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Document DocumentTHE WORLD'S FO [MOST AMUSEMENT WEEKLY JUNE 10. 1950 · 25 CE The Andrews Sisters and Al Jolson. no mean parlay of song-selling talent, are shown here in the middle of th· recent Decca recording date that produced their disk of "Old Piano Roll Blues" and ·'Way Down Yonder I, New Orleans." The Andrews gals have been riding the iphere of late with a string of hits indicating that this is one of the roost fruitful eras in their fabulous career Their most recent smash is "I Wanna Be Lowed." cut with Gordon Jenkins s orb, The up-and-coming Maretny·s boy isn't doing badly himself. Nis recent solo disking of "Are You Lonesome Tonight" and "No Sad Songs for Me" Is a potent piece of nostalgia that appear. to be headed tot top peewee. I C o nit itit 9 i ite I gull 15 issue Bill e·ard f.O Pf . ' " Ri, 1950 NA M VI C o n v e n ti o n gupplement big event for the entire ilusic-Record, Home Entertainment Wintry I W aal tot I lutatet Onnouncements Vol. 62. No. 23 The World's Fore most A muse ment Weekly MERCHANTS AS STAR mi me 10, 1950 MAKERS Federal Arts John G. (Joe) Wilson's Set-Up Asked Death Stuns Radio, Disk At AFM Meet Biz; Vast RCA Influence Clothiers Et Al. To Cook Up aCowboy Other Job Plans Sought Radio Corp. Has No Plans for Immediate Successor NE W YORK. June 3. --The means WYNNE WOOD, Pa., June 3. --John to the new 45 and 33 % r.p.m. speeds. 5-Mil To Build Wild Bill of improving the dis mal employment situation for musicians, the leit motif of Pregy James C. Petrillo's message to the American Federation of Musicians' (AF54) 53d annual convention at the Rice Hotel in Houston next week (5-11) (The Billboard. June 3). will also be the text of several resolutions to be presented by Local 802 delegate M a x Arons. one of three delegates from the New York local. Arons will ask the Federation to take under advisement the follo wing plans to hypo employment: (1) A federal arts projett. Pointing out the national responsibility for fostering music as a cultural and artistic obligation. Arons calls for the formation of an AT M co mmittee (Federal Project Revival, page 13) G. (Joe) Wilson, executive vicepresident of the Radio Corporation of America, in charge of the RCA Victor division, died here at his home Wednesday night (31) after an ilness of about four months. Wilson was the type of big corporation executive who shunned personal publicity to a degree which is likely to leave the industry with an inadequate appreciation of the efect his death will have on such segments as the radio and television business on all levels --from manufacturing of home instruments thru broadcasting and telecasting --as well as the record business, which is still fighting its way out of the confusion created by the evolution fro m the standard 78 Wilson's death ca me as such an unexpected shock to RCA top brass that no consideration whatsoever had been given to his successor as of The Billboard's press time. Nor certainly had any thought been given to a realignment of top executive responsibilities in any facet of ti e Radio Corporation picture, either in the RCA Victor division or in the National Broadcasting Company. In the days and weeks following the exec veepee's demise. however, there is little doubt that Brig. Gen. David Sarnoff and President Frank Folsom. along with other high-level RCA Victor division and NBC planners, will be studying ways and means to best fill, on an across(See Joe Wilson Passes on page It) HOLLY WOOD, June 3.--A new switch in the packaging of radio and TV shows was developing here this week when a group of manufacturers joined in a $5,000.000 pool to bankroll the fil ming of 52 video pax and a series of wax radio shows, all to be made available for regular sponsorship as well as a theatrical feature film. The venture will feature a couple of film na mes. Guy Madison and Andy Devine, and the backers have no profit motive insofar as sale of the shows is concerned. The six firms involved want only to create their own Western person(Merchants as Star Makers, page 43) Old Age Pay House BM Sets BILL BOA R D B AC KSTAGE Admish Tax at About a Too Little7 nT7n-own Bill May Be Showbiz' Gain 10%; Cafes, 15% Big Man Named Joe Wilson W ASHINGTON, June 3.--HR 6000, the omnibus Social Security bill is WASHINGTON. June 3.--Cuts in some of the amusement excise taxes ils Joe Csida slated to reach the Senate floor for debate next week, with indications came another step nearer late yesterday (2) when the House Ways and Means Com mittee confirmed its earlier action to reduce the 20 per cent admissions tax to 10 per cent but voted to cut the 20 per cent cabaret tax to 15 per cent instead of 10 per cent as had been previously agreed. Yesterday's action is considered by the committee as its final step on these particular amuse ment levies preparatory to the complete tax bill's discharge to the House floor. The tax bill is not Overseas Scars likely to reach the floor before mid June. Rich Down Under The final vote confirming the earlier Las Vegas Set admissions tax reduction from 20 to 10 per cent came as no surprise here, but proponents of a similar cut in the cabaret tax were gravely disappointed To Spend Big (See Howe Bill Sets on page 47) It is the lot of newspapermen to meet a considerable number of big men. Presidents of this and chairmen of sundry boards and vice-presidents by the bale (in show business), assorted names of large stature. It is the experience of most newspapermen that most of these big men aren't big at all. This is a piece about one who was. He was so big he was little known by the great majority of people in the very industries on which his de cisions left tre mendous and lasting marks. I don't recall ever seeing his na me in Winchell's colu mn. It wasn't even ever dropped by any one of the myriad members of the na me droppers' society, who infest show business and environs. He was just a man who did a big job on a big and unbelievably quiet scale. Ins talking, of course, about John G. Wilson, far better known as Joe. executive vice-president of the Radio Corporation of America in charge of the RCA Victor division. As a news story in this issue-relates, he died last Wednesday night. Joe. for exa mple: How does a John G. get to be known as Joe' He told me one day. He came from a large family. His parents indulged in the pointing toward approval of co mmittee recommendations which would extend coverage to all showfolk still outside Social Security, liberalize benefits, maintain the present tax rate on covered employ ment, and continue the present responsibility of bandleaders for keeping records and paying the employer share of taxes (See Showbiz May G atti on page 14) SYDNEY, June 3. --Big na me overseas theatrical and rauda stars who have visited Australia in recent years worried much over the difficulty of Small Businesses Make Up Amuse. Industry. U. S. Says W AS HI N G T O N, June 3.--The amusement industry is largely co mposed of small businesses, according to · Commerce Depart ment report this cek gleaned from Social Security records. For the years 194748, 82 % of all amuse ment enterprises, excluding movies and niteries, employed eight or fewer employes. Around 50 amusement fir ms had staffs of more than 500 employes during those years. Com merce estimated that there were 32,000 showbiz fir ms employing three or fewer workers in 1948 as compared with 34,400 in 1948. Firms employing four t., seven wsrkers totaled an estimated 8,400 in 1947 and 8,400 in 1947. The esti mate for amuse ment firms with 8 to 49 work- (See Small Businesses 'Mt page 50) On Top Naines Talent To Get $2,500,000 Be Lee Make LAS VEGAS, Nev., June 3.--This town is on a name binge. Money is no object. With Miami's lid lower- ing on high budget entertain ment (The Billboard, March 4), Las Vegas looms as an oasis for showbiz. This year, a handful of ope will spend an esti mated $2,500,000 for na me at- tractions. Budgets will bulge further as new Class A spots skedded to open here start bidding for names. Biz is booming, with 1950 expected to be the town's lushest in its nine years as a desert resort. Last year, ap- proximately 3,500,000 visitors thronged Las Vegas's ga ming rooms, with a survey of major spots showing this year's tourist turnout exceeding previous records. (See Las Vegas MPeorolcaapiotna spending page 44) warm and charming habit of na ming the kids after comic strip characters. And John G. they called Joe, after (See Billboard Backstage on page 14) Manhattan Grosses Top 47 States in 1948 U. S. Census W ASHINGTON, June 3. --Latest totals for 1948 business census released by Census Bureau this week show New York city's amuse ment gross reaching $282.279.000 in that year, approxi mately 13 per cent of the national total. Manhattan alone furnished $167,378,000, or more than any State exNew York. Brooklyn was the second highest borough, with a gross of $51,387,000 from amuse ment enterprises. The Queens total was $U,002,000, while the Bronx and Rich(See Manhattan Grosses oil page 49) taking their earnings out of the country. Many have invested in Australian real estate. Tommy Trinder, British funster, put his earnings into real estate and in two years the value has doubled. Evie Hayes and husband, Will Mahoney, are reported to have invested $70,000, while Charlie Chase invested $11,000. It has been estimated that over $2,250,000 has been invested here by the overseas stars. In This Issue Burlesque » Carnival 70 Circa, 64 Clandfled Ad. Coln Machine, lei Fairs gc Exposition MI GPleenarte.C,ur(stetaiane. _ 52 AI Honor Roll oi tllt, 20 Letter Lilt el slack 50 Morrisanditer 81 Musk I MMausei.c Machines -- 101 Pop Chart. . » Night Clubs 44 P. A. and Poole Ja Pipe. for Pitch man » laàdIcylhle ntdon ROP·rl elle Ii Ain » mad State n 93 Read.hoef FI MB 51 Route. Saletbeferd· libuftlehoerd· us Vaudeville 44 Vending Marble « The Billboard Main Of by: SISO Patterson M.. CIlien.cinEnnatteired27.asO.»egSuadbscdriepntioinnanMea, kSi.sO.nSe, 1y8e/1s7.e at Pon Office. Cincinnati, O., under set ad rderct 3. I » Copyright ISSU by The 10.1heard Publishing Company. 4 GE NERAL NE WS The Billboard June 10, 1950 Billboard Holiday Survey Shows Plenty of Dough Will Internal Harvester Congressmen Buys 600G Talent Crop in S Months Cut Disks To Rise as Heat Season Starts Plug Home Air CHICAGO, June 3.--One of the largest bankrollers of club-date vaude talent is International Harvester (IH), The Rains Came, But Ballyhoo Sheltered Top Offerings manufacturers of farm implements NE W YORK, June 3.--Staring Into the sum mer's crystal ball, and wondering whether grosses will rise or fall as the mercury moves upward, showbiz went into the heat season with the general feeling that there will be plenty of dough around come vacation periods. A round-up of Decoration Day week-end business, made by The BiItboard correspondents, indicated that --where rains didn't interfere --the customers did not keep the tills empty. That was true, in large measure, of indoor business as well as outdoor, of the legit end of the business, of bands, o afndcartenripvearlises.and other outdoor attractions, as well as of the niteries, cafes In every instance, the old rule that "the show's the thing" counted for most. Where the bills warranted large patronage, the spenders came. Where rains washed out the potential queues, it hurt --but the big shows, backed by large promotion and adve Using, with sock na mes to back up the ballyhoo --these did business anyway. which, thru the firm's 75 district managers, scattered thru the 48 States, 100 Reps Use Service purchased for its dealers over $800,000 worth of live talent from September 1, 1949, to April 1, 1950. These figures were disclosed by R. S. Williams, general supervisor of sales promvioetiw.on for IH, in an exclusive inter- W ASHINGTON, June 3. -- A vast business in the cutting of platters containing "Informational" speeches of congress men is developing here at Congress's joint recording facility, with over 100 legislators now mailing The firm has always been an advocate of live talent In connection with weekly disks their regions. for use on stations in sales promotion progra ms, but the Use of the transcription studio Ls progra m really started in high gear likely to prove a bonanza for incum- late in 1945 at the war's end. Pre- bents in the fall elections by provid- viously, IH and its district managers and the retailers whom they serviced, ing them with free air time without restrictions under the "political broad- purchased talent directly for · series cast" section of the Communications Midwest Does Best of All Nitery Take Gets Dampened by Hard Local Rainstorms of sparodic sales demonstrations. Fol- Act, particularly since the Federal lowing the war. IH execs decided to Com munications Commission (FCC) start a nationwide series of shows, has just ruled in a letter to the stu- selecting certain booking agents in dio that regular broadcasts by legis- various parts of the U. S. These agents were commissioned to package shows, which were then sold directly to the district overseer, who, in turn, sched- lators "not in connection with an election ca mpaign" do not come under the section. The section in question requires that stations must provide Outdoor Areas NE W YORK June 3. --The major uled the nightly shOws in cities in which IH retailers had stores. During the past year agents like Al Sheean, equal opportunities to legally qualified candidates for answering political speeches. niteries and Stem combo theaters of Minneapolis; Nina Nova. of Den- Wide use of the congressional plathad a bonanza over p.-,'t of the Deco- ver. and Irving Gross man. of Dee ter studio is shown by asurvey which Spending Shows 25 % Hike ration Day week-end, tho it was Moines, plus others, have whipped to- discloses that a nu mber of the 100- apparent that among the cafes only gether a large nu mber of units for IH plus legislators mailing transcriptions CHICAGO, June 3. --Outdoor showbiz thruout the nation over the Decoration Day week-end was as mixed as the weather. And the weather was plenty mixed. Few areas drew ideal weather for the the heavily promoted spots did the big business. The Latin Quarter with its heavy advertising budgets plus a solid 90minute show, did better this year than the sa me period last year. Its dealer-customer events, All the talent, Williams emphasized, is purchased by the district managers for the dealers and not by IH's central headquarters. Feature Veg. & to stations back home are getting them on as many as 50 stations In their respective constituencies. Informational Talks It appears that a congress man with such an outlet for "infor mal" talks four days. The Central States and the Midwest fared best. location also helped draw in a couple of extra bucks. The IH dealer-customer events, which feature vaude talent as acrowd will have a big edge on his opponent when the congressional ca mpaigns Heartening, however, was the brLek The Copa, with Martin and Lewis lure, are called family parties. The get under way this su m mer. Under business scored in localities given plus Its heavy promotion via disk (international Harvester on page à3) the ruling by the FCC. stations can Jessel Revamps good weather. Except for the West jock Jack Eigen and paid newspaper Coast, per capita spending in not a x.xace, was jam med for practically few instances was up anywhere from all shows for the week-end. 10 to 25 per cent, an encouraging indication for the big run ahead. Industrial areas provided the ma- The Riviera, with Tony Martin as headliner, clai med to have done record business, due In some part to D. C. Leon Idea continue to run the congressman's weekly talks without having to offer equal time to the opponent if the legislator keeps away from political subjects. This practice appears likely to re- jority of these increases. Carnival the Sunday and Monday rain that sult in a loss of potential revenue to ops in the East turned in reports of kept New Yorkers from going away W ASHINGTON, June 3.--Talk of stations which have been running the higher spending. In the Central for the week-end. building · new legit theater in the platters as a public service. A con- States, industrial cities such as Cleveland and Dayton, O., returned reports of upped spending. Euclid Beach Park, Cleveland, for instance, registered a 10 per cent hike in individual spending. Cavalcade of Amusements, large railroad show. Scor ed a hefty gross at Dayton. In the East outdoor showbiz suffered from the weather over the But if these three spots did business, other cares, headed by the Diamond Horseshoe, were poor alsorans. The Horseshoe said it did its regular week-end biz from tourists and prom kids, but the Monday break between the Sunday and Tuesday (See Patent Take Da mpened, page 44) nation's capital is springing up on a fresh front as the result of a press statement here this week (1) by George Jessel in the wake of a confab with President Truman at the White House. Jessel said he hopes to seek funds to build a $3,000,000 legit theater for the capital. Jesse' said Mr. Truman gave hi m encouragement on the idea which, (See Congressmen en page 43)) Bill aard The Wc-kU3 Fore most Amuse ment Weekly Founded 1894 by W. H. Donaldson requiters Tootlers four-day week-end. Scattered show- ers Sunday (28) and a temperature of Play the actor said, Is supported by a friend of the President, Blevins Davis, Roger S. Uttletord 1r. W.11.ara D. LiOleRad (See Mixed Weather on page 53) of Independence, Mo. Davis called on E. W. Evans Pres. · Tre s. 1Stem Legit Picture Sunnier Than Skies Tinny Tune Over Long Week-End the President a day after Jessel's Interview. The playhouse would be operated on · non-segregated basis. Freedom Fair Hope Lawrence W. Cane Secy. /Niters Joseph C. Ch M, Editor In Chief, New York G. R. Schreiber --Coin Machine teeter, Chloe.. Herb Dottie, Outdoor Editor, Chicago 1. Sad,,. (SIC. News Editor. Cincinnati Ben Alias Chief, W shIngton Bureau Still Flutters Faintly NE W YORK, June 3.--The long pe alT c Is e o rni(j r $eeaB paKx n4d T bSulwau,oia oamactcnecpui heooncegstoeC0enyttyiipteen eketO.ksasinoaNl0tttshatonpwpednEnd0lttyySdesthm.o dtohafageDegimLyrtrateosarWyeWMpdionrswyubtuhiygctsecduhauuifr,meottcsapMisaailtetfhopntdhifnaYlieoumnerpMntMwausardrrnigd.Oeasagoegcr'uoamyeKeethGiaaocesnRbnsuttrsiabnmTtksttodtodT.yehtahhKni.o-nueos,yaCuosBmwratsehhel;echstsurddeniaatyryesot.atatsnasrdlomotCarfdJrdlpwaCalaua,opGoaefiskaeoGvytlT,yeonhnnpiaecgetdTseuo ytfih.nusyoefleghhnewktneetih?di dundtttrimtshohbltehdlSnutos,aannnide.ovieahis,te3h.iWgilageteuoehiyttlvnoomserfrthnreyr---netaemPdwhbbpeurPetnaThgostnhodatooHthlipoSiimssniheaalrtroehvetugnactttngertghrDaetPggwhue9,oygee0eahsenPSethslerhdcorafcxotlsiPtvdSeogtsclswfuaaoosaef4ureapoi8neblec'tsaetathsnuuehlvtharrc)y,i,s,nordde-ttfr--;e-eeem-aSattsCtfmwrlaebrthaomahpdtafothfowwaawhDtoaiiieasatnooreeoeeoeiverryttdR(nm.Slmre,nancaeo-saeSOcrtyvta,eko!kleybsnmteSeeeth-rhhsykdoaoeyseaeruahaihleeefcrotwtlaihttryatrnnricsoiaMDdrn-rsodhgaeasuoddodKbaaOuane,hongrylryaiaonnPes,ssniiclapybfeddicothsapyyiswhliterdctoicihhiwetnehdtrm-itunheienanivlvDstadntinhg,ielmearatgemeBnmhithiygaigyuk.etddbiyegFazeshsr-hrarEdniitsomttbanlfooeewfltoasraodfdfst0noofwywitB;wmsaenefTesobdtkaeaepnnacohiwyDyalslerjotkttahhf,baige4xaenctbekyngeoetseusw-ceuchitgs-hrds,rooniitoafoiowafoeepnitrnMfFnveenhpubrnrtfaenfad.aydroirweiiMseghte.ardhcinaegwnsrMiiydcepsthlreeapcdehdaeolsdoee..eierng-aSnod,rayfinyatchcotbfw.taemwpc-tCuybapeheslhaaree,laisrueSsemagkioadreettinn1xraDpwle4dRtteeytnpeteuDahd)dcaaminhshaneilcioooaufaraecealnneeersglsnonnynriueoyafesrng.r-osd--foeldfs-dsgy-fa e WASHINGTON, June 3.--Another move to revive the Freedo m Fair was kept feebly alive here today by a local business group despite the long-expected action Thursday (1) by the National Capital Sesquicenteneial thCoemexmpisossiitoino,n.whTihceh Covotmedmisstoioanb'asnedsoten was in concurrence with areco m mendation made several weeks ago by the Commission's executive committee. In writing "finis" to the plan for a government-sponsored Freedom Fair, the Sesqui Com mission left a tiny opening for suggestions to revive the plan on a modified scale in deference to a hastily organized crusade for the exposition by anewly formed Greater Washington Businessmen and Citizens' Com mittee. The Committee, which was formed last week, is preparing to see if funds can be mustered. J. A. Ka merow, chairman, said the Committee will consult with "a number of responsible people so that we will be sure the plan we adopt will be one that can be carried thru successfully." Managers and Divisions R. W Evans, Gen. Hau ser Ch winnati Halts M ice · Printing Die men 2160 PattePrhsoonne:sc.°LinCienacirnnMatiO It Ohio W. D. Littleford, Gen. Manager Hasten, Division 1504 Broadway, New York IS, X. T. Phone: PLass 1-7040 M. L. Reuter, Gen. Manager Western DHS S. 188 W. Randolph 8., *Heaps 1. Ill, Phone: Clai m' 4-8141 Sam Abbott, Den, Manager Wait Comet Division 6100 Su met Blvd., Hollywood 211. Calif. Phone, H011ywood 0.5431 P. B. JoerlIng. Den, Manager Southwest Division 390 Arcade Bldg., IR. Leon 1, Phone: CHestout 01.3 C. S. Latsets Advertiung Director K. Kemper ... Advertising Mgr., Ne w York M L Reuter Ad srteeng Mgr, Chicago El A. Brian Circulation Manager Main Advertising, Circulation 6 Printing Oleic « 2160 Patterson St., Cincinnati 7.2 Ohio Phone, DUnbar 64S0 S yealar.,CrIalpetioTneorotreaars.pay81a1.bl5e0. la adea .e. These rai n One apey in the United Stet s, O. 8. Posessione. Caned. and countrke in Pan-A merican Foetal Rohm. Rates ge nt. inSubotsheerribeforrseigwhnincoeirellqeutesstisengatCheanncg.e eter. address should give old as well as our address. The B.liboard also Publish., Vend, the monthly reagaolne of 1110alate metchandising. 19 :a Jane 10, 195d NBC O.& R ADIO-TELE VISI ON Co m munications to 1564 Broadway, Ne w York 19 N. Y. O.TV IN THE The Billboard BLACK Tiff To Stay_ The Network Talent Front Net Out of Near GodfreY_ Won by Lever Indications are that the radio-TV talent picture, Insolar as CBS and NBC are concerned, will re main relatively quiet for · while. NBC is still gunning for a lot of CBS stuff, but contractual obligations and the naturaly slow progresa of such deals will, in aU likelihood, prevent any major develop ments for so me time. With one exception --Jack Benny. Only it won't be a return for Hole in Nine New Deal Mos. the Benny show, AM and TV, if NBC does succeed in copping this Win Over Y. & R. major prize. Off the record, top NBC execs will confess they have scant hope of regaining Benny, sight and sound. Their major efforts are being directed on the TV show, and not via Benny personally, Fresh Methods Pay Off NE W YORK. June 3. --Lever Bros. this week won its fight to take the Monday evening 8-8:30 slot on CBSTV away fro m Young & Rubica m and the latter'! client. Hunt Foods. The slot beca me vacant last week when International Silver. a Y. & R. account and sponsor uf Silver Theater. canceled the progra m effective at the end of the current cycle. The time is important because it precedes Arthur Godfrey's Lipton Tea show. Lipton's is a Lever subsidiary and the progra m is handled by Y. & R. Lever Bros. had an option on the time and im mediately exercised it, but the agency entered a fir m order for Silver Theater for Hunt Foods. CBS-TV sales brass decided against Y. & R. The agency high com mand then went to higher CBS echelons, but on Friday (2i was persuaded to withdraw the gripe. The Lever Bros. hasn't decided on the progra m for the 8 p. m. time, it may be the TV version of Amos 'n' Andy, now in preparation. Lever now sponsors lika Chase in the Thursday 9:30-9:45 p.m. CBS-TV slot and has an option on Wednesday evening. 9:30-10. Now there is a possibility the Chase show may air after I p.m.. thus opening a half-hour for the network. This would allow CBSTV to move rhino Morris, which has bought the 10-1030 slut on Thursdays, into the 9:30 time and sell its 10-11 seg ment to Nash Motors. The Trap, with Alfred Hitchcock as producer-director, is being considered by the auto co mpany. Anchor Beefs but rather thru Batten, Barton, Durstine & Osborn (BBD&O), the A merican Tobacco Co mpany (ATC) agency. The obvious fact remains that, irrespective of whether Benny is a free agent --in the sense that in buying Benny's A muse ment Enterprise, Inc., CBS bought the Benny progra m but not his personal services --the buying of time is a sponsor's prerogative. Thus the NBC-to-BBD&O-to-ATC strategy. NBC'. TV Delivery One major asset in NBC's favor is its record in delivering tele stations. NBC has copped a nu mber of accounts away fro m CBS on this scope, despite the progress CBS has made after its delayed blackand-white start. Luckies. Benny's sponsor, now airs on both CBS and NBC tele. On CBS it airs weekly (This Is Show Business). On NBC It has the alternate-week Robert Montgo mery dra matic show. That alternate time is still open. Otherwise. NBC is pitching for Ji m my Durante, Edgar Bergen, Red Skelton and Lux Radio Theater, among others. Durante, just dropped by Ca mels, is still tied up for a year on a no-TV contract with Metro-Gold wyn- Mayer. Bergen is tied up for a year with Coca-Cola --details on the others aren't available. Bob Hope will probably sign with NBC this week; only a minor ite m is delaying the deal, By Jerry Franken NE W YORK, June 3. --That the five NBC owned-and-operated television stations are now operating --as a unit --at a profit, was revealed this week by Joseph H. McConnell, president of the network. Three of the five NBC stations, McConnell declared. are responsible for the profit reported by the entire operation, first recorded in April. Altho McConnell did not identify the two losers, It is known that they are KNBH. Holly wood. and W NB W, Washington. The latter's loss is relatively small and al most certain to be converted to profit within months. KNBH. under Its ne wly na med manager. Tom my McFadden, is now being reorganized. Peeade of Na me, Mean while, the parade of na mes to TV is starting to shape up. One net work or another. Benny is going to do five or six shows this fall; Lever Brus. may spot A mos 'n' Andy before Arthur Godfrey on CBS-TV Monday nights: Burns and Allen will filin a kine soon, and Edgar Bergen may do an alternate week, via fil m, on TV' for Coca-Cola. his present A M sponsor. Bergen insists on fil m because "I cannot carry Charlie on stage and destroy the illusion." He also argues that a weekly TV show will cut down audience interest and ,jnyalty too quickly. "How long would Clark Gable have lasted had he appeared at a local theater week in and week out?" Winning Fall HOLLY W OOD, June 3. --It's not generally known, but Joe McConnell took quite a fall at the height of his negotiations with Grouch° Marx, on the eve of Marx's switch from C AS to McConnell & Company. Huddling with Marx, John Guedel. co-owner of the package, and their reps at the Beverly Hills 17-Day Coast Push Chesterf'd Buys Hotel. McConnell was tilted back in his chair. Relaxing on his perch, McConnell suddenly By Sears, Roebuck CBS- TV 7:45 Opposite Camels HOLLY WOOD, June 3. --Radio-shy went spra wling as the chair slipped. While McConnell may have been thrown, it wasn't for a loss. He arose, dusted off his clothes, To NBC Over 4611 ouse" Quality NE W YORK. June 3. --The Anchor Hocking Glass Co mpany and its agency, Willia m H. Weintraub, this week registered a terrific beef with NBC because of the quality of Broadway Open House. the hoir -long revue Anchor is sponsoring on the NBC tele web. NBC's im mediate reaction was to call in Douglas Coulter, formerly progra m vice-president in charge of progra ms for CBS. Coulter was placed in full charge of producing the Anchor show, which is sponsored co-operatively by the glass company and bre wers in various cities. A mong his other missions will be to build a permanent troupe for the sho w, so as to simplify production proble ms, especially rehearsals. Camel Takes Option On Thomas TV Show NE W YORK. June 3. --Ca mel rigs, thru Willia m Esty. has taken a 3week option on the Danny Tho mas tele show, it was learned this weekend. Option ends when Tho mas comes East for nitery stint this month. Video show is being offered by the Willia m Morris Agency for probable airing no NBC. Show is net n replacement fnr the Care.1-Fd Wynn tele mirer. Orition on Wynn show is not yet dus for reree...d. Sears, Roebuck & Co mpany will in- vade local radio with · major 17-day air campaign, during which the retail chain store will buy time on 12 local stations to plug new appliances. Biggest Sears radio drive in recent history, the ca mpaign will include stations }CFI. KECA, KHJ, KLAC, K MPC. KO WL, KFVD. KFOX, K WK W. KIEV, KGER and KFAC. Deal was negotiated by Southern California Broade·sters Association (SCBA) acting on behalf of me mber stations. NE W YORK, June 3. --The purchase this week of the 7:45-8 p.m. slot three times a week on CBS-TV by Chesterfield places the cigarette sponsor squarely up against its competitor, Ca mels, in the battle for TV audiences. Ca mels has the 7:45-8 slot on NBCTV with its News Caravan, aired across the board. Chesterfields will progra m Mondays. Tuesdays and Fridays, beginning in late Septe mber. Masland Rugs has the Wednesday slot. Tho the pro- Philip Morris gran% has not yet been selected, indications are that it will be a video version of Chesterfield's Supper Club. Gets "T or C" as Cunningham & Walsh is the agency. Meanwhile, Olds mobile this week also decided to go across the board "Life" Fal Sub in the 7:30-7:45 seg ment on CBS-TV. The sponsor of Doug Ed wards and the News is currently progra ming on N E W Y O R K. June 3. --Philip Morris this week acquired Ralph Edward's Truth or Consequences to replace This Is Your Life, also owned by Edwards, on CBS next fall. The former progra m is on NBC Saturday nights 8:30-9, but shifts into the Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. but will add the other two days in the fall. These two buys will rnean that CBS-TV only has the Thursday evening 7:45-8 time for sale now. D. P. Brother Agency, Detroit, handles the Olds billings. Tuesday evening 9:30-10 slot on CBS Gruen May Bankroll occupied by the cigarette sponsor. Procter & Ga mble, the present 'Blind Date' in Fall sponsor of Truth or Consequences. tried to get TV rights to the progra m, Rio it had giver up on its radio potential, bet Ed wards wants no part of TV until he has exhausted the show's radio life. It is believed that NE W YORK. June 3. -- Gruen Watch Company this week was on the verge of buying Blind Date for next season. The proera m. now on ABC- Philip Morris also has the TV rights TV Thursday nights. 9-9:30, for Es- to Truth or Consequences, which it quire Slice Polish, has been canceled purchased along with the radio ver- by that sped or rweetive at the end sion. of the current and went back pitching. When he finished. the NBC delegation left, and the CBS contingent made its pitch. Next morning (27) the sealed bids sub mitted by the two webs were opened, and NBC had Groucho. NBC's three TV breadwinners are W NBT, Ne w York: W NBQ. Chicago, and W NBK, Cleveland. McConnell did not reveal the extent of the o. and (See NBC O. & O. TI! on page 43) "Harum" Heads For TV Via PRB NE W YOR K, June 3. --A long-ti me radio stand-by as a soap opera, David Datu m this week was on the way toward beco ming a television stanza as well. Video rights for the series were parted by FRB. Inc.. the Mary Pickford -Buddy Rogers- Mal Boyd combine. The tele version. however, will be done as a weekly 30minute sho w rather than as a strip. The TV series also will revert to the period piece of the original book. rather than the modern-dress for mat aired on radio by B. T. Babbitt, Inc., over CBS. Rights were procured fro m Mrs. Ripley Hitchcock, beneficiary of the estate. The Haro m character was made fa mous by Will Rogers in a 20th Century-Fox fil m after the sitecess of the novel and play. No web has been set as yet. I 6 R A DIO-TELE VISION The Billboard June 10, 1950 SPEND OR SCRAM, SEZ CBS-TV · Sponsors Must I RIEIF AND IMPO RTANT Don Lee Tele Take 20 Coax Kula Buz Loses Candy Sponsor Effective Mid-Month Into High as Sites by Fall Mason Candies last week canceled 'Kuda Mix." efective June 17. The progra m starring the Hindu mystic is on CBS-TV Saturdays 6:30-6:45 pm. Moore & Ha m m is the agency. FCC Gives OK Nortrich Pharniacal Considering Day Radio as TV Offset Rule May Affect Kines Norwich Phar macal last week was the latest bankroller to begin planning on use of dayti me radio as a means of staving of TV's in- Skulls Progra m Expansion NE W YORK, June 3. -- CBS-TV this week ruled that net work sponsors must buy a mini mu m of 20 coaxial roads. The bankroller ,sponsor of "The Fat Man" on ABC, intends to retain that sho w, but is talking with the web about a dayti me strip stanza. Decision is expected m the next couple of weeks. HOLLY WOOD, June 3. --Don Lee Television Station KTSL (II M2.703D) this week prepared to go Into high stations on when the the ne w web by October 1 arrange ment with Bud Barry Preenis at NBC, Gets Veep's Toga gear, following word that the Federal Com munications Co m mission (FCC) American Telephone & Telegraph Charles C. (Bud) Barry started work at NBC June 2 in his new had granted the outlet a per manent Company to extend the cable south- post as A M progra m veepee. He was greeted with a first-day present, com mercial license. Station has been ward and west ward is co mpleted. a vice-presidency, voted by the NBC board the sa me day. operating under temporary 90-day This means that a nu mber of CBSTV bankrollers using less than that nu mber of cable stations will have to increase budgets or blow. One exception to this rule is in the rase of a bankroller without national distribution. Esso, for exa mple, is an Eastern product and therefore will not be required to take the 20 coaxial cities. However, after Esso's 52-week contract for the Alan Young sho w IVY .4gencies Undergo Personnel Shifts Stuart Ludlu m last week was appointed head uf the ne wly created TV depart ment of the Duane Jones Agency. Reggie Schuebel is the head of the radio division of the agency. Ludlu m has been in video packaging in New York and radio on the Coast. A mong agency shifts John Halpern has left the radio and TV depart ment of the Erwin Wasey Agency to head up a similar division at 'Pedlar & Ryan, and Ted Fetter, for men associate TV director at CBS, has joined the radio and TV operation of Batten, Barton, ,Durstine & Osborn. per mits and now awaits final clearance on KTSL call letters, plus permission to move its trans mitter site fro m Hollywood's Mt. Lee to loftier Mr. Wilson location. Meanwhile Don Lee tele Veepee Charles Glett, who has headed all Don Lee video activities since last fall, laid plans to expand into Saturday and Sunday progra ming as well as dayti me tele. Station is currently ends, the web reserves the right to sell the sho w to a sponsor who can Pabst Picks Up Option on Radio's "Riley" operating 33 hours weekly as contrasted to 20 hours last fall. Altho take the mini mu m list. In addition, where an agency has a contract eanceleable only on its part, the client may be able to evade the 20-station rule by clai ming the contract was Pabst Beer has picked up the option of the radio version of "Life of Riley" for next fall, with Willia m Sandia continuing in the lead role. At the sa me time, the beer maker has passed up continuance of the tele version of the co medy sho w, with the package owner, Irving Bracher, retaining resale rights to another non-co mpetitive sponsor. the outlet is the world's pioneer video station (now in its 19th year), KTSL has been trailing other local outlets in biz, ha mstrung as its was by FCC's delay in granting co m mercial okay. made on a basis not specified by the Bendix's new pic contract gives hi m tele clearance for the first time, When Glett took over the reins new rule. whereas anti-video fil m clauses heretofore prevented his doubling on last fall the station was deep In the Tho NBC-TV practice has been to video. red. First move was to ax all sus- make advertisers take all the stations on the cable. CBS-TV has held off with a mini mu m rule. But the adding of the new coaxial outlets has put a heavy econo mic pressure on the web which, in turn, is shifting so me of it to sponsors. Insiders at CBS-TV, however, feel that many bankrollers who now present their shows on kine, besides using a nu mber of cable cities, will P&G Sending "Fireside Theater" to Coast Procter & Ga mble's (P& G) "Fireside Theater' tele fil m series, on the NBC-TV Eastern net will expand to the Coast next fall. Bankroller is co m mitted to definite sho wing on K NBH, Holly wood NBC outlet, with other Coast showings under consideration, including San Francisco and San Diego. KNBH will pre-e mpt the Tuesday 9 p. m. times slot, following the Milton Berle show, for the series. Pie to be shown will be shot this su m mer in Holly wood by Bing Crosby Enterprises. tainers, strea mline co m mercials, and co mpletely rebuild progra ming struc- ture. Station now boasts 20 live weekly (all com mercial), plus aairneerws series of fil m and kine stanzas which include Western, cri me blocks and a group of Grade A feature films. Kisses are sent fro m Du Mont TV net in the East, As a result of the progra ming reva mp, sales went up 400 per cent to take the mini mu m nu mber of coaxial connections required but stop taking Coast NBC-TF' Prepping Three New Shows an all-ti me high. To handle 14 hours of weekly live airers, Glett greatly kine stations. This would be cheating Peter to pay Paul and would not benefit the net. The hope of the web brass nevertheless is that sponsors will keep their kine cities and take Three new shows were put into the NBC-TV hopper by the net's Coast video progra mer, Nor man Blackburn. last week. Shows include a new Cats Daley seg, an Andy and Della Russell package, and e co medy- musical video airer with the Firehouse Five Plus Two. Dixie co mbo, and co mic Bob Burns. All are on the drafting boards no w for augmented the production and progra ming staff, headed by for mer Da.. vid O. Selznick flick exec, Cecil Barker. nosy executive producer for Don Lee. the mini mu m nu mber of coaxial stations as well. script clearances and kine auditions. Last month the station plunged into "owl progra ming" by adding two Non-Red Oath Nixed by NLRB For Writers Nielsen Service Sets New Coverage Comparable to BMB hour-long strip shows between HI p. m. and midnight, one featuring Nils Thor Granlund (NTG) and the other built around disk jockey Peter Potter. Other projects in the works include production of a series of tele fil mi for national syndication, to be made by fil m producer-director Willia m Dieterle, and based on tales fro m of- CHICAGO, June 3. --The Nielsen have coverage measured by a com- ficial files of the U. S. Secret Service. Switch, Hair Style NE W YORK, June 3-- The full board of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) this week upheld an appeal made by the Radio Writers' Guild (R WG) that Authors' League (AL) council me mbers need not file anti-Co m munist affidavits under the Taft-Hartley law. Last Year Robert Denha m, general counsel of the NLRB, ruled that since the R WG was a me mber of the League, it was mandatory that the AL have its council members sign affidavits before the R WG could be cleared for a certification election. The decision actually means that executive board and council me mbers of unions do not have to sign affidavits, but only paid officers. No w R WG can go ahead with its certification election and, if successful, win a contract fro m agencies covering free-lance scripters. - The Screen Writers' Guild (S WG) voted recently to leave the AL if the League did not comply with NLRB regulations regarding affidavits. However, the decision of the NLRB board will take care of that research org will begin offering to the trade in about two months a service comparable to the 1311113, A. C. Nielsen, company president, said this week. Nielsen .,ta d that altho he hopes and expects to get the cooperation of such trade both...s as the NAB. ANA and AAAA, he is going to make no formal effort to get official backing fro m these groups before offering his new coverage service. Rather, he is going to offer the service directly to stations, agencies and advertisers as he now sells his radio and TV index. bination of audi meter reports and personal inte.views. Nielsen emphasized that with this syste m complete, listening for both metropolitan and rural areas covered by these 200 stations could be garnered, In contrast to the old BMB method of citing listening of two or more times in week in certain areas and showing breakdown according to areas in which percentages of the population showed such degree of listening. In stressing the importance of the top 200 stations, Nielsen pointed out that dividing the 70 per cent of the Altho no price structure has been 209 gave each outlet an average of decided upon, the coverage service will be given first for large market .35 per cent of national listening, whereas the remaining 30 per cent o jas. This is based on Nielsen's belief that 70 per cent of all radio listening Is to the top 200 stations divided among the re maining 1,800 stations gave each an average of only .017 of the national total. This, he of the country. stated represented a ratio of 20 to 1 For the first 50 of these stations in favor of the top stations. Nielsen will supply a quarter-hour Nielsen stated that the new rotas- listening profile using information uré ments will not started garnered from audi meters. Next 50 executive manpower can be taken will be measured by a concen' fro m Important projects on which it Deal was set up so me months ago and is awaiting final editing of material and preparation of shooting scripts. Moreover, interchange of ;tines between Du Mont TV net and Don Lee is in the works, as is a plan to hook up with the M RS projected TV network. In the research field, director of color research. Harry Lubcke, last week disclosed application for twocolor patents and registration of the na me "colorvision" by Don Lee. NE W YORK, June 3. --Following the syste m used in the theater, fil ms and literature, W NBC and W NBT here are planning to use quotes of radio and TV critics as promotion copy. Co m ments will be used via station breaks, etc. Since W NBT plans to use slides of the editors, so me of the guys are going out and being fitted for hair pieces. proble m. of audi meters. The next 100 will now Is working. lane 10, 1950 The Billboard R ADIO-TELEVISION JULY 16 JULY 23 Pi MONTEUX DE SABATA UNITED STATES STEEL HOUR AuoU27 27 Rafael KUBELIK NBC SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA World-fa med Conductors Distinguished soloists SUNDAY EVENINGS 8:30p.m. NBC NET WORK Every Sunday June 1 through Sept. 3 GE OR GE HICKS Speaking for U.S. Steel 8 R A DIO-TELEVISION The Billboard June 10, 1950 1 Joyce Mathews meet' Radio and Television Star-Spangled Revue Reviewed Saturday 127 ,9- 10:30 p.m Reviewed Thursday (1), 1:15 p.m. over W CBS-TV, New York. Sponsored by Superior Television Plant, Inc. via Program Reviews Sponsored by Frigidaire via NBC-Ty, New York. Producer-director, Max Liebman; TV director, Hal Keith; writers, Lester J. Wolf. Produced by Lester J. Wolf. Written by Jack Lym an. Co-ordinator, William Patterson. Cast: Joyce ;171 Marvin Fisher, Larry Gelbart, Mort Lachman, Larry Marks, Si Rose, Al Schwan:, Norm Sullivan. Cast: Bob Hope, Frank Mathews, Wright. Johnny Johnston, Martha DEEISUATESI Rattle Review » magnates Television Resl er Sinatra, Beatrice Lillie, Peggy Lee, Arn sid Stang, Michael Kidd, Janet Reed, Eli Hayes, Dave Burns, Condos and Brand w. Joyce Mathews Is trying to do a Faye Emerson In more ways than Norman Ross's Stag Party Broadway Open 'House others. Music, Charles Sanford's ork. An. nouncers, Dennis James, Wendell N.las. one, but on this show it was all pretty gri m. About the only favqrable factor of the pro- trzigra m is Miss Mathews's good looks and the fact that she screens wel. Other wise it's fro m hunger. Her guest palaver with singers Johnny Johnston and Martha Wright was forced and inane. A stunt which could have been effective failed miserably. In that spot Miss Mathe ws and Johnstcn mouthed the words to a record of Darn It, Baby, That's Love, which 671 he and Joan Edwards have just made. Main reason for failure was Mathews's inability to go along with the gag, altho Johnston handled the silent vocalizing hi okay fashion. Other than a good opening shot, in which Miss Mathe ws stands *silhouetted against a window, the ca mera work was routine. Dick De Freitas did mid way off-screen co m mercial for Superior television enlargers, the ca mera focusing on a gal in a bathing suit. Me mo to Faye Emerson: Marry me, pleaze. Jerry Franken. On the Line Reviewed Saturday, 6:15-6:30 p.m. EDT. Presented sustaining via NBC. Produced by news and special events department of NBC. Scripter-cornmentator, Bob Considine; announcer, Fred Collins. Distinctive, relaxed and consistently entertaining, Bob Considine see ms to pack the verbal punch to build hi m- self a listening audience. Accenting pri marily the feature side of the news, the ne wspaper colu mnist kept his copy varied enough to give dialers an incentive to hear hi m again. Considine managed to get so mething extra into his treat ment of the ne ws as, for exa mple, his tale of the whazky practice of standing in line fcr days to get tickets for the Decoration Day auto race. Another interesting ite m concerned itself with the plastic surgeon turned novelist. This scripter got most of his material during the war when, on assign ment, he changed the facial features of spies. Considine is a distinct asset to radio. Leon Morse. was ce. ,,,:deo las»1eee__,d,tiesnSsam' >: ePte PHOTOS ern pg. t,yeast, V`st ,t tà Sle etee 10.- coe-,· P·HQOUTMOPSH OTinOS M M ONS IN QUA NTITY IT · 10 --.5t. Postcard -2f. 8tonups, 20a 30-12..30a 40-83. «Er NE W NATURAL COL OR PH OT OS Pottcord -- IF. 8 · 10 -12F in quantity. All other size,. r lariat st Wrie· for FREE ta m le 8 Litt SI Reviewed Wednesday (31), 9:30-9:45 p.m. CDT. Sustaining on W NBQ, Chicago. Producer, Ted Mills. Director, Lyn King. Written by Loring Mandel. Cast: Norman Ross, emsee; Bette Chapel, Cavaliers Quartet. Music, Art Van 'Demme Quintet. Reviewed Wednesday (31), 1-12 p.m. over NBC-TV network. Sponsor, Anchor Hocking Glass Company; agency, William H. Weintraub; producer, Vic McLeod; director, Joe Cavalier, Cast: Morey Amsterdam, Tony Romano, Three Hailed as an all-star wonder eo--v, Bob Hope's second TV venture never fuly realized its big-ti me talent pc- tential. However, the hourand-a-half airer was certainly superior to most video revues This is another of WI413Q's oneshot sho ws, pitched on the air Beaus and a Peep, the Milton DeLugg orchestra. periodically, which would be retained if audience or sponsor reaction warranted. Garroway-atLarge started this way but Nor man Ross's Stag Party This progra m, the third in the series, which airs for an hour across the board on NBC-TV, was television circa 1945. Maybe further back than that. And while it's all isn't going where Garroway went. Opening shot panned a right for NBC to offer what may be in al actuality, valid wall covered with NBC staff pin- excuses, a stinker is still a ups, then do wn to Ross's feet, up to Ross stretched out on a sofa, with care. stinker, and the public doesn't You can't, in show business, tell standard surprised "Oh, helo, there." the public your proble ms. You either Ross shed shoes and coat, told all give 'em a sho w or strike the sets wo men to leave the roo m,' blew a and scra m. Since NBC is producing whistle su m moning model, said: "Fel- this progra m, for Anchor Hocking lows, this is a da me." Ca mera slowly Glass and the Weintraub Agency, and panned da me fro m hair to heels and since several millions in billings are back. About five of the 15 minutes at stake, it behooves NBC to give 'em were spent panning da mes. a show. Or else. Cavaliers Quartet, with ties pulled loose at neck, did one routine nu mber. Only spark in sho w was singing of Bette Chapel, backed by Art Van So me of the NBC excuses are a tiny budget, the unfortunate de mise of the intended emsee, Creesh Hornsby, and limited rehearsal time. None of Da m me, who, incidentally, never was those, Um, could account for the seen. Sho w was an atte mpt to capitalize amateurish production of day's progra m. You don't Wedneswalk an on Ross's tre mendous radio pull, emsee off behind a working singer using W NBQ's "Chicago style" orre- while still in ca mera range; it's pretty laxation, infor mality, chatting with atrocious production to have your anthe ca mera and so on. This was so nouncer walk out, stopwatch in hand, relaxed it just didn't jell. Viewer was to herald an upco ming co m mercial -- left feeling he'd been no where. When and even then, half the co m mercial show ran a minute short, Ross ob- cut abruptly into dialog. And more viously was out of things to say, so of the sa me. he co m mented: "See what happens when a sho w is unrehearsed?" Jack Mabley. Talent on the third progra m was largely Morey A msterda m, in his now standard but ever funny routines. ABC's of Music Tony Ro mano gave a good assist on a vocal, the sa me going for Three Reviewed Wednesday I31 I. 9:30-10 p.m. EDT. Presented by Chesterfield thru Cunningha m 6: Walsh via CBS. Producer, Lester Gottlieb; director, jean Hight; music, Ralph Flanagan and ork. Beaus and a Peep. The quartet, which overdoes its sight stuff, has a legitimate beef against Amsterda m, who fiddled and faddled with their trick monicker and never did see m to get it on the air right. Lousing up an act's Chesterfield's ABC's of Music is an billing ain't funny. adequate su m mer replace ment for the Bob Stanton does the New York Bing Crosby show. The hope that it co m mercial, which plugs repetitiously might be strong enough to rate the Anchor Hocking no deposit beer a winter spot is dispelled by bottle. It's a straight vocal co m mer- an innocuous for mat. Good cial. devoid of either sight appeal or music and good vocalists inventiveness. What d'ya go on tele- which are practically duplica- vision for if not for sight appeal? tions of disks are surely not Jerry Franken. enough when the sa me can be had by tuning in any indie station. Jack Linder's Bowery Music With Robert Q. Lewis on hand as the emsee and Ralph Flanagan and Hall his ork for music, three disk jockeys are brought in fro m around the country to select their favorite waxings. These are then recreated by the original vocalists. Jockeys on the show caught were Bob Story, W NOR, Norfolk; Hap Ellis, KOLT, Scotts Bluff, Neb., and Martin Block, W NE W, Ne w York. Story picked Toni Arden's version of Tonight, Ellis chose Vic Damone's rendition of Vagabond Shoes, and Block, Flanagan's interpretation Reviewed Thursday (1 ), 8-9 p.m. EDT. Sustaining via W OR-TV, New York. Producer-director, lack Linder. Writers, Lee Sands, Jack Linder, Thornton West. Emsee, Jack Waller. Cast: Gwen Emerick, Rosalie Alter, Carlo Correlli, the Grandotiers, Eileen O'Dare, Muriel Lane, Burton and Janet, Harrison and Andrews, Sam Kramer, Frank Small's Cancan girls and Douglas and Fairbanks. Music, Emerson Buckley and ork. or Joshua. All three tunes were well done by the ork, Da mone and Miss Arden. Add to the credit side, Flanagan's smooth band in several other selections. Le wis was hi mself but the script was patchy, especially with replacement gags. The disk jockeys, away fro m their turntables, see med very ta me. Their chatter with Lewis :vas blunted by the dullness of background intervie w material. Jack Linder's Bowery Music Hall is a rough dia mond but certainly no Dia mond Lit, another Linder produc- tion. Production- wise it's almost as ragged as the title site, but its slap-dash staging is so meho w in keeping with the sho w's Gay '90s the me. Vaude was an earthy proposition then, and the Linder revue projects the brassy razz matazz enter- and so me of Hope's material was top quality; e.g. "Arthur Godfrey, the man who makes everybody else in radio sound like a spot announce ment." Teeing off with the longest credit list since Ben Hur, the sho w utilized the old "back stage" gi m mick as as opener, with shirt-sleeved stagehands running around setting up props. The co median entered on the cue line, "we're ready, Mr. Hope," and in spite of so me sock monolog material, still sho wed a "walking on eggs" apprcach to TV in the initial close-ups. His ne w modesty tack is appealing, but it's not Hope and it's debatable if this personality switch will please fans who liked hi m glib and brassy. He was at his best in the skits, which he played with his old brisk assurance and deft vaude timing. The latter was particularly evident In an automat scene with Arnold Stang and Dave Burns; a local yokel bit, with canary Peggy Lee, and a stunt with Frank Sinatra la mpooning TV-carrera conscious baseball players. Quality- wise, Beatrice Lillie was the brightest spot on the show. Her fla mboyant take-off on a feline rociety fern who fancies herself an amateur Duse and did rope tricks with a yard 'of pearls was priceless. The co medienne also scored with a slyiy satirical impression of a punch-drunk bop singer, her old "whythrn" number, and gave Hope and Sinatra a b:t assist on a zany South Sea finale, a broad take-off on the Hope-Crosby "road" flickers. Making his TV debut, Frank Sinatra projected a great deal of warmth and boyish sincerity, indicating his video future should be a bright one. He was a trifle tense in his banter bouts with Hope, but co mpensated with a nicely restrained rendition of Co me Rain, Co me Shine. His likable manner and poise were particularly ad mirable in vie w of the highly audible swoongoons in the audience, who wheezed noisily every time he opened his mouth. The beauteous Peggy Lee was hampered by bad make-up, but her natural good looks were still discernible and she chalked up a high rating m · sically with a lyrical vocal on witched, Bothered and Be wildered. Dance-wise. the production w s limited to two spots, Suzette, a ball t (See Star-Spangled Revue, pope 1) GENUINE IN 1 DAY! 5 aig,,éir,,,f» PM5,No1,00us0 name) i3 per KM: roireauts(30x441)3/5 ibto to, yes maw s gee NO SEG UE CNARGE-11)) MIMS Warped Insofty atsa pica adermanalco elIMAM hue 1Mawr Mt 1001KI NI0101110119,7 too ' s. Now Tut KY CBS, it see co m mitted to the tain ment spirit of the period. As Sara Berner's Voice as EST HER H OR O WIT Z (of "Life With Luigi" Sho w) Is Switching to "S(ThA.RA'SSaraPRIVSaArTnEo, CAPER" Show) practice of using Le wis as an emsee. Tho his recent success might justify that use, it is also undoubtedly true that no real co mic style is being developed in hi m. Both Lewis and Martin ¡lock spieled the Chesterfield's "S moke such, it should proVe a good dra w for nostalgic oldsters and fa mily audiences. The feather-boa, checkered-suit era provides a colorful devise for a series of standard vaude turns (acrobats, a strong man, assorted warblers, a Sa m B Velce as HELE N WILSON (of A mos 'n . Andy Sho w) Is Switching to "SARA'S PRIVATE CAPER" (Thè Sara lt Shaw) NE, Than., laa· 15, 10:30 EDT milder, smel milder" the me. barbershop quartet and a cancan NBC, Than., ha. IS, la:30 pas EOT _ Leon Morse. (See JAC K LINDER'S on page 10) AFM DEALS BURN NETS eBillboard Th R A DIO- TELE VISIO N 9 i`Y Morning TV Interest Up More Radio-TV News Webs To Ask As More Stations Hit Air Additional Radio -Television News will be found on page 43 of this heue. For Scale But NE W YORK, June 3. --The tre mendous ju mp in vie wer interest when a second video stetion takes to the air has been dra matically proved in, of al places, Ne w York. This was evi- denced in the 68 per cent rise in TV sets in use noon hours in(SItUh)e during the prevery first week that W NBT was on the air with Its new morning schedule. Up to last month only W ABD was airing morning TV here. In the 10:30 a. m. to noon period during the first week of April, W ABD scored a 2.8 S W average, according to The Pulse. W hen W NBT joined in with sho ws during these hours the first week in May, the two stations hit acombined Pulse SILT average of 4.1. Broken do wn by time periods, the figures show even more clearly the jump in nu mber of sets being used, with a 2,600 per cent gain registered In the opening period, 10:30 to 10:45 a.m. In April W ABD had a .1 SIU score, but in May the two stations together hit 2.6. A 500 per cent boost was racked up fro m 10:45 to 11 a.m., where W ABD had a .7 S W in April, but the two outlets co mbined hit 3.4 in the first week of May. Fro m 11 a. m. on, the gains were less spectacular, but fully as significant. The 1 to 11:15 a.m. period leaped from 2.2 to 3.8; the 11:15 to 11:30 slot fro m 3.3 to 4.2; the 11:30 to 11:45 period fro m 3.9 to 4.4; the 11:45 to noon seg ment increased fro m 4.3 to 4.8, and the noon to 12:15 p. m. period jumped fro m 5.2 to 5.8. With other video outlets here likely to increase their scanning, ulti mately moving into the sa me morning hours, the nu mber of hausfraus turning on their receivers in the post-breakfast hours is likely to ju mp even more. The Pulse figures, which apply here to mornings, may be regarded as just as significant in appreciating the hyped popularity of TV in evening hours in one-station cities when a second outlet moves onto the scene. Sinatra-Lucky Deal Rumored HOLLY WOOD, June 3. --Recurring ru mors of a ne w Frank Sinatra sho w for the A merican Tobacco Co mpany ca me to the fore in Holy wood this week, altho those close to The Voice clai med no kno wledge of such a deal. Show, possibly a co mbined radio-tele packaged airer, was reportedly being weighed by Lucky Strike ciggies as a half-hour weekly offering. - Sinatra, it will be re me mbered, was canceled by Luckies season before last, only to be re-signed to headline the Light Up Ti me musical strip seg which bowed out this week-end. Tobacco fir m is understood anxious to buy Sinatra for tele, a fact no w possible since the crooner has severed relationship with M G M Pix and is free for video. T-Men To Bang No Royalties Away on AM, TV Proposals Industry- Wide On 2 Networks NE W YORK, June 3. -- With the A merican Federation of Musicians NE W YOR K, June 3. --Two sho ws, one A M and the other TV, both dra matizing adventures of the Treasury Depart ment's agents, are all but set on rival webs, CBS and NBC. The radio show, T- Men, is to be used by CBS as a sustainer this su m mer. NBC is trying to set a time period for Treasury Men, a tele stanza which Chrysler' is all but set to sponsor. Likely slot is 10:30 p. m., Thursdays. The CBS radio sho w Is a web package and' features Dennis O' Keefe, while the tele stanza is a Bernard Prokter- Music Corporation of A merica deal. Both sho ws have their real inception at the sa me source, files of the Treasury Depart ment's investigators. The CBS sho w is based on the Ed ward Small T- Men fil m of a couple years back, which was made with govern ment co-operation. Ho wever, that co-operation ceased when Small Insisted on using the T- Men title, to which the Treasury execs objected. Result is that Prokter no w has access to the depart ment's files for his sho w, with CBS originating new yarns. (AF M) no w signing individual deals with independent producers permit- ting the use of live music on tele- vision fil ms, the major co mpanies in the net work and TV fil m production field are doing a terrific burn over what they prejudiced stcleapi m is on an the unfair part of and t,he union. The networks, for exa mple, still are unable to hire musicians for fil med video sho ws and clai m that giving the indies a go-ahead places the m --the webs --at a disadvantage. The first two indie- AF M deals, made with Gene Autry and Snader Tele- scriptions were reported in last week's issue of The Billboard. As a result, the industry-TV co m- mittee, made up of reps of net works, fil m co mpanies and package produc- ers, this week settled on the terms it wil ask as applying to telefihns and will present the m to Ja mes C. Pe- trillo, AF M president, as soon as he returns to Ne w York after next week's AF M convention, scheduled for Houston. The industry-TV co m- mittee has been formulating its pro- posals for so me months. Deals Unworkable? CBS-TV Down Shubert Aley The committee, execs stated, believes that the deals signed by (See Nets Burn at TV-Indie, page 12) 8 x 10 GL O S S Y FI NI S H ·Web eSeeks B RIEF A N D IMPO RTANT Catalog of 35 B'way Revues May Be One-Hour Show -- - NE W YOR K, June 3. --CBS-TV this week was on the verge of concluding a deal for what may be the greatest single catalog of legit revue material in existence. The web is concluding negotiations with the Shuberts for rights to 35 different Broad way revues, If acquired, the material probably will be made into a half-hour or hour revue called the Passing Sho w, after one of the most valuable Shubert titles. The Shuberts produced a year17 version of this sho w for many years, 12 such versions being included in the catalog, along with rights to the Artists and Models series. The scripts are mainly standaid sketches, music and specialty material which were perfor med by such top co mics as W. C. Fields, Eddie Cantor and Will lingers. The Shuberts are not selling the material, but are retaining ownership via a rental deal, with different fees for co m mercial and sustaining use. Howard Hoyt is representing the legit Producers. Hoyt also is packaging an hour TV version of the different operettas pre- s se un cthedstabnydathredsShausbeBrltos.ssoTmheTyi include me and Red Mill. i Speidell P onders "Sing It A gai n" Speidel Je welry last week was said to be giving consideration to sponsorship of the TV version of "Sing It Again," on CBS. The watch band co mpany for merly bankrolled part of the Chicago portion of NBC-TV's "Saturday Night Revue," but did not co me in with its order quickly enough for next fall and was frozen out. Not only Speidell but another Sullivan, Staufer, Col well & Bayles account, Arrid, is evidencing interest in the "Sing It Again." The sho w will probably be sold in seg ments, as was done in radio. M ayor O' D wyer's W P1 X Fireside Ne w York's Mayor Willia m O'D wyer wil have his own TV sho w, "At the Mayor's Desk," on The Ne w York Daily New's video outlet, W PLX, beginning June 15 at 8 p. m. The se mi- monthly half-hour series will emanate fro m O'D wyer's City Hall ofice and, according to a statement by the city oficial, "it will give Ne w Yorkers an opportunity to see their public oficials in action, appraise the men charged with the responsibility of directing the afairs of their city and see for the mselves ho w policy is made in this ad ministration." But no readng of the co mics! A B C Finally La ms N A B ' The long pending question of ABC's stand on the National Asso- ciation of Broadcasters (NAB), was ans wered Thursday (1), when the web made a for mal announce ment of its resignation fro m the N AB. The notice was served in a letter to N AB Prexy Justin Miller fro m Robert E. Kintner. ABC head. CBS resigned fro m the association three weeks ago." CI S To Drop 'County Fair" as Sustainer "County Fair" is being dropped by CBS as a sustainer after its June 17 broadcast. Since canceled by Borde as, the web has been un- able to co me up with a ne w bankroller. Beauty expert Richard Willis will replace the progra m, beginning June 24. His helpful hints to the ladies will be available until the fall, when Morton Do wney moves into the slot pected toforgetCocaa-daCoyltia.meWisplloits. wil then shift to TV where he is ex- Religious Assn. Offers Prayer for E n d of T V D ay A 30-second progra m of prayer to close the evening's TV schedule is being ofered agencies by the National Association of Christians and Je ws (NACJ). The fee for the prayer is said to be $5,000 a week. M PT OS 2P l o o -(" EA C H Elx1Os 6. 5 0 .r "71e' NEG ATI V E /OO LOTS C H ARG ES O F A N Y KI N D.' 50 % DE PO SI T, B AL ANCE C O D. QU ALI T Y GU ARANTEE D. S E ND NO W FO R FREE SAM A rs s.compzerr PP/CE L/.57: QUANTITY FOTO CO. P.O. aox 816. B RI D G E P O R T, C O N N. News items, advertisements from U.S. newspapers and magazines. BURRE1LE S PRESS CLIPPI N G BUREAU Telephones SA 7-5371 165 Church St., Ne w York 7 :Mere is ro better saksman than aweltpterncd. dear eut.pleasingly attractive photograph to pst yam message across! Ow photo reproductichs SEISTOU orTDURPRODUCTS Satisfied enterers ,(son the Atlantic to the Pe ek! fREE samples 'and price list upon regu ut. 10 R A DIO- TELEVISIO N The Billboard B RIEF AND IMPO RTANT June 10, 1950 e WL W-T After Su m mer Viewers With "On the Line" W L W-T, Cincinnati, hopes to hold viewers during the su m mer with what it calla the city's biggest telephone quiz, "On the Line." Altho talent has not yet been oelected, the show is slated to kick of June 17 and be on the air at least five hours a week at night. With a for mat along "Stop the Music" style, the progra m will contact listeners in Cincinnati, Dayton and Colu mbus who send In na mes. When phoned, they will be asked to identify one song for a small prize. If successful, they will hear another tune for the jackpot prize to have a value of at least $1000. Al clues wil be aural so that front porch listeners may participate. Dunton Predicts No Tele for Canada Before Sept. Television in Canada will not get under way until Septe mber 1. This is the prediction of Davidson Minton. chair man of the board of governors of the State-o wned Canadian Broadcpsting Corporation. Dunton figures it wil require close to $10,000,000 to get TV in Canada under way by the CBC. Breaking this figure down, there is $4,500,000 for the initial expenditure and the re mainder to cover operation losses for a five-year period after the opening. 2 FM-ers Swing Excl. Deal for Pres. Tru man Speech .A couple of enterprising FM stations last week put thru a deal to get exclusive broadcast rights to a Presidential address, to be delivered later thin month. W CF M, Washington, will pick up President Tru man's speech before the A merican Newspaper Guild convention in the capital June 28, and will feed it to W FDR, Ne w York. Thrower, ABC Sales V-P, Shifts Focus to TV Fred Thrower. ABC's A M and TV sales veepee, last week was planning to revise his personal operation, switching his emphasis from radio to television. The threat of NBC and CBS making a two-web race. out of tele is regarded as the basic reason for the move. Charlie Ayers will head the A M sales operation, reporting to Thrower, who heretofore had personally run the radio end. Thrower hi mself will work closely with Slocu m (Buzz) Chapin. who has beeni ABC's video sales sharpshooter. FCC Raps Zenith Knuckles on Phonevision Plugs Overenthusias m of Zenith Radio in making a pitch to set makers to adapt for phonevision was rapped by the Federal Co m munications Co m mission (FCC) last week as it ordered Zenith to make a full explanation of letters to Radio Manufacturers' Association me mbers encouraging the m to install decoders for the syste m in their receivers. FCC added it is deferring action on Zenith's bid to postpone the start of phonevision tests until October 1. WNBC Signs Helen Parkhurst for New Kid Series Helen Parkhurst. whose "Child's World" series was a heavy award winner on ABC in recent seasons, was signed last week by W NBC, Ne w York, for a ne w series of local sho ws. Titled "Children Should Be Heard," the progta ms will be used in the 7:30 p. m. period Thursdays, starting June 15, and will feature 10 to 13-year-olds fro m parochial and public schools. The series will have Miss Parkhurst taping ad lib discussions with the youngsters on such topics as ho w to pie.vent war and what they want in the way of one world. Menkin-Speer Sign Stark-Layton Office WBKB "Telethon" Nets 200G for Charity The Larry Menkin-Charles Speer writing tea m last week signed the Wilbur Stark-Jerry Layton package office to represent a ne w dra matic TV package no w in preparation. Titled "My Big Case," sho w will feature re-enact ment of actual cri mes, with the detective involved in breaking the case given a $500 award each week. The Menkin- Taxicabs were sent out to pick up all contributions of $50 or more in the 18 1/2 -hour "telethon" over W BKB by Chicago Sun-Ti mes Columnist Iry Kupcinet Saturday and Sunday, May 27-28, for the cerebral palsy fund. Pledges totaled $200,000. Kup wound up at 3:30 p.m.. Sunday with Bob Hope, answering phones and taking pledges. Speer duo currently is involved in a contract controversy with the Du Mont web, where the "Hands of Destiny" series drew critical ac- Golden Gate Quartet Signs for Series on Wax claim. The Golden Gale Quartet has signed to record a series of 260 15- Transit Radio, W WDC-F M Win Decision in Capital A big splurge in installations of FM sets on busses and streetcars in the nation's capital is planned by Washington Transit Radio, Inc., and Station Vi M/DC-F M, which emerged triu mphant last week fro m the first test in a litigation brought by the Transit Riders' Association (TRA) to prevent radio in busses and streetcars. Judge Edward A. Ta man. of District Court, dis missed three suits by the TRA which announced, however, that appeals will be carried "to the Supre me Court, if necessary." Meanwhile, Transit Radio was attacked on another minute open-end radio progra ms for Transcription Sales, Inc., New York. The contract, which covers production and world franchise sales rights, includes several unusual sales incentive gi m micks for stations. All sales will carry a guarantee of at least one free p. a. by the quartet during the year and per mission to broadcast on any weekly frequency without rate penalty. No mini mu m contracts are required and auditions disks will be shipped prepaid without deposit fees. The series, which features spirituals and folk songs, wil be scripted by Hal Halpern. with To m Scott as narrator. front when the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) asked the Federal Co m munications Co m mission to revoke licenses of FM stations providing progra ms for busses and streetcars. The CIO said Transit Radio involves "forced listening to political propaganda." Garry Moore To Simulcast on CBS This Su m mer Garry Moore this su m mer will do a simulcast on CBS. Moore's radio show will start on July 3in the 7-7:30 p. m. spot across the board, but his TV efort will begin several weeks earlier. Ken Carson is -NBC Gets Test Wax of 'Mary Pick ford Theater of Valor" being brought in fro m the Coast to handle the male singing chores, but Moore is still looking for a fe male vocalist. An audition waxing of the "Mary Pickford Theater of Valor" was delivered to NBC late last week by PRB, Inc., the packager. The sho w, which dra matizes stories of herois m of the last war, was directed SHO RT SCANN1NGS by Ho ward Barnes, with a script by Ho ward Teich mann fro m research by Stan Merkin. Nathan Krol was musical director, and Mal Boyd pro- duced. The series is expected to start soon on NBC. Radio and Tele Club of Pittsburgh tossing a shindig June 9 for Si Steinhauser. of The Pittsburgh Press. Party is to mark Si's 20th year as JACK LINDER'S (Continued from page 8) chorus). Emsee Jack Waler, a "23 skidoo" sharpie, keeps things moving along at a brisk pace thruout and acco mplishes the difficult teak of welding the good-natured but none too talented troupe into an entertaining whole. With the exception of a leggy dancer, who performed a strictly modern acro-terp routine, the per- Sara Sansres Volm MABEL FLAPSADDLE (of Me Jack Benny Skew) Is Switching to "S(ThAeRA'SSorePRIVBerAnIeTr CAShPoEwR)" INC. Thus.., kw 15, 10:30 p.m EDT formers on last Thursday's show were all in tune with the turn of the century motif. Operatic tenor Carlo Carrelli, the Grandoliers Quartet and kid' canary Rosalie Alter sparked the best audience reaction. Burton and Janet's pantomi me routine on Charlie Chaplin was also a crowdpleaser, tho Burton's take-off bordered more on Groucho Marx than the little man with a cane. The ful-stage saloon setting was surprisingly effective on a small TV screen and there were some nice atmospheric touches, i. e., a Salvation Army lass taking up a collection, while the patrons cry in their beer over A Bird in a Gilded Cage vocal. Ca mera work was spotty thruout, but, as was noted above, rugged production isn't a liability with this type of video revue. It's heart that counts. June Bundy. a radio editor. Ho w long can a guy take it? ... Clarence Menser, former NBC progra m veepee, na med professor of speech and director of radio for the John B. Stetson University, Deland, Fla. His responsibilities will include running WJBS, a Mutual affiliate. ...Jack Curtis. for mer WOE stafer, has joined W QXR, New York, as a su m mer replace ment announcer. ... W. Donald Roberti, ex-CBS Western sales manager, moves into a veepee berth at Sullivan, Staufer, Col well & Bayles, Inc., next month (1). ··· Allan Grey inked as CBS's new Housewives Protective League director. .. A girl born to the Martin Weldons (CBS) May 25, their first child... · Seymour Siegel, W NYC station head, in Washington last week (5-6) attending the FCC's first disaster control conference for co-ordinating radio facilities in case of an attack.... Ed A. Condit Jr. has left W MTR, Morristown, N. J., for a TV post with W ABD, Ne w York. ... John McDonald. WS M far m director, Nashvile, wil tour Europe this fall with the National Rural Youth Group of the A merican Far m Bureau Federation. He'll record the trip, via tape, for clear channel broadcasting service. ...Clement G. Scerback upped fro m ne ws writer status to the pro motion manager past at W T A M and W NB K, Cleveland. STAR-SPANGLED REVUE (Continued fro m page 8) about a fern grape presser, who danced when she should have been copy approach. If they'd spot Bea Lillie baking a cake or Hope hatching a plot to catch the light man in the Frigidaire, tele viewers would be more likely to tune the pitch in at full sta mpin' in the vintage, and, for con- volu me. A PLEASANT SUMMER HOME FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY AVAILABLE JUNE 15 TO SEPT. 7 Traditional house on % acre next to wooded area in comfortable, cool Roslyn Estates, Loni Island. 5 bedrooms, 2% baths, 2-car garage. Completely furnished, including automatic laundry, television, etc. Easy commuting by train or ear. Rent $800 net. Phone Itrielyn 3-1744 WEEKDAtS or EVENINGS ONLY. T. P. GOULD, 73 The OrInterWvriatlee, Roslyn Estates. N. Y. trast, a slick hoofing turn by Condos and Brandow. The for mer was deftly performed by Janet Reed and Michael Kidd and the latter pulled extra laughs when Hope crashed the act, a la Berle. Incidentally, Berle hi mself also crashed the show --in person, getting into the finale unannounced. Finis skit was a honey. The show lost its sense of hu mor, tho, when it ca me to the co m mercials. In spite of the practiced wiles of Dennis Ja mes and Wendell Niles, two of video's best salesmen, the Frigidaire plugs were dead serious and cold as the brand na me. This was mainly As for the production work, suffice to say that the musical backing, can-- era and well-oiled staging mechanisms were agreeably unobtrusive thruout, which means near-perfectIon behold the scenes. June BundY. Sara Berner's Voice as INCR ID MATARATZA (of Jimmy Duronto Show) Is Switching to NBC,"S(thAThueRrsA.',SSerkamP.RIVgar15A," BT due to the stiff sales manual type June 10, 19.50 M USIC Co m munications to 1564 Broadway, New York I N Y. June 3, 19.70 H G-3IEN JUMP DEALERS, DISTRIBS · Arena, Kaye, Diskers' Dub-Drubbing by AFM U. S. Dragnet Alex'der Talk Hurts; Como's Illness a Point Snares Eight Booking Corp. Victor "Penalised" Other Fir ms Concerned NE W YORK, June 3. -- Perry NE W YORK, June 3. --The Ameri- Comes sudden ilness (infected can Federation of Musicians (AF M) throat) Sunday (28) again high- ban on pre-recording, tracking and/or Phily Firms lighted record company-American dubbing, practices has resulted in a First Major in Years Federation of Musicians (AF M) flurry of gentle protests by diskers, proble ms. RCA Victor had scheduled a recording date for Como Monday primarily execs in waxery and-repertoire depart ments. artists- Probe Spreads Thru Natic-t NE W YORK, June 3. --Arena Stars, Inc., a management organization owned by Spike Jones which houses such talents as Bill (Bewitched) Snyder's ark and Homer and Jethro; the Willard Alexander Agency, which books Vaughn Monroe, Rudy Vallee. Count Basle, Larry Green and others, and orkster Sa m my Kaye have quietly been carrying on a three-cornered negotiation to form a new booking corporation. These talks have been going on for several months, and the massive project has been on and off from day to day. New hope for the realization of such an agency arose this week when Spike Jones's booking paper with the Music Corporation of America (MCA) ran out June I. Jones has not re-signed with MCA as yet and reportedly is sold on a plan to book hi mself, either solely or in the partnership. Decca Declares Representatives of the three groups Involved. Willard Alexander, Sammy Kaye and Leonard Rom m, Jones's 2d Dividend New York rep for Arena -Stars, have admitted to The Billboard that negotiations for the three-cornered deal have been going on. They feel that a strong possibility exists that the project may be realized, A New Threat? Should the Jones-Alexander-Kaye triumvirate merge Into an agency, it would stack up as the first major (29). When a. and r. chief Charlie Orean learned Como would be unable to make the date, he called Local 802, AFM, and asked for permission to cancel. Union turned Crean down. Green also asked to be allowed to cut the band and dub Como in later, but this proposal was rejected too. Since 26 musicians, plus a contractor and leader had been booked (representing a rap of approxi mately $1.275). Victor faced the possibility of · loss on the date. Orean, however, caught up with Eddie Fisher, who had just come into town from Liberty, N. Y., and rushed the new singer into the studio. Victor had a Fisher arrangement left over fro m · previous Fisher date and hustled in arranger and copyist to make up an (See Victor Penalized on page 41) Basic objections have ste m med fro m the technical benefits which can be derived fro m pre-recording methoda; the belief that it Is unfair to tax a waxery for the cost of a session in the event of ilness of an artist; a theory that tootier working conditions are less strained, and young singers' abilities are not so heavily taxed with Pre-recording; also, musician losses in overtime and extra session moneys are negligible in view of the observance of recording budgets with most diskers. A keynote example of the efects of the dubbing ban occurred at the Victor company this week when Perry Como suddenly beca me ill on the eve of a disking date, and the diskery found it couldn't get AF M permission to cancel the session or W ASHINGTON, June 3.--Justice Department's continuing probe of disk distribution appears likely to spread over the entire nation in the wake of a Philadelphia federal grand jury indictment handed down this week (2) charging four major record wholesalers, eight dealers and their association with conspiring to fix prices. The indict ment follows close on the heels of a court victory for Justice in similar charges against a few Pittsburgh area dealers. Justice announced yesterday (2) that the indictment charges that Decca Distributing Corporation. of New York and Philadelphia; Capitol Records Distributing Corporation of Hollywood and Philly. and Raymond Rosen & Company and Stuart F. Louchhei m Company, both make vocal tracks (see story next of Philly, and eight officials of colu mn). As a result of the Como Incident, the diskery is planning to ask for an AF M hearing regarding future situations of a similar type. record retail stores had since 1947 allegedly used the Record Dealers' Association (RDA) as a medium for assurances between retailers and Victor artist and repertoire topper wholesalers to bring about identical NE W YORK, June 3.--Despite the Charlie Green has been in touch with retail pric es on disks sold in Southern sum mer disk biz letdown, Decca Rec- Colu mbia pop recording boss Mitch Pennsylvania, Southern New Jersey ords' board of directors yesterday (2) Miller, and it is not unlikely that the and Delaware. declared a second quarter dividend of 12 % cents per share on the 776,000 outstanding shares of stock. Decca Prexy Milton Rackinil declared that it is hi, belief that the diskery will finish its second quarter in the black, two, possibly along with Walter Rivers, representing Capitol Records here, will atte mpt to talk the dubbing situation over with union officials. Capitol Records' artist and rep top- Justice agents have been quietly nosing around large cities in the Eastern half of the U. S. looking for traces of price fixing. The Pittsburgh case was the first one filed, but was small fry in comparison with the Philadel- new agency threat In show business since the for mation of the RockwellO'Keefe organization, which ultimately beca me General Artists Corporation (GAC). some 15 years ago. With the Monroe-Kaye-Jones wedge, such an agency would possess a formidable nucleus for a front-running band depart ment. Kaye, Incidentally, is tied to GAC until October of this year as the despite the severe business drop of the past month or so. He said that the firm's May take closely parallels Decca's figures for April and that both months were slightly below the grosses for the same periods last year. per, Jim Conklin', w u here early this week pri marily to discuss the pre-recording ban with the union. He was not able to convince AF M representatives that pre-recording methods essentially are employed to make a better product. "Joe" Wilson Passes On; phia indict ment It is likely to be several months before the Philly defendants are tried. Justice said the retailers indicted by the jury were Nathan Fischer, Record Mart; Alex Gettlin, Alex A. GetUin, Inc.; Henry PiUrow, Bond Radio; John Ragona, Ragona Radio dc Record Shop: Raymond Santini, (See G- MEN JU MP on page 14) result of deal made a couple of weeks ago when his term pact with that , agency ran out Leaves Saddened Indus& Lombardo Biz Mooney to MCA Sweetest (Continued from page 3) entire industry. In the record indus- the-board basis, the large-sized shoes try Wilson's unshakeable belief in the This After ABC Lets left by Wilson. basic soundness of the 45 r.p. m. pho- While it is virtually impossible to nograph system is held largely re- distinguish, in a Da mon-Pythias rela- sponsible for the all-out drive of Orkster Switch tionship such as was represented by RCA on the system, and for its presthe working basis between Wilson ent solidly established position. Side o' Heav'n NE W YORK, June 3.--Art Mooney this week inked a five-year manage- ment pact with the Music Corporation o/ America (MCA) following the amicable settlement of the orkster's current booking paper with Asociated Booking Corporation (ABC). To seule the ABC pact, Mooney agreed to fulfill com mitments made for his ork thru the month of July. MCA will pick the band up around August I. and RCA Prexy Folsom, which of the two men was most substantially responsible for various RCA achievements, it is a generally accepted fact that, along with Folsom, Joe Wilson was responsible for many of the Radio Corporation's most dramatic and highly efective moves. Wilson was 50 years old at the time of his death. He was born in Al ma, 11, and joined RCA in June, 1944, as administrator in accounts and finance, In 1945 he was made operating vicepresident, and in 1947 was appointed vice-president and general manager of the entire division. In January, Basically, Wilson's No. 1 achieve- 1949, shortly after Frank Folsom was ment (working side by side with Fol- elected president of the Radio Cor- sons) is considered to be the job of poration of America, Wilson was ap- reorganizing the RCA Victor division pointed executive vice-president of of RCA along lines which resulted In the RCA Victor division, a job in See Record Take for '50 NE W YORK, June 3. --Guy Lombardo may wrap up his biggest year in show business at the end of 1950, according to current indications. The maestro, who opened the swank Starlight Roof of the Waldorf Thursday (1) with warbler Vic Da mon.. is reeking up smash business on Decca disks and on his road trips, and is scoring heavily via air time. Mooney, who this week closed a decentralized operation, making which he replaced Foisons. A check on Lombardo's disk sales three-week engagement at Frank each depart ment in the division de- Before joining RCA, Wilson was buttresses the belief that the Decca Dailey's Meadowbrook in Cedar pendent virtually on its own acco m- vice-president and general manager artist stands a good chance of out- Grove, N. J., has reva mped his band to lay heavy emphasis on dance music. He has returned to his old plishments or failures. Prior to the Folsom- Wilson regi me at RCA, the organization operated along over-al of the United Wallpaper Company, vice-president and controler of Goldblatt Bros., Inc., Chi department store, selling any na me in the diskery's roster this year. It's figured his total sales may well hit $7,000,000 or book, and has been filling in with lines which are said to have hid the and controller for Montgomery Ward. $8,000,000. Outstanding among his new arrangements to give his crew shortcomings of any given depart- Wilson was also a director of the recent release is The Third Man a semi- Miller sound. The novelty ment beneath the glowing achieve- RCA Victor Company, Ltd., of Mon- Theme, which has chalked up 577,000 stuff, which has been the orksteez ments of another. treal; director of the New Jersey State sales as of Thursday. Orders on identification for the past couple of years, has been relegated to a rear Wilson is also credited, in inside circles, with having fostered and de- Cha mber of Com merce and amember of the Controllers' Institute of Amer- Third Man in the last two weeks totaled 41,000. Enjoy Yourself has hit position in the new band's plans. veloped the television receiver serv- ica and the Society of Naval En- 430,000, with 4,000 ordered in the last Mooney's booking picture has been ice operation, which eventually ca me gineers. Surviving Wilson are his two weeks. Dearte's total is 146,000, (See Mooney to MCA on page 41) to be accepted as the pattern for the (See "Joe" Wilson Passes on pope If) (gee LO MBARDO BIZ on page 14) 12 MUSIC The Billboard June 10, 1950 Rtunbalero Shakes aSamba Dirty Disks Illegal Copyright Pact In Closing Cuban Office WASHINGTON, June 3.-- The bill banning ship ments of Up the Flue as NE W YORK. June 3. --The tug-of- Abcrbaoh corroborated that there war between Ru mbalero. the Hill & Range L.-A. subsid, and Peer & Com- had been discussions with Pemora Music on the sale of the Rumbalero pany for control of the Cuban music catalog, but denied that he had of- market has reached the point where fered Ru mbalero for sele, stating th at Ru mbalero has closed do wn its Cu- he was the one who had been ap- ban office. A report that Ernesto proached. He gave as th e reason for Roca, dominant figure in the Cuban shuttering Rumbalero in Cuba a pro - music balero picture, had resigned as Rumrep was denied by Hill & jteivcitteyd hplearen toin concentrate on L.-A. th e United States. ac- Range topper Jean Aberbach this Mean while the withdrawal of Ru m - week, with the words "it's not true balero would appear to leave peer a dirty disks is now law as a result of receiving the President's okay this week. The new law prohibits the use of common carriers for shipping any obscene record or transcription. A second bill extending the prohibition to shipments of such disks by any means has passed the Senate and is pending in the House Judiciary Committee. Reds Take Walk W ASHINGTON, June 3. --The hopea of the United Nations Educational, Scientific arid Cultural Organitation (UNESCO) for universal adherence to the proposed global copyright pact received a minor setback this week as Czechoslovakia and Hungary withdrew from the UNESCO confab in Czech that Roca severed connections with clear field in Cuba. At presen t, how - us. We still have an agree ment with ever, the hassle shapes up as a tem him, but on · different basis." Aber- pest in a teapot, since Cu ba has been Company Florence, Italy, because of the seating of a delegation from Nationalist China. bach did not enlarge on the nature of the "different basis." FCAlogerrfefeCearn.osn,RiFoPgurhbtsms Sues Mercury NEW YORK, June 3. -- Song- writers' Protective Association (SPA) and Music Publishers' Protective Association (111PPA) have agreed on a Canadian copyright assign ment form to be afixed to the standard SPA contract, where the pubber asks the Rainbow To Sp k writer for Canadian rights. SPA this week notified its members and those publishers who have Williams Promosh signed the basic SPA agreement of the decision on the contract form, and sent sa mples of the form along with the letters of notice. Songwriters were requested to execute Canadian assign ments only if they are on the new form. Pubbers were asked to send written confirmation that they will use the form exclusively in contracts with SPA members. The SPA action ca me about because pubbers had been submitting to writers Canadian assign ment forms which were then not turned over to SPA for counter-signature -- a violation of the SPA contract. Cap May Repeat Beside the technical violation in- volved, some of these assignment forms gave pubbers unli mited Cana- Summer Success dian rights. The SPA form bas the singularly unproductiv e of hit ma - terial for the pop market he re for some years. At one time th e islan d was a fecund source for suc h Stateside smashes as Siboney, Mama Inez, Yours, Peanut Vendor,etc. L-A. ex perts agree that th e dear th ie due largely to the current preo cu pation of Cuban writers with the mambo, with th emphasis on jazz rhyth ms an d sparseness of melody line. NE W YORK, June 3. --A su it against Mercury Records was filed in U. S. District Court this week by Cramaphone Works National Corporation, Czechoslovakian firm, asking for $120,467.65 da mages, an accounting and an injunction restraining the The essence of th e batl e !lance lies in control ofthe material --the song writers. for (load source o Roca re - defendant belonging attorneys, from using any matrices to the plaintiff. Mercury's when queried, rebutted portedly has many Cuban tu nesm ith s each of the causes of the action. personal allegiance. Peer, on th e oth e According to the complaint, the hand, has a nu mber of them unde plaintiff in 1947 entered into an contract. agreement with Keynote Recordings, Inc., and Mercury. It is alleged that Mercury agreed to sell kidisks pro- ar duced by them from matrices loaned by the plaintiff; that Mercury failed to account for total records produced and did not pay all royalties due; that Mercury breached its agreement to NE W YORK, June 3. --Rain bow Records, one of the more lively Indies, has plotted a m ajor sca le promotion in conjunction with its newest property, the Buddy Wilia ms or k and its "Golden Echo Music." The diskery, headed by Eddie Heller and Larry Newton , ha already sent out 5,000 teaser car ds to jocks and diatriba, and this week will follow up with special introductory disks, an exploitation kit an d samp le vicies of the first actual disk coupling, On the Mall and Spring Mad e a Fool of Me, which w il be re lease d this week. Flack Jerry Si mon has been engaged to plug the disks joc kwise In New York and oth er Eas tern cities. accept records shipped from abroad: that Mercury failed to return some 400 matrices, and that Mercury used the matrices to produce LP disks without authorization. Mercury, in rebuttal, states it received a cancellation notice of the contract with Gra mophone National August 16, 1949, and that on September 23 another party entered the case and claimed to be the agent for Gra mophone. With regard to royalties, Mercury states it paid them thru the fourth quarter of 1949, the " Ma totaling $6,725.80. With regard to reproducing the material on LP, Mercury states it had every right to do this. Finally. the diskery says it returned all matrices. State Department officials are mm musing the importance of withdrawal, even (ho the two nations announced they will boycott all UNESCO activities as long as Nationalist China is a member. It was stated that the agency never figured there was more than an outside chance that any of the Iron Curtain countries would come in on a treaty in the first place. The Chinese issue found Burma, Yugoslavia and Den mark voting along with the two Soviet satellites, but only the Czechs and Hungarians walked out. The USSR is not represented at the UNESCO session. State Department is convinced that a global pact will be worth while eveess if all the countries under Soviet influence fail to take part It is pointed out that, as far as music is concerned, the Russian bloc refuses recognition to "capitalistic" songs, while current Iron Curtain music is of little interest in other nations. The agency still hopes the recalcitrant countries will be Ln a mood to sign the copyright pact once it is drafted, but will push for U. S. publication anyway. The treaty itself is still in a slowmotion stage. with the UNECSO copyright office in Paris exa mining answers to its questionnaire in preparation for a report to the world group. The current session of UNESCO will run until June 17 but 13 not expected to get around to the copyright Issue until the next meeting late this year. efect of limiting these rights. The de monstration disk, which will The need for a special assignment for Canada stems fro m a quirk of the Canadian copyright law. In order for a publisher, i.e. copyright owner, to collect mechanical royalties, he is required to have a special assign ment from the writer or writers of the song. go out to more tha n 3,000 joc ks,publishers and trade publi ca tions is narrated by a pro minent ra dio an nouncer who tells Willia ms 's stor y, A unique twist is the diskery's inclusion of publishers as recipients of this sa mple. The promotion kit, including Wogs then analyzes the band's sound and style. The band itself ilust ra tes its and press releases, will go out to all of the above, plus talent agencies special voicinge other band styles and shows several by way of contras t. and dance hall proprietors. Willia ms hasn't signed with any agency to date. HOLLY WOOD, June 8 --Capitol Records, whose biggest hit.; in the oast have broken during the su mmer, hopes history will repeat itself ln favor of a new batch of warm weather sales contenders. Topping the list of Cap's su m mer hopefuls is Blind Date, the Margaret WhitingBob Hope duet, especially created for Heidt & AFM Nets Burn at TV Indi -AFM e Sign TV Deal Deals, Line Up Musi T c erms the pair on orders of Artist-Repertoire Veepee Jim Conkling. According to Cap's requisition orders, disk is breaking fast for a big seller. Nat Cole's Mona Li u, according to sales reports, may be his biggest disk since Nature Boy. With a potent promo- NE W YORK, June 3. --Horace tional ca mpaign behind Dean Mar- Heidi Productions, the orkster's talent packaging firm, this week joined the ranks of indie producers signing a TV-fil m agreement with the American Federation of Musicians (AF M). The agreement calls for a royalty payment to the AF M on the basis of 5 per cent of station nightti me hourly charges for each outlet showing the fil m --apparently the going rate in the AF M-Indie packager deal (The Billboard, June 3). The Heidt contract is for one year. The first venture for the Heidt TV package outfit will probably be the Horace HeItit Youth Opportunity Progra m, for which Heidi is on the verge of closing with Philip Morris. The progra m. Is being planned as a onceweekly, half-hour job, fil med rather than live because the show travels, locating in a different town each week. The Blow Company is the Morris agency for the HeIdt package. which is being pointed for a CBS-TV debut in the fall. Heidt has several other fil m packages in various stages of development. (Continued fro m page 91 The AF M's philosophy of a royalty Petrillo and Autry and one or two other companies are sound neither from the standpoint of the musicians nor the TV industry. "... in fact, we on mechanical music stems from the union's experience in the disk busi- ness, It's understood that AFM's believe those deals are unworkable." deals with Indic TV packagers include It is understood that the guts of the industry's proposals to Petrilo will be as follows: (1) TV producers will pay musicians approximately film scale for a product which may be used eith er as straight film or TV film. (2) In the event the product is restricted to TV use only, there would be a great reduction in scale --perhaps 50 per cent. (3) No royalty. a royalty clause. The TV industry committee's determination to avoid such a fee is regarded as one of the toughest bones of contention. The union's belief Is that TV programing eventually will be 100 per cent film. Petrillo -stated this is his report to the convention. Petrillo, too, has no set opinions with regard to TV as an employment medium. Tho mediu m Is here to stay, he believes confusion h rampant among TV employers and packagers. There is also, The industry co mmittee met Friday he believes, no Indication as to what (26), when news was bruited around that Petrillo had concluded a couple extent TV will replace A M as a field for musician employment. In view of deals with indles. The decision to press the matter to a conclusion was of all these doubts and uncertainties as to TV, it is obvious that the AF M then made. Currently, the com mittee chief will make every effort to incor- is getting its proposals into shape to porate a royalty clause into what- present Petrillo as soon as he returns ever TV pact he might conclude on an to New York. industry-wide hula. tin's Heppe Feet, disking is expected to become the warbler's top waxing to date. Still growing sales- wise, is Kay Starr's Hoop-Dee-Doe. Les Paul's Jealous and Nota is proving · solid seller, according to Cap. Cap's biggest sellers have hit the market during the su mmer. Last su mmer the diskery ca me thru with · the Jo Stafford-Gordon MacRae duo on Whispering Hope and Margaret Whiting - Jimmy Wakely's Slipping Around. Su mmer of 1948 saw Cap reaping profits with 12th Street Rag and Nature Boy. Its biggest sellers of 1947 ca me in the su m mer with Smoke, Smoke, Smoke and Ti m-TayShun. To cinch the argu ment, label's first big hit was Coto-Coto Boogie, which blosso med in July, 1942. Su mmer hits are atwofold blessing to a label: (1) They give a diskery a strong seller when competition is at its weakest; (2) they provide a salea impetus to carry a label thru into the autu mn, when dealer: start stocking for the winter and Chrtetmas season. June /0., 1950 The Billboard M U SI C 13 Platter Firms Inking Oatune Jocks in Droves Hild Memorial CINCINNATI, June 3. --Three children of the late Oscar HiId, former president of Local 1. American Federation of Musicians, will receive a college or 'ILO Preps Data for Drafting Performer Right Global Pact W ASHINGTON, June 3. --The In- tainers around the world to approxi- CHICAGO, June 3. --Hillbilly and Western a. and r. reps for both major musical education thru a $14,100 trust fund voted at a Sunday (28) meeting of the union. To be ternational Labor Organization (ILO) mate those in this country. However, is making a preli minary survey of it is certain that if an eventual treaty data in preparation for drafting the contains provision granting royalties and leading indie firms at the country financed thru insurance or in- proposed global treaty on performers' on canned music, there will be a hot music field are starting a flurry of vestment securities, the fund will rights (The Billboard. November 19, controversy when the time comes for inking pacts with oatune d. L's. a survey of waxeries revealed this week. Starting with Johnny Hicks, KRLD, Dallas platter-spinner who went with Colu mbia, Lee Gillette. of Capitol, followed with Joe Allison, wax-whirler at W MAK, Nashville. Capitol previously had Randy Blake. of WJJD. Chicago. Four Star, the Coast waxcry, which has the currently popular Cry of a Dying Duck in a Thunderslortn by Cactus Pryor, KTBC, Aus- provide $100 a month for each child for four years. A factor making the plan possible was a voluntary pay cut of $50 a week asked by Robert Sidell, who succeeded HiId as the local's president. Charles Joseph, 85, who had been union treasures' for 58 years, tendered his resignation at the meeting. His duties will be combined with those of the secretary. 1949), officials of the Labor Department's ILO branch said this week. Heavy emphasis is being placed in early studies over the advisability of granting rights to performers in the proceeds fro m all types of canned music. Backed by an okay fro m the ILO board of governors, the group's Geneva office is contacting the Berne union for information on the latter's old studies in the field of performer the Senate to ratify it. During coypright hearings before the House Judiciary Committee a couple of years ago, the group briefly considered a bill to that effect sponsored by the National Association of Performing Artists (NAPA), but brushed it off as being too difficult to administer. Ratification by the 'U. S. of a treaty containing a canned music provision would supersede the Copyright Act, tin, Tex., has now inked Don Whit- rights. The ILO is also compiling data since treaties are considered higher ney, KCLN, Blythevile, Ark., and Frank Page, K WKH, Shreveport, La. Fred Rose, of Acuff-Rose, the Nashville pubbery, sent MG M's Frank Walker a series of disks made by Premium Disks Call Simpkins on working conditions and salaries earned by entertainers in the 60-odd member nations of the ILO. Any treaty is still at least a year in the future, since the ILO must authority than domestic law. NBOA, Tax Men Frank Porter, W X0I, Rich mond, and Page now has inked an MG M Gird still decide whether one Ls desirable CHICAGO; June S. --The partner- upon the basis of the studies now for Fight pact. ship which was dissolved when Lee made. However, the U..0's advisory Bullet disk Sales Manager Overton Ga ming last week inked Johnny Murray, KLIL. Dallas, while Peanut Fair- Egalniek, prexy of Miracle, blues and rhythm diskery, ankled that firm to form his oarn label. Pre mium, may com mitee on salaried performers and professional workers passed a resolution last year urging the ILO to take CHICAGO; June 3. --The next step In the attempt by the National Ballroom Operators' Association (NBOA) cloth, W NEX, Macon. Ga.. went with Decca three weeks ago. George be reformed. Lou Simpkins, who remained at the Miracle helm when appropriate action on an international basis to secure adequate protection to of free terperies from the payment the 20 per cent cabaret tax, as Sanders, KFVD, Los Angeles, mikeman, has been with Cormac. the Coast label, for the past two months. Ert. Victor, W GN, Chicago, cut his first narrative sides for Universal about 10 Cafe Rouge Inks weeks ago. Egalnick left, told The Billboard of the rights of performers. that he is trying to reorganize the Among top questions to be decided Miracle set-up and that he will prob- are whether the welfare fund system, ably rejoin Egalnick at Premiu m set up by the American Federation within the next week. Ega Mick, when of Musicians (AFM). should be contacted, said that he has offered adopted in other nations and whether Simpkins a job as a. and r. director entertainers should get royalties from for the b. and r. seg of Premiu m. disks, fil ms and radio transcriptions. Egalnick this week added Floyd The general aim of the ILO is to Hunt. writer of the hit, Fool That 1 raise the working standards of enterAm, as professional manager of levied by the Internal Revenue Depart ment 18 months ago, will prob- ably take place during late su mmer or early fall before a judge of the ti. S. Circuit Court of Appeals in St. Louis, Kansas City, Mo.. or St. Paul. NBOA'a counsel, Tom Roberts, it was learned, has already filed a printed record, containing a rundown of the testimony and exhibits in the Garber's Return Cafe -Terpery NE W YORK. June 3.--Jan Garber will make his first local location appearance in many years when he and For New Yorker his ork open for a six-week stay at the Cafe Rouge of the Hotel Steller on August 10. Garber has been concentratina in the Midwest and West Coast. The four weeks prior to Gerber's opening are not yet filled for the room, altho Blue Barron will 111 the four weeks preceding with an opening skedded for June 8. The accent on Mickey Mouse orks is somewhat of a departure for the room which à one of the last of the Morris To Face still active colle;e crowds haunts a new BMI affiliate, Premium M USIC Corporation. The pubbery will process all original material waxed by Premiu m. Premium Inked Har monica Willie, mouth-organist currently with the Royal American Shows. and Robert Anderson, Ex- Miracle spirituals artist. The Premiu m distributor set-up has been completed, with the following handling the new line James H. Martin, Chicago; Benart, Cleveland; Dunbar. Dallas and Houston; MarneII, Philadelphia; Supreme, Cincinnati; Music Sales, Memphis and New Orleans; Jack Young, Pittsburgh; Mercury, Mia mi; Wayne, Detroit; Midwest. St. Louis and Kansas City; Major, New York, and Gimbel Bros., NE W YORK. June 3. --The Terrace Room of the Hotel New Yorker will return to a cabaret-terpery status in mid-July with a renewal of the hostelry's ice show and na me band policy. The spot has been operating with an all-girl string crew for dinner music, following the abandonment of a na me act and band policy a couple of months ago. The band for the summer show has not yet been set, but it will probably successful court fight waged last December before Judge Henry Graven in a federal district court in Fort Dodge. Is. Judge Graven, in his decision, overruled a previous court decision, which held that ballroom opt were responsible for the cabaret stipend pay ment (U. S. vs. Avalon Ballroom. La Crosse. Wis.). The tech; have filed an appeal which will be heard in one of the three cities' Circuit Court of Appeals. Both the govern ment and NBOA will file written argu ments within the next month. which formerly leaned toward bands with a beat. Pollak's La Warren Baltimore. Egalnick leaves next week for a three-week Southern trip, contacting da.'s and, scouting artists. be a secondary na me, with a sturdy orkster due to succeed for the fall show. Pre-Trial Exam NE W YORK, June 3. --The various Suit Comes to Trial Federal Project Revival major fil m companies and their music pubbing subsidiaries na med as defendants In the E. H. Morris suit NE W YORK, June 3. --Al Pollak's for alleged violations of the Sherman breach of contract suit against thrush Fran Warren comes to trial Tuesday (6) before Justice James B. Mc- Brought Up atAFM Confab and Clayton acts, won a preliminary legal skirmish this week when New York Federal Judge IlaroId R. Me- Nally in New York Supreme Court. David Strauss, Pollak's attorney, has subpoenaed Barbara Belle, Miss Warren's present manager, and books and records of the Willia m Morris Agency and RCA Victor. Pollak asks an injunction, declaratory judg ment and accounting claiming that the singer, in May of 1948, breached a management contract which he signed with her in November, 1946. According to the plaintif, the pact was for seven years, calling for a slice of the thrush's earnings pegged at 10 per cent of weekly laconic up to $1,000 and 15 per cent of her take upward of $1,000. Pollak states that he has received no payment at all. Miss Warren's counsel is attorney Louis P. Randell. (Continued from page 3) to work toward fedelial subsidy of music and other arts. The resolution notes that Marshall Plan money is being used to subsidize operas and symphonies in Europe -32.000,000 Was allocated to the Vienna State Opera, for example --while jobless American musicians get no help. (2) MUJIC activities In veterans' hospitals. The conspicuous success of the concerts and dances played for hospitalized vets and paid for by AF M recording and transcription and trust fund moi ey, Arons W s, should encourage the Veterans' Administration to sponsor musical entertainment on its own. The AF M-subsidized entertain ment only "scratches the surface." the resolution notes. that the AF M contact President Truman on the Internal Revenue Department's ruling classifying leaders as employers on miscellaneous single engagements. The ruling, which places on leaders the onus of Social Security and withholding taxes for the sidemen, is neither a judicial nor a legislative finding, the resolution points out, but a purely ad ministrative dictum. The commissioner of Internal Revenue may be overruled by the President, who delegates administrative authority. Arons urges that the President be asked to reverse the ruling. Arons also will ask the international exec board to consider raising the weekly salary for musicians with touring ballet companies from $125 to 5140. The 802 delegate had brought dina granted them the right to examine the plaintiff before trial. Each party had made a motion for examination of the other on the same clay. Judge Medina's decision to give the defendants first crack at exa mination is no indication of the merits of the case, but merely a tactical advantage, informed observers say. The Morris firm is suing for triple damages of $1,700.000 and an injunction to restrain the defendants from monopolizing the music publishing industry. The defendants are Warner Bros., Paramount, Lnew's, 20th Century-Fox and Universal Pictures and 14 music pubbing aubsid- NE W YORK. June 3. --The Muzak Corporation has reduced the price of Monica Lewis for MGM Pis (3) The seven-day week. Road company operas, ballets. legit shows, a similar suggestion involving ing opera troupes before the tourAF M vinyl biscuits used in the production of transcriptions and phonograph etc., employing musicians, pay the at last year's convention, and the records of all speeds, according to NE W YORK, June 3. -- Monica tootlers a flat weekly salary for a raise was subsequently effectuated. Richard A. Wilson, veepee and presi- Lewis, MG M disking artist, this week seven-day week. Arons proposes to Dick McCann and Charles lucci, dent of the transcription division. was signed to a movie- making paper ask for establishment of a six-day 802 prexy and secretary, respectively. Wilson states the reduction is a result with the waxery's parent fil m co m- week on the road, giving musicians a the other two delegates from New of "manufacturing advance ments in pany. Her first flicker assignment needed day of rut and at the same York. had not decided on any conven- the custom compounding of specially will probably come late this su mmer time opening up additional jobs. tion resolutions prior to their de- designed vinyl preforms for all speeds or early in the fill. The 802 delegate will also sugg ut par ure for Haug:on late this week. land sizes of disks." 14 MUSIC The Billboard Jane 10, 1950 Lombardo Biz BILLBOARD BAC KSTAGE Music Biz Only Sweetest This Side o' Heav'n About a Too Little Known Big Man Named Joe Wilson By Joe Caida Fair Over 30th (Continued fro m page 4/ due to rain. The ever-dra wing Guy Lo mbardo was an exception to the outdoor rule, with a take-ho me kitty of over $3,000 for Decoration Day dancing at Hershey Park, Hershey, See Record Take for '50 (Continued fro m page 3) Mg in the conclusi on that Iwasn't for Pa. Ray Anthony's crew played a Jo, Jo the Dog-Faced-Boy, in one of RCA and vice versa, I went over to sturdy 30th date at a ne w terpery in the then well-read strips. He didn't Joe's house to tell hi m of my de- Reading, Pa., taking out between (Continued fro m page 1) tell me that with the intent of hav- cision. He listened while Italked for $1,100 and $1,200 on a $750 guaran- with 4,000 ordered the last two weeks. ing me do a cute piece designed to The seasonal Peter Cottontail hit a hu manize the tycoon. He warned me. total 84,000. Two rather new re- as a matter of fact, never to repeat leases, The Answer She Is Yea! No? It. No w, I know, he wouldn't mind. backed by Play, Hurdy-Gurdy, Play, I had innu merable all-day, alland Where Are You Gonna Be When? night conversational binges with backed by Tiddley Winkie Woo have him, out of many of which never totaled 137,000 and 71,000 respec- ste m med a single writable trade- 45 uninterrupted minutes. When I tee. Louis Pri ma racked up over go thru he said: "Think about five $1,700 as his share on a Decoration minutes more before you answer jut Day eve dance in Waterville, Me. one question. Will you be happier New York City tarp business was back at The Billboard?" described as fair to middling, with 1 thought and said yes, and Joe said: "Then that's what you ought to do." poor weather doing considerable da mage to both the classy hotel spots and the ballroo m locations. tively. Stars Are the Windows of news line. But I've never forgotten, Maybe that simple state ment Heaven, done with the Andrews Sis tern, has already sold 85.000. In addition to these figures on the maestro's newer releases. his catalog items continue to sell heavily. Twin Piano Album, Volu me No. 2. for instance, released one month ago, has hit the best selling charts. A flock of other standard albu ms, such as Lombardo Land, 1Vattres by Lo mbardo, continue to rack up sales. All this doesn't take into account the seasonal toppers such as White Christ mas, Winter 'Wonderland, etc. On the road, Lombardo has been doing heavy --and in many instances record-breaking --business. On his tour of approxi mately six weeks just prior to his opening at the Waldorf, he grossed an estimated $250.000. Here are some figures for the trek, which covered April 10 thru May 30: At Convention Hall, Detroit, April 15. a record all-ti me attendance ligure of 20.000 was racked up. He scored sellouts at concerts in Sagina w, April 16: Battle Creek, Mich.. April 17, and Fort Wayne, Ind., April 19. Sand wiched in was a profitable date at Grand Rapids, Mich., April 18. At Vogue Terrace, McKeesport, Pa.. the house was sold out every night of a one-week stand late in April. May 10 at Oelwein. Ia., broke and never will the scores of ideas doesn't convey what I mean it to. and philosophies he tossed off. There I mean to say that Joe Wilson, re- was a time when RCA Victor was gardless of any corporate problems, having one of its occasional labor regardless of his own job and de- situations. Joe was quite proud of sires, knew and practiced the truth the co mpany's labor record. He made that the most important single factor a fe w remarks, which, co ming fro m in a man's life was to do what he was a big corporation topper, would be happiest doing, money, position, considered shockingly liberal. I ex- power and silk underwear notwith- pressed a small degree of surprise at standing.. And there are many big his "pro" labor stance. As closely as men who never learn that, or, having I can recall his exact words, he ex- learned it, forget it. plained: I think Joe Wilson was happiest Gotta Pr ue It doing one of the biggest jobs in America in his own, quiet way. 1 "Things are narrowing do wn today to a struggle between a couple of think he must have been happy, too, when he left, in kno wing that he ideologies. We think democracy is played a major part In building RCA it, to but M the final analysis it's up the so-called capitalists to prove to the greatest position In its history, and that his acco mplishments that de mocracy is really the best way of life. If guys like us or other big corporation executives don't do their will live for many, many years. And he will live in the minds and hearts of those who knew him --much, much jobs well --and a big part of that job is our relationship with the people longer. who work with us --capitalis m in its best sense, and democracy, will have "JOE" WILSON PASSES a tough time proving itself the best way for the most people." (Continued (rorn Page 1) That wasn't for publication either, widow. Hazel: a son. Michael; two but that's the way Joe Wilson thought daughters. Shirley and Mrs. Jean Mc- and felt. Cann; his father, E. E. Wilson; four He was the guy who hired me for sisters. Mrs. Evelyn West and Mrs. RCA Victor after I'd put in 15 years Ruth Carl, Centralia. Ill.: Mrs. Ralph on The Billboard. He and I both, I Anderson, Orangeville, Ill.; Mrs. John Flanagan Does Okay CINCINNATI. June 3. -- Ralph Flanagan, the RCA Victor maestro. chalked a bang-up Decoration Day week-end on Ohio one-nightere set by Chuck Ca mpbell, of the General A muse ment Corporation office here, and maintained the sa me pace at other one-nighters in the area thruout the week. At Lakeside Park, Dayton, O., last Saturday (27) the Flanagan ork grossed $2,175. At Rainbow Gardens, Fremont, O., Sunday (28) the box office reflected a tidy $2,234, while at Terrace Gardens, Urbana, O., Monday (29) the band chalked up a trifle over $1.600. Playing for Parker Beach ut Chippe wa Lake Park, Chippewa Lake, O., Tuesday (30) the Flanagan crew registered · hefty $3,247. Flanagan played the Roller Rink at Wheeling, W. Va., for Bill Schreyer Thursday. While figures on the date are unavailable. advance reservations were reported heavy, with ducats slugged at $1.75 per. The Flanagan band played the University of Cincinnati pro m last night. At Castle Far m here, where the ork plays tonight, advance reservations have passed the 2,100 mark, with the deer fee $1.50. a record with 2,700 in attendance. know, had great hopes for what I Ullery. Springdale. Ill., and three Dito May 14 at Fort Dodge, la., where 2,900 ja m med the Ar mory to break a record. In Peony Park, Omaha, with rain shutting down the Outdoor Terrace, the band still drew a record cro wd of 3.000 indoors to g;ve the spot its biggest gross in its more than 30-year history. May 21, in Marion, Ia., Lo mbardo drew 3,300 to break Harry Ja mes's attendance record when the spot opened 18 months ago. Only one date pulled small cro wds --April 13, in Akron, during a blizzard. Ad missions for the above dates varied. with $2.50 the top. Radio- wise the maestro is cashing in heavily. To morrow he takes over as su m mer replace ment on the Jack Benny progra m over CBS. On his syndicated transcribed progra m, which he has been doing for four years for the Frederic W. Ziv Co mpany. Lo mbardo is sponsored locally and regionally over 300 outlets. Other air time includes his Lo mbardo Land, I1SA, 920-10 Saturdays over Mutual, might do in a long, happy career at RCA. After I'd tried it for eight or nine months, and gone thru · kind of major soul-searching routine result- brothers, Carl and Ellis. Tacoma, Wash.. and Arthur, Al ma, Ill. Services were held Monday (5) at the All Saints Church here. Showfolk May Gain If Senate OK's Old Age Pay Bill Changes (Continued fro m Page 3) on their musicians. Debate on the complicated bill. which with Senate 'co m mittee and House versions now runs 391 pages. will last two or three weeks. Tho votes on some individual sections of HR 6000 are likely to be close. fewer than 20 of the Senate's 96 votes are expected to be cast against passage. Those entertainers who are now outside of Social Security by virtue of an independent contractor status be exe mpt. If it runs less than the coverage maxi mu m, the worker will pay the self-employed tax on the difference between earnings subject to deductions and the maxi mu m. However, self-employed earnings of 1400 and under will not be subject to the Social Security levy. Except for the coverage maxi mu m figure and for the kind of engineers to be exempt there is no congressional dispute over the self-e mployed section. Tire Gardens Flops HOLLY W OOD. June 3. -- Casino Gardens' trial of opening during the Decoration Day week-end with the hope that biz would warrant its remaining open, dropped with a dull thud. Irving Chezar, managing the Oceanside dancery for To m my Dorsey, said biz was so bad he is shuttering spot until July. Terpsery featured Jerry Wald's ork. Chezar said conditions eulicate that only na mes will attract dancers, hence he intends to book a top name attraction when he reopens the ballroo m. Originally, Ch u n intended to operate on a week-end only policy following the Decoration Day week-end kick-off and then go to six nights a week in July. Unless conditions better, spot may operti:e entire season on weeksends only. This year marks a sharp drop in beach biz, which usualy hu mmed during the su m mer. Rainy weather may be the cause for delaying the earl of the beach season. and remotes from the Waldorf. will come into the system January The Ziv air time, incidentally, in I. 1951, according to ter ms of the self- Oilier Parts in Diseete Most other sections of the bill, G-MEN JU MP the past has been figured as netting Lombardo even more money than accrues to hi m fro m Decca royalties. Li past years, Lo mbardo has hit about $200.000 yearly from Decca --but this year, if his sales hold up u indicated, he figures to hit a better peak. The Waldorf engage ment is Lo rot'ardo's 15th in 25 years. He opened there in 1934, missing only two su mmers owing to fil m co m mitments. He rinses at the Waldorf June 27, then goes ta Virginia Beach for a short engage ment, following which he em- employed coverage section. Their tax will amount to 21/ 4 per cent nf either the first $3.600 or the first $3.000 of their annual incomes, depending upon whether the House or the Senate com mittee figure is finally chosen. One Year's Grace This tax will be co mputed for 1951 on the final inco me tax form due March IS. 1952. Thus, the newco mers to Social Security will have more than a year to fa miliarize themselves with new require ments. however, are in dispute, and the final restilts will not be decided until after a joint conference of both houses of Congress meets to iron out the differences. The bandleader provision finds the Senate co m mittee and the House on the opposite side of the fence. The House had voted to override a Supreme Court decision and make the band buyer responsible for Social Security for musicians if such was provided for in the contract. The Senate Finance Com mittee, however. knocked this provision out of HR (Continuid from page II) Perrera & Santini: David Krantz, Krantz Record & Radio Shop; Alexander Depillis, Pre mier Record Shop --all of Philadelphia --and Frank Ryall, Ryan's, Upper Darby, Pa. PHILADELPHIA. June 3. --Case against local disk distribs and dealers was handled by Willia m Maher, special assistant to the attorney general, who explained that the Miller-Tydings Act was violated by the distribs barks on a tour of one-nighters being set up by Music Corporation of For entertainers and others who have Social Security deductions made 6000. Another difference is whether fraternal and religious groups hiring and dealers in question. This act per mits manufacturers or wholesalers A merica (MCA). These will be close by one or more employers and also bands are to be free from Social Se- to insist upon mini mu m prices on to New York, so he can keep close work as independent contractors, curity responsibility. The House voted products. to the Sunday night Benny replace- the new set-up will work like this: yes: the Senate com mittee weed no. No disk manufacturers are involved ment sho w. In August he vacations, Earnings subject to deductions will Figures for increased benefits are in the case. and will probably tape three shows be counted first. If that inco me runs likewise at variance in the two ver- Each of the defendants is being to fill the Benny-Lucky Strike as. to the coverage maxi mu m ($3,600 or sions of HR 6000, with the Senate held in $1.000 bail, with defendants ;,ninent. $3,000), self-employ ment inco me will being more liberal. being permitted to sign his own bond. Ja... 10,1950 The gmbeerd 13 1CA SPECIALS _trap er SLIP, Ivot el i 15135,1), IE el, SO 'TALL A E BING costor pe(ca 1.7018 IllAtIltS, 11,01tIST LOVE V11111 111£ reli es Of Il e Gelb 1LOVE. JACK Og f Luca :27055 · \ CALICO SAL SII.E.'S SII1141411114' 011 IIle 13E.ACII AG M* ne FT HUI, .`1112111 .1S Decca Il e 31(13 'retefie 14014A LISA lSotts witfi Vocal Cborusl VICTOR 1.OUNG Decca 27048 D014"E V1 All Il e W ORLD I M et Al'ence Aroun LLLA ilTZGERALD with 4HITS A:\,'D A `IISS Decca 27061 · LOVE. IVES \ TELLAlSIeIeESIOOUF lOSES CONNIE RUSSELL and JACK HASKELL Decca 27062 · S0131010 OFT LOSESOVISSI JERRY GRAY Decca 27054 -lalUtlAS Poly Bear) PUDGY rote VallSILIIIG P e e/ I10,Ni. f.1711-11,,it Childrctes tiet Decorative Envelope· Oecccitkte* ·RUencbtoorotdabI$T1.U0ed0a,LSoW.roPorlicULeF /0 BEST SELLERS INC n u MA. THE ME THE CAFE M OZART WALTZ "V LM 2Di4C5CB39 IM ANN A IC LOVED I'VE JUST GOT TO GET OUT M OF THE HARE! DU G O M MEE K AM TER M [ MON H UMS M Y FOOLISH HEART OrECA DON / DO SO METHI NG TO SO ME ONE ELSE 24E30 ITATH You IITH·IdA'r WA M 1.N*To You} JEOOfl ILnEINO BE NTE m o nat COTE·ME ci wyc· mHE META TULL ATITER 24904 W H..WE.BHEENARTEHLY OmUu .°_O N_NA II 1..B_OLEY w u,ikII WHoc,,HINES stiri,11:nlk,fs Tal Ayo zRILL ROSES aYOU DREA M " YO U ILDVLD' BE FAI TH FUL CH OC'LAT E ICE CREA M "dHIN GHA m O NCE CONE DI WT/CI MO W HI M IN TI N W OULD DE CA CO M M JERKINS l:"94As I-S-S-1-S-S-1" " I OLD ki N UCKy FOX CHASE America's Fastest Seling Records M CA LE Y- -MU M* 21 "1 HIE REINES B MA M BE MIES MEGAN 21'cou0a D RED FOLEY 4 r214 RED I ·SingleListRecproicreds 75t t coe °5 gulgovoil 16 M Usic The Billboord Sons June 10, 1950 O lathe SAY RKO PICTURES ·JOHN FORD e e c ' o gee ete- SIM SPENCER . 1515 CROSS ROADS or THE WJOORHLND FORD'S WANod SONS OF THE PIONEERS NAVE UASTER HEFTY OPENINGS SALT LAKE KANSAS CITY DALLAS AND OTHER TEXAS IT lE" FROM ALL REPORTS THE BOYS WERE VERY COOPERATIVE WELL RECEIVED BY EVERY AUDIENCE AND ALL UMIAGERS INVOLVED IN THE FOURTEEN DAY TOUR IN THE INTEREST or WAGONUASTER O RE THAN PLEASED THAT ALSO GOES FOR ALL OF US AT PRO. REGARDS* TERRY lumen nut YORK RHO giuboara Ilera 8,1 miest 3e-tris et: mo ef,,,·ewtpeeee>,elsueut.r.« Ote·tionewwete.'s woe reVi+csiir·tket70;,6 Now In " . .. .. .1 OSIUS .............. Personal M TIMEWs-OP"E°"RLDN, 9HceOeLLRYWOOD CROSSROADS OF 28, CALIF. Jun e10, 1950 The Billboard !MUSIC 17 Pioneers THANKS TO RCA VICTOR STAN JONES ·HILand RANGE SONGS, Inc. e r£ trzt te -or. · >*.4.- î.00,- ,.·c· ,t e G`c,,'e pl. c- %.>\>-e,.,e0e .P. t' ., ·o4 e çe e 1. te J \ .% oç e ie c. ·" .ee \e-Ç' .`e." .e oçO:' '1tie J. `3 3" 9 r k >4.e 0 1111 S e: e el. 1515 CROSS '208 OF 14,130 EPAOIS> A/ O. * C1%1' 00 1REO1A.DS 0 NOLL,111001) CA1.1f SORS Of et et eS & s ee. e t,. e, o?t ea tetKeti. OW:0,1 Me 15 Yls.1 `1 ?0,110 eat 5;ae.::: ?:::·( m maloolo m AGE -All eC11011 SO WELL FOE% IV. it es. %e el s e su e o ps es w o o O IEARS. REGARDCRS.ARL.1.E OSSEO. EL ee...o0.0.IC4.A°* elell······ .11.··· 1.1,344 ,.011332 4 PD.WUK NEWYORK NYIPJE 155P. TIM SPENCER. SONS OF ,THE PIONEER. 1515 CROSSROADS OF THE WORLD HOLLYWOOD CJL IF. PIONEERS RECORDING OF STAN JONES ROLLIN' DUST AND WAGONS .WEST GOIWGGREAT CHUCICANALLA SWING AND SONG OF THE WAGON;IASTER SET FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONGRATULATION ON NO HITaECORDS ROSES ALSO GOING STRONG. STEVE SHOLES RCA VIC DIV.. /......".' Stoe.jon., ursho,e stops 4 4,0coes 0 . .45.4,,. :.00r:04,, masiroi,rer2ef, Poorrei:llipifcendu4"Zswo:urie°Sm neelogeop'or .legeoog niao:trenfrs:"... boy % sic° , el Oe 'he PZ:enef 86gP:lec1 46o comer ser°°o· to sto -nee"' ncloct c elilou4,,.4,,,ç.o.i,4frn.i0n,,:Ty8.r4.41e°su4bMiso"etl0o0h1aopkua4ormci4ioieu'1tt,9 oosf e ohile9h,reoree ron°''fe'· 011.1····· ill ··· ···· ········ m· no « MI·1111·111111101······ ·····111.10111 P·cferopc,,,es « "me%Cen**cc/8itin/4g eyJoho,,,,psitceh,,frrvi "ROLLIN DUST" RCA Victor "WHITE TOPS" RCA Victor "WAGONS WEST" No. 21-031S "CHUCKAWALLA SWING" No. 21-0345 "It a S s RCA VICTOR No. 21-0306 Composed by Tim and Glen Spencer 18 M U SI C The Billboard r -MUSIC--AS W RITTE N Jane 10, 1950 litilgar Basso Prof undo Due for Build-Up Bravura Boris Christoff, 28-year-old Bulgarian basso whose singing with the Met Opera for next season was reported in The Billboard last week, wil be the subject of a big build-up by RCA Victor's Red Seal depart ment. He's signed exclusively with that diskery's European affiliate, H MV, which will ship the matrices here. Last week it was erroneously stated that Christof records for English Decca (London). Boorstein Buys Out Smith in Leslie Sales Louts Boorstein has purchased the interest of his partner, Leonard Smith, in Leslie Sales, local disk jobbing operation. The outfit will be managed by his brother, Bernie Boorstein, formerly with London Sales. Boorstein hi mself will devote full time to the manage ment .of his new Douglas Distributors, which was set up last month to job the Coral line in New York. Bass Named Savoy Veepee for Newark Office Ralph Bass. Savoy Records' blues end rhyth m artists-repertoire chief, who has made his headquarters on the Coast, is moving to the diskery's main office in Newark. He assu mes the title of vice-president in charge of artists' relations. Bass and Savoy President Her man Lubinslry leave im mediately for a tour of the Southwest to conduct several special talent auditions, recording dates and to visit territorial distributors. George Mendelssohn Leaves for Europe George Mendelssohn, Vox disk president, recently returned from a two-week trip to the Coast and left last week for Europe. He'll be away for a month, during which he'll run disk dates in France, Vienna and Germany. Mendelssohn will supervise the cutting of the co mplete Bach "St. John Passion," with Conductor Olio Kle mperer. He'll also cut the Bartok "Rhapsody for Piano sand Ork" and the Prokofieff "Piano Concerto No. 1," with pianist Andor Fold's. While in Europe he intends to check the bootlegging of longhair radio tapes, some of which are popping out on indie LP labels in New York. Capitol's Wallichs Returning Fro m Europe Glenn E. Wallichs, prexy of Capitol Records, is expected back at the diskery's Hollywood headquarters following a month's biz trip to Europe. His first across-the-pond hop, Wallichs checked on Capitol's distrib tie-in deals and looked into disk biz conditions in Europe. Any deals he may have closed while overseas will not be known until his return. Grans, Mercury Suit Decision Reserved The suit brought against Nor man Grans and Mercury Records by American Record Company (ARCO), Pioneer Record Co mpany and Es- sex Record Company seeking injunctions against Mercury's issuing of certain Jazz at the Philharmonic (JATP) cuttings, was heard May 31-June 1 in Newark, N. J., Federal Court. Judge Guy Fake reserved decision. Mercury had entered counter clai ms, also seeking an injunction against issuing of the disks by ARCO. Both parties clai m the rights to JATP Albu ms 2, 3, 4 and 5, and various other singles and albu ms, which both Mercury and ARCO are currently selling. MG M To Issue Selected Disks on 45 and 78 MG M Records, which went three speeds with the addition of a 45 r.p. m. line a couple of months ago, will issue selected future releases simultaneously on 78 r.p. m. and 45 r.p. m.'s The first release to be so produced is skedded for shipment June 90. Four of the I disks on the release will be issued in the two-speed scheme. Diskings are those by Ivory Joe Hauler. Carson Robison. Blue Barron and the Frank Petty Trio. Steve Carlin Leaves for Coast Steve Carlin, RCA Victor's director of kidisk a. and r., left for the Coast last week to supervise production of a Roy Rogers albu m and several singles based on Disney short material. Charles Ross Bags Mello-Art Catalog Charles Ross has bought the Mello-Art catalog fro m Jack Rich. The catalog, comprising about 100 tunes, has a 15-year ASCAP seniority; it will be operated by Charles Ross Music. First activity will be directed toward a revival of "DoM' the Prom." Met Signs Frances Bible, Barbara Troxell · Two young American singers have been added to the Metropolitan Opera's roster. Mezzo Frances Bible, formerly of the Ne w York City Center Company, has been signed to alternate in several lead roles with Rise Steven., Barba » Troxell, a lyric soprano, has also been engaged. Porgie Buys Rights to Two Tunes Porgie Music last week picked up pubbing rights to the Su mmit label, "Give a Broken Heart a Chance To Cry" and -I Need You," while London Records acquired the masters. When RCA was prevented by AF M fro m tracking the music for a Como date following the warbler's sudden ilness (see separate story), Porgie got a hurry cal for a lead sheet on "Broken Heart" and the tune was cut by Eddie Fisher and Hugo Winterhalter. New York: Decca Records' veepee in charge of artists and repertoire, Dave Kapp, currently is enjoying a Hawaiian vacation. Kapp wil return here WAKE UP HERE'S A SIEEPEk PLAY ASIMPLE MELODY A wl, eeden Groucho Marx guested on Bing Crosby's January 1th program and they song this 1914 Irving Berlin oldie as aduet. The result was an avalanche of fan mail. So much so, Bing repeated iton his March 8th broadcast with his son Gary. The recording companies got busy and here ore the available records, with more to follow: CAPITOL Jo Staford with Starlighters COLUMBIA Dinah Shore ?et Se et wade CORAL VICTOR ad eft, Bob Crosby with Georgia Gibbs Phil Harris 4 WAKE UP HERE'S A S1EEPER IRVI NG BERLI N 'fribedec e néezaticiet 1 6 5 0 B R O A D W A Y, N E W Y O R K 19, N. Y. June 10, 1950 The Billboard around June 10. . ..Ken McAllister. Columbia Records' director of advertising and promotion, was presented with his second child, a boy, by wife. Betty, at the Sta mford Hospital in Stamford, Conn., recently. .. Henry Jero me and his ork were inked to an artist' contract by London R preocdourcdes.d Band originaly fro m Joe Davis's cracked the label Celebrity diskery. with masters which were Ray Anthony's ork and movie actress-thrush Gloria De Haven will head the Para mount Theater bill kicking of on June 21. The deal for Phil Spitalny and his organization to go into the WaldorfAstoria's Starlight Roof was completed (The Billboard, May 20). His allgirl cre w opens July 27 for four weeks.... Joe Glaser. Associated Booking Corporation topper, left for a two-week booking tour which will carry him as far west as St. Louis.... Jim Flora, director of sales pro motion for Colu mbia Recorda, took a one-year leave of absence to pursue his ability as an artist in Mexico. ... Larry Clinton wiU reorganize his band. He will have a 12-piece crew which will be styled along the lines of his "Dipsy Doodle -- My Reverie" unit of a decade or so ago.... Ode Waters. movie and radio personality, has been inked to a Coral Records' deal as sr addition to that waxery's country and Western depart ment.... Andre Kostelanais left for Paris for the su m mer. While on the Continent he wil! play a pair of concerts, one in A msterda m June 4. and another in Ro me June 19. The conductor will be back in Septe mber. Mynna Gri me*. of Dave Dreyer & Company, music pubbery. lost her mother. ...Dario Sori& head of the Cetra-Soria diskery, will be in Italy until July 10 to cut new material at the Italian Cetra Studios for his long-play catalog. ...Alice Shaw. manager of the Dante Trio. elleftJafocrk a three or four- month De mpsey's.... Reg trip to Europe. Dante Connelly has obtained is in his second year the British rights to "Take Her to Ja maica" and "Night After Night" from Irving Fields's Crest Music fir m. The Bridgeport. Conn, chapter of the American Guild of Organists last week elected Mrs. Ethel Brandon. of Westport, as dean of the chapter at its annual meeting. Everett Good man. disk exec and son of Harry S. Good man. transcription producer, beca me afather last week. The youngster, Tho mas Ethan, and mother, Renee. are doing well at Roslyn, N. 