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What's New in Avaya Aura ‎ Release 8.1.x

Avaya Inc.

What's New in Avaya Aura Release 8.1.x - Avaya Support

February 2021. Page 2. © 2018-2021, Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Notice ... Manual presence state expiration time. Presence Services ...

What's New in Avaya Aura ‎ Release 8.1.x

© 2018-2021, Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Notice While reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that the information in this document is complete and accurate at the time...

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AvayaAura Whats New In AvayaAura Rls 81x Issue 11 April09 2021
What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x
Release 8.1.x Issue 11
April 2021

© 2018-2021, Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved.
While reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that the information in this document is complete and accurate at the time of printing, Avaya assumes no liability for any errors. Avaya reserves the right to make changes and corrections to the information in this document without the obligation to notify any person or organization of such changes.
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License types
Designated System(s) License (DS). End User may install and use each copy or an Instance of the Software only: 1) on a number of Designated Processors up to the number indicated in the order; or 2) up to the number of Instances of the Software as indicated in the order, Documentation, or as authorized by Avaya in writing. Avaya may require the Designated Processor(s) to be identified in the order by type, serial number, feature key, Instance, location or other specific designation, or to be provided by End User to Avaya through electronic means established by Avaya specifically for this purpose.
Concurrent User License (CU). End User may install and use the Software on multiple Designated Processors or one or more Servers, so long as only the licensed number of Units are accessing and using the Software at any given time as indicated in the order, Documentation, or as authorized by Avaya in writing. A "Unit" means the unit on which Avaya, at its sole discretion, bases the pricing of its licenses and can be, without limitation, an agent, port or user, an email or voice mail account in the name of a person or corporate function (e.g., webmaster or helpdesk), or a directory entry in the administrative database utilized by the Software that permits one user to interface with the Software. Units may be linked to a specific, identified Server or an Instance of the Software.
Named User License (NU). End User may: (i) install and use each copy or Instance of the Software on a single Designated Processor or Server per authorized Named User (defined below); or (ii) install and use each copy or Instance of the Software on a Server so long as only authorized Named Users access and use the Software as indicated in the order, Documentation, or as authorized by Avaya in writing. "Named User", means a user or device that has been expressly authorized by Avaya to access and use the Software. At Avaya's sole discretion, a "Named User" may be, without limitation, designated by name, corporate function (e.g., webmaster or helpdesk), an e-mail or voice mail account in the name of a person or corporate function, or a directory entry in the administrative database utilized by the Software that permits one user to interface with the Software.
Shrinkwrap License (SR). End User may install and use the Software in accordance with the terms and conditions of the applicable license agreements, such as "shrinkwrap" or "clickthrough" license accompanying or applicable to the Software ("Shrinkwrap License") as indicated in the order, Documentation, or as authorized by Avaya in writing.
Heritage Nortel Software
"Heritage Nortel Software" means the software that was acquired by Avaya as part of its purchase of the Nortel Enterprise Solutions Business in December 2009. The Heritage Nortel Software is the software contained within the list of Heritage Nortel Products located at under the link "Heritage Nortel Products" or such successor site as designated by Avaya. For Heritage Nortel Software, Avaya grants Customer a license to use Heritage Nortel Software provided hereunder solely to the extent of the authorized activation or authorized usage level, solely for the purpose specified in the Documentation, and solely as embedded in, for execution on, or for communication with Avaya equipment. Charges for Heritage Nortel Software may be based on extent of activation or use authorized as specified in an order or invoice.

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Third Party Components
"Third Party Components" mean certain software programs or portions thereof included in the Software or Hosted Service may contain software (including open source software) distributed under third party agreements ("Third Party Components"), which contain terms regarding the rights to use certain portions of the Software ("Third Party Terms"). As required, information regarding distributed Linux OS source code (for those products that have distributed Linux OS source code) and identifying the copyright holders of the Third Party Components and the Third Party Terms that apply is available in the products, Documentation or on Avaya's website at: https:// or such successor site as designated by Avaya. The open source software license terms provided as Third Party Terms are consistent with the license rights granted in these Software License Terms, and may contain additional rights benefiting You, such as modification and distribution of the open source software. The Third Party Terms shall take precedence over these Software License Terms, solely with respect to the applicable Third Party Components to the extent that these Software License Terms impose greater restrictions on You than the applicable Third Party Terms.
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"Toll Fraud" is the unauthorized use of your telecommunications system by an unauthorized party (for example, a person who is not a corporate employee, agent, subcontractor, or is not working on your company's behalf). Be aware that there can be a risk of Toll Fraud associated with your system and that, if Toll Fraud occurs, it can result in substantial additional charges for your telecommunications services.
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Chapter 1: Introduction............................................................................................................ 7 Purpose..................................................................................................................................7 Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.3 components................................................................................... 7 Product compatibility................................................................................................................8 Technical Assistance............................................................................................................... 8 Change history........................................................................................................................8
Chapter 2: Avaya Aura® overview......................................................................................... 12 Avaya Aura® applications deployment offers............................................................................ 12 Avaya Aura® Virtualized Appliance overview......................................................................13 Virtualized Environment overview..................................................................................... 15 Overview of Infrastructure as a Service environment.......................................................... 17 Software-only environment overview.................................................................................21 Solution Deployment Manager overview..................................................................................22 Solution Deployment Manager Client................................................................................ 24 Solution Deployment Manager..........................................................................................25 Avaya Aura® applications upgrade.......................................................................................... 27 Support for VMware components............................................................................................27 Supported embedded Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system versions of Avaya Aura® application OVAs...................................................................................................................28 Supported Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system versions for Software-only Environment.. 29 Supported ESXi version.........................................................................................................30 Supported servers for Avaya Aura® applications...................................................................... 31 Supported gateways..............................................................................................................32 Supported browsers.............................................................................................................. 32
Chapter 3: What's new in Appliance Virtualization Platform.............................................. 34 New in this Release...............................................................................................................34 New in Appliance Virtualization Platform Release 8.1.3...................................................... 34 New in Appliance Virtualization Platform Release 8.1.2...................................................... 35 New in Appliance Virtualization Platform Release 8.1.1...................................................... 35 New in Appliance Virtualization Platform Release 8.1......................................................... 35 Appliance Virtualization Platform feature matrix....................................................................... 36
Chapter 4: What's new in AVP Utilities................................................................................. 38 New in this release................................................................................................................ 38 New in AVP Utilities Release 38 New in AVP Utilities Release 8.1.3....................................................................................38 New in AVP Utilities Release 8.1.2....................................................................................39 New in AVP Utilities Release 8.1.1....................................................................................39 New in AVP Utilities Release 8.1.......................................................................................39 AVP Utilities feature matrix..................................................................................................... 40

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What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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Chapter 5: What's new in System Manager..........................................................................41 New in this release................................................................................................................ 41 New in System Manager Release 41 New in System Manager Release 8.1.3.............................................................................42 New in System Manager Release 8.1.2.............................................................................44 New in System Manager Release 8.1.1.............................................................................44 New in System Manager Release 8.1............................................................................... 45 System Manager feature matrix.............................................................................................. 48
Chapter 6: What's new in WebLM..........................................................................................50 New in this release................................................................................................................ 50 New in WebLM Release 8.1.3.......................................................................................... 50 New in WebLM Release 8.1.2.......................................................................................... 50 New in WebLM Release 8.1.1.......................................................................................... 51 New in WebLM Release 8.1............................................................................................. 51 WebLM feature matrix............................................................................................................51
Chapter 7: What's new in Session Manager.........................................................................53 New in this release................................................................................................................ 53 New in Session Manager Release 53 New in Session Manager Release 8.1.3............................................................................ 53 New in Session Manager Release 8.1.2............................................................................ 54 New in Session Manager Release 8.1.1............................................................................ 55 New in Session Manager Release 8.1...............................................................................56 Session Manager feature matrix............................................................................................. 57
Chapter 8: What's new in Communication Manager........................................................... 59 New in this release................................................................................................................ 59 New in Communication Manager Release 59 New in Communication Manager Release 8.1.3.................................................................59 New in Communication Manager Release 8.1.2.................................................................61 New in Communication Manager Release 8.1.1.................................................................62 New in Communication Manager Release 8.1....................................................................63 Communication Manager feature matrix.................................................................................. 64
Chapter 9: What's new in Presence Services...................................................................... 66 New in Presence Services Release 8.1.4................................................................................ 66 New in Presence Services Release 8.1.3................................................................................ 67 New in Presence Services Release 8.1.2................................................................................ 67 New in Presence Services Release 8.1................................................................................... 68 Presence Services feature matrix........................................................................................... 68
Chapter 10: What's new in Application Enablement Services........................................... 70 New in this release................................................................................................................ 70 New in Application Enablement Services Release New in Application Enablement Services Release 8.1.3..................................................... 70 New in Application Enablement Services Release

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New in Application Enablement Services Release 8.1.2..................................................... 72 New in Application Enablement Services Release 8.1.1..................................................... 72 New in Application Enablement Services Release 8.1........................................................ 72 Application Enablement Services feature matrix.......................................................................74
Chapter 11: What's new in Branch Gateway........................................................................ 77 New in Branch Gateway Release 8.1.3................................................................................... 77 New in Branch Gateway Release 8.1.2................................................................................... 77 New in Branch Gateway Release 8.1...................................................................................... 78 Branch Gateway new features................................................................................................79
Chapter 12: What's new in Call Center Elite.........................................................................80 New in Call Center Elite Release 8.1.3....................................................................................80 New in Call Center Elite Release 8.1.2....................................................................................81 New in Call Center Elite Release 8.1.1....................................................................................82 New in Call Center Elite Release 8.1.0....................................................................................82
Chapter 13: What's new in Avaya Device Adapter...............................................................83 What's new in Avaya Device Adapter Release 8.1.3.................................................................83 What's new in Avaya Device Adapter Release 8.1.2.................................................................83 What's new in Avaya Device Adapter Release 8.1.1.................................................................84 Avaya Device Adapter feature matrix...................................................................................... 85
Chapter 14: Resources...........................................................................................................90 Documentation......................................................................................................................90 Finding documents on the Avaya Support website............................................................. 93 Accessing the port matrix document..................................................................................94 Avaya Documentation Center navigation........................................................................... 94 Training................................................................................................................................ 95 Viewing Avaya Mentor videos.................................................................................................96 Support................................................................................................................................ 96 Using the Avaya InSite Knowledge Base........................................................................... 96
Appendix A: PCN and PSN notifications.............................................................................. 98 PCN and PSN notifications.....................................................................................................98 Viewing PCNs and PSNs....................................................................................................... 98 Signing up for PCNs and PSNs.............................................................................................. 99

April 2021

What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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Chapter 1: Introduction

This document provides an overview of the new and enhanced features of Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x components. This document is intended for the following audience:
· Contractors · Employees · Channel associates · Remote support · Sales representatives · Sales support · On-site support · Avaya Business Partners

Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.3 components

Product component Appliance Virtualization Platform AVP Utilities System Manager WebLM Session Manager Communication Manager Branch Gateway Presence Services Application Enablement Services

Release version 8.1.3 8.1.3 8.1.3 8.1.3 8.1.3 8.1.3 8.1.3 8.1.4 8.1.3

Table continues...

April 2021

What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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Product component Call Center Elite Device Adapter Communication Manager Messaging Media Server

Release version 8.1.3 8.1.3 7.0 8.0

Product compatibility
For the latest and most accurate compatibility information, go to CompatibilityMatrix/Index.aspx.

Technical Assistance
Avaya provides the following resources for technical assistance.
Within the US For help with feature administration and system applications, call the Avaya Technical Consulting and System Support (TC-SS) at 1-800-225-7585. International For all international resources, contact your local Avaya authorized dealer for additional help.

Change history

Issue 11

Date April 2021
February 2021

Summary of changes For Presence Services Release 8.1.4, added the New in Presence Services Release 8.1.4 on page 66 section. For Release, added the following sections:
· New in System Manager Release on page 41
· New in Session Manager Release on page 53
· New in Communication Manager Release on page 59
· New in Application Enablement Services Release on page 70 Table continues...

April 2021

What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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Issue 9

Date November 2020


October 2020


June 2020

Change history
Summary of changes Updated the following sections: · Supported ESXi version on page 30 · New in System Manager Release 8.1.3 on page 42 For Release 8.1.3, added the following sections: · New in Appliance Virtualization Platform Release 8.1.3 on
page 34 · New in AVP Utilities Release 8.1.3 on page 38 · New in System Manager Release 8.1.3 on page 42 · New in WebLM Release 8.1.3 on page 50 · New in Session Manager Release 8.1.3 on page 53 · New in Communication Manager Release 8.1.3 on page 59 · New in Presence Services Release 8.1.3 on page 67 · New in Application Enablement Services Release 8.1.3 on
page 70 · New in Branch Gateway Release 8.1.3 on page 77 · New in Call Center Elite Release 8.1.3 on page 80 · What's new in Avaya Device Adapter Release 8.1.3 on page 83 For Release 8.1.3, updated the following sections: · Support for VMware components on page 27 · Supported ESXi version on page 30 For Release, added the section: New in Application Enablement Services Release on page 71
Table continues...

April 2021

What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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Issue 6

Date March 2020


January 2020


December 2019


October 2019

Summary of changes For Release 8.1.2, added the following sections: · New in Appliance Virtualization Platform Release 8.1.2 on
page 35 · New in AVP Utilities Release 8.1.2 on page 39 · New in System Manager Release 8.1.2 on page 44 · New in WebLM Release 8.1.2 on page 50 · New in Session Manager Release 8.1.2 on page 54 · New in Communication Manager Release 8.1.2 on page 61 · New in Presence Services Release 8.1.2 on page 67 · New in Application Enablement Services Release 8.1.2 on
page 72 · New in Branch Gateway Release 8.1.2 on page 77 · What's new in Avaya Device Adapter Release 8.1.2 on page 83 Updated the section: New in Communication Manager Release 8.1.1 on page 62 Updated the following sections: · Supported applications in Virtualized Environment on page 15 · Supported applications in Infrastructure as a Service
Environment on page 20 For Release 8.1.1, added the following sections: · New in Appliance Virtualization Platform Release 8.1.1 on
page 35 · New in AVP Utilities Release 8.1.1 on page 39 · New in System Manager Release 8.1.1 on page 44 · New in Session Manager Release 8.1.1 on page 55 · New in WebLM Release 8.1.1 on page 51 · New in Communication Manager Release 8.1.1 on page 62 · New in Application Enablement Services Release 8.1.1 on
page 72 · New in Call Center Elite Release 8.1.1 on page 82 · What's new in Avaya Device Adapter Release 8.1.1 on page 84
Table continues...

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What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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Issue 2

Date June 2019


June 2019

Change history
Summary of changes Added the Accessing the port matrix document on page 94 section. Updated the following sections: · Avaya Aura overview on page 12 · Supported embedded Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system
versions of Avaya Aura application OVAs on page 28 · Supported Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system versions for
Software-only Environment on page 29 · Supported servers for Avaya Aura applications on page 31 · New in Application Enablement Services Release 8.1 on page 72 Release 8.1 document.

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What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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Chapter 2: Avaya Aura® overview

Avaya Aura® is a flagship communications solution that uses an IP and SIP-based architecture to unify media, modes, networks, devices, applications, and real-time, actionable presence across a common infrastructure. This architecture provides on-demand access to advanced collaboration services and applications that improve employee efficiency. Avaya Aura® is available under Core or Power Suite Licenses. Each suite provides a customized set of capabilities designed to meet the needs of different kinds of users. Customers might mix Core and Power licenses on a single system based on their needs. The following are some of the capabilities that Avaya Aura® solution provides:
· Support for up to 28 instances of Session Manager and 300,000 users and 1 million devices · Support for up to 18,000 simultaneously registered H.323 endpoints out of 41,000 endpoints
per single Communication Manager server and SIP endpoints in an enterprise · Advanced Session Management Capabilities · Converged voice and video call admission control · SIP features, including E911, which reports the desk location of the caller · Avaya Communication Server 1000 SIP networking and feature transparency · Session Manager SIP routing adaptations · A central management application, System Manager, for all Avaya Aura® applications and
Avaya Communication Server 1000, with single authentication
Avaya Aura® applications deployment offers
Avaya Aura® supports the following deployment offers: · Avaya Aura® Virtualized Appliance (VA): Avaya-provided server, Avaya Aura® Appliance Virtualization Platform, based on the customized OEM version of VMware® ESXi 6.5. · Avaya Aura® Virtualized Environment (VE): Customer-provided VMware infrastructure and Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM). · Avaya Aura® on Infrastructure as a Service: Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, and IBM Bluemix. · Software-only environment: Deployment on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system.

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What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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Avaya Aura® applications deployment offers
Avaya Aura® Virtualized Appliance overview
Avaya Aura® Virtualized Appliance is a turnkey solution. Avaya provides the hardware, all the software including the VMware hypervisor, and also offers the customer support of the setup. The Virtualized Appliance offer is different from Avaya Aura® Virtualized Environment, where Avaya provides the Avaya Aura® application software and the customer provides and supports the VMware hypervisor and the hardware on which the hypervisor runs. Deployment on the Appliance Virtualization Platform server is performed using the System Manager Solution Deployment Manager or the Solution Deployment Manager client.
Appliance Virtualization Platform overview
From Avaya Aura® Release 7.0 and later, Avaya provides the VMware®-based Avaya Aura® Appliance Virtualization Platform to provide virtualization for Avaya Aura® applications. The Appliance Virtualization Platform replaces the System Platform. Avaya Aura® Appliance Virtualization Platform is the customized OEM version of VMware® ESXi 6.5. With Avaya Aura® Appliance Virtualization Platform, customers can run any combination of supported applications on Avaya-supplied servers. Avaya Aura® Appliance Virtualization Platform provides greater flexibility in scaling customer solutions to individual requirements.

