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Document Documentrum- Canada's Conklin Shows 50th Year-107 *a Exhibition Park Toronto, 211, Canada [416) 366-5474 'WM JOIN the MUELLER SHOWS WHEEL of PROGRESS1973 ·VIRGINIA sroi.e44, ANDERSON FREE FAIR Anderson, Ind. CABARRUS COUNTY FAIR Concord, N.C. CLAY FESTIVAL Uhrichsville, Ohio CLEVELAND COUNTY FAIR Shelby, N.C. FT. KNOX ARMY FAIR Ft. Knox, Ky. 1HENDRY COUNTY FAIR Clewiston, Fla. WRITE, WIRE or PHONE: DEGGELLER SHOWS IRVIN DEGGELLER General Manager WINTEROUARTERS: ALLEN DEGGELLER Assistant Manager BOX 7, STUART, FLORIDA 33494 (305) 287-5355 JAYCEE FAIR Aiken, S.C. MARTIN COUNTY FAIR Stuart, Fla. MONROE COUNTY FAIR Key West, Fla. OGEECHEE FAIR Statesboro, Ga. PUTNAM COUNTY FAIR Palatka, Fla. ST. ALBANS TOWN FAIR St. Albans, W. Va. VOLUSIA COUNTY FAIR De Land, Fla. 1 1973 VALCADE &Acts C&- Attractions Published by AMUSEMENT BUSINESS Division of BILLBOARD PUBLICATIONS, INC. Publisher Walter J. Heeney Jr. Assoc. Publisher, Sales Robert Kendall Editor in Chief Irwin Kirby Directory Editor Pam Parker Asst. Directory Coordinator Anna James Research Consultant Prof. Boris Park, Ph.D. Director of Sales Raymond Pilszak ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES Chicago James Helmer New York Dick Bradley Los Angeles Sam Young Production Manager Pauline Hardaway Production Coordinator Dolly Saluga Circulation Director John Miller OFFICES NASHVILLE 1719 West End Ave., Nashville, Tenn. 37203 (615) 329-3925 CHICAGO 150 N. Wacker Dr., Chicago, III. 60601 (312) 236-9818 NEW YORK 165 W. 46th St., New York, N.Y. 10036 (212) 757-2800 LOS ANGELES 9000 Sunset, Los Angeles, Calif. 90069 (213) 273-7040 PRODUCTION, PRINTING, CIRCULATION 2160 Patterson St., Cincinnati, Ohio 45214 (513) 381-6450 COPYRIGHT G 1972 by BILLBOARD PUBLICATIONS, INC. All Rights Reserved. Title registered S in U.S. Patent Office. The content of this publication may not be reproduced in whole or part without the written consent of the Publisher or copyright owner. Single copy price: 510. HIS DIRECTORY is the outgrowth of another success". ful and long established annual publication, the CAVALCADE & DIRECTORY OF FAIRS. The fair edition primarily contains extensive listings of North American fairs and exhibitions, and the results of an annual market study. It is recognized as the most useful reference book in the fair industry and is used primarily by commercial exhib- itors, concessionaires and the purveyors of attractions and shows which are booked into fairs. Because the fair edition is also distributed to fair managers and directors, many acts, shows and other attractions have advertised in it. There were relatively few pages of "attractions" type advertising in CAVALCADE adecade ago when fairs collectively spent about $10 million for entertainment. But, as more and more fairs switched to big names--TV stars, recording artists and the like--the grandstand show became the indispensible crowd drawer. Concurrently, fair talent budgets skyrocketed ... more than tripling between 1961 and 1972 to $35 million. During the same time, the volume of "attractions" advertising in CAVALCADE increased proportionately and, in recent years, has dominated the fair directory. The idea to publish separate Fair and Attractions directories was first proposed three years ago. It is sensible because neither the fair industry's needs nor purposes are identical with those of carnivals, acts or attractions. Their operating methods marketing problems and aims are distinc and deserve separate directories. As in the past, CAVALCADE & DIRECTORY OF FAIRS iS being distributed to over 12,000 exhibitors, concessionaires, attractions management and senior marketing executives of advertising agencies, and manufacturers of agricultural and consumer products. This directory, CAVALCADE OF ACTS & ATTRAC- TIONS, is being sent to over 15,000 talent buyers. The circulation is literally blanketing both professional and nonprofessional talent buyers and offers organized shows, acts and other attractions an entree to the total mass entertain- ment market: all 2,900-plus fairs and exhibitions in North America (talent budget: $35 million); over 2,000 amusement parks, tourist attractions and parks (talent budget: $13 million); over 1,500 colleges and universities (talent budget: $50 million-plus); some 800 professional promoters, producers and booking agents (talent budget: $100 millionplus); several thousand shopping centers; national, State and metropolitan fraternal and civic sponsors such as Shrine, Elks, Jaycees; several hundred Bicentennial com- mittees, and the sponsors of parades, celebrations, and summer festivals such as the Chambers of Commerce in every city of 100,000 population or more. We believe that experience will prove that both reader and advertiser in this new Cavalcade are getting an excellent buy. 4 1973 Cavalcade of Acts &Attractions Tite. tajitta a/4£ otutcib GREG SHIDELER VOCAL EXCITING SOUND EFFECTS SENSATION! HIGHLY ANIMATED SITUATION COMEDY WITH AMAZING SOUNDS FROM KITTENS PURRING TO JETS AND EXPLOSIONS -- ALL BY HIS VOICE ALONE -SOUNDSATIONAL DeShi MANAGEMENT P G 5162 FT VVAYNE, IND. 468 219/484-774 219/748-0604 · biltritiv TONIGHT SHOW · MIKE DOUGLAS SHOVV · PAT BOONE FAMILY SHOWS · "finest entertainment in the United States" W. M. A. GREENE, REAR ADMIRAL USN 0 COPYRIGHT 1972 by GREGORY D. SHIDELER How to Select aBooking Agency 1) How to book ashow and not get ro oked. SELECTING THE RIGHT booking agent may be more critical than picking the headliner or other acts who appear in your show, especially if you buy entertainment only occasionally or once a year. The booking agent is the keystone to any show because the agent can favor- ably affect the cost and quality of your show. The conscientious agent is more than an order-taker or broker. He is a professional who can guide you on all aspects such as the best acts for your audience, budget, production problems and equipment, staging and properly servicing the artist. Professional concert promoters who are knowledgeable in production, scaling a house, current price scales of acts, the drawing power of particular acts, promotion and the art of making an act feel at home normally buy direct from the major agencies or the act's personal representative. This is fine for the pro- fessional who makes his living promoting shows. But the amateur or occasional talent buyer--whether he be acting for a fair, college, night club, fraternal group, amusement park or civic committee-- would be best advised to find a good booking agent and stay with him. This is the policy followed by most experienced amusement park, fair and nightclub managers who have relatively huge budgets. Cont'd. on page 8 2) The case for buying through a"major" talent agency. IN RESPONSE TO THE QUERY, "What can a big talent agency do for a fair?" big agency personnel make their spontaneous remarks: "Quality productions as opposed to schlock," suggests Creative Management Associates' Eldred O. Stacy. "We know in November who'll be important the following August," states the William Morris Agency's Sid Epstein. "If we hadn't stepped in with name talent, the fairs would not have devel- oped to their present stature," replies International Famous Agency's Joe Hig- gins. CONSENSUS. Big talent agency spokesmen see the name of the game in the fair talent market as a hunt for big name talent. Although admitting numerous exceptions, especially where the small agency takes on the role of producer for a fair's grandstand show, these same spokesmen see the big talent agency as providing the most direct communication with big name talent, at the lowest possible cost, for the fair market. Epstein said that the name game gets so intense that he even receives requests for big name sports figures to play fair dates. But with baseball in full swing and all other sports in training, the availability of sports figures during the fair season is nil. "Many stars are unavailable," said Stacy, adding that the "bigger the act, the less likely it is to be available for fair dates." Making big talent accessible to the fair market is the big agency's key role according to Higgins, who introduces the concept of creative programming in Con'td. on page 21 3) The case for buying through an "independent" agency. IF BETTE KAYE HAD HER WAY there would be love and kisses everywhere in the talent business. Friendship, consideration, flowers and fruit in dressing rooms, ready transportation for acts, proper arrangements for housing and grounds admission--and on, and on. The business isn't that way across the board, however, but that doesn't stop her from trying hard. The Kaye philosophy isn't unique to her alone. Many independent agents/producers do it. She calls it simply, "service." A dialogue has emerged in recent years about the respective roles of the major agencies which control most bigname acts, and what for lack of a better terms, can be called the grass-roots 6 agents. Behind the discussion is this basic fact: Both sources sell to the buyer or sponsor, such as fairs with grand- stands. What can one entity do that another cannot? What are the price factors? Just what is "dependability"? Does the fair ever have any guarantees that things will go as planned? "It's really, really a rough hassle," Bette Kaye says. "It's so rough that it makes competitors of people who basically like one another. All the independent really has to sell, when you come down to it, is service. "Now, what service means to one per- son may be different to someone else. To me, it means I will almost literally break my neck to protect my clients. and my reputation. ..." Based in Sacramento, Calif., Kaye Productions is neither the biggest nor the smallest of agencies, but it's certainly among the brashest. And service is an underlying theme of the message. Anybody can sell an act, the message goes; even if a company has every act under the sun under contract, it still has to deliver and keep all its clients happy. So in that atmosphere it has nothing left to sell except service. "I'll tell you what that is. I finally got to Nashville and said hello to Danny Davis and he said, 'I've really been looking forward to getting to know you,' Con'td. on page 24 1973 Cavalcade of Acts &Attractions ---... ______] ,,..,,e, \, NEW CLOWN COVERED WAGON CONKLIN LOGO it , Tired of the 4l.itil oe,...h. ilkl plain bounce? G&S offers awide variety of I 10 specials, all backed by our kw. two year guarantee. If you don't see it, ask us for it. BAVARIAN MAN \ · --) -2 .--s, ....> / / 0/11111,P PUMPKIN 401.11thlib_ ,gum I , i SCHMOO ' 1----r· -- WHALE TURTLE . A,L(i/,,, . , . ._ .,. 7 . , . 7,,", i1m11pe.00 CAROUSEL Y'S KISS Gte S amusemeols,mc. PO. BOX 8007 FOUNTAIN VALLEY CALIFORNIA 92708 PHONE (714) 839-6911 LION e , ELEPHANT ê · ., SNOW MA--N erg% , bionnee JUMPING JACK -Qt.-- 2 '.."· I-l`ià,4....______ --.1) APOLLO *-- LADY BUG MOVIE WORLD - ZEPPELIN . , TEEPEE How to book ashow and not get rooked ..· Cont'd. from page 6 LARGE OR SMALL AGENCY? Look in your city's phone book or if you're in a very small town, contact your closest big city and find the listings under "Theatrical Agents/Agencies." Or, refer to the list of booking Agents in this directory. Almost every sizeable city has at least one agency. If you are in alarge metropolis, you'll have dozens to choose from. You may recognize a few of the agency names from newspapers, TV, etc.--William Morris, Associated Booking, International Famous, Creative Management and others. Now you have achoice. These large agencies represent dozens--in some cases hundreds--of performers. They are really full-line agencies and can offer almost any type of act and service available. In fact, some large agencies represent so many acts that sometime the agents are not even sure what a particular act does, what it might need in technical equipment or if it is self-contained (carries its own musicians). The large agencies have a weekly "Act Advice" listing each act they represent, giving the dates already booked and the name of the agent who has complete details on the act. Most agents in large agencies specialize in one or two fields, i.e., con,certs vs. special events, night clubs vs. television, etc. Specializing in one area while representing so many clients is why some agents have to refer to the "Act Advice" to see if a particular artist is even handled by his company. All the large, national agencies represent talent directly, usually exclusively, and can produce your show. Of course, you can buy from the agency and put a star together with a band or orchestra and make all of the dozens of arrangements yourself. But this is usually aheadache and best left to the professional. A second choice is to buy a "package show" from a large agency whereby the agents puts together ashow with as many or few acts as your budget allows, including band or full-scale orchestra, de- 8 pending on the needs of your star. The large agency will--or should--provide a "producer" for your show. In fact, if you have a sizeable budget, stipulate this in your contract with the agency. The producer is a liaison who will work with you and the acts, set up rehearsal times, make certain your technical facilities comply with what is needed and a thousand other details you are un- likely to think of. You will pay the agency a set fee for this "package" and it, in turn, will pay the various acts. You will, of course, be paying for the producer, but it will be to your advantage in the long run. THE SMALL AGENCY. A third alternative and a particularly good one if you're careful which agency you choose is the smaller, independent theatrical agent--sometimes called a sub-agent or producer. He will buy your star and other acts from the larger agency and contract with your organization to provide the show at a set price, usually with a 10% to 20% markup. Here is where you must be careful. As in any business, there are a few fast talkers out to make a quick buck and they may charge up to 50% more than they pay for an act and not worry about return business. The additional 10-20% paid to a reputable agency is well worth the cost as you will usually get plenty of service from the small agent who depends on his good reputation and return business in order to make a living. After you have settled on an agent and decide on the lineup of acts, you will find yourself in a period of limbo--waiting while the agent goes to the star's personal manager to clear the date. The agent must make certain there are no conflicting appointments for the star on that day. Also, there may be a price hassle. The price quoted you may buy the usual price but for your particu- lar date the star may have to travel a great distance, postpone something he wanted to do the day before, etc., and therefore will only accept your date if the money offered is bettered or travel and accommodations are provided. Once the star accepts your date, make sure that he will be able to arrive from wherever he is the preceding night in plenty of time for a rehearsal and for your show. In other words, don't book a star into Charlotte, N. C., the day after he is appearing in Honolulu. This should be the responsibility of the personal manager but again, there's the old money fever and they may think they can make your date even though it's the middle of winter and airports can be socked-in. A good rule of thumb is to know where the acts appearing in your show are appearing during the two days before your show and to have the agent check out alternate emergency transportation arrangements. Remember, an artist's legal obligation to make your date can be negated by "act of God" weather. Also, almost every star has a cancellation clause in the contract. These are exercised. So, protect yourself by negotiating your contract early in the event your first choice cancels out a couple of months before your affair so you will still have time to contract with an alternative. If your star demands a lot of money, you too, can be demanding by insisting on a 60-day rather than 30-day cancellation clause, thereby giving yourself two months of advance warning in case something happens. Also, do not--under any circumstances--have publicity printed or invitations sent out naming performers on your show until the cancellation clause period is up ...or you may spend all of your forthcoming profit on new pub- licity material or new invitations. Finally, plan ahead. Plan six months to a year ahead of your event . . . especially if you're after a big name star whose schedule is set well in advance because of television and film commitments. by JAN CYGAN HEENEY 1973 Cavalcade of Acts &Attractions CANADAS PREMIER ROCK ATTRACTION THE GUESS WHO · RCA RECORDING ARTISTS alli · · · AVAILABLE FOR FAIRS eirtJG. 1973 ONLY BOOKED THIRD CONSECUTIVE YEAR TORONTO C.N.E. SUCCESSFUL STATE FAIR DATES 1971-72: IOWA-INDIANA-ILLINOIS BOOKED EXCLUSIVELY BY HELLER-F1SHEL AGENCY 260 S. BEVERLY DR.. BEVERLY HILLS, CALIF.. 90212, (213) 278-4787 PERSONAL MANAGEMENT BY DON HUNTER 706-294 PORTAGE AVE., WINNIPEG, MANITOBA (204) 942-6561 H JOHN KELLY, Personal Manager, ARTIST MANAGEMENT AND ENTERTAINMENT AT ITS BEST ORANO OIE °PRY'S TOP COMEDY TEAM !! LONZO & OSCAR STARS OF WSM "GRAND OLE OPRY" RADIO AND TELEVISION 4 ARTIST MANAGEMENT AND ENTERTAINMENT AT ITS BEST JOHN KELLY AND ASSOCIATES JOHN MY and Associates * ,e5.07f REF Res4, 14*1 E*A/41e LEROY VAN DYKE P.O. BOX 14927 ·LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89114 ·PHONE: AC 702-451-1041 PRESENTS* -3( KIMBERLYS ONICA RASCALS * FAIRS and RODEOS * NIGHT CLUBS *SPECIAL EVENTS *CASINOS *SHOWS *TV and RADIO ROSEBUD MUSIC COMPANY ARTIST MANAGEMENT AND ENTERTAINMENT AT ITS BEST ·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:::::::::·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:··::··:··:::·:·:·:······-· ··- ·.·.·.·.-.....-...· ·· ···· ··- OC One Of The Greatest Repeat Attractions In The History Of Show Business -»um« ROYAL AMERICAN SHOWS, INC. P.O. BOX 512 TAMPA, FLA 33601 (813) 935-3126 CARL J. SEDLMAYR JR. PresidentGeneral Manager Warner Bros. Entertainment Presents IDS jJD LI PROJJI Singing, Laughing, Dancing, Family Entertainment INTERNATIONAL FAMOUS AGENCY · t_avEICOViZi mnPove. -CSEEMIEIC*, .111,111CCIAtg...c The Number 1Box ANGELO BEACH BOYS ELVIN BISHOP TIM BUCKLEY CHICAGO JAMES COTTON BLUES BAND SANDY DENNY DION DONOVAN THE DOOBIE BROTHERS DAVID ELLIOTT ENGLAND DAN & JOHN FORD COLEY FAMILY PINK FLOYD THE FOUR TOPS HOOKFOOT BILLY JOEL ELTON JOHN CASEY KELLY THE KINKS LEO KOTTKE KEN LOGGINS BAND WITH JIM MESSINA MACANDO MADURA MASON PROFFIT MAHAVISHNU ORCHESTRA Featuring JOHN McLAUGHLIN MICHAEL MURPHY PAMELA POLLAND T. REX TOM RUSH SEALS & CROFTS SEATRAIN STRAWBS TAJ MAHAL MARY TRAVERS JOSH WHITE, JR. PAUL WINTER CONSORT BILL WITHERS JESSE COLIN YOUNG FRANK ZAPPA & THE MOTHERS OF INVENTION tAUS ICA-i= ...661reA9lee ANNA MARIE ALBERGHETTI EDDIE ALBERT ED AMES GENE BARRY BELLAND & SOMERVILLE PAT BOONE & BOONE FAMILY JULIE BUDD CHARO GARY CROSBY GLORIA DE HAVEN JOSE FELICIANO MICKIE FINNS EDDIE FISHER ALLIENE FLANERY PETE FOUNTAIN THE FOUR FRESHMEN FOUR TOPS KELLY GARRETT BUDDY GRECO LORNE GREENE BILL HAYES THE IRISH ROVERS QUINCY JONES LAINIE KAZAN MICHEL LEGRAND MICHAEL LANDON SHARI LEWIS GORDON LIGHTFOOT GLORIA LORING HENRY MANCINI JOHNNY MATHIS MUSIC MADE FAMOUS BY GLENN MILLER ROGER MILLER SERGIO MENDES & BRASIL '77 MATT MONRO PATRICE MUNSEL NEW CHRISTY MINSTRELS HUGH O'BRIAN FESS PARKER DELLA REESE CHITA RIVERA ROUVAUN KAY STARR MEL TORME ADAM WADE DENNIS WEAVER NANCY WILSON GRETCHEN WYLER Office Attractions GLEN CAMPBELL ROY CLARK THE HAGERS FREDDIE HART GEORGE JONES TAMMY WYNETTE BRENDA LEE ROGER MILLER BUCK OWENS MARTY ROBBINS AUSTRALIAN BIRDMAN THE BUGS BUNNY SHOW JAMES BROLIN CAPTAIN KANGAROO LYNNE CARTER SHOW DICK CLARK HOWDY-DOODY LASSIE SHARI LEWIS THE MAGNIFICENT BALLOON CONCERT SCOOBY DOO & THE BANANA SPLITS ADAM 12 TV STARS EVE ARDEN JOHN BARBOUR BELLAND & SOMERVILLE JACK BENNY MILTON BERLE JEANNINE BURNIER CHARLIE CALLAS JACK CARTER LYNNE CARTER ROY CLARK ALLIENE FLANERY FRANK FONTAINE DAVID FROST ARTHUR GODFREY FRANK GORSHIN GUNSMOKE STARS SHARI LEWIS RICH LITTLE GROUCHO MARX ED McMAHON PATCHETT & TARSES PAT PAULSEN MINNIE PEARL RED SKELTON SKILES & HENDERSON STEWIE STONE JACKIE VERNON DONNA JEAN YOUNG The Number 1Agency MICHAEL T NORTH 9255 Sunset Blvd Los Angeles, Calif. (213) CR 3-8811 INTERNATIONAL FAMOUS AGENCY um.eur or. tw· JOE HIGGINS /TONY GREGORY 1301 Ave of the Americas New York, New York (212) 956-5866 Johnny Mathis 25 million records sold in 5years Columbia Records recording star MICHAEL T. NORTH 9255 Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, Calif. (213) CR 3-8811 INTERNATiONAL FAMOUS AGENCY A DIVISION OF MARVIN ,ICISEPHECEJ ASSOCIATES INC JOE HIGGINS /TONY GREGORY 1301 Ave. of the Americas New York, New York (212) 956-5866 ROGER MILLER Public Relations: FLORENCE SEMON Studio City, California MICHAEL T. NORTH 9255 Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, Calif. (213) CR 3-8811 Engagements: Ell INTERNATIONAL MISSOURI STATE FAIR -- Sedalia, Missouri HEART OF TEXAS FAIR -- Waco, Texas ARIZONA STATE FAIR -- Phoenix, Arizona SNAKE RIVER STAMPEDE CHEYENNE FRONTIER DAYS IOWA CHAMPIONSHIP RODEO NEW MEXICO STATE FAIR MID-SOUTH FAIR FAMOUS AGENCY JOE HIGGINS /TONY GREGORY 1301 Ave. of the Americas New York, New York (212) 956-5866 eLOSSi- _fJ 'W XIFIC i-eiLLOOX UPRISIX The World's Only llot Air Balloon Concert-in-the-Sky MICHAEL T. NORTH 9255 Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, Calif. (213) CR 3-8811 4 -F1 Starring composer-recording artistaeronaut Capt. Ben Schlossberg, singing original music and accompanying himself with his amplified piano and sound-synthesizers, in the gondola of amost beautiful, 70-foot-high, 78,000 cubic-foot, F.A.A.-Certified-Airworthy Hot Air Balloon, which the Captain is flying at tether 20 to 150 feet above the audience. As the Captain performs, auroric fountains of multi-colored lights, mists, and luminiferous gases light up and burst forth from the balloon, transforming the daytime or evening heavens into apanoramic balloonfantasy of music, color and light! During this, our first year of production, "UPRISING" has drawn gates of over 30,000 persons per performance. We think, therefore, that this act is simply the most powerful, new box office attraction off the face of this earth! This, and avariety of other single and multiple balloon acts such as balloon-suspended acrobatics and trapeze, balloon-launched skydiving, high-dive, and manned-kite soaring, balloon advertising and promotions, etc., are available to suit whatever your particular production and promotional needs. A Ballooning Unlimited Production 421 Westbourne Street La Jolla, California 92037 Phone (714) 459-1682 INTERNATIONAL FAMOUS AGENCY a OINSION OF MARVIN JOSEFT-ISON ASSOCIATES INC JOE HIGGINS /TONY GREGORY 1301 Ave. of the Americas New York, New York (212) 956-5866 For FREDDIE HART 1972 Was... The Academy of Country and Western Musics Entertainer of the Year, Artist of the Year, Single of the Year, Album of the Year and Song of the Year. The Country Music Association's Song of the Year for two consecutive years. Four consecutive number one singles! E' 1972, Image International For FREDDIE HART and the Heartbeats 1973 Mgr. Joe McFadden -Vice- President, OMAC Artist Corporation · 1225 North Chester Avenue ·Bakersfield, California 93308(805) 393-1011 INTERNATIONAL FAMOUS AGENCY A DIVIS/ON MAPVIN JC1,1 44-ISON ASS0( F S rNE- o · Pedonal Management: Jack McFadden · BILL BEN'NETT et..r ,) âti` ,, '·'e'r HCPo21902-2/1 9/72--DEATH VALLEY, CALIF: Bill Bennett, the daredevil "Australian Birdman," takes off in his delta wing ski kite for what he claims is the world's highest and longest unassisted free flight from Dantes View in Death Valley. Bennett, 40, of Sydney, Australia, spent 11 minutes and 47 seconds aloft and travelled 6.2 miles to the valley floor, some 5,757 feet below. (UPI) clm/ho THE AUSTRALIAN BIRDMEN "The most spectacular fair attraction of the decade': Let airdrop in"on your fairgrounds. MICHAEL T. NORTH 9255 Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, Calif. (213) CR 3-8811 INTERNATIONAL FAMOUS AGENCY A [MASON AnARvIET JO. [A,SOTT ASSOCIATES /NC JOE HIGGINS /TONY GREGORY 1301 Ave. of the Americas New York, New York (212) 956-5866 eliGiano TIME ATTENDANCE RECORD FOR ANY MONDAY AT THE ARIZONA STATE FAIR,1972 AT FIRST FAIR APPEARANCE! HIE ARIZONA REPUBLIC 2 Tues., Nov. 7, 1972 Jose Feliciano lights their musical fires "Jose Feliciano seems hardly bigger than his guitar as he is led on stage. He takes up his position on atall stool and methodically proceeds to tear apart his guitar, the audience and the Memorial Coliseum. Too bad he couldn't have seen the double standing ovation he got. Feliciano is one of the most gifted guitarists of our time and his show displayed every facet of his virtuosity. Despite repeated yelled requests, he maintained tight control over his material and sang what he wanted to. Then he played an old banjo standby he'd transposed for guitar, "Foggy Mountain Breakdown," the theme of the film, "Bonnie and Clyde." The sound was nothing short of incredible. All the banjo frailing was there but the sound was immensely richer. "'Light My Fire,' "yelled agirl in the audience. "Well, after the show, OK?" he answered. After just acouple chords, each number was greeted with warm applause. It was a partisan crowd and he gave them what they came for. Feliciano entertained with funny impressions of other performers. He had Bobbie Dylan, Ed Sullivan, Sachmo Armstrong doing Dylan, the Godfather, the Godfather singing rock and roll. He gave them "California Dreaming" and "My Sweet Lord" and the crowd would have stayed all night. When it was over he climbed down from his stool and bowed awkwardly toward the sound of the thunderous applause. They, of course, called him back for one more. But it was he who lit theirs." Management: -Jack Swanson FELICIANO ENTERPRISES 415 N. Tustin ·Orange, California 92667 Public Relations by: McFADDEN, STRAUSS & IRWIN INC. 1017 N. La Cienega Blvd. Los Angeles, California 90069 909 Third Avenue ·New York, New York 10022 RCA Records and Tapes MICHAEL T. NORTH 9255 Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, Calif. (213) CR 3-8811 INTERNATIONAL FAMOUS AGENCY A !MASI., OF ATASSeiN x_Iser..sor, ASSOCIATES INC JOE HIGGINS /TONY GREGORY 1301 Ave. of the Americas New York, New York (212) 956-5866 The Ilagers GUNSMOKE Engagements: DISNEYLAND INDIANA STATE FAIR ARIZONA STATE FAIR NEBRASKA STATE FAIR HEE-HAW EACH WEEK, COAST-TO -COAST BUCK TAYLOR "Newly" GLENN STRANGE "Sam,the Bartender" Personal Management: ENTERTAINMENT ARTISTS REPRESENTATIVES 9255 SUNSET BLVD., SUITE 414 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90069 (213) 273-4660 The Surprise Box-Office Attraction of 1972 MICHAEL T. NORTH 9255 Sunset Blvd Los Angeles, Calif. (213) CR 3-8811 INTERNATIONAL FAMOLJG AGENCY JOE HIGGINS /TONY GREGORY 1301 Ave. of the Americas New York, New York (212) 956-5866 GUATSMOICE AGAIN RATED TOP TEN FOR 1972 -1973 KEN CURTIS "Festus" Two, three and four repeat engagements at 42 fairs and rodeos the past 6years. 50 all-time box-office records. MICHAEL T. NORTH 9255 Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, Calif. (213) CR 3-8811 INTERNATIONAL FAMOUS AGENCY MARV, JOSE .550C. , 1 S ,NC JOE HIGGINS /TONY GREGORY 1301 Ave. of the Americas New York, New York (212) 956-5866 Shari Lewis MICHAEL LANDON and friend WISH PUPPY America's number one family entertainment star. SHARI LEWIS TV SHOW 1973 eoastzto-eoast BONANZA'S "Little Joe" All time box office records. 1973 engagements: DIXIE NATIONAL RODEO MID-WINTER RODEO MICHAEL T. NORTH 9255 Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, Calif. (213) CR 3-8811 INTERNATIONAL FAMOUS AGENCY A C>VISKTI MARVIN JCX-A-PRSON ASSOCIATE 5 WYC JOE HIGGINS /TONY GREGORY 1301 Ave. of the Americas New York, New York (212) 956-5866 JA1VIES BROLIN RICH LITTLE "Dr. Steve Kiley" MarcusWeiby Aperennial number one favorite for 19'73 seen each week on ABC-TV coast-to- coast JULIE ANDREWS SHOW each week ABC -TV SANDS HOTEL Tis Vegas HARRAHS Lake Tahoe MICHAEL T. NORTH 9255 Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, Calif. (213) CR 3-8811 INTERNATIONAL FAMOUS AGENCY JOE HIGGINS /TONY GREGORY 1301 Ave. of the Americas New York, New York (212) 956-5866 The Sensational Star of the top rated RECENT SMASH APPEARANCES LANDMARK HOTEL, LAS VEGAS HARRAH'S, RENO - LAKE TAHOE FAIRMONT HOTEL, VENETIAN ROOM, DALLAS, TEXAS STARLIGHT THEATER, KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI J. F. K. CENTER, WASHINGTON D.C. STARDUST INN, WALDORF, MD. CHEYENNE FRONTIER DAYS RODEO, CHEYENNE, WYO. SAN ANTONIO LIVESTOCK EXPOSITION, TEXAS SAN ANGELO FAT STOCK SHOW, TEXAS TRI -STATE FAIR, AMARILLO, TEXAS GREATER BATON ROUGE FAIR, BATON ROUGE, LA. KNOTTS BERRY FARM, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA DISNEYLAND, AHAHEIM, CALIF. SOUTH PLAINS FAIR, LUBBOCK, TEXAS PORTLAND AUTO SHOW, PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREGON 1972 WAS A BANNER YEAR ESTABLISHING MANY NEW ALL TIME ATTENDANCE RECORDS THE JIM HALSEY co INC 3225 SOUTH NOR WOOD TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74135 918-663-3883 INTERNATIONAL FAMOUS AGENCY le..11,··· ...S.A. él· DOT RECORDS Promotion is twhheatshmoawkegso BY W BRUCE LEHRKE EVERY MAN OR WOMAN who allocates a budget to promote a product or service could learn some good lessons from Sears Roebuck and Co. where planned ad- vertising is a fact of sound business practice and much of the reason for Sears monumental success. Sears has a battery of men who work at the key role of planning advertising; not only budgeting, but even more important ...timing. For example, there is a man in Sears main advertising department that could tell you right now that on October 11, 1973 the main Sears store in Waterloo, Iowa will spend $11.49 advertising men's white cloth work gloves that will retail at 39e a pair. He will further tell you that between October 12 and 20 that store will sell 246 pairs of those gloves. The Sears theory is simple. In Waterloo, Iowa in midOctober men's white work gloves will sell better than at any other time in the year and that is the time to spend the promotion money. The same theory can work wonders with any entertainment event budget. If you are selling admission tickets, obviously, they are going to sell better during the week of the event than they will 30 days ahead of it. Therefore, the bulk of the advertising money must be spent during the final week of an entertainment promotion. What Size Budget?--The amount of money used to promote an entertainment event must be tailored to fit the individual market and there are several basic items to consider: size of market area, number of potential customers (for some events only certain age groups or income groups will attend), number of performances and a realistic gross potential. Obviously, a first year campaign will normally require a greater budget and some events will spend 20% of their gross potential sales for an advertising budget; then drop to 15% in subsequent years. It is our feeling that this is not too bad a rule of thumb for a multiple performance event, if someone has used his head and set a realistic number of performances for a market. We do not go along with a theory used by some events where the greatest number of performances possible are scheduled. In other words, if there are enough seats in six performances to handle the traffic, we cannot find a sensible business reason to schedule 10 performances. ABOUT THE AUTHOR W. Bruce Lehrke, a former ranch and rodeo cowboy, is also a former newspaperman who worked in the advertising and promotion departments of daily papers. He underwrote and promoted his first rodeo at the age of 22 and has been one of the nation's leading fulltime rodeo management and promotion directors for the past dozen years. He has been on the policy making International Rodeo Association board of governors since it was established in 1964, has been advertising director for IRA's official publication, Rodeo News since 1963 and director of Loretta Lynn's Longhorn Rodeo operations, nationally, for the past six years. The company totally underwrites over 80% of the rodeos it produces and will be appearing in major indoor facilities in 20 markets in 1973. 11 To us, apromotion budget is abread and butter neces- sary expense and we try to set our budgets accordingly. The more merchandising and advertising support we can get from local businesses and national products with tieins, the better our advertising dollars are going to work. If tie-in support is extra good with some other product, for example, giving us a tremendous amount of radio or TV time, we will pull back some of our advertising dollars in that media and, perhaps, will bolster our newspaper budget with the extra money. WHAT MEDIA7--Through extensive surveys in specific markets we have determined the following rating of effectiveness for various media, for rodeo, and we would presume that the same ratio would pretty well work for most other entertainment events: 1. DAILY NEWSPAPERS: No matter who you are, when you decide to go out for an evening or afternoon you look to the entertainment page of the daily newspaper to find out what is going on. 2. BILLBOARDS: If billboards are strategically placed and the art is good almost everyone in the market will be exposed to them. Sometimes smaller boards will do as good a job as large ones. 3. RADIO: In separate surveys in two different markets a year ago we found that radio out-pulled TV when compared by actual dollars spent and the survey was conducted during campaigns in established markets where the TV budget ran about three to one ahead of radio money. In rationalizing the comparison we finally deducted that people who came to the rodeo because they heard the radio spots where people who were out on the move, listening to the radio in their cars, rather than sitting at home watching TV. 4. TV: In our opinion this media is often vastly over- rated as a sales tool for entertainment events, but it is a necessary media! We believe that unless you can afford to buy a 15 to 30 spot saturation package per day with 10 second spots, that the money can better be spent with 30 and 60 second spots placed in specific times. It often will take this amount of time to get attention and get the message across. 5. POSTERS, BUS SIGNS and OTHER PAPERING: Seldom will a customer say on a survey that he attended the rodeo because he saw a poster, but posters add color, flavor and just plain atmosphere to acampaign. They can do an excellent job at the local feed store, the barber shop or, in smaller towns, appearing in every shop window. Bus signs are good in some markets and in avery large metropolitan area they can often replace billboards at a lot less money. Papering the town and countryside is something circuses really used to use and a media that some of us ought to give more consideration. Problem here is that there are very few people left who will or are able to handle the job well and, local ordinances often outlaw it. 6. DIRECT MAIL: Direct mail is fine, if you have an established customer list, but a blanket mailing of all postal patrons in all but rural markets is something we feel is a waste of money. 7. BILLING STUFFERS: In some areas billing stuffers will do an excellent job in generating mail orders, particularly if you can offer some kind of a discount. They also carry extra punch if, for example, you are honoring BANKAMERICARD and your stuffing appears in the monthly BANKAMERICARD billing. Timing--In all cases timing is as important to you as it is to Sears in selling cloth gloves. Spend your advertising dollars at tlié right time and QUADRUPLE their effectiveness. Examples: 1. NEWSPAPERS: The first advertising dollars you spend should appear in the daily newspapers five to eight 1973 Cavalcade of Acts &Attractions weeks ahead of the event ON A SUNDAY. Remember, on Sunday, the daily newspaper is the "local" newspaper in many, many communities where the local paper does not publish on Sunday. We feel that weekly area papers deserve only a small portion of the total newspaper budget, generally beginning no earlier than three weeks ahead of the event. 2. BILLBOARDS: Once a billboard is up it does not change (unless you arrange for a snipe the week of the event that says "NOW") and repetition can wipe the billboard's message from the eyes of would-be customers. We never run a billboard campaign longer than 30 days and, whenever possible, we'll buy it for only two weeks. We do the same with bus signs. 3. RADIO and TV: Both are a "Do It Now" media. If they were not, you would find the local shoe store advertising, "Watch for our special shoe sale next month." Therefore, we attempt to saturate both media the week of the event, but will often pickup the preceding weekend, too. If you have done your homework ana have been able to tie stations into your event with ticket promos, etc., you can arrange for their promotions to end the week preceding the event and retain continuity of the entire campaign. 4. POSTERS and PAPERING: Same theory as billboards and buses. Posters, in particular are never placed more than three weeks ahead of the event and usually go out two weeks ahead. 5. DIRECT MAIL and BILLING STUFFERS: Mail to regular customers should never go out less than 30 days preceding the event and billing stuffers (today, most billing is handled during a 30 day cycle) should never begin less than 45 days ahead of the event so the final stuffers arrive in the home no later than 15 days ahead. It is even better to begin earlier than 45 days ahead as many people do not open their bills until a certain day of the month when they intend to pay them. Publicity Makes It Go--No matter how carefully you have set your budget; no matter how carefully you have scheduled the timing of every ad, if you have not done the legwork in arranging for publicity (the free news and feature stories in newspapers and on radio and TV) the whole project is going to sink. Publicity gets the attention of persons who are not really shopping for an entertain- ment event. Timing with publicity is also important and, naturally, anything that runs during the week of the event is going to do the most good. Certainly, there should be some advance stories to start building interest, but, again, we feel that the real sales must be made nearly at performance time. Newspapers Most Important--It is our opinion that if you are not COVERED in the daily newspaper you might just as well fold up shop and go home. Newspapers sell and they sell in nine out of 10 homes in every city. Printed stories are preserved. Everyone in the family can see and read them. Radio and TV interviews will sell, but they are here and gone. If a potential customer does not hear the interview, no one is going to be able to show it to him at a later time. In Summary--Our idea of setting a promotion budget is not merely going through the motions of allocating amounts of advertising dollars for a particular market. Budgeting includes putting the right amount of money in the right place AT THE RIGHT TIME. It also .includes a talent to sell other businesses on the idea of tying in their advertising dollars to OUR campaign. And, then finally, it means coordinating a publicity campaign that will compliment our advertising dollars and merchandising tie-ins. DIRECT FROM MUSIC CITY, U.S.A. * SUPER GRANDSTAND ACTS & ATTRACTIONS * TV & COUNTRY/WESTERN STARS * SENSATIONAL THRILL ACTS INC. THEATRICAL ENTERPRISES 213 Third Ave., North Nashville, Tenn. 37201 Phone: (615) 244-2833 WE CORDIALLY INVITE OUR MANY FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS TO OPEN HOUSE ALL THE TIME DURING THE CONVENTION. JACK NORMAN, JR. PLACE: STARDUST HOTEL EDDIE ZACCHINI 1973 Cavalcade of Acts &Attractions 12 Co-Promotion: The Art of Putting Your Radio Station to work for You BY BERT BOGASH CONCERT PROMOTION has become a profession in its own right; and a complex one at that. Audiences are more aware and selective as there has become an abundance of talent on the road. Times have changed dramatically in the past decade when radio plugs were literally cheaper than a dime a dozen. "Back in the old days," one old timer was overheard to say, "my band and I used to play on the radio for free. See, the station had its own in-house booking agency and between each tune during our live broadcast, we used to announce our upcoming dates. It was a good deal for the radio station because not only did they get an agent's fee, but they also got a percentage of our concert gate. But it was also a good deal for us since we could get the word out over the radio. The announcements plus a few posters would most times draw a nice crowd." "As time went on," he added, "a lot of us musicians became disc jockeys as radio changed gradually from mostly live to recorded programming. But there was still amarket for live shows in the local high school or meeting hall. So we promoted them. Most of our advertising was free as we plugged the concerts on our own shows." Today, however, it's not so easy. With strict regulations placed on radio programming by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), free on-the-air plugs for concerts have been virtually eliminated. Radio, however, is still acknowledged to be a major part of a promoter's advertising budget. Aside from just plain announcing the concert particulars, a good radio spot will serve to convey excitement by the use of certain choice adjectives in the copy and more important, the tone of the announcer's voice. 13 According to veteran radio programmer and concert promoter, Joe Sullivan, president of Sound Seventy Productions, "a co-promotion with the top station in town to me is the most desirable arrangement for radio advertising." Co-promotion--When approaching station management on a co-promotion, Sullivan asks for a 30-second spot every hour, 24 hours a day for about three weeks prior to the show. He will offer a flat fee for the service which will be substantially discounted from the normal rates. In return for this consideration, he will offer to include the station's name on tickets and all advertising and limit all radio spots exclusively to that station. Additionally, he will offer to present the stations' disc jockeys during the show and will give the station tickets to give away on the air. "Many stations are leery of co-promotions," Sullivan says, "because of possible FCC interference but those who are aware of actual FCC logging regulations can still effectively utilize a co-promotion to their benefit. A copromotion has the value of picking up fans for the station because most of the public identifies the concert with the station and believes the station is actually, itself, staging the event." "When I was with WMAK," he noted, "we kept files of hundreds of letters received from people of all ages who identified us with all concerts in Nashville and asked for concert information, thanked us for bringing in a group or asked us to bring one in. And that's not counting the vast number of phone calls. We felt we kept a lot of listeners through our co-promotions." "When doing co-promotion," he added, "it's important to make the station feel like it is presenting the show. Make all personnel aware of all facts; send the girl who answers the station's phones a concert fact sheet so she can quickly and easily answer callers' questions regarding the date. With this kind of total involvement, the station will work that much harder to insure the date's success." Sullivan further outlined general procedures for placing radio advertising for concerts. "The spots should be exciting and ideally pre-recorded and should include excerpts by the artist to indicate the excitement in store for the concert-goer. An important thing to remember is that all ticket locations should be listed at the tag end of the spot. If there are too many to list in the time alloted, list a few on one spot and the rest on another." "Also important is the fact that the promoter needs to reach as many listeners as possible with his spots so (in the event there is no co-promotion or more than one station is being used) the spots should be scattered throughout different time periods in order to reach a maximum number of listeners during the two to four weeks running. Note that the times for the spots on both stations should be as close together as possible to avoid audience duplication." "Most radio stations sell spots on an x number of spots per week basis with price breaks at six, 12, 18 and more. You will generally be able to mix 30 and 60 second spots along with those in various categories of programming time to qualify for the price reduction. In other words, a promoter does not have to buy six, 12 or 18 prime time spots to get the lower rate. Additionally," Sullivan added, "I don't like to place all my spots in prime time but use other time slots as well, thus insuring greater exposure. "As far as spreading the radio spot budget, I like to advertise for three weeks prior to the show and spread my budget evenly for each week," Sullivan said. "One more caution," he added, "Do not start radio or any other advertising until the t'ckets are on sale--it avoids a great deal of trouble." 1973 Cavalcade of Acts &Attractions YOUR STAR ATTRAGTIGNFQR 73 WINNER OF THE 1971 COUNTRY MUSIC ASSOCIATION INSTRUMENTALIST OF THE YEAR AWARD GRAMMY AWARD FOR THE HIT RECORDING "WHEN YOU'RE HOT, YOU'RE HOT" 1972 Appearances: Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo Illinois State Fair Iowa State Fair Ozark Empire Fair Oklahoma State Fair Arizona State Fair California Expo State Fair Milwaukee Summerfest Magic Mountain Buck Lake Ranch Butler University McCormick Place ... AND MANY MORE! WILLIAM MORRIS AGENCY, INC. ESTABUSHED 1898 THE GENERAL PUBLIC has become abit bored with Thus, the key to the production of a successful halftime performance must be the word "entertaining"-- the same old precision-type marching and is looking for a more entertaining show," says James R. Skinner, entertainment director of the world champion Dallas Cowboys Football Club. While professional football teams are faced with larger and more demanding halftime audiences than the typical something that will keep the football fans riveted in their seats with eyes as intently on the field as when the gridiron stars are in action. The assignment for a band director to place himself in competition with the coach and his team is difficult; yet one of the band director's primary roles, within the school band director, much can be gained from an evaluation of the work they do. Their efforts must not school and the community, is to do just that--produce entertaining, memorable halftime performances within the only be viable for television, but their season is much longer than that of a college or high school bandmaster. Yet their success is often enviable. scope of his band members' abilities, his budget and the time he has allotted to develop ideas and themes. Preparation is thus of immense importance. Like most How to jobs, a band director faces the routine, inevitable "you know it has to be done" facet of halftime show production; yet this point is where ingenuity is needed most. To avoid that "here we go again" feeling, the director must bring the feeling of enthusiasm and spontaneity to his Quarterback members, who will mirror his feelings when they are on the field. If the director indicates that his show is routine and "not many are watching anyhow", his feelings cannot help but be transmitted in alike manner by the performers. To bring a feeling of freshness to his job, the band director must look to his role with new understanding and ainsight, almost like a new freshman just entering school, who has the eagerness many of us lost long ago. The band is one of the primary means of instilling history, school pride and team spirit into new students, and the halftime show is probably the most important tool in ac- Halftime Show complishing this transference of school unity. Preparation for the band's most important season will take plenty of time and thought, but once the "back-up" factors have been considered and the flow of ideas begun, the job of planning ahead is only limited by the creativity of the band director. BY HAL COPELAND Perhaps the initial steps should be taken with your annual calendar of events. Most educational institutions have annual events that are placed on the calendar many months in advance. Events such as Homecoming, Founder's Day, annual awards and anniversaries should be noted on your personal band calendar as possible themes for halftime shows. The same should be done when the complete football and/or basketball game schedules for the year become available. Dates of home games--or when halftime shows will be needed--should be marked immediately, and their number noted to give a definite idea of how many times your creative juices will need to be brought to fore. If time is available or your memory and record-keeping is above average, an invaluable list to have (and to main- tain annually) would show the theme ideas of all halftime shows you have produced in the past. Such a record, at least for a four-year period, enables you to avoid repeti- tive shows, using the same worn-out themes and the same expected music and show tunes. A simple notation of a few basic facts is all that's needed and would take little time to maintain, once the initial notations have been accomplished. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Hal Copeland has been working on halftime shows, parades and other live entertainment events since he played trumpet in the University of Texas Longhorn Band, more than 20 years ago. His Dallas-based public With such preparation behind you and the coming year's halftime shows facing you, the two words to keep in mind are "entertainment" and "variety." The former is partially dependent on the latter, and you are the one who will make or break the halftime tradition on your relations firm has coordinated publicity, tours and other home field. special events for such clients as Eastman Kodak, Pepsi- For variety, don't plan a year of using only Broadway Cola, The Miss Teenage America Pageant, and most recently, the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America. He is the author and publisher of "Pageantry-40 Fabulous Halftime Theme Ideas" ($3, The Hal Copeland Co., Dallas, Tex.) shows as musical material. While the tunes are easily identifiable by an audience, intersperse the inevitable with older songs, classics and popular ballads. Add change to the musical diet. For entertainment's sake, vary the theme ideas to avoid cliches as much as possible. Have a surprise element 17 1973 Cavalcade of Acts &Attractions available, as often as possible, either in the marching pattern or in the finale, to end the show on an unexpected note. While Halloween and Thanksgiving roll around every year, it is not particularly unusual to continuously use the "Pilgrim Forefathers" theme. While the underlying idea might be EXACTLY the same, how the theme is emphasized and prepared for the public address system announcer will make all the difference. If, as musicians, band directors would place themselves in the spectator's seat and think how they would feel in similar circumstances--like being fed a continuous diet of Rachmaninoff or Brahms--the probability of improved halftime fare would be great! At the same time, showmanship of the performance should be considered. While precision marching is difficult and is a feat to admire, it does get old game after game, and audiences ARE very fickle. If some "pizzazz" is added along with the music and precision diagrams, your reputation cannot help but rise, along with the ratings for the band's halftime performances. Showmanship is nothing more than a bit of added bravado, and it is not difficult, once the knack is acquired. It's just a matter of "hamming it up" occasionally, with a touch of humor added, and it's a proved fact that audiences love it! Your best theme idea might begin with a song title, a prop (such as a trampoline), a forthcoming holiday or other milestone, or a formation (such as an umbrella). Consider all the elements that might complement, rather than complicate your halftime show. The most complex formation expertly charted and perfectly executed, can go for naught, if the audience can't remember the basic idea of the show. Five or six--or even 15 or 16--shows a year should not he difficult to engineer into entertaining 10-minute performances. Often it's helpful to have a friend or associate sit down to brainstorm possibilities with you. After the halftime schedule is set, it is easy enough to adapt the themes and programs for other uses as well. Parades, school assemblies, band programs or special presentations and concerts often can work within the same given range as a halftime show, with additions and deletions as necessary. After all, the objectives are the same--entertainment! Remember, as you set the programs for the year, that while you are doing a job that perhaps is routine to you, you are primarily COMMUNICATING! You are communicating your enthusiasm for music--to your musicians and the school as a whole, as well as to the football audience, which generally covers the entire spectrum of the community. "Communications cannot stop with the classroom," says Daniel Grace, Jr., band director and public relations chairman of the Colorado Music Educators Association. "The community must be made to see the integral part that music plays in its own life, as well as its children." Your artistic endeavors and creative persuasiveness as a band director and musical leader are displayed each week on the football field and, unfortunately, are often totally judged by what is shown there. By the planning and production of superior halftime shows, full of entertainment value and musical skills, your efforts will reach and communicate with an even larger audience than could be accomplished in the purest of musical settings. In summary, five of the best rules for planning and producing halftime shows are these: I. Consider "entertainment value" first; 2. Allocate plenty of time for preparation; 3. Create and maintain "enthusiasm" with variety; 4. Consider other applications for your halftime ideas; 5. Communicate with showmanship--but keep it simple. Spine-tingling drama aloft ... THE FEARLESS BAU ERS Swiss Swaypole Sensations 3TOWERING 3 STELLAR POLES! ARTISTS ACT CAN PLAY INDOORS OR OUT Featured in '72 by . . . Illinois, Colorado, Louisiana & Tennessee State Fairs, Edmonton Klondike Days, Major Sports Shows & Shrine Circuses Troupe also features: MISS ELIZABETH, breakaway trapeze thriller MISS LISA, teenage trapeze great Pulsating Triple Skypole Exchange In Mid-Air! 715 N. Lockwood Ridge Road Sarasota, Florida 33580 AC (813) 955-5071 Contact JOSEPH BAVER 138 Frog Hollow Road Churchville, Penna. 18966 AC (215) 357-5189 1973 Cavalcade of Acts & Attractions 18 SPOTLIGHTING THE WORLD'S GREATEST Blue Grass *Gospel *Country ENTERTAINMENT Wendy Bagwell & the Sun liters Cathedral Quartet Jimmie Davis Downings Florida Boys II Generation Singing Goffs Sammy Hall Singers Lester Flatt & the Nashville Grass Lewis Family Oak Ridge Boys Orrells Kenny Parker Trio Rambos Thrasher Brothers Tompall and the Glaser Bros. Mac Wiseman DON LIGHT TALENT, INC. Herman Harper, Gen. Mgr. Noel Fox DON LJGHT TALENT INC. d MU ODA* #0~67104/6'OP litflek/AZ * WE GUARANTEE OVER TWENTY PIECES OF EQUIPMENT !!! * WE DEMOLISH FOUR AUTOMOBILES PER PERFORMANCE * KO-KO'S KRAZY KAR... UNIQUE COMEDY CAR ACT * SIX CAR PRECISION CRISS CROSS DRIVING * CANADA'S NUMBER ONE AUTO THRILL SHOW TOPS IN CLEAN FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT * TOP CALIBRE PROFESSIONAL STAFF * FULLY BONDED AND INSURED * MONEY BACK GUARANTEE FOR BOOKINGS ANYWHERE IN NORTH AMERICA!!! CONTACT US IMMEDIATELY Micheline Riddell Area Code 514 684-1753 e 20 52 Woodhaven Circle Dollard Des Ormeaux 980 Quebec, Canada Clifford Oldroyd 45 Austin Avenue, Toronto 8, Ontario, Canada 1973 Cavalcade of Acts & Attractions Buying through amajor agency . Con'td. from page 6 lassoing a cluster of name talent to play fairs. FAIR'S ENHANCEMENT. Stacy, whose firm services some 100 fairs annually, has an on-going interest in the fair market. The big agency has a continuing role to play since it is through the process of growth that fairs can command bigger and bigger talent buys. "No fair can stay the same, without progress, it folds," he said, adding, "much work goes into a fair to improve it." Higgins makes much the same point in noting the passing of the chorus line and sight acts as the staple of the grandstand show. But the process of change isn't always easy for a fair, especially when limited by a small number of grandstand seats. "If you can't afford a $10,000 act because of only 2,500 seats in the grandstand, then put two shows on in place of one and thereby double the seating capacity," Higgins said, adding that he pioneered the concept. Epstein also agrees that no fair should rule itself out as too small in attempting to capture name talent for its grandstand show. "Small fairs should try anyway, be- cause the potential may be there," he said. ADVICE. Stacy, who admits that his talent recommendations to fair managers are in the ratio of 10 to one, cites the limited availability of big stars as a major factor in determining the talent a fair buys. In this instance, the role of the big agency is especially clear. As Stacy points out, the big agency is armed with the knowledge of an act's total commitments. An act's work profile is part of the big agency's stockpiled information. Epstein similarly notes that a fair manager may not know an act as well as the agency does, but he maintains that the ratio of his recommendations to fairs is no more than 50-50. "We don't try to dictate. The fair managers are totally knowledgeable," he said, qualifying as to the particular de- tails of an act. Higgins, whose agency services about 35 fairs annually, believes in packaging talent for the fair market, putting together bills to fill the entire needs for a grandstand show. BUDGETS. Aside from availabilities, the budget is the next factor determining whether a big name talent will play a fair. Stacy maintains that no one can get a big name talent to work for less than the big agency. He warns fair managers not to fall for the line that "I can get it for you cheaper!" "Not 1973 Cavalcade of Acts &Attractions STACY HIGGINS EPSTEIN so," he retorts. flounder." Working with a big agency insures As a result of being on the fair scene, fiscal responsibility, he continues. always and everywhere, Stacy can match The big agency can work within al- his talent inventories with fair needs with most any budget, so that analyzing the design and knowledge. fair's talent budget is a practical detail Whether from the act's standpoint or that will lead to the right talent at the from the fair's standpoint, there is al- right price. Budget analysis is regarded ways the common interest, as Higgins as a necessary and welcome tool by the puts it, of building bigger grosses. big agencies. ROUTING. But even in the best of all The agencies regard the fairs as prime possible worlds, with budgets digested, customers, whose fiscal integrity is un- availabilities determined, and talent se- questioned. Hence, the budgetary deter- lections made, nature has made it very mination is the only hurdle to be clear that a person can't be in two overcome by the fair in its talent buying different places at the same time. spree. Or, as Stacy, pinpoints the problem For Higgins, if a fair has a pre-set precisely: budget, all well and good. If not, then "For the two weeks ending on Labor the budget will be predicated on the Day, there are 14 major fairs at the same number of seats in the grandstands. time." Epstein defines the role of the big Resolution of the routing problem is agency as awatchdog over afair's talent a big talent agency's decision, as a mat- budget, making sure that the acts selected ter of course covering all dates, as well conform to the fair's budget. in the dramatic instances where fairs A guarantee plus percentage is the are seeking the same talent for the same usual talent fee, with the percentage fair dates. determined by the size of the grandstand. Higgins summarizes the advantages According to Stacy, the smaller the big talent agencies afford the fair man- grandstand, the bigger the percentage. agers as follows: In the case of a free grandstand show, (A) Save money for fairs by buying the guarantee goes up. direct from the big talent agency and Stacy, Higgins and Epstein conclude at on-going prices. that a big agency has its finger on the (B) Offering the fair managers a fund pulse of big name talent availabilities. of talent information from past per- Next, because of the vast number of formances, current and advance booking different talents it represents, it is in a schedules, complete history of fair dates. position to work within almost any budg- (C) Big agency makes available its et in lining up talent for a fair. Third, entire list of talent, so that budgets can it is also in the position to evaluate talent preferences by locations and past performances. To a man like Stacy, knowledge of a be worked out, sound substitutions made, and complete talent programs planned-- what Stacy labels as one-stop shopping. (D) An open talent buy with no hid- fair's talent requirements is almost a den deals, no special or higher fees, no computer science, personally obtained. dues to be paid. Talent is never shipped out to an un- known destination: "We don't let talent go on and (E) Additional production expertise with agencies to one degree or another Contd. on page 24 21 Buying through an independent agency ... Con'td. from page 6 because we had him booked into the Ariz. State Fair and he'd received several letters from our office--reservations would be made if he needed them, at the Adams Hotel in Phoenix. ...Will he need a truck. . . . Will he néed cars. ...and so on. "We set up aspecial rate at the hotels for our acts. Weeks ahead of the fair I had made three trips into Phoenix to see that everything would be right. A super-agency has so many shows going, but we lay everything on the line every time. We are there. "I GIVE A DAMN" "Listen, I've been through this traveling-act business since I was a kid. All my life. So I really give a damn!" The agency has refused to handle many acts rather than risk a bad experience. And it books many others whose track records have been less than perfect, because Bette and Charley (Cappie) Kaye figure they can handle the situation. The performer who can't get into a building or onto the fairgrounds for lack of proper groundwork can develop an antagonism before he reaches the stage. It cannot help but affect his show, the explanation goes. "Hassling" an act before he gets onstage has got to affect the way he works, because performers are human beings. The Kaye office meets an act at the airport, provides cheese and crackers, or wine, or fruit in the act's room. For fe- male stars it can be flowers as well. the people on that show is an entertainer "It's a small thing, maybe it costs me and a human being." $50, but it's just a small touch of wel- If Zippy the Chimp plays Phoenix is come to my gig. Service." he going to have fruit in his room? Do the performers notice this? "You're damn right he is, if he's "Oh, I have so many notes. I had booked in through Bette Kaye. And I'll flowers for Leslie Uggams in Phoenix tell you something else about the in- one year. She wrote a letter saying how dependent producer. I sent one guy 40 charming it was. ...Kay Starr is one per cent in advance because he had of the finest ladies of the stage. I had a hairdresser available when we did the trucks to get ready. How many agents or producers will send an act $1,000 to Western Fairs Assn. show and she wrote fix his trucks before he hits the road?" how thoughtful she thought that was. ... But what if the act doesn't show? The Pierce Family did a show for me "If you get stiffed you made a mis- once. I knew they were coming in right off the road and wouldn't have any take, and we learn through our mistakes. The first time it's their fault, the chance to eat, so I had food brought backstage for the children. "Their father couldn't get over it. But second time it's my fault, the third time Ishould have my head examined. "But treat people like human beings. without that consideration the kids Maybe part of this is because I spent wouldn't have had a chance to eat until 11 o'clock that night. 25 years on the road on an act. Ialways used to say, God, if I'm ever an agent "Here's something else. In some of or if I'm ever a manager, I'm gonna these towns you don't have late-night restaurants so, like in Phoenix, I main- tain an apartment hotel room--and remember every one of those things. ... I came to many towns, didn't know where to go, got socked for the highest there's always coffee and snacks at mid- room price in town, had lousy meals. night. I've worked out a professional rate with the hotel." "We even write, 'You are working Tulare, we recommend the Latex Restau- A lot of acts complain about motel prices. "Well, would you say that $10 for a single and $13 for a double is out of sight today?" rant and such and such.' My secretary does this. When people say 'We're too big, she's a small agency, she has lots of time to do those things,' all they're doing is emphasizing my point. But this only applies to the headliners? "It does like heck. A headliner is the "We'll do between $500,000-$750,000 gross business this year, and if it was top dog on the show but every one of Cont'd. on page 26 Buying through amajor agency ... modestly donning the role of producer. EXCEPTIONS. Higgins doesn't rule out working with small agents or agencies in supplying talent to the fair market. "It's not a black and white case, there are exceptions to the rule," he said. When an agent becomes a producer, then Higgins is willing to work with the smaller agent. Among the examples he cites are Ward Bean, who produces the grandstand shows for the New York State Fair and the York Fair, and Jack Lindahl. Stacy also recognizes that it is okay to work with a handpicked few small agents with whom he can engage in talent buys because they are either on retainer from a fair or are able to block book thereby cutting into the price of an act, in which cases the small agent's talent buys can be on a par with the big agency's price structure. Epstein will also deal with the small agent or agency if they represent the fair. SPIRAL STAIRCASE. The bigger the previous year's grandstand show grosses, the more likely the talent budget for the year following will be increased. The 24 Con'td. from page 21 bigger the talent budget, the greater the ability of a fair to command performances by show business' biggest names. So most fairs reach the stars through a spiral staircase built on bigger and bigger grosses leading to greater and greater talent budgets. ON THE MARKET. Stacy's biggest stars for the fair summer of '73 line up Engelbert Humperdinck, Tom Jones, Johnny Cash, The Fifth Dimension, The Osmonds, Bob Hope, and the debut of All In The Family's Carroll O'Connor. Johnny Mann's Stand Up and Cheer will be making its fair bow in the summer of '73. CMA's talent list for the 1973 fair market also includes The Carpenters, Liza Minelli, Eddy Arnold, Roberta Flack, Paul Anka, Burt Bacharach, Al Hirt, George Gobel, Norm Crosby, George Kirby, Boots Randolph, Lynn Anderson, Jerry Vale, the King Family, and Frankie Laine, among over 110 acts. At IFA, Higgins lists Glen Campbell, Roy Clark, Buck Owens, Brenda Lee, Ferlin Husky, the Sound of the Glen Miller Band with Tex Beneke, the Modernaires, and Ray Eberle as among the top-drawers for the summer of '73. IFA is also bowing three separate shows with Sergio Mendes & Brazil '77, Jose Feliciano, and Henry Mancini. Another fair debut is being set with Buffalo Bob Smith's Howdy Doody Show. Higgins predicts a twist on the usual kid attraction, where the children drag along their parents to see a show. He predicts that the parents will be bringing the kids to view this attraction. In addition, Higgins is developing revue-type shows with hosts Ed Mc- Mahon and David Frost commandeering separate vehicles. As part of his creative programming concept, Higgins intends to populate the revues with name talent, such as impersonators Frank Gorshin and Rich Little, and a strong male or female singer. Citing last year's fair performers, Ep- stein's William Morris list included David Cassidy, James Gang, Bobby Goldsboro, Anne Murray, Sonny & Cher, Wayne Newton, Carol Channing, Bill Cosby, David Frye, Dionne Warwicke, Bobby Vinton, Jerry Reed, Bobby Darin, Burl Ives, Jerry Van Dyke, and the Goose Creek Symphony. by David Isaacson 1973 Cavalcade of Acts &Attractions MIRY KING 1111111011 MILE "FAIR" comedian and master of ceremonies Now featured regularly on HEE HAW! *NEW YORK STATE FAIR *TENNESSEE STATE FAIR 4Urnes Y..."111EGON STATE FAIR *COLORADO STATE FAIR 2 times *VERMONT STATE FAIR *CANADIAN B CIRCUIT 2 times *CENTRAL WISC. STATE FAIR *INTER-STATE FAIR -York, Pa. *MISS. VALLEY FAIR -Davenport, la. *IONIA FREE FAIR -Ionia, Mich. 