'Y.... Elliott Lawrence was na med chairman of the band leaders' division of the Greater Ne w York Fund by Robert Dowling. La wrence served in the sa me capacity for the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis in the last ca mpaign.... Warbler Valaida. Snow starts a one-week engagement at the Monte Carlo, Pittsburgh, June 9. Seseo Records' Picky Sid Siegel has returned fro m a one- month trip to Latin-A merican countries during which he cut sides with Daniel Santos and the Sonora Matancera ru mba crew. The trip included visits to the trade in the Dutch West Indies, Venezuela end Cuba ...Pianist Mi mi Warren opened at the Park Sheraton Mermaid Room Tuesday WI. Zither wizard Anton Kara% of *Third Man" fa me, closed a one-week engage ment at the spot Monday (5). .. Bid Bass did the arrange ments and conducted on thrush Lynn Howard's recent National disk date.... Teins Dernetrhades' Standard Phono diskery moved its offices last week to his farm in New (See Music As Written on page 40) M USIC 19 Watch Out for " T HE B ASE B A L L P OL K A" GENERAL MUSIC 400 Madison Are., 1. Y. C., PL 3-7342 tE YOU LONESOME TONIGHT - BLUEnon1.110161515101i RAI N recorded by TONI ARDEN . Columbia SILLY COTTON LARRY TOTINE 0551 HAMILTON HONEYDRIA ME111 London Oerco Maid , RCA Victor DEAN MARTIN Capitol EDDIE'PlANCT 5111.11 Rainbow FRANS PIETY TAIO PAUL WESTON PA- G- M . Capitol ORNE WILLIAMS . Inerooy and more comin9 e : MILLER MUSIC CORPORATION Another kW Ain-01) BOHAPARIE S W ahl Publiched Fee be. by A`bfl-Rbb. dud obylIu nntOceernrrthrt I ICeb ..dodraly by MUSIF, BLUES RHYTHM SMASH!!! " W HAT W HE RE and W HEN" PAXTON M USIC. INC. 1619 eroAdway New York inn The Ilotirs1 We,, on it , COUPLED WITH DON'T WANT THE WORLD (WITH A FENCE AROUND IT) BOTH SUNG BY ELLA FITZGERALD / with 4 Hits and a Miss E)M 2à List Price 75c A MERICA'S FASTEST SELLING RECORDS 20 M USIC The Billboard _lane 10, 1950 Ts The Nation's Top Tunes Bared on 'epees received last throe days 01 Week Ending June 2 Tbe nation's 10 top tune,. THE HONOR ROLL Of HITS, h determined W a leentrig tabulation 01 a ge, Ware, of each yore.% maul ed, it measured by surrey fa me 61 the Billboard, Men Far away Chad. a holey lea sings ... and ··· IWISH, IWISH IHAD A PICTURE OF YOU" Re erbR RgoRns 78 rpm 20 -'3801 45 rpm 47-3801 HOROR ROLL OF MIS mu1.S1IRD NAM 1HEME, ¡HL Lost Weft Be P.oliehed AMeoanufKliaino (awn) from Me Ceol lead Ill e "T e Third Mae" B14 .71 telablt. D. Melee NatheAM 1104; Cate Vienna Quartet Co1133/1.444; I Fiel d, Tee VIFOr20.3698, '45)47.3222; H. -Sugarenot . Poland,. Dec 46214; A. Keay London, 536.; 6. Lombedo, P C 24139; R. McKie." Pt M78.2173709, 05/47-3242; A. Rey Cap(78/820, (451F820, A. Ryerson Quintet, Coral 60168. E. Sadie Pc 24908; H. Ste en, Me 5373: Z. Tur a Orb, ItMent 173; H Wineenartee Col 38700; I Pollack Ork, Modern 203; F. Martin Oh. V 20.3797; V. Young Orb, Om 27048. Electrical traaselptime libraries; Male IN Manhattern, Tamur a; Dick Ju an, As aleled, Jerre Cray Ca, Standard; Dee Pollack, World. 2. BE WITCHE D By Ricked bag , and Leer gart Pain ed by Chaotell IASCdtP/ Pe ce s reelable J. Argust-J. alurad's Har an ata, 61r 3709. Ca bot, Agr a 0002; 0. Day, Col 35698: Benny Ge arron.11eten herost, M acro 1012. L. Green Pe Ho mer dreamore, V(70120.3726. 145147.3726T G Jenkins Pt, oee 24983; A t Pral; V 20 4617; Dan Rae, M6M 30170; R. Koss De, Ceal 60182, 13 Smclei, Tower 1473; M. Tarme-P Rowlo Oit, Cap 1000; C. Walter. Liberty 231, 5 Goodman, Coll3311-6.2. Electrical be ar .: Dave Rom One, Mend ed; Kay Armen, Asioclated; Claude Gordon Oit, Capitol; June C)risty-Johnny G anieri genet, Theu,,re. 2 3. NY FOOLISH iART Ily Victor Young and Ned Viabinocr, DlIbi'1841 bi Samb- et 1ASCAP1 Front Pe Sam P erm Wm. "My PIlIlA M et" 3 Retordi amilable M. Carson, Vr7S/20 3681 .45/47 3704 8 trisbne I Casa Orb, mid 10623; R. Me n a. Miller Drk, Me 5363; H. WtHing F 04941 OrS, E·11 Winterhalter Ott, Call78/38697, 0311-418; G. Jetties Irk, Dec 24130. J McGee- T. Carpenter, Vasito 265. EbeetrICal traneriptI m libraries: Tommy Dorsey Orb, Standard; Claude P . m 0,6, Cab e L HOOP-DEE-DO° By Frank Lo wer and Milton Deluge Puebl a W E Il Meets tASCAP1 Recede wadable Ares Brothers, Coral 60209; P Como . Taman, Sisters U Aire Pa, 2.1747; D. De.Melion a.G, Wyk, Orb, W.1 08131771. 13111 59r. il Merger Orb, On 249 %; It. Surr-f, De al OM, Caa de w M Plu m, K a 15027 f bereatrc, CS 30799, Pr atte 5.sterl aarrneed Bells On, Da m 2077: L Oiddn S aab, MGM 10702; L. Welk Orl., Mee 5419; G.Whinimaki.barmorre Calls Un. Vane 691) (loctsital tanieriiption libraries; BM Eberly, World; Geco w Night, Thesaurus Claude Gordon C.itel. 5. SEIMMEIRAL p by J.rn Maed a and J ag Cassia rq Kn eerbodur tASCAP) Records evadable, Ames Brothers, Coral 40173: 11. ·nteme Urn -11 P et. . QM 913 / 5 Gi an, Met auno: K Griffin. ler a 0413; 9. Megan. Dec 74104, ame ore .trem Dm 10111, B Mao (h ate, Cana 2074; R Vt78120 3791 146147 37931 Electikal transraiption hearite 1.Ck Ork, % meted; Ca en Gordon, Capitol. 6. IT ISN'l FAIR By Se ater S e men, Frank Warti me. and Rkhard Hinder Published by Words IL Musk lASCAPI 4 c 6 Retorde amilabler B Orb; Cap 160; I liarrington-3 Pa m Inn e HI M. Coral 60 15h: J Mar a, Dm 2%95; F Ki. q 150)4. F Farel MUM 10017: S Ke e, 5,78120 3609. L Drown, Col 311 733: 8. Ha m, mer 93 82 . Joe, emt. na011inem 105 ; D Wen nwon I Steno,. Orb, Mer 8161; A Vill e OH, Yes , 261 Elrerkal 'emanation ...ages, D a a wns, Associated, larence Welk Orb, Sandi a. 14 OLD PIANO ROLL BLUES, 1E %gibbedBe ayCY LeCoablee(ASCAP/ Records Mailable . E Gantor.t. Gaye Oit, VI 20.3751; E Cam e Bl eb . 30 0010; H Cann.cluel C Daley M Matlack., All S ac DM 24177 . L Caro J Dandos, Abbey 15003; J. Mete un, Ce. 970; A. Jorine me. ms W ag. on 27024, _h a m., CaM78/845, 1451f 845. D. Kay. C411711/38773, (33/1 513, f Septenber lage August), Me 5400; C Steward, Coral 60177. Electrical transcription libraries: George Wright, Theseurac. 8.1E11311W YOU WIRE L0111161'891 14113 AWE 14 Al Hognme kg Merrill and Clem ri · Wee tubbi er) 07 %beg IASCAP1 Recorda dye able: E. fart , Mer 5392 di Natrona! 9103: 6 Gibbs . Kanunsay'e ISlAM- lande,, Care 60169; E. Merman-IL P eer, Dee 24944; I W or e Cap 916. A Igoe Ork, Cior78 08,07, 13311.413; Feet. . S,ste6M Ayres Urt. re,78·20 3713 145147- ,753; A. Moon, Pt. MGM 10660; L. toll.b. Mor a 0,1, Ifluet alte % 0027 .45154- '7027; E. M apl e Homesteaders, London 638; 1. Cuba Orb. Ran a 1009; H. M ary- Four Cho se, bars , 263. Eletrical banieripaion leiretem Al Trace, tang- Worth; La mont. Well Pt, 5.41ard 9. NADIE 8Hemel med Mann % wished ore Lauree 1ASCAP/ Re ad, wadable: R. Dolger.E. Mene m, Dee 24873, 7.1 L.l . Scott MGM 10654; H Heel Ori, Nor m Heide MM 122; M Hugheall / ane w. OM, C9 ,8138718, i1311-543; L. Kirk.F, Warren, 5`78/20 36 %. 145141 ill° f. lormorna, Dec 248 %; J. StaffOrd.G. MitRae, Cap 858, G Toone Orb, _mows 609, X Au er four Chem., Varsity 263. (atria./ transcription libraries: Henry Jerome, Lang- Worth 10. 1 WANDA BE LOVED , Dr .kobia W. Green, Billy Rose and Edward Meehan Parallel Sr Sigm a 145CAP, 10 Re ads available T. liennett· M. Marali m, PI 1711138825, 133/1 64m Anne . S.sters.i Je ans Pt, Dec 27007; 8. CPL. Col 30491; B. Ecksti m. MGM 10716: fedora Sens- e.. Winterhalter Orb. V 171/20.3772. (43)47.3772; D. 011ron. J Garber Pt, Cao 1/U11044, 1451E1044; IL Cm-C. Hobbs, PI we n; R. Ilecicri ,ey Oet, V 17/020 3436, m85/47.4102; D. Washlremen, Her 8181. ialormati m on timb al trustable. Ilearles available as The Billboard goes to pe a> W A R NI NG. IM title 'HONOR ROLL Of HITS. h a registered trade ark arg Ita 1111 e e le mm 10 been corregh al by The Billboard Use of ek e. ram not be erode air mail fa ndlomrefr ,ortsent Simply *Ma or wire Patine, The ',b eard, 1504 Broan.ay Ner. .0n and oer aminn 411 a an al/Hey waned. June 10, 1950 The Billboard 21 . This week's RCA Victor Release 10-23 t. Ship. Cease Coast. Weak el June II POPULAR Here co me the D A NCE BA N DS ageing TEX BEN E KE end his " MUSIC In the MILLER M OO D" Tzin- Tzun-Tzan Drea min' Is M y Business 20-3813 --(47-3813)· THE IFON TAN E SISTE RS Three Little Rings Do wn Ho me Rag (Deeten Datten Dooten) 20-3814 --(47-3814)· PHIL H A R RIS Let's Choo Choo Choo to Idaho You Can't Do W rong Doha' Right I 20-3815 --(47-3815) · Here co me the D A NCE BA N DS again! CENE K R UPA At the Jazz Band Ball I W ant Gold In M y Pocket (When There's Silver In M y Hair) 20-3816 --(47-3818) · TH E T H REE SU NS WI T H T H E H ONEY. D REA MERS Marianne W hen the Saints Go M arching In 20-3817 --(47-3817) · W ESTER N SONS OF T HE PI ON EERS Chucka wala S wing Song of the W agon master 21-0345 --(48-0345)· COU NTRY ELT O N BRI TT end R OSALI E ALLEN and T HE SKYT OPPERS Ashes of Roses Cotton Candy and a Toy Balloon 21-0348 --(48-0346)· SH O RTY LO NG and T HE SAN TA FE RA N GERS Waltz of Colorado A Bottle and a Blonde 2I-0347 --(48-0347)· RHYTH M-BLUES ILLI N OIS JAC Q UET and his ORC HES- T RA M y Old Gal You Gotta Change 22-0087 --(50-0087) · NE W ALBU M (Musical Srn mi Sets) Here coi ne the D A NCE BA N DS egothi j SPI KE JON ES and hi. CI TY SLI C KERS "Spike Jones Favorites" W P-288 -45 r.p. m. only (47-3287 thru 47-9289) IRVING FI EL DS with T HE CA MP OS T RI O "Irving Fields Favorites" W P-290 -45 r.p. m. only (47-3290 thru 47-3292) .43 r sao. catalel samba. 113111111111111111111111111111 NOTE. All In this inori are listed ataaabethany by bees M k. 0 .. . Indicates records which, =Cordinp to actual sales, ere recognised hits. The trade le urged to keep ample stocks of these record» on hand, or to reorder pro mptly when current stocks begin to approach the "sold-out. stage. O Bewitched Larry Green and the O Chinese Hole Train Spike Jones () Count Every Star . . one .ofdesiRgCnAatesvictothra.t record is "Certain Seven" -- anions the leading nu mbers on the trade paper best sell- ing retail sale charts (week of June 3). Obviously. sure things! Honeydrennirrs 20-3726 --(47-3726)· e 20-3741 --(47-3741)· O Hoop Dee Dio Hugo Winterhalter O On the Outgoing Tide 20-3697 --(47-3221)· Perry Conn» () ItIsn't Fair Sa m my Kaye Joshua O Ralph Little Angel With the Dirty Face I O lily Should ICry 20-3747 --(47-3747) · 20-3609 -(47.3115)· 20.2721 --(47.372I) · · Eddy Arnold (1) Ny Foolish Heart 0 21-0300 --(48-0300) · Mindy Carson O Roses 20-36111 --(47.3201)· SSaonm,moyf KthaeyePioneers o Valencia Tony Morin, C) Wanderin' Sa m my Kaye 2210--30375046 ----((4478--30735046))·· SI e 20.3735 --(47-3755)· e o 20-3680 --(47.3203)· . . iodinates recorde * Mon hare enjoyed better than aver- age initial consu mer acceptance oI W anna Be Loved Fontane Slater, 20-3772 --(47 4772)· No. 31 most played DIM Jockey reeord, o Billboard, June 3. Stars and Stripes Forever Ralph Flanagan 20-3782 --(47-3782)· No. 28 most played DI M Jeerer record. o 13111board Issue June 3. Thanks. Mr. Florist Vaughn Monroe 20-3773 --(47-3771)· No. 3Retailers Pick, 13111board lame Jana 3. .. No. 1 Operaton Pick, Bilboard lame June 3.... No. 3 Dim Jockey Pick, Billboard, May 27. and stand an escellent che w of enter- moo ing the top selling Mt category. The trade is (Melted to watch records ocoretuUy in order to maintain stocks COSsistent With demand. An Ordinary Broo m Tony Martha and Fran Warren 23-3777 --(47-8777). No. 1 Billboard Pick. Mar Tr lIl as. . . o No. 10 Retalle. Pick, Billboard, JIM( 3. You Drea mer You Don Cornell and Hugo winter's/ate: Ora " 20-3775 --(47-3778)· o Na. 4 Retellere Pick, Billboard, June 3. Hanky Tonkin' Spade Cooley 21-0330 --(4,a-03.10)· No. I Country and Welt. . Disc Sootier o Plot, Billboard. June 3. Thera'. a Rainbo w In E ery Tear. st ervnit man 21-0313 --(48-0813)· No. 0 Country and Western Disc Jo ao, Pick. Billboard. June 3. TI P S "Titrer I Little Rings" (Fontana Skiers) . . . "Three Little Rings" Slater.) . . . "Tires Little Rings« (Fontane Sieger.) . Little ¡lingo" (Fontane Sisters). RCA VICTOR Records The sldrs who make Die hill are on OCA VIC`CR DIVISION La010 CORPORATION OF AMERICA, CAMDEN, NE W /IR V Y APRIL mis. ,1 · ' e a re ee t e dlYiír..1r "de5 22 M USIC The Billboard June 10, 1950 MUSIC. PoPAII,KitilY (MARTS Sheet Music emed on ¡e mu received last Lb . an. ci Week Ending June 2 BEST-SELLING SHEET MUSIC Tunes listed are the national best shed music seller. List l· based ea reports received each awe frer. II the nationis sneer Mink id·Cien. Saris ere listed lieeertiell t. reateft number of sines; WI indicates tune is .n a Rim; EMI indicates B. ie in iflit musical; HU indicatu bom ma ,enie ea rowed. POSITION Weeks Last I rhrs to date IWeek IWeek Publisher. 11 1 1. THIRD IA/I THEME, THE (ne(R) 7 1 2. isernateci nu Chap el( Caappell 14 3 3. MY FOOLISH HEART (F) (R) Untie-km 6 4 4. 100f.DEE.000 (R) E I. Morris 8 5 5. OLD PIANO ROLL BLUES, THE ER/ Linda 9 2 6. SENTIMENTAL NE DM Knielkelm ete 15 0 7. IT ISN'T FAIR CID WNW Er NW 6 13 10 8. IF I KNEW YOU WERE M U M PONE RAKED A CAKE HU Robert 18 9 9. DADDY'S LITTLE AI M. (R) Beacon 14 6 10. [JEANIE (R) Laurel 3 11 11. I WANNA IL LOVED DU So well«, 2 14 12. STARS ARE THE WINDOWS OF NEAVEJI (R) Peckwkl, 1 - 13. ROSES (RI Hill & Ram» 18 13 14. MUSIC! MUSICS MUSICI Cronmell 3 15 15. COUNT EVERY STAR HI) BILL DARNEL Vocal with Heathertones and ROY ROSS and his orchestra CORAL 60220 CO R AL DIST RI B UT O RS BALTIMORE, MO. Geoid O.Orlbeléng Co. 811URINGHAM, ALAIANA Reterd Saks Company 80ISE, IDAHO Dom 'fiord Cornposy ROSTON. MASSACHUSETTS 'Camel Clislr.baters. IWEIALO, N. V. Mingero. Ndlond Ea. CHARLOTTE, NO11111 CAROLINA F end F F CHICAGO, ILLINOIS deem", Int. CINCINNATI, 01110 Record Disliiholino Ca. CLEVELAND, 01110 lemur D.stribuling C. DALLAS, TUAS Beaker Disulbenioy Co. DES MOINES, IOWA E DistriNdInp 4mpany DETROIT, MICHIGAN Polonit Distr.nuling to. EL PASO, TEXAS Sunland Supply Co. GREAT FALLS, MONT. Ileiq Emir. Ca. HARTFORD, CONN. Seebererd D,sl. IC. HONOLULU, HA WAII Amber end C.. HOUSTON, TEXAS Donley DIstrIbulino Company INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA Wiling, Erred Soles Co. MANIAS CITY. MISSOURI Milker Resod Sakt Cr. LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA Nodern Dhirlbaline (o. MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE Glenn Alien Ce MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA IlyG blush Company ORDER FRO M YOUR COR AL DISTRIBUTOR C.7 WRITE TO, NASIP/1111. SI MIESSEE lemeetue Retie Sale,. IW. NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA 1.1.1. Rh?. 4., Ine. NE W YORK, ME W VOIR Dmilat RItleibetinp Coq. OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA Own PntrIbollag Co.,, PHILADELPHIA, PENNA. M ee" (e. PITISOURGH, PENNSYLVANIA Standen! Ristribellood (o. PORTLAND, ORERON Oreaw Retold bietrilerliery C. SAN ANTONIO. TEXAS honer Sal« Co.. In. SAN FIAIKLSCO, CALIF. follfmnla Distributers SHREVEPORT, LOUISIANA M. Amon. ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI Kalil« Reseed Sales (a. ENGLAND'S TOP THENTY POSITION Weelts I Lait This Tisdale Ween IWeek Enuliso 8 1 1. MY FOOLISH HEART 5 3 7 2. (MARIE Campbell.Coemelle )2 2 3. CNATIANOOGIE SHOE SHINE BOY. . Pis. Ltd 20 4 4. JEALOUS HEART E H. Morris 4 5 5. OH, YOU SWEET ONE Swthern 8 3 6. CES? SI BON Peter lAreoke 7 9 7. ENJOY YOURSELF Mo ms 5 10 8. THAT OLD PATO ROLL BLUES Leeds 4 14 9 LET'S 00 IT AGAIN Lesko 12 8 10. FRENCH CANCAN POLKA Coarrily 7 b 1. If I KNEW YOU WERE COWIN' II7VE BAKED A CAKE Cha well 20 12 1. DOWN IN THE GLEN L. Wright 3 13 13. MF AND MY SHADOW Francis Oell 7 14 14. CHERRY STONES John FNM, 4 16 15. QUICKSILVER E. H. lawns 13 1 15. MUSIC! MUS/C1 MUSIC , Leeds, LW 19 17 *17. DEAR HEARTS AND GENTLE PEOPLE. Morrie 1 - 18. CHOO'N GUM * W ell 33 18 19. ROSE IN A GARDEN OF WEEDS 8ca · Cu, ..... 18 19 19. WE ALL HAVE A 502IC IN OUR HEARTS Twentath Ce..any ·F aliiher rled aMilatle AS The Billboard Ron I4 Ore.. . Aneri Are Samly.Joy Lanai acill·Rode ficull.Rose General Music Leeds Mow., Leeds Blossom Mus6 Robeete Wills Musk Bourne Oehler, Musk E. 1. Mend Cromwell Me mo Breornan·Vocco Conn Leeds · SUBSCRIPTION ORDER FORM The Billboard 2160 Patterson Street Cincinnati 22, Ohio Please enter my subsonption to The Blibnard tor one year. $1 0. I understand that this all include the BI C SU M MER SPECI AL. Sash( Ra mesh 758 (plan Ma) 43 W. 57111 St. z c Ofit. D S 1.7ew York 19, N. Y. June 10, 1950 THE ONE 4WD ONLY The Billboard M USIC 23 6ACKE0 BY !f i g i vy WI Téi JACK SMITH COLUMBIA 3 887Ç OR 7-INCH LP I-69 11 NOW COMING' OFF THE PRESSES - ..ORDER TODAY COLUNABIAGISECORDS First, Finest, Foremost in Recorded Music · Originator of 33V3 LP Records for Uninterrupted Listening Pleasure 24 M USIC The Billboard June 10, 1950 POPUt elri curs SOAliS RUH GREATEST RADIO AUDIENCLS (ACI) Radio Popularity limed on reports cecelved last tiret on of Week Ending June 2 PART II Tunes listed have the greatest audiences on programn heard on net wort stations In New York, Chicago and Los Angeles. Lie Is based upon John G Realman's Audit . Co rviage Ind «. Ti,, ind u I. prorected upon tadie legs nmde available to Realmen's ACI by Us. Accurate Reporting Service In Nero Yore, Radio Checking Service In Chicago, Pate Checking Service In Lee Are ., Listed ars the top 30 'more In the case of ties) tunes alphebeticelly. This mote checked le PrePonderantly Isar 60 per rent) alive. CRC Ire . . tune Ir . a fin; feat Wiestfl CUM le Worn · RECORDS MOST PLAYED BY DISK JOCKEYS Vox Jox lositimete «nice): IR) Indicates tune Is mailable on regards. In each Instance the licensing agency ceetrollIrq performance rights 01 the tilo indicated. The feature It eopstigMed 1947 he tit* Of`cti nf Re e'dh 3470 grow/way, hen York 31, N. Y. Ito reference may ke made te an, of this material except In trade paper, ne ether 1/ilk Is permitted; ro Records listed nett le numerical order 818 thou gland over the neatot rember et Nord Men. List le based on replies 'men weekly PREEMS ..· Bob W eis has replaced Paul radio broadcast utlikirg this Information rmy be aired. will be prosecuted. Infringements survey aware di* jockey, t o the muntry. Enloe shren In this Chart, other mailable re m * el tuna INN hoe Mil N found In US Hone, Roll el NM, »ale Po niarity Chart, Put 1. IF/ Irdlcate tame is from a AIN Mil IN NS. immu I. to r · Net musical. Co wley as d. j. for W N OP, Ne wport, K y., and Roy Gilligan has been upped to progra m director post at sa me station, succeeding Jack Baker. w ho m oves over to W IC R C. Co wley has joined W L W- T.... Tap Tapliat is ne w m orning m an at W E B B, (Sol oing Ended, May 26, 8 an, ,and endhey FN.?, JR . 2,11an ) Ask Me No Question II/ Bewitched (1) But Me, I Loo You (R) Dare It Baby, That's Lase (R) WItinarY -ASCAP Cluppell -ILSCAP Campbeli -gUi nappell -ASCAP B u falo, ... Ji m B ur ke, W I R K, W est Pal m Beach, dark (RI Laurel -OSCAR POSITION Wren ILast I 1M to date IWeek Web 14 4 1. BUITIM MUAL NI A ms Bingen Cowl N OS; Fla., is e mseeing a ne w daily afternoon sho w " Melody M atinee." ... W A F T, M c Co mb, Miss., is readying a ne w blues and rhyth m sho w, accord- Don't Say Go Mbye (17 Down the Lane (R) Gel That IMU M TY (F) (R) Horne * N W I) ing to Progra m Director Paul Si mpkins. and HoonDemOne (R) would like to hear fro m 'other jive ox." .. . Don't Care Il the Sun Om% %ea It) Mellin -BMI BMI -Bbll Berlin -ASCA Faraoss -ASCA E. H. Norris -ASCA Faenam -ASCA Coral 1.0173 -ASCAP R obin Bright, ex-sta fer at W i El.. 0 in Louisville Still Get a Thrill (R) Wo e à Musk -RICA 7 I 2. 100P·DRI·000 71 Z. HOOP GU DOC P Con . % Fe ns S/Sten V(78120.5747; (e5M7.2747 -ASCAP I SUIT C.001711) 060; and W G B F, Evansville, Ind., has taken over Ji m Lo we'. d. j. chores at W I RE, Indianapolis. Lo we is no w with W B B M, Chicago. . . . W ayne Allen, K S E L, Lubbock, Tex., has turned his daily "950 Club" sho w into a re mote, w hich e manates fro m U. V. Blake's local Record Center. ... Beginning W eis Be Load (R) Seareme -ASCR IIKnew Yen Wene Connie l'em RI M · Chid (1)..R een -ASCA ITo« Were Only MIN (R) Robbins -A.5CA t Isn't Fair (R) 0/Ords a Musk -ASCA Il Vie en Rose (R) Ilarrns--ASCA Musk! Mob! \MOO (RI Cromwell -ASCA My Foolish Heart IF) IR Senem.loy -ASCA 1.51/.1110 -ASCAP this m onth (6), H uge Batey. W RB L, Colu mbus, Old Piano Roll Blues, The 00 Leeds -ASCA TO I 19 3 11 6 10 I 7 15 / 4. MY FULIIIH HURT S. IT ISN'T PAIR e 4 Jenkins Orlt .Dec gise50 -ASCAP D Cornell-S. Mae OA V178120 ,609; 145/41.3115 -ASCAP G a., will pilot two daily airers over W P D O, Jack- sonville, Fla. H ugh says he'll "welco me any d. j. releases and plug sa me." . . . Rich Faulty. exW D L P, Pana ma City, Fla., has Joined W C NII, On an Ordinary Moraine (RP On tee but ming Tide CO) Sentimental Me IR) So na Is Left IF) IR) Sometime IR) RemIck -ASCA ShapirmikensteI N-ASCA Keicliwitidder -ASCA Walt Ilsney -ASCA WItnues -ISCA 6. 7, 8. 1. THIRD MAN THEME, Tiff. A. Kara: .London 3M -ASCAP THIRD MAN THEME, THE. G. Lembardo .Dee 24839 -A5CAP MY FOOLISH HEART M Ca me VI7i3ir0.3681: SENTIMENTAL MI 145747.3104 -A3CAP R Ardi s/ 0,6.1. De ment Q uincy, Fla. . . . John Station's "Spinner's Sanctu m" no w airs fro m a do wnto wn Bir mingha m restaurant over W J L D, Besse mer, Ala. . . . Jack Clifton, W A D C, A kron, has acquired another daily spin session, bringing his weekly air ti me total to 11 hours. Says "business is terrific!" ... Stu Wayne. W P E N, Philadelphia, is launching a ne w kid sho w on Saturday afternoons, tagged "Tiny Tot Ti me." Stay With the Haled Ne e (R) Sunshine Cabe (F) (R) Thind Man Theme, Tb. (F) (à) Tonight (R) Wilhelmina (F) E 14. Monis -ASCA Burk e/an lenasen -ASCA Chappell -R UA Miller -ASCA ebt -ASCA doing a guest shot on C BS. W ants to "say hello to any and en." ..."Congrate to Billboard on its m ulti-colored weekly m ailing pieces," writes Can711/921; ic5IF.923 -A XAP SPONSOR STUFF .. .D e a n Leray Shields, W F R P, Savannah, G a. "It's a Lan dfear, technicolor orgy I hope you continue." .. . " Ar- e 14 5 io 2 12 le. 11. 11. MY FOOLISH HEART IF I KNEW YOU WER0 COMING l'IPVE BAKER a CARE BE WITCHED B. tenths MGM 10623 -ASCAP E. Berta National 9103; Mercury 5392 -ASCAP P Regale Orit-M. Tame W M T, Cedar Rapids, Ia., writes, "All of w M rn d. j. sho ws are sold across-the-board.".... Cliquot Club Ginger Ale, thru N. W. A yer de Son, Inc., is buying daily five minute segs on Leroy Miller's early m orning sessions over W FI L, Philadelphia. ticle you sent out ( Pleasing the P eople') is real fine" says Noisy Fisher, W F R L, Freeport, Ill "Read it on the air and it sure w ent over. Send m ore." . . . In a slightly di ferent vein, W ad. Bongs. W L B B, Carro lton, G a., co mplains, " Why send it in w hen you don't publish it? H ave three 5 I 13. BE WITC/IED 3 13 14. BEWITCHED 7 16 15. BE WITCHED 25 16. SENTIMENTAL ME 5 18 17. HOOP.DEE.D00 2 20 10. IEWITCHED Cap 75)1000; 051F-101111 -ASCAP I Jenkins Ork · .Dec 14943 -ASCAP D Day Ca11741386411; (33/1-480 -ASCAP IL S eer Ont Tower za73 -ASCAP I. MO NIn Ont -Dec 24904 -ASCAP Der% Inni. II Ork- &Mi me CO(7111111??2; · ogil-591 -A5CAP Ilderntre mers.L. Green OU 'W' 78)20.37 25; i43)47.3726 -ASCAP AD LIB CUTTINGS . R e y M orris, W C D T, W inchester, Tenn., is a papa of a ne w junior deejay. . . . Listener- wise, D uke Thiele. W./ MR, N e w Orleans, reports receiving 263 tele- gra ms on his "Good Friday" progra m. . . . A nd John M ananey and Bob Christel W I ZE, Spring- field, O., chalked up 122 telephone requests dur- ing one two-hour broadcast of " Music for the Asking." ...Bob Stout. W K R O, Cairo, Ill., is "having trouble getting records fro m so me of the m ajor diskeries. M G M and M ercury see m rather generous, but Victor sends us only the records they w ant plugged. The others w e never hear fro m." . . H al Uchida. W MI D, Atlantic City, writes that Stan Kenton, June C'kuilky and dru m- mer Shelly M anne recorded a series of station breaks for his "Double Feature" show, lauding ti mes successively sent in ne ws. H ave yet to see it pri nted." .. . "To eli minate any vagueness about w hen such-a nd-such a biscuit w as popular," Ji m Lounsbury, W I N D, Chicago, suggests that diskeries "print the date a record is m ade on the label, at least on special d. j. releases." .. . " For the first ti me since I can recall" says Ed Paula n W C MI, Ashland, K y., "fans around here don't agree with your N o. 1 tune, 'If I K ne w Y ou W ere Co ming.' I've had only two requests for it in four w ee ks. O n the other hand, 'Are Y ou Loneso me Tonight?' is dra wing far m ore requests than any tune since 'You Call Everybody Darling. " ... Ste w M c Do nnell W I M S, Michigan City, Ind., w onders "why the record co mpanies don't ta ke a hint fro m the movies and :send out recorded interviews. Capital is the only one on the ball." .. . Jack Ellis, 1,V K B N, Youngsto wn, O., is burn- 5 14 19. I e/ANNA BE LOVED.. Rado m SInervG. his stand on progressive jazz. D on Bruchey, ing over a recent re mote he skedded for Artie Jenne, odi W GI G, Bruns wick, G a., christened his three- Sha w. "After plugging h - out of his sides, found 3 23 2 2 22 1 6 17 6 6 - 17007 -ASCAP hour airer "Spinner Sanctu m." . . . Eddie H ub- hi m to be his old te mper mental self " m oa ns 20. BEWITCHED Narmeeleats..1. Angst Idercurnel/3399; bard, W I N D, Chicago, is cutting a ukulele in- struction disk for Sharp label in conjunc- E lis. "Refused to air band on local pick-up of this C BS affiliate. G ave union contract as ex- 21. 22, 23 24 25. 26 27 145)3399)(43 -ASCAP MY FOOLISH HEART R. Rand Mercury 5162 -ASCAP BUFFALO JOLLY L Guini m-J, Amust.J. Runes Harmankals Merrairyl711,34g0; (c515470/(45 -ASCAP MONA LISA UY FOOLISH HEART. Nat "King? Cole and the Trio Cap !nil 01n; latis.I010--ASCAP .. M. Whiting Capi78)934; 15IF-934 -ASCAP BONAPARTE'S RITREAT.. G. Krupa Ork VE/11120-3)66; COUNT EVERY STAR 1.5/4?-3744 -8/11 il Wintnhaller ARE YOU LONESOME 10175120.3697; (4514 7-3721--ASCAP I. Ban s Ont tion with a city- wide tie-up bet ween the Chesterfield jockey and a local daily, working a ukulele givea way as part of a circulation drive. H ubbard is doing three 5- minute shots over W B K B w eekly, sponsored by the daily. Hubbard's fra u, Jackie S mith. for mer pro motion rep for M ercury disks, has for med her o wn radio and T V agency, Do wns- Fansha w, and has sold H ub- cuse w hich w asn't swallo wed by booker or any- body. If and w hen Dale Carnegie devises a course on 'Ho w to W in Disk Jockeys and Influence Dancers' w e heartily reco m mend it to Sha w's m anager. Incidentally, orchids to m y m ost recent guests Ray M c Kinley. To m my Dorsey end Ray Robbins." bard on his o wn half-hour sho w over W B K B W ednesday nights. . . . N or m Selles, W C N H, Q uincy, Fla., tees off a two- week vacation in his ho me to wn, Cincinnati, this m onth (19). . . Eel Ross. Philadelphia d. j., m arried Barbizon m odel Judy Reiner last week in Ne w York.... Joe Con- PLATTER PALAVER ..·Conover m odel Lou Ca mpbell is giving Paul Brenner, W A A T, Ne wark, N. J., a big assist on his ne w T V sho w over W A TT!. . . . Bill Taylor. W OR, New York, pulled in 1,000 contributions for the A merican ninth», KDB, Santa Barbara, Calif., turned legit Heart Association with two brief announce ments actor last month and played a role in a local on his "Su nrise Serenade" sho w. . . . Albany, theater production of "Three Blind Mice." . . . N. Y., d. j.'s are going all out for the local Ji m my Lowe. Is leaving IC X O L, Fort W orth, to join Decca's Southern division office in Ne w Or- Cerebral Palsy fund drive, according to John Moquiteer, W XIC W. The spinners will m ake a 1 3 - 28. 29. TONIGHT? MGM 10625 -ASCAP THIRD MAN THEME, TOE F. Mania Ore ROSES v 20.3797 -ASCAP S. Raye Ork VC711120-375.1: leans. . . . After a none-too-successful try at the art of "water skiing" in California Eastern d. j. Scott D ouglass "no w clai ms the dubious honor of being the only d. j. to try putting a saddle on a boat," according to H ays M. Fernald, flack for joint p. a. this m onth at a c. p. benefit ball. Louis lla mando, of the H otel Ten Eyck, a c. p. victi m hi mself, is handling the pro motion. . . M artin C ulpepper and Bil Gar er, W G AI, Eliza beth City, N. C., recently devoted a sizable portion of 3 is se. COUNT EVERY STAR.. R. Mini m Cao(711/479( 1451F.9,4 Emr7s/854; (45)F.B54 -ASCAP K F M B, San Diego, Calif. GAB 'N' GRIPE BAG . J· c k D a vi s. W QUA, M oline, Ill., was stopping at the New Westoh Hotel in N e w Y ork last week, w hile their airti me to help recruit donations for the hospital expenses of a local school girl. . Lee Stewart. W H A T, Philadelphia, and local M untz TV execs, gifted the Philadelphia General H os- pital with a T V set. Ste wart is also taking tal- ent units out to entertain in the w ards. Ja meID, 1950 The Billboard MUSIC 25 TOP TUNES OF THE DAY On 78 and 45! POPULAR 78 45 RPM 'ile" RP M "l e IT'S Off TO A SMASH RO W "BLI N D DATE" coupled with ahot dish of "10/11E COOK/N" I 78 rpm No. 1042 I 45 rpm No. F1042 "NOLA" and "JEALOUS" Les Paul 1014 F1014 "SAM'S SONG" and "IVORY RAG" Joe "Fingers" Carr 962 1982 "HOOP-DEE-DOD" Kay Starr 980 F980 "MONA LISA" Nat "King" Cole 1010 F1010 "SENTIMENTAL ME" Ray Anthony 923 1923 "BONAPARTE'S RETREAT" Kay Starr 936 1936 "I LOVE YOU BECAUSE" Jan Garber 983 F983 "LET'S GO TO CHURCH (NEXT SUNDAY MORNING)" Whitin eakely 960 F960 "PLAY A SIMPLE MELODY" lo Staford .1039 F1039 "A-RAll-A-MA-T M" Margaret Whiting 1027 1027 WESTERN EVERYBODY IS GOING FOR THIS ONE "NOLA' coupled with "JEALOUS" 78 rpm No. 1014 · 45 rpm No. F1014 --and THE STARLIGHTERS with PAUL WESTON'S DIXIE EIGHT "PLAY A SIMPLE MELODY" --coupled wth PAGAN LOVE SONG' 78 rpm No. 1039 ·45 rpm No. F1039 EDDIE KIRK 'Sugar Baby" JIMMY WAKELY "Under The Anheuser Bush", JIMMIE DAVIS 'You Are My Sunshine" MERLE TRAVIS "Cane Bottom Chair" HANK THOMPSON "Take ALook At This Broken Heart Of Mine" TEX WILLIAMS "Birmingham Bounce" LEON CHAPPEL "True Blue Papa" TENNESSEE ERNIE "My Hobby" CLIFFIE STONE "Rubber Knuckle Sam" RAMBLIN' JIMMIE ODIAN Sail My Ship Alone" 1048 1048 Three top "(MARIE" Sellers: 858 · F858 'DOWN THE UNE" 969 · 8969 'SOMETIME" 1051 · 81053 1024 1024 The Five-Star .on Singing Sen sa M 1025 F1025 PE M 1029 1029 * Capitol Records /17 with PAUL WESTON and His Orchestra 1., HAppy coupled :0YÀT" * Network Radio 1016 F1016 * Motion Pictures * Television 1006 F1006 * Top Night Spots 'BYE BYE BLACKBIRD" DEAN TOPS THE BEST! 78 rpm No. 1052 · 45 rpm No. F1052 1008 F1008 with Orchestra conducted 985 F985 by FRANK DeVOL e rAg "MISSISSIPPoIp,",, g 986 F986 952 F952 coupled with t "HE'S A GOOD MAN '.çe TO HAVE AROUND" RE C O R D S .0,Lv w o o, 78 rpm No. 1072 · 45 rpm No. F1072 25 M USIC The Billboard / M M. 1 0, 1 95 0 CHILDREN'S RECORDS MUSIC P04111.0 0 CHARTs Rem* listed are tipu rehire ielirq test Inthe rather% etolt record steno Ideales), loosed . to The Bollmaree weekly *tiler mr. ay. Records SI Usted accordi , It peat . Wet Retail Record Sales BEST-SELLING POP SINGLES Records .Isted er Mote itIllng betin gm nat.:Alt top volume Mall record stores. [Jetlebard gbh. The EI.Ilkohet v4.41 1 weal merge the 1400 the. d.alvt. weohigeW Wag ,minrtrint nuatet Web Surrey return. Nt hefted Moraine to age el market area Aeon* listed nuolerically, accoralni to greateit tete. The `.1.' of urn rated Is also NitaIL WeeksPOSIITLIasOtN IThis to steel Week IWe * 14 1 1. THIRD MAN THEME. THE. A. Kann Cale Mozart Walla .Loreen 536-A5CAP 13 Z 2. THICafReD MMAahNalTHWaEltMzE, M M. & -DLeacnes2e'.,039 -ASCAP 14 8 3. Mr FOOLISH HEART.... EL Jeldilns Ort Den Do Some. . TO -Dec 24830 -ASCAP So mme Else 7 7 4. MOP-00E-000 P. C411.04110 Font me On the Mo p . TI M Sisters 0171070.3747: 143)47-3747 -A5 UP 17 3 O. SENTIMENTAL ME Ames IM Ma R. Mop asid/or I ba Carol 60140; Prelude Core 1.1)I73 -ASCAP BE WITCHED Drift . MIMS B. Se re Ork .1orrer 1.73 -ASCAP BE WITCHED Whore In Om World C On -Dec 10983 -AScAP MY FOOLISH HEART Sore 1 .9 IL W . . MGM 1962, -ASCAP IT ISN'T FAIR M, LII. ded 1, Moe D Coneell-S. Kee Ein V1711/10-3400; 145147 ,115 -ASCAP 5 10 I *ANNA RE LOVED. I. Jost GM To Get Out of the Habit 11. aswittsso imase/nalles Andre « Stee n & Jenkins 04 -Dec 2,007 -ASCAP I) Co1D1a7y11/311411; 13)1.410 -ASCAP 7 13 12- SENTIMENTAL ME Capper Camas 6 17 15. MY FOOLISN HEART Candy and Cake R. Morgan Ort 2.04--ASCAP M. Corson .145.,740712112,0346-.A;5 W 1 o- 19 19 COUFlyiRnTgEVbutEeRltYomSg,TARTi. 14. MONA LISA Greatest lornotor d lem All, Ti. H WInterbolter VIS0120.3697; (43147.3221-ASCAP Nat "K ea" Cole aod the Trle cae n)s010: (45/F 1010 -ASCAP 16. DADDY'S LITTLE GIRL .. MilIn Breen It I Use To Be I Hooded 24172 -1311I 8 16 3 30 5 15 3 21 1 24 14 12 3 14 9 28 4 30 11 4 30 1 5 26 2 29 17. WANDERIN' Bloch Sc ., The S Kam Ork.T, Ma « VI78/20-36.00; 145147-32034-B4U 18. 100P.DEE.000 Menlo. Ties Deb Dau WITS/311771; 13311591-a SCAP 19. ROSES Ti dal, Wlakie Woe RVa1p7e4)2Or0k-3754; 1.3/413734--Clal 20. OLD PIA110 ROLL SLUES. THE S. With the Mean H PaleCayr ecteel and C. People Dec 24917-ASCiti 21. BEWITCNED al« Prelude J Amon and Um Nat- aserc ee no3)94/ 143/5399 .5 -AScAr. 72. IF I KNEW YOU WERE CONING 12VE RAKED E. Mu . A CAKE Pcco. Loso, M ao Cam Naticoal 9103; Me- . core 5392-ASCo 22. HOOP.DEE.000 K. S ear-F. >Vol Ork Women Laos To le Cao(711 .0; Told, A les e. mo -ASCA 22. DEARIE G Lombardo My Lily me My Rom Dec 246 . -ASce 25. STANS AND STRIPES F. Laie, FOREVER Mercury17015421; Thanks (or Yee Ms . i4s>5421 .5 -612 25. DEARIE ISaid My Pe ». E. Meras .R. W pm, . -Dec 24573 -aSGOP 27. OLD PIANO ROLL BLUES L. Cook SWay o Do NoT. Uri Ahe m Abbey 15003-hSCAP 27. VIE EN LA ROSE V Yu . Or! Poet Se 1*, The Dec 24116 -A5CAP 29. VALIENMCaItA Care I UM San Met Shine T Martietl. Re m Oh. .V/76120.3153; (45147-3755 -ASCAP 29. SENTIMENTAL ME Smismetti RIO N. AnUmmy Ork Capt ./923; 145)F-923--ASCAP POSITION gated n items rece.geo lost enre· days Of Week Ending June 2 '1 00 iLai IIlge to dote IWith IWen 17 1 1. CINDERELLA (T . Records) I. Wm * ad OUren...0178)Y.011; t45/WY-Igi 13 2 2. NOPALONC CASSIDY ASID SI KINC BANDIT Use Recordsl Dealer Doings ILCowBerig)edE-tlAa, -goClendg,e.R.145/BrCloiozkse-3054; 1331,1)11aS2 6 3 3. ME AND MY TEDOY BEAR lOne Remo» R. Cloeme.P. Faith Oct Cal M/1,70 11 S 4. PETER COTTONTAIL 1M Retool) G. Ades Col MJY-00 RCA AD POLICY... "RCA Victor's pol- 23 /I 5. HOWDY DOODY AND THE AIR-O-DOODLE (Too Recede icy of advertising only the franchised full line 806 Smill.41. Rent Oit instrument dealers on the 45 EY attachment pro- VIT512-39); 141/WY.3/17 motion is unfair to the record dealers who have 104 pushed their records and also handle the 45 EY player. Jewelry stores sell no 45-r.p. m. records 47 3 13 6. BOZO AT THE CIRCUS IT.. Records) Al en 1.1vingitaaVent· -Mote" Cede Car BOX.34; 7. BOZO AND HIS ROCKET SHIP Ras RecatO but ads, they get the free while we don't geritdeaonsmfeullll-puanlgeessprowemotipaoy.n Alan LMoiston-Vance "Plato- Colli css ser -65; Des- us The answer is to sell other labels. We have re- 103 9 8. LITTLE TOOT (Clae Record) duced RCA Victor billing 60 per cent."- Fred L. Scott Record Shop, Charleston, W. Va. 39 Doo WilsoeThe St eil/Men C.126)DAS-10; lotICASe150 , 7 8. BUGS BUNNY IN STOKYLAND (Two Records) KID AIR SHO W .·."Perhaps we should 33 Me Blenc-A. 1.1· Moton Coo 087-3011 à 8. WOODY WOODPECKER AND MIS TALENT SNOW tell you about our radio progra m, which has been running for months, and which would be profitable in any town. It is "Bedtime Stories," a progra m for children, which we were running long 2 - (Toe Re m .) M. 131.441. May Oh CAMIE)OIX.3032; 145/CIIXF-3032 11. BRAVE ENGINEER, THE (Ore Record) J. Colons., Nanato-.6 Conlon Martel before ABC started "No School Today." This is mainly a jewelry store and our program has 3 Ten Vt701V.400: 7 12. ST0113 OF THE GOLDEN PAL011140, brought us a lot of jewelry business, too, because of the good wil it has created with the parents. It has also increased our record business, especially on children's items. It probably has the largest listening audience and had created more good will than any other single local radio show. Even a lot of other business men have tried to buy spots around our progra m because of the listening audience. We have purchased the transcription of "Holiday House," featuring the character, Jump Ju mp, which we think will add new zest to the show. The program is aired at 7:30 p.m. and features albums fro m a large selection which we always have in stock." -Harwin's, 4 11 6 13 3 13 1 - (Doe W ool/ B. Bea m Dec K.2 13. I FOUND MY MAMA Woo Record) R, Clooney-P. Fai . D.O.E. 144sito..C41 10 ,0 13. SNOW WRITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS (Teo Ilecords) D ealt Day V,ot/tag 13. TOM AND JERRY AT THE CIRCUS IT « Reeds) F. DeSales.C. 11ner MGM sà 13. FRANCIS THE TALKING MULE (0·4 M OM) Chill Wills. Narrator Car la/CAS-307M 14i/CASF.30là POP ALBUMS Klamath Falls, Ore. SOUTH PACIFIC Km« Reeds/ Mary klartlelt . Pima COLLECTORS' CALL . . . Dealer L. R. Perry would like to hear from disk collectors who might be interested In recordings that go as far back as 1915. Mrs. Perry, who operates the Little Record Shop in Tunica, Miss., claims to have a large and varied selection of collectors' ite ms. BEEFS AND BOOSTS ... "The record business is down in the dumps. There have been no hits that ale good for large sales. Here's hoping." -Parkside Radio. Brooklyn. . "Hank Snow's current record has been his best, saleswise, to date. It should make his name a household word in this area. Also RCA Victor's new rhythm and blues artist, Gene Gilbeaux. has made a hit with his first number." - McGregoie. Memphis.... "Seems to me that many dealers are missing a couple of good bits by overlooking 13 4 20 6 1 - 1 - 1 - Cowie . Id4150; YOUNG MAN WITH A HORN, A (Far Records) Day.N. James Ort Eollia)C-196) (331GL-6106 CINDERELLA (km Records) I. Woods ad 011. .... .71/1-399; 145PNY-390 INNOVATIONS IN MOOERN MUSIC (Fen Rectods) Stan Knots. Oak . Cao1711/EDL.1 .; 45/K011401; (S3/P- l54 3. RALPH FLANAGAN KAYS ROGERS AND HAMMERSTEIN 10 Noreas) R, Fleasan VI KUP.2611; 143sWP 2·6 k DIXIE IM DORSET limo Rms.) J. Donor Ott Collia)C1406; IlliCL-609. 7. ANNIE GET YOUR GUN IF a, Recon11) B. Keel.K. Wpm ea6m)16)50; (33)E.5o9 S. HARMONY TIME liter Records) The Carden« Oat 78/C-20 I; ()Met 4,1. 9. CHARLIE PARKER W1111 STRINGS M oe Rem ./ C. Parte.F. Mibnl.S. Girrip04/1. Holland , F. Orlof .. M111 .24. losepS. Freeem413. "Back to the Dog House," by Hawkshaw Hawkins. and "Guitar Bounce," by M el Cox." - One Stop Record Shop. Ft. Worth.. ."We are glad to hear that some of the record companies are releasing two or three numbers at a time instead of the usual six or eight." -Jack's Music Shop, Chattanooga. . . . "Wliat is happening to the .ecord business? It has dropped at least 90 per 'ont in the last three weeks." -Dulka Music loa m Chicago...."Again record sales are slow. talked with Cincinnati. Chicago. St. Louis and 2 1 - 10. GUY tou n ne Carrel TWIN PIANO, Mecum VOL I C.10 / (Four Recede G. Imbu e Dec,70/A-733; (3.3)01..319) 10. SPIKE JONES PLAYS THE CHARLESTON (TWee Records) S. Joes Ott .701 ,277; 1451Yr eas) on square dance records is needed, while the Cudahy Record Shop. Cudahy, Wis., sees the need for sales tips on 45-;,,p. m disks. 2-Ieveland, and all say records are as dead as raveyard." -Staie Song Shop. Detroit. a SHEET MUSIC TIP ...Patricia Mc. Garry. Paulbrook Music. Louisville, reports get- :1EMElkIBER THIS? ... Pro motion- ninded disk dealers still recall the terrific stunt cork ed by B. Levitt, Coast Radio. Sacramento, vho moved his overstock on "Nature Boy" disks few years ago and garnered loads of free pubicity. After selling 1,400 copies of the record ting repeat sheet music business by letting cus- tomers try the songs on a store piano. Miss Mc- Garry also has local entertainer friends come into tbhige atore to play the piano and crowds and results in sales, sing. too. It It's attracts back to the "old song-plugger days" in Louisville. luring its life, Levitt still had 100 platters left. .le ran a newspaper ad ofering 2 cents to anyme who would come in and take one of the recards of his hands. People flocked to the store ind Levitt created plenty of new customers and ·tood will. All for a total cash outlay of $21 MERCHANDISING TIPS ·.·Giv ing Hopalong Cassidy guns to kid customers paid oil in greatly increased disk sales for Evan White. Niagara Falls. N. Y.... The F & W. Grand Coro. pany disk counter, Milwaukee, reports that suggesting needles and storage albums to record cus- NE WS AND CHATTER ... hi the mar- ket for a 10-cent, extra-loud phono needle is G. St M. Jewelen. Tuscaloosa, Ala., reporting that it is impossible to find a source for that item in the territory.... Castro Music Shop. San Francisco, reports a need for a music-record dealers' association m that city... .Town and Country Shop. Westwood, N. J., has hired 1.011 Frisch, local dance band dru mmer, as a disk salesman. The store moved to new and larger quarters last tomers results in an additional sale in one out of three cases.... During the General Electric Company's circus promotion, Lent's Inc. Ithaca, N. Y., increased its disk business by setting up a window display of children's recorda about the circus and circus people.... Colonial Music Shop. Frederick, Md., is organizing a record club thru which customers can obtain one free record for every 12 purchased. The plan does not include purchases of albums or sale merchandise. week.... Louis E. Dean Record Shop. Hyannis, Plea. aolgrell II communicallem to Dealer DO M% EM 101114 .1. Mass., suggests that a good merchandising story 1564 Broadway, N.a York 19. June 11, 1951) The llhourd M USI C 27 It TWO toONE on%GUI (T-4j73- DAVID ROSE and his Orchestra AMERICAN HOE' DO WN Time And Time Again M-G- M Non·Ireakable 30237 BE WITCHED Moon Of Manakoora M-G- M Non-atooko Wo 30120 BILLY ECKSTI NE MY DESTINY Roses M-G- M Non-Breakable 10684 IWANNA BE LOVED Stardust M-G- M Non-E4ealtable 10716 ZI GGY EL MA N and his Orche,tra I'LL GET BY Take Me In Your Arms M-G- M blon-8iy eoble 10722 BLUE PRELUDE IHndn't Anyone Till You M-G- M Non-8 ,akable 10686 GEORGE SHEARING OUINTET IDIDN'T KN O W WHAT TIME IT WAS How's Tri ? M-G-I4 Non-Breokoble 10720 I'LL RE ME MBER APRIL Jumping With Symphony Sid PA-G- M Non -breakable 10687 JOHNNY DES MOND THE PICNIC SONG I've Got A Heart Filled With Love M-0 46 Non-Brookable 10703 C'EST SIBON If You Could Care 31-G- M Non-8 ,okable 10613 BILL FARRELL BABY, WHAT ELSE CAN IDO? Don't Say Monaca Tonight M-G- M Nan-Breakable 10704 SPRING MADE A FOOL OUT OF ME God's Country M-G- M Non-Breakable 10652 ART LU ND MONA LISA When My Stage Coach Reaches Heaven M-G- M Nan-8 ,akeale 10689 BIRMINGHAM BOUNCE Maple Leaf Rag M-G- M No It/713 HELE N FORREST IWISH ICOULD SHI MMY LIKE MY SISTER KATE More Thon IShould M-G- M Non-Breakable 10680 IT WAS SO GOOD WHILE IT LASTED Sweetheart Semicolon M-G M Non 1,_a .tob'e 10397 TO M MY TUCKER and h.s Orchestra CH OCIATE ICE CREAM CONE Vocol by JUDY VALENTINE and Don Brown Tiddley Winkie Woo M-G- M Non-lroakable 10712 NO, NO, NO Good Night Little Girl, Good Night M-G- M Non-Bgeokable 10679 HANK WILLIA MS WHY DON'T YOU LOVE ME A House Without Love M-G- M Non-Breakable 10696 LON G GONE LONESOME BLUES My Son Calls Another Man Daddy M-G- M Non-Ebeakoble 10645 IVORY JOE HUNTER INEED YOU SO Leave Her Alone M-G- M Non-13.eakable 10663 IALMOST LOST MY MIND If I Give You My Love M-C-_ M Non-Bu 6°61e 10578 JACK FI N A and his Orchestra THAT HONKY-TONKY MEL ODY Warm Kisses In The Cool Of Night M-G- M Non-Breakable 10714 SPAGHETTI RAG Shangri-La M-G M Non Areakable 10610 BILLY ECKSTINE and SARA H V'AU GHA N YOU'RE ALL INEED Dedicated To You M-G- M Non-Breakable 10690 BETTY GARRETT and LARRY PARKS WRITTEN GUARANTEE BETT Y G A R RETT HOME COOKIN' M-G- M Non-Breakable 10707 JOHNNIE JOHNSTON and JOAN ED WARDS DARN IT BABY, THAT'S LOVE You Can't Take ItWith You M-G M Non·BreallatIr 10711 M-G-M RECORDS ARE M-G M RECORDS THE GREATE I NA ME IN ENIEPIAI NN U NI Y01 51YE NIN AV8 NUN Y098 19 N BETTER THAN EVER! 28 T he Billb oar d U\E-WOMAW CLASSICAL RECORD BUYING GUIDE Ju ne 10, 195 0 IUT aRADE! 01 MUSIC POP111.M 0 CHARTS PART Classical Records V r Bemuse all clan ., labels are tel recorded oe all speeds It Is defter' et ormeot ti. c;rn osi e classical record merry stensticaiN urinate. The me% Mr BIllbeard is presently espniP ,Pe weekly classical record selephone ur my in a man'« II divide LP and 45 P.P N M uir* mu ms. Records ie each cate en be. arranged according t. sales sed », but go estee m is made s sr. vim 04 ."'sms mo· me 1P el' 45 111e1 I will be noted tine, Me W M . and be men singles and albums. M o m a made Best Selling LP Classical Titles Last WM 1 2 3 1 This Week 1. Beett meni Strnprem Number Three in E fiat Maier, NBC StraPheml OM, R. TM ranee, soothes«, V(33/LM·1 02. 2. Lade Well·Tempered [Mi med, W. Lando mita, V(33)111.1017. 3. GUNN arn Sullivan' Tie Maude, MOyil Cane OPM , Cem .M. Ne. Pmmo mle ON. I. Godfrey, conductor, Lund . (.33) LLP 189/90. 4. GU M* ard SWI M.: The Gondoliers, 120/1" Carte 04. Com .,. New Promena u Ore, I. (adios/. carehleter, Lehner. (33) LIP 196/9. 5. Chcone Les Sylpholes, New York Rhin... mum StroPemit Cwb, L Ruda, eceducter, Colt33/ML-4255. Best Selling 4.) RPM Classical Fides iszz']-G- L ' Last WM 2 3 3 - This me 1. Bade Well-Tempered Claskord, W. Landenénka, V(451 WD41·133f, 2. Rimsky.Korsakon Schehermade, San Francisco 5144. 00 ON, Pierre filmllao" foo . doctor, V(45149M-920. 3. Rare merad, * menu number Two In C Mbar, O m 18, I. Ro meten, 11 Sea. annoy Ora, V. Colu mbre, comlucter, 1,1615/WDM·1075. 3. Placid: Highlights Fran Mada m Ilettelly, L. Albanese, L. Browning, J. Pelt .. RCA Victor On, Weissmann, [redee m, V(451 41)M-1068. 5. Su ms' Music of Jehann Strauss, Mi meapolis Sympfteay Oit, E Orready, .rmehuser, 1451 4010262. Advance Classical Record Releases (Includes Semi-ClafistrA) f'DON 'T S: Pil e" Colu mbia 38860 or 7-inch LP 1-679 "YOU TAUGHT ME TO LOVE AGAIN" AND "JUST FRIENDS" Columbia 38810 or 7-inch LP 1-627 "I' M CRAZY TO LOVE YOU" AND "SU M MERTI ME" Columbia 38701 or 7-inch LP 1-485 Columbia et Records First, Finest, Fore most in Recorded Music Ornainolor of 33 1/ 2 LP Records for Uninter mpled Listening Me mory Butter/my Concerto No. 3 la C Iliac, for P.ano mul OM Album C. Arrau·Philadeohla Ort·E. Orreaedy Creel. (1.12'1 Ca(78/MM-917. 133/1AL.4302 Beetled. Omer E Flat Major, De. 103 and Sentad In E. Fiai Marry Op. 71 Albans (1-12°1 -gi mom Phil. harmonic Wind Group WesunInster 41.-50.3 lerrlee.m. Ssmancey in · Major Album i1.12")Venia SIagiaaa, 0,5.11, Simbodm Cond. (Mel Hardie/ Weem.nsser (33/ WL·50.2 PM .. Co m m No. 2 F Minot Altmen -A. Retain. shin·NBC Sunphoey Ora W. Sleiribmg, M M. (1-121 V(3)11M-1046. 11151041·1012 Hamer Concerto No. 1 a C Mahar lee Violin and String Ork Album -I. Stern.*. 2410 lamas, Sonata No. 26/ 1-121 Coll33/ML-4301 Jaser Hayie, O M( n F Major Album (1-12"/ Merem Phdheononk Wind Group Iloscberinli Som. Moe) Westerwensed33/44.·50-2 Zoltan Roddy, 1e Da m Album 1-121 - Wenna Sun. phony Ork· Wiener Cbeirdl· Swobody, Cell's. Jun. · WaTeer-R. Cen11-1.. elestmiastem (33)1 4.-50.1 Sclonlar Maril m M e mo Crosse Album (1-12°) - Vit ro. Synge., (61.41. Sachoda. G M. M asud Stea m i Wesuninster 133141.-504 Momni Smenade No. 5 and 5/IIIIPII0Iar 1.c. 22 Album (1.12") -Vleona Symphony Ork.H. Lo x., Cond., Westminster WC .50.5 "(mart: So ma No. 26 in e Flat Mao. Albeem-E. Sterr.A. Zakin (Haydn: Concerto No. 1/ (1.12) Ce11331ML.4301 Richard Strauss: Symeh M4 Pores liacinth, 00. 23 Album 1-121--VIerena Symphony OM.H. Samba.. Cord (Bolimslay li mbean Wes mInster (33eWL.50.4 Tdmikomar Sylephony No. 5 re R M mg. Album - Boston Symphony Ork.S. Nousseritaka Cond. 1-12'1 1/(33/11.4.1017, (45104.1 07 Vimide Violin Commie E Fes Maio. · MOM Uns- ettle, G Mom Oa 12 Album il.12 I-Vi m. Symphony Ort·ft Menue, Cend.·P. Ryber, Wen. minster (33)41·506 Classical Record Reviews msing, mo m or me Mrge eds.«. number. Is an M ummy al mks Po plar · rl the co manniess strength em avaiIabhliu o, cremetnne ver min: name di d or ire tal a.. rear·onna me and re merog mluir me. and 0,51 nueltly o.. taretulla «Insider . .n spie ra- m Other lectors fee distrMeldn and Ina.siacla,erfl emanation power · score u .0.00 n arier s Mead. , penurnance Mose commerce' potential Is supported by tar Manne meneg /alum FE 0 rodi- mes an etcellene ehli, using the same oalmay at a VardSlitt )9 gad: 60.59 maJarson T·l·S 47 51101N BELLISON P( er$ RARELY 'HEARD MLISJC. hue r lemur-Julie thaies 1.12") Cimme Edni ms CE.1001 Kloert: Comes. 09.0 n I Fiat; Buesbonn. Va- riations lherne el Mears-Don Gina ., Tschaélaa, gay. (Ittane..11.numn Sa n, aymna, Cl.,.,., Ada,. AMMO of this collreti m Il limned lo sle dents of Ilte darnel. There's same inserest m material hem, Madam an early. ra mie" en. limen Sen mer pone for M etes. The Mr« Wilt. tidal am arranged lar the ursto mens, widcb, wa- sp Nell ca m along, seemed limhed 1. 0 0 . premise mo m. Hue, In Benisons tweet ow 441/ 4 plasing, lit Mutt Wan lA dell add mannered. BACH' SONAT 0 ·NO PARTITAS FOR ,3 UNACCOMPANIED VIOSIN--Aleaanuer Schneider (1 12. ) Mercury 133/ 1040017 So me ho. 1 .n G Wrier: So ma No. I in A Amerg On most difficult mrks o the niche Mee te m Bach, ensue...mud Ima m for violin cen. tale a wealth al rearderhal no w Il °Manned eme my. Schneider meets the technual re m ea mmoly, and ones the Insepres mon and feeling whisk are as recessary as 'mum my. Tbe remalru m ¡W NW and San ", I..., aim been recorded by Scarred« and mil be on the manses smulorne mal, 4111 the pang reetenea here_ MK tee tie at,, iraqien, bat I Wad arIl let the grown, runner cd Mocled ;abea m. WEBER: EURrANIN( AND PREC lia OVERTURES AND ICONIERTSIUCis .N ra m e. F MINOR Stale Stalk O t· Hen Westerme m Him hashed& Dr Mrcurr 1.10· 10018 The "Euryanthe" mi me, es a ac.1--.iar concert pieta ann 'ere .5 treated la · ethic, au, 11,61, ra.a , I IS sple· M" recorded. Weber% Komerusoci, a nods nemested hark tench pops top er astpnall) un a .unren it detalndar resealed MI this rhea the ·inslOs· PI. . Dirt n played mh free ano mo m., ey Ham Wessemezler serene. the ort mud5* see a soloists Mille . It ma* thd .·Crti g ores- M allon a denatle and melj work The perlor mnee is projected mederballs a I superb it a less« We .. inertum handed · competent readi ng. F. "hue ohs are eapdrasee ti sun and Chopin. Mu a mertu mit sho·M prove . n. TIM rece...` il .11 If properly pon ente, ae well IS by oat .1 meth. 70 10RELLI:CHRISTMAS CONCERTO VW ·,a Chamber Ork.A m· MO W, Coms , (1.1 01 I.? '331 13 Renansince This is 'he um, se .·· / el the Cha, beam,. All * Merle gro w is ad tonnerlau predecessor d Bach, the then me ovil.,, torsw. mma· At am sate Ups 1011 Mined. «II reurtrel snould hold as on mo.nse most. Ir ner definite market W M r. ...a PI the CM, ,01 1114 lie 'earl)" musk. June 10, 1950 mAKE s The Billboard M USIC 29 u R E YOUR RECORD PURCHASES MEAN RECORD SALES! V" Can't Miss When Nau These Top --merairy pops! FRANKIE LAINE ..YES IT COMING UP FAST 'STARS AND STRIPES' and "THANKS FOR YOUR KISSES" MERCURY 5421 45 RPM ·5421%45 "BUFFALO BILLY" with JAN AU GUST, HAR M O NICATS arid singing star ROBERTA QUI NLA N LISTED ON EVERY BILLBOARD DICK BY DJ's, OPS AND DEALERS and "I NEVER HAD A W ORRY" MERCURY 5420 45 RPM 5420X45 VIC DAMONE TOP BILLBOARD PICK "VAGABOND SHOES" and "I HADN'T ANYONE TILL YOU" MERCURY 5429 45 RPM ·5429 EDDY r HOWARD ie IL A SUMMER PICK "AMERICAN BEAUTY ROSE" a,d "SEE MS LIKE YESTERDAY" MERCURY 5433 45 RPM· 5433X45 ..,... e%lL.& KING SITERS BY POPULAR -OR - REQUEST GET BY" and a SO ME DAYS THERE JUST AIN'T NO FISH" MERCURY 5431 .ie. AMERICA'S >10. 1 GAL SINGER PATTI PAGE AMERICA'S COMING NO. 1 HIT! 'I DON'T CARE IF THE SUN DON'T SHINE' and 'Paper All My Yids M e Your Love Letters' MERCURY 5396 45 RPM. . ( TWO TERRIFIC PERSONAL MES JAN AUGUST JERRY MURAD'S 01-, HA"BERWMIOTNCIHCEADT"S .. (411 and "BLUE PRELUDE" 411:4-) MERCURY 5399 45 RPM·5399X45 .i RICHAHYEASRD MOVING FAST INTO THE LEAD POS MON WITH A BEAUTIFUL NE W BALLAD "SAY WHEN" and "OUR VERY O WN" With Orchesira and Choral Group MERCURY 5441 45 RPM· 5441X45 16 YEAR OLD 1/4 KAY 1 1/ SINGING SENSATION BROWN `A-RAZZ-A-a,,,/MA-TAZZ' "TEASIN" MERCURY 5427 45 RPM' 5427X45 DINAH WASHINGTON "IWANNAandBE LOVED" "LOVE WITH MISERY" MERCURY 8181 MERCURY RECORDS, CHICAGO, LINOIS MERCURY RECORDS OF CANADA, TORONTO, CANADA 30 M USIC The Billboard June 10, 1950 FLAN ide fie freegbe6-11 HE Rat Moog { RECORDS 248-3795 45 rp m 47-3795 Juke Box Record Plays Be. us report. melee last three ea,, 0 Week Ending June 2 MOST-PIMED JUKE BOX RECORDS Renee heed Ine those receiving the greatest play In the Pet ers tale ozes. List is teed 0 thi illi swt, needy surer emote 3,558 operates In all seetiens I Om owner. Lifted one« the tnle el w e of the most plaied retools of· other meltable recordire e the tame bar. UMeu sa me la this elect ether wailer, teem-n e tt:net htled here du t· to. , In the Honor Roll el H.'. Musk Poptdmity Chart, Pert I. POSITION Weeks( Last I This le date IWeek IWith 14 2 1. THIRD MAN THEME. THE 4 Lombard* OA Dec 141139 -ASCAP 16 4 2. SENTIMENTAL MC Anna Brothers Coe , 601.0; Coral 60173 -ASCAP 19 2 1. IT ISN'T FAIR D Coreell.S. Kee 0.6 ...1d7g eo-3609, 013)47-3115 -4,5CAP 7 ( 10011-DEE.D00 P Come % Footle SI M. ... MI/20-3747; (45/47-3747 -ASCAP 5 11 5. I want& BE LOVED 7 2 6. MY FOOLISH HEART AM. « SiSten.G. J.Ul.0 01-6 17. 27007 -ASCAP C.Jeeint (le Dec 24,130 -0.5CaP 14 3 7. IF I KNEW YOU WERE COADY E. Barton L'O VE BAKED A CAKE Otto ., 9143: M.r y »I2 -ASK . 8 13 7. SENTIMENTAL ME L Moe . On ..Dec 24904 -A5cAP · 15 7. 1811 FOOLISH HEART. 6 9 10. ROSES N. Cars » - .1978120 3681; .5147.3204 -A5C W S. Kaye cm Preore-375.113 145/47-3754 -84g -R. Anthony-R. Deenrie, Coo 1001; Sae el the 21-0106; S. Larnen.J. Piet Ott tend . 613; D. Hedes... 1,1, & a M e, Oso 2700117 E. Hoerd, Me 54140 IL W e're /AGM 106843 K. Grill . C61178/38826, 133/1.647; G. Cate, Cord 601351 6 9 11. DEMOTEMED C. Jetties Orls Dee 010111 -ASCAP 7 5 12. THIRD MAN THEME, THE A. S n, Ledon 536 -45C. . · 14 12. HOOP-D OE.000 It Seer-F. Deed 0,6 Cao.711/080 143/F 480 -AS61P 16 12. BEWITCHED B Snyder Oe Toone 1473 -ASCAP 12 11 15. DEA ME 7 7 16. MY FOOLISH HEART 6 18 17. 14DOP.OEE-1100 2 19 18. SENTIMENTAL alE 4 23 18. DEWITCHED C. Loner . On Dec 241199 -ASCAP B. Examine .... MGM I0613 -ASCAP Oorls· DarpMellontee.G. Wyle (Irk C01.78138771; 133/1-391 -ASCAP R. Antler«, Ork.R. Dawdle cap,./0233 14518.923 -1415a1 J. Reel 6 The liansunicatt lelerfue9 17815399: t4513399845 -ASCAP 14 21 10, DADOY'S LITTLE GIRL Mills Braden Dec 14472 -11M1 ID. (tetiy, Comp 60150; R. W M. Col 10670; C. Mane. Varsity 131; E. Moo ., Me, 5371; J. Devnene.l. Yonne On, 1GM 10666 T. Prep ton. · Stu 1430: E. Howard Orly lAte 53112; D. An ent 00. Colt78)30711, 1311-5 .5 S. Iterderste 024 Cap 0500 1 4 26 25 20. BEWITCHED D. Day..Colt111/3111071; 13141.4110 -ASCAP 22. I (106.1 CARE IF THE SUIS 00PrT P. Page SHINE Mercury 17113396; 143/539 .43.-AScal IL Hemel tin, MGM 10665; D. Maule d West ., Cep WI; 1. Mundt 1 Rene Ork 20 21633 4. Gait, Coral 602101 n. OLD PIANO ROLL BLUES, THE N. tand em' L C. Daley Der /0977 -ASCAP 7 - 24. CURIE J Stafford 8. G. MacRae 0.0170/838; 14512.8513 -45C60 1 - 2 17 74. 1-1.5.S.I.S.S. R Foley Dee 46241 -8/31 IA. ',Stoney 04, MGM 10711: Bradford 1. Romano, 01711/10 ISO', 145147.38001 C. 513.849 mean-Bs Weyne-J. Plea Ora, London 6931 24 TIODLEY WINKIE WOO S. tambardo Ork Dec 17005 -ASCAP IT. Ticket OK, MGM 10712; 5, Kaye Out, V 20.3754; D. Cotton, London 7003 77. BEWITCHED L Sreee.Honey eensee ...0(75/20.372. 45/17.3736 -ASCan 4 1e 1 7 1 - 28 BIRMINGHAM BOUNCE R FIWy 0.0 .6234 -0mg ft mestohfle, Col 7.68; T. Will e m Cast 1006. iterp.toop; J. Shoot, Coral teoee- H. Goner & OW Pfbalt9. 12 . 104: L. Hempen Ore, Dee 27041; Pre Wes Ku. w713/31.0332. .451480331; C. Mon.. Ku, ts 10693. A. Luna L. léeln . Orly MG. lolaji 217 BEWITCHED R Roft Coral 611181 -ASCAP 28. OLD PIANO ROLL BLUES, THE L. Cod, A Jim Dandle' lobe 15003 -23SCAP 28. YOU DREAMER YOU I Moro. Dec 17006 -·SCAP (D. Correll-Ray Charles Quintet-H. Wintethalter Kos, 2.78)20.3776, 145/47 4770 W A RNING! 10 uts1,211111 th e. chor e for 1.6168 11.17P000. ressers Art urged to Pal particular attention to information usted gruel shows the length of Woe e record hat teen On the Chart and whether · tee e da Potw erIty has toeres ed nr secrets . rfus 16ton-oat en la shown 10 the left hand Column, under the beadle .: - Wean to Date. - -Lea Wes k- and 911113 Reek. a · eonrd nes nee to onueually -nog run, or If Its current position -the week- venous 't ut greet- *boas · them, drop -eider. nhotdd 655 eth ca meo. brae 10, 1950 The Billboard MUSIC r EVERYBODY'S fkal e FOR -e "1/11/0 FoR D O RI S D ei Sinsbite yfi'Ar,· 1:e re. 01(8 I 01 01 M 11 fwAs et Lit g Vw I F E 10 ee Pee EFo RE pAtReD t ° Y e %) THE MELLOMEN ANO 0 n nS1- » DIRECTION OF G.E.ORG - COLUMBIA RECORD 38818 OR 7-INCII LP 1-637 owàée me, ° Co wm asA elekcopIDS fire Finest, Foremost Is Recorded Mude ef 331 /4 LP Record, for Uninterrupted UstenInp Measure 32 M USIC The Ril:board June 10, 1950 to introduces abrand Yew sincjing Folk (Country & Western) Record Section 2 Based on Neon,. /embed NM three 0101 al Week Ending June MOST-PLAYED JUKE BOX (COUNTRY & IMSTERN) RECORDS Recant listed are ceuntry and Western rmers, mast prayed In juke been .151ed15 tO 'me 8111teértes spetle weekly surrey moori I se'scled ereup ef )9.1ke bye operators elms. butlers. ne., Op «annoy end Westens records. POSI7108 Wefts ILast u lets to dam Wool, IWeek 5 1 1. BIRMINGHAM BOUNCE R nevi Dec 46214 -8141 10 2 2. LONG GONE LONESOME BLUES H Williams MGM 106.5 10 3 3. I'LL SAIL MY SIIIP ALONE M K rq 130 -8181 13 4 4. t LOVE YOU BECAUSE E Tubb Oec 46213 -8MI 1 -- R Foley Dec 46241 -1141 8 5 b. WHY SHOULD 1 CRY? L ArreM vt710/1 4300: 05148.0300 --B1M 2 9 7. WHY DON'T YOU LOVE ME' 1. Willis . MGM 10696 -11al 20 7 7. CHATTANOOGIE SHOE SHINE BOY.... R. Foley Dec 46205 --BM1 6 7 9. LET'S GO 10 CHURCH NEXT SUNDAY MORNING N. WAitlal-J. CaoC7S/961k 14519 460 -111.11 I -- 10. CHOCLATE ICE CREAM CONE R Tbsp Dec 46234 -0611 "IT WOULDN'T BE THE SAkIE %Ole YO Wm,, 111111 10/44111. W WI oil He (41411)) backed by ",11111411 BOOGIE BEII 10P " ir MG1417M69 6truf918, tosEMX% 10709 BEST-SELLING RETAIL FOLK (COUNTRY & WESTERN) RECORDS Reaves listed an gamut, row Westenn numb Not boll sat in si n according to rn0 sputa, weekly mown &nun 1 W Kt.d temp ca ettel Mor n UM mejtelte et Mane °ato m?, purchase counter era en.ten yawns 90511 wed *ems Last I lhe to note *ma I Wee. 2 1. BIRMINGHAM SOURCE Pellet. Ice Gmem Cone R Foley DI. 46234 --Beal 13 3 2 I'LL SAIL MY SNIP ALONE Moon's Tut M UIIIICSI alrq 130 --Rall 1 I 1 LONG GONE LUNIESOME SLUES 1 »lams MT Sc. Q M Amides Man 0.0117 MGL1 10648 2 7 4. WHY W W1.Y011.1 LOVE ME' Meese Vilthceet Lave. A /I Vellums MGM 101,96 -11M1 7 4 5 LET'S 60 tO CHNRCA NFAT SUNDAY MORNING Why Da Yaw Say These Thlrios? VilutlIM-.1. « MY Capl71P160; (45/1, 140 -111M1 7 5 M·I.S.S.I.S.S.I.P.P.1 Old Keetecky Fee CO.... The R 900.9 Om 44141 --DUI 7 WHY SHOULD I CRY? LIttle ArraN MIth the DOM FRO A mid W71111 4300; 615/41.0300 -11MI 6 0 HILLBILLY FRYER J 01410 4..C4117/020677; 13312.363 --RMI Thee I Flee To Tom Around NM GM Marled 15 -- 1 LOVE YOU BECAUSE Unlaltblal Ore E Tabb Des 44013 -8.11 10 LITTLE ANGEL 111111 THE DIRTY FACE VAN Sheeld t Cm? A mid v1711/21-0300; 145/ 41.0300 -11MI 1 -- 10. SLIPPING AROUND WITH JOLE OWN. I. FrakIle .. Moues I Died All Oser Yee Abbey 15004 --ASGAP AMINCE FOLK (COUNTRY & WESTERN) RECORD RELEASES Cherokee Walle --J Bend 8. His Red Rher Valley Car Mean Mantel GM 20704 ben/thing's Cday --Lute thr Drifter Roo Na.,) MGM 10710 ?ales Tine Is encallire at My Dmr -0. Mo m (Iron Hone) Coral 64047 GamieNht Walts --T. Titus Tyler 1446 Nate) 4 Ste Gr, Marren --J. M P* INS Truer) Cerel 64016 1.1 Hate laymll Taterrow --T. Tents Tyler (Goadnedel Walt.) 4 Star 1446 deele -0. Waters (Father Time) Gael 64047 Maul Mama Rend & Ils Red Ilher vow Ran tCherelree WIII2I CM 20704 No Tiber Words --J. Sisal (Gm Alensout Coral 64046 Tee Many Peron --Luke the DrMter lEveryna m's IWO MGM 10718 VA., Mere ant Vdtee--E Grudge (Yesterday s«Seem Dec 46246 Vallee IGe, Rlds --Red Scales lYsise Seth., MOM 10717 Yest4e6r24da6y's KIsses --E. Csesby 41%44 Mulsne 0- You're Berth" Up Me Wm , Ten (When I MGM 10717 Seen. 1,401%1 L. IT NO W! re.",,r2.7,4,:".:,12.1-dre June 10. 1950 Th r Billboard MIJSIC 33 SAM'S SONG CA M REC OR DED BY "FINGERS" CARR FREDDY MARTIN VICTOR YOUNG CLAIRE HOGAN & BOBBY WAYNE CAPITOL RCA VICTOR DECCA LONDON [CASI NG LIP MGM --MERCIRY RECORDINGS P Folk (Country & Western) Record Section Based EndlAg reports reeehed last ' Mn dam et Week June 2 PART VI CORRY AND WESTERN RECORDS MOST PLAYED PUBLISHED IT SAM WEISS MUSIC CO. 1608 No. Argyle, Holly wood 18 7619 Bread ed, New York City SOLE SELLI NG AGE NT SPI TZER M USIC CO. Adds A W onderful Vol,. Plus, A Polished Arronge menf To: Two Beautiful No w Tunes And You've Oof JOHNNY HARTMAN Singing "Nobody's bot I Boller Than Me" 'Oti ly for You, Lut e Apollo 11 62 Order fro m your nearest distributer or direct front A P OL LO R EC O R DS 457 W. 4516 st. Ne w York N Y BOBBY COLT SINGS RAY MOND SCO TT PL A YS "I' M SORRY I M ADE YOU CRY" .1007 MINIMAL flECOROS INC87,81`,10:OH", ·-· fr-le REA R FR A NZ GO TTSC H AL K PLA Y The Third Han Thrift, On Ilk Zither Obitersite Side: VI L D A R LE N E 78 --P.170 /. 45 -64710 BY FOLK DISK JOCKEYS RKords lisUd M r le enhetkel ereer St Mesa p.a rd rest by te netlen's Retire ceurdry and Welters dhk Mk», List Is based no replies from weedy runny am mo a se e( lIst ot urn 400 chsk * Mrs aprielitirg in eteretry Md Wetter. toner. POSITION Weeks 1 Last I rbe la ere Wee* Wee> 1 1.1 13 1 , 1. 2 2. LrOu.NGSAGIOLNEMYLONSEHSIOPMEALOBLNUEES 3 9 3. WHY DON'T YOU LOVE M r 7 3 4. HILLBILLY FEVER 4 · 4. BIRMINGHAM BOUNCE 27 Is 6. I LOVE YOU BECAUSE 6 5 7. WHY SHOULD 1 CRY/ 3 -- 6 -- -- 2 -- S. CNOCIATE ICE CREAM CONE 9. I LOVE YOU BECAUSE 10. LITTLE ANGEL WITH THE DIRTY FACE 10 CHOC'LATE ICE CREAM CONE H Walkers Al a M O W SIGN 10640 King 130 -81.11 H. WIlllerss MGM 10646 -11M1 J De w U117 E20677; C33/2-3`.1 --IMAI R FOND Orn elau-- ani L Peet C 57 40230 -01.11 E Amold ...V(711121.0300; 145418.0300 -- M1 K. Roberts Caret 04032 --Bill E. Tobb Dee N M --EMI E. Amok) W71021.0)00; (43141-0340 -0141 R Foley Dee 4423.1 -9111 FOLK TALENT AND TUNES By Johnny Sippol If present plans work out, WS M, Nashvile, will debut its video outlet September 1, with at least one big h. b. show planned. ... Buddy Starcher (Colu mbia) reports that he is starting six half hours weekly over WIBG, Philadelphia, doing part records and part vocals. He is still being heard over WCAU. Philadelphia, once a week and daily over W M MN, Fairmont, W. Va. ...Ji m my Walker (London) reports that he'll do sum mer dates in the East for Joly Joyce and Gene Johnson. His recording pact has been picked up by London for another two years. He is currently working solo over KXLA, Hollywood.... Red River Dave (MG M), heard on W OAL San Antonio, reports that he has started a weekly h. b. video shot over a local station and also had his disking option picked up.... The Masters Fa mily, now at WJHP, Jacksonville, Fla., have turned over 25 songs to Southern Music. ...Vic Alpin is now repping Western Music, the Autry pubbery, in Nashville. . . . Estneraldy. still at W HBQ, Memphis, reports that. she cut four sides recently for MG M. She also is doing 15 minutes of singing per day over the station. Paul Braden. owner of WPFB, Middletown, O., is starting the weekly ja mboree after · six- month lull when fire destroyed the show's headquarters. The new jamboree will be held weekly in a huge tent.... Ben Gray Lu mpkin. Boulder, Colo., is announcing the third issue of "Folk Songs on Record" which lists 4,000 traditional folk songs.... Uncle Art Satherly, Rufe Davis and Johnny Bond. of Colu mbia caught 250 pounds of fish on a recent Mexican trip. .. Dusty Walker cut his first disks for Columbia. He is featured on KNBH, Los Angeles. First side is "My Castle Has Tu mbled," pubbed by Red River Songs. Rosalie Allen, W OV, New York, is staging the finals of her big weekly talent hunt at the Mosque Theater, Ne wark, N. J. . .Joe Johnson. WPAQ, Mount Airy, N. C., is operating Uncle Joe's Park, Willis, Va. He is using traveling na mes on week-ends and holidays at his folk music park. ...Lee Stewart. W HAT, Philadelphia, is doing a weekly appearance at Circle A Ranch, folk musk park at Deer Park. N. J.... Duke Bow man. W LOH, Princeton, W. Va., has left King label. R EC O R D C O. OF ANIE RI C A os e Mollywoe4 45, Cslifornis e NEW VICTOR,COLUMBIA $12 0 per loo OT HER LABELS 11 0.00 PER 100.-383 00 PER 1.000 V. with ,belanc· C. O. O. Write Mr LATEST CATALOG. 500 Di ferent Standard and Hit TIMM, VEDEX COMPANY 674 10th Aye No w York 19. N. Y. PPPPP 7-0636 CO MPLETE INVE NT OR ME ROUG H? Oyer 1000 Setietted Custo mers · RECORD PRESSING AT LOWEST PRICES IN THE UNITED STATES Send be year recerdlnee, we will de Me rest -- MO.1 and flee bred records. UNIV ***** PL ASTICS CORP. 'for merly hi mk S Whit· Records) 146 West M el Pie . Lee Angeles 7, Call.. Owned by Truntels Cellar S As miates Consuiting engineers te ft.. needed Indurry Kenny Roberts (Coral) has inked with la Nathan. Coral distributor out of Cincy, as personal manager. He reports that Bradley Kincaid 'is operating his folk music park, Lakewood Beach Park, Springfield. 0. Roberts opens at Coney Island, Cincinnati, June 16 for nine days. ... John Musselman. op of Mussel man's Grove, Claysburg, Pa., reports that he will operate the park on Sundays and holidays. Doc Willia ms. W WVA, Wheeling, W. Va., who operated the park last year, has dropped his connection. ing Bob Edwards, WESC, the Skyland Drive-In GThreeaetnevrillet,herS.e C., reports that he every Wednesday is worknight to help pro mote the shows.... Cussin Don has worked out a co-opera- tive gim mick with a local cafe, whereby they keep check of the nu m- bers most played on the juke box. Those nu mbers are featured daily on his W OPI, Bristol, Tenn,, show.... Frank Porter, who recently moved fro m W LEE to W XGI, Rich mond, Va., has inked with MG M label. }le will publish his own songs thru Acuff-Rose. ...Hank Penny is now featured weekly on "Hometown Ja mboree" over KLAC-TV, Hollywood, in addition to his d. j. work at K WIK, Bur- bank, Calif. .. Deacon Moore. KXLA. Los Angeles, reports that Les Anderson. whose disking of "Baby Buckaroo" went well on Cor - mac, has inked with Decca.... Peanut Faireloth (Decca), heard daily on W NEX, Macon, Ga., has inked with Hill and Range Songs. . Earl (Granpappy) Davis, W NOP, Newport, Ky., has started playing square dances at Coney Island, Cincinnati park. He has formed his own band, the Young 'Uns.... Uncle Don Andre w.. who left W KNX. Saginaw, Mich, recently, Is back in the saddle, working at WSG W. Saginaw's newest station. Maass addres. all contanialeeMoos to ielinay Slp pal. 354 Billboard, 111 W. Roado/pb St, Chicago I I. /vitae 1 LATEST RELEASES * FREDDY MILLER 1500 I PRETTY GIRL 1 LIKE A HEL M DON'T BLAME MY MART * SISTER SLOCU M 15050 CHARLESTON TAlt1111 BRA6 * GR A N DP A IONES 867 FIVE.STIINS BANJO 50001E BIlLE EPICS 60T THE COON * HANK PENNY 869 WHAM! IASI THANK YOU. MA'AM JERSEY BOUNCE * ZEB TURNER 361 HUCIREBERRY 10061E MEYER BEEN SO LOTIF3O M * CLYDE MOODY 62 TEE ANGELS MUST NOE CRIED LAST NIGHT IT'S TOO Len TO II WM WERE MONO * FAIRLEY HOLDEN 16S lilt MANE A GUNGE IN BUSI OSS PAPA'S GETTING OLD * DUKE BO WMAN 364 ITS A 10I1E1T LIFE WITHOUT YOU THE HONEYMOON WALT/ * BULL MOOSE jackSoN 4173 SONEIIMES IWONDER TIME ALONE WILL TELL qk JOE THOMAS 4361 ROLLIN' THE BLUE STAR 1451 * CLIFF BUTLER 4365 HEARTS ONLY ACNE (HEARTS NEYER BREAK) GOLD 516611' MY * THE FLYING CLOUDS OF DETROIT. MICHIGAN 1370 II GET INSIOE THE 6ATE 1WANI TO MOVE IN THE ROOM WITH THE LORD * THE TRU MPETEERS 4363 LAY DOWN MY MAO BURDEN VIE SUN DIDN'T SHINE * THE NIGHTINGALES 1362 TS à H16111YAY TO HEAVEN SOMEINI M WITHIN ME ERLINE "ROCK AND ROLL" HARRIS JUMP DO SHOUT NO GOOD MM OF MINE Del me 3303 KING 34 The Bilboard R HYT HM AND BLUES RECOR D BU YING GUIDE 7n, 1951 the twin stars in th e m aktà bittes twinkle with AMOS MILBURN "HARD LUCK BLUES" "TWO YEARS OF TORTURE" Al 3059 "ANYBODY'S BLUES" "SQUARE DANCE BOOGIE" Al 3056 CHARLES BROWN s. · tfie Lit cL AS "MY BABY'S GONE" "I WONDER WHEN MY BABY'S COMING HOME" AL 3051 "HOMESICK BLUES" "LET'S HAVE A BALL" Al 3039 RE t OR D 1 :.--.--2101.LTWOOD 2/. (1010121111 REGAL HAS THE HITS! HEADING FOR THE HIT PARADE LARRY DARNELL SINGS HIS BIGGEST HIT ON REGAL 3274 "YOU'RE MY KIND OF BABY" "I LOVE MY BABY" AND HOT ON THE HEELS OP ANNIE LAURIE--PAUS. GAYTEN "I'LL NEVER BE FREE" ON REGAL 3133 THEIR NE W REC ORD TRIU MPH "I AIN'T GONNA LET YOU IN" "I NEED YOUR LOVE" ON REGAL 3173 P. S.: Have You Heard SAMMY COTTON "COOL PLUM' MAMA" "HEARTFUL Of PAIN" On Regal 3270 A STAR Is BOR N LITTLE JIMMY SCOTT on Roost 603 "I'LL CLOSE MY EYES" "WHY DO YOU CRY!" "DEAARindf'ent 605 N"" "AFTER I'M GONE" A New Blues Sensalion --AL JACKSON "LET'S DRINK SOME WHISKEY" "JELLY ROIL" And 2 New ERROLL 9,511 604 "DEEP PURPLE" "RELAXIN' AT SUGAR RAYS" GARNER Releases Rcc,t 606 "Whal h This Thing Called LOY( "NO MOON" REGAL RECO RD CO RP. 20 EAST ELIZABETH AVENUE, LINDEN NEW JERSEY. Phone LI2.7 5O Rhythm & Blues Records Bawd en reports u se out Owe. On of We k Ending June 2 BEST-SELLING RETAIL RI111111& KIES RECORDS P m,* lisidd we rhythm ant blues records that told toe n glows tantrums to rile Bollsoart, nevi, weekly survey among ·selected group 0, real, sta.« 14 wanr.ty st «non rtntomp,. purely. Nehru ano blues records. POSITION weeks ,lee. I nns In date Well, IWent 6 1 1. PINK CHAMPADHE Sentimental Lover J, 1.19oIns Smclalty 335 -111,1I 10 1 2. MISTRUSTIN' BLUES Misery Little Estber../. Oth.M. Ylelher..Sevey 713 7 2 1. I TEED YOU SO slew* Her Mere 2 4 a SWELL, OH /611.L I Hate Yoe Ivan Joe Hunter Tiny Bradshaw MGM 10661 XVI 4357 -11,11, 19 5 5. DOUBLE CROSSING BLUES Sri Alley Oh m J 0404.401 EsthenThe Rob b. Sawn 731' 7 1 16 7 13 9 1 -- 7 -- 6. MY BABY'S GO''E C &O M I Wender WM. My UST'S CO M M Hnne 7. 1911Y DO TNINGS HAPPEN TO MU... R. Itret6Ina Royal Hank 7. CRY, CRY BAST Ed woes Ilan After Blum 9. CUPID BOOGIE Mt Can't Get Free Little feller 10. FT ISN'T FAIR ,Burier· End D Whlunnon .laden 3051 Modern 20.7). 501., In 5.5 ony 730 Ilee --ASCA K 1 -- 10. STAK.A·LEE (Pans I and I/ Atellneld Ort, Inwenel 30611 --BMI MOST-PLAYED JUKE BOX RHYTHM &BLUES RECORDS b arns land are renew .nd Woes records melt played In luke W e., otededn9 to TM Rillhearts sown. eregtly surrey towns · tented 5.0.p of r.i.A b,, odwaton strlase HwatIon require rhyllos me blues means. · POSITION «mks' Last !Ws to 31., Week IWell, 5 1 1 PINK CRAMPAGBE 7 2 2 I NEED YOU SO 2 -- 3. WELL, CM WELL 5 1 4 CRY, CRY BABY · 7 IT ISN'T FAIR n 6 6. I ALMOST LOST MY IA/ND 19 6 6 DOUBLE CROSSING BLUES 2 7 6 EVERYDAY I HAVE THE BLUES 1 -- SAFRON14.8 12 5 10 THREE TIMES SEVEN EQUALS TWENTY.ONE 1 -- 10 CUPID BOOGIE J 1.191151 Serena, 355 --BMI Ivory Joe Renter 10M 10943" Tiny Bradshaw KIna 435s--sur, Ed Wiley ..... SIttIn In 545. 0 Wanting,. . _Mercury 6161 --ASCAn Ivory Joe Hunter.. 4109. J OM-Little Esther and (be %bins .. · Savoy Ell . .L. Fil e., Sw mtine 196 C 1Mee Aladdin 1059; J Kim Little Esther Inwerwl 5035 Sawn 75D R. & I.BLUE NOTES Amos Milburn and his crew lost their horns and uniforms in gn auto accident en route to the group's current stand at the Apollo Theater, New York. The group sca mpered around town on opening day, Friday (2), to round up ne w clothes and instru menta to make -the first show... .Willia m Greenblatt in Lynn, Mass., has been appointed New England territory distributor for the Savoy and Regent diskeries. . . . Atlantic disk thrush Ruth Brown is skedded to make a brief one-night theater tour with Illinois Jacquets crew prior to her opening at the Riviera nitery in St. Louis June 10 for a two-week engage ment.... Trumpetooter Hot Lips Page's org will play Princeton University June 9 and 10. Former Doke Ellington warbler, Al Hibbl n, who turned single when the orkster took off for his European tour two months ago, has been booked into the 421 Club in Philadelphia for a one-weeker beginning July 17. Orkster Buddy Johnson curtailed his Southern one-nighter tour following a collapse on the bandstand during a. date in Toledo last week. The orkster, following a couple of weeks' rest, will take to action again with a date at the Howard Theater, Washington, June 9 for a on?-week date. Following the theater engagement. Johnson will bring his crew to New York for a two-week stand at the Savoy Ballroom. Another twoweek vacation will follow the terpery workout.... Johnny Moore's Three Blazers interrupt their Southern one-nighter tour for a three-day date at the Peacock Club in Atlanta, a new nitery, beginning June 19, Sarah Vaughan has sliced an albu m comprising standards and re-recordings of so me of her noted hits for Colu mbia. She Was backed on th me sides by an all-star crew spotting such jazz luminaries as Miles Davis, Bennie Green, J. C. Heard. Jim my Jones and others. Sid McKinney is the new vocalist with Illinois Jacquets crew and will make his debut with the group at the 421 Club in Philadelphia June 12. The warbler was hired by the orkster immediately following a spot mid:tion during the band's recent Savoy Ballroom date and has already recorded with Jacquet on his recent set of Victor dates. ... The Streltrs. a new vocal group which is recording for the Apollo label, began a en-week date at the Holiday Inn, a new nitery in Newark. N J.. Fruiby and follows that with two weeks at the Club Bali in Washington belln· ning June 9.... A new diskery. Sultan Records, has been kicked of in Natchez, Miss., by Jack Davis, Scott Berner, Edvent Grinnell and P-rdy Goldbor. The diskery will spotlight rhyth m and blues, spiritual and folk diskings. The first releases have been issued and spot such artists es Bonita Cole and her ork, Preston Alexander's ork, the Zion Travellers. Papa George and his harmonica and washboard and Clarence Brown. 9 guitar specialist in Southern-style blues. June 10. 1950 RIUI TII M AND BLUES RECORD BUYING GUIDE 35 Rhyth m & Blues Records Based me reportl nursed bet three days in Week Ending June 2 ee RHYTHM &BLUES RECORD REVIEWS HELEN H U MES IMarshal Royal Orkt dum my 519 Reek M. to Sleep Helen delivers · lightneMM deutelementendre rte . Item and geed. ease. The Royal ert.nd It busting Sad Feeling The thrush hammers hone a slea blues In Nee sty,. with the Royal erkl m suitably batiel m su. 65.-66.-64.-66 72 -72.-69 -74 IOR TUR NER Freedom S U P · le d a TraireNin' Man Infectious medium jump heat oe ear Wtrattlag riflag sends M Ibell-bedled WWI Sleet off le winnl m dint. Sere. Turner's Slier Is stellar. 84 -54 -84 -85 Life Is La u a Card Ga me Philosophical old sloe blues b shouted with rich and earthy feeling by Turner, wise Is singing hit boat Nme Ns early days of to m 15 rows ago. Fiekee tito $t worthy Nu-fated disking. 83 -83 -83 -83 E M MY LI CCI NS Specialty SP 31? Ans wer to Tear Drop Bless Sequel to a Liemins' hit has the same yolks, bast drWre and demo blues mood Irking that d.strquished Use · Sleuld seers at least moderately. That Song Is Gent P alter rides la on · stedhe beat k. the li mn- *Pan" style N M Them mei n lot some silly, trinal lymn 8I-- 82 -80 -80 74 -74 -70 -78 ROY BR O W N OMAN 3304 IOH N NY SPARRO W Wa rn 9114 M ABEL SCOTT Nog 43611 Los TH O M AS ORK King 43 0 SO N N Y TH O MPSO N Klee eyqd Hard Luck Blues 84--84-.84.-84 Bream wu on · really Imams .d blues chant ea · hard·NUM9 sorromlul blues. Sect ert Met. smartly. Ne w Rebecca 73 -73--71--75 Brown and combo seek up · head st steam en a lemea blues. W ho O wns the Joint? LOot Intl. 'ale, adh male dml demq lin, .1,1, matey lyric, is cleanly emoted but Mat ea te nem ten 58 -58 -58 -58 W e'd Fr an De ntin Bird TM ter« ane·rnythns quartet pets a len e for wch · small woup. first.rme sem a * bounce, little rifer. soured ea · 71 -72 -70--74 I Found My Baby Thrush demonstretes weal blues potential on · rather stemma , rontrlwd bit el material ten:Nixon of rmest Lest My M M..' 68.-68-.68..68 Baseball Boogie Mos Seem ·nows versatility as she projetts with beat, Ores. , and style an ajump boogie smog., malty with double entendre lyrics. RecordIng balance doesn't WIN de her lustre. 8 I.- NS- 410-.82 Rollin' the Ula n Lonrho terts ell a wanriemul eneeion dame side. Seed .s dr.s ,q end Compelb m w et fly tr . 8,4 bw,r sot werk. Star Mist Slow, mood treatment, titi, edited tela so/n eri to work b arty, hear, stuff, beamed at tin nudendsts. 84 -84 -83 -85 59 -59 -60 -58 A fter Sundo wn A superb unall.combe bl ow, with Tbensousn'S osi a. unbilled dolterbe featured in · dru m gene:curs rendition. Frog Legs Cleanly m aned rifle whit hoe hap suddeseleens ernoset impress ourenermalIy. 84 -114 -114 -84 64 -64 -65 -63 DOES IT AGAIN W ith the Greatest Record She Ever Made Juif Re/cosed on Savoy ;730 CUPID'S BOOGIE e""baRskwedmbyaJUST CAN'T GET FREE Still Riding on Top .. TOGETHER MISTRUSTIN' BLUES with M R WALKER Savoy ";135 DOUBLE CROSSING BLUES O h THE tomes Savoy #131 neI RO MANTIC BLUES SI NGER MEL CRY BABY WALKER DREAMIN' BLUES sings REGE NT 1016 11 01 MT 1018 with JOHNNY OTIS ORCH. Set e e 58 MRaEr 1NJ. DNe(wark« 1L -- J/ Trènd to NEF-0·LAC BREAK RESISTANT CO MPOUND iL . DOT'S FOR OPS · · · · · · · · "MEAN OLE BOODIE" "DRIFTERS SPECIAL" DOT PI002 "BOOGIE BEAT RAG" "HONEST HEART" DOT ·I001 "TREE OF LEVEL" Wow and "JESUS MET THE DOT .1001 · · · · · · · · D O T RE C O R DS, IN C. G ent , Tenn. Tel.: Gallatin IMO-8 U .4 S m ash! AL H O UR 'S "DANNY BOY" ;911 .LOTHRM., T he N ete Sleeper ...El HERE IGO WHERE THE MORNING GLORIES GROW lung by ROLA ND BURTON --formerly with L. He mpel., Order F,..., Year Nearest Distributer WHY BOCK A TREND? Bo MIMS you're on tls· rlgbi side ol the ten . this yo re. Ducking Use treed to break- mistrust co mpounds could Prom. mighty expe uire. More with the treed. A mur. treenail of a succesetel 1880 by switching your produe doe and soles 'lions to N A.0.1.AC BAY.AK.RESISTANT. Any el otir S brealoresblard co mpounds combines the desirable lectures el high cost compounds with low unit production cost. A request ee ya w letter- head W U bring ye. sa mple M eeks. N O T E: We do not proton rWeeele eweenemeldge, tar sr. w. .1.aral Owners." Ws menetserers tem. Osan t mely. MOLDING CO MPOUNDS A PRODUCT OF I W NEFF LABORATORIES INC MIRY dMIN CO. 41 led 42ad West Now York CH, listebssive Sales Agents I., U. J., Canada, Central end South America MUSIC The Billboard Jur:e 10, 1950 Prediction of Things to Hum... fee! Orchestra and Chorus The "SWAN LAKE" Bald RCA V / C/ O R .45rpm 47-3792 ·larpm 20-3792 Record Reviews RATINGS (t00 Point Maximum) 90-100 10PS · 80.89 EXCELLENT · 70 79 GOOD 40.69 SATISFACTORY · 0.39 POOR FIII D os m e .,,, de ... at ·0111 .00 spree Me . Mada me. lit lee dish wetreys Each nine Sey Catey ese, dad, Cistepors n m ew . I m orn . number or poli t Oil! aloe. Titi best pave ,. rat . w IGO 1.1awmurre ere µb, s1 te change No mettfl On results at · sue ., et the nose rem be ad m aketeo N S redone, · record es not suitable tor ene ma: .11199, tht li stel The ca k ler ies Oahe listing. ere . . Sang career. 1bi. interpret. tans. 15; arrange .. IS: awns ea .. IS: regard walks ster we etc,, g; music oualoher., an orwormame ooteninn. moloetatior m erd .Minstion tirl. nil, one other 'line aids/. 10: manul.mbeer · ants- Mot . power 10: marsalacturer's PrOductIon ertlennlice, S. . Mee mitailars. Ed, On n Iii Yee oasis at ·· A R TI S T L A B E L A N D N O. T U N ES C O M M EN T TONY MARTIN-THE HONEYDREAMERS tHenri Rene Orb/ s.its , 20 1)99 FREDDY MARTIN ORK IMere Griffin / Victor 20.3197 RALPH FLANAGAN ORK M erry Pd. , ' VICIO, 20. 3795 LES BRO WN ORK Columbia M U BILLY ECKSTINE Nathan& ell) REGGIE GOFF (The Velveteees1 Lee . ris BILLY BUTTERFIELD OPJC Lardon 670 ABE BURRO WS Goiumbie M ME1 TED STEELE Columbia 00851 IA « FINA ORK MGM 10724 POPULAR IStill Get a Thrill Martin i.ecu warmth and feeling IMO UM Rne 1.5 . of . old:e. Fleneydree mem ine1e · mentli contribution to · dokl m which enures to make belly busk. Peace of Mind Martin again fin e wonderfully well on I pretty Nemesis balllés ol merit. Nome Cookie' Martin should catch plenty of the action leaded tat VIM homespun "Fancy Pal e nicker Counter. It's · mat, na meable, simple songoellIng MO. The Third Man Theme Tastefully performed dance dishing of the m ush nem seith Men Gri fin and the Mania Yen delivering a lyre ...u m to toe uthe theme. Lyric Is well dons. rap less rant.19771 than it might Ka m been. To Me You're aSong Ballad adapted Irons · Chopin etude doesn't mode ring bells in We swingy Flanagan stylIng. Harry Prime reenters with his What. Where and When A trio, after the rashh of tee lunceford irs., lo added for titi, wpeeh ro med.urn isinw angina of Wit, hill mentry rhythrn Item. Should score with ti. gnmine Flans, . legions. Taking a Chance es Love Tasteful dance Instrumental treatment oe this delightful standard from `Cable n ti,. Sty: . Sel mer, should cotton to it. Turkey Hop Swinging eatnarental built aroand · catchy rhythmand.blu n Item Is Flayed with spirit as blte by o. hne Brown enterable. Our Love Cskstioe o: three ye a,, elo dol men, the Ithelkooks ode/laden standard warmly. Pew pelting are weeny recorded hinders. ISurrender, Dear teginning to formulate his current «die, did lick for this standerd, currently on · m oral. TN. NN It a peer de mo flare to draw tattooers the ti,', met MI ECM . .. A Little Foolish Ptlde The Brit:dt ans . to Va . . Memo, St ates · countro- deemed ballad 4 slight tutelar . n Memo lash .. Nicely executed. The Prairie Schooner Trail (The Plainsmen) Goff scor n a solid singing Mb he a sub.tnd eaw-flowIrg delivery of a pleasant Western ballad. Best the puy has shown en ens ta date. IGotta Right To Sing the Blues 'The Koehler-Arlen Mind ed It hendled instrumentally fer de wing and m us e large thank el gulterfreld's expert trumpet. Any Flue IHang My Hat Is Herne Wonderful blues, ballad frorn la . War ms' some et Arles It Merca, k matbled leelinglul by Jack Pain .. Excellent eels .. Login' Along TM roted humoeist deliens an Ironing saline on Western ballads. City dweltt,nt may to for It, but it's rot tor mneral consumption Street Menteries P. ., emus , slice of Elsreeml 13 seranniat ca m tri m Picnic in the Park Happy, earned slienip of u M abe e seasonal novelty of slight ',rotten,. Nobody Wins on ·Merry-Go-Round Contraed malts nose1 7 o treated to a Pam product . Illo no That Henky-Tenky Melody Th., is · doting which Ils e up to 14 title. WS 871 értnne rontal wth.tie whets showcases tee rInk rtltt aspects of F1na': keyboard style. asek Y., nickels. Cute W m. Could Warnt Kisses In the Cool of Night Concertrotoodancirq treatment el tie lanalkeysky 'Seen Lake" ballet the . nukes ha ndset'.. fare ter dines mooing keyboard style. deb Darrel castrIbutes an acceptable m ud to · Woking which could mere * Is the peeper breaks. 88 -88 -83 -38 84 -85 -64 -84 86 -86 -85 -86 69-70 -68 -70 74-.75.-73-.74 85 -86-35 -84 78 -83 -77 -73 73 -79-75 -79 75 -74 -76 -74 70-.70-.70..71 66--66--63--66 73 -75-.72-.71 68 -70 -68 -65 60 -65 -60 -55 70 -75 -70-.65 63 -65 -65 -60 68 -68 -66 -71 69 -69 -66 -72 75 -75 -72 -78 84 -85 -83-414 June 10, 1950 Record Revie ws The 13iliboore? AR TIST LABEL AN D NO. TUNES CO M MENT EILEE N BART O N Nat :nal Ul.12 DICK JAMES Ike., Thorne Or10 itmden 724 GEORGE SHEARING QUINTET MGM 10720 V W/ ELMAN ORK MGM 10722 RUSS CASE ORK MGM 10723 ART H UR G O DFRE Y .Archie Bitter Ork POPULAR May ITake Two Giant Steps? Could be the folltret-up to 'lasted A cata." It. e yMlaly carved realty delivered with equal Writ and sung sal e refreshing exuberance by Miss Berton. If Yon Sew Whet ISaw miss Prerton's dttinCtire do a delmhtful yob with an Interi m tongue...lath. nerelts· Are You Really There, Mine? Wordy, lightweight Inquire ballad li sung (cc mtiely by Janus with ,h oct eupsort. Madam Is Out of To ms James con a nice enough job with a sight bailed tear mg an ·Mmard lyrical idea IDidn't Know What Time It Was The fresh sound of tie. Shearing ra a abetted by a cr..1 best males annealing listening and dance ol th.s maned standard. How's Test Fly metrurnental original t the bop manner propels · here .. beet aid Mammas solodts Crock Wayne on guitar and Mangle li mn so vibes as well as Sheamg. Fine Jar: boo belt. rit Get By The 0.0. let torn of Elmen's horn lead the way tirs · neat da me disking of the lovely reenireen. Take Me In Your Arms 1man lays w added schmaltz In Melvi n the memos and cim ml art.,. ci titi tasteful dace inking cd the standees. On the Outgoing Tide Lately but late rendition of · pretty awe malty, Milan ha been Itn.99 1M9 fd ser e Vs.. Tonight New, pretty but lightweight ballad Is sony well enough by Ray Chalet and played handsomely by fhe Caw crew. If It Wasn't for Your Father /efts., material piece delivered happily by Godfrey with · tasty yrtud and ark setting. 1Iis fan. .11 lite, Gone Fist .' God'rey hues this contamooray `lazy, Ro me' a rerr,' reading. Wares nerformente could generate .,., action fa this 16 -86 -66-66 74-75 -71 -75 47 -45 -45 -5 0 47 -45 -45 -50 81 -83 -8 0 -80 73 -73 -75 -70 71 -72-70-71 76 -79 -75 -75 67 -69 -66 -66 66--67--65--65 77 -80 -78 -73 86 -87 -86 -86 TO M M Y C ARL Y N'S OR K Loris RandallVern Houston) IAN AUGUST lIer:ury 5423 OK A Y KYSER ORK Osiumbia 30036 HERB JEFFRIES refunthia M I5 GE OR GI A GI BBSBOB CR OSB Y O RK 6:237 ET HEL M ER M A N- FR A N KIE FROBA HIS G A N G Pm in 27047 JOE PRINCIE ORK · ga m 43102 IERR Y M UR A D'S H AR M O NI C ATSIA N A U GUST y 5420 SO Meeinlg Rich m ad and «belled sustained arrangement give this oldie a emerged., saneeff taw b1 mir e Could e a big one. Maria . (Bill St ale Trio) Simple, retentive ditty In CM ular Ilbelnasr win ,s essayed ninny by a Tlwee Surrebled très with · neat close hum... dirt ftba. A Dey at the Seashore lilting ditty serves as the remelt for the plarn-roll side of Augers personality. Rom Bay Mays do Use gane -sing. A likely bake platter. Egyptian Ella Spirited slicing of this happy .oldie with Ara bt's by. bawd , and a resounding Rum Bay Bose local taming for winning results. Worthy lake fan end · Innential "sleeper." 88 -88 -57 -88 130 -110 -80 -80 74 -74 -7I --78 85 -85 -85 -85 Play. Hurdy- Gurdy, Play «ye as orb ere a vocal grad de an unexciting, pleasant lob with a catchy new tune. A real hurdrtardy Is prondrently sported Sears and Stripes licesvar Completely popular treatment M the Sa m mach with Its fen lob Russell lyric comes off in good tab. 7I-72--70--72 75 -76 -74 -74 Call Her Savage sings an 'eb bslw tlenst of · well M he has done on mor. Rich orlon is wasted Ils.. Peg . Lave Song A superb wax en, Mild. du ste los t, gets enother ,ancro in M trehice after only a few menthe' lase. WInterhalterfs Mang Is capthellny. 63 -64 -62 -63 80-83 -80 -78 A Little Bit Independent Pleasant ri n, d151. , of this oldie hat a mat la ma and a light-haute, mood. If tom catches dishing should de its Mae. Simple Melody The twosome is not particularly Opal« in tht treatment cl the, Irving Berlin ditty. 72.-74 -70 -72 67 -68 -67 -67 She's Shininiyin' on the leash Again Miss Merman belts out a new two.heat revelty In tailgate lathia., with an appropriate earg.sird meal ha Probe prelestsle barking, 72-.72.-70-.74 Calico Sal Chi comodenne salts out mutater with a resounding aru m and a ga ng-sing group tino happy we rat hand from a title-style Sturdy Juke box slicing. 75-.75 -72 -78 Gay Swing Polka Ditty lives ow la Its title, as fern durl marbles a pry clu bs or tue ro light and lively pare ranee sort W hy Can't This Drea m Cantinentatflevered salty 4000 Cquioetma',AiTrnuearnd bale duet. 72.-72--70--74 68-68 -66 -70 The Sardar Marsh · ha monica-oiano team turno out &el exiting skle in this had 1311d, half swing arrangement of fatall y shame Mere. 13q, ontrtre sound is a mt... It's Dollard, Team takes ti. ',termer of their mood side. standard at "'M atched' · sleet tempo le the « else fa a O men 85.-116 -84-86 11-.82- 40-11 (Contin ued on page 104) MUSIC 37 , 696 - 78 rpm /5c plus tux 30124 -45 rpm RE C OR DS The Billboard June 10, 1950 y1,*(4.eice(ex94 " " YOUll (we ' Album and LP Record Reviews EILEmetEeetNe,toBteAceRTON 'S NATI ONAL 9112 "MAY ITAKE TWO GIANT STEPS?" Crude? 4 "IF YOU SA W W HAT I SA W IN NASSAU BY THE SEA " NATI ONAL 9115 -·"'" "I SURRENDER DEAR" dace-ed "O U R LO V E " BOTH RECORDS AVAILABLE ON 78 AND 45 RP M _ e Jul jfadén Ilor all fombdtel ixeledes ,, FATFuoyANDe b.bydby"OH! OH! J0-10" 04 DI S T RI B U T O R T E R RI T O RI E S 11,11I L A B L E Order horn Your hare! Distribulor orWrite to BIG NIC KEL RECORDS 122 N ASSAU St., NE W YORK. N. T. BEEK MA N 3 4541 BUSINESS IS AL WAYS GOOD W REN YOU BUY AND SELL QUALITY! In lees than two tee m um must again double our « parity in · ma w plant RESEA RCH CRAFT CO. 1737 N SVC/ MORI ST. LOS LOS ANGELES 38, CALIF. FINEST QUALITY RECORD PRESSING IN THE U. I. 78, 33. 45 rp rm. All Ne w bleterials, M ed. FI.w. Vinylito. 'Ti. twee boldface nu mber In Pacts re - view is elm retell rating. Thrs roa m IS based en n. . lay eat mories, each of whets IS assid .a · rneci muns nu mber or points. (The beet gessible rating re 100.1 Maxi mu ms are sublett te change depending on re- sults el · nerve, et the resume new bet . ccccc Suitability for tube bet aper mers or disk testae,. S fettlicalad le held. ac· co m ment under to heertines within each reviews . ' Nee 8649 70-71 N ee T H E R A T ES li go delnle --.11» m otionurn, lops excellent gone. a sellefectory Poor NEW seqqq --c. MacRae·L. Plermas-P, Ink West « Orir o-i re Capitol CC 217 Sotti, As In A Morning Sere ., Lefin,, lane Back To Me, Stol Hearted Men. Oarenee. Want qs. You Same treatment Is ghen these p uler hlehlttes as is accorded dn . from "The Yanalo ma King." Weston denotes a side to the torture. then the "Railroad Hour' sogers take over lor a therely setisfectory iob. The nolorel hardly needs ao Introduction --It will ahnays be sure- Ire stuf fer ¡Et (entity trade. Orr the LP venom, d't coupled with `lei .... a ar m, coupling Weed --co mercially ode. JUKES JOCKS Popular titles cord ill Mots w Class Popular operetta men Cat's &errs le demand. THE b AND 7kr BAND --A NEW ORLEANS STRING QUARTET 12.10 - 1 Circle Documentery CD.301 64 Tiger Rag: Clar mt Marmalade. T. Trot Thal Ole Gang I MLer Society Hen's a quaint ale above . realer's,' ern nu mal sourd -- m because It s been brought to light on shese planet, after haying go o o. the days ed King Direr and nipho .e Picas. The low players --mandelln, ono steel guitar and ban--are the su rvivors of e stern, septet that hat organ. . in 1909 to play prOdes. si 'by -a a le hoks --a string version of the New [gleans fan. The group's sound here rs not snide Mr. Kann. trther effect', 1.010 thin the spirit and content are de distilled essence el arnhentre Nee Orleans gar. On -91igh Seeiety,.. foe example, one player noodles with the trod, lima' clarinet chorus while the rest tarry the mein Wren. Jazz collectors shored and reset. lion here al a lacet cd set which Im remarned localized and otheratard till now, JUKES JOCKS Meght nuke 51000 Celinnly try thane. saloon musk. CAB CALLO WAY --Cab Calloway and his oft flai r) lino mekk Ei..5etno 66 Mi mi. the Moocher: Ar min- Me Gong Around: SL Louis Blues; Y. Rascal You; Some Of These Days; St, Janos Inhmary, Nobody's Sweechear S. lien's a collect ,w of hi . * Interest to both lare mirror, arm students and/or adonlrers at slreng etyles Cal Callo mls way with · tune YU Influenced any number of coeMmorceles but has renuired distI mlue and peculiarly his ern Iles tIer years ·This Is e collectren el his early recordings, those responsible lea his -men. sloe as me al the foremost entertainers of na, times Them two decade old etchings have been cleared up and processed for this LP so that the reproduction Is more than mmisl mery le makes larinatIng nernalgra JUKES Not Suitable JOCKS lirston and nos- talgia nuke these sides valuable pro. N olao matter to Sad ma locks. ART TATIJM TRIO --Art Tatum, Slarn Stewart. bets) TM/ 1-10") &unreel/1r BL.50013 Bin go; 70 I Got Rhythm. L Would Do M oist . fer You, Honeysuckle Rem; Irle .gleer; I Ain( Get No- body, Cocktails for Two: Aftet You,e Gone, Clear Peple. I. this rite oriel (or laze pianists which has produced the Shearing+. Careen, Powelll and trista m, rt is impossible to merlon perhaps the ',emu IMP master of de keyboard, ken Tatum This rue t magniScent MOM ., It,, astonish,rg speed, remarkable pitch and superb harmonic changes an the ultimate In Mee piano. Do these selections, which were cut around 1944, Tatum Is beard n typical display al deathing playing with superb rhythmic eld from Siam Stewart on bes Ihe born several ingratittme. humor ., and doting sale& and Tiny Gnaws guitar. A superb collectIon which re true Mar coll ator or keyboard adnairer ran afford to mod Selections ere readable as single disks. Am u Not Sugar. JOCKS Greet urn lor un and pop rel .., T H E CA T E G O RI Es man ms 1. oroducti m le . .· · ·· · is r in. ese selection 'continuity , 2. 'N one Valu e IA 3 Caliber et M .. . 1 I 4. O mufacturers . CoMdlos men now . II I. expleit men Ades 10 'Record company and oth m *dyer. iséng prornutfun, fil m. 4911 and orher glues, a. Intern eeeee en IS 7. Record Quality I man ttttt %dery Production Efelelanev 'art work, binding, 9r·Peln0) BOBBY HACKETT TRUMPET SOLOS Bobby Hackett, trumpet oth ork dr· 68 rected by Bill Challis 1-10 / Brunswick -1.-50014 (LP) Solt Lights and Sweet Music; It There Is Some- One Lowlier Then You; Whit Is there To Say: Soon, Beut Not For Me; East Ter Lew , kTUR · Song In My Heart) When A Woman Len, u Men. DM sweet, true and molt 1w trumpet styling of Bobtry Hackett ts penned SO les *ht tri. WC110·1 01 lovely standards. Hackett, who has a mmsqerable Rock of W o rt , clirgs to mrlodic lines most el the way tho he plays with srnont ¡en feeling. The package, which as aporared le an erree lope container on shellal PrnefaffslY will please trumpet fans, Mu Inns and 'hose simply in march el nen·Irelh te ndit ier, er these pretty m ermen, a JUKES Not Sortable JOCKS trumpet solo will pia . Met and POP alike. FROM AUSTIN HIGH COMES JAZZ -- Bud Freeman A HIS Famed% Chr floans 74 1-10 - ) Columbia (33) Ct. 6107 Pr,nce al Wail Jae* I1U the Redo; Musk,' Ramble, Allee Shren-Me.Sam-Waishle, Forty See ,' and State, That Da-Da Stra r. At the Joe Bens Ball Noels an al mot decade 01P album Muck hat teen renamed lo sound on its transfer, lo LP and A ka Mould truce a healtnier sale oddly than il did orr mally, rhis is is collect. . Of 'Chicago style jazz, *luck aelleally es ta0,0eat fe f19 laef.nn al King Ofaref and 10i1e, done by a repo ...tee latch of tattlers Iron chi a ek Aunt k 19n, histormally a landmark l, pat. This fine hard.Prifeng [dike ., spatting swi m. nene and pit , ensemble erak-- oth rts Iron LP sound --its erg/Kermit into the ONO« Iwo beat tonal -*teddy tme are areavg the best recordings ,fellable today of that «I an. Individuals featured to the parkage include ;Aare Condon, Jack Te pee ., Mil Karn1nflry, the late Den TOubh, Pee Wee Russell. etc JUKES JOCKS Not suitable. Fro tweeem Ir an and PC9 Sets, MAGGY FISHERS PIANO PLAYHOUSE -- Walter.Stan Freeman-Joe Bushkin 70 (4.10' .1 MGM(78/52 Soft LIMe and Sweet Music; Younger than Spring- time; Oreh1els In the AteenlIght; Falling in Let. With Love; Ch! Lady, Be Good, Ins Meet Ben efit, Pori In t. World; Indi en, PIS, I and Wager and Freeman, regularly leagued I.- on the redo show el the tone same, clay a clean-cut, legil·loned cocktail style jazz. Ine nothIng alourdirra canes et it all, it's pleasant. rela mg TYPiC, and the deleito el Oh . tunes is lire. In 'Indi o," the one mod tune. Iney're jel ed by tor name Bushkin, who h · more Imaginathe improvisor. JUKES JOCKS NM erie . Pleasent·enough stuff ror an measional pija. we. REO NICHOLS CLASSICS --Red and Ils Five Pennies 140 1 Brunner « 1331 BL.SE1006 Nichols 70 .recta Bo, Po or my Hurt,' The Smelt Dl Araby: Snen.11e·Sra. Wabble, Indiana: Oman; Tf /I ter eon, I Want Ii ya Happy This Is a welcome slice of laic history. These sides are sane 20 years elo, have been cleaned up and re-processed tor Um LP presentetr la and sand remarkably clean and fresh for then age , Seem lens are among the favor tes done by lie re,chels group Curing the Jae, Teegarden peraae, urea 1930. A mber luminary In It, peri od was Benny Goodman, who plays ten with de same Iherd drue and fire which later made hint Ilse foremost mat muskier el the Incelern pert .. Heard In this set as well are Gene 10111.3. Joe Sullivan. Jimmy Dor m, Babe Po m, Glenn Miller, Adrian Reline and, el ca me, the delegM'al, dm. leg. Ble·Illee trumpet of lean. einbols %WES JOCKS Not sellable. Jeaa ad pop se men can or for historic referentd at well is darn al Rue. june 10, 1950 The Billboard M U SI C 39 Record Possibilities THE BILLBOARD PICKS: In Ihe minion et Tbe 8111beerel music stall, records listed tri m an most likely to echere pomelarity as determined by entry Into bew setting mow tamed or most beard Matures at tier Elan 1 STILL GET A THRILL To m Marlin Dinah M ae Dick Hermes RCA %rhea 70.3799 Columbia 313837 Dena 27008 `HI M a potent ton·uP of records this fire oldie than« up m a Promit 1M1 bet tor rm... N.M.., pi th Henri Rene orkIng and Ihre ilereydnearnen as chorus support does a romantic flod job; Miss Shore, with Marry 2lonnerinaws ark, gires a Fart, warm performer .. therm.. em ,cMd by Gordon Jerkins', iretromental and Four nits and a Mies vocal backing, projects in top wake. MAY I TAKE TWO GIANT STEPS? Ede « Barton Mam mal 9112 · catchy, light ¡Ingle, high-Order Instrumental arrangement and perf oermrsee wed, above MN · marklirq Banda vocal Job with tbe same pen ems ..o that m anna "Oaks a C.44e. «entire In a whale et a motley retard. May ,,ell follow up. TIE DISK JOCKEYS PICK: PICKS thee here appeared to, three m ummUme weeks or three lirais within a sle.week period are flot resealed below. Based m a weekly sorely Me mo Meer on whet tune dint ,octeys Nina tomorrow s Ails will be. I. BLIND DATE Ul mer. Waiting-Bob Hope 2. THE PICNIC SONG Meow Desnmed 3. AN ORDINARY BROOM Tony Martlo-Freo Wane. 4, I DIDN'T SLIP, IWASN'T PUSHED, I FE U,.., 00.1 Day 3. HOSES Billy W eird I. SAM'S SONG Jae Mager./ Carr 7. MY DESTINY B. I. M.1 10. HOME = KIN' Billy Fettles Bill Ca mel Red FMey BMA O wl, Capitol 1092 MGM 10703 Vict o, 20-3777 Colombia 38818 LICH 10684 Capitol 962 MGM 1014 Coral 60220 Decca 46241 Dem. 27019 THE RETAILERS PICK: PICKS. Vial hare appeared for tar n Cerdefotne neeOl three times within a srs·week orrice art Rot repeated belay. Based or · weMly me mo among teem on ntall tune the record retailers thine ternornarre bits be: 1. 61.1-S.5.1.5.S ,I-P· P-1 2. BLIND DATE 3 AMERICAN BEAUTY ROSE A SAM'S SO U . 3. M-1.5 S.I.S.S.I.P.P.1 6. ROSES 7. MY DESTINY 8, BEFORE I LOVED YOU SIMPLY MELODY Red Fete, Margaret Whillno.Bob Hope Frail Sinatra Jae M ogen) Cam Sill Darnel SIlly [Moller Billy COMMA W O OW Je St and ..Dena 46241 Capitol 1002 Colombia 38809 Capitol 962 Cora. 60220 'AGM 10664 MGM 1.0684 Colurnbla 38818 [mite' 1039 THE OPERATORS PICK: PICKS tam loan, appeared to, three COoreCtInme weeks ti three tirnes re al 8 sierate1 per m In not merited Delon dams on a mealy serer ammo/ them au, «bat OA Wk. loe caelater, think tomorrow · arts will 1. THANKS, MR, FLORIST 3. MY DESTINY 4. 1 SURRENDER, DEAR 5, SO TALL A TREE 6. SKIP TO MY LOU Vaughn Ma ne Bill Darrel Billy Eaglet Don *44 4 Blue Crosby RIO NU M., Ork Y ew 20.3773 Coral 60220 laGm 00 64 Vide. 20.3776 Ouse 2401111 Capitol 1040 THE COUNTRY &WESTERN I1Sk JOCKEYS PICK: PICKS that amen ha tine comemnrre beets or ore, tore. ·1(1.10 a us-week «Foal ·111 nor la rebated Mien BO N in a weekly Senn Al ma lb w en di m the Co m m Western One Jaelmy, Mar tomerrarme hita sill te 1. WIIEN A DREAM IS BROKEN IN TWO 2. IF IT AIN'T ONE THING IT'S ANOTHER Dolph lament Jimmy Dickers 3. 1.1.5.S.I.S.S.I.P.P.1 4. WHAT. WHERE ANO DITIEN Red rateo Pee Wee Klee S. BILLY AND NANNY GOAT Kenny Robe . 6 PINBALL MILLIONAIRE MAIL IT NO W! Ot is Imellin :Ix Veer 21.0311 Columbia 20692 Del . 46241 Vine. 21.0332 Coral 640.15 4 Star '1966 (WE'RE READY FOR We'co in production at 45 R. P. M. RECORD AND CO MPOUND TRI M MING DIES and can meet your ovary require ment. Inquire soda,. Now OARNAOY INTERCHANGEAOLE INSERT DIES can sane you money. time. Increasing production. too. on your standard 7I au 3! R. P. M. Dies. · Fast · Accurate · Guaranteed 45 R.P.M. (401eh ' BARNABY CHECK DAR NARY FOR YOUR ACCESS ORIES lose n Rings. Center Pintes Dies tor every record need, tor single or multiple pressings -2 to records; 7" to 16" Dies for In. inst a molding et records, 2 to 4 Own at · time. MANUFACTURING COMPANY, INC.; TO OLS 70 17/0101101,1 relIT - - · aelOGIP0111 a. CorINFCTICIIT ' r _ LOOK AND LISTEN FOR B·UDY WILIAMS and his 4't e GOLDEY 110 USN rteei rei RAINBOW RECORDS en IT'S 1111 IT'S HERE WS HERE T M fIrst M d at oul Lily OF Finn so hart /teem ", E68.0 -- ENA9 by LARRY VINCENT who gave you the first recording of "If IHad My Life To Live Over" (the original recorded only on Pearl Records). Now bear bis version of the inspiringly beautiful "Our Lady of Fatima." Another new Pearl --"All IDo Is Dream of You" (Honky Tonk Fashion). Write for catalog of Records -Novelty, Popular, Hillbilly, Race. Sold and shipped everywhere. Order from your distributor or from PEARL RECORDS lox 229, Coolo r04, Ny. _r_eederef'eq 1011 41II K "WHEN WE'RE DANCING" RCA VICTOR RECORD 78 ,pen' 20-3800 " 47.3800 W atch Record Release --. "GEORGIEIS HOP VW C. M. Reuss Publications 630 Ho. Columbia St, Plaitorvillo, Ill. CU T P RICE R ECO R DS Popular 7e, 141116illy h. Race Se 0.0.8. Saatlenrara. All tenets C.0.0 rho., reenrolo are all ba, mood arrelato se rnajOr triOols. W, ..... Meer mclalartorr *election. Snare are brand new Ind some are ollently 05.1. All are In door, playable con. non may be restallad far 1Ser Le 20e. JALES ANIUSENIENT O. 1700 ST. BALTI M01111 17, MCI. 40 M AW The Billboard dMusie--As Written `kl lane 10, 1950 (Continued fro m page 19) Brunswick, N. J. w here his plant is also located. ... Har monica-playing co mposer Salty H ol mes and thrush M alty O' Neill. w ho cut the London version of "I Found M y M a ma," are in town for an appearance on W e the People." . . . London's w arbler Bobby Wayne opened at the Triton Advance Information Hotel, Rochester, N. Y., Friday (2).... H al Miller. for merly with Bob Mill « Songs, has for med his o wn pubbery, Allen M usic Co mpany. His first plug is 'Nobody W ins on a M erry- Go- Round," already recorded by Ted Steele for Colu mbia. Miller is also m anaging hillbilly w arbler Clif Warren. Orkster Bobby Byrne. currently at the Arcadia the Para mount Theater for two w eeks in A ugust . turns fro m Europe around July 1. here, is booked into D uke Ellington re- 4111WE RECORD RELEISES Retards Moe an amt. ,/ geom.-wiry [3. mt . th 333 .3<4 Of act ., reltoe oats List · Mad e. Inlemmtlan tuppl.en in avant, or tercel 43 , 33, 43 Only netwo ot tiste norartactureel toluntolly tupplcmg lefetnynen ay 1nt m POPULAR Publisher Nat Tatman journeyed to Cincinnati twice in the last three w eeks to line up m aterial -with King, Colu mbia and Victor artists in the hillbilly field. . . . Sid Ascher Associates has been na med public relations and publicity counsel for M uzak's Associated Progra m Service. The appoint ment was m ade by Richard S. TestuL yeepee and general m anager of the transcription fir m. . . . Flack Jane Grogan has returned fro m a 10- week record and sales pro motion tour for A d miral Records, and will w ork with local jocks for a spell.... H arry Sultan e Bruce distribbery has taken over Ne w Y ork and Northern Ne w Jersey distribution for N otary and Copley Records. The latter is a ne w Irish line produced by dealer E. 018yrne Dewitt, of Roxbury, M ass. . . . Joe Deane, deejay at W H A M. Rochester, it father of ababy boy. .. .The Billy W illia ms Quartet, w hich closes its current Roxy engage ment Thursday (8), has been doubling into the Blue A ngel, and is also a w eekly feature on the Henry M organ air- sho w.. ,.Buddy Rich and his all-star sextet open at the 421 Club. Philadelphia Friday (9) for a w eek.... W arbler Robby Colt opens at the Toronto Casino Theater Thursday (8). Publisher Joe Davis has turned his Celebrity disking of " My Valley of G olden Drea ms" over to Jerry Blaine for national distribution. The cutting w as m ade by warbler Bob H ouston and °fluter Henry Levine. ...Crooner Bob Eberle has signed with Riviera Records (for merly G ay Records). Eddie Heller and Larry Newton, of Rainbow Records, are handling national sales and pro motion of the line.... Hill at Range M usic has acquired 'Old M an Ato m" fro m Bibo M usic Co mpany. It's a piece of m odern folk m aterial that was recorded by Sa m Hinton for A B CEagle. Johnstone- Montei's advance guarantee deal w as rene wed at an increase by Broadcast M usic, Inc. (B MI), last week for one year.... M urray Puddles. ex-Santly-Joy contact m an, has set up for hi mself with Frederick M usic, specializing in rhyth m and blues and polka m aterial. . . . Eddy D uchin w as discharged fro m M e morial Hospital last w eek and is resting at ho me. ... D orcas Cochran. co-cleffer of " Main," has been signed to a B MI writer pact by B MI director of w riter relations, Bob Sour. A·Rau.a.Ma.Tem -4. Gibbs (Red MM) Coral 69234 About That Girl -R. Magian (Ri m, T WO Dee 27049 Ameriten Beauty Rese -G. Moses) Cowl 60235 Noel Lie, Angel Eses-L. Poe m (TaMee Got) De 27052 A·A Firce IHero MIHat Is Haew -11. Butterfield Ork I EARN Ledo. 670 Art Toe Nally Mine? -D. J s/K. Thorne Ott (Medal, I) tendon 714 Aritemelic -le %Om quinte (I'll Gat) MGM 10726 Bowie Jacloon -C. 1.1..ephy (Moan It) Sa m 300 Bo, Wish tee Rip in Hs N M% Tre -Two,lon Baton (One Little) Met 5426 Can 1 Tate My Pow Imo blearenl -M. & J. Sanders (Dort Toe) Slut Ribbon 74 a we, Warnen-H. Rena (Men We'w) V(78/21.3800, 015147.380n Core Og and Lore Me -M. "Slats" Jecobs Underusrolis Reg/ Coral 60237 Der at the Seethe, ougus(.Bey Rom Bell (EINNOn Ella) beer 5423 099 Flyer-là. Spoiler On (Lary Plana/ Mer 5424 Dogft Stop Now -L. Kell* Ott Itily 17rearn) London 694 Dots Too Tell a Sel- U. & J. Sanders (Gm 1) Blue Ribbon 8 H Heim Kate -Megdoraol OM how hl Lorene 711 Here Came (ist Brole ea a Pinto halter's Ot (tabes V1713)2.3807. (45)47.3807 Holes le Sly Pectet - Wheetores M ON 01 Cd 30206 Hon IMiss Tow -Velyeterm (Hole in) CA 30206 Horn's Trls· -4. Shearing Centel fl Didn't/ MGM Ions Could W.1te a Ilisek -T. Strati« (Flay Free) MGM 13725 IDidn't Knew Wlot Time It Was.-4 Shearing 011,1,1 Ttnn Mild 10720 I GNU Pepe To Sing the Blue -8 81.1ttertell Ode owe (Any Plate/ Lenten 670 I Mew 1 Leed Too -V. lem.11. Fewer OM (Dar Low) Londoe 716 Indianapolis Rog -"Slats" Jambs (Cone el Cowl Roes 0 Need to. No l'ke -J. Alines · Nodwille 80/1 'Teo letNO CM 1067 Sores Sow -C. "Shanty' Hogin.B. Wrner.J. Ont (11/1.5.S.I.S.S.I.P·P.1) London MI Phis Shy Little GM in the Peekm·Boo Hot The -S. W. L C. Corneae. Herefrieksoi.J. Greer & TM Twilight*, (Ask Ass) Orbit R.21700018 51ny Until Ow Can Cam lena -). Herbert Orli (Gel, Al Landon 690 Tao Me Il Tom Arirw-I. Elmo, Ong (I'll Get) MGM the1072the2le Teeny Melesly -J. Fine OW Wawa e ms) MGIE 10724 Why I Run -J. WO N S lie. Virgin Weeders Ils Clothe/ Jubiier 5029 PHYLLIS BROWN Lowly Notion.' Darn Do me Favorite and Capitol Rmerding Artlet SINGS I've Got the World ToLose A Ne w Country Neer, tailed ** * Professional m ale available to professional ofish only. Ial VtI O N D P U B LI C A TI O NS 30 Farel Charlotte, Mich. THE FS A K OI S M U SI C AL ClI O N Fred Waring, follo wing his annual custo m, has invited Tin Pan Alley's contact m en for e day at his Sha wnee resort, July 12. H y Ross, of the W arner pubberies, will serve as expediter for the junket as usual.... The annual Professional M usic M en (P M M) golf tourna ment has been skedded for August 16. Chicago: 60237 Kern Up Mother Brerne -8 Cellos Oh Me/ London 713 Lereil Clean' Ltugh! -A. Wayne (WM Three) Coral 60233 Lau Plano Nari --f& SELnier Ot Make Fherl Mee 5424 Let's Do Il Jarnes·Tlie Stammers (Soma sheet all Lmidon 718 Ji m my W akely m akes his first location stop here June 15, w hen he opens for a w eek at the Oriental Theater. He works the "Grand Ole O pry" N B C seg June 24.... Oscar Cohen. flack with the Joe Glaser office in Ne w Me011 Led WI -E. SOHN (Steamboat Rag) Dev 27051 Motene -8. Bickers SterlIgliten iSonetioti Mer 5422 Marione -E. Toi ng.S. Fester (Smitt en) London 692 May I Takt Two Giant Stem -E. Barton Ill Tot) York, is w orking a m onth of Mid west dates with Larry Potine s band.... National 9112 S wing master Records is not going out of business as was previously re- kl/LS/S-1.5 4-1.0.P.I -Bradhard & --moo (Plenlo Pilo ported. Eg mont Sonderling, S wing master exec, says that the fir m will re- lease so me T. Bone W alker and Kitty Stevens m asters next w eek. . . . Several Mid west ballroom opt, including Alice M c Mahon, Indiana Roof. Sa m) V178)7(0.3009, (451423808 "Stely' Hogw.8. Wore/ J. Ork <San', Sore) tat» 693 One Little C n cm a TewLmer Cake -Twe Ton Indianapolis, and Herb M artinka, M ankato. Minn., have filed clai ms with Baker (Say WPM filer 5426 the A T M's executive board for some adjust ment of the contract price on Our Low-B. (dullne (1 Sim mer) National 9115 R uss M organ. Due to sudden ilness reported by M organ. the Decca maestro flew back to the Coast unexpectedly, leaving his band to finish his current tour without hi m. . . .Rondo Records cut sides by Bob Long, h. b. orkster once with O keh label. . .. La wrence W elk's band will continue its present W ednesday night A B C web slot, despite the fact that Our Lem Stare -V. Lynn.11. Fermin Ot a Neer London 716 Our Vt., 0e -V. Monroe OM (Violins From/ V(78120.3806, (45)47-38C6 Meals In Me Dark -T. Steels & Il, Neattaies body Wire/ Col 38839 Miller Bre wery, the bankroler. has canceled for the su m mer. The A BC Picnic Ses -Bradterd & Romano 011.1.S.S.11.5 web will present the sho w fro m W alk's one-righter to wns as a sustaining 1/178/20/311119, (45/47.3868 feature. MI I(In IS WANiffIA" Yet , o Lerlc 17,t nt Bed m EP M,/ Cnctl Little CIO" by GLORIA H A R T tnyeer Record 1465 100 S. OHI O Si. · CHICAG O 11, Iit Thank You... "SPIDER" BURKE 1(51. W. SI. Loo m. MO. Hartford, Conn.: Record Stamping Plates For a lob well done The Crescent Ballroo m. Niantic. Conn.. has been purchased by Joseph P. Novel, of Ne w Britain, Conn, Al G entile, orchestra leader. has been named manager and booker. Other local and na me attractio ns are slated for the ballroom bookings this season. On the Sound Track: Complete pros/ menu .low re m . fur » Mee. Dells Ms exprese shipment. prey 'mai m Ptat mie plant et your deer High fldelny reOrmillcllon mirror like ap- pearance cardtop. erattentanalalp Write far rmousr raCHpeABLIS ·CICAIIII COMPANY M e Santa Mene· lecr. Lea Amoebae 17. Cal Oly mpic 190) eLCORO tlY S M./ milt, cheap° la. 1'1 3-9101-3 Atte mpt to please all m usical tastes --fro m jazz to opera --is seen in Metro's decision to cover all fields of m usic in "Grounds for M arriage," arias. K athryn Grayson-Van Johnson starrer. Miss Grayson will w arble a brace of Rodgers and H a m merstein's " Wait 'Til Y ou See Her." with the burleyed Dixieland co mbo. Firehouse Five Plus T wo, providing the jazz touch. Richard li ne man will serve as thesp as well as baton the longhair Cle fer Bert Shelter has co mpleted scoring "Holiday Rhyth m" for Lipper Productions, his first pic assign ment. . . . M onogra m's Edward J. Key is penning that studio's "Triple Trouble" score. . Betty Grable canceled plans to join hubby Marry James on tour w hen 20th Century- Fox pegged June 10 as starting date for her next pic, "Call M e Mister." . . Many Warren and Johnny Mercer have co mpleted the score for "Belle of Ne w York," an Arthur Freed production. Pic rols follo wing co mpletion of "Royal W edding," Fred Astaire M arrer. W arren recently tea med with Freed to pen the 'Pagan Love Song" (M G M) score. .. S meltery and the R hyth m Riders. W estern co mbo, will appear in Red Skelton's ' Watch the Birdie" (M G M). .. G eorge H oning na med to score 'P ro wl Car" (Colu mbia). ' . Doris Day and G ordon M ac Rae start prerecording tunes for "The W est Point Story" ( Warner Bros.). . . M ack David and Jerry Livingston report to M otion Picture Center to start tune- szoithing "At W ar With the Ar my," next Dean M artin-Jerry Lewd' ata rear. RECORD PRESSINGS 111·11at -elnylittm-F lea re IIM111 -45- ..4 AM. Test Pressing. Ff'Re Small or Lsmo chis miev. Lebeln -Pymesone -Nlasors S O N G(lt.1 F T, IN C. IMO nroatteey N·· York IC, N E V E R Y SI D E A HI T The Moon Song" PI C "I S111 Gel 1 Thrill" PlIe "Blue" 70-100· 'idle' 14 Jack' 33:1 , 01 · y FREDDIE W OLF AT Flit ORGA N Your Distributer PRUPAKIN'SALIS chump DISC CO nicOnD CO. Berlin ren, low. D. .F.'s: D. .1.'s: D. J.'s! ARE YOU S PI N NI N G THESE BEST BETS AT BEL MONT? "S HE'S M Y SU NS HI N E' EV E R Y )1O RNIN G" IA 1·999-00-1.901cy Little 8Ines.Ch mer Paul Rant OM. Vocal by Imo, Allen "T HE RE'S À TI ME 21,V1. PLA CE FO R Eti Til' T RIN E" in Pair L etto:i ed Z·c>i'er,.:2" B E L M O N T R E C O R DS 1606 7BeaOcmoendmSterreet.HeBmatoTnurk Jone W, 1950 The Billboard The Honor Roll of Popular Songwriters By lack Burton PERTINENT DATA ON SONGS AND SONG WRITERS Songs used in this series are listed according to the date of their original copyright; stage musical songs, according to the year the musicals were produced, and ern songs, according to the year of public release. Songs which have attained a sheet music sale of one million or snore are marked with an asterisk (el. In the publisher listing, the name of the present publisher, and not the original publisher, is given, and songs now in public &snubs (titles first copyrighted in 1884 or before) have no publisher credit. In listing of recordings, no so-called collector's,items are given, The record listing is representative, not necessarily complete. No. 64--BILLY HILL Something of a pioneer in popular music was Billy Hill. He brought the freshness of the great open spaces to Tin Pan Alley when it was surfeited with jazz and torch songs. He cut the pattern for such contemporary hits as Riders in the Siku and Mule Train when he wrote Wagon Wheels, The Last Roundup and Eihoty for a Chinese restaurant in Salt Lake City, where he supplied music to match the rhythm of the chop sticks. Occasionally, Billy Hill dashed off songs that sold for a low of $10 and a top of $25, one of the earliest of which was Rock-a-Bye My Baby Blues. After his band had played several Western States with alternate SONG WRITERS COMING UP: LOUIS ALTER In Subsequent Issue. TO. Billboard Will Present THE TOSSAS DROTIIERS MILTON ACER RECORD DEALERS! Make Extra Dollars inRecord Sales Saddles in the early years of the depression. And while he put the jingle of spurs and the creak of the chuckwagon in his songs. no Western State can clai m him as its native son. He was born in a city where cowboy successes and failures, he decided to hit the trail for the big town and big money. He landed in New York when the streets were glutted with apple-vendors and Brother, Can You Spare a Dime was both a radio hit FRED M ART HAROLD ARLEN NACIO HERB DRO WN BURTON LANE JIM MY VAN M U NN PETER DE ROSE at Only 25 aWeek! chaps and 10-gallon hats are sartorially taboo --in Bostpn. July 14. 1889. He was christened William Josenh Hill, but the moniker of Billy Hill suits him better, for if you reverse the two words, you'll have the name of the type of music to which his songs are closely akin --si mple, downto-earth, close-to-the-heart tunes that have the enduring quality of folk music. After completing public schpol at Weymouth, Billy Hill studied violin at the New England Conservatory of Music with the intention of becoming a member of the Boston Symphony Orchestra. The football coach at Harvard also cast covetous eyes on him for he had the weight and the physique of an All-American lineman. But when the wanderlust got the better of Billy Hill in 1916, classical music lost a promising violin and a com mon plea. For the next two years, Billy Hill worked as a doorman for a Fifth Avenue apartment house, but the pay was meager and the tips pitifully small, and he turned to writing songs to make ends meet. Even with the royalties these songs earned, the meals were frugal and scarcely sustaining. The dramatic story he told of the circu mstances surrounding his sale of The Last Roundup in 1933 brought tears to the eyes of the members of a congressional committee. which three years later was discussing amend ments to the copyright law in the defeat of which the Nmerican Society of Composers. Authors and Publishers was vitally concerned since its passage would have impaired the protection and income of ASCAP members. In testifying before the committee, MOONEY TO MCA (Continued from page I) somewhat up in the air for the past year or so. Originally with ABC, the orkster left about a year ago, presu mably to make a deal with MCA. But financial problems halted those negotiations, and the orkster aboutfaced to deal with General Artists Corporation (GAC). This deal didn't work out satisfactorily, and the orkster attempted to book himself with aid from several independent agents. At the turn of this year. Mooney gave up this idea to return to the ABC fold. In making the MCA deal. Mooney got back his ABC pact in exchange for the commissions that agency will draw for the dates thru July. No other monies were involved in the severance. virtuoso and the Crimson a potential gridiron star. Billy Hill said he was penniless and living in Greenwich Village with the VICTOR PENALIZED At the age of 17. Billy Hill started gas shut off, the rent unpaid and (Continued from page /I ) out to see the West. and for the next several years. rode the rods on freight trains, punched cattle in Montana, made up the mining comoany Payrolls M Death Valley. washed 'dishes in the chuckhouses of frontier towns and finally organized a jazz orchestra maternity hospitals refusing to ad mit his wife. In his desperation. he was about to sell The Last Roundup for 223 when Gene Buck, president of ASCAP, volunteered a loan of $200 to tide him over until the song could (See Billy Hill on page 32) additional tune just before recording time Monday, thus getting two sides out of the date anyway. Victor intends to ask for a hearing on future situations of this kind, since the company believes it unfair that it should be penalized for con- 013 totall tecora tiare, tram coati to erns. he. Th. Honor Roll of Rita Peeler sere, . and find It a real en-garter for extra record ·ale· and profit. --and · toe ow rom nt only lie it week foto ring, t.o0l1l-ro.1l7,e?tO01-4' flteltflj. . »" lay card, plus an attrartlrely printed Slit of America'i tap ten son e, a. enbliebed b Tb. Sill- board Honor Roll of loot. for leech wean that se. ·utHeribe 4fl yob do. once a week le to .dlo the taiNten Neig ibe neon, and a wl> leue the display are and yeu're ready ter Mead], IITRA ecord w ee Pampa .Same Re Impale . low In roes · real extra w e arier eho really belle ry 1M honor Roll ot IOU Porter hervIce aht nowt You'll fled rotat el uaes tnele to, ·11 your record hootha..1.1 =r counter end on. o because they way off wed PAT OFF BIC . USI TI N COUPO N TODAY 'MOE MAN 145 elF111 avaNuR. NOON YORK. M. 'a 1100·· m om ruy aidai Ice 31081X seeable li mos loll cd W U Feder Server. Ilbe C10006 is my el whale Iemb almed asn as. the first four /week. m elee I atU be billed Unmet/ter At es rate d Sae per aegis sayable monthly km as los e se / ratt ail* to we the rea m NAME STORE BILLY HILL'S BEST KNO WN SONGS AND RECORDINGS AVAILABLE ditions beyond its control. Despite his high fever, Como went ADDRESS on with his Chesterfield Supper Club TV show (NBC) Sunday (28) night, but the doctors ordered him to bed L an immediately after the show. By SLUE 1827 --ROC LA BYE YOUR BAST BLUES times by Lary heel. Music Ca pea, . 1138 --TRET CUT DO WN THE OLD PINE · TREE 1E31 -- WA G ON WHEELS them by Peter De R m. · 11, 0 Sane was introduced in We ·Zegleld follies et 153ei liallable at tie fellealre matt e Vida TO. 3672, Spade Castel orclesetrat Pe w 24071 in 6.1934, Bob Grant oishairer Capitel 13059, bawl Tr a Victor 24636, Pad Role. soot Celtnelie 17519.0, Pal Robeson wilth Columbia Cowart Ordentia.1 18:18-- THE LAST ROUNDUP .11415 b· Peter Cs one otrallable on the folio/des Need. Capitol 20022, Peal are a orthestra; Ca mbia 38739. Toe Anne; Cana 937. Dean Mar Ile/ 1935- WGRTS OUT (Areilable on the lollowles record: Vicar 20-3673, Said. Cooley ad mire Dare 24077 In 1.1936, Paged. and Schott, deal plates) PUT ON AN OLD PAIR Of SHOES twits by Nara Lee NW, the ceeposems wife outd ate on UP fellowies mar e Cara 24909, Frei Ameba; Lade. 665. Mickey Ilee end Sk ater./ DOWN THE OREGON TRAIL MAN by Pen De Rase Wednesday 131) the singer was well on his way to recovery. Oef Oie Tbe Merry-Go-Round Polka with nu.m Ws recording by Ike "POLKA MOW' F·1050 Distributers weaned FRAMYR RECORD COMPANY NEW! COLUMBIA ! $12.00 per 10 OTHER \si10.00 PER 100 1 IAMB 5.00 PER 1000 · THOUSANDS OP STANDARD AND HIT TUNES 1NEW YORK VENDING CO. This seep also Was ..roduced on IN 'beetle roller. 01 1034'. iAraliebie at the lollow n reads: Victor 20.3672, Spade Cooley oraestra; Deere 18115 In A.20I, Gene Crept orchestra: De w 24064 6.1933. Chalet Blunt orchestra: Columbia 4418.M, lias Crosby, Viclar 10-1273. Robert Verrill I THERE S A CABIN II THE PIRES ·OLD SPINNING WHEEL teati me ea the 1011001·0 recede Sete 20. 3674, Spade Cooley ordeestai Data 24064 in 6.1933, Chalet Ra m orde al./ THERE'S A NOME IN WYOMING duse Or Pete De Row COLORADO MOON Yee by deck Laiss e' ant LI ra m,. HINE VDU EVER BEEN LONELY (HAVE 1041 EVER BEEN SLUET ensue by Peter Ce Rote 'Ise Ames et the are crealted 10 Gee , . ego. Gomm for Itiiy 1.0 134- EMPTY SADDLES Awitabte on the follaelno tweeds Viaor 20. 3674 Spade [rota oramas: km 25346 te 4.658, Bite Crosby.) RAIN 18311--IN THE CHAPEL IN THE NOON. LIGHT iemllabk on the toll arloa records Victor 20.3673, Said. Catty eelintre; Mae 24077 i. A.1936, H awk and Seleal, dal pleas/ GLORY OF LOVE JUST SAY ALOHA Nara ty P.O., Oa ewe ALONE AT à TABLE FOR TWO 1014, Tel Fe Rite tyr,cs O, Dan edhnan. 1937 - IN A MISSION IT THE SEA three by Pita De Rose. 1931-- CABIN IN THE CAROLINES Lila c ti Erne $0,1 040. 193$- ALL ASHORE ON A LITTLE STREET IN SINGAPORE Hem by Peter Ce Rose. 1840 --CALL OF THE CANTON tArallable as Tea mbla mead 20251. Gera Autry./ BILLY HILL su ms VICTOR MI P.27S; 1451 611-375. Spade Godley Meta hIlly Hill. Rarity U M W. lit the ChNtiel Ii Ile twe e; tits. ow, The UM %A MP. Old Spberuna Wheel and Pape Pleas. If Fountain It. New Sloven, Conn 625 10TH AVE. NE W YORK, N Y Le, RCA VICTOR solve your problems in .. RECORDING .. PRESSING .. PROCESSING ..SHIPPING fr HANDLING AT COMPETITIVE PRICES · CONTACT DIPS. IA RADIO CORPORATION OF AMERICA e iL RCA VICTOR DIVISI ON 121 East 21rd Street, New Tart 10, N.T., Cbicafe, liellyweat GIVE TO THE DAMON RUNYON CANCER FUND 42 The Billboard NARDA RADIO.PBONO.TV NIERCRAN DISING Communications to 1584 Broadway, New York It N. Y. June 10, 1950 Aims at "Freeze Lift" Mercury Waxery Intros Line of Booklet Asks People, Products and Prices Six Video Sets Cu st o m e rs T o ti. S. Rejects Chicago Plea to Lift TV Freeze CHICAGO. June 3.-- Mercury Re a ords unveiled its new video set subsidiary this week, with a private Pressure FCC A petition by the Chicago City Council for im mediate lifting of the TV freeze in the Windy City was rejected last week by the sell' eral Co mmunications Co mmission (FCC), which clai med that afly "crystallization" of channel allocations there would afect allocations in a score of other cities. showing for its record distributors in territories now covered by TV stations. Iry Green, Mercury oregy. who is overseeing the new teleset production wing, said that Mercury Aim Announces 2 New Phonos Distributed Meru Dealers Two new phonograph models were announced, last week by George Feu, sales manager of Aim Industries. The company introduced its CHICAGO, June 3.--Further and lowest-priced 78-r.p. m. phono at a suggested list price of $13.95 and more concrete action on the "lift the a three-speed manual portable player to retail at $17.95. Both players freeze" campaign of the National Ap- are available in red and blue leatherette carrying cases. ·pliance and Radio Dealers' Associa- tion (HARDA), was taken this week PCA. Appoints 10 Reps to Handle Line when the group's members were asked to order copies of a specially prepared pamphlet for distribution to store customers. Dealers were asked to pay less than 1 cent a piece for the giveaways entitled, When Will We Get Television? The pamphlets point out that two nut of every five families are in non- Ten sales representative appointments for the Phonograph Cor- poration of America (PCA) line of phonographs were announced lust week by Al Middleman, president of PCA. Na med to handle the line were Lou Stutz. Los Angeles; Harold Kay, Pittsburgh; Bill Si mon. Cleveland; Art Engel, Kansas City; Sally blade d, New Orleans; David Sternberg, Hartford, Conn.; Harold Moore, Detroit; Willia m Garrett, Philadelphia; "Dud" Dudderer, Huntington, W. Va., and Harry Levar. tan. Chicago. TV areas, and additional two five families get service from out of a lim- DuMont Predicts .30-Million TV Set Sales by '55 ited number of stations and only one Thirty million video sets will be purchased by the American public out of five families live in an area within the next five years, according to a prediction made last week "where it can choose between four by Dr. Allen B. Du Mont. The cost of the sets and accessories for the or more stations." The pamphlet receivers will reach $7,000,000,000, according to Du Mont. Among also claims that "our community is other predictions made by Du Mont were a total of 1,000 trans mitting seriously afected by the FCC freeze" stations and "at least" four complete video networks. and suggests that action be taken by writing to congressmen, sending a Hudson Announces Three-Speed Manual Player copy of the letter to local editors and getting local business and civic organizations to adopt resolutions demanding the end of the freeze. The latest portable phonograph introduced by Hudson Electronics, Mount Vernon, N. Y., is the Model 306, three-speed, manual player. List price of the set is $39.95 and it is said to be available in "ju mbo alligator" luggage-type carrying case. Hudson manufactures the Da mping Gr andsr Junior Juke line of kiddie phonographs. is geared for custom set production. Cabinets are being purchased from various leading makers, while the chassis are being assembled at a new Mercury plant on the Northwest side. The Mercury video line contains six basic sets. ranging In Price from $299.95 for a 16-inch consolette to S4o0.95 for a 16-inch cons°.s with mM ard FM radio and a three-speed retord changer, and a 19-inch TV console with FM radio. Mercury seta are available in three or four different types of wood, with some seta con, taming the rectangular tubes, while others are equipped with round tubes. Green Intends to set, up dealer showings snon in various trade renters. Thus far, the distributor line un includes MS Distributing. Chicago: Rosen Dis:ributing, Philadelphia; Malvern. New York and Hanlon'. Conn.; Jack Young. Pittsburgh; Hoosier Simplex. Indianapolis; Mai m. Milwaukee and Mercury distributors In Dntroit. Minneapolis and Butfalo All dis'ribmors den handle Mercury disks. All Mercury sets are son-tinned with phono-jacks and built-in aerala. New Disk Spiel The weekly edition of the NARDA newspaper points out tn dealers that Notes on the Manufacturers and Distributors Gadget Seen as the freeze also afects dealers in heavy TV areas because manufac- .1 K. (Brad) Bradley has been na med assistant Central States regional sales manager for the Du Mont receivers sales division. ... Marketing Aid turers use these territories as "Munn- Capehart-Farnsworth introduced a new 18-inch TV console in 18th ing grounds for ever-production." Century mahogany finished cabinet. The receiver will list at 5379 95 Dealers in one-station cities, clai ms .. Emerson reported aconsolidated net profit of $3,048,948 for the 26- the NARDA paper, sufer because the week period ended May 6. The company ,stockholders also approved novelty of video soon wears of when set owners have no choice as to pro- a two-for-one stock split.... L. L. Del Padre Associates, with offices in Providence, R. I., and Springfield, Mass., has been named distributor grams and that customer resistance for the Steelman Phonograph & Radio Company.... The Brooklyn and develops, quickly catching dealers Charlotte, N. C., plants of Majestk are to go on a two-shift basis.... with heavy inventories. Sylvania announced expansion of its radio tube division to begin with "Television is a funny thing," the construction of anew plant in Shawnee, Okla.... Jack Nelsen. vice- states the paper. "Just mention it president of Dynamic Stores, New York chain of TV stores, resigned last in a community and it creates imme- week to start his own business.... Arvin introduced lour new table diate desire. Give them just a little -- model radios last week to retail from $19.95 to $34.95. but not ertough, and they coon Ere. No one can take the diet of one rta- tion continuously. Daalers in areas with two and even three stations will Revamp,Expansion,By-Laws, tell the some eery." The HARDA television committee has arranged fer a meeting with the Federal Communications Com mission TV Head RMA Confab Sked (FCC) Chairman Wayne Coy. The ·gmreoumpberwisll also meet with important of Congress this coming week. CHICAGO, June 3.--The 26th an-lion freeze, the setting of advertising nuit convention of the Radio Manu- standards, the promotion of phono_ DETROIT. June 3.--New device being patented and introduced experirientally here under the name of the Automatic Salesman has potentialities in adapting special recording to new merchandising u-es. Basically. the Automatic Sales man uses a recording of asales message. which may run anywhere from 5 to 35 seconds, and is so placed and electronically controlled, that it repeats the message when a potential customer steps near il. Device is designed principal> to be used as the audio adjunct of a visual sales presentation. Controls are arranged so that the record is not repeated while the customer intercepts the actuating light beam; this assures against monotonous or even irritating repetition. This feature Is said to be possible only with records, in contrast to a similar Scott Offering Direct-View TV CHICAGO, June 3.--Scott Radio factureheranr'e MAossnodcaiaytiomnor'ni(nRgMA(5)1 wiwitlhl video problems, reorganization and expansion plans, by-law changes and election of the agenda officers as of the more uothapnerm40ostcomon- mittees and sections scheduled to meet during the four-day conclave. Behind the scenes of the 'actual graph record playing equipment and jack-equipped sets, the standardization of parts and warranties, the excise tax and the servicing situation with respect to training. Ti m es -C ol u · m bi a dAeuvticcematiuscingSaleasmtaapne. arecccoorrddiinngg. uThites designers, is trained to keen still after it "speaks its piece." until another customer steps In front of the light bea m. The product is being developed by Jack W. Warr and Emanuel Silverman, the latter a radio and televirion Ahead Laboratories entered the direct view meetings scheduled, however, trade- television field this week with a sters expect the top industry brass to combination featuring a 14-tube, AM- spend much of their spare time in With engineer, and is now being demonstroatwend hstieealistde1rv.rcera sio shop. Only FM radio, three-Speed phono and 16- sparring with each other on the rash inch television, priced at $895. Also of new video models expected to be NE W YORK, June 3. --Despite a introduced was a line of seven radio- introduced between now and the com- phonos ranging fro m $1,095 down to ing fall season. 