Monumental Rulebook -

Monumental, Rulebook, -,

Monumental Rulebook -

Assemble the map using the correct layout for the number of players. Among the proposed layouts. You may also create your own layout.

Matthew Dunstan
1­4 players l 90 -120 min l Ages 14+

In Monumental, each player leads a unique civilization. How will you shape your destiny, and how will history remember you? Dare you succeed as a warmonger, as a pioneer of cultural and scientific progress, or an architect of a great city and remarkable Wonders?
Only the player with the most impressive civilization at the end of the game will win!
105 Civilisation cards, including: ­ 15 cards for each of the 5 civilizations: 5 Work Camps, 3 Libraries, 3 Forts, 1 Forum, 1 Mine, 1 Special Building and 1 Knowledge ­ 25 Cultural Policy cards (5 for each civilizations) ­ 5 Warlord cards (1 for each civilization) ­ 20 Solo mode cards
68 Development cards: ­ 15 Classical Era cards (I) ­ 12 Medieval Era cards (II) ­ 8 Modern Era cards (III) ­ 3 Era Separation cards: I, II and III
30 Basic building cards: ­ 10 Workshops ­ 10 Laboratories ­ 10 Archery Ranges
40 Terrain tiles: ­ 4 Capital tiles ­ 36 Province tiles
50 Units: ­ 5 Warlords (1 for each of civilisation) ­ 45 Troops (9 for each of civilisation)
10 Explorers (2 for each civilisation) 10 Outposts (2 for each civilisation)

13 Wonders tokens 50 Exploration tokens (Barbarians and Free Town) 25 production tokens 20 Market tokens (5 of each types) 40 Gold tokens 20 Culture tokens
Counters 39 Ressources counters : Production (12 black), Military (15 red) and Science (12 blue) 5 Wonder construction counters (yellow)
The aim of the game is to develop your civilization, by constructing new buildings and wonders in your City, achieving new scientific knowledge and cultural development, and using yur military power to conquer new provinces. The player with the most points wins.
Assemble the map using the correct layout for the number of players Among the proposed layouts. You may also create your own layout (See Create Your Own Map below) Place Barbarians and Free Towns tokens face up, large number showing, as shown on the layout. For each Market, randomly take as many tokens as Players. Place them as a face down stack and place them on the board as in the proposed set up. Place one Production token on each tile (except Capital tiles, water tiles and tiles with a market) as shown on the layout. Place in the box the unused Barbarian, Free Town, Production and Market tokens. You won't need them during the play. Place all the Gold and Culture tokens, beside the play area as a token common stock.


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Place all the ressources counters (Production, Military, Science), and Wonder Construction counters beside the play area as a common stock.
Development cards and Basic building
Sort the Development cards by era (I, II, III) and shuffle each era separately. Then stack these 3 piles into a face-down Development deck with the Modern cards on the bottom, the Medieval cards in the middle, and the Classical cards on top with the corresponding Separation cards (I, II, III) on top of each Era cards. These Separation cards are discarded from the game when revealed. Do not shuffle this deck. Place the Development deck beside the play area. Sort the Basic building cards by type (Workshops, Laboratories, Archery Ranges). Place these 3 separate piles in line face-up above the Development deck.

City set up
Each Civilization has a deck with cards common to all civilization and several specific cards (1 Knowledge card, 1 Warlord card, 1 specific Building, 5 cultural policies).
Choose a civilization and take the corresponding components : 15 Civilisation cards 5 Cultural Policy cards 1 Warlord Card 10 Units : 1 Warlord and 9 Troops 2 Explorers 2 Outposts
Return the components for any unused civilizations to the box.
Set aside your 5 Cultural Policy cards and your Warlord card.
Shuffle your 15 Civilisation cards.
Deal out a grid of 9 face-up cards in 3 rows of 3 cards: this is your City. Deal the cards one by one starting from the top left corner to bottom right corner, left to right and from top to bottom. If you deal out a Knowledge card, immediately deal a second card on top of it (overlay the cards so that the effect of the Knowledge card remains visible).
Place your remaining cards face down beside your City: this is your City deck. Leave space beside your City deck for a discard pile.
Place your Warlord card face up beside your City.
Place your Cultural Policy cards face down beside your City: this is your Culture deck. You may look at the cards in your Culture deck at any time.
Take 2 Gold and put them in a supply beside your City.

