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AT&T NEVADA GUIDEBOOK PART 4 - Exchange Access Services SECTION 4 - Telephone Assistance Programs UNIVERSAL LIFELINE TELEPHONE SERVICE Third Revised Sheet 1 A. APPLICABILITY Applicable to residence Universal Lifeline Telephone Service (ULTS) B. TERRITORY Within the designated service areas where Nevada Bell is designated as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier pursuant to PUCN Universal Service regulations. C. DESCRIPTION Universal Lifeline Telephone Service includes: 1. Discounted installation of a primary residence access line for Tribal Link-up customers. 2. Discounted basic residence dial tone service. 3. Unlimited incoming calls. 4. Flat Rate service (See Rates and Charges section). 5. Call Restriction service as described in Part 8, Section 2 of the Guidebook is available at no charge. 6. The Utility will apply Call Restriction to a ULTS customer's line for non-payment of toll charges. The Utility will not disconnect the customer's local exchange service for non-payment of toll charges, incurred before Call Restriction is imposed. D. REGULATIONS 1. Qualification/1/ Prior to service establishment, applicants ordering ULTS are required to submit /2/ documentation demonstrating qualifying total household income or participation in a qualifying public assistance program. /2/ An applicant must meet all of the following criteria in order to qualify for ULTS: a. The applicant must receive benefits from one of the programs or income designated as federal Lifeline qualification criteria. Qualifying federal programs and income qualification are: (C) /3/ Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), /4/ Federal Public Housing Assistance (FPHA), Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Veterans and Survivors Pension Benefit Program; or Income at or below 135% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. /4/ /1/ Effective December 2, 2016, in compliance with the FCC "Lifeline Reform and Modernization Order", Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and National School Lunch Program's free lunch program are no longer criteria for the federal Lifeline program. Additionally, the income criterion for the federal Lifeline program is stated as Income at or below 135% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. Existing Lifeline subscribers qualified under these programs or the previous income criterion (Income at or below 175% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines) prior to December 2, 2016, and who remain qualified for these programs or the previous income criterion, may retain the Lifeline discount until such time as they must re-certify under current FCC rules and criteria. /2/ Material formerly on Sheet 2, paragraph D.2.b. /3/ Material omitted now appears on Sheet 1.1 paragraph D.1.b. /4/ Material formerly appeared on Sheet 2 Advice Letter: AL 2065 ATT TN NV-19-0028 EFFECTIVE: October 23, 2019 AT&T NEVADA GUIDEBOOK PART 4 - Exchange Access Services SECTION 4 - Telephone Assistance Programs UNIVERSAL LIFELINE TELEPHONE SERVICE (Cont'd) Original Sheet 1.1 D. REGULATIONS (Cont'd) 1. Qualification/1/ (Cont'd) a. (Cont'd) Participants residing on tribal lands may qualify, in addition to the pro rams listed above, if receiving benefits in one of the following programs: Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance, Tribally administered Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Head Start (must meet programs income qualifying standard), or Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations. A participant residing on tribal lands must sign under penalty of perjury that he/she resides on Tribal Lands, as defined in Title 47 C.F.R. § Section 54.400(e)and meets the income-based or program based eligibility criteria for receiving ULTS, referenced above. The Tribal Lands Applicant also must agree to notify Nevada Bell if he/she no longer satisfies the criteria for receiving ULTS. receiving ULTS. b. Lifeline support is limited to a single subscription per household. Household is defined to be any individual or group of individuals who are living together at the same address as one economic unit. For the purposes of this rule, an economic unit consists of all adult individuals contributing to and sharing in the income and expenses of a household. c. The applicant must certify that he/she is not a dependent for federal income tax purposes on another person's federal income tax return. d. The residence premises at which the applicant receives ULTS, must be the applicants' principal place of residence. e. The applicant must have only one lifeline telephone serving his/her premises. The residence premises household (dwelling