Instruction Manual for DASH models including: DCAF150, Compact Air Fryer


Air Fryer. Turn the Timer to the correct setting. When you set the Timer, the Air Fryer will automatically turn on. The Heating Light will automatically turn on. The Timer will begin to count down from the set time. The Heating Light will blink during the air frying process. This is normal and indicates


fire hazard. • During air frying, make sure all ingredients are kept in the Crisper Drawer. • Do not cover the Air Inlet or the Air Outlet when.

using YOUR compact air fryer

BEFORE USING YOUR AIR FRYER Remove all packaging materials. Check that the Air Fryer has no visible damage and that no parts are missing. Before using the appliance for...

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AirCrispTM Technology | 2 Quart Capacity | 1000 Watts


Important Safeguards.................................................................... 4-7 Parts & Features.............................................................................. 8-9 Using Your Compact Air Fryer ................................................. 10-11 Tips & Tricks ..................................................................................... 12 Temperature & Time Chart ............................................................ 13 Cleaning & Maintenance ............................................................... 14 Troubleshooting........................................................................ 16-17 Recipes....................................................................................... 18-37 Customer Support .......................................................................... 38 Warranty........................................................................................... 39
table of contents  3


IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS: PLEASE READ AND SAVE THIS INSTRUCTION AND CARE MANUAL. important safeguards When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should be followed, including:

· Read all instructions.
· Remove all bags and packaging from the appliance before use.
· Make sure the appliance is cleaned thoroughly before using.
· Never leave the appliance unattended when in use.
· Do not use the appliance for other than its intended use.
· For household use only. Do not use outdoors.
· Close supervision is necessary when any appliance is used by or near children.
· Do not touch hot surfaces. Use handles or knobs.
· Do not fill the Crisper Drawer with oil to avoid a fire hazard.
· During air frying, make sure all ingredients are kept in the Crisper Drawer.
· Do not cover the Air Inlet or the Air Outlet when the appliance is functioning.
· Do not place the appliance directly against a wall or against other appliances. Leave at least 4 inches of free space surrounding the appliance.
· Do not place anything on top of the appliance.
· During hot air frying, hot steam is released through the Air Outlet openings. Keep your hands and face at a safe distance from the steam and from the Air Outlet openings. Be careful of

hot steam and air when you remove the Crisper Drawer from the appliance.
· Immediately unplug the appliance if you see dark smoke coming out of it. Wait for the smoke emission to stop before you remove the Crisper Drawer from the appliance.
· The appliance requires approximately 30 minutes to cool down before you can safely handle or clean it.
· This appliance has a built-in timer and will automatically shut off when the Timer has finished. You can manually switch the appliance off by turning the Timer counterclockwise to zero.
· Extreme caution must be used when moving an appliance containing hot oil or other hot liquids.
· Turn the Timer and Temperature Dials to the "OFF" position before disconnecting the power cord from a wall outlet.
· Do not operate this appliance with a damaged cord, damaged plug, or after the appliance malfunctions or is dropped or damaged in any manner. Return the appliance to the nearest authorized service facility for examination, repair, or adjustment.
· For maintenance other than cleaning, please contact StoreBound directly at 1-800-898-6970 from 7AM-7PM PT Monday-Friday or by email at
· Do not place the appliance on or near a hot gas burner, hot electric burner, or in a heated oven.

4  important safeguards


· Refrain from using attachments that are not recommended by the appliance manufacturer, as doing so can result in fire, electric shock, or personal injury.
· Do not let the cord touch hot surfaces or hang over the edges of tables or counters.
· This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory, or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge unless they are provided with supervision and instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.
· Unplug from outlet when not in use and before cleaning. Allow to cool before putting on or taking off parts.
· StoreBound shall not accept liability for damages caused by improper use of the appliance.
· Improper use of the appliance can result in property damage or personal injury.
· To protect against electrical shock, do not immerse cord, plugs or appliance in water or other liquid.