The player who most recently visited another country becomes the starting player and takes the starting player token.
Starting from the last player in turn order and proceeding counterclockwise, each player choose a capital tile.
Place your Warlord and all of your Troops and Explorers on your Capital tile. Place your Outposts in a supply next to your Capital


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Create the Development Display
Flip the top 6 cards of Development deck. Put them face up in a line beside the deck, to create the Development Display.
In a 2 player game, instead create two parallel rows of 3 cards each.

You can create your own map with the tiles in the box.
You must respect some instructions :
­ take 1 Free Town for each player and place them randomly on the map (except on the Capital and water tiles) ;
­ randomly place 1 Barbarian token face up (with the number showing) on the other tiles (except water tiles and Capital tiles) ;
­ the value of the Barbarian tiles surrounding each Capital tile shall be the same for each player (value 1 or 2 only);
­ Place one market per player randomly on the board. For each market, take as many token as many player and put them face down stack on the board. For a 3 player game, you'll have 3 Markets of 3 token each;
­ place one Production token on each tile except water tiles and tiles with a market.

The player with the First player token goes first. Players then take turns clockwise.
On your turn, complete the following four phases in order:
When you activate your City, choose one complete row and one complete column of cards to use this turn. Declare the cards you are activating to the other players, and rotate each activated card by 45 degrees.
If you activate a Knowledge card, you activate the Knowledge card and the card dealt on top of it.
The cards you activate will generate resources and effects that you will use during your turn. You are completely free to choose the order in which you gain or use the resources and effects on your activated cards. Unless the text of card effect says otherwise or the card is activated again due to the effect of another card, you can only use the card effect once during the turn it is activated. It is not mandatory to use an effect.
If due to an effect of a card, you have to draw a card from your City deck when empty, shuffle your discard pile and create a new draw deck (see Shuffling Your Discard Pile below).



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· There are three basic resources: ­ Production is used to build Buildings and Wonders. ­ Science is used to take new Knowledge cards. ­ Military is used to move Units (inside your Provinces or to conquer) and Explorers.
Production can be generated by cards (number represented by the counters), by the Production tokens on the map, by Market token and by Free Town token.
Science and Military can be generated by cards, by Market token and by Free Town token. During your turn, when you generate Production, Science and Military resources, take the corresponding counters in the reserve. You must use the Production, Science and Military resources you generate on the turn in which you generate them. Basic resources cannot be saved for later turns and any unused basic resource is lost and counters are placed back in the reserve at the end of your turn. When you gain Production or Market tokens from the board, place them in your reserve. You may use them during your turn or in a later turn.
· There are two additional resources which are not discarded at the end of your turn: ­ Culture is used for acquiring new Cultural Policies. ­ Gold can be used in place of any basic resource (Production, Science or Militaty), but NOT in place of Culture. When you generate Gold or Culture, take the matching tokens from the stock and put them in your City's supply. You may use them at any time during the current or any later turn.

Archive: When you archive a card, choose any card in your City that you did NOT activate this turn, and remove it from the game. If you archive a card that has a Knowledge card attached, the Knowledge card is discarded. Place the Archive cards under the card of your Warlord. If you archive a card on an opponent's turn due to some effect, immediately deal a card from your deck to replace it.
Basic buildings: Workshops, Laboratories and Archery Ranges.
Discard: When you discard a card, choose any card in your City and put it in your discard pile. This should not be confused with the discard pile of the Display (see Replenish Display below)
Gain: take a Develoment card or a Basic Building card (as indicated by the ability), and put it on the top of your deck, ignoring its cost.
Basic resource: Production, Science and Military are basic resources. Gold and Culture are NOT basic resources.
Generate: Some cards (such as the Mine) require you to generate specific resources during your turn to use the card's effect. It does not matter how you get these resources: it can be through Barbarian token, Warlord card, activated cards, etc. As long as you get these resources, the card's effect happens. The resources are not consumed and can be used for other purposes.
Spend: Some effects (such as the Forum) require you to spend resources to generate other resources or effects.
Reinforce: At the end of your turn, keep a card you activated in your City and do not discard it. If you reinforce a card that has a Knowledge card attached, the Knowledge card is discarded.