April 2021

What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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Avaya Aura® overview
Avaya Aura® Virtualized Appliance offer includes: · Common Servers: DellTM PowerEdgeTM R620, DellTM PowerEdgeTM R630, HP ProLiant DL360p G8, and HP ProLiant DL360 G9 · Avaya Solutions Platform 120 Appliance: Dell PowerEdge R640 · Avaya S8300E
Note: - With WebLM Release 7.x and later, you cannot deploy WebLM on S8300E Server
running on Avaya Aura® Appliance Virtualization Platform. - Common Servers using ESXi 6.0 or 6.5 can require more memory than System
Platform or ESXi 5.5. For information about Avaya Aura® Appliance Virtualization Platform memory requirements and memory validation process, see PSN027060u and the Avaya Aura® Release Notes on the Avaya Support website.
You can deploy the following applications on Appliance Virtualization Platform:
· AVP Utilities 8.1.3 · System Manager 8.1.3 · Session Manager 8.1.3 · Branch Session Manager 8.1.3 · Communication Manager 8.1.3 · Application Enablement Services 8.1.3 · WebLM 8.1.3 · Communication Manager Messaging 7.0
Note: Communication Manager Messaging 7.0 is available for upgrades only.
For information about other Avaya product compatibility information, go to https://
Note: For deploying Avaya Aura® applications on Appliance Virtualization Platform only use Solution Deployment Manager.
Important: Due to Avaya enhanced customizations, Appliance Virtualization Platform (aka Avaya Solutions Platform120) does not support administration on vCenter. For the Appliance Virtualization Platform administration, System Manager and Solution Deployment Manager are the only management platform supported by Avaya.
Besides not being a supported configuration, if vCenter is connected to any appliance running the Appliance Virtualization Platform, the Avaya hypervisor customization and specific data (such as, logins, Datastore and VM information among others) will be overwritten and corrupted. This can result in making the situation unrecoverable and requires complete fresh re-installation of Appliance Virtualization Platform on the appliance.

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What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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Avaya Aura® applications deployment offers

Virtual Appliance components

Software component ESXi Host Appliance Virtualization Platform
Solution Deployment Manager
Open Virtualization Appliance (OVA)

The physical machine running the ESXi Hypervisor software.
Avaya-provided virtualization turnkey solution that includes the hardware and all the software including the VMware hypervisor.
Centralized software management solution of Avaya that provides deployment, upgrade, migration, and update capabilities for the Avaya Aura® virtual applications.
The virtualized OS and application packaged in a single file that is used to deploy a virtual machine.

Virtualized Environment overview
You can deploy the Avaya Aura® applications in one of the following Virtualized Environment:
· VMware in customer-provided Virtualized Environment
Avaya Solutions Platform 130 Appliance (Dell PowerEdge R640) is a single host server with ESXi 6.5 preinstalled. · Kernel-based Virtual Machine Virtualized Environment
Avaya Aura® Virtualized Environment overview
Avaya Aura® Virtualized Environment integrates real-time Avaya Aura® applications with VMware® and Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM).
Kernel-based Virtual Machine overview
Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) is a virtualization infrastructure for the Linux kernel that turns the Linux kernel into a hypervisor. You can remotely access the hypervisor to deploy applications on the KVM host.
Supported applications in Virtualized Environment

Application Avaya Aura® System Manager
Avaya WebLM Avaya Aura® Session Manager Avaya Aura® Communication Manager Avaya Aura® AVP Utilities Avaya Aura® Application Enablement Services Avaya Aura® Media Server (Software only)

Release Release 8.1.3 Release 8.1.3 Release 8.1.3 Release 8.1.3 Release 8.1.3 Release 8.1.3 Release 8.0

VMware Y Y Y Y -- Y Y

KVM Y Y Y Y -- Y Y

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What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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Avaya Aura® overview
For information about other Avaya product compatibility information, go to https://
The following is an example of a deployment infrastructure for System Manager on VMware.

Virtualized Environment components

Virtualized component
Open Virtualization Appliance (OVA)

The virtualized OS and application packaged in a single file that is used to deploy a virtual machine.
Table continues...

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What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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Virtualized component VMware ESXi Host ESXi Hypervisor vSphere Web Client vSphere Client (HTML5)
vCenter Server
KVM KVM hypervisor

Avaya Aura® applications deployment offers
The physical machine running the ESXi Hypervisor software. A platform that runs multiple operating systems on a host computer at the same time. Using a Web browser, vSphere Web Client connects to a vCenter server or directly to an ESXi host if a vCenter Server is not used. vSphere Client (HTML5) is available from vSphere 6.5 and later. Using a Web browser, it connects to a vCenter server or directly to an ESXi host if a vCenter Server is not used. This is the only vSphere client administration tool after the next vSphere release. vCenter Server provides centralized control and visibility at every level of the virtual infrastructure. vCenter Server provides VMware features such as High Availability and vMotion.
A platform that runs multiple operating systems on a host computer at the same time.

Overview of Infrastructure as a Service environment

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) environment enables enterprises to securely run applications on the virtual cloud. The supported Avaya Aura® applications on IaaS can also be deployed onpremises. Avaya Aura® application supports the following platforms within this offer:
· Amazon Web Services · Microsoft Azure · Google Cloud Platform · IBM Bluemix (IBM Cloud)
For information about Bluemix, see IBM Bluemix product documentation. The Infrastructure as a Service environment supports the following offers:


Supported environments Amazon Web Services Simplex · Amazon Web Services · Microsoft Azure · Google Cloud Platform Duplex · Amazon Web Services · Microsoft Azure

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Avaya Aura® overview
Supporting the Avaya Aura® applications on the IaaS platforms provide the following benefits:
· Minimizes the capital expenditure on infrastructure. The customers can move from capital expenditure to operational expense.
· Reduces the maintenance cost of running the data centers. · Provides a common platform for deploying the applications. · Provides a flexible environment to accommodate the changing business requirements of
customers. · Allows you to pay per-use licensing. · Allows you to upgrade at a minimal cost. · Supports mobility to move from one network to another. · Allows you to stay current with latest security updates provided by the service provider. You can connect the following applications to the Avaya Aura® IaaS instances from the customer premises: · Avaya Aura® Conferencing Release 8.0 and later · Avaya Aura® Messaging Release 6.3 and later · G430 Branch Gateway, G450 Branch Gateway, and G650 Media Gateway
Software security updates Avaya Security Service Packs (SSP), Kernel Service Packs (KSP), and Linux Security Update (LSU) are built for customers who do not use the software-only distribution. Software-only installation is in the control of the operating system and is responsible for applying the relevant security patches from Red Hat.
Avaya Communication Manager Security Service Packs (SSP) and Kernel Service Packs (KSP) can be incompatible or fail to install on a customer controlled operating system. For more details, see Avaya Aura® Release Notes on the Avaya Support website.
Supported third-party applications With the software-only (ISO) offer, you can install third-party applications on the system and get more control on the system. For the list of supported third-party software applications in Release 8.0 and later, see Avaya Product Support Notices.
Amazon Web Services overview
Amazon Web Services is an Infrastructure as a Service platform that enables enterprises to securely run applications on the virtual cloud. The key components of Amazon Web Services are Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3).
Microsoft Azure overview
Microsoft Azure is an Infrastructure as a Service platform that enables enterprises to securely deploy and manage applications through a global network of Microsoft-managed data centers.
Google Cloud Platform overview
Google Cloud Platform is a suite of public cloud computing services offered by Google.

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Avaya Aura® applications deployment offers
IBM Bluemix overview
IBM Bluemix is a suite of public cloud computing services offered by IBM. For information about IBM Bluemix, see IBM product documentation website.
The following diagram depicts the architecture of the Avaya applications on the Infrastructure as a Service platform. This diagram is an example setup of possible configuration offered by Avaya.
Important: The setup must follow the Infrastructure as a Service deployment guidelines, but does not need to include all the applications.

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Avaya Aura® overview

Supported applications in Infrastructure as a Service Environment

Application Avaya Aura® System Manager

Release Release 8.1.3

Amazon Web Services

Microsoft Azure

Google Cloud Platform



Table continues...

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Avaya Aura® applications deployment offers

Avaya WebLM Avaya Aura® Session Manager Avaya Aura® Communication Manager Presence Services using Avaya Breeze® platform Avaya Aura® Application Enablement Services (Software only) Avaya Aura® Media Server (Software only)

Release 8.1.3 Release 8.1.3 Release 8.1.3 Release 8.1.3
Release 8.1.3
Release 8.0

Amazon Web Services Y Y Y Y

Microsoft Azure
Y Y Y --

For information about other Avaya product compatibility information, go to https://

Google Cloud Platform Y Y Y --

Software-only environment overview
Avaya Aura® Release 8.0 and later supports software-only installation. In a software-only installation, the customer owns the operating system and must provide and configure the operating system for use with Avaya Aura® application. With the software-only offer, the customer can install and customize the operating system to meet the requirements to install the Avaya Aura® application.
You must run the software-only offer on the supported environments to enable the use of Avaya approved third-party applications for anti-virus, backup, and monitoring.
Customers must procure a server that meets the recommended hardware requirements and the appropriate version of Linux® Operating System.
Software security updates
Avaya Security Service Packs (SSP), Kernel Service Packs (KSP), and Linux Security Update (LSU) are built for customers who do not use the software-only distribution. Software-only installation is in the control of the operating system and is responsible for applying the relevant security patches from Red Hat.
Avaya Communication Manager Security Service Packs (SSP) and Kernel Service Packs (KSP) can be incompatible or fail to install on a customer controlled operating system. For more details, see Avaya Aura® Release Notes on the Avaya Support website.
Supported third-party applications
With the software-only (ISO) offer, you can install third-party applications on the system and get more control on the system. For the list of supported third-party software applications in Release 8.0 and later, see Avaya Product Support Notices.

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Avaya Aura® overview
Avaya Aura® Software-Only environment RPMs In a software-only installation, the customer will also install the Red Hat provided RPM updates. To avoid possible issues or incompatibilities with new RPMs, it is recommended to check the list of tested RPMs and follow the instructions in the PSN periodically published by Avaya. PSN is available at PSN020361u.
Note: For information about RPM updates for the Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system and required changes to operating system files on Software only installation, see Avaya Aura® Software Only White paper on the Avaya Support website. Supported platforms You can deploy the Avaya Aura® application software-only ISO image on the following platforms: · VMware · Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) · Hyper-V
Note: Starting with the Release 8.0.1, Avaya Aura® applications support Hyper-V. · Nutanix · Amazon Web Services · Google Cloud Platform · Microsoft Azure
Note: Branch Session Manager is not supported on Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure.
Supported applications in Software-only Environment
· Avaya Aura® System Manager · Avaya WebLM · Avaya Aura® Session Manager · Avaya Aura® Communication Manager · Avaya Aura® Application Enablement Services · Avaya Aura® Media Server

Solution Deployment Manager overview
Solution Deployment Manager is a centralized software management solution in System Manager that provides deployments, upgrades, migrations, and updates to Avaya Aura® applications.

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Solution Deployment Manager overview
Solution Deployment Manager supports the operations on the customer's Virtualized Environment and the Avaya Aura® Virtualized Appliance model.
Solution Deployment Manager provides the combined capabilities that Software Management, Avaya Virtual Application Manager, and System Platform provided in earlier releases.
From Release 7.1 and later, Solution Deployment Manager supports migration of Virtualized Environment-based 6.x, 7.0.x, and 7.1.x applications to Release 8.x and later in the customer's Virtualized Environment. For migrating to Release 8.x, you must use Solution Deployment Manager Release 8.x.
Release 7.0 and later supports a standalone version of Solution Deployment Manager, the Solution Deployment Manager client. For more information, see Using the Solution Deployment Manager client.
System Manager with Solution Deployment Manager runs on: · Avaya Aura® Virtualized Appliance: Contains a server, Appliance Virtualization Platform, and Avaya Aura® application OVA. Appliance Virtualization Platform includes a VMware ESXi 6.5 hypervisor. · Customer-provided Virtualized Environment solution: Avaya Aura® applications are deployed on customer-provided, VMware® certified hardware. · Software-Only environment: Avaya Aura® applications are deployed on the customer-owned hardware and the operating system.
With Solution Deployment Manager, you can do the following in Virtualized Environment and Avaya Aura® Virtualized Appliance models:
· Deploy Avaya Aura® applications. · Upgrade and migrate Avaya Aura® applications.
When an application is configured with Out of Band Management, Solution Deployment Manager does not support upgrade for that application.
For information about upgrading the application, see the application-specific upgrade document on the Avaya Support website. · Download Avaya Aura® applications. · Install service packs, feature packs, and software patches for the following Avaya Aura® applications:
- Communication Manager and associated devices, such as gateways, media modules, and TN boards.
- Session Manager
- Branch Session Manager
- AVP Utilities - Avaya Aura® Appliance Virtualization Platform, the ESXi host that is running on the Avaya
Aura® Virtualized Appliance.

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Avaya Aura® overview
The upgrade process from Solution Deployment Manager involves the following key tasks: · Discover the Avaya Aura® applications. · Refresh applications and associated devices and download the necessary software components. · Run the preupgrade check to ensure successful upgrade environment. · Upgrade Avaya Aura® applications. · Install software patch, service pack, or feature pack on Avaya Aura® applications.
For more information about the setup of the Solution Deployment Manager functionality that is part of System Manager 8.1.x, see Avaya Aura® System Manager Solution Deployment Manager JobAid. Related links Solution Deployment Manager Client on page 24
Solution Deployment Manager Client
For the initial System Manager deployment or when System Manager is inaccessible, you can use the Solution Deployment Manager client. The client must be installed on the computer of the technician. The Solution Deployment Manager client provides the functionality to deploy the OVAs or ISOs on an Avaya-provided server, customer-provided Virtualized Environment, or Softwareonly environment. A technician can gain access to the user interface of the Solution Deployment Manager client from the web browser. Use the Solution Deployment Manager client to:
· Deploy System Manager and Avaya Aura® applications on Avaya appliances, VMware-based Virtualized Environment, and Software-only environment.
· Upgrade System Platform-based System Manager. · Upgrade VMware-based System Manager from Release 6.x, 7.x, or 8.0.x to Release 8.1 and
later. · Install System Manager software patches, service packs, and feature packs. · Configure Remote Syslog Profile. · Create the Appliance Virtualization Platform Kickstart file. · Install Appliance Virtualization Platform patches. · Restart and shutdown the Appliance Virtualization Platform host. · Start, stop, and restart a virtual machine. · Change the footprint of Avaya Aura® applications that support dynamic resizing. For example,
Session Manager and Avaya Breeze® platform.

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Solution Deployment Manager overview
Note: · You can deploy or upgrade the System Manager virtual machine only by using the Solution Deployment Manager client. · You must always use the latest Solution Deployment Manager client for deployment. · You must use Solution Deployment Manager Client 7.1 and later to create the kickstart file for initial Appliance Virtualization Platform installation or recovery.

Figure 1: Solution Deployment Manager Client dashboard
Related links Solution Deployment Manager overview on page 22
Solution Deployment Manager
Solution Deployment Manager simplifies and automates the deployment and upgrade process. With Solution Deployment Manager, you can deploy the following applications:
· AVP Utilities 8.1.3 · System Manager 8.1.3 · Session Manager 8.1.3 · Branch Session Manager 8.1.3 · Communication Manager 8.1.3 · Application Enablement Services 8.1.3 · WebLM 8.1.3 · Communication Manager Messaging 7.0 For information about other Avaya product compatibility information, go to https:// With Solution Deployment Manager, you can migrate, upgrade, and update the following applications: · Hardware-based Session Manager 6.x

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Avaya Aura® overview
· System Platform-based Communication Manager
- Duplex CM Main / Survivable Core with Communication Manager - Simplex CM Main / Survivable Core with Communication Manager, Communication
Manager Messaging, and Utility Services - Simplex Survivable Remote with Communication Manager, Branch Session Manager, and
Utility Services - Embedded CM Main with Communication Manager, Communication Manager Messaging,
and Utility Services - Embedded Survivable Remote with Communication Manager, Branch Session Manager,
and Utility Services · System Platform-based Branch Session Manager
- Simplex Survivable Remote with Communication Manager, Branch Session Manager, and Utility Services
- Embedded Survivable Remote with Communication Manager, Branch Session Manager, and Utility Services
Note: You must manually migrate the Services virtual machine that is part of the template.
The centralized deployment and upgrade process provides better support to customers who want to upgrade their systems to Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.3. The process reduces the upgrade time and error rate. Solution Deployment Manager dashboard You can gain access to the Solution Deployment Manager dashboard from the System Manager web console or by installing the Solution Deployment Manager client.

Solution Deployment Manager capabilities
With Solution Deployment Manager, you can perform deployment and upgrade-related tasks by using the following links:
· Upgrade Release Setting: To select Release 7.x Onwards or 6.3.8 as the target upgrade. Release 8.1.3 is the default upgrade target.