· Make sure that the voltage indicated on the appliance matches the local mains voltage. Always make sure that the plug is inserted into a grounded wall socket properly.
· This appliance has a polarized plug (one blade is wider than the other). To reduce the risk of electric shock, this plug will fit in a polarized outlet only one way. If the plug does not completely fit in the outlet, reverse the plug. If it still does not fit, contact a qualified electrician. Do not attempt to modify the plug in any way.
· The power supply cord is short to reduce risk from becoming entangled in or tripping over a longer cord. An extension cord may be used if care is exercised in its use. If an extension cord is used, the marked electrical rating of the extension cord should be at least as high as the electrical rating of the appliance. The extension cord should be arranged so that it will not drape over the countertop or tabletop where it can be pulled on by children or tripped over unintentionally.
· To disconnect, turn any control to "off", then remove plug from wall outlet.

important safeguards  5



CONSERVER CE MODE D'EMPLOI ET D'ENTRETIEN important safeguards Lors de l'utilisation d'appareils électriques, des précautions élémentaires de sécurité doivent être
respectées, notamment:

· Lisez toutes les instructions.

· Ne placez rien sur le dessus de l'appareil.

· Retirez tous les sacs et emballages de l'appareil avant utilisation.
· Assurez-vous que l'appareil est bien nettoyé avant de l'utiliser.
· Ne laissez jamais l'appareil sans surveillance lorsqu'il est utilisé.
· N'utilisez pas l'appareil à d'autres fins que celles pour lesquelles il a été conçu.
· Pour usage domestique seulement. Ne pas utiliser à l'extérieur.
· Une surveillance étroite est nécessaire lorsqu'un appareil est utilisé par ou près des enfants.
· Ne touchez pas les surfaces chaudes. Utilisez les poignées ou les boutons.
· Ne remplissez pas le panier à légumes ou le bac à légumes avec de l'huile car cela présente un risque d'incendie.
· Assurez-vous que tous les ingrédients sont conservés dans le bac à légumes dans le panier à légumes.
· Ne couvrez pas l'entrée d'air ou la sortie d'air lorsque l'appareil fonctionne.
· Ne placez pas l'appareil directement contre un mur ou contre d'autres appareils. Laissez au moins 10 cm d'espace libre autour de l'appareil.

· Pendant la cuisson à l'air chaud, de la vapeur chaude est libérée par les ouvertures de sortie d'air. Gardez vos mains et votre visage à une distance sécuritaire de la vapeur et des ouvertures de sortie d'air. Faites attention à la vapeur et à l'air chaud lorsque vous retirez le panier à légumes de l'appareil.
· Débranchez immédiatement l'appareil si vous voyez de la fumée noire s'échapper de l'appareil. Attendez que l'émission de fumée s'arrête avant de retirer le panier à légumes de l'appareil.
· L'appareil nécessite environ 30 minutes pour se refroidir avant de le manipuler ou de le nettoyer en toute sécurité.
· Cet appareil dispose d'une minuterie incorporée et s'éteindra automatiquement à la fin de la minuterie. Vous pouvez éteindre manuellement l'appareil en tournant la minuterie dans le sens antihoraire à zéro.
· Faites bien attention lors du déplacement d'un appareil avec de l'huile chaude ou d'autres liquides chauds.
· Tournez le bouton de la minuterie à la position "OFF" avant de débranchez le cordon d'une prise murale.
· Ne faites pas fonctionner cet appareil avec un cordon endommagé ou une fiche endommagée

6  garanties importantes


après un dysfonctionnement, une chute ou un endommagement de l'appareil. Retournez l'appareil à l'établissement de service autorisé le plus proche pour qu'il soit examiné, réparé ou réglé.
· Pour un entretien autre que le nettoyage, veuillez contacter Storebound directement au 1-800-8986970 de 7h à 19h du lundi au vendredi ou par courriel à
· Ne placez pas l'appareil sur ou près d'un brûleur à gaz chaud, d'un brûleur électrique chaud ou dans un four chauffé.
· Évitez d'utiliser des accessoires qui ne sont pas recommandés par le fabricant de l'appareil, car cela pourrait provoquer un incendie, une électrocution ou des blessures.
· Ne laissez pas le cordon toucher des surfaces chaudes ou pendre sur les bords des tables ou des comptoirs.
· Cet appareil n'est pas destiné à être utilisé par des personnes (y compris les enfants) ayant des capacités physiques, sensorielles ou mentales réduites ou un manque d'expérience et de connaissances à moins d'être supervisé et instruit par une personne responsable de leur sécurité.
· Assurez-vous toujours de débrancher l'appareil de la prise avant de le déplacer, de le nettoyer, de le ranger et lorsqu'il n'est pas utilisé.
· StoreBound décline toute responsabilité pour les dommages causés par une mauvaise utilisation de l'appareil.