You may take any number of the following actions in any order and combination you want as long as you have enough resources to proceed.
Unless the text of card says otherwise or the card is activated again due to the effect of another card you can only use the card effect once during the turn it is activated
You may consult you discard pile.
The following actions can be performed : 1. Acquire Development card or Basic building 2. Develop Cultural Policy 3. Conquer Province 4. Military manoeuvre 5. Outpost 6. Moove and use Explorer 7. Scientific progress
Remember: You may use Gold in place of a basic resource (Production, Science or Military), but NOT in place of Culture.

1. Acquire Development card or Basic building
In order to enhance your City, you can obtain new Building, Wonder or Knowledge cards. The cost to acquire a card (cf. Card description) is indicated on the card.
BUILDING CARD When you acquire a Building card (Basic Building or Building from the Development display), pay the cost in Production shown on the card. Then take the card and place it ON TOP OF YOUR DECK. You can acquire a Basic building card while cards of that type remain in the stock.
KNOWLEDGE CARD When you acquire a Knowledge card from the Development display, pay the cost in Science shown on the card. Then take the card and place it ON TOP OF YOUR DECK.


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In order to build a Wonder, you should proceed in two steps of construction by paying the cost for each step.
When you acquire a Wonder card from the Development Display, pay the cost in Production shown on the card (in the left-most circle). Place the card BESIDE YOUR CITY and place a Construction token over the left-most circle. You have built the first stage of the Wonder.
When you complete a the second Stage, move the Construction token on the right circle.
You may conduct the two steps of construction in the same turn.
When you have built a Wonder, immediately gain the acquisition benefit shown on the card (taking resource counters as necessary). Place the Wonder card ON TOP OF YOUR DECK. Return the Construction token to the stock.
Then place the matching Wonder token on a province you control, including your Capital tile. You may have only one Wonder per Province/Capital.
If you gain a Wonder for free by the Effect of an other Card, you still gain the one-off effect of the Wonder.
Important : You may only work on building a single Wonder at any one time. If you acquire another, you must choose which one to keep. remove the other card from the game and return the Construction token to the stock.
2. Develop Cultural Policy
Developing Cultural Policies gives you new actions or capacities.
You may develop a Cultural Policy card of your choice from your Culture deck by paying with Culture token from your supply. The cost of the cards goes higher to higher as you develop more Policies. Your first Policy cost 1 Culture, the second Policy cost 2 Culture, and so on.
When you develop a Cultural Policy, place the card face up beside your City. Immediately gain the acquisition benefit shown on the card.
Cultural Policy cards will also give you an ongoing effect, which remains active until you develop another Policy. When you develop a new policy afterwards, place the card face up on top of the previous Policy card and keep the acquisition benefit visible.
When you develop a new Cultural Policy, also immediately REPEAT the acquisition benefit on all previously developed Policy cards.
3. Conquer Province
At the beginning of the game, you have 10 Units (1 Warlord and 9 Troops) on your Capital tile.
You can conquer any Province tile which is adjacent either to your Capital or to any Province tile you already control. Use Military resources to do it. With ONE Miltary you may move ONE Unit into the attacked Province.
You must move into the attacked province a number of unit equal to the defence value of the Province (see below). Those Units must be taken from your Capital tile or from any other Provinces you control that are connected to the newly conquered province through provinces you control.
You may use the same Units to perform several attacks during your Turn as long as you pay 1 Miltary to move each Unit.