5295, bringing Scott into the mediu mpriced field. Excise Sessions Line is the first introduced since Of prime interest to retailers will slump in pop disk sales, LP sales have kept Times-Columbia, the local Columbia distrib, running ahead of the first month period of 1949. According to George Hayes, T. C. sales RMA Figures 114Mil. TV Sets in 1st Qtr. John Meek took over as president and main stockholder of Scott. Thru Scott and Meek Industries, Meek now pro- duces TV sets ranging from $99.50 on up thru most expensive custom jobs. Scott still is producing a projection TV for receiver at continued $298.50. but production saaryes plans "in- be the results of the meetings held by the excise tax committee, the phonograph cartridges committee, the "town meetings" co mmittee, the record changers and phonor moto section, the advertising co mmittee and the set, tube and parts division executive committee. manager, May, 1949. was the biggest spring month in the firm's history, due to the release of South Pacific, with billing last year occasionally hitting $60,000 in a day. Altho this May falls far below May, 1949, in over-all sales, LP sales are up 11 per cent. WASHINGTON. June 3.--An estimated 1,558,000 TV receivers were shipped during the first quarter of 1950. the Radia Manufacturers' Msociation (RMA) estimated this week. Cook County lChicagol dealers received the largest nu mber, 109.756. definite." Among the most pressing Industry The distribbery's total billing for Kings County (Brooklyn) received Meek said that the firm is produc- problems on which the RMA groups May, 1950, ran 45 per cent ahead of 66,243; Manhattan, 84.772; Philadel- ing more than 150 units a day. are expected to act are the TV eta- the May, 1e48, figure, however. phia, 63,318, and Los Angeles, 56,341 June 10, 1950 RADIO-PHONO-TV ME RCHANDISING The Billboard 4.e NBC 0.8c0. TV in Black; Phono Makers Plan New Out of Hole in 9 Months Lines for NAMM Showings Despite Present Flood of Sets (Continued from page 5) o. profit. describing it as "modest." paves the way to the possibility tha NBC may wind up 1951 with a profi The importance of NBC's turning from both its own TV stations and this tele profit is two-fold. l'or one from its network video operation. thing, it points the way to increasing profit from this important source, especially in the light of NBC's heavy commercial TV schedule for fall. For another, it means that NBC's loss from network video operations is slated to decrease almost in direct proportion to its o. and o. profit, and Annl in 3itTime Along other lines, McConnell this week marked an "anniversary" with NBC, having assumed the presidency nine months ago Thursday (1). In · quick review of his administration since then, McConnell covered these points: Expect SAG OK NBC today is operating along sounder, more business-like lines than ever before. This. McConnell as Of Code for TV serted, stemmed partly from the policy of separation of AM and TV, and partly from the cost analysis meth- Flicker Thesps ods now in effect. NBC management now gets a clear and precise picture of all of its operations --profit, -loss, HOLLY WOOD, June 3. --Screen Actors' Guild (SAG) membership is "soft spots" and the like. The obvious advantage is more intelligent operation and planning, and a greater expected to approve the org's newly knowledge of personnel productivity. formed code of wage scales and Morale within NBC. McConnell working conditions of TV fil m thesps feels, is better than ever before. at a special meeting tomorrow (à). Without directly saying so. this was Meeting will also (1) charge Eastern- interpreted as a comment on the sitbased Television Authority (TVA) uation nine months back, when NBC with atte mpting to invade SAG's was still punchy from the CBS talent NE W YORK, June 3.--Despite the flood of new portable phonographs introduced by manufacturers during the past two months, many of the same phono makers report that they are planning to show completely new lines at the upcoming Chicago convention of the National Association of Music Merchants (NAM M) July 10-13. Prices on three-speed automatic changer models are not WNYC Realigns Summer Sked ii Pitch for Ferns NE W YORK, June 3.--In its first bid to attract a larger fern listening audience. WNYC, New York's municipally operated, non-com mercial radio station, is readying a new progra ming line-up for the su mmer season, including a. "soap opera series expected to be lowered, but threespeed manual and single speed phono prices will probably drop somewhat from present levels. Boetsch Bros., manufacturers of the Birch line of players. will keep a large portion of its present phonos in the new line, but will add three or four new portable players. Hudson Electronics will show a new line of portables, but keep its present line of kiddie phones intact. Steel man is expected to keep about three of its present sets for the NA M M showing and add 15 new models. Sets Upcoming Sonic will show a complete new line; Dynavox will preem six new sets, plus several of its present players "with refinements." Covrall Industries will introduce an entire new line and also show several radio-phono sets and a new group of juvenile players. The V- M Corporation and WebsterChicago. probably the two largest phono and changer manufacturers, refuse to give any deans on the rec- jurisdiction and. (2) brand TVA's and business raids, as well as the tor upper-brows"; full-length legit ord playing equipment they'll show proposed wage scale as inadequate. change in regime when Niles Tram- dra mas recorded by the Britisn at the NA M M convention. G. I. In- SAG's code calls for an initial con- mell beca me board chairman. NBC Broadcasting System (BBC) and an dustries is expected to wait until tract of one year and that all producers observe a Guild shop. Minimu m scales are pe eed at $55 per eight-hour day for a single role in a single pie, similar to SAG's rate for theatrical films, with provision that a pic may be televised only once in each locality for the original payment to the actor. Additional saymeat to each thesp of the original amount would permit beaming the film once again in each locality. SAG's provision that actors be paid Merchants as by the day or the week compares with SAG's TVA proposal that actors in tele fil ms be paid $8 an hour for Star Makers rehearsal plus one fee, amount of which would depend on the finished length of the picture. In event of reuse of a t:levised motion picture, TVA proposes repayment of the fee only, not the original amount paid the actor. Ken Carpenter, TVA's national vice-chairman and also a SAG member, will address the Guild meeting in an eleventh-hour attempt to bring peace between the Eastern and Coast unions, now split over tele jurisdic- Needlemen Needled tion. execs, said McConnell, are thinking hour-long interview show tagged To faster and more clearly and more the Ladies. The latter airer, which aggressively. tees off this month (19) from 1 to No. I in TV In television, McConnell declared, NBC is beyond question the No. 1network, and the picture is even rosier for fall. In addition, the NBC president voiced his pride in the success of Saturday Night Revue, sold out for the fall, and successful in the face 1:55 a.m., will be produced by Seymour N. Siegel, head of the station and director of communications for New York, and ernseed by John Savage. Guests lined up for the initial broadcast include Eleanor Roosevelt. mag editor Fleur COwles. Maurice Evans, Jinx Falkenburg and Dorothy McCullough Lee, mayor of Portland, of competition from other networks and even from Federal Communications Co mmission (FCC) questioning. It was. McConnell declared, a $3.000.000 gamble that paid off. Ore. The 13-week "upper brow" soap series, which pree ms next Monday (12) at 2:20 p.m., is an adaptation of an early 10th century novel, Is He Finally, on the heels of his success Poppenjay, by Anthony Trollope. in getting the sock Groucho Marx whom Siegel describes as "the first show and the DeSoto account away master of the 'did Mary make a mis- from CBS. McConnell noted that NBC take?' style of scripting." The BB( is showing constant improvement in drama series, which was speciall> its AM-TV talent picture. Bob Hope transcribed for WNYC, and will ale will probably sign early next week (he arrives in New York Monday, 5), be made available to the Nationai Association of Educational Broadcast' and deals are pending with others. ers Network. features some of Grew some known, others still not revealed. Britain's finest legit talent. including McConnell refused to say what time Sir Laurence Olivier, John Gielgud Marx will have on NBC next fall, but and Da me May Whitty. Christopher reports from Hollywood say he's Fry's The Lady's Not for Burning slated for 9 p.m. Wednesday, now and J. B. Priestley's Inspector Can- occupied by Bristol- Myers with ing are among the plays scheduled Break the Bank. for airing. the fall for the introduction of a new automatic changer said to be lower priced than any model now on the market. Price-wise, single-speed phonos will range from $12 to $20 and threespeed manual players will be below $40. 'Three-speed automatic models with V- M changers will list for about $10 and with Webster-Chicago changers at about $80. (Continued from page 3) ality and cash in on sales of mercnandisable outgrowths rather than pay licensing fees to existing kid heroes. The move evidently stems from the merchandising successes developed around such cowboy na mes as Hopalong Cassidy, Roy Rogers, Gene Autry and others. Sponsorship will be available in ail markets by firms unaffiliated with the manufacturers financing the project. Madison. who will be starred as "Wild Bill" Hickok, and Devine, who will play his sidekick, "Jingle," have been inked to five-year con- tracts. Altho the budget was not re- To Cut Play Claims WASHINGTON, June 3. -- Two phonograph needle firms entered into stipulations with the Federal Trade Hartford Outlets Tie With Commission (FTC) this week, agree- ing to discontinue unqualified claims asrrtocthesaindumbtheart of plays Jensen obtainable. Industries, Fliekeries to Boost Sales Inc., agrees "to stop representing that its sapphire-tipped phonograph needles will play 10,000 times or that its metal-tipped needles will play up to $000 times," without plainly indi- cating that the needles may chie, break or wear, causing sound distor- tion. Bonot Company, Stamford, Conn.. entered into a similar agree- ment regarding its needles. CONGRESSMEN WAX (Continued from page 4) grassman assured of a weekly broadcast by him, even if not political. may not be inclined to buy as much air time to campaign u he might otherwise. In its letter to the joint recording facility. the FCC said Etation opera- Merchandising Pays Off: By Allen K. Wislem HARTFORD, Conn.. June 3.--Ralph Colucci, owner of the Record Shops, downtown Hartford retail music and record stores, reports outstanding success with what he terms "theater cooperation." The policy co nstata of neranging extensive promotional tie-ups on both popular and classical records with the local motion picture houses "Of course," says Colucci, "we don't do this with every picture that comes along. We generally go after tie-ups on the motion pictures that stress songs or musical score in their advertising. And this has worked out to stores thru the tie-ups. Under the tie-In arrangement, Colucci utilizes extensive store displays (both interior and window) plugging the theater and the recordings of the top tunes from the film available at the Record Shops. In return the theater managers usually plug the disk shops thru lobby displays. "There's nothing grandiose about our tie-ups with these theaters," says Colucci, "but the fact remains that over the years we've maintained an excellent relationship with the theaters, and therefore we've been able to plug our records consistently in places patronized by thousands of the advantage of the theaters as well as of our two record stores." m usic-conscious people." On a number of occasions Colucci vealed, the $5.000.000 figure is said to be about the amount available for the project. The complete package was put together by agent Helen Ainsworth, who serves as rep for the six manufacturers. The firms involved are Robert Bruce Knitwear Company: Irvin B. Foster Sportswear Company, Inc.; De Luxe Wash Suit Company. Inc.: Varsity Manufacturing Company. George Sch mid' Manufacturing Company and Western Junior Manufacturing Company. David Hire, formerly asociated with Paramount and 20th Centu ry' Fox. will film the 30-minute TV see on a $20.000 per film Midget Hire also will be in charge of producing the radio shows and theatri cal film features. He is current] starting the TV filming on the Hal Roach let The radio aeri e wilt be produced by Ruth Burch. former casting director for David Selznick. W ASHINGTON. June 3. --TV receivers have been taken off Mexico's import ban list because of the pr os- tors will have to make up their own The tie-ups are usually arranged has had top recording artists in Hart- pect of TV south of the border by minds as to whether a transcribed with theater managers Lou Cohen, ford for "autograph parties" at his the end of the year. the Commerce speech to constituents by a congress- Loew's Poli; Fred R_ Greenway, stores. On such events he generally Department reported this week. The man is political or informational. If Loew's Poll Palace: Frank Morin, Re- invites the entire Hartford amuse- Mexican Ministry of Economy will deemed political, the use of such e gal: Ted Harris, State, and Jim Mcspeech demands that an opponent be Carthy. Strand. Colucci gets in plenty ment trade, agers. This including theater manpays off in long-range per mit the import of 10,000 sets for 1950, of which no more than 2.000 afforded equal time. of plugs for records on sale at his relations, Colucci maintains, may be enclosed in cabinets. 44 The Billboard Doves for NIGHT CLUBS-VAUDEVILLE l'pts, /0, 193n Co mmunications to 15114 Broadway, New York 19 N Y AFIVI and AGVA Nitery. Take Dampened by Toppers Sign Petrillo's Note to Van Local Rains Peace Terms On Act Status Actors Charge Surrender NE W YORK, June 3.--A peace bu been agreed upon between the American Federation of Musicians (AT M) and the American Guild of Variety Artists (AGVA) after aseries of letters and a long huddle between the heads of both unions. The final pact was formalized by an agreement dated May 29 signed by Ja mes C. Petrillo, AT M head, and Gus Van. AGVA head. Under the terms of this agreement all disputes between actors and musicians will be handled on a national level. Locals of both unions will be kept out. Performers who use instru ments only incidentally in their act will belong to AGVA. On the other hand, musicians who do incidental acting will belong to the AI M exclusively. This will include all band leaders who sing or emsee. all cocktail units, accordionists. M.rmonica players, mandolinist'', zither players, etc.. whether they work in a floorshow or on stage. Rejoin AGVA Non-playing vocalists shall belong to AGVA. Singing musicians who are band members shall belong to ATM. All AI M-era forced to resign from AGVA during the current dispute and who now are determined to be rightfully belonging to AGVA will be instructed to rejoin AGVA, and shall pay no reinstatement fee to AGVA. The deal was actually made between Gus Van and James C. Petrillo after a three-hour confab. In no part of the agreement, however, was any concession made to AGVA me mbers who may also hold ATM cards. to bar them from the 10 per cent traveling tax. It is this tax which has long been a major difficulty between the unions. AT M locals have decided in the past who shall belong and collected accordingly. AGVA toppers said the matter of the tax was agreed upon verbally end that "everything will work out okay." No Legal Aid The deal was made without the benefit of legal aid by either side. Both AFM and AGVA maintained they could work out the deal without "la wyer talk." The result was that the lawyers for both sides were given the signed instrument and told this was it. (See separate story "Pe- (See Peace Doors on page 451 Benny Ind. Boff Eases Mich. Flop The full text of the agreement between the American Federation of Musicians ( ATM) and the American Guild of Variety Artists (AGVA) is in the form of aletter from Ja mes C. Petrillo, president of the AF M, to AGVA's head. Gus Van. The letter follows: Dear Mr. Van: The proposals that follow are pursuant to your com mittee's visit with our international executive board, and also constitute counterproposals to those made to us in the letter from your organization dated November 1. As a basis for solving our current jurisdictional dificulties, the Federation proposes that in "(1) Any jurisdictional dispute that may subsequently arise based on the interpretation of anything in this letter, agreement diould be resolved at the top levels of both organizations. No local branch of AGVA is permitted to determine for itself who should or should not belong to AGVA or the AIM. All such questions should be resolved by the national AGVA and national ATM officers. "(2) Members of the American Federation of Musicians who perform as an act, and, during the course of that act, do not play an instrument, will not be required or requested to resign from AGVA. This has reference to performers who may act as musicians one day and perform as musicians the next. etc. In either case, the activities of the Individual are confined to the one classification --either performer or musician. This type of performer would be privileged to belong to both organizations, and to operate under the contracts of the respective organization having jurisdiction over the type of work being done at the moment. "(3) Instru mentalists, whose performance consists in the main of instrumental playing, and who may incidentally do some acting or emseeing belong in the jurisdiction of the ATM. All band or orchestra leaders belong in the jurisdiction of the ATM, including those who act as emsees or vocalists, or give any other type of performance while acting as. leaders of bands or orchestras. "All instrumentalists, including cocktail units, accordionists. mouth organists, mandolinists, guitarists. xylophonists. zither players. etc., who play instrumentally exclusively, whether on stage, in a floorshow. In the spotlight or anywhere else, solo or with a group. shall not become members of AGVA. and must belong only to the ATM. "(4) Actors whose performance consists mainly of acting, singing and dancing, etc., and who may incidentally, during a small portion of the act, play an instrument, properly belong in the jurisdiction of AGVA. "(5) In both of the above cases, the performers or musicians, as the case might be, must use the contracts issued by their respective organizations. "(8) Non-playing vocalists traveling with a band or orchestra belong in the jurisdiction of AGVA. However, singing musicians who are members of and play with a band or orchestra, shall not become members of AGVA, and must belong only to the ATM. "(7) Members of the AT M who were constrained to resign from AGVA during the current dispute, and who are now determined to be rightfully belonging In the jurisdiction of AGVA pursuant to Paragraphs 1and 8 of this letter, will be instructed to rejoin AGVA. and should not be required to pay a reinstaternent fee. "(8) In order to avoid endless controversy, both the AT M and AGVA agree that they wiil make every effort to review all acts whose jurisdiction is in controversy and to classify them as either belonging to one or the other organization, or both, and that after this Is done, a classification will be issued to the act, attesting to the jurisdiction in which the act pripperly belongs. "(9) Concessions agreed to by the AT M and AGVA in this letter agreement are not to be construed as setting a precedent, nor should they be considered as prejudicial to any rights the ATM or AGVA have with respect to their jurisdictions granted to them by the American Federation of Labor. "(10) 'You have assured and guaranteed us that your executive committee, which includes the president and executive secretary, has authority and power to enforce this agreement insofar as AGVA Is concerned. We have your assurance also that you will keep strict control over your branches so that they do not take action on their own with respect to any provision of this agreement. "(11) This agreement may be terminated by either party giving the other 80 days' written notice of such ter mination." These proposals are submitted in an honest effort to once and for all resolve this dispute. If these proposals meet with your approval, your signature indicating your approval at the bottom of this letter will constitute this a binding agreement. Sincerely Tours. Ja mes C. Petrillo President Las Vegas a·Moola Oasis; Talent To Get $2,500,000 INDIANAPOLIS. June 3. --Jack Benny grossed $15,000 for his one- 'tighter here May 24 at the Coliseum. The same package playing last week in Detroit worked to half houses, and one show was canceled there because, (Continued front page 31 is of compared to a few years ago, verted a whistle stop village of 8.000 into a booming resort town of more as it was explained, flying schedule but the sizable boost In tourists more than 25,000, boasting some of the presented than makes up the deficiency. Current nation's swankiest hotels and niteries. The Detroit date at the Masonic grosses are greater than ever. Ops welcome the entry of new spots, Temple. a 4.500-seater, played first show to about half a house. the At Chief attraction tioned gambling, is Nevada's sancconsiderably en- feeling that newcomers will stimulate tourist interest. But when new the Grand Rapids Stadium. biz was hanced by use of high budget enter- rooms enter the talent market, they also off, and a later show was erased. 'tain ment to lure em into the casinos. fear that already inflated salaries Observer blamed the biz drop in 'In leu than a decade, smart opera- will skyrocket. Detroit to the $3.50 top. tion and top-drawer talent has con- (See Las Vegas a !Hook) on page 47) Theaters Just So-So (Continued from page 4) holiday hurt both the latter two days The East Side rooms average from fair to poor. In some cases it was insufficient advertising, according to informed sources. In other cases it was the holiday that kept them away. Spots like the Ruban Bleu, Blue Angel, Versailles and the hotel rooms, Pierre, Plaza and Waldorf. did only fair. In most cases ope said that regulars were out of town for the long week-end and what drop-ins there were, were smell. The vaude-flick did well fturday and Sunday, with the Mus..: Hall and the Para mount way up front. The other theaters did okay but all of them went down Monday. 7..e Tuesday holiday, with its sunny skies, kept them outdoors. Probably the hardest hit were the resort spots. Week-end shows booked were canceled on a minutes' notice when the rains washed out customers. In some cases bookers who issued contracts were held responsible, but in most instances lobs were arrang -d on · verbal basis. so actors were merely told the dates were of. Chicago cafe biz was big over Saturday and Monday but, as a result of the holiday week-end, it dropped off during the subsequent week. CINCINDiATI, June 3.-- With many Cincinnatiana hitting the outdoors for the long holiday week-end, local theaters and niteries experienced the usual slump. Percentage-wise, the dip was no greater than in other years. The night spots in Kenton County, Kentucky, just across the Ohio River from here, suffered the least. With the gambling heat si on In Use adjoining Ca mpbell County, clubs there felt little of the holidays slump, as biz was already bad. Only Beverly Hills Country Club, with Ted Lewis on deck, held to something approximating normal business. With the Campbell County gaming edict shooing much of the flush trade to the Kenton Count spots, ope there continue to prosper, with the Lookout House garnering the lion's share of the play. HOLLYWOOD, June 3.--Nitery here over the Decoration Day weekend held up .ernarkably well in the face of the area's usual exodus to rac e Ian & during · four-day holiday. Ciro's H. D. Hover reported the hest week-end biz in a month. Swankery was featuring the Charlivels. Cocoanut Grove found biz taking · slight dip. Saturday night (Sc. Nitery Take on page 46) Krupa to Relight Palomar, Seattle SEATTLE, June 3.--Palomar Theater here goes dark for three weeks June 5. Reason for move Is installation of pushback seats and new floors. Flesh policy starts again June 211 with a bill featuring Gene Krupa. The Count Basie outfit has been scheduled tentatively for the week of July 3. Altho no figures were quoted. Norm Bobrow. of Sterling Theaters promosh department, said that the weekly vaude policy with a headliner has proved more biz-hep than the regular five-act, no-big-na me booking policy. Under the new plan top price is a buck, compared to 89 cents under the old scheme. June 10, 1950 The Billboard NIGHT CLUBS-VAUDEVILLE 45 Palomar, Seattle IMondm. Us,' 291 VAUDEVILLE REVIE WS ·Cal:teeny. 1.900. Price pulley: 50 cents to I MLoe Thrpleaeyedshowbys Rdaeiyly,Walloulrin.on howeemleHenmdst.. Oriental, Chicago 1Thursday. June I Palace, New York Thund ay. June 1 The final three-week week's bill before a shuttering was solid, daCay.paciPlteay, 'M3.2or0ee. daF1i1ly.0 Hcoolimce,. bo3o0kerto. NCharcelnteys with each act cornering lots of mitts. Mogen. Sheri played by Carl Hands home PouCarpecshiottw.s d1.a7i0l0y. Prflekee estraunrged.em.30 RoIeLntOe-111d.u7n0.g booker. Dan Friendly. Producer. Day. Beale Ernsee Benny Rubin didn't miss a band. Show played by Don Albert's house orb. trick. His dialect material h as solid as ever and his hoofing impressions sold. Especially strong was his French -Iri sh -Jewish -Polish-Chinese turn, which had the yocks riding high. His Southern soldier overcame all resistance. The Four Whirlwinds, roller .katers, won big response on double and single twirls, with the colored light Current two-weeker is good enter- This is a pleasant variety bill with tainment, but fails to build to a crescendo finale. Louis Armstrong's concert group plays too much instru- three given standard marquee acts, of billing. which one is The present mental music, failing to come on show is a departure from the usual with enough showmanship to put it formula. Instead of eight acts it has over. Husky Velma Middleton, who, with Armstrong, did a show-stopping duet on That's My Desire, failed to do an encore. Armstrong's band, how- only seven, and the headliner closes instead of going on next to closing. Will Mahoney is the closer and his an exciting visual factor. The two gals' air-flip twists near the floor worried the audience in just the right witY. The Duanos (Ted and Rita) terped to advantage. Tiny brunette and partner make much more of their waltz chores than mere filler material. Fandango finale hit healthy response. On the vocal side the Royal Brigadiers offered a Ben Yost-type ever, did six straight jazz nu mbers. With the terrific natural comedy talent in la Middleton and Armstrong. the unit is missing a great vaude bet. Eileen Barton's vocal work cannot be properly assayed, for the lustyvoiced chirp worked too close to the mike. Gal, a tempestuous-looking youngster, knows salesmanship well, putting her numbers over visually. Her intro didn't stress her connection She's My Lilly tenor vocal got as big a hand here as it did when he worked the Palace in the two-a-day era. Ma- honey's Jaunty derby, toothy grin and general amiability found a ready audience. His punching-bag tap bits, falling hoofology and xylophone dance drew big hands. There was little doubt that the house still re membered him. turn. Quintet is sound vocally, but with the hit, Baked a Cake, with the The show opened with Martes and the he-man grenadiering tended to result that she didn't get the atten- Lucia, who started with a rumba the corny side. Did such tniical3 tion she deserved from the start. Won song. seguing into some brilliant hand- as Road to Mandalay, Stout Hearted heavy mitt with the hit rendition. to-hand, head-to-head and foot-to- Men and a Naughty Marietta medley. Joey % Min hit im mediately with foot balancing tricks. The red-headed Bill was cli maxed by Eddie Peabody who received terrific reception. Banjoist had 'em right from the start and had to beg of after a lengthy request period. Works his usual interpelations around a chord, and then swings into steadies: Star Dust. Babyface and Tiger Rag. Barricade. Wit Stevens. Chicago, Chicago several story gags, expertly told, after which he went Into a series of meaty impreshes of musical instruments and auto horns. Worked in a brace of Irish ditties, before going Into his excellent characterization of Jimmy Cagney. whom he resembles even with his new blond mop. Nabbed meaty mitts for all offerings. June and Martin Barrett. a youthful, handsome tap tea m offering the standard tap routines, need something individual to set their work gal, besides looking good, Is a tine topper, whle the short, dark lad is an equally fine understander. Harry Stockwell. on in two, :gave a rousing bary rendition of an Oklahoma medley and wound up with Old Man River. In between it was Movie Show in the Sky and Foolish Heart for a sensational singing job. Stockwell's been in many musicals and in a few pia. His voice is thrillingly big and warm and his appearance sufficient to dress any stage. 'Fridley. May 21 apart. Pair seem to have the ability Dog Tricks · dailCaypacety., Price deny: policy. 30 to Id cents am shows week-ends gouge booker. Harry lAmar. Blum played by John PlekerIng's house band. to do something original judging from their fine interpretation of both rhythm and Latin numbers. Pulled okay mitt in opening spot. Alf Loyars Stallions, a group of dogs, most of the m French poodles. come on with muzzles shaped to look like horse heads and go thru various Lucille Ball is one of the few flicker names who does pa's thoroly prepared for a live audience. 'Coupled with her hubby, Deli Amax who's been just average locally in the past, the Hollywood couple stack up as topnotch stage fare. The carrot-topped comedienne is a real looker with an ingratiating personality. Aritas confin es himself to fine Latin warbling and straighting for his frau. Miss Ball is exceptionally versatile, doing songs, trying her hand at the Charleston and contributing a Red Skeltonish bit built around her attempt to get ajob with Johnny Siegel. Loew's Penn, Pittsburgh ,Thureday. aley 35, Cemen Saturday. t.Pri2.4c8e8. Pour range. show, daily. 60 cents to five tile Mouse band. Meurlm Paltrier. orchestra House is trying another stage show venture to hype falling grosses _r.d. with the little marquee value It has shown, did good enough biz opening day to warrant booking. Headed by Dick Contino. who is presenting'sis revue, show is a little top-h avy with musical acts, but it is a smooth-running production that garnered a big precision paces. Later they go thru single bits, involving tight Wire walks, hat catches, hoop catches. etc. In between there are amusing bits that helped tie the act into an excellent dog presentation for big hands. Bob Evans's standard ventriloquist act using the "precocious" du mmy, Jerry O'Leary. drew giggles which grew to yocks as the act warmed up. Baron and Berney. dance tea m, did 3 pleasant terp job, pacing their nu mbers for appreciative effects. The Three Swifts' standard comedyIndian-club-juggling act was as smooth as ever. The audience here has apparently not seen them often, A maz's band. The last item frac- mitt thruout. Contino is a good so every one of their standard bits tured 'em. The duo's wind-up, with Arnaz doing hi; standard Cuban Pete while she comes on as a Brooklyn cutie, won a terrific bow-off mitt. showman and sells fine, despite a drew good laughs and a fine exit little stiffness In Introducing the acts. hand. Tops in the supporting cast is Johnny Will Mahoney closed the show. Mungall, a tenor, who as the extra Pic, The Kid From Texas. Rest of the show is also tops. Mary (See Locus's Penn, Pitts, on page 121 Bill Smith. Raye and Naldi, working the rough Roxy, Radio City Up Take;· opening slot, captivated pew-sitters with an opening number that featured some terrific handling of Mrs Raye by Naldi and a spicy Cuban number to close. Karen Tedder, blond chirp last with Red Ingle, ran the gamut of song, doing everything Other Grosses Just Okay from balads to novelties. The Honey Brothers, three acrocomics, have a knockabout act in which every gimmick used was new. From start to finish they garnered bellylaughs. NE W YORK, June 3.--The two big houses. Radio City Music Hall and the Rosy, were chiefly responsible for the jump in over-all takes of Pic, Love That Brute. the Stem's combo houses. The other Johnny Sippel. theaters did okay, but the split up Paramount (3,654 seats; last 12week average $78,000) for its second week --with In a Lonely Place, Patti Page, Elliot Lawrence ork, Pat Henning and Frankh Laine--took in $70,000 against an opening week of of the Decoration Day week-end 00,000. holiday didn't help too much. Strand (2.700 seats: last 12-week fhe TUNE CRIERS TOP MUSS-COMEDY Radio Cit. Music Hall (6.200 seats; last 12-week average $123,000) did 6155,000 for its second week with Father of the Bride. Ladd Lyon and Martin Brothers. Its previous week average $41000) went off to $37.000 for its second week with Xavier Cugat ink. Betide Styles and Caged after an opening week that saw $49,000. TRIO saw $150.000. Palace (1,700 seats: last 12-week Boxy (6.000 seats; last 12-week average $18,000) had anormal sag for THE Cutlets currently FUME ROOM Moue City. Ii average $68,000) zoomed up to aao,00q its second and last week cf its anni- for its first week with Sid Cessai, versary show when its take was Faye Emerson. Imogene Coca and 626,000 against the opener of 630,000. Love That Brute. Bill had Belle Baker, Smith and Capitol (4.627 seats: last I2- week Dale, Cliff Edwarda four other acts .fre MUTUAL ENTIlifilifilfla AGENCY. INC. average $43.000) collected 643,000 for and Shadow, on the Walt: New show, its initial week with Big Hannover, reviewed this issue, has Will Maplus Woody Herman band, Gene Bay - honey, Three Swifts, five other acts Joe and Bill Farrell. and The Kid From Texas. J UDY CANOVA BOOKING NO W 1950 FAIR DATES w H. Pheee. Write et Wire H. R ug tea ·rerle Hollywood IA Calm TENNESSEE ERNIE NO W ON PERSONAL APPEARANCE TOUR-3RD EDITION · · · Capitol Recording Star · · · inclusively Managed WM. H. KING 2025 NO. M OTU AV,. HOLLYWOOD 211, CALIFORNIA --en IC.A Vider -- MONTANA SLIM (WO Gashed end his son JAMBOREE 10 * ARTISTS * tO NOW POURING CANADIAN PROVINCIS JUNO IN te AUGUST 1211. wide Mire Phone WwaAInn,er. t2-e45n7t7 JOLLY JOYCE Earle Theater Bldg. Philadelphia 7. Pa. entr PEOMOTIOI M MANORS * * Mum IN Able Te Mari ed Onml dhaanwsdleer%creU.wP..C_tode Mesumoe ho2e on cil=m. MOM, SorongInenSbatere.1'e KO weilfl,mepiermep,brodekeneeendwasusteenetMY Hotel WrJiteCorMIuiLLnPA,S,PegivriMilnlgRsenphearoenae, nuClimcber. t".46 NIGHT CLUBS-VAUDEVILLE The Billboard li me 10, 1950 ATA Sets Vaude NIGHT CLUB REVIE WS Mich. Bookers For Okla. Arena Starlight Roof, Waldorf. Vine Gardens, Chicago Merge With ARA CHICAGO. June 3.--An experi- Astoria, New York IThuesday, June II DET R OI T, June 3.--A formal ment in amphitheater operation starts June 30 at the huge Lincoln Amphitheater, Okla ho ma City, when Associated Theatrical Agency, 'Thursday. June II Capacity, 100. Pri m policy, 02 corer. Shows at 9,30 and 12,15. Owner, Hilton chain Exclusive booker, Mendel Abbott. Esti mated budget thi· slu m $11,000. Capacity, II . Price policy. P AO cover Charge, 00 cents minimu m. Elbows at 5:30. 17 and 7. Operator. Jim my Pati na: publicity. Helen W eed. Booting polka. earinal 7e toDI Paid Marc. Esti mated budget this snow. 12.290 Esti mated budget last show. 12,401. merger of the Michigan Theatrical Booking Agents' Association into the Artista' Representatives Association (A R A), ru mored for several m onths (The Billboard, March 4), became Inc., starts a seven-day policy of a fact here Wednesday (31). -he vaudeville in the 14,000-seat outdoor layout. Frank Tracy, Oklaho ma City agent. is being assisted by Leo Salkin, local booker, in packaging the weekly revues, which will use a mixed cast of vaude acts or a week of top name bands or concert packages. The amphitheater will play one show nightly at 25 and 50 cents admish. Lastfogel Leaving The amphitheater, which is 12 years old, was up to 1950 operated by the Chi Morris Office city, but has been leased by the agency for 1950. A new amphitheater is currently being built in Kansas City, Mo., which, it is esti mated, will hold 10,000. Up to now, no definite progra m plan has been set, but it's expected that the town's centennial program will be played there late in the su mmer thru early fall. The amphitheater A m ulti- barreled opening jammed the room so badly that confusion prevailed, much of it attributed to the various gimmicks the management had cooked up to celebrate · Turn of the Century motif. These involved door prizes plus an elaborate fashion show. As the prize awards and the fashion parade were run between shows, the dinner crowd was reluctant to leave. The supper mob, backed up in the outer lobby, made it a bedlam. The Waldorf is a class spot, .r.d giveaway gimmicks and door prizes are not for ultra spots like it. A show combo of Guy Lomba do and Vic Damone should be strong enough on its own. If it isn't, then dcar prizes won't help. The il feeling around by absence of tables reserved This near. North Side bistro has another strong show to follow Myron Cohen, who set new attendance marks for the spot. Primarily responsible is Willie Shore. whose relaxed performance tops anything he's ever done locally. Shore, in the headline spot, got 40 minutes and really worked. Hampered normally by a lack of material, Shore came up with a specialty bit on the local heat applied to strip joints, a ru mba les- son with a custo mer and various other ne w top bits. Shore w orked to two or three hecklers. with Ids returns grabbing sho w's best laughs. As usual, his dancing stopped the sho w. T he Rice Sisters, · pair of blonde lookers, offer an unusual acro-adagio action was for ally ratified by the Michigan group's board of directors. The move places what is generally considered the most solidly established independent booking group in the area in back of the ARA progra m. CHICAGO, June 3.--Bob Lastfogei, for the past 12 years with the W illia m M orris office, this w eek ankled the local W M branch to go into business. If plans w ork out, he will go into personal management. It is ru mored that he will be re- placed by a booker fro m N e w Y ork. will be open for short leases to independent promoters. SPICIAL RAILS AT SHOIN 4 01.1i HEAD QUART ERS In New in advance is hardly good turn, with gals doing excellent unison public w ork and adagio w ork usually done relations. by a boy and gal. Handling on two- The opening brought the trade out in wholesale lots. The top agencies. man stuff is tops. Nabbed consistent mitting in the opening slot. music pubs and record companies were all well represented. It ) s natural for them to eat ·up everything done by either Vic Damone or Guy Lombardo. Adjectives that ranged from great to terrific were bandied about freely. Bea Saxon should work to the mirrored wall during a rehearsal, for her facial grimaces mar an other- wise cute face. Gal puts plenty of soul into a song, but she needs sonie special material to make her act stand out. Johnny Mope/. PEACE DOVES (Continued fro m page 44) trillos' note to Van.) AGVA members are already aroused at what they charge is a weak surrender to the AT M. They claim Petrillu, was anxious to get the deal signed, so he could have it ready to read at the A F M H ouston convention, and that V an, in giving actors a way to A T M without full York Beour guest! Damone Oversells Vic Damone, visibly nervous, probably sang better than he ever did before. But tho the boy is good, he has not achieved the stature to permit him to oversell and go into heavy Mermaid Room, Park Sheraton Hotel, New York 'Werineaday. May 711 discussions, laid hi mself open to censure. R ank-and-filers clai m verbal understandings bet ween V an and Petrillo will have no standing in future disput es because there'l be no written instrument to refer to, 400 ROOMS-400 BATHS Free radio in every me n, Television available. Air. C·nd .oned Cocktail lounge and Re no w n,. al mprooll 0e Singl· Te nn $3 Double fro m 14 HOTEL President 48th St. · JUST W EST OF 1.W AY histrionics as he did opening night. Capacity. NM. Price policy, no mini mu m or Ordinarily. Damone is a fine ballad oner. Ten n at 7:30. 11 20. 1,10 and I a m. singer. On this show out notes so far and he stretched over-mugr I Owner's, threaten sive. Publicity, Ed this above, 4E900. chWaiein.ner.Booekmianng.atendon-ebuxdclgue-t so frequently that the meaning of the lyrics were frequently lost. He did noticeably better (for the nontrade customers) when he went into Zither player man who started theme dither, is Anton Karas, the all this Third Man probably the most things with a beat or a novelty twist. unassuming performer ever to appear His f Love the Girl, for example. was an outstanding SUCCESS. It had amusing lyrics, a good delivery and a hstenable tune. But even tho '· e Waldorf regulars may not cotton to in the Mermaid Room. Wispy, spectacled and dressed in conservative blue serge, the little Viennese looks more like a bashful bank clerk than a musician. Damone's more com mercial Mercury Some smart showman has devised items, You're Breaking My Heart the perfect w ay to sell azither player and Why Was I Born?, the college kids will probably eat it up. Damone to the public. adorned table Karas sits at an unagainst a stark black except the one which was signed last week. NITERY TAKE (Continued from pane 4) (27) turnout was 810 as compared to 850 the previous week. Spot is playing the De Marcos, Mimi Benzel cnd Miguelita Valdes. Palladiu m found biz equal to that of previous weekends. Bzach spots, however, were deserted. Casino Gardens, which opened especially for the holiday week-end, repoited turnout so low that the spot abandoned earlier plate for staying open thru the su mmer. and slammed its doors until next month. Iron Build Managing We re./ Ed ward 0_ Pratt Manager COMEDY MATERIAL made a shor: reference to his nervousness that was engagingly humble. In fact. it w as so good he might continue using it in his act. drop and plays three or four standards. a Viennese w altz and, of course. his Third Man music. Then taking no encores, he ducks modestly behind the curtain while an interpreter G uy Lo mbardo dld an outstanding delivers a quaint "thank you" in job of sho w backing. In his dance Karaes behalf to the audience. NORM DYGON oval 'UR " PI A N O NOVELTIES Per All trenches el 7heetrIcels OLBAILSLOYN 'SFUN- MASTE R '111E ORIGI NAL SN O W SIZ OA° N U" NOS I THOU 35 e $1.00 EACH SOL D IN SEONIINCE Otter semetAt --E MS, 13 FIL ES FOI Ile M O SPECI AL -- ALL IS FILMS IM)$$$$$$ · 3 Bra PARODIES, per amok II · -All 3 diferent W e n NW $W -- · MINST·EL 'Weiner .. . 9 · 4 eit ACROuT 15001(5, mesh book SW · All 4 di volumes for ne -- e NO W TO NASTIER THE CERE MONIES · 'reissue, 52.00 nr COPY NO roe> , PAULA SMITH 200 Wed 54th SI., Now York 19. Do e le sessions he's the sa me old listenabie Lombardo he's been for so many years. But for the show the band really had to play music, and it did an impressive job. The ahoy' teed off with.Lombardo's pleasant emseeing and bringing on Bill Flannigan for a guitar solo on The Third Man Theme. It was an effective opener and tied in the fact that Lombardo has a smash Decca record on this number. Miacha Borr did a solid chore of inter mission m usic. Bill S mith. Karaes simple dignity and astute musicianship add up to disar ming showmanship. In direct contrast to the melodic nostalgia of Karin and his zither, Joe Bushkin's Trio, at the stage bar, is strictly for moderns. Bop-styled and paced for speed, the group (piano, dru ms and bass) Is m usically sound and surprisingly sho w- wise. Pianist B ush kin supplies m ost of the latter quality with his relaxed mike m anner and personal sales sa vvy. June Bundy. IN Dimeliente Currently MIA MI hOtEL Omaha, Neb. MUTUAL ENTE MINMENI kliENCY. IK. N O W A V AI L A BLE Male ...In% Ori nnime (own organs,. Girl Slo ane Pianist., bocal and In·tro mental , W ANTED IN SHORT Quartet. and Entertain' . Bands of all types. Write. Hire. Phone Dance Oreltesi na. White and Colored to one nlantera and locution. seven or more ni nes, olds Lady Vecalista. Car. alto an {bow. and Acts of ·11 descrintions --tini···· and Western Banda. Acts for nit. clubs. Write mattes all and Include photo of band or act. AGE NT P.O. lox SIS ) New Paea n 7, L. fo- . W E D A C T S W A N T E D CILI\Nros il 'We n your lu mp Ent or west. Cam 01 Meer many Meld stub. theater, Da mpen · 10 lion anal bana na bookines now. Wean. wire,DniAne Y In!S . K N E EI A N D 01 AMI/S·en·NT noon. . TERVICe 01 W O W .. e.pol,`Po SI ., 'regai n 1, N.Y. 40 A.O.V.A. $ éttettrIll atli Libl.110111.1 01en all ni al2 V g Tony Canzoneri and Mark Plant are looking for a co mic and will form anew act. Joey A da ms is no w doing a radio sho w, "Ftate Your Mate. Charlie Y et « recently beca me u gra ndfather. . . . Eadie and Rack. piano tea m at the Blue A ngel, originally w ent in for a two- weeker to pay part of their six- wee k vacation in N e w Y ork. They've been there ont year and five m onths. . . . H arry Kilby. ex- G A C, topper, opened his o wn agency in Mia mi with a cocktail party. ...Barbara Perri w as signed by V al Parnell to play op posite To m my T ender in "Starlight R oof' at the Brighto n Hippodro me near London. . . . A n eatery in to w n fea- tures orchid cocktails but explains one can't get high on the m. The price as sufficient to keep buyers a way. . . . Jeer Collier. of the B oston G eorge H ainid ofice, is exclusive booker for the Salisbury Frolics, just outside of Boston. . . . Balti more's Hip podro me closed its doors W ednes- day O D for renovations. It will be sho wless for about a month for ex- te nsive painting and re pairi ng. !l e e Lei% fe. 117 Broad way New York It, N. Y. COlu mb n 5.9439 COCKTAIL TRIOS AND UNITS Ai m Vocalists and Act.. we nose work for Sou. Contact NOR D JERSEY THEATRICAL AGENCY M roenl. m. Ave. Unten City. New Jersey W A NTE D N OVELTY ACTS We can break r.o.u,r, Lurios ioSend JOE SPENCER Entertain ment ISO N. Da n n . A w. Inianapolla 4, ltd June 10, 1950 The Billboard NIGHT CLUBS-VAUDEVILLE 47 No Takers as Yet For Dei. Bowery Las Vegas aMoola Oasis; Talent To Get $2,500,000 A C TS W A N TE D (SSeopWterrhneeehroa.esvltmeelran,lwFurnietnuetmeyleSonuaerleootIonrfcol&.rhwreneItwtmhmtuPaeermnolertadtb,enelcart.lomo.emawyuor¿edhC.aeantr,md.MeZmOeeOlWhrae.nele,e.Ifn· DETROIT, June 3.--Despite the fabulous reputation of the Bowery during its 15 years of operation, there have been no offers for the spot since it was closed two weeks ago, accord- ing to the receiver, William C. Ma- guire. Assets of the place now stand at about $15.000, against some $35,000 of preferred claims, including taxes and labor, and an unstated amount of general clai ms. Maguire is working on the sale of the liquor license, considered the most valuable portion of the remaining as- sets, and apparently is not hopeful of getting any substantial amount for good will. No inquiries have even been received to take over the na me opfrobthaeblespotat. Only present plans are considered in reported efforts by Dorothy Barbaro, former wife of Frank Barbaro, who took over (Continued from page 44) , turnes, special lighting and mks. Five major hotels on the strip a two-ana -a-half -mille stretch of highway on the outskirts of town -- have informally discussed plans of putting a ceiling on budgets, but at this time it appears unlikely that any concerted action will be taken. With two more lavish hotels slated to join the "big Bye," the struggle for talent could not be curbed by agreements. Of-the-record co m- The Desert Inn's (capacity 400) current show, costing about $7,500, has Connie Boswell, Dean Murphy, Johnson and Owen, a line of 12 and Eddie Oliver's band plus Johnny (ex-Art Mooney vocalist) Martin. Miss Boswell holds them with her medley of oldies. Dean Murphy's fast blue-tinged gags kept laughs coming. Johnson and Owen's parallel bar act was tingling. ments by some ope indicated that El Rancho Vegas (capacity 320; the fat-pay Frankenstein was already esti mated budget $5,000) has .he afoot. One op predicted that if an Hoosier Hotshots as a holdover. It's agreement is made it will fail as did one of the weaker shows in town, earlier eforts to curb talent costs. tho Artini and Consuelo, also on the Similar move was made before with ope agreeing to keep budgets below bill, do a solid job. The line (8) does two good numbers, and Carltsm $5,000 per week. But within two weeks, talent handlers had whipped Hayes's dancing. ork backs and plays for the place from him, to reopen with up competition to where ope were Flamingo (capacity, 700; estimated the assistance of fresh capital. bidding against each other and budget $12,000), one of the plushiest budgets zoomed above the $10,000 in town, has Harpa Marx who regu- ·HOUSE MIL SETS (Continued from page 3) by the committee's decision yesterday to tighten up on that levy. The committee several weeks ago had tentatively voted to cut the cabaret levy to 10 per cent yesterday but, on voting to cut instead to 15 per cent, the committee brought into the open a conflict that has been seething backstage for days on this levy. A committee spokesman said that altho the com mittee's latest action is considered as final, so far as the committee itself is concerned, there is no certainty that the measure may not again come up for reconsideration before the com mittee discharges a final bill to the House floor. The committee has been working every day for weeks on the tax bill, and there is still a lot of work to be done on other levies. It is doubtful if the com mittee can wrap up the bill within two weeks, but this nevertheless is the group's objective. mark. O pe say there aren't enough na mes to go around. The Desert Inn, El Rancho, Fla mingo, Last Frontier and Thunderbird change shows about every two weeks. With each house demanding 26 names per year, the strip must have 130 headliners annually. Ops feel its tough to find that many good acts now, and shudder at the prospect of new spots dipping into the shallow talent pool. With the opening of each new class room in recent years, the talent problem has become increasingly critical. First hotel was El Rancho Vegas. which opened in 1941. This was followed a year later by the Last Frontier. The $6,000,000 Flamingo opened three years ago. Last year the Thunderbird opened, and four weeks ago Wilbur Clark's Desert Inn kicked of with · $25,000 per week package headlined by Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy. larly brings down the house. Jeanne Deter man's ballading shows a line legit voice; Mickey. De Wood's bary pipes are good, and line (12) is efective, featuring the Kings and Dick Maitland in special routines. Bill Clifford's ork backs and does the dance music. Thunderbird's (capacity 600: esti- mated budget $6,000) show follows a circus motif, using Jimmy Wakely (Capitol disker) in the featured spot. It's areturn date for him and, judging ft the hands, he's a rai draw. Betsy Jones, chirp with Sandy Sand- ifer's uric backing the show, is sub- bing for Maggie Whiting in the duet work with Wakely on such disks numbers like Slipping Around* and Let's Gt, To Church. Artie Ja mes does a tine roller skating act: Boy Foy does equally well on the uni- cycle. Line (6) follows the circus idea. and Barney Rawlings 13 a capable ern: ee. Recently written, then tire complete parodies, $5.00 JaHaCCahellnrao,oerlu,etsteeascasthhbeee.esn.Ome..nT.hThlut...Eh.MerrmalhaeshOlmdroMeannmmmeeanaMne.lerueonm'sem,,-artWt.eeewn, CALL-WRITS- WIRE MANNY GORDON 19 W. NORTH ·VE.. MILWAUKEE S.Wit HAN K THO MPSON anti His fiend * Capitol Records Stars * AVAILABLE FOR Parks --Faln --CelebratIons TOUR STARTING JUNE 24 Wept. Mire Phone WAInut 2-4477 WAInut1.1·51 JOLLY JOYCE Elwin Poole, Bldg. Philadelphia 7, Pa. IN PHILADELPHIA. PA. CLINTON HOTEL 11119 8·10. Spruce 200 OUTSIDE BOONS FROM $2 hoemel Weekly late. Hnuseaerens Aparlzueute NEWLY RONOVATOD. NEW TILE tr.eter.4* &crud lamp eat. « (median' oi ·ii "o wns, YaCKS APLENTY "BL U E N O TES" Aooifmnultne,bee.l.w,.h..e.nigwnonhbetnh·dFn.clmucoanbremthidolsmla.m.thea,Inrnm»as.leudyolauiranyn.nda*mmleolLaleun,tae.Iyn,gbaI·nwboamryoantludrhe JACK W. SPRINGER NM Window Are. Nemmtead, N. T. More Coming SELA N'S Weeld's Largest Guy McAfee and Jake Kozloff, of the Golden Nugget Gambling Hall, Greeters Of have formed the Sunrise Hotel Cor- ,.. · - ·Waterfellsellra·· b· ··SCwhiIt.gcnh·eesntTeo·. TrPCeuerelw,..fe·mTmweee.".· Wlet HAIR SIRED PIKES Write for PA U CATALOG Oa U I W C PlWuIRmrIIrAHCeMxTliEHOpnHUeeAefrorMLrdtLLIlASEyONTGotueiSrnGetmadAon,dHFAeReuILeEanarlRatl.e.Ed-Eof »tattle Ralr Plme a MChAiIS32cESo'L'NDu,G.eAOSttaOtNDe'ISlIl.iSnIte,ClO.s poration and will soon break ground on the strip for. a 250-300 room hotel, complete with nitery and casinos. Kozloff told The Billboard that the hotel will be comparable to the big five and will follow a Class A talent policy. Ground has been staked out for a seventh hotel on the strip, backed by local and Holl, wood cash. Mae West will start building her Diamond Lil's theater restaurant, also expected to go after top talent. To further complicate the picture, ops have to shoulder the freight in bringing acts from the East. With I a majority of tourist trade coming from Southern California, hotels um-74ruts strive for talent that's fresh to Hollywood audiences. Spots will pull in Eastern attractions and pay extra FIsuTmS oTHRtotO1UG·e 1 dough to oiake it worth their while. However, as soon as the acts complete NseeicutpstELoLeYl..(.e.D A we! TAG t.1.1,1M1yMAN M & ca.1N0T II 710SÇecoD 'rfei_fli tic.n tof 3 In/t Is /tie r WERTERN BADGE ardez p NOVELTY CO . 401 M. SCHARER ST·ST.PAUL I.MINN. their Las Vegas stands, they invariably move to Hollywood. Some ope are griped by this procedure, claiming it unfair because they are forced to carry the freight load. With gambling as the sole source of revenue, niteries end hotels purposely operate at a loss. Altho cafes ofer lavish shows, none of them charge a minimu m or cover. Idea is to make a Las Vegas junket so reasonable Rente mbee when they used to joke about the traveling musician who had to carry hie mighty pipe organ with hi m? Well --it's possible now. There is an amazing new invention that eli minates both the weight sod expens, of console and key actio ns--by making use of electronic piano-organ --the Lowrey ORGAN°. Quickly installed on the piano, it produces rich organ music In co mplete chord structure· -- played with both hands right on the piano keYhoard. It doesn't interfere with the piano --but you can play intriguing duets by your mlf --organ and that it is hard to resist, even for the misting piano keyboards. piano together. T H E A T RI C A L guy with a moderate pocketbook. The organ proper then can Want so mething new -- FOOT WEA R Most of the spots are designed to be easily carried in two utt erly diferent? Hear the H E ELS 4 T O 7" CUSTOM MADE STAMP {RINGS /OLDER S. CERVASI O 1km 151. ladle City Sta. make nitery patrons walk thru the casino to enter' the cafe. No coverminimum, 50-cent drinks, reasonably priced meals and high-priced entertain ment puts patrons in a gaming compact ea.«. Ela m of carrying is only half the ate4y of this new Lowrey ORGAN°. Co mplete infor mation is FREE --tend coupon. Nee Terk If, N. Y. mood. For the sa me reason, ops LOWREY ORGAN DIVISION A VA ILA BLE BUTINCTIVI CROONS LINES me/ avoid buying name dance bands. After the show they want patrons in the casinoe. Shows are geared to attract repeat Caned Coramenrial InduHriea. lee. 32 S. blicliitisn Chictiei 4, Ilinen Please send me full details and literature on the new Lowrry ORGANO. BANDS OP ALL TYPOS biz, and it works if the shows are Naas Oxford Theatrlesd *gamey use IlmellwPehvan. MLIerey HKNIew·31Ve3rIk IT, N. Y. strong enough. Cafes favor the Eastern formula of produced sho ws, using three or four acts, aline, cos - CHICAGO Sinai C. fit The Biliboarrl LEGITI MATE Com munications to 1564 Broadway. New York 19 N Y. fame 10,.1950 Legit Gross Good Over Holiday, Broad way Still Time But All Played Out by Tuesday Revie w NE W YORK. June 3.--There is still time to secure a ballot and vote In the Seventh Annual THE SHO W-OFF Donaldson Awards. Deadline (Continued from page 4) cent drop. Wisteria Trees, Tuesday 'Opened Weel000deo. 14,y 31, for voting Is Monday (12). be ant: Sundry, racked up capacities thruout. but Tuesday night house count tabbed 40 Fer cent of empty pews. Corne Back, Little Sheba and Lost in the Stars were in the same boat. Sheba did a nice $1,277 for Saturday mat and $2.476 the same evening. Monday night racked up $2.414. Holiday mat snagged $1.982, but the evening take dropped to $1,689, nearly 40 per cent less than the Saturday night mark-up. Stars clai med 70 per cent capacity for Saturday business and 8.5 per cent on Monday night. Tuesday mat was a sellout, but evening business took a dive of 40 per cent. As You Like It fared a little better. Saturday mat and evening had the house seven-eighths full. Monday sold out and Tueeday night 500 Members Vote was only 20 per cent off. A parallel to Like It was The Happy Time with At Equity Election sellouts Saturday and Monday and a Tuesday night take 25 per cent off the beam. On down the list labs f Knote My Lone with a normal Saturday. but a drop from a $2,462 Monday take to a gross of $1,672 Tuesday. Mister Roberts sold out Saturday and Monday. A holiday mat racked up 50 per cent over the usual mid-week mat take. but the evening show dropped to 15 per cent below nor mal. Detective Story grossed a weak Saturday mat against · normal Saturday night. Monday showing took a substantial K. Francis' "Fancy" leap and the holiday mat was double the usual showing. Once more, how- Opens Subway Cirk ever, Tuesday night showed a 90 per BROAD WAY SHO WLOG Performance+, Thro Jun* 3. 19.50 DRA MA Opera a Meitner timed Done 5.23, "30 ICity Center) tenterbeck . 12. 7,49 Per's 15 210 night performance, was off 20 per cent over take of the sa me night of the previous week. Up at the City Center. the poppriced revival of A Streetcar Named Desire did fine business Saturday and Sunday, but tumbled Tuesday night. Chittertsuck. which is weathering it out on a cut budget, two-for-one basis, held up Saturday and Sunday to three - quarter capacity, but slumped afew hundred dollars on the holiday night. Texas. L'it Harlin* averaged about 25 re cent capacity for Saturday mat and evening and 80 rer cent for Monday evening and Tuesday mat, but on the final holiday session really took a 'seating to the tune of 30 per cent of a sellout. Death of a Salesman's sales record for the week-end was $3.000 for Saturday, $2,700 for Monday as against 91.700 Tuesday night. Over-all, the long week-end legit graph seems to follow the pattern of previous seasons, good or bad. It would seem by this time almost axiomatic, that on a four-day continuous holiday folks are too exhausted on its final night to make a thetter trek. Except in the case of tremendous advance sales, managements are bound to be looking at a flock of empty pews. Last Tuesday just pointed it up all over again. NE W YORK, June 3.--The Subway Circuit season was officially whered In Tuesday (23) by Kay Francis and company at Brooklyn's old retbush Theater. The first Subway package to tee-of from the Flatbush on the four-theater pircuit, comprising the Windsor, in tfie Bronx. the Brighton, at Coney Island. and the Central in Passaic. N. .J, Is a revival of Fay Kanin's campus comedy, Goodbye. THE ARENA ?l,aaanseer. byCaGoluurdm*ettaouil,t. Ilstlallnetd a!47 MBaueerin) MWaalnttel.eraneautsterri.eseWillis,, liarjmeserr teem represdeterne. Rattner, Denenhels Preodnred by Dinlel He wn end Derrick LynnThemes cMlrusre Fn.her Amy CaTraJaMnenlecleslerYWa,On.e1,1 FeMilinnet, H!Plataned .. ....... _Josephlee Holi'rNeenye 1r. Saber Wen, (,ineman, SMra 01.11 HolmAre.,hleWenendntelhl Ide Ropeu . .. Dully Sadler 'There is both good and bad in the David H eil w ei1-Dcrrick LynnThomas intruduction of arena style legit to Broadway Their choice of a reviviat fat en opener is excellent George Kelly's 28-year-old comedy. The Show-Off. is still as amiable a ch.aracter larapoon as it was back in 1921 at thy Playhouse It has been aptly cast and ab, . directed. As far as the Show-Off is concerned there is no question as to its acting or projeetion. Behind a curtain or "in-the-round" it is decidedly worth the seeing, and if it sign-posts th.. caliber of future "arena" productions. artistically presages a pleasant summer. Commercia:' however, the experiment begs pertinent questions. There is nothing new about -theater in the round" --a central platfor m. sans scenery and with the sketchiest of props. surrounded by banked seats Similar has variously been done over the country In the last dozen years The new angle is to bring it to a ballroom of BroadwavS Hotel Edison, seat en eudIence of some 500 in ballroom chairs and include an adjacently convenient bar and tables for a epic'. bite. It has long been a reporter's opinion that arena taeater, since it demands, sans scenery, an audience's intones, attention tu get the most if you work in or about the theater and wish to make your selections of the "bests" in theatrical achievement for the 19491950 season, all you have to do is to mail the coupon Included in these pages to The Billboard. An eligibility list and ballot will promptly be sent you. These are your own awards --the accolades nf the theater to its own. They can only mean all they should to the winners, when all their co-workers vote. This is the last call. Mail the coupon at once. No ballots will be counted which are in the mail later than midnight Monday (12). NE W YORK, June 3. --Five hundred members attended Actors' Equity's nth annual meeting at the Hotel Astor Friday (2). Major agenda was the election of new oficers and council members. Results of the voting are currently unavailable, since the ballots will not be tabulated until Monday (5). It was resolved from the floor that the councils contract negotiations committee be enlarged to include three representatives of membershipat-large, and that It be instructed not only to stand on the present contract, but also to secure the additional demands which Equity is presenting .n the League of New York Theaters. It was further recommended for council's consideration that managers of touring shows shall engage road accommodation for cast members as a whole, without reference 83 to race or color of an actor. Highlight of the meeting was the presentation of the Clarence Derarent Awards, the annual accolade of $500 going to the most promising non- My Fancy. out of the proceedings, must cater featured actor and actress of the year. Can lack. Little Melia 243, '50 lama) Death el aSuer.. . 2.10, 49 (Plinas.) Detoct,e Seto! 3.23, '46 (nudge/ Mitt« Roberto 2-18, '48 125 Fancy has lost some of the subtlety to the pew-sitter's comfort Un- Madv Christians presented the checks 545 /of its original Broadway presentation. The role of the college pregy is played fortunately, the pew set-up at the to Gloria Lane, of The Consul, and Is far from what it ought to Douglas Watson, of That Lady. 501 941 !down and that of the photographer be. The chairs arc stiff. uncomfort- stepped-up for laughs, and the over1all seems speeded to accentuate the able and packed close together. But worse still is the layout of two rows C.hi Hits Hot Stride (Slna) Pine, Pe· 4.24, t3 Merman Tre Caddell PM, 1.21, 53 (Meer, Rti 7·· Consul 3-13, '50 "lerrearire) Tte Hew Tbne 1.24. '50 (Plymouth , The Member of 1.he Welton 1-5, '50 It mpiro1 TM Show-011 151, '50 Mmes.- lu.tne-Rnord) tOe Wis.. 'from . .1.29. '50 me., Beet) MUSICAL Gertleen. 4,e·r la- 8, '49 08 156 93 131 172 204 obvious. However, from its Flatbush reception, it was evident that the broader treat ment is right in the Subway groove and it should get ahearty welcome all the way 'round the circuit. Kay Francis is an er.ireinely agreeable substitute for her predecessors in the shout of the congresswoman who returns to her alma meter for an honorary degree and an effort to recapture a lost love of 20 years.' and opening night left no doubt as to her dra w with the customers. Halls Stoddard, of course. snares most of laughs an the lady-solon's Washington sec- of Lech foot of elevation. It may be fine for the customers ir. the front pews, but the behinders are in for neck-craning to a point of losing the thread of the show. It would be an easy matter to step the tiers CHICAGO. June 3. -- Two Blind Mice starring Melvyn Douglas. Is wowing the customers at the Harris Theater here and seems set for a full aurntner's run ·t the La m house. New policy understood to be. since Mies at an elevation of six inches each biz picked up. to drop Wednesday and let everybody see enough to get matinee but increase performances to their money's worth. seven nights a week, plus the Satur- 'Show-wise, as stated above. :he day afternoon show. Douglas is known Kelly comedy still blends up as a to have had other commitments in the sardonically outing portrait of a East for late June or Juts,. but to flatulent braggart ho raise. bob In a rnid.:·e-class Philadelphia family have dropped apparent that these since It beca me nice Is in for a heat- by marrying its youngest daughter Wave run. Melted) retary who knows all the answers, has been extremely well adapted Yale Me, Kate ICenve· lent lo IS Stem Minn Bea) Seek Peeler ateletle) laas, Mara Menem) Ten& Pa m 12-30, '48 10.30, '49 4- 7, 48 12-25.'49 4.27, '50 Mlnee's Charkyt Mi. Jun& 10-11, '48 CLOSED Aren and the Girl ... . 2- 2, 50 106th Sisal) (Clamed ISsi 27, 1950) The tar 818, '50 (liroditurst) (Closed May 27, 1950) The Ironeerna 2- 1,30 fleyylieusei (Clued Jun 3, 19501 .4· Yen Like It ·26, '50 (Cued June 3, 1950) tKam My Low (3<letere) 1. 2, '30 (Mad June 3, 1630) 514 208 476 20 4 4218 'tab 121 141) (143) tarn and a similar good performance is to "all-around" projection by Martin turned in by Florence Sundstrom as Manua% and is skillfully played by Fitzpatrick Heads Det. Opera the lady's not-so-pin-brained exroommate. Frank Albertson's mag photog, as indicated above, is more broadly accented than previous Matt Coles. But he may be forgiven a double-take or two in the interest of emphasizing a good line. Joel Ashley's prexy-in-quest-of-his youth is elegantly touched with grey at the temples and likewise elegant In tails or cap and gown. For some reason or other the part has been subdued for a mannered performance, perhaps in order to highlight the Nay's comedy values. Despite such restrictions Ashley manages to give an excellent account of himself. So the Subway Circuit can now be accounted in full bloom. Jean Parker and Lon Chaney Jr. bow in at the Tlatbush Tuesday (30). in Born Yes- a well-selected cast. Lee Tracy. who created a in or less minor part in the original production, returns to the revival in the title role. He gives an adept performance gait d for laughs and somehow or other makes a customer like the loudmouthed heel, which is likely what Kelly intended. But it is Jane Sey- mour's mother-in-law-in-apite-of herself which is the high point if the play. Her playing thruout is a complete del'sht. Fine, too. is Car- men Mathews as the older sister who has Indian-sign on her fatuous brother-in-law, and Frances Vi -11er does well by vocally bypnotieed wife There are good contributions also rom Archie Smith and Howard Wendell. DETROIT. June 3.--Leo J. Fitzpatrick. owner of W GII. Buffalo, was re-elected president of the Detroit Civic Light Opera Association, which stages an annual 10-week season at the local Masonic Auditorium, Earl J. Hudson, president of United Detroit Theaters, was elected vice-president: C. Harry Chisholm. secretary. and E. C. Stephenson, treasurer. Elected to the board of trustees were Henry T. Ewald. Edgar A. Guest. E. It McDuff. and Ray mond J Meurer, theatrical counsel. able to the seat of the pants. There Is. howcacr, a grave doubt in a reporter's mind that. Interesting as it is, it will stand up to regular theater compe'ition. Folks are likely tri terday. and Sylvia Sidney and John In sum, the Heilweil-Lynn-Thomas think a $3.60 5p is a hefty tariff Loder follow a week later in Anne experimeni unveils as intriguing to for a show w il no -urtain and rio of the 1000 Days. Bob Francis. the eye and ear, if not too co mfort- acenery. Bob Francis. buse 10, 1930 -The Billboard LEGITI MATE 49 Shuberts Seek U. S.Charge Nix Silo Circuit The Valey (Holyoke, Mass.) Players open their ninth season Philly Legit Ends Season At Lowest Ebb in 16 Years NE W YORK, June 3. -- Making general denial of all charges. Lee and J. J. Shubert. Marcus Heiman and their booking office asked for at Mountain Park Casino with "For Love or Money" June 19. Other plays on their 1- weeir agenda are "Peg o' My Heart." "Life With Mother." "The Trai- PHILADELPHIA, June 3.--The The Liar, which preemed here, is 1949-'50 legit season, altho there is also on Broadway, its fate is unstill one more show on the boards, certain. dismissal of the government's antitrust action in answers tiled in U. S. District Court Wednesday (31). The Shuberts, in their defense, claim that the suit is barred from prosecution because the acts com- plained of by the govern ment, If they gave rise to any cause at al, were committed over six or 10 years ago. The Shuberts further claim that the business of producing legitimate attractions is not trade or commerce within the scope of the Sherman or Clayton anti-trust acts, since the presentation of a legitimate production is a transaction that is substantially local in character. In another defense, the Shuberts, denying allegations of the government's suit filed February 21, claim that their alleged acts have not linposed any unreasonable restraints on interstate trade or com merce, have not resulted in any exclusion of competition, have not been in furtherance of a conspiracy to monopolize. and have not been in furtherance of or in rombination to efectuate a monopoly, but have only served as protection in accomplishing legitimate com mercial purposes. They also claim that the chaotic economic conditions which have prevailed during the past 20 years and are presently prevailing in the legitimate theater business have forced them to reduce and limit their activities, rendering impossible any attempt by them to monopolize or impose any ilegal restraints. The Shuberts claim that the years prior to the depression found the theatrical husiness in an unsound condition attributable to an oversupply at theaters, a lack of desirable legit productions to keep them running on a profitable buis, and a decline on the road. In early years, they claim, the booking, both in metropolitan centers and on the road, was mainly carried on by the Shubert,' and the Erlanger interests. They argue that the efect of the depression on business in general and on the Shubert Theater Corporation in particular, threatened to force them into receivership. The receivers, it is claimed, concluded that the the- tor," 'The Royal Fa mily." "Harvey," "The Winslow Boy," "Philadelphia Story." "Love Rides the Rails." "L et Up the Sky." "The Damask Cheek," and "The Happiest Years." Tickets go on sale June 5 both in Washington and Baltimore as well as at the Olney (Md.) Theater for Paulette Goddard's silo bow in "Caesar and Cleopatra." June 16. The star is currently rehearsing with Francis Compton and Hurd Hatfield In New York under direction of Arthur Stre wn. Troupe arrives in Olney June 13. Herbert Kenwith. formerly partnered with Harold Kennedy in the management of the Princeton (N. .1) Su mmer Theater, will this year go it alone. The playhouse opened May 19 with Shelley Winters starred in "Born Yesterday." House will operate on its previous guestdtar resident company basis. Lawrence Farrell will take over company managernent chores. Guy Palmerton has set "Apple of His Eye," starring Kirk Brown, for his Worcester (Mass.) Playhouse for June 6 week. Supporting cast includes Virginia Maddocks, Carl Bets, Edna,preston and Joseph Allen Jr. Palmerton playhouse futures include "Harvey," "Born Yesterday," "Silver Whistle," "Councellor at Law," "Goodbye. My Fancy," and "Take Me To Town." The lut is a new musical, and Beatrice Hay may do the lead. The Brattle (Ca mbridge, Mass.) Theater Company has been invited to take over the su mmer manage ment of the Cohasset (Mass.) Su mmer Playhouse. beginning July 3. Star and resident company policy will be followed. The Brattle troupe will also present its regular 10- week su m mer schedule at its own Ca mbridge (Mass.) su m mer playhouse. hit a new low for the past 16 years Those having pre-Broadway show- in respect to the number of attrac- ings here but failing to last the sea- tions offered, it late starting and son on the Stem include Touch and early shuttering. Even the quality of tryout attractions--and Philadelphia is still rated primarily a tryout town --showed a slump. A goodly number of tryouts failed to take local heed and tripped early on Broadway, but some others decided they might as well cal it quits here. While the 1948-'49 season was considered the low, and there were hopes that the hu mp had been hurdled, the fact that 1949-'50 dipped even lower doesn't augur well for the coming year. With television and other entertain ments making a grandstand play for patronage, legit will never be able to rest on past laurels. As a matter of fact, this marked the fourth successive year, with four legit temples available (all operated by Shubert interests), that there has been a constant decrease in the number of attractions coming into -the city. From the season's belated opening last September 26 with Touch and Go to the Peep Show, which opens Monday (5) at the Forrest Theater and is practically a postseason offering, the 1949-'50 stretch brought in only 40 attractions of all shapes, sizes and smells. The year before it was 45 shows, and even that Go, Montserrat, Love Me Long. Metropole, The Rat Race, How Long Til Summer, Alive and Kicking, The Enchanted. All You Need Is One Good Break, Now ILay Me Down To Sleep, The Bird Cage, Great To Be Alive and Cry of the Peacock. Two offerings got no further than Philadelphia --Signor Chicago and House on the Cliff, while the 22d pre-Broadway offering, Peep Show, has stil to pass its local test. Only bright spot was the box-office chalked up by The Wisteria Trees at the Shubert. For the second week of its fortnight engagement starting March 13. the Helen Hayes vehicle played to a capacity-plus crowd, and at a$4.55 top. set a new house record of $96,144. The previous mark was set by Katharine Cornell in The Barrens of Wimpole Street. in 1932, when a $360 top brought in $33,657. Best all-round business was done by the three perennials --The Student Prince, Blossom Time and The Merry Widow. Five dramtic revivals fared indifferently, despite na me leads. with the public for the most part passing up The Man Who Came to Dinner (with Monty Wooley), Phila- marked a slu mp of seven from the preceding period. The figures for 1946-'47 were 55, and for 1945-'46 83, the first aeason after the war when everything pointed to a renais- delphia Story (Sarah Churchil). Private Lives (Tallulah Bankhead). The Barrett* of Wimpole Street (Susan Peters) and Tobacco Road (all-Negro cast). sance in the theater. Of the post-Broadway offerings, As black as the legit picture here might be. It is remembered that it was even bleaker in depression years. In a single season, the number of shows fell to 31 --a year when there was no television or talkies. The peak was 125 attractions. Indicative of the lack of interest is the fate of tryouts, with the public holding on to their dollars in the face of a long string of turkeys. Last year, out of 24 tryouts, 10 entrenched on Broadway. At this moment, of 22 pre-Broadway viewings, 5 are in business on Broadway --The Member of the Wedding, The Consul, The Wisteria Trees, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes and Arms and the Girl. Alttio there were five dra matic pieces with Streetcar Named Desire faring best at the box office for a three-week stand. Play preemed here. There were inauspicious first-ti mes for The Mad Woman of Chailiot: Goodbye, My Fancy: Yes. /Vi'Lord and The Sneer Whittle. Two musicals 'ta me from New York, with the return for Brtgadoon doing well. while lack of na mes kept down interest in the first time around for Lend an Ear. Other three attractions were In the novelty class with Les Ballets de Paris doing heavy business at the Shubert. Another dance revue from New York at the same house. A Night in Spain, was a washout. Rounding out the roster was the annual visit, atrical business had expanded beyond and always ,S profitable one, for the point of profitable return, so the receivers submitted a plan in June, 1932. for the creation of a single booking company, to be controlled by the receivers and the Erlanger interests. The plan was sub mitted to the U. S. District Court and approved, say the Shuberts. Insure Your Vote Each year for the past six years voting on the part of the people of the theater for the Donaldson Awards has increas ed Now as preparations for the Seventh Annual Donaldson Awards get under way. the Awards committee wishes to do everyth mg possible to see Blackstone's magic show. Not included in the season's taly are three Yiddish-language shows coming in during the year -- Molly Picon's Abi Casuist. The Cantor's Boy and Herman Yablakoff and Morris Schwartz in 'To nle the Nightingale The defendants point out that they that everyone in the theater has an opportunity to vote. have been in business for 50 years, and the Select Theaters Corporation and United Booking Office in business for the past 17 years. If their activities and operations had constituted any violatior of the Sherman or Clayton acts, they say, the government had ample opportunity to prosecute and enjoin. The government's failure to do so, they maintain, would make it guilty of ladies and bars it from maintaining the action. Early in May, ballots and instructions are delivered by hand to the theaters to all players appearing on Broadway at the time. In order to get ballots to players who wil not be appearing on Broadway early in May, The Billboard, sponsor of the Donaldson Awards, would like to have the na mes and addresses of such players to that a ballot may be properly mailed to them. Make certain of your vote for the Donaldson Awards, the thea· lees own selections of its "bests." Fill out the coupon below and return it to The Billboard today. The Billboard D onaldson Awards Committee 1554 Broadway MANHATTAN GROSSES (Continued from page 3) mend trailed with $24,734.000 and $2.778.000. respectively. The Brooklyn total turned out to be higher than that for all but a dozen States, while Queens as an amusement center compared favorably with such States as Minnesota and Washington, and far outshadowed States in the South and Southeast. The comparable figuras from the preceding census of 1939 are lacking, New York 19, New York. Census estimated that the 1948 total ROUTES Dra matic and M usical 1 Please forward ballot and eligibility list for the Seventh Annual Donaldson Awards. was more than double that for the earlier year. New York City had 2,436 amusement businesses in operation during Chocoiete got eer 'Curran, Seri li nnets .. SrsI 'crreess at which ;nail will be awe to teach 1948. and they employed 29,493 workers during the week of Nove mber 15. Death of a Sal o me. biaofalre Portland. Ore., 640. IS M Me, Kate IC «., Detroit.. Lend an tar ,Or al Northern, Chicago Mr. Roberta 'Colonial, Bastos . you in May 1948, when the count was taken. Not totalled as in the amusement category in the census vrere radio-TV and night clubs. Included were Oh o Liberto ShOberi, ehielign. Oklahoma 'Erlanger, Chicago Pe rs Shoe (Forrest, Philadelphia. South Pacific !Philharmonic Auditoriu m, Angel o. Los NOTE: If you will be working in a Broadway theater In May don't send in this coupon. If you don't expect to be working, fill it out and mail it today. movies, legit houses, arcades, skating rinks, shows odpaenrcaetinghallins,NebawndYso,rkoudutridonogr the census period, swim ming tomb Ta-o Blind Ri o (Barrio, Chicago. and professional sports. -11 50 GENERAL NE WS rite Bil1boarel- a·-·-···· ----- --· - - - - June 10, 1950 M a gi c I 1,050 Hocus Pocusers Take In Burlesque IBM-SAM Combo Conclave in Chi S I R ANDO M NOTES gleaned while pi/k Ry liND m. Chicago. has almost doss- roa ming the mezzanine of the Sher man Hotel, Chicago, during the combined IB M-SA M convention May 27-30: Virtually every pro magi present had his finger on the television pulse, hoping to co me up with an idea that might keep the moula rolling in. Bill Baird and Wife, Florin.. are in their eighth week of en indefinite engage ment over WBKB-TV, Chicago, far the Holsu m bread people, with a half-hour tele stint each Tuesday. 5:30-6 p.m. Bill puts on a magic round-table for kids, with Florine giving 'ern the history on magic and magicians. They keep the kiddies interested with a magic slu m CHICAGO, June 3.--The qld magic saws, "Take a card" and "Have you seen this one?," reverberated thru the halls and rooms of the Hotel Sherman here over the Decoration Day weekend (27-30) as 1,050 magicians. amateurs and pros, and their ladies gathered to participate in the first combined convention of the International Brotherhood of Magicians (IB M) and the Society of American Magicians (SA M). It marked the 22d annual conclave for the IB M and the 18th for the S M.I. giveaway.... Johnny Paul. who still The joint meeting of the nation's operates his own tavern in Cicero, two largest magic organizations at- White, Geoffrey Buckingha m, Willane and Tom Harris. all of England. Results of the IB M's mailed balloting on new officers as revealed at the convention were as follows: Walter Cole man, New York, president; James B. Lake. Toronto, first veepee: Don Rogers, Sun Valley, Calif., second veepee; Dr. A. L. Baldwin, Pittsburgh, secretary; Mrs. Hazel M. Krock. trlasurer. New members of the IB M's international executive committee are C. Ja mes MeLemore, Indianapolis, and Arthur Reichenback, Allentown, Pa. At the business session Tuesday :" bled its biz since Harold Minsky has taken over. House is being booked by tau Schuster. Current cast includes Joe D elta. !feeble Barris, Stanley Montfort, Waunete Bates. Judy Carron and Lorraine Gilbert. Other Schuster place ments Include Lolua DuBois, Walt Stanford, Sammy Price. Buddy Bryant. Betty Jo Morgan and Vivian Keenan, State. Canton, O. (booked exclusively by Schuster) and Cliff Cochran. Follies, Los Angeles.... Fox's, Indianapolis, closed for the season May 31. . . . Eddie Lynch is producer and assistant Manager to Eddie Shafer at Pie Boxy. Cleveland. ...Joe Madden, comedy juggler, formerly tea med with jean Bedini. celebrated Ill., has a tele show coming up on a tracted one of the largest gatherings morning the SA M elected the followChi station within two weeks, with of magicians and magic enthusiasts . ing officers: Richard DuBois, New his 60th birthday May 22 while at the Hudson, Union City, N. J., and Drewrv's Ale as the sponsor. . . . in the h'story of the ancient art in Jack Herbert enu re magicker. is America. That the initial joint gath- York, president; Ace Gorha m. Boston, vice-president; Willia m Greenough, was gifted by house staf and cast . .'Bubbles Yvonne is hat check doing a talent search stunt on one ering of the two groups was a suc- New England veepee; Leslie P. Guest, concessionaire at one of the large of the Chi TV stations, with the cess is attested by the fact that at the Eastern Seaboard veepee: Ed Drane. Manhattan hotels.... Sa m my Smith. pick-up co ming fro m a diferent respective business meetings Tuesday Midwestern veepee, and Bob Haskell, Dolly DANWSOL Red Marshall. Jess neighborhood house four nights a (30) me mbers of both orgs voted to Pacific Coast veepee; Vynn Boyar, Mack. Jean Lee and Bob Ridley com- week.... Harry Blackstone was accompanied to the convention by his go joint again in 1051 in New York. Dates will again be around Decoration secretary treasurer (re-elected): Jean (re-elect ed), and Hugard. Burdett prised part of the su m mer opener at the Globe, Atlantic City. Assisting son, Harry Jr.. a student at the Uni- Day. Bowman and Tom H. Hawbecker, Jack Beck. manager, is Marty KnopL versity of Arizona. Blackstone has a television show pending. The pact was to have been signed several Verne W. Uker, general chairman of the convention com mittee, and his able assistants laid out an interesting sergeants at arma, W. C. (Do my) Dornfield was again chosen to edit M. U. M., the org's official publica- from the Hudson, Union City. Treasurers are Herman Sirota and Emily Larkin. Opening producer is Billy weeks ago but the day before the deal was to have been made the agent handling it dropped dead. Proposition calla for Harry to do a weekly show, using eight people, with the deal slated to net hi m around 3G a week.... Johnny Platt is nearing his third year at the Gay 90's in the LaSalle Hotel, Chicago, Can. Showbiz All-Out where he works the tables and bar in addition to presenting two shows With Flood Benefits nightly.... David Bamberg (Okito), whose wife, Marie Dean, passed ori in Mercy Hospital, Chicago, May 17, found much solace in mingling with his great host of friends at the conclave. Seen frequently with the veteran Okito on the convention floor was Al Baal, of Toledo, who P.a mberg describes as his most adept and efficient pupil. ...Carter Harrison, Wichita, Kan., trixster and former me mber of the Kansas State Legislature, is De mocratic candidate for Congress in that Tate; p OsgIBLY the most interesting personality at the convention, and the one to attract the most attention, was P. C. Smear, of Calcutta, India, said to be one of the leading conjurors of that faraway country. Sorcar was the surprise feature at the Sunday night International Show at the convention and gave a good account of himself with WANTED ATRIU M DIME AND SHOW IRS Experience unnecessary. steads employment. Good salary. For r' Minsky's Rialto Theater IVAN M INOVA, Producer 33Le tin. !tato· l'hirago. W ANTED Exotic Dancers and Strips program to keep convention visitors happy. Opening with a get-acquainted party Friday night (26). the convention was the usual round of magic shows, demonstrations and contests, winding up with a banquet Tuesday night in the Grand Ballroom of Hotel Sherman, with W. C. (DornY) Bonifield serving as toastmaster. The business sessions served up nothing exciting. Among foreign magi present were P. C. Sorcar, one of India's top conjurors; Ray Bentley (Cedric), of South Africa; John Ra msay, Scotland, and Paula Baird, Goodliffe, Francis a mental routine. On the same night he doubled on a huge charity at the Chicago Opera House on the sa me bill with Bob Hope. As the prize souvenir of hi, Chicago visit, Sorcar went, away with a photo of himself taken with Hope. Sorcar was the guest of Jack and Anne Gwynne at their Chicago home for several days before and after the convention.... T. J. Crawford. of Nashville, missed his first IB M convention, due to illness. He is a past president of the IB M. ..Joe Berg, Chicago, tops all of the nation's magic dealers in magic convention visits. He hasn't missed a one since their inception. Bob Nelson. of Nelson Enterprises, Columbus, O., runs him a close second, having missed one. . . . Mi'bourne Christopher. prior to leaving the Coast for the Chi conclave, gave a special perfor mance for Leaquit All Khan, pri me minister of Parkistan, and Mrs. Khan in their Hollywood hotel suite. The request ca me after the prime minister's wife had been intrigued with Christopher's niriles during eshow at the Friday Morning Club in the Movie Capital.... Randolph the Magician hopped to the conclave fro m Bill's Green's, Pittsburgh. where he put in a twoweeker. He moves into the Brown Hotel, Louisville, June 16 for a fortnight's stand, and moves from there lo the Henry Grady Hotel, Atlanta. .. McDonald Birch anti wife. Mabel Sperry. remained in Chicago for several days after the convention to line up new material, wardrobe and tion. The SA M also voted to publish M. U. M. itself in 1951 when its present contract with Sphinx Magasine runs out. Twenty-four dealers in magic and magic equipment displayed their wares in the hotel's exhibit hall. TORONTO, June 3.--An all-out effort by the entertain ment Industry in Canada to aid the Manitoba flood relief fund is booming. Shows everywhere are being given gratis by the entertainers. This week the radio comedy tea m, Wayne and Sinister, flew their show to Fort William, Ont.. 600 miles from here. The company included Samuel Hersenhoren and his orchestra; Herb May, announcer, and singer Terry Dale. Other artists who joined the variety show presentation were Mildred Mo rey, singing comedienne; tenor Jimmy Shields. dancer Tina Cheeve m and the Marquettes. puppeteers. As part of benefit show the team will do their regular weekly broadcast over the CRC Trans-Canada Net.. work for Toni. Meanwhile another benefit show is being organized under the direction of Murray Little. booker-manager nt the Casino, for his house here. The show, on aSunday evening, will be b. special permission, inasmuch as all houses here come under Sabbath blue laws. The show will take in all acts from local niteries and the Casino show itself. SMALL BUSINESSES (Conttnued from page 3) ers was 9,000 In 1948 and 7,700 the preceding year. 'he sample survey of Social Security records indicated there were 700 amusement firms in b th ears employing 50-499 employes. For operations with 500-999 workers and 1,000 or more, Commerce reported only that there were fewer than 50 in each class for both years. Counted in the amusement category for this survey were legit the- Henriques. Jack Montgo mery follows in two weeks. · · · P RI MROSE SE MON closed at the Barclay Hotel, Toronto, and started a four-week return stand June 5, at the Cafe De L'est, Montreal, thru Roy Cooper and Hal Gould. ... Benita Frances, and het magic act is touring the Ha waiian Islands with E. K. Fernandes. Other acts include Janine Carol. vocalist; Flo and Gus. South Pacific Screwballs; Ruby Ring, dancer, and Reggie Overate, emsee. ... Margaret Hest. ings lust week started her sixth su mmer at the. Sha mrock, Keansburg, N. J.... Seabee Hayworth and Marion Andrews. with their son. Joe. who were with Harry Id. St reusel' "Frivolities" on the Mutual wheel. 1928-'30, and later had their own taba and hillbilly shows, are operating drive-In theaters and kiddie playgrounds in Pine Hill, N. C. . .. Frankie Hart now Mrs. Frances Dee mer. is with Royal American Shows. ...James Coughlin will spend his sum mer lay-off at ho me in Big Rapids. Mich.... Irving Her. mon and Mazy Anne. ditto, at their home in Lake Hiawatha, N. J., end Jane Vitale and Jerry Gerken at Lake Hopatcong, N. J. ...Ines Claire, while at the Palace. Bufalo, threw a birthday party for pinrimer, Ida Ro m June 1.... Happy Ray. former co mic, is now emsee with the new Girl Show which Fred Sindell Is operating at Coney Island, N. Y. Also with it es outfront orator à Walter Budd. lest season straight man and stage neat. ager at the State. Canton. O. Pat Galvin, strip-talker, moved to the Boxy, Cleveland. June 2, thru Lou Miller.... Sally Keith and her tassels started May 26 at the Greenwich Village Inn. Manhattan. . . Max Kurtz's Kentucky Club, Woolbridge, N. Y., opens June 10 w`in Frank Darcey, vocalist and FITD,(C: Helen Rita and her all-girl ork. end El Chices ru mba band plue Sadie Banks, featured, all booked thru the M aurice Kurtz agency OPEN WALKATHON For Theaters and Clubs fro m sundry paraphernalia for their new aters, dance halls, bowling alleys, t Minstrels' Costumes and Acessories MAINS re CALIFORNIA Be t booarrer for MI LTO N SC H US TE R ID North Dearborn It. CAN N,, 2, ILL. season. The Birches will henceforth circu se s, carnivals, coin arcades, cut their annual tour considerably to swi mming pools, amusement parks, spend more time at their attractive and "miscellaneous amusements.' ho me at Malta, O. CINCINNATI, June 3.--The Cincinnati Summer Opera Association kicks of its season in the zoo theater July 2 with Winifred Reich and Ra- OPENI NG JULY ·4 DO WNS PARK 8600 S. linnidway. St. Louis. Mo. g Weerbriar 10:2 Will ,rert keeping Co ----- ant, lune ir N. collect wires or tabs before lure ID. cllecuL·122 FREE mon Vinay in the featured roles of A mateur Contestants warrant , Samson and Delilah, Fausto Cleve CO N7ACT: For all other beeablen. Get lo (Serb Wi th conducting. General admissions have 2211 T T HE C OS TU ME R 7. SC142112CTAD., W. Y. been scaled at 65 cents. 90 cents and $1.20. Reserves go for $1.50. $2. $230 , $3 and $3.50, tax included. Alain JOHNSON DR JACK KELLY ADDRESS AD M Juno 10, 1950 EP E R TO IR F. RO DS H O W.FIL MS·OEI T DOO R T HE ATE RS The Billboard 51 Co m munications to 2160 Patterson St.. Cincinnati 22 0 6Eastern Pa. REP RIPPLES Brunk Beats Spo19t5s0LaSeuanscohns WCoelaot.herJauOnnt PHILADELPHIA, June 3.--Among E F. HANNAN writes from Boston to a platform. He'll also do so me that' the death of Harry De- merchandising. He says that he Grace in Indianapolis recently re- tried Schools in Texas during the moves another old-time showman, winter but that the small spots were who had experience in most not worth while. He's been working branches of the business. He was a halls since. Northway also is get- drive-ins getting under way this week competent and hard worker and will ting together a museu m that he in the Eastern Pennsylvania-Delaware asta for the first Urne are the ,Keystone Drive-In, Lebanon, Pa., with David Sablosky doing the booking and buying of pictures, and the 725-car Midway Drive-In near Carbondale, Pa., with Luke Farrell, coming in as manager. Also opening are two built by Thomas and Paul Kerrigan --the Highway Drive-In, Frackvile, Pa., and the Harrisburg Drive-In located in Lower Paxton Township, Pa. Toni E. Elliott 1. doing the booking and buying for both. Elkton Drive-ln, with Fred Perry managing, has opened on U. S. High- be missed." ... Daniel Sennett *il have 16m m. pix and some flesh in the Virginia, Minn., area this su mmer. Sennett will play one-day stands with the feature pix that he has been presenting in the Duluth sector the past winter. . . . T. L. Northa m writes from Milbank, Ala., that he has had a one-man trick working thru Texas this winter. He plans to add some more flesh and go Play Area, Video Atl. City Features ATLANTIC CITY, June 3. -- The plans to present in halls in the fall. ... "I have beep M Idaho the past winter with a school and hall show," letters Arthur Dowel » from Sibley, Ia. "Idaho is poor country for school shows as the towns are small and the jumps long. At Grangeville recently Imet the Howe Show, which has been making one-day stands and doing okay. It's a three-person unit which has been presenting E. F. Hannan's "Pay Up or Else." The show is fast and hying Howe does some good specialty nu mbers. I'm going to try out a platform show and do some merchandising. Sold scene of my 16m m. film to Roy Holbrook, who plans to work around Moscow. Jack Vivian Presa Chief CANON CITY, Colo., June 3. -- Brunk's Comedians, under direction of Hemy L Brunk, who opened in Boise City. Okla., late in April have been playing to good business on their tour of Colorado considering the drought conditions prevalent In this sector. Brunk's grandson, Jerry BroWn. joins the show upon completion of the school term in Wichita, Kan. Jack Vivian. one-ti me ownermanager of Allen Bros.' Stock Company. joined as manager of the public relations department way 40 near Wilmington, Del. In- first drive-in theater in the Southern Idaho." ...The Dotty Fa mily has Peggy Wilson joined at La Junta, cluded in the open-airer are a large Jersey resort area was scheduled to been working halls with a vaude- Colo., and is selling tickets. Erman free playground, tree television and open this week. A 000-car installa- pic- museum attraction around La- Gray's son. Bill, Is a recent addition. a snack bar. Free bottle warming tion near Pleasantville, N. J., it will mar, Mo. The four-person show re- He will help in the concession de- service also is available. Robert P. Maclary, of Newport, Del., also an- be known as Atlantic Drive-In and operated by Walter Reade Theaters. cently took delivery on a new trailer, but has quit playing schools partment and -do specialties with his parents. nounced the early completion of his Pleasant Hills Drive-In In suburban Wilmington. Occupying open-airer play area, a 20-acre lot, the new will have a large freeincluding swings, slides, because, they say, the spots aren't worth it. . . ."Haven't been doing much in the flesh line because we Show roster includes Don L.asley, leads and advance man; Walter Lukas, lieht comedy and juveniles; Merry-Go-Rounds, pony rides and a have some new 18m m, film that ha, Johnny Wilson and Jim my Parren, large-screen television. Planned as been going good and which is per. general business; Erman Gray, char- year-round operation and not only miling the family to rest a bit'' acters; Toby Brunk. comedy; Kitty for the summer, It will be equipped letters M. N. (Mel) Andrews from Forren, ingenue leads: Jerry Dexter, with individual heater units and Havre, Ariz. "We made about NO leads or general business: Mercedes sound speakers for each car. church dates during the winter. We Brunk, general business and char- The playground, which will be have our tent outfit stored near here. acters. and Cille Forren, concessions. open during the day without charge but it will re main in the barn as we Erman and Goldie Gray handle the as a community recreation center, also will have all types of heavyduty play equipment for children, as well as horseshoes, deck tennis and television for the aduts. Jack Ha mil- can't see where we can break even with it. Transportation is too expensive. The weather was a tough thing to light in this area the past winter." musical openings and Eddy and Jim my Farren are the feature vaude attraction. The Grays took delivery on a new car and trailer. parchased from Jack Famous Players Set ton, who has managed two other drive-ins for the Reade organization. will come here to direct the new op- Hoxie. former Western film actor, who visited the show at Boise City. Mr. and Mrs. Lukas also purchased Two St. John Spots eration and will recruit his staff of cashiers, field men, traffic men and a new car. Members of the Plunkett show visited with Brunk's personnel other employees locally. ST. JOHN, N. B., June 3.--Famous while Plunkett was playing Eads and Roadsho w m en, Attention The Greeted Attractions In 101.1 M. Get Our ·le Free MINOT FIL M EX. 01111bridee, Mein. DRIVE-IN THEATRE San Antonio Notes ESTER KETNER fras been na med film editor of La Tribuna, new weekly newspaper which starts publication here soon. . . . Staicwide Players here have selected two loca- Brunk's org was in Lamar, Colo. Bev tions for drive-in theaters. ritory has been taboo in This terthe past Watson, former leading man with Midwestern shows, also was arecent because of the short sum mers, chilly visitor. While the org w as in Las weather and overdose nearest drive-in to the of fog. The maritimes is Ani mas, for the Colo., personnel did a show Veterans' Hospital there. the Borderland, situated on the U. S.. Canada line several miles from Brunk said that at Holly, Colo., the org day and dated Stevens Bros.' Houlton. Me.. and Woodstock, N. B. Circus. The Borderland was opene, last year Equipment -- New -- Co mplete. U.060.00. Con &Iro nton end operating Neut.-Gene furnished IS M M. FILMS RENTED Over 500 Westerns and Features to chrome fro m at U.00 each. Advert . . leaned free Write of. fire nearest you ACE CA MERA SUPPLY 110 N. Kirby It. Tel.: K U PI THEATRE SUPPLIERS Se Omen Si. Tel, Yllee Mender .., 14 W ANTE D People for one of the larger! Medicine Shoe, on tbs. road. Clan nee A'S Steel Guitar Man. Stager. and Nestern Con bee IdoPdicalneone.maHiwll,billtiy maor knew shots hut . .. end knew how to pl . · show. Al . Tea m that eau thanes for two weeks. State what you can de.rme and »le . In letter -- must be ,Ober. RAY SMITH ME D. SNO W Pa mpa, T .., tnreMen June 10 Drive-In Theaters :are are dated to open their new South Loop 13 DriveIn Theater this month. ...Hira m Parks, former fil m salesman and now an exhibitor in Lubbock, Tex.. was in the Alamo City recently. He plans tu construct a 750-car ozoner on West Com merce Street here, catering mostly to Latin-American trade... Atlas Motion Picture & Television Corporation has been formed here with studios on South Ala mo Street. Oficials of the company include M. R. Arnold, Denver Brandon. Henry S. Marasco and Ken B. McClure. Jack .laccazd, of Hollywood, has been engaged as director. Production has tarted on the first Western. . . Ra miro Cones. of Cactus Fil ms here, is road showing "No Te Enganes and is functioning again this season. The Fa mous Pl. yens locations are on the outskirts of Halifax, N. S.. and Sydney, N. S. Several other theater chains, including Odeon. Franklin & Herschorn, Afiliated. and B&L, have been considering establishing drive-in units at several locations in the mariti mes, but have been deterred by the weather conditions and short season. Plans to use a suburban St. John race track have been sidetracked for the present at least by litigation in. volving the track and a court order for sale of the property·by the county sherif at the request of creditors. CHARLOTTE, N. C., June 3.-- Ground has been broken for a new NE W I. C. S F R EE . 16mm Sound ROADSHOW Catalog Paste this ad an penny pos tcard NO W . mob new, pyiabo' I.C.S. is ., ., gonad Catalog of M ON E Y M A KI N G RO A D. SNO W HITS .. Hu.- deeds of Inte.release enineellea, mu·leals, westerns, color etc. -- from largest Independent Roa ehow library in East. ATTEN TI ON · ROADEHO W MEN! Carazon" in Rio Grande Valley thee- $50,000 drive-in theater on the ers. He is traveling with Cantinflas' Mount Holy road between Tho masdouble, who will ballyhoo in each boro and Thrift N. C. It is being -- INSTITUTIONAL (M OAN SONICE. 134041 groadery. New Yedg IC. N. Y. Wide to. ma new Ng Catalog, a of feature Attract.ons town where the picture is booked built by C. H. Few, who says it will be ready within 30 days and will ac- Please wind me FE U Iha . a SOUTHERN VISUAL FILMS 68 Monroe It. 'Dept. Pi Me mphis, Tee m OPEN A DRIVE-IN THE ME Safety First POTTSVILLE, Pa., June 3.-- In an effort to curb accidents on highways as a re mit of co mmodate up to 400 cars. Faw owns drive-Ins at Wingate and Monroe and says that before deciding to build this last one he discussed the matter with citizens in the area and found them receptive. Name adder. °Iv 2.0 --Hate AT LOW COSY New end guaranteed rebutlt equip ment horn SISIS. T .e mu menta ·vallable to reeponslble parties. Write. idyln, lovetIon and me mber ot ears. S O. S. CI NE MA SUPPLY COOP., 0. 0 L. drive -in theater operation, highway officers have been appointed by the court to be employed by the Pottsville Drive- WANTED W 52nd St., N·e. Vert 11. In located between here and Man with 3.5SINI. Projector and Louppment to operate 250 car drics-it, For Sale--Complele Show Ready to oven. large lent, Seats. Stage, 0 T yr .. Light Plant. A bargain. ROBERT PETEItS St. Clair. Officers will direct traffic approaching and leaving the theater entrance. The Schuylkill County Auto mobile Club also is co-operating with the theater management In the ·efort to prevent accidents. or, 50-50. We have ground, screen. projector roo m, po w. , line to aroond· Located side of amuserarent park. M ust furnish good reference. LEO I. FULLE R Owner of Lake Moraine Beach, Ha milton. N. L. Ow.. Obi.. Attu ne, Calif. a The full board Jana 10, 1950 THE FINAL CURTAIN Etta Smith, San Bernardino, Calif.; two brothers, El mer, Columbus; Clarence. Washington, and three sis- Births ters, Mrs. C. D. Phanon, Mrs. Elsie A son. Emil, to Harry and Joy ANGELES --Bert. 75, former actor and stage director, May 30 in New York. He had appeared in such oldtime successes as The Lion and the Mouse, What Happened to Jones? and with Henry W. Savage's Castle Square Opera Company. He was known for his staging of dance routines for vaude acts. DUKE ART SR. 1868-1950 ···· BUSCH --Mrs. Lina, 62, widow of .Takob Busch-Nurnberg, former German circus owner. April 2. The Busch-Nu rnberg Circus specialised in elaborate water specs. IN ME MORY OF W. D. "BILL" BARTLETT WI,. and jaw I. 1944. JANE & CHAS. REYNOLDS CAVANAUGH --John (Slim), 50, outdoor showman for 20 years and operator of the National Showmen's Association lunchroom in New York, May 29 in St. Mary's, Pa. (See General Outdoor Department for details.) COLLETTE -- Paul K. secretary- leaves a son and daughter and his parents. HEALY -- Ja mes (Fretichy), 75, boss canvai man on the Royal American Shows, May 31 in Chicago. (Details in General Outdoor Department) JMANEK --Prof. Alois, 91, composer, May 24 in Prague. A choir m uter and piano teacher, he wrote the opera, Deemer, and the musical comedy, The Wedding, based on a Gogol comedy. He had many songs, sonatas, orchestral and piano compositions to his credit. LANGIE --Mrs. Mary B., musicomedy singer known as Mary Burns, May 27 in Rochester. N. Y. She appeared in the Student Prince in the 1920's and in The Merry Wives of Windsor and Ha mel and Gretel. LEEN-- George J. (Whiskers), 71, past president of the Youngstown, O., stagehan ds' union, May 26 In Youngs- town Hospital of internal hemor- rhages. LUNDBERG -- A., baritone soloist and for many years a member of the Manufacturers' Chorus of Bridgeport, Conn., May 24 in that city. Survived by his widow, Alma; a brother, Kenneth, West Hartford, Conn., and a sister, Belle. Bridgeport. Burial in Mountain Grove Ce metery, Bridgeport, May 26. McATEE -- Mary, 58, wife of Ells- worth McAtee, ride foreman, May 2( in Wakeeney. Kan., of a heart attack. She had been with the Great Sutton, S. W. Brundage, Dodson's World Fair, Barton and Mrs. Earl E. Shirley, all Wilard May 19 in Queen City, Tex. of Colu mbus. Burial in Union Ceme- Father is well known thruout Texas tery,·Colu mbus, May 22, as Willard the Wizard, whose magie RCBINS --Mrs. Matilda, wife of the show has toured that State under late Frank A. Robins, circus owner- canvas for many years. manager, May 28 a". her home in A son, David Lloyd. to Mr. and Mrs. Hollywood. Fla. Survivors include a A. Barlett Ron Jr., May 26 in Santa son. Milt. and a daughter. Mrs. Monica, Calif. Mother is the daugh- Winona Willing. ter of Harold Lloyd. film star and SACHS --Sophie, 82, wife of bur- producer. lesque comedian Mike Sachs, and A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Henry formerly of the tea ms of Sachs and Wilcoxon May 28 in Hollywood. Vallin and Sachs and Meyers, May Mother is the former ¡can Woodbury; 22 in Brookline, Mass. Her daughter. father is production assistant to Cecil Mrs. George St. Pierre; asister, Gus- B. De Mille. aie Vallin, and brothers, George, A son, Dennis Lee, In Mr. and Mrs. Dave and Charles Yellin. also sur- K. L. Irwin recently in Queen of Vive. Burial in Progressive Cemetery, Angels Hospital, Los Angeles. Mother West Roxbury, Mass., May 24. is the former Ruthe Overstreet, of SILVER --Morris, 67, for mer songwriter, band vocalist and founder of the Chicago office of the Willia m Morris Agency, June I in that city. Survived by a brother, Joe, and a sister, Clara. Burial in Mount Maariv Ce metery, Chicago. (Further details in Night Clubs-Vaudeville Department) SIMONEIT --Alfred, 47, circus and vaude artist, in Copenhagen, Denmark, May 1. Simoneit and a brother were formerly partnered in the balancing act, Los Ovidos. Later he and his wife did an aerial act under the name of the Two Disons. VAN DER SLUIS --Clytie, 73, of the Van Barkley Trio, recently in Houston. Survived by a daughter, Maxine, and a son. Jimmie. Burial in Bir mingham. the Crescent Amusement Company. A son, Gregory Paul, to Mr. raid Mrs. Paul Angdi May 13 in Canton, O. l'ather owns the Stark Novelty Company in Canton. A daughter, Sherry Ellen. to Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kramer in Bridgeport. Conn., May 17. Mother is the daughter of Samuel A. Lefkowitz, Bridgeport correspondent for The Billboard. A son to Mr. and Mrs. Dave Dexter May 22 in Hollywood. Father is a disk jockey. Mother is the former Mickey Redburn, vocalist. A son to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Eyth May 28 in New York. Father is radio director of the New York Police Athletic League. A daughter, Mary Ann, to Mr. and Mrs. K. Tatha m May 27 in John Warner Hospital, Clinton, Ill. Father is owner of Tatha m Ems.' Shows. treasurer of Oak Rubber Company, Dyer's Greater, later Bros., Ross Llano VINCENT -- Peter A., 70. former A daughter. Roberta, to Mr. and Ravenna. O., manufacturer of toy and Sunflower State shows. Burial in magician and retired personnel man- Mrs. Jack Atlas in Santa Monica, balloons. Ravenna. May 16 at (Details in his home in General Out- Wakeenev. McCARTY --Elmer L., 34, instruc- ager of the Driver-liarria Co mpany, June 1 in Point Pleasant, N. J. Be- Calif.. May publicist. 28. Father is an MG M door Department.) tor and dra ma coach at New York fore joining the firm in 1910 he CRAIG --Harold, 38, former showman. May 19 in the South Amboy, N. J., explosion. Survived by a sister. Mrs. E. R. Stacy. DAILEY --Joseph A., 51, pony ride owner, recently at his home in Ornro, Wis., of aheart ailment. Survived by his widow, Dorothy; three sons, Donald. James and John; two daughters, Phyllis and Jean, two sisters and a brother. Burial in Nepeuskun Cemetery. Ornro. GOETZ --George, 64. former vaudevillian. recently in Ha mburg. N. Y. He performed with bis wife, Rhea, in the comedy act of Goetz and King, before retiring nine years ago. HADA--Carl, 44. who with his wife. Stella, operated Glenn Porter's Torture Show last season on the F. E. Gooding Amusement Company, June 1 in Chicago. He had also been with the James E. Strates. World of Mirth. S. W. Brundage, Willia m Glick and other shows during his 25 years in the business. Besides his wife be Frederick C. Taylor Frederick Chase Taylor, 52, known to radio as Col. Lemuel Q. Stoopnagle, died in a Boston hospital May 29 of a heart ailment. He was One of the first radio comedians developed entirely by that medium and, in association with Budd Hulick, a University and director of the Town and Country Players, a strawhatter in Iola. Kan., May 30 in Wadsworth, Kan. His widow, parents and a brother survive. MEISEL --Richard Wayne, infant son of James Meisel, assistant manager of the Rockaway Playland, Rockaway Beach. N. Y., and manager of its Penny Arcades, May 29 in Rockaway Beach. His twin. Jeffrey, another brother and his parents survive. MORTENSEN --Carl, 68, manager of Copenhagen's Tivoli amusement park, killed in auto accident near Copenhagen, Denmark. May 2. Further details in General Outdoor section. NYkLaN --Aino. 38. Finnish ba112t dancer. May 29 in Tammerfors. Finland, of burns sustained when his costume caught tire. PEN NINGTON -- William E.. 64, former theatrical scenery manager. May 29 in New Milford. Conn. He retired In 1948 from his managerial post for the Robert W. Bergman Studio Scenery Company. He was a member of the Washington Square Players Company, which later became the Theater Guild. His widow survives. toured the country for many years. He was a past president of the Professional Entertainers of New York and a me mber of the Society of American Magicians, Newark Magicians' Club and the National Variety Artists. His widow, a daughter. a son and two sisters survive. WEAVER --Leon (Abner), 87, former vaudevillian in the Weaver Brothers act, May 27 in Hollywood. Among the most successful of the hillbilly acts, the brothers started in 1914 and continued until about 1940, playing from the New York Palace to Seattle and twice abroad. They made 1 films from 1937 to 1942. His brother, Frank, known as Cicero in the act, and sister-in-law. June, known as Elviry, survive. WEINBERT --Forrest S., 57, vicepresident of the Kalamazoo County (Mich.) Fair .ssociation. May 28 at his home near Vicksburg, Mich. WILLIAMS-- Fred (Frenchy), 58, carnival and park concessionaire, May 29 of aheart attack on the show lot at Union City, O., where he was working with Lone Star Shows. Formerly at Eastwood Park, Detroit, he was a member of the Michigan Showmen's Association. Survived by his widow, Florence; son, Fred Jr., and a daugh- BILLY HILL (Continued tro m page 41) be published and put on sale. Billy Hill struck pay dirt with Tke Last Roundup, and as the royalties started pouring in. he turned in his doorman's uniform and moved to the Park Plaza Hotel on West 57th Street, New York, where he became a tipper instead of a Him «. During the next seven years, he enjoyed a meastire of affluence that comes with success, and when the old urge to travel seized him, he rode on plush and not the rods. While the public looked to him for Western songs, Billy Hill also wrote ballads of equal charm --nostalgic tunes like his There's an Old Spinning Wheel in the Parlor that recalled the carefree days of long ago --wellremembered songs like his Chapel in the Moonlight and Cabin in the Pines which have the timeles appeal of a. Currier & Ives' print. On December 24, 1940, the kindly heart that Bily Hill put into his songs stopped beating, and when the nation was about to light its Christ mas trees, this composer-lyricist who thru his music brought the wonders of ter, Mrs. Alfred E. Joiner. Burial in the West to the efete East, was IN LO VI N G M E M O R Y Forest La wn Cemetery, Detroit WILSON --John G. (Joe). 50, exec veepee of the Radio Corporation of headed for his last roundup. Unless otherwise noted, all of Billy Hilts songs are published by Shapiro, ef sty husband America, in charge of the RCA Vic- Bernstein & Co., Inc. tor division' May 31 in Wynnewood, former announcer, starred on CBS from the early 1930's until 1937. when they split up. Stoopnagle's crazy hu mor featured "little known interviews with CHÀRLES PETERS wire passed away May IS, 1947 Pa. Mee General ment for details.) Indoor Depart- LOE W'S PENN, PFITS Marriages (Çentinued from Page 45 ) added attraction gives Conlin° the closest run for top honors. little known people," "daffynitions," "spooneris ms" and many screwy inventions. He was the author of many magazine articles and books. includinz You Wouldn't Know Me From Ada m, My Back So the Son, My Tale ts Twisted and Father Goosenagle, the last named written with Lawrence Lanar. Recently he had made several radio and TV guest shots and two years ago was the comic on Vaughn Monroe's Camel cigarette show. Ha leaves his second wife, Kay Bell, former news· paperwoman. P OLL Y P E TE RS PETERSEN --Aage, 57. director of the Valencia nitery, Copenhagen, Denmark, April 1 in that city. QUERZE --Adolpho 56, music director, May 28 in Sandwich, Mass. His wi do w and two daughters survive. REED --George M. (Doc), 74. med BOYER- CHALK -- Bob Boyer, member of the WR5'D, Worthington, O.. Rural Rangers orchestra, and Helen Chalk May 14 in South Whitney. Ind. CRISTIANI-DAVENPORT -- Pete Cristiani, former me mber of the Cristiani Fa mily troupe and now with Dailey Bros.' Circus, and Norma Davenport, perfor mer and daughter of the owner of the circus, at Port Heron, Mich., May 22. The Ladd Sisters open the show with · fast song-and-dance act. Pat Theriault follows with a sock turn on the banjo. Nadine Jansen comes on with a novelty turn that calls for her to play the piano and tru mpet at the same time. Fred and Fee are amusing in a record act and sock over Spike Jones's fa miliar Cocktails for Two. Glenn Pigott folows with a couple of excellent piano solos. Roy Douglas and Eddie, vent act on next to closing, work a little show operator and pitchman for 40 years, May 20 in Colu mbus. Ct. hos- Divorces blue for the family trade but otherwise are effective. Contino held pital. Survived by a son. Ja mes, down the closing slot. Columbus; two dau ghters. Mrs. Va. Beverly Baker fro m Scotty Beck- Pic, Side Street. leria Wilson, Flint, Mich., and Mrs. ett. actor, in Los Angeles May 31. Len Litman- à. "onwoon. June 10, 1050 ··· , Communications to 181 W. Randolph St, Chieage 1.IL · W WI Mixed Weather E. J. Casey Launches Season Rain Cuts Big HTaokliedsayEdWgke-EnOfdf IInnto'FlooWidnnBiopwle'g AftReelriefPitchWionrgk HInoliN.dayY. PlAraeya (Continued front page 4) Thur·sWdIaNyNIouPyEG,whJeunnethe3.h--oFlmoeo-db-ashietd Winnipeg cheered E. J. Casey Shows and was cheered opened its season 59 held down attendance at parks and here. There were ample reasons. The opening was · signal that conditions shore resorts, with the latter suffer- in Winnipeg were returning to normal. Moreover, there was gratitude, ing the mbst. Monday (29) was 'atotal openly voiced by city dads, for the contribution made by the Casey org --its blank for most enterprises because of personnel and equipment --during and im mediately following the flood. Two Days Washed Out an all-day rain thruout most of the These contributions by the carnival were pointed up by the organization's area. own loss during the flood and by the generosity of its management. Three NE W YORK, June 3.--Prospects Decoration Day fooled weather prophets by being sunny and warm. However, the forecast of a cool, wet Bye Amendment day undoubtedly caused many pros- pective fun-seekers to decide on spending the day close to home, or To Johnson Bill at least delayed their arrival at the fun centers. Saturday (27) was clear and balmy Is Under Study in the East. and park and carnival of its stands were canceled, Its winter quarters were flooded. and families of personnel were evacuated. 35 Pitch In Yet 35 stafers pitched into the flood-control work and into the task of rehabilitating the area as the waters receded. Moreover, Casey himself contributed large supplies of food stufs, cigarettes. etc.. before of early season big grosses for amusement park operators in the metropolitan area occasioned by the Decoration Day week end were dampened at least partially by bad weather Sunday and Monday (2839). Weather was good on Saturday (28) and the holiday. Repeating previous week-end performances, opt notched good takes when the ele- ops in many instances scored some of such agencies as the Red Cross their best takes this spring. Carnival stepped in. ments allowed, Decoration Day being WASHINGTON. June 3. --In the the b.est of· the four-day period. cps, who have been wallowing in mud for the past month, were especially in need of the business garnered on Saturday. and this probably benefited carnival and permanent fun zones alike while affecting shore resorts. In the Midwest, carnivals generally had their best stretch of weather this season. Not a few enjoyed the best business since leaving quarters. Humming Peoria, Ill., provid ed Hennies Bros.' Shows, a railroad show, with a holiday gross that was by far its biggest single-day take of the year. It was so large that it exceeded some full-week business for the show since it left winter quarters. Royal American Shows, playing St. Louis, reported daily grosses each of which topped that of the corresponding day at the same location last year. Parks, generally, in the Midwest experienced holiday attendance approximating that of last year. More funspots reported an increase than a decrease in per capita spending, and this was construed as an indication Carl Mortenson of what lies ahead. On the West Coast weather wasn't with the operators. Rain, cold and Dies in Crash fog hurt. Patrons as a whole were tighter with their money. No funspots reported higher spending, and one, Virginia Park. Long Beach. Calif., said spending was do wn 25 per cent from last year. PaTuolyDieE.BsallCionololenRtatveM,efrn.,na RAVENNA. 0., June 3.--Paul E. Collette, secretary-treasurer of Oak Rubber Company here, manufacturer of toy balloons tiled May 16 at his Ravenna home after several months' ilness. Collette along with John W. Shira, organized Oak Rubber in 1916 and helped to develop it into the world's As early as May 3, Casey volunteered one of his canteen busses for use by the city in feeding flood-control workers. Less than a week later he turned another canteen bus over for similar use. On one day, records show. 12,000 hot dogs, thousands of cups of cofee, and hundreds of sandwiches, not to mention cigarettes, doughnuts, candy bars, etc., were dispensed from the location. During the more than twoweek period in which the canteen busses were used, an estimated 100,000 hot dogs were handed out. Supply Power Plant. In addition to supplying canteens and manpower to operate them. Casey furnished stoves, cofee-makers, griddles, tables, benches and wiring for a cookhouse thrown up near a bridge to feed dike-builders. Tent for the cookhouse was supplied by the army. inasmuch as the show's canvas was under water. To man the cookhouse, the show supplied two men on 12hour shifts. They were aided by Red Cross worker,. The show's contribution was not confined to feeding workers. It also supplied three trucks to carry sandbags and two for towing. two mobile generating plants, and much wiring, spotlights and electrical equip ment Eight hundred feet of the show's front lighting lines were erected at one dike, and these enabled workers to continue thru the night. Besides Casey, show personnel taking part in the work included Ken Goodison. Jack Be rnie, John Bodnar, Monty Gershlield, Willia m (Red) Sorochan, Rooney Goodison, Mickey Perepeluk, R. G. (Shorty) Kerslake, Art Curtis. -George Yakimchuck and Tom Bes et With a touch of hu mor. the Casey Shows in its display advertising its opening Thursday, tagged the show lot, "the Norwood Community Club Flood Bowl" and added a postscript, "And, oh. yes, we still have a few hot dogs left." wake of final hearings this week on the Johnson Bill to restrict interstate shipment of gaming devices, spokes men for the House Interstate and Foreign Commerce Com mittee declared that proposed amend ments to exempt outdoor showbiz from the bill's restrictions "are continuing to get serious study." (See story in Coin Machine section). Among major proposed amendments under study Is one ofered last month (The Billboard, May 13) by Herbert W. Bye, representing the Railroad Show Owners' Association. Others included proposals by Harry J. Batt, president of the National Association of Amusement Parks, Pools and Beaches, and Dow W. Harter, attorney for Toy Manufacturers of the U. S. A., Inc. Bye's .mendment proposed to define machines to be banned along the same line as used by the Internal Revenue Bureau in describing machines on which the $100 gaming tax is to be collected. His amendment would further limit the definition of "gambling devices" by emphasizing that the term refers solely t gaming machines. The question of exempting outdoor show-type equipment did not recur in the anal two days of hearings this week. There were no requests by outdoor show folk to make further appearances beyond those already made in the sessions last month. Begin Construction on New Lansdale, Pa., Race Track LANSDALE. Pa., June 9.--A halfmil track, which will feature stock and midget car races and to be called Furturiatic Speedway. is being built here. Philadelphia backers are said to be supplying the money. Spot will be managed by Bill Vail, veteran race promoter of Pitman, N. J., and manager of Alcyon Speedway. Vail will continue to handle Alcyon. Robert Guenther, .r easur er of Olympic (N. J.) Park, said attendance at the funspot over the holiday was pared slightly by rain below the figure for the corresponding time in 1949. He added that per capita spending at the park remained the same 86 reported earlier in the season --a bit above last year's pace. Olympic Features Act. Free circus acts booked into Olympic by Herman Blumenfeld. of the George A. Harald & Son Agency, New York, for the May 29 week were Don Francisco, high wire; Two Francanes, amps: Salty Burbank, musical novelty, and The Flying Valentines. casting act. Fireworks and concerts by Joe Basile's Band also were presented Decoration Day. At Palisades (N. J.) Park, CoOwner Irving Rosenthal reported (See Rain Cuts Sir! Hoddsu. page 55) COPENHAGEN, June 3. --Opening of Copenhagen's renowned Tivoli amusement park May 3 was marred b. the accidental death the preceding day of Manager Carl Mortensen, who also had interests in the amusement park at Dyrehaysbskken, suburb of Copenhagen, and in other amusement enterprises. Mortensen. 68, was instantly killed when a car driven by his son, Kai Erik Mortensen, went out of control and hit a tree. Aage Petersen, 57. director of the Valencia, local cabaret, also recently died. The Valencia specialized in spectacular shows end sensational acts, including top bracket American circus and vaude acts. It was at this spot that the libeling aerial star, Lillian Leitzel, met her death. largest producer of toy balloons. He was active in the Toy Manufac- turers Association and the Rubber Association. He was a past president of the Ravenna Chamber of Commerce, the Co mmunity Cheat, Kie warns Club. and also served as veil- International Harvester Bought 600G Talent Crop in 8 Months Hold Funeral Rites For Frenchy Healy, Veteran Canvasman rector of the Second National Bank CHICAGO, June 3. --Funeral aerv- here. (Continued fro m page 4) der of the show. Williams and his Ices were held here today for Ja mes Bentonville, Ark., Park Skeds Races, Thrill Show nor mal show runs approxi mately two hours. with 40 minutes given over aids have prepared an eight-page 81/2 by 1-Pich booklet, outlining the exact (Frenchy) Healy, 75, boss canvas man of the Royal American §hows, who to the showing of several diferent films of IH products. The films play method of running a party night. The only promotion used to plug died Wednesday (31) in his home here. He sufered a heart attack two down the commercial messages but the night is a self-mailer piece, pre- week, ago while on the show. BE.NTONVILLE, Ark., June 3.-- Auto races, athrill show, rodeo, horse races and baseball will be staged in emphasize agricultural progress and try to pass along vital general information to the farmer, Williams said. pared by the IH promotion department and sent to the individual dealer's entire mailing list. In addition, Healy had been with Royal American for 10 years and prior to that was with Ringling Bros. and Ko mark Park here this year, Carl The dealer who conducts a family the dealer is urged to call approxi- Barnu m da Bailey Circus for 42 years. Johnson, operator of the park, an- party is given two or three minutes mately 25 to 50 customers, plus the He was a member of the Greater nounced. at the start and end of the progra m to vicinity's leading civic figures. News- Tampa Showmen's Association. Johnson also is owner of the Cozy greet and say goodnight to the crowd. paper and radio plugging is generally He is survived by his widow, Gene- Theater here. A regular emsee handles the remain- (international Harvester, page 61) vieve. ' S4 GENE RAL O UTDOO R Th. Billboard June 10, 1950 IF IT'S PROFITS YOU WANT Cloge-Upa: Bill Boyd Tops 'Double' Trouble se M a On Long Trail to Hopalong Role B, To m ParkInton «REG. U S. PAT OPP, A merica's Favorite 5e Bo wling Ga me A Legal Skill Ga me Everywhere FOR PARKS --RESORTS --ARCADES IEARNI NGS FRO M $3 TO $4 PER HOUR Our 1950 strea mlined Alleys should not be confused with imitation. or old type alleys. A Resort Arcade Operator replaced 12 old alleys with 12 new ones in 1949. Reported doubled receipts over any previous season's operation. SICEE BALL receipts are increasing year by year while many other ga mes and devices are going down. Operators report earnings fro m S1000 to S2000 per Alley per Su m mer Season. There's still time to get Alleys to replace those old ones for the 1950 Su mmer Season. It pays to give your patrons the bestl Phone or Write us about terms and delivery. PHILADELPHIA TOBOGGAN CO. tso E. ouvrit men · , PHILADELPHIA 44, PA. AMUSEMENT DEVICE MANUFACTURERS COASTERS -- LAFFING FIGURES, -- FUN HOUSE STUNTS LOOK--PARKER DOES IT AGAIN! We oiler aomelets Baby -Q" Cany.UPAll for only 38.923.06--talte 2masons to pay-20 lumping Hors «. 2Chariot.. upholstered and decorated Carries adults. San. the homes we hare on 31-foot machine Nothing Ilk. never altered by any other manufacturer. Carried on I 16-loot truck. Comm ee It Place your ores, now, only a few more for Spring delivery. DoLuse. 38 loot. lahreast 51.125.002seasons lo pay. 3-abreast. $10.125.00 -2 seasons to pay. Also 42 loot. 46 tool. SD foot and larger. Cal is Smother of a series ol articles on Iitfle.known louts about people prominent In outdoor show businemi · W ILLIAM BOYD, as Hopalong Cassidy, is riding high again. But the role " hasn't always meant bank roll. Boyd Is back in the saddle beca me of a hefty helping of a New England writer's vision, plus effective ideas and a tenacity all his own. Boyd, the star and part-owner of Cole Bros.' Circus. Is the hottest kids' attraction in television, the biggest na me lure in circus business, the most potent factor in kids' merchandise tie-ins, acomic strip and comic book sub- ject, and a power in radip. And he is poised for a return to motion pictures. This is a far cry from the Bill Boyd of two years ago. Then he was as flat busted as yesterday's Hopalong Cassidy balloon. A movie has-been, he had mortgaged his ho me and car and had spent his ravings, a reported $350,000, on a comeback ga mble via television. Just when the gamble ap- peared lost, his fortune turned. His old movies, spotted on TV. caught on, their popularity soared, and he galloped to the top in video ratings. His TV success sent him to the heights in other fields. Cirrus Si., Lengthened Typically, his stint as a circus star has proved so profitable that his scheduled movie with Bing Crosby --also a result of his rapid rise --has been postponed so he can stay longer with Cole Bros. His name on about 100 fantastically assorted merchandise iterns means rapid-fire sales for concessionaires. novelty men and department stores. His comic books (Bil Boyd and Boy- nton° Co rid 0) cell 46.000.000 copies yearly. His album of Colu mbia records is nearing the 400 000-sale mark. The Hopalong Cartido comic strip is carried by major TV shows, the dspairilinegs.board that BILL (Horatian° Cassidy) BOYD gave Boyd his biggest boost, are carried on 50 outlets. National Broad- casting Company is buying video rights for al Boyd's old films. Twelve flickers which Boyd made for himself will start feeding into the TV mill in '51, when the first of them become old enough for television use. Next year Boyd wil make IS new films especially for TV, these to be produced by NBC at a cost of $50.000 each. General Foods Corporation is buying Hopalong TV shows as contracts with other sponsors expire. The same firm also sponsors the }Windom; radio show carried by the Mutual network. C.W. PARKER AMUSEMENT CO. Whir Signs Hoppy Arthur M. Wirtz, Cole Bros.' kingpin, apower in other amusement enter- LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS prises and one who knows a good thing, called on Boyd this winter. Three hours later a deal had been worked dew epee epée/ out giving Wirtz apowerful dra wing card for hie circus and Boyd a onethird Interest in the show. Hoppy's part in the circus is simple and presented with showmanship. He 1 OT. SARATOGA ALL-ALUMINUM POPPER ,KING =···MIN·AAUT·SOPE·TEDL·PRHOU:CAKIEARPFRLIPRTEANEONYNTRIDE1E0ATENGINErTERRAIIDNERCISADRETRIRDIEDERIDERIDE AMUSEMENT CO. ·MT. CLEMENS, MICH:- The TILT-A -WHIRL Ride rides to the 'enter ring and talks briefly to the kids and parents utiout himself, his horse and characters in his movies. Then he urges the kids to mind their parents. His bit is short but sufficient. Youngsters wave their Happy banners wildly and yell the mselves hoarse. Boyd's trail began in Cambridge. O.. In 1898. One of four brothers, he was left fatherless at the age of 10. It's youngsters of about that age who raly now to the Hoppy standard, and his Cassidy role to fill in as a second fathTuerrnsforasthegrom.cery clerk, soda Jerk (Sée Bill Boyd Topa on page .51) L poowpespterplionc·thCeI n &Mu·a.erdpi.kAl.lWteaonytlaCynaliuOtfClSm$izypn5e.enEauenosanndom.0y..&-n $25.00 ALSO 33 CIT., $42-10 OT.. $13.00 Term, 25% with order, balance en dell... F 0. 8. TOLEDO. CONCESSION SUPPLY COMPANY Esse SECOR RD. TOLEDO 13. OHIO TICKET FOLLDLE°iDt Aloerlieher 14e Bieldeetd Sine, 'go« 'S DAY& NIGHT SERVICE SPECIALLY PAINTED l ai L ;71 1 ;,. Outotanding far Public Appeal Stability Good Quality * Portability High Class * Earning Power SELLNER MFG. CO. Faribault, blinnesita CASH WITH 03Dat PISCES -- ESL S10.20 ·ADO MONAL 10Ire AT SANE ORDER. 