unit) shall consist of that portion of an individual house or building or one flat or apartment occupied by a single family or individuals functioning as one domestic establishment. A room or a portion of a residential premises occupied exclusively by an individual not sharing equally as a member of the domestic establishment may be considered a separate dwelling unit (premises) for the application of ULTS. /2/ /2/ /3/ (C) (C) (C) (C) /1/ Effective December 2, 2016, in compliance with the FCC "Lifeline Reform and Modernization Order", Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and National School Lunch Program's free lunch program are no longer criteria for the federal Lifeline program. Additionally, the income criterion for the federal Lifeline program is stated as Income at or below 135% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. Existing Lifeline subscribers qualified under these programs or the previous income criterion (Income at or below 175% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines) prior to December 2, 2016, and who remain qualified for these programs or the previous income criterion, may retain the Lifeline discount until such time as they must re-certify under current FCC rules and criteria. /3/ /2/ Material formerly appeared on Sheet 2 /3/ Material formerly appeared on Sheet 1 Advice Letter: AL 2065 ATT TN NV-19-0028 EFFECTIVE: October 23, 2019 AT&T NEVADA GUIDEBOOK PART 4 - Exchange Access Services SECTION 4 - Telephone Assistance Programs Second Revised Sheet 2 UNIVERSAL LIFELINE TELEPHONE SERVICE (Cont'd) D. REGULATIONS (Cont'd) 2. Eligibility Determination, Certification, and Re-Certification (C) On or after October 23, 2019, with the adoption of the National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier (National (N) Verifier), the Company will no longer be responsible for determining Lifeline eligibility. The National Verifier will determine initial subscriber eligibility, conduct annual recertification, and populate the Lifeline Eligibility Database (all subscribers deemed eligible for the Lifeline Program). The Company shall continue to support customers by assisting them with their lifeline applications, including but not limited to submitting a customer's Lifeline application and applicable supporting documentation to the National Verifier. The National Verifier will collect the customer's application, determine eligibility, and give an approval or denial for a Lifeline discount. Once approved, the National Verifier will retain the approval for 60 days, during which time the Company may use the eligibility to provide a Lifeline discount. The customer may also use their eligibility to obtain a Lifeline discount from a Company other than AT&T. (N) (D) (D) /1/ 3. ULTS will not be furnished on a foreign exchange (FEX) or Foreign prefix basis (FPS). 4. Additional service and equipment are not available at discounted rates to ULTS customers, but will be offered to ULTS customers at applicable rates. /1/ Material formerly under Paragraph 2.b.3. now appears on Sheet 1, paragraph D.1. Advice Letter: AL 2065 ATT TN NV-19-0028 EFFECTIVE: October 23, 2019 AT&T NEVADA GUIDEBOOK PART 4 - Exchange Access Services SECTION 4 - Telephone Assistance Programs Original Sheet 3 UNIVERSAL LIFELINE TELEPHONE SERVICE (Cont'd) D. REGULATIONS (Cont'd) 5. Customers qualifying for Tribal Link-up will be entitled to discounted installations of a primary access line as shown in Rates and Charges. Customers may receive a subsequent discounted connection for a principal place of residence with an address different from the initial discounted installation residence address. A customer may pay service connection charges on a deferred schedule without incurrence of interest for charges up to $200.00. These charges do not include any permissible security deposit requirements. 6. Deposits a. If a ULTS customer elects to receive Call Restriction service, where available, any service deposit requirement is waived. b. Establishment of Credit ULTS Residence Applicants When a customer does not elect Call Restriction service and when the Utility requires a deposit to establish new service, the deposit amount will be the regular amount as set forth in Part 2, Section 2. c. Re-establishment of Credit ULTS Residence Applicants A customer whose service has been discontinued for non-payment of bills will be required to pay any unpaid balance due the Utility for the premises at which service is to be restored, to pay a reconnection charge as prescribed in Part 3, Section 1 of the Guidebook "Restoral of Service Charges", and to either accept Call restriction or Reestablish credit by making a deposit as prescribed in Part 2, Section 2, before service is restored. An applicant who previously has been a customer of the Utility and during the last twelve months of that prior service, has had service temporarily or permanently discontinued for non-payment of toll service, must make payment arrangements for the non-paid toll charges, and agree to Call Restriction. Upon demonstration that the un-paid toll charges have been paid, Call Restriction can be removed. 