'MISS.- ALA. STATE FAIR - Meridian, Miss. *AK SAR BEN - Omaha, Nebr. 3 times *SASKACHIMO EXPOSITION - Saskatoon, Sask. *ALL IOWA FAIR - Cedar Rapids, la. AND HUNDREDS OF OTHERS! CONTACT JIMMY RICHARDS PRODUCTIONS 919 NORTH MICHIGAN AVENUE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60611 PHONE (312) 664-1552 PRIVATE LONG DISTANCE 664-1676 1973 Cavalcade of Acts & Attractions 25 Buying through an independent agency ... Contd. from page 24 three times that, it wouldn't change a thing about how I feel about the busi- ness. Where did it all begin? Bette Kaye was a kid in vaudeville, traveled as an aerialist with the Flying Waltons, and eventually married Charles Kaye. An Air Force pilot, he took his show business wife with him as he was reassigned, and her outspokenness drew a "put up or shut up" comment back in 1948 at a club in Weisbaden, Germany. "Oh my God, that looks terrible," she said, and Colonel Ireland, A.F. Chief of Special Services, heard her from the next table. He supposed she could do better? "My God, yes," said Bette. Okay, be in his office the next morning. "I don't have to, I'm a civilian. ..." (She recalls, "Cappie nearly broke my ankle under the table when Isaid that.") The meeting took place and two months later Bette Kaye productions opened in Weisbaden, in a territory riddled with non-bonded suitcase promoters. There were acts short-changed and stranded--a mess, she says. She was the first licensed American agent in Europe, licensed by the U.S. High Commissioner. Before long she was booking all Allied acts in Germany, and her counterpart Giselle Gunther booked the German acts. They still retain a working relationship, 24 years later. Prior to the confrontation with Colo- nel Ireland she worked commercially, vocalizing, as a comedienne, mistress of ceremonies, etc. She reads, writes and converses in French and German--and when Kaye was assigned to Japan she taught herself to sing and speak in Japanese, as well. During the ensuing years the inde- pendent agency/producer's viewpoint was practiced at every oppor tunity. Communication with sellers, buyers, per- 26 formers, equipment people, etc. Borrowing a phrase from financial institutions calling themselves "Total Service Banks," the operation considers itself a "Total Service Agency." FEE SPLITTING Most of the knives thrown at smaller agencies by the big ones can be fended off by an energetic and loquacious booker like Mrs. Charles Kaye. One of these is, "it costs more" for an independent to produce a show. This involves fee-splitting--or the lack of it. "Fee splitting is magnificent," Bette says. "It's common on the Country scene but some of the major agencies refuse to do it. Commissions are a maximum, on an AFM act, of 15 per cent. Many agencies will let the independent have 5-10 per cent of that, for doing all the work." She gets intense: "Now, follow what I am saying. There isn't an artist alive who would like to hear that his agent was so hungry that he won't either split a commission, or pay a portion of the commissions due, to the man who gets the work. "I heard a major agent say (in Nashville), 'If you do business with independent promoters it costs you 10 per cent more.' This is because they don't split commissions with independents, so a service fee has to be added on top. This is a blister in our business. "The independent promoter has acontinuous battle to control prices. There are thousands of us all over the U.S. and we all face that same problem. If the fee isn't compromised, that means the job price has to go up, and sometimes the buyer won't go for the price. So the act loses work. ..." Cappie Kaye, president of Kaye Productions, has special responsibilities, stemming from his training for years in stagecrafts. An accredited stagehand, he worked many big shows and now specializes in the nuts and bolts of production. Staging, light and sound are checked out in advance and the proper adjustments made to insure a good show. If there is an area where a fair doesn't have its own sound man, he locates the proper equipment available for 'rent. A Kaye -ontract carries plot requirements, and a section that says the fair will supply proper--not adequate--staging. Supporting this is the act's own rider. "In Nashville one of the big agents/ managers wives asked me, 'Do you cover your shows. Why, you must be on the road all the time.' "Well, we are on the road all the time because we do cover our shows. "We sell service. ..." by IRWIN KIRBY 1973 Cavalcade of Acts &Attractions The Lewiâ Family "The First Family of Country Gospel Music" Hosts on their own syndicated TV show "The Lewis Family" Georgia Mountain Fair, Hiawassee, Georgia · Warren Co. Fair, Warren, Arkansas 20 Bluegrass Festivals in 1972--Booked for 30 Bluegrass Festivals in 1973 OUR TALENT IS ALWAYS IN THE SPOTLIGHT! DON LIGHT TALENT INC. 816 Nineteenth Avenue. Smith Nushitlle. Tennenee 37203 I615 327-4785 COUNTRY MUSIC ACTS ROY ACUFF AND THE SMOKEY MOUNTAIN BOYS Vocal, instrumental, self-contained, 6 members. Concert, Fairs, TV. Funparks. Festivals/Colleges. Acuff Rose Artists Corporation. Howard Forrester. responsible agent. Hickory Records. Grand Ole Opry member. ROY ACUFF, JR. Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs. TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges. Night Clubs. Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc., Buddy Lee, responsible agent. Wesley Rose. personal manager. Hickory Records. KAY ADAMS Vocal. self-contained. Fairs, Amusement Parks, Festivals, TV, Night Clubs, Shopping Centers, Concerts. Americana Corporation. Capitol Records. RUSTY ADAMS (KOKO THE CLOWN) Comedian, single act. Fairs. Amusement Parks. TV, Night Clubs. Shopping Centers. Bob Evans Productions. Cutlass Records. BUDDY ALAN Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV. Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Night Clubs, Club Dates. Regular on The Buck Owens Show. OMAC Artist Corp., Joe McFadden, responsible agent. Performers Management. personal management. Capitol Records, "Things". Regular member on Hee Haw. JUDY ALLEN Vocal. self-contained. Fairs, Amusement Parks. Festivals. Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates. Shopping Centers, Concerts. All Star Talent Agency. Stop Records. REX ALLEN Vocal. self-contained. Fairs. Amusement Parks, Festivals, TV. Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates, Concerts. Rodeos. Rex Allen Enterprises, 15445 Ventura Blvd., Suite 31. Sherman Oaks. Calif. 91403. Decca Records. REX ALLEN, JR. Vocal. single act. Concerts. Fairs. TV. Funparks, Festivals/ Celebrations. Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Radio-TV Commercials. Moeller Talent. Inc.. Jack B. Andrews, responsible agent. ERIC ANDERSEN Vocal, single act. Festivals, TV, Colleges. Club Dates. Concerts. Agency for the Performing Arts. Inc. Columbia Records. "Blue River' '. LIZ ANDERSON Vocal, Single act. Concerts, Fairs. TV, Funparks. Festivals/ Celebrations. Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc., Buddy Lee, responsible agent. Casey Anderson, personal manager. Epic Records, "Astrology". LYNN ANDERSON VOCAL. self-contained. 5 members. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Colleges. Neal Agency, Ltd.. Bob Neal. responsible agent. Creative Management Amusements, Fairs and special events. E. O. Stacy, responsible agent. Frank Campana, personal manager. Columbia Records. "Listen To A Country Song". CMA Best Female Singer Award. 1972, Grammy Award. 1972. BILLY AR & THE AR-SONISTS Vocal. self-contained. 4 members. Fairs, TV, Funparks. Colleges, Night Clubs. Key Talent, Inc., Rick Key. responsible agent. E. Jimmy Key, personal manager. EDDY ARNOLD Vocal, single act. Fairs only. Creative Management Amusements, E. 0. Stacy, responsible agent. Jerry Purcell. personal manager. RCA Records. GREG ARNOLD SHOW Vocal, instrumental, self-contained. 10 members. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks. Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates, Churches. Sound, Inc., Richard Fay. responsible agent, personal manager. Kaymar Records. ARTHUR, HURLEY & GOTTLIEB Vocal, self-contained. Fairs, Amusement Parks. Festivals, TV, Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates. Churches, Shopping Centers. Concerts. Sutton Artists Corp. JACK ARWOOD Vocal, self-contained, 4 members. Concerts. Fairs. TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges. Night Clubs. Club Dates, Buddy Lee Attractions. Inc., Don Fowler, responsible agent. Adonde Records. ERNIE ASHWORTH Vocal, single act. 28 Concerts. Fairs, TV. Funparks. Festivals/ Celebrations, Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attractions. Inc.. Buddy Lee. responsible agent. Hickory Records. Member of Grand Ole Opry. CHET ATKINS Instrumental, self-contained. 4 members. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/ Celebrations. Colleges. Night Clubs. Club Dates. Member of Festival Of Music. Chet Atkins P. A. Fund. X. Crosse'. responsible agent. personal manager. RCA Records. "Red. White & Blue Medley" BOBBY AUSTIN Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs. TV. Night Clubs. Alstar Artist Agency. A. J. Minto, responsible agent. Shorty Lavender Talent Agency, Inc Shorty Lavender or John McMeen responsible agent. Triune Records, "Knoxville Station". THE BAKERSFIELD BRASS Vocal, instrumental. self-contained. 3 members. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks. Festivals/ Celebrations, Colleges. Night Clubs. Club Dates. Member of The Buck Owens Show. OMAC Artist Corp., Mike North. responsible agent. Jack McFadden, personal manager. Capitol Records. "'Jesus Is My Kind Of People". Regular member of Hee Haw. GLENN BARBER Vocal, single act. HUBERT Long Talent. Hickory Records, "Unexpected Goodbye". BOBBY BARE Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs. TV. Funparks. Festivals/ Celebrations, night Clubs. Neal Agency, Ltd.. Bob Neal, responsible agent. Mercury Records, "Sylvia's Mother' . Member of Grand Ole Opry. JACK BARLOW Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funearks. Festivals/ Celebrations. Colleges, Night Clubs. Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc.. Buddy Lee, responsible agent. Dot Records, "Catch The Wind". MAX D. BARNES Vocal, Single act Fairs. Amusement Parks. Festivals, TV, Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates, Churches. Shopping Centers, Concerts. Moeller Talent Inc Willex Records. ROY BAYUM Vocal, single act. Fairs. TV, Funparks, Night Clubs. Key Talent. Inc.. Rick Key. responsible agent. E. Jimmy Key, personal manager. Rice Records. Inc.. "Linda's Red Dress". CLYDE BEAVERS Vocal, self-contained. Fairs, Amusement Parks. Festivals, TV. Colleges. Beaverwood Talent Agency. Dot Records. "I Will Love You. Till IDie". MOLLY BEE Vocal. self-contained. Fairs. Night Clubs, Concerts, Artist Management Bureau, Marty Landau. Dot Records. IRENE BELL Vocal, single act. CONCERTS. Fairs, TV. Colleges, Night Clubs. Alstar Art- ist Agency, A. J. Minto. responsible agent, personal manager. Stadium Records, "No One To Blame But You Alone". BERNIE & THE MEMPHIS SOUNDS Vocal. self-contained. Fairs, Amusement Parks, Festivals, TV, Night Clubs, Club Dates, Shopping Centers. Nine R. Miller Agency, P.O. Box 516, Beverly, Ohio 45715. DIANA BLAIR Vocal, single act. Fairs. Amusement Parks, Festivals, TV, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates, Concerts. Alstar Artist Agency, A. J. Minto. Stadium Records. "Jump Over The Water."' JACK BLANCHARD & MISTY MORGAN Vocal, self-contained, 2 members. Concerts. Fairs. TV, Funparks, Night Clubs, Neal Agency. Ltd., Sonny Neal, responsible agent. Mega Records. "Washing Harry Down The Sink". BILL BLAYLOCK & HIS MODERN SOUNDS OF BLUEGRASS Self- contained. Fairs. Amusement Parks. Festivals, TV, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates, Shopping Centers, Concerts. Paul Gibson Co.. P.O. Box 1203, Marietta, Ga. BOBBY BOND Vocal, single act. Acuff-Rose Artist Agency. Howard Forrester. responsible agent. Hickory Records. "You Don't Mess Around With Jim". JOHNNY BOND Vocal, single act. Fairs. TV. Funparks, Festivals/ Celebrations. Night Clubs. Americana Corporation, Steve Stebbins, responsible agent. Starday Records. "Put The Country Back In Country Music". AL BONHAM & THE NITE OWLS Vocal. self-contained. Fairs. Amusement Parks, Festivals, TV, Night Cluth. Club Dates. Shopping Centers. Nine R. Miller Agency. Snap Records. "Once More With Feeling". TONY BOOTH Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates. Member of The Buck Owens Show. OMAC Artist Corp.. Joe McFadden, responsible agent. Capitol Records. ·Lonesome 7-7203". Most Promising Male Vocalist, ACWM. BILLY BOB BOWMAN Vocal. self-contained. Fairs, Amusement Parks, Festivals, TV, Colleges. Night Clubs. Club Dates. Shopping Centers. Concerts. AcuffRose Artists. Corp. United Artists Records. "Miss Paul. ne" . RED BRIGHAM Vocal, self-contained. Fairs. Amusement Parks, Festivals, TV, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates, Churches, Shopping Centers, Concerts. Smokey Warren, 116 Princeton Rd.. Linden, N.J. King Records, "Key's In The Mailbox". HYLO BROWN Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. The Wil-Helm Agency. Larry Hart, responsible agent. JIM ED BROWN AND THE GEMS Vocal, self-contained, 7 members. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/ Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Member of The Jim Ed Brown Show. Top Billing. Inc.. Dolores Smiley. responsible agent. RCA Victor Records. "All IHave To Do To Hold Her". Regular member of Jim Ed Brown's "Country Place". MARTI BROWN Vocal, single act. Concerts: Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/ Celebrations, Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc., Buddy Lee, responsible agent. Regular member of the Noon Show and Waking Crew. SHERRY BRYCE Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Member of Mel Tiflis Show. Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc.. Buddy Lee, responsible agent. MGM Records. THE BUCKAROOS Vocal, instrumental. self-contained. 5 members. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks. Festivals/ Celebrations, Colleges. OMAC Artist Corp., Mike North, responsible agent. Jack McFadden, personal manager. Capitol Records, "The Buckaroos Play Mere Haggard's Hits". Regular member of Hee Haw and The Buck Owens Ranch Show, DORSEY BURNETTE Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, Colleges, Night Clubs, Artists Management Bureau, Inc.. Marty Landau, responsible agent. Capitol Records. "In The Spring" and "Couldn't Just Let Her Walk Away". JETHRO BURNS Vocal, comedy, instrumental. single act. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/ Celebrations. Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Churches. Member Summer Festival Of Stars, Boots Randolph, Floyd Cramer, Jimmy Richards Products. Jimmy Richards, responsible agent. personal manager. RCA Victor Records. JOHNNY BUSH AND THE BANDOLEROS Vocal, self-contained, 6 members. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Alamo Promotions. Crash Stewart, responsible agent, personal manager. RCA Records. "Whiskey River". CARL & PEARL BUTLER Vocal. duet. CONCERTS. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc.. Buddy Lee, responsible agent. Chart Records. BUDDY CAGLE Vocal, single act. Fairs, Amusement Parks. Festivals. TV. Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates, Concerts. Alstar Artist Agency. Capitol Records. "Gold Cup". TIA CAMARILLO Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Jack D. Johnson Talent, Inc.. Don M. Keirns, responsible agent. Jack D. Johnson, personal manager. RCA Records. "Somewhere In This Town". ARCHIE CAMPBELL Vocal, comedy, single act. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/ Celebrations, Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates. Jim Halsey Co ,Inc.. continued on page 30 1973 Cavalcade of Acts &Attractions ·TV Appearances include: JOHNNY CASH, DAVID FROST DICK CAVETT MIKE DOUGLAS &THE TONIGHT SHOW 1B<CLUSIVE REPRESENTATION. JIM WAGNER AGENCY 9100 Sunset Blvd.,Suite 112 Los Angeles,California 90069 Telephone (213)273-0236 Jim Halsey, responsible agent, personal manager. RCA Records. Regular member of Hee Haw. SONNY CAMPBELL Vocal. self-contained. Fairs, Amusement Parks, Festivals. TV. Colleges, Night Clubs. Club Dates, Churches. Shopping Centers. Con- certs. Smokey Warren Promotions. 116 Princeton Rd.. Linden, N.J. Yale Records. KANADIAN SWEETHEARTS (Lucille Starr/Bob Regan) Vocal, instrumental. duet. Concerts, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Night Clubs. Artists Management Bureau' Inc.. Marty Landau. responsible agent, personal manager. Dot Records. "French Song". THE ACE CANNON SHOW Vocal. Instrumental, self-contained, 6 members. Concerts, Fairs. TV, Funparks, Night Clubs, Club Dates. National Artists Attractions, Alan Lawler, responsible agent, personal manager. HI Records. BILL CARLISLE Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Cdleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attractions, Buddy Lee, responsible agent. Chart Records. Member of Grand Ole Opry. THE CARTER FAMILY Vocal. self-contained. Fairs, TV, concerts. Volatile Attractions, Saul Capitol Records, "Travelling Minstril Band". Hotiff. JOHNNY CARVER Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks. Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates. Top Billing, Inc., Dolores Smiley. responsible agent. Epic Records, "I Want You". JOHNNY CASH SHOW Vocal, self-contained, 13 members. Concerts, Fairs. TV, Night Clubs. Volatile Attractions, Ltd., Saul Holift, responsible agent, personal manager. Creative Management Amusements, Ltd., E. O. Stacy. responsible agent (fairs only). Columbia Records. TOMMY CASH & THE TOMCATS Vocal. self-contained. 5 members. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges. Night Clubs. Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc., Buddy Lee, responsible agent. Creative Management Amusements, Ltd., E. O. Stacy, responsible agent (fairs and special events only). Frank Campana, personal manager. Epic Records, "That Certain One". GLENN CANYON Vocal. self-contained, 5 members. Concerts, Fairs, TV. Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs. Club Dates. Shorty Lavender Talent Agency. Inc.. Shorty Lavender or John McMeen, re- sponsible agent. Cartwheel Records, "Drinkin* Suit". CHANCES R Vocal, self-contained. 3 members. Fairs. TV, Night Clubs. Joe Taylor Artist Agency. Joe Taylor, responsible agent. ANNE CHRISTINE Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Night Clubs. Joe Taylor Artist Agency. Joe Taylor, responsible agent. CME Records. "Its Gonna Take A Little Bit Longer". ROY CLARK Vocal, comedy, instrumental, single act. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges, Night Clubs. Club Dates. Jim Halsey Co., Inc.. Jim Halsey. responsible agent, personal manager. Dot Records. "Lawrence Welk Hee Haw Counter Revolution Polka". Regular member of Hee Haw. Academy of C & W Award, Best Comedian. BILL CLOSSEY Vocal. self-contained, 3 members. Concerts, Fairs. TV. Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Regular member B.C. & Company. Triple T Talent, Mame Hoerner, responsible agent, personal manager. Escambia Records. "She Taught Me How To Yodel"."Golden Guitar Award" --Colorado Country Music Festival, 1972. JERRY COWER Comedy, lecture, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV. Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges. Churches. Top Billing. Inc.. Tandy Rice. responsible agent. Decca Records. "Mouth Of Mississippi". BEN COLDER Vocal, Comedy, self-contained, 5 members. Concerts, Fairs, Funparks. OMAC Artist Giro., Joe McFadden, responsible agent. Doug Cooper Agency (TV Bookings), Doug Cooper, personal manager. MGM Records, "The Unhappiest Squirrel In The Whole USA". BRIAN COLLINS Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Night Clubs. Neal Agency. Ltd.. Bob Neal. responsible agent. Mega Records, "Spread It Around". 30 JESSE COLTER Vocal, single act. Fairs. Amusement Parks, Festivals, TV, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates, Churches. Shopping Centers. Concerts. Moeller Talent. Inc. RCA Victor Records. COMMANDER CODY & HIS LOST PLANET AIRMEN Vocal, single act. Festivals, TV, Colleges, Concerts. Paramount Records. "Hot Licks, Cold Steel and Truckers Favorites". COMPTON BROTHERS Vocal, self-contained. 5 members. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Jim Halsey Co., Inc., Jim Halsey, responsible agent, personal manager. Dot Records. "Claudette". WALT CONKLIN Vocal. self-contained. 5 members. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc.. Don Fowler, responsible agent. Buddy Lee, personal manager. MGM Records, WILMA LEE & STONEY COOPER Vocal, self-contained, 5 members. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/ Celebrations, Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc., Buddy Lee, responsible agent. Decca Records. Member of Grand Ole Opry. COUNTRY CAVALEERS Vocal. duet. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc., John Centinaro, responsible agent, personal manager. Cutlass Records. "Stop In The Name Of Love". COUNTRY FUGITIVES Vocal. self-contained, 4 members. Concerts, Fairs, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs. Club Dates. Sound, Inc., Richard Fay. responsible agent. personal manager. Lark Records. THE COUNTRY SHOWMAN Vocal, self-contained. Fairs. Amusement Parks, Festivals. TV, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates, Shopping Centers. Karns Bros. Country Caravan, 1863 Rice Blvd., Fairborn, Ohio 45324. Karbro Records. COUNTY LINE Vocal. self-contained. Fairs. Amusement Parks, Festivals. TV. Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates, Shopping Centers, Concerts. Sutton Artist Corp. BILLY "CRASH" CRADDOCK Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs. TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs. Hubert Long International. Dale Morris. personal manager. Cartwheel Records. "Gonna Knock On Your Door". FLOYD CRAMER Instrumental. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs. Member Festival Of Music. Atkins' Randolph Cramer Co. Enterprises, Xi Cosse', responsible agent, personal manager. RCA Records. "Detours". ALICE CREECH Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc.. Buddy Lee. responsible agent. Target Records. THE MIKE CURB CONGREGATION Vocal, self-contained, 20 members. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc., Buddy Lee, responsible agent, personal manager. MGM Records. DICK CURLESS Vocat, single act. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc.. Buddy Lee, responsible agent. Capitol Records, "Stonin* Around". PAT DAISY Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs. TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges. Club Dates. Shorty Lavender Talent Agency, Inc.. Shorty Lavender or John McMeer), responsible agent. RCA Victor Records. "Beautiful People". JOHNNY DARRELL Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges, Night Clubs. Club Dates, Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc.. Buddy Lee. responsible agent. Cartwheel Records. BUDDY DAVIS Vocal, single act. Fairs, TV, Night Clubs, Joe Taylor Artist Agency, Joe Taylor. responsible agent. DENNY DAVIS & THE NASHVILLE BRASS Instrumental, self-contained, 9 members. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attractions. Inc., Buddy Lee, responsible agent. personal manager. Creative Management Amusements. E. 0. Stacy, responsible agent (fairs and special events). RCA Records. GARY DAVIS & THE DIPLOMATS Vocal, comedy, self-contained. Night Clubs, Club Dates. Davis Talent Co-ordinators, R.R. 1, Pacific Junction, Iowa 51561. (712) 6224293. GENE DAVIS Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Night Clubs. Regular member of Star Routers. Americana Corporation. Metro Country Records, "I Need Help". GOV. JIMMIE DAVIS & ANNA GORDON DAVIS Vocal, duet. Concerts, Fairs. TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Club Dates, Churches, Don Light Talent, Inc. & Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc., Buddy Lee. Responsible agent. Decca Records. MAC DAVIS Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs. TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates, Creative Management Amusements, E. O. Stacy, responsible agent (fairs only). Sandy Gatlin, personal manager. Columbia Records. "Baby Don't Get Hooked On Me". SKEETER DAVIS Vocal, self-contained, 3 members. Concerts. Fairs. TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates, Buddy Lee Auraelions, Inc., Buddy Lee, responsible agent. RCA Records. EDDIE DEAN Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs. Artists Management Bureau, Inc.. Marty Landau, responsible agent, personal manager. Fabrogee Records. GEORGE DEATON Vocal, self-contained, 4 members. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Night Clubs, Club Dates, One Niters, Inc.. John Swannet'. responsible agent. Country Showcase America Records. NANCY DEE Vocal, self-contained, 5 members. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc.. Buddy Lee, responsible agent. Decca Records. PENNY DeHAVEN Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc., Buddy Lee, responsible agent United Artists Records. DEL DELAMONT & THE CANADIAN COUNTRY Vocal. self-contained. 4 members. Concerts, Fairs. TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc., Don Fowler, responsible agent. Adonda Records. DELBERT & GLENN Vocal, self-contained. Colleges, Concerts. Rik Cunnell Managements. Inc. Clean Records. JOHN DENVER Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Creative Management Amusements. E. 0. Stacy, responsible agent (fairs only). Jerry Weintraub, personal manager. RCA Records. THE DIABLOES Vocal, single act. Amusement Parks, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates, Concerts. Sam Lowman, 34 Haywood Circle, Hagerstown, Mc. 21740. DE DEE DIAMOND Vocal. self-contained, 5 members. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates, Churches. Sound. Inc., Richard Fay, responsible agent. Kaymer Records. DICE Vocal, self-contained. 3 members. Concerts. Fairs. TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges. Night Clubs. Club Dates. Churches. Sound, Inc.. Richard Fay, responsible agent. personal manager. Keymar Records. urni JIMMY DICKENS Vocal, self-contained, 5 members. Concerts. Fairs. TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, continued on page 32 1973 Cavalcade of Acts &Attractions 0,et MERLE HAGGARD eels 7.Fle SrRANcties peatering 8°66). W ayn e PERSONAL MANAGEMENT & BOOKINGS FUZZY OWEN P.O. BOX 842 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA (805) 327-1406 1973 Cavalcade of Acts & Attractions 31 Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates. Moeller Talent, Inc., Larry A. Moeller, responsible agent. United Artists Records, "(Way Down In) Alabama". DON & CARLA Vocal, duet. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc.. Buddy Lee, responsible agent. 50 States Records. THE PETE DRAKE SHOW Vocal. self-contained. 7 members. Concerts, Fairs. TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates, Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc., Buddy Lee. responsible agent. Stop Records, DAVE DUDLEY & THE ROADRUNNERS Vocal. self-contained. 5 members. Concerts, Fairs. TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attractions. Inc.. Buddy Lee, responsible agent. E. Jimmy Key. personal manager. Mercury Records, "You've Gotta Cry Girl". DUKE OF PADUCAH Comedy, single act. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Regular member of Hank Williams. Jr. Show. Buddy Lee Attractions. Inc.. Buddy Lee, responsible agent. RCA Records. JOHNNY DUNCAN Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Regular member of Charley Pride Show. Jack D. Johnson Talent, Inc., Don M. Keirns, responsible agent. Jack D. Johnson, personal manager. Columbia Records. "Here We Go Again". 1971 Billboard Award, Best New Artist, THE ECHOES Vocal, self-contained. Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates, Terry Holt, CFVR Radio. Abbotsford, B.C.. Canada. JONATHAN EDWARDS Vocal, single act. Festivals, TV, Colleges. Club Dates, Concerts. Records, "Honky-Tonk Stardust Cowboy". Atco STONEY EDWARDS Vocal. self-contained. Fairs. Amusement Parks, Festivals. TV. Colleges, Night Clubs. Concerts, R.V. Sweeney, 651 23rd. Richmond, Calif. BLAKE EMMONS Vocal, comedy. single act. Concerts, Fairs. TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates, Telethons. Top Bill- ing, Inc.. Dolores Smiley, responsible agent. MOB Records. "You Do It Again". DONNA FARGO Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV. Funparks, Festivals /Celebrattons. Colleges, Night Clubs. Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attraclions, Inc., Buddy Lee. responsible agent. Creative Management Amusements, E. O. Stacy, responsible agent (fairs and special events). Stan Silver, personal manager. Dot Records, "Funny Face". NARVEL FELTS Vocal, self-contained. Fairs. Amusement Parks, Festivals. TV, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Beaverwood Talent Agency. Hi Country Records. "A Little Bit of Soap". FESTIVAL OF MUSIC Instrumental. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs. Club Dates. Atkins'Randolph' Cramer Co. Enterprises, X. Cosse', responsible agent, personal manager. Creative Management Amusements, E. 0. Stacy, responsible agent (fairs and special events). LESTER FLATT & THE NASHVILLE GRASS Vocal. self-contained, 6 members. Concerts, Fairs, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Blue- grass Festivals, Don Light Talent, Inc., Don Light, responsible agent. Creative Management Amusements, E. 0. Stacy, responsible agent (fairs only). Lance Leroy. personal manager. RCA Victor Records. Member of Grand Ole Opry. ROXANNE FLYNN Vocal. self-contained. Fairs. Amusement Parks, Festivals, TV, Colleges. Night Clubs, Concerts, R.V. Sweeney (see Stoney Edwards), Western News Records, "Bo Weevil". JERRY FOSTER Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges. Night Clubs. One Niters, Inc., John Swanner, re- sponsible agent. Mercury Records. 'Being Close To You' . THE FOUR GUYS Vocal. self-contained, 7 members Concerts. Fairs. TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates Buddy Lee Attractions. Inc.. Buddy Lee. responsible agent. Cutlass 32 Records, "Sweet Yesterdays". Member of Grand Ole °MY. DALLAS FRAZIER Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Festivals, Celebrations, Night Clubs. Ray R. Baker, Blue Crest Music, Inc., Ray R. Baker, responsible agent. Personal manager. RCA Records. "North Carolina - . DAVID FRIZZELL Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV. Funparks. Festivals/Celebrations, Night Clubs, OMAC Artist Corp.. Joe McFadden, responsible agent. Performers Management, personal manager. LEFTY FRIZZELL Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks. Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges, Night Clubs. Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attractions. Inc., Buddy Lee, responsible agent. Columbia Records, "You. Babe". EDDY FUKANO Vocal, self-contained. Fairs, Festivals. Night Clubs, Jack Roberts Agency. BOB GALLION Vocal. self-contained, 6 members. Fairs. TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Regular member of The Bob Gallion Show. Wheeling Talent Agency. Hickory Records. "Happy Birthday. My Darling - .Member of WWVA Jamboree, TINY GARDENER Vocal, comedy. self-contained, 7 members. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges. Night Clubs. Club Dates. Regular member of The Tiny Gardener Show. Triple TTalent, Marve Hoerner, responsible agent, personal manager. CRYSTAL GAYLE Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Top Billing. Inc.. Dolores Smiley, responsible agent. Decca Records. Regular member of Jim Ed Brown's "Country Place". DON GIBSON Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs. TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges, Club Dates, Churches. Buddy Lee Attractions. Inc., Buddy Lee, responsible agent. Wesley Rose, per- sonal manager. Hickory Records. "Woman (Sensuous Woman) .'. Vocal, self-contained, 4 members. TOMPALL AND THE GLASER BROTHERS Vocal. self-contained. 6 members. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Colleges. Don Light Talent, Inc.. Don Light, responsible agent. Creative Management Amusements. E. O. Stacy, responsible agent (fairs and special events). MGM Records, "Ain't It All Worth Living For". Member of Grand Ole Opry. CMA Vocal Group Of Year, 1972 JACK GREENE/JEANNIE SEELY SHOW Vocal. self-contained, 7 members. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Top Billing, Inc.. Dolores Smiley, responsible agent. Decca Records. Member of Grand Ole Opry. GLYN GUIDRY Vocal, self-contained. 4 members. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attractions. Inc., Don Fowler, responsible agent. Adonda Records, ARLO GUTHRIE Vocal. self-contained. Fairs. Festivals, TV, Colleges, Concerts. Sutton Artists Corp. Reprise Records. "City Of New Orleans' .. THE HAGERS Vocal, duet. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks. Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. IFA AND Jim Halsey. Dick Howard and John Hitt, responsible agent. Dennis M. Bond, personal manager. Barnaby Records. ··I Don't Feel At Home". Regular member of Hee Haw. MERLE HAGGARD Vocal, self-contained. 7 members. Concerts, Fairs, TV. Regular member of Merle Haggard. Bonnie Owens & The Strangers. Charles L. "Fuzzy" Owen Agency, Fuzzy Owen, responsible agent, personal manager. Capitol Records, - It's Not Love", MARION HALL Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Night Clubs. Americana Corporation. Steve Stebbins, responsible agent. Newhall Records. TOM T. HALL AND THE STORY TELLERS Vocal, self-contained. 6 members. Concerts, Fairs. TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs. Neal Agency. Ltd.. Bob Neal, responsible agent. Mercury Records. -More About John Henry" GEORGE HAMILTON IV Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates. Acuff-Rose Artists Corporation, Howard Forrester, responsible agent. RCA Victor Records. "Traveling Light". Regular member of Arthur Smith Show. Charlotte, N. C Member of Grand Ole Opry. TED HANSON & THE COUNTRY EXPRESS Vocal. self-contained Fairs, Amusement Parks, Festivals, TV, Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates, Shopping Centers. Concerts. Capitol Booking Service, Inc. ARLENE HARDEN Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks. Festivals/ Celebrations. Colleges, Club Dates, Shorty Lavender Talent Agency. Inc.. Shorty Lavender or John McMeen, responsible agent. Columbia Records, -A Special Day". DAVE HARDIN Vocal, self-contained. Fairs, Amusement Parks, Festivals. TV. Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates, Shopping Centers. Concerts. Sound. Inc. CHARLIE HARRIS Vocal. self-contained. 5 members. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attractions. Inc., Earl E. Owens, responsible agent, personal manager. CLAY HART Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks. Festivals/ Celebrations, Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates, Buddy Lee Attractions. Inc., Buddy Lee, responsible agent. Regular member of Lawrence Welk TV Show. FREDDIE HART & THE HEARTBEATS Vocal. self-contained, 6 members. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. OMAC Artist Corp., Joe McFadden, responsible agent. personal manager. Capitol Records. "Got The All Dyers For You". CMA Song of the Year -Easy Lovin . ACWM. Entertainer of the Year. Single of the Year, Album of the Year. Billboard Trend Setter, Music Operators of America Most Programmed Song, 1972. ROSIE J. HART SHOW Vocal. self-contained. Fairs. Amusement Parks, Festivals, TV, Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates. Shopping Centers, Karns Brothers Country Caravan. Prize Records, "Figureprinte .. JIMMIE HELMS Vocal, single act Fairs. TV, Festivals/Celebrations, Night Clubs. Club Dates The Wil-Helm Agency, Larry L Hart. responsible agent Parthenon Records HILLSIDE SINGERS Vocal. self-contained. Fairs. Amusement Parks, Festivals, TV. Colleges. Club Dates, Shopping Centers, Concerts Robert W Rexer, 300 W. 55th St. New York, N.Y. 10019 Metromedia Records. "Teach The World To Sing & The Last Happy Song". STAN HITCHCOCK Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs, TV. Funparks. Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges. Night Clubs. Club Dates. Top Billing, Inc.. Dolores Smiley, responsible agent Caprice Records. "Daily Satisfied .. .Regular Stan Hitchcock Show (syndicated). MAR VE HOERNER Vocal, recitations. self-contained. 10 members. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Festivals/ Celebrations. Colleges, Club Dates, Churches, Revivals. Regular member of The Now Gospel Revival. Triple T Talent, Richard Best, responsible agent. Jimmy Wheeler, personal manager. Escambia Records, "Daddy Prayed For Me". DOYLE HOLLY Vocal. self-contained, 4 members. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc., Don Fowler, responsible agent, personal manager. Barnaby Records. HOMESTEAD ACT Vocal, self-contained. Fairs. Amusement Parks. Festivals, Colleges, Club Dates, Churches, Concerts. R. V. Sweeney (see Stoney Edwards). Kim-Pat Records. "Travelin Kind". THE HOMESTEADERS Vocal. self-contained. 5 members. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates, Buddy Lee Attractions. Inc.. Buddy Lee, responsible agent. ALEX HOUSTON AND ELMER Comedy. single act. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges, Night Clubs. Club Dates. Regular of The Charley Pride Show. Jack D. Johnson Talent, Inc.. Don M. continued on page 34 1973 Cavalcade of Acts &Attractions The Porter Wagoner Show with Dolly Parton Jim Ed Brown & The Gems and The Cates S,sters CALL TOP BILLING For Top Billing! NASHVILLE'S LEADING TALENT AGENCY Billy Walker & The Tennessee W·a lkers 111 ·] 111 · TOP BILLING, INC: [13 2000 RICHARD JONES ROAD BOX 12514, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE 37212 Tommy Overstreet & The Nashville Express ALSO THESE OUTSTANDING "SINGLE' . ACTS: · STAN HITCHCOCK JOHNNY CARVER · MELBA MONTGOMERY · JAMES RYAN · BLAKE EMMONS · CRYSTAL GAYLE · CHASE WEBSTER Del Reeves & The Good Time Charlies Jerry Glower from Yazoo City, Miss. The Stonemans The KendalIs 9 it Jack Greene, Jeannie Seely & The Jolly Green Giants Keirns, responsible agent. Willex Records Bra. Baby". Burn Your DAVID HOUSTON Vocal. self-contained. 7 members. Concerts. Fairs. TV. Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates. Hubert Long International, Dick Blake or Billy Wilhite, responsible agent. Tillman Franks, personal manager. Epic Records. ·"Soft. Sweet and Warm". JAN HOWARD Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs. TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges, Night Clubs. Hubert Long International. Decca Records. "Let Him Have It". JAN HURLEY Vocal, self-contained. 4 members. Concerts, Fairs, TV. Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges. Night Clubs. Club Dates. Triple T Talent, Marve Hoerner. responsible agent, personal manager. Red Hot Records, "The Richard Nixon Waltz". FERLIN HUSKY Vocal, comedy. Concerts, Fairs, Funparks. Festivals/Celebrations. Night Clubs. Hubert Long International, Van Barker, personal manager. Capitol Records, "How Could You Be Any. thing But Love". IRENE & THE COUNTRY RASCALS Vocal. self-contained. Fairs. Amusement Parks, Festivals, Night Clubs, Churches, Shopping Centers. Knight-Lowman-Birminghame Shows, Box 207, Funkstown. Md. 21734. STONEWALL JACKSON Vocal, self-contained, 5 members. Concerts, Fairs. TV, Funparks. Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Moeller Talent, Inc., Jack B. Andrews, responsible agent. Columbia Records, WANDA JACKSON Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges. Churches. Neal Agency, Ltd.. Sonny Neal, responsible agent. Wendell Goodman. personal manager. Capitol Records, "I Wouldn't Want You Any Other Way". ATLANTA JAMES & ELMER FUDPUCKER SHOW Vocal, single act. Fairs. Amusement Parks. TV, Colleges. Night Clubs, Shopping Centers, Concerts, Bob Evans Productions. Vista International Records, "Let It Last". SONNY JAMES & THE SOUTHERN GENTLEMEN Vocal, self-contained, 6 members. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Colleges. Neal Agency. Ltd.. Bob Neal, responsible agent, personal manager. Columbia Records. "When The Snow Is On The Roses". THE JENNY JAMISON SHOW Vocal. self-contained. Fairs. Amusement Parks, Festivals. TV. Night Clubs, Club Dates, Shopping Centers. Vernon A. Baker Talent Agency. Stop Records, NORMA JEAN Vocal, single act. Concerts. The Wil-Helm Agency. Larry L. Hart, responsible agent. RCA Victor Records WAYLON JENNINGS Vocal, self-contained. 5 members. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates, Moeller Talent, Inc., W. E. Moeller. responsible agent. RCA Records, "Sweet Dream Woman". JIM 'N GARY Vocal, self-contained. Fairs, Amusement Parks, Festivals, TV, Night Clubs. Club Dates, Shopping Centers, Concerts, Jack Roberts Agency. INS Records. "Nice To Be With You". JIM & JESSE Vocal, self-contained, 5 members. Concerts. Fairs, TV. Joe Taylor Artist Agency, Joe Taylor, responsible agent. "Freight Train". LOIS JOHNSON Vocal, self-contained, 4 members. Concerts, fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges. Night Clubs. Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attrac- tions, Inc.. Buddy Lee, responsible agent, personal manager. MGM Records. "Rain. Rain". THE JOHNSON SISTERS Vocal, self-contained. Fairs, Amusement Parks. Festivals, TV, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates, Churches, Shopping Centers. Karns Bros. Country Caravan. Karbro Records, THE CAROL JONES SHOW Vocal, self-contained. 5 members. Concerts. Fairs. Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges, Night Clubs. Club Dates. Shopping Centers, Johnny Rainbolt Agency, Johnny Rainbolt, personal manager. Merry-Go-Round Records, "Green Green Grass Of Home", GEORGE JONES Vocal, self-contained. 9 members. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. 34 Colleges, Night Clubs. Club Dates. Regular of The George Jones & Tammy Wynette Show. Shorty Lavender Talent Agency. Inc.. Shorty Lavender. responsible agent, personal manager Epic Records, "Lovin You Could Never Be Better". GRANDPA JONES Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Club Dates. Jim Halsey Co.. Inc., John Hitt, responsible agent. Jim Halsey, personal manager. Monument Records. Regular member of Hee Haw. JULIE JONES Vocal, self-contained. 4 members. Concerts. Fairs, TV. Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attractions. Inc., Don Fowler, responsible agent. Paragold Records, WOODY JONES Vocal. self-contained. 6 members Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges. Night Clubs. One Niters. Inc.. John Swanner, responsible agent. Faywood Records THE DEBBIE KAY SHOW Vocal, self-contained. Fairs. Amusement Parks, Festivals. TV, Night Clubs. Club Dates. Shopping Centers. The Beav-Jim Agency. Inc. AmenCountry Records, ·"This World Don't Owe You A Living". JAE JUDY KAY Vocal, single act Concerts. Fairs, TV. Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Night Clubs. Americana Corporation. Steve Stebbins, re sponsible agent, personal manager. MURRAY KELLUM Vocal, single act. Fairs, Amusement Parks, Festivals, TV. Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. One Niters, Inc. Epic Records, "Hiyo Leon". WAYNE KEMP Vocal. self-contained, 4 members. Concerts. Fairs. TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates. Shorty Lavender Talent Agency, Inc., Shorty Lavender or John McMeen, responsible agent. Shorty Lavender, personal manager. Decca Records. "Darlin' THE KENDALLS Vocal. duet Fairs. TV, Funparks. Clubs Top Billing, Inc Love Festivals/Celebrations, Night Dot Records. "Two divided By GEORGE KENT 8i THE LITTLE WHEELS Vocal. sell-contained, 5 members. Fairs. TV, Funparks, Night Clubs. Key Talent, Inc.. Rick Key, responsible agent. E. Jimmy Key. personal manager. Rice Records. Inc.. "I Can't Leave Now Cause Someone Moved The Door". JUDY KESTER Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges, Night Clubs, The Wil-Helm Agency, Larry L. Hart, responsible agent. MERLE KILGORE Vocal, comedy, single act Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/ Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs. Club Dates. Regular member of The Hank Williams. Jr. Show. Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc Buddy Lee, responsible agent. Starday-King Records. PEE WEE KING SHOW Vocal, self-contained. Fairs. Amusement Parks, Festivals. TV. Shopping Centers. King Ent.. Inc.. 240 W. Jefferon St., Louisville, Ky. 40202. (5021 584-5535. RICHARD KIPP SHOW Vocal. self-contained. Fairs, Amusement Parks, Festivals. TV, Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates, Shopping Centers. Sound, Inc. Kaymar, "Free to Love". SLEEPY LA BEEF & BAND Vocal. self-contained, 4 members. Concerts, Fairs, TV. Funparks. Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attrac- tions, Inc.. Don Fowler, responsible agent Plantation Records. LYNDA K. LANCE Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs. TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates, TV Commercials. Jack D. Johnson Talent Inc., Don M. Keins, responsible agent. Ron Oates, personal manager. RED LANE Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs, TV. Joe Taylor Artist Agency, Joe Taylor. responsible agent. RCA Records, "Throw A Rope Around The Wind". Vocal. self-contained. Fairs. Amusement Parks, Festivals. TV, Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates, Churches, Shopping Centers. Karns Bros, Country Caravan. Karbro Records. THE CAROL JONES SHOW Vocal. self-contained. 5 members. Concerts. Fairs, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges. Night Clubs. Club Dates, Shopping Centers. Johnny Rainbolt Agency. Johnny Rainbolt, personal manager Merry-Go-Round Records, -Green Green Grass Of Home". GEORGE JONES Vocal. self-contained. 9 members. Concerts. Fairs. TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates. Regular of The George Jones & Tammy Wynette Show Shorty Lavender Talent Agency. Inc.. Shorty Lavender. responsible agent, personal manager. Epic Records. "Lovin' You Could Never Be Better". GRANDPA JONES Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV. Funparks, Festivals/ Celebrations, Club Dates, Jim Halsey Co.. Inc.. John Hitt, responsible agent. Jim Halsey, personal manager. Monument Records. Regular member of Hee Haw JULIE JONES Vocal. self-contained. 4 members Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks. Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc .Don Fowler, responsible agent Paragold Records WOODY JONES Vocal. self-contained. 6 members. Concerts. Fairs, TV. Funparks, Festivals/ Celebrations, Colleges. Night Clubs. One Niters. Inc.. John Swanner. responsible agent Faywood Records THE DEBBIE KAY SHOW Vocal. self-contained. Fairs. Amusement Parks. Festivals. TV. Night Clubs. Club Dates. Shopping Centers. The Beav-Jim Agency, Inc AmenCountry Records. 'This World Don't Owe You A Living" JAE JUDY KAY Vocal single act. Concerts. Fairs. TV, Funparks Festivals/Celebrations, Night Clubs. Americana Corporation, Steve Stebbins, responsible agent, personal manager MURRAY KELLUM Vocal, single act. Fairs. Amusement Parks, Festivals, TV. Colleges, Night Clubs. Club Dates One Niters, Inc. Epic Records. "Hiyo Leon' ' WAYNE KEMP Vocal. self-contained. 4 members. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Shorty Lavender Talent Agency. Inc.. Shorty Lavender or John McMeen. re. sponsible agent. Shorty Lavender, personal manager. Decca Records, "Darlin' THE KENDALLS Vocal. duet Fairs. TV, Funparks, Festivals/ Celebrations. Night Clubs. Top Billing. Inc. Dot Records. -Two divided By Love". GEORGE KENT & THE LITTLE WHEELS Vocal, self-contained. 5 members. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Night Clubs. Key Talent. Inc.. Rick Key, responsible agent. E. Jimmy Key. personal manager Rice Records. Inc.. - ICan't Leave Now Cause Someone Moved The Door' JUDY KESTER Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs. TV. Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Golleyes, Men Clue. 'ThebtAllizetelm Agency. Larry L. Hart, responsible agent. MERLE KILGORE Vocal, comedy, single act. Concerts. Fairs. TV. Funparks. Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Regular member of The Hank Williams, Jr Show, Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc.. Buddy Lee, responsible agent. Starday-King Records PEE WEE KING SHOW Vocal. self-contained. Fairs, Amusement Parks. Festivals, TV, Shopping Centers. King Ent., Inc., 240 W Jefferon St .Louisville. Ky 40202. 15021584-5535 RICHARD KIPP SHOW Vocal, self-contained. Fairs. Amusement Parks, Festivals. TV, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates, Shopping Centers. Sound, Inc Kay mar, 'Free to Love'', SLEEPY LA BEEF & BAND Vocal, self-contained. 4 members. Concerts. Fairs, TV. Funparks. Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates Buddy Lee Attractions. Inc.. Don Fowler, ..bsponsible agent. Plantation Records. LYNDA K. LANCE Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs, TV Funparks. Festivals/Celebrations. continued on page 37 1973 Cavalcade of Acts &Attractions Rog «fedDee would like to thank all those Fair Managers who gave us the opportunity to play to S.R.O. AUDIENCES throughout the U.S.A. and Canada ... GREATEST FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT SHOW HOLD MORE ALL-TIME BOX OFFICE RECORDS THAN ANY OTHER ENTERTAINERS IN THE HISTORY OF STATE FAIRS. 9(4.f.r: 9 eiecoOctie SOME 1973 PATES STILL AVAILABLE EXCLUSIVE MANAGEMENT ART RUSH, INC. SUITE 219 10221 RIVERSIDE DRIVE NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA (213) 985-3033 Bi.v(TÁiI.TY 1u7 for your fair, rodeo, concert or other entertainment event! Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates, TV Commercials. Jack D. Johnson Talent Inc.. Don M. Keins, responsible agent. Ron Oates. personal manager. RED LANE Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs, TV. Joe Taylor Artist Agency, Joe Taylor. responsible agent. RCA Records. "Throw A Rope Around The Wind*" PETE R. LAUMBACH Vocal, lecture, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges, Cjub Dates. Triple TTalent. Marve Hoerner, responsible agent. personal manager. Mountain Records, "A Day To Remember". JIMMY LAWTON 8( THE LAWMEN Vocal, comedy. self-contained, 4 members. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Night Clubs. Alstar Artist Agency, A. J. Minto, responsible agent, personal manager. Stadium Records. "To You Alone/No One To Blame But Me". Regular member of Country Music Time, Los Angeles, DICKEY LEE Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV. Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges. Night Clubs. Club Dates. One Niters, Inc.. Johm Swanner /Billy Smith, responsible agent. RCA Records. "Ashes Of Love" MARVIN LEE AND THE COUNTRY JUBILEE Vocal, self-contained. Fairs. Amusement Parks, Festivals, TV, Night Clubs, Club Dates, Shopping Centers. Vernon A. Baker Talent Agency. SONNY LEE Vocal, single act. Fairs, TV, Night Clubs. Joe Taylor Artist Agency, Joe Taylor, responsible agent. Sunlight Records. LEGARDE TWINS (TOM AND TED) Vocal, self-contained. Fairs. Festivals, Night Clubs, Club Dates, Shopping Centers. Jack Roberts Agency. American Heritage. "Striped Circles''. THE LEWIS FAMILY Vocal, instrumental. self-contained. 6 members. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Colleges, Bluegrass Festivals. Don Light Talent, Inc.. Herman Harper, responsible agent. Lon Light. personal manager. Canaan Records. -Just Us". Regular members of The Lewis Family Show (syndicated). HUGH X. LEWIS Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV. Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc., Buddy Lee, responsible agent. personal manager. MGM Records. JERRY LEE LEWIS Vocal. self-contained, 8 members. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Regular member of The Jerry Lee Lewis Show. National Artists Attractions, Ray Brown. responsible agent. Smash Records, "Lonely Weekends". LINDA GAIL LEWIS Vocal. self-contained, 8 members. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Regular member of The Jerry Lee Lewis Show. National Artists Attractions, Ray Brown, responsible agent. Smash Records, "Smile. Somebody Loves You". LAWANDA LINDSEY Vocal, single act. Fairs, Amusement Parks, TV, Colleges. Night Clubs. Joe Taylor Artist Agency. Chart. "One Time Too Many". PEGGY LITTLE Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attractions. Inc.. Buddy Lee, responsible agent, personal manager. Dot Records. HANK LOCKLIN Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs, TV. Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs. Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc.. Buddy Lee, responsible agent. personal manager. RCA Records. Member of Grand Ole Opry. LONZO & OSCAR Vocal. self-contained Fairs. Amusement Parks, Festivals, TV. Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates, Shopping Centers, Concerts. All Star Talent Agency. Chart. BOBBY LORD Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates. Key Talent, Inc., Rick Key. responsible agent. E. Jimmy Key, personal manager. Decca Records. JUNIE LOU Vocal. self-contained. Fairs. Amusement Parks. Festivals, TV, Night Clubs. Process Talent Management. Country Star Summer Must End" 1973 Cavalcade of Acts & Attractions JOHN D. LOUDERMILK Vocal, single act. Festivals, Colleges. Don Light Talent, Inc. Warner Bros. BOB LUMAN Vocal, self-contained, 5 members. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Moeller Talent, Inc.. Jack B. Andrews, responsible agent. Epic Records. JUDY LYNN Vocal, self-contained. 7 members. Concerts, Fairs, TV. Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates, Rodeos. Jimmy Richards Productions, Jimmy Richards, responsible agent. John Kelly, personal manager. Amaret Records. "And You Love Me". Regular member of The Judy Lynn Show (syndicated). DARRELL McCALL AND THE TENNESSEE VOLUNTEERS Vocal, self-contained. Colleges. Night Club, Shopping Centers. Alamo Promotions. American Heritage. "I'll Break Out Again Tonight". GEORGE McCANNON III Vocal. self-contained. Rising sun "Sunday Son". 66 Bridge Street. Worsted. Conn. 379-0170. O. B. McCLINTON Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Shorty Lavender Talent Agency, Inc., Shorty Lavender or John McMeen, responsible agent. Enterprise Records. "A Six Pack Of Trouble". SAM & KIRK McGEE Vocal. duet. Concerts. Fairs. TV, Funparks. Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates, Churches. Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc., Buddy Lee, responsible agent, personal manager. Member of Grand Ole Opry. PAT McKINNEY Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Moeller Talent, Inc., Larry A. Moeller, responsible agent. Mega Records. BILL MACK Vocal. self-contained. Fairs, Amusement Parks, Festivals, TV, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates, Shopping Centers, Concerts, AcuffRose Artists Corporation. Hickory. WARNER MACK & LANA RAE Vocal. duet. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc., Buddy Lee, responsible agent, personal manager. Decca Records. DOTTIE MAE Vocal, self-contained. Fairs, Amusement Parks. Festivals, TV, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates, Churches, Shopping Centers, Concerts: Yale "Written On The Sidewalk", Smokey War- BARBARA MANDRELL 8. THE DO-RITES Vocal. self-contained. 5 members. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs. Neal Agency, Ltd., Sonny Neal, responsible agent. Irby Mandrell, personal manager. Columbia Records, "Show Me". Member of Grand Ole Opry. LORENE MANN Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Night Clubs. Joe Taylor Artist Agency, Joe Taylor. responsible agent. RCA Records, "Tell It Like It Is". DANNY MARCUS & BAND Vocal. self-contained, 4 members. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Churches. Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc.. Don Fowler. responsible agent, personal manager. Musicor Records. NICK MASTERS TRIO Vocal, self-contained, 3 members. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc.. Don Fowler, responsible agent. Trip Records. TOKYO MATSU Vocal, comedy. instrumental, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks. Festivals/Celebrations. Night Clubs, Americana Corporation, Steve Stebbins, responsible agent. personal manager. Singleton Records, "Moms & Dads Waltz - . JERRY MEDCALF Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks. Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges. The Wil-Helm Agency. Larry L. Hart, responsible agent. Amen-country Records. MILLARD 8( DYCE Vocal, instrumental, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks. Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Churches. Sound, Inc., Richard Fay, responsible agent. personal manager Kaymar Records, JODY MILLER Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges, Night Clubs. Club Dates, Creative Management Amusements, E. O. Stacy, responsible agent (fairs and special events). Epic Records. "There's A Party". BILL MONROE & THE BLUE GRASS BOYS Vocal, instrumental, self-contained, 6 members. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Bluegrass Festivals. Acuff-Rose Artists Corporation, Howard Forrester, re- sponsible agent. Decca Records. Member of Grand Ole Opry. SMILEY. MONROE Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Night Clubs, Aislar Artist Agency, A. J. Mint°, responsible agent, personal manager Portland Records. "James Sad Song/Sorry Mary Ann". MELBA MONTGOMERY Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV. Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates. Top Billing, Inc.. Dolores Smiley, responsible agent. Capital Records. JERRY MOORE & THE DRIFTERS Vocal, self-contained, 4 members. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Regular member of Continental Country Revue. Triple TTalent, Maree Hoernet'. responsible agent. Richard Best. personal manager. Escambia Records. "Al The Top Of The Stairs". GEORGE MORGAN Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs. Club Dates. Churches, Buddy Lee Atracttons, Inc., Buddy Lee, responsible agent, personal manager. Decca Records. Member of Grand Ole Opry. LAMAR MORRIS Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates, Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc., Buddy Lee, responsible agent. personal manager. MGM Records. HAROLD MORRISON Comedy, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates. Regular member of The George Jones & Tammy Wynette Show. Shorty Lavender Talent Agency. Inc., Shorty Lavender, responsible agent, personal manager. Epic Records, KIM MORRISON & THE COMMITTEE Vocal, comedy. self-contained, 4 members. TV. Colleges, Night Clubs. Key Talent, Inc., Rick Key. responsible agent. E. Jimmy Key, personal manager. Rice Records, Inc., "I Just Didn't See It Coming Down". JOHNNY & JONIE MOSBY Vocal, duet. Concerts. Fairs. TV, Funparks, Festivals/ Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs. Americana Corp., Steve Stebbins, responsible agent. personal manager. Capitol Records, "My Ectasy". ABE MULKEY Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates, Churches. Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc., Buddy Lee, responsible agent, personal manager. MGM Records. JIM MUNDY Vocal, single act. Night clubs. Acuff-Rose Artists Corp.. Howard Forrester, responsible agent. Hickory Records, "If You Got It. Flaunt It", JERRY NAILL Vocal, self-contained. Fairs. Amusement Parks, Festivals, TV, Amencountry "The Only Honky Tank". Night Clubs. JEANINE NAPOLEON Vocal, self-contained. Fairs. Amusement Parks. Festivals, TV, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates, Shopping Centers, Concerts. Jimmy Richards Productions. LENNY NAST SHOW Vocal. self-contained. Fairs. TV, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates, Churches, Shopping Centers. Concerts, Prisons, Shelly Rae Agency. JERRY NAYLOR Vocal, single act, eoncerts. Fairs. TV, Night Clubs, Artists Management Bureau, Inc.. Marty Landau, responsible agent. MGM Records, "Goodtime Chariot/With This Ring". SAM NEELY Vocal, self-contained. Fairs, TV, Colleges. Night Clubs, Concerts. Rezick-Benstein Agency. Capitol, "Loving You Just Crossed My Mind". continued on page 42 37 Thanks for another fantastic year! Looking forward to another entertaining season with the New CHARLEY PRIDE SHOW in 1973. CHARLEY PRIDE COUNTRY MUSIC ASSOCIATION'S #1 MALE VOCALIST -- 1971 AND 1972! 1972 DATES: DuQuoin State Fair Colorado State Fair Michigan State Fair Moultrie-Douglas County Fair -- Arthur, Ill. Midland Empire Fair -- Billings, Mont. Vermont State Fair Farmfest, U.S.A. -- Mankato, Minn. New Mexico State Fair Tri-State Fair -- Amarillo Panhandle South Plains Fair -- Lubbock Tulsa State Fair Management & Booking: Milwaukee Summerfest Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo Wheeling (W. Va.) Jamboree Las Vegas Hilton International AND Guest Star of Syndicated and Network TV Shows Jack D. Johnson ·Don M. Keirns, Agent Pad V, Medoff 7ale.ct, lee P.O. Box 40484 Nashville, Tennessee 37204 Phone: (615) 383-6564 1973 Cavalcaae of Acts & Attractions 39 ALEX HOUSTON lk Elmer comedian ·emcee ·ventriloquist A REAL EXPERIENCE IN GREAT ENTERTAINMENT" , Available for Fairs, Concerts and Special Events 1972 DATES: Moultrie-Douglas County Fair, Arthur . Ill. Midland Empire Fair, Billings, Mort. DuQuoin State Fair Colorado State Fair Michigan State Fair Vermont State Fair Farmfest, U.S.A., Mankato, Minn. Tri-State Fair, Amarillo Panhandle South Plains Fair, Lubbock Tulsa State Fair Wheeling (W. Va.) Jamboree Las Vegas Hilton International -- with The Charley Pride Show AND Guest Star of Syndicated and Network T.V. Shows Contact: Don M. Keirns, Agent Pete4D. Podievut 'Ueda, Tice. Box 40484 · Nashville, Tennessee 37204 Phone: (615) 383-6564 the Coun CrowdPleasers · HANK SNOW AND THE RAINBOW RANCH BOYS · VVAYLON JENNINGS AND THE WAYLORS · SAMMI SMITH AND THE BUFFALO GAP REVUE · THE KITTY WELLS-JOHNNY WRIGHT FAMILY SHOW cast: KITTY WELLS, JOHNNY WRIGHT, BOBBY WRIGHT, BILL PHILLIPS, THE TENNESSEE MOUNTAIN BOYS · STONEWALL JACKSON AND THE MINUTEMEN · DOTTIE WEST AND THE CROSS COUNTRY · BOB LUMAN AND THE HONKY TONK MEN · "LITTLE" JIMMY DICKENS AND THE COUNTRY BOYS BAND · RED SOVINE · REX ALLEN, JR. · PAT McKINNEY J 19/14». MoellerTalent, Inc. P. 0. Box 15364. Nashville, Tenn. 37215 -- Office located at 2106 Crestmoor Rd. Call JACK B. ANDREWS, Outdoor Division (615) 383-6666 1973 Cavalcade of Acts & Attractions 41 WILLIE NELSON Vocal, self-contained. 4 members. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates. Moeller Talent. Inc.. Larry A. Moeller, responsible agent. RCA Records. JIM NESBITT Vocal. self-contained. Fairs. Amusement Parks, Festivals. TV, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates, Beaverwood Talent Agency. Chart. "Running Bare". MICHAEL NESMITH Vocal, self-contained. Fairs, Amusement Parks. TV. Colleges, Night Clubs, Concerts. Reznick-Berstein Agency. R C A. "Roll With The Flow". FRED NETHERTON AND THE WILDVVOOD PLAYBOYS Vocal, self-contained. Fairs. Amusement Parks, Festivals, TV. Night Clubs. Club Dates. Shopping Centers, Vernon A. Baker Talent Agency. NEW HEAVENLY BLUE Vocal, self-contained Fairs. Amusement Parks. Festivals. TV, Night Clubs, Club Dates, Churches, Shopping Centers. Concerts. Sutton Artists Corp. Atlantic "New Heavenly Blue - . JIMMY C. NEWMAN Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs. TV, Funparks. Festivals/Celebrations, Night Clubs. Neal Agency, Ltd.. Bob Neal, responsible agent. Shannon Records. Members of Grand Ole Opry REID & BOBBI NORTHRUP & THE NEW ARKANSAS TRAVELERS Vocal. self-contained. Fairs. Amusement Parks, Festivals, TV, Night Clubs. ChurChes, Shopping Centers. Tarot. 'Sunday Afternoon'. Booked by Tarot Promotions, P. O. Box 111, E. Berne. N.Y. 12059, MAYF NUTTER Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs. TV. Funparks. Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges, Night Clubs. Club Dates. Regular member of The Buck Owens Show. OMAC Artists Corp.. Joe McFadden, responsible agent. Jack McFadden, personal manager. Capitol Records, "Party Doll". PHILLIP O'BRIEN Vocal, single act Concerts, Fairs. TV. Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates. Triple T Talent, Marve Hoerner, responsible agent. Church O'Brien. personal manager. DOVE O'DELL Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Night Clubs, Alstar Artist Agency. A. J. Minto, responsible agent, personal manager Jan Mar Records. "Louisiana Lady" TOMMY OVERSTREET & "NASHVILLE EXPRESS" Vocal. self-contained, 6 members. Concerts. Fairs. TV. Funparks. Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates Top Billing. Inc .Dolores Smiley. responsible agent. Dot Records. "Heaven Is My Woman's Love". "Most Promising Male Vocalist" --Record World. Cash Box. Music City News. BILL & KATHY OWENS Vocal. duet. Concerts, Fairs, TV. Funparks. Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges. Night Clubs One Niters, Inc.. John Swanner, responsible agent. BONNIE OWENS Vocal, self-contained. 7 members. Concerts, Fairs. TV Regular member of Merle Haggard. Bonnie Owens & The Strangers. Charles L. "Fuzzy" Owen Agency, Fuzzy Owen, responsible agent, personal manager Capitol Records, BUCK OWENS Vocal. self-contained. 11 members. Concerts, Fairs. TV. Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates. Regular member of The Buck Owens Show, 0MAC Artist Corp., Mike North. responsible agent. Jack McFadden, personal manager. Capitol Records, "Made in Japan". Regular member of Hee Haw and Buck Owens Ranch Show (syndicated) OZARK JAMBOREE COUNTRY SHOW Vocal. self-contained. Fairs, Amusement Parks. Festivals. TV, Colleges, Night Clubs. Club Dates. Churches, Shopping Centers. Concerts. Corn Belt Productions. PAUL PARRISH Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs, TV. Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs. Cori Casady Management. Cori Casady, responsible agent, personal manager. Warner Bros Records, "Songs". GARY PAXTON Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges, Funparks, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Churches Buddy Lee Attractions. Inc., Buddy Lee, responsible agent, personal manager. MGM Records. 42 JOHNNY PAYCHECK & THE CASHIERS Vocal. self-contained. 6 members. Concerts, Fairs, TV. Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges. Night Clubs. Neal Agency, Ltd.. Sonny Neal, responsible agent. Epic Records, "Love Is A Good Thing - . LINDA PEACE Vocal, self-contained. Fairs. Amusement Parks, Night Clubs, Shopping Centers. Americana Corporation. MINNIE PEARL Comedy. single act. TV, Night Clubs, Benefits. Jim Halsey Co., Inc., Jim Halsey, responsible agent, personal manager. Regular member of Hen Haw, CARL PERKINS Vocal. self-contained. Fairs. TV, Concerts. Columbia Records, Saul Holff, JIMMY PETERS AND THE NASHVILLE KINGS Vocal, self-contained. Fairs. Amusement Parks, Night Clubs, Bob Evans Productions. BILL PHILLIPS Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates. Regular member of Kitty Wells-Johnny Wright Family Show, Moeller Talent. Inc.. Jack B. Andrews, responsible agent. United Artists Records WEBB PIERCE & KOKO (THE COUNTRY CLOWN) Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs. TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates, Buddy Lee Attractions. Inc.. Buddy Lee, responsible agent, personal manager. Decca Records, "I'm Gonna Be A Swinger". RAY PILLOW Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges, Night Clubs, Joe Taylor Artist Agency. Joe Taylor, responsible agent, personal manager. Mega Records, "She's Doing It To Me Again". Member of Jim & Jesse T.V. Show (syndicated). MAX POWELL & BAND Vocal, self-contained. 