The Settlers - plentymarkets

4 Now take 2 farmers, 2 fishermen, 1 craftsman and 1 trader and place them on the village green of your player board. Take 1 grain and 1 fish from the market and place the tokens next to your players board.


Orléans Stories 3&4 | dlp games Story 3:Deutsch

PDF Storyheft3 Siedler EN V6
The Settlers
2-4 players, 60-120 minutes

Additional game material for the story ,,The Settlers"

1 Era tableau
1 double-sided Beneficial Deed: Food Depot / Medicine

5 Era cards (Settlement, Hunger, Expansion, Trade, Peace)
Pay 1 food item (bread, grain, fish, cheese or wine) and remove it from the game. If you cannot pay, you must undergo torture.
32 Event cards

1 ,,Hunger eliminated" tile

13 Fame tiles

1 Prohibition tile per player in players color

1 pencil per player

1 Scoring pad


First prepare everything as described under "General Set-up", then complete the set-up as follows:

Lay out the Era tableau with the backside facing up next to the game board and place the 5 Era cards in order on the first 5 squares of the tableau (4 cards on top from left to right and 1 card in the bottom row on the field on the left).

Place the Beneficial Deed "Food Depot" next to the other Beneficial Deeds.

Put the tile "Hunger eliminated" next to the Beneficial Deed "Food Depot".

Place the 13 Fame tiles face up on the Bonus spaces of the Fame track.

Put 1 of your settlers on space 1 of the Fame track and 1 on the card "Era I."

Place one of your fortresses on your starting village. It cannot be captured by other players. The remaining 4 fortresses are placed next to your player board.

Players 4 3 2 40 30 20
36 27 18

For a 2-player game, put another fortress back in the box. You can only build a maximum of 3 fortresses during the game.
Put 1 of your settlers back in the box and place the remaining 8 settlers next to your player board.
Depending on the number of players, put the following Follower tiles and Goods tiles on the marketplace: (In a 4-gamer play, all tiles are needed.)

24 18 12 30 22 15 20 15 10 12 10 8 12 10 8 10 9 8

18 14 9

18 14 9 3

Now take 2 farmers, 2 fishermen, 1 craftsman and 1 trader and place them on the village green of your player board.

Take 1 grain and 1 fish from the market and place the tokens next to your players board.

Take the ,,University" from your Base place tiles and place it face up next to your player board. It can be used from the beginning. (The rest of your Base place tiles will be placed next to the board as usual. They can be unlocked during the game.)

Now take the Event cards and arrange them into 4 stacks A, B, C, D. Shuffle the stacks separately and select 4 cards from each deck randomly. Lay them face down on top of each other so that D is at the bottom, put the 4 C-cards and then the B-cards upon and the 4 A-cards on top. The event cards determine the length of the game. An Event is revealed at the beginning of each round, the effect is resolved at the end of a round ­ however still before the round bonus is awarded (unless the event refers to another phase or applies to the whole round).


Pay 1 food item

(bread, grain,

fish, cheese or wine)

and remove it

from the game.

If you cannot must undergo

pay, you torture.

Each player also receives 1 pencil and 1 sheet of the scoring pad. At the end of the game victory points are noted on the scoring pad. It's also used to mark citizens collected during the game.


The Story
In the story "The Settlers", you will go back to the beginnings of the settlement of the Loire region. The area was not yet divided into duchies, and the settlers who settled there gradually built up skills that made their daily work easier. This went well until, with increasing prosperity, the focus shifted to the competition for supremacy. You can achieve the goal of winning this competition in differe: nt ways Expand your territory, hope for a rich harvest, let your traders and craftsmen use their skills cleverly and employ the arriving knights and scholars in such a way that they preserve and even increase your success!
Goal of the game
The story is played over 16 rounds. At the end of the 16th round, each player counts his points. The player who has collected the most points wins.