· Une mauvaise utilisation de l'appareil peut entraîner des dommages matériels ou même des blessures.
· Pour eviter le choc électrique ne plongez pas l'appareil dans l'eau ou d'autres liquides.
· Assurez-vous que la tension indiquée sur l'appareil correspond à la tension secteur locale. Assurezvous toujours que la fiche est correctement insérée dans une prise murale mise à la terre.
· Cet appareil a une fiche polarisée (une lame est plus large que l'autre). Pour réduire le risque d'électrocution, cette fiche ne peut être insérée dans une prise polarisée que d'une seule façon. Si la fiche ne rentre pas complètement dans la prise, inversez la prise. Si cela ne vous convient toujours pas, contactez un électricien qualifié. N'essayez pas de modifier la fiche de quelque façon que ce soit.
· Un cordon d'alimentation court doit être fourni pour réduire le risque de s'emmêler ou de trébucher sur un cordon plus long. Une rallonge peut être utilisée si des précautions sont prises lors de son utilisation. Si une rallonge est utilisée, la puissance électrique indiquée sur la rallonge doit être au moins égale à la puissance nominale de l'appareil. La rallonge doit être disposée de manière à ne pas tomber sur le comptoir ou la table de travail, où elle pourrait être tirée par des enfants ou trébucher involontairement.
· Pour déconnecter, placez n'importe quelle commande sur "off", puis retirez la fiche de la prise murale.

garanties importantes  7

d E
8  parts & features

a Crisper Drawer b Crisper Tray (Do not remove silicone tabs) c Air Outlet d Heating Light e Power Light f Temperature Control Dial g Air Inlet h Timer Dial i Crisper Drawer Handle
parts & features  9

using YOUR compact air fryer
BEFORE USING YOUR AIR FRYER Remove all packaging materials. Check that the Air Fryer has no visible damage and that no parts are missing. Before using the appliance for the first time or before using it after prolonged storage, wash and dry the appliance and any accompanying accessories. See "Cleaning & Maintenance" for instructions. If you preheat the appliance before use, food will cook faster. To preheat, select desired temperature (see section "Temperature and Time Chart") and turn the Timer Dial to 3 minutes; do not put any food in the Crisper Drawer. Wait until the Heating Light goes off (after approximately 3 minutes). Then fill the Crisper Drawer and turn the Timer Dial to the desired preparation time.
1 Place the appliance on a stable, flat, heat-resistant surface. Plug the Air
Fryer into a wall socket. The Power Light will illuminate.
2 Remove the Crisper Drawer from the Air Fryer. Place food in the Crisper
Drawer on the Crisper Tray. The Crisper Tray helps circulate air around your food and helps keep excess oil made by your food from pooling around your food. Slide the Crisper Drawer back inside the Air Fryer.
3 Refer to the Temperature & Time Chart (pg. 13) to determine the correct settings. Turn the Temperature Control Dial to your desired temperature setting.
10  using your compact air fryer

using YOUR compact air fryer
4 Turn the Timer to the correct setting. When you set the Timer, the Air
Fryer will automatically turn on. The Heating Light will automatically turn on. The Timer will begin to count down from the set time. The Heating Light will blink during the air frying process. This is normal and indicates that the heating element is controlling the temperature.
5 For even results, some foods require shaking halfway through
the preparation time. See the Temperature & Time Chart for recommendations. Remove the Crisper Drawer from the appliance and shake it gently from side to side. Slide the Crisper Drawer back into the Air Fryer.
6 When you hear the Timer ring, the preparation time has elapsed. Pull
the Crisper Drawer out of the appliance and place it on a heat-resistant surface. Check if the food is done. If the food is not ready, simply slide the Crisper Drawer back into the appliance and set the Timer for a few extra minutes.
7 To remove items from the Crisper Drawer use tongs. Don't turn over the Crisper Drawer to prevent any oil that has collected on the bottom of the Crisper Drawer from being spilled onto the food. Excess oil from any foods will be collected at the bottom of the Crisper Drawer. Allow the appliance to cool before disposing of any excess oil.
using your compact air fryer  11

