over a telephone line, a modem (a contraction of the words modulator and demodulator) is used to convert digital signals into analog form for transmission over the telephone network. This is necessary because the telephone network was designed for analog voice transmission and not for digital data. The telephone network has an audio bandwidth of about 3000 Hz, so the modem must condition the signals to fit within this bandwidth.
Since communication usually involves data transmission in both directions, a convention has been established so the data traveling in each direction does so without interference. In the Bell 103 type of modem certain designated audio frequencies are used for binary zero and one. One of the pair of communicating entities is arbitrarily designated as the originating end and the other as the answering end. As the words imply, the originating end answers, but this is not necessary. All that is necessary is to designate one of the pair the "answerer" and the other the "originator.., The originating end transmits a binary zero (also known as a space) as a tone of 1070 Hz and a binary one (also known as a mark) as a tone of 1270 Hz. The originating end receives space and mark as tones of 2025 Hz and 2225 Hz, respectively. The answering end obviously has the transmit and receive frequencies interchanged. The Bell 103 modem
translates serial data from voltage levels to these audio tones which are capable of being transmitted over standard telephone lines at a data rate from 0 to 300 bits per second (bps) .
A data bit is usually first translated by a terminal or µ.C to standard voltage levels defined by an EIA standard known as RS-232C. This standard defines a
space as a voltage level between +5 and + 15 V and a mark as a voltage
level between -5 and -15 Y. Voltages
between - 5 and +5 V have undefined
meaning. These signals are capable of
Amplitude modulation (AM): A method of transferring data via a modem in which the amplitude of a carrier signal is altered to represent zeros or ones. Asynchronous trans~ion: Data transmission in which each character has its own start and stop bits and there is no control over time between characters. Baud: A unit of measuring data transmission speed. Baud and bits per second (bps) are often used interchangeably. Bell compatible modem: A modem whose line audio signals meet Bell telephone standards. Carrier signal: A signal that contains no infonnation by itself but whose characteristics can be altered to carry data. Frequency modulation (FM): The most common method of transmission in which a carrier signal's frequency shifts back and forth between two distinct frequencies to designate zeros and ones. Full duplex: Pertains to the simultaneous independent transmission of data in both directions over a communications line. Half duplex: Pertains to the operation of a communications link
being transmitted over wire cable for distances of several hundred feet at speeds up to several thousand bps.
The I03 type 300 baud modem described in this article uses RS-232C levels between the processors or terminals and connects to the telephone line through a device called a Direct Access Arrangement (DAA). There are two common DAAs: the CBS data coupl er which uses RS-232C levels to interface with the modem and the simpler CBT data coupler which uses contact closures (switc hes or relays) for
in either direction over a single channel, but not in both directions simultaneously. Modem: An acronym for modulator-demodulator, a device used at each end of a telephone line to convert binary data to audio tones suitable for transmission over the line and vice versa. Originate/Answer: Two modes of operation for a modem. In the originate mode, the modem will utilize one set of frequencies to transmit data and another set of frequencies to receive data. In the answer mode these frequency sets are reversed . For two modems to communicate, one modem must be in the originate mode and the other in the answer mode. Serial interface: Circuitry that transforms digital data from a parallel mode to a sequential mode. Start/stop bits: Bits transmitted immediately before and after a block of data (or character, in the case of asynchronous transmission). The start bits alert the receiving system to expect incoming data while the stop bits signal the end of the transmission of that block or character.
82 Digital Design SEPTEMBER 1981
the modem interface. The CBT type DAA is used in this design for simplicity. An FCC-registered DAA is needed when connecting into the public switched network. The simple DAA design described here can be used with either leased or private lines.
building the modem
Functionally, a frequency modulated modem of the I03 type consists of just a few basic building blocks. Data to be transmitted first enters a low pass filter which removes the high frequency components of the rectangular pulse shaped data input. The shaped pulses control the frequency of the FM oscillator. The transmit bandpass filter limits the frequency spectrum to the bandwidth of the transmission facility . At the other end the receive bandpass filter removes the noise and interference outside-the band of interest. Frequency variations at zero amplitude are converted by a limiter into a rectangular wave so that residual amplitude modulation is eliminated. The original signal is then recovered in a discriminator process of the FM demodulator. The low pass filter removes out of band modulation products and noise . The output of the low pass filter is fed into the slicer which performs a slicing function to produce rectangular pulses again.