4 members. Concerts, Fairs. TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc.. Don Fowler, responsible agent, personal manager. Starday-King Records, PATTI POWELL Vocal, single act. Fairs. TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Regular member of The Bob Gallion Show. Wheeling Talent Agency, Bob Gallion, personal manager. Hickory Records, "Not Once. But A Hundred Times". Member of WWVA Jamboree. RAY PRICE Vocal. self-contained. Concerts, Night Clubs Hubert Long International. A. T. "Tony" Bifano, personal manager. Creative Management Amusements. E. O. Stacy, responsible agent (fairs and special events) Columbia Records, "Lonesomest Lonesome". CHARLEY PRIDE Vocal, self-contained, 8 members. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges. Regular member of The Charley Pride Show. Jack D. Johnson Talent, Inc.. Don M. Keirns. responsibel agent. Jack D. Johnson, personal manager. RCA Records, "She's Too Good To Be True". 1971 CMA Entertainer of the Year. DAVE PRINTON & THE ROAD COMPANY Vocal. self-contained, 3 members. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Regular member of The Road Company. Triple TTalent, Maree Hoerner, responsible agent. personal manager. MGM Records. "Prayer For Daddy". JEANNE PRUETT Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges. Night Clubs. Hubert Long International. Decca Records. - Love Me" MARVIN RAINWATER Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attractions. Inc.. Buddy Lee, responsible agent, personal manager Warner Brothers Records. RAMBLIN JACK ELLIOTT Vocal. self-contained Colleges, Club Dates, Festivals, TV, Concerts. BOOTS RANDOLPH Instrumental. self-contained. 6 members. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Creative Management Amusements, E. O. Stacy, responsible agent. X. Cosse', personal manager. Monument Records. "The World Of Boots Randolph". LINDA RASK Vocal, self-contained, 4 members. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc., Don Fowler, responsible agent. Million Records, SUSAN RAYE Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Regular member of Buck Owens All-American Show, OMAC Artist Corp.. Joe McFadden, responsible agent. Performers Management, personal manager. Capitol Records, "Wheel Of Fortune". Most Promising Female Vocalist. THE REBELS Vocal. self-contained. Night Clubs, Club Dates Beav-Jim, "Leave Me". The Beav-Jim Agency Inc. REDWOOD Vocal. self-contained. 3 members. Concerts, TV, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs. Con Casady Management, Con Casady, responsible agent. personal manager. DEL REEVES & THE GOODTIME CHARLIES Vocal. self-contained, 5 members. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates. Regular member of Del Reeves Show, Top Billing, Inc., Dolores Smiley, responsible agent. United Artists Records. "Before Goodbye". Member of Del Reeves Country Carnival (Syndicated). ALICE RENE Vocal, self-contained. Fairs. Amusement Parks, Festivals, TV, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates, Concerts, Columbia Records, "Country Opry". A, J. Mint°, Alstar Artist Agency. JACK RENO Vocal, lecture. single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges. Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc., Buddy Lee, responsible agent. BILL RICE Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, One Niters, Inc., John Swanner/ Billy Smith, responsible agent. Epic Records. BOBBY G. RICE Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attractions. Buddy Lee, responsible agent, personal manager. Metromedia Records. CHARLIE RICH Vocal, self-contained, 4 members. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Night Clubs. National Artists Attractions. Alan Lawler, responsible agent. Epic Records, "Take It On Home", SUE RICHARDS Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs. One Niters, Inc., John Swanner, responsible agent. Epic Records. "Feel Free To Go", PAUL RICHEY Vocal, self-contained Fairs. Amusement Parks, Festivals, TV, Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates, Shopping Centers', Concerts. Dot Records, "Good Time Charlie's Got The Blues", Shorty Lavender Talent Agency, Inc. JEANNIE C. RILEY Vocal, self-contained, 6 members. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates, Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc., Buddy Lee, responsible agent. Gene Scott. personal manager. MGM Records. TEX RITTER & THE BOLL WEEVILS Vocal, lecture. self-contained. 4 members. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Acuf f-Rose Artists Corp.. Howard Forrester, responsible agent. Capitol Records "Lorena - Member of Grand Ole Opry. MARTY ROBBINS & RONNIE ROBBINS (MARTY ROBBINS, JR.) Vocal, self-contained. 3 members. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Festivals/Celebrations, Night Clubs. Artists Management Bureau, Inc.. Marty Landau, responsible agent, personal manager. Decca Records, "My Woman, My Woman, My Wife". LOUIE ROBERTS Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges. Joe Taylor Artist Agency, Joe Taylor, responsible agent. Decca Records. "Old Time Religion". PAT ROBERTS Vocal self-contained. Fairs, Amusements Parks. Festivals, Night Clubs, Club Dates, Concerts. Dot. "Rhythm In The Rain". Jack Roberts Agency. continued on page 57 1973 Cavalcade of Acts &Attractions The Great Allentown Fair: ALESSON IN PROMOTION When some people think of Allentown (Pa.) they think of it as the home of Mack Trucks. Macks are big, all right, but many people connects Allentown with something as big as a Mack truc in its own right--the Allentown Fair. Most everybody in Pennsylvania has been to the Fair at one time or another and most have gone back again. That's where you can see all the big names, such as Lawrence Welk, Johnny Cash, Englebert Humperdinck, or you name it. One of the main reasons for the fair's incredible success has been its manager, Edward G. Leidig, called by many, "Mr. Fair". Since 1955, when he was named treasurer of the Lehigh County Agricultural Society (managers of the Fair), Leidig has brought many progressive innovations to the county fair concept. One of his first moves was to institute an effective revenue control system for all sources of revenue, including parking lot fees, general and grandstand tickets, sideshow admissions, etc. The institution of this checking system brought about immediate improvement in the total revenue that the Allentown Fair received in 1956. And under Leidig's guidance, gross revenue also began to improve. Today, Leidig is undisputed as the main force behind Pennsylvania's largest fair. In fact, he is recognized as a leading authority throughout the United States and Canada on the successful promotion and operation of fairs. In addition to instituting and continually improving the most modern revenue control systems, there are some other ideas Leidig has used with great success to promote the Allentown Fair. Although the Allentown Fair does not officially open until the first week in August. each March the Fair's publicity department starts to issue press releases to every city and town newspaper in the 1973 Cavalcade of Acts &Attractions area, including photographs if available, announcing what the main attractions is, the dates of the Fair, and other pertinent data. This publicity is increased right through the actual dates of the Fair and into the weeks following. While the Fair is in progress, a comfortable press room is set up, providing reporters from all media, plus VIPs, with an excellent view of the grandstand shows. Free refreshments are also available. Press kits, including photographs and publicity releases, are given to every reporter who checks in with the press room. During the Fair, interviews with the top name talent, sideshows, Fair management and visiting dignitaries are arranged. Rarely is any member of the press, radio or tele- vision denied an interview. This, of course, makes for excellent press rela- tions. At the same time the publicity begins, an extensive direct mail campaign is begun, sending Fair brochures to travel agents throughout the eastern United States. This mailing is followed up by telephone calls directly to those travel agencies active in charter bus tours. The results of this single promotion are that over 400 charter buses attended last year's Fair, accounting for 32,000 admissions. Leidig has made a constant effort to give every attendee at the Allentown Fair the very best of everything. Grandstand entertainment each afternoon includes a three-ring circus, including high wire acts, wild animals and elephants; hell drivers, demolition derbies or harness racing. Each evening, the two grand- stand extravaganzas have featured such top talent as Tom Jones, Humperdinck, Andy Williams, Tennessee Ernie Ford, Eddy Arnold, The 5th Dimension, The Osmonds and The Carpenters ...just to name a few. Working closely with Eldred Stacy of Creative Management Associates, Leidig and his executive board invariably select talent with a hit record or top television show going for them just before the Fair opens. This uncanny ability is the envy of many, but it is the absolute delight of all those who attend the Allentown Fair. Many artists, such as Johnny Cash and The 5th Dimension, have appeared at the Fair two or three years in a row. Yet, at each performance, the attendance still remains as high, if not higher. than the previous year. As attendance grows at the Allentown Fair (it's now over 700,000), so does the diversity of amusements, entertainment and exhibitions. The afternoon circus gets larger each year. There are more days of harness racing. The number of entries and cash awards for agricultural, horticultural, livestock and home craft exhibits increases. Special midway attractions this year included the Apollo XVI which won the 1972 Brussers Award for "The Greatest Ride in the World." The original "Godfather" movie cars were on display, including "Sonny's" shot-up and bloody Lincoln Continental. Hank Meadows, a highly entertaining midwestern TV chef, gave free culinary exhibitions twice daily. And, of course, Gooding's Million Dollar Midway and sideshows added to the glitter, which is topped off with a gigantic dual ferris wheel! Great encouragement is given to ex- hibitors of agricultural, horticultural, livestock and home crafts by keeping the entry fees at an absolute minimum and providing a 20-page premium list which is inserted in the Sunday edition of the largest newspaper in the Allentown area. In addition, astaff of over 30 volunteers, all members of the Lehigh County Agricultural Society, contact all the entrants from the previous year. The rewards for this extra effort are many ...the tradition of the county fair is maintained, the incentive for improvement is also maintained for cattle continued 43 ALESSON IN PROMOTION Cont'd. from page 59 breeding organizations, craftsmen, 4-H clubs and granges, Future Farmers of America, etc., and fairgoers get an opportunity to see the best crops, the finest livestock and the highly unusual contributions from home craftsmen. The Fair itself garners additional attendees and revenue not only from the viewers of the exhibits, but from the thousands of exhibitors themselves. There is also a very unusual area known as the Farmerama. Here, free shows are given daily by barbershop quartets, folk dancing groups and Pennsylvania Dutch and country-western bands. This, too, serves the Fair in many ways. It provides free entertainment for the elderly and Pennsylvania German Fairgoers and by doing so, encourages their attendance and their dollars on to the grounds. To promote the Allentown Fair, Leidig employs practically every form of advertising media. This extensive campaign publicizes the Fair well in advance of the August opening. To complement the publicity department's efforts, mentioned earlier, the Fair utilizes newspaper, radio, billboard, magazine and television advertising. Newspaper advertising begins with large ads giving a complete rundown of the events that are to take place during the nine days and 10 nights of the Allentown Fair. The next phase of newspaper advertising is smaller block ads stating, "NOTICE," and then giving a listing of the seats and prices still available for the various afternoon and evening grandstand shows. Newpaper ads are placed heavily in the Allentown and Philadelphia papers. In addition, over 40 other daily and weekly periodicals carry a somewhat lighter schedule of Allentown Fair ads. Radio advertising is used sparingly, hut nearly every regional and local station within a 100-mile radius of the Fair 44 carries spot announcements. These commercials are generally 60-seconds in length and simply tout the names of the evening grandstand performers, the dates of the Fair and a telephone number to call for additional information. Billboard advertising utilizes 30-sheet posters in prime locations surrounding Allentown, Bethlehem and the suburbs of Philadelphia. The billboard design shows the names of the performers who will appear in the evening, the dates of each show and the overall dates of the Fair itself. Although billboard advertising within Philadelphia can be very costly, the Fair has discovered an economical and effective way to promote the Fair to the Philadelphia public. This media is taxicab roof cards. Utlizing the same design, reduced in size, that appears on the billboards, these taxi cards are visible 24-hours aday since they are lit with "black light". The black light effect is obtained by using an ultraviolet lamp and a special ink which brilliantly reflects ultraviolet light. Specialty magazines that are distributed via hotel lobbies and restaurants to the tourist trade carry large ads giving all details about the Fair. In many cases, these magazines will also run a feature story about the Fair. Since Allentown receives all Philadelphia television stations and a large percentage of Allentown Fair attendees are from the greater Philadelphia area, Philadelphia television has proved to be a most effective advertising medium. Time spots are carefully selected to insure exposure of the Fair's message to an audience which is most interested in seeing the grandstand shows. These commercials are only 10-seconds and 30-seconds in length. The 10-second spots simply mention the name of the Fair, show a picture of one of the evening acts, the dates of that show and close with a telephone number to call for further information. The 30second commercial shows one photo of each of the four evening performers and again closes with a telephone number to call for information. Many of this year's commercials ran during prime time. During this time, the Fair's office is closed but to insure getting all phone messages, Leidig decided to use a telephone answering service. As it turned out, this was a very wise move on his part since many late night TV viewers called the Fair seeking additional information. Anyone who is deeply involved in putting together a fair well knows, it's all the people behind the scenes who make any fair tick. Backed by a highly competent office staff and an experienced ground crew, the Allentown Fair functions with the precision of a well-oiled machine. If it were not for these yearround personnel keeping the grounds and the books in order, the Allentown Fair would fail to exist. However, year after year, the momen- tum builds, reaching a crescendo with opening night in early August. This is the night when admission to the grounds is free. Generally, a circus, harness racing, high school band concert or topnotch entertainment is provided free in the grandstand. The Fairgoers love this opportunity to get onto the grounds for free and, of course, it serves to whet the appetite of these Fairgoers. Leidig was elected, in 1957, president of the Lehigh County Agricultural Society and general manager of the Allentown Fair and, in 1965, president of the International Association of Fairs and Expositions. In 1967, he was enshrined in the Hall of Fame of the International Association of Fairs and Expositions. Currently, Leidig presides over the Pennsylvania State Association of County Fairs which is busy preparing the statewide bicentennial celebrations which will be held in 1976. 1973 Cavalcade or ucts ed ILu m, uu, s qh-at's our banner 'Cause Wappiness" is aWaseProductionsqllanner BETTE KAYE productions, inc. THEATRICAL AGENCY 2929 El Camino Ave., Suite One Sacramento, California 95821 Phone: (916) 487 -1923 or 487-6667 BETTE KAYE productions, inc. THEATRICAL AGENCY 2929 El Camino Ave ,Suite One Sacramento California 95821 Phone (916)487-1923 or 487-6667 Vie's (c,tlen(e,d-not eviiish qnd remember the name- -- Vieadlinerglenn Ash! FAIR APPEARANCES: Sonoma County Fair -Oregon State Fair Merced County Fair- Illinois State Fair Pleasanton County Fair -Kentucky State Fair Turlock County Fair -Tulare County Fair Knottsberry Farm (Cap- Corn Palace, So. Dak. .... and many, many more! PERSONAL MANAGEMENT RICHARD O. LINKE ASSOCIATES, INC. 4405 RIVERSIDE DRIVE, BURBANK, CALIF 91505 (213) 843-6900 BETTE KAYE productions, inc. THEATRICAL AGENCY 2929 El Camino Ave., Suite One Sacramento California 95821 Phone: (916) 487-1923 or 487-6667 BETTE KAYE productions, inc. THEATRICAL AGENCY 2929 El Camino Ave,Suite One Sacramento,California 95821 Phone (916) 487-1923 or 487-6667 Harmonica comeds that none can surpass W,epeated- standing ovations far Thi8 artist -'First Class! ,,,re ii cCrowds for Der gfé I .e."'"10111 \IR TANANA VALLEY STATE FAIR ASSOCIATION gliusicalTirtuoso of Harmonica Bette Asp Froduetlons, 2,2, Al Palm Ave. Sa,ramento, Callfornia A5.21 Dear Ate. Kaye: Aerate .urns prforeences at th· 197.2 Alpha Step 1.1r rairbardrs vote the haahlasht of our ggggg ae. ar r·ica.ataret Is 0. ·.. 0·· .0.00 childpn to Pelts. v`th Large nu...pp of Pen - ..... ·nd familap. Pen. Plighted every of parr at...1p. Pee pup to Ape thoe. Pm. aurn. charmed everyone iron et (Pat performance. Such pear. as "Pernle Bum. le Ma IcAnd of talent ve Awl., like to ··· more of an Alp.. ·..4 ..You can P l· really pled to P Ilene ver. hoard over and opr. Aside. Ping · great performer, Mr. bums ps a great peson to work oath. We too. hie friendly. cooprative. punctual aP PlPful· short. l can ... Pm., Burn le tle· lied of perform ye would like to ... Strum ly. Tamp Valley State Fair Assoc. FAIR APPEARANCES California State Fair 72 Oregon State Fair Contra Costa Calistoga Alameda County Fair Sonoma County Fair BETTE KAYE productions, inc. iY THEATRICAL AGENCY 2929 El Camino Ave ,Suite One Sacramento,California 95821 Phone: (916) 487-1923 or 487-6667 Is qllysterious -Exciting With/Di:Dean'shypnotic intt)itins Al Slinde, Tulare County Fair said: "Caught Dr. Deans act at Imperial to full house--we booked him and packed the grandstand every night." Fair Appearances Santa Rosa County Fair Tulare County Fair Imperial Valley Mid-Winter Pair Merced County Fair Bill Dumond, Secretary-manager of the Imperial Valley Mid-Winter County Fair said, "Because of the bad weather we expected only a few hundred people. Dr. Dean drew 5,000 people each night to break all records in the history of the fair. We are having him back next year." 'Went into the Sahara at 5o'clock in the morning and couldn't get in --they didn't even have standing room at Dr. Dean's amazing act!" Forrest Duke (Las Vegas REVIEW JOURNAL) Fbrsonal Management West Coast Productions PO. Box 10075 San Diego, California 92110 (714) 222-8120 BETTE KAYE productions, inc. THEATRICAL AGENCY 2929 El Camino Ave., Suite One Sacramento,California 95821 Phone: (916) 487-1923 or 487-6667 Buddy UGLondes' shou)...GFantastic! qce in the summer... it's really aclassic FABULOUS--World famous ice skaters featuring Buddy & 12 year old Tanni LaLonde. Something new and exciting for all occasions. Entertainment for the entire family. Performing on a complete portable 21' x 21' real ice surface. 30 to 90 minutes of fast, beautiful breathtaking entertainment. An outstanding PACKAGE show to precede your headliners. Contact: BUDDY LaLONDE 3778 McKinley Circle, Las Vegas, Nevada 89109. (702)451-4782 451-6696 or BETTE KAYE productions, inc. THEATRICAL AGENCY 2929 El Camino Ave.,Suite One Sacramento,California 95821 Phone: (916) 487-1923 or 487-6667 i7L,1973GIVith 6eautifulgirls dancing *you and far me BETTE KAYE productions, inc. THEATRICAL AGENCY 2929 El Camino Ave, Suite One Sac,ramento,California 95821 Phone: (916) 487-1923 or 487-6667 1973 Cavalcade of Acts &Attractions 51 With the Johnny Otis qieitYue Prick for me -entertaiment »rya.' Appearances: Arizona State Fair Western Fairs Convention Disneyland Over100 College dates ... and many more BETTE KAYE productions, inc. THEATRICAL AGENCY 2929 El Camino Ave.,Suite One Sacramento,California 95821 Phone (916) 487-1923 or 487-6667 túilit these harmonizing swingers makeyour fair exciting with the Blackwoode3ingers! The Exciting FOR PERSONAL APPEARANCES CONTACT: RON BLACKWOOD, President % Tom Drake Agency Box 1530 Nashville, Tenn. 37202 315 -244-9222 or 255-1666 WEST COAST REPRESENTATIVE: BETTE KAYE productions, inc. THEATRICAL AGENCY 2929 El Camino Ave .Suite One Sacramento. California 95821 ·let,;.- 0 Phone (916) 487-1923 or 487-6667 * Arizona State Fair * Knotts Berry Farm * Pensacola Interstate Fair * Nebraska State Fair * Iowa State Fair * National TV & Radio * Top Record Sellers * Blackwood Musicians * Grand Ole Opry 54 1973 Cavalcade of Acts & Attractions is ("Family stylecWguarantee the'(P"earces' glialee your audience smile TELEVISION The Beautiful Phyllis Diller Show" The Mike Douglas Show" San Diego Fair Arizona State Fair with Jimmy Durante WesternWashington Fair-Seattle Placer County Fair- Roseville Merced County Fair- Merced, Ca. Shasta District Fair-Anderson, Ca. BETTE KAYE productions, inc. THEATRICAL AGENCY 2929 El Camino Ave., Suite One Sacramento,California 95821 Phone: (916) 487-1923 or 487-6667 ONE NIGI-fTERS Knotts Berry Farm-JohnWayneTheatre qt could evenget better with clients repeatedly writiuiqafhan1c-cYou letter. GO · 0 COY .10 · 'meter ........ ono.; . racemes ·elr011a 0·00, 0001.· 1000, 2S0 =·:·=1""'."." /64( ·Sam zUS0 f.r Fair ciAxuPfoosone`' November 21, 1972 Airs. Bette Kaye Bette Kaye Productions, 2929 El Camino Avenue Suite One Sacramento, California Inc. 95821 Dear Bette: It le with extreme pleasure on behalf of the Board of Directors and ell of the personnel here at the Arizona State Fair, who had the pleasure of working with you, to compliment you on the outstanding lob you have done bringing such fine entertainer. to Me 1972 Ar120110 State Falr. Not only was the entertainment of fine quality that applealed to all ages of Fairgoer., bet your precise and professional ability was of the highest caliber. As you know. Bette, ave work with many agents and promoters, but Icao honeetly say that you are most thorough it the requirements of Me entertainer., as well as being cooperative in our requens. I attribute this to being one of the reasons for the successful present.o. of our entertainment to this year's Fair. We will all be looking forward...king vOth you again at the 1973 Arizona State Pair. erey youre James G. J.. Es`clve Director lii November 22, laso 9973 ..kre , 000 40,5 t00a101ea11r5 Win,,,,, to vg 00000t.,, sorti, of all (ha ti,q acta nr ras autoly aay9, 0050 he taon, on,, of that it t.aci, iva mofleo Oil tanta,. 0(00e Wnan si,atoit e,.,, °B'eeaor ,,,,, et 509 e. o, " it0I5 09,0.t, ' 'tla e405. ,, · ,,., 05 · raer sr. ,,ca erI Letters -GiVeget letters -`117eget lots and lots orletters - BETTE KAYE productions, inc. THEATRICAL AGENCY 2929 El Camino Ave., Suite One Sacramento,California 95821 Phone: (916) 487-1923 or 487-6667 56 1973 Cavalcade of Acts& Attractions DALE ROBERTSON Vocal, self-contained Fairs. Amusement Parks, TV. Club Dates, United Artists Records. Art Rush, Inc. Concerts. BETTY JEAN ROBINSON Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Night Clubs. Joe Taylor Artist' Agency, Joe Taylor, responsible agent. Decca Records. "All INeed Is You". ROY ROGERS-DALE EVANS-DUSTY ROGERS Vocal. self-contained. Fairs, Amusements Parks. TV. Capitol & Word. Art Rush. Inc. DAVID ROGERS & THE NASHVILLE PICKERS Vocal. self-contained. 4 members. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Night Clubs. Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc.. Buddy Lee. responsible agent. Mrs. Kathleen Jackson, personal manager. Columbia Records. "Goodbye". KENNY ROGERS & THE FIRST EDITION Vocal, self-contained. 6 members. Concerts. Fairs, TV. Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges. Night Clubs. Club Dates. Creative Management Amusements, Ron Mason. responsible agent. Ken Karagen, personal manager. MGM/Verve Records, Jolly Rogers "Ballad Of Calico". Regular member of Rollin With Kenny Rogers & The First Edition (syndicated). RONNIE ROGERS Vocal, single act. TV. Night Clubs. Key Talent. Inc.. Rick Key, responsible agent, E. Jimmy Key, personal manager. Rice Records. Inc.. "Rosie's Leaving - . JERIS ROSS Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates. Shorty Lavender Talent Agency, Inc., Shorty Lavender or John McMeen, responsible agent. Cartwheel Records. "Old Fashioned Love Song", LANA ROUSH Vocal. self-contained. Fairs, Amusement Parks, Festivals, TV, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Churches. and Shopping Centers. RCA Victor "Don't Liberate Me". Box 944 No. Edwards, California 93523. JAMEY RYAN Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks. Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges, Night Clubs. Club Dates. Top Billing, Inc.. Dolores Smiley, responsible agent. Show Biz Records. "Taste Of Money - .Regular member of Del Reeves' Country Carnival (syndicated). JUNIOR SAMPLES Comedy, single act. Concerts. Fairs, TV. Joe Taylor Artists Agency, Joe Taylor responsible agent. Chart Records. Regular member aw. :RS i.40 single act. C . cts. Fairs, TV. Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Alstar Artist Agency. A. J. Mint°. responsible agent. Shorty Lavender Talent Agency. Inc.. Shorty Lavender or John McMeen, responsible agent. Jim Halsey. per- sonal manager. United Artists Records. "Lucius Grinder". Member of Hee Haw. EARL SCRUGGS REVUE Vocal. self-contained, 6 members. Concerts. Fairs, TV. Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs. Scruggs Talent Agency. Inc.. Louise Scruggs. responsible agent. personal manager. Columbia Records. "I Saw The Light". Member of Grand Ole Opry. THE EDDIE SEALS & JOE GRANT SHOW Vocal, comedy. duet. Concerts. TV, Funparks, Colleges, Night Clubs. E. Jimmy Key, personal manager. THE II GENERATION Vocal. self-contained. Fairs, Amusement Parks, Festivals, TV. Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates, Shopping Centers, Concerts. Rome. "Virgina" Don Light Talent, Inc. LES SEEVERS Vocal. self-contained. 4 members. Fairs. TV, Funparks. Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges, Night Clubs, P. Donald White, personal manager. Chestnut -Decca Records. "What Kind Of Magic - .Member of WVVVA Jamboree. RONNIE SESSIONS Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV. Funparks. Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc., Buddy Lee. responsible agent, personal manager. MGM Records, "Never Been To Spain". HAPPY SHAHAN Vocal single act. Concerts. Fairs. TV. Funparks. Festivals/ Celebrations, Colleges. Night Clubs. Club Dates. Basch and Mallon En- 1973 Cavalcade of Acts & Attractions terprises, Inc., Buddy Basch, responsible agent, personal manager. SANGER D. SHAFER Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs. TV. Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Night Clubs, Ray R. Baker, Blue Crest Music, Inc.. Ray R. Baker, responsible agent, personal manager. JEAN SHEPARD & THE SECOND FIDDLES Vocal. self-contained, 5 members. Concerts. Fairs. TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges. Night Clubs. Club Dates, Buddy Lee Attractions. Inc., Buddy Lee, responsible agent. personal managér. Capitol Records. Member of Grand Ole Dory. GLEN SHERLEY & BAND Vocal, self-contained. 4 members. Concerts, Fairs, TV. Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges, Night Clubs. Club Dates Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc.. Buddy Lee, responsible agent. personal manager. Mega Records. GENE SIMMONS Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges. Night Clubs. One Niters, Inc.. John Swanner. responsible agent. Royal American Records. RED SIMPSON Vocal. self-contained. Fairs, Amusement Parks, Festivals, Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates. Shopping Centers, Concerts. Capitol. Joe McFadden. PATSY SLEDD Vocal. single act. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/ Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs. Club Dates. Regular member of The George Jones & Tammy Wynette Show. Shorty Lav- ender Talent Agency. Inc., Shorty Lavender. responsible agent, personal manager. Mega Records, - Nothing Can Stop My Loving You - . DEL & SUE SMART Vocal. self-contained. Concerts, Fairs, Night Clubs. Artists Management Bu- reau. Inc., Marty Landau, responsible agent. personal manager. CARL SMITH Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs. TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attractions. Inc.. Buddy Lee, responsible agent. personal manager. Mega Records. "If This Is Goodbye". CONNIE SMITH Vocal. self-contained. 5 members. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks. Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges. Churches. Neal Agency, Ltd., Sonny Neal. responsible agent. RCA Records, "If It Ain't Love - .Member of Grand Ole Opry. GENE SMITH & THE COUNTRY SQUIRES Vocal. self-contained. 4 members. Concerts. Fairs. TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Regular member of The Gene Smith Show. Triple TTalent, Marve Hoerner, responsible agent, personal manager Escambia Records, "Dreams". RON SMITH OZARK COUNTRY MUSIC HALL SHOW Vocal. self-contained. Fairs. Amusement Parks, Festivals, Colleges. Night Clubs, Golden Voice, "Wing Ding". Corn Belt Productions. SAMMI SMITH Vocal. self-contained. 5 members. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Moeller Talent. Inc.. W. E. Moeller, responsible agent. Mega Records. "I've Got To Have You". HANK SNOW Vocal, self-contained. 4 members. Concerts, Fairs. TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Moeller Talent, Inc.. W. E. Moeller, responsible agent. RCA Records. Member of Grand Ole Opry. HAL SOUTHERN Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Night Clubs. American Corp., Steve Stebbins, responsible agent. Reena Records, "Your Friend Patsy Cline". RED SOVINE Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Moeller Talent, Inc.. W. E. Moeller, responsible agent. Chart Records. BILLY JO SPEARS Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc., Don Fowler, responsible agent, personal manager. Capitol Records. JOE STAMPLEY Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks. Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc., Buddy Lee. responsible agent. Al Gallic°, personal manager. Dot Records. "If You Touch Me, You've Got To Love Me" THE STATLER BROTHERS Vocal. quartet. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs. Club Dates. Regular member of The Johnny Cash Show. Creative Management Amusements, E. O. Stacy. responsible agent. Saul Holiff, personal manager. Mercury Records. -Class of '57". RED STEAGALL Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs, Night Clubs, Artists Management Bureau. Inc., Marty Landau, responsible agent. Capitol Records, "Texas Silver Zephyr/Party Dolls & Wine - . RAY STEVENS Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates. Williams/ Price, Don Williams. personal manager. Creative Management Amusements, E. O. Stacy, responsible agent (fairs only). Capitol Records. JOHN STEWART Vocal. self-contained. 4 members. Concerts. TV. Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs. International Famous Agency, Bob Willding/ Richard Emler. responsible agent. Cort Casady, personal manager. Warner Bros. Records. "Sunstorm". REDD STEWART Vocal, single act. Acuff-Rose Artist Agency, Howard Forrester, responsible agent. Hickory Records, "Plain Ole Country Me". RONIE STONEMAN Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs. Club Dates, Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc.. Buddy Lee, responsible agent, personal manager. Dot Records. THE STONEMANS Vocal. self-contained. 5 members. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates. Top Billing, Inc., Dolores Smiley, responsible agent. Bob Bean, Bojac Management. Inc.. personal manager. Million Records. THE STRANGERS Instrumental. Concerts, Fairs, TV. Regular member of Merle Haggard, Bonnie Owens & The Strangers. Charles L. "Fuzzy" Owen Agency. Fuzzy Owen. responsible agent, personal manager. Capitol Records. THE STRATUS FACTION Vocal. self-contained. Fairs, Amusement Parks, Festivals. TV, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates, Shopping Centers Concerts. C. B. S. Tele. K. B. D. Enterprises, Calgary, Canada. MEL STREET Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs. Hubert Long International. Jim Prater, personal manager. Royal American Records. "Borrowed Angel". STRINGBEAN & JIMMY RIDDLE Comedy, instrumental. Concerts. Fairs, TV. Joy Taylor Artist Agency, Joe Taylor. responsible agent. Regular member of Hee Haw. NAT STUCKEY Vocal. self-contained. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs. Hubert Long International. RCA Records. "Don't Pay The Ransom", SUGAR-N-SPICE Vocal. self-contained. TV, Night Clubs, 503 Clarence Coll, III. 62234. BOBBY SYKES Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attractions. Inc.. Buddy Lee, responsible agent, personal manager. Happy Tiger Records. GORDIE TAPP Vocal, comedy, single act. Concerts. Fairs, W. Night Clubs. Joe Taylor Artist Agency, Joe Taylor, responsible agent. Regular member of Hee Haw, GORDON TERRY Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc.. Buddy Lee, responsible agent, personal manager. Capitol Records. T TEXAS TOMMY COUNTRY-WESTERN VARIETY SHOW Vocal, self-contained. Fairs. Amusement Parks, Festivals, TV, Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates, Shopping Centers, Concerts. T. Texas Tommy Productions. DALE THOMAS OZARK JUBILEE Vocal, self-contained. continued on page 58 57 Fairs. Wahoo Label. "Maybe Tomorrow". Corn Belt Productions. HANK THOMPSON & BRAZOS VALLEY BOYS Vocal. self-contained. 5 members. Concerts, Fairs. TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Jim Halsey Co., Inc., John Hitt, responsible agent. Jim Halsey. personal manager. Dot Records. "Glow Worm". SUE THOMPSON Vocal, single act. Fairs, TV. Funparks, Festiv§ls/ Celebrations. Night Clubs. Jim Wagner Agency. Jim Wagner, responsible agent. Hickory Records. "I Think They Call It Love". MEL TILLIS & THE STATESIDERS Vocal. self-contained, 7 members. Concerts, Fairs, TV. Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc.. Roger Jaudon, responsible agent, personal manager. Creative Management Amusements, E. O. Stacy, responsible agent (fairs only). MGM Records, "I Ain't Never". LISA TODD Actress, single act. Concerts, Fairs. TV. Night Clubs. Joe Taylor Artist Agency. Joe Taylor responsible agent. Regular member of Hoe Haw. BOBBY LEE TRAMMELL Vocal, self-contained. Fairs. Amusement Parks, Festivals, TV, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Shopping Centers, Concerts. Souncot Records. "MY Love Keeps Growing". Shorty Lavender Talent Agency, Inc. DIANA TRASK & BAND Vocal, self-contained, 5 members. Concerts. Fairs, TV. Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates, Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc.. Buddy Lee, responsible agent. Mr. Tom Ewin, personal manager. Dot Records, "It Meant Nothing To Me". MERLE TRAVIS Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges, Club Dates. Moeller Talent. Inc.. Larry A. Moeller, responsible agent. Capitol Records. VAN TREVOR Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks. Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attractions. Inc., Buddy Lee. responsible agent. personal manager. JUSTIN TUBB Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs. WilHelin Agency. Larry L. Hart, responsible agent. TANYA TUCKER Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs. TV, Funparks. Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges, Night Clubs. Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attractions. Inc.. Buddy Lee, responsible agent. Mr. John Kelly, personal manager. Columbia Records. "Delta Dawn". CONNY VAN DYKE Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks. Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges. Night Clubs. Club Dates. Neal Agency. Ltd., Bob Neal. responsible agent. Entertainment Artists Representatives, Dennis M. Bond, personal manager. Barnaby Records, "Peanut Butter Angel". KENNY VERNON Vocal, self-contained. Fairs. Amusement Parks. Festivals. TV. Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates, Concerts. Capitol. "I Brought The Shoes". Walter R. Scott, PORTER WAGONER SHOW Vocal. self-contained. 8 members. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/ Celebrattons. Top Billing, Inc.. Dolores Smiley, responsible agent. RCA Victor Records. Porter Wagoner --"World Without Music". Dolly Parton--"Wash Day Blue". Regular member of Porter Wagoner Show (syndicated). Best Duet, CMA, Cash Box, Billboard. JIMMY WAKLEY SHOW Vocal, self-contained. 4 members. Concerts, Fairs. TV, Funparks. Festivals/Celebrations. Night Clubs. Americpna Corp., Steve Stebbins. responsible agent. BILLY WALKER & THE TENNESSEE WALKERS Vocal, self-contained. 5 members. Concerts, Fairs. TV. Funparks. Festivals /Celebrattons, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Regular member of The Billy Walker Show. Top Billing. Inc.. Dolores Smiley. responsible agent. MGM Records. Member of Grand Ole Opry. Regular member of Billy Walkers "Country Carnival" (syndicated). CHARLIE WALKER · Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks. FestIvals/ Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs. Hubert Long International. RCA 58 Records. "I Don't Mind Going Under". Member of Grand Ole Opry. JIMMY WALKER & THE COUNTRY TRAVELERS Vocal. self-contained. Fairs. Amusement Parks. Festivals, TV, Colleges, Night Clubs, Clubs. Shopping Centers, Concerts. Rexius. "Truck Driver's Dream". Phil Downing Assoc. & W. T. A. GEORGE WALLACE. JR. Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks. Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attractions. Inc., Buddy Lee, responsible agent. Mr. Charlie Snider, personal manager. VTR Records. JERRY WALLACE Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV. Funparks. Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs. Joe Taylor Artist Agency, Joe Taylor. responsible agent. personal manager. Decca Records, "If You Leave Me Tonight I'll Cry". JACKY WARD Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs. TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs. Joe Taylor Artist Agency, Joe Taylor. responsible agent. Target Records. "Big Blue Diamond". THE JACK WARD SHOW Vocal, self-contained. 4 members. Fairs. TV, Funparks, Colleges. Night Clubs. Key Talent. Inc.. Rick Key. responsible agent. Starday Records. "Morning, Noon and Night". JENNIFER WARNES Vocal, self-contained, 3 members. Concerts, TV, Colleges, Night Clubs. Con Casady Management, Cart Casady. responsible agent. personal manager. Creative Management Amusements, E. O. Stacy, responsible agent (TV and Night Club bookings). Reprise (Warner Bros.) Records, "Jennifer'. HAL WAYNE Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs, TV. Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. One Niters. Inc.. John Swanner, responsible agent. Cutlass Records. JAY LEE WEBB Vocal, single act. Concerts, Fairs. TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs. The Wil-Helm Agency. Larry L. Hart. responsible agent. Decca Records. "The Happiness Of Having You". CHASE WEBSTER Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs. TV, Funparks, FestIvals/Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs. Club Dates. Top Billing, Inc.. Dolores Smiley, responsible agent. Regular member of Del Reeves' "Country Carnival" (syndicated). FREDDY WELLER Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs. TV, Funparks, Festovals/ Celebrations, Colleges. Night Clubs. Neal Agency, Ltd.. Sonny Neal, responsible agent. Columbia Records, "The Road Master". KITTY WELLS-JOHNNY WRIGHT FAMILY SHOW Vocal. self-contained. 8 members Concerts. Fairs. TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges. Night Clubs. Club Dates. Regular member of Kitty Wells-Johnny Wright Family Show. Moeller Talent, Inc., Jack B. Andrews, responsible agent Decca Records. DOTTIE WEST Vocal, self-contained. 5 members. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates. Radio & TV Commercials. Moeller Talent, Inc.. Larry A Moeller, responsible agent RCA Records. Member of Grand Ole Opry KENT WESTBURY-DALE TURNER Vocal. self-contained. Fairs. Amusement, Festivals, TV. Colleges. Night Clubs. Club Dates, Churches. Shopping Centers, Concerts. Willer Records. Moller Tolert, Inc. BILLY EDD WHEELER Vocal, single act. Concerts. TV. Colleges. Folk Festivals Don Light Talent. Inc .Don Light, responsible agent. personal manager RCA Records JIMMY WHEELER Vocal, self-contained. 4 members Concerts, Fairs, TV. Funparks. Festivals/Celebrations Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates, Churches Regular member of The Now Gospel Revival Concert Show Triple TTalent, Marve Hoerner, responsible agent. personal manager Escambia Records, "Our Life Was A Theme' THE WILBURN BROTHERS Vocal. duet Concerts. Fairs. TV. Funparks. Festivals /Celebrations. Colleges. Night Clubs. The Wil-Helm Agency, Larry L. Hart. responsible agent. Decca Records. "Arkansas". Regular member of The Wilburn Brother's Show (syndicated). Member of Grand Ole Opry. HANK WILLIAMS. JR. & THE CHEATIN' HEARTS Vocal. self-contained. 7 members. Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges. Night Clubs. Club Dates. Buddy Lee Attractions. Inc.. Buddy Lee. responsible agent. personal manager. Creative Management Amusements, E. O. Stacy. responsible agent (fairs and special events). MGM Records, "Eleven Roses". LEONA WILLIAMS Vocal, self-contained. 4 members. Concerts. Fairs, TV. Night Clubs, Club Dates. Atlas Artists Bureau. Hickory Records. "Gentlemen . . TERRY WILLIAMS Vocal, comedy instrumental, actor. Concerts. TV. Regular member of Kenny Rogers & The First Edition. Creative Management Amusements, Ron Mason, responsible agent. Ken Kragen, personal manager. MGM /Verve Records, "Melanie". Regular member of Rollin' With Kenny Rogers & The First Edition. TEX WILLIAMS Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Night Clubs, Joe Taylor Artist Agency. Joe Taylor. responsible agent. Monument Records, "The Night Miss Nancy Anne's Motel For Single Girls Burned Down." CHILL WILLS Vocal, comedy, single act. Concerts. Fairs. TV. Funparks. Festivals/Celebrations, Colleges. Night Clubs. Alstar Artist Agency, A. J. Minto. responsible agent. personal manager. Metromedia Records, "Hello Cousin - NORRO WILSON Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Night Clubs. Joe Taylor Artist Agency, Joe Taylor. responsible agent. RCA Records. "Little Ole Lady With A Hit Record .. . MAC WISEMAN Vocal, single act. Concerts. Fairs. Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges. Bluegrass Festivals. Don Light Talent, Inc.. Don Light, responsible agent. RCA Records. DEL WOOD Vocal. self-contained. Fairs. Amusement Parks, Club Dates. Shopping Centers. Concerts. Chart. All Star Talent Agency. SHEB WOOLEY Vocal. self-contained, 5 members Concerts, Fairs, TV, Funparks. Auditoriums. OMAC Art- ists, Joe McFadden, responsible agent. Doug Cooper Agency (TV bookings). Doug Cooper. personal manager MGM Records. "Personality .' ip BOBBY WRIGHT Vocal single act. Concerts. Fairs. TV, Funparks. Festivals /Celfgattons. Colleges. Night Clubs, Club Dates. Regular member of Kitty Wells-Johnny Wright Family Show . Moeller Tal- ent. Inc .Jack B. Andrews, responsible agent Decca Records PEGGY SUE & SONNY WRIGHT Vocal. self-contained. 4 members. Concerts. Fairs. TV. Funparks, Festivals/Celebrations. Night Clubs, Club Dates. The Wil-Helm Agency. Larry I. Hart. responsible agent Sonny Wright--Cutlass Records, Peggy Sue --Decca Records. "I'm Dynamite' TAMMY 1NYNETTE Vocal. self-contained. 9 members. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks. Fesitvals/ Celebrations, Colleges, Night Clubs, Club Dates. Regular member of The George Jones & Tammy Wynette Show. Shorty Lav- ender Talent Agency, Inc., Shorty Lavender, responsible agent, personal manager. Epic Records, "Reach Out Your Hand BOB YARBROUGH Vocal single act Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks. Festivals/Celebrations. Colleges. Night Clubs. The WII-Helm Agency, Larry L. Hart. responsible agent. Sugarhill Records. "You're Just More A Woman". FARON YOUNG Vocal. self-contained. 6 members. Concerts. Fairs, TV, Funparks. Festivals /Celebrattons, Colleges, Night Clubs. Club Dates, Churches Regular member of Faron Young & Country Deputies. Billy Deaton Talent Agency. Billy Deaton, responsible agent, personal manager. Mercury Records. "This Little Girl Of Mine JEFF YOUNG & THE YOUNG COUNTRY Vocal. self-contained. 4 members Fairs. TV, Funparks, Night Clubs. Key Talent. Inc., Rick Key. responsible agent. E. Jimmy Key, personal man- ager. Rice Records. Inc.. "California Lady 1973 Cavalcade of Acts & Attractions ThE TOAMgEdNmitcAy k H THANKS TO 247 BIG FAIRS IN 1972 SERVING ALL U.S. AND CANADA 52 BIG FAIRS BOOKED FOR 1973 NOW YOU NEED ENTERTAINMENT? WE HAVE THE STAFF AND THE TALENT TO SERVE YOU BEST NAME ATTRACTIONS OF ALL KINDS GOSPEL STARS TV STARS COUNTRY AND WESTERN SHOWS TRACK ATTRACTIONS CIRCUS, ANIMAL & AERIAL THRILLERS OUR CHIEF PRODUCER, HAZEL RANDALL, WILL SOLVE PROB S AND HE YOU HAE WINNE YOU O TION ... THERE. AGENTS NOTE: OUR GOSPEL TALENT IS SUMAR TALENT AND IS COMMISSIONABLE. GREAT PACKAGES. YOUR TOM DRAKE and HAZEL 1106 Westport Road Kansas City, Mo. 64111 Phone: (816) 531-1148 RANDALL JERRY WEBB--Producer 906 17th Ave., S.--Box 1530 Nashville, Tenn. 37202 Phone: (615) 255-1666 JERRY suNgiANNdg TghEOIrTr S VARIE/TY REGCOOLDRD' Point Pleasant, W. Va. Fair "Standing Ovation" \ EXCITEMENT ENTERTAINMENT Nashville and Eastern TOM DRAKE AGENCY Jerry Webb, Producer Box 1530 Nashville, Tenn. 37202 Phone: (615) 255-1666 Lighthouse Prods. Box 15707 Nashville, Tenn. 37204 *AND THE BLACKWOOD BAND * National TV &Radio * Top "Fair" Attraction * Iowa State Fair * North Dakota State Fair * Family Entertainment * Grand Ole Opry * Pensacola Interstate Fair * Knott's Berry Farm * Self-Contained * Over 200 Successful Fairs * Arizona State Fair PRICED JUST RIGHT FOR YOUR BUDGET Tom Drake Agency Jerry Webb, Producer Box 1530 Nashville, Tenn. 37202 Phone: (615) 255-1666 "Fairs"--Kansas City: Tom Drake Agency Tom Drake, Pres. Hazel Randall, Producer 1106 Westport Road Kansas City, Mo. 64111 Phone: (816) 531-1148 Hubert Long International Ron Blackwood, Vice-Pres. 15-B Hawkins St. Nashville, Tenn. 37203 Phone: (615) 244-9550 Bookings: Nashville and Eastern TOM DRAKE AGENCY Jerry Webb, Producer Box 1530 Nashville, Tenn. 37202 Phone: (615) 255-1666 "Urjas" Box 400 Atlanta, Ga. 30301 f rilr[iiE WILLIAMS FAMIty IF YOU HAVE NOT YET HEARD OF THE WILLIAMS FAMILY, YOU SOON WILL. EVERY ENGAGEMENT THEY'VE PLAYED HAS BEEN EXTREMELY SUCCESSFUL. EACH ONE PLAYS AN INSTRUMENT AND THEY ALL SING-UP -A -STORM! rji-mmy TROT ANd ChER STILL COMEDY KING OF THE AIR THE WONDER GIRL Tom Drake and Hazel Randall 1106 Westport Road Kansas City, Mo. 64111 Phone: (816) 531-1148 Jerry Webb, Producer 906 17th Ave., S., Box 1530 Nashville, Tenn. 37202 Phone: (615) 255-1666 )JACILIION1 ARTIST-II CORPORATION )( bobby smiTh Presents "A BREAK-THROUGH IN COMEDY Tom Drake and Hazel Randall 1106 Westport Road Kansas City, Mo. 64111 Phone: (816) 531-1148 Jerry Webb, Producer 906 17th Ave., S., Box Nashville, Tenn. 37202 Phone: (615) 255-1666 1530 Personal Manager: Cheri Troy 1302 N. Knoxville Tulsa, Oklahoma LEE ANd RITA ANd ThE MOdERNS A FAST MOVING VARIETY SHOW An Hour or More, Presenting *Juggling *Unicycling *Music *Comedy *Illusions Among Bobby's credits, during his 15 years in show business, are appearances with ... Red Foley, Preston Foster, Danny Thomas, Jimmy Durante and many others. Tom Drake and Hazel Randall 1106 Westport Road Kansas City, Mo. 64111 Phone: (816) 531-1148 Jerry Webb, Producer 906 17th Ave., S., Box 1530 Nashville, Tenn. 37202 Phone: (615) 255-1666 Personal Manager: Mary Smith 4316 Park Ave., S. Minneapolis, Minn. 55047 Phone (612) 825-1710 Tom Drake and Hazel Randall 1106 Westport Road Kansas City, Mo. 64111 Phone: (816) 531-1148 Jerry Webb, Producer 906 17th Ave., S., Box 1530 Nashville, Tenn. 37202 Phone: (615) 255-1666 Personal Manager: Lee Henneberry Toulon, Illinois On the radio, at lairs, even at nightclubs, they're playing GOSPEL MUSIC GOSPEL MUSIC is gaining in popularity as enter- tainment and can now be heard at major fairs, on college campuses and in big city auditoriums and arenas. Yes, the smalltown Gospel sing featuring all the local quartets are still the big thing in some of the smaller communities and the all-night sings are still going strong, too. The tiny town of Alexandria, Tenn., has an all-day and night gospel sing every summer and its popularity grows each year. But the music is catching on in the unlikely areas mentioned above, as well. Bookings at fairs have doubled and tripled for such groups as the Speer Family, Oak Ridge Boys, Thrasher Brothers, The Statesmen, The Prophets and the Blackwood Singers. Groups such as the Oak Ridge Boys have been appearing on non-gospel package shows with artists such as Johnny Cash and Pat Boone. The Blackwood Singers appeared twice this year at Knott's Berry Farm, Buena Park, Calif., which previously offered only Country and Pop Music Shows. Groups such as J. D. Sumner and The Stamps and earlier, The Imperials, backed Elvis Presley on road tours and in Las Vegas. Gospel songs are also being sung more and more by country and pop artists. An example is the old standard, "Love Lifted Me", commonly found in church hymnals, and sung by millions since 1912. The song, owned by the John T. Benson Company, was recorded last year by Ray Stevens and catapulted into the Top 40 charts. It was considered ahit by any standard. Other examples are such songs as, "He's Got the 64 Whole World in His Hands", "Amazing Grace", "Turn Your Radio On", and "Put Your Hand in the Hand of the Man From Galilee". Some may have never heard of Albert Brumley. But most have heard some of the music of this Powell, Mo. native who was elected to the Gospel Music Hall of Fame last summer. He has composed more than 500 songs, including, "I'll Fly Away". Amazingly, this song has been recorded by 89 different artists or groups. Among them are such luminaries as Pat Boone, Andy Griffith, Billy Walker, Ray Stevens, Charley Pride, Bonnie Owens, Jerry Lee Lewis, Floyd Cramer, Porter Wagoner, Jimmy Dean, Bobby Bare, Ferlin Husky, Charley Walker, Jean Shepard, Webb Pierce, Roy Acuff, Red Foley, Jim keeves, the Ray Charles Singers, Chet Atkins and the Boston Pops Orchestra. Not bad for aGospel song! The Gospel audience was broadened considerably only afew years ago with the addition of instrumentation and new sounds that resulted in a direct appeal to the youth. Also, the writers of straight country and pop material have begun to see the economic opportunities in writing songs of Gospel. One more influence should be mentioned is the ecumenical movement which has brought the sounds of Gospel music into non-protestant churches. Where gospel had been associated primarily with Southern Protestant churches in the past, today all denominations find themselves singing popular Gospel songs on Sunday. But you don't have to wait until Sunday to hear the sounds of gospel. As the song says, just "Turn Your Radio On." 1973 Cavalcade of Acts &Attractions GOSPEL MUSIC ACTS ALVIS 8. THE BARNETTS, HeartWarming Records, selfcontained, work fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV. colleges, club dates, churches, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by Sumar Talent Agency. LONDON PARRIS & THE APOSTLES, self-contained, work fairs, amusement parks. festivals, TV, colleges, club dates, churches, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by Sumar Talent Agency. THE ARCHERS, Charisma Records, self-contained, work fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV, colleges, club dates, churches, concerts. Booked by: Bill Murray, California Gospel Enterprises. WENDY BAGWELL & THE SUNLITERS, Canaan Records- By Your Request." self-contained, work fairs, amusement parks. festivals, TV, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by Don Light Talent. Inc. THE BLACKWOOD BROTHERS, RCA Victor Records, selfcontained, work fairs, amusement parks. festivals, TV. colleges. club dates. churches, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Sumar Talent Agency. Tom Drake Agency. THE BLACKWOOD SINGERS, HeartWarming/Impact Records, self-contained, work fairs, amusement parks. festivals, TV, colleges. club dates, churches, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Sumar Talent Agency. Tom Drake Agency. Hubert Long International. BLUE RIDGE QUARTET, Canaan Records--"On The Move," self-contained. work fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV, colleges, club dates, concerts. Booked by: (fairs only) Variety Attractions, (other) Burl Strevel, P.O. Box 441, Spartanburg, S.C. 29301. CATHEDRAL QUARTET, Canaan Records--"Welcome To Our World." self-contained, works fairs, churches. concerts. Booked by: Don Light Talent. Inc. DENIS CHAPMAN & THE MANI STRINGS SINGERS, Unique Sound Records, self-contained, work fairs, amusement parks. festivals. TV. colleges, club dates, concerts, political rallies. Booked by: Associated Artist Management, 118 Second St., Lexington, Ky. 40501. (606) 253-0586. THE CHALLENGERS, self-contained, work fairs, amusement parks, festivals. club dates, churches, shopping centers. Booked by: Variety Attractions. THE CHORDS, self-contained, work fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV, colleges, club dates. churches. shopping center, concerts. Booked by: Capitol Booking Service, Inc. CHRISTIAN TROUBADOURS, HeartWarming Records. self-contained, work fairs, amusement parks. festivals, TV, colleges, club dates, churches, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Wayne Walters, P.O. Box 4624, Nashville, Tenn. 37216. THE SINGING COMMODORES, Superior Records, selfcontained. work fairs, festivals. TV, colleges. club dates, churches, concerts. Booked by: Ken Croley, Rt. 2, Fyffe. Ala. 35971. THE CONCORDS, Harbor Records, self-contained, work fairs, festivals, TV, colleges, club dates. churches. concerts. Booked by: Jim Black, P.O. Box 40096, Nashville, Tenn. 37204. COY COOK & THE SENATORS, Skylite Records, self-contained, work fairs. festivals. TV. colleges, club dates, churches. concerts. Booked by: Skylite Talent. ANDRAE CROUCH & THE DISCIPLES, Liberty & Light Records, self-contained, work fairs, festivals. TV, colleges, club dates. churches, concerts. Booked by: Bill Murray, California Gospel Enterprises. SINGING DEWEYS, HeartWarming Records, self-contained. work fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV. colleges. club dates, churches, shopping centers. concerts. Booked by: Sumar Talent Agency. DIXIE ECHOES, Echo Records, self-contained, work fairs, festivals, TV, colleges, churches, shopping centers, concerts Booked by: Skylite Talent Agency. THE DOWNINGS, HeartWarming Records--Neighbors," self-contained, work fairs, amusement parks. festivals. TV. churches. concerts. Booked by: Don Light Talent, Inc. THE EASTMEN, Majestic Records, self-contained, work fairs, amusement parks. festivals, TV, colleges. club dates, churches. concerts. Booked by: J. R. Damiani, P.O. Box 504. Landsale, Pa. 19446. THE ENVOYS, Tempo/ HeartWarming Records. self-contained, work fairs, colleges, churches, concerts. Booked by: Sumar Talent Agency. THE FARR FAMILY, FFP Records--"I'll Walk With God:' self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals. TV, colleges, churches, concerts. Booked by: Bruce Rohrback & Co.. 1399 Vine Si,, P.O. Box 16, Middletown. Pa.. (717) 944-7613. THE FLORIDA BOYS, Canaan Records--"Solid Gospel." self-contained, work fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV. concerts. Booked by: Don Light Talent, Inc. PETER FORSYTHE 8. CO., self-contained, work fairs, festivals. night clubs, club dates, show & dance. Booked by: Allied Booking. 2250 3rd Ave.. San Diego, Calif. 92101. BILL GAITHER TRIO. HeartWarming Records, self-contained, works concerts, TV, churches. Booked by: Bill Gaither, P.O. Box 300, Alexandria, Ind, 46001. THE GALILEANS, Rainbow Records, self-contained, work fairs. amusement parks. festivals. TV. colleges, churches, shopping centers. concerts. Booked by: SkyMe Talent Agency. THE GATEWAY BOYS & GINGER, self-contained, work fairs, amusement parks. festivals. TV. colleges. club dates, churches. shopping centers. concerts. Booked by: Sumar Talent Agency. SINGING GASKIN FAMILY, Mission Records, self-contained, works fairs, festivals. TV. colleges, club dates, churches, concerts. Booked by: Rev. Lee Gaskin, Rt, 1, Battle Ground, Inc 47920. WHITEY GLEASON 8. THE JUBILEE QUARTET, Mid. America Music Records, self-contained, work fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV. colleges, club dates, churches, concerts. Booked by: Whitey Gleason, P.O. Box 5087, Topeka, Kansas 66605. JERRY GOFF & THE SINGING GOFFS, Lighthouse Records--"Singing With Style," self-contained, works fairs, churches. concerts. Booked by: Don Light Talent, Inc. HAPPY GOODMAN FAMILY, Canaan Records, self-contained. works fairs. TV, colleges, churches. concerts. Booked by Skylite Talent Agency. GOSPEL BRASS, Skylite Records, self-contained, works fairs. amusement parks. festivals. TV, colleges, churches. shopping centers. concerts. Booked by: Skylite Talent Agency SAMMY HALL SINGERS, Christian Folk Records--"Plenty Of Time," self-contained, work fairs, amusement parks. festivals. TV, colleges. churches, shopping centers, concerts, crusades. Booked by: Don Light Talent, Inc. MUSICAL HARTS. Zondervan Records. self-contained. work festivals. TV. colleges. club dates, churches. shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Buddy Lee Attractions or Ailene Hart, P.O. Box 50105, Nashville, Tenn. 37205. THE HEMPHILLS, Canaan Records, self-contained, work fairs. amusement parks, festivals, TV. colleges. club dates, churches, shopping centers. concerts Booked by: Sumar Talent Agency. FAMILY Exclusive Bookings: Eastern Representative TOM DRAKE AGENCY Box 1530 Nashville, Tenn. 37202 Phone: (615) 255-1666 TIMOTHY AMOS AGENCY Box 1663 Nashville, Tenn. 37202 Phone: (615) 244-9223 1973 Cavalcade of Acts & Attractions 65 THE HINSONS, Canaan Records-"Lighthouse," self-contamed, work fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, colleges, churches, shopping centers. concerts. Booked by: Skylite Talent Agency. MARVE HOERNER, Escambia Records-"Daddy Prayed For Me." self-contained, works fairs. festivals. TV. colleges, club dates, churches, concerts. Booked by: Triple T Talent HOPPER BROTHERS & CONNIE, Calvary Records, selfcontained, work fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV, colleges, churches, shopping centers. concerts. Booked by: Skylite Talent Agency. THE IMPERIALS, HeartWarming /Impact Records, self-contained, work fairs, amusement parks. festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, churches, shopping centers. concerts. Booked by: Sumar Talent Agency. THE INSPIRATIONS, Canaan Records-"I'm Going Up," self-contained, work fairs, amusement parks. festivals. TV, colleges, churches, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Skylite Talent Agency. JORDAN FAMILY QUARTET, Imperial Records, self-contained, work fairs, festivals, TV, colleges, club dates, churches, concerts. Booked by: Jim Jordan, 1712 Birchton Rd., Portage, Mich. 49081. THE JOURNEYMEN, Hymntone Records, self-contained, work festivals, TV, colleges, club dates, churches. concerts. Booked by: Don Perrson, P.O. Box 91, Weymouth, Mass. 02188.. THE KEYSTONES, Superior Records, self-contained, work fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV, colleges, club dates, churches, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Sumar Talent Agency. KING JAMES VERSION, Word Records, self-contained, works fairs. amusement parks, festivals. TV, colleges. club dates, churches, concerts. Booked by: John Lindstrom, 280 Waverly Rd., Toronto, Ontario. Canada. THE KINGSMEN, Mark 5 Records, self-contained, work fairs, amusement parks. festivals. TV, colleges, churches, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Skylite Talent Agency. KLAUDT INDIAN FAMILY, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV, club dates. churches. shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Sumar Talent Agency. THE KROWNSMEN, self-contained, work fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV, colleges, churches. Booked by: Buddy Craig, 3242 Hetzel Dr., Parma, Ohio 44134. DANNY LEE & THE CHILDREN OF TRUTH, RCA Records, work fairs. TV, festivals. colleges. churches. concerts. Booked by: Bill Murray. California Gospel Enterprises & Manna Talent. THE LeFEVRES, Canaan Records, self-contained, work fairs, TV, colleges, churches, concerts. Booked by: Skylite Talent Agency. THE LEWIS FAMILY, Canaan Records-"Just Us," selfcontained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, colleges, club dates, churches. shopping centers. concerts. Booked by: Don Light Talent, Inc. HOVIE LISTER & THE STATESMEN, Skylite Records, selfcontained. work fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV, colleges, club dates, cnurches, shopping centers. concerts. Booked by: Sumar Talent Agency. MARK LOWREY, single act. HeanWarming Records. works TV, churches, concerts, political campaigns. Booked by: Skylite Talent Agency. THE LUNDSTROMS, Canaan Records. self-contained, work churches. concerts, crusades. Booked by: Message for America, Lowell Lundstrom, Sisselon, S.D. 57262. McDUFF BROTHERS TRIO, House of McDuff Records, selfcontained. works TV, colleges, club dates. churches. concerts. Booked by: House of McDuff. c/o Coleman McDuff, P.O. Box 190, Pasadena. Tex. 77501. JOHN MATHEVVS FAMILY, Tempo Records, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, colleges, club dates, churches. shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Sumar Talent Agency. RANDY MATTHEVVS, Myrrh Records, self-contained, works festivals. TV, amusement parks. colleges, churches, concerts. Booked by: Bill Murray, California Gospel Enterprises. LARRY NORMAN, Capitol & Impact Records, self-contained. works TV, club dates, churches, concerts. Booked by: Bill Murray, California Gospel Enterprises. THE NOW GOSPEL REVIVAL CONCERT SHOW, Escambia Records. works fairs, festivals, TV. colleges, club dates, churches, concerts. Booked by: Triple T Talent. OAK RIDGE BOYS, HeanWarming Records, self-contained, work fairs. amusement parks, festivals, TV, colleges, club dates, churches. concerts. Booked by: Don Light Talent, Inc. ODETTA. self-contained. works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates. concerts. Booked by: Hairy Lip Productions, Inc., Geo. Schack Enterprises, 161 West 54th St., New York, N.Y. 10019. continued on page 129 66 ROCK/POP AL ALEXIO, Porthole Records, single act, works fairs, festivals, TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates. concerts. Booked by: Julian Portman Agency. Taft Bldg. Suite 1105, Hollywood & Vine Sts., Hollywood, Calif. 90028. LUTHER ALLISON, Motown Records, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV, colleges, night clubs, concerts. Booked by: T.G.C. Prod., P.O. Box 5639, Milwaukee, Wisc. 53211. (414) 0962-1500. ALL STAR FROGS, self-contained, works fairs, festivals. colleges, night clubs, concerts. Booked by: Blytham Ltd., P.O. Box 701, Champaign. III. 61820. ALLMAN BROS. BAND, Booked by: A.B.C., 445 Park Ave.. N.Y., N.Y. 10022, (212) 421-5200. ASSOCIATION. Columbia Records-"Kicking The Gone Around", self-contained, works fairs. TV, colleges, concerts, night clubs. Booked by: Reznick-Bernstein Agency, 226 S. Beverly Dr., Beverly Hills, Calif. 90212. ASULE, self-contained, works fairs, colleges. night clubs, shopping centers. Booked by: Pedyne Prod.. 6567 54th Ave. N.. St. Petersburg, Fla. 33709. AZTECA, Columbia Records. self-contained, works fairs, festivals, TV, colleges. night clubs, club dates, concerts. Booked by: S.F. Interface, 916 Kearny St., San Francisco, Calif. 94133. BALDERDASH, self-contained, works festivals. colleges, night clubs, concerts. Booked by: A. Jaye Entertainment Corp., 115 Calhoun St., Cincinnati, Ohio 45219, (513) 221-2626. KAYE BALLARD, Booked by: A.B.C.. 445 Park Ave., N.Y N.Y. 10022, (212) 421-5200. THE BARBOSA BROS., self-contained, works all occasions Booked by: Willard Alexander, Inc. BARNSTORM, featuring Joe Walsh, self-contained. ABC/ Dunhill Records, works fairs, festivals, TV, colleges, concerts. Booked by: Belkin Personal Management, 3101 Eculid Ave. Suite 203, Cleveland, Ohio 44115. THE MARK BARTHEL GROUP, self-contained, works fairs. festivals, colleges, night clubs, club dates, concerts. Booked by: Fantasma Prod., 155 1 /2 Pleasant View Ave.. Smithfield, R.I. 02917. COUNT BASIE & ORCHESTRA, self-contained. works all occasions. Booked by: Willard Alexander, Inc.. 660 Madison Ave., N.Y.. N.Y. 10021, 333 N. Mich. Ave.. Chicago, III., 60601. BASIN STREET BASH, single act, works fairs, club dates, shopping centers. Booked by: Jack Reed Agency, Inc., 27600 Farmington Rd. Suite 200, Farmington, Mich. 48024. SHIRLEY BASSEY, Booked by: A.B.C., 445 Park Ave., N.Y.. N.Y. 10022, (212) 421-5200. TEDDY BAYER & HER ALL GIRL BAND, single act. works fairs, festivals. colleges, night clubs. club dates. concerts. Booked by: Tom & Shirley Lowman. 34 Haywood Cir., Hagerstown, Md. 21740. (301) 733-4048. MUSIC MADE FAMOUS BY GLENN MILLER, starring Tex Beneke, Ray Eberle. & the Modernaires w /Paula Kelly, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, colleges. night clubs, club dates. shopping centers. concerts. Booked by: Pinecrest Prod., Inc., 9229 Sunset Blvd. #613, Los Angeles, Calif. 90069. CHUCK BERRY, Booked by: A.B.C., 445 Park Ave., N.Y., N.Y. 10022, (212) 421-5200. BEVERLEE BROWN & CO., self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs. club dates. shopping centers, concerts, Booked by, Jimmy Richards Prod., 919 N. Mich. Ave., Chicago, III. 60611, FRANK BINER BAND, self-contained, works festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs. club dates, concerts. Booked by: S.F. Interface. GERONIMO BLACK, self-contained, UNI Records-" '59 Chevrolet", works colleges. night clubs, concerts. Booked by: Reznick-Bernstein Agency, 226 S. Beverly Dr., Beverly Hills, Calif. 90212. BOBBY BLUE BAND, Booked by: A.B.C., 445 Park Ave., N.Y.. N.Y. 10022. (212) 421-5200. BLITZ (BAND), works colleges. night clubs, concerts. Booked by: BRA., Wheaton, Md. Address: 1711 Mt. Pisgah La. It34, Silver Spr.. Md. 20903, (301) 4316306. BLOOD, SWEAT & TEARS, self-contained, Columbia Records-"New Blood", works festivals, TV, colleges, concerts. Booked by: Fred Heller, Blood, Sweat & Tears Ltd., 40 Cedar Si, Dobbs Ferry, (914) 693-6200. MIKE BLOOMFIELD, self-contained, works TV, colleges, night clubs, concerts. Booked by: S.F. Interface. BLUE OYSTER CULT, Booked by: A.B.C.. 445 Park Ave.. N.Y.. N.Y. 10022, (212) 421-5200. DANNY BONADUCE. self contained. works fairs. concerts. Booked by: Ken Capurso Prod.. 6 Imperial Rd.. Worcester, Mass. 01604. BONNY & CLYDE, self-contained, Virgo Records-"One Way Ticket", works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, shopping centers. Booked by: Associated Booking Corp., P.O. Box 1593, Deland, Fla. 32720. BOOKER T. & PRISCILLA, Booked by: A.B.C., 445 Park Ave., N.Y., N.Y. 10022. (212) 421-5200. PAT BOONE, single act, works fairs, amusement parks, TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, churches, concerts. Booked by: I.F.A.. 9255 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. 90069. VICTOR BORGE, single act, Pye Records-"Victor Borge at London Palladium", works TV, colleges, night clubs, concerts. Booked by: Agency for the Performing Arts, Inc., THE BREAK OF DAWN, self-contained, works festivals, colleges, night clubs. club dates. BREWER & SHIPLEY, self-contained, Kama Sutra Records-" Rural Space"-LP. works colleges, concerts. Booked by: Good Karma, Milton Levy, 4218 Main St., Kansas City, Mo. DARIUS BRUBECK QUARTET, self-contained, Paramount Records-"Chaplins Back", works festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs. concerts. Booked by: Sutton Artists Corp.. 505 Park Ave.. N.Y., N.Y. 10022. BRYAN LEE GROUP, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, concerts. Booked by: T.G.C. Prod., P.O. Box 5639, Milwaukee, Wisc. 53211. (414) 962-1500. SOLOMON BURKE, single act. MGM Records-"We're Almost Home", works colleges. night clubs. concerts. Booked by: A.M.B.. Inc., 8533 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. 