AppControl Use Case AddOn-VSEC-CB-APCL-PS-HEF-ADN-LF

Rebecca Aquino

VMware Carbon Black App Control Use Case Add On

1 DATASHEET VMware Carbon Black App Control Use Case Add On short verb phrase of what service does Overview The VMware Carbon Black App Control Use Case Add On ...

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VMware Carbon Black App Control Use Case Add On
short verb phrase of what service does

AT A GLANCE The primary objective of this service is to assist the customer with achieving high enforcement in an existing VMware Carbon Black App Control system.
KEY BENEFITS · Rapid time to value on your newly
purchased VMware Carbon Black App Control product.
· Increase security posture and compliance by controlling application protection.

The VMware Carbon Black App Control Use Case Add On professional services package provides an add-on implementation service for the App Control product to achieve high enforcement or setup. A VMware Consultant will work jointly with the Customer team via remote working sessions to add High Enforcement configuration to an existing App Control system.
This service is ideal for organizations who have deployed VMware Carbon Black App Control and needing additional implementation to achieve high enforcement setup for up to five (5) applications.
Knowledge Requirements
It is expected that at least one Customer representative will have knowledge of the VMware Carbon Black App Control Administration function. To obtain this knowledge, Customer should attend the VMware Carbon Black App Control Administration training course (to be purchased separately) before commencing the implementation project.

Part Number / SKU
Setting up a robust applications control platform solution in high enforcement configuration utilizing VMware Carbon Black® App ControlTM in accordance with VMware best practices for up to 1,000 Carbon Black App Control Endpoints and if required, assist with App Control agent upgrades.

Customer will be able to accomplish the following outcomes after the project:
· Harden new and legacy systems against unwanted change, simplify the compliance process, and provide protection for corporate systems. · Stop malware, ransomware, zero-day, and non-malware attacks. · Prevent unauthorized change with file-integrity monitoring, device control, and memory protection.

Estimated Schedule
VMware consulting services will be performed according to a schedule agreed to by both parties. Typically, consulting services are performed during normal business hours and workdays (weekdays and non-holidays). REMOTE ONLY


VMware Carbon Black App Control Use Case Add-On
Service Assumptions
CUSTOMER RESOURCES: Should Customer request VMware to perform tasks that are dependent upon Customer resources or decisions, Customer will make such resource available or decisions final in a timely manner. HARDWARE PROCUREMENT: Procurement and installation of hardware is the responsibility of Customer. VMware will provide recommendations and assistance. WORKSITE: The Software Related Services tasks may be performed on-site or remotely. An approximate travel schedule will be mutually agreed. Travel expenses are not included in the packaged offering and will be quoted separately and agreed mutually between Customer and VMware. ON-SITE TRAVEL: In weeks where both parties have agreed that an on-site resource is prudent, travel for VMware consultants will occur on Mondays and Thursdays unless otherwise agreed. It is expected that consultants will travel to Customer's facility on Monday morning, arriving on site as early on Monday as possible, as dictated by flight options and travel time. The consultants will work on-site through Thursday and will schedule return travel on Thursday evenings, as available. Travel expenses are not included in this Datasheet. WORKING HOURS: Engagements that require consultants to work in excess of 40 hours per week, to work on weekends or major national holidays and/or to travel outside of this schedule will be considered exceptions to this policy and will be reviewed and approved by VMware and Customer as required. PRE-REQUISITES: Pre-requisites must be completed for all installation components before any installation activities will be performed. Should Customer not purchase the associated software for deployment, the services deliverable line items associated with those software components will not be delivered. PROJECT MANAGEMENT: VMware and the Customer's project management will work closely together to ensure that project scope remains consistent and issues are resolved on a timely basis. DELIVERABLE LANGUAGE: All work, documentation and work product(s) will be provided in English. USE-CASE SCOPE: The scope of the use-cases will be considered locked upon completion of Deliverable 1.1 (See Service Deliverables Table below) and will be delivered within a single production deployment phase. Any alteration to the use-case scope thereafter may necessitate a change request.
All supplier and Customer responsibilities are listed in the Deliverables section. The ownership is defined as follows: · Primary Owner = VMware: VMware is responsible for delivery, with minimal assistance from Customer's project
team. · Joint: VMware and Customer's project team are jointly responsible for delivery. · Primary Owner = CUSTOMER: Customer is responsible for delivery, with minimal assistance from VMware.
Completion Criteria
The project will be deemed complete when any of the criteria below are met. 1. Completion of all service deliverables included in the Deliverables section. 2. Consumption of up to six (6) hours of Consulting Services inclusive of meetings and email correspondence; effort
associated with this allocation of hours shall only be allocated to tasks defined in Datasheet. 3. Passage of eight (8) weeks after project kick-off (Deliverable 1.1).