7. A Tribal Link-up customer electing Call Restriction service, as specified in Part 8, Section 2 of the Guidebook will not incur a connection, reconnection, move, change or removal charge. 8. Call Restriction will be imposed by the utility to a ULTS customer's line for non-payment of toll charges. The customer will not be able to make toll calls and must refuse to accept or make alternatively billed calls that result in toll charges billed to the customer's account. The customer remains responsible for payment of any toll charges incurred to the customer's line. 1) Continued toll usage can result in disconnection. 2) Call Restriction can be removed when the customer pays the outstanding toll charges. 3) Unpaid toll balances may be referred to an outside agency for collection. NOTE: Language on this page was approved in Advice No. AL 2047 and AL 2048. However, reference (N) to Tariff P.U.C.N. No. A2.2.12 were changed to Part 2, Section 2 which does not change the (N) terms, conditions or rates of lifeline service. (N) ATT TN NV-12-0067 EFFECTIVE: October 24, 2012 AT&T NEVADA GUIDEBOOK PART 4 - Exchange Access Services SECTION 4 - Telephone Assistance Programs UNIVERSAL LIFELINE TELEPHONE SERVICE (Cont'd) Second Revised Sheet 4 D. REGULATIONS (cont) 9. Recipients of ULTS must notify the Utility when they no longer qualify for ULTS. Upon receipt of the notification, the Utility will change the service to the regular rates for the service provided. If the Utility discovers that conditions exist that disqualify the recipient of ULTS, the access line rate will be converted to the regular rate for the service provided. The customer will be billed retroactively to whichever is the most recent of the dates ULTS commenced or the recipient no longer qualified for the service no to exceed 12 months. The retroactive billing will include the difference between the ULTS rate and the regular full rate (excluding usage) for the service provided, including service charges if applicable. The time period limitation for unbilled exchange charges as set forth in Part 2, Section 2.3.2(G) is not applicable. 10. Re-certification will be handled in accordance with the National Verifier. (C) (D) (D) 11. Other regulations and conditions for individual flat residence service are set forth in Part 4, Section 2. 12. Rates shown in E.1. below are for ULTS unless otherwise specified. E. RATES AND CHARGES 1. Rate per month for each ULTS access line: - Individual Line Flat Rate Lifeline Residence Service Monthly Rate RR/1/ USOC 1FN 2. Reserved for Future Use /1/ The monthly rate for this service will be the regular rate (RR) as shown in the AT&T Nevada (C) Guidebook, Part 4, Section 2, less applicable discounts. (C) (D) Advice Letter: AL 2065 ATT TN NV-19-0028 EFFECTIVE: October 23, 2019 AT& T N EVAD A G U ID EB O O K PAR T 4 -Exchange Access Services SEC TIO N 4 -Telephone Assistance Program s U N IVER SAL LIFELIN E TELEPH O N E SER VIC E (C ont'd) Sixth R evised Sheet 5 E. RATES AND CH ARG ES 3. TribalLink-up qualified participants w illreceive a reduction of100% ofm ulti-elem entservice connection charges,up to a m axim um of$100.00,fora U LTS access line.The discountshall coverany charges assessed to connectthe subscriberto the netw ork,including facilities-based charges associated w ith the extension oflines orconstruction offacilities needed to initiate service. The m onthly rate forthese U SO C s w illbe the regularrate forthe service provided discounted by the follow ing am ount. The m onthly discountprovided forlifeline service is equalto a state lifeline discount,a federal (C ) lifeline discountand an additionalcarrierdiscount. The AdditionalC arrierD iscountis equalto the difference betw een the EU C L and the FederalLifeline D iscount. Since AT&T N evada does not charge the EU C L as a separate line item forlifeline custom ers,the EU C L is subtracted from the overalldiscountto representthe new am ountofthe discountthatis provided to lifeline custom ers, as show n below . (C ) USO C 1FN State Lifeline FederalLifeline D iscount D iscount Addt'lC arrier EUCL (C ) $3.50 + $5.25 + D iscount - EU C L/1/ (C ) /1/EU C L refers to the "End-U serC om m on Line"charge setforth in N evada Bell's F.C .C .TariffN o.1, (C ) Section 4.7. (C ) Advice Letter:AL 2070 ATT TN N V-20-0034 EFFEC TIVE:D ecem ber1,2020