PDF Billboard-1925-06-13-Summer-Special
Coon-Sandcrs and their Original Kighthau k Orchestra Completely equipped uith. Conns

Factory Branch Stores
Conn \'rw ^'ork Co , Str.iiut rhiaii r HKIk., broadwayat ^~th St.
C onn Hi troit Co . JdJl \\ ooduarJ Ave.
Ca'nn \'i » drii an"; Cjo., 12^ t aronJolt t St >tiM C liA i land Co., i. ' Htiion Road
C onn S .rtli- Co , Kai') I Ini.i A\c
( onn I'oriland ( o , 1 1 til and Aldi. I Sts.
< J 1 V.:: bumi St. (.I'lMi Atl.iiua ( 11 ,
22 1 IVaviurit St.
(..(t'in Nf. >hi!( ( o ,
5 St. I niaiiutl St. (.nnn IS At. 'll ( (1 ,
·IH.s b"\N:o'i St.
(ainn Sail F r.ini isco Co. ·17 Ktariuy St
Conn Oakland (,o., 5.(1 K.th St
Conn Kan'.is City Co., loll Mttjff St.

Paul R ese and his Vidor Record orchestra also use
Conn instTiimcnts exclusively
Choice of Professionals
F For Half a Century oremost artists in the world-- Has been evolved in the k-rcatCcmn laboratories.

and endorse Conn ins ruments as nucst hcaiiti-

ful in tone, easiest to pCy, {yerfect in scale; reliable

in mechanisni.

Conns are truly the instruments of

the artists their to le cuts through to the depths (jf the largest auoitorium, their easy blovvin>'

cjunlity and reliability enable the professional



r r

1- i



hor titty ye irs quality has been the

ideal oft he Camn company. Every important improvement iii witid instruments in that pieriod

"`''d or Hi>-H vjr.ide band and orchestra instru`*^d the only maker of every instrument

Artistsentour appreciate especially

^he fact that t-onn branches and dealers in all

cities are prepared to reiuler prompt service,


. 1 «- v

t ^

"IV tcd tO WTItC I S lor IIV

lornration vahialsle to professionals, withrnit

obh-at.on. Set.d coupon for catalogs and de¬

t.iils of easy paymetit plan, meirticnnnj^ mstru-

ments that ititerest you.

C. G. CONN, LI I)., 6^7 Conn lildj;., Elkhart, Ind.


T1 M's year mark^ ilu
fitticth (enkicii) .III luvcr'.iiy « I tlic loiitul jiiy lit (. \ ti. t Aiiiii. 1-ui Tml a V , t n 11 i.s t In l.ireest iiuiusiry (if it kiiul ill the wnrld.

June 13, 1925

The BillboarH


^tffluinSeitwJkts tfHkHmtg Tom^)e^^




nub Collegians

HREE years ago wc inaugurated ORCHESTRAS "ON THE CIRCUIT" offering organized and guaranteed attractions. One day each week as low as $100.00. Weekly engagements as low as $70 per artist. Monthly engage¬ ments as low as $60 per artist. These prices cover all costs to you, including attractive advertising materials*

Mfe - Wilif *^h(m

J.C.Sleirt .hesideti



' The ERNIE YOUNG MUSIC CORPORATION has been assumed by the Music CorporationofAmerica


The Billboard

June 1> 1925

The wise business men among Ball Room Dance Managers throughout the country arc joining this Organization NOW for
1. You have the benefit of our Collective Pur¬ chasing Power for Better Attractions.
2. You have'the benefit of modern Showman¬ ship and effective Publicity methods ap¬ plied to your Business.
3. You will increase your Box Office Receipts through affiliation with this Organization.
Mr. Phil. Tyrrell
Manager Chicago Office


YH Booked Solid"

M M 
W "Jm 7 PS r fWf

yi^HAT phrai* in vaodcvilk bat norr "kick** in n


`hat? And wb«i yo« can write it ovn yoot

3wn name, who baa a better tight to boast f


Getting a rente it rarely a natter of accident. Tbt acts that can sign fot chtity or forty weekt year after
deserve it. The bo rrt know ibeni at *`tnre fiti" in *nT *POt on any bill* Incidentally, tneh acts art spotted right and have every clance to gfC actost.

If yont a c isn't going across a« wsU as it tboaU. *if yon have too mneb open time, if yrm really want to
better yoor fortnnet and insure yonr fntore--why don't yon take yonr tronbles to


Tho Man Who Staged the Best Editions ef the "FeUiet" sad


"Midnight Frolics'' at the New Amsterdsm Theatre. Ntw Ttife,

and Over 500 Other Sueceesful Revuet, Haaical Comedies and


Vaudeville Acts, As Well At "Ned Wayhora'a Honeymoon Cniso"


and "Ned Waybum't Demi-Tatae Revua". Now KeadUninf Keith-


Albee and Orpheum VaudtviUo.


It may elmply be a new dance that's needed--or new bnsineta--

Mm snrnethinc diltcrent, aeoaatlonal. etartUns--trick* that can be

u worki'd into the rontine. The dearth of freeh. "enre-gre" arts

w 1

olTert you MfRcr bookiiiir oppurtunitlea than ever--If yon have tb« fresh material and expert gruomins that Ned Waybum can give.


The Ned Wtyburn Stiidiot of Rtaye Dancing, Inc., offer an

invaluable service to vaudeville acta that need newneaa, novelty,

IQ "punch" injected into tbeir wurk. In many cases the retults

r The Fo,1l.- are n<ia only INilTANT--but poaltlvely amazing.

Ites" and
T/nile 11"

Each mimier is created and arranfed hy Mr. Wayhurn persenaHy


Lmu k
\ iten<a* \
tionally turrets* ^ ful dane*

aped by

EVERY Type of Stage Dancing Taught
AM the mo.t popular types of stage dancing are tanght at the


Ned Waybam Stndlos: "Mnalcal Ootnedy". "`AAmmeerriiccan Tap Step and

Waybum. Specialty" iclogging), "Acrobntle** tod Ned Waybnrn's new Ameri¬

canized "Belief Technique", including ·`Toe", "Claaalcar', `Char-

acter", "Oriental" and "Interpretlvs", etc. Also Ballroom and Ex¬

Spedal Course

hibition Doming. Including the latest 1!»25 "Argentine Tanfos", Exbibilion Fox-Trot*, etc

for Teadnrs
From July 6 to Autust 1 a Spe>-ial Normal rnurio for Tearhera--coverlns tbo

Conraea include Ned Wayburn'a new Limbering and Stretebing
Process. If you want to better your act--If yon want the booking, the sal¬
ary, the reputation of a "Bif-TImer"--come in or write today for particulars. Cnris-apondence coufldenttal. And yonr inquiry or visit will place you under no obllgalloo. Do it TODAY!

four basic types

NED WAVBURN of State Dane-
ins--"The Ned Waybom Way" --Pref eitional

Boutinea aa cre¬

Studios.oF Stage. Dancing.Inc. ated and used by
Mr. Waybum In his ewn produc-

tiont. will be tausbt. Write or

1841 Broadway Studio T»G.

New York

wire for completo

At Columbus Circle fEntrance on 60th St.) TcL Columbna 3S00


Opcii9A.M.to toP.M.(Except SatardayEecaisigaand Soadeye)

705 Woods Theatre , Building
For Immediate Bookings

All the Hits From Leading Publishers at Publishers' Prices or Less
We specialize in Special Arrangements
Standard. Concert. Photoplay Miuic. Instruction Books and Solos for all Instrnintnts.
Just Issued of Band and Orchestra Hits




Executive Offices


NEW YORK, Incorporated

Phone, Circle 9327 f '

1650 B'way.,

New York City

Did You Heap
gx"Tbar Dixie Band From CotttMl Land"? Our Big Hit tune fot bands and orchestt^ x'`Roll Along", xx"Let's Go"--"Nellie McGee"--"My Fat Girl". x'`Meei Me Tonight in the Park"--"Barbrlor Blues". x'`lt's Great To Be a Rooster. Cork Adood It Doo "I Wane a Good. Big-Hrarird Man". Our numbers featured around the world. Song Copy. 10 frnis: 12-Piefe A-1 Dance Orchestration. 25 cents; )2-Piece Band, 25 tents postpaid. No tax,
Englewood Music House
EUGENE PLATZMAN, 1587 Broadway, NEW YOl^
The Last "Word" in Your Letter to Advertisers, "Billboard"


at Cincinnati. O. Kntcr< d .is scci>nil-rlas» mail matter June 4, 187!i. at I'ost office, rincinnati, under Act of March, 187S. 180 I'a^ea. \ ol. XXXVII. No. 24. June 13, 1025. Copyright 192a by The Billboard Publishing Company.


Fred M. Barnes Arranges With Sbuberts To Send Original
Broadway Cast. Number¬ ing 108 People, to Big ^ Exposition'

New York. Jjin* 8.--Tlie various finishing trades and unions of the .amusement business have formed an


organization for tlieir mutual protec¬


tion under the name of the Combineil Amusement Crafts. Tlie as.sociations affiliated with the new combine in¬ clude the Klectrical Workers" Local No. 3, I'pholsterers" T'nion Local No.

More Than 200 Magicians as Well as Prominent Laymen Enjoy Speakers and Unusually Fine Show--Takes `Place at Hotel McAlpin

it. I'nited Scenic Artists' Local No.

Lst Nombtr One Company E«(r To B«

829, Painters' District Council Lt^al No. 9, Carpet Layers' I.ocal No. "ft.

Stttt at a State Fair or in Texas
New York, June 8.--Fred M Barnen, »!.-known amusement hooker, made » e n>w and unusual theatrical history i  last week, when he completed nego¬ tiations and signed contracts with the I ubei'ts to send the original company of Itr musical comedy. Sk// IJtfjh, headed h Willie Howard and numbering 108 r*op>, to Dallas, Tex., to appear for 16 c s at the Texas State Fair, one of the
fairs In the country, running from (hober 13 to 25. The attraction will be jresenled in the new half-milllon-dollar '.Dtorlum recently erected on the fafr: unds and in which a |50,oo0 Bantola ej.in has been installed. TWo perform-
a day will be given.
Not only is this the first time that a Fiber one Rri.jidway comiiaiiy Intact b- been presented as an attraction at a s'lte fair, but it is also the first of such
''i : iea to visit the State of Texas. J A. Jackson, president, and W. H. yi'tton aeiretary. of the Texas State U r. came to New York and spent about n days in^consultations with Mr. Barnes t'i the Shuberts before the deal was I dly consummated, and <he event la
to cause something of a sensation iq lit fair world, as well as among the out-
(Confinurd on page 165)

Sign and Pictorial Writers' Local No

230, Moving I'icture Studio Mechan¬

ics' Lan a I No. 52. Sheet Metal Work¬

ers' Local No. 137 and Ornamental

Plasterers' Local No. «0.

Charles K. Lessing, pi'esident of the

United Setnic Artists' Association.

hcHil.s the Combined Arnusemen.

Crafts; Paul H Dumble is the secre-

t,iry and Angu.stus G. Volz is the

trea.-tlrer. Kxecutives and delegates

convene every Tuesday .afternoon at

161 West 41th street to carry on th--

business of the f>rganisati<>n.

Confusion arising from time to time

on the Jurisdictional rights of tli -

various trades working on the twine

piece of work and the lack of a s»-at

of arbitration to discuss and settle

mutual problems and troubles led to

the formation of the geiu.al associa¬

tion and affiltatioo. A splendid spirit

of c-o-opc-ration has been shown so far

and it Is expected that the new organ¬

ization will be of great benefit to the

employer as well

to tlie workman

A gn>up of exp,<s>tli>n contractors

attended the la.«t meeting of the Com¬

bined Amusement Crafts and ex¬

pressed themselves In (terfect accord

with the purposes of the body. Thea¬

ter, park, carnival, pageant and fair

men gi-nerally have greeted the plan

with enthusiasm.

New York. June 6.--The Society of American Magicians held its 2l8t annual dinner and show at the Hotel McAlpin la.-'t night to one of the most distinguished assemblies of magicians and men in pub¬ lic life which has gathered thus far at the society's many functions. The pro¬ gram of enteriainmeiit wa.s one of the most entertaining ever put on.
During the course of the dinner brief addresses were heard from the famous guests seated at tlie dais. Harry Houdini. president of tlie S. .A. M.. of¬ ficiated as clialrman, and read telegiains and cables of regiets from tliose who were unable to attend owing to the distance from New York wliich tlieir engagements keep them in. Wires were read from Howard Tlnirston. Will Goldston. The Golden Gate Assembly. S. A. ^1.: George Heller. Paul Noffke and the
Finds Progressiveness in Evidence --Russians Urge Vaudeville Trade Union in U. S.

St. Louia Asaembly, S. A. M.. among
Those Introduced by Houdini included Eugene Powell, dean of Annerlcan iiiaKicians; T. Nelson Downes; Mme. Adel^< Herrmann; Don Sykes, of The Sew York World: Will B. Johnstone, also of The New York World; Quincy Kilby, Fred Block, of The Dearborn Independ¬ ent; Judge Winsolk, of the United States District Court; Richard Saunders, ft-* nancial "wizard" of the Famou.s Players-Lasky Corp.; Prof. Brander Matthews
Dr. A. M. Wilson and Mrs. Martinka. During the course of the speechmaking attention was called to the fact that the S. A. M., on this. Its 21st birthday, reaches maturity and numbers 1,262
members at this time. The dinner was in the hands of the
banquet committee consisting of Dr. Lionel Hartley, chairman; John Mulholland and B. M. L. Ernst. The entertain¬
ment committee was composed of S. W. Bailey. Joe Cook. Richard Davis. Charles .1. Diestel. Lester A. tlrimes, Sherwood T (irimes. Dr. Pklwin F. Harpcl, William
Mauenstein, Ferd. D Holly, Harry Latz. Edwin J. Lauder H. E. A. Percival, S. L. Quimby. M. D.; Jack McLallen, Leon Maguire, Charles J. Nagle. Harry C. Park. Dr. B. J. Pressman. Elmer P. Ransom. Joseph F. Rinn. Harry Rouclere, Fred M. Schubert William Meyenb«*rg. Oscar S. Teale. Frederick J. Wleman. Frank J. Wllstach, Harry Hayden. Robert F. Fos¬

ter, William A. Ransom. Milton M. Smith.


London. June 7 (Special Cable to The BiUboard).--Monte Bayly returned from Moscow, Russia, June z, having flown
from there to Koenigsberg. 800 miles. He

W. H. Bard and Alf T. Wilton. On the press committee were Col. Louis
D. Beauniont, Paul Block, William J.
(Conftnued on page 165)

reports that .some discussion took place

IMPORTATION OF COSTUMES EQUITY STRIKE between the executive officials of the Art Workers' Union of Russia Max Konorah of the International Artisten I.,eague and himself as to vaudeville artistes' organ¬

izations thruout the world. The Rus¬
sians, he said, are keenly curious and
iliipments of Foreign-Made Wardrobes for George Whitens "Scandals'* anxious that American vaudeville artistes


and Shuberts' "Artists and Models'* Held Up by Gov¬

should organize themselves Into a regular and active trade union on lines similar

ernment Pending an Inquiry

to Gquity, asserting that the American Audience Leaves Curran Theater

vaudeville artistes are ths only unor¬

ganised section of the world's vaudeville

After Jane Cowl Players Quit

artistes and that they must become a regular trade union before they can enter

"Romeo and Juliet'*--

N»w York. June 8.--It ta reported that
shitiments of cuatumee and wenic F P'S. which nrrivi'd la.st week from
' ris for delivery to the Shula-rts and
"irge While, are Iwing held in the Api«* ui'"*'' ^'"·es of the U. H. Ciistoma i* 1 ^ an Investigation t>v ilovernmcnt
rdii's and thentrical exji-rts. Offlclala
^·'1 to conllrm the story, but stale, wis from a reliable source isiint to nth in the matter.

*ff`'8Mlar practices on the part Wtx '» Atncrlcan jiroducer.- in avoid-
L " duty on co.-4umes originating ' oati has led to a campaign, started
of rigorous enforc,swient of

·-.!< k"'"

·'kumlnnlion of theatrical

',1 *

Into th's country. Acctisa-

, i* n.tve Iwen made at vat ions times

I co>iunies have he«`n designed and |. i tt'ii'cniefl in Kurop«>. then cut up


ft In pli-ees aemss the water

THw material, on wlileh the duty Is

V "iril

together again in

" hack dressitiakcr. It has


*'ft'd that the praefee of two

VI Invoice.^ has bt'en us«'d, one for

the benefit of the Customs, undervaluing the goods, and the other an actual bill for collection. Claim has been made, ftirther, that certain foreign costumers sell a complete tuitlU for an .Vmerican production at a riiliculoiisly low price, which is used for declaration, and then eome over to New Voik and colhvt the balance of the real value as a service f*>e.
American manufacturer!* and designers ha\e susiv'cfcd the existence of such methods of unfair comjietition for years, hut h.ive never b«cn able to produce testimony and facts to prove a case.
Apparently the tiovernment has also sniellcfl a rat tind has determined to in¬ vestigate. The Shutv-rts and George White, pristu, ers of two of the most elahor.tte n vues on Broadway, are the Itrst to come under the scrutiny of oftlclal cyc.M. Both the Scandnlit and Arti9t.t and Modrlx arc In rehearsal at the pres¬ ent time, and any hitch in the preparation of the productions will metn thoui-ands of dollars' loss.
Max Welde. the Parisian couturier who
(Continued oi» page 165)

the World's League of Artistes.
Despite the fact that Bayly and Konorah explained the American situa¬ tion. the Ru.ssians contintially quoted that If It were p«>ssible for Kquity It should al.so be possible with the vaudeville sec¬ tion.
Bayly Interviewed Lonacharsky. Commi.ssar of Public Education, who is resiKinsible for Russian entertainments and who expresses the hope of an exchange of performers between Russia and Eng¬ land. Hitherto all British performers had to be booked thru Berlin agents, but Bayly sueceeded In op<'ning up direct communlcjttion between London and Mos¬ cow. Seven State circuses will be op«'rnfed as from September, each playing 12 acts monthly. I..;i.st year 68 non-Kussian acts received $160.ftftft in salaries plus free transport.ttion and accommodation.
Bayly came back with a glowing ac¬ count of the artistic and social life in Moscow and Li'ningrad. He al.so says there is every indication of progre.ssiveness in Ru.ssia's industrial and economic conditions.

Salary Dispute
San Francisco, June 7.--The final per¬ formance of Jane Cowl in Romeo and Juliet at the Curran Theater was halt<'d last night when an actors' strike was called by the Actors' Equity against Louis Macloon and sent the big audioni'' scurrying to the box office to get its money refunded.
Trouble arose between Macloon and Equity over a new play entitled One Trip of the Silver Star. It is understood that Macloon started rehearsals May 19. and June 1 posted a notice that the plav was called off but it is alleged failed to pay two we«-ks' compensation due, ac¬ cording to Equity rules.
Theodore Hale, attorney for Equity, served notice on the cast .shortly after 8 o'clock last night, just before the rise of the curtain.
At the Curran Theater it was stated today that the di-sagreement would not halt Macloon's I.ndy Be Good, which is scheduled for tonight.

WtU's issw d Th BUngd CmIM ro ClwIM IIA ToMq SJU Un^ Sri 741 Diglg Ml, Til*| fl,4U Um; 1J44 Afc Ocowlni n,«l3 Uns k M

The Billboard

June 13, 1925

OFFICIALS OF ACTORS' ASSOCIATION Theatrical Folk Honored Warner Bros. Plan

SAY GILBERT HALL DID NOT RESIGN London, June 6 (Special Cable to The Billboard).--Barry, Jackson, pro¬

$1,50W Theatei

prietor of the Birmingham Repertory

Theater, is among the knights in the Magnificent Hollywood House

birthday honor list. The distinguished
$15,000 Said To Have Been Borrowed by Him From Unions Was manager who built, endowed and

First of Series Scheduled for

Balance Sheet Figure for 1924, They Declare--How $6,000

worked hard and humbly to make a success of tlie Birmingham Repertory

Big Cities--Ready Janu¬

of This Sum Was Obtained Explained--Never Con¬
sidered Alfred Lugg Sufficiently Well Paid
WE gladly give ppace to the following communication from the chairman and vice-chairman of the Actors' Association of England, in which they take exception to certain statements about their organization published in The Billboard.

Theater receives a timely honor. Tlie choice is popular in theater circles,
where Jackson's work and personality are highly appreciatM.
Hamilton Harty, conductor of the Hall Orchestra, Manchester, also re¬
ceived knighthood, and Madame Aobani the Dame of the Order of the British Empire.

London, May 22. 1925.

Editor The Billboard,

25-27 Opera Place.

Cincinnati, O., U. S. A.

Dear Sir--The attention of the Actors'

Association has been drawn to an ar¬

tiicdle published in The Billboard of May

22.. 11992255..

, ,

AAtt aa m meeeettiinngg ooff tthhee ccoouunncciill aa rreessoolluu--

tion was passed that the counc 1 wishes

to lodge a/nost emphatic protest against

the action of your paper In publishing,

week after week, statements which are

generally untrue and which are always

Bcrnarr Macfadden


^ n <r .
Tells Movie Plans

Paris, June 6.--Claire Luce, the clever


blond dancer of the last Music Box Kc-

-v,,..!, i..,,« c

vue. which clo.^vd the season recently in den maJazine nubtishiT^hS Ims ^ow^enl

York, made her first Paris app. ar-

the m^tfon old

ance last night at the Casino de t'aris forrnlng of -True ^torv Films In^^

and scored a big hit. Many prominent jinTd'wfs mans for moduclnc^ea^ ator^^

persons had front seats at the opening-whe^ h^ nlavcd host to ^

and applauded the dancer with en-

editors at a Vuncheon at the Hotel

A°cmr«`I Asi'ocfauon''"®^ ^


nil onat ` dv did not resign his post. bolely tor rea-

sons of economy the council reluctantly

parted with his serNdees and passed a

hearty vote of thanks to him for his



Mr. Hall at one time tendered a week 8

notice to terminate his office, which was

not accepted. We mention this in order

to make manifest bow generously the

council acted toward him.


having become neces-

sary. all the staff (heads of depart-

ments), with the exception of the ken-

eral secretary, were given one month s

notice. This in the case of Mr. Hall was

extended a further month, and was only

made final as before said. We have not yet discovered who sent

the cable complained of to The Billboard,

but It states that Mr. Hall borrowed $15,-

000 from labor unions owing to his per-

sonal standing in the labor movement, This $15 000 is roughly our balance sheet

figure for 1924 and includes $5,000 so

thusiasm. and morning papers describe ^er as one of the most fascinating mag-
talented dancers ever .sent over here from America.
Miss Luce's engagement at the Casino is limited to eight weeks. In addition she is appearing at Le Perroquet, a mid-
supi^r club. If she does not return to New- York at the end of the ,.|ght weeks her contract will be renewed, M,,.a Luce also is said to have received g cable offer from Ziegfeld to appear in tho Follies on her return to New York,

L LcC CiCanS Uo

-.o-i nnfi · e> t


$o3,000 in StOCK Market


. »

« »

New York, June 6.--Lila Lee. film star

and at present the featured plaver in the

h gitiinate comedy. The Bride Retires, at

the National Theater, made $83,000 in

last week's heavy trading in A and B

shares of the Maxwell Motor Corporation

on the New Y'ork Stock Exchange. The

Friday noon stated that when The Wronodorr. which

js being made at New York with Lionel Birrvmore starred is finished the second

picture on his schedule will be one with

Owen Moore and Con.stance Bennett,

Third on the list will be a film featuring

Dorothy Phillips and Malcom McGregor. Macfadden spoke of the establishing of

his True Story Maoasine. which was an

innovation in the publishing field, and

pointed out that pictures made bv his

company will have publicity from all his

publications, thereby reaching at least

5.000,000 people. Stories printed In True

Story Mapazine will be used for the films,

he explained, and every effort will be

made to produce human tales. Arthur

Leslie, director of publicity for the new

concern, and Nat G. Pendleton, general manager, also spoke briefly con-

ceming the project,





DrOJaCaStlllff AgrecmCflt

P^ir/%r-»kl/. «·/%


ravoiaDie lO 1 neaicrs


ary 1
Hollywood, June 6.*-An expenditiirp nf $1,500,000 will b« made by WaVI
producers, in connection with the construction of a first-run movie house to be known as Warner's Ho'lv\vr>od Theater. Harry M. Warner states that this theater is the first of a series planned In big cities whore the company has been unable to obtain a showing for its product. Tile Warners intend to lease or build theaters In all large cities where first-runs are now denied them.
The plans call for a structure much In the shape of the Woolworth Building In New York with a 150-foot steel tower rising from the roof. At the top of ihe tower there will be a revolving beacon light with a radius of seven miles and the tower will also include what are termed the largest chimes In the West, which will be oi^rated from the organ pit. The house, which will Include a balcony and will be of Gothic architecture, will scat about 3,000. The stage will contain a concealed tank on the order of the New York Hippodrome, which will be used for presentations. From the interior there will be a winding stair to the roof and tower, which will be open to the public. Tne stairway will have three landings and on each will be a movie museum containing many of the first cameras and other equipment first used when the industry was in its infancy.
On the 8<>cond floor there will be a large ballroom and In the basement a mammoth Ice-akating palace. There will also be a subeellar. which will be us^ for free parking space with room for 400 automobiles, which will be taken
charge of b.v attendants and delivered to the owner at the door after the per¬ formance.
A feature of the building will be a broadcasting station. KFWB, the Warner Brothers' station, which Is now located at their studio. It is planned to have the house completed by January 1, next.

generously sent to us by the Actors' profit was gained thru taking advantage London. June 6 (Special Cable to The
Equity of America, and considerable of a corner in the stock due to a shortage Billboard).--Grand opera is excepted "School for Scandal" Will

uther sums donated by various friends of shares, which have been called In for from the agreement recently concluded in the theatrical profession. In fact, our exchange for stock in the Chrysler Cor- between the British Broadcasting Coni-

Roll Up an Immense Gross

liccountant Informs us that of this $15,- iKiration, which Is to take over the proper- pany and various theatrical organizations

1100 only about $6,000 was received from ties and assets of the Maxwell company, and may be radioed by arrangement be-

Irade unions.




. .


tween the parties concerned. The agree-

Now, to deal with this $6.000--^how CinCiniiatianS MaV See

ment. mention of which was made in the

fwas it obtained? At Trade Union Conress last September, which was held at

iiTU xi' i  Ti-*


Issue of The Billboard, provides

1 He Miracle 1 nlS rail that there shall be no broadcasting from

lull, the general secretary. Alfred Lugg.



cabarets during normal theater hours.

was asked to make an appeal to the



It was also agreed not to relay radio-

various unions for help. Arthur According to J. H. Thuman. Cincinnati performance plays to towns where such

Management of IllinoU Theater Figores an Intake of $125,000 on Two Weeks' Rnn
Chicago, June 6.--That School for Scandal, now concluding the first week j of a two weeks' engagement at the

Bourchler who so splendidly championed impresario, he has succeeded In negotiat- productions are running or are expected Illinois, will gross better than $125,000

the Actors' Association cause, was play- Jng an advantageous contract with Morris to play.

was the estimate made by the nianage-

Ing in the town, and used all his in- Gest for the production of The Miracle in One clause provides that the entertain- ment of the theater to The Billboard. fluence to get due consideration given Music Hall, Cincinnati. September 28 ment industry shall not grant greater Tliesc huge figures have b«*en made

to the matter. Meetings were held at to October 18. The three weeks' run will facilities to any new broadcasting con- possible by patrons from the Gold Coast

his hotel, and the case for the Actors' necessitate a guarantee of $180,000. but cern that may be instituted in the future. and South Shore society sections, many

Association left in the very able hands Thuman is so sure of obtaining the neces- The agreement lasts until the end of of whom paid $1,000 for a box and dizzy

of A. G. Walkden. the general secretary sary financial backing that he is already 1926 and a committee of six, whereof two figures for plain seats downstairs. Every

of tlie Railway Clerks' Union.

mapping out his publicity campaign.

are from the British Bro.adcastlng Com- dollar thus taken in goes to St. Luke's

YVhen the newly elected general conn- The original estimate of $250,000 was pany. will assure effective co-operation Hospital. cil met shortly after Congress It sent cut to $180,000 by Gest after Inspecting of all concerned. Any manager may de¬ .Much of the vast success of the show nut an appeal on lines suggested by Music Hail recently and finding that dine to allow his show to be broadcast; has been due to the fact that Mrs. Samuel

the general secretary.

many of the embellishments necessary to Indeed, the agreement represents success Insull was the star, playing the role of

Our point in all this Is not a question of persons or personalities, we merely
wish to point out what is already apparent to any trade unionist, namely, that the labor unions gave their support not
o tlie personal appeal of any individual ut to the principle of trade unionism. and that if any persons were influential more than others they were Arthur


quesUon o^^

ary, it is only fair to say that we

have never < onsidered Mr. Lugg siif-

H** production are already to be found for the theater and definite limitation of

I** tit® huge auditorium.

the power of the B. B. C.



^ ^
|Ca^I rrollI i<11n1 CIV^oOnrUtrLoOvVeCrViSsOV XyT


With jJOotnlCeSs 2a1n11d0 GGrrCeCeInl


l,adv Teazle. As the wife of the biggest utility magnate in the Midwest. Mrs. Insull has been 25 years In private hf®As the former Gladys AVallis she is re¬ called by more mature theatergoers as a young actress of much brilliancy and charm. The critics have spoken of her work in School for Scandal with consider¬ able enthusiasm. The management said today that every seat Is sold for the remainder of the engagement.
Yale Dramatic Club

ficiently we'l p.aid for the work he has
dttwwoniicceee fovvroolltuuhnnettaa.rraiisllsyyocrrieeaddtiuuoccnee, ddanhhdiissthrraeetmmhuuenneehrraaa¬s-
tion. .Again, it i.a suggested that our general
secretarv has clung to office regardless of the welfare of the Actors' Associa¬ tion. This is a most unfair and untrue statement, the fact being that Mr. Lugg offered to stand aside if it was felt that such a step was in the best interests of the .Actors' Association.
On behalf of the sitting council.
(Signed) FISHER WHITE. Chairman.
FELIX AY'LMER. Vice-Chairman.
The Actors' Association.

O'-'VDiijCcCttiXs "TI *oo "1Frraons^ifeerr OL L'Mirc TLTinn4ocefr- tnc cims Purrootmn twarroii
Theater Despite Fact That House Is Needed for New
CQIIlOn OF VailltieS
New YORK. June 6.--The controversy between Earl Carroll and the sponsors of Dr.sire I'ndrr the Elms, A. L. Jones and Morris Green, over the technicalities of a contract waived last week, when the O'Neill play wao withdrawn from the Carroll Theater and transferred to the George M. (johan Theater, will In all probability bo carried into the courts for settlement.
A clau.se In the contract for the hous¬ ing of the .lones-Gre<n production in the toward the fulfillment of the liquidating I'arroll Theater read that either party clause of $3,000 a week, which Carroll should have the privilege of canceling intends to see carried out.

To Present "L'Aiglon"
New Haven, Conn.. Jule 6.--The Yale University Dramatic A.'isociation will Iiresent L'Aifjlon ut the Shubrrt Theater .lune 13. The play is being staged under the dlroi'tlon of Professor E. -M. W'oolhy. J. W. Cooper. '26. will play the leading role of the Duke of Reiehstadt. and other members of the cast inelude W. I). } o.m. Jr.; J. M. Hovsradt, C. R. Ijove. J- H. Barret, W. M. Hinkle and William Warren.
British Film Production
Showing Slight Activity





the contract and terminating the engage. ir.ent of the play at that theater hy g'ving · me week'a notice whenever tlie gro.ss re. ceipts fell below $9,000 for two con-

William Kaufman, attorney for Jones and Gn-en, df*clared that the clause In no way places his clients under the $3,000 obligation, as the contract ceat'ed to exist

London. June 6 (Special Cable to The milboard).--Film tuoductlon, wliieh for months has been dormant, lias taken on slight activity In a number of studios,

espt'eially Stoll's, where Mathoson l«tng

Is feolurerl in The Secret Kmadom.

Graham t'utts Is directing Ihe fihn slon of The /tat, with Novello and Mae

Marsh. Jack Buchanan and F:iv < omP*

open on Broadway,

lors. nexr

blr with Neilson-Terry and Miss Glvn

iinn tmhee ppaarrttss t.nhee>y aarree niio>w pi layj ing ne.e.·

paid to Cr-oarreronlili.

^j.fOA A,Ssc^SscoorrreddciineniggptsttooforjJontweso

and Green, the weeks had h '· nn

parties concerned after It had Iv'cn waived.
.lones and Green will bring suit agaln.st

ton also are appearing In a problem entitled Settled Out of Court. George Cooper Is producing for Gaumoni.

WllllaTl L. DUtier vv.aiii.tu

about $7,600, and they gave the ref|uired Carroll for the share of tho receipts wlthnotice and moved the play aft r another held, and It Is expeted that Carroll will week had elapsed to the theater where If bring a counter suit, based on the liquldat-

Dallas Theater Changes Policy

Trfomrtion concernin'' the wher-'shouts of William Erlcson Butler. I. A. T S E member and union billposter, who closed with the Fritz I>e|ber· Comnanv at Tuscaloo^ Ala. April :j will

is now be-ing presented. Carrf>ll settled
last Katurday night with a cheek for their share of the receipts. tempt was made to cash It on Monday morning It was found that he huad changed his mind and stopp<d payment.

Ing clause, for $24,000 less the amount
withheld, An interesting nngle «>f the situation Is
the fact that i arroll had to have the theater vacant anyway at this time In order to make alterations for his coming

Dallas. Tex.. Juih- 6.--Earl district manager of Famous Laskv theaters In' Texas. Wednesday that the Melba T'-eater. whten has had a policy of vaudeville and P'
tures since last summer, will

hbee aapppprreecciiaatteedd bbvy bhitss m mootthheerr,. w· ife and children. Address Mrs. W E Butler, 3126 Stuart aUeet. Denver, CoL

M. L. Malevinsky, attorney for Carroll, when called upon for an explanation, declared tbat toe money wan belnc held

edition of the Vanities, and there Is eurloalty as to why he should ohjr*ct to having Desire Under the Elms move.

motion picture policy July 5. The o^ Ing attraction will be The Ten Comma menta.


June 13, 1925

The Billboard


GEORGE WHITE TO BUILD Another "Comic Strip"


Musical Show for B'way
$800,000 MIAMI THEATER New York, June 8.--Undaunted by the fate that befell J. P. McEvoy's The


('omic Supplenunt, which Florenz
Ziegfeld sponsored, and George Mc¬ Manus' Bringing Up Father, presented

Again Heads Theatrical Press Representatives of America--

Erbnger Booking Offices To Supply Attractions--Opening New Year's Eve With "Scandals"--White To Appear at Premiere

NKW YORK. June 6.--George White, producer of the annual Scandals, has com-

pletrd arrangements for the erection of a modern theater and ofTice building

in Miami, Fla., at a cost of a,jproxlmately $800,000. The new playhouse will

be booked by the Erlanger Exchange and ie expec ted to op<-n New Year'.s Eve with ibe forthcoming edition of Whde'e Srandnts. White himself will appear on the opening night, and the revue is to remain In the Florida resort for an engagement

of six Wcck.s. The new house, like the one now con-
tmlle 1 hv White in 42d street In this city, will be riaiiud the Apollo. It will have a bating cai'acity of 1,800, and Gustav WeiJh«u>. of the Seidle Studios, has been coIn^'is^ioned to go down to Miami at the proiHT time and decorate the audi-

Loew Officials To Close Foreign Deal

This' booking of Broadway shows In Fioridii is a ik w idea and one tiuit may turn < ut very adx;antagoously for^ York niana-T. rs. Th,- many rc.sorts In the South, rn State now have no regular highcUss th. atruiil fare, and several showmen hfve in th.- past considered the possibd ty of taking real attractions down that way
ind getting tom, (d' the freely tlowing nonev that is spent th.re by the large Joating i>..pulation. most of which btdongs m the li.h si>ortijig class. The names of Sum H. Harris and another prominent ihowmun were recently connected with a repi.R cone.Tiling the building of a theater in Fl.'rida and the b'loking of attnicuons In that Stale as well as thru the Important Southern cities and even all the way to Key West and Cuba.


__ HI-... C-.11

'WSrnCrS ivisy dCll


« ^


If irfr-irara StllHiO



«r , -*· -r- . ^
bailing I his Week 1 o Take Over 14 Houses in France and Egypt From Gaumont

New York. June 8.--E. A. Schiller, general representative for Loew'a Inc,

and J. Robert Rubin, attorney for Metro-

Goidwyn, will sail for France on the

A<iuitanla Tuesday to wind up the deal

b. tween L... w s. In.-., and the Gaumont

Theaters, whereby H houses In France

and Eg.ijit will be taken over by Marcus

Iuh-w. These 14 hou.M-s Include some of

the biggest motion picture theaters In

Europe, among them the 4.noO-seat Palace

In Paris. Tliree oth -r houses in Paris are also included In the deal.

. With the final signing of contracts

win Loew

secure houses in Bordeaux.

Lyons, Marseilles, Toulouse, Toulon,

Strassbury. St. Etienne. Carlo. Alexandria and Palestine. I,o. w probably will start

by Gus Hill, a group of .several promi¬

nent cartoonists i.w contributing ma¬

terial to a new musical show' that Is to be known as the Kartoonists' Re¬ vue. This is the prisluction recently

announced by the new firm of Mulli¬

gan, Fi.scher & Trebit.sch. Among the

talents of comic-strip fame who will .`ubmit comedy sketches and scenic

sugge.stions are Clare Hrigg.s, creator


a Feller Seeds a Friend:

Harry HIr.'-hf ield, of Ahe Kabihhlr

fame; ItulKi tJoldberg, and a new¬ comer. Milt Gross, of The World.

Will B. Johnston and Walter Brwks

are planning the pro<luction, which

will be on an entirely Impressionist c-

satirical haeis.


Ramon Navarro "Graduates"
With Aid of Secretary of Navy Wilbur While Camera Grinds
Annapolis, June 6. -- Metro-Coldwyn Secured scenes for Its film .Midshipman Sterling at the commencement exercises of the Naval Academy Wednesda.v. but not as originally plamu-d. The proiluclng cc.mpany's arrangements to have Ramon Navarro, star- of the picture, receive a dummy diriloma from Pre.'.ident Coolidge along with the graduates faiU-d when the President refused, expbilning that altho he had no aversion to appear¬

150 Members Present at
New York, June 6.--Wells Hawk.s was re-olected president of the Tlieatrlcal Press Representatives of America at the annual meeting held yesterday at the Burlesque Club. Other otilcers elected were: Vice-president for New Y'ork, Walter K. Hill; traveling. Campbell B. Ca.sad; woman vice-president. Beulah Livingstone; for Chicago, Harry J. Rid¬ ings ; Philadelphia. Mark Wilson ; Boston, Oennls J. Shea: Southern. L*-wls Maase, Atlanta; Pacific, Tom Hodgman, Los Angeles; Seattle, William B. McCurdy: Canada, B<-rt I.»ing, Toronto; recording Secretary, Gretchen Dick; corresponding Secretary, Francis E. Reid, and treasurer, S. -M. Weller.
The new Board of Governors IncludH.* Anne G. Ayres Willard D. Coxey, C. P. tlreneker, Dixie Hines, Helen Hoerlc, William J. Guard, Wallace Munro and Edward E. Pidgeon. Wells Hawks and Theo<lore Mitclull. with Howard Ilerriek and T. P. Salisbury as alternates, were elected as represent.atives on the Board of Governors at the international The¬ atrical Association.
As a token of affection and esteem n gold chain and fob. bearing tlie insignia of the organization, were presented to Mr. Hawks by the members. Miss Living¬ stone made the presentation speech.
More than 150 members of the associa¬ tion, or fully half of the membership, attended the meeting and enthusiastically reaffirmed their stand on the original policies of the organization.
It was announced tliat the recent bene¬ fit performance had made po.sslble the establishing of a permanent relief fund.
International Playhouse

New York. June 6.--A change In plans
·f Warner Brothers results in the closing rf the Vitagraph studio at Brooklyn for fte remainder of the present year. Work hs been started'on the enlargement of te Vitagraph studio at Hollvwood. AnIdler stage will be added and the lightBg and electfical equipment wll! be inceased, the Improvements entailing an
openditure of about $2.10.000. When the
fork is complete the Warners will transfcr their entire units from their present

operating them early in August.

. -Another phase_ of the negotiations be-


A" **


oP nited States thru t.aumont productions

J^s country Pathe. but for the past number of

Jr^nch-made nims

have been distributed here.



Neighborhood Playhouse Plans



ing in a regular pi<-ture of handing over difilomas, he felt tliat one unantliorized should not take jiart in the formal ceremonie.s. A similar attitude was taken by the midshipmen who resented the intru¬ sion of commercial movie producers Into what they term "their day".
For the benefit of Metro-Goldwyn Sei-retary of the Navy Wilbur staged another "graduation", in which Navarro received a diploma, the ceremony taking place after the President had left. Naval officers and a number of graduates of the academy assisted.

Acquires Chinese Drama
New York. June 8.--The International Playhouse, thru Its president and execu¬ tive director, Irma Kraft, who is now traveling abroad In search of plays of all nations to be presented by the newly formed group in New York next season, has acquired the American rights to an unusual Chinese play, which will be the first offering of the season, opening about (X-tober 15. The play, called Tsu Tsnn, or The Bridge of Distance, Is a thrilling,

*^ltho at the beginning It was the Intention to do 20 jier cent of producing In

musical plays, with the Comedian Victim of Imposter

picturesque and exotlo emotional drama of adventure, written by an English¬

tile Ea.st the Warners are now convinced

Follies again coming at

woman who lived In China for more

tliat it would be Inadvisable to divide the end of the seat-on, are planned by the

than ten years, and whose husband, a

induc tion. It Is expected that the Brook- Neighborhood Playhouse for next year

Milwaukee, WIs., June 6.--Jack La prominent English artist, has designed

5n studio will be tilsposed of.

The plays will be selected from a list Mont, star comique of the Fox & Kraus® the exquisite scenery for the production.

which includes ilarfine, by Jean-Jacques Enterprises, playing alternating burlesoue

Miss Kraft has arranged for the Eng¬

I --1 ---a---- u:--

Bernard; Pice, a Burmese entertainment at the Oayety theaters here and at Min¬ lish director who staged the original pro¬

LOpeZ at London rlipp. -

that includes acting, 8ln''lng, dancing and neapolis. was the Innocent victim of a duction of this piece abroad to come to clowning; Faint Perfume, by Zona Gale; false-name expert thi.s week. The driver New York and dlrei-t the presentation for

London. June 7 (Special Cable to The The Three Daughters, by Fredrick Whlt- of a foreign car which figured in a col¬ the International Playhouse.

P "ourd).--The Hippodrome will reopen ney, and Flipote, by Jules Lemaitre. lision was arrested but released on very

Elmer Rice's play. The Subirag, which

.'one 15 with Vincent Lopez's Band giv- There will also be sc'me offerings in folk small bail money when he gave his name was to have been the first offering by

n* the complete program, arrangements and ballet dancing and perhaps a pro¬ to police as "Jack La Mont of the Gay- this organization, has been i>ost|K>ned to

to this enu having been made by K. H. duction of the Whitman Festival, Saint ety''. Taking advantage of the courtesy the second production. There will also Gillespie and William Morris during the au ilonde. The 1925 edition of the Grand extended him In this character by the mi- be three other pieces, one of which may

obaret performance at the Piccadilly Street Follies is announced to open the lice, the stranger skipped bond, leaving be a dramatization of Knut Hamsun's

Hotel June 2. Inner history suggests end of next week,

behind a large bill for damages to the famous novel. The Oroicth of the Soil.

tiit Lopez has failed badly here as re-
I. ! press publicity and the Hipp.'s
w*mK and lack of an attraction enabled Horns to get In on more favorable terms * th the business end. more for press

\VrxATUTrDvcE\rVTITLLT Ect* c Sy C'Huc EaMitE;

i'London. June 7 (Special Cable to The

'Iv ennai.rfi?

**** ** **

BUlboard).--The heat wave here has

i It ee aIIv

smashed attendance at theaters and the ** band alone, and espe- ^heap tourini? companies are dylnj? like


flies. For this reason the Variety

'o. firomit,* »'»!


Into news

r» *i?i *15*'

csi Lopez has for the British public,

Artistes' Federation Is chary of renting theaters during this period in furtherance
** "back-to-vaudevllle" scheme. Still resume operations late In June,

other car. It was not until 30 members of the Gayety cast announced their In¬ tention of appearing ns witnesses to the fact that the jiopular comedian was on the stage at the time of the accident and a dozen friends proclaimed the fact that La Mont had never driven a car In his life to their knowledge that the owner of the car wrecked in the smashup withdrew the charges placed against "Jack I,a Mont" in the civil suit to collect damages.
New San Antonio Playhouse

Small Ad Space for "Scandals'
Atlantic City, N. J., June 6.--That th© George White Sraudals requires no adver. tising other than "a one-inch ad" was the voiced opinion of the advance agent to this city for the coming edition, which will open here June 15, prior to a run on Broadway.
The opinion and the subsequent execu¬ tion of his conviction created surprise on the part of seore«« of .showmen In the resort who are accustomed to see th©

n ,.


T-. · ·

DOOking Change Denied


managers arc doing all they can to discourage it, but the V. A. F. is determined to proceed even to the extent of

San Antonio, Tex., June ft--Work was started this week razing the last of a string of one and two-story brick build¬

Apollo Theater attractions played to th© limit.

.Chicago. June 8.-A report has been 'I®'®®®


ings on Commerce street at St. Marv's In Local Musicians "Fill In"


the rounds that Sthallman Broth- ...

... le 't*


who book the Ackerman & Harris tValtef Woolf To Appear

preparation for erecting the Aztec Thea¬ ter, San Antonio's $1,500,000 playhouse.

During Union Controversy

.; -It in this city, are to be replaced : the Gu,, Sun-BlIIv Diamond office.
 Miwire. of the Sun office, denied I r know], fige of such reported change.
I'ianiond has been on the Coast i^Wy. but it was claimed at bis office ; t he was merely on a vacation. The
ft of a,, impending change in bookers

T- *`Arri<r« and Mrtdclx"


JYrilSlS ana MOOeiS


-1, . ......

New York. June 8.--M alter Woolf, who

was featured In The Dream Oirl all of

lu»t season, has been as.slgned by the ShulMTts to the principal singing role in
new edition of .4rfi.sfa and Models,

Excavating will start within the next SO days and the contract for its construc¬ tion is to be let before the end of the month. 'The theater will he one of the finest In the country and will have a seatln,i capacity of more than 2.500, with a stage equipped for the highest class movies and atmospheric prologs and the

Bridgeport, Conn., June 6.--The Cameo Theater, a first-run nmvie hou.se, which ha.s been holding a controversy with the local musicians' and operator.V unions, i^« getting around the music angle by having well-known local amateur singers and musicians give recitals almost every

denied at the Schallman offices. .

now In rehearsal. Sigmund Romberg has largest legitimate road shows. The plav- night, the fact being advertised heav.ly. been commissioned to write some special house la being financed by a group of R. H. Brandt, of Bo.ston, owner, s.-iy." he

Mtrloiir'c AiieA C.aIam ivvuarwiouw w s» A /vutio otlolicn

t .



operatic compositions to be sung by San Antonians. Woolf m In this revue. The napnpnenarannce of be In charge. Woolf In Artists and Models marks his

William Epstein will will stand pat In his views regarding the local labor union.

jUMinrvn, June 7 (Siiecial Cable to Tliq return to the revue type of entertainment Bloc System of Selling Films . /'')· -- Harry Marlow, of the after an absence of about five years. He

Shuberts Sign Nina Gordani

ju-uil,. Artistes' Federation, recently began his New York career as a singer nis auto stolen, but three hours tn the Passing Show of 1919.

Scored by Spokane Exhibitor

New York, June 8.--Nina Gordani, a

. rviird .· pled it and chased It In a

auto and thief, who appears

I . cl MHh'"h-W"Aannite^fol auto thnli^erf.


Hllege that dapper Harry must

Su«css of "Clcopato" Doubtful
^I.o/%nndHoc\nn. J.TuimnAe Aft i(SSSpneAcoilaal OCuaKblIea itno TTIhiea Billboard).--At Daly's, last Tuesday,

Spokane, Wash.. June ft.--The bloc sys¬ tem of selling pictures to the exhibitors of this country was firmly s<`ored at the convention heix> of the Kartern division of the Motion Picture Owners of Wash¬

young lyric soprano, wlio recently re¬ turned from Europ,'. h.is be. n slcneil to a three-year <-ontrai t bv the Shub>rts, who will present her In the prlm-ipal singing role In their next operatic pro¬ duction. Altho born In New York. Miss

^ L''**'® `'^uLatlng Tom Mix or remem-

`K scenes from New York life.

I ,
'·Onn Ouinlan in "SWv Hlob" in OKy nign

};. ._


Evelyn Laye app«`ared with her accustomed grace, charm and vocal talent In
the title part of Oscar Strauss* musical ·c-o.medy,. Clenopatm ra. 'TThhe change from vVii,e,nnnneese operetta to typical musical comedyv was unsatisfactorily effected and

ington. The meeting stoutly opposed the film
board of arbitration, as conducted In this district, on the grounds that It Is domi¬ nated by the producers' Interests. Action on the independents' bolt from the Hays

Gordani has sung only on the continent, where she has appeared in concert In th© leading capitals.
Texas Playhouse Burns


8_John Quinlan,


uiuslcal comedy tenor, who

/ api^-ared here In ifadame Pompa-

k U'T J

Skv lUah at

kr. »Garden tonight, taking the

of Charles I*urcell.

the ple»'e Is very uneven. It was sumptuously decorated, but cannot be de<'oratcd sufficiently to cover sundry weaknesses.
'There Is the usual exultant reflection, but It Is doubtful If th© piece will break any records.

organization · was unanimously Indorsed, altho this section of the State exhibitors deferred definite action, on recommenda¬ tion of State Secretary James M. Hone, until further word Is received from the national IndependenU* committee.

Rosebud. Tex.. June fi--^The Gem Thea¬ ter was destroyed Tuesday night by a fir© that originated In a warehouse in the rear. V. T. Asbury was lessee of th©
theater and Mrs, Pierce Brooks, owner.



. ^ 1 .


The Billboard

Junf n. 1925




$90,000 FOR ACTORS

WAS TAKEN FROM EARUER WORK New York, June 8.--Gno of tho most Intere.sting bits of information re¬


vealed in t>te annual n'lsirt of Frank G.iiimore, i-xecutive secretary of the


Candidates Win--

THrec California Writers File Suit for $150,000 Against Author, Producers and Actors of "They Knew What They Wanted", Alleging Theater Guild Play Is a Piracy on "The Full of the Moon"

Actors' Eipiity .Vs.sociation, Is the fact that Eipiity collected during the past year moi^e than $90,000 due actors for hack .salaries and ollu-r items. .Vltho exact figures have not been kept for other years, it is believed that tho
present amount repres> nts an Inereay of alKiut ."lO per ctmt over the best

Cohan and Collier, on Both Tickets, Re-Elected--Wein¬ berger New Secretary-- Herk Treasurer

New YORK, June 6.--AlK-ging that Sidney Howard's They Knew What They Wanted, the play that won the I'ulitzor Prize this year, was taken from an earlier work of theirs, entitled The Full of the Mooit, a trio of Los Angeles

record of recent years'.

m the historv of the Frfars' Club mVm!
hers of a ticket opiH.site to the one pr^ po.>.ed by the nominating committee have been elected Into office. George .M Cohan was unaiilliiou.sly l e-elevt. d Ahb.'.t both

writers, Jot'eph Urubb Alexander, Ernest Richard Sehayer and Wilfred North, yes¬ terday filed suit in the United States District Court for $1">0,000 damages and a restraining injunction against Sidney Howard, author of Tiny Knew What They

New York, June 6.--.V soaring tempi-rature did not prevent the Hrama Goinedy

tukets running liim. Willie CoIIl.r also
hail no opposition and was re-elected I)<an. The eleetlons were h- 1,1 last Friday afternoon In the .Mona.-itery.

Wanted; Richard Bennett, Pauline L^rd and Glenn Anders, principal actors in the Glub, of whicli Edyth Tott»'ii is president,

YVIlllain Degen WeinlsTger. however

play, and The Theater Guild and Philip Moeller, who produced the piece.

from providing a good-siz'd crowd to succeeils J. Frank Stephens as secretarv'

The complaint, which was filed thru

Siegel & Coin, attorneys for the plaintiffs,

alleges that The Full of the .11 )o»i.claimed to have been copyrighted in CK'tober, 1923,




is similar to They Knew What They Wanted in plot, characterization and


method of presentation; that the vital

elements in the play are the same even

Portland. Ore.. June 7.--AVith Stale

tho the Kicale and the names have been flags waving and tlie liugc mean roaring

changed; that both plays have mountain the advance guard of 300 delegates and

and interior settings of a corresponding the otlicers of the National Feileration

nature, tho In Howard's work the Ux'a- of Music Clubs marclud down the aisles

tion is California, while the other play of the Portland Civic Auditorium yesl<r-

used Switzerland, and the general trend d.iy, pelted with roses h.v pretty girls,

of the dialog is said to lx* similar.

thus ojH'ning the 14th h'icnnial of tlie

It is also charged that Howard either ft deration in a blaze of glory and en¬

personally extiinined or read the plaintiff's thusiasm.

play or had familiarized himself with its

Nearly every State responded to roll-

contents, or that it.s main features were call and others were pouring in hourl.v.

communicated to him.

H ghlights yesterday were the seniilinals

Howard was served with notice of the of the Young Artists' Contests, the re¬

suit two days ago before the papers were cital of Ashley I'ettis, pianist; the chil¬

tiled in court, and the actors and officers dren's coiit-ert, the reception bj' the

of the Guild were served last night at the Ro-arians, the brilliant success of Esther

theater. Richard Bennett denies that the Dale in the program and the address by

prize play is a piracy, declaring that he Dr. C. H. Marvin, president of the Uni¬

had read it in Venice in 1!'21, altho it versity of Arizona.

was not copyrighted until 192 4. He says

Winners in the semifinals were,: Piano,

that both Hf>ward's play and the O'Xeill Rosetta S. French. Cynwyd, Pa., and

drama. Desire Under the Elms, owe much William Beller, Chicago; violin. Cath¬

to the Italian classic, Francesca da erine Wade Smith, Chicago, aa£l Ituse

Rimini, and exprosaed the opinion that Neitline Litt, Pittsburgh.

The Full of the Moon came from the

Today (Sunday) features the great

same source.

mas.s church music demonstration in the


Civic -Auditorium, all choru.ses of Port¬ land taking part, and that of Temple

Israel taking highest honors. Clarence

New York. .Tune 8.--Among the sudden clositif^ la.st Saturday night in addition to those announced in advance were Xtaht Hawk, at the Bijou The.ater; The

Gustlin s recital Tuesday night, when the world premiere of the opera The Feho will be given, promises to be a succes.s. The seat sale is great. Rai)poId Tibbett

Mikado, at the 44th Street Theater; The and L.imond Dodge are enthusiastic over Love Fbng, at the Centur.v Theater, and tlie pro.spect.s and r<|v>rt money ready

The Rat. at the Astor Theater.

for a New York prmluction. Denver. tt>o,

The Shuberts announce that both The is demanding It. The opera may be re¬

Mikado and The Love Sony will be reoitened in August.
The Fuu-rflnsher, which closed its regular engagement Saturday night, i.s

pealed liere, llien be presented in Los Angeles.
The federation board yesterday voted unanimously to co-operate with the Na¬

giving one more performance tonight to entertain a party under the auspices of the New Rochelle Lodge of Elksi . Some attractions called off their mid¬ week matinee last week bei'ause of in¬ sufficient attendance. One of the shows had only seven patrons at the Wednes¬ day afternoon performance and 11 that

tional Music League, New York, each organization to place young artists in cono-rt at pop. prices next season.
Monda.v will feature L<'u!s Victor Saar's recital of prize compf>sitions. Ed¬ gar Stillman Kelley is here to direct his prize symphony. The Pit and the Pmdu.him, as a curtain raiser for The Echo.

greet its guests of lionur and the artists appearing at its last matinee of the seat'on, at the Hoti-I .\st'>r yesterday aft,-rnoon. Nor did it prevent the la<ii< s from joining in a most animated di.M uss on of
Alichuel .Vrlen's book. The Green flat, and the play The Dorc, at the Empire Thea¬ ter, New York. Florenee O. Hein led the book dis< usslon aiul Mary Gurtis Martin put iniiHtus into the play discus¬ sion.
The gue>ts of honor were Alice Tves, playwright; Mr.s. Pauline G.old, pre.sident Entertainers' I'nit. Women's Overseas StTviee Li-ague, and Tlorothy Hail, of the cast of White Collars, at the Sam H. Harris Th*-ater.
-May .McKee sang a song so well that she was obliged to r»'iiM>nd with an en¬ core. Blanche Peynioiir delighted with a musical recitation, with I'aiiiine Gold at the piano, and Grace Strasburger, of The Princess Ida Company, also r<'nd*'ifd a few selections. Another pleasing fea¬ ture of the program was a song revue, given by Florence Ander.«on, with Mrs. AVilliam Ahearn at the piano. Col. Ghas. Davis, qf the cast of Rnchelor's Brides, gave an amu.slng spe»>oh.
The June Gambol to be held at the Hotel Astor Saturday evening. June 13, will be the last Drama-Comedy event of the sTTinmer. Activities will be resumed in September.
Deny Rumors of Rialto Sale
New' York, June 8.--.\t the Famous Players*Lasky oiTice todav denial \va« made of rumors to the effect that the Rialto Theat.'r, corner of 42d street and S'-venth avenue, will be di.srxised of ui>on completion of the n^w Paramount Theater on the site of the T'litn.am Building arby. Body was apparently lent the rwiiort hv the fact that at present the Para¬ mount production schedule Is not large inougli to consistently provide a feature each week for the Rlvoll and R'.alto, i)ofh Famous T'layers-l,asky first-run linii.ses. A number of outside features. Including Vitagraph film.", has b<en )ilay<d at the I'.laltn when there were no Paramount pictures available, and In most cases business has dropped as a consequence.

the latter running on the ·'regulaf'' tickeC I. H. Herk, also on the `'opposi¬ tion'' ticket, nosed out J. R. .Muller for the office of treasurer. The Board of Governors received the following new memb,'rs; Martin Forkins Damon Run¬ yon. Robert Glark, Felix Isman. Billy R Van. I-eo L. Redding. Edward Gilland and Darwin Truss.
Cantor Farewell Party
At ^`Ziegfeld Follies''

New York. June 6.--"Eddie Cantor

Night" was observed at the '/.iegi.id Fol¬

lies last night, when the regular perform-

ance at the New Amsterdam Theater was

given over In large part to a gay fare-

w^ell celebration in honor of the star of

Kid Boots, who sails for France today on

the I'arls to vacation until August, when

he will start on an extensive tour of the

country In the vehicle which has been the

biggest success he has ever appeared In

On behalf of Florenz S^legfi'ld. Will

Rogers made a speech at the close of the

first act and presented Cantor with a

platinum watch bearing an inscription

commemorating the thous^indth perform¬

ance of Kid Roofs. Rogers lasso-d the

star with one of his famous n-pcs and

dragged him from his seat In the audi¬

ence up over the footlights to the stage,

where he was greeted with a tremendous

ovation. Cantor replied to the honor be¬

stowed upon him in characteristic

phrases and entertained with several

numbers and stories. George Olson's

Band assisted him In the offering.

The guests in the audleni-e inijiided

Mrs. Cantor. Billie Burke. Mr. and .Mrs.

Horton Spurr, of the Kid Boots Com¬

pany, who were married Ii--t W ',Ini sday

with Cantor as best man. and Edna Lee-

dom, who will enter the cast of the sum¬

mer edition of the Follies next week-

Rogers requested Mrs. Cantor to stand

up and a spotlight was thrown on her.

Slie receivi-d almost as much of a hand

as her husband. After the performance a buffet supper

Was served on the stage and Cantor

again responded with an informal pro¬



same evening.
Ethel Bonnett Op^ns

School Bands Barred -

Ohio Bars "Birth of Nation" "A. W. O. L." REPEATED

Three More Companies

From Cash Concerts

Columhns, O., June 8.--The much-

New York, June 6.--A. TV. O. L., the

tf'hicago, June 6--Ethel Bennett opened a I'appv Ricks cornp.iny in Lcola. S. D., June 2. In the ca.-d are Edwin Felix Burnham, Walter Clyde. Arthur Porter,
Hilda Dalmian ami Harriet Burnnam. Mrs. Bennett o(ii n-d a tli'c and Take company June ,3 in Walters. Ok. The cast includes E. J. Bradv. Ermst Bost-

Chicago, June 6.--All high-school bands have been forhhlden to apixar rrr- com¬ mercial engagements in the future h.v William McAndr>w. superintend*'nt of stliools. The American Federation i>f Musicians made complaint to tlie super¬ intendent cl.aiming that the rights of j>r<>fessional musicians were being infringed

hamd film. The Birth of n Kntion, can
not be shown in Ohio under a decision of the Supreme ('oiirt glv.-n out 'Tuf'sday. The court affirnu-d an orilor of V'ernon M. Rlegrl, State director of education, bar¬ ring the picture on the grounds that It is "not true to hl.stor.v, portrays scenes of crimes and apix-als to rare prejudices.'' The decision ended a fight by the Eix>ch

comedy in three acts by Salisbury Field and Felt<'tt Elkln.s which was presented at the Gre,.n\vlch Village Theater for siiocial tryout matinees last tVednesday and Friday, was repc-ated this afternoon as a tryout for hookings in the event that any of the attending thenirlcal nianagi rs rare to take a chance on the play. .Mso among those Invlti-d^ were

wlck, Ralph Harvi'v, Sidney Presson and upon by the school bands.

I'roduclng Company, to have the opup .ap¬ til* meniher.s of the casts of t)ld Enylisk

Bessie Ixive. Another tlire and Take company was al.so opemd h.v Mrs. Ben¬ nett ,lunc 4 in Leola. S. I'. In the cast

Universal City Not Sold

proved for exhibition in the State. Ap¬ :uf<l A Bit o' Love, whom Elkins in¬ plication for approval was filed In Febru¬ vited as an indication of the debt of ary and the case was taken to the Su¬ gratitude he feels he owi's tialsworthy

are ,`4ardis Lawrence, Thaddetis Gray.

preme Court In March.

for help and encouragement in play-

Raymond .\pplehy. Jack Bradley and Pearl tlrav. Mrs. Bennett has three other comi>anicN on the ro.id and is re¬ hearsing others. .Ml will play chautauriua time.
New Producing Firm

Hollywn«)d. June 6.--Gossip to the ef¬ fect that t'niversal has sold Its production center. Universal Git.v, was denied by President Carl laienimle this we«'k. The rumor originated when the name "(h>Idringer" app<-ared over the enfram-e of the studloif. ICxplanation is made that

Jake Rosenthal Celebrates
Jake Rosenthal recently celebrated his 20th anniversary as manager of tiie Maje.stio Theater. Duhuf|iie. la., hy hold¬

writing. In the cast of A. TT'. O. L. wer,' Helen
Fieenian. ,Mys Rees, Lui-y Slireve. Elo|,s> I'cndi'lton, Edgar Stelill. Ros.,llnd Fuller laiiirence ('ecil, Iteginald tlwen and .Toseph .Mlenton. The pnaluclion was direeti'd by Stanley Ilowlett.

New York. June 8.--l»ramasong Theat¬ rical I'roduction.s, a newly organized i>roduclng c-oneern. ojiem d offices this week at 2.33 West t2d str'et. nusuies;jl men from the down-town section of New York are said to he bepinil the venture, and it Is planned to put three plavs on Broad¬ way in <925-*26.
Helen Shipman for Movies

the c-lmnge was made temporaril.v in or¬ der to use the entrance as a U>cation for The Bennliful C'hi'nt, which is a story about a motion picture star.

ing an ''.\nniversary W. ek" at liis tlu at<r. A s|X`cl:il vaudeville hill, a fiature film and local tah'nt made up the pro¬ gram.
The M.aj*`stlo was er«et<'d on the site of the oil! Bijou, one of the old-stvie H''eond-fl<K)r tli*'.il<'rs, which was razid about 1*5 years ago.
Pemher Theater Reopening

Tenants of Cohan's Grand Arc Notified To Vacate
Chicago, .Tune 8--Tenants of Cohan* Graiiil 'Theater nuilding report th.it they have ill! been notified to vaeal,' tlu' biiiloItig and most of them have obtained ik'W <luarl,'iH In ttu- lex.p End r.ull<liiig ' Si.ite anil Talk,* str,`<'ts. .\liii,*st .all J"

New York, ,Tiine 6.--Hehn Shipman, who opens in Kosher Kitty Kelly at the Fulton The.ater Monda.v evening,'.Time 1."», has been sigTied to a long-term contract to work in pictures for tJotbam Produc¬ tion", of which Sam Sax Is president. Her movie w'ork will not interfere with her stage career.
Woman Buys Gold Theater
Chicago, June 6.--The Gold Theater, 3411 Roosevelt Road, has been .«oId to

New York. June 8.--Tlie flow of theatrii'iil folk tfiwards fon ign shor<s contimiid iinahated last we<k Tliose wlio dejiart' d or Nsiked sailings for Europe |nI'lude Nellie Gasman. Jewi.-h vaudeville .star; .Ios<'f Stransky; A. i,. Krlanger; Mrs. Lilia Vlles Wyman, who taught s'une of Ami'rlca's greatest stars to dance;
Eddie Cantor, E. Ray G'mIz. Genevieve Tobin, Maria Selma (Mrs. Ludwig l.ewisohn), Jfihn M>-ehan. Ada May Weeks, IT. Tyroll Davis. Tlie Iv .Marcos. Garol McGnnias. T.enore Harris, .loan
B»-nnett, John Clark. T.iza Roma. Glara

Granville, N. Y., .Tune fi.--The Pfunher Tlieater. of this city, will reopen June 20, iindiT the niaiiagi mi-iit of Yitasut Dailey, afi'T having he>-n red*'eorat>il and Improvi-d at (t cost of infire thii'n $2,000. Road attractions and motion pii'tur»'s will he pre>< nt< d. S. E. Severance Is the own¬ er of the house.
Robert T. Haines To Read In Mammoth Rotarian Pageant
Cleveland, O., June 8.--Rf>l>ert T,

the Coliaii <!ran,l tenants are music punllshets. It Is presum,-,1 the vacating i,,itl,-,'s to tenants means that the biiilding Is t,) b,' torn ,lown iireparatory t" ·n-etlng a new tlieati'r. altho no ollleia* .siaii-nnnt of such plans has b''on mad Jis yet.
Oscar Hammerstein Returns
New York. .Tune 8.--O.-var Hamm' ·In H. ciauthor of ICosr-Mari> riled yi.slenlay on tin* iiilianh'd hy his wlf,* nml two chll'irej

Mrs. Tillie Schlaes by Henry Wolf for a Blandlck. Beth Beri, Burton ·Iflee. Alice TTaines has b<'<'n lnvil>'d hy It. H Burn¬ re|>orted sum of $141.'>00. Tt is .said no Bradv, Ixuilse Glosser' TTale. Mabrd R. side to read the l·'adl^g jiart In the mam¬ change Is contemplated in the policy of Beardsley, Ruth Gordon, Garl Rand, moth pageant whhh Burnside is stag¬

ter n four months' vacation f'P
irope. Ho will ImmcTliiti'ly h,'glu ''`..j I H n,'W musical play, b'miM'rarii

th« theater, which Is an SOO-seat movie Margaret Anglin, Edna Ferber and Mary ing for the Interaatlonal Gonelave of It.',,



tarlans to Txs held la-re June If, and Ifi,

lown as The Green Peaeh, 'y*'''' |,,J

June 13, 1925

The BillFoara


Roxy Theater Plans To Affect


aw ,


Sites- for Other Movie Houses _

n.w Tor,.
fonnanco was (iven last night at the 44th Street Theater to aid the Relief

Washington. June 6.--Proposed Sunday blue laws, motion picture censorship and other reforms which may be attempt^ In the next session of Congress will find

_ .



t f


Five Other Theaters Planned for Car'Barn Block, New York. Where

P'und of the Mayor's Committee on Profiteering. The ii»t of pmmi-

an a tlve and aggressive opposition in the Seventh-Day Adventists.

Associaced Pictures Will Erect $6,500,000 Structure Seating


During their convention Just concluded here they adopted resolutions frowning

6.000"""^^ork Starts in Senternber u.uuu WUIK Otaris in oepiemoer
N ew YORK. June 6.--A deal whereby .iMOCiated Picturee Corporation will con-

Hia 8kf/ High Orchestra; Salt and Pepper, of the Rue de la Paix; Jimmy
Savo and Joan Franza, of the new i4rft«(a and Models; Allan Prior, of The Love Song; Willie Howard, star

up<jn "attempts to establish the Christian religion and its institutions hy civil law.'' The adventists also declared the question of Sunday observance should be referred back to the churches "to be propagated

htruct a 16,500.000 motion picture for S. L. Rothafel, better known as "Roxy'*,

8kj/ High; Harry Jolson. brother by teaching instead of appealing to civil

will have the effect of disrupting future plans for other theater construction on the car-bam block, bounded by 50th and 51st streets and'Sixth and Seventh a'enues. The Roxy Theater, which wilt seat 6,000. may cause a slight change in



K-irtv and"°bor^*hv

Magnan and Her Re^e.


magistrates for aid in a matter that should be strictly settled by the con¬ science of the inaivklual."
"God made the conscience free and

the rites for four bouses which have been planne d for the same block, as it probably


never intended it should be enslaved by

will be n<'ce8.sary to build them more in the direction of for construction In the same block Is an Albee theater, learn.d plans for the structure are not progressing.
Statement is made that contracts have been signed by As.xeclated. Pictures Cor-

Sixth avenue.
but ae far as

It can be


of Chicago
^*11 D
W Wiillll PrU urfchase Plays

the civil authorities or bv the majority of a class of religionists,' the resolution said. "We do here and now declam our¬ selves in favor of the absolute separation of the church and State and of religious freedom as conceived by the founding

poration., which otmiprises Arthur H. Sawyer and Herbert Lubin, with alter

iiAvvfilliiidaaww waaayyv

VV C (^JjxxaarrrOdrulC#cgnnnnSst

IIM VViiaaavyy

Chicago. June 6--Chariles H. Swift fathers of the republic.

made a contribution oolf $23,000 and

"Our liberties to w'orshlp God as our

Alsihlager., architect, who has designed a number of houses in Chicago for Lub-



Cle* Mrs. Francis Neilson a cccontribution of conscience dictates Is in peril right hem

O ajCc Sa i^vccW w oCuOOl O olliicc $2,500 with which the ITTnniivvi ersity of Chi- In the ITnited States. Reform organiza¬

liner & Trlnz. The land has been pur-


cago will purchase a collection of 5.000 tions are foisting their doi'trines of

chased and a contract signed with

Chicago, June 6.--Midway Gardens, plays and several hundred histories and righteousness by law onto the people,

Rothafel. who besides receiving a salary becomes a partner In the enterprise.

street and Cottaae Grove avenna. la biographies relating to the American and we, w'ho stand for a .separation of

® cottage urove avenu^ is

trom Prof. Fred W. Atkinson, of church and State, need to maintain more

Roxy's contract with the Capitol Theater one of the sites approved by the building the Brooklyn Polytechnic In.stltute. It Is than ordinary vigilance to retain our

expires January 1 next.

and groouunrds committee of the BBoard of said Yale and Columbia made bids on liberties."

Actual work on the theater will be Education for a new school site.,

the collection.

The adventists explained that their

started next S*A»tember and the house

resolution was aimed particularly at the

will be ready tor Its opening one year

Jones Sunday closing bill and the t'pshaw

kter. It will b*- l<Kated at 5l8t street and Seventh avenue, running approxi-


bill for censorship of the movies. There Is every reason to believe these measures

matelv 2*10 feet along each of the streets

will be reintroduced when Congress re¬

from their Junction. The theater will



have four emrani-es, one thru the lobby of the proposed Manager Hotel, which*
will front on Seventh avenue; two on 51st

a-ui.-...rc-u. ,9^9^^''^a^MEATER, NlEEW W Y YO OR RK K Beginning Saturday Evening. June f·.


''Business Is Business"

street and another one on Seventh avenue. .According to announcement the


Beginning Monday Evening, June 1, 1925 HERMANN LIEB Presents

stage will be the largest ever Included m this kind of a structure. It Is rek ported that the site cost more than $200.y
Besides showing picture the theater jrlll present elaborate presentations similar In nature to those produced at the Capitol, at present under Roxy's directlon It will be the fourth Independent house on Brnadwav. the other three being
1 the Piccdilly. Colony and Car.--. All tie other first-run theaters are controlled
tae u,ky. Metro-Ooldwyn and First Na-
Phenomenal Business


The Mutuslical Mirthquake of Laughtteeir In Two Shocks and Thirteen Shiveerrss

Book, Lyrics, and Muissilce hby

Porter Grainger and Fredddie Johnson

Book Staged byv Leigh Whipper

Numbers Staged bhy Freddlliiieee JJIoonhhhnnnsslnoonnn

. ,,

rr.aAsSTT nOFr ^
whitby. Owner

nroiM sf RtW n.Vliitii'.t-TbJTFyC'.rRnRHJsSlotel. -


Mr, r,.

wbVti.VHt-w..vt'..e^rfle MoneVte

Moore iCre

"Doc" August, the Town Herb D noo..,fteoer.... Amffcnm pdbfl AT

Rufiia iobnwwi. l^ithy's Yard M M'. an.

By Brandon Thomas

Trjvtsiy in Four Scrncs Prrsmttd in Conjnnrtion With Scrern Vsrsion of "Beg¬ gar on Horseback"


Gt* tbe Order of Appearanre)

Cbeaney.Cbarlea D. Penman

New York, June 6.--Husineas Is Busi¬


.Harry Llllford ness, a play in four sri-nes. by George 8.

<Played Rraiaett. Standard Theater. N. Y.. I(t93)

Kaufman and Dorothy Parker, staged

Charley Wyrham.Antony Stanford under the direction of Frederick Stan¬

lo^j Fancourt Babberly "Babb, ".

hope. with settings hy Joiin AVenger. was

.Sam .A. Burton

Kranria Cbeaney.Georce Sydenham

5TM;^ ^pettlgue.Hope Coxlyad

^ S*'-PhenareS dop o e .t( tl. fur e. a ...K rae rl

\o«,, SUll


Lorla D'Alytilorei.... Roth Cborpenning .·^.< ...ee.aeK eeeoa onteah anelee K®e t n M M iiddldlllPettfoTnfl

prenented last night at the Criterion Theater as a special attraction to pre¬ cede the screen version of Kaufman A Connelly's successful fantasy. Beggar on Horseback.
The play Is a travesty on the ''big-

hearted'' business man whose philan¬

General Onderstudle. a.|'^^^*^ieorge° Spewln thropy always has a double motive. Tho


At Parks and Beaches
York. June 8.-An east wind

Hamf,;'Jenkln.VH^a AUlVtint"."..y.TJ1o^e^ Herd Jxrk Stafford, an Oil Promoter..FFre^deddie^eJo"hjnoaho^n
v,mp.. ...LTeennas w triiiia*o,bn

Ccoommmmeemmoorraattiioonn W Weeeekk., Ooixffwordd.. EEnnggllaanndd.

^,, Af'T ^ voUrge.

Chesney'a I^ma. St. Oldea ben piona frauds are dlapeona-

not altogether new. It is a genuinely comical conception and contains some good lines. It could be Improved by shortening the time and by the Insertion

which sent the temperature down 15

b mpwn. the Town

· · · · ·ACT II.-Garden Outside of Jack'a Rooms. of a kick at the finish. The latter might

Hegreer In aa many minuteu and broke j,,hn`Taw"^mn. Wwior "While there's tea. there's hope.''--Anonymous, be accomplished bv unveiling the statue

the heat wave under which New York »nd vlrlnltv have been sweltering for the

rahLr^r ** '


ACT Ill.-nrswlng Boom st Spettigne'a of the suppo.sed phlanthropist. which Is House. "Dinner lubricstes bnslne,,.''--Boswell, eulogized and described, thus rousing a

past week hit the city about 10:30 last Hitt Key*. a sJ^M Wm;r.\';:..Port« OrsmlJ^r

The revival of Cknriew'a Awnf at Daly's curiosity and expectation In the audi¬

tV 1



· Cabaret Entertainer. .Jean Starr «3d Street Theater will very likely turn ence that should not be left ungratllled.

'8,,^sGmated that ,00.000 persiins .\imhl? Foote, the Town Dancer.Amelia Loomis out to be one of the first times that this

Wilton Lackaye plays the part of the

visited Coney Sunday, this l^mg the Minnie Tree, the Town Vocalist..

famous old English farce has proven a business man in a humorous fashion,

largest crowd that has ever visited the

.Mildred Brown failure. Of course, the blame will t« laid reading his "back-slapper" lines and

resort, it is said. Extra boats were Twilight Gadann. Whitby'a Maid....Anna White partly to the recent film version of the bringing his expressive facial euulpment

pre.>-!>ed Into service to accommodate hho Xuff. a Porter.Johnny Hudgins I crowds going to Rye Beach and the Ladle, and Gentlemen of tb« Enaemble: Misses

(Cowflntied on page 170)

Into play with fine effect. Orlando Daly and Hugh Chilvers appear as liveried

I ' kawaya All beaches adjacent wertthronged thruout the day. Parks en¬ joyed most liberal patronage. Conditions

Jnlis Sasehes. Reherti Ijtwery, Fditb Ollrer, Donitby Wilson. Edna Young. Grsce Mirhsel,
Anns Moore. Mice Sslnions. Creols Mays. Lot-

KNICKERBOCKER THEATER. NEW butlers, Catherine Hayes has the'role of


the magnate's wife, Mary Walsh does

Beginning Monday Evening, June 1. 1325 a splendid little bit aa a stenographer.

»t terminals and piers caused hv the* unDsually large homeward-hound crowds


Margaret Flail.

hlisabetb Htlll, Fiorea,^ Laater, Jerry Wiley.

Continuing Until Saturday Evening,

June 6 1925 "

. "

Austin Coghlan acts the part of a re¬ porter more Intelligently than such char¬

were Indesecrfibiabblae.bi-:.. " A slight bl.aze discovered aAtt the Ben-
Hur racer at Coney was qtilcklv pnt our
by firemenI,. bbuutt ccaauusseedd m muucchh aapppprreehheenn-lion among^ the crowd.
Bathing ffaacciilliittiieess eevveerryy--w srhheerree w weerree taxed to tthhe utmost and at ride, and conce,Bion.s1 there was revord-shattering

|V^W®P(| SniRAUlt* ACKj^^O Jb. A1I«

The PlayerJ""VAU-Star Revival



1-."'.*;^; v-rx."trelawneyof


i_Front of Whitby's Hotel.