The number of components required to implement these functions is relative1y modest. Only two filters are required: a switchable dual channel transmit filter and line hybrid (CHl262) and dual channel receive filter and limiter (CHl267). It is necessary to be able to swi tch the·center frequencies of the filters ( 1170 and 2125 Hz) so the modem can be used either as an originate or answer mode. This is done by changing
the DC voltage ( + 12 V) on the channel
select pins. On the CH1262 channel , select pins I and 16 set the channel frequency to 1170 Hz when connected to V - and to 2125 Hz when connected
to V + . On the CH 1267, channel select
pins 11 , 17 and 19 will set the channel frequency to 1170 when connected to V - and to 2125 Hz when connected
to V +.
The most troublesome and complicated parts of a modem are the filters used to separate and purify the transmit and receive audio tones. It is not uncommon that filters for the receive and transmit frequencies to each contain many op amps and tens of precision resistors and capacitors. The Cermetek miniModem building block filters used in this design, however, require no adjustments and few external components.
The CH 1262 is a two channel bandpass filter which passes the modulated signal with extremely low distortion within the selected bandwidth . It bandlimits the oscillator output to attenuate those modulation components which would interfere with the adjacent channel. Filter bandwidth is relatively large, about 500 Hz. and adjacent channel attenuation is -13 dB for the originate mode and -19 dB for the answer mode . This thick film hybrid device also contains a line hybrid to couple the receiver to the line, while isolating the modulator
from the receiver. Minimum isolation of modulation is a function of line mismatch from a nominal 600 ohm line. For 30% mismatch, the line hybrid provides complete iso lation of 10 dB. With the line at 600 ohms impedance . the line hybrid will provide 6 dB of gain to the receive filter for the received signal and a 50 dB attenuation for the transmitted signal.
The CH 1267 receive filter also acts in a two channel bandpass configuration which passes the signals with extremely low group envelope delay distortion.
There are other streamen, but the MicrostreamerTMgives you
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There's one tape drive family you can buy that totally eliminates the manual handling of tape. With Cipher's Microstreamer, loading and threading of tape reels is totally automatic. All you do is open the door, insert the tape reel and close the door. That's it. The machine threads the tape by itself. No more operator training. Anyone can use it.
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Catch the excitement!
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Circle 36 on Reader Inquiry Card SEPTEMBER 1981 Digital Design 83
series systems.
Do you need to add peripherals or additional cable lengths to an overloaded bus? Do you . have unknown system crashes such as caused by a type 4 trap - delayed response from a slave sync? Is your current repeater too slow for your current system?
If these questions are relevant, then Datafusion Corporation has a
device that can answer your needs, the OSBll-A Bus Repeater. It is a functional equivalent of DEC's'' DBll-A, and is designed to drive at least 19 bus loads and 50 foot of bus cables.
Ultra Fast: 80 nanoseconds MSYNC to return SSYNC maximum (40 nsec one way). This is due, primarily, to the specially designed patented integrated circuit employed by the OSBll-A.
Reliable: Only 34 operational circuit components. Tested in environments from 0° to 70°C with virtually no degradation of signal qualiry.
Easy to Install: Remove a M920 Jumper and replace it with a OSBll-A. No extra system unit is needed; no wires or plugs to connect (or disconnect) ; no lost time in reconfiguration.
Available: Off-the-shelf. And , it's fully supported and warranted. Cost: About 25% below DEC' Quantiry discounts are available. Other PDPll products available are a Busrouter (a Unibus'' Switch) to reconnect multiple peripherals to one or more PDPll cpu's, a Unibus;' Cable Tester, and an Associative File Processor for high speed text search - a hardware approach. We also have some ideas for the application of our products which might not have occurred to you. If you can't get the performance that you would like from your PDPll system, maybe we can help. Please telephone our Marketing Manager at (213) 887-9523 or write to Datafusion Corporation, 5115 Douglas Fir Road, Calabasas, California 91302.
Circle 37 on Reader Inquiry Card
84 Digital Design SEPTEMBER 1981
Designers' Notebook
The adjacent channel attenuation for the answer mode is - 38 dB and for the originate mode is -42 dB. Inclusion of the line hybrid provides IO dB of additional isolation at 30% line mismatch and 50 dB if lines are matched. The CH1267 also contains a soft limiter to amplify the signal from the filter in order to supply the demodulator with sufficient signal level for error-free operation. The soft limiter provides 38 dB of additional linear gain for threshold level and clips on larger inputs . When used with the limiter, a two stage progressive limiting function is provided for operation over a 50 dB receiver dynamic range.