90069. (213) 652-4200. CHARLIE BYRD, Booked by: A.B.C., 445 Park Ave.. N.Y.. N.Y. 10022. (212) 421-5200. BYRDS, single act. Columbia Records-Farther Along", works festivals, TV, colleges, concerts. Booked by: A.P A. PAUL CALDWELL & THE CALDWELLS, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals, TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates. shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: C.B.S. Inc., New Springfield, Ohio 44443. CALLIOPE, works colleges, night clubs, club dates. Booked by: C.J. Enterprises, P.O. Box 15133, Phoenix, Ariz, 85018. CANNED HEAT, Booked by: A.B.C., 445 Park Ave.. N.Y., N.Y. 10022, (212) 421-5200. CAPTAIN BEYOND. Booked by: A.B.C., 445 Park Ave.. N.Y.. N.Y. 10022. (212) 421-5200. VIKKI CARR, single act. Columbia Records-" En Espanol" works fairs. festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, concerts. Booked by: C.M.A. Address: Entertainment Artists Repr., 9255 Sunset Blvd. Suite 414, Los Angeles. Calif. 90069. CATFISH & CRYSTAL, self-contained. works fairs. amusement parks, festivals, colleges, night clubs, club dates, concerts. Booked by T.G.C. prod., P.O. Box 5639, Milwaukee, Wisc. 53211. (414) 962-1500. CAT MOTHER, self-contained, works festivals, TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, concerts. Booked by: S.F. Interface. CHAMBERS BROS., Booked by: A.B.C., 445 Park Ave., N.Y., N.Y., 10022, (212) 421-5200. EL CHICANO, self-contained, Kapp Records-"Brown-Eyed Girl", works fairs, amusement parks. festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs. club dates. concerts. Booked by: A.E. Sullivan. Aztec Prod., 2922 Worthen Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. 90039, (213) 663-323 T CHICKASAW, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, tv, colleges, night clubs. club dates, concerts. Booked by: Frando Enterprises, Kurt F. Hunter, P.O. Box 1029, Hollywood. Calif. 90028. CHUKKAR, self-contained, works fairs, colleges. night clubs, churches, concerts. Booked by: Norman White. 2100 Biljana Dr. tt 3, Louisville, Ky. 40206. ERIC CLAPTON, Atlantic Records-"Let It Rain", self-contained, works concerts. Booked by: The Robert Stigwood Organisation, Ltd.. 67 Brook St., London, WI, England. THE CLASSMEN, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs. club dates, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Charles Dimmel & Charles Lewis Agency, 3427 Norton, Independence, Mo. 64052. CLOVER, Fantasy Records, self-contained, works fairs. festivals. TV, colleges. night clubs. club dates, concerts. Booked by: S.F. Interface. THE COBRAS, Snap Records-"Be True To Me", self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, concerts. Booked by: Nina R. Miller Agency. P.O. Box 516. Beverly, Ohio 45715. WAYNE COCHRAN & C.C. RIDERS, Columbia Records- "Cochran-LP" -contained, works fairs. amusement continued on page 75 1973 Cavalcade of Acts &Attractions SUMAR TALENT AGENCY o presents "The Wonderful World of Gospel Music" Now Booking The World's Greatest Gospel Singers--Over 300 Fairs Can't Be Wrong! If It's Gospel . . It's Sumar! The Speer Family The Hemphills The Keystones The John Matthews Family J.D. Sumner & The Stamps The Blackwood Bros. Hovie Lister & The Statesmen IeM Frigwe topl, A The Prophets The Imperials The Klaudt Indian Family Rosie Rozell & The Searchers London Parris & The Apostles Illinois State Fair · Oklahoma State Fair · Indiana State Fair · Kentucky State Fair · Iowa State Fair · York Inter-State Fair, York, Pa. · Lucas County Fair, Maumee, Ohio · Northwest Missouri Fair, Bethany, Mo. · Prince William County Fair, Manassas, Va. · St. Joseph County Fair, Centreville, Mich. SUMAR TALENT AGENCY u! a , !vaunt c;4_ ,ecil! :· ·····..... ·····v···· · Don Butler, General Manager P.O. Box 15532 Nashville, Tenn. 37215 (615) 255-8595 "A Complete Booking & Packaging Agency" MIDWEST REPRESENTATIVE TOM DRAKE AGENCY 1106 Westport Road Kansas City, Mo. 64111 (816) JE 1-1148 James Blackwood GOSPEL MUSIC SUPERSTAR Winner of Every Award in His field ...Best Male Vocalist -- 1972 Dove Award. Singing for 38 Years. Has Appeared with Arthur Godfrey, Dave Garroway, Tennessee Ernie Ford, Johnny Cash, Billy Graham. Performed at 40 Successful Fairs in 1972 including before some 400,000 at New York State Fair, Syracuse. On RCA Records 21 Years Booked with the Blackwood Brothers by: SUMAR TALENT AGENCY Box 15532 Nashville, Tenn. 37212 (615) 255-8595 MIDWEST REPRESENTATIVE Tom Drake Agency 1106 Westport Road Kansas City, Mo. 64111 (816) 531-1148 The Blackwood Brothers The Blackwood Brothers Has Played Successfully ... The New York State Fair · Tennessee Ernie Ford TV Show · Johnny Cash Show · Arthur Godfrey TV Special · Over 200 fairs and REA co-ops · 10,000 concerts · Kentucky State Fair · Knotts Berry Farm (Buena Park, Calif.) · Grand Ole Opry · Indiana State Fair · Iowa State Fair · Illinois State Fair · Grammy Award Winners · Sold millions of records · RCA Victor-20 years · National TV THEY'VE GOT SOMETHING TO BE PROUD OF AND THAT IS "A PROVEN TRACK RECORD OF SUCCESS" FOR YOU! Call or Write: a8' ·Valeta e4gencyli Don Butler, General Manager P.O. Box 15532 Nashville, Tenn. 37215 (615) 255-8595 MIDWEST REPRESENTATIVE TOM DRAKE AGENCY 1106 Westport Road Kansas City, Mo. 64111 (816) JE 1-1148 The Speer Family GOSPEL MUSIC'S NO.1 FAMILY GROUP Credits: · Voted #1 Mixed Group, 1969-70-72 · Lucas County Fair--Maumee, Ohio · Gospel Music's #1 Female Vocalist (Sue Chenault) · Northwest Kansas District Fair-- Goodland, Kans. · Indiana State Fair · York Inter-State Fair--York, Pa. · Illinois State · High Point Agriculture Fair-- · Kentucky State Fair High Point, N.C. · Iowa State Fair · New York State Fair · Cherokee County Fair--Cherokee, lo4wa · Heartwarming Recording Artists Call or Write: SUMAR TALENT AGENCY Don Butler, General Manager P.O. Box 15532 Nashville, Tenn. 37215 (615) 255-8595 MIDWEST REPRESENTATIVE TOM DRAKE AGENCY 1106 Westport Road Kansas City, Mo. 64111 (816) JE 1-1148 Hovie Lister & The Statesmen Credits: · Illinois State Fair · Oklahoma State Fair · Indiana State Fair · Kentucky State Fair · Lucas County Fair--Maumee, Ohio · Blue Grass Fair--Lexington, Ky. · Northwest Missouri State Fair-- Bethany, Mo. · Skylite Recording Artists Call or Write: SUMAR TALENT AGENCY Don Butler, General Manager P.O. Box 15532 Nashville, Tenn. 37215 (615) 255-8595 MIDWEST REPRESENTATIVE TOM DRAKE AGENCY 1106 Westport Road Kansas City, Mo. 64111 (816) JE1-1148 JD. Sumner (THE WORLD'S LOWEST BASS) & The Stamps Credits: · Featured in Latest Presley Movie "Elvis On Tour." · Elvis Presley Concert Tours · Elvis Presley Recordings · Indiana State Fair · Kentucky State Fair · Lucas County Fair--Maumee, Ohio · Northwest Kansas District Fair-- Goodland, Kans. · St. Joseph County Fair--Centreville, Mich. · Heartwarming Recording Artists Cal, or Write: .· ;Falent ceigence SUMAR TALENT AGENCY Don 3utler, General Manager P.O. Box 15532 Nashville, Tenn. 37215 (615) 255-8595 MIDWEST REPRESENTATIVE TOM DRAKE AGENCY 1106 Westport Road Kansas City, Mo. 64111 (816) JE1-1148 The Prophets Credits: · Iowa State Fair · Illinois State Fair · Oklahoma State Fair · Northwest Missouri State Fair-- Bethany, Mo. · Rutland State Fair--Rutland, Vt. · Panhandle Exposition--Guymon, Okla. · Platte County Fair--Columbus, Neb. · Pawnee County Fair-- Pawnee City, Neb. · Freeborn County Fair-- Albert Lea, Minn. · Prince William County Fair-- Manassas, Va. · York Inter-State Fair--York, Pa. · Chesterfield County Fair-- Chesterfield, Pa. · Cobleskill Fair--Cobleskill, N.Y. · West Liberty Fair--West Liberty, Iowa II ilValent c;4 enc Call or Write: SUMAR TALENT AGENCY Don Butler, General Manager P.O. Box 15532 Nashville, Tenn. 37215 (615) 255-8595 MIDWEST REPRESENTATIVE TOM DRAKE AGENCY 1106 Westport Road Kansas City, Mo. 64111 (816) JE 1-1148 >bie --se* 11041-- Gospel Music's Most Exciting New Family Group "Up With Gospel" "The New Gospel Sound of Youth" -- Tempo Recording Artists -- Exciting · Youthful · Refreshing Family Entertainment At Its Best! Call or Write: SUMAR TALENT AGENCY Don Butler, General Manager P.O. Box 15532 Nashville, Term. 37215 (615) 255-8595 MIDWEST REPRESENTATIVE TOM DRAKE AGENCY 1106 Westport Road Kansas City, Mo. 64111 (816) JE 1-1148 o The Hemphills Credits: · Davis County Fair--Bloomfield, Iowa · Northwest Missouri State Fair · Chemung County Fair--Horseheads, N.Y. · Batelle District Fair--Wadestown, W. Va. · Osborne County Rural Fair--Osborne, Kans. · Germantown Fair--Germantown, Ky. · Shenandoah County Fair--Woodstock, Va. · Cannan Recording Artists Call or Write: SUMAR TALENT AGENCY Don Butler, General Manager P.O. Box 15532 Nashville, Tenn. 37215 (615) 255-8595 MIDWEST REPRESENTATIVE TOM DRAKE AGENCY 1106 Westport Road Kansas City, Mo. 64111 (816) JE1-1148 " ,tg.o.,:e''" +· ep ut e 4! 8, ·· MIDWEST REPRESENTATIVE TOM DRAKE AGENCY 1106 Westport Road Kansas City, Mo. 64111 (816) JE1-1148 London Parris The Apostles Credits: · Voted Gospel Music's Most Promising Group for 1972 · Waushara County Fair--Wautoma, Wis. · Indiana State Fair o · Lucas County Fair--Maumee, Ohio Call or Write: SUMAR TALENT AGENCY Don Butler, General Manager P.O. Box 15532 Nashville, Tenn. 37215 (615) 255-8595 ··11.0 Ag..e...n·c··,,k.; parks. festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, churches, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: G.D.M. Prod., 1025 Sibley Blvd., Calumet City, Ill. 60409, (312) 862-8300. LINDA COHEN, United Artists Records-"Lida", self-contained, milts colleges, night clubs, club dates, concerts. Booked by: DMI Enterprises. 6655 Oakland St.. Philadelphia, Pa. 19149. IKE COLE, E.M.I. Records (England). single act, works fairs. festivals. TV. colleges, night clubs, club dates, concerts. Booked by: Julian Portman Agency, Taft Bldg. Suite 1105, Hollywood & Vine Sts., Hollywood, Calif. 90028. GOVE COLLEGE, UNI Records, self-contained, works fairs, colleges, listening clubs. concerts. Booked by: Don Light, 816 19th Ave. S.. Nashville, Tenn. 37212. ALBERT COLLINS, Tumbleweed Records-' ·Gettin it Straight", self-contained, works fairs. TV. colleges, night clubs. concerts. Booked by: Reznick-Bernstein Agency. 226 S. Beverly Dr., Beverly Hills, Calif. 90212. COMMODORES, Mowest Records-"Human Zoo", selfcontained. works festivals, colleges, night clubs, club dates, concerts. Booked by: Southeastern Attractions, 2121 8th Ave. N., Birmingham, Ala. THE CONTI FAMILY, Pac 3 Récords -"Hey Mister", selfcontained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, colleges, club dates, churches, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: C.F. Produptions, P.O. Box 10166, Detroit. Mich. (313) 877-9515, (313) 581-5774. CONTI FAMILY, self-contained, works fairs, club dates. TV, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Jack Reed Agency, Inc., 27600 Farmington Rd. Suite 200. Farmington, Mich. 48024. ALICE COOPER, Booked by: A.B.C., 445 Park Ave.. N.Y.. N.Y. 10022, (212) 421-5200. DON COOPER, Roulette Records-"Special Day", self-contained, works TV, colleges, club dates, concerts. Booked by: H.B.S. Inc., Suite 2514, 250 W. 57th St.. N.Y., N.Y., 10019. DANNY COX, Dunhill Records-Danny Cox-LP", self-contained, works colleges. concerts. Address: 4218 Main St., Kansas City, Mo. CROSS, self-contained, works festivals, colleges, night clubs, concerts. Booked by: Southeastern Attractions, 2121 8th Ave. N. Birmingham, Ala. VIC DAMON, Booked by: A.B.C., 445 Park Ave.. N.Y., N.Y.. 10022. (212) 421-5200 TICKETS TICKETS TICKETS FRANK DARLING, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, churches, shopping centers, concerts, cruises. Booked by: Counterpoint/ Concerts, Inc., 10 Munson Ct., Huntington Station, N.Y., 11746. DAVID & THE GIANTS, MGM Records-"Mary Brown", self-contained, works festivals, colleges, night clubs, club dates, concerts. Booked by: Southeastern Attractions, 2121 8th Ave. N., Birmingham, Ala. JIM DAWSON, Buddah Records-"You'll Never Be Lonely With Me", single act, works festivals. TV, colleges, club dates, concerts. Booked by: A.P.A. DR. JOHN, THE NIGHT TRIPPER, ATCO Records, single act, works festivals, colleges, night clubs, club dates. concerts. Booked by: A.P.A. DE SANTIS SINGING STRINGS, self-contained, works fairs, club dates, shopping centers. Booked by: Jack Reed Agency, Inc., 27600 Farmington Rd. Suite 200. Farmington. Mich. 48024. JACKIE DE SHANNON, Atlantic Records-"Paradise". self-contained, works fairs, colleges, night clubs, concerts. Booked by: Reznick-Bernstein Agency, 226 S. Beverly Dr., Beverly Hills, Calif. 90212. NEIL DIAMOND, UNI Records-"Play Me", self-contained, works fairs, TV, colleges, concerts. Booked by: ReznickBernstein Agency, 226 S. Beverly Dr., Beverly Hills. Calif. 90212. BO DIDDLEY, single act, works colleges, concerts, night clubs. Booked by: A.M.B. Inc.. 8533 Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, Calif. 90069. (2130) 652-4200. WILLIE DIXON & CHICAGO BLUES ALLSTARS, self-contained, works concerts. Booked by: Willard Alexander, Inc. FATS DOMINO, Booked by: A.B.0 445 Park Ave.. N.Y., N.Y. 10022, (212) 421-5200. BO DONALDSON & THE HEYVVOODS, Family Productions-"Special Someone", self-contained, works fairs. amusement parks, festivals, TV. colleges. concerts. Booked by: C.M.A.. 5554 Goldenrod Dr., Cincinnati, Ohio 45239, (513) 541-5554. THE DOORS, Elektra Records-"Full Circle-LP"Iself-contained, works colleges, concerts. Booked by: Assoc. Booking Corp., 8512 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. 90069. JIMMY DORSEY ORCHESTRA, Directed by LEE CASTLE, self-contained, works all occasions. Booked by: Willard Alexander, Inc. JIMMY DORSEY ORCHESTRA, Directed by LEE CASTI4. Pickwick Records, self-contained, works all occasions. Booked by: Counterpoint/ Concerts, Inc., 10 Munson Ct., Huntington Station, N.Y. 11746. DREW & DOUG, Holly Record Co., self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates. shopping centers. concerts. Booked by: Charles Dimmel & Charles Lewis Agency, 3427 Norton. Independence, Mo. 64052. DRIFTERS. Hit Records, self-contained, works fairs, festi·vals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, concerts. Booked by: Julian Portman Agency, Taft Bldg. Suite 1105, Hollywood & Vine Sts., Hollywood, Calif. 90028. THE DUCKS, self-contained, works fairs, festivals, TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, concerts. Booked by: S.F. Interface. Suite 700, 916 Keamy St., San Francisco, Calif. 94133. E.H.D., self-contained, works fairs, colleges, night clubs, concerts. Booked by: Pedyne Prod., 6567 54th Ave. N., St. Petersburg, Fla. 33709. EARLY MORNING, self-contalned, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, concerts. Booked by: Frando Enterprises, Kurt F. Hunter, P.O. Box 1029, Hollywood, Calif. 90028. EARTHQUAKE, A&M Records, self-contained, works festivals, TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates. concerts. Booked by. S.F. Interface, 916 Kearny St. Suite 700, San Francisco, Calif. 94133. EARTH WIND & FIRE, Columbia Records, self-contained, works fairs. TV, colleges, night clubs, concerts. Booked by: Reznick-Bernstein Agency, 226 S. Beverly Dr., Beverly Hills, Calif. 90212. THE ELGART ORCHESTRA, RCA/Columbia/MGM Records, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, concerts, dances, cruises, all occasions. Booked by: Counterpoint/Concerts, Inc., 10 Munson Ci., Huntington Station. N.Y. 11746. LES & LARRY ELGART ORCHESTRA, self-contained, works all occasions. Booked by: Willard Alexander, Inc. THE EGG BROS., self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, colleges, night clubs, club dates, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Fantasma Prod.. 155 1 /2 Pleasant View Ave.. Smithfield, R.I. 02917. YVONNE ELLIMAN, Decca Records-"Don't Know How to Love Him", self-contained, works TV, colleges. night STRIPS made to your order padded any number to abook ROLL and AUTOMATIC MACHINE TICKETS most popular in the amusement industry COUPON BOOKS for advance sales 0gift books thrift books RESERVE SEAT TICKETS TICKETS TAGS and BADGES for that special event gate passes stringing if desired "IF IT'S A TICKET - WE MAKE IT" OUR NUMBERING AND QUALITY ARE GUARANTEED! Let Us Quote You on All of Your Ticket Needs. Write for Samples and Prices Today! 1973 Cavalcade of Acts & Attractions al iona TICKET CO. 1564 BROADWAY NEW YORK, N.Y. 10036 (212) 757-1426 51 CHURCH BOSTON, MASS. (617) 426 4377 TICKET AVENUE SHAMOKIN, PA. (717) 648-6803 JACK CONWAY, Pres. 75 clubs. concerts. Booked by: The Robert Stigwood Organisation, Ltd., 67 Brook St., London W1, England. THE ENTERTAINERS, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals. TV. colleges, night clubs, club dates, churches, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Bette Kaye Prod.. Inc.. 2929 E. Camino Ave., Sacramento, Calif. THE EVERLY BROS., RCA Records, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, churches, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: International Famous Agency, 9255 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif., 90069. FAMILY PACK, self-contained, works festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, churches, shopping centers. concerts. JOSE FELICIANO, RCA Records-" Memphis Menu", selfcontained, works fairs, TV, colleges, night clubs. concerts. Booked by: Feliciano Enterprises, 415 N. Tustin Ave., Orange, Calif. 92667. FELLOWSHIP, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals, TV, colleges, club dates, night clubs, shopping centers. concerts. Booked by: Hungry Agency. 403-265 Portage Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba. JEFF FENHOLT. Columbia Records, self-contained. works TV, colleges, night clubs. Booked by: The Robert Stigwood Organisation Inc , 135 Central Park W., N.Y., N.Y.. 10023. MAYNAFID FERGUSON & BRITISH BIG BAND. Columbia Records-"M.F. Horn Two-LP", self-contained. works all concert type occasions. Booked by: Willard Alexander. Inc. FIVE MAN ELECTRICAL BAND, Lion Records-"Moneyback Guarantee", self-contained. works fairs, TV, colleges. night clubs. concerts. Booked by: Reznick-Bemstein Agency, 226 S. Beverly Dr.. Beverly Hills, Calif. 90212. FIVE PLATTERS, Booked by: A.B.C., 445 Park Ave., N.Y.. N.Y. 10022. (212) 4210-5200. FIRST GEAR, Myrrh Records-"First Gear", self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals, TV, colleges, club dates, night clubs, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Splendor Pod., Box 391, Taylor, Mich. FIRST TRANSCENDENTAL ROCK OPERA, self-contained, works fairs, festivals, colleges, night clubs, club dates, churches, concerts. Booked by: Hairy Lip Prod.. Inc., 125 7th Ave. S., N.Y., N.Y. 10014. CONNIE FRANCIS. Booked by: A.B.C., 445 Park Ave., N.Y.. N.Y. 10022, (212) 421-5200. FRENZY, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, tv, colleges, night clubs, club dates, concerts. Booked by: Hairy Lip Prod., Inc.. 125 7th Ave. S., N.Y.. N.Y. 10014. FRIENDS, self-contained, works colleges. night clubs. club dates. Booked by: C.H. Enterprises, P.O. Box 15133, Phoenix, Ariz. 85018. GEORGE GAGLIARDI, TDP Records, self-contained, works festivals, colleges, churches. concerts. Booked by: TanDen Prod., P.O. Box 382, Gainesville, Texas 76240. GATES INTINO, self-contained, works TV, night clubs. Booked by: Allied Booking Co., 2250 3rd Ave., San Diego. Calif. 92101. TOM GHENT. self-contained, works colleges, night clubs. concerts. Booked by: Reznick-Bernstein Agency, 226 S. Beverly Dr., Beverly Hills, Calif. 90212. GOLDEN GATE, self-contained, works TV, colleges, night clubs. Booked by: Flair Prod., Inc., 1055 Logan St, Suite 301, Denver, Colo. 80203. GOOD GOD, Atlantic Records-"Good God", self-contained, works colleges, night clubs. concerts. Booked by: DMI Enterprises. 6655 Oakland St.. Philadelphia, Pa. 19149. GOULET & CO., self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates. all occasions. Booked by: Adams & Soper Agency, 120 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. 02116, (617) 426-1600. GRAMARYE, self-contained, works TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, shopping centers. concerts. Booked by: Eric Wooley, Southwest Bookers, 100 W. Clarendon, Suite 2226, Phoenix, Ariz. GRATEFUL DEAD, Warner Bros. Records. self-contained, works festivals. TV, colleges. concerts. Booked by: Out of Town Tours, 1330 Lincoln Ave. Suite 204, San Rafael, Calif. 94901, (415) 457-1830. LOOSE GRAVEL, UNI Records, self-contained. works concerts. Booked by: Julian Portman Agency, 1680 N. Vine St. Suite 912, Hollywood. Calif. 90028, (213) 4638154. GRAVEL, Columbia Records, self-contained, works colleges, concerts. Booked by: University Attractions, Inc., 201 Penn Central Blvd., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15235. BUDDY GRECO, Bell Records-"It's My Life", self-contamed, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, colleges. night clubs, club dates, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: I.F.A., 1301 Ave. of Americas. N.Y., N.Y., 10022. 76 NORMAN GREENBAUM, Reprise Records-"PetalumaLP". self-contained, works fairs. festivals, TV, colleges. night clubs, club dates. concerts. Booked by: S.F. Interface. THE GRINGOS, self-contained, works college. night clubs, club dates. Booked by: C.J. Enterprises, P.O. Box 15133, Phoenix, Ariz. 85018. GRIZZLEY BARE, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, shopping centers. concerts. Booked by: Hungry Agency. 403-265 Portage Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. HENRY GROSS, ABC/Dunhill Records, single act, works festivals, TV. colleges. night clubs. concerts. Booked by: A.P.A. THE GUILD. Elektra Records, self-contained, works fairs. festivals, colleges, night clubs, concerts. Booked by: Blythem Ltd., P.O. Box 701, Champaign, III. 61820, BUDDY GUY & JUNIOR WELLS, Atlantic Records, selfcontained, works colleges, night clubs, club dates. concerts. Booked by: S.F. Interlace. EDDIE HADDAD & KANYON, MGM Records-"Greenwood, Mississippi", self-contained, works colleges. night clubs, club dates. Booked by: C.J. Enterprises, P.O. Box 15133, Phoenix, Ariz. 85018, THE HAGERS, Barnaby Records-"Country Side", self-contained, works fairs, festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates. concerts. Booked by: Hitt & Halsey, Entertainment Artists Representatives, 9255 Sunset Suite 414, Los Angeles, Calif. 90069. BETTY JONES HALL, self-contained, works night clubs. Booked by: Allied Booking, 2250 3rd Ave., San Diego, Calif. 92101. ISAAC HAYES (Hot Buttered Soul), Stax Records-"Shah", works festivals. TV, colleges, club dates. concerts. Booked by: A.P.A. HAWKSHAW, single act, works night clubs. club dates. Booked by: The Beau-Jim Agency, Inc., P.O. Box 758, Lake Jackson, Texas 77566. HEDGE & DONNA, self-contained, works colleges, night clubs, concerts. Booked by: Reznick-Bernstein Agency, 226 S. Beverly Dr., Beverly Hills, Calif. 90212. HELLO PEOPLE, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV, colleges. night clubs, club dates. concerts. Booked by: H.P. Ltd., P.O. Box 3004, Hollywood, Calif. 90028. HOOSIER HOT SHOTS. Porthole Records, self-contained, works fairs, festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, concerts. Booked by: Julian Portman Agency, Taft Bldg. Suite 1105, Hollywood & Vine Sts., Hollywood, Calif. 90028, (213) 463-8154. EDDY HOWARD ORCHESTRA, Directed by NORMAN LEE, self-contained, works all occasions. Booked by: Willard Alexander, Inc. HOVVLIN' WOLF, Booked by: A.B.C.. 445 Park Ave., N.Y., N.Y. 10022, (212) 421-53200. HYDRA, self-contained, works amusement parks, festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs. concerts. Booked by: Discovery, Inc., P O. Box 7868, Atlanta, Ga. 30309. THE IDES OF MARCH. RCA Records-"Mother America", self-contained, works fairs. festivals, TV, colleges, concerts. Booked by: William Morris, 25 E. Chestnut Suite 28, Chicago, III. 60611. INCREDIBLE STRING BAND, Warner Bros. Records, single act, works festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, concerts. Booked by: A.P.A. THE JAMES GANG, self-contained, works festivals. TV, colleges. concerts. Booked by: Wm. Morris Agency, Inc., 3101 Euclid Ave. Suite 203, Belkin Personal Mgmt., Cleveland, Ohio, 44115. HARRY JAMES & ORCHESTRA, self-contained, plays all occasions. Booked by: Willard Alexander, Inc. JEFFERSON AIRPLANE. Grunt Records-"Long John Silver", single act, works festivals. TV, colleges, concerts. Booked by: Agency for the Performing Arts, Inc., 120 W. 57th St., N.Y.. N.Y., 10019. JOY OF COOKING, Capitol Records, self-contained, works fairs. festivals, TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates. concerts. Booked by: S.F. Interface, Suite 700-916 Kearny St., San Francisco, Calif. 94133. JOHN KAY, Dunhill Records-"Forgotten Songs 8i Unsung Heroes:", self-contained, works concerts. Booked by: 211 S. Beverly Dr. Suite 200, Beverly Hills, Calif. 90212. KINDtRaMEeDd,. WwaorrnkesrfeBsrtoisv.alsR,eccoolrledgses-,NenixgthtofclKuibns"., csoenlcfe-rctosn. Address: 211 S. Beverly Dr. Suite 200, Beverly Hills, Calif. 90212. B.B. KING, Booked by: A.B.C., 445 Park Ave., N.Y., N.Y. 10022. (212) 421-5200. KONG, self-contained, works colleges, night clubs, concerts. Booked by: Cinedyne Prod., 4745 Parc Orleans, P.O. Box 1104, St. Anh, Mo, 63074. JERRY LA CROIX & WHITE TRASH, Epic Records-"La Croix", self-contained, works night clubs, concerts. Address: 211 S. Beverly Dr. Suite 200, Beverly Hills, Calif. 902121. THE LANHAMS, self-contained, works fairs, festivals, TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates. concerts. Booked by: Julian Portman Agency, Taft Bldg. Suite 1105, Hollywood & Vine Sts., Hollywood. Calif. 90028. LEARD & SHELDON TRIO, self-contained, works fairs, festivals, TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, concerts. Booked by: Julian Portman Agency, Taft Bldg. Suite 1105, Hollywood & Vine Sts., Hollywood, Calif. 90028. BRENDA LEE, Decca Records-"Always on my Mind", selfcontained, works fairs, TV, night clubs, club dates. Booked by: I.F.A. Joe Higgins, P.O. Box 8555. Nashville, Tenn. 37211. MICHEL LEGRAND, Booked by: A.B.C., 445 Park Ave., N.Y., NY. JOHN LEWIS, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals, TV, colleges, night clubs, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Fun Unlimited, P.O. Box 22161, San Francisco, Calif. 94122, (415) 621-9848. LITTLE RICHARD. Booked by: A.B.C., 445 Park Ave., N.Y., N.Y. 10022, (212) 421-5200. IlL ZIGGY & THE ZEU REVUE, Zen records-"Little Star/ Come Go With Me", self-contained, works fairs, festivals, colleges, night clubs, club dates, concerts. Booked by: Zapata Ent., 222 State St., Apt. B. Madison, Wisc. 53703. GAYLE MCCORMICK, Decca Records-"Flesh & Blood", self-contained, works concerts. Address: 211 S. Beverly Dr., Suite 200, Beverly Hills, Calif. 90212. SONNY TERRY & BROWNIE MCGHEE, A&M Records, single acts, works festivals, TV, colleges, night club, club dates, concerts. Booked by: A.P.A. ROD MCKUEN, Booked by: A.B.C., 445 Park Ave., N.Y., N.Y. 10022, (212) 421-5200. ENA MCLAUGHLIN, self-contained, works fairs, night clubs, club dates. Address: 222 State St. Apt. B. Madison, Wisc. 53703. BRUCE MCPHERSON, GSF Records, single act, works festivals, TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, concerts. Booked by: A.P.A. CARMEN MCRAE, Booked by: A.B.C., 445 Park Ave., N.Y., N.Y. 10022, (212) 421-5200. THE MAGNIFICENT SOUNDS, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, shopping centers. concerts. Booked by: Total Sounds Prod., 723 Short St., Prichard, Ala. 36610. THE MAIN STREET MUSICAL BAND, self-contained, works TV, colleges, night clubs, concerts. Booked by: Connecticut Sound Prod., 189 Chamberlain Rd., Broad Brook, Conn. 06016, (203) 623-8853. MIRIAM MAKEBA, Booked by: A.B.C.. 445 Park Ave.. N.Y., N.Y. 10022. (212) 421-5200. MANDRAKE MEMORIAL. Poppy Records-"Puzzle", selfcontained. works colleges. concerts. Booked by: DMI Enterprises, 6655 Oakland St., Philadelphia. Pa. 19149. JOHNNY MATHIS, Columbia Records-"Song Sung BlueLP", self-contained, works colleges, fairs. TV, night clubs. concerts. Booked by: Fred Dale-I.F.A., 9255 Sunset Blvd.. Los Angeles, Calif. 90069. JOHN MAYALL, Polydor Records, self-contained, works colleges, concerts. Address: Rik Gunnell Managements, Inc. CURTIS MAYFIELD, Booked by: A.B.C., 445 Park Ave., N.Y., N.Y. 10022, (212) 4210-5200. MICKEY & LARRY & THE EXCITERS, Booked by: A.B.C.. 445 Park Ave., N.Y., N.Y. 10022. (212) 421-5200. GLENN MILLER ORCHESTRA Directed by BUDDY DEFRANCO, self-contained, works all occasions. Booked by: Willard Alexander, Inc. THE MOB, Booked by: A.B.C., 445 Park Ave., N. Y., N.Y. 10022, (212) 421-5200. MONETTE MALFAR, single act. works fairs, festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, concerts. Booked by: Julian Portman Agency, Taft Bldg. Suite 1105, Hollywood & Vine Sts., Hollywood, Calif. 90028. MONGO SANTAMARIA. Booked by: A.B.C., 445 Park Ave., N.Y., N.Y. 10022, (212) 421-5200. BUDDY MORROW & HIS ORCHESTRA, RCA/Epic/ Mercury Records, self-contained. works all occasions. Booked by: Counterpoint/Concerts. Inc.. 10 Munson Ct., Huntington Station, N.Y. 11746. MUDDY WATERS, Chess Records-"Muddy Waters London Sessions", self-contained, works concert-type engagements. Booked by: Willard Alexander, Inc. MARTIN MULL, Capricorn Records-"Eggs". single act, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. garages, all occasions. Booked by: A.P.A. JERRY MURAD'S HARMONICATS, self-contained, works all occasions. Booked by: Jimmy Richards Prod.. 919 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, III. 60611. J.F. MURPHY & SALT, Elektra Records, single act, works festivals, TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, concerts. Booked By: A.P.A. JOANNE MURRAY, New London Inter'l Records-"Good- continued on page 78 1973 Cavalcade of Acts & Attractions AVAILABLE NOW...THE NEW HOWDY DOODY REVIVAL STARRING "BUFFALO BOB SMITH" LAUGHTER and FUN FOR BOTH ADULTS AND CHILDREN. - Conventions Shopping Centers Collèges Fairs Meetings SAY KIDS, WHAT TIME IS IT? HOWDY DOODY TIME! APPEARED AT: UNIVERSITIES of Alabama, Arkansas, Miami, Tennessee, Wisconsin, Ohio State, North Dakota, Southern California, Colorado, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Cornell, Harvard, Princeton. SHOPPING MALLS AT: Monroeville, Pa.; Willowbrook, N.J.; Dekalb, Atlanta; Cherry Hill, N.J. AUDITORIUMS: Fillmore East, Detroit Music Hall, Philadelphia Academy of Music. TELEVISION SHOWS: Laugh-ln, Glen Campbell, Carson, Frost, Douglas, NBC Special. FEATURED ACT at Motorola Corporation Christmas Party. Contact: Jack Drury, Personal Manager, 2801 East Oakland Park Boulevard, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 33306. Phone 305-566-8471. - BUDDY RICH & THE BUDDY RICH BIG BAND, RCA Records-"Rich In London", self-contained, works all concert type engagements. Booked by: Willard Alexander, Inc. NOONEY RICKETT 8/ CO., self-contained, works night clubs, club dates. Booked by: Howard King Agency, 118 S. Beverly Dr., Beverly Hills, Calif. 90212. KENNY ROGERS & THE FIRST EDITION, Jolly Rogers (MGM) Records-"Lady Play Your Symphony", selfcontained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, concerts. Booked by: C.M.A.. 451 N. Canon Dr., Beverly Hills, Calif. BOB ROSENGARDEN & DICK CAVETT SHOW ORCHESTRA, self-contained, works all occasions. Booked by: Willard Alexander, Inc. ROWAN BROS., Columbia Records, self-contained, works festivals. TV, colleges. night clubs, club dates, concerts. Booked by: S.F. Interface. PAUL RUBIO PRESENTS U.S.A. & MEXICAN SUPERSTARS. RCA/Columbia Records, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, night clubs, club dates, concerts. Booked by: Paul Rubio, 633V, N. Sycamore, Hollywood, Calif., 90036. RUFUS, self-contained, works colleges, night clubs, club dates, concerts. Booked by: Kingsland Talent Agency. P.O. box 4762, Monroe, La. 71201. RUMBLES, LTD.. Capitol Records-"Jezebel", self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV, colleges, night clubs. club dates. concerts. Booked by: Morris Oreo 8/ Assoc., P.O. Box 747, Omaha, Nebr., 68102. (402) 342-3200. SAGUARD, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, colleges, night clubs, club dates, concerts. Booked by: Aztec Prod., 2922 Worthen Ave., Los Angeles. Calif. 90039, (213) 663-3230. SASSAFRAZZ, self-contained, works colleges. night clubs, concerts. Booked by: Kingsland Talent Agency, P.O. Box 4762, Monroe, La., 71201. BOZ SCAGGS, Booked by: A.B.C., 445 Park Ave., N.Y.. N.Y. 10022, (212) 421-5200. SECOND SESSION, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV, colleges. night clubs, club dates. concerts. Booked by: C.B.S., Inc.. New Springfield, Ohio 44443. SUSAN SHERYLL, Varsity Records-" Mama's Silk Dress", single act, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, shopping centers. concerts. Booked by: The Bumpy Family, Rolling "S" Ranch, North Lake, Wisc., 53064. (414) 966-2082. SHIRELLES, self-contained, works fairs, festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, concerts. Booked by: Julian Portman Agency, Taft Bldg. Suite 1105, Hollywood & Vine Sts., Hollywood, Calif. 90028. GEE SHINN, self-contained, works festivals, colleges, night clubs, club dates. concerts. Booked by: Kingsland Talent Agency, P.O. Box 4762. Monroe. La. 71201. SINFUL STREET, self-contained, works TV, colleges. club dates, concerts. Booked by: Wayne Hutchison, HBS Inc.. 2514 W. 57th St., N.Y., N.Y. 10019. THE DINING MACHINE, self-contained, works fairs. festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates. concerts. Booked by: Al Eaton Prod., 6747 Glorai Ave., Van Nuys, Calif. 91406, (213) 780-5516. JIMMY SMITH, Booked by: A.B.C., 445 Park Ave., N.Y., N.Y. 10022, (212) 421-5200. THE SPURRLOWS, Word Records-"The Original Splendor Production", self-contained. works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV, colleges, club dates, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Splendor Prod.. Box 39, Taylor, Michigan. THE SONS, Capitol Records, self-contained, works all occasions. Booked by: S.F. Interface, 916 Kearny St. Suite 700. San Francisco, Calif. 94133. SONS OF PIONEERS, HEAR & NOW, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, concerts. Booked by: Art Rudh, Inc. SONS OF THE PIONEERS, RCA Records. self-contained, works fairs. festivals, TV, colleges. night clubs. club dates. concerts, rodeos. Booked by: Julian Portman Agency, Taft Bldg. Suite 1105, Hollywood & Vine Sts., Hollywood, Calif. 90028. SOFT 81 WARM, self-contained, works fairs. festivals. TV, colleges. night clubs, club dates, concerts. Booked by: Julian Portman Agency, Taft Bldg. Suite 1105, Hollywood 8/ Vine Sts., Hollywood, Calif. 90028. SOPWITH CAMEL, self-contained, works fairs, festivals, TV, colleges, night clubs, concerts. Booked by: S.F. Interface, 916 Kearny St. Suite 700, San Francisco, Calif. 94133. SOUP., self-contained. works colleges. night clubs, club dates. Booked by: C.J. Enterprses, P.O. Box 15133, Phoenix, Ariz. 85018. SOUTHERN CONSPIRACY. Karass Records, self-conJoined, works fairs, festivals. TV, colleges. night clubs. concerts. Booked by: Joe McHugh, Karass Media Works, (res.) 72 Thorne Pl., West Keansburg, N.J. 07734, (201), 787-3891. 80 SOUTHERN FLAVOR, Booked by: C.J. Enterprises, P.O. Box 15133, Phoenix, Ariz. 85018. R.E.O. SPEEDWAGON, Booked by: A.B.C., 445 Park Ave., N.Y., N.Y. 10022: (212) 421-5200. SPICE, Franklin Records--"Strawberry Wine". self-contained, works fairs. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, concerts. Booked by: Hungry Agency, 403-265 Portage Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. SPIRIT, Booked by: A.B.C., 445 Park Ave N.Y., N.Y. 10022. (212) 4210-5200. THE STAPLE SINGERS, Stas Records-"I'll Take You Three", self-contained, works colleges, night clubs. concerts. Booked by: Rik Gunnell Managements, Inc., 2100 Sunset Plaza Dr., Los Angeles, Calif. STARK NAKED AND THE CAR THIEVES, Verve Records, self-contained, works colleges, night clubs, club dates. Booked by: Howard King Agency, 118 S. Beverly Dr.. Beverly Hills, Calif. 90212. KAY STARR, works fairs, night clubs. Booked by: Intl Famous Agency. STEPPENWOLF, Dunhill Records-"Rest In Peace", selfcontained. works concerts. Booked by: 221 S. Beverly Dr. Suite 200, Beverly Hills, Calif. 90212. JOHN STEWART, RCA Records-"Arkansas Breakout", self-contained, work fairs, festivals. TV, colleges. night clubs. concerts. Booked by: I.F.A., 451 North Canon Dr., Beverly Hills, Calif. 90210. THE RANDY STEWART SHOW, London/Vintage Records-"I Believe In Music", self-contained, works TV, night clubs. concerts. Booked by: Harold Kudlets Agency, Sheraton-Connaught Hotel, Suite 824-5, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, (416) 522-0900. Address: 43 Dalewood Dr., Kitchener, Ontario. STONEHENGE, self-contained, works amusement parks, festivals, TV, colleges, night clubs, concerts. Booked by: Discovery. Inc., P.O. Box 7868, Atlanta. Ga. 30309. MIKE STULL, self-contained, works fairs, festivals. colleges, night clubs, club dates, concerts. Booked by: Siddon Assoc., (213) 659-1667. SUNDAY MORNING with Mike Haliburton, TOP Records, self-contained, works festivals, colleges, churches. concerts. Booked by: TanDen Prod., P.O. Box 382. Gainesville, Texas 76240. SWALLOW, Booked by: A.B.C., 445 Park Ave., N.Y., N.Y. 10022, (212) 421-5200. SYLVESTER & THE HOT BAND. Blue Thumb Records, selfcontained. works TV, colleges, night clubs, concerts. Booked by: S.F. Interface, 916 Kearny St. Suite 700, San Francisco, Calif. 94133. DAVID TANNER, TOP Records-"Alive .. & Among Friends-LP", self-contained, works festivals, colleges, churches. concerts. Booked by: TanDen Prod., P.O. Box 382, Gainesville, Texas 76240. TAPESTRY, self-contained, works feStivals, colleges, night clubs. concerts. Booked by: Cinedyne, 4745 Parc Orleans, St. Ann, Mo., 63074. ALEX TAYLOR, Booked by: A.B.C., 445 Park Ave.. N.Y. N.Y., 10022, (212) 421-5200. KOKO TAYLOR, Chess Records-"Basic Soul-LP", self-contained, works concerts. Booked by: Willard Alexander, Inc. THREE DOG NIGHT, Dunhill Records-"Seven Separate Fools-LP", self-contained, works concerts, TV: Booked by: 211 S. Beverly Dr., Suite 200, Beverly Hills, Calif. 90212. BILLY THUNDERKLOUD & THE CHIEFTOMES, Superior Records. self-contained, works fairs, festivals, TV, colleges, club dates, concerts. Booked by: C.M.A./ INDI/ Kloud Ltd.. Box 229. Richland Center, Wisc. 53581, (608) 538-3156. THUNDERMAMA, Marina Records-"Mama's Rockin Ride", self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Bette Kaye Prod., Inc., 2929 El Camino Ave.. Sacramento, Calif. 95821. MEL TORME, single act. works night clubs, club dates. concerts, TV. Booked by: I.F.A., 9255 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles. Calif. 90069. TOWER OF POWER, Warner Bros. Records-' 'Bump CityLP", self-contained, works fairs. festivals. TV. colleges, night clubs, concerts. Booked by: Ron Barnett Management, P.O. Box 24829, Los Angeles. Calif. 90024. TRAVIS SHOOK & THE CLUB WOW, single act. works festivals, TV, colleges, night clubs. club dates. concerts. Booked by: A.P.A. TRUTH, single act, works fairs, festivals. colleges, night clubs; club dates. concerts. Booked by: Knight-LowmanBirmingham Shows, Box 207, Funkstown, Md. 21734. (301) 733-4048. FORREST TUCKER, single act, works fairs. festivals. TV, colleges. night clubs, club dates, concerts, rodeos, motion pictures. Booked by: Julian Portman Agency, Taft Bldg. Suite 1105, Hollywood & Vine Sts., Hollywood. Calif. 90028. HOT TUNA, Grunt Records, single act. works festivals. TV, colleges, club dates, concerts. Booked by: A.P.A. DAVE TURNER, single act, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, concerts. Booked by: Eddie Cochran Agency, P.O. Box 782, Encino, Calif. 91316. (213) 987-1740. TOWNES VAN ZAN DT, Poppy Records, works fairs. amusement parks, festivals, tv, colleges, night clubs, concerts, club dates. Booked by: Sutton Artists Corp., 505 Park Ave.. N.Y., N.Y. 10022. THE VARSITY SHOP, Self-contained, works fairs. festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Joan Frank Prod., Suite 228, Two Turtle Creek Village, Dallas, Tex. 75219, SARAH VAUGHAN, Booked by: A.B.C., 445 Park Ave., N.Y., N.Y. 10022. (212) 421-5200. VIXEN, self-contained, works all occasions. Booked by: Mor- os & Assoc., P.O. Box 747, Omaha, Neb., 68102, (402) 342-3200. THE VOGUES, Warner Bros. Records-"Turn Around, Look At Me", self-contained, works all occasions. Booked by: C.B.S., Inc., New Springfield, Ohio 44443. WALDEN, self-contained works colleges, club dates. Booked by: 722 1 /2 Forest Ave.. Fort Wayne, Ind. 46805, (219) 483-7873. WAR, Booked by: A.B.C., 445 Park Ave., N.Y.. N.Y. 10022, (212) 421-5200. JENNIFER WARNES, Reprise Records-"These Days" selfcontained. works fairs. festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs. concerts. Booked by: I.F.A., 451 North Canon Dr., Beverly Hills, Calif. 90210. WE FIVE, self-contained, works fairs, colleges, night clubs. club dates. Booked by: Howard King Agency, 118 S. Beverly Dr., Beverly Hills, Calif. 90212. WESTFAUSTER, Nasco Records. self-contained, works festivals, colleges. night clubs, concerts. Booked by: A. Jaye Entertainment Corp. Address: Umbrella, Inc., 115 Calhoun St., Cincinnati, Ohio 45219, (513)221-3113. WET WILLIE, Booked by: A.B.C.. 445 Park Ave., N.Y.. N.Y. 10022, (212) 421-5200. WHALEFEATHERS, Nasco Records, self-contained, works festivals, colleges, night clubs. concerts. Booked by: A. Jaye Entertainment Corp. Address: Umbrella. Inc.. 115 Calhoun St., Cincinnati, Ohio, (513) 221-3113. WHITE WITCH, Capricorn Records, single act, works colleges, night clubs, club dates. concerts. Booked by: A.P.A. PAUL WILLIAMS, A&M Records-"Life Goes On", selfcontained. works TV, colleges, night clubs, concerts. Booked by: C.M.A.. Entertainment Artists Representa- tives, 9255 Sunset Blvd. Suite 414, Los Angeles. Calif. 90069. STEVE WILLIAMS, Cinedyne Records-"Teach Me", selfcontained. works fairs, festivals, colleges, night clubs. shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Cinedyne Prod., 4745 Parc Orleans, St. Ann, Mo, 63074. CHRIS WILLIAMSON, Ampex Records, self-contained. works festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs. club dates. concerts. Booked by: S.F. Interface, NANCY WILSON, Capitol Records- "Kaleidoscope". works night clubs. Booked by: Ina Fam, Agency. WISHBONE ASH, Booked by: A.B.C., 445 Park Ave., N.Y.. N.Y. 10022, (2120) 421-5200. BETTY WRIGHT, Alston Records, signal act, works festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs. club dates. concerts. Booked by: A.P.A. WRIGHT BROS., self-contained. works all occasions. Booked by: Sound, Inc. CHIP VVYMAN SHOW, Scepter Records-Everyone Needs Someone to Love", self-contained, works fairs, festivals. all occasions. Booked by: Sound, Inc. YOUR FATHER'S MUSTACHE, United Artists Records"There's Enough To Go Around", self-contained, works allbccasions. Booked by: Hairy Lip Prod., Inc., 125 7th Ave. S., N.Y., N.Y. 10014. DENNY ZAGER OF ZAGER & EVANS, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. TV, night clubs. Booked by: Morris Dress & Assoc.. P.O. Box 747L0maha, Neb. 68102, (402) 342-3200. ZAPATA, self-contained, works colleges, night clubs. Booked by: Zapata Enterprises, 222 State St, Apt. B. Madison, Wisc. 53703. JAZZ LOUIS ARMSTRONG ALL STAR BAND, self-contained. Booked by: Associated Booking Corp.. 445 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. 10022. CANNONBALL ADDERLEY, self-contained. Booked by: Associated Booking Corp.. 445 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. 10022. MILES DAVIS, self-contained. works fairs. festivals, TV, colleges, concerts. Booked by: San Francisco Interface. Suite 700, 916 Kearney St., San Francisco, Calif. 94133. DUKES OF DIXIELAND. self-contained. Booked by: Associated Booking Corp., 445 Park Ave., New york. N.Y. 10022. continued on page 84 1973 Cavalcade of Acts &Attractions Rick Nelson St The Stone Canyon Band FAili APPEARANCES · Cal Expo--Sacramento · Oklahoma State Fair · Central Wyoming State Fair · Missouri State Fair · Chicago International Livestock Expo and Rodeo ... and many, many more! t.XCLUSIVE BOOKINGS: a brumley artist agency 1012 EL RANCHO DRIVE BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93304 PHONE '(805) 832-1177 Orr Management Willy Nelson 3300 W. Olive Burbank, Ca. 91505 213/843-4630 Exclusive Booking Brumley Artist Agency Jack Brumley 605 Paloma Bakersfield, Ca. 93304 805/832-1177 "JO Nil ERAYS SHOW HAS IT ALL TOGETHER:- AUTHENTIC NOSTALGIA, FAMILY APPEAL (HIS AUDIENCES RANGE FROM GRANDMAS TO THE YOUNG ONES), IMMEDIATELY RECOGNIZED (AND ENTHUSIASTICALLY APPLAUDED) HIT RECORDS PLUS A WARM, TIMELY, "TODAY" LOOK AND SOUND. JOHNNIE'S BACK TO STAY AND HE'S me BETTER THAN EVER !! 77 ... MARK TAN THE HOLLYWOOD, REPORTER AG ENCY-, COAST ARTISTS, INC. 9454 WILSHIRE BLVD. BEVERLY HILLS, CAL. 90212 (213) 273-8683 ,`.: ·,,··`e ,.A ,1 >,'..r '1j·se ".... ,Y, yér i. 9.')'e:eji) / ejr.../ .; ···· i, t..,W i·YVt. 'f / 4e t A 1 e....;.'`,e r,of '.,,s,,,',\ , · -: i. ' f.'.,.·,''.·4 ..,r,e,./ .: ! ;,,4it.'i4:t1,Y·0' 7 V. 6W 4' η ·'Ii·..":1A .1.? ;·4 .: t '' 't: i 'f et i,·;'i j 44 0ç4 t' ' 12'.`-:·e.-!`.'· -: '11 - e, /fey riA> ·eee el; '141/ 4.i _A*. DON EILLIS ORCHESTRA. self-contained, Columbia Records- -Connection." works TV. colleges. night clubs, club dates. concerts. Booked by: Meade Artist Management. 5436 Auckland Ave.. N. Hollywood, Calif. 91601. 980-8122. DUKE ELLINGTON & ORCHESTRA, self-contained. Booked by: Associated Booking Corp.. 445 Park Ave.. New York, N.Y. 10022. EARL - FATHA" HINES. self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, shopping centers, concerts, hotels. Booked by: Sutton Artists Corp., 505 Park Ave.. New York, N.Y. 10022. PETE FOUNTAIN, self-contained. Booked by: Associated Booking Corp., 445 Park Ave.. New York, N.Y. 10022. DIZZY GILLESPIE, self-contained. Booked by. Associated Booking Corp.. 445 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. 10022. GREAT SWAMP JAZZ BAND, self-contained. works fairs, amusement parks. festivals. TV. colleges, night clubs, club dates, churches, shopping centers, concerts. 173 Midland Ave.. Glen Ridge. N.J. 07028. (201) 7437960. LIONEL HAMPTON & ORCHESTRA, self-contained. Booked by. Associated Booking Corp., 445 Park Ave., New York, N Y 10022. WOODY HERMAN & YOUNG THUNDERING HERD, selfcontained, Fantasy Records, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, churches, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Willard Alexander, Inc., 660 Madison Ave.. New York, N.Y. 10021. (212) 751-7070. STAN KENTON & ORCHESTRA, self-contained. Creative World & London Records--" Stan Kenton Today," works fairs amusement parks. festivals, TV. colleges, night clubs, club dates, churches. shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Willard Alexander. Inc., 660 Madison Ave.. New York, N.Y. 10021, (212) 751-7070. GENE KRUPA, self-contained. Columbia/ Epic/ Verve Records, works fairs. amusement parks, festivals, colleges, night clubs. club dates. churches, shopping centers, concerts, dances. cruises. Booked by: Counterpoint/Concens. Inc.. 10 Munson Ct.. Huntington Station, N.Y. 11746. RAMSEY LEWIS, self-contained, Booked by Associated Booking Corp.. 445 Park Ave., New York. N.Y. 10022. CHARLES LLOYD, self-contained. A&M Records-- "Waves," works festivals, TV, colleges, night clubs. club dates, concerts. Booked by: Bob Heller Enterprises. 9869 Santa Monica Blvd., Beverly Hills, Calif. 90212, (213) 553-7112. CHUCK MANGIONE QUARTET, single act, Mercury Records, works festivals, TV. colleges. night clubs, club dates. concerts. Booked by: Agency for the Performing Arts, Inc.. 120 West 57th St.. New York, N.Y. 10019. HERBIE MANN, self-containedEmbryo-Atlantic Records-- "Mississippi Gambler." works festivals, TV, colleges. night clubs. concerts. Booked by: Sutton Artists Corp., 505 Park Ave.. New York, N.Y. 10022. GENE MAYL'S DIXIELAND RHYTHM KINGS, single act. Blackbird Records- -Trip to Waukesha," works fairs. amusement parks. festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: GM Productions, Box 366, Dayton, Ohio 45401, (513) 222-2413. MODERN JAZZ QUARTET, self-contained. Booked by: Associated Booking Corp., 445 Park Ave.. New York. N.Y. 10022. ANITA O'DAY, single act. Verve Records. works fairs, festivals, TV. colleges, night clubs, club dates, concerts. Booked by: Julian Portman Agency, Taft Bldg., Suite 1105. Hollywood & Vine Sts., Hollywood, Calif. 90028. OSCAR PETERSON, self-contained. Booked by: Associated Booking Corp., 445 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. 10022. RUSSELL JACQUET BAND, self-contained, Network Records--"Robins Nest. - works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV. colleges. night clubs. concerts. 112-32 179 St., St, Albans, N.Y. 11433. (212) 6576243. GEORGE SHEARING, self-contained. Booked by: Associated Booking Corp., 445 Park Ave.. New York, N.Y. 10022. NINA SIMONE, self-contained. Booked by: Associated Booking Corp., 445 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. 10022. ERIC QUINCY TATE, self-contained. Booked by, Associated Booking Corp.. 445 Park Ave., New York. N.Y. 10022. WORLD'S GREATEST JAZZ BAND of Lawson & Haggart, self-contained, World Jazz Records--"Century Plaza." works fairs, amusement parks. festivals, TV, colleges, night clubs. club dates, churches, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Sutton Artists Corp., 505 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. 10022. ?.F.F-argiLE LOCK® SPECIALLY FORMULATED RUBBER LOCKS FIRMLY TOGETHER -- FOR USE AROUND ICE RINKS WHEREVER "OFF-ICE" TRAFFIC EXISTS. ONLY BLOCK SIZES 1 TO COMPLETE ANY INSTALLATION -- ASSEMBLE IT YOURSELF. YOU CAN'T MAKE A MISTAKE. Solid rubber 1 /2 " thick with pebble grain finish for easy cleaning. Firm but resilient. Off-ice tile lock can be cut to conform to any shaped area and will 91- lock tightly into position. Border blocks a full one foot wide with beveled edges. Will not pull loose to create tripping hazard. New formula resists cutting by sharp skate blades. EL MONTE RUBBER CORP. 1909 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE E SO. EL MONTE. CALIFORNIA 91733 0 (213) 283-1274 84 ORCHESTRAS, BANDS & INSTRUMENTAL ENSEMBLES Akron Symphony, 572 W. Market St., Akron, Ohio 44303, Louis Lane, Cond. Albany Symphony Orchestra, D & H Bldg.. Suite 26, The Plaza, Albany, N.Y. 12207, Julius Hegyi, Cond. Albuquerque Symphony Orch , 3017 Monte Vista Blvd. N.E.. Albuquerque. N.M 87106. Yoshimi Ta- keda, Ray Allen Orchestras, 1515 Cross Roads of the World, Los Angeles, Cal. 90028. American Symphony Orchestra, 200 W. 57th St., Suite 1408, New York, N.Y. 10019, Leopold Stokowski, Mus. Dir. Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, 1280 Peachtree St., N.E., Atlanta. Ga. 30309, Robert Shaw, Cond. Atlantic Symphony Orchestra, 6495 Guinpool Rd.. Halifax, WS.. Klaro Mizerit, Cond, Baltimore Symphony Orch , 120 W. Mount Royal Ave., Baltimore, Md. 21201, Sergiu Comissiona. Cond. Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, 807 City Hall Bldg., Birmingham. Ala, 35203, Amerigo Marino, Cond. Ray Bloch Enterprises Inc., 1657 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10019, Boston Symphony Orchestra, 251 Huntington Ave.. Boston, Mass. 02115, William Steinberg, Mus. Dir. Brandon Bands, 22 E. Huron, Chicago, III. 60611, Henry Brandon Breese Lou-Leo Henning Inc., 7135 W. 122, Palos Heights, III. 60463. Brooklyn Philharmonia Inc., 30 Lafayette Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11217, Lukas Foss, Mus. Dir, Les Brown & Orchestra, Associated Booking, Corp., 445 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. 10022. Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra, 370 Pennsylvania St., Buffalo, N.Y. 14209, Michael Tilson Thomas, Cond. Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra, 830 Ninth Ave. SW.. Calgary 2, Alta., Maurice Hanford. Cond, California Chamber Symphony, 849 S. Gramercy Dr., Suite 204. Los Angeles, Calif. 90005, Henri Temianka, Cond. Charlotte Symphony Orchestra, 827 East Blvd., Charlotte, N.C. 28203, Jacques Brourman, Cond. Chattanooga Symphony, 730 Cherry St., Chattanooga, Tenn. 37411. Richard Cormier, Cond. Chicago Symphony Orchestra, 220 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago. III, 60604, Georg Solti, Mus. Dir. Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, 1313 Central Trust Tower, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202, Thomas Schippers, Cond, Clarion Music Society, Inc., 415 Lexington Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017, Newell Jenkins, Cond. Cleveland Orchestra, Severance Hall, Cleveland. Ohio 44106, Lorin Maazel, Mus. Dir. Jay Collins Orchestra, self-contained, works festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by Newtone Music Agency, P.O. Box 15325. Nashville, Tenn. 37215, (615) 259-3648. Columbus Symphony Orchestra, 100 E. Broad St., Suite 1803, Columbus, Ohio 43215, Evan Whallon, Cond. Corpus Christi Symphony, P.O. Box 495, Corpus Christi, Tex. 78403, Maurice Peress, Cond. Dallas Symphony Orchestra, P.O. Box 8472, Dallas, Tex. 75205. Anshel Brusilow, Cond. Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra, Sheraton-Dayton Hotel, Main St.. Dayton, Ohio 45402, Dr. Paul Katz, Cond. Denver Symphony Orchestra, 161 5California St., Denver, Colo 80110, Birn Priestman, Cond. Detroit Symphony Orchestra. 20 E. Jefferson Ave., Detroit, Mich. 48226, Sixten Ehrling, Cond, Peter Duchin Orchestras Inc., 400 Madison Ave.. New York. N.Y. 10017. Duluth Symphony Orchestra, 704 Alworth Bldg.. Duluth, Minn. 55802. Joseph Hawthorne, Mus. Dir. The Edmonton Symphony, 106 The Security Bldg., 10023 103 St.. Edmonton. Alta., Lawrence Leonard, Cond. El Paso Symphony, 1401 Montana Ave., Suite H-J, El Paso, Tex. 79902, William Kirschke, Cond, Erie Philharmonic, 720 G. Daniel Baldwin Bldg., Erie. Pa, 16501, John Gosling. Cond. Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra, P.O. Box 84, 14 1/ 2 SE. Second St., Evansville, Ind. 47701, Minas Christian. Cond. Flint Symphony Orchestra, 1025 E. Kearsley, Flint. Mich. 48503. William C. Byrd, Cond, Florida Gulf Coast Symphony, P.O. Box 449, Tampa, Fla, 33601, Irwin Hoffman, Cond, Florida Symphony Orchestra, P.O. Box 782, Orlando, Fla. 32802, Paule Despalj, Mus. Dir, continued on page 86 1973 Cavalcade of Acts &Attractions PRODUCTIONS, INC. 125 SEVENTH AVENUE SO, NEW YORK, N. Y. 10014 212-675-407E3 proudly presents... eelitear The WORLD'S WORST BANJO BAND! This group concentrates on audience participation in sing-a-longs between show numbers. It has been rated as the most booked act on college campuses. SELF-CONTAINED. ODETTA is an artist. Nothing else can be said: Her showmanship, commanding control and responsiveness to the audience all blend together for a dynamic performance. "The most glorious voice in American folk music" NEW YORK TIMES "Odetta is one of the supreme artists in music today. It is her whole self that she injects into the \ p, material. Odetta becomes the song." DOWNBEAT," -mat 1973 Cavalcade of Acts & Attractions A six man rock group with TWO drummers, organ, piano, bass and guitar. A "Cashbox" reviewer said "... an unusually fine band served up steaming versions of current hits (as well as their own original material) . .it went all night, just talented people making good music and trading off solos." SELF-CONTAINED. PRODUCTIONS, INC. 125 SÉVENTH AVENUE SO NEW YORE N Y 10314 212-875-4078 For more information call and ask for . JOHN MAROTTA or KATHY GOODLEAF 212/675-4078 87 SUPER-CYCLE SPECTACULAR! MEL LARSON'S * FEATURED COAST TO COAST RECORD-BREAKING LEAPS MEL LARSON 713 W. Maryland Ave. Phoenix, Ariz. 85013 (602) 265-4228 July--Aug.--Se pt.--Oct. Fair Dates Contact VARIETY ATTRACTIONS, INC. P.O. Box 2276 Zanesville, Ohio 43701--(614) 453-0188 Variety Attractions, Inc. GEORGE MOFFETT, PR ES. NICK DORR, VICE-PRES. "Many thanks to the 150 state and county Fairs who relied on our agency to produce their Shows in 1972." Producers of COMPLETE GRANDSTAND Shows * COUNTRY-WESTERN SHOWS * TV-NAME STARS * DEMOLITION DERBYS * AUTO-MOTORCYCLE THRILL SHOWS * GENE HOLTER MOVIELAND ANIMAL SHOW * GOSPEL GROUPS * INT. FAIR- TIME CIRCUS * AERIAL & MIDWAY ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box 2276--Zanesville, Ohio 43701-- (614) 453-0188 88 1973 Cavalcade of Acts &Attractions WORLD'S GREATEST THRILL SPECTACULAR! "Featured at over 75 County Fairs in 1972" S.R.O. CROWDS Contact: Variety Attractions Inc. P.O. Box 2276-122 Douglas Dr., Zanesville, Ohio 43701 WORLD SERIES OF Geo. Moffett, Pres. Nick Dorr, V. Pres. (614) 453-0188 PER-CHARGED EXCITEMENT! 10, WORLD CHAMPION DAREDEVILS' RECORD CROWDS AT OVER 70 FAIRS IN '72 Illeslasull J#r AT JACKSON' Ass cDateded DATES AVAILABLE FOR 1973, CONTACT JOHN ANDERSON, Gen. Mngr. P.O. Box 2276-122 Douglas Dr., Zanesville, Ohio 43701 (614)-453 0188 1973 Cavalcade of Acts & Attractions 89 Booked by: Cooke & Rose. & Young-Taylor. Address. P.O. Box 1222. Landover, Md. 20785, (301) 7359182. GRACIE HANNEFORD'S DOG ACT, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, club dates, shopping centers. Address: Hanneford Rd. Star Route, Glens Falls, N.Y. 12801, (518) 656-9475. HANSEN'S BIRD CIRCUS, self-contained. works TV. club ci tes, churches, shopping centers. Booked By: Artist Management. Indianapolis, Ind. Address: Rt. *4 Boo 26-13. Noblesville. Ind. 46060. (317) 773-0030. HAPPY THE WONDER CHIMP, self-contained, works fairs. amusement parks, festivals. TV, club dates, shopping centers. Address: P.O. Box 34, Florence, N J 08518. (609) 499-2289. HAWTHORN'S ELEPHANT RIDING TIGER & LION, single act, works fairs. amusement parks, TV, club dates, shopping centers, circuses. Booked by: Hawthorn Circus Corp., Libertyville, III. 60048, (312) EM 2-2025. HAWTHORN'S PERFORMING ELEPHANTS (6), single act, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV. club dates, shopping centers, circuses. Booked By: Hawthorn Circus Corp., Libertyville, III. 60048. (312) EM 2-2025. HAWTHORNS PERFORMING TIGERS, single act, works fairs, amusement parks. TV, club dates, shopping centers, circuses. Booked by: Hawthorn Circus /orp., Libertyville, III. 60048. (312) EM 2-2025. GLEN HENRY'S ANIMAL REVUE, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals. TV, club dates, shopping centers. Address: Box 292, Gainesville, Texas 76240. (817) 6655363. HOFMEISTER'S APPALOOSA LIBERTY HORSE ACT, works fairs, amusement parks, circuses, rodeos. Address: Bob Hofmeister, Rt. *1 Box 20-A, Whitehouse, Texas 75791. (214) 561-0240. HOLIDAY ANIMAL FANTASY, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. Address: R. R. *1, Wapakoneta. Ohio 45895, (419) 738-6400. GENE HOLTER'S MOVIELAND ANIMAL SHOW, works fairs. Address: 10940 Riverside Ave., Bloomington, Calif. 92316. (714) 877-2827. KING'S PERFORMING ELEPHANTS, self-contained, works fairs. TV, night clubs, shrine dates, schools. Address: Walt & Barbara King. 62000 Gratiot Ave.. Richmond, Mich. 48062, (313) 463-1561 or (313) 7495572. KLAUSER BEAR ACT, single act, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals. TV, club dates, circuses. Booked By: Hawthorn Circus Corp.. Libertyville, III. 60048. (312) EM 2-2025. KRIELS KATS. KLOWNS & DOGS, self-contained, works amusement parks. Address: Lowell Kriel, R. R. St 5, Fairfield, Ill. LACY'S CAL. STALLIONS, self-contained, works fairs. TV, circuses. Address: Lacy Toth, P.O. Box 577, Ventura. Calif. 93001. LEONARDS ANIMAL ACTS, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. Booked by: R. E. Leonard & Variety Attractions. Address: P.O. Box 332. Manhattan, Kan. 66502. (913) 776-7368. LIPKO COMEDY CHIMPS, self-contained, works fairs. amusement parks. festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, shopping centers. Booked by: Variety Attractions, P.O. Box 2276, Zanesville, Ohio, (614) 4530188. "LIL" ABNER & HIS DOGS, self-contained, works fairs, festivals, club dates, shopping centers. Address: Abner Harrington, 1705 Nash St., Sanford, N. C. 27330, (919) 775-3405 (day). (919) 775-4284 (night). JERRY LIPPIATT & HIS NAT'LY FAMOUS WORLD CHAMP. RACING MULES, works fairs, paramutuel tracks, speedways, drag strips, rodeos, stock shows. Address: Jerry Lippiatt, RD litS, Salem, Ohio 44460, (216) 337-3947. LUMAC'S ALSATIAN SHEPHERDS, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals. TV. colleges, night clubs, club dates, churches, shopping centers. concerts. Address: Clark D. McDermott, 407 34th Ave., San Francisco, Calif. 94121.(415) 221-8514. MINI-ZOO ANIMAL ACTS, CARNIVAL GAMES, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, shopping centers. Booked By, Mr. P. Wood, Wood Family Shows. Box =29. St. Davids, Ontario, Canada. SYD MORE FAMILY, Address: P.O. Box 469, Tucson, Ariz. 85702. (602) 887-3267. J. FRED MUGGS ENT., self -contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, churches, shopping centers. concerts. Address, 5246 Bon Vivant Dr.. Apt. 88. Tampa, Fla. 33603, (813) 238-8151. NOELL'S ARK-GREAT APES-"GORILLA SHOW." selfcontained, works fairs, amusement parks, shopping centers, open lot promotions. Address: Bob &/or Mae Noell, P.O. Box 396, Tarpon Springs. Fla. 33589, (813) 937-8683. Lipko's Comedy CHIMPS NORTH AMERICAN SEA LION SHOWS, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, churches, shopping centers. Address: P.O. Box 2561, Marathon Shores, Fla. 33052. DICK & GAY OLSON'S MAGNIFICENT FLYING RED STALLION, self-contained, works fairs, rodeos, tourist attractions, aud-arenas. Address: LaReata Horse Farm. Rt. 7 Box 575, Ocala, Fla. 32670. (904) 237-3163. GLORIA PEEBLES & THE BUSY BEES, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, churches, shopping centers. Address: 18810 Cardoni, Detroit, Mich. 48203, (313) TVV3-6976. THE PERKY PUPS, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, club dates, shopping centers. Address: P.O. Box 26, E. McKeesport, Pa. 15035, (412) 823-1244. QUINLAN MARINE ATTRACTIONS, works amusement parks. Address: Ralph Quinlan, Rt. *3 Box 138-A, Lincolnton, N.C.. (704) 735-7698. RAMAR TRAINED GORILLA, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, churches, shopping centers. promotions. Address: 2100 W. Gage Ave., Fullerton, Calif. 92633, (714) 879-8701. RANDON'S DOGS, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals. TV. colleges, club dates, shopping centers. Booked by: George Hubler, Inez Taylor, 38 Jasper St., Dayton, Ohio 45409. (513) 223-5407. THE ROWES HORSE ACTS, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. rodeos. Address: Rt. *I Box 243, Whites Creek, Tenn. 37189, (615) 228-2780. JONNY RIVERS ATTRACTIONS, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, shopping centers. Address: Rt. St 1Box 262, Camdenton, Mo. 65020, (314) 346-5410. ALBERT RIX PERFORMING BEARS, Address: RD *1, Middletown, New York 10940. (914) 392-9391. ROMAN HOLIDAY ANIMAL ATTRACTIONS, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, colleges. shopping centers. Address: Don Anderson, R. R. 1t2 Box 452, Troup, Texas 75789. (214) 8424656. RUCKER'S UNCAGED LEOPARD, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals, TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates. churches, shopping centers. Address: Hines Rucker, 110 Woodland St., Watertown, Tenn. 37184. (615) 237-3758. rtiontoetips America's Original "Hot Dog on a Stick" #1 Featured KID'S DAY Attraction COMING YOUR WAY! World's Greatest, Exciting Tree Act! COMEDY! DANGER! EXCITEMENT! Great free act for your Fair, Grandstand, Sports Show, etc. g "Pronto Pups" and "Pups" are registered trademarks Food Concessionaires ..Sell PRONTO PUPS 1G PROFITS'_« "A Delight for Young and Old Alike." STROLLING-STAGE SHOWS Contact VARIETY ATTRACTIONS INC. P.O. Box 2276 Zanesville, Ohio 43701 (614) 453-0188 Axe throwing act--Death defying stunts-Only 'lady' Logger in the Northwest. Book now for 1973 (Some dates still open for 19721 Contact: ART WILLIAMS RR =2 Ladysmith Saltair Rd., B.C. Canada (604/ 245-2598 -ron · co. Write to: 0 TO apt Inc. 2605 N. E. Glisan Portland, Oregon 97232 Phone (Area 503) 235-7517 (or) 244-2177 90 1973 Cavalcade of Acts &Attracttons SMITH'S WONDER DOG, self-contained. works TV. night clubs. Booked by: Howard Schultz. Address: Gordon Smith, 205 S. 69th Ave. W.. Duluth, Minn. 55807. (218) 624-9664. TONY STIRLING DOGS WITH BONGO & A CLOWN, selfcontained. works fairs, amusement parks. festivals, TV, colleges. churches, shopping centers, personal appearances. Address: R.R. 1, Valley, Nebraska 68064 (402) 359-5398. TEXAS WHITE HORSE TROUPE, self-contained, works fairs, still dates. Address: Don Anderson, At *2 Box 452, Troup, Texas 75789. (214) 842-4656. THEATRICAL ANIMALS, Address: Dawn Animal Agency. Inc., 1545 Broadway. New York, N.Y. TUSCORA DONKEY BALL COMPANY, self-contained. works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, colleges, stadiums. ball parks. Booked By: Frontier Attractions, 422 W. High Ave., New Philadelphia, Ohio 44663. ANIMAL ATTRACTIONS -RON URBAN. self-contained, works fairs, night clubs, club dates. TV. Booked by: Marcus Glaser, Chicago. Address: 12343 S. 71st St.. Palos His,, Ill VAN DONWEN'S SEALS & PENGUINS & WINTER WONDERLAND SHOW, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV. club dates, shopping centers. Address: At *3 Box 49. Si. Augustine, Fla.. 32084. (904) 824-3350 VAN DONWEN'S SEALS, self-contained, works fairs. festivals. TV. night clubs, club dates, shopping centers, private parties Booked by: Animal Talent Scouts, Inc.. Patricia Poleskie. Dir., 331 W. 18th St., New York, N.Y. 10011. BILL VERGIS' WRESTLING BEAR OSCAR, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals. TV, night clubs, club dates, churches, shopping centers, sports events. Booked by. Studio Center, Inc. Address: Studio Animal Rentals, 14875 20th Ave. N.E.. North Miami, Fla. 33161. (305) 947-6047. AL VILBELS ELEPHANT & PONY REVUE, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals, TV, shopping centers. Address: P.O. Box 114, Windham, New York 12496. (518) 734-4137. ANGELA WILNOW'S PERFORMING COLLIE DOGS. single act, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals. TV. colleges. club dates, shopping centers. Address: Angela Wilnow. 861 Oak St.. Ft. Myers Beach. Fla. 33931. (813) 463-9006. CIRCUS /VARIETY ACTS AERIAL GLORIONS, THE, single. Booked by: Ron Gill. 1903 Irving St.. Sarasota. Fla. 33577 (813) 9584998. ALMIROS, AL & MINA, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals. TV, night clubs, club dates, shopping centers. Booked by: C.B.S., Inc.. New Springfield. Ohio 44443. ALADIN & GENIE, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, club dates, shopping centers. Booked by: Apollo Productions, 34444 Little Court. Fremont, Calif. 94538. ALBARRACINES. THE, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals. TV. night clubs. club dates, churches, shopping centers, concerts, sport shows. Booked by: The Gilbert Miller Agency, 8743 N. St. Louis Ave., Skokie. III. 60076. ALBERTI. CHRIS FAMILY, single, works fairs, amusement parks, night clubs, club dates, shopping centers. 1959 Welwyn Ave.. Des Plaines, III. 60018 824-5178. THE ALCETTY'S. single act, works festivals. TV, colleges. night clubs, club dates. concerts. Booked by: Eddie Cochran Agency. P.O. Box 782. Encino, Calif. 91316 (213) 987-1740. ALLEN, ROBERT L. (the Alpine Glass Blowers), self-contained. works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, shopping centers. 817 West 22 St., Connersville, Ind. (317) 825-5313. AL'S OLD CIRCUS CALLIOPE, self-contained, works fairs, festivals, club dates, shopping centers, grand openings, parades. Booked by: Al Bice. 3540 Wallingford Ave., No.. Seattle. Wash, 98103 ME 2-9270. AMAZING ALAN, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV. colleges. club dates, churches, shopping centers. Booked by: Cooke and Rose, 10626 Wilma Ave.. R D 1. Alliance, Ohio 44601 (216) 8235727. AMAZING ALEXANDER & ALBAN IS FLYING MOTORCYCLE, self-contained, works fairs. amusement parks. TV. churches. shopping centers. Booked by: Leopold Cote, Davis Rd.. Harwinton, Conn. 06790 (203) 482-0567. AMAZING MISS ASTA (balloon dive), single. 17721 Ros cue Blvd., Northridge, Calif. 91324 (213) 344-4231. ARONSON, JOSEPH P. (caricatures), single. 3330 Dogwood Dr., Willow Grove. Pa. 19090 (215) 659-3645. 1973 Cavalcade of Acts &Attractions ASARA. VINCENT, single, works fairs, TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates. Booked by: Eddie Cochran Agency, P.O. Box 782. Encino. Calif. 91316 (213) 987-1740. ASHTON'S MARIONETTES, self-contained, works fairs. amusement parks, festivals. TV, club dates, shopping centers, industrial shows and picnics. 1325 Berwick Blvd., Waukegan. III. 60085 (312) 336-9247. BALANCING BENTONS, self-contained, works fairs. amusement parks. festivals. TV, colleges, club dates. churches, shopping centers. Booked by: Cooke and Rose, 10626 Wilma Ave.. R.D. 1, Alliance, Ohio 44601 (216) 823-5727. BENGE, KEN & CAROL, self-contained, works fairs. TV. night clubs, club dates, shopping centers. 