52.21 XFobrOvcehen&gweeeoffecoelorsay.1yw.OrdadIdnE75cd.esirFaeuds.t ErNefofmom«emhultichpalnetgeofof10,0wo0r0dintWghetasndofcoalokirndadenddS-1c.ol7o5r. 'S T O C K ROLL I10S1 RRROOOLLLLLLSS. -- e 1E1.00 is7i5s1 I W EL D O N, WI LLI A M S & Font SMITH. ARKANSAS seanot.Te..d.seP.wa.Cororeofiady OmMeenw«y..trer.s tever tino LI C K MX Pew. , FO R SALE FO R SALE FO R SA LE E W A RT RI DES A RE TO PS IN PE RFO R M A NCE Adult Rider -- Ewan 2 and 3-All. lalerryr &·13 .nds M ART Kiddie Rides -- Ferris Wheel. Street Car. Rotate. Airplane. Cartir-e-Plana. Atm , Elting Hone. Write for tittleg. Tyre seamen to pay --bank terms 1. E. EWART CO. 707 E. CREENLIAP STRUT Phony: NErnam 1.0808 COMPTON. CALIFORNIA DIClino.e,mplWeBohtiemp.bePerronkeSwiannDodeu,blRieondeesLooRipde.OnreRa.PlHaernonre.eyGonDou.eRnoSpulinPofdnI.rd.e.braonnonedo AlxnBeutpwlt:aernen-Dre.RidFeRierd,rei,soneonWeheKiedlCad.tyeronpeiJelelpaSrtr.eRiadonem.eonwheoleWsentlUor.e ouAlltfit.theMxt.h.en.fortildee.mitInor terp·rmh.OntTnh, WinoulexdcellWemnt to.bacelln anthed TgOrePnrIRuetCcd.I.IkC.·Rilwidarnbed., brTrmeeteareildeesrr41s5.neca0n0wfr.e0,e0me0Wtoill91ea2soc1h.elwi,teahrYothuethSeEmh.awhvLoorel-deHes.altotou1thfwiet.IsedthfoeIran.wodn52'3t.hRai0dv0ee0....0.0to.torrectaiIdmranp,ey.recileCra13a7t5tn.ee00m.0gi.vitheeam.wyoourtDhonfl'.tof JAY WARNER, Box 181, Bay st. Louis, 111salsalppl June KI, 19.5(P The Billboard GENE RAL OUTDOOR 55 Rain Cuts Big Holiday Play in New York Area FIRST ,Cardidued from page 53) hustiti.·.ss over the holiday week- end exceeded last year's mark by 1010,10to0 12 on per cent. With a crowd of hand for Decoration Day, Rosenthal said that attendance for · 1:tv wa$ up 25 per cent over the poem RIDES 8 Y Cé'- (-- IC 01 Is -0-i.I. ANIR Also OE TENH US 15111,1.- 0- P L A NIS .u·trole boot Portable to. Carneval or OPneer-eTreunscekraRwiadne.. I. H MV AIRCEIAFT CO. SA WN. « MON Ne w Chevrolet CARS AND TRUCKS SPECIAL FINANCE PLAN FOR SHO W MEN GET OUR PRICES FIRST JOHN BUNDY REPRESE NTATIVE Hauss-Standard Chevrolet 1325 STATE ST EAST ST. LOUIS, ILL. THE WINNER! · U ME CHIEF FIRE ENGINE The Ne w Kiddie *Ida A.orded trophy for 'nett mereloriouS eme ride at NAAPPAS Convention. Chicago 1949... Rides la kids --outgrossed el other kiddie rides et 1949 RR Fair. Cheap to operet· -1 gallons reday... Can else ba used as e sound true% with the twodeced removable van (furnished) mou nt·d between seats. woe, Nora Or Va . Celled. lack 14,..116Oo. har.. ror 1·1·14 had FLY & HARWOOD, Inc. 10 errIeses 40. M. 34.1144 KN OWS. Te M· 36 PASSENGER TOM THyMS STRO.Mil.,NER ArnerkaS Finest, I , Noe Economical TOM TIMM. int umu nts. INC. Satassla Fla. holiday last year. He said that good spending at the funspot was con- tinuing. Free attractions booked into Palisades by the Ha mid Agency were the Trisca Troupe and Henry Jerome's orchestra. Park pool opened Saturday. Rockaway Drawn Big An esti mated crowd of 500.000 visited Rockaway's Pl.yland over the four-day period, according to park Owner A. Jo ,ph Geist. He reported good spending and said that gate prizes of dolls, bicycles and toy -ire engines were distributed. Long Island Railroad. owners of a firegutted trestle which conveyed a good portion of Rocka way's custo mers .0 the spot, will make an announcement shortly on whether the trestle . be rebuilt, according to Rocka way's Cha mber of Com merce. Alternative measure has the city acquiring, IC- building end operating the trestle. First excursion boats of the season put in at Rockaways' Playland Decoration Day. Funspot has a lie-up with the Wilson Lines and Circle Sightseeing Line, connecting several New York and New Jersey pointa in the metropolitan arca with Rockaway. Geist reported that two excursion boats brought about 1,000 persons to the park May 30. Indians Point Okay Ed Kel mans. manager of Indian Point Park, Peekskill, N. Y., said that the season looked pro mising after a throng of 25,000 had passed thru the wickets over the four-day period. Decoration Hay crowds broke all gale attendance records for the spot, according to Kel mans with the, bulk of it supplied by auto trade. Park manager said that promotion is aimed especially at capturing cardriving patrons. Opening daily operations Saturday, May 20, Indian Point drew 20,000 over the week-end, Kelmans said, including 3,500 boys on an outing sponsored by the ·-ew York Police Athletic League. Kids were given reduced rates, of a nickel per ride and were brought to the park by the Hudson River Day Lines. Kelmans expects the river boats to supply a good portion of his custo mers and said that outings totaling 10,000 persons would arrive at the park by boat Saturday (17). Rye Spending Up Play' eid, at Rye, N. Y., which bowed for the season Saturday. May 27. drew 75.000 persons over the four-day period, according to Park Director Allan E. MacNicol. Ile said that spending was ahead of last year's pace and that rain over the week-end had ha mpered biz at the funspot very little. since all rides, except a Roller Coaster, and most of the park grounds are under cover. Special features opening day were a concert by the Westchester Parkway Police Choir and Glee Club and a firework, display. Management at Coney Island's Steeplechase Park reported that good crowds and spending marked the spot's bow over the week-end of May 20. Esti mates of the turnout at Coney Island over Decoration Day were set at 750,000, with spending holding up at a high level. Steeplechase, ordinarily closed on Monday, opened for the day in an attempt to catch the ho me-from-school kid trade, but rain killed the effort. Extensive pro motion planned by Coney Island Cha mber of Co m merce for benefit of me mber ope la the arca haa not ye begun. Bathing at Coney Island and at Jones Beach, .hich attracted 42,000 persons Decoration Day, was mostly of the sun variety, with water te mperatures down around 55 degrees. IdeJ'Pl4IArIP4Aree/AL·LABENCAUHSEERSTHCEHYELuLsr./ / KIDDIE RIDES auying ·new Kiddie alder then gee the ride that's banked by nearly 75 years el manufacturing - knew-Four ... gel an Allan Herschel. Compare them all. N eese Ilse way Allan Herschel rides we built ... rugged in every sense el du word. TheYs why they cost less In Ibe long run. They deliver smooth, trouble-free performance month after month, season after flatta. Allan Handled Kiddie Rides have what if lakes le attract the youngsters -- plenty of flash and selor. They're sale, erg o to wed, easy le dismantle, easy It maintain. No wonder pork and carnival men from coos, to coos, prefer Allan Hersch el Kiddie Rides le el *the.. And remember .Allan Herschel rides am slapped com· pl.,? -- ne "m etr e t· buy. Prempt serve . on treplarmner m parts for any Allan % och er ride town bud, Write, Wig* Of phone today fer tosolea, delivery schedule and prices. wail A B M', MU M' Ia, node by tie mews ed CARROUSELS, WHIZ SANG, CATERPILLAR, MOON ItOcrOT, 1.00PER, ITURRIC MIE, WATER SCOOTER, KIDDIE EUGGY RIO( SKY FIGHTER. MOOR A M MO?. It LI ME DIPPER, KIDDIE MERRY-GO. ROUND. KIDDIE COAT RIX sad IO W Owner. weweeerne Wee ms 1 01111 · ALLAN HERSCHELL COMPANY, Inc. NORTH TONAWANDA, NE W YORK ?elected Catgut merweetjacialer eugweleoce*C la.4 W A NNA M AKE M ONET. WIE' VE GOT THE PIPS THAT DIG OUT CAS H LI KE SIDE SHO W NOPN! Tan Daly Co mplete Refresh ment Supply Service I,, N. E. and nnnnn . Save TI ME.. Save M O NEY.. Save W ORK Place ONE Order .. or ONE Source for ALL ate TOP M O OT AH MAKERS on th· Mid way. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON EVERYIH1116 Irons terse:wings to popcorn maenwei SPECIAIto DO6 mu $16.45 1.0». one 1401it THEATRE CANDY CO, INC. 119 Stuart St.. Boston Ma w. HO 1-4632 400 Dinsviddie St., Piltsbut er. Pa. AT 1-0503 -'I!ihTiT;Tiflflj iÏti - il111i1 - - _. - fiN IDO FRANKLIN ST. SMITH HIT THE DEC K Gel your share al It. 1550 profit. with our emoting new Rom Ride Also manufacturers of Adult and Kiddie Cholrplanee Kiddie Aimless» Ride. and Ocean Woven Write wire oh m . tot literature SPRING VILLE, N T. A RIDE FOR THE MONEY Arrene Adult at,,, K..11, ,.,ry-Co-Rounds and Kiddy Redes are giving lust that - the ride for your ,e ride that wit make you the .or ersd petetee m. REPLACE YOUR W OR N W OODEN HORSES WITH OUR LIFETI ME most CAST ALU MI NU M BEA UTIES-IT PAYS. ARRO W DEVELOP MENT CO., INC. 241 NOIRCIT BLVD MOUNTAIN VIE W CALIF. MAKERS OP BETTER GRADE RIDE EQUIP ME NT CONCESSION SUPPLY CATALOGUE O.. ···· TT.P··· ·········· MU M, r·....0e.· ter IMO ha. been mat,P0 to oln ore our maillot UM. U woo 10 0 tue received your copy. One oat ve vent upon revue«. «tee mt entree, to ta me In the ronce mlons Maine «. We have · lot 01 new Ite ms you mould know about GOLD MEDAL PRODUCTS CO. 14 O. TN1110 ST. CINCINNATI S. attIO 56 GENERAL OU TDOO R T h e Billb oar d June 10, 1950 WRITE FOR FREE CAT AL OG GENERAL EQUIPMENT SALES 1« 124 S. WEST ST INDIANAPOLIS INDIANA, Cohen Artists Bureau, has booked r elit in the Open tht. Great Vino, the Marvelous Millettes and Wallenda and Ki mris for the Balyhoo Show, a part of the Bridgeport, Conn., Barnu m Festival which is being pro moted by Joseph Harry Julius. operator of the Ar- ago appeared with Johnny Olsen on V. Dunn, of the local com mittee... . cade on Royal American Shows, and Ned E Tort', of Wisconsin Deluxe the dio laprtotgerr'asm,"Laisdiebso,okiBengSehaitsedv"audra-e A large colored photo of the company and staf of the Bufalo Bill. Co mpany, Milwaukee, attended the recent Chicago convention of the American Coin Machine Manufacturers' Association. . . . Clair McOmber. member of the Alegan troupe, known as "Ralph Krause and His Radio Revue" into fairs and celebrations in Wisconsin. The Montreal Daily Star recently Show taken while the org was play-. ing the Oly mpia, London, England, in 1909 is on display at the LoewPalace Theater, Bridgeport, Conn.. where the fil m "Annie Get Your (Mich.) Fair board, in Chicago recently, enthused about the many events to be held at the fairgrounds this season. The Allegan plant has the only lighted half- mile track in Western Michigan, he pointed out. allotted a lengthy editorial to RIRC Billings' Belmont Park, praising the funspot for its modern improvements, facilities and attractions. Spread included a two-colu mn pie showing Goldia Restall, motorcycle Gun" is playing. Pic is e l l: collection owned by Mats Loew city manager in Bridgeport and for many years press agent with Bufalo Bill. Racing was skedded to open May 27. thrill rider at the park, in action. Four new giant searchlights art in Ralph Krause. who several years r Talent Jack La Mn, general manager of use at Palisades (N J.) Park, manned by Sans Stein man.... When explo- sion of munitions at South Amboy, Topics N. J., closed local schools, Jack and Irving FlogenthaL co-owners of Palisades (N. J.) Park treated 800 chil- dren to a day's outing at the funspot CONCESSION Electric Floss Machine SPECIAL STA M M BELT-19 Pia MOOR. Ill MAOMICS Juggling Jewels recently played their third return engage ment at Palumbo's Restaurant, Philadelphia. . . .Charles Devitt. Joe and Wally Beach caught George A. Harnicfs circus at West Springfield, Mass., and visited with Janet May and Paul. Don Francisco and Mary. Ira and Buddy Watkins, ELly Ardelty. the Ericksons. Torellis. Roland Tiebor Jr. the Bodos. Herb Taylor and clowns. Los A. m.. Al Marriott's high act. ·C/ .TOLE DO and Miss Luxe m. also a high act, 21 3°were featured free attractions at the recent Knights of Colu mbus celebra- tion on Chicago's Southwest Side. TI,. Old Standby at flog Operator, ,· . . . Arturo Trash, known as the Highest Production Great Arturo. high wire, was in Chi- fe w Fads .. He m and Speed Control Rheostat, cago recently.... Sol Crewman. with his musical stairs, has been booked CONCESSION SUPPLY COMPANY 3916 SeCOR no. TOLEDO 13 OHIO to appear at Michigan State Fair, Detroit, August 5-10 and will play The Chicago Tribune Music Festival Au- gust 19. Act was booked into both spots by Marcus Glaser. Chicago.... Esther. iron jaw; Rosa Egresada. hee and toe traps; Roui Earned*, clown; Senor Munoz. web; Vasquez Troupe, acros, and Wheeler's dogs and Carl Yavruian. popcorn concessionaire, is dickering for a West Side location near Detroit to install a n. w Kiddieland. ponies. Show will move on seven trucks and carry a Side Show. After · week in Arizona it moves to California to present the grandstand attraction at Beau mont Cherry Festival June 17-19. ganJa mes D. State Friel, manager of MichiFair, was mentioned Thursday Ill in The Detroit News as a potential candidate for Con- ;gress. Vacancy exists in the 18th 1District as the result of the recent Paul Toby. European horse trainer who has been training show horses in Louisiana the past winter, stopped off in New York last week en route to Canada where he will present his high school horse, Agba, ridden by Line Valty. at fairs and horse shows. 'death of Rep. John Lesinski. A primary election is skedded this sum- :mer to fill the vacancy.... Charles 'Albright, concessionaire with Foley te Burk Shows, was in Co mpton, Calif., Decoration Day to pick up a new Mix-Up fro m the H. E. Ewart Company. Ride will be placed in a Happy Spitzer and his mule, Fran- park in the San Francisco area. cis, are on a 10- week tour. Friday and Saturday (9-10) they will be in Westbrook, Me. . . . hala Watkins i Stanley W. booking agent, Wathon. New was confined York to his and his chi mps are at Palisades (N. J.) Park for a two-week engagement. Watkins is recuperating fro m hospitalization and surgery. ho me for several days with a severe cold contracted while visitinfi Charles Hunt. owner of Hunt Brae. Circus, recently in Ossining, N. Y. ears M K AUTOMATIC SM119 COIK MAI M W. al m n·ndle Snot& SUPRIMÍ. P 0, 1014 /MI, FAIR PARK, OALL ·11, TV A The Ne w FLOSS eltailettf:7et KING '[--li I 1 1 . SeptIrmigi Nedw C'n, · Performante ' Retere Sing Lee Sing, acrobatic troupe, closed a week's engagement at Chicago's Oriental Theater May 31. Bert and Corinne Dearo. slack &ire and high act, info fro m Peru. Ind, that they opened their outdoor season June 5 at Lake Lansing Amusement Park, Haslett, Mich. Act will work for the Gus Sun office all summer with the exception of dates with Ahanas Fa mily was the cover subject of the May 28 issue of Parade, AS T R O FO RE C AS TS Sunday newspaper supple ment The All Readings Co mplete for 1950 group also received an inside two- Ce Ntel Sailli ImbeNee page spread Aerial Stilts in the sa me issue. were the free acts . . at a On nand in the w 4 3 is write lar INaive Sheet, Ins's ., e we NS: 3 mires. 100, lit; Per lima. M .11 1, Sa w May 29-June 3 American Legion Gold F . 0. mphlel. 4 ea .. sell, is Nan* celebration in Delphi, Ind. They , Any Com 'WHAT IS mit, gaeh W RITTE N IN TIIII ST ARS.. reldir/ were also booked for a June Legion event in Pierceton, Ind. 6-10 /Sepia «. ..P Very w·ll 21,411.12.r01o1e .. . per 100, 12 Mealy «, en mere, ·FORSCAST AND ANAL YSIS le m Renee I revere (0 ,01. FAO% To m Packs's Circus at St. Louis and Nashville. Mexican acts set to open with Circo Fla mante at Phoenix, Ariz., NE W DREA M BOOK Acts with in Detroit, Harlacker Charity until Friday (2), show were · starno Ws of earl, at the abe w 4 keno No I42 Pa w. Sesort·d Col . CO,.?. bar Three Aerial Milos. Sensational Marion». Jong, Three Fearless Stars. IPS PARS, I Sets Huraners, Clearine and Pol k, 120 Drea ms Bou . In Heavy Gehl 214 Red Tuesday (9) are Sensational Mal- Minkel's!, Nelson Sisters, Canestrelli dando, head balancing traps; Marcos Fa mily, La Taira and Flying Le Morales. foot juggler; Senorita Mars. Paper Covers. Good Quality Paper, ow . . 204 HO W TO WIN AT ANY KIND OF IPMC U- LOTION. Sip. Well bonnel, P2311 254 PACK OP 71 WITPTIAN P. T. CAROS. asAena-seers Ail Ilvedloue L .1ty Humber, 66. iliilapire louent fo. Serving die Trade 45 rein SWAP. Ca sa. Ellu,trated. Park of II Graph Charts, INIT. Se melele. Ism M S7.30 About a 4e Profit on a5Cent Sale MENTAL TELEPATHY BPOklet of 21 p. 224 Ship ments Made to Your CoMo mers Steger sour Label. No checks eereeted. C.0 D.. M N DispoOk The Multiplex Our name or ad, do not w ooer itt any Ingress. Mee. ... .lea . .oak, attires. Orders are P F. Extra,. ROOT BEER BARREL SI M MONDS & CO. It wrest se amen ewe. CHICAGO 4, ILI. send for Na mes, . *Nees IN 514514 sIZE N 8 GA L 17 G AL. 4 5 G AL. I Advert. « I. Cold Root Goer to attract · Wren volu me of sales at an Exceptionally Large Profit. Cital(em5 0. EQUIPMENT CORP. K 249 HARVEY Ill Phone: HARVEY 40)6 Ce ps/re volu me business and profits with a -Multiplex. Exclusive'· 0-- '' cooly walks . tur n' ,.r ; oil --I0 10 15 drinks per minute. Dua ws delicious solid think with M et amount of loa m when handle is turned PARK AVE. Al 162ND ST. to ono and a crea ms er.nk when turned 10 Other Ode. ·Iso DISPE NSERS few COCA-COLA, ORA N GE. ° MERE sTUR1211 OA X STAINLESS STL U. 104 09 FOLDING TABLES BENCHES M onaft wfurerst MULTIPLEX FAUCET C o. M al Denson Ave. SI. Le e. le. Ma. an Le Into Relines% W1111 LILEY'S Far ms 5001 BEER at BARREL SET-Sift, Vtr · CHAIRS Salts Co.. 1121 E. M t. Rheas CRY. Me FROZEN MIX SHOOTING GALLERIES W RITE Steel Bench Fra mes for CA UL°. NO. W O F I F:r.s. Portable or K. D. Bench « Fhe Monroe Co., hoe. 1 CHURC H ST. COLF AX, IO WA Delirious Delightful Iteleetalaie For toe in any continuous or batch Treece,. Vanilla powdered nth', 28# per pound. 25* ba p, 100 pound minimal', ship ment 12 additional for chocolaha 0. O. a. [M ug.. Made from pasteurized milk, making · smooth body, crea my color lean be froeen hard for radY oar various, m d mulm Ni Mng ov w -rumt· Special sa mple co maire 3./s, pounds, making 1y.s gallons liquid mix, $1.04 delivered. Send check for sa mple. MI D CONTINENT DAIRY Pftonuers 110 N. FIA MILI N CHICAGO P. 141. And Sup ple, for Eastern and Western T·re Geleries. LOT 1922, W RITE FOR CIRCbt SA H. W. TERPEN1NG 137-131 Marine It, OCE AN PARK. CAt if FO R SALE Li n POKER en West Coast 1949 (410SSED OVEll $31,000.00 512.000.00 Pirde sox A- w. Tax eater.. . ONO Son... Piad. Hollyw od 20. 1. i.t. Pine 10, 1950 The M ilhoard .d` ebbed GENERAL OUTDOOR 57 1) the isue that means summer business! ili mo m on um am no m a ou ad deadline JUNE 15 im um no To manufacturers and distributors of equipment for outdoor show business, the summer season means BIC business. That time is drawing near --and with it. the advertising deadline for Tha Billboard's big annual SU M MER SPECIAL! If you have not already prepared copy for your ad in this spectacular issue --DO IT NO W! Don't miss out on this tremendous market. The SU M MER SPECIAL is dated lune 24 and distributed to all parts of the country June 19. THE BILLBOARD · 2160 Patterson St. ·Cincinnati 1, Ohio 58 GENERAL OUTDOOR The Billboard June 10, 1950 LCE_11111 1 Iiemwege · GALA ·COLORFUL · DECORATIVE FM08 COMPLETE SETS INCLUDE 26 FLAGS AND 14 PENNANTS 5e. No. 4 No. d No. I Flog Sise 4,t·ti s' 3), 3' P ·.'s 1,-1' Pelmet Sise 3,4'118' 5' 3' Price S 40 32 S 24 Goy val lairs, Flags caneestioni.. tanyvations. side - Guaranteed Ne w anent sho wy, quality, bacozenag.arM,I·Carni- rope, soap cod ring for quick hanging. Ter ms: Net F. O. I. Pittsburgh. check with order. WHILE THEY LAST! WRITE ·WIRE ·PHONE TODAY! Pit hburgh Err/nine,' W arahounv EV. 1.7577 PITTSBURGH 19. PA Et 1.2085 ILINOIS FIREWORKS Tops for Brilliancy and Beauty O ur Pr 14 ,14 W rite Dm and he eon, hired. ILI E M U S FI R E W O R K S C O M P A N Y, IN C. Warm Jar,. and ',mfr.-ton. dint«. 1918 P. 0. Box 792 Danvile, Ilinois Factory Plisse 1716 PO WER SPECIALISTS To Show Business in Lower Michigan CATERPILLAR DIESEL POWER UNITS ad DIESEL ELEnCTRIC SETS 2.1 H our P aris an d R e pair Service MICHIGAN TRAITOR & MACHINERY CO. 13801 Lyndon Ave. Detroit 27, Alkh. VErnhone 7-5000 1139 Buchanan S. W. Grand Rapide, Mich. Phono 3-5970 You SsUpEMPrIeALR 24ru ne SUBSCRIPTION ORDER FORM The Billboard 2160 Patterson Street Cincinnati 22, Ohio Please enter my subscription to The Billboard lc , one year. $10. Iunderstand that th,s will include the BIC SU M MER SPECIAL Bill Boyd Tops 'Double' Trouble On Long Trail to Hopelong Role (Continued fro m page 53) point. First he succeeded in talking and oil field worker kept Bill busy his way into the Hopalong role. Then until he was 19. Then he went to live he converted thr character fro m mav- with his grandparents in Los Angeles erick to model Westerner. Next he and to try crashing the movies. Holly- wrangled a schedule of six Hopalong wood wasn't impressed, however, so Cassidy fil ma, Twice the co mpany's Bill plunked his roll for asecond-hand Pierce- Arrow and joined a half-dozen others with ears in operation of the Pick wick Line. Na med for the San Diego theater where the limousine jockeys first pitched for passengers, the line offered rides to resort areas and later expanded to serve the L A.. Prisco carriage trade. original plan, and thus established the character in the minds of the Saturday afternoon movie moppets. Alter the sixth, kids called for more. Boyd pushed a playboy past far behind hi m and modeled his personal actions after Hopalong's. He learned then to ride a horse. atractive If Bill had stayed with that org he might have become a bus line big shot because the line prospered and much later beca me a link in the Greyhound system. But Billy the Kid sold his ear and tried the flickers again. This time (in 1919) Boyd made 15 bucks as an extra in a Cecil B. DeMille film, after which De Mille gave hi m a minor speaking role. But his career in motion pictures staggered when De Mille advised hi m to get out of the business. The two had clashed over how a bit should be done and De Mille told Bill he'd better pack up his make-up. Bill refused, stating fir mly that he intended to stick. His Spirit impr essed De Mille. When the Not long after he began the Hop- along series, Boyd married for the fifth time. His wife, Grace, was a co medienne in the movies and has shared the Cassidy ups and downs with Bill. The 13th anniversary of their wedding will be this month. They have no children and live un- pretentiously in Hollywood Hills. In all, Boyd has acted in 86 Hopalong fil ms -54 for Para mount and 16 which he produced hi mself and released thru United Artists, The latest was made three years ago. Hopalong's limp disappeared at the outset and a stripe on the breeches of his fa miliar costu me bas been eli minated; otherwise, the character has re mained unchanged. scene was over Boyd had a De Mille Peek Gives TV Tip contract. In 1938, a time when TV still was Another Bill Boyd HUI did · minor part in King of Kings, worked for Fa mous Players In the early '20s, and in 1925 had the lead in The Voiga Boat man. He drew a star's 83,000 per week. Then ca me the talkies. Boyd's voice wasn't bad, but he dropped to lesser pictures. His stock dropped even lower because of another man by the na me Bill Boyd. The other Bill Boyd gained recognition on the Broad way stage and then went to the Coast. He got in- a blurr on the horizon, Boyd acidentally got a tip-off peek at Paramount's contract with Mulford. The creator of Hopalong Cassidy had specifically retained television rights to the series in that contract, which was writen in 1994. "I figured that he must have had so mething in mind," Boyd said, And It put TV rights on Boyd's mind. For the next 10 years he worked to get those rights. First he bought the fil ms the m- volved in some bad p .blicity, and selves fro m four persons who held the brand was burned on Hoppy when reissue rights. Then he made many a newspaper printed the wrong trips to Fryeburg, Me., to dicked with Boyd's photo with the story. Bonny's Mulford on a possible deal for the studio knew he was an innocent vic- television privileges. Their final tim, but it ripped up his contract for agree ment gave the writer 50 per cent What Price for Mexico. Glory. Bonny took off of all taxes; HiotpagalvoengBoCaysdsidthye profits video before rights.. "About a year and a half later I That decade ended with Boyd a picked up an L A. paper in a Mexican has-been on the screen. But Hopalong hotel," Boyd recalled. 'There on the Cassidy movies first appeared on TV front page was my picture again. in August, 1948. A Los Angeles sta- And the story said I had died"! Meets Ceaddy The daily had made the sa me photo mistake and this time Boyd raced back to Hollywood. Death had taken the other Bill Boyd; the future Hop- along was ready to ride again. Bill was 36 when Para mount of- fered hi m his first Western role, the ro mantic lead ln what was to be the first Hopalong Gleason was to plCa asysidthey fil m. Ja mes role of Hen- along, then a character calculated to be the roughest, cussingest, flea- bitten cowhand on the Holly wood range. The na me Hopalong stem med from the supposition that he carried in his leg a sluz: fro m the six-shooter tion paid $200 per showing the m. Now it is showing the sa me films for the fifth time around and at $1.000 per viewing. Surprised by Hiss Seeing Mulford's idea for television, co mbining it with his own version of Hoppy and putting the whole plan into working order put Boyd in position for the boo m. He had set his sights high for TV, but even he bad not realized the scope of the things he was building. His across-the-board rise surprised hi m no teas than many others. But the kids --and thus the parents, producers, managers and merchandisers --fell in love with Hoppy and the rush was on. of some equally low-down gunman, Unassu ming in his co meback, Bill That's at any rate, was the Idea was apprehensive before his first writer Clarence E. Mulford had in personal appearance a year ago. The mind. New York Daily News was launching But Bill saw so mething different In the Hopalong co mic strip and Boyd the script. "I liked that name, Hopalong Cas- was on hand. The resulting mob --people lined up sidy," he said, "and I thought that if eight deep for 26 blocks to see hire -- that cowboy were cleaned up. I'd like gave the first indication of bis draw- to do the part." ing po wer. His apprehension turned Hopelons Converted to amaze ment. At about the sa me Horse sense and plenty of business time he made his first circus appear- foresight cropped out in Boyd at this (See BILL BOYD on page 63) Na me Address TICKETS YPORulNRTEODR DTE^ 100,000--$28.00 City Occupation or Business Zone State ROLL -- FOLDE D -- CAS H WIT H OR DER -- SAVE se.n. m.rn OrOer (aol, Wording Pr.ce Or Ciao. 10.000 T DALY TICKET CO. r"`" 10.000 E·cri Atlilltlen·I S.M. Order Pe ,, Cho .* Color Chant. U MW 1.02 5.0150 lesna' 10, 1950 The Billboard GENERAL OUTDOOR 54) 3000 BINGO 50 t Card.. heavy wtate. black back. Wie n. No duplicate turd, The m sets complete with C.1Itns Number.. Tally Cud, 33 Card.. 43.155 SO eards, pal n e·rd.. 14.501 100 card.. es ». All rude from 102 to 3000 OS per 100. Fibre Calling Number.. 7Ss Wood Cali me leentme m Sir Printed Tan, Cud, 134- Colored Hoer, Cards. 53 game sultan a. El ia O men, Red. Yellow O St per 100. DOUBLES CARDS. No. ate. Svor1444, ItO ··en 3000 KENO Made in 30 wt. of 100 cards earn Plared in 3 row. across the oar .. not up and down 1.ght weight rude. Pet set ot 100 card. tall, card. call, . marker.. $3. 50. LIGHT WEIGHT BINGO CARDS Willie. Green. Yellow Cards, postel card thickness. Can be retained or discarded. 1,000 elm 551. per 100, 1.22. In lot. Cl 1.000.61 per MO Calling matter, extra, 7.4. Set Numbered Pine Pone 0.11. 015.114 Repmessenent.. Numbered Salle. Re .41 1.000 Jack Pot SI M. Caries ad 7 num- bers, Per 1,000. 1.15 teldGrmeeainr.elgReettd SCalamdo..n eYe3 /4ll.7o1w/4..PeWrbn og SAO 3,04 Small. Thin, .41rasenle. Bingo Sheet.. I colors. moue only. no pads n . 405, St I ill Plastic icarie n. Red or Green. Round oSrcall»ompar.e. Edeg°e. DiGaremeenter,only. N.. t.7.8Se0 Smaller Sire, ha" 131ans.. Red or AdCr,reeDinemPla»stiPcoss,terM., a m 24·311. Eaeh IR.1O0 Cardboard Strip Markers. 10 al for -71 Rubber Co nrad W M. Cage. with Chute, Wood Sall Markers, Master Road; .piece layout tar 13.611 Thal Transparent Pleatie litarkere Drown. te Inch. Per M I.M Fea therweight Thin Binge Sheets, elm 5,43C, eery leer. nu meral.. 7 Color RotuoOnlde.WhniO1le taN.bb3.ed.CarIdboard Herber 3.01 ahem Ps Inch lila ./IMO to lb ;larger oze 04 dia .1000 to lb. Caber are. Ib. A.M.,. Sl am Blower, electric operated. co mplo t. with 75 Numbered Ping Pone Bane. weight 90a Send tor Ilustrated eLrehlsr. For 13$.10 All shone ode« are traruportation ear.. Catalog and sa mple card. free. No personal rheau accepted. Irarnedlete deliver,. J. M. SIM MONS tic CO. 19 W Subsea Blvd. entree., 4. Ilinois PEANUTS ·POPCORN ·SUPPLIES TOP-POP HY0/1/0 PORC OR N CARRIES A M ONEY " CPC GUARIAITIE Five Sizes Boxes -- Co mplete Line of Supplies -- Mid way M ar- vel Candy Floss M achine -- Sno wflake Sno w Cones -- A U M akes Ice Shavers -- Star Popcorn M achines -- Cotton Candy Cones -- Candy Apple Equip. M ont Et Supplies --Fr Mh Roasted Peanuts --Attractive Circus Bags -- Candy Floss Supplies. SE N D F O R F R EE C A T A L O G U E! CHUNK-E-NUT PRODUCTS CO. NATTY MILLER 231 N. Second St. Philadelphia 6, Pa HANK THEODOR 2908-14 SnklIman St Pittsburgh I. Pa. ED BERG 1261 63 E. Sixth SI. Los Angeles 21, (Ala FEMALE SHRUNKEN MEAD ARE PHOTO 1.051. DAIS. PP 813. MAI / sli m MIEN HEAD, SI.10R3 HAIR l'P Irutt Wmeanntuuudeuualuerresa Sithruhannereunr Ile.", mans other manu 'erra nd ettractIona We make op rear Ideas Stan, !the , sltreetione Write TATE'S CURIOSITY SHOP 61 8. Or me, a. m. Arleen. STEEL OR W OOD CHAI RS Folding or Hen-folding Proem. Oniiirry 1..n.- Muon order. I doz. it.,. quantity. ADIRONDACK (NAIR (O. 140 Eve., N Y 127 51 Dept C. laU 3..315 YOU CET NATION- WIDE SERVICE W HEN YOU ARE INSURED WITH CHAS. A. LENZ The Sho w men's $$$$$ rac· Men A1338 Insurance Inchon.. Chie·go, 'Net. · 1492 Fourth St.. N. SI. Petershere. Fla. Phone 5914 CONCESSION Electric Floss Machines erIng in Bigger Cash Profits! jra ,.s·Cheek ml · Direct Drum , · Rubber Mounted Throughosit 4 )e · SPpeSeedes',andrs Hteaolo Control Heal Contra teest, coat. ..out prem.C. Non pus/ Me 24 hours a day ut the rue I SOC cones om hour. Write for Fell Detail. CONCESSION SUPPLY COMPANY 3916 SECOR RD. TOLEDO 13, OHIO CONCESSION TRAILER tul ut· el mean .: Yalu It. Aluranunt lop. F*rPohnt."eSield,esFaatndFrCyaenr,vasOrAal.wnie-npg.MeeYgBuulranpeera Belu.tanetec TanAlkss,o leCgottBoona.CaJundkie and Fr une. Avallabie for InspentIon Ina. Coarser R. W. R eill' E F »el IliaLBY AT., 0A SI M ·Lï ".p e i ru leFly_ ANO M ODELS1 l.. 0w49:40rm tab » sede r s'maaltim. ealth me and a. . egyipment M R. en handke· IM MEDIATE DELIVERY: Perige 1 4byliar CaLdlbe .G. SE ANY Of WE FOLOWING DEALERS OR USE COUPON FOR OBTAINING LITERATURE ALBANY Nat'l Theatre Supply Ca Albany Theatre Sumer ATLANTA Nall Theatre SuPtcry Co ATLANTIC CITY Boardwalk Fil m Enterginses AUBURN Auburn Theatre Equ mment BALTI MORE I. F. Dusrnan Co. Nat'l Theatre Supph Co. BOSTON j. Citre, Inc. Nat'l Thettre Super CO. BUFFALO Dion Products Net/ Theatre 5 .P.v Co. CHARL OTTE N O/ Theatre Supply Ce. Standard Theatre Supply Co. CHICAGO Abbott Theatre EXILdP. CO. Gardner Jansen. Inc. Hollywood Sla m Li MitingCo. MkIwarst Mlle Light .' CO. Midwest Theatre Service Ce Eouip. Co. Marl Theatre Supply Co. CI NCI NNATI Nat'l Theatre Supply Co CLEVELAND Nat'l Theatre Supply CO. DALLAS Hardin Theatre Simple Co Modern Theatre Equip. Co. Nat'l Theatre Supply Co. DEN VER Nat'l theatre Stea dy Co Graham Broth el DES MOI NES Na n Theatre 5..pp.v Co DETROIT Nat'l Theatre SuPO4 Co. FORTY FORT V. M. Tate Theat . SupplreL GREE NSBORO Standard TM . . Supply Co. HOUSTON Seuthwettern Theatre ELM ,. Co. INDI ANAPOLIS Nat'l Theatre Supply Co. KANSAS Ci e Shreve Theatre Supply Nat'l Theatre Supoly Co. LOS ANGELES I. M. Boyd C. I. Holz mueller Nail Theatre Supply Co. Proiection & MI5 & M e% CIS 1-0U ,W ,LLE Falls C.ry Fheelre Egn e CS ME MPHIS Nat'l theatre Supply Co. MIL WAUKEE Nat'l Theatre SuPoty Co. R Swill, Co. MI N NEAPOLIS Minnaispolit Theetre SuPPM Neel The are Surely CO. NE W HAVEN Nab Theatre Supply Ce NE W ORLEANS Nat'l Theatre Supply Co NE W YO/K CITY Nall Theatre Supply Ce NORFOLK Nat/ Theatre Supply Co OKLAHO MA CITY Nab Theatre Supply Co Oklaho ma The e . Sup C. PhoLADELPHI A Sheet-era Bro.. No/ The e . Supply Co. PITTSBURGH Attu Theatre Supple Nall Theatre Swirly C. SALT LAKE CITY Inter Mountain Theatre Sup. Ca. SAN FRANCISCO C. 1 Heltenueller Nat'l Theatre Supply Co W. C. Preddey Theatre Oyu SEATTLE B. F Shemin Co. Nerl »matzo Su mer Co SlOUR FALLS American rneere suo C2 ST LOUlt City Electric Co. Neel Theatre Suppl. Cc TOLEDO Theatri gogmaymn. Co WESTERLY G. SoHr.o P'caeyne Motion P·cl ur CANADA Dominion Sou . Equip., Ltd Montreal, Quebec General Theatre Sup. CO. M mUreal. Quebec Perkins Flee Co, 1.14 Montreal. Quebec Perkins Elec. Ca. Ltd. Toronto, Ontario Ch eat Theatre Sue Co. · »Armload A PORTABLE A.C. CARBON A RC TH AT PR O D UCES A STE A D Y, S H A R P U NIF O R MLY ILL U MI N AT E D S N O W- W HITE SP OT De m . oely 18 ampere. front any 10 volt A.O. convenience outlet Adio noble sell rm . latIng tranalormer. on integral pon of the base, make. ihe urm of heavy rotating equip anent inneces .ry. Easily operated. Auromntic arc control maintain.. constant arc gap. In. fro m ItIts flicker. A tri m ol carbon, bur . one bout and 20 manila. al 21 volts and 45 amperes. Silvered glass reflector and two earn*..l variable local length lona nyslarn. Horizontal masking ceter a. Cao ba angled al 45 degrev· its earls &o wner. Color boomerang containn as elides and ultraviolet HI M, holder. Mounted in ,s..loes. Ensile disasse mbled fur ahlooln , THE STRONG ELECTRIC CORP. 'rise W orld's Lorste-st Maroodlac ,arar of PrOiection Arc Lo Mpà - 64 CITY PARK /WE TOLED O 2, OHI O --- send free lue.stur, und once, on Strong Sperl ,hti NA ME CO MPANY CITY C. STATE 60 GENERAL OUTDOO R The Bilboard June 10, 1950 Venice Lake Spot, Two Years In Making, Bows With Preview COVER YOUR OUTDOOR DANCING PAVILION WITH A MESKER ALL STEEL SHELTER Not only for tIse comfort of your patrons --but to enable you to meet all your dancing committments --rain or shine! You can eliminate rain insurance for ANY occasion! MESKER STEEL SHELTERS SaTreRUCstuTrUdiRlyAL eonsStTrEuEcLted--frarnmaedework.of cesered with *24 Ca. galvanised steel dreets, portable, easily unbolted and sieved from one betatron to ..other ifdesired --No individual part weighs mere than 150e. COMPIIRLY PREFABRICATED, READY TO DOLT TOGETHER declarable in Siondard Width, of 40-50-00 feet Only. ·ny Lengths hi Multiples of 10 feet I: P 00 -- % RITE FOR PRICEY -- ECON O M CA IL I GEO. L. en/à1.1,1£2.i.g£ D CORP. FA B RI C A T O R S Ile 8, Indiana EN GI N E E R S · · · · $8 te $10 Pepped (ern Per Hoed · CADET MODEL 51 ·This beautiful arable« reel counter model le lb. caver n lo limbed max. The lom ·prized CADET MODEL le compact. yet PtO daces cm amazingly large amount of popped cons. Speedy and dependable. It oar. o M, smiler product, which hams » incremed · proem. Scam Ier.24...2r. bleb I. · · · C. CRETORS &CO. 602 W. CISMAS ED. CHICAGO 16, ePOPCORN PROFITS HIGHEST WITH TOP QUALITY FARMER BOY SUPPLIES VENICE, Calif., June 3. --After two years of building and preparation. Venice Lake Park bowed here Tuesday (30) with a previe w of its 5 major. 4 kiddie rides and 9 concessions A free water carnival was featured and drew a crowd that exceeded expectations, Earle Charleston, business man- ager, said. Aitho formal opening is to follow within the next few weeks, the previe w gave some of the ride operators their first money. A mong them were John Kissane. who has had his trains on the lot for two years without receiving any revenue on his costly invest ment. Tom Wade, too, was ready last July 4 with his Whirl wind and Sky Ride. Veni re Lake. for merly Ocean Vie w, ir under the direction of a new corporation, Venice Amuse ment Park. Inc. In addition to Charleston, other officers are To m Wade, concession manager, and Ralph Hopkins, press. The park intends to go after picnic business, tying it in with the swi mming and boating facilities of its 40acre salt water lake. An experienced picnic man is to be added to the staff. The park also will make a bid for auspices and has already let the novelty concession to Venice Post 177, A merican Legion. C. E. Pierson, commander, said that the concession would be staffed by various members trick. Bill Ferguson, owners: Billie Judd and Helen Irick, cashiers: beer stand --Art Moan, owner; Bill Schwelnus. assistant; hot dogs --Ruth M C Mullen, owner; Mildred A mes. assistant: Ice crea m -- L. W. Burt. R. L Burt and Arline Burt; juice stand -- Ethel M. Nes mith. owner; Lillian Scott. assistant: peanuts, candy floss. popcorn -- Del Hungerford, owner; Bob Eastwold, assistant; barbecued hot dogs --Betty Reynolds. owner: Don Harding and Antionette Bernard. OFsistants. George Hayes operates the kiddie Merry-Go-Round. street ear. auto and sleigh ride in Kiddieland. of the met. Legal Tangles Straightened Prices are ai med at the fa mily trade. Charleston said. Rides are 9 cents for kids and 20 cents for adults, with the exception of the pony ride, which is 25 cents. According to Clifford Enger. for mer Austin. Minn., municipal judge and now me mber of the law firm of Enger h Hiller, the fir m had to unravel many legal entangle ments to get the park in operation. Some of these were nbt in order until recently, which forced the park crew to work fast to get the amusement area open even for the preview. Several projects, including the installation of a Skooter and I MerryGo-Round, will soon be co mpleted. Negotiations for the ride are now under way. The boat ride pool has been co mpleted. New Whirls. nd Venice Lake features the new Whirlwind, a ride designed and made by To m Wade. Using cylindrical cars that carry 48 kids or 32 adults, the ride is driven by two propellers powered by 10 h.p. motcrs. Jack Wade, who helped build it, is also on the ride. The Sky Ride, a rocket ship affair, is also operated by the Wades. Don Sinkinson with Henry (Whitey) Hardy has the Tilt-a- Whirl, which was brought here after five months at Virginia Park in Long Island. Kissane has two Carter A. Morehart trains and uses two tracks. On the ride with hi m are Fern Kissane. Ray Willia ms. Charlie Organ and Oscar Vogen. John Clark. with Frieda Clark as cashier, has the Little Dipper. Clifford He mlick signed on a week ago with his pony ride. Concessions include Shooting Gallery --Jules F. Blu menial, owner; Fred Sanford, assistant: Arcade -- Wayne CARB O NS! CARBO NS! CARBO NS! for 60-inch 800,000,000 c.-p. SEARCHLIGHTS only 16c per pair GUARANTEED 100% against breakage in shipment Packed 500 to a cm. ORDER NO W. ·1111.13: Cash oath order. · SIARCINUOINTS With or with.. .emote coennah: lementaa· he Hamann. condition. · spare rears sonny negative and ornithe eoMrele. ere. Telephone Mr. Early. Awswed 7-3620 TORE DEUTSCHMANN CORP. 921 Providence Hwy., Norwood. Mow. 54 Inch. Wide by 12 Ft. Long. Con....ine Trader --Aluminum CoserMg. While enamel finish. Vermillion taint led and Cold truceement lights. 'Meld liniment Hoary Duty Chassis. Tall and «le...nee lights. Can be built in any length you want. COMPLETE POPCORN SERVICE * CRETORS POPPERS * STAR POPPERS * POPCORN SEASONINGS BOXES BACS LARGE STOCKS AL WAYS ON HAND All Types of Popcorn Machines --Carnival Poppers -- Cabinet Models -- Commercial Units -- Caramel Corn Equipment -- and in any others. SINO POR ORR CATALOG Farmer Bey Cern & Equipment Co., Inc. 2132 Cass Ave. `4. Detroit I. Mich. 352 W mf 44fh St. New 'fork 18, N. T. Gluck 6-1293 60 East 1351, St. Chicago 5, l's Poppers for Your Snowball Needs! TN e SAfUefiOP.cwi PeLnYPcOavyaP.iHPlaaEvbRelOrSnes,l,y--witotepthhsl,e10.wadi0rsvSe0pnheoonco-suKtmerepostl,neettetI.netoc.".PhiAll--safoortdoelpsnpeEcohhiwoalbsinallansdleaee-panSeChdhaararlnwoancttnee.froancalnt'd yen need to, paPeent, sandy apples, Hoes and peanut sees. POPPERS SUPPLY CO., INC., of Phila. 1311 NORTH IND STRICTCArtield 6-1616 PHILADELPHIA 2, PA. June 10, 1950 The Billboard GENERAL OUTDOOR 61 International Harvester Bought CA M recurrence will not mix A when mrried Ilmutlful finish 600G Talent Crop in 8 Months tight weight lop Sise 13 sla g E l'46acity 2 rolls coupon tirkrir X EXPENSIVE QUICK (Continued from page 53) unnecessary, unless the event is new PROFITS 1 to the locality. Such general plugging often tilled the auditoriu m or hall with city folks and local youngsters. DOH WORK _ Of LAKE MACHINES! The average family night talent package ran from four to as m any as eight performers, with one man doubling as emsee and troupe director and one or two different me mbers of the cast doubling 83 background mu- the lit retailer thru the district manager. The farm implement firm breaks down the 98 States into 75 branches, each encompassing 80 to 90 retailers. Williams emphasized that II retailers are not forced to take the shows, but that the large majority participate willingly in the project. At present Willia ms said that TH is thinking of further expanding its 1950-51 talent budget. Y E Cover A under bill rnntainur for rensuyebIr. Len use Si ticket bon 3 SNM tickets. et roomers THE ARCUS TICKET CO. bla N. M ILANS AI L MI1011611 T. ILL ARCUS-SI MPLEX TICKET CO. X II W IN N IT.. NEW T M 13. R. Y. AM USE MENT TICKET PRI NTERS POPS A BATCH IN 3 MINUTES sicians. The show usually runs about 1 hour and 15 minutes with four different acts or a h.b. band that does a varied progra m. IH central head- Fully Guaranteed quarters insist on no advertising other than the films, and recom mends that Local Warehouse Stocks Cap. $5 to $50 Daily no direct sales talks be given. There is no objection to truck or farm machinery displays in or near-by the ALL ALONG YOUR ROUTE hall. NATIONAL CHINA á EQUIPMENT CORP. SUPP UES A ND EQUIPAII NT TOR ei RESTA URANTS, TAVERNS AND ITOTILS M A RION, IN D. COMPLETE " . ..,., During the 1949-50 season, IH retailers, each of whom pays for his own show. spent over 9800,000 for talent for a total of more than 3,000 shows. These family nights pulled an esti mated 2,278,110 persons. Willia ms pointed out that these figures, when broken do wn, indicate an average cost of per farm customer of 27 cents per attendee. The average crowd ran 750, with as many as 4,000 reported in isolated cases. When asked if II intended to con- America's Largest Selling Popcorn Oil [pea rplbe gives you these advantages POPCORN OUTFIT wits a CIT. KETTLE POPPER 110 VOLT. 1500 W ATT HEATI NG UNIT ALU MI NU M STORAGE CASE tinue its live talent promotion progra m, Willia ms told The Billboard that until "someone comes up with an idea, whereby we can draw millions of people to these dealer-customer events for less than that cost, our dealers will continue with vaude talent as the sales promotion media." The cost of talent for the individual show rune from 3150 to 8250 per night. The actual cost of talent is determined by the amount of different acts on the show selected by Butter- Mc flavor, color and aroma that sell popcorn ... more volume and fewer "duds" ... liquid in all weaher .. no need to preleat .. convenient gallon can, easy to handle and to take with you .u.less cost to use ... no waste. WITH GLASS ON 3 SIDES. STAIN- LESS STEEL Hub Paper Blasts I/OTTO M W RITE FOR C O NCESSI O N CAT AL O G Mass. Beach Grab Complete Li . ef Fo msen ame menent . 6 Sane .. CONCESSION SUPPLY (0. M N ERGO! RD. TOLEDO IS. OH M BLEACHERS BOSTON, June 3. --The State Recreation Authority, project of Gov. Paul Dever, has been arousing storms of protest and criticis m because of its avowed intention of taking beaches in the State by right o( eminent domain. So far, protests were from resi- -girod ( Wood or Steel RE NT -SELL dentaand business people of the areas under consideration, but May 28 The Boston Sunday Herald, in an eightparagraph editorial, flayed the gov- Inc. Made by C. F. S 01 à11:OnS Plide. 34, Pe. ernor for his "Jones Beach complex." POPPI N G OIL SPECI ALISTS TO THE NATI O N Hub Water Trips Start Riot Prod Folding Chain 570 71Laili.iT (11- 1:1), 14 3524 BOSTON, June 3. --Steamboat excursions in the bay and harbor, and to amuse ment resorts and beaches, have returned to their prewar achedvies. Three boats are scheduled to make daily runs to Paragon Park, Nantasket Beach. « I SIT V/0 4 nil .. · ·AS· 1.·····046 TnnoLER COACHES IlOnt· ·no YACHTS ····1110·4 .41,0* 05 B 4 U BUY GET OUR DEAL IN STOCK IMMEDIATE DEMIST Ma w Model II. 232 and 34 41. Vagabonds Sparta . te Tandems with o, without sho wn.. Pressure wt ., syste ms etailabk ill modeh. 52.75 with oh co mpressor Used Aluminu m Van Style Trailer ehe Office Trailer Low Prices and Ter ms. BBBBB in in TTTTT 101. T. W. KELLEY c/e Marks M ow or Sa m e. Florid. SELLHORN'S RAY MOND SILLNORN /bone 8-3526 Cone d East 1.- mIng. W alleye HERE'S A RED PERSONALITY PLUS .. e HOT MONEY-MAKER ais. mid AL WAYS Cm the lob. One clever ., mer ch.: malting ideas ht year. .. lb. GLENRAT HOY DOG BAR It O WE I. a natural moneyenaker In you. FOR YOU! EYE CATCHING ... TANTALIZING ...and as mouth.waterhut to watch In action .. no one con res at the te mptation 16 buy a M OT.D OG . . . Ib .,, another. ( IS » IN WITH THE GLEN R 41 SI R1-911 E DE ORDERING ONE TODA Y. _de e r k. GLENRAT. INC. 303 FORT W AYNE, INDIANA SLOG. Sand lJterat me end Co mplete Salim Ph. [ Ship Sa mpH Mackin. al Special Ni p. 507.50. Cash Wi th Order Peachiese Shipped Prepaid. ; C. 0. D. 17, Do wn 'Machine Ship md NA ME STREET CITY STATE 62 GENE RAL OU TDOO R The Billboard 184/14, 10, 1930 Carnival Circus Routes Routes Send to 2110 Patterson SI. Cincinnati It 0. ligestes ore far Ce ment are giten in some 'nailing point. week warn na dat a lastenees weedil y are listed., Send lo 2160 Patterson Si. Cincinnati 22. C. Beatty, Clyde Risen, ore. W. flertenn .,ie Co nan'. 1: Sale m I: Vaneouver. Wash. 10; Centralia I. 6111er Bros.: Beatrice,. Pa., 5, Suaaton 7: S. Stroudebuth 8; Plifillpaburh, If. J.. 9: M oe ristoan 10; Pittsfield, Ka m., It. et W hy Brighter Lighting Means Greater Profits T he cro wds go w here the lights are brightest. C heerful illu mination is a M US T 'wherever cro wds of fun.seekers are desired. Steber Colu mn Lights provide m axi mu m lighting with an attractive design and rigid life-ti me construc- tion. The Colu mn Light Fluorescent La m m are enclosed in O pal escent glass with ballasts and wiring completed in lo wer section. They are econo mical, easy to install, and equipped with threaded outlets it top into w hich one or m ore Steberlite Cast Aluminum Lampholders for spot or flood la mps can be m ounted. Steberlite Laalpholders Are sturdy econo mical units for a wide range of lighting applications. They are weatherproof, of durable cast aluminum and can be easily adjusted to any desired range. Stelserlites use "Sealed Beans" lamps with self-contained reflector for low cost, high illu mination. A pproved by U nder writers' Laboratories, Inc. W rite for illustrated Bulletin 125-50 to STE BE R M A N UF A CT U RI N G C O., Dept. 95, Broad- vie w (Maywood P. 0.), Ilinois. /STEBER\ Lighting Units Bring You More Profit eeeg,h Alamo, Lawton. Okla. American S mear: Lenc uter .N. Y American Beauty: Kirksville, Mo: Pot Madi- son, la.. 12-17. American Eagle - Ridgetc·F American Midway: Snyder. Tex. American United: Miesoula. Mont. Avery, Modern, Flint. Mich, Badger State, Detroit Late, Minn, Devils Lake. N. D, 13-1. (See Carnival Routes on page 82) Misc. Routes Send lo 21110 Patterson St. Cincinuatl 22. 0. Ice PoIll m 'aInterlandi San Pranelsew CAU L 7-17. Miller's, Irvin Zel marod * KCa.nsBarsowton-y.Skiarnc,Mo7d-e2l1s. tikatt's pan-A merican Ani mal Zahlbit: Jackson. 0.. 7-1I. Wellston 9-11, Logan 12 43: 01ouster 14-15: New Stralt ollie 16-18. Skating Vanities 'Wembley Eltai Nene tendon. Bog. NNW Ayijoht S. * *K. TO W * ors. Player , Charlotte. Mich, 2-10; Albion 12-17. Solons Fail To Ease Conn. Game Laws B RI D G E P O R T, Conn., June 3. H opes of non-profit organizations that the C onnecticut legislature w ould authorize ga mes of chance and raffles at benefit bazaars w ere dashed this w eek w hen the State Senate ad- journed a special session without acting on a bill previously passed by the H ouse. In an earlier session the H ouse had failed to act on the proposal despite pleas fr o m volunteer fire men's grou ps thruout the State that they w ould lack funds to carry on their w ork unless ga ming la ws w ere revised. Prosecuting authorities cracked Burling Bros., Besse mer, Pa.. 1: 0.. 7: New Galilee. Pa, If . O.. 9: New Curnleilehtl. W. Va.. 10: Chart Creek e 12. DiliOneale, 0. IT Smithfield 14. Capri' Bros., Swan River, man., can., Ea msack. Sask.. 10, Wanen· LI. Cole Bros: Erie. Pa, 6, Bufalo, N. T 5-Ia. Cole P. Walters: Iligh more, B. D. 8: Oalda 1; Gettysburg I. Bogie Butte 9; Paltb It: al ma 1: Leo1 Mon It, Reeder. N. D., 13, Regent 14; Tdott 15. Dailey Bros., New 1.1steara. Ont.. Can * Kirkland Lake 7. Ti m mins 9, C.O.... * Val D' Or, Que.. 10. Dales: Perth, Ont.. Can. I. Artes ft Kathryn: Willtano Bay W M.. S Pew eeeee Ca mbeldhe 8; Dlaavmenasptoer:t. POhroren*ix..RetAirntaa... B ut., F OR LCaakO.e.Mi5-l1l0s. O. °Nodal.. 1; Superior la; Del Ray. Calif.. 13: Clamdalupo 14; Ta ma. Aria.. Coachella, Calif.. 18; Beau mont 17-19. Gainesville Co m munity: Carpus Christi. Tot. 9-10: Longview 1617. Gould. Jay. Missouri Valley. la.. 1-4: Jefer mis 0-10: Ananias& 12-13, h o m e. Ill ., 14-i t G olan, Ia. 16-18. Eaten W e , EV·1141011. 11.. 0; 'Kankakee. 7.5; Hobart, Ind.. I. Valparelso 10; La Porte 1* Mishawaka 13, ri ore Rivets, Mich. 14; Stu nts 13: Coldwater 11, Auburn. Ind , 11. Kelly. Al O .et Miller aros.; ilonteruno la., 6: Waahington 1, ML Pleasant 8; ',afield t, Bloo mfield IS: Bea man . I. Kelly es Morels: Ken .he, W M, IL Ring Bros.: Wynward, Sask., Can., 4. Waists 7: Mellott Prince Albert 0: Se nate. * 10. Mills Bros.. Keokuk. Ia. 5: Moberly. Mo. 'I: Centralia 8, st. Chan« I; Alton. Ill. IS Columbia. M O.. 12; Jefferson City 13, Sedalia 14: Independence 15; Lavergne.. Kan, IC: Leavenworth Polack Bros.: e17astern, ausuctseratur. N. M. 13-13; Pueblo. Coto. 17-19. Pou ch Brea. iWeeterol: Watsonville. Calif. S-7; ligereed 8-10, Bakersfield 14-17. Mingling Bros. and Barnu m d. B.11ey: Newark. )1. J. 0-6; Westbury, L. L. N. Y., 9.10; Bridgeport, Cono.. 12: Plainville 13: field. Ma o , 14, Waling:ord. Conn., IS: Ne W lendon 11 ..Pall Myer. b41144.. 17. Rag e's Brea Danvile, Va.. 6; Graha m. 74 C, 7: 111h Point 8: Greensboro 5-15: Po d Bragg I: Fayetteville 12. Seal Bros.: Rosma n, N. D., Stanley Ray Ward W Brim.. Wsiastmoea ana. W atfoed Calif., Cite It. 7-8; San Der- oardlno do wn last year. first in Fairfield County and later in other counties, on raffles and ga mes of chance at H. Soager Heads benefit carnivals on the grounds that they violated ga ming la ws. Tivoli, Copenhagen Here is your big chance to odd these new power units (or replace those worn out waits) et a fraction of the regular cost. These ere BRAND NEW -Current factory produaion1 BURRY! HURRY! Order ye ws w Nle they last CAMPBELL & COOPER INC. 977 M il ST 1111 8t TO N N.T. ursLE ROI! Model D91- 2 H.P. complete with Twin Disc autch,Gover- nor Ot. . SUBSCRIPTION ORDER FORM Bill w as ruled out on a technicality in the Senate by Lieut. G ov W illia m T. Carroll. Issue w as then referred to the legislative cou ncil for study. and an atte mpt to bri ng the bill to a vote w as defeated. Sen. Milton J. H er man said that it w as a little inconsistent for the Legislature not to enact the m easure w hile approving a la w per mitting Sunday sale of liquor In Cnnneetieut. Senator 1Veschler contended that the bill w as approved by the H ouse under pressure of hysteria. Pueblo Spot Has Big Week P U E B L O, C olo., Ju ne 3. - Lakeside Park here had a e mail M aY 24-30 w eek with Hill's G reater Sho ws as an attraction. Ot her features w ere au» boat racing, night fire works, and a givea way M onday (30) nig ht by the V F W Athletic Association. Park M anager H arry Ells wood will have another big gathering July 4th w eek. Fire works will again be on tap. C O P E N H A G E N, June 3. - Tivo l A m use ment Park, due to the accidental death of m anager Carl M ort- ensen. early last m onth, has a ne w ad ministrative set- up, beaded by H enning S onger, a young la wyer w ho has held importa nt posts in the Labor D epart ment of D en mark but Is m aking his debut here in the a muse ment field. Songer will be assiste d by M r s Inge -Lise B ock, w ho has bee n na med artistic director of the park. M rs. B ock is widely kno wn In the international a muse ment field as she has been for m any years the directr ess of Copen hagen's lea ding night cl ubs, the N ational- Scala and the Lorry. H er a mbition à to provide Tivoli with a large vaude theater. Tivoli al ways has presented big open-air circus-vaude sho ws and the opening bill this season included the F our Ferris, perch; A nnell and Brask, unicyclists T hree Li ntunen, equilibrista; Eight M ogadors, jugglers; and The Billboard 2160 Patterson Street Nantasket Hotel Razed the Bianca % aerialists. Cincinnati 22, Ohio H UL L, M ass., June 3. - Fire swept Please enter m y subscription to The Billboard for one yeir, $1 0. I understand that this will include the IB C SU M MER SPECI AL. the 30-roo m M arlboro H ouse, N an- tasket Beach land mark, M ay 26, caus- ing $10,000 da mage. W ork men had been pre paring the three-story w ooden structure for Its su m mer "A merico'. Pin «. Sho w Canvas- , TENTS-SIDESHOW BANNERS NY ST OCK - NE W openi ng. 90 It. Round Top with 3 40-Fr. Na me Melville Revives Trotter* Middle.. W hite flareeproohed 1,Lu m Red m d glue Trim. 10-Ft. SIda walis. A ddress City Occupation or Busrness Zone State 0-1 0-R j MELVILLE, Sask., June 3. - H arness horse racing with prizes totaling $1,600 will be revived at the fair here in July, to be sponsored by M elville A gricult ural Society and M elville Kins mens Club. Race track la being rebuilt for the trotters. Bernie Nendelsan-Charles Driver 1 r z Tent & Antin Co. 41 0 5 (04I. 1 Chl,,61.0 40 June 10, 1950 The Billboard GENERAL OUTDOOR 63 1P\TD» RI NKS TH AT BRI N G THE M IN a /7/ · FAIRS el ',ARKS COL ORFUL RODIOS STRIKIN G dIRCHF-S- TIt. e` FLASHY Th THEATRICALS a AuTO M OTOR 'CAR NIVALS TRAvELI NG sfiows d_IC U RACING SPORTING EVENTS r35 C411 mel ST flI tS. T PS. UNION SHOF PHONE LONIxtEd 32000 Re-Elect Alderson Ocean Beach Prexy; Contracts Awarded N E W LONDON, Conn., June 3.-- H. Fremont Alderson has been reelected president of Ocean Beach Park Board, which suprvises the cityowned-and-operated spot here. Elsa Moska, secretary, also was re-elected. Com mittees for the year appointed by Alderson Include: Concessions. Laurence A. Chappell, chairman. Dr. C. John Seth and Edward .1 Denville; z. is, Dr. Satti, chairman, Richard Sheflott and Morris Lubchansky; building, Edward E. Baldini, chairman, Chappell and Sheflott; and budget, Dr. Satti. chairman, Lubct.-nsky and Baldini. No Spots, On Spot COLLING WOOD, Ont.. June 3. --Ready, able and willing to work --needed, too --the polar abreearsamoonng Dailey Broa.' Circus the unemployed be- cause they are spotless. When the Dailey show bought the bears, their trainer explained the routines to the new owners. To distinguish the ani mals, he painted spots on each of the m. Everything went well until the bears got wet, and the spots disappeared before the new trainer learned to Identify them. Now the all-white bears ex- ercise as they please when they are turned into the arena. SHOW TENTS CAR NI V AL -- CIRCUS CO NCESSI O N QUALITY and FLASH W ORK MANSHIP SERVICE · With 30 Years' Experience BILL SANDERS AMERICAN TENTS Board Dodgem approved transfer of the ride at the park, which still Freeport Track Bow Set; has another year to run, from Horace Motorcycle Hockey Planned Rowe and Irvin R. Mitchell to Mrs. TE NT Cs A W NI N G CORP. 132 W Maus St.. Norfolk 10 Va Annie Vescovi and Frank Terrano. FREEPORT, N. Y., June 3. -- Midget CANVAS ·SHOW * CARNIVAL The board also agreed to have City auto racing bowed for the season Manager Edward Henkle sign a contract with the new Dodgem operators covering operation of the miniature at Municipal Stadiu m here Friday night (2). They are promoted by MAKE $100.00 A DAY On Candy Floss * CONCESSION * CIRCUS railway at the park for the next five Jake Kedenliturg, who will continue years. New operators will pay 10 staging stock car races Tuesday and per cent of the gross receipts on the Saturday nights. Contests also will Dodgem. Miniature railway contract be continued Sunday afternoons at calls for them to pay the beach $1.850 Islip Speedway, Kedenburg said. Ott· nt · b K OL1.12 Kk dab nett need. noun 16r0,11e· and heldet· nene Alter Ilk,' d site. menu . at M . Star , ant CONSISTENT WITH °HAL M-- per season. Islip also will be the scene of a Ine 16 ,1 stare ter m. norr> Nee .. du.. THE LOWEST PRICES ALWAYS Henkle was authorized to sign a motorcycle hockey ga me, a20-minute contract with CNF Amuse ments, Inc., contest being slated for Sunday (11). Ial 00 El mo earl. LK · I. nn mente. PRO MPT DELIVERY ANY TYPE TENTS TO ORDER UNITED STATES TENT Cr A WNI NG CO. for the boating concession in Alewife Cove. One-year contract permits Game will feature two tea ms of five cyclists each attempting to kick a concessionaires to rent rowboats, canoes. watercycles and to sell boat- soccer ball thru the infield. uprights planted on ing equipment. CNF will pay $1300 per season. MIME LIMB ROSS lanDtiO. 714 Twelfth Age- Sa. Nteleed W t eon, 15.21 W. Hurry CHICAGO 12 Park board approved a 1950-51 Crinamit 8.1 Tent Meuse S.nro 1170 SERVING SHO W MEN OF THE SOUTHEAST SINCE 1919 WITH SHOW TENTS! rt_en.1.teleeshas10, bomtahkeIhse Anetytphoirnmg, cfaromanda mall concession to a circus 'It e top"' ,, Ca mels mice, hefore y.. /P-n.' 1Camel Manufacturing Co. .J.1 wIre or write - 1Yll- We.ner! budget of $118,140,33, shaving $2,100 from the budget proposed by Meredith Lee, beach superintendent. Grace Ziegler Opens 30th Year as Op at Island Park DETROIT, June 3. -- Mrs. Grace Ziegler opened her 30th season as ride operator at Island Lake Park. 35 miles northwest of Detroit. on Decoration Day. Spot was established as an early-day miniature park by her husband, the late Charles Ziegler. who operated the Tri-State Shows for a quarter cen- IT'S SEX-SATIONAL NE W! DIFFERENT! Orielnel ..STRIF· WN W 1.11 Wet New ns "Ineet/p Clesee wps ere Nollyereed. New Year IS Chie n. Se·uty Models In all Moir ·legant Mown, Sells on Sight!-- °· Weeds Me begs' e e these pewee. 12 -0.- -- 10 2.. a New 1 . an Albu m ALMEEoIvenLItN.hIS Now only MIL . per ·ro m. Dot lots, 1.0 50 per dr.; asstd. sale 11./SH IS CHEC K OR MONRY ORDER FOR I'S Doz. SA MPLE ALB U MS own. Orden. 329 S. Central, Knoxville, Tenn. tury prior to his death six years ago. Mrs. Ziegler is now running three terry, Ne C. O. D.'s or Free ga metes. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. rides at the location, under the man- Send your order led , men confident., to AVAILA BLE age ment- of John (Sli m) Choyke Location has been built into a sizable amuse ment operation with the addition of a Penny Arcade, roller rink, R. & E. SALE S 9 .0 G NEW roux P. 0. ROS M. TRI STATION. MIs.MON.RGTN. EAST DIPENDAS/E SERVICE JULY AND AUG. photograph gallery and the near-by Blue Lantern Ballroom, Erwin Baldridge, veteran concession and MODERN STADIUM coin machine man, is running the Arcade. we.rtiug 5.000..Parlsing 3,000 Carl. lore to Hartford, W aterbury, Ne w Hearth, Pl..111/17 WI LLIF; tiT tIFI U M Plainsille, dons.. SHOW TENTS C E t121, 316-518 EAST 1811. ST. 14·01·1 City 6 134.ssysré Phone: Harr non 3026 H ARRY SO M MER VILLE D. M. KERR MFG. CO. CONCESSION TENTS 2,1 IV 6,yycl Aye. 62 1 31 BILL BOYD 1Continued from page 581 ance, for Tom Apparently the Packs effect ofatTVSt.haLdouinots. yet been felt there for the appear- ance was not outstanding. Staff on Pereentage Boyd hired his first press man, John Daly, and manager, Bob Stabler, 18 months ago and they worked the first six for free. Now they, too, have a percentage of the deal. The first Hopalong-endorsed mer- chandise went on sale 10 m onths ago. No w 67 per cent of all Western kids' garb bears the Boyd brand, and atores frequently have had trouble moving inventories of items linked with other Westerners. Bill is a stickler for sdpeealcififocratiaonsnewonitemthecsaen ite ms. A be readied by his staff, but only Boyd can give the final nod. Plan. Boya' Ranch Hero-worship is a two-way street for Bill. He thinks every bit as much of his la m as they do of hi m. Pointing uplapnhisfor interest a ranch in youngsters à his where 1,000 boys will be encamped at a time. Stays at the ranch will be awarded in a contest CELEBRA TION CO3f.11ITTEED FAIR SECRETARIES! Wdifo for oar oeolos of magnificent. fireworks displays! Special progra m oohs so for Ices! Satilfaction guaranteed! Espert operators wadable fee large shows! Fa ane mone caused ea oll operated chsplaysl W RI T E F O R F R E E C A T A L O G! RICH B RS?SS:. . FI RE WO R KS CO. 11 021 FALLS, SOUT H 40 ,0 STOCK TICKETS One Roll Fila 14.41111 Ten Mel . Elf . Rolle 100 Rolls R 4IA.MP0 Le. 20.111 ROLLS 2,01/0 MACH 0.44·131. C an. Double Prise. No C. CC O. Orde n Si ., $ingle Ile., Tlw went wren often cive the bee TICKETS ·I cart de ueletion THE TOLEDO TICKET COMPANY 14.1111 ern, st .ToledoiT ee·eCityil ·· .c..hSPEvCiiIAfiLOnret6eurr4n,1,414·1 j 6 ' 2000 C 4,000 :, 4,000 S.S0 o 5 1.000 6.36 .: O, o 310 000 50.000 7. loo m» 10.30 M OO ,01 1 19.00 Nara « 500.000 11.61/ 1,000.000 229. 0 ! TENTS All Sites --NE W AND USED --All Styles ARIGHT FLASAE-PPOOF FABRICS --Khaki, Slue. re m« Crean. Olive Green. TTTTT ring. CA MPBELL TENT de A WNING CO., INC. 100 CENTRAL AVE. Phone 36885. ALTON, ILLINOIS The Billboard Beatty Show Gets Okay Biz CI RCUSES · Co m munications to II W. Randolph St.. Chicago I. Ill Mills Show Doing Its Biggest Biz With 1950's Enlarged Org Jun." 10. 1.;;;C> Ringling Take Holds Steady Until Holiday Thru ELGIN, Ill., June Bros.' ference between profit and loss on Circus, sporting its largest talent Mills's ledgers. Two capacity houses Pennsm offering, is getting its biggest busi- every day would be needed to crack ness this year and added another the nut if it weren't for the extras, Parade's With CFA at Napa good gross to the score here Decora- he said. tion Day (30). The Mills offering is set off by its One-Day Stands Begin SACRA MENTO. June 3. --The fourday Decoration holiday cut into Clyde Beatty Circus business. However, up to that time for 10 performances the show had had two capacity and -five good houses. Playing the Stockton area Wednesday (24). the show pulled a good matinee but a poor evening crowd. Rich mond the following day gave the show a capacity matinee and a satisfactory night attendance. At Vallejo, where the weather was warm, there were top houses for both shows. Napa, Saturday (27), turned out to fil both performances. The slackening for the holidays started the next day when both shows in Petaluma were light. In Napa Beatty gave its second parade of the season with the Circus Fans Association, under Clyde Brown, Western vice-president, co-operating. CPA's sent out releases to newspapers and radio stations telling of the big to-do in advance of the date. John and Dave Cavagnero entertained Jake and Jack Mills reported that they've been getting money all the way and their coming month's tour of Wisconsin and Upper Michigan is expected to maintain the pace. Along with the business has come a higher nut for the well-populated progra m. But Jake, justifiably enthused about the show, and Jack, repeating that "you've got to give the folks a good performance," feel that they have the right co mbination. Their two-month-old season has several newly imported acts, including talent from South Africa, Switzerland, England and South America. Clowns show they have put some effort in devising make-up. There is a more than adequate display of horseflesh and the augmented elephant line-up helps. One bull, Trilby, was back after a tooth-pulling ordeal at Gary. Ind., which rated page I in two Chicago dailies. Giving the show much of its strength are the nu mber of people ALLENTO WN, Pa., Juno 3. -- Departing from its early season schedule of week-long stands in large Eastern cities, the Ringling-Barnu m circus left Philadelphia this week on a schedule of one and two-day dates in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Circus is here today for the second half of a two-day date. Two perfor mances offered at acityowned lot in Atlantic City Monday. May 28. were sellouts despite com petition from resort offerings and un- included some rough weather. Coun- with it and the outstanding costumes. certain weather. Business continued teracting the elements, tito. are the good stands they have played. including Wooster, O., where three shows were given on a mired lot. A dozen and more performers appear simultaneously more than once. Mills scores high in a tabulation of how frequently all rings are in use. good at Wilmington, Del., May 29; Lancaster. Pa. (30); Harrisburg, Pa. (31). and Reading. Pa.. June 1and 2. With all units working smoothly. Per Capita Spending Off Indicative of the show's position Ls Jake's report on concession sales. Per capita spending is oft somewhat, he said, but the show playa to more people and the resulting grosses are larger. He said. too, that sale of banners and the like spells the dl- Cireusy hats for the bands men, colorful ballet outfits and attractive costu ming for acts mark the wardrobe. Like those in use on several shows. uniform coats on the Mills show still bear imprint of their Sarasota origin. Jake Mills explained that that system hasn't panned out as well as anticipated. Thus, Ma mie the show has been pulling into towns in plenty of time to make matinee performances. Local press has been generous in supplying space for copy and pictures. Show has been battling bad weather. and finally struck a good lot at the Decoration Day stand in Laura-ter. The old airport grounds along Ward, wardrobe mistress, began pro- Manheim Pike there was the best let Cape11 the entire personnel folowing the night show at a turkey dinner. Slats Parker was reported as hav- Org Gets duction of original costu mes before the show has encountered since bethis season, and Mills hopes to use ginning its outdoor season. At the show-owned costu mes that blend with previous stand in Wil mington. per- ing joined the show as train master, each other thruout the perfor mance sonnel struggled thru mud. succeeding Pat Graham. Parker was before long. Sun, Better Biz formerly with the Royal American There's more to come on the Mills Dailey's Canada Shows. agenda. As co ming attractions, Jake Bob Steele, who sufered an injury listed a new four-people perch act On Canada Run before the show opened in Los and an ani mal trainer. The trainer Stands Better Angeles in March, returned to the show in Antioch (15) to head the Wild West concert. Than U. S. Biz A tally-ho with a four-horse hitch was purchased from the California Jockey Club in San Mateo. It was featured in the Napa parade. Show had been free of accidents since it played Bakersfield two weeks ago, but here a wagon that was being unloaded got away and crashed thru a radio store window. Da mage was set at $300. C4At0olGeCininDeoyes5ArDSelainysma GOBiohliilneo;rg WReoBarutoghs.herinFiOknPaad.y,s CINCINNATI, June 3.--Playing a five-day, nine-performance engagement at the Cincinnati Garden here. May 26-30, Cole Bros.' Circus, fea-. turing Bill (lopalong Cassidy) Boyd. did not fare as well as expected. Total attendance was esti mated at 22,000, with the gross rated around $40,000. The Garden seats 1,000. Flood Damage, Farm The Monday night (29) perform- ance was the biggest when so me 7,000 circus-goers were on hand. Show Chores, Hurt King opened Friday night (25) to some 5,000 people. In Minnesota Stops On its previous visits here under canvas. Cole played stands usually Saturdays and Sundays. That is the limit for a big top here unless it has a strong auspice. It is the consens us that two days here indoors would Kelly-Miller Draws have been sufficient. DELORAINE, Man., June 3. -- Cape11 Bros.' Circus crossed into Canada at Boissermain, Man., (28) and was greeted by sunshine and better business, H. N. (Doc) Cape111; owner reported. Show entered the dominion from Dunseith, N. D., and cleared the customs and im migration ofices in 30 minutes, a record according to Cape11. Two- month tour of Oklaho ma Kansas, Colorado and the Dakotas was disappointing because of rain, snow, wind and cold. Acts for the 90-day Canadian tour include the Clarkonians, Dale and Lois Ann Madden, Fuller Troupe, Ed ward Woods Fa mily, Guetteriez Fa mily, Shirley and Judy Troupes. Dale Petross horses and ?miles. and Cape11 Bros.' horses, ponies, mules and elephants. Show lasts 1-hour and 45 minutes and is backed by Dele Madden at the Ha mmond organ. Joe Hodgini Troupe and Morris Fa mily closed to fil fair dates. Willie (Blue) Lundy has the big top. Mrs. Frankie Woods is in charge of the cookhouse. Guy Smuck is mail agent and has the inside tickets. CROOKSTON, Minn, June 3. --Attendance for King Bros.' Circus took a sharp drop as the show moved thru Northern Minnesota on its way to Canada. Weather and farm work kept many folks :way. The org drew two one-quarter houses here Monday (29). The show will go on the pay roll late in the season to break seal acts for the 1951 trek, he said. Mills continues to play under auspices, a field in which it pioneered for tented orgs. Sponsor here was Kiwanis Club. Phone promotion and club contacts are keys to the setup, which helps turn out the biz. Billing was light here and what was done played the Ki Wallif group over the show's own title, a practice which was carried thru in pitching the "Ki wanie Circus In Revue" booklet during the come-in. BUTLER, Pa., July 3. -- Bi der Bros.' Circus found the going rough here and at two Ohio spots last week. The show played to two half-houses here Monday (29). eve of Decoration Day and itself a holiday for many. Weather was warm and clear. At Massillon, O.. Saturday (27) the matinee and night show drew a quarter-houst each. Biller followed one circus and a carnival there and the auspices. Junior Cha mber of Com- merce found advance sales almost zero. Five school activities drawing a total of 5,000 persons left only two half-houses for the Biller show at Mansfield, O., (25). Win Partello. manager of the show and · native of Mansfield, was visited by his mother, Mrs. Alice Partello, a former stock company trouper. Newspaper carried a story on their careers. wife, Marian Knowlton, wasPartouetlice'ofs GUELPH, Ont., June 3. -- Dailey Broa.' Circus continues to do bigger business in Canada than in earlier United States stands. Show drew better than a half house for the matinee and got a three-quarter night house here Wednesday (31). Arrival in Co-Owner Harry Ha mmitt's former home town was delayed by derail ment of · freight train. Dailey's train reached here about II a.m. and the matinee started al 4 p.m. Menagerie top was not used and part of the ani mals were spelled in the big top. Joe Louis, retired heavyweight boxing champion, continued to limit his concert appearance to refereeing a wrestling bout. Concert goes for 50 cents and held about a third of the night crowd here. While the show's business hie shown definite improvement this aide of the border, observers said it still fell somewhat short of last year's. Liberty horse act has been out several days, with the time going for concert announcement. Hold Two for K-M Robbery OMAHA. June 3. --Two brother's. Rex and Riley S. Baker. both of Dallas. were held here Friday 128) in connection with the $16,000 robbery of the Al G. Kelly- Miller Brae.' Circus in Berryville. Ark., last October. The U. S. district attorney at Fort Smith. Ark., seeks their removal to Arkansas to face charges of interstate transportation of stolen property .a federal ofense. Capacities in Iowa arrived during first of planting season, and flood losses in this area were the elephant injury. act because of a leg Everett Tangled Over Beatty heavy. EVF-RETT, Wash., June 3.--City AUDUBON. Ia., June 3. --Al G. At Fergus Falls, Minn. (28), King BERLIN, June 3. --Emil Wacker, oficials and residents are having a Kelly- Miller Bros.' Circus got much played to two half-houses in cold owner of the Circus Apollo, has been hassle over · Clyde Beatty Circus of the capacity treatment in its tour weather. Because its trucks ware elected president of the Association booking here, reports Clyde R. Beck, of Iowa this week. loaded and unloaded more than once of German Circus Directors. old-time Rh eims trouper. The city Show played to a full house of in the State, the show was required Organization is made up of the signed an agree ment with the Beatty about 9,500 here for · matinee-only to take out Minnesota license plates leading circus owners and managers advance for use of a school grounds Sunday stand (28). St also drew full /or most of the units here. However, of Germany and aim has several as a circus lot, and received a $1,000 houses at night and three-quarter a refund from the State was expected foreign owners on its rolls. It's title deposit binding the contract. Later, houses for matinees at Carroll Satur- when the circus crossed the border. is being changed to that of Inter- residents adjacent to the lot protested day (27) and Onawa Thursday (2a). King moved from here to 'Met nationalen Arbeitsge meinschaft Pur- the rental. Local legalista say the Weather was off at all three places. River Falls and thence into Canada. est' « Cirinedirektoren. agree ment is binding on the city. Ir mo 10, 1950 The Billboard CI RCUSES 6,5 INFORMATION WANTED oforination or le mma I shereshout. aantril of my mirk. THEODORE RUPERT eirrut trick rider. Ilrongle· Circus, 1.iterpool, England -1903. St. I.ouis World Fair -1901. Stockhol m. Sweden -1904. Preulin·bly returned to U. S. A. Please contort E M M A A D ANIS R E K 1 ore Robert Raclin.., 1115 East SI·it Avenue, Vastrouser, R. C.., l moots. Rogers Bros.' Circus IN Hs 18101 WEIR · pas day mused and 25 week, ono , to go. One to sco w changes ani enlarging show cal tau Fa mily Acts 7 or roto rs, some W est for Concert, Acts of MI kinds irecede Hon. Acts. Write es04.6.66 ell and mwest salary expeeten Can also use Man and Wife tor Crease Outfit Writ.] SI R U B E NS °smiths Va.. how 5-6; Gabon.. N. C. 1 an;d I day stands. Hi m Caned. contact SI Reber» Or co me on. WANTED One more Agent capable bnik pro mo hone, phone directors and tshone reter, Boss Canvetanen. wire. Acts -W.'d West People for concert. People for 5,1e Show Working Me', co me on. Buy or lease Eledhant, K E L L Y- M O R RIS CI R C US Ken ya , W M, lone 6, 11, 1, South htlheaultee, 1-9., IIthine. 10, or per r- 3--Phone Men-3 Very Straus Auspice. De e hire Sferfeni 337 S. High St.. Run. 31 2 Colu mbus, Ohio Phone A Daent 3184 PHONE MEN 'ME UNI ON, 11 .page labor parer. Est. 1874, *lest in U. 5 A Nave 1.1000 accounts. -.ANA end phone on Bethlehe m. Pa.; 11500 et York; 11200 Hernstaarg. 5800 Wilkes. Sarre. Putting out 76-year-old inrlirernery seal Labor hint tibor On, nu parer mexhepresrienStcee.eehdPawyork3- 1/ 4mu%s,t Rena T UE UNI ON - SII, Earl Hotel. Afiesiteren. Pa. Telephone 1-4191 B URLING B ROS.' CI RCUS Want Me M ow Arts, Aerni. .. mat «toed Whale Elephant GArcto.unmdo.dean«.d Winn 61de M ow Nan tor Piroth. Matte. ,speulne and !Vlore, Conk and Helper, Tedek Dreyer. Work men, coma on People with ace tra mportation given preference. Join .in wire se per route. Open .. fat Prier Ride. Hi.htriker. Melt Pottle. Nall 'nine , and nennennen. Route June à. eesee mer. Pa.; ltuse 7, Lorreltuille, Ohl.; June e. Neer Gall- lee. Pe.: June it, Seeley. Ohio: June II, New Cu mberland, W. Va./ Jun. I. Short Creek, W Va TIGHTS by KOHAN 17 E AS T 16 S T R E E T N E W Y O R K 3, N. V. CIR CUS A V AILABLE POR SPONSORED DA DS Indoors or Sradlo ms ',errs, moor .. I, Ill ell bottlers ete ert·ets handled by eeeee' me mo fund meet's,' personnel EVA NS-CHIL DERS CIRCUS Z36 West 4Sth Sr, Room It . Now York N Y. DRESSING ROO M GOSSIP (Alt' Brent). Rilitglitt eilrnitint The show band started playing the Close of the Philly eland was big. show during the Colu mbus, O., en- with stra w houses and cool weather. gagement. Jack Plu mmer headed a Atlantic City on Sunday was cold and band of local musicians during the da mp. Show bus made an excursion Detroit stand. New uniforms have to the Boardwalk bet ween shows. been ordered and will be ready dur- Wil mington. Del., saw us in boots and ing the Buffalo engagement. Al' Hiltensmith changed brands (cigarettes) and was a pale gentleman until revived. We had beautiful weather for our first outdoor appearance et the Red Bird Stadium in Colu mbus. Con and Winnie Colleano were married 23 years ago in Detroit. when Con was on his way to the fa med spot he now holds. Jackie Lewis has returned to her home in Louisville. raincoats with our first big rain and mud. Dielc Anderson. former catcher on the show, was in for his usual ribbing because of the weather In his home town. Wil mington. House was packed in Lancaster Pa.. Decoration Day. This was the first day the new feature in the big top was used. The open section "1 the top of the tent was opened. With this opening from one end of the top to the other, there Is much more light and ventilation. George Blood and The four-way iron ja w nu mber his crew gave us a chicken dinner went in last week. We finally broke Decoration Day. Palumbo gave his Georgia Sweet into wearing the share- annual party for the staff, ticket sell- hitch costu me. Lou Childers rehearses ers and front-door men at his club elephants every day between shows. in Philly. The bandstand is larger Cora Davis and Dorita Konyot were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hunter in Detroit. Horace Laird and Kenneth Waite were seen in the prop box at Cincinnati Garden. Must be a new than last season. A new feature is that the sound organ is now inside the band wagon. Lorraine Russo celebrated her birthday. Randy Concello underwent o tonsilectomy in Philly nu mber going in. The calliope. America. Is going downtown in the large cities with a six-horse white hitch, and Jack Crippin is doing e good lob playing it. Jack Plu m mer's band personnel: Cornets. Al Fliltens mith. Otis Homes. Karl Wahrmund. Carmine Petrarea and Russel Bader: trn mbnnes, Jerk Evans. Rudolph Anderson and Bill .Nina Thomas rejoined after tieing on the sick list. We miss Mike Zabowa, the water man on the men's snip for years. He is at Manhattan General Hospital, Room 300. Sparks is the new water boy for the men. and Frank Phelan for the women. Murray Fein has joined. Visitors included Ethel G. Cline, Skee's fa mily. Rose Alex- ander'MsaxisiseterTs,ubiMs.acyf'olaacnkd Frankic Joe. Frank Omets: bass, Rex Ronstrom: clarinets Zazzara, Lillian Witt mack, Mrs. Pete and saxes. Homer Clark. George Grace and Jan Cleef. Willie Krause's Oliva, Ray Stahura and Ji m Crouch: calliope, Willia m Sten. new pasti me ia practicing on the wire. Bill Warner is practicing on the oars Visitors: Buck Johnny King. Joe MaanstdersRoons.eVerStneeelez.. bet ween nerformances. -- MARY JANE MILLER. Woods, Martin Stodghill, Otis Jones and fa mily, Skinny Gee. Bob Peck and fa mily. Spike Jones, Cecil Jones. Hagen Bros. Mr. Clark, E. Walter Evans Charles Wirth, of The Billboard. and Added ti the sho w recently were a new motor for the light plant, new water wagon and a new Side Show Siebrand Bros. top. The new middle piece on the big top went up at Batavia. II.. now Long ju mp into Provo, Utah. Harry giving us a three-ring show. Boyhill Ross, erstwhile cha mpion stake driver Ford and Mary Sue Sneer celebrated now clai ms the title of champion birthdays. Willia m Van Arsdale. CFA. digger since he helped get the Patines clowned two dates with the writer trailer out of a sand trap en route to Willia m Kirschner was on at Skokie Provo. II., taking movie fil ms to be used in Circus has added two extra sections connection with his work at the of seats for its stand in Salt Lake Children's Theater at Northwestern City. Advance ticket sale is said to be University, big. Just so-so biz done in Provo was Mike Casca visited and worked in bla med on chilly and da mp nights. his brother's place on the roly boly To m Hodgini has been nutting on new at Chicago Heights, Ill. Visits were side gas tanks. Rosa Patine can be exchanged with the Davies circus seen laboring far into the wee hours around Chicago. Josephine Gases is on her new sewing machine. Betty singing tn the big show and Rita J. Hodgini and Helen Renoua were re- Pratt is practicing on organ between cently on the sick list. Capt. Harry shows. Vernon Pratt and fa mily have Clark has a novel idea in his mild a new trailer. Cal Townsend is on the electrified fence for .the stock. Per- sick list. Other visitors have been Ray sonnel will appear on two television Duke, Bob Mason. Clint Finney and shows during the week. Mr. and Hrs. SkinPY Lewis. --?. M. CAIN. Buddy Cox were recent visitors. -- JOE HODGES HODGINI. Cole & Walters FOR SALE Four Pon, Drill and Trappings. Rolling Globe and Alu minu m Ani - met Pron.. WANTED -- Nople, Clowns and Asia for Indoor Dates for No. 1 und NO. 2 Units. NOTICE. ALL StIO W MEN -- Animals for sale. Broke. unbroken or in aria. NOT1111.. ANI MAI TRAINERS -- Elephant or Domestic. Com mendeale with tue at otter regarding Dillon %Omit. All replies to TERRELL PACOBS WILD ANI MAL CIRCUS BOX IR PERU, IND. ATTENTION, SHO WMEN! Now Available for RENTAL WALSH Stadium in Hie Heart of Sr. Louis Suitably fer an ones no penmen... Seating ranee!, Of 13.000. Equipped with modern floodtlable. parkins OCClUt.. sad mainic transpo rtation direct "INDIA THE PERSON AL 01111ICTION OP THO MAS N. PACKS Sletee les S. Loud I. MO C14·91n 0 17511 W ANT SEAL BROS.' CIRCUS Side Shno Talker and Manatee, with ter, ens kind Mde Shoe Art, Denton. Gro.. tend claw Eleetrieian. first erase Mechtmer. Alen useful Ce rt . People .il depart ment, ! Mete Irani . , June ti Stanley. re Ray. I Willie .. It Welford is, na-orb. all North Dat ed, BU D E. AN DE RSON W E W ANT T O B U Y A CALLIOPE ANY CONDITION on LOCATI ON striae ti me, W rier 1117 14. Charles New (Meows la WANTED desb. Wire Art Peelor ming near, line and Pony anuo op, good reused. . . mo m AN June Jul , men Ample. W Nle JAC K V AN LLO Y D Reorn MY MIS ...nut St. Pheledo M M A Pa SHOW PRINTING CURTISS rosi mstrsTAL Owen ,ertri Ye e PLE NTY. sTore curs rOs ut rerei ntLis, AL.,0 qtr. ASO erts,r , e, enyt o (ast , PAST ,. PHONE PROMOTER LABOR DAY EDITION Top co m mission. NATIO NAL LARCIR PUBLICATION 141 E. Olde S,, Sa me 511. Ind. II.. IS. Kelly & Morris Pe rsonnel's Eagle members are proud of the picture of Manager Willia m Morris and baby elephant. Jewel. in the current ia Mlie of the Eagles' national magazine. Bud Parry Is doing well with the Liberty group of Palominos Texas Benny Doss is holding more than 50 per rent of the big show crowds with his nine-people convert. tworm)}: M ARQUIS. WEST BROS. CIRCUS W A N TS RAertgsMium.e Acts that Maro rtet, dn .., ewe self. !ems and one more Dana-hot Girl. Addre m Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brad and Robert and Marie Hall have left the show. Mr. and Mrs. Buck Reger were recent visitors. Show lost three dates due to poor weather. Org was rained out at Burwell. Neb.. where wind tore the Side Show top. Jack Wright Joined as carpenter, and Buster Todd closed recently. Show blew Bassett. Neb., because of a soft lot. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Newman and daughter. Phyliss. joined at Martin. S. D.. with their posing horses. The last na med also is doing ladder and web, Rosa Parker is sewing wardrobe for Shirley Cole. Lonzo Dever lost two wheels nn the elenhant truck at Colome. S. D. -- mILDnED WELBES. FO R SALE SMALL CIRCUS, COMPLETE Un pile for II A L I. A S LI N G Siloam Twangs. Ark. WANT ACTS for Outdoor Show lull fourth Phone Men new. U P. C.. Tickets and Rook 25da. Pay entry night. G111-711111) G A M BL E Sabina Hotel Pert Arthur. Tex. SDHOON.RTOYwnLeYr,N eflyae.s !redwood Colin. all Minnesota. Sprinolield, IS; Tree , I, TERRELL BROS.' CIRCUS SW A N11 TRAMPOLINE PERFORMER TELEPHONE SALESMEN Radio Deal 1., tele eel for S week· wa n A lone., It rata' e tresieth'e G A LL U CCI B R OS. 10K ad ·Illbeard, 5544 ereeelway, N. Y. C. LI 591110. ItIyI nkle, cram, Witte. McCo mb. TR OLF-f RA NCH RODE O . . . . AUT O THRILL $H O W iNTS Redo. Mande with stock. Alit. Stunt Drivers, Meter. cycle stunt DHO WS. euchinie ford. Street and Shaw Circus Acts No ra Polo, Dee, W;,.. Fer mly Acts with 2.1 --E raet D rawls, a . De ra rt, phone quick Want Phene men All asile. deals National hookup. Pru,. We collect pay daily. JA EEEEE TERRELL, Drake Hotel, L·rorepton, ICY.. Pol ,ra 10N1 lElittEl.1., Drake Hotel, Lexington, Ky. 66 The Billboard PAR KS-RESORTS-POOLS June 10. 19.51., Co m munications to 186 W. Randolph St., Chicago 1 II WEATHER CRABS WEEK-END BIZ Midwest Spots Set the Pace Weather Di m L. A.'s Holiday; Spending Off in Most Places Excelsior Gets Big School Biz In Cold Month e Most biz near '49 -- per capita spending reported LOS ANGELES, June 3. --Amusement operators got no co-operation from the weatherman, and crowds for the lour Decoration holidays were no At Long Beach, H. A. (Pop) Ludwig, manager, reported Virginia Park off for the season as well as the holiday period. He esti mated the take EXCELSIOR. Minn., June 3.--Excelsior Park, Lake Minnetonka here has opened for its 28th season, but up by some --few have dips · turnouts. The occasion ushered in new Venice Lake Park and showed most operators that spending is down. 25 per cent under last year. The Nu-Pike in Long Beach, ac- cording to L. P. (Pat) Murphy, man- until now it appears the place would be far better off as · winter spell..., spot than a su m mer fun arena. The CHICAGO, June 3. --Business in the Midwest area held up well during the long Decoration Day week-end, altho rain and threatening weather were reported by many in a survey of operators. Business at most places hovered close to the 1949 level. Attendance estimates showed that most parks drew as many people this year as last. Per capita spending, while down in a few places, was up in more spots and remained about the sa me in most. Good busines and good weather The per capita spending is holding up at the Balboa Fun Zone on Balboa Island, Al Anderson, park operator, said. A foggy and'cold week-end preceding Tuesday kept attendance down and this was reflected in grosses. However, Anderson declared that per capita spending is on a par with 1949. If the section gets good weather, the take for the year will be satisfactory, he stated. Balboa has four rides and operates fishing, speed and excursion boats. ager, did satisfactory business. The over-all take was up over last year. The Little Coaster, Laff in the Dark, Caterpillar, Rock-o-Plane, boat and train rides were operating. The Diving Bell was also in action. The area staged a big fireworks display financed by the Long Beach fathers. Patrick Li ma, of Golden State Fireworks Manufacturing Company, fired the 35-minute show. San Diego Bis San Diego's Mission Beach started weather has been so bad that .re in the lake didn't go until May 2. Rudy Shogran, who handles press, pro motion and the ballroom management, said that despite this the park. which opened for week-ends April 21 and for daily business drew a record 12,000 kids school night in mid- May. high was 10,000 in 1949. May 19. for high Frew( us Shogran said kids ca me from all over the area. The park's promotion staff already has some 200 panel was the report from H. C. Shannon, its Decoration Day celebration Mon- picnics lined up. School coming the Long Beach Spot manager of Euclid Beach Park, Cleve- land, who said his general increase amounted to about 1 per cent. The day night with fireworks. The day's farthest is the Hatton, N. D., high business, according to Warner Austin, school, 350 miles away. Wisconsin and general manager, was "not bad" in Iowa schools already have booked Sells crowd was somewhat larger and the people spent es much as 10 per cent more than last year. Sky Ride the face of the weather. Clouds hung dates. Industrial picnics begin in mid- over the park most of the day. Spend- June. with several large grouPe ing was reported as about the same Brant, Contest Set To Neighbor Op De. Mole« 05 Short Robert A. Reichardt, manager of Riverview Park, Des Moines, reported as in 1949. Venice Lake Park staged a preview opening, advertised in newspapers in Excelsior's annual Miss Minnesota /see Excelsior Gets · page gin business only $5 short of the 1949 mark. Attendance was down about 10 per cent, he said, but per capita Mass. Resorts spending increased to make up the difference. It was cloudy and cool there for the four days, with rain on Register Slim Saturday (28) and showers Sunday 129) and Tuesday (31). Reichardt said that weather had Holiday Takes been poor al season but that he be- lieved this year would equal last if the park gets good weather. A new Kiddieland, opened at Des Moines under management of Sid Pearl man, Rock's Playland drew wel. Races also were on the holiday program for the Iowa city. At Indianapolis rain blanked the In Full Swing business of Riverside Park, according to Manager H. E. Parker. Decoration Day was a total loss, he said, and Saturday was hurt by a late opening because of rain. In St. Louis spending was reported 2$ per cent off by Carl Trippe, president of Chain of Rocks. He said attendance was about the sa me as last year, but that off-and-on showers held down holiday business. It was too cool for operation of the pool. A daylight fireworks show was staged as a special drawing card. Detroit spots registered business that ranged from good to excellent. Edgewater Park, where much expan- LONG BEACH, Calif., June 3. -- The 200-foot Sky Ride that has been in Virginia Park for several years has been bought by the Nu-Pike, the Long Beach Amusement Company's operation here. L P. (Pat) Murphy, general manager. said. Work of dismantling the basket ride started Wednesday (31) and will be completed in about two weeks. Re moval of the ride fro m Virginia Park held up distribution of a fourcolor brochure by Nu-Pike. With 10,000 of the press, additional runs were canceled to include the ride in the literature, along with other features. Of the initial issue, 4,000 were mailed to clubs and organizations, 2,000 to the Cha mber of Com merce and the remainder placed with travel agencies and hotels. Murphy said the ride was bought from Franz Stirni mann in Sweden. It had been on location in Europe and at Golden Gate International Exposition, San Francisco. Device has two baskets, each holding about 20 persons. One goes up while the other co mes down. Location of the ride on the Nu-Pike will give the center two high rides, as Velare's Sky Ride is also there. The Swedish ride will be its area. The free water carnival was the feature. Some of the operators got their first cash in months. The miniature train, spotted in the front of the park, got top money. Second and third monies went to the Little Dipper and Whirlwind. Park got a television break over KTTV when the news reel featured its opening. Spot is negotiating with KI,ACTV for a consistent campaign. NE W YORK, June 3. --After drawing nearly a milion persons in the nine week-ends since its pre-sea/ion opening March 28, Rockaway's Playland here began daily operations May 28 under ownership of A. Joseph Geist. Pre-season schedule had park operating Friday nights and all day Saturday and Sunday. Funspot has been refurbished to the tune of $175,000 and offers 30 adult rides and 17 kiddie rides in So yl and, park's rnoppet adjuect. Eight new rides were installed this BOSTON, June 3. --The expected big Decoration Day play at beaches and funspots in this area was da mpened by dark, cloudy weather sod light rains, which resulted in enly scattered groupa at any of the fun zones. Weather and business were about the sa me Sunday (28)· Officially, Salisbury was the only beach under Metropolitan District Commission (MDC) authority in the area to open Decoration Day. The others, Revere and Nantasket. open officially June 15. At Revere. 90 per cent of the rides were grinding out a few dollars, but it was the leiddM rides that were getting the money. Barley's, which added two units to its Kiddleland this season, did okay business. New Des Moines sion and promotional work has been done, tallied a business score higher called here. Hi-Ride when it is erected year, a new electrical system and sound equipment were set up and a than for any year since the war. At The ride was purchased outright garden added to Joytown. Among Walled Lake, farther out, crowds and for an undisclosed figure. new rides are an H-Bomb Rocket, spending. both were good and long Other features to be included in A-Disk, Flying Saucer, Jet Plane. KiddielandBows lines of cars led to the spot Jefferson Beach, far out on Detroit's East Side, usually gets its business later in the su m mer and didn't draw a large crowd for the holiday. However, it is N. Y. Relaxes Water planning to add free bus service from Ban on Swim Pools (See Weather Crabs on opp. page) the new brochure are photographs rather than an artist's dra wing of the new picnic grounds. NE W YORK, June 3. --Local pool Kiddie Jeep Ride and a Rock-oPlane, according to Ge's'. Geist said that 2,000 children from the Police Athletic League will be treated Tuesday (8) to a day's outing, complete with rides and refreshments. Occasion will mark the fifth such annual outing sponsored by Playiand. DES MOINES, June 3.--A new Kiddieland opened here Decoration Day, with a large turnout reported by Sid Pearlman, manager. Pearlman, former general manager of radio Station KCBC, Des Moines, is part owner along with Jack Lazaras, local theater executive, and Harry Indianapolis Sets opa were granted a reprieve this week Rich man, also of Des Moines. Square Dance Sked when Water Co mmissioner Stephen J. Carney announced that the city's ban on the operation of swim ming pools using recirculating water would INDIANAPOLIS, June 3. --River- be relaxed for a 30-day trial period, .side Park will launch a regular aired - effective Thursday (15). iule of square dancing here Thursday Ban was modified as reservoirs '(8). Manager H. E. Parker, an- supplying water-short New York in- nounced. Events will be held each creased to about 91 per cent of capac- Thursday, Friday and Saturday, he ity. There had been some speculation sa id. earlier this year on whether local South Bend Kiddie Spot Opening Good SOUTH BEND, Ind., June 3. -- Groom's Stateline Kiddie Park debuted here Saturday (27) to good business that continued thru Decoration Day, To mmy Sacco manager, announced. The park is located on the airport road, outside the loop district, and has 300 square feet of space. including a lake front. Pearl man said 'plans cal for opening of a beach later this sum mer. The grounds also will include a picnic area. The perk opened with five rides, a free monkey zoo eed cartoon murals. Parker reported square dancing pools would operate, with city offi- Park opened with seven children's ature Train and ponies. A Penny popularity on the increase in this area, with several clubs in operation. Ace Bailey and his band will be regular feature for the dances. · cials threatening to deny them water unless stores were brought to what they considered level high enough to avoid the danger of drought. .· · rides and a like nu mber of concess- Arcade and a novelty stand are being ions. Rides booked in, include a built and the management Is mulling Merry-Go-Round, Boats, Rock et, the addition of two major rid es to Ferris Wheel, Bobbie ¡lore «, Mini- the ene -up. June 10, 1950 The Billboard 1) .1 R K S- R E S O R T S- P O O LS THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE M R EXPERIENCE Make those eft-nights Weather Crabs Week-End Biz ROCKY GLEN PARK SC R A N T O N, P A. BIG NIGHTS WITH FIREWORKS Special Displays for . . . aenuSeeneed (Continued from opp. page) the shuttered East wood Park to tap former Eastwood patronage. Eastwood has been closed during an extended legal In taChincglaeg.o, Riverview Park was host to 32,000 this year. compared to 40,000 in 1949, George A. Sch midt said. Weather did the damage. Thun- Due to disastrous fire, we have space for rides on percentage basis. Liability insurance required. What have you? HI RF: Nallin-Jennings Park Co. Patizs der and rain were reported in areas all around the park Decoration Day, and a heavy shower struck the park 428 Clay Ave. Scranton. Pa. It eacrls less than you mlnk. Send for Ne w IPSO Catalog Write For Derail, THEARLE - DUFFIELD FIRE WORKS, Inc. yos v etas . sv reeta60,.L. about 8:30 p.m: to force an early closing. Sch midt. like several other operators, said that he had not yet been able to size up the year's situation. Co mplicating his statistical studies was the fact that several of the largest picnics have scheduled June dates this year. They have had May dates World's Largest Designer, Builder and Manufacturer Of Roller Coasters. Old Mills, Mill Chutes, Fun Houses, Kiddie Ferris W heels, Kiddie Roller Coasters and the Fa mous CENTURY FLYER MINIATURE TRAIN CONTROL ADMISSIONS in previous years. Until their business is kno wn. Sch midt said, it will be difficult for him to compare the Operating no w in more than 100 leading parks in the United States with gratifying results. year's trend with earlier experiences. AV OID D ATE- CR AS HERS Altho ha mpered by rainy weather with STR OBLITE IDENTIFIER over the week-end, Cincinnati's Coney Island ca me thru with okay business. Hands of patrons ene eRealaea with 4har mless invisible Mk which beco mes visible under the Strobide UV L a on p. %Vocerl, uae d in (tearooms, Rinks. Pools. Amusement Parks. etc. Write for all things considered. Tuesday', crowd of 18,000 was up about 4,000 from last year's figure and per capita spending was a little better. said Edward L. Schott. president and general manager. The best holiday attraction was Sunlite pool, which did fine business, altho all features got good play. Inferweeliow The park played to 10.000 Saturday, it· CONCESSIONAIRES STROBITE Co . Dept. 03. 3S %V. S2d New Yon. 19 St * marred by rain at night, and a poor 9.000 Sunday. showers killing, afternoon and night trade. Monday busi- · MI ness and attendance was h et, with schools still in session and many workers on the job. I (T WINI NG DATE, JUNE IS) W AN T T O B OO K A LL T Y PES RI D ES FOI arm of A merica'. meat las·vt aut meort.. Per manent location on 110-atre Fireworks marked Decoration Day and the day before at Excelsior (Minn.) Park. but rain and a sudden drop in temperature during the afternoon of the second day played havoc plat. 4 nsll es front world fa mous Net lIsMnfs, Arkansas. This resort has an Internellonel reputatlen and it eguipoes1 with · hotel. swi m ming pool, canine, dime. pavilion and an adlainine sepe weir theatre. Here N e w I armor with what had promised to be a good day's business. Another fireworks u show is planned for July 4. Toledo's Walbridge Park. managed tvalry fer · rlde owner who desires permanent. masonable Proposition. m u m, wrote ·r wire inguiries te by S. E. Custer. recorded business that was within $250 of last year. Crowds G. F. R OS E N FI E L D Fau Maln Lake Properties and spending were about the saine. Weather was clear for the first three Hat Serials. Ark sssss days of the week-end and, altho Roller Coaster Chain, Rails and Equip ment on Hand W RITE FOR INF OR MATI ON TO NATIONAL AMUSEMENT DEVICE (0.--Daylon 7, Ohio AUTHENTIC MINIATURE TRAINS TOP MONEY MAKER OF THE M ALL · DRA WS THE CRO WDS · EASY TO OPERATE · LOW OVERHEAD · LO W OPERATING COSTS AUTHENTIC MINIATURE TRAINS ARE PROVEN MONEY MAKERS EVERYWHERE , FREE -- WRITE FOR FREE LITERATURE TODAY! W MINIATURE TRAIN CO. RE N S S E L A E R, I N DI A N A High Quality KIDDIE RIDES ROTO W HIP -- SPEED BO ATS -- PO NY CARTS GALL OPI NG HORSE CARR OUSEL ell yrrated Circulars Free W. F. M ANGELS CD.. Coney Island 24. N. E. M IN U M I B II M showers ca me on Memorial Day after CELORON PARK Can Place at Once AMERICAN PALMIST noon. Custer said they weren't enough to drive people home. Snow at Denver's Lakeside Park a week before the holiday had caused some advance doubts about Decoration Day trade, but weather turned warm and was okay for the week-end Results showed business about on a par with 1949. There was little dif ference in spending. MINIATURE STEAM TRAIN Tra m grosses nest re Centres tri lir es rekr ··res re Tra ms ,50 in O mer/Men GR OSS $2,500 TO $15,000 A SE ASO N nor m m at in. nern ml steern oo metren Meer rein money h, any Morn ever 15.1/1/ y eelat Y A · melled A 1M fer appeal aongdeere, wsPatoeemwefr..ns er· ors fl to Be 0,41 and adults ·very tine Eareelhent O ppOrlortory AGENTS for Scale, A ge. Stock Concessions Figures were expected to show pe capita spending off slightly at Wichi la's two Joyland parks. However weather was clear and business tva Cre me I any ame mme m park e aide Recreeten yet.. 0211114 Ali AnUSE MENI CO. elfrs Mtnletere Poe m Pe ens 2. W DOUGL AS WIC HITA 1 Karts. . pretty good, it was reported. A CELO R ON P Kansas City sFairyland Park weather Jamestown. N. Y. had been poor all month and con tinned with threatening skies on Dec Y O U C A N G R OSS M O RE W I T H A 12 U NI T oration Day and rain the day before, G RE Y H O U N D R A CE IN T H A T LO C A TI O N FOR SALE ONE PARKER MERRY.O0 ROUND with a resulting skid in turnout. CAN PLACE Legitimate Cangesei me kw emit Seienley dew. 2124 Surf A n. $35 10 tOlI PI EIF GREYHOUND AMUSEMENT DEVICE CO., INC. Elel·naele 3-6·15 SO foot, three abreast, new Top and Sidewall, new Engine. new Horses. machine completely rebuilt. like new. Suitable for park leg eke faetasee. lAKEYIEW PARK. ROYERVOM). PA. Duck Pond. Pitch, Lead Shoot. Bingo /rein Ride, Novelly and Bali Carnes, Etc. also Agents. M oe: Vallee Forge 4561. MINIATURE GOLF FOR SALE or portable. $9.500,00 CASH D. Van Billiard. Oak*. Pa. One of the best profit making golf REAS O NABLE FUNLAN D P A R K La Grange, Illinois FOR RENT games today.... Some courses established over I vean are still making 34breati Alan Heruhell Merry Or Round. Super Roll inPlane, 10 Dodgem Cars 5-Car 4 Concession Stands. Midway Location, Fun $1.000,00 a week prof it. Pretzel. 1 link Trainer. 12 Car Ridee A TFE NII O N -- W AN TE D AMUSEMENT RIDES Spare given for any kind of Kiddie or Adult hide. at N e near arno m ment center at Pro m. Beach. New York City. Intrnedle M action WillIn· le rent rd. bur Rides. Cell TAInterlim 41-1170 sr TAI madge 2.2626 all week to 6 p m. A M for Joe or Fret *. Po d, Dods and Ale, st 1 ga me, FAIRYLAND AMUSEMENT PARK 3938 5 Harle m Lyons, Ill. Phone. Lyon, 3 OIDS W A N TE D F O R ARLAND Designer end 'Wider of Arrierico's ak a a·arand Mieletere Courses 444 Ifesoldp· A m New Hyde Park. N. T. MARE ME AN OFFER. ONE OR ALL JOI: OCC111.1 T O 2020 I MOT Peet, . C.Iorse, Phone SU03 -W Choke Boardwalk Location Lit se dote In amuse ment section Ocean City. SM ,land, minable any Una. Write BOX D-241 en. eilheard Clnetnnell n o. ROY ACUFF'S DUNBAR CAVE APIUSENDIf PARI Rides and Conce wlotm. No gelft. All Su m mer location. Also went >M N Striker end Port- able Mc Minn BI M, all to work on corned. Won. Canter< a ranOtL.LIa.E BAIIILTON Clarksville. Tenn. WANTED LOCATION For ne w Sterra mI Ne Kiddie Trot .. Cana . " JO pa rengere Portable with Trailer. Includes 600 ft. of Track. Wire write or telephone. C. P. CONEVIT2 Me. Melly SpeinpS, Pt Telephone O S RI D E H EL P W A N T E D First or Second Men for No 16 wheel, Fly- . Plane and 24-Car Caterpillar ISO merinos Ride. no w In operation. State all first letter. No ticket.. pay sour own nit,. Griftem A muse ment P ark Jaen ...vile leech. Plerlde 011 The Bilboard FAIRS-EXPOSITIONS Com munications to 188 W. Randolph St. Chicago 1 Dl June 10, 1950 Indianapolis Oklahoma City Awaits $1 Mil J.Dan Baldwin ITmoprCoosvtem60e0ntGs To Commence Work on New Plant NeOfwKyM.anAangneural Up Grandstand Cap. 2,200 INDIANAPOLIS, June 3. --Indiana State Fair here has begun construc- OKLAHO MA CITY. June 3.--Oklahoma State Fair will begin construction of its new fairgrounds here within six months if the annual's request for $1,000,000, part of a city bond issue voted last month, is granted. C. G. (Pete) Baker, secretary- manager, announced. The fair's allotted $4,750,000 is part of a $36,000.000 bond issue American Shows will again provide the midway attractions with the Barnes-Carruthers Theatrical Enterprises producing the grandstand show. Joie Chitwoed's Auto Daredevils will hold forth in front of the grandstand the first three days with two big-car dates, two stock-car meets LOUISVILLE, Tune 3. -- J. Dan Baldwin has been named manager of the Kentucky State Fair, it was announced by Smith D. Broadbent Jr., president of the fair board. Appointment was made May 29 and Baldwin will take over the duties Wednesday (7). tion of a new $250,000 conservation building and a $250,000 addition to its horse barn, two major projects in the annual's $600,000 rebuilding program, Carl Tyner, .secretary-manager, announced. which was okayed by voters. Plans call for completion of the fair plant by the end of 1951 and for occupancy the following su mmer. Fair oficials met this week with architects and engineers for discussion of the and one midget auto race program also skedded. Thearle-Duffield Fireworks, Inc., will stage the pyro attractions. Baldwin has been director of the division of markets in the State Agriculture Department. He is a native of Kentucky and was a teacher before his appoint ment to the marketing post in 1941. Calif. Okays Galt The new conservation hall, not scheduled for completion this year, Grandstand Repairs altho the foundation has been poured, is located on the north side of the track and will be built of Indiana limestone. It wil contain a main general layout of buildings and installation of electricity, water and sewers. The new plant will be a combination vocational training center and a fairgrounds and the two organizations will utilize the buildings. exhibition ball 190 by 65 feet and a The aim to complete buildings by Expected smaller one, 95 by 65 feet. The horse the end of next year has been set to barn addition will be ready for this allow time for develop ment of a huge On Det. Attractions year's fair. landscaping project. Enlarge Graudiaand Grandstand capacity will be in- Attractions for this year's annual are set, according to Baker. Royal creased to 14,000 this year by the ad- dition of 1,100 permanent paddock Lubbock Plans 25G seats and the erection of temporary bleachers to hold a like nu mber. Plant Improvements Shuttle busses will be introduced for the first time this year for inter- grounds transportation. LUBBOCK, Tex., June 3. -- Pan- Premiu ms at this year's annual will total $378,000, an increase of $6,000 over 1949 and harness racing purses will total $147,000. handle South Plains Fair here will spend $25,000 in plant improvement, this year, a major portion for concrete paving, Neil H. Wright Jr.. president. announced. Off-season, fair-sponsored activities drew large crowds during the lourday Decoration Day week-end. An antique show in the main exhibition hall drew 65,000 thru the turnstiles Chico, Calif., Annual and an exhibit of hot-rod race cars, held in the manufacturer's building to coincide with the annual 500- mile Draw Hits '49 Level automobile race here, pulled a total of 14,000. About 12.000 square yard, of paving will be completed this year, including approaches to the livestock barns and walkways. In addition the annual has launched a painting progra m. Plans for new exhibit buildings are being mulled, but none will be ready this year. Feature attraction this year will be a pageant produced by .the John Rogers Producing Company, which will employ local talent and portray Conn. Issues New the history of Lubbock. The pageant will be staged nightly in front of Listing of Annuals the grandstand. Bill Haines Shows GALT, Calif., June 3.--An agreement made with the State division of architecture to do most of the repairink of the grandstand at the fairgrounds here has set into action final preparations for the Sacramento County Fair, July 14-23. Ancil Hoffman, chairman of the board of directors, made the anniuncement. Preparations for the annual had been held up because the architects would not approve the use of the grandstand unless extensive repairs were made. Top of the south grandstand will be removed and a netting used until a permanent roof can be installzel. In a discussion regarding concessions, Sam Kellett. the new secretarymanager, was authorized to get things in shape -as soon as possible. Motorcycle races will be featured on closing day and Al Latter was giulranteed $2.000 to put on the show CHICO, Calif.. June 3.--The Third District Agricultural Fair. which closed its five-day run here Sunday night 128). equalled its 1949 attendance of 30,145 Operating on the the me of the He was in the marketing department of the University of Alabama from 1944 to 1948, when he returned to the Kentucky Agriculture Department. Action DETROIT, June 3. --Contracts for major na me entertain ment at the Michigan State Fair are slated for approval not later than June 15, when the new pre mium books go to press'. Dickering over entertain ment has been moving slowly since the award of the mid way contract several months ago to Al Wagner's Cavalcade of Amusements. Earlier reports indicated that Bob Hope, who played the fair last year for three days, might return, but these are now considered dead. High asking price for talent has been one factor in delaying bookings this year, with the fair management feeling that the budget will have lo be kept down even lho top names are wanted. Preference, according to Manager Ja mes Friel, is for ore, na mes this year. Dick Frederick. who handled advertising and publicity for the fair last year. has been rena med lo the post. Frederick runs his own independent agency in Detroit. Wright Named Chairman HARTFORD, Conn., June 3.--Distribution of a new issue of the 1950 listing of Connecticut fairs has been Show Events Added announced by Joseph C. Bartlett, As- sociation of Connecticut Fairs presi- At Conn. Exposition dent. Among additions is the Washington repeat as the midway attraction. STRATFORD, Conn., June 3.--Ed- Silver Dollar Fair, pre miums were paid with the newly minted bucks. Accom modations for lie ut.:et in both senior and junior divisions were increased M 1950, Maurice J. Hogan, secretary-manager, said. The home economics department topped the first time the 1,000 entries mark. Of ESE Education Group SPRINGFIELD. Stanley W. Wright, Msuapses.r,intJeunndeent3.or-- schools in West Springfield, will be chairman of the education service committee of the Eastern States Exposition. He replaces Franklin P. Fair, which is being revived and sponsored by the Washington Limes' Club. Dates for the event are set for August 31-September 2. A nu mber ucational events will be among entertain ment features presented by Disabled American Veterans at the Connecticut State Exposition at thé Morrilton, Ark., Annual Renames Coleman Prez Hawkers who heeded the group last year. Committee membership comprises superintendents of schooLs thruout of other fairs not noted on the listing issued several months ago also are contained in the new schedule, Bartlett said. M. Kolakoski Dies In Race Car Crash PLAINVILLE, Conn., June 3. -- Chance-Vought plant here Friday (30), it was announced this week. Bookings include a family of Hopi Indians from Arizona. under direction of Ja mes E. King of the Somers Mountain Indian Trading Post, Somers, Conn. Another feature will be Sharkey. a trained seal under direction of Mark Hiding. Fly-casting contest and water ballet also will be staged. MORRILTON, Ark.. June 3. -- Ernest Coleman was re-elected president of Conway County Fair and Livestock Show skedded here September 20-23. R. W. Morgan Jr. was renamed secretary-treasurer. An additional livestock barn will be added to the four already on the grounds. Annual plans to operate all concessions this year with rides to be furnished by Fidler's United Shows. Ha mpden County. Its objective is to emphasize the educational opportunities available to school children at the exposition each fall. Mitchell 1Colakoski, 31-year-old stock car driver of Suffield, Conn., was killed in acrash at Plainville Stadiu m here May 28. Del Mar, Calif., Annual Will Feature Home Talent Edmonton, Alta., Lighting Upped 400 % at 406 Cost State Police Inspector George Mitchell said that the cars were bunched in a controlled skid on a turn during the first race when Kolakoski's car shot from the pack, struck a crash wall and overturned. Charlotte Horse Show Set DEL MAR. Calif., June 3.--San Diego County Fair, June 30-July 9, will again feature community participation days Practically every city and town in the area will take part with local talent to be paraded daily at the fairgrounds here, Henri War· ner, promotional activities director. announced. ED MONTON, Alta., June 3. -- Lighting in the Ed monton Exhibition Association-owned Gardens has been increased 400 per cent at an approximate cost of $40.000, according to Ja mes Paul, association's secretarymanager. All wiring in the building was changed. CHARLOTTE, N. C., June 3.--Plans are being shaped for the Charlotte Horse Show to be held at Southern States Exposition Fairgrounds June Shaunavon, Sask., Adds To Grandstand Capacity Ryley, Alta., Annual Names Westmancoat Press 8-10. All proceeds of the show will RYLEY. Alta.. June 3. -- R. K. be donated to the Charlotte Spastics SHAUNAVON. Sask., June 3. -- Westrnancoat has been na med presi- Hospital. Com mittee includes Phil Shaunavon Agricultural Society here dent of the Ryley and District Agri- Van Every, publicity chair man; Henry has added another section to its grand- cultural Society here. Morris, presalent, Mecklenburg Saddle stand to bring capacity to 650. S. Murikedahl and L. Pepper are Club, co-sponsor of the event, and A third addition is planned to in- vice-presidents, and A. R. Cross, sec- Doak Flintom. crease capacity of the stand to 1,000. retary-treasurer. I. DAN BALD WIN has been named manager of the Kentucky State Fair, it was announced at Leelsville last week. He takes over the post June 7. bus* 10, 1950 The 1.111sonrd FAI RS-EXPOSITIONS 69 ASSURE SUCCESS wo· Penwns demand this tel becau w.t nee. OC to meat thrioline and onsinsm·Ing s- _ to be >Wormed .. .lai not owe. the w ord on · 151. 4 marine N M thin eott· Rom « W m.* in the Panes ,a/e THE BILLBOARD CINCINNATI U. D. NO W ROO K ING RODEOS, ATTRAGIONS, THRILL SHOWS AND OTHERS FOR Savage Amusement Center Gary, Indiana. Seating capacity 3,000. w nte dates open, ter ms, ete in lee Sot o T O M M Y SAI[C O 203 N. Webeeb Chicano, IN. Phone, ANdeser 3.6112 CARNIVAL WANTED TOR KARR COUNTY FAIR 6 STOCK SHOW coniun diew will. 4-1 Deb Fair 6 Americas Legion Jubilee AU GUST 22, 23, 24 AND 21 W arn at lea n S good Rid .. 5 $how. and 10 Conseurona C. V. TE RREI.L, Cluair mam HARPER KANSAS A T T E N TI O N! . 4111 CELE UATIONI, FAIRS, PA1KS, FTC. FOS SE NS ATI O NAL THRILL ACTS GRA NDSTA ND SH O WS -C HICUS UNITS W M. %Vi m or Plaeme J. C. Iflebaels Ateraiesiaan 41 W. itenesaa a. Reliance alto. IIInola Ken os City, m a Randelieb Ph: N oriten ·312 W A N TE D GOOD CLEAN CARNIVAL F.. Ahtlib . Co met" Fell far. Lag, 23, M . 25, at . MN IN* if desired. Write cre wire H A RR Y FUELLING Reek Pan, 1.11materi WANTED Rid « and Concessions for Sloe Goo psi, and None Shore lane 27-inly I. One el best emontiers in State tor Fi r. W nte et owe* to, & L A V E SI MS Harroslabarg, Ky. PI . » 110 WANTED CARNIVAL POR Shelby County Fair Auer . 21.24, » W. Contact JAC K SW ANSON Marla., ter. WANTED Indeomiskart Rides los Pe p Paw M en a Farr A NN .. 21-21i- WrIfe Willia m L. Cootie, See. Me mento. W.nt VIrghne Southwest Florida Fair Fort Myers, Florida February 5th-1 0th inclusive C. C. SCH U MAN. Change.. 2206 Broad way Chitwood Unit Draws 1,200 at Bridgeport B RI D G E P O R T. Conn.. June 2. Joie Chit wood's A uto D aredevils, first thrill sho w lo play here this season. dre w 1,200 persons W ednesday 1241 at Candlelight Stadiu m despite cold w eather. O rg announced in local ne wspa per that It w ould return later, with a ten- tative date set for July 2. Sho w left here for Pit man, N. J. Lethbridge Prizes $5,500 L E T H B RI D G E, Alta., June 3. Lethbridge and District E xhi bition and Rodeo this year will offer the largest prize list in its history, C harles E. Parry, secretary- manager, announced. Prizes will total $5,500. A ne w fence is being built around the race track, and the fair board office is being renovated. Owensboro Gets Charter O W E NS B O R O, K y.. June 3. - TriState Fairgrounds here has been granted a charter by the secretary of state for the staging of carnivals and auto racing. Capitalized at $3,000, incorporators include O. Z. Eidson, M. H. Carlin and M. V. H as.. Ions. Fair Dates The tolletelag eeeeeee ion. and additions t· the list or Fah D·lee were reserver' d·rIng the week raged leer 1. The o melets. L W Id Veit D Oes eas vablOhed I. Ihe h oe W ed "Ivrel ru m« April I. A repy or that lone may be had by walling 15 ern . la the Cire·OtIon ropert m ose The nia. Nord, 7161 Patterson hirers. Cineten oi es. O. Are orb la ne ef The B M additions reelertI on end A RI Z O N A KInintan -laohave Co. Fair. Sept. 2-4. R. PhillIps. B ury CONNECTICUT · Aron -Hertford Co. 441 Pale Aut. 2621 Beatrice trais.. Newington. Coon. ig BerlIn -Berlin Orange Tali. Sept. 15-111, Mr, Sather 0, La mb. Bloo mfleld -Bloomfleld 4-11 Pair. Aug. 11-19. E. I. Johneon, Hartford, Conn Mansfield -Echo Orange Pale Sept. 6. Peed Ro obrooke. Willi mantic, Co me North StonIngton -New London Co. 4.11 Pale Sept. 1.1. Eugene Itah olile, R. DC.luab. NorsIchtown. Ro ar 31111 -RoCky Hill Orange Fair. Sept. 14, Dorothy B. 'Orrick Eloothbury -Pomperaug Orange Pale Aug. 15-711. Therm o Clogelek, Woodbury, Conn. Wapping - Wapping Pale Sept. a. Mrs. John Porcheron. Warren -Litchfield Co 4.11 Pair. Aug 25-211. Lose; Doed·In, R. D. 3, Torrington. Coon. washIngton - Washineton Pale Atli 31-15ept, 2 W. E. Morgan. Wondstork - Woodat mk Pale Sent. 2-t. Don- ·Id Willia ms, R. 3. Putna m, Cat o INDIANA cu...sario-usa<on Co. 4-H Pale. E. P.. Chatha m. A pe. 1.11. 'Me STAR DUSTERS OrIgInara n 1 A DO.irde liandstann an · Single Swee Pole. Hand - balancing Adagio poses on 18 Inch platfor m. Re m ounted by Al Martin A we«, Hotel gradfard Ron . 16, U m. Per manent address 14442 E. Ra mona Ileild win Perk C·111. 40/ A SURE FINE M T! * FOR YOUR * CEBRAT1011. PARI OR FAR BILLY OUTTEN DIVING SENSATIONS rasous Cciatel n · ISIN A UTT PLUS A FLA MI N G NI DIV! Gee, 11. Haree m Agent.> PITTSSURCH 311, PA. EXCELSIOR GETS (Continued from page 86 ) contest is set for A ugust 13. Shogran took one girl to the Miss A merica a ward in 1948 (BeBe Shoppe) and produced a second-place winner in 1947 (Elaine Ca mpbell). Another promotion to start soon is the weekly broadcasts from the park pavilion of a two-hour radio show over WCCO of the Twin Cities. This year, in addition to its Saturday night show, WCCO will stage a broad- cast fro m night. the park every Friday In.tallationi. Redecorated T he 17 rides. 10 ga mes, Fu nhouse, Glasshouse and 6 refresh ment sta nds have been refurbished. All but caram el apples and candy stands, operated by John Ro mas, are o wned by the park, w hich is o wned by Fred W. Pearce Enterprises, D etroit. A dded this year are w affle ice crea m. u nd- isich and auto matic doughnut machine stands and a milk bar w hich has been doing good business w hen w eather is okay. B usiness has been off beca use of the poor weather. The park has yet to have a w eek-end w hich it can co mpare with 1949 to deter mine the trend of business. T he dance hall started off w ell with B ud Stre wn and his 11-piece orchestra in their seventh year here. Fri- day nights are dedicated to high school students. O n Saturday nights the dance hall offers hotel-style m usic for adults. WE HAVE OPENING Far the felterwho Concesaleree RI M o..e. String nano, Duch Pend. CNeratte stro Ory, Pitch Till Teo Win, ··11 Oarne. Pair Md . Orly 31 te Aug. 4. RUSH CO. IL ASSOCIATION E. E. PRIVF.TT. See,. RUINVILL., IND. a.s. LOUISIANA Leriusston -LIsInsaton Parlab Pair Aram. 22 44. MICHIGAN Allenville - Mackinac Co. Pair Ato m Sept. 14- 17. Cole Igraketa, Moran. Mich Sag Rapide -Pdametta Co. Tali Aeso. Mtg. 33- N. Norm . Itasca. Dete nte -O m-slur Agri. Dee. Clayton P. Howe. Aug. 34- N. Cloadelle - St. Clair Co. 4.21 Pale. Aug. 24-11I. C. S. Panto . Smith. Creak, Nish. Esatinsc- Barr3 Co. Fe es Pale. Aug. 14, P. W. Kelly. Hudsonville - fluds000lll. C.:mam mon, Pair. BON. 74. Alvin Sager. Halernegoo - Ralatalitoo CO. Agri, Soc. Sept. 22-31, Hartman Kakabaktr. Lowell -Rent Co. 441 Awl. As .. Aug. 22.26. E. 0 ° M orn, Orval navies, Mich. LudIn von - Western M HO. Fair Assn Sept. 16.13. Irving L. Pratt. Scottellle, Mic a Manchester - Manchester Co m munity Pair, Sept. 31-33. Cliford W aiah, North Branch- North Branch ROT A mu. Sept. 36-311. Ostr o. N. De ere. Noteray--Clickl mon Co. Pine Pali. Sept. 14. Prank L Itonners. Iron MOseltela, N U R Petookey -Founet Co. Pair A ort. Ta w 21.26. Lyle E. Dunha m, Salloe -Ballne Com munity Pair A nt. 34.31. Charts. H. Osgood. MINNESOTA Ka men -Dodge Co. Fah. Aun, Aug. 3-6, V. T. Sander, Dodge Center, Mina, MISSOURI An --D ens as Co. Fair. Sept. 1 . 16 7.a. PENNSYLVANIA Mlii City -Palls-Overfuld Pair teen. 21 43. Si n Doris Gregory. Sept. = TIE semational ORTOM CRISS·CROSS SWAYING POLL THRILL1111 With their own original ar·elion ltFLIRTATION IN THE SKY Recrese Oed by: AI. MARTI N AGENC1 Notol Bradford. Boston Ma o taro , Re m rrrrrbro, LE W Z, LESLIE GR·Ct, Ltd Regent No me. London, W I. ATTE NTI ON! FAIR SECRETARIES Contort The ERNIE YOUNG AGENCY For Your 1950 Oread Stand Sheer IF god ere looking for eil W IDEAS TENNESSEE Brownsville -Haywood C. Pale Smith Sept. S.l. L 103 N. Avenue. Clawege I, Ill Pr une: CEntret 6-0661 T E X AS Amarillo -Tregtate Fair. B. Baxter. Sept 11 43, Rea Brenham - Washington Co. Pair Sept. 21.23. Ia n Robert tau t.. rivil meri - wt. Co. Pale Sept. 13- 14 . Cecil Dullard, Center -Shelby Ce. Pair Awns Ott 3.1. COar Cosset. ClIfloa -Central Tea ., Tale Sept. 21.0st. 5. L. E. Ten . = Wee ny -Trinity valley laPO. IN. John °ravish. Ott. 11-21 . Pampa -Top a. Tee . Pair. Aug. 5-12. E. O. Wedgeworth. Temple -Cen.Tes Pair. Sept. 18-23. W. W. Wendlaud, temerie er finest COIN TELESCOPE 790 TI ME * · PA · Pl a t CARNIVAL WANTED mat FOR A NT IN JU NE Oa JULY Lauder Cue Colored Fat Amelia' WILLI A M irtiNT0611 A nt. S m ear/ Lancaster, S. C. CARNIVAL WANTED ve or es Rides. thirty -tv. Conce ulons wanted Is sho w at our N. , eteentit M emel Fair date. ,eore m,e, II Vw,.. 76. 1950. SEBASTOPOL COMMUNITY FAIR Sebastopol M ks WY OMING 011/ette -c. ..beu Co. Pair Asaa, M O M E. Lynch. Aug 1621, American Telescope Co. EVANSVILLE 8, INDIANA Alpine County To Be Revived SACRA MENTO. June 3. - After 50 years of inactivity, the 16th District Agricultural Association is being revived and will stage a fair this year in Alpine County. Gov. Earl Warren has appointed a seven- man board to direct the event. The association was organized in 1680 as the Eastern Slope Agricultural A ssociation. It was reorganized ms the 18th District in 1887. Eleven fairs w ere held prior to 1901. WANTED: A CARNIVAL re play ....wanner County. 1.10e Oak. Florida, Counts Fair and Livedock Show. Date ran be arranged loe week October 2. For par .-War. tontari S. C. ICIERGE, Secretary, Lisa Oak, Flora . C A R NI V AL W A N TE D OHIO COUNTY FAIR IN HARTFORD, KY., WEEK SEPT 4-9. 0950. Write 6, I. R. RUESF.LL ar. 70 The M al mo'', CA RNIVALS Co m munications to 188 W. Randolph St.. Chicago I. Ill. June 10, 1950 WOM Scores Pennsy Spots All Washed Up Big at Two Hot and Cold NE W YORK, June 3. -- The mother of three young sons tried to turn her ofspring over Jersey Spots For C&W Org to police here, claiming that her husband, a concessionaire, was out of work because New York's much-publicized rain maker was a bit too successful in his ef- Takes to Date Par '49 Auto Hite Cetlin forts. Mrs. Elizabeth Cygan pleaded that her husband had been un- PLAINFIELD, N. J.. June 3. -- NE W CASTLE, Pa., June 3.--Cet- employed since last October and Prank Bergen's World of Mirth lin Sr Wilson Shows corraled good that if Dr. William F. Howell, Shows scored good business over the Decoration Day week-ens' at New Brunswick, N. .L, Saturday (27) and Decoration Day business here after blanking out for the second week at Harrisburg. Pa., where a holdover Gotha m's $100-a-day cloudbuster, had left well enough alone he might be working and here on the holiday. Business at both spots was considerably ahead of last year's grosses, despite the AL C. BECK. veteran show exec. loos of many working hours to rain. This date, actually outside the city limits. Is the 17th consecutive spon- has been named credit manager-uncial representative tor Charles A. Lenz, showmen's insurance man. sorship of the org by the Arbor Hose Company. Business here Wednesday thru Friday was good, Bergen said. All that is needed for a record gross Peoria, Ill., Gives Hennies Is fair weather tonight, he added. The weather was far from favorable thruout most of the New Bruns- wick engage ment, but Bergen said the groin, exceeded the 1949 take by a sizeable margin. First Winner As the result rif continuing high per copita spending, all departments are maintaining their 1949 pace. Morris Lev was added to the press Holiday Yields Huge Day date was skedded in an attempt to salvage the original booking. However. cold and rain continued and crowds and spending were sparse, despite considerable publicity resulting principally from the co-operation of all local radio stations. Co-Owner Issy Cetlin was severely injured here Monday morning (29) when struck by a car which, reportedly, ran thru a red light. At the New Castle Hospital Cetlin was reported to have received a brain concussion and multiple cuts. Altho his condition was reported improving, Cetlin will undergo a series of examinations before being released. At Harrisburg, Lou Straton, talker on the Raynell Girl Show, was taken sick. He was first taken to Walter Reed Hospital, Washington, and after providing for the children instead of looking for another job. Police lent a sy mpathetic ear to the woman's tale and suggested she go to he municipal lodging house for aid. RAS Business In St. Louis Exceeds 1949 Show To Play Winnipeg staff here. Gerald Snellens will handle the advance, while Lev remains with the shows. Bergen said that four new Downey light towers will be added next week. Arthur Ca mpfleid, head of the canvas firm bearing his name, visited here and measured units for new belly cloths, with delivery skedded before the fair dates. Ca mpfield will also build a new 60-foot round top for the Posing Show. With the addition of Garfield, lo- PEORIA, EL, June 3. -- Hennies Bros.' Shows, harassed by rain, wind and cold since leaving Hot Springs quarters, played to ideal weather and large crowds here this week to rack up their first winning stand of the season. Decoration Day (30) drew an estimated turnout of 9,000 at night and 1,000 in the afternoon. Shows broke in a ne w lot at Loucks and University streets to big business despite co mpetition from Tex Ritter's Rodeo at examination transferred to the Naval Hospital at Bethesda, Md. In view of the good holiday business here, this date could be a big winner. Holiday attractions included a fire company parade, which ended on the show's midway, and a fireworks display at night. A tie-in with local merchants is expected to build today's kiddie matinee at which a bicycle will be given away. ST. LOUIS. June 3. --The Royal American Shows thru Thursday (1), the 15th day of their 18-day still date stand at 'Grand and Laclede, were ahead of last year's business for the corresponding period. Every day, except Friday (23), which was hit by rain, provided a better gross than its mate of last year, Carl Sedlmayr Sr.. RAS owner, said. Increased business was chalked up in evçry department. Leon Claxton's Harlent in Havana, perennial top John Cavanaugh, 50. cated in the populous Patterson-Pas- the fairgrounds. money-getter here, was way ahead saic-Clifton area, the org's Jersey Monday night's opener was the Irak now totals five weeks. best first night of the season so of its '49 gross. RAS will go into Winnipeg for · Dies of Injuries far, with a free gate for women. This still date as scheduled. Sedlmayr an- feature will continue at all still Prell Biz Okay After Truck Crash dates. Org set up in good time. The first wagon hit the lot at 1 p.m. and by At Early Dates 9 p.m. shows were in full operation with the exception of the light towers. Shows move to Kenosha. Wis.. from Despite Weather here. NE W YORK, June 3.--John (Slim) Cavanaugh, 50, of Springfield, Mass.. who presided over the lunchroom at the National Showmens' Association (NSA) here for the past several years and a show man for 20 years, nounced. The Winnipeg stand, the last before the show goes into fairs, is set for June 22-July I. SSow closes here tomorrow night, then sses to Davenpo t. la.. where it opens Wednesday (7) and runs thru June 17. Vivona Unit Scores NE W YORK. June 3. -- Pre11's Baltimore Mulling Broadway Shows, which ended the Big at Irvington, N. J. first part of its tour tonight at Rich- New Show Laws mond. Vas and jumped to Jersey City, N. J., has been playing to fairly good business below the Mason-Dixon line, despite considerable inclement weather. Joe Prell reported here this wek. While considerable rain has been encountered as the org moved north, the clear nights have at least been warm, Prell said. As a result, when clear weather prevailed, patrons stayed on the lot and spent freely. Charlottesville, Va.. was one of the best dates played. Org opened there with a paid gate of 4,000 and drew a Saturday night closing crowd of 6.500. Two dates were played in Richmond and both were good. Fayetteville, N. C.. was a blank, even tito it was stretched to two weeks after the opener failed to draw soldier pay from Fort Bragg because the troops were on maneuvers. Prell was here to iron out final details fnr a two-week engagement, beginning June 12, at Forest Hill, L. I., N. Y. Location is on Queens Boulevard, main Island artery, and Prell said the stand looms as a red one, even tho it is located in New York City and playing costs are tremendous. Date is under auspices of the 40 and 8, American Legion, and pro- BALTI MORE, Md., June 3. -- An amendment empowering the local police department with the right to veto carnival per mits has been proposed for incorposation in a new carnival ordinance pe siting in the city council. Bill would transfer from police department to the city building inspector's ofice the duty of issuing such permits. Grand Juror's Association recently attacked the bill, saying that it would assign to politicians the right of granting permits. The ordinance would restrict the use of public highways by carnivals to that part of the road immediately adjacent to the non-profit institution sponsoring the org's stand. Carnival permits would be subject to the approval of the police commissioner, chief of the fire department, city highway engineer and the building inspector. Prior to present administration, issuance of carnival permits depended upon the mayor's ofice. Following his inauguration, Mayor Thomas D'Alesandro had city council enact an ordinance transferring the duty to the police died Monday, May 29, at St. Mary's Hospital, St. Mary's, Pa., of head injuries received Sunday, May 28, when a truck he was driving overturned. At the time of his death Cavanaugh was ass ociated with Frank (Shri mpie) Rappaport in operating concessions with Mickey Percell's Pioneer Shows. Accident occurred due to bad road conditions at Driftwood, Pa., while the org was en route to Johnsonburg. Pa. Cavanaugh was exa mined by a local doctor and ordered to St. Mary's Hospital, 18 miles away, where he died. Cavanaugh entered outdoor show business with Sa m Pre], and had been associated with Rappaport for the last 10 years. He is survived by two sisters, Margaret M. Cavanaugh and Mrs. Bernard Killiard: and two brothers, Joseph W. and Francis B. Cavanaugh. Funeral services were held by members of Pioneer Shows at Driftwood following his death. Funeral arrangements also were made by the Sa mpson Funeral Horne of Springfield, Mass. Burial was in the family plot at Calvary Cemetery, Chicopee, Mass., Friday (2). Applicants for carnival per mits IRVINGTON, N. J., June 3. --Playing its home base here, Vivona Bros.' Amusements of 'A merica opened strong Monday. May 22, continued with solid biz thru the week and wound up the date Saturday drawing 5.000 children for a kid's matinee. Weather for the week was fairly good. All units of the org were functioning from the opening day of the stand, and show personnel reported good takes for the week. Loral Veterans of Foreign Wars unit, with committee headed by Lloyd Goldberg, extended all possible co-operation. The Irvington Herald-Review gave the shows a good press, devoting a page of pictures to the org and anumber of stories. Two new light towers for the midway have been completed and are in operation. While hens many visitors from World of Mirth and Ross Manning 'Slows turned up on the lot, with Maxie Sherpe, Vienna business manager, aiding in the entertaining. Happyland Org Contracts Medicine lint, Alta., Event MEDICINE HAT, Alta., June 3. -- motion, including various contests, is department would pay a $5 filing charge, provide Happyland Shows have been signed intensive. After the injury of a circus spec- satisfactory evidence of the posses- to prcvide the midway at the three- The Jersey City date also gives tator, it was found that there was sion of indemnity insurance protect- day stampede here this year in place promise to big grosses. since Prell's no way to insure recompense or in- ing the city against liability (in case of Crescent Canadian Shows, D. A. will be the first org to play the location in several years. Prell also announced the signing of the Hatfield (Pa.) Fair, which he said would be reorganized. demnity by a show after it had left the city. The mayor then requested city officials to prepare a new bill to insure greater protection for the carnival-going public. of accident and a certificate from the State Tax Commission if the applicant is a non-resident corporation. Proof of financial responsibility also would be required of the applicant Seholten, events business manager. announced. Latter nrg originally was skedded, he said, but has been sold to American interests. Ji ma 10, 1950 WANT CONCESSIONS MICHIGA N'S LAR GEST A N NUAL 4TH OF JULY CELEBRATION HILLSDALE, MICH. Can plate legitimate Canoes .. . et all kinds m ope Binge and Novettlee. Contact es today. GOODING AMUSE MENT CO., INC. 1300 Nodose Ave. Colo wba,. Ohio JOLLYTIME SHOWS W AN T Coed Caller fer Ted Cole* Bingo CONCESSIONS: All kind, working for stock. Also Cookhouse Help. SHO WS. Wild Lite. Penny Arcade, Motor- deome, Unborn. Harry fink wants good Halt and Hair and wo,Ling Ar h for Side Sho w. No Chasers or Drunks. All rennet 1. W ES P RI C E week. Si mpson. Pa: niel west. Three's, Pa. 4th OF JULY OPEN CARNIVAL OR CIRCUS Co ming our way should contact a ·t once. Moto: Hill's Greater Sho ws did lino M·eterlsi week. Pueblo's Lakeside Park Pueblo, Colorado FO R SALE x 32. own 2 mason. t Pole Top. hide Walls, Bally, SO Stool. Center Pleeh Iomelet* except P A. erstern. U M 00 o mth et Stack. First 1750.00 wk . I. 2K3.? FtI,nteDrrnoaptioFnraalme°heSctteoelr. T!ramiluellreinandshaInpeel. "et ef 12 Bl a me 'Merchant Men. Ton. 