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Avaya Aura® applications upgrade
· Manage Software: To analyze, download, and upgrade the IP Office, Unified Communications Module, and IP Office Application Server firmware. Also, you can view the status of the firmware upgrade process.
· Application Management: To deploy OVA files for the supported Avaya Aura® application. - Configure Remote Syslog Profile. - Generate the Appliance Virtualization Platform Kickstart file.
· Upgrade Management: To upgrade Avaya Aura® applications to Release 8.1.3. · User Settings: To configure the location from where System Manager displays information
about the latest software and firmware releases. · Download Management: To download the OVA files and firmware to which the customer is
entitled. The download source can be the Avaya PLDS or an alternate source. · Software Library Management: To configure the local or remote software library for storing
the downloaded software and firmware files. · Upload Version XML: To save the version.xml file to System Manager. You require the
application-specific version.xml file to perform upgrades.
Avaya Aura® applications upgrade
With System Manager Solution Deployment Manager, you can upgrade the following Avaya Aura® applications to Release 8.1.3:
· Communication Manager · Session Manager · Branch Session Manager · AVP Utilities · WebLM Note: You must upgrade System Manager to Release 8.1.3 by using the Solution Deployment Manager client before you upgrade the Avaya Aura® applications to Release 8.1.3.
Support for VMware components
Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.3 supports deployment and upgrades on the following VMware components in Virtualized Environment.
· VMware® vSphere ESXi 6.0

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Avaya Aura® overview
· VMware® vSphere ESXi 6.5 · VMware® vSphere ESXi 6.7 · VMware® vSphere ESXi 7.0 · VMware® vCenter Server 6.0 · VMware® vCenter Server 6.5 · VMware® vCenter Server 6.7 · VMware® vCenter Server 7.0
Note: · Avaya Aura® Release 8.0 and later does not support vSphere ESXi 5.0 and 5.5. · With VMware® vSphere ESXi 6.5, vSphere Web Client replaces the VMware® vSphere Client for ESXi and vCenter administration.

Supported embedded Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system versions of Avaya Aura® application OVAs
The following table lists the supported embedded Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system versions of Avaya Aura® application OVAs.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system
Linux operating system Release 6.5 with 64-bit

System Manager Release 7.0.x only supports the CentOS Operating System Release 6.5 with 64-bit.

Avaya Aura® Release



8.1.x Table continues...

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Supported Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system versions for Software-only Environment

Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system
Linux operating system Release 7.2 with 64-bit


Linux operating system Release 7.4 with 64-bit

Linux operating system Release 7.6 with 64-bit

Avaya Aura® Release





Utility Services Release 7.1 uses the Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system Release 7.3 with 64-bit.

System Manager Release 8.0.x only supports the Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system Release 7.5 with 64bit.

Supported Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system versions for Software-only Environment
The following table lists the supported Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system versions for deploying or upgrading Avaya Aura® applications in Software-only Environment.

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Avaya Aura® overview

Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating



Avaya Aura® Release

Linux operating system Release 7.4 with 64-bit

Y Note:

System Manager Release 8.0.x only supports the Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system Release 7.5 with 64bit.

Linux operating system Release 7.6 with 64-bit

Y Note: Session Manager Release 8.1.1 and later support the Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system Release 7.6 through 7.9 with 64-bit.

Supported ESXi version
The following table lists the supported ESXi versions of Avaya Aura® applications.

ESXi version
ESXi 5.0 ESXi 5.1 ESXi 5.5 ESXi 6.0 ESXi 6.5 ESXi 6.7 ESXi 7.0

7.0.x Y Y Y


Avaya Aura® Release 8.0.x








Starting from Release 8.1.3: Y
Table continues...

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Supported servers for Avaya Aura® applications

ESXi version



Avaya Aura® Release 8.0.x



· With VMware® vSphere ESXi 6.5, vSphere Web Client replaces the VMware vSphere Client for ESXi and vCenter administration.

· Avaya Aura® applications support the ESXi version and its subsequent update. For example, the subsequent update of VMware ESXi 6.7 can be VMware ESXi 6.7 Update 3.

· Only the Encrypted Core Session Manager (8.1E OVA) is supported on VMware ESXi 7.0.

· Application Enablement Services Release 8.1.1 and 8.1.2 OVAs are supported on VMware 7.0.

· Device Adapter and Presence Services are deployed on the Avaya Breeze® platform, which supports VMware 6.5 and 6.7.

Supported servers for Avaya Aura® applications
The following table lists the supported servers of Avaya Aura® applications.

Supported servers
S8300D S8300E HP ProLiant DL360 G7 HP ProLiant DL360p G8 HP ProLiant DL360 G9 DellTM PowerEdgeTM R610 DellTM PowerEdgeTM R620 DellTM PowerEdgeTM R630 Avaya Solutions Platform 120 Appliance: Dell PowerEdge R640
* Avaya Solutions Platform 130 Appliance: Dell PowerEdge R640

7.0.x Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

7.1.x Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Avaya Aura® Release 8.0.x




*Avaya Solutions Platform 120 Appliance supports virtualization using Appliance Virtualization Platform.
**Avaya Solutions Platform 130 Appliance supports virtualization using VMware vSphere ESXi Standard License.

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Avaya Aura® overview
Note: From Avaya Aura® Release 8.0 and later, S8300D, DellTM PowerEdgeTM R610, and HP ProLiant DL360 G7 servers are not supported.

Supported gateways
The following table lists the supported gateways of Avaya Aura® applications.

Supported gateways
G250 Branch Gateway G350 Branch Gateway G430 Branch Gateway G450 Branch Gateway G650 Media Gateway G700 Branch Gateway

6.3.x Y Y Y Y Y Y

7.0.x Y Y Y Y Y Y

Avaya Aura® Release










Supported browsers
The following table lists the minimum supported versions of the browsers for Avaya Aura® applications.

Supported browsers Internet Explorer
Mozilla Firefox
Microsoft Edge (Spartan) Browser (included with Windows 10)

Microsoft Internet Explorer Release 9.x, 10.x, and 11.x
Mozilla Firefox Release 37, 38, and 39

Avaya Aura® Release



Internet Explorer 11.x and later

Internet Explorer 11.x and later

Mozilla Firefox Release 48, 49, and 50
Supported only for Utility Services.

Mozilla Firefox Release 59, 60, and 61

8.1.x Internet Explorer 11.x and later
Mozilla Firefox Release 65, 66, and 67
Table continues...

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Supported browsers
Google Chrome


Avaya Aura® Release



Google Chrome 53, 54, and 55 is supported only for Utility Services.

Supported browsers 8.1.x

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Chapter 3: What's new in Appliance Virtualization Platform
This chapter provides an overview of the new and enhanced features of Appliance Virtualization Platform Release 8.1.x. For more information about these features and administration, see:
· Deploying Avaya Aura® Appliance Virtualization Platform · Upgrading Avaya Aura® Appliance Virtualization Platform
New in this Release
New in Appliance Virtualization Platform Release 8.1.3
Appliance Virtualization Platform Release 8.1.3 supports the following new features and enhancements: Support for configuring the certificate validity duration With Appliance Virtualization Platform Release 8.1.3, you can configure the number of days for the Appliance Virtualization Platform certificate validation. The maximum limit for certificate validation is 825 days. You can configure the certificate validation days by:
· Generating the Appliance Virtualization Platform Kickstart file during a fresh installation. · By using the More Actions > Generate/Accept Certificate option on the Platforms tab.
The generated certificate is valid for the number of days configured in the Validity in Days field. Support for certificate expiry alarm With Release 8.1.3, Appliance Virtualization Platform supports the CERT_FAULT alarm to notify customers about a certificate expiry.

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New in this Release

New in Appliance Virtualization Platform Release 8.1.2
Appliance Virtualization Platform Release 8.1.2 supports the following new features and enhancements:
Supports Log Rotation
Appliance Virtualization Platform can rotate and delete the older system log files when the newly generated log files reaches to the configured file size limit to avoid the out of disk space situation.
Customization of the Appliance Virtualization Platform banner through CLI
You can customize the login banner of the Appliance Virtualization Platform host and Direct Console User Interface (DCUI) of an ESXi host.
Support for Snapshot retention period
With Release 8.1.2, you can configure the snapshot retention period. Appliance Virtualization Platform retains the application snapshot for the configured period. Once the number of configured days expires, Appliance Virtualization Platform automatically deletes the expired snapshot.

New in Appliance Virtualization Platform Release 8.1.1

Appliance Virtualization Platform Release 8.1.1 supports the following new features and enhancements:
NIC teaming alarms With Release 8.1.1, the following alarms can be generated when NIC teaming is configured.

Alarm ID

Severity Minor


This alarm is generated when NIC teaming is configured and link is lost on one of the NICs in the team goes down.
This alarm is generated when NIC teaming is configured and links of both the NICs in the team go down.
This alarm is generated when NIC teaming is configured and links of both the NICs in the team come up.

To enable the NIC teaming alarms, you can use the /opt/avaya/common_services/ set_linkmonitor enable command.
To disable the NIC teaming alarms, you can use the /opt/avaya/common_services/ set_linkmonitor disable command.

New in Appliance Virtualization Platform Release 8.1
Appliance Virtualization Platform Release 8.1 supports the following new features and enhancements:

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What's new in Appliance Virtualization Platform
Appliance Virtualization Platform Hypervisor With Release 8.1, Appliance Virtualization Platform is based on the customized OEM version of VMware® ESXi 6.5. Support of Windows Server 2016 for installing the Solution Deployment Manager client With Release 8.1, you can install the Solution Deployment Manager client on the Windows Server 2016, 64-bit operating system. Appliance Virtualization Platform enhancements On the Solution Deployment Manager > Application Management > Platforms tab, a new:
· More Actions > AVP Firewall Rules option is added to view Appliance Virtualization Platform firewall rules.
· Advanced Configuration tab is added on the Change Network params > Change Network Settings > Host Network/IP Settings page from where you can delete unused Port Groups that are not associated with any virtual machine.
Supported browsers Following are the minimum supported versions of the supported browsers:
· Internet Explorer 11 · Mozilla Firefox 65, 66, and 67 Support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system 7.6 With Release 8.1, you can deploy and upgrade Avaya Aura® applications on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system 7.6.

Appliance Virtualization Platform feature matrix
The following table lists the feature matrix of Appliance Virtualization Platform.
Note: The features listed in the following table are not a comprehensive feature list. It only covers the new features.

Feature name OVA signing IPv6 support Enhanced Access Security Gateway (EASG) Compliance with DISA security STIGs Extended Security Hardening

Release 7.1.x Y Y Y Y Y

Release 8.0.x Y Y Y Y Y

Release 8.1.x Y Y Y Y Y Table continues...

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Appliance Virtualization Platform feature matrix

Feature name Support for TLS 1.2
Support for Avaya Solutions Platform 120 Appliance
Supports Log Rotation
Support for configuring the certificate validity duration
Support for certificate expiry alarm

Release 7.1.x Y

Release 8.0.x Y Y

Release 8.1.x Y Y

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Chapter 4: What's new in AVP Utilities

This chapter provides an overview of the new and enhanced features of AVP Utilities Release 8.1.x. For more information about these features and administration, see Administering Avaya Aura® AVP Utilities.

New in this release
New in AVP Utilities Release
AVP Utilities Release supports the following new features and enhancements:
New in AVP Utilities Release 8.1.3
AVP Utilities Release 8.1.3 supports the following new features and enhancements: AVP Utilities certificate management on System Manager With Release 8.1.3, you can manage AVP Utilities certificates using System Manager. You need administrator access to do the following:
· Add, replace and remove identity certificates using System Manager Element Manager. · Generate certificate signing request (CSR). Security Enhancements With Release 8.1.3, AVP Utilities has stronger password policy. You can configure the passwords for better complexity, aging and authentication failure. Support for alarms in AVP Utilities With Release 8.1.3, AVP Utilities supports alarming infrastructure and following new alarms: · TEST_ALARM: Administrator can test the alarming infrastructure. · AUTH_FAULT: This alarm triggers when there are repeated login failure attempts made on
AVP Utilities. · ACCESS_FAULT: The alarm triggers when an unauthorized user attempts to execute a root

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New in this release
· AUDIT_FAULT: This alarm triggers when the mandatory audit service is either disabled or failed due to some reason.
· CERTIFICATE_REVOCATION_FAULT: This alarm triggers when a certificate on the system is revoked.
New in AVP Utilities Release 8.1.2
AVP Utilities Release 8.1.2 supports the following new features and enhancements: Data Encryption With Release 8.1.2, you can enable or disable data encryption for Avaya Aura® applications at the time of deployment. Data Encryption is supported only for Appliance Virtualization Platform and VMware Virtualized environments. Once you deploy the application with data encryption, you cannot disable data encryption after deployment and vice-versa. Support to retain logs With Release 8.1.2, you can retain the log files that contain privacy-related data for the following log categories:
· Application Command History · CM Logs/MST Trace · Linux OS Messages
New in AVP Utilities Release 8.1.1
AVP Utilities Release 8.1.1 supports the following new features and enhancements: VMware console for applications With Release 8.1.1, you can open the VM console in a new browser window or on a new browser tab for the application that reside on Appliance Virtualization Platform Release 7.1.2 and later. Based on the role of the user, you can assign the permissions for accessing the console.
New in AVP Utilities Release 8.1
AVP Utilities Release 8.1 supports the following new features and enhancements: Support to forward syslog messages With AVP Utilities Release 8.1, you can configure up to five remote syslog servers using AVP Utilities CLI and two remote syslog servers using System Manager Solution Deployment Manager. Support for encrypted backup With AVP Utilities Release 8.1, you can encrypt the backup files and restore the encrypted backup files.

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What's new in AVP Utilities

AVP Utilities feature matrix
The following table lists the feature matrix of AVP Utilities.

Services port access Appliance Virtualization Platform alarming Enabling SSH access Extended security hardening Enhanced Access Security Gateway Out of Band Management Enterprise System Directory File Server MyPhone Admin Support for Avaya Solutions Platform 120 Appliance Support for Avaya Solutions Platform 130 Appliance Encrypted backup Encrypted Rsyslog Encryption (Supported for 8.1E OVA) Log Retention

Release 7.x (Applicable for Utility Services) Y Y

Release 8.0.x

Release 8.1.x

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Chapter 5: What's new in System Manager

This chapter provides an overview of the new and enhanced features of System Manager Release 8.1.x. For more information about these features and administration, see Administering Avaya Aura® System Manager.
New in this release
New in System Manager Release
Avaya Aura® System Manager Release supports the following new feature and enhancements: Support for Active Directory 2019 With Release, System Manager supports Active Directory 2019. Removal of the System Manager message pop-up with last login details From Release, System Manager does not display the message pop-up window at login. The last login information is now displayed in the Notifications widget on the System Manager dashboard. Enhancements to the System Manager Alert messages at login From Release, System Manager does not display the Session Manager emergency Dial Pattern routes notification message for Emergency Location Management Solution in an Alert Message pop-up window. The emergency Dial Pattern routes notification message is now displayed in the Notifications widget on the System Manager dashboard. Enhancements to the Notifications widget From Release, the Notifications widget on the System Manager dashboard also displays the user login information and emergency Dial Pattern routes notification message for Emergency Location Management Solution. From System Manager Release and later, you cannot close the Notifications widget.

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What's new in System Manager
New in System Manager Release 8.1.3
Avaya Aura® System Manager Release 8.1.3 supports the following new features and enhancements:
Migration of 96x1 endpoints to J-Series phone With Release 8.1.3, System Manager supports the migration of 96x1 endpoints to the J-Series phone. For migration of endpoints, System Manager and Session Manager must be on Release 8.1.3 or later. Service observe support for J-Series endpoints With Release 8.1.3, Communication Manager and System Manager supports the sip-sobsrv button for the following J-Series endpoints: J169 and J179. Support of apostrophe character for Login Name With Release 8.1.3, the Login Name field on the Users > User Management > Manage Users page, supports login names with an apostrophe (`). This helps import a user that has a login name with an apostrophe. Support of 256-character password length for LDAP Server credentials With Release 8.1.3, System Manager supports a 256-character password. Configure the password in one of the following ways:
· On the Users > Administrators > User Services > External Authentication page in the Password for Root Binding field.
· On the Users > Directory Synchronization > Sync Users > User Synchronization page, in the Synchronization Datasources tab when performing a New or Edit operation. On the New/Edit User Synchronization Datasource page in the Password field.
Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol enhancement to improve Certificate Management for endpoints With System Manager Release 8.1.3 and later, supports the following:
· Endpoints that have certificates issued by System Manager can use entity classes to send certificate enrollment or renewal requests to System Manager. You can add, edit, and delete entity classes using the Services > Security > Certificates > Manage Entity Classes page. You can manage the password for entity classes on the View Profile: SMGR page in the Password Policy for Programmatic Accounts section.
· You can add, list, view, and delete subject names for the provided entity class using the manageEntityClassWhitelist command. You can add and delete bulk entries of subject names for an entity class. You can also check the status of the subject name validation for the entity class.
· You can use the Number of days after which system deletes expired certificates field on the Services > Configurations > Settings > SMGR > Trust Management page to set the number of days to delete the expired certificates from the system.

