ELD User Guide 1

Download - ELD - Electronic Logging Devices

Note: There is no DRIVING button for drivers to switch their current duty status to DRIVING manually. The driver will be switched to the DRIVING status ...

PDF ELD User Guide
Driving Innovative Technology


Home Page Introduction

The Account Activity

This is your Home Page. Users can use NFC card as a quick login through the Account application.

Home Page

First page contains six activities that are frequently used by drivers.


Content of Home Page

Log Button

Log Book contains the driver's log record for the past seven days up to the current date.


Vehicle and Inspection Page contains session information of vehicles, trailers, shipping documents and driver's pre/post trip inspections.

Duty Status

Navigate to the Change Duty Page which allows the user to switch their working status. There are 6 options for the user to choose from

Timer | HoS
Timer | HoS Button contains countdown timers for driving time, shift time, cycle time.


Account button is used to log in and log out of the user's account. The ELD allows log in of multiple drivers.


This contains a list of warning alerts, malfunctions, and unassigned time. This also acts as an alert indicator for drivers. If red light is flashing, it requires immediate attention.


Log Book Introduction

Incident Report
Vehicle Indicident reporting form.

DOT Inspection
Contains documents for roadside inspections.

Data Transfer
Used during roadside inspection.


Navigates to Settings page. More features can be added.


HoS Grids | Hours of Service
The hours of service grid of the current date is displayed. Scrolling further down the page, the HoS for the previous 7 days is displayed.
Current Duty Status Bar
Off Duty Displays the duty status of the current driver.
ECM Connection Bar
ECM Disconnected
Displays the status of the ECM connection
Length of the grid
The HoS grid presents 24 hours of activity trend from 00:00 to 23:59.
OFF | Off Duty Status
The time at the end of the row represents the total time spent in the Off Duty Status
PC | Personal use of CMW
Under Off-Duty Category, it will be shown in the same row a Off Duty but with an orange color.
SB | Sleeper Berth Status
Time time on the end of the row represents the total time spent in the Sleeper and Berth status

Notifies the driver when they are missing data or certification.

Searches previous records.


Navigates back to the Home Page
YM | Yard Move
Under On-Duty-Not Driving category. It will be shown in the same row as On-Duty-NotDriving in the color blue.
ON | On Duty Not Driving
The time and end of the row represents the total time spent in the On Duty Status
D | Driving Status
The time and end of the row represents the total time spent in the Driving Status.


Usage of Search Icon
Usage of Warning Icon

Click the magnifier sign on the top of the right of the Log Activity. The date selection calendar will prompt as the image shown. Select the date that needs to be reviewed and click OK. It will navigate to the Log Details of the selected date as shown in section 3.1 of this ELD User Guide.
When the warning icon appears on an HoS grid for a specific date, it indicates that there is some missing data. Data and certification of records is required for that date. To fix, click on the warning icon. The ELD will prompt a list of missing data types. The driver is required to add the missing data.


Log detail Introduction

Log Detail Page

3.2 Trip Information
Displays VIN number and Power Unit number Trailer Unit numbers Document IDs for shipping documents
3.3 List of Duty Status Change
Time | Duty Status | Location | Comment will be displayed on the list.

HoS Grid as described in section 2.2 of this ELD Trip Information | Displays the daily trip information of the truck, trailers and shipping documents. List of Duty Status Change | All duty status change records of the day. Certify Button | To certify the driver's records at the end of a 24-hour period. Log Edit Button | Make changes within the selected date as described in section 4.
Back Button
The trip information chart summarizes the information of the truck, the trailers that were operated and documents that is on board.
All duty status change records of the day will be shown. They are sorted ascendingly.
To add a comment for a specific record, click comment area of the record. A prompt will pop up to enter comments.


Usage of Certify Button

Certify button is used to certify ownership of hours. To certify the records of a 24-hour period, click on the CERTIFY button. It will prompt a certification window as the image shown below for the driver to AGREE or NOT READY the term.
Clicking the certify button will prompt a popup window. You are required to follow (a)(2), Functional Specifications for All ELDs.
If any edits are made after the driver certifies the records for a selected 24-hour period, the ELD will notify the driver to re-certify the updated records according to (c), Functional Specifications for All ELDs.
Multiple certifying action will be recorded as from "First Certification" to "Ninth Certification". Any certification after ninth certification will be recorded as "Nineth Certification" according to Table 6, 7.20 in Functional Specifications for all ELDs.