tips & tricks
· Air frying smaller items or fewer items will require a slightly shorter cooking time than larger items or more items.
· Shaking smaller items halfway during the preparation time optimizes the end result and can help prevent unevenly fried foods.
· Soak fresh potatoes in water for 30 minutes, then add a small amount of oil for a crispier result. Fry your potatoes in the air fryer within a few minutes of adding the oil.
· Do not prepare extremely greasy items, such as sausages, in the Air Fryer. · Snacks like chicken nuggets and mozzarella sticks, that can be prepared in an oven can also be
prepared in the Air Fryer. · Use store-bought dough to prepare filled snacks like calzones quickly and easily. Items made with
store-bought dough will require a shorter preparation time than homemade dough. · Use a baking pan in the Crisper Drawer if you want to bake a cake or quiche or if you want to fry fragile
or filled items. · You can also use the Air Fryer to reheat foods. To reheat food, set the temperature to 300
for up to 10 minutes. · Do not remove the silicone tabs.
12  tips & tricks


Please keep in mind that these temperatures and times are merely guidelines. Actual cooking times may
vary depending on the size, shape, and amount of food. When air frying a new item always make sure that your food is cooked properly before consumption. According to the USDA, the safe internal temperature
for poultry is 165°F and for beef is 160°F.

Thin Frozen Fries Thick Frozen Fries Homemade Fries Homemade Potato Wedges Steak Pork Chops Hamburger Chicken Breast Drumsticks Chicken Nuggets

settings chart









8­12 10­14 7­14 10­15 18­22 8­12

350 350 350 350 350 400

SHAKE? Shake Shake Shake Shake

*For even results, some foods require shaking halfway through the preparation time. See the chart below for recommendations.

temperature & time chart  13

cleaning & maintenance
· Remove the plug from the wall socket and let the appliance cool down completely. · Remove the Crisper Drawer to allow the Air Fryer cool down quicker. · Clean the appliance after every use. · Do not clean the Crisper Drawer, or the inside of the appliance with metal kitchen utensils or abrasive
cleaning materials as this may damage the non-stick coating. · Wipe the outside of the appliance with a moist cloth. · The Crisper Drawer and Crisper Tray are dishwasher safe. · The Crisper Tray removes from the Crisper Drawer to allow for easier cleaning. · Alternatively you can clean the Crisper Drawer with hot water, dish soap, and a non-abrasive sponge. · TIP: If the Crisper Drawer or Crisper Tray is dirty, fill the Crisper Drawer with hot water and dish soap,
place the Crisper Tray in the Crisper Drawer and let it soak for about 10 minutes. · Clean the inside of the appliance with hot water and a non-abrasive sponge. · Clean the heating element with a cleaning brush to remove any food residue. · NOTE: Make sure the appliance has cooled down completely before cleaning the heating element. · Make sure that the appliance is unplugged and all parts are clean and dry before storage. · Do not remove silicone tabs on the prongs of your Air Fryer Crisper Tray.
14  cleaning & maintenance

page title  15


PROBLEM The Air Fryer does not work.
The food is not done after the recommended time is elapsed.

POSSIBLE CAUSE The appliance is not plugged in.
You have not set the Timer.
Too much food has been added to the Crisper Drawer.

Plug the mains plug into a grounded wall socket.
Turn the Timer Dial to the required preparation time to switch the appliance on.
Use less food and cook in batches if necessary. Your food will also cook more

The temperature was set too low.

Turn the Temperature Dial to the required temperature setting (see section "Settings"). Preheat for 5-10

Food is fried unevenly in the Air Fryer.

Certain types of food need to be shaken halfway through the
preparation time.

Snacks are not crispy when they come out of the Air Fryer.

The food was not dry enough or needs a bit of oil.

I cannot slide the Crisper Drawer into the appliance properly.

There is too much food in the Crisper Drawer.

Items that lie on top of or across each other (e.g. fries) need to be shaken
halfway through the preparation time (see section "Settings").
Make sure to properly dry the food or lightly brush some oil onto the snacks
for a crispier result.
Do not fill the Crisper Drawer beyond the MAX line.

White smoke is coming out of the appliance.

Your food is too greasy.

When you fry greasy items in the Air Fryer, a large amount of fat will leak into the Crisper Drawer, the fat produces white smoke and the Crisper Drawer may heat up more than usual. This does not affect the appliance or the end result.

16  troubleshooting



The Crisper Drawer still contains residue from previous use.

White smoke is caused by grease heating up in the Crisper Drawer. Make sure you clean the Crisper Drawer properly after each use.