VMware Carbon Black App Control Use Case Add-On





Phase 1: Plan


Review key success


criteria for Customer's



Review Datasheet


Primary Owner


VMware Summarizes

Key Next Steps and

Requirements for

Phase 2 (Execute)

Phase 2: Execute




Create up to fifteen (15) policies and/or rules

VMWare Joint


Alerts and Unexpected Review and triage up Joint


to fifteen (15) alerts

and unexpected


Phase 3: Close


Customer Support


Project closure email VMware

VMware to document
Understand service assumptions, scope, and completion criteria VMware to deliver follow-up documentation confirming deliverables from Phase 1 (Plan) and next steps for Phase 2 (Execute)
Conduct knowledge transfer workshops of the following topics: upgrading agents, mail configuration, deployment troubleshooting, integrations with supported systems, REST API configuration, API best practices, non-persist VDI configuration, and unified management Assist with alert notifications and triage
Transition to support


VMware Carbon Black App Control Use Case Add-On
The following are the out-of-scope items for this project. General · Installation and configuration of custom or third-party applications and operating systems on deployed virtual
machines. · Operating system administration including the operating system itself or any operating system features or
components. · Management of change to virtual machines, operating systems, custom or third-party applications, databases, and
administration of general network changes within Customer control. · Remediation work associated with any problems resulting from the content, completeness, accuracy, and
consistency of any data, materials, or information supplied by Customer. · Installation or configuration of VMware products not included in the scope of this document. · Installation and configuration of third-party software or other technical services that are not applicable to VMware
components. · Configuration of VMware products used for the service other than those implemented for the mutually agreed to
use cases. · Customer solution training other than the defined knowledge transfer session. Carbon Black App Control Use Case Add On · Carbon Black App Control software deployment and sensor deployment · Remediation/removal of unauthorized, malicious, or unwanted files. · Investigation and analysis of potential malware and threats. · Configuring more than one administration console. · Building of custom scripts or feeds. · Performing custom threat feed configuration. · Customer solution training other than the defined in scope services. · Developing custom documentation. · Troubleshooting integration or infrastructure issues when deemed to be non-Company product issues.

VMware Carbon Black App Control Use Case Add-On

FOR MORE INFORMATION Contact a Professional Services expert at

Prerequisites Checklist
Customer is responsible for executing all items discussed in the Service Checklist prior to starting of the Execution phase.
Endpoints minimum operating environment: · Memory ­ Minimum 512MB for Windows Embedded POS, POSReady, XP Embedded or
Embedded 7; Minimum 1GB of physical memory on other supported operating systems · Disk Space - Minimum: 200 MB of free disk space on the system volume, or 100MB on
the installation volume, Recommended: 500 MB
Participation of the following Customer stakeholders is required for the Service to be performed:
· Enterprise Architect · Infrastructure Architect · IT Operations Manager · IT Security Manager

TERMS AND CONDITIONS This datasheet is for informational purposes only. VMWARE MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS DATASHEET. All VMware service engagements are governed by the VMware Professional Services General Terms and Conditions. If you are located in the United States, the VMware contracting entity for the service will be VMware, Inc. If you are outside the United States, the VMware contracting entity will be VMware International Limited. If you purchase this packaged service outside of the ELA, the service must be delivered and accepted within the first 12 months of the purchase, or the service will be forfeited. Pricing for this service includes travel and other expenses. For detailed pricing, contact your local VMware representative.
VMware, Inc. 3401 Hillview Avenue Palo Alto CA 94304 USA Tel 877-486-9273 Fax 650-427-5001 Copyright © 2020 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. VMware products are covered by one or more patents listed at VMware is a registered trademark or trademark of VMware, Inc. and its subsidiaries in the United States and other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies. 10/20

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