1551 Hillcrest Ave.. Hanover Park. Ill. 60103 (312) 837-3197. BENNER. LARRY (emcee/comedian), self-contained, works amusement parks, festivals. TV, night clubs, club dates. churches. P.O. Box 44, Miamisburg, Ohio 45342. BIG JOHN IRON MINE, self-contafned, works fairs. Booked by. Albert Camillo. P.O. Box 177. Iron Mtn.. Mich. 49801 (906) 774-6220. BLUE. LES & YVETTE, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV, colleges. night clubs, club dates, shopping centers. 2708 Fruitville Rd.. Sarasota, Fla. 33577 (813) 958-2225. BRAUN. PAULETTE (baton twirling), self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals. TV. night clubs, club dates, shopping centers. 4309 North 56 St.. Omaha, Neb. 68104 451-2096. BRAUN, SYLVESTER & BARBARA (rope spinning, whips, knife throwing), single. works fairs, amusement parks, shopping centers. 9291 Batavia St., Orange. Calif. 92665 (714) 637-1793. BREWERS, THE, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, club dates. Booked by: Marquee Attractions. 110 Penn Ave.. Girard. Pa. 16417. BROWNING FAMILY SHOW (musical variety stage show), self-contained, works fairs, club dates. 8301 Juniper, Shawnee Mission, Kan. 66207 (913) MI9-3060. BUCKNELL MARIONETTES, self-contained, works fairs. amusement parks. festivals. TV. colleges, night clubs, club dates, churches, shopping centers. Booked by: Fred T. Fenchel Entertainment Ent., 2104 S. Jefferson, Mason City, Iowa 50401. BUGS BUNNY SHOW (children's show). self-contained. works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, shopping centers. concerts. 909 3rd Ave.. Warner Bros. Entertainment. BUMPY FAMILY, single, works fairs. amusement parks. festivals. TV. colleges, club dates, shopping centers. Rolling "S" Ranch. North Lake. Wis. 53064 (414) 96E2082. BURGER'S ANIMAL REVUE, self-contained, works fairs. amusement parks, festivals. TV. night clubs, shopping centers. RD =1, Box 431-A, Blackwood, N.J. 08012 (609) 227-5433. BURNS. BERNIE. self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals. TV. colleges, night clubs, club dates. churches, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Bette Kaye Prods.. Inc., 2929 El Camino Ave., Sacramento, Calif. 95821. BURNES. CHUCK (ringmaster/announcer), self-contained. 2341 W. Transit Ave.. Anaheim, Calif. 92804 (714) 635-1726. BURNS. "JETHRO" (instrumentalist, mandolin), single, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV. colleges, night clubs. club dates, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Jimmy Richards Productions. 919 N. Michigan Ave.. Chicago. III. 60611. BUTLER. FAMILY, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, night clubs, club dates. churches. shopping centers. Booked by: Nicholas Theatrical Ent., 1817 Scott St.. McKeesport, Pa. (412) 678-2929. CALIFORNIA VARIETIES, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, club dates, churches, shopping centers. Booked by: Don Marcks, 525 Oak St., El Cerrito, Calif. 94530 (415) 525-3332. CARAZINI (chain smoker), single. works TV. colleges, night clubs. club dates, concerts. Booked by: Eddie Cochran Agency, P.O. Box 782, Encino. Calif. 91316 (213) 987-1740. CARL, GEORGE, single, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV. colleges, night clubs, club dates. Booked by: Eddie Cochran Agency, P.O. Box 782, Encino, Calif. 91316 (213) 987-1740. CARLELL BUD & ROSE (whips, rope spinning, boomerangs), self-contained, works club dates, shopping centers. Booked by: Howard Schultz, 2525 West Peterson Ave., Chicago, III. 60659 (3121769-2244. CARLON. LEFTY (trick ropes) single. 5250 Quitman St.. Denver, Colo, 455-3151. CARSONY, KARL, single, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV. night clubs, club dates, concerts. Booked by: Eddie Cochran Agency, P.O. Box 782. Encino, Calif. 91316 (213) 987-1740. CASSIDY SISTERS, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, TV, night clubs, club dates, shopping centers. · 1674 S. Union Ave.. Alliance, Ohio, CIRCUS WILLIAMS. self-contained. Booked by: Carle Conley, 112 Owensville, Ohio 45160 (513) 732-0037. CAL CLAUDE. self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates. churches, shopping centers. Ladmer Lane, Wareham, Mass, 02571 295-2571. CONTI FAMILY (musical family variety attraction), self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, churches, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Fred T. Fenchel Entertainment Ent., 2104 S. Jefferson St., Mason City. Iowa 50401. COOK, MERLE (Cook's original comedy car), self-contained, works fairs. amusement parks. TV, shopping centers. Le4Bou5e3uf Gardens, Waterford, Pa. 16441 (814) 7964653 COOPER SISTERS (singing comediennes), single, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Phil Downing Associates & W.T.A., 519 S.W. Park Ave.. Portland. Ore, 97205. CORONAS HIGH WIRE ACT, self-contained. 6226 Lincoln St.. Hollywood, Fla, 33024. CORY, BOB & KAREN (horizontal bars), self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals. TV, night clubs. club dates, shopping centers. Booked by: Bob Christians, 4911 West 33rd Ave.. Denver, Colo. 80212 (303) 477-5108. COUNT POPO DE BATHE (children's entertainer), self-contained,, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV. shopping centers. P.O. Box 11205, Piedmont Sta.. Oakland. Calif. 94611 (415) 655-4754. CREEYOU PUPPET THEATRE, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals, TV, colleges, churches, shopping centers. concerts. Booked by: Creeyou Co.. 510 Warer St., Steubenville, Ohio 43952 (614) 2833708-9. CURTIN. TOMMY, works TV, night clubs, club dates, ice shows. P.O. Box 157, Bristol. Tenn. 37620 (615) 7645761. CYCLING SORCERORS, THE, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. TV. colleges, night clubs, club dates. churches, shopping centers, concerts, sport shows. Booked by: The Gilbert Miller Agency. 8743 N. St. Louis Ave., Skokie, III. 60076. D'AMORES, THE, single, works fairs. festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates. concerts. Booked by: Eddie Cochran Agency, P.O. Box 782. Encino, Calif. 91316 (213) 987-1740. DANCING WATERS, single. works fairs. amusement parks, festivals. TV. colleges, night clubs, club dates, churches, shopping centers, concerts, baseball parks. Booked by: Harold Steinman, Dancing Waters. Inc.. 250 W. 57th St.. New York. N.Y. 10019 (212) 247-1348. DAVISON. PAT & GWEN (juggling act), single, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs. club dates, shopping centers. 3612 17th Ave., S., Minneapolis. Minn. 55407 (612) 722-0831. DEANI, AL (animal balloon sculpturest). self-contained. Booked by: Bebe Mandel Agency, 203 N. Wabash, Chicago. III. 60601. TED DiGEORGIA (costumes, bands), works fairs, amusement parks. festivals, club dates, shopping centers. Booked by: Ted DiGeorgia, 147 Carol St.. Lake Waubeeka. Danbury. Conn. 06810 (203) 743-2294. DIETER TASSO (emcee/comedian), self-contained, works night clubs, club dates, churches, shopping centers. Booked by: Howard Schultz. 2525 W. Peterson Ave., Chicago, III. 60659 (312) 769-2244. DIONNES FAMILY (featuring Michel), self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. TV, night clubs, club dates. shopping centers. 855 Oak St.. Fort Myers Beach. Fla. 33931 (813) 463-9026. MR. F. AND RENE, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, churches, shopping centers. Booked by: Frontier Attractions, 6508 Craigland Court, Cincinnati, Ohio 45230, 232-3250. EVERS, COLOREZ (tight wire act). self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. TV. night clubs, club dates. shopping centers. Booked by: Miles Ingalls, 295 Camino Carmelita. Palm Springs. Calif., 327-3531. FANTASTIC FLYING Y'S (acrobatic, juggling, trampoline, unicycle), self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals, TV. club dates, churches, shopping centers. P.O. Box 901, Norristown. Pa. 19404 (215) 5390457. FEARLESS BAUERS (aerial swaypole trio), self-contained. works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, club dates. churches, shopping centers, sport shows, ballparks. race tracks, home shows. Booked by: Bauer-Hall Ent. & self, 715 N. Lockwood Ridge Rd., Sarasota Pla. 33580 (813)955-5071 and 138 Frog Hollow Rd., Churchville, Pa. 18966 (215) 357-5189. FLOWERS FAMILY (variety musical group), self-contained, 91 can also be used for advance publicity BALLOON 1)1 VE WITH BOB HOPE SHRINE CONVENTION DALLAS,TEXAS Astra's INTERNATIONAL BALLOON DIVE PRESENTED BY BOB YERKES ROSCOE BLVD. NORTHR1DGE.CAL. 91324 PHONE (213) 344-4231 92 works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, night clubs, club dates, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Variety Musical Group, P.O. Box 2276, Zanesville, Ohio 43701 (614) 453-0188. FLYING APOLLOS, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, club dates, shopping centers.' Booked by: Apollo Productions. 3444 Little Court. Fremont, Calif. 94538. FREDDY'S FUNNY FORD, single, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. Booked by: Variety Attractions, P.O. Box 2276, Zanesville, Ohio 43701 (614) 453-0188. FRIEDA'S PUPPETS, self-contained, works amusement parks, festivals, club dates, churches, shopping centers. Booked by: Ray Scheetz, Madison-Lenox Hotel, Detroit. Mich. 48226 WO 3-3900. GILLS IRON JAW JUGGLING, single. Booked by: Ron Gill, 1903 Irving St., Sarasota, Fla. 33577 (813) 9584998. GIRARDS. THE, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV, night clubs, club dates, shopping centers. 1217 Pearce St., Owasso, Mich. 48867 (517) 725-7418. BILL GOLL (straitjacket escape in water). self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates. churches. shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Water Spectaculars, 152 Center St., Landing. N.J. (201) 398-4088. GREAT BIGELOW (escape artist), self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, churches. shopping center. Booked by: Myra Kaye, 2830 Morris Ave., New York, N.Y. 19468, GREAT BOROS (break-away, sway pole, high act), single, works fairs. amusement parks. festivals, shopping centers. Booked by: Variety Attractions, P.O. Box 2276, Zanesville, Ohio 43701 (614) 453-0188. GREAT HUBERTO, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, club dates, shopping centers, sports show. Shrine Circus. Booked by: Seymour Shapiro Agency. 9495 51st St., Riverside, Calif. 92509 (714) 685-9038. GREAT KORMPATES (high act), self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals. TV, night clubs, club dates. churches. shopping centers, concerts, home shows, water shows, promotions. Booked by: Bill Kormpates, 3547 6th Ave., S., St. Petersburg, Fla. 33711 (813) 820-8831. GREE, JACK (-Wizard of musical bottles"), single, works amusement parks, festivals, TV, colleges. churches. 2227 Killian Rd.. Akron, Ohio 44312 699-3340. GRIFFITHS, JESSIE (The Lady of the Keyboards). self-contained, works fairs. amusement parks. festivals, night clubs, club dates, concerts. 2510 Arcona Rd., R.D. 3, Mechanicsburg. Pa. 17055 (717) 766-5301. GRINN & BARRETT (comedy casting act). self-contained, works fairs. amusement parks, festivals. TV, club dates, shopping centers. sports shows. Booked by: Bob Christians, 4911 West 33rd Ave., Denver, Colo. 80212 (303) 477-5108. GRISWOLD, LARRY (dry diving humourist), single, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV, colleges. night clubs, club dates. shopping centers, concerts. sports shows. Booked by: Howard Schultz. 1607 Washington Ave., S.E., Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52403 363-3203. GROSS, JIMMY & PEGGY (electronic banjos). self-contained, works fairs, festivals. TV, colleges, dub dates. churches, shopping centers, concerts. 3505 Buena Rd., Highland Park, III. 60035 (312) 433-4494. HAGER FAMILY (all girls acro, comedy trampoline), single, works fairs. amusement parks. festivals. TV, night clubs. club dates, shopping centers. 57 Maple St., Dover, N.H. 03820 (603) 742-5119. HANNEFORD, TOMMY FAMILY, self-contained, works fairs. amusement parks, festivals, TV, colleges, shopping centers. Osprey, Fla. (813) 916-3212. HARRISON, WES (Mr. Sound Effects), single. works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, colleges. night clubs, club dates, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Jimmy Richards Productions, 919 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, III. 60611. HENNEBERRY FAMILY, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV. colleges, club dates, shopping centers. concerts. Booked by: Tom Drake Agency and other agencies, Toulon, Ill. 61483 (309) 286-5441. ISLANDERS AND THEIR SPINNING TOYS, self-con- tained, works fairs, festivals, night clubs. club dates, shopping centers. Booked by: Marvin Girard, 1217 Pearce St.. Owosso, Mich. 48867 (517) 725-7418. JOHN & JORIE ARMSTRONG, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, club dates, shopping centers, sport shows. Box 177, Oak Forest, III. 60452 (312) 687-3427. JUGGLING JACKSONS, single. works fairs, amusement parks. festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, shopping centers. Rt. 5, Summit Dr.. Maryville, Tenn. 37801 (615) 982-3084. JUMPING JACKS (trampoline act). self-contained. works 1973 Cavalcade of Acts &Attractions fairs. amusement parks. festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, churches, shopping centers. Booked by: Harold Coates, 134 S. Cordova St., Burbank. Calif. 91505 (213) 462-2301. KAARO, JIMMY, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. TV. club dates. Booked by: Jack Blue Agency. Lewistown, Mont. 538-8237. KARP, DAVE (Sheriff of Tombstone), self-contained, works fairs. amusement parks, festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs. club dates, churches, shopping centers, concerts. 59 Seward St., Apt. 216, Detroit. Mich. 48202 8710257. KELLY, EMMETT, single. works fairs, amusement parks. TV, shopping centers. Booked by: Fifth Ave. Prod., Inc., 157 W. 57th St., New York, N.Y. 10019. KELLY, EMMETT. JR., self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. TV. club dates. shopping centers. Booked by: E.K.J. Corp., 157 W. 57th St., New York, N.Y. 10019. KOMAR. self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. TV. festivals, club dates, shopping centers. Booked by: C.B.S., Inc., New Springfield, Ohio 44443. KOMAR THE HINDU FAKIR, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals, TV, colleges, night clubs. club dates, churches, shopping centers, concerts. 323 lhrig Ave.. Wooster, Ohio 44691. LACROSS, PAUL ("World's fastest, fanciest gunslinger. knife and tomahawk thrower"). self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, night clubs, shopping centers, military and sport shows. rodeos. 158 Lake St., St. Albans, Vt. 05478, (802) 524-5243. HENRI LaMOTHE (high dive). self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, shopping centers. Booked by: C.B.S., Inc., New Springfield, Ohio 44443. LANG, KENNETH (Punch and Judy puppet show), self-contained, works fairs. amusement parks, festivals, TV, churches, shopping centers. Booked by: Roben A. Lang Entertainment Prod., 7939-111 Street. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. LA NORMA, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, TV. P.O. Box 2582, Sarasota, Fla. 33578, (813) 3554150. LEGARDE TWINS, self-contained, works fairs, festivals. night clubs, club dates. shopping centers. Booked by: Jack Roberts Agency. 17522 Bothell Way, N.E., Bothell, Wash. 98011. LES GERALDOS (The giant wheel of Death), self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV, club dates, shopping centers. P.O. Box 2024. Sarasota, Fla. 33578. (813) 924-7476. LESSELLI MARIONETTES, self-contained, works fairs. festivals, TV, colleges, club dates, churches, concerts. schools. Booked by: Leslie B. Heathe, Box 314, Novato, Calif. 94947, 892-3074. LOS LARABEES ("Whips of Argentine"). single, works fairs, amusement parks, TV, night clubs. 863 Oak St., Ft. Myers Beach, Fla. 33931, (813) 463-6873. LUX, JOHNNY (juggler), self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals. TV, club dates, churches, shopping centers. 11200 West 130, Cleveland, Ohio 44136. LYONS FAMILY (comedy acrobatics), single. works fairs, amusement parks, TV, night clubs, club dates, churches, shopping centers. 758 Haverhill Rd., El Cajon. Calif. 92020. 469-0974. MALIKOVA (high wire act), self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals. TV, circuses. Booked by: L.N. Fleckless, P.O. Box 7474, Ft. Worth, Texas 76111. (817) 838-9074. MARTIN, MIKE & CO. (illusion revue), self-contained, works TV, night clubs, club dates. shopping centers. Booked by: Howard Schultz, 1501 Woodview Lane, Hamilton. Ohio 45013, (513) 894-8824. MARTIN, MIKE HOLLYWOOD PUPPETS, self-contained, works amusement parks, TV, night clubs. club dates, shopping centers, concerts, school shows. Booked by: Howard Schultz, 1501 Woodview Lane, Hamilton, Ohio 45013. (513) 894-8824. MARVELS OF MYSTERY -Josef Smiley & Co. (ringmaster, magic), self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV, club dates. shopping centers: Booked by: Full Productions Promotions. 613 South Grand St., Lewistown, Pa. 17044, (717) 248-3429. MASON, BOB PUPPETS, self-contained, works fairs. amusement parks, festivals. TV, colleges, club dates, churches, shopping centers. Booked by: Robert Mason Prod., 99 Fernwood Ave., Dayton, Ohio 45405. (513) 274-6135. NORMA & BOB MAXWELL'S AQUA CIRCUS, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV, arenas. Booked by: Norma & Bob Maxwell, 8600 N. Bayshore Dr., Miami, Fla. 33138, (305) 757-4924. BILL McGUIRE & AL GONZALES (high dive), works fairs, amusement parks. festivals. TV, night clubs, shopping centers. 1040 W. Granville, Chicago, Ill. 60660. (312) 274-3361. Olympic Henri Frenth preseniN renchie The International Clown l'otnona, Calif. '72 \ Summerfest '72 Milwaukee %1(stern Fair '72 i London, Ontario Contact: McClellan Associates Inc. 26.10 Golf Rd., Glenview, HI. 600o2i5 (312) -729 -2929 Ele 3·RING SPECTACULAR All New, Star-Spangled Circus Production for 1973 THRILLING AERIAL ACTS · BEAUTIFUL COSTUMING EXCITING ANIMAL ACTS RECORD BREAKING ATTENDANCE IN 1972 AT MID-SOUTH FAIR, MEMPHIS; NORTH ALABAMA STATE FAIR, FLORENCE; SOUTHEASTERN FAIR, ATLANTA; OZARK EMPIRE FAIR, SPRINGFIELD, MO.; SOUTH CAROLINA STATE FAIR, COLUMBIA; GEORGIA STATE FAIR, MACON. SEE US IN LAS VEGAS or Contact 213 Third Ave. North Nashville, Tenn. 37201 Phone AC 615; 244-2833 Eddie Zacchini OR 2603 FOUNTAIN BLVD. TAMPA, FLORIDA 33609 1973 Cavalcade of Acts & Attractions 93 MEDRO BROS. (hand and head balancing), self-contained, works fairs, festivals. TV, night clubs, shopping centers. .Booked by: Bob Flexor, c/o Tsilak, 1710 Second Ave., New York, N.Y., (212) 831-1049. MEDRO, JOHNNY (juggled,. self-contained, works fairs. amusement parks, festivals, TV, night clubs, shopping centers. Booked by: Box Rena, C/O Tsilak. 1710 Second Ave., New York. N.Y. (212) 831-1049. MELS CIRCUS CLOWN BAND, self-contained, works fairs, festivals, club dates, shopping centers. Booked by: Mel Hummitzsch Theatrical Agency. MILLER, BARRY FAMILY, self-contained, works fairs. amusement parks, festivals. TV, club dates. Shopping centers. Booked by: Variety Attractions, 953 E. Mich D15, (616) 965-0058. MISS GINA (novelty equilibrist), self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, night clubs, shopping centers. Booked by: Bob Rexer, c/o Tsilak, 1710 Second Ave., New York, N.Y. (212) 831-1049. MISS ELIZABETH & MISS LISA (trapeze), self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV, club dates, churches, shopping centers. 715 N. Lockwood Ridge Rd., Sarasota, Fla. 33580, (813) 955-5071 and 138 Frog Hollow Rd., Churchville, Pa. 18966. (215) 3575189. MITCHELL'S SHOWBOAT MARIONETTES, self-contained. works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, club dates, shopping centers. 5644 S. Mesagrove Ave., Whittier, Calif. 90601, (213) 692-5230. MISS MITZIE LAFORM (trapeze), self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV. colleges, night clubs, shopping centers. Booked by: Lillie LaForm, Box 17275, Tampa. Fla. 33612. (813) 933-8106. MITCHELL'S SHOWBOAT MARIONETTES, self-contained, works fairs. amusement parks, festivals, club dates, shopping centers. 5644 S. Mesagrove Ave., Whittier, Calif. 90601, (213) 692-5230. MORGAN, JUDY. self-contained, works TV, night clubs, club dates. concerts. Booked by: Dreyer Booking Agency, 622 McNabb St., Sault Ste Marie, Ontario, Canada. MORGAN'S MARIONETTES, self-contained, works fairs. TV. shopping centers. Booked by: J.C. Morhan, P.O. Box 36, Nashville, Ind. 47448. MURAD'S, JERRY HARMONICATS, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals, TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates. shopping centers. Booked by: Jimmy Richards Prod., 919 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. 60611. MYNA (trapeze), single, works fairs. amusement parks. festivals, TV, club dates, shopping centers. 3821 W. North Ave., Chicago, III. 60647. NORBU THE ALMOST HUMAN GORILLA (comedy), selfcontained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV. colleges, night clubs, club dates, shopping centers. 650 Norton St., Sarasota, Fla. 33577, (813) 383-3090. OLER, FLORINE (organist), self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, club dates. shopping centers. R.R. 5, Box 737, Knox, Ind. 46534, (219) 7723100. PHIL & FRANCINE. self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals. TV, club dates, shopping centers. Booked by: Apollo Prod., 3444 Little Court, Fremont, Calif. 94538. PHILIPS, DON & CO. (unicycle juggling on a table), selfcontained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV. night clubs, club dates, shopping centers. P.O. Box 131, N. Aurora, III. 60542. (312) 859-2356. PLAYMATES (childrens· parties), single, works fairs, amusement parks, TV, club dates. 676 Erbes Rd., Thousand Oaks, Calif. 91360, (805) 495-2922. PLEIS, BOBBY (acrobatics, juggling. trampoline, unicycle), self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, club dates, churches, shopping centers. P.O. Box 901, Norristown, Pa. 19404, (215) 539-0457. PISANI THE (acrobatic balancing & trampoline), self-contained. works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV, night clubs, shopping centers. 226 Lynnwood Dr., Magnolia, Ohio. (216) 866-2379. PISANI FAMILY, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, TV, club dates, shopping centers. 1674 S. Union Ave., Alliance, Ohio. PUPPET PERSONALITIES (variety-novelty act), self-contained, works fairs, night clubs, club dates. Booked by: Talent Service, 1203 S. 62nd St., Omaha, Neb. 68106. RANDELS, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. TV, night clubs, club dates, shopping centers. Booked by: Mel Warkmeister, 2124 Glen Heather Wy., Las Vegas. Nev. 89102. (702) 382-8387. RANNEY, BRUCE A. ENT.. self-contained, works night clubs, club dates. churches. 38 Ferry St., Hudson Falls. N.Y. 12839, (518) 747-5211. RAY & YOHANDA, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, TV, night clubs. 855 Oak St., Fort Myers Beach, Fla. 33931. 463-9026. RAYBORN MARIONETTES (novelty-variety act), self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals, TV, club dates, churches, shopping centers. Booked by: Mrs. D. Darling or Mr. G.B. Rayborn, 723 N. Monroe, Peoria, Ill. 61603, (309) 676-7827 RENE AND HIS CONTINENTAL ARTISTS (puppeteer), self-contained, works fairs, festivals. TV, night clubs. club dates, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: George B. Hunt & Associates, 8350 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. REY, DON (organist), single. 2211 N. 7th Ave.. Phoenix, Ariz., (602) 254-9514. REX "COUNT DE BOXCAR" YOUNG. self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals. TV, club dates, shopping centers. 276 Lincoln Ave.. Holland, Mich. 49423, (616) Export 2-2527. RICE, JOYCE (novelty baton, juggling). self-contained, works fairs. festivals. TV, club dates. sporting events. 1345 Plymouth Lane, Glenview, Ill. 60025, (312) 7297718. BILLY ROGERS' SKY KINGS, self-contained, worky fairs, amusement parks. festivals. TV. shopping centers. Booked by: Gilbert Miller Agency/ Young-Taylor Agency, P.O. Box 315, Petrolia, Texas 76377. (817) 524-3291. ROLA 8. ROLAN, single. works fairs, amusement parks, TV, festivals, colleges. night clubs, club dates, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Eddie Cochran Agency, P.O. Box 782, Encino, Calif. 91316, (213) 987-1740. ROSS, SAMMY, self-contained, works fairs. amusement parks. festivals, club dates, churches. shopping centers. 6911 Blanche Rd., Baltimore, Md. 21215, 484-1480. "SALUTE TO THE PACIFIC," self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, night clubs, club dates. Booked by: K.B.D. Ent., 500-630 8 Ave.. S.W., Calgary, Canada T2P1G6, (403) 263-5480. SCOOBY DOO (special kidee show), self-contained, works fairs, festivals, churches, shopping centers. Booked by: IF& 1 E 57th St., New York, N.Y. 10022. SENSATIONAL LEIGHS, self-contained, works fairs. amusement parks, festivals, TV, churches. shopping centers. 3705-43 Doris Dr., Tallahassee, Fla. 32303. (904) 365-5904. SHERBURNE, KEN (unicycle, juggling), self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals, TV, club dates, night clubs, shopping centers. 193 Main St.. Salem, N.H. 03079, (603) 898-2834. GREG SHIDELER (vocal sound effects), self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates. shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: DeShi Management, P.O. Box 5162, Ft. Wayne, Ind. 46805, (219) 484-7743. 748-0604, SHIELDS, ROBERT (mime artist), self-contained, works fairs, festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, concerts. Booked by: S.F. Interface. SHIRLEY, JOHN ("International Balloon Man"), self-contained, works fairs, festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, shopping centers. 5082 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, III. 60625, (312) 334-2855. SKY-CYCLE (aerial thriller). single. works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, shopping centers. Booked by: Variety garactions. P.O. Box 2276, Zanesville, Ohio 43701. (614) 453-0188. THE SKY SCRAPERS (freefall diving), self-contained, works fairs. amusement parks, festivals, colleges, club dates, churches, shopping centers. Booked by: C. Jay Gifford, 15341 Yorkshire Lane, Huntington Beach, Calif. 92647, (714) 892-3624. SOUTH SHORE CONCERT BAND WITH COND, RICHARD WHITMARSH, single, works fairs. amusement parks, festivals, shopping centers, concerts. Box 357 East Bridgewater, Mass. 02333. (617) 378-3575. SNOWMOBILE LOOP OF DEATH, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals. shopping centers, winter carnivals. Booked by: International Demolition Derby, P.O. Box 548, Saginaw. Mich., (winter) 3031 W. Adams Road, Lake, Mich. STELLARS (aerial cradle high act), single, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, shopping centers. Booked by: Variety Attractions, P.O. Box 2276, Zanesville, Ohio 43701, (614) 453-0188. STORM BOOK PRODUCTIONS, INC. (childrens shows), self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, churches, shopping centers. Booked by: Fun Limited, P.O. Box 22161, San Francisco. Calif. 94122, (415) 621-9844. SWEET, STAN ("World champion quick draw artist). selfcontained, works fairs. amusement parks. festivals, TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates. Booked by: Eddie Cochran, P.O. Box 782, Encino. Calif. 91316. (213) 987-1740. TABAKS ROTATING PERCH, self-contained. works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV, colleges. night clubs, club dates. shopping centers. Booked by: Howard Schuh, 1438 A. 25th St., Santa Monica. Calif. 90404. TERESA, MISS (trapeze), single. 2626 Park View Dr., Niagara Falls. N.Y. 14305, 297-6106. TEXAS JEAN THOMPSON COMEDY SHOW, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. shopping centers. concerts. Booked by: Phil Downing Assoc. &W.T.A., 519 SW. Park Ave.. Portland, Ore, 97205. THOMAS, ART, self-contained. works TV, club dates, churches, shopping centers. Booked by: Art Thomas Projects Unlimited. 3234 W. 114th St., Cleveland, Ohio 44111. (216) 671-3028. TONY AND CHRIS (organ grinder and music museum), selfcontained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, shopping centers. 6587 E. Main St., Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068. (614) 866-6793. TONY & CHRIS, self-contained, works amusement parks. fairs, festivals, TV, club dates, shopping centers. Booked by: C.B.S.- Inc.. New Springfield, Ohio 44443. TOP, BOB & EDNA, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals, TV. shopping centers. At. 2, Box 175, Pierson, Fla. 32080, (904) 749-2074. TORMAS, SASHA, single, works fairs. TV. colleges, clubs, club dates, churches. concerts. Booked by: Kaye, 2830 Morris Ave.. New York, N.Y. 10468 FOR THE ULTIMATE IN DYNAMIC PROMOTION AND EXCITING FREE SHOW ENTERTAINMENT IT'S Prof. Von Zeple's or GRAND BALLOON -It« ASCENSION Now Booking For 1973 Season In His 5-Story Tall Flying Machine THE SAMUEL MOREY · Airborne P.A. Systems · Internal Stroblite · T.V., Radio & Press Flights · Optional Aerial Escape Act THE BALLOON FLITE CO., 7BROADWAY, OCEAN GROVE, N.J. 07756 Phone (201) 775-2697 Mr, Fair Manager, In six months, 80% of your patrons won't remember who your "headliners" were, BUT THEY'LL REMEMBER YOUR CLOWN!! SPARKY "THE MAGIC CLOWN" Box 375 ·Sturgis, Michigan 49091 94 1973 Cavalcade of Acts &Attractions TRIO ANGELES (aerial motorcycle), self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, churches, shopping centers. P.O. Box 727. Gibsonton, Fla. 33534. (813) 677-6376. TRIO REBERTES, single, works fairs, amusement parks, TV, festivals, colleges, night clubs, club dates. concert. Booked by: Eddie Cochran Agency, P.O. Box 782, Encino. Calif. 91316, (213) 987-1740. TROY, JIMMY (-Comedy King of the Air"), self-contained. works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV, night clubs. club dates, shopping centers. Booked by: Howard Schultz, 1302 No. Knoxville, Tulsa, Okla. 74115, (918) 939-5014. TWIST, MR. (balloon magic), single, works fairs, amusement parks. TV, churches. shopping centers. 18810 Cardoni, Detroit, Mich, 48203, TN 3-6976. 11NOMEY, JOHN (manualist), self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV, colleges, night clubs. club dates, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Jimmy Richards Prod., 919 N. Michigan Ave.. Chicago, III. 60611 UNCLE PHIL & FRIENDS (ventriloquist), self-contained. works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, shopping centers. Booked by: fluantrell Ent., 11200 West 130. Cleveland, Ohio 44136. UNCLE VINTY (music and comedy), self-contained, works fairs. festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates. concerts. Booked by: S.F. Interface. URBAN, RON, self-contained, works fairs, festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, concerts. 12 343 S. 71 Court, Palos Heights, III. 60463, 448-2047. VAIL, ARNOLD (caricaturist), single, works fairs. amusement parks, festivals, colleges, shopping centers. 1716 Belew, Irving, Texas 75061, (214) BL 3-8546. AI. VERNON (circus band leader), works fairs. Shrine circus dates. 5107 N. Lincoln Ave., Chicago. III. 60625. (312) 561-1866. VOLANTES (comedy novelty), single, works fairs. amusement parks. TV, night clubs, club dates, concerts. Booked by: Eddie Cochran Agency, P.O. Box 782, Encino, Calif. 91316, (213) 987-1740. WACHALA, F. (band organ rental), single, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, shopping centers. 6855 W. Irving Park Rd., 725-3677. WAINWRIGHTS, single, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV, night clubs, club dates, churches, shopping centers, sport shows. 377 Wayne St., Mahomet, Ill. 61853, (217) 586-2467. WALKER, BOB (Fishing Rod Fun), self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. TV, colleges, club dates, churches, shopping centers. 139A Wingate Apts., Trenton, N.J. 08610, (609) 888-3666. WAL-TIMS, THE & MISS JAN, single, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV. night clubs, club dates. shopping centers. 4401 Rockydale Rd., Cave Junction. Ore.. 503-3851. WINDFALL (variety show group), self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, shopping centers. concerts. Booked by: Nina Little Prod., P.O. Box 3524. Des Moines, Iowa 50322, 276-8881. WILLIAMS, ADDIS PUPPETS, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates. churches, shopping centers. Booked by: Myra Kaye, 2830 Morris Ave., New York, N.Y. 10468. WILSON, HELEN (organist), self-contained, works fairs, night clubs. club dates, shopping centers. P.O. Box 932, Gibsonton, Fla. WONDERFUL WORLD OF CIRCUS MAGIC, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs. churches. Booked by: Don Lanning, 311 N. 5th Ave.. Myrtle Beach, S.C. 29577. 4482565. YERKES PRODUCTIONS (aerial & ground attractions), selfcontained, works fairs. amusement parks, festivals, TV, churches. shopping centers. Booked by: Bob Yerkes, 17721 Roscoe Blvd.. Northridge, Calif. 91324, (213) 344-4231. YOUNGMAN, AL (musical conductor). single, works fairs. Shrine circus. 18 Crane St., Worcester, Mass. 01604, 754-0726. YVONNE & HER FRIENDS, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals, TV, churches, shopping centers. P.O. Box 37, Williamsburg, Mich. 49690. (616) 267-5944. EMCEE/COMEDIAN MOREY AMSTERDAM, single act, works fairs. festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates. concerts. Booked by, Julian Portman Agency, Taft Bldg.. Suite 1105. Hollywood & Vine Sts.. Hollywood, Calif. 90028. EDDIE ROCHESTER ANDERSON, single act, works fairs, festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs. club dates, concerts. Booked by: Julian Portman Agency, Taft Bldg., Suite 1105. Hollywood & Vine Sts., Hollywood, Calif. 90028. SANDY BARON, Self-contained, A&M Records-"God Bless The-," works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV. colleges, night clubs, club dates. concerts. Booked by: Walter R. Scott, 6430 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, Calif. 90028. MILTON BERLE, single act. works night clubs, club dates. Booked by: International Famous Agency. 9255 Sunset Blvd.. Los Angeles, Calif. 90069, 1301 Ave. of the Americas, New York. N.Y. 10019. GENE BRENNER, self-contained, works fairs, festivals, TV, night clubs, club dates, concerts. Booked by: Robert W. Rexer, 300 West 55th St., New York, N.Y. 10019. JETHRO BURNS, single act, RCA Records, works fairs, festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, shipping centers, concerts. Booked by: Jimmy Richard Prod., 919 N. Michigan Ave.. Chicago. III. 60611. JERRY CAMERON, single act. works fairs, colleges. night clubs. Booked by: Shirley Anne Lowman, 34 Haywood Circle, Hagerstown, Md. 21740. HARRY "KING" COLE, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Jimmy Richards Prod., 919 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. 60611, PROF. IRWIN COREY, single act. Booked by: Associated Booking Corp., 445 Park Ave.. New York. N.Y. 10022. RICHARD M. DIXON, self-contained. works TV, colleges. club dates, shopping centers. concerts, sales meetings. Booked by: William Morris & G. W. Purcell. DAVID FROST, self-contained, Bell Records, works TV, night clubs. concerts. Booked by: International Famous Agency, 9255 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. 90069, 1301 Ave. of the Americas. New York, N.Y. 10019. MIKE DOUGLAS, single act. Booked by: Associated Booking Corp., 445 Park Ave.. New York, N.Y. 10022. PETEY GREENE, single act, Capitol Records, works TV, colleges, night clubs. concerts. Booked by: Durwood C. Settles, Suite 803, 810 18th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006, (301) 942-3322. CHARLES GREGORY, self-contained, works fairs, amuse ment parks. festivals, 7V, colleges, night clubs, club dates, churches, shopping centers. concerts. 2026 Catherine St., Roseville, Mich. 48066, (313) 2933580. INES HARRISON, self-contained, works fairs. amusement parks, festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Jimmy Richards Prod.. 919 N. Michigan Ave.. Chicago, III. 60611. MARVIN HOLT, self-contained, works fairs. amusement parks, festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates. shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Carter Enterprises, Rita E. Carter. P.O. Box 12241, Jacksonville, Fla., (904) 354-3390. BOB HOPE, single act. Booked by: Mark Anthony, 3808 Riverside Dr., Burbank. Calif. 91505, JENIE JACKSON, single act, works fairs, festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates. concerts, motion pictures. Booked by: Julian Portman Agency, Taft Bldg.. Suite 1105. Hollywood & Vine Sts.. Hollywood. Calif. 90028. HARRY JARKEY, self-contained, works fairs, club dates, shopping centers. Booked by: Jack Reed Agency, Inc., 27600 Farmington Rd., Suite 200, Farmington. Mich, 48024. WILL JORDAN (impressionist), single act. works fairs, amusement parks. festivals, TV, colleges, night clubs, churches, shopping centers. 435 West 57th St., New York, N.Y. 10019, Apt. 10F. (212) 265-1652. 7514753. JAY KIRK, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates. churches. shopping centers, concerts, sport shows. 501 Fairview Terrace, Ridgefield, N.J. 07657. (201) 943-5596. PAUL LENNON, self-contained, works fairs. club dates, shopping centers. Booked by: Jack Reed Agency, Inc., 27600 Farmington Rd., Suite 200, Farmington, Mich. 48024. DAVE MADDEN, se(f-contained, works fairs. amusement parks, festivals, TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Eddie Cochran Agency, P.O. Box 782, Encino, Calif. 91316, (213) 987-1740. JACKIE "MOMS" MABLEY, single act. Booked by: Associated Booking Corp., 445 Park Ave.. New York, N.Y. 10022. NORMA MILLER, single act, works fairs. festivals, TV, colleges, night clubs. club dates. concerts. Booked by: ju(ian Portman Agency, Taft Bldg., Suite 1105. Hollywood 8i Vine Sts.. Hollywood. Calif. 90028. BILL MORTON'S BARREL OF FUN show, self-contained, works fairs. amusement parks. festivals, TV, colleges, club dates, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Bill Morton, 2010 South 24th St., Lincoln, Neb. 68502. JAN MURRAY, single act. Booked by: Associated Booking Corp., 445 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. 10022. PROFESSOR BACKWARDS, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals, TV, colleges. night clubs, club dates, concerts. Booked by: George B. Hunt & Assoc., 8350 Santa Monica Blvd.. Los Angeles, Calif. 90069. EDDIE MORGAN, self-contained. works fairs. night clubs, club dates, shopping centers. Booked by: Gilbert Miller Agency, 8743 N. St. Louis Ave.. Skokie, III. 60076. FRANKIE RAPP, self-contained, works fairs. club dates, shopping centers. Booked by: Jack Reed Agency, Inc.. 27600 Farmington Rd., Suite 200, Farmington. Mich, 48024. MORT SAHL, self-contained. works fairs. festivals, TV. colleges, night clubs. club dates. concerts. Booked by: Sutton Artists Corp.. 505 Park Ave.. New York, N.Y. 10022, JUNIOR SAMPLES, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals, TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Paul Gibson, P.O. Box 1203. Marietta, Ga. 30060, (404) 427-5732. JOHN TVVOMEY (Mr. Manualist), self-contained. works VANDERMEIDE HYPNOTIST EUROPE'S FASTEST TULSA STATE FAIR "Your show created a large repeat traffic. The show was so successful that we are in the process of planning additional seating." John E. Elsner, Executive Director UTAH STATE FAIR "Vandermeide performed for capacity crowds year after year. We highly recommend his show for the young and old alike." Hugh C. Bringhurst, Director LAS VEGAS JAYCEES STATE FAIR "Vandermeide has the ability to draw and hold crowds. We highly recommend Vandermeide to any director as a tremendously en- tertaining show." Roger K. Friend, General Chairman TULSA TRIBUNE "During his initial one time performance at the TULSA STATE FAIR, Vandermeide had almost 5000 people watching, and they hired him for the remainder of the fair before the first show was over." John Storm, Entertainment Editor 1973 Cavalcade of Acts &Attractions VANDERMEIDE ASSOCIATES 5296 South 2nd West Salt Lake City, Utah 84107 Phone: (801) 266-3472 95 fairs, festivals. TV, colleges. night clubs, club dates. shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Jimmy Richards Prod., 919 N. Michigan Ave.. Chicago. III. 60611. JACKIE VERNON, single act. Beverly Hills Records, works fairs, festivals. TV, colleges. night clubs, club dates, concerts. Booked by: Julian Portman Agency. Taft Bldg.. Suite 1105. Hollywood & Vine Sts., Hollywood, Calif. 90028. IRWIN C. WATSON, self-contained, works fairs. TV. colleges, night clubs, club dates, churches, concerts. Booked by Purcell Associates. SLAPPY WHITE, single act. Booked by: Associated Booking Corp 445 Park Ave.. New York, N.Y. 10022. BERL WILLIAMS, self-contained, works fairs. TV, colleges. night clubs. club dates, concerts, after dinner speaker. Booked by: Eddie Cochran Agency, P.O. Box 782, Encino, Calif. 91316, (213) 987-1740. WOLANDI, single act, works fairs, TV, night clubs, sport shows. Box 972, Dania, Fla. 33004, (305) 523-0839. CLOWNS JERRY BANGS' (producing clown). Address: Colonial Circle. Lisbon, N.H. 03585. (603) 838-5518. BEEPO-STROLLING CLOWN, self-contained, works fairs. amusement parks, festivals, TV, club dates, shopping centers. Booked by: C.B.S. Inc.. New Springfield, Ohio 44443. BIRD THE CLOWN, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, churches. shopping centers. Address: P.O. Box 921, Oak Park. III. 60301, (312) 378-2529. BOB-0 THE CLOWN, (producing clown), works fairs, clubs dates, shopping centers. grand openizigs. Address: 7621 Sunset Ave.. Fair Oaks, Calif. 95628. (916) 9677463. SAM BROWN'S CIRCUS CALLIOPE & CLOWNS, selfcontained. works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, club dates, Shopping centers. concerts, parades. Booked by: C.L. Davis. 2616 Heartwood Rd.. Richmond, Va. 23225. (703) 272-6797. MICHAEL McCARTHY, self-contained, works amusement parks, festivals. TV, night clubs, club dates, churches, shopping centers. Address: 39 Hughes Ave., Bridgeport. Conn. 06605 (203) 366-0621. CHUCK BURNES (producing clown), self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, shopping centers. circuses. Address: 2341 W. Transit Ave.. Anaheim, Calif. 92804. (714) 635-1726. BUSTER THE CLOWN, self-contained. works fairs, night clubs, club dates, churches, shopping centers. concerts. Address: 31 Century Dr., Scarborough, Ontario, Canada, (416) 266-6967. FRANK CAIN (parade attractions). Address: 2301 West Ave., Burlington. Iowa, (319) 752-6015. CHARLIE & TOMINI (clown & magician), self-contained, works fairs. amusement parks. TV, night clubs, club dates, shopping centers. Address: Backstage Rest., 54' Elm St.. Westfield. N.J., (201) 232-9654. CHUCKLES THE CLOWN, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, club dates, churches, shopping centers. company picnics & outings. Booked by: Pat Fowler Productions. 9915 Williamsburg Dr., Upper Marlboro, Md. 20870. (301) 868-5012. CURLY-N-CUE, self-contained. works fairs, amusement parks, TV, shopping centers. Address: 8717 E. Valley Way, Spokane, Wash. 99206, (509) 928-5155. DINO THE CLOWN, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals. Address: 4555 Rives Junction Rd., Jackson, Mich.. (517) 787-0699. DRAKE'S CLOWNS, self-contained, works fairs, festivals, club dates, dates. churches, shopping centers, hospitals, homes. schools. Address: 1902 Fenton Rd., Flint, Mich. 48507, (313) 235-5092. RITA DUNN O'DAY, self-contained, works shopping centers. Address: 1601 W. Grand Ave., Hot Springs. Ark.. (501) 623-5688. MR. ED THE MAGIC CLOWN, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals, TV, club dates, churches, shopping centers, trade shows, outdoor events. Address: 6128 Sheldon, Columbia. S.C. 29209, (803) 776-4971. FLYWHEEL THE CLOWN, single act. works fairs. amusement parks, festivals, shopping centers. parades. Booked by: Variety Attractions, P.O. Bon 2276. Zanesville, Ohio 43701, (614) 453-0188. FRANK W. HANNON (HOPO THE CIRCUS CLOWN) (producing clown), self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, shopping centers. Booked by: Lordy & Dame Inc.. Wayne McCary, P.O. Box 581, Augusta, Maine 04330. (207) 623-3306, (207) 289-2774. HAPPY THE CLOWN (Hugh Frisbee), self-contained. works fairs, amusement parks. TV, shopping centers. Address: 7136 Arillo St., San Diego. Calif., (714) 277-1479. HIGH POCKETS THE STILL WALKER & BINGO, single act. works fairs. amusement parks. festivals, TV, night clubs. club dates, shopping centers. Booked by: Noble Agency, Cleveland, Ohio. Address: 543 Wilson Ave., Barberton, Ohio 44203, (216) 753-9788. HI-LO THE CLOWN, works shopping centers. Address: H. L. Merk, 105 Lynn, Rt. #2 Box 20, Jasper, Tenn. 37347, (615) 942-2152. HEY-U THE CLOWN, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals, TV, club dates, churches, shopping centers. Address: P.O. Box 176. E. McKeesport, Pa. 15035, (412) 823-1244. JAKOTHE CLOWN, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, TV, club dates, churches, shopping centers. Address: 701 Mason Ave.. Kennett Square. Pa. 19348, (215) 444-3461. HARRY J. JENKINS self-contained, works "Smusement parks, night clubs, club dates, shopping centers. Booked by: Sidney Zaia, 7876 Caminito Huerta, San Diego. Calif. 92122. (714) 453-3346. THE JILL-0 SHOW, self-contained, works fairs, festivals. TV, conventions. churches. Address: Tradevvinds Hotel, 908-B, Honolulu, Hawaii. (808) 949-5455. JINGLES THE SINGING CLOWN, Address: 230 E. Main St., Ventura, Calif. 93001. JO-J0 THE CLOWN, single act. works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, club dates, shopping centers. Booked by: Variety Attractions, P.O. Box 2276, Zanesville. Ohio 43701, (614) 453-0188. JOLLY THE CLOWN, self-contained, works fairs. amusement parks, festivals, TV, club dates, churches, shopping centers, grand openings. Booked by: Mel Hummitzsch Theatrical Agency, Inc., 2021 N. 19th St.. Sheboygan, Wisc, 53081. JOLLY THE CLOWN CIRCUS EXPRESS SHOW, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals, TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, churches, shopping centers. schools. Address: Art Petri, 4620 N. 41st, St., Milwaukee, Wisc. 53209, (414) 461-2725. (414) 461-7898. EMMETT KELLY SR., self-contained. works fairs, TV. night clubs. Booked by: Leonard Green, 157 W. 57th St., New York, N.Y. Address: 1763 South Dr., Sarasota. Fla., (813) 958-8575. LAFOIVTAINE-THE MYSTIFYING MAGICIAN, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, churches, shopping centers. Booked by: Giland Rice, Inc. Address: Fred. J. LaFontaine, 21263 Berg Rd., Southfield, Mich. 48075, (313) 356-3017. · LLOYD & TUFFY THE CLOWN & MAGICIAN ACT, selfcontained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV, night clubs, club dates, churches, shopping centers, concerts. Address: 18 Valencia St., Huntington, W. Va. 25705. (304) 522-2549. LOLLY THE MAGIC CLOWN, self-contained, works fairs. amusement parks, festivals. TV, club dates, churches, shopping centers. Booked by: Kline Attractions & Jack Reed Agency. Address: 809 S. Higby, Jackson, Mich. 49203 (517) 783-34694. MISTER MUMBLES THE MAGIC CLOWN, self-contained, works fairs. amusement parks. festivals. TV, churches, shopping centers. Address: 7616 Lindley Ave. #5, Reseda, Calif., (213) 344-1257. ORIGINAL BOZO THE CLOWN, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals, TV. club dates, churches, shopping centers, promotions, advertising. Address: 306 S. Woodword Dr., Baltimore, Md. 21221. (301) 687-3255. OSKAR (clown ventriloquist & balloon artist), self-contained, works fairs. amusement parks, festivals, night clubs, churches, picnics. promotions. Booked by: Parr Productions, 768 Circle Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio 45232, (513) 542-5722. PETE THE 10 FT. CLOWN, self-contained, works fairs. amusement parks, festivals. TV, churches, shopping centers. Address: P.O. Box 171. Greensburg, Pa. 15601. (412) 834-5776. PHAPOE THE CLOWN, self-contained. works fairs. amusement parks, festivals, TV, shopping centers, promotions, parties. parades. Address: P.O. Box 7021, Richmond, Va. 23221, (703) 359-6372. PRESTO THE MAGIC CLOWN, self-contained, works fairs, festivals. TV, club dates, churches, shopping centers, schools. Address: June K. Dopp, 4834 Westport Rd., Louisville, Ky. 40222, (502) 426-4390. QUACKY THE DUCK, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals. TV, night clubs, club dates, churches, shopping centers. schools. Address: LaVerne Curtis. Mgr., 708 S. Byrne Rd., Toledo, Ohio 43609. (419) 382-6149. ROSKO THE CLOWN, self-contained, works fairs, shopping centers. Address: 14611 E. Danbrook Dr., Whittier. Calif. 90604, (213) 944-5639. AL ROSS, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals, TV, club dates, shopping centers. Address: 3260 S. High St., Columbus. Ohio 43207, (614) 491-5544. THOMAS (POP-CORN) SINK, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals, TV, colleges. club dates, shopping centers, promotions. Booked By: George Hubler-Inez Taylor-George Moffet, 38 Jasper St., Dayton, Ohio, 45409 (513) 223-5407. SQUEEKY THE CLOWN, self-contained, works fa irs. amusement parks, festivals. TV, colleges, club dates, churches. shopping centers, picnics. movie theaters. Booked by: E. H. Southey, (213) TH 6-4056. SPARKEY THE MAGIC CLOWN, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV, night clubs, club dates, churches, shopping centers. Address: Box 327, Sturgis, Mich. 49091. (616) 651-6370. BILL SWEENEY (clown-ventriloquist), sell-contained, works fairs, amusement parks festivals, TV. club dates, churches, shopping centers. Address: 2926 E. 79th St., Chicago, III. 60649, (312) 375-0518. MR. SWEEP'S CIRCUS OF FUN, self-contained, works fairs. amusement parks. festivals, shopping centers. Booked by: Sweep Operations, P.O. Box 452, London deny, N.H. 03053, (603) 357-0368. TINY THE MUSICAL CLOWN, self-contained. works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, club dates. churches. shopping centers. Address: 903 Mission St., Santa Cruz, Calif. 95060. (408) 423-2143. BREAKAWAY BIKE ACT CLOWN NUMBERS BALLOON SHOOTING COME-IN CLOWNING DI -JA -NO -THAT? GOOD, CLEAN CLOWNING IS AVAILABLE WITH- OUT USING "FEMININE UNDER- GARMENTS," "LOUD EXPLOSIONS," "DROPPING OF TROUSERS," ETC FOR CLOWNING AT ITS BEST. o o AL ROSS FOR PARTICULARS: I An American Jester YA-WAN-ALOT-OF LAUGHS? 3260 S. HIGH ST. COLUMBUS, OHIO 43207 96 FAIRS * BANQUETS * TV * TRADE SHOWS * MEETINGS * PARKS PARTIES * CLUBS * FUND RAISING EVENTS * THEATRE * YOUR EVE NT 10 Minutes or 1 Hour of Hilarious Comedy and Laughs For Rookings, Call or Write: 1973 Cavalcade of Acts &Attractions UNCLE JACK 8. AUNT KAY CLOWNS VARIETY SHOW. self-contained, works festivals, churches, shopping centers. Booked by: Variety Attractions, Inc., 2227 Killian Rd., Akron, Ohio 44312, (216) 699-3340. UNCLE JACK MUSICAL CLOWN, works amusement parks, festivals, TV, colleges. churches. Address: 2227 Killian Rd., Akron, Ohio 44312, (216) 699-3440. UNCLE JACK GIBBS "THE MUSICAL CLOWN," works fairs, amusement parks, colleges, shopping centers. theatres, auditoriums. Address: 1064 Madison Ave.. Apt. *8. New York. N.Y. 10028, (212) LE 5-5159. UNCLE SID, self-contained, works fairs, festivals, shopping centers. Address: Sid Ham, P.O. Boi. 1211. Romoland, Calif. 92380, (714) 657-6889. UNCLE WILLIE, self-contained. works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV. club dates, churches, shopping centers. Address: Charles R. Mason, 60 Wilson Way *80, Milpitas, Calif. 95035, (408) 262-6770. VERNIE THE MAGICAL CLOWN, self-contained, works fairs. amusement parks, TV. club dates, churches, shopping centers. Address: 5252- 1 /2 40th Ave. S.W., Seattle, Wash. 98236, (206) 932-1376. (206) 9384816. WHIZZER THE CLOWN, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals. TV, club dates, churches, shopping centers. boats. Booked by: Don Bridvvell Circus Productions, 1027 Eastman St., Zanesville, Ohio 43071, (614) 452-5129. WILLY THE CLOWN, works fairs, amusement parks, shopping centers, store openings & promotions. Address: William McLaury, Rt. *2, Box 227, Hiddenite, N.C. 28636. (704) 632-4406. WINKIE THE CLOWN & WIMPY THE COWBOY, self-contained, works amusement parks, festivals, club dates, shopping centers. schools. Address: 7755-A W. 12th Ave.. Lakewood, Colo. 80215, (303) 238-9933. BOBBY WONDER, self-contained, works fairs. Booked by: Bebe Mandel Agency. 203 N. Wabash. Chicago, Ill. 60601. YOHO THE CLOWN, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, churches. Booked by: Louis Thibobeau. 75th Ave. N.. Myrtle Beach, S.C. 29577. Address: 311 5th Ave. N.. Myrtle Beach, S.C. 29577, (803) 448-2565. MAGICIANS HARRY ALBACKER & HIS MAGIC ANIMALS, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV. club dates. churches, shopping centers. Booked by: Impossible Productions, 711 Virginia Ave.. Pittsburgh, Pa. 15215. (412) 782-2381, 781-5166. MARK ALLEN'S WONDERFUL WORLD OF MAGIC, selfcontained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, churches, shopping centers. Booked by: Talent Unlimited, 3526 Rockdale Court, Baltimore, Md. 21207, (301) 922-6389. THE AMAZING MR. SHAFTON & CO., self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. TV, colleges. night clubs, club dates, churches, shopping centers, concerts. 2036 Duxbury Ct., Streamwood, Ill. 60103. 837-0761, BERGER THE MAGICIAN, self-contained, works club dates, churches, schools. Booked by C. H. Berger, 2440 S. 12th St., Ironton, Ohio 45638, JE2-093I. BOBO, MODERN MIRACLES OF MAGIC, works fairs. TV, colleges, club dates. schools. Rt. 3, Box 244 08, Texarkana, Tx. 75501, (214) 838-0912. CAPTAIN SPACE & SOLAR SUSIE (magical novelty), selfcontained, works fairs. amusement parks, festivals. TV, night clubs, club dates, churches, shopping centers. Booked by: Quantrell Ent., 11200 W. 130th St.. Cleveland, Ohio 44136, (216) 237-7115. JON CHARLES, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, churches. shopping centers. Booked by: Robert A. Land Entertainment Productions. HAILOO CHUNG ILLUSION SHOW, self-contained, works fairs. amusement parks, festivals, club dates, shopping centers, hobby shows. Booked by: Jim Douglass, 316 Michigan Ave., Daytona Beach, Fla., 767-3928. COWBOY BOB & VERA, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, shopping centers. Booked by: Quantrell Enterprises, 11200 W. 130, Cleveland, Ohio 44136, (216) 237-7115. 333-9962. DR. MICHAEL DEAN (hypnotist), self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals, TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates. shopping centers. concerts, seminars. schools. Booked by: Betty Kaye Productions, Inc., 2929 El Camino Ave.. Sacramento, Calif. 95821. DIBBLE AND ANDERSON, self-contained, works fairs. festivals, club dates, churches, shopping centers, schools R.D. 1, Sinclairville, N.Y. 14782, 962-4720. ED DUNHILL & CO., self-contained, works fairs, amuse ment parks, festivals. TV, night clubs, club dates. churches, shopping centers, concerts, trade shows. 6128 Sheldon, Columbia, S.C. 29209. (803) 7764971. COL CHARLES S. FORD (mentalist). self-contained, works fairs, festivals, shopping centers, vvomens clubs. 3039 Big Dalton. Baldwin Park, Calif. 91706. (213) 3382335. KARRELL FOX, self-contained, works fairs, club dates, shopping centers. Booked by: Jack Reed Agency, Inc., 27600 Farmington Rd., Suite 200, Farmington, Mich. 48024. KEN GRIFFIN & ROBERTA, self-contained, works fairs. night clubs, club dates. 6331 Hollywood Blvd. *603. Hollywood, Calif. 90028, 343-1898, GLENN HAYVVOOD (ventriloquist, magician), self-contained, works fairs. TV, club dates, shopping centers. Booked by: Jack Reed Agency, Inc., 27600 Farmington Rd., Suite 200. Farmington. Mich. 48024. INTERNATIONAL MAGIC REVUE, self-contained, works fairs, festivals, TV. colleges, night clubs, club dates. concerts. Booked by: Marcus Glaser, 12343 S. 71st Court, Palos His.. III. 60463. CHUCK JONES MAGIC REVUE, self-contained, works fairs. amusement parks, festivals. TV, night clubs, club dates. churches. shopping centers. Booked by: Chuck Jones Magic Enterprises, 18025 Tribune St., Granada Hills, Calif. 91344. (213) 360-0158. KRAMER & CO., self-contained, works fairs. TV, club dates, shopping centers. Booked by: Jack Reed Agency. Inc., 27600 Farmington Rd.. Suite 200, Farmington, Mich. 48024. KRESKIN, self-contained, works fairs, TV, colleges. night clubs, club dates, concerts. Booked by: Lou Reda, 44 No, 3rd St., Easton, Pa. 18042, (215) 258-2952. ROBERT A. LANG, self-contained, works fairs. amusement parks, festivals. TV. colleges. club dates, churches, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Robert A. Land Entertainment Prod., 7939 - 111 St.. Edmonton, Alberta. Canada. MAGIC LAND SHOWS, self-contained. works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV, colleges, night clubs. club dates. churches, shopping centers. Booked by: Larry R. Naus, P.O. Box 66, Reynolds, W.Va. 26422. (304) 622-7455. MAGICAL MeLAURYS, works fairs. amusement parks, night clubs, club dates, shopping centers. Booked by: THRILL SHOW STUNTS COFFIN OF DEATH Contact: NOW BOOKING FOR 1973 As Free Act-Grandstand Finale tr Fairs INSURED-BONDED--RELIABLE BENNY KOSICE, P.O. Box 593, Palm Bay, Florida (305) 723-1952 32905 MORE FUN THAN ACIRCUS! The Incredible HARRY ALBACKER (a very special magician) with his "EDUCATED ANIMALS" COMPLETE & SELF-CONTAINED FANTASTIC FOR FAIRS, MALLS & SPECIAL EVENTS IMPOSSIBLE PRODUCTIONS 711 Virginia Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15215. Phone: 1412) 781-5166 1973 Cavalcade of Acts & Attractions A SPECTACULAR FOR YOUR FAIR! SHOWBOAT MARIONETTES MOBILE PUPPET THEATRE A Fast Moving, Fun Filled Variety Show Presented On An Authentic Replico of a Mississippi River Boot On Wheels/. Chester D. Salter, Secretary, GREAT MISSISSIPPI VALLEY FAIR, Davenport, Iowa.. .. "Before OUF 1971 dates I stated that Mitchell's Marionettes would bring more families through our outside gates than any one attraction we have ever had-and that you did!" . . . Jimmie Young, Manager, BLUE GRASS FAIR, Lexington, Kentucky.... "We advertise as a 'family' fair and we will always welcome on act such os yours, knowing it will be received by all ages." . . . JIOaVmVOe.s W. (Billy) Greiner, Manager, . . . "We are planning on you ALL-IOWA FAIR, Cedar coming back in 1972." . Rapids, T. Wilson Sparks, Executive Vice-President, MID-SOUTH FAIR, Memphis, Tennessee. ..."The Mitchell Marionettes did an outstanding job for us at the recent Mid-South Fair." . Some of our 1972 dates: All Iowa Fair Arizona State Fair Blue Grass Fair Canadian National Exhibition Central Wisconsin State Fair Dixon May Fair Eastern States Exposition Great Mississippi Valley Fair Missouri State Fair Mower County Fair National Orange Show North Iowa Fair Orange County Fair Saginaw Fair Salinas Valley Fair Sonoma -Marin Fair South Carolina State Fair Topsfield Fair West Liberty Fair Western Kentucky State Fair Western Washington Fair Contact: MITCHELL MARIONETTE PRODUCTIONS HOWARD MITCHELL 5644 S. MESAGROVE AVE., WH ITT IER, CALIF. 90601 (213) 692-5230 97 insurance poor or your insurance? Either one is bad for your business! Whether you are a carnival or independent concessionaire, a theme park, kiddie park, zoo, tourist attraction ...Morris H. Katiff & Son has the insurance protection yot, need. We're specialists in Outdoor Amusement Insurance ...and you should find out more about what we can do for your funspot facility. Chances are we can improve your protection and save you money at the same time. Protect your investment and assure peace of mind. Call us at 512-225-6801 MORRIS H. KALIFF & SON Third Floor Petroleum Commerce Building Sa-, Antonio, Texas 78205 ESTABLISHED 1917 98 William McLaury, Rt. 2, Box 227, Hiddenite, N.C. 28636, (704) 632-4406. THE MAGICAL MOMENTS OF SHEPPARD & CO.. sIlfcontained. works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV, club dates, churches, shopping centers, schools. 1175 E. National Rd., Vandalia, Ohio 45377, 898-3768. MENTAL MAGICIAN, self-contained, works fairs. colleges. night clubs, club dates. Booked by: E. R. Voth, Box 1021. Cuyahoga Falls. Ohio 44223. (216) 929-3240. DR. FRANZ MESMER, self-contained, works fairs. amusement parks, TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, shopping centers. Booked by: T. Texas Tommy Productions, 218 3rd Ave., North, Suite 200, Nashville, Tenn. 37201. (615) 254-6454. ORVILLE MEYER. self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, churches, shopping centers, schools. 680 South Alton Way. Apt 58, Denver. Co. 80231. WILLIAM PATTERSON (mentalist), self-contained. works TV. colleges. night clubs. club dates, churches, concerts. 1512 W. Burbank Blvd.. Burbank, Calif. 91506, (213) 848-5513. PRINCE ALI KASHII, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, night clubs. club dates, churches, shopping centers. Booked by: Vernon Stricklett, P.O. Box 175, Manchester. Ohio. 549-2231. LOGAN PRITCHETT, self-contained, works fairs, club dates, shopping centers. 1 White Oak St.. Little Rock. Ark. 72207. (501) 663-5552. PSYCHAMAZIA OF WILLA LEVOLO & HER E.S.P., selfcontained. works TV, colleges, club dates. churches, concerts, womens clubs. Booked by: LeVolo Programs, P.O. Box 966, Hollywood. Calif. 90028. (213) 6566565, 656-4700. GUANTRELL & VERA, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV, night clubs, club dates, shopping centers. Booked by: Quantrell Enterprises. 11200 West 130, Cleveland, Ohio 44136. RAMAR. THE GREAT, self-contained, works night clubs, club dates. 1427 N. Kingsley Drive/Apt. 206. Hollywood, Calif. 90027, (213) 663-2501. MIKE ROGERS, self-contained, works night clubs, club dates, churches, shopping centers, lounges, hospitality rooms. 2519 Woodland Way. Brunswick, Ga. 31520, (912) 265-0517. SHEFFIELD THE MAGICIAN, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, colleges, night clubs. club dates, churches, shopping centers, concerts. schools. Booked by: J. Kett, 30 Hooper St., Quincy. Mass. 02169, (617) 472-2890. BILL SIMS "The Liberace of Magic." self-contained, works amusement parks. festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs. club dates. shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Russ Byrd & Assoc., 1250 69th Terr.. So. #22, St. Petersburg, Fla. 33705, (813) 867-0250. J. MARBERGER STUART, self-contained, works amusement parks. TV. colleges, club dates. churches, concerts, arenas. theaters. 40 Wall St., New York. N.Y., (212) 344-2233. CECIL M. THOMAS (hypnotist), self-contained. works TV, colleges, night clubs. club dates. churches, shopping centers. 4 Delores Dr., Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. 30741, (404) 861-0435. 20th CENTURY PHANTASIES, self-contained, works fairs, auditoriums, civic centers. Booked by: Fred Story, 207 N. Armstrong. P.O. Box 360. Tulia, Texas 79088. (806) 995-3015. DR. VANCE CAVALCADE OF MYSTERIES, single act. works fairs. amusement parks, festivals, club dates, churches, shopping centers. Booked by: Berl Olswanger Entertainment Bureau, 2020 Nellie St.. Memphis. Tenn. 38116. (901) 398-1551. VANDERMEIDE (hypnotist), self-contained. works fairs, colleges, night clubs, club dates, churches. shopping centers. concerts. 5296 South 2nd. West. Murray, Utah 84107. VERDINI, self-contained, works fairs. amusement parks, TV. club dates, churches, shopping centers, elementary schools. 5252'h 40th Ave., SW., Seattle. Wash. 98136. (206) 932-1376, 938-4816. VIRGIL & JULIE IN ONE FANTASTIC NIGHT, self-contained, works fairs. TV, colleges, club dates, fraternal organizations Booked by: Virgil Studios. Virgil & Julie Mulkey Rt. 3, Box 577, Olympia, WA. 98506. WINDLEY'S WONDERLAND OF MAGIC, self-contained, works fairs. amusement parks. festivals. TV. night clubs. club dates, shopping centers. Booked by: Windley Magic Productions, Suite 2907, 1501 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10036, 104-3250. TOMMY WINDSOR, self-contained, works club dates, shopping centers. Booked by: Jim Hetzer. 111 Wooster St., Marietta, Ohio 45750. (614) 373-4206. WINDY, THE BALLOON-A-TIC, self-contained. works fairs, amusement parks. festivals, TV. night clubs. club dates. churches. shopping centers, trade shows P.0 Box 182. Waterford, Conn. 06385. (203) 442-1217. FIREWORKS ATLAS DISPLAY FIREWORKS, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, colleges, shopping centers, BiCentennials, fraternal groups. Address: P.O. Box 383, Jaffrey, N.H. 03452, (603) 532-8282, ILLINOIS FIREWORKS COMPANY, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, colleges. shopping centers. Address: P.O. Box 792, Danville, III. 61832, (217) 442-1716. PARAMOUNT FIREWORKS COMPANY, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals, colleges, shopping centers. Address: P.O. Box 1272. Tulsa, Oklahoma 74101, (918) 583-9373; P.O. Box 1337. Texarkana, Arkansas 75501, (501) 773-6256. SCHNETTER FIREWORKS & IMPORTING CO., works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, colleges, country clubs, drive-in theaters, service clubs. Address: 409 S. 4th St., St. Joseph, Mo. 64501. (816)232-3969. 2321620. SPECIALTY GROUPS ALOHA HAWAIIAN REVIEW (Hawaiian dancing and music). self-contained, works fairs, club dates, shopping centers. Booked by: Jack Reed Agency, Inc., 27600 Farmington Rd., Suite 200, Farmington. Mich. 48024. CENTURY FILMS-THE LATEST IN THE OLD TIME MOVIES, (General use or for Theme Park) (Book show or rent film). self-contained, works fairs. amusement parks, festivals, colleges, night clubs, club dates. churches, shopping centers. Booked by: Michael A. Traisel, Century Film Service, 532 Main St., Groveport, Ohio 43125. DORAINE AND ELLIS (Costumed presentation of Broadway Musicals), self-contained. works colleges, night clubs, and concerts. Booked by: Doraine and Ellis Productions. 7117 Carosan Lane, Charlotte. North Carolina 28211, GALLERY OF GREAT GUNS. (Historical Exhibit), self-contained, works fairs. colleges, club dates, and shopping centers. Booked by: Col. Bill Morton, 2010 South 24th Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 68502. HARLEM TFIRILLERS BASKETBALL, COLLEGES. William "Bill - Selitsky-Se Talent Enterprise. 28 Branch Street, Waterbury, Conn. 06704, (203) 756-9730. AL JARVIS DIXIE DERBYS, (Dixieland Concerts and Dance Group), self-contained, works amusement parks, festivals, TV, colleges, night clubs. club dates, shopping centers. concerts. Booked by: Al Jarvis Agency. 37 Huntington Street. Hartford, Conn. 06105. MILESTONES OF AMERICA, (Historical Exhibit), sell-contained, works fairs, colleges, club dates. and shopping centers. Booked by: Col. Bill Morton, 2010 South 24th Street, Lincoln Nehraska 68502, NEW YORK HARLEM SATELLITES BASKETBALL SHOW. (Basketball Games and show and ballhandling), self-contained, works Basketball Gym. Booked by: Ras. berry Enterprises, 46 Hall St, S W Grand Rapids, Mich, 49507, 452-8727 Day, 452-6545 Night. PITSCHEL PLAYERS, (Improvise Theater Group), self-contained, works colleges, night clubs, club dates, and concerts. Booked by: S. F. Enterprises. IT'S POLKA TIME, Walter Procanyn and his World Famous Cossacka Polka Dancers (A 1 Hour Show-or 3 45 Min.. show-or dance date). Eastwind Intl_ Artists, Hi Polka Cuzzins., self-contained, works fairs. amusement parks, festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates. churches. shopping centers. concerts. Booked by: Walter Procanyn or Cooke A. Rose, 40-22-61 St., Woodside, N.Y. 11377 (212) 898-9346. THE PULIKA GYPSIES, (A Caravan Of Music/ Intl Flavor), self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, national school assemblies. 1195 Westside Rd.. Heardsburg, Calif.. (707) 433-2221. SCHAFFNER PLAYERS (TOBY TENT SHOW), self-contained, works fairs. festivals. TV, shopping centers. Booked by: Tillman and Ossociates, Schaffner Players, 1215 Highland, Quincy, III. 62301. (217) 222-9460. THE SMITH STREET SOCIETY. (Banjo sing-a-long and Dixieland entertainment package). self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, churches. shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Muskrat Productions. Inc.. 59 Locust Ave.. New Rochelle, N.Y. 10801. SPEAKEASY CAPER, ROARING 20's REVIEW, self-contained, works fairs, club dates, shopping centers. Booked by: Jack Reed Agency. Inc.. 27600 Farmington Rd., Suite 200. Farmington. Mich, 48024. STARS ON PARADE, (T.V. Recording and Film). self-contained, works fairs, festivals, night clubs. club dates. shopping centers and concerts. Booked by: Bob Di Paolo, K. B. D. Enterprises Co., 500-630-8 Ave. S.W. Calgary, Canada (403) 263-5480. CARNIVALS AAA ENTERPRISES-P.0. Box 174. Dorchester, W I. 5::c4k2)5A.itPe nrebse. r:gRobert Attenberg, Trees: Arlene (Sker- A&Mb AMUSEMENTS-P.O. Box 3053. Patterson, N J. Plays area 2 at celes, churches, shopping centers, schoots. sponsored events, 5-10 rides. 