Fresh fries are fried unevenly in the Air Fryer.

Certain types of food need to be shaken halfway through the
preparation time.

Items that lie on top of or across each other (e.g. fries) need to be shaken halfway through the preparation time (see section "Settings").

Fresh fries are not crispy when they come out of the Air Fryer.

The crispiness of the fries depends on the amount of oil
and water in the fries.

Make sure you dry the potato sticks properly before you add
the oil.
Cut the potato sticks smaller for a crispier result.
Add slightly more oil for a crispier result.

troublepsahgoeottiitnleg  17

Enjoy cooking these delicious, easy, healthy recipes with your Compact Air Fryer!

5 spice meatballs
INGREDIENTS: 1 lb ground pork 1 tsp kosher salt 2 tbsp unsalted, plain breadcrumbs 1 tbsp Chinese 5 spice powder 1 large egg ½ tsp sesame oil parsley and sesame seeds to garnish
DIRECTIONS: (Temperature: 400ºF Time: 10 minutes) Combine pork, salt, breadcrumbs, 5 spice powder, sesame oil and egg in large bowl. Mix together by hand until well combined. Use hands or scoop to form 1.5" balls and place 4 balls at a time into Air Fryer in one layer. Fry for 10 minutes. Sprinkle parsley and sesame seeds.

crab cakes
INGREDIENTS: 8 oz lump crab meat, cooked ½ cup unsalted, plain bread crumbs 2 eggs 1 tsp kosher salt ¼ tsp garlic powder ¼ tsp onion powder ½ tsp Cajun seasoning 1 tsp dill, minced 1 tsp parsley, minced Spicy Mayo 1 tbsp Sriracha 3 tbsp mayonnaise
DIRECTIONS: (Temperature: 400ºF Time: 10 minutes)
Combine crab meat, bread crumbs, eggs, salt, garlic powder, onion powder, Cajun seasoning, dill and parsley in bowl and mix thoroughly. Form into 2" balls and flatten into round discs. Place 2-3 patties in Air Fryer in one layer and fry for 10 minutes. Combine Sriracha and mayonnaise and stir to combine. Serve crab cakes with spicy Sriracha mayo and lemon wedges, if desired.

pork & shiitake dumplings

1 lb ground pork 3 tbsp soy sauce ½ cup garlic chive, sliced thinly ½ cup shiitake mushroom, minced 1 egg, beaten ½ tsp ginger, minced ¼ tsp ground white pepper

1 tsp sesame oil 25-30 wonton wrappers, cut into large circles cold water 1 tbsp vegetable oil

DIRECTIONS: (Temperature: 400ºF Time: 10 minutes)
Combine ground pork, soy sauce, garlic chive, shiitake, egg, ginger, white pepper, sesame oil in large bowl and mix by hand thoroughly to combine. Place wonton wrapper on flat surface and add 2 tsp pork mixture to center.
Wet all edges of wonton wrapper and fold in half to form a half moon shape. If desired, overlap edges along the outer edge of wrapper to form a layered effect. Brush with vegetable oil. Place dumplings, 5 at a time, standing upright, to Air Fryer. Fry at 400ºF for 10 minutes. Do not overlap the dumplings.
Pro Tip: For more even browning, turn dumplings 180 degrees halfway through the frying process.

page title  23

24  page title

INGREDIENTS: 4 complete chicken wings, split into flats and drumsticks ½ cup sriracha ½ cup all-purpose flour 1 cup unsalted, plain breadcrumbs DIRECTIONS: (Temperature: 400ºF Time: 25­30 minutes) Place chicken wings on paper towels and pat to dry thoroughly. Dredge chicken wings in all-purpose flour and shake off excess. Dip chicken wings in sriracha, then breadcrumbs to cover thoroughly. Place only flats or only drumsticks in Air Fryer and fry 25 minutes for flats and 30 minutes for drumsticks.
page title  25

air fryer burger
INGREDIENTS: 1 lb ground beef, 90% lean 1 egg, beaten ¼ cup panko breadcrumbs ½ tsp garlic powder ½ tsp onion powder ½ tsp smoked paprika ½ tsp ground black pepper 2 tsp kosher salt ½ tsp worcestershire sauce  tsp cayenne pepper (optional)
DIRECTIONS: (Temperature: 375ºF Time: 10 minutes) Combine all ingredients for the burgers in one large bowl and mix by hand until thoroughly combined. Form into 4-5" patties and place 1 patty at a time, into Air Fryer. Air fry at 375ºF for 10 minutes or until desired doneness. Serve with desired burger bun and accompaniments.
26  page title