'TamAer.caWdieritnygp.e. Aen C.e.nt.e.r It.JoiTnaty. only two month. ow SILL JOHNSON HIS Meenolla se, Re, Tenn. WANTED W HEEL FOlt· MAN. asset·V.GO·ROUND FOIlgeaAN. Other Seed Side Note. anew. and Co m mie .. MOUND CITY SHO WS Addre ss Penton, Ma., June MI, Collinsville, 11., week June 11. FOR SALB --LOolegle, 0000 At NE W ANTED Legiti mate Claeritelmedene of all kinder. Hila n. realm, Boat or any Ride not conflict/r m. nioghforRoAethrl,eticocmeSheon, nMeeede M0a0,0n.a9g1er.0.. Also Girl Sho w or Old. Sho w Too available « What hWailvle plpoacu?e yoDuo.n't write. wire or ro me on. YAGE R UNITED ATTRS" Abin mion, Ill., Juno 1-10, Buettner, al. Jane 12-17; then on per route * WANTED A while . Manager for finest Mechanical City en road. Mint b. A.I se ml Mark driver and hand, man. Alan hogs C..... Man. Pe e attheInLtyenamiewwo.lves or Saner. Salary discuesed J A M ES O' B RI E N Ng Lincoln Ave., Nil ., Ohio Phone SLAM YORK REUNION Teri, 6 SIC DAYS --Auguer RIA X E1.11,IS, 1-2-3-4.5.6 Secy. Soonsored by American Legion W est Union. The Billboard Dayton Nets C UINEWAILS Cavalcade Big Holiday Biz Shows, Concessions Lead CORCBSIONS, 811160 IB M, M E WS. MO1ORDROMES, WOW 10111 ANYTHING IN CANVAS California Appre nd riantepreel Materiab Available. ones and Boot . tor Benefits and Local Celebeatiens. SEPERT W ORK MA NSHIP S DAYS' SHIP ME NT O N M OST SIZES DAYTON, O., June 3.--Al Wag- ner's Cavalcade of Amuse ments cwheaelkkedon uap nebiwg lotbusijunsetssouthesirdee this the city limits, Decoration Day crowds both afternoon and night were large despite competition from near-by Lakeside and Frankie's Forest Park. Shows and concessions were top money winners. Rain and mud again crabbed business tonight, a regular Saturday feature since the opening. Entire show was not set up due to the derail ment of three flats in Vin - rennes, hid., en route here from Evansville, Ind. The three cars were left behind in order to bring the rest of the show into Dayton on schedule. No property damage or injury was incurred. wasLoubiasckJ.onBerthgeer.shoorgw'shergeenertoral agent, a con- ference. Visitors here included 'Wal- ter .1 Beachler, local fireworks exec: Dutch Wilson, Mrs. Charles Lavine and the latter's mother and father. all of Dayton; Billy Breese, Johnny J. Denton Shows. and Gene Hairlin. On Friday night (2) Mr. and Mrs. Al Wagner and Sally Rand played hog to E. Walter Evans and Bill Sachs. of The Billboard: John Anderson, of the Enquirer Printing Company, and Barney Rapp, booking agent, all of Cincinnati. Personnel line-up includes: Staff Al Wagner. general m g Joe S Schollbo, manager: Lot . J. Berger, general reprreentative: Herb Shire, publicity director; George Ha m special agent: Arthur Atherton, secretary-tre murer: Harry Touait. amhtant secretary; O. J. rWhitey1 M ega rancesalon manager: Iterehell 'Artie, Bradford. super- intendent of transportation: Joe Kemper, auperinteadent of ad miasiona: Leo Montt, chief of the electrical depart ment: Frank Seger, shop foreman: Dr. Sera Urline show doctor: Joe Pearl, mail man and The BIB- Ceara · NE W -- BRIGHT -- FLASHY DURABLE -- WASHABLE ANCHOR CCARNIVAL CANVAS Plastic m ated Cray goods give s High Gloss labial -9 Beautiful Colors Write tor samples FOI BE MA 7I NTS --L OVIEST PRICES -- HI GH 0.011111 W a ng The Nu mber I Carnival Tent Manufacturer. ANCHOR SUPPLY CO., INC. iVANSVIIII· WIDIANA c'Lc AA a/ w BINGHAMTON, N. Y.,_ FAIR, JUNE 12 TO 17 SWA M PA, CENTENNIAL. JUNE 19 TO 24 Want Legiti mate Concessions. Shows --Penny Arcade. Fun Rouse. Ten·In- One, Motor Drome, shows of merit. Ferris Wheel Fore man. For Sale --High Striker. Can be booked on show, 20 by 20 Marquee. two 20 by 20 show tops. Kiddie Airplane Ride. strea m line Whip. Double Loop·o-Plane. five se mi trailers and tractors. We have New York and Pennsylvania finest routes of fairs and celebrations. Johnnie Lash wants Count Store Agents. Shrimpie Rappaport wants Skillo Agent., MI C KI E P E KE: EL L This week. Endicott, N. Y. Ride. Moon Rocket. N. IL 'Snake> Fowler. lore. man; Malcol m B. Pri m. Pony Ride. Howard Willia ms, line men: Frank Morris and Patti Harter. Tilt-a- Whirl, J. W. Garland, fore- man; Edger Cox, Caterpillar, Paul Reynolds. fore man: SUtha m. Willard Smith. Little fore man; Oliver Lee Dipper. Pierson. GeBoarbgye Ride, Sailor Gardner. fore man: Chart « Singleton. Oct opus. IL Sum mer. foreman. Willie Steven, Pert h Wheels .31, John 1P Glover. fore man: El mer Bollard and Brick Gordan. 11-Ball. John It. Milne, fore man. Ply-o-Plane. Miestsalppl Baker, fore man: Joseph Hells. Merry- Go-Round. AI Senor.. foreman. Floyd Lance. WANTED ONE CARNIVAL for CHARRO DAYS RUNNING TI ME JAN. 27 THROUGH FEB. 4, 1951 Must tw clean. base good Rados and Concessions. No prift. Sho ws Star-Studded Reuse. Sally Ran d Im mured. Corolla and Lary Kane. comedy: &delta Mon- dancer, Harold Rand. anger and stage Manager; Billy HO/Ards. co medy. Gus & Milts. bend; Ruth Wible, wardrobe: Charlie Pee n., projectioni n; Frank Legg ett, elettrielan. M iele Sho w. Paul Martell, predate, and director: Ed Keck, manager and talker; Matt MeGinnes arid Blettle Johnson, tick ed: Preachy Gaynor and Reeky Clark. ¡tenons: M U M Brown. featured: iladallne Weiss Loh packer. Leah To wel, Tobe Clark, Oypsy Brady, MarSorle Gar Minstrel &Wow, Charlen Taylor. manager. M o. Charles Taylor. director. War Shoe. George Marshall, n, Mee Oeerge Mar- shall. earthier; Bobby Evans, guard:, Mite Marshall. general utilities. Concessions Cookhouse. Mrs. P.1 'Mattel Wagner. Owner. Ben Buck. chef: Johnny Anat .. etrahler· candy, M n. Warmer owner, Hy mie Cooper manager: Clue Bethu me in managing M n. w werter· two err. anO Lola blunter her al, rat. NEW TINTS (camouflage) 16 it. by 31 ft.. m ax good for Ball Carnes, fence,. etc One. $10 .00; Iwo or more, 58 .00' each. Send deposit. Bids Still he opened June 20, 19 M1. Mail bids to CH ARR O DAYS, INC., Brownsvilie, Texas. W A N TE D FO B DIAMOND JUBILEE CELEBRATION SUPERI OR, NEBR.. SEPT. 18 A ND 19 Outstanding Acts --Chen ne ws --Rides et All Kinds --Belkon Ascension. Lay .on of rang« fer selebrarion al thie type. Don't p.m Hen up -11 will he one et Nebraska', br .ert ce Mbrations. ORA N KI NG and R. VER N O N McBR OO M, Co- Chair men R oc k y M ou nt ai n E m pi re Sh o ws Want tee Ilelle Fenreire. holy I thrse Sr. tethered by Pierre. Hot Sarinia. Crater. all South Ordeete; thea eights weeko et fain and CeNteratione rn Colorede and Nebe mka. RIDES: Octopus, Spitfire, Rolloplane, Looper and any eidet that do not conflict. SHO WS: W ant monkey Shove or any clean onell.11eahael Sha w. Will beak legiti mate Concessions. No gypeies. Can use repent. Ride Help. Need Bingo and Race Hone Men. Mentrese, Co b., Ho w st. le; own...a twiner St merbeng it ht 57 . AL NICHOLS R. F. D. I. Nashua, N. H. SECOND HAND SHOW PROPERTY FOR SRI 1311.00 sien Tent, 5514, tilde Wall, Air . .. Batty Show. 13 meci mens In eh » Ia n, che w. $13.110 Velvet Curtain, darts Men., itilerer · Wires 11.71 Streamers. II POnoMnIy12515; la nar M ee SM. » re mora. 4-for.all me evtaN. alarealn. W EIL'S CURIOSITY SHOP 10 So. O M M. Nellaetelphia e, Pa FOR SALE --MERRY-GO-ROUND 7-ab m me. lu mpier, keno. Coed lop and sidowell. Sound ... .Non Nest.. Splendid ...hine for one. $2000.00 amh. 1. . .fol M A RI E K. S M U C K LE R P. O. SOX 392. MOS HE. Alra 72 CA RNIVALS The Billboard Jig,,- 10. 1950 WE HAVE MID WAY CONFAB HANEY PANES. 9 different kirds of LW. GAMES. 2 different types of DART GAMES. 6 types of HOOP GAMES, 4 NEW SKILL GAMES, 8 NEW PER. Coreperrod Sp. via die geed. h bookie lent reports. go. midway grapevine. sounds after 1 years with the show. He will stay with the No. 2 Unit thru its Rigby, Idaho, stand ending June 17. Ile has made no plans for the M AGI GAMES, 4 NEW MR DEALS. 6 NEW DICE GAMES, 24 different Ja mes E. (Whitey) Cru mb, amem- remainder of the season. ber of the cookhouse staf on Royal types of WHEELS. Crown Shows, expects to return to Manager advised that he didn't want 6 CATS Earh RRR RR Ier delivery BEAUTIFUL PUNKS. Dot. $10.00 $27.00 the road soon. He's been confined to Robert Long Hospital. Indianapolis, since May 14.. . Highlighting Decoration Day activities on the cm explorer, bal wanted a general agent who knows routes. P. Burnett Deane, for mer fast luth,att nthelnoritghtrunsize. It assorted colors Royal Midwest Shows during the stand in Marion, 0., was the public wedding of R. (Digger Bob) Eeh- sketch artist with Pete Koster% World's Fair Museu m, is in Wesley Hospital, Wichita. Kan.. recovering !I..rIl.lry,Wer,dhareerthZeell'IcreNoamgÇdoM295th0ef l ecrope ringer and Barbara Shannon in front of the Ferris Wheel, which attracted an esti mated 8,000, Bill Harris re- from the last of a long series of op erations which kept hi m of the road for two years. He expects to be on R A T O A K ES dc SO NS M31 W. 401 Plate Lyons, lUPI nO S Morn: LYONS 1.4411 ports. Harris was best man, with Marilyn Joyce, maid of honor. W hen the shows closed for the night the newlyweds were honored at a party tour soon and would like to read letters from friends.... Paulette and layette, annex attractions on Side Shows with Motor City Shows and ····· ···OOOOO · · · · WANTED · Ntan and Wife for tenno Shim. e Cativae men and Ticket Seller in the bingo tent. They will honeymoon in Detroit.... Pete Wa mbach. well known in carnival circles, is doing radio and news work in Harrisburg. Pa., where he's director of Capitol Services. . . . Charles S. Noell reports fro m Beloit, Wiz., that Dailey Bros.' Circus respectively, celebrated their birthdays at a recent party at Niagara Falls, N. Y. .Joe Teaks, following a 780- mile hop from Houston to Independence. Mo., joined Snapp Greater Sho ws with his Mechanical Far m Show. · for Girl Show. Also Conerwiam · Help. Inesperieneed Girls for · Posing Shoo. Billy Milton. con· he has resigned as general representative of United Exposition Shows. ...Vicki Well « has joined Ja mes E. Strates Shows as a feature .. .When Endy Bros.' Sho ws day and dated the Ringling-Barnu m circus in Philadelphia, Joseph Lehr visited Mrs. Hazel Cabriskie, who has · tart me. Paul. wire me at once. e e HAPPYLAND SHOWS on Jack Norman's revue. ...Curly Francis and family, formerly with Buf Mottle Shows, are operating Anna Tilley% long range shooting the popcorn, candy apple and cotton candy stands on the Endy org. Lehr says that Hazel's husband. Ji m my, is chief electrician and in charge of the · E D DI E MI L LE R · 16191 Wmainard · Detroit 3. Mich. gallery on Turner Bros.' Shows. Diesels on the shows. Francis recently took delivery of a new house trailer. · Reel way to decide ',bother a midway actor le an amateur is to watch whether · ········ ·· ···· Coincidence Ls when concession rot s lump up lust ae the lret fait comes up. he chow· gum on holy or Sage. a q P Dd t lo o iNsuaetmrewirwtnierteanek ttno,fn.tmewietaC·baaAhndrmgmbreaeiemgruotaanaferkesr.,.e. _ .;... ,,.,.1PtoNr'euti.swc.oes.PCDoouerrdt.Rae·tbbloLolole-·w. American Houston 6. StTearnt.I.ferameNrloyn orni,0?klMa.e0. itCyo.o When the John H. Mark> Shows played Philadelphia, General Agent and Mrs. Allen Travers entertained Mr. and Mrs. John H. Marks and Mr. and M n. Michael Ro man at their ho me there. Later Mrs, Mabel Strates entertained Marks, Guy Macidey. Mr. and Mrs. Ro man and Mrs. Ha my Schreiber at her home in Corning, N. Y... .Charles (Curly) M uon reports he has resigned as general agent of American United Shows Mr. and Mrs. John C. Weer will attend the graduation of their son, John Jr.. from Chicago Junior Military Academy June 9. Weer will leave the Johnny J. Jones Exposition to attend, while Mrs. Weer will fly fro m their Mia mi ho me. John Jr. is a cadet major and has won four letters in athletics. W. J. Tho mas. brother of S. C. (To m my) Tho mas, general agent for Royal American Shows, visited Sa m and Shirley Levy, co-o wners of FREAR'S UNITED SHOWS 1,A NT Jewelry. Photos, Fish Pond, Lead Gallery, High Striker. Want Agents for Halls, Blower, Bowling Alley, must be able to take money. Agents for Basket Ball. Heart Balloon, Dart, Penny Pitch. 011ie Bryer wants Ball ga me and Cork Gallery Agents,. Cecil Fortner and John Wilson. co me on. Manager for Girl Show. Athletic Show. Ride Help. Merry· GoRound Fore man, Ride Fore men, Second Men on all rides. Write or wire. Hiawatha. Kan., this week. HAVE 100% SPOT IN 100% PARK FOR Special Indoor Atraction Pork caters to ramdies and Ser,cemen. NOttung see or 011onsin. °siding 18/40. Gm be Walk Thru, Side Show AttrKttan. Horror or what have POLL P. C. 3 0 % · Fte. merle used as Snake Show Building. SEASIDE PAR K VI R GI NI A MACH. VA. A. I. ROGERS SHOWS W ANT Popcorn and Apples, Bal Ga mes, Balloon and Addern Up Darts.. Glass Pitch. Ralph Lee, contact. Nell, Milford, Conn., this week; Winsted June 12-17, I11{ EXPORT Popcorn Machines & Comesston Equipment & Supplies STATE FAIR SHOW CA N PLACE Cook House. anv and all Hanky Panto., Tilt Foreman, ·Iser Wheel. 7000 Brighton Boulevard, Denver, Cole.. now: Huse. Colo.. June 12 to 17. Wire SC O TT LA M B HOME STATE SHOWS W ANT for State Legion Convention, Grand Forks. June 7th-13th; Coop. erstown Fair. 14 *-17th. Hanky Pinsk!. Grind Shows. Ride Men who drive; Minstrel Show People. Grand Forks, N. D.. this week. W A N TE D NO60--NIOTO NONE. ROIS AD AR MS G.,S N W RtiOolurmsRk IeofiasEnt.s.(oHwin AprnorirroReure.RsdIIneerlSdg,orAeind*tdeRraO.1,eO7Yha.iaTL7oAero.0dnL.etChotiellnWeaDRanntWwIganeSeedSkAuTlteeanodSNWOeRitdtElaWee.Snr r aProducing Anserictes Best SHO W BANNERS Ut SNIoAnPI110wyerr STUDIOS T A M P A. FLA. M M .: 1.4 2·631 LESLIE'S TRAILER PARTS AND ACCESSORES Csepmipelle"t.e etlineel oftimeTr.ailerMallParotrsdenandourAccseocsiseitoy.n S1hI/ni2p0themseSotnetUd..waS.rtmMaA.dSAevSe.,W.writithS.ieCetntWe..fgwi24.onfreheotMfaiorlscateteastlntoo"g.16el411d.poPIiSntsS C O N C ESSI O N AI R ES A N D O P E R A T O RS Top the Withering With M ore Plush Toys 32-Inch Assorted Colors 21-Inen Sears, *alerted Cetera fl-Inch An , Aliened Colors le-inch Over. Awned Colors flinch brunt Maier* Assorted Colors, Dells 24-inch Drum Meier; Asserted Cetera, Dells 17.111th DruI P Milers, Amoebae Cetera Doll, New Plush Striped Tigers Plush M OI LI. Goers and Mules le-to,h united Nation Dells leunth Cuddly stone* Dolls. R eed hdennedidoe ea. Mil in SS LW Mid in Me Sal OM OS a era MO M WM MAO Mid ISM MN BM MS ASA» 1.40 me. DEPOSIT ON ALL .OOOOO C.O.& MI L T O N D. M Y E R C O. 3 23 THIRD AV!. PITTS.LIIMIN el, PA C o n c essi o n ai r es -- BUY YOUR INSURANCE FOR THE WO YOU NEED U... 3 MONTHS OS MOth Ri d e O w n ers -- A cts PO RK m u m natio n Mt · AMES · AUTOS · MUCKS )11. GOOD RATES --NATION- WIDE CLAI M SERVICE tlivrn,Li1Y 135 S. Fleandel 6-1210 WANTED FOR PIQUA, O., ANNUAL CORN FESTIVAL OCT. 3, 4. S. 6 A N D 7. 1950. vie PIQUA CHAS Thrilling Arts or High Send Omegas and best offer te A. L. BROCKS. =369. M OF COSNISICI gets PI Q U A, O HI O 1NN P O P C O R N CO. NA,rvitti. TINN W A N TE D COOKHOUSE HELP From front tomebacbek.forePeoplansewewrho. worked Ior W. W. BLAKEY IMPERIAL SHOWS Madison, Wiscensm, this w ee k. the n es per KELLY bufaroetr naveilunmeakblemWteoa.nAeanyd.twNo.TwoSrankd AasHaGntolkdE,yNyPoeTueSk.can'tIf helrot.p WyndAmerrMltle,e.BJu.1n.e11;T1h0.MI2o0,mNoShretl»hdonD,Sahm21on4.1w,sLitek- W ANTED,dlawoeenkDnIs.,.,n mhaJuAuntnedelreleiadriAlbelthle:ed NCC,Is.APMEUCSEK,MOENwTnSer MAGIC CITY SHOWS CSPPbk(Riioi'RaiaotlnldoULnnecldel.kethO..a,,t.dMooTnIeGreIWRnoiCItPooh.OnwiNkIAdnUronel·NW.en.nTW,eStieqBaooenmttBueAr.lkottilalreWlpmrIeeseinssm..tnr,eRoMegpthKm.idnlaietdteTSeodilndyemI/BererGaneoiltldnnoPwRTidhddrdle,.PbaenC.etrGadra.teTrenrShsarnyenrDooipAepnnntuwt eC.ook,' WANTED Wheel ForeLmEen,OanNGdeAnerBRianlgDoR.deO14.1tHe1>lep,LRDelief Call,. 2771 seer 71 ». CHICAGO. 1.1. Ibsen Ileen 5-7113 June 10, 1950 The Billboard CA RNIVALS 73 Lawrence Greater Shows, when the TINE Davis has joined the Sa m my org played Dover, O.... Mrs. Lew Lane Shows to deal percentage for Dufour was ad mitted to Jewish Hos- Patterson's concessions. Bo Dodson, pital, St. Louis May 30 to undergo Kansas City agent, is also with Pat- treat ment for arthritis. She expects terson's concessions on the Lane org. to be hospitalized for two months. reports Walter 4 Whit mer.... Mr. and Mrs. Ben Levine. concession- M anagers tell tn. " We m uet prepare for thin and that lair." but they never check ki I n w helber w e did or flou. aires, who were in an auto collision near Ocala, Fla., are recuperating at their home in Mia mi Beach, Mrs. Levine sufered a cerebral con- cussion. Levine received bruises. Personnel of the Club Onyx. Cet- .. Prof. Don Ra mos. mentalist with lin gr Wilson Show feature, includes United Exnosition Shows, was forced in the cast Gene and Edith Smith. to lay of as a result of injuries re- Jeanie Mae Lewis, Willie Gatewood, ceived in a May 31 auto accident en Barbara Shorter. Princess Carlotta, route from Chicago to Debit, Wis. Thelma Kind. Emily McDonald and When recovered he expects to play Horatio Ballard. Me mbers of the (-airs with amagic company. band, led by George Stubbs, include Irving Johnson. dru ms; Agne w Gary, tru mpet; Edward Davis. alto sax: Arthur Denials, tenor sax and Harry Robinson. bass Peter Garay is the talker, and the ticket boxes are Seeing a mid way m anager wine and dine a m anager at a dead lair, a cone . sionahe said. "H a -a mi There's another kind of a may w ho thinks he can win." manned by Willia m (Heavy) Harris and Paul A. Michael. Joe Hatfield is Joining the Mighty Hoosier Stet, boss caztvas man, assisted by Ja mes Shows recently, H. J. McAlister. Whisenhunt. Crew me mbers are with "Marie and Her Queens of BurClarence Willia ms. Robert Ho mes lesque," did good business in Co- and Willia m Jones. lumbus, Ind. Soldiers' pay day then In this land of opportunity a hallo w with a concession can al most che a p find m a. body to advance hi m eating dough und grouch lot his nul. g.a.veMrsal.l attractions an okay play. Sa m my Glick man is staying at home In Jersey City, N. J., this year while her husband works a con- cession with Hennies Bros.' Shows. GliCk man has sold his concessions. . ..Joseph Lehr and Charles Roth opened April 8 in Philadelphia with CARNI V AL W ANTE D spot the spot. They got their first full week recently with the Krause WUS JOLT 29111 10 AUG. RI FOR Amuse ments at the Broad and Bigler streets lot there. MIRMONT41111111OWN VOLUNTEER FIRE CO. JUBILEE WEI Dra win g population, 15,000 to 20.000. Co mae! JACK SCALLY R. D. 11, Irwin, l'a. GIRLS ---GIRLS R ol a n d P ort er W ants Girls for Strip. Oriental, two or wh12a1t GlhralveShoywosu.? Hula. Top sailaries and good working conditions. E larks . and Doiotes. Cgs. ... StnileY· and Irene Rack, E. Stapleton. and all others Helen M y Ron myself contacted this sou p, w . Im mediately. ROLAN D PORTE R tie I. I. Kirk wood tha ws. Trainer. Pa. PS ·levy O'Beien connected with this show --those who kno w ha p wire. Beginners on the G ate 6 Donner Sho ws : paid respectful attention to an ol dll mer 4 tale of bo w he w orked his w ay up until they learned be borro wed a buck in pay ' for hie laundry. Jean Mercer has joined h,1 daughter, Zora Blaire. on M. A. Snider Shows, where George DeBond is front man on Zora's Girl Show. Margaret DeBond has the Side Show im paiement act for Bill Kennedy.... Lee Creston and L. D. (Bill) Dollar. of Lee Amuse ment Company. visited Waller B. Fox at his ho me in Mobile. Ala., while on a recent buying trip In that city. Another recent visitor to the Fox apart ment was Frank B. Hildebrand. who was in town on business connected with his Warren Bros.' Circus. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Dugan Wells took delivery on anew trailer in Kansas City, Mo., recently, as did Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Btinr.unk and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mar BI G SI X D I C E W H E E L S nmaildn·ne wPlyBiwgooSid.n Di,-m.e W heel tire is ut made of 11/ 2 . the wheel SI 60 -1 in dia meter. and ir is mounted on a steel stand which can be dis mantled in two pans. All hard ware w ed is brass and PRICE chro miu m. The wheel is decorated with plastic sheet,. chro miu m mold. Ines and beautiful pictures. A sure manes, maker!! $ 2 5 0 "ea. yo . Crating is M- ..rt.:. the ELCTRIC PENNY PITCH Electric Penny P..i:` h, W ith . 2i s hts and 4 t, eire r,, T.. lee...rota with red light. Ali e ms, win nere 1 \ ht: eh . 0 ·V M A re! .hoar ` " 7 4(41' s : ".. :::: ::".. . ''''' d toe the 100. 0 0 la lightS ladelmibvedrayF Send 25 % deporit with order 146. CORP., 430 Keep ST, Broil * U. Y. Rearm 15017 NOTICE TO ALL MEMBERS OF 1E MICHIGAN SHOWMEN'S ASSOCIATION Fla me Re mit Ter, Death Contributions for the tollo winy Meraba n - Abraha m Dan:deli Ora IPop) linker Fred IFreels-1s, ) IS Mini m. Den r Osseen· Delinquent! Protect Yourself! PAUL GREELEY, SECY. Re mit N.. ! N. Y. GAIETY SHO WS 15 WEEK BATAVIA, N. Y., KIT SALAMANCA, N. Y. %rant Slide Shi n. O perator with his ow n pere entir·i. ICe heye lu untifill front, lent fall, equi pped. Girl Show Dale B·rmon get in touch with me. WANT IELP --Eleetrieimi at one,. Merry Form»: tt Chairpla m. ele. Want few more Coneessions. High Striker. Si, Gat. Market. Ho wling Alley, Siring, Bate Horse. Pitch Till U Win, Blower, etc. At ire ANTHONY SANTILLO lialt oi g, N. Y., this week. WANT 1 TALKERS 1 FOR MONKEY CIRCUS M ust loin al ante. Fat Southerland, ans wer. LEO CARRELL c ho AAAAA A MERICA N SHO WS D AVE NPORT, IO WA, nerg tune 17. HELP W A NTE D and Second Man on No. 5 Eli W heel. Feren un Second Man on Scre wball (Octopus M en can crualityl. Good pey and p od working conditions to sober and reliable If A. J. SUNNY you qualify. wire and co me on. P OE 5. ISO . Se, G Mvelend 20, P io P P .: W A 1- .79 GI RLS W ANTED Mr Con Sho w and Pe4ind Sho w. Experience not necessa ry. W ardrobe furnished. Top salary. W rote ARTHUR SELLERS 1*5 N: W aked, Are., Salta 1918 Otisage, P aola George French. advance agent fog Meeker's Shows, is in the hospital at Kellog. Idaho, recovering fro m in. Juries sustained in an auto accident. He was recently visited by personnel of the American United Shows C A R NI V A L W A N T E D For week ei1 August 21 to 26. 1950. ine h mis e. At Sunset Market. I mile »crib on Sesenth Street. Leba non. ro.,., 'R etold al so like priers on renting tw n or three large trots. For further in/navigation motor!: A recent visitor to The Billboard's Chicago ofice. BIll Naylor, press agent for Hennies Bros.' Shows, told IREN s.F,Fiarr. P. O. Rot 546, Lebanon, Pelage:, IsonTa his latest "show- must-go-on" stories. The Hennies show. playing Peoria, Il recently found itself without tractor drivers. It was three concession agents. Joe Hendrick. Joe Wall Paladchuck and Billy Tuer. who saved the day. They worked until all wagons were on the lot and placed. T H E J O L L Y S H O WS glint W ant lo book Octet .. Rolloplane. Tilt or Spitfire fer C·11,01 C Celebret ., right In hefirt behind of W ashington, 2 Sig W eeks starting June 19. Raffles, Giveaways eve n, night. All Catholics this one. Big last yea, bigget this year. Follo wed by Greenbelt on the She . 11. 4th week. 16 he ws of action on the 4th: M en the N orthern Virginia Fair at M anassas. W e ri my no gri n or gypsies. No Concessions wanted. Book loCour Ride with a dean show that gets THE JOLLY SHO WS m oney. Write, wire oe call 2119 FIRST ST.. N. W., W ASHI NGTO N I, D. C. W elde r 4051 Tails Tivoli, Rabaissa Tyler and BILL ENFANTE JAC K ROBINSON Carolyn M elts .. h recently trekked to Chicago for new wardrobe. ... Women of the Wallace & Murray Shows recently gave a baby shower for Mrs. Eileen Cook in Maxine I Cyres cookhouse. Attending were Mrs. Cyrs, Mrs. Babe Keller. Opal Cu m mings. Mrs. Wallace, Mrs. Grit. fith. Jeanne Gray. Bess Hunt Pat T WEST D U MON KITTANNING, PA., 111E 5 TO 1011f, SHO MEADVILLE, IAW.,S ME 12 TO ITII W m., Balloon Dart, OeseawVeur.Age, lonsi-La, ClumawYout. Welght. Slu m Clothe. Pin. M R Ga me. Photo, Mainz Ca me, Glaze Pilch. All address: LOU RILEY, Mgr., as per reate Mc Minn. J·enne Ja mes. Margie Logan. Reba Hensley. Mrs. Hinted Wilburn and Babe Stone. LOO K - - - AT IL.I BE RTI - - - LOO K W A N TE D W heel aorensam. 00.00 Pe` sceek. Conic on rhi,né ,·Iley gorse 4541 P. VA N BILLIA R D, Oaks, Pa. Lew Alter and his Congress of Living Wonders switched from Granite State Shows to Phil laser's I. T. Shows (second unit), joining the latter org at Great Neck, N. Y., May 22. C O L. A . L. S Y K E S- M c R O RI E General ·r Searle, Agent. lausiness mane«, Illiosester. Let Man, Pro moter. Press and R . N. sooserenceo --Seber --··lieble. write or Wirt 215 JACKSON ST., TRE NTON, N. J. Ma w west MN July aete on East beelted. Open ter Carnival. 74 CA RNIV A LS The Bit!boned J une 10, 1950 CARUSO AND WHITESIDE Can plage CenC Haione of all kinds. Candy Floss. Custard. French Tri m. Long Range Gallery, Cigarel Gallery. Flab Pond. Balloon Darla. Coke Bottle.. Will sell exclusis· on two Ball G amest any and all Hanky Pants. open. Agent. tor ollice owned Clothes Pin Totals and Skillet. Al m P.C. Dealer.. Only two Grind Stor m on mid way. SH O WS --Fan House. Gla u Ho we. any worlh.grhIl· Grind Sho w. Girl, for Ha waiian Sheer. Girl. fat Girl Revue. Experlenc· unneceasary. BIDES -- Will book or buy Get man. Or Spitfire. Place any aid. sot conflicting. Good proposition to set ol Kiddie Rides. (BSI loo n. eontoct.I Fore man tor Chainslane, Second Men on other Aides. Those Joining no w will be given preference at our long list of Fair. and all winter la Florida. All replies: JOHN CARUSO, 146R., OR A. R. (DUTCH) WHITESIIX. CONCESSION Mat. P.S., This Sho w will po dlivaly sho w jacInsonvIlle. N. C · Asheboro, N. C.. skit week. W . R . G E R E N p r es e nt s lG11i.1H1T.3Y.13wlwie ERizieeSTAmilL W ant Hanky Peinke. je welry (Mr. Schuh/. Pitches. Sall Ga me. Basked loll. Bu mper. Mouse Ga me. any legiti mate outfit.. Sho ws wi.ts own transportation and entitle co mplete. Give me co m mittee money. No w booking for the follo wing celebrations: Parts. Kentucky. June 12 through 17, do wnto wn, Corydon. Indiana. V.F. W. Celebra· lion, li me 19 through Juno 24, Meringo, Indiana, A merican Legion Celebration. lane 26 through Italy It then the ma m moth Fourth of Italy. July 4 through luly 6. Ca mden. Oleo: lollo wled by Marion. Indiana. Street Fair. All replies,: BI LL G E R E N W estorn Union. this week. Shelbyville. Kentucky. CAPELL BROS.' SHOWS ".111ERIC1I'S C1.1:1NEST HI D » 11 " CAR PLACE Al ONCE --FOR 14 FINIS AND (EL MO/IONS STARTNIG AT SILOAM WRINGS. AIL, ANNUAL RENNI N, DOWNTOWN CITY PARIL 50,000 PEOPLE LAST YEAR, SIX BI6 DAYS AND NIGHTS. IRE 19-24. WITH HENIT MA, OKLA., HAY 4, No YALE. OEA., REUNION TO FOLLOW. can mace N utty A m u of ell kinds, prewar INN..9 end oeci treat ment. Will Ha w nicely neared Grind Mer u and Millie. (Boys who were wills us before. ein in touch new., Have toed deal fer Weer, reliable Lendd Adittente who ten handie this sire sneer. Staid lboys and tin ru mmy elevate, save veer ta u I want mane u· for co meNte ilde Sh ur te loin et once twe he . an M M . proem. Men Cad Wife for imam Snow. Useful II,.. Petrel . conflict now. This thew carries 10 *Ides. I Shows and Free Act. Weeks tie me w. · week. no lay Mi. Den'l write; er ehene new. All reel . to JACK OR BOB CA PEI.I. Oltrosul ue, Okla., this week: it.., es cte mute I S.: sli m conn meh·rn 1. we longer with show. WANT L. B. LAM! SHOWS WANT AI R 1247 --CAPITOL GROUNDS, DES MOINES, IOWA --JIME 12 1/ $ W V DAYS -200,000 KIDS' DAYS' TICKETS COT --S Kee DOTS FOO.OWE0 IT IEARDSTOWIL ILL, FISH FRY An II FARS ALL FARS AND CRBRATIOOS SIARTI116 M Y 4 SHO WS -- SCPEACNI AULSE PGRRIONPDOSISTHIOONWS. TO M OTORDRO ME. C000 ORO ME SPOTS. RIDES-- '"L cm ONE FLAT EIDE --CATERPILLAR, W HIP, SCOOTER. TILT OE CONCESSIONS -7,11 1Uvr.Ne juTTOBC4g«NCr R°11TIR "Y W ORK EVERYONE WIRE: L 1. LA ME, MCA., OTrUld WA, IO WA. P.S.: FOR SALE --S MALL COOKHOUSE. CO MPLETE. WITH OE WITHOUT TRANSPORTATION. JOHNNY J. DENTON SHOWS 4x2 SNEEDV1LLE, TENN., ALL THIS W EE K Concessions: High Striker, Peprorn, je welry, Novelties. Bail Game, Fish Pond. Pitch-1'10.0- Win, Mitt Ca mp. Custard or any one working for stock.. Shown: Have top for Penny Arcade, Unborn Show, Girt Show, Snake Show or Monkey Show. Earl Denton wants Swinging Ball Agent.. The following people contact ine· lack Renfre w. ReJ Neck Eaves. Lathe S een, Frerch Faye. AU replies to BOB ROBERTSON or E.ARI. DENTON JACK KORIE WANTS Enlarging sho w, two m ore outstanding Freaks anti Notehy Art, to ¡ola at once. If feature., salary no olojerg. Mengel Arl. M ellott , one wer. Stale all. Reply JAC K K ORIE, Mes ,1 M o a ni ng S h o ws, Sharon, Pa. W. G. Wade Biz At Early Stands Close to 1949 DETROIT, June 3. -- W. G. Wade Shows returned here Monday (29), opening for the holiday week at the south end of Pontiac, under CIO auspices. This marked the 10th consecutive year for Wade on the sa me lot under the same auspices. Weather was favorable but attendance was down from last year. Wade business, since opening, has been not far under that for the seine period last year altho weather hurt the two weeks prior to the Pontiac stand. Shows opened for mally March 16 with a few rides on Livernois A·enue on Detroit's west side, but moved to Springfield, O., for the official opening April 20, under auspices of Veterans of Foreign Wars. There, Fort Wayne, Ind., which (allowed for the American Legion Post, rain and mud kept patronage down. Shows enjoyed a good pick-up at the next stand, Jackson, Mich., where it played inside the old prison walls. Patrons were required to go thru a couple of doors and the high guarding walls of the institution to reach the lot in the prison yard. Date was under sponsorship of the Army Battalion Fund. Stands at Kala mazoo for the American Legion Post, 12th in a row for this sponsor, and for the Paper makers' Union at Port Huron, preceded Pontiac. Wade has added a Rock-o-Plane and Looper this year and installed a new Caterpillar Diesel light plant, using 2,100 kilowatt units. Both are mounted on a single se mi. Chro me tri m has been used extensively on this unit. Midway, as laid out at Pontiac, was generally quadrangular, with a diagonal midway across the center and every inch of ground utilized. Shows move fro m here to Ann Arbor, then Battle Creek after which :hey play six weeks in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. before starting a route of fairs that will take the m thru Indiana and Ohio. Personnel includes: man: Cher . Barnett. sword ladder; Ore Mi Jim my, hu man m an; mariner .pinScmuisthih,on;largleadpyythLoeonsn;a, Jammees- wJthoaengdgeearrn,:nefixrreotsaaeateW·,r.,worstrlduldeyl Cookhotme. Peed A. Miller, owner. RI (Whii.71 eprtgel, manager, Ethel !pagel, cash- ier, A J. Miler, kitchen: Dan Smith. assistant: wt waai Casie. dienraalser: Charles Henry. quartermaster, Ed Douglass and Ja me. RA WL. griddle moin: La Vern Van Wahl and Henry EPanttcahs,erh.iererrcso.runntmearWnhmseeeln;HenPrMy, Schafer, Kay Merry-Cle- Round; Mil dre d W oo d. ° Mop «, PhyI.1 Plenty. Rock -O-Plane: Role » Ti en «. .. and Train.: Mary 'n ull., Loupe, Mrs Lloti Surge Scooter. C OorcioiOn· Louis Burr. cotton candy and candy apple.; Daniel Ju mp, popcorn and taffy; Ch ute, Boyd high striker; Fred A. Muller, Prances Irl e; Willem Duncan, dart Mande (2): De m 0 Moyer, bucket.: Mr and MI A John Henn. fish pond end spindle.. Foil.) Clar k clia sellerie. (SI: Malcol m Lewis. wheel: SCIIO NS Miller, big Ha; Kr. and Mrs. Willia m fit ua0A OSDOP Plieh and Cigarette littilery: Park * Dairy crea m; Co mpany. Ben Crane.', W. O. Ring, long range galmlearny,ageGro.rdoIs.m sumo, manager; The mes raral, racer; Nick sha min g Jewelry: Rick Keray u, Bah pond: Johnny Russell, rase, duele and bowline alley: V Ja meson. high striker, short ranse gallery and bose drop: Mr. and Mrs. Willlath McLettahlits. photos and dart.: Mr. and Mrs R. HarrInitton. novelties: Harry Mo ms,, <O M ga me, Leo Ma ma., mintier, end five Inde dendent roncesslons: Johnny Winer and Mew Ga ms ball sampael mis·ntery: faFhrankponea.nd WInnie Brooks W mnIOL Johnson, diggers WANTED AT ONCE A unts for Balloon Gins.. and Ball Gme m. Peefle CLYDE W ORLD OF want SNO WS Amboy. N. J., M N week; Garfield. N. J., newt 'week. W A NTE D SIDE SHOW ACTS H E LE N G OL DE N PAGE BROS.' SNO W Scathed', gentotka WANTED TO BOOK Sho ws of any kind Have eight adse. We play Minot, North Dakota. June 12-13: Valley City. Nort), Dittota, to tallow. R O G E R S B R O S.' S H O W S Benson, AI W A. Ire 5-7. Staff W Olson Wade. owner- man ure: D. Wade, tanerel avant: Walter IWIngyo Schafer. publicity: Mildred Miller. secretary: Joseph lick. assistant secretary: George Foth. electrician: uIrLestR.unHao,oveora.tasmhpbrieonnttraelaecetnrti.ciaRna: uRaytun'B.oa,t painter.cerpentrc Fred A. Miller, legal adimam, Irene cro m mnit and Hazel Bousho, front gate: Ra ul Priddy. back ;at.. Ride. Merry- Os-Round, K IL emit.. fore man Willia m Weber. Donald Farrell. Perri. W het. David Orey, fore men. Tilt-e- Whirl. Ilmo Knight. S mart. fneeruermeaPina:neW.illiMaumtanMtannWeerdanaforeNmoarvn:al Carl Priddy. Little Dipper. Wren Wood, fore- man: Prank Drhooll. Boat and Train. Sirs. Mildred Miller. owner: Fred Bustao. train man· tiger: Ralph Drown, boot eniger. Octopus and Rock-o-Plane 'ferry Mainel, owner: Cleorge Plenty. Octopus foreman: Irma. Koller: Vinrent E Ha mlin., Rork- O-Plane for ma, Russell Illanehard. Loaner Dark Ride. li mey Ins, Edward Engel.. owner, Arthur Shoe maker. Looper fore man; George DHDietetdn:geEnDemarer:rky.grRiidSmcyoeoteJrIn.n.FlIKnisJ.deddi.e1a1n.nsPlaafornraee,maenfondr:emAJuaotnho:-n mobile. Lloyd Burge.. owner: Everett Sella- Wry. foremen: Cher . Olbeaut. Plene end Automobile Mr. and Nita Jun , Puleh, Peter Salisbury, foreman. Show. Snake Oho , P. IS Doneldson. owner·ooer· Mot; J. E. Cooper. Penny Arcade. Riornorid Koran, owner. Gl ue Reuse, W. P. Krohn, onterte,r,tnpiDsonpeBeSnhnoett.t. Nor m .. C. Wolfe. Inside Irrturar and mandope act; Rhea Walker, featured with Harlon P.S. won. Antis Sharp. Joyce Dru. Pearl . Rose H MI and InRdobaemritnae,.CDSmaMttaer;y Little: Rev /3111 Moore. Ralston canvass ··-··· nt war Forrester. electrician. Porting Shaw, John Willia ms, manager; Vicki Rin g doeitelice Fern Daily and Wary Ellen Wilson, cut: Surly tongue and Jackie Stnelda. tickers. Candle Rill. cane:airman. Diane Ross and her Monkey. Pat Murphy. menage, Tentera. Evelyn licol ,. Barbara Jo, R ud man., Sonora. Tandalaya, dancers; John TDarenm.blyelecatnrdiciJaanc;k Knout , tickets; J. Ma Schulte. wardrobe: Clark Jerk Carey. m ar mosets: Harold Willia m.. muelcal director. Elide Show, Charles H. Hodges. «orator, Bob Larson, manager: J. J. Stevens. Meld* lecturer: Mackie Smith and Whitey Orent, ticket , Grant Craltry, torture sud attain. W ANTED FOR ANNUAL STANDARD BRI MS RCOMI At gatill wIl M. Oklahoma. June 15, 14, IN MI Celebration. and Pal m to SHO WS: loan.l, Monkey snakes, n- STOCIE CONCESSIONS. Jewelry. ene Striker, Cla w Pitch, Fish Dare Novelties, Lead or oCorraDucGkallPeorny.d. Ballo Cut u w m reliable Rids Help. RAINES A M1JSE MENT CO. Albert and Ro w Real m, le msener, Oklaho ma. M Y In uit, arnittivIlle, n ut week. W ANT for W ANT JIMMY SIMPSON'S NO REVUE Colored Mu·ician. Cri Performeri. one more A-I Tru mpet. Tro mbone that fan read and fear Chorus GI NA hub bro wn Nortei and donen! comb-, Ar randy riteio, Berth ·nd board. .' salary. Write or Wire JI M MV SI M PSON wane sr M O M Shows, week of Jon* I, Perth Amboy, N. Jr June IL 0.rfield, N. I. FOR SALE LATE MODEL 18-CAR CATERPILLAR R ut cash offer only. Can b· se n and upended in Chicago. In excellent condition. J OS E P H D IS P E NS A It W. Chit. . Ave. Hinsdale, WANTED TOn kale Men for Top Canadian Cir- ait starting lane 30. Call Of write: W . Z AI T C HI C K. 2114 Se men Ave. ilreoldyn 14, N. Y. !Selene.. 2-6171 W ANTED CONCESSIONS. PIT MAN, C H M & COC O AND OUTDOOR ACTS AilleAlk FARMERS' MARKET Hlikrelllo, L. I.. N. Y, Jane 10, 1950 the Billboard CA RNI VALS 75 NOW DELIVERING! New Apes 4 Star Carnival Wheels Apes S Star II N G O 'L O WERS M aa « tata · 23 ". i ss Co mplete lingo Supplies, oho A mplifiers. SE N D FOR FREE CAT AL O G. ·- · Korey Duly Mo oted BINGO CAROB le Vern . Colima 14 011.111 S M A N D EI. L, IN C. w let 1301, St. Mope Si. New York 3, N. Y Phone Oil men 15111 BILL KEMP W ANTS Drome Riders LA DY A N D M E N STR AI G HT RI DERS. TICKET SELLERS W HO CA N M AKE SECO N D OPE NI N GS. N O DRI N KI N G T OLER ATED. N O COLLECT WIRES, PLE ASE. A NS WER ROYAL-AMERICAN SHOWS Davenport, Ioma , until lane I8; then Canada. WANTED Ferris W heel fore man and Ride Help that drive Se mia Co me on. W anted to book Ferris W heel On No. 2 Unit. El more, Va., June 3 So 101 Park.ley, Va., Jane 12 to 17. Cliff and Stony gro in touch with m e. JOHN KEELER Modernistic Shows Lawrence Greater Enters Win Column =T . I Á D T I At Two Ohio Towns â ÀY e--e Kià w6w D O V ER, 0., June 3. -- La wrence Greater Sho ws played its second consecutive winning stand here follo wing an eight- week siege of rain and poor business. O pening night 129) dre w an esti mated 9,000 to the mid way, and Decoration Day w as equally profitable. Ors set up on the fairgrounds under auspices of Veterans of Foreign W ars, of near-by North Philadelphia, m oving here fro m Chillicothe, O., first good m oney date of the season. W alter D. Nealand joined bare as publicity director. Both N orth Philadelphia and D over ne wspapers cooperated with considerable space. Wil- lard Chaplin. advertising agent, billed heavily within a 25- mile radius of Dover. Org tied up with a ne w W. T. Grant store here for a kid's m atinee and e free sho w in the store base ment, w here m oppets were entertained by Earl M yers, m agician, and Gene Shafer and Betty Teffeteller, midgets. Iri addition, 5,000 school tickets w ere distributed. Fltri Bro wn, business m anager and concession o wner, returned to the sho w after a brief absence, and is tea med with Richard (Pat) M ac Gee on several concessions, including bingo. Personnel line-up includes: W A NTE D FO R Romulus, Michigan Chamber of Commerce Coldwater, Michigan Chamber of Commerce ROTARY CLUB FAIR FISHERMAN'S JUBILEE Jae. 11-1ette II Legiti mate Concessions of all Kinds. Can place Roll- O- Plane, Octopus, or Rock- Plane for balance of season. North W ebster, Indiana, 10th A nnual M er maid Festival to follo w these W rite or wire C. D. WI'RHAlr". Mgr. 9600 Broad Street Detroit 4, Michigan TIVOLI EXPOSITION SHOWS WAR FOR THE FOLLOWIN6 ROUTE OF NONA FIDE CELEBRATIONS AND FAIRS: I II.. WI,.; Linton. Ind.. July 'Tuseila, ii.. Celebration: Woodstock, Il., Fair; Belvidere, Il. Fair; Menomonie. Wes., Fair; Madkon. Wis., Celebration, Du Quoin. State ilk; Browne:4M, flua.. Fair; Camden. Ark.. Fer; Magnolia. Ark.. Fair: el Dorado. Ark.. FM; Vicksburg, Miss., Fair; Belzoni, Miss., Fair 'more big on « pending , sHo wc. C.. place eeeee Snake, Fun Ho me or any tint claw Show M e Volli meet ·F · the standard et our 11Wway. Bert Beekeen W 001 Freer he m re make mien. la m er Wild Ani mal Circus Skew, toed preposition. Stan Wriakry wants Front Man for 10 -ln -1 Show, elm can place tern mo m good Acts. CONCESSIONS :ar?.1`2.'rjlemiral.", 1ko Kitchen H elp ··t fin, oil., Caokhou.. Whitey larts wants amoral good Staff Mr. and Mrs. Da m Levy, 10-sonoro: Willard Chaplin, advertising manager; Walter D. Neeland. publicity director: J. L. Maclaamer, secretary- de murer: James Orbialey and /red Hoyt. tra mportellon; Bob Dianne, bead ca n miter: !oho Blakely, ride superintendent. and da mn HlitneInchlth electrician and Diesel machanle RIDES: Wil mad, Spit/ira. Dark Ride, Pony Ride. Roo. Whirl HELP W ANTED-"·b"e"etasloti te`--'dri"v'e""Se>anRid"e M'sen rowsh.oinca'n0"*driv*e Semomis.,t wanted ter all Rides. Tat Foreman wanted et once. Ail moll « to DIXON. ILL., Patti 4-10, THEN PER ROUTE H. V. PETERSEN B. J. COLLINS Rid es merryigio.Round. Lo rne 'Pop, G wen. foremen; Peres Wheels ,2,, Bob Stone, fore ma n: Ride-o, BOO Young, foreman; Whip. Bob Smith, foreman. Fly-o-plane, Andrew Olson, foreman; Rolloplane Bob Burton, fore man; Caterpillar, Duke Wright, Inte rnan. pony ride, M. Ebersole, fore man, kiddie rides, Charle. Carpenter. manager. 61I NERAL M A NAGER GI NERA1 AGE NT GOLDEN !EST 5HDy1 5 Sho ws Girl revue Bill Horton. manager; !Wench Casino. Bill Woodhall, manager; Harle m Revue. Leonard Dunce , manager; Bide Show, Sae Myers. Penny Arcade. Wimpy Schnee « Manager, cafeteria. Yr. and Mrs. John Garrett. oenert- marragers. WANT M otorized Shoe., Train, Pon, Bid et, kiddie Rides and legiti mate FOR SALE Loopoplane at a bargain: Corn Game. new Top, need Side ', men, $4 0. 0 Me wling &pordrer, me WM Concerto:in Fra me sad Top. $40.00; one 11a/1 Center Conc eal «, wi th Fly, 471 00; one 10x12 Coneesobn Frame and Canvas. 4100 DO; two Bel Gene, Seal/ deep with Cam, . Floor Fra me. and Te m. 1200.00 each, Girt Show Trent. Melee. Pirterek two SO Pr 3-phase Geo. Motor e1l47,m Lipkleannte, el.,. lat. ,. one Oeteeria, FRANK ICHKE C·re l·ylund Park S I se Hiner,. 1,1101 .· VOLUNTEER SHOWS CAN USE so,sa Coradisame or Crab. Agents. Swinger. Buckets, and Hanky Fen «. Want Photos and am Line-Lip Store. Ward Seim, Bingo, $35.00 · Week. To Min St once. FOR SALE: Co mplete Cookhouse. getter. TOM , 1911, week. WeetIkery, Tenn., week Of tune 1Ilk. WANT SKOOTER FOREMAN MUST It A 'SHOOTER MAN Mut be .Me te no rid· top find ready tor Maeration opening day. SALARY AND PIRCE NTA GIE 0.nel sit ./111 if you can't cut It. Alto ferns Wheel Second Men. Cavalcade ofAmusements Ls Fayette, the week. Great West Suffers 3G Loss From Winds E XS H A W, Alta., June 3. -- The Great W est Sho ws, o wned by B J W insor, Red Deer, Alta., su fered an esti m at e d $3,000 da mage here W ednesday (17) w hen the sho w was hit by 00- mile-an-hour winds. A Ferris W heel and M erry- GoRound were wrecked, a Side Sho w tent was torn to shreds, an ice crea m stand was blo wn several hundred yards, and a concession tent travelled a quarter mile. O nly piece of equipm ent left standing was a children's Ferris W heeL No one was hurt, altho nine m en were sleeping in tents w hen the winds hit. Repairs to equip ment have been m ade anti the sho w has resu med its route. All-American Expo Sold to Chas. Griggs D A L L AS, June 3. -- Her man Reycold's All- A merican E x p ositi o n Sho ws were sold here this week to Charlie A. Griggs, m anager of Pepper's All-State Sho ws, with the latter expected here M onday (5) to close the transaction. Equip ment in the deal included 9 rides, 14 trucks and trailers, 4 sho ws, a Funhouse, a front arch and Diesel plants. With the sho w went contracts for 14 /airs and a July 4 celebration. Co nce rnions. Biggest Fourth of July in all California, Pleasanton, Ala meda Co. Fair. 'A ire or co me tua. Marys, ille-Yoba, Sutter Co., Calif., Rodeo and Ho ne Show, Mitt week; Grass Valley A merlean Legion, nest week. Wire EMORY POLISH FISHER PLAYING PHILA. CITY LOTS AND SURROUNDING TO WNS r M A N ALL hI NI). H 4t, knt Geed Job. (or reliable Ride Fore men. Caterpillar; Wheel, O nopi rn, Merry- Go- Round, Roll-o- Planr. JAKE SII1P1110. Mgr. Joe Du Pont. ZIMMERMAN AMUSEMENTS 4;h.,i,rrll,,r Hall Hotel. 13th ti W alnut. Philadelphia. Man JOHNSTOWN, P A., CELEBRATION, June 12 te 17 Gel with · sho w that has been playing territory for 21 years and kno w, m oney spots. Parades. fire work. every w eek, free gate. Can book H anky Panks. Excellent opportu nity for M onkey Sho w or other attractions appealing to fa mily trade. Second m an w ho ca n drive se mi for M erry- Go- Round. Capable A gents. W rite or wire M. A. B E A M ter S TE V E D E C K E R, CIs m er, P a., this w ee k WANTED NI or la Ober Ca rnival tor the - AMOY ANNUAL EAU FESTIVAL Aimee 17-131$. three da m. Amboy. Ill. Contact Amboy C. of C. Munedle mly or F R E D R. 11 V B E E Chair man J. Ed Brown Under Knife G L E N D A LE, Calif., June 3. -- J. Ed Bro wn, veteran sho w man, underwent a serious operation here Satur- day (20) in Co m munity Hospital. Altho recuperating, he will be confined to the hospital for another 10 days. CUMBERLAND VALLEY SHOWS .4 N T %% A N T WANT WANT on err.... nr d.,,,otn, ment rood. hall Glélne. S UI T Seg . Steam Game, Bumper. C,***** re Gallery. ArniinmkalGalSlheorwy., WB Ro4wli nLifeeAllsoecyi,o.ClSontahkee., Pin Pitch, Coke battle know, Mechanical City. and a % ally Motordro me, Photo Penny A mide. Fun or Clam House. Any capable Show except Girl Show. Need Fore man on Merry. Go-Round ,sober and reliable Drunke ear where you ore. Addrem all mall and wires thee week to E L LI S W I NS T O N. Se. Pitts burg, T e am.; th em aa per route 76 CA R NI VALS Th,. 1:.; lane ICI, 1950 PENNY PITCH GAMES ga m W eed, Will, Sore 46.44' Price 5,42.50 Sir· Mee r' With I .145Ir P · t. 050.00. à Jack Pets, 400.00. P A R K SPECI Al. WISEES.S Pr let Ola mete, Beautifully Painted. We cerry is Heck 13-10.20-24 enti·31Snonnee· W heat. Fro . $27.311 DUNG GA MES r5·Player .01111, Compote . 110-Pl acer Cin to, C ane . . I'3 Depot,. en All Orle,,. Ni ne Sil SI.AC K M EG. CO. 116422 W. Illinois St. CHIC AGO. ILL. AGENTS WANTED For Basketball. Coke, Shen Blo wer, end Cork Coder, Opening June 12, Des M oines. State Capitol Grounds AN DY- R A1CHICSSEN c/o L O. La mb Shows Ottu m wa, Io wa WANTED FREAKS & NOVELTY ACTS O wnlog in Chicago for It dayk Contact Frank's Theatrical Agey. 102 N W eh mh Ca ked , Phew.. 011·rbern 2-1342 FREE ACT WANTED Per .11. blo, ·1.111111, 7. 114 ·reteille. Ohio ri me. Cerahan,. Tho, panne I et the Ai, hon er contact. H O W A R D L. MrC RE A R Y WILL TILIDE etas DRIVE KIDDIE AUTO RID( for WALE EMU FUN HOUSE KEN DAVIS boon or it .; Trader. No Tractor Required CARNIVAL WANTED e,chre --Showe --Concesslorn July 24.2e W OO D COUNTY C.I.O.- P. A.C. Sag Jolla, . Street Pa n... More, W. VS. Phone 2.3731 LEGAL ADJUSTER VIr 11111 11'1 1 HARVEY W. LA MON COATIS HOUSE HOTEL 10th fr Broad way Karl,.,, City. Mo. P.S., Will go any where. CLUB ACTIVITIES Show Folks of America. Inc. National 143 Turk Street. San Francisco Show men's Association SAN FRANCISCO. June 3. -The 1.161 Broadway. New York regular meeting was called to order by President Mike Krekos. At roll call of officers the absence of Third Vice-President Art Craner and Treasurer Dwight -W. Kane was noted. President Krekos invited Past President Sa mmy Corenson and Dr. E, P. Mannhei m to the rostru m to fill in. The following na mes were proposed for ne w me mbership and elected, David Kaun, Harry Lewis, Kenneth A. Larson. Leon Moore. Lester Larson, Mrs. Berta Harris. Katie NE W YORK, ¿one 3_ - Members were saddened over the death of John (Sli m) Cavanaugh May 29 as a result Of an auto accident at Driftwood. Pa.. May 28. Izzy Cetlin. co-owner of C autctolinacc&ideWnitlsosenveSrhalo ws, was in days ago an and is at Ja mison Memorial Hospital. New Castle, Pa. He is recovering and es - peels to be discharged soon. Ben Ru- bin is recuperating at home from surgery. True Perkins. Irving Udo- wits. la mes Cox and John O'Rear tire on the sick list and would like to Raye Hagler, Willia m J. Estrada, Archie Long, Jack O. Cantrell. Frank V. McCollister. David E. Wilson. hear fro m me mbers. Sy mpathy w as extended to Larry Marcaccio and Rudolph Jabcuga. both of who m re- George R. Gordon, D. P. Haffner, cently lost their fathers. Vat Bitz. Robert Bits, Joseph W. Richards, Mary Jane Richards. George Parsons. Ho mer Beesley, Lydia Mary Parsons, Leonard Niccum, Charles Ha milton and John Yates. Sick and Relief Co m mittee: Mr. and Mrs. Otto Boehn, who have both been il, were welco med to the meeting. Fred Hansen and Jack Brooks reported visiting Fred Ferguson at Marine Hospital. Fred Weid mann reported that Bonnie Townsend fell and injured her leg again. President Krekos reported visiting John Deduces at Sutter Hospital, Sacra mento, where John is recovering from an auto accident. Dr. Mannhei m reported that all bis patients are doing well. President Krekos reported better weather this week and consequently Secretary Ethel Weinberg visited the O. C. Buck Shows May 26 during the org's stil y at North Tarrytown. N. Y. Owner Oscar C. Buck was out of town but she was welcomed by Secretary Dick Tol man and had chats with Sidney Good walt. Charles Zucker, Harry Sch wartz, Larry Ne wman. Gene O'Donnell and Luke Siefker. Among Ladies' Auxiliary members present were Julia O'Donnell, Mildred Sch wartz and Ann Marcaccio. Recent visitors were Louis Gordon, Alex Lassa w, David Solomon, Morris Glass, Joseph Prell, Mack Brooks, Ben Rosenberg, Sa m Finkel, Ed ward Turbin. Louis Light, Henry Fein. Lee Lewis, Tom Coffey, Joseph Agule and Saul Seligson. better business on all shows. He noted that 24 show people beca me me mbers of Show Folks in one week as a result of our membership drive. The president thanked all for their If you wish to receive your mail being held here advise us of your present address. Books for the auto award are ready for distribution and will be mailed upon request, efforts and directed Corresponding Secretary Albert Roéhe to write let- ters of thanks and appreciation to lion in our membership drive. The Tony Soares, of the Pacific United special me mbership drive, which will Sho ws; Anthony Mo ment. of the Red- end November 1, has for its object wood Empire Shows: Eddie Harris. the bringing of all show people into of the West Coast Exposition Shows. Show Folks of America for a special and Polish Fisher. of the Golden West price of $10, which includes initiation Shows, for their help and co-opera- fees and dues for an entire year. JOYLAND MIDWAY ATTRACTIONS W A NT FO R V.F. W. CELE11111 TI ON ley 1 to 4 LINE. MICHIG AN FIRE WOR KS. SAN DS ·· ··· Durk Pond. 13·11 1.11:o n Oar .. Soot.. .14 Agri or any 14041 1.1nd.a. July ans to lath. Van Dyke, MI Nslean. July Ina to 23.0, Mel wndale. afichleen. July W M to 31 o, South Sven, relelhearr, OS the Pre. .. A we. . 3rd le oith, Unit, Niochoean, On the Streets. Other Cel ions t. follow. Wore or wen., ROSCOE T. W A DE Phone: V·rnearol 35231 Dee mer 35, Mor n TEX EAN ES Wants Ride He m, v11·4 snd berond Neu W ell or wire C. 0 FICIL·IrS U NITE D SN O WS Pontiac, ill., th . week, ·r per M ule WANTED TO RU E O R LEASE lgerrr.Go.nound for HAW N Park. CaU or woo FO X V ALLEY KI D DIE P A R K W m M SS, Rt. 34 · IS Phone: Nee meitl· MII NMT n el ' I Ball Co mes. Swinger, Gen ,. S"ot the Spot. Pitch Till Maven ., WANTED You Win. Hoop-La Age, Scales. Si. Cats. Photos. Penny Arced,. W anted -- Monkey Sho w, PA M Lore. String Snake GEORGE CLYDE SMITH SHO WS Show Cri 9so w. Side Show Arts. W M boo. Pony Ride. SP , Fit , . Tilt NI replies ts Crinven wille. Pa., M k week; CO/dpOrt, Pa., neat week. JIMMIE AN NIN I .11/ AT LI BE RT Y Wore me collect {RIO SCIPAIS c/a W ESTER N UNIO N. ALTO N, ILL WANTED Used Sterry.4. .. Round 'for me --s m.', mediu m ow 'arse. m ust be Ju mpers and In good condition W1,1 pay lop nrter. firiffen Amusement Park lacksonvolle beach, rte.-no CARNIVAL WANTED roar one 'reek in July or early August :krone « . by Anierocan legion Post M S. Canteen ED DIE H A W KI NS, Ci m mageader N W 5. bread st. Athens. Oa SOI THERN VALLEY SHO WS N 1NI W ANT Cubit:sr...1 ,, OF %Li 6...peelalry went X . ... Mr. ., reed Geller,. ',Marna «. Ball Ga me, 1a Utet nail. String Ca me. ibrou-Lro and any othe n not conflicting mitt what we aow hare. SHO WS. W ant to book Show. 10.10 I. Mechanical Show or any Sho w of merit. W ould like to hear frown Motordro me Operator. Al m kent ta book spltflre Ride for balanre of se men This sho w has 14 bona flee Taira and Celea mtiona along with the biggest July · week in Arl on... arnood Court Hour. Squire, Lake VrIl me, Ark., oo beautiful Lake Chisel. All the Siegel:neon . .. will be there Those Joining now will be elven preference July 4 week Ail. RF.PLIP.St ED DIE M OILA N. Mgr. I. .. mold, Ark., IN .wreak,WestMemphrs. Ark. IDeuonlownt. June 11 M oo ·.S.. Aescr here the Arbon.» State W kle v Contest Celebrateen, Phno m . Ark., Jul., 26 floor July I. SAM TASSELL SHOWS WANT W eek Ir ma 12, 69 M amod M arsh al Road, Upper Darby. Pone. Sho ws of all kinds. No girls. Rides not conflicting, roostIr hat Concessions --Rots/4v. . .. ire ,h Frt. Baseball. Fish Pond. Age and W eight. Novelty. je weir et, HI-Striker Or env Comet.. .on w Mleing for Heck. COnraCr rue SA M UEL TASSELS. 5839 W ALN UT ST Phone: CRanite 2-5052 PHILADELPHIA 30, PA. WANTED H EA D CAN A AS M AN For Girl Revue wtio ran get it up and down. one who rs used to bog tops and who can handle mon. Can also w e hue 1001 W ortung men fen also u m Lone JOAN NE ZU NI CA, contact nee im mediately. Wire, don't wrote. No collect wires. JAC K NOR M AN Well E. STRATES MOWS elor wka, Ceen. ION week: then pee ranee WANTED kiddie Buir,, lerra ni or Wn percentage, or wilt buy. Electrician for a lOOkw. Good Pay. Opening Parkeide, Chreter. Pa., June Twelfth to Seventeenth. A&KAMUSEMENT CO. 32 I) lidai moot A... the.ter, CATERPILLAR WANTED WWihtlho.oriRowiotkhooolutantreanosrpoPrteantkiom.n, aFrunwillfl bouo,o.k. Any clean. non.eonfl .lore Show .Side 1.110111 Acts heu.. mouto n J. A. Knight /tort M ore. Hanky Pants. Ball Ca mel eo n, Serena Dan nn Tilt. M. Genevieve, Mo.. now; al mitsen, Ill., neat ·lanamon. M., Street Celebrellon and Part Dedication follows, Genesee, Iii.. In P od, P·re 'annual,. Maly 3-45. Contact Otelit'S SHO WS. FOR RENT LOT I HEART Of LOKI MAID, 35z100 Suitable for Pnny Tre at. Nu . Ride. Keleher Rides, Outdoor Snows or what bare rem Ren .1 -6700 for «4000 or percent.... Phone: ·Splanade 14e77 · I.EF K O WI TZ WANTED Lnieerrenced Rode Fore men tor Rock·e·Plane and OCtralus. M ust be sober end reliable. NO collect calls acaristed. HADJI DELGARIAN 2101 N. alel e.. [Weise. Il. ROSE CITY SHOWS V1.1". 1' scent. foe Fiall rund. t.trtne Junol. Pitch trill. W to, tas fuck. Dart Balloon. Men stone one to take A monao ehow, plenty gun man an use Second kl·n on nineo that eon drive sernt.rturke erentend, Tee m. June 1-10. 12.171 Sulphur Sprint.. JINN IWt.. IL 111 0000, Owner Mfr. R O C C O SHO WS ROCCO & SON ai. SS-Pt. Neon Lieht Terser, 146,Alle Auto M erchlighls. le R Mes -30 Co sssss ions --a Sho ws. CBautnteru wDamysoreet fohraumle....ICoennstrea.ndJuSnheo w·n10.f1o1r rannual anal .. end entire « men. W hat hare you , Contact for erroneous. m ason -- M Celebral .nA 10 Pains W aldorf, Tune 34-7, Howard Lake Strawborry Pee Weal. June 1417-11 2434 No. Fai re st'. St, Pool, Minn. Nester M M. C. L TISANES WANTED--DANCING GIRLS--WANIED $40.00 Weekly and Sane, lay wedk. O W nightly. lain Springfield. Ohio. -O- C. J. T H A MES Care M a rc [moire W o ws W. S.MALARKEY CAN PLACE All kinds of 14.41t1Enale Con wearon· Percentage. ai m Rides, for W ar D. *, Out. door Fair, Johnson CID, N. V. Julie 19.21. also a le e reeks ta follow. All maiden m ots and all very food Meatier,. WIre W. S. M AL ARK· Y CIIIIerd St. einehernton. N. Y CONCESSIONS WANTED Sou botokot ,R on, Annual V.T. M St... . earr. no minator, owl. July 31 Sr Aus. S roaairly and Roush? ... Call mi. W. O. RA N DOL, l'air Mgr. Markle, lad. Jane 10, 1950 The Billboard CA RNIVA LS 77 BALLYHOO BROS.' CIRCULATING EXPO A C e nt u r y of Profit Sho w D Ilene GEORGE W. NELSON SHOWS Tier ea.-wi red Frit h rou swesalil p apiriS Bo wl'n Pitcher, Pa. lu minated with only a 10- watt globe. NA M STATE CRE HATIONS, IWO EACH WEEK IN MINKL1011 June 3 1950. Dear Editor: · Readers of The Billboard have often asked Pete Ballyhoo to tell the m ho w neither m y wife nor I got a ood look at hi m. W e doubt very m uch if we w ould recognize hi m should we ever meet again. DETROIT LAKES, MI N N., JULY 1-2-3-4 W ill book concessions. one of a kind. String Ga me. Cigarette G allery. short or long Range Gallery. Cane Racks. Jingle Board. Bas ket Ball. he acquired his first mid way and "No doubt many readers will think Clothes Pin. Bu mper. Fish Pond. Milk Bottles. Glass Pitch, His Striker. built it up to w hat it is today U p to that it was then that I went for m y- Ice Crea m or Custard. no w the bora has kept m uni on his fa me-and-fortune story. Today he released the m uch-looked-for info after m uch persuasion. Here it is, as told by Pete Ballyhoo: "During the winter of 1932, with m y bride of three weeks, Spindle Lou. I trouped with an out-of-doori and out-of- money mid way in Florida The sho w had be et rained out for two weeks, and thru popular de mand of its m anager's bankroll we were held over for a third week at Orange Pulp, Fla. On a Sunday night m y .vife i.nd I were playing stud on the bed for m atches. It was a war m night, so we left the door open to get a breath of air. As we were both great tobacco che wers, m y wife, w ho is · neat tviusekeeper, placed the cuspidor in the middle of the bed to avoid splattering the walls and floor. " Another roo mer tapper.ed to w alk by the oren door and, seeing the cuspidor bet ween us on the bed, rtop -I to m ooch a che w of scrap. Seeing the ga me in progress, he invited hi mself in, and to m ake the ga me interesting im mediatly raised the ante fro m m atches to nickels. During his short stay, the stranger kept cracking, w hile looking at his watch 'I've checked out and don't want to miss m y train. It leaves in 40 mi, utes.' "Luck was with m e. By train ti me I was in his 810,000 bill for $3.85. W e had no change for such a large bill, and being in a hurry to catch the train he le ft the 10 G note with us with instructions to send the change to hi m. Ho wever, he left in such a hurry that he forgot to leave his address. W e never heard fro m him again. Because the ra m) was 1- self by investing in sho w equip ment. The ans wer is yes and no. W e held the 10 G note for several days. expecting hi m back. W e often thought of getting it changed. Every footstep on the stairs hurried us to the door to see if he had returned so we could give hi m his dough. On Saturday m y wife decided that we w ould get it changed. " Not kno wing anybody in the to wn who could identify us at the bank, we decided to give it to the sho ws' manager and let hi m get it changed at the bank by being identified by a co m mittee man. "Our manager ble w with the 10 G note, leaving his sho w on the lot. Tj et's w hen I took over. W e had to seley over another week. The weather 'geared and we m oved. It isn't so m uch the 10 G note or m y rise as a m anager that I want to emphasize. It's the m oral of the story: Al ways w ar m up to people who che w tobacco." Baker United Wins Despite Weather IN DI A N A P O LIS, June 3. -- Baker United Sho ws, despite incle ment weather, has been getting grosses on a par with 1949 and in so me cases business has topped figures of a year ago, O wner- Manager To m L. Baker announced here. Org played a one-night stand Sunday (28) in Catholic Youth Stadiu m here under Catholic church auspices, w hich sponsored a $35.000 givea way and a progra m w hich featured Bud W est mare, Rose mary Lane and Lionel S H O WS: A ny grind sho w except Fun House, well.flashed Girl Sho w. H o ward K u malae or Curly Suel. contact. J. Ra msey wants Pea Pool dealers. Toby Young w ants clerks for balloon and tag stores. Binge help. contact Ben Eisen. RI DES: Will book Spitfire or Octopus alter June 15. Grenada. Minn.. June 6.7.9. Co me w here the privilege à s mall. All replies lo G E O R G E W. N E LS O N, as per route k' r, C B A TLE C R E E K, MI C H., June 12 -17 CAN PLACI --LICITI NATE SKILL AND M 1SING CONCESSIONS OF ALL TIPIS. 5Ø0 Also Good Opening for ILLUSION and Mfg SNO W. NOTICE -- We an STILL CONTRACTING for SHO WS AND CONCESSIONS Is nuke no teeir of the Uppee Peninsula of Mkidgen with this Unit. Glaehterte. Mich.. the Fine of the fi n To mes. Opens Monday. I.., 19. So. Con nect NO W - 4 W. G. W A DE SH O WS 0 11.101 d Pi & AnAda, Much.. All This Week Al V INTERSTATE SHO WS W ANT W ANT SNO WS: Will book Monkey Show. Pal" House. Glow Nou n. Will gi n good tinpontion to Motordro me with or without transportation. Earl Wahh wants Gins Roe CPI Show. Pe nn lanky' valentine wants Acts tor side Show to join on wire. RIDE HIELPi Want fore men and Second Men N. Twin Wheel., Tilt, Chai nlane. sont drive lends. CONCESSIONS: Will book frosen Custard. Cuess-Tour-Age, nigh Striker. jewelry, Nov- elties. Long and Short Range Gallery or any Hooky Panks at neo nate. pricer Tony Fokker want. Help for Cookhouse. Want Combination Billoor m. and 14 -Heur Man who kno w, how to promote children'. matinees. Want outstanding free Act to kin week of fourth and for balance of fait season. lint Fair begins July 10. All joining now will be given preference at sae,. All replies to H. B. R OS E N. M gr., X enia. O hi o. Dols w eek; gh ee per rout e 1American Carnivals Asociation, Inc. Ha mpton and his ork. Sho ws m oved here fro m near by Beech Grove w here they ended up a winner, altho they lost one night to rain. Avery's Modern, Patterson PAGE BROS.' SHOWS Marge. Teen.. 411 ell Italy. and il Fals darling her Want Hanky Pantos of ell kinds, Arcade, Custard, Pep Cent Manses with Acts for Side By Mel Cok Circus Tie-In for Cele Show and Q uit. and Cid Show, we have all equipment. Operator for Fun Ho we, D ee Help on all Rides, nine drive. Drunks. don't warm, R O C H ES TE R, N. Y., June 3. -- Visits during the week ending M ay 27 included Car] Bill Sho ws at Chili. N. Y., and Spencer Explosive Co mpany. Also visited were Gaiety Sho ws, Reno Di Marco concessions and Al Boxall concessions, exhibiting jointly under auspices of the Fire men's organization at East Rochester, N. Y., W ednesday (24) and again Saturday (27). O n Saturday (271 we visited Jones Concessions at Sea Breeze, N. Y., and M anager Sa m Lipsih. The Co m missioner of Labor of Ne w York has na med a Mini mu m W age Board to consider and reco m mend mini mu m wages in the a muse ment end recreation industries in this State. The industrial bulletin issued by the State for M ay. 1950, devotes a nu mber of pages to consideration o/ the various proble ms co m mon to outdoor a muse ments and it is apparent that the board na med is ex pected to take a broad vie w of the entire subject. A bout a half page of the publication is devoted to The Billboard and its place in the a muse ment industries insofar as practical operation are concerned, and the State publication observes that " Most sho w men consider the current issue of The Billboard an absolutely essential piece of working equip ment." WANTED Ticket Solemn who make craning, Novelty Working Acts. Long season with winter Pnifee attractions now on West Coast A. J. B U D D ale Willow Deed Pale AI N, CM*. D E T R OI T, June 3. -- Avery's M odern Sho ws will join forces June 8 for a four-day stand jointly with the Patterson Circus at Flint. Mich Event will be under sponsorship of the Holy Redee mer Catholic Church. Avery sho ws, w hich have been playing just west of Detroit at Inks- ter, on Ply mouth Road, open this week-end at Flint under auspices of the Elks, but will return to Livonia, ne w Detroit suburb, for a special festival opening June 13. Event wil celebrate the incor poration of Livonia. Galax Set» Cele Dates; Shan Bros. for Midway G AL A X, Va., June 3. -- Dates for Galax V olunteer Fire men's 17th annual carnival and celebration in Felts Park here have been set for July 38, Elbert L. Lundy, secretary. said this week. He added that Shan Bros.' Sho ws will provide the mid way. A m a m moth parade, with the Gary, W. Va., High School band in the lead, will be a feature of the Fourth of July festivities. Imperial Contracts Buchanan, Mich., Cele I3 UCII A N A N, Mich., June 3. -- Imperia. Sho ws will provide the midway at the week-long July 4 street celebration of the O nV mists Club here. To m my Sacco, Chicago, booked the org into the date. SolOi NINs, RT., aawi asses, Ky., rat week. P.S.: Ride Superintend.rt who can and will handle 9-Ride Show. AMERICAN MIDWAY SHOWS W AN T W AN T COOKHOUSE, BINGO, DIGGERS. STOCK CONCESSIONS. CAN PLACE FUN HOUSE AND SIDE SHO W ACTS, W A NT RIDE HELP W HO DRIVE. Black well. Okla.. july 3 and 4: then 18 Fel s and Celebrations. Only one still week until Thanksgiving. loin now for · big season. Add .., Per Route PETE KORTES WANTS FOR PARKS Ticket Seikr. who can mot". openings. (An also use Iwo snore good Sisk Show Acts. Addreaa. Care Flint Tavern, Flint, Michigan. until June Ill thew Queens Hotel, Montreal, Que., Canada. FIDLER'S UNITED SHOWS W AN T ELECTRICIAN W HO CAN DRIVE SE MI TRAILER AND HANDLE CATERPILLAR DIESEL AND GENERAL ELECTRIC SEARCHLIGHTS, ALSO W ANT RIDE SUPERI NTENDENT W HO CAN HANDLE MEN. If you ores, save yo . time and mine. Addeo«, PONTIAC, ILL., THIS WEEK. BRASS CITY SHOWS Can pies* Ilanky Pants. 521.00 week. Went Rides --jenny, Octopus. Fuming. » or Crtnel »ow. Want fore man foe Wheel. Playing Carboniftle, Penn.. Io n 5.17 t'ont neti C H A R L ES PI C K A R D, G en. Age. Don't w ee --tense en, will place you 78 CA RNIVALS The Billboard June 10, 1930 LONE STAR SHO WS FRO M THE LOTS Free G ate -- W A N TE D -- Free G ate For m a ns OF FOREIGN WARS MAMMOTH JUBILEE, Sidney, Ohio, lugs 12.18 25,000 People on Sunday Can use all kinds of Hanky Panics for this spot and the rest of the season. Our fairs start last week in July. W ANT Long·Range Shooting Gallery. Duck Pond, Hoopla. Fishpond. Hi-Striker, Penny Pitch. Glass Pitch. Pitch-Till.You· Win. Jewelry. Mug Outfit. Huckly Buck. Nail Ga me. Watch· La. Ball Ga mes. Will book French Pries. Snow Cones. Custard. Cotton Candy. Will book set of Diggers: must be neat and clean. SHO WS -- Motordro me. Ani mal Show. Fun House: good territory for Penny Arcade. Will book Girl Show; must have three or more girls. with own equip ment. Will book any ride not conflicting with th· :on toe own. Can place Ride Help: top salary. Must be licensed drive n. Watch The Billboard for fair route. J. R. ·OrS PAIII MEN, O wner JOIIIN BELIE Ita·. mgr. All this week Bucyrus. O. P.S.: Will give route of our fairs upan request. oiték, a,,,/ É:Z).dieuz. C O A TES VII.L E, P A., JU N E 12-1 7 W ANT Arcade, Motor Bru me, Mechanical City ·ed Monkey Miows Philadelphia CrIrtiration with Free Gate. Gar given away imoo-slitarl) following. All rennet. to !D O R M S II A N N U M Pri m liareis Hotel, Harrisburg, P·., thI, week; shim Clealestille. Pa., Joni. 12 17. M onarch I mperial . COTTAGE GROVE. Ore., June 3. -- For six weeks the shows have encountered high winds and cold weather, curtailing business operations. Members of the Douglas Shows exchanged visits with Monarch folks at Myrtle Point and Coos Bay, Ore. Manager E. O. Douglas, Mrs. E. Forrester and Nor man Seim were guests of Manager Howard Clifford. Art and Eddie Anderson. concessionaires, left at Crescent City. Calif.. to loin Meeker's Show. E. Clifford's bird store and confectionery stand have topped the mid way weekly. Martin E. Arthur visited at Watsonville, Calif.: Bill Holt at Ukiah. Calif., and Adolph Yoaku m at Coos Bay. Ore. Bee Bee Willis has left to join her fa mily on the Dolan Shows in Colorado. A birthday party was given by the folks for Ed ward Cle m m. Manager Clifford is building a marquee featuring two panel trucks, decorated and lettered in red and white. Visiting at Eureka. Calif., was Tex Cordell. former carnival owner now in business at Eureka. Vie Davis and ht, crew left in Watsonville. A Girl Revue, operated by Mr. and Mrs. J. Lorraine. has been added. This org, formerly known as Clifford's Greater Shows, will continue its tour thru Oregon and Washington before returning to California in the fall. -- WALTON de PELLATON. Keystoue Attractions SOUTH DANVILLE, Pa., June 3. -- Concession line-up Mrs. Kader Barnhill, ifnisclhudpqnesd.Mr.pitcanh-d till-you -win. grocery wheel and three p.c.'s; Bruce Benchnff. short range gallery; Harry Kemp, stock spindle; Mr and Mrs. Al Stafford. bingo, string ga me, penny pitch; Mr. and Mrs. A. (Doc) Cook, two ball ga mes and cigarette gallery; Jacobs & Wal- ters, two stock wheels: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schumacker. ice crea m; Wil- lia m Soles, high striker; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cross, French fries; Mr. and Mrs Savidge, milk shakes; ?tarts and Cole, popcorn and candy apples; Sobr- and Martz, with Mrs. Ruth Hauck, cookhouse. and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Salem. novelty stand. Charlotte Hauck and Anna Mae Latchford are the dancers on the Girl Show .Rides include Ferris Wheel, Doe Cook; Merry-Go-Round, John Cole: Kiddie Swings, Willia m Soles, and Kiddie Train, Peck Martz. A new sound truck is being used for lot and street advertising and a ne w transfor mer is on order. Peck Martz is secretary and treasurer: the writer is president and general manager; Kader Barnhill, mailman and The Billboard sales agent; John Cole, lot superintendent; Harry McKinley, electrician. and Charles Schu macher is caretaker of the lots. -- MEL SOBER. HELLER'S ACME SHO WS W ANT SHO WS, RI DE HELP, W HIP FORE MAN AND CHAIRPLANE FORE MAN. W ANT Bingo Manager. Cliff La mbert phone, reverse charges. Fair La wn. N. J.. this week: Riverdale, N. J., next week. Big Elks Fourth of July Cele.. Ridgewood, N. J., on Elks' grounds. F.rst carnival in 20 years. Ha m monton. N. J.. Big Celebration. July 10 to IS. Mt. Carmel Celebration, Bisset°. Pa., July 24, including Sunday and Monday. closing August I. All answers I. HELI XES Phone Wycof 40333- M. Ca mpgaw. N. J. LAKE CHUCK 1.4. JUNE 5SO 15--AUSPICES POUCE DVS. Can plane legiti mate Stork Conte mione --Ilmi ,1 A Cla m fritta, Howling Alley. Durk Coed. Wa wa La. Pilate 7.11-1.1- Win. Scales. Age. Set Outfits. Diseara. Ill Striker. Gentere Alu minu m Wheel. Arnerlean Pal mistry. Can place one or two Mahar Rid., for Jule 41h Street Ce'earation Shown will own nutflt extent (;eelf nr Girl Shows. We have wren I.. .le mon and Fairs Show It blinked mend until Inentinnell I. trtiner·tInnt jinn. , nun glee» conarder·tion at Fairs All replica El) G ROV ES. Mgr. Lek» Charles. i.e.. June 1 to IS. Featuring the Great Wilma, Original Hu nan C Ball Will hook, to add to our olfiee.o wned tows. · fmt oteppirie Girl Show. ron M ute tliiin· gno me. Dinner, Stook , or any Grand Show nnt tonflartang. Will book Little Mu m, Caterpillar, () mo m.. Looper, or what have yole Want gplUbu Foreman. Can aleo use good Aide Help that drive.. Will book Photo Gallery. Glass Pitch, Novelties. Derby. Have lineage, monad ... for Man with Bingo Will book 011ie's. Popcorn, Candy Apples, Burketa. String l'ealr , 1.11 Ginn , Fish Pond. Frenra Fria., High striker. Men Wait. and Age. Want Argent.. for Grind Stores. contact Barney Allen. Want Agents for Bowline Allege. contact Rol Brooke. All addre m. HARRY CRA W,. Hereferd, Texas, CetanJa.di·anC,eleTebreolmi,on.Roundup and Node., followed thiS by week, the aid Baobrtli,e ,. 'Neat, rm . Week, then GRACELAND GREATER SHOWS WANT FOR AMERICAN LEGION ANNUAL CELEBRATION ON THE STREETS Al ROODHOUSE, ILLINOIS, JUNE 1217 --Automobile Given Away. Concuss. .., Photo Caller , High Striker, Call Came. Strang Ca me Age and Scale. Lead Cann, P.C. open ,.,th one or more Hanky Peaks Sho ws: Motordrome. Wild Life. Snake Show. ten-in-Ono. It·cla Mel , Fore man on Ghanaian., Second Men on all 10 Rid .. replies I 111141( ALlitark. Centralia, Ill.. this week J.A. SPARKS SHO WS Will sell 'X or Conkhnn w, Popcorn, Candy Apples, Fis,, Sr, [net ;triter. and Long Range Shooting Callen,. Coed opening foe Bail Carnes and Fish Pond. Va ry reason- able privilege. Will book fe w more flat outfits. W ant Man with acts to take charge or Soda Show. Will book Wild Lila, Monkey Sho w, and Ani mal Sho w with own °units. Also went Motordro me and Mechanical City. Have Opening for Rollo:stone. Octopus. and Rollawn.d. . Address J. A. SP A KILS, Illekaaoiad, K y., this week M otor Slate L. B. Lamb TRENTON, Mich.. June 3. --Shows opened Monday night after some difficulty over light inspection. The office-owned Monkey Speedway bowed here. Visitors included newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. G. Willia m Brown, son and daughter-in-law of Mr. and M n. Robert Brown, bingo operators; Dort Spence's wife and children. Mr. and W ASHINGTON, la., June 3. -- Move here Irons Princeton. Ill., was made in record time. Estell and Mary Barr stopped of at their Rock Island, Ill., home and picked up their granddaughter who will be with the sho w for part of the su m mer. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sinderson returned from Indianola. where they at- Mrs. Jack Gallagher and Mr. and tended the funeral of Sinderson's Mrs. Ed Diebert. mother. Mrs. Imo La mb was skedded Mr. and Mrs. .1 J. Fredericks played to leave soon for Nevada. host Decoration Day to Mr. and Mrs. Duke Mitchell joined with his fish- Art Krug. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Klen- pond and fish bowl concession and the yinski and children. .1, Fredericks Caloinas ca me on with balloon darts. Sr.. and Mr. and Mrs. Moiser. Jack Twisto McCormick Molt his son to Ziegler was called away last week St. Louis to have hi m treated for a because of his mother-in-la w's death. Org had a good week-end in Easton Rapids. Mich. Biz in general was above the average. Shows were hosts to orphans from the National VF W snake bite. Florida Fla mes Revue, piloted by Bernice La mb. has beets topping shows. Mae McLenahan fra med a snow ball concession for his mother. ho me. L. B. (Barney) La mb has developed a new ga me called Winner to take Drago A muse ments the place of bingo. The writer and Mrs. Murray visited the latter's DELPHI. Ind., June 3. --Sho ws' run mother in Clinton. TU. on.her birth into pern. Ind., last week was made day. --ERNIE M URRAY. In record time. It being the first move of the season, every one was ready to spring opening night. Org got good Heart of Texas weather, with crowds and spending FLOYDADA. Tex., June 3--Shawa doubling that of last year. Saturday have been battling West Texas dust matinee, with rides reduced to 9 and wind storms for 13 weeks, but cents, was big. Free groceries were given away nightly on all ride ticket owner Harry Craig is opti mistic about the season. Sonie spots have out- stubs and upped biz. grossed last year, while a few have Slim Chester's bingo topped the concession line-up, with the lead gallery second and Mary Miller's derby fallen below. Glen Brunk is advance agent; Happy Jack Lang. marker; Jack Coop- close. er, press agent: D. A. Dale. electrician; Octopus and Merry-Go-Round lead the rides. Ray and Edith Crabil John (Mac) Harrison. mechanic; B. McDonald. in charge of the red and joined with kiddie autos and wound white wagon; Jack Moran, front and up topping all the moppet rides. Roy greeter. and Harry Craig, owner. Randall is well pleased with the idea W. W. Wilno's cannon act is the free of the new meal tickets on his cook- act. New to this territory, he has house. --BESSIE BIRSH MAN. been going over strong. -- J A C K COOPER. George Clyde Smith SCALP LEVEL. Pa.. June 3. --Rain and mud killed three nights here. Rill and Fla me Emery Joined with AGENTS WANTED A T ONCE their Fla me Show. Clyde Lyle, magician, Joined the Side Show, while Mrs. Lyle will work ilusions. Red One Bantle and one Roll Omen Men 'Me w are now Concession, We Cork rrrrr week end this Win,o draws peon .. Conte . DALE BARRON er DANNY FRO WL.Y. Sharer ca me on with slu m spindle. Mark Cobe. photo gallery; Danny Eli and Barney Johnson, pal mistry booths. Manager Smith has placed his No. 2 Ferris Wheel and several other extra Jeanne Herron wanks Girl Show Help. CO, 1.10 sr . Wife. Beet working eon . .n, and nay each nwht. (Play girl. Iron% la« e efe SHAM OROS.' SNO WS M·rtin, Icy., this week rides in a park. Biz was hurt by cold and rain at Carrolltown. Pa. Leonard Gordon General Agent Wanted joirred with Posing Sho w. Leon (Shorty) Se men has taken over the Side show. replacing Fat Usher -- Vibe kne w, Ilinois and Indians All repli .. BO X ST. L.-29 ternten. F. A. NORTON. The Ilikbeard, Arcade Side. St. Lewis 1, M s b ase 10, 1950 The Billboard C A RNI V A LS 79 Royal Mi.: Wept M ARION. 0.. June 3. -- Shows moved in here fro m El wood, Ind., where they registered a fair week's business, which was ha mpered by two nights of rain. Local date proved to be the best of the season so far for the rides, with the Ferris Wheel getting top play. General Manager Bill Harris reports spending on a level with last year. He said children's matinees, with merchandise tie-in and giveaways are proving popular. Press Agent C. W. Hall is in charge of all children's activities. Decoration Day was big. Jask Vincent's cookhouse topped the mid way with Bob Harris's cla d store second. Bill Ada ms. head of the office-owned rolldown, took delivery on a new car. Dave and Betty Rutherford visited from Detroit --GEORGE M URPHY. F' .i %.'' JUMBO DICE WHEEL Tha Finest E.., Mad.. Nere's Chuck Lack in in most popular form. Richly ornamented and trimmed. trans' Oriednal Jumbo DI.. Wheel has th· .... , brilliant, Ineslitible flash that wino lop takes even semen anywhere! A iewel tor ddieaprenentdeebnNterpeprrfoomrpmtancdelei.very60"at manndonah32le" whet. Write NOW tor catalog. IL C. EVANS A. CO. W S W. Adams SE Chicago 7. Mae» LIMA, OHIO PARKS SHOW GROUNDS Kibby dir Bellefonte... Ave. Good condition for large Cinemas.* and (arnhele. JO H N J. IL L A Y Phone 47641 W ee, Ohio CARNIVAL WANTED FborellerVF,.WInCehelaerbtratalioncit.y.luhrSIOC4tOh week «laOD fireworks ofletwletion. Antkipeted nowd 20.000 Contact 'V. PE R R Y SIE WERT Ph... ISO oe write ISee NM, WImendri Rapids. Wit W A NTE D 20111 ANNUAL COMMUNITY CELEBRATION Boswell, Indiana, kilt 3and 4 CWPoeilulnlndernousoekCoernnfacelrelneshlooC·lIentaunso.rorh.P.r.»wnriotnenol.n....or RUwitM,... EBDoxG A1,RnenwBelUl,RNET T Ge m City BELVIDEFtE, UI., June 3. -- Org was here this week after moving fro m a 1) Agigs7, good business spot on the city hall lot in East Peoria, Ill., where the sho w set up after zoning code made it impossible to play Peoria. W-13 nuAD WAY SH Two kid matinees and a bicycle giveaway hyped business at the East d.H 'IROA0 WAY AT FOUR DOOR Peoria spot, but the org bucked a personal appearance of Jack Benny WANT FOR NEW YORK CITY, JUNE 12 TO 24 there. Mr. and Mn. Cash Wiltse joined LONG ISLAND TO FOLLO W at East Peoria to help on pro motions. John Shelley was joined 'by his wife WANT Midget Show, Fat Show or any Grind Show. and daughter. W. E. (Bill) Snyder was guest speaker at the East Peoria Optimist Club luncheon. W ANT Boat Bide, Little Dipper or any ride not conflicting. WANT Photo, Novelties, Jewelry and all kinds of Grind Stores. Visitors: Bill Naylor. press agent, and Jack Kaplan. special agent. Hennies Bros.' Shows; Guy Derry, Ever- WANT Arcade. Our fair season merle last week in July. Those hooking now ett W. Ritchey, Marshall Witlow, Frank Wilkinson, Carson tBilly) Marcus and Bob Hofman. Staff: Tho mas E. Hickey. general given preference. All eddreee SA M E. PRELL, 216 Coster Ave., Newark, N. J. manager; W. E. Snyder. general agent and business manager; Bill Jack. secretary-treasurer; Harry Thomas, as- Jersey City, N. J., this week; Forest Hills, N. Y., next week, on Queens Boulevard. sistant manager; John Beern, gen - eral superintendent; Roy Bailey, ride superintendent; Hank McGuire, Diesel engineer and electrician; Pete Ohne- mus, chief mechanic; Dave Carroll, press and radio; Ronald J. Hender- son, advertising director; Willia m Huntington, mail man; Pop Livings, night watch man; Walter Payne, con- cession secretary; front gate and light towers, Wilbur Smith; searchlights, Charles Coleman, and painter PRINGLE, PA. and decorator, Howard Straub. Rides: Merry-Go-Round. Arkie FIREMEN'S MUSTER AND CELEBRATION, JUNE 12 10 12 Johnson, fore man; second man, Leonard Trainer; tickets, Mrs. Dixie Bailey. Rolloplane, Ray Posey, foreman; second man, Willia m Smith: tickets. Sally Hickey. Tilt-a- Whirl. Can place ICkkile Rides. Tilt. Caterpillar. Shows -- Want Side Show. Wild Life. Kineirel, any novel Show with own equipment. Concessions --Age. Scale. Coolant. Hanky Peaks cd all kinds. Pan Ganle, Grind Stor m, Wheels, Percentage. You all know this spot teca. last year. but carnival epos In Penneylvanta. Wire, no limy to write. All address R ALP H DEC KE R, Wilkes Barre, Pa. E. J. Alfert, fore man; second man. E. C. Wood; tickets, Mrs. Willia m Smith. Screw Ball, Willia m New- man, foreman; second man, Bill White: tickets, Mary McGuire. Fly - opinase. Robert Taylor, fore man; Larry Hancock, second man; Cathryn Goodale. tickets. Ferris Wheels (2), Frank Goodale, fore man: Bugs Hancock. second man; Little Rabbit, third man: Bill Probus, tickets. Roll-n- Whirl, Carl Wied man, foreman: Margaret Underwood, tickets. Kiddieland rides, Donald Webb, Kiddie Auto; Ja mes E. Sweet, boat ride; Mary Ellen Castle. Rocket; Pat Castle, train; Hobby Derby, Roy Dillon. Side Show: Ji m mie Chavanne, W ANT W ANT W ANT D aruee in?to co.nditionisn. plachyainnggingthisrouttereritanordywowiutlhd ilsikeantod hebewwitfrohmusHanforky thPeanksFOUaRndTHothOeFrs ILwLhYo CELEBRATION at Oakland. Md. W BAALLNT OOLNONGDARAN T.D SFIHSOHRTORRANDUGECKGALPL OENRD,Y, SPTHROITNOGS. GCAORMK E GAANLLDEROYT.HEPIRTS.CH ATILLLL HUAWNIKN,Y PANES, CUE PRICES, WANT SIDE SHOW, MONKEY SHOW, ANIMAL SHO W. ILLUSION. WALK THRU OR OTHERS WITH OR WITHOUT OWN OUTFITS. WILL DOOR FOR COMMITTEE MONEY AND TAX. CAN USE GIRL SHOW. MUST HAVE THREE GIRLS. WE HAVE TOP FOR SAME. WILL PLACE ONE FLAT RIDE FOR BALANCE Of SEASON. Want to tool. FREE ACT tot our Fourth of July Celebration. W rite er Wig , W. C. K A US SHO WS Now playing Winchester. Va.; next week, front Revel. Vs manager and front; Curly Critchette. front. Ernest Durling, No. 1 box: Frank Long, No. 2 box: Joe Manning, No. 3 box; Mike Certello, No. FIDLER'S UNITED SHOWS 4 box; Louise Chavanne. sword swallower and emsee; Joe Drake, iron eyelids; June Manning, four-legged girl; Johnny Covington, frog boy; Francis Crichette, sword box and Punch; Frank Hall, hu man blockhead; Professor Zangar, mentalist: Allen Hunsicker, impalement; Januita PONIldf R MS. .1Nf 510, IN (ITY CHAUTAUQUA PARK THIS IS A SPONSORED CELEBRATION FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT WITH RIG ADVANCE TICKET SALE. TO BE FOLLOWED WV IANESVILLI, WISCONSIN. NINE 12.17. Want Concessions et el lands. Conte in ter last Inn day, nut week. C., place aid* Help on 12 Male, Rides. must drive seals. Will hook Show, with or without own Equipment. .Iodine Bailey. wire whom we can reach you. A D D RESS: SA M FE ULER. Mgr., per rouse abase Hunsicker, electric chair. and Sandra- Lee, annex. Gay .New Orleans, Pee- Wee Parker. manager; Ethel McCoy Parker, assistant manager; Bobby F. IL SUTTON SR. PRESENTS Grant, stage director and emsee; Bernice Pettis, Millie Pearson, Helen GULF COAST SHOWS Russell. Fannie Freeman and Ruth West; Willie Swain, piano; Maurice Larkin. sax; Ja mes Smith, tru mpet: Allen Rogers, trombone: Ja mes E. Bo wler, dru ms. Snake Show, Sailor WANT ONE MORE MC RI M --TILT, OCTOPUS. ROLLOPLANI. WANT SNOWS. CAN PLACE MAN AND WIFE FOR SWELL PRAMID MAKI SHOW. NAVE FLINTY OF SNAKES. WANT CONCESSIONS OF ML KINDS WILL SELL ·.5" ON LONG RANGE GALLERY. SCALES, MITT CAMP HARRISON. ARIL JULY 4 SER MAL G000 FAIRS IN MISSOURI AND S. Katzy, manager; Paul Quirk. front. Rainbow Revue, Sailor Katzy. front; Irene Katzy, ernsee; Nikki, Fifi and A D D RESS: F. M. SUTTON SR., Mgr., Lebanon. Me.. this week Caltlerallea. So4401·It RM.. lass 12-17 . Betty. Illusion Show, Ji m mie Cha vanne. Monkey Speedway. Fred Wolf, manager; Mrs. Fred Wolf. tickets. Glass House, Fred Wolf, man- CENTENNI A LS AN D FI RE MEN'S CELE BR ATIONS Weft ·NroonJusnviolle.SkJuPlay-II.SO Veen-- cherrnyand,Tree..JulyJun24-o2...12-17. ager. --DAVE CARROLL. loner. Po --lieresul Iii Yo·re--Jule 3.0 lit the. in lStern. 20th Century KANSAS CITY, M O.. June 3. -- FAI RS washineron -- Stowebero -- elamenho -- Wolf ·lanrunelor -- Clennuallo Went Prnwl Innnkrre. Sn·k· nr onoChnoesnnwickOr.InnPa,ShoJuwn.e a.Wont Prose. Cu l ard. Inlet* 4·11011, Shows played here the week of May 22 under American Legion Post auspices to unsettled weather and fair EDDIE DIETZ, Eddie's Expo Shows 10.11110. ST., SOTI.S·, P·. biz. Leonard Martin, son of Albert Martin, co-owner, joined after finishing studies at school in Ottawa. Mrs. Marie Gaskins, wife of Frank Gasking, general agent, returned to her ho me in Laurel. Miss., to enter hospital for treatment. Harry W. Hennies was a recent visitor. -- FRANK CASEIN & SUNSET AMUSEMENT CO. W ANT Spitfire Foreman who can dyne mrni. Can place Second and Third Men cn Rides. must drives Will book &mode. gnat be under ca me*. Can book Unborn. Mechanical. Snake or other 4011 MRSIDPed Sheen Iowa City, teem, Has we ak: Newsom, mut. 80 CA R NI VA LS Tri· June 10, 1950 ESPECIALLY FOR YOU! SA VE AD FOR FuTuSE REFERE NCE HAMMOND ORGAN RECORDINGS OF All-TIME FAVORITE SONGS ESPECIALLY FOR A MUSE MENT OPERAT ORS SPECIAL RELEASE · tIODD --letrireg a Creed Old Na me ... Carolina in He More na Fox Trot · ·2001 --Tbe Merry-Go-Round Broke Down... When Tern W o n a Tottp Twe Step · gG eg --Alestiedite· Regent. Bored... The Derktewn Struthers Sell 1 . Step · ·2001 -1. · Shanty in Ohl Shee n Town ... Ul mer Da n W alt. · ·2004 --Idele me n.· Send .. . The Yankee Doodle Bey Man n 1 $2005 -- When Tee end IW e n Young, Mangle ... Corey Me Bask to Old Virgin's, Fen Twit 1 P1006. -- While Strolling n, . Ib. Park one D M'... The Cl...B1. e. ·· 1E4 TM. I e2007 --Deep in the inert 0 Tee n .. The n ISI Tavern le tne reere T . Seep 1 .20011 --Tlet Man on the Flying . .A Bicycle Built fee Tree . Walt. 1 .2009 --P·rade of the Wooden Soldiers ... Kiddie Meech Medley Mo nk GENERAL CATALOG SELECTIONS $241 --Reer Barrel Polka . . Pennlyle .ia Petite Polka *364 --leetoresie ... LeCu mpa nite Tan ga 1432 -- Who .. .Zing! Worst the Shin e of My Heart.... ... . . .T Step se51 -1A· and My Shadow .. I Saki My Fra me. Shed Pult On My. ·. . ' Were , Fee Trot ·471 --leineb .. ICan't Give Tees Anything gut Le m Po n Trot .472 --Rle Hie ... Of Thee ISlag . - · ' · .- Two Step I Et 93 --In Uy "leery Olelme nbhe .. .The Slue Danube.*********** W .* 1 P307 -- Dark Cy « .. .Ay Que Vide 1 *439 --The Caissons Ge Rea ms Along . Merck Medley 14 Dlefereent Tan. g...., habreh f 1.1711--The toed Moved Ors ,.. Barc relle W atts · ASCAP New ASCAP T minsh, 70 C.P. U. denble-sided mammal premed tnirn WINTOLITI. N M-3C. A nee bread, re·lat ant material F · ·t. Snappy Marches. Priced . 79« e.h.f . re Bright Gay in-Treet . shaded. portage ·stra -- Lively. Swingy Wei ner. Two-Ste m , Polk .' · Sh.pped C. O. D units check inch/ding .. new Ragti me! No nier. n or ene ma .. . wrier laer.a-Tcvui Par-evul Ii4 ea. W RITE FOR GE NERAL CATAL OG LISTI NG OVER 400 SONGS! I B o ule v a rd. R e vere .7/. li ars. D e pt. ( ptWO EX_POSITION SH0 Fee fliggett Fourth oi July Cal·bralfelf in tift Sta n, of Mf.souri LEBANON, M O., JULY 1-2-3-4 M ORS, C . pla n Pony Kid, Train, link, Ride. SHO WS: Grind She.., ni merit that de nid conflict. CONCESSIONS, Photos, Custard, Jewelry, Rnot Beer and Slant, Pee n Warren Murphy min um Mart for Penny Arcade. Bill Willia m. want. Mac, oho can grind nu Monkey Show. Can .· Stile Show Arts, Mee Annex At***** lone here opening for Soethil Agent that JACK can Poet end handle Detail.. We furnish O wl. All contact RUBAC1FC, Mgr. June S-10. La . .. Oklaho ma/ June 11-17, Ard more, Oklahorner June n-14, suallester. Oklaho ma AMERICAN UNITED SHOWS #2 W ANT For NS fern end Celebrates. .. Two Spoh · Week. Hanky P .ks of all kinds. Athletic Sho w Menage, with îlien?. Side Sham with owe Eau. ..vent. 25%. Special Deal for Mercy-Co-Round. Wit bur Sit, Cat Outfit. Dileer. M ad., bone 6-10; Rigby, Ideate Pinn er Celebeation. here 12-17. CELERY CITY SHOWS Wanted for opening lones le In le, Inlarnareo, rai n , ·merie . Lea nn /A n ne Fry. e·ces. 04104 to disappoint ment. cats book Fer n, Wheel or any other Ride not enttfilettne Want Conceaslona of all kinds. Will sell .X.. on Su mo. Pepeorn. and Grats IS gout mots Vs folio.. All replies to HENRY FISHER 104 POTIIIAN SL DO. KALA MAZOO. MICH. P.S. Want Anenta for P.C. PROMO feéga FRO M THE LOTS B. & C. Expo Modernistic O S W E G O, N. Y., June 3. -- Org was E X M O R E, Va.. June 3. -- Sho ws here this w eek after Bald winsville, N. Y. m oving fro m opened here to good w eather, w hich brought out free spending cro wds. Rho., Itneorp: Owner, Myron Colter. . Org has a free gate and is featuring Office manager. Harold Loris: w an ner. Cheraw Briggs: advance agent, Willia m M . ,: rid, gupenntendent. Ray Bento n: electrical as a high free pole act Phill and D e and slide-for-life P hill turn. in a n perintendent. Ralph Wright; lot superin- tendent, Bud t transportetion «tur n- tendon!. O ro no Crewe. end mail end The Billboard agent. Tangle Sanford. Con ...Ions: Age and weight. Bert h ut: C oncessions: Art Peneau, M r. and M rs. Fred Barlett. M r. and Mrs. Taylor Trout, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Keegan, Mr. and Mrs. Adelard Ouel- hear pitch, O. Wright: midway raft. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Barker: milk bottle end boll ta me, WeGregor: bowling tiler. Mr. end Mrs. Zi m mer: Mad gallery. Tiny wino .: arcade. lette, M r. and M rs. R obert DeTap. Mr. and M rs. R ussell H endricks, M rs. Edna M arshall, M r. and M rs. W utne- Ur. and Mr,. Bailey: French fries. M oen . field and M r. and M rs. Al Long. w ho Guest and Bob Woodstock: fish bowl and dish pitch. Bob Derrell: Perocorn. M UM Colt move, n ntly mi res. Ned M ann: bingo. John end Gertrude LOW, with Co mo Italiano, m anages four concessions for M rs. Elsie K eeler, w ho also o wns the bingo. Org carri es six rides, m anaged by hilly Kelly end Bill Red man ma helpers: Stanley Riddle and Blackie glass pitch Hilda Wright: candy flow mid lee crea m, Ji m BuccInti eel rack. R. Sanford Jr. and Betty Berg: novelties. enaraving. Joe Lytel: pItch-till·you min mad duck vend. Included is a ne w Fire Truck o wned by M rs. K eeler. Sho ws Include Ato mic Po wer and a me n Sanford: rush dosage, Ji m. Toddle Midget, operated by M r. and M rs. and Kelly. Ri de ·- mul a nte. Mrs. eterry-00.R .nd. Cherie* Rel M. Blueil. u, . D. Logan, and W ild Life and M onkey Clark; Penis W heel., Hey Judd, M. Shoe- Circus. Al berta and Blondie M ack. maker. Silt, M·ye: Spitfire. R. Johnson. T. Elton De xter has charge of the front Si mons; Chairplene, Ame n Bullard, Bill !mkt; Ki d die Aut o and Airplane rid e., Linter Colegrove, George Crowe. end kiddie train on the M onkey Circus, Gideon m anages inside. an d Eldon awin g.. Ur. and Urs O. J. Serb All rides and equip ment flash ne w Shows: 'Parisian Girl Revue.- Dick MillMeet. Merle KtIllneer. ee rie dancer. Rose McGee. Hawaiian denser, Circus 8Ide Show, L. L. Jeffery. Leiter, flee eater, sword m el- paint and canvas. T he writer handles m ail and is The Billboard agent. -- Me D E X TE R. lower and iron tongue: minion Pena Hindu torture: Chief Rai ment/. Zulu chief: Iola ettrit Superior Judd. annex. and Mea nie, electric chair es- cape: Wild Life, Dort and Verne Rei ms .; Uneate n Anne. Carrillo Jeffery. talker; Congo. Inside: Mankeyland. Paul Culver. F O L S O M, Calif., June 3. --Sho wa Recent Matters included Mr. and el n. Willia m Bow man and daughter. Mrs. Harry Arne. and son niche ., and his wife, all of arrestors: Sir. mad U m. Frank Vent. Di opened their sixth stand of the seaso n here. Jerry O' Brien is operating the Penny Arcade. In the absence of Floride.: Kenneth M oline. of Mila n.. N. Y.; M anager W yatte Shepherd, org w as Ur. and M n. J. Smith. of Sod ., N. T.; Curley Evan; Ca mp Die, N. Pletcher Petri, of the Ring Reid Show, and Gene m anaged by Shorty W rights man with rides under direction of C u pcake aand Jack Cru m Addition. N. . T. ·nd Betty - Ult8. RAT Olinger. all BANPORD. W oronu k. Line-u p inclu des, in ad dition to Smith Ammtement Shepherd, M rs. S he pherd, bookkeel m er; Lo well Long, electrician; Ferris Wheel, George (Tex) Craner, Clyde CUSHING, Okla., June 3. - Ors was here this week after a good stand at Kingfisher. Okla.. its first stand in this State. M anager Roland S mith has pur- chased a ne w G eneral M otors Diesel a light unit. Tilt-a- Whirl fore man Henry W est made trip to W inona, Miss., to bring his fa mily on the sho w. Lee Springfield has the M erry- G o- Round in first-class sha pe. B usi- ness M anager Prescott has returned fro m a booking tour thru K ansas, Missouri and Arkansas. M rs. R oy E dsale, concessionaire, has taken de- livery on a se mi-tractor unit. M r. Cresnell, and Vyella Hinds, tickets: Merry-Go-Round, Jack Bloom, Poe. tuguese Joe. and Starr Woronuk, tickets; Octopds, Cupcake Woronu t A rt Hinds, Bill White, and June Long, tickets. Harrell Rol, Ray Estelita, Bob Horn, tickets; Baby Ride, Joseph (Shorty) Franklin: Pony Ride, Larry Sipe. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. (Mac) McCafrey, have two kiddie rides, and C. F. Albright has four concessions, Carl and Peggy Ric hardso n have the Hinds floss and gra b stand. N e wly weds M r. and M rs. A rthur H erbert joi ned here. -- S T A R R W O R O N U K. and M rs. John H ayes have ne w Pontiac station w agon. G eorge D. Lo we and Dale Edsale w ere m arried PENN BAZAAR M ay il. Clay B. Lo we and C orrinne D odd exchanged vo ws M ay 5. G eorge and D ale Lo we have a ne w house PlInrial So d Spot. InehoserIal Penna. W ANTS trailer. Fran k Yagla's cookhouse is kept busy. Tilt-a- Whirl is topping the rides. follo wed by the M erry- Go- Round. G eorge Seller's girl unit is N o. 1 in the sho w line-up. -- M RS. L A W R E N C E S MI T H. Set Kiddie Rides. Canee mion· -A n. Scale. AnierIcan Painom m i Frozen Cit·t·rd,, Stork Wheels. any Concesdon times rook, W M . . d. de not leant any Mr .« Store. Wilt place Percenta«. If Yrin hone Hanky Pack to go with it. Ada na, HA VE JAC KSON Tratner, Penna., thls week MIGHTY HOOSIER STATE SHOWS U NIT 12 Went for »sere « Wit ç, ondiene rolls. M ew no. at Moro , · ····. Co me where the mow . is. CONC.'S ... , ·rrade, Shine Owne, O ne, Jewelry. Pito ns. talast Pitch. Scele and A u. one Custard. M O WS :deed nee her Grind shows. NI eirls. flees, PC or rms ., wed. heek er buy · Pe nn whem. P.1.1 r, a w ns ., mgr. Address, Me we. coPoso ST , lodislaireaPpLii, IND ...oraw CAPITOL sr ». LEE BECHT SHOWS WANT W ANT A few more legiti mate Concessions that w .k for stock s Scottie, onls pee of e kind. Boo Bali. Adee' m Dart. Bu mper, Hoop-La. Snow Bali. lewel n. Novrtren. String Ca me, Short Range, Photo. Ste. NO Gypsies Or Racket. Dee . .. Ind., On the Streette. Tone 1-10: Portland. Ind.. 0. Me St mt.. Ite m 11-17. LONE STAR RIDES Want FOR LORE CITY, OHIO, HOMECOMING, JUNE 12 TO 19 With ether good Fain and Celebrations to fellow. Will book Isterry-Go-R .nd tor the see ms Wont · tiarthr Binge. POch.T M.You Were and Stock Stores of ell k,ros. Age. Weight. Novelties, Photo. Shooting Gaiter, Cone E MS etc LONE STA R RI DES, J. G. RA KE. Mgr., Caroni°, OhIn Redwood Empire E U R E K A, Calif., June 3. -- Org was hit by high winds and cold w eather for the Sports man Sho w date here. Attendance w as lo wer than expectations, but the season's gross so far is 20 per cent above last year. H eavy activity in the lu mbering country has improved conditions to a point that al most equals the w ar years. K. B. K a uf man, general agent, has signed for Railroad Celebration at D uns muir. Calif.. June 18-20. W ith the co ming of fairs and celebrations in Oregon, O wner Tony M asseth is greatly enlargi ng the sho w. H e has already added a ne w Parker Kiddie A uto ride and H. Gilbert has put on a ne w novelty stand. Louis Ristick has had a high striker shipped fro m the East. Ja mes Barber is adding a fish pond. D ue to the cold w eather here, several of the personnel w ere laid up with colds. W ayne /Milberg. of the M ouse Sho w, w as in the hospital for five days with strep throat. Ja mes Barber was confined for three days. Louis Riartick smashed his toe with a sledge w hile erecting his high striker. MARVEL SHOWS Want Hanky Pant. of all kinds. co me on. Street Cerebration, 111 October. Inhabetb. June sin: Amboy. ill,, June 15.17: W ea n. Jun· 1:3-74; many to folio.. Biggest July 4th in Illinoit r.erythin« open.LEWCantREeErS,E--MARION RAIIRLOVE FOIS SAL , Shoot .« Gallery on tore wheel lea ., will Soot or earns FOR SALE 12 ERIE DIGGERS G ood Shape, 11,200 P. 0. Box 334. Ft. Sen n. Kane. WANTED Help on a re Fir-e-Plane and Man to Jungle nnd or Wild Life show. or win com a are. Show booked for reason. Bill Brida mine. MOP ., STICK, ./auterson. 1001. Jun· 9-10. WANTED eatneertylreer3 2 CLAUDE BENTLEY Jun . I. ***** th m, Norrelch. Coe w June 10, 1950 The R eheard CA RNIVALS 81 American United S T. J O H N, N. B.. June 3. -- Org sacrificed space for location at its sea- SI L V E R T O N, Idaho, June 3. -- This son bo w here, setting up ofi a recently cleared lot in the heart of to wn under Syrian- Lebanon Association auspices. L ocation fronted on a busy street for The two-day stand. spot is the sixth of the season for the N o. 2 unit, w hich has played only one blank to date. The org was brought out this year as a light, fast- moving unit capable of playing two spots a O nly two rides, M erry- Go- Round end Chalrplane, w ere set up. Re- w eek. At this w riting 16 fairs, deos, etc., have been signed. ro- games m ainder of the space w as used for and refresh ment stands. Org line U p O. N. Mho Jr manager: Wright operated with a paid gate far the first li me. ctaoun:ce mlon manager. Octopus, Oscar Mrs. Irene AllIn. Smith, fore men' se mr· M T» Blacilin, second roan, Ferris Wh·rl. JI M NSURANCE 1Yager United Rides and stands sported ne w paint, w ork having been co mpleted In quarters under su pervision of Len 1Kici) Dryden, m anager. Rupert. forernen, Shorty Robermon. seronr man and Mow mech .," Delbert Irelerron electrician and calliope: Rollop,ant Rw.sel Smith. fore man, .1roor Rhodes. r.r. nd meo Klddle rIdra Pal ilcLe m. t11, S/101, Doreen Johnson. inaneg.r. cou nt. , Die m, Welt; floss. Catherine Li mon shoot- ing gallery. Roy Wilson: ball mn. mid slum wheel. Mr. pod Mrs John Kelly IDA E. COHEN 173 W. JACKS O N BLVD. CHICAG O. ILLI N OIS WANT GIRLS Rao . and Specialty. Most be Attracthm Coed Sale m. Fee (Meet skews ea read. KING REID SHOWS WI NOOSKI. VI A R C A D E P I E C E S V 011 S A L E Ni . punching 13.m. mrinished and I-monde Maned. with brand.neso hag. 100.00. S Exhibl De Lea. "litreandlten Card Venders. $40 00 Nadel "E" Exhibit Card Vender., nem point A.I condition. $2.0.0. Fe I f Raider ..1 rendition, original factory paint. $7300 Mariel m· now h. operation nn Penny Area.. · Ten or Eros' shows contort MVOs' ALLEN ef Turner See , Snow, IN . W end .147th · W e week . Chic····,. Ill. n mt week. AMINE KNOWING IRE ADDRESS Of Joseph Lucas (Lupo) F·rrnre aurle flue ul Tease ple me notify by wire...Oilers or b· letter J. M. RIE M SHO WS 1000 Oak Street Dallas. Tea m W ANT A few hide. and toner Wons tor Ooe.1111, 4th Veteran. of Foreign Vi ms "lent, whorls l· an dennual eeeee roe our V F W. Pod. We do not want M O eamblIng ,Roul Mte Wheel. ·nd nob/ or Girl M ows of any M . VICTOR D. !floCOY Swett ., Mo. AT LI BE RTY TOW HOUSE. STULL SILDOWN HAI *NO 2 PFICENTAGE TAKES Address: ·OK lee. o · T . ·.11 Mare am Are .. glee. Leula W ANT Ferri. Wheel Fore man. $30.00 a week Must be weer. Pay every Mehl. Al m leant chide. . . Fore men. 040.00 · week. I. K. W ALL ACE genera Deliver, Ilerloster Itorin.s. W. Va., or Wash.n.ton Hotel. W ANT W ANT Vine Cla m Talker lot SM. Shun. big .« per mot Data ANNEX ATTRACTIONS TIVOLI pte9LSHOWS SMOKY CARSON Contact ALTO OR R no M ewl M a ws, Linwood Pare. Atlanta, Ga vreek¡ Rerne. 10-1T. N O R T H C HI LLI C O T H E. Ill.. June 3. -- Opening here M onday tinder Ore- m en auspices brought good ero wds and strong spending. Decoration Dip. biz was very office o wn ed, cookhouse is good. N opened operated hletie Sho w. here N et, by A udrey Fetta and J. L. S mit h. O utfit will play two spots in this State and the. on to Io wa. A ne w R oll-o- Whirl ha, been purchased by O wner H arry Yager. Recent visitors w ere M r. and M rs. Edgar Yager. the sho w o wners' parents. and M r. and M rs. R. Ras mus sen, Mrs. Harry Yager's parents Mr. and M rs. Deb Sheldon m e sched- M ee to Jon soon. Staff: Harry Yager. ow ner- ma na ger; M rs. Lulu Yager, secretary-treas- urer, and Tex Fetta, ride su perintendent. Recent visitors: M r. and M rs. D. Sheldon. M ary and Peter Le manski. Joe Stone man and M r. and M rs. Dick H a wkins. M r. and M rs. M entz ha ve popcorn and eandy floss. -- L U L U Y A G ER. James H. Drew M A R M E T. W. Va.. June 3. -- Org's business is running 30 per cent ahead of last year as the result of good w eather on w eek-ends. T wo ne w trucks have been added and a ne w 100-k w. transfor mer. Org is carrying 8 rides. 4 sho ws, 30 con- cessions and a free ir e. Recent visitors included Bill Scanlon, Mighty Page Sho ws: Ben Luce. Lillian Oil man. John C ulligan and G eorge Pence, G ooding A muse ment Co mpany: L. P. Brady. U nited State, Sho ws; John S wisher. Royal Blue Sho ws; Billy Burton, Harry's G reater Sho ws; Are Turner, Atlanta. and Johnny J. Denturi. Volunteer G AI N ES B O R O. Tenn.. June 3.-- Org had the usual Saturday night rain at Celina, Tenn., last w eek. Five out uf seven Saturdays have been rained out. M r. Crandell has re- turned front a business trip to To- ledo. Willia m X. Reno, in charge of pu blicity and banners, has been doing okay. M rs. H ockett with her two kiddie rides: Ray N ord, train: Rich- ard W elch. sno w balls, and A. S mith. cotton ca ndy, m ade a Sunday Ju m p te Lafayette Song Festival. It was a blank. clue to bad location. -- D O R OT H Y Il O C K E T T. COO K HOUSE FO R SALE 14020, fully amapres. M el, painted and ready for bmine m. INS International 14"Ten Trurk. made ter Me mel . quarter.. equipped with lIghte. Will reen wills or without tro d.. Can be men rit 4.11AN" BARRE,. MOTO R (M. NentsvIlle. Ale. Phone 1.· ot 3314- M. BI DES FOB SALE IM7 ye, good eoneltIon. newts ea Mted. ready in 24 rar he operating .ondninn. nerd. minor repairs teen,. to re.penfted· si·rtle.o. Critters Antime m.eInont. Park tC.JAuLlrL FOR fESIN Al CHICAGOLAND BOOKINGS CLOSING FOR Chicago's Greatest Carnival, Show and Exhibition JULY 21 TFIRU AUG. 6, 1950 STILL ROOM 1. / CLE A N SH O WS N O VEL TIES C A MES and NE W AT TR ACTI O NS WILL HAVE FREE ATTRACTIONS Sub mit written kids describing . er and space required. ITALIAN OLD PEOPLE'S RO ME Melrose Park. Cook County. 11.nee W ANT W ANT C.01,11.111or. 4111e that rater. In O ne. font. (W right. of Part, Ill.. wine.) T4111 bunk Side Shot.. N ottord nerar or nit> Grind Shot* t nine. Ibse n Iran . poring inn. 1".n o plat , n m u m Jinni:. Parth.. ('n11 or mire TURNER .141.1. HI.. dbl. .... le: 147th In W r qt-ret. Chirago. nest "tr. leunil addresa, Blur hinted. 11.1 t Mien Ilir Illy O ne. North Ilicnect. IMobile. Plu my Nto nthrr --ZA -3263 / HARRY'S GREATER SHOWS ANIERSTOALE, W. IL, ABE 5-10; OCHI1A, W. WI., JUE 12-17 With 3 mere weeks in the real tW1ds, including mod Fourth of July Iteet.·····0 Alt fi ne e...t Celebreriens end Pairs until Octeber want Coo. radon., I of · kind only Can Mae. Ctolord, Lone or rher1 Range Seale. and A .. Punk tfark. Cork Gallery. girl . Game. Basket gall. War mer and Falndstre Wont Fun Sno w. Snake err Monk . hhow for em montee.paial perrenta m for only RI M Rotors or. dlor 411 retail'« to HA RR% RON LES. Andberendale. /Ia.. obis week GEM CITY SHO WS WILL BOO« ANY HA NKY P.ANKS NOT CONFLICTI NG. Ri DE HELP Wp m Smond ond Ti me Mein on ail Rd., emet dor m ·ern,s Nc. Mores or chaser. emd ·14.1r. ·· Too me vanfing ye . tone 5"O WS Will tech Sarechaneal Show or any Shea net r.11,cttnat. .4ddre,e. 'IMI11114S D. RIC KEY. Mgr. Ill this weelu ^mo m. II. neat wreck FOUR COUNTY FIREMEN'S CONVENTION and BANGOR DIAMOND ANNIVERSARY, Bangor, Pa. CM tbe street. In the bea d of terra. with parade" and civic ecti me m FIRST ere . downto wn In 15 years. W ANT CO NCESS.O NS OF ALL KI NIDS --LAIS. DRI NKS, No mlbes. Osherow N. M., NO PC PI PAL MISTRY. Will place Stock W heels Mat wdl work tor 10e. Want Clend ShO W, of all kind· Plenty of revole here. Th, h the broo m, date in Eastern pa Ihe All eddross: GA R DEN STATE SHO WS Wharton. N. I.NO W PLAYTIME SHOWS UNIT W ant far the Big One. W akefield, Mare... Ja me 12 And best MI. dates Northern New laded... Woodside. N. leis 4th. and meter Fairs. Hanky Pan .. sae el · hind, Centard. Floe. Scales Slo ws at all kinds. gmt Reeks. Flat Ride. N· grief ee W ANT W ANT NORTHWEST r ellON SHOWS Roder. Corecem on· and Sabo ri fer 15 Faoe and Celebr·tiores. OPen on So m.. SmeT. Oregon, hone IS-111, Strawberry Festiral. big Fa m e. Mc Minnville. Oregen. hone 311 to Ion, 4 Alf NORTH WEST EXPOSITION SHO WS. D. 3. NINE/ MUC H P.0 go· 4643, leel.rawa branch. Foreland 2, Oregor. Folly Beach, S. C.--Wanted tor--Isle of Palms, S. 1 W M boot fer sea m, at teeny Beech. 5. C .Fun House. Chita Ro me or any gis mo of merit that will mit money, ai m Noveltiee. 'lanky Penh, Hoopla.. Bali La mea 0115 Oath. Alem Wept oHuant iwfor NM of Peinue. S. C Wheel. mian. Hoop-La. Whip or any Major Ride that remelt., Darts. Flab Pond. ro111 Beth nob.t...rho.n.Ille1 allee fro m Charlerton. No tear down. Work 7 days a week. Good crowd. Plents uf money. Wire ar PA T JORNSON, Folly Hea ds. S.. C. Phelan 2523 FLOY D O. KILE SHO WS Rant Ts Join at Onee Ball Ga me, r011e holtIro. Lone or She n Nang, (and) Flo m. Meek Slere· ·nd à.. Conee mlons Praw n tale. enntrue now Kidd. A mos. emotlent Kiddie Ride mots. Al m Oetopue. Chairpi·ne. Tilt, Spitfire now. Fun Na me. Cried gri m . of ·Il kinds: must be ereilla 'relented. We play 10 late Fairs Marling Aux. Want 3 M M . Rider Owne m. now: get g week. eatre work M S fall. Show mat till Dee. 13. aMroetundNo@oghaimn and reliable All reed .: Ride Men. good deal he m. We piay ln town ·ed fleet In every FLOIelb O. RILE New ROADS, LA.. J11143 sa t MARKSVILLI. 12.11 82 CA RNIPVA LS The Billboard In ns 10, 1950 Flashbacks Ili CARNTIVAL ROUTES moue: (Continued from page 62) Baker Greenc utle, /not. It em, W. C.: Winchester, Vs.; Front 12-17. Keystone Attra: Burnha m. Pa Kne, Floyd O.: New Reath, La. Royer Beetrea Att n.: Cly mer, Pa.; Johnstown 18-17. Kinland Am.: Cornell., Ga. B U M Lae: Decatur, Ind.; Portland La Croar et. Albans, Vt. 25 Years Ago M. G. H era, president of Electric Park, K a nsas City, said that a fire w hich struck the spot did esti mated da mage of 8100,000.. . . Seven m e mbers of the C. R. Leggette S ho ws w ere injured in a trai n w reck near ert Y acopi. Peter L uken and A ustin Rivers. of the Ringli ng - B arnu m sho w, w ere in a B oston hospitaL Po wer's D anci ng Elephants ope ned a two- week en gage ment in K en ny- w ood P ark, Pittsburgh, wit h M n. Jean nette P o wer. . . Gillespie C ounty Fair A ssociation, Fredericks- Berg Old Reliable: Frankfort. My. Belle City: Shoboytan, Wis.; Wor m& 12 41. Bernard & Barry: Ti m mlsra Ont.. Can.; Val D' Or 14-24. B. & C.: Carthage. N. T. Big 4 Mi.: South Mein, Ill. Bls State: Sundown, Tex. Bill. Kati W.: N ut Rochester, N. T. Blue Orals: li,. Castle. Ind. »ogle, P. C.: M ies Eltninte, Ye , Bohn de Sac Al », Okla, Lag . . Am. Ce., No. 1: Lawrence, liai, M e use Am. Co.. N. 2: Central FM K R. 3, La mb, L IL:, Ottu mwa. Ia.: Dee M en u 11-17. Lane, Sa mmy: Pitted City. M a: or oonea 1-11. Lawrence Greater: Bridgeport, O. Ise United; Bachelier, Mick. Lane M ar: Bucyrus, O. Matte City: Westmoreland, Tenn. Magic Empire: Springfield, 0. Maine An.; Presque Ine. Me. Pa w nee, O kla.. .. Ike M atina, of the Ike and M i ke midgets, rejoined the liagenbeck- Wallace Circus in B oston after a stay in the hospital at Pater- son, N. J.. ..R. M. Striplin. m anager of Sout he aster n Fair an d E x positio n, Atlanta, w as planning increased e m- phasis on entertain ment and ed ucational feat ures at the 1925 annual.. .. . R obinson's Elephants, under the direction of D an N oonan. opened their park season at G ra nd Vie w Park, % flue, N. J. ...B en K rause anno unced that he w ould return to in the States with his carnival after a successful stay C uba. Fran k J. Ta ylor's G reat A merican burg, Tex., elected H. A. Ries. president; Otto H enke. vice-president; Otto B urgdorf. secretary, and M ax J. Biersch wale. treas urer. R oland W . Ric hards resigned his post of publicity director of W est's W orl d's W onder Sho ws to accept a si milar post with D odzon's W orld's Fair Sho ws. succee ding Floyd N e well.. . . M ax Fletcher left C ole Bros.' Circ us to operate concessions on the W est C oast. . . . A cts booked by the G eorge A. H a mid office into Riverside Park, A ga wa m, M ass., included Flying Aliens. D eteros. Sa nta nellos, Flying V alenti n ., Four Gro odents, Torrence and Victoria. Cai mans of the Boone Valley: Webster city. la; B elong LI-13-14. Br ute City: Carbondale, Pa, Brodbeck: La med. Kan. Buck. O. C.: lirnande. N. T. Buckeye: Antwer a 0. Burdick Greater New Braunfele. Tee. Burke. Harry: Jrenerette, La Burkhart: Morton. Ill.; Peru 12.17. California: Livermore. Calif. Capell Bro.: O r:suttee. Oki.. Capital City: Denville. Ky. Carr. Lawrence: Norwood. Mass. Ceeetrode of Amusements: La Fayette. EMI. Central State.. No. I: Nerington, K UL Central States, No. Y Emporia. K y. Cetlin & Uniontown. Pa. Chai m, Ji m mie: St. Marra O. Cherokee Am. Co.: Ellsworth. K m. Coleman Brag.: Keen*, N. 1. Collins ar ce. United: Redee m Neb.. 11-17. Collins, W m. T.: Pargo. N. D; Brainerd, Manning, 5000: Sharon. Fs. Marlon Greater Clinton. G. C. Marls. John IL: !O men ., N. Y. Marvel: BlIsabeth, II; Amboy II-17, McKee. John: Moberly, Mo.; it . . 11-17. Meeker.: Della., Ore.; Pendleton 1I-18. Iterstarrie Midway: Kaneohe, la., 0-7; liad. Mira, 1-10: Manilla 12-14; Pa mela 18-17. Merry Midway: Ilbelburn. Ind. Me mbe r lact en. Idie n· N ubellie 14-VV. Midway of Mi rth: Winchesier, Midwestern...1MM.: Seneca. MO. Mighty loser, M ate: 'Delbe rt'', KY. Mighty Pete: Ra mse ur ., W. Va. Model: Rich mond. Us. Model IlhOwe Of Canada: °Teuto n, Que., Cem Moelernistic: Se more, Va.; Parker.; 12.07. Monarch Imperial: Online, Ore., 7.1I. Meese'. Modern: chennte, Kan. lioalse nr Cole mbl mille, Mich.; 8-11, Motor State: Lapeer. Stich.; Reynolds Corner. 12-17, Circus, built by Ji m Babcock and Frank T aylor, opened its seaso n in O maha. N eb. . . . Ja mes D. L ee w as engaged to m anage Y ork C ount y S ky. Peaches S ky Rev ue. Great Peters, W aldo Trio, Eric the Great, Atenos Brothers an d Five Albania. .. . H arry E. Ritchhart, secretary of Ul m.. 12-17. Columbia: Milli meter. Me. Continental: Plattsbure, N. T. eaanty F M: Edge mont, I. D. crafts to m: wets ..ine. co o.. 1-1i. Mound City. No. 1: Fenton, Ito.; CollInvalle. II, 12-11. Mound City, No. Ir Chemed., YO. Nelsen, George W.: Granada. 14 mn.. S.C. Ressler's: Morrleon. Fair, R ock Hill, S. C. . . . M r. and M rs. H arr y A. Ro..., of L. W . L ees. m an's G olden R ule S ho ws, visited Tri-County Fair, A urora, M o., re- ported the boo king of the J. L. Landes S ho ws. Crafts la Mg; Glendale. Calif.: Se r mon( 14 - New York Moiety: % Mete, N. T.; ifelamtn.· 18. 12-17. Gar ment Am.: Peet ., Mo Northern Expo.: Worthing, B. D. Crescent Canadian: Ed monton. Alta, Can.; Page Bros.: Bcottaville. Ky.: Glasgow 12-IT. the K ansas City o fice of T he Bi l- board. . . . M r. and M rs. John G. Staff of the M c Pherson Ca m . . 12-14: WetaskI wIn 18-11. U nited CU mberland Valley: Boath Pittsburg. Pal mettO repo.: Greenville, S. C. Tenn. Parade! Ha mllt011, DSO, R obinson and one of their twin daughters, M rs. Leonora M oujey. left Cincinnati to attend a Shrine con- vention in Los A ngeles. T hey Sho ws included E. M. M c Pherso n, general m anager: J. C. M ack. public relatio ns; Prou dley. advance agent; M rs. E. M. M c Pherso n. secre- Dan-Louls: Franklin. O.; Montpelier 13-17. De Luxe: Wilbraham. Mass.; Salt Hartrard. Conn, 13-17. Del- Ma r Berlin. Pa. Denton. Johnny J., No. 2: 8nreclellle. Ter m. Am. Co.: Mo. Peck Am. CO, Watseka, Ill.; Greenfield, 12-17. Peerless Celebration Am.: Buckhannon, W. Ea Penn Premier: I mton. Pa. pla nned a trip to Alaska follo wing the confab. Le wis P. R a ndall. for mer m anager of D ela ware State Fair, W il mi ngton, w as na med secretary of C onnecticut State Fair, H artford. . .. C oncessionaires with the Lipp man & Jager Sho ws included Ji m mie D upree. J. Bro wn. C. R ose, W hitey C utler. tary; C. H allen beck. electrician, and L ucky M ott, m ail m an and T he Billboard agent. C urt M c Clelland, w ho toured with circuses presenting P unch and Judy, quit the road to enter the printing busi ness in Ca nton, O. . . . Pri nce N elson. high wire act, opened in S u m mit B each Park, A kron, for a Dia mond Midwa y Ply mouth. Ill. DIctson's United: Cleveland, Okla. Dobeon's United: Rochester, Ul m: N St Paul 18-18. Douglas Greater: Eugene. Ore. Down River Am. Co.: Monroe. Mich. Dingo, Paul Am.. Albany, Ind. Drew, Je meo /1 : Stanchttttt . O. Du mont: West KutannIng. Pa.; Meadville 13-17 Dyer's Greater: ate. Genevieve. 1.4o.: Madison. 12-17. Dee State: ful uboro. N. C. PlOneer: Endicott. N. Y.; Bingha mton 17 17. Playland: Mt. Cle mens. M M. Playti me: East OreenwIch, R. I. Poweloon Demo.: la ments., O.; Port li mning, . 14-11. Powelson Greater: Gallon, 0; Mt. 011ead 12-11. aty. F. Purvis: Waverly, Va. Prell's Broadway. Jersey J.; roi .` Hills, N. Y.. 13-17. Raines Am.: Heaven., Okla.: DarltbeUle 13-1t. Red wood Umpire: ergotent Clry. ilu m· Leo nard Littrout, C heater R eese. and w eek, first of a series of acts signed [astern Am.: Farmington. Me. mute 14 M. M r. and M re. S olth. . . . Cre w of the R mgling- Bar nu m A dvertising C ar N o. 3 included C harles G. S no whi l. by Ben H. V oorlseis. pro motional director. . . . M e mbers of the Paradise Night Club Re vue, o w ned and op- Eddie's Expo: Cbeawick. Pa.: 12-17. M olt. Frank: North m eets. End, Bros.: Trenton, N. J. Cherry N. S. Tree Can. Reid, Deng: WInooakt Vt. Rocco: Waldorf. Minn., 4.1: Suck Center 5-11; Rockford 11-15: Howard Late 14.18. Rockwell: McCook. toe. m anager; T. E. Tit .. W ilbur W ill11. erated by M rs. Jack W ilson and M n. L Collin. on the Cetlin & W ilson Evan, United: Lexinstan. Me; Carrollton Il. 1?. ROcky Mountain Empire: o re . . eying,: 12-17. biontrale, CO Y.: Leo H ag gerty. Ra y mond M orris. C harles Berg, H arry Service, A. Sho ws, included P aul Le wis, A rt Pen Am, Co.: D ursille. V... ihre Ferris. Carl D., Wellsville. N. T. June 24 Roger. Benson, Minn., S-7; Oreentrueb 0-10; Uln al, N. D, 12-17. O' Donnell, H arry S mith, Ike Fichte n. B ob Ti nkharn, R u be W olff, H. Sc h mitt ..., A. B ush, D u ky Bro w n, Michael O' Brie n, John H utc hison, C. King and Joh n B osanko. Parent. M itzi M iller, Lathe B all, Princess Olga, W esley C harles, Tony B al d win, Till y Fre nier. M artha L ucas, Virginia L ee, Tole Bro w n, A vis Bissinger, Esther W a fters and W in- ',idlers United: Pontiac, Fle ming. U M Cody: Manchester, Cho. Francis, John: Phoenix. II. Franklin, Den, No. Brownfield, Trr Franklin. Dose, No. 2: Marble Fella, Ter. Prear's United: Riewatha. Ken. Roar City: Bremond, Tea.: Linda . 1-11. Royal American: Davenport, la.. 7411. Royal Blue: Nitro. W. Va. Royal Crown: Canton, 0. Royal taldrveet: Fostoria. 0. Ban Valley: Alton, Kan., 4-7. Olen rider 1.10, nie Porter. . . . T he Ringling circus Darden State. Wharton. N. J.: Bengor. Pa., Porsomo 13-14. CoL C. E. R obbins w as chosen m anager of Bates C ounty Fair, B utler, M o.; H. L. O ber weather, vice- celebrated the 56th anniversary of its founding on M ay 19, en route fro m W ashington to P hiladelphia. 17-12. O rrland AM, 12-17. G. & B. Rides: Co.: W ed Moweaqua. Union, W. Va.; Mar « Marietta. Schafer, Yoaku m. Ten. Shan Bros.: Martin, Ky. Siebrand Bros.: Idaho Falls, Idaho. Mil ner 811pper. Stanford. Ky. president; D ave M eeker, secretary, T he sho w gave its first perfor mance and H o mer D uvalL treasurer. . . M ay 19, 1884, at B araboo, W is. . . Staff of the J. C. W eer A muse ment Al and G eorge W ish w ere operating Co mpany included J. C. W eer. o wner- manager; M n. J.. C. W eer. secre- the concessions Lexin gton, K y. at Joyland Park, . . . B uck Kirld's tary-treasurer, and these ride m a nagers: T ho mas A. W eer. R al ph Free- burn. H enry M iller. Floyd Nichols, J. T. A nderson and G eorge B ooker. .. . T. D. N e wla nd w as press age nt cha mpionshi p m otorcycle races w ere booked for Canadian N ational Ex. hi bition. Toronto, and Illinois State Fair, Springfield. and superintende nt of inside tickets D eaths: W illia m E. Barton. for mer with the W alter L. M ai n Circus. .. circus m an; Jock C o mpton. pyrotech- M ana wa P ark, D . M oi nes, w as in its fifth season under the m a nage- nician: A rth ur D a vis. carnival m an; H enry D e A nnitt, circus m an; Jack m ent of F. B. Ste wart. . . R. W . D u ncan. sho w man; R ose G allagher. G ardner, secretary of Leth bridge E x- concessionaire; W illia m S. H an na. hibition, reported that the A bner K. m eyer, carni val m an; John L. L utz Kline S ho ws had been boo ked for (Frank H o ward). trapeze perfor mer; the fair. . - C ol. Fred J. O wen, T ho m . B. hie Donagh. fair man; reporte d good business on the D eK reko B ros.' Sho ws with his Stran ge Fred L. W arren. circ us m usician. and Attie T. W ooster. sho w man. Bazuka Distributor Named Girl » d J ungleland sho ws. D eaths: M rs. A age C hristensen, » cue w o ma n; T ho mas H. H e wer. S A N DI E G O, Calif., June 3. - Circus m an; Fer di nand L a m bert. cir- H a wke, the air cannon, wi l in the O., 12-17. Choi City: Waukegan. Ill, florera 12-17, Gent ull. J. A.: Crawfordeville. Ind Giford's: itonntaln View. Okla.; Blenchard Gold Bond: (North Park, Rockt md, Ill, I-11. Gold Medal: Ports mouth, Va. Golden Weer Staryarile-yribe, OnedIng Am. Co.. Ne. 1: Lanc uter. O. Gooding Am. Co., Na t Metre «, Pa. o mens Am. Ca.. No. L Bellaire. O. Gooding Am. Co. Ne. 4: Staple Ileigista. O. Goodin, Amerlten Repo.: Beaver Fella Pa flooding Greater; IttesodevIlle, W. Va. Gooding Park Att n.: 144tb 8c . Cleveland, 0. flooding Ride Unit: Columbus. O. On meland r Centralia. Greed American: Ara n, la.; Afton I1-17. Granite Mete: South Portland, Me, Onio n, Am.: Sligo, Pa. Orttttt Rainbow, W rist,, Neb.; Byron 11-14; Uri « 14.11. proves . Lake Charles. Le ale GUN Coast: Lebanon, Springfield I-11. ifegenalele Rid e.: Wagoner, Okla. Ha ms Att ..: Bennood. W. AN, : Weltrbure 12-17. Heppyland: Chso4so. Hannu m. Morrie: Harrisburg. Pa Harry'. errat a. An Menetdale. W. Va.; Ocean. 12-17. Smith Greater: South Bo ron. Va, Smith. George Clyde: Curee msille, Fa.; Coal. POrt 12-17. Smith's Am. Co enabler'. Okla. Smith's Punlend: PHs! O men, W. VS. Southern Valley: Paragould, Ark.; West Me s. phla 12-17. Sparks. J. A.: Rich mond. KY. ta mer, M. A.: Stott City. Kan. Standard: Lovell, Wyo. Star Am. Co.: Ha mburg. Ark, State Pain Denver, Colo.: Huge 12-17. Dec k eeeeemn. la., 9-10. Brepriens, C. A.: Dra fts, Ky. supe r BA Paul, Ulna; Moen 15-111. O James E.: Norwich, Conn. !ru m COY. la.; Newton 11.1r. Tatha m Brae.: liontloelte. Ili. Thomas Joyland: Weirton, W. Va. Tidwell. T. J.: Hardin, Most. Tio-ToPt btettydale, N. Y. 1-1:, TOD: Cheek Wis. Tirol/ Expo.: Dixon, Turner Been: Jolter. Ill ; (14715 & Weato,o, un man 15-17. 30th Century: Mitchell. B. D. Terra City: Windo m, Mo. United Am.: Thornton, R. 1. United States: la men W. Va. Utah Eras.: Clet101011e, Utell, 5-1; TeregutteCti Fle. Odo m. 12.17. Veterana United: Orionellle, Minn.. 1.-7; Dee- c us perfor mer; Peter Lieber man. out- future be distri buted by Bazuka Hawkey. Male: Mound- City. M a; Tarlac mer g-10: Marshall 12-17. door sho w man, and Sergea nt strong m a n. .10 Years Ago Price. Sales Co mpany, Cal S wai m, a m e mber of the fir m said. S wai m said that suns delivery is no w being m ade on the within three w eeks fro m ti me 12-17. Reller's Atine: Fair Lawn, N J.; latchiewood 12-17. Rennie& Hr .: R u mba, W M. Henson, J. L Ca mpbell. Ito. triti um Bro..: Hoboken. N. J., I-1?. Var Southern A m; Amarillo, Tex. Volunteer: Baxter, Te m.; Woodbury 11-17. Wade, W. 0., No. 1: Ann Arbor, W elt. Wade, W. G., Mn. 2: (Perry & Che m Bra I Jack H oag . and Dixie Starr w ere signed to put on the concerts with of order. A m obile de monstration unit is being readied and will appear Melt,, L. .17 Owensboro, K Y inawatha: Toledo, O. Hill's Greater: fleu rer. Cola. Detrolt. Mich ;Ro man's 13.14, Wallace Bro..: Cha mpaign. DI. Wallace & Murray: Beckley. W. Va, the B u d E. A nderson Circus. . , in the Miss San Diego Pageant in T ho mas C. F oley, ge neral m a nager Paci fic Beach, after w hich it will of C onneaut La ke (Pa.) P ark, w as head East on a tour of sho wt. Home Irate. Grand Cooperstown 14-17. Mottle, BUS: Kenner, Ilitana Repo Perks, N. La. M d. D.; (Fai r W. E. Att n.'. Ecru, West Coast 1rpo.: Crac k Calif.. Sacra mento 1-18. Western: Bellingha m, Wash. Sorer. slated to be host at the annual m eeting of the Pennsylvania A muse ment Parks Association ... H enry J. L u nd. Wallace Advises Edmonton E D M O N T O N, Alta., June 3. - City Beardelown, lit. Imperial Expo.: Madleon. Wis. Imperial Expo.: Medford, Ore. Interstate: Kent., O. Wheeler, & Me L.: Coeburn, Va. Willia ms, Ray: Sandusky, O. Wilson Ta me .: Fulton, nl.*· Savanna 13-if, Wolf Greater: Albert Lea. Ulna., 8.10; Rob- publicity su perintendent of M i nnesota State F air. St. Paul, w as na med m anaging director of the St. Pa ul W inter Carnival. . . . M ra. C arl J. Ls planning a ne w site for its B orden Par k Zoo and will call in Jo hn E. W allace. zoological architect for the St. L ouis Zoo, to sketch plans and Jae Am.; Wilbert Wie., 11.18. J. & B.: air mandoah. Va. Johnny's United: Tell City, Ind. 3.011,11 me: S mpeon, Carbondale, PA; 12-111. flu me eltradale Neer Di m 12-14; Granite Felki Wolfe AM.: Buena VISO., Moorefield, W. Va., 12-17. World of Mirth. Perth AmbOy. If. J.; Garfield Be e ma n and M n. Fred W ilson suggest w hat W ere visiti ng in N e w Y ork.. .. R ob- shoul d have. ani mals E d monton Jones. Johnny J., Expo.: Bradford, Pa Jones United: Marilee. N. D. Karr «, Oust . Atchison. Kea, 12-17. World of Pleasure: La min a Mic a Tager United: AbltindOla June 10, 1950 RIN KS AND SKATERS -om municationa to 2160 Patterson St.. Cincinnati 22. 0 The Billboard 83 SYRACUSE SLUE SUPPLY COIOANY Big Gate at AO W Competitions; FO R SALE tarie Fra me and Brick Building, 1403/0 with · big and Spacious Parking Lot. lasted In Central IllInoi· In fa« /rowing sub mhan Challenge Trophy to Twin City com munity with two hundred and twentytore thousand people la draw from. andante (or Walkathon, Sport. Arena. high cl ue Mont Club. Ballroo m for na me band. Thew ter or Food Mart. On main traveled hard road, Prire 0.38.500 00. down, Wid. ELIZABETH, N. .1. winning the America June 3. --In on Wheels running morning thru evening for five days and comprising ompeti no n monthly pag mente Write IOX D-376 Write c.· blIlheard Cincinnati 23. 0. (AO W) challenge trophy for 'he don in all events and divisions, at third time in the 10th annual AO W championship held May 22-26 at tract..3 AO W's more than 300 nine rinks. skaters from Twin City Arena here, the Twin City Skating Club was awarded permanent possession of the trophy, and the Results: Juvenile dITU1011. Idfir flEti nt. iuduf. HIssIng, ilaCtengiCIC M unn Cole. Hackensack, Caret Clonspper. Capitol A nna, Trenton, N. J. Willia m Schmitz-directed chain of rinks will be required to offer a new award at next year's contests. BEodywsa.rdmarSews.arta&eorgeAlexaBndurnicao ., Hackensack, ITS.) Arens. DAlaenxcainndg:ria:JoaaunrasHoboeacrk and Edward Boar «. and George Bonocore. This year Twin City skater., nosed (See BIG GATE on page 98) out the Hackensack (N. J.) Arena FOR OR -- BOB A Relier M atins Sink. ·bbbbb ball, etc. titre Is an excellent oppo«unIty for right Party, choi r, of any one of the three enoortunItlea I) Buy entire property: (I) buy onalialt Intent« and operate: 13) rent and op eeeee the budgies. Boom to perk 400 ra n on pre mises, ne w building. Located in Me odds( of 30.000 people. Write to Jahn A. K alig u ay R. O. al, Solt Itt Turtle Creeh, --RUBBER TIRES FOR WAXED FLOORS-- club by a slight margin. Previously Twin City had won two legs on the trophy, while the clubs of Mount Vernon (N. Y.) Arena and Paterson (N. J.) Arena had each won it once. WANTED-WANTED Interest in this year's championships reached a high pitch, AO W oficials reported. Good crowds at- Skating Rink for permanent lo- cation at Grooms Stateline Kiddie Park ou U. S. #31. Finest location In Indiana. Also Shooting tended dayti me sessions to watch competitions in artistic skating events, while large crowds turned out at night for the speed ,ontests. Highlight of the week was Wednes- Geller,. Major Merry-Go-Round and other.. Contact day night when racing finals wc 2 held in several divisions, coupled with senior mixed pairs. TO M MY SACCO 203 N. Wabash Uhl man I, II. General Manager Schmitz called attention to the huge growth of the chain's championships since their in- Phone ANdoser 3-6112 ception. At the beginning there was only a handful in one event. AT A 0 0.SKATE CASES Mole' Coliseum 1 ei LLLLL CA11111 Assented eolor r NE W LO W Il " ei M eal Over Wersd1--. geroMnanloos. ItIn ul 0 0 near« Ueda D U. SOMPle, 11.47. 101 C A L L A L U MI N U M CASI-- lb. 0 Leveled in Fire PeathersoeleIN CharmoNn.'· L If IIto 0 of skaters competing This year's contests, 'Wordy welth «din flnloh. Fe m ur OPA · 00 billed, M ./I. N O W S.11.00 On. Memel* 12.70. t. & L. PRODUCTS MONTREAL, June 3.--Still wearing their skates, scores of patrons 0di 0 f019 Slen wood St. Chia ng 24, Ill. DistrIbute n of Nan « Pr une«, Skating ·IndIr m Ru ud% Champ Irak.., Pro Tek 1 0 Tee Step& Rawson alook& abate n' ...N M, Fleet Itrusher, Nude Wheel 0 Criador.. N Ir. ZLRolWh·eLate,, wheeled their way out of the old Coliseu m here Sunday night (28) as · blaze engulfed the tinder-like wooden structure within minutes. No A Slickers, etc. one was reported injured. ellallbilli nn Write fer Price I.NI Riblite. an4 Only a small section of the do me- PORTABLE ROUER RINK FOR SALE roofed building, devoted to office space, went undamaged. The Coliseu m On good location ltà Texas State Park. New muin-rolored plastic covered canna. Top, late« had also been used for boxing and in ten «. Good live «to uter hard Maple floor. 40x100: 100 Pairs Rink Skate.. 10 Pairs Shoe Skates. P. A. S uter, Electric Pop Cooler, Skate wrestling matches. Said to have been the oldest rink in Canada; the 50- Boo m and «I Rink net up in Troller year-old building was valued at afig- Office. Can be operated u per manent rink. Large number of perm,. to dra w from. Coed ure in excess of 5200,000. lSic'a, and me it or write. A ..... ROLL ER RIN K Lake Corpus Christi Mathis, T una Thousands of people jam med the streets near the rink and hampered fire men in fighting the fire. Flames leaped 100 feet in the air at the height B ES T B UIL T RI N KS of the blaze. About 25 strea ms poured We build any ahe «ctional floor or co mplete tons of wator into the fire, but it was Portable Rink. Ne w, complete 400100 ft. fla me- only after the framework collapsed re. « tent with tri m, rude. skate.. with «eel teller poles with the new ruolutio ury adjustment Loprovernent, etc.. for 55455. 0 for In. mediate delivery. We build the but for le «. Lae. .. manufacturers of portable D u n end that the fire died down. Apdale Gives ARSA sinks « L W* PO bbbbb · SINKS CO., 409 N. lirk St., loome 4w. Tenor. 'h ue )443. W. Opinion on Plastic Ne. 8S Sandal Ilustrating New Rubber 4u1s Cast This wheel has been developed of pure No. 89 with No. U NS off-set grey gu m med rubber. It will not mark or W ash «. Can bie mounted on arW -crucAce" har m any polished wax floor. Used successfully by so me for years. SKATE "Try 'ent and you'll buy 'em" CHICAGO ROLLER SKATE CO. Alf re. el Rink Lind Side walk golfer Skate. Industrial Fu me and Scre w M ocliine Produces 4427 W. LAKE ST. CHIC AGO 24, ILL, PR O -TE K -T OE INSTRUCTOR Ca uble teaching 1/.11.R.O.A. da mes, ate. De. u nstable, e =ced. « mere. married. ee harroldred. L. R. Le B L A N C J R. Y N M. Si., Dueler,. et. CURVECREST RINK "(OTE' TNIII PL ASTIC SINK SURFACE NE W YORK, June 3. --Exception Is taken by George F. Apdale, president of the United States Amateur Roller Skating Association, to the complaint made in The Billboard of May 27 by Paul J. Gilbert, of the Stockton (Calif.) Rollatorium, r.gainst the scheduling of the California championships on a plastie surface at Montebello Rol-o -Drome. FOR MEN, W OMEN AND Heller It is apparent, said Apdale, that MISSY g SOLES, Pres. Gilbert is not fa miliar with the kind er ne I«. Mutkevro, Mids. of skating surfaces on which we have Orig inator and Sole CII·Nibutor been skating State and national F O R LE AS E PORTABLE RINK cha mpionships for the past three years. It should be noted, he said. that we conduct one of the finest world championships ever held at · tudreneent, fer Ne u en »r unt «. It flat. the National Arena, Washington, on E. L. KLINNE· 204 N. Colonial Na mes Cr. plastic. Att u «, Oa. Apdale also stated that the associa- S K A TI N G RI N K T E N TS tion has never received any complaints fro m skaters on plastic sur- Cement, Wa nt and MIldeerpreohng. Ply mouth Manila Rope., JI M MY M OR RISSEY AIL-STATE 1E111 d AWNING CO. faces, altho many inter-club. State and national contests have been held on the surface in past years. "/ would say that approxi mately 50 per cent of · ·. PHI St. No. 4414,7 R u ud City 4, Ma the rinks in which we skate have COMPUTE FOR U M IM O floors of plastic," he said, and pointed out that in deciding sites of chain- SECTIONAL SINK FLUONS I Illd ut Mer mf uturens et RNA Storknwenl pionshipa there is a set rule regarding dimensions of a skating surface and NU WE RO BS .1 M RS .35g. Vine. Teter, Tese» Phone &IO U that either plastic or maple is acceptable. CHILDREN PRO-TEK -TOE Skate Stop, made of tough while rubber, beautifully streamlined in design. is creating a sensation a mong roller skaters everywhere. Just afew of the highly desirable features of PRO-TEK - TOE are: * Snot you IM MEDIATELTI * W hite tubber leaves we dreeltél * Prefects skete shoe to· fro m * Helps lo ovoid rink occidental * Give drohres greater conSdentel * lita oø roller state shoe d * Adds to skate shoe beautyl * Eliminates Seer scratched * Hidden steel %E a washer makes l i e rg o g ivy O PlICkTdE.K2 10..1_ mere longer lattinel Roller oink aural «x and whaferal· Sporting Goode A untirt throughout the riuntrt art starling up now to meet th· growino de mand for this larl. morIng. "Dill OS ,.9I, ¡Io n. Ask ye w deal « or write for addit mnal W or m: Moo Mrett. PRO-TEK-TOE SKATE STOP CO. 819 N ORT H 10T H ST. ST. LOUIS. M O. 8 I The Billboard M E R C H A N DIS E CDPIMSERS -WAGON JOBBERS PREMIUM BUYERS 15 PC. WATERLESS COOKWARE SET of heavy iCil. Merelllurn. Each piece guaranteed by Good Housekeeping M +gee ive ong com mended by Consu men Serv- ice Bureau. With Cook Book and factory guarantee. (»scrip- 1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS A Market Place for Buyers and Sellers RATE: 120 A W ORD - MI NI M U M $2 has picture circular with $. 9.9 5 $7.95 set price . 26 PC. SILVER SET SERVICE FOR 6. All Claming./ Adiriertisammets must be accompanied by remittance in full. Pure silver on IS % nickel silver base. Cheie· et 3 mada m Pet· terns Leatherette diest with durety· lining Weed chest covered with leather· Otte end lined with duvet . . $3.50 e. se t ACTS, SONGS & PA RODIES PARODIES. SPECI AL hONGS. MATERIAL QUALITY CELA NESE PA NTIES. IS per dozen in regular Noe, X end XX $3 25. pink, blue and white: band or Mamie legs: pCeoekeBdoatoMyoIu,.. Ch.ea.-di.ce.d ...... TeLnono.kout Honer, 62 PC. SILVER SET San. a. ·beye SERVICE FOR I. $6.00 sat 016111k WM. ROGFJIS 26 PC. SILVER SET. Servio. ter 6 -high mt goal. Hy sectioaal fullplate silver, re- inforce ment at all points et greatest wear. New. easy-le-grip 56.25 hollow handled knives ii ORIEDIAL WM. 106EIS SO PL. SILVER SET. at above Sortie. . . le, S. sa me $11.50 tel 7 PC. STAINCESS STEEL PITCHES CLEAVER AND CARVING SET. $In9.95attrMaicct.e .ragdisplay be. with 51.25 sel 5pc. ter with 34.95 pri m tag $1.25 CL IA PI. CIMPLEIE CUTLERY AND CLEAVER SET.cerniain. of 3 pe. for ar m eel, 1950 catalog free. Kleloree. 