Course of play

The youngest player receives the starting player token. The game is played over 16 rounds. Each round is divided in the following seven phases:
1. Event The starting player takes the topmost Event card, shows it and reads it aloud. In most
cases, 1th0e0evYenet awirll affect phase 5 ,,Resolve event". If it refers to a different time, this is menHtioanerdvonetshte card. If it refers to the entire round, it is marked with the follow-
ing symbol:
2. Draw followers and place them on the village green
3. Planning
4. Perform actions
5. Restohlivs erouenvde,neatch goods tile you receive from the
6. Roun"dtebrroainn"usaction or buy from the market
The rounids dboounbulesdo. r malus of the Era card where your figure is currently located is awarded.
7. Change starting player

The following special rules apply to ,,The Settlers":

Whenever your figure on the Fame track enters or crosses a



get a

space with a Fame tile, you can choose among the following base place tile era


three bonuses:

Unlock one of your Base place tiles and place it next to your players board. You can use it immediately. You are allowed to freely choose which of your Base place tile you unlock.

Advance to a higher era. To do this, move your settler to the next higher era and place it horizontally on that card. In each era, you have to stay until the end of a round at least once. As soon as the bonus for the round has been awarded in your era (even if you don't receive any bonus), you stand your game figure upright in order to show that your settler may advance again from now on.

Get a citizen. You do this by marking a citizen on your score sheet.


The Eras
In each era, different conditions apply with regard to ­ the number of followers you may draw ­ the place tiles that you can buy at the Building yard ­ the round bonus/malus that you receive at the end of the round Number and name of the era Place tiles: Activated category of tiles you can acquire at the Building yard from now on Number of followers you may draw per round
Bonus / Malus for the round

The Eras in detail:

Era I - Settlement
In Phase 2, you may draw only 4 followers from your bag as long as you are in this era.
You may acquire Place tiles of category I.
Bonus for the round in phase 6: You receive 1 fame point for each settler on the map.

Era II - Hunger You may draw 7 followers. You may acquire Place tiles of category I and II. Malus for the round if the Food Depot is not full yet: Pay 1 food tile if you control up to 3 areas, 2 food tiles if you control 4-6 areas and 3 food tiles if you control 7 or more areas. Bonus for the round if the Food Depot is full: Take 3 coins if you are the only player to control the most areas (otherwise nothing happens).
Era III - Expansion You may draw 5 followers. You may acquire Place tiles of category I and II. Bonus for the round: You receive 1 fame point per village you control.


Era IV - Trade You may draw 6 followers. You may acquire Place tiles of category I, II and III. Bonus for the round: Earn 1 coin for each village you control (including your starting village).
Era V - Peace You make peace. From now on, you may expand into areas that are controlled by other players (except those that have been built with fortresses), and other players may expand into your areas. Terrains, villages and churches will then be controlled by everyone in an area. You may draw 7 followers. You may acquire Place tiles of category I, II and III. Bonus for the round: You receive 2 fame points per church you control.

Beneficial Deeds: If you send a tile to a Beneficial Deed, you will immediately receive the bonus listed below. If you complete a Beneficial Deed, you will receive 1 additional citizen (you can mark 1 citizen on your scoring sheet).
"Food Depot": As soon as the Food Depot is filled, the round bonus/malus of Era II changes. Place the "Hunger eliminated" tile on the Era II round bonus as soon as the Food Depot is completed.
Building: No fame points are awarded for building actions (village, fortress, church) in "The Sett lers". However, with the Place tile ,,Carpenter's workshop" you will always receive 1 fame point when you carry out one of the building actions (village, fortress or church).
Expansion: The expansion rules are valid for expansion, conquest and peace. You can conquer foreign territories as soon as you have knights as followers.
Torture: If a player has to pay something (e.g. food as a round penalty in Era II), but does not have enough of the required tiles, he must undergo torture. Per requested tile or coin, the player loses other items in equal numbers. He has the choice among:

Settlers (from his stock or from the gameboard) Fortresses (from his stock or from the gameboard)
Technology tile
Place tiles

torture Per requested tile or coin
in the same number according to your choice:
from your stock or from the gameboard
from your stock or from the gameboard


End of game and scoring

The story ends after 16 rounds. Everyone counts his victory points as stated below. The player who has collected the most points wins.
Each coin = 1 point Goods tiles count according to their value as follows:
1 point 1 point 2 points 3 points 3 points 4 points 5 points

Each area you control = 3 points


Multiply the number of your villages by the number of citizens you have collected

12 points


Author: Reiner Stockhausen Illustrations: Klemens Franz Graphic design: atelier198 Editing: dlp games

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