air fryer raviolis
INGREDIENTS: 1 jar marinara sauce, store bought 1 box cheese ravioli, store-bought or meat ravioli 2 cups Italian-style bread crumbs 1 cup buttermilk ¼ cup Parmesan cheese DIRECTIONS: (Temperature: 200ºF Time: 5 minutes) Dip each ravioli in buttermilk, then roll each ravioli into the crumb mixture. Place the breaded ravioli into your Air Fryer and cook for about 5 minutes, or until crispy. Serve warm with marinara sauce for dipping.

Cajun Fried Chicken Thighs
INGREDIENTS: 6 chicken thighs, boneless, skinless 2 tsp kosher salt 1 tbsp unsalted Cajun seasoning 1 cup all-purpose flour 2 eggs, beaten 2 cups unsalted, plain breadcrumbs DIRECTIONS: (Temperature: 400ºF Time: 10 minutes) Toss chicken thighs with salt and Cajun seasoning until well covered. Dredge thighs into flour and shake off excess. Dip thighs in egg mix, then breadcrumbs to cover thoroughly. Place thighs 2 at a time into the Air Fryer and air fry for 20-25 minutes, or until the internal temperature of the thighs reaches 178ºF, and juices run clear. Serve with maple syrup, if desired.
28  page title

Sesame `Chicken' style tofu


Tofu 1 block extra-firm tofu, drained,pressed, sliced in ½" thick rectangles 1 tsp vegetable oil Sesame `Chicken' Sauce ½ cup unsalted vegetable stock ¼ cup soy sauce

3 tbsp white sugar 2 tbsp mirin ¼ tsp garlic, minced ¼ tsp ginger, peeled, minced 2 tsp sesame oil 1 tbsp sambal chili paste (optional) 1 tbsp cornstarch

¼ cup water
1 tsp toasted white sesame seeds
1 scallion, sliced

DIRECTIONS: (Temperature: 350ºF Time: 20 minutes)
Toss tofu with vegetable oil. Separate tofu into 3-4 batches and place into the Air Fryer one batch at a time, in one even layer. Air fry for 20 minutes at 350ºF, turning once halfway.
In a small sauté pan; combine the chicken stock, soy sauce, white sugar, mirin, garlic, ginger, sesame oil, and sambal over low heat. Whisk together cornstarch with water.
Once stock mixture is simmering, add the cornstarch slurry and whisk to combine, for about 1-2 minutes.
Remove from heat and toss the tofu in the sesame sauce. Top with white sesame seeds and scallion.

page title  29

cauliflower buffalo bites
INGREDIENTS: Buffalo Sauce 1 tbsp unsalted butter  cup hot sauce 1 tsp honey garlic powder to taste Cauliflower 4 cups cauliflower florets, sliced into ¼ inch pieces 1 tbsp vegetable oil
DIRECTIONS: (Temperature: 400ºF Time: 15 minutes) Toss cauliflower with oil. Place cauliflower florets into Air Fryer in 2 batches. Fry at 400ºF for 15 minutes, shaking once or twice throughout the cycle. Melt butter in a small saucepan over medium-low heat (do not let it bubble). Add hot sauce, honey, and garlic powder to the butter and whisk to combine. Toss the cauliflower florets with the hot sauce mixture and drain any extra sauce. Serve immediately.

fried plantains
INGREDIENTS: 2 cups plantains, peeled, sliced (¼" thick, approximately 2 plantains) 2 tsp vegetable oil (or 4 sprays of nonstick spray) ¼ tsp kosher salt DIRECTIONS: (Temperature: 400ºF Time: 15 minutes) Toss plantain slices in a large bowl with oil and salt. Place 1 cup in Air Fryer, moving pieces apart that are sticking together. Air fry for 15 minutes, remove and shake. Then fry at 400ºF for 15 minutes until well-browned. Remove all plantains and repeat with second cup. Serve with salsa verde and hot sauce, if desired. Pro Tip: Choose plantains that are almost all black - these are perfectly ripe and will cook up to be wonderfully crunchy!
32  page title