The only other major component in this modem is the Motorola MC6860 MOS/LSI modem chip. It provides all the circuitry required to perform the functions of modulation and demodulation as well as several important supervisory control functions. The presence of a ring indication or the closing of the switch hook caused by taking the telephone receiver off its cradle is detected and the 6860 puts the modem in the answer or originate mode.
Of course, a variety of external dev'ices is required in addition to these three devices for the modem to operate in an adequate fashion and to interface in the proper manner to the outside world .
Conversion of signals from RS-232C levels to TTL levels and back again is provided by the inclusion of two special interface circuits, the MC1488 and MCI489A . A 1458 dual op amp is used to convert the TTL-level mode signal from the MC6860 (as perhaps modified by the Test/Normal switch) to a+ 12 or - 12 V signal to switch the filters between originate and answer. A 301A op amp is used to limit the received signal. A 3. 9 volt zener diode causes the output of the op amp to be TTL compatible . A TTL gate helped square up the limited signal as required by the 6860. A 200K ohm variable resistor on the CHI 262 is used to set the transmit level to 0 dBm (I mW at 600 ohms or 0. 7 V RMS).
Five LEDs have been incorporated into this design to be used by the operator to monitor the operation of the modem. The functions displayed are power-on, clear-to-send, mode (with the LED on in the answer mode) , offhook, and one spare for a function of the designer's choice.
The DAA used in this particular configuration is designed to have a very
clean interface between it and the modem itself. This was done so the modem could easily be used both on public switched lines with an external DAA or on private leased lines with the internal DAA.
The DAA couples the modem to the phone line through a 1: 1 600-ohm transformer. Ring detection is done by a capacitively coupled diode bridge through an opto-isolator. The switch labeled "ring" simulates a ring on the telephone line for testing purposes.
There are two relays placed on the phone line. The one on the modem side closes about one second after the line side relay closes to place the telephone line off-hook. The delay is governed on the line side by a 74123 one shot and 7474 D-latch .
The RC network on the clear inputs to this delay circuitry provides poweron sequencing.
A power supply provides +5, + 12 and - 12 Volts regulated to the modem. These voltages, of course, can be obtained from the terminal or computer, if available. However, a self-contained power supply makes the modem an independent device. The entire modem can be wirewrapped on a small perfboard and enclosed in a cabinet.
the modem in operation
After conversion from RS-232C to TTL levels by the MC1488 and MC1489A interface circuits, the MC6860's modulator section converts serial digital data into analog frequencies. A sine wave is digitally synthesized in one-of-four frequencies required for 300-baud modem operation. One frequency pair (Mark and Space) is for one direction and one frequency pair is for the other direction. These are: Mark: 1270 Hz (pair #1), 2225 Hz (pair #2) ; Space: 1070 Hz (#1), 2025 Hz (#2). This signal is filtered and amplified by the transmit CH 1262 transmit filter. The demodulator section of the 6860 detects the presence of a Mark or Space frequency at its input and presents a digital zero or one output to the terminal or computer after conversion to RS-232 levels by the interface circuits. The receive signal input to the 6860 must be a 50% duty cycle TTL signal, filtered and limited (amplified and clipped) and with very clean and sharp edges.
If the data terminal is ready, ring detection creates an answer phone signal to the DAA. A 6860 mode signal output controls the switchable filters so that the correct set of signal pairs is used. A Clear-To-Send (CTS) signal is
also created to indicate to the terminal or computer the establishment of a communication link.
The Request-To-Send (RTS) signal is not used by the 6860. It is normally used to indicate to the modem that it is about to begin or resume sending of data and the modem responds with a CTS signal to indicate that the modem is ready to function. However, in this design, RTS is used by the support circuitry to control pulse dialing and setting the answer/originate mode of the modem.
If the modem is powered up with RTS on ( +5to+12 V), the modem is placed in the originate mode and the Answer Phone signal from the 6860 commands the DAA to take the phone line off-hook . The telephone may then be dialed by pulsing the RTS line off and on under software control. A CP/M program for an 8080 can do automatic dialing.
If the modem is powered up and RTS is off (-5 to - 12 V), the modem will wait for a ring indication from the DAA. On receipt of the ring, the 6860 will bring the Answer Phone line high and begin sending the transmit carrier (2225 Hz). If the modem on the other end of the line responds with its carrier (1270 Hz), the 6860 will turn CTS on about
STAR'S NEW MODEL DP·822 is the ideal alphanumeric printer for
automated banking terminals, desktop calculators, electronic cash registers, medical and scientific instruments- and many other prod· ucts requiring a reliable, low-cost dot matrix impact printer. It has a re· placeable printing head with minimum life expectancy of 15-millic,n characters and is operated by a single 12·volt DC power supply. You get up to 21-column hard-copy printing at a speed of 2.5 lines per second with serial impact strong enough to print two clear copies on carbonless tapes or a single copy on standard 2'14' adding machine tape. A 5 x 7 matrix array yields prin!ed characters in any alphanumeric font up to .071" wide by .114" high. The Star DP-822 costs only $42.95 each in quan·
lilies of 1000 units-and control electronics also are available at low cost. Write today for com· plete information.