1 show. 10-15 continued on page 100 1973 Cavalcade of Acts& Attractions ntelEFLICAleFINEST IRIDES Five great attractions that mean bigger profits, year after year. Counselor service available after installation for your maintenance convenience sauNER A DELIGHTFUL AERIAL VIEW OF THRILLS FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY This safely built ride gives trouble free service year after year. Precisely engineered, steel columns at specified heights, steel cable supported modern designed colorful fiberglass seats. NOW Tile sleCE NEW DESIGN, OUTER SPACE DECORATED MIDWAY ATTRACTION Fast load and unload, hauls up to 800 per hour. tColorful outer space decorated, alluminated realism of space action inside and out. Excites the young and old. F-80 10 colorful and solid fiberglass planes. Rides 20 fun loving children. Fast load and unload for bigger profits. Balloon Ride World's First Perimeter Cable Ride. 10' diameter balloons, 4 adults for gondola. Capacity 800 per hour. gat Gig A major ride furnished in units of 4 or 5cages. Strongly built, yet easily assembled or our taken down by one man. BROS., INC. SKYLINER PARK G-4 SHELBY, NORTH CAROLINA 28150 PHONE (704) 482-1477 JIMMY' KAARO Now available for fairs Cr rodeos! Trick G Fancy Ftopirag Maguey Horse roping -- Cotton Rope Spinning-- Horse Act -- Comedy Monologue -- Top At- traction for Rodeos, Fairs, Conven- tions. Performed Johnny Carson Tonight Show · World Championship Trick Roping Contest, Cowboy Hall of Fame · Schlitz Circus Parade, Old Mil- waukee Days. Contact JIMMY KAARO Lewistown, Montana 59457 Phone 406-538-8237 games. Season 19 weeks starting April. General Manager, Tom Monte. A.G.AMUSEMENTS-2-1767 Portage Ave.. Winnipeg 12, Manitoba, Canada. Two units. Plays Canada at fairs, celes, churches, sponsored events; 6-36 games. Year round season. Accepts independent rides, shows. General Managers, Gene Shelley & Al Busch. A & P ENTERPRISE SHOWS--Route 1, Box 171. Custer, Wisc. 54423. Arthur Kedrowicz: General Manager. ACE AMUSEMENTS-132 Little Falls Rd.. Fairfield, N.J. Two units. Plays areas 1, 2at fairs, celes. shopping centers, 6-12 rides. 3-20 games. Season 26 weeks starting April. Accepts independent rides, shows. General Manager, Thomas DeVito. AEDER AMUSEMENTS--P.O. Box 126. Vassar, Mich. 48768. General Manager: Robert Aeder. ALLEN AMUSEMENT CO.-1818 Spang Ave., Terre Haute, Ind. Plays area 5 at fairs, celes, churches, shopping centers, 18-20 rides, 2shows. 10-60 games. Season 28 weeks starting April. Accepts independent rides, shows. General Manager, Ernest Allen. AMERICAN EAGLE SHOWS-- Route 1, Boswell, Okla. 74727. General Manager: James E. Strong. AMUSEMENT CORP. OF AMERICA/LINK SHOWS801 Michaels Road, Fremeont, Ohio 43420. General Manager: Rod Link. AMUSEMENT CORP. OFAMERICA /WORLD OF PLEASURE SHOWS-801 Michaels Road, Fremont, Ohio 43420. General Manager: Frederick Vonderheid. AMUSEMENTS OF AMERICA-7275 SW 137 St.. Miami, Fla. Six units. Plays Eastern seaboard at fairs, celes, churches. shopping centers, schools. sponsored events: 100 rides. 110 games. Season 30 weeks starting April. Accepts independent rides, shows, books free acts. General Manager: John Vivona, ATLAS GREATER SHOWS-4358 Via Largo, Cypress, Cal. 90650. 2 Units. Plays area 9 at fairs, celes, shopping centers, 5-60 rides, 20-105 Games. Season: Plays 100 dates per year (two units) starting January 1. Accepts independent shows. General Manager: Allen Alevy. B&B RIDE CO.-22 VanDerveer St., Amsterdam. N.Y. 3-4 units. Plays area 2 at fairs, celes, churches, shopping centers, schools, sponsored events; 3-30 rides. 3-20 games. Season 25 weeks starting March. Accepts independent rides. shows. General Manager: Ted Bartosik. B& EAMUSEMENTS-301 South Wood St., P.O. Box 31, Caney, Kan. 67333. General Manager: Earl L. McReynolds, BADGER STATE SHOWS-5180 N. Lovers Lane, Milwaukee, Wisc 53826. General Manager: Arnold Vomberg. BAUMAN SHOWS, INC.--Box 489, Aurelia, la. 51005. General Manager: John C. Bauman. BEAUCE CARNIVAL-1340 Dionne Blvd., Quebec. Canada, General Manager: Florian Valli, BEAVER BAY AMUSEMENTS, INC.--P.O. Box 72, Waukesha, Wi, 53186, Manager: Donald H. Kranz, BELLE CITY AMUSEMENTS, INC.-400 S. Fifth St.. Milwaukee, Wisc. 53204. Home Address: 122 Live Oak Lane, Altamonte Springs, Fla, 32701, General Manager: Charles G. Panacek, BERMAN, DONALD-133 King Street, Montreal, Quebec 101, Canada. BIG A AMUSEMENTS-30 Springhurst Ave., Toronto, Ont. Canada. BIG J AMUSEMENTS-5106 Butterfield Rd., Hillside, III. 1-2 units Plays areas 4, 5, 6 at fairs. celes, churches, shopping centers, schools; 5-12 rides. 0-4 shows, 5-40 games. Season 40 weeks. Accepts independent rides. shows, books free acts. General Manager: Bob Johnson. J. A. BLASH SHOWS-2805 Peyton Rd., LaVerne, Ca. 91750, (714) 593-3885. Owner: Joe Blash, BLUE GRASS SHOWS-7 Treasure Drive. Tampa. Fla. 33609. Plays Areas 3, 4, 5, 6 at fairs. celes, churches, shopping centers, schools and other sponsored events; 20-80 rides, 8-20 shows. 60-120 games. Year round season. Accepts independent rides, shows. General Manager: Col. C.C. Groscurth. BLUE RIBBON SHOWS-3250 NW 83rd St.. Miami, Fla. Plays areas 2, 3, 4, 5at fairs, celes, churches, shopping centers. schools: 14-30 rides, 2-10 shows, 25-100 games. Year-round season. Accepts independent rides, shows, books free acts. General Manager: Duke Smith, BOB'S AMUSEMENTS, RIDES & CONCESSIONS--Crestway Drive, Route 3, Brookville, Ohio 45309. General Manager James Lester. FRED A BRITTON, JR. --Box 2208, Stuart, Fla, 33494, BROWN. AL SHOWS--Box 547, Madison, S.D. 57042. General Manager: Al Brown. BROWNSTONE AMUSEMENTS-9 Willow Street, Portland, Conn 06480. General Manager: Fred Rossitto. BUCK-PAGE EXPOSITIONS, INC.-209 Shorecrest Drive. Tampa, Fla. 33609. Plays Areas 2. 3 at fairs. celes, churches, shopping centers, schools, other sponsored events. 20-30 rides, 6-12 shows, 40-60 games. Season BILL DILLARD presents . . . MYERS AMUSEMENT CO. MIDWEST'S FASTEST GROWING SHOW Serving Fairs 8' Communities From Western Canada To The Gulf of Mexico designed for the entire family · 100 Sonny Myers Amusements will continue its progressive policy of providing only the finest and newest Rides, Shows and Concessions to fully entertain the midway patrons at events played by our Show! OUR SINCERE THANKS the many Fair Officials, Committeemen and all of our Friends who have helped our Show and Route grow to its importance today! SEE US AT YOUR MEETINGS PERMANENT WINTER ADDRESS ROUTE 3 ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURI 64505 En Route Address: 2505 Elephant Trail ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURI 64506 PHONE: (816) AD 2-5746 BILL DILLARD, President a' General Manager ELAINE MYERS Secretary-Treasurer MABLE CAROLUS Confections Manager TONY DIAZ Concessions Manager FRANCES JURDEN Billboard Agent/Secty. HELEN DILLARD Office Manager DON (Blackie) JURDEN Electrician /Supt. 1973 Cavalcade of Acts &Attractions April 1 to Nov. 4. Accepts independent rides. shows General Manager: Roland Page. HARRY BURKE SHOWS-P.0. Box 2402. Lafayette, Ind. Pres: Roland W. Page. BUTLER AMUSEMENTS-889 Linda Dr., Campbell. Calif. Two units. Plays California at fairs, celes, churches, shopping centers, sbhools, sponsored events; 6-32 rides, 1-5 shows, 0-45 games. Season 44 weeks starting February. Accepts independent rides, shows, books free acts. General Managers: George & Earl Butler. CALKINS RIDES & AMUSEMENTS-600 West 19th Street, Oshkosh. Wisc. 54901. General Manager: Bernard L. Calkins. CAMMACK, RAY SHOWS-Box 37, Lennox, S.D. 57039. General Manager: Ray Cammack. E. CAMPBELL RIDES AND CONCESSIONS- 4329 Rasenwood, St. Louis, Mo. 63121. General Manager: Ed Campbell. CANADA'S CONKLIN SHOWS-P.O. Box 31, Brantford, Ont. President: James Conklin, CAPITAL CITY SHOWS-P.O. Box 201. Valdosta, Ga. Plays areas 3, 4at fairs, celes, shopping centers: 18-25 rides. 6-16 shows. 35-80 games. Season 32 weeks starting April. Accepts independent rides, shows. General Manager: J.L. Keel. CARNIVAL TIME SHOWS-24265 Arnold Drive, Sonoma. Cal. Plays areas 6. 7, 8. 9 at fairs, celes, shopping centers; 12-30 rides, 20-90 games. Season 9 months starting March 1. Accepts independent rides. shows. General Manager: Larry Davis. CAROUSEL MIDWAY SHOWS, LTD.-P.O. Box 1, Vernonia, Ore. Plays part of area 9 at fairs. celes, churches, shopping centers, schools, sponsored events; 5 rides. 1 show, 5 games. Accepts independent rides, shows General Manager: Dee Moyer. CARR, LAWRENCE SHOWS-196 Wildwood Street, Wilmington, Mass. 01887 General Manager: Lawrence Carr. CENTRAL STATES SHOWS-HazeIton Ks. 67061. (316) 239-4160. Owner: Malcolm M. Moses. CENTURY 21 SHOWS, INC.-P.O. Box 5485. No. Birmingham. Ala. four units. Plays areas 3. 4, 5. 6 at fairs, celes, shopping centers; 10-40 rides. 0-10 shows. 2150 games. Season 40 weeks starting February. Accepts independent rides, shows. General Manager: Al Kunz. CHILDRESS SHOWS-P.O. Box 172, Easley, S.C. Two units. Plays areas 2. 3.4 at fairs, celes, churches, shopping centers. schools; 8-20 rides, 1-5 shows. 8-35 games. Season 34 weeks starting mid-March. Accepts independent rides, shows. General Manager: Bob Childress. CHRISTMAN AMUSEMENTS-Box 245, RR 6, Tampa. Fla. Plays Wisconsin at fairs. celes, shopping centers, sponsored events. 10-15 rides. 1-3 shows. 15-30 games. Season 20 weeks starting May. Accepts independent shows, sometimes books free acts. General Manager: B.P. Christman. CLARKS GREATER SHOWS-Box 38. Cross Timbers. Mo. 65634. Owner: Warren W. Clark. CLOWNTOWN SHOWS-Route 1. Box 121, Plant City, Fla. 33556. General Manager: John Collier. HENRY T. COLE SHOWS-670 N. Broad St., West Hazel. ton, Pa. 18201. Owner/Mgr: Henry Dombroski. COLEMAN BROTHERSShows-P.O. Box 886, Middletown, Conn. 06458. CONtY ISLAND CARIBBEAN AMUSEMENT CO.-Box 2143 Old San Juan, Puerto Rico, 00903. General Manager: Toledo E. Fonseca. COOK AMUSEMENT CO., INC-7850 Marsh Road, Marine City. Mich. 48039. Box 383, Gibsonton, Fla, 33534. General Manager: Peter Mudry. COOPER & SONS AMUSEMENTS-12655 N.E. First Court, Miami, Fla. 33162. (315) 944-3139. Owner: Bob Cooper. CRUMP AMUSEMENT-8420 27th Ave., Tampa, Fla. 33619. (813) 626-6249. Co-owners: James F. Ellis, Steven Crump. DAVIDSON UNITED SHOWS-2910 Walker Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50317. General Manager: B.E. Davidson. DEAN & FLYNN AMUSEMENTS-Ocean Front, Salisbury. Mass. 01950. General Manager. Eugene Dean. DEGGELLER AMUSEMENT CO.-P.O. Box 1187, Stuart, Fla. 33494. General Manager: Irvin Deggeller. DELL & TRAVERS SHOWS-7530 N.E. 7th Ct., Miami, Fla. Plays areas 2. 3, 4, 30 Rides, 30-80 Concessions. Accepts independent rides, shows, games. Season: April to October. General Manager: Danny Dell. DINE AMUSEMENTS-Canton, Ohio. Three units. Plays Ohio at fairs. celes, churches, shopping centers. schools, sponsored events; 3o rides, 5 shows, 25-30 games. Season 30-33 weeks starting April. Accepts independent rides, shows books free acts. General Manager: Lucy Dine. 1973 Cavalcade of Acts & Attractions FUN FAIR AMUSEMENTS INC. "s The Finest in Midway Entertainment for Fairs, Celebrations, Shopping Centers in the Southeast Contact: ROYCE CREEN P.O. BOX 318 ANDREWS, S. C. 29510 (803) 264-5288 It is aDistinct Pkasure and Privilege to Serve the Great State Fair of T -e1E:1XALA LASS We Are Always Interested in Booking the Finest Attractions SEE US IN LAS VEGAS AT THE FAIR CONVENTION OR CONTACT KLEM and STAII ATTRACTIONS Lowell H. Stapf or Steve ((em 3217 Hawthorne, Amarillo, Texas 79109 · · · · · · · · · · · 111 · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·········· SPECTACULAR, PROVEN TOP GROSSING EUROPEAN & AMERICAN RIDES m-ohntiieeier C5(rman hotbrau 110USC · · · · · See Us In · STECK tt STA1PF Dwayne R. Stack 1810 1-11riton St Dallas, Texas 75235 (214) 638 8346 Las Vegas At The Fair Convention Lowell H. Stapf · 3217 Hawthorne · Amarillo, Texas 79109 (806) 352-9182 · I · · ······························e···· '101 LOWEST RATE, RELIABLE COVERAGE COUNTRY-WIDE CLAIMS SERVICE INSURANCE SPECIALISTS FOR THE OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT INDUSTRY We have the answer to your outdoor amusement insurance problems. Our experienced personnel stand ready to consult, advise and write the proper coverage for every phase of your operation. This experience-backed by reliable companies-assures you the best in outdoor amusement insurance. ri] JOHN NAUGHTON INSURANCE, INC. P.O. Box 6192 (Meiling) 1365 Wampanoag Trail East Providence, R.I. 02915 AC 401/433-4000 For YOUR Fair! WHY NOT! It's BIG Grandstand! Your Juniors Want a Stile &On fence Sponsorships open to non-profit groups-Saddle Clubs, Chambers of C., Service Clubs. A proven financially successful community project! o (NOT IN CONFLICT WITH ADULT RODEO) Interested groups write: NATIONAL LITTLE BRITCHES RODEO ASSN. P.O. Box 651 Littleton, Colo. 80120 Death-Defying Stunt Events! DATES AVAILABLE 1973 SEASON This Show Played to Almost Two Million Satisfied Customers During 1972! Contact: KING KOVAZ 2710 N.E. 18th Si-., Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33305 (305) 566-6834 102 DITULLIO AMUSEMENTS-1802 Highland Road, Dallas. Tex. 75228 General Manager: Harry Ditullio. DON'S AMUSEMENTS ENTERPRISES-220 S.E. T Ave., St. Cloud, Minn. Two units. Plays parts of areas 5&7 at fairs, celes, churches, shopping centers. schools; 16-26 rides, 1-3 shows. 7-50 games. Season 25 weeks starting May 20. Accepts independent rides, shows. General Manager: Donald Forcier. DRAGO AMUSEMENTS-3405 Tallyho Drive, Kokomo, Irid . 46902. General Managers: Paul Drago and Thomas Amore. JAMES H. DREW EXPOSITION-P.0. Box 899, Augusta, Ga. 30903. Owner: James H. Drew. DAVID B. ENDY AMUSEMENTS-1799 N.W. 28th St.. Miami, Fla. 2-3 units. Plays areas 2, 3, 4 at fairs, celes, churches, shopping centers, schools, sponsored events; 20 rides, 20 games. Year round season. Accepts independent rides, shows, books free acts. General Manager: David B. Endy. EVANS UNITED SHOWS- Route 2, Plansburg, Mo, 64477. General Manager: Bill Evans. F & FAMUSEMENTS, INC.-1737 Quentin Street. West Babylon, Long Island. N.Y. 11704. General Manager: Fred Cerbini. F & W AMUSEMENTS, 1NC.-5536 North Campbell, Chicago, III. 60625. General Manager: Michael Wold. FAIRLAND AMUSEMENTS, INC.-145 Bernhardt Drive. Snyder. N.Y. 14226. General Manager: William P. Garland. JOHN FANELLI'S FUNTIME SHOWS-128 Albee St., Fitchburg, Ma. 01420, (617) 342-2639. Owner: John Fanelli, FARROW AMUSEMENT COMPANY-P.O. Box 10417. Jackson. Miss. 39209. General Manager: Leroy Finley. FRANK A. FERGUSON- P.O. Box 2402, Lafayette. La. 70501. FIESTA RIDES- Corydon, Ind. 47112. General Manager: William Fike. FLOYD & BAXTER MFG. INC.-116 Oak Hill. Lebanon, Tn. 37087. (615) 444-6627. Owners: J.D. Floyd, Dallas Floyd, Bill Baxter. FOLEY & BURK FUN FAIR SHOWS-3151 Edison Way, Redwood City, Calif. Three units. Plays area 9 at fairs, celes, churches, shopping centers.schools, sponsored events: 10-50 rides, 2-8 shows, 8-100 games. Season 47 weeks starting mid-February. Accepts independent rides, shows. General Manager: Lloyd J. Hilligoss. FORSYTHE & DOWIS RIDES-337 Delaware Street, Sterling, Col. 80751. General Manager: Gerald F. Wisdom. FRANKIE'S AMUSEMENT CO.- 1561 Hillcrest Ave., Washington. Penna. 15301. General Manager: Frank Kopcha. FRAZIER'S WORLD- 1221 Cuatro Cerros Tr., S.E. Albuquerque. N.M. 87123. Plays Rocky Mt. area at fairs, celes, sponsored events; 15-50 rides, 30-140 games. Season 32 weeks starting mid-March. Accepts independent rides, shows. General Manager: Art Frazier. FRED'S PLAYLAND SHOWS- Box 41, Pinellas Parks, Fla. 33565. General Manager: Fred Cantrell. FUN FAIR AMUSEMENTS- Box 318, Andrews, S.C. 29510. Plays Areas 3. 4 at fairs, celes, shopping centers; 15-25 rides. 2-6 shows, 30-60 games. 30 weeks starting March 15. Accepts independent rides, shows. General Manager: Royce Green. FUN-O -RAMA AMUSEMENTS-2260 N.W. 27th Ave., Miami, Fla, 33142. General Manager: George W. Burr; P.O. Box 61. Derry, N.H. 03038. FUNTIME- 65 Kelly Ave., Fitchburg. Mass. Two units. Play New England at fairs, celes, schools, shopping centers, churches, sponsored events; 10 rides. 25 games. Season 25 weeks starting April. Accepts independent rides. shows, books free acts. General Manager: John J. Fanelli. GALA EXPOSITION SHOWS- P.O. Box 341, Bald Knob, Ark. 72010. General Manager: B.E. Miller, GAMBILL, KENNETH R.- 156 Relchart Ave., Wintersville, Ohio 43952. GARRY'S B&B AMUSEMENTS- 1932 North Seventh St., Terre Haute, Ind. Plays part of area 5 at fairs, celes, churches, shopping centers: 11 rides, 8 games. Season about 20 weeks starting May. Accepts independent rides, shows. General Manager: Bob Garry. GOLD MEDAL SHOWS- 829 Chateaugay Rd., Knoxville. Tenn. 37919. General Manager: John J. Denton. GOLDEN EAGLE RIDES- 9 Ruby Dr.. P.O. Box 3794, Greenville, S.C. Plays areas 3, 4 at fairs, celes. churches, shopping centers, sponsored events; 10 rides. 1show. 8games. Season 30 weeks starting early April. Accepts independent rides, shows, sometimes books free acts. General Manager: W.C. Dimsdale. GOLDEN EMPIRE SHOWS- P.O. Box 114, Hallandale, Fla. 33009. Plays areas 3, 4 at fairs, celes, churches, shopping centers, schools and other sponsored events. 10-50 rides. 3-10 shows, 15-42 games. Year round season. Accepts independeni rides. shows. General Managers Jack and Richard Vincon. continued on page 104 1973 Cavalcade of Acts & Attractions We're delighted that all of you were instrumental in making our first 25 years so successful made it all possible. Thank you. Plan to be with us for the next 25 years ...when we'll again be 1973 Cavalcade of Acts &Attractions Jimmy Curry's International \\\ A UTO DEMOLITION '9 DERBY I.A.D.C.Sanctione CASH PRIZES and TROPHIES to WINNERS! Call, Write, or Wire: JIMMY CURRY 903 S. Church Street Gastonia, North Carolina 28052 (704) 865-7376 GOODING AMUSEMENT CO.- 3200 Valleyview Dr.. Columbus. Ohio 43204. Phone (614) 276-5131. Eight to 11 units. President and general manager: Jerry Kaltenback. Plays areas 2. 3. 5 at fairs, celes, shopping centers, sponsored events; 140 rides. Operates April to October. Accepts independent rides, shows, games. Unit managers including Charles Hall, Bill Lamb, Buzz Weekly, Mike Gatto. George Sollenberger, Charles Renton. Jerry Pence, Eugene Smith GOODING'S MILLION DOLLAR MIDWAYS-216 Tremont St.. Boston. Mass. Three units. Plays areas 1, 2. 3. 4. 5. 6at fairs, celes, shopping centers; 0-103 rides. 041 shows, 0-110 games. Season 28 weeks starting mid-May. Accepts independent rides. shows. General Manager: Hal F. Edon. GOODMAN SHOWS INC.- 1107 S.E. 15th Ave.. Deerfield. Fla. 33441 General Manager: A.H. Goodman GORHAM'S MIDWAY, INC.- Route 1, Truro. Iowa 50527 General Manager: Sue Gorham. GREAT AMERICAN SHOWS- 115 Celia Drive, Jerico, New York 11753. General Manager: Rocky Dell. GREAT WESTERN SHOWS- P.O. Box 528, Paskenta, Cal, 96074. Occasionally 2 Units. Plays area 9at fairs, celebrations. shopping centers; 10-15 rides. 14 games. Season 28 weeks. General Manager: Ray Cox. GREEN TREE SHOWS. INC.- R.F D ml, Winchester. Ky, 40391. General Manager: C.N. Huis. GUTHRIE SHOWS- 1025 E. Cumberland, Middlesboro, Ken. 40965. General Manager: Pat Guthrie. HACKETT AMUSEMENTS- Route 1, Riverton, III. 62516. General Manager: Russell Hackett. HALES SHOWS OF TOMORROW-Box 147, Lenox, Va. Plays area 5at fairs, celes, churches, shopping centers. schools, sponsored events; 12 rides. 2 shows. 30 games. Season 26-28 weeks starting April. Accepts independent shows. General Manager: W.T. Hale, BILL NAMES SHOWS- Box 1377. Ft. Worth, Tex. Two units. Plays area Y2 at fairs, cleles, shopping centers, sponsored events; 18-35 rides. 2-10 shows. Season 36 weeks starting February. Books free acts. General Manager: Buster L. Brown. HAMMOND. BOB SHOWS- Route 10. Box 438. Fort Worth. Tex. 77040 General Manager: Bob Hammond HAP-HAP-HAPPEE DAY SHOWS-Box 245, Sheldon. Ill. 60966. General Manager: Barbara Rohr. FOR THRILLS IT'S STILL THE GREAT KORMPATES Performing His Famous High Act on the World's Smallest Platform! (Also Traps and Rings.) L_1 '/ 1 I Available for: · PARKS · CARNIVALS · CIRCUSES · FAIRS · CELEBRATIONS · SHOPPING CENTERS · HOME SHOWS · SPORT SHOWS For Availabilities: 3547 6th Ave., So. St. Petersburg, Fla. 33711 (813) 820-8831 ILLINOIS FIREWORKS COMPANY i!ee- Contractors and Manufacturers "The Nation's Finest" For Your Fair, Your Park, Your Outdoor Celebration Illustrated catalogue upon request "PIONEERS IN THE FIELD" P.O. Box 729 (217) 442-1716 Danville, Illinois 61832 104 HAPPYLAND SHOWS. INC.- Box 375, Southfield, Mich. 48076 Phone General Manager: Robert A. Reid. HARLAN AMUSEMENTS- Box 81, Arma, Kansas 66712. General Manager: Carl A. Harlan. HARPER AMUSEMENTS- Route 2, Owensboro, Ky. 42301. General Manager: Joe Allen Harper. HARTSTOCK, ROY SHOW- Box 142, Brashear, Mo. 63533. General Manager, Roy Hartstock. HARVEY'S AMUSEMENTS- P.O. Box 371. Reedley, Cal. 93654. Plays area 9 at celes, churches, shopping centers. schools: 5-9 rides. Season 30 weeks. General Manager: J.P. Harvey. HAWKSHAW'S AMUSEMENTS- Rt. 2, Box 1278, Jefferson, Tx. 75675. Manager: Ralph R. Davenport. HELMAN'S BIG H SHOWS- 4820 North Clark Ave., Tampa, Fla. 33614 General Manager: Van Helman. HOLMAN'S RIDES, INC.- Route 3, Box 724, Riverview, Fla. 33569. General Manager: Leonard O'Donnell. HUGHES, ELLIS H SHOWS- Route 7, Box 604A, Baton Rouge, La. General Manager: Ellis H. Hughes. ILLINOIS VALLEY RIDES- 2928 West Lake Road, Peoria. III. 61614. General Manager: James Neal. INLAND EMPIRE SHOWS- Box 899. Twin Falls, Idaho 83301. General Manager: Joe P. Williams. INNERS AMUSEMENT CO.- 56 Oak St., York, Pa. Two units. Plays area 2 at fairs, celes, shopping centers, schools, sponsored events; 6-13 rides, 12-40 games. Season 26-30 weeks. Accepts independent rides. shows. General Managers: Wayne E. & Edward M. Inners. INTERMOUNTAIN SHOWS- N. 8 Bernard, Spokane. Wa. 99201. Owner Robert B. McKay. JACKSON'S UNITED SHOWS- 1300 Polk City Rd., Haines City. Fla. 33844, (813) 425-5800. Owner: James R. Jackson. JOHNNY'S UNITED SHOWS- Box 670 Audalusia, Ala. Two units. Plays areas 3. 4. 5 at fairs, celes. shopping centers; 25-30 rides. 2-8 shows. 60-80 games. Season 32 weeks starting April. Accepts independent rides. shows. General Manager: Johnny Ponemont. Jr. JOLLY SHOWS, INC.- 1113 Raydale Road, Hyattesville, Md. 20783. General Manager: William Enfante. JOSEPH AMUSEMENTS- P.O. Box 217, Riverdale, Md. 20840. Plays Areas 2.3. General Manager: Pete Joseph. K&K SHOWS- Peculiar. Mo. Plays areas 5. 6. 7 at fairs. celes, shopping centers, sponsored events. 6-10 rides, 1show. 5-12 games. Season 32 weeks starting March. Accepts independent shows. General Manager: E. Kuhn. KEN PENN AMUSEMENT, INC.- 619 Earl Avenue. New Kensington. Penna, 15068. General Manager: Ron Sanders KETCH AMUSEMENT RIDES- 111 Fifth Avenue, N. Tonowanda, N.Y. 14120. General Manager: Victor Ketch, Jr. KEY CITY SHOWS- 717 Pearl Circle, Brandon. Fla. 33511, General Manager: Fred C. Thumberg. KING REID SHOWS- Box 85-A, Shamokin Dam, Pa. Two units: plays fairs, celes, shopping centers in areas 1. 2 and Eastern Canada. 35 rides, 10-120 concessions. Accepts independent rides, shows. concessions. General Manager: Harry Koch KISSEL BROS. AMUSEMENT CO.- 8796 Cheviot Rd.. Cincinnati, Ohio. Three units. Plays areas 3 & 5at taira, celes, churches, shopping centers. schools; 30 rides. 36 shows. 50 games. Season 28 weeks starting Ea.. week. Accepts independent shows. General Manager. Robert Kissel, KLEIN AMUSEMENT CO.- 2800 So. Lyndale Ave., Sioux Falls, SD 57105. General Manager: Henry Klein. LAGASSE AMUSEMENT CO. CORP.-17 Lafayette St.. Haverhill. Mass. Plays area 1 at fairs. celes. churches. Season 21 weeks starting April. Accepts free acts. General Manager: Harry J. Ryan. LAMPKIN SHOWS- Box 701, Gibsonton, Fla. 33534. Owner: Charles Lampkin, GENE LEDEL SHOWS, INC.- 509 Green River Trail, Fort Worth, Tex. Plays areas 6 & 8 at fairs, celes, churches. shopping centers, schools, sponsored events; 21-35 odes, 2-12 shows. 2-70 games. Season 35 weeks starting January. Accepts independent rides, shows, books free acts. General Manager: Gene Ledel. JACK LINDLE SHOWS- Box 3278. Apollo Beach, Fla. Two units. Plays areas 5 & 6 at fairs, celés, shopping centers, sponsored events; 5-17 rides. 2-5 shows. 20 games. Season 22 weeks starting mid-April. Accepts independent rides. shows. General Manager: Jack Lindle. LITTLE RICHARD'S EXPOSITION- P.O. Box 7, Pennsburg, Pa. 18073. (215) 679-9600. Owner: Richard Thomas. LOUDEN AMUSEMENTS- 3565 N.W. 36th St., Miami. Fla. 33142. Plays areas 2. 3, 4 at celes. shopping centers; 22 rides, 10-50 Concessions. Accepts independent rides, shows General Manager Lou Clark. 1973 Cavalcade of Acts & Attractions LOUISIANA GREATER SHOWS- 9861 Florida Blvd.. Baton Rouge. La. 70815. General Manager: Opal Serrano. LUEHR'S IDEAL RIDES, INC.- 4901 Buchanan St.. Hollywood, Fla. 3-4 units. Plays area 5 at fairs, celes, shopping centers; 10-20 rides. 4 shows. 25-50 games. Season 26-28 weeks starting early April. Accepts independent rides, shows. General Manager: H.W. Luehrs. M.D. AMUSEMENTS- 302 East Diamond, HazeIton. Pa. 18201. 15 Rides. Plays area 2. General Manager: Mike Dembrosky. LEN MARTIN SHOWS- Len Martin, Berlin, N.D. 58415. MARVEL SHOWS- Box 252, Middletown, Ill. Plays Illinois at fairs. celes, shopping centers. sponsored events; 14 rides, 20 games. Season 25 weeks starting April. General Manager: Edward Merriman. MEGERLE SHOWS- 999 Trumbull Road, Girard, Ohio 44020. Plays areas 2, 3. 4, 5 at fairs, celes. churches, sh; pping centers, schools, other sponsored events. 1742 rides, 6-12 Shows, 35-100 Concessions. Season April through Nov. Accepts independent rides. shows. General Manager: Dick Stack. McBride BROTHERS AMUSEMENT- Box 365, Barnwell, S.C. 29812. Owner: W.H. McBride. THE McCOY SHOWS- Box 529, Riverview, Fla. 33569. (813) 677-1601. Owner: Bill McCoy. B.J. McDONAGH AMUSEMENTS- 2480 S. River Rd., Saginaw, Mi. 48603. (517) 792-2641. Owner: Bruce McDonagh. McOUATER'S GREATER SHOWS- 2800 Highway 378, Westlake, La. 70669. Owner: Gene McQuater. MERRIAM'S MIDWAY SHOWS- Box 37. Ogden. la. 50212. General Manager: Alva Merriam. MIDLAND EMPIRE SHOWS- P.O. Box 253, Plattsburg, Mo. 64477, Phone: General Manager Donald Evans. MID-SOUTH SHOWS- Box 447, Fort Walton Beach. Fla. 35248. General Manager: Bob D. Boling. MIDWAY AMUSEMENT- Box 1077, Covington, La. Two units. Plays parts of areas 5& 6at fairs, celes. shopping centers; 10-21 rides, 1-5 shows, 20-75 games. Season 35 weeks starting mid-March. Accepts independent rides. shows. books free acts. General Manager: Hal (Romeo) Dunn. MIDWAY OF FUN SHOWS- Star Route, Detroit Lakes, Mn. 56501. Owner: Ray Drescher. MIDWAY OF MIRTH- 3111 E. Nettleton Road, Jonesboro, Ark. 72401. General Manager: Esther Speroni. MIDWEST ATTRACTIONS- R.R. 2, Box 62, Burlington. la. 52601. Owners: Gene & Joyce Regur. MIDWEST ENTERPRISES & AMUSEMENTS- 5416 N East River Rd.. Chicago, Ill. 60656. (312) 693-4647 Owner: Charles Magid. MILLER AMUSEMENT CO.- 9940 North 55th Street, La Grange, III. 60525. General Manager: Charles E. Miller. MILLER SPECTACULAR SHOWS-Bald Knob, Ark. 1-3 units. Plays area 4, 5, 6at fairs, celes. shopping centers. colleges, sponsored events; 20-40 rides. 4-8 shows. 3575 games. Season 30 weeks starting mid-February. Accepts independent rides, shows. General Manager Johnny Miller. MISSISSIPPI VALLEY SHOWS- 12500 Roll Rd.. St. Louis, Mo. Plays areas 4 & 5 at fairs, celes, churches, shopping centers, schools. Season starts April. Accepts independent rides, shows. General Manager: Carl Mathis. MOHAWK AMUSEMENTS- 7510 West Tropicana Street, No. Hollywood. Fla. 33023. MONARCH EXPOSITION SHOWS-P.0. Box 726, Independence. La. 70443. General Manager: Gus Papendick: MOTOR STATE SHOWS- 21825 Haggerty Road, Belleville, Mich. 48111. General Manager: Johnny Burns. MOUND CITY SHOWS- 515 Sotier Place, Wood River. III. 62095. General Manager: Clarence Staten. MOUNDVIEW SHOW- 675 E. Mineral St., Platteville, Wi. 53818. (608) 348-8505. Owners: Mildred & Donovan R. Faith. MURPHY AMUSEMENTS- Box 502, Manly, Iowa 50456. General Manager: H.L. Murphy. MURPHY SHOWS, INC- Route 1, Fremont, Neb. 68025. Plays areas 5, 6. 7 at fairs, celes. churches. shopping centers, schools and other sponsored events. 32-60 rides. 10-20 shows, 80-160 games. Season mid-March to end of Oct. Accepts independent rides. shows. General Managers: Jerry and James Murphy. MURRAY'S AMUSEMENTS- 6391 Thomas Street, Hollywood, Fla. 33021. Season: Nov. to March. General Manager: William T. Collins, 7820 Chicago Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. 55420. MYERS AMUSEMENT CO.- 708 Randolph St., St. Joseph, Mo. 64505, (816) 232-5746. Pres/Gen. Mgr: Bill Dillard. NOLAN SHOWS- Route 7, Zanesville, Ohio 43701. General Manager: Fred Nolan. 1973 Cavalcade of Acts &Attractions O'NEIL UNITED SHOWS- Plays Minnesota at fairs, celes, shopping centers; 12-16 rides, 1-2 shows. 6-20 games. Season 20 weeks starting May. Accepts independent rides, shows. General Manager: Joe Yahr. OSCAR'S AMUSEMENT CO.- 221 Woodlawn Rd. Norristown, Pa. Two units. Plays Philadelphia area at fairs, celes, churches, shopping centers. Sponsored events; 9 Rides, 25 games. Season 20 weeks starting April. Accepts independent shows, books free acts. General Manager: Oscar R. Magdule. OTTAWAY AMUSEMENT CO.- Rt. 2, Derby, Kan. Plays areas 6 & 7at fairs, celes. shopping centers. sponsored events; 7-10 rides, 5-20 games. Season 30 weeks starting February. Accepts independent rides, shows. General Manager: Bob Ottaway. PAGE COMBINED SHOWS- 830 Orleans Road, Charleston, S.C. 29401. Two units. 8 rides, 1-40 concessions. General Manager: Sue Page. PACIFIC COAST SHOWS- 202 North Sullivan, Santa Ana, Cal. Two units. Plays area 9 at fairs, celes. shopping centers; 10-25 rides, 10-100 games. Season 40 weeks. Accepts independent rides. shows. General Manager: Pete and Frank Sutton. FRANK J. PALLOTTA AMUSEMENTS-1238 Parkview Dr.. North Tonawanda, N.Y. Plays area 2 al celes, churches, shopping centers, sponsored events: 7 rides. 1 game. Season 19 weeks starting Memorial day. Accepts independent rides, books free acts. General Manager: Frank J. Pallotta. DAVE PHIPPS- Box 524, Chonock, Mt. 59523. PLAYTIME AMUSEMENTS- 62 Nightingale Ave.. Quincy, Mass. Plays area 1at fairs, celes. shopping centers, sponsored events; 10 rides, 2 shows, 20 games. Season 26 weeks starting April. Accepts independent rides, shows, books free acts. General Manager: E.W. Burr. POOR JACK AMUSEMENTS- Box 415, Milton, Ind. Two units. Plays 415, Milton, Ind. Two units. Plays area 5at fairs, celes, churches, shopping centers, schools, sponsored events; 15-20 rides. 2-5 shows. Season 28 weeks starting April. Accepts independent rides. shows. General Manager: Jack Bohlander. PRUDENT'S AMUSEMENT SHOWS-19 Brook Street, Patchogue, Long Island, New York 11772. General Manager: Joseph Pisapia. PUGH AMUSEMENT CO.- 233 Whileg Ave., Lancaster, Ohio. Two units. Plays areas 2, 3, 4, 5 at fairs, celes, shopping centers. sponsored events; 9-18 rides, 1-4 shows, 10-20 games. Season 30 weeks. Accepts independent rides, shows, books free acts. General Manager: Bob Pugh. R & LSHOWS- Box 77, Chapman, Neb. 68827. General Manager: Roy Harvey. RAINIER SHOWS- 2710 Garfield Road, Tacoma, Wash. 98403. General Manager: Andy Anderson, RAZORBACK AMUSEMENTS- 550 Smokey Lane, N. Little Rock, Ark. 72117. Plays areas 5, 6 at fairs, celes, churches, shopping centers, schools and other sponsored events. 12 rides, 4 shows, 25 games. Season March to end of Oct. Accepts independent rides. shows. General Manager: Rex Saunders. REID'S SPECTACULAR SHOWS-Box 126, Astoria. Ill. 61501. General Managers: Robert D. Reid. Sr. and Robert Reid, Jr. REITHOFFER SHOWS- Box 1834. Pompano Beach. Fla. 33060. General Manager: Pat Reithoffer Jr. REYNOLDS RIDES & AMUSEMENTS, INC.- Rt. 1, Box 55A, Chesapeake City, Md. 21915. (301) 885-5368. Owner: Harold R. Reynolds, Jr. RICH'S AMUSEMENT RIDES- Route 2, Manilla, Iowa 51415. General Manager: Richard Gollobit. ROSE CITY RIDES- P.O. 805. Cape Girardeau, Mo. 63701. General Manager: H.L. (Dutch) Schrader. ROYAL AMERICAN SHOWS- Box 512, Tampa, Fla. 33601. General Manager: Carl J. Sedlmayr Jr. JACK ROYAL- 780 Azalea Court, Plantation, Fla. 33313. ROYAL UNITED SHOWS- 4501 W. 75th St.. Prairie Village, Ks. 66208. Owners: Leonard Shipley. Eddie Gordon. ROYAL WEST SHOWS- 5415 Brooklyn Ave.. Los Angeles, Ca. 90022. (213) 269-7902. Owner: Bill Marcus. S & S AMUSEMENTS- 144 Ann Street, Peckville, Pa. 18452. General Managers: Stephen Swika Sr. and Stephen Swika Jr. SANDERS AMUSEMENTS- Box 7543, Charleston, S.C. 29405, General Manager: J. Sanders. SANTAMARIAS'S FAMOUS FUNWAY-Two units. Plays area 1 at fairs, celes, churches, shopping centers, schools; 14-23 rides, 1-2 shows, 20-50 games. Season 40 weeks starting February. Accepts independent rides, shows. books free acts. General Manager: Nick Santa maria, SHORTER'S GALA MIDWAY OF FUN- 2008 Fairview ·CARNIVALS ·AUTO RACES ............ ·PARKS ·CIRCUSES / HAAS WILKERSON WiNLBERO INSURANCE MEMBER 0.A.B.A. 3101 Broadway Kansas City, Mo, 64111 Tel. (AC 816) 756-1600 506 Olive Street St. Louis, Mo, 63110 Tel. (AC 314) MAin 1-0414 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M1111111111111111M1111111111111111111111111M11111111111111111II 105 Drive, Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613. General Manager: Floyd Shorter. SHOWS OF SHOWS- 12043 Mt. Vernon Ave.. Colton, Cal. 92324. Plays area 9at fairs, celes, churches, shopping centers, schools and community affairs. 4-20 rides. 0-20 games. Season 48 weeks starting February 1. Accepts independent rides. shows. General Manager: James R. Butzer, SKEFIG6CK AMUSEMENT Co.-Box 174, Dorchester. Wisc. 54425. General Manager: Joe Skerbeck. SONNY MYERS SHOWS- 2505 Elephant Trail, St. Joseph, Mo. Plays areas 5. 6. 7 at fairs, celes, churches, shopping centers, schools, sponsored events: 10-30 rides. 5 shows, 20-60 games. Season 30 weeks. Accepts independent rides. shows. General Manager: Bill Dillard. SOUTHLAND AMUSEMENTS- 12806 15th St., Tampa, Fla. Plays Southeast at celes, churches, schools, sponsored events: 8-14 rides, 8-15 games. Season 41 weeks starting January, Accepts independent rides. shows. General Manager: James Deal. SPACE AGE AMUSEMENTS- P.O. Box 636, Scottsdale. Ariz, 85252. Plays areas 7, 8 at fairs, celes, shopping centers, sponsored events: 14-18 rides, 1show. 15-30 games. Season 40-45 weeks starting February. Accepts independent rides. General Manager: Albert D. Miroo. J. E. SPALDING SHOWS- Box 1166. Wichita. Ks. 67201. SPENCER AMUSEMENTS, INC.-Route 8A, Haddam, Conn. 06438. General Manager: H.R. Spencer. WILLIAM D. STANLEY SHOWS. INC.,- Box 1421. Hot Springs, Ar. 71901. (501) 623-9766. STATE LINE RIDES- Route 1, Box 14C, Moline. Ill. 61265. General Manager: Rahland Wiggs. STEELE'S AMUSEMENTS- Rt, 4. Valpariso, In. 46383. (219) 462-1568. 462-6421. Pres: Albert N. Steele. STIPES SHOWS- P.O. Box 8581. White Bear Lake, Mn. 55110. (612) 429-2596. Manager: William L. Stripe. JAMES E. STRATES SHOWS- Box 55, Orlando. Fla. Two units. Plays East & mid-South at fairs. celes; 30-75 rides. 40-70 games. Season 30-plus weeks starting April. Accepts independent rides. shows. General Manager: E.J. Strates. STRATES MIDWEST SHOWS- 520 E. 4th, Kinsley, Kan. Plays areas 6, 7. 8 at fairs, celes, churches, shopping centers; 14-20 rides, 15-40 games. Season 40 weeks starting March. Accepts independent rides. shows. General Manager: Lionel L. Strate. RAY SVVYEAR RIDES- 606 S. Jackson St.. New Athens. II. 62264, (618) 475-2062. Owner: Ray Swyear. DALE THOMAS SHOWS- Box 255. Belgrade. Ne. 68623. Owner/Mgr: Dale Thomas. THOMAS JOYLAND SHOWS- 1799 N.W. 28th St., Miami. Fla. Plays areas 3 & 5 at fairs, celes. and sponsored events; 30 rides. 8-10 shows, 60 games. Season 30 weeks starting mid-April. Accepts independent shows. General Manager: L.I. Thomas. THOMAS SHOWS. INC.- Box 385, Lennox, S.D. Two units. Plays areas 5. 6. 7 and Canada at fairs, celes, shopping centers, sponsored events; 15-30 rides, o-10 shows, 0-65 games. Season 25 weeks starting midApril. Accepts independent rides, shows. books free acts. General Manager: Bernard Thomas. THOMPSON AMUSEMENT INC.- At. 2, Box 493, Altoona, Pa. 16601. Owner: James M. Thompson. THRILL TIME SHOWS- Box 584, Iowa Park, Tx. 76367. Owner: W. C. Burleson. TINSLEY AMUSEMENTS- 3tr36 Waco Dr., St. Louis, Mo. 63121. Owner: Richard C. Tinsley. TOBY'S AMUSEMENT CO.- Box V. Arma. Kan. Plays areas 5, 6, 7at fairs, celes, churches, shopping centers. schools; 8-16 rides, 10-30 games. Season 32 weeks starting April. General Manager: Toby Nemmers. TREASURE STATE AMUSEMENTS- Box 524, Chinook, Mt. 59523. Owner Dave Phipps. TRIPLE R AMUSEMENTS- Box 186, Watertown, Wisc. 53094. General Manager: Robert L. Brasch. "IININ CITY SHOWS- 4501 West 75th St.. Kansas City, Ks. 66208. Owner: Eddie Bordon. VALLEY AMUSEMENT CO., INC.-P.O. Box 79, Cos Cob, Conn. Two units. Plays areas 1 & 2 at fairs. celes. churches, shopping centers. schools; 10-15 rides, 1-10 games. Season 26 weeks starting April. Accepts independent rides. General Managers: Richard B. Stewart & David W. Jeans. VICTORY SHOWS-330 East Vestal, San Antonio, Tex, 78221. General Managers: Alvin & Lowell Van Dyke. VINSON'S AMUSEMENTS-11101 S.W. 64th Ave., Miami, Fla. 33156. General Manager: Jerry Vinson. VIRGINIA AMUSEMENT CO.-P.O. Box 1031, Stauton, Va. 24401. Owner: J.A. Clem. IV, W& H AMUSEMENT CO.-3230 Cleveland St., Hollywood. Fla. Plays Chicago area at celes, shopping centers; 12open number of rides. 30-50 games. Season April-September. Accepts independent shows, sometimes rides, sometimes books free acts. General Manager: Harry (Buster) Westbrook. W. G. WADE SHOWS-4126 Nearbrook, Bloomfield Hills, Mi. 48013. RALPH WAGNER SHOWS-Plays area 6& 7at fairs, celes. shopping centers, sponsored events; 5-10 rides, 0-3 shows. 15-40 games. Season 36 weeks starting February. Accepts independent rides, shows. General Manager: Robert Wagner. WHEELOCK RIDES & CONCESSIONS-287 Armstrong Road, Syracuse, N.Y. 13209. General Managers: Avery H., Avery D., and Andrew Wheelock. WIMPY'S FUN SHOW-P.O. Box 361, Lexington, Tx. 78947, (713) 773-2203. Owner: W. R. Owens. WINCHESTER AMUSEMENT CO.-145 Lambden Ave., Winchester. Va. 22601, (703) 662-4613. Owner: J.W. Hershberger. WOLD'S AMUSEMENTS-5536 N. Campbell Ave., Chicago, III. 60625. General Manager: Mike Wold. WONDERFUL WORLD SHOW-Box 229, Canastota, N.Y. WORLD FAIR SHOWS-Plays areas 6, 7, 8 at fairs, celes, shopping centers. schools, 18-40 rides, 40-140 games. Season 33 weeks starting March 1. Accepts independent rides. shows. General Manager: Arthur Frazier. YABROUDY AMUSEMENT CO.-1800 N. Boeke Rd., Evansville, Ind. 47711. General Manager: Robert M. Yabroudy. YUNG TU RIDES-2800 Highway 378. Westlake, La. 70669, General Manager: Gene Mcauater. ZABEL's SHOWS, INC.-7525 Erie Rd., Derby, N.Y. Plays area 2 at fairs, celes, churches, shopping centers, schools: 8-15 rides, 1-2 shows. 6-30 games. Season 26 weeks starting May. Accepts independent rides, shows. General Manager: Ray Sanford. EXTRA COPIES 1973 AUDITORIUM, ARENA & STADIUM GUIDE $20 are available per copy Send your order and remittance to SINGLE COPY SALES DEPT. AMUSEMENT BUSINESS 1719 West End Ave., Nashville, Tenn. 37203 (Or use the handy order form elsewhere in this issue) 106 1973 Cavalcade of Acts & Attractions Presenting Thoroughbred Outdoor Amusements for More Than aQuarter Century" A Mighty Midway of Unlimited Capability for Meeting the Challenge of Today's Audience Potential! Address: P. 0. Box 694, Owensboro, Kentucky 42301 ·C. C. GROSCURTH, President ·7Treasure Drive, Tampa, CIRCUSES ALLEN BROS. MAGIC CIRCUS-1442 McLendon Ave., N.E., Atlanta, Ga. 30307. Tel. (404) 524-7834. George W. Allen. manager and booking agent. Plays regions 1,2,3,4. New this year. Carries food/drink, souvenir/novelties. Dates 100 per cent sponsored during mid-January through mid-December season. AMERICAN NATIONAL CIRCUS-4967 Bilmoor Ave.. Tarzana. Ca. 91356. Tel. (213) 344-4231, 342-0964. Owners: Bob Yerkes. Parley Baer. AMERICANA-Box 274, Des Moines, Iowa 50301. Tel. (515)277-1439. E.J. Floyd, manager. Last year played 30 performances in 8 cities. Carries food/drink, programs, souvenir/novelties. Dates 100 per cent sponsored. BOOK BROS. CIRCUS-Tel. LU1-1534. Stanley Book, manager. Plays regions 2,5 and Canada. Last year played 89 performances in 35 cities. Carries food/ drink, programs, souvenir/novelties. Dates 35 per cent sponsored during yearround season. BORGER BROS. CIRCUS BURBANK-2259 W. Cullenon. Chicago, III. 60608. Tel. (312) 829-9650. Norman J. Borger. manager; Elton Berlin, booking agent. Operates in region 5. Carries food/drink, programs, souvenir/ novelties. Dates 70 per cent sponsored during mid-January through December season. DON BRIDWELL CIRCUS PRODS.-1027 Eastman St., Zanesville, Ohio. Tel. (614) 452-5129. Don Bridwell, manager and booking agent. Operates in regions 2,3,5.7. Last year played 50 performances in 10 cities. Sometimes carries programs. Dates 80 per cent sponsored during January through mid-November season. BUCKEYE SOCIETY CIRCUS-2 1 /2 N. State St., Westerville, Ohio 43081. William G. Bale, manager. Operates in region 5. Last year played 24 performances in 10 cities. Carries side show, menagerie, food/drink, programs, souvenir/novelties. Dates 100 per cent sponsored during October through May season. BUCKEYE STATE SOCIETY CIRCUS-1027 Eastman St.. Zanesville, Ohio 43701. Tel. (614) 452-5129. Col. Jerry Lipko and Don Bridwell. owners and managers: Jim Estep and Frank Jewell, booking agents. Operates in region 5 year round. New and not on road in 1970. CARDEN-JOHNSON INTERNATIONAL CIRCUS INC.Route 2, Willard, Mo. 65781. Tel (417) 833-3064. Larry Carden and Don Johnson. owners; Larry Carden, manager and booking agent. Operates in regions 5, 6. 7, 8. Last year played 200 performances in 90 cities. Normally carries food and drink, programs. souvenir/ novelties. Dates 100 per cent sponsored during April through August season. Also plays ball parks. CARSON & BARNES CIRCUS-P.O. Box J. Hugo. Okla. 74743. Tel: (405) 326-6209. Ted Bowman, manager: H.W. Ahrhart. booking agent. Operates in regions 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Last year played 389 performances in 195 cities. Carries menagerie, food/drink, programs, souvenir/novelties. Dates 100 per cent sponsored during March through November season. HUBERT CASTLE INTERNATIONAL CIRCUS-1960 Peavy Rd., Dallas, Texas 75228. Tel: (214)321-5568. Hubert Castle, owner, manager and booking agent. Operates in regions 2, 3. 5, 6, 7. 8, 9. Last year played 400 performances in 98 cities. Normally carries food and drink, programs. novelties. Dates 90 per cent sponsored during January 15 through November season. Also plays football stadiums. CHAMBERS BROS. WORLD'S GREATEST CIRCUS114 Perna Ave. Union. S.C. 29379. Tel: (803) 4276023. Jimmy Chambers Jr., manager; Jimmy Chambers Family, booking agents. Operates in regions 1, 2. 3, 4. 5, 6, 7. 8, 9. Last year played 30 performances in 15 cities. Normally carries food/drink, programs. Dates 90 per cent sponsored during year round season. CHARLES BROS. CONTINENTAL CIRCUS-Rt. 2. Box 297P, Sarasota. Fla. 33577. Tel: 955-0385. Les Claxton, manager: Charles Moyer, booking agent. Operates in regions 1, 2. 3, 4. Carries food/drink. programs. souvenir/novelties. Dates 100 per cent sponsored. CIRCUS AFRICA-C/O Jungle Larry's Safari, Caribbean Gardens, Naples, Fla. 33940. Larry Tetzlaff, manager: Walt Gertslaver. booking agent. Operates in regions 2, 3, 4, 5. Last year played 200 performances in 100 cities. Carries menagerie, pit chows. programs. souvenir/novelties. Dates 90 per cent sponsored during September through May season. CIRCUS DE LOCK & WILD WEST-218-E Craig St.. Toccoa, Ga. 30577. Dave DeLock. manager; Dave DeLock. booking agent. Operates in regions 3, 4. Last year played 40 performances in 28 cities. Carries programs. Dates 100 per cent sponsored during January through mid-December season. CIRCUS EL MARCUS-c/o Jimmy Chambers Circus Productions, 114 Perrin Ave.. Union. S.C. 29379. Jimmy Marks, booking agent. Operates year round. CIRCUS INTERNATIONALE -5321 Rochester Rd.. Chicago. III. 60618. Tel: (312) 879-0264. Charles Ma- riwe, manager; Paul Hinkle. booking agent. Operates in regions 2. 3, 5. 7. Carries food/drink, souvenir/novelties. Dates 90 per cent sponsored during February through October season. CIRCUS KIRK-P.O. Box 181, E. Berlin. Pa. 17316. Tel: (717) 259-9117. North American Operating Co.. Inc., owner; Dr. Charles W. Boas. manager and booking agent. Operates in regions 2. 3, 5. Last year played 152 performances in 73 cities. Normally carries Side Showfood and drink, programs, novelties, pit show. Dates 100 per cent sponsored during June through early September. CIRCUS WILLIAMS -Batavia. Ohio. Jim and Carl Conley, owners and managers. Plays indoor and ballpark dates in midwest. CLARK & WALTERS WILD ANIMAL CIRCUS-R.R. 1, Box 197-A, Medora, Ind. 47260. Tel (812)966-4559. Brownie Silverlake Family, owners: Mel Silverlake, manager; Brownie Silverlake, booking agent. Operates in region 5 April to October. No information for lest year. CLYDE BEATTY COLE BROS. CIRCUS-P.O. Box 1570, Winter Park, Fla. 32789. Tel: (305) 645-2221. Frank McClosky and Jerry Collins, owners: John Pugh, manager; Joe McMahon, booking agent. Operates in regions 1. 2, 3, 4. 5. 6. Last year played 500 performances in 200 cities. Normally carries Side Show, food and drink, programs, novelties. Dates 100 per cent sponsored during March through November season. CLYDE BROS. CIRCUS-Box 14682, Oklahoma City. Okla. 73114. Tel: (405) 842-4859. William Jack. manager: Howard W. Suesz, booking agent. Tel: (405) 8435067. Operates in regions 1, 2, 3. 4, 5. 6. 7, 8. Last year played in 70 cities. Normally carries food and drink, programs. novelties. Dates 98 per cent sponsored during March through November season. Also plays stadiums. COLE ALL STAR .TV CIRCUS-P.O. Box 1690, De Land, Fla. 32720. Tel: (904) 669-2673. Heidi M. Cole. owner: James M. Cole. manager and booking agent. Operates in region 2. Last year played 160 performances in 75 cities. Normally carries food and drink. souvenir/ novelties. Dates 100 per cent sponsored during midJanuary through mid-April season. DIXIE BROS. CIRCUS-3501 Toulouse St. New Orleans, La. 70119. Tel: (504) 486-5844. Jo Lewis, manager. Larry Bodden, booking agent. Operates in regions 4. 6. Normally carries programs. Dates 100 per cent sponsored during May through July season. continued on page 112 Playing the United States and Canada )f. BERNARD P. THOMAS Owner/Manager BOX 385, LENNOX, SOUTH DAKOTA 57039 TELEPHONE: (605) 647-2407 AMERICA'S MOST COLORFUL MIE; * AMUSEMENTS OF AMERICA HAS THE FLEXIBILITY TO PROVIDE THE PROPER EQUIPMENT FOR ALL FAIRS AND CELEBRATIONS, REGARDLESS OF SIZE. WE OPERATE SIX CARNIVALS EACH WEEK! INTERNATIONAL UNIT FAIRS V.00ng Mgr UNIT FESTIVALS, CELEBRATIONS & SHOPPING CENTERS UNIT =3 FESTIVALS & CELEBRATIONS Ph,. A Vitro. Mg, SOUTHERN UNIT FAIRS Ric... Bon Mgr AMERICA NATIONAL UNIT FAIRS UNIT xt 5 FESTIVALS, CELEBRATIONS SHOPPING CENTERS * 40 Years of Top Service, 1932-1972. * Own and Operate Only the Finest Equipment. * Personal Management and Attention at All Times. * Dependability ...Our Large and Competent Staff Assures You We Provide What We Contract. OVER 100 YEARS OF COMBINED EXPERIENCE IN PLANNING AND OPERATING SUPERB, HIGH-GROSSING MIDWAYS AT FAIRS, CARNIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS! JOHN J. VIVONA 7275 S. W. 137th St. Miami, Fla. 33153 Northern Winter Quarters and Business Office 37A Federal Road Englishtown, N.J. 07726 (201) 446-7144 MORRIS J. VIVONA General Representative 1 Glenn Road West Caldwell, N.J. 07006 "When you stop trying to be better, you give up the right to be best" The late Floyd E. Gooding had asimple business philosophy: make each season's operation better than the season before. As we enter our 75th year of business, we pledge ourselves anew to those standards which have made Gooding the foremost outdoor amusement company in America today. But that isn't the end of the story. For all of us at Gooding ...staff and employees alike ...are looking confidently to the future and its challenge with a keen sense of dedication: to maintain and where possible improve the wholesome reputation that has made Gooding preeminent in its field ...and to make each season better than the one before. Jerry L. Kaltenbach President GaDdIflg A-aJsemen General Offices: 3200 Valleyview Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43204 Phone: (614) 276-5131 FAMOUS EUROPEAN CIRCUS "BARTOK"-P. O. Box 222 Tallavast, Fla. 33588. Tel: (813) 355-1874. David L. Bartok Circus Corp., owner; Betty Bartok, manager; "Doc" Milton Bartok. booking agent. Operates in regions 1. 2, 3, 5 March to late October. No information for last year. FISHER BROS. CIRCUS-Route 1, Box 197A, Medora. Ind. 47260. Tel: (812) 966-4559. Mel Silverlake, owner; Billy Griffin, general manager; Raymond Duke, agent, Box 14, Ora, Ind. Operates areas 3. 4, 5. 6 mid. February to mid-December. Carries food/drink, souvenirs/novelties, sideshow/menagerie. programs. All dates sponsored, uses no phone promotions. L. N. FLECKLES & CO. CIRCUS-2400 E. Devon, Des Plaines, III. 60018. Tel: (312) 297-4466. L. N. Fleckles, owner; Mrs. Dottie Winn, manager; L. N. Fleckles. booking agent. Operates in regions 1, 2, 3. 5. Last year played 192 performances in 14 cities. Normally carries programs. Dates 100 per cent sponsored during January 5 through June season. Also plays ball parks. GARDEN BROS. 3-RING CIRCUS-Suite 319, 1231 St. Catherine St.. W., Montreal, Que., Canada. Tel: (514) 844-8787. Ian M. Garden, manager and booking agent. Operates in regions 1, 2, 5 and eastern Canada. Carries food/drink, souvenir/novelties and sometimes programs. Dates 100 per cent sponsored during late April through early October season. GARDEN INTERNATIONAL CIRCUS & ICE SHOW-Suite 1015 Sarasota Bank Bldg., Sarasota, Fla. 33577. Tel: (813) 959-6651. Dick & Bill Garden, managers; Dick Garden, booking agent. Operates in regions 1. 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8. 9, and South America. Carries food/drink, programs, souvenir/novelties. Dates 100 per cent nonsponsored during September through June season. GATTI-CHARLES CONTINENTAL CIRCUS-Box 508, 400 East Chapman, Orange, Calif. 92669. Tel: (714) 997-0751. Matthew Gatti and Alvin Charles. owners; Matthew Gatti, manager. Operates in regions 8, 9. and Canada. Last year played 190 performances in 50 cities. Normally carries food and drink, programs, novelties. Dates 90 per cent sponsored during April through November season. Also plays football fields and stadiums. GREAT AMERICAN CIRCUS-2823 San Mateo, N.E. Albuquerque, N.M. 87110. Tel: (505) 255-5113. Donald E. Day. co-owner, William Rice, owner and booking agent. Operates in regions 6. 8. 9. Last year played 20 performances in nine cities. Normally carries food and drink. novelties and sometimes programs. Dales 50 Per cent sponsored during winter and spring. Also plays ball parks, etc. HAMID-MORTON CIRCUS-Steel Pier, Virginia Ave. & Boardwalk, Atlantic City, N.J. Tel: (609) 344-2161. Hamid-Morton Circus Co.. owner; George A. Hamid, Jr.. manager and booking agent. Operates in regions 2, 3, 5, 7. Last year played 100 performances in 14 cities. Normally carries novelties. Dates 100 per cent sponsored during February through July season. Also plays stadiums. HANNEFORD CIRCUS-1605 Main St.. Sarasota, Fla. 33577. Tel: (813) 958-0532. Circus Classics. Inc.. owner; W. J. English, Pres.: Tommy Hanneford, Vice Pres.; Glenn Parkins, booking agent. Operates in regions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7and Canada. Last year played 220 performances in cities. Normally carries food and drink, programs, souvenir/novelties. Dates 98 per cent sponsored during February through November season. HAPPYTIME DOG & PONY CIRCUS-Box 269, Windsor, Calif. 95492. Tel (707) 544-7734. Dave and Judy Twomey, owners; Dave (Happy) Twomey. manager. Operates in region 9 February to November. No information for last year. HAPSBURG SOCIETY CIRCUS-14043 24th Ave. S., CH 3-2160. Robert and Waltraud Mock. owners; Robert Mock, manager and booking agent. Operates in region 9. Last year played 225 performances in 90 cities. Normally carries food and drink, novelties. Dates 100 per cent sponsored during January through May and September through December seasons. HAWTHORN CIRCUS CORP.-Libertyville. III. 60048. Tel: (312) IM 2-2025. John F. Cuneo, Jr.. manager. Operates in U. S.. Canada, Mexico and W. Indies during January 16 through December 23 season. HETZER'S EUROPEAN cireux -408 16th St., West, P. 0. Box 589, Huntington. W.Va. 25710. Tel: (304) 5237231. Booked by Hetzer's Theatrical Productions. HIPPODROME INTERNATIONAL CIRCUS-342 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. 10017. Ray Beaudet, owner and booking agent. Operates in regions 1. 2, 3, 4 during March to December season. No information on last year. HOLIDAY HIPPODROME-Suite 1015. Sarasota Bank Bldg., Sarasota, Fla. 33577. Tel (813) 959-6651. Floyd Bradbury, manager; Wm. Garden, booking agent. Operates in regions 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, 6. Last year played 287 performances in 206 cities. Dates 100% spon- sorgd during February through December season. Also plays schools, theaters. HOXIE BROS. CIRCUS-9140 S. W. 59th Ave.. South Miami, Fla. 33156. Tel: (305) 661.7193. Hoxie Tucker, owner; John R. Hall, manager. Operates in regions 2. 3, 4, 5. Last year played 386 performances in 190 cities. Normally carries Side Show. Menagerie, food and drink, programs, souvenir/novelties. Dates 100 per cent sponsored during March to October season. GEORGE HUBLER INTERNATIONAL CIRCUS-5275 Denise Dr., Dayton, Ohio 45429. Tel: (513) 434-3743. Hubler Enterprises. owner; George Hubler. manager; Nora Lsngdon, booking agent. Operates in regions 1. 2, 3, 4. 5. Last year played 120 performances in 30 cities. Normally carries food and drink, programs, novelties. Dates 97 per cent sponsored during January into December season. Also plays stadiums, ball parks. canopy. INTERNATIONAL BIG TOP CIRCUS-Box 2276, Zanesville, Ohio. Tel: GI 3-0188. George Moffett. owner. manager and booking agent. Operates in regions 2. 3, 5. Last year played 41 performances in 30 citiesmostly fairs. Grandstand presentation only during the July-Sept. season. INTERNATIONAL MAGIC CIRCUS-114 Perrin Ave., Union, S.C. 20379. Tel: (803) 427-6023. J.N. Chambers, Jr. manager; Jimmy Chambers, booking agent. Operates in regions 1. 2, 3, 4. 5. 6, 7. Carries pit show, food/drink. Dates 80 per cent sponsored in March through October season. INTERNATIONAL POLICE SHOWTIME-Suite 1015, Sarasota Bank Bldg.. Sarasota, Fla. 33577. Tel: (813) 959-6651. Roy Huston. manager; Wm. Garden, booking agent. Last year played 61 performances in 32 cities. WILLIAM KAY CIRCUS-3001 Pony Lane, Sarasota, Fla. Tel: (813) 924-9746. William and Patricia Kay. owgers: William Kay. manager; Bob Sands, booking agent. Operates in regions 4, 5, 7, 8. Last year played 40 performances in 16 cities. Normally carries food/drink, souvenir/novelties. Dates 100 per cent sponsored during season. Also plays stadiums and ball parks. KAYE CONTINENTAL CIRCUS-519 Hollywood Taft Bldg.. Hollywood & Vine, Hollywood. Calif. 90046. Tel (213)462-6001. Paul V. Kaye, Executive Producer. Operates in regions 1. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 9. Last year played 116 performances in 10 cities. Normally carries food and drink, programs, novelties. Dates 75 per cent sponsored during February through November season. Also plays stadiums. continued on page 115 Vexed«? it met'« aeft4e th amedemeett 6iith1e44. to iseutte wad cut itedeoteett Sfteciedidt? THE NEW SCAT Trailer-Mounted Sets Up With One Man In One Hour! Terrific Repeat Ride! Moderately Priced! Quality Built · Trouble-Free! VENTURE RIDE MFC., INC. 2809 Wade Hampton Blvd. Taylors, South Carolina 29687 Phone: (8031 244-9153 SCOTT dk CO. Box 86, Wapello, Iowa 52653 (319) 523-8371 HAPPY FACE PILLOW SPACE BUGGY LENZ INSURANCE , INC. 3110 FIRST AVENUE NO.-SUITE 2 WEST-4-P.O. BOX 13087 ST. PETERSBURG, FLORIDA 33733 (813) 894-0651 112 GAS OR BATTERY Patent Numbers: D-220,685; D-220,686; 3,662,698 Cadillac of the Pillows "One Helluva Ride" 1973 Cavalcade of Acts & Attractions Woril .àargest ii colorize I Mithva * RED and BLUE UNITS--TWO COMPLETE STATE FAIR MIDWAYS! * CLEAN, WHOLESOME, FAMILY PROGRAMMED ENTERTAINMENT! * STATE FAIRS--DISTRICT FAIRS--COUNTY FAIRS--CELEBRATIONS-4 SHOPPING CENTER UNITS--REUNIONS--COMPANY PICNICS--WE PLAY THEM ALL! Willie MEET US AT THE LAS VEGAS CONVENTION! MEET US AT YOUR STATE FAIR MEETINGS! *JOHN "Red" GENTRY 1HOwS ue* Business Manager GeCneHraUl CSKuperBiO ntDenLdEent Phone: 1205/ 595-5021 or 788-4771 Winter Quarters: Alabama State Fairgrounds Mail Address: P.O. Box 5485, N. 13ïrmingham, Ala. 35207 WAYNE KUNZ Vice Pres. and Blue Unit Mgr. AL KUNZ President and General Mgr. p.s . Now Booking for the 1973 Season. Independent Attractio ns for 1973 . Severa lSpectacu lars Open. Will place new .· Dodgem or Scooter for 1973. Twister, Turbo, Rock -N'-Roll open. Double Decker Dark Ride. Season starts in Februrary. Get With a Major Show on One of the Strongest Routes in America! NOW COMING YOUR WAY Originators of piggy-back transportation of Shows and Rides since 1960. THANK YOU Officials and Board Members of the KENTUCKY STATE FAIR, CENTRAL MAIN STATE FAIR, LEWISTON, GREATER GREENWOOD, S.C. FAIR for awarding us the 1973 contracts. Many thanks also to the Officials of all our Fairs and Celebrations for a most successful 1972. Lawrence Carr, Sr. Co-owner STAFF Lawrence Carr, Jr. Gerard Doucette, Manager Supervisor Teddy Speckman Mgr. Off. Conc. Mrs. Marion Carr Co-owner Miss Marilyn Carr Exec. Secy. R. C. MaCarter Dir. Routes Charles Tampone Conc. Mgr. James Gagnon Electrician George Saucier Mailman Ee' LAWRENCE J. CARR, SR. Co-Owner MRS. MARION CARR Co-Owner LAWRENCE CARR, JR. Manager MARILYN CARR Exec.-Secy. R. C. McCARTER Dir./Routes of Fair * 22 MAJOR and SPECTACULAR RIDES * 10 KIDDIE RIDES * 5 OUTSTANDING SHOWS PHONE or WRITE Main Office: 196 Wildwood St. Wilmington, Mass. 10887 Phone: AC 617; 658-4577 Southern Office: R. C. MaCarter 3801 Delgany Dr. Charlotte, N. C. 28215 We will book or buy any outstanding Ride not conflicting. Also want Managers-Talkers for Girl Revue and Black Revue. Must know management and operation of same. Want Side Show and any other interesting Shows that cater to families. Phone: AC 704; 537-6316 *MR. FAIR OFFICIAL: If you haven't contracted for your 1973 Midway Attractions, please give us the opportunity to talk over our proposition. No Fair is too small or too large for us to discuss business* EMMETT KELLY JR. CIRCUS-157 W. 57th St.. Suite 500, New York, N.Y. 10019. (212) 247-3819. Austin Miles. manager: Sherman Pitluck, booking agent. Operates in all regions, all year. Carries programs, souvenir/ novelties. (Opens first season in Sept.) KING BROS. CIRCUS-P. 0. Box 1570, Winter Park. Fla. 32789. Tel: (305) 645-2221. Acme Circus Corp., owners; Harry Rawls, manager; Joe McMahon, booking agent. Operates in regions 1. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Last year played 480 performances in 250 cities. Normally carries Side Show, food and drink, programs. novelties. Dates 100 per cent sponsored during March through November season. LEWIS BROS.-Rt. 1. Bridgeport. Ala. 35740. John Lewis. manager. Operates in regions 3, 4, 5, 6. Carries side show, menagerie, pit shows, food/drink, programs. souvenir/ novelties. Dates 100 per cent sponsored during April through September season. M & M CIRCUS INTERNATIONALE -5321 Rochester Rd., Troy, Mich. 48084. Tel: (313) 879-0264. Grace McIntosh and Charles Marine, owners; Charles Marine. manager. Operates in regions 2, 3, 5, 7during February to October season. THE MAGIC CIRCUS-6530 Folger Dr., Charlotte. N.C. Tel: (704) 364-0447. Booked by Marshall Theatrical Enterprises. J. K. Marshall. owner. MARSHALL INT.-43 Water Street North, P.O. Box 756, Kitchener, Ont., Canada. Tel: 743-5121. Ross Marshall. manager; M.M. Corney, booking agent. Operates in Canada. New in 1972. Carries food/drink. programs. souvenir/novelties. Dates 100 percent sponsored during April through June season. GEORGE MATTHEWS GREAT LONDON CIRCUS-604 Ferry St.. Marling, Calif. 94553. Tel: (415) 228-7340. S.J. Kellner, manager and booking agent. Operates in regions 3, 5, 6, 7, 8. 9. Last year played 257 performances in 70 cities. Carries side show, menagerie, pit shows. food/drink, programs, souvenir/novelties. Dates 100 per cent sponsored. MEL BROTHERS CIRCUS-2021 N. 19th St.. Sheboygan. Wisc. 53081. Tel: (414) 458-3588. Booked by Mel Hummitzsch Theatrical Agency. MILLER-JOHNSON CIRCUS-San Leandro, Calif. Clifford Vargas, owner and manager. Operates in regions 1. 2 3, 4, 5. 6, 7. 8. 9 during 20-30 week week season Dates 100 per cent sponsored. Also plays indoors. No information for last year. OLYMPIC INTERNATIONAL CIRCUS-213 Third Ave . Nashville, Tenn. 37201. Tel: (615) 244-2833. Eddie Zacchini, owner, manager and booking agent. Operates in regions 3, 4, 5. Also plays ball parks. TOM PACKS' CIRCUS-12437 Maret Dr., St. Louis, Mo, 63127. Tel (314)965-5257-8. Mrs. Thomas N. Packs, owner. Operates in regions 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, 7. Last year played 90 performances in 20 cities. Dates 100 per cent sponsored during March through November season Also plays baseball parks and football fields. PAN AMERICAN CIRCUS-3% Ravine Dr.. Colonia, N. J 07067. Tel: (201)388-5390. Don Francisco. manager Operates in regions 1, 2, 3. Last year played 20 cities Normally carries programs. Dates 100 per cent span· sonad during February to May season. PARAMOUNT SOCIETY CIRCUS-316 Michigan Ave Daytona Beach, Fla. Tel: (904) 767-3928. Jim Douglass, manager and booking agent. Operates in regions 2, 3, 4. Last year played 56 performances in 10 cities. Normally carries food and drink, programs, novelties. Plays hobby, boat and industrial shows. PATTERSON BROS. CIRCUS-P. 0. Box 6, Holly, Mich 48442. John C. Patterson. manager; Ida Patterson booking agent. Operates in region 5. Last year played 200 performances in 100 cities. Normally carries food and drink. programs. souvenir/novelties. Dates 100 per cent sponsored during September to June season. POLACK BROS. CIRCUS-Suite 1908, 203 N. Wabash Ave.. Chicago, III. 60601. Tel: (312) 782-7940. Louis P. Stern, owner; Sam T. Polack, booking agent. Operates in regions 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8. 9. Last year played 100 performances in 50 cities. Normally carries food and drink, programs. novelties. Dates 100 per cent sponsored during January 15 to December 1season. REID BROS. CIRCUS-4370 California Ave.. Norco, Calif. 91760. Tel: (714) 737-7154. John M. Reid, general manager. Plays primarily West Coast indoor and ballparks. All sponsored dates. RHODES CONTINENTAL CIRCUS-80 Bay Street. Glens Falls, N.Y. 12801. Tel: (518) 792-8136. George Hanneford Jr., manager; W. Norman Charles, booking agent. Operates in regions 1. 2. 3, 4. 5. Normally carries menagerie, food and drink, programs. novelties. Dates 75 per cent sponsored during year round season. WILLIAM RICE'S CIRCUS-P.O. Box 3613, Hollywood, Calif. 90028. Tel: (213) 659-2800. William Rice, owner and booking agent. Operates in regions 6, 8, 9. Last year played 20 performances in nine cities. Normally carries food and drink, novelties and sometimes programs. Dates 50 per cent sponsored during winter 1973 Cavalcade of Acts &Attractions and spring. Also plays ball parks, etc. RINGLING BROS.-BARNUM & BAILEY COMBINED SHOWS, inc. (Red)-1015 18th St., NW., Washington, D. C. 20036. Tel: (202) 833-2700. Irvin Feld, President; Allen J. Bloom, Director of Tours. Operates in regions 1. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Last year played 1,000 performances in 92 cities. Normally carries programs, novelties. Dates 100 per cent non-sponsored during January through November season. RINGLING BROS.-BARNUM & BAILEY COMBINED SHOWS, inc. )blue)-1015 18th St. R.W., Washington, D. C. 20036. Tel: (202) 833-2700. Irving Feld, President: Allen J. Bloom, Director of Tours. Operates in regions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8. 9. Last year played 1,000 performances in 92 cities. Normally carries programs. novelties. Dates 100 per cent non-sponsored during January through November season. ROYAL WILD WEST CI RCUS -R D.2. Box 34, Colts Neck, N. J. 07722. Tel: (201) 462-2031. Osborn R. Schleentz, owner and manager. Operates in regions 1, 2, 3, 4May to September. No information for last year. ROYSON BROS. CIRCUS-RD. 2. Douglas, Ga. 31533. Tel: (912) 384-3680. Col. Red Lunsford, owner: Dick Lunsford, manager; E. G. Christian, Bradenton, Fla., booking agent. Operates in regions 3, 4. Last year played 250 performances in 175 cities. Normally carries food and drink, souvenir/novelties. Dates 100 per cent sponsored during April through November season. RUDY BROS. CIRCUS-4060 California Ave., Norco, Calif. Elfi Althoff. owner; Rudy Jacobi. manager; Charles Mason, general agent. Operates in region 9 during April through October season. Also plays arenas and outdoor dates. No information for last year. TOMMY SCOTT & TIM McCOY COUNTRY MUSIC CIRCUS-Box 100, Toccoa, Ga. Tel (404) 779-2711. Sam Baxter. and T. Scott, managers; R. W. Moore, booking agent. Operates in regions 1, 2, 3. 4. 5. 6, 7, 8. 