You can NEVER move your Unit so that there would be none of your Units or Outpost on a Province you control (with the exception of the Capital tile). You must leave one Unit or a Outpost on it. Other player's Capital tiles and Water tiles cannot be attacked. You control a province as long as you have at least one Unit or a Outpost in it. Specific case: If one of you Province is isolated from others, it cannot provide Units for an attack anywhere, the attacked province must be adjacent to the isolated province though you can combine an attack from this province with Units from other provinces also adjacent to the attacked Province.
CONQUERING A BARBARIAN PROVINCE The cost to conquer a Barbarian Province is equal to the value of the Province plus the value of the Barbarian token on it. Example: If a Barbarian token with defense value 2 is on a Province with a defense value of 1, the cost to conquer it is 3 Military. When your conquer a Province with a Barbarian token: ­ You MUST move a number of your own Unit equal to the defense value of the Province. ­ Then take the Barbarian token and immediately choose one of the two benefits shown on the back of the token. You must choose the benefit immediately. Any Basic Resources gained will be lost if you do not spend them this turn. The other Resources (Gold or Culture) are placed in your Reserve. Keep this token on the front side beside your City.
CONQUERING A FREE TOWN The cost to conquer a Free Town Province is equal to the value of the Province plus the value of the resources token on it. Example: If a Free Town token with Science value 2 is on a Province with a defense value of 1, the cost to conquer it is 1 Military and 2 Science. When you conquer a Province with a Free Town token: ­ You MUST move a number of your own Units equal to the defense value of the Province tile and at least 1 unit if the value of the tile is 0. ­ Pay the required ressources ; ­ Then take the Free Town token and immediately choose one of the two benefits shown on the back of the token. You must choose the benefit immediately. Any basic resources gained will be lost if you do not spend them this turn. The other Resources (Gold or Culture) are placed in your Reserve. Keep this token on the front side beside your City.
CONQUERING AN OPPONENT'S PROVINCE You may wish to conquer a Province controlled by another player. The cost in Military resources is equal to the total defense value of all enemy Units in the Province, plus the defense value of the Province itself, including Oupost and Wonder if any. Defense value : Troop = 1 Warlord = 2 (only 1 for the attack value), Outpost = 3 Wonder = 2


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Example: A Province with a defense value of 2 which has 3 enemy Troops and a Warlord on it, has a total defense value of 7 (2+3+2). After you conquer an opponent's Province, the opponents must return all their Units to their Capital tile. They must take back any Outposts on the tile into their supply.
MOVING YOUR WARLORD Each time your wish to conquer a Province, you may choose to move your Warlord as one of the required units into a attacked Province. If you do, once each turn, you immediately gain the benefit on your Warlord card. Any basic resources gained will be lost if you do not spend them this turn.
4. Military manoeuvre
Military Maneuver is the capacity to Move as many Unit as you can inside the Provinces you already control. With ONE Military you may move ONE Unit (Troop or Warlord) anywhere in the Provinces you control connected to your Provinces or your Capital. You cannot move a Unit to an isolated Province. When a token or a card grant you the capacity to Move 1 or 2 Units, you can ONLY move Units in a Province you already control.
5. Outpost
At any time in your turn, you may construct an Outpost for free. To do that you must have 3 or more Units (Troops or Warlord) on a Province. Return 3 Units from the Province to your capital tile and place one of your Outposts from your supply onto the Province. You must respect some instructions : ­ You can create only 2 Outpost during the game ; ­ once built, an Outpost can not be moved; ­ You can only have one Outpost per Province; ­ You can create an Outpost in an isolated Province; ­ If you lose a Province with a Outpost on it, return the Outpost to your Reserve beside your City.

6. Move and use Explorers
Explorers are used to collect resources on the Board.
Pay ONE Military to move ONE of your Explorers to one adjacent Province, irregardless of who controls it. An Explorer can move as multiple times in a single turn, as long as youp ay a Military each movement.
Each turn your Explorer, you may perform ONE action from among the two following actions:
­ If your Explorer is in a Province with a Market, you may take the Market tokens, look at them, and select one to keep, placing it face up next to your City. Return the other token face down to the Province. You can only have ONE Token from each Market in the entire game.
­ Take a Production token from the Province your Explorer is currently in and place it in your reserve.
An Explorer can only take a market Token OR a Production token ONCE PER TURN. An Explorer is only allowed to take at most ONE token from each different Market.
If your Explorer at the start of your Turn is on a Province with a Market or a Production token, he can pick up the token at no Military.
Place the Market or Production Token in your Reserve to use it whenever you want. When you use a Market token which gives you Basic resources, take the corresponding Counters. As all Counters, if they are not used, discard them at the End of your Turn. Place used Market tokens face down, but do not discard them, as they remind you of which Markets you have already taken tokens from.
An Explorer is not a Unit, he can't conquer or control a Province.
7. Scientific progress
Pay 2 Science to draw and activate the top card of your deck, as if you had activated it this turn within your City. Discard at the card, along with all the other cards you activated this turn, when you replenish your City. The drawn card (along with any other cards drawn by other effects) is not considered to be part of your City for the purpose of other card effect.