1,146 Stroh m Ave .Nedra Heturwood. Carrel 10 ATTENTION: - SMAITT SONGS, PARODIES, Monolog, Ventriloquial Dialed., 'ratan .. 10 W. 70th St.. New York. ·1:31C r:En MAGAZINE "-L-ONTAINING -x er. Nevelde, Parodies. Monologe, Co Joke.: suberriptle m. PM es651 II for four gag. parked back Usu . Zone .. 1505.13 $outh Ho. man. Chicago 13, POPULAR NOVELTY TU NE -.:ACKIE M ACKIE Doodle Web Man..' Published Pl? DI .Itstane Pre m. Musk M aras . .. Sternerville. N. .1. AGENTS d DISTRIBUTORS SA sPECIALb -REPEATING ROLL CAPS. -,.dlnan tale, SIS per $1no2.:perIr3.ew.ithPionorhdeeerl,e. balance d.. 1950 pri m Ilet free: metlefertlen teed or vour money back. Gent Novelty balee, GLA MOUR 0111L E CLOSE-Up PHOTOS: CUR. Tiret ,. .. .Ilea: 34 sets, ed: sample set, $1 poelmeid. Ilarahall, EIS Se minary. Chien » 4. HAeNyeDsK-EDRirCeHI« SmCaAnRuFfaS.eturAeNr:D PILLO Wpri me: full assort ment nf Men,, anted and Children. Handkerchiefs: slit Gift Rime, don't forget Father, Da r Im mediate 411 5 5, rweeen, .tN. Yp.riC.ce list. Alfred Rubio, 133 Broad. LA MPS -LA MPS GET THE NE W CAR NIVAL . ..el. 30n tall with 17:: bow 'Made, marbel. teed blue, M ee or green: eo mplete. $4: sue pl.. $4.50 cheek or W ale, order: worth tsvlee h Nee. Mile Lanier Co.. 490 Clinton Aye.. Newark A N. J. RIO RAKE Refs FIRST WF.F.K WITH ill'a NEON Ad Clock or return it tea 1·11 refer .; ele elusive needed tercorimtomiery le laled men. Ad Clerk Co no 222 espergenee North ¡cf. » men St Chace et e, e we e: PERFU ME FROM 01)11 CONCEN- carving set, 3 pc. [dasher set. 4 PC. utility knife mt. and 6 pc. Rox 40e2F. Bekkepnet 7. fe m. .tfICO EIREV/OREN -FULL LIN E LU PERCENT CLeeeekr7leMo.=r elle'r 1.17)tï 'Cuiti re rn1513rleie2:4 steak knife set. ell minor polished :rainless steel and hollow ground Steak knit, beadles are el catalin rem then any peke list you ran find Abro nease me 909 51.1 bt N. W ·Weideltsgtors D C. »10 MAKE SE NSATIONAL PROFITSI -100 FAST. N M » , ea .'s. House . . Ite ms: Litende m free. Royalty. Bee 74ISE, Fe male. N. J. »24 end all other handles of germane r·sme o·d. attnantis.eiy boata mired at $1..95 $5.50 sal 3 PC. CARVING SER ot oprolisIvhoreyd hWaeinrddleesst steel win.illsrrbeeen,$5.00 di. .:1:»11::".' itLao 3PC CUMIN. SET ot n.irr r pgolsilsihnegdknitite.j olti.t.I. Th. 6PC. STEAK KNIFE SE; of ha n d finished stainless steel, hollow HIALONE. PEARL SEA SHELL JE WELRY, Mellen stea mer, Jekiwtsel.ry.mroesaalic.But»tewrefilrys.WenChtineJe.weelrayn.d real Feather Sied Pictures Trainee, Soured . mid N melties Joseph Flel mlonare. MIS Ta mpa ME WS FA NCY SOCKS. REPEAT SALES SIMS In IS doren loes ru mple dozen. $2 pod. eMale.b.. Cain . Sales Co.. 2540 Monterey, Del.., .Te m .. Fla 1934 MEXICAN RESURRECTION PLA NTS -ALL SE. DVERTISING BARGAINS - ADVERTISE ise lOO newempers for legal coM of it: man, other har m .. nation- 5de eevereeet rend for lecied. very ake plant, 130 theuerincl. wring 3 thou .nd lete el Slà, thou . .. Wire order. National Prods .. Co.. Laredo, Tes. free booklet. Tel- Eater gory .. 142111-C Invent- MONEY-MONEY - DOUBLE YOURS: SIC nient Bldg.. Pittsburgh U. Pa. Jell na m deal: sell 100 fine natality Razor Blade. ADVERTI ENC. TRA NSPARIOST PLASTIC KEY Tn . Mal . the ideal glee-away for tarerna. restaurants, beauty ealone. gae station, in- and Dandy Pen ·t E per deal: low ode .: isamade 0.1. 11 ro mp ed, MeEltrick Dletribseer, Mt. Vernon. Ill. bench ground with hddeeted *wood ha ndles. attractive» packaged in ey e. lag Mal.- wrepped gift boa, handy for $2.25 aid safe stttttt IS PC. PURE PRINCESS ALUMINUM SET. Fuel saving. tieve saying and long lasting. Ideal for country and bungalow and . Il PC. GLASSIARE OVEIWAIE SET. eg 0 0 set . Heat resisting and guars eeeee by Coed Ho mekeeping, fact ory guarantee against heat breakage $2.25 se 2 years HE LUTE AUTOMAT ifPOP-UP TOASTER Ole eteoke optration. ad rooted. triage plated far lifeti me beauty and wear. with nrie· tag or $I9.9 5 $6.75 n. HURRICANE LAMPS1.....nuin e el ms standards and decorated ha m with graceful mi med frosted Wass ·bado. Clear lee and chandeliertyre nrer ms. I3 inch.. high . ·IA N IT· SIVITEI LAMP. Heavily throes. -gated with authentic Trophy Figure mounted on eeeee frosted $2,25 GRACEFUL COLONIAL LAMP. Made nt solid brass, highly polished and lacquered. 21 In. high. The ribbed glass shade comes in 3 colors. chi mney with polished glass $3.35 03. MARINA WASHINGTON COLONIAL LAMP. Mud. Of solid brass hiehry poli -hod and Ieeeee red with hand painted floral dec./ miens on the milk white glass globe and on the $2.50 ea. rdh Ruby Font PLASTIC »US. Each I2 in, high. .., a. washable haironh ose end de is individually . Doll ha, Peeked In >I 25 di. rell . . PLASTIC CHARACTER DOLLS. Exii 14 in. high and in an assort ment of surance end real m ode office, ere. Hel m to NE W BARGAIN BUYERS GlIDE -61 PAGE parnovomrottheernbeusnitnesins byyourrooertmetnetlmYer,keeppinnwgesaisonun.r A mnia Sales men, Jobber.. Distributn n. far sample, and pri me wrhe to Cutler .1e., 3635 noo mveir. thereto 24 AGENTS W A NTED -F.ARN BIG PROFITS. he,' the Sprayer that every honk garden sad di rectory, ever SOO wholesale nipple soure m, where lo hi m nevelt ., carded greeds. mall order merle . « ea rock bollo., rk . Send poetal Bunnes. Mkoldlebere. Va. _ »-10 NE WEST MONEY MAKIN G SY24SATION Personal InlOgied Bel k. buckles. Cep !ar m nee .- it dorm everything, minty from 40 IL rarer . to nnall flue mkt, even grays under the Ieeee a on low ernba and flowers: trouble and Bree d 2.000 emble ms rtar uninc.Pan t. tie holde rs. etc. Choke W rit.. meted « MN offer talOiS. 1425BB. Providenee. R. I. free, eed. nationally known Send $3 5 for your ga mete a. m... M end Meta Mart, 309 NOV ELTIES AT iernuctn PR H ES-- MECHA N· Prof. Melding, Mia mi. Fla. To sC.ENTS W A NTED - MALE OR FE MALE iloss whold Ner maltlee of moony different knish, steady work. emended.o plae bonus: · fah end square deal for ell. detall· write C. I. Fan, Pm 251 mSomneeisyelmaAkvieng Akron IL 0 lelr WO TUNles. NI . a men: Tarantula, 5 54 grows, Mechanical Rabbits. 17 hundred: MeehankW Monkeys. 57 pro.: Snake In the Box. Ill or os.: Fer Mnnkevs, large with delall. all mo w alInletere Tea Sets, am groom allal·tere Broke. bereintiful enes. SIO green Min kture Boeh m G . .. Sig grow: klintature !Middles. $3 dozen, hand made Blew, . Horne. SI2 doyen: AGENTS. DEALERS ·-, TERRIFIC SU M MER seller: bea m« . Ladles: Carryall Puree, hand- %erne plan k weave material. bright Iwo-tone beeellful le mon made of horn. Sit each: Mlni . Dire Se mbrerne. SIS gram. flunh your order. NatIonel Prod .. Ce.. Laredo. Tex. ima m . rare. , ha. plank- change dispenser. ',meattod pushers mirror, bill and eard peek « and 'de pus., co mna m ment wide zipper (tonnes each per m rellonhane $7 .0, omen. awnrred colors ens .. ., a mple, el, NOVELTY FIIN CART.. I SA MPLE PKGS, 2.5r, Are Press, Cleereater. Fla. »17 ORIGINA! NOFHIER SIGNS -LEADER SINCE 1090, 1SOD mriert . for mores. Meer .. He.: crescent sates Cn. 10 Broads my. N · NENNAT·ONAI. NE W PI A N- MA RT 12 0 1m4ottneoees:1.1.20 Call, ..b.e.a.t blesenstoeram m1i1d preospteelek.l.: Nee Catal ogue, Koehler. 335 Goetz. Le may 31 urekly: new ite m, 'der att metion at bare. re.erns cork tell Menge, ern ., no .. .hen & root Write Dee Sale, Box 3133. San Front .. Calif. fer/ \RAZING OFFER - Me IS YOURS FOR M Y. Mn. POCKET CO M M -100 CARDS. Sid; 12 15 earnb, per ernr, a nale. eolors: 1. mods »agree .. Fr 50 Carleton House Oletributnr, Texae Clin 're` fete Irlo only 5 box . Clerst mas Cards: and Ibis Pan he done tn · ·Mgle day free in mplee, nt her Nadler breves on .. .vat- many m owIne ere . no m perienee needed - free *a mple. per. um:irked Christ mas Cards. Stationery. Nankin, REA,. GIRL PHOTOS -TPY MEN DOUS sell on eight, .4 different ane wholesale price Dd. SI M. W ee ms , 2433 N. Me mber St.. Phlterrelnhia 23, Pa. Write today: It corde nnthIng to try. Cheerful Card Co., 1368 White Plain, N. Y. »24 .; RED-00T Nov . TT FOR MEN - EVERY env soutint Wit ta merrannt. bans 1, different, send 50e for pre .ni.d.,«meoMlhes: RED HOT BUR. ESOUE JOKE BOOKS -TR G .ver,:rà. mend! . profits all to la proonos. bars e dgm' ese rdler," 70". 10 ke r 'fCa.r;-1· toon., C.o .tl', Club, No ma. Ill. sharer Co P. 0. Boa 723. Kane . City 10. Mo RUR AL with AmReOnUT«E MEN , leading MAKE BIG PROFIT fades, selling poul- 11,11 NYLONS THIlaCT FRO M MILL - W·ITE Ina b ourre ar k . wen . N J. Jor Honer, Ellis. DMelara. try nmeertne: tersellent market: seek Inter°eti onli mIteel nu minnun renunIseines Write Pollir, Tribe .. no. 100, Mount Morel, Ill fri .<1 BI LOVA W ATCHES FOR PUNCHBOARDS. Bingo. Ilasesr, Pre miums SieSta Con. «tale . maned. Irving. 130 SAJeLnEs.S M,EN.neiDIn·S.TRIdBirUecTtORSfee-t FAST SELLING ., eenneetIon Eckert . Co., 13.19 Bank St. Attleboro. Maas cheracters like clewn, enters kitchen maid, etc. Each M E- oy 75 dI. eidealif Patted In callophane 70 . Stricefer Deeders Only Terms, £.0.13.. f.o.b. New York. totis BENGAL 114.:7 EAST 20TH ST. NE W YORE get the m UP · 7 "1 PIECE CORDIAL nt'Y THOUSAN DS OF NATIONALLY ADVER- tie . products Ereel fro m eminufacturers and MatrIbutere: write for nth.. M eet and Raven Ce ntre PubirshIne. 1420-F Ineeetteent Pittsburgh 22, Pa 254 CAST IRON STA each; in lots of NDS six or WmoPrMe:.HT1,3.7513 Lag.. 94 ea .: Top . oat. 300 men: Top Plates for two ,enders. 14.30 earls, Tap Plate for three venders. E. 2 roen: all priers Lo b. Imenry: I 3 de . .. balance e0,1. King · Co., 2702 Lake Sr.. Chleago COMPL ETE LINE OF PLASTICS -SCALLOPED Table Cloth.. Atm ., Drapee. Curtain. end dher novelties: lesseet prisms: fret a mple. si mnel Reeenzwele Are . Co.. $ Herd St. Brooklyn 12. N. Y. SOCIAL SECURITY W ORKERS - WE HAVE the real pre-vesr platen elan leatherette Cages: se mple, 25e «a m . end .. . mule miens C. Cameleer, Bee M i, Church St St ein. N.Y.C. I »17 souvrivia SEA SHELL KEY - CHAINS -Fn. prkted with cite or fires na me , sample fur. nkked. What Note Co.. 104 S. Maryland. At. lantie City. N. J »17 SPECIALTY JOBBERS. W AGON JOBBERS - We ere manufacturing balloon novelties paper het, horns, prior is maple ,. 3n ke n Ite ms Eagle Speelallg CO Akron 14 n te r ETTA , ' MORE BRIl LtANCE, FIRE AND RF !merlon than the dia mond, dealers only, n, SE NSATI ONAL PRIZES . . . O NE W A NTSI NE W SET DOUBLE HEAD ELECTRIC SHAVERS - 5 M victual » packed In beautiful rlf MI MS counter boson with $22.50 peke tag, $3.41 each n dozen lots fa h Chle .o. meanie. $3.20 repaid. 'rem . IS % deposit, balance end. « Wog. Blebounett Jewel* Exchange. 330f Carter. Tt. Worth, Tex WITErRE TO BUS IT INFOR MATION - M.140 ,1 Kee, « H e r'eh grrIts! '" g r he"e,- Donald r· no .or · chrome Mateo ·marte Sales, 123 S. Pulaski. Chirac., 24 TO »IT (Continued on page UP miniature · ele le e e··. works ilota like , the re m thing mileol and all! Hold.. fullque .. E s miniature avbLe NOTICE mass net . heols meld onto the cides to make · lalleale arrange ment. T h · In lui. ef ONLY CLASSIFIED FOR MS FOR THE BILLBOARD'S ANNUAL SU M MER SPECIAL. TO BE DATED JUNE 24. WILL CLOSE gorgeous set in an eye cr. , flor Mat means teal bird . . Mee Wren Order Sol e $5.00 Cash With Order WEDNESDAY. JUNE 14. R O B E L S A L ES C O R P. Cet your ad in NO W for this all-important special issue. 264 Carol St., Dept i.E Neer To ., N. Y eey JI,, . /0, 19:0 o These IliPillS Sell EAST! Mara ore ¡use s few gel oser leterleg · FAST PR O M OTI ON AL item. Coma le or write M r our liar, $6 o meAet.k&c...meaSn,s..a.rina litLohio ·"b"e.·e. set 640 da. eats · Picnic Set el. M . 4 cups and 4 14.40 la me divide dbnn., ·I at ·s. Co me. packed Pla n In me- non . ca m set 1. .. de. eel 23.00 trical. with lepltat.2.siteSeaonraecoasonsNa,boIttlbue.e . tet 12.20, dl, set Vacuu m Egan . U.S.A. neak·. NlanonbreeeMkeeeblrenPooldeyetheya.lenaeir.Cudze. . 9.00 Real Fil m Ne. 1W. $ ·sesaurea. A E mote . value .05 30.00 Mr. Se . Il l Ne ws re/dosed elelaer ee fra me da. 12.15, or, Waste memo. metel Toe end aolterri. *N M. ions da. 2.20 3.00 Wourogde.Salad boob. E. man Rash. Shore . soles. bamoneue elastic da 4.50 Oile Nell Pelish Re mover. 2 On. bottle. Net, unique ',nanny* da. 44. or. Needle Beek, deg .. . Of Prep ·le mart. with needle el11 .410.e . .. ... .,,, , a, 7.20 8.75 TER MS: 25 % chro mil -balante C. 0. D. ORDER FRO M NEAREST BRANCH UNIVERS AL 741 MA GAZINE ST NE W ORLEANS, LA. MDSE. CO. 5400 SO SAN'S FE LOS ANGELES. CA L:r eeliefeeele alaead Ir es. " .1 .11111Ln.... SELLS O N SIGHT! CHICO, the aorreelic monkey, perfor ms on yo u mar vie w mirror as vote chive Looks Real - feels Real - Life Like. Mom, Maker A Real .1i.2per CaradozeFar, 0..403dpr pou Onisie eci Rosh vtair St-Jet order mean. . balance C. 25O.%O.ekeAld.l-iotwwitforh Postage WHOLESALE &CE DeOpt. 3 P 0 BOX NO. 194 BUFFALO S. N V. ri `,,,uc;eir,,, PRIZE BOXES ASSO RTED NOvas Irks Of ALL Kota, Sc Ite ms 14.50 Gu IMe leeall· ell SO G. ilk Ite ms 7.00 Or I 50e ueross it on ar el 00 Iteale Neale Ill 'SLIM GI VEA W AYS ALL IJSSEL( IfENIS YOYS--GIPTS -NOv·straS ETC ETC FOR CHILDRIN, ACH.ILT5 Son» de ms rated err to 23. ve 3000 PCS.. $ 2 5. 0 0 somber... ············1 0e TOM " ellfangeg 33 % De mon. balance C. O. O. M D S E. DI S T RI B U TI N G C O. It a. lath St. NE W YORK 3, N. Y. June 10, 1950 The Billboard M E R C H A N DIS E 85 EXPANSION SALE W. or. clearing our stocks Oa enak· roo m for work men. Extra savings are yours. Meria and Ladies. Hation·Ily FAMOUS WATCHES *ELGIN *B MUS *GRUEN *BULOYA *WALTHAM RHINESTONE 6, M a DILLS At Na Extra / Chime. re w de el s n e, .R.ei.m...teuoenreadnt maned 1.are.- ne w Co m plete w it h 0 '·.· I5-1 CWE I,51 0 ,6 5 17-je wel. $1 7.65 7-JE WEL 45 71-le wel. 51 6.95 Pla.rd tapan. Sand. Slit add. "Wide to. ' 56 -Pase N. CMilbs IDEAL BOARD NUMBERS! Men's New Watches ri m stiiirlete steel sttt Pena $2." let. Cf 4 learnele, 12. M) ·admieernhand·s.I·I ·in·i·n·a·.·Chsor`oonsnod Ceed. PENDANT NECKLACE AND EARRING SET AS·Orted Style , ION plate d im- itation diamond, cameo ·na onyx. Terrific ttttt nu mber., p. .d .11O , ISI 1.11 retell pri m tee. Mt s1" Lord m d Lear Scot WRIST WATCHES PillsSPR. O. P. Ci.,.,,. ad NM owe. ILA .55.95 17-I . 9.95 Wholesale Only. 6 Watch . Mmm, tan. Si Additional tor Wept«) See oMur N m's. et M .ereSeArsL E,itw · e mgreeatre On· s mo· et.rttttot·ISseE cloto.out AteoAnAcIoAuer.expInCcelLnudOseeSdg.W01e.1imla1l .7J nAsosgt,. Met Sat. mid whet/sale at (2 Set. lilt. 0 th glirée ,des. While MNIV MN. 1 1 7 JOSEPH BROS. ' Dept. 1-3 CHICAGO 3, ILL 1 1 Our 4-pi n, Pen Set is the best ca, the morkitt and has an expensive Minh M . with elastic that i·f· eft the set beautifully, there I, am co mparison. Our eel h the eriginol end the real McCoy. SELLI NG LIKE WILDFIRE Four-P ece Pen Set, consisting st Knife, Pencil, Rail Point Pen and Fountain Pen. This sat b et · beautiful boea and has a guarantee. with · gold embossed price tag and maws in ail pastel caws. 7h· ko l e hi e · stainless steel ble M and MereICdoiAn"g thae-cmco,,fiOcr 01 Me entke tattiness with net. The bo n thk 10DWDMC· mt. Our nu. I.w $6·re Per pores $10.00 hr teen SAMPLE SET, $1.00 IM MEDIATE SHIP MENT 25 % Depw.h--Balence C O. D Send mob et Norway order. HA RRIS NOVELTY CO. 102 Arch Street Philadelphia 7, Pa. Phone Market 7.9246 , 0 I.- Fine Quality IMPORTED BINOCULARS CO MPLETE WIT H NECK STRAP. SHOULDER STR AP AN D LI NED HEAVY LEATHER CARRYI NG CASE. 8x30 Prison Binocular The la mes are scientifically gr mand and polished. Guaranteed full power and the 90 m m % MI % lentee M U M a full clear view. Pupillary adj ust- inent and individually focusing pUltr- ontee ·a tI· factor, restate. Black leather bed) wi th polished enlnlel tri m ming Height closed et: Inch m. extended ert W ales- No. X2001461 $24." Each So me es above with coated ten. 7x50 Prism Binocular Node in occupied Japan and released for sale through the co m mand of the Allied Powers. The unani mous choice of the Armed Forget. Bright, clear and precios Held of claion indIrldual eye rog uei n g. adjustable for pUpilary dlatances. Black jai miined tri m on light weight alu minu m bod y '323° Open 7 inches. clotted 0% tache.. No. X2001439 Each Sa me as above with coated lens No. X2001465 Each $2630 No. X2001453 Each $3530 Popular Styled LIGHTERS PISTOL LIGHTER An excellent reproduction of a pistol on sm al gam. Eor me n e w, e me to auto maticaily Light.. Highly polished c hro me M er e Wi th bige tern . handle. Overall di mension. 24 a 2i, Inches with 1% Inch dia meter base. indlvidUally oozed. LA MP LIGHTER A relinea Of a small table la mp. Pull. log dial. °Perot % m ·oh anis ot Chro me finished base with colored ena mel shade. Crerall dI menelona 4 Tool.. nigh. Endl educily b2o%oed.hen « In nn me w. No. X831832 Per Dozen $11.51 No. X831839 Per Dozen $1 63° · BEST QUALITY r °4> 1 CA MER A LIG HTER V41111 CO MPASS 1 /".r-.-'--,--- ( . r /. . 4` · L..,àîi.,... / · ' Designed to look exactly lik· o miniature ca mera wkh co mpass on front Hoe metal body with black crackle finish said atiliehod meol trios. Tripod and release can be removed for use as a pocket lighter. Each is boa. No. X831822 DOZEN BOW FLAG All metal -- to be tceotetdonin oplna..ce Moforoi.d durabl e longer last- $14." , kt ,-P-5,, ·> N e. ,i.·.tg,., ELECTRIC HORSE CLOCK Besot/fully mmod eld10 IhIn c h high horse. 6 inch hi e Clock mounting wIlre Western mot if. liOrse and clock in highlighted pronze funh on mahogany Math wood Mee. Manual starling electric movement. Overall dimensions: 17 incIses wide, 1 1 /2 Mean high. 5 Inches deep. NO. 161W788. Eich $4.95 e1yetrV.eis:Inche"s"'."' Pint.(4150S1SN9 . 650 Good Quality MR. BEAK ·Schnoz ! !I Pl a stic SA M %Me me ism% relIlste. Yet:ertlrt note in neet cotor,spertarin âranblacbke pl ai d.. w or m ever regular gleans. ..-. No. X22N3 Now! DOZEN $2.00 NE W CAR NI V AL NO VELTIES DAILY Pe Tea Here Our No. 59 Cata- log Issued in 7949! I Net, Write --New Working oa 1930 Catolol. Stet. Nalur· Y CU, losIneti In Setter First WRITE FOR INFOR MATI ON. We tarry an ext elene %testiers of sarssivol goads inch as Coo/i· Hots, Parasols, Whi m, Ikelloe m, etc. WATCH FOR OUR Ara/ N. 25 % deposit tequIred on ell order. SH URE CO t 20 0 W. A D A M S ST R E E T C HI C A G O 6, IL LI N OI S YOU CAN HELP CO MBAT CHIME BY GIVING TO THE NATIONAL CO M MI TTEE FOR MENTAL HYGIENE 86 MERCUANDISE The. Billboard J a nus 10,, 1950 SPECI ALS! HORSE CLOCKS he w . base. 12a10 1 / 2 ". Reg. ne w enly EA. BEAK, NOSE & GLASSES hr. · Plash. Irke, $ 1 3 5 · ogo t DO!. 1) II GROSS PISTOL LIGHTERS Autornatece. black inlaid hoe. ( 1 · ,,,,, full 3'. long req. SIB den.. .o w 195 DOT. DOUBLE HEAD ELCTRIC SHAVERS Case co mplete wills $22 50 price tag . .... MEN'S SWISS WATCHES Chrerne case. sweep hand, radiem hands C. dial with Silver to w tapa mion Band .. · . ge) .6 9 d EA. 3 PC. Ball pe w mech. pe wit lever -fill f·al nt al n pen. Cold plated CNN. can s.. .... PEN SETS 36e et. gr. h . Mid doe. lets Fe west° Pens, le weelll Sun Glasses with side shed . Flashfiehts with W atery and bulb lee n.... Pens L .a. _ 224 rm. S ea. Above erIc er ere N r 11 or mere. »area,' price Lief eeter with order. 207a deposit, balance C.O. D. MI D WEST PRODUCTS ,-:31 West Third Strew, D . Ohio DIRECT From · Flamuladurer "ROYAL" 1Se Xi.5 ef The . AN I · %chilli · Risk · Guilt FANCY CAPS Beautiful threc-Pleee set. Hooded poi nt fountain pen. ine , rhanleal pencil and teed ball pen. Available in M ur oi more enig ma. Attrae. lively boxed. 25 . Dee m». SM. C, O 12 · · Near York. MODERN PEN MFG. CO 305 Broad way, No w 1fOrk 13 PL.ORIDA OPPORTUNITY B ULLETI N -LXCI T AGENTS & DISTRIBUTO RS ME new weekly publication Hating hundred. actual Job opening.., emplor ment and burin .. opportunities, far m land.. city Iota. hearer for sale. etc., latest weekly employ ment, trade. real eetate reporta fro m all merlons - Senehtn , (Continued /rout page BO) Slate, M al mtwerlptInn nekt tlS la mes 01519 al Flornda OFlpaportunity Bulletin, Dos 4514F, Jack. w eenie, Mil k NOT SEI.L ·N USILVER. N UCHRO ME. Subrass. M eting Liquérls··· Cloth applied Or ·Cluark Sil·ersrare .An dJewel ryDelornishle M FOR SALE -SCPER ItARC.AI N: ElltsT CLAss, fully es/nipped P.1,5,1,, Trailer. Glen Bates. Ato mic 1,1.2 tip lo 900 % pr,flt. Or l·Flabertnares Depth Cab men: - All are m n- 2F4-R12EE F01.10 -700 M ONEY 31A KING- DFA LS. matle mal ese nenpIng ste mon,Arators. Sa mple tit.,Ine m Plans. For mulas. Nell Order Ideas niter free lilanuf wlerets. 506-1305 NV St, whol mele m pstl· ounces: unts mal Ite ms. A mor e II 10 Roland .. fle· 522. lierd. A. Doyle, t, O. 1e1 0 M 00 0EN NICKEI.S - CLEA N, PO WERFUL. LEA RN LI NOTYPINE ITYPESETTING1 -10011 saigonoasdewni;ll tbrueilmdeenrdofours plteh m er: arnesdt ad81v.e5r0t .p.o.r hundred. paste .' Inn sa mples,. Callaaban. Roe 1492 _Great_TA NA Mehl V011 GET SUR E PROFITS WITH SIBER T Merchandlee. Chattannorm 4, Tenn. Corn. Piet« picture price Ilat free. ANI MALS. Bums, PETS A BIG CO MPLETE SCSI MER PRICE LIST AN D Special Bulletin lest released, elite for free ctoopy.N o. A.mCeorimcpale,telerScneakrte $6D0e:naGiaWntO Dia mondback Rattlesnakes, eln. Giant Blue Bulls. SIS Im mediate ship ment. 100·7. Ilve arrival and absolule sat klertton guaranteed: for Mete « and beet nervier wire - W estern bo at Fars .. Box 6222. Oklaho ma City, Okla. BABI ES DRA W CRO W DS - MA MA BOA AN D 10 fiable., all: Mo m. Rattler and le Deb .. W e plenty other.. Reptile Gardens. FA ra m. Tee re24 BABY CHI MPANZEES. TA ME M ANG ABEYS. Green Monkeys. Baboo ., Giant Anteater. Sunbear. Baby Blnetell Monkey. M oran Nonker. June . Rats. Boa Conetrietora. Pheasant.. Wildlife Cages, Snake nee. et 815 $23. t1.15. Chime Will, Ani mal Far m. Egypt. Ya m. MIT Tetsoair.: nter prdee ma endel.forBong... 1V "1.1"ou" ster-..Ve r " NE W ELECTRIC M AC HI NES BA KES CREASE- . . doughnuts: attracts crowds, you'll Min money Nevino hot doughnuts: weigh» sixty pounds, m en Ineeel ment: free m elees. N RilY Co. NOS 5 Fifteenth. ?dinner . . 7. Minn. lei r.,Or7 -1751-TrAN START rotin O WN RUsi NEtte b I I 'I · I ed plans M ow how. foe. details. Onnorlundr Middleburg. S.C. le10 PERFU ME - WHOLESALE BIG PROFIT ounce. Florida hoquet. el: we bare · large selection of modern French odours. Flachborn. 3$0 LIneo m So .. tale . Bench. F. » SI Q UICK SIO N PAI NTI NG - USF. LETTER PAT terne avoid gloppy work and wasted li me: arr . for sent .. Job. A.1332 Central Ave.. Chicago SI. $017 SALESMEN -SI DELIN E EARN 81.000 N EX T 5 months telling ealendere, advertisana ties, buyers erereheeret nit eo m mleninnii et, minced; N o mles free. CnnUnentat Calendar. M 2-C South Dearborn, Chirago. 1212.L DELICIOUS SNO WBAL L, - TEE MEN- Do . profits: make the m >ourself: Ire Shaver with four flavors and In·tructions: enough for 300 enowhall. 02 plus four pound. noetage,· free folder supplles and enufn ment. Sn owball Co., M U. N ekannyllie 8. Plit. Sil 8124.50 G UARA NTEED W EEKLY - A T HO ME. Ne met h ., ru . II Itl,004ut, Intra-F mnIr m men.. Box 70t. San Antonio. Tee. >le no CIII MPA NEEES -T WO TR AI NED M AL ES S old: work tight rope. ride Poo> and unicycle, minersaults and man, other tricks: wear clothes and shoes: 13700 each wi thout props. T we Chi mpanseer. fe male. cage uni- t. .. weighing 79 m ends m eet priced. 5300 each. fo b. New Trek. TrefilliehI, Ele Fulton Si,. Ne w York. - - CLEA N STOCK. PR OMPT SHIP MENT .-ctrat. olele Snake Shows. Deng or singl e.: Roar. SI It.; big Bottlers. $1.50 It., Diagons. $7.59. Gil . SI M plenty othera 'reptile Garden, El Pa m. Tex 9.24 F«ilet h/tI.F. -R ETIRI NG FR O M Non e non, net.: own two. Ne wlegged pl .. full cro wn and healthy: · re M m elt: 'make offer Gordon To mpkins. Rt. I. Box NI. team ster. Cali jeld FOR CALE -2 BRO W N M ALE LLA MAS. 2 YES Md. WOO each: 2 W hite Male Lla ma, with Smell Brown Spore sae it N ara and 3 year, 3325 each. Prices are f.o.b. Catskill N Y Dement on m ute. $25. Catskill Geese Far m. Inc FRE5111 SNAISEA -DIArd ON D RACK RATTL e snake.. untie (Ju mbo, al . at el lb.: Ilannle r Snakes. Blue Bull., Yellow Bella and /Mee SI lb. Order ne le m il lb . wire order. W orld , Repthe Imparter. Leredo, Tea. LI VE W11.0 ANI M AI S. BIR DS A N D REPTIL E, front ·11 over the world: one of the la mes) and mool reliable U mmeteng rend for aur free w ho I . regularly Mee . elror I Ward Il,.: C. Sperkill. N LI VE SN AKES - R ATTLERS. M OCCASI NS. Copperhead.. hot or Used. S. A. Bo .. Mother end Baby Co mbo. Bull., Lim5i. Cldeken. Punt. Coast. W aters. Adders. litng .· or Dens. any pelee, Foreign Reptiles, Phone M e or wire Ro m Arlen Sliver SprInge Fla. 1e24 IWO SPITFIRE. FACTORY REBUILT WI TH 1050 Model eortverdont, en mplele with m ace booth, fence and poe m, ai m 1.7 K.7 Interne. Donal. male 17.000 miles. with 30 font se mi especially adapted for Spitfire: equipped with winrh. Locale. roller and full length % mu m belly: truck end troller enet In egress of 11.100, will sacrifice roo m .. outilt for 16,500. Wire Carroll Hauler, 1705 W INN Si, seek:gee Ma o, MIS COIN-OPERATED IMACIFIINES. SECONDHAND A Lar e list el Second Hand Coin Machine Bargains will be found on page 100 in Itsh issue. COSTU MES, UNIFOR MS, W ARDROBES CLO WNS .. BURLFZE CO MICS .. MINSTR EL prone Wine A m. ..series, Free un te (As. Io n . .. NI 'Happy. Mn otan Cl men Headquarters. 240AN Fifteenth. Philadelphia Sole SI NCE IBIA,dollar up Mate wants Ono* 1 el CONTIllat BA RGAI NS . CHORUS, principals three up, no eafilkle: Guttenberg e w leth st.. New Ne T HEATRICAL FOOT WEA R -HIG H II:EL LA CE Boots. Shoes. ete.: Nee m elons made: write fer particulars. Cornea. 2130 Langdon Ave.. Halt " Tee MONKEYS. BABY RINGTA D S. C1 N NA M ONS or W hite.Fa Nd BI N .. Golden Solder Bab ., Har m wete. II P O each. 4 for 8100 lInveler Monkey. 150: Ja Nartinall Kitten, W S Bony Ocelot., S U: Baby South A merican Dee , Bleeding Heart Dove. 330 pair: all kind, Birds. trite. Mia mi Rare BI M Far m. Boa 100. Kendall. /5,1 ilEPTILE LIST FREE.: 101111% CATA LOG. 10e - European Learde. $7.511 A men . Chenuelenne 112 hundred: Chains. $2 30: Skink Literds. II dozen: Newts. 111 hundred. Cricket Frogs 75e dozen. QuIvIre So wielties. Topeka le. Ea. . _ Jell IRil K AN D 1116/1 5C11001. 1 01t1tEe. 2 ANPI 6 years old: been on enure many ti mer. knee, !ay do wn count. wnrk arlOnnette. make awe, roll b nanke hand, m ower yet alsd no. nid many others: write. Roll Young .* Schaal fnr Horses. AI M.. N. C. W A NTEO -C HEETAIL TIGER, PUSI A, 1.1 014or Leopard Cub; yous $0 ari peaMble. liabbretta Porter. Hererher, W HY TAR P A CH A NCE OR DERI NG t2.51r.. «here«, W ere been serving A maw . , snalte vhownren for over 40 years and know the bus. Ite m, we have Mock on hand to care for hoar fuller. la me er small. with the m me prto mpt fi, le t te f I f, k K I. I 011a, Ten FOR MULAS & PLANS THERE IS A M ATHE MATICAL REASON W H Y nu mber· 011 D e board are sr, ron wcutise or. der and not so on the m ulletir el m.: those In the know do guile well, send self addressed. olantned envelope. no aeon .. Box 532. Bill- board, 156.1 Broad way, N S.C. .1e10 FOR SALE ECO IHAN D GOODS ABOUT ALI. SIS EES POPPERS AV AILABLE ro mplele Candy Corn elechinea and Conners, ersa reneslete ml, 50 all rumens. Onns Ill53. Kelsey Kurn. 120 e. Halsted. Chl ereo. Ill iv = FOR Q UIC K SALE - I CH AT EAGER 1949 Floss-King. I MO: one 10512 Tent and blend, erunole m u.dh Mile Flaps, $ERE One Pon Corn W enner. 0.6, like new. 5115. Con Met DIM. Co, 4810 N. /Cilbou St Chi g 30 II FOR SALE -SECOND- Phone CAnal '6-110115 BUSINESS HAND SHO W PROPERTY r w. SLUM GIVE A W AY ITE MS FOR A DULTS ·1410 CHIL DREN 1001 1,000 ASSORTE D PRIS FOR TO YS--01E TS - $6.15 N O VEL TIIII 0gl NOVELTIES Darr galloons Al DEEP CUT PRICES Gm $ .61 Serpentine Balloons, 42 loth Or. 2.40 Cat Head Sallo...., le In d, . · dr. 4.113 1$ Lash W hip -Tipp -44 Inch Gr. 13.25 10 swa m . Canes- A Nteaster Ne w mian Loll -U. S. A. Gr. 7.110 Of. 2.90 S . M . Hat, Pelt Lo me G . 33.00 10 W estern He ms. ·renee M M Meter - 0· DA In., O n. BI OS; IV) In., Dee $A M 0 Send for Ne w 1971 Pre. C ondor. Sells. faction Ouarenteed er Money Refunded. 23 % oared, With Order, lealence C.O.D. OPPORTUNITIES A nVERTISE IN 40 W EEKLY NE WSPAPERS-53.30 124 arord o, Texas or elsewhere. ie R. Pannebaker AdvertisIng. Son Marc .. Ten- / NO 10 ANALYZE HA ND WRITING FOR PROFI T:I N pule you lo burine .. Including all Su m plies. Charts. Mans. Instructional (Free Inf . mationl. Lrepho Meers. POE 071. Philadelphia. $ NIO 0 CO NSI DERI NG STARTI NG A CO M MU NI TY paper. Send SI far tolla matlIning plan of 0 procedure. Fred La m ., Dept. 0. 33 W. hells SR. N ew York IL N. V. 00 EAR N EX TR A M ON. Y -r.5,LL STOC K ALP HA- bets, nu merals and custo m made Decals, up 011 to 500o eorarnisdon: free sales kIL Radiant i Decal Co.. Og W est W ash...too. Chicago 2. RI.. 5rDent. te e Jell ATTENTION. 10A DSHO WNIEN , RU N LOAN Free Fil ms: edurelinnal, travel, doeu men m z teuretteeel Fil m Center. 133-B M FAtertheln E. Ne w Jee r/. B ARG AINS G ALORE -TTIEATER A N D SOU ND ProJertore. R. 14 end 35 m m,' Arne Rectifiers. Ch .. Drap e, Se men+. s o i. Cine ma Surely Corp, Dept L. £02 W 32d Si.. New York IS. le24 np CO MPLETE ENU11 ,11·NT FOR NM SEAT Moyle Theater; excellent condition: re melt on reeve« NI.. L. hoopla, Co.. Ole S. W abash Ave.. Chicago. »24 COTTON C ANDY TRAILER -LI TTLE BEA UTY. built to la . fire by eight, insulated, well de- Rane e low counter,, bullt-in cabinets. Nashville machine, rheostat, voltage booster: used flee m onths, M S 219 W. Eleventh, Houston. TeX (Co ntin ued on page 88) 00 OPTICAN BROTHERS Id10 0f, o 700 W. Ninth sins. V an ms City, Ma 0 FREE CATALOG BI G PR O MS' hell patches, Magee: . Je welry seurelaltles. Lowest market w ee. to m u. All merchandise guar. anteed. Write foe Free Cotslot - No ob Ilea lion . IS N O W A VAIL AILIF ATTE NTIO N CO NCEL , ^NsiREI AN D N OVELTY W ORKERS P,. 'me moi mi meo no ...... m· lat ./ and moo co mpl··· tine of Novelty and Prer wo m NOrchanchse. inceod me SI some,: Electr,tal nepluentes alorn mern were. C lochs La mo. Doll. and Funtlr·d· al.... «mauler u mns sultatur to. Salon la, m mon, ..,ers A M ARVEL W HOLESALE W ATC H CO. Deer. G e tAl Pole St e St. Let . I, Me, $3.50 doz., $39 plr gr._ 19I-( KEN'S INIT. DOUILE HEAD CANTO ati-tr ,.,,.,,.,,:,,-_-, dp Hold Flask Sides $3.75 dos.. $42_gr . Ma-M M. -M e; M ielnanda er e; I W arn Send 2S e. with order balance C. O. D. STERLING IE WELERS 44 Earl Lane Stre w Colu mba. 15 01110 la decorate h0rs To en. as ad , · 110 10 ,r) Hand.paonled In fell color' ro Lfth. -- Fleelt" ¿' P laca Rano.' 1 MINIATURE "GAG" BOTTLES Chesnlwd Collector ·lb.., 'Botto ms Up!' Both Paned. Attrarlion!" 'Revile Drink let It One!'" A. man, others. Sees en Sighl' Also Cdt Bea ', .wanenIn · N ow Rete,Itos et & each leies the ideal way Ion your .. .pen inedd ·goi murk ro their ber or ni mpuenrom. Reelitrir miniature border, tonsatein· non-eltrahol n rorhenticEavon-but thrill went to leave the boolet otart. H bored full color " M e" - not foe Aunt 'hid e Send for 150 w it at. roue I head. C OL OR CATAL O G UE mailed FREE on request. % mature Speitelllea Co. Calu met 810g. Mia mi. Fla. TARA-JEWELED CHRONOGRAPH $3.70 Eads Cross Lott Ville beautiful citrons , le n Band. The Rand sells ah. W atch. Lots ol .5 -53.00 Each With ion band Lots of 12 7ell Ed ., With éon Sand, Less than 12 -14.9$ Ea. With Eapansion nano u nnestone Dial a. Geld Plated, PIC Higher Ne w COrl egnAltie . Cal le weled. lots of 12 and up, 14. 05 Each w . M mension Sand. I year euerantre. Pods mfrsn ewe ., chro me ea.. No less lo you en bed watch*t. W e reeler-a all steppers free. All orders filled day reeal me. State If air melt Sa mple W atches add m ale 10.. Deposit, Balance C. 0. D. It & B JE WELRY SALES 4W Travis St, Nolosten 2, Phene--Day: CH 7427 -alleht: W E N ee K EY CH AINS Sensational!! Brand Ne w!! It's H O D N M on Ei de n ·110 M ONEY M AKE . Real photootrantis of twee life', gorgeous m odele .horkIn· pe ws N . M .cnl· IneenlEY MIt Ideal for Identification or advertise ment on ' merge nil!.. Key chain Illustrated ilettlà1 sire. S A M P L E 001 .91.00. ELSE GROSE. gro w or over. M ee per m oss 25 , <leg man on Ill,. Orders 1008R WILLI A MS MPS. CO.. It Wa nrnineter St, PrOv.den , R. t W HOLESALE ONLY c mto N.Fresh - C ell o W m . .. All nave . ·N N Peck Ge nus; · . Ro m, Ni repel one wren A MERIC A N C HE WI N G PR ODU CTS C ORP. A m and oat Pie.,., Ave. Newerk 4, N June 10, 1950 DON'T BE 111 SUE! The Bilboard SIERCHANDISE 87 t. HORSE CLOCK Gold dSiher Iwo-Tone Hole 17" LONG, 12" TALL Lacquered GoId-Pletea Mono with 1,n/we snarl. ten, Hoofs ono bridle Mein.. Will not tarnish. ONYX-TYPE Bill IN YOUR DIOICE OF TIGHT OR DARK («OR Dependable Unned Ia11.5ten. in Electric Creek, manure.. Scrod Westinghou n license. Geld-Mateo trim ming »to wn o we dill wit, rnatchinir silver Western trim [Cowboy HM, boots, Gun, La nd, ete.l. · #215-6 $6.60 Sa mples, $7.50 Imes If not fro resale. add Faaaaa I loa n Ter. IS ,. Deposit, ·menee C. O. D. Telephone: 01( «en 3-473. CUTTLER &COMPANY, INC. 028 Broadway. . Ner. York 10, N. PARKS, CARNIVALS, CIRCUSES and SEASHORE RESORTS SPECIAL Gold Plated eucldng berme He .«. Per Cr. $12.00 lu mln& For Dogs. Pas Dos. $2.00 Itchy Dogs, Per Cr. 12.00 · 21.00 r14 Mottled Cat Falleens--red boo Per Gr. 6.00 r1 Molte n Print ealloons--red box Per Cr. 4.50 HopeIona Canidy Tess-UPS. Pre, Gr.. ·· 9 .00 .9 Stan Cr Snipe. Balloons, Per Gr 6.50 Mickey Mouse Balloon.. Per Cr. 4.00 Dart Balloens -best make. 5 Gross 3.00 Rabbles' Feet with Key Genie. Per 100.5 4.00 Twinkle, that light up -Mteet m me. Hen. Pfl Don, 3.75 Mr Force Sun Gras. « with L.atber Case w-Eript fle e Doe. $6.50. Gress 72.00 Me w. Weller. with Cord Holder Imbeseeel with Pictures. Pm O n 4.00 P.P.. Parasols. Per Cr. $9.00, $11.00 b 14.00 Make Tulips. Per O n. 2.00 Feare.., Doll.. POr Gr. $9.00 le 41.00 The nine sentellen Plank Tri-leor ners. telling like wildfire. Per Cc 10.00 HARRIS NOVELTY CO. 102 Arch St. Phone: Nerket 7-9845 Philed·lphi. 7. Pa 1 NEW CARNIVAL AND 'NOVELTY CATALOG READY STATE BUSINESS W HEN REQUESTING COPY - - - - - - - - - - - Plush To n. sparkling Plaster, first. second and third .elt Bingo Pris m Slu m. new Pip imports and a thousand other Ite ms. All at it.. Iowa.. mie n. M A 10 -Pocket Condo. Cr. 5 .90 MA 1 -Plastic Cigarette HeIdars. Gr. 1.85 MA 17 -Joy. Ch un. Knives. Gr. 1.00 MA 13 -Finger Traps. Gr. 1.00 MA 14 -Fur Monks 5 in. Cr. 4.50 A'A 15 -Irno. Hawaiian Lels. Cr. ... 1.75 t'A 16 -i n. Flying Birds. Cr. M· 17. -lnp. Paper Ps. ..oh. Gr ·6.00 0.50 MA101 -Dase nik. Doe - - - - - 2.00 - - - UAI02 - Wood Bottles. I.. M A103 -Aluminvie Battle.. le. NIA104 -Darl Balloons. Gre. LIA105 - fed Dent Cree W A106 -0alry Cerk Gans. la M A107 -Corlo. Par 1000 MA100 -Hoors·La Rings. Doc IMAI09 -Cane Rings 100 Tee 14A110 -Clorher PM Rings. 100 fee - 25% DEPOSIT WITH C.O.D. ORDERS. POSTAGE EXTRA. $ .49 1.10 4.50 12350 .70 4.50 4.53 W E OPER ATE O N CE NTRAL DAYLI GHT SAVI N G TI ME tEVIN BROTHERS Established 1886 TERRE HAUTE. INDIANA NOVELTIES and SPECIALTIES PARKS-CIRCUS-CARNIVAL STREETMEN nounelne Fur Do n 12.23 Doer 124.0. Gr. Pelt Cowboy Hats $3.00 Doc; AM » Or. /snort. 'm e Does 2.11 Derr 1·11.1 Or. Felt Fi nns... Hats 140 On.; H M Os. Paver Pare nte Sm. lea n Or., and. $10-40 Cr., Lee. Silk Par mols 14.01) foss Sep Fur Monk.,. .00 Doer Amer. Fur M vellell C O Des.. L" Feather Dell wIttat · 33.00 Cr. MA N or. 40. Or. 14.00 Or. Felt !esker Calm w/Pern Pens 414 1«.1 41.01 0r. Chines. Cie % N ot. Ir ,C M Dec, 21511 0, *le mu m-Corer N othing,* A n Deed 71110 Or. Ken be Wi ned to tr Il mo.1 Beads 1.73 D n.. U M Or. o wn, Birds wriGicks 4 9.411 0r. Feather Beck. fer Delta AA Des, 9.00 Or. Len no n, loweeer Can n SAS Or. SW' newel In ns $1.15 IFOr C, 18.14 M Hawaiian Lele 2.13 Or. 11" Reed Sticks .40S0LUM6. Co rnac loti.,. IL S Per Ca M Air m Mottle Combo le .1:1 Or. Lead Non. 11le 0. Finger Trope Sirel Wardle . Paper Fan. .9. Or. Clea n». Helder 2.11 Cr. We ntles 113 or. Amon, Plastic Char ms i n Or. .90 Cr , 1.e. Or. Hickory Pi ns He m Blowers 3.14 Or. Corn Ceb PI NS .14 0r. Lea. Ste m Ro ws 335 Or. 1.7! Or. A 25 % Depe dt Re po red Will All Orde n THE S. AND P. NOVELTY CO. 4W211ASINIXIITMHATSiO'il NI,. oW. C. OUR NE» CATALOG NO. Sil N O W RA NG M AILED O UT - WRITt POI TOUR COPY surt YOU M USE LI NE OF BUSI NESS OR CATAL OG WILL N OT II N AILED OUT. MIDWEST MERCHANDISE CO ICIO B R O A D WAY · KA N S A - i LIT T. N1 0 1 · 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 this Isthe isue IN MN MIR AM M I MU MI for summer business Billeerd 1 1 1 1 1 ad deadline JUNE 15 1 1 1 Not many da n 1411 until to. advertising a...line for The Billboard's big SU M MER SPECIAL. Thai me nw the time of the yeer when buyers of merchandise are on the lookout for Ite ms that will go well in their ma nger brain... 1 Don't miss out on th. BIC Issue that these e. a "guide - for merchandise ordering. buy .. will use 1 Sand your rorarrotlen and copy N O WI 1 THE BILLBOARD 1 2160 PATTERSON ST. CINCINNATI 2, OHIO 1 as MERCHANDISE The Billboard lane 10. 1950 NE W LO W PRICES O N ALL PE N SETS , i >· WE WILL NOT BE UNDER- SO$4.LsoD Per Doz. $ 4 8 . Per Or. 4 self-filler 1 I The ·riginal 1 piece Pen set Met I hes · fount·in pen with · wilfellier, · rnernen ,cal pe e el that reeels ·ne ·apels. and a Sell Peint Pan consist. .r., in· of ato mic and Pastel colo n Met so me in · b·autitut u s end · eold ene :.r7,1°..-. ;V.': ertrI,.e: bossed 17.20 or, . On. =el also ·= era . . . Val e th e w· for merly eold at ILAN per«prOirores·-.· .. .le 71e. We .. ...nlee all . . Tills Is a reel buy and the best buy il, the renni n. qP· F C1 4/. 1.Pieca Pen SO. ell gold finish $5.50 Per Doy. $63.00 Per Gross Se mple 11.00. FOR SALE--SECOND. RAND SHO W PROPERTY (Continued from page 86) CHRTOTUL STAR. LONG-EAKINS POPPERS. Peanut Rooster., Geared Kettles. Cere mel, Candy Rollie. Gesollne. BattleCe r Leulerneist Northalde Co.. Indian la. lo . 1323 FOR SALE -30 BY IS SQUARE END TINT. 011enry make. W . proof, Ilk, new. no TITS/*AltaZie,b,.:elPnae.' Sek.r Ser a, Sarta. Ga FOR SALE -3 GENERAL MOTORS S CYLIN- der. 1200 speed, 73 KVA. 3 wire. 10.230 yolk SO eyele. each with exhaust afloncon. Meet switchboard. motet5 and rentrel for spectramend I/ desired; also au Dnietle »rely cut. Of!, on oil and water. all like ne w: also base one each co mplete pack* . unIte. foeh n.. ·n- tine saner.. .re. elects . Mart in retie . 7-1 /2 XV!., 12. 1/2 EVA. Et KVA, 3 wire, 10-220 volt. 00 eyelsi; werie 3 M are. 4 wire. all A-1 condi- tion: al . one each Ca . .111 . end General Me inn. Die ... KVA. 3 Mee, 10.320 volt, 60 cycle, rendition A.I .replet. reedy to .1n: ISnuspmemcteironElIencvtirtiecd,RiPnreIttnsederteo .Ceio..k `Swuitm*tert.H wLireC.. GIRL IN FISH BO WL, LENS AND DIRECri m. 520. 4031 Cre ment Ave., anent Park. Calif GIRL IN FISH BO WL ILLUSION FLEWS. U M with free Erection to make; eupply 1=11 ne w E nvere Crane. US: Ice Show with portable ice rank for guar .t .up to 83.000 week. wo men. Oat .. 44.500, Ho mo Co.. PI M ph it,, Butler. N. J MISCELLANEOUS BELLY TANKS. SP .. STEEL, SIX OR TIN !cot elan, free picture. Buck's Auto Wrecking. 1823 ^T," Tifercrd. CalIf. 1.17 CARNIVAL PLASTER ITEMS , DE HAYS the m! Per as · sink l ld moldIng rube .. 13.95 per guar. 17.10 a e .on pod . .. Plaster craft Supply Co.. 3061 St. a le A ... Cleve land le 0. iel0 SIDE WALL - W ATERPROOF AND MILDE W proofed. co mplete with ·rony mets and rope; Green or Khaki. approxi mate 8 oz.. 6.100 554.34; 7.100'. 103.04: 83100 .. 871.32; 91100', SKI: 10 000% 181.44· made il, any length at eh .. rate par running toot: 23r, deposit; satte fa ni on guaranteed Michigan calcIte. 417 W. Jefferson. Detroit M. allfh. Phonic CAdillac SUL .10 MUSICAL INSTRU MENTS, ACCESSORIES ANTIQUE ZITHER IN CARRYING CASE. over 100 sra, Old; co mplete instruellen. die enure. muair In German, Eng. .; 32 eiThiesi make offer. Mrs. Anna L. Howard. 83 N. etti Ave. Beech Greve, Ind. GIBSON GUITAR. PERFECT CONDITION, IN leather . . re .. 133 Mrs. Anne L. Reward, 83 N. Oh Ave.. Beech Grove. Ind. PERSONAI.S HAVE A CHICAGO MAIL ADDRESS -BUSI nu n or pormonalt Infor mation ha m &shells House. 3111 N. Se minars, Chicago. lets These Pen 104. also c·rry in. sa me .autHe ·u .....ea and Sold embossed price te0 .000 SPECI AL Filler . gall Point P . mml toy Chan, with colored stones. $2.00 Per Doz. $22.50 Per Gross FLASHLIGHT HEY (HAIN O U ocno $2.25 PER D OZ. S P E CI A L C. aaaaa D. Lighter and Sall Point P.O co m nnatie m beautiful geld finish that s . . . .. it the ...lei price .. .SO .. .ten or 131E4 per press. All .1. Iopt .t seaaaaaa. Sells On slid . la mp. 70t. We supply meta for 3 and 4 Me . M n seta 4 pieOt pen set .. .seine of Knife, ED. Point Pen, Fountain Pon . 1 Pencil in a beautiful bee. S6.00 Per Der. $70.00 Per 6r. Set lis p- W a y P e n Inc Wilt meth . iea I Maned, gel I Pol . P .. Lighter, Pl . . % IS Seleelllino Fcunt» in Pen in Isa aWilful bee. Geld ',mi .. Par D es., $4.00 - Per Gre w 110.00 W. snip sa me der when we race, . ·rders. We ship ell over the world. HARRIS NOVELTY CO. 102 LOCH ST. PHILADELPHIA. PA. IMIONI: MA 7.1848 NE W OUTDOOR RIGGING FOR SALE, MADE Alrards: IF». 80 fo e high ladder effect .1 th rings. mu . . Or lad. berswivel. «11de brake. stake. W Ung account nine .. Write Dainty Ann Re .. c· Ada m. . sneer Agenry, 120 Boylston 6.1, Heston, Ma w SHOOTING GALLERY - ISSHELL LOADING Tub « 75e dose . 54 100: deposit on c.o.d.'. H. B. Sherbahn. Wayne. M n. SUPER -WIZARD 11.0145 MACHIN E INC. Keisert, Ice Shaver; 3 Ithipename: everything like new; cm = get ell for 8260. ROY Ice men. Midway of Mi rth Show., Winchester. Ill. w ALEArtuiv sno w POE SALE: CHEAP: TOP and panel front. Write Co vered 323 Spill man. Rolla. Ms 33)131. SOU ND rtotonts FOR OUTRIG HT salest lowe.t price. glee rental ursine: lint- info. Oakley Fil ms, 242 itentner. Nolostiville. O. 100 BUILDS II PASSENGER KIDDIE CHAIR. sla m. coinpIet· ph .. $S; Major Chair . .. 0/0; other.; free plan Celai.,. 1.111, 2311-2 North Un Derelte. Peoria. Ill. INSTRUCTIONS ROOKS & CARTOONS BY GEORGE -Pr:PPE JOKES, WISE CRACKS, DI, Sand Novel ..., Anernotas. Palter, Dialogs. Ci.arge, Bulletin, SI. McHenry. POR MEN: 210 CARTOONS. 230 PAGES, 10 fen.pecked booklets. ai Postpaid. Steele, Ikre 4763. San Fran . . 3. GAG-ATIONAL NE W COMEDY MOONLIT M "H C atten,dM.C.rfoelr Work^ No. (number 2,, for mers: replete with tmenino. 1.roductionz. ad Kb. Insults. gong title. II. -wen. to Komedy." Bea 1238. HellywoOK. Calif. E·I· S WING PIANO BY MAIL - . SELF-TEACHING le m ma, 50 publication. needs.] and popular: ora.r boprhythnsology nee pop plane eolo, near work. Write for list. Phil Breton Publication. P. 0 Bee 1402. Cmushe R. Nab $236 W EEK REPORTED--ILLUSTBA TED BOOK 505 Odd 6mwereful fn.; work ho me; m mect eornething odd. P .D. I. Ocean. side. Calif. JI MDeneSnkiblelr-gI.L GET IN TOUCH WI TH AL PHOTO SUPPI IL% DEVELOPING-PRINTING COMIC FOREGROUND, AND BACKGROUNDS: Photo Mounts. Che mical. Pa. .. RM . and Co mic Cards for n ull phut = Miller Suppli es. 1833 Franklin. St. Loa. I. Me. Er n COMPLETE STOCK DIRECT POSITIVE SUP pH .: Direr. and Nest U n man Paper. Lone Mar Photo Supply Co. 1403 Elm 3k Dall,·· Tea · DIME PHOTO OUTT1TS CHEAP - ALL SIZES. drop lo and .· the m; tat = tin. . . meets real be nzins. P D. Q. Ca me , Co,. 161 N Cleveland Ave., [hi nge. 11. ill DIRECT POSITIVE PHOTOGRAPHERS - WE rag man 13.'"Pa Paypt.:, Celtere"wile'ais".. ir ruesten. e rItg'reunda, comic Foreground. Cameras for indoors. co mplete Photo Booths. etc.: free Inform .. . end prices. vr· are old and reliable Once 1903 P. D Q. Ca mera Co.. 1/6/ N. Cleve. land Ave.. Chica... II. Ici DIRECT POS HIVZ OPERATORS - WE HA VE the new Fael mont Dire « % MU . Paper. Chenileal., Backgrounds, Comic Foregrounds, Felder. Clam and Metal Fra mes: = he for new cMaleM. Henley Photo Supply Co.. 1414 lIeGoe Ken = City. Mo. 3924 PHOTO COPY ENLARGEMENTS FROM ANY Photo , 5.7. OW: lain. coloring Us «tr.. Acorn. Boo 1835. Washington. D. C le10 PHOTO FRAME. CLOSEOUTS - PERFECT deeds 0. below manufacturer, omit only while they Isol, Gold Plated Metal Pra m... Velour 611de Easel Berke for 007 photo, N M dozen: for 3s5. Ettlai doyen: attractive Gl ue Frets = fer Sz7. 12.33 dozen, 118 hundred: for 3.1. 81.60 dotan: 13 hundred: Leethoret . Faael Photo P. m . for Jan Senn , 1 10: hundred. It Wooden Frame, 5.7. slide Ra wl Bark. . . dozen. International Sales Co.. 414 t. Bahl. POE more EL. Elaltirnore. Md SEND FREE LUT ISSUE, SOUND FEA. bare. end Mort. we al e. buy. *ell and Weds Bel mont FU ms 76 F orest War. Clifton. N. J GET ON THE ROT TUI WITH BUSY FANNY Tul. luscious 4 lib Shows oodles of move- ment end Is Me lait. est walling LIVING PICTURE. 5 z 7 gold fra me. 51.20 per do. NE W POPE PIUS It.. Dlt pict ure, also M A D O N N A WI T H HANDS IN THIRD DI MENSION, b et h UAW per doz. Here .= other trip on the gm . train wt . · ems one, "SLEEPING BEAUTY." A breath. raking beauty sound aMeep -all aria de . Is breath* - and that, enem a. The manures, Surer Mates that this picture be ready for dietributton by June 15,-not =tore. Send your order in new for pro mpt Nilpotent. 87E0 per doz. TWO DOZEN ORDERS ARE POSTPAID V:ITIL FURTHER NOTICE Doren cede n are plus 25.. poets ., Re mittance lis full see . C O D. charges of SOr. Mlninnins ehip ment T WO SA MPLES FOR TWO DOLLARS là years this eddre m. JOBBERS, plea . write for large quantity prices. E A S T E R N S A L E S C O. P.O. Box tees Akron t, OM. · OO MAGICAL APPARATUS THE NE W EASTMA N IMPROVED ivrt Teto Poetise Paoer no. available 1, ell = es. Marks & Fuller. I... 70 &do St Roches. t 4 .4 Y .34 AAAAA W HOLFSALE TRICK CATALOG. in. Joker · No . . .. Marto. Fast. .11 Ms Special. Headquarters Arlene MIA Co.. 4462.11 G·r mentown. PhIladelphla, 1.0 1 M M. FEATURES TO EXCHANGE FOR Scnind Shona: wend list of what you have. Torn Gillespie. 6 Homiltal Dr.. La y , W. Va. A NE W SUB INI NIATI. RE RADIOPHONE FOR inentallsta. mIndreaders. h. . .p, glitch: each unit lees than pound. easily concealed; bro chure, gleelhearinn. ',Mee Write Nelaor Enterer ... 3 .3 S High. Colu mbus. 0 »IS BE A MAGICIAN -LARGE PROFESSIONAL Slagle CalMod of latest Nick.. 33e, Ireland. 5-1011. N. Dearborn. CM . . 2, PRINTING AACHEN IntESS. 14E1 W. STILES ST. PHILA. =labia IL Pe. !swine . Prole.. .al. Per penal and Per. Ge n = 300 pro . . = Ers e ID 15:noen d., CIGARE TTE VANIS HER -PULL TYPE; NE W low price. 117.10 a gro ut It's terrific: » mph. ATTRACTIVE 100 14,111 LETTLIIHEADI AND 6% Envelope.. Ha m mermIll Bond, five Itnes Sfie Buddy, Distributers. UM Mitchell St.. S. W., Atlanta, Ga. NE W :22 CATALOG MINDREADING· MEN. tallant !Met Effect. Hereocep.a go'oreee me. Cr . ... Palmistry. Graze/ohs .. kin le. page ilustra .4 «ta ke. 30, .hole e. Ne. .n 1st A BU MP ER SIGNS -5321T: ALSO 7.0 i rdover. 100. 11: 230. 18. quids pe wee! Solltele rs colerprtnt. Kne . Ind. Enterprises, 3.36,13 S. 11Ms. Columbus. O. Jr15 LO WER WINDO W CARD PRICES -FLASHY NE W CA MERA MECHANISMS -1 M .. ltia3ls: Alu minu m C ueing Rubber Roller. trouble pre .. SIS each Studlo, 4140 W. Fort SL. 0.4,011 0. Stich. PUNCH AND JUDY FIGURES. THEATER ProbeaMonal, new. Pro .. C. .. Dial .. thr «-color 14 .1 neery ed . .. . peeler. 10.20 hundred. special car = for July Fourth celebration. 'ante price. In 17026 she. 110 hundred: aIse bu mper cards Tribune Pre.. 15 .1 Park. Ind %IT PRINT YOUR O WN -4a10 NAND TRI MS Scenery. 4173. Philadelphia. Hack man. 313 W. Sey mour St., Prints. Ca .a, Ticket. Circulars and full stet Sol . Letters. ten dIfferent ilota of beet Ink. Type Ca .. ext . ChIle.. Purnl . .. Leeds, YOU CAN ENTERTAIN WIT H TRICK CHALK Stun . and Rag Pl ebe»; catalog 10e. Bald . The Lightning Cartoonist Oshic =. WI,, 1. everything fee e complete print ehop; coal over 8300, .111 »entire for 130n. pre .ld to your deer; toad only three weeli. Instruction. In. O O O · · · · · · · eluded. a myle, of work available on requeet. Glen. Newel, KY Now Ready! 1950 CATALOG OVER 200 PA GES OF "LI VE MERCHA NDISE" Thu new Catalog is the bl uest ever issued. I contains Mo . .d, of new, up-te-the minute ite ms includIna Glitware. Appl. Clocks. La m m. Alurninurnwere Glass ware. Blankets. Smokers, Slu m. Canes. Imported Novelties. Sporting Coeds. etc. IMPORTANT: Nature of business must be staled. CONTINENTAL DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 822 N. Third St., Milwaukee 3. Wis. O · · · · · · · · · · · · QUALITY PRINTING AI LO WEST COST_ B oklets Catalog., Publkutions Stetle .r. free orke Itet Ada m. Printing. O nt RR He · Or Weshinaten Chi . . T. II · .54 ROADSHO WNEN! 134111. SOUND FEATUE U. 8223,0: Short., 12 30 1.dee aecepted: · lieta Me m,11,. 1213 W 48th, N. V. C. RUpaBlBe:ERStaSImpAMPiPdsa-3MPtyR SImaLlIlNwEoo.d ·IPrinPtOeSr,.T · 77111 KM* CancInnen, O lull SPECTACULAR LETTERHEA DS STYLED RV · SItIad . . .I D ti med tysettrapher. all topms Dhers should asit for s tnee look. .. at them. futuristic stylIngs prin . at 0111 tip Me. · ICao.n. 107 S. Cephol Are.. beellanepalle OS 200 W HITE ENVELOPES AND 300 W HIT, e bond Letterhead.. listll. 13 postpaid U. S. Pr./oboe. Far mland. Ind»10 · on (Continued page P O OUT IN FRONT! NE WEST--FASTEST SELLING STONE RINGS IN AMERICA TODAY--REPLICAS OF HIGH PRICED RINGS UNBEATABLE GROUP! ROSE QUARTZ · 20 STYLES TURQUOISE · RI ERG O. IA DE · ·30 DIE . . . Stee n ROSE EIRCONs · FIRE ORALS · STARSAPPHIRE · g ISOZ ASV/ EGYPTI AN SCARAB · --- All Adlesteble M ANY OTHERS · Cross, 579.80 · INC AND GOLD FINISH · Mini mu m order. 1 Dos. 2Sop deposit. balance C.O.D. WHITE M U( RING BOXES $12.20 GROSS UNIVERSAL RING CO. P.O. PDX IlS 141 W BRITAI N A MILLION SALES with CIRCLINE Plverescsre fixtures ISo greatest li ghting Data . )l, made. BOIlga Hcl:/,e;>r:e;,"TTraoku,rLo.' LO WEST PRICES Wren Fro m Manian durer W rite fer Eatalegv. BELNORO PRODUCTS CORP DI UGHLS1 · SUNLItarlilillot · LitliugUIDet FLUORESCE NT FIXTURES 14$ M. 716 SI.. DMIE. 6 Pi. LOmbérd 3.1789 WOLF TAILS Price Per Hundred WITS ...18 to 24' Long $50 LUNE ..16 lo 20" Long $40 MEDIUM 14 to 17" Long.... $30 Arctic Fur Co. 1900 Third Avenue. Scuttle. W ash. BING O Heavy Cards. Specials, (ages. Blowers, transparent Markers. R rif e for buffefi n AMUSEMENT INDUSTRIES, Box 2, Dayton I.O. June 10, 1950 The BilgerC;rei MERCHAN DISE 89 MiOVELTY MEN -CIRCUS AND PA R K SPECIALS GET TOP MONEY - WITH MI CO NOVELTIES seer,·1 Dart ·illoons 5 43 Or. Inte nt . Miwellen U N 5 1.73 Or exie a nt. Color Be'loon* 7- A nt. Ceder Reunel Balloons ut 1 1.00 Or. A merican Leis 1.00 Cr. Comic leyInts Felt UL U il. M O Or. 5H 1.11 le sale A nt Color ealloons ..... 1.73 or W erth all Is mobells 1.13 Os · in A.1.0. ·-olor Round bell e , ... 1.71 Or. kro ner Canes 1 In Mottled Ani mal Print Ilalleorte 4.10 Or Creek Handle Ca ne .., 1.00 ON Il In Mottled let ·elleorts 400 Cr W estern Horno. $1.10 N 11.10 Ot. 24 In Balloon 5 00 Stein .10 Or Electric Oeld.Plated Ga m C h ao . OJO Ila. 33 In .4·ary 13·1Ioon Revd Sticks 1.00 Or La me Plush I a n 30.00 De. pprin· Inside W hIallIn· Birds 0.00 Or. Cla mour 0.0 Dolls 36.00 Dl. Co wboy Lash W hips 11.00 0,. Seaton Nankai. Ca·· Lots L·rmastee Red W hite 5 Slue Reh m Silk Parasol, . 1.4 00, W OO & A merican rut Toss I, Tall N enka n Imported Fur Nardneve OLIO 7.10 11.00 Or. De, Or. .14·0. SG * 010.01 A 11.00 Or. Fe aner Celluloid 0·111 Slu m -Pocket Co mbs W edd.n· Illnes cieren· Helder. Sle w Outs ·Ineer Tra n 240 St. 1.00 Or. .70 Or I.,, Or. 1.30 0r 1.00 Or. W,OO, $1.60. 1 . .1 7.111. $25.00 A 41.00 or Swiss W arbler.. E N O, !anther Back Dro ne. 0.130 Cr. ileu m Dells .1.30 Gr. Jocks -Circus monkeys C N D/. 44-LIgne Co mic OUttene 1.00 N 13 % Depeset -Itelence C D. 312 THIRD AVEN UE MILTON IL M YER CO. DOPERS SNIPPED SA MS JAY PITT5111111.11. 22, PA. IM MEDIATE DELIVERY ON THIS HOT ITE M! PIST OL , LIG HTElUi de FASTEST SELLI NG LIGHTER EVER OFFERED! No Virtvally sells an e el! IN, fleshy. cl..y.w.. %Md. pistol give, insfont Mine $ when you pull Me M o nd fully tune- emetic. Smell enough re ft the pocket -yet In n enough for realis m. Lus- trous, moulded Mack plosric honcho, w! 00 DOZ a · ar. 3.' Io n. Nos re movable table ste m! S A M PLE $ 2. 0 0.,- J RPI.ST OSLI ZE S i 2. 0 0 0 1 tol e en this pre114 mokerr new, 1.10/1115 (S NAF U. $1.30 / PEARL HANDLE 24" bort. 5 · PISTOL LIGHTER p DEPOSIT Dm nn T e e 25% W IT H O R DE R U M. 11· 11. 1.1.Df Dt 0IT grip. SA MPLE $2.50 wm" FREE " OR 19 CAT AL O G GE M Sales Co. 5D3e3trWoooidtward26, MicAvh. NOTICE, ENGRAVERS AND DEMONSTRATORS 3 Styles, Nickel Silver Idents. 5 Styles, Nickel Silver Signet Rings $2.85 dor. up 1.85 dir. up No w Line Hand Painted Je welry for Engraving M ar Line Pearl Je welry for Engraving Send for ne w Page, for Catalog you have or If you /NY* nor m will send one. DEXECO, INC. - - for merly Dextet Etteaoitti geweltii Co. 191 S O U T H S T R E E T ear. Plain St. P R O VI D EN C E 3. R. L Sensational New Lew Prices' BEAUTIFUL NE W STYLES! The "ADMIRAL" SPORTSTER! Hat Sensation of the Year! PERFECT FOR BOTH MEN AND W OMEN IDEAL FOR DRIVING - BOATING - ALL SPORTS COLORS: » No. Rod. Royal DI N. Mai m T . C ue d q t. $5.40 d . IS k b ol d do e se me w · C O OL M ES H SI DES 'rho last w ord in condor. , · RU G GE D T WI LL C O NST R U CTI O N · ALL T APE D SE A MS e HE A V Y LE A T HERE TTE S WE A TB A N D A long, practIcal vlsor -the underside lined enth green lu il 10 additlonal elle-Prelechl m. PACKI NG, 1 de an m arled iila el O NE COLOR to Mr . ..en. NO SPLIT CARTO NS. Specify colon warded. SA MPLE -25 FesI nid Tenet: 25 % deposit with order, bal. C 0.0., T O O Ne w York PARKSMITH CORPORATION 2N5e0w FoYourrkth 3,AveN.nueY. Genuine Soo, Alevernenit Preeltion 06-bollt ··· G U AR A NTI ND LIKE NI WI te e m or Men't. I. Lets of 3or Nor* 17. ewe! . 0.15 157. deposit on all C. O.D. « den Geld Plated E meritio, land,10c eddlt ronal Rkinedene Diet Tk V/ItIlE FOR Now Value.Packad Catalog -ORDER /00·Y. CLOSEOUTS!! . JOBBERS! DISTRIBUTORS! Cash In no w en these sensational I n Ir k ». 4161,.etrael Fur and Plu m Toys De m o Fran. tfle Menfelaeturer. T RRI FIC AA AAA FOR CONCUSSION · NO PRE MIU M ME N ,, TO- Peal FIST Boas, long Nor, o no, M ien el.·· .« Nil e aim. amid colors. $30.03 d o.. SA MPLU ieJ ···1 ,4101. .1,0; ient pizair. near Cla m fl above). 100.00 $2 · 00 Rayon Plush Bear, Cotton etuffed. em. es.71 brolder ri n a l, 1.eit ton ne. amo. Crolare. .3g F an · M r Z a. Plush Scotty Dog. amt. colors. W e SOl Send 18.25 ond receive ALL FOUR SA MPLES POSTP AI D: SPECI AL SET-UP FOR QUA NTITY USERS ACE TOY MFG. CO. FREE Ne w 1950 II . catalog of over 100 Ted-hot nu mb «. H11E2 W Wy 01% Tx 217TNH ST. LM. A. SINGER CO. OUR NE W M O PRICE LIST IS .11 S1 Our SLU M · BINGO MERCHANDISE · PRE MIU MS · BALLOONS CARNIVAL SUPPLIES · NOVELTIES · W ATCHES ogn. 201 HENRY STR UT. IS, DALLAS, TEXAS TWO BIG WIN NERS! WORKERS' TOOL TIE SLIDES Nishly oeli eed lB 0. ·old pl ied. tw ofer«, 'Mien loot . and pol e in 0 0 00e· dIES MY boxes. 52.50 price NO N A 0.0 nufirrent Imple ments - 011e on 511 01 0·0111 fF7v1 O nes Lo h 25 % de nott - meney er ne, Ewan « C.O.D. Allow for pest «. On Prepeld Ore..., Writ. Sr NO of hot mer mIt. IMPERIAL MDSE. CO. 0it1s . ..NO3,WNA.YY. -,900 The Ne w WONDER MYSTIC TIE HOLDER TA Id. sold Waled. Six assorted stelae 1,3 ,1 . 0 4 oozed rilthil 50 'inc.* tee. DOI « $I N Croix LOTI $30 e READY NOW NE W, LO W PRICED SENSATIO NAL LINE OF FAST SELLING ANIMATED CLOCKS W rit e fo r o u r w eer rot a/ ag a r lAY-KAYE PRODUCTS 11115 MIL WAUKEE AVE Pl en n Hu mboldt 6-7021 CO. CHICAGO 47, ILL. gn MERCHA NDISE The Billboard J:i "i" 10. 11'70 The ne west sensation of the year 7fLe 72CLV SELLING LIKE WILD FIRE HOLLYWOOD GLAMOUR GIRL PENCIL Our pencils have hew and thre· poses. Aliened He ti,. dozen. Big Flash. Per Do. $51." Per Cr. 6./." .·._····· It propels. re. pele aosl hoe a Man .'s. 1,,,r, c.d.. 0.r.s.n. to do Is or... he of the pencil. en d lite narrel 1.1thotsw o: ma t beast. liii gin in the world. It is really a knack, out. Ageorted beau. Well girl. Seo ul. $1.00. TM. Is ene of the outstanding nu mbers of all thne. Drea m Girl Hollywood Floating Pon- it with beautiful MO. DOZEN S4.00 GROSS S43.00 23 oa Deposit. Money Ordc. or Cash Balance C. O. D HARRIS NOVELTY CO. 102 Arch Street PhIledelphLa 1. 1.0. Tel.: MA 7.0548 W e Have Everything For: · Jewelers · Engravers · Demonstrators · COMPACTS · PINS · 3PC. FOUNTAIN PEN SETS · RINGS (1001 Different Numbers) · ENGRAVING JE WELRY · IDENTIFICATION BRACELETS · PEARL NECKLACES 'elite for Big Catalog ITTTTT TOUR ·USINISSI All Orders Skipped Some Day Received BIELER-LE VI NE 5 No. Wabash Ave. Chi m e 2, II ALL PHONES Cfehel AI MS RELIGIOUS PICTURES Sell on debt 10 belt subierte meh as ' Lord's Supper. etc. Fire 9311. chem., Ir with 1imnelaw. Inste? ST Si postpaid. edith with m3ler. Or si . for C. O. D.. plua am use. If r",t return il, in does end money v. r funded Otscr mu mrs. write far RELIGIOUS EDUCATORS ASSOCIATION Dept. 311 Church Sheet NeshvIlle 3. T me SALES MEN W ANTED SCENERY AND BANNERS ADVERTISING ZOOK MATCHES -BIG SPOT eaah profits: ea m valuable prlres, too: world .. largest direct selling hook metre man. ufarturer offer. profitable year 'round aellbur opportunity; make money elth Metcheorp 20, 30, 40 and 240.11.131 book matches: liberal co m m., earn valuable merehandlte prises too: eve ry bsudnese a pre mier', no eon. needed to earl: men, wo men; full. pail time: low print. for legn eu·lity. rep mtv: direct far m , serylee: giant 230.paae and other catelnes furnished plus full selling Informetion. Match Corp. of CAhminearitcaa. 32.3433 W. 411th Mere. Dept. DOI. HAVE MERCHA NTS EVEIY WHERE WORKING Cor you: you do the m a favor and in return eom mlsalene pour In to you every week. one tiny sale could make you hundred, of dollar. In repeat to ms...Ions: every retail atoro wants what you have to offer: we take care of all de- tails: one call completes your wont: hurry reply for full Information. Empire, 2222 Diver ., Dept. BB'S. Chicago 47. Ill. leli SALESMEN -SELL CALENDARS AND Ilene nov elle.: buyers every here, loss price. bin com mittee . ...need, ho mier.. eannsl m free Con medalad Modern Pre m. 322 S. Wood, Chicago Ii, II. 3.17 NIEMAN CARNIVAL-CIRCUS BANNERS. IKE best. Bol Me cheapest. no disappointment.. Nieman Studios. 1238 S. Belated SL. Chicago. CA 64541. le17 SHO W MANNERS. CHURCH PAINTING', mural.. sketches, tavern painting, diora mas The Enkeholl Art Co, Omaha I, Neb. Jell) TATTOOING SUPPLIES A-I TATTOOING MA CHINES. DESIGNS. COL. on, Needles, S WIM: genuine German Pelican Ink: free catalog Owen Jensen. 120 W. I13d St., Loe Angelo. 3. 1.15 EVERYTHING VOU NEliU FUR IATTL/OINO- EleetrIc Tattoo Machine.. Dealer., Colors: conneete enfuie. Ilustreted meal « free W M Eels 730 Lesley Raelstord Ill la 10 W ANTED FO BUT' W ANTED- VICTOR MOD EL i·Viv. ANY CONclItion Veep. 3334 N. Clark SL. Chicago il. 13022 HELP WANTED-ADVERTISEMENTS RATE -12c a Word Minimum $2 Renntlance In tall must acco mpany all ant for publication in M c colu mn. No charge account, ACROBATS W ANTED -T WO FAST GROUND 'rumblere for troupe. lona fair le mon. Al Acker man. Roule 5, Wayzata. Minn. le10 ALASKA, OUR MYTH STATE! JOIN THE ROSIt! Construction, Offtre. Culinary. Hotel Workers; lift/SICIANS-GIRL VOCALIST POR CORMIER el.,. Dale Mrrilora bend., SMnbede loca- tion.. enevalghte n, good wage.: must be tel. able, mber clean-eut Write Bon C.I16 board. Chwinnetl. O le10 Nite Club Entertainers: big per; bulletin. SI = Md. Unlace. 1225 Sta m m., Berkeley. ittsICIANS -COMMERCIAL BA ND. SLEEPER bue salary. M e mel and Canada: cut or no Pollee. DRA MATIC TEA M -0/TIER USEFUL PEOPLE write: Mo m debut apecialltes preferred. Pearl Buddy Sale. Boa 13. Cal m., E. D ICl/ Barton, Neal comedy Co.. Bainbridge, O. WANTED FOR ROY ACUFF, DURBAN CAVE DRU MIEER -YOUNC. NEAT, W HO SINGS ballads, to join or musized tomb* et once; wire for detains Combo. Egni Vo rchles Lafayette. L.. Arnueernent Park: Enrol- Uintag met, and show, Sundays only. Conlon 011e Ha milton NM Madison SI., Clarksville. Tenn. Notice Want HI M Wye or other irensetIonal set July Ind. 3rd and 4th. Jell GIRLS W ANTED POE HA WAILAN AND REGUlar girl Mow: long «be er'e around countryt can me Singers. Strippere, Hula. Oriental, ete.: mule be avalleible trtuneellately: Mod Photo. Nate all ten do nade... Mike Weintraub or W ANTED - REPLACE MENT !OR MID WEST territory hand: needy work. Write or «Ire El mer Hall. 321 ti Celburn. Grand Inland. Neb. 1e34 Mike McInnes care Billboard. 1541 Broad. .. W ANTE D-EXPERIENCED CHAIIIPLANE OP. New York CRY. a orator: 18·31 who can run elid e ore Perris HELP W ANTED - MIDGETS AN D DWARFS for New York rereduction: send photos: ex. perlenee not neee mary. Box C.130. Billboard. Vibeel. else Mee cae drive Geller.: all tore Jump.: VIrstnia territory, all ma ma: top eAl. ary W. T. Yount, Werra/don, Va. 1010 CluMntuti 0 3.24 W ANTED - TRU MPET MAN FOR POLKA ·,LEAD TRE MPET MAN. DOUBLING VIOLIN. I for co m me rcial band: must be sober. able to band, prefer liCidw mt man. Berg. Albert Lea. Minn. Coulee( L. A .play Mows: Weellons only: cut nr no none.: W AISTED - TUNE WIIITEIL COLLABORATE flail particular.. photo. Al Overend. Skyline on exceptionally good novelty Iflit,; emit! Club. Milia n. Mont ·professlon·I only. MN, 221 W. 41 SE, NYC it. LEAD TENOR SAXOPHONE -I. MAR. Sell alstIon SttyripengtonDae,m,muststronteg/a mlteiaodve·Trguonodesetf.·riStniell.t previous !mods. age. If per menent ed. W ANTED -XYLOPHONE PLAYER FOR Si. tablIshed act ante be able to read: rate all in fini lett.e. Z. H.. Zoom /10, 1540 Broad- Mem. Box C.I37. Billboard. Cincinnati. 0. 3024 WRY. PLY.10. NOTICE CLOU CLASSIFIED FOR MS FOR THE BILLBOARD'S ANNUAL SU M MER SPECIAL, TO BE DATED IUNE 24, WILL WEDNESDAY. JUNE 14. Genuine Swiss 2 Rotheer glib, CHRONOGRAPH Guarani·ad Ha w /.7 5 w 2sch hits or · er mor· I Guerra, bu·ions Ib oar. and Pop see , woo., 5·01 Pol· · whet/ th·orn· case. N oll., sl ue. 1 tare dial SNo Ne SS 15 BULOVA ELGIN BENRUS GRUEN gin . avce S8.50 ISemenuvsoi WALTHAM Precrs,en Oeb ,Irs · Newest styles .7 levee. 512.341 ·hin mions dial, 61.00 Marl. 10K P.O.', case men «mo m u stem back Dorn. rues ., pre . leather Oweranletd. Plain or rhinestone dial. Brand New - Genuine Swiss CALENDAR WATCH Polly auto mat', d·tle, thane. In w.ndow Chrome tee cot with .11·IS second ra mu m dial arm hands. Omni Wm learn... strap $4.50 ZS , Deposit on C. O. D. Orders, Whole mle Only. No le·tmle Sena tor me "la me of fan sell ., den,. ,World Wide Watch Co.e 14II Canal SI, New Tens IS. N. NEW LOW plu m living Pictures tonal - flattest Novelty - S eta ·n eight - Na Trtelre-- No Marie - ···Jee Everytahet· LINO 1600 -11 My *an Cal zeal se/Pt - Winking -so wn, saLemde,. v403 -14ola SrI se04 -14ult in Mort saes -nabs, Dee .04 -Doe · Elet $5.75 DOZ. See. « Ores. seetene. 61.00 _ SIX SATI ON AL LINE 11110 -Elentree 0.01 0..1 .1001 - Mns Lee. $7.20 DOZ. III 00 Ore n garnele Il AO Packed I Doe. Per Ctn. Actual Slle, Sy/ in Ileautiful Cryetel Pri me. Cash W W1 Order or 13 % Den Required TIAKE Sal. C 0 0 - Dept N MIPM1S1o1·o·n·g101,G1a4r.dePna st. Get your ad in NO W for this al-important special issue. PHOTO KNIFE Two Wades W etly PM. * ad Cochon ne w. Un brisehable Si mile la m e. with Beaulieu, Art Phu. IT'S NE W! IT'S A HO WL! Plastic Popping Eyeballs in 4 beaut - ful colors can be rotated to Maley COTT . position. Clear Vision. Unbreakable. Mounted co heavy spectacle trame. re. Funniest novelty in years. ·IT'S HOT! HURRY! 53.60 PER DZ. -mounted on attractive cards 13 dz. minimum ordevi. 10 Dot. e or Mors-4 3·Jv Per Doz. BO RDE SPENCER (O. 223-22S W M edItan St [Meets, 6, II. Sle te ihey $40 PER CROSS (shipping weight 8 lbs. Der grossi. Sample 50e. 25 % with order -Balance C.O.D. DOMESTIC ARTS & CRAFTS 51 Hamilton Are.. Brooklyn 31, N. Y. Pli RING DEMONSTRATORS, FAIR AND CAIRNIVAL Imported Miniature 'COLT' Autontatle Pistol Lighter Can be mad as a Table or TTTTTT Lighter. Actual si rc at L ela, 1 Cornet co mplete wItb tela bale. individually boxed, chro miu m plated. Limited Quantities. Pelee $7.20 per desers -prestpaid Florida. Sa mple $1.00. 15 % Deposlt -Ialance Z. O. D. Order Im mediately. W OR KERS. SEND FOR NE W CATALOGUE A. KI M MEL, IMPO RTE R l 0 4 engage ment W·ddiny VI 63 Do. 1.63 Dos. We na nti Excl ... Styles in Expe rclve Looking, Flashy IK Gold Plate and Silv a, Plate WIN'S ·nd LA01·11' gOLI. TAIRI - BRIDAL SITS - CA MIOS SIGNETS - BIRT HSTONES - COCKTAIL ·INGS - They are Itivt wiser yell need for Depart ment and Deus Store Dona. Ring Sales. Also 101 New. flath, Jewelry Ilstes Fos Fairs, Carrilvale and Reborn.. Stale Tour Buelnes. HARRY KAREN PING CO. 303 3th Ave, N. Y. la, N. V. Red end kV h it · Stone Co mbination . S3.00 Des, 1130 Alton Road Miami leach 39. Flood. a Phone 5-3167 aBARGAI NS! US e,:açl° L'7.7; ;roilleraolutre:: " all4i1e"s, :eSpr.e*ceial.ties, CardeTd Seed. Dry Goods, Coe melles, Stationery, Jewelry, Notion., Perfonee, ¡OOP, Mc. Send 10e tar TTTTTT illustrated catalog and 1 0 ...aye all neat listings as issued. TIM M JOBBERS fil m 10, 1950 rim Bilboard M E RCI1 iNIJISE 91 W O» ANII W CARNIVAL - NOVELTY SPECIALS BUY DIRECT FR O M AN OLD 1.1.1 ABIS NOUSII AT LIBERTY-ADVERTISEMENTS Sc a Word, Minimum $1 BR AN D N E W N O V E L TI E S! SPECIAL PURCHASE! No. AL ,e·t ) oc DOLL m e Sailor. Type L oy Baby Doll Wi th p oked eap ht. bander-lilted pl otie faro. Body Is made of fiait quality pereale clo th, Each In. sc orned in cellophene. Exceptionally good value Amorted rol ors. Haight sr Each DOZ. 80 e $ 9 ." NOVELTIES Dee Iro n Special Dart MeNeese F I AS e4" Fur M olte n Par Mon 5 .·4 .74 446 0 Beet Imported P. M It'd, .10 Tr feather Dells .79 IS M 8.40 1.541 17.40 17 . Paper Pares°. IS" Paper Parasols .75 I. . 8.40 11.00 10v Denientic Rubber beach belle 4.00 .3.00 Ilea. WhIle. Blue Seen O M bell 1.10 13.00 The beet Loh Whip Plat Crown Western Nets 1,10 3.63 12.00 41.00 American Made Leis 1.1$ IS % deposit required en MI orders. balance C.O.D. All ship ments P.O.E. Ch's ... Visit Our Manley Ranh. Where are have thousand. of It.,,. le Che m Wor n PRI5 - WrIte for our 44.Peger 1190 Catalog. M. K. B R O D Y 116 S. NALITID ST.. CHICAGO 7, ILI All Phones: AiCro ne 64310 SERVI NG THE CAR NIVAL AAAAA OVER 34 YgARS Re mittance in full m ust acco mpany all ads for publication in this colu mn. No charge accounts. BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS RIN K ORGANIST - TOP rtraer M AN: R SR experienet 3 Yearn One M r.": ob., reliable. prefer year round lab, stead,v; aollable after J oe 11 .. Bud Butterfield. 137 Potter St.. Chester. Pa. . .10 AVAILABLE FOR THE SU M MER -COM MER. rial nine.plece or Oestra and attractive vocal. 1st, organised three years; complete up to date library: foxtrot. rhumb ., waltzes; record. and Oct . . on request. Studio A, 4 East Ohlo so., Chicago, Ill. SMALL SOCIETY ORCH. -JOBBIPIG 151,911LE radio. Cincinneti: onion; dance b picnic" Ken White. P.O. Box Si. Sta. E Clnein oll SMALL DANCE COMBO, UNION - PIANO, H O ¡slit .. Vil a, boa, m, Sees. Inclu eti,. .r 7n Ured»latae r Bel. Aye, Lakewood. 0. acknowledged. All replies · BROTHER CO MBO -GIRL VOCALIST OP. Howl. for atelier sum mer ·ogagereent, poe- «WI NE « for progrealise future. 140 Cal « ltd.. Menthes ., N. H. CIRCUS AND CARNIVAL (Intel Cal VERT - RECOGNIZED as res. outstandl o end leading hieh wire performer of Amer . Great Calvert 13. hider«, Ave Rochester N V 410 I AM A HILLBILLIE FIDDLER LOOKING roe two years work with circus, side show. Ray Lynch. R. D. 2. Coatesville. Pa .17 SPANISH GUITAR. BABE, VIOL, ACCORDION. Mandolin. S ole. Plano,W o o. Volta; sober, reliable. experienced. or otilet large re fl, tolre; modern. o/d-Onte, W ota n: elate beat offer. M all on, Box 157. NelepOrt, One. STEEL GUITARIST -EXPERIENCED W EST. era. prefe n radio work. ire si m mer.; sni . or » We. Ed ward Hinton, M O Arlene. FIJOS. Mich. Will answer all offer. STRING BASS MAN FORMERLY WITH RED whNoichplea.ysangdoodGusrhyAtrhnhmeingunitaelr,m foWrilmeerlVyocawliitsth W one Grebe co mb o only. Jack H o wl, Box 774, Fairmont. Minn. Je24 TENOR SAX MAN -SE MI.NAME EXPERIENCE. one, reliable, t year. old, prefer Illersren Hloicgahtliaonn.d SuAtve.,willBertrtavoenl.. Ill.IL. J.or Kcaollper,Rog16e0r7s Park 1.0234. mir, TRU MPET - EXPERIENCED: COM MERCIAL. orJaAn.nenfatk.e. CMoaostws.disLtartiicn,L eS. Ba nlon.ott6.o11n GMuelfn Idle., Are. Mia mi M ach. Ela, 1·10 TRUNIPET -RF.AD AND FAKE. SE MI-PRO narne experience; sober. een o natory mus4 clan; hare own trensportetion: cut, no notice. Contact Musician. 249 E. Front St.. Legan. O. TR U MP ET M A N - THOROUGHLY EXTERS enc.]; nine years' werrilme me bands. combed; IS years old Johnny Lindenberg ., 7421 N. Demon. Chicago. Rogers Park 1.0/14. MISCELLNNEOUS PARKS AN D FAI RS AV AILABLE -QUARTET OF SINGIND WAIT. era for en .rtalni o and orrice. 2134 406 140 th. Brook .110 HALF AND HALF OR GIRL SHO W DESIRES to hear from reg . e tonegere. Jaen Nadla. 1911 S 1 St. Plilladelphlà, P.. 2017 AT LIDEPY -VOL NG LADY. SINGLE TRAP. ese. ladder, platform. rolling globe. R. R Cr y. III b oot. . Are,. Evan nille. Ind. .1 BALLOON ASCENSIONS PARACHUTE JU MP Me: modern ouip ment for lab , parka, eele bratIone alwa n reliable Claude L Shafer. EMI S Dean . » Indianapolis 21 Ind fe 10 Su * 6000 Bil1 - 460 Ferm Wholesale KM Oesie sales men ·n e labbers. r · u Will End this le ek car mine earth T·ste d Money Maker. I-ales, ¿ere.. $hows · ric· red « liens enellt11 % ow many Iterne Sin . 1122 our m · n · y beck ·,,,,,, 'se h · source of con fi te ell buy er s 21e brings you lus 158 wholes.. catalog of Tested Sellers Yeu may robe credit ter the 154 en ord·r in that way the Beek Will net god you any money. Gel you, copy now of supply le depleted. SPORS CO., 6.50 Le mont, L. Canter, le mn. MINIATURES of nationally famous beverages reoa E. SPIES, TliE HOLY MAN AND GREAT Magic Healer at leisure. WI W ell Ave.. Rocheiter. N. Y. BIaGct:I PbEoeOuPhLfEul ACstaRgOeBAdisTIplCay.ANDFeBrALIllAoNtCrIeNeGd literature. Lthrobecis Meters Altr oliona. 1013 Oliver St.. Fort Wayne, Ind. MUSI CI ANS BOOK' CHARLES LA CROIX. FLASHY PLAT form h o me act for all typ o of outdoor ·onta FOY all perticulan. addrino Charles La Croix. 1904 South Anthony. Fort Wayne 4. dla o MIO AT LIBERTY AFTER JUNE 2-GENERAL bueiness. moan,t speela mes. general utility: eni·11 parts and prop. preferred. Ray Coles. o Walter Rogers. Et. 4, Mcmornonle, DASHINGTONB ANI MAL. ACT -DOGS AND Cate, for fairs. park. July Fourth tiona: g o on .e5 to M.eese. 14E1 Eracikl St.. Philadelphia. Pe. AVAILABLE IM MEDIATELY - TENOR SAX, doubling bass clarinet; experienced on all chairs: tre opose ano a mine; have ear; lets. lion only, eta sr no notice Site. Elder. Room 707. Henry Grady Hotel. Atlanta. Oa. seis AVAILABLE -LEA D OR SECOND TENOR FOR vocal quartet. play Saltar and darte d. 2139 40t E. 149 . Bronx. Je10 AV AILABLE EARLY 7UNE -TENOR M EAD,. clarinet. flute. piccolo. Mow, combo, band. rhu mba, lealtirnate; tra mp oitIon. no hassle: age M. Irvin Gil man, Botany Lone. OberI M,jela 00R.ACE ELO WN O FEATURI NG HIEDDIE, Ki m of SUN- Walkers. for all « odor . 4148 MePhe non. Bt. Louis. Mo. 141011 ',HAVEN() M RS. ACT, FEATURING tope » routine and gy mnastic rote Ti me open Box 0.114 Co The Billboard Clocinneto 23 0 SENSATIONAL HICH FIRE DIVE -23 WEARS ,..o.fiutr.n aeadve creerltat a gillaiel.ect u,gyd 434 Lamphier l ace. relfarren O. lelo BASS MAN -FINE STRING AMPLIFIED BASS. read or fake; age 30. nest appea nnee. cut or no Lou,.; will consider any good offer, write or wire. Lan, flair. Boa tà. N. La o. Lansing. 11.1. BASS MAN -DOUELL ON SWEET VIOLIN: read, (eke a min o: experienced. reliable. eober. genial; union, DIE Sallt Feinstein. 3334 No/folk St. Newark. N. J. jot, ILASI MOND ORGANIKT -AVAII-AHLE ON TWO w oke' notke; male. 30 a earanot. experi- enced. Addle . Organist. I·49 C.c .. nall 23 0, MIO MUSIC COPYIST -UNLM4. KNO WLEDGE OR. eltertretion, tran mertatIon, wanta connection ., m ole fir m, band IS Y vlebilty,· (004 work Henry Strehanaky. 834 Hyena A Brooklyn. N. Y. Ch 7.4243. PIANIST - YOUNG MALE ENTERTAINER. .. .table soon; vocals. novelties. ear. Pianist. BOX 41. Foulke Station. Rich mond. Ind. MIT VAU DEVILLE AR I'ISTS CALVERTS SOCIET , PUPPETs iSTnINGLESSI want Ku m mer bookl o , eet-up and ant Do. In any . ... anywhere. Calvert. N1-50 Carole, Ave. El mhurst, N. Y. W h ole 7- M74. .10 CHANGE SPECIALTIES AND MAGIC FOR T WO eel.. material for fell night', M ori con alder partner salth outfit Ji mmie end Me n Burke. 3308 East Broadway. North Little Rock. Ark .10 CO MEDY VENTRILOQUISM IN FE MALE IN. or·onat mn or straight twoligure routineo and duets: wardrobe. Eddie Burke. Aurea Vine Hotel. Rives-aide. Calif. FEMALE IMPERSONATOR -OPEN FOB NIONS club bookbm; Osier arks; send photos. ala r,. 1 5 net; O M la wardrobe: transport* lion one way W ale. Devil 411 S Wets ,. Chicago. Ill. W A 1.4444. 1.24 BILL S SPECIALTY MEG CO., 433 N. Zed ST.. MILWAUKEE 3 COLOR CHANGING M A N O N E D C MI E r TVRIFIE SELLING TRICK! In.? ps,s 'his Large silk hanky tb, our', tour hands. PRESTO! . the col , changes. No Mill required like rol IWho's . r price. $ 20 ea, SA MPLE $7.00 Rs on .. IIorder. we co, Po ne , robber,! WrIto for quantity prices. O. IterallINS A CO., 131 4 W.42,N.V. IL N.Y. PIANO -AVAILABLIC IM MEDIATELY; GOOD ear, small band. combo pretttt d; yer otile: union. Coda . Flaky C o o, NM E. E O M M.. Tallad oa. Ala. Phone M M. HIG H COMEDY VENTRILOQUY IN STRAIG HT or (enokle Imper onation: double.futo n ros DI NG unp meedented novelty. Eddie Berke A we. Plata Hotel. ',ve nt ., Calif. SOUND CAR AND ONE MAN 4-ACT VAIIDE. ville tow; available for celebratto m In Mid- western States. Walter Bank.. It South Rob. O men. Springfleld, Mo. lolo TROICtKricRkOPDEoR mWISpreHfEeSr ErModPeL...OY vMiEnNoT. WfaIiTn.H Mehl clubs. with flashy Western wardrobe, have own transportation. Retie Wa·hingten. Gen. Del., Foliar Bluff. Mo. PIANO-ARRANGER - PREFER CO MBO; T WO weeks' notice; modern, Individual Styli. Dee CC-135. Billboard. Cincinnati. O. BIG PROFITS Own o ur min, nee. ster ol . a·y ehents, name plate. yodel eieeuria) Semple wi th n ·in · ana Or Bart Rife. · PIJNCHSOARDE Der. Ore . Pc. Fen Sets, Boxed. T oe Cellophane Sailed $3.00 3.54 42. 0 YOU, Ner o on Caps senh aGr O nler 4.44 14.04 IOUs Chronographs Steel or Leather nand Included, 13.23 in Des. Lot. Sa mple 14.00. Double N od Electric Shavers. ·Ift wrapped. $22.10 to, free poach, $2.33 In Din. Leto Sa mple 13 23es 0.0 014. Megan . C. O. O.. or 2% Cilmeent far Full Re mittance. All merceanene F. 0. 5. New toril. Ciele·CO SALES, 14 West 41arel St., New Tanis, N. Y. LO 44317. N O TI C E CLASSIFIED FOR MS FOR THE BILLBOARD'S ANNUAL SU M MER SPECIAL, TO BE DATED JUNE 24, WILL CLOSE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14. Get your ad in NO W for this all-important special issue. M AHOOT FLUTE $341 on. $42 " Ore n Blo w 011 flute and snake cornes out of basket dancing in ti me to the real snake-char mer music. Stop blo wing and snake goes back into basket. Ind o di ly GORY "YANK-A-TOOTH" SISEDer. $1 0 O man Looks like real thing just pulled. Pleni of action. Individually bo nd. 23 % appear With One., name.. C. O.D.. 1. 0.11. N. Y. M osey Order sr Certified Cheat. HAPPY TOY NOVELTY.,, Y. FR E E M ONEY- MAKING OUTFITS WITH ACTUAL SA MPLES .3 Ir old. YOU ea. .re doer Isser. la lull er tttt ti o. (nut. on o so ame h torehert r..e.ofr( maaIdns ertenrs.oleM o,olt. wendrod Konen eOlio On. hi, add oilh am tin einv .. Ind rain free tayleinaitile I elm ru n et ine n ttraoll,tttrte eta 3 worn. tenas.. Ott. On. éntuthae · rest se4uene.wOuCsarmo..ura$w.ee1. hmwhoiorw.ds el anon litti al aandlin· Mania Ai n 3 ailettinnl limn loi w on., linear. lei . . .DI man at Idea. lee erni la ottrar Flan Ill c Oa me, hen eustatitatél add leet eon et eeeee fn, en minty or JoIN otennatil In belle tout awe twain* WI Nine, all tent eitenita ten id» b.1n·e111 Mloatu···Pieiorwayeain .11s1tandee. Nolen at linreile.rinn fabrics ea/ m oon inse·r omahte eaten Indlone Is per now et lent ID HU D ism. Write KA N D LA C ORP.. Babylon 97. N. Y. - imported SvÉss Step R A ND W WI CHRONOGRAPH TERRIFIC with 7 thrth bon .* Time Step Watch Measures SPEED her··· are. 13111 A NC 'wen Ser' Watch W ee se thne o ne. aorplanes. races efhlent events e Telernerei e Chro me Males C oe · Precision Made e ronerneter e LinbreeleOle C nO uaI · e Artr .1.·· 0.1 e La ne Sete.. Men. li·itan and N on, n· et Dion in Darnt · tote Watch Only Le. et ISO Lete of ID 01 . 3./1 with é sun *obi... 8 Sin. Oahe Plated. Ms eat . Illasete lane Il ID Dos One mends. 754 ttttt . C. O. D orders fro m nen-rated concern.. 10 % Sell SAIODn W·reAaTrCeH,undLeLr-16474mershweasy eNm.s tYi.naIS.·a.N. V. S L U M! 25 Pounds for $25.00 For R·sale Only 10-0 jewelry Items $5.00 B. LO WE St.HolLlaonisd B1.ldgM.e 92 MERCHANDISE The Billboard June 10, 1950 Teo sensation if the year ti.., I. settle, Wee wild fire CUTIE PENCIL with Two Beautiful Girls in Each Pencil $ 4.25 N an Air $4 8. " SA MPLES. 1.1.00 Il peeped, repels and has · beautiful geld finish. All you de Is press the top of the pencil and a· borne light. up · nd ahe m two of the molt beautiful RIrts In the world 1 ir really a knock. our U N deposit, m oney order or cash, bele m· C. O.D. FIR M PRODUCTS 627 van Nast Ave. Bronx 60. N. Y. Sensational TIE VALUES Flee's, WEISS'S Hess Died From 14r. 601UINE MID PAINTED JI M SIZE TIES Illerunerly SI Bah Retail, $10 $9.50 30DOZ. DOZ. lmete. n .r LATEST STYLE PANS TIES 'Full CAI Ti Qual m M,V eue . 17.10 Del Dole . PI » Are. Panels e a O a Others fro m $1.10 to 517.50 ari a · be a m. »mum Kane m a Pu n SiAOlSk WTSi m,40D1o5ublWeITWHedNYLiLOaNm WDWeWrWW sae » AND TO M -43 ·011 MONTHS. Dna. ME WS ALL NYLON NOSE. 51 0·11CIS IS D ade! LADIRIP NYLON 1403R. Cro. . .... MIN OALIC M 10 DI M ... O n. 1.00 Oleflere NO W- inunedtate De ad » TER MS: Nef a days to rated fir ma unrefed fir m tab a men, bale. « C. 0 D. ALL ORDSR1 INIPPIID PREPAID. order new for fed ead a--4110 pref . 1. W OLFMARK NI Ra m an Rd., Dept. BS. Chi a » Se IN 21 1/4/ MU M RING $21 .00 PER DOE. 25% DI N Bal. C. O.D. A I.... . sp·rbl·r on an R.C.P. " tr. tr··iry mountirg. with an eye for faster a d hisser PROFITS WRIT' NO W far . . .He. '2.00 c. o 13 N11 faith 11. INS fling:TING C C, Y LETTER LIST Letters and package. winnowed to penal = lo care of The ealboore will be advartlaid ln thu Llat two Cl a p a ly LI you are having 01511 addra wed to you to our care. took Le your na me EA CH W E EK Mall la M id acoorangt to the «flee of The ·Lilhoent where it la Dad Cincinnati. Ne,» Teak. Chicago or St. Louie. To be listed in follo wing 'melee na me, m all canal roach Ne w Yor e Chicago or St Louis by W rineefler to moluil or Cincinnati office by Tbureday m orning. MAIL ON HAND AT CINCINNATI OFFICE h u rt. Ur. Odd loan, Jan . Hu m. Rohe.< Frederick. Pay De ar Medal, R. A. Freeman. Art I'm,.. Bella Meridiem. J. Ti Fut ure. RI M Marino. Ir a « J. i"'« igmnee"tey Seer Mar .. R au 2160 Patten« Sr. Cincinnati 22. 0. e..... n' ilhilife"l." C.eotas t Geier ». Mn. M a iterrelry, r. 'J.u'lc;'4, Re'maemlt'. Kaki .. Tea K ul a. Mn, G. Manrtainn.o «r.eelShoO.wy Manly. laeph V. thrrtiedele. IT H. Parcel Post WPlNatedi,e ·Nt4 Abbott. !Aide It fl u. Jae CI l ams, faddy Pl.' Coe. »Carlton " Adam. Harry Coleman B M Ad m. RO M 7. famed. Vi m» Admire. J. C. C adet Lai not reek. Jar rart ar Mae « M ann Co mer. Jackie eAlndese";ar . bAretrhurfl. Andre. Ke 'afmalt b· kneeled. Ker n Cor al .1efYl"emn"" ate . pro. C M «, C M «. Ra7 Sen te. Jimmie An ne «. Milo em u... 1sm da se Co des, li·FI MISI A M., MN IC L. Ces, TAftin Glib « Arbil, Ell Cr.. W . C. Addl.. flee C a m. Mrs . attune DIO Ne w. . A,pry, F. 1r . _Di me, Rue la rerek,21.7° RRaakkeerr,. CBOrthMO rream.m. C.Jor Lan. "' Curdle. LAO alereably. Men. P. Kan. SID, M. . er . bort Med . Pelted Slao, GlIdere6on to re "'" CGlleenon.. Rms. · K44144 ./ N. · · ker n. Renee « K. lita'», filer k r1.1" 27is. 'riles i r , Jr' Pern aj, ellilden.Fe Mniarckl-'"lel.' Reuea,c.e.rr.. MMrn.. RBa.i, A.. A Ben hang. , SIn. VI M Coll Iers. Meow.. elne. Charlie MadrelIifkteleh Mmo. n.MOrad. elLeo Dore «. ama L ne, 7:::d...on .: role Cods Berne V' KRMM... iL4an,m fDMree.'r Jifaniea.»'M N . 1,7ft.e. t ed'em"'et.remalren fain «. Cul M. Man. M· O. Griffin. * Mud ar mors hell n el,,, I C. Ode .. Wee e KI M° , Eal are ' Ro es Cherti Federe. ID « Krodelien, Re m,, Relded. Ca me L C* . · Burt Nadel. Simon H a fle a n. M M .. A. Marta >. Rud a, M M Lefteine. Fred A. 9t mr..., rn,,, 1- t'd» . 'M ahar L'R '. H.." 1 =-·je;,, , 'fle e,:.Pw.ft4,1"W" ' J. Miklelebe. Mrs. Joereh Mind. !Rattier Albert Miller, 3» A Id,, N adal R. 21111 u. Mn, It. A. arm". Faewe hater. W et , r. dierhell. Ih m.l. ..,, Mitchell. Miller B M W?. Mr. M e g . D yer It Mregtau. At le a 3s Mtroe*n"r.em,.r. MMr'i.rt".TkhTAeMmMert... Dab?, R. H. M U«, W e. se. Ran a«, Mrs. ·IIII M. reddia N Dail. FAw. 'P at M ach Sheds M od .. Frtil ,.., Rater Saaeforida n' PlBaludmwien. AAr.elaR.h Pa rticle. Bel a Deed. imE.eerIeSyeigi Da m, v. A, re m. Das. And, Pereiren. M rt Ro n tile ,.... '"..k. '" . Mor an. Itillordek" ..` ;-*-- . 17 ,4 - · L M. ahon. T. .C.' " Lankford. Flitrn.1..1. t',..,.2n.. r...W..,.....,,.. 31 . PBarfrieetlt.d. T2e.rryF. Dup . , mrt ,Dart Ft4Ni· ,riht,,,,,, ,, Leming. Mrs. r,ww P.'s. f. RPeutm,, MVras.n Dinah DeWitt mRae.n nee ,. Relnis. ,H,ei rtFle d* `,..,.5p, r,e legm an. Comrnuered « rs· re,Caatde. M artNe Lal Reels. Mari a Pratt:. BSI . TDs»OH,& Terrah » Men, gee F.,.,..,,,,,, .. ..N M ifia".".b"earl.. leMenk ".. eic"."t""41 .1.24" .".1'11 .' Rend .. dre 'Drummer, N MI ». Ja m .....» la mellar Men I Nor m a. )(nu.. . i.7.5:,: 1.·. 8,neht,er en141e1i.r,"" Rl.n.en ·.1 nn»t"d-.a,.i:..:","1>.a.n:ntdL-1.. FrR,e7nd7t.,. Mn. t.,,,..'R.eb . 1 1.",,.."7."".;, :' i,"n An.g't"r'eIemr YNnawslmk,. EBtonltear T. PA M , Al a Ber ard. armoOrrder De ar. aw. ,.,.,.., . ,.,,, ., T.T.. ' , ree,n .ron: ":al.:- :M:r.;. re. Ber e a,. Ihu rt · Odder. Hre Ut'r,'-,!:.., Da. n"""- T"'''2 rh1, 7,:.44 t4,..1 . te,^p&. ,t..e.n.r,, 1:Ouli.,:..,, ifr... i.i., Han ., rififi. erni.1...4 e pl..4 n. 7,..n ex ·· I. - M ukh a, FA 1`,Mht>at.rt.,. F.,aSnanrkrr. , A. nD,nree:1'n"1.i,,,."re. ."z91...7 .;erao",,h.ree'" MPioen,. BNfawt,,idler.: . t a n,. Ideb A. rivirde..fee mb npe.' Pend. lETronnayt Ja ne , frev'enere. Sa me R?Inugtlioen..e. C.Iarn Bowen, RU M l erl w. Rec. .,nr Dent... Mn fa me PTNeIdMdelreer., IltetH. Re m R. N franyll, Reddi '. 1.."n..a,..fwle T: skresed. S. & 1d1.1 .21ron C. Tha·d C u · . 7. W. rJ.4.441 . ', Matta. Mike far, the. T. W. '_Mcii· re`ie Le. Loehr. Idrs Nire "Hnn. teung, A.N, L'''^'''·''''"''4''"' 'I"' :::::. e:le. er lfl"rt.X. 'Ma ni Dln"iem"`1.a"reee.,D,.FI:,l an'in.A.e6"s. Hobble, *sl ateIrleo. Li r.,:',ar,',,n, n, .i. .1.ell. di rt r Ont. Fred Bud, Tow Reeerlrer. Mot Ned», P ane Defend!.RIP Art'nOamrni Dr".anry4i i".f.nFeeeneth Neff» Mrs T. lnaaann....N...ThwJlMen« .T.. Hotthi a «. Seta ,,,,,, t...1.,.' ,,,,,'scout. ,. t,,,,, ,,,,,, rn.u.e..e,m.,r,iTn"ea.lrt ' P m, W. C. gyaia NMoo mm.e. E1C.mirR. J. »T at. Mr Mi n » Berth 4.. ek RK,eo,ne x,.. MI * fate M s Merl. 1Be,.r.n.e r.,. ,. , MMOaeW L. U N ed., e,. L. ',ma ma Am , p,,à : i.,,,..,...,. ENNVI Ns White eln . . R M. M ad. Ne al Sue Ely. T m aJor m fr alheirt. L ae 7 Jerboa. Feel Ju ana. 1A m khrà'eerenr," "'larklb" ' 1e1h1,1e. L a mes M edan. C. L. rulers. Tom 0 IfeCa ndek. tfre Jeffrey. Not re .. s.,,,,, Jake.. prem.,.d.ine. I2ffeerriecftilneena.h, BD.B W Jertizan. C. V. kIe Dieeld. .1f111, nN.e.,e....tin. .n lies Neb.,. rne Praurt'.re. w e.taier t rea m Purfab. Ds> NPrr..a..n·H',,y Bud a t.'.e,r,,a,,,Y,1,.,8.. /Whitler lees n. ,r. ,.r.. Ç(aaiimd. allT.oldCreek A. Carid eo. Jack J. l'in. ae « ase w, Melba vtheeale..». M ann. Gene Cha m No me Ciad.. Mn. Jena Clete. Rea. R. tier. M n. Pert Med.. Harry ft Mer u Pe nile. Albert ;: ,,,.t. .r,.oa m,fineCanrtSP.. « £1 :c Fanner Ja me JO face ac Frier,. dn.. En» Frki.i.ama., mWEa.d.dieM>.florae ra n.. H Tor% Chad » Poets. ark they m. Usair J Jolla.. R. A. and. . J.,. man. rd,. re m. ,.--. , Johne m Alfred f Dinah , & Stn. owe, e ¡ M an. Mira . Mheliinue«m,. VeIldte. T. John », R ah M. Mam my Il L ea, ItI ner Ben r a Jon , Ole" Jews. I la mai. 25 lameden. Carrie McDonald. Kee rferannakt, Ka m » ., · W eill. Frank ilet.l. ur -.e ro ue, b«eief . Crtert limenen. .th.e.Rn «M.. Helen k Bob WIf.a rAelton Mehra «. Ale' s J. ..n..,". Vaned · . 1r111, Mn. Pat Paned · t1reacPteielke.. JJaeermesr U. Prrooeam,miala,. AtlAainnd HO, Tnni Sfelhan. M. Pit a. fling Han, Maw !aeon,. Davie PP., John IL 1, 1e. Herni a vtensrIeld. Mn. Pollard. Itel », n. Compered. A 5 r. SUBSCRIPTION ORDER FORM The Billboard 2160 Patterson Street Cincinnati 22. Ohio P!ease enter my subscription to The Billboard for cne rear. $1 0. I understand that this will include the BIG SUMMER SPECIAL. Na me 10 PC. KITCHEN SET (PHOTO) EA. $2.65 Attractively Based. Stain- less Steel. Quality Throughout. · O diall. LUna din Nr 411111 3. =1 11k 5 PC. CLEAVER SIT (PHOTO) EA. $1.25 Bncendif ionally Cierrenteed. SPECIAL -SPECIAL Cleaver Set, Boxed 7Pe. Cr aver at, Be ad 4 Pe. fl ak tot. In Wooden I « 3 Pe. Corvine Set, Sexed Pe. Kn . Sera, Bayed E ach I .11 1.15 1.315 .10 .55 SILVER WARE VALUES SI Ft. anyeretere, 11 % M O M Silver Muds Be » 24 Pc. Illyarelrate, thaellty Steel M a... 1. 5 14.Pe. All Ste alers Steel Sets 3.311 'rites quered fee se » In 16 -34 -12 -22 - 103 piece. W RITE FOR CATAL OO «Mini mum order It F.O.B. N. Y., Add 504 to each price fart M . O Altr all a dale In 3to 103 pc. eels fer every type el operation. Address: Dept. Inc. THO MAS A. WOLFE, CB, 133 Broadway, New York 10, N. Y. "The Mouse of Cutlery" Get Your A M MO IBILLIANT FIREWORKS NOW ZIP BOOM BANG . 1 M a J.111 .· 14.23 m ag ma fer enly 1Pa3.ea01nsor.,taforISloanrlIoy. e arr audir, U. N. 512.11 These @ M ares in flnur akers. candles, founrains, rockets, r o d ., Red M ello, cornets, henal. » attains and »hers M O you Ine. RUS H Tour Order Today Ne C. O. D.'. send money ... re Ir certified check. Ar my Repealer Pistol with Western Helder, only 31.10. ARR O WHEAD FIRE WORKS CO. Ulf W. Superl ?;i. " " L an 2, »In.,. '\ ç % W eeAianrd IM MEDIATE DELIVERY! · Electric Flash Boards · Electric Bingo Blowers W are or write for Catalog yol«)4.86etts IN C 817423 lernodway Newark 4. 24. J. 11W LOW PREPAID PRICES WOLF POAI'l'FIitArEll'As CARDS 32 Cude, Dourly Art Se ale. an enure, colors end p . m dn. ash. Send 51.50 for 1 earne d desk p. m». $.75 for 3 decks. $7 for le M c and only S13 for 1 dos I SEER DIc,aDrdliR. Mrte trid.a eran eush I 15 % a pe ., balandi C .D. plus delivery chary . or Mod lull a men. end meads In 3 A. AL HA W KINS AND CO. Sloa n Cde Bey 1285 ICAY· L__ Address City Clooapetion or Business Zone State LOCK.-NOVELTY AND TOY ACHES-LOOK I N100 different Beheld » and To m et per ms fou a hue In Per. Two doilla n. brings Ito sa mple es mit ment of Novelties for Jokere und other ante « ite m. N eY, dooda each week No catalogs Plea » date your huri nese. BLUE MOON CO. De a. A. eareenreet Ju ne 10, 1950 the Ililhnorrl 1IT E R C H A N D I S E Peel. li me Sperks, I W. Wright Gererd H PobrIeltle, le. M al. Phil 1.18.01 .1 te en. He n, {snob, 3, , JIlmm Jaeloon. lobo & Poole. Robert Dow Mamie , Edward Eachree. We & Frieda Poo. Weal., E Kro mer, Sillin 3. p ,. , ,,., .. Bu w ._',,IO`m Jar boe. J. Il. Inn... «urn, r. Powers. E. 9 .J. at,. Jrnl Presley. Charley 'Wanner. the. >...d . Tonne, Albert "rd., . Ja mbi, Carl I Teno. Jownh J Jordon, Perare Endo«. Tom, Toone. John., limp, Paul Manley. tattle Butt IR S , Zurherman. 1,1 Jel000n, Mr & )ln. Tommie f4ese. John Stafford. Cleo 7, .,. ai... y.,...aF. SMtaarnel.ey.Mra.BobKane Pinner PMmi, OE,,M, ..Jew felt *. Toone, Mari M AIL O N H AN D AT rat Leland,. kin. Mae Kbeélbbe.n. Je3n.n1.1e ,I. Keenan .. Fred B. Prohoo. Linen! J. PPruuceh,l.ek.HelCeTn .« . 2,sun. Bohn. il.,. Ii.,,., Clod. W. kin Ones, I/heWelOin,g. p.Gmwe"n st n .& E n Morena. /Ira Anna rita med. Caster W ean. Zola . NE W YORK OFFICE 1564 BrOld Wiy Nix York 19, N. Y. aa .,,,, w ee , sr K,,,,,,..,.. C.... Keene. Jun Ehiinnft,. LMeart,ha KKlnionew,les.FredPreeDn « Ke nnae, àCaP.nallCarl Lankford. M . Itm,,e1.11,.Inn B. WIneolrnho..,. BJee.ri A rear. I!Re mI.Cle'wHes,n FmidlI10 btteionfmle,ell.DaRmenl .L Mane. Inc he.°s.Wm. Li mb .. Aneeli n Apdeanta.nm...h. , Bnleorcdk... kblLea Lintel. R& M, ltoennae.nt..- CuHralyn"y , Mkilalrldeenr!e,. TDoonn, 111.1to»r.. 'l Lerrne'St'''. Ledbetbre. Floid Rn. Mr. `._,Kn. Wore, E m ail , R. Wady. Wes Fern ,..,, eoan T na n me, flealin Iketell. Matte.. Nertb. Situ. R. Niehol., lee lLaee.masC.oeCaClrlell Ree he. Jerrie none. Manse, wStrayinn,n. FaKtm. al Molken. Henry it..?,. A. ip..teln,eà.. J,seek. c. Pentane. Emily d'. tAvar, L _ . .h. Onee mbertY. teedC. LIumrnk.dowsin0 .mm m liRvieyd..., .1 , kRWeyomsre.lmedde.,1, mLBluerert:.kleA. Rimb. 11....le. s.o..tmen..° h bete/ mod, Gdell n>te,,,,l,oe,,,ne,,nn.e Ilwlla.n,.lm,eerrn .,.,, ,, ·p..,.., 0, Garb, J ug. lDewlneore.eo,, BAildla,l ne Un w ell «. Ale. GGoooddorinc.h.MeanCudrriocenBeetty K m. 1..enArd ' Lords. Erroll WIlnamdeil... aJlrlh,.ed . IBM Entkdee· Mac, Merl SKtilron.m, CiE.ndyC.,..... Mere wilk. McCormick, ',an Jarle ,, H MO .° RRiisne.ds r,ed'MeCe. Vein.. Tarbls.. Mrs. Itm h eed. Mr. AR.pS,h..m., ea.... pun..., . ntlew·m. GM .. Hfluutechi".ns."F'rWnilmliam. lee, Gneere T.. . Aurillo McDaniel. "'". l'« AIAP M Ww :hrsib.e.r.eerb. .Str., M. Ctine.. Hlut el,, >,... ... Rleaadefrle's,. CLeaiornan Id ,R,. ebhe,,.rr. e. lul,ey R... TTerap,..m.· It3r,,a Alice .," ... ,...,ey..rydan, War. SINAANA aerated. Ye meGonimel, WOlieme.Mow'As.n nJeacark Willein ma. K. amm-I WM· ,Tm e .i. .,. Renewer lawn. Robins:. !IraErelye Indoor We n Ten n «. Ise. u Terrell Cle m .eta Jerome. Keeton, Sei m RalpCahrohAno Wilton. Me nlo. Weililleroonno.. TWel Toone. mean ele"le·'-«.4 .R. 1.. AetrtieJo MMeElloWr.. MnR.obe&rt_SiF.n O we.' Tho mason. (eel R. IftwhIrmn el1 4.0 Trinonmen. Mn. Boren. Maori , Ro m Inner. Emma. Yeomen Une. lee lIrom mon. Far Tbee meno. la mb Roans. Mersin One limed Thernewon. Mika Roa m Mena 'fn... Eronirea lam Ro w Ihnnal Bore. .I1 Thornton. Godfrey a. Pmnerne..1., R a 'MU M. n. ..on. Gra m Tonosend, Tomb, Bee. William Man...el. Era bostia il Clad. O. Ro hn& a,e Te nth. Go mm Reeler. E. 1. M AIL O N H A N D Al CHICAGO OFFICE 188 W. Randolph St. Chicago 1, Ul mer. CD." C. Wel W ebronwer. Gier Mane. Sir. & .1. 1rit Moreno. Un. Geraldine lon m. kW. Netter Mollie. , Clyde A etna% Man L e m. Ge m Atwell. Non .» Rai m. % ma Bennie Kell> Dinh M adan. Ur. sod » Win,. MiArtontO RotIn. XII,, .L. k k · Nolln. Ha m Il...r..b Leahy. IrOromb N&oCtloe.mmI.. E.Tbeame ,,.,.,Barnet.L.T.· R. .n...m,el,I. /:...,,,,D,. to .. So l,Merticleur g..,,r..s,.. ri......". '" t,:u'"k»,. mR ,. and P:a.t"r.i.Tck w7 l'awel.' " rei,°.".".n'n .'I re 1 j MSaektoledrr, kJaW.mesMabe1 Sandier. rh... Me mel. Mi e.. /fil. r " k· e · W e '. mreluen,tlewB.E,>le'ery r U. .T,,,...c,. .à.,.. Carter. Mn. end pWaaikne.ed.JuT»,.,, Ben T wo,. Cla m GéRend, K. C. and Mororir".'" ItrDoomn- Milk ,1b1 ,7.., ,P:,1,..1. 7,.«... .W'ie,..n0rd,a.,:lid: P. "... Pneherte. 1.1e M. Pelt«. Il mard Ren ee Milton np:,:.,.:7,...1fin.e,"shml.n-;"7,,A"., BSaalalt merMtes.n*woes Stal e. W . rrereonmn,et.W Pmer T'ait,. Mit Iren. nausea& Ti minia Hine,. Shirt, G. Pens of Fun SSe" enna.en27 Ant ... e.,..EI....., "2' Wagner,. Mho BIIII· earned. Den thompeon. C. W. ,,,,,, I Bledh&elFI-m7.eher.7 An--ion Waldl Le',",, el',7,· Sadler, RaymoEdndwin WYohuite«.. ATlbieoeldion Bobeelleer, Franke Weldron. Dirk G IPin , Mbion1 & Wt. Kra B. Beret 17 J. Y. W e « . 8.1.firrt!Irt M AIL O N H A N D AT Stott. Zoilo C. & 7, L Seeley. Venn. T1 Ehnen. Slarrie "%Hem el. Stealer Walker. Clark Weller, wm. Waller, Mrs, W m. ST. LOUIS OFFICE 390 Arcade Bldg. Sell, Captain IMIIN M·Illne. SW. Peery ber meinwo nob., Manna. Mew. o St. Louis I, M o. Tr; Werra , Frank MBaudinln,., Allen V War man, D. I. AAlSlO ». I.eJob." Cotter, O mer Shafer. Ennui W o w, Mn, .1tAn Min, Bob C. nReollmaondn.kl, AnJinam milLeeene eetc.h tmereni: Dorn w uk·ok r M UM & 1ln lee Stol e. Do M. Moot, Anne, T. 8n.on. Geors· Herbert Sara, Mr. Ilea it. S ee m Slathlas Sonneee. km '"hee«.' Into P. Shull. TIMID* SElhmelt,on.TonNoyb EMI ., Era Bob Sben he. runt 'w ret:', ...e'." webb. Riley (rain, Irrdner. Sam X. WKe.l..m WSit.s.f·IraMn. LIM. "' C W "2 " T. Amen· ML SI MM Bales. Pete I. RBeermry%,. AtSItIIrar0none ID'«"" "1''..j M;nr:.' .*1.ek D onald son. nudes Slim DDounmbae.r. JaGra'le. V. SFttaille"..e.tne. ".a'l".lInl.InTIO 'o ak". Mn. In n Stonecipher, OttoLee Penh!. Denied J. EmItlhtoorWIriodnen,. IfCoh'aes.t.rleeBirill Mennen. Mr. ak 8,.. ... itlr. Joe Shame , Lurr & Shoo, Bill Done 1 E^e -R. Iwreelsteeb.rn.Petar..I wG.r",.Inlly"ert'n;er. .r ilhilim.,.P, p. Wheeler. Ten n Twe.e Sean ' kin Ha mmes ra."b:,,,%"; cw .7. 1 " Deemer. B. C. Enennern, Keoneth Tiller. Mr Thorsen, D. 1. .Cerl W. Whitedeatber. Chi. Lee,m. A Jdosroh.b. . L , W· TT''e''e.ny. VWI. M F. , Whitey. rd. ., F. licepolthe. Brun Fern. Ja mph ?hy men lebettaker. re.) L. Floats«. Stra Ihrul Twmetl. Ehnen' E M.. . Mr· sow AllE M M. Urn. Roth WSBelnke.mera.rI.r.E.FrI'edTIor; Moan. M. C. IRM A. Charente. Eileen gm nbo CUR. ,. SMaminthn. flifeIolliolonL*"". ;PUI' Re k e. OrtIlla na, willlacca Wsn `»k· Helen I Learner WIllterna.. ton Willa. Claude Rilenn. BIet Al Wilson. Hans wE'nl.l'"e.n, DSiirtn. He m 8 '.«..... 1....1 1.,. r...2. · e es...D. A. w" .1t... n:"Tn " Rin e. a m ,,. ..14 7,`.,Pr kar Rnnkier. H· li L il.ore ' . . Ha mpton. Hatecode, iletsdkneW. Ronald G. a.... FM 's. 10,0 T. Bock. Buddy Hermon. N M H MI, .C.i,Iliap:r. wCa.H.,,A. R M.". He ms CCaasrltloe. ONlinM CAda HH'taeennordideeerrseomon"n..., ,,Waalleds.o BGr . F.... « · lierie Walt, We. 1.1Rhen War m, '" 1BIT F Watson. Pen O.. With. Ila n WWWe eettel,t.uedne.lJmo.e.BettMiee. A Maid,. Orval E bPmmleetr,h. ebnonnu.eorEBe.lle Boner. Williern D rlYr, . Albert T. Eno , Jr.. G. If. inhmd m. MWr.e &Rob n%oOrdW.o«. .f.e...nesD. Wilmot. lor0 E, CIa.aun'Mt.e, I1MR «D. Henley. Mr. IrCeonde.e (Wil mer SChroeanteeo Char m .. Min Heenan. At I. Winslow. Tend crene w,. <>l.'"ma W4 e... W' en" W 'Pee Weer chriebini. Pennon . M .. Robert M unn. Mn. limey Cleakey. Roland Holden.. Eans nWolIntfee,rs. EdW,..m... J. celemen. WLeelotnoanrd a HHooloyte..d.. LoInrtdo Wood., .1cA.e.» iloyence Howe. C. J. Wheeler.Mu.Mn.Harold N. E Wh'''''' '''' ' Paulin. Wilson. John Manama. Mr. a Mn. Will,, Wiellndas. F.C·shA Ar. .let. Jr., Rae. Woeurel. il'irlie. "' Con ta . WWalalarcfeare. HU ren.P".hre"lle. C. '1. F-sst h klea. Earl ten et De , Crowe,. Miebeel 1 Nyland, It. C. TW E«.Tt"1, 1 " "B.a" Sinn, K. A TALK ANYWHERE TO ANYONE INSTANTLY! WITH INTIR-T AU M -NE W LO W COST --SI MPLIFIED r aTI MI O. or 10 000.000 la wyer , dentine, doctors. retell Mores. sa ne , aot tou a homes and SMALL BUSI NESS ES OF ALL KINDS NEED AND W ANT tile new Instant ection Late moro eydedern Different fro m ALL THE REST --COSTS LESS THAN SULP -- HAS T WICE THE FEATURES. Factory Co menreed for , Ma n linuallation --Conomer does IC Ower 70 new 150 Modela tekor ca n to lallr--. rele me . S, clidsteEnV.ERCaYnnebeedIrJoonsn·edbut1,t511on. apart, NO AC SOCKET CONNECTIONS --Lou ... miser rel rime --Can be Mare SO to 100 it. away if desired' R UT INTE MPLKIE DEALERS E MI $300.00 PEP V/E UI °the n in na me Urn.. ...raft 4100.00 weekly easily, WE FURNISH YOU ACTUAL 3 seeNurn DEMON. ',CRA TON KIT. SALES AND TECH NICAL M ANUAL. ADVERTISING LITERATURE. CUSTO MER INFORMATION --ALL AT NO COST TO YOU on · bonne melee plan. This la a NEVER BEFORE OFFERED -- AV AIL ABLE ONLY FROM US --eal m opporronite --Not to be compared nlUa other.. Write m for hell detain and you will me why INTER-TALKIE uleeneen earn more ALL THE 'C LAM ROUND THAN OTHERS with 1.000 .aers ona - la their iba. Get . on es no ted floor with Otte NE W ITEM Manufactured by ·co mmon, with 20 mars m parlence lo El it e. end Radler. MI D W AY C O MP A N Y. Dept. 8-5, Kearney, Nebr. AL-AMERICAN ASSORTMENT THE LARGEST SELECTION WE HAVE EVER OFFERED AT THIS PRICE W ' eMl W H A T FU N! sac DON 'T DEL AY! YOUR ORDER TODAYI Order shipped Rail way Express only. None sent C.O.D. Enclo il money order. Na me nearest express office. HILTDRY --BUIUIT STOCKS ARE LI MITED orarr TOED ODDER IN NOW DIRECT FRO M M ANUFACTURERS O'er 592 pieces of fire crickets -- 36 eleeero. cannon «lute. (bulldogs )-- red del ils. « his . ding phase. , 2 shot repeeeeee -- Ro man ran- - Hu mdinger -- uhiAtling devil --fountains -- cones -- spar. kleet --arriol bo mbs -- snakes -- 2" and 3" .elutes--I mported sk· rockets and other -- and m et , free punk. GOPHER FIREWORKS INCORPORATED 603 FIRST AVE NUE, N ORTH MI N NEAP OLIS, MI N NESOTA a eY ENUINE UR Cash Register RI NG! COWHIDE BAGS * New * Smart *Soul/fit After Oianuln· HandsTeneled, Hand-Lased legs. With Thot Itarol WESTER N LO OKS La me inlander I n. I-Inch Sae, 10P·e. Lined. Zipper. ¿SSS Retallan Not LIn S. ,OSOS Retailer, $12.75 $2.75 11-brch Nandbaf, Gou. tile Do mr. Lined. 15.31 Patellar, $11.75 1rk-Inch Eloper Lined. net) Retell. r $8.75 &Inch Sm. DO M, Nat Lbw & d$4111 Rated . " 82. 25 Nend ?trend W M .. 43 es Retailers , $2.75 SOLO W HOLE Sat OE RE SALE ONE T Money-Path Osearantne IF Not Alostet Wely Surl died SANK' ORDERS PURI IN AN! OUANTITY 010/17 BY MAI L Sand check or money order In full confidence. Post mod if reeled-lance rent ATLAS NoYeilY (0111PanY la, full --or send 25 % depend. bal . . C. O. 12..??.Sees' SEX-SATIONAL NE W! DIFFERE NT! OrnInal , TRIP· .1 Ato ne Photos Mn'. in "P . M Albu ms" Ciose-noi of beellremod. New York and croce m e mery Merd·la I,. ail thole ·Imund Sells on Sight! =' r4°: Watch the Nye' I 12 the m ehofon. DO M rent abase Gl.eaanm or Aln bumm New 1 0 L.I...WAtt A r%e list eat, $alad Per anima De. lees. M-14 Per dEr MO M- EO M R. & au . el CHICK OR MONEY ORDER FOR r 7 DOI. SAMPLE ALBU MS (Min. Order). Seery. Ns C. 0. D..· or Free Se mplel, EATISP ACTION OUARANTE·D. seed your *ra m t·d11, with confidence te E. SALES BR O. M P. 0. SOX 26, TRIBOROUG11 Y. STATION, re m TOPO 35. N. PAST DIPI NDAIL1 SERVICE 94 RIIERCILINDISE The. Rd!hoard June 10, 1950 THE EXCITI N G NE W ·CANDY SODA FOUNTAIN NIERCIIANDISE TOPICS Mee, of rrrrr ear pl at.,. Turn the he al fl end cup. 011 With Candy ·bubblee" le· a real Ice crea m sod » brilliant erners - Mts or flash. Individually bro ad in runmeler art ». Priced to Nell fall. S4.00 Doi. Simple, SO( REFILLS: 90t Der. $9.00 Gr. JUST RECEIVED-ANOTHER SHIPMENT IN TIME FOR FAIRS FA M OUS MILKI NG CO W Por Netty lot etarl cow Ils e Orloks earl IN N. NO G M A W, menev hr Felt W erters,gr at Show M arke n and all Carnes. soup MIlkIne Pall.Ce mPlet· wit h 23 % W ith Order -balance 111L. C. O. D. Add 5 % for Postoure TIR E M AC K CO. rr Nero. Vans se. chic ae, mi m e A MAZI NG COPY OP 1.20401/ DI A- M OND NECKL ACM - .very stone mt by her » in it. own tarnish. *reef prone setting. Only en ··· a rt can defeat the dlefere me. Over NM Carats et the m de aling KI M MERLY O M » ugt In both Chain & pondent. D aftly a the neck rrrrr ty like tilt mr. pensive erieinal Pendent on. ho med with henn a, sm ar ms » sh meated dia monds. Des. 1124 »r ate &» Plexede KINISRILY IB M hend at bracelet te nud e. »r ate O n. 1.24 3. » Flee .* KI MMIU RS T OE M drop earrings fe m a t·h. O n NI $e mple P at DOSI S Si as, M a. a Pile n, $it. Santo,. I. » All three goatee « ple as In Tee Inch impressive triple M ate o* bey, a xis *Née. deployed en it, Own pier .r a -t alte »tin lined. Mile blue velveteen roros -sTs erne ren a med ·ric· ta's -ad· SO< Per A M SENSATION AL O F F E R! tend 10 »I far N O et SIS, 3-Pt. 011 & sae.t1an»ds.m outh. · beeutlfully be ad - retell value el 4 sets ever SI ». Ge NDINE DIA MOND SET in leK fold filled cross. Gold filled Chain & Velvet boa Included, 110.50 tags Del- ---- -- ---15-.00 25 % M asi., Balance C. 0 D. Ted Burke Industries 10 West 27th St, New York I. N. Y. Ifrite dr o ves' :terrier Ile purt Stesn, of the Frey Company, is enthusiastic about the sales potential m esa. 27 60 Patterns,. 'tren . uf Clip-On Buttons. At 10 cents per Ch M/Ai 22. 0.. li e n W eir lias card, three men's shirt buttons are of addresses al soarers tit 11, Pfg, displayed for easy inspection. The 'mentioned in this eniton n. Te. threaded buttons appear to be hand expedile handling, pino., enclose sewn. Actually they clip to the oe li-addressed envelo pe. shirt via flexible prongs.... In the toy field, Topic Toys is ofering New York: Dipsy Diver, a 98-cent item. A diving boat "sails'¡ on a transparent Charlie Shear wants all Billboard plastic sea scape. Press the smoke readers to see the movie. "Young stack of the diving ship, and diver Man With a Horn." The Park Row descends to the sea floor and walks scenes, starring Kirk Douglas, were by an octopus and treasure chest shot" in front of Charlie's stone. .. .. .As e 10-cent seller, Whit man For the automobile market: Foster Publishing Company is delivering Products is offering a miles-per- pocket-sired Better Little Books gallon and motor-tune-up gauge. Re- With 192 pages in color, the hard tailing at $7.50, to install near the gauge is simple the steering wheel. cover books feature popular vomit characters.. ..The cradle set will . . Anti-Stall is reported to stall cars that are stalled by wet wires. go for Com monwealth Plastic's new Merry-Go-Round and elephant rat- An eight-ounce can sells for $1.39. tles. There's plenty of noise and , . Also, plastic auto seat covers interesting motion in these trans- now are shown for SI. They come parent, gaily-colored 25-cent num- with uni elastic for snug ti and are bers. detachable. ...De mo Corporation has introduced a new line of im- W est Coast: ported miniature pipes as SI retailers. Such designs as alligators, horned bull, monkey. etc.. are featured.. ..JasCO'll sew-kit is I 39cent seller. For purse or charm bracelet, the kit's metal tube carries needles, pins, three tiny spools of Lou Rubin, of SATIS -factory Sales, is back from New York and Chicago. While in the East, he lined up some new items and the firm will be copping with them soon.... Gene Hoffman. of Wholesale Specialty thread end stop-runs.... Announced Company, has received a large ship- to the trade as a combination of ment of bronze and gold horses to many ga mes in one. Players Choice take cure of the big de mand for this now is exhibited bv E. B. Lowe type of merchandise.. . Duke Lan. Company. Pocket-siicel. the two- Ire. who has brought such items as tone plastic game wheel may be em- the Cutie Projector and the Squeeze ployed for poker, dice, plus and Water Thru Metal, took advantage minus. etc. -a $2 ite m.... Belvidere. of the four-day Decoration Day holi- Inc.. is ofering acarded kiddie wrist days to visit some amuse ment areas. purse as a 10-tent retailer: also a He is working on a new item that, comb and case at the sa me price. he said, wi l exceed anything that . . . As a 50-cent business man's his firm has brought out in recent item, International Export Is Pus. months. . Firms along Merchan- chasing markets Kardpak. Thu mb dise Row were open the day before action removes one business card at a Decoration Day to take care of last- time from the calling card case. . minute needs of pitch men and con- Moscow Mule Mug is a plastk, cessiorsaires. ...G. Gottsinger Sr.. metallic coppertone mug with a of Universal Merchandise Co mpany. golden-colored mule insignia. Plat. is back from a business trip to New Tex Corporation retails the item for Orleans, where the firm has a 20 cents.... Eunice Novelties is of- branch. fering an electric clock that keeps running for 30 hours after the house current has been cut of. Inside the Chicago: clock, a clutch instantly activates Cook Bros. are about ready to a spring-driven balance wheel until bring out sonie new ite ms. They restoration of current, whereupon. will be priced low enough so that energized magnets stop the balance the boys can make a buck. . Barry wheel and the electric motor re- Kadison, of N. Shure Company, has su mes operation.... Motta plaques returned from a jaunt to the Ba- "To my chief" and "To my squaw" hamas. He reports he enjoyed the are 98-cent retailers. In hu morous sun, German beer and gin, . Indian dialect, the plaques extol the Handy Ann Products, Division of virtues of a spouse. Burwood Prod- Silco Manufacturing Co mpany. Min- ucts Co mpany is the producer .. neapolis, announced release of a new As a Si ite m, Roller Rule pencil has type of tie rack. It requires no nail- hit the market. Roll the top of the ing or screws to install. Just hang pencil over distance to be estimated, it over the top of a door and Its and pencil indicator scale will reg- ready for use. It holds 96 ties and ister accurate measurement.... Leo retails for $2.50 postpaid. ITC H Y DO GS But grade wits «ey atached, $21.95 gr., 52.00 dr. Spits Warblers, 85( cr fie large 3 in. JAP PdPf301., best grade, weeded handle. 5.50 dz., 563.00 gr. SRL ULTRA·RLUE STOCK SIGNS le *t o r· s: over to m .losene ro medy, general, 'elisions. m signe tor ho mes and genet » M alay. M im run tail aillne shine COST 6c -SETI 35: If a mbles Uttr efilve Molp a wn. all 51 Ut It Sa meles Oit a bri e Rele ase Siena Mill 1.00 11 M aples Uler mibl a Co medy Sens, 7v11 l.011 100 Abate » melee MaIled Postpaid. Ulte rIlloo Stork Si m toll. 16 CO. No cooa L. LO WY.1111 Dreads . , N. Y. 1. N. Y.. 0.51. 304 CO MIC LABELED 15 OF - (EACH O ng A LAPP IB M $t. « O n. - Mini mu m Order S Doz. 25 % dep.. W oos* G.O.O.. F.O.B. Chi a ., II G. S. BAI N CO. 4950 S. 5ree· 541 Chi a . Id, II. MINIATU RES li nt o r dli d e d eli r ee n. O r d e rs shi p ped' sa m e d a m r ec ei v e d. M. N O W OT NY & CO 907 110 01IVILI AV L SAN ANTONIO 10. TEX JO KES RUIDE· SORES Oro OORY FI NGER M ocIl 1.410.0) 51 .50 .40 Crawfish 'are al, AS Tarent. Spider a Red L aster Mi ni? Willy I. » .31 J ae the S marr Sa m my Sn are . Wr Men a, Muck , Men« lialehly Ma M e I 10 J ake 10" Monk . . I» SK ES ZA PUSS 1.10 71" Platelifters I. » AN D TRIX AL WA YS SELL. N ADIC TRICK, d n. NO VT · JOKÉS Col. Chen . Sl e . . V 20 Peke De-nuts R a m Sr I. Di me . S. » Peke bu m Orie. Penny Dine PO W. Nalf Dollar . 7.2$ lu mp. Pin ar . 1 Ile Well Th . A mer . Double Head Coln a n , Coin elay atelsll .M .aswawIn Trap Meer . Slide Co n lox 7e Meron,1 K a r a m Mello Panel 50. Anti Gravity Faun . Nickel .71 .00 5.110 1/2 Petty I6ey Cle m a rc. H MI Pet Suck · Chuck . Thu mb Tips Nud e Pencil » m ans Sleek 4140 S airt Mearter 0 M y Ani mals 3.1111 Squirt Chwe, M r Fi flpol. Sitter 3SO S al a M ee . . RLaeoad.Tonbg.alM.ont Cha meleon. a" . A7t3 . .40 VLyamnisah.n IWMaPtclho .T.i.e.. Mule Re al1, . 4I10» Ce1okaara LGolneostresstor I. » PISTOL LI MITE« cALlllalaaermedet,loer,Ver',a 6" Is». N M FUN NY CO MIC SUSI NESI CAB OS. Sate OUR SPECIAL VAN K.A.TOOTH. Card a 12 -- - - FLORIDA FUN FACTORY, 536 Collins Ave., Miami Beach, Fla. Doe. 1 JO .60 .40 Art I. » eel .71 .71 .13 1.13 4.10 1.10 SO 3. 10 alei .01 -PS SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES KR JUNE AND JIM -What a flu e EXTR A ! ! ·4i '1 0 111 01.111 BIG 3· Pent', · 1,11 Po .. Pen Ut S pastel Coloco Del. vet window bor . S150 10t· die covnt pr . io N Don't cornpar· troth ....... HEW LARGE ELECTRIC BIRD CAGE I, Di/fer al" All chro me construct an, wecit.on ti med. Miniature ·lue $5 each $56 d Clod ..... · ro m an* lie . when ree p aralsisint me. a,* ..... on 10 volts, AC amn current. Co mb. all Point Pen, with flash bet. light en Cent & Sall Pmnt Pen, erlsh linter _ 3.13 Mystic Fl an Pencil ill differ..t m odels, 5.00 Nud e Cu m Pencil 4.311 Sall Pe . Pen, fil m .* wilt ch at 3.00 1021.30 gra m lets) M ane et each 01 25 Sun Oletera - Ayletlen type, e arn It,. g al» , 'Ar my Air P ace" is told M erin,.d on a m, wile, tweet bars ène te mp .. N D. D a. M ai m Mother ef Pe al Ne ared M aul Pistol Len . TM » Dee Se mple, » JO Clack Handled Me al Lern er. tarn V. » to S M. » Del. · Sa mna, 61 LOO. Ale* Anuireare mode Petal Li an as. 1NOLS PACK (the oriiiinel/ -57 be agles In n. cal ms, el m plastic finleh - 313.00 D a Sa me ., SI ». Send tor cu,.... price lilt. see. Pepped, helenee C. 0. D.. oho vosl ele. We prepay with full ro mittence. UNITED ENTER PRISES ITS Fifth Aye. Neer York. N. Y. Oftapan 1441, Suite 1.10 um Raik Cash trl ore the Neate n Ilan, Offere d LIF ETI ME ALUMINUM -I 'Not $teel, VENETIAN BLINDS All ala ·s - lispw.l flt - lWiLOn AIeWNe-STorruetw PseRrInCrEofi-I-N U. S. Y O U CA N u NOS ..... T 1 I I STORES · M AKI A GREATER PROFITI 53 t 3.6". le" le a ...01.313 · N SY`rto 1; P, "... 3. " 1 72P lo m 1.10 M I, Dap.. all. I C.O.D., P.0.3. N. Y. IMASI DI ATE DELI VE R Y INVITED! II Send for co mpl·te sales 10t end sa mple Of eny el " ted . -14.00 aer ate. imeBERowLEE,In IMEG. (O..1 Vie w Al , d Neer York de. N Y LIGHTERS! WORLD'S LOWEST PRICES $2.113 QUALITY GE NUINE AUTO. M ATIC PISTOL 1.10.1Telt. Dos. ». » Slack M ale - 41,11 oIS. - sells elsewhere up te 520 doe »SswCamUiT. t. 101.1 TE R & brilllently » alu minu m. Dell a crafts manship. A beavtitul eift. 03,50 re al er .Des. &OS vasFs slonrants - silver elated with be atlful tne ..... tray Re ad. Set Is 03.00 W eller. O w IL « 1.1 % Deposit, Salo me C D Ted Burke Industries 10 W ell 17lh SI. Ne w York I. N. Y. PROMPT SHIPMENTS SPECIALS LAPROA RDS FLASH BOARDS BINGO BLO W ERS W M. I « Po w Catalog H. A. SULLIVAN lot-22 ILVD., DEPT. R OCK A W AY CO AC H, N. Y. CI-M A N- U P WITH PLASTIC RATON TOWELS P arer », lamb Dernenstrodion. Gro ut. Ink Marna ri me rieht a m In »Id ·railise-rs. m-U m over To wers. and o Sens ver. II; P..... e Pa m at halite Send 31 for oonosIa oarka N 4 Towels SIR profit. every MG M. All elders 30 % dessedL »la me C.O.D. IlUt algA M PRO DUC TS 434 411. IN.. Se el. Et. Pote nbarG Pl., june 10, 1950 Tha Bilboard M E RC HAN DISE 95 Biggest Profit Makers in WATCH History RHINESTONE DIAL W ATCH 141( C+Id Plated Case · ·rencl Nine I W u .. I'Veal Serywe Overti me. 14K · a Freshen, Itunestene and 4 lInsul Med Rubles · Genuine Sw lee Me w went · Leeks Lehe 160 Watch eIndlYiduall, Gilt 5oxe0 · Genelne L·athar Stray Matching Geld Plated Line ***** ROCA SI nf ·d el Gold Plated CHRONOGRAPH · ir w M Move ment · At meed Raelktns Deis · IYr. Serene Courant « · Instruction Sheet · Guarenteed Now · Not Rebuilt 'wan Strap and ·IN Wer, tor set' With Matching Gold Fisted Link Expo. clan lend, MAN Addl. Aeo n ernes ter orders of 6 or more ase,, watch.. 11 ea. extra en orders under d. ¿5 % with nelance C. O. O. DUNHALL Imports Co. 101 Coli n Si. New York 6 N y BURKE UNDERSELLS EVERYBOTI SACRIFICE -Ill Each Mims. Des. $ YEE Genuine .Mostercraft" Iteed Im- ported briar. Mach glee in ellk ka, plus suede hoc. Facte , 505tontl. and booklet «Ph 110 price insurance. temple $1. 57.30 Each CUFF LINK · TIE EAR SETS. Do, Sets 1.00 Fa mous make -24 Ist, sold elated In plush boxes. Sle.93 A U T O M A TI C POP-UP TOASTER, ultra modern design - n1.'111 0.11, chrome plated - fully guaran le ed, Each 663.1 In lots of 3 each 1.91 CUTLERY SET. molt/dine Cleaver Hendownely boxed. loch $1.30 In lots of 3. each 1.11 Id PlIeg IN·TIERLIESS 'RUCK IT V' COOK WARE SETS -Quad ruple thick -Full ten 'ICU o we M ein alu m mu m, net to be con- fused with thinner 12 eau-e. which le much lighter. TH·S SET IS W ORLD FAMOUS "SUCK. RYE!' la mplie Ill. MInhnuris order 4, each set 9.97 30 PIECE ORIOINAL W M. RODEES SILVER WAR1. The finest extre heavy sterlIne elate, reinforced With . INO SILVER at ALL po.nte et wear. ine the luxury wi - eve nt » - hollow favor handle. iSec, service fer e, co mplete 14.97 In rn·howeny chest odd 2.011 23s. Dessesit, Balance C. O. D. Ted Burke Industries 10 West Wth St, NO W York 1, N. Y. DIRECT From Manufacturer b,0Ul,iui â Pits. not Heeded pt110 , 1ounfeln P011. eu , meek ·· nc I and erotism., ball ern Asserted colors with geld elatird caps Anrectiyely boxed. Free Cartridges SPECIAL PRICE $54. 0 Sets Semple Mt. 1.00 Smote gotcl.pletea Neils M e de mon with Senn $2.50 fer Sa mples ORDER N O W! H. EPSTEI N 17 East 22nd St. NeveYo .10,N.Y. BURKE MURDERS PRICES ON SUN GLASSES Prices below include ill hendorerne teeth. er cer., 121 20.20 insurance cmtifIcalet 3, 100-yr. written twerantew 14) each in caovlioarfrulo tonc. GLAISES With GENUINE M a. 4.11ASE opti ma. trist I mice, $2.91. Never°Nwther.'e retell has · U. S. ISUREAll OF STAND·ROS 23.20 LENS bean offered near thn erica. Extra Urine, W itte MK geld plated fra me. Doz. S 7.211 Sa me 20. ». but In the sansatIenel uMIRR011'. lens. Person lookin· at me lens was hls tote m. Per- son leonine thro the Cason has PE RF E C T SUN- PROTECTED VISION. Orhinal price, 54.941. Doe. 11.811 Ted23 6.BDeuprosikt,eeateInn«d. 10 Wee. P M St. New York 1, N. Y. Here and There: area-fogging or direct-contact use. .. A new, small-size hair curler of Bill Carsky, sion Company. of Casey ConcesChicago, announces flexible vinylite plastic in a variety of colors has been introduced by the exclusive distribution of the Tip-Top Products Company. Omaha. tiger robe concession item. Bill says that since announcing the ite m in last week's Billboard, he has been kept .. Another vinylite product, a seewhere-you're-going children's umbrella, is being produced by Eichorn. baum Umbrella Company. Ne w busy filling orders.... Atlas Novelty York.... Liquid Glass Corporation. Company Detroit, is moving to 536 New York, is ofering nationally its Woodward Avenue because of im- Mirrex-5. a 94-cent auto polisher pending demolition of a civic center project, its block for The firm ex- that is said to give a high luster lasting six months and protecting the pects to expand its activities in the finish from heat water and salt air jobbing field in early fall.... Nonporous, washable lamp shades of corrosion. . . . Weighing less than three ounces, a miniature battery- vinylite in a variety of styles and powered fan which fits the palm of colors are being marketed by the the hand is being distributed by L. A. Goodman Manufacturing Com- M. B. Price Associates. New York. pany. Chicago. They are cleaned by It measures 3% by 11/2 Inches and Is wiping them with adamp cloth.... said to be ideal for personal use or Car·Plate, a new liquid auto wax for barbershops, etc. . . . A new that can be applied in 20 minutes clothes dryer for bathroom use ofers and requires no huffing, has been de- 15 feet of drying space. The prod- veloped by S. C. Johnson ·te Son, uct, held to walls by suction cups Inc.. Racine, Wis.... A Vaposector- and supporting over 12 pounds, is Mistorlzer, designed for improved supplied by the Wallace, Davis Com- insect control, is announced by West pany, Hamden, Conn.... H. Glick. Disinfecting Company, Long Island president of Glick's. Detroit jewelry City, N. Y. The combination fea- house, reports a large shipment of tures a 25-ounce A.C.-D.C. electric imported novelty merchandise en sprayer which à adaptable to either route to his establishment N ItIIINENT0·E sii m.s A T TESTED PROMOTIONS FOOiit CHPIRGÓFITS ELGIN * BULOVA * GRUEN * BE MS * WALTHAM Irene new 1,50 model ca ms penes end ladies. eexullt and elm, nnnnn d like nes· 7-JE WEL t $10.4S 4 8.45 $11.65 21.1aml, $14.45 Gold Plated Stretch Sand. ISO addItionel. Leetheletto G Ift boa, 4S4 M ethanel, SWISS W ATCHRS For men end se men. like newt. Jewel . 154., flier 174.. $1.11 RHINESIONC CASE Guaranteed Copies of ex'WatCc8hesor .·· e·nsly· 510·· ··· 1E300 welshes. Re b uilt nserernords ·51 ·ran· teed Illse new.74ewel. 1740 .11, 110.91 Men's and Ladies' Fad Selling MHOS 1/30 K. R.C.Pi x t zl,ie u zi:u:IUnemst vilth .wille center JOBBERS ATTENTION TELEVISION MECHANICAL PENCIL NEW LOW PRICES ····· PUSH BUTTON & SE TWO SENSATIONAL GIRLS ASSORTED PICTURES TO EACH 1 DOZEN PACKAGE Original Manufacturers CORDELL PRODUCTS, Inc. 784 Southern Blvd., N. Y. 5, N. Y. Phone: nylon 8-0183 NEW LOW PRICE! ST OCK UP N O W? Pistol Lighter ·Isek Handle Our Own Import. Im mediate D elver,. .DOZEI.... $914 S16.50 N.« I:322 $12.30 23 % Dop mit With Order - blanc. C.O.D. Open Account ea Soled Mene m MID WEST TCH CO. S. Wabash Av /ac me, 7. W. m. ·tr:. $1430 Ne 234 M e No ISS «ed. . v.. S1.50 FREE! Ne w 54-pag· 1930 re clog ja m med with pre miu m it· ma. W H OLESALE O NLY! $8.40 Doe. Ile 6 Def. U hl ADDITIONAL SPECIALS! Dee. W ALKING DEAR, IS M, O w SY » PISTOL LIOHTER, nickel plated 1.00 CONTI PISTOL LIGHTER. la ma ol a, bloat handle, 14.e· s... ·16 NOSE, elletk fra mes, ruo mr beak 1. 51 PUN TOOTN, not Belo, boned le NORE116111 FINDER gorieetell, ind. tweed IDS DREA M OIRL PE NCIL. Leehte up 1.95 SN AKE TULIP. Out noes snake III AR MY S NAVY TYPE SUN GL ASSES 6.71 CAMERA CI entail' el » 9. 51 5196 deposit sigh all C. 0. D. otters. Se mi far la mb nanalty catalog STEP UP YOUR SUMMER PROFITS M TH THE The Most Sensational Nationally Ca mera Ever Produced ; Advertised Atractive DISPLAY EO The lo west priced flash ca mera with twin-lens refit. action on the market -a terrific sales feature. Ne w elector for hot Mach bulbs as plus safety 0 Takes 12 pictures t:D-stze foil fil m · T win Menis- cus Wags, optically ground, pitch-polished, with builtin tun shade · Handsomely styled, mtin-finished NE W INSTA FLASH CA MERA 3 .50 Each in Doe. Lots. SA MPLE alu minu m front, with neck strap. ORDER NO W -Imnsedlate delivery. Send cash In full or 25 % deposit for balance C. O. D. Net 10 days to well-rated /inns. F. O. I. PREP AI D $4.0° Special Prices t· Quantify LM. 62O Chicago. Eyrera BE NG OR ········ ········· New1y9orkStlJi.,Ave y al 24 KI. GOLD PLATED WS Ilebtliterobly Lew Priced 1-PC. PIN foun- tain pon pencil -eole Gael mmautk re ml -o meml ben. $7.34 to n. gross 617 Oaf. .114.111 ·PC. SITS well. knife or flosEllEht to motels Gross $7E. Goa EKE ION·L NE W NUDE POSES lhht U· PornII -Softer -ONEINer Iflose Jose pro w the button nude OwNèrs. OWNS $34. Do. .. 4.44 FLOATING NUDE PE NCIL -C .6e lerleht fold or flt elone He w. r·eris emu . boy er babe to mate, mene price,. Gross M I De. 3.75 GENUINE "REYNOLDS- B A L L PENS, 2* EACH In 161/1 0. SOnne Nakors -all Nor's with miner ad. losfrnentf -o·Id as IS-.10. for $3 -dos. SI -or 10011 Pm ... et Ill Or e. 25 % Deposit Seance C. G. D. Ted Burke Ind ustries le west 27th sr New York 0, N. Y. ego do/ ALLIED SALES ,.),P.11,1g7IPC:ror..1 PRICES NEVER HEARD OF BEFORE HULA LA M PS -$1 0.00. HORSE CLOCKS -$4.95 15e o Deposit on Order, 1·Ianc· C.0.11 BUFFALO'S LEADING CARNIVAL, BINGO AND PRIZE REPRESENTATIVE INC. TH RIFT WISE PRE MIU MS, Sudion (up Aulo Flag-Holder Per JULY 4 For Lite.. V. '1.2.1,1, Celt' orations, ta. caphile vrity 3 &melon Fla , a al.Sunstional seller 91' ler 50c each. Adlus Uble, used Heilrentel Sarss. , 7`. Dot. $2.20 Gro. 524.00 25': Wean or Vertical % Riot oak order, SIl. C 0. D. 600 liefferson A , Eufrolo à, Ne w York. Phone: Moha wk 1649 vi Wuu lor Litt d fher 350 Popular 1e M., G OR DO N MFG_ CO. lie E. 73 M., Dort. SP, N.+ Yore 10, N. Y. .96 MEIRCEIANDLEIE Thk Billboard lone 10. 1950 Pipes for Pitelumen THE SENSATION AGATE COLOR DESIGN For EXTRA FLASH! No. 10K-AG... $6.25 Gro. No. 15K-AG... 7.50 Gro. Plus Shipping Charges - W ORKERS AVAILABLE M IR FROM YOOR. JOBBER TODAY , 'm OAK RUBBER CO Ravganse. 014 ,0 IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT OM ALL OAR PRODUCTS Bane non. with order, 1.4. C. O. D. barter 44 pp. '055 rotideli free upon request M. K. BRODY 114 S. Ifal Wed St. ChVo w, II. CLOSE OUT Be Bill Baker J. A. well known in pitch circles, has returned to Florida where he again will deal In all tYpes of sea shells and shell novelties. Whyte Was active in that field from 1923 thru 1945 when he sold his business to enter the fluorescent sign business in New York and Washington. A men el work and dollars et work are The pitchman is successful because he werks at his profession. BIG AL WILSON . . card. fro m K ansas City. M O.. that he's still working 1 fair returns in the Katz E. .re tho ra. He advises that the 40th Street location is okay on Sundays. Following an engagement in Independence. Mo.. Al heads for St. Louis for the same chain. the only for me el Ac me In which the ple.chicau I. inteneeteCL Many e pitchman has ta med a flop late Pitchmen are the only ones a Secce.s. who think - than their thtipes.y have more tense Some veteran pitchmen we know stil practice showmansh'p because they know it pays off. THE BAGAN TWINS... Madeline and Mary came out of Hill- HERNY H. VARNER . . . billy Holler. Benton, Ark.. Into civili- is compiling data and anecdotes of his zation long enough to make them travels in the United States and wonder if they want to return. The Canada and 'wipes to get enough ma- gals went into St. Louis to visit terial for a book he plans to write Teresa Sidenberg at her beauty salon soon. and then bundled up Teresa and took her to Chicago in their new jeep hernineece m any limes el an. Ir ma Nu. where all went on a shopping spree. S MUT. While in St. the Ragans were There arc some pitchmen who entertained by Billy (Zoot) Reed and have resurrected ideas and items Jumpin Joe Russo.-who- were-playing the Top of_the Town nitery. T hey that Were - ntotteti`letrere .years spa and are watching them click also were guests of George and Es- all over again. tella Ragan a benefit show staged at the Harlem in Havana top on F RE D W. L A N G E R . . . Royal American Shows by the Inter- following a lengthy silence, advises national Sho w men's Association. that he's been working kitchen They also were overnight guests of gadgets to good returns around Buf- Estella Regan during their Mound falo. "Since we were blPssed with City stay. Georgia Boyer and Arlene the arrival of a daughter. I've been Sidenberg operated Teresa's business confining my activities to within during her absence. short radius of Buffalo, which per- mits me home for the week- Stop tune yew te mper and vretich Improve. ends at least. As a result, I've lost (See Pipes for Pitchmen on page BB) we TS Ill .` ot Be Lndersold "DREAM GIRL PENCIL El New, serwetional ·reeel-reeel pencil with soldelated top and point. Ma wr« barrel PRESS tme TOP DP Ts « Paned. AND rt . ga m ut LIGHTS UPI URD U THE SPOTLIGHT APPE ARS A RAVISHING 4.AUTT IN EXCITING, NATURAL Putt, COLOR, NothIng Ilke this on the mortel. The greatest sensat on In the country red·v1 $4." 002. $5 4,00 GR- tA SO Beaune, SA MPLE, $1... OF THE COUNTRY It h terrifle. Tell W OLF PACK « W o ke Mineng cards with Si different Nally- wood 13·113·14. lint. They ere >r ue.. and In full poses. SPECI AL PRICE $1 1· 5 ° Pet SA MPLE PACK. 51.25 Dos IM MEDIATE DELIVERY 25.. Deposit, Money Older or Cash Balance C. O. D. 1 HARRIS NOVELTY CO. 1102 Arch Street Phdadelphie 7, Pa Phone: MArInet 7-9543 Sells on Sight! SPIKE SILVER PLATED SMOKERS' OR SERVING SET · r:`7, ' The eekv ·to an .] -- you've been looking for A 4. piece tib or plated ·mocker, or serving set that look, and reels like heavyweight dler.erplete Bea · t'.1:11:1 for EASY, PROFITABLE r:.1.;! grze · e l% g ri: Simple Set-- Send $2 rest on hr Pali Sig G V Roa n, 23 % dernsit, balance C.O.D., o 3. N. V. C · m ccibrs delen end .. for yourself, A 99 Fulton Street Broeldve Id. N. Y. ······ ···· · Genuine -Uverlast" FLOATING GIRL & BOY PENCIL' Sea Shell and Fish Scale Brooches and tarrin p. beautiful numbers. assoreed colon. Regular 53.00 to $6.00 pet do wn $1. 20 PER M EN $17.00 PER GROSS ASSORTED Our 9.'1 Rene, . and Snupen., tan , and Ash Trey% ere gert ng money every wh·re Free erreingue J.A. WHYTE & SONS 1225 S. W. 8th St. Miami. Fla. Our Money Sark Guarantee was born in 1923. Over 40,000 sobsfied air:beard custo mers. NYLONS Ladies'--Men's PRICES $1.50 TO $10.00 DOZ. 51 and 54 gauges. We guarantee %slitter Men or money refunded. Warren Hosiery Mills 2400 Dayton Blvd. Chettennoga 5. Tenn. MEDICINE MEN A sear, affective laxative forestaller, you to Isfieder for m. All you he ns to do hs to cilw soh.. It t., bet ender. bottle end roe are ready to po. Oise pound will make 33 of the Geg. bo w., for wheats we furnish 33 labels. This preent ha. been nurtured by a Finley C· for over Siren .. Send your order tad., and et started. Finley Labornteries, Inc. su onones Ssr.t. -st. Louie. Mo. · UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTIED · ALL PERIECT · NO LEASERS 4. fat black stencil wish hieniv ·oliseed $A.80 goldOleted ring, shed., clip and point Si alt end gold ternelnatlen notelet en a strib,neir ettreclive pencil. il Pe " buy ehos eruelsien rnok· ov · VJUPO·PO , 54 8. 0 0 writ" , .nslrurnen1 rn·nufeetri re r SAMPLE. fl ee When ordering. specify either flouting boy Co fleeting girl dash' , · Pa d 25 % Oepoet--Mon·y Order, Balane· C. O. D. Allow for postage on prepaid orden Writ· for list of hot specials: IMPERIAL MDSE 893 Irond wery · Ne w York 1, N. Y. Merchandise You Have Been Looking For La mps Clocks. Ena melware, Mouseware. Alu minu m Ware. °accreted Tinware. TO31. Every kind et Class war·. Blankets. Ha mpers. Hassock, Plaster Slum, Flying Buds. Whips. Balloons. Hats, Canes. Ball Gun. Spec.alr, Ensgo March es e . Catalog Now Ready-- Write for Copy Today IM111/11 TO EMI .to "0" '" pet" Tout and PREMIU M SUPPLY CORP. 111 South 12th, St. Louis 4, Mo., edamPete 604 C HI W EST C A G O is, LIAL LKIE..N ST., OI S F O R L A MPE D A Y SE R VI C E. 7.20we w-e,y1 -- CALL F R A N KLI N 2- 2 567 leF:exE SA MPLE ASSOR T ME NT 52.00 CR AB RAC M ER C H A N DISE O N H A N D AT ALL TI MES Sc EA CH IS % DEP OSI T RE WUI RR O G. O. P. ORLIERS -- PLE ASE ST ATE YO UR BUSI NESS se. .. .. ... ca. SALTS AID PEPPERS Cole ljttle fruitage-they hug etch ether- ei ez.til`.r e.irtrite hdri-tereke Only 3 higli-··· eaa't reshot O ddly thee op -0 'fell ( deeeee tad china ..It arid peeper. Ideal ea teblee, beetee··Ifte, red eem r t unts. 1.134e-choice of Bunny. gear, clia.b ley I W Ir. esle.y erae.DOE.M Eedr.y e teed, · left.E7e.f80t etee édPar.-SAMPLE ORDEERhcaIged.fe. pre.51.00 poet mlif-Jetiher getup·eval II reWrite for leteet ci reeler-0HO ecceeet to rated flees, other...I , 151 de mselt-balanoe and chain 1950 'S BEST SELLER 5630 per dot. Sa mple. 1Se M ILISL Beautiful eleasning gold Il finish --eat with 19 mar.. Cling ardneetoneis "Holy Year. 1250" atrunend on back. Gold plated neck- yo length chain. Attractiv e" earned. 25 9u 4000.11 on C.O.D.·· --we Paw wader.. St e, CO., business. Write for price list. JOHN BERKO WITZ & SONS It.nes --Cestonse fewelry --Pearle 13 loot Dover . Witt e*. K J u ne 1 0, 1 9 3 0 D alli oeu 4 MERCIIA NDI ft - 97 , DI RECT from M an ufacturer DREA M GIRL PENCIL by "Royal" The King of T hane 411! All metal pe .11 fe n. » plastic ' * meow" in a beauttful, hlehly eollshed told thilth. Na Nestle m tien -no Inferior Part.. As urted Model. and Peon Press tep and barrel nee. up I. reve·I · estee ms eh/ thef you will want to ewnl In a nutshell, we offer you an unbeatable corn. binanion elrls In Royal ·reelsien Initru ments1 Du. $601*Or. 13 % Des mit, R·lenos C. O. 0., F. O. S. Ne w York. MODERN PEN MFG. CO. 391 Breed way NE W YORK 13 Phone, Canal 40016 -The Greatest Promotional e-_WDeavtcelhopeEvde!r 7 Jewel $a,95 Only 7 Roans as hilt. » 5».50. 17JEWEL-S17 95 Retails u, hNh »9 50 Meeiniful N a n d Set illsineston· Ca » - Rhodiu m La vishl y boxed with retell pro m lay Flea * move ment - Oceer· mite » for 1 veer, 21h. with order -balence RUT AT W H OLES ALE PRICES A ND SA M FR EE .NE W W HOLESALE CATAL OG OF 8I C· P R OFI T IT E M S. . LOUIS PERLOFF · W H OI PS ALE 1, YE11 .$ DEPT LO f37 m i me stritét. M LA. 0 Ch SELLS ON SIGHT PM 911 to' $103° Ised $108 Par Cram Beautiful matehing neeklace and earring »la ln m orted N oel colors. Mt In 18 kt. Ha milton Gold Plate vdth m ar/cline Mtn . «ones and have n » Boxed In »la 110.80 M N des. PSI p » gross 33.1, with order. balance C. O. D Guerenty - Meney Reek If Mer den. mo m Better boxed »Le » 011alshe on » meet JUL WIN CO. $44 Both A .P. Ne w York I, N. T. Tel.: M U 3-2611 YOUR gales* 6 PtGlitS IUP WHEN YOU SEL Yeatirty EMMONS! .. and you con fill 'am and sell 'em easier and faster with the Hi·Ball * Balloon filler! There's no doubt about It . everyone - men, wo men and kiddies al ways prefer bath: m.811 ml gagin g balloon. You ten rash in on die favorite by using o11·11·11 Balloon because you'll fill 'e m b u m withal., helium due ro leakage 0 8 0811 FR O M Y O UR /OSIER TODA Y/ M U M* M ANUFACTURERS bed JOINERS I Write tee elnallsabout Mee a n. ow we doe ···1111 4ALLISalleee Nike! Si mple Ono-He met O parationl alftra". EASY, FAST FILLI N G... Si mply slip balloon over net. de end press do wn . .· onehanded operation. LE AKPR O OF .·· All the heliu m so w Into your balloons - none wasted by leakage A DI UAAAAA Pressure 'ready at (or bat fil1. ins of any sire balloon. M . Hi Zell Gouge Ad »or 'heat./ e Veare ah. approal maie amount of ', Wont / main' , in the cylinder . n ain s out of »s uneapretedly where de anis e are toe ne 11·11ALL G AU GE AD APTER ma. loser S 5 30 4 'BASTIAN- BLESSIN 4201 W. thorn » A... M a » 30. M eets aed the neg. , se/ arenuderber el Pon * fe rn u..w·ea wos h.... own A CA R NI VAL OF BA RGAI NS RST016, ORES and WIIIPI Oro » R·el, white end blue twirlin· Bell Delon )' de w. SI. » 111.30 Red, wise . and blue 1.114 Oresa Ple·He Thkeddes 63. SI N » GO M M, RIn m alls Criebsts e04 Screa mer W histle Mt C alls Stone linos - Me Felten. Fleeter Fan 901 Pocket Co mbo 9Of FIneertrallie 11.00 fileennes 100 Ple dic Cigarette Halla m 1.33 sap Toothpick KnIves 2.15 Mettle Pe· Ilheote n. 1.18 JAI:WIESE PARR PARASOLS Di mon, Del. Gross Tel,3 ° 30 Si lee 12.11 3.30 1.00 4.10 01.00 11.00 11.00 bell Belo ., dos , 10.13 13.30 W hite Maple Cane, des., $1.23 24.00 Creek.hendle Chester- field Cana. deL, 12.00 51.116 Crook-handle pant e Ge m. des.. 90e 10.10 Lene Lash W hips. dot., 01.20 12.50 Lash W hip arlth V/Islele, I.... $1.23 11.110 WELTY KITS o,... Soonith Heel. dos., 11.10 134.10 Chola I 0, der., 11.13 14.00 Ten Gallon Cowboy Hat. dos., 1.1.11 34.00 L·roe Coeli. H », der., 0.3.00 33.00 M ellen, Coolie Hat, des.. fa. » 31.110 FUR MOIIREIT CUNIVIL SUPPLIES Ne. 23 Claire Cork Gun, ea. . M.15 Ca m Gun Corks, per 2 0. SAO Dart Seerde. aa. 60e French We Ghted Feather Darts, de. 1.20 DA N bello w » fro m 70e, 10 ore » YIN W orth Special beso ball. des. 2.20 te mple min., ro w, to · 7"I. des. 704 Penny Pitch Cha d .11,1' where, each 4.93 W ood Milk 1.111 0, ea. 63e Alu minu m Milk 1 .1·11, It. 1.10 CRU MP FEITHEI 101tS ret uned Dells with nee Cane end eartinea -A RI AL 'L A U. Il.. Pelee . de het inelud· Doy. 40e Ge m, S 1.30 She Doe. Ste Or .. 1 900 twee .. 11 % deposit a . ss, 900 7' 11.41 19.10 /1II) HuDTI I[I.·,f,,1,,,ziee,,i.. C. O. D. orders. 1.10 II' 3.13 lose CATALOG Now READ'.. 17.10 130 37 30 If" 3.70 ,,, , c,,, 11.30 42.00 W HIN W hol24e0s.al4e2 S0,O1mUTHb.MERIDISinAcNe SII.OU \ '16 INDIANAP OLIS 25. IND WE SRL NEW WATCHES etr NO REIMILTI-100% GUARANTEED W ORL D FA MOUS CAL-0-D ATE, Me SUPI MIOR Calendar W atch. Solid fold nu merals - » Mu m hernia -wafer reeletent -7 ruby lerido - » · minally bore. - double guarantee - S3.30 lath In lots et 3, e »h I 3.00 11 300 DI A M O N D W ATCH A BR ACELET falthfulty cepi·el. annul »ad dia mond mo ms cover face A ND bracelet You sIntely touch it,., and le weled lid »win » open, reve al . fl me. 17 M N' la nai precision move ment -Itandeoremly beired - m m foie. garb $26.. Milm ME N'S oIn Jlaetswse,t 3, each.. DIA MON D 11.88 W RIST W ATCH BAN D felt . fully mod .. Jewels cover both c m A NO it aS. INCLU DIt 1111 OOLD P11.1.8 0 ·rpension band, 5111.93 retell. A NI ON plu t olf1 chest M i mi .. loch MO. In lots of 3, each 11.1111 SA UR W ATCH. gi Geld Pilled lend » met with healed dial only inn la mas on um », each Sla II teat Sr 3, each 10.06 SAME W ATCH Gold Filled Send Silt I le wels -loweled d1·1 only. M EOachL.s11o3u.tsIn, lets of 3 DI A/40 each 4 PI NO 13.00 W ATCH. exact reer mluellen. W e defy vol, It detect this h em Me orleinal. This ring watch Is set with 2 slenulated de mon » W orld renowned precIllon rneve. men!. Plush Ba.. IM O 11S. In note of 3, each . 11.60 CHRONOGRAPH wIth four rat hands. Al m tells dale. Ra mbler, S M . move ment. !delusive ifelfh us In U. I. A. W aullfully W ad. R uh SE. In lets of 3. e »It 4.80 M K GOL D P L · T e · Ge m % wilts M I A MI elk Veld dial. A hit li. H ANOSO MI PL AS- TIC DI ... . . BOA. 137.00 mos. feels SAO 14K GRADU ATION OFICI AS LA DINO, TINY 14K SOLI D 001 0 W ATCH with 111 expor Men bend to motels. Preclelen IF levrel nuevenunt by one el the world', b ot makere -in beauel. fed plush bee, $I M teea. Re,e11 120. In lets et 3, each 15.80 0.3%, Crepealt, Da mn . C. O. O. Ted Berke Incheistrles 10 We e 17 M St. Ne w Tort 1, N. Y. .`"W1. I.ROGERS SILVER WIRE 0 0 by O neida, Ltd., SlIveranaftlm 26 Pc. SerrIce ter F0A 34 Pc. Service he 8 60 Pc. Send . for 8 62 Pe. Settle, for 12 6.S0 8.00 11.40 16.00 W m. A. ilism m Ann-Tarnish Chests. 01.50 -11 13 - U 60 -13. M. · ar · · EUREKA W ATERLESS · COOK WARE $7.90 pc eat » heavy eauti· » min alu minu m. OU AR ANT8111 Doyley feld·r shovel . 149.13 price. r. 32 page [O . bee» In Geier. O nt 15,1100 seld tills ye w al Seisa. Due Is the eme mo in our velu m*, 0e cen off » this set at the ell.tInte low prit. of 17.90. 0 * · · · lin medlede Dellyerf -CentInuous Supply. 113 mini mu m onset. Is % Deposit Bale ». C. O. V. d H. B. Davis Co.. Dept B-610 W e rsis tSI F r.. Perkir.gll NICK PHOTO INVENTION! PO O CHA MPI O N Pholomaster Makes (totalled photos bl I minute.. T M » end flo Ws . 30 to 40 everlartino black and white or &eel., photo. on hour. No dark roo m Guaranteed Ott Iluished uh Pl,,,u,.mos t`.,lls'ilePcir.'se ne.1" direct aodtive *paper. Picture Me 2½ by MG in. C pterre emt·o-o crat· no ne .* . Widle. me% PROFIT. wrhe Gr a m about the great PtillTO MA. TER Dept. OH PDQ CA MERA CO. 11 » N. Clevelend · ». Chicago 10, Il. CHAIRS STOOL OR W OOD Folding or N on-PoldIns ,Usr7, ti 27741.7.l, ADIROMDAOT CUR CO. 1140 r way, N. Y. 127 St./. De 0. 