Scene 2--Slrlrer,' Row. Scene 3--Aunt Jeml-

TUC HAfUl I C* »
I Ht WtLLo

,,,, Magnolia Plantation. Scene 4--

vrthne win^ T>,r,oer>

same a,. sScceene 2. S,c-ene .1--Hokum Oil Wells.

Arthur Wing Pinero

s<-ene a--o,,iul BonaleerrasrHd. Sgc.eenne 7--Lawn on


acters are usually acted on the stage,

and Worthington Romalne, M Fuller

(lolden, Hugh Chilvers and Orlando Daly

assist with credit as business associates

of the philanthropl.st.

D. C. G.

"River" Has Fine Male Cast

busines.- I.adiinn..at Park was. kept open all Whitby Hotel.

James Telfer.Charles Coburn

Bight that p*'rsona might sleep on the

aAic"tr.. II--Scene 1----ttyy>>bb<b>y of Whitby Hotel,. Aiigtisfns Cqlpjiy,.Herbert Cnrthell


Scene 2--Fame as Scene d«., Act I S,c-enec :t-- .·L*''''flBand GJdd.William Courtlclgh

London, June 6 (Special Cable to Tho

Sttamboat men report hnsincss to the The Jail at Boley. Seene 4--^Rnnnlng Thru

.Claude King Billboartiy--Sir Pa*ick Hastings, bril¬

virlous rcsorta the Larircst in memory.

Kam S Hijeadj rP»llaye'rs


rhe n Bi· rdJ /C"age«.»


1 _._

_ .. .


Oklalioma. Scene .V--same as Stcenc 2. Act I. 8Sc,eennee tl--NPPigllahactceetn-- ^gHHauoloelleeCtyy,aabOOarkkelltaa.hhuoom maa..
P·Fred To,.uonTasirimalel.--.M wfM^n'noaaill'rroatl. Direcct.toorr,.
Except for the glaring cheapness and stuffiness nf some aettinaa. a rather un-

*"*· ,

^.Amelia IHngham

..Alolet Hemtna

Trelawnoy.I.aurette Taylor

Imogen Parrott.Gladys Hanson

O'Dwyer .John Cumberland Vtre-Cham-ellor Sir William (ktwer John Drew

^.''bor Gower.........Saxon Kling Clara De Hoenlx...Ca'herlne D Owen

liant K. C. and attorney general in the last government, had a play, entitled The niter, presented at the St. James Theater 'Tuesday by Thomas Dagnall. It is an adventure In familiar African setting reminiscent of John t'.alsworfhv'a The Forest and other strong, silent whiteman plays. Hastings exploits rather

trite material with resource, hut without

any nartletilar power. The climax is in

the second and third acts and is tinneces-

sarlly and fatallv delayed.

Magnificent service Is done for the

play hy a highlv capable male cast.

fJlen A'an VolWephtirg, and with costumes tnd settings hi .L,mes RevnoM.s. In the rtst were Jo^.jphlne Hutchinson. Ranald Mvery. Kol>,.y,fH^ll_ (>t,h;ird Klwell. Ruth

jwrrtsnn an/ Klla Bergling


tCli>TI, .ind y .Vi.irjorle H.ar.di- ng furnis_hed



: brrot order i\nd tin

renorm.inil, was Imaginative and cnhir-


nut considerably by the ex-

'n* '`·Jiimgs.

1 ftr\r\ 1
'.000 Music Industries*

Jl iviusit IIIUU51I ca


^"^mbcr of Commerce Meetings

same caliber or bt'tfer and unfortunately th^ don't come.
'There Is a little plot to hold the procI'peceidminggs tlOo^K'cthiiieerr, tiihio IIt isini'it tlakaen very serloii.Hly. ^Tbhee Idea back of it ctincems
discovery of oil In somebody's hacknnd the usual scheming romance
eventful Jubilation that are supposed tri accompany such events. A good deal of real Negro humor has been worked
·of*' fbe lamk. altlm some of the ^nedy
scenes are too long, while the «lo or
three soiiio'iuies should be avoided aito-

Ailss Adair.Mary Ellsaherh Korhes Hsilkeeger .John Krans
SYNOPSIS: .AAICTT I.-- --..AAt Mr. anil M Air,. Tellflerr's Lodcailngcs m No. 2. Brydnn CreHi ent. ClarkenVell. May. ACT II.--At Sir William Gower's In Carenill,h Square. June.
.ACT III.--.Again in Urydon Crescent. Docemher.
-'t'T IV.--On the stage of the Panthroa
Theater. A IVw Day, Later. Perjod-t»«mewhem in the Early Slides

E-speciallv fine work is contributed hv Clifford Slollison, whose portrayal of a coikney advctitiire Is flawlessly and htiniorousl.v executed ; also by Is'slle Faber, whose quick, vital style improves with every pew jiart he tilavs. and hv Owen Nares. who tmiiiied nninor chords of sentiments and sacrific.' with great skill and chartn. Eric Starilcv, I,ewin Mannerlng imd William H.illman did good work, but .Ii'ssie Winter as the hi-romc and Helen F, rrers as the tropical Eng¬ lishwoman with w golden he.art. let the ulav down with a wallop The success
ht the play Is very doiddful.

^ .tiagno, JJItITinISe* O 8.,-- --Iltl is estimated tlhlsaWt yi,i!a.n 7.000 ptHiT'rastoins had arrived In

^ '"fo this tm.rrilng to attend the va-

1',"/"// Ion vent Ions associated with the Industries' Chainh.r*of rommerce.

d''r' d 1. .'^mltn. secretarv. anm.unced

la meeting of the Thamher of t'otn"iereIJ". .wloonullidl bIwe hheelldd tthhiiss aafftteerrnnitKsm in.. aaff--

SlAbbllchirththeeTvsraV riouusi unirttss"oAfrtthe rham-

t.wlll separate and hold their individual

^ L

nirharH W T.AW*

gether. and the situations for the moat

P· *« '!! ***'^1


_a »


,a a^

^TThhee Juvenile and Ingenue leads am

It would add value to the show

If a more favorable pair were placed In

«bcsc swecfhesrt roles and the parts de-

aelot«d to greater prominence. This Is

absolutely essential to a sneees.sfnl mus -

<"1 comedy, and since Lucky Sambo is




,,oer« tho hue

Byrn *4!ia Tim Moor# rarrv tne bur*

The Production I'nrter the An,piiy, of thg Tbeater t'nmmlttee of (be Players Daniel Krohman. Chairman
A more suitable offering than Sir Arthur Pim'ro's Trclotrtiry of the "Wells" could
(Continued on page 169)

Florence Bower Recovers
Newark. N. .1 . June 6--Florence Bower, of the Rower Sisters, who is now .Mr G. B. Hagin. returned to her home her-several days ago. accomptinied hy h> r mother, after si>cnding three weeks .it the France>* Willard Hospital. Ch cago. where she was operated on for app* ndilitls. 5^e Is now fully recovered and a big party, in celebration of her 14th birth¬

S/e will open the initial meeting Of tiM '*"mbeT of Commerca.

furnishing the comedy, and they (ConMaaid cm page 170)


day. Is being given tonight at the Birwar homa.




(Communications to If 60 Broadway, New York, N. Y.)




Huge Building Program and Consistently Good Business Will Soon Result in Its Being Able To Offer Highest Number of Consecutive Weeks' Work to Artistes

New YORK, June 8.--Late developments in the progress of the Orpheum Circuit

indicate that It is definitely setting out to become the leading vaudeville cir¬

cuit of the country, the Western organization now being in its fastest stride

since it came under the guidance of Marcus Heiman.

Its building campaign, as well as general addition of houses, is a staggering one, and includes the important erection of a costly house in Chcago at La Salle


^ |


Jk | IIMM IIUH ^01106111

?. \vi»h the Organization Headed by L. O

lich'they'are Beck Will Consolidate His L Balaban & Present Holdings--National

le tieup with

Attractions Will Do

E^cuft will bt
no less than ·perates the ic, Lincoln-
not confined West Coast is erecting a
has recAitfeeic stands. r San Dieeo" fir-'t half of rw'<>an Park tha week and tor nt ir witK n Hill
the naii oi i e

. . New York, June 8.--L. O. Beck. pr:sident of the National Attrae^^iis, Inc., of New York, and head oi' the prominent
chain of ballrooms in the Middle M'est. has filed papers for the incorporation of ^he United Ballrooms, which will have
^ capitalization of $1,000,000. "^he new organization will be affiliated
With the Natfonal Attractions, inasmuch Beck is president of both concerns. All the bookings for the new' ballrooms he supplied by the National Attrac¬
tions. The purpose of the new organizatioH Is to Consolidate Mr. Beck's holdings
further expand them, for it w'ill Inimmediate taking up of many

Mr. Barrett is breaking in a new ve¬ hicle called "O. K. Pedro", tt playlet of Mexico, written by Bradley Barker, an author who is well known in the film world. The act was produced bg Benja¬ min David, who sponsored Barrett's for¬ mer Vehicle, "On the Road to Calcutta". The supporting cast of "O. K. Pedro", soon to be seen in the big-time New York stands, cor,sitts of Buckley Starkey, Adelaide Chase and Theodore Hecht.

New York, June 8.--Last week marked the sale of Proctor's Fifth Avenue, the most Important theater of the Proctor chain, and the sale the previous week of the I'roctor house In Elizabeth. N. J which has been Riven over to stock of recent years.
The disposal of these two theaters comes as a surprl e to the vaudeville world. The house Elizabeth was taken oyer by the Fabi ' people, who have started work on · ilarsinR and reoonBtructlnK It Into a larser theater. Title to the property, which was held at J350.000 accordina to reports, was taken May 25, and it Is the plan of the Fabian interests to play Kelth*Albee vaudeville when the house, opens.
The Fifth Avenue," one of New York's oldest theatrical landmarks, was sold at a reported $2,500,000 to Sohnee & Schnee. of BrldReport, Conn. Present leasehold on the property, held by the Kelth-Albee interest, does nOt expire until 1931 and it Is assumed that the theater will continue operatlnR under its present policy until that time. It has a seatinR capacity of 1,600 and in its day was one of New York's leadinR theaters. L^rite stores and offices are also part of the property, which Is situated on a desirable corner.
Since it became a vaudeville theater, controlled by Proctor, it has played bigtime acts from the Keith-Albee Circuit.

t n«o,u,lon,

Coast Theaan extensive 'ific seaboard,

'JKTub'danJ"'paS?"s'`'ill The
cinnatl and other points. Each will have ^ capacity of 6.000 or more and so located that the chain will virtually have a

H'i'" Z° Theaters Owned by Walter Rcade

iVagC Scalc With Stage

® Hands


Despite Costly Remodeling. Ex its Insofficient-Old Indej^ndHoUSe ExOCCtS To Rc»
Open oOOn

According to Mr. Beck, he will main-

running clean resorts characteri^d bv early closings and

ow*»8 dance

*7 troit and other >Tlddle-A\est


senting a total Investment of over $2.000,.

York, June 8.--^The Savoy and

Main Street theaters in Asbiiry Park N j., the latter of which plays Kelth-Albee

vaudeville, are In a state of impasse fol-

lowing the refusal of Walter Reade, own-


j^ie houses to negotiate a new

^-age scale for the stagehS tho thru

New York. June 8.--Following complete
remodeling at a cost of $15^.000 and adjustments between It and the Cornish
Arms Hofei Company for satisfactory exit space, the Grand Opera House was closed^last week by the fire department, vAhich ruled fhat another exit from the

WT T H *

» »
O^TjjlV ^^7 IViandger

wr iZDtn street llOUSC
, New -York June 8.--William H. ODaw who for many years was with the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Balley Circus, which he Wt three vears ago to become manager of Proctor's Thea-

their local union. No. 243. asked for an
Increase for the coming year. The old
contract expired June 1. Bv this contr^ct. said to have been for three years,
Betting comparatively low wages and feel Justified In asking for an increase.
It is the recollection of Harry Spencer,
of the I. A. headquarters, that the i?ien were getting about $35 each, a scale that
is considerably lower than that paid In other cities, and that they accepted this scale when the contracts were made In

orchestra floor was required. The Bulld-
In* Department. acTOrdlng to the man-
®Ker of the Ori.'nd Opera. new exits and nP more was thought of the matter until the order came mcioM.
The house Is erfpected to/eopen this week with the new' extt put In. worknien having started ImmetHatelv to proviide tor
»»-, The Cornish At-ms Botel whichJs going up next door tes the (irand. aepnvro
the theater of Its exl^/Pace, hut an adJ'latment was reported to have been maae whereby these exits co4ila-*>c usea.



12i.th Street Theater of the Proetbr chain

succeeding .Tames Travers, who managed

the house for nearly two year^

* ,


buslness had been more

Screen "Villain" Deserts

or le.s lean.

Films for Four-a-Day

oylVia rielu Joins DQZZCII


New York. June 8.--Robert McKlm, one of the screen's most popular villains, has followed many of his ilk to the vaude¬ ville field. He opened for the Pantages Circuit last week at Newark in a 25minute sketch by Elsie Willlams.i who appears in his support, entitled The

New York, June 8.--Sylvia Field, who

closes tonight in The Fovrflvshrr. has

been engaged to appear with Eddie Buz-

zell in his new vaudeville act produced

by Lewis & Gordon.

_ «<*
Little LDUrCn S

_ /''U--ILnOir

ISachelor's Bride.


McKim Is playing for the K.-A. people

Bovs Have Aft Readv
Doys nave /\ct iveaay

this week in Philadelphia at the Nixon and Broadway and will be at the Earle next week, following which he will appear at the Earle. Washington, and then return to New York. He may appear for I<.-.\. in seme of the New York houses and aI«o plav further time for the Pantages Circuit.

New York. June 8.--The CJhoir Boys of "The Little Church Around the Corner", otherwise known as the Church of the Transfiguration, will open in vaudeville on the Kelth-Albee Circuit shortly. They will be directed by James Helfensteln In the act.

hop® that costs of living would decrease Instead of increase.
it is understood Reade has threatened to close the theaters in preference to aoccding to the demands of the stagehands. This Spencer characterized as "bunk". Stating it was his impression jt^ade would hold out until the last as
done in the past when negotiaP^der way for higher pay.
spencer feels that the demands of the back-stage men w'lll be met within a few days.
The Main Street Theater is given over to vaudeville, bonked by the K.-A. Circuit during the winter, and devoted, along with the Savoy, to legitimate attractions during the summer, being used consider¬ ably as a try-out house.
T^ilm Stars in Sketch

D LJrOtiInIlag F roorrmmCerf ^arfV Act


New York. June 8.--Fran> Drockway. Dorothy Blaine and Frank] Berry have

discarded their former veh^Jo


now breaking in ITensfoot Lt'.OT'*lljS

act formerly done by Mr. amp

Barry, Their old skit wap called Nicest Oirl in Town. Th«Y^

discarded the trio billing


being programed as Frank Werry an



Joe Howard To Do T4'o

New York. June 8.--Jos. E. a'"

will discard his revue for the

snd will open shortly In a two-ac.i

Anita Case as his partner. Th''yJ

do the same review of Howard's oldl

hits which he did with Ethelyn Clal

vaudeville several years ago. In th|

Howard will again take The Toy 1

his big act, out tor a tour.



Gilkii Goes to Coast

June 13, 1925

The Billboard


PUSH ACTS WITHOUT NAMES NOT Yates Active in Summer Ask Patrons To Pick

Production of Acts
BEING ROUTED FOR NEH SEASON New York, June 8.--Irving Yates Is

Favorite Artistes

active in vaudeville production despite the advent of summer and has opened two

Average Theatergoers Frame Bills

Bookers Believe Money Paid to Such Offerings Can Be Used to new acts and is preparing a third. The

ones which opened are Grant and Wing

Better Advantage--Orpheum Circuit Seems To Be Definitely

with Wheeler Wadsworth's Orchestra, lu

Regardless of Total Costs-- But They Know Who

Off the Revue Type of Act
NKAV YORK, June 8.--The liets of acts routed for next season over the KeithAlbee and Orpheum circuits show that few acts of the revue type are goinp to be played on the big time next year. Thle type of act has boon rare In the big houses during the past season, end the bookers are accepting still less, un¬ less the rev-ue. or flash, hapi>ens to be heaJed by a "name" which means someth ng
to the box ofTlce. The Kelth-Albee booking offices are also turning down sketches

people being In the act, and Olga Steck. lircductlon prlnia donna, with the Moscow Art Trio, a piano, violin and cello combi¬ nation from concert. The forthcoming production will have a cast of seven people and will feature Billy Taylor, last In China~Roae.
Tracy and Hay Breaking In

They Like
New York, June 8.--As a successor to the annual list of ``lO best acts", which have been selected and published by vaudeville critics on dully publicatlon.s thruout the country. Kdth-Albee man¬ agers are now requesting their patrons to select an "ideal vaudeville bill" In

(or the summer, but the flashes haven't even the prospect of being booked after the

warm w.-athcr Is over.

The bookers claim that they can use



Emll Croth with Moss

ofttimes more, dep« nil ng on the num-

_WT 1

her of people carried by the act. to much 1 WClVC I CatS 1 HIS WCCK

New York. June 8.--Sid Tracy and Bessie Hay, assisted by Paul Humphrey, are breaking in a new act that has been tiixiked for l^O' W's State for next week. Tracy and Miss Hay were in the last raxHtnef Sh'itr. Humphrey has been working with Jean Barrios, female im¬ personator. for several sea.sons. Barrios

order to determine the type of entertainment liked best by the average vaude¬ ville fan.
While many of the letters received by managers show that the theater patrons are paying closer attention to actf than is generally believed by artistes them¬ selves. many of those who have com¬


better advantage by sticking in two or
three more acts, or getting a big headllner for the bill. Vaudeville producers, iuch as C. B. Maddock, Hockey & Green, George Choos and Meyer Golden, are now

^lrllltnt^< of rt.il ·'"'·hy .mun c.^

of the expeiishe .H<enlc and co.stume re-

xuis tilt y liavc h'-en putting on during

the past few year.s.

.i « , u u

The Orpheum t ircult particularly holds

out little hojie for the flash act producer, having Moore & Mcgley under contriict

to act as the c renit's prcaluctlon depart

ment. Moore & Mcgley will have four or

fix revues for the Orpheum Circuit for

_ New York. June 8.--Emil Oroth, manager of B. S. Moss' Coliseum Theater, '','·1 celebrate the 12th anniversary of
.r^Xn^'to^bS ® party In his honor. Gmth has b-en manager at the' Col'seum since the house o|>enea, and jirlor t<> th.nt was at Moss* Jefferson, Regent and Hamilton.
 VTOTUPP VAT Tr'iC 1401TCU' 1 rItK V AUUti. ML/Uot

re<'ently clored his tour and is now vaca¬

tioning on the West Coast.


cess, while the Pantages Circuit moved to the Capitol. This venture, too, was
without success, especially In the face of
the new policy which the Orpheum
adopted. While the Orpheum. since its
inception, had stuck to a straight two-aday of seven acts. It now switched to six
acts and a feature picture. This policy
was also carried thru during the past year with gratifying success.
Mr. Thomas also made some predic¬ tions with regard to the future policy of the Capitol. "Wo will probably place

prised their "ideal vaudeville biils" have been at a disadvantage out of town, owing
to not having seen many acts which play the New York houses mainly.
More than 100 letters sent to Clinton E. Liike at the Hippodrome average the "ideal vaudeville bill" for that house as
follows: Mnie. Tenkatsu and Geisha
Girls, Dooley and Morton, Toto. Lily Mor¬
ris, Joe Mendi, Houdlni; intermission: Arnaut Brothers, Emma TrentinI and
Eric Zardo, Power's EIeph.unts, Van and Le Maire, Mr. and Mrs. Clevel.und Bronner, and the Hippodrome Ballet.
From the above It will be seen that the patrons who are picking "Ideal vaude¬ ville bills" have prettv good taste, but

next season, and other Independent pn>- Metropolitan To Injagorat* New Policy some large British road shows In the no regard to salary lists. The second

(hcers will have to have some one with a name at the head of their offerings to

August 3

Capitol this coming season." he said. choice In average names the following, "V/e now have the Trans-Canada Circuit also in order for position on the bill:

get a real break.


In the East and this company's houses In The Carnirnl of Venire, The Rnnavxtv

In former year? a vaudeville revue Winnipeg,^ June 6.--After a year In Ontario and Montreal, and we have a Four, Poodles Hanneford and Family,

I producer would go ahead and speud his which the Orpheum was the sole vaude- large number of English companies Sara and Nellie Kouns, Eddie Leonard

'm^nty putting on the act, engage his ville house In the city the Famous coming to Canada next season, which and Company. Dare and Wahl, Lillian

people and get an opening for it before Players' Canadian Corporatiort announced we may place in the Capitol. Including 3haw, Paul Whiteman and Band, Roy showing it to the big-time b" kers. Dur- this week that the Metropolitan Theater, Sir John Martin-Harvey. who will be In Cummings, and The Ktichnntrd Fountain.

ing the past season few. If any, flash which closed as a movie house last Canada again next winter. 'Then again, The 8«`Cond selection offers more vari¬

offering."' have been staged prior to a con- F-tturday. will reopen August 3 with we mav lease the Walker Theater and ety of entertainment than the first, but

sulfation between the producer and the vaudeville and motion pictures,

some of the old Trans-Canada affiliated has even less regard for the box office

bookers as to whether the act would be h. M. Thomas, tt'estern Canadian man- hotisea In other Western centers."

as far as the salary Is concerned. Par¬

booked after being put on. And few seer of the Famous Players' corporation, As to the leasing of the Walker, which ticularly w'th Paul Whiteman's act alone

have T'-eived any encouragement, and thru whom the announcement was made. Was Canada's finest theater w^en It getting $7,ri00. This bill would easily

»re getting still less for the coming sea- said that $30.h00 would be spent In con- opened in 1908. this seems hardly likely total, in salaries alone, between Sla.OOO


Verting the film house Into a three-a- at present. C. P. Walker, one of the and $20,000.

The Increasing number of motion pic- d.ay. The corpioratlon owns a string of major owners. Is an uncompromising foe

Governor's DaugHtcr fure theaters which are putting In extra theaters thruout Canada and recently of the Famous Players, which he regards
·ttractions and flashes in addition to the acquired the chain of the defunct Trans¬ as a "trust". When the recent purchase

film programs may offer some relief Canada Theaters, Ltd. In Winnipeg both of the "rrans-Canada theater system was to these proelucers. A few of them will the Metropolitan and the Capitol, the announced he said so in so many words. possibly turn their attent'on towards the largest pi ture houses, are owned and The Walker, It Is admitted. Is having a

Doing Single

production of flashes for the exclusive we of motion picturea They will have to be exclusively for film hou.ses, slnc'" the statement made by the Keith-Albce tfflclals last week to the effect that act.s playing picture houses will be classed as nndei-rable for the big-tlmo vaudeville theaters.
d P tt

controlled by the Canadian subsidiary of the American l^sky-Zukor organization,
'The announcement comes as a relief to Winnipeg theatergoers, who have been suffering from a dearth of vaudeville. In 1920 Winnipeg boasted of three vaude-

vlB® houses. Strand, which

OurspehdeuWme. stePranntaVg'eausdevaanBdo

nets. Following the slump of l!i2? the

Strand tried burlesque stock without suc-

tough time In getting road shows to play here, the presentations during the season Just ended being very scanty. One of the llfesavers was the Dumbella revue, a Canadian organization.
Walter F. Pavts. who managed the Metropolitan for the past Pvo years, is leaving for Toronto. *1116 new manager of the theater under its new policy has
not yet been announced.

New York. June 8.--Tsobel Stone, daughter of Ex-Oovernor Stone of Penn¬ sylvania, Is now doing a single In vaude¬ ville under the direction of Herman Levine. Miss Stone formerly worked
with three other women In her support, billed as "her three chums". 'They were Frltzie Kllngol, Millie Corbin White and Peggy Bard.


Bert and Betty Wheeler Open Orpheum Tout

New York. June 8.--Ed Ryan and Wm. rotter, both In vaudeville for many years. Ii*ve Joined hands and opened a dancing tchool here. Tliey sty'e the e.st.abllshirent as a "T'nlverslty of Stage Dancing" ·nd Will specialize in musical comedy, tap. clog and acrobatic stepping. Ryan ·as formerly of the act Ryan. Weber and Ryan, while Potter was of the team of Potter and Hartwell.
Geo. N. Brown Will Rest

All Branches of Field Concerned in Effort To Determine Whether Season Was Profitable in Comparison With Other Years-- Consensus of Opinion Says Business Was Not So Good
New YORK, June 8.--With this season's vaudeville coming to a close, producers,

New York. June 8.--Bert and Betty Wheeler opened yesterday at Minneapo¬ lis for a tour of the Orphetim Circuit. 'They were previously booked for the Orpheum Time but obtained a release to Bppear In The Brown Derhu on the con¬ dition that the Orpheum Circuit would have an option on their services follow¬ ing this engagement. The Brown Derhif closed Its brief run In Boston week before last.
EngHsh-Yiddish Vaude.

Anhurn. N. T., June 6.--After com¬

pleting a successful vaudeville tour

'·'oi'Be N. Brown, actor, walker, cham¬

pion. Boy Scout Instructor and physlcal-

demonstrator, arrived In Auburn


to lii.s

spend the summer. With him d.ancer bride, his trainer and a

w of luggage. The Browns are not

d for theatrical work until .\ngust

·nd plan to take a cottage on the west

»'0e of Oswasoo lake, probably at Peter-

·on s Point, for the summer.

managers and agents, as well as artistes, are drawing trial balances to de¬ termine their gain? or losses. While the majority can show a larger amount

At Royal Theater

on, the credit side of the ledger, there Is a goodly number whose bulk of monetary

figures are on the debit side, having had bad breaks this year. are producers who were "ln the money" the previous season.

In some cases these

New York. June 8.--English and Yid¬ dish vaudeville opened last week at the

Royal Theater, on the Bowery near De-

On the whole the season seems to have

lancey street. The opening show con¬

been an unfavorable one. Consensus of tlon, which could and does offer con¬ sisted of a dramatic sketch, comedy

opinion among producers, as well as secutive bookings. With heavy Invest¬ sketch, single txirns and acrobatic, danc¬

agents. Indicates that the odds In dis¬ ments In acts, those producer? figure ing and musical acts.

posing of acts has been greater this year that a quicker return can be obtained

than ever before, and that the comp'-tltion brought about by an overcrowding

thru touring the I,i)ew houses, despite the fact that salary may be less th.an

Glen Dale Preparing

of the field has showed the effects of Its th« Kelth-Albee Circuit would pay, which

Act for Two-a-Day

,Staten Island Theater

keenness. There was a higher percentage In the ca.se of several large acts It has

Reopens With Vaudeville

!!''N·. e.·w'1

York. June 8.--The Casino TheaSouth Beach, Staten Island, is

preparations to open for the

wmnicr with a p<»Ilcy of vaudeville and

S, ures. The house is set to open Jtine

Pt«y five acts on a split·rek basis, booked from the Walter J.

riimmor office.


pf production of practically every type of
offering this year, which added to the In-
flux of the Eastern field by a larger quota of acts from the West, has worked to-
ward such spirited bidding for contracts
that artistes have given their services at lower salaries in order to keep the wolf
away from the diwir. This has been a particularly significant feature of the sea¬ son's peculiarities, and. with the supply greater than the demand, the circuits have been In a x>o*'ltion to offer ''coffee

not. Each sea."on It seems the number
of weeks requir'd to get an act set f<y
the big time increases. This has al.so operated toward a desertion of the big
t'me for the Loew, Pantages and other
chains. .Mtho the season was ushered In la.st
fall with the usual 3. O. S. for new acts, n'`W material and new faces, api'arently little consideration was given to the fresh attractions offered by the agents. As one agent expressed it, ".\ new act Is old

New York. June 8--Glen Dale, who appeared in the musical show Moonlight this season. Is entering the two-a-day In an act with an accompanist assisting him. He opens this we.k. to break In. and Is s<-heduled for the big stands at an early date. The act Is under the direction of the Pat Casey Agency.
"Just" Bernadinc Routed

B`irrctt and MacLeod Team

and cake" wages, securing turus for as bv the time It's set "

New York, June 8.--"Just" Bcrnadine.

low as $82.SO for a half. The situation as The Importation from abroad of a num- formerly known .as "Baby" Bernadino

the season began getting under way, with b<'r of acts signed up by Harry Mondorf, before she grew up. Is in New York ar¬

New York, June 8.--Joe Barrett, who ·``V n in vaudeville with the late
nr>nii,,n Hynn. has formed a new p.trtr'-hip with Leslie MacLf'od. 'The latter ·Ineing ac'cstlcal comedy. They will do a

acts aplenty and spots scarce, resolved
Itself Into the alternative of taking what
was offered or going without, as there were enough turns, including those from the West, that gladly grab an>-thlng to keep from starving. Thruout the season agents, producers and artistes have

who now makes an annual trip in 8«`arch
of them, has also lessened the chances
to book new material from this ?ide. Of all the leading cirexfits there is less
of a kick this season acain.st the Orpheuin th.xn any of the others. This circuit has been part'cxilarly on the alert fixr

ranging for a Kelth-.Mbee route for next season. She Is being hooked by Marty Korkins and will begin playing In Septem¬ ber.
Frank Conroy To Do New Act

To Revive Spanish Act

lamented this condition, incessant grum¬ ni'w material and whenever the acts have bling nboxit the money that' was offered come up to standard, route? have been

New York, June 8.--Frank Conroy,

from the bIg-tIme circuits.

given withoxit delay. The slowness of fornu'rly of Conroy and I.rf* M.iire. will

New York. June 8.--Walter Rosemont Much of the booking -nf standard acts the K.-A. p*'ople to sign acts showing be seen shortly In a new a< t whi< h

Nfqfif fa SpaiH, which haa been from week to week. This has arolind New York has resulted, after the Gordon Bostock is preparing for him It

Kelth-Albee Circuit led certain erstwhile K.-A. producers Orpheum Jumps up and offers time. In will be billed as Southern Honpitalitiea


Rt'^etnont will present It with who played their attractions on no other their being unavailable for the Eastern and win call for a special set in full

· "''w cast.

circuits to appeal to the Loew organiza- bouses.

stage and a supporting cast of one man.


Tbc Billboard

June 13, 1925

This Week's Reviews of Vaudeville Theaters

Majestic, Chicago

Palace, Chicago

iltevievccd Hunday Matinee, June 7) The Bimbos, man and girl, opened the


(Reviewed Sunday Matinee, June 1 ) Palace patrons have one of the mast

new bill with comedy talking, hokum

enlcrlaiiiiiiK bills that such weather

end the table fall. Act pleased. Ten minutes, in full; one bow.



could possibly make Imperative. And It

was Ihoroly enjoyed by a fair-slz«d tor-

Ge-orge P. Wilson and Addie have a

I id-wcathcr crowd. Robin and Rood

coiiK-dy and piano ofte-ring with light

opciiftl the bill in a ptiaiitasy that was

material. Woman starts in upper box with comedy interruption. Fifte-en min¬

(Reviewed Monday Matinee, June 8)

different and well staged with special scenery and effective parapliernaha so

utes, one and a half; two bows.

the capable ci^pple was able to do a' lot

Allen and Canfield, man and girl, offer

of clever and original feats with laddem

comedy dialog with eccentric and effective comedy tendencies by the woman. Good

and balancing tliut won a hearty hand A Great stuff being sold over the footlights this we<-k, and it would be sacrilegious good start and a very entertaining od«

entertainment. Talk and songs mostly. and untrutliful to say it was 4il sentiment. The sliow is practically a r<-booking of for u good bill.

Fifteen minutes, in one ; three bows.

tlie recent bill that held so many oldtimers, namely, the acts from the fourth down

Maurice iiiuinond and Company, with

Jinja Jazz Revue has three men and to closing. In the Weber and Fields turn Fay Templeton has bt'en add- d. It must Helen McMaliaii. got off with a sort of

two girls, one at piano and other does be a thrill indeed for the few that remember seeing them years ago. For the aver¬ lamu start uiid kept snaring for an

toe dancing. Two men dance and play sax. and other man sings. Lively and entertaining. Girl at i>iano an artiste and a love #o look upon Ten minutes, in full; two bows.

age theatergoer there is the novelty of the thing and genuine entertainment value, to say the least.
il E G LIME TRIO, in their "Gollywog" offering, present a contortionist who does a.unique routine assisted by two in the guise of laborers. The outlandish make¬

opening until they gut down to where tliey sliould have started and then they ran away with the audience. 'There are bix tulenti.d i>euple in this act. Including EUyth Haiidiiiaii, Irene Smith and the

EmHy Darrell, odd monologist, came up of the chief performer is reason enough for the title of the turn, which is a clev< r Stroud Twins.

They are all good

back with her dog and got the same big way of offering tlie contortionist's remarkable stunts.

Uanceis, and when not chasing the elusive

welcome. She uses the orchestra leader ns u.sual. Always good. Klfleen min¬ utes, in one; two bows.
Eva Fay entertain*-d with mindreading. Atisistant in tlie house passes pencils and tabs out for questions. Twenty minutes, in two; two bows.

BILL ROBINSON, "The Dark Cloud of Joy", has reached the point where It may be said he was spotted eavly on second. While tap dancing is his forte, desite to steadily Improve his routine has resulted in the early part of the act being built up with a song or two and some stories, finished off by a bit of dance, so that it is strong enough tO'get him over before he really starts to work. The piece de resi.stance is comedy, as well as clever dancing, ea.sily appreciated by every patron in the

Juke off on a tangent they are capable entertainers. They win a warm hand tor their good work.
Emil Boreo, European comedian, is a strange mixture of fun and fancy, which he seems to be able to put over to his audience in a way hard to describe. He

Harris and Holley, two men in black, house. The way he has the routine brought up to the minute, even to the extent is a clever chap with ability as an enter¬

entertain with much effect and both are of doing a Charleston a la triple and style of selling it. places him in a position U> tainer and actor. He aroused genuine

artistes in their particular slant. A good act. Ten minutes, in one; encore and three bows.
Musicland is a girls' band skillfully handled. Personnel is substantial and at¬ tractive. Two of the girls sing. Act

give any single male dancer on the circuit a run for his money as a first-place poss^ blUty.
HARRY ROVE AND BIT.LEE M,\VE. with Margie, Finchley, in dance, color and speed, offered their delightful dance revue, superb in every detail, whether lighting effects, fabrics, costumes or graceful, talented girls. It doesn't seem possible

enthusiasm by the very novelty of his offering.
Miss Justine Johnstone in Judy O'Gradi/ with the following assistants, Mabel
Bou.ssard, Phillis Blake and Maxwell Selber. put over a very clever, clean,

went well. Ten minutes. In full; three sible that this marvelous flash could be Improved on so far as better staging or inspiring skit, the sort that makes one



the exp*'nditure of more mon- y is coneemei Evelyn Joyce, Lenore Scheffer and feel better for having witnessed it. The

Viola Hegyi comprise the rest of the act.

plot grows and the acting grips as the

Pantages, San Francisco
IBeviewed Eunday Matinee, June 7>

MARIE CAHILL, in song and stories, with Billy Griffith at the piano, was the vanguard of the "stars". Her special numbers by Cecil Mack and Chris Smith were delivered In the subtle style which endeared the comedienne to theatergoers

plot unfolds. Tlie sketch is well written, beautifully staged and capably acted. It
was thoroly appreciated and enjoyed. Leon Kimberly and Helen Page fol¬

A sextet of vaudeville acts up to high standard in every respect, feature photo¬

years ago. In conclusion she did some of her old songs and again mentioned how fine it was to be part of the present bill. She received a handsome bouquet of

lowed with a regular vaudeville offering that was a gem of its cla.ss and won a

play, Bongolog and two concert numbers flowers.

warm spot in the hearts of those who

the entertaining vehicle this afterno^in.

JOE WEBER. LEW FIELDS AND FAY TEMPLETON, in a myal reunion of enjoy the farcical and nut variety of

Calm and Dale walked off with major stars. fi>r one week only, closed the first half in a manner that played upiin the humor, mixed with a generous sprinkling

applause honors.

soft spots in many a heart. Hailed as the greatest of all the women .>star^' who ap¬ of the legitimate in song and acting. They

On the screen. The Aduentnroue Sex. peared at the Weber and Fields music hall, Mi.'^s Templeton was wheeled out while had a hard time finding an excuse to

Songolog, The World la Wo`tira tor the sitting in a chair with Weber. Lew was doing the pushing. Mi.^s Templeton, who finish, for the audience simply demanded

Eunriae, much better vocally than any left her farm in Pennsylvania to sojourn here for a week, did a bit of monolog and more. Six bows.

preceding and equally good from scenic sang several of the old songs, one of them while the comedians did the r paper¬

Ted Lewis and his musical clowns apd


tearing stunL According to a tO-year-oId play bill out in the lobby, the famou.s Miss Bobbie Arnst played the regulation

Concert numbers by Carol Weston, who team were paper tearers then, playing at Pope's Theater with IjOttle Gil^'>on and a jazz stuff from every conceivable angle

In three weeks has become one of the Gus H.ll show. Half of the usher and attendant staff lined the aisle with arm? full and seemed ready to play to the satura¬

most popular theater jrciu .-'tra leaders In of flowers that were passed across the footlights and placed at the feet of the stars tion of all demands for more. They


of another generation. Joe and Lew were men, but the tears came quickly to the played and played and are held over for

Opening a-t, Wanda and Seals. The seal billed I'lural, but made up In dex¬ terity for lack of numbers, was a troupe all by himself in balancing objects and playing musical instruments, his share
of the gate being fresh ralmon after each act. Ten minutes, in full; two curtains.
Edith Yorke, a youthful violinist, whose
classical and popular offerings were well received, the applause after / Watit Your Love being particularly cordial. Nine minutes, in one; two bow.s.
Dan Downing and Buddy. A comedian

eyes of Miss Templeton.
MME. EMMA TRENTINI AND ERIC ZARDO repeated thoir success of recent engagements here, the comic opera linger doing her favorite roles ana the concert pianist two solos as well as the accompaniments. Acting a part as well as singing it of cour.se contributes greatly to Mme. Trentinl's performance. Zardo, who is equally billed, does not lag iK hind in point of talent.
CECILIA (CISSIE) LOFTl'S. with William Walker at the piano, found a gracious welcome for her impre.ssions of stars of yesterday and to^y, the mimic being in unusually fine spirits this afternoon.
DR. ROCKWELL, with his monolog, amply filled the next-to-closing ."pot. We know of no other single of recent years who became so universally famous for an act in so short a time.

another week. Why say more? Roy Cummings and Irene Shaw pre¬
sented one of the very funniest acts seen here in a long time. If there is anvthing that Cummings can't do and overlooked it would be hard to imagine what u was. for he seemed to do everything but break B leg to please the audience, and every¬ thing that he did pleased the audience and then some.
George Libby and Ida May Sparrow imitate the best that all the cleverest and best dancers do. then originate a lot of their own. 'This is a graceful

am Buddy, a violinis-t, who wae un¬

THE MEREDITHSk^ADELYN AND NORMAN, closed the show in the r dance clever act that is more than entertaining.

fortunate in following another violin fea¬ diverti.^ement, while Dr. Rockwell was seated In an upper box and further discoursed, It is a study and deserves the sincere ap¬

ture, but who acquitted himself well. this time on the merits of the dancers and actions of the team; The surest com¬ preciation that It receives. No one left

Downing's serious and comic jokes and bination for holding them in till the last minute.


while these clever people held the

chatter found a receptive and appreciative



audience. Twenty-four minutes, in one;

four bows. Calm and Dale revue, titled Stepping
Aronr^, with Jean Demar, Flo Ward and )oris Gray as able assistants. A singing
%nd dancing act Calm and Dale both xe*dlent comedians and dancers. Their dancing falls and falling dances in out¬ landish costumes kept the audience in an uproar. The feminine members of the revue, beautifully costumed, gave a good account of themf^elves in songs and dances, a shimmy number, with goldfringe costumes, getting a good hand, ·rhirteen minutes, in one and a half and full; .special; four curtains. Jack Wil.son and Company, in a non¬ sensical revue which lived up to its title. Jack Wilson, black-face comedian; Orcas Tavlor, baritone singer of excellent voice and ajwarance; Ruth \V'Tif-eler, whose voi'al offerings were well liked, and W llie Ward, the diminutive page, whn«ie dances cainsed many a giggle, were the component parts. Wilson, a good comedian and black-face artiste, both male and female, garnered for himself many a laugh as becomes the headliner. Twenty-six min-

pretty harp number by Miss Cole and a saxophone duet finish. Austin does a clever bit with two saxophones. Nine minutes, special curtain in two; one bow.
Bob Carl*-ton and Julie Ballew are the kind of vaudeville artistes of which one never tires. They put their skit over with class. Carletbn is a successful song¬ writer, and he and his partner Introduced some late efforts which should add to his laurels. The Too Tired number seems to have been written just for this team. Thirteen minutes, in one; two bows.
If Hal Neiman Is "one of the Pour Horsemen" and the other three are as funny as he the quartet would be to gloom What the real Four Horsemen were to the world. Neiman's gags and manner of presentation are very original and the fact that he shows that he is a master of expression and pantomime brand him a comer. He is another of those artistes who apparently work with¬ out effort. Anyway, he stopped the show and retpmed for a short encore. Fifteen minutes, in one.

Grand O. H., St. Louis
{Reviewed Sunday 3Iatinee. June 7)
The Slanderers, feature photoplay, star¬ ring John Walker; Aesop Fable and Pathe News.
Connell, Lieona and Zippy, man, woman a dog, after a novel Introduction
show their dancing prowess, each of the H'io, including the canine in proper turn, doing some variegated stepping for a good finish. The male does some good acrobatic leapii^ and somersaulting thru a small hoop. Eleven minutes, special in one; three bows.
Reed' and Lucy, man and lady. The former in clear voice sings a good reper¬ toire of song numbers to the accompani¬ ment of the latter. They have an ad¬ mirable 13-minute routine. In one; three bows.
Cliff. Dean and Company have A oneact comedy sketch in which the wealth of. funny lines is good for continuous laughter. Most of the comedy is gathered

B. S. Moss' Broadway,
New York ^
(Reviewed Monday Matinee, June S)

'The Glbbons-'Tunney fight pictures, by

rounds, drew an early crowd, which ended

up with standing room only on the lower

floor before the vaudeville wa.s half over.

Gaines Brothers, all-round acrobatic en¬

tertainers. opened with a fast routine of

tumbling, hand balancing, trapeze stunts

ftnd whatnot. A nimble duo who cranj

so very much into the running time that

an enumeration of all they did would

sound absolutely Incredible. There is

surel.v a good reason for the two-j'ear

route' they are starting.


Lllyan and .lackson return to vaudeville

after an absence of about two years.

They make an excellent, tho quite matuts.

appearance and sing harmony duets in

pleasing style. One of the women holds

forth at the piano.


Charles and Madelein Dunbar, with

their well-known line of animal imita¬

ute.s, in one ; four curtains.

Closing, Helen Bach Trio, in an ath¬

letic act of meil'. Miss Pach being the

understander, with two male experts in

feats of strength and skill, kept the at¬

tention of audience thruout. Ten minutee,

in full; two curtains.


Palace, Cincinnati
(Reviewed Sunday Matinee, June 7)

McLaughlin and Evans pleaded with their On a Little Side Street^ a skit of the New York Ea«t Side. The Ijiule Annie Rooney and When Frrjnr'ia Drincea With Me ntimb»*r8 were highlights of the act. Blanche Evans scored a big hgfid In the
latter number. Fourteen minutes, sjieclal
drop in one and one-half; two bows and
encore. Alabama Tyond Is made up of syncopa¬
tion, soft-shoe dancing, voc.al numle-rs
and. last but not least, gorgeous scepio
and lighting effects. Four men and five
girls. Including Mad'lvn Young, Ad.a

thru the twisting of sentences when spoken by the excitable old miin and his equally exclt.able offspring. Tfejin takes a good part as the "old crabby" Invalided business tn!Hi while the company consists of a pretty girl and a dapper youth, who ably h>ok after their roles of stenographer
and son respectively. Sevente.-n minutes, office Inferior in thre«.; three eurtains.
Billy Doss In blackface and hectic comic attire had 'em with him the mo¬ ment he r.vne on the stage. He sang several cornetly niimlH-rs and then dis¬ pensed a reiishahie line of nonsensical

tions. gathered the laughs and woke them up, which Is no easy matter here at the first show. Several tremendous blasts from a nearby subway excavation provM an asset to the act ns it fitted right Into the noises being made hy Dunbar. __
Trent* Ricardo, doing her Whint /'amiaece
offering, managed to get bv strong M usual, altho the songs used would go better I.ater In the day or evening How¬ ever, she had little trouble In getting » rise out of the almost 100 per cent stag audience,
Ace Brlgode and his Fourteen ·'**

The Palace bill this week (airly acintH- Caproni Tommy Mc<;arry and the Ogden talk Twelve minutes, spt-cial in one; gininns closed the show, the orchestra

lates with syncopation, fun and scenic Sisters, presented 17 minutes of high-clasa two IsiW.e.

playing various si'leetloiis in fine dance

beauty. The acts are well chosen.

entertainment. .Mias Young has a pletis-

Matdo and Wynn, a wop comedian and tempo and rhythm. Brlgode was on ni-s

Queenie Dunedin opened with a danc¬ ing voice of great d'-pth and resonance. his blond la«lv partner, get the laughs toes thruout. as well ns Ills compeoni

ing-wire walking-bicycle riding skit that The Ogden Sisters were excellent In their with their hiiti hering of ih.. Engij.sh musicians. He has been plaving at a

was refreshing, inasmuch as It is dif¬ dancing, slnrlng and Instrumental spe¬ language and th-ir llrniteii understanding local cabaret temporarily closed.

ferent from most acts of this nature. Miss cialties. Whoever designed the settings of the same. Then tlie man givi-s a In his program was a clowning bit tn."!*

Dunedin di.splays a nice personality and for this act certainly has an eve for col¬ good sper-lalty dance, following wnioh the do«'H nicely a.s an encore. |·l.^yinE mr

sells her act with a gooa line of patter. or. In one. two and full, apecial aettings; learn cl'isrs with a guitar anrl harmonica dances at a 8Ui>iK*r chib has protialilv de-

'Ten minutes in one and three; one bow. two eurtalps.

diKt, , They rniihl readily dispense with tracti'd from the orchestra's abilov to

Don Austin and Edith Cole have an

MeUtdy and Sfept, featuring Jim and Die "klr-k" aforementioned, as they have over as a vaudeville iiroposlilon

interesting offering. A short Andy Onmp film, animated by Austin, serves as an introductlOT. Then following in fast or¬ der are chalk pictures of Andy Oump, a Barney Coogle-Spaiic Ping ewotadoB. a

Irene Marlyn. was not on the bill wlien
this particular afternoon nhow was reviewf^.
Photoplay. Baet of BroadvDoy.

l»gi many grerd qua lilies to be cornpellrd
i»» resort to this, HIxteeri minutes, in one; four bows,
A1 I^svlne and Rsnd. eight youthful (Continued on page IS)

ably poor were the lighting effects tor one thing, while the solos and other seijc* tlnns on the whole, were not sold to
anything near what they

Junf 13 1925

The Billhoara


From Coast to Coast by Special Wire

Proctor's 125th St..N.Y.
Thuradait Evening, June 4>

Ti,e ftimJity of the weather inad< a

marktd `I'"*

'·*« attendance at tin-

nn-town ^land which usually haa ·< in

Im. (1 up In li>e atr.-ct and it alao pro\'* d to llie arilsles. w liu uii*

not ell'oui aKfd by outataiidinK liandh or

lusty laufthter. Billy AiliiiKtou and the

tiaiii "f t'""k and Ilawthonie were the

only rKcptU'iis. hut they dewrvid all

they Kut. heiiiK C.ikinc Rood acta. The

four li.voula liad a difficult row to ho*?

witli the patmiiH atill under the wearyintt ftleits of dolldation. whli h left Mlnuly

altlio the llnater ia well eiiulpped with

(an*. These trynuta were in order of ap-

nearaii'' : Vader and Hunter, colored souk

Ud dance team; John Mcanlon, ainger;

h'twav and Kector. remarkably Kood

steppi i*. and h^dv th Sterling, former film

satellite who d»«» a aoni? novelty. I'e t-

«ir>' and li'Ctor made off with tin- best

hand, whi-h was far less reaoundiiiK

than they deserved

Miiltir Nd.'son. probably the moat

clever imicycliat in the businese. aod

,i.v.ui«dly the moat entertaining the writer iecalla. o|m iied the n^ular pio-

(tram. getting aeroaa adequately well. Hi«

an act that has aa many laughs as

It haa thrills. Dorothy Francesco followed In a novel

tong turn, assisttd at the piano by a

demure >ouiig lady who lieckons to the

name of lllaUys Ti-rinliil. On the

enunciators slie is billed as ``conipanv".

which implies more than one. Mias

Krancesi o got acios.>< nicely, hut con-

tinties to u.-e the remark, which the

writer exhorted her to ellminute from

the ni.itcii.il wh* u recently reviewed in

these columns, that "You're too giaal for

roe. try the t'ldumbla Wher-l." This Is

roaide in conm-etion with a special nunib»'r

;n which iieigfi Id holds an anditign for spplicants to job.x in his EoUitit.

Billy Arlington was lustily applauded

in nunibi r three spot m his burlesque turn, yclept Mistnkr.<i Will Hapjtrn, In

»hkh hi IS supimrted capably by

Cleanor Arlington. O. 1. Taylor and Jo-

teph Ward. The act is a verit.ilde

HTram from start to fini.xh and awoke

rales of laughter, threatening to stop the


Will and tlladys Ahern fared favorably

»ext In their Western novelty, regi.stering

itrongly on the stepping, which Is a---

i"mpiinied almost In «\ery case by rop' -

tpinning. at whlidi both the Aherns ire

t'jite cieViT. Will's best bit is his ro|M'-

tying stunt, btit as with most Mudiencs

there was a laek of appreciation of the

difficulty in accomplishing this with an irdinary rope.

Hawthorne and Pook were an immense

k.t in next to closing in their hoke de-

Ight. sharing. If not i-opplng. the ap-

rlause honors of the evc.iing from Arling¬ ton.

Victor and Peggy B.-nns brought tha

proceedings to a halt in a miniature re-

me of songs and dances, neither tx-lowr

ior above the average In point of exeeti-

txia but presented in a tasteful setting

Ud beautifully staged. (See New Turns. >


Proctor's 5 th Avc., N. Y.
(fisviev-ed Thnrmiag Ifafinee, June d)

This house is fullowing tlie lead of the

Moss theater.s and is starting the vaudi-dlle end of the ahows about a half hone ter, the matinee acts going on at 2;ir* »nd the night show at 8:IS. Hot or

to.d. the eiists stay on hire and there *te no white shirt sleeves to be s*** n,

Wlch is aurelv maintaining the old Kxndard for a three-n-day house.
Burt and (iraee Turner did a fairly

tntertalnlng Jurrllng act. plus a bit of

comedy M'ss Turner, while ahe d<ws not *^y any extremely difficult tricks, does wnatici routine she Ims in lompetent

Jyle. The antics oY the ismi'c did not Oo go well and provoked but few laughs.

Prininise Four is an act of the sort Wat is gi'tting rare In v.iudevillc, that *1 real robust voices that harmonir.e i»er-

pcrtly. "One Thousand Pounds of Ilar-

jxitiv" is c-orr»`ct hilling

liach is a

Dusky Individual and they know their Jiuff. having a flne assortment of numDts, with the possible exi'i-ption of the ·core, which is a few y»-ais old TIrere ·re M\eral gis'd coniady numbeTs of re¬ cent reltiase that could supplant this.

Shildon and Dailey are doing a new

·ct. ini' nded as a ismudy offering, en¬ titled I hr Mi rrv Vires of H'liidsor.

Apiianiiiiy imn'h more work Is need' d to ^und out the turn and make If effective «'"UKh even for the average three-a-day Douse. One of the girls does straight

" a niwly married wife and the other w comedy as an «'X-w*ife of the former's

Dusbasd Is further reviewed under New Turns

Jlallon and <''ase have a fairly eond `·Uph-g.iiinj; skit that gets by liiie to

w auf comic'H style of taking falls and

wtier fiituiy antles. The struight man Is


when singing. It will take a

** time before the offering l.s d«'flnttely

to get the best returns. They still

I llttl" stronger material In the "dy of the act.

*hir niha laind. with Hurtado's Ma-

2®"'' iirchesira and Alberto and Norrle. t®«'n. Is working In the set re¬
ally vacatfd by Trlni, Spanish da near, ins orchestra is still an sgcellcot act In

" >"->^^^*u.ixmiiiinxxTTTTTTT»v



B. S. Moss' Regent, N. Y.


{Reviewed Thursday Fvening, June 4) One of the worst evening's bu.-in.'.-s In


years, due to the hot weather. In nal.li¬ the heat was many degrees lower in i . theater than it was outdoors, but >u .

is the reaction that "theater'' !.-< i..

last thing to consider when trviiig i .

keep cool.

(Reviewed Mondsy Matinee, June 8)

I* rank Wilson, in Cycle-Ology. gave th · patrons an idea of how a skilled oycli.-t

can work. As per program he featured

during his performance his wonderful

A not especially gfsid shf»w takes the Hippodrome out of this season's lime¬ light Tile mammoth Sixth avenue stand is si-heduUd to close with the end of the current week, but will be dark only for a couple months. Pa'trons doing the Hipp. during this final week will not have rnui h to remember outside of Houdinl and one or two other offeiiiigs. As a matter of fai-t. even Houdinl was lielow his usual

control while riding forward backward and in every conceivable way without u.sing h's hands.
Mario and Eozaire, also billed as Mano and Lazarin. due to conflicting prlnter.s and artistes who made the cards, filled

st.indard at this afternoon's show. He merely nffer'^d a few exposures of so-called the second spot with a corking routine

fraudulent inedhim trii-ks, but consumed 32 minutes nevertheless. Except for him of songs, assisted by an unbilled pianist.

there are no holdovers.

Apparently the two young men are hav¬

ing their voices cultured for the opera CAKI.fi'S COMEDY CIRCUS set things a-humming in the opening spot in a ..and are getting a little extra money qtiadruiM'il offi-ring of Shetlands. a couple of donkeys and dogs. The long-eared piT- during the summer via vaudeville. One

formers caus' d a howl to go up as th*'y used their hind legs in protest to a trio of is a fine Iv-ric tenor and the other a

anibilioiis riders, among them a colorid man who sustained a number of hoof baritone. Their singing is of the kind

deliveries that pai-ked a good-siaed punch, this literally. The act ran as smooth as that can stand big-time presentation im¬

Velvet and Is entertainment of high order from beginning to finiah. Carlo desi-rye.s a word of commendation for the creditable manner in which he puts his performers thru their stuff.
PAUL RE.MO.S AND HIS TRIO OF MIDGETTS--good looking young fellows-- awoke voluminous applause next In their inimitable novelty offering. Altho Euro-

mediately. Further reviewed under New Turns.
Billy Farrell and Company, in a "Nov¬ elty Surprise", started out as a song and dam-e team, but were later joined by two of the membiTs from the audience, an

P'Xin In essence and style, there is something about its continental makeup that In¬ elderly man and woman. They trotted

creases its value here If anything. This is said to be the final appearance of the

act in Amerh-a.

S.\M BERK AND JT'ANTTA S.\T*N followed In a miniature song and dance re¬

view called In Vo.oiV. The team is supported by the Hippodrome corps de ballet,

n ho make ravishing Indians in one s< <*ne and rather pleasing misses In another In

which they take part. Berk and Saun's offering Is beautifully staged and plays

with unii.sual speed.


JOE KENO AND ROSIE OREEN next were a fairly good comedy hit in a slap¬

stick act that procc* ds along slowly at times but rei-overs near the finish and goes

out a line of steps that would have

stopped the show under normal weather

conditions and the usual crowd. They

specialized on old-style buck and wing

and clog dancing.

DeJnam ionesutrDatoioytltes,

and Marjorie provided an

Bonner, in enjoyable

novelty vehicle that included comedy,

singing and dancing. Reviewed under

New 'Turns.

over with a bang. The satire on an old-time play and the burlesqued Ru.ssian dance

Shelton, Tyler and Sharpies, who are

that follows, winding up the routine. Is a laugh all the way and capably put over.
MISS HARE ONUKI. Japanese prima donna, formerly of the San Carlo Opera
Company and who also played in productions here when Dillingham operated the house, appeared in a pleasing song presentation, the outstanding number of which Is the Olio Fine IVty aria from Mndame Butterffi/- Miss Onuki's voice is not strong and suffer* somewhat from nasal delivery, but her high notes are excellent and her diction far above the average. She op»`ns the act with the Butterfly num¬ ber. but remains In the wing* too long on the opening strains. Her other selections Were flood Mnrnimtf Brother; .^(nnhinr and .4h Open Sfrrrt. She Is aci-ompanled at the piano by an unbilled man who solos Rachmaninoff's Prelude after a not unusual

a sort of number two company of Clark and McCullough, the latter having written and put the act out, ambled thru their stuff In leisurely fashion, following the "book" when the spirit moved them for the moat iwrt. It looked as tho the straight man went along for laughs at this show. He did most of the snickering and the other two seemed to get away from the routine also. However, being that ar^stes are no better equipped to keep

fashion, and is also surrounded by the Hippodrome's staff of girls, who follow her cool than lay folk, their kidding around

In on the ntieiiing and appear in another number besides. AT.BKRTIN.X R.tSf'H'S delightful Pastelle Ballet, with Marita. Edward Oeorge,
·lane S.-ls and ·Ttosette'', In addition to a number of eni'emble dancers, closed the first half to the tune of a good hand. The fawn-like movements of the dancers, their fl.etfootednees and the p neraJ expression of grace the vari'Uis numbers exude, make the offering one not to he forgotten very quickly.' The Tiller-type dance, done in ballet manner. Is an outstanding treat of the presentation, as also Is The Warea

cannot be said to have been any great


Snow, Columbus, Saki and Orchestra

closed the show in an entertaining dance

and orchestra vehicle that Included a

song or two also. Reviewed tinder N*-w



nt Play numbi'r, alfho the Utter is done better by another troupe of Rasch girls whom the ^Tit«r caught sonrve time ago. _

Grand O. H., St. Louis

CH.MU.ER S.VREFNT AND BI'RT TA.'WIS opened the second half and proved themivivea experts in harmony such as we have not aeen for many a moon. Clever hoys, thej-e. to quote the billing, and this implies the versatility of which they are
Well posses.ved.
f HOUDTNI followed in a presentation of mediumistic exposures. Following a
hri.-f dis»ertation on-the alleged fake methods of practitioners of the art he ex'liee.'*. in which he declares there is no such thing as necromancy and that no human s jsysses.sed of occult powers, he offers three popular tricks that he has detected In
his career of inveHtigation. The Heaiic<>a are one in which a girl Is concealed in a davenport to mislead the subjects at the table, one in which slates are sur¬ reptitiously tran.sferred. and another in which the foot U lifted out of a shoe that is pinioned to the floor and causes the spirits to do their stuff. The latter two seances were cfferi'd during Houdini's previous engagement at the Hippodrome, ergo were imthlng new to some of the mystifler's followers. We were somewhat disappointed to have Houdinl leave the stage without showing us some of his own mind-racking stuff, done as he says only by mechanical mesna Tonight and otherjevenings of the week, however. Houdinl is accepting various challenges. A group (of nurses la

{Continued from page 12)
ja/xists in addition to Lavine, who di¬ rects while acx-onipanying at the piano, furnish fast and furious music for 13 lively minutes. One of the musicians does two dance bits with abandon. The nov¬ el mimicry of a picture-theater audi¬ ence is cleverly executed and about the b«st in their repertoire. Pretty hangings In three with subdued lighting effects set things off more forcefully. Three cur¬
tains. The Four of Us. a quartet of men In
neat gray street clothes, have all the requisites necessary to score solidly when¬ ever they app*-ar. Harmony, volume and tone In their .singing and appearance and

m hedul' d to tie him up In a wet restraining pack at tonigM's performance. THE AY^UR CAMERONS, vil., Ixiuis, Connie, I..aura and Father Cameron,
went on In next-to-«'loslng In their well-known turn. Like Father, lAke Son, by Jack Itaxley. and managed to hold the patrons quite well despite the heat and the late hour, it b*'ing nearly five o'ckx-k when the act got its turn.
THE FOUN'TAIN NYMPHS, a Hippodrome spectacle, with "Marita" and others

ability In putting their numbers over are

all very noticeable thruout their enjoyable


Their routine of songs Included

Aloftamo Bound, All Alone, with Varia¬

tions; Ragging the Baby, a yodel num-

b«r; Oh, How Baby Can Dance, during

of the Rasch offering, as well as the Hippodrome girls, closed. Miss Ra.si'h is credited which the four do some unisftn stepping,

with having staged the epilog. It was an optic treat.


and Cross-Word- Blues, a comedy talk

and song number that was a wow. Twen¬

ty minutes. In one ; four bows.

itself and the danoe team eompletes the flash. With as much bucking the turn <s>uld do almost as well as Trini for the big time. 8«'e New Turns.
Yorke and King, in "The Family Tintyp**". gathered In their usual quota of laughs in the next-to-closing spot. Since we last reviewed this act a girl soprano has been added and she fills In wHh a

man as well as a good cartoonist. Juat Aid.t a boy and girl, might find work on the small time if the girl would not sing. Oeorge Rhoades and Oompanv of¬ fered a comedy sketch which shoufd d»i for the family theaters. Stanton and Adams need a new vehicle. Erlay and Hulloi-k proved to be the exceptionally good one. Tico by Tiro was impossible.

Manning and Klass. man and woman,

are hard to beat on the silver thread.

They execute a series of difficult dances

and show thruout that they are artistes

supreme on the slender wire. The sjime

duo appeared at the Orpheum Theater

here just a month ago. Nine minutes.

siH-ciai In four; held 'em all In for their



more than pleasing solo. Ann FraiM'is Revue, done


The regular bill for the half of the Mis* week was good. Sawyer and Eddy gave

$2,270,000 Involved in A. C.

Francis and four boys, closed the show it a fine start with their aerial acro¬ In a well-staged routine of dances and batics.

Pier and Theater Transaction

some singing. An attractive setting and

hard work on the part of the cast makes

it strong enough for an earlier spot, but

the usual thing ta to cloae the show with

such turns hera.


B. S. Moss' Frankliiir New York
(Kcflriced rkurad^iV Kii atap, June 4)

The Dale Sisters held up well In the second ap'd. The new act review of them In last wei'k's Billboard suggested their doing a couple of numbers tacit. On seeing the act for the second time we
think all the more that It would make a hlg Improvement. The girls are sweet and deliver their material well. The drince hits are effective.
William Edmunds and Company are doing the shoe-shop act which Edmunds has hi'en using as his vehicle for several

Atlantic City, June 8.--More than

$?.000,*00 was Involved In two big real-

estate transactions consummated hero

Mdav when the steel pier, the largest of

its kind at this resort, and the Savoy

Theater changed hands

The pier

brought $2.100,00» and the Savoy prop¬

erty went for $170,000. It plays a com¬

bination of pictures and .«mall-tlme

vaudeville. Abe Zal>el. local real-estato

man. bought both and will continue to

years. It's still very entertaining and re¬ ojierate them as in the past.

The average theater on a hot night, with business away. off. is generally a pitiful sight, but wilen one sees a tre¬ mendous. b«-auttful theater which seats 3.,'.00 and has less than one-quarter of it iH'cupled it bei>omes a tragedy. Esp«clally when that theater has hi'en doing better business than most houses under all conditions.
The tryouts for this Thursday night
didn't help things any too much. Some

plete with laughs. Gail White Is one

of the most attractive girls to he seen,

and adds to her looks plenty of p«'r-

sonality. Al H. Hall also assists in a



Oliver and Olsen had no difficulty In pleasing with their hokum conndy. The girl Is funny and a good hoofer. The bov holds his end up well.
Miss Patricola was the hit of the bill and stopped the show cold. She did sev¬

Edgar Allen Sails June 20
New York, June 8.--Edgar Allen, booker for the William Fox Vaudeville Circuit, and his wife, professionally knowTi as Katherine Murray, will sail for hingland June 20. They will bo abroad two months, during which time they will tour the continent.

of them were fair, one exceptionally gtaid eral nubll-slu'd numhers with an amount and a coniile absolutely unfit for any¬ of Vim and vigor surprising for the naders. a nine-piece orchestra, closed, thing. Richard Gonsales. the opener, had terrific heat of the evening. Her violin scoring a big hit. The offering Is fully

a marvelous lobby dl.snlay of his carica¬ solo alto went well.

reviewed under New

^ vt

tures and he proved to be a capable ahow-

Bee Jackson, with the Chicago Sere-



The Billboard

June 13 1925

Box-Office Receipts Prostrated by Heat

High Humidity and Low Pat¬

Past Season's Crop Shows Tendency To Revert to Old Oscar Ham merstein Style--Most of Them Flop Because Entertainment

ronage Records Made Last Week

Value Is Not There

twins have just as pood a chance. If not





8.--Vaudeville Is apparently


to the

days when

better, than anyone else to win. beins perfectly formed and both look very cute in, bathing suits. At any rate, it'a a

'heaters did the worst business In years 'he current month owinK to the ter-
"C heat of last week. The sudden hot

"freak" attractions were relied upon to attract throngs to the theaters, accord¬ ing to the trend of activity in the field this season, which has been marked by numerous efforts to exjilolt attractions of this nature in an effort to increa.`se attend¬ ance, de.xplte the fact that the entertainment value of the offerings may be nil, or

good stunt whether they win or not.
Prrra-innlk- ruirreuxvilcerr T innjiu'nrreerdl

spell hastened the closing of some of the houses and unless relief comes this week


of the theaters whicii have always

,oj)crated thruout the summer may have

to close down.

nearly that.

Wheeling, W. Va., June 6.--Frank

None of the local blg-tlme and split-

Persons who have been given extensive

Drexler, acrialist, who was injured week houses here did within one-third of

publicity in the daily papers in criminal

several weeks ago at the Vic Theater and the customary business. Matinee audl-

and other scandals, as well as otliers who

who has been confined to tlie North ences In the majority of vaudeville thea-

have generally arou.sed keen curiosity, have been approached by vaudeville men

In Bridgeport, Conn

Wheellng Hospital, has gone to his home ters were comprised of from 2.'! to 100 in the suburbs of New York, accompanied persons and at night most of the houses

during the season and given bookings in

by Mrs. Drexler and their little daughter, seating from 2,000 to 3,500 were lucky

preference to standard acts, patiently

New York, June 6.--The body of

The accident occurred during the cele- to get 1.000 seats sold for one pirforni-

awaiting time.

Johnny Neff, who died at the French bration of N. V. A. Week. Drexler was ance. Few did this amount of business

The latest possibility from a box-office Hospital here last Saturday after a four swinging from a belt held In his wife's on one night of the week. Most of the

etandpoint is Earl Woodward, ex-conviet, who has held the front page spotlight recenty In connection with his alleged abduction of Lucille Chatterton. A Boston

days' illness, was buried in Bridgeport Conn.. Tuesday. His last engagement w-as at Loew's Orphtum May 25. where he played the first performance only and

teeth when the support broke and he fell to the stage. The accident resulted In an attack of appendicitis and other Internal injuries. He will have to remain

neighborhood houses sold an average of 200 seats a night during last week,
In the better-class houses, where paIrons have only been permitted to t.iko

agency is reported to have offered Wood- then was taken to the hospital. Neff .off the stag-e at least a year, according to off their coats In the balcony, the privilege

ward a contract.

might have pulled thru the attack of 'L'·*I*. physician.

extended to the lower floor, with

Simultaneous with this announcement pneumonia except for a weak heart, which comet a pronunciamento from the Loew friends say was caused by dancing. office, telling of the visit to the office of After finishing his act he often was


N NccirinmCcVyCcr and Morgan Split

` '


sitting in their shirt sleeves In the
orchestra for the nrst time Many managers deplored the fact that they were

J. H. Lubln, general vaudeville broker, of the "Prophet of Doom", who was generously chided by the newspapers when his prediction that the world would come to an end recently went up In t-moke.
In addition to the several score of

unable to take a third bow' due to his heart. Neff is survived by an elderlv mother, 76 years of age; two brothers and three sisters, all of whom reside in

New VorV New York. June ^ Joe Nelmeyer and

vvFaaliiufzidiaAebvveiitlihlue. M pnuaorrtgnaenrshhipavaeftedrisswolovrekdingthteoi-r



two years. California,

Joe Nelwhere he

unable to get the p«*ople to believe that ^ w'as actually cooler In their theater.

4Uj-n i* ui'ts outdoors or in the home or in me nome.




oUn 1 nCatCrS V-lOSC lOf OUminCt

motion picture artists who have entered

vaudeville on the strength of their names In most any kind of vehicle, there has

Loew's Lyric Closes

Springfield. O., June 6.--Two of the local theaters owned by Ous Sun will be

been a heterogeneous collection of pugs,

closed during the summer months, the

ex-convlcts, persons of nobility and others.

New York. June 6.--Another house of


Fairbanks being the only one of the Sun

among them a cop acquitted of a murder charge, who have been induced to appear
In vaudeville. The police officer was Bob McAlliKer
(The Flying Cop), who opened an engagement at the Willis Avenue Theater here shortly after he was acquitted of the charge of murder preferred against him.
Of the pugilistic element there were Big Wajme Munn, the wrestler, who played on the Orpheum Time; Jack Dempsey. who toured for Loew, and Benny Leonard, who flopped rather hard at the Palace

the Loew Circuit to close down during

the summer is the Lyric, Hoboken N J

New York

which discontinued its vaudeville Wednes- Theater Pitt

day of this week. The house has plaved vaudeville on

five acts ©n a split-week poliev. While out of the A

it is closed new dressing rooms will be tinued vaude

built for the artistes who heretofore have go into a mu!

had their dressing quarters in the base- Saxe Musical

ment of the theater. Store space will forth at the

also be provided on the ground floor.

keeps up.




theaters to remain open during the warm months. Pictures will be shown at this theater. The Regent, where a combined policy of vaudeville and pictures has been In vogue, will close June 15 and remain dark until August 1. when it will reopen with an anniversary bill. The Sun Bandbox, which has been used for tabloids and pictures and for stock, will be closed all summer, reopening about Labor Day with tabloids. Extensive im¬ provements are being planned for the
Regent while It is closed.

during his Keith-Albee route. Among new.spaper celebrities were
Robert Benchley, dramatic editor of Life;
Ken Kllng, cartoonist, and others. Bug

Chorus Girls Wanted

Three More Independent Stands Close for Summer

Baer, humorist, and Harry Hershfield,

cartoonist, are In the offing for tour of
the two-a-day. Going down the list of so-called "freak"
attraction.'i, one finds the offer made to Countess Karolyl, wife of Count Karolyl, whom the Government "gagged" while on his visit to this country. This offer, made by the Kelth-AIbee Circuit, was refused. One also finds the vaudeville offer made to Anna Buzzl, who spent several months in Sing Sing, following a conviction on a charge of murder, but who in a second trial granted her was acquitted. She also refused to go on the stage.
Then there was Harry Snodgrass, pianist, who served a sentence in the

Designed, Made and Painted

New York June 6.--^Three Independent stands booked by the Plimmer Agency have shut down for the summer month* due to the hot weather prevalent In their Individual territories. They are the Gate¬ way, Little Falls, N. Y., which has played four acts on a split week; Orpheum. Kingston, N. Y., which has played eix acts twice weekly, and Duch^s. Pough¬ keepsie, also six-act house, with changes of programs twice each week. All houses are expected to reopen In Septernber.
Plimmer stands located In Northern New York State are not expected to close
during the summer.

Missouri Penitentiarv and came into a whale of publicity when he was released.

RENTAL DEPARTMENT Milntaised at 220 W. 46tli 8L. N*w Y»rlu

Brittons and "Brown Derby"

The Orphfum t'ircuit played Snodgrass, ·who proved to be entertaining as well as a person of great drawing power. He be¬ came popular over the radio.
, Whether the "freaks" signed and played




Band To Tour Film Houses
New York, June 8.--Frank and Milt

mn various vaudeville circuits were of any

·ntertalnment value, which in most cases

m tne old-style jingle. It u m»de on an entirely new principle, bat two in vaudeville and burlesque for the past

^they were not, had nothing to do with their eligibility for bookings. It Is the opinion of vaudeville observers that this method of Increasing patronage will eventually work the other way and keep

snrfacet on which to prodacc the tonnd. It will not clog or catch on splinters. Professional dancer* prononnee it a *ncce*(. Sold by alt dealer* of theatrical good.. If yon don't find them at yonr dealer*. send 75 cent* and I will mail you a pair po*tpaid. Made only by

ihree years, are branching out as an individual act and will tour the motion
np^rng j'une 15 at *t'he Branford theater.

people from the theaters. The stunt of playing Helen MacKellar at the Palace

C. D. NEELY. Crvstal Laic*. Illinai* Newark N. J,. The .Brittone an<l `Jieir

close upon the realms of publicity she re¬ ceived In connection with her appearance in the Brady play. The Good Rad li'omaii,


ostensibly to draw curiosity-stricken peo¬

ple, is yet a topic of conver.>iatlon on Broadway. The word has gone around that Kdd'e Darling didn't see the act until it reached the Palace, and that the vehicle was slapped together at the last minute In a perfunctory manner, with little worry as to whether it was worth anything. The flop was obvious.
*`In spite of these things," as one Broadwaylte put it, "they wonder what's wrong with vaudeville."

n m





Thrre It no rmon for anrnn« to be hamltripi,.,] thrniirh

T '

« Ilf* »lth ucljr frj'uret; wrlnklei. Itrye e«ri, lll-nhiped llpi. 9 hulflnf eyet. htndnc rherkt. rirretlre Uiikhinc llnei. rtroop-

L. .K lo« mouth ('itneri. ijouble rhin. ell no* (Irfnrmlllrt, hollow

rlwek*. line*, frown*, birth or wine marks, tuiiken eye etr-

tie*, icari. molet, plmplei, etc.

New York, Juno 6 --Beginning today the Great Neck Playhouse is cutting ou» Its bill of vaudeville for Mondays ana Tuesdays and during the glimmer will
play plctun s only on these days, nye act of vaudeville booketl by the PUmu'®* Agency, will be playi'd Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and bun-

$1,000,000 Loan on

days in conjunction with a photoplay.

CROSS EYES STRAIGHTENED , Vaude. Theater Property

Bushwick Closes for Summer;

First Time in Years

New York. June 6.--A loan of $1,000,000 on first mortgage on the property where the Broadway Theater is located, at Broad^way and 41st street, was ob¬ tained this week by the Alurian Realty Corporation from the Title Guarantee no Trust Company. The Broadway is a Moss house that plays big-time vaude¬ ville and pictures.

Hospital or Discomfort--
Improving both Vieion and racial E»pra«*lon.
No detention from hiiilneei or prof*«iloii. Menllflc PU*Ue Siirgirr ·rid 'TVeetmert with · poeltlfe rriuU In any diafleurrment.

New York. June 8,--Kelth-AIbee'* T^u><hwlrk Th<*ater, Hrookl.vn, rloM«*a
Itio Bunimer lant niKht. Tlil« i** tlm« In nine ye^^^ that the house nu* b« t n eloiM'fl. It will reoi>en In Septt'mn*'" \vMh itu roRUlar policy of biK-timc vuudtv


To Do Buzzcll Art

Writ# or call for further Infor¬


New York, June 8.--A Man of Affairt, vsjjdeville act by Daniel Kusell In wh*''!:
Eddie Buzzell toured and which was later elaborated into The Qivqham Girl, is to be presented In vaudeville again shortly by Lewis & Gordon. Chester
Clnte will be seen in the role created by Buzzell.

Dr. S. John Randall,
Siite 206. 190 N. StHe SI CHICAGO

The Billboard



Closer Co-Operation With A. E. A. Is Seen in Order--Fines for Those Who Ask Mem¬


bers To Join Other Or¬ ganizations

Jersey Collegians Open

Alamac To Be Sold

L. I. Summer Engagement

I" Foreclosure Proceedings

Kpw York. June 6.--The Ooverning

p,`.ird of Unal No. 802 of the American K.il.-r.iii<'n I'f Mufiloians has made «omu itnooriiiiil (leciMlons which ro InTo effect in n · ili.iielv, and which indicate that that biMlv li" in close touch with conditions gj they affect the American musician.
A dc.sire to co-op<`ratc closely with the
Actors' KunitVi which la affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, is manif.-ted by .1 rullnR which reada as
follows ; "Omiractors arc hcarby notified when
afceptm»: road enpaRcments under local comlttioiis from theatrical manaKero who are n<>t memtsrs of the Prodiicinj: Manacers' As.«ociailon (evidently an error, as that body has Riven way to the -Manipers' Protective Association) that a bond or puaranteo must be deposited with the .`ceretary insuring the payment of
salary." Other new rulings made by the Govern¬
ing Board are ae follows : ··.\nv member . . . who directly or
Indirectly reeiuests any other member . , . to join any other organization or union compo.sed In whole or in part of musician."*, shall, In the discretion of the Trial Board, ... be fined the sum of J300. or expelled from membership . . .
or both. "Any memb«'r . . . who directly or
Indirectly attempts to or does: "(A) Interfere with or prevent the
employment of or the rendition of ser¬ vices as a profeasional musdeian by any other mernb* r ... or
·(B) Hefu.ses to employ or render ser¬ vices as a professional musician with or for another member.

New York. June 8.--The Jersey Col¬ legians, a band of seven pieces, has been b<H>ked by Italph Kelgin. of the Ben Bemie Orche.stra Attractions, to op,"n at the Kdgeniere Club Hotel, Edgemere, L. I., June 2.'>. Feigin also signed his orchestra of six men with the Mandalay Steamship Company for the summer and put an c>rchestra of five men in the Tumble Inn, at Croton, N. Y.. for the sea.son. Other Important bookings include the Hotel Vendome, I>ong Branch. N. J., and the Hollywood Ixdge, Highmount, N. 'Y.
Kerr in Chicago
Chicago. June 6--Charlie Kerr's Or¬ chestra, late of Keith vaudeville, will play the Venice Villa, this city, during the summer. Sammy Kahn's Orchestra also opens this week at the Crlllon, this city. Kahn was formerly with the Ver¬ satile Six.
Radio Franks Not To Sail
New York, June 6.--Frank "Wright and Prank Bessinger (the Radio Frank.-) are not going to Europe after all. They have decided, in.stead, to make a tour of the big picture palaces In the Middle West and will broadcast from the towns In¬ cluded In their Itinerary. William Mor¬ ris is managing the Radio Franks.