April 2021

What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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New in this release
Support for outbound connection logging
With Release 8.1.3, you can log all outgoing connections from System Manager, using the outboundConnectionLogging utility.
Support for configuring the outbound firewall rule
With Release 8.1.3, you can configure System Manager outbound firewall rule by using the configureOutboundFirewall utility. You can add, list, view status, disable, remove, and overwrite the IP addresses and FQDN in the whitelist for establishing the outbound connection from System Manager.
Support of new CLI command for managing the password policies
With Release 8.1.3, System Manager supports the setSecurityPolicy command for managing password policies using the command line interface (CLI). This command is only applicable for changing or setting up the password for a CLI user or a root user that you create at the time of deployment.
Enhancement to password policies
With Release 8.1.3, the Communication Profile Password Policy and the Password strength policy are enhanced with the following:
· Minimum total length supports the default value of 14 characters as the minimum number of characters that you must use in a password.
· Previous passwords blocked supports the default value of 10 for the number of latest passwords that the system maintains in its history.
· Supports the addition of the new Maximum repeated consecutive characters field.
· Supports the addition of the new Maximum consecutive characters from same character type field.
Support for VMware ESXi 7.0 With Release 8.1.3, Avaya Aura® applications support the VMware® vSphere ESXi 7.0 and VMware® vCenter Server 7.0 in the VMware virtualized environment.
System Manager Welcome message
From System Manager Release 8.1.3, after your first successful login, when you log in to the System Manager web console or the System Manager command line interface again, System Manager displays the Welcome <SystemManager_UserName> pop-up window at your each subsequent login.
Enhancements to the System Manager alert messages at login
With Release 8.1.3, for the Emergency Location Management Solution, System Manager displays the Session Manager emergency Dial Pattern routes notification warning message in an Alert Messages pop-up window, if the Routing Locations, Routing Policies, and Dial Patterns are not configured on Session Manager according to the emergency calling guideline.
Centralized subscription licensing
With Release 8.1.3, WebLM supports the Centralized subscription licensing feature for solution licenses.

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What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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What's new in System Manager
Enhancement to the number of IP Office branches support With Release 8.1.3, System Manager supports up to:
· 2000 IP Office branches with System Manager Profile 3. · 3500 IP Office branches with System Manager Profile 4.
New in System Manager Release 8.1.2
Avaya Aura® System Manager Release 8.1.2 supports the following new features and enhancements: Data Encryption With Release 8.1.2, you can enable or disable data encryption for Avaya Aura® applications at the time of deployment. Data Encryption is supported only for Appliance Virtualization Platform and VMware Virtualized environments. Once you deploy the application with data encryption, you cannot disable data encryption after deployment and vice-versa. Support for encrypted backup and restore With Release 8.1.2, you can create and restore encrypted backup after enabling backup encryption. Support for log file retention period management With Release 8.1.2, you can configure the automated purging rule for log files based on the retention period configured on the Data Retention page of System Manager web console. Default value for number of days to retain log files are 30 days. Support for the Avaya Subscription license With Release 8.1.2, WebLM supports the Avaya Subscription license. You can view the license usage of the Avaya Subscription license as Metered.
New in System Manager Release 8.1.1
Avaya Aura® System Manager Release 8.1.1 supports the following new features and enhancements: VMware console for applications With Release 8.1.1, you can open the VM console in a new browser window or on a new browser tab for the application that reside on Appliance Virtualization Platform Release 7.1.2 and later. Based on the role of the user, you can assign the permissions for accessing the console. Support for deploying Avaya SBCE using Solution Deployment Manager With Release 8.1.1, you can:
· Download the Avaya Session Border Controller for Enterprise (Avaya SBCE) OVA from the Download Management page.

April 2021

What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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New in this release
· Deploy the Avaya SBCE OVA. To support this System Manager must be deployed on Profile 3 and higher systems. Busy indicator support for J-Series endpoints With Release 8.1.1, System Manager supports the busy-ind button for the following J-Series endpoints: J169, J169CC, J179, J179CC. Support for the IP Phone Group Id field for SIP endpoints With Release 8.1.1, System Manager supports the IP Phone Group Id field on the Feature Options tab for SIP endpoints. On Communication Manager, this field is available on the page 3 of the add station or change station command. With Release 8.1.1, IP Phone Group Id also supports SIP endpoints. For information about configuring the IP Phone Group Id field, see Administering Avaya Aura® System Manager. Support for read only phone view layout for SIP Endpoints With Release 8.1.1, you can view the Read only phone view layout for SIP Endpoints. Support for common parameter across endpoint template With Release 8.1.1, when you create a SIP endpoint, the system retains the common parameter information so that when you login SIP endpoints of that same type or of another type, all your SIP Endpoints are able to retrieve and update any of the common parameters they utilize. The common parameters are on the Elements > Communication Manager > Endpoints > Manage Endpoints page on the Profile Settings and Button Assignment tabs. Bulk import and export of Holiday Table and Service Hours Tables Bulk import and export of Holiday Table and Service Hours Tables using System Manager web console. For adding, deleting and updating Holiday Table and Service Hours Tables in bulk, you can download a pre-loaded excel <Excel template file name>.xlsx file from More Actions > Download Excel Template on the following pages:
· Elements > Communication Manager > Call Center > Holiday Table · Elements > Communication Manager > Call Center > Service Hours Tables Multiple audio files upload in single click for broadcasting announcement With Release 8.1.1, you can upload more than one audio files (.wav) in single click by using the Browse option of the Select Announcement File field.
New in System Manager Release 8.1
Avaya Aura® System Manager Release 8.1 supports the following new features and enhancements:

April 2021

What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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What's new in System Manager
Support for System Manager Profile 4 With Release 8.1, System Manager supports a new Profile 4. The Profile 4 supports 35000 to 300000 users with up to 5000 Branch Session Manager instances and 28 Session Manager instances with a single System Manager system in an Avaya Aura® deployment.
System Manager Profile 1 not supported From Release 8.0 and later, System Manager Profile 1 is not supported. If System Manager is on a pre Release 8.0 and using the Profile 1, ensure that the server has the required resources to configure Profile 2 on Release 8.0 and later.
Appliance Virtualization Platform Hypervisor With Release 8.1, Appliance Virtualization Platform is based on the customized OEM version of VMware® ESXi 6.5.
Support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system 7.6 With Release 8.1, you can deploy and upgrade Avaya Aura® applications on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system 7.6.
Support of Windows Server 2016 for installing the Solution Deployment Manager client With Release 8.1, you can install the Solution Deployment Manager client on the Windows Server 2016, 64-bit operating system.
Solution Deployment Manager enhancements · Increased capacity for Refresh, Analyze, Update/Upgrade operations on multiple elements at the same time for System Manager:
- Profile 2: 20 elements - Profile 3: 30 elements - Profile 4: 50 elements · The Bulk_Import_Spreadsheet_Template.xlsx spreadsheet on the Solution Deployment Manager > Upgrade Management > Download > Bulk Import Spreadsheet page supports bulk upgrade of Branch Session Managers. · During OVA deployment, the Network Parameters page is revamped to display wider UI elements to enhance user experience.
Appliance Virtualization Platform enhancements On the Solution Deployment Manager > Application Management > Platforms tab, a new:
· More Actions > AVP Firewall Rules option is added to view Appliance Virtualization Platform firewall rules.
· Advanced Configuration tab is added on the Change Network params > Change Network Settings > Host Network/IP Settings page from where you can delete unused Port Groups that are not associated with any virtual machine.
Support for bulk upgrade of Branch Session Manager instances With Release 8.1, you can perform bulk upgrade of Branch Session Manager instances by using the Bulk_Import_Spreadsheet_Template.xlsx spreadsheet on the Solution Deployment Manager > Upgrade Management > Download > Bulk Import Spreadsheet page.

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What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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New in this release
Remote Syslog profile enhancement With Release 8.1, the Add Syslog Receiver page provides the following TLS authentication options when the tcp protocol is selected.
· Server certificate authentication · Mutual TLS authentication Support for managing Syslog receiver certificates for Remote Syslog receiver With Release 8.1, you can: · Add trusted certificates for Remote Syslog receiver by selecting the SYSLOG store type on
System Manager. · Create identity certificate to use with Remote Syslog receiver by selecting the syslog service
name on System Manager.
Administration and Serviceability enhancements · Serviceability Agents management supports background execution job for pushing SNMP Target/User Profiles to multiple Serviceability Agents.
· Manage Elements displays a progress bar indication of background notification operations for Geographic Redundancy state change operations.
· API based management operations off-loaded from Port 443 to new Port 10443.
· Data Replication Service supports 250 node repairs at a time for System Manager Profile 4.
· Typeahead support is provided for the:
- Host Name field on Services > Events > Log Harvester > Create New Profile. - Survivability Server field on Users > User Provisioning Rule > Communication
Profile > Session Manager Profile. · Advanced Search feature is added on the following pages:
- Inventory > Manage Elements - Inventory > Manage Serviceability Agents > Serviceability Agent - Replication > Replica Groups > Replica Nodes · Automated purging rule is added in Data Retention for Aged Scheduler Completed Jobs.
· Adding certificates for more than one element of same type and same version creates background job for execution. You can view this on the Certificate Management Jobs page using Inventory > Manage Elements > More Actions > View Certificate Add Status on System Manager.
Crisis Alert support for SIP endpoints With Release 8.1, Crisis Alert (crss-alert) button support is added for SIP phones. When an emergency call is initiated by an enterprise user, then the crisis-alert watcher's endpoint displays an alert including information about emergency call.
No Hold Conference for SIP endpoints With Release 8.1, No hold conference (no-hld-cnf) button support is added for SIP phones. No Hold Conference is the ability to add a party in conference without putting existing users on Hold.

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What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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What's new in System Manager
EC500 button support for SIP endpoints With Release 8.1, System Manager supports the EC500 button for the following endpoints: 9608SIPCC, 9611SIPCC, 9621SIPCC, 9641SIPCC, J169CC, J179CC, CS1K-IPCC (Avaya Device Adapter). Call appearance and Bridged appearance with per button ring control for SIP endpoints With Release 8.1, System Manager supports Call appearance (Abbreviated/Delayed ringing) and Bridged appearance with per button ring control for the following endpoints: 9608SIPCC, 9611SIPCC, 9621SIPCC, 9641SIPCC, J169CC, J179CC, CS1K-IPCC (Avaya Device Adapter). Enhancements to the 16-digit extension With Release 8.1, Avaya Aura® applications extend support for configuration of 16-digit extension to the following Communication Manager objects.
· hunt groups Note: Administration of hunt group with 16-digit group extension and group members.
· coverage answer groups · ELIN · abbr dial buttons · Listed Directory Number Supported browsers Following are the minimum supported versions of the supported browsers: · Internet Explorer 11 · Mozilla Firefox 65, 66, and 67 IP Office integration with System Manager From Release 8.1, you can add and administer the IP Office element from the System Manager web console.
System Manager feature matrix
The following table lists the feature matrix of System Manager.
Note: The features listed in the following table are not a comprehensive feature list. It only covers the new features.

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What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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System Manager feature matrix

Feature name OVA signing IPv6 support Enhanced Access Security Gateway (EASG) Compliance with DISA security STIGs Extended Security Hardening Support for TLS 1.2 Customer Root Access Preserve security hardening modes on upgrade Extended host name validation Support for 16-digit extension Product Initiated Registration Support for Software-only deployment Support for deployment on Cloud Services Support for Geographic Redundancy in mixed deployment environment Support for Avaya Solutions Platform 120 Appliance Support for Avaya Solutions Platform 130 Appliance Support for Data Encryption Support for encrypted backup and restore Support for log file retention period management Support for the Avaya Subscription license Support for VMware ESXi 7.0 Support for J-Series phone migration SCEP Enrollment Enhancement to improve Certificate Management for endpoints Emergency Location Management Solution

Release 7.1.x Y Y Y Y Y Y

Release 8.0.x Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Release 8.1.x Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y







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What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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Chapter 6: What's new in WebLM

This chapter provides an overview of the new and enhanced features of WebLM Release 8.1.x. For more information about these features and administration, see Administering standalone Avaya WebLM.
New in this release
New in WebLM Release 8.1.3
WebLM Release 8.1.3 supports the following new features and enhancements: Centralized subscription licensing With Release 8.1.3, WebLM supports the Centralized subscription licensing feature for solution licenses. Support for VMware ESXi 7.0 With Release 8.1.3, Avaya Aura® applications support the VMware® vSphere ESXi 7.0 and VMware® vCenter Server 7.0 in the VMware virtualized environment.
New in WebLM Release 8.1.2
WebLM Release 8.1.2 supports the following new features and enhancements: Support for the Avaya Subscription license With Release 8.1.2, WebLM supports the Avaya Subscription license. You can view the license usage of the Avaya Subscription license as Metered. Support of Metering Collector configuration With Release 8.1.2, you can manage the Avaya Subscription license on the WebLM server when metering collector is registered with WebLM. The metering collector configuration is applicable only for the Avaya Subscription license. The Solution-Avaya Subscription license contains more than one application.

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What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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WebLM feature matrix
Using the metering collector configuration, the WebLM server tracks the license usage information from the deployed applications.
New in WebLM Release 8.1.1
WebLM Release 8.1.1 supports the following new features and enhancements: VMware console for applications With Release 8.1.1, you can open the VM console in a new browser window or on a new browser tab for the application that reside on Appliance Virtualization Platform Release 7.1.2 and later. Based on the role of the user, you can assign the permissions for accessing the console.
New in WebLM Release 8.1
WebLM Release 8.1 supports the following new features and enhancements: Appliance Virtualization Platform Hypervisor With Release 8.1, Appliance Virtualization Platform is based on the customized OEM version of VMware® ESXi 6.5. Supported browsers Following are the minimum supported versions of the supported browsers:
· Internet Explorer 11 · Mozilla Firefox 65, 66, and 67 Support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system 7.6 With Release 8.1, you can deploy and upgrade Avaya Aura® applications on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system 7.6.

WebLM feature matrix
The following table lists the feature matrix of WebLM.

Feature name
OVA signing IPv6 support

Release 7.1 and Release 7.1.2 Release 7.1.1 and Release





Release 8.0.x Release 8.1.x





Table continues...

April 2021

What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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What's new in WebLM

Feature name
Enhanced Access Security Gateway (EASG) Compliance with DISA security STIGs Extended Security Hardening Support for TLS 1.2 Customer Root Access Support for Software-only deployment Support for deployment on Cloud Services Support for Avaya Solutions Platform 120 Appliance Support for Avaya Solutions Platform 130 Appliance Centralized subscription licensing Support for VMware ESXi 7.0 Support for the Avaya Subscription license Support of Metering Collector configuration

Release 7.1 and Release 7.1.2 Release 7.1.1 and Release










Release 8.0.x

Release 8.1.x

April 2021

What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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Chapter 7: What's new in Session Manager
This chapter provides an overview of the new and enhanced features of Session Manager Release 8.1.x. For more information about these features and administration, see Administering Avaya Aura® Session Manager.
New in this release
New in Session Manager Release
Session Manager Release supports the following new features and enhancements: Support for Apple Push Notification activation maintenance With Release, Session Manager will provide real-time activation status of push notifications that a user subscribes. A newly introduced Push Notification Activations status page will display activation status, last notification time, and status information per user or device. From a maintenance point of view, you can deactivate push notification subscriptions from the status page.
New in Session Manager Release 8.1.3
Session Manager Release 8.1.3 supports the following new features and enhancements: Support for Branch Visiting User survivability With Release 8.1.3, Session Manager supports Branch Visiting User survivability feature, that automatically assigns a visiting user to the Branch Session Manager of the visiting location. With this feature, you do not need to manually administer or change the Branch Session Manager with the local Branch Session Manager for the visiting users that are in the SIP controller list. To configure the feature, you can enable the Enable Branch Visiting User field on the Global Settings page.

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What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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What's new in Session Manager
Branch Visiting User is only supported on Branch Session Managers survivability servers. IP Office survivable branches (formerly known as B5800) do not support the Branch Visiting User feature.
Support for Apple Push Notification Services With Release 8.1.3, Session Manager provides telephony push notifications events through Apple Push Notification service (APNs) to Client SDK based iOS applications, such as Avaya Workplace Client for iOS. Session Manager provides push notification events for incoming calls, chat and voice messaging status updates. Avaya Workplace Client for iOS should be on Release 3.14 or later to receive push notification services. Currently the Avaya Aura® Web Gateway supports push notification events towards iOS application and you can choose to utilize push notification service on either the Avaya Aura® Web Gateway or on Session Manager. You can select a group of users and update their client configuration through Avaya Aura® Device Services to point to either AAWG or Session Manager as their Push Notification provider.
To configure the feature, you can enable the Enable Mobile Push Notification field on the Global Settings page. For administering the push notification provider and application, use the Session Manager > Network Configuration > Push Notification page. Support for VMware ESXi 7.0 With Release 8.1.3, Avaya Aura® applications support the VMware® vSphere ESXi 7.0 and VMware® vCenter Server 7.0 in the VMware virtualized environment.
Only the Encrypted Core Session Manager (8.1E OVA) is supported on VMware ESXi 7.0.
Enhancements to the System Manager alert messages at login With Release 8.1.3, for the Emergency Location Management Solution, System Manager displays the Session Manager emergency Dial Pattern routes notification warning message in an Alert Messages pop-up window, if the Routing Locations, Routing Policies, and Dial Patterns are not configured on Session Manager according to the emergency calling guideline.
New in Session Manager Release 8.1.2
Session Manager Release 8.1.2 supports the following new features and enhancements:
Data Encryption With Release 8.1.2, you can enable or disable data encryption for Avaya Aura® applications at the time of deployment. Data Encryption is supported only for Appliance Virtualization Platform and VMware Virtualized environments. Once you deploy the application with data encryption, you cannot disable data encryption after deployment and vice-versa.
Administrable Endpoint Adaptation With Release 8.1.2, Session Manager supports administrable endpoint adaptation, allowing an administrator to apply sequences of adaptations to groups of endpoints (based on device type)

April 2021

What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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New in this release
and/or users (based on membership in an origination dial-pattern set). This feature is an extension of the adaptation capability made available to SIP entities in Session Manager Release 8.0.1. Support for Log Retention With Release 8.1.2, Session Manager supports Log Retention to specify the number of days for which logs will be retained. Default value for number of days to retain log files are 30 days. You can set the number of days between 1 -- 180. Support for Centralized Call History Retention (days) With Release 8.1.2, Session Manager supports Centralized Call History Retention (days) to specify the number of days for which centralized call history will be retained. Default number of days is 90. You can set the number of days between 1 -- 180. Support for encrypted backup and restore With Release 8.1.2, you can create and restore encrypted backup after enabling backup encryption.
New in Session Manager Release 8.1.1
Session Manager Release 8.1.1 supports the following new features and enhancements: Enhanced support for Matching Pattern Session Manager extends the support for Matching Pattern. With Release 8.1.1, Matching Pattern ranges can be entered in the form of [start of range]:[end of range]. For example, 600000:600009. Support for Regex Debugger With Release 8.1.1, Session Manager supports a new tool called Regular Expression debugger which allows checking, validating and backtracking regular expressions. Support for SIP headers and Attachment fields for Call Routing Test With Release 8.1.1, you can use zero or more SIP headers to insert into the SIP INVITE request created by the call routing test. With Release 8.1.1, you can use Content-type and content of an attachment to insert into the SIP INVITE request created by the call routing test. Support for new Log Action for Regular-expression adaptations With Release 8.1.1, a new Log action can be added to the regular-expression adaptations. This action will not modify a SIP message, but will instead log an event indicating that conditions were met for the action to execute. VMware console for applications With Release 8.1.1, you can open the VM console in a new browser window or on a new browser tab for the application that reside on Appliance Virtualization Platform Release 7.1.2 and later. Based on the role of the user, you can assign the permissions for accessing the console.