Log Detail Introduction

Content of Log Detail Page

HoS Grid as described in section 2.2 of this ELD User Guide Start Time Picker End Time Picker Duty Status Picker Location Input Locating Button Save Button

To edit daily records, click the Log Edit button described in section 3.1 to navigate to the Record Edit Activity.
How to edit record

Step 1 Enter Start and End period of time you want to edit.
Click the Start and End Button to prompt a time selector diagram. Select the exact time.

Step 2
Once the time period is selected, click DUTY STATUS. A window will prompt the driver with 4 Duty Status and 2 driving options.
The driver can select any Duty Status to set the selected time period to be.
PC (Personal Use of CMV) option is under OFF DUTY category and YM (Yard Move) option is under ON DUTY category.

Step 3 The location can be entered manually to describe where the driver was at that point. The driver can also press the location icon to obtain current location.
Step 4 Click SAVE and the comment request will pop up. Note: The driver is required to input at least 5 characters comment for attempting records every time.
The record you edited will be shown in the Log Detail Activity with the comment that was added to the records editing action.


Duty Status Change Introduction

Contents of Duty Status Change

Off Duty On Duty Load

Personal Use of CMV is under Off Duty category. This is only available of the motor carrier is authorized to the driver. Once the driver claim the Personal use of CMV, the recorded driving time will not be recorded for DOT Inspection.
Click on the button once to expand Specific Status under On-Duty-Not-Driving.

Sleeper Yard Move

Load button is to change the duty status with the comment "Load".


Sleeper and Berth duty status.
Yard Move Driving condition under On-Duty status. This is only available if the motor carrier is authorized to the driver. Once the driver claim the Yard Move, the information that was automatically recorded will not be recorded for DOT Inspection.
Unload button is to change the duty status with the comment "Unload".
Note: Comment required for duty status changing

Location Description Input
Location description is captured by GPS and translated to Geo-Location automatically. Incase of failure of capturing from GPS, the driver must input a description of the current location manually.

Comment Input
Enter text in the comment area. Any comments for attempting change duty status. Comment Input is a requirement for changing to Personal Use of CMV or Yard Move. It is optional for any other duty status change.

Back Button
Top left of screen. Navigate back to the Home Page

Hide Button
Hide text areas and show all duty status button options.

Save Button Save the selected duty status to be current status.
Note: There is no DRIVING button for drivers to switch their current duty status to DRIVING manually. The driver will be switched to the DRIVING status automatically when the vehicle starts moving. The speed must exceed 5mph or 8km/hr. For declaring a time period to be DRIVING, please refer to section 4.2 How to edit record.


How to change the current duty status

Step 1:

Select any duty status order other than the current duty status. Click ON DUTY to expand for mroe buttons such as YARD MOVE, LOAD, UNLOAD.
If driver wants to change to Personal Use of CMV status, click on OFF DUTY button first. Next, check the checkbox displayed on the bottom left. Yard move and personal use requires authorization.

Step 2:

Location is auto captured. Incase the device cannot obtain the location when there is no signal, the driver must enter the description of the location. The description must be more than 5 letters.

Step 3:

Comments are can be left blank since it is only required when the driver is attempting to use the vehicle for personal use or yard move. Personal use of CMV and Yard Move is only available for the driver if the driver is authorized by the motor carrier.

Step 4:

Click SAVE Button

Vehicle and Inspection Introduction

Vehicle Information
Display VIN and Power Unit Number for the operating vehicle VIN will be able to receive automatically with connection to ECM that's in progress.
Trailers Information Trailer details if required.

3 Vehicle and Inspection Introduction Contents of Trip Information about vehicle

Expanding Button The button is used to expand more button options
Trailer Button Trailers List The driver has an option to add or delete trailers in the list.
Document Button Shipping Document List. The driver has an option to add or delete shipping document on the list.
Back Button Back to Home Page.
Update Button Disabled. For debugging purpose only.




The Tab contains two sections. One section is the

current section Trip information. The second

section is for Inspection. Tap the INSPECTION or

slide left on the screen to navigate to the In

spection section. The Inspection section will be

described in section 6.5 of this ELD User Guide.