New York, June 6.--The l!)-story Alamac Hotel, on Broadway and 71st street, will be sold In foreclosure pro¬ ceedings June 2(. The auction Is the result of a mortgage judgment obtained by the Forrest H'lls Terrace Corporation against the Alamac Hotel Company and others, amounting to $828,786 and in¬ terest.
There are taxes of aitproxlmately $11.6,000 due ,.n the prop*-rty and receivers were app`>lnted last Novemt>er. Jo^<cph I'. Day will act as auctioneer.
The career of the Alamac has been short-lived and tragic. Under the ef¬ ficient supervision of Harry Liitz. well known boniface, everything pointed to ra|>id success when the hostelry opened, hut a series of unfortunate robberle.s, suicides, etc., were much publicized and did considerable to Injure the place's reputation and pulling power.
A meeea for theatrical and sportingworld celebrities, the Alamac offered three attractions, the Congo Room, on the roof; the Blue Room and the Medieval Grille. The hotel will continue oi>eratlng, of course, with a stronger bid made for the residential rather th.an the transient trade.
Wayburn Revue at Shelburne
New York, June 6.--The new Ned Wayburn revue, Girlir'a Gnwho/, opened tonight at the Hotel Shelburne. Brighton Reach. The show is by Donald .Macl^inald and Harry Carroll, and will be presented twice-nightly.

"Because such other member does not

then belong to or refu.sed to Join another

orpanization or union compot'ed In whole or in p.xrt of profes.slonal musicians, shall, in the discretion of the Trial


Foard. . . . b*' fined in the sum of ORCHESTRA LCAPER, in opsB Aucust S for flrst-rUi!i hou.e plarlnz f-afuTn plrtiire*. T«uf)-Tllln

f.'iOft. or expelled from membership . *. . or both."
Another Important regulation reads: "Should a member be found guilty of contracting or offering to contract for en-

and piad aho»«, Mua hare romplrle picture library and capable and wlllinK In put orcr popular
nurebers. AImi CELLO dpubling B.tNJO. ORO.ANIST. to open June 29 fur lso-manua| Kimball Orzan (or feature plcturee only. Mu»t hate library. PLANO PLATER for ordieatra. Gfye r-ferenrea and full partlrulara and lalary eip rted. Union; acTco-ilay tosn. No floaters. W. A. PAHTELIA).
Grand Theatre A Amusemeoi Co.. Maaafleld. O.

pgenients with a proprietor or manager,

for less than tlie wage scale, the member

shall be fined such sum a;* may be determined by the "Mai Board, and he

Everything for BAND and ORCHESTRA

thall be barred for one year from date of conviction from said engagement in

Bueecher Rand Initrumenta, Tegt Banjos. Ludwig Drums'and Tnpt. Dcagan Bella and Xylupbooes. Violins and Suppliaa,

any capacity or from any other engage¬ ment in which said proprietor or man¬ ager is interested.
"On any engagement where a contract¬ ing member receives the schedule rate from a proprietor or manager, and en¬

Write or tend tostrument (or free estimate.
Tree Miaple parte, catalosg and Musical Bootler Magazine aent FREE ' to all who write.

RVSDANX)' orc«i5tra; ItiSTH*L.<M1 LSTSi

gages or tries to engage men below thb Kale, this law shall also apply."

CRAWFORD-RUTAN CO. '®l(^5sAs""c"iTY*.riI,"^

Ben Bcrnic Renews Roosevelt Hotel Contract

New York, June 6.--Bon Bernie has renewed his contract with the Hotel Roosevelt and opens again at that ho.stelry September 1 to play until the /'llowing June. During hi.s absence this rommer a Bemte unit will play at the RooKevelt, while Bernlc'.s "own" barnJtorms the dance halls and picture thea¬ ters in the Kautern States.

"Originals" Going Strong

Sackville, N. B.. June 4.--The (Originals, In their revue, ;8feppini; Out, are playing their second week at Nickel's Theater, in this city. Gene Pearson, "the male Oalll Curci," and Bob Anderson, come-
flian, are featured In the cast.

Music Corporation of
America Makes Record
Chicago. June 6.--A record for jumps, routing manipulationtt and the bonking of single dance engagements is claim" il to have been established by the .Mu.sii-. Corporation of America in booking I'aul liie.«e and His Champion Orchestra th" past few weeks. The following booking has been shown The Billboard: May 27. .Marshalltown, la.; May 2S, Clinton, la.; May 29, Kentland, Ind.; May 30-31. -Marion, O.; June 1. Owensboro, Ky. ; June 2, Jackson, Tenn.; June 3, Knox¬ ville, Tenn.; June 4-5-6, Atlanta, Ga.; June 7, en tour; June 8-9, Baltimore. Md.; June 10, Berwick, Pa.; June 11. Binghamton. N. Y.: June 12. WilkesBarre, Pa.; June 13, Scranton. Pa.; Jun*14, Roseland, New York City; June 15. Tower City, Pa.; June 16, Hazleton. Pa.; June 17, Carroltown, Pa.; June 18. Phillipsburg. Pa.; Juno 19, Toledo. O.; June 20, Ft. Wayne, Ind. ; June 21. Tipton. Ind. ; June 22, Millers, Ind.; June 2324-2.7. Congress Hotel, Chicago; June 26, Quincy. III.; June 27. Missouri Thea¬ ter, St. Louis, Mo. (1 week).
A number of jump.s required all-night travel and some complicati'd railway connections. The M. (\ A. has created i^n Itinerary department which analyzes all railway-connection questions and arranges special Pullman accommoda¬ tions wherever night travel Is necessary. Mr. Biese Is to play for three university proms, in succession, Knoxville, Atlanta and Baltimore, pomething exceptional in booking circles. *
In addition to the w'eekly circuit of orchestras covering 14 resorts and sev¬ eral places using the same orchestra all ·summer the M. C. A. has established what It believes Is perhapt- the mo.st com¬ plete department In America for booking single engagements from Coast to Coa.st. The M. C. A. reports It.s tours as having been most succe.ssful and goes on record as never having miesed a night's booking --not even Sunday--with any of its or¬ ganizations.
Jazz for South America
Liverpool, England, June 2.--Jazz re orda and radio are to be Introduced i
{Continued on pane 18)
Vtiillnitt, who ilnci, for hotrl, raharet or danr- n-ehcatra. TIOLIMST, 43 East CHar .St.. Cbh ago. 111.
WANTED PIANIST--Must play writ fhhUmrr, Galaiy. Eischer'i. Jazi, in (art. all gradei nf miiale with nrrhrsua. Mutt hare tuxedo and taatr. Salary $.)!> 00. Do not misrepresent. Addreta BOX D-313. rare Billboard, ClorinnatL Ohio.
WANTED--POSITION 8ai. Player, C Melody. Will purrlute Kh Alto If leratrd. Can take, read or Improvise. .Also aln( Bari¬ tone. WANT reilable eontract In Norths-rn Indiana or Ohio, or In Mlrhigan. Send rarfarr. Fake managrra lay off. Wire, pay osrn. J. KR.WK LEWLS. Kappa I'hl Slg nuuM, Greencaatle. Ind Attrr June 10, Albany. Ind._
Wantf to locate In small town. Am A-t barber. PotItlrely sober and rrltable. Age, 23; married. Adslrrsj MUSICIAN X, rare RIlIlMiard. Railway Kxrhango Itullding, St. Louis. Misaouri.
g NEW Dame Tune and Catalogue of the BITS of ALL publlabert. W'e are jobbers of Orrheatrg Musir.
HYMARK MUSIC CO.. Rtem 404, Dept. B, DBS Breedway, N. Y. City-
Ghas. R. "Jo" Astoria

What Price Music?
New York. June 8.--Flexible anAl riuctuatlng are the standards set by the b*"tier municiuns In town for their ·ervlces. The heated spell, and gen¬ eral depret-sioti, have forced many previously high-priced men to b.ack Water, with the result that A-l pui.-leians Can now be obtained at 'one-third off"
S.ilaries of $150, except with two or thf" e of the really big organiza¬ tions. are things <if the pa.st. Ltids tvho formerly could see nothing less thjin a "viird and a half' are going below the century mark--and Ilktag Jt.
Kven on record dates the boys are taking le.ss. Where $23 for a labora¬ tory engagement was formerly the tule, $20, and. In some ca<ses, even
now the rule. Vith cuts general all along the One In t'.to night places, some leaders have found It necessary to "buy in" In order to be assured of an Incom * that had some semblance to that earned In the halcyon days. Even the big guarantees formerly Off) r<"d for dance tours are a thing of ine past. The "sticks" are getting wise and are doing their own dictating of terms.

W. A. ERSST, Ditttlor

RUBY H. ERNST, A$soeiatt Ttachtt and Coach, formerly with I. Bttlia't Mutic Box Revua



131 W«8t 77th St., New York ^

Phone, Endicott 2912

W. A. ERNST, Director

Formerly of Oberlin Coneetvatory of Mu$ic
The Saxophone is ibe most popnlsr insKammi today. Learn to play it correctly. We (each every branch of s Saxophonist's education. Our school is the largest of its kind in New York City. We maintain s Student Saxophone Band of 75 pieces.


Fraturrd at Hotel Antilla Restauunt,



St. Louis Saxophone Shop

Repairtrt gf All Bragg and Waadwlad Instns ar.ta. Tho Bent Eguipped Rtpair Shep In Aatrlsa. Said and Silvar Plating.
Inrattort et the MAVI-EP Tuniag Darlea (or SazopbooadL

JtgMtt far tha Famoup COTTUBIEB Conical Bora Initrumantd. (Wocld'a Moat Ferfact Saxophona)

Saxpthtdp Mdt/a Rabullt Suaphanaa






Alan Dale Was. A. Brady HMry Miller Sir /aba Mar-
thi Harvey J. J. Mukart Margnarlta

Coursap for Acting. TMebiag. Directing DRAMA. OFEntA.
PHOTO FLAT. hTAOB DAN¬ CING and m.NOlNO. Dtveloplnc polaa and parianallty aaa»tlal for any aalling la
IlfA AMaoa Art Thaatar tad SlorS Op. Itppearao'ep -.bile learning). N T. detnita aM camera atrmasS Fog Ptrapartup wrttP Ptndy daatrpd to Seerttary. 4S WaM TM iL,


The Billboard

June 13 1925

 a AI H  AV
mm I I ^
111-I %
nil I |l *


SONGS. wTlttrn to ordrr by Lrad-

iiK Playurrlght. Uigh>rlas> matrr

rial. Writr


542$ Sauth Walls St..



2 C06HLAN*$



Send $10. or ask any desired information.


South Wei!?!. CMriiro

P.ntalette atyle, beaded breattpierea, beaddreae and panels, S12.00. Men'a Hindu, rnmplele new de.lgn, SIS.06. Ladiea' beautiful beaded Hawaiian Dreatea, WTiatleta. headpiece, complete, $12.00.
STANLEY, 306 W. 22d St., New York City.


SteaiMr Wardrebe, SIS.OO; Three Quarter Site

Wardrobe, $22.00: Full Sire Wardrobe, 125.00;

Full Size Theatrieel Wardrobe Trunk, Especially

Strenp, $50.00,

Tlieee Trunke ere guaranteed by both ia.ikert

and ouraelret. Show (ulka, write or rrme in at

once because the eupply at these prices is limited.

No catalog. Small deposit required before ihip-



830 Sixth Ave. at 47th Street. New Yerk City.



The Latest LaughiitR Siu cess BILLY b! VAN^and (fEOK^K LK MAIRB
"Hello, ^C/*ernietrr*a>lr"*
By Harold Attendee With the Wood Sisters. Tr ido Twins,
Jean Holt, Frances Holliday and the Hippodrome t'liils
A Novelty AfterjtUH-e Entitled
"Stepping Out"
with Tn>tL 'i Lr Y V B R .\VAANV anm nd* (t.·lI.'O ORPfC.EFLIIF-MMAt^lK IRlE:.
Wood Sisters. T.ado Twins. J. an Holt,

the thfekness of the table Is but a few
ini^es. o.te is f.v>lr.I elO||inf? Hr»uiiiiu holds an OD» n
forum", answ^Tinp^ any questions that members of the audience might want to ask. Monday afternoon they came thick
from all parts of the house and
dealt chiefly with thinirs spiritnallstic. In answering the interp*`llations Hondinl proved himself a wit-informed person in all biaiK'lns of the g.ime and also a pers'Nk who api'arontly b.trks np his
stateme^nts and Ivliefs ^with ^hritoowf heonf


R. C.

Tha only book of COMBDT claiming 166%

OKIUINAUTT. If thia mean, anything (n

you Inrcctlgala. 6 kloooloeuea. t Doub'i

Acta. Htirlaaque Tab.. Vmtrllaquist A'S

guartetta Act, 5 ptgrt of Single (lags. Min-

atrel Plrst Parts, Minstrel Pintle, Heat Par¬

ody erer wrtlien on "Ounga Pin", P.>«Bt and


ParoJIea. Prico. $I.M. JAMES J. COQHLAN 9633 W waada St.. Jtrin City. N. J.


-- Anneuniint
·. T«l

O l_
I |l |0^ 01106

Frances H liooililuidiay anda m the H Hiippppoo¬drome Steppers
I'ost and O'Eonnor and Other Artistes on the Program
Reviewrd ifoiidny nfin'iioott, Jinre 1, fjt the Iliiinodrovxe, Sew York, sit/lr-- Comedy presentation. ftettij^in--.S^ppecciifall,


Sheldon and Dailey

Ii n


Merry Wives of TIv At Ronsherir




Revietecd Thursday mattiiee, June^ 4.

at Prrooccttoorr's Ftiijfithh .iirreennMuce Tifhneuateiir, \e«t1o0

("lW y riktme.crIlhc#anfammaonuutfaJcotuhrnerTwilllieor;haa"MberenBaabrnleeytolanutkhae ahoee that ran aland up under tbe hard wear gifts by Tiller glr|a.
Thia i*peecleal dancing (flaatt-- -leleslabtheerr--lliinieed., hand tiumnead.

· n fiiltstans Time_Thirtu-toi^- minutes. York.

Stlile -- Comedy and sinyina. coaered heels--now obtalr-ble for generel u>e ou lUia

1,1 fullstape. Jime l nirry j

WI. Ui.eis. j.,^ `omc. Time--Fourteen fui-l- or street 1 Write f..r Catalogue B. B MAIL ORPER

Absolutely New tnd Up to the Minute Van and I-e Maire, a happy combina-


- i- - vaJ udevuie .w..ii.tvh. a,, pretentious. VII..

j. our ipecuity. Mailed c. O. D-^atlifactioo gaarnteed--on receipt of loot outline.

ni Reek My Ows Little Self to Sleep.

tint rum T4 minutes is in two

The girfth formery did a singing act. if

(Vlytrtoua with catchy tune), list.40e ^'-2,,

J^ "J" `

from we remember rightly, and this aet has a

Out Where the Waters Lull and Mean.

seenes. has a flo. k of people ana irom

i- if ijut one would never

(DadJeated to kfonuna), list.50* the Start to tlie finish is one g-and

onivibte of mittintr a song


My La Lama Lodge (Weird Indian Melody), list. 75e risorial Treat. The team was in The btiow the> " `

o «if.n

At your Heeler, or .pedal to introduce, all for..$1.00

c,,rl and aiso the la.-<t Passing


FAYE BSPPRRIINNGBMYER, - Great Fells, Mentana.







and their act has been written by
Harold .\tteridge, who twirls the p< n for many of tiie TVimer Carden show-s. Van does a semi-drunk in la'igli-pi\i'oktng fashion, and thniout m the entire ofitferjng does a good deal of ci"wning, aa

but iu the nnaattuurree ooff aa ggaagg.. .\ct onp.i'ns with the girl in the roile of newlvwed arriving at tlie h >tel sett>>e
kk..., p an apisiintment w w ith a woman ^vhom she doesn't know. When the

.sUiree~ at lI to I wViIddtthhse

New Yerk.

Pat. LeetliCT


<>'· A R. Kid

lU A R' «>L

C AVk C pw


P Can. Fibre

aBgl Soles, $1.56

r.AN USE Man touring taiiderllle circuits or libbing much of his best stuff. On the Avoinan arrives she proves to he the ex- AL ttooHH

· ·


(iramtilc to sell Novelties and Cemifai Go<Mia opening, a scene of a telephone booth ^vife of the other woman'.-s hushaml. The pP,. 8s.-- --BB..ttRRNNEPTT''Rfl Ute tthhee llaarrggeesstt TTOOEE e1 nd BAL-

8.' 8.,

care The Billboard. Clnclnn^ Ohio.


m-T ,«-*» m. T

I B/X. 1X| -1

c\B wi/s nww


$n.'6. GMr!nteed t. AIL


Bulcek. iJigf. Chboorruus.*, Skirt Trtotcohehmo-r

Work. Etc., Taught Quickly

by P. J. RIDGE

users resort to subway-jam tactics and Van in an effort to get in'o one of the "torture cells", has quite a time of it.
Le Maire does a lot of strong-arm work in frustrating Van's proposition to tdenhonp knocking him ahout. etc. Finally,
as H bv magi", everv booth is empty tnd at his disposal. Here the bit ends and Le Maire am ndi Van enter into a friendlyv aa^g'-*e«e^m emeennt whhterebvy Van's monnery,. rV u to go for a party w'ith two chorus
girls that are about to show. Van, of

to a series of panning gae.s for the husband, running a little too long and thus becoming monotonous. After getting
a long earful of how cheap and i)«`tty her husband is. the worm finally turn-s and refuses to listen to any mt*re. In the
rreantime there has been a double-version *=ong or two. the comedienne doing the patter also containing a few slang gags,. O 9^n®e of the songs by tiTh straight W wo'ommaann., done toward the close, sudden y get.s

157 aS?ta'mp for reply- , etc.

Maire aa.nd th__e taking^ the $i

tcwi_ivo.n^g.irls-riol«e«a'eve u- phoimn

flat. t'h i'«*

ww-iUthh tIhhe^pprr^ovveerrw biaal case. Thhuu..ss^a goo^d
publi.shed number would be the best thing at that point, provided some sort of con-


pretty young ladie.

elusion Is reached on the-other material

Van's acquaintance, not quite so -n n- and the song properly worked Sip to. A


bish, show up and the trio marches to the cabaret where his erstwhl^ crony is playing havoc with the seven buck.s.
A cabaret scene, with tables, orchestra

Dixie song was done with ukulele accompaniment as an encore not exactly warranted by the applause, but it was faster than the preceding material and went

MiMicU CoBiedy People and MutleUn* la all Una* doing feature apecUltlrt and able to put over aatpt bllU. Fur tuentj vetka auramcr ·todl Snappy Chorut, <3ood Bluet Singer, Plamst. Vlollnlit, Drummer, Tnimpet, Troeolxwe and ClarinetUt for orrhntra. One ahow a day,

and most of the members of the same bill, is revealed. Le Maire is at one tab'e with his two goil friends and Van nt the other. Thus the ground is laid for some great comedy and it begins to hum very lively, ending in a free-for-all

over well enough. Either the girls are not well suited to
put over such an act, or they are showing it much too early, without having used it long enough In the hideaway houses, It would certainly l>e to their own ad¬

no Sunday ihovi. State loseat iflary. age. rift.

vantage to spend a little more time break-

height, weight and what you do in flrit letter. A. B. McRAE, StMffleld. AU.

Members of tbe team's supporting com- ing It In. If they think they have broke pany offer various specialties, including jt ip--and can get a route around the

songs and dances, that get acros.s nicely. `"l?^';"*'^*ate circuit as It Rtands. they're


"Perfect" -

and at the Monday matinee show, when reviewed, the other artistes on the bill each trotted out a short bit. making the

certainly slated for hard sledding,



M. H. S.

Toe Slippers

Toe At Ballet

act and Its afterpiece a thoroly enjoyable and diversified entertainment, well worth

iNOrthWeStem MoUflted PoIlCf

(Pol. l2-30.'34)
Make abnlutely DO nolte while

Slippers Are endoried by
the prareielon.

the price for the whole show. Altho closing the program, every cus-
tomer was held to the finish, which is unusual considering the fact that It

Ran,1 uana
Revieicrd Wednesday. June H at B R Moss' Broadway Theater, Rew York'.


was 5:10 Monday afternoon when the Style--Band and dancing. Setting /h

last curtain descended.

R, C. Two. Time--Eighteen minutes.

There It s BIO difTerence. Mail Order* Promptly Filled.


'`Maktra far the Frafetalcfl,'*

MS West S7th Street.

New York. N. Y.

T*l,, Chickering 6493.


This outfit is billed as being direct from

a Canadian province, but played some of

HfMirlini nouaini

motion picture houses in the Vest en route, we believe. Joe E How-

ard is spon.soring the act and he has Pevieired Monday afternoon, June 1, added a brother and sister dance team

at the Hippodrome, Hem York. Style-- which was seen in his offering reoently ifystic novelty. Setting--Spe.riat, in full- There are 10 men In the band, the In-


stage. Time--Thirty-nine minutes.
Upon his return to the Hippodrome. where he spent six weeks earlier this
season. Houdinl offers a routine that Is new except, for his East Indian needle

strumentation b«ing three saxophones

»clarinet), two tfofjjbone, tuba, piano, banjo



^ ^h®" but one hand^

We make etery atyle of r,,v«tprv and.Ariink escaoe exchange both Wig for Street and stage, mystery anoAnmK escape excnange. Dotn

"**'·',* Fubba'r band to hold the stick. miss ng member is said to have

Our Street Wig, defy de- of which he did during his previous en- be^n

Dancing li^ClIlwiriU


yi'AM/H CA/rXNET/ fPxXl fU TA/TX!'
-'Tim' jr\nijn XV



geja fit |l?v) -//I'tM/H

I /


Oeeeisfl, Sraae, Fela*. SOit* AN*. Perteoei InttOMlImi. Modeiw** Feex

l(eMrewUeahsle. g

fee EFrafeMtaBela. TeMsilatM. BaoUB*.

144* SrMAemy. al 4ltt SL. NEW YORE SITY.



l4S-ia Wm« 4M Strwt


PSoms. SnmstIMA_


School of Apro^tics

ItM Sreedwag, New Yerk.

PkaiM. CIrtle IMIk



2n<I2S Watt 46th Street.


rhea*. Chlekerlwg 1771.



(New Verh't Leading Oteelag Matter.I TEACHER OF SROAOWAV CELCRRITICt. 906 7th Av*. (S7th), NEW YORK. Cinl* IS9I

^ OTMAP \| H|£h




A |H AH BA |" IH |||lk *

«orm^t].L""^*"`` ^eeCaUIog a e n t upon
Tlex marks
662 8th AAvvwa. a«t4422nndaSStt. N. Y. City. Ddpt. V. V.
Etiahlithtd 1905
Robert W. Bergman Studio
Painters of
142 West 39tb Street. NEW YORK CITY.
Pbonc. Fitzroy 1184.

frIc'kTthen i^uVrs" mro""a


courw on alleged fake mediums. At the minutes' tralle'T^temni^oIr




fraudulent medium In rieveland. who, picture in which they appear bringing

upon being arrested, confessed that his home the_ slogan, "bon't Come Back seances were not on the level This Without Your Man". After the first
particular person, said by Houdini to be number, which Is a sort of Indl.qn tune

well known in Cleveland, made a prae- a m< dley of musical < <.rn* <ly numlx rs are

tioe of cheating gullible people with the played. Th* male t<x- dancer does his

trumpet trick in which the spirits are stuff, followed by the girl, wlto docs some

supposed to play the trumpets as they ixjck .and wing sti ps. Some Imi j;iz7, is

float around the air. Hondinl has a few inceliudaend Imn the Hiuibseqtnient numbers by specimen trumpets which he demon- y'*' hband, and tlie liinniille inrlud> s both

strafes, hut does not give aw.ay the trick dancers Hoing a cakewalk to appioprlsite

other than vaguely telling how he detected mu.slc in about tbu-'s.irne eostumes tliey

it with a searchlight. fJoing on with wore in tlie .loe Howard aet


the act. the suave T'pton Sinclair of the
magical world showed the audience how a popular slate-writing trick is accompll^bed

striped (lants of the boy make him look anyone of three guesses from tbi
the house, de.ptt.. the fj.ct that ^ " '""'` What of a novelty eomlilna»L"

V/ith a committee on the stage standing over the taWe he did the trick fir t
without anyone getting the slightest hint as to how it was done, then showed by turning the Uble around that the exchange in the slates was aeeompllehed by a slender young lady who lay In » tight compartment under the tabilce cro.ver. 'This compartment, painted black on the bottom, is construct* d In triangular fashion at about a 4.'>-d*gree angle, so thst wben viewed from tbe fremt. where



\ .,rV t .rnoiiV

he pb.lnlv ja-ix'^rriies-

.p^e n.-.sb Is tbere. bowever. and the

boots and soml.rero bonnets

,.,,,,rw do miieh to sell the band b»-fore

)t pisys very mneh

rjfferrilng would rniike a great flash for the HIpisidrome, where the singe Is large

enough to p<`tmlt them rifling out on

t,,,rses and h*> hiilld It up to unusual nd-

vantage. Aa It atanda it ta a good bund

01 H B^U 'Is LrJ'"U 'S1An VU i Ipl'"na J A C K B LU E ^


*'** **"

YORK. Cirti* tHA




PrefeitleMi R*utln** ArrtM*4. Oamin* T«m F«rm*4. M*nii*4 tnd Placed. 1956 Rreedwiy.

R**m<M7. New Yerk City. CIrtle 7933.

v^MS TpH 

I feCmlllS

A AA S | 11 |JI| ^IWsWw

Teufht by Prefnil^sili.
Usirerilty *1 8t*6* Dtscint. Breadwey Cestral Bldf., ISJG B'dwty. New Yerk.
Studlet 710. I^ne, Cirile 3553.

I |l|wl|rnr



Npeclal Sumntrr lUtee. CTlktnsi'i ('Ueeee.

Panphlrl on Request. Chelee* 5$'J5.

842 Weet I5lh Street.


with no frtmendouB kKK m it tor me

.V! U'

VMUdevtlle house.

Tii, \ .1 · cX'· ll' iit musicians, prfvsrve

tin- iii'l 'd'' nicely and have a well-»u»talii'tl il.'thin .\Iovic houses will proh-

jihlv oft'1 looie money than the small¬ time vaudeville tan aftoid for such an


^ ** ®

Erlay and Hallack

/;. tvil Thui'tday evciiina, June 4,

nt '/;

.l/osir' Fidnkltii 'Theater, .Wto

.s'l/l'--Shii/tiiff. Hettino--Two,

Time--Fourteen tninulea.

Dancing School

All' 1 these two Kiris have been worklnK around a bit and have made a few clwii«es in the routimiiK ot their act LrUy and Hallack should bei oine a yermaiieiii iixiuie of the biK-lime houses. They possess too much qu.iitty and class in their offciinK to l>e vva-ted in the tinall-time or mediuiu-cl iss theaters. One

Of America, Inc.
226 West Seventy-Second Street

poese.saea a plea-iiK Ivric soprano and

actomiiaiiits at the piniu>. The other has

one uf the best coloraturas we've heard

In Vanileville In many years. In fact,

the Kouns Sisters are the only onus

dolmt that type of work who have been In New York during the past few years

*hi> are better.

, .

The first fliange to be made in the

routine stiould be with the opening num¬ ber. / Hear You Calliao He. tho beauti¬

fully sung bv both, is too lengthy and tiK)

ilovv for an opening song In a vaudev tile

offering. The planl.sfe solos vocally nicely with (iiantna Mui, vvlkieh is fol*

luwea bv a solo rendered by tiie colora¬
tura. she takes the aria from 11 Traviata. starting with A Foraa Lui and Into yciiipi'e Lit Ore, and handles it beautifully.

She takes runs and trills, sustaining the

high notes on tlie couden/as. jiartlcu-

larlv the high "e". with wonderful tone

plsienient. These are the beirt parts of

the lot. The other numbers are also well


Other suggestisns which may aid the

girls in selling their act to bigger results

m vaudeville we'd make would be first of

til nut to do as many numbers as they did

here Thursday night. Twelve minutes

, »ud off. one encore and no more, unless

, the audience insists on it. An easel, or

liigniMiard, announcing the names of the

Teaching the World-Famous Tiller Dancing
Special Rates to Professionals Now Working or Laying Off Who May Wish To Improve Their Work. Classes Forming in Groups of
Six or Eight.
Tiller Training means something, especially to those wbo have decided to I adopt dancing as a proftssion. as Producing Managers are quick to detect
the characitris'ic style that can only be acquired by following carefully
I the Tilltt Mrthod of Teaching, as exemplified by John Tillet's various


Costume. $75.00
Hfsddrest. SI 2.50
Cane, $10.50 Cuff. $12.50
Bracelet. · S5.00
Eartings. $5.50
. Shoes. $15.00

various nunibers to be rendered, would lend a touch of dignity to the act and couldn't help but Impress the audience Their drop and place drops used in two Dtii'.ibers are very effei tlve.
An act of this sort is one of the most difficult to attempt in vaudeville. Tne girls deserve credit not only for their courage, but for the ability with which

dancing troupes known as `'Tiller Girls". Think this ever carefully I before selecting your school, as your early training means a great
deal towards yonc future success as a dancer.
Special! Attention to Children

fiend 50% with order, balanro C. O. D

254 West 46th Street,


they back it up.

G. J. H.

Bee Jackson And Chicaieo Ser«nadrra

MARY READ, Secretary

WANTED OUICK 2M Pol|)ln( Chain, eat lO-fi. or M-ft. Middlr. kiia-

kl. Lownt rash prlre. Address BOX D-31.'>. c-fa

Blllbaard. Clnclanatl. Oblo.


Ufyiciccd Thuraday evenina. June 4.

at B. 8. iloaa' Franklin, Theater. Srio

York. Ri;/U~Orrheatra and danriiift.

fetiing--Full atnge, apecial. Time- and the otlicr ia a pharmaev. In the thusiastic workers; their desire to enc-


fourteen minutes.

former window the girl is s< en demon- cecd being written all over their faces, a we.'li So nifht lamp*

Bee Jaikaon is the "Charleaton'' dam-r r #ho was recently with Harry Rlchnuin
in vaudeville and also at the RIchman Oub. Just why thl« hrlef past "career" should make Bee Jackson so valuable to vaudr ville as to have her name out in lights on the theater marquee, as it was at thia theater, is one of t^ie many mysteries of vaudeville. It's certain t4iat the fact that Bee Jackson was formerly part of Harry Richman's "and company" doesn't mean a thing to the box office.
This dOT'sn't mean that Bee Jackson hasn't a likable personality and l.-^n't a lood dancer--in her line. She h.as and ·he la. It may be that the office Is trying to build a new headliner on the Jrenath of the "Charleston" craxe. Br-o hlmer r<.de In on the "shimmy", so it's W about aa fair for Bee Jackson to rw in on the "I'harleston".
The Chicago Serenadi rs, the orchestra with Miss Jackson, make a very good musical combination. There are nine men, ail attired in gray trousers and bluu wat.s. who are natiirallv ne.ot apiwarlng.

stratiiig a new vacuum cleaner, and tlia

man has a shoulder brace which he is

selling Both take turns at delivering

part of their sales talk and there are

a number of laughs In this part of tho


Later, of course., they inadvertently

meet and the truth is nut. Songs and

dances con. lude the offering, which Is

thii« roiinib'd off nicely. .\s always,

INtyle worked smoothiv and sold his end

of it in fine style. Miss Bonner did her

stuff well, and even if she didn't she

e*mld be forgiven. She's an eyeful no

niatter what the bo\-< ffice admission

price is and will undoubtedly develop to

the point where she'll b«` at home with

the tv'st of tho higllniers. In this act

the team has something worth while

showing at the larger vaudeville houses


M. H. S.

Marimba Land
YTIth Hurtado's Orchestra And Alberto and Norrie

and It ia exemplified in their efforts.

One is a baritone and the other a

lyric tenor. After a few opening words

by the pianist the boys come on and render a published ballad. Uacvahla was

done next by the tenor, with the parting

curtain revealing a special scenic drop of

a scene In Ireland. 55*hen reviewed the

lights were poorly placed and the various

defections of the drop plainly shown,

The baritone then dia a solo, singing On the Road to Mandalay, also with a

s«-enlc drop In back, which showed up

b*'iter than the preceding one. Conclud-

ing is a doilble version of t'kulele Lady.

the harmony being unu.'uallv fine. For

an encore thev sang Riranee Rutferflu.

The pianist offered a solo between the

two ballads displaying unusual technique,

There is no reason why this duo can't

take a healthy wallop at the 8»`cond spot

right now of a big-time house and even a

better spot later on. The voices and

singing are of a brand not heard every

day in vaudeville.

M. H. S.

pie ne^ an.wer nuaiani krnkst L.xtimore. B'-ky Moum. Nenti Cer

wW Sk 1

,, · 

Y v





bills Sundays and Ibt

Hippodrome Theatre,

For Motorized Vaiidrrlll* under raoTai. UlTee-d«F aUoda, atronc Blarkrace who >aD produce, reriatllw Team doinx Norelty Aita. Must drlre Ford. RUta iDWert uUry. rontldcr tmall orxanlzed rompany on perrentace. Addretf wtrci to Ftlrtn. M. C.; man I)<iufh(on. N. C.. tin June IIM Sparta, N. C.. to June 14 HOWARD C. STANT-ET.

AMATEl'RS, here !· jrour chance.

·nd who Would adil 10ft per cent Im¬

provement to the neatness hy using some

makeup on tlieir faces. Tlielr arrange¬

ments are good ami their renditions

please. Miss Jackson does a clog danoi*.

* "Clarlesfon'*, hit of a "kooch". which

mav lint he n polite term, but It's the

J·tile thing under anv other name ; "t>o«ih
lea Piinee" "Ja*x ftiini'e'. or what have '"i* Ineldenfally. Miss Jackson, who

ienlays a vvell-shapcd figure, would

m*ke it afipear all the more graceful if

·he vviiuld learn to bow properly. Her

Mtliixl of bowing as done when revlevv*-d

tM.iiihled some one saluting and going

Bio a sideways split at the same time.

B' tvveen the orchestra and her

^arleslon" Miss Jackson Is npi'arentiv

lor most of the vaudeville iNealcrs

'here the crage exists. And appsreiitly

· exists everywhere.

tl. J. H.

Rrvirired Thuradnu matinee, June 4. at Proctor'n Fifth .trcwMC Theater. New York. Style--Marimba orchratra-dnnrino. Setting--Full atagr (aperial). Tima -- Fiflren minuten.
The Hurtado Brothers* seven^iece marimba orchestra, last seen with Trinl.
is featured In this offering newly hooked up. The beautiful cyclorama drops that take all colors nicely are still used and tlie band Is sittiafed more toward the renter of the stage. Their selections, both for dances and filling In the Intervsis. are about the same as with Uie Tiinl offering.
Alberlir and Norris, who do the dam-es.
are more than competent to carry the flash, for the girl Is eye-filling and a fairly good dancer. The man. while capable, does not seem to sliino as a powerful stepper. With the partner that

. .. ,,,,,,
rtf burlesque, we understand, and have made a very poor selection of material for their entrance Into vaudeville. Both .seem to be able to handle material If they ha,l it. but with the present vehicle thev won't do for anything but the smallest of sm.all-time theaters, and even there may have difficulty In going over. 'They use A special drop depicting a pier and part of an ·pcean liner. The talk is pointless and weak,- the only parts of the act which got a few laughs being the fails on the part of the smaller of the two and some mugging by the other.

Pramatlc Art. Muilc. Vol«, Bute Slnftni and Uanctas. Baiy paymenti If detlred.
Iblt offer expiree June 20tb.

5§ Ent V«w Bures Street.


Learn Uile woodertui ait. POSI¬ TIVE QUARANTB to luka ym a Ventrlloqulat In 10 laeioae
S«nd lOe for Catalag
Hear Demonetratlno ^ MARIE CRCER MACDONALD, WerMt Greatest Vaatrllesalet, 2S28 W. Madiisn SL. Chlctfa, III.

Trinl had the act could he Just as much

Q. J. H.

James Doyle and Marjorie

of a big-time proposition. However, they

do a typical Sjumlsh number first, an






apache dance next and con<Iude with a

oTlOW, twOlUmDUS 3110 o3kl

In "Donionstratlon.s"

,^'Jj'ired Thiiraday ereninfi, June 4,

It I 

Regent Theater, New York.

, . '--Sinning and dani'ino non Ity.

'tnd tiro (aprcial). Tima "riltira minntr.*.

tango. The <'olor Is there in abundance.

For class



Ju- ri. a.

With "Sarasota Six"
Ifrrieired Thnrnday erenina. .f««c 4. of B. S. Moaa> Regent Theatei . New Yoi k RfUle -- Rcriir. Sr'tina -- Full alage 4.snec4ol5, Time--Fiahtera mlMHfe.*


M:m and woman clad In smart walk-

lr.i'.V '**

each otlicr beforo a drop

"'Pi-itii'T a stcllon of Fifth av nuc New

'»fK. oltho It l.x not noticed that he has

'V'l, aiiv iintbie aifenflon to her she


tiim for having stared at her.

the*',.'*"" '''''"·`Iks that they nre holli of u '·'I''" "'t. etc., and njiparcntly tliero ii t' harna dope, for with tlie exch.ange


prove 4o he quite'proiul-


" place drop in one Is seen Qne Is a rurntture concern

two and

Mjrio and Larazin

, mu j


Rrririred Thurnday ri'minfi June 4.

7?. S. Moan' Regent Theatre. New York.

Style--Singing, piano. Setting--In one.

Time--Twelve minutra.

Two clean-ent lads. In evening clothss. a.sststcd at the ninno hv s third member w ho h* not billed There Is no doubt

but that they have taken singing lessons,
for thev have all the earmarks of musks students. Sc'Idom does one find such en-

Libers! allowance on your eld trunk. Writs for Now Cataloflue.
28 C. Randolph SA. CHICAGO


The Billboard

June 11, 1925


CLcua AoD. NoTcIty Men. .'luat rhani

niLl.y SCOTT. OIcnwQod. Mlnnciota.



New Turns and Returns

(Contiiiurd from


Insofar as any similar trio is noncerned. The staK'n^ is superb thruout.

r.ujt fioiihlf Olher In.lrumrnti. PotMU(^"ti*

I *"`^11

I*** *^*11

Sl»te l<.»ciL Bfud Show. OENK EDWARDS, Hnt«l Pe<uliarly well fitted to beillK hooked up

st(jneu4ii. chirirtu. N. c.

in an act with a Kiri dancer. IlcKardless of the abilitv of the respective cirl in

127 50 An nitnmer niMgcmpitt. Muit do Sperlalty »r lead numhera. Potltitely no Urk'tt. Send pitoto; ume returned. Pay own wires. GENE EDWARDS, Hotel stonrHall. t'harlutie, N. C.

the act, thev'd put the offerine o\er. due

to their stvie of sinciuc and daneinp. As

invenllea Vhev'ro a

1. '

,Mit.K Saki has u/,.* v-.h^r

further de\eIop*'d sinte wt last s,*w her

nnd has an excellent routine. Mnes sur-


prisinRly well and injects real I'ep into her efforts. The orchestra Is coiniKised of

Good younc Sketch Team, one double piano rreferred. six pieces and each seems to he an ac¬

Blackface CumedUn. Fred P^ice, wire. KL'SK L'O.M- complished musician, for outside of their

·;dy CO Virofiuia wi»ffon*in.

accompaniments they filled at least one

interval with a fine medley of sours.

Toward the clo!»e the aet is speeded' up

and then the finish is done a la Albert

to chance atronc for weck-iiand Whelan, leisurely strollinR off.



Band Artort. General Ruolnoa Team, (knilile SeC'tally; Vauderllle Ada that ran itniihi.



Al»o oiWTiilni

Duiiilia*'. C.t.N .AI.W.WS I'SK t'liorut GliU and Vaiiilrrlllr Aita. Aiklrria I W MFM'ir irrentlna "Tlu

Hetel, St. Lault. Ma.. until Juna 14. Blllbaerd. Clneinnatl. Parmanenl Addrratl

. tara Aaiarlcaa

All people In the Muairal Comedy line It play parta, Cnme<llani who can ainc and

P^'i^/meced for the Intcrn.iu,



" ·'fi wint.,

. LEWIS. Orpheunm Thaatra. Ottueiua la'

Teachers' Special Rate. Short Time Only.

luTenile Leadlnf Man, General Burlncii Mata to dlrecL Bperlalty Poiple preferred. Otbera write. GLADYS KLABlC WelU Beach, Maine.

$50 M a'.7!t"ss< $50 01

,|FUVa-- ,1,^

5^ 5^^


WHY waite time, aranry. when you ran 'f.me to Chlraie't Urirn S.-hnolf Scfen atudlot. Bla«e. apntllehl. plenty of pradlre room C( Siaie Tralnln*. SInctnc. Dam Inf, Comedy, etc., for beflnnrra. I'Moa Ik liearaaU. n<aAli>»a. We al>« lea.h Ruitlan. Kryptlan. Spaoitb.' Cltorua. Fancy Dancca. Acta and aprclal aoofa wrlttro.
Call, write or phone fer full putlculari.

I a^ d the , reTHB

Man to do aome leada, one doubling Cornet ar doing Bpeelaltira given preference. Will conrider Team If woman doea A-I Specialtlea and e few Parta. Inrenuea. Stale all. Equity. Chicago baae. D.tRB-GRAY CO.. Lebanon, Mo., week of June 8: R.ilUr. Uo., week of June IS. Tent theatre. We never eloae.


To get aa Agent or Manager. Sell half Intereat Ma-

aon Brothera' Uncle Tom a Cabin Company, running

jrnar round. If you're looking for 1 real buy, get busy and come on and aee It. It'a not blue aky. You're

buying big city attraction. TH08. AJTON, laland

Pond, Vt., Juno 13.



On account of mLrepreaentatioo. FARRELL AND CAPRICE. Feature Toby and Character Comedian and urong Ingenue. Double Singing. I'ancing. Vaudeville Acta. Reliable companlet only. Equity. FAHBELL AND CAPRICE, Du¬ rant. Oklahoma.
AGENT who can drive Ford and use brush. Cannot Use studenta or dramatic show agents. Can place Novelty Musical Aet to double stage. Also Cirrus Act. Forty weeks' work. State your lowrsi first. Pay your wire. No tickets. Motorized one-nlghtcr: eat and ·leep on lot. HAVE FOR SALE dOvTO Top cheap. WALSH BROS.' SHOWS. Route. Mi Kinney, Ky., June 18.

MEN'oiuIWOMEN ITbc^tutest tnooey you ever taw I Ttae quickest Mka^ lycuVverffnftdeltfSM 1 t* e wumrd lor deaninf
nothinc like tt« It Oiu«to^in*tiie^orld
AI»olutCly Big Moneyin thif iSxypofition''
Qrtatat Money Harvat
O^ered I CO > Agents





^9r^Whmt .,Wmormmmmo okkmm cihot.i %««vT«rnHrr'-

rrT^S*rirHijt tm


Cm Qo ft«4f Om

Bety Amy OU TW Yw W«yit|




Philadelphia, Pa., June 6.--Howard Lrfinin, who directs the orchestra at the Hcnjamin Franklin Hotel, this city, leave.** this week on a dance and vaudeville tour. a Lanin unit will play at the hotel during his absence.

I I La

R 11 I#a

Send I0« frr full partlculart.

Bookings scheduled Include a week at the Stanley Theater, Philadelphia, a week at Keith's. tVas'hington, and appcarances at the Princeton University and Washington and Lee proms. Two weeks of one-nightera thruout Ohio are also in' eluded in the itinerary.
New York, June 6.--Belleclaire Tower", the summer re.staurant on the roof of the Hotel Itellecaire. Broadway and 77th street, has opened for the season, bedecked in Lilian d-ess. The McAlpin Roof, with Krnie Golden's Orchcftra, opened yesterday.
United States Attorney Buckner, of¬ ficial custodian of the prohibitory padIvH'k, announced this week that here¬ after a man's flask is as safe as his castle under the Buckner application of Mr. Volstaad's statute, and that hiptoters will be entirely immune from ar¬ rest.
Kmma Haig, featured with Tell Me -Tforc, and Georgie Hale, late of Elsie Janis' Piisrfcs of 1925, opened this week as a dancing team at the exclusive Three Hundred Club. The duo will go on nightly, after the theater.
Irvin A. S«'.'kchert, a musician, of PharpsvHle, Ind., was killed this week when he Jumped or fell from the roof of the Times Square Hotel. No motive could be learned for the act.
The Leviathan Orchestra, an erstwhile Whiteman unit, will play in the pit for the new musical production. Konhrr Kitty Kelly, which opens on Broadway this iveek.
Chicago Notes
rhlcago. June 6.--Summer Varieties, Ernie 'Young's new and colorful revue at the Rendez-Vous. has proved to be a big drawing force. In it 'Young has com¬ bined a cast of unusual talent, 'a sciniillant chorus and superb costuming.

vvivtw 1* v^HsPiiity detail, at/i Oi»rk, Ark.
WANTED r-T Vaudeville Company unlrr tenL good Moving Pielure OutOt that r.in be operated elthrr »Uh gai or elertrtclty. with plinty of r«el«. tor week alaiKla. Ver. aatlle Vaudeville People who change atinog lor a wevk. Name loweat lalary. You pay board. I pay .ranaportatton after Joining. Wire if p<".*lble. Flske ar 1 Krenti. wire. Show opena at Mon-oe. Va.. June 1'. TUkera if 1 know you. Addreai W. V. NtTHKEN. Monroe. Va.
Viollntrt, Planlit and Trumpet, Joint or leparaU. .Abaolulfly A-1. Theatre, hotel or dance band. GAR. Al'SnN, Amerleag Theatre. High Point, North Carolina.
barnett, 1111 Chap.trTai st.
Man with Specialties for tleneral Ru.slnes*. Otheri write. Trumpet and Trombone. M i»t be hot. for Jazz Orchestra only. Imnrdlate rngagrment. Addreii CILAS. A. MORRILL. Neosho, Mo., thia week; Ft. Scott, Kansas, nesv.

Villa Venise, a new re.^xirt just opened at Milwaukee Road and Desplaines River, is organizing a new production. Dance music for the guests will be fur¬ nished by Charles Kerr and his Philadel¬ phian Social Orchestra.
Frank Libuse, the "crazy waiter", is making his record success at Terrace Card n, under the Morriton Hotel. He is now on his third week there and i.s suppetrted b.v his "Music Comedians" and also by the Seattle Harmony Kings.
The Troeadero, Broadway and Grace, has an entire new entertainment bill with the exception of Vera Baldwin, dancer, from the cast of I'll Fay Fhe In, during itp run at the Apollo. Johnnv Ryan is the new fun-mak.-r; Beulah Newman, late of the Sih er Flipper, is nfiw presenting her song program in the Blue Aloon R<;om. H'.ward Ovburn, for five years musical director for Henry Santry's Symphonic Orchestra, witji an entirely new orchestra, l.s furnishing the mu.sic. "Slim" f;re*nloh, the "tes.thless wonder" saxopbonift, is with the organizati'tn. They are broadcasting every night from WIBL, the new Evanston station.

Eiiierlonced Agent w*>o (»n bonk irrrptable il»tM t'.zrtlng lo Svtitvmt«T. fur rrrogniziit Muilol t'liiii.'ily kitrirtlon pUylng hIgh-rUti bilif, nl'-vly ztigisl. Kto<k preferred. Rei-ord of lung »loik eng gement during pait nevrn yean. Writ* FRED CARMFXO, MllUrd Hotel. Omalia, Nrb.
Allen Entertainment
Allen Entertainment Enterprises
with TONT (PT'KHEM L'P) MORENO, ih# Fiinr.le.t Wop In llis World; .MO.NTF. AND MOORFI
4 ti.d L<S KEY IIVPLLL ·n.l Her lli.llysood lUth-
Thtalre MaM{sri Send Ut Yow Open Tim*

Tom's Cabin Co.
Pnteta la an braorhM of Um bualaom, wtiUa aod »l·red A few Artoee to doublo Bra*a. AgewL myif b« famlltar irlta theatraa playlnc road at."**. Roavm Will '/MO la ItoptamrMr. Addraat LMOU WAMBBCMM. Ul Sowttnt at.. Boatea. AAam.

Ttir L»rge.t n-ikltif Olh r Mouth of rhlcigo.

R>/Alnc r.erythliig In Ainuaemepta. Al'TH--Lrt

U( brejk y«ir Ji.ilipl. f.il a|K..yg nlaig IHru Ipttt

cbur'ii OIrli atid Pe<,pl* In >11 lines. When In

or rwisr Mt

p.y ui a vitlL


·l« riM ·Iraat.

gT, LOU It, MO.


The home of everything in Tabloid and Muairal Com¬ edy. Jlinu.rrlpu, .Negro AeU. Vamleville Material. Lalea' Book of Rita .No. 8 now ready. DAUUT J. ASHTON. J'j. N. Claik St.. Chicago.
AT LIBERTY--^'omedy Singing toil Tatting SpevUltie*, man and woman, t'hangu for week or more. Put in or work In acta and mike them go over. Ability, rvprrtmca. wardrobe and all raaentlali O. R. J-la on wire. Reliable managert only. WM. J. MORTON' AND SADIE FAIRFIELD. Hotel De Franca. Kuigatry, Mbhigan.
Ingenoe. Leading Woman. Piano Player who doublea stage or Rand, Mutlial Art to double Orchettra. good Specialty Tram, Woman to do Ingenue Lead), gaod. u<e(ul Rep. People all llnra. No Equity romraeu or tli-ket advanced unleaa we know yai. Addreu L IILKBERT KIDD, BardweU. Ky.. week June I.

AVho ran play popular and cUistrat Duilc; muit nw higheat claaa plcturea. 8<ale. |(ii> n# per wrek. 811 il lyt per week. Willing to pay more to right [wjAy Permanewl poaltlon. Kefereneea. Wire OLYMPIC THEATRE, Porumouth. VlrginU.

Ti m P*onle In all ItnM, Man for anything east hr. >iiu;i AV.iman for Eva, Specialty P-ople and Aetort wito double Rrats. No paradea. Tent sb* I P*7 all. Good Camp Cook. Stale lowest aalary. Make Il 1'w if you fjpect reply. Join on wire. THOS. L.
FINN, Island Pond. VrrmonL



ALL THREE FOR II.W. Eddie Cantor and othrra hara used my malerlsl.

Arthur Terker

841 Wtdiwtrtb A**.,


Bob Black's Globe Trotters Want
Real Bags Singrr for Quartette. Moit do psrti. Fstt Sirsighc Msn, 'voice giigntiiL
Cjrdrn Tbtsirr. Andrryon. S. C.

B.\.N l> INSTRU M S N Gras and Buffet Woodwinds.
Used Instrument Exchange.
BASD AND ORCHESTRA MVStC of all poblubert.
1109 Walnot St.. Kanias City. Mo.

June 13, 1925

The Billboard

>aortn| Or<1 fur*
09 tel*
M tm, 1 Artow
1 p«7 lOS. L.


W- w  M· i»·.' J-l. li' Ml 11»

.r »-»



human radio?
It's a mar*(loas. siatding discoTcry of a

WJDEVILLE NOTESi //fc^^maroffs I Home^uJy^ursG j

pliiB. short (od(. «err nstfml. I'll ttacb it to you in one Irssoti by mail completely for SI 00 or money refunded If you think It IS a fake, ask the New York. Boston and Montreal Police Department! to punish me for this false statement. They hare seen it and praised it highly. The reading ia your partner's eyes eTetything to a dot what's in hit dr her mind. Live and learn. Write for ropy now. A. HONIGMAN. 558 Colonial Arenue. Montreal. Canada. No apparatus or equipment, no electricity applied.

Wlll\ F.w. 1111 A ^

Writa for FREE Catalog


r.w baivty numbers: <1> CttKT WILHON'8 Bl't'K. tJ» HABOI-D WILLIAM.t Bl t'K. (3) MfrEKLY H Bl'CK. (it J"K Mt'l.LINR BfCK. The tout foe One Dollir. Can be rliyi ··parttrly or ts a "me.lvs". JtMEs L. FINM.VO. U* Madison Aea.. Al>
b«n'. Nr« V' et._



start Vaasa far Stasa sag Slraat.

llaliM Tea DsRcint Shpaan

Opart HtM ail Tifhtt i

CLOaS. SANDALS. ETC. J Sms ftr Prica List 1




S39 Sauth Walath Avmss.

Dstt. B.


Diabetes Discovery

ROBKItT r.Il.VH.V.M aixl FIlANf^KS

GRAHAM, ut iin-.Miit playinK with



have bt-rn < nK.tgf<l by C. R. MADDot'K

for Fifty MUrit From liromlway, which

will go out again next hcaeon.

DU CALION, the Kngli.sh ladder comedian, who retnrnetl to American vaudeville a f' W w.-. k.s ago, appearing at the Hippodrome, Nt w Y'ork, has been of. fert-d a two years' .·iigagement by WIL.l.IAM Morris to h.- f.'atured in KngIlsh productions. Whether he will ac¬ cept l.s nut know'n.

IRENE HAYDEN, last seen with BURT and JtOSE DALE, will api>ear
shortly In a new* 7 art featuring BIL¬
LY TAYLOR, who closed recently with China Fni>r. IRVING YATE3 will produce the offering, the entire oa.st of which will I include eeven people.


j _

Irene Hayden

At a meeting of

the newly formed



H e p r esentat Ives'

Benevolent As.so-

clation, held last

week, it was de¬

cided that the dues


membership be 58 a

month, as tenta¬ tively decided upon at the former meet¬ ing. Every agent booking on the Loew Circuit has made application for mem¬ bership.

b.-ing one of the first women to I're.sido over the piimen in a vaudeville hous.

LE VAN and DORIS, a new act. has been routed by FRED DE BC'NDY of the Jack LEWIS Ollice for the coining sea¬ son on the Keith-Albee Time. They are biKikeil for two years and oiv n Septemb«-r 7 at Pitt.<burgh. Another unusual rufit-is that teciired for H VYES, MARSH and H. WES, al.«o a new act. who have been Ixsiked until 1!>29. This act op«ns the long tour September 14 in Buffalo.

The Lafayette Theater opened this week under the new management of LEO BUECHER with a policy of musical comedy stock and two vaudeville act.s, the latter booked from the KALLY MARKUS Agency.

.TAMES KAY h.as severed his connec¬ tion with ARE 1. FEINBERG, Loew firoducer, and Is now associated with TIIOS. K. O'REILLY, according to re¬ port. K.\Y was with FEINBERG less than a year.

The Corking i?erue, a nilnstn-I offer¬

ing featuring the three JOHNSON

RROTHERS, has been signed with the

I. oew Circuit for a tour and oi^en.s June

15 at Atlanta. LEW CANTOR is the

producer of the offering.



LdilR, who do an act of songs', returned

to the Loew Time



The first half this


week at the Amerl-

Y .

can. New York,

after playing on

STUDY At a price that would not pay for one prtrate let-
son from the author, A. TOM.VKUFF. Book N«. I--Pestptid, $1.60.
Body B'liMin*. Sireti-hinE and Limberlns. Book No. 2--Poftpald. $1.60.
Simple and Advanced Tuui!)Un*. auih a< Cart¬ wheels, Hand-Standi, Splits. Limbers and Bumer-
lauUs. Boek Nt. 3--Pestpald, $2.BS. Taps, Musical Comedy, iligb Kicks, Character
Uancln*. Beck Ne. 4--Postpaid, $2.10. Bar Exercises, a Fundamental Study for Ballet, Toe and Classical Dincln*. ENTIRE SET OF 4 BOOKS, POSTPAID, $7.00. All books fully Illustrated. To profe how easy It Is to learn by my simple method, send loc for 6 sample lessons. Make yeur eeleetien and send tuh (reilstered), tr money erder, to
A. TOMAROFF HO W. 47th St., OepL 15. NEW YORK, N. Y.
Great Reduction in Price of Luminous Paint
We are the ezcInsiTe agents for
Fluorescent and Radianna.
Fluorescent (mixed), ready

From Europe
tfiee yeari of aufcsaaful u»» In Eurupa Dr. Strin* r.nenfali'. the noted European BpeelalUl, wonderful iwii>dleletle diabetic treaimeni. which allows you to eat what you need, la now aeallable In this rountry. S 000 books det'^iblnc this wonderful treatment art beini sent EKEE OF CHABOE to lufferrra of dia¬ betes. Don't delay--eerlt# now to M RICBABTZ, DepU Sl«. 120 TV. 42d 8t.. New York.
"ALIDELLA" Dancing Clogs
Dmcini Mils
Bell Metal Jiniles
In All Wood Soles.S 9*00 In Split Soles.SllwOO

Character Dancing

and Clogging L

without a Tearher. Too cau easily learn Dom
By HEI.KN FROST, author of The Cl"* Dance Book", of *'<'II*ee. Columble I'nie oT Hw danee.
Illustrations tbowlng the steps. Cloth iM.und. Frit# $2.60.
CaUhtai tf Soe^s ea F»lk L«|. Naturtl mJ /4tMtUe Dmclng,

tiWU U
fwH M p
10 V
Jm ' M

VALENTINE VOX. who has been playIny Keith-Albee Time most of this sea¬ son, opens Thursday for the Loew Cir¬ cuit at the Victor'a, New York. VOX does a ventriloquistic act.

BALDWIN and BLAIR closed their sea.«x)n last week at the State-Lake, Chicago, and intend going on vacation for the summer, returning to the two-adav in the fall under the direction of LEE STEWART,

The Temple Theater. Syracuse, closes this week for the first time in its hlptory. The K.-A. house is one of the big-time stands, playing full week vaudeville.

·kR'THUR and Earfner, comedy Jug-
slers, who recently playra a date for at London, Oni.. opened in New
Yont this week for the circuit at the Victoria and American. The team call their act The Downfall of China,

Headliners of the Past, another new

act consising of oldtlmers, among them





^5^0 --




' 1!

opened for the Ic^.l

. 1|

Loew Circuit the

" i'

second half last week at the Ameri- Wnft

vFn . ,. M

can. New York. B.V. AAM





VAN were in the Stars of Yesterday.

product several

years ago by






TON, musician of note, has been en-

Tony irifliams

gaged to cendurt ^ the orchestra at the Pantages Theater.

San Francisco, enjoying the distinction of

Betty Korth

HERMAN LE¬ VINE has purcha.-ced a summer home at Cedarhurst, L. I., and given up his New York residence. The agent expects
to live the year around at Cedarhurst. JOE FEIN¬ BERG, brother of ABE. is also living at Cedarhurst this summer.

Grand Island, Neb., and Fremont, Neb., have been added to the Levey Cir¬ cuit, and opened this week with acts booked by the LEVEY Office in Chicago.

U. S. THOMPSON, formerly of the team COVAN and THOMl'SON, is breaking in as a "single" under the di¬ rection of PAUL DEMPSEY. WILLIE COV.\N is now teamed up with EDDIE RUFFIN.

PHIL and EDDIE ROSS, who do a singing and piano act, are back on the Loew Time after several months' ab¬ sence. They opened last week at the Boulevard, New York, in the same of¬ fering.

NEW'HOFF and PHELPS have been

O. K.'d for an Orpheum Circuit tour for

the coming season under the direction

of LEW' CANTOR, who produced their


The opening date has not been

definitely set.

A. PALET GALLA-RINI, the original P. VLET. who with his sisters is heading his own act on the K.-A. Time, has signed a contract to make records for the Brunswick Comp-iny

VERA GORDON will play the big time next season in a new vehicle by MART
(Continued on page 20)

to apply, at--$1,50 or. Radianna (mixed), ready
to apply, at.$3.00 ox.
We carry Tights, Theatrical Jewelry, Trimmings and Silks
Drapery Fabrics for the Stage.
142 West 44th St., New York City

3S04 Fast Waski-tttta, INDIANAPOLIB. . INO.




2215 Van Buren Street,

Chicago, III



West 46th StTMt.


Nnw York







II Screaailni Meneletwes.

[I Reerint Acts far Twe Malta. M Orlsinal Acts far Malt and Ftnala.

M Sura-Fir# Paradltt.

Oteat Vantrllasulat Art.

A Raaf-Llltlaf Femtla Aet.

Rattlinf Tela, Quartatt* and Otnae Staalalty Aft.

,1 Cbaraetar Ctwady Skatth.

H C^stsatar Tablald. CaSMdy and BurlatfM. ·2 Cafklns Miatterl Flraf.Parta.

McNally Mlnstral Ovarturea. A Grand Mlnstral FiMit. I* Mansklta.

Hi^drrdt el Rldtwalk Canvaraatltnt far Twe Males and Male and Famala.

» `-,T1· N N'ot1i0 r la oe nly

of M NALLT'B BIXone dollar pee copy, or

·111 Iicp.1 you Bulletins Noe. T. S. 9 and 10

toe 12. jO, with iDiuMy-btck tuarantee.


·I East IMIh SIrtH.


11 MR 1$ i HER
Music Engravers and Printers
311 West 43rd Street, New York City



ney are rndoned by all leadin* danelnt leaihera (hruniil the fTnited Riatea and eorn by Broadeay'a favorite atari. Baperially adapted for acro¬ batic daacin*.
They Are Made Rifht. They Wear Rieht. They Leek Rifht.
Material uied la f^d quality aatlne. in the folluHlnc colnra: Blarfc. Ptnk. Old OoM. Licbt Blue and Sage Orecn.
Sent prepaid upon rerripl of raah er m o n a y order. Stampa aol accepted.


106 Watt 44th Streat,

NewYorh, H. Y

Vaudeville Notes
{Continued from pane 19)
lloCHN called The Unrprifte Happens. The east of the playlet calls for five

NICK and OLADY.S VERGA. who have been tourinK the Keith-Albee Circuit, re¬ turned to the Loew



the sea-

this week

the Delancey and

Boulevard. New

GAS do an act of songs and jtatter.





closed his tour of

the Orpheum Cir¬

cuit laet week and

returned to fifew

York for additional

K,-A. Time, play¬

ing the Albeo this



and I^EK STEW¬

ART book the act.

OladyB Verga


-- LOA^AY! HAY! HAY! Slntlnc OrchEitfu.

With SO lihM.-BiPiirtn« V.fwi.







Grc»t Kcm«Ir Vrr.liin RfiHiy
And Recaivn Above Numbers and Many Morn far One Year.





Music PubUshln* Company, of Hasdalf Mass.. Is helplPK to put the sonir over from an orchestra standpoint.
Max I'rlval, manager of McCror**i Brooklyn store. Is KlvInR the local pub¬ lishers the "needles" with his loJeent music sales.
Max says business has increased won. derfiilly us a result of the sales.
Delaware Waltz, published by the Joe McPiinlel Music Company, New York la beliiK featured on the radio from Chicago

"A MOTHKR'S I'hKA " 8entiinrBt*l. 35r Rm 40r; Orrh.. 3»lr. "HILKNT TAL' rOOMIW5K'" J,, SOf ropy; Orrh.. IV. W. M. B. WADLCY, 3S44 Ftdtril «t. Chicaii, III.

Composers, Publishefs, Musk Writers

EocriTlnt inil Prlntlnc. ProfEiilonil roplfi Sheet Muilr, Orrheitrai and Bandi.


Muiit Enfraver and Prlntar,

SIS Pint 8t.,

St. Lauls. Mt.

WESTONY and FONTEYN opened a CLARKE & LESLIE SONGS, INC., 1595 Broadway, New York

tour of the out-of-town Loew houses at Atlanta Monday.

Tk* ItsI Mads ftsssHlM

YORKE and KINO are breaking In a new act, with new scenery, etc. They

Send as cent* for llltf. tmted eauiog and frlew.

showed the offering at Proctor's, Mt. Vernon, last week.

lAuaono lORio i loii

CHARLES RUOGLES has been booked

IS7 Ktnmare St . Nrw York.

for a tour of the Orpheum Circuit in his

new vehicle, IVires, Ktc., which recently

played the Palace after a short rest on

the .shelf during his appearance in the

play White Collars. The act opens next week at the Palace, Chicago, and was booked by ALF T. WILTON.

.\t« ^fOCQCIN. thn nioyt popular Rrnadway Buair srrannrr. will tikr on a frw iddltlnal arrant,-
mania durinc tlw rnmint month. Orrr 1,000 of my arrancaMkl nr, trluilijr publUliMl.

CHARLEY MARTEN, who formerly did a "aingle" In the two-a-day, has teamed up with PAUL VAN DYKE, and will be seen on the K.-A. Time ere long.

^Communicatmat to l^oO Broadway, Stw York. N. Y.)

Send for my rirrular.


I5S7 Braadnay.

N*w Vmk.

WALTER NILSSON, bicyclist, now play¬ ing a few dates for the Loew Circuit, has been routed over the Kelth-AIbee Time for the coming season by the JACK LEWIS offle®. He opens September 7 at I'fls.salc and Morrlatown, and plays the Bushwick the following tveelf.

Moke and more it is becoming evilient that this summer will tell the story as far as the music business l.s concerned. To characterize present business as "oft" would be stating the facts with much reservation; the truth Is
that It's terrible. Regular early-in-the-

the Crumit publication, three particularly worth-while "uke" books, the other two being Peterson's Vkelele Instructor and T'ddle-de-Ukes, another choice collection of funny '`uke" songs,
Warner Bros.* newest film release. Kiss

m  a


Jl MM M m PIANO. BOOK l--Ili« 1h


.Itn-I'p" Ant Tiait. Hiard

Work. He. BOOK t--ArpH

fio -Rnc. irlUi Bat* Maindy. Sew Broakt. rillt. oir

llihor book aant for 11. or both fo, SJ Clrrolar

'lEORGE W. JONES, now of the team

MU.vnLEY and JONES, who are doing

a new turn, ov<cned

-- --

for the Loew Cir-

cult this week at

the Greeley Square,

New Y'ork. JONES

wjis formerly of the



o f

-AW ^


f, · " ^ Bi JONES.

month orders from jobbers and dealers J/e .4gai>t, will be scored with the famous

have not been forthcoming--an tmhappy Victor Herbert opus of that name. M. augury? of what the future has in store Witmark A Sons. In whose Black and

The premature hot spell is not alleviating White catalog the immortal Herbert enm-

the "panic" any and It is hardly likely position has for year.s been a leader, will

that folks will turn again to their phono- exploit the song nationally in conjunction

graphs now that the summer static with the photoplay,

season is on.


What's the fall got In store? No_body knows, but everybody's guessing. TThn"e"re''

s-ocH ..i· .aa.t.re.o.d.·l.d.

C.... Berg, for with several

many years asmusic-publishing

are those who asseverate that eve·n.cthoencerns as general road representative,

fittest will survive with difBculty.

will in the future sleep in lowers In the


Humorouk «onit »n*l


EMb, Mt. For Srboul, ViudrrIllt and Coorrrt


George If. Jones

The hick act, Wigginsvillr, which played some Keith-
-Vlbee Time this sea.son, has been booked for a tour f)f the i.oew Cir¬ cuit bv AL GROSSMAN. The offer¬ ing is scheduled to open June 15 at the Victoria, New y ork.

I Which unhappy introduction to this
week's Melody Mart brings to mind a "solution" that A1 Dubin, famous hitwriter, has for the indu.ntry's ills.
"Publishers ought to get after some phllanthroplsts who might be persuaded to endow them." pipeil A1 this week, The Idea being that the magnate would furnish the music men with sufficient capital to enable them to distribute music free to music lovers who are not buying because of the expense involved. There's a solution for the slump.
"And. by the way." A1 concluded,

interests of the Broadway Music Corpora-





The Triangle Music Publishing Corn-

pany, Joe Davis, its president, announces,

will spend the summer months concen-

tratine on its Hawaiian catalog, promi-

nent in which are such favorites as Dark

Hawaiian Eyes, Golden Memories of

Hawaii, Silver Sands of Waikiki, Dreamy

yirthta in Honolulu and Hawaiian Memo-



There has been much comment on the

superb scoring of this week's picture

A beautiful ions, lust off the preu. Atranced ·· aolo or dun PriM, J0«.

Ihibltabed by


Eurolui Sprista. Arkaatsa

CTre* Soot Copies to Profealoasla Only.)


"maybe the publishers could get the feature at B. S. Moss' Colony, the big

writers to furnish them with material Broadway picture house. The attraction

gratis during the 'experiment'. I said '« John Galsworthy's The iriilfc Monkey


and the incidental music is especially


appropriate thruout.

For those who are interested, the latest

Whoever supefWo lotcti you at tiome rturln* aptro time. WHS
`'``i our ·n^NB-A-PnoVSI. Arlton Model, tool*, oham


_ _

eight, opened on the Poll Time at Hart-

ford, Conn., in the musical comedy eketch

Farr Husbands.



M.MRE made their debut *t the Hippo-

drome. New York, last week, on the

bulletin of the Richmond Music Supnly Corporation, music jobbers, lists the following under the caption. "New Melodies
Just Planted". If you'd like to give the early summer crop the once over, here's
the list of what the boys will plug during the heated spell:
Aloma. As a Porrupine Pines for Its

ia^"`ariy ,
ni' rjntm

notewortny. ®


been par-

and imaons. you can peaparad to iBilw bif

loam quirkly and otsily ntmey. Batabllihed 1M>.

anil <o*a-

W-baeti fuaraniee. niploa* flreo. Aaiaalnc NNWI**


. of

la omr frea book, "Winning pidopandaroo'. (or It today.


44 Bryant Buildint.

Augusta. Ml*.



Kelth-Albee Time.

Pork. Banana Oil. By the Temple Gate, radio


Everything Is Hotsy Totsy Now. If You -nan nmrniae* 'ovan

MIKE MCDONALD, now with the DIf- Hadn't Gone Away. Ive Named My PH-

ferrnt Berne, will join JL\I BL.\CK'S low .After You. In a Little Love Boat.

equent programs.

surprises In

J/erri/»taIers for the summer months. -

.Joanna, .Just a Little Kiss From You, ,,,,, ,, ,


Mystery of the Night. Maybe You Will, . * ^il Baker, Sid Silvers and A1 Boas-

JAOK HEALY and NAOMI GARNEL- tHi a Night lAke This. Pango Pango LA are touring the Poll Circuit in a Maid. Pretty Little Lady. Bose of the , singing and novelty dancing act. Youthful Evening. Seminola, Sing Loo. Sleeping

writers of Nothing To Do '"»"i^rot that Irving Berlin, taken over for early exploita-


Beauty's Wedding, Stepping in Society, tlon.


Bomona, Thief {n Paradise, That's Why


SNOW COLUMBUS and His Orchestra You're Mary Mine, Two Tired Eyes. Waif-

Grossman. Osborne & Stanley are go-

opened their new act with MARION S.AKI in' for the Moan. Why Should / Belwre irig great guns for a firm that's <»m-

on the K.-A. Time at the Coliseum, New in You. Wow Down in Cotton Town, paratively new In music circles. The

York, June 1.

We're Back Together .Again. When Y<ni hoys deserve whatever breaks they get.


Were an Old Sweetheart of Mitic. Whis- as they are » likable trio and a happy

The FOUR ORTONS are back home pering Leaves, Why Did You CaU Me huHlness combination,

after a verv successful tour of Australia We,nderful fine. Swanee Bulterfli^ Isn't

Tlie firm's comedy offering is Too

and New Zealand.

the Sweetest Thing No Wonder. Many Mamas, which you can hear all

-. .

Yearning, Pal of My Cradle Days, Look over town You Can't Be n Good lAttle

MARCL'S SISTEP.S and CARLTON Who's Here. Whose Who Are Yrru, Won- Frllow and Still Be a Good Little Girl

BROTHERS opened their new act the week of June 1 at the Fifty-Eighth Street.
N» w York. They are working the Keithvih.e Time

derful Wander, Mo^ Wait'll It's Moon-

and Wonder Why I Love You Like

I Do.


Are we downhearted? No-o-o-o-o-o-o!

U the plug ballad, while Take Me Bark, Margntixu , will Ik- exploited with a coii-
`angle in mind. -

Send for New Ulus. Catalog Also Silver Bell News --Fret

Pie Is the savory title of a comedy

novelty from tin- pen and piano of Wiil

.VIeredIfli, wfio has sueh confidence In tlie


song that he's publishing it liim.self.

Beautiful Eyebrows
COLOL'BA darkaM-ayeProwi and laabaa: aat arteeted by taara. pwlntlon or rreama: laala Ibi aeakt; hamleaa and ilaple to apply. Baot Sl-U, pwtpald. Tiasimeat at our ahopi, SSt. SPIRO'S HAIR SHOPS (Eat. (hrar 4S Vaara). as W. Mtfc St., and 34 W. 4Slk tt. . Y. C.

Irving Berlin. Inc., has obtain'd from Frank Crumit. famous muslral ciim*-<ly and vaudeville star, the publishing rights to his b<K»k of funny ukelele ditties, entitled Strum It With Crumit.
Berlin, Inc., ia now exploiting, with

f'hll Ponc4j Is puhlisliing Siberia, a new song that he wrote with Paul Van I»an,
Even Siberia would be weteome this hot weather.
The arrangement of Sweetest Girl, I Lung for You, a publication of the XLNT

advartlur to


June 13, 1925

Orchestra Leaders!!!

First Edition of Our Grout Amerieun FoX'Trot Sonf Hit Exhausted!!!

"Someliody Laughs When

Somebody Cries"

Wf're liufhlni bow 'rauio we know we'»e got

Ibe Krcaleit >0111 of Iti (ype publUhed in · decade. Watrh thla anng grow Thit tong la

OWNI'D end rONTROlXKn by ut and la not

(or rale 10 any Pl'BLIKHKR or pr'ttLIKHERM it ihli lime. Pleate keep yoor "SrOfTH" and
··ADVA.N'i'E Ol'AKD" at home. When we WANT

TO MELl, TiIIH SONO It will be lime to Ulk.

Al prrirn! we are too buay.


make a tperlal offer of roi'R HITR FOR ONB

POI.I.AR. Rend money order or pin dollar bill

to thli ad. Write addreaa plainly. Bere a what

you gel



CRIES" (Thla la tbe great Anertcan fog*

trot hitl .


"SLUMBERING" (rkmoui Walti).40e

"MARY ELLEN" (Foi-trot tuprenie).3Sa

"DREAMY CHINEE" (Oriental wonder aong) SSa

St.SO Performert, send for profaaalonal roplea. They
ire free, but send itanma and route. Write
plainly. Orrbeatra leederf, uee time, pin that
dollar to thla ad now. The biggest doUar'g wortb In Amerlra. Write at oneo.


14427 Kerihtval Ava.,

Datralt Mlah.. U. ·. A.

Three Big Hits
from the Home of

The Billboard




Everybody loves My Baby
Cast Away
I'm A Pickininy Rose





Dascc OrciMstruioiig. 35( Each. NONE FREE.
Senrf Srampi Jor Profruiofftt Copu$.

''ll I '!· pi. ,. , r. 1 iii.i ilin'4


··'· il \. ,1 I .Mill 1. .'M. .ili iV

... .1 .1 · :


tiii'ir .linr.c


Dept. H S ,
Suite 415-420 Gayety Theatre Building.

by Lee Sims, player-roll artist, with the United States Music Company.
Ager. Yellen ft Bernstein will shortly publish a new song Iw Lew Pollack and Jack Tcllen entitled Cohen la lAvinu the Life of Rilev. Van and Schenck have been using tbe song tor montha
Services were held Igst Wednesday In the Universal Funeral I'arlora New York, for C'harles Lawlor. who composed the immortal Sideiralka of Sev> York and who died last week In his 73d year.
Hepresentatives of the stage and the

lUST INVENTED `'rH-pUytng Concertlm. isltb


Moale Rolla.

was in tbe N. V. A. plot in Kensicu Cemetery.
Liabilities of $6,619.11 and assets of only $6,170.25 were left by Louis A. Hirsch, famous composer, who died on .May 13 at the age of 43. Approximately 200 songs were included in the assets.

Ta Sa Flayed Immsilliittly Wlthairt Any Knanladat af Mutic.
LABOE FULL TUNE I Ei ellent anterUlBt»« (or tfarybody. Wdi i>,orted mutlr for ·11 ro-intrtoa. Pampbleta fro# of eharga and ; I'tlpaid.
Chariot PHtls I Co.. Nt« BaUlsrU. Mmi.
Cpr MFDV ·n4 ^LUSH drops I FOR HIRE
The One Plaee In Ih# Wide World. IMt. AHILIA ·RAIN. FMMdIalUa.

V'aughn de Leath, woman radio pio¬ neer. has written a song called Little Miae Robinaon Crti.yoe for the American Woman's Association. The song will be the otfleial one in the organisation's drive for a new elubhouse. Many society celeb¬ rities are behind the drive.
Oeorge B. McConnell, writer of Mirkr-Donohue, and Clarence n.askill. who com¬ posed the miisio for Earl Carroll's new Vonifirs. have written a song, entitled U'on'f You (five Me One More Waltz, which Waterson. Berlin ft Snyder will publish.
Carl Doud, musical director of the Ylip podrnme Tlieuter, Los Ang<'les, Calif featured Somebody Laupha When Sotiirbody Criea during th« past week and this

Music Printers
We Print Everything In Music--Cover Designs Made
Townsend Printing Co.

Ballad SlnQcrs-X%lM%*'-

Orctiestra Leaders-"Vm«t'*'^`V




S' » b«lng featuml liy Flrt>b.r H.niVr.on s f>frh..tra »wl l.y many nth«r iMdlng Orrhettnt and Enurutsan.
A FRKKMAS .M'MUKH IS A UHKAT ASWKT TO AJ«T ACT. Wf ran .rrinir thi. niimlKT lor your art Re among thr firX tn fratiirt U<U numtMr in yoar.lacaMty.
Srn<l .tamp foi Prof«..ii<nal Copiri Oman Ortbaalrttias, SSt. NONK FREE.

VALDO FREEMAN, Music Publisher

214 West 127th Straat,








L. F. STAFFORD &. CO., 419 Midland Ave., Syracuse, N. Y.

The Billboard

June 13, 1925


The moit fwnoae Ml'SlC FIRSI tn the werH now offer, yon the r!REATES»T UKCLELR Pl'BUCATIONS of all time. Get them--NOW.


By far the creatett, inoit modem and complete Iprtnieior e*er pohllah^. T# lolld pagei cf diagrammed deacrlption. eiercitea and practical Up, for ukulele maftery. A dozen famoua longi, ar¬ ranged for nke, are Included. PRICE, 35 CENTS.


Rrand--Dneeia*t. eaiy-to-pIlay., I

Frank CruaiiL

InnriKtlre and merry uku-

3Tu.-|ral Comedy and Vauderille Ckulele

li le dittle,. Inrlu'llng detailed I Headliner, the dean of 'em all. Here »re

ln,iruition. Belong, tn your hi, choireit and mo t rtoteworthy dittle,. like library. PRICE. 35 5'(iu ran't afford to be without them.