9 and Canada. Last year played 450 performances in 310 cities. Normally carries programs, souvenir/novelties. Dates 100 per cent sponsored during January through November season. TRAILMASTER'S MARVEL CIRCUS-Boa 844, Landing, N. J. 07850. Tel: (201) 398-2358. SELLS & GRAY CIRCUS-P. 0. Box 1570, Winter Park, Fla. 32789. Tel: (305) 645-2221. Acme Circus Corp.. owners; Wilson Storey. manager; Joe McMahon, booking agent. Operates in regions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Last year continued on page 129 MIDWAY OF MIRTH SHOWS Rides · Shows · Concessions Booking: Fairs, Celebrations and Shopping Centers Under Same Ownership and Management Since 1928 (44 Years) ESTHER SPERONI Owner and Manager Permanent Address: 3111 E. Nettleton Road Jonesboro, Arkansas 72401 (501) 932-8274 The WONDERFUL WORLD of HORSES, IN PERSON AND COMPLETELY LL FOR 1973! t. Starring "The World Famous" RoaI bipizzairt Stallions - ,se SEE! "AIRS ABOVE THE GROUND" ' ' FOR INFORMATION CALL OR WRITE GARY OR PHILIP LASHINSKY Royal Lipizzan Stallion Show, Inc. 41 A GREAT 526 CHARLESTON NATIONAL PLAZA CHARLESTON, WEST VIRGINIA 25301 CALL AC 304-342-7111 e·,\-* )(VW FSAHMOIWL!tYw niloWOfReLeDite"iFleiee,tfee: A NATIONAL SHOWS PRODUCTION e I A MUST TO SEE! THE GREAT WHITE STALLIONS 115 (011TRACT5 Be careful with contracts, for 'the piper must be paid,' says show attorney By SAMUEL MOONBLATT Berk, Masino, Moonblatt & McDougall ON becoming a lawyer in 1937, and never having been to a circus, fair, carnival or amusement park, I never dreamed that I would, for the next 35 years, spend a considerable portion of my time associated in that type business-- professionally, socially, and as a principal. Ihadn't met John Quinn yet, nor had Ibecome aware that people can be totally influenced by the strength of the personalities of men such as John Quinn. Ihad managed to go through all my schooling by driving a cab, being a milkman, a parking lot jockey, a janitor and a mortician, a magazine salesman, and a few other things, exposing me to the public. I had always considered myself as my own man and nothing was going to deter me from my objective. So in my first year of practice, one of my clients was John Quinn, and from that point on, Idid anything and everything at his beck and call. Fortunately, he was also one of the most honorable, gracious, and high-minded persons that Ihave ever met. Together until his death, we worked to establish an outdoor amusement business in Philadelphia. Fortunately, we also had Jack Essner, on whose knowledge and experience we leaned heavily in order to accomplish the kind of business that would perpetuate itself in the Philadelphia area as it has for the past 35 years. Quite naturally, these contacts also fed my law business, all of which turned profitable; but as we began, we quickly learned that the name of the game was profit. The kind of profit to be made was more important than the amount of profit. Our main principle was to take a short profit but come back every year. This meant that we had to operate under contracts with committees and owners that would assure our profit and corresponding benefits to the committees. It was my duty, therefore, to prepare the type of contract that would help accomplish this purpose. In those days, there was no real shortage of lots, the shopping center industry was just beginning, and there were hardly any carnivals that came to Philadelphia because of the restrictive ordinances for licensing and operation, as well as our Blue Laws. One might ponder why the contract is so important an element of the business. It must be recognized that contracts can be "oral" as well as "written," and can be "implied" as well as "expressed." My first experience came about when we wanted to put in amusement devices and concessions in and around Eleventh and Erie, and "G" and Erie during the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus appearance at these sites. We went out and leased practically all the surrounding space for that period of time. In order to do so, we had to have written leases or agreements with the property owners. You could buy all the lease forms wanted, which would legally give you the right to the use of the property, pay your money and get the signature. There was no question that the people wanted your money, but there was a considerable reservation by them because they were not at all certain of what they were getting into. Therefore, a printed form wouldn't do the job. Any complicated form that Icould draw up would be evidence of my skill as a lawyer, but would not be readily acceptable by the landowners who, in the first instance, viewed the entire situation with suspicion. Simple form is hest Believe it or not, it is hard to convince people that they are going to get money from doing nothing accept letting them use their ground for carnival equipment and concessions. The three of us decided that Ishould draw up a very simple form that would protect everybody. The form, in simple, nonlawyerlike language, described the property, how much we were paying for it, for what period of time, the purpose, gave the user an exclusive and obligated him to indemnify and insure the owner, and guaranteed we would clean up and restore the property. We had no magic words and no clauses that were ambiguous, or that would give either side an "out." As a result, we were able to operate in these locations for years in conjunction with the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus; and, as a personal benefit, it didn't take long before I began to represent Ringling in and around the city of Philadelphia. This was when the circus toured under canvas. Being a local lawyer and active in the courts and the city government, naturally helped. My clients and associates of necessity needed someone to solve zoning, licensing, police, and other government agency problems, all of which were restrictive and a hang-over from past years' operations and experiences with carnivals. Irecall one year when the circus was unable to get their licenses because one of the most powerful judges in the county decided to block it for his own personal reasons. The existence of satisfactory contracts, fully expressing the operation and documenting the interests of all parties, was a vital factor in overriding these objections. Therefore, it is essential that a clear, written contract be in existence long before the date to operate. In Philadelphia, we were able to demonstrate to all governmental agencies and to the public that the principal beneficiaries of any of our activities was the sponsor. The contract fully expressed the kind of activity that would be engaged in. · For instance, in a circus, we expressly stated that there would be a Menagerie, a Side Show and big top, and positively prohibited Girl Shows and any gambling activity. · In the carnival contract, we spelled out the kind of games that would be conducted, we accepted responsibility, and we expressly stated the interests of all parties involved. With this type of contract, Iwas able to face the District Attorney, the City Solicitor, the Police, and all Licensing Agencies--and come out with what Isought. What then was this contract that had these magic features?' In the first place, we eliminated legal phraseology such as: licensor and licensee ...lessor and lessee of the first part ... and any phrases that were subject to ambiguous interpretation or any confusion. Thereafter, essentially is placed all of the responsibility for compliance with the law as to liability insurance, workmen's compensation, damage and clean- ing of the lot, and operation within the requirements of the law as to games of skill, squarely on the shoulders of the carnival or circus. 116 Reprinted from Carnival/Circus Booking Guide 1973 Cavalcade of Acts &Attractions Memorandum Of Agreement 2 1. This contract made and entered into this. the_ NAMED SHOWS, Party of the first part and day of A.D., 19___, .by and between the ABOVE of the City of State of 2. WITNESSETH:-- That for and in consideration of the sun of one dollar in hand paid party of the second part. 'ach to the other, the receipt of which fisolhleorwesin:-a-cTkOn-oWwIlTe:dged. and other good and valuabl e consideratio;is ii,ceinaft Lrset forth, both parties aforesa id bi nd themselves as e for ki · Lice' ae. .a WHEREAS, r · - %¡cell> ···,` · \\ fen i5 " transaction of business w`,.. public d ce with and as called for by the h. és in said schedule from day to d fl ,er business of providing + ckets issued by Licensor and to Ft, All accounted for ·nplimentary tickets for use. Lice, amages for each Exhibit of LiCenS Secondly, it clearly stated the obligations of the committee and/or lot owner if they were different persons. The lot owner was to give us an exclusive and not permit the use of the or admission charges approved b) ground by any other carnival or circus prior to our appearance. As to the committee, if they were to furnish the ticket takers nchildren's days. and sellers, it said 'so clearly. If they were to do any advertising or let us use their name in any advertising, it said so. If the $3.00 le rate of per week for any and committee was to pay for electricity, or to get the lot in shape, radio or television and to pay a4, r As sod' it said so. The committee was guaranteed the appearance of the carnival and/or circus with a minimum number of rides, aid Exhibit(s) and space furnished 2. Furnish electric curren shows, and concessions. On the other hand the committee was given the right to dby the Licensor\ the volume c o(twhietrhopuetrmsiptlsi.cing) for t, 9 Licensee agrees to: 1. Pay to said Licensor disapprove the operation of àny equipment or concessions. Frequently, the committee would have the right to operate a stated number of described concessions and under specified terms. Most important, the business name and address and parties responsible for the activity of the carnival and/or circus was stipulated in the agreement so that a line of communications could be established and kept open. name upon any vehicle or Exhibi )re entering the grounds to attach furnish· The net result of being able to exhibit this type of con- said space furnished by ti tract, in the Philadelphia area, enabled our company and the committees and owners with whom we dealt to obtain permission to operate on Sundays, to get the City and Police ncorne tax, City income tax, state amount thereof shall be deducte Department's cooperation in the obtaining of permits, and to extend the hours in the evening that a carnival could operate. Needless to say, the carnival and circus business in Phila- All so called taxes on admission tng the percentage to be paid t delphia grew, so that organized professional carnival companies for years have been able to find sponsors and lots to appear tEhxecepputblwichen prevented by una and successfully operate. This simple, clear, as-short-as-possible type contract is healthy and conducive to good relations and communication between the parties and the public, but also of great help d all other operating expenses dismantling,from one lo nished by Licensor without e in efficient operation of the performing company. Everyone's diligent andPraicorcep the tirne fi ;o as not to impair ftahbe/epmanne or each Exhibit of Licensereesatisglei job becomes easier, beginning with the general agent and extending to the office and public relations staff. Remember that a contract, "oral" or "written," is only an invitation to a lawsuit if the parties to it decide not to keep its terms and conditions. -- 5tetite this contract without 'eee 's·lectric current). Oth( .rs Peco,eérk without cause prc ce· l'iid ses indicatec fylotwictkheet Licensor the option to Therefore, the less terms, the least amount of words, the better. Occasionally an owner or committee will require some- th ct/e, ers Pe ,, not furnished by the Li ume all responsibility for accid ns!, dismantling or transporta lition and manner and to comp it Licensor to have free access thing special to be spelled out such as prohibiting Side Shows, or Girl Shows, or blow-off shows. There should be blank space in the contract form for such special provisions. I have had both sponsoring committees and carnival (Continued on page 34) liance with the provisions of this contract. u operate the sam,e oiandignogo,duanlnodadsianfge, Oe mete/ the /7g .6 I0 ,s 'Ill P rCiCei '7 1/2-.0,(.,4I·./·7g'7offei/e/4'47·m4.eetki ,0 ,t in suc O/.e4 /i es to 0 .6,e /4e /0 dbe o·b1)7e 0' , / 0 id fe 0e 2.t.- ice ay, Rece ·/4eoeei·ic0,·,/ci.6,ep · space and Exhibit(s)headt bayll tthiemeLsicfeonrsotrh toppuropomsoeteofsaafsceyr;faainndinto ' · ei, /pp /,b /4 41 1' h 're 'ee ib.1 -mit Licensor to purchase and maintain a public liability insurance Policy in the amount /1.«),,,. iiest ei/e'/i97)074,6/,00,f.0 fr « fe/./bi 4/4,, ;0o0f0 Lwiictehnase$e'5s0.E0x0hidbeitd(usc)titbolereicrlraiubse,seanLdicaelnssoorto for ysuc;hceinnssourraat the rate of of $ g 6,, wie 6 o e verdict arisin_g _frpoemrerwreek for each Exh· · · of 44 · (75. While la fu yon the space furnished to th L· coverage ce. MiniMUrn charge f of ,th2e00g,r0o0s0s/ a".'-9k4`e/0e,7e,,e (3464g. % _c..; 1. ,-Lo c?. el*e ·· deC) isditwtoiaroymn,tohar npdrotpoaetrptrhyeorvdeiaidmneasgnpeoe.ccipfraioiemtd.e.ctSiLaoiincdentoisnostruhiresaitnLn;cioectaencntdsooevtbeeooerrwaahigwinshelsiaelunem,m,eapolavltairannopdgnpilpztyi0anyogonrlrtiyhdetso,firbpsue'tsris$no5en0sa.sl0oe0i-rnjousrfuv,c,ahn, y*.n41ss·.u'rance .e`se,' 13-* - Izt. 1)(3ex 0 o ^n · er r .__.... 4>e>·Nie...N*N 1 >4bN.e.1>4b·N*NNNNNN 40,.N N · # If You Want The BEST. · · HURRICANE A spectacular ride which handles 500-600 passengers per hour in six gleaming, four-passenger cars. Sets up with two men in less than 90 minutes. Goes down the road on its own travel trailer. FOLDING ROUND-UP Capable of handling up to 700 passengers per hour, the Folding Round-Up is asingle-operator ride which folds down onto its own travel trailer without touching the drive or lift mechanism. TIP TOP An old Hrubetz favorite, the Tip Top features one-stop loading and has a capacity of 60 children or 40 adults. Single operator supervises and entire ride folds into neat traveling package on its own trailer. IT'S A GREAT RIDE... IF IT'S FROM HRUBETZ · -· -·daw-11>······························1>-······· 118 1973 Cavalcade of Acts &Attractions r________________._____, ...You Want aIIRUBETZ Ride SUPER ROUND-UP / The dramatic, lavishly lighted Super Round-Up is de: signed for park use where it can take up to 900 pas- t /6 sengers per hour. Every feature has been proven in 20 years successful operation of the Model 30 Round-Up. i PORTABLE SLIDE This 100-foot slide can be set up or taken down by two men in 11/2 hours. A portable unit, the Hrubetz Slide folds onto its own trailer after handling up to 750 customers per hour on its three lanes. HYDRAULIC PARATROOPER Available in either Park or Portable Models, the Hy- ii PARATROOPER draulic Paratrooper is a colorful ride which handles 500-600 passengers per hour. Seats 20 adults or 30 children. Brilliantly lighted, it's atop producer. RIM DRIVE Offered in either Park or Portable models, the Rim Drive Paratrocper is a colorful crowd pleaser which will seat 30 children or 20 adults and can handle up to 600 passengers per hour'. For further information and specifications on these proven performers, write Frank HRUBETZ and Co., inc. 2490 EWALD AVE. S.E. /SALEM, ORE. 97302 /AC 503 /585-7202 4>eril>41>·······4>········41>.11>11.4. 4 >-· ·· ···-·· 1973 Cavalcade of Acts & Attractions ··· 119 CONTRACTS.. · Continued from page 7 operations fail to keep their contracts. Carnival companies should keep in mind that in a court room they are the low man, since they are not from the same jurisdiction as the committee. They are at a disadvantage. I have had multimillion-dollar companies tied up by attachments as part of a suit on many occasions. The attachment can be lifted and the matter proceed as an ordinary lawsuit, but at considerable expense for bonds and fees as well as time and effort uselessly expended. Therefore, if a contract is clear, simple, and not ambiguous, it becomes considerably easier for the carnival company to obtain justice in court. Dissatisfied committees are never to be desired as a matter of good business. But if such a committee decides to take their real or imagined complaints to court, then it becomes even more burdensome. Ihave consistently found that general agents exceed their authority when negotiating for dates. They are generally concerned with only the booking and routing of the show. A general clause limiting liability or warranting only those things expressed in the written contract is psychologically helpful, but of little or no use in the courtroom. Usually the law takes the printed form contract prepared by the amusement company to be a contract of adhesion, and at the very least, to be constructed strictly against the company who prepared it. Don't use printed form Therefore, let the sponsor or owner prepare the contract and don't use a printed form if they are willing or ask to do it. Again, keep it simple and plain. Usually, a committee or ownership lawyer will try to be impressive with many warranty clauses as well as form clauses such as confession of judgements and amicable action clauses. These are meaningless in the final analysis--and if they are insisted upon, should not be resisted. In the final analysis, the amusement company should not give any cause for complaint. If it creates damage or fails to perform its obligations simply because it is leaving town until next year or more, it will be back or some other carnival company will try to come in and then the "piper" must be paid. However, often the complaint is not justified or only partially so, because reasonable men can differ. Here, of course, we must wind up in court. The amusement company is in much better position with a clear, simple contract, even more so, if the sponsor or owner prepared it. I have always felt that the formal contract was simply an assurance to the amusement company that it had a date and to the committee or owner an assurance that the amusements would appear on a certain date. Aside from its usefulness to strengthen the respectability and purpose of the event as it may appear to be necessary, with regard to the attitudes of third parties, such as governmental agencies, the importance of the contract diminishes or increases in direct relationship with the behavior and performance of the amusement company and its personnel. Thus, if an amusement company, with or without consent or knowledge of the sponsor or government agencies, permits the public to be "taken" or fails to control the behavior of its employees in their relationship with the public, then the contract with the most worthy and most powerful sponsor, will not be of any real value to anyone after the public was robbed-- or there were more than one incident where employees were involved with the police or city authorities, no matter what the contract says. No amusement company should take the attitude that they kept their contract simply because they gave the committee an even count. There are several lots in Philadelphia, controlled or owned by organizations, who have had less than desirable experiences in past years and now refuse to sponsor another event. This, despite the fact that they made good money for little effort. Why? Simply because there are other methods and agencies and promotors that they can use to raise funds, without being associated with an event that will bring disrepute to them. The silent majority of this country like outdoor amusements 120 in season. Some even enjoy being "taken." Most, however, want to feel free to spend for value received. Therefore, a committee should be given the right to veto pricing for the event and the amusement company should show some flexibility. This applies to shows, games, and rides. It is far better to have more patrons at a discount price than just a few spenders. It is the bottom line that counts. As Isaid, everyone participates for the purpose of making a profit. This is also to be covered in the written contract, very simply--a mere statement that prices are to be established with approval of committee, covers it. There should be no difficulty on the problem thereafter, since generally everyone has the same motive. This applies to mud shows, railroad shows and little truck shows. The problem is competition and the public will not stand to be fooled. Why fool yourself or the committee? Iam fully aware of the feeling of many showmen to view their industry as a fraternity and view outsiders -as marks or suckers. Certainly in the past, more things were hidden .than disclosed on the theory that it paid or it was good business not to educate the mark. Decries sucker attitude This attitude is suicidal today! I am constantly refreshed and pleased to meet people in all walks of life who, in their early years, worked in outdoor shows as everything from musicians to pitchmen including ride boys. They all consider it educational and contributing to their overall success in life. However, they are all happy to have gotten out. It simply is too precarious and hard for the average person's liking. Why, then, make it harder? I have known shows with solid contract dates to pull in after a 100-mile haul, set up and two days (or less) later, have to tear down. Why? Because the obligations of the committee and company were not spelled out clearly and the lines of communication were not kept open before and during the date. In the final analysis the sponsor and the amusement company are partners, for a certain period and for the same purpose, to make a profit. The name of the game is still the same. The minute either side falls down, both are hurt financially. Therefore, I suggest that contracts stipulate names, addresses and phone numbers for this purpose. Devices such as limiting the authority of the general agent, or making the contract subject to approval of the managers of the company, are not useful or conducive to good public relations. The company shoud control its general agent and be ready to take the consequences of his activities. If they don't back up their agent's contracts, as has occurred on more than one occasion, they are downgrading themselves and quite frequently are going to find it expensive to go to court. Few companies in the past have had any real experience with courts. As far as accidents and workmen's compensation are concerned they leave it with their insurance companies. As to the claims of the companies against committees or third parties, rarely do they bring any court actions. But plenty of actions have been instituted against amusement companies that have breached their contracts or created complaints. Invariably, if by some miracle, they win--they lose. It is too time consuming and expensive. Conciseness, clarity and communication should, therefore, be the watchwords. If all these are present, performance will follow on all sides. In summary, contracts should: 1. Be clear, simple and concise with a minimum of legal phrases. 2. Define what is going to happen. 3. State clearly the rights and duties of all parties. 4. Be designed to avoid lawsuits, not invite them. Therefore, every department of an amusement company should be involved. 5. Establish lines of communication in contract and keep them open. 6. Avoid any oral agreements. Before Iclose, let me say that Ihave met many men and women in the business. Some are real friends; and a few, enemies. In retrospect Iam genuinely fond of all of them, indebted for much to most, and admire even those I may not like. Iwish them all the best of life's good things. 1973 Cavalcade of Acts &Attractions WRITE: JERRY SPALDING POST OFFICE BOX 1166 WICHITA, KANSAS, ZIP 67201 U.S.A. MEET US AT YOUR FAIR MEETINGS IN: LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, TEXAS, MISSOURI, IOWA, OKLAHOMA ILLINOIS, KANSAS 1973 Cavalcade of Acts &Attractions 121 The Aristocrat of Show Business REITHOFFER In Business Over 75 Years Playing the Eastern Seaboard from Canada to Florida IF YOU WANT that something extra . ...that magnetic midway that lures patrons to your fair or celebration .that attraction that will help build your event .that show that will create greater profits for you YOU NEED the Reithoffer Shows ...the oldest with the newest! Established 1898. When you entrust your Midway to us, you can be confident you made the right choice, because we practice the 0.A.B.A. Code of Ethics. REITHOFFER The-. Powerline Road, P.O. Box Show Booking Address: 1834, Pompano Beach, Fla. 33060. 305; 972 PAT REITHOFFER JR. AMuse ir/3T MEMBER JOHN CAMP Concession Manag Ase NOW BOOKING FOR 1973 LLOYD J. HILLIGOSS, OWNER-GEWERPL MANAGER PERMANENT ADDRESS: 3151 EDISON WAY. REDWOOD CITY, .CALIFORNIA / PHONE (415) 365-4600 FILMS and FILM SHOWS -- SING-A-LONGS -- PLAYER PIANO MUSIC ON TAPE (Thousands of Selections) -- NICKELODEON/BAND ORGAN MUSIC ON TAPE--NICKELODEONS ON SHORT OR LONG-TERM LEASE AT YOUR FAIR, AMU SEMEN1 PARK, SHOPPING CENTER Our library of old-time films includes a large selection of subjects. Features of the Great Ones ... Laurel &Hardy, Charles Chaplin, W. C. Fields--hundreds of comedy and dramatic one and two reelers from the turn of the century and roaring twenties--and awide assortment of contemporary films. Silent Films include the old time background music just as they were seen before the "talkies," over fifty years ago! WE WILL PRODUCE THIS ATTRACTION ON YOUR GROUNDS OR WILL LEASE THE FILMS AND EQUIPMENT TO YOU. OUR WIDE RANGE OF EQUIPMENT ENABLES US TO OFFER A COMPLETE SERVICE IN ANY LOCATION--auditorium, theatre, store room, meeting room, tent or what-have-you. CENTURY FILM SERVICE 532 Main St., Groveport, Ohio 43125 Phone: AC (614) 836-5524 25 AMUSEMENT RIDES SHOWS AND CONCESSIONS EM E Tse ,aiteeterici4 etecuteett iiteetactieue LIGHT TOWERS · DIESEL LIGHT PLANTS c7-eD GIANT SEARCHLIGHTS IF IT'S NEW WE HAVE IT Belle City Amusements takes personal pride in the fact that we have truly the cleanest, most progressive and fastest growing family Midway attraction available on the North American Continent. Our policy has been, and will continue to be, to provide only the finest in equipment, shows and personnel which our customers deserve. The Management of Belle City Amusements, Inc., is available at all times to discuss the entertainment needs of those interested in booking an outstanding midway attraction. CHARLES G. PANACEK Owner MARY J. PANACEK Secretary-Treasurer PERMANENT ADDRESS: 400 So. 5th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53204 WINTER ADDRESS: 122 Live Oak Lane, Altamonte Springs, Florida 32701 (305) 831-1315 CHARVEYSHOTZ cArtiste Manager RO. Box 69678, Los Angeles,Ca.90069 (213) 659-4030 'EDDIE COCHRAN AGENCY RO. Box 782, Encino,CA.91316 (213)987-1740 "The audience which turned out to see the BRADY BUNCH KIDS was literally 10 times greater than we anti- cipated and planned for. "The BRADY BUNCH KIDS played to an excited, applauding, capacity house." "My promotion calendar is open for any dates you want to give me." Ed Riley Promotions San Francisco "We would like very much to break a14-year precedent by offering you areturn engagement ayear in advance." National Orange Show 1973 Cavalcade of Acts &Attractions A SUPER EXTRAVAGANZA (·* te.eyeennteetv'ors" ter eke' rvei CC. 'r\a eee 0,0990620 \11 6 gHARVEYSHOYZ Artiste Manager PO. Box 69678, Los Angeles,Ca,90069 12131659-4030 'EDDIE COCHRAN AGENCY PO. Box 782, Encino, CA. 91316 12131987-1740 RODEOS BAILEY & HALL, works fairs, aud-arenas. Address: R.R. *3. Tahlequah, Okla.. (918) 456-6410. BELGIUM HORSE FAIR, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals. Booked by Concar Ranch. Inc.. 465 Concar Dr., San Mateo, Calif. 94402, (415) 3454891. DONALD ("RED") BLANCHARD, self-contained, works fairs. amusement parks. festivals, TV, colleges, night clubs, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Fred T. Fenchel, 2104 S. Jefferson St., Mason City. Iowa 50401. BUFFALO BILL'S WILD WEST SHOW, self-contained, works arenas. Booked by: Montie Montana, Jr., P.O. Box 656. North Platte, Neb. 69101. (308) 532-5450. BUSS CARSON WILD WEST SHOW-DEO, self-contained. works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, annual celebrations. Address: 7905 Lloyd Ave., North Hollywood, Calif.. (213) 780-1735. CHELEY CARPENTER RODEO, self-contained, works fairs, festivals. Address: Rt. *4, Box 97-B, Summit, Miss. 39666, (601) 276-7789. D. C. COGBURN, self-contained. works TV. Address: Rt. *1, Meridian, Okla. 73058. (405) 586-2245. DAVE DE LOCK, CIRCUS DE LOCK & WILD WEST SHOW, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV, shopping centers, colleges, night clubs, club dates, concerts, stage shows. Address: 218-E Craig, Toccoa, Ga., (404) 886-4505. DIAMOND'S RODEO & WILD WEST SHOW, self-contained, works fairs. amusement parks, festivals, shopping centers, open lots, sport shows, promotions. Booked by: Ralph Schappacher, 2824 45th St. E.. Brandemon, Fla.. (813) 744-8783. QUAIL DOBBS, self-contained. works colleges, R.C.A. Rodeos, N.I.R.A. Rodeos. Address: Box 288, Coahoma, Texas 79511, (915) 394-4221. FRONTIER ATTRACTIONS, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, TV, shopping centers. Address: Edwards Rd.. Avon, Conn. 06001, (203) 673-9334. GALLOWAY RODEO ACTS, sell-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. Address: P.O. Box 5579, Abilene, Texas 79605. (915) 672-4032. GUNTOVVN MOUNTAIN, Address: Box 236, Cave City, Ky. 42127, (502) 773-3163. GEO. E. HALL self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, Shopping centers, boats. Address: 8317 Lovers Lane, Kalamazoo, Mich. 49002, (616) 327-3528. BUDJONES, BLIND COWBOY, sell-contained, works fairs, festivals, almost anything. Address: Box 188. Mt. Sterling, III. 62353, (217) 773-2325. KORKOW RODEOS, works fairs, colleges, rodeos. Booked by: Ervin Korkow, Blunt, S.D. 57522, (605) 962-3290. MESQUITE CHAMPIONSHIP RODEO, Address: P.O. Box 176, Mesquite, Texas 75149, (214) 285-8777. MEXICAN MARICHI GROUP, LATIN MUSIC GROUP 81 RODEO,Address: 311 S. Lerout St., Flagstaff, Ariz., (602) 774-3108. MONTIE MONTANA, SR., self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, TV, club dates. Address: 18201 Devonshire, Northridge, Calif. 91324, (213) 363-1328. RODEO COWBOYS ASSOCIATION, Address: 2929 W. 19th Ave.. Denver, Colo. 80204. (303) 244-8657. RODEOS, INC.. self-contained, works fairs, aud-arenas. Address: 3F20 Cliff St., Wisconsin Rapids. Wisc. 54494, (715) 423-3806. or Rt. *8 Box 900, Tucson, Ariz. 85710. (602) 298-0063. TOMMY STEINER RODEO, self-contained. works fairs, amusement parks. Address: P.O. Box 216, Austin. Texas, (512) 478-9300. D. A. "SVVANNY" KERBY, producer-Bar-1 Rodeos. works fairs, colleges. Address: 3450 S. 900 West, Salt Lake City, Utah 84119, (801) 262-1723. RIDING-ROPING FRANKS, works fairs, rodeos. Address: P.O. Box 223, Oklawaha, Fla. 32679, (904) 463-2086 or (904) 288-2617. DOODLES WEAVER, single act, works fairs, festivals, TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, concerts. Booked by: Julian Portman Agency, Taft Bldg.-Suite 1105, Hollywood & Vine St., Hollywood, Calif. WING RODEO CO., self-contained, works fairs, colleges, coliseums. Address: Bogata, Texas. (214) 632-5440. THE JOE ZOPPE FAMILY, self-contained, works fairs, circuses, rodeos. Address: 2607 Hwy. 175, Seagoville, Texas 75159. (214) 287-4848. TOURING ROAD SHOWS Aqua Spectacular, Bob Maxwell. 8600 N.E. Bayshore Dr., Miami, Fla. 33138. (305) 757-4924. 128 Tommy Bartlett's Water Ski Thrill Show, 139 N. Clark St., Chicago, Ill. 60602. (312) 799-7200; Wisconsin Dells, Wisc. 53965. (608) 253-3031. Canadian Sports Assn., (baseball, basketball), Box 1085, Cornwall, Ont., Canada. (613) 932-1532. Bookers of: California Cuties (novelty softball show); Donkey Softball 8i Baseball: Harlem Stars: Indianapolis Clowns (baseball show). Leroy "Satchel" Paige; King & His Court (Eddie Feigner), 4-man softball; Queen & Her Maids. 4-girl softball; Seaway Valley All-Stars, 5-man softball; Washington Jets. Carnival On Ice, (ice spectacular). Booked by Hetzer's Theatrical Productions. Cypress Gardens Water Ski Show, Buster McCalla, Cypress Gardens, Fla. 33880. (813) 293-2111. Diamond K. Donkey Ball Co., Wapakoneta, Ohio 45895. (419) 738-6400. Disney On Parade, Jack Sidney, 3000 W. Alameda, Burbank, Calif. 91505. (213) 845-7000. Russ Dotson Comedy Water Acts, c/o Shilling Theatrical Prod., 148 E. Main St., Box 281, Huntington, N.Y. 17743. (516) 271-2266. Excitement '73 with The Impressions, (music, comedy, singing, dancing), works fairs, colleges, night clubs. Booked by Hetzer's Theatrical Productions. Fantasy On Parade, self-contained. works fairs, colleges. Booked by Hetzer's Theatrical Productions. Harlem Globetrotters, Stan Greeson, 30 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, III. 50502. (312) 332-2427. Harlem Satelites, Ted Rasberry Enterprises, 46 Hall St., SW., Grand Rapids, Mich. 49507. (616) 452-6545. Holiday On Ice, 1600 Clain Tower, Minneapolis, Minn. 55402. (612) 332-8059. Ice Capad«, 6121 Santa Monica Blvd.. Hollywood, Calif. 90038. (213) 469-2767. Ice Follies, 1600 Dain Tower, Minneapolis, Minn. 55402. (612) 335-6411. International Ice Show Revue, Ron Urban. 12343 71st Ct., Palos Heights, III. 60463. (312) 448-2047. K.B.D. Enterprises, 711 Eighth Ave.. SW., Calgary. Alta., Canada. (403) 263-5480. National Skating Derby, Inc., Roller Games, 1717 N. Highland Ave., Hollywood, Calif. 90028. (213) 466-6491. Once Upon A Time, An Evening of Fable Theatre, Arthur Shafman Intl Ltd., 475 Fifth Ave.. Suite 511, New York, N.Y. 10017. (212) 873-1559. Roller Derby, P.O. Box 1828, Oakland, Calif. 94604. (415) 839-5600. Royal Lipizzan Stallion Show, Inc., Gary Lashinsky, Suite 526, Charleston National Plaza, Charleston, W. Va. 25301. (304) 342-7111. 7 Star Super Show (starring Soupy Sales), self-contained, works fairs. festivals, arenas. Booked by Hetzer's Theatrical Productions. Shaw Bros. Sports, Inc., P.O. Box 43, Sayre, Pa. 18840. (717) 883-2123. 884-2112. Bookers of: Donkey Baseball; Donkey Basketball; Arkansas Lassies Girls Pro Basketball Show, Voices From Ain't Supposed To Die '1 Natural Death, Arthur Shafman Int'l Ltd., 475 Fifth Ave., Suite 511, New York, N.Y. 10017. (212) 873-1559. Water Follies, Sam Snyder, 80 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. 02116. )617) 426-2245. AUTO THRILL SHOW ACTION ATTRACTIONS, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV. speedways. Booked by: Johnny King. 3816 Harbour Dr., Orlando, Fla. 32806. AMERICAN THRILL SHOWS, JM Productions, 3232 S. Orchard Park Rd., Orchard Park, N.Y. 14127. (716) 675-1000. AMERICAN YOUTH AUTO DAREDEVILS, works fairs. festivals, TV. Address: 634 10th St., Baraboo, Wisc.. (608) 356-4678. JOHN ANDERSON'S MUSTANG HELLDRIVERS, P.O. Box 381, Bellefontaine, Ohio 43311. AUTO DEMOLITION DERBY ASSN., self-contained, works fairs, festivals, speedways. Booked by: Action Attractions, 3816 Harbour Dr., Orlando, Fla. 32806. BOB BARKHIMER & ASSOC. INC., 14 Camp Evers Lane, Scotts Valley, Calif. 95060, (408) 438-3210. BLACKHAWK MIDGET RACING ASSN., Mel Hummitzsch, 2021 N. 19th St.. Sheboygan, Wisc. 53081, (414) 458-3588. JOHN BRAUER'S MOTORCYCLE THRILL SHOW, selfcontained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, drag strips. speedways. Booked by: Mel Larson Enterprises, 713 W. Maryland, Phoenix, Ariz. 85013, (602) 2654228.. BUCKSKIN JACK'S THRILL SHOW, self-contained, works fairs, festivals, TV. club dates, shopping centers. Booked by: Flying Buckskins, Inc., 918 East Sahara Ave., Las Vegas, Nev., (702) 732-1966. JOIE CHITVVOOD THRILL SHOW, self-contained, works fairs. Address: 204 S. Ward St., Tampa, Fla. 33609. (813) 229-1683. JIM CURRY'S DEMOLITION DERBIES, self-contained, works fairs. Booked by Jim Curry, 903 S. Church St., Gastonia, N.C. 28052. (704) 865-7376. DANGER ANGELS. Booked by: Crash Promotions, Inc.. P.O. Box 40, Bangor, Maine 04401. DAN FLEENOR'S HURRICANE HELL DRIVERS, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, auto speedways. Booked by: Auto Stunt Show Productions, Inc.. P.O. Box 15087, Tampa, Fla. 33614. (813) 876-4268. INTERNATIONAL DEMO DERBY (motorcycle races), works fairs. coliseums. Booked by: Spectacular Promotions, Bill Siros, 610 White, Houston, Texas 77007, (713) 864-6561. INTERNATIONAL DEMOLITION DERBY, self-contained, works fairs. Booked by: Slaggert Theatrical Agency, P.O. Box 548, Saginaw. Mich., (winter) 3031 W. Adams Rd., Lake, Mich. INTERNATIONAL VARIETIES, LTD., self-contained, works speedways. Booked by: Jimmie C. Risor, 14916 Warman, Tampa, Fla. 33612. PAT JACKSON, Lady Daredevil, works fairs. raceways. Booked by: Variety Attractions, P.O. Box 2276, Zanesville, Ohio 43701, (614) 453-0188. JACK KOCHMAN AUTO DAREDEVILS & HELL DRIVERS, 262 Main St., Paterson, N.J. 07505, (201) 2713131. KING KOVAZ AUTO DAREDEVILS, 2710 N.E. 18th St., Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. 33305, (305) 566-6834. MEL LARSON'S FLYING CYCLES. self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks. festivals. TV, drag strips, speedways. Booked by: Mel Larson Enterprises, 713 W. Maryland, Phoenix, Ariz. 85013, (602) 265-4228. MOTORCYCLE DAREDEVILS. Crash Promotions, Inc.. Jimmy Moreau, P.O. Box 40, Bangor, Maine 04401, (207) 794-6686. MUSTANG HELL DRIVERS, self-contained, works fairs, raceways. Booked by: Variety Attractions, P.O. Box 2276, Zanesville, Ohio 43701, (614) 453-0188. NATIONAL CANADIAN AUTO CIRCUS (circus & thrill act), self-contained, works fairs, racetracks, speedways. Booked by: Ted Veenendaal, 428 Latour St., St. Johns. Quebec, Canada, P.O. Box 364, (514) 348-4826. NATION-WIDE DEMOLITION DERBY, INC., self-contained, works fairs. Booked by: Variety Attractions, P.O. Box 2276, Zanesville, Ohio 43701, (614) 453-0188. NORTHERN AUTO RACING CLUB, INC.. Bill Peters, agent, 3004 Fanwood Lane, San Jose. Calif. 95132, (048) 262-2582. PAUL RIDDELL DEMOLITION DERBY (hell drivers & sky divers), self-contained, works fairs, speedways. Booked by: Paul Riddell, 52 Woodhaven Circle, Dollard Des Ormeaux 980, Quebec, Canada. (514) 684-1753. THRILLARAMA, self-contained, works fairs, coliseums. Booked by: Hunter & Siros, 610 White, Houston, Texas 77007, (713) 864-6561. TOURNAMENT OF THRILLS, Jack Beck. 223 S. Delhi St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19107, (215) 627-7940. TRANS CANADA HELL DRIVERS LTD., self-contained, works fairs. Address: P.O. Box 2724, Terminal "A," London, Ontario, Canada. (519) 434-6403. WORLD CHAMPION MOTORCYCLE THRILL SHOW, Bill Siros, 610 White, Houston, Texas 77007, (713) 8646561. WORLD'S LARGEST DEMOLITION DERBY, JM Productions, Inc.. W. Jay Milligan, 3232 S. Orchard Park Rd.. Orchard Park, N.Y. 14127, (716) 675-1000. AUTO RACING Bob Barkhimer & Associates, Inc., 14 Camp Evers Lane. Scotts Valley, Calif. 95060. (408) 438-3210. Demolition Derby, Spectacular Promotions, Inc., South Gate, Islip Speedway, Islip Ave., Islip, N.Y. 11751. (516) 277-9700. France Enterprises, Inc., 1801 Volusia Ave., Daytona Beach, Fla. 32014. (904) 253-0611. Husets, Inc., 1,000 E. Walnut St., St. Sioux Falls. S.D. 57103. International Motor Contest Assoc., Bill Hitz, sec., 1925 Park Ave.. Des Moines, Iowa 50315. (515) 244-5042. JM Productions, W. Jay Milligan, 3232 S. Orchard Park Road, Orchard Park, N.Y. 14127. (716) 675-1000. Mar-Car, Inc., Bud Carson, Fairgrounds Speedway, Box 75213, Oklahoma City, Okla. 73107. (405) 9462311). Larry McCloskey & His Wolverine Midgets, 1237 Lathrup, Saginaw. Mich. 48603. (517) 793-8696. 1973 Cavalcade of Acts &Attractions TELEVISION & MOTION PICTURE NAMES / GRANDSTAND SHOWS / VARIETY ACTS / ICE SHOWS / CIRCUSES / ETC National Assoc. Of Stock Car Auto Racing (NASCAR), 1801 Volusia Ave., Daytona Beach. Fla. 32014. (904) 253-0611. National Speedway, Inc., Gene VanWinkle, Box 209. Des Moines, Iowa 50301. (515) 265-3092: 5010 Clair Ave., Lincoln. Nebr. 68516, (402) 489-5172. Sam Nunis, auto race producer. 1415 Bleeker Ave.. Reading. Pa. 19607. (215) 777-6134. Bob Otto Promotion, Inc., 2340 Sherwood Road, Columbus, Ohio 43209. (614)231-3444; Beavercreek. Ohio. (513) 426-2764. Spectacular Promotions, Inc., South Gate, Islip Speedway. Islip Ave.. Islip. N.Y. 11751. (516) 277-9700. United Racing Club, Inc., Louis Kunz, 473 Washington Rd.. Sayreville. N.J. 08872. (201) 257-0504. United States Auto Club (USAC), R.L. Robinson. bus. mgr., 4910 W. 16th Street. Speedway, Ind. 46224. (317) 247-5151. GOSPEL MUSIC LIST continued from page 66 THE ORRELLS, HeartWarming Records-Enough Of God's Love." self-contained, work fairs, churches, concerts. Booked by: Don Light Talent, Inc. THE KENNY PARKER TRIO, Par-Co Records-"Af ter Glow." self-contained, works fairs, churches, concerts. Booked by: Don Light Talent, Inc. PINE RIDGE BOYS, Mark V Records, self-contained, work fairs, festivals, TV. colleges, churches. concerts. Booked by: Skylite Talent Agency. THE PROPHETS, BMC Records, self-contained, work fairs. amusement parks, festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, churches, shopping centers. concerts. Booked by: Sumar Talent Agency. SINGING RAMBOS, HeartWarming Records-"Soul In The Family," self-contained, work fairs, festivals, TV. colleges. concerts. Booked by: Don Light Talent, Inc. THE REBELS, Skylite Records, self-contained, work fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV, colleges, churches. shopping centers. concerts. Booked by: Skylite Talent Agency. THE REGENTS, Zondervan Records, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV, colleges. churches, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Bill Bowen. P.O. Box 5244, Huntsville, Ala. 35805. ROSIE ROZELL 8i THE SEARCHERS, Calvary Records, selfcontained, work fairs, amusement parks. festivals. TV, club dates, churches, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Sumar Talent Agency. SCENIC LAND BOYS. Sonora Records-"Turn Your Radio On. self-contained, work fairs, amusement parks. festivals. TV. colleges, churches, shopping centers. concerts. Booked by: Skylite Talent Agency. SEGO BROTHERS & NAOMI, HeartWarming Records, selfcontained, work fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV. colleges, churches, shopping centers. concerts. Booked by: Skylite Talent Agency. THE SPEER FAMILY, HeartWarming Records, self-contained, works fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV. colleges, club dates, churches, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Sumar Talent Agency. J. D. SUMNER & THE STAMPS, HeartWarming Records. self-contained, work fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, colleges, club dates, churches, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Sumar Talent Agency. THE SWEDEN BOYS, HeartWarming/Impact Records. self- contained. work fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV, colleges, club dates, churches, shopping centers, con- certs. Booked by: Kjell Samuelson, Pilot Productions, Box 200 751-04, Uppsala 1. Sweden, & Don Light Talent. Inc. THE THRASHER BROTHERS, Canaan Records-"America Sings." self-contained, work fairs, amusement parks, festivals, TV, concerts. Booked by: Don Light Talent. Inc. JIMMY WHEELER, Escambia Records, self-contained, works fairs, festivals. TV, colleges, night clubs, club dates, churches, shopping centers. concerts. Booked by: Triple T Talent. BOB WILLS & THE INSPIRATIONALS, Sword 8i Shield Records-"Life Is Worth Living," self-contained, work fairs, amusement parks. festivals, TV. colleges, churches, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Skylite Talent Agency. THE WILLS FAMILY, Sword 8i Shield Records, self-contained. works fairs, amusement parks. festivals. TV. col- leges. churches, shopping centers, concerts. Booked by: Calvin Wills, Arlington. Texas. THE YOUNG APOSTLES, Proclaim Records, self-contained, work fairs, amusement parks, festivals. TV, colleges, club dates, churches, shopping centers. concerts. Booked by: Variety Attractions & Chip Huffman. P.O. Box 155. Steubenville, Ohio 43952. CIRCUS continued from page 95 played 480 performances in 250 cities. Normally carries Side Show, food and drink. programs. novelties. Dates 100 per cent sponsored during March through November season. SILL'S BROS. CIRCUS-Main St., Gibson. N. C. 28434. Tel: (919) 582-3459. J. S. Jones, owner, manager and booking agent. Operates in regions 3, 5during March to October. Not on road in 1970. VOORHEIS BROS. CIRCUS, inc.-4405 W. Coldwater Rd., Flint, Mich. 48504. Tel (313) 732-7690. Bill Voorheis, Jr. manager and booking agent. Operates in region 5. Last year played 10 performances in 5 cities. Carries menagerie, food/drink. programs, souvenir/ novelties, amusement rides. Dates 98 per cent sponsored during October through April season. WALLENDA-1623 Arlington Street. Sarasota, Fla. 33579. Tel: 955-2768. K. Wallenda. manager; J. Leontini, booking agent. Operates regions 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. New show last year. Carries programs. souvenir/novelties. Dates 100 per cent sponsored during March through November season. JEAN WARNER'S "MIGHTY MIKE'S MINI CIRCUS," c/ o Mrs. Noel E. Hensley. 2915 Morris Ave.. Terre Haute, Ind. 47805. Tel: (812) 466-1628. WENATCHEE YOUTH CIRCUS-1412 Madison, Wenatchee, Wash. 98801. Paul Pugh, manager and booking agent. Plays regions 6, 8, 9. Last year played 60 performances in 12 cities. Carries programs. Dates 100 per cent sponsored during June through early September season. D. B. WHARTON CIRCUS-P. O. Box 237, Centreville. Md. 21617. Tel: (301) 758-0876. David Wharton. manager; Robert Hislop, booking agent. Operates in regions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Last played 341 performances in 165 cities. Normally carries Side Show, food and drink, menagerie. pit shows, programs, souvenir/novelties. Also plays shopping centers, schools/churches during April through October season. YVETTE'S MINI CRICUS REVUE-P. O. Box 5343, N. Hollywood. Ca. Tel: 768-1369. GEORGE & ASSOCIATES HAVE ENJOYED A MOST SUCCESSFUL Cbth THANKS TO ALAMEDA COUNTY FAIR AUBURN DISTRICT FAIR BUTTE COUNTY FAIR CHOWOHILLA JR. FAIR COLUSA COUNTY FAIR EASTERN IDAHO COUNTY FAIR GLENN COUNTY FAIR KERN COUNTY FAIR LAKE COUNTY FAIR LASSEN COUNTY FAIR LODI GRAPE FESTIVAL NAPA TOWN AND COUNTY FAIR NEVADA STATE FAIR PLACER COUNTY FAIR REDWOOD COUNTY FAIR SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY FAIR SANTA CRUZ COUNTY FAIR SILVER DOLLAR FAIR SOLANO COUNTY FAIR TEHAMA TOTEM FAIR YOLO COUNTY FAIR YUBA COUNTY FAIR HOPE TO SEE YOU IN '73 ·························· ·:the insurance specialists · · · · · · · ·· · ····a2·m09u·WsDa·ibeveie·smikoe·nBlnod·gf.t,B·iBnigr·bmhiua·nmsgh&·iamnB,·ienMis·gchhsa.·m4,8·u0i1nn·1c,d/i·e(n3sr1·u3wr)ar·6n4ci2e·t-5e·90r9·s ······ 1973 Cavalcade of Acts & Attractions GEORGE B. HUNT ANIJ A (..) L. I A 8350 Santa Monica Blvd. Los Angeles, Calif. 90069 (213) 654-64500 Jackie O'Dell, Mgr. 1009 22ND. STREET SACRAMENTO, CALIF. (916) 447-3489 Douglas Morrisson 1255 POST STREET - SUITE 609 SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA (415) 775-3155 129 ART FRAZIER MID WAYS with a MIDWAY touch of art e producer of SPECTACULARS and WORLD FAIR SHOWS Colorful ·Dedicated ·Professional For Details Contact ART FRAZIER "Frazier's World Fair Shows, Inc." 221 Cuatro Cerros Ti. S.E. Albuquerque, N.M. 87123 (505) 299-5390 OUR THANKS TO THE FOLLOWING AND ALL OTHERS ON OUR ROUTE, FOR A MOST SUCCESSFUL 1972 SEASON: SOUTHERN ARIZONA INTERNATIONAL LIVESTOCK SHOW AND PIMA COUNTY FAIR Tucson, Arizona NEW MEXICO STATE FAIR Albuquerque, New Mexico COLORADO STATE FAIR Pueblo, Colorado CENTRAL WYOMING FAIR AND RODEO Casper, Wyoming MIDLAND EMPIRE STATE FAIR Billings, Montana NATIONAL INDIAN POW-WOW-4th OF JULY Flagstaff, Arizona OLD TOWN FIESTA Albuquerque, New Mexico NAVAJO TRIBAL FAIR Window Rock, Arizona WEST TEXAS STATE FAIR El Paso, Texas 130 1973 Cavalcade of Acts &Attractions WHEN IT'S A NEW RIDE. 1.0111YOU'LL SEE IT FIRST ON ONE OF GOODING'S 11 MILLION DOLLAR MIDWAYS. Three Identical Million Dollar Midw The Only Midway Large Enough to At Three Major State Fairs at One T During the Fair Convention Come See Us In the Nevada Suite (Room 8903), Stardust Hotel, Las Vegas, Neva CALL OR WRITE: GOODING'S MILLION DOLLAR MIDWAYS, Fourth Floor Union Bank Bldg. 216 Tremont St., Bouton, Mass. 02116 Phones: AC 617; 426-4100 or 542-3708 INC. DIRECT FROM MEXICO CITY/CLYDE BALDSCHUN PRESENTS THE NATIONAL DANCE COMPANY OF MEXICO 4DFOblitiIN FIEgSTA illE0 CZ · ·,41.· ie2..."4 b;±:i I4 I_ ,1I_i lI:e.;4111;,;11;;±;4 bl*..:. 411."...·.;111;±;111121:111;,·;4 11;.t41 1::.·;I Ire 1,;,·;411.7.± 1 b2f./ 11;1:.11,:e.:11.2..;111'..-111-·'1Vel tr'707.1.7e..1 P747, ttrZtt ert.ter.i ,7".71 eV, irrm".71e24- 71eZt P7·71117471·77.71 Itre.'11t:.71,771,7:71,7r.t irer.11117.11171,72:117e1 r7.7.1.171 eel it7.71er."":" Presented by BALLET AZTLAN de MEXICO Under auspices NATIONAL INSTITUTE FINE ARTS SILVIA LOZANO --DIRECTOR GENERAL & CHOREOGRAPHER COMPANY OF 50 /DANCERS/SINGERS/INSTRUMENTALISTS /MARIACHI, VERA CRUZ & MARIMBA BANDS / SELF CONTAINED /ADAPTABLE ANY STAGE )IIJÇftI...±.;11/ tr7.711,7.7.71r.7.71,171 pre.1 'Mt ttn7-, s11;21-11;t>· b2·,;11b,;2$214b;±;.4ILt.b· 1;W er.tit7:71 r:ruirr:71e.r.`.7471prr..P:r., rS'7.1,7·71 b;±;41 11;,;4 b,;:1;4 6;LIb;i b;cUll I;e;4 11;e;.111;±;111 b;C;111;,e;4 11;22. rnit7t P7.7.11tr."71ert.i k;e;l1;t116;11;e1b;±;11W bi b;et;111;e;,116;e;1111;±:4 1971 TOUR-- COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY ENGAGEMENTS State University of New York at Alfred Alfred, New York Kansas State University Manhattan, Kansas Kansas State College Pittsburg, Kansas Mississippi State University Starkville, Mississippi Fashion Institute of Technology New York, New York New York City Community College Brooklyn, N.Y. University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario Mississippi State College for Women Columbus, Mississippi Florida Southern College Lakeland, Florida Starlight Theatre Kansas City (2 weeks) Pilgrimage Theatre Hollywood (2 weeks) FAIR APPEARANCES: California State Fair Colorado State Fair Iowa State Fair Minnesota State Fair Los Angeles County Fair ...and many more. ....le be.: le:.· ·e t .,r.1I.4 le:ell:I:.4 be.41e;111e:e bee re;.4 le.,e1iLt7e e e;111.te r.,e; :Lee b:e..;.1 ILee 11e2 · 4Ie; 411.2.4 6;e;1114b;,±;.4WIZt;.41W6;21;411.:,..10.4 'fell P.7:117.;71 r7:71PrZql/7. 4 7117.;71?7:1117111711PIZI tri",:11 P17 :I Pre., 1174711711171 PIV.71 erell 11571117;71 r7:711 'IVA e eell ,'7i11 P771 eit girt er· er· 107% leet 0.1· · e "It was a colorful and exciting show, and of course you are well aware of the enthusiastic audience reception. The box office and attendance was about double that of similarly priced attractions that we had in the Auditorium during the inaugural year. It was the biggest gross of our season." Mark 011ington Auditorium Manager Kansas State University "The show was the highlight of our season. A turnaway crowd. The audience became part of the show. Iam looking forward to a return engagement." Dean Vincent Trotta New York State University For immediate information, call collect, Hilton Hotel, Hawaiian Village, Honolulu (Nov. 30-Dec. 28) 808/949-4321 For available dates, contact Producer: CLYDE BALDSCHUN P.O. Box 356 Woodland Hills, Calif. 91362 213/346-6100 11 IL·;4112t;11 b..e;· r· - I;,e;4 Ut".111141e111.·111.±.;41e:.4 ke..;11b4411kje...4 7.:11:7:71,707.11r7.;:` pre:. P7r.grreltt7:71 el'eflpreA r77,11 'Mg r7:71t74:te et7, 1 ,171 ,;71,7:-.1 P7:71 r7:71 r7e.i b'·'11'·4 1 er. eift ert r7.71.7.7* ere eit eel ire i.e., o";·· ,4I;......;411;e;11 I., Ve.;4 b2t41.2.;411111b,··b±...11b2.6·411;e;111 BOOKING AGENTS The following list of Booking Agents and Theatrical Representatives is listed by city rather than alphabetically because most talent buyers prefer to contact local or nearby agents for acts and attractions. Anyone wanting to contact the large, na- tional agencies should look under these cities: Beverly Hills, Chicago, Los Angeles, Nashville or New York. ABBOTSFORD. BRITISH COLUMBIA Terry Holt. CFVR Radio. Terry Holt, Mgr. AKRON, OHIO American Artist Association, 34 S. Valley St_ 44303. Larry Woolson. Mgr. ALHAMBRA. CALIF. Carnaghi Enterprises, (213) 281-8603 1210 Saint Charles Ter_ 91801. ALLIANCE. OHIO Bill Cassidy, 1674 S Union Ave.. 44601. Bin Cassidy AMBOY, ILL. Triple T. Talent. Box 99. 61310: (815) 957-2389: Marve Hcerner. Pres Jimmy Wheeler. V. P. ARDMORE, PA. Earl J. Ban, 20 E Athens Ave 19003 ATHENS, GREECE T.G.C. Agency. 127 Pansicin St_ Athens 813. Greece: 829- 272. 823-870 ATLANTA, GA. Alkahest Attractions. 1175 Peachtree St. N E 30309. (404) 892-1843. Ralph Bndges, Pres_ Max Johnson. V P Regions 3,4 Discovery, Inc., Box 7868. Suite 432. 1145 Peachtree St . Steve Cole. Jerry Womack Entertainment (cliv of Bill Lowery Talent. P 0. Box 9851, 1224 Fernwood Circle N.E ,30319; (404) 233- 3962. National Entertainment Associates, Box 49324, 30329. Frank Joiner. Mgr George Woodbridge & Assoc., 1839-A Skyland Terr ..N.E , 30319. (404) 631-3088 BAKERSFIELD, CAL. Brumley Artist Agency. 605 Palomo Dr., 93304: (805) 832-1177. Jack Brumley Omac Artist Corp_ 1225 N Chester. 93308. (805) 3931011. Jack McFadden. Pres_ Joe McFadden. V P Specialty- Country: International. Charles L. "Fuzzy" Owen Agency. Box 842 93302: (805) 327-1406. Charles Owen BALTIMORE. NAD. Sound Incorporated Booking Agency, P O. Box 10068. 21204, (301) 426-8639. Richard Fay. Pres. BATON ROUGE, LA. Great South Artists. P 0 Box 3416, 70821: Jim Brown BELLEVUE, WASH. Jack Roberts Agency. Sude 103, 10222 N.E. First St 98004, (206) 455-2600: Jack Roberts. Charles Rob- ens BENTON. KY. ESPO, R.R =7, 42025; (502) 527.9948. Walter F. Sill, Jr Pres Bob Vanhooser, V P Specialties Lectures, TV Personalities. National BERKELEY. CALIF. Karen Toepfer Agency, 2704 Alcatraz Ave., 94705: (415) 654-5921 BEVERLY, OHIO Nina R. Miller Agency. P 0 Box 516, 45715. BEVERLY HILLS. CALIF. AIMEE Entertainment Associafion, 8383 Wilshire, 90211. (213) 655.0701 Associated Booking Corporafion, 9477 Brighton Way, 90210. (213)273-5600. David Elendett. International. Belcourt Artists Corp., 222 N. Canon Dr_ 90210. (213) 276-6205 Merritt Blake Agency. 409 N Camden. 90210: (213) 2786885 Con Casady Management. 451 N. Canon Dr_ 90210; (213) 273-5011. Com Casady. Chartwell Artists Ltd_ 9720 Wilshire Blvd.. 90212. (213) 273-6700 Coast Artists. Inc.. 9454 Wilshire, 90212; (213) 2738683 Colton Kingsley & Associates Inc_ 321 S. Beverly Dr 90212. (213) 277-5491 Contemporary/ Korman Artists, Ltd., 132 S. Lasky Dr_ 90212. (213) 274-7888. The Flaire Agency. 473 S Robertson. 90211. (213) 2782292 Rab Foster Assoc_ Inc., 211 So. Beverly Dr .Sude 200. 90212: Bun Jacobs. Bin Utley. Reb Foster. 1973 Cavalcade of Acts & Attractions Kurt Frings Agency, Inc., 9025 Wilshire Blvd., 90211. (213) 274-8881 Irwin Pames Agency, 9015 Wilshire Blvd 90211. (213) 272-5539 Phil Gersh Agency, Inc., 232 N Canon Dr ,90210, (213) 274-6611 Jack Hampton Agency, 226 S Beverly Dr.. 90212: (213) 274-6075 Rob Heller Enterprises, 9869 Santa Monica Blvd.. 90212. (213) 553-7112, Rob Heller, Pres Dan Spellens Specialties. Pop/ MOR. Rock. Country. Blues/ Soul. Variety Acts. Dance Bands. Regions: 7,8.9 Major Talent Agency Inc_ 113 N. San Vincent& 90211. (213) 655-4870 Miles Ingalls Agency, 205 S Beverly Dr, 90212. (213) 276-7017 Howard King Agency, 118 S Beverly Dr, 90212; (213) 271-7294 Ken Kragen & Friends Inc., 415 N Canon Dr, 90210. (213) 273-5011. Ken Kragen Kumin-Olenick Agency, 400 S Beverly Dr., 90212. (213) 274-7281 Bert Levy Assocs.. 280 S Beverly Dr 90212; (213) 2734152 William Morris Agency, Inc., 151 El Camino Dr ,90212. (213) 274-7457 Promotional Productions Inc., 435 N Roxbury Dr 90210. (213) 271-8550 Reznick-Bernstein Agency. 226 S. Beverly Dr.. 90212: (213)274-9141, National; Marshall Recaick: Ben Bernstein. Dennis Turner, Rick Bloom. Shurr International Agency, 9489 Dayton Way. 90210: (213) 274-4260. Fred Vance Agency, 9465 Wilshire. 90212; (213) 2722612 Vemco International Talent, 130 S Robertson Blvd 90211. (213) 657-6480. BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA Southeastern Attractions, Inc., 2121 8th Ave.. 35209, Bunky Anderson. Barbara Hallerman. No.. BOSTON, MASS. Lordly & Darne, Inc., 51 Church St., 02116; (617) 482- 3593. Bill Thompson. Aaron Richmond Concerts, 420 Boylston St.. 02116: (617) 536-6037; Walter Pierce, Pres.. Specialty .Concerts 8i Dance Presentations: Region: 1. BOTHELL, WASH. Jack Roberts Agency, 17522 Bothell Way, NE. 98011. Jack Roberts. Chuck Roberts. Ery Sundsted, Sharon Wilson. BROOKLINE, MASS. Jacy Collier Agency, 285 Corey Rd.. 02146: (617) 277- 1352. Henry M. Cobert, Specialty: Variety Acts, Novelty Acts. National. BROOKLYN N.Y. Cad Hunt Agency, 126 Amity St.. 11231: (212) 858- 4727 BUFFALO, N.Y. KRC Associates Inc., 2335 Main St., 14214; (716) 837- 1200: Joseph W Romanowski, Pres.. Daniel Sack, Mgr ,National. BURBANK, CALIF. Mark Anthony Agency, 3808 Riverside Dr.. Ste. 500. 91505. (213) 845-8761 CALGARY, ALBERTA Avery Productions, Inc.. 920919th St. S.W.. Ste. 3; (403) 281-2259. Randolph F. Avery: International. K.B.D. Enterprises Agency, 500-630-8 Ave.. S.W (403) 263-5480: Robert - Bob - DiPaol DiPaolo. CAMDENTON, MO. Johnny Rivers Attractions, Rt. 1, Box 262, 65020 CARYVILLE, FLA. National Syndicated Record & Artists Promoters, P.O. Box 62. 32427: Sherrie Scott; International. CHAMPAIGN, ILL. Blytham, Ltd.. P.O. Box 701 Nutt, Ken Holden. 61820: Doug Bayer. Bob CHARLESTON, W. VA. "National Shows, Inc., 526 Charleston National Plaza, 25301; (304)342-7111: Gary Lashinsky, Pres., Phillip Lashinsky, V.P.; International. CHARLOTTE, N.C. Harmony House Attractions, Doraine & Ellis Productions. 7117 Carosan Lane, 28211; Robert E. Olds, E. M. Fuchs. Ellis E. Lucas, Doraine Renard Lucas. Hit Attractions, Inc., P.O. Box 682, 28210: (704) 372. 3955, Ted Hall. CHESTNUT HILL, MASS. American Program Bureau, 850 Boylsten St (617) 731-0500; Phillip Citron. 02167; CHICAGO, ILL. AAA Attractions & Bands. 20 N. Wacker. 60606; (312) 372-4980 Abbott Merriel Agency. 17 E Monroe, 60603: (312) 7262677 Affiliated Attractions. 203 N. Wabash, 60601; (312) 3322822. Agency for the Performing Arts, 747 N. Michigan. 60611: (312) 664-7703. Willard Alexander Inc., 333 N. Michigan Ave.. 60601: (312) 236-2460; Robert Kasha. Allied Arts Corp., 20 N. Wacker. 60606: (312) 372-0566. Arkham Artists Inc., 25 E. Chestnut, 60611. (312) 9440645 Artists Corp. of America, 6157 Sheridan Rd., 60626; (312) 262-4426 Associate Booking Corp., 919 N Michigan Ave 60611: (312) 751-2000 Attractions Inc., 1230 N. Washington. 60607: (312) 6666271; George Ferguson. John Lindahl. Barnes-Carruthers Theatrical Enterprises Inc., 9930 Derby Lane. 60153, (319) 287.4344 Beacon Artists Corp., 180 N. Michigan Ave 60601. (312) 641-5370: Jerry Sabul. Nic Belcastro Agency, 307 N Michigan Ave 60601. (312) 372-9454 Belden Productions of Chicago. 9127 S Houston. 60607: (312) 731-2228. Blyth4a4nL6td., 1n8c 8W Randolph, 6060 1,(3 12 )372-1025 . Al Borde Agey, 203 N Wabash. 6060 1:(312 )3724406 Henry Brandon, 22 E. Huron. 60601: (312) 642-4842. Mae Bubrow Agency, 203 N. Wabash, 606011(312) 332- 2822 CASK Attractions Inc.. 667 N, Lincoln. 6060 1:(312 )673- 1630 Can Can Theatrical Booking Agency, 1525 E 53rd.. 60615. (312) 324-5710 Dick Carlton Assocs., 307 N Michigan. 60601: (312) 726-8117. Choir Placement Bureau, 19 S Lasal. 60601. (312) 6410386 Goldie Cohan & Associates, 203 N Wabash. 60601: (312) 236-9094 Colossus Booking Corp- 520 N. Michigan Ave., 60611: (312) 644-3670. Combined Talent Attractions, 3525 W. Peterson, 60645; (312) 478-0940. Communications Corp. of America, 11 W. Illinois. 60610; (312) 467-9579 Concepts, 2500 E. Devon. Des Plaines, III 60618. (312) 298-4252. Consolidated Radio Artists of III., 32 W. Randolph, 60601. (312) 372-8300. Continental Productions, Inc., 203 N. Wabash. 60601: (312) 726-6012: Al Curtis, Creative Management Amusements, 211 E. Chicago Ave., 60611. (312) 943-7100: E.O. Stacy. CZARK Attractions Inc., 6555 W. North Ave., Oak Park, 60635: (312) 848-5626. D M Productions, 6124 N Milwaukee. 60646; (312) 6317768 Pat DeCarlo Theatrical Agency, 203 N. Wabash. 60601; (312) 346-0471. Al Dvorin Agency, 54 W. Randolph. 60601; (312) 3724980. Al Dvorin: National. Erlo Productions, 6040 W. Dakin. 60634: (312) 2860683. Faber Entertainment Inc., 5148 Main, Skokie. 60076: (312) 677-5944. L.N. Fleckles & Co., 2400 E. Devon Ave.. Des Plaines, 60018. (312) 297-4466 Inez Gamble Assoc.. 410 S. Michigan Ave., 60605: (312) 427-3744. Gamboa Promotions Agency, 2412 S. Harding. 60623; (312) 277-3359. Marcus Glaser Agency, 203 N. Wabash, 60601; (312) 236-2032. Arthur Goldsmith Agency. 952 N. Michigan Ave.. 60611; (312) 944-2650. Max Gordon Agency, 125 Diane. Glen Elyn. III., 60137: (312) 653-0034. Manfred Gotthelf Agency. 505 N. Michigan Ave., 60611. (312) 944-0133 Harry Graben Enterprises, 203 N. Wabash Ave.. 60601; (312) 332-0996. Bob Harrison Enterprises, 4356 W. Grand, 60639; (312) 278-1623. Marvin Himmel Productions Inc., 216 E. Ontario. 60611; (312) 337-6470. Charles Hogan Agency, 203 N Wabash Ave 60601, (312) 236-2032. continued on page 134 133 Doris Hurtig 8i Associates, 307 N. Michigan. 60601; (312) 332-2503. Industro Productions Inc., 20 E. Jackson, 60604; (312) 427.7042. International Famous Agency Inc 60611; (312) 944-2800. 166 E. Superior. Jayde Theatrical Enterprises Inc., 32 W. Randolph. 60601. (312) 726-0771. Johnny Jones Agency, 8101 Gross Point Rd., Morton Grove, 60648. (312) 965-2550. Joe Kayser Agency. 919 N. Michigan Ave.. 60611; (312) 642-9441 John King Theatrical Management, 160 E. Grand. 60611; (312) 644-5218. Bob Kirk Agency, 307 N. Michigan Ave.. 60601: (312) 372-9454 Ted Kokes Entertainment Agency, 48 W. 21. Chicago Heights, 60411. (312) 754-5414. Eugene C. Lambert Agency, 203 N. Wabash, 60601; (312) 782-8377. Lee Productions, 180 N. Michigan Ave., 60601: (312) 368-4907. Leigh W. Colston Inc., 77 W. Washington, 60602; (312) 236-3541. Dave Malcolm Entertainment Enterprises, 9909 Roosevelt Rd., Westchester. 60153: (312) 344-7644 Bebe Mandel Agency, 203 N. Wabash Ave., 60601: (312) 236-9755. Paul Marr Agency. 54 W. Randolph, 60601; (312) 2635653. Dick Marx Management Group Inc., 664 N. Michigan. 60611, (312) 944-1800 Charles McBee Agency, 203 N. Wabash. 60601: (312) 346-0438. McClellan Associates Inc., 1230 W. Washington, 60607: (312) 222-1422. Richard Meahl Agency, 307 N Michigan Ave., 60601: (312) 726-8117. Melba Caldwell Agency, 32 W. Randolph. 60601: (312) 726.0771. Romeo Maltz Productions, 203 N. Wabash, 60601; (312) 641-5292. Mid West Bureau of Performing Arts. 1500 N. Wieland. 60610; (312) 944-4959. Gilbert Miller Agency, 8743 St. Louis, Skoki, III 60076: (312) 674-3630. Gilbert Miller, Pres ,Specialty Lec- tures. Sports Personalities, Variety Acts, Circus; International. Dave Mills Agency, 6124 N. Milwaukee. 60646; (312) 631-7909. William Morris Agency, Inc., 435 N. Michigan, 60611; (312) 467-1744; International. Jack Morton Productions Inc., 111 E. Wacker. 60601; (312) 644-0620. Musical Enterprises Ltd., 6212 N. Lincoln, 60645; (312) 478-5275: Ted Allen 8i Don Fernando, Noel Talent Management Inc., 4616 N. Ashland, 60640: (312) 728-0660. North Star Talent Agency, 41 N. Vermillion, Danville, 61832; (217) 446.9120. Omega Productions, 78 E. Madison, 60602: (312) 7827236. S. J. Page Entertainment & Music, 5951 N. Odell, 60631; (312) 774-8440. 'Paramount Attractions, 2 E. Oak St., 60611 (312) 9442650; Arthur Goldsmith; Region: 5. Peoples Theatre, 1620w. 47th, 60609: (312) 247-4514. Performers Services, 166 E. Superior. 60611; (312) 944- 3711. Fstelle Prager Agency, 616 N. Rush, 60611; (312) 337)998. Rams'l Productions Inc., 1354 E. 551h, 60615: (312) 667-3088. Redpath Bureau, 343 S. Dearborn. 60604; (312) 42)8723. Jimmy Richards Productions, 919 N. Michigan Ave., 60611: (312) 664-1552; Jimmy Richards. Pres.; National. Mrs. Evelyn Geldzahler, James Roberts Agency, 307 N. Michigan Ave., 60601: (312) 372-9454. The Robin Hood Players, 469 E. Ohio, 60611: (312) 6445980. Jay B. Ross Agency, 188 W. Randolph, 60601; (312) 3721025. Gloria Roth Productions, 5116 Pratt, Skokie, 60076: (312) 673-6450. Jack Russell & Assoc.. 166 E. Superior, 60611; (312) 944-3700 St. Marie Productions, 2911 N. Central. 60634; (312) 725-3565 Betty Sampson Agency, 952 N. Michigan. 60611; (312) 944-2650 Saunders & Associates, 7332 S. Calumet, 60619; (312) 224-4707. Marty Saxon Agency, 2500 E. Devon, Des Plaines. 60618; (312) 298-4252. Chick Schloss Agency. 203 N. Wabash, 60601; (312) 346-0471. Howard Schultz Agency, 2525 W. Peterson, 60645; (312) 769-2244. Seymour Shapiro Agency, 32w. Randolph. 60601: (312) 332-6022. Sharron Theatrical Enterprises Inc., 2323 W. Devon, 60645; (312) 465-3476. Floyd Shaw Agency, 203 N. Wabash Ave., 60601; (312) 782-6249. Eddie Sligh Productions, 300 N. State, 60610; (312) 3211575. Soul Productions, Ghana Agency, 7711 S. Racine, 60620: (312) 488-8047. Sound Storm Enterprises Inc., 1N. LaSalle, 60602; (312) 368-8377. Source 1 Ltd., 25 E. Chestnut. 60611 .(312) 787-4718. Standard Entertainment Service.203 N. Wabash, 60601; (312) 346-0438. State & Madison Management, 6212 N. Lincoln. 60645; (312) 478-5527. TEJ /Belgian Educational Student Travel Service, 22 W. Monroe St.. 60603: (312) 726-6838: John Hoy. Trash of the Thirties Inc., 25 E. Chestnut. 60611: (312) 337-2530. United Attractions Inc., 22 E. Huron, 60611; (312) 6640200: Phil Consolo, Pres. Video Talent Inc., 189 W. Madison, 60602; (312) 3321115. VJDAsaoc., 2640W. Superior, 60612; (312) 235-5485. Don Walker Productions, 360 N. Michigan Ave., 60601; (312) 332-1975. William Howard Agency, 332 S. Michigan Ave.. 60601; (312) 427-2918. Griffith Williams Agency, 307 N. Michigan Ave.. 60601: (312) 372-9454. Paul Wittenmyer Agency, 307 N Michigan Ave.. 60601; (312) 372-9454. Peter Wright Assoc., 166 E. Superior, 60611; (312) 6446054. continued on page 136 Miss Jeannie CMeg FAIRS: BLUE GRASS FAIR, LEXINGTON · DUQUOIN STATE FAIR, DUQUOIN, ILLINOIS · MINNESOTA STATE FAIR · DELAWARE STATE FAIR NEW YORK STATE FAIR · NORTH FLORIDA FAIR · MEMPHIS MID-SOUTH FAIR · IOWA STATE FAIR · VIRGINIA STATE FAIR · KANSAS STATE FAIR · BLOOMSBURG FAIR · SOUTH CAROLINA STATE FAIR AK-SAR-BEN COLISEUM. Omaha, Nebraska · FREEDOM HALL, Louisville, Ky. · SKYLON TOWER, Niagara Falls, Ont. · NATIONAL DAIRY CATTLE CONGRESS, Waterloo Iowa · NORWICH ROSE ARTS FESTIVAL, Norwich, Connecticut · ASTRO-WORLD, Houston, Texas --. ···...?.` · . re?0z,4i·· · ·,,·ler. 7 ,··· ···· ,··· ·2 . - ··· eet,442.4e---te' 'ea> , vl· · y_-. · '·,* ,,410,,J .AW·..4.gibei e e_ ··44"91. ··' ·····.:·;!:,gs.e. e..d..."i".%'lee-,ee; ·.. v. ·`Yei-re_",' ',.7<__!=.,ip,:t .·'014..:!7 Bookings thru: 806 16th Ave., South, Nashville. Tenn. 37203 Phone: AC (615) 244-4336 ONS RECORDS Jeannie C. Riley Enterprises W. E. (Gene) Scott, Exec. Dir. 806 16th Ave., South Nashville. Tenn. 37203 Phone: AC (615) 259-2654 Young-Taylor Agency Inc., 203 N. Wabash Ave., 60601; (312) 236-8762 Harry ZeIxer Agency. 20 N. Wacker , 60606: (312) 3720566. Charles Zemater Agency, 2834 N Southport. 60657. (312) 477-3500. CHURCHVILLE. FLA. Bauer-Hall Enterprises, 138 Frog Hollow Rd.. 18966. (215) 357-5189, William B. Hall, Ill; Specialties Com- ics, TV personalities. Sports Personalities, Variety Acts. Outdoor attractions; National; Regions: 2.4,5. CINCINNATI. OHIO Athens Talent Assocs. Inc., P.O. Box 19007. 115 Calhoun St.. 45219: (513) 221-2626. A. Jaye Corp., 115-117 Calhoun St. P 0 Box 19007, 45219: (513) 221-2626, Stanley B Hertzman, David Osborne, David Reckseit. CLEVELAND, OHIO Belkin Personal Management. 203. 44-15 3101 Euclid Ave Suite Crown Theatrical Agency, 13212 Shaker Sq Suite 202. 44120, Jack Budniak. Helene Budniak. Quantrell Enterprises, 11200 West 130, 44136. Bob Keith, Phil Drew CLINTON, N.J. 'Enroute Productions. Inc., 23 West Main St.. 08809: (201) 735-5625. Harris Goldman. Pres.. Jell Berger. Mgr Specialty. Theatrical: National. COLUMBUS, OHIO 'Entertainment Services Inc 00: (213) 839-1812 Room 916 16 E Broad St.. DALLAS, TEX. Associated Booking Corp., Lee Park Bldg., 3511 Hall St.. 75219. (214) 528-8296; International. Joan Frank Prod., Suite 228. Two Turtle Creek Village. 75219. Dick Leonard. Marquee Agency of America, Inc 75219. (214) 528-3660. P.O. Box 19401. DAVENPORT, IOWA Art Peirce Associates. 115 W. 7th St.. P.O. Box 3627. 52808. (319) 323-1874, A D. Peirce, Pres.; Specialty: Pop/ MOR. Country, Gospel. COMICS, Lectures, TV & Sports Personalities, Variety Acts: Region. 5. DE LAND, FLORIDA Robert M. Bums, 334 W. Howery Ave 4020 32720; (902) 734- DENVER. COLO. Athena Enterprises Inc.. 3426 E. 12th, 80206; (303) 399- 8681, Lance P. Smith, Pres., Keith Case. Mgr., National. Continental Artists Assoc. Ltd., 1350 Josephine, Suite 601. 80206; Joel Brandes. Flair Productions, 1055 Logan St., Suite 301, 80203; Herschel Katchen. Professional Registry Ltd., 2415 15th St.. 80202: (303) 433-8543. DES MOINES, IOWA 'Smokey Smith Enterprises, 2509 Westover Blvd.. 50322. (515) 276-3649; Smokey Smith. Pres., Leon Smith, Mgr.; Specialty: Country, Gospel; Regions: 5,6.7.8. DETROIT, MICH. Rita Coker Agency, 18066 Greenlawn, 48221; (313) 861- 3582. LBJ P Concert Agency. 17616 Wisconsin Ave., 48221; (313) 861-8054. Jerry Patlovv & Assocs., 17429 Indian Ave., 48240; (313) 531-7329 DOTHAN, ALA. Dean Attractions, 1000 Choctaw, Section E., 36301; (205) 794-4719; James L. Dean, Pres. EAST PALMDALE, CALIF. Southwest Country Jamboree. 38603 9th St.. 93550; (805) 947-2026. EDMONTON, ALBERTA Robert A. Lang Entertainment Prod., 7939 111 St. ENCINO, CALIF. Eddie Cochran Agency, P.O. Box 782, 91316: (213) 987- 1740, Pres., Eddie Cochran; International. ENGLEWOOD, N.J. Torrence/ Perrotry Management, 394 E. Palisade Ave., 07631; (212) 927-9700: Richard Torrence, Pres., William T. Perrotta, V.P.; National. FAIRFAX, VA. Calliope Musical Corp., 8731 Lee Highway. 22030: (703) 560-2846, Jim Wells. FARMINGTON, MICH. Jack Reed Agency, Inc., 27600 Farmington Rd., Suite 200. 48024; Jack Reed, FORT WAYNE, IND. York Theatrical Offices, 1521 Wells St.. 46808: (219) 742-4718; G.C. York. Pres.; Regions: 3.4.5. FORREST CITY. ARK. Knight-Lowman-Birminghame Shows, 72335 Birminghame Aaron A 136 FRANKLIN, PA. Process Talent Management, 439 Wiley Ave., 16323. FREMONT, CALIF. Apollo Prod., 3444 Schacht. Little Cl.,94539: Phil & Francine FRESNO, CALIF. Entertainment Productions, 333 E. Lowe, 93702: (209) 266-6778. GAINESVILLE, TEXAS Tanden Prod., P.0 Box 382. 76240; Bobby Dennis, David Tanner. GARY, IND. Dale Dawson Tallent Assocs., 46407. (219) 938-2545. 6939 Ironwood Ave., GIBSONTON. FLA. 'Froman Productions, P.O. Box 907. 33534: (813) 677- 9480. Ward Hall. Pres.. C M. Christ, Mgr.. Speciality: Variety Acts National. GLENDORA. CALIF. Centaur Artists, 2334 Club Vista Dr 2301 91740; (213) 963- GOODLETTSVILLE, TENN, Atlas Artists Bureau, Inc.. 119 Two Mile Pk.. 37072; (615) 859-1343. Haze B Jones. Pres., Smiley Wilson. VP.. Specialty Country, National. Wright Talent Agency, P.0 Box 503, 37072. (615) 8592446. GREAT NECK, N.Y. 'R D 3Ventures, 20 Welwyn Rd., 11021; (516)482-4683. Richard Dostal. Pres.. Specialty. Pop/ MOR, Rock, Blues/ Soul, Lectures, Dance Bands. Folk Acts; National. GREENBRIER, TENN. All Star Talent Agency, P O. Box 82 4192. 244-3237 37073; (615) 643- GREENSBORO. N.C. Parrnan Productions, (919) 275-4216. 1304 E Wendover Ave., 27405. HAGERSTOWN. MD. Sound Inc. Booking Agency, Rm. 310 Wareham Bldg., 138 W Washington St., 21740, (301) 797-7333. HARRISBURG, PA. Penn-World Attractions, State Theatre Bldg .17101. Maynard McKissick HARTFORD, CONN. Douglass Associates, 17 Haynes St .06003: (203) 527- 4980: Philip A. Douglass. Pres.. Specialty: Pop/ MOR, Rock, Country. Comics. Lectures, Variety Acts. College Attractions: Regions: 1.2.3,5. Al Jarvis Entertainment Prod., 37 Huntington St ,06105; Sam Pasco. HENDERSONVILLE, TENN. Beeeee wood Tallent Agency, 133 Walton Ferry Rd.. 37075. (615) 824-2820. Lester Flatt Artist Service, New Shackle Island Rd., 37075, (615) 824-0142. Judy Lee Agency, 210 Hazlewood Dr.. 37075. (615) 8248552. Penn-Day Ltd., 530W. Main St., 37075: (615)824-6565. HIALEAH, FLA, Music Talent Assocs., 495 S.E. 10 Ct., 33010: (305) 887- 4052 HOLLYWOOD, CALIF. Children's Talent Guild, 7161. 1741 Ivar. 90028: (213) 466- Lee Craver Productions Agency, 6636 Hollywood Blvd. Ste. 239, 90028; (213) 466-6136. J. Foster & Wade Alexander Agency, 8721 Sunset Blvd., 90069: (213) 659-1660. Fiando Enterprises, P.O. Box 1029. 90028: Kurt F. Hunter. H.P. Ltd., P.O. Box 3004, 90028: (213) 874-8396; Douglas Lyon. Don Howard Artists' Agency, 6269 Selma Ave., 90028: (213) 462-0911. Julian Portman Agency, Hollywood 8i Vine Sts.. Taft Bldg.. Suite 1105, 90028: Julian Portman, Clyde Bagley. Paul Rubio Presents, 633 1 /2 N. Sycamore, 90036: Paul Rubio. Walter R. Scott, 6430 Sunset Blvd.. 90028. Theatrical International Tours, Aquarius Theatre Bldg.. 6230 Sunset Blvd., 90028; (213) 461-3712: Specialty: Theatre: National. Universal Talent Inc., 6000 Sunset Blvd 90028: (213) .466-6000. Suite 201: Hosea Wilson Agency, 6725 Sunset Blvd Suite 308, 90028; (213) 469-2951. HOPKINS, MINN. Harry Habata Entertainment, 55343; Harry Habata. 