Vehicle Information Display VIN and Power Unit Number for the operating vehicle VIN will be able to receive automatically with connection to VCU that's in progress.
Trailers Information Displays Power Unit Number, Registered Province, Plate Number of trailers for the current trip. This information needs to be filled in manually
Shipping Documents Information Displays Document IDs for the current trip. This information needs to be filled in manually. Driver can declare the document as START and DELIVERED in the next version of ELD.
Truck Button To view Truck information editing window.

3 Step 1:

To edit vehicle information manually, Click on



Step 2: Click on the vehicle button . The truck information edit window will pop up. Step 3:

Enter VIN and Power Unit Number. changes.

Save changes

Cancel editing

Note: The vehicle that is added for the current trip must be registered on DTIs ELD online database for records storage purposes.
How to add or delete trailers

Step 1:

To add or edit trailers information manually, click

on the


Step 2: The button will expand . Click on the Trailer button . A window will popup with a list that contains all trailers that the driver has registered in the ELD system for the current trip.

Step 3:
To delete the trailer, check the checkbox of the trailer that the drivers wants to delete. Next, ADD TRAILER button will transform to DELETE TRAILER.

Step 4: Click

to delete the selected trailers.

Step 5:

To add a trailer, click


A window will popup which will allows you to enter

the trailer information.

Step 6:
Enter Power Unite Number and other information. Save changes
Cancel editing

Note: The trailers that the driver wants to add for the current trip must be registered on DTIs ELD online database for records storage purpose.


Step 1:

To add or edit trailers information manu-

ally, click on the


Step 2:

The button will expand out.

Click on the document button

. A

popup window will appear with a list

containing all shipping documents that the

driver has registered in the ELD system for

the current trip.

Step 3: To delete the documents, check the checkbox of the shipping documents that the driver wants to delete.
ADD DOCUMENT button will transform to DELETE DOCUMENTS

Step 4:


to delete the selected

shipping documents.

Step 5:
In order to add a document, click button. A window will popup that allows the driver to enter the document number manually.
Note: The status of each shipping document will be in the implementation schedule. The driver will be allowed to claim the document as START DELIVERY and DELIVERED. The timestamp of each status will be recorded.
Step 6: Enter Power Unit Number and other information. Click to save the trailer or click to cancel

To change the Vehicle Inspection page, slide to the right from the Vehicle Page.

Basic Information area
The latest inspection record for each vehicle and trailers is displayed Date of the Inspection Geo-location of the inspection Vehicle type: Vehicle or Trailer Inspection Type: Pre-Trip or Post-Trip Driver Name Odometer

Detail Button


Details of inspection of the selected vehicle/trailer.

Previous Button PREVIOUS To obtain the inspection history of the selected vehicle/trailer

Add Inspection Button Start a new inspection

Tab Vehicle


The Tab contains two sections. One is the current section Trip information. Another one is Vehicle section. Tap the Vehicle or slide right on the screen to navigate to the Vehicle section. The Vehicle section is described in section 6.1 of the ELD User Guide.

Back Button


Back to Home Page

Update Button Disabled. For debugging purpose only.


Usages of Vehicle Inspection

Detail button


A popup window will appear displaying the latest

inspection information for the selected vehicle or


Previous button PREVIOUS A popup window will appear displaying all the inspection history of the selected vehicle or trailer from the last 30 days in a brief format.

Add Inspection Button To create a new inspection for the currrent trip, click the button on the screen to navigate to an inspection creation page. This page will describe what is in section 7 of this ELD User Guide.

How to create a new inspection for the trip


Step 1

Click on the

Add Inspection Button to navigate to

the New Inspection Creation page (as described in

section 6.5 of this ELD User Guide).

Contents Drivers Name Auto filled by the device

Date of Inspection Auto filled by the device

Location of Inspection -Auto filled by the device

-Driver can manually edit

the location description.

-Driver must manually

enter the location when

GPS is not working.


This will be filled automatically from

the parameters that is received from

the vehicle after reimplement the

interface with the new version of


For demo purpose, enter the odometer manually.
Inspection Type Pre-trip inspection or Post-trip inspection.
Note: The driver is required to do a Pre-trip inspection prior to starting current trip. It is also required for a post trip inspection after finishing the trip by the regulation.


Step 2

Check that each field has been completed and filled out.


button to create a new inspection for the

trip. This will navigate to an Inspection Checklist page.

Step 3
Checklist The checklist would have a maximum of 4 individual inspection for the current number of trailers that's been registered for the current trip.
Remark This section summarizes all the defect remarks from each individual inspection.