© 1980 Star Micronics, Inc.
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inc 1N cANADA LENenooK 1NDusTn1es. LTD
Circle 38 on Reader Inquiry Card
See us at WESCON, Booth H201
Switching Power Supplies open frame, outputs +5V/4A-5V/0.5A+12V/1A Input 11 OV AC 60 cycle others on request
Screen sizes from 5 to 14 in. Color plus P4, P31 and P39 phosphors. Extremely bright and sharp image due to 25 MHz video bandwidth and 1200 line resolution.
TIL logic levels for video input. and power requirements are 11 OV AC 60 cycle or 220V AC 50 or 60 cycle; please specify.
High performance and low prices. Call and try usl
I. II, !!~~~~!lcorp.
Mountain View, California 94041 Tel: (415) 962-9265 Tix: 171947 HANDWELL MNTV
Circle 39 on Reader Inquiry Card
SEPTEMBER 1981 Digital Design 85
Designers' Notebook
Fast reliable printer.
The DC-16068/DC-21060 discharge printer prints 16 or 21 column alphanumerics in a 5 x 7 dot matrix format. Its MTBF is 3.0 million lines on 2.25" paper costing about 3/4¢ per foot. Just 3.8" H x 5.4" W x 5.5" D, it is as low as $120 in 100 quantity. Other printers with interface electronics available.
Call or write HYCOM , 16841 Armstrong Ave., Irvine, CA 92714- (714) 557-5252
Circle 40 on Reader Inquiry Card
half a second later. The terminal or computer can detect this and initiate whatever procedure is necessary to communicate with the originator.
software to control the modem
A CP/M program for an 8080-type processor to perform automatic dialing to an answer modem and to initiate communication has the CP/M syntax: DIAL phone number, or DIAL phone number: logon character. The phone number may contain blanks and hyphens; these are ignored . If an invalid character is found in the phone number, the program hangs up the telephone and reboots CP/M. If a colon follows the phone number, the next character is sent to the answering modem after CTS is asserted by the modem. Such a logon character is often required by time sharing services.
Another CP/M program will configure the operating system to act as a remotely accessible computer. The program, after starting, will wait for the telephone to ring and the modem to answer. If the caller is an originating modem, the program will configure CP/M to use the terminal on the other end of the serial line as the CP/M display and console. All output to the remote terminal and input to CP/M from the remote terminal is echoed to the local display.
by Stephen J. Durham
Cermetek, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA
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New DEC-compatible processor link improves system efficiency.
The PPL-1 Peripheral Processor Link is a unique shared memory interface between any two Q-bus (LSl-11 ) and/ or Unibus (POP-11 )-based DEC CPU ·s. Two quad boards and a connecting cable link the peripheral unit with the host . Up to 32KB of memory may be accessed by the peripheral processor at any location within the host . 16 vectored interrupts (8 from each direction) provide necessary hardware for protocol implementation . Multiple PPL-1 ·s provide capability for parallel processing .
DEC LSI -II POP-11 O·btis and Un<Dus a'e re9111re,ed 1r!ldemarksol 01g1ra1 Eo0111men1 CQfD
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Box 790 ·Huntington B each . CA 9 2648 · 714-5 36-0646
Circle 41 on Reader Inquiry Card
86 Digital Design SEPTEMBER 1981
Fiber Optic
Selection Criteria
Struthers-Dunn of Bettedorf. IA. looked at some of the applications their Director 4001 controller would face before deciding that communications with certain types of I/0 devices were best accomplished by a fiber optic link. Although most connections to their unit use conventional wire. they purchased AMP (Harrisburg. PA) fiberoptic links for use near the unit. as well as a remote interface for use near remote 1/0. for certain applications.