^ TV ' Ik ^ lA

A Beautiful Ballad
stoieOisses ARE THE SWEETEST Beiss Featured By AU the leadinr Orcheatraa in Kew York. SEND STAMPS FOR PROFESSIOKAL COPY.
Hare your name put on onr Hat of Preferred Orcheatra Leadera. The above number, with two other reeent numtHTi, sent now, at leaat twelre more during next twelve months, $2.00 for the Year.
TUNE HOUSE, INC, 1547 Broadway, New York City.

snappy fox-trot ballad Is already In

stronc demand on the Coast. Several hiimlred orders have been received fri>m Western towns and this Detroit sons Is
winnine its way on pure merit. The
Chamberlain Music Company, Detroit, is

The World*j Finest Banfo

the publisher.

Whether ^ play in a leading

dance orchestra or at home just

Jimmy Monaco, considered by many to be the best melody writer on Sons How, will spend his vacation writing a musical comedy.
The Independent Music Publishing

for the fun of it, be sure you are using the world's finest-the new Ludwig Superfine B«ijo. AH tand^ madHs. prorrHional ^ qouity. Tenor nod plwtrum bmxSX eta,frgoit.)5 00toW0.ft0. Writ# *

Company, of New Orleans, La., has ap¬

pointed C. L. Phllpuss Denver manager
of the firm. Slow) Down Papa is In¬ dependence's latest release.

_,, I

f y

MnJtm ttf Prmttrxon Rhnthmteal ItutnmnU

tSIl N.Uicai>at. CMmso.N.

At the annual meeting of the stock¬

holders of the Columbia Phonograph

Company, Inc., at the firm's New York

headquarters in Columbus Circle, the fol¬ SINGERS. MUSICIANS AND RADIO ARTISTS

lowing officers were elected:

Um our up-to-tbr-mlnute 8<aig Smiaticn

Louis Sterling, chairman of the board; H. C. Cox, president; W. C. Fuliri, vicepresident ; F. J. Ames, secretary-treas¬ urer, and T. Allan Laurie, assistant sec¬

sing It and play it and your audtracs will apclaud you. Great dancing number. It-pan Dane UrcheaCratton for 35 rrntg, non. freo. Song rotilea fra*

Incidentally. Alexander Gray, featured baritone of the musical comedy, Tell Me More, has just made his first Columbia record. The numbers selected for his

only to rmfieolonal t'ei>i,le. MatiMl to you taiwhera XLNT MUilC PUBLISHING CO.
"TTia Snaggy Mutle Publitbert'' Hinidala, Mitt. RgprMgntcid In Oigland by Herman Darnr^ Lta

initial "canning'' were Tell Mo More and

Thg Publii Clanart far Thia "Ctaiady 8an|`'_

Three Times a Day. both hits from the
The ManThat Catches Me Most show. Willie Howard's first Columbia record

consists of Let It Rain, from the show Sfcy High, in which he is being featured
at the Winter Garden, and The Barber

Have The Good Hard Cash

of Seville, a novelty.
Prom M. Witmark & Sons comes the information that Arthur A. Penn, writer

The lyrle tellt an up-to-date etory. Hundirdi of leading itara and wchratraa are featuring It froa coagt to roasL I*rof. Coplra with Orrhratratloo fraa.
J. 8. UNGER MUSIC HOUSE. Raadig,, Pa.

of Smilin' Through, Carisrima and Sing

Along, has two Dallad successes to his credit that are quite unforgettably as¬ sociated with the rising and setting of the sun.
One is that old Black and White


favorite. Sunrise and You, while the other is a new composition, entltl<;d When the Sun Ooea Down. l
Ernest R. Ball, another prolific con¬ tributor to the Witmark semiclassics, is featuring the new Penn song in vaude¬

WllC grnutnrly good mrlodlra and lyrira. plua pagCf dance rhythm, are alwaya popular good teUera an
the time. *'Urlle Itle" (Little Queen of all Iilandll, ''Chlngtu", "Day Drramt" and "Leap Tear Bluet'' are turh aonga. Order them now from your deakr nr direct. Orrhectiatlona 35r earh. S fur 31M.
I'lano ipplri. 30c. ROMAN ARNDT MUSIC PUB. CO.. 3689 Towntend Arc.. Detroit. Hlrhigan.

FooUabneas, Fun, and Melodiea that Suit" Out in Front**

Her HaveWent; Her Have Gone
Hor Have Left I Ail Alone
A brand new fool number that ia a comedy "wow" in Eng¬ lish as she ia spoke
Doea it Go? Two editions in two weeks say Yea

Wanted a Pal
Waltx ballad that equals **Pal of My Dreamt**







Warms 'em up. Starts any kind of a good time


Profeaatonat Copies for Professional Singers
ROAT MUSIC CO., BiMt Creek, Mich. :

(please don't get me wrong)
SNAPPY FOX TROT SONG We predict this will be a National Hit in a mighty short time.



This is a fine Quartette Number. Just relrasrd on Player Rolls and will soon be

released on Records



Send postage tot Ptofettioaal Copies. Otchesttetioos 25 Cents Each.


Music Publishers

Yakima, Washington

How To Writs and Make a Success Publishing Music

A »»»,> vritteo bF i ejocwgrul mi.;ala nonpoeer Slid pubilihgr sod tome la daUll JaH w1ta« Um ub-

blUous araootm dwlrea to know InMudag list of Musle Daslers. tier 0 taa OrWoaln _tf4nrt BMoed M>d Plsae R-U Msoufiaturars. Tbg bgal booa at !· kind « SOa agsrkes. fWly 8I.8A. s*«*-

--M Monw back If book Is aot aa oUltsed Bmd fee laferaatim.


TNE UNION MUMC CO, OUebiaatl. Obla.

Join Our Orehostra Club and Receive All Our Hits at Onea

ADDRESS Tom CITY...state












June 13, 1925

The Billboard







News,Views and Interviews



(Communication* to If60 Btoadivay, New York, S. Y.)

'^11? P?^

Players' Club Grosses Its Biggest Figure With Revival of "Trelawney of the `Wells' "


Andree De* Lane, IV^ho Never Took a Lesson, Began Her Ca reer When She Stepped

Despite Record Heat Wave Lasting All Week. Annual All-Star Pro¬ duction Takes in Approximately $31,500--John Drew Is Wildly Cheered--Engagement for One Week Only

From Audience To Stage as Volunteer in an Emer^ gency

NKW YORK, June 6.--Despite the record heat wave that has prevailed here thruout the week, causing businesei in the big majority of houses to fall off a-

Some are, so to speak, born In the theater, others journey to Broadway after

much as GO to 70 per cent. The Players' Club grossed the bigge.st figure in the

they have learned to walk and a few

history of its annual revivals when Sir Arthur Pinero's comedy, Tretaicnry of th>

liave the acting profession thrust upon

U < II.''", clnsed its engagement at the KniekerlMjcker Theater tonight with receipts cf

.ippreximately S.II.GOO for the week's business.

The opening performance, for which a '


tliem. in the latter class belongs Andree IJ'- 'Lane, who plays tlie part of America and also is n member of the team of Andree and Del Val, apache dancers, in

f5 top wa.s charged, brought in |3,1»60.


Earl Carroll's Parisian melodroma. The

Tue.^day and Wednesday evening.s, at a

i o

Rut. at the Astor Tiieater, New York.

scale running to $t, netted $4,039 and

It 660. respectively, while the Thursday _ New York June 6.--Auriol Lee. tlie

matinee, Iru ^ ^




limywit, tiAdrfe)Aw

$3,200. cs-igfav

^ho came over recently thls countTv, has been engaged for


Vorfrx, which Kdgar Stlwvn will

evening about the same, w hile today s pr..,,ent at the Henry Miller Theater

About three years ago Andree. who Is ."till just a little girl, accompanied her mother on a boat trip to New Orleans. One night they attended a vaudeville theater in that city and In the course of the performance the girl member of a

niatin*** and o\t*ning, the latter at a $5

Day with sevf'ral members of the

dancing team in finishing a strenuous

top again, are estimated at around $7,500 original London cast, including Noel

apache dance fell from her partner's

f .r the two is'rformances.


shoulders and sprained her ankle. The

Tiie.sday night's receipts of $4 039, aUso Kdna'Best, now appearing in London

girl's partner thereupon announced that

r< present the biggest secOTd-night busi-

Tallulah Bankhead in The Faltm

he would have to omit the tango number,

ness ever d<me by The Flayers in the

has been engaged for TUfsr

uhieh they were .still supposed to do.

four ye.qr.« that the club has been Pfc* Chnrntinrj People, the vehicle for Cyril

senilnc revivals of Lnglish classics with Maude which will be offered here short-

all-si.ir casts.


unless some girl from the audience would
< ome up and dance with him, Andree, sitting four or five seats back in the

The first night brought, forth a dis- William Fredericks hag been engaged tingulslie.l and enthuflastlc audience. thr,, the office of Leslie Morosco for the

orehe.stra. made an affirmative gesture and the man caught her eye and pleaded

which, in addition to showing it.s ap- Denver companv of Abie'a Irish Rose. pnciation for the treat afforded it. Rosamund Whiteside and J. M. Kerrirose to its feet just after the third act pan will be in the cast of Enyaged, which

Apacht danctri, appearing in Earl CarTttlV* Patttian melodrama, "Tha Rat", at

for her to come upon the stage. Much to the consternation of her miither, An¬ dree stepped up. donned a Spanish shawl

and cheered .lohn Drew with wild shouts, w jii be presented bv the Stagers at the tha Aifor Theater, Seuf York.

and danced a tanSo that not only amaxed

stamping of feet and other complimentary jjd Street Theater June 18.

her professional partner, but stirpri.sed


The veteran star Ann Winslow, last seen in J/inirlt. has

thanked the riotous mob with quiet joined the summer stock company at mode.sty on behalf of the company and sioux Falls, S. D. She opened in the





and delighted the audience into a storm of applause.
Like a good sport. Andree finished out

the club.

title role of Poll]/ Preferred last Monday

Even tho the revival of Trelnxcneg has night,





the three days of the engagement as substitute for the injured dancer, and in

proven such a hit and could attract full houses for several weeks*, the engagement will not be extended beyond the usual one week.
B'way Openings and Closings
New York, June 6.--Except for The Trelawney of the
'·Metin' for a special engagment ending timight, the past week was again unsventful. Spooks, the latert mystery play, with (Irani Mitchell at the head of the ca.st. opened Mond.ay at the 48th

Jeanne Cox, formerly a newspaper arjigt, has been added to the cast of la Zat So at the Chanin Theater,
McKay Morris has been engaged bv Henry w. Savage and A. H. Woods for the leading masculine role in The School Mistress, which will have its first show¬ ing in Long Branch July 6.
Beatrice Allen has been added to the Kosher Kitty Kelly, now in re
hearsal for an opening June 15 at tin pulton Theater.



^rcd K March and tlllS^ DakCf

New York. June 6.--Russell Gleason.
17-year-old son of James Gleason, co¬ author of la Zat Sof and The Fall Guy, arrived this week from Oakland. Calif., where he has just completed his sopho¬ more term at the Fniver.sity High School,
and at the reception given the boy on his arrival in towjj it was announced by the father that h" would present him on
Broadway next season in a new comedy
which Is to be tried out tl)i3 summer by the Pla.vers' Guild of Milwaukee, where
young Gleason will go shortly to experi¬
ment with the part lie is to play.
This makes the fourth member of the

addition to assisting her partner in the apache and tango numbers she did a single on her own account that made a big hit. Before this time Andree had never appeared on the stage and had never taken a dancing lesson, altho she had shown natural talent in this line since she was five years old.
The suddenness with which she landed on Broadway has not spoiled Andree.
She still helps her mother in cooking the family meals, and her proud daddy. J. Henry De 'I«ane, declares that his little Bobby--as Andree Is known at home
--' an get up a Sunday dinner that makes every Sunday seem like Thanksgiving.

Street Theater and received only a mild riveption, and the revival of Charley a il'ii'f, at Daly's 63d Street Theater, fared
no bt'tter. Pfd, Kisses, the tropical melodrama
that was ruhcdulcd to op«'n Wedne.sday at the ('·'ntral Theater, was called off after i>I:iyiiig a few days in New Haven and Stamford. The piay will pnvh.ibly h«' rewritten and reca."t for showing nt xt sea.Kun.
The closings tonight Include .Visainfea. THr Guardsman. Odd Man Out, Man or belli and The Fourflusher, In addition to these, there may be one or two others ih.it will not re<.p,.n .Monday.
N* xt week's only new dramatic offer-


Honevmoon in EufOpC



New York. June 6 --Frederick March. who was last seen here In Puppets, and Ellis Baker, of the Mid-West company of The Show-Off, who were marrieci reeently. sailed this week for a short honeymoon in Europe. Miss Baker Is the daughter of Edith Ellis, author of ll'hffc Collars. Upon their rettirn March will
he seen In John Cromwell's fall produc-
tion of Harvest, which was tested out of town several weeks ago. Louise Clos-
ser Hale is the only other member definitely signed for this production at
present, and she, too. Is now on a trip

Gleason family to adopt the stage as a career. James Gleason's wife (Lucille Webster Gleason) will be seen next sea¬ son in The Butter and Egg Man. while Mrs. Croliiis Gleason (Jariies Gleason's mother-in-law), who accompanied young Gleason frorq the West Coast, will go with her grandson to appear in the Mil¬ waukee production of his play.
Jack Norwortb and Zoc Barnett Under Tom Wilkes' Management
Los Angeles. June 6.--Jack Norwortb and Zoe Barnett are appearing here at the Wilkes Theater under the manage¬

Maude Fulton's "The Big Top"
May Be Presented in New York
Los Angeles, June 6.--Maude F'ulton's latest play. The Big Top. which is now running at the Majestic Theater, may be presented in New York tills fall, aeeordinp to plans now being considered by Miss Fulton. In its California tryout the piece is being acted by a cast that in¬ cludes Robert Ober, William Bnrress, Lionel Belmore, Grace Travers. J. An¬ thony Sinythe, Mitzi Goodstadt and Joseph E. Cox.

Ing is The Right To Lore, due to make abroad. Its bow Momlay night at Wallaek's Thea-

ment of Tom Wilkes in the principal roles in Norworth's old vehicle. Honeymoon





tiT. with a east consiHing of Edith King, .Mary Daniel, I.eah Winslow, Nellie


Eisner To Direct

House, by Herbert Hall Winslow. Norworth has played in this piece for several

To Sec "Enchanted April"

liiirt, William Melville, Herbert E)obbtns, ^hfi Davenport Seymour, Robert Lynn. Ovvin Fiiniilnghnm and Eugene Lake. Roland Uushton has staged the play and " lU'T (,>. Lindsey is pres«'nllng it.
Elliott Nugent Now Starring

Summer Stock in Bridgeport
Bridgeport, Conn.. June 6.--Edward Eisner, the well-known New York di¬ rector, will open the Lyric Theater June 15 with a season of summer stock, offer¬ ing Quarantine, the Helen Hayes and Sidney Blackmer vehicle of last season.

seasons, but not in New York. Miss Barnett returned to her California home recently for a much-needed rest after a long engagement in Blossom Time eand other operatic work.
Nofwegian Actfcss Coming For "Peer Gynt" Recitals

New York. June 6.--Rosalie Stewart, producer of The Show-Off, left this week on an automobile trip to Milwaukee,
where she will superintend the tryout pro¬ duction of The F.nrhanted April, a ni w play by Kane Campbell, which will be pre.-iented bv the Guild Play*'rs tli*' we.-k of June l4. Elizabeth Risdon. Harry Bannister. Joan MaeLean, Katlu-rine

Stewart and Daisy Atherton ar*- among New Y'ork, June 6.--Arna Henl. a dis¬ those cast for principal roles In the piece. tinguished Norwegian actress, is coming

over here about tlie first of next Januar.v for a tour of the Soiitli and Middle West

Roger Pryor in Rochester

in a single-handed recital of Ibsen's Peer

*)vi n Wedne.xday afternoon. It wri.s Mc-

^iiti s original pl.gn to star young Nugent

IJh'n the plav arrived at the Henry
iim.r Theater several weeks ago. but
"t* r he decided to surprise the author-

t'V crowning him m-fore tlie jwople

rill "

profes.slon. .Vmoiig the celeb-

nii.s who attended the sp«'elal perform-

«nee and greeted the new star were

wHi iireI M e

Tavlor, Helen Haves, l.lonel Is'e. Violet Heming. Sydney

maikiner, Ij<-nnre Flrlo, Vivienne Os-

Will Aoo^ar , ,
For Stage Childrens Assn
New York. June 6.--Anita Wessler,. seven-.yveeaarr--«odld stage prodigy, who reeently held an audience at Carnegie Hall spellbound by her unusual dramatic ability, will in.ake another npjs'aranee the evening of .lune 14 at the Jolson

Gynt, which will be given in English with Grieg music appropriate setting of stage and in I'ostunie. 3Iiss Henl will be under the management of Ernest Briggs, who is arranging for her to play in most of the Important I,ittle Theaters thruout the territory mentioned.
Galina Kopcfnack In `The Squall"

Rochester, N. Y., June 6--Roger Pryor, son of the famous bandniast* r and who made his stage debut in New York recently as .a iiieiiiber of The Borkslupper. Is to apiH'ar here n> \t week in tinRalph Morgan role in Colon, wtii' h will b<' presented by the George C'ukor ^tol·k company at the Lyceum Theater. I.oui.s
Calhern will play Ids original mie In tho plav. while Phyllis Povnh will act the character creatid by Judith Anderson.
Ann Andrews also will have a principal


Ad*'le .Vstalre. Walter Theater for the National Stage Children';) Cleveland. June 6.--Galina Kopernaek. part.


"iiett W. C. Fields, Leon Errol. I'nullne

Diioorris PI'atston. I.vnn Kontnnne.

('h-* II ^*'nt, McKay ilorrls, Helen

A E. Anson. Alma Tell. Vivian


Andrew Tombes. Pauline I.,ord.

Association, presenting a program of one-
net plays sim initliar to those she presented
on trie former ix'onslon. T.Ittle Anita Is under the mnanangement of M. H. Karper. who "disceovered" her at Carnegie Hall

who retired several davs ago from the east of -Homo of the South Seas, at the Lyric Tiieater. New York, will appear here shortly in a new play. The Siiuall, by Jean Ttart. to b,' produced by (he

Donald Meek will not be seen In a new Version of The Potters next si-ason after
all. Richard Herndon has decided to withdraw his commission to J. P. Mc-



Bennett. Olenii Anders. Lou and plans to place her In a Broadway Robert MeLiiughlin Stock Company. Miss Kvoy to write a sequel to his succesa of

'* and many others.

production next season.

Kopernaek will act the principal role. last year.


The Billhoarcl

June 13. 1925

I Remarkable Remarks "Mud Turtle" Opens

changesjn casts

n. y. Shows Under Way

- --


... like

.. the


dj rama

^ and


goiIng to remain Iin it--even if it is only

to hear my own voice aggaaiinn."."---LL«ilaa L^eee.

"There are no more real impersonators of true Negro character. White per¬

formers black up. of course, but they

might as well represent Eskimos or

Mongolians; they give no Negro charac¬

terization."--Tom Lcvcia.

NfW York, June 6.--Zita Johann has

Helen M^rKelHr Mike< P` e`^rs^oonnaali succeeded Galina Kopernak in the lead-

Hit in New PIiv That Has the Lvric Theater


, 1 nat nas
boUuCccCeCsSsSrfuuil P1 rrecmmiere in

er uTihioeeartie.r wno succeeueo LLaomuiiss Calherni in CCoobbrraa aanndd llaatteerr aaipmpeared in

Phil-iHelnLi-i iriiiijucipijia

iJfruiipe3 ititl Jdfftelllloowws, will replace (Jeorge Qjjy, 1 A^/loomnifoi ooff tthhee SSoouutthh SSeeaass M Moonnddaayy..


Branddoon 1-`eler.s., instead of fI'illlruu-hh

Pliiladelphia, June C.--The Mud Turtle, Haupt as announced, replaced Jio>rM.eph

a new comedy-drama in three aets by Schildkrrrnaiuitt Iinn T Thh^e Firebrand aatt the


i^ «


Production--s Amthoantp ctahme enetw*


.w*`«k is a play by Barrv rn.

"1,,^r.r*d]d.. OV_* .?^*!r>don

i_ Is

««>'·,1 '«vihikiehn'^ «ich. ndsy casting and wwihiii/c<hk

diroonnn "nf

^ under the

Koiter Josenh A^len*^


h-lve Alre.dv


roU** in tho ni.

H^gntd for principal

IHC piCte.

i: ·* ss

A a-

known^^a^^ known as an actress rather than a

is `living down' her appearance."--^Sylvia Field.

'`Great actors in their latter years

used formerly to be accorded benefit per¬ formances; now they write their auto¬
bbiiooggrraapphhieiess.".-- "--NNCeUw) Yioorrkk TItimmeess..




'"·`A^'^eal access should play any tjpe ground-. -

very tavorable impression but Helen ^liicKellar. who is starring in the piece, B»x>red a big personal liit in a role that
exceptionally well suited to her talents. 'rhere is something out of the ordinary
th^t could be cut does the interest slacken, and except for this`the effect "^The «o?y1s"^bLut\"`meTn"a;^^^^ n^ering Minnesota farmer who dejiises

the Lveeum Theater. Leon Gordon, author of White Cargo.
reolaced Frederick Roland in the nart of Witzel last Thursday night at the .`Uith Street Th eater, where his drama is now

*i T... Vr


T^*u*-^n*d*v^^*j*JTr ;'.




directing relioars.ils.



aside The Desert

ith Alias Sn^iifo Cla.is^Vy "viU^d

mined the conmanv

ine week of June 15. after preliminary

Edward Pawley ' is now' plaving the 0*1??'"fhe'^ng'^ midude^^'Thomn^ w*

Charles T^"ze^^^T`in'Shi^iey^ W Booth.'^llan'Bunce.''No^ IPmRcd 'the nfaw TheiUer!

"Ther^ is nothing too ridiculloousnofthoirn®a

too lofty.


**nPnrnr**Cnnl ^ b iiig

.^MinP'iihi*v^ \vhTt o.

vivid descripuon iiRs ^ttoo^aa nimovveel.P^IItt'ccrieeaatteess

what we call `atmosphere' for want of a

better word."--F. Uaarm .-o.land W1 ifeaighiit,. r-. i t

None can give a true-to-



acting "--A^araot

asls of the players acting. Ma g C

o... ®iri. and woman famoiK! all

aioJe BrAadwav for ^Thek ^ beautiful ncliontthvefas-; ^bnn}t JI d«o«^ nnoott kknnooww oonnee ooff^^ tl em


as a ge


Amoplcan dancers are versatile

TheT^ouU^KO fhe sJuth Amerlc^^ns out-

walus the Viennese outreelH^e I^hJ ^ ccaann loiepltiteerr tinhEanu tthne©^^^^r^r^e^nen, c^rti

Teigo of tciTor to anbreinndg.s the old man's It is in thheHfiinnaal sscceenner, ^whheerree the much-
abused young wife triumphs over her

lorinentor. tliat Miss MacKellar achieves

the khigh spot of her acting. She delves


the the

nunnsprreeirssitttrreaadlinneeerdm t offteeieoellniinna®lg,



vehemence at her command, gloating

ovceir tihiie ccruuHshiieedu fiHarim iiier aailimHUoSstl nhysiteric-


causing her words to strike at

`'ke sharply pointed spears. Miss MacKellar's supporting cast is

tboroly capable. Uavid Landau, as the

dominating farmer, gives such a conch^arac^t3erizaautidoinencoef thtaekemseangreoaldt

mother-in-law to satisfaction. Other performances are given by Helen B.
}'IannisterrTTThhGfGe*.rrrepPailast Connnooltl1yvii1nnon^snnaaendsspetCtttiilrnaipug'deaannCHdoo'ipt eriiss. Iinn
cellent taste. _ _

Frank CraVCn GctS NcW' Play

Milwaukee. June 6.--The Love Pirate.


Ballard, tried out Guild Players, with

Elizabeth Risdon and Harry Banni.«ter

i`nii tmhe leaudiinigc rnoules., hii.aa^s bu^`'ecnn tiHakKeenii over

by Frank Craven for production next sea-

son, possibly with Bannister in the princijial male role. Local critics speak in encouraging terms of the plaayy''s po(».ssm siba)iititlliiiiccttiieecc8soom maaeessddyvaa, hhiigghhllyy aam muussiinngg aanndd ccllrraa-

, ,

_ ,


Kathernine Alexander



A*' LittO NrUget clay




A6--Katherine AAil.e.®xhere last season In

The fTrhh^e


aaM MnnAdrrsl.TOEEstaraitlcoZhne.s,Th<Is«e

YoungeJst . to be^the

leading woman for Otto Kruger In the

to open at the Fulton Theater, and Bngaged, the play that will succeed Rosmcrsholm at the .52d Street Tiieater.
Other dramatic productions in progren are as follows:

The Snake, to he placed In reheaml

next week by Myron C. Fagan.

The Branch


In Long the end


L. Lawren-ce W..e..b.e.r..

xe-Tiu*" *Blonde, sponsored by


i r- a · «.

The 7 a,e ftoiper, Lewis & Gordon s flnt

season. li cf, beinp rehearsed by Edward Emery at the National Theater. The Man With a Load of Minchief. Ruth Chatterton's next vehicle, sponsortd
by the Shubens. KnocAowf. by Ernest Cortis. which
the author Is prttduclng In association
with Dan Davenport, and which will

Open In 3 Shubcrt house a^ler an entire

"n®ewS cast has been assembled.


W^oua Way. In rehear^l ua

Wn`'rruForrest for the


to get away from London slates, eccentrie characters, frowsy old dresses, and come out in a ball gown all dolled up at last."--Lynn Fontanne.
-The staM thru the presentation and solution of human problems, can help people live more aatisfactorily"--Harry
C. Browne. "Even tho she is my wife in private

before the play opened,



1L V Iwl

X /-%

I 11



V 1^T 11^^TITL? O


X X^^

penter. to be presented by the Drama
tlsts' Theater. Diplomacy, being revived at the Bran
h..a..l.l. P. layhouse. Coaasin .Sonin, in which Dixie Hine*
will present Marguerite Sylva. The Butter and Egg Man. which Cro*-
by Oalge will present In Long Branch and AssDbuury Park within the next week

to**h*MeruBoinca*l*thceo°msteadTye."t-- odjaByIhoifst dNoumgiennatt.ed by a comedian."--Victor Morley.

mMm .

Jm .


-Tl O


Ffhelhurt Hales' PlavS
CineiDUri naiea iriaya


ou^lck" dr^ima of'the Far^x^ia-asbtt. TThhee FPoooolf, M ^laaxxwweellu"B^. Long, aanndd^ wwimll form a cor-

early fall production,

purpose of presenting

the piece next season.

Nana Brvalft who nlavs the nart of

the duchess in' The Firebrand at the James Carroll, who played the part of

Morosco Theater, New York, has bought

the Chicago company of

^ home on Long Island

U hile Cargo, which closed recently, has

-Joined the special company of The Oorilla

The 'Ewnhem ichy, hCadhaannslun.g.cePsjo*lfluolcktr'ys oUuttesint Haven and Stamford this w.ek anrt
will now probably ^ laid away until fsll. Ti rroouuobilce Ilasliaannda., tlou buee prejs-nted by Kil-
bourmn Gordon In Long Branch or Asburjy-
Park July 13. The Cradle Snateher, a late summer or
early fall offerlM by Sam H. Harris.

New York, June 6.--M. J. Nicholas. Nana Bryant, who plays the seductive whose name seldom appears in public, but Duchess in The Firebrand at the Morosco :2 is well known to managers and pro- Theater, New York, recently purchased ducers, is to sponsor at least three plays a home on Long Island.


DcHIa. which William A. Brady will try

when out next month.

company reopen. In the fall.

Oh,_Jfama, the French piay


Alice Brndy appeared recently In Bo. ion

by Ethelburt Hales next season. Rehearsals will be started in August for Mtssiou Mary, the comedy drama that
has been passed from office to office for more than a year and has already collected over $8,000 in advanced royalties for Hales. Sam Harris, Cohan, Woods


t. .


Clara Joel, of J/wmaics. the melodrama

at the Times .Square Theater, New York,

has taken a bungalow at Long B.ach.

where she will commute for the summer,

Flora Sheffield, last seen in Silence, leaves for California this week to appear in her original role in that drama on the
roast. 'There is some talk of H. B. Warner, the star of the New York productlon, also being induced to appear in the Western company, but the con-




Guild Junlprs revue. The Oarrirfr OaiefiM.

which will try for a summer nin at uw

<!arrlrk Theater beginning next upck.

Altho this show, the outcome of a speowi

i>erformance. was to have laid oitr innli¬.

and several otner producers have passed Catherine Dale Owtn who aonoeared in tracts have not as yet been made out. week for whipping Into sh.-RH*. sptcia

uupp tthhee^ppllaayy,, ffiinnddiinngg tthheem msseellvveess uunnaabbllee tthhee kalTl-ssttaarr ccaasstt ooff tthhee PPllaa>?T^s^^^^^^

- -

matinees wore again given Wednesd.iy and

to get the right star for the title role., r.e.vivnal lan>.««t week, is renorted ton bhe sieann.e-d rkT.nota r>oiiov..on ...iini ~i..« _ » .n_ ,,niF i Frlidaayy.._ The caats<t of about 40 linUoi«udaer_.


engagement under the Belasco midnight performance of lAs cur?enr.uc- jp/nowaT'Sniy^Brenrn"ty'^

Jhat'^NIarjorie^RaX^u was"?he Xen "'``nagement nextj^n.


to be unlikely that she will be°^gned
Geur|e`'Lron^rd^''^l famous roue character of Mr. Chaser In
musical comedy and vaudeville, will have
one of the principal parts, however, and the author will also be In the cast, Bert Harrison is to stage the piece and P. Dodd Ackerman will furnish the settings, The opening date Is set for September 26 in Stamford, with Baltimore and
tWVashilngton to follow. The New Yloorrkk premiere will be October 12.
Nicholas will also start rehearsals

Aurelia Burger, the William X Brady press representative, has gone on a vaca-
Louis D'ArcIay has sailed for Europe to take a short vacation bt-fore resuining his role of Chico In Seventh Heaven, which is booked for showing in Boston, Washington and Philadelphia in the fall,
iqr'jjiif. Cricket on the Hearth, recently produced for a special performance, was presented as a regular attraction at the

bers of the""pJofes^U" now "pWng ?n Broadway may have ar. opportunity to
is as yet unsettled. ..
John Cromwell ha.s resigned Louise Closser Hale for his production next fall of Kate Horton's drama, Hirrrest, which was tried out for a fortnight late last winter. Miss Hale recently sailed for Europe. She Intends to take a motor trip `^"'r'du England and write a book aboout it before her summer's vacation ends.


^l^arj Starr''.Ioiie8 John MetJovern. and

otheri " Rloha?d R-.gers composed the

tnuslc and the lyrics are by Lorenz Hart-

The Direrted Village ojvns June 10 ai

the Triangle Theater, The Grand

Follies Is aiinoiincetl for Juno


mer edition of the Ziegfeld Follies ai^

may appear the same week,

AVhite's Scandals comes Into the A^'lin ot the 22d. Earl Carroll's VauRlc.* la fvheduK'a

t<k oihii alxnit the 2`.Mh. and JwlV, hrlng ,4iM.Tfs and Models, The Cartoon¬

ists' Beene, and perhaps one or two

other pieces.

. ,,, _

Joe Cisik's new show, which will proD.*-

hly b*` called Who Cnn.s, has b.``n ·>«*

off until S. plemlker, and Captain 7oifc* O'


ifTieiii.'. nnH Binij Around Koste

Still a third play by Hales will be produced by Nicholas later in the season,
This piece, titled Tapau, will be a very

.McLaughlin Stock Company is appeiTring in his support.
Florenoe Short, who appeared^ on

thereafter in a n.^w play under the directlon of the Shuborts.
Elizabeth Mack, Michel Barroy, Nan-

than 200 prominent theatrical have signed the petition to date.


now being written, will he tried out this summer by the Malcolmn Fassett Stoc'k
Company in Ixiuisville, Ky. Nicholas plans to go down and look over the third and newest comedy with the possibility of purchasing iIt for Broadway production

nprroovv^e7s nscuVcc"eess.'ssffuul.


Arthur Hopkins has had a play by this author in his possession for some time

and expect to include It In his next sea-

son's offerings.

.sp« n<ling ttie summer, -
The Pari.s opening of Jehanne d'Arr, by .Mercedes de Acosta, with Ph'a Le Gallienne in the leading role, will take pilaafcVe June 11 at the' Porte .Saint .MMaar-

c", 1


Geddes are directing the venture.

Alf Weinberger, stage manager of The. Fall Ouy at the Eltinge Theater. New
York, has secured the rights to a new

street. New York, bi fore an invited audl-


-  " -

Richard Bennett. Pulin«` T^fird. tllenn Ande^rs^ George" Abbott YmiiH'wolhelnr

afiduddeldeythDeiigrgsnaamndes PteodrtohedVnoCmorinda)dti.oanhapvae-
pers of hklwln Booth for election to tho Mali of Fame, recently started in clrculatlon by Randolph Somerville, director of the Washington Square Players. More

j'nder the Elms, now playing at fh'` ijeorge M Cohan Theater. New York Mrs O'.Nelll writes under tthhAe nnnaiTmite* 01 Eleanor Hand.
Lonj^-Run Dramatic Play RtC' ords Appear on Page 61

The BillBoar'd



REVIEWS, NEWS O OV %r rr.l:.rw



BY ALFRED NELSON % ' 1560 Broadway. NEW YORK

Providing Public Playgrounds for Children of Mr. Vernon Sets an Example Others Can Follow With Pleasure and Profit to Themselves and Kiddies


Daughicr of Talented Vocalists Inherits Wonderful Singing Voice That Finds Favos-With Patrons of Theaters

othea . and I the Hart, to at Ufrfft
sumt also eorg<* lln on
r win
r fOtOwKo-

Mt. Vrrnon. N. T., June 6.--The A1 Many an ofTice-seekinB politician has

Luttringer Playera are now firmly estab- realized his dreams of election by the

lished for their summor season of sl<H'k organization of a Juvenile baseball team

St the Westchester Theater. In which Ann or an outing to children of the neighbor-

Klnpsley as Kikl, in the title role of that hood.

name, scored an instantaneous hit.

We will welcome news from other dra-

Fred Sullivan has been especially en- matic stock managers working along the

(tagtd for the role of-Lightnln' Bill Jones same lines,

in next week's presentation of Litjhlnin'.

Joseph Thayer, for several seasons with Mr. Luttringer's eorrmanles In New F'ng-


land .ind late of the Empire Theater Stock

Company. Salem, Mass., joins the Luttrlnger Players next week.
Mr. Luttringer was guest of honor at
the Lions' Club last week and his ora¬ torical address to the members present was highly commended. The Lions* Club has bcught every seat In the house for next Monday evening's presentation of Llffhtnin' for a benefit performance, the entire receipts being donated by the

Schenectady, N. T., June 6.--Tht Harry Bond Players have closed a 2ilwet k successful season of stock jiresentations at the Hutlson Theater. Mr. Bond. In a brief speech, told of the regret he felt at leaving the city and of the plea;:ant associations and friends here. H' then Introduced O.swell L. Jackson as the man resiH>nslble for the pretty settings seen at each production. Jackson In hi.s

remarks paid high compliment to the

merchants of the city for their kindness

The sale of tickets and advertising program has already brought the receipts

to him and also paid tribute to the stu¬ dents and faculty at T'nlon College.

A Quaker City amateur protrgr of hfanagrt Dan Humphritt, who gave her

up to 11,100.

Parents and relatives of a number of the chance that ultimately led up to her

Mr. Luttringer and the Lions* Club are the players were In town over the week¬ graduation into Irading-l^y toltt in her

being acclaimed the greatest benefactors end to witness the last performance on own company, now in itt filth tummer

the kiddies of this town have ever had. Saturday night, including Mrs. M. K. tratort at Idora Park, Youngttown, O.


Plttam. of FJvanston. Ill., mother of Mrs.

What AI Luttringer _ _ L_ions* Club are doing by co-operating In Mt. Vernon can and should be done by the dramatic stock company managers thruout the country In co-operation with local

Bond; Mrs. Otto Spring, of New York City, mother of Miss Spring; Mr. and Sirs. Charles S. Haight, of Pittsfield. Muss., and New York, parents of Mark
H sisatiegrhto;f M O.rsL. . AJ.a.Ck.soSnm: iW thinioffredChSicmaigtoh,.

Keptesentative NNooww RKffccrrerJjttiinngs iinn

organizations. Children are strong their likes and dislikes, consequently they can make by their boosting and break by
Heir knocking the stronge.st of organiza¬ tions. Make the children of your town your walking, talking publicity promo-

a niece of Mr. Jackson, and Russell Haus-
lalb, of Cleveland and New York. Miss Spring In private life Is Mrs. Hauslaib.
The various members of the company will, except In one or two Instances, take a much-needed rest. Mr. and Mrs. Frank

New York. June 6.--After playing hoste.ss to numerous producers and players. who overcrowded her offices last Monday In celebrating her second annl-

Bond and their daughter. Priscilla, will yersary of sut^cessful operation in bring-

go OB a two months* motor-camping trip Ing producers and players together for

thru Pennsylvania and West Virginia mutual benefits. Miss Robinson announced and win slowly make their way t nvi^ that for the next month her business

Evan»ton. III., where they will spend the

' "*"


remainder of the summer at thair home. Miss Spring, or Mrs. Hauslaib, will ac-

companv the Bonds and after a short

Watertown, N. Y., June 6--^The Rob- visit at their nome will proceed to Clove-

bins Plhyera having closed their regular land. Ted Brackett will leave for Bing-

wason at the Majestic Theater. I'tlca, N. hamton. where he will begin an engage-

1.. May so, the Robbins E;nterprlse, Inc., ment with the Ouy Harrington Players,

fran.sferred their activities to the Avon Harry Norwood, partner of Mr. Bond.

Theater In this city for their annual who was In the box offle* during the sea-

rammer season of stock, with but few pon just closed, and Mrs. Norwood,

changes In the personnel of the company, known to Schenectadlans as Alpha Hall,

which open- d Xfonday In A Pair of Sixes, will leave for their stuamer home at

The change of situation was made with- Freeport. L. 1. Edmund Soraghen and

out the loss of a rehearsal or perform- Mrs. Soraghen. or Richie Clark Russell

and Clayton W. Flagg, after a brief

Clay Clement, former leading man of vacation in the country, will open in

the Majestic Players, decided on a much- vaudeville at the local FToctor *rheater.

needed summer vacation and John War- They will then go on tour for several

ner, a favorite with his associate players weeks.

tnd patrons, has succeeded Mr. Clement Mark Haight, after a few days* visit

»s leading man. Florence Arlington, late with his parents, will sail from New York

necond woman of the company, is now to spend two months In Paris, where he

hi New York. Margaret Robinson, char- will pursue a special course of study un-

ncter wom.on, and Herbert DoHuere have jer the direction of Mme. Simone. French

niso exited for other fields to conquer, tragedienne.

Joseph Dcmler, who joined the company Oswell Jackson will leave for a brief

Juring Its last week In t'tica. Is now a visit in New York and then spend the

tull-fl. (iKt d member of the company at remainder of the summer at his home In


Chicago. One member of the cast who

Icu'l'ug lady of the com`p'qa,n. Jim mi/ Vatmtine company.
Meeting and marrying John 1 mond. a talented and able ju honeymooned to New York, joint etarrlng engagement In i j.roductlon that eventually le< touch with the dean of dram
Seott, who put them Ir HalfTmore, Wheeling, W. Va.
·· --
New Hawkins-Ball Cast

Holvoke. Mass., June 8.--The Goldstein Bros., managers of local theaters, are now actively engaged in organizing a company for a summer season of stock at the Tjiike Park Theater, to open .Tune 15, with IKlen MeC.rath. leads; Willard Daschlel. director of proiluctions. ami Kenneth Havlland. .stage manager. Mr. Havll.and was stage manager for Addison Pitt.s at the Masonic T. niple Theater, Miami, Fla., during the
pact season.

The Billboard

June 13, 1925


National Art Players

Featoring Edward Cullen and Olive Msehan at Glcyce Theater

Omaha. Neb., Juno 6.--Tlie manan. ment of the HrandeU Theater and Sam (iem en. managing director of the Na

Glbvorsville, N. Y.. June 6.--F. Janies Carroll and his newly crKanized company opuK d a sui)i;n<-r .-. a. on o£ vtcrlc at the Glovt Theater Mo day evening.
Preceding the rising of the curtain. Harris G. Cullin;-, president of tl.e
t'lover.'-vlUe Ki.vanis Club, made a short introductory spe- ch, In which he told his audiM'.ce that tiie Carroll Players are

tlonal Art Players, in co-operation with tile local civic association and other
operative organlzjitlons. have succeeded in listing 1,500 weekly subscribers for their summer season of dramalKt stock nre*. entations at the Brandela Theater -r^
plays are being staged by James Durkin with the assistance of Fred G. Morris. Tlie scenic sets are the work of Norman Rlioades.

here to stay if they get supiKiit. He coiicluOf d by n udaig a tel» grain sent by David B'lasco. f.Tniou.s N*-w Y'ork pro¬ ducer. who wired Mr. Carroll follows:
"Succes.s to you and your associates in the ri»-\v fidil and oongratul.itions to ine
residents of Gloversville In having an op¬ portunity to t njoy tbe theater in tbe splendid Carroll wav.''
(Signed) DAVID BKL.YSCO. Then the speaker introduced Jame.s
Carroll, who Introduced liis pla>ers. Eiich made an introductory bow and several of
them gave short addresses to the audi¬ ence. among them Kmma DeWeale. char¬ acter woman ; Fdward «''ull''.i. leading
man; Olive Meehan, leading lady, and Janies Swift, comedian.
Others in the cast of Whp Men Leave
Home include: Clyde Franklyn, second business man; Kileen Douglas, second woman; Claire Marlowe. Ingenue; Merley Boynton, juvenile; George Smith, general business, and Stokes McCune, director of productions.

Advertise With Music A Modern "Pied Piper"
Hcie's just whit you hive been looking foe. A beiutiful roned stlf-playing instrument, built of metil to stind ibe bird knocks of street work, and mounted in a Ford Truck cbissis with special built body, all complete ready to go--ready to play--ready to tell your story to tbe world and at a price so low you cannot afford to be witbont it. Volamc regulation to carry a mile or soft as Band.
Think of it--this wonderful advertiser including Automobile all complete at prices as low as SI.335. ''The First New Tone in 40 Years." A Mijdern

The presentation during the p.-itt week of Thnnk Yon Included Beth Franklyn Ellen Ellse Davis, Walter Jones Thomti Mitchell. Lucy Hayes. Ruth Mero Reed Brown. Kathleen Comegys. David Tearle. James Durkin, Joe Williams. N. St Clahr Hales, Fred G.'Morris, Seth Arnold.
Academy Players To Continue
Richmond, Va., June 6.--Leo Wise, manager of the Academy Theater, has been directed by Jake iVells to cancel all arnangements for a transfer of the company to Reading, Pa., for a summer season of stock and to continue at the Academy. In his directions wired from Hendersonville. N. C.. Mr. Wells stated that he had decided to hold the company Intact at the Academy In deference to the wishes of local patrons, who have made numerous protests against the com¬ pany leaving this city.

"Pied Piper". Cut out your expensive newspaper advertising, be independent

Will Maylon Vacationing

with your advertising and get better crowds. Burr Nickel, with bis "Land of Whispering Hope'", broke records of the "Covered Wagon" with one

Kennedy's Stock Company
1 -

Spokane, Wash., June 6.--With the
close of his season here May 16/ as di¬ recting manager of the Maylon Players, for the past 40 weeks at the Auditorium Theater, and the disbanding of his com¬ pany, Mr. Maylon completed arrange¬ ments for a much-needed vacation that will combine business with pleasure.
Mr. Maylon and Mrs. Maylon, who played many of the leading roles In May-
Ion's presentations, entrained for Chi¬
cago; thence to his boyhood home town. .
Waverly, N. Y,, on a visit to* relatives

of these outfits. We sell on easy terms, so easy that the outfit will pay for itself quickly. Tell tbe world with mnsic--it attracts when everything else fails. Fret literature. Let os tell yon how to do it.
Carries a Mile, Or Low As Band
Tangley Co.
Muscatine, Iowa.

Port Richmond, S. I., June 6.--The HarUer-Hall IMayers having closed an
extensive and successful sea.son at the Palace 'Theater, the manager of the tbMter ha.s completed arrangements whereby Maxwell Kennedy, the well-known pro¬ ducer of mu.sical comedies in Brooklyn, will inaugurate a summer searon of musir^ comedy presentations, beginning Monday with Osod Morning, Dearie, followed by
The Gingham Girl and similar presenta¬
tions. featuring Jane Kennedy in the
stellar roles.

and friends; thence to New York to Inter¬ view playwrights and playbrokers and

Dolly Davis Webb an Hciicss

attend Broadway performances to ret

ideas and inspiration for future produc¬ tions and presentations. After complet¬ ing arrangements in New York Mr. Maylon, accompanied by Mrs. Maylon, will embark on a vacation tour that will
take in the principal places of Interest along the Panama Canal en route to Los Angeles, later on visiting Mrs. MayIon's former home at Oroville, Calif., returning to this city about August 1.
While Mr. Maylon is vacationing his business associate, Harry W. Smith, will keen the Auditorium Theater open with

When in need of a Scenic Artist for Stock call Bryant 6858. or write 161 West 44tb Stieet. New York City.

Trenton, N. .T., June 6.--Dolly Davis Webb, of the Trent Players at Reade's Trent Theater, has been jiotifled by New York attorneys that she and her son. Guy Robertson, have fallen heir to con¬
siderable property willed to them by Mrs. L. M. Davis, an aunt, who inherited It from Mrs. Webb's grandfather, Prof. Thomas J. Davis, who owned the prop¬
erty at 15th street and Irving Plac^
New York, the birthplace of Mrs. Webb
and her aunL

buen presentations as The Show-Off. The Greenwich Village Folliea, with Gallagher and Shean, and The Passing Show. The Gallagher and Shean -show arrived for
two evening performances and found the theater sold out for both performances
and by special arrangements a special matinee was given.

Albcc Stock Company In Providence
FTovldence, R. I., June 6.--The Ed¬ ward F. Albee Stock Company recently opened its silver jubilee year at the Albee

worth Arnold, Robert L- Keith, Claudino MacDonald, Day Manson, Earl Whitaker, Clarence Hanson, scenic artist, and Clmrles Schofield, director of productions.
Olivcr-Goddard Players

Ivy Bowman in Youngstown
Youngstown, O., June 6.--Ivy Bowman. In private life Mrs. Taylor Bennett, has Joined the Hippodrome Musical Players at the Hippodrome Theater for a summer season of stock.

Saengcr Players Closing
New Orleans. June 6,--It has been an¬ nounced that the St. Charles Theater, the home of the Saenger Stock Company, will close June 20 for the summer season, during which time the theater will be overhauled and remodeled, while the players hie themselves to the seashore for a well-earned vacation. Since tt<e opening of the house 1,340 performances have been given.

Theater, this city, with the production
and presentation of The Beat Peovle. Governor Aram J. Pothler, Lieutenant-
Governor Nathaniel W. Smith and Mayor James H. Gainer were among the firstnighters who enjoyed this hilarious com¬
edy of society life and commended `he players for their talent and ability and
Mr. Alboe for his selection of the play and the casting of the players. The company Includes Helen Ray. Betty Law¬ rence, Pauline MacLean. Ellen Maher. Berton Churchill, Ralph Morehou.se. Ains¬

LonJ.aville, Ky., June 6.--The Olivcr-
Goddard Players are now firmly estab¬ lished in Fontaine Ferry Park for their snmmer-run engagement of dramatic stock productions and pre.sentations with
a cast that includes Miss Goddard and Otis Oliver, leads; supported by '-nes; Brady. Elizabeth Steiger. Bernice Miles, Thelma I'orter, Mary Roth. Adelaide Beard, Jack Grant; H. Stone, scenic artist; R. G. Toepfert, stage manager, and William Bunnell, assistant director of productions.

Lobby Photos. Pent Cirdi.
J. J. BECKER. JR.. 211 8. Elsl* Aw.. Osvesswt H-


e: ^

9 A 1435 ^WAY tfC^NEW YORK

Summer Stock Location
One of tbe best Dramatic Stock Organizations desires an immediate summer locatioB. Address full particulars at once to BOX C-915. Tbe Billboard, CincinnatL Ohio.

Sensational Circus Thrills, Narrative, History, Adventure

The Great Circus Book


By GIl. ROBINSON Introductory note by the Hon. William H. Taft

A simple narrative of romantically heroic adventures in the jT.

development of the circus by one of Ameriea's most famcma

pioneers of the show business--Gil Kobinson--son and p.nrtner

of John Robinson, the founder of the John Robinson Circus

and Menagerie. Established in 1824, the .John Rerbinson Cur* ^

cus soon became famed throughout the land; many of the


special features now common property of every circus ^ ^

originated w'ith John Robinson, whose name became a

household word for amu.'iement,romance and adventure y


THE BUXBOARD--"'Old Wteou Show D«yf' «» ·

el'lloo y

to the hlftcrr of th« Hreui. It U. *· » no*' o"

cofer tnofleitly statei, *t tinple lumtlTe of romantlf»l)y


TPfiturei in the deTelctJment of the eiffuf by one of AaerUa · Boit ^

cTc? .· -`w ,v ,·
·* # *

famout ploncera of the ihow bastoMt*/*


** ·'*


I;: ·,

annoancrt hjvinf; likrn a long-term lease on ibe
I will nse this theatre not only at a ttoek-prodacing boase. hot as well to carry out my plans (or road show productions.
(The new producing center for the road)

Week June 7. "Cat and the Canary". June 1 4, "Lightnin' June 21. "The Hottentot". June 28, "Three Wise FooU". July 5. "Buddies".

IJ You Want a Shoto of Any Kind




Am Open to Take Road Riglds. What Hate You?



Princess Show Boat Gives Splcn did Performance--Happy-Fam¬ ily Idea Prevails Among Members

(Coaitiuoicatiom to Zi-Zl Optra Platt. Cintinnati, O.)



Tffit Almost Dfstroyfd in City Fire; Next Mishap Is Blowdown With Date Lost; Members of Company Fight on Against Big Odds

Antlgo. Wis., June I.--Misfortun

. feem. s t. o . be . on the trail of the Fr*'i

Reeths Players since the company openei

under ce,*a. nMvv-ausa MAfaav*

ehckia^ frnnM

Iftr-d from hoii.'u .

. . -.

tille. Wi.s. after having received many

compliments, as well as some flashy press

notue.>, in towns where the show played

proving to Mr Reeths that they are all Vith him to the finish. Mr. Reeths still goes on with a smile and hopes to h.ive everything letMired and running smooth¬ ly before leaving here.

The season under canvas opened at -burn was a visitor in Clintonville. M'is., Monday night. May 2.'>. early part of May, p;
The following morning five business the death of his wife,
hnuses w*re burned to the ground and while on his way to flylnc errb. rs blow on the tent of the AVIllis Stock Company '

Rreths Pl.a.vers across the street, setting team of Coburn and I

it afire. The marquee wa.s completely de- known in repertoire, dri

ffrovfd and some 60 holes being burned vilie circles,

m the hig top. Only prompt work of ..

. .. wiiiian

members of the company, with the aid rf the people of Clintonyille and the fire

` 'w ^ ,9 *for Bonr `9 (o'-

department, saved the teip from complete n^;.nil*

r" `pU^r

S' i";'.`·.n'Tr.d."."iiAV"


Taylor to !» lit.

rapped without dres.sing rooms. The _


Clintonville press was loud in Its Tootle Theater of St.

rrstse for the c. mpany carrying on un- one of our visitors rec

A popular member of the Ed C. Nutt Comedy Playert, doing almost everything cast for.


Thp editor of this departmrnt visited the Princess show boat Monday niitht. June 1, at Constance. Ky.. and was very niuch impres.-«d by the cordiality shown him by Mr. and Mrs. Norman Thom and members of the cotnpany, the spirit of harmony prevailinK tiiruoiit. and last, but not least, the excellent performance Kiven. Altho not a larce boat, the Prince.ss Is Very n<at and compact, with cleanliness
heinj? the most conspicuous thincCourtesy is shown each patron from the time they buy tickets until the final curtain. The audience seemed to appre¬ ciate the courteous atmosphere, and the u.Mial noisy element wa.s lacking.
Klphteen people are carried, a surpris¬ ing number for a small boat, as many of the larger boats do not carry any more. All have comfortable and clean quarters, as the editor diwovered in his ramble over the boat, and the meal that was served bv the Thoms was worthy of praise. C. Raike, the pilot, is one of the
voiingest show-boat pilots on the rivers, nut in his three years of service on the I'rincess has never had a mishap.
The play. Miasie of tha Bine Ridna. was very well done, the dramatic action hold¬ ing the audience in su.spen.se thruout.
The lead work of Norman Thom and his wife, Ciace Null, stood way up. They
were capably supported by Robert Owens. Maister Walter Ma.son. William King. Karl Williams. Chester Raike, Willard Cole In a clever slave characterisation.
L<iwrence Jordon, Paul Mason, Jemima Castner, Pansv Mason and May Jordon.
Neat vaudeville specilatles were In¬
troduced hv Williams and Cole, doing a singing and talking turn, and Cole and Owens, dancing. * The concert afterpiece
was a huge scream from start to finish. Barnum tl'os Bifiht being the title. In this work of Owens. Williams. Raike. Cole and Ma.v Jordon amu.«ed the audi¬ ence highly, keeping all In their seats until the end.
One novelty noted was the distribution of t>rograms. an Idea thiit other ^how boats might take up. Business was very good, the auditorium being filled. Most everyone stayed for the afterconcert.

Columbus. O., June 8.--The Meta Walsh Players are soon to begin their season under canvas. They will return to the territory played last summer with a new and complete repertoire of plays, three jf which have been lea.sed from John Lawrence. The outfit is being completely f'erhaulrd and i>aintcd. New seats, ·cenery and draperies will be seen this teason. The policy this year will be dramatic plays, corhedies and vaudeville. Mr. Mabery, who is manager of the
tow on its sixth week under canvas and

Company ^wkTa vUito7 1^^^


-l.-Willard Kent and

JohllStonc Bookings

Ia^?e? nart of Vav latter part of May.

closed With One of the L. wis & Gordon acts and are ba. k here. _.




t w

Schnitz Scymoure arrived in Kansas M'.-^s Dean jobbed for a week with the Chicago. June 5.--O. 11. Johnstone's

City the latter part of May and will st<xk in Madison. Wis. Mr. Kent was American Tlieatrlcal Agency reports re-

be here for a short vacation. Mr. Sey- formerly a heavy with Frank A. P. Gaz-

bookings as follows:

moure closed his show at St. Josenh. zolo's stock companies at the Imperial

Hastings with Bpooka at the

>W»., May 16, and reports a very sue- and V'ictorla theaters.

Playhouse; Paul Kmshwiller with the

ce.ssful 8ea.son. Most of the Schnitz riiiv Rmwn i« tohhino- two weeka wuh Hlenn Beveridge Players; James Stone

Seynioure Company joined the Orphrum the stmk in ^he Dav dSXn Theafer

w th the Dorothy laiverne stock Madison.

FoIMm Company, which opened Its season

Davidson Theater. Mil- wis.; Ja< k Spencer with the Ked Oor-

bon In Kxcelsior Springs. Mo.. May 21. ^ausee.

don Players; Patricia Dunphy and

Dick Macey, of the team of M.n ey and jlr. and Mrs. Robert J. Sherman went Thomas Pawley with the Washington

Seymoure arrived in the citv the latter to New York Sunday to se*; the openini; stock, Holland. Mich.; Ram Leonard and

part of May. Mr. Macey will probably of the New York Company of fipooka, Theodore Doucet with the Burton stock,

loin a road ahow from here.

which is having a highly successful run Racine, Wis.; Lila Bunnier with the

Cliff Bryant, a former trouner, is now at the Playhou.se here. Lester Bryant Myrtll Ross stock. La F'ayctfe, Ind.; Inez

making hi's headquarters in K. C. Mr. and associates, who are producers of the Raffen, i^pleton, Wis.; James Fallon

Bryant is connected with one of the local PlaX. of which Mr. Sherman is the au- w-ith the Robert Sherman stock. Cedar


thor, also are in New York for the same Rapids. la.; Prank Clarke B* arh with

Harry Keiffer and wife. Goldie Cole, reason.


Jones stock com^ny; Tom Brown with

formerly of the Goldie Cole Stock Com- Ralph Sprague, formerly a Juvenile *

pany. were visitors at the Rdgar Jones with the National Theater stock here, is ^This

Popular Players during that company's now with the Grace George Company at

- the cast for the

stay in Bonner Springs. Kan., a few the Studebaker.

V.? v


aen Harry and Goldle still are

. o

, >


. .

Playing stock at the Temple Theater. The

rrr,tinera at heart ind don't miss anything t

.aamnels is aga n reviving his roster Includes Frank L. Maddocks. Mae

playing tthhlias tt2erirrilttoorryv oorr nneeTa^r^^to^ Kansas hI'e'a''r"sali.t>^^'lKrant act which is in re- M Paarxki.n,.eKMmimlees.tt LVeomganP.arKkdeyr.theHaI.rarwyreRnoces-.

I^saie Marlowe of the Schnitz Sev- Charles H. Hinman, formerly with the "jau, Karl MuebI and Maurice Jenkins.

mour" show. Is taking a much needed D'' Wolf Hopper Opera Company, and Tim company opened with Peo o' M,,

vacation in Excelsior Springs. Mo., a re- ^'f^. Juliene Costa, formerly prima

t t. .


Iwt efose to thii city

donn.a with the Aborn Opera Company. ^ 9* . J"''"®*,""**


uou and Babe Hi.Vschnooils,, oorf tihnee Fr-doKeaarr are here.

KskePlliaGvgifsfro. rdat visitevdCatihHe GTiei orgtte\\»Rovbue^r\tr-

Jones Players, were frequent visitors to John Ravold. who was with the New t»"v*^ also visited the Majestic ^Titer

Kansas City during the show's recenten- Brooms CompoHy during its engagement 2,''Z

.kVein ill


gagement In Bonner Springs. Kan. They at the Black.stone, has joined the stock Helen Staniland of the above aeenev

motored back and forth in their new In the Davidson Theater. Milwaukee, as hack from F?em'h Lck. Ind . where sife

*^Bes8le Hale. prIma donna of the Schnitz Curtis Gooksey. for years a fine Chi-


S<ymoure Show', which closed at St. cago leading man. Is now leading man

Jo.xoph. Mo.. May 16. after standing her for The Gorilla at the Harris Theater. WlJSOn DfOS.

1 Om InlO

vacation with home




Excelsior Springs and Joined the Orphrum among Alaskan jungles. t*n emerging ha

East Canada for Summrr

FolUt a Show, playing the Casino Thea- said something about a homestead. His

ter, there.

friends are awaiting something he may-- Little Falls, N. T., June 5.--'The Mason

·tohn and Mona Rapier, for the past or may not--have b«-en writing.

Bma.'f'ne/« Tom's CoWa Company., under

two years members of the J. Doug. Mor- Chic Hazel, who played soubret roles the management of Thomas Alton, is

gall "show, are new additions to the Or- with Joe Gaites' .4 Tnai /fonri/woon, at heading north from here, going up thru

pheum Follira Company, which opened the La Salle Theaftr last season, and 'V'ermont Into the Eastern section of

Its season May 24 at Excel.'-ior Springs, with Kolly, fmic and Marv at the Gar- Canada, where it will play for the sum-


rick this season, is here for the summer, mer sea.son. The oi)ening Citnadian date

will be at F.dinundson, N. B., June 15.

Pellets With Equity Stock

* ^


Mahan a Visitor


this territory good for

the ' Tom Show. The roster of the


company; Thomas Alton, manager; Kd.

Chic and Estelle Pellet, comedian and Kansas City. Mo.. June S.--It. D. Pinatre, agent; Bob McT^aiighlin. stage

leading lady with the Equity Stock Com- Mahan, of the Alien & Names Show, was manager; J. R. Moore, band leader: A1

panv for the past .16 weeks, are now In In the city June 1. and wa.s a caller at Derby, orchestra leadef; Burt Stoddard,

stm-k with the same organization at Port the Kansas City office of The Billboard. Stage carpenter; Dell rhillips, H. G.

Arthtir, Tex. Chic write." that this is the Mr. .Mahan came In from Kinsley, Kan., Osier, Russell Osier. Tom Arthers, Harry

eighth week there and they look forward where the show was, and rei>orts busi- L. Lloyd, lam la-Cledc. Charles Jones,

to a long summer engagement at the Air- ness great with this company. Arthur Fred Finley, Gorge latkt^, B<''b Mason,


Names writes his own hills and they are Ed. Mason, Curly Richmond. June Stod-

'The big tent theater Is K ing over- all going over very well. This company dard, Krmlnie Stewart. Lucille Lewis,

hauled and ready for a grand opening h.is a seven-piece orchestra and mala Mrs. Bob Mcl-aughlin. Mrs. Taicllle Stod-

when the company takes to the road quartet, with the roster as follows: Mil- dard. Pearl Delco, Myra Roselle,

again. Pellets' son. Jmkie. who at pres- burn Stone. leading man; lla Fern, in- bloodhotinds are Muld'sm, Duke and King

ent Is at a private K'arding .>«chool In genue and leading lady; Byron Warner, and weigh ISO, 172 and 1«.'» pounds re-

Miehigaii. w ill be touring to Texas soon heavy and elarlnet; U. Thorpe, trombone; 8p«>otivply. The other animals carried are

with hl.s grandfather. He will go to Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Mahan, characters a Shetland pony for little Eva and a

Daytona Fk aeh, Fla., for the next few and banjo, saxophone and piano, and donkey for Lawyer Marks,

months. The Pellets have bought sev- Ahe Heidlebrlek fui the door. Forest The company travels in a huge bus and

eral lots In Daytona, expecting to make Markle is tlie `blues" singer, and the a sedan, the baggage and animals being

It their permanent home.

patrons all enjoy his singing.

transported by a truck.

W. A. Dickey, of Pirkey & Ttiry `Tom" show fame, is takim; out a oneniKhtf'r tent show this s'-asun, oirening at Cole Camp, Mo., June II.
Ben Lauifhlin recently closed a suc¬ cessful season with tiie Clint & B>sMe Robbins Company and is now with a sketch and playint the K.-A. Time, this week at Keith's Palace Theater, In¬ dianapolis, Ind.

Prompt 4wnc» Uodtratt DCIcM Writ# («r-
Prio# Ujt Prlntw# to th# I»ry»#«l(ip ,inf, uji


- p-S

·rnllalt. Fine ilnKinc ToU-#. Kqulty"' mi»?e M MI-KY. 121 X. Karvm HI,. PhlUMphu.


""K,i:r. v-'&k .ry, DAVin LlVIMiSTOX. Brady Vlfl.. 0 ***·


The attontion of repertoire manacers is called to the d''Uble-columa box. headed "To Protect, Improve and Ad¬ vance the Repertoire and Trnt Interests'', appearinK on the editorial page of this Issue.
A photograph to tins department from the Leonard 1 Mayers serves to introduce a charming young dancer, Nelma Brewer, to the public. Tins tahnted young miss is well on the way to fame in the theat¬ rical field, aided immeasurably by her winsome appearance and gifted feet.


WANTED--Hmall Sho«ho#t. Will buy or ind# i of the belt yqulpprd V.udrrlUr ind Motlr shooi th# ro«d. rir# Truiki, I.laht I'Unt. nrw Pirtur# \ rhln#, toTrn-nlaht Profrim. good Trnt. Cinui Sm St#** ind S<#n#ry, all romplotr, and a real t#ntt with »##lc siandt. NORTH ST.\R SHOW m rta Pillacrr, Minn. Rome addryss. Pin* City. Minn.

Earl Williams, of Williams and Cole,

members of the Princess Showboat Com¬

pany. was a visitor to the home "fice of The Billboard June 1, when the Prin¬ cess played near Cincinnati. As this is his home town he had a little vacation with his folks, for the first \lme in three years.
Leslie E. Kell's Comedians were the recipients of a banquet given in their honor at Chaffee. Mo., Thursday evening. May 28. by the members of the llOth Infantry Band. Mayor X. O. Ray, of Chaffee, acted as toastmaster, and de¬ livered a speech of welcome. J. E. Kinkead responded with a speech of tlianks and a toast to the Mayor, the 140th In¬ fantry Band and Regiment.
Ricton in Fifth Week


!·_ n......

I fliiRc*

Pjmplin Bu^ S Out Lf\tlS,

Bert Stowe as manager. George Dorsey,


Daisy Markoe Topsv; C. L.

Now Sole Owner Equity Stock Jackson, Phme.is ami Legree; Mr. (Bill)

^ '

David.son, .Marks; his wile. Kate Largo

Davidson. Oplielia. Un aecount of a death

Port Arthur, Tex., June 5.--Harry J. m mv family and to have my wife with Pamplin lia.- pun.ha^ed his partner s, me, 1 jumped to the Reil Ac Abby show,

Robert Lewis, interest in the Equity CMias. Parks manager. G. E. .May, Tom;

Stock Company, and hereafter the show Mary Orton I'arks, Topsy; Masie Parks

_ will be owned anil controlled enprely by (dabighter), du)ng IK . a_ . . Pop". Weir,

Mr. I'amplin.

The company will be P.'iineas and Legree. `M1 rs. Caddie Weir,

known as Hajry Pamplin and his Equity Eliza and Marie; Joe Ba_ rnum, Marks;

Slock Companv.

Harry Robinson had the band, and

The ro.sier: Harry Pamplin, owner; C_ harles S_n_ yder t_ he orchestra. Anna May.

Mabel Rhodes, Chic and Estelle Pellet, Opheli' a.

Mr. ami .Mrs. James Ri. e, Larry Conover, Vivian Carroll, Ed.Haye.s Charles Barnes. Ravnioml Ratcliffe and his> Serenaders' Orchet'lra, George Schuler, Henry Irwin, Au.stin Rush. The top is under the

This was a very successful and enjoy-
able show to be with. Mary Orton Parks, ^y t-lie w_aw y as an accomplished violin-
ist. She returned to her home before the c_ lose of tlm season, being succeeded as

!·. ·It.N Mr IM.

tll.M lar l.M.

GEORGE F. GIBBS. BuNtiMT t# Ctaawclal Ph*t#(rt*hlt C«..
OivtRMrt. Uwa.

_ Ch#aMr Than Yau Can Rfnt Th«a. ;niRECT oiTLirr for hhoapwat PRonrr. TION8. NEW YORK COSTUME EXCHANGE. 317 ,W#tt 4«tb Street, New Yerk.


supervision of Mason, with three as- T~opsy by Dot Huntingt.on, Then came

Woodward Play Leases
Thru the Woodward Play Company the-

the Frenchs' B _ oat _ Show d'own the Ohio Mississi. >1i and ^her tributary rivers to New Orleans. This company was not strictly ``Tomme- rs_'',. for the most part it was made up fT ro_ m the vaudeville p.e-- ople th- en on the b oatt,. most of whom

Tlir#* bundrrd f##t of RIdrwell. 10 ft. hl*h; Peke,
Ht.ikrt. Ruprd, *11 ready to set up. Ten tedloM «
Rluea, 6 high; 100 Foldlnc Chaira. All In toad catdtllna. Br«t nlT#r takrt tt. KD. F. tVKISE, ceie Show Co.. Grneral D<llr#ry. Llthon. Ohio. 

following plays by Sherman L. Jones
have been leased by the Walters & Ing' l. ish . Slock C.o,m_ pa. ny--_ r/ie _ G_ irl- _o,/ the M'hisiicring Pines, Toby and the Flapper, Shadowed by Two.
Walters & Inglish will open a number
two company at Fort Scott, Kan., the

had never before read a line of dfama, b--ut after about two weeks of drilling and t'h.j(e aid of a few well-ehos, n principals, such as "Pop" and Caddie Weir, and Mrs. May and myself. I was able to whip them into line and a very creditable performance was given, and it pleased the natives

DOROTHY DAWN ChararCert aryl Heafiea. All eaierttlalt. A^vilirta^ ritpahle azkS reliable. Salary your limit. Equity drraa: L^tt^rs# Ros 283. Rt. 4, Houaton. Tet; wtrN, CTire Wefkffrn Unlna.

first part of July. Mr. Jones, jnanager of the Princess
Stock Company, and well-known^ play-
Wright, recently returned from an Ea.stern trip where both he and his wife, Marie Desmond, witnessed the opening of their new play The tVizard and the Wovian.

of the Southern waters. Clarkie McNair, daughter of the boat's pilot, did Eva, Where is Clarkie?
Eisenbarth-Henderson, under canvas thru Michigan and Wisconsin. Doc Phillips, band leader, and Phineas and Legree; Aiiny May, Ophelia': Ed Snyder, brother of Charles, Marks: Henry Geisey,

Muat he experl#nr#d end ahte to pLj for Vaudetlll* Sprrlaltle*. Htete beat eatery. Join ImmediattlT. Week-etand tent repertoire company Wire or atit* Brn H.kWKrXS platers, seek June S. Eminence. Kentui-ky.

J. E. May Reminisces

baritone, Harris and St. Clair, and your humble servant doing Tom.

Palmer article itli. in supple-

Hobson Company. Owned and man¬
aged by the Welsh Brothers, of circus fame, out of Lancaster. I'a. The prin¬ cipals of this company were: G. E. May. Tom and stage manager; Mae LaPorte, Topsy; Addle Laf'orte. Ophelia; .\nna
May, Eliza and Marie; Charles BrickAvi>()d, Marks; Sam l^aPorte, Phineas;

2nx'.« Middle Piece, 40-foot Side Watt, uaeri tin* seeki, (73.00. 21 new 5-pe,ipIe Canre* Renrhee, (33.00. 5 Baby Spot#, (',0 00. 1 tet Calhedril rhlme*. (30.00. I Guitar, (4.00. Addreat CHAS. W. RENNER, Caiul Wlni better, Ohio.

in the



stetsem lerl on

e three

of th*-




Fred Ladd, better kni>wn as "Mons Laijon, Legree; Charles York, Harris and st. Clair. With this company was bfirn. at Muncy, Pa., a daughter. Laura A., to f; f. and Anna May, July 1!*. isy'j. Who n-members the evi-nt besides myself? Her mother, .Anna J. May, passed on to the great unknown April 8. 1922. A t`l>'PDdld type of woman, a willing helper.

I ncle Ti m'i Cabin Pr*,petty. Srenery. 1 Wood Un. Ico Strip. Cabin. Cotton. Gacien. Era AairMlej. Ten NIghta' Sienery. Set Complete I>rtit>*. '."xt": all trenery neeite*!. new. Warilrobe. T'irktah Suita, I'ncle Sam Suit. Capa. I*arade Crala. I.eggl^ Banner*. Boy Coat*. 'Taylor Tninki and Drum Othrr artlrlea. Sell all or part. Stamp for It*. BOX 95. Red Hill. Pennayiranta.

Dana a devoted wife and moth<r and real

color*-d pal. Peace be with her. To those who knew Laura in her childhood as Eva will
,Toot,,* say she is the mother of two fine boys.


·Gus . ^vho some day may work in Tom. 'l*lie ^Lirmn Hnb.snn Company was a highly success-

Tent Show, complete, eicopl top. 15 Imgtba IttIter Blue*, 100 Canra# Remhea, 200 foldlnl

^·*'^**' ·ks No. Legree. ·

ful one in every way. The parade was i-ntirely mounted, either on wheels or horses. The band was mounted on black horses with red trappings.

Chairt. Scenery. Elertrlial Equipment. Incldeirtala. I'na-Fon equipment. Feed


All good condition. Worth (I .SOOtMI. Flrtt


PANY. Foatnria, Ohio.


Saulter & Martin Company. In which


have as principals Geo. W. (Pop>


' Hartwell as Tom; Florence Ackerman,

r with 'f opsy: Anna May. Ophelia; G. E. May, «hr.w Pbineas; C. F. Ackerman, Legree: Henry
eri our J''"''*'''"* Marks. A splen<lld show with all


«»ihnrn Special scenery, a magnificent band and ilge of orchestra under "Rain'' Martin.


Then comes the W. A. Eiler Show.

--,·.. · v;-- "i- rhment oiji-ning its maiden season at Yorkvllle, .\ reply came to the effect that ]f| , and with the exception of Willis

Charartm, rh.irtrl«r Comedy, Hedfiei. flit for. Stock or repertoire. Age S8.
5 feet, 9 Imhet; weight 1^'» lbs. ence, good wardrobe. KtjiiUy, K. C.^b* on wire. Addreat J. R. WRIOIIT*
llntrl. KiDsas City, Mlsaourl.

cant played violin and second Sherman, bass and tuba player from the »nd. L. «. Immediately wir.^d; o. Q. .S* i* H* 11 nhow, ami myself as

once and bring vour second alto Marks and stage m.inager, and Mrs.

'' Probably no manager of an im's Cabin Company was over ssy" about the playing of his
I the appearance in K' n'-ral of

kh, r and May as lady principals, the cornpany was entln-ly of amateurs. I.,ater
vvere joln'-d hv G<`o. .Mlltlmore for Mj.rks, and as Sherman had-left I went


le than was L. W Mashhiirn. joio the pit as bass and tuba, finishing
slonal visits to the show were jy,,. p,ai,,,n in that enpaelty at Cedar ntirely unherald'-d and tinan- Rapids la. This company was a finan-


The QUALITY kind that »ttracta and get* the money. Flneit anow-whlt* non-fading potter paper; hrighteat and tlaableat Ink colora. DATES, POSTERS, CAROS. HERALDS. BANNERS.
(AH Special; no atnek paper of any kind.) SPECIAL GET-ACQUAINTED OFFER (Once Only)
200 $8.00 ONE COLOR*

The first w<- would kno'A- of
nee with us would t»e when '>n re would see him at some promlaer waiting for us to pas- in
'The following happ'-ned In Pa. We hapi)<-ned to have two
players, one playing first and
playing second pari On our the`Ojs-ra House T, W called

sueo-ss from th<* start. The last itiformatIon I hafl. about six years ago, Me eii,t was operating an amusement
Stj<-e«-idmg the aftove show came the Guy*T A- fJrlswold f'omimnv. touring the Southwest. Tln-ri Ih* MrownI* < A Reid Corniiriv In th*- E.-i- t Tin- Long Bros'

For Firat-CIass Stock Company
In city of 35,000 population ot orrr. Available late Srpirmbrr. Girr com-

20 wordf or leia compoaltlon; each eitra word. 5c. WRITE FOB PRICE LIST AND ROUTE BOOK.
Cestm Show Priitiic Co, Mason City. Iowa
Real Shew Printer*--EttaWiahod 2« Yewt.

rombonists to him and delivered nf the following: "Say. boys.
well, but can't you get your go out and in together? It )k better.''

show thru Ohio, Imllana and Illinois, With the Long show was the Harmount family Iat< r a iiower In fin* Tom field, and still g'>lng strong. TIu-n the Shlpman shtiw, rehearsing at the home of

pirtr particular*, capaciiv. etc., by Addm. STOCK MANAGER. The Billboard. 1560 Broadway, Ntw York City.

In succession came the Stowe SIg Sai|t» lie, st Homer. .''J, Y. With this

lening In Brooklyn, N. Y., with company I again bumped Info my old

hapi" ' washii room i I coul Tom ii .1 sIl'O Tom ·
In I once > the u;
··Th walkci -frudc
.tprc'P' last li Cahin Wardr trunks
until i wearir loyfuli
Tom 1 doei
we th' the o cffnva: MVS: Jerusa
the on ine in ·take
Con qtiarte
lines : busine
rtill II from : in an\ to the a« doi ence ; , erdlna ^thinc past (1
I Cnhiii

June 1 1925

The Billboard


friends. Jay Huntinjjton and BUI Davld-

last Tom show I was out with was

Tnni Kinn

yt*Hrs hro.

In ill I P'*»

28 yoarw. most of It In

(he `Totii name", and often think I'd

i kp to vt. p out for just on*- more season.

I oft.n r.iiih mvs.lf musinB and Koinir

nver tin 1""-S of the firand old drama,

uv 1 11 ov 'l our work in those old days,

hilt it \\.'i.' not without Its hardships, lii

the rails 'lavs of doiiiB Tom it often

hHiim n-d that the water I was to use in

""Vhintf up wouhl freeze in the dressing

aii«l the ice had to be broken before

leouhl «.ish. Still I never liad a told.

Tom ha-^ hi · n tin- tiulwark between many

, show and impi iidinK ealamity. I'm h-

Tom always pulled them out of a hole.

Ill the MirhiKan territory the writer

once ".'uv tlie folhiwiiiK verse written on

the uall of thi dr*-88inK room:

-This town is like the lied Sea. Christ

nalked. so do we." Visions of a

aruKKlini: rip. show floated before me.

ipp.nos to ttie atiove. a rep. show on its last less (Inided to put on ffnclc Tom'a Cahin to replenish its depleted treasury.

WardrohinK the .several parts from their

trunks as best they could, all went well

until the si · ne where Kva leads Tom in

uearlnc a hie wreath. clapplnK h* r hands

wvfullv antT exclaiminK; "Oh! fncle

Tom you look -so funny." Tom; "I spec

1 does, little missie, hut wait till you ttt the rest of 'em." You have ail heard

the one about the Tom show under

canvas, where, in the Barden scene. Kva

(avs; "\Vhere do you suppose the New

Jfhisalim is. Kncle Tom?" A voice on

the outside, plainly audible witliin shout-

ine instructions to a help«`r: "Under the

rtake and chain w-aBon. Bill." Come on. now. you oldtimers of a

quarter ntury aBO: kick in with a few

lines and tell us who you knew In the

business of that period, wlio of them are

still livinB. "> will be pleased to hear

from you at any time, and if I can help

in anv wav to refr*'sh memories relatins

to the past events you can count on me
a« doins it Bladly. Tell us your experi¬ ence alonB the line. thinBs out of the

ordinary that happened. In fact, any-

'thine of interest to the "Tommers" of the past decade. I predict that Uncle Tom'n Ctihln will staBe a stronu comeback

within a few years.

IRENE SHELLEY 424 Chambert Bldg.. 12tb If WaloBt Sti.
Phone, Delaware 2084.

tV.tXTED--To itrrncthen rompany, rlerer ynune Leaillne Man, Oensral nuaineM Man (strons Special* tlca), useful Repertoire People all tinea, Muilcians to enlarge Jazz Orchestra.
RAE, Manager Lamkin Players. Fleydada, Texaa.

Cmlrr canrai. Join on wire. Specialty Teama, Hlnelns and Danctnc Team and Mutiral Team. Muat rhanze atr-inz for week. Sazophnne for flee-plece Orcheatra, Eb or C Melody, to play lead. Wire loweat ulary. People In all lines write. Brigham City. Utah.