hasselback potato
INGREDIENTS: 1 russet potato 1 tsp kosher salt 1 tsp olive oil 1 tsp chives, minced
DIRECTIONS: (Temperature: 400ºF Time: 50-60 minutes) Place potato on its side lengthwise. Pierce russet potato with a metal skewer along its entire length to serve as the stop guard for slicing. Carefully slice potato into tiny thin slices without piercing through the bottom of the potato. Remove metal skewer. Sprinkle potato with kosher salt and olive oil. Place potato in Air Fryer and fry 50-60 minutes until cooked through and tops are crispy. Garnish with chives.
page title  33

onion rings
INGREDIENTS: 1 vidalia onion, peeled, ends cut off, sliced into ¾" rings 1 cup all-purpose flour 1 egg, beaten 1 cup panko breadcrumbs ½ tsp kosher salt DIRECTIONS: (Temperature: 400ºF Time: 15 minutes) Combine panko and salt. Dip onion rings in egg, then panko mixture to cover thoroughly. Place into Air Fryer 4-6 at a time, overlapping rings as little as possible. Fry for 15 minutes. Serve with ketchup and mustard, if desired.

easy crispy bacon
INGREDIENTS: 4 strips uncured bacon (not thick-cut) DIRECTIONS: (Temperature: 400ºF Time: 5 minutes) Place 4 strips of bacon in Air Fryer, letting the sides of the bacon slide up the walls and ensuring bacon does not overlap. Fry at 370ºF for 10 minutes. Remove and use paper towels to remove some of the grease on top of the bacon. Place back into Air Fry and fry at 400ºF for 5 minutes. Drain on paper towels and serve. Pro Tip: You can adjust the length of the last few minutes at 400ºF depending on how crispy you like your bacon!
page title  35

lemon shishito peppers
INGREDIENTS: 10-12 shishito peppers 2 tsp vegetable oil 1 tsp kosher salt ½ lemon, cut into wedges (optional) DIRECTIONS: (Temperature: 400ºF Time: 25 minutes) Place shishitos into Air Fryer and toss with salt and vegetable oil. Fry for 15 minutes. Squeeze fresh lemon onto shishitos and shake. Serve immediately.
36  page title

page title  37

We welcome and value all concerns and questions from our customers. Please do not hesitate to contact us for product support, warranty, and maintenance related questions directly at: 1(800)-898-6970 from 7AM - 7PM PST, Monday - Friday, or by email at
Feel free to give us a call any time during the hours below: 1 (800) 898-6970

7AM to 7PM

10AM to 10PM

8AM to 8PM

9AM to 9PM

Hey Hawaii! You can reach our customer service team from 5AM to 5PM HAST. And also, Alaska, feel free to reach out from 6AM - 6PM UTC.

38  customer support

Your StoreBound product is warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of the original purchase when utilized for normal and intended household use. Should any defect covered by the terms of the limited warranty be discovered within one (1) year, StoreBound, LLC will repair or replace the defective part. To process a warranty claim, contact Customer Support at 1-800-898-6970 for further assistance and instruction. A Customer Support agent will assist you by troubleshooting minor problems. If troubleshooting fails to fix the problem, a return authorization will be issued. Proof of purchase indicating the date and place of purchase is required and should accompany the return. You must also include your full name, shipping address, and telephone number. We are unable to ship returns to a PO box. StoreBound will not be responsible for delays or unprocessed claims resulting from a purchaser's failure to provide any or all of the necessary information. Freight costs must be prepaid by the purchaser. Send all inquiries to There are no express warranties except as listed above. REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT AS PROVIDED UNDER THIS WARRANTY IS THE EXCLUSIVE REMEDY OF THE CUSTOMER. STOREBOUND SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR FOR BREACH OF ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY ON THIS PRODUCT EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW. ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ON THIS PRODUCT IS LIMITED IN DURATION TO THE DURATION OF THIS WARRANTY. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, or limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts. Therefore, the above exclusions or limitations may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights, which vary from state to state.
REPAIRS DANGER! Risk of electric shock! The Dash Compact Air Fryer is an electrical appliance. Do not attempt to repair the appliance yourself under any circumstances. Contact Customer Support regarding repairs to the appliance.
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Voltage 120V ~ 60Hz Power Rating 1000W Stock#: DCAF150_20180321_v7
warranty  39

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