The main reason for providing a fiber optic link was noise immunity. The second most important reason was intrinsic safety . Since fiber optic cable isn't influenced by external electro-
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SANTA CLARA 5'405 Stevens Creek Blvd. 95050 , (408 ) 257-8600 ·Centrally located in the heart of Northern Cal ifornia's electronics and information technology manutactUring on Stevens Creek Blvd . at Lawrence Expressway and 1-280. 24 hour Restaurant service. Rum Keg Lounge. Strik ingly attractive California architecture. 90 rooms and 6 studio rooms. Fifteen minutes from San Jose Airport. SAN JOSE (AIRPORT) 1755 N.. lst St 95112. (408 ) 2877535 · Ninety-six spacious rooms in country club setting on U.S. 101 at First St. One mile from San Jose Airport courtesy car . 24 hour Restaurant. excellent meeting tacil1t1es . auto rental 1n lobby, 10 minutes from San Jose State and Umvers1ty of Santa Clara. Marriott's Great Americ a 3 miles north. REDWOOD CITY 485 Veterans Blvd. 94063 , (415) 365-5500 · Conveniently located 12 miles south of the San Francisco Airport on U.S. 101 at Whipple Avenue . Comphmentary Airport transportation . 129 deluxe rooms and 4 meeting rooms . 24 hour Restaurant service with Rum Keg Lounge. San Mateo County government oHices. recreational facih1t1es and tourist attractions located nearby.
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magnetic fields. it is inherently immune to electrical noise . In addition. because it carries energy in the fonn of low level light. it cannot generate a spark. resulting in high intrinsic safety.
If you 're considering fiberoptic links. be certain to consider field repair. It is a major requirement. Be sure that connectors come in a wide variety of types. sizes and styles to fit different fiber optic cables. including plastic. plastic clad silica. and glass. in variations such as single fiber_ multifiber and bundles.
A fiber optic link that connects two or more units to each other is useful in complex manufacturing operations. such as in a transfer line in automobile manufacturing. Also. be sure use of the connector is a straightforward application of the manufacturer's products .
While a fiber optic link provides advantages of noise immunity , intrinsic safety and no ground loops. it is expensive and the cost is still not really competitive with running wire . At this time. you need some kind of justification for go ing to fiber optics . The cable is what adds to the cost. The fiber optic hardware - the transmitter and receiver and associated circuits - are really a one-to-one trade-off with wire.
For field repairs or if you need to cut and tenninate fiber optic cable on a regular basis. consider fiber optic terminating equipment available in kit fonn . The equipment can be used with various types of fiber optic cable. and a skilled operator can make a complete tennination - exclusive of adhesive set up time - in less than five minutes . A fiber optic designers kit can be used to design transmitter and receiver circuits . A lot of OEM designers are making transmitter and receiver modules that are typically optimized for one circumstance . As a result. available modules may not fit a new application .
In addition to fiber optic connectors , . examine the rest of that manufacturer's product line . Does it include many types of connectors for conventional wire? What about wire tenninals and many types of wire tenninating tools and machinery ? Check out tools. These range from simple hand operated de· vices to complex automatic machines capable of mass tenninating many wires at one time . Although you may not need suc h diversity in this application . and th ough you may not anticipate the need fo r a broad product line . things tend to c hange. It' s better to plan for it today than to ri sk being sorry tomorrow .
by the Engineering Staff
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n 3353 Old Conejo Road Newbury Park, CA 91320 1-805-499-3678 CA. 1-800-322-1873
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SEPTEMBER 1981 Digital Design 87
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Zendex designs and manufactures a complete line of MULTIBUS compatible boards and MDS compatible systems. · SBC CPU 8085A-2 , 8088 · RAM 128K Dynamic · FDC ISIS-II Compatible, RMX Compatible · PROM Programmer 2716, 2732,2732A · Disk Systems · Chassis ZX-660, ZX-655 · SBX-Modules Analog, IEEE,Digital · MDS Systems CP/M, ISIS-II Compatible Zendex 6680 Sierra Lane, Dublin , CA 94566 (4 15 ) 829- 1284
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Model MAP-20P is a 20 column . a lphanumeri c panel mount printer that accepts 8 bit TTL parallel data at rates > 2000 C.P.S . Complete with µ.P controlled timing . character generation . printhead-drive. stepping- motor circuits. the unit also has its own self-test program and AC power supply. Weight is 4.2 lbs . and panel space is 14 .8 sq . inches. Price is $625 .00 and in stock :
Needham Hgts . . MA 02194 617-444-7000 Telex 92-2537
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JAPAN : K. YanaQihara (03) 350-0272, 10- tO Shinjuku 3-cho~e. Shinjuku -ku . Tokyo. 160. Cable Address: Yanacour. Tokyo
88 Digital Design SEPTEMBER 1981
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