2&--8x10, $3.50. 100--8x10, $12.00. POST CARD PHOTOS, $3.50--100, $20.00--1000. CASH WITH ORDER--SATISFACTION GUARANTEED
From any one aubject on double-weight paper. Sample from ymir photo. <1.00. which appliei on drat order.



type and block work

Special Pictorial One Sheets for All Robert J. Sherman Plays


S|:.Sr 115-121.WMt SthStTMt Kanaaa City. Miaaourl.


Printed to Your Order"'4
J. T. SHOENER, Sltanokin, Pa.

000 TUr TZZ

FOR SALE--Lyceum Theatre, Paterson, N. J.

The Outfitters Art
^ -J By G. M. Lcland kLlU
^Communicationt to 1560 Broadway, N. Y.)
Live models, in the persons of Sidney Blackmer and Martha-Ilryan Alien, who are to play the li-a<iinB roles in Charles L. Wasner's forthominB production of The Corolininn. vvre used by Willy I'l'K.any when he nia<ie the sketch''s and d'--iBns for the costuming of that piece recently.
The Totem Pole costumes in Rose-Morin have been cfipyriBbt'd by Arthur Hammeratein, the prixlucer of this musical comedy, in order to prevent imitators from coyinB the numb*-r in which they are us'-d. The Totem scene is one of the features of the show and contributes greatly to the success of the offering.
Victoria Blythe has returned from a three months' trip abroad, where she has bt-'-n purcha.sing raw materials and Dres¬ den embroiderie.s for the Zicgfeld Follies.
Alex. Oumansky is responsible for the designing of the costumes us«d In The Erho, an ojM-ra by Frank Patterson, pre.sented June 9, in Pftrtland, Ore., as part of the proBram of the 14th biennial conv*-ntion of the National Federation of Music Clubs.
The Broadway Tht-atrical Co.stuming Company is busy at work, under the supervision of Mme. F. Katz, on the wardrob«-.s for 15 Mutual Burlesque Circuit shows, and co`'tiim''s for the Columbia Burlesque Circuit pr«Hluetions of lIurtiB & Seamon, ''SlidinB" Billy Wat.son, Cain an'l Davenport. Jack Reid and several other francise holders.
The Brooks Co^>tume Company is in rec'-ipt of an ord'-r to supply a new outtit of summer uniforms for the ushers and attaches of the 600 odd theaters un-
(Continurd on parje 42)

Kansas City, Mo., June 3.--The biB Bed. show of Dr. P'ranklin Street, pro¬
prietor of the Washaw Indian Medicine Company of this city, with 15 p«`oplp. was to liaxe opened the first part of thi.s week playInB lots here, but was delayed «n account of rain and is scheduled to begin the .season June 6. A strlnB or¬ chestra and a mixed corrtpany of white and -olnr.d artists is \i.s<-d by Dr. Stre«t
ind a very clever performance and enter¬ tainment is Biven by his "lots" shows. He will have .several here this summer.


kinking hig monrg, but 40 gcark In ihow builneu to enough for me. INTORMATION: Ljrirum trnti about

I.aiHl; ran b» madr to arav 2.200 raillT. Hai more Ore exits than any bouse in the Slate. Has dmaing-rimm

ei'iiimmuitation for 100 people. Can alage Ben Hur or anything bigger. Stage 80 ft. from wall to salt, haa

good awhebboerd and new dimmrra. Brand-new leata. new rarpeta. decorated ladlei' room, new genu' anting

rnnnL The purihater ran play any line of show buatiieaa except burleaque. Within tiHl feet of the Lyceum,

United Hotel Company'i new $1..VH).0U0 hotel: will be managed by Robert Treat Hotel Management of Newark.

M. J. Hotel npena thla July. The Lyceum If altuated in heart of rity. eloee to Main St., clow to Market St., cloae to

Broadway, the three main thoroughfarea of the* city, and with eeery car line and bus line handy to

Krie ac I D.. L. Ac W. depots. Lyieiim playt only the best road aUrartioof. tuch a* Galll Curcl. EUie Janla.

Clftle Loftuc. Pa4crc»>kl. Raymond Hltchco<k, Pirid Warflrld, etc. Pirturet we hare played like 'The Birth of

s Natton. The Corcred YVagoo, Way Down East. etc. ITie rentato for May and Juto are enormous with

htcala. Patcraon. with Paatiaic, Hackcnaaik, Rutherford. Clifton and twcnty-n*e othw tmall suburban townt

within a raiiluf of nine mtlcf. corcra o»rr SftO.OOO people. .\ny further Information ran be had by writing me.

BILLY WATSON. Orgheum Theatr*. Patorsan. N. J. Orgheum Pheiig. Sherwted 1414. Oflee Phene, Sherweed




NEW MINSTREL FIRST-PART .Afterpirrr, romplrie. It'i * korskout.



paid for dollar bill. WILLI.s, 2038 Railway Kirhange

Bulltling, St. Lo i>, Mlnaouri.

Write lor Free Big Ui'.i ol thait T»|L pragrxnu end Suppliee BALDA ART SERVICE. 0-». 0ebkg«k. Wleeenglg.
Blark-fare Comedian. Also can nae a good Irish Come¬

E. \V. Elwii k. branch manaser of the Devoe & _ KaynolcLs I'alnt Company at "lehita. Kan., was a visitor in the city Jast we*k. "ItMtkinB over" the J. T. Mc¬ Clellan Shews and the Fairyland Shows (J. O. .M' i'art and J. L. Rammle) here and vi<w*d the Isler Greater Shows at Lawrenee. Kan. Mr. Klwlck is well known m the show world, as he was formerly with some of the larBe carnival companies, but has been "off the road" tor the past three years.
C. M. Ca-sej-. with The W^hitn Fnnlr, cf " h hita. Kan., and prior to his newsNiH-r wiiik t*r*'ss representative on the

retta, was in the city June 1 and durins tonio. Tex., where they closed with the

his call to this office informed that he San Antonio Amusement Company at the

and his mother left the Frank Taylor Grand Theater May I. They will remain

Circus May 27 and returned to their here this summer, as Mr. Goldman will

home In la-avenworth, Kan. They, how¬ appear at one of the local theaters in

ever, pr'xbably will play some Independent musical comedy.

fairs and celebrations this summer.

Al Nation wrote last week from Cor¬

J.ime.s S. Bailey, of the De Luxe aXmusement Company, was a caller June 1 and inform' d that he was planninB on takinB out his own show. usinB picture with Henry B. Walthall in The Con¬ fession and a six-piece ladles' orchestra.
playinB theaters thru the West and

vallis. Ore., that he had closed wit it the Abner Kline Show May 30 and was
.headed back to the Middle West. Mr. Nation further stated he expei ted to bo in K. C. about the 4th of July or pos¬
sibly a little later to asain line up the Nebraska fairs this fall.

dian. Platform show, making two-werk stamls. DK. KI OKXK ODELL. Sellnsgrose, Pa.
wanted--For E. I>. lae's Creo Belle* Colored Muairal Comedy Company, Musiriana in all lines to en¬ large Band ai^ Orrhr.'tra. Thnae doiihing R. A O. gifen preferenee. Staie aaliry in tirst letter or you won't receire an answer. Addreu E. D. LKR. .VIT Third St., Lexington, Ky.
Mfd Pfrformttt. CLIFTON CO., 520 Second Avc., Bttbichem, Pennsylvania.
Fnr Platform Show, all arnuuil .Skrtih Tram, Plann

John Wortham Shows, paid K. C. a visit \se,k and the Heart of America
b:io\\ni.in s <'luh to renew his larBe acQunintanee in the show world.
J F. Parrish, superintendent of con_-sioiis for the North Missouri E'air at n.*milton. Mo., was in the city recently wiokini; free acts, rides and indep*'ndent Minws for his fair, which will be held August 2,'> to 23. inclu.slve, and was a Pleasant calltr at this oHice.

Marie McLauBhlln. after spendinB a pleasant winter here. left the first of the inontli for her home ip .\nBora, Minn., to sp*-nd the summ*'r. Miss McLauBhlin i.t drivinB thru In her own car and expects to return to Kansas City this fall.
T. O. Limes and R. E. Burns, of the J. T. McClellan Shows, were callers last week just before the .show left the dtv

Ina Sirt's, who has compiled a sohbbook. entitled The Cowboy's Fawrite Sonijs. words and music published bv C. C. Birchard, of Bo.ston. was a caller at this office the last of Mav. Miss Sires informed that this book is about rea<ly for distribution and will contain ail the b*'st and favorite sonss of the cowbovs. The cover is to be by Harold BuBb* e. of Clarendon, Tex., cowboy artist.
The .\1 BridBe Mu.sical~Comedy' Com-

riayrr and Physlriin rrgliterrd In MIrhIgan. Thoa« who wrolr brfore write again, .tddreix J. R. CO.MKIK,
8I.'.D XorlhllelJ .\ve.. Detroit, Michigan.


For MHirinc, .A-No, 1 KUrkfdrr S. it O. r«ii»«lUn.

ANn tingle Song iin>l l>dm'e M^n who i$ good Strdight

lioth mutt change ttnmg for xEcck or longer and Wfirk

in dctf. PHTSiriaW rcjjistfred in INDI.ANA who U

a good rtae t4ker. Muiiiitl .S i. .\(Idretfs I)K. A. L.

n.WVSON, L(N-k Box

ImlunJiMilli. Indiana.

The Haymonds, .\-l free act. were In


June 1 and dropped by the

omi. for a sliort visit. They play Capi-

I'-ai-li. LiiU'oln, Neb., for two Weeks,

oimmi n, inB June 8, and left here for

on its season's tour, the first stop from here beinB Atchison. Kan., this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Goldman arrived in Kansas City May 26 from San An¬

Y»any finished a successful ensaBement .at the Garden 'Theater May 31 and the house is closed until fall, when it i.s
hoped the BridBe company will return, as it is very popular in this city.


Comet to lead Rind. Tromhone.

an<t CUrlnet

L.at city. drivliiB tlu lr auto thru. They

doubling other ln:4irument^ m OrilYettra (Sdt. prr-

sill Use their contortion act at fairs and Webrations this sitmmer.


frrred), or Spe«'ljiltie!i nr l*;*rt$. .4lto like lo he4r from Feature Vaudeville .\ct theit jn double Band or Fartt. M.tNAr.EIl HLCiO l'LAYKR*'<, Saran-
nah. Mo.g this week.

J.i'k P, GriBsby, of the Fire Depart"`ht of l.awn nce, Kan., was in the city


r ?' I,*

*'uU<'d at tltis ortlco. Mr.

urigsby was very earm-st and sincere In

*"iHini-ndation an<l pral.se of the Isler

ureatcr shows on tlielr enBUBements in

"I* city tile week of May 2.">. This is the

jri't yc.ir tlie Is1«t Sliows have play'd

Uwr. lice and th«`y made such a B'**>d

jBpr'N-i.in ili.it th<-y can return at tlicir

We«sni, They showed under the aus-

Bies of the Fire' I>epartm«-nt and the

liiMics" netted more than $400. Mr.

j^Esliy is a former sliowman. haviiiB

with the John Robinson Circus.

f Y'ixic Si .inlon lias piircbascd the Fair-


12**** Broadway, this city, and

nil h.. here this winter aii<l op»Tatc It

I't showfolk or a place wliere they nr« ·Ways welcome. Mrs. Scanlon has the

wimist concession on the J. T. McClellan ·bows this season.

Edward V'. Oerber, son of Rose Mar-

899 Main Strttt, Buffalo, N. Y.

Office Grind Srcrrtjry-Trnjsnrer

and a larger membership. We can put

We are of the opinion that the lodB*'-' nr*- not doinB very much now that the sprlnB weather is at hand and a majority of the hou.ses are clos*'d and the members have Bone away for the .summer or are
gettInB ready to bo. We wonder how many will take the
Frisco trip with us. We would like to

it oyer big if we only make up our minds to d.> so. but a few cannot do it alone, we must have co-oiv-ration and that from the lodges. We have a Br*-at Held to work in and there is nothing to prevent us from Browing into a big thing that will be look*-d upon^as a thing of value.
I>et everybody Bet*out an*l*boost. Cast

have all that can bo alons with us on aside all your pr*'judices and ill f*H'ling

the special train that leaves Chicafio and for the sake of ".Xiild Lanp Sytn-''

July 7 at 10 am.. mnkinB stops at let bygones be bygones and work for a

I>*-nver, Col., and Salt I-ake City. ITtah. su*'«-e8sful future.

After the *-onvention the visit to tlie We are pl*`as*-*l to advise that Brother

studios at I.a>s Anseles is well worth the Charles Ma*-auley. of Fhila*lelphia Lodge

trip alone.

No. 3. is the li'adinK comic with the

f,«'t all the lodBes send someone on stoi-k burlesque at the Garden Theater

this i-M-ension and help further plans f'»p lure and exiiects to remain thru the

a general drive this fall fur new lodges summer season.

Mrs. 1. D. Clifton

Profr-isionjlly known a> J D CLII-TON and JUNH .MINOTT. will be rrry tiunktui for inturnutl'in fr'ill fricn-la and acqualntanifi itini'erning the followiiK playa;






Mr. Clifton p.i- d tway -lx yrari ago. I bgcaitm alone blin-l nn«- month before his death and an still blind, with n* one to atirnd to my business. If any¬ one has t>l.iye<l any of these hills would xppreriate their sending me sny royalty due. Thete plays are now on the market. .Vnyone interested in tMiying o* renting any of them kindly rorom'inkale with me.

Btx 2SI.

MRS. J. 0. CLIFTON. Lis Anittos. Cilll.

The Billboard

June 13, 1925

American Concert Field
^ ajid American Achievements in the World ofMusic


Classic Dancing

(Comr>7umcation$ to 1360 Broadwy, Sew Yoik, N, Y.)

New Yorl^ ToHaveSeveral Goldman Outlines Concerts To

Thifty Thousand Attend

Series of Summer Opera Be Given on N. Y. U. Campus

After a controversy extending over

many week.'-- betwten the fnend.s and ad-

Thog*» New YorkerB desiriiiK to hear niir»rs of Ikiwin Fr.-ink Goldman and the

opera in the outdoors will have several Hvian Administration announcement l.s

series to choose from, as New York, .iccordinK to announcements made, will have

wmialillt-tiltlisia.t`'untiipin- erGfbieblmglavn«-n

B.tiid concerts in Nt-w York

four series of summer opt ra. At the on the campus of the N* w York Uni-

Polo (irounds a sevt n weeks' s< ;(t<>n ex¬ vcrsit.v near the Hall of Fame. Chancel¬

tending from July 21 to September JO will lor .Elmer Ellsworth Brown in hi half of

he Kiven by a efuiipaiiy under tlie man- tile t 'n.yi'rsily exti-ndt li an invitation to

agement of Tom Burke, well-known the donors of the cone- rt.s. Mr. and Mrs.

operatic tenor. The plans include the Daniel Guggenheim a ml Mr. and Mrs.

presentation of bfith grand and light Murray Gnggi nht tin. to utilize the uniopera beginning with probably fHnaforc, ver.slt.v campus for tla-sc i-.inccrts and and the prices not tf> exited $1 top. Then- the Invitation was promptly accepted. In

will be an orchestra of fiO, a chorus of addition to meeting the exi'i-iusc of the

like number and the principal singers ft,ni l rls the tJuggenheims will provide a

will be eelected chiefly from. American sum sufficient for the building of a


)>i'rniancnt bandstand, also scaling ac¬

At the Yankee Stadium productions of commodations for at least 2'i.OOO persons.

grand opera will be given with Bernardo Admission as in the past will be entirely

de Muro, who jutt recently completed his free and the concerts will begin June 15.

season with the Manhattan Opera Com¬ Tile iirograms arranged by Mr. Goldman

pany, appearing in the leading tenor roles. will suit all tastes and will Inchide spe¬

The season will be inaugurated S.itur- cial concerts for the compositions of

day evening, June 27, with a mammoth Beethoven. Schubert. Mendelssohn, Victor

production of Verdi's opera. Aula, and Hirbert, Edwin MacDowcll; also there

there will be an orchestra of lOti, a cho- will be one evening devoted to all-Ameri-

ruB of like proportion and for the open¬ c.in music, one to old music, one trt grand

ing opera there will be a stage band of opera, also one to comic opera, two re-

2.S and some 400 extras for the triumphal · lucsted program.s. children's programs

entry sc<-ne in the second act.

and others.

Other oiH'ivis listed for proscnt.ation In addition to these there will he two

Include Cavnllfrin Ru^tiennn. Paglinrci special events, one a band contest for

and other well-known favorites^ and Boys' Bands August 14 and a Music,


will be n.'imes

sung will

by be

well-known singers announced Bhortly^,

Memory Contest August 17. special prizes will be offered.

for which Mr. Gold¬

as will also the dates.

man will also present vocal and instru¬

Maurice Frank, who presented oper.a for the first time at the Polo Grounds in the summers of l'i23 and 1924. will this year give a summer season of opera at the Central Theater in Cedarhurst. L. I. The season will op<-n June 23 with a

mental soloists and among them will be H'-lcna Mar.'-h, contralto; Lotta Madden, soprano; Edith Ewald. soprano; Joan Ruth, soprano of the Metropolitan Opera Coi.ipany; Viola Pherer, soprano, and Waino Kauppl, cornet 1st.

presentation of Aula, in which Jircda

Issue Blue List of
Male Voice Music
Auociated dee Clubs Compilr Official
Rfpcttoirc Suitable for Season's
Choral Programs
As part of their information service to male choru."cs, the Associated Glee Glubs of America have just iM.sucd a list of selected compo.sitlons for men's voices. This list constitutes the official r*-t)ertolre of the a.*'soclation of 192.5'2*). At the reriuest of Clayton W. Did, president of the association, a number of male chorus conductor.s were asked to make e.ach a li.st of the 15 choral works, in their opinion, best adapted for inclusion In this rei*ertolre The list in the aggregate numbera {·ome 200 compositions.
Conductors contributing to the com¬ posite list include the following: John H. Houston, Mark Andrews, William Glover, Theodore Van Yorx, Hobart Smook, Clyde Aitchison, John Hyatt Brewer, Bruno Huhn, George H. Gartlan. F. A. Riemann, E. J. A. Zelner, H. T. Rodman, Archibald T. Davison, Frank Kasschau, Frank Sill Rogers, A. L. Watson, A. Hansen, Daniel Protheroe, Ralph Grosvenor, Ralph L. Baldwin and Arthur D. Woodruff.
Any male chorus wl«h1ng to use the list for reference In making up Its r* pertoire may obtain a copy without charge by applying to the As.«iociated Glee Clubs of America. fi2 West 4.5th street. New York City.--From Nation¬ al Bureati for the Advancement of Music, 4 West 45th street. New York.
Lxington Pageant-Drama

Philadelphia Music Festival
Franklin Field in Philadelphia was th« Scene of the elaborate open-air .Munc Festival the evening of June- 3 and the audience numh<-red 30,000. The festival had been in preparation for nian\ many weeks under tin* direction of prominent musicians and musical organizatlon'c aa practically every such organization m the Quaker City participated In the pro¬ gram. Dc spite the fact that a hug. choruH of more than 1,000 singcr> took part
there was no confusion, for the vast stagr affordc-d ample room, and ns th.- various groups from the different choral organ izatlons sang they one after another stepped forward, and it was these rhoruws whic-h made up p.rhaps'the mo.-t ef¬ fective demonstration of what is being done In a musical wav in Philadelphia. The program was divided into three sec¬ tions with part 1 including choruses fro'n the great oomposltloiyc. chief of whi' h was Beethoven's The ffearrns Arr T'lli»ii. which was sung hy the Oranci Festtvai Ghorus, led hy Herbert J. TiIy. There were spec-lal exercises which pc'rmittcd intro¬ ducing the various vocal organizations. II under their regular leaders, and the organizations represented In the first part were the Temple Choru.s and Glee Club, West Philadelphia Musical Association, the Shrine Glee Gliih, the Fortnightly Club, the Palestrina Gholr. the tVnmens Chorus, the Matinee Musical Club Chorus, the German Slnping Cliihs of the rifv. and the leaders of tnese several choral groups lncJud*"d Herbert J. 'Tily. J Marvla Hanna. Henry Gordon Thunder. Nicola Montani. Helen Pulaski Innes. Charles H. Martin. F. F. Flrlch. and there was also orchestral and band music by the Civic Junior Orchestra and Civic Junior Band directed Iw Albert J. Hoxie. and the Women's Symphony Orchestra of Phila¬ delphia with J. W. F, I-«'man .is eonduc

Aves, young American soprano, will ap¬ pear In the name part, and Carmela


Shore Festival


To Be Brilliant


tor. The second part of the program was devoted to an elaborate exhibition of bal

Ponselle as .\mnerl8. Ttiiring the second

Awards Prize to American

let dancing and the second act of Aida

week f'avnllcria Ru^tirana and Pngliocci

Lexington. Mass., will be the scene with an all-Philadelphia cast. The bal¬

will he given with Miss Ponselh- a." Pun-

tU7.7.a. and Cai-tnrn has been chosen for

the week of July 7 with Miss Aves in the

Gtle role. The opera for the fourth week

is tentatively announced as DrHlah. and the entire series


include 10 performances will be con¬

ducted by Cesare Sodcro. Then there is

the Free Municipal Series of opera to

be given at Ebbets Field, for which the

list of operas and the principals will be

announced very shortly.

New York thus will offer ample op¬

portunity to hear opera in the outdoors, and in addition the general public will

hLaevweisoohffnereSdtadiitumoutdboyorthceonPcheirlthsarimn otnhiec

Orchestra of New York, concerts by the

Goldman Band on the eampus of the

New York l^niversity. and concerts in

Central P;irk by the several organisations

provided by the Municipal Music Com¬

.\n American composer, ITerman Hans
Wetzb-r, who resides In Germany, won the prize of $1,000 offered by the Chicago North Shore Festival Association for the
hest symphonic compo.sition. Eighty-four
impositions hy American composers were is-nt in to the judges, and or these five
were selected to be judged In the final conipc-titlon. The.se were rendered by the
t'hicago Symphony Orche.otra, Frederick .'-stfH-k. conductor, and Mr. Wetzler's Sym¬
phonic Poem, A Legfnd of St. Francis of was awarded first prize. The com¬
position is of a serious character and said ti> pose.-ss much beauty of melody and
good tonal effects. Mr. Wetzler is known to Chicago musical people chiefly thru one
of his symphonies, which a season ago was played by the Chicago Symphony Or-
ch stra under the direction of the com¬ poser,

of what is expected to be one of the
greatest outdoor spectacles given in this ( ountry during the week of June 16. when
its pageant-drama. Lexington, will he presented In its huge amphitheater. The
pageant will be produced at a cost $50,000 and will require a cast of 1.600;
in addition there will be a male chorus, a speaking choir and military band.s.
Ruth St. Denit has been especially en¬ gaged to represent Freedom, and in the dance Interlude Berthe and Francem-a
BraggiottI will appear. Lexington haa for some time presenti-d ev*-ry 10 years a
pageant commemorating the historical events which occurred In the city and Its Immediate vicinity and the same plan will be followed this year, and the pag¬ eant-drama will also illustrate America's
place in education, art and the uplift of humanity.

let written and staged by L<iuise LeGai was presented by the Wroe Dani ers, the Miller Dancers, the Duval Dancers. th« Nieman-Krupska Dancers, and .m Indian War Dance presented hy a large group of Indians residing In Phll.ndelphla. The allPhiladelphia c.'ist for the presentation of
Aida includ'-d Bianca S.aroya of the San Carlo Op<'ra Company as Alda. Mat^ Stone Langston as Amnerls, Royal P.
Maclellan as Rhadames. Nelson Eddy as Amonasro. Henri Scott as the king, and the conductor was .Xlexander Smallens.
musical director of the Phtladelnlila Civic
Opera Comp.nny, with the regular chorus of that organization appearing and aug mented by the Grand Festival Chorna The thlrti part of this notable oiitdow summer festival wa.s a program pre«enfed hy the mnss<y1 hands conducted hv John
Philip Sousa, who w'as given a tr^ mendoiis ovation by the «`nthuslasti«' andl

mittee of New York.

« ncc. Philadelphia'thus again ha*; d* mon

Granbcrry Piano School
Closes Nineteenth Season
The Cranberry Piano School of New York. George Folsom tlranberry. director, «-losed its 19th season with the eommencement < xercises in Carnegie Cham¬ ber Music Hall, Thursday evening. June 4. The graduates were Charlotte Kado, who received a full diploma, and Mrs. .M. W. Alyea, Harold F. Hass. Gladye .1. Fee, Augusta C. Trager and Jane Watson re¬ ceived teachers* certificates. The pro¬ gram included one num1>er b.v Grieg, played b.v six pianists, and Miss Bado was heard in compositions by Bach. Beethoven, Chopin and Lisxt. The presen¬ tation of diploma and certificates was make by Mr. Granberry.

Cincinnati Conservatory
Presents Cup to Lyford
Ralph I-yford. leader of the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music Orchestra, was prtsented with a silver loving cup at the f .H.-'.n's final con'-* i t. Frederick Shailcr Evans, dean of the f.aculty. presented the I up on behalf of the members of the orchestra and .student body, said the gift was a ''token of .'inpreciatlon for Mr. I-yford'.*- untiring effort.s, his outsf.anding musicianship, his work toward the better and finer things In music, also til*- m* rit of his work as an American compo8<-r."
Louisiana Extends Date
For Anthem Contest

San Ffancisco To Hold
Huge Saengerfest in August
.San Francisco will be the gathering place for the socletlea of the I'aciflc Sa* ngerbund August 15 and 16 and it ia said one of the larg'-.st chonis*-.>c ever asvembbcl In that city will paiticipate in the program. The director of the choral festival is Kred<-rl<-k <1. Silillli-r and all eonc«.rfB will b<- given in the Givii- Audi¬ torium. .More than HOO singers, members of the male singing sooletlc-s in San Franc-Ihco. Sa< ramc-nto, Stockton. Los Ang*'lcs, S.in Di»-go, I'ortlarid and Seattle, h.ave already ·-iirolb-d. and among the comtmnitions to be given will be Important works by W,igner, Bruck ;ind Tb riianski.
Oklahoma City Raising Fund

straled what can be accomplished thru having all local musical orcaniznilons^ oj>eratlng one with the other, and tnra this means bring good music within tM reach of all those who want to hear it
Zuro Plans Third Season For Sunday Symphonic Society

Josiah Ziiro, conductor of th'-

Symphonic 8o<'lefy, which Just clos'-d W

s<»cond isiccessfiil waw'n of free eoncens

in the Criterion Theater, New York, nas

announced a third season will


OctohiT. The programs will again <'cnj

slst of the standard symplmnles a*' 'rr"

aa compositions of talented Amerle.m ann

foreign composers, and, as In tin-

aea.*»on, a prize of |100 will awardi'd for the most popular comp'''--ltem

by an American romiK*scr. Thru arning-

R. H. Burnside Engaged

The Music Committee appointed to man¬ age the Ixul.siana HiaU- Anth* m Prize

Fof City Symphony Ofchestra

ments with National Music L-ag'i' the Stadium Concerts' Committe*-


Zuro win present three of the rlng'i''-

For N. Y. Municipal Opera

Tom Burke, director of the Municipal

Opera Company of New York, In'-., ha.s

engaged R. H. Burnside to stage the

operas to be produced in the Polo Grounds

for three weeks in .luly and August. Mr.

Burnside Is known far and wide thni the

many spectacular productions which he

staged in the New York JHppod-ome, also

thru his operatic pre^ ntatlons and

pageants In other cities. At the prc.sent

time he is directing the preparation ···of a

big pageant to be presented in the public

auditorium at Cleveland during the con¬

vention of Rotary clnbs.


Content has announced the cloving dale has b* en extended frfim Augii.-^t 1 to t)ctob< r 1.5. The committee made the change h<-* ayse It ^lleved c/,mpe>r< rs wf'Uld get tv Iter attentif.n if the tinal
hearing of the compositions was held in
the fall rath* r than In August, "rhe c*>n-
ditions of the contest ar<- that manus' ripts withfiiif names attaeJu-d Imt Identifi*d, by a m.'irk c^irre p'.riding to on*-
on a seal*<l enveU.pe containing the rtimposer's name must l*e sent to The TinirsPirayune. N*-w Orleans, by Oclotv-r 15, at
n<-*ein. The comn*>citlon must Iv a rn'iviral .'«f*lng of the fyuiiviHna Anth*m written by Mrs. Stanton, a copy of which can be
had by writing The Timee-Plcaj/vne.

Oklahoma Gity, Ok., Is engaged In rais¬ ing a guarantee fund to be ii«<-d for the tnaInf<naric<- of a city orchestra, which la t<i be known as the Oklahoma City Sym-
Iibony Or'heslra At a m<'<llng held r*-cetitly a commitic-i- was a|*p*iint<-cl, and
Ger/rge Fre<l<-rlckson. chairman of llio · ·omrriMt* e n isirts thal b'-lw' c-n $14,000
and $15,000 has bi en rals<-c|, amt that contriiniflcins for tb** giiaraiitc-e funcl are · omlrig In laplclly. Tin- .'tincinnt desired
til maintain I be orch*-'tr!i next year Is 120,000, and In vb-w cif the Intirest taken
during the riist s^-aHcin, which closcci a few weeks ago, it Is believed the entire
amount will be raised long before the next .'runun opens.

Instrumentallste chos*-n hy the Committee of this group at it.**



Aa In the past two si-.''..sons. RO


will ^·onstlt^lte the Sunday Symphi'iil''· '

clety, and tiiey will again '"'''",'7 7 ond

services wlllioiit charge of


|)r*igram artists, comlnctor and -iv-.iK r

also all contribute thdr talents fr'"''

Jerome Swinford, popular eomjilcte a very I'liccessftil season "> tour of the Southern colleger during t latter part of June. ,\mong his "I''"" anc*'s wlil he a recital at the Slate College for Women, at thr versity of Florida, and at the
State College for Women.

June H* 1925

The Billboard


fJew Oilcans Assured of Grand Opera Season

Thf N- w Orleans Civic Opera Assot'la-

ti. n reports Mich cxi client proitrcKs has


in oblamint: for a »e4iM)n

the neccbsary of araiid opera

th.it ,1 foiir-wock season is assured. The

avviHiition i.s coinposed of a Rroup of

..emmiitres r« i>r<'s. ntinc practically every

riiih .il.'-o financial and civic body. In the

ntv'of .N'ew tirleatis. and as every one

II. workiiiK most xealously the campaicn

u proMtiK one of the most successful

for the T H EATR1CA L ^tbrary^
Reviewed by Don Carle Gillette^

and a .^ong and dance, LaPalonia, presenteij hv .\lherto Sanchez tenor, anef Olive MeCue in the afternoons, Thelma Biracrce evenings.
.lohn HainiiionrI. at the organ of the Pit cadilly Tli'ater, N*-w York, is giving two spi eialties. Bark irnrd. Turn Backvnrd. Introducing Wilsoii'.s melody, HnpPU-Un-ljU, kg Uaga. and You're Jual a h'lowrr From on Ohl Bongnet, bv Jenkins. Freeiric Kradkin director of the nrchestrs, is also i>laying firrenade, Toselli-Fradkin, as both ttie feature solo and the theme song to the feature.

fver told in the city and more than three-quarters of the neces.sary aubscriptien* are already received. Fortune Gallo who was appointed to select the m. mtw i K of the company to present tho .fa'-on of opera, is now busy slKninR a number of foreiKn artists and the present nlins arc to opca the aeason November b'. with all performancea Riven In the Tiilane Theater.
Ten Concerts Announced .
By Elwyn Concert Bureau
The Elwyn Concert Bureau has comnliled arranRementa for a series of 10 subscription concerts to be given in the Civic Auditorium. San Francisco. Many of the most noted artists in the mii.^ic world will be presented and amtjng thtnj will be Josef Hofmann, pianist f Ldward Johnson, tenor: Maraaret Matzenaucr. contralto; Hulda ^shanska. ,«oprano. who will be heard in Joint recital with Kflix Salmond. cellist; Cecilia Hansen, violinist; OiRa Bamaroff. pianist, in Joint conern with the Ixmdon Strlna Quartet;
Thamar Karsavina and Her Ballet, and
Toscha Seidel, violinist.
Community Musical

A PLAYER rsnER THREE REIGSR, Ri/ Fir Johnaton Eorhea-Robertaun. Publiahed by J.Utlc, Brown tk. Cotniuiny, Boaloii.

The new State Tlieater of South Man¬ chester, Conn., has engaged tlie services
of Kubv Belle Nason as organist of the n« w house. Miss Na.son is the pioneer

The most regrettable thing about nc.-irly all autobiographies of actors--even theater organist, having played In the

gr> at actors--is that lin y contain too Utile teal inform .tion concerning the author first theater which boaslcif of an organ.

Khim.self, the methods and rules he followcMl in achieving his succtss, what his She has al.so filled successfully the posi¬ roblems were and how he met them, win rein he mede mi.stake.s and the advice tion of organist in the Balaban & Katz e would give to otheis In order that they migtit b»*nelit by his experience, and his theaters and Asher houses in Chicago, as truly Intimate reactions and impressions of tlie persons, place.e and incidents that w»-ll as the leading theaters of Columbus. have touched uptvn his life and career. This would make a much more interesting O. : Buffalo. San Francisco, Wheeling and a much more valuable volume than the usu.il collection of curtain speeches and numerous other cities.

filled with unimportant discursiveness gnd anecdotes that reveal nothing of the

actor's real self nor of his art.

The Porcelain Clock, a Joseph Plun¬

So in this respect the autobiography of Sir Johnston Forbes-Robertson ia a dis¬ kett presentation, and excerpts from

appointment. Allho he is the very man from whom one would expect to get a Romeo and Juliet, with Emily Day.

deeper Insight and fuller understanding of the great art in which he was .so eminent, coloratura soprano, singing the Waltz

the fact remains that A Plautr Under Three Keigna contains very little of a re¬ Song, are the feature numbers this week

vealing. instructive or guiillng nature.

at the Mark Strand Theater, New York.

It is quite evident that modesty exercised an unneces.sary re.stralnt on Sir As an added feature Mr. I'lunkett is pre¬

Johnston's hand in the writing of his story. The book is written in the relined, senting for the first time in New York

scholarly hand of a trui gentleman. There are times when the style la almost too Nick Lucas, The Crooning Troubadour,

amiable, as if the great actor continually bore in mind that he was doing something an exclusive Brunswick artist..

that would have to please the public. And a.-> far as pleasing the public i.s con¬

cerned the charm and geniality of his book undoubtedly will tind a host of appre¬ ciative readers. But still it isn't the contribution to the history and literature of the theater that men like Forbes-Robertson ought to hand down.
Among the interesting things revealed in A Pinitrr Under Three Rrigna is the incident that led to the break beween W. S. Uilbert and Arthur Sullivan. The incident was such a trivial one, having to do with u dispute over the laying of wme new carpet In the Haymarket Theater, that it seems almo.st Incredible the famous combination of Uilbert and Bullivan could have been t'plit forever over such a small
matter. Sir Johnston also comes to the dcfcn.se of Sir Henry Irving in a long eulogy

At the Missouri Theater. St. Louis. Herschel Henlere, one of the most
eccentric pianists on the American stage, la appearing during the current week. Mr. Henlere is well known for his unt .-lual ability. The Harpland Fantasy. In wlilch seven girls play the harp, under the direction of Miss MacQuarrie, is an added
attraction to the week s bill.


that, coming from 'one who knew the earlier actor personally, will serve to refute

the various insinuations made against Irving after his death.

For the fourth anniversary of the Pal¬

Also of unusual interest are Sir Johnston's comments on the deplorable con¬ ace Theater, Ihilla.'i, a program contain¬

m-operation between the Community Music .Vhsociatlon. the local recreation di-nsrtment and Northwestern University has had unusually Interesting results in Evanston. III. PurinR the past season, due to a plan worked out by Osbourne McCoiiathy, of the Department of Public
..hool and Community Music of North¬ western University, and W. C. Bechtold, superintendent of Public Recreation of Evanston, arrangements were satisfac¬ torily made whereby a aeries of concha were Riven by eludents of the Music De¬

ditions of the modern stage, whii h he attributes largely to the controUing spi-cu- ing numbers of unusual interest were

lators and the disapi>earaiu-e of the aetor-manager. This is a subject on which he given the week of May 30. Among the

might have written at much greater length, as it i^ evident by the few passagesI entertainment features were Virginia

contained in the book that he knows the situation well.

Futrelle, dramatic soprano; the Bel Can¬

Modern lighting and scenery also come in for brief but very sound and artistio icoromenta

to Quartet. Monarchs of Harmony; Mar¬
garet Smith, diminutive dancer; Harold Clark, baritone: Nelle laiwrey. soprano,

But perhaps the most fascinating element In the book is the mention of count¬ and the ensemble assisting. The produc¬

;less great names--famous men and women with whom Sir Johneton came in i-on- tion was conceived and directed by

taot during his larecr--including such ligures as the du Mauriers, Oscar Wilde, Nicholas Mlrskey. musical director, and

Bernhardt, Mpdjeska, the De Resskes, Whistler, Ellen Terry and Swinburne, to built and staged by the Palace Technical

,mention only a few of the noted foreign personages, and t'tenoral Sherman, Mrs. Staff.

Jefferson Davis. William Dean Howell.s, Bret Harie, the Frohmans and many others

on our own side. If only he had lingered a little longer on each name!

partment of the University In connecMon -

with the evening community center prorram conducted in the public school buildtags. Four concerts were given by the students, each being In charge of a com¬ mittee. and credit toward graduation was allowed by the university to those stu¬ dents taking part in the program. This rn-operative arrangement brought about two excellent results t namely, the students
obtained valuable experience and the audi¬ ences enjoyed musttal treats of real merit. The proRrams consisted of quar¬ tets. duet.s. v(h-h1 and violin solos, read-
tag and community singing.

;.bHyicawl rpiltainygs

and the

pageants editor of

can obtain same this department.

Concert and Opera Notes

Angelo Patrlealo, pianist, has opened a


in New York City, and, in addition teaching, is recording artist for the

new Welte-Mignon tLacenaee). Among

side at the $30,000 Wurittaer organ in tile new motion picture theater, the Plaza Isabel II. When calling at our New York
office Mr. Possa stated the interpretation of the pictures with the new organ caused a sensation in Madrid, as this was something entirely new and the ef¬ fects produced with the organ were so
unusual that not until a special demon¬
stration was given the music critics would they believe these effects were not
produced with the aid of musicians backstage. The organ was used to provide the major portion of the musical pro¬

his rei'ent records are Barcarolle, Patri- gram at the new theater, but there was

Community music aided in advertising ,colo; Romance. Palricolo; Dixie Patrol, also an orchestra of 14 musicians. Mr.

Glendale among other Southern California arranged by Patricolo; a concert para¬ Possa report'ed that mostly American

cities this sprinR when the illendale phrase on Star-Spangled Bqnser, Hail films are used in Spain and that the

Choral Club and Municipal Symphony Or¬ Columbia and Yankco Doodle, and a num¬ presentation of pictures with music is far

chestra prewnted an evening of music in ber of others. Long Bea. h and Rcdland. Approximately

from up to date, but this will be im¬ proved as soon as more organs are in¬

4.000 people heard the two programs »hich the musicians traveled more than IIO miles to present. (Slcndale is the leader |n one of the nine districts in
Southern California which are sponsoring the Ki-teddf-d movement for community
contests in music, art and drama.

An engagement to conduct grand opera at the Colon Theater in Buenos Aires, Argentine, has b. en accepted by Pietro
Cimlnld who for tl\e years was one <>f the leading conductors of the Chicago Opera Company. Upon his rtiurn to this coun¬ try he will appear as one of the print ipul

stalled, and several theaters are now negotiating with the Wurlitzer Co. In a few weeks Mr. Possa will return to Europe, this time being sent by the
Wurlitzer Company to demonstrate for it in Bw'cden, Italy and London.

The Civic Svniphony Orchestra, of Tenver, t'ol., Horace E. Turi than, con-

«onductors for the grand opera Los .\ngeles this fall.

season in

S<i successful was the oratorio form of operatic selections presented last week by

du. t>'r. has rloind its third and most suc-

B, L. Rptliafel of the New Y'ork Capitol

'es.-ful seasn*h. The orchestra providi s a The Vomposor, Werner Josten. i.s pre. Theater that he is using a similar ar¬

training school for players and gives sym- paring a caniata for .i fpstixal to be held rangement of numbers from Rigolctto as

rhupv c'^ncerts to the people of the city »' the amazing price of 10 and 1'» ct nta.

a.'rt tthSmanitnhivCeroslaltrgye

tn celebration of the founding

of of

the the

a f««ture of this week's program. The principals are Douglas Stannury, Caroline

The rri-hestra numlxTs 102 muiHcians, and college. The cantata is h.i.sed on Dryden'.s .\ndrews. Nell LaMance and tiluscpjie

12 concerts are given during the year with 'be ·ntlre eost of the season about ll:t..'i0(i, of which 1.1.000 comes froni ad¬ missions, ll.joo from program advrritsIrg and the remaining |9,300 rained by

poem. Ode to St. f'erilia'.H Dau, arranged for a mixed choni.t., with soprano and b.irltone solos to the accompaniment of
(Continued on page 36)

Ueschiglian assisted by a male cn.semble
of .in VO c«*s. Roxy's ti.ing are also to he seen this week, providing the atmos¬
pheric setting for the feature film IVildtiir. and the artists participating are

suhH rtption.

Cladys Rice, M.irjorle Harcum. I.ottice

t'ivic crand opera, sung by lot'al artists, h .'dv.ineinir the musical reputation or «"i-ton-Sah-m The new Uevnolds Au¬ ditorium, erected at a co.st of IT.'iO.OOO a.a · memorial hv 11 .1. Reynolds, is adapted tar -1 icinp elahorate pnvlurtlons. and
»insion-Sa'lem hae live choral organlza-

Motion Picture Music Notes
Possj Rrinint From Spain

Howell, T.ila Baling. H.vzel Simonson. Frank Moulan, I.leut. Oitz Rice, Arthur I..ing. James Parker Coombs. J.jck Abbott,
assisted hv Doris Niles and the Ballet Corps. Miss Niles and .isslsting daneers are al.so seen in a special dance, and David Mendoz,a id condusting the orches¬ tra in an interlude.

ilia Garibaldi Arriehl TEACHER OF RINaiNR. CstskllKitd U Yasrs. StudMils ·« LlaHsd Mims AasMsd.
nm ·rmtmmt, NEW YORK. bdtaast MM.
IM wm OMrot m t'Kemiw, ii'n mumMmsw Vstli CR».
PMss. Mfeaylar HOI.
voice TEACHER AND COACH M WssI >7tll St.. New YarL EadieaH ASM.
Wa Taach Evarytkiat a Saiaatiaaist Has Ta Kaaw. 131 W. nth St.. NEW YORK CITY. Eadieatt Mil.
Vaadavllla Siniiat Acts arranfrd and kraaariMl B'tinnars aetapted. Studia, 51 W. 7Sth St., Nrw Yafk. Ptiane. Trafiltar 5**2.

oons, all under the direction of willl.im Kreach, director v>f music In the public whools.
The op.'ra. /fornarf anti fjrrtrt, which hriird by R.ium in .S.iu Iviego, Calif.,

Chas. J Possa, organist and miiiiical director, well known for his skill In nuisi-
cally Interpreting motion pictiire.s. has just returned from .Spain. F.arlv in Feb¬ ruary Mr. Possa went to Madrid to pre¬

Among the interesting numbers on last wi.k's hill at the Kastman Theater, Rochester, ware the overture Rirnzi. the daily organ r>Hlt.ils of Robert Berent!--en.

h"' '`.ir, was ag.tin produced this spring

»y the San ivieiro ('ouiiniinlty Service .as

·^ii·.ilioilntnoienmtusioi fal

at>t>recintion and to family recreation.


'''l"'l'f^l''n late was arranged for


· miiy groiipa, making the price of some as low as 30 cents.


Rt^kton. Calif, has formed n com-

arte* ussoclntlon, the purpose of


fOiHer all forms of artistic de-

in the city. The orgiinlzation ,r.,P'j ''·lo a large membership and a

·ptandld field for Its activities.

FRANK VAN DUSEN. A A G O.. Dii«ctor.

The (fbool is eqaipprd with » little Model Thejttf for Irssons and purtice bffort

the scftrn. and with nine Organs of Modern ThfJtrt Type. Faculty srirctrd

from Ifsding Thestrr Orgsnists of Chiesgo. Pupils filling promintnt positions in all

pjrti of the country. Special summrr course of 6 wf*Vs. June I'lth to August 8lb,

1925. Address


Carina Wlastinelli
Tractirr al Italian M^thad. Instractian far Prarrssianal Artists in Csncart and
Oarra a Sarcialty. Rttidrnta Studia. SI Wrst 7tth St., Ntw Yark
Phnna. Trafaltar 5M2.
PIANIST--TEACHER Piaaa--Mraiary Traininf--Tkaary.
PIANIST In«iniiilon. nr.-orditfs artlat for Ntw Welia-

organizations desiring a Hat "rsi-. which rent or lease op«'rettas, mu-

Amerirsn Consrrvstorv of Musir. S'O Kimbjll Bldg.. Chicago. Illinois.

51 W. 7Mh 6t.. Nra Yark.

Trafal«ar 5SS2.




The Billboard

June 13, 1925





~ '<


Jayne Auburn, Charming and Lik.ahle, Drowns Her Nice Personality in the Role of a Disagreeable W Oman

Why does a producer choo.se an actress

(Commumcations to 1560 Broadway, New York, N, Y.)

with a charming, lovable personality l.Ue

that of Jayne Auburn, for a character

who must, in conforniitv to thi' plot of

Florenz Ziegfeld Takes Steps To Prevent


the play, he thoroly disliked by tlie audiiiice? I'. rliaps it i.s because p. rmiiw who can register strongly in on. wav

tiave it In their power to regi-ier

just as .strongly in a converse way.

His Players From Appearing in Pictures

.\t any rate, in Lady, R, Good ths current Aarons & Kreedley magical

comedy hit at llie Liberty Theater, New

York, tlie disagreeable role of Josetilim*

\ anderwater is iilayed by a young lady

Leon Errol and Ann Pennington May Be Enjoined From Act¬ ing in Films for Which They Have Been Signed--Producer

wlio is as agree-able. friendly and lika¬ ble as aiA' a.'tress in the prof, svion Not that tite packed houses at the Ub-

Threatens To Call Daily Rehearsals if Necessary

erty Tliealer realize such a p. t sonality 111 Jayne Auburn, who .so successfully

To Keep Members of His Companies From Screen Studios

puts aaoss the character of this frivolous money-laden, nuptial-conspiring heiress. Stie represents to them the wrong way

out of the hero's difficulties, a character

New YORK, June fi.--Followinp the announcement this week that Leon Errol,

t.i be enjoy, d only as comedv and never to be symiMthizcd with. A great d. al of

.star of Klorvnz Ziepfeld's laiett musical production, Louie the UMi, at the Ziegfeld's Cosmopolitan Theater, had b<on signed by Sam E. Roik for the starring role in Clothis Make the Mnu. a feature moving picture to be tilmed at the Cosmopolitan Studios, Florenz Ziegfeld, Jr., announced that he would take steps

the success of the plot depeml.s upon .Miss
Auburn making her cUara. t. rlz.ition an unpopular one and she d.ies admirably well with the task, 'rou despise her plans to marry the hero whcilier he will or

to prevent members of his companies from appearing in motion picture productions

no; you hate her for ordering him dis¬

from now on.

In addition to this Ziegfeld has

threatened to enjoin Errol and Ann I'eiinington from acting in the films for which


they have been signed. Miss Pennington

went to Los Angelet> several weeks ago New York, June 6.--Jimmy Savo and by. sp. ecial .permissio.n f.rom tl1** - F1 ol/ii.s 'he team of Brennan and Rogers have producer to apitear in the prolog to the been engaged for the new edition of

motion picture version f>f Zander the Arfista and Models. Great, starring Marion Davie.s. While on Katherine Frey, Peggy Fears, Ororcia

A ckatming and talented actrett u'ho ii

the Coast she has been offered lucrative Owynn and Flo Lane have joint d the n-aktng het Brnadu'ay debut in "Lady,

film contracts, and is understood to be ensemble of the Zitrifild Lollies at tlie now appearing in a picture with Julian New Amsterdam Theater. Eltinge. She has already overstayed her Ted and Betty Healy, Miss Bobby Fol-

Be Good", at the Liberty Theater, Seu>



period of leave, and Ziegfeld has wired som. Jed Dooley. Audree Evan.-^, Oscar

her to return at once, inasmuch as he has Loriane, Adele Neff, Dave Chastn, Kath-'

a long-term contract with the dancer, and ryn Ray, Senia Gluck. Felicia Sorel. Lorsays he will take the matter up with the raine de Lunien and the Cardell Twins


Actors' Equity Association if she is not (Edith and Clarion) have b-en engaged

back bv June 15.

by Earl Carroll for his coming edition

The situation, however, was Drought to of the Vanities.

a climax by tl»»* development that Errol Jlildr.d Windell, who formerly ap-

had agreed'to app*ar in a picture, and it peared in Blossom Time, has assumed the

is with the star of Louie the Hth that-duties of understudy to Barbara Maurel

Ziegfeld is most concerned. Every Kar in the role of Petti-Sing in The Uikado

appearing under Ziegfeld's management at the 4 4th Street Theater,

has a contract under which the productr Eleanor Griffitn. last «een In Sitting

New York. June 6.--Gladys Lloyd h^
replaced Kathlene Martyn in Lady. Be Good, at the Liberty Theater.
Evelyn Kindler, Barbara Grace, Marea Kerns and Ann Kelly have replaced
Blanche O'Brien, Peggy Watts, Texas Monroe and Rose Adaire in My Girl at the V'anderbilt Theater.

has their exclusive services, and Ziegfeld Pretty and Meet the Wife, will replace

argues that it isn't fair to a manager who Winnie Baldwin June la in Mercenary puts on a $200,000 production like Louie Mam at the Longacre Theater.





the nth to have any of his .stars or ^ John MacCatiley, who made his sUge principal players working hard by day in debut in Acrir., last year, joined the

Going Big in St. Louis

motion picture studiot* and thereby losing

of A.®* Ao. Aoiicffe, this week in

their vitality and efficiency, and conse- rnilaaelphia.




Jeannette MacDonald, late of The Uetnic

St. Louis, June 6.--Walter R. Lang's Youth and Beauty Revue of 1926,

possessed from his home; you laugh at her love--making and rejoice at her finally getting larded with the comedy attorney.
Off the stage. Miss Auburn is th. ex¬ act opposite of her part. Clever, lovable, wholesome and serious is this beautiful young actress. How she con¬ ceals her winning smile in Lady, Be Good, is .a marvel. Surely she must be versa¬ tile.
The present appearance Is her first on Broadway, hut an investigation brines forth a background and training that sliould carry her far. She spent most of the earlier years of her life in study abroad. Voice culture, singing and dra¬ matic art came in for the largest share of her efforts. After an intensive course with the famous Camille Grieg Miss Au¬ burn went on the professional stag. In Norway and Sweden and played, in the Scandinavian tongue, a long rep.rtoire of Ibsen, Bjornsnn and other classical dramas. Interesting stories are told of her participation In the various sports of the Northern countries, including an ex¬ perience skiing with the Crown Prince of Norway.
Three years ago she returned to America and join* d the Woodward I'lay¬ ers in Detroit. Feeling a n.-ed for ad¬ ditional training to that of the excellent school of stock, she went into vaudeville and more recently tried her luck in pic¬

oiHiied May 16 at New Mannion's I'ark tures. Her last screen appearance was

Theater for a summer run of four in the role of t'lothllde with Gloria Swan¬

months, presenting a repertoire of snap¬ son in Her Love Sfory.

py musical revues, and business to date In spite of her jiresent success in mu¬

picture at the same time that he is still appearing in a Ziegfeld .show.
'The producer threatens, as a last re.sort, to call daily rehear^tils in order to ke. p his players from motion picture studios.
"G. V. Follies" Producers
O Vefrfieerr Pl nrV izeecs floorr SOkKcCficchnccss -
New York. June 6.--In an effort to obtain the best wit and noviltv available for tile next edition of the Grunicich VilInge Follies, A. L. Jones and Morris <'ir»en, producers of this annual revue, announce that they will give a cash prize of $2.")0 for the best comic sketch. $150 for file last novelty act or notion, and $100 for the most eng.iging scenic design sub¬ mitted fo them not later tlian July 15. Tliese prizes will be paid immediately on aece|itanee of tlie idea and are in addition to the regular royalties that will follow. Roth professional and amateur writers ami artists may compete.
Percy Campbell To Appear
With "Originals" Next

Wheelers Grantd $3,750
In "Brown Derby" z\rbitration
New York, June 6.--In one of the most bitterly fought arbitration cases ev. r conducted in Equity headquarters, Bert pranteBd etaty deWcihsieoenle_ragwaienrset Cthhiasrleswe.Kk. Ciordon and Fannie Brice for $3.7.".0. representing five weeks' salary in connection with their re<*ent appearance in The Broicn Derby, which closed last Safurd.iy In Boston after a week's run, with the Wheelers holding a six weeks' guarantee. Max Hart acted as arbitrator for the Wheelers, Lawrence J. -\nhalt r* pre¬ sented the producers, and Herman Iri' n. president of the Steinvvay Company, was umpire. Two sessions were neeess.ary be¬ fore a decision was reached, and In making the award in favor, of the Wheelers the umpire included ,the pro¬ viso that the Equity Council reprimand tlie stars "for failure to take direction, thereby Jeopardizing the success of the s'low'," and this unusual settlement was agreed to all around.
"Grand Street Follies" June 18

lias been phenomenal. Despite the fact that New Mannion's Park 'Theater seats 3.000, most of tlie pi'rformances have been sellouts. L^tst week's receipts were $11,237, at prices of 30 and 50 cents, and the company has. become the talk of St. Louis.
The Youth and Beauty Revue has an organization of 36 people, with its own special orchestra, under the direction of Fred Schick. Kay .\dalr, featurvd come¬ dian, who established hlmseK solidly in the popularity of St. Louis, heads the
list of principals. Supjiorting him are Lauretta De Voll, George B. H.all, George A. Burton, Bob Jones, Peggie Wil.son, Jimmie Moss, Peggy Osborn, Lillian Gardner, Harry 1.^1 Toy. Marie De Voll, an excellent quartet consisting of Charles Phillips. Ed Cliitterdon, Les Applegate and Cliet Empleby, and a real snappy and youthful chorus made up of Lily Gardner. Mickey More, Tot Shirley, Hazid Joyce, Pearl Thompson, Juanita Roghers, Elolse La Veil, Didorls Lead-
b' tter, .Myce Smith, I>'>da Hunter, 'Lamora Long. Mary .\nderson. Toots Hall and Bobbie Hanheide.
Ted Long is business agent for the
company, and Geurge Hensl. y, the wellknown scenic artist, supplies handsome new .settings for tlie new show each week.

sical qpme.ly Miss Auburn favors straight parts in dramatic plays, modern nieces rather than the clas.sics. With ner obvious strength of character, her auburn hair and athletic appearani-e. H. Woods might find her an excellent Iris for his Green flat If n. r.-hHii.-e something should happen to disappoint us all in our antl.'ipation of seeing Katherine Cornell in the role. But then type and personality are not always the roads to en engagement, for certainly whoever cast Jayne Auburn for her pres¬ ent part saw b«'.vond that.
Maria Shamshon in Title Role of "Rosc-Maric '
Chicago, June 6.--Maria Shamshon. a Hungarian singer, is now In the title rol* of Rose-Marie at the Woods Herbert Stothart, who wrote part of tn^e Rtisr-.Marie score. Is condui't ing the ''[J chestra tor a time. Miss Sliamshon w ni.iking her American debut in the Rose-Marie Is now on 'ts IRlIi tlie Woods and sailing along m the highest favor.

Toronto, June 5.--Percy Campbell, who
was a member of the original crunpahv of The Dumbbells, when that organiza¬ tion was first formed for the entertain¬
ment of Canadian troops in France in 1915, and who has since acted as man¬ ager of The Originals, will return to the
stage next season and appear with his
former buddies in a new musical ex¬ travaganza, which will tour the Canadian territory. The present attraction of The niiginn)s, entitled Stepping Out, will
close the season at Carhpbellton. N. B.,
June 13.

New York. June 6.--The Grand i-trert Follies of 1!*25. the annual revue at the Ni ighborhood Playhouse, is announ' < d to make Its how .June 18. All siat.s for the opening perform.I nee have been allotted to subscribers. Incidentally, the Neigh¬ borhood Playhouse is planning tw'o mu¬ sical productions for next season in ad¬ dition to its two dramatic offerings, and other productions may include some ballet
iid folk dancing and possibly a t're-
uction of the Whitman festival, Snlut
An Monde.

Man.v iiatrons have commented on the luodiiitions as being among the most pretentious ever presented here, rasemhliiig tho.se of tlie St. Louis Municipal Opera.
Also on the staff of Lang's company are Larry Tliomas, stage carpenter; Cleo Porter, electrician; Fred Rroeg. tmister of properties, and Vic Travers, wardrobe mistress.
Isabelle Rodriguez
Sailing for Spain

Marc Connelly Returning

N.'W York. June 6.--Marc Connelly

wlio has h.-.n on a brief vacation is

Paris. Is returning homo on the Majesw^

Immediately upon his arrival he will w*

gin work on the book for Earl


n.'W musical i^imedy. In whl.'h


will be f.atur.d. Tbo musi.- and I>r'`s

will be bv (iwcn Murphy an.l .laV n.-y. The op. ning is set for S'ptemner

7 in Washington.

"A. and M." in Rehearsal
New York. June 6.--Clifford Grey has been engaged to write the lyrh's for tlie new Artists and Models now in rehenrsil. Harry M'agstaff Gribhle, who has writ¬ ten several sketches for the jiroducthm, also has been commission, d hy the Slmberts to edit all skits in the.' re\'ue and to assist .\iexander I<.ftwiteh in sfacmg them. Jack Haskell will direct the dance numbers.

Summer Edition of "Follies" Will Be Presented This Month

New York. .luif ·>.-- A Slimmer edition

of Ziigfeid's Fn'tiis will be present'd at

the New ,\msterdam Theater about ttie


month. most


In addition to the other f.-a-

turcs of the eurr/^nf program the new

bill wilt contain IMna l.eeflem. and t>'r-

haps Dare and 'Walil, and veral other

performers recently engaged by Ziegfeld.

Now 'N'ork, June 6.--Isabelle Rodrigui z. Ihv I't'-inish dancer, who is featun d In The Love Snug, the Offenhach operetta, at llie Cetitury Theater, will s.iil shortly
for her native ci*y. Ilaneloha. Siiain. where she will take her first vacation In
*`lght years. .Mile. Rodriguez Is planning to iiiiieliase a house in Rareelona as a residence, for her parents, and during her visit liome site int. mis to stud' soma
new dances and collect a new Spanish
wardrobe for her diince interpretations.

Sammy Lee Returning
New York, Juno 6 --Sanimv ralihd Laiii.-iice S' liwah and l·'l:^llK -'·I'Jjr del from Paris that he is planning for New York on the intli of tills His first Job after arriving her.' win tlie Htaging of the song a"'', of raptnin .finks of the Horse Vnibir*. whl.'h Si'hwab & Mandel now have m
nfAnfs ro f i/iffl

Jane 13, 1925


The Billboard



New Summer Show in Philadel¬ phia Is Peppy and Musical-- Has Some Fine Talent and a Crackerjack Chorus

rhiladi'lphia. June 6.--With the ni» mo-

r:os Ilf Tom Johnstone's suvoess of two

yc.lr^ aKO, I'll

ffhe la. still fr< sli in

the minds of many locai th« atevKO* i>,

James 1'. Hi ury. who sponsored tiiat

viniure, present* d lu re this we-ek at the

Walnut Street Theater anotlier musical

piece by Johnstone and a few collabora¬

tors. entitled UTicn You SntUr, with

iHH'k by Johnstone and Jack Allcoate,

music by Johnstone, lyrics by I'hil Cook

and dances and ensembles by Larry

l'eh.allos. Oscar EaRle staged the pro¬

duct on, and the presentation Is belnc

made by B. ury under the direction of

John Jay Scholl.

When You Smile is a mu.sical comedy

in three acta and six acenea, based on

the play Extra, which was produced in

New York for a very brief run a few

sea-sons back. There is more of a plot

to the atfair than moat musical comedu's

contain nowadays, and it revolves around

a >piiiled colleKe boy who surprises his

father l>y accomplishinK (treat things

with d.iii's motion iiicture paper an<l

winninK a wife for himself. In artaptinc

the idea for musical entertainment a

good d- .il of extraneous and iinent* rt.iin-

ing maiti r was either left in or put In

by mi-'.t.ike, hut with the cuttlnj; of all

the Weak stuiT and the substitution of

sever.il more strong specialties the show

ought to luive no trouble lasting thru

the summer.

The entertainment as a whole is full

of pep and has tuneful music. There is

some fine talent in the cast, while the

chorus is one of the most acti\e and

attractive groups of young acrobatic

dancers ever seen here. It Is only a

small chorus, but what it lacks in num¬

bers it makes up in talent, vivaciousness

and charm. Every appearance these

Kiris made brought heavy applause.

-Mary Carroll, who plays the leading

feminine role, wins her way with a de¬

lightful p«'rsnnality. despite the fact that

she has very little opportunity to dis¬

play her hi'st talent, and Ray Uaymmul

acts opposite her In a pleasing manner.

If Raymond 4iad a better voice to go

with his good appearance and lik.ible

stage pre.sence he would make .'vAflne

leading man. Charles Lawrence does

fairly well with the comedy responsibil¬

ity, extracting all the laughs that the

bonk contains--and. as usual. It doesn't

contain quite enough--and Dorothy Ap¬

pleby IS one of the liveliest and most

engaging little comediennes that have

visited this city in a long while.

Other principals who assist capably

include Williajn Ralfour, Dodson L.

Mitch* ll, Mildred Richardson. H.arold

Vizard, riiilip Lord. Alb*'rt Phillins.

.\verlll Harris and H*-tty Lawrence, while

the chorus Is composed of Ann Oarrison,

Jean St. John. Jean 'Watson. Imog* n**

('·HU. Ri'th Uarson. fJladys Rankin. Har¬

riet Marned, Jeannette Deitrlch. Mar¬

guerite I'rice, Myrtle Le Roy, Hetty

Collett. Mildred O'Moore and Dorothy


Tom Johnstone's Orchestra Is in the

pit. with Eugene Salzer conducting. The

'·xcellent settings were supplied by the

I'ogany-TeichmT Studios, while the at-

tractiv** costuming is the work of Arling-


r. .\. I,eonard is stage director of the

show, while John M. Stout is the com¬

pany manager.

Skccts Gallagher May Appear In Dillingham Musical Comedy

New York. June fi.--Richard (Skeets> Ci.illagher, who r*'cent1y retlr*'d from the Chicago company **f Ro.ar-.Varie, is repoit*il to h.ive b«>en signed by Charles nillingham for the former John Rarrynioie rol(> In the musical version of The Fnrtinir Hiintrr, which is due to open in rhiladelphia the tlrst week in Scptcmb*'r uniler the tltl** of The Trraaurr Girl.
I'hyllls Cleveland, who is now playing the leading feminine role in Tell .tfr Mfx-r. the .\I .\arons show, at the Claii'ty Theater, will play opposite <»nllagher.
The Ithretto of The Trrnaurr Girl has b**`n made by James ^lonfgomery. Ann Cnldwell is writing the lyrics and Jerome K'-rn is composing the score.
"Lady, Be Good*'
Opening on Coast

San Francisco. June fi --Lofiy, Be Good, 'he .-Mex A. Aarons and Vinton Kreedh y ttuisical <-omedy now I'laylng at the Llberty Theater, New York, will onen here ,tiext week at the Curran 'Tto'iiter with a
JP'i'ial c<impany. including T*'d and Kilty o'liier In the ntles playi'd in N*'W Yi'rk hv Ered and Adele .\stalre. and T. Roy
oarnes in Walter Catlett's part. Mildred t ··ell will sing the prlma donn.i rolo. wh le Ernest Wood, who Is well known
'n vaudeville. Is to have another ImPottant part

New Cooling Systems

"Chatterbox'' Postponed

Make Annual Debut

New York. June 6.--After a ratli*r

New Yoik, June t>.--As is usual about this time of each year, "new cooling systems" are being announced l>y Various playhouses catering to summer patronage. Elortn* Ziegfeld Is tirst to come forth with the gratify¬ ing news that a new refrigerating plant was put in operation at the
Ziegfeld Cosmopolitan Theat* r. where t-on Errol is apptanng in Itouie the nth. .The noti*e says that 20 tons
of ice are stored in a vault undern*'ath the auditorium and a system of i.xhaust fans projects a constant .'llream of air over the ice and Into the auditorium. Arrangements have also be*-n made whereby a supply of fresh, cool air is pumped Into each <Irrssinc room, with an extra su^nly to the room occupied by Errol.

rough and unsatisfactory tryout at the Majestic Theater, Brookivn. this week. Will Morrissey's Chatterbox, which was to have opened Monday at the Times S<iuare Theater, has be* n postponed until the end of the week, with the possibility that it may not open even then.
.\s pr* s* nted In Brooklyn the revue
se* med short on good ideas, talent and effe tive construction. Morrissey worked hard and got results, but couldn't make up for al* the handicaps. Hal Sktlly, Midgie Miller and L*o I>onn*lly prov*d disappointing In what they had to do. The Thr*'e Whirlwinds, roller skaters, made a big hit; Margaret Wilson san"
to good effect and Dan Healy and a few others did gratifying bits. The rest of the show is poor and unpromising.
Lonl Stengel, prima donna, walked out

The Shuberts. however, have gone Zi« gfeld one better In having in¬
stalled at the Winter Garden--whore M'illie Howard is starring in Sky

on the opening night b« cause of dissatis¬
faction over some change in her spots. In addition to these troubles Julius 'Tannen. who has long u.sed the term "Chat¬

Ififjh--a really new method of mak¬ terbox" for his vaudeville monolog, i.s

ing theaters cool during the hot davs. bringing action to restrain Morrissey and

The process is known as the Shipley his associates from using the name for

System and employs Ice without the their revue. Jack M. Welch, manager for

u.se of air blasts, thus bringing the Morrissey, says Tannen has no exclusive

atmosphere down to a comfortable right to the Chatterbox title, because

degrt'e without producing draughts.

there has been a child's book of this

name on the market for many years.

However, the ca.se will be heard next

"Nanette" to Remain

Thursday in special term, part one, of the Supreme Court. Paul N. Turner and

In Philly All Summer Edwin G. Marks are representing Tannen

as counsel, while Abner Rubien will up-

Philadelphia. June 6.--The special fend the Chatterboxers' Corporation.

company of So, So, Sanette, which is

ab'iut to enter its 15th week at the Gar¬ rick Theater; will remain here all thru




the summer, according to arrangements Completed this week by the H. H. Frazee

Opens in Philadelphia

otiices in New York. Even the extremely

hot .spell of the past week did not affect Philadelphia, June 6.--The Raynor

receipts a great deal and there is every Lehr Musical Comedy Company, head- *!

indication that the show wilf have no by Lehr and Ruth Mack, opened an

trouble sticking thru the next few indefinite engagement last wo*k at tlie


. Grand Opera House. Have Some 'Lasaea,

Cecil Lean and Cleo Mayfield hake a rural comedy written and produced

taken a house in the suburbs for the under Lehr's direction, was the ojM'ning

summer. Georg'a Empey, Miss Mayfield's bill and it was given a hearty reception.

sister, who wa< visiting the Lt'ans here, High prai.se was b*'stowed by the lo* aI

has returned to New York to r.npear In press upon the company, as well as

a new motion picture with Mae Busch.

on the talent and engaging personality

of Lehr, one of the critics saving that

Shuberts Singing School

"a new v*mng Lochinvar has come out of the West," while another review*r

Has 58 Members From Shows wrote: "Raynor Lehr, a new musical-

comedy star, is the latest and youngest

New York. June 6.--Fifty-eight mem¬
bers of the ensembles of The Love Sony,
The Student Prince and The Mikado are announced as h.aving enrolled in the spe¬

one to enter the theatrical firmament. His reception was cordial and he lost no
time in winning his audience with his wonderful personality."

cial singing school that Is being operated The company came here after long en¬ by the Shuberts at the Century Theater gagements in Columbus. O.. and Louis¬

under the personal direction of Harrison ville, Ky., and the personnel includes, in

Brockb.ink, who plays the role of Napo¬ addition to the stars, .\udrey Jack.son,

leon III in The Love Sonft.

Carl Wood. T. H. Williams, George

Brockbank has been unusually suc- Hunter. Richard Brown. Mami*- St. John.

ces.sful in the leadership of singing schools for the Shuberts and many of
his pupils have b«`en pla*'ed in Important
parts in different musical productions.
Hi.s first vocal class was establish*`d in conjunction with The Laat M'nltz at the Centu-y Theater three seasons ago. in

Billy Kane, Harold DeBrav. Boh Fisher. Paul Landrum. Paul Roscelli, Joe Mas.s.-»r*o. B*ryl Dwan. Jack Kimm, Phil
Norton. Betty Cullen and an excellent chorus.
Lloyd P. Sloop is musical director and Albert Taylor is company manager.

which he played the part of Prince Paul.

Julian Mitcholl Playwriting



New York. June fi.--.TulUn Mitchell, the veteran musical c*>medy stage di¬ rector. has taken to phiywriting. He has a drama and two musical comedies al¬ ready completed, and it is said that I.,. Erlanger will pr*'duce one of the mu¬
sical pieces.

New York. June »>.--The Love Doctor, a new musical comedy, with book by George E. Stoddard an<i music and lyrics by Carlo and Sanders, will b*- offerid early next season by Clark Rosa. A feature of the production will be an orchestra known as the Pershing Guards'

Marie Saxon, now playing in My Girl at the V'anderbilt Theater, New York, will have a principal role in the >»iew Tliompson-.Xrcher musi**al comedy that Lyle Andrews will offer in the fall.
Helen Frances, the sole auburn-haired biauty in the chorus of Louie the 14th at the Cosmopolitan Theater. New York, was a student at Wellesley C<'II''gp before seeking glorification under the Ziegfeld banner.

one of Booth Tarkington's well-known novels, which Is to be presented on Broadway next season.
While Vivian Glen was out of the cast of Tell .Me More at the Gaiety Tli* at« r. New York, for a few days la.st we> k d i*to Illness. Virginia McCune ro.se from t'le ranks of the chorus and suhstitut*d for the specialty dancer with a Charleston number, which received much enthusi¬ astic applause.

Elbert Moore and Prank Grev have submitted 'the book and lyrics of their new musical comedy. Lolita, to Earl Carroll as a possible starring vehicle for l.cster Allen. If Carroll decides to pro¬ duce the piece Harold Orlob will furnish the score.
James P. Judge, who plays opposite George Hassell In The Student Prince at Jolson's Theater. N*'W York, is writing the lyrics for a musli-al comi'dy based on

Guy Robertson's reason for switching from the Boston company of Roae-.Marie to the troupe that is holding forth in Chicago turns out to be that this porni-
lar leading man is a p.irtner In a large orange gr<ive at Riverside. Calif. wh'eh Is near Lfis Angeles, where the Chi*:ago (mmpany of .Vrthiir Hammersteln's oper¬ etta will head for upon the coneluslon of its engagement in the Windy City. Rob¬ ertson wants to go out there and watch his oranges grow.


PUjrlnc to rap.rltjr rrrnwhrrr. Book***) lolld till July V Wrllr COL. J. U DAVIS. Suite 903. 3« Waat RaiNlulph 81., Clilcat*, lllinalt.

Barnum and Bailey Score
A Hit in "Lady, Be Good*'
New York, June 6.--Tnc new .spe¬ cialty team ef Barnum and Bailey, which replaced Cliff Edwards (Ckelele Ike) in Lodi/, lie Good, the Aarons & Freedley musical coineily now in its seventh month at tb*- Liberty Theater, have bten stopping the show at every performance since they joined the cast a weA ago. The entliUsia.'-ni and ap¬ plause of the audiences:, especially af¬ ter Bailey's banjo solos in the second act, has been sen.sational, an*l even the .Xstaires. following in on*- of th*-ir best *lanee pumbers. have been unable to curb the call for further encores.
The name Barnum and Hailey is not an assumed one. Barnum was chris¬ tened Barnum Barnum. and Bailey is the w<lI-known \Yilliam Bailey of Lvnn Cowan leod Bill Hailey, a vaude¬ ville act famous all over the world for the past 15 years.
Bill Bailey plays every known stringed instrument and manv original ones of his own invention. He is con* eded to be the world's champion ban¬ jo player and has scored a success in Honolulu. Australia, the South Sea Islands, the East and West Coasts *>f .Xfrica, India, China, Great Brit.ain and the continent. A few months ago he met Barnum in Texas and the new combination was speedily formed. Af¬ ter a short tour in vaudeville they were signed tiv .\.irons *£ Freedley for Lady. lie Good.


The Billboard receives many com¬ plaints from managers and others against performers and others. It pub¬ lishes below a list of such complaints, with the name and address of the com¬ plaining party, so that persons having a legitimate interest in the matter may make further inquiries from the com¬ plainants if they desire.
The publication of the list doss not imply that the complaint is well founded, and The Billboard assumes no responsibility for such information as may be given by the complainant to parties inquiring.
Names will appear in this list for four weeks only. Anyone intarasted might do well to make note of them:
GLF.NNING & C.I.ENNING. (Gl'-nning & Ford) nhow managers. Complainant R. H. ("Topsy") Davis. Perf*)rm*'r, Care The Billboard, Cincinnati.

THOMAS. LEE. p«>rformer.

Complainant Bert N*»w.

Show manager,


Care The BtUboard, CincinnatL

WIT.SON. TED. performer
Complain.int Tom ("Doc") J. Butler, Show manager.
Care The Billboard, Cincinnati.

Ed Wynn Buys Estate
New York. June >.--Ed Wynn, the comedian, has bought a largo waterfri>nt *'.stat*? at I'lri-at Nei-k, I-ong Lsland. where he alre ady owns a fine home.

J40Vl'f ST »S*S' ^


Specializing in Acrobatic Instruction
for Sensational
Stage Dancing.

llluattated Book, $1.29. Ct$h or If. O.

contains 8«naatlonal A'cnbatlc n«ii<ing.

Hu'k and Wine. Rar and fMrMchIr c Mila. Amj Mantofa and K*1 Ita Ruaaall, both for¬

merly N. Y. Mlpj»drome, are



249 West 48th St.,


A. Strobl. 101 W. 41st St.. New York

Thll hous. haa hern wwly rrucT.itrJ aiwl d.. orit»<I. Fnr furlh.r infurmalion apply TIIK HOY.LL. TRl'ST OOMP.WY. Totomn. Ontario.

End ytor carretfandnica te ad*«fti»eri by waatiaalaa Tha Billbaard.


The Billboard

June n. 1925

wiW thAHLLarYrv If nBfAiaLllsL'YC) hfP-kA-Lr MHlit'Rl-. ccloo.m -* \(r1 fgr- * *· » ---''czi. i i

' -'7i*. 7i-`iTr-"i.i.4I --. - -. - - -^it

little daughter, "Baby M.irgarrt" «hn hae jiibt retunnd tioiii Wa. hlnglon whfr.

In Bofcton May -J and ij- n"w at h<^nnj


,» * il',., ,

. I

she (opprd lust honors .li the Pi. H. niui

rPhting up until thr cfnnin;; t-t-ason, when

^ Iv ' Iwiv fT** k


Day B,.II a few weeks ago. ia vy

he will put out hi> own show. CL^rU (SLICK) K.VSON, formerly of
the H'ftt; Hanq Rci'Hf. t; now at the Luna Park Thrater. Cleveland. O.. ·· uh
the Fr«d Hurley Show, and would be pleased to hear from hi.s old friends.

I ^
g / .I.. \

\W` -Tap''. .'' far.-

II//« l--\% I I^I XI II

a'7m -- m'

/ ml ^


II/ll  II  l II| lIL I|M II.|^




111 i n highly i cconimetid* d. accoiding to rciHuta. by the maii.igcis on il,, Koutlicrn Time as a firsl-giade niiiiidian alxi
doing sne«`laltlis tli.it in vt i tail to go
over. Mai and Biirnadett.i Sniitli are tioing arroluitic dain ing s|m>< ialtn vviuL T oininy and Li a Hontn lly ai. doing tlinr Util-known dancing a»t. Fad and Kiii,v

with Fickle Fancies for ah icaKement. Mr. Allen wrot*


company Is alrfady beinj; or«aniz« d and

that everythin*; looks favorable for his

Bi n ' ' 

^ -


V t t r_t «_t.T-i--x-r-t-i i «. J.'J!'E g.i-t H I'J.'l ir.'HI'XJW:

' '



are still favorites with tin it liaini,,,,v numbers. Hilda Grey is soulmi uitii ti,.
sliow and jiiit.s over in r iiuiiiIh r.s with iilciity Of jiep and ginger. The boasts of u '`Swci.t lb" cliurus.


((CCoommmmaammecaattiioonn$t ttoo 2255--2277 OOppttrraa PPttaacctt,, CCiinncciinnnnaattii,, O O..))


visitors to this editor recently. Thev , just returned from the L< on unit of the the team known as the Harmony Boys,

1925 Girls and with Jean Delinar are elosed a bUc( . b.-ful season w ith the same

Joining the number two unit of the com- lon.pany and at the pr. nt tiiia aie pany at Wilmington. O., whuie they will sptnding their vacation with the folks in

play a return date

Baltiinoi., Tl.ey. also have offers from

lArw HAT! ___

. i* Columbia show.