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What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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What's new in Session Manager

New in Session Manager Release 8.1
Session Manager Release 8.1 supports the following new features and enhancements:
Support for Session Manager Profile 6
With Release 8.1, Session Manager supports a new Profile 6. The Profile 6 supports 66.7K SIP devices. Using the Session Manager Profile 6, an Avaya Aura® deployment can support up to 1 million SIP devices.
Support for 5000 SIP branches
Earlier to Release 8.1, you can configure only 500 Branch Session Manager instances. From Release 8.1, you can configure 5000 Branch Session Manager instances with a single System Manager system in an Avaya Aura® deployment.
Appliance Virtualization Platform Hypervisor
With Release 8.1, Appliance Virtualization Platform is based on the customized OEM version of VMware® ESXi 6.5.
Syslog server configuration for Session Manager
With Session Manager Release 8.1, you can configure one or more syslog server for the Session Manager logging and SIP tracer for single Session Manager.
Enhancement for SIP tracing
With Session Manager Release 8.1, you can:
· View tracer configuration for the single Session Manager security module. · Modify the tracer configuration for the single Session Manager security module, if required. · Send traces to Syslog Server that is configured for Session Manager.
Support for managing Syslog receiver certificates for Remote Syslog receiver
With Release 8.1, you can: · Add trusted certificates for Remote Syslog receiver by selecting the SYSLOG store type on System Manager. · Create identity certificate to use with Remote Syslog receiver by selecting the syslog service name on System Manager.
Enhancement for origination dial pattern sets
With Session Manager Release 8.1, you can create origination dial pattern for origination dial pattern sets.
Enhancement for SIP Entity Reference Report
With Session Manager Release 8.1, you can view the outbound proxy, application, and failover group that correspond to the SIP entity.
Support for bulk upgrade of Branch Session Manager instances
With Release 8.1, you can perform bulk upgrade of Branch Session Manager instances by using the Bulk_Import_Spreadsheet_Template.xlsx spreadsheet on the Solution Deployment Manager > Upgrade Management > Download > Bulk Import Spreadsheet page.

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What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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Session Manager feature matrix
Supported browsers Following are the minimum supported versions of the supported browsers:
· Internet Explorer 11 · Mozilla Firefox 65, 66, and 67 Support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system 7.6 With Release 8.1, you can deploy and upgrade Avaya Aura® applications on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system 7.6.

Session Manager feature matrix
The following table lists the feature matrix of Session Manager.
Note: The features listed in the following table are not a comprehensive feature list. It only covers the new features.

Feature name OVA signing IPv6 support Enhanced Access Security Gateway (EASG) Compliance with DISA security STIGs Extended Security Hardening Conference factory URI Support for TLS 1.2 Customer Root Access Preserve security hardening modes on upgrade SIP Resiliency Extended host name validation Cassandra clustering Support for Software-only deployment Support for 16 digit dial plan Support for Hyper-V in Software-Only environment

Release 7.0.x Y

Release 7.1.x Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Release 8.0.x Y Y Y

Release 8.1.x Y Y Y
Table continues...

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What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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What's new in Session Manager

Feature name
Support for Regular Expression based adaptation module
Support for Call Journaling Server High Availability
Cassandra security hardening
Support for multiple customer accounts
Support for role-based access control
Support for Avaya Solutions Platform 120 Appliance
Support for Avaya Solutions Platform 130 Appliance
Syslog server configuration
Data Encryption
Branch Visiting User
Push notification
Support for VMware ESXi 7.0

Release 7.0.x

Release 7.1.x

Release 8.0.x Y

Release 8.1.x Y

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What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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Chapter 8: What's new in Communication Manager

This chapter provides an overview of the new and enhanced features of Communication Manager Release 8.1.x. For more information about these features and administration, see:
· Avaya Aura® Communication Manager Feature Description and Implementation · Avaya Aura® Communication Manager Screen Reference
New in this release
New in Communication Manager Release
Communication Manager Release supports the following enhancement: Enhancement to Site Data screen With Release onwards, the Site Data screen displays 14 pages of building strings that can hold 1000 entries, instead of two pages containing 150 entries.
New in Communication Manager Release 8.1.3
Communication Manager Release 8.1.3 supports the following enhancements: Resending display update message With Release 8.1.3, Communication Manager can resend display updated messages to Session Manager on receiving a 481 response from Session Manager. Alarm when memory usage approaches the reserved capacity With Release 8.1.3, Communication Manager raises an alarm when the memory usage approaches the reserved capacity.

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What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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What's new in Communication Manager
Support to integrate with Emergency Location Management Solution
With Release 8.1.3, Communication Manager can send SNMP inform messages to the Emergency Location Management Solution when a DCP or H.323 endpoint comes into service or when a non-SIP endpoint places an emergency call.
Integration with Emergency Location Management Solution helps you to comply with Kari's Law and Ray Baum's Act by notifying the emergency service about the physical location of the user placing the emergency call.
Allowing emergency calls despite bandwidth limit exhaustion
With Release 8.1.3, for the Communication Manager managed bandwidth and the Session Manager managed bandwidth, emergency calls always connect despite administered bandwidth limit exhaustion.
SA9143 - Enhancement to Hold/Unhold notification field
When you upgrade to Communication Manager Release 8.1.3, the Hold/Unhold notifications field on the Trunk Group screen is not visible for all SIP trunks. You must enable the Hold/Unhold Notifications for SIP Trunks field on the system-parameters special-applications screen. When you enable the Hold/Unhold Notifications for SIP Trunks field on the system-parameters special-applications screen, the Hold/Unhold notifications field appears on the Trunk Group screen.
SA9142 - Enhancement to SIP station display details
With Release 8.1.3, if you enable the Redirected Display for SIP Hunt Group Members field on the system-parameters special-applications screen, SIP station displays the caller name and the hunt group name when a call is received on that SIP station.
SA9095 - Hunt-group enhancements
With Release 8.1.3, if you enable the Hunt Group Modifications field on the system-parameters special-applications screen, and the hunt-group algorithm is set to circ but there are no members in the hunt group, Re-hunt on no answer is configured but no coverage path is assigned to hunt, then the caller must hear a busy tone.
Service observe support for J-Series endpoints
With Release 8.1.3, Communication Manager and System Manager supports the sip-sobsrv button for the following J-Series endpoints: J169 and J179.
Third-party call control support for service observe
From AE Services Release 8.1.3 and Communication Manager Release 8.1.3 onwards, a new third-party call control support is added for the activation and deactivation of service observe, service observe connection mode change, query service observe status, and monitor service observe the state change, on a hard phone. Service observer state change events are only sent on station monitors if the ASAI version is 12 or later.
Controlling the port from an un-named IP address
With Release 8.1.3, Communication Manager controls the sharing of the x-ported station, when a request comes from an unnamed IP address.

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What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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New in this release
Sharing EC500Delay state to Workplace Clients The EC500Delay Deactivation State field controls the sharing of the EC500Delay state to Workplace Clients. Support for VMware ESXi 7.0 With Release 8.1.3, Avaya Aura® applications support the VMware® vSphere ESXi 7.0 and VMware® vCenter Server 7.0 in the VMware virtualized environment.
New in Communication Manager Release 8.1.2
Communication Manager Release 8.1.2 supports the following enhancements: Support to specify the number of days to retain CDR logs With Release 8.1.2, Communication Manager supports you to specify the number of days for which you want to retain the CDR logs. You can use the CDR Retention (Days) field to specify the number of days to retain the CDR logs. On Communication Manager SAT interface, the CDR Retention (Days) field is available on page 1 of the CDR SYSTEM PARAMETERS screen. You can access the CDR SYSTEM PARAMETERS screen using the change system-parameters cdr command.
Support to retain logs With Release 8.1.2, you can retain the log files that contain privacy-related data for the following log categories:
· Application Command History · CM Logs/MST Trace · Linux OS Messages Data Encryption With Release 8.1.2, you can enable or disable data encryption for Avaya Aura® applications at the time of deployment. Data Encryption is supported only for Appliance Virtualization Platform and VMware Virtualized environments. Once you deploy the application with data encryption, you cannot disable data encryption after deployment and vice-versa. Support to connect Communication Manager with Call Management System using TLS With Release 8.1.2, you can connect Communication Manager with Call Management System using the TLS protocol. To connect Communication Manager with Call Management System using the TLS protocol, you must enter R19.1+ (secured) in the CMS (appl mis) field.
On Communication Manager SAT interface, the CMS (appl mis) field is available on page 12 of the Feature-Related System Parameters screen. You can access the Feature-Related System Parameters screen page using the change system-parameters features command.
Encrypting CDR data using TLS With Release 8.1.2, a new column TLS Encryption is added in the IP Services page of the Communication Manager SAT interface. Entering Y for TLS Encryption encrypts the CDR data for primary and secondary CDR devices using the TLS protocol.

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What's new in Communication Manager
On Communication Manager SAT interface, the TLS Encryption field is available on page 1 of the IP SERVICES screen. You can access the IP Services screen using the change ip-services command. This is applicable to Service Type for CDR1 and CDR2 options. Support for 12­party conference With Release 8.1.2, Communication Manager supports 12 participants for ad-hoc and meet-me conferences. In page 7 of change system-parameters features screen, 12­party Conferences field is added. In page 2 of change VDN screen, the valid entry for Conference Type field is changed from 6party to local. Busy/Reorder/Intercept Tone Timeout (Seconds) With Release 8.1.2, Communication Manager allows you to configure the time to play busy, reorder, or intercept tone. This field is not applicable for SIP endpoints. This field is available on page 16 of the change feature-related system parameters screen.
New in Communication Manager Release 8.1.1
Communication Manager Release 8.1.1 supports the following enhancements: Support for the IP Phone Group Id field for SIP endpoints With Release 8.1.1, System Manager supports the IP Phone Group Id field on the Feature Options tab for SIP endpoints. On Communication Manager, this field is available on the page 3 of the add station or change station command. With Release 8.1.1, IP Phone Group Id also supports SIP endpoints. For information about configuring the IP Phone Group Id field, see Administering Avaya Aura® System Manager. Busy indicator support for J-Series endpoints With Release 8.1.1, System Manager supports the busy-ind button for the following J-Series endpoints: J169, J169CC, J179, J179CC. VMware console for applications With Release 8.1.1, you can open the VM console in a new browser window or on a new browser tab for the application that reside on Appliance Virtualization Platform Release 7.1.2 and later. Based on the role of the user, you can assign the permissions for accessing the console. Support for IP phone firmware The firmware download functionality for IP phones in Utility Services is migrated to Avaya Aura® Device Services (AADS). However, in small branches in which communication infrastructure is hosted on a S8300E card, local firmware download functionality is absent. Release 8.1.1 provides the option to enable a simple HTTP/HTTPS file server on the Communication Manager server in an S8300E only. This can be done by using the new

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New in this release
fileserver command on Communication Manager Command Line Interface (CLI). For more details on using the fileserver command, see Maintenance Commands for Avaya Aura® Communication Manager, Branch Gateways and Servers. To allow a user to manage certificates for IP phone HTTPS connections, a new certificate repository type is added to the Communication Manager System Management Interface (SMI) for Communication Manager running on an S8300; F' for File Server. The following SMI pages are added with F type:
· Administration > Server (Maintenance) > Security > Trusted Certificates · Administration > Server (Maintenance) > Security > Server/Application Certificates The new certificates are stored under: /etc/opt/ecs/certs/web411 Phone firmware packages will be moved to the Communication Manager through the SMI: Administration > Server (Maintenance) > Download Files. The fileserver command options are then utilized to unpack, activate, and manage the firmware on the server. Only the firmware download capability and simple management of those files are provided with the new fileserver command on the S8300E. No other IP Phone firmware support that was available on Utility Services 7.x is provided: · No User Interface (UI) support to unpack, activate, deactivate the phone firmware. Available
from the CLI only. · No UI or tools to modify the Phone settings and configuration file. · No scheduling of IP Phone firmware downloads. · No IP Phone backup and restore. · No MyPhone support.
New in Communication Manager Release 8.1
Communication Manager Release 8.1 supports the following new features and enhancements: Supported browsers Following are the minimum supported versions of the supported browsers:
· Internet Explorer 11 · Mozilla Firefox 65, 66, and 67 Crisis Alert support for SIP endpoints With Release 8.1, Crisis Alert (crss-alert) button support is added for SIP phones. When an emergency call is initiated by an enterprise user, then the crisis-alert watcher's endpoint displays an alert including information about emergency call. No Hold Conference for SIP endpoints With Release 8.1, No hold conference (no-hld-cnf) button support is added for SIP phones. No Hold Conference is the ability to add a party in conference without putting existing users on Hold.

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What's new in Communication Manager
Syslog server supports additional transport methods With Communication Manager Release 8.1, syslog server supports the following transport methods to send the logs to an external syslog server:

Communication Manager feature matrix
The following table lists the feature matrix of Communication Manager.
Note: The features listed in the following table are not a comprehensive feature list. It only covers the new features.

Feature name

Release 7.1 and Release 7.1.1

Release 7.1.2 and Release 7.1.3

OVA signing



IPv6 support Y





Access Security






with DISA

security STIGs






Support for TLS Y



Customer Root Access

Preserve security hardening modes on upgrade

Release 8.0.x

Release 8.1, Release 8.1.1, and Release 8.1.2

Release 8.1.3
















Table continues...

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What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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Communication Manager feature matrix

Feature name

Release 7.1 and Release 7.1.1

Release 7.1.2 and Release 7.1.3

SIP trunk optimization

Automatic Call Y






Calling Services



URI dialing





Support for Avaya Solutions Platform 120 Appliance

Support for Avaya Solutions Platform 130 Appliance

Support for JSeries phone migration

Support for VMware ESXi 7.0

Emergency Location Management Solution

Release 8.0.x Y

Release 8.1, Release 8.1.1, and Release 8.1.2

Release 8.1.3 Y




















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Chapter 9: What's new in Presence Services
This chapter provides an overview of the new and enhanced features of Presence Services Release 8.1.x. For more information about these features and administration, see Avaya Aura® Presence Services Snap-in Reference.
New in Presence Services Release 8.1.4
Presence Services Release 8.1.4 supports the following new features and enhancements: Select same site mode With Release 8.1.4, Presence Services enables you to define the same site modes. Delete old messages With Release 8.1.4, Presence Services allows you to delete the old messages from the conversation history. Message archiving With Release 8.1.4, Presence Services lets you upload the attachments associated with the IMs to the SFTP server. Maximum threshold With Presence Services Release 8.1.4, when the message capacity reaches the maximum threshold of 95%, system deletes the oldest messages until the lower threshold for message capacity is reached. The lower threshold for message capacity is 92%. Message storage capacity With Release 8.1.4, Presence Services displays the message storage capacity parameters for the system and the current count of messages in the cluster.

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New in Presence Services Release 8.1.3

New in Presence Services Release 8.1.3

Presence Services Release 8.1.3 supports the following new features and enhancements:
OAuth support for Office 365
With Presence Services Release 8.1.3, Exchange Collector provides the ability to use OAuth for authentication with Office 365.
Messaging Security Enhancement
With Release 8.1.3, Presence Services encrypts the messages and attachments that you share with others to make them more secured. The encrypted messages and attachments are secured with a passphrase and only the recipient has the special key to unlock and read them.
Multiple Front End Pools of Skype for Business Servers
With Release 8.1.3, Presence Services supports multiple Front End pools of Skype for Business servers for presence federation.
Microsoft Active Directory 2019
With Release 8.1.3, Presence Services supports Microsoft Active Directory 2019.
Font and Color support within text messages for Windows
With Presence Services Release 8.1.3, font and color support within text messages is added for Windows the same way in which it is already supported for Mac and IOS Android.
Supported upgrade paths
The supported upgrade paths for Presence Services Release 8.1.3 are:

Release 8.1.2 8.1.1 8.1 8.0.x 7.1.x

Requirement Direct upgrade to 8.1.3 Direct upgrade to 8.1.3 Direct upgrade to 8.1.3 Direct upgrade to 8.1.3 Direct upgrade to 8.1.3

New in Presence Services Release 8.1.2
Presence Services Release 8.1.2 supports the following new features and enhancements:
Manual presence state expiration time Presence Services Release 8.1.2 lets you define the expiration period of presence state that is set manually. Support for devices that do not support registration events The Default On-Hook State attribute allows you to configure the on-hook state of devices that are not supporting the registration events.