Percentage Beside the button, there will be a percentage that indicates the inspection progress of a started inspection. The percentage would become a check mark after the inspection has been completed.

Click on the button to start an individual inspection for the selected truck or trailer.
Finish This button will navigate to the confirmation page as the last step of the inspection. The button is only available when all inspections have been done.
Clear This button will navigate to the confirmation page as the last step of the inspection.

to start the inspection for the truck or trailers, click the to start an inspection for selected truck or trailer.



Parts Name

Air Brake System

Indicates parts that need to be inspected by

the driver

Truck inspection is different from trailer

inspection since some are not available in


Results options

The driver needs to pick one of P F and R P represents PASS F represents Failed R represents Repaired A remark input request window would prompt when F is selected

Finish Button


Click to save and finish the current

truck/trailer inspection and navigate back to

Checklist page

Reset Button


Click to reset the current truck/trailer


Select All Button SELECT ALL Click to reset the current truck/trailer inspection.

Back Button


Back to Checklist page without saving.

Incase the driver selected FAILED for one part, the remark requesting window will pop up as the image shown below.

Make sure all parts in the list has been

checked, click

to save the current

inspection for truck/trailer.

Repeat step 4 depending on the number of trailers that the driver has registered for the trip.

Step 5
An example of a complete Inspection
FINISH button would not be available if the inspection steps are not completed.
Once the entire Checklist has been finished, click on the finish button to save and navigate to the Confirmation page.

Step 6


Check to agree all terms and click on the SAVE button to complete the inspection.

Timer Screen

The Lock screen will pop up automatically when the vehicle starts to move and exceed 5mph (8km/h)
The driver can click on the button on the homepage as described in section 1 to get in the Lock screen as well.

Driver Timer The countdown timer of the total hours that a driver can drive in a shift for the current selected working cycle. This timer starts to count down only when the driver is in Driving Status.
Shift Timer The countdown timer of the total hours that a driver can work in a shift for the current selected working cycle. This time starts to count down when the driver is not in Off Duty or Sleep and Berth Status.
Cycle Timer The countdown timer of the total hours that a driver can work in a cycle for the current selected working cycle.This timer starts to count down when the driver is not in Off Duty or Sleep and Berth Status. Timer to next break Based on the Hours of Service Regulation, drivers must have atleast two hours of rest during one shift. Here set the break time to be half of the total hours of a shift. Timer to Suggest Coffee Break Based on the Hours of Service Regulation, drivers must take atleast 30 minutes break every 8 hours of driving. Motor carrier can adjust the suggest coffee break. Timer to break remain Once the driver starts a break or coffee break, the timer starts to countdown for the remaining time. Motor carrier can adjust the time of each break. Current Duty Status Indicates the current duty status of the driver.
Click on the area below to pop up a window to remind the driver how many times they have rested since the last Duty Status change to OFF DUTY or SLEEPER BERTH.
Helps the drivers avoid violations


The Warning Screen

Click on the button on the Home page as described in section 1 of this ELD User Guide to navigate to the Warning Screen. There are two sections in the Warning Messages, one in the Compliance Monitoring Section described in this section. Another one is Unidentified Records Section described in section 13 of this ELD User Guide.
The ELD device has a self monitoring during the operation of the system. Each monitor has the current status WORKING or MALFUNCTIONING. Each monitor has the last checked date and time.

The Unidentified Records Claim
Slide left from the Compliance Monitoring Section as described in section 12 of this ELD User Guide to the Unidentified Records Page.
This page contains all unidentified records that are found in the ELD device.

User can click on the BACK button of a record that the driver wants to claim it under the driver's profile. A confirmation window will pop up for the driver to confirm the action.


The Account Introduction

Only accounts that has been registed in DTIs ELD Database can be logged in to the ELD system.

Example Log-In Page with one driver has logged in

Driver status box Contains each logged-in driver's duty status. Indicates the role of each drivers: Main driver/Co Driver.


Sign In Button Used to sign in a driver. The button becomes unavailable if Username and Password is blank.


Sign Out Button
Used for a logged-in driver to log out from the system. The next driver, after the main driver logsl out, will become the new main driver.


Swap Button When multiple drivers are logged in, they may swap roles.

DOT Inspection

The DOT Inspection displays records for the current 24-hour period and the previous 7 consecutive days as described in section (a) in Functional Specifications for all ELDs.