II o



Divxi>le Wayne, Ind.. reveal that Loie Bridge and

SLiwJoviiioP'^'Yhig Jnde^-ndent ii-r iiiusical-comcdv players are still holdvaudeMlle ar^nd Cincinnati, and doing, jr,g the limelight at the Strand Theater,

Svery well. He has been requested to Almost MarriKi. a clever farce comedy lay return dates at practically all the sprinkled with mirth, inelodv. song and

ouses. His w^fe. Mary Morris, has bon dan( e was th-ir I'loduction last week,

^orKing With Ktrt Ilow^U 8 liotary Stock liHckod bv some hcHU^ifu! stajjc settin>?s



coslumcd to the last word, the show

THKh-L v\LLL-KNO\vN tab. boys is easily comparable with .some of the

were visitors to the home office recently, touring' jirodui lii iis. Miss Bridge fur-

They were h'red Meyers, `Buddy Boy" nishes much of the comfdy. wham It at

Chandler and 'Happy' Lawson, who all times refined and reli.shable. The

stopped off long enough to say hello principals are excellent, as is the large

while passing thru. M'hile in Cincinnati chorus of youth and beauty and the

`Happy" connected \vith a radio and harmony singing California Quartet, con-

record contract. His many friends In sisting of Jerry Cox. Jack Parsons. Tom

the game will be glad to know of his Griffin and Seottv McKay."

t. ,


. .

class bills will do business they expect to

hanp up a few records in the East next


, t »»vt .u > xr


the well-known harmony slnRing. danclnK

and talking act. havd just closed 40

weeks with Irving Lewis' Nifties of

Uroadveay Company, playing 28 weeks

Sun Time and 12 weeks Comerford houses. Harry and Lillian did spicialties.

with Harry doing straights and character

and Lillian doubling chorus. They report

that they haye a good word anytime for

as they hail a womierful leasou

there. Lewis op'-ns at Funks Park, Win-

chesttr. Ind.. for 17 weeks of summer

stiK-k. Harry and Lillian have not made

any plans for the coming season, but are

thinking of doing their act again in

vaudeville. Little Junior is now home

playing in the sand. He will go on the

road again next year with his daddy and

mama, and tlu n the following year will

go to school.

likeness shines from tlie sk. tcli mi ihm page, and his flomytiutr Company played at the old favorite stand, tlie Stai Tinater, Muiuic. linl., owind by C. iLiy An¬ drews. who also presents tlie ffoiu ylime Company, the week of .May 31, clusinz the sea.Holi for the company tln rc. Gene and wife, known as H.txi I O'Le ary, will
join tlie Hurley Revue at Luna Park. Cleveland, for a few wc< ks before takiiiK a much-needed rest at Mt. Clenuns. Mich. They will motor to Mt. Clemenii irom Cleveland around the first of July,
spending three weeks there, then inotoriDK to St. Louis for a week. From there tliey will go to Nashville, Tenn., to viiit relatives. Gene, in behalf of himself
and the entire ffonrytime coiiipany. wishes to extend sincere thanks to C. Kay Andrews, the owner, and the Uus Sun Booking Exchange for all eourtesies shown ; also each hnu.se manager, all stagehands and musicians wTiu have
helped to make the past season the best one In the history of the company.

step up.


WILLI.\MS AND COLE, who were a few weeks ago a very pleasant £'2 for the week of May 25 were; Jean Hippodrome Theater, Dallas. Ti-.x., is

with G. T. Davis' Tip Top Revue the past weeks' engagement with Chas. Benner's Hawkins and Peggy Russell to Palmer again on the boom, business having taken

season, joined the Princess showboat Hello Evciyhndy and Peck's Rad Bov Hines, Victoria Theater. AVfieeling, W. a jump In the past 10 days and haying

when the revue clo.sed. They were visitors Company, Billy doing Schultz in Peck and Va.; Kilch and Marshall to the W. J. more than doubled. The jKilicy is three

to the home office of The Billboard and Peggy in the chorus. The show closed Lytle stock. Grand Theater. San Antonio; shows dally, with capacity crowds at

to this editor when the boat played at Marietta, O., and the Bernings went James White and wife, J. J. Musselman, ciu'li performance. The roster at pre.scnt:

at Constance, Ky.. Monday, June I. Cin¬

``Happy Jack" Burns, produi-er and prin¬

cinnati is the home town of Earl Wil-

cipal comic; Oscar (.\bc) Sakols, second

liams and he enjoyed a visit with his people for the first time in three years.

tTwHpE^ ryOvjiLt-Dnu p(GjaAmiLl lnHjcpEKdROqSpC EiLLFpr

comic; Frank Rodgers, straights and general business; Alice Walters, soubret:


Jessie Mae Brown, ingenues and sjiedal-

face comedian and late star of Take It 1 w'e<rJ, , m . .--






ties; Frank Awoi (Hawaiian), special¬

Prom 'Me, and Charlie (Dot's I Am) I



ties; Lillian Fox. billed as the Great

Harris, the Hebraic comedian, are scoring I



Zona, is an extra added attraction. Zona

well and receiving much comment In I

7 ' >


Is well known in burlesque, having been

Philadelphia, doing a vaudeville act con- I


with Leavitt's Oigffles, a Mutual wheel

sisting of singing, dancing and comedv.


show', last season. The chorus consists

They are booked up until the last of

VX'<' x.

of 12 good-looking steppers with Alice

July then they are signers with a Mutual Burlesque show for next season.

^ r'''^7x


M'alters as directress, including Babe Spence, Arlle Pane, Faye Wilson. Loraine





Foster, Bozo Franks, .Merl> Brown.

straight man and prima donna with


Harry P. Young's Frivolities, closed their


X \ \ )

Jacque Ri>dger8, Eva Mae Burns, Ada Burns, Joan Arliss, Chow Sakols and

engagement with that conapany May 30



Ksta Hill. Tol Teeter Is house manager.

ana left for their summer home In B^la-



\ x


Paul (Nuts) Parnell is at the piano and

mazoo, Mich., where they s^nd each


.<'1??^ )

Kart Arlington is stage manager.

summer. Larry Murray and Fay Haielton also left the company May 30. Joe
and Kathryn would like to hear from all their friends and request them to write to 1331 Krom avenue.
MARSHALL WALKER, owner and manager of the IV'fiiz Banff Revue, is vacationing at his chicken farm at Denison, Tex., haying closed the show ^at

vJ i


V  \u,l \ \ 'S1 iWV '/ '

i) i

K\ ( --- /

a'A \\

n, '




B.XL^MORE: "The only houses running
now are the Clover and Seidman thcateri. 'There are a lot of tab. people in town, among them being Art Kivanaugh and wife and Harry (Dutch) Ackerman and
wife. At Seldman's Theater (formerly the Novelty) Billy Shaw pres'ni- Kd (Pop) Lowry and myself, with EiB'the

work on the Sun Time, and motored Bom


there to 'Texas. Marshall is b^s^

('atrsun, now In their fourth week. They are presenting two scrijits a w«. k Rijlv Shaw formerly did <?omedy with Mileg

Miirphv, but doffed his comedy clothe*

since he started working straight* for

'Pop' and me. and is handling the P«fl*

exceedingly well. I think he is done with

write Marshall can address him at Route

'''-V* * * i

x*«**' * the comedy end. The roster is a* fol¬

' EltrN ^O'NEILL divulges that Brian

lows; Billy Shaw, manager, general business; Ed (Pop) Liiwery. producing

Jewltt 8 Princess Entertainers, presenting

-»»»«----' comedian; myself, second comic, charac¬

Flashes of 1925 for the thir<l week of

ters and specialties; Edythe ('arson,

Mlmphis."`''Tenm.` are K*'o"ing`'`blgJel-"'"and b*ttor In pvtry way. Ray Clifford has
b^fn added to the company this past week. He portrays the Negro character to a perfection. Billie Ford, with a nice

. Csne ((`"`HHoonneeyy CCaaVl'*;)) CCoobbbb, aa^ppoupulalacr yyoouunngg mmaann wwhhoo iat aa ccoomnmer, in hit wellknown wench characterization. Favorite exprtettttninon: "PPoooch `em ouft.*' Authooer of `"TPreaty/ for the Lights To Go OOuuf*t"%, ""*TTrriifliinn*' Man oo'' iMWiinott"" and other hitst.,

------^ ^


prima donna; Tommy Harri.s. ingenue and characters, and Mickey Sullivan. > 'Ubret.
·pop' Lowery Is still upliolding nt* standard as a producer of strlctlv s^lpt and has some unusually fine bills.' Car¬
son and Cavanaugh are doing

voice, slng.s Bet It B^n, Let It Pour.

Parkersburg, W. Va.. to take a little Star Theater. Louisville, stexk; Frank their specialties In the shows, ."ind Ml**

Frances Lew'ia sings The Mi Indy That

their home. They met the man- O'Rourke. Frank M'lton, Rivoll, Denver, Carson keeps up her tritk and fancy

Mode YOU JH'ic. In the finale Brian

of fianky Ptinku Gicis Company, Col.: Alice Cowan. Rudy W'intner Show. roller skating around Baltimore.

Jewltt sings Avert/horfv Loves My Baby,

friend of theirs, who was work-

assisted b>' Hie

I'aikei.shurg. so went right to work

·MK. and jMiih. juhjn t L,.\i.i\,

jj,jg company. Thev closed with

parents of the three Clark Sisters Lo-c.

. oiiipanv Saturday night and ojK-ned

Mary and .ygnes of the (yl^ark Si.^ters

rvii Is the following

Revile, celebrated tlif'ir 2.ith wedding M,,ndav. so had to postpone the vacation. anniversary at Lichmond. 'j* .J''*Biliv rVports that the Hnnku Pnnky is a

the Pettus TTotrl. Mr, and Mrs. P ark y,,,.y

20-pi ople show, pleasing audi-

gave a Vwnquet in honor of tlie dav to


the members of the (lark Sistirs l.·\ut' ^ ,MIST.\KE CREPT Into the review

and their friends The dinner was a real j.

.Johnson's DoPy Dimple Girls

Southern one and put up bv .Mrs P.atus rc<-. ntly i.rlnt. d In this department. The

In real South, rn stv'e. Mr. »"d Mis^ editor made an error in the names of

World Theater. Sioux City, la.; Al Price and wife. Harvey D. Orr ; Jacques Renaud and wife, Lelcht and Gardner show, Tom Meredith, manager; Lillian St. Clair, Ruth j-'lsher. Ted Lee to Mary Brown's Tropical Maids, Doc Paul, manager;
Larr^-Sutton. Mack's Comedians; Kenn<-th Christy. Bert Smith's Ok, Daddy Company; Florence King. Bert Smith's Rnfftimc Wonders; Sidnev Page. Harry Rogers' Toby Wilson Company; Lucy Willis. Dorothy Willis and Dorothy Klein. Harry Rogers' Bill House Company,

JACK I.ORD IS NOW IX' his Hurtb week producing at the Lyric Theater. n.<|las. Tex., coming from a year-and-a-nait
engagement at the Jazz and Zasu ··o'*'''''/' In Denver. Col. He Is cof. aliired with WalU^r at Clair, who has been at tni* hoti.-io for considerahiv more than a Thev are supported bv a cast and chorii* of 18 people and a slx-pleCe orcherlra^ The pr.llcy of the house Is three sho«*
daily and two hills a week were recently raised from 2*1 to "n cent., and with the enlarged show hiislness ha*

fjfl ^AdVCer nrTs'^ n cd b the troupl Thev also recowe^

ipals. We .spoke very

NORMAND BROWNE, the "Big Boy hedn belter than ever, even diirtnc tn first real hot sr»eM of the summer. Mr*

/OSEPH LOVEJOY wish to locate Glad vs
Perry T,ovejov. as Mis. Lovx'N'. the mother of Gladys, is very ill Miss I.ovi Joy was with the Billy Miildoon's Sun¬ shine Girls as chorister, lat. r ioining the BIMy Allen Broadway Beauty Show. She
left this oompan.v at Philadelphl.a, and
from last reports they had of her she

Ra.v I'l'.it'.r Is now i>ro<liiiing lli<- show


The tiiiinager tln-re exjiected

Be a Booster for Milt Schuster


In *11 Il>4>. Chprm Clrl* ·« ·"

time*, t* Wnt W«»il«tft> 8t.. Ciitf***. m




N**t. nulfk. rhfjp. Niw I'flie



doon at

at` JoUnIe,e.·


.1 J _ ·_,.r

Rro..dwav lilts. A eom-

JOE TRAl B. singing and dancing f,'"® ,f*97 rioonlo In'-Iudlng a chorus

uvenile is now going into Hs L.th week P-in.v '-f

f `''cVd A number of vears

dth Leicht & Gardner's Synilcs Companv of 12 %%ill I";


W''' The

dates all along the line and Is hangInE tiP records The editor would like tr ' atch tbe show and see If it Is ail Ihiii Norman claims.

^ d^n^es'"^i?rweir received

cChov VhVlT/ ' miUmloir, Rid and The PAD AND FANCY hsye made such «

rffe-ent aiidl^ces an oye^tC^^

IP- Candy Kid. \nn,U< d by the W M V. A success on the SpicKelherg Time Ihat thei

nc `-Iqo been rtoini? licht-c^medy parts office over the Butterfield. Allardt and are orr»n'»:ing another show which wll'

nd is haiXg good stmee.;^^

Thielsrd elreuPs Th- eompanv fea- open on the time the week of Jnlv 4




M<n anjrthinf rant for. wnman Ingenii'- et"* '

rtoiihia Hperlaltirt Rep, Slirt er M'olrtl


A.Mre** O W OrSN. KarlaTarr lintel. I'hlla'to

phi*. Penntjtifanla.


S'rjrr ';wi'.S!S «» siiD."'2Hi'"7


tlMnkaMi nhlo


ribhv Lnr«l> mother, lb still cAnductln* {^Jr ronum** parlors In Dsnvsr and msstml with <onsldfrable succesa. tJhe re.-inilv drfKMd the op» ra Erminie for rvnv'rr Muhic Week and several other Iiinimfr operas. The east at the Lvric mrTud-b Jack Lord. Walter St. Clair. I'hiik (Iriffin. Wllaon Youncblood. Ted Ward Billie Meyers. Billie Kvalne and Kittv' lones. Ted Ward Is staRC manrcer and also plays parts when called non Pansy Brown Is chorus producer and Kvelvn Thompson Is wardrobe mlafress Ail of the chorus of elRht girls .re number leaders and a big feature Is ?he ladie.s- trio, consisting of Billie
K\aln>. Hobby Metcalf and Ruth Staf¬ ford The orchestra Is under the capable dir.vtinii of Mrs. t^iddons. The house uMi fiiiiiin open all summer.
for a couple of weeks the editor of this department Rot lonesome and so went to the Hlslto Theater. Covington. Ky.. Sun¬ day May 2t. to catch Sylvan Beebe's Wid.Vife Frolici, a rotary stock company nlaving Cincinnati and vicinity, and was mute surprised at the excellent work done hv the 12 people. There are two funny comlrpies In Iz*y Mevers and Jerry Bu"ke who work well together, and share the laugh-getters equally. Sylvan Beeb«makes a nice appearing straight man

By the World's Greatest Surceon oa Cross Eyes. DR. FRANKLIN 0. CARTER, of Chkato




If^rnlnt of Dr T. O. CAfter'i rfnuUtton from olh^rt uhOM eyes Im* »tf

enmo thouMAdt of miles to hdtt Dr. Carter rellere thtm of the dUflKunog hllght of «

And mhen they r«me they w.-re am4Zed that Ihes# m.irvelous resulta ^ere se»ureil U'Udll

flklt, with no hotpital stay. Kend for Hat of recent MiCLCagful cases; perhaps some are from


Mr«. 0«o. lUurr, 505 S Coivhoi, 8jn Antonifl. Tei. KafI J. Drg^o. 221 Oranie St.. Altiany. S. T.

Wm. Maaoo, 81H N. Kourth 8t.. I'ulumbui, Ohio.

U E. IMtarr. 11J8 S. Mill Ht.. .Vtw C.dlr. Pa.

n M.PonTlIle. 5415 Bro.i l St.. Plttibunh. Pa.

Mrs. P. Grrrn. IIS'.'O Porrtt A«c.. ClrFrUnd. Ohio.

.Mr*. S. Chapman, KlijS tValton Kt., Ditrrlt, Mtrhitan.

Miaa Myrtle Hrnzler. sn9 Mnnrnr St., Ft. .Atkiason. Wli.

A. Barrman. 3822 Triaa Aro., Kt. laiult. Mo.


D L. Whltaarah, 1718 Vine KL. lalnriiln. Neb.

Mr. Dflrnark, Winona. Minn.

Ha/el Pella. 811 N. geernth 8t., Bcrrln. III.

Pirenta Kif* your rblldren'i veilfM, Mve their endleia embarrauiaent, by haelnc their rrnsi eyes


Of-'t''fa'R Kend me a dexTlption of ycur caee. If I arcept I will proride

^* *^*-^*^*-^


· ipecUl excurilon. FREE FABE to Chleaco. Aak for dMalls.

Doten brought calls for many encores. The Chorus is well costumed, making many changes, the members dancing well together. The Beebes sang Tra for Two in a neat manner, this also calling for
several encores. .Xltogether Mr. Beebe
has gathered a company of merit, and one can easily see the reai^on the show has been such a succe.<s around Cincinnati.
Jerry Buske prf'duccd the bill, which was entitled Ki'iu B' C.
KRICP HURLEY'S PIG Musical Rexme of 30 iK-ople ope-ned at Luna Park, Cleveland. O.. May 7. Altho the weather has not been .*«o good the park and the
Rf\-ue has been doing a very nice bu.-iness General Chas. Zimmerman, manaeer of the park, advised Mr. Hurley
laft tteek that the pro.Rcnt show was one of the best shows that he had put in
the park f^r the past four ueasona, in-
eluding talent, wardrobe, scenery and electrical effects The r«'>eter Includes:


writing the company will get at least 20 weeks there this season. The cast Is the same as when organized la6t October, no changes having b» en made, with the exception of three chorus girls. Eugene Broussard, "sliver-voiced lyric tenor", rejoined the show at Warren, O. All were glad to see him back, as he has been with tlie show for the past three seasons, with the exception of the last six monUis. The Sueef Stuff Company Is playing day and date with the L^ie Bridge Company,
and Walter reports that each company have boon ha\inK soine

companies next the Spiegciberg < fourth season; J season ; Bo/itonU and Bohemian j notice OL.asiona using sonie of justice to ourst managers, so as host that some any of thetM t; unere they
paper cuts, etc..

Bud Brownlerprincipal comedian; Doug, Fltmlni straights Cv Reinhart tenor:

Kittv Axton blu^e'f- Walxer and^^L^^^^^

F^faltleV %iok Ei*N)n ^tmedy \Via

Ingenue nrim ^Slah VenUt^

mce^ri · Bfanche

' JmbrM · B. nn^

wonderful thnes autos owned by the members of Bed Muck's company and every night a bunch of people from both shows go somewhere. Walter speaks highly of the Lole Bridge company, faying that she has a wonderful

nHoritv® We h priority.,' Ave jt stock enkagemer Butler. Rt. TIi with our show Kfane Dons

Biy.'ju® ?mie! pTpklmer'^and
ywriaitK.; Alice Shinm chotms prt^ucer j CaiTle Ross, kvardrobe mistress; Carl




are miniature productions. Sheridan, Beitr

pj Wayne are certainly Helen Ouldrod.

M**^*'' Ta*'" *»*

·, J®aB

McDonald. Agnes Hall. Peggy Morris,

IVirothy )nung. Molly Fltapatrlck. Agnes

Helstnn. Betty Smith. Jewell Gatos,

Eileen Shay. Nina Uttrup, Ellen Oo^all,

Kitty ANargo, Gladys Lovejoy, Addle

Singer .Ui.e i,,.,. gpO

Hurleys Jolly Fo Mrs opened .May 3j at

the .\rNd*'my Theater, Norfolk. Va., for

Urry Hyatt, repre'^entative for Ous Sun. Hurley's Big Town Rri uo has a few

weeks to work for the Bun Time, after
which It will gr> Into stock for the

balance of the summer. Hurley advises

that he will have three shows on the

mad next .season, with all new equipment,

getting plentv of grv>d musical stock. COLONIAL THEATER. San
chUI dark since April 19. reMay S3 under the management of
curland and Chas. Alphin as producer TTmfer Garden Follies Revue
Coinpanv. The cast Includes the popular California Hebrew Impersonator. Henry p^^rr; James T. Kellv. comedian: George i,nrd, ehiracter; Fred Meehan, straight;
Ward, ehara* ters: Hazel Edell. leading woman: Marv Allen. Ingenue; tiwendolln Fram e, souhret ; Edward Mon-
i-rief, and a chorus of 11. The
policy of the house will be continui feature mctiin a and musical com'

Benny Burns C riint Cole. JatV Van O. Browme. Hindu M.vstic ; These people h, summer, a few I
Chlcago. June 4.--Bernard Berendsen will organize a revue for Rivervlew Park the last week In June. There will be sb<uit 40 persons In the cast and chorus, The show will be staged in tbe big openair theater In the park.


and decorating will re-create this popular playhouse into an artiatlc building, which will make It a suitable background for the many i-olorful and delightful pro¬ ductions which will feature next season's offerings.
Three moving picture theaters In St. Joseph d'Alma. Quebec, a small center 125 miles north of Quebec City, were destroyed by fire which swept the town Friday evening. May 8. Thirty busines.s houses and dwellings were wiped out and the Are was stopped only with the use of dynamite. The loss was placed at 11.000.000. The tire started in the Vic¬ toria Theater, just before the start of the evening performance, and no ono was injured. In the spread of flames the two other local theaters, the National and the Alma, were devoured with consider¬ able loss. St. Joseph d'AIma is tho center of a large agricultural district in a remote section of the Province of Quebec and the theaters drew patronage from miles around.
Concert and Opera Notes
(Continued from page 31)
piano, flute, harp and organ. Ethel Haydn, Pltt.sburgh singer, will sing the soprano part, and Mr. Josten will direct.
John Philip Sousa and his band will give but one concert in Rochester. N. Y., this season, and the date for that is Thursday evening, July 1*>. On this oc¬ casion he will play a new march. Dm National Gome March.
Upon her return to this country the early part of January Elley Ncy, noted pianist, will All a week of engagenoenta in Florida, after which she will give a recital in New York, followed by a trip to the Coast.
Josef Stransky, former director of the Philharmonic and State Symphony Or¬ chestras of New York, has accepted an invitation from Louis Thomas, aecretary of the Paris Exposition for Decorative Arts, to repeat, in September, the Mozart Festival, which he will direct at BadenBaden, Germany, in Augu.st. The announce¬ ment, made thru the festival'.s American representative, Julea Daiber, of New York, also mentioned the appearance of 11 American artists, three of whom are Metropolitan Opera singers, at BadenBaden.
During a rcoent meeting of the Board of Directors of the Symphony Society of Portland. Ore., Edgar B. Piper was elected president. Theodore Spiering will be the conductor for the 192.'i-'2« season, and at the meeting plans were outlined and discussed.
After singing at the opening session of the Biennial Convention of the National Federation of Music Clubs at Portland, Ore., June 8, Esther Dale will leave im¬ mediately for Ollfornia. filling engage¬ ments at Pomona College, Redlands. Santa Barbara and Parmel. Upon her return Ea.st MIsm Dale will give a num¬ ber of recitals in Michigan and Wisconsin.
William Gilroy, popuar tenor of Auburn, N. Y., who has been studying for ihe past three years under Felix Hughes of New York, recently signed a flve-year contract with Fortune Gallo. Mr. Gilroy will remain In Auburn until October, after which time he will go into opera or concere.s work under the wel-known irapi-esarlo.


ThS Ftlace Theater In Ccdsrtown. Ga .

r*cen»1v destroyed bv Are, wdll be rebuilt

at oni'e

.  »..

H tiiiherf w-II enlarge and remodel

the Pasmo The.iter. which he leased reci.nnttil>v iinn K Kiissssiim mm meeee, Fr llaa..

as press representative and assistant

man.xger since the reopening of the thea-


Years ago. has been appointeri

manager of the Royal Theater In Lo.s

Angeles. Calif The appointment was

"lade by the West Coast Theaters ComPh4o»unsye. s oipnerCaatolirfsornoifa. 125 of the largest

The Polo Theater. I'olo. Ill., was re¬
cent Iv sold hv M Pereeny to B. J. Voiight
and iR ft Young, of St. Charles. HI. Mr. Young will be In charge of the playhouse.
John l,at»nser. of Omahs, Neb., receatly became the owner of the Enmress Ttiealer at Central City. Neb. C. L. Boyd will manage the playhouse.
E A S« lilller. g< ner.al representative of .Maretts l,0ew, Inc., will .sail frem N* w York for Europ«' this month to auipervlse the op4>ning and direction of a number of new theaters In l·:ngl:lnd. France. Sweden and Kgvpt under the management of Marcus l/*ew, Inc.
.. Approximately TKO.OOO will !>*' soent In remodeling the Belmont Tto-ster. Kansas City. Mo., according to Edward tlroggiT, owner. A balcony, to be added, w'll Increase the se.Tfing capacity from l.tnu persons to 1.700, The present stueco front will he replaced with one of Ivorycolored bricks, overtopped by a green tile ro«if. The work should be completed bv September.

Newell a Retehin. owners pf the How¬ ard .and AdelphI theaters in Chicago, have recently pun-ha-cd the new Jeffry Theater. 71st and Jeffry streets. In that city. The theater is four months old and has 2.20(4 seats with a large, fully equipped st.tge. Newell ft Retehin will ci'niinue the .showing of feature pictures and high-class vaudeville.

Comt>.uiy m< r Mii' purjro.. which ca usually r Tlie Jiai s.inie cor program
May : Court Th mit repa snmnior rrailinesF the midr

-st he in.tde during what lit

ded .IS .a rather dull season.

Thi .tier, operated bv the

IV will continue its regular

loiit the summer


lOUl tne summer.

narked the closing of the r. Wheeling. 5\'. Va.. to p« rand remodeling during the that everything will be In

For the two performances of The Meitsiah, which are announeed by the Minne¬ apolis Orchestra for December 25 and 38. Tjewls James has been re-engaged as tenor soloist. Mr. .Tames sang with the orcbMfra last season for the performance of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony.
A series of 10 subscription ceineertt has been announced by the Soelety of ths Friends *»f Mu;>ic. New York, for tbs coming season. These eoneerts, which am given Sunday afternoons in Town Hall, will h.ive a.s' conductor Artur Bodan.sky. and the orchestra Is taken from that of the Metropolitan Opera Company. Two Amerlean compositions will h* featured, tho first being Frederick .lacohi's The Port in the Pexerf, .and prior to the subprripflon series the so« fety will give a single extra concert when Arthur Honneger's .symphonic poem, LrRoi Doi'id, will have its first performance In America.

'p<riir.. Inilurtins irmiri't. hull<llne. .'lUlpsiefit .nd

bu.|n.M lerjlH In xm^rlnc Ml'twrU ritjr .f mntf

ui.m .lO.nm* i>eriiniinn. nw of the hns of m iii*

in th. p. s. Oni. t.ieirtiii.

in ih. m.

Oe.ln l.«t Only tlworr ehlrh r,n tUf* ,h,«». rrotllabl. .»Uhll>l»,l biMlnn>. Wmdrrful

.\,Mrr»i BOX i»-3il.

Ladlw' and SMti' RMtl* B«4t*ui4 ·UPFOSTiaa. tar
THrrlnf AthliSte. tnO k.
itiKirw Mw.r4 g.«»w8 lit W 838 St. Se. ftek Ctly
PhMM. CstssiNi* 4aW. 8mi8 for on, Ctimlir B.


(Communication! to 1560 Btoadu-ay, \eiv York. N, Y.)

Philanthropic Burlesquers To Entertain Disabled Soldiers


Ambitious Amsitur Musician Who Is Now Making Rapid Strides as a Musical
Specialtst and Comedienne in Burlesque

And Donate $500 to Actors' Fund r

Miss Masoner is a Kan.sas City girl, who received her early education in the public schools, later graduating from

the Manual Training School and CollegM

of the Incarn.ite Word as an accom-

New York. June 6.--At a recent meetIng of the Burles<iue Club the various committees as.siKnt fl to cfimplete airan>;ements for fiie Annual Jamboree at the Columbia Theater, tomorrow night, made their report.s. · Irvirp Becker and Dr. Suss of the Souvenir I'rogram Committee reported a big increase in advertising over previous years.
L.ast Season the program privilege was let out to professional program people, whose methods were not in accordance with the policy of the club, therefore this year it was decided to keep the program In the hands of the club and appoint members of well-known integrity and tact to solicit the ads.
T'ntiring efforts of members Becker and Suss resulted in $8,025 in ads.
Rube Bernstein, chairman of the Entertainment Committee, thru Emmett Callahan. reported that an exceptional program of diversified entertainment would
be given by former stars of burlesque, now in productions and vaudeville, and

to more than 100 members of the T. P li. O. A. pret-ent at the uieetinK was Kreeted with applause and numerous calls for Mr. Salisbury, who r'sponded with an address, in wiiuh he . ninmended the KurIesf|U' Club hiithlv for its courtesy in ixrmitting the T P. B. O. A. the use of the cluhiionse for its weekly meeting. and called upon tho.'ie present to accept a copy of an advance notice previously prepared for the purpose and nut forth their utmost efforts in planting it in various newspapiTs.
The T. P. It. O. A. members present were unanimous in their acceptance of the notice.s and assurance of their co¬ operation in planting them in newspapers,
Never in the history of theatricals has any event been preassured the united efforts of more than 100 of the ablest press representatives in this city, who are now united in press agenting the Burlesque Club Jaml^firee.
Follett Guest of Honor i-...a

i'd./ n^
A Kamat Citu aid who ataduattd from muiical tabi. into burheque. Comtdienne and saxophone playing speeialitt last season with Rag Read's "Speed Cirls" on the Mutual Circuit.

Idlshcd singer, dancer and mii.^iclan Her musical accomplishments found full M-nt 111 iiiany social affairs and amateur contests in local theaters.
Meeting and marrying Ed. Douglas, a well-known producer of musical tab. shows in tlie West, Miss Masoner became a member of the company and under hubby's direction, became a saxophone¬ playing siiecialist, singer, dancer and comedienne.
Douglas as a comique and wifey as chorister and soubret have appeared to¬ gether In .-Vrthur G.iamagc's Burlf.>.que Stock Company at the Empress Theater. .Milwaukee; Irons & Clamage's Bur¬ lesque Stiick Gompatiy at tlie Avenue Theater. Ltetroit ; tlieuce in musical fab. with Vlrg. Downard'.w Roseland 'Mdids; Faistwood Harrison's Cliarmiufl Widoics, and in a vaudcvilie act titled Stars and Stripes; thence back to burlesque in H B. Todd's Ray Read and His Speed Girls Company on tlte Mutual Circuit.

Smbilf and`'Muturi%i^cuits''1ast`'season that willf include the Avon Comedy Four, Blister West WeTK- nnii Pmss B..nnv




burlesque houses ahd shows, n.or* irLeacke` enstlyJ.ifafgeTnA itmein shaodwvanocne thoef CDo.xi; ioimn.hi&a Circuit, who has been confined on Ward s


n'inr, Womart and Song Company Complete

MnVer'nnH Mnetr^^'wiVnarn r^Vue^

st.fr D'and for more than a year, has be.n

^Selected bv the club to be guest of honor



the Jamboree, and seats have been

Lhw lor, Olrirlc dnd McCul* r#»«prv*'*d far Dr T (>!i6t*E<in of W^ard's

no li'iand. and Mrs. FoUott, who will ac£om-

Brings Harry "Rib" Shannon and Rub ' Sboriy ' McAllister Together Again

New York, June fi.--Lou Talbot, fr.inchise-hoidlng producing manager of irtiir, U'omati and Song, h Columbia Cir¬ cuit show, is the first to announce his company complete for next season's open¬

Sherman, Kewhoff and Phelps, Frisco,


Arthur (Bugs) Baer. Bert and Betty Wheeler. Bissett and Scott. Georgie
Jessell, Patti .Moore and Band. Haley and Rock, Alan K. Foster's Hippodrome Girls and others not as yet listed.

Stats for Dtfabltd Soldiers
Members of the club have bought up the entire gallery and donated the seats to disabled soldiers at nearby govern-

Sid Rankin, chairman of the Publicity Committee, reported that the theatrical trade papers had been generous w'ith ai.nouncements of the forthcoming jamboree. but nothing had been done towards oh-

tnent hospitals. Many of the members ^.t-t as chauffeurs of their own cars
'ti calling for and returning the soldiers Jo their respective hospitals. Others will hf, transpimted by sight-seeing automo-

taining publicity in the daily press, and biles provided by the club,

in respon.se to a unanimous call from those present Messrs. Rankin and Nel.son

Donation to Actors Fund

agreed to make an effort to obtain justifiable recognition in newspapers for the jamboree.

A big feature of the Jamboree will be the donation of a box costing $llh. supplemented by a cash donation of $390.
by the club to the Actors' Fund.

Promoting Publicity For the past two years the Theatrical


Press Representatives of America have held weekly meetings in the clubhouse.
245 West 48th street, thru the courte.'^y of the Burlesque Club, therefore Messrs Rankin and Nelson called upon the T. P. R O. A tliru their founder and president,

New York. June 6.-- Louis Redelsheimer, specializing in the piacement of performers in Mutual Circuit companies, jj; being overrun with applications from numerous burlesquers desirous of be-

Wells Hawks, viz.:

ing piaced in Mutual Circuit shows.

I .rt.r

W.n. Hjir l,.

Redelslieimer's placements June 3. viz :

Letter to Wells Hawks^


Mickey Markwood for FM. Rush's Bmutif

May 27, 1925.

Paraifcr.'i; Panny Deveau, Helen Iiowns

Mr. 'Wells Hawks.

and Agnes. King for Page &. Browning's

140 IVest 42d street,

Hotseji-Ti/tnrii Company; FZarle Gatidet

New York. N. Y.

and Charles Schultz for Unrru "Ilrllo

My dear Mr. Hawks:

Jokes'' Fields' Sui/nr Tiahies; Han v &

At a special meeting of the Burlesque pritzi Clex for Fields & AVest Kt'ddliiut

Club this afternoon Sidney Rankin, bur- Rutics Company; Mvlie and Murrav for

lesque editor of Zits Weekly, and the prank Damsel's Moke It Peppy Corn-

writer vvere assigned to get some pub- p^ny; Beulah Baker for Gus Kahn'o

licity thru the press for the Eighth

Siftics Comiianyv;; LLoouu N Neew w--

Annual Jamboree of the Burlesaue Clubm ._an·' a,, h· dj Mr. a..n...di ' M nir.s.. j.TAacckk Hall for

to be held iG the Columbia ^leater. 4(th j.-^ j pjvan's Round the Toon Company:

Seventh avenue, bunday eve- p,,p Bedford. Mabel Le Monaier, Mr. and

ning, June 7.

Mrs. Ed. Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar

I am confident that if you call this

New York, June 6.--For several sea¬ sons pa.-^t. Harry "Rib'' Shannon and Rich "Shorty" Mc.Mlister w«-ie featured coniicuos in various Columbia Circuit shows, in which their coniratling per.sonalitics and individual talent and ability combined made them incom¬ parable.
Like many other teams, they eventually decided on a parting of the wa>s and continued along their individual pursuits until Monday, when Dave Kraus, an of¬ ficial of the Mutual Burle.sque As.sixjiatioij. lessee and directing manager of the Dlympic Theater, presenting Mutual Cir¬ cuit shows during the regular sea.son and burlesque stock presentations during the summer, reached the decision that it was an opportune time to blend into harmony again the team of Shannon and McAlli.ster.
Bringing all hi.s well-known diplomacy into play "Diplomatic" Dave brought the.se clever performers together by ad¬ justing all differences amicably and en¬ gaged them for a Piimmer run at the Olympic Theater, beginning June 8.
Diplomacy vs. Simon Legretism
VV'hile one leading light of burlesque Is ti.'itig diidoniacy in bringing order out of chaos and bringing disgruntled perform¬ ers together, thereby co-operating for mutual 4)enefits, there is another leading light of burlesque u^'ing Simon T..egreeism jn making conditions chaotic and driving otherwise friendly burlesquers apart who have co-operated for years for mutual benefit"
V'erily the ways of some men are In¬ explicable.
Gaycty Stock Philly

ing, with a ca."t that Includes: Bert Bertrand. Harry S. LeA'an. Chuck Wil¬ son. Gharles t''ole. Edgar Rand, tlertrude Ralston. Dotty Bates, Alma Montague, Pearl Smith and 24 chorus girls.
The executive staff Includes; la-wis Talbot, manager ; Chris. Nauman, agent; I^eo Zorn. leader; Barney Smith, carivnter; VIonty Montgomery, electrician; Charles Dod.son, properties; assistant electrician to be engaged.
Tilbot-Bertfind Rfxlty Company
T»u Talbot, owner and manager, .in'! Bert Bertrand, featured comique of Tallait's irinc, ironioii oiid Song Comp.iny, are registered under the laws of the State of New Jersey as the Talbot-Birirand Realty Company of VYHdwood, N. J., where they control considerable beach¬ front property.
During their Decoration Day week-end at Wildwood Messrs. Talbot and Bert¬ rand .sold for ppot cash, one $.''.000 house and on payments one $3,400 house, with an offer of'cash for one $7,000 house now being built.
V'erily there are some burlesquers who do things really worth while, otitside of burlesque, during the summe/ layoff.
Shannon ^ Looming Split
New York, June 0.--Harry "Rlb" Shan¬ non and Artie Te-eming. last is-a.-^n's comiques of Peek & Kolh's Hippitil Hop, Golumhla Circuit show, and since the close of the season In va'idcvllle. have split as a team ; Shannon going back with his former partner. Rich "Shorty Mc.Mlister, and I.ieeming as yet undecided as to the future.

matter to Uie attention of vour members at the regular meeting F'riday at the Burlesque Club and advise them that we solicit their co-operation in getting the desired press publicity that they will willingly call on their friends among local editors to utilize some part of the advance notices that we have had mimeographtd. thru the courtesy of Charles Salisburv (T. P. R. O. A.), press representative of the Mutual Burlesque Association, who
who will participate in the presentation at the Columbia Theater.
Co-operation assures mutual benefits. and I am confident that you and vour associate members of the Theatrical Press Representatives will co-operate wi!!i uh in our efforts to obtain the desired publicity.
vs ith best Wishes for vour rontinuoua
success. PBED (NFT SF) VFI .son * EdYtor of BuVlesque. The Billboard. ^ . .. Charles Salisbury s Appeal

Mr. and Mrs. Dameron for Bentley gc Michaels' Ktep Lively Girls; Al. Bruce and Nita Rose for Lew Kelly's Oun
Frit.scher, TIelen Dale and Johnny DilIon for Jake Polar's Kitty Worrmt'a Kids Company: .Marshall and Tommy Itonnelly, Mr. and Mr-'. Fred Ib- se for Ed Hiilllvan's Mnre,ie Pennciti andJIrr .Stolen Kweets Company,
Sam "Pool" Lewis
.New York, June 6.-Ham ''P.stl" I> wis. organlz<-r of the Biirle»<f|ue fllub, f<»itri«T manager of biirle.-qiie theaters and eo,nI'^nie^. more recently a vaudevl le agent. ha-» tsen stricken with (laralysls and ir
confined to hi« home, tilg West 150th

Philadelphia, June 6.--Issy Hirst's Summer Stis-k Comiiany is now firmly established at the iJayety Theater, win r« it is playing to gisal business, with
a ca.'! that incliidi's: Billy Tanner. Jack Ormstiy and I'harles LaVine. cAniique.s; Hud I'lireell, Straightrnaii ; Harry Gun¬ ners, juvenile; Betty Palmer and Ethel IieV'eaiix. soiibrets; Mollie G'BrIen anil Ix'i Bello Paula, lngenue>*, with n cari'fiilly selected choMi.s Ilf 20 pretty, petite ponies, of pep and personality.
Manager Hirst Is offerfhg premiumsI of .myle Gro?«ner, the hat without a head-. aehe, to the men, and is-arl neeklaees toI the women, for weekly Increase In busl-, n<-.ss.

Burlosquors in Vaudovillo
New York, June 6.--I<ou Newman. late of Chester "Rubi'" Nelson's Bobbed Hair Bandits, on the Mutual Circuit, is now lilaying vaudeville dates under the di¬ rection of Jordon & Rosen.
Charles (Kid) Koster, well-known circtis biller, more recently supervising biller of Mutual Ctroiiit Shows, h.ts joined the ranks of burlesquers a la single, but there are rumors that the kid may do a double with a well-known leiidIng lady-prinia donna. violin-playing s)MTiallsl, ere the sutnnier is over.

Seymour With Minsky
New 'York. .luiie 0.-- Harry Si'yinoiir, late tiM'otiiiqiie with 'romr'iiy ''Bozo" .Snyiler In Follies of tin- ttoy Gompany, a G'lliirrilda Glniill show, has signed up with Billy .Mlii'ky to jilay under Ids illTilt KOI In the siimiiier eoinpany at .Mln'ikys Ars'llo The.-iter, West 125th street, and for next wa^on in Mltn.ky'a

Burlesque Club Jamboree
To do full justice to our review of the Eighth .Vnnual .laniboree of the Burl) sque Chill, h* Id at the Coluinbi.i Theater last Siind.a.v night, wo have decided to hold It over until our next Issue In order that It might have a t·.ltnr'll position on this (lage.

Wells Hawks' reading of Nelat'i letter »!.r< et. this city.

WaHack's Tlieater (kimpany.

June 13, 1925

The Billboard



bereavement of the death of Member

.Mu liael Iiiller. who died recently of acute

^ Nfwiy Orgjnized Firm of Producing Manjg(t$ for the Columbia Circuit

Now York. June* 6.--Oeorpe Pe<-k.

s, i`i,..r Ill-mlx r, iin<l Matt K'>lb, junior

m, mix r of tfu? iiroUiiciiiK firm of IVck


prosontiiip Hiiipitji Hop In ih.

Coluniliia t'ln uit, dltisolvod partnership b>

niuPi.il Imi-oiit.

Kolb will continue as a producer of

biirlt -'pi< alonp indepondoiit lines an'l


MW ifilllllllfX"


indigestion. He wa.s a charter memb*T of tile oM .Vu.Mli.iry Four. Other charter.s to be draP'd following deaths of members are the Butte (.Mont.) Local No. 2S, in memory of Charles H. Frank¬ lin, who pa-'-d .ivvay recently, and the charter of Greensburg (I'a.) Local No. 1105, as a token of tribute to the late B. O. Neff. Suitable resolutions were also spread upon the minutes of the latter local.

|Vi k will continue as a fram hlse-holdini; nroduemp nianagor in association with H.irry Jarlsie, who will handle the pro¬


Fort S^ith.Ark.



Kverything is in readiness for the Sev< nth Dustrict Convention of tlie Interna¬

duction and pro.`s«ntation of an entirely

tional Alliance, to be held next Monday

n. w >hnw on the Columbia Circuit next

in Wilmington. N. C., in the auditorium

of tile D. eanic Hotel at Wriglitsvillo

an int' rvlew with Messrs. Peck and Jart""- th y w< re both enthusiastic over tht new partnership and loud In their nrai.-e of Sain A. Scribner, peneral manicer of the Columbia Amusement Comn.iny. in making the partnership possible and u-'MCtical.
Jarlx'e was formerly general representa¬ tive for the Columbia Amusement Comimnv at W.ishington, D. C.. and managed hmiMS in that city, iiresenting Columbia Circuit shows for many years. Last sea¬

environment surrounding the heroine in tlie early stages of tlie play. The seein ry III .\ct.s II, III and I \' is an e.vemplification of simple, atipropriate bai kgruuiid. but one small d' i.iil in tlie first scene of Aft 1 calls for critici.sin. The ex¬ terior of a fashionable club on Fifth avenue is shown, witli the aetion taking place inside tlie building. Tlie audience is reiiuircd to witness the entire scene ttiru four P'rencli windows. The inter¬ ference of the framework and casements

the 52d Street Tlieater. New York, last vve»k, received coiisideratile favoralile 'comment in the press notices after the opening performance.
Alex Oumansky designed the settings for the Frank Patterson oi>era. The F.vlto, which was recently produced in I'ortland, Ore., as a teature of the con¬ vention of the National Federation of Music Clubs.

Beach. The d.strut, one of tlie largest in tile United States, takes in tlie States of Tennessee, .Vlabama. Georgia. Florida. North and South t'arolina, Mississippi and Louisiana. All locals in these State.s liave selected a delegate to the convention and arrangements liave been made witli tlie railroad comiianies for a reduced round-tt qi rate for all delegate.s from their liome city to Wilmington and return. Tlie funds n<*. essary to conduct the convention are obtain* d from all

son he wa'- transferred to the manag'-- i.s most disconcerting and annoying and

locals in the district on a pro-rata n*-r-

ment of the Olympic Theater, Cincin¬ causes a coiKstant shifting about and

capita basis, aiul if a local should fail

nati. and is conceded to be one of the ahle.-t house managers on the Columbia Circuit.
Due to ill health during the past sea¬ son. Peck could not give his js-rsonal at¬ tention to the presentation of Htuptut
en tour th.` circuit, and Scribner, fearing that the demands on him for the production and presentation of his new show for n> xt .sea.son might jeopardize his health, ciffered to sacrifice his own Interest by releasing Jarboe that ha could relieve PtK-k of his responsibilities, for which Scribner is to be commended highly.
Verily the ways of Silent Sam are inexpluaiile, for while he does some things that leave him open to criticism he does Others that call for whole-hearted com¬ mendation. and his act in the combined interests of Messrs. Peck and Jarboe is admirable.
Mutual Circuit Producers
Changing Title of Shows

uiiiest. Large plate-glas.s windows would liave been far les.« harmful to the play and much more apiuopriate to represc-nt tlie exterior of a club, if the real thing on Fifth avenue is any model.
Joseph M'ickes is Belasco's designer and de.serves great credit, but the touch of the producer himself is always present. Much may be learned from vx'itnessing a Helasco offering. Ladies of the Evening in particular, and every m-enic artist would do well to make It a point to ab.sorb the genius of the dean of our theater.
P Dodd Ackerman will design and execute the settings for The Pelican. Sprinij Fever. The Five O'Clock Man and .Ml pressed Up for A. H. Woods, who is l>reparing the four shows for early pro¬ duction. .Vekerman is also to do the scenery for .I/ImsIoh .Warv. a new play by Kthelbert Hales, which M. J. Nichlas will offer shortly, and his studio will turn cut. between times, two more productlops of -Vo. \o. .Vniieffe. for additional Frazee road companies of this success.

New York. June C.--Juke Potar's show will be shown as Ktttp 'lYan-cn and Htr Kandp Ktdi* with Sammy Spears, sup¬
ported by Joe I.aing, juvenile straight-

Jo Mielziner designed the sets for Channing Pollock's new drama. The Fnem.i/. which opened last week for a
New Haven tryout before a proposed
fall showing in New York. The R. W.

Stage Employees and
(Communieatiom to 1560 Broadway, N. Y.)
A road call has been issued by inter¬ national headquarters against the Broad¬ way Theater, Tulsa. Ok., to take fffe. t Saturday, June 13. The theater, whhh plays tabloid attractions, refused to meet the demands of Tulsa (Ok.) Local No. 354.
The decision of the Interstate Circuit
to keep most of its larger houses Tn the
South open during the summer is good news to the stagehands and otn-rators in Fort Worth. Dallas, San Antonio and Houston. Tex., where the four largest and most important theaters of the In¬

to send a d* l*'gate it will n*>t b*- relieved from paying its tifo-rata stiare. I'resid* nt Wm. F. Caiiavan ;ind otlu r ofhcials from tlie I. .\. Iieadquarters, it is exlie ted, will attend.
11 South Lj Salle Street, CHICAGO.



Thfjtre maruerr; I"> year*'

Tin operite

M-hrn orraflnn drm^ndi. Will rn anywlwre. F. H.

J.VMK.s. nra BIIIIhmpI, ChlraKo.


man ; Charles Frltscher, Helen Dale and others.
Kddie Sullivan's show will be known as Marme PrnnHti and Her stolen

Bergman Studios executed the work.
The Bergman Studios are working on the scenery from the designs of Raymond Sovey for The Butter and Eon Man, the

terstate chain are locatid. each employ¬ ing from six to nine men. according to their requirements. The Dallas and Houston houses are said to be the best paying stand.s of the circuit. Cooling

WI6S. COSTUMES AND TIGHTS, for Baot or Halt.

M7 N. Braadway.


directs Company and the cant engaged George S. Kaufman comedy now in re¬ system.s costing a lot of money have so f.ir includes: Cliarles "Red" Marshall hearsal. which Crosby Gaige Iwll try out been installed in all the houses and
and .Murray La Vine, comiques; FYed for presentation on Broadway in the fall. vaudeville and pictures will continue to


Ree<-e, straightman; Tommy Donnelly, singing and dancing juvenile, Ray LeAn.'-o and Wllmer Dean, soubrets and others.
Capt. Harry Goldberg's show will be known as A'fj/ht Hawkn, with Sam RayMr. Billie Rose Carson, the Mark Bros, and others.
Harry "Hello Jake" Fields' show will ^ known as Harry "HtUo Jake" Fields ewpor liahirs with a ca.st that includes

Joseph Urban has been commissioned to do the settings for La Vie Breve, an opera on next season's list at the Metro¬ politan. The Urban Studios, incidentally, nave recently fini-.hed a large order for the Stanley Theater In Atlantic City.
Yellenti will design and execute the Kllhourn Gordon production. Trouble Istniid, and the scenerv for The Jazz ,'<iiiarr, an impending Lewis & Gordon offering.

be the policy.
The action for damages against mem¬ bers of the Hamilton (Ont., Canada) Local No. 303, brought by the Hamilton Exhibitors, controlling theaters In the territory, in an effort to retard the local'.s fight against the non-union theaters, has been dropped by the Hamilton people and a settlement made to cover court cost.s. etc., according to information from of¬ ficials of the Hamilton local reaching 1. A. headquarters. This gives the local the advantage in its waged fight

Sxnd your neit R.r Film ml 20o We nuke Six Priau. One limil-Tiiite*! Free. tlze film.
AZ-U-LYK-M PHOTO SERVICE. Brixtet. Vernient.

will Any

All-Round PerfoTmefS
WANTED AT O.NTB for PIZAUO JIKD. SHOW. Answer quirk to m.nuKer. PI2AR0 MED. SHOW. Mt Vrmnn Inn, Northampton. I'ennsylranla.

ta^rl Gaudet Others.





Fred Stahr. scenic artist, has been
working on the decorations in the Balaban & Katz Chicago Theater.

against non-union conditions in Canada. Haney Detloff. formerly stage man¬


Jaffe's show will b»* known as Tnc Little V'cniis, Vuila Elliott, and Htr Art Models of ly2ti, supixirted by 1-ddte
l^rraye, luiti h comique; .Maurice J.
tash. Hehrevv comique. a newcomer to

MUliam Oden Waller designed and p;iinted the s.ttings for The Mpsterious il'ai/. the play which Sam H. Harris now
has in rehearaal.

uurle.sque and now heading his own sttn'k

company at the Star Theater, Rockford.

Sheldon K. Vlele will receive credit

111.; I.ouls Auf'tin, re-engaged as musicai for the scenery used in the prolog to

t"" Of Interest To oireetor, and Joe Perry, manager of com¬


1* new iieri'onal representative

for .laffe at the Acadeiny-Lyceiim, Pitts¬

burgh. Pa.

Douglas Fairbanks' new picture. Don Q. when it opens next Monday at the Globe Theater, New York, for a summer run.
Winold Reiss h.is completed sketches for settings for v le impending Heinmer production of Viruiir.sr Siohts and will sui>crvise the exei'ufion of his designs

iNicAimsim when the play Is ready for a tryout. Joseph WIckes is working on designs fi>r The Belle, a play to be produced next

season hv Davin Belasco. Wg'kes will


I By G. M. Lclandi'»^^^^^4j

also submit sketches for another prospec¬ tive Bclasco offering, titled The Typhoon.

CommunKotioni to 1560 Broadway. S. Y.)

Karle O. .Amend is designing and

ager for Sally. Irene and Mary and well known to back-stage boys, has b*'en ap¬ pointed to that post with The .Mikado, now at the -14th Street Theater. New York. He replaces Zeke Colvin, who will direct the back-stage destinies of .Artists and Models in Chicago and then return to act as stage manager for the 11*25 edition of that revue.
When Loew opened his new Temple Theater In Birmingham and transferr* <1 his vaudeville shows from the Bijou to this theater Birmingham Lo<al No. 23t> arose to protest that the change from one house to another automatically can¬ celed the contract, which do<'s not expire until Scptcmlx'r, despite the fact that the same policy was to be played at ttie Temple. An I. A. representative suc¬ ceeded In Inducing the !o<-aI union to work in the Temi<le under the same con¬ tract however. Since the opening of tlie Temple the Bijou plays pictures only.

Heralds, Tonighters, Dodgers, Tack and Window Carda. Half - Shasta. OnaSheats, Thrae-Sheate, Cloth Bannart< Card Heralds, Lettarhaads, Envalopaa, Etc. Typa Work Only. No Stock Papar. Evsrything Mada to Ordar. Union label. Send for pries list or writ*, stating your raquiremants, for an aa* timate. GAZETTE SHOW PRINT. Mattoon, III,

executing the settings for the next edi¬

paragraph in this column last tion of Kirl Carroll's Voiiifics and has

iJi, 1 ^ regard to Relnscan settings aiiM (j nf, interesting dlseiission aiuung .t rroiip Ilf llrii.>fl\vay .scenic artists and
signers. The con.si'nsna of opinion was

hocn commissioned to submit sketches for two book musical comedies which that
producer will offer In the fall. Amend Is also working on the .scenery for The

Biii'i*''"1'"' statement in The J `''''"d that David Ri lasen is unjustlv
M'l ihi d iin being of till' old si'liool in

P'liioi r. a new play which will receive an out-of-town tryivut the end of this

.srepie productions. Particular mcn'n w.is made of ilie settings In Ladiis
hirnintj. conceded to be. by tlie cjnier ng present at least, the best
''·'k of the highest

month, and the new production for the sue. lal Chicago company of Mercenary Mart/, both for I, Lawrence IVelxr.
His studio will paint the settings for two companies of .Mit Oirl and a t-ompany of Loihi. Br Good, going on the road shortly


perfection yet reached in scenic


"``·ond sieiie in the first act,

p.I ling a street I'orner, is a master-

under the aiispii'es of NIeolal. Welsh ft DeMIlt. Finally, this busy artist has been called into revamp the e'.iulpment of Will

iho '

gloom of the fog.

'ne shadowy distances, the hit of side-


stone steps standing out of the

light of the street

credit to the progress of all-ill- ;,rt--realism suggested vvltli tlie

'Morrissey's ('hottrrhor. the revue that opeiii-d last week in Brooklyn.
.-Mhert H. .\mcnd and Herman .Amend, both arisfs and brotliers of Karle. left New Yivrk last week on a trip over the


theater. The painting road to the West Const.

Bill I *'

of the .sethonse does iis

'nu ll toward putting over the feel of

The settings by James Reynolds In

The .American Federation of Labor has establish«-d a new bureau for the i>uri>i*«!*> of compiling statistics in connection with injunction proceedings and otlier actions involving local unions. It wUl be known as the La'gal Information Bureau and has sent out requests to all unions af¬ filiated with the A. F. of I., to furnish the bureau with copies of court ord* rs, decisions and other Information p<'rtalning to legal cases. The I. A. T. S. K. has notified locals under- its jurisdiction to forward such matter to the general otfice for relay to the Legal Information Bureau.
Tlse Marvenga. prima donna of The Prince at Jolson's Theater. New Yoik. made herself quite a heroine with the back-stage men at this theater Thnr.-d.iv night when she staged an elaborate «linner for them at the Majestic Hofei. It was given following the evening sh<tw.

Opera Heae. New Quality Silk A Splendid

Value. Pink. Wliite er Blaxk. )Z M

Mercerized Tuhtx. All Celeri. 2.SO

Cottee Puffriy Trunk* .U

Men't Supperter


Idral Waman't Supperter . 2.7S

Waat Wemae'a Supperter . .. 2.5t |

MinetrrI Wilt. Lined, Soft Hair, ElaUie.. -IX

Ballet Slipprre..


New Waax Pink Satin Tec Slipprra. 4.M

New Waax Black Kid Tie Sliparr*. 4.00

Black Kid Flalt .2.75

Black Kid Tumbtlnp Pumps . 1-00

Send I2c poctace T r any above arilrla.

Write far Free Itiuitrated Sale* Catalafua.

I GOODS always on HAND.



"·'Y element In the produc- The Bit if Cape, the p.infomlme presented

The charter of the Buffalo (N A' )

ot II '*'.1

^nri'hodlng nltehv lilackness bv the Ram's Head Players of Washing¬ L<'c:il No, 2"1 is appropriately draped in

t the doorway la aymTOlic of the whole ton under the auspices of The Stagers in bl.ick and will remain so for 60 days in

123 S. lUh Street, PhiladelphU, Pi.



The Billboard

June 13, 1925





-w GRANT MITCHElL.jircvi^Krt-Ar5«:trrf


CW\CfKQ>0 Office-Capitol Bldq. NEW YORK SAN FRANCISCO 0lff/ce'369P/>ie»


lOSANGELES Office-6^1?Hol/ywoodBM.

--_ ac


Equity Elects Regular Ticket
Th He E rreegguullaarr ttiicckkeett pprrooppooaseedd bbyy tthhee
Nominating Committee of the Actors'
E r^qquuiity Association was elected Monday. June 1. by the t2th annual meeting

lif.'tiinc, made ajipropri.'ite remarks in
Presenting a wreath^, and at the same
a^fheck romprising contribuUon^s of utwo cents each from th,e Pwpils.of the school, cidefly Italians.

the production an engattement of five
weeks. rhe Privateer played only two weeks.
^Pu'ltt Shhhaafttteerr H Hoow waarrdd iIss kkeeeeppiinngg hhiiss w woorrdd ^nd is paying each of the members of

Sanford M* isner, Kleanor Shaltr. .MarJory Warden. Jean Worth.

Chicago Office



Lola D RaSo^We


t /s ' Connelly.


we?e"!'=T^esidfnL ^ohn^ Eme'rS nm
vice-president. Ethel Barrymore, second vice-president. Bruce McRae; recording secretary. Grant Stewart, and treasurer.
Frank Glllmorc. Councilors elected to serve three years
were: Lester Allen, George Arliss, Harry Browne. William P. Carleton, Berton Churchill. Augustin Duncan, Clare Frames, Ernest Glendlnnlng. Frank McGlynn.'Helen MacKellar. Eugene Powers. Tom Powers. Robert Strange. Laurette


^t?i= .."fu

Actors' Equity Association has ac-

`ceptod with gratitude the rather unusual

add« d much to the

grave site In Woodlawn tvme-

T thP

r.f tt,o h,,=t t>,,, rioH,


thl Ei iii


® theme from Gounod s ifoniro oiiff Jnitef.


Lena Green, of 111 Montague street. Brooklyn
^ quarter of a century ago Mrs. Green, t*'® proprietor of one of the best theatrical boarding houses, was
known to the theater as "Mother" Green.
M®'' daughter. Lillian, died while playing `n King Dodo in 1901.




occurred in the

bert Briinlng, \ lee Leio Ditrichstein (ah-

^avis. Chief Justice T^ift. bv from Washington and ex-Prc'iident
EHoL ag^d 91 by phon7^ r<nT,o,.nnw t.oo 'TVinti.^

The Woodlawn plot contains space for two irravos, one of which is occupied by
Rose'^Leighton. wife of Gustave kerker. the comnoser. who was herself a well-


K Kaanntatti City Office Member--Jack L. Membet^ack L.

I.adare. Ladare.

election of 1^-^. and Robert Middlemass to serve until the annual election of 1927 in the place of John Cope (deceased).
A cablegram from John Emerson, president of the association, who is In
England. rea_d: Congratulate members of `&y for r;s\raint balaA^e' and
wlsd^ shown during past year. No harm can come to Enuitv now exrent



number of Invitations

was sent to members of the dramatic

and it was




Hall «r


Fame .foco

that more «pr. not

rpnlolLraHvI ^Tho rv.lon <f's*<lnguished representative. The Colon-

A hearty vote of nbanks to Mrs. Green

has been passed by the council.

^_-_. -_._


Two Swain Saspentiona

The council has suspended J'^
1^*" contrary to the order of their asso-

from Itself, and as long as^we remember ulT'?,® that added power brings added respon-

" Y"nVace"ma7%p ^sUe^

elation. No member of the Actors'

visited at Equ ty Association or of the Chorus

sibility '




B. est



Altho all the reports of the ofneers In-

dteated favorable conditions in the organixation. that which created the great-

est enthusiasm in the membership was

the announcement by Treasurer Frank

Glllmore that even allowing for the ex-

penscs of the legal .unil economic struggle

with a group of producing managers

*"»_^,u-of non i« not nuite com As the fund of J2.nnn is not quite com-
picte anvone who niav desire to have a
ishare in this tribute to Miss Cushman. which is also a tribute to the stage, may
ptill have a part by sending a check to Eleanor Gates, 720 Fifth avenue. New York, marked "For the Cushman Bust",
Robert Underwood Johnson, Director of the Hall of Fame.

F-q'''ty As.sociatlon may play with either ,,ntii he or she has been reinstated by
council aA.ocCeiTpc/Ooik RnaSs*' v Er^Q 'cwUttuItTti'iY vr A AacS»cS..cOttm C<I.^iAA taTitIutOoN av..
Executive secretary's weekly report for council meeting June 8. 1925:
New Candidates

which culminated in a Partial shutdown last summer, and the purchase of the new home, there still remained In Equity's surplus account the sum of $191930 21 "Equity." added Mr. Gillmore. "had a turnover during the last
year of just under one million dollars." About 900 members attended the m* et-

"The PPrtiivvaatteeerrr"" PPaarrss U Upp

Regular Members -- Louise Hunter,

When the production of The ^ Prtvafeer

r*eor»A TS Mealier Florence M p^rge F. Meader. Florence M.

Morford Morford.

was frst broached its producer. Shatter i-narioiie ivyan.

Howard, desiring to rehearse in Boston.

Members Without Vote (Junior Mem-

guaranteed the principals and chorus of hers)--Frances E. Bavler, Kitty Clark

 ..- -



_^ ^

_ -



Cashman Bust in Hall of Fame
Members of the dramatic profession who were not able to attend the dedica¬
tion at New York University May 21 may be interested to know something more than has appeared in the press concejn-
Ing the ceremonies.
"Fhe bust by Frances Grimes is erinsidered a very admirable work of art by the Committee on Art f'f the Hall of Fame, which is composed of three presidents of the National Sculpture Society, past or present. It expresses Miss Cushman's power and genius and suggests her position as the first American actress of her day by the laure l wreath which Miss Grimes modeled upon the


JOHN EMERSON, PPrreniU Meenoft

DOROTHY BRYAV NT. ExtKtuuttiivv*t Setrrrreffserry

..  -

' i

^iKVE.NTEEN _ new_ me_ mbe_ rs J.oiw ned t- he Chorus Equity in the past week. W'e


holding »ho<'ks In settlement of

claims for Eila S' mbathy, Mildred Miller,

(;,.radine Reavard, Belle Sherman. Leh-

anon lloffa. Grace De Fendis, Ellitabeth

Huyler, Walter Twaroshk. Frank Shea,

Parol Raflin. Percy Richards, 'Irace De

Fendis, Gloria R< rkcley, Cecil Boylan.


i., ,v,« air/va.-r.

J ^



' '

-  ' - '

g.u. ara.ntee. In o_ th_ er .waor» ds, in addition to the two weeks' salary for whii'h th<'y actually worked, they have rolleetrd an additional three weeks' salary for which they did not work--the three weeks cornpleting the guarantee.
Thrti an arrangement made hy the Chorus hlqutty with Madam Orrea Waska, Chorus Equity members may take lessons In ballet dancing for RO cents an hour. Actors' Equity members for $1 an hour.

Toor ®ko«»

Ii Inio Tti* Foot-BMb

Takes the friction from the shoe, relieves the pain of corns, bunions, calluses and sore spots, freshens the feet and gives new vigor.
Makes Tigki or New Shoes Feel Easy
At night, when your feet are tired, sore and swollen from excessive dancing or walking, sprinkle Allen's Foot'Ease in the foot b.ith and pfi/oy the blUs of feet tvithout an ache.
Over Ona Millinn flye hundred thonnaod pnnnda of powder for the feet were ni>*d by oar Army end Navy during the var. Trial parkaje and a Foot-Eaee VV'alking DoU eeoi FREE. Addrce*,
! a Piaeh. use AIXEN'S F00T-EAS1


The Rogers School
Of atat# Art* tad Pity nirattlae.
FOSTORIA. OHIO. AilnrliUd with Jnhn P. Hngrri PradeHnt Ca..
Ouniei'r Term, June M.



·The ceremonies were most interesting and .appropriate, .lolin Tirew. president

of the Players, presented the bust on

behalf of the donors, who were chiefly

men and woman of the stace and ad-

mirers and rViatives of


The unveiling was by Dr.` Alicrton s'. riishman u i ie-.i n. iihevv of Mi^is Ciisi,.

1, r


''bosc father was h r a^

n,,1^; ;


* HiTl.y*



T*'-*^.® "?n


`'ft* d.

b''>s in the chorus,

I'.quity got me two weeks rvilarv. which

"®v. r have been mine had it not

b"l'' lady


association. convinced,

However, the because she

walk, d away before she could hear the


^ w-ords. she

»«»Kht one hour k day o


regular classes, that Is. step dancing and a-rohatlc work, are of courne under the

<tlrection of William McPherson, who la

largely responsible for its success,




^^Bpeaklng of onr regular dancing class.

lhat`'^we`'''flTch"Tte5 chonis memners that we teach step dancing only. We have classes In which only acrohatlc work Is given. In signing

Hand Turned Danoing Flats

eateet I nMtrr

BU<k Wkita


Whit* Satis



/iJ7 \ M
p-f Ca M

tire* I t* t
Mra.ll t*n'4I's« fitted

·4S ·ttkS Am.. Nerar SItt St,, Mas Vark City

V V, -,

,-e<iuiti rcie a ong on ineir money.

Hall Of hame for $ >no for theiftmd. and whor. as she felt that If she a< know h dged

It lias since been pr. .senfed by 1 lie donor ,i,,. value of liquify, that 22'/, cents a

to the library of the Aniers an .A\<eaadd<emy w ^yeoe^kk would hh<e |loo«et tfo her foreverr.

of Aits and lyetters at 1 "i.'itli street, where

xhe sr yen Chorus Equity memhrrs of

It can be si en by anyone who may be r/ic I'rivni.rrs Company, who had a five-

interesti'd. The addri.^s, which di-iilaved week guarantee, have, thru the efrort>4 «if

much feeling and Just appreciation, was Equity, h< rn p.aid the full amount of tlie

made by Otis Skinner.

...... ...


yourself for a better engagement--and

salary--next time,

Members holding cards paid to M.av 1,

192.'!. are fined 2-5 c nin a nlonlh beginning

June 1. unless they have an extension.


Executive Recrclarv

Wolff-Fording & Co.

46 Stuart St., Boaton, Maat.



i t" i"




r o

-» o »





A beautiful W'rcath for the hii.'-t wa.s
presented on b«half of the Charlotte Cushman Club, of Philadelphia, by Mrs.
FInck. one of its ofll. ers. the club liaving previously coonnitrriibbuut*te'dn liberally to tli.n. fund for t(he hu.«f ; another bhyv the Players and a third by .Mrs. Langdoii on liefalf of two grea*-preal-nephe\vs ilvdng in St. Ixiiiis. Miss Cnshtnan having liecn born and having diid in Boston, flu- gcn«-ral school i*ommlfl''c of tliaf city s* nt ,a .siw-cial retu-esenfafive in Margaret · Nieliole,
a teacher, who, on b- half of the llaneivk Setiool. vvhieli Miss Cu.'diman alt< iided a
a (hild. and of tli*' Cn hinan .'school, which was named for her during her

J ^iT 7«t 2 > /. # 5 §

f cpppiAi

S 5 Rrgalar

r, $10-112



i C«IM( 'Af





ShorhVamt I fl

I / / A^/f .yew oPOri VdlllO NN««W M M#dr.

9 (

_ ShoesH I .^JT *T , I B·«OXX TTBaEr. JM I9 9

OktOlHAl Suits


Strap and Oprrj Pumpi. RIark. Pink, Whitt Satin, wi.h Round or Narrow Tot. Gold or Sdvrr Cloth,

^nk* ft«i!i,.


WkB fGtIn. " C

Narrow Tot, French MftI only,

225 W. 12d St.,

New York

kory JT 711 2
whn. \

n* WtM OrUw, #44 7S« PMtM# CatUOa B Ttm.



I 10 I «>ollawJ I W R MilIAA MrDU MIICS^L FOV ANA n'I» S'e





« ww.


 TTLIm# ··aaeryyrriInnppaaBBilaa eaff rraaw«#eddyy B·it'.frll*il' (>>( 

XlT## BBlv.rMl MtlifirlloB. Poalenl# in

rioda kD nlBiMt aiidl### ··aarlnivnt ·<

hrlffet tur# lira manalogaa#. arln for <*"'

Hnl#w lad for Mai# and famnl#. pamdle*.

RW) ·hitl# t#fn. nlniitr#l Aral pirl# wltk

6ail», a nkelrh for fniir p.npl#, a tiMnl4
yfirr# for nin# rkarart.rti, »tr Wend y"tir
dollar fn I,. J. R. RTTL. Baaiae.. Man#
w af MAniBON g BUSOET, lOM Third

a#,. New York.


June 13, 1925

The Billboard


' R»*der« ·hould study the phonetJc .vmboU «· they sre Jllustrsted «t Ih* «nt^r «'f ihe page. The complete phonetic T v /s m bllehed December 5 will be sent S^rMiuelfAddrew: Daggett. 202 West
;ith street. New York.

T>-e Baker In Odd Man Oxit furnishes in int"'sting study In Intonation. The Ine.eh of Mr. Baker la alwayt gooi In tUb particular com^y It stood out for different reasons. The play Is adapted To flowing convcraatlon with no prilculir leaninss toward the emotional or the drat alic and the cast la small. Kxcept fnr certain facetious crimps In the dialog ihe en>'vmont of the lines depends very mSch on the Individuality of the actor anil his ability to be pleasing in himself. The plot of the play has no particular monuntum In the speeches, and for this
reason Mr. Baker's personality went a tong way toward filling In the gaps of a light piece. This opened the way to listen to Mr. Baker's intonation with un¬ interrupted attention.

\ Kood deal Is said about British Intonation. It Is easily recognized On
the stage It Is easily Imitated by come¬ dians and It Is unconsciously Imitated by anyone that comes in contact with It. The tune i.- fairly d<finite. I^liave heard n.uch le.'s about American Intonation, and
1 am not >ure that anyone has attempted
to DOint out what It is. .American 8P*ech tonei are usually described as more monofoivus than the British, and this is
Ihe opinion of American observers.

.Mr Riker. in my opinion, has beautiful intonation, something that glvea remark¬ able life to thought and a aense of musi¬ cal charm to the ear. He Is an American actor, born In Michigan, and I can not detect the slightest trace of British tune
in his speech. It Is difficult to say that he la typically American, for he Is sev¬ eral notches above that, but his Intona¬ tion. I am sure, reprcs. nts semething that la representative of American tempera¬
ment and ear when It comes to speech in Its best form. lam Inclined to con¬ sider him a model American for want of a better example of what belongs to pleasing and expres.sive speech. Observa¬ tion of Mr. Baker proved so Interesting that I went bai-k to see him after the plav to quiz him a little about his knowledge of the subject. As I expected I found the actor quite unable to ex¬ plain him.>^e1f. He la not the leart sHfconsclous about his voice or speech either on the stage or off. On the stage. In fact, he strictly avoids hearing himself er watching hlniself as a speaker. I shall have to put It in mv own words, but In a part he app.irenilv "thinks" right and feels' right about what he Is saying and then he hts his delivery take Its natural form. Perhaps that la one of the charms of Mr. Baker that his delivery is so un.tffected and apparently unstudied in every way. He has a remarkably free voice, a good range, an admirably blend¬ ed resonance and a particularly sensitive touch of the voice In Its various shading*.
He comes from educated parents and from a family of musicians. His natur.al
ear has probably p'aved a large part In hit .-peerh development.

Harold E Palmer Is author of a book

on rnfflifh Infonafion. The object of bis

br>ok Is to place on record "a character¬

istic collection of the tones and tone

compounds as ohsorved In the speech of

most Southern English people In ordinary

convef! at ion." It pmst


that anything he says relates to the

speech of Southern England. Anyone who

has stiidiid a foreign language will Im¬

mediately recognlre that intonation Is an

important factor in language study. We

Immediately find this to be true If we

are t»achlng a Frenchman or an IfalWin

or a riilnam.in to spiak English, or If a

Krenchman Is trying to teach us to speak

Vrcnch In this connection Palmer is

qul»o Justified in saying ; "Pronunciatton

and Intonation are so bound up with each

other that it Is futile to teach or to

learn one without the other." Mr. Palmer

srheg his hook on the assumption that

'her,. IS .1 ''distinct and coherent system"

In the speech tunes of British speech In

Southern England, and his book goes a

long way to prove that such la the case.

John Ersklne. writing on this same snhjei t in Thr Snfinn (.April IB), has this to say: "Tho they use the same words, the Englishman and the Anierh-iin <io not speak the same tune." Ersklne qoesn't pretend to know why this Is so. and. .xltho he considers the British tune pretty to the ear, he finds that It often Brings thr accent of the sentence Info ronflli-t with the logic of It. He gives an llhistratinn:

"Is Mrs. Smith at home?" "She ts not." s;iys the Irish maid. "She Isn't," tavs the English one.

1 Ih'hgllsh ears." Ersklne adds, "the Irish tune In that case sounds abrupt and It says not a negative hut a dlsrotirtesy. 1 fear we Americans ehatl al-
**>"* h.tve some dlfflcttlty In understand¬ ing the English--not when they write, but ·hen they speak, for maiiy of the radencea which mean to them friendly "ollcitiide are the very tunes we are




A. Key Sentences.
1. He (hi ) is (izi met (met) there (Rtd) at (aet) my (mat). 2. VVho (hu:) would (wudj throw (Giouj water (wD.ta) on (an) father ('fa Rai. 3. Bird (ba d) above (a'b.w). 4. Yes (jc>) the (Raj singer's ('snj^r) thin (0in) whisker ('.wiska) shows (Jovz) thru (Bju:) the (Ra) rouge (iu:5). NOTES: 1. The first sentence illustrates the front vowels (made with the front of the tongue), beginning with the high-front (i:j and ending with low-front (a). The (at) in "my" is a diphthong con¬ sisting of two sounds. 2. The second sentence illustrates the back vowels (the high or low positions of the tongue being farther back), beginning with high-back (u;) and ending with low-back (n). The ( :) indicates that a sound is long in duration. The hack vowels from (u:) to (d) require liprounding. 3. The third sentence illustrates the Mixed or Mid vowels which come between the Front and Back positions. 4. The fourth sentence illustrates some of the consonants.
B. Sett of Words.
(i:)--he (hi:), beef, (hi ;f), beat (hi:t). leave (li;v). tea (ti;). green (nji:n), key (ki:), peace (pi'.s), pleased (pli'.zd), feeble (fi:bl),
three (Aii ). (,)_is (iz). it (it), did (did), give (fliv), build (bild), quick (kwik),
little (litl), begin (bi'nin), since (sins), this (Ris), thin (0m). () _mct (met), said (sed), says (sez), else (els), head (bed), then
(Ren), ready ('aedi), every ('cvji), guest (gest), yes (jes), jest
(dsest). () plus (a)--there (Rra), fair (fea), bear (bca), care (kca), pair
(pra), prayer (paca). . (a')_at (art), maui (macn), fact (fackt). fancy ('fsensi), that (Raet),
crack (kjsck). (a) plus (0--my (mai). icc (ais), I'll (ail), fine (fain), bite (bait).

(u;)--who (hu;). boot (bu;t), soup (su:p), move (mu:v), loose (lu :»), fruit (fju ;t),
'(fj--would (wed), book (bvk), wolf (wvlf), bush (bvj), full (ful), woman ('weman).
(o) plus (v-e)--throw (0jol), go (gou), know (nou), home (houm), hoat (hort). low (lot*).
(3:)_water ('wa:fa>, all (.->.1), law (b:), saw (sa:), warm (wa rrl). horse (ha;s). bought (ba :t), taught (ta;t),off (a;f), small (sma:l). sauce (sa;s).
(j)--,.,n (an), dog (dag), knock (nak), want (want), lost (bst), box
(haks). (a;)--father ('fa Ra), heart (h(7;t), harn (hum), hard (hn;d), psalm
(su m), calm (k(j;m), aunt (j;nt), aren't (a;nt), laugh (In;!),
ask (a sk). (a;)--hird (ha;d). word (wa:d), learn (lain), first (fa;st), purse
(pa :s), girl (ga ;1). (a), an "obscure" vowel that is never stressed--above (a'b.w), again
(a'gen), o'clock (a'kl.ak), a.slecp (a'slt p), away (a'wci), better ('lu'ta), actor ('Tkta). honor ('.mat. reader ('ji da). (x)_above (a'b.w), but*(b.\t), come (k.\m), love (l.sv), blood (hl.\d), does (dsz). (et, at. ou, 31, fle) are diphthongs, the second element is unstressed-- play (plei), try (tjai), go (govl, hoy (bai), house (haus).
C. Consonants.

(b, p, m, d. t, n. g. k, w. v. f. z, s. 1. h) as in ordinary use.

(5) and (0). The only diicrence in this pair of consonants is tha*

(R) is voiced and (0) is voiceless. See "there" (Rc.->), sentence 1.

and "thin" (0inl. sentence 4. I'or b<Mh sounds the tip of the

tongue is against the upper teeth, which makes a narrow air

passage between the tip and the teeth.

(a) and (.(). In this pair of consonants the (f) may be thought of

as a "hushing" sound. The breath passes thru a narrow passage

made bv the Made of the tonpte touching or nearly touching the

hard palate. The (s) is voiced, the (/) voiceless.

sober man

will say "see" (si;), a drunken man may say (ji:). Why?

(w) and (.w) are a pair, one voiced, the other voiceless, hut the (.w)

is said with a tense breath. Say "which witch" ('.witj 'wifj), and

compare the two sounds. See "would" (wvd). sentence 2, and

"whisker" ('.wisk.3). sentence 4.

(q) in "singer" ('.siqa)--sentence 4--shows that "ng" is uttered as a

single sound. The back tongue and soft palate coming together

produces a nasal resonance.

(j) represents the ordinary untrilled "r" of English.

(j) See "yes" (jes). sentence 4. The (j) in (jes) is a glide sound.

It is practically an (t)--(i) in "it" (it) glided. Say (i-cs) and

then (jes) to get the connection. To beginners the (j) naturally

suggests the lettRr "j". of the alphahet, which is named (d.sei),

but this confusion may he avoided by associ.ating the sound (j)

with the sound (i) as already illustrated.

(d.A) and (tf). To recognize that tffk're is a (d) in "judge" (d3.\dA).

say "judge" like a drunken man. (saa). and then say it like a sober

man. (dsAils). Then say "church" (tf."* fj) like a drunken m.an

(/.·> f). then like a man a little less drunk, (fa tj) and then like a

regular fellow (tf.i tf).