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What's new in Presence Services

Support for Office 365 Presence Services Release 8.1.2 supports Microsoft Office 365. Supported upgrade paths The supported upgrade paths for Presence Services Release 8.1.2 are:

Release 8.1.1 8.1 8.0.x 7.1.x

Requirement Direct upgrade to 8.1.2 Direct upgrade to 8.1.2 Direct upgrade to 8.1.2 Direct upgrade to 8.1.2

New in Presence Services Release 8.1

Presence Services Release 8.1 supports the following new features and enhancements:
Enhancements to Avaya Workplace Client authentication Avaya Workplace Client clients uses OAuth2 (JWT) authentication mechanism to authenticate with Presence Services to use the services provided by Presence Services.
Support to share multimedia attachments In Presence Services Release 8.1, Inter-PS federated Avaya Workplace Client users can share multimedia attachments.
Support to archive Multimedia Messaging conversations The SMTP Archiving Service archives Multimedia Messaging conversations to an SMTP server.
Supported upgrade paths The supported upgrade paths for Presence Services Release 8.1 are:

Release 8.0.x 7.1.x 7.0.1.x 7.0.0.x

Requirement Direct upgrade to 8.1. Direct upgrade to 8.1. Direct upgrade to 8.1. Direct upgrade to 8.1.

Presence Services feature matrix
The following table lists the feature matrix of Presence Services.

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What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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Presence Services feature matrix

The features listed in the following table are not a comprehensive feature list. It only covers the new features.

Feature Apple Push Notification service (APNs) Access control lists AES collector Exchange collector Domino collector Microsoft Real Time Communication federation Inter-PS federation XMPP federation Spaces federation Simple authentication and security layer IM blocking in Do Not Disturb state Instant message broadcast Interoperability with Avaya Multimedia Messaging Inter-domain presence Inter-tenant communication control Multi-tenancy Message archiver Offline IM storage Avaya Solutions Platform servers KVM IPv6 Extended hostname validation Microsoft Office 365 Message Security Multiple Front End pools Microsoft Active Directory 2019

Release 7.1.x N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Release 8.0.x Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N


















R 8.1.x Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N

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What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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Chapter 10: What's new in Application Enablement Services

This chapter provides an overview of the new and enhanced features of Application Enablement Services Release 8.1.x.
For more information about these features and administration, see: · Administering Avaya Aura® Application Enablement Services · Deploying Avaya Aura® Application Enablement Services in Virtualized Environment · Deploying Avaya Aura® Application Enablement Services in a Software-Only Environment · Deploying Avaya Aura® Application Enablement Services in Infrastructure as a Service Environment · Deploying Avaya Aura® Application Enablement Services in Virtual Appliance · Upgrading Avaya Aura® Application Enablement Services

New in this release
New in Application Enablement Services Release
Support for Active Directory version 2016 and 2019 With the existing support of Microsoft Windows Server Active Directory 2012, from Release, Application Enablement Services also supports integration with the following Microsoft Active Directory (AD) server versions:
· Microsoft Windows Server Active Directory 2016 · Microsoft Windows Server Active Directory 2019
New in Application Enablement Services Release 8.1.3
Application Enablement Services Release 8.1.3 supports the following new features and enhancements:

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New in this release
Third-party call control support for service observe From AE Services Release 8.1.3 onwards, new APIs have been added for third-party call control support for activation and deactivation of service observe, service observe connection mode change, query service observe status and monitor service observe state change on phone. Thirdparty call control for service observe will work with Avaya Aura® Communication Manager Release 8.1.3 and later. Service observer state change events are sent to the station monitors only if the ASAI version is 12 and above. This feature works with private data version 17 and above for TSAPI and JTAPI applications.
Support for changing the default password for single user mode login From AE Services Release 8.1.3 onwards, you can set or change the password when logged in as a root user for a single user mode.
Support for VMware 7.0 From AE Services Release 8.1.3 onwards, customer provided virtualized environment supports the following software versions:
· VMware® vSphere ESXi 7.0 · VMware® vCenter Server 7.0
Note: AE Services Release 8.1.1 OVA is supported on VMware® vSphere ESXi 7.0.
Support for TSAPI 64-bit client for Windows and SDK From AE Services Release 8.1.3 onwards, TSAPI client and SDK supports 64-bit architecture for Windows and Linux platforms which is backward compatible with AE Services Release 8.1.x server.
Effect of TLS Certificate Hostname Validation on AE Services Release 8.1.3 upgrade If you are upgrading to Release 8.1.3, then certificate hostname validation will be enabled automatically for an external WebLM server and for all Communication Manager connections.
If the certificate identity in the Subject Common Name (CN) or Subject Alternate Name (SAN) matches with the FQDN/IP address of the WebLM server or with Communication Manager ,then the connection is established, otherwise the connection is dropped. For more information, see the Upgrading Avaya Aura® Application Enablement Services .
New in Application Enablement Services Release
From Release, Application Enablement Services is a part of Avaya OneCloudTM Subscription offer.
For more information about Avaya OneCloudTM Subscription offer, see Avaya Support website at

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What's new in Application Enablement Services

New in Application Enablement Services Release 8.1.2
Application Enablement Services Release 8.1.2 supports the following new features and enhancements:
Data Privacy · Data Encryption: You can enable or disable data encryption for Avaya Aura® applications at the time of deployment. Data Encryption is supported only for Appliance Virtualization Platform and VMware Virtualized environments. Once you deploy the application with data encryption, you cannot disable data encryption after deployment and vice-versa. · Support for Log and Trace Retention: You can set the retention period for retaining logs and traces from 0 to 180 days. The saved log and trace files are deleted after the retention period is reached. You can set the retention period via OAM and CLI. · Support for Clearing Logs and Traces: You can clear the logs and traces for a certain period or you can choose to clear all the logs and traces irrespective of the number of days. You can set the clearing period via OAM and CLI. · Support for Auto Log and Trace Delete: When logs disk reaches 90% occupancy, AE Services will automatically delete the oldest logs and traces till the time when the occupancy reaches 75%.
Support for 12­Party Conferencing With Release 8.1.2, AE Services supports 12 participants for ad-hoc and meet-me conferences.
New in Application Enablement Services Release 8.1.1
Support for Location Parameter With Release 8.1.1, the Locations model in the System Management Service (SMS) supports setting and retrieving the Locations Parameter value. You can set the area code for each location and administer different location information for each location. With this feature, you can administer multiple location specifications. Otherwise, information for Location 1 applies to all locations.
The Location Parameter (Loc_Param) is supported with the SMS Software Development Kit (SDK). For more information, see the Model documentation on the SMS test page. VMware console for applications With Release 8.1.1, you can open the VM console in a new browser window or on a new browser tab for the application that reside on Appliance Virtualization Platform Release 7.1.2 and later.
Based on the role of the user, you can assign the permissions for accessing the console.
New in Application Enablement Services Release 8.1
Application Enablement Services Release 8.1 supports the following new features and enhancements:

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New in this release
Appliance Virtualization Platform Hypervisor With Release 8.1, Appliance Virtualization Platform is based on the customized OEM version of VMware® ESXi 6.5.
Support of Clear Alarm for License Normal mode With Release 8.1, AE Services sends a clear alarm notification that clears temporary license error alarms, when the license state returns to a Normal state from the license grace period state. This distinguishes license errors generated between transient state and network fluctuations.
Prior to Release 8.1, the license grace period alarms were generated but not cleared when the license state returned to normal mode. With this enhancement, AE Services sends the license clear alarm to notify the system administrator of the normal state of license mode.
Support for a videoCall private data parameter With AE Services Release 8.1, a new private data parameter videoCall is added in CSTA Service Make call, Answer call, Consultation call and Single step transfer call requests, if CTI application requests endpoints to send and/or receive video stream.
Supported values for videoCall parameter are:
· DISABLED: No Video support required. This is the default value. · INCOMING: Application requests endpoint to only receive video from far-end. · TWOWAY: Application requests endpoint to send/receive video to/from far-end. AE Services Release 8.1 also supports Channel Type in CSTA Originated event to identify an incoming SIP trunk calls as either Voice or Video via CTI.
Support for G.722 codec With AE Services Release 8.1, call recording supports G.722 codec for DMCC applications in Client media mode. This enables DMCC applications to record end-to-end High Definition Media Stream.
Support for command line utilities for configuring AE Services using CLI With Release 8.1, you can seamlessly configure AE Services in an automated manner through the command line interface. To facilitate this, the following command line utilities are provided:
· Switch Connection and CTI link · Licensing · Security Database · Networking Configuration · Certificate Management · User Management · SNMP configuration
Enhancements to the 16-digit extension With Release 8.1, Avaya Aura® applications extend support for configuration of 16-digit extension to the following Communication Manager objects.
· hunt groups

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What's new in Application Enablement Services
Note: Administration of hunt group with 16-digit group extension and group members. · coverage answer groups · ELIN · abbr dial buttons · Listed Directory Number Supported browsers Following are the minimum supported versions of the supported browsers: · Internet Explorer 11 · Mozilla Firefox 65, 66, and 67 Support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system 7.6 With Release 8.1, you can deploy and upgrade Avaya Aura® applications on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system 7.6.

Application Enablement Services feature matrix
The following table lists the feature matrix of Application Enablement Services.
Note: The features listed in the following table are not a comprehensive feature list. It only covers the new features.

Feature name

Release 7.1.x

Third-party call control support for service observe

VMware 7.0

TSAPI 64-bit client for Windows and SDK

OVA signing


IPv6 support


Enhanced Access Security Y Gateway (EASG)

Release 8.0.x

Release 8.1 and Release 8.1.1

Release 8.1.2

Release 8.1.3

Y Y***









Table continues...

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What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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Application Enablement Services feature matrix

Feature name

Release 7.1.x

Compliance with DISA


security STIGs

Multi factor authentication Y

Support for TLS 1.2


Customer Root Access

Preserve security hardening modes on upgrade

Support for 16-digit dial plan

Support for KVM


Support for Software-only Y deployment

Support for Hyper-V in Software-Only environment

Support for third-party software in Software-Only environment

Support of Held Call ID on auto dial request by Application Enablement Services

Support for Avaya Solutions Platform 120 Appliance

Support for Avaya Solutions Platform 130 Appliance

Support for G.722 codec

Support for 12­Party Conferencing

Release 8.0.x

Release 8.1 and Release 8.1.1

Release 8.1.2









Release 8.1.3



























* - OVA is available for VMware and not for KVM. **- To install Application Enablement Services Release 8.1.3 FP in software-only environment, you must follow the following steps:
1. Install Release 8.1 or Release 8.1.1 ISO 2. Upgrade to Release 8.1.2.x FP 3. Upgrade to Release 8.1.3 FP

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What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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What's new in Application Enablement Services
*** - TSAPI client and SDK supports 64-bit architecture for Windows and Linux platforms which is backward compatible with AE Services Release 8.1.x server.

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What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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Chapter 11: What's new in Branch Gateway

This chapter provides an overview of the new and enhanced features of Branch Gateway Release 8.1.x.
For more information about these features and administration, see:

New in Branch Gateway Release 8.1.3
The following sections describe new features and enhancements that are available in Branch Gateway 8.1.3.
Support of DC power supply for G450 Branch Gateway With Release 8.1.3, DC power supply is available with only G450 Branch Gateway. Commands updated for displaying the DC power supply The following commands are enhanced to display the DC power supply:
· Show System · Show Voltage · Show Platform power

New in Branch Gateway Release 8.1.2
The following section describes new features and enhancements that are available in Branch Gateway 8.1.2.
Log retention The following commands are added for log retention:
· set logging file retention {retention_days} · show logging file retention
Support for G450v4 With Release 8.1.2, G450 Branch Gateway supports the G450v4 with the firmware versions, 8.1.1, or later.

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What's new in Branch Gateway
G450v4 supports only the MP 160 DSP module. You can have a maximum of two MP 160 DSP modules. Each MP 160 DSP module supports 160 channels.
New in Branch Gateway Release 8.1
The following sections describes new features and enhancements that are available in Branch Gateway in Release 8.1 and later: Syslog over TLS Branch Gateway supports the syslog application directory for the TLS certificates. The following commands are updated to add TLS for syslog:
· set link-encryption syslog <all | tls | tls1.2 | tls1.1 | tls1.0> <yes | no>
· set logging server <ip-addr> tls [port] · show logging server condition The following certificate-options commands are added and updated: · certificate-options syslog
- set validate-alternate-name - set validate-common-name - set validate-expiration · show certificate-options · show certificate-options syslog Enhancements to the certificate management commands The following certificate management commands are updated to include the syslog application: · copy scp root-ca syslog <filename> <ip> · copy usb root-ca syslog <source-usb-device> <source-filename> · erase root-ca syslog <index> · show root-ca syslog [index] · copy scp gw-identity syslog <filename> <ip> · copy usb gw-identity syslog <source-usb-device> <source-filename> · erase gw-identity syslog · show gw-identity syslog

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Branch Gateway new features
Removed support of HTTP access The HTTP access to Branch Gateway and the Gxxx Manager is not supported. The following commands are updated:
· show protocol · dir The following commands are removed: · set snmp timeout · show snmp timeout · set snmp retries · show snmp retries · ip http · no ip http · copy ftp EW_archive · copy scp EW_archive · copy tftp EW_archive · copy usb EW_archive · set web aux-files-url · show web aux-files-url

Branch Gateway new features
The following table lists the new features of Branch Gateway supported in recent releases.

Feature name
Enhanced Access Security Gateway (EASG)
16-digit dial plan extension
Login authentication password complexity
Syslog over TLS

Release 7.1.2 Y

Release 7.1.3 Y

Release 8.0 Y










Release 8.1.x Y

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What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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Chapter 12: What's new in Call Center Elite
This chapter provides an overview of the new and enhanced features of Call Center Elite Release 8.1.x.
New in Call Center Elite Release 8.1.3
Call Center Elite Release 8.1.3 supports the following new features: · Support for Service Observing with users on AES CTI clients · Support for sending 96 byte UUI data to Avaya one-X® Agent H.323 soft clients using the Adjunct Switch Application Interface (ASAI) feature · Support failover from a Call Center Elite SIP agent softphone to a physical hardphone (Special Application SA9141)
Support for Service Observing with users on AES CTI clients This feature allows users on AES CTI clients to access the Service Observing feature. When the AES CTI client activates Service Observing, only specific supported devices (listed below) will function properly and recognize Service Observing activation. Only the listed devices will receive notification that Service Observing is activated by the AES CTI client. This supported SIP device must have the "sip-sobsrv" button administered. The SIP devices that support this feature include:
· J169CC · J179CC · Avaya Device Adapter Snap-in UNIStim phones · AES CTI devices Note: When using the "sip-sobsrv" feature button, coaching is only available from these SIP devices when the user is logged on as an agent. For more information, see Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite Feature Reference and Administering Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite.

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New in Call Center Elite Release 8.1.2
Support for sending 96 byte UUI data to Avaya one-X® Agent H.323 soft clients using the ASAI feature Prior to Call Center Elite Release 8.1.3, the system sent 32 byte ASAI UUI data to Avaya one-X® Agent H.323 soft clients. With Release 8.1.3, the system now sends 96 byte ASAI UUI data. The UUI data can be viewed by using the "UUI Info" button.
Note: The 96 byte UUI data is supported by Avaya one-X® Agent Release 2.5.13 and newer. When using an older version of Avaya one-X® Agent, only up to 73 bytes of UUI data can be displayed using the "UUI Info" button. Customers must upgrade to Avaya one-X® Agent Release 2.5.13 (or newer) to see the full 96 byte UUI data. For Avaya one-X® Agent H.323 soft clients configured in Desk Phone mode (formerly known as Shared Controlled Mode), the system will only send 32 Byte ASAI UUI data. There are no changes to Call Center Elite or Avaya one-X® Agent documentation for this enhancement. Support failover from a Call Center Elite SIP agent softphone to a physical hardphone (Special Application SA9141)
Important: This special application was specifically developed for use in emergency call centers. Special applications are expected to be used for the purpose intended and Avaya cannot guarantee seamless operation with all other product features. Prior to Call Center Elite Release 8.1.3 and SA9141, when an agent using a SIP device on a call, other SIP agent Multiple Device Access (MDA) devices display a Bridge button. However, when the agent presses the Bridge button, the bridging attempt fails because bridging is not allowed for SIP agents. With Call Center Elite Release 8.1.3 and SA9141 enabled, when an agent presses the Bridge button, bridging is allowed and the agent can continue the call on another MDA-enabled device. This is an important safety feature that allows an agent on an emergency call to bridge the call to a physical SIP telephone in case there is a softphone failure. The call with the customer is not lost. To use this special application, you must enable the feature on the Special Applications form. For more information about special applications, see Avaya Aura® Communication Manager Special Application Features or contact your Avaya sales representative or Avaya Business Partner for a more detailed description of this feature.
New in Call Center Elite Release 8.1.2
There were no new features in Call Center Elite Release 8.1.2.