Note: The DOT Inspection example above meets the requirements of FMCSA.

13.1 Contents of Data Transfer

Web Services Transfer Button To send dataset of the driver's records via Web Service that FMCSA provide to ELD provide.
Will be available in production version of DTI's ELD. This method of transfer requires internet access of the device.

USB Transfer Button
To send dataset of the driver's records via USB. This method of transfer is available for demo. Must use an authorized USB 2.0 to complete the transaction. The authorized USB must pre-contain a license file that is provided by FMCSA. Make sure to use the correct USB during the demo.

Email Transfer Button To sent dataset of the driver's records via Email that the authorized safety official provided. This will be available in production version of DTI's ELD. This method of transfer requires internet access of the device.
Back Button Back to Home Page

Bluetooth Button To receive internet access via Bluetooth connection. Then the driver is able to pick either Web Service or Email transfer to complete the dataset transaction.
Comments Area For authorized safety officials to enter any comments for the driver's roadside inspection. This is required to fill before the ELD device to generate the actual dataset file.

13.2 How to use USB to complete the data transfer
Step 1 Click on the comment area
Then a comment input window will pop up for the authorized safety official or demonstrator to input any comment for the inspected driver as shown.

Step 2
Click on the USB Transfer Button. A pop up authentication window for the driver to input the driver's password to authorize the continuous actions.

Step 3
File is generated. The SEND FILE button is unavailable now since there is no USB attached.

Step 4
Connect the USB 2.0 that meets the requirements described in section 9.1 of this ELD User Guide
Once the ELD device observed the USB, the system will prompt a window for the driver to click "OK" to give permission for the USB to access the file system of the ELD device, as the image shown below:

Step 5
After the USB has the permission to access the device, the button will be available and change the color to green as the image shown below:

Click on the

button to complete

the data file transaction.

Additional Information about automatically recording
There are some types of record and data that will be recorded automatically by the ELD Device.
Log in | Log Out Record Everytime the driver logs in or logs out, the ELD will record the Log in | Log out record with a timestamp and location automatically.
Engine Power Up | Power Down Everytime the driver powers up or powers down the engine of the vehicle, the ELD will record the Engine Status record with timestamp, location, odometer, and engine hours automatically.
This feature requires VCU connection.
Driving records Everytime the vehicle starts to move and the speed ot the vehicle exceeds 5 mph (8km/hr), the ELD will record a driving record and let the duty status to Driving for the driver.
This feature requires VCU connection. Data Diagnostic records The ELD device will record a Data Diagnostic Logged record when there is any data missing during the operation of the device.
The Diagnostic cleared record will be recorded after the driver enters the missing data.
Malfunctioning records The ELD device will record a malfunctioning record for any type of Monitoring Malfunction that was found during the operation of the ELD device.
For example, when the GPS signal is bad, the ELD device cannot receive geo coordinates. The ELD device will record a Positioning Malfunction record. Once the GPS Signal is back, the ELD device will record a Positioning Malfunction cleared record.
Geo Coordinates Receiving latitude and longitude from GPS.

Functionalities of Setting
Click on the Setting button to navigate to Setting Page
Working Cycle The driver can use this to switch current working cycle.
Click on the spinner and the cycle list will show up.
US Exceptions Can be used to declaire exemption of using CMV Not fully implemented
Output File Name Configuration The file name of the output file for transferring to the authorized safety offical can be configured by motor carrier according to (f), Functional Specifications for all ELDs.
Automatic Reset Enable to let the ELD device to reset the driver's cycle or shift when the drive gets enough rest.
Disable to let the driver to decide when to reset cycle or shift.
Canadian Geo-Location Data set Geo location information for all Canadian jurisdictions must be derived from a database that contains all locations (cities, towns, villages, municipalities, etc.) listed in the latest database provided by the ELD Certification entity, according to 4.4.2 (b) Technical Standard for Electronic Logging Devices
Date set used to convert geo coordinates to Geo location within Canada. Needs to be initialized before operating in Canada Area. Only one initialization needed for one ELD device.
USE Geo-Location Data Set Geo location information must be derived from a database that contains all cities, towns and villages with a population of 5000 or greater and listed in ANSI INCITS 446-2008 (R2013), according to 4.4.2 (b), Functional Specifications for All ELDs. Data set used to convert geo coordinates to Geo Location within USA Need to be initialized before operating in USA Area. Only one initialization needed for one ELD device.

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