If you will master the Key, you will find phonetics pretty easy.

accustomed to use to express supercilious¬ ness and contempt."
To Ersklne 8 mind Americans are los¬ ing their ear or are In danger of losing it. "For In the matter of the tune we have departed not only from the English but from our earlier selves. To my ears the tune of Walt Whitman, the longphrased. varied, sinuous tune. Is the tune of Lincoln In the Gettysburg Address. The tune of Miss Lowell's verse seems to me the tune of Roosevelt's prose."
Mr. Erskine's remarks and my interest In Mr. Baker are all en rapport with something that has been turning over in niy mind whenever 1 havje tried to arrive at some formula about American intonatiop. Certain speei'h tunes are a part of my earliest recollections. 1 associate them with a certain village In New Eng¬ land which I visited a good deal as a boy. One person in this group, born I suppose about 1845, cast a spell over my ear so that some of the simplest expres¬ sions that this person u.sed run thru my mind because of the music of their utteranee, and the same is true of the longer tunes In continued conversation. Ana I recognize that this tune was more or less charaeterlstic of the people In this retired old village which had once been quite a center of activity. Mr. Baker quite entirely coincides with this thing of my nnemory, and so I am bound to cling to him as a representative American.
The American tune, as I sense It, is less conventionalized than the British. It is more expanding, more improvised and more logical. It is more directly ex¬ pressive of the personality, less directly an expression of a social form. The in¬ dividual speaks his own music rather more than he subscribes to a national hymn. At the same time there must be something fundamentally tangible In the intonation, otherwise the American would mi.sunderstand the American Just as successfully as he may misunderstand the Englishman whose tone of frlendl.v solicitude may he misjudged as an^ ex¬
pression of superciliousness and contempt. What is striking In the Intonation of
Mr. Baker Is Its variety and its general fitne.ss to what Is being said. Its tune, if it may be palled a tune, fits every shade of the meaning. It Is born anew with every breath and doesn't run in channels. It has a democratic frankness, a willingness to say exactly what one means with word.s and tones chiming together. And I wonder If this Is not characteristic of American speech. 'The Englishman In his effort to be con-* servafive often makes up in Intonation what he refrains from putting Into words. This works both wavs. He partly con¬ ceals himself, both In his expression of admiration and of contempt, or at least he Is able to do so. Tha American Is less likely to conceal himself at all. In its" crudity this may lead to extreme bluntness, hut In Its best form It may lead to great beauty and elegance of expression in this sense of freedom, with , a fine sense of unity and completeness. But It Is a venturesome task to write about American intonation until someone comes along to study It thoroly and to carefully record Its uprisings and downsittings.
A good deal of discussion about "Ameri¬ can language" and British speech Is due
to a confusion of pronunciation and In¬ tonation. The two things have to be kept separate. Two actors may speak the same standard of pronunciation, but the tune of one may make him especially Britl.sh and the tune of the other may make him e.specially American. And even in these I'nited States we would find Vermont, San Francisco and Texas speak¬ ing tunes of noticeable difference. 'The term Standard English usually refers en¬ tirely to pronunciation, but it Is easily recognizable on the stage In the pulpit and In soi-iety that to speak Standard English in a full sense is to avoid regional intonation quite as much as other things that are regional.
In Odd Man Out the dialog Is carried entirely by four characters. Jamea Crane Is somewhat colorless aa a speaker. He says his lines In a fairly level Intonation and with little imagination. A good deal of the action and di.ilog is leisurely and slow motioned and weak in su.spense and rising Interest. A. E. Anson was not only deliberate hut somewhat heavy as odd man number two. Alma Tell gave considerable color to the capriciousnesa of a roving wife. She gave plauaibllity to outward attractiveness and to the soulless inwardness in a delicate sort of Way and with a pleasant sense of the humorous psychology in the situations. Such a character does not take Itself tix* seriously, and Miss Tell gave easy mohilify to the rapid vacillations of a flexible temperament. One of Miss Tell'S faults Is to flood her voice with emo¬ tional waves of tone, something th.it I associate with a sfock-.acting Impulse. 'These emotional swellings In the throat have no particular depth of meaning, and thev are Inclined to drown nut or over¬ power the spoken words. If emotion Is worth white it needs to make Itself felt in he lines, not somewhere behind the word that Is uttered. The real fusion of the dialog in 0</d Mon Out came from the quick su.sceptibillties and apt speech
of Mr. Baker.
Charley's .-Itinf, at Daly's, is in very capable hands. Tlie cast is excellent. Tbev play the old piece in lively spirit, putting a legitimate earnestness into their acting and behaving so well as ladies and gentlemen that tlie most extravagant situations are projected upon the mind as plausible ones. Charley's Aunt Is usiiaiiv present*'d as a rough and tumble frolic on the village green. But the coraI pany at Daly's does not frolic to enter-
(Continued on page 42)


I J tty-



The Billboard


^shions Beauty


June 13. 1925
Glimpsing the Mode

(Comrnunuations to 1560 Broadway. Sew York. S. Y.)


The Ensemble Leads the

Summer Style Promenade

Detetiptiott and price in The Shopping Service column, this page.

Decidedly chic are the summer boas. desiRncd to pive to the sheer siiniiiier froe'k the faseinatiiip I'ontrast of a deeper color. Marabou niak-s the audaciouslooking choker illustrated at the top i>f this column. Wired beneath soft silk it coils snuglv about the neck* and needs no fastener. Tlie .«treaniers are of a inatciiing shade of silk crepe, finished with pompons of the marabou. When one grows tired of wearing it about the neck she transftrs it to the wrist. Comes in the prevailing shades of tan. gray, n*ahogany, yellow and brown. The price
is $5.93.
A bit more elegant in effect, if not quite so chic, is the mfirabou boa illus¬ trated at the top of the Clinipsing tin* Mode column, this page. The marabou is s«'wn on georgette, the ends of the diaphanous material continuing into broad streamers, finished with silk fringe to match. The colors are rust. be;ge, gray and black. The price is $4.95.

There isn't a question about it. the

ensemble consisting of a diaphanous coat

thru which one catches glimpses of a

colorful frock is the favorite garimnt in

milady's summer wardrobe. It offers so

many definitely different color combina¬

tions that the wearer does not e.\pect to

meet others wearing the same colors as

she fares forth to a saunter or after¬

noon tea. a versatility tiot sliared by the

tailored suit and costume blouse.

For the benefit of tliose not in New

York a P'iflh avenue shop is_ disposing of

the two ensembles at

an oif< r

whi( h holds good during- the month of

June only. Knsemhle No. 83 includes a coat of

navy or black silk georgette, trimmed at

the bottom and sleeves with baixls of

moire ribbon and a tie of self-material,

and a frock of i)rinted silk crepe de

»'hine. The frock f' ature.s a pliati d

skirt trimmed with bone buttons and

finished with s«'lf-material tie. The

frock may be had in navy and r-d, navy

and white or Copenhagen blue and white.

The price is $29.50. Sizes 14 to 18 and

36 to 44.

Knsemhle No. 73 sliows a different

method of trimming, the silk georgette

coat, which may be had in black or

navy, being trimmed with picoted satin

tabs, which form a tuehing effect on

the hem and sleeves. The dress is of

jirinled silk erepe de chine with a satin

band down tlie front, trimmed with nov-

eltv buttons, and nia.v he ordererl in lilack

and white with a purple, blue or green

flower design. The price is $29.50. Sizes

14 to-18 and 36 to 44.

One of the fads of the summer is to wear an upiier-arm bracilet, consisting of rows--five rows to be exact--of small indestructible jiearls. These- lovely and cool-looking armlets come in tlirec sizes. 11 inches in circumference, llt-i^and 12 inches. The pric-es are $6..70, $7.50 and $8..50 ac<-ording to size. They are slipped
on over the hand.

Kow that .short summer frocks are be' (Continued on page 41)

Please do not r>end personal checks. Kernittances should b»- made b.v money order, payable to The Billboard Publishing Company, and correspond¬ ence addre.ssed to Eliia Milb-r K'-nz, care The Billboard, 1.560 ttro.ndway. New York. Kvery article mentioned in this column m-i.v lie ordered thru The Shopper. Space on this page is not for .sale for advertising purposes-.


To glimpse the modes worn at Belmont Park, where "the .sfsirt of kings', raviriK. holds bwa.y, and to cutnpare them with sketches of tho.se worn at the rae«» at I'aris, is to be impresset] with the grace¬ fulness and .'Oneness of -Vinerican-made fashions. Here are some of the goodlooking clothes glimiised at lb Imont:
Kasha coats, of straight and fitted lines. One of these was unique Uwik.r.g. due to the introduction of a border, set just below the hips. consi.«ting of round.d sections of the cloth aiipli.-d -in .ruehe formation. A brown ka.sha .-oaf was gor. d. the body part well fitt. d and the skirt flaring out irregularly at the hem.
One distinguished looking woman wore an ensemble of navy-blue faille, the shawl-ctdlar revtres of the coat and the lining composed of red and white cheek.d silk, b.aliit of the frotk also b.ing of the same ^ilk.
A charming jump«-r frotk of sag. -cre.n crepe silk, the jumper triinm- d with .silver embroidery and la.'.il up both tides with sll\.`r cord, was worn by an Buburn-haifed b.-auty.
A coat of natural kasha was trimtn.d nlsiut shawl collar and hem with silvtrmoiik. y fur.
While doeskin shoes in the pas:.! sha.ie braved the dusty turf patent-leather pumps, with high heels and a sandal strai) up the front, trimm.-d and strat>p«d w ith lizard, w. rc much in .-vld. nee.
While snug-fitting felt hats w.-re id. ntiful. the large hat was well retir.sent.d. .Man.y tran.-parent horse-hair hat.«. in brown and '.mla r tones, were bo'tnd on the brim with a fold of yelv.-t. and b'-e bows t.f satin or velvet, s.-t on in b.wk or side-ba.k. formed the trimming
Fox >carfs and ermine chok.rs were in evidence, altho the majority of the smartly dress.-d women seem to pr.fer scarfs of chiffon, silk or of tin- s,<me mat.-rial as the i-oat or frock, treat. d g. nerously with «-olor.
W«- g|im|i.s<'d quite a few of the det,tchablc jaboTs, flowing from high col¬ lars, altho the n.ekllne generally is a thing of many moods.


Many readers, expecting to visit N*w

York shortly, have asked us to suggest

Deieriptiont and piiett of thit charming entemble will be found- in the column headed The Billboard t Free Shopping Service, this page.

the articl.-s of ai^i.irel which round out tile summer waidrobe in New York The folhiwing suggestions may be acc. pted as

· authentic in style:

The costume en.semble. with bl.u'k

The Beauty Box

chiffon coat and dressy printed-silk
frock. A jaiMity box.'oat of velv. t.en (pr.fer-

ably blat'k t to be worn with the white,

gray or l» ig. . ..stume slq). The new

If vour skin is unusually Irv vou may to give you the address of the acne spe- sli|is are so prettily tlnished that one mav

look for the early formation of Imes be- cialist, or. if you are out of town, she wear th. m witlu.ut blouse or vested

Heath the < >c.-, e\en tho you ar*- young will senil you particulars regarding home unless you use a nourishing oil. The treaUnents, which are inexpensive.

With the slip one may wear a tailored or dresty blouse to vary the day's .p*-

nourishing oil we liave in mind se*ps deeply into the pores and supplies lubricat¬


Freckles, the summer girl's enemy, may

For the week-end trip to the n.ar*

ing hioisture to k< ep the skin soft and be removed witli a harmless freckle by seaside resort a skirt of stnis'd

young. The oil softens the skin while cream, which is also a highly iffective broadcloth with a jumii. r

lln n. J'

cleansing it and nourishes it, too. W'liile bleat h. .Applied to the face, arms and or silk to mat.'ll the strip- -t in the skirt

undergoing treatnn nt with the softi ning hands the cream gradually restores the oil. which costs $1 a bottle, one ma.v skin t<i creain.v whiteness. The formula

serves admirahl.v. If you go in for sports, a whit.


dispense with the usual cleansing and of a celebrated beauty speciall.st. Two nel skirt and a turtle-neck sw. at.r. w itn

massage creams. The reason why faci- size.s, $1.50 and $2.5'i.

a cunning little felt hat to mabh th*'

lifting operations are temporary in effect

swea4.r In shade, is an cns.mhl. ex-

aiul must be refloated is that certain oils

The dainty woman selects a flower fu r-

beneath the skin lessen with age. The fuim; as most afiproprinte for summer

'.'-^ve of the last w.ird in chic. As to hats, a snug-fitting beig.' son-

succi'ss of tlie bi-<nit.v specialist is based on tlie refilenishment of the oil supply

use. And if slu- is very wise she will sinifily insist on an exilusive brand for

felt hat will harmonize with almost an> sh.ide. A large horse-hair shate »ne

thru the pores.

the sake of individuality. .\n exclusive color of the transparent coat of >oii

brarnl n< eil nth necessarily he expensive. .·nsemble, trimm.'d with a mnt. hlng b"''

The .'^hofuier herself has illscovered such will take care of tlie dressl.-r "'''h

Sheer fro< ks and soft pastel tints lose an exclusive brand <if perfume, winch Of cours*., the Mila ns are good, f<s>. hui

their charm if the summer girl's comfilexion is marred with acne. Ibit acn''

comes in a stjuare-cut rafi, purse size, for $1

bottle with gold The most grall-

a bit h.-avy for warm weath.r


Wh.n ch.iosing a large hat In- enutui

may be cured. .\ skin specialist, who*fving thing about this dainty flower fieriias been mos« successful in curing .·-Viib- fume is that It retains its sweetness the


to seje.'t one with extremely l"**

born ca.s«s of tliis skin disease-, clahiis day foli-iwlng its i se.

.siotne perfum*-s,

and drn.iping sldebrlrn.


bnm i-on.-eals tiroflle am) hobb.'d .-oiffut

that it is a skin and not a bloofi disease. Hlie avers it is caused by i>ores fill* d

.you know emit an following day.

idor of .`tialeness tho

too thorolv for becomingn.'ss. The n. w' .lance frea k Is a matter


with fioiso/miis wasti-. She afiidies to the pores a lirefia *11ion wlii< ti drains from them all imiiuritbs. after whieh a refin¬ ing lotion is aiilili»-'1 to Cpise the pores.

f)n^ of the cooling and b.-aiilifying adJun'ts of tlie summer b.-autv loib-tte Is

In.livi.bial pr. f.-r. n.-e. Tlie v. iy " , , Is black Fhantlllv lace is.s. d "yer a fl.f;'
.olored satin slip, straight of line e-

Wdh the fioisori eliminated frotn the pores raiiitl healing takes place. If you

a l. nxiri astring.'iit. an ab.-.iliit. I.y n.ingreasy coiii'.nti.»n. wliicti Ik not sticky.

an Irregular flounce.

, , -y

The black silk Spanish shawl of

are in the city thw Shopper will be glad

(Conlinned on par/e 42)

(Continued on page 42)

; rf la rsi^nlUl irtlrlM. NatlniMlty idTfr'ihtT Strlii't nr Lni-knnfHl't, am) all for nnl7 raaid. l>nn't ilflar 'Vrllc loday
KE-UP BOX. 201 W. >»tti St- N. V. City.


flll openiiKi In our national nrtanizaltnn as Parmanent Watf Speruli«i>. No ripert<-nr» n»r»»»4i7. Wo

^ '. m \

;r5uifan"d ?un


orrrthinc to ttart. ·

PERMANENT -y> Your^ tutfit h

WAVE OUTFIT oimt^ uundotful. ! jirU


** ^ t'ooUrt knt/if.

I omplatf Outnt for (iTlns real permanent aPyolutfly FRKE to our mrmbort. Writs
'n-l-T i'o FREE Book rxplalnlnf thl* wonilrrful nrw way to ram mniwy at homr.


Drat. 24. US w. 36tli St. Nrw Yark City.

Colon--Pink. Orchid or Honrydrw.
Vest, sizes 38 or 42.... $0.79 Each
Strpin, sizes 23 or 25.... 1.45 Each
Envelope Chemise, 38. 40 or
42 . 1.75 Each
Princess Slips, pink, orchid, bontydew, maize. Copen¬ hagen. henna, tan or gray; sizes. 38. 40 and 42.. 1.95 Eact
Postage prepaid. Deposit rtqoired.
Satisfactiott guaranteed ot money refanded.


Side Glances

The Two Dotothys

The vogue for trousers of a lighter shade than the coat, wiiich finds expres¬ sion In Ixindon in a short black jacket worn with gray or tweed trousers. Im
_ One virtue of these not wrinkle, while do not show marks ·se ties. In many

Dorothy DWloy. the lithe little butterflv (lan<er of the .l/nsic Rox Jicntt,
which jut<t closed an extensive tour,
breezed in on u.s recently looking as fresh and win.sonie a.« a delicate pink camation. Dorothy had just made tiie pleasing discovery that she had moved across tiestreet from Dorothy Ruggle-s, the diminu¬
tive dancer who played the dan- ing babv In a le.ss recent edition of the .l/tt.sic lloc Revur. The two Dorothys are now e.\changing steps and inspiring each other
to keep in practice for two certain Broadway musical comedies with which tli<-v hope to be fearured dancers in the lali.

A non-shrinkable white oxford shirt with long-point collar is offeri a leading men's wear shop for $3.
runnsiSG tuk tvxedo OR FULL DRESS SUIT


Hildj Spong Rrtarns

* Hilda Spong, who regretfully turned

her back on New York, the scene of manv

dramatic triumphs, the most recent beinc lort The Swan, and sailed for merrie England

by last fall to devote hers*-lf entirely to la r

aged parent.s, is coming ino k to the N< w

York stage. Theatrical engagements in

I-ondon are not what th*-y are in New

York, says Miss Spong. \\ >io has alievi-

ated the pain of parting with her parents

by insuring their material comfort, i. e.,

buying for them a cottage on an island

in the Knglish channel. We have all

missed Hilda Spong.

Tip* From a Reader

A reader s»nd.s along "a few tip.s on

makeup for the jirtfenile," who he believes needs a few lessons:
·^n't overlook the ears when making

up.'* writes he. "The lobe of a healthy

ear matches the color of the cheek, so

don't forget when using rouge to apply

It to the ears.

"A very long chin, out of proportion

with a small nose, may be made to look

shorter by applying wet rouge to the tip.

"When the chin recedes and the no.se

is long correct matters by touching up the


flesh-ncolorcd grease paint. which is too long will

appear shorter if a very light touch of

wet rouge is applied to the end.

"Men of fair complexion need b'ue

shadows applied to the eyelids to avoid

a washed-out look."

Dorothy Lvnne Writr*
Dorothy Lynne, the well-known sto- k
act! ess. writes us from the "Wilds rf t'anada" that she doesn't miss the big shops keenly, for she has with her a midget sewing machine, a good supply of paper patterns and some fashtonablfabrics. Where Dorothy, with a new bill



men'a ^ w; e a r

305 Canal St., New York

11 u s t r ated.
terned after a Jmart Elnglish model at the mndest sum of

Whether you play leads or other roles. .
I'sE GIo-Co Liquid Hair Dress¬ ing. .Tust a few drops will make the hair ea.sy to comb, keep it in place exactly as you want it, and give a beautiful lustre.
Glo-Co is a tonic dressing that is just as good for the scalp as for the hair. Helps to eliminate dandruff and stimulates the hair roots to new growth.
If you are troubled with dandruff, guard against it and thinning hair with a Glo-Co treat¬ ment each week, .\pply Glo-Co Drcs.sing to the scalp to .soften the scurf, then wash with Glo-Co Shampbo. The cleansing, anti¬ septic lather of this marvelous shampoo frees the .scalp from all dandruff and bacteria, and makes the hair soft as silk, .\fter the shampoo, comb your hair with Glo-Co Dressing. Sold at drug stores and barber shops. Send 10 cents for samples of both.
Nuiiiuay rioUuiis Co.. IXpt.`'t:-Sjil. MiKinley Ate., Lus Anzeles. Ctlif.
Knriosrd flmi in renli for trill hottifs <if nio-Co I.lrriiii Hair Dress¬ ing an-l r.lo-i'o Shampoo.


fuiet/if <r«M


f oni et»ry Ofrng wrtnU» /rom orounJ yosse ^

ry«s ICitM

\ QuinUn Vah-Dah

J Eye Cream


u nflnished


vhich does not

pointed lapels

^ A m'lirlshlng and *«-

trinernt rrrtm Bsdo



ot iKPigr, lierb oils


tisl rgss.

bound with -satin. The coat

dlrrctlnni tor Um famous QuInUn Ey» TtMImenl.

out with satin. An identifica-

Writ, for my interrstlng new booklet.

"Hou I

My Crtona onJ Lotiono"

EtOUhiuJ im 6fi5 A Fifth /ivenue. New York
Sunproof Your Skin %'Af

K  r 'K
L `-i-'' Ib jf!:' H
* I *3^

.. M t. A k' J i-J-J p 1
` J

suit. which
holder to drop At *">' t'T numerous
niaintained by the establishinent* in important cities Bfd have the
pres.-ted charge. i!'*'** concern


Otd`3rviiJi (Wt

Amid this splendid

`grandeur and multi*

tude of beautiful


women Gouraud'o Oriental Cream was


a cherished beauty

teaet. Let it be yours today

and know a greater beauty.
Wblio Rrsb Racbel Send IOC. for Trial Size
F. T. Hopklaa A Son. New Yerk

Against Freckles, Sunburn, ^ '//

Tan, Dryness

M / If

with These rnequaled Crealluns of


VALAZE PASTEURIZED FACE CRFAM-- <1. »n--«. UHitliea, ninliU, repleoUbea and l-r.iieela the »kln. f.e It alwaya befero and · fter exjM.Nure. »1 00. $3.50.
VALAZE SUN AND WINDPROOF CREAK --I`(i«.e-aea to a marked degree the niarsel* "ii« INin-er of neutralising the vlulef ra.vi "f the aim. tbya preventing aiinluirn. tan. recklea. Alan enjo.ved li.r men and ehlidren silo tiH-nd miieU lime in aiirf-baililng. $1.00, t? 00.
VALAZE FRECKLE CREAK -- Qiiiekly Seea the akin of most oballnate fri-c-kl-* anil ilN-'oloralioiia. leaving It clear and fine $1 50. $g,50.
Ohtainnhlc at the Rrttcr Shnp.o
Write It Mme. Rublnstrla abaut YOUR »rabI**. CsasulUtlan and advito frao.



67th Street

Wherever bc-autifully gowned women

congregate the .\marilla Spanish lace

shawl la the most in evidence evening

wrap. Contrary to the effect of the more

The tuxedo illustrafi'd i-onu^s from th^ same shop and is offert-d at the ^me price as the dress suTt, $27 SO. It is made of unfinished worsted. It features the
latest cut satin Ia|H-ls and is lined with satin thruout. Tiie trou-sers are wide and of the newest b^ngllsh cut, with one satin stripe. An itlentification lag also ac¬ companies tile tuxedo, entitling the holder to have the suit pressed at any
of the numerous branches maintained by
the cstnblisliment.

bulky wrap, the Spanish lace shawl empha.slzes the slenderness of the silhouet.
To be most effiHdive the Amarllla lace shawl must be made of the finest silken threads. Kxpensive? No, not if you hap¬
pen to share with us a little secret; A manufacturer who has sold Spanish
mantillas to you thru this column in the
past Is now offering thru this depart¬ ment a most wonderful black silk lace Spanish mantilla of doiibtle texture, but soft and pliant. 99 Inches square, ini ludIng an 1^-inch s»'If-fringe, for JlS T.'i. The

No sweater has achlevid suvh great popularity in r«'cent years as the turtleneek. which comes in a I'gnt weave inoliair and whicli. when worn with white trousers. Is suitable for s|sirts and country wear, at $fi.!».5. The color range i.s wlilte, maize, powder blue, rose, red.
tan and green.

same design would cost you $30 in the shops. A beautiful flower scroll is the design. The colors are black, white, flame or the new shade of pansy.
·Another shawl from the same manuf.acturer Is of Spanish lace in a light¬ weight pattern. 72 inches square, includ¬ ing an 1S-lnch fringe, for $!».ri0. Tiie
colors are black, white. Spanish yellow,

citron, powder blue, old rose, orchid, For the jtivenlle we recofhmend a toreador and sea green. This is the type

flannel felt hat. which conies in shades of shawl used for draping Into a gown.

{Continued on pnoe 42)

TTie price quoted is wholesale.



yet In her lUth year. VoTumr mean* the

(Contivnrd from poije 41)

volume of life, and .Inseph Janoft m hln

io match thf new flannel trousers seen at the Florida resorts, biseuit, oyster,
cream and silver. The brim is turned d<m'n all around and a wide hand tidils to the swagger effect. Six dollars buys
the hat.

Darkens and Beautifies Eyelashes and Eyebrows Instantly
Makes them appear naturally dark, long and luxuri¬

prosperity makes the mlMtake of bellevmg that the volume of life consists In
having everything that he wants without consideration of other people. He thtre* fore fails to get the woman he loves because she believes that the volume of life conaists In loyalty, gratitude and

Glimpsing the Mode
{ContuiKcd from page 40)

ous. Adds wonderful charm, beauty and expression to any face. Perfealy harmless. Used by millions

sacrifice. This part of the story Is pre. sented with all seriousneaa, even a serlousne.ss that makes the older audi¬

pattern Is a splendid investment for the actress, for she may drape It about her over a flesh-colored satin costume slip, use it as an evening wrap and later as the big Item in the Spanish dancing cos¬ tume. Such a shawl is described in The Shopper's column, this issue.
Printed georgette or hand-paint, d chif¬ fon is satisfactory for the evening frock. Be sure the skirt is cut over a circular pattern, which is most approved for
dancing. If you are clever at making accessories
the Roman-striped faille scarf (ribbon by the yard), with fringed ends, matched with an envelope pur.se, will afford the longed-for bright touch. Such a set is also good in the ombre shades, trlmmcil
with striped border.

of lovely women. BLACK or BROWN. Obtain¬

able in either solid cake form or waterproof liquid.

Q Solid 75eatyomrdealer*s


or direct, Pottpaid.

MaybelUfM Co*

The Prime Favorite

tors think and to brighten their faces with a glow of Idealism as It comes to them from this young author. But Volume Is a comedy, and it is lively with
the young characters, sons and daughters of Janos and of KHtherirte Haydn. And
character comedy Is furnished bv two neighbors, very effectively played by
Kphiegenia Miller and Anna Wolf. Anna olf Is a little Herman girl, quite re¬
cently come to America, and Miss Miller Is a girl from the Middle West. The
Janos of Ocorge Thompson w.is an
extraordinary piT'ce of amateur acting
This boy, quite tine In appearance, had
all the gravity, poise, culture and coolheadedncBs of a rnan of the world, and his speech was beautifully natural. Clay¬ ton riroenleaf and Howard Ttarrish, as the boys, were verv lively, and Margaret

The Beauty Box
{Continued from page 40) Perfumed slightly with the refreshing I fragrance of fresh lemons, the astringent prevents the skin from relaxing into that ^`let-down" state suggestive of fatigue and tones up muscles that have become relaxed. When it is applied wrinkles lessen, the skin is cooled and a fine powder base in provided. Jl, <2, $3.50 and $6.50 sizes.
The Spoken Word
(Continued from page 39)
tain itself. It sticks to the business of

Long Acre

COLD CREAM? If not, you're mined  greet treat. Stc-le teet ebowe atir>
OM-Hall Peund Tiat (· w.) .MFull Pound . I.
'rtirough Tour driler or direct by remitting to the

Long Acre Cold Cream Co.

210 E»t l2Mh Stree«.


Brassier played the part of a mother and philosopher with the Instinct and sure touch of an older actress. Ifer younger sister, Ruth Brassier, designs the costumes, acts In the company and plays the violin very well later in the evening.
At the end of the play Miss Margaret pave a recital of several readings. She is a platform artist of real attainments, thoroiy at home In comedy selections of the higher order and bcautlfiillv sin<'erp In the poetic quality' and soulfulness of her more serious work. The splendid womanliness about her takes .awav all the ordlnarys^aannerlsma of the child per¬ former.

playing characters, of putting concen¬

An evening at the Ruckingh.am Play¬

trated make-believe Into the comedy and

house Is elevating. Miss Margaret has

of letting the audience bi nofit by the

written about four plays for production,

straight-faced and almost serious inenn-

and her dramatic Instinct and literary

gruHy of things on tlie stage. For that

genius is naturally and unaffectedly

reason there was a real tone to the act¬

sorting Itself. There Is every reason to

ing and siuh a pleasant array of young

believe that her parents know how to

men and women, all with individuality, in


use the dramatic instinct in edui.ition.

parts that are more or less of the same l^gth and color is seldom seen at this


.\nd there Is dotihtless a `'volume" of life in Miss Margaret that will expand with

time of the year. This Is distiiictlv a well-bred C'/mWfw> -tuiit company. Their speech Is uniform and distinct and their

Needless to tell yon of the decided vogue of the Spraiib Sbawl-- all Paris and America wears them. You will find these vastly

her years and with her writing.

manners refined. They make you feel not only amused but really well enter¬

becoming--their heavy silken texture and bold effKtivc designs blending delightfully with every gown and every type. 6) in



plus 18 in. silk fringe all around. In black, white, flame and

(ContHniied from page 29)

This Is a man's play, but the women do their work so well that no one could think of giving them second place. They do not make faces and throw up th. ir hands in acting farce, hut tnhavc like real people and e\fn remain in the back¬

Paris' newest shade, pansy. The low price is no iodicatioa of their rare beauty. You must see them for yourself.

d<T Famous Idaycrs-l-asky control. Standard white serge costumes will be rmed all over the country and will .serve as a sign of Idcntlflcatlon of F. P.-L.

ground without going to slee|). Ft rhaps the charming thing about Hoi'e tjoxhead


and GraiC Vn.ss is that you never saw

quite enough of them. Ruth Cliorpcnniiig

as Donna Lucia played the part \vith

womanly reserve and sympathy without

attempting to a.'i.''ump a grand air. Slie
entered into the joke of d-almg with h* r double with an amicable sen.se of humor,

Other Shawls in handsome floral design 72 is. sqnste. intindini IS in. fringe all around. In red. white, Spanish yellow, citron,

which she carried along witli remarkable

poadre blue, old rose, orchid, toreador and h» green.

delicacy and success. Miss Cliorp'nnitig

plavs farce wrUioiit being fareif-al and



sentiment without being sentimental, and in this well-roundtd way slie m;wie all


her ilnes mean something more than was written. In the same way Kathleen

Send Check or Money Order to

Middleton added a delicate ray of romance to the part of Klla. How this small


part gets hold of the imagination is hard

to say, but the old pii'i-ea tiud little gems

352 Fourth Ave.,

New York,

of sentinniit and /iiattios written into

them with momentary seriousness. ?lis';


Middleton has the girlish sweetness and
heart appeal that arouses svnipatliy at Hrst glaiiee, and all lliis finds full ex¬ pression in her reading of the lines.
Among the men I'liarles D. I'enman and Antony Stanford arc tlie boys at Oxford. They mate up partleiilarly well,
.Antony Stanford, the younger of the two, bright as a dollar, with a siiarkling hoylsti voice, a quic k eye and a sensitive emotion,
both for high hopes and for sudden dis¬ appointments. Ho gives splendid life to the college hospitality and lover's dilem¬ ma. and he and Penman show excellent

trousers iiorkets is not esprclally funny,
It d>'als with a fart already taken for granted and the out-and-out showing the trou.sers full length is clumsy to say the
Ica.'st. Karl .Stall's Stephen Spettlgue is a
distinct creation of character, perfectly well sustained and very amusing In Its idiosyncrasy. Harry Lillford pl.ayed Brassett as If he knew the lines. Ttiis
old piece has many things in common
with the fashion of the Commedia Dell'Arte.

rather th.in outside, and that accounts
for the stage and footlights and real B<enery in the basement of their spacious house. The company Is made up of the
young friends of Miss Margaret. It does not represent a social clique so much as a gathering of ctongenial spirits. The audience romes bv special Invitation and the proceeds are devoted to some charity in the neighborhood,
But with Margaret Brassier at the
head of It the Buckingham Playhouse Is no ordinary child's playhouse. Miss

team work. Mr. Penman is a manly
youth, pleasing in every way. and as the chief feeder of the dialog he works un¬ selfishly and without condeHeen>ion to tie all the knots securely together and build the action from beginning to end. He
never took the play or Tiis part as a Joke, and he played with abandon witliout getting tangled up in a free-lance method. In the .same way George Syden¬ ham as the father was strong and
convincing and gave a superior gravity of character to his harmless flirtation with temporary aunt.
Sam A. Burton is an excellent come¬
dian as Babbs. He is first of all a comedian, and in stature and voice is admirably suited to impersonate the old lady. His gifts of mimicry come Into play to excellent advantage and he has numerous tricks of voice that are spon¬
taneously funny. What is more. In bis

The Buckingham Plax'house^s a unique little place In Brooklyn--a private theater. Margaret Brassier. 15 years old. Is the actor-aiithor-manager-producer for the Buckingham Dramatic Society. Her
jmrents beli< ve in allowing their children to develop their powers of self-expresSion in the environment of the home

Margaret writes the piay-s. Volume whs the title of the play given In May. "nie scenes of the play took place in Vienna Austria. Tho some of the scenes are quite short, the play is given in three acts, and it has a beginning, a middle
and an end. But that la not all It has a psychology that Is remarkablv deep to come from the mind of a girl not

Characters in Ibsen's The tVild Duck. WERLE ('vf.-tjlt), GrcRcrs Cgrc.qajz).

Dazian's, Inc., New York, has recently added a new costume m.at*-rlal to Its
already novel stock. It Is Called Goldligured stikolette, and comes In 3fi-inch width, at the same prii'e ns ordinary
sateen, A p-attern, about 9 Inches In width, picturing a pagoda and gardei^
with several Oriental llgures. Is engraved In gold metal on the cloth by a s|ieclal
proceas Invented by this enterprl.slnp flrn^ The material, figured In gold, may h«' had In any color, but black Is proving most effective.

hours of Imiiersonatlon he kept his

EKDAL (V kfbl), llialmar ('j<iilmnr), Gina ('qi n^).

balance between being the aunt and being

UEOVIG ('hetlvin).

Babbs. The quick change in these moods were turned to advantage. Mr. Syden¬ ham's figure, in man's trousers, corset,

SORBY ('.`;(ijbi). For (0) make English (a) and cover sound by draw injr down upper lip,

wig and bonnet, made the undres.-ing scene simply howlingly funny and it was
funny just as long as it lasted.

REELING ('reliq). MOLVIK (mDl'virk).

tVrlnklst, irnw'i-fret »n<1 tired flnn

I never understand why Bahbs' trousers

GR.ABh'RG (qror'bejg).

· II dlMfiDrar iindrr Ih* (i'dII* m»*lr of

have to play such an Important part in the Impersonation of Charley's Aunt, but It seems as if the audience must always
be reminded that Charley's Aunt is not

PETTI:R.SEN ('petcj'scn). JENSEN ('jen'sen).
(For Key, see Spoken Word).

l.lne-No Marc Hmoothsi. noftrni. rlnrt ·nd RKVIVKS the iltlti. Rnliirfi yniilhtul hinom. Pralard hy tamnii* ·lara. No mud. no llftlns. no maaiaa*.
Inrialbir, rlran, dsilchtfiill Hand li

a woman as other women ar<. hut a

for (runpl*!* autlll (Pmihls 8tr*ni'h

college boy in masquerade. Constant

|2> \|.«vy hark If It fall«. HILT

business with the trousers and the

SALONS. 20S W. Slat St.. New Ycrk. Past. RB.


Pacific Coast In Arthur Richinan'a sen¬

sational play,

at the i'oibollcr

Theater, 930 South tiraiul avenue, Lif>s

Angeles, for an engagement of two weeks

starting Monday evening, June 13.



n. O. Stechhan, formerly publicity rtireefer of the I'asiideim Community Playhouse Association ami now affiliated

with the new Hollywood Art Theater, ad¬

(CommunUationt to 1560 Btoadway, Stw York. N. Y.)

vises that it Is doubtful if any little thea¬ ter adventure got off to a more auspicious

start than the new Hollywood Art Thea¬

ter, which has made a smafhing produc¬

Children's Little Lyric In the same place In nine S'-enes. by Herman Quid. George tion of Frank Molnar's legendary LUiom.

and last year 1 was with the Ham's Head Salem, whA played the long and exacting ·'The fact that Kenjamin (Jlaaer, author

Players in Washington. "Mrs. Erlanger is not the only person
who has grown up with the organization. Several of the actors have been in tho company since the beginning, nine years Hgo. Babies of tlie uompai^ came to it four years ago and mere upstarts have been with us for two se.asons. During the day they pursue prosaic trades, they ar*i pos»m«-n. i>iano movers, telephone operators, firemen and bank runneVs, but In the evening they doff their disguises and get down to their real busine.ss--actIng. Every night, except Saturday, is a working night, and Saturday is made up for Sunday aft'-rniKins.
"Among the*pl.iys that have been presented by the Cellar Players are The illfitrfiirn Cl/'le,/«/* and Whf re the Cro-^ff lit Mnilr, of Eugene O'Neill; Punts find the Man. an original play by tiurlan Thompson, of JAttir Jessie James fame; thie Dai/ .More, by Josepli fonrad ; Titasuie Inland (the Hoiikins-Goodman arrangemeiit ) ; The J/oiit# ?/ /'uu', of W. W.

role of Beresford Harrowfield, carried off acting honors. Wo understand that Mr. Halem took over the role from another player and learned the lines and bu.sines.s in a few days, which makes his performance all the more remarkable. Antoinette Prince, as the girl in the case, proved herself a capable actress and she is mighty good to look at. Marguerite Strathy did a poignant bit ^ Mrs. Brendle In a wonderfully realistic kitchen set. Her makeup was perfect. Margaret Westgate gave a sincere portrayal of the mother of the hero, and the acting of the balance of the cast w-as all that could be asked, perhaps more. These earnest workers, all very young, d-.serve a great deal of credit for putting on a production of c'Jch magnitude in so small a smaee and carrying It off convini-ingly. Tbev have attracted .a following of cultured p'-ople. who filled the theater to ov*rflowing, making it necessary to bring in chairs from the outside to neconunodatIjl. comers.


``hm'`interest'THE POTBOILER!^ OF

presentations this year have included

A!fUhLt.», (.ALIr,

Jiiflae Lull'll, the BeUisi'O Prize Play; a

During the last tw'o years every' Pot-

revival of Paul Armstrong's Salamy Jane, boiler IToduction has been halieil by the

after Brete Harte's story of that name. T.os Angeles papers as a theatrical event,

an<l a new Irish melodrama by Padralc meriting a full cohimn at least. With


no money for pubicity, this Little Thea-

The Cellar Theater of the Hudson Guild ter group has all the new.spaper critics

Is somewhat of a misnomer. Inasmuch as on hand on opening nights and invariably

one does not walk into an atmosphere of get high prai.«e.

white-washed or painted-limestone walis

Every one of its* productions had been

and the pervading damp chill that one directed by Ole M. Nes.s, with unpaid

might easily anticipate. Instead, this talent from every source in Los Angeles,

theater is located in the basement of a His first effort was Beyond the Horizon,

large building of 50 feet frontage and by Eugene O'Neill, on a 17x12 stage in

Several stories in height, which houses

--^. .

. --

- ..


the offices and various departments of the

Guild's, settlement activities--with great

spacious rooms, h'gh ceilings, broad stair¬

ways. etc., suggesting more than anything

else a pro.sperous and well-managed social

and industrial club.

The theater Itself has a rectangular

auditorium, seating approximately 230 to

300. the seats being long, high-backed,

comfortable benches on an Inclined or 'jiitched" floor rising to the back, so that

all have unobstructed view' of the stage.

The stage, about 30 Inches from tlie

floor, has a depth to the back walls of

some 20 feet. This stage, together with

all its equipment, including the lighting

system, was constructed entirely bv

various members of the Guild, carpenters,

fit the Kngllsh text, directed the play con¬ tributed much to its brifliancy," says Mr. Ste<-hhan, who adds:
`Having the wealth of Hollywood's fa¬ mous profe.'-sional colony t<» draw on for artists in every department of the pro·luction made possible an exceptional presentation. Wilfred Buckland, veteran art director of the stage and screen,
supervised the scenic details, while Edw.ard Jewell designed the stage settings.
Each of the seven seemed to surpa.ss the other.
"Exceptionally well balanced was the cast. The en.semble effect or teamwork wa.=» Its outstanding feature. Arthur I. ubin in the name part showed con¬ siderable improvement over his playing of the .';ame role in Pasadena two sea¬ sons ago. The Sparrow of Lloyd Corrigan was an artistic etching. Adtia Cleason made an a|>|>ealing Julie. Belle Mitchell was the raueou.s Mrs. Muskrat, while Ithea MIteliell scored a comedy hit as ·Marie. Tile rest of the large cast was  Mually satlsfai'tory.
"Ue.Hplendent wa.'^ the first-night au¬ dience at LilUtm. Many of the shining lights of screenland graced the «x-casion with their pre.sence. t>ne of the most In¬ terested ^'pe<·tators was Rudolph Valen¬ tino, who followed the play closely, as it Is understood that he is considering the making of a film version of it. Other notables present were <1 lor la Swanson. Frank Keenan. John Sainpolis. Noah Beery, Mitchell Lewis. Mrs. Charles Craig and the famous three mu."keteers of Hollywood--Mary and Doug, and Charlie.
"The opening of this activity--even tho It had to start in a high school audi¬ torium, for lack of a theater--was con¬ sidered of such importance that all six Los Angeles newspapers sent their leading reviewers to cover it. And the press was unanimous in praising the production of LUiom. None found fault with any de¬ partment of It. On the contrary, they enthused and rhapsodized In a manner heretofore unheard of.
"LUiom was put on as a test production, to show the p<'ople what the Hollywootl .Art Theater expects to do. The summer months will be devoted to the perfection of the organization. Pre.sent plans call for the inauguration of a reason of six productions in the fall. The plays to be done will be .selected from the list of

electricians, painters, etc.

available succe.s.ses of the New York

To diffuse whatever blend of light is

Theater Guild. And that organization

desired ution certain scenes and upon tho

will be followed as a model."

players this the.ater does not employ the "baby spots" nor the boxed str p with Its color'd gelantine slides, directly inside


above the proscenium, tut it employs

Fundamental reason for the success of

Instead. In this ItKatlon. what is termed

the Pasadena <''>mmunity Players, gen¬

a svnthcchrome system, devis/d an<l

erally acknowledged the out>'tanding

patent, d by two former members of the

group of the kind in this country, is due

Guild, Bob Entwistel and Gene Goldstone.

to the fact that they build upwards from

This sv.siem of lighting th-'v state, has

a firm foundation, instead of trying to

lust been installed in Prof. B.aker s Play¬

spring into life fiillgrown. In the opinion

house at Yale. Carpenters, steam fitters, and plumb< rs
make up this group and there is one mem¬

of Clayton Hamilton, famous theatrical figure, upon tlie occasion of a recent visit to the beautiful new Pa.sadena Com¬

ber who is a member Of the New York

munity I'layhouse. In an interview at

Fire IVpartment.

that time, Mr. Hamilton said:

It's a far stride from the Cellar Players

"Too many times a group of wealthy people with Inclinations toward dramatic
(Continitril on pane 108)

to the Garret Players, but it's well worth

the climb to the top of the old-fashioned wooden stairs, at 31 W'est Eighth srteet, N' w York, to the theater of the Garret Plavers. A miniature stage with border lights and footlights similar to those used hv the Collar Playcr.s occupies the

-Photo by Lton Sbmicoy




Combining Training and Engagemant

front of a large room, running the full

b ngth of the house. What appeared to 1>4> a concrete concave to give the effect of skies and distance, set on the back of the stage, proved to be a curved frame covered with a heavy fabric paint'd sky gray. This group has its own eh ctriciaii. II niember of tlie ^roun, who Is in charge of a perfectly equipis-d miniature lighting outfit and who succeeds in making every scene of true artistic value frinii the standpoint of stage lighting. Many row.s of low wooden iH-nchcs. made evid'`ntly bv the men of the group, fill the audit'Tlum, which is lighted by means of a ceiling lamp, cover'd with a Parchment ; sliade and a wnniglit-lmn standing lamp. A roughly made book'ase. paint'd a cheerful blue, with books on the little theater, is the only other article of finnlture. Ventilation Is assur'd by b.'k

Ole M. Ness l.s a former Philadelphian who has been connected with tlie staga^ for about li> years in the Ea.st and South. He never dhi any direction before iiis Work with the I'otboiler.s. In the old Forepaugh SttK'k Company in Philadel¬ phia he playc'l juveniles many years ago, and later went in for ftage manage¬ ment. His knowledgi' of stag « raft an'i of acting make his direction particularly good and it is his genius in this field which has made the Potboilers a rec¬ ognized theatrical a-s.^'-t in Los Angeles.
Genuiiii' drama, vari' d charact'rizatlons an'l a serious central theme, u>ually tragic, seem to !>,* his forte. Ho woiks without any compeii.satlon. con¬ tent to miss out on huslii'ss opjsirtbnities. rest and recreation. His »-asting is alwa\s rcinarkablv go'"l, ami from the miscellaneous material he h.is to draw on ho crerrTfs an eff'-i't of absolute fidelity to char.icters ati'l plot. On ofs'ning nights th'-io is usually a largo movie

W* bar* tb* *«wl aad iM*t ·ttnoUr*. a* Kail u th* lariaat aaaortiMnt at plaj* la tb* world. M<d four cent* for out saw Hat.


f lD<sinioratad 1891)

'Oldert plav publitheri in the irorU

a WMt 4Mh Siraat.


V'T TaudarlU* A-ti, PUy« »ni1 lo'ltrldmli. Kvrry ro'ituiD* an origiiul. dMiznrd In nur own ihop. Writ* for esttnutr, or. brUrr. drop in and sc* ut.

contingent from Ib'llywood In the cheer¬ ing lines. One of the tiiost reliable guarantees that the nwies won't get him. however, is the fact that Ole Ness directs in ills shirt'b'cves, never bawls

EILEEN BUTLER 232 West 48lh St., New York City

out .an actor, is tirelessly patient, wel¬

comes sugpestii'ns, and--keeps himself

*mtircly in the ba.-kgroun'l. But his re¬

sults with the I'ofts'ilers stand out b'ddly

as ,%'orthy >-t .a pla'^e near tho top of little

theater wi->rk in this country.

Henry Kolkcr, noted New York actor,

will appear for the flri-< time on tho


The Billboard

June 13, 1925





M. E. D.--Mary Carr is not rclat,d to Alexander Carr.


M --Buster Keaton's first sturrltnf

picture was The Saphtad.


Stock Actor Makes Rejoinder
130 W. 44th St., New York, May 8, 1923, Kitltor The litllboard:
Sir--In your lant week's isBUe of The Billboard your Boston representative--Mr. Murray, I believe--made some statements which Were not only vicious but ab!«)lutely untrue and wliich 1 hope you will cor¬ rect at once.
I was with Mr. Giles last Saturday night after our closing, and he assured me tliat the Keith interests had bought him out. That, and that alone, is the real reason for the Boston Stock Company's closing.
The Keith people will run the St. James next season and not Mr. Giles. Tlie statement made by Mr. Murray will hurt me

the northwest corner of Third and Arrow¬ head, that city. Tlie proposed theater will have a seating capacity of 2,00t), playing the Pantages vaudeville bills and having the Pantages franchise. Mayer pictures will be featured exchisively. The show'house will be erected within the next seven months.
A nanasome modern tneater witn a seutiiig capacity of 830 and with a stage capable of handling the largest road shows, may be made part of the building io be erected by lioquiain Aerie, No. 232. Fraternal Order of Kagles, Seventh and .1 greets Hoouiam Wash Tne Aerie build-

Berlin News Letter
BKliLlN, May 20.--Arthur S. I.NOIIS lias arrived witii tlie coloied siiow, , numbering 40, Including Sam Uoodh'S * Orcliestra from tlie t lub Alabaiii,
York, due to open at tlie Admirals Palace May 2b. Tins is tlie hirgest ag¬ Bregiition of colored pci formers tJ'at vver visited the tiermun cupitel. The Adniirals nianageiuent, which has booked

--Bebe Daniels was born In Dallas, Tex., January 14, lnoi \Ve d!. Hot answer personal questioiu


Harding, n.u.ic

piiblisher, 228 K. 22d street, .N. w Vork

tor the old-time songs.

X. Y. L.--W'e have no record of the aiitlmr of that sketch you nienlion nor I'f tlie members of the act.

* · I---The Government does not collect 11 war tax on tickets with less than a .lO-cent admission price.
V'.. B. P.--Enter iladaitne., a play m

professionally, and, therefore, 1 expect ing cominittee recently reported that ten- *''** show in conjunction with Morris tlir^e acts, was written by Gilda Varem

you or him to undo the liarm that might tative plans had been drawn and that Kd.

billing them iifa\il>, and ^

have been done f.ne.1.by- s.uch. a. staTtement. Dolan and H. T. .Moore, of the Hoquiam t'`'hfidenlly expecting bjg busmc.ss if Brock Pemberton.

This is not meant threateningly. I assure Amusement Companv. were intere.Med in "'one from the novelty of the .lUerprise.


produced by .

you. but I must protect myself and career

proposed erection of the theater and

'Tishman Is here, haying tians- A W.--Winiam S Hart (then knowo

some way.



^ouTd neeotiate for a lease if the oreani- acted a piece of biisiiic.s.s that made his «s .'s. s. Hart) and Theodore Roberts au-

(Signed) BERNARD NEDEU!* xation to5t definite action to erect a play, failing on the ··Bei . iigarla" worth while.

"`"Be together in ISlo


He booked Jack Dempsey for the Luna »n The Barrier.

New Theaters


Park for four weeks at $7,000 per week,


commencing June 1. Dempsey is now in "· "· I---Dan Beard once wrote an

Louis B. Mayer, vice-pref<ideat of the Paris and is expected here next week, article on paper tearing and may still


Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer studios, who re- when he will start his theatrical engage- have it in print. Address him care of

A theater to cost $115,000, with a seat- cently returned to his Western ortices at ment outside the pugilistic ring. With Boy's Life Magasine.

ing capacity of 800, will be erected in Culver City, Calif., after conferring with boxing now probably the most popular _--__

Sycamore, XU., this summer.

colleagues In the East, announced that the sport in  Cermany. next to football, the


Metro-GoIdwyn-Ma-yer motion picture in- l.una laanagement figures on large the large streets of the town, an ad-

A merger of Australian-New Zealand terests expect to spend $25,000,OUO building crowds. The Luna is an enormous p.irk. Vertiseiiient tliat has resulted in enor-

movlna picture Interests was announced film theaters in various parts of the coun- exedlently managed and enjoying a nious crowds. Competition is rather


The organization is capitalized try as their contribution to the fight classy audience, with 40 cents admission brisk between the L'lap and the laina.

at £3,000,000. It will control 130 theaters launched by the Independent exhibitors on gala days. Tishman was here two and, while the latter caters mostly to

and produce as well as import pictures. and producer.". Mr. Mayer said that he years ago when he booked a troupe of th« upper classes, the Ulap appeals to


and his associates regarded the ho.«tile mhlgfi.s and Kronos, the strong man. for the m,a8se8 thru the sinnil gate money of

The Edinburg Theater Edinburg Tex sentiments expressed recently at the con- America. Possibly the fact that boxing about seven cents. There is a regular

held its formal opening'Saturday night' X`''ttion of the Indejiendent Producers and was prohibited by the police under the variety sliow at tlie LMap, with free ad-


company, he said, was resolved not to be cert evenings at tiie Beethoven Sual.

visit a slmw no matter what the at-

The Murtha Realty Corporation. An- -"but out of any important city and Lee Shubert cabled his local repre- traction. Tlie movies uie euually bad

rew J Kerwln orealdent recently Dur-

V nased a nlot 85'xfoo on the west /ide of

Crescent street* Long Island N


Henrv Scharnhirger'pilnr^

p,ir*d for a modern motion picture thea ter to be buMt on the site.

Jamaica, N. Y., is to have another large theater, according to tentative plans an¬ nounced by Julius Belfort, president of Belmuth Inc. Plans are being made for the erection of a $600,000 theater on Jamaica avenue between 175th and 176th street.s. The Glen Cove Construction Com¬ pany Is to build the theater aniL when completed is expected to seat 2,200.

w'herever it was found necessary it would buijd or acquire a theater in which to show Us fllms.^ ,


undetermined origin May 14

destroyed the Liberty Theater. Bogata, Tex. The estimated loss is 112,000, partly covered by Insurance,

48TH STREET THEATER, NEW YORK Beginning Monday Evening, June 1, 1925

sentative that he expects to arrive In the end of the month Dollie and
Billie at the Scala have also been adby him by cable to await his arbefore entering Into bookings for
next season.
The Clap Amusement Park. on I.ehrter station, commenced Us season In American style by a regular parade thru

. .




ist'ue, and even the travcf-iy *>n

such plays must be exceptionally amusing

*be I fa has suspciidua Its entire vaudeville bookings for about 12 local houses which generally use about 86 acU. ^^·»t of the cabarets will close June 1 unless situated In the regular uniuaemsni zone. Strange enough of all the many
vaudeville gardens in and around Berlin one has opened its doors, lli liihardt
nt Husenheide, while the others aiinninice their opening on Wliltsun. The Groist
S' hauspielhaus is frantically appealiiiK thru the radio for visitors at 50 cents (or good seata, since its pre.sent pruductiun, Her Obcrstciuer, an old-fashioned oper¬ etta, completely falls to draw.
Thr. Knock, ^ French farce by Jules Remain, is a fine success at the Deutsches, with Eugen Kloepier in th«

Milwaukee will soon have a new mov¬

ing picture theater to be erected at

Teutonia avenue and 20th street accord¬

ing to announcement made by J. H. Sill-

man and J. S. Grauman, wlu) are sponsor-

ing the project. Plans afre now being

prepared for the building which, in ad^

dition to the theater, will confkin five



West Coast Theaters. Inc., opened their new theater in Ban Bernardino, Calif., May 20. The playhouse is regarded as one of
the mo.st magnificent suburban theaters in the West. The lighting and decorative scheme is modern in every respect. The stago is modernly equipped and large enough to handle the largest of road shows and vaudeville programs.


Mystery Farce By Robert J. .Sherman

_ C.4_ST (As They IK'ir-t Ai|iu|iearl Elliot Batterfield .Uoy Uurduo
Judy .bixie Uittiu Marlon Ultck»ell .Ethel WiRon Sam ...('» Plunkett

Douglas Blackwell.'L',®"*. Mh`hell



.Murc..Aira thur UOitluigot .Ward MscDoneu»h

Bfun.reeil Owen `Police dm,,e. e" r....... ...E .....m .. ....Hm arErmyy my-B- ucMhaarnlainn


'. 'm *1,0 niuw Aprnrs in thn <rid

manAen ooff Ssiimmoonn'^MBilaa'cIkkwweellTl.^


to get by.



, ,

So, con.-'idering Us lateness In arriving,

its lack of anything really vital, comic or

romantic as a motivating element, an<l iia

obviousnes_ s to the_ big_ majority. of thea-

tergors, Upooka should la.st only long

enough to^'Xhaust Grant Mitchell's p»-r-

sonal following--most of whom will not

easily be induced to spend these hot eve-

ni- ng· s - In the th-- ea*ter-.

- i

Speaking of Mitchell, it Is doubtful that

many of hi.<» fans will like him in the

stuttering role thaV ho has been a.«isign«`d

. m t- his pr-la.y... T*h..e. partv calls f..o..r very little

acting aainidu u aliliouwwss no employment ofi m the excellent and Individual talents as a c- o-

®>edian that Mitchell Is known to poK.«es8.

one of the caPste.rformance goes, he is just

leading part and Krlch Engel again pro»Iid- a splendid producer

Both Oscar Straus and Lco Fall are

busy with scores

new opt^rettas for

n_ ext s_ eason. F_ ritxi M _ assary w_ ill p_la_y

in the Straus production at the Deutsche

Kuenstlor Theatir while Kaethe Dorsch

has been engaged for the fall musical

play by the Ntue Operetten Tluater. Cj.Jlrcu·s Krone, th. e liargest of. al.l. O., er-

man touring cirruses, reiiorts good busi-

ntss from Cologne, with the 2j Indian*

and cowboys from the 101 Ranch the

main attraction.

tCarnl lHlaaggcicibie.e_k _ save (_ he _ season hM

started well'at both of Ilia tent circuses.

one of which la touring Holland. His

fwalm.aoc^uesnjaonyiimngal lapragrek <artowSt.elsl.lingni is likc-

I K#

Neither are any of the other playtTA Classical nmsic is still the niain.'^tay of

A $300,000 theater building, to contain storerooms and apartments, will be erected on Santa Fe avenue, between Fifth and Sixth street.^, Pueblo, Col., ac-

l\i it


ACT DI--The Miird


fttt<*d with roles that can be Intelllcently radio entiTtaliiiuent. with one or two acted. Cy Plunkett, who does the bl.ack- legitimate atlrai-tlons and one grand


\ 'X .ir

part, is very good In a vaudeville opera every week. As a .special f*ature

Trnhe medoicali andu Kientific profeseions way--a,,nd, by the way, much of the dialog the ballroom jazz orchestra from tihns

cording to an announcement recently ought to get a new

rnany of the quips fall In the vaude- Palais de Danse is broadcast every Sun-

made by J. J. Oood.^tein of Denver, and In the clps'PB

a Vtf*

elaes--while Marcia Byron manages day evening.

E. E. Ernst, owners of a string of thea- farce It is naively reveled that tec . to as.sect her sinccril y and winsomenes.s in

new Phoebus Ellin Co. is about

ters in Colorado, including the Palm black member of th? Jt^fher gang . t spite of the absurd atmosphere that sur- In bevcome on imiM>rtant fa>tor In the

Theater in Pueblo. M'ork on the etruc- natural son of a. white man and at* olon a rounds her. Emmy Martin also preserves S're, n bii msis.slIt .r_eci-ntly. ai'qulrt'l

ture will begin immediately.

· woman. According to medical nisiory tnc ^ sensible proportion and makes a good the Marmorliaus on Kurfuersteiidamiu oflCspring of a mixed union cannot be impre.-'sion as an Investigator in disguis*-. one of tlie classiest cin..emas of Berlin.
. darker than either of his parents. '*ut phe rest, ba\ing been directid In keeping nncl now is erecting aiImiiiost oppo-ito a

nif^'ent menfie tblater'in Oma'ha'^^N^


ihe j. rky^ind pur/l'y'manufactured new t'heat. r wiih h wHi be call-d C.'liitol


\fr- In tHc CHst of duooka, so medical prin- vibration f)f the mvstt riniio nsr .i,.

ami wliich la going to be manag* (1 on

M''ork ori the er^'tion of a theat>r in Portland, Ore., by the Ackermao & Ilarns Company. owners of the Hippodrome vaudeville drop it, is expei-ted to bd started this summer, according to In¬ formation learned recently. The company is now considering numerous sites in the
near down-town lUstni t, nut no aetiniie location has been decided upon. The contemplated sbowJioiise is to cost approximately $500,000.
A $500,000 theater is a*>siired for San Bernardinu, Calif., wit)i announceniunt recently that details liave been completed by the Mayer Picture Finance Corimration of Hollywood for a lenee from Herman Harris, with an option to purchase

occasional breaking out of some disturb a,,ce in the auditorium, are new sensations for playgoers in the Windy City, but Broadway has had plenty of it. The cov-
erlng up of the footlights to represent a lawn entrance to a mansion, which is all set and in view as the patron." enter the theater, and the u.se t>f an imaginary door^vay down stage leading into the parlor
jj|.g just minor novelties, and it has
been pr*)ven time and again tha, no legitl-
mate .sttraetion can attract the public with novelth-s.
.As for tl.e haunted-house business, the various noli'ca, trick-ligtiling effects, mys-
terloiis hands, murders, shrieks and otn< r familiar oiaptrnp of this kind, it is absolutely passe. The mystery-murder play Is








{48th Street Tlieeter)

IlEHALD 'IBIliL'NK: ··siuru well, but iiisi'a

of .'i

IrovldeU only  muibTute amnuut

**^,v{*umTl'," .'.ti,.,


,,u ,

liM-if | \v ' "

which U a

' One of ib<i*e <iyntli< tic affair'* ··

TELKCRaM: "Hai amnn biioior ana a few

tbrilla in familiar gboaily abroad*."--V. V.

'·d bouses at the Kino Ais In its fuurth wi-ek. a r< niaikable siicn ss tor a forclRn prigliictlon in S<nvjet Russia.
Without exciillnn nil the leading man film companies are busv with new productions after the novelty of inf lountlwM Amerlean films shown here dur¬ ing the last 18 months evidently na* worn off
f (osnJMfSWlGS ETC.T0 Hllff FOR AHY PwY Cantata OpiraTabuaux etc
' CAiAUJouiaesuMAie rwnNiSHta

June M. 1925

The Billboard


I5r4iuii, MO he Ih

fo give it to tiiein

ill a hratiii ik vv at.^ Iiut ilaiik uill li-ail

tile Jazz Hand o* All Nations juut liie

liame and also do a little Inaifini;. Tlie

I'artwrlght llros.' Musii al t^uartet is

liKUiinK with the Hank llrown lti-\u>- for

tile eoiniiiK season. Ifunk sa.v.s he will

have H in the hand and .seven in the

orehestra. Kd NUker.son will lead the

foinier and Tony XaliKi will hav.- tin-

latter. <'has. House, .Nlanrice Dumont,

I'ete Cae.soro .tnd K. (Iros.s, last se.a.son

with the (Irt^ Hill-Hank Brown Minstrels,

have ziitned with the Hank Brown show

for the coining season.

a little more than he hud to when on tiir Hi'orge Kvaiiii Honey Itoy show, hut li*seems to be <iuite succes.sful ill not letting It interf.T<' with his golf, which i.s `slio
nuff' iniprovins bv leaps and liound;-- meaning 1. aps into bunkers and slices and hooks out of bounds. We alternate law Ween Huu.-ton. Tex., and here, O^e Weeks each, and 1 am sorry that (Jaftney and some of the other tar babies who
like the honorable and ancient game can't be here to do the Brcikenridge and
H.-rman park courses with us, I am sorry to inform you that we let KImer
MacDonald put it to us this morning.'

^Communirarienf fo

Opera Ptac*. Cinamati. O.)

A letter from Lasses AVhite reveals

that hP has just about got the show

` This ain't my cane I"
"1 can't make no parade with this cane--it's too long."
Til nee comes one of the many deriva¬ tion- "f the name '"Kickiir 'em''. The fir.-t II I'l was ·stablislied so tie- Is.,..-* would have soiiiethtnjf to kick about. The iij.t'ir'^. view is that in the earl.v days of ill Ih nry, ll.iverly's, 4'rimruse and West ihire w-nnt any automobiles. We will now i<ii!l the old gag about "please do not ixplain it to him."

Vnn Arnam VTinstrels, better known as "K-flat", "H.alf 1*1111" and I..<-o. stra>s from the straight and narrow path he tails otit of his If rtli in tlie B>-lty Jane min.strel car. ''Half Bint" siiys lie «an t lielji it as he always dreams of Boliby Burns, who took his Job in the ruhb*T pl.mt at Akron, O., every time he "Hetirch
Charles Wright, whose golden tenor has b'-en heard on the O Brien Minstrels for numerous sea.sons. is now a powerful factor In the singing contingent of the

written for next season. All the poiile are engaged and it looks like tlie showwill be the best ever. He says all the hoys are ``raring to go" and can hardly wait for rehearsals to start. Lasses has a nice gang on his show, and from what we hear it is more like a family than anything else, with no cliques or stuff
of that sort. Tlie gang seems to be a pretty hapny bunch and we think that is why they have so much pep and ginger, which the show is noted for To get buck to Lasses* letter: "I am playing a little golf b'-tw'een w-orking hours, but my game has fallen off a little. Vermont.

Wavne Hinkle will have the band and nr.h'-.'tra on John Vogel's film 1.- mid
I!' I Mr this cnniing season, acconl-
ing I" I'vers 1 rumors tltat have reach'd the ro>al cars.

Van Artuin Minstrels. Aside from his Warbling proclivities In- hii.s jiroven an able jiaraiJi- marshal. From reiiorts his frl'-nas would scarc-Iy recognize ^hiin since his recent engagement, us he has
:ici|ulr>-d tile avoirdu|f iis of a bloated

Doss and myself have already matched a big game as soon as we get together
ionce more. Leon Daughters has already
iiit in his application to act as referee. had a date with a big wtghNpound bass
tint at the lake the other day. I kept

rieb Milhr and Charlie Ivers, late of
the Kit Id show, have joined hand.s ami ale d -ing a blai k-face comedy act. Tlmy are n"W in their eighth Week for the K.-A. Circuit around Boston and re|>ort that tht ait is going over big.

Anthony Payton cards in al>out read¬ ing in a reeent issue where Wayne Hinkle wants to know whether A1 Tint still teils the story atsiiit the ''ciii-koo singing bas.s " Anthony says: "Al Tint won't even let

niy appointment to the minute, hut the
bass must have forgot. I waited two long hours and then b<-at it back home. Another fav'irite trick of mine is to go out for a g.-inie of golf and then discover that I haven't a single hall in my bag. so then I have to go out golf hunting and

"Big Bov" Jack McBrid^ reports that he IS playing u very phasiint stink enR.-icinuiit as f'-alured comic on Arm-
.`·troiiK's Flapper fictiie. Wichita Falls. T'\. hut is raring for tlie 11:158 to
et.art ac.ain.

us in on the storv of tlie hass ' iii koo. so will you ask Wayne Hinkle if he will
let us all in on the story which Mr. Tint will not tell? S»'Veral of the boys would
like to see It In your column. Al Tint Sings the cuckoo yodel every Wednesday matinee."

kill myself a couple of golfs."
A letter from Miller Kvan.®. w-hich we pass on: "Having just seen where the Muse had inspired `Sugarfoot' GaftP'-.r to burst into rhapsodies over the life of a minstrel and having trimmed

By Gosh and his "Seldom l|pd" Min-

Mr-iH an- Mill going ,>`troiig. and tlie

fdiinr has r* . elvd several fu-ral'ls and

other advertising matter from some of


played. Bv Gosh woik'd

Vine line.', Ind.. Wi-ek of June 1.

Wliile talking aUiut the 11:13s cvery»>no agrees tliut this nli-e warm weather Is so much more "ploas.-inter** than Wading in miow iiii to one'.s hiji.'--that Is,
the hips of the short -.'t man in jiarade. Thu t'iiloi- w.is glair mg tliru some old

liim at golf, along with Ray Parsons,
while In Port Arthur last season, I am sure I have a little Info, which Is bound to hand s'lme of the cork artists a kick. 1 have always known Homer Meachum
as a blackface and when I caught him here at San .\ntonio. doing principal

Irving J. Ocsiand. who at one tinnWHS with the Coburn minstrels and the Briflin minstrels, has clostd with the .''iM'f 1.title Devil Conitiany in Washingtnii. D. C., aft'T playing thru the Hast
and Cunaiia. He srnds liis best to all if his minstrel friends.

fil'S of The Itillboavd recently, those of I'.'lrt, to be exact, and found a pi< ture of l.'W Prx-kstad* r. who was just op«-ning the 20th tour of his nilnstrehs. Lew w-ns
the V'-ry picfiiru good health and with the photo was a quotation from him. at¬ tributing his K'S'd health to the daily parsdes he had been making. Food fur

comedy at the Royal Theater. In the role of a light coni'-dv imiw-rsonatinn part
(tlfl-d censored), i had to rub-jpy eye» tw-ii-o to realize It was Homer. But,
brethren, you have got to hand it to
little James Homer, for he sure is `kick¬
ing' them in light comedy parts. The answer is that the `big boss' has handed

Billv S. Gnrvie narraS-s that M. B. thought!

him a contract for a year to sign, which erstwhile (Look out. Miller that's a ^iv<^

Taavitl. veteran minstrel and theatrical TTank Prown w.is to have a single buck word) minstrel man. Meachum. stfll inan.ager. paid a visit to New* York r<- black next S':tson. but It sc< rns that the has under advisement. Homer says his eetitly. He has made his home at Mluml managers w.iAt Brown, Harris and only regret here Is that he has to study P'H'-li, FIh., the oust few years. O'll-

t;nuri< vvlll reeall is-avitt's GIganteen

-Min.'trels, rivals of Ha verb's "40, Count I'm ' .Mlnstr* Isr. Billy ndiB that it was
the Gold'n .\ge of miii:>trelsy.


Fr.mk Gilmore, int'-rlo'-iitor ainl bii.'so v.Iin ih ri'iii w ing old frit iidslilps during nih ' ng.;g'nn nt w itli the \'an Armmi Min-tr'ls. has sw-orn off automohile ride.s f|'r the ruht "f his iniHiral nml unn.ttur.tl life. He claims hi- will ride no more until tiny rail )h- run with hot air.
(Qmsti'n from the galb-ry--Docs Frank
mtenj to produce Tl--the hot air?)

Th* Vaudtvillt Field
By · WESTCEST" Billboard Of fit*. 18 Charing Ceos* Road, W. C. 2
LttNDON, May 20.--f»o far ns can be judgeil the weather has brok'-n and the sum¬ mer days have come. Show business m.ny b«` expected to suffer accordingly.

Tlie Dan Fit' h Mmstrels are putting on practically the entire sliow this week (June 1-6) at the Palace Theater, Cinciiiiiiti, and are going over splendidly. All the new-»pai>ers are devoting a lot of space to the boys, and especl.ally to Dan. The CiiiviiiHoti Tiinea-Sfar has this to Say about liim: "With the passing of 'Honey Boy' Kvans several years ago and more recently L«-w Dockstader, min¬ strelsy suffered a loss that many in the tli»Hitrical profession declared would gradually n-siilt in this f'jrm of enter¬ tainment b'-i 'iiiiing only a memory. Cer¬ tainly no two indiviiluals did more to keep the black-fa<-e funster, singer and dancer before the public than Bvans and Doi'kstader, and tlieir demise was a severe blow to the branch known as the burnt-cork brigade. But those who pre¬ dicted a complete downfall of this style of amusement reckoned without a young fellow who had bt-cn blackfacing ever since he was 12 years old. and who had a pretty good idea of the hold that min¬ strelsy has S'* the public. He Is Dan Fitch head of the I>an Fitch Minstrels, the feature attraction at the Palace Thea¬ ter. Altho Fitch is now only In his early 30s. he is regard'-d as a inin.str' l veteran, having been In the busin -s.s for the past 22 vears. Working uii'ler Kvans, Dockstader, Nell O'Brii-n and other famous minstrel men. Fitch absorbed a lot of the knowl'-dge of these celebrat'-d enter¬ tainers and showmen with which he has combined some original Ideas of his own. That the combination has struck a popu¬ lar chord is evident by the success tnat has followed the Fitch minstrels." 'The editor did not review the show at th" Palace, but the man who did reported li to be a very good one, with the work of Fitch being exceptionally worth watching. Joe Riley, Charlie Childs, Frank Qinr.ii and Fred Barnes were also mentioned.
BUY SROTHENg' MINSTRELS W.\KT MunlcUm, Htnsrrs, Rt<f« -n<l Stmt N'ofrlliM, Adfanc* Agent. IKH Mate ML. Sprlngnrl-t. MtitediUMUg.
Orraleit aixl Onljr reeaplele Cellcetton at
Thti great book mntatns: lU) conDlete MlOitrel rtrit-Parta r<ir 2 and 4 end ncn.  great Miied Minstrel and a pntitira applauta winner Female Mlnatrel. 7 hreeiy Minstrel Ser'-nd-Parta and Finales. S rIb-tIrfeUns Min¬ strel Mooolaguei and Rerltatlona, h'lndreda of CroM-FIre Jokes and (iaga for Interlocutor and End Men. elan a prarttral Mlnitrel dulda for producing an up-to-date Minstrel perfermanre. WM. MeNALLY, 81 East l2Stk SI.. Maw Yarfc.

One of the boys sends in a recent curtoon by tiaar Wlllliuns wlilib w«*mnk i.' qiiiti- iipt. It is · ntitiud When ii'"i-i?a Fiiil ri/,i and sIhwvh a man dmining tl"- dri es togs wliile frii nd wil*goes thru the punts o£ "ids other suit" < ni't "ilgitial). glie cracks: ·'Henry, wli.'t :'ii tin s,, little colori <1 tii-kets th.-it
"'''·`S**'' iJacc and show printed on
lAery time Leon.ard Gonder of the

Imbed, alrea'ly the effects are discernible In attendance at theaters and music

halls. It Is rather tnifortonate th.it this .start of real summer should coincide with

the first venture of the Variety Artistes' Federation to provide variety bills upon

which their more unfort-anate members may find the work that at present Is Tdeni1eda #t1h,tm bKyv r..uol->r imnaannaageeummeennttisL.
Warrlngtiin was selected as the plac| for
this commencement of the scheme and
now all the wiseacres are discussing the
ivisslbilltie.s of the fl^^< hill which opirns on Monday next. As cahle'l. music hall managements are not favorably inclined tow-ard the ble.a of the V. A. F. running vaudeville p'-rformam-es and wilfully shut their eyes to the real reason--viz., that the V. A. F. la out to find work for its members--preferring to adopt the at-


v *. u

vide are b^adcasting or about to be

^b.rhoeatdhcearsti.t wTillh,eiyn, thoef lcoonugrsreu,n,knpoawy thbeemst

reach a few hundred thousand IMeners

once. But we doubt the wisdom of

their action

Interest 1has been awakened, this side news of the success of Liipino Lane Toto in The Mikado in New York. cousin, Stanley Luplno, who hasn't
tn'en acting since he left the London Hipp,,drome re\ue, Better Davit, in <\ery much interested, for he is g'dng to visit New

Haoktr-Howc Pay Urn Eiprtul
Volume of business from to apprerlative puhlle adintti of our meeting you 50-%d. On April IP we assume all eiprcsa diargea one way.

Bowls and Ughtlni Efferti. wi«i and BVERTTHINO for Mlnstr.1 tnd Musleal Bliawi.


^! taMmnpdt

8 otntf for ItJi

k ''Ulnatrcl Bng-


gmlona" Oui



ll*a!31^ IC« DBPT

L--.-Mk w.~»J holD* fou (Ia8«


yaar awa Pmi*.


46-62 Main St.. (Box 706) HavarhIII.Mass. HmktfHie* Pay* th* Expftal

titude that this is a direct challenge to York in August. Talking to a newspaper

ihemselvep. Anyhow, the V. A. F. Is nt.an last night. Stanley said he la taking ilotermlned to see the scheme thru w-lth over with him the script of three pro-

i>r without the Ix-nedictlon of the regular ductions and 37 songs, all of his own

inusio hall managements.

authorship. But he is af* much In doubt

as to whether he w-lll make a hit on your

STOP! Right Here

Broadcasting is again a topic of promiMne'.miic.jj.. TJ h"Ie- avreement. that was like
b' ing l-.nd m.magers and the tng Comp.iny. has seen to It that the man-

side as any of us. It all depends.

Writing of Belter Dav:% at the London

ITip,>v.drome--May 11 mark' d the 100th

jH-rformance of the show. How It survived


, ,,,

amona thos-

For America's unrivaled selection of Opening Choruses, Minstrel and Comedy Songs, Jokes, Gags, Posters, Make-up Goods, Wigs, Bones, Tambourines --

everything needed for

Your /Imafeur^JHHHIII


l.r Sim

pthn-pal rn-

tntJmi milh Bmmril WeLh Hinilieh

m ptaifing a tuinmrr tngagrmrnt at ihe

'^liltion-Dollar Pitt, Atlantic City.

I'li " Then  a`

'Mnr well'^^J




''`L'I''* ,

oIsr nnootnsM uciirpi rslr.--dng *t',»h*at!*' a^.s a whh*o*leiY'tihboe

iiianagei-i have hml to compromise with

the B. B.

r'-.'trieliiiK th«- iiimib.r of

plays titi'l the i>r'HMirtloiiate parte tlwreof

to i"- broadi-asted

Mcaniinii- a iniicb ili'i-ii'sed ijuestloii

is ns to the a.'P-'l of the t.rovisioiial

iigreeiiii'Ut niH'ii iniliv iiln.il arti'tes. Th>-

\' A F. il. i ai"l its 'l.j.-cn-.n to the

utilization of ani le"' servi.-es and the '\ploit"ion of proiliii'iions In whii-h they Miip'.ir. )e| a imuiiIht of star artistes. ini-lu'ling Bransby W'llliums and .Milton Hayes, both names that matter in vaude-

ailditlons and alteratlon.s Befhr Daim ''·``'`'h a few hundred more p* r-


.Vnn C^iidee nml Frank Orth, the big Im'.v.s. w-bo are Ki tting away with fine ap¬

H;''!""-" Fini'ire. are going `*\er to heliinil "'· j' the week-end to "I** '' at the I'.elfu' 1 Imm> "Irome

'la' y at tu he Kit Kat I'liib. a palatiftl and hlgh-cl.Tss i-aburi't club near I'iccadilly.


of which was widely heralded

{Contimued on page 108)


Send for New/

1925 Catalog o(l (. i

Complete! ^ ` , UF'

ReadyMade f


Minstrel Kirst' i


Parts. '-Mow to\

Stage a

Show." "When

Cork If Kinz," Crn.s6re Gnraeharkt, and Blackface

llaNt. A wiin<l»-tful ". le. turn for Anialeura--a com¬

plete layout from at.irt to tinish to put 00 a bee aul uie to-date iniaiirrl show.