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What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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What's new in Call Center Elite
New in Call Center Elite Release 8.1.1
Call Center Elite Release 8.1.1 supports the new feature "Whisper Coaching Allowed on Invisible ASAI Single Step Conference (SSC) Calls". Supervisors must always be observing a call before trying to coach a call. For conference calls, prior to Release 8.1.1, coaching on a conference call was blocked. With Release 8.1.1, if the Coach on SSC option is enabled, supervisors can coach agents using the Service Observing Coach functionality even while the call is being recorded by recording applications that use the invisible ASAI SSC option to record calls. Prior to this option being available, supervisors could not coach agents on any call that was being recorded. If the Coach on SSC option is disabled, agent coaching continues to be blocked on any other conference call. Note that if the call is an invisible ASAI SSC call, the phone displays for the other parties on the call do not say "Conference". For more information, see Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite Feature Reference and Administering Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite.
New in Call Center Elite Release 8.1.0
Call Center Elite Release 8.1.0 supports the new feature "Multi-Device Access (MDA) Support for SIPCC Endpoints". MDA Support for SIPCC Endpoints has the following restrictions:
· The SIP agent must be registered and logged into only one physical endpoint. · Soft clients using Third Party Call Control (3PCC) must operate in shared control mode. For
example, if Avaya Workplace Client is used, Avaya Workplace Client must be configured to operate in "My Desk Phone" mode. Registering two endpoints to the same extension is permissive use and will cause functional interactions during feature operation. The following examples are the most likely interactions: · Service Observing will not start when more than one physical endpoint is registered with the same extension. · Supervisor Assist fails when more than one physical endpoint is registered with the same extension. Other feature interactions can occur when more than one endpoint is registered to the same extension. For more information, see Avaya Aura® Communication Manager Feature Description and Implementation.

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What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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Chapter 13: What's new in Avaya Device Adapter

This chapter provides an overview of the new and enhanced features of Avaya Device Adapter Release 8.1.x. For more information about these features and administration, see the Avaya Device Adapter Snapin Reference guide.
What's new in Avaya Device Adapter Release 8.1.3
Device Adapter Release 8.1.3 provides the following new capabilities: · Supports additional Idle time interval range for DVLA phones before automatic virtual office logout functionality in the Virtual Office/Emergency Calls section. · Supports Avaya SBCE setup with Device Adapter end users by implementing the Remote Cluster feature thereby overriding user defined Session Manager addresses for all Device Adapter endpoints. · Supports activation and deactivation of the LimitInCalls feature key on the CS 1000 phones for the Limit Number of Concurrent Calls (LNCC) feature. · With Release 8.1.3, you can use Device Adapter to manage phones migrated from the CS 2100 product.
What's new in Avaya Device Adapter Release 8.1.2
Device Adapter Release 8.1.2 provides the following new capabilities: · Supports Call Center Elite features and capabilities on a limited subset of Device Adapter phones. Call Center Elite agents and supervisors can use these phones to perform both UC and call center-specific operations. · Supports Avaya Workspaces CTI application with Call Center Elite.

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What's new in Avaya Device Adapter
· Supports Avaya Workspaces and Avaya Aura® Agent Desktop CTI applications with Avaya Aura® Contact Center.
· Allows phones to be CTI controlled in a call center environment. · Supports IPv6 between Device Adapter and the Avaya Aura® components. · Supports the Private Line Service (PVR/PVN) feature. · Supports the ada-report command, which provides the Device Adapter and Avaya
Breeze® platform logs in one .zip file. · Supports the tnInfo command, which displays a list of TNs of the Device Adapter endpoints
that are configured in System Manager. · Supports multiple node IDs and System IDs on one Avaya Breeze® platform cluster during
migration of endpoints from CS 1000 to Avaya Aura®. · Stores Personal Directory data in the PPM instead of the Cluster database of Avaya Breeze®
platform for Data Privacy. · Avaya Breeze® platform restart is not required if you modify any of the Avaya Breeze®
platform trusted certificates after Device Adapter is installed. · Supports NT1R20 off-premise station analog line cards. · Supports the Group Paging feature. · Supports the Auto-Answer feature. · Supports context-sensitive soft keys for voice mail on UNIStim IP desk phones and 3900
series digital desk phones.
What's new in Avaya Device Adapter Release 8.1.1
Device Adapter Release 8.1.1 provides the following new capabilities: · Supports the Communication Manager operation of managing Call Forward All Calls (CFW) from a user extension on behalf of another user extension. A user can use the CFW feature along with the Busy Indicator feature to manage CFW on behalf of another user extension. · Supports the Virtual Office (VO) feature that allows a user to log in at a guest station by using VO credentials. · Allows a VO user to make an emergency call irrespective of whether the VO user is logged in or logged out of the phone. · Supports the following CS 1000 pcap commands to monitor network packets that are sent and received by the network interfaces of the Avaya Breeze® platform: pcapHelp, pcapStart, pcapStop, pcapStatus, pcapRestart, pcapConfigShow, and pcapConfig.

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Avaya Device Adapter feature matrix
· Allows all Device Adapter UNIStim, analog, and digital endpoints to be used as CTI controlled SIP endpoints for Avaya Aura® Contact Center.
· Supports the daHelp command that displays a list of Device Adapter-specific maintenance and troubleshooting commands at the Avaya Breeze® platform CLI interface.
· Supports filtering of the DSA log components. · The mgcShow command now also shows the type of the registered controllers; for example,
MGC or MG-XPEC, and the number of voice gateways; that is, DSP resources that can be allocated to the TDM stations.

Avaya Device Adapter feature matrix
The following table lists the feature matrix of Avaya Device Adapter. Note: The feature list is not a comprehensive feature list.

Ad hoc conference
Busy Indicator
Call Forward All Calls (CFW) along with the Busy Indicator feature to manage CFW on behalf of another extension
Call Forward - all calls / busy / no answer Caller List / Redial List / Personal Directory

Release 8.0 UNIStim
UNIStim Not supported Not supported

Release 8.0.1 UNIStim, Digital, Analog UNIStim, Digital Not supported Not supported
UNIStim, Digital, Analog UNIStim, Digital1

Release 8.1 Release 8.1.1

UNIStim, Digital, Analog

UNIStim, Digital, Analog

UNIStim, Digital

UNIStim, Digital

UNIStim, Digital
Not supported

UNIStim, Digital
UNIStim1, Digital1

This feature is not supported on 2001 and 3901 endpoints.

UNIStim, Digital, Analog

UNIStim, Digital, Analog

UNIStim, Digital1

UNIStim, Digital1

Release 8.1.2

Release 8.1.3

UNIStim, Digital, Analog

UNIStim, Digital, Analog

UNIStim, Digital

UNIStim, Digital

UNIStim, Digital

UNIStim, Digital

UNIStim1, Digital1

UNIStim1, Digital1

This feature is not supported on 2001 and 3901 endpoints.

This feature is not supported on 2001 and 3901 endpoints.

UNIStim, Digital, Analog

UNIStim, Digital, Analog

UNIStim, Digital1

UNIStim, Digital1

Table continues...

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What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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What's new in Avaya Device Adapter


Release 8.0

Call Pickup (Directed / Group / Ringing Number)
Call Park and Call Pickup


Call Waiting


Corporate Directory

Not supported

Context-sensitive key access idle / offhook / dialed / ringing / active call state




signaling (DTMF)

Fixed feature key UNIStim access
Hold / retrieve UNIStim

Hot Line multiple types on CS 1000
Last Number Redial


Making, answering, and releasing a basic call
Make Set Busy


Malicious Call Trace

Not supported

Release 8.0.1
UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital UNIStim1, Digital1 UNIStim, Digital1
UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital
UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital, Analog
Not supported

Release 8.1 Release 8.1.1

UNIStim, Digital, Analog

UNIStim, Digital, Analog

UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital
UNIStim1, Digital1
UNIStim, Digital1

UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital
UNIStim1, Digital1
UNIStim, Digital1

UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital
UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital

UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital
UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital

Release 8.1.2
UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital UNIStim1, Digital1
UNIStim, Digital1

Release 8.1.3
UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital UNIStim1, Digital1
UNIStim, Digital1

UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital
UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital, Analog

UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital
UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital, Analog

UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital, Analog

UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital, Analog
Table continues...

April 2021

What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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Avaya Device Adapter feature matrix


Release 8.0

Message Waiting UNIStim Indication (including audio)

Message Waiting UNIStim Key and Lamp for voice mail

Multiple Appearance Directory Numbers (MADN)


Multiple Device Not Access: Allows supported concurrent registrations of a minimum of 2 up to a maximum of 10 SIP devices with the same extension. However, Avaya recommends that out of the 10 devices, only 1 device should be a Device Adapter UNIStim endpoint.

Release key - UNIStim disconnect a call

Ring Again


Set Display calling / called / redirecting name and number.
Set Display time and date, call timer, and so on.


Release 8.0.1 UNIStim, Digital, Analog UNIStim, Digital, Analog1 UNIStim, Digital, Analog2 Not supported
UNIStim, Digital, Analog UNIStim, Digital UNIStim, Digital, Analog UNIStim, Digital, Analog1

Release 8.1 Release 8.1.1

UNIStim, Digital, Analog

UNIStim, Digital, Analog

UNIStim, Digital, Analog1

UNIStim, Digital, Analog1

UNIStim, Digital, Analog2

UNIStim, Digital, Analog2



UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital, Analog1

UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital, Analog1

Release 8.1.2
UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital, Analog1
UNIStim, Digital, Analog2

Release 8.1.3
UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital, Analog1
UNIStim, Digital, Analog2



UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital, Analog

UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital, Analog

UNIStim, Digital, Analog1

UNIStim, Digital, Analog1

Table continues...

April 2021

What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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What's new in Avaya Device Adapter


Release 8.0 Release 8.0.1

Speed Dial


UNIStim, Digital, Analog

Sequential Registration: Allows registration of only one endpoint at one time.
Support for 50 Avaya Breeze® platform nodes and 2,00,000 endpoints.
SMGR IU for Device Adapter
SMGR IU for Media Gateway
Transfer - blind as well as consultative
Privacy Release

Support for 35 Avaya Breeze® platform nodes. No No UNIStim

UNIStim3, Digital3, Analog3
50 Avaya Breeze® platform nodes retroactively supported. Yes
UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim, Digital, Analog

Presence Service Notification: Provides presence status indication to nonDevice Adapter endpoints
Virtual Office (VO)

Not supported
Not supported

Not supported Not supported

Release 8.1 Release 8.1.1

UNIStim, Digital, Analog

UNIStim, Digital, Analog

UNIStim4, Digital3, Analog3

UNIStim4, Digital3, Analog3

Release 8.1.2
UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim4, Digital3, Analog3

Release 8.1.3
UNIStim, Digital, Analog
UNIStim4, Digital3, Analog3





UNIStim, Digital, Analog UNIStim, Digital, Analog UNIStim, Digital, Analog

UNIStim, Digital, Analog UNIStim, Digital, Analog UNIStim, Digital, Analog

UNIStim, Digital, Analog UNIStim, Digital, Analog UNIStim, Digital, Analog

UNIStim, Digital, Analog UNIStim, Digital, Analog UNIStim, Digital, Analog

Not supported

UNIStim with UNIStim with UNIStim with

soft keys

soft keys

soft keys

The endpoint must support Home and Virtual soft keys.

The endpoint must support Home and Virtual soft keys

The endpoint must support Home and Virtual soft keys

Table continues...

April 2021

What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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Avaya Device Adapter feature matrix

Virtual Office Emergency dialing

Release 8.0 Release 8.0.1

Not supported

Not supported

Virtual Office DVLA Timer Remote Cluster
Limit Number of Concurrent Calls (LNCC) CS2100

Not supported Not supported Not supported
Not supported

Not supported Not supported Not supported
Not supported

Release 8.1 Release 8.1.1

Release 8.1.2

Release 8.1.3

Not supported

UNIStim with UNIStim with UNIStim with

soft keys

soft keys

soft keys

The endpoint must support Emergency soft key.

The endpoint must support Emergency soft key

Not supported

Not supported

Not supported

UNIStim with soft keys

Not supported

Not supported

Not supported


Not supported

Not supported

Not supported


Not supported

Not supported

Not supported

UNIStim, Digital, Analog

1 Applies to a subset of the set types. For example, Digital1 may apply to the 39xx phones, that is, 3903, 3904, and so on.
2 Analog stations may have a MADN assigned, but have only one available line appearance. Digital and UNIStim stations may have one or more line appearances for the directory number.
3 Used for recovery in an event of a network failure.
4 In addition to providing recovery in an event of a network failure, can also be used for switching between UNIStim endpoints.

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Chapter 14: Resources


The following table lists the documents related to the components of Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.3. Download the documents from the Avaya Support website at

Title Implementation Deploying Avaya Aura® System Manager in Virtualized Environment
Deploying Avaya Aura® System Manager in Virtual Appliance
Deploying Avaya Aura® System Manager in Infrastructure as a Service Environment Deploying Avaya Aura® System Manager in Software-Only Environment Upgrading Avaya Aura® System Manager
Deploying Avaya Aura® Communication Manager in Virtualized Environment
Deploying Avaya Aura® Communication Manager in Virtual Appliance
Deploying Avaya Aura® Communication Manager in Infrastructure as a Service Environment



Deploy the Avaya Aura® System Manager application in a virtualized environment.

Implementation personnel

Deploy the Avaya Aura® System Manager application in a virtual appliance environment.

Implementation personnel

Deploy the Avaya Aura® System Manager application on cloud services.

Implementation personnel

Deploy the Avaya Aura® System Manager application in a software only environment.

Implementation personnel

Upgrade the Avaya Aura® System Manager application to Release 8.1.x.

System administrators and IT personnel

Describes the implementation instructions while deploying Communication Manager on VMware and Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM).

Implementation personnel

Describes the implementation instructions while deploying Communication Manager on Appliance Virtualization Platform.

Implementation personnel

Describes the implementation instructions while deploying Communication Manager on Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Network.

Implementation personnel
Table continues...

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Title Deploying Avaya Aura® Communication Manager in SoftwareOnly Environment
Upgrading Avaya Aura® Communication Manager Deploying Avaya Aura® Session Manager and Avaya Aura® Branch Session Manager in Virtualized Environment Deploying Avaya Aura® Session Manager in Infrastructure as a Service Environment Deploying Avaya Aura® Session Manager and Avaya Aura® Branch Session Manager in Software-Only Environment Deploying Avaya Aura® Session Manager and Avaya Aura® Branch Session Manager in Virtual Appliance Upgrading Avaya Aura® Session Manager Deploying Avaya Aura® Application Enablement Services in Virtual Appliance Deploying Avaya Aura® Application Enablement Services in Virtualized Environment Deploying Avaya Aura® Application Enablement Services in Infrastructure as a Service Environment
Deploying Avaya Aura® Application Enablement Services in a SoftwareOnly Environment Upgrading Avaya Aura® Application Enablement Services Deploying standalone Avaya WebLM in Virtual Appliance
Deploying standalone Avaya WebLM in Virtualized Environment

Describes the implementation instructions while deploying Communication Manager on a software-only environment.
Describes instructions while upgrading Communication Manager.
Describes how to deploy the Session Manager virtual application in a virtualized environment.
Describes how to deploy the Session Manager in the Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) environment.
Describes how to deploy the Session Manager in the Software-Only environment.
Describes how to deploy the Session Manager in Virtual Appliance.
Provides common administration scenarios.
Deploy Application Enablement Services applications in Virtual Appliance
Deploy Application Enablement Services applications in Virtualized Environment
Deploy Application Enablement Services applications in Infrastructure as a Service Environment
Deploy Application Enablement Services applications in SoftwareOnly Environment
Upgrading Application Enablement Services applications.
Deploy the application in virtual appliance environment by using Solution Deployment Manager
Deploy the application in virtualized environment.

Audience Implementation personnel
System administrators and IT personnel Implementation personnel
Implementation personnel
Implementation personnel
Implementation personnel
System administrators and IT personnel Implementation personnel
Implementation personnel
Implementation personnel
Implementation personnel
System administrators and IT personnel Implementation personnel
Implementation personnel
Table continues...

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Title Deploying standalone Avaya WebLM in Infrastructure as a Service Environment Deploying standalone Avaya WebLM in Software-Only Environment Upgrading standalone Avaya WebLM Administration Administering Network Connectivity on Avaya Aura® Communication Manager
Administering Avaya Aura® Communication Manager
Administering Avaya Aura® System Manager
Avaya Aura® Presence Services Snapin Reference
Using Using the Solution Deployment Manager client Understanding Avaya Aura® Communication Manager Feature Description and Implementation
Avaya Aura® Communication Manager Screen Reference

Description Deploy the application on cloud services.
Deploy the application in softwareonly environment. Upgrade the application.
Describes the network components of Communication Manager, such as gateways, trunks, FAX, modem, TTY, and Clear-Channel calls.
Describes the procedures and screens used for administering Communication Manager.
Describes the procedures for configuring System Manager Release 8.1.3 and the Avaya Aura® applications and systems managed by System Manager. Describes the steps to deploy and configure Presence Services.
Deploy and install patches on Avaya Aura® applications.
Describes the features that you can administer using Communication Manager.
Describes the screen and detailed field descriptions of Communication Manager.