6. M U 3,1383 FIREWORKS WHOLESALE MILLER'S FI RE WO RKS 41. NOVEL TY CO., ENC. Holland. Ohio, on Route 246, Wrest of T Hodef e ! BIG FLASH !I Ho. 634 14-K GOLD PLATE $2'65Dot. $2930 gr. 101111ant S Ail. wn.te Im··rted Ga m-Cut Stone,. Or W hite Conte rW . Ruby God Sides. Dep .0 wIth e0 C. O. D. Orde n. M ate Tour Iluelri m. Isw.P0122115t P916 COMPANYIsland COLLECTORS' DOLLS in Glass Stands ti =c Mt Mont r m. War m. ea u to dad ala m easy to k ·· · eI· · rt, 11 differeet models. W [L Full .1 rig DIscounts. IDEAL SAL·11 MARD PRII MIU M/ W u m lot dote of other the m including colored eerie. State Your THERON FOX 1194 Ye menite sea a no 1, G NP /M E PI t er/4 d , H iSro keelie INcTutO A : RM I 9 Pay Business W e Hole you IM41311 W S Steady Rout. et D M » Custo mers Hake good weekly » mie n »11. log el m » our 11G Ileso Of Md product. - all daily na miadthea. Sho w oneyehan M la hour M ullet . . . anal Il s. of seilf wellIng counter aceds. Metal at Sd and 101 to 11.00. You mike big m kt profits No large capital » mired. C ue 54 S U R Our p mtucta are known m a n to coast -oath ma Ut advert/Jed No b ac. Get all the money. Ltfts , 4 making facta now. Send for beet. let. "Your future lo · W holeaele RI le Mashie » of Your O wn." P10413 - no ehIloatton_ It's - TOD AY! W ORL D'S PRODUCTS W ou··· CO., O mit. 1-0, I·eneer. Ind. 98 M E RC H A N DIS E The ER!Main, June 10, 1950 "THE WOLF PACK] $4.25 BOL $4711 i"Original 3 sc. Regulation Ms' playin· car ds featur- Ki ... ,,,.. Sots. mg fifty-t wo eliciting art studies of ; gorgeous models in full color! · beautifully bo s· d ······· · ·... .. ··· s .° · : 12 Doz. raw · Wit h 57.50 gold eq · embossed price tag. SAHNE PACE. All sets fully guar- · $1.50 anteed. 1. 4·········· ········-·-e-esebe-4-0-60-·-·-·. · LARGE - BLACK z HANDLE It PISTOL é LIGHTER ** 1-...-.4 PIPES *(Continued from page 96) contact with so me of the boys. I've Exi m Heart, Mountings I days' money.beale everenlee Ii rings not ai mer men, . ..... . nr resale only. been buying m y stock fro m N. IL M orris Co mpany. He's currently m aking a kitchen set th e 1 think will be a money getter for the m- ine hie season. I've noted that m y . ·. $15." oalit* 00Z. 1.10 I« R. G. P. old friend, Red Hattie, is w orking tee white Stone. scopes out in Holly wood. Ho w about piping in, R· . W onder w hat Phil Kraft has been doing since I last sa w hi m in Buffalo. Ho w about a eDOI -$23° pipe fro m Louis A. (S mitty) S mith? I've been wondering if he returned to the pitch business or it he's still in the m ail-order profession. Ho w are the rest of the boys finding busi- ness 'und the country? I' m find- ing the stores that I have been work- 1·30 lilt R. P. Slonalla Nd WW1, I Nalulaherl dirt monde Choice. masonic Odd F·11·55 , elks. Cual'', Mont. emble m Initial or t.rnulat·d memofld le what ing are extre mely tough. There's little ti m et m any anything. and no m oney. I have 't workers w ho a mount to In fact, the ones I have NEW 1.&1·1.06 5.1611NO COMP.... &INS sar ele Me nn e n - nee -Sla b - HS On El Per Den Deland en All C. 0 D. °roe ,. seen will never m ake piteh men and the longer they re main in the ga me the mere heat they will cause the DES M OINES 133 liTH IT RING CO. DES MOINES. I0Pd· regulars. I wish there was so me way te m ake so me of these so-called pro moters confor m to a set of stand- ards before hiring and sending cut w orkers. Fro m so me of the spaci- m ens I've seen lately they do m ore har m to us than can be imagined. H o w about a fe pipes fro m old- ti mers like Ed M urray. Bill Westphal. S. A. Shackelford and Mark Jarrett" mriti 4fA tni.up $3.001 DO!. BIG GATE AT AO W (Continued from page 83) Harkeneack; Rethleen Ryan and Mickey Petro. /linden/Mere Mid Arena Pane. Bean Cole PIST OL LI G H TE R ·- . LA MA LITER 10PALON6 CASSIDY MMUS . 2 PC. MIDGET FILIGREE SET I CASE ALL GOLD PLATED PEN SET 4.plece Pen b Knife Set.. Smesay Pere Set * Ag ee, tr flashli3ht 4-pe. All Geld Plated Pen 6 Flasblife SM.... ITCHY DOGS 1U MPING FUR DOGS SWISS W ARBLERS 24" MOTTLE BEACH BALLS SILK PARASOLS. 20" SILK PARASOLS. 23" SILK PARASOLS, 26" SILK PARASOLS, 30" PAPER PARASOLS. 18" PAPER PARASOLS. 30" PAPER PARASOLS. 24" PAPER PARASOLS, 30" . .......... $840 DOI ·$96.00 6R $3,00 PER (: S25.00 PER M $5.25 DN.; $60.00 Gr. . . $4.50 De. 575 De A 50 De. 8.25 Da. 563.05 Gr. 66.00 Gr. 96.00 Gr. 96.00 Cr. 22.50 Cr. 22.50 Cr. .75 Gr. .... . . 3.00 De. 3.75 De. 4.75 Da. 4.00 Ds. 7.00 Ds. .80 De. 1.10 Dz. 1.75 Dz. 2.25 Dz. 50.00 Or 45.20 Cr 54.00 Ca. 66.00 Cr. 81.00 Gr. 9.00 Cr. 12.00 Cr 19.80 Cr. 25.80 Gr. and George Benecore. Hackensack. Girl.' m ed. Alice Belaier. Twin City. Boys' need, Mermen.' W eser, Hackensack; Otan Erd man. TwIn City ?hal m division, ladle.' ligurea. Johnston. Twin City: Eloise Memel. % entree', Con nanee Sabl e. Twin City. U nMs Delo n. George Cu mmings. TW111 City: Devid Pi etas Hackensack, Louts Meyer.. CepleoL Dancing. Elizabeth Goiter and John Bernhard, Alexandria: Irene 'Schneider sad griper Bela. nor, Alexendriat Carol Clomprr e aod Lgolf Meyer., Centre,. Pain. Barbara Von Dee. and Ela nd 'arenas. Heekensesek; Dons Witha m. and William Shepherd. Twin City: Ceres Clompper and Lo ne Meyers, Capital. Ladies. Doris Willia ms and Coneence Ba nn. TIM; City: Lorraine Delis and &gargle Adair. Capitol, Barha m Von Drene and Medelyn Higgins. Frackensaek. Glebe speed. Eileen Earth, Boule mrd Aran.. Bayonne. Il. J. Boye speed, Daniel Grace, Twin City; John Bern- FULA , AUTO M·YIC evens end slu ms autemer malty CHANT SIZE 3:21 / 2 Inches CHRO ME PL ATED hand rubbed he · brilliant finish ORD· · NO W first ca w. Ict 1 0, ,5acv 515· 51151 sot. 5 ,c155 1..30 -2slieree,trtee..%.9.,. D. ACE SA LES 8X SILVER AIRSHIP PKG. SILVER AIRSHIP WORKERS ........ .. AMERICAN STAPLED BIRDS LARGE PEARL GRIP PISTOL LIGHTER Celluloid Bobby Birds 04 Dart Ballnens leit FREE CATALOG NO W READY .80 On. WRITE .70 Do. 21.00 Da. .70 Ds. .60 Cr. COR SAME. 9.00 Gr. 7.50 Cr. 7.50 Gr. hard. Alta./ Wrier. David Freitag. Hackensack Intermediate division. Ladles' figure., Joyce Re na me, Hackensack: Terry Pobut. Capitols Atom Yeoman, Patenta. Men's figures. Huth Devore, Tein City: Richard Anderson, Hack- kra ...OH Henry Mellott, Patereon, Paire. Ruth Schulte arid John Haddad. Paterson: Lucille! BINORILARS -1 F quality lenses. give 5,1.5 , clear focus at long ba- KIM Cr CIOFFI 912 Arch St.. Philadelphia. 7. Se MArliet 7-2253 Brown and John Callahan, Twin City; Faye' Simon, and Harry Plagie, Bludenabarg. Dane. msg. Ronne Ainitret and Jacob Dell Bleyker Paterson: Grace Da ndrea and Andrew Kraemer. Rackenzaele: Sonia Peel. and Robert rens .. FC/Cla adfust meni rasoalslY made wIth center wheal adjustment. A .. .Hoe. high sower Imétrument. CO WHIDE CASE AND STRAPS INCLUDED. CL O SEST THI N G TO GE N UI NE O N Y X YO U HA VE EVE R SEE N . . . NEW . , Rucker. National Arena. Washington. Pours Lee Beehtz. Dorothy Feeney. Clinton Wid mer and Jonah Pala mo. Boulevard. Girls . armed. Sizabeth Cunningham. Twin City: Arlene YeKeen. Hackensack. Darimra Thompson. >renewal. Boys. Speed. Denald PhillIps. Sleek@muck, Donald De Roe, Paterson; Edward Swenson. Hackensack. J unts , divlsion, ladles' figure, Marie Grasso, Mount Vernon: Lee Beetling, Boulevard; Te en. Orm·thIrd with arder. belarce C. O. D NATIONAL METAL CO. ISO N. Main se. Fall Rlyer, Mess. O NLY $29.95 \,,,,,,..,. Only l Pr. IMPERIAL No. 420 FOUNTAIN PEN DESK SET ···· lerith rotating swivel) ' Violet Hoare, Twin City. Hen'. figures. Jarzeb Den 'Sleeker. Pater « . John Haddad. Paterson: Jack Prank, Twin City. Dancing, Ruth Mhulte and John Haddad. Patereorm Audrey Mailette and Harold Rent, Hackensack: J011111 Merrill and P·trlek /Delman. banana'. Mixed ,pairs, blanc Lame nt' and Hare m sea man; Twin Citys Iti mbeLh Cunningha m and Horn De Tore. 'Twin City; Al ma Yeo man and Jacob Den Illeyker. Paterson. Girl.' speed, Mary #153 14k gold piale 52.75 dr, send for price list Earls ser wrapped in tissue and beautt. fully gift bared If Ball Point Pen Is Desired. Specify No. 430 I ONLY $1 .2° DOZE N Thom mon. Nalm ml; Elba Kew*. Hacketleack; Jonn D Mus& Boulevard. Ref'. sp ud. Fclesed Reign. Tela City: Burton Bo nd, Itnekermeek; Teddy Freitag. Hackeaaack. Senior division. figure. Diane Lao- I aunt. Charlotte Ludwig, Mery Leahey. all or Tale CIO,. Uen's &Mures, Jude Cull, Twin Lmogard Baglieley, Eleckeessack; Dante] 23 % deposit On C. 0. D. Please stabl. your business R11161 -PEARLS -COSIUME JEWELRY IMPERIAL MANUFACTURES THE REMARKABLE 3 'ph" SerepoplOntl'.it r"' Ryan, Netlea ml. Dentin& Daniel Ryan and Jean ThelnaiL National: Peggy Vine and JOHN BERKO WITZ Cr SONS COLOR PEN -$7.20 DOZEN - SAMPLE, $1.03 DEPT. E IMPERIAL PEN & PENCIL co., INC. 250, deposit on C ether wise certified check or money order. IDO Firth Aye. To m 10. N. Y. SE NS A TIO N A L N E W ITE MS! IMPERIAL W ALKING BEAR PLASTIC ZOO MERANG Bruce Pester, Heeleyerd; Dori. and Alfred DOS, Twin City. Mixed pales. Charlotte Ludwig ar e Jude Colt sh in.. Ludwig and John Prank. Doris and Allred Dahl, all or Tenn City. Latilee pairs. Charlotte Iodais NM Mary Linahey.- Tela City: Shen atelectet and Ruth Donnelly, P·ter bl, Rhine. In ert, and Diane Lansottl, Twin City. klene pane, Hugh Devote and Alfred Dahl. Twin City; John Haddad mad Jetteb Bleyker. Paterson. Pours. Charlotte Ludwig. M my Leahey. Jude Cull old John Cohiban. Twin City: Ruth Ili E. Douai.. Wichita 1. ka m. PHOTOS in MILLIONS ell0 OS P4 QUANTITY 8 ·10 - Sy, Peocand - 2e, lissmasse. 70 s.30.51 .30.40-33 I · He m ma mas Co wl PRO MS Peneserd - le, 6 a 10 -128 I. aluen55, All el., W . Wrna I,,. FREY so. · 1, tie Ill So realistic st is sure.bre sales on fhis stern. We do have therm in stock. Im mediate delivery guaranteed. $6.25 DOZ. SAMPLE 75c Do sou like to H MI with To Tot2 is so mething twice es fasetnating. A reel concession ite m. Guaranteed repeat sales. $2.25 DOZ. SAMPLE 29c EA. Schulte. Alma Teen* , Jahn Haddad and g Jared Den IV. , Patel..MC Dante ano Al DI M, Betty Conntognam and Hugh Devote. gTwin Clay. Ladle.. Speed, Franc « Olaen, Hackensack: Ca therine Paler mo. Twin City: I 25 % with order. belie«. C. O. D. ACE CARNIVAL SUPPLIES fi GlorIa Barry. mond Plums+, Boulevard. Hen'. spee.l. Hackensack; Ar .rd Ray- National: Albert Smith, Houleward. 15·11710nd Plump mad Edward Seen »n, 5617 SO. HALSTED ST. Monet ENgleveeed 4.4472 CHiCAGO, ILLINOIS 0 HaCkenSeek; ¡decid Horan and Elie . Zeta, Tian Cir r A nent W WI. = sod William Con- M %M 1.1\ WL· K % W k I \I LIR.'& \ Wi ner% HattonaL SPECIAL CHINESE FIRECRACKERS liai, PO 1000 .Vr. el 50 end' s ga m 12.80 Imst m ane, RiSO lund i_.; IS ta.. Sky Rockets. gde Grose I Dos. Bea n No. 8 Sparklers tor 1200. F O. B. Center. Texas Ca n with order. HUIESI PONES FIREWORILL MIL W U 10, June 1950 SALES1104RDS Co m munications to 188 W. Randolph Si.. Chicago 1 Ill The Rillbeerri 99 SALESIIOARD SIDELIGHTS Attorney Hits Salesboard The boys fro m Superior were on At the Pioneer Manufacturing Comhand thru the recent three-day pany booth. Charles Lucent'. Bob Inclusion in Johnson Bill board exhibit at the Sheraton Hotel Erath. Harold Been and William in Ch!cego energetically handshak- Wellenpert held the officiel greeting W ASHINGTON, June 3. --Declar- munities and States. He condemned ing o!d fricnt's and making new ones. honors. BOYS talked up the brand ing that the Johnson Bill is contrary the FTC for asking in this legislation The sera bri zee included Iry Sax, new Play Ball and Bingo boards, to "the fundamental principles es- what the United States Supreme Chester Se;:. Iry Crecne.ald, Lou both quarter play. tablished by the founders of our gov- Court in the case of FTC vs. Bunte Kaufman, Joe nrodery, Dave .1tshaulcr. and Jim Egger:. New to the Jerry Scanlan. Chicago manufacboard line-up al Superior Products, turer, was the genial host in the Inc., Chicago, were the featured let board booth. Jerry debuted Sil- nonbeis cf the firm's exhibit --the Gia-Boards. A series of six boards, they are nickel punch Glo-Jrck, Big Hit, Super Fives, dime play Glowing Cash and Citation, and 23-center Flashy Cull. ver Bell, a bell machine stand type board with a simulated coin escalator to top off the bell touch. Three colu mns of pellets, released by players pushing a spring button at the too of each, total up winners by the color combination method, much like Gam Sales Company, Peoria, IlL actual bell t' y. Other »diet num- Was well represented ut the show by bers shown included 1000 Winners Ira Michaels. Sa m George and and a Little Chief Fortune board. Meurie Sax. New ticket ite ms were Dividends, n four-colu mn pad deal, eack Money and sales manager Pot 0 Gold, Double Play. Baseball «Bill Stone were among the boys Bingo and E-Z Pickin. AU featured doing host duty at the Consolidated- the boo ming sectional play idea.... Container Corporation, St. Louis, exhibit. Some of the new nu mbers re- leased from 2.3-cent play Treasure Island, dime punch Pic Your State, in ,Philadelphia which featured an array of minia- ture auto licenses for each of the 48. and 5-center Oh! La-La, a key chain board. A huge salesboard face, with cut-out space for a person's head. its RA KE was set up before the booth. Bill Stone did the photo taking chore NOW Available la ree lea Ut Feetery Priced whenever a visitor desired to be snapped with his head gracing the giant board ilustration. ernment." J. Bond Smith, a Wa hington lawyer, representing the Hamilton Manufacturing Company, salesboard manufacturers of Minneapolis, asked the House Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee Thursday (1) to make certain that salesboards are not included in the legislation. Smith reminded the com mittee that nth° a Department of Justice spokesmen at eerier sessions el the hearing (The Billboard, May 13) had testified that the Johnson ell was not intended to include salesboards, the Federal Trade Commisalon's spokes. mirs nevertheless had recommended that the bill be broadened specificaly to include salesboards. Smith then went on to cite court decisions, attorney generals' opinions and other findings to show that federal legislation of this nature is contrary to the constitution and would invite "confusion." Smith's scholarly presentation of his subject in a heavily-authenticated brief consisting of 24 printed, singlespaced pages drew praise from three of the committee members when he concluded his remarks. Invalid and Expensive Complete, I» of QUALITY PLAYING BOARDS in all sixes Inwnediore Delivery front Stock-- fast Overnight Service Operators and Jobbers! Writ· for New Low Prize Usf Today! COIN MA MIE EXCHA NGE 6095PRINGGARDENST. PHILA. 23. PA. LOMBARD 3-2676 JtApmscpmsprlgTMgalieheaurlioreaaaciarslett}nTdntmayynines.,.aaunenloldscecwiel,gMnbielcwrdaraioantytlaheredtaplocsoehterioiresclncdTsenidtthkbosfyTes,oMoe,mCeswpwa,aotrnaRi,eruranthnnifdiparluedaamslspnaenosfpuontgbinrWiadabdeleinacvfoin,mrrrtttend,in,oifiaalweucRn.lom'dienordekeailninsfeno.arlednilsduP.fiognrfrinvutdeiviu-CetcespJecshawkplnipeocSeIlelCnaatchatnakonaaanoywstesab.mydrdtgmro.DiBouoprt,oeFtdfdiauaoimeswwc.liaiudgentetmtrmidnrrlhyy.o1-el---.h.hfe0.d.jBoetchelfeatiiitmrrhnstiifetoiilcsceerltmwncraSHiamspwreeeseitmnttoioraiunwslegmstcourooaigallhepnesleiournntthdsdiblfetolsudendoasaeitnoaiarstndtffeeidocsnvverpeydedbvodeeoeeesuneernsttrhstwdrlsneteeIhesaeeionon.ulrsedfavt"wfiinrcotdoahvoelrlootooomiuucsnmcttlhhasttdneHlaatdaehmledtatifdoemehtoto"yeufibtaasdnnrdeennemthethtihnctceeeqo,demieceialaf-ouuiaunrvrtghtiahrsrtrauinpyaansrseelJee,ttnooaedfdemrd,ohlpitadbciitpnctolmehooesiiissuugtthhrrannoevnawgnantbaaatl-t.dnd--et-ge-- Brothers had declared the FTC could not do. Smith, who himself was associated with a federal agency which later beca me the FTC and who subsequently served as an attorney in the post office department prior to entering private practice in the nation's capital, described the history of sales- boards as "a system of advertising and selling merchandise." He said "the boards have been used for that purpose for over 40 years. The small merchandise manufacturer and the small retailer need that method of advertising to build up their businesses and to meet the competition of their big competitors, who have within their financial reach means of advertising not within the financial reach of the small manufacturers or retailers, such as magazine and newspaper space, billboards and the radio." Commercial Benefits As examples. Smith cited how a neighborhood retailer can use a salesboard to offer a "fair chance" to customers to win acandy bar or other article of merchandise. The chance is ofered free, and if the customer fails to win "he is no worse off than he would have been if the board had not been on the counter," Smith said The board sti mulates trade and attracts customers, he said. Similarly, a manufacturer who wants to Introduce a new line of candy or some other new line ot goods can make arrangements with retailers along a similar course. Smith said. He went on to paint out that "some big competitors"' sought to stop that advertising and selling method after its use for many years. and the FTC "relied on the testi mony (See Attorney Hits on page 100) Distributors of Coln-Operated the Triangle sales tale to visitors DISCOVER YOUR GOLD MINE Machines and Salesboards were Jr- 7.14. general rnara"-r, and Jay Goldman, general sales man- ager. Fir m also showed 15 boards of the coin, money and merchandise MAII. ON emutiE mer R E Y B Y type E Oft % 011IOLESALE P It ICES ND fob 1.ers or Close Outs BEE JtY SALESBOARDS UNIVERSAL JAB-0-DO No Order Too Large No Order Too Small JAII REALS--PAII nE It W B--LECKY MATCH PAKS <aOtdweynashicopmpepidensamestockdaytoras imremwiedinadt.e dWe-e livery WRITE. PHONE et COME IN. RITE FOR cmciii,ut C.IROL SALES CO. 312. F:. .`1.trIket Elmira,-1%. Y. IFLPLSI C A MI 5 frOrovoermmve27d5.storkdi../FRE..E.Or.deCArsTALshIanORdGRe--OdrlWiRnIwATniEav.eallaMdose, U. FL BRA DY Co., Mfrs. CICIPPEgreatWeAn.FA.LLS,1214WISC. B L AC K H A W K B O A R DS JA R D E A LS writ. Sor list Salentine Noselty C. Sewn. R·nd 24, Ind. Gardner flr Co mpany. in its Chicago plant and showroo ms, did its 1950 onen house presentation "up brown." Visitors came in steadily and threatened to create standing room only conditions especially in nob- the evenings. Hosting the event was Saul Wyatt. Chas. « Leedv. Zoe bison. Jack Ilandelbai m. firm's Pennsylvania representative, and severe others. Talk of the Gardner show were the model hostesses. tasty buffets at noon straight thru to late evening hours, com munity sings, plant tours, liauid refreshments offered up by Howard fro m the private bar, special television entertain ment room live musical entertain ment on piano and accordion, and the new board rel New Boards. Cabinet Debuted by Walters CHICAGO, June 3.--A new back drawer and drawer lock was introduced on its coin-operated salesboard cabinet by the R. C. Walters Manufacturing Company, St. Louis. at the AC M MA convention in the Hots1 Sherman here this week. In addition, firm announced four new 1,000-hole boards, bringing its board line to 18 numbers. New boards are the Big Fifty and Plenty of Cash, quarter play; Dollars for Dimes, dime play; Strike It Rich, nickel punch. and Play Color in all three play prices. On hand at the booth were 1. C. Walters, Eddie Robert, Torn Langcaster and John FL Chaney. 54 pRO()Er.P, , 1.0.105t-43e ,S e \ /e THE HOTTEST BOARD IDEA 0573f IN THE COUNTRY! SUPERIOR PRODUCTS, INC. esee 2133-59 W. FULTON STREET CHICAGO. ILLINOIS TAKE UP THE SLACK WITH THE WALTERS' AUTOMATIC W RITE FOR PARTIC UL ARS R. C. W4LTERS MFG. CO. 4201 NORFOLK ST. LOUIS 10, MO. 1A1 SALERHUARBS Vs4. iirboard June .10, 1950 USED COIN-OPERATED MACHINES Music · Vending · A musement · Has · Counter ATTORNEY HITS (Continued front page 99) of representatives of big competitors" even Uso "those who were against FINEST Only adverbse ments of Us ed Machines accepted tor publican., in tblo col mes. RATE -12e a W ord Mini mu m ;2 · that method were still prospering." Smith asserted that the method is in IN THE Remittance in full must accompany al ads fo publication in this column. No charge accounts. good repute, with salesboards being used "at church bazaars and picnics, by various veterans' organizations, COUNTRY r. A.1 BARGAIN - M CC UE AND .CANI g.. prl'ers'edi Xi ml have 'yon oeil? Mae Pode1, IS N. Newgarel Awe., Chicago, CIL RI FO,r.t u 5., ei_.2 . I re Ir R... EAGL E LIU Front.; I Mir 1S'atrn Pace; Roe lof:1' 31e$'Coce : neck, I Sr Blue M t Pocket: make offer tor all or part er will embers.. for late _phone. labor unions and lodges." Charity Fund Ralson "These organizations find them of important practical use in their ef- ARCADE OPERATORS - WE HAVE ID Gretchen Metal Tyner& rebuilt. s mati Mad perfect; I M D M with tech machine. $175. ac r he ' eBrydae naft anti,,"g .Fiiteon.nds N*.. MC.a, e·tdET forts to raise money used by them for charitable and other laudable pur- Celoithmb,f.or 1S,,,M. , Mu,, m.e.,,.ma,,,LIf,t.eo.aGnrdephseMs,,or..a. .,, ,, n ., s. ,,, e,, sp ., .1,,, b ,,. ,.. i/s , road Pops Arcade. M U M & Al., HOUSE CLE ANING -IS DUCK HUNTER BALL Ou t Machnies, EIS saehi gearenteed et ell.e unne4onte..42. Ad Little Dula etz,ele.. Mr le. 133. D .I41_1t.uGstu Sant ee lent. m. m.....s ,1in3. dBepSloortt&; poses," he said. "These people are better qualified to judge whether or not the use of the boards is immoral CIGARETTE MACHE MS -THE BEST BUTS IN m ondlUonsd cigarette machines are at Ce balance C.o.d. Vlore Sales. 132 Hensley Aye.. Ha milton. O. · than are biased commercial concerns who want to handicap their smaller Male write few detall. we MIT 150,1 c e&f.e.tbe mServimcbepCo.R.i M39p6t7nenPat.rriCsehntStr.e.d PlhceilnardaelnpghiAanc4.ouPtaa CIGARETTE MACHINES- THE REST BUYS IN reconditioned Mgerette machine. are at ç.,. Irai; write for detail.; we 333 3.73 U,f,..77. sese hess se wseesse. Centrai p. p.*ng ens ue. So nic. Co.. 3037 Peril * SL. Philadelphia 4. Pa. STA MP FOLDERS DIRECT M O M MANUFAC- competitors. lures; low. low prices; Im mediate delivery; write ler price. and earned.. I. Schoenhaeh, 1145 Bedford Ave.. Brooklyn. N. Y. "The primary being advertising purpose and not of boards ga mbling, STA MP roLotas-tow AS 331 PER THOU. sand; &re & from co metacturem Im medleit· deliv ey, write for pri m end a mple. C. Gallo, 1120 W. 13th EL , Brooklyn. N. Y. 1·17 they are in a somewhat diferent category from some of the other devices considered by the com mittee," SAVE YOUR MONEY W RITE TO E M PI R E F O R A M E RI C A 'S M O S T C O M PL E T E LI N E C1GA·ET TE-NYLON MACHINE - WRI TE FOR Catalog..; all tob o and mode . reateluis. ished to work and look like new; all work guaranteed; we buy and sali Lead Equip ment Mirrors, Part, Locke. Quarter Converdo m M eg' , Chutes: 33ff ide m developed. Steiner Nia. Co.. 343 Nucleon Ave, Brooklyn. N. Y.. ffoorun·'dEe..r. -UAnle.eadnd&Pi3e0k0 Products Corp, ( modals: Eatablialsed mo m 5027. DIGGERS- ELECTRO HOISTS. MUTOSCOPES. Roll Chute& Merchant men. Erlee. for cani4 eels. Exhibit Rotary Merchandisers. National. 4343 * mo m. Philadelphia. Pe. FOpRs,,,SAseLpEa-sePsRp,AC,,TItoCAriLsLYass NEissWs elsiss u*rrains,, boards will malva the play on your direfflw beam* 1123 tech. Reliable Shuffleboard Co.. ISIS Irving Park RA.. Chivato. /11. T M PACE SENIOR SARATOGA % W ME Smith said. · YOU., free ray tach ment. I 30 aMraectthien..a,nentA *,.' oea1so5rth;peasasecyOh;eme;leTtcwsooMi.onstsEeCxohVpiusenbintetedrersceamrspeeet.l ,,suresin*s,OreisAsIseT,. chhaallakinntg,* ,,,..IFT.4.30 esaec,,h. ,I,,d spe, cp . Imi-,-4,,,,,,, ,-,_ Lis a I. Mo. ,, Referring to testi mony submitted by the Department of Justice and FTC at the hearing last month, Smith said the -FTC's spokesman admitted that the attorney general was "right" W URLITZER 1017 WITH (111) WIRELESS ie in not putting punch boards in the $150; NRSufPfolretoS.h,ut.133$03.0e UinnieSaprelenteSuepderlikeShufnoflwe.; bill banning interstate shipment of 1/3 deposit. S. & W. ?Muir. A. M ... Ala. ambling devices. He said "the com- I MULTISCOPI MOVIE MACHINES -CON. plete with rules. perfect condition. 130 each; ftanc.t 10conSediiteinoUnCs st $30 eRli 0PolarTan'ea'H,eUtr mStaenel&waPy!,m' mission could hardly deny that the Department of Justice, this com mittee and the Congress are loaded with ,E,R6 M._. 5.1 sets,..5 .24 .tM2 la. N. F amine m m's· Y.. at can .muehchcoumlodre'spiemnpdortitasnttimmeatteonrs'muanchd PUNCH BOARDS PUS H CAR DS EMPIRE PRESS, Inc. 466 W. Superier Chicago 10 leOhrowk 1-4118 FOR SALE -EUSIC MACHINE ROUTE OF U N model Seehurgs and Eternise ,: t o Free Play Pin Haile; etched , territory; big pay rein, dent to Wart in 11, m end in ose to G/rkamndSC-1c.33.. 40m.o Birel.l.b.o"ard.forCtnealme,mtl, rts-O.ei-4t1: 1 A MT SKILL GUN MACHIN ER, If PLAY. el ect. scoring: Rand condition and ready for locatiosn; p as -sse s essr se w * * and will ,,eels,. the ,, for m e f.e.e. R. Done ,. s; 'pi pes, winehsaseg. is. 1·1151 rase -sproesemeat:inon;utonlUySEcomD PplRoItN.TSMocPOkRInPAesNtO.. I·.toorethe important matters' by State and municipal leaving oficials things which our system of govern- I ent assigns to them and which they I,an do and will do if the people of FOR S.U.E -2 Sr MILLS CHROME Fitomr. ve. Payout. 543 each; 1 sac 311111 Blue ? met, pew cabinet and »built 31c payout. MS; 3 100 Black then, original 31e m eet, $60 eaell, .«cbehi lMele/kGoClhdeemn,'Falolri&ginRailf.e pEaryeou't.,MMauli.l $3k5 * well Bell. I. Sr peyout. 1100, I 33, Go Men Fell., 3.1e seven.. 175, 1 I* Brown Freon. M e m &maenonmaiatt....MjFeara3nkr31ouGeeQ.ierwT.o..rkli%iknegBunreanrwh.daor$.4m,5 each. PMa. ad All M1/I3T Inc.; price ea low as 115.15 per doo m orbits; .Il-cliatc.kbafowrk FUilMms,ofDempt.mteBnHUAF. Dmavealilteihmleet. Mloiwe&s IlheallyparwtiacntulathremStattoebeordonmeu.n"icipality SOT 30MP FLA MEPROOF TENT. SQUARE ENDS. Publie Not Coneerned flint cla m condition, stored lows. Jaen « Heron, co Billboard « DC& St. Leeile. 40 GOOD USED ADV ANCE MACHINES m wide Guns and Charms, U M like unewm nmehines. M ed. U SO: used Hart Chro me Ha I t,IIhopeomSkmmeibistosahsmiraodnasln.sohahadsr"IefcacafalkillthneeeoddwlutshetoeadtgsteoofdthpethpuuaFstneTcCthh'of-es POtt. S;443,1 =PCO .RIlii. 1721 rWRITID. FRANK ?a m Mechinee. unfilled, M UM 3_tor 123. !irrtte e .r fr.e.o. price Ilste. M aeft. iM2 .... 71 ,Iberairoduss in the various States were of concern to the people, this atuation would not exist,' he said. NOTICE CLASSIFIED FOR MS FOR THE BILLBOARD'S AN N UAL SU M MER SPECI AL, TO BE DATED JU NE 24, WILL CLOSE W ED NESDAY, JU NE 14. Get your ad in NO W for this all-i mportant special issue. t,Pointing out that Federal Court deisions aford no basis for this legisla on. Smith offered nu merous citet'ow from cases and asserted that 1 's assumption of jurisdiction over i.t'eetenrstaptaseseshdipumpeonnt of boards has not by the Supreme Court. "It remains to be seen Vhether the Supre me Court will tw- E._ in the commission in barring from CHOICE TERRITORIES OPEN BY LEADI N G PUNCHBOARD MANUFACTURER Address all rephos to SOX 359, do The Rillboord Pub Co. SALESBOARDS-JAR TICKETS NE W L O W P RI C E S ALI bernRS SHIPPE D M U DAY PICIIVID th'.t 31 Yee Mt K WARTIR Ke t-ORS, THICK DO SPeM.e5n0 PsrNiotfm e JAR TICKETS CKOeOl OW 0b0e0e 000 ifte SLeUCCHKYARLS·UCT,KS,THITNRICK . 25e .O.P. CHARLEY, THIN 75Sef STOEUXTAHS PACIFIC, &HiTtHICAKAAAA ft HOL D THAT LINE, GIRL BOARD ADveef.· AAvveg.. Ave. M17.O0·O0 uMn.AmW 27.20 40 .71 1.1.570f 1.7 $ RED, -WHITE AND BLUE LUDY SEVEN se00e0 it FLA MING GIRL, GIRL BOARD tee TEN CE NT SA W RUCKS 000 iit 31X IWO W TI Ave. Ams. Ave 27.00 45.00 14.20 1.75 1.7$ I 75 RINGO funs en 31 ,[10-.533f WRITE FOR OUR I. ILLU AAAAAAA Palen LIST Sienna re m requira men b. La me steak Plan tlp Definite. W s . , 10004200 1240.1400 Beards. Corn Boards. Super Glent NM «. 15 % d u b& with all orders - bal.. . C. O 0 MICHIGAN CITY NOVELTY (0. BOX 6, MICHIGAN CITY, INDIANA SALESBOARDS-JAR TICKETS 1 terstate transportation a device sus- 0.., 0 tibial of being used for the pur- Ii se of selling merchandise thru lot chance where the manufacturer of e device is not selling, nor inter- led in the sale of merchandise other p an the board," he said. Smith further recalled that C onE. reas "has consistently refused to einet any such law" as the Johns on 17 ensure proposes. He pointed out It w similar measures inttoduced in li diferent terms of Congress since t e 66th Congress have failed to pass, ,3ith most of them dying in com mitte e. Ogee Cumnalne Opinion w Continuing, Smith itten in 1937 by cited an opinion then Attorney leGirgigsnlerattahilengHofeondmeerrthaelCsuUEgboTjIveeMcItr.nDS.meTdhnistecoJoufrrhoang-m- 188 W. Randolph, Chicago 1, Il. ATTRACTIVE and UNUSU AL PUS H CA R DS Designed and Manufactured by RAY MERTZ & CO. 525 S. Dearborn St. · Chicago 5 Holes Mil MO 1000 Play # I* tit De mrépimn WIN A SUCK. Thick .. wear ,' Rotors. Thick Charley Soled. Thick Der Der Pr1ofritroe Is 0.1 10.04 PsrIces· .41 .to SC n Bill, Smith said, "contravenes Ili nda mental principles of federal b. risdiction while all experience FOR DIE LATEST AND BEST IN PREMIUM MERCHANDISE 107005 123.5fe JTaecekm PoCth aCrhleayr,leyT,hicfklick . . . A·y., 1052.03.20 li e Me MNAI 2000 Se Meo w , Thide Ave 3(15 Mc Piannk AinSaMwbiunci.k, T'hiMicckk 45.23ci Ceovie.. 303..1755 I* It Crews en Trees Ole Cult .. - . ·ini 71.00 ille THAels -IlInto Tickets, IMO. 1300, 1210, Ise& Tos Boards. All order. shipped mine dev m eived. 1.1 % deposit Sedan,. C. o. O. LOD 31S0t0 f 00 LU B LN SA LES C O.. 12S Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh IS, P . ERE*e.t s foorsta ,*N E W W HOLESALE 'NET' PRICE BULLETI N- NE W LO W PRICES - GIGANTIC ASSORT MENT - FASTEST SELLERS sALES 101k rear irWine te merity,* doli ne, on li me M r * 1,EGA LSIIA R E 112,;caintlsauttohorithtiee.s superior to meet abilities of the case." "Administration," he said, "would require alarge police·force, numerous ac ditional lawyers, and would load th e federal courts with cases of a kJ nd which belong in police courts, IB.king a large amount of time which th 'Tr judges portent need for other and more work." He recalled the L I:oistion's plight during liquor prohibithen cited an opinion writ- tel by Sunreme Court Justice Felix 71' anlifurter in the FTC vs. Bunte AT LO.sW*ESET*EP.ierce!: LOUISVILLE COIN MACHINE CO. =330 E. BRECKE NRIDGE ST. At Preston M eet , PHONE 'Asks . 6514 LOUISVILLE 3. KY. SAME LOCATION FOR 20 YEARS We Corry th· doe-Joy Products Line of Punch Petards end Ike "Original Jor-O-Da Tickete and Pad Deals" at Factory Pal m, P. O. Box 86-R m 1:,,V,st...u. HU NTI NGTO N BEACH. CALIF 81 I sti °slurs sed case in which the jurist the tradition of local law for co verning local business. GIVE TO THE RUNYON CANCER FUND June 10, 1950 OPS SEE COIN M ACHINES Co m munifationa to III W. Randolph St.. Chicago 1.Tu. BANNER SUMMER BIZ On-Location Advertising Helps Most Locations Set as 1950 Fla. Op Build Play, Locations Season Gets Under Way; New Equipment Lures Heavy Play PANA MA CITY. Fla., June 3. -- played with the firm's slogan, urde Utilizing a colorful "public relations the glass of phonographs, pin games card .' which quickly identifies the etc.. particularly where machines operating co mpany with each phono- are new, shiny, and well kept, ha graph, pin ga me. and other amuse- attracted a lot of attention from play ment devices on location, is a policy ers. and more important, has been States Vie for Visitors With Special Celebrations which has paid excellent dividends for Ji mmy Willia ms. head of Willia ms Novelty Co mpany, here. Willia ms feels that operators who the original point of contact with many store-owners desirous of obtaining machines fro m the Williams Novelty Company. CHICAGO. June 3. -- With the Decoration Day week-end officially launching the su m mer season, operators of all types of coin machines in tourist and resort areas which play a major role in the profit picture during do not place a card in the corner of the machine, or use such an inconspicuous one that it com mands little attention, are making a serious mistake. Such cards, pro minently dis- Pro motion Value "There are at least a dozen locations where the fact that my card was large and readable, intrigued the tavern-owner, druggist or bar-op- the year. are looking to one of the best seasons since the end of the war. As of this week, most operators in the vacation areas had completed their license arrangements and had either set up or were moving equip ment to the resorts. Because of the expected increase in travelers this season (more cars are on the road than ever before) and with new areas opening up, erator," Willia ms said. operators in these areas 'are using MBLiilpqllsu.idCoahtPieeonneBeiTzor ISGneoeonS.dCbay,rSeoasliOopnnas 45 Years in CM Field The card which Wilia ms uses is 4 by 6 inches and is printed in heavy, black type, giving the name of the firm, address and telephone number. together with the slogan, The Best in Coin-Operated Equipment. Spotted in the lower left-hand corner of such pin games as Gottlieb's Select-aCard, and Rock-Ola's Shuffle Lane, the cards are "silent sales men" which pro mote good will in general and more specifically, lead to new locations. Last Quarter Good more new vending, music and amusement equip ment in these seasonal locations this year than has been the case for many years past. The operator enthusias m for the co ming season co mes not only from all parts of the United States, but visitors to the AU-Industry Coin Machine Show here last week fro m Canada, Nova Scotia and Mexico were equally impressed. For exa mple, the Nova Scotia Lobster Carnival on July I and 12 has always been a drew far tourists, but this year ad- Bally MINNEAPOLIS. June 3. -- Bill (Sphinx) Cohen. of Silent Sales Co m- Schedules COLU MBIA, S. C. June 3. --Indi- vance reservations indicate the turncations are that South Carolina coin out will be one of the largest since ops will have a banner re_sort business before the war. Canadian ops are First pany, coin machine pioneer in this territory, is planning to retire from business after 45 years, it was learned Deliveries this season. So me ops feel, they may looking to a heavy influx of U. S. even get back into the groove of visitors this.surn mer and report these past lush years. visitors, .already `well versed in coin here this week. The ne ws caused the heaviest changes in the coin machine industry here in many years. Of Turf Kings Most distributors in this area re- machines, make excellent custo mers port good business in the past three- for their machines while touring the month period. Jim Faulk, of F. A. B. provinces. Signs pointing to Cohen's liquida- here, is especially pleased with the Visitors to the Pacific Northwest tion of his coin machine holdings and CHICAGO, June 3. --Bally Manu- way his Wurlitter 1250 is moving. are expected to spend so me $375,000.- eventual retirement in "about ayear" facturing Company thru General On the routes, ops report they gun 000 during their stay in that territory are these: Sales Manager Jack Nelson an- feel the seasonal decline in many To- this su m mer, so me $25,000,000 more (See Cotten To Chit*. page 19) nounced this week production on a cations, but report the sum mer stands than the all-ti me high set last year. new oversized replay pinball ga me are generally taking up the slack. Additional recreational facilities have Co met Unveils which may be played as either a five Arcades are still holding up. de- been set up thruout the area bounded or one ball. It is called Turf King. spite the heat and loss of soldier by the Continental Divide and the (See Bally Steeds on page 14) Johnson 1950 Line of Counter Units CHICAGO, June 3. --Comet Indus- trade, owners report. (Ste Ore See Banner on page 121) Bill Hearings End tries, Inc., unveiling its new line of five counter ga mes during · the AC M MA-sponsored All-Industry Justice Dept. Call Future of Show here last week, is now in pro- duction on the units and delis-cri es Big Future in Coin sire being made, Ted Rubenstein, president, announced. Units, which were one of the highlights of the show in the counter ga me field, include the following models, all new: The Co met, a non-coin operated unit featuring cigarette reels, 1 or 5-cent play, no coin chute, no cash box. Automatic payout tokens. Also available in coin-operated cigarette reels model in 1 or 5-cent play. The Meteor, coin-operated, featuring fruit reels. I or 5-cent play, automatic payout tokens of various co mbinations redeemable for cash or merchandise. ALso available in noncoin-operated model. Ciggy, 1. 5 or 10-cent play featuring fruit or cigarette reels, ball gu m vender with coin divider. The Mite, t, 5 or 10-cent play, c:garette or fruit reels. Ball gu m vender. Hinged reward sign covers reels when not in operation. Unit has special refill door to permit servicing (refilling) by location. Has coin divider. Favors Changes · Melts. Down Under, Says Tex Morton Attorney General's office wants amusement games ont of Johnson Bill · W ASHINGTON, June 3. --The Depart ment of Justice Infor med the House Interstate and Foreign Com- HOLLY WOOD. June 3. --Australia may get another coin machine operator if Tex (Ozzie) Morton, veteran outdoor show man, lines up anything while in the United States. Morton arrived here on what he said wits lia merce Com mittee this week that it first real vacation in 18 years. He favors a "clarifying" amend ment exempting "machines for pure amusement" from provisions of the Johnson Bill to restrict interstate transportation of ga ming devices. plans to tour the nation, primarily in the interest of his shows but will keep an eye peeled for equipment that can be used to his territory. The Justice Department's latest Vending equipment is practically view was disclosed in a letter to Rep. nil at present in the country "down Bill Unc·ertain 'House committee expected to rewrite definition of "gambling devices" · W ASHINGTON. June 3. -- The House Interstate and Foreign Commerce Com mittee, which yesterday (21 officially concluded public hearings on the Johnson and Preston bills to restrict interstate ship ment of ga ming machines, indicated here tol day that the future of the legislation is 'highly uncertain. Rep. Robert Crosser (D.. O.) chairman of the com mittee told The Billboard that he Robert Crosser (D.. 0.). chairman of the co m mittee, who read the letter under" despite a de mand for music machines. Morton declared. He could hopes to convene executive sessions the co m mittee in on the legislation into the record Thursday (1) as hear- not re me mber seeing any kind of a "at the earliest opportunity." but he ings resumed on the legislation after merchandise vender in his travels. pointed out that the co m mittee's a lapse of three weeks. Cigarette machines are out of the heavy press of other business makes The letter, signed by Peyton Ford, question because o/ the scarcity of It "very uncertain as to just when the assistant to the attorney general, the co mmodity, but apple. milk and executive deliberations can take The King, 1, 5 or 10-cent play. stated: peanut machines would make money place." Five-reel poker play. Ball gum "It has come to our attention thru for an operator. Marton believes. It is generaly agreed that the vender with coin divider. (See Justice Department on page 121) (See Coin Meets. on page 14) (See Johnson Bill on page 120) 2 10 M USIC MACHINES Th e80lbentrd CLEVE, .-CALIF. OPS June 10, 1950 CONVENE Rosy Outlook Info in Other Departments 800 Turn Out Keys CPMA Among the stories of interest to the coin machine industry to be found in other departments of this issue of The Billboard are: For CMG's Annual Meet G- MEN JU MP DEALERS, DISTRIBS. U. S. dragnet snares eight Philly firms on alleged price fixing Probe may be national (Music Department). MUZAK CUTS VINY DISK COSTS. The Muzak Corporation Ladies' Night reduces price of vinyl platters of all speeds (Music Department). Discuss Ne w Speeds PLATTERY REPS GO FOR DEEJAYS. A flurry of pacts are being inked by diskeries, with emphasis on oatune disk jockeys (Music Department). Bay Area Firms Hosts CLEVELAND, June 3.--Optimism SMALL BUSINESSES M AKE UP AMUSEMENT INDUSTRY. and a reafirmation of faith in the According to Social Security records 82 per cent of biz is made up of future of the music industry as a small enterprises (General Department). whole, dominated the Cleveland RAINBO W TO SPARK WILLIA MS PRO MOSH. The didkery Phonograph Merchants' Association plans an all-out drive to push the Buddy Willia ms ork diskings (CPMA) 1th annual contention at (Music Department). the Hollenden Hotel here Thursday (1). It was highlighted by a spirited And other informative news stories as well as the Honor Roll of Hits. pop chart, and a special Billboard feature --two pages de- businea. session, which explored op- voted to new merchandising and mechanical developments in the erating problems of national propor- business --the Radio -Phono -TV section. Uons, and a banquet which drew a turn-away crowd in excess of 800 operators and guests, music machine manufacturers and distributors, rec- MAPOA Elects Officers ord representatives end recording artists. Led by CPMA President Jack Cohen, the luncheon business dis- For '50; Hold An. Banquet cussion was built around the com- petition of local television ofered music operators in Ohio. and par- DETROIT, June 3. -- Business of board under the "presidential pre- ticularly .Cleveland. merchandising, delegates to the State meeting of rogative" in the by-laws. record speeds, long range rental ex- the Michigan Automatic Phonograph periments. obsolete equipment and Owners' Association (MAPOA) was Hold Annual Banquet Climax of the season for the revenue averaees in key cities. At this session. Cohen, who also was convention chairman, was assisted by co-chairman Sanford Levine. James Ross and James Burke. and convention director, Sam Abra ms. Ross stated that the association had elected to counter the inroads of TV' by proving to the location owner that th: receiver should only be working for special events. and only when patrons request it. CPMA. Burke added, is also stepping up its ca mpaign to show that TV belongs in the home not on public location. This is being handled thru a double cartoon series which stresses the advantages of television in the home. separated from the annual banquet this year, with the election of officers providing the principal activity, according to Roy W. Mason, business manager. Morris Goldman. of the Morris Music Company, who has headed the MAPOA was the annual banquet held the night before Decoration Day, giving everyone a chance to relax without worrying about early business hours the next day. The event was held for the first time at the Four Dukes Supper Club and drew a near- association for some years. was again re-elected. Harry Norton. of the Lincoln Vending Company, was capacity crowd that included operators, their families and friends as well as civic leaders. elected vice-president, succeeding Ben Okum, of the Okay Vending Irving MAPOA, Ackerman, counsel for was master of ceremonies Company, who retired because he is and introduced the guests of honor, switching over to a position as a dis- including John Kozaren, chairman, tributor for Mercury, making him and Harry Henderson, member, ineligible. Edward Grodzicki. E and Michigan Liquor Control Commission; A Music Company, was elected sec- Gerald K. O'Brien, Wayne County eta ry-treasurer. prosecuting attorney, and his assist- As Cleveland video now stands. Cohen Eddie Clemons, of the Music Serv- ant, Nathan Kaufman; Nathaniel H. explained, the main coverage is base- ice Company, and James Jeffrey, of Goldstick, assistant corporation coun- ball, football, wrestling and other Jeff's Music Company, were elected sel of Detroit, and his associate, Paul sporting events. At first it was be- to the board of trustees. while Marty J. Wieselberg; Louis Miriani, presi- lieved that televising sports would Rice, of the Rice Music Company, dent, and Charles Oakman, member (See ROSY OUTLOOK on page 14) was named by the pr ident to the (See MAPOA ELECTS on page 19) OAKLAND, Calif., June 3. --Callforma Music Guild members, joined by State, county and city officials and music machine suppliers, staged their 1th annual Ladies' Night banquet and ball in the Leamington Hotel Bowl here Thursday night Cl). With nearly 800 in attendance, five automatic phonographs and 46 other items were awarded as door prizes. Hosts for the evening were the various distributing firms in the bay area. R. F. Jones, of the R. F. Jones Company, Seeburg distributors for San Francisco, donated a 100-record Select-o- Matic and the su mptious buffet dinner. The machine was awarded Bill Re mington; Marysvile operator. G. G. Silla won the A. M. I., donated by Walter Huber, San Francisco, and J. Peskin Company, Los Angeles. The Wurlitzer from Deices Osborn went to Roger Novelty Company, Salinas: the Rock Ola from George Murdock & Associates, San Francisco, to L. A. T. Soldeen, and the Evans from Golden Gate Novelty Company to E. & F. Music. Tickets for the phonographs were given as an acknowledgment of a 820 contribution to the general activities fund. The money received from these ducats will be used by the organization for public relations, charities and a radio broadcast that is scheduled to start soon. The 48 other items were courtesy awards, with everyone participating in the dra wing. SOO Members Lee Spear, vice-president, paid tribute to George Miler, president and treasurer. Miller also is the president of the Music Operators of America. Spear told the audience that the association was formed in 1934 and this was followed by a di- Coin Tele Activity in L. In Fresno the next year. Today the California association has nearly 500 members and embraces aterritory from the Oregon line south to th· Kern County line. Miller took over to welcome sorne of the distinguished guests. Theme included Mayor Clifford Richell and Distrds, Ops Make Hay Via Pay-See Sets Conamiesiotis Average 15 % LOS ANGELES June 3. -- Coin.. operated television sets, which began to roll off the production lines locally only a short time ago, are going strong and bringing new blood into the operator field. AI least three distributors are ofering these sets and an Eastern manufacturer has established ot West Coast ofice. With seven television stations citerne approximately 60 hours of progra m, daily, operators are reported busy installing seta in mix, bowling' alleys, hotels, motets and allied spots. However, the nu mber of music machine operators moving into the field (See COIN TELE on page 19) ·Traveling Display INDIANAPOLIS. June 3.-- Southern Automatic Music Company here has added a new traveling sales display designed to bring the mountain to Mohammed. A truck, designed especially for the firm, allows for a full display of the AMI line, including a Model C phonograph, wall boxes, speakers, hideaways, etc. Under the supervision of George Burch and Herman Perkins, the truck will travel to remote sections of the territory ,overed by the distributor, and an, with only a few minor con.ections, give an on-the-scene monstration ter operators. Firm oficials se, initial re ,ponse to the "Traveling Salesnan" truck has been excel'ert. 3perators say it saves them time. mid they can save a trip here and still get their new equipment as needed. T& LAppointed wife: Larry Marvin. Sacramento local: James Quinn and wife, board of equalization: Harry Bartel, board Wurlitzer Rep of supervisors and Police Chief Leslie Lyon. Orrin Tucker, who is playing an engagement at the Clare- In 3-State Area mont Hotel in near-by Berkeley. mode an appearance. Entertain ment included a floor- NORTH TONA WANDA, N. Y., (See CMG on page 14) June 3.--Appoint ment of T & L Dis- Huber Distrib tributing Company, Cincinnati, as dis- tributor in that territory was an- nounced this week by Ed R. Wurgler, general sales manager of the phonograph division, Rudolph Wurlitzer In New Quarters Company. T & L, which will main- tain complete parts and service de- SAN FRANCISCO. June 3. --The partments as well as showrooms for Huber Distributing Company, hanthe 1250 at its headquarters at 1321- dling AMI and other coin 'machine 23 Central Parkway, Cincinnati, will . products in Northern California, this cover 20 Ohio counties, 7 Indiana week moved from its Emeryville. counties and 12 in Kentucky. Calif.. offices to new headquarters at T & L office in Cincinnati is man- 118 Howard Street here. aged by Leonard J. Goldstein, who Walter A. Huber reported the move has been a distributor  coin ma- had been made to better serve operchines for the past 15 years. He said ators in the territory covered by the the firm's headquarters are now be- firm. The new quarters include ing remodeled and the showrooms en- showrooms and service facilities and larged in order to display the Wur- · complete parts department. It Is litzer line. Trained service personnel located in the vicinity of leading rec- also will be stationed at the offices. ord wholesalers. June 10, 1950 The 1.1.C111.NES 103 A Clean Grill! A clean machine always makes ore money! One of the outstanding features of the "C" is its new plasti grill, fresh as asunny morning, new as the next tick of your watch. Take aswipe at it with ada mp cloth and ifs as clean and bright as the day it was shipped fro m the factory. How different fro m the old fashioned grill cloth that collects dust and dirt and advertises the age of the machine like gray hairs on the hu man head! If any "C" grill louvers ever need replace ment, they can be installed inexpensively and with great ease and speed. This clean, plastic grill is the only one on any modern juke box Without a clean grill you simply can't have a clean machine! 1e i11- C-C4 / Witelte d General Offices and Factory: 1500 Union Ave.. S. E. Grand Rapids 7, Mich. Brench 011ke. 134 N. LaSalle Si., Chicago 2, 104 MUSIC MACHINES The Dil!board June 10, 1950 A Lot Extra, Every Way, To Give You a Lot More ... Always! EV ANS* 1950 20 RECORD. 40 SELECTI ON CONSTELLITION Record Revie ws (Continued fro m page 37) ARTIST TUNES LABEL AND NO. COMMENT VI C DA M O NS Glenn Or.., l wins, 5190 T HE FO UR JO KERS Apollo 143 POP UL AR I Hadn't Anyone Till You Styled es the mannet et the all ter m, Dorsey NM, tbia is ere el Deere's 'tame * ballad offerings. Strelgt11 el bath performance aid wee Rued win big N M. V ageboed Shoes Wanner tome . I «w ens rbyten style le à superior renditke ot · heed, fetching now novelty ditty. Side could be I wry big item. The Little Green M an Cloartet term I rlerer nerelty ditty learn · Nod. . observer I. our nelPellf .1,111satbn. Smart material, retter tuned ha floor presentatsn, tut deb may *t tome org tor eta oregealety. Cat e.. Lena Naterlal Is IghtweiN nmelty, m erger, . unenerrerl 67 -87 -37 -87 89 -81 -80 -89 67 -74 -70 -64 50-50-50-50 THE BART O N BR OT HERS (Iry Carroll Ork , Apo . 161 Thu SRver ware Sono Dull ·stgial I S an uninspired from the <MM. vaude The TIP Sens Den* materiel +alb net as a se mi . treatment 4 4 44 46 42 34 -34 -38 -30 Front tlo bacle-eld· to tide--top to botto m . .Evan.' Extra Quality stands out! There's more beauty la Evans' advanced styling . . . greater appeal ta Constellation's lifelike reproduction . . . better per. fer ment* in Swans' refined mechanical and electrical design. It adds up to extro-prelitabl· operating! See your Evans Distributor or write Factory direct lo, co mplete infor mation. AVAILAILE N O W -Ivan' Record Popularity Meter for Original Constellation OIMIUI NE PARTS for Mills Throne of M usk, Impress, OrigInel Constellefl·n 101I N N Y M AR T M A N (George Willia ms 0 0.1 APO . 102 PACK H U NTER (Fran!: Hunter mark O M/ Gannet G-233 W ILLIE KELL Y'S DI XIEL A N DE RS Corona Only for Yee, Le da · Ane 1.1, enre e held under wren ten et reehmq under-recorder Nobody's Get It Better Than M e AS slOt. n,t, War man it handi urned by tiw e slew read .. W alking W ith a Drea m Warn barn 5050 1 u. En9 ,01, and Ital.., OIT an Oka, · OrkIng has ·nterestira galore Over So mebody El,.', Shoulder · 1, 5tenabee slow balled ofering Collegiate îlot .magnatneit produced record has a goad chance ro Catch an as · fatten; cf .. TM old tu ft 4 done lei . ',mart extra material end en arcluelc vocal and oN sound el melt »real. Yoe, We Ware Ne B met st the some on Ailether oldie. A catchy lob, but es he Me Idle. 62 -64 -62 -60 62--64--62-- 60 7I -72 -71 -70 69 -70 -69 -68 86--86--86--86 84--8 4--84--84 H. C. EVANS & CO. 1528 W. Ati· ms St., ChIrago 7, Illinois C O N NIE H AI NES Cerel 60171 Of All Things thrush $1 ,15 nerd, aided by a remelting oh treatment, but the Merl Is wasted on this rhythm ballad from . lorthcorninu "boor.. Of 'Oahe. fleck. 67--67--67--67 MORE FOR YOUR MONEY! W URLITZER 1015 . 5749 00 ROCK -OLA 1420 3339.00 SEEBURC 144 M 3159.00 THESE PHONOGRAPHS ARE THOROUGH', RECONDI10NED --LIRE NEW! W ALL BOXES su mo Wt .L84 INI W. 3W1-1.36, Sc. 3 WIll 1111-1.56. 34 WIRELESS 31/11-1 2, S/10/25 0111-11. 5/10/2S WS-21. Sc 0520.12. St 5-20-12, St 1.37.00 . 29.00 . 24.50 1/.00 17.00 8.95 6.91 3.50 125, 540801U/3i5n 71 17.50 120. 51 ------- - 3.50 SI MUR O I WI/R UT/JR ROCE- OLA 1941 R.C. Spaciel.S119 Hightone. R.C. . . 99 /lighten., LS. . 79 Colonel so ai m 59 Com mander 59 Cadet 59 Classic 59 Regal 49 7508 gm 850 950 500 EOOR briefer/ 616 1119 Seers 40 _ 959 0 1.4 40 . . ss 79 Driest 19 59 79 59 Stendard 39 . . . 59 54 gg, Co m mando .. .. 49 19 , 11raident 49 THREE- WIRE C MILE, 71/2 CENTS. 500 FT., 614 CENTS PER FOOT. 1471.1 DO ME, 517.50. NEEDLES, LO W VOLU ME, PRICES RIGHT. FIL MS. 50 % OFF LIST. FUSITATI. 33 tO % O M LIST. M ESS IM MINOORAPHS ·RII CO MIN ATIR AND IN W ORKING 051551 1.1011 I AVAIL M OVRRNAULED, PROFESS UNCON DITIONALLY QUAR ANIERD FOI AN ADDITIONAL 133.00. FR A NKIE FR OB A HIS G A N G De m ED DIE C O N DO N O R K (Benny Atkins/ Dee m 27033 VER A LY N N 18,6 Fares« Ork , In flo, 'to M A N T O V A NI OR K Lerdeo 711 CLAIRE "S H A N TY" H O G A N-B OBB Y W AY NE Ifeck Maio Orkl ta m , eel Lecerno KELLER tents. 1. 1 Lot % Cho. Choo Cisco to Idaho · spereted if not imp , . Producto: leIll from the sa m flick gene an be here for a more coor viral . 51de than gig kikki TIliki Taon Frye@ and pan; corn it up happile on ¿Ire, nee ,11111. 'ICY «. 01 411,5 'ANY 8+1 ,1 5,16 1 hauberthep quartet carry the ball Two Sweritissar N Quartet ma memo are featured again oar s ars ,.91,1 nail: «I MF Plamee It 41,500 flAteS. !us M e Shies 414 m, a 11t 10111 ambler, Steuggles raieently with wordy lyric as Canden and son. at As reenters ¡sou°, out Pe Dlvielam classe M a de Leaf Rag Ralph S marm brilliant taritint· Pleante and I An. ento mb FIC1100 Make in asking side weth some tomeneretal .551bIlittee. Our Love Story The sweet-tengeres English death don her usual high- trade job shre · pretty, sin« ballad 'P .A . bof ligenk". I Never Kne w I Loved You tb e mete,. 1 tii, Sent.11.1tal bail ad and W u Lynn's heliogeof rendition. Love I. a Sang The Mg art egrobea an * mire smelev e.vetiatsre treatment to a delbettul meetly. Geed ili.t salon Sión. ', mu m meet gri me. Hol m Kati Efligtire INM concert nil hang« reeld.nre alleete ,s I rid, gay bA-1·7 mtt. M. teille RM-9a1 Ammen to the prornhino 19. rh ea, novelty middli m cute, but eoesn't have the move nf torn peletive ermlent. Sani's Sows Team st tet casual be thie meelty that i been making e relle stn. Lackadalsical tmetreent lacks snap. M y Drea m Nett> gd meable side suttee from faNdulaer mcordmg. Don't Stop No w Novell, ewe n reedy * in t.... elmee Style, wIth >royal meal. Same lfeles tire, however. 75--75--75--75 72--7 2--71-- 73 65 --.5.6 -65 -64 12 -82 -81 -83 74.-74-.7 4.-7 4 76--7 6--76--76 68 -72 -68 -64 73 -76 -74 -68 71--70--70--7 2 65--65--63-- 67 64 -66 -64 -63 69 -70 -68 - 70 TERMS: 1/3 DEPOSIT WITH ORDER, BALANCE C. O. D. WE SPECIALIZE IN EXPORT TRADE DAVIS DISTRIBUTI NG CORP. 738 :RIE BL V D E AST SY R A C USE, N. Y. --P H O NE 5-51 94 Col e: lA er a Tn. Ft -re,dittli tewl , 181 EVE Yr. D MI1 tl ST D FOS TER '···': Phis Ork) Learn lael SOIMItedsieli at the fed of the Rainbo w turn" oeOrteeneey tune re tacked out en mionterl tattle, sy 1w An. 5,5 mb warble, Orming Is height and barb,. Let's De It Agate Similar stuff aith /Feet. . Oiling ant .. .mean% by Jame, · tetchy bd, retailing the norsiCal tastes al Ore '201. M arianne mug rou e am lb, termer ID warbler *es great ONINOt it . %le mony team on the obirrarbromet ballad Semblre enure NeeP'. So meHnse On· mnao eat fol ., he pattern el tbe original To wns CarNe deo m but adds ./1 Mectie soprano NMI * . Intanatlen altos mar the total effort. lam 77--76--76-- 78 83 -84 -82 -8 2 70 -71 -70 -70 71-.71-.70-.12 r riume 10, 1950 3` I Record Reviews The Billboard 'MUSIC MACHINES 105 Cleveland Music Notes AR TIST LABEL AND NO. TED STRAETER MGM 10725 KIRBY STONE QUINTET 10721. VICTOR YOUNG ORK Cocoa 27044 MICKEY DEL AND SKINNER Command 5025 KAY BRO WN-THE STATION HOUSE IA = BAND Mercury 5427 MINDY CARSON (Henri Rene 0110 Victor 30 -255! DINAH WASHINGTON (H. Zimmerman O W Columba 38837 UNE NELSON IVfrgIu Islanders) »lam 502g )0 STAFFORDPAUL WESTON Capitol 1053 NAT (KING) COLE haltol 101d KEN GRIFFIN Columina US) 1441 EDDIE "PIANO" seMIeLLmERsoyli TUNES At the luncheon meeting, Presi- ally. .. Ed Rataiacic. A MI official, dent Jack Cohen na med every me m- was supposed to have been on hand CO M MENT ber and guest present, including firm but instead was running back and na me and home city as he intro- forth between a Chicago hospital for duced each, a me mory trick for a look at his three-day-old son. The POPULAR Fear, Free Breezy Arlen Mercer Lie nos "Petty Girl gets the same leathery ghat and piano treatment el Streeter'. 'West Beautiful Girl in the Meld." 71--74--72--68 which he is famous.... Morris Gin- Ratajacks have been married 16 sert, Cleveland Coin Machine Ex- years. change and AMI distributor, was Ji mmy Ross says that the Cleveamong the banquet guests. .,.Viz- land Shuffleboard Congress is still gi ma Holco mb, association secretary, active and he expects to have leagues An attractin show item .n melee. did her usual top job of handling running over the su m mer. .. Mrs. I Could Write a Book Fin, sophisticated song reap the Rodgers ana Sled 73. -74. -73. -69 late banquet arrivals from out of Jack Cohen. who also is a songtown, tho this year she was really writer, was on hand with her attrac- "Pal Joey" eon, gets tasty meet, dance treatment snowed under with the overflow tive daughter.... Minh Wedewen, `ere. crowd. Northern Music, Inc., introduced Ed· I'll Get Myself a Choo Chao Train crria, w. thy! . ditty IS Seringheard fer »me runeas satire tort Sammy Kaye, Baby Smoke are j.mmy Ours .. Arithmetic A "Build a DanMlow' type shalea.r pmedes anat., Mata. side far th bright little gang. The Third Man Theme The zither let has been bested up with a lye, This smooth vocal.ork version Gould open a modeat new merket. Mona Liu As au the nee, Don Sherry stile gamint with aeinno Seneitive tune it climbing ea King Cole's union, and this disking mold score et a smaller scale. IKnow IGot More Than My Share tIe Van and duo hes re`unected man attractioe turn-ol·the·cent , meter' , l'in Goan. Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter letter beat and zingier barman, on this strenyer vocal presence would hoe 'wiped. teazle' The me Vaud, does a cola-as-pie lob with the coy hunk et material which was Mooduced In · washer Connie Hahn m ean. A-Raze -A-Ma -Tase Gal does a Te ma Brewer en the contened raetinse novelty. Catchy, lively side IWish. IWish .Cand, and Cabe gal ohms a Ilveiy little nohlty with ,ir.lar lilt and cheer, lyric. I'm Bashful Another folksy little warelty, t.his one leaturied a cemenatiesial tuba. Could Pere for · West enlisted Still Get aThrill The on-and-cornIng refloat ballad tots a warm, tad, reael,rd by Dinah and group. Gould be he 't il., t·ine treats. Simple Melody Thnnh glees th Berlin reveal a zoom try in a dabbed duet outil insult. Interesting jodr fare. Why I Rua Messina calypso In the authantic style. Moseity could 78 -30-78 -75 73 -74 -72 -74 71.-72.-70-.72 76 -75 -76 -77 67--68--E6--68 69-68 -68 -71 7S -73 -74 -76 75 -75-74 -76 81-82 -83 -80 85 -86-84 -84 87 -35 -87 -86 81 -32.-S0-83 74-77 -74 -70 Franicie Mullen not only performed during the foot-show, but also played some dinner tunes. Frankie rushed back from a fourday honey moon in New York to be on hand for the Cleveland doings. ...Among the guests making the longest trips to Cleveland were E. J. Stuber, San Francisco, and Gerardo Sarnpedro. Havana operator.... The Decca Cleveland reps at the cocktail party were Bill Green. Bill Richter and Ed RusselL ... Dave Braun, Regal Record Corporation, left the banquet floor and drove to Detroit. Earlier Thursday (I) he was doing business in Pittsburgh. Among the Permo stafers on hand were John J. McFadden. division manager who resides in Columbus, O. Ed Kenney. Kenney's Amusement Co mpany, attended the show with Mrs. Kenney and Mr. and Mrs. Harris and Bill Presser. Kenney is a noted hunter and is a regular at Huron, S. D.. in October when the Pheasant season opens. . . . Meyer A. Wurgler and A. D. Pal mer. Wurlitzer execs, to several operators from the Cleveland area. Palmer is confident that Cleveland will be one of the brightest spots for the new Wurlitzers Both had to wait until Friday (3) to catch a plane for North Tonawanda. N. Y.... Lee Dixon may be back in the Cleveland picture before long.... Barn Abrams handled the introductions of distinguished guests at the banquet. He was director of the convention. Joe Davis, whose "In the Valley of Golden Dreams" was picked as the July Hit Tune, says he really enjoyed being associated with the "Daddy's Little Girl' song because it made so many kids happy. . . Blue Barron not only took an active part in the floorshow but actually was the host for the cocktail party. Blue is fro m Cleveland and couldn't be more popular here even if he were playing with the Indians and leading the American League in hit ting. Marcus and son, Arthur. sat with Joe Davis and Bob Houston at the banquet. Arthur says the bar box Witià biz is going strong. He has the Encore line. . . Roy Clason. Detroit, could not get away for the biz session but was around when dinner WPS served.... M ax Galleon. Capitol v.-p., was in five major camnaigns in the European theater of T r--us TONE ARM Especially Designed too WURI.ITZER and SEIS MIC PHONOGRAPH: .s à o·oulfiern brea m' World War I. High point however, was the Potsda m Conference where he hobnobbed with ouch notables es Ji mmy Byrnes. Ed Pauley, etc. He ass they all treated him like roy- Toli ma ind Tone ·he go in rhythrn.blues No Clothes On Rum!, dancers can uso ti, 5 ene, thin the tiros ere 67--NS--69--66 Aids Kids Control Asse mbla No Reamed W eer. Ne tnenteh, Law n Life too Slue tor leek play. tometline With piano neatly interhaving Warns Inane ·Irau- snerei," Urja S. tr.ngs her sweetest sVeleseering Hope." tones to bear en the pretty ballad re .l, aromas a then erersed with the gal f-^fn. , the classic loathe,. 87 -88 -87 -86 No Other Love 80-.02- .Zil - 78 ye w, is g Grogin der.yatan. Ladl, conceptfon CHICAGO, June 3.--Listeners to the I6 1/2 -hour Cerebral Palsy Telethon conducted by colu mnist Iry Kupcinet over TV station WBKB here last Saturday and Sunday heard a familiar na me announced by disk jockey Ernie Simon early in the drive for ------- REPR ODUCTI ON VitilLITZIRS 'except melees eroded. and P-11, SI 1.95 M ORRO ISTenes 9.95 10.95 taller SEESURC Medals "EPecI N bledel When ordering" PHILLIPS MFG. CO. Silo Aldrkh Ave.. So., Min mepolis S. Minn and execution by the thrush. Duke, relaxing Male. funds. That na me was Jimmy A Little Bit Independent Another would. h revival gets an express ., ilau, inyvyn.i satin by lia!, h.e trio, and a gel YouV 82 -83 -82-82 Martin. record distrib, who services many of the music machine ops In this area as well as thru 48 TUNES 24 RECORDS Should ht some action. five Midwestern States. I'll Never Say Never Again brunt bounce ditty, a big ht ,n tri ear, .305, s,pf.dly len attract., ,are. 77-73 -77 -76 Simon. stationed or State Street during the drive for funds, reported that Martin. who W URLI TZER Vlaeri ILost You Fine Berlin waltz oldie Is played in perfect dance tempo by the organist, TO P.p...a. yellow should be · steady luke standard. 77 -77 -75 -78 did not want to appear on the show, or even to have his name mentioned, had actually cleaned. out his wallet and given the con- eitee Are You Lonesome Tonighu? 79.-78--78--80 tents to the drive. Lentille wety old,e--this one ereedy a big revisal ea Oise Berron's shaing--shauld de business In thos insteurrental go. tart Canoodl. Cane* Another ad.t.rray Miller silting of Welt, Doh 77 -77 -76 -79 Before the day was over, operators, along with other Chicagoans. had chipped in 9250.000 to aid the stricken children. Protects you AGAINST OBSOLESCENCE heart ann inlectiousness. Tune is catchy tina hardly warte.heati h. VICTOR YOUNG ORK Deena 27035 Tim Lonesomest WhIstle Unelsenguished e we, of · new, lam chill.,, Sam's Song Young, le a pop efort, makes a sinwle. tasty slicine of this growt h bounce ditty with wee , grouts hd ark O.. ea nest', 62-63 -6g -63 77.-77 -77 -77 Low Priced Ouallly --Used Phonographs FOR IM ME DI ATE DELI VER Y VURLITZER 1015 $229.50 GORDON JENKINS ORK Rp m 27031 Driftin' Down the Dreamy 01' Ohio 76-70 -74 -78 A 1,1t ,to new dld fashioned /rani is &feed to a My. ors.clwres melting. Blue Sails tenu dl·aara establishes a lush, WY ieyed with e neat walter-and.voices Rest [bona blend. Time Is a a.ta »die. First chorus could set this biscuit. 85 -3S-04 -84 SEEBURG 147- M 325.00 A. M.I. Model "A" 375.00 A. M.I. Model "B" W RITE LIKE NE W CONDITION WRITE FOR LO W QUANTITY PRICES ON ALL MAKES USED PHONOGRAPHS Santa CaibliMil Pretty, subdued, moody Jenkins' ambient et a but Pgionselabt, hart ad spas ·pad U M Ra ma m ene. (Continued on page 17) 76.-73.-74-.74 WILL SHIP F.O.B., CHICAGO OR LOS ANGELES. TERMS: Ir3 DEPOSIT. J. PESKIN DISTRIBUTING CO MPANY Phone DUckirk 8-6178 2667 W. PICO BLVD. LOS ANGELES 6. CALIF. 106 V ENDING MACHINES The Billboard June 10, 1950 CANDY MEN SWEETEN KITTY Promosh Up Pop-Stinguisher 'Need for Unity, of Purpose, As Biz $'s Slip Lower McKINNEY, Tex., June 3.-- Proving that carbonated soft drinks can be a real safety item in addition to a tasty thirst quencher, Clifton Igo, manager of the Dr. Pepper warehouse here, tells this tale: Making de- Effort Stressed at NA1VIA's Oakland Tri -Regional Meet liveries recently, he noticed an 2,000 at NCWA Meet NE W YORK, June 3.-- With candy »les dipping from last year's billion. dollar volume at the wholesale level. competition among manufacturers to offer greater value, more promotional aids and to accom modate special sales channels, such as venders, auto on fire. The fire department arrived to find the blaze extinguished --Clifton had grabbed acouple of bottles from his truck, removed thi caps, shook them to generate gas, and played the strea m of pop on the car. Gordon, Richardson Get Region XI Posts OAKLAND, Calif.. June 3.--Need for unity of purpose and effort in the vending machi ne industry was stressed at the tri-regional meeting of the National Automatic Merchandising Association (NA MA) here yesterday (2). With Region XI hosting Regions X and XII, the regionaires officially met Arthur C. Dudley, association's newly appointed Western representative. Jack Gordon, Glenn Rowe Cigarette Service, San Francisco, was named chairman, and Ralph Richardson, Candy Venders, Berkeley, co-chairman of Region XI, seems due for sharpening. and Ed Stanton. General Venders, Los This was made clear at the convention of the National Candy Whole- Spacarb Distribs Take On salers' Association (NC WA), which attracted almost 2,000 persons to the Com modore Hotel here this week to attend business sessions and to view Mils Coffee Vender Sales over 90 exhibits. Trade spokesmen noted that almost al producers were now turning out bars at prewar weights. There was little chance of adding to the retail price of the traditional 5-cent bar in the predictable future, they said, NE W YORK, June 3.--Ike Houston, Spacarb oificial, and Bert Mills, the Bert Mills Corporation, Chicago, jointly announced that as of Thursday (1) Spacarb became a non-exclusive distributor for the Mills hot With the announcement of the new line, Spacarb also reported the expansion of its sales representation. New representatives are Maurice Baruch, Maurice Spillane, H. I. Hag- Angeles, was re-elected for the second year to head Region X. Robert D. Kerley, Allied Automatic, Inc., here presided at the all-day session in the Victory Room of the Lea mington Hotel. He conducted the meeting in the absence of Ja mes winute. Canteen Service, Inc.. San Francisco. Kerley, a former Region XI chair man, welcomed the NA MA-ers, and got the meeting started with reports on West Coast legislative problems. Davre Davidson. Davidson Bros., altho 10-cent sellers were thought to have cut themselves a permanent coffee vender. Mills' Coffee Bar venders will be maier, Jerry Le Bede, Ja mes Hosier and J. B. Carpenter. New distribu- Los Angeles, a new member of NA MA's board of directors, spoke for niche in the over-all market. sold nationally by Spacarb to all tors are E. L. Granger, Kans u City. Region X and told the group that A problem clinic, scheduled to take operators, not only to operators of Mo.; Harvey Smith, Atlanta, and (See NEED FOR on page 108) up vending yesterday (2), failed to Spacarb equipment, it was stated. Eugene Bryant, Greenville, S. C. Set Up Wilhite discuss this phase of merchandising, Mills said that his firm's distributors Spacarb's seven established dis- as it bogged down in a lengthy con- would continue to handle the ma- tributors and remaining sales repre- Company in Chi ference on fair-trade practices. With chine also on a non-exclusive basis, sentatives, along with thou newly NC WA officially on record as sup- with the exception of four Southern named, will handle the Mills vender porting minimum sales price agree- States, where an exclusive coverage along with the Spacarb line, it was ments, conferees sought methods of would be in effect. stressed. sti mulating new pacts and enforcing price structures at the retail level. In informal discussion, jobbers were urged to keep separate from (See CANDY MEN on page 109) Reps To Sel SuperVend Sales Delivering; Patent Suit Settlement Made CHICAGO, June 3. Formation of the Wilhite Co mpany here was announced this week by Hollis S. Wilhite, president, and Andrew H. Wile hite, sales manager. Firm, with offices at 512 N. LaSalle Street, win market nationally a three and fivecolumn penny bulk vender manufactured by W. G. Parrish, Inc., Chicago. DALLAS. June 3. -- With produc- won adecision which held the Super The company plans to set up and tion stepped up to 50 machines per Vend unit violated the mixing patent sell complete, operating routes of KInoffNeewe KArienasg Keep Two Distribs NE W YORK. June 3. --Indeveo. Inc., which recently acquired manufacturing and sales rights to the Koff» King machine (The Billboard, May 20), outlined marketing plans this week calling for use of sales representatives rather than new distrib- New Ice Cream utors. Two established distributors will be retained, according to Alexandre Zvegintzov, vice-president, but day, three-drink SuperVend cup beverage machines are moving out again to operators, spokesmen for Texas SuperVend and of SuperVend Sales Corporation said this week. Last Monday (29), Judge M. M. Miller and his associates from Texas SuperVend met with I. H. Houston in the New York offices of Spacarb, Inc., to arrange for a szttlement in a patent action which Spacarb had brought against SuperVend. Mixing Drink Feature The lawsuit involved the "mix-adrink" principle featured on Spacarb drink units and covered by patents of the Frosti-Drink Corporation, Spacarb'e patent holding subsidiary. In district court, pallas, Frosti-Drink An injunction, to stop the sale o SuperVend equipment from infring Mg upon this patent, accompanied the decision. SuperVend appealed the decision., but this week agreed to drop the appeal and snake a settle ment with Spacarb interests in order to expedite the shipment of equipment Settlement Freebie » The provisions of the settlement Included: 1. Texas SuperVend agreed to pay a sum of $48,000 to Spacarb interests. A spokesman for SuperVend said that $6,000 had already been paid on this amount and the remainder would be paid monthly over a period of two years. 2. A locking device has been built penny equip ment in all sections of the country. Currently, sub-distributors are being appointed for some areas, with sales representatives for others. Price of equipment, with mini mu m nu mber required to set up a going route, was not made known. However, it was stated the per unit price was co mpetitive with that of similar new equipment sold "in operation." In addition to the first two penny models, the three-colu mn M-900 and five-column M-500, Wilhite shortly will introduce one and two-colu mn nickel venders for bulk merchandise. Vender by S& S new territories will be developed thru representatives, email ta be na med. Thurston-Dunn, Inc., of Providence. Ninth Divisional R. I, handles the coffee vender in all New England States except Connecticut. That State is covered by the Office IsOpened A. & G. Distributing Corporation, of New Haven. At the same time. Zvegintzov de- By Cole Products clared the company will offer Koffee King operators a package supplyservice, making available frozen concentrate, cups and liquid concentrate from a single source. The service va a described as being available at the operator's option, leaving machine purchasers free to obtain supplies fro m other sources. He also said a pilot operation will soon be set up in the New York area under the name of Servo-Chef, Inc. Managed by Indeveo executives, it will serve as a proving ground for new service techniques. CHICAGO, June 3.--Cole Products Corporation, manufacturer of the Cole-Spa three-flavor cup vender, this week announced the opening of anew divisional ofice in Milwaukee. The office, ninth of its kind to be opened by the firm, will be managed by Ben Alberta, formerly president of Albert Wholesale Grocers, Inc., and sales manager of Selectric Sales Co mpany. Ofices are located at 223 East Detroit Avenue, Milwaukee. Albert Cole it president of the firm, into all new SuperVend production to prevent the mixing of drinks once a customer has deposited his coin. SuperVend spokesmen said this locking device was placed on all machines produced after the Dallas court issued its Injunction. SAN JOSE, Calif.. June 3.--The S & S Vending Machine Company, manufacturer of ice vending equipment here, has announced development of an automatic ice crea m machine. The unit, offering three-flavor S. A written warning will accom- selection and a 61-pint capacity, pany each SuperVend unit, telling stands eight feet high and is six feet the purchaser that re moval of the wide and 10 feet long. locking device would constitute a Selectivity is accomplished by three violation and make the violater sub- separate conveyors, each with a 61- ject to court action. pint capacity. Officials state the SoperVend Saes Not Invoked The patent action was brought against Texas SuperVend, Judge Miller and his associates. The Super- Vend Sales Corporation, Chicago company headed by Mike Hammergren to handle national sales of the three-drinker, was not involved in the action. · vender is waterproof, has walls 10 Inches thick and redwood fiber insulation. An operating temperature of 10 degrees below zero is maintained by a one-half horsepower compressor. Also included are an inside waterproof light, time clock and exterior floor light. A multiple coincontrol switch permits the use of any combination of nickels, dimes or (See SuperVend on page 109) quarters. J u ne 10, if%79 The Billboard VENDING M ACHINES 107 ·Spacarb Philly I WRITE FOR CATALOG Cup Mach. Service I On Bulb V edeT e rcetchandlee, BUBBLE BALL CU M Firms in Merger n in et In Ilse. Crewe Jack {rand enth colored center., e. gas P HI L A D E L P HI A, u rne 3. -- Merger 10 in fl. er mere 21.11 of the S pacarb P hiladel phia C o mpany 1 CHAR MS Plon k Char m, mnall, 1,000 OM 8Metal Colored Char m., email, 1,INR Pla n k Char m.. laree, 1,000 Coi ner L Nickel, In n, 1.11110 a Tay %Vetches. 2 ores. · Shane Sat We ns, 1 stele AU in S&AeOl xis 1.9d I and the C u p M achine Ser vice C orporation has been a nnounced. S pacarb I is a P ennsylva nia corporation, w hile C up M achine w as origi nally incor- porate d in the State of D ela ware, and · n w as located here at T uli p and P al mer ',Nap Car' Button., 1,0011 1 Plastic Colored R m., 1,000 STANDS 230 I Streets. S pacarb has offices at 1217 M arket Street. T he na me C up M achi ne Service All eteel -elu ménorn finNh. Ne n ne te add sand, ce ment, etc. Reidy far le ntiens. We lts I/ lb.. C orporation will be retained. Its of- fices at T uli p and P al mer Streets will be contin ued, with the registered of- $ 2. 9 9 e ac h fice of the corporation in D ela ware we ara factory di arlauta n S. ell Radin. m.kee of VE NDI NG M AC HINES. VICTOR 5$ ALL CHAR M VENDOR locate d at 1007 M arket Street, W il- m i ngton. T he articles of m erger, filed u nder I the provisions of P ennsylva nia 's busi- i ness m erger la w, w ere filed with the D e part ment of State of P ennsylvania 2-Key . M ay 22. I Coin Machine The mo wed. ea , "'..l:.i.e,:n.:fe4r7, 1·r y ·1 eiollc MILock Set by Deuttech vendind has any one in e< IIIn· C H IC A G O . June 3. -- Deutsch L ock .. 1. SE ne.h I C o m pa ny, Inc., H a m mond, Ind., in- g " m.e..n""' ei"nr n..-.r.ti. PI.. .N....te r n. troduced a ne w d ual k ey C oin M a- chine S pecial loc k d uring the ""'"°' "" "ti"'e"" u unli mited irati· s m., end has opened terse st fhpusa nd· der ne w location.. A C M M A sho w last w ee k. It per mits si m ple m aster- keying, easy resetting. M aster key u nloc ks counter cl ockwise, w hile the nor mal key o perates clock wise, J ules D eutsch, official, *'S"te% .s$1u 3n.10 ."ea.1"n e e ." :(:" Sii e V:. All ether Victor me nl. on Mind evadable her Im mediate delivery. IVidory Basketball Game' Plenty et action - I return sail re-ts er le play. Re.I Money Maker, With, %Vide In OWN, I moavrelrantINeeNdfreuNle free pointed out. W hile either key operates the independentl y of the other, m aster key w ill u nlock every loc k the loc k (of the ne w desig n) w hich the operator installs; the 'nor mal " key, w hich m ay be retai ned by locations if so desired, will operate onl y the one lock for w hic h it is tilted. T his eli mi nates the carryi ng of extra keys by service men. T oo, should a m aster key be lost, a ne w tu mbler m ay be installed in each lock (at 17 cents per lock). In lots of 100 with eight keys each, the C oin M achine S pecial lock costs $ 3 2.50 RA 11 1. DEPOSIT O N ALL 0111261.11 77 cents: price gra duates u p to 81 par loc k with t wo keys for orders of 24 or less. PARKWAY MACHINE CORPORATION É 715 Inter St. neein are 2, MO. , ADVANCE WE'VE GOT... TOPPER Victor's Terrific Vender 21-A · Unit-C STICK GUM and MINT VENDOR Arnett .' nave caper lectures and a lo w pia . that on able, you lo clear cost ol m achine in o m atter ol o te n a . . Packed and .old 4 to c m 143.00 Case in Lois cl 1 in 5 cases. Furth . disc on orders al more than 5 cases. Cant . , us ter lull d ead. Birmingham Vending Co. 540 2N D A VE.. P4. BIR MI N GH A M 4, AL AS A MA Angola , M ONE Y M AXIS Vends stick suns. eackse· Son, m -nrs, oer- fu me, cli mbs. m ech.. and men, other ite ms a . .. a .. Typical Atirenc· Hurd,' cen Wruciion With fermata. At15·050 coin de n coe ene Window te sho w products. hion.3.4" s,ne and de n. Pleat met·I finished in ane· ena mel. ·yanebl. no, 1, 0, It er 10 III mecheni uns. O R DER TODAY! J. SCHOENBACH DISTREI UT 0115 OF A DV A NCE VE NDI N G M AC HI NES 16471 4dferd Ave ,13rneklyn 25 N. Y. IT'S SENSATIONAL 'HE NEW ACOEN Se ALL CHAR M VENDOR irri merl ete Del ,very RAKE COIN MACHINE EMI. 4-1 Spring ddddd St. Phi ndelphiee It Pa. 1.0 mbard 2,21111 EXCL US WESI O RI GI NALS/ Imported CHARMS d NOVELTIES Sia n thern en I mad dad, Is your ma. thInes - Mbar nentethIne different Meet eaelellea, ne w Oferati am, nevellief no fine la m hest SPICI ALI laarldlne handleelnled Velar. rut RI NGS -adio Nable te any child'. linger.. Add lc eN1rn·t·d cost ell·JJ antra . refunded 0. WRITE to be placed on our mailing list INTERNATIONAL VENDING MACHINES SUPPLY 01 111.1 SAN FRA keller n, C·L IF te' Tee« Putet SENSATION T he A tlas M i dget V e ndor, e ne w profit se nsatio nl A real opport u nity no o perator can affor d to pass u p. C h - ck these P L U S feat ures; very little servici ng: tits A L L locatio ns, the o nl y good ve n dor on the m ar ket at such a rock· botto m price. D on't m iss the year's biggest op port u nity --order toda y. Selesowen and °l ard/retort - Wrote N O W 'MANUFACTURING AND SALES CORP. M ` .e(91S2T5. 1/220 TRISRETT RD . DEPT. gro CLEVELA ND lI. OHI O The NE W ACORN ALL CHAR M VE N D O R Here is the perfect follow . is the Is m... Acorn All-PurPoot Vendee. De signed Co sell. and all. and all. it he. urdiroited possibilities and arena to w or tnousandi or ne w la mina ». Certain to product t. Dispose preen tlar,sstet tell. ORDER TODAY! C·naplota Delo n. eR Request 1411 Knightsbridge Avenue MFG.E0.:INC. Culver City, California 111111111ffelb fer. 'dories are WIII ea.., W rit e, wire, anon. M. J. dddddON Gen. Sale. Mee. INS fifth Ave. Pittsburgh, Pe. ·Tlerels 1 170 - 0.1 Pe nal< Ce nt IN N, AAAA AAORS VE N DI NG SUPPLY CO 1023 S. Orange, Les ·neeles Il, Call, MR. OPERATOR! DID YOU KNO W? There ere let. used or rebuilt I'ICT O R MACHINES offered than any other make. DID YOU KNO W? Thatyou can buy fOP P E R es low as $10.00 in lots of 100 or more. DID YOU KNO W? Tea can buy 100 TOP P E RS for lets ontley of each than You would expect to pay for 25 other maehines. BETTER W RITE FOR TI ME PAVIIENT PLAN' ROY TORR LANSDO WNE. PA. 108 VENDING MACHINES The Billboard June 10, 1950 doP miVICTOR'S AMA/I116 NEW TOPPER Ili Need for Unity of Purpose *dal Arne Men 141 toppers PL US 11 I 10 Ball e.'17.°;«11'..1"4" .An1, for S5000 Stressed at NAMA Meeting (Continued fro m page 106) of per machine legislation and secur- terlth pl ou c Me ereel II U MW one-third of California's municipali- I Double U M, fem ., with Plastic 0 tels ·s i ties had per machine taxes. Going GPLuUmS PLUUS U11S0Can.de1 PL US 1000 C . .. . deeper into the tax proble m, he declared that the personal property tax, S36.00 1 :. ia ' I rile Una Tepper especially in Southern California, was exceedingly high. With a peti- w elt Nand, · a ·1 ç 91·0 0. PLUS MIS 110 .11 Oohs PL US 1 . tion already circulated and assuring the personal property tax inequality Can e P L U S 1000 S51.25 C (Otrl.SnIlaliy, All a spot DTI the fall ballot. Davidson emphasized the first importance of ·Sum. Toper. SI1/5 unity. He said that only with the IM ME DIATE DILI VIRY O N VICTOR'S co-operation and backing of oper- U NIVERS AL JU MBO SIS AS EA. W RITE FOR INTRODUéTORY OFFER ators, location owners and custo mers could the matter be adjusted. ing logical business license ordinances." Bie Liceroing Dudley declared that most cities had found gross volu me of business licensing sound and that he felt it logical that it be applied to the vending industry. He urged the following scale on average monthly gross receipts as a basis: Less than 6500, 61.50 per quarter: E500 to $1,000, 63: $1,000 to $2,000, $5; $2,000 to $5,000, $7.50. The scale, all on a quarterly basis, runs to 625 for volu me from re·ite.0L 0 OU M I 110. ITO or 210 1 r «su m. ..... my Inste2S·Ib. l In pat. ., ises or i · mere with I 1 e w e, ..... W. 1 mu mps PlS-·talo· c"4wt . r Smell Silo Cath W1211 · Order. -- - - - - - Plague Aube. · COL OR ./ BALL I ennobled Beep · nGeU Mor ·11 Pi ma aric car. ton, M I . lealls.11 00 per Id I F M1et.0a0l plated, per M. m g lots, 33e ,1 - - , 1 I Region XI Report Region XI's legislative report was presented by Dick Parina, of Messrs. Farina & Company. San Francisco, who pointed out the fact that only concerted effort on the part of the members could reduce or eli minate the per machine levy. Clifford Bergerson. Sterling T . 620.000 to 625,000. The new NA MA staffer, the only paid representative outside of the Chicago headquarters, declared that this system of licensing had proved profitable and easily ad ministered fro m the standpoint of the municipal governing body. Clinton S. Darling, association executive director, prefaced his talk "". " " 1" I W rite for dur 1 FULL CAIN II N M Co mplete WITH OR DER J ch an . L ist, j I 3 Depealt, P. O. i7E;erkTwT 7/ -V.. . lenee C. O. D. Orde n Under 111.00 Mena, in Full. ALL PRIWCIETSHO01.1U111T30NCOTTITCOE[MA N . bacco Co mpany. Seattle. reported on the legislative battles he had witnessed in Region XII. He cited two test cases in which the Washington operators had lost in the police and superior courts. Bergerson said, however, that cases involving taxes had by stating that he was representing four people. He briefly outlined the work done by Willia m Fish man on accounting for operators and told of the findings of Charles Greasley on group insurance for operators. In assu ming the role of Ernest Fox, VENDING SERVICE 1 015.1ve Vlet m OrstrIboter in N. Y. 441 SAC K MA N ST., BROOKL Y N It, IS ir e been won and that he was confident Darling outlined the coming conventhat rulings against machines in cer- tion and exhibit. He filled the fourth tain municipalities would be over- part by describing the public rela- N S M D Phone: DI 1.7911 co me in lime. tions work done by Aaron Gold man Dudley, the new addition to the in using cups, matches and stickers NA MA staff and stationed in Sacra- to promote the Co mmunity Chest mento, was introduced by Kerley. Drive in Washington. In presenting hi m, Kerley pointed George Seedrnan, NA MA's presi- out that Dudley had been manager dent. addressed the group thru Ed M AC HI NE O PER ATE/I n " A N D DISTRIBUTERS' of the Sacra mento Cha mber of Com- Stanton. This marked the first time merce for 26 years, assistant manager that Seed man had addressed the of the Los Angeles Cha mber of Co m- members as an operator. Up to this bunRoorr H, br 14 St.. .rally Made Pooped Corn m utes the bl ar e one, . .ny Lund of popcorn iending machine or warm er. Peeked In one 5,1.1.1 Moietureproot bare 11 lo earion by <sore n an, where mire nr m etre ice supltpopt co. 5958 BAU M BLV D. PITTSBUR GH 6, PA. merce five and with the Oregon State Cha mber of Com merce two. He also is a past president of the California Cha mber of Com merce Managers' AssociatiOn. Dudley's subject was The Task Ahead in Elimination the Per machine Tax. He charged that the vend- ing industry had experienced this sort of taxation because of the whi ms and politics of various govern- time he had been associated with the Rowe Corporation but no w is a me mber of the Rowe Service, Los Angeles. In his letter, Seedrnan reviewed NA MA's start 10 years ago and told of the effective work done by the Eastern com mittee. "It is now my purpose to create on the West Coast a Western co mmittee composed of operators who have the well being of the entire in- mental agencies along with the sean dustry at heart. This Western co m- FOR SALE who has one, two or perhaps more mittee will act in conjunction with machines. Hitting at the part-ti me our three regional chair men on the REVCO la CREAN VENDING MACHINES Good condition. Reasonable ',Mee. A . rand 1017 Refrigerated Truck. Will finance, for reacannanne buyer. BOX 0.363, BILLBOAR D 1760 Patterson it. Cineinn wl 21, Ohio operator, the new representative said West Coast. We will co-ordinate and that this man would rather bay a assist Arthur Dudley in his work. per machine levy if he can't slip by "If we can acco mplish for the West and pay no tax. He referred to what the Eastern co mmittee did on the sideline operator as "one of the the Atlantic seaboard, we will do stu mbling blocks in the eli mination much for the industry and the asso- ciation. ATTENTIO1N -Mc &30( 511wer. Quartet or ce mbInellen Nickel- Di me. Cer d Para/ "We have a crying need for good sales manship, the kind that sells our m et hods 03 doi ng business to the general public and to other industries salesmanship based upon good service, good equip ment and (air deal- CIGARETTE MACHINES ing." Stanton read from Seed man's letter. UNCIDA. 8 COS. ONEIDA, 6 Cols $100.00 90.00 R eps Listed At the luncheon session Darling Unaada Model 500, 9 Col., 150 talked on brA MA -Your Organization, Pack Cap. 100.00 Col., Modial IL 240 Pack. C m. 62.50 RO WE PRESIDENT, 10 Col... 97.50 Ro w. Royal 10 Col. 400 Pack Rao. . 87.50 Ro we Ratel R Col 300 Pack Cap 85.00 Ro we Imperial, 6 Col., 180 Park Cap. 60.00 5 m<1.11 · Col., 100 Pack Cap. 32.50 telling how it has helped individual operators. The afternoon session was devoted to panel discussion on Let's Get Do wn to Brass Tacks About Business. Ralph Richardson, new XI co-chairman. served as moderator. Representing the SALE CI GAR JAACIII NIS / Cat.. 175 C.Ap. I Col.. 50 Cap. 121.50 I7.50 operators and their fields were beverage. Larry Granfield Sr., County Beverage Company. San Diego; $62.50 DuGrenier mon , W, I ca,, Sea pack e·a / Col. 2.3S mark sao.5o CANDY MAC HINES RO WE. 120 ear Cap. $75.00 CANDY MAN. like new, 72 Bar Cap.. Enclosed Baia 62.50 SALE NATIONAL VENDIT. 150 Bar Cap. U·Seiect-It 57.50 35.00 (ANDY HIDER t fin·VrinV UNEEDA 105 Bàr Cap.''VV U NEE D A, 40 Iler Cap. 75.00 23.50 9 9 COL, 161 so C. TOP IQ UIPA U NT -U NC O N DITI O N ALLY G UAR A N MD ONE -THIRD DEPOSIT WITH OR DERS -BALA NCE C. O. 0 Parts and Minors eral Mble far all nukes and models. candy, Martin Lang, Canteen tervice, Berkeley; cigarettes. Kerley. Oakland, and penny-bulk, Willia m A. Dunlap, Ford Gu m & Machine Co mpany, Sherman Oaks. Manufacturers' panel included peanuts. Ed ward H. Jenanyan, Circus Foods. Inc., San Francisco; candy. H. C. Wirth, Hershey Chocolate Corporation. San Francisco; cigarettes. Jack O'Connor. Philip Morris Co mpany; matches. John Behr, Ohio Match Co mpany, San Francisco; gu m, George Wilbur, UNEEDA VE N DI NG SERVICE Willia m Wrigley Jr., San Francisco, and cups, Matthew A. Oliver Jr., Ve 66 'ten N ATI O N'S CLY MER STREET LE A DI N G DISTRIB UT OR EVergreeD 7.45671 OF VE NDI N G M AC HI NES - SR O OKLY N 11, NE W T O M Lilv-Tulip Corporation. Los Angeles. Following adjournment. the Philip , Elorris Co mpany entertained the group at a cocktail party. Get Yours Nowl FREE WITH SUBSCRIPTION ItStaples, Tacks DOES 50 JOBS! the Pvf. ^ po hiI d·plar the doe. · rmn-tited job! Gee. rts·rywhare SO tnna·taving uses in horn.. school, °FRG, Pavel. Sturdily constructed of chrome. Pnish·d steel with dura. Isle red T·nit· top. Has farried Seingttto split-second loading ·nd tacking features. 130 Co mplefaarità Geouln. -rot 50- 51.yles in plastic gift bor. Vend Magasine 2160 Patterren se. Cinitnnati 22. Ohin Please tend me FREE "Tot 50" Swingline Stapler with 1.000 genuine "Tat 50 - Staples PLUS one year subscription to VEND Magasine fer which I enclose ONLY $3, the regular subscription price of VEND. Mime Addreo _ Zone 5tate _ Occupation june 10, 1950 Tit" 1illboard VENDI NG M ACHINES 109 - en Lily-Tulip Cup Dividend I Candy men Hypo NE W YORK, June 3.-Lliy-'rulip I Cup Corporation declared a quarterly Promosh as Biz sdihavirde.endItofwil6l2 1/2beCentpsayabplere Jcoumnmeon 15 M · to stockholders of record June I. I$ Slips Lower Atlas Tool Names Bob Foushee Head Of Service Dept. "GREATEST ADVANCEMENT EVER MADE IN BULK VENDERS' CUTS SERVICING TIME AND COSTS IN ef 49 (COntEn ned fro m page /0 0 their regular wholesaling functions any vending departments they might establish. Such departments must carry their o w n w eight as independent, tho allied, operations, it was stressed. A vending route operated by a wholesaler might open the door to the sale of other items carried to new location contacts, jobbers were told. C. M.· Me Millan, executive secretary, estimated that as m any as 30-40 per cent c" 711 NC WA members are already in the vending machine business to some degree. ST. LOUIS, June 3.-Appointment of Bob Foushee as service manager of the Atlas Tool & Manufacturing Company was announced this week by George A. Deli, official. Foushee, who was formerly with National Rejectors, will also do research work for Atlas in addition to directing ice crea m, candy vender and shoeshine machine service activities. Dell reported that tooling for volume production on firm's ice cream bar vender, priced at $595, has bee n completed and output would soon be under way. INTERCHANGEABLE SANI-CARRT GLOBE Chase &Sanborn While all major candy manufac- turers exhibited at' the confab, little in the way of new bars suitable for Intros New Java venders was introduced. All such confections had been announced earlier. Due emphasis was laid on NE W t. NE W GUNS THEY'LL DO A BANG-UP JOB FOR YOUI N O W! THE H OTTEST CH AR M O N THE M ARKET! a.... im W u ", PNLICASKETILCPLA6TBrEigDht Coterai ...84.6.5205 ppeerr SIA SCIOLLVEDRPLPLAATTEEDD 7.7.5500 ppeerrk/le NEW INLAY FINISH 8.25 por 1.1 Large Asstd. SPORT CHARMS PLgAaSwTIk/tCSekla.tH5eRteoOuMn·gehta·thSaihlCo.oleo.Mras/xainnde..Fo.oGlt5ob3valels/.75Rpoeltler.W COPPER PLATED 6.00 per PA COLD OR SILVER PLATED . 7.00 per Itt ALPHABET() CHARMS CPLOPASPTEIRC PLea'AAsTso.EerDtzedandCo1l0o Numerals. n, $24..0000 ppeerr IASe ERMINE FOR 54 AL-CHARM VENDORS bars for the sum mer trade. Raid you have actually operated 49s you have no Idea of the tune saved on location or le the service depart ment .the a mount of reduction in overhead . . .Os. mo m ti me Cadbury-Fry, Inc., British candy manufacturer, did announce plans for further penetration of the vending market. H. H. Cu mmings, executive. m ade available for handling additional machine. . . .the accurate control of mec disclosed that the firm's three nickel bars would be made available in 100- Chstedlse ...the pleasure of kno wing that I count vend packs later this sum mer. NE W YORK. June 3. -Follo wing several months of location testing, Chase & Sanborn has placed on the market a soluble powdered coffee developed sPecIfically for vending machines. The coffeee, offered to the trade In 2%-pound jars, differs from the firm',, instant coffee for your route is modern, eficient, ·yat er.all.. At that time they would be offered tally serviced and producing every bit of 52.70 a hundred 30 cents under the profit available from your locations. Best present list. home use in that its "free-flowing" qualities have been improved to preclude caking, according to Robert L. el all. Too don't halo to lake anyone'. w ord The convention, which opened Kob. executive. for it. See the M odel 48 . . . teat it . . .try Wednesday (31). dome tonight (3). He said Chase & Sanborn is cur- it on your o wn route under your o n sonditions without raking o penny! W ill. It will be followed by a four-day meet of the National Confectioners' rently expanding its frozen concentrate division, with new customers tor complete detallo today. Association, which opens at the Wal- being found among independent op- KNO W WHAT'S GOING ON dorf-Astoria Hotel Monday (5). erators. The co mpany has long packed the concentrate for Rudd- Meliklan IN BULK VENDING SUPER VEND SALES franchise operators under the KwiltKale trade name. O PP ORTU NITY FOR DISIRIRUT ORS Order ne wt Don't deley1 I mply year modditesi PAUL A. PRICE CO. Dept. I 220 Itread way, N e w York Y. N. Y. eer itedree C//ARMO Reed The North werferner ... full el ne w., photos, helpful hints for vend- ing m achin. operators. It's FREE. THE NORTHWESTERN CORPORATION [129 E. Armstrong St AILmLmedNiOaRteTHDeWlEiSvTerEyRNoSn RAKE COIN MACHINE EXCHANGE eel Sort , O mden 11 . Feth ·ronta Phnedelehle 23, Pe. Péttsbureh, Pa. Lo mbard 3.11,74 COurt 1.3142 (Continued from none fOgi Miller and Hammergren reportedly have entered into a conditional sales agreement which calls for SuperVend Sales to build 3.000 units during the coming year. For each unit, Texas Super Vend will -eceive $75. On completion and payment of the 3,000 machines, Hammergren's company re portedl y will assu me complete control and Miller will retire from the vending machine business. Coreeetion The powdered preparation was tested in upper New York State and New England, Kob said. Robert Greene Ties Knot in Las Vegas N E W YORK, June 3.-Robert Z Greene. president of Rowe Manufacturing Company, Inc., and an official of the National Automatic Merchandising Association (NA MP.), flew to Las Vegas last week to be married. The bride was Nancy Greif, widow of Lo wer pri c e s fro m Arn·ri co's ne west C h ar m m anufacturer. Over 30 ne w and dli. kneel series of Char m.. O ur prices are lo wer! Send 35e for co mplete «temples. PENNY li nt: CO. el 2Nee .. Moen. horburte 20 P. EMPTIES MACHINES in the May 27 issue the price and a clothing manufacturer. The cere- ca pacity of the Fred Hebei Company mony took place Saturday (27). ice cream vender was incorrectly stated. Machine continues to list for 5800, with a I75-bar capacity. ONLY North western Sales Se Service Co. FASTER! STANDARD TYPERS (d4n 30-DAY MONEY TRIAL!!! READY FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT Rebuilt a n a IterInished Mach , fl mat leak end ener M· II,, Me w. ON MODEL 49 SPECIAL NEW MACHINES, REPAIR PARTS and ALUMINUM DISCS `-,rrnabr ase Leafs fa mous trade mark R AI N. 131 0 is kno wn to operators all over the w orld as a guarantee of quality, unifor mity and consu mer acceptance. Other Leaf products inclu de a co m plete line of fa. .. selling vending candies. LEAF GUM CO. Dov. of trot trends, Int. Chi,.,,. U.S. A. We rebuild Old Groetehen or Manderd Tyner. LIKE NE W or accent thern on Prett· for Ou·renteee HIn or Rebuilt Ma mtnea OPERATE I PROVEN NONE! MAKER 36$ DAYS EVERY 8 · VEA L BU RT TO M I à LIFETIME. STANDARD SCALE CO. 1609 Onletedi RIMS. ST. SOL/1S 2, M O. VENDING MACHINE SALESMEN The fastest selib m --blesesi profit mac/tines for Me operator --our men sell me I946 volu me --deals ems mill be made ti yet hav· the rieht machine --Too worn. pabulu m, to real oro mouou n producer* who ,an travel and finance the mselves ontal under way. Tell us who m ute. eold for and whet you sold --and we will m od full infor mation. No cur belty m akers or free ea mple art! . need / W M. Eselnettre terrItory asstened W elle rrar. OT CL1-132 The Etéllbostd, Chita 11 Order this fa mous N orth western vendor today. O peretta It f or 80 days. If you don't agree that it cute your service ti me and costa in half -- that It !SELLS m ore -- that It EARNS MORE MONEY - return it wad we'll ref und your full pur- chase price plate freight both w ays. You've nothing to lose by thin sensational offer end w e kno w we'll gain another satisfied customer. PRICES LISS THAN 25 $13.75 · LESS THA N too $13.55 · too OR moat $13.35 Time Payment Pan Avai ab e-- Trade- as Accepted NORTHWESTER SALES AND SERVICE COMPANY MOE MANDELL 438 W. 42n4 ST., NEW TOD 18, N. Y. 4105 165 AYE., BROOKLYN, N.Y. Clinkering 4)142 Miley 13600 CALIF. TINY VENDING AL MONDS, 880 LB. ·frauds Merl end Peeked Right of On Orchard. Write fer Quantity Prices 900/1000 tee Per Lb, N O NE S MALLER Sla m s Peaked le 5* The, 6 Tins fe Case STANDA RD SPECIALTY CO., 5115 E. 14th St., Oakland 1, Calif. Ile V E N DI N G M A C HI N E S The Billboard 10, Juo w 1950 10 NEW ITEMS! N E W LO W P RI CES COMIC-STRIP CHARMS, Price per M Nettie ....... ....... . 4.00 6.15 GROCERY STORE CHARMS 12_50 SCOUT KNIFE, With Meted fled. 10.00 METAL SCISSOR, rho, A,loolly Colo .. - . 10.00 LICENSE PLATE CHARMS 7.50 BOWLING PIN CHARMS Plosfic 4.00 ANIMAI. HEADS, me.; Plated 7.50 PIRATE COINS, moo/ me./ 7.50 WILD WEST TELESCOPE VIEWERS 12.50 EPPY SUPER CHARM MIX 400 Aseld ,n Bog 2. 0 EPPY FORTUNE BALL MIX IGeo . Aterd j, Roy 1.15 FAMOUS al CHARMS % Me 2.50 a: Aletei.Ploled BIC FAMOUS He w 4.25 CHAINS % Mc 3011 C1111 Protests Tax C/CAGO, June 3.-Charles W. Davis, clerk of the House Ways and Means Com mittee. Informed Dudley Ruttenberg, Coin Machine Institute (Ctd1) executive secretary, that altho the conunitee has completed tentative action to retain the federal $10 amusement machine tax. ChM recommendations for repeal of the tax will be made available before final disposition is made. Previously Ruttenberg, who is also CMI's general counsel, wrote to committee Chairman Robert L. Doughton to reconsider its action in retaining the tax. Ruttenberg clai med the $10 tax was working a hardship on the amusement ga me industry which is still for the most part at the sa me nickel prewar level play price. Chain Ends Cut Price Map Opposition To Pa. Drink Tax PHILADELPHIA, June 3. - The Pennsylvania State Federation of Labor is preparing an al-out effort for the repeal of the State soft drink tax law. The de mand was expressed originally in one of several resolutions adopted at the closing session last week of the federation's 48th annual State convention in the Benjamin Franklin Hotel. The resolution, submitted by Local 249 of the Tea msters' Union, set forth that the tax threw hundreds of workers out of lobs In the bottling industry and allied crafts. The tax was attacked as discriminatory and "economically impossible" for the bottler or merchant to absorb. James L. McDevitt, president of the State federation, described the soft drink levy as a "nuisance tax." The soft drink levy, adding a penny to every nickel bottle, has effected the bottling and vending fields alike. Morris Levy, president of the Sweetie Beverage Company here and presi- EPPY Sale of Candy Bars, dent of the Pennsylvania Association cf Soft Drink Bottlers and Manufac- Sornuel Eppy & Co., Inc. Gu m and Cigarettes turers, also revealed plans for an allout effort to repeal the levy when 91 15 1442h Punt laraica 2. L.1, N.Y the State Legislature resumes ses- NE W YORK, June 3.-The D. A. sions in 1951 . Schulte, Inc., chain has announced Its ATTENTION CHARM USERS SE NS ATI O NAL NE W · TERRIFIC elimination of cut prices on nickel 'candy bars and gum thru its 175 Ne w man Starts O wn Business retail outlets in various sections of BROOKLYN, June 3. -Ben New- the country. President H. Cornell man, who recently resigned his post 'Smith 'selling stated ite ms the former practice at three-for-I2 cents of is with Mason Au & Magenheimer as vice-president and sales manager, has being discontinued, with a straight gone into businen for himself as free- nickel peg to be used in the future. Move is in line with the firm's re- cent upping of cigarette prices to the ,full 20-cent per pack retail peg. Lat- lance candy broker. Under the firm na me Ben Ne wman & Associates, he has set up offices at 50 East 21st Street here. He was associated with tnlerenitsalre er7tdablriz e;..%.:enci estrt.4- Mason for 25 years. "Bring Your Dead Machines price situation locally. Back To Life" SCATTER COSTUME PINS JEWELRY Inch o Torréfia 5oleo Booster Eleven Ne w Ite ms $11.52 5rcu; Quantity Buyers, Writ 1 Samples, Postpaid, $1.00 Ter,,, : 1/3 do wn, balans· C. O. D., · Intros Ne w Juice Dispenser · IT'S A HIT! I · LOS ANGELES. .1-ine 3. - A Fountain of Juice dispenser has been announced by Maiestic Enterprises. Inc., here. Equipped with transparent plexiglass bowl of 5L4 gallon ca- · · · · EVERYB ODY IS TALKI N C ABOUT THESE SURE-FIRE SALES SE NSATI O NS · · · · pacity. refrigeration is thermostati- · · cally controlled. Unit has a top of highly polished stainless steel with · e enamel sides of 18 gauge · metaL Juice is kept in constant agi- · · o · P. 0. S. Pittsburgh, Po. St detenSENDING CO. tation by circulating pu mp that gushes beverage thru stainless steel spout in center. Dispenser is 31 · e inches high and 17 inch es wide. Drip · · · · 2035 FIFTH AVE. ·PITTSBURGH 19. PA. pan and tri m mings are available in I colors with this Model 420. · · · NO W! Bigger Profit FR O M EVER Y LO C A TI O N With the Ne w nteuveden CABINET STAND FOR M ODEL 49 W RITE FOR DET AILS 1 OR SEE YOUR DISTRIBUT OR THE NORTHWESTERN CORPORATION 829À ARMSTRONG STREET, MORRIS, IL. IT'S HERE BRADLEY COLORED BUBBLE BALL GUM All Popular 5oes M e at (Nall', 25e PE R LB. E.0.11. Chicago 50 FREI pieces of Bubble Guru with each 21-lb. order, Fre er pa d on all 100 lb. orders and over. CASH WITH ALL OA DIRS Beadle> issociates, Inc. 1650 No. Da man A m Chicago 47. II. · VENDING BALL G U M O PER AT ORS TRIPLE Y O UR SALES with Pennant Ke y Chain Cards Each mid cont·int 36 DIFFERE NT REY CHAIN CH·461S , In uall one card every ball a m mechino-- with is wo men -and get o tern °, turnover! Sa mple, $2 .00 4 Cards, $7.00 40 Cards, $67.50 1/3 Dep., Bal. C.O.D. RARE COIN MACHINE EXCHANGE 604 Stsrina Garden St., Philadelpluo 23. Ps SO·nbard 1.2676 liri M UM MI M M M M M M # MACHINE SALESMAN WITH "· · NE W! BIG BASEBALLS · TEAM NAMES! 41 · Plestic.6assl.brighlrelors S 450 per M · Copper Plated 8.00 per M · · Sliver Plated · Gold Finished a. . . 1.00 per M · 1.00 per M e · · 7 ·' 1 1111N. '13 UNI ON SQUARE ·NE W YORK 3. N Y 'M U BALL- CU M, INC. UPHOLDING THE INTEGR TI OF ITS SLOGAN BRA ND NE W LUCKY BOY VENDORS $ .75 VAC>. I/ er ItébinFL Nut and Charm venders held lbs. Nutt. Ball Dun, V·riderb, IMO eall· Ouni Fully ta Delieset, lielariS· C D. F R EE L U. NUTS OR BALL CU M. ONE W ALL !RACKET WITH EACH M ACIII NE B L O Y D M F G. C O. VALLEY STATION. KV. telling ameba' « *Inou e busone w opportunity at. W e Clase the m at CONK/left fine of .endoro In the pro motion Buen as. a d Our ran% ro m mistion will average 40 % of the rose !me. t Me hshest co m motion in the business. Intent red ir. high-elan man ceoebro bIalking distributers as, an over-right bait. Writ., or rail UNIVERSAL N'EN DORS O F ST. LOUIS 2407 N GRANO SUITE 214, ST. LOUIS. MO. Phone: LUree 3251 ATTENTION: VENDING MACHINE SALES ORGANIZATIONS! C a lurnhh new electrically illu minated ball-gurn machines en drop shipment bale. Gu m. contains "fortunes - Him Nature optional. Large selling granted parridting exclusive territonel Citic Club opontenhip plan. lob", mark-toe Only lea',l e, estehlie1cd organization, ° moldered Wrde: 505 5-315 e/e THE IILL00·110 C .NAT1 22. g1211g1 "Specioliets in rho Ma nufersfuro ad Roll Confections" is going "all -ont" to help increase your sales and profits by supplying you with superior prodnets. We are no w manufacturing and shipping ball gum of · quelit, never before available: all standard sires in any quantity. ALSO-Isths'a AT · NE W COUNT OF 70 TO TE N POU ND W i ne for SA MPLES & QU OTATI O NS BALL- GU M inc. BIG PROFITS, NO SELLING $2 8. 9 5 returns yous1 05. 0 0 Y.,'" /Uttar 'IFIbebtea, after returns 433 50 Here e hew Rua, yOUl order for oVneenderSliveanrdItin10a.300Ballcurliyurein Gu m. Place in my coo. gec elation. to-neural, PROFITS START Al ONCE Vending Machines Ulu in a CASH DAY - NI nd 110.00 deposit GcuHsTtoms and LW la. gu m Wilt be etiapr.pfted Al ONCE. Ariay , or wbrailtaen,t,odaany tHear e Ll'a7 rern Warta. a route of Me w FAST MONEY MAKERS CORP. Rapt. (4e Ht »ro ws M all. CNIC AIldi June 10, 1950 The Fli11htmril VEN DING M ACHINES 111 VICTOR THE GREATEST NAME IN BULK VENDING ....And here's the proof TOPPER DELUXE Tops in perfor mance and beauty. Never have there been to many ne w ideas put into 3 bulk vendor. Also, in 5e model tor perfect vending of char ms esclusively. JUMBO UNIVERSAL Vending lu mbo-Sise Rail Cu m. The latest thing in ball-gu m vendors. For greater capacity try the JU MBO UNIVERSAL SPECIAL. TOPPER MO M V UNIVERSAL DOUBLE UNIT TOPPER TRIPLE UNIT TOPPER PLASTIC CLORE NO W STA NDAR D EQUIP ME NT NOW.. IT'S VICTOR'S REVOLVING SUPERMARKET The most practical MULTIPLE bulk vendor ever built . eaturing a battery of 4 fa mous TOPPER DELU XE vendoit. evolving on attractive tubular stand .,, the space-saving unit which provides quadruple earning potential. SEE THESE MACHINES TODAY AT YOUR DISTRUHITCR s. OR WRITE IHRECT TO BASKETBAI It, really ne w . a PE N NY-PLAY COU NTER GA ME that has the play. HOT-POP Height 31 inches. Holds bushel of popcorn. America's Finest Vendors--industry's Greatest Values VICTOR VENDING CORP. 5701-13 W. GRAND AVE CHICAGO 39, ILLINOIS 12 VENDING M AC HINES The Billboard June 10, 1950 NAPKIN DISPENSER · Supplies in Brief L.1 1 03 W Introductory Special Only $15.95 WITH $50.00 WORTH OF MERCHANDISE BIG RETURD--SétALL INVESTMENT Buy one Napkin Dispensisr QuIssetle, plus ten refills toted 5.000 cords, for only 515.95. Let dispenser work for you In any location food le served. It MN return $40.00 net In you LIa short time. Your profit matte at once. Work. day and night for you. Send 5.00 do ms mach machine. we will ship at once. or wale today tor -FREE" detail. on atoning a route at these FAST /IITGPROOF. DURABLE MONEYMAKERS. CONTINENTAL SERVICE 6EQUIPMENT CO. 3830 Holbrook A Detroit Il, e h, FITS A NY SP OT I ALK ONO CIGARETTE VENDOR YOU need · ere/drat . m eth, . like Iba - · colu mns -1 « aaaaa kv - Nlver quarter Only -rdlitUlat and k,10 1 lilt -no matches. MODEL 600 Metal ma li me. Ht. on 0 m. 60 . Wt on Bate, 70 Lb.. PRICE Pt/al e $65.00 IOJE 12.00 mummer. Dons, In Oraqn Metal LO U,. Finish · Other AL U NO Models - 440, Skye , Quarter, Free raarrhes - M1. Two Dirnes Free Match., - 601. Di mes No reecccc . W rite F., Cotelog of Complete Ileelerluding Sc Cracker Vender Aikuno &(0. W hose 5-77 57 W RITE FOR !R N ILLUS. C AT AL O G Of ALL TYPES Of M AC HI NES Recall Candies, Gu m sales would slump this year, the first three months of 1950 showed sales HARTFORD, Conn., June 3. Com missioner Theodore J. Richard, of the Connecticut State Food and Drug Commission, has disclosed that inspectors have been removing from the market 18 brands of chewing gu m and candies sweetened with saccharin and dulcin. Both, be said, are non-nutritive. at a rate ahead of last year's record pace. Total sales for the first 1950 quarter were 86,971,000,000, as compared with 84,439,000,000 for the sa me 1949 period. Cigar sales totaled 1,283.037,000 for the first 1950 quarter, compared with 1,295,505,000 for January- March, 1949. Gu ms and candles sweetened with Sugar Report the substances are used by persons on restricted diets, largely diabetics. Connecticut State law prohibits the use of any non-nutritive substance in confections unless specific exemptions are granted by law. W ASHINGTON, June 3. -H eavy demand for sugar during the week ended May S pushed 1950 distribution above the 1949 rate for the first time, according to Agriculture De- At the same time, he said, inspec- partment. tors are covering drug outlets, wholesale and retail, thruout Cennecticut for uncoated Oxylin tablets which the Federal Food and Drug Ad ministration has warned contain "dangerous amounts of borie acid." Distribution for the first week in May totaled 161,696 tons, compared with 125,010 tons for the same period week last year. Total 1950 distribution thru May 6 was 2,336,484 tons, an increase of 1,938 tons over the New FTC Code same 1949 period. Total 1950 distribution thru the week ended May W ASHINGTON, June 3. -Federal Trade Com mission (FTC) this week 13 reached 2.498,283, with 161,792 tons chalked up for the week. issued a proposed fair trade practice code for the cocoa and chocolate in- Peanut Candy dustry. Together with codes previously promulgated for candy jobbers and manufacturers, the new code virtually completes the agency's task of drafting rules covering the entire confectionery field. W ASHINGTON. June 3.-Peanut candy is gaining in popularity, according to the Department of Agriculture. For the 1950 peanut season thru April 30, some 89,000,000 pounds of goobers were used in candy, com- Similar to the other codes, the rules pared with 74,000,000 pounds for the for fair trade in the cocoa industry similar period last season. 'ban such practices as deception, simulation of trade marks and names, false invoicing, use of loss leaders with intent to injure competition, over-clogging channels of distribution with the sa me intent, offering price or service discri mination and entering This gain represents a reversal of the trend that had been in effect since the war's end. Following demobilization and the end of largescale military buying, peanuts use in candy began a steady decline. into co mbinations to fix prices or re- strain trade. Cig Sales Up New Washer Cleaning WASHINGTON, June 3. - Ciga- Program Effected by Self-Service Laundry rette sales hit a seven-month high of 32,038,000,000 in March, Commerce Department reported. Cigar sales amounted to 453,831,000, the highest monthly mark since November. Despite earlier predictions by Agriculture Department that cigarette CHICAGO. June 3.-Robert W. Soaper, head of Self-Service Laundry, Inc., reported this week the recent adoption of a special "appearan ce conditioning" cleaning progra m for firm's coin-operated washers in VICTOR 5¢ ALL CHAR M VENDOR The. n·erant W . apart ment house locations. A contract, calling for once a month exterior cleaning at a set per unit rate, was given to Gloss Glaze Co mpany, a local firm which has developed a new-type polishing agent for porcelain and similar finishes. satien for ventd. Ina OIt ran.. Never ., the his. t·ry or bul k rending has env on· m achine The appearance maintenance plan was worked out when it was found regular Self-Service repair men could not adequately handle such made as much Il en·V ter as many eq. N our fa mous Victor All Char m . IP has UnInnitael ob oe O.1111·· end has Opened tune .1 thqUeentla 01 · -ne w locations. 1 to 11, 013.93 m ete 11 te 17, 113.71 east" al to se. 313.50 ea.; 100 or mere 512.95 ee. cleaning chores. The addition of specialized cleaning equip ment to a man's regular repair tools and parts supply made too bulky a load, it was found. Too, pin-pointing machine cleaning as a special chore resulted in a better job and year-round top eye-appeal for coin washers, Soaper declared. All other Victor models en hand available for im mediate deliver, Victory Basketball Game Glass Glaze Company also performs a similar equipment cleaning service for coin laundries, going over the machines on a monthly per unit basis, Soaper said. TOPPER (Ill ttttttt di Lots of IDO $1 0.00 Sample. 511.25. Victor's Universal JUMBO 1. E MI Gu m Vendee. S at Lk.Malfteieeeetsteeettee Ima meliede Delktere Dep. W M Order, Isl. C. O. b. VEEDCO SALES CO. 1024 Market St. Philattelp Aa J. Pa. (t, Pb...., LOcust 1/19 lgr mechanis m W are ttttt trouble -fret GET ON OUR MAILING LIST FREI! ART GRAEFF CO. 132 BROADWAY TOLEDO 9, OHIO BALL GU M From Bubble or "Chnle - All Sixes I/8th; to new 1-Inch jumbo NEW CHARMS Brilliant colors Opaque or Translucent BARKER BR A N DS, INC Sea Bright. N BASKET BALL Newest Counter Game an the Market Precision Built by VI CT OR So you know it'. good. Sample $32 50 YES! It can be bought on Time Payment. In lots of 10 Iron, ROY TORR LANSDO WNE. ·PENNA. REA!N,FOR. YOU MW they're Really Seensfe., Toe WoperrnIMicOema.n. O AWWhSiitthetewaitmh na,"s.k. sea ms. Per 1000. E. » SA , white with black tee ms. Per 1000, OAP All Postpaid. W rIte no w te pet en our making lin, rioehi e Ril l& IP M · WI S C O N SI N Rush Your Order Today VICTOR'S NEW TOPPER 1 to 3 Ca ms 41 0$111.300PerPermacCahisene) to 11 Ceses $12.00 Per Case 110.10 Per M mhine/ 25 fan . en More $10.00 Per Case itig.o0 Per niacIonol R. H. ADAIR COMPANY Sr. W Roosevelt Oak Perk. 111nons Phone, 1.1210 , EMPIRE Dl IU MAKER le or Sc ACORN ALL PURPOSE BULK MERCHANDISER Im mediate Delivery coi N M ACHI NE EXC H. 1011 Mil waukee AVe. ChIc400 22. June 10, 1950 The Billboard SHUFFLEBOARDS 113 U. S.Champs Crowned in Peona M & T Steps Up U. S. Tournament Notes East, Midwest Production on New Conversion CHICAGO, June 3. -- M & T Sales, after introducing its new Speed Bowler conversion at the AC M MA show here last week, announced this week that the unit, which now features clearly marked strike zones and further ani mation on the backboard, Is in production and deliveries are being made. Ted Rubenstein, firm president, said that due to the results obtained at the al-industry show, the production schedule for the conversion had been stepped up. One of the most colorful units at the Peoria cha mpionships was the wo man's tea m representing Chuck's Tiny Lodge, Midlothian, Ill., in the cushion title session. Captained by Bobbie Cavallini, this unit arrived in Peoria early Saturday (V) and won the cha mpionship later that night with only two hours of sleep. Other players on the Tiny Lodge tea m were May Lash, Gladys Stork. Ann Braden. Irene Shre fler and Jean Connally. All ere employees of the location and Miss Connally is the organist there.... Best co meback at the tourney was the South Jersey co mbo, in the men's long- Wendell Bow man and Bob Harris. Robert Carroll. ASLI director in Wisconsin, was unable to be in on the big doings in Peoria because of a fa mily emergency. Another woman's contingent to walk of with the bacon was from the Wayside Inn, La Crosse. ·With Captain Bessie Gaskill encouraging an all-out ef- fort, this tea m included Joann Even- son, Edna Holft, Ella Mae Wakeen, Jenny Smith. and Ruth Osgood.... The Men's Cushion cha mps fro m I'm Inn, Overland, Mo., have been play- ing as a unit for two years. They are Al Pellet. Jim my Smith. Rich- ard Poelker. Ed Leonard. Sponsor Ed Teams Garner Major Awards ASLI Holds First Annual By Tom McDonough PEORIA, Ill., Tune 3. --Judged a success by league heads fro m 14 States, tournament officials and players alike, the first annual United State a Shuffleboard Tournament ended at the Peoria Armory early The unit uses bowling scoring board. One of the favorites in the Ryden and Captain Roy Cha mbers. Monday (29) morning with the Runprinciples and features disappearing main event, the Ca mden tea m lost on They chartered a private bus for the sls Grill tea m of Schenectady. N. Y., pins. Speed Bowler can be attached a heartbreaker opening day but be- U. S. meet. winning the major prize of $2,500 in to a shuffle ga me in lent than an cause of the double knockout syste m Besides TV star Linda Denson, the men's longboard competition. hour, with the serviceman handling returned to the armory Sunday (28) celebrities at the armory included Sponsored by American Shuffle- the replace ment on location. and walked of with $1,500 for sec- State Treasurer Ora Smith. Mayor board Leagues. Inc. (ASLI), the ond place. Joe Malone, Stale Senators Ji m Car- event drew 44 men's and wo men's Op Offers Free Kid Gloves, whose real na me is rigan and Clyde Traeger. Shirley teams which had qualified in either George Lisk. is now living in Peoria. This headliner gave an exhibition Ar mstrong. who is Miss Peoria, and Nancy Deitrien Shufleboard Maid of the longboard or cushion division., during State tournies this spring. A Case of Beer to Sunday afternoon that had the players and spectators wondering if he Honor fro m Springfield, Ili Vern Goff, Chicago advertising executive, total of $10.443 and other valuable prizes were won by the top contin- Build Game Play used trained pucks. The kid spe- cializes in trick Shots and also blind- fold matches. In the latter, Kid Gloves has a spectator tell him PANA MA CITY, Fla., June 3.-- where the pucks are and asks the When play began to slack off on a spectator to call a shot. The Kid then new Shuffle Lane installed in the makes a perfect play and leaves the bar section of the building, the Old crowd gasping. ...George Lawler. Dutch Restaurant here came up with Brooklyn trick shot artist, also per- a solution in the form of a "free for med. case of beer" award weekly to the Among the American distributors player who rings up the highest in Peoria for the title matches were SCOre. Bob Miles, Colu mbus, O.; Howard Jim my Willia ms, Panama City op- Conlon. Schnectady, N. Y.: Woody erator, who made the installation in Cowan, Dallas; Frank Cole man. the Old Dutch tavern, has found that Philadelphia; Frei Solecki. Tucson, "providing an incentive" will in- Ariz.; John Weiss. Boise, Idaho, and variably boost play often as much Ogden, Utah; Clayton Beebe, Pe- as 300 per cent. He splits the cost of oria; Dan McFall. Chicago; Jim my the weekly prize with the tavern Boum es. Cleveland and Toledo; manage ment. Chuck Miller. Racine, Wis.; Jack Plays are electrically scored on the and George Miller. New Orleans; Shuffle Lane. Frequently the re Chuck Baird. La Crosse, Wis.: Lou have been Instances in which players Enter. St. Louis and Len Haigh. De- have added $3 or more to the hourly troit intake of the Shuffle Lane in an at- The teams making the longest trip tempt to better each other's score. to Peoria represented Mac's Bar, Boise. Idaho, 1.985 miles, and Cariera Billiards, Ogden, Utah. 1,640 miles. was an interested spectator nt the armory. He roomed with Ken Paulsen. ASLI director, when both were undergraduates at the University of Wisconsin.... Howard Ja mes. U. S. gents. AS1.1 Foots Bill Tho the entire expense of the promotion was underwritten by ASLI Tournament manager, and Don Free- anti top stafers traveled to all sections burg. new editor of American's Shuffleboard World, attended City College of New York ICCNY) which won the college basketball crown fro m Bradley University. While in Peoria they contacted several friends they met at the ga me in New York's Madison Square Garden two months ago. One ef the most di ficult decisions which the U. S. tourney officials had to make concerned turning down outstanding tea ms fro m many sections of the country because they had not played in the State sessions early in May. They told the disappointed tra m captains that it of the country to explain the U. S. meet to players and league heads. The event was handled on a non-partisan basis and players and teams were invited solely on their ability regardless of the make of board used in sponsoring locations. Major groundwork for the meet vas handled by Ken W. Paulsen ASLI executive director, and Howard W. Ja mes. U. S. tournament manager and ASLI tourna ment manager. In addition to working ceaselessly on the 14 State meets early in May, Fouis se and James spearheaded local interest last week by appearing on several radio programs with Linda Da mon. TV star of the Ken Murray would which not be fair to enter teams had not played qualifying show, who was elected queen of the first annual. They also-lined her up matches. But they also promised to contact the team heeds next spring when State tourna ments are played. . . Three of the hardest working for personal appearance tours in Peoria department stores, theater clubs and for a ceremony on the city hall steps with Mayor Joe Malone. Arrnend Martens captained the Boise people at the ar mory were Lee All- (Kerlin. Play Puck Patter Chicago: Art Weinand, vice-president and director of sales, Rock -Ola Manufacturing Co mpany, reports the new weights which the fir m is producing were oficially introduced to the No Gold Brick shufleboard field last week. The firm also brought good news to the field with an announce ment at its recent distrib meeting that it was ln shuffleboard to stay. Incidentally, · Standard board was featured by Pacific Shu fleboard Bowling Co mpany at the recent AC M MA show to display its new conversion unit. team, comprised of Hugh Gervis, Morris Kulp. Gus Lindstzo m. Bruce and Mel Foster.... Led by Captain Darold Fielding, the Ogden group included Frank Archuletti, Robert Fielding. Willia m Eddy, Cliff Ca mp. CHICAGO, June 3.--A standard Shuffleboard League of eight tea ms, playing the southeastern part of the city (luring the regular season, has set up a su mmer competition which threatens to overshadow even the regular seasonal play. nut, chief scorekeeper, who stayed rip all Saturday night (TO to get the 21 boards in shape for Sunday's play, and Bill Houlihan and Bob Burton. Station WEEK (Peoria) announcers, who were official tourney announcers. Good sports manship prevailed thruout the meet. Despite the tough defeats some tea ms had to swallow at the armory they were later seen toasting their ronquerers in local shu fleboard locations. . ..Peoria businessmen were pleased with the crowds of out-of-towners and restaurants and locations with joke boxes did a land office business. · The U. S. meet began Saturday (27) morning and was scheduled to end the next night, However, the excellence of play, plus the cautiousness of participants since so much was at stake, caused matches to last as long as several hours in so me instances. All competition was on a tea m and best five out of nine ga me basis with the point syste m used exclusively. The competition was carried off with a mini mu m of confusion which was a tribute to the 50 referees under the direction of Chief Scorekeeper Lee Allnut, plus the efforts of the grievance co m mittee. Since the referees were from all parts of the country and the grievance Edelco Unveils Herb Perkins. president of Pur- vcyor Shuffleboard, reports response to his products during and after the NewConversions AC M MA Show was excellent. Per- kins played host to Bill Tucker. former Purveyor sales manager, during the show. Tucker is now cabinet productions technical consultant for Crosley Division of the Aveu Manufacturing Corporation, Cincinnati. Orders have been co ming in steadily for the new M & T shuffle conversion, which was unveiled et the, show, according to Ted Rubenstein president. Firm is also in production on its Lite -a-Pin unit. Ted and his crew at the show were happy 'with the operator response to their Eight of the tea ms in the league are competing for a trophy which is probably the most sought-after gimmick to be offered in the history of the ga me. Each week the trophy changes hands, and when it pass as to a new location, it is given the No. 1ipot in pro minence within the location. There are no na mes inscribed on the trophy, nor is it embellished in any manner. But tea ms fight to the last /or the chance of gaining possession of it. And what is this trophy. A 2's-cent brick, picked up by one of the league players from pile of old bricks which had been discarded by a builder. group also was selected on a sectional basis, the two met in a joint session Friday (28) to work over-all rules and to eli minate the possibility of dis- putes. The grievance com mittee was DETROIT, June 3. --Edelco Manufacturing is now in production on the two conversion units which it unveiled at the AC M MA show here composed of Clayton O. Beebe. Peoria: Howard C. Conlon. Schenectady; John Weiss, Ogden, Utah; Bill Raab, Newark, N. J., and Poulsen. recently. One unit is for all shuffle Other Champo ga mes and features folding pins. The Winners in the three other divisions other, called Shuffle Score, is for were: Wayside, LaCrosse. Wis., Wom- 22-foot shuffleboards, is located in en's longboard. $1,000; I'm Inn, Overthe middle of the board and permits land, Mo.. men's cushion. $900, and from one to four players to participate Chuck's Tiny Lodge, Midlothian, simultaneously. $449.05. These tea ms, plu, the Rupsis Shuffle Scere can be installed on unit. are U. S. champio ns in their a shuffleboard in a few minutes and respective divisions. features upright light-up pins. Both The tournament used the double ·conversions score 30 points for a knock nut .system, which gave tea ms (See Puck Patter on page 11) strike, thereby sjiseitng up play. (Y -c U. S. Champions oa page 141 114 SH UFFLEBO A R DS The Billboard Jane 10, 1950 Bally Sheds Turf King Deliveries (Continued from page 101) The ga me includes many of the Rosy Outlook Keys CPMA Meet; New Speeds Discussed U. S. Champions Crowned in Peoria (Continued fro m 13oPe 1)3 beaten in early competition a chance proven features of Bally's Citation to come back against other foes and as well as other recent products such as advancing odds, mystery selections and wild scoring holes. Turf King also embodies double score principles. the section shift idea, by which purse and show pockets actually score as win pockets, and the build-up bonus. Nelson emphasized that these scoring Ideas are used with a new approach which Bally calls Players' Choice. Under this Players' Choice set-up. the patron plays, according to judgment in making selections. In the L and R feature, the main change Is that when a ball drops in the L or R pocket it lights all seven selections for the next ga me if its corresponding light is lit on the backglass. When all four A-B-C-D bu mpers light up after being hit in rotation, the next winner gets double points. Principle behind Players' Choice idea is that patron may con- (Continued from page /02) hurt attendance at the parks, stadiu ms and arena, but, Cohen disclosed. thus far sporting attendance is holding up and if anything creating new live fandom. Others to talk on the subject were Harold Copeland, head of the Youngstown, O., association chapter, and Ed Gradzicki, Detroit operator. Copeland said that operators in Youngstown were in competition with baseball video from Pittsburgh, Cleveland and Columbus but that after the initial TV interest in typical locations wore off the sets began moving into the home and music grosses ca me back and continued to improve. He predicted a similar experience for Cleveland in the near future. Gradzicki explained that in Detroit ga mes were televised but twice w,ekly and progra m started in the Detroit area by Bill Patterson, Patterson Music. Patterson explained that approximately four years ago he instituted a rental progra m designed to improve the location owner's interest in music play. Basically, the plan is that the location agrees to a one to two-year contract which stipulates a flat rental per week. He stressed that this is in no way front money but · straight rental deal with the location controlling the coin box and the operator providing records and service. At this point approxi mately 90 per cent of Patterson's location.: are under contract, all have higher play rates than previously and the location owners thus far have always sought renewals when the contracts were about to expire. Patterson said that the progra m has helped him because finish in the big money. In each instance, however, the champions went thru the meet undefeated. The remainder of the $10.443 was distributed as follows: Men's Longboard: 2d, Crystal Tavern, Camden, N. .1, $1,500; 3d, Embassy Club, Kenosha, Wis., $1,000; 4th, Duffie's Tavern, Peoria, $600; 5th, Keyhole, Racine, Wis.. $400; 6th, Shea and Willia ms, Chicago, $200; 7th, Tom's Tavern, Grand Rapids, Mich., $150; 8th, Malt's Grill, Schenectady, $150, and 9th thru 12th, Easy Way. Dallas. Triangle, Grand Rapids, Mich., Gay Nineties. Tucson, Ariz., and Glass Hat, Springfield, Ill., $79.82 each. Women's Longboard: 2d. 615 Club, Peoria, $550; 3d, Greenwood Ladies, Toledo. $261.08. Men's Cushion: 2d, Transfer Tap, $457.59. tinue to flash all advantages by drop- since the Tigers were on the road the only service calls he now gets ping in added coins or select a group halt of the season anyway, TV in of advantages for concentrated play. Detroit posed no problem. Selection of concentrated advantages is accomplished by means of symbol buttons on the front rail. These are a horseshoe, a star, a clover and a pennant. Copeland spearheaded the merchandising subject by telling the business session group that there was still plenty of room for improvement in giving immediate service calls, are bona fide machine malfunctions and Ample calls such as nickel jamming have been eliminated. It has also released his servicemen to make more calls since the route men du not have to worry about collections. Among the others at the luncheon PUCK PATTER (Continued from pole I)) products, and reported meeting a nu mber of ope who m they had known only thru correspondence. Julian Cru m, Shuffleboard Spe- CMG Ladies Night keeping up with the nevi hits and meeting were Secretary Virgina cialists executive, is another who above all having the phonographs on location appear neatly polished with Copeland. Ed Kenney, Cole man Stutz, Joseph Solo mon, Affred Atwell and reported highly satisfactory results at the convention. Julian said op- Turn Out Hits 800 records and needles at peak performance. All present showed keen Laddie Miklovic, all CP MA members; Ja mes O'Brien, Ohio Record Sales, erators and distributors alike had displayed renewed interest in shuf- PURVEYOR SUMMER SPECIALS! (Continued from Pace 102, slam/ emceed by Nilo Milo. On the bill were Betty Brownell. vocalist: Chong Wau Troupe, tumblers and balance, and the Mercer Brothers. comedy dancers. Dottie O'Brien and Robert Clary appeared thru the courtesy of Capitol Records, Dick Reinhart and orchestra played for the show and dancing. Miller was assisted in the arrangements by his board of directors, which includes Lee Spean vicepresident; Joe Silla, chairman; Frank Morgan, Fritz Althaus, Harold Munson and Cle m Stetson. interest in the speed battle. In Cleveland, Herb Wedewen, president of Northern Music, Inc., Wurlitzer distributors, said experiments are being conducted with 45's which thus far indicate higher rates of play, better tone quality and longer record life. Copeland also stated that Leo Dixon, formerly of Cleveland, has had onethird of his equipment operating with a 45 mechanism with similar favorable results. Cohen indicated that more Cleveland operators were about to test the 45 speed. One of the high points of the business meet was the long range rental Cleveland; Thorpe Thompson and Max Callison, Capitol Records; Buddy Kaye and Carl Lampl, songwriting tea m; Joe Davis. music publisher who brought Bob Houston, singing star for Celebrity Records. Before the meeting adjourned Cohen announced that Davis's song. In the Valley of Golden Dreams, and sung by Houston. was voted the CP MA hit tune for July. The evening activities got under way with a cocktail party in the Hollenden's A, B, C, D parlors, attended by several hundred operators and guests from all parts of the country. The ma.ndacturers delegation was led by Ed R. Wurgler, general sales manager, phonograph di- fleboards and, as a result, it looked like a good season for both new and used boards. Phil Cohen. firm head, was also impressed by the response. Detroit: Philip Schacht. who recently for med the Action Coin Games Co m- pany, is concentrating largely on shufleboard operation under the new licensing set-up here, and is proclai ming "shuffleboard is the only thing to operate today." . . . Fxad Chlopan. business manager of the Michigan Shufleboard Association, and his wife, Alberta. were guests at the graph Michigan Owners' anAnutuoalmatbiacnquPhetonoa-t the Four Dukes Monday (29). uUnnrt rd Aalllle. ys WYn {Peed Cowl Convo nion Nation Wino Snuffle Pool .. UM Twin Bowle, M AO 175.00 575.50 NE W EQUIP ME NT ATO M-JET PACIFIC SHUFFLEBOARD BOWLING vision, Rudolph Wurlitzer Company, and A. D. Pal mer, advertising and sales promotion manager of the same firm. Both ca me in from North Tonawonda, N. Y., for the convention. PR O VE D PlatoOn W ale Or . Player 15···13·11 Ga me --Like Now CONVERSION With standing room only attendance prevailing at the banquet the huge 65X Less Abrasive. CONVERSIONS MAKE SHUFFLEBOARDS IN DE MANDS CASH IN NO W ON THESE LO W PRICES ... ROCK -OLA PNUARTIVEOYNOARL SPORTSMAN MNAATRIVOENL WIDE $75.0. 