Add new cards
After you complete your actions, pick up all of the cards you activated in your City and put them on your discard pile. Now deal out new cards from your City deck, to fill the gaps in your City. Always deal new cards one by one, filling the spaces in your grid from left to right, and from top to bottom.
KNOWLEDGE CARDS If you deal out a Knowledge card, immediately deal a second card on top of it (overlay the cards so that the effect of the Knowledge card remains visible). If you dealed out a another Knowledge card, in this

case, choose one of the Knowledge cards to keep and discard the other one. Continue in ths way (choosing which Knowledge card to keep) until you deal out another type of card.
Shuffling your discard pile
At any time (including during the Take actions phase) you can shuffle your deck if BOTH conditions are gathered: your City deck is empty AND you have to draw a card. If you City deck and discard pile are empty, simply leave any remaining spaces in your City grid empty.


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3-4 players game
If you acquired at least one card from the Development Display during your turn, shift the remaining cards to the right to fill the gap. Then deal new cards from the deck up to 6, no matter which Era it is.
If you acquired no cards from the Development Display, take the card furthest from the Development deck and place it in a discard pile. Shift the remaining cards away from the deck and deal one new card to fill the gap on the left.
Important: Those actions can only be done at the end of the Turn. Do not fill the gap during the Turn.

2 players game
In a 2-player game, consider each row of the Development Display separately.
If you acquired at least one card from a row of the Development diplay during your turn, shift the remaining cards in that row away from the deck to fill the gap. Then deal new cards up to 3 in that row.
If you acquired no cards from a row of the Development diplay, discard the card furthest from the deck in that row. Shift the other cards along and deal one new card to fill the gap on the left.
If you acquired no cards during your turn, discard the card furthest from the deck in both row. Shift the other cards along and deal one new card to fill both gap on the left.
Important: Those actions can only be done at the end of the Turn. Do not fill the gap during the Turn.

The end of the game is triggered when the last card of the Development deck is dealt into the Development Display at the end of the player's turn.
Play continues until the player seated to the start player's right has taken a turn. Then all players take one additional and final turn. That way, all players have played the same number of turns.
Each player scores points for their achievements as follows: Each Knowledge card : 1 point Each Wonder : 2 points Each Cultural Policy developed : 2 points Each Province controlled : 1 point Archived cards grants no points.

DOMINANCE In addition, the player who has the greatest achievement in each of these four categories -- most Knowledge, most Provinces, most Wonders, and most Cultural Policies -- gains an additional 3 points. If two or more players are tied for greatest achievement in any category, all tied players receive 3 points.
The player with the most points wins. If there is a tie, the tied player with the most remaining Gold wins. If there is still a tie, the tied player with the most Culture wins If there is a still a tie, all tied players share victory.

Use a two player map an select your civilization and one civilization for the Automa player.
Set the Development Display as in a 2 players game
The Automa play first and then take te turn in the normal order
On the Automa turn, reveal the top card of the Solo deck. Carry out the actions listed on this card. Starting with the top action, carry it out if possible. If it is not possible, move down to the next action and try to

carry it out. Continue in this way until you have performed all possible actions. Some actions are specific to particular Civilization.
Any cards gained by the Automa are placed face up in their play area. If they ever claim an Exploration or Market token, discard it from the game.
At the end of the game, calculate the score for the Automa player as for a normal player, scoring points for the cards and provinces they have accumulated throughout the game.


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