Audience Implementation personnel
Implementation personnel
System administrators and IT personnel
Solution Architects, Implementation Engineers, Sales Engineers, Support Personnel
Solution Architects, Implementation Engineers, Sales Engineers, Support Personnel
Solution Architects, Implementation Engineers, Sales Engineers, Support Personnel
Solution Architects, Implementation Engineers, Sales Engineers, Support Personnel
System administrators
Solution Architects, Implementation Engineers, Sales Engineers, Support Personnel
Solution Architects, Implementation Engineers, Sales Engineers, Support Personnel
Table continues...

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Title Administering Avaya Aura® Session Manager
Avaya Aura® Communication Manager Hardware Description and Reference
Planning for Deploying Avaya Aura® applications
Planning for Upgrading Avaya Aura® applications to Release 8.1.x
Maintenance and Troubleshooting Maintenance Commands for Avaya Aura® Communication Manager, Branch Gateway and Servers

Description Describes how to administer Session Manager by using System Manager.
Describes the hardware devices that can be incorporated in a Communication Manager telephony configuration.
Provides planning information for deploying Avaya Aura® applications on supported platforms.
Provides planning information for upgrading Avaya Aura® applications on supported platforms.

Solution Architects, Implementation Engineers, Sales Engineers, Support Personnel
Solution Architects, Implementation Engineers, Sales Engineers, Support Personnel
Solution Architects, Implementation Engineers, Sales Engineers, Support Personnel
Solution Architects, Implementation Engineers, Sales Engineers, Support Personnel

Provides commands to monitor, test, and maintain hardware components of Avaya servers and gateways.

Solution Architects, Implementation Engineers, Sales Engineers, Support Personnel

Finding documents on the Avaya Support website
1. Go to
2. At the top of the screen, type your username and password and click Login.
3. Click Support by Product > Documents.
4. In Enter your Product Here, type the product name and then select the product from the list.
5. In Choose Release, select the appropriate release number.
The Choose Release field is not available if there is only one release for the product.
6. In the Content Type filter, click a document type, or click Select All to see a list of all available documents.
For example, for user guides, click User Guides in the Content Type filter. The list only displays the documents for the selected category.

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7. Click Enter.
Accessing the port matrix document
Procedure 1. Go to 2. Log on to the Avaya website with a valid Avaya user ID and password. 3. On the Avaya Support page, click Support by Product > Documents. 4. In Enter Your Product Here, type the product name, and then select the product from the list of suggested product names. 5. In Choose Release, select the required release number. 6. In the Content Type filter, select one or both the following categories: · Application & Technical Notes · Design, Development & System Mgt The list displays the product-specific Port Matrix document. 7. Click Enter.
Avaya Documentation Center navigation
The latest customer documentation for some programs is now available on the Avaya Documentation Center website at
Important: For documents that are not available on Avaya Documentation Center, click More Sites > Support on the top menu to open Using the Avaya Documentation Center, you can: · Search for content by doing one of the following:
- Click Filters to select a product and then type key words in Search. - From Products & Solutions, select a solution category and product, and then select the
appropriate document from the list. · Sort documents on the search results page. · Click Languages ( ) to change the display language and view localized documents. · Publish a PDF of the current section in a document, the section and its subsections, or the
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Navigate to the Manage Content > My Docs menu, and do any of the following: - Create, rename, and delete a collection. - Add topics from various documents to a collection. - Save a PDF of selected content in a collection and download it to your computer. - Share content in a collection with others through email. - Receive collection that others have shared with you. · Add yourself as a watcher using the Watch icon ( ). Navigate to the Manage Content > Watchlist menu, and do the following: - Enable Include in email notification to receive email alerts. - Unwatch selected content, all content in a document, or all content on the Watch list page. As a watcher, you are notified when content is updated or deleted from a document, or the document is removed from the website. · Share a section on social media platforms, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. · Send feedback on a section and rate the content. Note: Some functionality is only available when you log on to the website. The available functionality depends on the role with which you are logged in.


The following courses are available on the Avaya Learning website at
After logging into the website, enter the course code or the course title in the Search field and click Go to search for the course.

Course code 20460W 20970W 20980W 71200V 72200V 20130V 21450V

Course title Virtualization and Installation Basics for Avaya Team Engagement Solutions Introducing Avaya Device Adapter What's New with Avaya Aura® Release 8.1 Integrating Avaya Aura® Core Components Supporting Avaya Aura® Core Components Administering Avaya Aura® System Manager Release 8.1 Administering Avaya Aura® Communication Manager Release 8.1

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Viewing Avaya Mentor videos
Avaya Mentor videos provide technical content on how to install, configure, and troubleshoot Avaya products. About this task Videos are available on the Avaya Support website, listed under the video document type, and on the Avaya-run channel on YouTube.
· To find videos on the Avaya Support website, go to and do one of the following: - In Search, type Avaya Mentor Videos, click Clear All and select Video in the Content Type. - In Search, type the product name. On the Search Results page, click Clear All and select Video in the Content Type. The Video content type is displayed only when videos are available for that product. In the right pane, the page displays a list of available videos.
· To find the Avaya Mentor videos on YouTube, go to and do one of the following: - Enter a key word or key words in the Search Channel to search for a specific product or topic. - Scroll down Playlists, and click a topic name to see the list of videos available for the topic. For example, Contact Centers.
Note: Videos are not available for all products.
Go to the Avaya Support website at for the most up-to-date documentation, product notices, and knowledge articles. You can also search for release notes, downloads, and resolutions to issues. Use the online service request system to create a service request. Chat with live agents to get answers to questions, or request an agent to connect you to a support team if an issue requires additional expertise.
Using the Avaya InSite Knowledge Base
The Avaya InSite Knowledge Base is a web-based search engine that provides: · Up-to-date troubleshooting procedures and technical tips

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· Information about service packs · Access to customer and technical documentation · Information about training and certification programs · Links to other pertinent information If you are an authorized Avaya Partner or a current Avaya customer with a support contract, you can access the Knowledge Base without extra cost. You must have a login account and a valid Sold-To number. Use the Avaya InSite Knowledge Base for any potential solutions to problems. 1. Go to 2. Log on to the Avaya website with a valid Avaya user ID and password.
The system displays the Avaya Support page. 3. Click Support by Product > Product-specific Support. 4. In Enter Product Name, enter the product, and press Enter. 5. Select the product from the list, and select a release. 6. Click the Technical Solutions tab to see articles. 7. Select relevant articles.

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Appendix A: PCN and PSN notifications
PCN and PSN notifications
Avaya issues a product-change notice (PCN) for any software update. For example, a PCN must accompany a service pack or an update that must be applied universally. Avaya issues a productsupport notice (PSN) when there is no update, service pack, or release fix, but the business unit or Avaya Services need to alert Avaya Direct, Business Partners, and customers of a problem or a change in a product. A PSN can also be used to provide a work around for a known problem, steps to recover logs, or steps to recover software. Both these notices alert you to important issues that directly impact Avaya products.
Viewing PCNs and PSNs
About this task To view PCNs and PSNs, perform the following steps: Procedure
1. Go to the Avaya Support website at If the Avaya Support website displays the login page, enter your SSO login credentials.
2. On the top of the page, click DOCUMENTS. 3. On the Documents page, in the Enter Your Product Here field, type the name of the
product. 4. In the Choose Release field, select the specific release from the drop-down list. 5. Select the appropriate filters as per your search requirement.
For example, if you select Product Support Notices, the system displays only PSNs in the documents list. You can apply multiple filters to search for the required documents.

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Signing up for PCNs and PSNs
Signing up for PCNs and PSNs
About this task Manually viewing PCNs and PSNs is helpful, but you can also sign up for receiving notifications of new PCNs and PSNs. Signing up for notifications alerts you to specific issues you must be aware of. These notifications also alert you when new product documentation, new product patches, or new services packs are available. The Avaya Notifications process manages this proactive notification system. To sign up for notifications: Procedure
1. Go to and search for "Avaya Support Web Tips and Troubleshooting: E-Notifications Management".
Under the Results section, click Avaya Support Web Tips and Troubleshooting: ENotifications Management. 2. Set up e-notifications.
For detailed information, see the How to set up your E-Notifications procedure.

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accessing port matrix ...........................................................94 Appliance Virtualization Platform ......................................... 13
feature matrix ................................................................36 what's new .................................................................... 34 Appliance Virtualization Platform 8.1 new in release .............................................................. 35 Appliance Virtualization Platform 8.1.1 new in release .............................................................. 35 Appliance Virtualization Platform 8.1.2 new in release .............................................................. 35 Appliance Virtualization Platform 8.1.3 new in release .............................................................. 34 Appliance Virtualization Platform components .....................15 Appliance Virtualization Platform overview .......................... 13 Application Enablement Services feature matrix ................................................................74 new in release .............................................................. 72 new in release 8.1.1 ..................................................... 72 new in release 8.1.2 ..................................................... 72 new in release .................................................. 71 new in release 8.1.3 ..................................................... 70 new in release .................................................. 70 what's new .................................................................... 70 Avaya Aura® overview ....................................................................... 12 Avaya Aura® application browsers ....................................................................... 32 ESXi version ................................................................. 30 supported gateways ..................................................... 32 supported servers .........................................................31 Avaya Aura® application OVAs Linux operating system version .................................... 28 Avaya Aura® offers .............................................................. 12 Avaya Aura application upgrade .......................................... 27 Avaya Aura components Release 8.1.x ..................................................................7 Avaya Aura Virtualized Appliance offer ................................13 Avaya Device Adapter feature matrix ................................................................85 what's new .................................................................... 83 Avaya Device Adapter 8.1.1 what's new .................................................................... 84 Avaya Device Adapter 8.1.2 what's new .................................................................... 83 Avaya Device Adapter Release 8.1.3 What's new ................................................................... 83 Avaya support website .........................................................96 Avaya virtualization platform ................................................ 13 AVP Utilities feature matrix ................................................................40 new in release 8.1 ........................................................ 39

AVP Utilities (continued) new in release 8.1.1 ..................................................... 39 new in release 8.1.2 ..................................................... 39 new in release 8.1.3 ..................................................... 38 new in release .................................................. 38
Branch Gateway new features ................................................................. 79 new in release .............................................................. 78 what's new .................................................................... 77
browsers Avaya Aura® application ...............................................32
Call Center Elite what's new .................................................................... 80
client Solution Deployment Manager ................................... 22 collection
delete ............................................................................94 edit name ......................................................................94 generating PDF ............................................................ 94 sharing content ............................................................. 94 Communication Manager feature matrix ................................................................64 new in release 8.1 ........................................................ 63 new in release 8.1.1 ..................................................... 62 new in release 8.1.2 ..................................................... 61 new in release 8.1.3 ..................................................... 59 new in release .................................................. 59 what's new .................................................................... 59 components Appliance Virtualization Platform .................................. 15 virtualized environment .................................................16 content publishing PDF output .................................................. 94 searching ...................................................................... 94 sharing ..........................................................................94 sort by last updated ...................................................... 94 watching for updates .................................................... 94 customer VMware ................................................................15
documentation center .......................................................... 94 finding content .............................................................. 94 navigation ..................................................................... 94
documentation portal ........................................................... 94 finding content .............................................................. 94 navigation ..................................................................... 94

April 2021

What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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document changes ................................................................ 8
ESXi version Avaya Aura® application ...............................................30
feature matrix Appliance Virtualization Platform .................................. 36 Application Enablement Services ................................. 74 Avaya Device Adapter .................................................. 85 AVP Utilities .................................................................. 40 Branch Gateway ........................................................... 79 Communication Manager ............................................. 64 Presence Services ........................................................68 Session Manager ..........................................................57 System Manager .......................................................... 48 WebLM ......................................................................... 51
finding content on documentation center .............................94 finding port matrix ................................................................ 94
IaaS overview ....................................................................... 17
Infrastructure as a Service overview ....................................................................... 17
InSite Knowledge Base ........................................................96
Kernel-based Virtual Machine overview ....................................................................... 15
Linux operating system version Avaya Aura® application OVAs .....................................28 Avaya Aura® application Software-only Environment ...29
My Docs ...............................................................................94
new features in 8.1.2 ........................................................... 77 new features in 8.1.3 release ...............................................77 new in 8.1.2 ......................................................................... 77 new in 8.1.3 ......................................................................... 77 new in 8.1.3 release .............................................................77 new in release
Appliance Virtualization Platform 8.1 ............................ 35

new in release (continued) Appliance Virtualization Platform 8.1.1 ......................... 35 Appliance Virtualization Platform 8.1.2 ......................... 35 Appliance Virtualization Platform 8.1.3 ......................... 34 Application Enablement Services ................................. 72 Branch Gateway ........................................................... 78 Presence Services ........................................................68 Session Manager ....................................................53­56 System Manager 8.1 .................................................... 45 WebLM 8.1 ................................................................... 51
new in release 8.1 AVP Utilities .................................................................. 39 Communication Manager ............................................. 63
new in Release 8.1.0 ........................................................... 82 new in release 8.1.1
Application Enablement Services ................................. 72 AVP Utilities .................................................................. 39 Communication Manager ............................................. 62 System Manager .......................................................... 44 WebLM ......................................................................... 51 new in Release 8.1.1 ........................................................... 82 new in release 8.1.2 Application Enablement Services ................................. 72 AVP Utilities .................................................................. 39 Communication Manager ............................................. 61 Presence Services ........................................................67 System Manager .......................................................... 44 WebLM ......................................................................... 50 new in Release 8.1.2 ........................................................... 81 new in release Application Enablement Services ................................. 71 new in release 8.1.3 Application Enablement Services ................................. 70 AVP Utilities .................................................................. 38 Communication Manager ............................................. 59 Presence Services ........................................................67 System Manager .......................................................... 42 WebLM ......................................................................... 50 new in Release 8.1.3 ........................................................... 80 new in release Application Enablement Services ................................. 70 AVP Utilities .................................................................. 38 Communication Manager ............................................. 59 System Manager .......................................................... 41 new in release 8.1.4 Presence Services ........................................................66
offer Avaya virtualized appliance .......................................... 12 Infrastructure as a Service ............................................12 Software-only environment ...........................................12 Virtualized Environment ................................................12
overview .........................................................................15, 21 Amazon Web Services (AWS) ......................................18 Google Cloud Platform ................................................. 18

April 2021

What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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overview (continued) IBM Bluemix ................................................................. 19 Microsoft Azure .............................................................18
PCN notification ................................................................... 98 port matrix ............................................................................94 Presence Services
feature matrix ................................................................68 new in release .............................................................. 68 new in release 8.1.2 ..................................................... 67 new in release 8.1.3 ..................................................... 67 new in release 8.1.4 ..................................................... 66 what's new .................................................................... 66 Product compatibility ..............................................................8 PSN notification ................................................................... 98
related documentation ......................................................... 90 Release 8.1.0 .......................................................................82 Release 8.1.1 .......................................................................82 Release 8.1.3 .......................................................................80
SDM Client ...........................................................................24 searching for content ........................................................... 94 Session Manager
feature matrix ................................................................57 new in release ........................................................ 53­56 what's new .................................................................... 53 sharing content .................................................................... 94 signing up PCNs and PSNs ........................................................... 99 software-only ....................................................................... 21 Solution Deployment Manager ............................................ 22 supported applications ..................................................25 Solution Deployment Manager client ................................... 22 Solution Deployment Manager Client .................................. 24 sort documents by last updated ...........................................94 support .................................................................................96 supported applications .........................................................22 Infrastructure as a Service ............................................20 VMware and KVM .........................................................15 supported gateways Avaya Aura® application ...............................................32 supported servers Avaya Aura® application ...............................................31 System Manager feature matrix ................................................................48 new in release 8.1.1 ..................................................... 44 new in release 8.1.2 ..................................................... 44 new in release 8.1.3 ..................................................... 42 new in release .................................................. 41

System Manager (continued) what's new .................................................................... 41
System Manager 8.1 new in release .............................................................. 45
technical assistance ...............................................................8 topology
Avaya applications on Infrastructure as a Service platform .........................................................................19 System Manager .......................................................... 16 training ................................................................................. 95
upgrade Branch Session Manager ............................................. 27 Communication Manager ............................................. 27 Session Manager ..........................................................27
videos .................................................................................. 96 viewing
PCNs ............................................................................ 98 PSNs ............................................................................ 98 Virtualized Appliance ........................................................... 13 virtualized environment ........................................................15 Virtualized Environment ................................................. 13, 15 VMware components Release 8.x ...................................................................27
watch list .............................................................................. 94 WebLM
feature matrix ................................................................51 new in release 8.1.1 ..................................................... 51 new in release 8.1.2 ..................................................... 50 new in release 8.1.3 ..................................................... 50 what's new .................................................................... 50 WebLM 8.1 new in release .............................................................. 51 What's new Avaya Device Adapter Release 8.1.3 ........................... 83 what's new ..................................................................... 80, 82 Appliance Virtualization Platform .................................. 34 Application Enablement Services ................................. 70 Avaya Device Adapter .................................................. 83 Avaya Device Adapter 8.1.1 ......................................... 84 Avaya Device Adapter 8.1.2 ......................................... 83 Branch Gateway ........................................................... 77 Call Center Elite ............................................................80 Communication Manager> ........................................... 59 Presence Services ........................................................66

April 2021

What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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what's new (continued) Session Manager ..........................................................53 System Manager .......................................................... 41 WebLM ......................................................................... 50
What's new .......................................................................... 38


April 2021

What's New in Avaya Aura® Release 8.1.x


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