1 I --le IL -12 It. · ead -- ALL IN FIRST CLASS AND MANY OTHERS · CONDITION. NE W GA MES 1 1,...,7 ,ilmr `,13,eol, n1 GatIliet, 'la nk. a Ball U noted A i·z en· Exhibit Strike "'nib , lea n e L.1,11.,[1 Exno·at Uoi·er.1 Pxbeleall W ANT LATE 5-EALL AND 1-CALL GAPAIS CASH OR TRADE crowd was treated to an all-star show headed by Blue Barron and his MG M recording orchestra. It was emceed by Dusty Davis, comedy star. Among the other headliners performing were Cordon Jenkins, Dee m; Frank Tankovic, Colu mbia; Sheila Barrett. satirist; Johnnie Bachemin. dancer; Frank Mullec, Continental; Marla Neglia, violin virtuoso; Pour-a-Drink Dorenfleld, comedian; Willia m Boeh m, light opera tenor; Tommy Larue, Cleveland singer, and Houston, who gave the crowd a preview of the LI K tab% Shuffleboard snmttoe W A 1.5 1 ` N` CONTAINS . NO PLASTIC t. tab .0 mm, Purveyor Shuffleboard Co. 4 Pe1e2w1ee8--,1248Cl1eWl5Ne.euaueeW.restIe8-L1rn114Are.e 1 0 5 SHUFFLEBOARD NE W MAPLE OR M ASO NITE COP REST MADE CP MA hit tune for July, In the Valley of Golden Dreams. Coin Mac's. Future Big Down Under (Continued from page 10i) Bottle or cup venders have not yet made their appearance. Coca-Cola refrigerating units are quite com mon PLAYERS Kate · ·· 0,1, «.· curare SUCK.waxed beard. ow ns ornet by triple-life SUCK gives re ShuMelarard tops. 310111-TAILL play.t like speed read introit SLICK leases on sheerer playing surfaces. Oletee Oet for a'Fast" C. Se called -waxe r composed of Massie are herder Non SINKS.. beard lops -- marally Nonage dndlleireard ruder« end Net tut the payment is on the honor sys- players' accuracy. Use SLICK tem and no coin mechanisms are used. Music machines are found more often in milk bars and at soda f.iun- SheNebeard Wan for Ne lea. .. .ceded game Players M ON - SAS me. rhon Nnioi OW" -- re ar On. tains, liketon said. Bars are open fru m 10 am. to 6 p.m. and 10 a.m. TNT CO. United Shuttle alies re bun Ike new 119.5 / Best New ELECTRIC SCO2E505101 RE:ONDIIIOPIED SITUFRENARDS. 0to 1 p.m. in various sections, depending upon the law. However. music operators have not yet tried the late closing bars for spots. Morton believes that coin-operated e equipment has agreat future In Aus- » MS ADD ST., MIAMI, N.J. et 0 .1t, We ... IW O « ·^4 1.ece 1111 SHUFFLEBOARD fJel/'r e 7126 S. STONY ISLAND ·VE. ·MI 3.1032.3 ·CHICA GO 19 ILL tralia. He bases this upon the fact that each year 250.000 persons are coming into the country and there is a serious labor shortage. GIVE TO THE RUNYON CANCER FUND hose 10, 1950 The Billboard COI N M AC HINES 115 CO1N MEN YOU KNO W ' N W ashington: Neu> York: Detroit: Chicago: Silent Sales Syste m opened its two Baltimore-vicinity arcades prior to Decoration Day. Newer of the two is in Kiddieland Park, making its bow this year. About 40 machines have been installed, accord- To m Connolly. for mer music op who sold his route to Mae Polley. has opened a bar and grill on Third Avenue. His partner in the enterprise, Mike Forde. also used to operate a juke box route here.... Sal Philip Schacht. who has operated a route here for several years, has dropped music operations entirely in order to concentrate on ga mes. He is reorganizing his operation, formerly conducted under his own H. M. Scheel, president of Victor Vending Corporation, along with Robert W. Heeling. sales manager, is enthusing over the initial reception given the firm's new Super-market revolving stand unit with four De- ing to Ira T. Byrara, with emphasis Tralla, of Elkay Music, returned last name on Ferry Avenue, and has luxe Topper bulk venders. Idea of on the penny variety designed to week-end front his latest trip to for med the Action Coin Ga mes Co m- the revolving type stand is to con- draw the youngsters. Silent Sales in introducing Bowl-'n-Shu fle both in Kiddieland Park and at the Bay Shore Park location, with a total of 22 machines. The Bay Shore arcade has about 75 machines altoge ther, making it one of the largest such operations in the area, Byra m said. Arthur E. Selnick is the ne w manager of the record depart ment of Kauf mann- Washington Co mpany. He was formerly with Deere in Philadelphia. Selnick reports a couple of sleepers --Sonny Burke's waxing of "Ma mbo Ja mbo" and the new Buddy Johnson.Ella Johnson disk coupling, "You Got To Walk the Chalk Line" and "Keep Me Close to You." Improved design and better te mperature control will feature the new frozen orange juice vending machine being readied by Vend Mart Corporation, scheduled to be launched next month. One change reported by Veepee Frank V. Connely is the raising of the coin changer to make it more accessible. Connelly adds (See WASHINGTON on page 16) Florida. pany, with headquarters on Monterey Avenue. .. Albert Ash* an- Les Boyd. of the Ace Distributing Co mpany, is back fro m a two-week fishing trip on Long Island Sound. He runs his own boat. ...Willia m Tandler. of the Vendcanatic Machine Corporation, is spending much of nounces the grand opening of the new ofices and salesroo ms for Mercury Distributors Saturday and Sunday, June 10-11, at 3727 Woodward Avenue, with open house for the trade. his time these days in Boston watching the progress of Filene's out-ofstore vending depart ment. Two of Tandler's machines are being used in the experi ment. Wilbur B. Hughes, Spotri m Corporation, reports a major shortage of supplies in the tri m field for coin machines. . . J. M. Henry, sales supervisor of the Standard Products Philip Shorin, vice-president of Topps Chewing Gu m, and Charlie Zubrin. merchandising director, welco med coin men Moe Mandel. of Northwestern Sales & Services; Hate Rake. of Phillv's Rake Coin Machine Exchange, and Ben Smith. of the ad agency bearing his na me, to their booth at the National Candy Wholesalers' Association convention last week. Company, has moved to the Port Clinton plant.... Rube^ the Miller-Ne wmark service staf, is planning a trip to California our.iig his forthco ming vacation. Horace T. Rankin, row sere ,e, chief at Miller-New mark, has discontinued operation of the raicies...ii Coin Recorder Company whi ,h for merly headed ,, . . A. Jordan Spring. who for merly had the O-Lite Co mpany, is now operating Al D president of the Auto- matic Music Operators' Association (A MOA), was en invited guest at a luncheon June 1 for New 'York citi- zens who have given outstanding aid under his own name. . . . Harry Gaylord reports orders now being taken for early delivery on the new Scoope ball gu m vender. ...Mrs. Michael Weinberger. wife of the serve space yet ofer a wide variety of merchandise. Victor also reporta' good acceptance on its jumbo ball gu m vender and the new all-char m nickel unit introduced last week. Bert Mills, the Bert Mills Corporation, sees a rising de mand for hot soup and tea venders, along with cofee units, and made it a point to include machines so labeled in his show display last week.... Ji m my Johnson. the traveling head of Globe Distributing, is back in "travelin' tri m" again following a sojourn in his ho me city during the AC M MA confab. He's all set to hie out on long-range tours with his coin sorting and counting equip ment again. Fred HebeL Fred Hebei Corporation, is back following a business trio in behalf of ids five-selection ice crea m bar vender. Machine, which lists for $800 and ofers 175. bar capacity, is going out on location in mounting nu mbers, he says. . . . Leon SegaL Kandy Korner, is finding diversification of his candy machine route, in the for m of penny (See CHICAGO on page 16) Los "Ingeies: Waller (Sony) Solo mon. of J. Peskin Co mpany, of to San Francisco for a week-end visit combining business and pleasure. . . Bill Schrader. of Pacific Shuffleboard Bowling, is back in town follov.ang a trip to Chicago where he showed the new ga me. ... Willia m E. Heppe. of Badger Sales, on a motor trip to Milwaukee. While there, he will visit with his father, Carl >lappet who heads the Badger Novelty Co mpany. }lappet will be out of the city for another two weeks.... Al Weymouth. of Wey mouth Service, cigarette operators and distributors of the Electro machines, to San Francisco on business. While there he to the Police Athletic League (PAL). Mayor O'Dwyer, Ja mes B. Nolan. deputy police com missioner, and Gene Tunney. chairman of PAL's fund-raising diviition, spoke. H. .T (Pete) Foster. Spacarb sales manager, entered a hospital last week for a check-up. . . .Harry Rosen. Meyer Park er, partner in the Atlantic New York Corporation, has returned fro m Florida.... Turk Nasser. who recently reactivated his route in Walden, N. Y., was in town last week on a shopping trip. Dallas: Arthur C. Hughes. vice-president of S. H. Lynch & Co mpany. Dallas, distributors of Sceburg music systems. sailed fro m New Orleans re- founder of the S and W Coin Machine Exchange, who has been il for some time, is in Providence Hospital for observation.... Willia m J. Spa and Ja mes Sweeney are establishing the Detroit Tradiovision office on Holcomb Avenue, as local distributors for Tradip radio and television. Mrs. Grace Ziegler. owner of the Ziegler Music Company, is reopening her amusement rides at Island Lake Park for the 30th consecutive season. . . Erwin Baldridge, local operator of amuse ment ga mes, is reopening his Penny Arcade at Island Lake for the som mer.... Leo Weinberger. owner of Leo's Amusement Company, is disposing of so me of his equ ipment. Turin Cities: Harold Lieberman. of Lieberman Music Co mpany, and his wife brought their son, David. home fro m San Bernardino, Calif.. Wednesday (31). where they had taken han fro m New York in the hope that he would recover from his long ilness. Back in his own surroundings, his parents and doctors are hopeful the youth will snap out of his illness just as suddenly as he was stricken. David has been sufering fro m colitis for about a year.... Hy Greenstein. of Hy-G Music Co mpany, Minneapolis, was signed up as a full-fledged me mber of the Minneapolis Aquatennial Association this past week and will play host during the annual Aquatennial festivities here in July. will attend the NA MA district meeting. George Seed man, of Rowe Cigarette Service, of on another business junket. .. . Paul Blair has moved fro m the Balboa Fun Zone on Balboa Island and is now operating his own arcade in the zone's vicinity. . . . Wayne Trick and Bil Ferguson have opened their arcatle at the ne w Venice Lake Park near Venice, Calif.... Robert McNaughton, vending machine operator, returned by plane fro m his trip to his old home grounds. South Bend, Ind. .. Stan Russo. Western representative for the Stoner line, back fro m a trip to Fresno and San Francisco. (See LOS ANGELES on page 125) Vital Statistics Births A son, Mark, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed nataiack, may za, in Presbyterian Hospital, Chicago. Father is Western sales manager for A MI, Inc. M arriages Robert Z. Greene, president of Rowe Manufacturing Company. cently on the S. S. Ja mes Lykes for a three- month European tour which will include visits to nine stations. In addition to handling business for his company's import division, he will join the pilgri mage to holy places in Ro me and other cities. Hughes was honor guest the night before sailing at a dinner at Antoine's in New Orleans given by S. 1. Lynch & Company with S. H. Lynch. president, and E. D. Furiow. vice-president, as co-hosts. Guests included oficials of J. P. Secburg COM Puny, Chicago -- N. Marshall Seeburg, president; C. T. McKehry, director of sales, and Fle ming Johnson, production manager. Also present at the dinner were compeny branch managers from Houston, San Antonio. New Orleans, Me mphis, Oklaho ma City and Dallas. Pittsburgh: Hard man. head of the Penny King Co mpany, is hailing the new trend to nickel all-char m venders as further indication of the value of char ms as a salable ite m, strictly on their own. He started supplying charms about a year ago, and clai ms he has produced over 50,000,000 charms during the past 12 months. The new nickel charmers are de- Ben Oku m. of Okay Vending, celebrated his son's ninth birthday with a specialy dedicated song by Two Ton Baker. . . . John Kirschner. operator of Jack's Music Co mpany, is opening the Radio City Appliance & Chro me Furniture Co mpany store in Ferndale, specializing In television. Indionapotis: Morton Weinberger, of the Louis- ville office of Southern Automatic Music Co mpany, was a visitor here over Decoration Day and attended the 500- mile classic. -- .Sam Weinberger. head of Southern Automatic, returned after attending the Chicago convention, and reports operators' enthusias m over the Model "C" A MI. He also reports the display of the Amivox, AMI's ne w speaker, and the 4.5 r.p.m. conversion meeting with operators' approval. L. E. Lee is the new bookkeeper at Southern Auto matic. .. A new (See INDIANAPOLIS on page 125) Boston: Burl Ives, who sang his songs and conducted the square dance at which 10,000 made whoopee at Boston in the Garden recently, dropped in to visit the Tri mount Coin people at 40 Waltha m Street He was much im- Bill (Sphinx) Cohen, of Silent Sales Co mpany, has both his sons graduating fro m school this month. Jesse. 21, graduates fro m the University of Minnesota, College of Science, Literature and Arts, and has won entry into the Harvard Law School. Donald, le, is graduating fro m Washburn High School, Minnee polis. (See TWIN CITIES on page 16) Mil waukee: Roger Bookineler. of Book meier Sales Co mpany, Green Bay, and AI Ripley. Decca rep, are looking forward to their fishing excursion to Shawano in a fe w weeks.... Eddie Piontek. service man and route man for Green Bay's Durand Sales, is celebrating his 17th year in the coin machine business. Eddie was formerly with Northern Sales until five years ago, when he joined the Durand staff. Bill Ballard. record buyer for Union Sales, of Green Bay, reports recent conversion of most of their shuffleboards to bowling ga mes with good play resulting. Feather in cap of Harry Drat. Union Sales topper, Is their recent installation of wired music set-up at Bay Beach, Green Bay's largest amuse ment park. Inc., and Mrs. Nancy Greif in Las Vegas Saturday (27). veloping a brand new market for pressed with the Seeburg-100, and Another Green Bay operator in this product. Lester feels. Penny told Irwin Margold. general man- the limelight these days is Badger King's latest bids for char m busi- ager, that he saw a great future for Sales Co mpany's N. R. Boetcher. Deaths ness are its baseball glove, bat and the music machine He pointed out who reports excellent results with Mrs. Besarla Curro, mother of Melo and Ted Curro, last ball series, end a musical instru ment that the large nu mber of selections his new half-sized shuffleboards. series, skedded for introduction last made it particularly good fur folk Cutting standard sized 20-foot week. Sons are associated with Metropolitan Amusements, Mil- week. Looking ahead to the fall, songs, and that he was beco ming boards in hall and placing head Herds man has designed new elephant snore and more convinced that there boards for scoring on each half has waukee. and donkey pieces to tie fti with is a definite field for his tau» of mu- resulted in placing more converted the political ca mpaigns. sic on w ade machines. (See MIL WAUKEE on page 11 0 ) 16 COIN MACHINES The Hillbodrd June 10, 1950 RELIABLE PROO XES FROM RELIABLE MANUFACTURERS BALL PI N GA MES TUCSO N TELECAR P IL 25 be 55.04 BL ACK GOL D 1.103.00 T·I PLE TOADS WIN DS BUCC ANEER . GR ANO · A W ARD . WILLI A MS ALL STAIRS. RO NCISS/00 ROSI N MOO D. SU M MER TI MM SPI .. ·11.00 75.011 SI M SI M SLI M SLOP 21.11 ACTIO N CHIC O VIeDifel A CO NT AC T M AJOR LIII AGU· WISCO NSI N CRAZY BALL SU M O UP H U MPTY DU MP ,/ 43 .11 50.10 u se 60. . 30.00 23.00 30.00 40.00 CO NS OLES KII· NEY BONUS SUPER BELL. 54 3130.00 W hi rr BONUS SU M BELL. H A W ·UCKLE Y TR AC K ODDS. D. DJ.P 111.111 103.1. M US K YOURLITZIN Ills 5143.03 1COIN MEN YOU KNOW Milwaukee: (Continued from page 215) shuffle boards or shuffle bowl ga mes in smaller spots which had no room previously for full sized boards. Boetcher and his staf did the work by the mselves at their workshop. Chicanes (Continued from page HS) bulk equipment, paying of. Leon finds a modern bulk unit adds to and. at the sa me time consolidates location coverage, benefiting both the location owner and the operator. For the fifth year in succession, Marie and Bill Laceasen. of L. & S. Novelty, Kaukauna, Wis., were part of a group of friends who made up a party which journeyed to Indianapolis over the Decoration Day vacation to take in the 500- mile races. The first softball ga me in the Ap- To m King and Paul Crisman. heading King & Company, are convinced of the wide popularity potential of the New Northwestern 10-colu mn penny tab gu m vender. With unit's introduction only a few weeks passed, operator queries and orders for the machine are already W «shingle*: (Continued from page 15 that his co mpany's location picture is "quite favorable." He attributes much of his new business to the morning Bing Crosby show for Minute Maid, which is now being aired in Washington. Atlas Amuse ment Co mpany opened a new arcade Decoration Day week-end at its offices at 1380 H Street, Northeast, according to Anthony J. Cicala. The location holds 20 machines. Harvey Gold man. Capital A musements, Inc., is leaving for a 10-day vacation in the Poconos. Decoration Day week-end business was not up to expectations. ROC K-OL A MA ROCK -OL A '41 O NE SPICI AL Rrictstv VIC TOR Y SPECI AL JOCK. , SPECI AL GOL D CUP CITATIO N BALLS 111.00 soo.oe I 33.1. 30.10 211113..0000 pleton city tavern league was won by the Cigarette Service Company tea m by the impressive score of 22-2. Russ Dougherty. Wally Cotton and Hank Sue & were in there swinging all the way. edging up to okay levels, they say. ... Bob Alexander. Alexander Postage Sta mp Service, has increased hi soperation of dual weighing scalesta mp vender units, following his place ment of a few such units earlier The Teddy Crawfords celebrated their silver wedding-anniversary. He is co-owner of the Sterling Novelty Co mpany and is looking forward to an upswing in business this su m mer. W E API DISTRIBI/Y ORS PO*: D. GOTTSIS. I. CO MP A NY ROCK-OL A M AN UF ACTuRI N. CO MP ANY this year. Bob says he's using Ha m- Max (Wasrie- Maxie) Silver man.. George ¡abet.. of Fond du Lac, is ilton Scale Company's combination Quality Music Company, now spon- U NI VERS AL INDUSTRIES WILLIA MS M A N UF ACTURI NG C D. JE NNI NDS · CO MP ANY mighty pleased with his recent installation of new Seeburg music scale-sta mp vender advantage, securing models to some new good scale sors four plugs his radio shows on which he record of the week. Sil- OE NCO M PG. CO. 0.-and Ma w Wicker, Kicker · Catcher Canister O r . 131.00 boxes. The big need for ope these locations he "couldn't touch" before. verman also is using teevee and days, according to George, is movie trailers, tying in with mass Leeml M oney Maker IN Machlnee --Ne w and Used. Contact U. Sr Prices an Any PA .*. Hyin e Zorin ey H. Z. VE N DI NG stronger co-operation between all coin machine people so as to make for better financial returns for all legiti mate operators. Marianne Fo uler. of Sheboygan's At Exhibit Supply Company, final preparations were being made on the enlarge ment of the engineering depart ment, which is under the direction of Ed Hughes. With the new displays of the Record of the Week. Al Mazur, Marco Enterprises, re- ported thieves broke into his machines four times recently. Er SALES CO. r OMAHA 5203, 01 ocee ms M. Branch Office: Om as St.. Lincoln. . ., COIN MACHINE Fessier Co mpany, is adding angling to her list of achieve ments. Already a tennis and golf award winner, Marianne recently went shopping for fishing equipment. Eldred Fouler is also dusting of his rod and reel, and the two should make a record breaking brother and sister co mbination. set-up, firm expects to carry out its over-all production plans with more dispatch. . ..Frank MencurL sales manager, has co mpleted two brief trips plus taking in the AC M MA show in the past two weeks. . . . Vice-President Joe Batten, a rabid Twin Clines: (Continued from vaco 15) Dave Ziskin,, who recently opened Dave's Distributing Company in Minneapolis, plans to bring along a mechanic and the head office girl baseball fan, takes personal interest fro m the Silent Sales Co mpany force in revising the baseball cards used with which he formerly was 'asso- in card venders.... Executive Vice- ciated. The move will be made as AND MUSIC ROUTE Avaii·ble in Fireball Section of South Making the rounds of operators with his line of pre miu m equipment recently, was the Ace Manufacturing President Ford See mliest is one of the busiest persons at Exhibit these days now that the arcade and ga me soon as the Silent Sales firm ' of which Dave was vice-president, dissolves. . . . Bill Percy. Wurlitzer oLvoeuirsiatwneantywit(2h51couyantrmsy. Wine opened for Business fine. Man must choose In my ease money or wife. A nepwproecxliuimpartneelnyt $w2i5t.h00e0x.c0e0ptioinnvesotfmveenrty. feAlwl Company, rep, M. Hoelderle. Charles A.· Miller. Racine shuffle- board distributor, was refused a li- divisions are in full sway and production on arcade pieces is being stepped up. service instructor at Lieberman Music Co mpany, has been on jury duty the last two weeks to snafu the phonograph department, according pinie gceEs.quiMp mmieent,M-WIICKMLerbAoMoIka,B BMoonduesles,s. GCamM-. Crosses. If you are a live wire Its time to Res on the Pall. Inquire. cense to operate in Milwaukee County by a recent Circuit Court Les Bieck. manager of H. C. Evans' music division, planned to attend the to Jouas Ressler, sales manager.... Bud Harrison. Minneapolis operator, decision. Ruling was based on a Cleveland Phonograph Merchants' is adding bowling ga me equip ment BO X D-377 e/e fl. inboard Ci minaati 12. 0. shuffleboard license ordinance which requires license applicants to have been residents here for at least two years. .2aoh la Ike GENERAL en LEADE M1111) WE'RE MAKING ROO M FOR THE EUILDERS . . EXPANSION SALE 001711E11 BOWLETTES TWIN SHU$1FF9.LE" Seled-a-Card * BRAND NE W 5 1 6 9' 5° Reeondlrlanerl, S139.30 WILLIA MS IR A N O 11 W Los·RECMOoNdeDlI,TIwOitNhED: Gutters ...5131.50 Plot fop GOYI M' Se * rn "teri:In.Z' $1 8 9.50 [:* Ca ms . Association's annual convention in Cleveland June 1, but pressing business kept hi m away. .. .Ray CanM a, Chicago operator, was another who couldn't make the Cleveland journey because business was on the upswing. ...Despite the general feeling that the end of May was too late to hold a coin convention, several local fir ms disclosed this week that they were satisfied with the orders resulting fro m the AC M MA. One reason for the sales seems to be that conventioneers dropping into Chicago found a lot of sincere opti mis m in these parts. to his route in an expansion move. Hy Greenstein is enthused with the Coral record revival of "Little Bit Independent' and "Si mple Melody" by Bob Crosby and Georgia Gibbs and predicts theme will be big hits, with operators already buying the platters for their music machines. ... Fred FixeL of Pe mbina, N. D., has written friends in the Twin Cities that he will have to replace floors in all five of the downstairs rooms of his house because they were so badly da maged by the floods fro m the rampaging Red River. Universal Industries is getting steady response to its Winner, a oneball ga me, and also Shuffle Tournament, shuffleboard conversion. . . . Les Roosted and Hy Sandler. sales men for Lieberman M USIC Co mpany, left after the Decoration Day week-end for their respective terri- 5 4n if Od ell .... 0 25.00 a Od..nunt on above le loft $ ma da ms Sr more ..-- Ten .: I 3 cash wt . order. balance C.O. D. W rite fer C M . . . IMO . .. * ,e Mel Rinks. president, and Bill Ryan. vice-president, played host to a steady strea m of visitors at the plant and also took time out to look into Universal's expansion plans which tories to push Wurlitzer 1250 phonographs.... Kelly Diedrich, of Chaska, Minn., keeps adding more shuffle novelty units to his route. (I ENERAL faie 2/2- .o. are moving ahead of schedule. .. Alvin Gottlieb, D. Gottlieb & Co mpany, reports Bank-a-Ball is proving the best turret shooter five ball the Gabby Cluseau, Grand Rapids, Minn., is adding Shuffle Alley ga mes to his operation.... Another expansion with shuffle games plus music fir m has made . . . Charlie Merl. is that of E. A. Coddingion. Min- RIDDLE & HOWARD STS. ·Phone: KT.,' 4119 BALTIMORE 1, MD. Keeney's new sales manager, is neapolis operator.... Frank Daviddru m ming up a lot of interest in the son, Spooner, Wis., com mon, is buy- THE BIG HIT AT THE SHO W! Double Bowler and Duck Pins shuf- ing Twin Bowlers for his route.... fle ga mes, featuring disappearing Iry Gro wn. Hy- G Music Co mpany pins. Their main difference is that record expert, says Dixieland jazz MONARCH'S New 1950 Modernistic Design Double Bowler is 9% feet long, platters are selling better than ever while its running mate is an eight- with operators loading their ma- SHUFFLEBOARD W RITE FOR PRICES Also Spacial on Ouuranie.d Thoroughly Reconditioned DeLus· Units footer. Herb Perkins. head of Purveyor Distributing, reports response to the Atom-Jet unit, which he displayed chines with the m. ... Operators in the Twin Cities last week included Bill Welch and Glen Shekel, of Chippe wa Falls, Wis.; Glen Racliff. Superior, Wis.; Harlan Beach, Alex- Se 1mite.1 ,9,04 e"1"1 "·'b000" 1MIC HIGA N 2998 ones OsuPnI,R AaTnOR.S--ContaTrelleopwhoDneet:roiTtE 561*, ND . 0It ke. I-4455 at the AC M MA Show, has been so andria, Minn., and Elgin McDaniel. heavy he is still trying to catch up Wadena, Minn. on the backlog of orders in his office Unit Al a remote-control pin-type ga me, with patrons playing the unit BRAND NE W ARCADE fro m their seats at a bar. To m McNeill, who also worked in the Purveyor booth, said the fir m has re- EQ UIP ME NT FOR SALE ceived calls fro m its three-State territory steadily since the show ended. 4 weeks bid. Must sacrifice. White Spot Arcade 109 Pre m . Se. Las Veg. , N ee bum 10. 1950 The Billboard COIN M ACHI NES 117 Record Revie ws (Cmitionted from page 105) WEIGHT 8 POUNDS CLUB tit',11DLE ARTIST TUNES GOTTLIEB GAMES RIP IN C O N NECTICUT IT'S LABEL AND NO. CO M MEN T AR T M OR TO N- T HE EVEL Y N BELL NI G H TI N G ALES POPUL AR A>Iras,hes1,,of ofRoses 1-· rtn. arun, r, 74--75--72--75 T:r,sroumebaltedher.Heart. Troubled Mind 61 --6 2--60 --60 111 SPI RI T U AL I T HEInsN4I162G H TI N G ALES So mething Within M e Zratbd, inockervely paced spiritual il recorded rath 78--78--78-- NS k. clarity and builds meltingly. 11 Seaboard New York Corp..' NE W ENGLA ND 'R A NC H SIL VERT O NE . 24 Franklin Are., Hartford, Conn " SI N GE RS M enses 46-1 606 Mercury 5153 let · High way to Heaven Brighter murder .5 also well-recorded by the di,thetrae.sounding male quartet. C%eah l chant Is pot Secret OVPI 0.1111 Prarma,yerrhythmic budding by solo chanter and striding pow. 78 -78 -78 - NS 73 -74 -73 - NS $139" By egonspdelBysde isamere «dinar, efort. SACRE D BRAND NEW CLOSE OU TS! New Gottlieb Select a Cant lame Heaney Leary Stake. V M n Beene IMO . Ten Meeks W11115 FOR PRICES Ne w WIltleam O W Twin, latest Medal, W M reeler, New Keeney Ten Pink a New belly N W Rook Und N M Reel, Very O M I.t.t Silly 20S,ICIIIn.ninneg,w very O wn Willia ms Star Socles, 'err <I nn OlSIMSNIW.,urnIleexwelre,ttNeeyon,Meeduneckwed Dlone Peel Table, aectory recent tione· lilte new tally C.141nen, m ay cla m USalnliteedTriairpleetrIANllNeysI-,EriMfN new Keeney elnele ···15·4 ar KbeelelnyeyDeGeLludxeleDrmeeewt,Ora3-l214 saIly M. EL Drew eel, 1.1·JM MG M 195.60 149.30 141.10 211.00 21300.00.000 173.00 20 .10 M A» , 11.10 14..38 119.34 M175.·A·RI M S. Write few pr ice on ne w United Shuffle Espi e d.. Unireeenl, Chinese Coin, ne w Gene°, United, Exelbit Fi.'. Ball ø. . .. .0K.(VENDING CO N. 3,4 I So, Philadelphia 21'.Pa. M Arltet 7-6565 or 7-6391 1dP ZOOMING · · e 1.4-·.ftr.!:e et,· big PROFITS... ) 4e - NE W . . SE NSATI O NAL . PACKED WITH PULL ! An weing, Diff ,Sure-fire Ge m* FLYING SAUCERS · let- Dee lned · Ge mpart -C.4n So Carried In Yete Cie · le & For Le m Than $200 Wlre - Write--Phone INTERNATIONAL MUTOSCOPE 44-01 Eleventh Street Long Island City I, N. Y. JO H N D A NIEL Q U AR TET ra m 221 DI N A H SH OREGE NE A UTR Y COlUrnbaa 38828 ICofmpYetoeuntCaimalne the Whole World harmony snoop Ultra in a pleasant- Mouth sereyer·menire rendition of · fair seared tune. LEkaned.?AtucnreossInfrathemoreSeaInterest, and the group eves It a raining, rhythmic go TTheh,alabeOll'sd Rtwouggtope.dsellCergessertists with dunes and eman, tor in a sincere rand'''on ot the popular standard. Siindis sell for along Inlenlyt,i.*mGaredwe,hymn b Iserrain ,sed WIl warmth and darns by the duo. 69-.651.-69.- NS 72 -72 -72- 4n 82.--82 -82- 445 79 -80 -79 - NS INTERNATIONAL GE OR GE KAINAPAU- H A W AII A N EeSEIRELKNSA52D5ERS RICHARD KAUI411 QUARTET bell 5E5 521 tklateellael IOSEP H LASI CIC Y OR K nee :an. 2092 L·ei ofdisk,Sea hime many others Isued by the label 7 I--73--72--68 tenalltentously, was cut ,n Hawed. Pretty song b heartIlulty sung in Eng lish by a Me *brat1 tee)r and typical group. KPoatuhlerarlaemotiOveHilosoft.tHoanendakraanhdi:lion 01 · kne spring r. mo m . aie.e for wrinrer sras. In Heathen. Fly litle Hawaiian Hanapcopmybo is similar ta the Sett 70--73.-72.416 Wirith unit here. Will haw a tough lab Enema ite Paean tem. NBrisekrd erWraiopumsea is crooned In Keralian. Urbana 61 -65 -59- 411 isd . fare for Saks. 'Briskn,SlosenL,ualln-atybpye wain, with omen. msmeralb en. 65 -63 -65 -67 b danceable. it,. mostly feble Let's lively SDlovaennicaen Ppololkkaa ta tbe Yenberie style our* 73 -72 -72-75 be. play. M A CK STRIE GL Er HIS ALPI NE VALLCERS Command 2002 BEscuelflfeanlto...tretrMuInrarRdhaleinlraelaninadnde«r could om in German, Swiss, Scandinrara, and Polish man. BNana palllavepoll. roMr German and Swiss sectors. 70 -70 -69 -71 PHIL CLISECEYNSKI & POLKA BAND Deere 55103 (W e) WCleaend-diprngeclatAt baWndItaQnk s SPoltoko,a dktirative sound. Thd ed. hm aPalish meal by the leader. Attractive material. ·bright. aid Thera criso 'minor .. Is te nd rolth a stream, tleey beat. Okay for Polish and Germanic "abet. 73v-73v-72 -73 75.-75 -74 -76 BOBBY CAPO Sena 7041 LATI N A MERI C A N IBronasdo.rpahrnaiseod,(bsoomleewrhoat/ trichy melody gets · strong try from Cape who sings itin dame tempo. Amer Y Mai A rral sirtseau Aeraramint« (labbolebyro)the Latin Sinatra, who alternates punchy onernee pirases with broad netne ws lite In an intrados pro w. 76--7 6--7 6--75 81 -82 -80 -8 13 ROL-A-TOPS Sc-10c-25c PLAY I Cherry Pay 2- 1 Cherry Pay 3 .--Iblystery 3-5 Payout: Standard Mystery 3-5 Payout, Club -No Lemon on First Reel. . Ahoy.. Priests P. 0. 5. Chicago WAILING MFG. (O. 4650 W. Fulton St. CHICAGO 4,4. Ili. eu. late-era., Columbus 1,2771 GYN. *dol men mialAVattadtra,- Cedes.. fir M OST LIBERAL M OST MAGNETIC M OST PR OFITABLE MACHI NES FOR EVERY AMUSE MENT PURPOSE O. D. JENNINGS & CO. 4307.35 W. LAKE ST, CHICAGO Vt, IL Bally's SPEED BOWLERS Slightly Coed If Intrreated, Call IN PERFECT SHAPE AND READY TO SHIP COLLEGE DAZE SN ARIS14 00TER BO WLI NG CHA MP IHST 21 BAR NACLE BILL . UNITED SHUFFLE A U.!? UNITE D SNUFFLE 11.1.111, WITH CON VERSION ..... GOTTLIEB MO WLIETTI $119.50 19 0 51.00 169.50 49.50 109.50 111.50 179.50 Ly Deposit Must Aceo mpaey All Onio n/ NATIONAL IMES & DIST. CO. 416 5. ST. PAUL DALLAS, TEXAS Plumes CLA W 6374 W ANTED Distribution Coln Operand Medhines tot the . fella wing W elted «, Maryland, District of ColorabIrs, Vir1inia. and West Val' 't. Write or call Mr. Harvey Gold man, CAPITOL AMUSIMEIRS. INC. 631 Pennsylvania An.. S. E. Weslungten. D. C. Ph ..: Lincoln 4-6275 BOBBY CAPO Eeeco 7053 TR OPI C AL OR K Seem 804 PUPI CAMPO CIREE 5.500 4121 EDMUND° ROS ORK Landon 799 AAeberirate.:fudliceballa(dbolOleer.o/by the polden.torsed lad Irani Puerto Rico. Solt *I UM adds awarm torah. Sesa me L. thernbita Ison m oets mo) CEeateeleleennttn.trproideradseiomin,scoriniinnganshkaarsm eserannttiearl,ArtandInflue*rnacte-. able brat. 83 -H4 -82 -82, 81 -84 -80 -80 New Orleans Novelly Co. IIS Magazine Si'. Ne w Orleans I. La Phone, CAnal 5306 QlrauanotRe « El M w orded waithmbothe (higmha mNabnon/y Or .techn,cal er.spnms of thw Peres Pre* version, there's a solid, 74 -72 -74 -77, COR RECTION I Abto Novelty's New Counter Game *meanie Peat heft. AnMoathmerbo',adHoe.rum5plt which the composer ¡Mutt? cat more Ira ins inns, Is at lean is dancetele. 72 -70 -72 -75 PPruierta.aati'v'e. eluseng by m(oCadmmerpanombamnaod)mbopangorilfInp Is mixed with afro a toll-flavored *nee 76--77--76--75 I.*. Gera Oi Mbs piano tere.,Parsthisee,IsCltheuditrateterImsidea mbMat/n its tra t, 77--78--77--76 TILT -TEST wseavseraladverdistitsriebdutorat aadspricIen thofe $3har4.m50 lidin Billboard.Tea correct price should be $27.50 Dreudeucetod Incsurbestasaentdietlpryodutcotiomnakethethispriceravinweo.n POseitrar. eteentrit patterns. aThe TrLual-mrmiLarltai-ncsatrabon(oMnarsanhalirdectium madly al with titillating English lyrics. Crate get hie pap play. M y Favorite Sa mba doAti0n.g,4 M5tho.,1 iMt'sG MbakiWnegb; inthdrealsaranlhatilbednokayPaso,.for Ileselty lyre .n EAQII1P (Continued on page IfQ 71--72--71--70 68 68 69 67 l2TC/iDABe.lNuIAurAaneMinul0LldeuTR.4us-.ceseoroheWCnneadawitlelPeeuAnlrtsw·..nSEenomte^rac.Drnwn.hSre.:bEra.a1a4ex.r.-amn7Snhh.182Iido1«0lP-g1.bootpiIwpn0eBteeSan0ee'.rgnorEe,weatwtCtaCsiEa,CraCooWrErendbefnniud*tsS.tJnolMioeniVerIasoreVsenrhPlntFnUeed.nPoeddetdnOerAeNnsIrI..rC,syP®haRDsi.ianen CYdtaneataAlrSil84w0csraarAAe0 LChRaade0t·i7LwLpeu5oerl.adElneeeb0EiIdLna Nr0Lo...tyn,,tk fort «ere. 11 8 COIN MACHINES The Billboard June 10, 1950 finest R E C O N D I TI O N E D EQ UIP ME NT IN T H E NATI O N Do not confuse oter Reconditioned Equipment with so-ealled "CloseOuts" or "As Is" Equipment Every rnsehine we all it in BLAUTIFUL SHAPE, READY FOR EIXAIION ALI BA11.1 . . ALICE IN WONDERLAND AQUACADE BANJO BARNACLE RILL . $44.50 44.50 84.50 34.50 54.50 BAZAAR .. BERMUDA BUCCANEER BUTTERPLT CARIBBEAN CATALINA . CINDERELLA CONEY ISLAND CRAZY SALL CRO WN JEWELS DE W- WA-DITTY . FLOATING POWER .... GNRUAMNPDTYADWUAMRPDTY JUST 121" LMAARIRDAIT ... . RAINBO W RAMONA . 29.50 29.50 59.50 29.50 29.30 29.50 34.50 29.50 29.50 29.30 49.50 59.50 29.50 149.50 29.50 34.50 39.50 39.50 ROBIN HOOD . SALLY .... SCRE WBALL . SHANGHAI SOUTH PACIFIC . . 3344..5500 34.50 29.50 149.50 STOR MY 29.50 SU M MERTI ME . . . 39.50 SU NNY 29.50 TE UPTATID 39.50 TE NNESSEE THRILL .... TRINIDAD 29.50 34.50 29.50 TANKS 29.50 U NITE D USHUFFLE ALLEY .%viec.eeeice ugm--$12955 Exhibles Denpelitive Pintai Domes El "SILVER BULLETS r Brand Now In Crates Lice New $195.00 159.50 PARTS CLE AR A NCE $1P1AR0.T0S0-3I3n5.0a0tonInedassorCtAeSdH TR AY SILVER ICING PARTS. PRI CE FOR ALL .$50.00 Record Revie ws (Continued fro m page Ilf) 100 Oh) A R TIS T LA BEL AN D N O. T UN ES CO M MEN T DINAlf SNORE Pm .). la pret. 1-10 I STEVE BARRY Adventure 45.A.18 1-7" I451 CHILDREN The First Day at School (Parts Iand tali@ product.aa was mitten by Gerald 'And, s· Millen Pascal. it, dunning song and narrai.r., t coven the essitIng experiences of be en , r-h..., melting it mu m quite attractive. Fine 1 Mita Short, anti a beautifully packaged eta. 79--80--78--NS The Jumbo Record of 21 Mother Goose Soa p (2 temeerplayins 45partsrp)m platter coven a lot el manil a Barry slaos Informally, with small at, and does a big selection ef only the most popular nurlery ton e Big W m hone. 79--711--110--NS MUCCSY SPANIER 1). HIS DIXIELAND BAND Mercury 0424 HOT JAZZ Lazy Piano Mars Floyd Bean composed and h featured en plane In this m ade, lalineful glow blues which also snots · 61. of Nu mb, blowing aMe mated solo. Dixie Flyer ', fl y, punching Iwo style helps soak orNlnal Instrumental Mort. a driving 72--75--72--69 70--73--70--66 LEON CillAPPELL Cap 1000 COUNTRY Br WESTERN True Blue Papa Jun opul, in the t'Cilny Dorn Daddy' rein, it taken at a danceable lit, but the warbler tells to Impress. Yen Hear Me Talkie' Not much te Nis country blow, with some affected Shied. 62- 62 61 64 60--60--60--60 Will ATCHIS Cap 1001 TIZAS JIM ROBERTSON Weter 21-0334 My Pillow Knows So0.1111 M side Ands Atcher [hinder than usual. projecting with 191re One Kind Word Buoyant opus is rendered Western ditty has only moderate strength. style. Didactic Yesterday's Kim ., the bra.reiced ore wrestle% with a realm hat of material here. One Kind Word Didactic Oitty is warbled and mired with FP special virtue, 74--75--73--73 66--66--65--66 68--67--67--69 611--68- 42--69 LEON McAULIFVE Gol 20706 KENNY RORERTS CAM , 6.045 LO W ELL BLANCHARD Mer 62 0 Boneparte's Retreat McAul ,fe provides convoke of the hit front the hills. A strong, fell, le al and imt , meMti reading all in great dance tempo. What. Where, and When Harmony [Pun tune is simple, telentive, plaintive stuff that mold catch. Penetrating. Mnceable rend.t . Boogie W eigle Yodel Song Slight blues opus 9.tee Roberts a :hence to shear ell his meet upper tones. Billy sad Nanny Goat Cane rou e, could go in both lolt MI Oldie& machete. Uses the 'We three red shirts elMet off the line" therm. Jesus Nits Like the Atom Bomb Blanchwd with (he Valley Iris hands to, new wk. ltual hit -am hillbilly treatment hut It, Site with senor miremkking manner.m0 132- 41--131 -83 13 -113 -83 -83 76--77--76--76 12--112 -113 -112 74--76--75--70 RETURN PRIVILEGE WITHI N 10 DAYS IF NOT SATISFIED WITH OUR RECONDITI ONED EQUIP MENT MILLS THRONE CulPlayre«repcaoinntese.d lion. fer location. $99.50 IC ·meet la setts all ·raers. C O. D SEND FOR OUR COMPLETE t157 OP REC O NDITI O NE D PH O N OS AND GA MES D A VI D R OSE N 855 M. MO M STREET FMILIIOLI MIA. 23, EA. MIME: STEVENSON 2-1903 FI VE BALLS Nev·ela, Lucky Ste, Ofeer. %Cantle, M. Dolly 12.1 CFlhaiMtu.asrevTeeele,CoiMnMcmpealBsaew,as.menil,ee··IRaIc,eCart.·unitlMehetIlMnnIe,iOne.MPayLrsaatu19derer,a1y,0 15 Cha, Floe & Ten. Vietery (clean ON E B ALLS ROLL DO W NS Telly Roll, Minn, end Advance Bally .. MoWll.WI1.IMeI.I 111 PHoilttesvianned Runs, Bight Balls M USIC AN D ACCESS ORIES WMSieleluMlssrluaAriltTheen:rrdonTeGwail-ncl..e12anM-.nOaPnmelW.oo.Gramnclson,eat,kSEedW . Co- Meea sine, me; Classic MI R·eOlvsatken-lelOlesResck.Wi01ned,sor,Mick14l0e;y.StaMnednarad. .IS-vs.ovel A RCA DE . Chicago Seebure Coin lays, Hockey Sally ReSiandglePao, Berne SU Rolls gi Scorer . Ste& Sells BcroaotriknegolSoonineMee Stalle-extre .. T1 O nane. ·.eNly Se Ter mer Irl 0.. WB.ithGrWaneder,Ra»ilneese.. C. O D. E. d L SIM COMPANY S13 Colleens Are, N. .°vane Rapid. gdgyels. Scott-Crosse Co. 1423 Spring Garden Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Rittenhouse 6-7712 ARCHIE CAMPBELL (The Old Timers) Meet 6253 F O R SA LE UNITED SHUFFLE ALLEYS W ith Lite -a-Pins A-1 Condition -Very Clean $99.5 0 Depotit -Belance C. O. 0. Chillicothe A m use. Go. Chillicothe, Ilinois MECHANIC WANTED Chided./ Distributer wants enable Mechanic Immediately. Inside work. M ust be experienced on all types coin shluip ment. Excellent oppott unilre. ,end fiait dMails. Including salary expected BOX 360. e/o Th. Billboard, 188 W 1M, Chicago SOL HANK THOMPSON Cr. IO U DILL BOYD Vider 21 4335 IERRY BYRD (n. String Dusters) Mac 6255 EDDIE ZACK °era 46245 ATTENTION! e verts* V·st Pocket United Shuffle Skills Willia m. Se Sarl.. Willia m. Quarter/tack Seelsore Pre war 1 le 50 49.50 la. O L.S H EI N DIS T. C O. 100 Broadway Albany 4. N V SA M HINTON ABC 230 Feed 'Ewa in the Newlin', Change 'Ent, Feed 'Ern in the Evening Blu m Tanate. (aril is eat out in front with this ow, the Blancherl eleeS e Cretlitable Job- Them* lo some `Name" effect. en gad.. 73--72--72--76 The Tent et tie Wheel Campbell warbles. with Writ, and feel. , a m iddl ing manlier. Ple mant, unobscrucl w aide. 72--72--72--72 The Picture of You Another quietly co mae. , gm by Campbell mild PM.r. Pere re 70--70--70--70 Take a Look at This Broken Heart of Mine Thorn"on char m Frith an arresting torcher lo br,pht temp, Ire, one trot the nuking, 83--83--83--114 She's a Girl Without Any Sw ..... art 61--61--61--61 Waltz ballad isn't up to Ile in conception or irnaect. Red River Reg Fivees are guitars make merry on a tamely cottony fag. 71 --71 -71 --71 Come and Get It Bill and Jim Boyd harmonica a harmless bit on me- wlt, while co at puns it up in back. 61--611--6111--61 Three String Swing Slick miter p4king on a country Mier that leas a pass. % resemblance to "Ale Mall Special." 72,-74 -72- 40 Kilima Waltz 73--73--73--74 Pel met, leamnian-llawsred walla Is plucked pretty. That Silver Haired Daddy of Mine Warbler Wheal in a sweet poignant bal m, with neat WS W Item fem learn adters. 73--73--73--73 Dill Pickles 66 -66 -64 -68 Accordion 0rmeorks on the resurrected old rap ditty. Old Nan Atom autrentic folk style edilerW baud on the Mom bon* it a serrecalle sed topical slicing which Mould End action with literati. folk collectors, deepen and in city folk awes. Long lehe fradnionain me on/antic fellt material Is well bore by Mini m. More for fOlt male lenders then ter country belt. 12- 44--112--110 70 -71 -70 -65 Sensational Different Jet-designed Ga me! Else Pacemaker at Me Chicago Coin Ma dune Convention FLYING SAUCERS Packed moi Praha Pella °ends! Compact!WIreC-o-nWriteLea·fliTohamen. $2001 111INATIONAL MUTOSCOPE 44-02. Eleventh St., Leta Wand City 1, N. Y. »CADE AND LOCATION EQUIPMENT ildl COUNTE R G A MES A A.KiIddecBva.kl.eT. .r.C.arG·udnMCsaotveccknheedrrer M a wear imcenu l-er arsyobmasOaneo r (NE W) 13 $49li.5l0t al M29.E8A*0O p 0 39U.L»M 0 singe illead) TM I.iol WtlaalyisTeesrGtrip(UWwwade/ ere 1.E0 0 F-lit.-e-Ft-een-ee- -..... . - -.·....EL-M 25 EPOQUNIE.PME195NT0. CLATULALUOGI-LIONU ..RE.Q.UE.STID à 5 jil N. Y. IS, SeN./ Y.Melt a,·. at lai«rliMda si-Mitll ,rind p · June 10, 1950 The Billboard COIN M ACHI NES 19 Cohen To Quit Coin Tele Activity in L. A.; Biz After 45 Distribs and Ops Make Hay Years in Field (Continued from page 102) Harold Parrow is the local répre fflontinued_fro m page The Silent Sales Company Corporation is in the proces of being dissolved. Cohen Ls president; Dave Ziskin, vice-president, and Ben Friedman, secretary-treasurer. Ziskin already has severed his connections with Silent Sales and has opened his own fir m, Dave's Distributing Company, with headquarters at 1815 Riverside Avenue, Minneapolis. Friedman Is negotiating to buy out Cohen's interest in Pioneer Distributing Company, a cigarette machine operation, and already has rented new or aug menting their juke box routes is practically nil. Heretofore, location owners have been following the general practice of buying their own sets, and the opportunity of getting revenue from television is said to appeal to the locations. Currently the location commission is about 15 per cent of the gross. 25-Cent Chutes Two of the three distributors checked by The Billboard were offering sets that give a half-hour for 25 cents and the other 15 minutes for sentative for Covideo, an Eastern con cern. His territory 13 within a radius of 25 miles of the City Hall. Parrow said that his set has a 10-inch screen and is encased in a metal cabinet. A plan is under way to ofer sets with 14-inch rectangular black tubes. The set gives 30 minutes for a quarter. Covideo also has a $60-a-year service. The locally made sets use RCAlicensed equipment. The manufacturers have equipped their sets with adequately sized coin quarters at 1316 Nicollet Avenue. ·Going with Friedman are Sol Rudick a dime. The dime set representative said that he originally had sets with boxes. Vis -A-Tone still holds $50 or $60. and Coin TV, $35 to $40. THE HIT OF THE SHO W · and Fred Nassau «, who own shares quarter chutes but changed to a dime Distributors believe that coin-tele- in the business. Recently Pioneer dis- at the insistence of the operators. vision is just coming into its own in posed of more than 100 of Its St. Paul Walter Carle, who resigned as di- this ,.rea. While the coaxial cable is stops to Fritz Eichhinger, St. Paul operator, and is concentrating on its Minneapolis locations only. Cohen sold his share in Coin-aMatic Amuse ment Company. Minnemoons operation, to Harry Shepherd. The latter retained Harold Liberman, of Acme Music Company, to manage the Coin-a -Matie operation for him. Cohen has disposed of the L & M S-'es Co mpany, formerly Minnesota Ma -hines, to Ted La wn and a part- Cohen still retains a small share in Willia ms Novelty Company which is being operated by Marty Kantor, who also operates the Harmony ItIAPOA Elects Music Company, but probably will sell it. Officers for '50 The "Sphinx" told The Billboard about each of these developments, yet indicated talk of his im minent retirement is pre mature. Asked if it would be "in about a year," he indicated it would. Cohen, who is 65, has been in the coin machine business since 1905 when he began operating and distributing Regina electric pianos and hexaphones. He formed the Silent Sales Company, which now occupies quarters at 200-208 1th Avenue, S., rector of news and public service at KTTV here a few months ago, is handling the sales for Carle & Sherman. This firm has the excl usive national distributorship for the CoinTV, the set that operates on a dime. Coin-TV is ofered with a 12 1/2 - inch screen and a 16-incher is soon to be placed on the market. The cabinet, made with let Inch mahogany veneer, is 21 by 21 by 20 inches. Equipped with a Welcome timer, the set with the smaller screen sells in lots of five for $235 each. The 16inch set will sell for approxi mately $260. Carle & Sher man will sell single units, however, even the prices are quoted in lots of five. In this quantity the firm offers to secure locations at the rate of $25 each. Carle explained that a large percentage of this amount went to the salesman securing the spot. A service policy for $55 is also available thru this firm. It covers unconditional service for one year, parts warranty, insurance against fire, theft and marine comprehensive. the latter insuring the set on location or in transit. anticipated, it will be over · year before it reaches here. At the present, work is going forward on acable connecting San Francisco and Lus Angeles. However, it Is possible that micro-wave transmission between the two cities will be in actin, before the cable. Practically al of the sports are available over the local stations, an important point to operators. There is some discussion over intercollegiate footbal but the problem is expected to be ironed out. (Continued from page 102) of the Detroit Common Council, and Andrew Baird, sheriff of Wayne County. Also Robert Ball and Jack Carlisle. The Detroit News: Ralph Turcot, chief of detectives; Inspector Herbert W. Case and Lieutenant Schwartz, Detroit censor bureau; Mark Bel taire. Detroit Free Press colu mnist; Willia m Carlson, Secret Service Minneapolis, about 1930 when pinball Table Model chief; Inspector Felix Pacten. Detroit machines ca me on the market. While Joseph Torrens, formerly a New Police Depart ment; Willia m C. Ryan, 4th REEL SUPER JAKPOT BELL Al Coin Plays 5, 10c, 25, 50c, $1.00 Any Reel Combination Cohen wouldn't co mment, it was reported that he plans to invest in real estate in behalf of his two sons, Jesse, 21. and Donald, 16. Dave Ziskin, in opening his new York practicing attorney, has had the local distributorship for the Vis-ATone coin -tele for four months and considers himself an old-timer in the business. The set is a table model undersheriff, and Willia m E. Bufa lino, vice-president of Service Drivers and Helpers' Union. Canter Fund Donation MYSTERY 3-5 ONE CHERRY 2-5 Dave's Distributing Company, has ac- with a 16-inch screen. Torrens points Morris Goldman, president of quired a one-story building with out that one of the features is the M APOA. talked briefly and presented ONE CHERRY 3-5 10,000 square feet of space. Included metal cabinet in bronze colored a substantial check, representing the is a drive-in facility to per mit oper- baked ena mel. Wooden cabinets are proceeds of the banquet to George ators to move their vehicles into the available in the console and table Edwards, former president of the De- CRISS CROSS 2-5 shop building to load merchandise. The building now is occupied by an automobile dealer who will move out in 30 days, according to Ziskin. He then plans extensive remodeling to get the structure into proper shape for showroo m and service space for his jobbing undertaking. Ziskin em- phasized that he will remain strictly in the distributing business and plans no operating. He said he now is negotiating for the acquisition of several lines on an exclusive basis but that he plans to carry all lines manufactured for service of operators. A service shop will be installed, he said. He left Silent Sales Company two weeks ago and already is doing business by tele- phone at his new location, Ziskin said. He acknowledged he had back- ing from others dicate who they arbe.ut declined to in- models. Showing the metal cabinet model only, Torrens said that the set had been approved by the city's building and safety department. Equipped troit Council and head of the local Cancer Fund drive. A special ovation was given Roy Cia ron, business manager of the association, for his preparations for the banquet. with a quarter National coin mech- A three-hour floorshow was preanism, the set can be operated with sented in two segments and included an indoor or outdoor antennae. Vis- top talent from numerous local night A-Tone also features a one-knob pic- clubs, including the Four Dukes. ture control. Alamo, Northwood Inn, Club Gay Torrens declared that one of the tfjahecicttnogrsthasatfwintinhgteeronecositthnetobodoxoopre.ranatTdhoirssslualgislothrew-se free range in the event the chassis is Haven, Club 509, El mwood Hotel. Military Inn, Club Bali and the Club Rio, es well as recording artists made available thru various recording companies. to be removed. Floor Show Sa m Weston, of Master Vision Coin0-Matie, has made arrangements with a cabinet maker and a parts manufacturer for the necessary materials for his sets, which the firm assembles. Acts in the first half included Larry Kent, emsee; Marion Sage Dancers (5); Four Dukes, male comedy quartet; Tony Fernandez, Cuban singer; Guy Mitchell, Colu mbia Record artist; Jackie Kennon, comedian; Carroll 16-Inch Seseen and Gorman, male piano-vocal duo: Operators or Club Percentage Also Pace regular 3-reel models -- All coin plays and reel and payout types. NO ADVANCE IN PRICES Comar Intro. New Switch CHICAGO, June 3. --A new snapaction switch for use with relays, limit switches and other electric coin machine applications was announced last week by the Comer Electric Cornpans here. The new unit is specially ti-signed to accom modate high inda^tive loads with a mini mum of arcing. giving it a high ampere rating. acrording to firm oficiate. The switch, which is adjustable to operating movement and over-travel. , mpact in size and weighs one cunee. Master Vision employs a 16-inch screen on both its table and sonsole models. The consoles are 25 by 25 by 40 inches. The speaker is located under the set and is protected by a Dave Martin and His Supper Clubbers Orchestra; Dixie Five, United Record artists; Little Jack Little, singer-pianist, end Dick (Two-Ton) Baker, Mercury Record artist. strong Ladee grill. Double locks are Second nalf included, in tddition to used on the back panel as well as so me of the above doing a second the coin box. Passed by the city's turn, Two Belmont Brothers, jugglers; laboratories, the set is equipped with Candy Johnson and His Peppermint National slug rejector. The principal finish ofered is blonde, and the tops Sticks. Alben Record Nelson, Danceland orchestra: Rose Record artist: are treated to protect the finish from Gladys Cooper, sepia singer; Dave cigarette burns, acids or alcohol. The Ferris. tenor soloist; Evelyn Waters console model of this set sells for vocalist; Tanya, dancer, and Dick $285. Haviland, entsee. Write for circular and prices PACE MFG. CO., INC. 2909 Indiana Ave. Chicago 16, I. 120 COIN M ACHINES The Billboard June 10,.1950 WE CAN STILL TAKE CARE OF YOU... WITH MIDGET MOVIES THAT IS .. WE CAN SHO W YOU S-O- M-E FIG- URES! HERE ARE SO ME MORE OF OUR FRIENDS .THEY CAN TELL YOU HO W THINGS SHAPE UP FOR THE M WITH AVOCET MOVIES. A M USE ME NT PAR KS Woodside Park Philadelphia. Pa. ItUkT Glen Park 1.1c.esie Fall, Pa Merry fro-Round. Satin Refit New Hay:, Cede A R C A DES Markel Amusement Newark, N. Reiner and Simon Newark. N. I The Carnival Arcade N 1 N · w ar k, BE A C H E S Henry's Arcade Seaside Ne.ghts. N. I. Bill's Arcade N. J. Seasi de 5Io b b. Seaside Anae mia (eq. Seaside Heights. N. I. AU TODAY .. WIRE OR WRITE TO CAPITOL PROJECTOR CORP. 811 Tenth Avenue New York 19, N. Y. Tel. (lute 5 5483 5484 Johnson Bill Hearings End; all," said O'Keefe, "the letter is just to clarify co mmittee thinking. We think the definition as written is all Uncertain Future Seen for Act right." Bennett said it appeared to hi m that the wording "designed or adapted" for ga mbling was causi it. the trouble. (Continued fro m Dace 1011 legislation would have little or no chance of co ming out of co m mittee if congressional leaders find a way to bring Congress to a wind-up by the end of July. So me high congressional leaders, however, are talking in terms of keeping Congress in session until mid-September. Expect Revialens In two days of hearings this week, the Crosser com mittee received sev- later that a half dozen NAAG me mbers helped draft the Preston-Johnson bill and were in accord with all of it "in principle and word by word." Ha m mond read to the com mittee a resolution of the Mid western regional HAAG adopted in Chicago, May 19, in which sub-group en- dorsed 'in principle" the JohnsonPreston bill and urged "passage of adequate legislation of this sort." "Why 'adapted'?" he wanted to know. The Justice Depart ment representative replied that adapted machines were put into the restricted class to take care of pinballs to which a pay-of mechanis m has been added. Military Senti ment Beck worth, who presided over last month's sessions, and Harris called O'ICeefe's attention to published reports that Defense Secretary Louis Johnson recently ordered bell ma- eral thousand more words of testi- Are Pine Included? chines out if the O ficers' Club at mony adding up generally to what had previously been asked in four days of hearings last month (The Billboard, May 13). It apeare more certain than ever that the com mittee will struggle to clarify the wording of the Johnson bill and nar ow it down so that its proiiisims would exclude virtually everything but slot When Ha m mond returned to the subject of the definition of ga mbling device, he was asked by Rep. Oren Harris (D.. Kan.) if he thought the bill as presently worded would restrict pinballs. fla m monl replied, "Pinballs might well be Included." Harris and Wolverton repeatedly plied the Maryland official with the Pentagon and asked for co m ments. "I think it is an indication that the Secretary is in sy mpathy with our eforts," O'Keefe said. He was asked if the military was cosulted about the section of the bill specifically banning ga mbling devices on military installations and other federal property. O'Keefe said that machines. Just how much legisla- questions about the propriety of the Justice had not conferred with the tion can be written with the fra me- federal govern ment aiding the States Defense Depart ment. Beck worth work of the federal constitution is a proble m. But the com mittee is obviously bent on tackling .it. Even the National Association of In enforcing local la ws. "Isn't this an extension of federal powers, resulting in more centralization?" Harris queried at one point. Ha m mond wanted to kno w if Justice would ask the defense secretary to knock out all bells in military clubs. "We have no present authority to do so," re- Attorneys Genercl first reco m mended (NAAG). which the legislation, declared. -Nobody is more fanatic about centralization than I, but this plied the witness, "that's one of the reasons we sponsor this bill." added its voice in testi mony this week to ather witnesses urging modification of the text on the basis that the definition of banned "ga mbling bil has nothing to do with that. It is just a help to the States." Wolverton told the witness there was little success in a la w passed to Wolverton asked O'Keefe for figures on how many Justice Department prosecutions been made under federal la ws designed to aid devices" is too broad. NAAG's aid dry States in keeping out liquor State law enforce ment officials. spokes man at the hearing this week was Attorney General Hall Ha mmond of Maryland. Earlier on the witness and asked if it wouldn't be better to leave ga mbling law enforce ment to local officials rather than "all this O' Keefe said he didn't know ofhand. A clerk handed Wolverton a letter fro m Justice on the subject. After stand was Alfred U. Krebs, counsel riga morole?" Ha m mond said that glancing at it, Wolverton said the for the National Federation of American Shipping, Inc., win., urged that local enforcement was adequate In many cases but that the bill "would nu mber of cases filed under such laws as the Federal Firear ms Act, the bill be modified to exe mpt from its provisions all slot machines aboard vessels at sea. be an added weapon." Wolverton co m mented. not like it to be generally should thought Stolen Vehicles Act, and the Mann Act "appears to be meager." SpeaLing for National Federation Calls Bill Invalid that such a bill would help particu- of A merican Shipping, Inc., la wyer J. Bond Smith, counsel for the larly." Harris then asked Ha m mond Krebs told the com mittee he has Ha milton Manufacturing Company, Minneapolis salesboard manufacturers, asked the co m mittee to exlude this type of merchandise from the if he was sure the bil would aid local enforce ment oficials. -It would be of material benefit," Ha m mond asserted. He added. "I am sure the "substantial reason to believe that the authors and sponsors of these bills did not intend to extend their juridiction to such machines (ga m- bill's definition, and he went on to attorncys general of other States agree ing) or devices on vessels while at criticize the legislation as invalid (see separate story). Com mittee members de monstrated interest in th ere irguments and appeared to b giving considerable weight to proposals for specific exemptions for amuse ment devices along lines of suggestions made at earlier hearings by Herbert Bye, Railroad Show O wners' Associatiun (RRSOA), and Dudley Ruttenberg and John Pickering, Coin Machine Institute (C MI). When Chair man Crosser will be able to schedule full-co m mittee executive consideration of the bills is proble matical. The co m mittee agenda is booked solid with other matters every morning thru J'use 16. It is possible fore the chair man to request House permission ti meet in the afterricu m to mull the proposed legislation, but such a request is unusual. Still to be received by the co mmittee is Budget Bureau clearance for Justice Department to ask funds for ad ministering the bill if enacted. Such clearance b lamella a perfunctory matter, but Rep. Lindley Beek worth (D.. Tex..) second ranking majority co m mittee me mber asked Justice to prod Budget for a speedy okay. Acludnienttive Proble m. Representing HAAG. which is com- with that al most unani mously." tletfOitI0718 GretIfication Ha m mond testified his main conce rn about the bill in its present form is centered around the section whereby all ga mbling devices are presu med ilegal in a State unless the governor certifies to the Justice Depart ment that they are legal. He pointed out there is no machinery specified in the language to cover Maryland where four counties per mit consoles, while the others ban the m. He further co m mented it might be better to have the State Legislatures make the certification. "Mao," said Ha m mond, .;there is no provision for de-certifing --if there is such a ter m." He went on to say a certain machine might be legal at one time and so be certified and then later the Legislature might reverse itself and vote to ban the nuchine. "What do we do then?" he asked, rhetorically. Before the Maryland attorney general left the stand, Wolverton got back to the point he has made during his questioning of nearly all witnesses on the legislation. "Suppose Congress raises the excise tax substantially on slot machines, wouldn't that help?" "It's an idea," com mented Ha m mond. Celt Justice Official sea and outside of .he territorial waters of the United States and its possessions, nor did they believe that the bills as drafted included such jurisdiction." He said that the bills go beyond the intent of the authors and he invited the co m mittee to have that state ment corroborated. IT'S HERE! FLYING SAUCERS The Sensdhon or The Chlcago CoA Machdd Consonhon · Costs Los. Than $200 · Jet-Designed · Crowd ' Compelling · Compost--C., Se Corrine' in Your Cnr ACT NO W ISend for Complete inforlootion INTERNATIONAL MUTOSCOPE 44-02. Earsenth Sheet Lewd Island Clay I N. Y. posed of the 48 State attorney gen- The last witness before Chair man erals and U. S. Attorney General J. Crosser ai mounced the public hear- Howard McGra.h, Attorney General ings "are adjourned," was O'Keefe, Ha m mond, of Maryland. told the who had been listening in on the co m mittee the definition of ga mbling sessions for V Justice Depart ment device In the bill is so broad that "It but was not scheduled to testify. raises proble ms of ad ministration." Rep. John Bennett spotted hi m at the Ha m mond suggested the com mittee back of the roo m and asked that he might study so me of the State la ws be questioned. to see how they define ga mbling de- Bennett wanted to know if the vices. Rep. Charles Wolverton (R.. Justice Department was sincere in N. J.) im mediately suggested that it not 'otencling to take after amuse- might be better if HAAG drafted a ment machines. O' Keefe replied. ...1(·· · now. . definition for co m mittee consider- "Certainly." The Michigan fresh- ation. man congress man ,hen wanted to In connection with Ha m mond's know if in vie w of the Justice De- wee · 01C 0111 «del DOXI objection to the definition. Dre w partment 1etter suggesting an amend - & CC U · O'Keefe, special assistant to U. S. ment, the agency was changing its Attorney General McGrath. clai med mind about the definition. "Not at Jane 10, 1950 The Billboard COIN MACHINES 121 Justice Department Favors The Last Look Changes in Johnson Bill in Protection Equipment (Continued from page 101) viously gone on record as stating that the recent hearings held on S 3357 the bill is intended to exclude juke (Johnson Bill) by the House Inter- boxes and vending machines, but a state and Foreign Com merce Co m- Justice spokesman at the previous mittee, that there has been so me ques- hearing said he thought pinball ma- tion as to whether or not the me mbers chines were not given similar protec- of the attorney general's conference tion under the bill. Whether the Jus- on cri me and the Depart ment of Justice tice Depart ment's latest proposed were in favor of or intended to in- wording would definitely exclude pin- clude in this bill machines manu- ball machines and similar devices factured for pure amuse ment. from the terms of the bill was still a Fi h.Il. Should Be Excluded "During the meetings of the subcom mittee on federal legislation of the attorney general's conference on cri me, the question of machines manufactured and used purely for amusement was discussed and it was the intention of this co m mittee to exclude fro m the bill this type of machine. It was also the intention of the Department of Justice that such machines for pure amuse ment should be excluded. matter of conjecture. Officials of Coin Machine Institute (C MI), who were present at the resu med hearings. voiced hope that the intent of the latest Justice proposal was to make It clear that interstate ship ment of pinball machines would not be made illegal under the bill. At the previous hearing (The Billboard, May 13) CMI's witnesses -- Dudley Ruttenberg, general counsel, and John Pickering. public relations director --urged specific exe mption for amuse ment ga mes. Pickering. in 'In the event the co m mittee de- his testi mony last month, urged the sires to further clarify the bill, it is co mmittee to modify the language of suggested that it might include a the definition of ga mbling device to sentence in Section Iof S 9957 along add: "The ter m shall not be dee med the lines that 'anything of value' shall to include bowling alleys, pinball ma- not mean pure amuse ment" chines, target machines, miniature This section, in its present for m, athletic machines, toys and ga mes, or defines "ga mbling device" to mean any similar machine or device de- "any machine or mechanical device, nr parts thereof, designed or adopted for ga mbling or any use by which the user as a result of the application of signed for amusement." Clarification along similar lines was also urged at the previous sessions by Dow W. Haryer, attorney for toy any ele ment of chance may become manufacturers of the U. S. A., Inc., entitled to receive, directly or indi- and by Herbert W. Bye. Chicago rectly, anything of value." lawyer, who appeared for the Rail- The Justice Depart ment had pre- road Show Owners' Association. · Inviting ·Convenient · Rugged FITS ALL MACHINES Itevolv·a-Round Doubt. Deltax· Cabinet Single tlolvertel Sund DELUXE & UNIVERSAL Cabinets and Stands You'll be ntoney ahead in any location with these dependable units that speed up sersieing and safeguard your machines. Their smart styling har monizes with the finest interiors and helps you rapture the choice spots. Write for FREE 4-Color Folder alu mina thia equipment in luxurious settings. Ops See Banner Summer Biz; , CHICAGO PR O MPT DELI VER Y METAL MEG. COMPANY Most Locations Set for 1950 3724 South Rockwell Street laikaio 32, Ilimah (Continued from nacre 101) Pacific North Coast. Included are many new dude ranches, natural locations for all types of coin machines. South Dakota, traditionally a vacationland, this year expects a record number of visitors during the su mmer months and has prepared special lures for the vacationers, including Western celebrations, rodeos, pageants, parades, etc. Season in the Dakotas will actually get under way in mid-June and will run thru Labor Day with much of the action centered in Dead wood, Custer, Belle Fourche, Rapid City, Hill City, Key City, Sturgis and Lead. Events are scheduled on practically a daily basis thru Septe mber 1. The Aquatennial, to be held in Minneapolis July 21-30, is expected to dra w some 1,000,000 persons to the Twin Cities, with many of the visitors continuing their vacations thru the Stale. Hy Greenstein, Minneapolis distributor, Is on the board of this event. Fisher men flock to this State in the su m mer, and ops have found fishing ra mps a good coin machine location. Season cli maxes with the annual Lake Superior Trout RoundUp in Duluth Septe mber 2-4. Michigan is another favorite vacation area for Midwesterners, rich in resort areas which will be blanketed by operators this season. Only major event on the schedule so far is the Upper Peninsula State Fai- in Escanaba August 15-20. thoo you buy from Ruriyon YOU BUY THE BEST BALLY SCORES AGAIN Wisconsin operators completed purchasing their licenses and assigning their equipment for the many sum mer resorts in this State several weeks before the Decoration Day week-end. Altho weather was spotty. ope reported grosses ranging fro m 10 to 30 per cent higher than the sa me period last year and reservations running well ahead of '49. Equip ment Report With The Newest, Most Sensational, and Fastest Rebound Alley Bally SHUFFLE CHAMP Immediate Delivery mime. TODA Y 1 RU NY O N SALES CO MPANY Just as there will be a wide variety of attractions to draw the tourist and his dollars in most States this su mmer, so there will be a wide variety of coin machines on hand to serve them. Shuffle ga mes and shuffleboards head the list of amuse ment equipment in locations, such as roadside taverns and restaurants, dude ranches, resor:s. etc. Pin ga mes, counter units and other types of such equip ment also are being put out by operators. Music again will be strong in the more permanent type of locations, with operators shifting equipment so as to get attractive units In the resort areas where dancing plays an important role in the entertain ment progra m. sI It I, r : 4 1,1" Nrw. R,r,r1-n I, I PP Vending machines are expected to be bigger than ever this year. especially those 'handling soft drinks, candy and cigarettes. What ore the First Two Questions aCoin Machine Operator Asks About a Service Body? il How's it made? El What'll it do for me? And here are the ans wers ... How's It Muir? "Carry- Alre. vorlitelve design and he Horn. eiv· toolion and eneinetring make erosible bossy ggggg a ml com munion twith th· cor- ren eauee for each ronspiseant) and · unique brielg·eype underbody . nod the m mete poo mble oner oll nuoleier ronanntrion with traieht end freer member tdliapahrtmse e ms any co mparable body ea «be e dam. It Do For Mr? The M ORRISO N .C.arty. A11 0 la deals: ma for toed, edeptation to may job in the coin machine industry: Mortise. made prooieiono in the beak ¿.den lee --and hie made ...ailebl· · ·elertion ol- -aperialized acce maair., that the bois Catry.AJI can be amity edapted ler any P. M.. , Corry-All Body Division MORRISON STEEL PRODUCTS, INC. 65 7 A MHERST · Y BUFFALO 7, N W rite tod·y for FRIbl: LI rE R AT URF on the M ORRISO N .Cerry.Alr', the memononal M . »Coen...ill.' TRAIL- AElTl"TESIDli.E. s"oCxasns-- sett mce merie, Jett Il" El M.S0 Stardust --Ye tray Uncials M OE Oeld CUPS . a P ar 121 Se Ithreneeler bowline Chortle .. .It Bell Tu mbleweed Show beet Me r e nee" .... L Jill 101.081100.0 . . ... 15..50 71.11 139.3111 lebble 55.01 IS M 44.311 · M O. Wisconsin Serenade Cinderella Circe& ONE BALLS Victory 1, 0.1.1 enStperceieal. WM 4f » 31.11 21. 50 S 19.54 79 1 w Woerrhmesz'e.rM, 3031 Weriltser Wen Oozes SHUFFLE ...... Keener Pin Bev ... .5133 K Rouneup SOSO Dane $9.51 Yelled Shu fle Alley . 13.1.40 T. ...3: 1,1 OEPOSIT --...... E C. O. O K EELS M USIC CO.. 9116 E. Cheyer Street, Florence. S. C. 122 C OI N M I C HI N ES The Billboard June 10, 1950 IM MEDIATE SHIPMENT BUCKLEY CRISS CROSS IACKP OT BELLE 5(t 100 OR 2 50 W RITE FOR PRICES FOR MUSIC OPERATORS BUCKLEY WALL and BAR BOXES AVAILABLE IN 20-24-32 REC OR D SELECTI O NS PRICE $19.50 Ec., IM ME DI ATE DELIVERY BUCKLEY M A N UF ACTURI NG CO. 4223 W. LAKE ST. CHICAGO 24 ILL. DIRECT FACT ORY D/5711/B UT ORS GOTTLIEB'S Buffalo Bill UNIYERSAL'S Super Twin Bowler CHICAGO COIN'S Bowling Classic UNITED'S Express-Arizona KEENEY'S lucky Slrike -King Pin EXHIBIT'S Bowl-A.Matic Shuffle Aley - Bowling Champ Conversion Bowl A.Malit Conversion -Strike It, UNI VERSAL'S newe`t one bell. The WI NNER. The tined one ball eye. produced. . must for one-ball territory. Orders nose taken for preferred delivery in Norlhern Ohio. Get Yours Now! ARCADE EOUIPMENT ,,,,, S $0.011 Sao . ·r mt,ce Cho Coin Seeker Ball 175. » CM Colt? Hesse, » AO C. Coin Mods·I Sine Sall 13S. » Cl? Co.n Piste; 133. SO Chicken Sem Hens., Intel Ten SIrikes ». 69. se Exhilut 1010 GUN 100. so 109 011 Silver 1011 04 16, 00 0..?., UM. e· Hel m Hitter 54. 10 lack 04461? I». 01 Keeney Air Raider 11e. 01 Litaw44. 01 00 la .00 Mether.ln.Lese Gun 9S. 40 Mute . .. Football 225.01 Panora.., 1E3. 00 Pe nnine. end Sottant 165.00 W ent,. ic * Ray Poker AL 00 Sky Fighters 100. 00 Sol . Horoscope with Scrolls U. 00 Supre me Ilowl.A. IS 00 Teleeuis I». 00 To m my Out IS. 00 UltderS 0 Reid « Vitaliser 9U3.. 0000 Western east » . el. 00 Youlia ms Al? Sta n Caen Phetornellc 11i. 00 150. O0 Latest Voice It morder ISO. SO Sim , 5,5.0 Up 115. OS Acrne Shoe Shine Me rhino Ill .011 falcon Shoe Shine Machine NS _ USED ALLEYS _ United Used Alleys .11 ».0 Keeney PM 502 .· ·· 151 .0 Sally Bowlers 150.01 Chi CON. Used Alle n 110 » Un ..... I 1.9·41 Alloys 1311.11. Evans Teo Pine Ole » sample? stru e Skill Ineerande WrIle 49.10 419:111 44 .1 Gli ders 49 » FIVE BALLS (osee Slue Sk,es ..-",7,1 Della, ...fine Power 05.110 Gondola 93.00 ' Grand Award . 15.04 l Le·c. Y.,' . 27.14 ' M., . Leeson . . . ». » niern .selle Stanterrey . 11.10 0.10 Pere . . 51.50 Puddla Mead 03.00 Sally 4940 I Smarty 15.00 Su m merti me .... 01.50 Tea » Winds 53.00 I Write for co mplete Int. COUNTER GAMES - I. Sr Gustkers, new 110 SC ° A · 1 Electric Skill 41.3 1.114.à. .h .V.eno .,..n.e r.. e.. 4" Suai 72.50 "-14 20E0 Ac me le Shockers, new 19 » Fi ve jf et ee... "-ge Et.,.. a Kind, new Ule.S»O 1. 0 Telt·Test ne l er. "'" ·· 22.35 20 .:.;:ejr A.II j. 32.10 VIctoesulreske =11 .:* CONSOLES Deluse Draw Sells .1110.00 I IL B. Draw Sells . 15.00 2 N444ow DMeilwlsNOesvpsleet.x.... Pyrernld de murs » Ciparollei 12770.3.0000 Write 123.00 MUSK Wurlitter ·16 Wurliner SOO wor mer. es» 0 60.00 10.00 50.50 05 0 Wurlitter 754 Wurlit 800 550.00 165 00 ws·uerkuurrirearH.HilTos,,. 715355 .0»5 Serbs., 1944 265 » Rock Ola 1044 193.00 oorPioest,ownar.We0l,1l01ass_es, 14.00 Irmk ard 400 Illde mos· 131.00 » Wire Cable -52059 mr 15 Met ROTS Ss Silver Chief leir Silver Chief Se elack Cherry 104 55 .1. Cherry la Blue Oren? 15e Slue Pro m 254 Slue From m 10e Pace ler Gordon Palls Se Chro me Son 164 Chro me Sell ter Glitter Oeld 10S,e TRrololpeA. ,T O ier Cease? Le Emrsoroln·ry l1e5y4 [OlstsiroeetSe.l.l. , Colu mbia It EL T. $45.00 70 » 9.5.10 IOC. » 65. » 714011 SS » » AI 15.01 MI N 55.45 72. 0 .S.·..·.·.· 411.1111 .. 75. » . MneIeS » II » GI 1ONE BAER W4in.n h.a,w- eCyhaellamoblleon-sl -neCl.. to:ens -and Geld Cups. Al trecti nly mimed - Coat m1 us im mediately. 'T HE NATI ON'S COI N M AC HI NE M ARNE, TER M, de pesh trifle ell orders. NORTHERN OHIO AMI DISTRIBUTORS (LE' ELAND IN MACHINE EXCHANGE, INC. FREE WITH SUBSCRIPTION ItStaples, Tacks DOES 50 JOBS! `et-50:`, s . 2021- 2 02 S PR OS PE C T AVE ·CLE VE L A N D IS, O HI O M.S.OISSER. ALL PHONES: TO W1111 14711, r GIVING 'EM AWAY .,,.,t r, gg g (VERY MAC « READY NI LUDIC* UNLESS OTHEIWISE NOTED) 1 r ARCADE AND MISCELLANEOIS EQUIPMENT 0I0-- Wall.,,, Twin Shuttle Souders . .. . 1174-10 ,1-Se en'ltic Salting Pr mt ke 24. » ,2-61init-Poo Auto. P01.1 00 Vande n M e» PP,, It! 4 p 740 rO 271-I.1cehin1e0Ms5u1l0o'Pl51.0o5pMeod.Niov10/ Mo- i1- Will.arns liitafter 04 01 . . 2114. 1- Wdlie m seluerterbucks Mulesce . Sells N Above . i 0 IS9--1 .11 Oui me n, Fre· Play ·Pl. Mod. Series Sots I. Handles/ l-flan, Play Sall lientle It 70.50 0 d S9.54 09.50 I with 2 sett Fil m. . . 41.00 1-13elu m Pho ne me/4 (lbeholle) Snee d Ø2-1940 Quitters (Brand New In ON,. Ca nons-FL mo d M. » 04-New ease Stands fer QINSVerf . P.10 di si1--gMaerht mmect mateor1r/onleaow-teGneenra 0»0.dP001. 0.10,1 113.00 ..50 1-1544 Anne Auto. Sown . Alloy LAS le -teeneos «e mirs/ 10.3. Ø f- Net w eem Shy Fleeter (AS se -thwas Ite m . . 29.50 1- riken Spares(MLiete Model -Al IS tiGnulf« . 0 Mos . West .. me .nn.eo Cnlear » W Cab. Se » Sells 27410 , 09.50 -p Needs Re .irs) 1-KNiitrpkairIN 5.011e. IAS IS -Need, 41.801,0 TI.SO F Noe purse le ',octet stapler that does · maosir·d ¡obi Goes everywhere -has 50 time-savleg uses in her m. school, office, 11 ,01. Sturdily con- structed of chrome. finished steel with dura. Me red Tanit. top. Has famed Swingli . split.seeond loading ·nd fa ding features. Vend Magazine 0 CONSOLES -0NE-BALLS -SLOTS ·0 Twin Sele, Sumer Sells 6-44 Sall/ R01 010 tells I-5a Sally 1041. Sell 1114.30 074.50 19.30 1-2 .41 M Entry 3-5 ,11 1.14 Sen . Ne w, Sneer Mlle 0 ILI .' 20.00 ° 3 2160 Patterson St., Cincinnate 22. Ohio 104,111.--17l//,lCd..fN.o0 m e, 11129.350 116.-1N19.e14041SS1lu1ack0clk0es1C10hTerrack O M CAS IS ryS-els 12;1/1 4;0 0 Complete wig, 1000 Genuine "Tot SO" St . el m in plastIC gift be.. 21 M U SI C 0 Ø001- Aireen Super Della. 2-1116 «.0 4 ·riteniarti » 01 4- Wurlitsor 1- Worlitter 04 es. 119.00 31.55 44 40 69 » 2- . Hideaway Cabinets Me 1 or 14 - Worlitner Well 440 » I 1.6411 1 -1.10·2114 Seelturg Mod. WII.402 Well. 11 -50·130·0017e4 Whireebluersse WMoeldl. Il13e5x2e0.s102 So. &SO lect.O.Matls Wired Welt Re mo 121---3FPeamnktPeeatrrtseeloenaMlMe.e»knéeMi.40.· Cabi.eawysnet 0L.ee00001 1309.4I04 ,, 0 2 10 .10 3--1141 mor note Deluxe MI 406 a 3-Personal Musk LmatIon Arneliflers 1.55 3-11eletene timetien ArnplitHre . . 4 » 3- Well . 1Postwa . 17.7) 014 -44 5.bure Med. W1.1.34 Wirole m 0 Wall ilkozet 1,47 medarli 14.54 nets CI. le, IS1 Slots -24 Selector, - ».10 0 1- Wurlit mr /1 Ceuotor Med . (AS IS - Needs . ..I n. 12.501,0 1-Packard Med. MO Illde m my lAS IS-- Needs /00111 01 » Me 00 SILENT SALES SYSTE M 1771 COLU MBIA ROAD. N. W. Phones: COle mbla 30001 5 W ASHI NGTON 9, D. C. %. `»hi. · Please send rno FREE 'Tot 50" Swin eine Stapler with 1,000 genuine "Tot 50" Staples PL US one year subscription to VE N D Magasine for which I enclose O NL Y $3, the regular subtcription price et VE N D Name fit".1, R 1 lust 11,r slim New »fe n. C·rd il 8159 sO peslals in Se Gottlieb » wie ne r Like Now 19.20 All Se . Ile I,rnside Nev . & w. E S,neapor· loond-l/o Trwie Act ion ONE IALLS 34.50 29.50 :see 09.50 4410 1 45.00 Maier 1. 011 0 easalsail Dow.111401 0 Cle mo Whl a Surnene nlr . Mlle Shi m coNsoLEs Gold Citation. . 113.00 K mney Super Sell, P.P.. P.O. 170.50 Jen ne Pereoes, CF Soec.el Enters 49.10 MINI 3 Salle, LI . NI T 1,1 COOTIE'S ». DEPOSIT. ..... V D. T WIN CITY A MUSE MENT CO. Ion w. SEVENTH ST. PHONES: 34 ,2 or 14192 TEX* *.* .5.00 1114.34 SS. » 21.10 35.·· 49. 0 25 0.1 44.54 49.34 1 44.54 0.20 113.00 U. S. A. Addrese City Zone State _ Jane 10, 1950 The Billboard GET YOUR MONEY'S WORTH AT LONDON! COIN IF ACHINES 123 e CHOICE REBUILT PH O N O GRAPHS AND ACCESSORIES Cleaned! Checked! Ready for Location! Filben FP-300 130 Selection) $229.50 Mills Throne 29.50 Mills Empress 29.50 Seeburg Colonel 69.50 Seeburg 8200, 8800, 9800 ... . 69.50 Wurlitxer Twin 12 49.50 Seeburg Hideaway W Packard Adapter 49.50 WS2Z Wireless Boxes 9.50 DS202 Wired Boxes 9.50 Packard Boxes 17.50 3(amplele Hostess Systems (coils al 1(H- 140E AN OFfER! AMES-Cleaned! Checked! Ready for Location! W C G G GSph e e eiilonn nlcrietaa., .semomsGATaloi.nCtdoA.a.liellf.r,R.olSRltCoao llraRloleBeaseballifl5Ienytereci.lbP...ers..1$69.424212414.4...555535000000 Peddinhead V1YcI-a.r2,n-k3samlnia,.1 . .......... 5564349...9555.50000 49.50 Wiamenin 34.50 Can., line a Roll . .. 89.50 Berns «le 29.50 Bally Hy Boll Triple Action frad· Winds Mardi Gras ...... Merry Wido w ' Scre wbell 69.50 359.95.050 SPRI bIll CetiM . Thrill . .... 3449..955.0050 sa. n .,,, Slieornon,ety Demo,' CMO/C8 SPECIFY SEC O N D 29.50 29.50 339,95.050 339.95.050 .., RIR·ba call W-- -Rs 1. ·111 Eurlu dy· Ditlribuler SEFILIR G Products in Wisconlin, N orth Dakota, South Dakota and Upper Michigan 01 211 glittSiC 2605-7 HENNEPIN AVENUE MINNEAPOLIS 13, MINN KEN WOOD 6612 PHONOGRAPHS for Bargain-Wise Operators Here's an outstanding opportunity to cash in on added income. We have an unusualy fine group of top-notch trade-ins rebuilt to give years of good service .. and ready for immediate delivery. With a minimu m invest ment you can begin earning bigger profits by taking your pick from these quality rebuilt phonographs. Get your order In now for the best in the group. USED EQUIP MENT Swam"POS147f.MWAR M enu " 144- M W urIllaer 'IO W . W orries . .110 , Merged Reck-Ole "1422.' A MI . .1, ·tal Modal 9 , Alroon . 1200.' PHONGGRAPHS 124.50 119.50 134.00 350.00 149.30 . 350.00 425.00 59.50 WAIL OREBUI11 03 WS-L54 V44-L54 WI L54 30 Wir· W URLITzIER: 3030 3.5 Packard Box., 121D 059.50 S9.30 24.50 3.30 035 00 19.50 12-14 PILIVAII POONOEdIAPIIS AU. I WOIRING COMMON Servitors LaTene, RC. 0111.50 N oboru Colonel. BC. 49.50 Major. BC. . Se MsurE Cre ole . . 59.10 leelruna O wn 39.50 lealsur· Crown Seebor· Rea W ortitler "S OI" W urlat wr 'MO W' 5 49.55 39.111 79.31 4 ,10 49.10 MNMinoeearwtsCeLrSoleOamnMdEontnSed.reElteiNenMawse.etlrOesrUSolTEuimMosteere-sne SHAFFER-S/11UB W RITE FOR PRICE Ter ms: 50 9. Curti i d Deposit, Balance C O D. All Itenes ubi ct To Prior Sale 'SHAFFER MUSIC COMPANY SAIESSERVICE OATES C.,eitel Cincinnati. Ohio 2333 C.Ibert Are. Indianapolis. 1327 Charleston, W. V.. 1619 W W ash...... St W heeling W Va. 2129 Main St. Ate. Ind. Colu mbus. OhIe 600 S. N W, St. South Bend. Ind ilocatton to be announred later, EVERY PIECE GUARANTEED ser wervarre eed·mir miere wermeamo mmulkedmeR wm wstee ernee me me mememere werms,,- Money doesn't grow on trees -·- O N E B A LLS S H UFFLE A LLE YS (Clean, CH A MPIO NS CI TATI O NS COLD CU P. 10.01 RMUPPLIt t..., W RITS W RITE ..... SH UFFLE CH A MP . UNITE D ALLE Y UNITE D SH UPPLS ALLE Y JOCKE Y SPECI ALS 10-10 GE NCO BO WLI NG LE AGUE . SPECI AL ENTRY'S EL M WILLI A MS T WI N BO WLER vICTORY SPEICI ALS 33.00 CHIC A GO COI N BO WLI NG ALLEY RACES VICTORY DERBY, C.P DAIL Y 31.86 M.00 KEENEY PIN BOY CO NGO BO WLI NG LE AG UE CONSOLES 54Mr BONUS S KEENE Y S 4 1.44 GOL D SALLY' NSUUPGSG!ETDOLL.. MM2OO1.A80MN PHONOGRAPHS 100 W URLITZER 950 W URLITZER rRebuilti MOE W U·LITZE· nALL Y·s RESER VE BELL SALL Y'S DR A W BELL. M.111 EOM SIRRURO CUT 200 M 141 EREBURO DO WN (llebullt) SALL Y'S CL UB BILL PACE REELS With Rails) MILLS JU MBO PAR A DE 20.00 SEEBURG H 146 M 39.50 30.00 SSEEEOEBUURROO RMOXCR8I S1P3,1E.C2-ILA.5L41 W AILI NG BIG GA ME 21.00 SEESUR G BOXES cW1.1. 04, JE NNI NGS SIL VE R M OON 2400 SEEBURG PRE W AR BOXES MILLS VEST POC KETS 0.11ye Ne al Tr SLOTS -133.00 COLU MBI A DELUXE, MILLS BL UR FRO NT. 14 3/.30 .44 PACE, Mt W AILI NG 'MI ROL ATOP, 59 « SO BUC KLEY CHRO ME. 2.04 W RITE -5174.30 144.10 9/ 50 144.10 114.50 144.10 149E0 83/4.30 1050 29.M3.0se I4.30 2289.430SO 21 54 24.511 1.50 174.34 UM 19.50 O NE-T HIR D DEP OSIT, IAL A NCE C. O. D. O R SI G HT DR AFT PA R KE R DISTRI BUTING CO MPAN Y ill 8T H AVE SOUTH. NASH VILLE. TE N N PHONE 4-0194 - 42.1231 bervt..i!refr: DOUBLE BOWLER and DUCK PINS 91.i it. 8 It, Twin Play -Rebound -Flya way Pin e Absolutely Fastest GI All' Pmron Crea ms, Player Appeal! $ $ $ ARCADE · Dale Gun- Lar· . · Mo del . ... ._ LTelIeMt.diertLeitear-P1OM!u94·8...,...52°·· Klre' Vern . 41 CONSOLES Bally DR A W SELL, Metal Button 1115 Balalrey DSuRttAonW RILL,. 135 tally DR LU XE , DR A W SELL . I. geily TRIPLE BELL. 5-3.35 areas RACERS Mike NO W: IN SHUFFLE GAMES Rocondit h modl G ua nrat e mIl sornies GottI Nb BO CBI . . Coln 1119 SalAlLyLESNUYFFLE BOWLER I143ll Unite· SH UFFLE ALLEY 10 ·ock.014 SH UFFLE LANE 99 Gen . BO WLIN G LE AGUE unit . SH UFFLE SKILL 35 Genre GLIDER . . 0 dNOW! IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON jIlk ; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 aco's SENSATIONAL NEW, DIFFERENT 0 1, COUNTER GA ME A0 HIT-A-HOMER r, g g - O NL Y · Free Play Feature $ 2 7 .5 0 e, · Automatic Score Totalicen · 5 Si mulated Baseballs Floor Stands . $17.50 · R` 56 L.'cb·-lil · lc or Play 0 0 Nee It Today-Order at Once 1·0i 0 0 0 ..- 511 101, Ann N 42ad 'Bryant 9.46171 g 1741OloChrnWo.·nD,oNort2-02h,3001At.. VICTOR'S NE W VICTORY BASKET BALL GA ME MsCaAtithaoMernEkalfeirtstofeactrirFeeeoaaldntl,y-,rerbtosIed.s015thePapniEndgN-trapdNeOolYnmgaPtiLnniASbIaltYTh.seCAORuototrUstoNmTsenw-aEtarR Rally rolahaes the score. Swoolltled rreah insto eli m males ser mce cells. PRICE $32.50 S.. ya w VICT OR di aributor -or Writ* lo. colored descriptive circular. VICTOR VENDING CORPORATION 5701-13 W. Grand Are Ch ke ms 39, IlL 124 C OI N M A C HI N E S The Billboard CO MET IN D USTRIES, IN C., PRESE NTS ILTISNE1950C COUNTER GAMES NE W CIGARETTE STRIPS ON ALL SMALL MODELS NE W COLOR SCHE MES ON ALL MODELS METEOR ·--). M E T E O R - Co m Overeled -F R UI T REELS, lc or Sc play. Automatic payout tokens of various co mbination, redo.. able for cash or merchandise. Also available in nomcoin model in lc or Sc play. TAX FREE. No coin mull box!!! Location owner hunt a key to ;to mb operation. Special register protects operator's prongs. W E ST OC K Parts for Daval Counter Games KI N G SLI N G it. Se or 10c play -live reel POKER play. Bull gu m minder. 75 % 25 % divider. WIRE -PHONE - WRITE FOR DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR OF OUR FULL LINE AND QUANTITY PRICES S M. S- B3 1 / 2 - all !ii « DI S T RI B U T O R S W RI T E COMET INDUSTRIES, INC. 2845 M edea b ea m Chicago 47, Min& (Tel. Mess 12424) SEE ¡T- ally IT Of Your Distributar NO W! /Line 10, 1950 OUR GREATEST BASEBALL GAME! LUCKY INNING Terrific Action! Thrilling Animation! Tre mendous Appeal! 91114mnis MAII RF ACT RRINI S CO MPANY 4142 Vi. EILL M ORE ST. CHIC AGO 24, IL L Creators of De pen da ble Ploy Appeal! 5 INNINGS- Sc RECONDITIONED SHUFFLE GAMES !! ?? ..AT A PR10E-ACT NO W .. ?? U NI TED SHUFFLE ALLEYS . I!! $100.00 BALLY SHUFFLE BO WLER.Ligoihti- UEpT.Conv.e.mireg.-.-.S.2.0...0,3 E.1,.. CHICAGO COIN BO WLI NG ALLEYS. 8 FT. .. .... . 150.00 C CIANLICFOORBNOIWALISNHGUFFLELEAGPIUENs,,lOIIFT.FT. ............. . . . .......... 12959..5000 UNI VERSAL T WI N RO WLER. 8 ET . 179.50 C MG° GLIDER. 8 FT. .. .. . . . . . . . . .· · · . . . 5.00 All of These Games thero whlv gone over. cleaned and reedy f,, locaLl. m. Please reod proewf-erhraletd.deposit, cash, Cashier'. check ou moires order and slat. method of Mimeo « - I : WA P H S I UJ rak V/A117401: Le a,' NI I · 9 fr kee tto à, e/ tele, e ee e Pia'. roloYZILUIJI i: (t1 IM U N D Y/1 Y M a O M M U M. O P E R A X O UN rIr 1 1.4 C O NSI.N. % O. 11.1.1 % MS A.1 10 1% 01 vt, e USE THE COVEN FINANCE PLAN! N O W DELIVERI N G TURF KI NG Bally SHUFFLE CHAMP The Bo wling G a me Cha mpion BRAND NEW PREMIUMS EVERY WEER TI M W eek: SrunnIse Gold W o men's h wei See -Large A mt. Bracelet Neck. lace C. Eart.nes -Only 54,50. Citations I.ex. ...... . ..... lule .17. Mee nee. Sally Sntry K field 'fusee. Willia m. ·III.Staws Double the. I. Dale Guns DeLueze Drew Sell. Denee· Shu fle Ailey Went. Twin Shuffle Mercury Shuffleboard Recli Dla Shuffleboard W url.ezee leis W orlitt·r 10174, like ne w W urilis·r 750 $00.50 230.00 SOI 0.00 17e..14 115.0e 330.44 IS M lee Je 111.011 145 . lift « 115.911 Vet » 1.1.54 151.00 1HOLLYCRANE ..$395.00 I BeNt flu, of the Sleet, golly Lair Model - Comparto Saillehf Reronaleionieg SHUFFLE BO WLER PJI M $150.00 Bring Any Coin Machine for Fast, Expert Repairs.. distributing company 3181 Elston Chicago 18,111. 1Nd·pend·nc· 3-2 210 All Equip m·nt Thoroughly S·rviced or ReconditIon·d by Our Trained Staff. Authorized DIstrila ..... fer e def an d W II R LI TZ E R Products Phaflegraphi ()pastors Information RECONDITIONED onRequeçt PIN GAMES READY FOR LOCATION ; a... baba . Anu·rade . Baby F.c. nand La wler Barnacle Sill 144.10 .W M 75.00 . ea.00 . 41 .30 15.0 Too s75 00 Carolina . , .. SE W Cat ete· 21.30 Cra m Eau 35.00 Magic . 35.50 Sera . no sy St. Lo urs...... 14.Se ::-.,h .-:.·' Te mptat/on ... 31.511 S e Trinidad 34.51 i.:i. BOWLING EAMES .Wit.h., ei:r..$1.,.10, Yen P.. W OO ::;,'Z.LYItY,Y. -g".g Lane. fl e .. .. 171.10 ,.. NO W DELIVERI NG NE W EQUIP MENT Keeney, LUC K Y STRI KE - Keeney, A··-C BO WLE R Rocket, Lucky Innini, Ari w w, Banka Ball · tWee MIaLLElS VESTPOC K·TI Vendee 14M5i.l0l0s . '.71 · Wm . :511J9Ibusk3 Sell Regular. · ger New Chro me wt ra. . W ee Sell. Mills Slack 50.0e,, Mills Bonus tell. Ne w Regal Carn. net, for all Molls Bell PA·ChineS Or mnov·roEnton Coils Counter. ON DISPLAY! SEE THE M T OD AY Keeney's Pyra mid. Cr Se I. . anCrdossIt ·ne 25. - Both double or mk I orold producers 2011 MARYLA ND AVE.. BALTIM ORE It. ?Horn BELMONT 1800 .71111 ATTENTION, NEW ENGLAND OPERATORS WE NEED 8 4 8 Seeburgs 6 47 Seeburg 6 46 Seeburgs 6 1015 Wurlitzers 6 100 Wurlitzers 6 48 Rock -Ola Magic Glo LIBER AL ALL O W A NCE TO W AR D SEEB UR G SELECT- 0- M ATIC 100 THIS EQ UIP ME NT IS NEEDE D FOR A N EXP ORT O R DER. W E ARE IN A P OSITI O N TO ALL O W Y O U TOP PRICES. ACT NO W!!! Eeslusiee Gottlieb. Se ater» and Willia ms Distribute « · Remember IN NEW DRUID I'S IIMOUNT 40 W ALTHA M STREET BOSTON 18. M ASS Tal 1J berrv 2- SISO June 10, 1050 The Billboard COIN M ACIIINES 125 SA VE M O RE ON COIN MEN YOU KNO W OU R TO P QU ALI TY R ECO N DI TIO NE D EQUI P MEN T LOOK AT THESE SPECIALS A merican Shuffleboard. 12' Cushion $195.00 ipl ut crating, Chicago Cain Rehoused 49.50 Genre Glider .. 59.50 Rock. Ola Shelflei :rdj;. L2.,FI ... 100.00 `p Shuffle Alley, A-I Condition 149.50 I SAVE ON 5-BALLS Aqua wde Belly IA . Si. Tee blue moo ...S09..14 ... 20.34 61.30 49.54 Monterrey .514.10 1.2 4 59.50 Pe nile, » . 29.04 Puddin· Head. 34.30 Iltenehead 49.$11 ·e mene WM Be ene mne . 14.Se ilir mfR· 39.30 novullell [na me W ile 4...... a WM Sigles ...... W.34 Scre wball 04.30 Carnival ..... 49.31 IN N 3930 Contact ..... YA W Sionsemorelese . » JO Fiaatin· Pew., 79.3e Ja mboree ... 49.30 Mee k - NM Star Oust . . 3930 Ta mpoce .. . M EP Tennessee -.. 34.30 rHERE ARE REAL VALUES Maier Lra mte M s. ASetedy Roll . 20.30 Merry Wido w. 34.30 Trade Winds . 34.10 Triple Actlen . 3430 Wisconsin 1910 1 Sine.. .re nocher Winso me Bonanza Nevada e... " Play Bev Bit Le w . CI Bronco Double Barrel Ne well Mteann na.. Me nlo N . M. Ranger Sea tale Show Girl sternly I,. Site YOUR I CHOICE $ 1 9 3 ° E aC h 6 FOR $1 00 Los Angeles: Indianapelis: (Continued from page 15) (Continued from Page 15) Thel ma Lisher, of the Laremlin self-service Bend's laundry has been Orange Company, Stockton, in the opened at 800 Fort Wayne Avenue, city in search of a vending machine known as the Washerette.... Irving manufacturer who can make a ma- Kepler has joined the sales organiza- chine that will handle the co mpany's tion of the Shafer Music Company, refrigerater ite m.... Ben Kerr.. of and will devote his time to the city Glendale, along coin row looking trade. Kepler comes from the Co- over machines. He visited the Crafts lumbus, O., office of the company, Shows when they played this vicinity where he has served in a sales ca- at Burbank and Van Nuys.... Larry pacity for a nu mber of years: Ba mford in fro m Lompoc. . Lu- cille and Paul Lay men back from Earl Craig. Anderson, Ind., opera- the Chicago show. Lay mon, Bally tor, was a business visitor on coin distributor, had planned on driving row, buying records and supplies. back to the Coast but had to ditch ...The 110FL sought after records these plans because of his inability from juke box operators are "Nola" to get a delivery there.... Bill lies. and "I Love You Because." The bill. of Arcadia, a visitor. .. .Jack former record is in such de mand N.U. of Riverside, made one of his that operators are obliged to wait frequent trips into town. their turn for the platter. . . .Wil- lia m De Sei m and Johnny Charlie Daniels. of Paul Lay mon Company, is leaving for his home town grounds. Indianapolis, with Mrs. Daniels early in July. . . .L. Zaboski. of Gardena, on coin row. ... Perry Irwin a buyer fro m Ventura.... Clyde Truss. of Oceanside. of the United Manufacturing Co mpany, Chicago, sales depart ment, were guests of Mrs. Leine Berman, of Sicking. Inc.. over the holidays and while here visited the 500- mile race. In the city after a lengthy absence. Harold Meeker. Mec Iter Music .. C. E. Stephens here from Sierra Co mpany, is reported to have sold Madre.... Pomona was represented his jukebox route in Anderson, Ind., by two buyers -S. L. Griffin, of Val- to Emily Phillips. a new operator, ley Coin Machine Company, and who was formerly in the restaurant Lloyd Barrett. business. · e TUE BEST OF TUE LATEST EQUI P MENT ALS O ST OCK OF USED P H O N O GR AP HS W RITE P OR O UR PRICE LIST ye Certified Deposit wisconsues LE ADI N G DISTRISUT OR 1 31 HI. TIE0 -I N C. 4227 W. Vile* Si. M e w...,, B. Wiet Phone: W E N 3.3224 Seclusive Distributers for W eddle' Must« In wiscensin ·nd Upper » N M «. FOR SALE At giro a way prices The follo w. , m mhones are on location. They re m ris· new enel a, m eased as ne w. 3WurCfler 1100's (12....5355.00 ea. Wurlitzer 1015's fie.... 215.00 ea. I United's Shuffle Alley.... 100.00 1 Dale Gun C.e 50.00 1/3 de pos er, be kenca C. O. D. SNUFFLE G A MES Chicago Corn tiouriéne Classic Universal Super Twin Bowler Roc ,014 Shuffle Junele Keeney Dock Pins 0.155. Bowler 3-B ALLS Gottlieb Bank's-Bell Will/ mns E mir, Innire Exhibit Jeanie United To me, ·ri Mne NEW FALCON 910E SHINER. 5125.00 Kil OF DIE 1/11W1 Conversion fe r Shuttle All e y wirer DIS A M PE ARI NG PINS. Play lu mps Innwelately1 $79.50 · IKEENEY' SBOWLING CHAMP ,-·,;,",` =,,,",,,,,',114e,,,' Ii y eolr mmarOriRnDgE R.4 TObeDarAdY., Auto matic merin9 -1 er 2 can Reconditiened and Refinlahed USED $35 SHUFFU GAMES PROMOS " lath United Shuffle Alley Chi. Coln bowling Alley $113 On 173.00 Colonels, (adets, Sell. Shuffle Bowler. WIP sus et. Genus Glider 075.00 Mders.Comert Grands, 40.00 Regal:, 24's, 500's, I BELS OriwIllack Cherry, 310 Ile 119.50 Mills 3r. em, 250 W ee Prone 19.30 mats 5r, 10c, /Se e mlier. Front 74 30 Deluxe Ora w le11.110. ne w 173.14 WANT 10-81.11 OR TRADE LATE MODEL I,rmGAMES, 1-BALLS qi IETININ6S CHALENGERS, 5r25c. SE N D LIST FORAY! 600's, Standards, Deletes, Commandos, Thrones. CL ·SSICS- VOGUES LO-TO NE' $50.00 Ea. ALL MIC/1105 A.S IS CO MPLETE. S10.00 Extr· for Crefir m. OMB-Beat fst Witten Citation, F.P. 5149.00 Special Intr, 0 31 01 P.S.) .. 09.00 Playboy 17.00 Telly Me Maisie 41 CO Ra mbo., 47.00 Banjo Sa mba .. . . . 4T00 Dre M My Trille Action . 49.00 41.00 Shooting Seer ... Jack 4 Jill T I 'dad Carnival ParlerIn· [trenc her Sally ... Cincerella ... 49.00 19.00 50.00 50.00 1.1.00 17.00 79.00 19.00 19.00 39.00 · · Teno n Va Deposit, Balance C. O. D rtOME OF PERSONAL ,. e·- 13" Wam - -/ WEIGHT. 165 LBS. 25 DOWN Balance $10 Monthly 400 DE LUXE PENNY FORTUNE SCALE N O SPRI N GS war m FO R PRICES LAR GE CASH B OX H OL DS BRUCE MUSIC CO. will-I... .BURG, KY. PH O N O W in e PLASTICS r. 4 1 t it a d l l O V EL T Y CO M PA N Y 200 N. WESTERN AVE.' PHONE lUtinitage 6.5005 CHICAGO 47 anls music ta; ds,ean al ·TleS M USIC C O \tCO., 219 FIFTH AYE., PITTSBURGH 19 °"' "' I ATLAS MUSIC (0., 221 NINTH ST.. DES MOINES 9 $83.00 IN PE N NIES Invented and M ade O nfy by WAILING Manufacturing Co mpany 4650 W. Fulton St. Chicago 44. IL AKE UNCONDITIONALLY GUARA NTEE° 3 AGAI NST BREAKAGE FOR YEARS d 0 SOME REAL BUYS IN USED GAMES .. Est 15119 Tel Colu mbus 1-2772 Cable Address: W ATLI N CITE, Chisels. SOLI D COLORS TI M AN D THO U. s N OT SPR AYE D OR PAI NTE D AL MOST THICK NESS --PERFECT FIT. v i A Co mplete Love of Phonoe mPir Plavti m. !ACME SALES COMPANY 505 W ese 42nd St.. Ne w York LOnerecr· 3-·1311 r Just a few of many at Southern Auto matic! ° oil JUST 21 $164.50 BO WLETTE n4 GENCO BO WLING LEAGUE, 10 FT. QUARTERBACK CHICAGO COIN BASEBALL $129.50 TWIN SHUFFLE 0 FLOOR SAMPLE SELECT-A-CARD I EXHIBIT SHUFFLE BO WL ATTACH MENT deposit, balance C. O. D $174.50 $159.50 $199.50 $199.50 $169.50 $ 79.50 FOR SALE Ten rent eoln.operated miniature railroad. twitcher, signal end speed rontrolled by Player. In beautiful glans rehrnet by rA 5850. On evInhillon at Slate No me, ES: luth Ate.. Neer York. NATION AL NOVELTY CO. 179 E. Merrick Read, Merrill, Ne w York SALE Twenty ether peed Mach wie w all on feed ltere- tre m. Many Records, Part, et, In ...nil near Denver, Colo. Price 110,000. Good paying m u m. Address 1303 B-373 Care 51110eare Crneinn MI 22, 0 W RITE FOR INE W LIST OF ALL TY PES OF M AC HI NES 4 ,1 "rho Hausa Mar Confielene· Belle A F A ri SOUTHERN AUTOMATIC MUSIC CO MPANY, INC. r, ST ABLIS NE D 1923 g 0 624 S. Third Se. Louisville 2, Ky. 240 Jefferson Sr Lest 2, Ky. 3011 E. Mau mee Ave.. Fr. W ayn· 4, Ind. 1000 Broadway. medeeut. Olde 603 Linde. Ave.. Dayton 3, Obi. 325 N. im am. SI.. Indianapelie 4. Ind. SLOT SALE Mills Black Cherry 'Orig. ,.5.10-15c 599.50 Mills Cheaume. 5-55. 54.50 Milk levee. Bell iOrig.l. 25. 109.50 Mills Club Bell 'Orig./. 5-10e 49.50 Mills Glitter Cold. 5-10-25C 49.50 Mein CN N « Cold tRebelell. 504 59.50 Mills Black Cold Criss Croat inebelltl. 5-25e 79.50 Pere 1948. Red, 1 4-10. 44.30 Pace 1946. 47. 5-1 0-15c 44.50 Pace 1946-1947, 500 . 74.50 Pace 1946.1947. $1.00 99.50 Mills Vest Pocket iNet . 64.50 Croel dren DeLuse Coho mbia 59.50 Buck ley ..... Odds, CID 74.50 WANT 10 BUY-Janniags Standard Chiefs Prices F. O. B. Los Angeles or Reno. Noy. I., will. order, belanc· C. O. D. C.A. ROBINSON & CO· 2303 W est Pico Blvd. Les Angeles 6, Calf. 1725 %Veils A n. Rene, Nevada GIVE TO THE RUNYON CANCER FUND 126 co n M ACIIINES The Billboard June 10, 1950 DISTRIBUTORS Some Choice Territories Still Available Write, Wire orPhone e.)e Further Details! DISTRIBUT ORS! OPERAT ORS! DON'T JUNK OR SELL YOUR OLD SHUFFLE BO WLING GA MES . ASEBALL SENSATIONAL! NEW! CONVERSUNIIOTN CONVERTS your old Bally, United and Rock -Ola Bowling Ga mes to BASEBALL GAMES at a FRACTION of new ga me costs! NOW! 2 GAMES in Place of ONE! with convenient conversion unit! Ideal for AllSeason Play. BASEBALL in Su m mer --BO WLI NG in Winter, A different Ca me each Season -- Profits All Year 'Round. QUICK ON-LOCATI ON INSTALLATI ON! · No Wiring · No Soldering · Just Plug In COMPACT ...COMPLETE! Conversion unit consist, of co mplete insert for light box and pin panel. FITS MOST BO WLING CAMES ACME DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 517 Scott Street Joliet, Ilinois 11C11-0L11 Nee La titres Oft Entire Mechanism located inlight 8ox. The Came For Your "TOP" locations. it's "TOPS" As A hioney-Alaker Shuttle-Jungle Is A Fast Moving, Hard Hitting 1 Exciting Game That Holds The Interest Of All Players -- Beginners--Average--And Experts echoon. $elo 4,0/ STA M M° filltifftle611110 15115111. Frothing Panora ma of Moving Ani mals for Skill Targets RacIng Pe mba', on Onslibeard Fells Off High Cliff When Skill Target ig Il,,. 5.500.000 Points -- Pestiblo High Score Two Wales for Speedy Ga me --15 Shots for 10c Gravity Wore erroon -- Not o ct , Pobound Genie. Only P. Fen long end 2 feet Wide -- Sholflo-longle Can Be Openerod la All locations --Even these In Which Sno w is At A Premier', A ritOolcCt 600 «ern 5.1 .1v. *en » · · Cabtage, June 10, 195 0 The Billboar d Con M A C HI N ES iz There is no substitute for the thrill of bowling with REAL PINS and SHUFFLE TEN STRIKE EVANS GREAT Patent Nos. 2181984, 2229712,2411789 & 2327350 GIVES YOU REAL Not Synthetic PIN ACTION! · They carom, they teeter, they fly from the Alley! 51.2-I N C H PI NS --A UTO M ATI C ALLY RESET! · DIRECT VIE W A UT OM ATI C SC ORI N G COU NTER' · CO MP AR ATI VELY N OISELESS ACTI O N! · FASTER TH A N EVER! Operators and Distributors who sa w Shuffle Ten Strike at the AC M MA SH O W agree that it's THE CL OSEST THI NG TO REAL BO WLI N G EVER BUILT INT O A S H UFFLE T Y PE G A ME! Don't confuse with ordinary shuffle bo wling ga mes! SIDE MECHANIS M ei DOOR NE W STAINLESS STEEL PIN BOARD! 8 FT. LEN GTH IDEAL SI ZE FOR M OST LOCATIO NS! RECESSED CHUIE END SKUTT PUCK --RETURN (UP PROTECT PLAYERS! AUTHENTIC SCORING --Strikes --Spares --Doubles -- Turkeys! RAISED ALLEY --REAL RECESSED CUTTERS! AUTO MATIC PUCK RELEASE delivers puck at start of game AUTO MATIC PUCK LOCK withholds puck at finish of game ORDER FROM YOUR EVANS DISTRIBUTOR OR WRITE DIRECT I. C. EVANS 1577 W. ADA MS STR UT CHICAG O 7. ILLINOIS SIE EV ANS' CONSTELLATION AD ON PAGE 104 SPRING BARGAINS! 8' Shuffle Games 9' Shuffle Games GENCO Bowling League M Y) Bally Shuffle Bowler $139.50 UNITED Shuffle Alley 109.50 Bally Speed Bowler 269.50 149.50 UNITED Super Shuffle Alley 169.50 Universal Twin Bowler WILL Twin Shuffle 124.50 Regular $29.50 light-up 239.50 WILLIA MS Deluxe Bowler !th dis·pp·· ,· conversion installed for $15.00 extra. ALL MACHINES THOROUGHLY OVERHAULED TO APPEAR AND PERFOR M AS GOOD AS NE W! No Additional Charge for Reconditioning RECONDITIONED MUSIC AIREON Super Deluxe ...$99.50 to lol of 5. 89.50 WUREITZER WURLITZER 1015 (w/lucite tubes) $ 7930 249.50 SEEBUR& 800 59.50 WUREITZER 100 399.50 You Nave Mitred to Obeli let if Yeti Marion', Tried Oer iteeeedhlened Alarblee d 1FRED SALES. INC. MAI N ST. Lincoln 91 06 BUFFALO 3, FL Y. Alfred Soles is the Exclosiv· "but . iri Phu territory for Wuriireer, Melly, Gottlieb, Willia ms, Exhibit end ether leading snanidatturers. EARN BIG MONEY YEAR AFTER YEAR! HOLLYCRANE MI NI ATURE COI N- OPER ATED INDUSTRI AL CR A NE '1Gets Continuous Play 11Packed With New Features Large Super-Size Play-Field 36 IN. NIGH 21 IN. WIDE 48 IN. ONG 'Easy Access For Dressing Field 1'Choice of Merchandise or Free Play Models *lIdeal For Locations of All Types MANUFACTURING CORPORATION 5011-5025 N )Wye ha .Chicago 25 I Phone INdependence 3.1600 128 COI N M AC HI NES The Billboard Juno 10. 1950 eideet aeoiet'd THIS IS IT! e NE WEST BO WLING GA ME 801111.1·10 M U M 8 FT. LO N G SEE IT AT YOUR DISTRIBUTOR NO W WITH REALISTIC UPRIGHT DISAPPEARING PINS IJust Im a gine! ONLY 45 SECONDS PE GAME! 6 SPEED vk' 45 SECONDS TO PLAY REBOUND Action OR Players 4 10c an d 20c CUSHIONED CUTTERS FOR SILE NT PLAY 4uro mITIC Se el « PLATERS CO MPETE FRA ME BY FR A ME rhieage. (ecin ./efache.),e 'tt 1122 Oiversey Bird. Cbtrogo 14 I:I BRAND IT'S HERE!!! A NEW CONVERSION `.1 _,S-P_E-54) BOWL" FOR UNITED SHUFFLE ALLEY T STRIKE ;ONE 4,1 41 P1 NE W BACKBOARD GLASS NE W CAPPEARING PINS -- FLU ACTION INDIVIDUALLY NUMBERED C'JITT OPERATION SPEED BO WL Is absolutely the ne west and finest COM V Otoi011 for United Shuffle Alley. li has been designed to bring to tho MAXI MU M PR OFIT far United Shuffle Alley Operator.. SPEED BO WL conversion cornes complete with newly designed and colorful back alasn plus w. clearly lighted cabinet and shaped bowling pins, with plesiglae shield. READY FOR QUICK INSTALLATION. SPEED BO WL le dui answer to lagging profits. No w you can hold those locations with this sermational conversion. WIRE --PHONE -- WRITE DISTRIBUTORS ...WRITE I M. & T.SALES COMPANY 2445 W. FULLERT ON AVENUE CHICAGO. ILLIN OIS DI 2-2624 June 10, 19.50 ties The Billboard THE PLAY-WRITE IS THE HIT OF '50! At the recent AC M MA Coin Convention in Chicago everyone was looking for an entirely ne w type of machine, and the PLAYW RITE filled the bill. Top Operators in different parts of the country after nine months' trial report to us fro m location tests: "It in the BIGGEST thing that ever hit the machine industry." i; 'f,r1 ',Ay men tiarei.t,.., j, : ;ooww.x·mu.........devermeremma·i.,, 1 .' , ......_.. · '. ). COI N MALIrilli NES 129 Paned by M ane Winn, sinned Model Can be operated In almost any lerrllory (we end:note 95`,I. Can be operated tn any kind of location, from a email Gas Station to the Finest Clubs In die country. Your Invest ment is small. 100 % Fool Proof. Your locations must account for the exact total Intake. Your collectors must account for exact total intake. The Play- Write auto matically records each Individual play and winner. Can be operated from lc a Play to any amount you wish for diferent locations. (Most popular play is Sr. 10c and 25c.I hio competition if you secure your territory NO W. ere The Play- Write covered by United Stales and Canadian Patento- make your deaf NO W and protect your own territory. This machine in made under the direction ol a precision machine engineer with eighteen years" experience. Operatoro--Saleshoard --Ticket Men will at once fecognize the great income possibilities of The Play- Write. IIhas that popular Slot-Reel pull action for the custo mer. Eight plays a minute --and that's action. This Play- Write does not conflict with any other machines or ga mes --II is an ALL-NE W type machine --it ix in a ri me ol It. own. No Federal Tam Required 1 348-358 Broad Street Write -Wire -Phone. (Co me in and see us if you can) -7thae£ SALES CO. Mailing Address --P. 0. Box :·7126 Wadsworth, Ohio Phone: Wadsworth 3-2164 130 C OI N M A C HI N ES The Billboard June 10, 1950 A NEW SENSATION FAR FROM THE ORDINARY with RE A L U P RI G H T A NI M ATE D PI N S th at DI S A P PE A R WHEN ROLLOVERS ARE HIT. RESET AUTOMATIC ·W··a·n,. NOW! ATYOUR 4218-4230 W. LAKE STREET CHICAG O 24, ILL. ALL VISITO RS- - WELCO ME NO W DELIVERING MILLS SENSATI O NAL 21 BELL ALS O BLUE SELL TOKE N SELL BLACK REAUTY BO NUS SELL Wrie· for Details TO OU R SHO W ROO MS! limited Quantify --Brand New MILLS VEST POC KET BELLS, $65.00 JeRbers and Distributers. W rite Ter Special Pd ./ MILLS le/ or lit 941 r=e-- RACK CRARY KE W Non «, & repainted 8110.00 MILLS lor or 21 1911 BLACX GOLD HL ilv·r·nt·ed reran Itloped and resiainted $145.00 MILLS Si. ID, ·r IS« 9411 MUON BELLS Guarantee& reran ditioned and rairriinird $1 35.00 MILLS lId Cr IS. loll JEWEL BELLS détlene· sin· repainted $145.00 REC O NDITI O NED SL OTS mow a Rebuilt leord JI·Wwel11 R9ollAsl,eailni N&eewmpCtay.binets Jennings Ill De L,,.. Lltse-U· Jennings IN Standard Chief 11273e..03110 10.00 223.110 RIC O NDITI O NI D DA MES KEENEY 1BI PINS $125.0(I I.NCLUNINE: liF.ENEI"S Bowling Champ Conyers:on for Shuffleboards Double Bowler, 9,¡ft. Rebound) 1or 2 Duck Pins, 8H. Rebound ,7 Players BM W CII MIen, F.P Universal Photo Finish, F. $2,69.30 344.00 Keeney Twin Denim leper Bell, Id-211e 273.00 Le nt Model Triple Switch DM. 0Ons. Like Ne w 101.110 KEENEY ELECTRIC CIGARETTE VENDOR ALSO DELIVERI NG. Chicago Coin --Universal -- tabled -- Gottlieb -- Ge m, New Shuffle c d Pin Ga mes. DELUXE LITE-N-P111 CO MB/SI MS FOR CHICAGO COIN BOWLING ALLEY $19.75 MDe I,MIRUM.S W rite fer Pri m, on Cein Counterr, Coin Ch and Single. Double and Triple Safe Stands tier Slots 4135-43 AR MITAGE AVENUE · CHICAGO 39, ILLIN OIS GI VE T O T HE DA M ON RUNY ON CANCER FUN D BOOST YOUR PLAY MATCH PLAY BO WLI N G GA ME JACK POT JAC K POT I. · OF SHUFFLE-ALLEY BO WLING GA MES · COMPLETELY LEGAL STIMULATOR · TEST LOCATI O NS SH O W IT D OUSLES OR TRIPLES PLAY I Cord cont·ins 150 ticli Ms, nu mbered hem 100 to 250 jackpot I. eduan 9d $1.00 email day until Eli. A moved bmin ms booster mad money maker! DIST RII UT ORS: W RIT( FOR irrniATURIF AN D Q UA NTITY PRICES. M U N CI E 311 N. JEFFERSON IT. N O VELT Y C O M P A N Y, IN C. MU NCIE, INDIANA CONTACT US BEFORE YOU BUY WE CARRY ALL TYPES OF SHUFFLE BOWLING GAMES Williamsport Amusement Company 233 W. 3d Street, Willia msport, P. Phone 2-3326 -2- 1648 "Central Pennsylvania's Largest Distributors" June 10, 1950 The Billboard C OI N M A C HI N ES 131 BY ACTUAL LOCATI O N TESTS ... ..EAR NINGS that TOP 'EM ALL! GOTTLIEB'S UNIQUE SENSATION ..BANK-A-BALL N on-Rotation Numbers, 1 to 15 plus FREE PLAY Awards on 8-Ball · TOP CORNER KICKOUT POCKETS for EXTRA Numbers and Additional Play · MYSTERY SIDE KICKOUT POCKETS Light Up for FREE PLAYS · SPECIAL NU MBER CO MBINATIONS for Added Scoring and FREE PLAYS · STRAIGHT SHOTS · BANK SHOTS · FLIPPERS! ORDER FROM YOUR DISTRIBUTOR TODAY Ill' PRO MPT DELIVERY on these · CENTRAL OHIO COIN BUYS NE W SHUFFLE ALLEYS Auto matic Scoring * Keeney's Lucky Strike Er King Pins * Universal's Twin Bo wler, * United 's Doublet Shuffle Alley * Chicago Coin's T win Bo wler * Chicago Coin's Baseball Bo wler * United's Express * Gottlieb's Bo wlette W e have many used Shuffle Alleys at reduced prices for pro mpt ship ment. SLOTS -SAFES ARCADE EQUIP MENT Ne w and Used 50 Blue et brown fronts 100 Blue or Bro wn front. 251 Blue er Brown Fronts 5.10-25s Helen Belle 5g Black Cherrys 100 Black Cherry. 250 Black Cherrys 550000 Black 'oriel Cherry, Bella 50 Standard Chiefs 101 Standard Clale h 250 Standard Chiefs 50 Ne w Vest Pockets Sic Mills Q.T., A-1 1 6·.9,,. 500, 2.,·,·.·9`,°., o',.. o'o. ...v. ". 50 99 .5 ° 1.1?0,4.5",,.,,°.0 ·i' , ···'. 149.50 " 93 ° 1·,6F!·,, ,0 '· , . 65.00 W, . nw Mille end lenninde en" and Canso,., Ne w Sates - Single. Double, Triple Revole- around.. Specials lT'oh'e'',''RollDal.e··G1uns ' Bang.a- Derrn IC< .2 ... Chicago Co·n Plaiel . Lite eeeeee Ease ball sw Undersea lamder -Sally gi rt.. tenet Subrnar. .. Bit-a-Bell So. Ne w. W.ti Ba m Pitch. . tr Da man, Floor Sa mple Voire -o Craph. Like New Sla . Roll. Like New Cone., Guiders. New Ur 4 22 Shuffleboards r.,,,,,,,....,,.,.....A,,.,...,·ms Flying Disk. New ... eeney Ten Pins New Chicago Coin Roll Down. Nc w Gottlieb Triple Gripper. Ne w 911490..5500 75.00 149.50 39.50 99.50 79.50 79 30 49.50 250.00 325.00 165.00 175.00 175.00 195.00 250.00 195.00 195.00 32.50 CONSOLES -1 BALLS FP Mills lu mbar Parade. CP $ 49.50 3- Way, 5-10-75e, Like New . 395.00 Keeney 2- Way. 5-251. A-1 . .... 295.00 Bally Double Up, Uke Mete 285 .00 svoinv Raven, Co mb. CP-FP Cold Cups Speoial Entry s lockey Specials Victory Specials Cotat·ona . 395.00 1" 0 85.00 95.00 49.50 275_00 MUSIC NE W AMI Modal C .n.·,7.7 .A MI W..' B.Fi`i Wurlitu m 1015, Like Ne w write Write 1.269.50 Seeeurg Nigh Tone 9800 . . Sache m Le Tone 9800 Wurittlea 600. A-1 Seeborg Wireless Wall Bose. PItYdr . Model, ta. 119.50 139.50 79.50 7.50 W RITE · WIRE · PH O NE · ADA MS 7254 CENTRAL OHIO COIN MACHINE EXCHANGE 525 S. HIGH STREET COLU MBUS 15. OHIO 1140-50 N. KOST NER AVE. CHI C AG O 51, ILLI N OIS "There is no substitute for Q uality!" 132 C OI N M A C HI N ES The Billboard · · · · · · · OO O O O O O O O O O O O :SATISF6ACTION Dl e blokes. with an «tale- · blied flo w to pal Ow uaran teed!. .;. e BEST Benwielrdedr Ib1.u11y,sai.nt.iz*faWc-m. · ·· · MILLS' NEW 1950 lane lO, 1950 BELLS EXHIBIT'S JEANIE Here's · beauty there ri nsin g up wins·tiorief profits. A ¡'bail erne ItiaMed with @Si « ON THE PL AY FIELD. Ne w m erino feeler's - bobble bu mps litter « Men, Clay. Cr sontrollad flippers. Surprise Bonus WILLIA MS SWEETHEART Truly a "Ilonr e in any locatlen. This 'wise her everything. Entirely new Me, 11·Id - thu mper bu mpers - tilt resat - 10 bickout holes end replay Hering. l's Ishale On the Hay ear .. ter OOOOOOOOs ·verreenere. She's GM Everythiogl Mies USED SHUFFLE GAMES Willia ms T WI N SH UFFLE. Drawn ..SIRS CalsInat with ow n.% Chita .> Coin CO WL- IN G ALLE Y In GoNliab SO WL· TTR, 171 Sally SH UFFLE CO WLE S 14.1 Sally SPEED BO WLER Keeney KIN G FI N Gen » GLI DER Ch,4age Coln {S UF. in ni The Modell Melhod of PURCHASING Use *or ·Ien especially cntatied far you. Op. cOOOOO Nnt cre el plan lets eur money wort for yaw. Ilse it for replace', en. , on Iarpernents. etc. Find eut fer yourself. w rite, wir· er CONSOLES RALLY SPOT SELL Deluxe DR A W SELL Ro w ., DR A W EISLL WIN ISO I» TRIPLE SELL CONSOLES ..1111 3. Way WIN OS SUPER SELL 211 T WIN SONUS SUPE R EM U. 225 SIN GLE » NUS SUPER SELL 11 GOLD N UGGET 200 EVA NS MILLS' NE W VEST POCKET BELL I MILLS' NE W QT Operates on 3-5 14OOOO y Payout System, I A 'irony-Sine" Bell. Weigh. mly 25 Ile $0 Pier . .$65 00 I 2.54 Pl.', $119.50 S. Play, $115.00: 250 Play. $137.$0 WRITE FOR QUANTITY PRICES. "21" BELL BLUE BELL BLACK BEAUTY BONUS IEEE TOKEN BELL 54-104-254-504 PLAY WRITE FOR PRICES GUARANTEED RECONDITIONED MACHINES BO WLING TYPE GA MES Gottlieb Mewled % United Shuffle Alley Keeney Ten Pho 1141.50 114.10 11. 10 telly Tripl:C 2Itle 1Fee Sally Draw Dell. 114 Reny Drew Cell, H.... 54 flatly E mery* EMI, St Rally Dra w Zell, le, R.R Rally OIL... Draw Sall, If S114.10 214.00 144.10 141.50 179. » »I SO FLE EASCR ALL SPE CI ALS 231 Phon4 for met·.1s, 254 WI N OOOOO Oit WI NTERSOOK 111 IWO MANOTAIL 221 Keeney ·ISC ·erfer Sally » WI . Cowl s' Keeney ) . bey 14/.50 171.30 170.10 brestley Trade Odds Ju mbo Parade, Corn & Mills Four dells Mille Ju mbo Parade 'Casio 341.00 024.50 40,50 4.1t in Half Dollar SL OTS All orkinals, war m . . NEW SHUFFLE GAMES Chi Coin Bowline Alley. Cle m. $ wab » League. le ft. 111.30 171.00 Mills Ju mbo Perathe IF...) Keeney Super ISM, 5t Keenor S a w Super bell, ES Lote Evans E wes M en *. P.P. & M.S. 61.50 111.50 11 . ne w. S-BALL FREE PLAY GA MES JE WEL CULL SL AC K CHERR Y ARCADE EQUIPMENT SELL STRI KE TWIN BOWLER GOL DE N FALLS Jennings M O NTS CARL O 51 » ISO I» an EX HIBIT'S UNIVERSAL SUPER A » m utton air over the cave. One or Iwo ·la wrs. Flyer, » rtry. Jug/ Idris real bowling. Pins. All th· Excite tient, SI 'tr . ., » sr .,. Pins the thr.11s of ba wling. I- authentic W WI . «trine. ARCADE AND Mt .· · · · · · · · · · · · ·· ·· ·1 Renal DALE RUN, Le k* Models, Re- ··Inteth AiliCandi· ·Shuffle Game Closeout · 1-BALL FIE PUY GAMES tlenefl t 71 · · Willia ms ST AR SERIES 2» AD VA NCE ROLL 20 TOTAL ROLL TPLEOUIZ, W U, Like 20 e Ne w 125 Hi Brood N ew, Original Cr e m - Module-. e Hurry, Groin, Fast 1 1 Phenol Write I Wire! · PIN GAMES ria·le 9It ·A NJ O IN A CO NTACT SCRE WBALL SHO WGIRL 1SICKING, INC 140CI1NCINCENNTATRIAL14,PARKOHIWOAY 131.U· SKIES 1145 SO 55 71 40 OS 35 83 · · RA MON A IbuCC· NREIt 5 es 65 SUPER HOCKEY . . 10 JAC K & JILL 75 '49 M AJ ORS . . 15 M ONT·IIIIET 68 PARA DISE 70 SU MMERTI ME 70 · · ·· · · · · · PU DDIN· H·lii0 TH RILL 1 70 30 DALL AS 10 T ANKS 65 CAROLI NA III SIAR NACLR SILL .· 43 CAR NI VAL 6.3 et RICO 45 · OSOS Fair 517.50 tan Deer Can- teen, oil 17.10 R., 011 27.50 kno wn., wit 32.10 14 mrana, wit Sky Blazer, O n, 3110 Medico, w/P 35.50 R ocket, syrf 31.30 Hu me » DInuthri sr ,f Slawhellen, w/f tereude. wit Wisconsk, will 17.110 37.10 37.10 37,00 Cash! Leee Eva » Races, Cask Model $40.10 224.10 Gold Mine. w/f.$71.50 Carnival 47.50 sr/f 4,9.1,01 Ilipsten A wit 4/.30 Sellerine, elf 41.10 Cinderella, w/11 411.80 K .. Cole . 41.10 Grand A ward,,,,,174.S0 Dowling Cha mp 104.30 er,1 W. » Nellycrane M e w) Writ. Undersea Raider $ 61.00 ·shIblt Clale (bun W. » Exhibit Vitaliser 40.00 Orinco Total Roll WM M utes » . Moyle, Inin Model 41.30 e n. oscere, Frei any .. 224.51 Weill Thrill Oun, le Plata Salty 141.1tell 17.114 91.14 Marylerfd, wit .114.30 To11111, wit 14. 1 C. C. Cha mpion viff 124. 14 Just Si, se/. 1.0 .51 nee Ro m w/f .14,54 Geld Cup .4114.10 Git . . .. Ws. « Victory Spatial .. 40.50 Special Entry Hickey Special Lon wecre Thorebred EH, " 22.50 . 32.10 W./0 Ne w Roe S ands. Sin e. Dtruble end Triple Safes fer All MIN. kwel Cells Black Cherry Mlle. H ew Ze e. ill UAIITEED RECONDITIONED RI M BELLS ······ ·W·01. Q. T. DeiFi Vest Packet Bells. WRITE OR PRICES. Mills Club Console ·411,6 St, NH, 251 Way We Have he Stock at All Times $144.50 la. EVERY NE W C OI N M ACHI NE M A N UFACT URED Write for Circuler and Price List. Vs Deposit WIth All Orders. Distribut°oWr.. ' · ·f WliNNO 1··· SATISFACTION GUARANTEED w ag SICKING DIST CO., 2133 W. Pico Blvd., Les Ar mies. Calif SICKI NG. INC., 927 Ft. Wayne Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. flEW nunno's LARGEST STOOL 133 0 N W ESTER N AVE. CHI C A G O 47 111·rulorle ··2300 Ne w! Di ferent! CONVERSION · 2 PUCKS .. CUTS PLAYING TIME IN HALF! Convert your United Shut. Il. Alleys, Bally Shuffle l Bowlers and Chicago Coin Twin Berrien late Speed $1950 Belden for FAS TER ' PLAY, GREATER PROFITS. Only Im mediate Delivery. see ALLIED for the BEST! 1050141. Skills ..1 39.00 Henerrn 0OOOOOad Doluse Units 10,19. 1141.501 . W M Refle.Ola 11 . Shurfleboaird.. No n American Er 5119911915o4 n1.. 11. » Nationwide and Mercury 15' and W Snuffle with TMoarrple or Black 7·J· " I I I . l I OPERATORS IN MAINE, NEW HAMPSHIRE, VERMONT, MASSACHUSETTS, RHODE M N AND CONNECTICUT-IISE OUR LIBERAL FIL M PUB IN STOCK: TURF KING -Tent h . proven TURF KING is truly greater than all other RALLY One Balls. Ne w SALLY SNUFFLE CHA MP -KEENEY DUCK PINS. KEENEY DOUBLE BO WLER -UNITED G-FOOT SHUFFLE EXPRESS. Ifroil --- NE W PIN GAMES -ARIZONA, YOUR BEST INVEST MENT IS INCREASE YOUR PROFITS WITH OUR HOT, NE W PRE MIU MS -ALL THE LATEST SHO WN AT THE AC M MA SHO W. WE HAVE DRASTICALLY REDUCED OUR PRICE ON ALL USED UNITED. BALLY, ETC, SHUFFLE MACHINES. W ANTED: W URLITZER 3020's, W URLITZER 1017, ONE dALLS AND LATE FIVE BALLS. f tEZ reao.. 2, * DD Pdtiefez- rA.,MR DISTRIBUTING CO. Inc. tesiati" 298 LINCOLN ST. AL -"or ALLSTO N, Boston 34, Mass. NEW PORTABLE AND LOCKABLE WISHING WELL Patents Pending RESULT TUTEO. ONE WELL CROSSED OVER $1200.00 In 30 days, Tell Heed. Neer York Cry. _A aOOOO for penny arced.. .resorts, dabs. CO MBINES SKILL CA ME FEATURES. LEGAL ANY WHERE. NO LICENSE OR FEDERAL TAX. COST LESS THAN NE W PIN GA ME. Send ter descriplise brochure. Disiriburcers w anted. 1200 GAVIOTA AVE. Designed and m anufactured by GILLESPIE GA MES CO. LONG REACH 13, CALIF. Mil KEENEY'S 1111 New 3Purpose Mystery FAST! DIFFERE NT! INN OCE NT! Sold direct and only to bona fide operators, Only · week', test will convince. Don't be SEC O N D in your territory. $99.50 .u ere.... Sc size. EIM141114.4. earnings. Operator's drea m for closed territory. Ideal for a DE A L Nothing like it to co wsrete with County exclusive on quantity. FI R S T OR DER LI MI TE D TO O NE SA M- PLE. RETUR N ABLE W IT HI N 15 D AYS FOR FULL R E F U N D. W. E.KEENEY MFG. CO. 581 8 W E NT W ORT H AVE CHIC AGO 121.. ILL June 10, 1450 fie Siliboard COIN MACHINES 133 El00,10 MEN! Once every week 15,000,000 men-- American men go to their respective clubs to enjoy a little fun and relaxation. Club night is a big thing in the hearts of these men who belong to either a patriotic, civic or fraternal group. These clubs are the bulwarks of the Nation, astronghold in whose quarters exist no "ism" but Americanism, the cradles of democracy, the shrines of freedom and the homes of good samaritans. Charity istheir foremost thought--to ease the pain of the sick, to knit the bones of the crippled, and to assist the needy, to provide food and medical care for orphaned children and to give scholarships to the deserving. To do all these worthy things, the one great remedy is -- MONEY! To that end it has been the proud duty of the Bell machine to furnish needed revenue in immeasurable millions of dollars a year. 1_A1 A r\UJjJ(È"· '11E Di W ORLD'S EXCL USI VE DIST RI BUT O R: MILLS BELL PR O D U CTS · 4100 FULLERT O N AVE N UE, CHI C A G O 39, ILLI N OIS 134 COIN ITIACIIINES The Billboard June 10, 1940 PARTS IN STOCK FOR ALL GA MES 11144 It WORLD'S LARGEST COIN MACHINE DISTRIBUTING HOUSE SEND FOR NEW 8 PAGE ILUSTRATED CATAL06 N E W PIN G A M E U NITED A RIZON A CO TE. SAN K.A.E ALL ID OL JE ANIE in NE W ONE A l Le r- 15·111. CH A MPIO N. F.P., e/1111 Belly KE NTUC KY. PA L . , . N e w P I N » . S p eelia b EV ANS' CO NSTELL A- TION. 45 Sale. W NW NE W COUNTER GA MES HIT. A NCINIER BUDDY, C I. Reels PAVAI. CUE. II C W OAT CH ALLE NGER AST M ODEL F TEST QUEST SHIP MA N W. D AVAO. SKILL THRILL SAL. HE AVY HI TTER 24.11) 11.51 0.10 47.50 91.55 49.50 92.30 79 » GUSHER, k NON-COIN M AR VEL ACM. le er Sr KIC KER 0. CATCH . NO N-COI N IMP, to or 54 TILT-TEST, II FIVE JAC KS AC ME SHOCK MI NTH 11 30 21 46 31 10 19.00 19 35 54.50 69 SO ».30 NE W SLOTS MILLS BL AC K BE AUTY. H, La BL AC K COLD. H. La BL UE BEL L M ELON BEL L BO NUS BELL. 21 MILL JE N NI NGS SU N CHIEF, EXPORT CHIEF. S WEEPST AKE frci r sir 91:: rr1",.Ceintlii .:11:::: NE W SKILL GA MES we ». T WI N BO WLER W O N ROC K OL A SHUFFLE LANE ...... ... Write BAL, SPEE D BO WLER We. . IX. SIL VER BULLETS W . ». TAR GET M ASTER... SI15. - Ne w Rebuilt Sloss at a M SS S-10-254 S165.0 - SLOT SAVES, STAN DS. ETC. 1 CHIC AGO METAL. ·M VOLV AROII ND SAFES Suso m--4131.110 · De mble -6191. « · Trio m U NI VERS AL -Sine... Iefe -S 0.10 · Deuble Sale SOX STA NDS -11 7 50 is S W , / SR COI N OE" LUXE . UM» .. 126.S0 37 14 BA R6.11171 R O S UNITED SHUFFLE ALLEY... ...,...... $134.50 With Liehted Pin Convyrsion ime SH UFFLE Pli PI. 14930 CIE NCO BO WLING LE AGUE. M I Pi. 144.94 U NITE D SUPER SH UFFLE ALLE Y 189.50 U NI VERSAL T WIN BO WLER we Ste I CHI COI N BO WLI NG 119.50 - NE W CONSOLES UNIV. Pi . .... GILL .I.V.A.N.I CRLAOCVEESR SILL inet .vA NS eBArNDGI ATMAIOLNSD u J.Ne geill'reAnt E NE W VENDORS ACORN VE NDOR 21 emu-. 1L3A,S1 D10E CHA R M 5 11,0$ 14.10 mTR AY VI NOØi .. . . OI C0R I WA R 14 40 41,51 vauz .... . lILlO SAITMLVIIERIC ANNIN O AL- 40. " f; K. HOT Nui VE ND 7*.IS NN. WW ST A MP VI NO. 14. W r:e r e" .A.I r N. W DU AL NUT N. W DE LUXE N. W M ODEL 59 Ne IS SALI GUM ALCO. ..... CA NDY M AIST. ·LECTIRIC .N CO MEVE N DOR 4 C m. se wi t G ran a r4 13;75 IIIbt5 105 35 6 9,50 It » WANT TO BUY COLD CUPS CHA MPIONS C1T·TIO NS LEXI NCTO NS KE NTUCKYS pn oTo FI NISH SELEURC M-1 DO ALL Lin 5 BAILS SE N D LIST T OD AY IN STOCK United IV eve or 4' SHUFFLE ALLEY EXPRESS Universal 9' SUPER T WI N BO WLER Chi, Cola IE BO WLI NG CLASSIC tally IP le 91 /2 ' SPEED DOYILER Inhibit I' et 91 /2 STRI KE 5Mer.ina,e*oe SLOT SPECIALS! g1Mils1010.1.SE.A MBeSllsNE W I..5..4$115.00 55 219.50 CN N. Colu mbia. S.J 109.50 Chi. M OI SI Deuble Revelvereund SI N Sates. Fleet Seas- ales . 109.50 e - . ·=no ew e @ e.ere.eern,. · e INCREASE YOUR PROFITS WITH OUR HOT, NEW PREMIUMS W RITE FOR ILL USTRATED A ND CIRCUL AR Q U A NTITY PRICES e 5 BALL PIN GA MES Pretlea· 3169 » Serenede . Iri tS0 W e. Tahiti .. 16948 Scre w ... lit » Merry Wide« 69. » At » FoOtbell Kin. Artter 164.58 Grand A ward . El. » Leeja trade Windt .. 64.65 Roston 1St » Cinderella . , 44.341 Pinch M ier , 14330 Au Saba 59.10 3 Musketeers.. 144.50 P w »I » .··· ··· EF.E0 St. Loins 229. » M uni 5/.34 Ta mpico 139.50 otlehorne Sharp Shooter P M. » 3 Ferathe n ... 129.141 Super Hockey.. 13.14 *queer. » . . 114.50 Beyillng Chan . 114.50 Smetana A Seen 14.10 Virsi ra· M ae Crary 134.11 Mardi Gr.., Eallersna .... 5.151ball Trod.. A men · Robin Hoed . 64.5e 54,30 S4.30 S4.39 54.10 54.54 Black 0614 . B.. To w . .. Tor me nt M oan M e w Beet ... Carolina 14,10 1E1.50 104.50 IM.S0 90.50 911.50 Catalina WM Trusid.· 04 ,50 Nu mPly 130. raIne 84.50 wi u m.N. 43.50 Sunny 49.50 liands· 51.14 Floating Pew « 1-2-3 Ea lwP me 14.311 94 » 94.55 ·0410 .··.· ··· 00.10 Core. Girl .... 49.50 Merle. Lee . E.U. 45.50 ne mesis W S MI. » Buccaneer ... 15.50 Mar.01. 74 35 Su m mer Alit . In TInse . WrIen d 6ry9.a5s0 BuI M U· 49.50 Stor my 19.30 Clea radre 44.50 rHs, .. ' 44.30 44.50 S39.50 Ilund mds et Pest W m I Bolls orals EIIIIPees Installed . . ONE B A L L S A R C A DE CH A MPION P P Na nruC KV, P.O LEXI NGTON. P.O CIT ATION. F.P . W NW m g, IMES. » M AE I M O. G OL O CUP, F.P us » JOCKEY CL UE, P.O.. re1 a mt.. _ m ss JOC KEY SPECI AL. P.P 1.9 40 ·ALLY ENTRY, P.O. 79218 SviPe-ErCoIaArL EDaNrTeRrY: PP..OP TwasM VICTORY SPECI AL. F.11 GOTT DAILY RACES P.P 49.80 40 44 C O N S O L ES GB H T WI N SONU IV. RACES, Co mb. P.P. · e.o..... rs.oe ·A NGT A11.11, J.F 295.04 JE W.. CH ALLE N GER, M et LATE 145.00 115 K MI NEY BON US SUPER SILL 219.54 54 KEE NE Y BO NUS SUPER SILL. 140.10 on Lux· DR A W ·111.· . 199.50 DR A W BELLS, Re,. 145. 50 T WIN SUPER SILL. 5-154 Irre· War 100.14 MILLS 4-BILLS. 044 4 79.04 KEE NEY la SUPER SILL. CON .. WM W ATLI NCI BIG G A ME, F.P. SOSO MILLS JU M00, LATE HE AD e 59.34 PACE RIELS -CHR. R AIL, CO ME. St » J· N N. SIL VER M OON, P.O. or P.P 8944 MILLS 3 BELLS. LAN * Mod. . . N A M HOLLYCR ANI, L We Hew ERN ROT ARY M OISI STAR SIRIUS . IL WI Medal. Like Neer COTE. BO WLII TTE CHICOIN BASKETISALL C HA MP 1105. 0 299 30 129 30 125.00 179.50 ., 191.10 W MS. ALL ST ARS CHICOI N GOALIE CIII M OIN PISTOL M ASTER me » 129.54 129.55 99.50 PN OTO M ATICI. Co m Mete As 1. W95.5so0 11114111iT DALE SU N 04.50 SCIENT1P a POK·RISIO E9.50 U N. SHUFFLE SKILL W.S0 FLASH H OCKEY 69.54 HE AVY HI TTER In 60 CINCO W HIZZ. P P 40.511 CROIT. SKILL TEST .10.56 ART C. ..... Gin 24.30 W OOD · STEEL BALL ROLL DO WNS at Gi weemy Pri me W rite CIGARETTES-CANDY RO WS CRUSADER. Ill Col STE W ART M alUIRII, 7 Col. Ro wE PRESIDE NT 294 II C M. ·OINE ROY AL. 22e, Ill C M. PX, 23e. II Col. . . . RO WE DELU XE, 1 C a., 12111Ler 0-SELECT-IT, 72-Ear 8113.04 Ma 15.841 OS » ISS AS NM MS » O NE-N A U. DEP OSIT W IT H O RD EI, I ALA NCE C. 0. D. O R » MT D R AFT SE NO C HECK IN PULL W IT H O RDERS LISS TH A N Ets PIN CONVERSIONS for SHUFFLE GANES DISAPPEARING PIN CONVERSION FOr U NITE D, BALL Y, GE NC O, CHIC OI N end U NI VERSAL. SPECIFY G A ME. $79.50 For C HI C A G O C OI N and U NI VE RS AL $23.75 RED ARRO W - - - - $19.50 FOR UNITED, 6ENCO, BALL? EAMES MGT LITE -A-PI N - - $20.00 FOR UNITED GE M, RA M GAMES SHUFFLE SHOES - - SI 8.50 BOOSTS SHUFFLEBOARD PLAY COUNTER GA MES JOKER WIL D, 4 W ay 14 54 PA VAI. 21. le ee at 14 10 SPAR KS, Token Pe wee, 15 CIE. 17.50 MERCURY, Talton Payout, 15 Cie 19.50 LI .Yoiren Pays .. If er Sr ... 14.50 M AR VEL. Token ·ayout. 15 C H. 14.10 A MER EAGLE. It er St Frt. 24.50 Non c ram marvel, C l. 10.00 Non-Co.n raglob, Fred . 59.50 Vendo (Gin Changer, Br. Suple. 74.50 SL OTS SKI L L S GOL F B ALL . M4 B50L0ASCLKACCHKEoRrRnYery5.10.25I JE WEL SILL. 3-104 » GOL DE N FALLS. H.1... 545.256 SW GOLDEN Illebellt1 224 SL UE SELL BL UE FRO NT. sa etst ... BRO W N FRONT. 5.113335 CHRO ME BELL. 1.111 454 . .. 1V5I4I?0 TreecBeurrns CABI NET . W ATI.ING 0 04.4-TOP. 3-10.150 JENNINGS S CHIEF, 5-111-155 LITE UP CHIEF 5.18.11. ORONIM CHIMP. I-1162.44 4 SI AS CHIEF, 1-0 3. 54 VICTOR? CHIEF. 5.1 .1.14 Ii CHIEF SIL VER M OON TIC TAC TO I . CHIAROLL A. 55 PL AY . , GROETI VEN COLU MBI A DOUBLE J.F.. CHRO ME COL U MBIA DE LUXE COL U MBIA 0 01. 0 A W ARD COLU MBI A $395.00 ur.H.r1e4 129.00 100.50 150,30 149.00 69.50 79.50 49.50 19 50 44.50 000.30 500950 19.50 91.30 59.50 69.50 79.50 05.00 99 50 us SO /9 30 50.5.11 IN COI N COU NTERS -02.011 EACH Highly ·014011·0 Co.,., - · M UST it W M Overate Shuffle Ga m .. 1012-14 MIL WAUKEE AVE. · Rhone EVER GL A DE 4.1600 CHICAGO 22 ILL. thitrIbutort lot Al the Leading Manutaduren ffl o miniltii . aty d wigned, beautifully CEO. stru ded el mehensony fer leas 1.1e. Fully Bu m med.. Easy - mere. ...... - A surro·fire . Y.9. · 1 , nerriey-r wker. C ASH IN N O W -vrith Nis note. est NroN rseeitiag du sevehy. Re the Distnbutor tor your Ne- i ritery. Write or wire. ,. --..... _ ·IS T RI AN S te oe, :Oriar7m710T1us:nrTe0Rt i T. C. V/FII TTE N B U R C C O T ULS A A Pull Color Dettriptive folder W ill Do Sent U pon Request "rlf ·PINT (.e"l II ' (,,.....9.,0. 005 12.4 M P « I pb:·" "' '''' SUBSCRIPTION ORDER FORM The Billboard 2160 Patterson Street Ci nci n n ati 22, Ohio Plsaíe enter m y subscription to The Bill board , foe one year, $1 0. I understand that this will I include the BI C SU M MER SPE CI AL. Jim' , 10, 1950 The Billboard COIN MACHINES 135 lectiiitotkr-M Men!liere Cotriis EXHIBIT'S FASCINATING A 5-Ball Ga me Loaded With Action Where You Want It ... On the Play Field --New, Exciting Scoring Features Plus "Special" Build-Up... ·BOBBLE BUMPERS ·JITTER ACTION · PLAYER CONTROLLED FLIPPERS · HIGH SCORE Regular Bonus Plus Surprise Bonus and Other New Play Appealing Features NOW! AT YOUR EXHIBIT DISTRIBUTOR EXHIBIT SUPPLY COMPANY 4218-4230 W. LAKE STREET CHICAG O 24, ILL. BADGE R'S ?eotyalito hlti --.Seldo m a m a n y floor.'" LOS A N GELES UNA Wepirel MIL W A U KEE ga r GUARANTEED RECONDITIONED CONSOLES "me NE W BALLY CLOVER MILLI SALLY TRIPLE BELLS SALLY RESERVE SALLY MULTI-BELL SALLY HI HANDS W RITE SIBS » 150.00 250.00 25.00 SALLY SPOT BELLS BALLY DRA W BELLS .. . . KEENEY BONUS BELLS, 3- WAY KEENEY @ONUS BELLS. 2- WAY KEENEY BONUS BELLS. It WAY $350.00 . 99.50 250.00 . 150.00 . 125.00 GUARANTEED RECON DITIONED PHONOGRAPHS SE··URG 100 SELECTIO NS. IFE S U R D M O DE L 141 M SEERulta, MODEL I-47 M ElESUR O MODEL 1-N M W uRLITEAR MODEL 1080 WURLITEER MODEL 100 NS W W RITZ I3 fl fl MIAS Km« RU M W RI T. ROCK OLA 150 MODEL lilt A .M.I. . A.A. I. MODEL A IN U RLI T2 E R M O DE L ISIS ROCK OLA MODEL H U NE W EV A NS CO NSTEL L A TI O N W RITS ME MO M AI 250.11 M IN W RI TS RECONDITIONED ASST. EQUI P MENT cul c.4e. o SOI N B ASIllI T E A L L Q UI flE S S LI K E HE W) CHICAGO COI N PISTOL EXIMEIIT DALE GU NS EIS HI Erl SIL VE R ·U L LE TE INEF A ROL L S I ROLLS KE E N. . TE N PI N TRI PLE BEL L S BALLY ..... VW BELL 814..30 149.30 124.30 In).S0 U NI V. PH OT O FI NIS H gN E W) SALLY CH A M PI O N 'N E W) CIt ATIO N UNIV PHOTO FINISH 1E9.30 W S0 49 50 U NI TE D SH UF FLE CHI COI N ',O WL IN C ALLEY WIL Le ·311 T WI N SN UF FL E 171.50 B AL L Y SH UF FLE BO W L E R 225 00 BE E NE ./ BO N US 2 W · ·, 5-211 1Se.S., SALLY DR A W BELLS W RITS W RITS ISISAE M AI 170.*1 W RITS rm..tA. 1...B. I MES VI M TER MS: 1.3 Depeot · lonnwelaate Deliver> · Prie· M a wr . Crat Me O PE IC A TI MS IN CALIFOINIA, ARIZONA, NEW MEXICO, NEVADA AND WISCONSIN (SE OR-It "'I % li · C V SMALL DO WN PAY ME NT. EALANCE MONTHS TO PAY f Badger Sales Co., Inc. Badger Novelty to. rm. Alit e wer, Las Ar0.1·5 6. C M. 1546 ms an m a. Street, Milt worlrere 10, Wis. All ..... Ortn Arlii " AI Alt M ao ri AU- Al ma [OR S A L E WURLITZER SKEEBALLS, $59 5°Ea. attn. extra -- thews AlllebinP11 nose been thorousols reconditioned and painted Il loot MEE TIR O. Ready for 10C·lion. Guy with confIrlence. J O Y N O V E L T Y C O., 8 63 5 Li n w o od A v e., D etroit 6, Mi ch. M en . TVA. 4-141111 10E ASH ACTIVE ACTIVE DELU XE CO N VERSI O N for U NI TE D, BASE L Y, WILLI A MS T WI N, ROC K Cs · BE E NE . AND GENIC° NO W $11.95 LI MiMITED This New Cent, . Pro.. Puck Posher tine· Cover to RrOIOSI Pint fro m ALL PLASTIC CONVERSION FO R U NI TE D For merly M ALLE Y O NL Y -- PL U G-I N ', WI -- N O SOL DE RI N G AO N o w $15.00 1 3 «mooed with order. AMUSEMENT MACHINES CO. 666 N. BROAD ST. PHI L ADELP HI A 30, PA. Flte mont 7- 4 4 9 5 58 FRELI N C H U YSE N A VE. NE W AR K 5. N. I. Bigelo w 3-4300 "YOU CAN AL WAYS DEPEND ON ACTIVE -- ALL W AYS" IF YOU W A NT TO BUY --SELL OR EXC H A NGE MILLS SLOT MACHINES WRITE- -PHONE OR TELEGRAPH FOR PRICES AND ALLO WANCES BAKER NOVELTY COMPANY THE W ORLD $ LAR GEST SUPPLIERS Cr (( US ÉQUIP ME NT 1700 W ASHI N GT O N BOULEVARD CHICA G O 12. ILLI N OIS 136 COIN M I C H INEs The Billboard June 10, 1950 KEE NEY'S Seeedeld"e, jade FASTEST 2-PLAYER BO WLER OF TODAY! ea-. .0.-7Deve 'Mu m ,Aarnor, *mu, `.ettrzatywr· ,Z 3 4 5 IF7 77 THE OUTSTA N DI N G 5O WLER FOR FAST REB O U N D ACTI O N * LESS THAN 45 SECONDS PER GA ME' * 2 PLAYERS OR ONE' * DISAPPEARING PINS. * SCORES ALL SPLIT SHOTS' THE MA GICAL DU C K PI NS! ITS PR OFIT PERF OR MA NCE JUSTIFIES YOUR IM MEDI ATE ACTI ON, KEE NEY'S *FASTER ACTION! Rebound Pock cuts g a me to m e ti 45 seconds or less. *HI -SPEED TOTALIZER registers score for 2 players or one. *SCORES ALL SPLIT SHOTS! *IMPROVED DESIGN and GREATLY SIMPLIFIED MECHANISM' *QUIET PLAY! FASTEST 2-PLAYER 'C WeLER OF rODAy SIZE 8 FEET LONG er 2 FEET WIDE 20 -30 SCORING SCORES 4-7 and 6 -10 spurs EASY-PO-READ SCOFONG FOR BOlti PUINERSL 5ee ,rots`k KEEti C DISlit fill OR SIZE 91 /2 FEET LONG 2 FEET WIDE a itt SCOStE-b 6 -10 91.115 20 30 SCORING June 10, 1950 The Billboard UNITED'S COIN MACHINES 132 PATENT NO. 2,192,596 REGULATI O N BO WLI NG SCORI NG 10101C #410111110 e re ell e P/#5 fl Orgr e gifigeet Entire Playfield i ...,,,,_, e e ` / e · e e TWO SIZES 8 FT. OR 91/2 FT. BY 2 Fr. In co n M AC HI NES 7I". Itillbipard Ig.if1 Awe,do?,Miedaiea«rt, oliAmeMeeA'ZING NE W PL AYE R'S CH OICE IDE A CITATION was great... CHA MPION was greater... but TURF KING is, by al standards, the greatest pinball game ever built. Exhaustive locarion-tests in al sections of the country prove that che new and revolutionary PLAYER'S CHOICE IDEA is the strongest repeat-pluy stimulator ever created .. resulting in earnings far ahead of al previous profit-records. TURF KING includes al the famous time-tested and profit-proved play-principlus of CITATION and CHA MPION .. now presented to the pinball public in anew and fascinating way . .permitting the player to exercise his own judgment before the final skill-rest of shooting the ball .. ofering attractions to every ry-e of player. Rush your order fur TURF KING today! I/Up UDR 1 S 24. q2 48 64 96 SO 160 ..........umeg,u m,um· e s puf 1 3 5 9 1? 16 24 32 41 64 Write for details! O Famous "Citation"Advancing Odds Mystery Skill-Shot Selections Win, Place, Show, Purse Winners Build-up FEATURE Bonus us 1: 0, 14.1:17 LI 1:j 0/ Lo n's Popular 'Wild" Field Feature IN 1(110/1 MO M P11 If IFINRCD Purse and Show may score Win Odds Purse and Show may score double New L and R Feature Ile% Ill 7SE MIOS: ;D. New A, 8, 8, D Bumpers titIN W,l tOTAUON. Mal WIMMEP DO WER M · MANUFACTURING COMPANY 26 4 0 DI VISI O N OF LI O N M A N UF ACT URI N G CO RP O R ATI O N BEL M O NT AVE N UE, CHI C A G O 18, ILLI N OIS Yeaftdegal7kkeyietemette -.:0.,,.-., 7 11111111111T1g1fr1l1iicg1l'e1p15l4i1g1!ti1eiis·e.1,l1izes-el1.e*.9-.-"Ifr,,.14._.·1ecid.h1e7' .... ······_,.. .8 1914111,4 e di .51 Illni· .1· 5·I·12· 16. 1:ee e 411%.2.3.5·1·12·18 e NE (1) ENTRY flASII R O O M UNIVERS AL'S FE AT U R E BELL TRY IT! ze mee wlaz eeed teem ADVANTAGES: *DAILY DOUBLE...Returns boll oft « o winner, with odds remaining at torn. ',revel for start of next garnenf * EXTRA NEW SELECTIONS .Boot Seattle - N.. 4's. etc., adynnce for advantages and STAY LI VED UNTIL A WINNER IS MADE FR O M THESE LITES' * LITES FEATURÏ RACE.. of buying" Tea ure Rase! eloYer on oddiTionol method * ADVANCES ODDS additionol ploy! One of th· greoteist incentives for *PURSE AND SHOW SECTIONS SCORE WIN ODDS... the Familiar tee:ours that players try for after obtaining other odrantogesl KICK PLATE * ADDITIONAL SELECTIONS: 3, 4. 5, .mg!, or P. cornt-nnonon. O N FR O NT DO OR e h delt FROM YOUR UNIVERSAL DISTRIEUTORI t reeprir, --n·-······temseararyouteu mill UNIVERSAI Designers and Manufacturer! 5737 N ORT H BR OAD WAY · I", IDUSTRIES,Inc. It Profitable Coin Operated Feteigineal .117 8-234$ ·C HI C A G O 4 0, ILLI N OI S 1G» . . · 0i0 N M: W M e v tusi",:z·. nolLTZfif ,OtRAS 8 FICATIO e , rftà.b. ircr ui.rtT 136 10% with Seeburg .only Seburg has ire: 100 selections, all visible at one thoe, cataloged under the five basic musical classifications. Unprecedented sales appeal. New operating economy. No other music system ofers these important, opportunity·producing advantages. The fi nest remote selection ever developed. lOO selections --right at the finger tips of the public -- all cataloged under the five basic musical classifitat Ceebur DEPE NDABLE MUSIC SYSTE MS SINCE 11 0 J. P SEEBUR O CORP OR ATI O Chicago, II. . UR SEEB UR G DIS UT OR FOR THE C O MPLETE ST ORY OF SELE CT- 0- M ATIC "1 0 0" SYSTE MSFoxit FXPDFA 1.2 PDF Compressor