106 Van Buren Ave.. So.. HOUSTON, TEX. Acts Unlimited, 511 W. Alabama, Suite 201. 77006; (713) 524-2883; Steven Long, Pres., Larry O'Keefe, V.P.: Specialty: Rock, Dance Bands: Region: 6 Professional Management International, 511 Alabama, Suite 201, 77006; (713) 526-6397. HUNTINGTON PARK, CALIF. Kirkman's Entertainment Agency, 3007 E. Florence Ave., 90255: (213) 582-7536. HUNTINGTON, W. VA. 'Hetzer's Theatrical Promotions, 408 16th St. W.. P.O. Boo 589, 25710: James T. Hetzer, Producer: Mabel C. Hetzer, Hilliard Tackett. Specialty: Variety Acts, TV Personalities. Circus, Ice Shows, Revues & Spectaculars; International. INDEPENDENCE, MO. Charles Diminel Agency, 3427 Norton. 64052, Charles Dimmel, Charles Lewis. INGLEWOOD, CALIF. Iand TTProductions Inc., 1310 N. La Brea. 90302: (213) 678-2632 Spug Nik Booking Agency, 1310 N. La Brea. 90302; (213) 295-4567, Ike Turner, Pres., Tina Turna, V.P.; International. ITHACA. N.Y. 'Enroute Productions Inc., Box 34, 14850; Harris Gold- man. JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA Carter Enterprises, P.O. Box 12241, 32209; (904) 354- 3390. Miss Roselle Carter. John Jelinek Theatrical Agency, Inc 502 First Federal Savings Bldg 32202. JAMAICA, N.Y. Duke Wade Artist & Promotions, 108-31 173 St., 11433; (212) 947-6903 KANSAS CITY. MO. 'Tom Drake Agency. 1106 Westport Rd.. 64111, (816) 531-1148, Tom Drake. Pres., Hazel Randall. V.P.: International. National Good Karma Productions, 4218 Main St.. 64111; (816) 531-3857: Stan Plesser. KINSTON, N.C. LS Productions, Inc., N. Queen St, 28501: (919) 5231860. Ralph H. Lee. Pres.. Specialty: Country, Dance Bands. Regions 3.4. KITCHENER, ONTARIO Marshall Agency, 43 Water St.. No.: Ross Marshall. KNOX, IND, Oler Entertainment Prod., R.R. 5, Box 737. 46534: (219) 772-3100. Wesley N. Oler. LA PUENTE, CALIF. Bridgetown, Music Corp., 717 N. Glendora, 91744: (213) 283-1830 LAKE JACKSON, TEXAS The Beav-Jim Agency, Inc., P.O. Box 758, 77566; J.E. - Buddy - Hooper. Bill Gilbert. LANCASTER, PA. Cooke & Rose Theatrical Enterprises, P.O. Box 1015, 17604. LAS VEGAS, NEV. Artist Talent Corp., 3106 E Sunset Rd.. 89120: (702) 451-8333: Chuck Olson, Agent, Associated Booking Corp.. 1100 E. Sahara Ave.. 89105: (702) 734-8155. John Kelly & Assocs., Box 14927, 89114, (702) 4511041 LEXINGTON, KY. T. Texas Tommy Productions, P.O. Box 306. 40501. Vic- tor Vesay. Pres.: Specialty: Country, Variety Acts; National. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Bill Morton & Assoc., 2010 S 24th St.. 68502: Bill Mor. ton LINDEN, N.J. Smokey Warren Promotions, 116 Princeton Rd 07036 LONDON. ENGLAND William Morris Agency (U.K.) Ltd., Melrose House, 4 Say- ile Row, W 1X 1AF, 01- 734-9631, Robert Shapiro, Mgr ,International LONDON, ONTARIO Volatile Attractions Ltd., 185 Berkshire Dr., Suite 704, 63. (519) 471-9700; Saul Holiff. LONG BEACH, CALIF. Southern California Entertainment Bureau, 90802, (213) 775-8371 110 Pine, William Shisler Agency, Symphony Hall, 02115. (617 ) 266-1492 U.S. Male Enterprises, 5254 Long Beach Blvd .90805: (213) 423-8510; Bob Michalowski. LOS ANGELES, CALIF. Ray Adams & Rosenberg Agency, 90069. (213) 278-3000 9220 Sunset Blvd., Advance Entertainment Co. of America, 6087 W. Sunset. 90028, (213) 465-0707 Affiliated Artist Agency, 1136 N LaBrea, 90038. (213) 464-8042 continued on page 138 1973 Cavalcade of Acts &Attractions The Wide World Of Talent ARTISTS LISTED ALPHABETICALLY: ROY ACUFF, JR. REX ALLEN and the Men of the West `11 LIZ ANDERSON ERNIE ASHWORTH JACK BARLOW MARTI BROWN SHERRY BRYCE CARL & PEARL BUTLER BILL CARLISLE *TOMMY CASH and the Tomcats COUNTRY CAVALEERS 4%,feTiONS ei 9 WALT CONKLIN PETE DRAKE SHOW MERLE KILGORE WILMA LEE & STONEY COOPER DUKE OF PADUCAH SLEEPY LA BEEF & Band & the Clinch Mountain Clan *DONNA FARGO HUGH X. LEWIS ALICE CREECH LEFTY FRIZZELL HANK LOCKLIN THE MIKE CURB CONGREGATION DON GIBSON WARNER MACK & LANA RAE DICK CURLESS CHARLIE HARRIS & Band DANNY MARCUS & Band PAT DAISY *DANNY DAVIS arid the Nashville Brass GOV. JIMMIE DAVIS & ANNA GORDON DAVIS SKEETER DAVIS & Band PENNY DEHAVEN DON AND CARLA *In conjunction with CMA. CLAY HART of the Lawrence Welk Show MUSICAL HART FAMILY DOYLE HOLLY & Band THE HOMESTEADERS LOIS JOHNSON & Band CLAUDE KING SAM & KIRK McGEE GEORGE MORGAN LAMAR MORRIS GARY S. PAXTON WEBB PIERCE MARVIN RAINWATER JACK RENO BOBBY G. RICE JEANNIE C. RILEY DAVID ROGERS and the Nashville Pickers SEGO BROS. & NAOMI RONNIE SESSIONS JEAN SHEPARD and the Second Fiddles CARL SMITH BILLIE JO SPEARS & Band JOE STAMPLEY WYNN STEWART RONI STONEMAN BOBBY SYKES GORDON TERRY *MEL TILLIS and the Statesiders DIANA TRASK and the V.I.P.'s VAN TREVOR TANYA TUCKER GEORGE WALLACE, JR. *HANK WILLIAMS, JR. and the Cheatin' Hearts Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc. 806 16th Avenue, South -- Suite 300 Nashville, Tenn. 37203 Phone Area Code (615) 244-4336 Contact: Mrs. Johnnie Massey Fairs 8, Special Events Director Agency for the Performing Arts 9000 Sunset Blvd.. Suite 315. 90069; (213) 273-0744. The Agents Agency, 8833 W. Sunset, 90069; (213) 6572900; Georgia Lund. Alert Entertainment Agency, 891 Crenshaw Blvd., 90005; (213) 936-4669. Allied Casting Agency Inc., 3518 Cahuenga Blvd. West, 90028; (213) 851-3515. American Talent International Ltd., 211 S Beverly Dr.. (B.H.), 94712; (213) 278-3820; Specialty: Rock. Blues/ Soul; International. Ame Prager Assoc. Inc., 7033 Sunset, 90028: (213) 4667108. Artists Management Bureau, Inc., 8533 Sunset Blvd., Suite 203-204, 90069; (213) 652-4200; Marty Landau, Pres.; Specialty: Pop/ MOR. Rock, Country. Blues/Soul: International, Artist's Representative Agency, 1600 N. LaBrea, 90028; (213) 464-0681. Ron Semen Management, P.O. Box 24829, 90024. Beckwith Ashley & Associates, 8060 Melrose, 90046: (213) 651-5506. Axioms Productions Inc., 1830 W. 8th. 90057: (213) 386-7727. Aztec Productions, 2922 Worthen Ave.. 90039: (213) 661-1420/ 663-3230. Joe Blanchfield Assoc.. 9121 Sunset. 90069; (213) 2737084. CHN International Agency, 7428 Santa Monica. 90046; (213) 874-8252. The Carey Phelps Colvin Agency, 7813 W. Sunset, 90046; (213) 874-7780. Collegian Professionals. 553 S. Western. 90005: (213) 388-6824. Comedian International, P.O. Box 11591. 90011; (213) 233-8474. Consolidated Artists Agency. 1800 N. Highland, 90028: (213) 461-0161. Continental Enterprises, 5209 W. Sunset, 90027; (213) 661-9802. Cosmopolitan Enterprises, 1776 N. Sycamore, 90028; (213) 469-1919. Conine, Jr. Agency. 5107 Hollywood Blvd.. 90027; (213) 663-1268. Creative Management Assocs., 8899 Beverly Blvd.. 90048: (213) 278-8899: Dick Gillmore. Lil Cumber Attractions, 6515 W. Sunset, 90028; (213) 469-1919. Wesley Dana Agency. 1136 N. LaBrea. 90038: (213) 4648154. Kenneth Daniels Agency, 7188 W. Sunset. 90046: (213) 874-6560. The Devroe Agency, 4067 Edenhurst Ave., 90039; (213) 666-2666. Diamond Artists. Ltd., 8400 Sunset Blvd., 90069; (213) 654-5960. John F. Dugan Enterprises. 9229 Sunset 408. 90069: (213) 271-7231. Bo Donovan Enterprises, 7128 W. Sunset. 90046; (213) 876-4660. Lou Dom Theatrical Agency. 6513 Hollywood, 90028; (213) 463-9781, 469-3115. Jaye Efate Enterprise Artists' Manager, 4109 W. 59th Pl., 90043; (213) 296-4496 Encore Attractions, 8853 Sunset Blvd 90069: (213) 6525686. Entertainment Enterprises, 1680 Vine St.. 90028; (213) 462-6001. Montaigne Eve Agency, 7906 Santa Monica. 90046. (213) 654-3083. Joseph Faber Agency, 515 S. Olive St.. Ste. 1357. 90013; (213) 622-2673/ 625-1861. Wm. Felber Agency, 6636 Hollywood. 90028: (213) 4667629. Simone Finner Enterprises, 5466 Santa Monica. 90029: (213) 654-1139. Fox Agency, 1142 S. Beverly Dr.. 90035: (213) 879-0108. Dimples Fox Agency & Artists Management, 1147 S. Beverly Dr.. 90035: (213) 553-8722. G.A.I. Talent Management. 4007 W. 6th 90005; (213) 381-2821. G.S. Productions, (213) 653-8362. Galaxy-Pyramid Agency. 2142 Cahuenga. 90028: (213) 461-8555. Gambill Mick Productions, 6123 Romaine. 90038: (213) 466-9840. General Entertainment Corp., 9000 W. Sunset. 90069; (213) 278-3270 General Media. 6331 Hollywood. 90028: (213) 4676001. Sid Gold-Jack Fields Aelency, 9255 Sunset Blvd.. 90069; (213) 278-133g 131 Golden Office Agency, 3400 Wilshire Blvd.. 90005; (213) 380-8185/656-1515. Gertrude Gorham Purple Artists' Manager, 1601 Gower, 90028; (213) 469-6291. The Granite Agency, 1920 S. La Cienega, 90034; (213) 934-8383. Great American Amusement Co., 1050 Carol Dr.. 90069: (213) 278-3900; Peter Rachtman, Abner Greshler Agency, 8400 W. Sunset, 90069: (213) 654-5960. Beverly Hecht Agency, 8949 W. Sunset, 90069; (213) 278-3544. Hennick Productions, 6223 Selma, 90028; (213) 4667371. Hit Makers, 7128 W. Sunset. 90046: (213) 876-4660. Hollywood Casting Agency, 7046 Hollywood. 90028; (213) 461-9308. Heller-Fischel Agency, 9121 Sunset Blvd.. 90069; (213) 278-4787: Jay Azoff. Hollywood Theatrical Agency, 8730 Sunset Blvd.. 90069 (213) 374-8128. Pat Holmes Agency, 6671 W. Sunset. 90028; (213) 4673161. Benn Howard Agency, 1945 Westwood Blvd., 90025; (213) 474-7014. Don Howard Artists' Agency. 6269 Selma, 90028; (213) 467-7764. George Hunt & Associates, 8350 Santa Monica Blvd., 90069; (213) 654-6600. Independent Casting-Television Inc., 780 N. Gower. 90038; (213) 465-7183. Geo. Ingersoll Agency. 7167 1 /2 W. Sunset. 90046; (213) 874-6434. International Artists, 1605 War, 90028; (213) 466-3337. International Famous Agency, 9255 Sunset Blvd., 90069; (213) 273-8811, International. Mike North, Agent. International Productions, 4713 Don Ricardo Dr., 90008; (213) 291-8310. Lou Irwin Agency. 9165 Sunset Blvd.. 90069; (213) 2717131. J.M. Associates, 8400 W. Sunset, 90069; (213) 6562607. Marvin Josephson Agency, 9255 W. Sunset. 90069; (213) 273-8811. Harold Jovien Agency, 6399 Wilshire, 90048; (213) 6513383. Penny Kahn Agency. 7466 Beverly, 90036; (213) 9384114. Kentonia, Inc.. 1012 So, Robertson Blvd.. 90035. Kids Unlimited Casting Agency, 1741 var. 90028; (213) 466-7162. Jos. LeClair Musical Enterprises, 5504 W. Pico. 90019; (213) 938-6103. Robt. Longenecker Agency, 843% Melrose Pl. 90069: (213) 653-3770. Georgia Lund Agency, 8833 W. Sunset, 90069; (213) 657-2900. M.M.C. Agency, 5400 Hollywood. 90027: (213) 467727.8. M.T.A. Artists' Manager, 4615 Melrose, 90029: (213) 661-9888. Anne Maloney & Associates. 6331 Hollywood. 90028: (213) 461-4766. Ernestine McClendon Enterprises Inc., 8440 W. Sunset. 90069; (213) 654-4425. McConkey Artists Agency. 1822 N. Wilxox Ave.. 90028; (213) 463-7141. Jas. McHugh Agency. 8150 Beverly. 90048; (213) 6512770 Sonny Miller Agency, 6223 Selma Ave.. 90028; (213) 465-5868. Miller Office Agency, 1038 S. La Brea, 90019; (213) 9382073. Mishkin Agency Inc., 9255 Sunset Blvd.. 90069; (213) 274-5261. Model Mart Agency, 7822 Santa Monica, 90046; (213) 656-6987. Mus-Art Corp. of America, 1717 N. Highland Ave.. 90028; (213) 466-4275. Mildred Myers Entertainment Service, 1656 Marmont. 90069: (213) 654-3355. Bill Nelson Entertainers, 891 Crenshaw. 90005: (213) 936-4669. Fran O'Bryan Agency, 1648 Wilshire. 90017; (213) 4837452. O'Bryans Talent West Inc., 1648 Wilshire. 90017; (213) 483-7121. Orion Associates, 9157 W. Sunset. 90069; (213) 2740991 Dorothy Otis Day Agency. 6430 W. Sunset. 90028: (213) 461-4911. Pharoah Filme, 2142 Cahuenga. 90028; (213) 461-8223. Premiere Artists & Productions Agency, 6399 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 505. 90048; (213) 651-3381. Queen Booking Corp., 2107 W. Washington Bl.. 90018: (213) 732-6151. Betty Ruby Talent Agency, 1741 'var. 90028; (213) 4666652. Robert Raison Agency, 9000 Sunset Blvd., 90069; (213) 273-8422. Johnny Robinson Agency. 6290 Sunset Blvd.. 90028; (213) 462-0801. David Schine & Co. Inc., 626 S. Hudson. 90005: (213) 937-5000. Screen Children's Guild Agency, 5445 W. Sunset. 90027; (213) 469-6231. Glenn Shaw Agency, 8440 W. Sunset. 90069: (213) 6546110. Lew Sherrell Agency Ltd., 8961 Sunset Blvd., 90069: (213) 271-5236. Southern California Varieties Agency, 317 S. Oilman St.. 90063. (213) 273-7345. Phil Spector Ems., 9130 Sunset Blvd.. 90069; (213) 273- Tale8 nt6I6n1c 0913. 1421 N. McCadden Pl.. 90028: (213) 462- Herb Tannen and Associates, 6640 W. Sunset. 90028; (213) 461-3055. Wm. Taylor Agency, 8235 Santa Monica. 90046: (213) 656-7590. Telstarr Agency, 1028 N. Kingsley Dr., 90029; (213) 2832374. Herb Tobias & Associates, Inc., 1901 Ave. of the Stars. 90067: (213) 277-6211. Walter Trask Theatrical Agency, 416 W. 8th St., 90014; (213) 627-1206. Larry Tremaine Enterprises Corp., 726 S. Santa Fe. 90021: (213) 627-5527. Valentines-A-Go-Go Agency, 831 N. Fairfax, 90046: (213) 653-6701. Velvet Amber Agency, 1741 Ivar. 90028; (213) 4647883. Von Young Agency. 6223 Selma. 90028; (213) 4652551 WaldonWebb Agency, 6311 Yucca St.. 90028: (213) 465-2540 Jerry B. Wheeler Agency. 8255 W. Sunset. 90046; (213) 656-0032. World Leisures Enterprises, 2200 Hercules Dr.. 90046: (213) 876-2200. Jack Wormser Agency. 1717 N. Highland Ave.. 90028; (213) 466-9111. Ann Wright Associates, 8422 Melrose Pl.. 90069; (213) 655-5040. Zell Ents, International Inc.. 8743 Sunset Blvd.. 90069: (213) 659-2640. LYNDIA, S.C. Beach Club Booking, Inc., P.O. Box 59. 29079: (803) 332- 1184: Cecil C. Corbett. Jr., Pres., Bishopville, S.C. Regions: 3,4. MACON, GA. Paragon Agency, 535 Cotton Ave.. 31208: (912) 745- Walden Ageennccy., 535 Cotton Ave.. 31208; (912) 7458511 Alan Walden Agency, 1019 Walnut St.. 31201; (912) 742-0932. MADISON, TENN. Blue Crest Music Inc., P.O. Box 162. 37115: (615) 865- 1445; Ray R Baker. Agent. Mary Reeves Talent. 200 Madison St.. 37208; (615) 8689820. Scruggs Talent Agency, Inc., 201 Donna Dr.. 37115: (615) 868-2254/865-0326: Earl Scruggs: Specialty: Pop/ MOR. Rock. Country: International. MADISON, WISC. Zapata Enterprises Unitd., Inc.. 222 State St., Apt. B. 53703; Dave Dill William C. Dill. MARIETTA, GEORGIA Paul Gibson Co., P.O. Box 1203. 30060; (404)427-5732. MARSHFIELD, WISC. Uthmeier Enterprises, U.S. Highway 10. East, 54449; Wil- liam J. Uthmeier, Ted Lokemoon. MASON CITY, IOWA Fred T. Fenchel Ent, Enterprises, 2104 S. Jefferson, 50401, (515) 423-4177; Fred Fenchel, Pres.: Specialty: Rock. Country. Gospel. Comics. Lectures, TV Personalities, Variety Acts, Dance Bands, Demolition Derby, Animal Shows. Auto Thrill Shows: Region: 5. MEMPHIS, TENN. Continental Artists Inc., 305 S. Bellevue Ave.. Suite 105. 38104: (901) 272-1645. Designer Gospel Attractions, 3373 Park Ave., 38111. 1973 Cavalcade of Acts & Attractions CREATIVE MANAGEMENT AMUSEMENTS, LTD. A SUBSIDIARY OF CREATIVE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES, INC The Johnny Cash Show The Mery Griffin Show 1970-1971 EUROPEAN TOURS 1972 STATE FAIR APPEARANCES: Hopkinsville, Kentucky Louisville, Kentucky Columbus, Ohio Raleigh, North Carolina MARC GORDON PRODUCTIONS IS PROUD TO PRESENT TWO OF THE TOP FAIR ATTRACTIONS IN THE COUNTRY DAWN FEAruk,4, FmTe 1. =. t. . . Berrian County Fair Berrian Springs, Mich. St. Joseph County Fair Centreville, Mich. Ionia Free Fair Ionia, Mich. Fresno District Fair Fresno, Ca. John Wayne Theatre Knotts Berry Farm, Ca. Arizona State Fair Phoenix, Ariz. cm R@CBE ADIVISION (If KIRSHNER INitIllAINNILNI THE ALL NEW *i*ISTIliel °lest* FOR YOUR '73-'74 FAIRS * THE BOOTS RANDOLPH SHOW Ron "MR. *CRAMOI THE MUSIC CITY SOUND OF STRINGS BOOK NOW FOR YOUR '73-v74 FAIR SERIES For Availabilities Contact: E. O. STACY -- (312) 943-7100 C CREATIVE MANAGEMENT AMUSEMENTS, A Subsidiary of Creative Management Associates, Inc. 211 E. Chicago Avenue /Chicago, Illinois 60611 LTD. e0000.00000·000 " FOR THE BENEFIT OF YOU WHO DON'T KNOW W140 IAM AND HAVE NEVER SEEN ME BEFORE-- IWAS McGOVERNS 8Tel CHOICE!! cma c2R1E1AETI VCEhiMcaAgNoAGAEveMnEuNeTCAheélicUaSgEoMEIINI760,L6T1D1. \Contact STACY AC 312/943-7100 ré711 byl WENDY NIQWELL &THE YINLITER1 A million dollars worth of down home' humor! That's Wendy Bagwell--artist and writer of his RIAA certified million dollar gold record "HERE COME THE RATTLESNAKES!" Independence Co. Fair, Batesville, Arkansas · West Texas State Fair, Abilene · Orangeburg Co. Fair, Orangeburg, South Carolina · North Carolina State Fair, Raleigh CM] Contact STACY OUR TALENT IS ALWAYS IN THE SPOTLIGHT! DON LIGHT TALENT INC. 816 ,Vineteenth Avenue. South Tennoser 37203 I615 327-4783 Johnny Mann's "SILigiiijiiD UP iiitilliD 11;;;HiliiiiiiR" * * * * FOR THE SECOND CONSECUTIVE YEAR ONE OF THE NATION'S TOP RATED WEEKLY SYNDICATED TELEVISION SERIES C A E.O. Stacy, CREATIVE MANAGEMENT AMUSEMENTS LTD. 211 East Chicago Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, (312) 943-7100 eV' 4.4. a· t., a,,. 4 1' VLRRt Ocuer SINGING STAR OF THE YEAR --- 1972 AGVA AWARDS OKA MINNESOTA STATE FAIR ARIZONA STATE FAIR CLEVELAND MUSICARNIVAL BUFFALO MELODY FAIR · · · AND MANY MORE freeman and best public relations ?leek/a uoyet, "Versatility Trademarks The Florida Boys" Jackson Co. Fair, Jackson, Michigan · Greater Jones Co. Fair, Monticello, Iowa · National Dairy Cattle Congress, Waterloo, Iowa · Louisiana State Fair, Shreveport Hosts of the award winning "Gospel Singing Jubilee" the syndicated TV show seen by 3,000,000 viewers each week. ,,,,, 1 Contact.STACY OUR TALENT IS ALWAYS IN THE SPOTLIGHT! DON LIGHT TALENT INC 816 Nineteenth .4 e.enuc. h Nashville. Tennessee 37203 ;615 327.6785 LEXINGTON LIONS tird;, vEGRAsS P. 0. BOX 8263 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY 40503 August 11, 197e JIMMli YOUNG, Manager Mr. Ken Kragen KEN KRAGEN & FRIENDS 451 North Canon Drive Beverly Hills, California 90210 Dear Mt. Kragen: Never in my seventeen years of involvement in the Fair Business have I ever been more inpressed with a group of entertainers as I was with KENNY RISERS & THE 1ST EDITION. No group could have worked under worst weather conditions as the 1st Editions were faced with. On Friday, the day they were to appear, it rained all day and up into the evening hours. I truly feel that Kenny Rogers and his group saved us from having a totally disastrous gate due to the weather. But as it was, over 12,000 people of all ages sat through two complete shows, covering thennelves with umbrellas, plastic or paper bags. When both shows ended the drenched crowd gave them a standing ovation and yelled for more. I had the pleasure of having a personal visit with Kenny Rogers between shows and I was highly impressed with him and his humility, especially when he kept saying, "I just can't understand all these people sitting in the rain just to hear us", and added, "You certainly have loyal fairgoers here in Lexington". I am enclosing a 8 x 10 glossy print which will point out to you what I have been telling you in this letter. I only hope that the entertainers that we have in the future are of the sane caliber as that of Kenny Rogers & The 1st Edition. Please extend to Kenny Rogers my sincere thanks for a "job well done". MANAGEMENT: KEN KRAGEN AGENCY: CMA (STAC Y) "Never in my seventeen years of involvement in the fair business have Iever been more impressed with agroup of entertainers as Iwas with Kenny Rogers & The First Edition." KENNY ROGERS &THE FIRST EDITION are the stars of their own TV series and one of the finest Fair attractions available. True family entertainment. Thoroughly professional, completely cooperative, and consistently exciting. Just ask any of these Fair Managers: Billy Greiner All-Iowa Fair William Miller Great Midwest Fair James P. Young Blue Grass Fair Roy Ullius Wisconsin State Fair Maynard Potter San Luis Obispo County Fair Jack Clarke Central Canada Exhibition Victor Lucas Ohio State Fair John Libby Minnesota State Fair Jeff Keirns Michigan State Fair Maurice Telleen National Dairy Cattle Congress H. H. Annison Mississippi State Fair Arthur Pitzer North Carolina State Fair James G. Jones Arizona State Fair 'Donna e'argo IT'S UNANIMOUS! BEST NEW FEMME SINGER- Billboard, Cash Box and Record World Over 21/2 Million in Records Sales for "Funny Face" and "The Happiest Girl in the Whole U.S.A." COUNTRY MUSIC ASSOCIATION RECORD OF THE YEAR "The Happiest Girl in the Whole U.S.A." DOT RECORDS ·GOL1· IVISTMC01/PAN, · 04V/IPON OS ssmOu· MuleiC CORP Exclusive Representation STAN SILVER (615) 244-6337 The Prima-Donna Entertainment Corporation cult Contact STACY BOB McGRATH watched by 12 million viewers daily! A performer to bring happiness to his fans ··· of Sesame Street Bob and his kids will provide the perfect show for you and your kids. .1 ... from Sing Along with Mitch to Sesame Street. I C A Personal Manageme t: Greengrass Enterprises "With Their Exciting and Tasteful Style Have Captured the Inspirational Heart of America!" Constitution Hall, Washington, D.C. · North Carolina State Fair, Raleigh, North Carolina .c_3r0iiitic Contact STACY OUR TALENT IS ALWAYS IN THE SPOTLIGHT! DON LIGHT TALENT INC. 816 Nineteenth Avenue, South Nathviiie, Tennertet 37203 1615 327-4785 SPEEDO THE CLOWN d+e ALL GRAND STAND SHOWS *- FAIR DATES RODEOS SPEEDWAYS it cx-A CREATIVE MANAGEMENT AMUSEMENTS, LTD. A Subsidiary of Creative Management Associates. Inc E. O. STACY, Pres. 211 E. Chicago Ave., Chicago, III. 60611 (312) 943-7100 GREG CARR!ISON PRODUCTIONS PRESENTS COLIDIDICCIELS l`e tecisete, Sues ot evisiou esite Sees ,Spoesote hp Chevrolet Phrotighotit ?he et/Steles tied Caeetle ...And One of the Brightest Box-Office Draws Today in Concerts, Nightclubs, and at State Fairs OFICITL CRIC MBRISON PRODUCTIONS PRESENTS TIM PING.71-11ING SISTÉI0 DIARPEPCETATROANYCOEUSFORNOMTHTEHEDIERANWEMEAKRLTYISNTISIIHIOIIWINC 14 4 MARK WILSON AMERICA'S FAVORITE CO-STARRING NANI DARNELL Currently Starring in The MAGIC CIRCUS. Six one hour television spectaculars to be aired in prime time throughout the United States during 1973 ...Sponsored by THE PILLSBURY COMPANY. Creator and Star of the MAGIC LAND OF ALLAKAZAM Television Series seen every Saturday Morning for five years on the full CBS and ABC television networks. WHAT THE CRITICS SAY ABOUT MAGIC CIRCUS "The quality of the spectacle is one aspect that changes this show from one only for the youngsters to one that the entire family should enjoy ...its splashy footage should draw '000hs" and "aaahs" from adults as well as youngsters." "For sheer, unadulterated entertainment, It would be almost impossible to beat Magic Circus or Mark Wilson ..." Gene Robertson, San Francisco Sun Reporter Joan E. Vadeloncoeur, Syracuse Herald Journal "As a magician, Wilson ranks among the very best of all time." ". ...what he is, one of the world's cleverest, if not most spellbinding magicians." George Tashman, Richmond Inquirer Mary Daniels, Chicago Tribune A CREATIVE MANAGEMENT AMUSEMENTS, LTD. Eldred O. Stacy, Vice President CM 211 E. Chicago Avenue, Chicago, III. 60611 AC 312/943-7100 he most Awaided Gioup hi Counttg music TompaII &theGlaset Biotheu Cortact:STFCY 816 Nineteenth Avenue. Soul Tentraur 37203 I615 327-478 LOOK AT JODY Consistently rated as one of the top female country artists by every music trade paper ...because she is always at the top of the charts with hits such as "Look at Mine," "He's so Fine," and "To Know Him is to Love. Him." 1972 appearances included Chattahoochee Valley Fair, Columbus, Ga.; Duluth Sports Show; Great Midwest Fair, Crete, Ill.; Iowa State Fair, Des Moines; Jackson County (Mich.) Fair; Knotts Berry Farm, Buena Park, Calif.; Louisiana State Fair Rodeo, Shreveport; Montana State Fair, Great Falls; Ohio State Fair, Columbus; Saginaw (Mich.) Sports Show; Sioux City (la.) Sports Show; Texas State Fair, Dallas; Tri-State Fair, Amarillo, Tex. ThrasheT riBerothers "Those Singing Americans" Hosts', of "America Sings" the weekly TV syndicated show with aviewing audience of over 2,000,000. Jaycees Youth Fair, Union, Missouri · Pulaski Co. Fair, Somerset, Kentucky · Georgia Mountain Fair, Hiawassee, Georgia · Jackson Co. Agriculture Fair, Brownstown, Indiana Kentucky State Fair, Louisville, Kentucky · West Texas State Fair, Abilene, Texas. Clea Contact: STPÇY OUR TALENT IS ALWAYS IN THE SPOTLIGHT! DON LIGHT TALENT INC. 816 Nineteenth Avenue. South Nashville, Tennessee 37203 I615 327-4785 'THE EKIE John brown unbend' THIS OUTSTANDING GROUP HAS HAD MANY GUEST APPEARANCES ON HEE HAW AND WORKED NEARLY EVERY MAJOR FAIR IN THE BUSINESS IN THE PAST FEW YEARS. THEY HAVE ALSO BEEN THE FEATURED ATTRACTION IN MANY OF ROY CLARK'S CONCERTS, FAIR DATES, AND WERE PART OF THE ROY CLARK SHOW IN THE LANDMARK HOTEL IN LAS VEGAS, INCLUDING A LIVE ALBUM RECORDED AT THE HOTEL BY DOT RECORDS. MALI Contact STACY artists management HALSEY CO ,INC 3225 SO. NORWOOD AVE. TULSA; OKLAHOMA 74135 (918) 663-3883 MAJOR GREAT MIDWEST FAIR CRETE, -ILLINOIS IONIA FREE FAIR IONIA, MICHIGAN GREAT-- ALIgN A SOUTH PLA Lussoc IOWA STATE FAIR DES MOLNES, IOWA ..TEXAS STATE FAIR DALLAS, TEXA,` TULSA STATE F.MIlt -- · WS BROCKTON FAIR BROCKTON, MASS. , N. C. STATE FAIR 1ALEIGH, N. t. L. R. LIYESTOCK SHOW f ROCK, ARK. EART OF ILLINOIS FA/R-. .PEORI CREATIVE MANAGEMENT AMUSEMENTS, A SUBSIDIARY OF CREATIVE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES. INC COMEDY Wendy Bagwell Candy Candido Norm Crosby Charlie Doman George Kirby Guy Marks Jimmy Nelson Don Rice III Gordie Tapp & The Sunliters NOVELTY Dave Merrifield Diane Shelton COUNTRY-WESTERN/GOSPEL Lynn Anderson Wendy Bagwell & The Sunliters Tommy Cash & The Tomcats Danny Davis & The Nashville Brass The Downings Donna Fargo Lester Flatt & The Nashville Grass The Florida Boys Jody Miller The Oak Ridge Boys Ray Price Boots Randolph Ben Smathers & The Stoney Mountain Cloggers Ray Stevens Mel Tillis & The Statesiders Tompall & The Glaser Brothers The Thrasher Brothers Hank Williams, Jr. & The Cheatin' Hearts VOCAL/MUSICAL Vikki Carr Climax featuring Sonny Geraci Mary Lou Collins Cornelius Brothers & Sister Rose Jim Croce Mac Davis Dawn featuring Tony Orlando Donna Fargo Roberta Flack Friends of Distinction Bobby Fuller & The Fuller Brothers Al Green Richard Hayman Debbie Lori Kaye Love 'N Sound Jody Miller Mills Brothers The North Door The People Tree Poco Ray Price The Primo People Lou Rawls Helen Reddy O. C. Smith The Sound Generation The Statler Brothers Billy Thunderkloud & The Chieftones Jerry Vale Dana Valery Margaret Whiting Paul Williams TV & MOTION PICTURE PERSONALITIES Marty Allen Paul Anka Frank Avalon Burt Bacharach Carpenters Dick Cavett James Darren John Davidson Ding-A-Ling Sisters Barbara Eden Pamela Eldred The 5th Dimension George Gobel The Golddiggers Robert Goulet Joey Heatherton Florence Henderson Skitch Henderson Al Hirt Engelbert Humperdinck Jack Jones Tom Jones King Family Frankie Laine Ann-Margret Jerry Lewis Liza Minnelli Melba Moore Bob Newhart Phyllis Newman Carroll O'Connor Gilbert O'Sullivan Boots Randolph Kenny Rogers & The First Edition Ray Stevens Raquel Welch ESPECIALLY FOR KIDS The Hanneford Circus Loretta Long Bob McGrath Mark Wilson SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS: Eddy Arnold Johnny Cash Show From the Johnny Cash Show: Carl Perkins The Carter Family The Statler Brothers Mike Douglas Festival of Music Monty Hall--"Let's Make a Deal" Bob Hope Art Linkletter Johnny Mann's Stand Up and Cheer Des O'Connor The Osmonds CREATIVE MANAGEMENT. AMUSEMENTS, LTD. E. O. STACY, Pres. A Subsidiary of Creative Management Associates. Inc Associates: Larry Pell, Bonnie Sugarman, Penny Clevenger 211 E. Chicago Ave.. Chicago, Ill. 60611 until Feb. 1, 1973, then 600 N. McClurg Center, Chicago, III. 60611 (312) 943-7100 National Artists Attractions, 6 S. Danny Thomas Blvd., 38103; (901) 525-8341; Ray Brown, Agent. David Porter Productions, P.O. Box 26415, 38126; (901) 278-3000. MIAMI, FLA. Associated Booking Corp., 6660 Biscayne Blvd., 33138; (305) 758-2511. Creative Management Assoc., 7630 Biscayne Blvd. MIAMI BEACH, FLA. Agency for the Performing Arts, 33138: (305) 758-8731. 7630 Biscayne Blvd., MID VALLEY, CALIF. Melville-Fisher Agency, (415) 388-7308. 190 Edgewood Ave.. 94941: MILWAUKEE, WIS. Burmek Theatrical Productions, 101 E. Wells St., 53202; (414) 276-8300; Clifford Burmek, Pres.; Specialty: Country. Comics, Lectures. TV Personalities. Sports Personalities, Variety Acts, Dance Bands, Special Events; National. The William J. Riggins Agency, 925 E. Wells St.. 53202; (414) 272-1880/762-7700; Specialty: Rock, Blues/ Soul. Jazz; Regions: 1.2,3,5,6. Splendor Productions, 946 N. Glenview Ave.; Jamie Christie. T.G.C. Agency, P.O. Box 5639. 53211: (414) 962-1500: Joel Shane, W. C. Weber, Tom Cacoliris. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Guild of Performing Arts, 504 Cedar Ave.. 55404; (612) 333-8269. 'Variety Theater International, Inc.. 7200 France Ave. S., Suite 128, 55435; (612) 925-3440; Len Naymark, Pres.; National. MONROE. LA. Kingsland Talent Agency, P.O Box 4262 71201; Norman E. Land. MONTREAL, QUEBEC Paramount Entertainment Bureau, Inc.,Suite 904, 1010 St. Catherine St., West. MORRISVILLE, PA. Alron Promotions, Trenton Rd 19067, (215) 736-1669 MURRAY, UTAH VanderMeide Associates, 5296 South 2nd West, 84107, Ben VanderMeade MUSCATINE, IOWA 'Corn Belt Productions, 112 E. 4th St., Box 354. 52761; (319) 263-5407; Howard McFedor'', Pres.; Region: 5. NASHVILLE, TENN. Acuff-Rose Artist Corp., 2510 Franklin Rd., 37204; (615) 297-5366: Howard Forrester, Agent. Atkins, Randolph, Cramer Co. Enterprises, 1516 16th Ave. S., 37203: (615) 298-5471; X. Cosse. The Singing Blackwoods Agency, 906 17th Ave. S., 37203; (615) 244-9222. Bojac Management Inc., 1717 West End Bldg 37203; (615) 329-4761. Boots Randolph Enterprises, 1516 16th Ave. S 37203; (615) 269-0695. Brite Star Record Promotions, 728 16th Ave. S., 37203; (615) 244-4064. F.B. Carpenter Agency, 1011 Woodland St., 37206; (615) 227-5081. Cedarwood Publishing Co., 815 16th Ave. S., 37203; (615) 255-6535. X. Cosse' Management, 1516 16th Ave., South, 37212. Billy Deaton Talent Agency, 1314 Pine St.. 37203: (615) 244-4259; Billy Deaton, Pres.; Specialty: Country; International. Delta Talent Agency, 812 17th Ave. S.. 37203: (615) 256-0973. *Tom Drake Agency, Box 1530. 37202.1615) 255-1666. Bob Evans Productions, P.O. Box 12223, 37212. Grace Hall Talent Agency, 125 Rolynn Dr., 37211; (615) 833-5157. Dick Heard Agency, 1310 16th Ave. S., 37212: (615) 244-4436. Interstate Talent Agency, 719-8 17th Ave. S., 37203; (615) 259-3213. Irvin Enterprises Inc., 812 16th Ave. S.. 37203; (615) 244-6787. Jimani Inc., 1000 Drummond Dr., 37211; (615) 8341670. Jack D. Johnson Talent, Inc., P.O. Box 40484. 37204: (615) 383-6564; Jack Johnson, Mgr., Don Keirns, Agent. Specialty: Country: National. Wayne Keller Agency, 811 18th Ave. S., 37203: (615) 327-0963. Key Talent Inc., 1531 Demonbreun St.. 37203; (615) 2422461; Jimmy Key, Pres.. Rick Key, V.P.; International. 'Jimmie Klein Agency. Box 12602. 37212. (615) 2981580: Jimmie Klein. Pres.; Specialty: Rock, Country; National. 1973 Cavalcade of Acts & Attractions Shorty Lavender Talent Agency Inc., 916 19th Ave. S., 37212: (615)244-5265: Shorty Lavender, Pres.. John McMeen, Agent. Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc., 806 16th Ave. S.. Suite 300, 37203; (615) 244-4336; Buddy Lee, Pres.. Roger Jaudon, Mgr.; Specialty: Country; International. Don Light Talent Inc., 816 19th Ave. S., 37203; (615) 327-4785: Don Light, Pres., Herman Harper. Gen. Mgr.: Noel Fox; Specialty: Rock. Country. Gospel; National, Hubert Long Talent, 1513 Hawkins St.. 37203: (615) 2449550; Billy Wilhite, Agent. Loretta Lynn Enterprises Inc., 903 16th Ave. S., 37203; (615) 259-2021. Mar-Co Artist Corp., 1527 Demonbreun St.. 37203; (615) 254-7618. Marshall Enterprises, 906 17th Ave. S., 37203; (615) 244-9222. Moeller Talent Inc., 2106 Crestmoor, 37215; (615) 3836666; W. E. Moeller, Pres.. Larry A. Moeller, V. P., Jack Andrews, Mgr.; Specialty: Country: International, Music City Talent Inc., 1808 West End Bldg., 37203; (615) 329-3755. NAPEG Talent Assocs. Inc., 720 17th Ave. S ,Suite 206, 37203: (615) 244-1177. The Neal Agency, Ltd., 2325 Crestmoor Rd., 37215; (615) 385-0310; Bob Neal, Pres., Sonny Neal, V.P.; Specialty: Country: National. Newtone Music Agency, P O. Box 15325. 37215; Jay Collins. Nugget Enterprises Inc.. Tinnin Rd.: (615) 859-3441. Olympic Inc. Theatrical Enterprises, 213 3rd Ave. N., 37201; (615) 244-2833. One Niters, Inc.. 111 Lyle Ave., 37203: (615) 244-1145; Billy Smith. Pres., Amos Meng, V.P.: Specialty: Pop/ MOR, Rock, Country, Blues/Soul. Dance Bands: National. Performers Agency, 812 16th Ave. S.. 37203: (615) 2446787. Johnny Rainbolt Agency, Box 1644. 37202; (615) 8652639: Johnny Rainbolt, Showay Productions, 820 18th Ave. S., 37203; (615) 256-631. 'Showtime Talent Inc., 1717 W. End Bldg., Suite 410, 37203; (615) 832-1397; Mgr., Bob Sparrow. Sight & Sound Productions, 2130 Green Hills Village. 37212; (615) 385-0810. Skylite Talent Agency, 1008 17th Ave. S., 37202; (615) 242-6589: Mrs. Lou Hildreth, Dir., Specialty: Gospel; International, Bobby Smith Enterprises. Oak Valley Dr.. 37207: (615) 226-1304. Southern Productions, 1020 Mansfield Ave.. 37206: (615) 228-6904. Sumar Talent Agency, 912 17th Ave. S., 37203; (615) 255-8595. Talent Scouts of America, 504 5th Ave. S.. 37203: (615) 256-0625. Joe Taylor Artist Agency, 1717 West End Bldg.. Penthouse. 37203; (615) 392-4272. T. Texas Tommy Productions, 218 3rd Ave. N., 37201: (615) 254-6454; Specialty: Country, Variety Acts; National. Top Billing Inc., 2000 Richard Jones Rd., 37215; (615) 327-1041. United Talent Inc., 903 16th Ave. S., 37212; (615) 2449412. Wil-Helm Agency, 801 16th Ave. S, 37203; (615) 2441403; Smiley Wilson, Pres., Larry Hart, Agent. Audrey Willaims Agency. Third Nat'l Bank Bldg., 37203; (615) 259-3833. Faron Young Enterprises, 1314 Pine. 37203: (615) 2444573. NEWARK, N.J. Person-To-Person Attractions, 07112: (201) 926-0615. 160 Goldsmith Ave.. NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO Frontier Attractions, 422 West High Ave., 44663; (216) 343-7286: Regions: 1,2.3.4,5. NEW ROCHELLE, N.Y. Muskrat Productions, Inc., 59 Locust Ave.. 10801; Ken. neth Kaye. NEW SPRINGFIELD, OHIO Capitol Booking Service. Inc 44443; Ken Thomas NEW WATERFORD, OHIO Klein's Attractions, P.O. Box 207, 44445: (216) 457- 2303. NEW YORK, N.Y. · Agency for the Performing Arts, 120 W. 57th St., 10019. (212) 581-8860 Willard Alexander Inc., 660 Madison Ave.. 10021. (212) 751-7070. Willard Alexander. Allied Talent Agency, 663 5th Ave., 10022; (212) 5931033. American College Lecture Bureaus, 127 E. 59th St.. 10022; (212) 832-1020. American Talent International Ltd., 888 7th Ave.. 10019: (212) 765-1896; Jett Franklin, Pres., Ira Blache. Mgr.; Specialty: Rock, Blues/Soul; International. American Theatre Productions, Inc., 1546 Broadway, 10036; (212) 765-1060; Thomas Mallow, Pres., James Janek, Mgr.: Specialty, Broadway Shows; National. Animal Talent Scouts Inc., 331 W. 18th St., 10011 (212) CH 3-2700. Associated Booking Corp, 445 Park Ave.. 10022; (212) 421-5200; Oscar Cohen; International. Author Lecture Service of Doubleday & Co., Inc.. 277 Park Ave., 10017; (212) 826-2000; Karin Lippert, Mgr.; National. B & B Booking Agency, 3477 Broadway. 10031; (212) 281-7900. Bantam Lecture Bureau, 666 5th Ave.. 10019: (212)2458172; Vicki Faerstein. Herbert Barrett Management, 1860 Broadway. 10023; (212) 245-3530. Basch & Mellon Enterprises Inc.. 25 E. 26th St., 10010; (212) 532-2200; Buddy Basch, Agent. Beacon Artists Corp., 27 W. 55th St.. 10019; (212) 2452675; Wayne Hutchinson, Mgr. Ray Beaudet Agency, 342 Madison Ave., 10017; (212) 661-7666. Dick Boone Agency Inc., 200 W. 57th St.. Ste. 305. 10019; (212) 581-5226. Dick Heard Agency, 1310 16th Ave. S.. 37212: (615) 244-4436. Interstate Talent Agency, 719-B 17th Ave. S.. 37203; (615) 259-3213 Irvin Enterprises Inc., 812 16th Ave. S.. 37203; (615) 244-6787. Jimani Inc.. 1000 Drummond Dr.. 37211: (61 5) 83 4 1670. Jack D. Johnson Talent, Inc., P.O. Box 40484. 37204; (615) 383-6564; Jack Johnson, Mgr., Don Keirns, Agent; Specialty: Country; National. Wayne Keller Agency, 811 18th Ave. S., 37203; (615) 327-0963. Key Talent Inc., 1531 Demonbreun St., 37203: (615) 2422461; Jimmy Key, Pres., Rick Key, V.P .; International. 'Jimmie Klein Agency, Box 12602, 37212. (615) 2981580; Jimmie Klein, Pres.; Specialty: Rock, Country; National. Shorty Lavender Talent Agency Inc., 916 19th Ave. S.. 37212; (615)244-5265; Shorty Lavender, Pres., John McMeen, Agent. Buddy Lee Attractions, Inc., 806 16th Ave. S., Suite 300. 37203: (615) 244-4336: Buddy Lee, Pres., Roger Jaudon, Mgr.; Specialty: Country: International. Don Light Talent Inc., 816 19th Ave. S.. 37203; (615) 327-4785: Don Light, Pres., Herman Harper, Gen. Mgr.; Noel Fox; Specialty: Rock, Country. Gospel; National. Hubert Long Talent, 1513 Hawkins St., 37203: (615) 2449550; Billy Wilhite, Agent. Loretta Lynn Enterprises Inc., 903 16th Ave. S.. 37203: (615) 259-2021. Mar-Co Artist Corp., 1527 Demonbreun St.. 37203: (615) 254-7618. Marshall Enterprises, 906 17th Ave. S.. 37203; (615) 244-9222. Moeller Talent Inc., 2106 Crestmoor. 37215: (615) 3836666: W. E. Moeller, Pres., Larry A. Moeller, V. P., Jack Andrews, Mgr Specialty: Country; International. Music City Talent Inc., 1808 West End Bldg., 37203, (615) 329-3755. NA PEG Talent Assocs, Inc., 720 17th Ave. S.. Suite 206, 37203; (615) 244-1177. The Neal Agency, Ltd., 2325 Crestmoor Rd.. 37215: (615) 385-0310, Bob Neal. Pres.. Sonny Neal, V.P.: Specialty, Country; National, Newtons Music Agency, P.O. Box 15325. 37215: Jay Col. lins. Nugget Enterprises Inc.. Tinnin Rd.; (615) 859-3441 Olympic Inc. Theatrical Enterprises. 213 3rd Ave. N., 37201: (615) 244-2833. One Niters, Inc., 111 Lyle Ave.. 37203: (615) 244-1145; Billy Smith, Pres., Amos Meng, V.P.: Specialty: Pop/ MOR, Rock, Country. Blues/Soul. Dance Bands; National. Performers Agency, 812 16th Ave. S.. 37203: (615) 2446787. Johnny Rainbolt Agency, Box 1644. 37202: (615) 8652639. Johnny Rainbolt. continued on page 140 139 Showay Productions, 820 18th Ave. S., 37203; (615) 256-631. "Showtime Talent Inc., 1717 W. End Bldg., Suite 410. 37203; (615) 832-1397: Mgr., Bob Sparrow. Sight & Sound Productions. 2130 Green Hills Village. 37212; (615) 385-0810. Skylite Talent Agency, 1008 17th Ave. S.. 37202: (615) 242-6589; Mrs. Lou Hildreth, Dir., Specialty: Gospel; International. Bobby Smith Enterprises. Oak Valley Dr., 37207: (615) 226-1304. Southern Productions, 1020 Mansfield Ave.. 37206: (615) 228-6904. Sumer Talent Agency, 912 17th Ave. S., 37203; (615) 255-8595. Talent Scouts of America, 504 5th Ave. S., 37203: (615) 256-0625. Joe Taylor Artist Agency, 1717 West End Bldg., Penthouse. 37203: (615) 392-4272. T. Texas Tommy Productions, 218 3rd Ave. N., 37201: (615) 254-6454: Specialty: Country, Variety Acts; National. Top Billing Inc., 2000 Richard Jones Rd., 37215; (615) 327-1041. United Talent Inc.. 903 16th Ave. S.. 37212: (615) 2449412. Wil-Helm Agency, 801 16th Ave. S., 37203: (615) 2441403: Smiley Wilson. Pres., Larry Hart. Agent. Audrey Willaims Agency. Third Nat'l Bank Bldg.. 37203: (615) 259-3833. Faron Young Enterprises, 1314 Pine, 37203; (615) 2444573. NEWARK, N.J. Person-To-Person Attractions, 07112; (201) 926-0615. 160 Goldsmith Ave.. NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO Frontier Attractions. 422 West High Ave., 44663: (216) 343-7286; Regions: 1.2,3.4,5. NEW ROCHELLE, N.Y. Muskrat Productions, Inc.. 59 Locust Ave, 10801 neth Kaye Ken- NEW SPRINGFIELD, OHIO Capitol Booking Service. Inc.. 44443 Ken Thomas NEW WATERFORD, OHIO Klein's Attractions, P.O. Box 207. 44445; (216) 457- 2303. NEW YORK, N.Y. Agency for the Performing Arts. 120 W. 57th St, 10019; (212) 581-8860. Willard Alexander Inc., 660 Madison Ave., 10021; (212) 751-7070: Willard Alexander. Allied Talent Agency, 663 5th Ave.. 10022; (212) 5931033. American College Lecture Bureaus, 127 E. 59th St.. 10022: (212) 832-1020. American Talent International Ltd., 888 7th Ave.. 10019; (212) 765-1896: Jeff Franklin, Pres.. Ira Blache, Mgr.: Specialty, Rock, Blues/ Soul, International. American Theatre Productions, Inc.. 1546 Broadway, 10036: (212) 765-1060; Thomas Mallow, Pres., James Janek, Mgr.; Specialty: Broadway Shows: National. Animal Talent Scouts Inc.. 331 W. 18th St., 10011: (212) CH 3-2700 Associated Booking Corp, 445 Park Ave.. 10022: (212) 421-5200; Oscar Cohen; International. Author Lecture Service of Doubleday & Co.. Inc., 277 Park Ave.. 10017; (212) 826-2000: Karin Lippert. Mgr.: National. B & B Booking Agency. 3477 Broadway. 10031; (212) 281-7900. Bantam Lecture Bureau, 666 5th Ave., 10019: (212) 2458172: Vicki Faerstein. Herbert Barrett Management, 1860 Broadway. 10023: (212) 245-3530. Basch & Mallon Enterprises Inc., 25 E. 26th St.. 10010: (212) 532.2200: Buddy Basch. Agent. Beacon Artists Corp., 27 W. 55th St., 10019: (212) 2452675: Wayne Hutchinson. Mgr. Ray Beaudet Agency, 342 Madison Ave.. 10017; (212) 661.7666. Dick Boone Agency Inc.. 200 W. 57th St., Ste. 305, 10019: (212) 581-5226. Mike Carson Agency. 736 Broadway. 10003: (212) 6748191. Chimera Foundation for Dance Inc., 334 W. 36th St.. 10018; (212) 279-1689. Chess/Janus Records, 1301 Ave. of the Americas. 10019; (212) 245-7100; Jack Ross. Leigh W. Colston Inc... 521 5th Ave 10017: (212) 6826623. 140 Columbia Artists Management Inc., 165 W. 57th St., 10019: (212) 247-6900; R. D. Sheldon. Columbia Entertainment Bureau Inc., 1697 Broadway, 10019; (212) 757-2250. Columbia Records, 51 W. 52nd St., 10019: (212) 7654321: Frank Shargo. Cooperative Arts Management Plan, 175 Lexington Ave. 10016: (212) 595-4786. Creative Management Assocs., 600 Madison Ave.. 10022: (212) 935-4000; Ron Sunshine. Dancing Waters. Inc., 250 West 57th St., 10019: Harold Steinman. Dawn Animal Agency, Inc., 1545 Broadway, 10036. E.K.J. Corp., 157 West 57th St.. 10019; Leonard Green. Edmiston Rothschild Management Inc., 330 E. 48th St., 10017: (212) 752-8753. Fifth Avenue Productions, 157 West 57th St., 10019: Leonard Green. Foundation for the Advance of Dance Inc., 155 Bank St., 10014; (212) 989-2250; Mng. Dir.: Diane Penzner. Richard Fulton Inc., 200 W. 57th St., 10019; (212) 5824099. Fred Harris Agency, 119 W. 57 St.. 10019; (212) 2473025. Patricia Hart Agency, 35 E. 19th St.. 10003; (212) 2544258. Herre, Block. Shanaberg, Inc., Suite 2514, 250 W. 57th St., 10019. Jay K. Hoffman Agency, 325 E. 57th St.. Ste. 1B, 10022; (212) 752-6490. Mel Howard Productions Inc., 143 E. 27th St., 10016; (212) 889-8460; Mel Howard, Pres. Hurok Concerts Inc., 1370 Ave. of the Americas. 10019; (212) 245-0500; Maxim Gershunoff. Independent Booking Office Inc.. 1501 Broadway, 10036; (212) 244-0730. International Attractions, 342 Madison Ave.. 10017; (212)867-3887; Leo Grand, Owner: Specialty: Variety Acts: International. International Famous Agency, 1301 Ave. of the Americas. 10019: (212) 956-5800: Marvin Josephson. Pres., Ralph Mann, V.P.; International. Myra Kaye Productions. 2830 Morris Ave.. 10468. Keedick Lecture Bureau Inc., 475 5th Ave. 10017; (212) 683-5627. Kolmar-Luth Entertainment Inc., 1776 Broadway, 10019; (212) 581-5833. The Milton Levy Co., 325 E. 57th St.. Ste. 1B. 10022: (212) 371-7611; Milton Levy. Pres., Anna Adams. Mgr.: Specialty: Rock; International. Hairy Lip Productions, Inc., 125 7th Ave. S., 10014; (212) 675-4078; John Marotta, Mgr.; International. Millard Agency, 59 E. 54th St., 10022; (212) 371-4350; Herb Spar. Mimi Harris Dancers Ltd., 1674 Broadway, 10019; (212) 586-9896 William Morris Agency, Inc., 1350 Ave. of the Americas, 10019; (212) 586-5100; International Jack Morton Productions Inc., 135 E. 55th St., 10022: (212) 759-6151. Musical Artists. 119 W. 57th St., 10019; (212) 5862747; Susan Pimsleur, Dir. National Music League, 130 W. 56 St., 10019; (212) 265-2472. National Talent Service, 115 E. 62nd St.. 10021; (212) 832-3911; John Friede. New Arts Management Inc., 33 Wooster St.. 10013: (212) 691-5434. Oceanic Productions Ltd.. 850 7th Ave., 10019: (212) 246-9544. Pacific World Artists, Inc., 250 W. 57th St.. 10019; (212) 581-3644; Kazuko Hillyer, Pres.. Vincent Wagner. Mgr.: International. Penn-World Attractions, 520 Fifth Ave., 10036. Performing Arts Management, Box 233, Village Station, 10014; (212) 242-8096. Kay Perper Management. 152 W. 58th St., 10019; (212) 765-2515. The Perrotta Management, 122 E. 78th St.. 10022; (212) 628-6849: William Perrone, Pres. Sherman Piduck. Inc., 157 W. 57th St.. 10019; (212) 247-0660: Sherman Pitluck, Pres.: National. Michael Podoli Concert Management, 171 W. 71st St.. 10023: (212) 877-1001: Michael Podoli, Pres.: Specialty, Concerts; National. Premier Talent Assocs., 888 7th Ave., 10019; (212) 7574300. Mary Beth Olbrych. Pro Sports Inc., 207 E. 37th, 10016; (212) 679-3512. Public Affairs Lecture Bureau. 101 5th Ave.. 10003: (212) 255-5680. G.W. Purcell & Assocs., 133 5th Ave.. 10003; (212) 4757100; G.W. Purcell, Pres. Queen Booking Corp., 1650 Broadway. Ste. 1410, 10019; (212) 489-1400. Robert Rexer Agency, 300 W. 55th St.. 10019: (212) 2553669. Royce-Canton Inc., 866 United Nations Plaza, 10017: (212) 355-7931; Carbon Sedgeley. Pres.: Specialty: Lectures; National. Francis Schram Artists Management, 1860 Broadway, 10023; (212) 581-9030. Eric Semon Assocs. Inc., 111 W. 57th St., 10019; (212) 765-1310. Arthur Shulman International Ltd., 475 5th Ave., Ste. 511, 10017: (212) 683-3421; Arthur Shafman. Shaw Concerts Inc., 233 W. 49th St., 10019; (212) 5814645. Marvin Shnayer Enterprises Inc., 161 W. 54th St., 10019; (212) 757-7640. Sheldon Softer Management Inc., 130 W. 56th St.. 10019; (212) 757-8060; Sheldon Softer, Pres., Mary Tuff in, Mgr.; International. Showcase Management Corp.. 40 W. 55th St., 10019; (212) 757-7160. Supreme Artists, 888 8th Ave.. 10019; J. Adato. Sutton Artists Corp., 505 Park Ave., 10022; (212) 8328302; Larry Bennett. Pres.. Frank Modica, Jr., V.P.; International. Paul Szilard Productions Inc., 161 W. 73rd St.. 10023; (212) 799-4756. Theatrical International Tours, 236 W. 55th St.. 10019; (212) 265-4777; R. Robert Lussier, Pres., Donald Tira bassi, V.P.; Speciality: Live Theatre. National. Marie Tinsley Assocs., 119 W. 57th St., 10019; (212) 757-5270. Tornay Management, 250 W. 57th St., 10019; (212) 2462270. U.S. Student Travel Service Inc., 866 2nd Ave., 10017; (212) 421-6680. Universal Attractions Inc., 888 7th Ave., 10019; (212) 582-7575. Marcel Ventura Agency, 400 E. 57th St., 10022; (212) 753-9430. William Weaver, Modern Dance Artists. 51 W. 19th St., 10011: (212) 924-4960. Jack Whittemore Agency, 80 Park Ave., 10016; (212) 986-6854. Wide World Lecture Bureau Inc., 18 E. 48th St., 10017; (212) 752-7747. Paul Williams Agency. 601 W. 156th St., 10032; (212) 234-4781. 'Yorktown Talent Assocs., 39 W. 55th St.. 10019: (212) 757-7532: Charles Philip, Pres., Stephen Dinnerstein, Mgr.: National. NORTH ADAMS, MASS Joseph Maruco Agency. Box 742. 01240; (413) 663- 7382: Joseph Maruco, Pres.: Specialty: Boxing & Wrestling. NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CALIF. Alstar Artist Agency, 5619 Lankershim (213) 763-3436; A.J. Minto, Agent. Blvd., 91601: Bob Brandies Agency, 4418 Vineland Ave.. Ste. 210, 91604: (213) 762-4872. Meade Brown Agency, 5436 Auckland Ave.. 91601: (213) 780-8122. Helen Mayer Bruce Agency, 4914 Lankershim, 91601; (213) 763-9000. Doug Cooper Agency, 10850 Riverside Dr.. Ste.. 601-A, 91602; (213) 980-6100; Doug Cooper, Agent. Junior Artists Unlimited, 4914 Lankershim, 91601; (213) 763-9000. LCA Artists' Manager Agency, 10700 Ventura, 90604; (213) 877-7105. Natl. School Assemblies Agency, 4717 Laurel Canyon, 91607; (213) 980-6600. Bill Robards Agency, 10850 Riverside Dr., 91602; (213) 877-0696. Art Rush, Inc., 10221 Riverside Dr., Ste. 219, 91602; (213) 985-3033: W. Arthur Rush, Pres.; International. Hal Shafer Agency, 10721 Riverside Dr., 91602; (213) 877-0811. Geo. Soares & Associates, 12735 Ventura, 91604; (213) 980-0400. Southern School Assemblies Agency. 4717 Laurel Canyon, 91607: (213) 980-6601. NORTH KANSAS CITY, MO. America's Best Attractions, 1800 (816) 421 1124; Allan Bell. Burlington. 64116; OAK PARK. ILL. , Attractions, Inc.. 151 5 Harlem Ave.. 60302. continued on page 142 1973 Cavalcade of Acts & Attractions Bobby Vinton HAS HAD MORE NO.1 RECORDS IN THE recording, exclusively, for PAST 10 YEARS THAN ANY OTHER MALE ARTIST! Has played more Fairs than any other Recording Artist! APPEARING IN THE UPCOMING MOVIE 'TRAIN ROBBERS' co-starring JOHN WAYNE now appearing at the Flamingo Hotel DEC. 7th. -28th. Note To Fair Managers: WELCOME TO VEGAS. I'M APPEARING AT THE FLAMINGO HOTEL AND WOULD LOVE TO HAVE YOU SEE MY SHOW AS MY GUEST. CONTACT SID EPSTEIN AT THE STAR DUST FOR ARRANGEMENTS. LCONTACT YOUR AGENCY OR THE WILLIAM MORRIS AGENCY, INC. ESTABL ,SHED 1898 »CC( OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA. Goodman-Jackson Agency, 6716 S. Western. 73139: (405) 634-4484. OMAHA, NEB. Morris Drea & Assoc.. Box 547, 68102: Maruey Drea, Keith Krupp. 'Don Romeo Agency, 666 Omaha Bldg.. 68102; (402) 346-5373. Don Romeo, Pres.: Regions: 5.6.7,8. School Assembly Talent Service, 1203 So. 62nd St.. 68106; Dean T. Short. ORLANDO, FLA. Action Attractions, 3816 Harbour Dr., 32806: Johnny King, Terri King, Tom Drake. PACIFIC JUNCTION, IOWA Davis Talent Co-ordinators, R.R 1. 51561; Gary Davis. PALM BEACH, FLA. Penn-World Attractions, 324 Royal Palm Way, 33480; Joe Hough. PADUCAH, KY. ESPo, (502) 527-9948: Walter Sill Jr. TV Personalities; National. Specialty: Lectures, PALATINE, ILL. Klein's Attractions, 663 S. Mallard Dr 3422; Peggy Kaltenbach. 60067; (312) 359- PHILADELPHIA, PA. DMI Enterprises, 6655 Oakland St., 19149: Daniel Isard, Larry Mazer, Ron Gordon. Studentours, 54th St., 19131; (215) 473-8000; John Steele. PHOENIX, ARIZ. C. J. Enterprises, Artist Management, P.O. Box 15133. 85018; Charles T. Johnson. Mel Larson Enterprises, 713 W. Maryland Ave., 85013; Mel Larson. PITTSBURGH, PA. University Attractions, Inc., 201 Penn Center Blvd., 15211: Harry Popovich, David L. Laufer. Lewis G. Stipanovich. PORTLAND, OREGON Phil Downing Assoc. & Western Theatrical Agency, 519 SW. Park Ave.. Suites 418-420. Platt Bldg., 97210; Phil Downing. Oliver Pacini, Dot C. Key. PRICHARD, ALA. Total Sounds Productions, 723 Short St., 36610; Leonard Stradford. William A. Clark, Theophilous K. Lively. PUNTA GORDA, FLA. Collett Aency, Air Industrial Park, P.O. Box 602. 33950; (813) 639-1576; Mary Collett Farris, Pres.; Specialty: Horse Shows: Regions: 3.4.6,7,8. RAVENNA, OHIO 'Mobilia Productions, 5127 Rootstown Rod.. 44266: (216) 296-4649; John Balazs, pres., Stephen Balazs, VP., National. REDONDO BEACH, CALIF. Ray Bowman Agency, 1903 Harriman Lane, 90278: (213) 379-2557. RICHMOND, CALIF. Raymond V. Sweeney. Entertainment Counsel, 651 23rd St., 94804. RIPLEY, W.VA. Don Flesher Assoc., 113 Hall St.. P.O. Box 6. 25271. RIVERSIDE, CALIF. Trade Winds of the South Pacific, 810 Orange. 92501; (714) 686-2516. ROCHESTER, N.Y. Vince Bruni Assocs., 259 Webster Ave., 14609: (716) 654-8902; Vincent A. Bruni, Pres., Michele Walker, V.P.. Specialty: Theatrical 8i Sports; Regions: 1,2.3. ROCKAWAY, N.J. Lester Productions, 13 Wall St., 07866; (201) 627-0690; Edward H Lester, Pres., George Dauman. Mgr.: National. SACRAMENTO, CALIF. Bette Kaye Productions Inc., 2929 El Camino Ave., 95821: (916) 487-1923; Charles Kaye, Pres.. Bette Kaye, V.P.: Natiorial. Schiro Artist Agency, 4301 Moddison. 95819; (916) 4523888. SAGINAW, MICH. Nationwide Entertainment, P.O. Box 1922. 48605; (517) 752-6163: David Oppermann, Pres.. Gerald Broad, V.P.; Region: 5. Slaggert Theatrical Agency, P.O. Box 547, 48607: Al Slaggert ST. ANN, MO. Cinedyne Productions, 4745 Parc Orleans, 63114; Mi- chael Parisey. ST. CLAIR SHORES, MICH. Diversified Management Agency, 22881 Mack Ave., Ste. 101, 48080; (313) 773-6800; Nick Caris. ST. LOUIS, MO. Bob Bergen Promotions, Inc., 4985 Fairview Ave., 63139; (314) 752-1875; Bob Bargen. 'Pres.; Region: 5. Ted Tillman & Assocs., 415 N. 12th St., 63101: (314) 241-5070: Ted Tillman, Pres.; Regions. 3,4,5.6.7, 142 ST. PETERSBURG, FLA. Pedyne Productions, 6567 54th Ave.. No., 33709: (613) 544-1465; Paul E. Deutekom, Ron Skolnik, Dennis Wheeler. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH Jaben Agents, Box 892. 84110 (801) 255-4132. SAN ANSELMO, CALIF. Sally Henderson Agency, 456-7950. P.O. Box 689. 94960: (415) SAN ANTONIO, TEX. Alamo Productions, 1534 Bandera Rd., 78228: (512) 432-0983; G.L. (Crash) Stewart, Pres.: Specialty: Country: National. Jam Agency, 1002 N.E. Loop 410, P.O. Box 6588. 78209: (512) 828-1310; Joe Miller. SAN DIEGO, CALIF. Allied Booking Co. Agency, 2250 3rd Ave.. 92101; R.L. Melcher. Spectacular Productions Theatrical Agency, 5700 El Ca(On, 92115; (714) 286-1794. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Agency for the Creative Arts, 94105; (415) 924-8000. 115 New Montgomery, Associated Theatrical Agency, Inc., P.O. Box 2216; (415) 398-3590. Fun Unlimited, 1206 22nd Ave.. 94122; (415) 665-0617; Isabelle Wha International Artists Agency, 1564 18th Ave.. 94122; (415) 661-1962: Pietro Menci, Dir, Millard Agency, 1546 Market St., 94102; (415) 7817566. National Talent Service, (415) 398-8737. San Francisco Interface, Suite 700, 916 Kearney St., 94133; Joseph W. Bailey, Michael Oster, Ken Beals. Shelley Rae Agency, 883 Geary St, 94109; Shelley Rae. SANTA BARBARA, CALIF. Glen Henry Entertainment Agency, 3887 State St.. Ste. 208, 93105. (805) 687-1131; Glen Henry, Agent. SARASOTA, FLA. Bauer-Hall Enterprises, 715 N. Lockwood Ridge Rd., 33580; (813) 955-5071; Joseph Bauer; Specialty: Comics, TV & Sports personalities, Variety Acts, Outdoor Attractions; Region: 2,4.5. Entertainment Enterprises, 3055 49th St., 33580: (813) 355-1205; Wilson F. Storey, Pres.; Specialty: Variety Acts: International. Inte mational Entertainment Service, 3726 Allenwood, Box 4297. 33578; (813) 366-2449; Eugene C. Lambad: Specialty: Circus Acts; International. SAULT ST. MARIE, ONTARIO Drag« Booking Agency, 622 McNabb St.: Roy E. Drager. SAYRE, PA. Shaw Brothers Sports Inc., Box 43, 18840; (717) 883- 2123: Joseph P. Shaw, Pres.; Specialty: Sports Personalities. SEATTLE, WASH. Jack Belmont Agency. Jos 624-0958. Vance Bldg.. 98101; (206) Jerry Ross Agency. 713 Jones Bldg., 98101; Jerry Ross. SHAKER HEIGHTS, OHIO 'Corruptor Productions, Inc., 18928 Chagrin Blvd.. 44122; (216)751-0673; Kenneth R. Jurek. Pres.; Spe- cialty: Pop/MOR, Rock Country. Blues/Soul. Gospel: National, SHEBOYGAN, WIS. Borsse's Theatrical Agency, 1501 S. 13th St., 53081; (414)457-7510; Carl Borsse, Pres., Steven Borsse, VP; Region: 5. Mel Hummitzsch Theatrical Agency Inc., 2021 N. 19th St.. 53081: (414) 458-3588: Mel Hummitzsch, Pres., Loretta Hummitzsch, V.P.; National. SHERMAN OAKS, CALIF. Celebrities, Inc., 15433 Ventura Blvd., 91403; (213) 788- 6362. Allen Connor-Alexis Corfino Associates, 14241 Ventura, 91403: (213) 872-1123. Mitzi MacGregor Agency, 13455 Ventura, 91403; (213) 872-1146. Al Sherman Agency. 15433 Ventura, 91403; (213) 7886362; 872-1715. Trenda Artists, 14755 Ventura, 91403; (213) 788-4521. SKOKIE, ILL. The Gilbert Miller Agency, 8350 N. Kimball Ave.. 60076. SMITHFIELD, R.I. Fantasma Productions, 02917; Jon Stoll, Inc.. 155 1 /2 Pleasantview Ave.. SILVER SPRINGS, MD. P H L Assocs., 8422 Georgia Ave.. 20910; (301) 5881330. SIMI VALLEY, CALIF. Don Howard Artists Agency, Box 3447. 93063: (805) 526-1017; Don Howard, Pres.; Specialty: Country; International. SIOUX CITY, IOWA 'Bill Hawkins Famous Name Attractions, 2600 South Ros- well, 51106; (712) 276-6365; Region: 5. SPARTANBURG, S.C. G & G Agency, P.O. Box 4522. 29303; (803) 585-6027; Marvin C. Garrett, Pres., Wayne Gilreath, V.P.; Regions: 2,3,4. STUDIO CITY, CALIF. Atlantis Productions, 11632 Ventura. 91604; (213) 877- 3073. The Lane Co., 4333 Ben, 91604: (213) 763-0247. Ventures, P.O. Box 1172. 91604; (213) 656-2213. Herman Zimmerman Agency, 12077 Ventura. 91604: (213) 877-2201. SUNNYVALE, CALIF. Sound Spectrum Inc., 799 E El Gamino Real, 94087. TAYLOR, MICH. Splendor Productions. Box 391: Thurlow Spurr. THOMASVILLE, N.C. Productions East, P.O. Box 1266: 27360 TOPEKA, KANSAS James Reardon & Assoc., 761 Ridgeview Dr.. 66609; (913) 266-3146; James Reardon, Larry Owen, TULSA, OKLA. Jim Halsey Co., Inc., 3225 South Norwood Ave., 74135; (918) 663-3883; John Hitt. Bob Taylor. Van Barker, Bill Hartman. WALNUT CREEK, CALIF. Theatrical Corp. of America, 3338 Freeman Rd., 94595; (415) 935-7621. WATERBURY, CONN. S.E. Talent Enterprises, 28 Branch St., 06704; (203) 756- 9730; William Selitsky, Pres.; Specialty: Sports Personalities; Regions: 1,2,3,4.5,6. WESTCHESTER, ILL. Avery Productions, Inc., Box 261. 60153; (312) 865- 0846; William M. Avery, V.P.; International. Dave Malcolm Entertainment Enterprises, P.O. Box 142, 60153; (312) 562-1458; Dave Malcolm, Pres., Vera Malcolm, V.P.; National, WEST KEANSBURG, N.J. Karass Media Works, 72 Thorne Place. 07734; (201) 787- 3891; Joe McHugh, WEST LOS ANGELES, CALIF. Chasin, Park & Citron Agency, 90024; (213) 879-0450. 10889 Wilshire Blvd., WHEELING, W. VA. Bud Lewis Theatrical Agency, P.O. Box 746, 26003: Spe- cialty: Pop /MOR, Country. Gospel, Comics, TV Personalities, Variety Acts. Dance Bands; National, Wheeling Talent Agency. 108 N. York St., 26003; (304) 232-5252. WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. Nick FalzoneTheatrical Agency, 175 Main St.. Suite 7-11, 10601; (914) 946-2280. WICHITA, KANSAS Harry Peebles Agency, 410 So. Sycamore, 67201. WINNIPEG, MANITOBA Hungry I. Concerts Agency, 403-265 Portage Ave., (204) 947-0092; Frank Wiener, Pres.; Region: Western Canada. WOODLAND HILLS, CALIF. Americana Corp., 22500 Berdon, Box 47, 91364; (213) 347-2976; Steve Stebbins. Agent. WORCESTER, MASS. 'Slater Orchestra Service, 390 Main St., 01608: (617) 753-3237/753-1196; Oscar Swartz, Pres.; National. WORCESTER, PA. Jesse Ames Agency, Box 128. 19490; (215) 272-1703. ZANESVILLE, OHIO Variety Attractions, Inc., P.O. Box 2276, 43701; (614) 453-0188; George Moffett, Nick Dorr. 'Denotes Sub Agency/Packager 1973 Cavalcade of Acts & Attractions COUNTRY IvilISIC NEVER LOOKED SO 0.00E Exclusive Bookings United Talent, inc. 903 16TH AVENUE SOUTH ·NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE 37212 (615) 244-9412 `t. Loretta Lynn Conway Twiny Nat Stuckey x,,.(e Ray Gril? Stu Phillips Anthony Armstrong Jones Karen Wheeler Conway Twitty Jr. Bob Yarbrough Linda Plowman L.E.White We Eau APackage To Fit Every Budget!!! Pride of the East Coast COUNTY and DISTRICT FAIRS CELEBRATIONS SHOPPING CENTERS We work each day in every way we can to please our sponsors and our patrons WINTER OME: Monroe, N.C. HOOKI,N'C ADDRESti: RoIdnd W. Rige 20') SIre rest Dri\ Iampa, Florida 33()09 (81:3) 877-2490 BUCK-PAGE Expositions, Inc. D. STAN LEY Shows, ie The Midway That Sparkles Serving More Than 30 Outstanding Fairs and Celebrations Throughout the Heart of the Midwest from Minnesota to Louisiana NOW BOOKING FOR 1973 WM. D. STANLEY SHOWS, INC. See us in Las Vegas and at Fair Meetings William D. Stanley Box 1421 Hot Springs. Ark 71901 (501) 623-9766 Art Kenney Box 232 Wabasso, Minn. 56293 (507) 342-6203 Kw! l iAneMUST FOR YOUR 1973 FAIR 144 wet · DEATH DEFYING FEATS · HOUDINI'S FAMOUS UNDERWATER ESCAPE · FIRE EATING · MUSIC · SINGING Recently: Mike Douglas Show (TV) To Tell the Truth (TV) Mery Griffin Show (TV) Joe Franklin Show (TV) Steel Pier, Atlantic City · Ringling Bros. & Barnum · Bailey Circus · Hunt Circus · Gas Light Village · Sunnyside Gardens · Monticello, Iowa Fair · Lincoln, Ill., Fair · Reading, Pa., Fair · Pensacola, Fla., Inter-State Fair · Danbury, Conn., Fair · Flemington, NJ., Fair · CNE · Great Western Fair. For Dates and Availabilities Contact: MARIO MANZINI Suite 1010, 701 7th Ave., New York, New York 10036 (212) Pl. 7-6300 1973 Cavalcade of Acts & Attractions Hot Dogs. Snow Cones ·Pop ·Peanuts Chips» Candy ·Many 0 SELL-VEND THESE ITEMS ANO MANY MORE WITH VENDACART TAKE YOUR BUSINESS WHERE ITS AT: Parks · Beaches · Shopping Centers · Schools · Resort Areas Lets You Expand Your Business WE MANUFACTURE MANY TYPES OF CARTS *HOT DOG * NOVELTY * FLOWER *COTTON CANDY * SNOW CONE . POP CORN *BALLOON . ICE CREAM * OTHERS CARTS ARE MADE OF FIBERGLASS MID STAINLESS STEEL, SMOOTH SURFACES EASY TO CLEAN. SEND FOR MORE INFORMATION, SPECIFY AREA VENDACART MFG., INC. OF INTEREST. WE WILL SEND YOU A BROCHURE 860 CIVIC CENTER DR., SANTA CLARA, CA. AND ANSWER QUESTIONS. 95050 - Ph. 408-296-1790 BE THE BIGGEST LITTLE BUSINESS IN TOWN EXTRA COPIES 1973 CAVALCADE OF ACTS & ATTRACTIONS $10.00 per copy Send your order and remittance to Single Copy Sales Dept. AMUSEMENT BUSINESS 1719 West End Ave. Nashville, Tenn. 37203 (Or use the handy order form elsewhere in this issue) 1973 Cavalcade of Acts & Attractions 145 CAVALCADE OF ACTS &ATTRACTIONS ADVERTISERS INDEX Amusements of America Ash, Glen Astra Dive Athena Enterprises 109 47 92 22-23 Bagwell, Wendy, &The Sunliters Baldschun, Clyde, &Associates Balloon Flite Ballooning Unlimited Bauers, The Fearless Belle City Amusements Blackwood Bros. Blackwood Sr., James Blackwood Singers Blue Grass Shows Brady Kids Brolin, James Brooks Singers Burgos, Carlos Bugs Bunny Show Burns, Bernie 138-G 132 94 10-0 18 125 69 68 54,61 107 126 10-W 65 48 10-1 49 Carr Shows, Lawrence 114 Carr, Vikki 138-1 Century Film Service 124 Century 21 Shows 113 Chieftones 138-U Clark, Roy 10-K Cole, Harry King 25 Conklin Shows of Canada 2nd Cover Creative Management Amusements Ltd. 138-A thru 138-X Curtis, Ken 10-U Curb, The Mike, Congregation 134 Curry, Jimmy 104 Dancing Waters Darren, James Dean, Dr. Michael Deggeller Shows Ding-a-Lings D'Johns, Jack Downings, The Drake Agency, Tom 10-G 138-D 51 3 138-Q 14 138-N 59 thru 63, &65 El Monte Rubber 84 Fargo, Donna Feliciano, Jose Festival of Music Fifth Dimension Florida Boys Foley &Burk Shows Frazier World Fair Shows French, Henri Fun Fair Amusements G&S Amusements Goforth Enterprises Golddiggers Gooding Amusement Co Gooding's Million Dollar Midways Guess Who Gunsmoke Hagers, The Haggard, Merle 146 138-1 10-S 138-E 138-C 138-1 123 130 93 101 7 99 138-P 110-111 131 9 10-U 10-T 31 Hairy Lip Productions Harmonica Rascals Hart, Freddy Hartford, John Houston, Alex, &Elmer Howdy Doody Revival Hrubetz Hunt, George, Associates Ice Classics Illinois Fireworks Imperial Hell Drivers Impossible Productions International Famous Agency Irish Rovers James, Sonny Johnny's United Shows Kaaro, Jimmy Kallif &Son, Mendel Kaye, Bette Kelly, John, Enterprises Kershaw, Doug Kirk, Jay Koske, Benny Kormpates, Great Kovaz, King Landon, Mike Lee, Buddy, Attractions Lee &Rita LeFevres, The LeGarde Twins, The Lenz Insurance Lewis Family, The Lewis, Shari Light, Don, Talent, Inc. Lipko's Comedy Chimps Lister, Hovie, &the Statesmen Little Britches Rodeo Lloyd, Barry &Just Us Three Lonzo &Oscar Lynn, Judy, Show Mann, Johnny Manzini, Mario Mathis, Johnny Matthews Family, The John McGrath, Bob Midway of Mirth Miller, Jody Miller, Roger Michell Marionettes Moeller Talent Monkey-A-Rama, Glen Porter's Myers Amusements Nashville Gospel Talent Agency National Ticket Co. Naughton, John, Insurance Neal Agency, The Nelson, Rick Newton, Wayne Nitty Gritty Dirt Band Oaks, The Olympic International Circus 85 79 10-P 22 40 77 118-119 129 55 104 21 97 10-1 thru 10-X 10-M 3rd Cover 103 100 98 45 thru 56 10 thru 10-F 29 96 97 104 102 10-V 137 63 62 53 112 27 10-V 19 90 71 102 52 10-C 10, 10-A 138-H 144 10-1 73 138-M 115 138-T 10-N 97 41 87 100 145 75 102 36 81 83 22 138-B 93 Olympic, Inc. Theatrical Productions Otis Show, The Johnny Owens, Buck Parris, London, &The Apostles Perey Turnstiles Pierce Sisters Pride, Charley Pronto Pup Prophets, The Puff 'N Stuff 12 54 10-Q 74 86 55 38-39 90 73 127 Quacky Duck 87 Johnny Ray Reed, Jerry Reithoffer Shows Rice Ill, Don Riley, Jeannie C Rogers, Kenny, and the First Edition Rogers, Roy Ross, Al Royal American Shows Royal Lipizzan Stallion Show Scott &Co Scruggs Review, The Earl Shidler, Greg Singing Goffs, The Smith, Bobby Sound Generation Spalding Shows Sparky the Clown Speedo The Clown Speer Family, The Standard Steel Stapf &Clem Stock &Stapf Strange, Glen Strates, James E., Shows Sumar Talent Sumner, J.D., &The Stamps 82 16 122 138-F 135 138-K 35 96 10-H 115 112 23 5 60 63 138-W 121 94 138-0 70 78 101 101 10-T Back Cover 67 thru 74 72 Taylor, Buck Thomas Shows Thrasher Bros., The Tompall &The Glaser Bros Top Billing, Inc Trinidad Tripoli Steel Band Troy, J., &Cheri Tucker, Tanya 10-T 103 138-V 138-R 33 10-F 63 10-B Unite Talent Agency 143 Vandermere Vendacart Venture Ride Mfg. Co. Variety Attractions Vinton, Bobby 95 145 112 88 thru 90 141 Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc Williams, Art Williams Family, The Wilson, Mark 10-1 90 63 138-S Yerkes, Bob 92 Your Father's Mustache 85 1973 Cavalcade of Acts & Attractions Booking Information at Your Finger Tips 1973 CAVALCADE OF FAIRS Comprehensive directory of fairs & expositions in U.S. & Canada running three days or more ...with vital statistics on attendance, spending and SMSA Market Data. Includes features on how to select fairs for exhibits & what exhibitors think of fairs. 1973 CAVALCADE OF TALENT & ATTRACTIONS A new, comprehensive directory and guide for talent buyers, promoters & producers. Lists of performing arts, shows, rodeos & touring attractions. Data includes type of attractions, cities at which it has appeared, booking agent, types of facilities played, etc. Order today! Simply fill out, detach & mail this postage-paid order card. PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPANY ORDER. 1973 Cavalcade of Fairs @ $20.50" 1973 Cavalcade of Talent & Attractions @ $5.50* ·Price covers postage & handling charges. For Special Delivery, add $1 more. Enclosed is Name Company Name Address City Nature of Business State Zip 6722 Your Direct Line to the Amusement & Mass Entertainment Industry The 1973 AudArena Stadium Guide is a complete directory of all arenas, auditoriums, stadiums, exhibit halls and coliseums in the U.S. and Canada, available for concerts, sporting events, meetings, exhibitions, etc. Lists provide contacts, facility seating and floor size, with services offered. Includes 11th -Annual Market Report. Order today! Simply fill out, detach & mail this postage-paid order card. PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPANY ORDER. Please send me Stadium Guide @ $25.50* copy(ies) of the 1973 AudArena *Price covers postage & handling charges. For Special Delivery, add $1 more. Enclosed is $ Name Company Name Address City Nature of Business Please check nature of business D 15 Funspots, Amusement Pks., Kiddielands,Themed Pks., Zoos, Tourist Attractions, Miniature/3 Golf. D ii Arenas, Auds., Stads., Exhibit Halls, Legit & Summer Theaters. E] 13 Fairs, Outdoor Exhibitions & Expos. 23 Carnivals, Circuses & Midway Attractions. D 15 Government Parks. D 17 Colleges, Universities & Other Education Institutions. D 19 Teen Clubs, Night Clubs, Movie Theaters, Shopping Centers. fr i 31 Food & Drink Concessionaires. D 33 Novelty, Souvenir, Games, Demonstrators & Concessionaires. D 40 Manufacturers, Distributors, Sales, Service Rentals. D 21 Performers, Concert Artists, variety & Novelty Acts, Ice Shows & Other Touring Entertainment Productions. D 25 Personal & Business Mgrs., Booking Agents, Press Agents & PR Firms. CI 27 Promoters, Producers, Directors of Conventions, Shows, Concerts, Concert Series, Public Expos. & Shows. H Other .14Eillaeiee Please enter my AB subscription for the period checked: Li 6-month trial, $8 [/1 year, $15 [1 2years, $24 r] payment enclosed El bill me El bill company 6721 BUSINESS REPLY MAIL No Postage Stamp Necessary if Mailed in the United States Postage will be paid by 2160 PATTERSON ST. CINCINNATI, OHIO 45214 BUSINESS REPLY MAIL No Postage Stamp Necessary if Mailed in the United States Postage will be paid by 2160 PATTERSON ST. CINCINNATI, OHIO 45214 BUSINESS REPLY MAIL No Postage Stamp Necessary if Mailed in the United States Postage will be paid by 2160 PATTERSON ST. CINCINNATI, OHIO 45214 FIRST CLASS PERMIT NO. 111 CINCINNATI, O. FIRST CLASS PERMIT NO. 111 CINCINNATI, O. FIRST CLASS PERMIT NO. 111 CINCINNATI, O. ECUTIVE # 1 HITS théSONNY JAMES show and the Southern Gentlemen "MAJOR FAIRS, RODEOS · AK-SAR-BEN--Omaha, Neb. · EASTERN STATES EXPO--Springfield, Mass · SASKACHIMO EXPO--Saskatoon, Sask. · MADISON SQUARE GARDEN--N.Y. City · "NASHVILLE AT THE GARDEN"--L-TV Spe · MINNESOTA STATE FAIR-- St. Paul, Minn. · KNOTT'S BERRY FARM · YORK INTER-STATE FAlR-- York, Pa. · BUFFALO DAYS--Regina, Sask. · YORK INTER-STATE AIR--York, Pa. · BLOOMSBURG FAIR--Bloomsburg, Pa. · DISNEYLAND--Anaheim, Calif. · "COUNTRY FAIR"--TV Special · HOUSTON LIVESTOCK SHOW-- The Astrodome · ABC RODEO--Lubbock, Tex. AND MANY OTHERS; Columbia Records Personal Management BOB NEAL 2325 Crestmoor Rd. Nashville, Term 7213 (615) 385-0310 # rulyIN Setleo As soon as you enter aStrates Show, you're tuned in to the thrill- ing sounds and sights of an old time carnival. Everywhere you go, you're surrounded by fun for the entire family-- with a balanced blend of rides, games and special attractions. For over fifty years, the Strates organization has been an innovator and pacesetter in providing fun for everyone. And this is what makes each Strates Show aunique experience. Rich in the traditions of family entertainment. JAMES E. 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