· Plar*

Km.rTilaMinU u. tnjw* ·*·»?-


<* r-w. a--. Iw ipas Catal.#

T. S. DENISON St CO. ·81 Saata «aba.a turn. Pm*- IM. catMSSkXb

ri; =
r Vi*:


Conducted by ALFRED NELSON
(Communications to our New York Offices. 1560 Broadway)
ADVERTISING RATE--One line, two columns wide. 'Hotel name, address and phone number. 80c for each issue. No ad accepted for less than five issues. Payable in advance.
CONSECUTIVE ADVERTISING 52 Consecutive times, one line across two columns...$35.00

AMERICA HOTEL.15$ W*»t 47tli St.Bryint COM BELMORE HOTEL....Loiingttlt Av«. (Cor. 2Sth St.).. .Moderato Pricn....MadlMO Sautro 0501 BROOK HOTEL.207 W. 40th 8t.. We«t at Broadway.$1.00 uS.Phorj, Pran 7997 COOLIDGE HOTEL.131 Wett 47th St.Bryant 0617 OE FRANCE HOTEL...142-146 Weat 49th St.Bryant 9710 ELLIS HOTEL..Sin. A Dbl. Roomi .AII Convenlencct. Moderate Rates..265 W. 42d. Chick. 0576 FULTON HOTEL.264-266 W. 46th St. (op*. N. V. A.).Lackawanna 6090-6C9I GRAND HOTEL.From $2 up.Broadway and Slat St.Longacre 4100 HOTEL HERMITAGE. From $2 up..Timet Sguare. 42d St. and 7th A*e...Phone. Chickering 2700 HOTEL NAOMI . ItSth St., cor. Park Ave. (opp. N. Y. C. Sta.). .51.50 up. .Spec, to Prof Harlem 1456
HOTEL NORMANDIE.Rates. 51.50 up.58th St. nnd Broadway.FiU Ray 6442 HOTEL TIMES SQU ARE.... From $2 up_255 W. 43d St_(Wett at B'dwav)... Lackawanna 6900 HUDSON HOTEL.102 W. 44th St .Bryant 7226-9
KERMA6 HOTEL.208 Wett 43d St. (Jutt West at Broadway).Chickering l70t LANGWELL HOTEL.123-129 West 44th St..'.Phone. Bryint 1847 MANSFIELD HALL.226 W. 50th St.Circle 8l7t NAVARRE HOTEL.From $2 up.7th Ave and 38th St.Fit! Ray 6467 REMINGTON HOTEL.129 W. 4eth St.Bryant 3363 44TH ST. HOTEL.East at Broadway.Just Opened-Jehn MtGlynn.IS up, with Bat)
FURNISHED APARTMENTS 316 WEST SIST ST. . ..2 and .3-Ream Modern Htusekeeping Apartme-ta. $1$ ta $25....Circle 6114 EDMONDS APARTMENTS.776-80 Eighth Ava.Bryant 0554 LINCOLN APARTMENTS.306-10 Wast 51st SI.Circia 6040 PEREMOND APTS..114-6 W. 47th St New Bldg..2-5 Roams Hausakaeplng..Madarnta..Bryant 2673 RUANO APARTMENTS..600 Eighth Ava. (t9th)..2-3 Roams. Kitchanatta..Hatal Sarylca. Chick. 3550 THE ADELAIDE.754.758 Eighth Ave.Bryant 89SC.8S5I YANDIS COURT..241 W. 43d St. (TImeo Sg.)..l. 2. 3 and 4 Raamt..Hauiak'p'g..Lackawanna 7740
FURNISHED ROOMS 341 WEST 5IST ST... Housakneging Aptf...8lngla and Daubla Raama. 57 ta 5IO...CIrcla 5578 MANSFIELD MALL.l.226 W. 50tb St.CIrela 8170 110 WEST 45TH ST..2 Rms.. Bath, Furnlahad, Elevator. Maid, Phono Sarvlca, Raaa'ta..Bryant 0787

WILMOT HOTEL.Catarint tp tha Prtfaailan.U« Waakly Rataa

HOTEL FREDONIA.Juat off Boardwalk.Near all Thaatraa.Prataaalanal Rataa

HOTEL FRANKLIN.Franklla aaO Eutav Sta.Spaalal Thaatrlaal Rataa

THE MeKENZIE AND 800 HOTELS.Eurapoaa Plan.Ma and II par Day up



HOTEL EDWARDS.PraFpaaIttml Ratpa.Naymtrktt 4951

CORONA HOTEL.570 Main Straat. Cantar Thaatra Dlatrlrt.Sanaaa 5555

BRIGGS HOUSE.Randalah and Walla St.Phant. Main 5302 CLARK MANOR. .1039 N. Clark St Hauiak'pg Apia, and Rmi. |l.00 up Near Laap.. Dalawara 6112 HOTEL PASADENA. .600 Narth Daarborp 8t..Phtna, Oaarbarn 1439 Spatial Rates ta Perfarmara HOTEL RICE .755 N. Dearborn St.10 Minutes' Walk from Laap.Phone. Sup. 6363 HOTEL ROOSEVELT.Wabaah at Riaaavalt Rd.. $ Min. Wilk ta Laap.Phono. Harrison 7582 NEW STADIUM HOTEL..12 W. Van B iron (In the Laap)..Sin.. $7 up; Dbl.. ItO up Wabash 6*54 RALEIGH HOTEL.648 N. Oaarbarn St.Phant. Oenrbtrn 2430 ST. REGIS HOTEL.SIS N. Clark St.Spatial Rates ta Perfarmert.Phtna, Dearbtrn 2070
FURNISHED APARTMENTS BARRYMORE APTS.,^-Z-Rtom Heutskaapini.642 Barry Ava.Phono. Butkingham 2007


HOTEL BARFIELD.Preapaat Ava.. at SOth St..
HOTEL SAVOY.Eutlld. at 14th St.

DO Rppaa. 100 Batba In Pltybauap Sguara

WASHINSTON HOTEL.Baltimara Street...

HOTEL LLOYD..0th A High Sts...Raama (or $1 up...Every tarvlea..Claaa to Thaatraa..Market 1996
BURNS HOTEL.(Under Pew Management).Thaatrlaal Rataa.Cadlllaa 8510 FRONTENAC HOTEL (Mad»rn). .Opp B. F. Kaith'a Tampla Thao. .Spat. That. Rataa. .Cherry 1066 SANDERS HOTEL. Cast, at Lalumbla.100 Raami, 100 Baths.Spatial Thaatrleal R-t-t WOLFE APARTMENT HOTEL.480 High St.. Watt.Attraatlve Rataa.Cherry 3917
SENATE HOTEL.Catarlng Etpaalally ta Parftrmare
PANTLIND HOTEL.Spaalal Csnvanlanaaa far Prafattlantit.With Bath, St.$0 and up
HOTEL MARYLAND...European Plan.Raaganibta Rataa
WILSON HOTEL.143-5 8. Sd St.Raama, $1.00 up.Spat, weakly rataa.Bill $574
HOTEL GRAND..Central Thant. Oiitrlet..Single. $1.23; Daubla. $2. With Bath. Sin.. $2; Dbl.. 12.50
THE CLAWSON HOTEL.... Roams with Running Water.. ..$1.30. Eurapain.... D. M. Rrtwa. Prtg.
BALTIMORE HOTEL.12th and Baltimara.Central Thmtrlsal District.Rates (ram $1.50 GLADSTONE HOTEL.Weekly Rates. 35.50. 56 and $7. Single; $8 ta 510 Double MECCA HOTEL.Half Black from Orpheum and Gayaty Theatre.Pref. Ratal

HOTEL TOWNSEND..Theatrical Hendguarters Mod. Comfarta..Spe. Rates from 51,.221 Tswnscnd St.
HOTEL NORTHERN... Seesnd. near Hill.... Rates. $9 81a.. 512 Dbl.; with Bath. 512 Sin.. $15 Dbl.
CONGRESS HOTEL (Fsrmerly Laille)....6th and Court PI....Same Manaiament... .Prat. Rataa

McKeesport, pa.

HOTEL BANDAR.418 Locust St.. Oppssite B. A 0. Depot.Shower Bathe.Phene 9070


LOUANNA APARTMENT HOTEL.514 S4. 8th St.$15.00 *p


HOTEL COMMERCIAL 205 Washington St Rates; 58-$9 Sin ; Dbl.. $L2. 2 PULLMAN APARTMENT HOTEL..Rooms; Single, $8.00; Double, $12.00..Te


FERGUSON HOTEL.Girard Ave., at 16th.Every Room with Ba

Penlar 4233


ST. REGIS HOTEL.Rates. 51.50 up.320 Penn Avenue.. YORK HOTEL..712 E. Oiamand St.. N. S..(Sama Management as Hotel Carr]

..Grant lOOlO $9; Dbl.. SI2


HOTEL RICHMOND.In tha Center at Everything.W. E. Hackett. Manager


HOTEL RALEIGH....Theatr.51.00 te $1.25 Sin.; $1.75 tc $2.00 Dbl.W. J. McQuaid. Prop.


RANDALL HOTEL. Matket and Presa Sts.CraeVett 6975


GRAND HOTEL....57 Tiylar St.Theatre District... Phene. Franklin 3070....L Chapin, Prtp.


CRE8WELL HOTEL....723 Milam St.. 2 Blacks from Strand Thaatar....Theatrical Hoadguarters



hotel la SALLE.Next Door ta Palace Theater.Special Theatrical Rates


HOTEL MaKINLEY (Formerly Metrapele)_12th and Morgan-Thaatrleal Rates-Ontral 713$

hotel ST. LOUIS...New Management... 14th and Chestrut Sts...Thaatrleal Ratea...Central 8500


COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL.Opposite Union Drpat.Theatrical Headouarters
ARLINGTON....KInt and lehn Stre«tt....Lendint Thnetrleal Hetel-Special Rates ta the Prstesslen


Commended and Criticized



Hotel St. Regis
George Q. Chandler, a well-known hotel man of ChicaRo. has transfer! ed his activities to Pittsburph, Pa., where he has taken over the Carr Hotel, re¬ modeled. renovated, redecorated and re¬ furnished from basement to roof, and has renamed It Hotel St. Regis.
Mine Host Chandler desires the theat¬ rical profession in general to be prea.ssured that he is fully familiar with their requirements and In renovating the hotel he has planned for their convenience and comfort and will personally supervise the service.

T*l.CtreUiM».~'N'KW VCRR

Blek-elaae ·ItTatar
BwaUflUlr tuinlabtd.

romliM aputaiut
All Ir tttatrlaaL

MRa. HO. W. DANIKL. Omerlttor.


Ml w. 4ttli St. N««ir daeorit*
·'·ry room. Fu
···· .«i


Mine Host at tbe Stuart Hotel. Boston,
Plays Philanthropist To Stranded Actors
Paul Porter, momber of a theatrical company playing Boston recently, along with othc-r members of the company, were guests of the Stuart Hotel. 78 Carver street.
When the producing firm closed the show and left the company stranded they Rent an appeal for as.'^lstance to the Actors' Iviuity and Informed Dr. William -Murphy, directing manager of the hotel, as to i-onditions.
On being inform, d of their distress Dr. Murphy assured them that, as members of Equit.v, he had every confidence In their integrity, furthermore was ready ;ind willing to release their baggage and j.dvanoe them Immediate transportation to New York and await settlement of their respective accounts at their con¬ venience.
Verily, It pays to be a member of Equity, an organization that Is recog¬ nized thruout the country as a standard of Integrity, that works to the benefit of Its members wherever they may be.

132 Weet 47tb Street NEW YORK CITY.
Newly Renovated.



Under New Mapppement.
W. C. COOPER, Prapriette.

Ratea and ruurteoua aerrlre gtven Thcjlrlrtl PeapltL

flutid U.H.Ria. Rraionabic Rates. Hot and Cold Watm

IIS Sewth Main St..


Ball Phene, 9607.

145 W. 47th St.g N. Y.C




(s Self-Explanatory and Requires No Comment

The Lambs. New York.

Mr. Prank Olllmore,

Executive Secretary,

Actors' EquHy As.soclation,

New York City.

My Dear Mr. Glllmore -- It Is my

humble belief that the extreme courtesy,

tnnfi.lence and aid of the management

of the Stuart Hotel. Boston, to embar¬

rassed members of the Actors* Equity

.Association Is worthy of being brought

to the attention of the council and officers

of that association.

M'Tien players are abondoned by the

producers of a play, with both salaries

and return fares to New York unpaid,

and a hotel keeper not only refuse* to

hold effects but advances money and

personal effort on expressed faith and

confidence In the A. E. A.. It Is certainly

a testimonial to the changed standing,

economically and socially, of the actor.

This circumstance occurred to members

f.f a company of which I was one, and

T am occupving this much of your valu¬

able time to relate what to me seemed

more than a graceful gesture.

Allow me also to express appreciation

to the association for Its prompt and

thoro answer to a "stranded" company's

call for aid.

Rtncerly yours.


May 19. 1925. .




129 Wtrt 46th StTMt


Comfort, irrvlre iixi ronvrDlmcg ran bp found tt

thp Rrmlnfton. Hotel tborouglily renovated.


H. M. 3I08S, Manater.

7tli Ave. aid Mth Street, New York
ROOMS WITH RUNNING WATER. Far Ong, trgpi $12.00 Wagk: for Two. $15.00 WggL
ROOMS WITH PRIVATE BATH, Far 0Mb tnm $I3J)0 Wtak: tar Twa. $18.00 Waal.

Pearlman Is rqmodellng the AIrdome Theater In Sarasota. Fla., into a theater seating 1.400. The work will soon be pempleted and will cost approximately $25,000.
Hill Strapt..nt THIN Strwpt. aamlnt Po»I Traa to OUanU. Bvaty Imm WIW
Bath. Hatii Thaatra Olatrlat. Thantrlanl Rataa

Monroe, La.
Th* f'Met thet a.'utoyg turn' thtattittl ptopit fair.
Rat«--Siufle SI.25 to $2.50. Dou¬ ble $2.00 to $4.00. Sptcial Ratri to Large Troupes.











MAnOrlbLU HALL mw A ^fOT'Tr'T I\ T1 A Y Y


Circle 8170. 226 W. SOth SL,N Y.

The largest THEATRICAL HOUSE in the Times Square Section





"Th* House With That Refined and Congenial Atmosphara"

Advertiie in Tbe Billboard--To«'ll Be Satisflod With Beenlts.

June 13, 1925

The Billboard


Elberink Poem Wins Prize

God'a Greatest Gift--Your Mother,

was the title of a poem submitted by

Jack G. Elberink, of Elgin, Ill., to a

Chicago newspaiier, which recently ran

a contest on mother poems. Out of the

thousands of poems sent in Elberink's

was one of the several selected as prize

winners. The Elgin papers spoke highly

of EllH-rink's accomplishments. Many

of his stories have appeared In leading

(Cnmmunicationt to 1560 BioadvJay, Neu) Yotk, N. Y.)

luagaziiies under tlie pen name of Galen .1. Idoyd--a combination of the first

names of his two sons. He is at pres¬

Thurston Tells of Effects Originated in 35 Years
Rtplin to Cliyton'* Letter and Gives Fitii^l List of Effects He Claims and Reveals Figures of Costs in Operating Big Show

S. of A. M. Dinner
Owing to the early hour at which this page goes to pre.ss a full account of the annual dinner of the Society of American Magicians will

Ohoma is led to believe that Kura alone l-s not altogether responsible for such unfair methods of publicity, but tliat It Is
the work of some unscrupulous agent or publicity man employed by him.
"Even so, Kara can diseontinue this mode of advertising, and on b< half of all right-thinking mindreaders and mystics we would earnestly suggest that he elimi¬

ent a correspondent on The Watch Word, a monthly pulilication put out by the em¬ ployees of til'.' l-;igin National Watch Company. He has also written for The Melody, and many of The Billboard readers will remember his article, Wh(Ya Who in Elftin, which appeared in the Christmas Number.

Tlir IfttiT written by Mystic Clajfton

be found on anotlier page in the front of the paper.

nate such methods Immediatel.v, not only for the benefit of others in the same line

Chcfalo Touring Pan. Time

resi.ifdiiiK the origin of varluUM illubionii

rlMinii-il liy Howaril Tliurhlon, whieh was

iriniMl l·!.ulltci

in in

Thr many

Hillbnard recently, replies. amonK them

has one

from 'I'iiimston himself. This depart-

iiient'.s tdit'ir thinks it no more than fair,

>inie Tlmrstiin was the one concerned,

that hi.e li tter be friven the prefereni'e in

IMiblii-itinii. We sliall be Kind to use any

other opinions in following issues.

Tliur.iioa's letter follows:

"Iteply.iiK to Mr. Clayton's letter which

vou priiiiid in the last Issue of The Bill-

hoard. I am sending the following for his


I fc l a hesitancy In writing so much

about myself and hope that tliese state*

in-Ills uill not he taken in a boastful

way. The published letter asked what

tricks I invented and asked me to explain

liv uhat liglit I elaim my methods of

presenting several illusions.

·I was the first to give a regular

performance with back-hand palming and

oriuinatid several of these effects 27

year* ago. I invented `water from a

eoeoan'it shell' 23 years ago. (The Idea

w.is siigcisted by John N. Hilliard.)

"1 invented `balloons from the hat* 23

years ago. `The floating hall with air


years ago. Taking a duck

h.'en used in my performances at various
tiiJJ'S for years and are proven successes. "Mr. Iiante has liad charge of pi.v shop
for three years. It miglit intere.st the reader to know that at times we emplov as many as 30 p. opie. manv of them .skilled mechanics, and that I have spent niore than $400,000 in the past 30 years In experimenting and building magic and effects.
"In making out my Income tax for last year It showd $49,000 spent for produc¬ tion only. All of this spf'nt In experi¬ menting and building Improvements for my show. These figures will, undoubtedly, be a surpri.se to many ma^cians who
have had little or no experience in con¬ ducting a big magic show.
"I probabl.v would never have published these facts had I not been requested to
make a statement as to what effects I have originated. Nearly all the effects referred to above were produced because I knew of some similar effects and com¬ bined the known principles of magic.
`There are few who can claim absolute originality, but those who care to apply themselves can usually produce new effects along the lines of old principles. T have been forced to do so to maintain

as himself, but for the sake of the pro¬ fession at large."
Montreal Magi Form Club
Magicians of Montreal. Can. have or¬ ganized a "Montreal Magicians' Club", according to an interesting letter sent this department by Eric Ilalini, the magi¬ cian and card deceptionist. Sydney Levine has been elected president of the organization and the other oflicers are: Robert Adrien, secretary, with AV'illety Donat. A. Gagnon, De Kermel. Svmon A'libha. George Williams and Eric Halinl comprising the executive committee.
Willard, "the man who grows", played Montreal recently, according to Ilalini. who writes that besides doing his regular act Willard is doing an expose of the "front and back" palming of card.-<. AA'illet.v Donat, Belgian magician, fea¬ tures this trick and naturally resents the expose of it on the part of AVillard. Our correspondent tells us that as a result Donat has started to do the "growing" stunt himself, and now both "gTowing" and the "front and back" card-palming tricks are being done by all the school¬ boys of Montreal.

The Great Chefalo opened a tour of the Panfages Circuit m Toronto, Ont., May tfi. Chefalo is offering an act which Is a distinct novelty to vaudeville audi¬ ences today. His magic is different from the average and his settings very unique.
A fire. May 23. did considerable dam¬ age to the Olympia Tlieatcr. Wheeling. W. Va. The blaze originated In a room Avhere bills and ivstera were stored back of the ticket office and over the foyer. A hole about 20 feet square Ava.s burned in the roof. The blaze was discovered by Joe Marling, an employee of the Spragg Amusement Company, who went to the theater to look after the distribution of some handbills. The damage has not been estimated.

Master Magicians

P*rM«ii»at iMtim carS« a! alv llaM M*w

·III b*

at Hi* rata af S2 aach laaartlaa

Aeecatad far 2* ar S2 waaka aaly.

from the back of a stranger's coat collar mv standing with the public.
'a v».irs iiL'o. ItTiproyeinenl in rising- "I would rather buy an lllu.slon than Chicola Repeats "Sleeping

IVIystlc Clayton

card illusion 30 years ago. Producing spend m.v time and my money experiment¬ l.irte ti.-wls of water with fish from ing. and I always welcome amateurs or t.il>|. (howl much larger than table). Pro¬ professionals who have new ideas to sell

Beauty" Press Stunt

Bayood All Quaatinfi
AMERICA'S MASTER MCNTALIST. Bex 98. La Habra, Calltarnla.

duction of lion in cage (In conjunction with Kas'Ia) 15 years ago. Producing
girl in swinging cage suspended over iilatfonn l.l years ago.
"A method to vanish a donkey, a boy and .1 gill in a cabinet with the donkey, boy and girl coming from back of audieiK-e, 12 years ago. (David Devant did a vanishing donkey years ago.) I used this illuison for three years in my show.

and win always be pleased tq hear from them.
"Let me say to my friend. Mr. (inayton. that I claim only tny method of perform¬ ing my effects."
Thinks Kara's Expose Methods May Be P. A.'s Fault

Chicola, the Great, secured a great deal of publicity In the Pittsburgh papers
during the past fortnight, when he played that city with his h,vpnotic act. He used his "sleeping beauty" stunt with such success that he nut one over on the local
hospital and police authorities. His part¬
ner was nut to sleep in the window of a local drug store near the house wheT.' ha was playing. The police were called

That ara absolutely fuaranteed. Free eamples. Write me today. C D. BLANKENSHIP, Adrian. W. Va.
OliaPOT OISS Baatk Irvlaf A«a..
. k HILBCHI ciilaata. III. Miaiw. Bay. 0522. Matlo. Rax Pletaraa. Oratala, ^uapaa. Eratiiar Elewara. Blun Print,, at/-. All Cat-

"My method of producing spirit forms

tn .T, lilack cabinet, after showing it

empty and having it examined by u com¬

mittee from the audience, 12 years ago.

This h.Ts h--en.copied by two magicians.

One I managed to stop. The other has

b-- n pl.iying the Western States lately.

"My method of the floating ball. In

which the ball comes from the Spirit

Cabinet and floats across the stage in

all dir. ctions, then out into the audience

five nr six rows from the stage, then

b.ick Into the cabinet and vanlslw-s. 'Tliis

was inventid nine years ago. The effect

has twin copied by several magicians.

The principal of this illusion was first

.ni'.pt.d by David P. Abbott, of Omaha,



Ohoma, ``the modern mental mystic",
seems to think that the circular exposing variou.s methods of mindieading, issued l.y Kara, and which was discussed In these columns recently, is not really directly traceable to Kara himself, but
perhaps to the work of an ignorant or unscrupulous press agent. .Art K. nned.v. who is now associated with Ohoma and his show as business representative,
writes the following in regard to Ohoma'*
views on the subject: "Anent the article that appeared in
your columns recently regarding the method.s used by Kara, In which he i.s supposed to expose the methods emplo.ved hy other mindreaders and mystics,
prompts me to write and call your atten¬

and tried to wake the "sleeping beauty",

alofff and T flna Obttral Daluilona. SSc.

but with poor success. They then carried

her to the hospital, where doctors and


nurses tried to wake her. but to no avail. Chicola arrived on the scene and imme¬

Ringir. four and flrtrrn-paga reading*. Ramntea ROe. NEX.>tON ENTERPRISES, 84 \V. To«n St.. Colnmbu*.

diately woke her from her sl..'ep.

' Ohio.

When Chicola pulled the same stunt

last year in the Mt. AVashington district of Pittsburgh he was arrested and fined


for violating a city ordinance. The re¬ By JOHN O. H.Al'FF, profrulonal IHujIon bulMar. cent repetition of the stunt didn't result 1586 Fulton 8L, cor. Ashland Are., ChUago, Illlnnta. In any arrests or fines, altho the police

and hospital people realized th,-!! they had unwittingly aided a publicity stunt.


Kenny Opens Magic Tour

IN MAGICAL APPARATUS AND ILLUBIONB. On aeeount of remoTtl. LUt free. Nota oiir aaw addreu,

"I Invented the eggs from the hat.


b'.v to hold, at Copied by manv

Sydney in magicians,

j s"I,i )i,i^ effpot to David Devant about

tion to this extremely unfair and unjust syst.-m used by this man In order to try and p.arade his own laurels before an un¬ suspecting public.

Kenny, magician, has opened with his own show, which, billed as "The Great Kenny's Wonder Show", is now touring
thru New York and New Jer.sey. Ki'iiny


358 Wett 42d Street.



Id ve.ars ago. The routine I use witli the irirl and the rabbit I invented Ifi V-ars ago. which Is copied by several '"i'giei.ins, patter, business and all, fspcfi.Tiiy by one magician who usuall.v pliiv Hint inn picture houses and does a trick with a hor.se.
"I also in\*ented the combination of I'lning two iKiys and a girl chiinge place.s iind. r three large cylinders placed on I'-il -.i;iN ANo the vanishing girl from susp- nd. d hreak-away box.
"The method I now use of loading an assUtant In my present Spirit Cabinet

"Mystic Ohoma (with whom I am now
associated) is personally acquainted with Kara aiid has always regarded him as a friemi and a real fellow, and naturally he is dumfounded to I'arn that he would employ «r even .approve of such methods of publicity. If Kara thinks that b.v exposing the methods employed by others he Is furthering his own chances of suc¬
cess then he is sadly mistaken.
"Kara, or nobody else, knows of the svstem emi>1oy. d by Mystic Ohoma during his performance, and we are not afraid of him exposing the methods of Ohoma.

reports that business ha.s be. n v. ry good, but that they hit Into rain.v weaflier for a while in Illion. Mlddleville and New¬ port, N. Y'. Business was good in spite of It.
The show is playing under canvas, carrying a large show tent, special cook¬ house, sleeping tent. etc. Kenny states that there is a good chance for other magic acts to do business thru the same
Arthur Haag in Riverview








CHANGING CARDS fStria*). 5.00



S:implr* of all the aborr. 25 cent*. Aboae price*


MYSTIC MFG. CO.. Box 23.

Winter Hill. Mail.


·ft- ' t :l^^n of vanishing him while er<s-t- AVhlle the literature on his papi'r or pro¬ Arthur L. (Comedy) Haag has opened $2.00 Card Mlradre, $1.00: Mlicellancous Handker-


old Kellar midair.





grams can in no wise harm Ohoma personallv. it can do untold harm to mystic

his season at Riverview Park, Chicago. He is managing and lecturing in the

ihlef Trirks. rrgular 11.00 book, at 50e. rmniilrto ·rt. ln< lu'lmg patirr fer Croat Bean In the Eye.

"The method of vanishing a horse from


ii-fi.nt platform apparently while

jvvm- ng In midair (in conjunction witli

I'liit. >, There have been sever.al vanish-

iiig-lmrse illusions, dating first from

'.··rMtiiny 25 years ago and even before

'hat hy Kusola In South .Africa, just

av- there have been ni.nnv vanishing-girl

and mind-reading acts In general. It would appear that Kara does pot believe in the adage of `live and let live'.
"I have talked this matter over ,with Ohoma since that article appeared in your columns and finally persuaded him to allow me to submit this letter to your department. Knowing Kara as he does.

Palmer Brothers' Amusement Enterprises Circus-Side Show and doing magic and
Juggling on the inside. Many local magi¬ cians h.avp visited him. lured by the pic¬ ture of "The Magical Wiz.ard" on the out¬ side. On the first Saturday of his season the Side Show played to over
IP,000 people.

Nre<lle Eating 'Trlik. famous Krllar String Trirk and Memory Trl k. Anyane ran do them. raplrlr. with ratalogur. $1.00. DeLVWBE.N'CE M.XOIC CO., Berlln, Wisconsin.
Magic Trick* for the po'krt, parlor ami slagr. Largr<t assortment In the wurl'I. Immense sfo<k and Ini-

iilii-ions. hut of different methods. I :-"m iiv p.atent my nu tliod for mv illu''·'11 m<ntini),-d, not similar eff.-ets by " r m. thods,
'Mv I'lethod of vanishing a girl while -ii'Tound.-d by 30 or 40 people on the ''.ce, ,.ne of the must effective Illusions
IV?.'*' ''er performed.



· THE GOODS." Ptr C**y.



nwliate shipments. Large fwonderfullv lllu-iratnl) I'Tiifrs.lunal Catalog, ·2''C. IVok of Card Trlik«, ;V. Thurston's B-a.lrof Pwket Tricks. 2.V. B<ik of Coin
Triikt, 30c. postpaid.

ARTHUR P. FELSMAN Windsar-Cliftio Hstrl Lebby.

Manree and Wabaik, Oept. 12,


'Mv method of apparently passing a aiil f!'-'! ;i sitoid wlille wrapp'd in fold¬

'Hie UtMt btfflinc "Spooti'' Mystfry. In »hlrh * rirlx'n rory of any quntlon written by iptcuinr tumt out to bo a dtrrct in»wrT to Itw artuat qur»tlon wrlttrn. .A REAL SHOCK PRODITER! EAST.


ing - r.cn to ,i stivd on tiie oi'posite side at The stage th a similar .screen.
Mv comedv * ffeet of causing the hair "I a iM.an. from the audli-nce, to stand up on ends, ptc.
'Iv 'll-iliiid of apiiarentlv floating a

Ikhm anywhrra. Prita, $1.00. .At lhl« rrl<^ wr Inrluilr ropy of our nrw Catalos FREE I THAYER MAGICAL MFG. CO.. 334 S. San Ptdra. Lat Aniyira. Calltarnla.

Tricks. Beaks and Sunpliti.

F'-t ire .\'ts In Jlind R. idtrg

.ml Splrltiialbni. Large s' rk.

It. -t quality. PT' nipt `htp-

I .

Lirgo Illu'trateJ ITo-

fesd»nal Catalog, 20c.

The Old RellabI*

Kiri over tile orche.stra into the iiuditiice.

in 'onne.'tion witli Dante, whom I enn-

M""l`iTd. )

builder of illusions In the

Wr arr Ihf hra.lquartm for Haml. iitTn. I.ry Iron*. Malt Raa*. strait-taiketi. AfllV

Cjii* yn.i oltior E»i*pr*. Srml I'V for our ur«r .alali'it. whtih I'.nt.iln.^ a rumplrte

lliw of all Ihr l4tr«l Trirki. Wig*, etc. Pt.'mpt thipmenti. Free with


ur nrer. large Die Boi Trick.

Oept. 0, 140 S. Orarbern SIChieafo. III.


a few of the past

the effects 3.5 years.



voulu name many more, all of which have

Dept. S46, Oshkosh, Wisconsin It helps ynti. th* hp**' bod th« advertiser to aentla* The Blllkawd.



The Billboard

Junc 13, 1925

Picked Up by the Page

It's j New Lafayette

Frank SihiiTman. general manager for

And Laid Before You --for

Hie Biecker iiilerests, ussimied charge of hi; Lafa.vettc Theater. New York June 1


1'I tor to that for three weeks pran- had been formulated for the change i,,

ag. inent and policy. The ho.isl

Decoration Day, the geUaway date for many summer enterpribes and the first big business-building day for projects
already open, did not prove so alluring as usual, for the weather was not altogether propitious. Krgo. the mind of the Page wandered a bit from the purely commerrial things and we noticed some tilings that may have otherwise passed unobserved.
For instance, there were the Memorial Day processions and tlie exercises con¬ nected with commemorating the soldiers who have given their lives for their country. There is many a trouper-soldier in the cemeteries of our land, and tliere are many in the profession who have soldiered in our wars. Many belong to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Sons of Veterans organizatipn, American l.egion and similar bodie*. Yet a pitiable f< w took occasibn to participate in tlie memo¬ rial services In New York or elsewhere in the country.
While the parade moved up Riverside Drive there were almost enough per¬ formers who possess honorable dis¬ charges from the U. S. A. to form a battalion in the usual hangouts on Len¬ nox and Seventh avenue.-j. Ai>parently they Were totally unmindful of the day, or its meaning. Wlien asked about the matter several gave petty excusi-s that proved they iiad simply never given any thought to such serious matters. It is such neglect of affairs of general interest that lays the performer open to the c-liarge of being trifling. Bestir yourselves. Take your proper place in the scheme of

/'Communications to 15 60 Broadtt'ay, Netp York, N. Y.)

r.iuich and Salem Methodist rendered numbers.
BII^EY PIERCE got the new revue at the Palace Garden Club under full swing la.st week. `BUTTERBEANS AND SUSIE" (Mr. and Mrs. Jodie Edwards)
featured the bill. They are contracted for eight weeks, and are busy daytimes recording tune liou.se numbers. This team has arrived. Tlie ait is very imicli the
same as always, with the modiflc.aMons necessary to stamp them with biiNtinie
afiproval. A surprising featur* of'this new club Is that it is operating without cover charge.
have resumed their partnership and the old team resumes work June 15.
.JOHNNY HUDGINS, tiie Kentucky Club Band, and four girls from the Club Alabam have been filmed In the Rue La
Paix scene in a featured film calh d Jh ailliii) e, h< ing produ'-ed hy the St. Regis Pictures Corporation.
BROWN AND MARGUERITE, vho ar¬ rived in New York late in May, have been
jilacid in the Cotton Club show at a nice figure, and we ure informed that a new I- vile is to built around the clever pair.

Country Colony of Colored
Artists in N. Y. Suburb
Lew Payton. big conn dian. who pla.v< d tile priia ipal part In ("hui iilate Daiiilii it, with Sis.sle and Blake, last season, is Wandering about Sprain llidge Park supervising the construct.on of a $'.»,ti00 home. H** i.s the owner of three of 438 lots that have been pl.o ed oil tl'e market, all locat'd near N'-ppeihaii station on tlie N. Y. C. R. R. and the Tuekalioe road.
Noble Sissle hold.s tlie title to six lots. W.ilti r Pi k, a imi.sleian, holds title to others. Paul Haley, tlie printer, whose wife was oti'-e an actress and i.s now a soloist in -Miyssinian Oliureh choir. Is erecting a home there. "C'-eil Mmk", the composer. Is interi'sted in a construc¬ tion eoiii ern and he will in all prohahilitv invest his proflt.s from this in tiie pioperty that bids^air to provide for tlie artists In Hie ni'tropolitaa iP'-tri.-t, x .subiirlian col.^tiy ttiat will to some e\|. iit be very similar to Hollywood in P.ilifornia.

i liised for the first half of the wi. k md a large forpn- of men was put to work There were so many that one Himfc
stuinhied over them on entering f|,e hou«?. Ji^they were kept on double time f,; tliTTv days. The theater hardly knew
Itself whi n the doors were thro'Wn ,,,,Vn for the opening, June 4
A new carpet was laid in Hi.- |,,bbv Tlie entire front was scoiireil. ri\.alinr forgotten beaiiHes In the exterioi * new electric lobby display was Insbillid 111 w flooring wa.s laid on the stage an,i the Interior repaint'd. A 112 000 oiei Installed, a .sounding hoard placed .si nuniberless minor repairs and alteration, made. The theater en w under .Manager Burtf .and Stage Manager Sam Cra« work' d like Trojans. Mr. S. hlffinan tTio w.is busy directing the forces. Thru th.' whole thing was an exlilhltlon of en¬ thusiastic spirit that augurs well for the new management.
Mr. Schlffman, In an Interview an¬ nounced that more alterations wtu'ld be made during the summer. These would Inehide new drapes and scenery for the
stage and a set of spring-seat chairs The staff remains the same, for the present at least, and an augmented or¬ chestra open'd with the new regime It i.s intend'd that music shall become one or the attractions of the theater, rather than a mere adjunct.
Inasmuch as the management is go closely associat' d with the Apollo Theat' T In 126th street, where stock buile.'-.iue has been so successfully op» ratlng for the past year. It Is rather natural that a similar policy, som. what modified should

things. Get out the old button and give P-XT'!., ROBESON is just swimming in Payton's activities Indicate be lias made b'' given a trial. Therefore Eddie Green

its day a play. It will help your seiibe sucee.ss. He has been engaged to make a thrifty use of the two prosp* mus seasons who had been an Important comedian iri

of manhood and improve the public luimber of records for the Victor Company tliat have jiwt clos'd. AYtiilc not rikral Hie Apollo cast, was commlssloneil to

opinion of tlie profession.

«m a royalty basis. This hs something in asia'et as is Sprain Riilge, Jamal-a, organize a miniature stock company that

A notable exception to the lack of th.Tt few artists obtain. Bert Williams L. I., also has quite a l:irge col.aiv of each week will present a 45-n3inut. jv-rinterest on the part of pi'rforiners is the anil Enrico Caruso, both deceased, were colored professionals. Clarence XYilliams formance that will con.sist of musical

report from Boston, where the members so favored. The list Is a brief one. Paul and several other music puhllshei.s. Sli>-I- numbers and burlesque comedy bits. 'The

of the Heven-Elevtn. company accom¬ bas also been contracted to the Pond lon Brooks, comedian; Hamtree Harring- bits, however, will be revi.sed by Eddie

panied the star. MAY BROWN, to the Bureau, one of the most exclusive tnn, Virginia Liston, `'blues'' singer", and to conform to the especial requirements Lincoln Monument, wliere she placed a agencies that has to do with the platform a number of others have beautiful hone-s of the neighborhood.

wreath upon the statue of ABRAHAM attractions of the world. This latter ar¬ tn the vicinity of the Midvale Golf Club. The first of the.se. Playinff the Humbert,

LINCOLN, the great Kmancipator. WIL¬ rangement. which covers his European The tendency to purcliase homes i.s one was presented wiH) E. E. (Turkey

LIAM LliWIS. former Assistant U. S. Attorney General, delivered an addre.ss
at the same time, and Pathe pictured
the event. Incidentally, (feven-Eleven constantly
gives out additional Indications of being the one genuine money-maker among Negro shows, and by the same tokefi a big burlesque circuit dividend payer.
Bert Goldberg, business manager was a recent Billbourd caller. While here he proudly showed a beautiful platinum-set diamond ring that he has purchased to present to his wife, professionally known as FLORENCK ^I.AITCI.AIN, as a bit of
interest for the. unswerving faith with
which she supported his confidence in the colored ehow during the days of its early struggle for recognition. Nice spirit ^on the part of each of them. A $500 ring can show considerable appreciation.
Now look who enters. JOHN Rl'CKER,
his partner, SIDNEY PERRIN, and MRS. RUCKER. After three years' ab.sence
from the big town they are back on Seventh avenue. Much of the time was spent in California, where MRS. Itl'CKKK improved so much In healtli that the vicepresident-at-large of the Deacons says he
IS here only long enough to get routed back to the Coast, where the weather is
to their liking. There is an act that has lost little time since they Joined hands.
Sunday, May 31. the 36yth Inf. N. Y.
N. G., the regiment with a highly credit¬ able World's War history as the "Old 15th''. held their services (in addition to
having participated in the general obser¬ vation the dav bi fore) at Sab-m M. E. Church. MRS. LULU ItOBINSON JONES, soprano; FRED WORK organi.st, and PROF. J. W. PORTERS Regimental Band were jirogramed arti.«tes. ItEV. ALEXANDER GARNICR. chaplain of the regiment, who Is also Chapl.'iin-Oeneral of the Deacons, delivered the sermon.
The choirs of both Grace Congregational

appearance also aftd provides for the handling of his personal publicity, is very largely the result of the business' sagai itv with which MRS. ESSIE ROB?:SON has
handled his affairs. Her duties from now on will be considerably lightened. How¬ ever. she la going with him to England, largely for her own pleasure--or should we say peace of mind. We know Paul to
be a very god boy, so she need have no
anxieties. Handy Bros.' Publishing Company has
just released a ballad entitled Sly Heart Is Calling, a number composed and written by TS.XBELLA STONE,' the
daughter of Ex-Governor Stone of Penn¬ sylvania, v.ho is a .soprano of unu.<ual ability, wliom we may expect to find in the Metropolitan Opera cast very soon. Meanwhile she Is doing coni ert work and writing. She has played several excel¬ lent numbers, and is a charming young ladv to meet.
There are a lot of good performers in the Gomedy Club. They are a philan¬ thropic bunch, too, but as baseball players, vi'll. The convicts team at Sing Sing I'rl.son defeated the teenA headed by
I'.XUL FLOYD and captained by AL MOSBY with a score of 5 to 1. A bus load and nine private cars took about 70 club members up to the prison and their comid'-te humiliation was onlv
avoided when "BOJ.\ .VOLES" BILL
ROBINSON ran 75 yards backwards in 11 seeainds, defeating three forward runner.s who had giy^n him a 25-yard handicap.
The Gayety Building is one busy place these days. All of tlie songsiiiiths are announcing new numbers and time is no end of recording artists moving in and out. Went into the Handy office and en¬ countered CARL \'\N VECHTEN trying to get the Inner spirit of jazz; no doubt for one of those clever stories of his.
In the cjjaRT.ES MATSON office we learned that Matson has sign'd the Cecil McCoy Serenaders, a PiiilaiPIpiii.i

of the most pleasant observ'ations m.ndo I .neernlng the Negro actor of today. Not a few own fine homes in Harlem and in many of the other cities. The Sprain Ridge Park project, however, repre.sents tlie most advanced Idea in this direction that has come to light. I'aul Gray, a P. S. Customs eniiiloyt-e and an Important political factor in XVi-sti h'ster. Is very larg*`ly responsible for having made the Jiark available to the Race. He Is Very anxious to make it the home rendezvous of a cultur. d group that will establ'sh Spruin Ridge Park as one of the nation's line pictures of domestic contentm«ut.
'Phe Page has visited the subdivision and was most favorably impressed with tlie beauty and accessibility of the loca¬ tion. The Idea of an artist owning his home there or anywhere else/ is a com¬ mendable one. and the di-slrahility of having a home amid neiglibors with similar interests is one that has b<-'n demonstrated all over the country h.v white showfolks at Sarasota, Fla.; in CrTTtfornia. in several spots on Long Island and in New Jersey. \Ve are glad to have the group follow such excellent examples.
N. C. Mutual Interests
Tjke Over Attacks Theiter, Norfolk. Va,
"A recently formed s.vndlcate, head'd bv H. T. Clark, sp' cial n presentativc of th'- North Carolina Mutual Life Insur¬ ance Company, has taki'n over the nuinagi'inent of the Attuek.s Theater and is now making plans for certain Improve¬ ments fliut will mak'' tlie house one of the most mod'rn and most beautiful iii the city.
"Among tlie Improv'nients which have already passed the formative stage are the installation of two n* w motion pictune projectors wiili ttie cel.-br.at'd

Bosom) Pugh and Prank McClain as comics. Henrietta Loveless, Grace Smith. AI F. Watts, wlio does characters and is stage manager, and a chorus of eight girl.s.
The next most prominent feature of the continuous-perfornianeo prognim that will run from 1 p.m. until midnight is the film offerings, a feature picture and a C'lTtiedy reel. Sfrn and U'oisin. with Richard Dix ; Lloyd Hamilton in Crathed, the Pathe Revli-w and the Lafayette Newsreel constitut'd this jihase of the bill. In addition to tlose tlure will be two vaudeville acta. The Summers Duo, aeriajist.s, ami Mason and JCudora, Imoked thru`Pally Marcus, were on the otiening bill.
A noticeable feature of the W''ik wa.s the extensive billing that was provid'il. I'.iper, ranging from half-sheets to 24shc'-t stands of block print, could b.' s'en all oV'`r the district. 'This was nngm' nted by tlie utilization of the tW'i-for-on'' ticket off'r mail' d out to a large list With a g' t-acquainted h tter. Twi lve-inih double-column advertising copy was placed with the jiapers of the district. This wa.s necompanled by some good pub¬ licity matter.
Virginia Records
Virginia Liston (Mrs. Sam Cray) left her lirrirrd Bnnkirs in Pensacola. Fla.. May 25 to jump Into N''W York to do some recording. While In the city she dill 18 numb'-rs for the Okey Comii.iny. w ith which she holds sq ex< luslve ecntract. In addition to her work in the ialioratorles Mrs. tlruy found tlni*' to aci etit a nttnil)'r of social courtesli's. On S' vi'ral oci'asions she was the gU''st of honor at iiartlis given In the home.s of N'-w S'ork tmhllsliers who risid'' In Jamalia. WiHi Brown and Brown. Mhulwind dancers, she st>cnt an evening wi'h Mrs. J. A. Jaikson. who, tho III,

What Is Success?

band now playing at the New Roseland radiant lens, a new 12xlrt gold and silv. r pi'-atly enjoy'd having them. Club in Asbury Park, thi ir eontr.i. t pi' ture senen ami a iiip»* org.tn to cost Virginia will eNidenily take a number

A theatrical paper (not The BiU-
hnuid) iiublished u list of the success¬ ful shows of the season. In the list we find two Negro attractions men¬ tioned. The appearance of one of these shows in the list to some extent
confirms a suspicion that has long been entertalm-d. viz.: Tliat tliere are some successes according to reports, that emanate from production offices that are successes for the owners at
the exijense of the performer.s. Money
tTTat should properly go into p.tylng the salaries of tliese unprotected people is wlth .eld.
The particular show in mind closed owing to Its tx rformers approximately

< xTiiring on 1-abor Dav BE.XTRIt'E
FOOTE. BIDDY FOSTER. CHARLES WILLIAMS and DI'K'IE TAYTJ.'/t are the entertainers at the same resort.
June 2 was the birthday of dainty little PEARL CRAWKORIi. stenegraiiie r wiDi the Matson office. She is well known to
the music world, for she has been with several firms, and she is very w*!! re¬ garded by all who iio-. t her. The office tendered her an informal re eption of the jazz variety, hut all she would toll about
her age was that this was her latost birthday and that the first one was c< le. brated in .\ugus-ia. Ga . an unnaiiu il number of ye.ars ago. From appearances It can't be so many at that.

approximately $10,000 In addition tlie
house is to he renovated thniout, a n<. w
coat of paint is to b<; add'd and llio Ventilation improv'd. Altogeilier a sum t'stimated at $25,000 is to be sp<nt in iiniirov'nierif.s.
"Conir.-icts liave already h'en sigm d, Mr. 'Ilark stal'd, for f<-aiui's wh.'li
should enable the Attin ks pi rform.'.in'·s to m*'asure up to ttm b< to b*- had in lliis 1 it.v or i-is'wh' i'-. and uihI'T coudiilons and uik'Ii !· rins not to be had elM where in tlie city.
".1. !! K' ll'-y. wlio has la' n witli the Atliii'ks for s* V'ral yi.iro will con* finui' ill tlie '.-ipaeity of iii.inag< r. Mr. K' lley m vciil' ly known and p'.pular with til'' th* ut< r-g».ing inililie.

of ni'W gowns south with her when sht' rejoins th<` show, for she was ri>bly 'liic-si'd evi ry time she appeari il on S> vI'lith avcnti'-. During Inr alesenn Sam Gi iiy la I'eisirf' d to have wired .-.ev. rr.i ji"rsonal ''lilues" for h< r return to ''''-et the demand of andienees whieh in'I-t'o uiMip the star being with the show.
Mctnorial at Philadelphia
Thomas W.illai" S'-saiin, probahlv the
<t known Negro iiinmot' r atid expose It) exi'i utlve. Is exei'utive s< < retiirv in !· joint committee to promote li'-lpiUi lations b' twe. II thv Unit' d Slat, s I' Republic of Llle ria. .Memorial D'ty

$20,000. After the final pirformance at a Greater New York theater many

Barrett Beach Bookings

"The Attii'ks 'rhi.if'r was financ'd and erecti 'l bv a coriioralai.i (ninpo 'd of

I' org.irilzatioii lield a nn'ting in th 1 iladelpliia. Gommercial Mu.seu'ii. at

of the troupe were unable to move their trnnk.s from the house. Few

Race jn'ople and H ·' owin-r'-liip of tlie Tlie new park at Barrett Beaefi had hfiii.se has never pa ·'d out f'f the Rac'-.

I ' ll Gol. iMvid

Gollt'r. dll··< »'''

n- i.H' of Ho' S''squli entennl.il. wa" th''

even had carfare to their Harlem home.''. Some feared to face the land¬ lady of their 8top|)ing places.

its offioial opening D'cmation Day. A Tlie property, wlia li < nihr.'i'-es also .in

basehiill was the

game betwe. n feature of the


'ifllce building, is owTi'-d bv tlie N'lrlli C.irolina .Mutual Lit'- In ii.aiii'' C'jiii-

!'ii ipal 8|>i ;iker. Five o'ln r ^1" .j ' ri' on Hi" program atnl the l.oohy  Itir' s Goinpnny jires'til' d a

And this is success! If It be so. then succes.ses, built upon suih a sacrifice of human labor and confi¬

nienfs. Incidentally, a idaim is n.ade P.ITIV."--S'lrfoll- Jtiioiii'l anil llniih. that this is the only siji.'-hore ball p.ark Tlie chara'ii r of Hie iinprov'ments run by the group in tlie eourilry. tiiul the Icing install'd in<liial< Hiat Hu' ni-w

ms on N< g)>6 I'omnn reial Hulij< ' l' /J etlng W.IS a pt'linilnarv to 'oiiviiha-
le Riiee a> Hvlty In connection with the

dence, is hardly to be commended.

Page knows nofliing t'l the contrary.

managt 'm nt lia'-' ih t'; i.i,n< <1 ui"o a plc- 26 Hes'iuicenteiiniul.

However, the p<-rformerH seem to like It, for they simply will not join organizations that would wrap a mantle of protection about them.

Excuision.s lia\e lain liookod for June n. June 30. July 4 and August <5. Witli the completion of the many ride.u. <>iiows and devices under construction Barrett
Beach will no doubt command a heavy

tiire laili' V. The .M.im'H Ii.'.pi" W'-iS

fiiilig'fl t'l tak'- ov'r too prop) rtv to

lirolect fiueii' ial

i .- lia y iiiatle ii

fi w V'-ar.H : ini'c in an effort t<i .-issisl the

original owners to tide over the slump

I' lit of manv shipping enterprl.se:; in th
'nl'w.'tti-r district cuti.si'd a hi-gira o ilior that spelled disaster to the tn ·


years that followed lh« war. Abandon- ikimcr Ant*rrkrt«*

June n. 1925

The BillSbara


Minstrel and Tent

a lot of news a fellow can get on a post¬ card--and all rtal news.

ntMir the Yankee Stadium. The location Is a short walk from the Harlem Negro

district. While the show is primarily

"Lucky Sambo'

Show Talk

Muiriy's N. O. Minsttrli

Til,. Muriay


IciijiU )'Ktt iriitnc Fruin AVio Orhann Ls

ii.|iiiit,<l to Ih' ·makiiiK the folks draw

liiKSO I he hirtiiK from around tlie ooln."

Tlie . liiiw {i;u ked them In at Jat kson,

II l> t'ain<y. wl)o Is one of the busi-

n,... l.ii'ti's that make ttie wheels R<>

.iii.iitiil \Nlth the show, Kiew reminiscent

III his last letter and nas submitt'd a

tiw iiiilieations t5f his interest In itho

i..|k>. He tells us that Jim Crosby, '`the

tall talker". Is with the O'lJrien sliow

tins season. lie Informs us, tiM>, that


SIrtiIttra was forced to close at

T.i.M-.iKotila, Mi.ss., and that Hhufflc


had an abrupt flnl.sh at Jack-

son, where the tent and car awaited

r, tiioval hy It.s owner, E. H. Jones. In

th, latter eas<i the manaRer Is alleRed

to h.ise ali.indoned the performers.

Mr ('aI to y extends his expressions of

itiHxlwill to the Watts Brothers, and he

.tbout some '-Mtlmer*. Billy Norton.

J. Elmer Mraire of Elizabeth. N. J.. whom "D,h:" Wanzer describes as "All the eornetist anyone wants to have around." join.-d the 101 Ranch band when the show passed thru that town. Prof. Mason has strengthened his show with the addition of a comedian. Sam Bemis Jones. With Kleata Gi'obs. B:iby .Moore and Mrs. .Mason already making good, the p.-rformance Is materially strengthened by^these additions.
Brown and Singleton advise that despite r'old weather they did an excel¬ lent business in .Marysville, la., with the Noble Fairly shows. We, k of May 25 at Shenandoah they did still better.
Harold Ryan Minstrels
The Harold Ryan Minstrels, with the Nat K,-iss Sliows, did a great business at PortoHiiouth. O. From Tuesday until Saturday night the top was packed. Jesse Simpson has charge of the stage and Compton Smith has the hand. These fellows have created a production that makes the audience want more. Rogers and Smith, Hhttle McGregor, Juste Love and Cornell and Cornell n.-e In the lineup.

intended for Negro patronage, the first
week's patrons were more than 90 per cent white people.
The show opened with two rides and 15 concessions, but additions are rapidly being made. Dan Michaels announces that he has set 10 shows and 30 conces¬ sions as the size that he will achieve before leaving New York, winr,* he ex¬
pects to remain thru the summer until

Luiky Sambo, the Porter Graingerrreddie Johnson musical lomedy that
oiHiicd at the Colonial Theater. New York, June 6 is reviewed in the front .section of this issue. The opening
was attended by both the musical comedy editor and the Page. Further comment will appear in the next issue >n this page.

the fair season opens.

Plans are afoot for the establishment of a bus line from the center of the Harlem district, and for the operation of a line of launches up the river from 135th street to the grounds. Sk veral contests

^ira, Obie's to be "delicious." Herman and Bobbie, her boys, introduced the Gharleston in the town and now the
whole town is wild about the dance.

open to visitors will be inaugurated to

stimulate interest.

^ The team of McDonald and Leggette is

Dan Michaels is in charge. Among reunited after a split of hut one we*k.

the concessionalces are Mr. and Mrs. A letter from the team explains that Miss

Ali-zele Sadow, Hindoo mysHcs; James L<*ggette accepted a week's engagement in

Alverez, cookhouse; P. J. Mason, cook¬ Atlanta a." a single since as a team they

house and ".\unty Sally"; Hamilton's would have had an idle week on their

cat game and lunchhouse; George Ma.son. hands for the reason that the act would

hoopla; Francis, pan game; Wm. Hill's not work for the money offered, and that merry-go-rotind and Dan Michaels' Ell at no time had they contemplated a

wheel. L. S. Rappapurt is doing press permanent separation. They worked


week of June 1 at the Star Theater, Savan¬

nah, Ga.

Umbrians on Tour

.|,.hn Kuiker and C. C. PuRKsley. and

waotf; to know of some of us who recall when they were younjrsters alonR with Hillv Kersands. (No. there are few old enou;;h for that.) John Rucker, how¬ ever, w.liked Into The IliVbonrd office am this aoiV was being written. He and Sidney I'errin have just concluded a thn-e-.vear stay in the West with hiRhly ^atlsfaetory results. He s.ays he wants
to "talk ages" In private with Mr.

Will Lane and Blind Bernle Thompson closed with the John Francis Shows and have joined the I)on.».u Mctlregor shows, opening at Garber, 0«.. May IS.
Michaels Brothers* Shows Open
The Michaels Brothers' Exposition Shows started Its fourth season May 31 at the new show ground.^ along the Bronx

The Umbrian Glee Club, of Chicago, under the direction of Uicliard C. Kt lly, is touring the Middle West and making some dates in Eastern States. Harry G. Washington. Pittsburgh promot< r, pre¬ sented the big group of vocalists at
Montiflore Hall, the Smoky City, June 5.
The event was for the benefit of the Gob*, man Home, a local charity. George Garner is the outstanding tenor of the

Carney. Hariy Hunt, for the third year man¬

side of the Harlem River at 15Rh street.


Simms and Warfield have been work¬ ing in and about Chicago. They had pro¬
duced a tabloid for presentation at the Indiana Theater week |)f June 1, but the management suddenly determined to close the house for the season, leaving them with a disappointed group on their
haiids. The boys have h-'-n busy with
their pencils. They have a complete
musical comedy, 2.5-sonK nianu.scripts, two tabiaid." and have recordi-d a song
number called Playing the Field. This is in aillition to th<*ir vaudeville act, and

ager of this show. Is the third oldest
(olor.cl show manager, ranking after I'at ChajiiH-lle and A. tl. Allen, and he de¬ dans that crop and weather conditions

Here and There Among the Folks

they threaten New York with the whole works very .soon.

have been vi ry pmmi.slng In the Gulf

territory, better than In years. The comph ti{ roster of the show Is as
follows: Slim Thomas, comedian and stage manager: Kennel Robinson, featurid blues singer, and J. K. Jones, balIiiil.x. ('.>inedi.ins are A. B. Wright, Foots" lJn\in.«<'n, Joe Smith. Tim Robin¬ son. (borge Christopher, Curly Glenn and Ted Wiley. William Nash is doing

Clarence Muee, character actor. Is now conducting a department In The Heebie Jeebiea, magazine, published in.Chicago.
The ffapp}! Ttaya in Dixie Company Is reported to have been a tremendous hit at the Orpheum Theater, Springfield, Mo.

as concessioner with the Ed. Lee Shows,
has closed with that attraction and re.sumed his former vocation, billpoeting. as route man with the Memphis Advertising Company. He has established his home
at 846 Lane ovenue, Memphis.

A card of tht type listod bolow wil coat $2 p«r inaortioa m adfanc*.

magic. The chorus lnclud«'s Henrietta Thomas. Mabel Srhloss. Mary Freeman. Jessie White. Mamie Glenn. May MiKire
and Octave Boyd. I'rof. tleorge W. AVllIlams has a band
of 11 pieces t!*t has been receiving very eomplimentary notices. With him are Noah Washington, G. Dunn. Dock Parm-
ley. I'd Na.sh, George Washington, A. C. Kvans. Joe D.iley, W. Jordon. A. D. Bled¬ soe, Charles Schloss, Fred Anderson. Pete Foster, Giorge Brooks and '`Foots" Rob¬ inson. Altogether the show has 50 peo¬ ple. It travels in an 80-foot car.
Charles Glenn Is the correspondent on
the show.

The Broadway Three, composed of John Hayes, Hazel York and B,`rt Graves, are playing in and around Detroit. Thev an¬ nounce a We.stern tour to begin soon;
Edmonia Henderson, blues singer, is no longer with the Joe Clark Company, but Is working over the Dudley group of hou5*es on the T. O. B. A., doing a single.
"They give more of a singring act than the average, and made a splendid Impri'ssion,'' says The Fitehburg (Mass.) Sentinel, in a review of John.son and Lillard, the heavy harmony boys.

Ethel Waters and Earl Dancer worked In Keith houses In Albany and Sche¬ nectady week of June 1, and In Bostrffi the week following. They traveled In their new car. Week of June 22 they are booked into the Riverside Theater. New York. These dates are the beginning of a three years' Keith tour.
William S. Jones, the former assistant director of the Colonial Band of Pitts¬ burgh, Fki.. is organizing a new hras.<a band in the Smoky City. He retired from mu.sical circles .seven years ago, but Is again enthused over the poeeibiiities for a parade and concert band in his

Chaate ef addraM. ate., alware earwIesOla. .Vddreaa Ifaoafer, Claaaidad Ada. Id Oioere riacc. Ciociooati. atatiog that the sen Is for JACUON'd PAGB LIST.
2237 Seventh Avtnae, New Vark.

The Redwood Entertainers
The Redwood Entertainers played four weeks at Newark. O.. their opening st.ind. breaking last season's riword. The ni'dieine show opened June I at Coshoc¬ ton. G. Manager Redwood donated the sev< n-plece orchestra to the local Lodge of Negro Knights of Pythias May 26 for service at a ball and reception given hy the lodge. Fred Reeders, Bohhy Wollrldge. George Motts, Harry Massirgale,

Little Johnnie Roberson, who was play¬ ing with an Ofay Stock Company in Kan¬ sas City, is now at llloerty, due to some financial differences, according to a re¬ cent letter from him.
Oh, ifandy, a student cast production from local fichools, trained by Billy Chambers, filled the I>ouglas Theater. Macon, so well at Its first presentation as to have been held over for a second week.

Henry Grigg is the secretary of a new fair association organized under the title of the C'dored Fair As.soelation of V'luvanna County. Virginia. The office of the new as.sociation which makes the 97th Negro fair in the countrv. Is at Rremo Bluff.o. Va. The date of the fir.st fair has not been announced.

MORRIS McKINNEV. Sac.; SAM TOLSON, M|r. Ytar City Headuuarteri.
nlzhter. No eanvae. Write Inweit. Beard younelf. Don't wire. JACK S CUMKOIANR, General Oelirery. Eaaton. Peniuylranla.
WANT .A-1 Viiillniat and Banlolat; alio Cnmetlat and TrnmboBltt. Ste..dy work, foud pay. Anawer quirk, write or wire. COUtBKD ML'SIL'IANH, earo Fred K.' Bell. Carrol). Iowa.

It. Freeman. John Pie and Harry Miller Were the members of the hand which work, <1 at the affair, and ftt least two among them left a reputation Tn the town for hi Ing "sheiks", while the entire group will he remembered with favor by tlm I'ythians and their friends.
Mjin Bind Ftaturfs Mirth Composed by

Glenn Basfleld has joined the enlarged Mtiaical ilagpUa act The group now numbers seven artlf<s. The act opened at Loew's State in Cleveland June 8 and Is contracted for the summer at the Music Box Restaurant in that city.
Chet Potter's Original Harlem RamhJera are at Domino Inn, a road house at

J. B. Caulder, secretary of the Lexing¬ ton Colored Fair has begun a newspaper
campaign to bring tourist." Into Kentucky
for the fair .Vugust 10-16. In all proba¬
bility the Michaels Brothers' Carnival will play the date. One of the features this season Is a beauty contest open to Kentucky women. The prize is a $75 gown.

WANTED QUICK--For Weaver's Green River Ulnvtrele. Colored Comet and Trumhone. Mint read and fake. C.tN PSB other Muaitlana. Week June 8. Mt. Carmel. Pa.; 15. KbaimAin. Pa. JVLF. WFAVKH, Manaaer.
Acts and Managers

Prof. M.irshall, director of the sideshow band with the W.ilter L. M.m Cin'us. is |>roud of the taW nted group he

North Greene, N. Y.. about 12 miles from Rochester. Dudley Morse. Walter Thom.a5% Jimmie Bell and Cliff Bryan
comiwse the band.

-f-- Evelyn Preer and Edward Thompson,
since the closing of the No. 2 Company of Lafayette I'layers which they starreii.

eoanmunleau irltk THEATRE QWNERV BOOKlNQ
ASSOCIATION for all mattan Ihsatrtonl tOilarad). UOIraa. 411 Volantaar Balldlac. Ctnttanoaga. iwa.

has ass,milled this s. a.'^oii, and he i.s satisfied that they are pp on an excellent repertoire of both popular and elnssie nnmhiTs. He is featuring siandaril of ihf If.I til, a tnareh i>uhIt':h,Ml hy the J.
Fr.tnk Terry 1'uhllslilne Conuniny. a col¬ or, ,1 lllne, rn In Mansfield, O. "It Is n niimher." says Prof. Marshall, "that no

I^onnle Matlock who has the Tip Top
Strutters with the Tip Top Carnival
Company, was In New York early in June on a costume-piu;4'hasing trip. His wife accompanied him and the Page was honored with a call from them and their managers.

have been doing a dramatic sketch called Everyday Life, on' the T. O. B. A. Cir¬
cuit. They were in the Lincoln Thea¬ ter, Loui.sville. wt-ek of June 1. They will
soon be in New York, where they have he.*n engageil to feature a film drama for Oscar Micheaux.


rail' h.indle.tder should Ih* without."

The hand Is woik ng along with the

I'lg show h.'ind In the opening speefaele,

n wlilrh the combined bands play the


c march.

lliinii'hriy Ni-lsop closed With the show

at 'Iraftop, W. Va., and J. G. Jackson

loin. ,1 at O.'ikland, Md., ns baritone

I'lav. r Ml of which Is according to f*.

U Uolilnson, correspondent wltlj the b.and.

Great Jonrs Fntcruinfrs
The Gnat Jon<s IleJItli Knttrtainera <ji. le ,1 tli,` sea-on at .VUisma. P.i., with Arthur Matthews Cnrh y Reynolds, slaekivii, .irtlst ; Bobbie II ii iis. Waltir X* aly '''d a bun.'ll of 10 siniTi rs and din>,`i--. o'lU- Norwood Is the mnsi.-al director and lilii. y It.lib y I'.is charge of t..o stage. Tee show niov, <1 from A'ioi na to L .\\;s*''.vn. tlienee to Jri.s, y Shore. Pa. ,

II. T. Fold, bugle imitator, has been In and about Ghicago for the past few weeks doing a single. He advises that he will be in Cleveland, where he will t.\ke on a partner and do a team aet. Olive Mourvain. of Lima. O.. has been handling hie bookings for church and club dates.
Due to a long and severe attack of rheumatism Mrs. Smooth, of Sminath an<l Smooth, has retired front vaudeville, and in r husband, t'arl Sniootli. h.as join* <1 hands with Tmy (Fats) Brown. The I . w team oiH'tii d at the Stundaril Tlie.iter, Philadelpliia, Juioe 2.
Mine. Charlotte Wallace Murray was the soloist on the program presented at Renaissjanoe Gasino, New York, hy Gonduetor E. GiU»rt .\iiderson and the Harlem Syntphniilc t>r»'liesira of .">0 pieces. Tlie Deacon Johnson Exchange h.andl*d

The "Hou.sehnld of Ruth" has acquired IH'sses.sion of the Lightner .\rcade prop¬ erty in R.aleigh, N. C. The s-tnicture, wliich sold for $108,000. l." a combiiti d office tmildlng. hotel and an iniomplet'' theater. Completion of the theater part would open a great field tif tevenue for the new owners and provide aimisement fucilitieg In a town that has but one local motion picture hou.se.
Columbus O., dailies are extremely g« nerous In the matter of sp.ice and editorial inll're^t in N*"gro anui.>" n:ents and charital'le '·iiterprises. ()iir lix-al corr<sismdent advi.s<*s u." that IT E. Gherrlngton and .1. H. Swich. of The Dispati h ; John McNulty and W. K. Trautnian, of The Citizeii; Michael Faring and Nelson Rinld. of The Ohio State Journal, are editors whia give frieniily consideration to Negro matters that have news value.

iVi'u; York't Favorite "Dixie Dandiet". ATotu in their 8 th iuccti»fal week
at Ihit famout rendezvoue.
Fotemojt Colored Booking Agency.
Bands furnished every wheir.' Rrvuei (ast and staged. Enieriainrrs (or any occasion. Writr. u irr or phone

the business' phnx's of the presentation. Dailey and T.itde ilavp.ll have

Mberta Hunter and her Intys h.id tlie


'·"·lii.d the Sru) Orhttna illiiatrfls.

Henry Mitchell, a former student of di.*.im'tlon of lu'ing the first Negro aet till- Kagan Si'h's'l of Drama, Los Ancides, to play the Keith Theater in Fairmont.


l-ltts Harris writes from C.'vlngton.

' bi Inform ns tbet Ari-lile At insti .'.d

1* no Ioii^.,.r with L''iir)etli 'a .Wins' i la,


W.iir,n living th.<t P,ail Love

Is now stag** in.inbroke his hand accl-

hut wtio has le-'-n 111 N'`v,' York for the pa'< two v»*nrs. Is the liiv*iitor of a Nviophone for dancers. Thos. C*. Patt**rson. attorney. Js arranging to market the product for the yoting man.

W. V.t., ntid tile act w< nt over so favoi ahly as to make colored ai'ts popular \sitli tite liM-al public. Miss Hunter recomnu-nds the house orchestra for Us wllllngnoss to co-operate with the acts

1547 Broadway, New York City
Te4.: Lackawana 4SS4
Pertsmidfs Rcfistw WiA Tliii Oic#

''· ntallv anil that John X< al got the

and tlie home of Mrs. Matth-w Oble as a

uiiiea and wi-nt home. Just see what Wesley Vamelj^ who began the iwason stopping place, declaring the/ meals at


The Billboard

June 13. 1925


aupuration. One of these was to take repertoire--has withstood all batterings Theater Owners of America, which is

some of the load o^f the Spring Nnm- of time, elements and the fates. Reper- organizing a campaign to obstruct the


her. .\notjcr was to provitle the lair toirc is ancient of days and beloved by theater-grabbirig operations of Famous and amusement park people with a the pastoral folks of the stretches. It Players - Lasky, Metro - Goldwyn and medium--a more timely one--for an- began with time and charts its own I'irst National. It's a case of Hobson's nouncements to follow up those :nide course. It knows and cares nothing choice.

`Old Billyboy"

in the Spring Edition.

about booking combines, and in the A few weeks ago the annual conven-

. ^be larcput circuUtira

The Summer Special also has been the summer time it ca^c^ less about houses, tion of the M. P. T. O. A, at Mil-

theatrical naper

q{ affording an opportunity to Wlven the movies began to make a waukee got under way with discordant

rubiiahrd errry week

* show accessory peoldc to increase their tramp of repertoire the showman notes in the air. But, thru the intelli-

By The Billboard Publiahing Company,
A. C. HARTMANN...Editor E. W. EVANS.Bu«. Mgr. I. M. McHENRY.Gen. Mgr.

business. Some seized it at the very beginning, others fell into line shortly
thereafter, and there has been a gradual increase in advertising of that nature as the issue grew older.

benight a tent and savedithe percentage for himself. Repertoire probably is the
surest bet in the show business. The capable manager goes over the same route year after year like the obl-iimc

gence and strategy of the leaders of the organization, harmony and unity pre.
vailed. This same harmony and unity must be continued and augmented as the new Bureau of Trade and Com-

F. G. KOHL, President.

A glance thru the edition and one drummer, and they wait for him with merce carries on its business of estab-

should be easily convinced that there is a welcome. Repertoire has raised its lishing and maintaining a congenial con-

a big demand for it.


status amazingly. City theatergoers

between the independent producers

W. H. DONALDSON. Chairman of the Board.

T have no idea what good casts anti shows

the theater owners. Petty differ-

he season for parks and fairs, judg- are seen under a tent jhst ^ross from cnees must be put aside--put aside fet¬

ing by reports reaching The Bill- tlie depot nowadays. More^ than one ever. ^Exhibitors must act in co-opera-

Mato Offleea and rrlntinit Work*:



25-27 Opera Place,

CiDClnnatl, Ohio.




Phone. Main SSCK!.

P. B. A.

hoard, looks promising, altho con- rep. manager brings as nntch'as $20.1)00
ditions in some lines of business in cer- in the till back home with- him in the __·__

t>on with the organization, forget minor

regional difficulties, and remember that

the old slogan of "United we stand,

divided we fall," has still a modern ap¬



Cable and Telecraph Addrea*. ``Binyboy", Cin-



Phone. Bryant 2434-5-6. ICooma 309-10-11, 1560 Broadway, at 46tb Street.

Phone, Centr.il 8480. Crilly Buildinz, Monroe and Dearborn Streeta.

Phone. Tlo«a S.525. 908 W. Sterner Street.


Phone. Ollre 1733. Railway Exchanae Bide.. Locaat
between Sixth and Serenth.


Phone. Beach 06'1. 821 rolopia) Bide.. 100 Boyliton Street.

Phone. Delaware 2084. 't* ·''··mhera Bldff., 12fb and Walnut Street*.

Phone. Resent 1775. 18 Charinc Croaa Road. W. C. 2. "able and Teleeraph Addrett, "Sboworld".

'talt more, Md.. 181 Wallla Ave. Denver. Col., 820-21 Symea Bide, ixis Ahgelei, Calif., 734 Loew Bldg. .N'ew Orloana, Ia., 2032 Dumaine St. Omaha, Neb., 216 Brandeli Theater Blda. San Franciaco, Calif.. 511 Chirleaton Bldg.,
251 Kearny 8t. Sydney, Aiiatralia. 114 Caattereaah St. Washington, D. C., 36 Jackaon Place.

ADVERTISING RATES--Fifty centa per line, agate meaaurement. Whole page, fS.'iO; half page, S175: quarter page, $87.."'O. No display
advertisement measuring less than four linei
accepted. lAst advertiiing form goea to press 12 m.
Monday. No telegraphed advertisements accepted un¬
less remittance is telegraphed or mailed so at to reach publication office before Monday noon.


U. S. A Can.

One Year .


Siy Montha .


Three Kontha .


Foreign. $4.00 $.26 1.26

Remittances should be made by post-office or

express money order or registered letter, ad¬

dressed or made payable to The Billboard Pub-

^hing C

Cincinnati. Ohio.

Subscribera vehen requesting change of addreta

should give former ii well ai present address.

The editor cannot undertake to return un¬

solicited manuscripts. Correspondents should

keep copy.

If you 6nd a misstatement or error in any

copy of The Billboard, please notify the editor.

The Billboard reservet, the right to edit all

advertising copy.

To Protect, Improve and Advance

The Repertoire and Tent Interests

The interests of the repertoire and tent showmen have long been

neglected. Hostile legislation has been enacted or attempted from

time to time, territories taken away by combines, operating and

traveling conditions made more difficult to meet and the popularity of

itinerant shows menaced by injurious and false propaganda. Even the

relations between the repertoire and tent show owners and their actors

have not always been smooth and satisfactory.


After giving the subject a great deal of thought it seemed to us

that the Actors' Equity .Association constitutes the logical protector of

the repertoire and tent interests, and in touching upon the subject with

an official of that organization we find that the association has already

considered the question very seriously.

Equity's idea is that, if all repertoire and tent show managers will

register with it for a nominal fee, the association will in turn, and upon re¬

ceipt of complaints that any inimical legislation or other harmful ac¬

tivity is being attempted against traveling shows immediately send a

representative to the scene of action and set its other machinery at

work to protect the interests of these shows. Much good work along

these lines has already been done by Equity, and more can be accom¬

plished with the co-operation of those who are most concemed-

Anolhcr excellent idea that Equity is working out for the benefit

of repertoire and tent showmen is a plan whereby an affiliation will

be effected with well-known playwrights for the purpose of making

the better class of popular plays available to small traveling show's at

a very low cost--say something like $70 a week for a complete reper¬

toire of seven plays. An arrangement of this kind would ultimately

prove most advantageous to both sides, because a low'cr royalty would

enable the small shows to use a greater number of good plays, and the

better class of entertainment offered by these companies would attract

bigger audiences.

This scheme seems to us to be potentially good and sound. Its

realization should mark a new era for the repertoire and tent fields.

Only thru organization can these interests ever obtain the needed pro¬

tection against existing powerful hostile elements and other inimical

forces thaf are liable to crop up hi the future. In addition to serving

in a protective capacity. Equity, thru the medium of the proposed

advisory board of the theater, will be in a position to look after the

improvement and advancement of,the repertoire and tent interests just

as it is doing in the legitimate field.

That the small traveling show interests need an effective organiza¬

tion is beyond dispute, and the opportunity for these interests to be¬

come allied with the Actors' Equity Association ought to be greeted

w'ith rejoicing. We would like to have expressions of opinion from

repertoire and tent managers on this subject

From the M. P. T. O. A. has come the urgent request that exhibitors al¬ locate a fair number of their play dates to recognized independent producers. Pledge cards have been mailed to the theater owners. An appeal has been is¬ sued to members of the organization to immediately pay their dues, as the fiscal year began June 1. Without this money the M. P. 'T. O. A. will have its hands tied in its fight for independence. Delay and neglect in signing the pledge cards will also raise havoc with the program of attack. Motion picture theater men must not procrastinate in the matter. It lies with them to maintain the spirit of harmony and co-operation which had its inception at Milwaukee.^ To fail to do this is equivalent to inviting ex¬ termination from the exhibitorial field.
A SHORT time ago there was a con¬ vention of newspaper men in Min¬ neapolis, and in his speech to them Governer Christianson made the follow¬ ing remark that can be applied very nicely to some theatrical producers: "His wares must have a better justifica¬ tion than a public demand for them."
A REFERENCE to the possibility of another dramatic circuit similar to the old Stair & Havlin Circuit, in an editorial in this publication last week, aroused interested discussion in a group of experienced Chicago show¬ men. One thought such a circuit is bound to come or drama is bound to go save in repertoire, stock and Broad¬ ways $hows on one-night stands. Then another man spoke, and it seemed the rest were itnpressed.
"Such a circuit is impossible," he de¬ clared. "Wlierc are you going to get the theaters? The Keith-.Mbee Circuit has so many houses sewed up east of the Mississippi River that vou can't get theaters for a circuit. What theaters the Kcith-.\lbee people^ do not play vaudeville in they play pictures in. and, believe me, they are running a lot of movie houses. Like any other circuit the K.-.\. people keep possible opposi¬

tion as far in the background as they



' .And this from another of the group:

I tain sections are none too good.

] ^


"If there is ever another dramatic

' Midwest territory at the end of the circuit of theaters, the houses will have

Vol. XXXVI. JUNE 13.

No. 24

The fair and park men, generally speaking, seem to be optimistic, going

season, and has left friends waiting for liim next season. A few managers walk

to lie of very large capacity, with three shows a day, one in the afternoon and

ahead with their plans, many on a more home or get a job, but they arc usually two at night, with the hills somewhat

V ·

· 1^

extensive scale than ever before, of miscast. Repertoire lives because it has shortened. They must play at a .`Kl-ccnt

EdttOttCil ComtDBTlt iTiaking improvements in grounds, adil- a place in the public mind. It is wanted, price all over the house. 'This is the buildings, getting new rides, and so therefore needed. It is significant, too, only way that competition with the


forth, in the hope that, with the ad- that winter repertoire has far less movie aiid presentation hoifscs can be

vance of summer, those business con- trouble getting week stands in houses effective,"

J UST as the Fall Number heralds the <I'tions which are somewhat dull at than ofie-night-sutnd shows have in There are practical thoughts in the coming of fall the Christmas Num- present will iKcomc more favorable. getting consecutive time. The reper- above, altho they all come from the ber wunter and the Spring Number As has always been the ca<;c, the toire marvigcr who is established in his men who say it can't be done. Tliat is

spring, so docs this, the Summer Special

aterritory is hard to compete with.

another thi.ught.

Number, herald the coming of summer. .nd park manager, or any outdoor

The need for the ann^ual Summer amusement purveyor for that matter, is rpjji? independent motion picture ex- AV^e Theafer at KuUon^atre*'"

necial Edition became anoarent im- the weather. W ith this in their favor 1 hihitor has arrived at the parting Kalb avenue, Brooklyn. N. T.. oUl- 'aliy

Satly^^fl^r" t


we believe a nice, if not great, season


13 years ago. It was a rather small m store lor ttiem.

along his pres«nt route and rant.s and took down the old alana and r.pi<cTM

affair then-hardly larger _than the_


^ . raves about ^ the encroachment of the

So no ceroSs"v.r^

regular issue of those days. But it has RIG, ambitious and comprehensive "Big Three'' in the theater field, hut h,'f<rh,.rald the cchanKC. Tbo trlnncl^

grow,'n rap. idly. , and, as the years advanced, taken on wlupeiirgrhhtt aontidd iimmpnoorr.


policies have arisen in the .show business from time to time, thrived,

«loes nothing to stop it, he is certainly headed towards destruction. TTinhheterrrcec iiISss

waa named Albee fSquare by tho Ito.tra
" rV ''t IA'hI*dA **ir*mh'cn cIinrchuoitn,orwhoof tbhueiltheoande ooff tthh^e

tance, not to forget circulation.

matured and died. It is significant that hut a single avenue of escape open to wocid'a most beautiful theaters m

Xherc were several rwsons for its in- the humblest arm of the profession-- him, and that is with the Motion Picture Brooklyn.

June 13, 1925

The Billboard


attempt to establish a theater with a

Treating of the Legitimate

classic repertoiy in the d\ esi Knd.
Liverpool Repertory Boom Some time bko I announced tliat dur¬



ing his three-year tenuie of tiie direction of the Liverpool Repertory Tlieati r Wil-

Irain Arm.strong, a young actor and pro


L Coward Going West ONDON', May 22.--Noel Coward, the enfant terrible of present-day drama in
I,, nd.oi. whose comedies have so sv»rely shocked tlie church an<l set the suburbs a<liih< r. i.s KoinB to try a fall with the Tnlti d States n. xt month, for he i>» duo in '«'< w Yt'fk about the middle r,f June. Meantime, he will be busy with rehearsas of a III w play of his, which Marie T* mpest is to present at the Ambassadors. This
will nil an that The Torrhhrarrra will be w thdiawn from the Ambassador* and tions with The Mniil'a Trnrj'dy, which

duecr of considerable ability, had so far reformed the financial fortun-s of tlio tlu ater as to convert a consld* rable annual loss to gain. The playliou^e has had a very ch,*cker, d car,*er during Its 15 >car8 or .·^o of work as a repertory tlieater, and not only has Arm.strongs policy leil to notable tiiianeial chanK<s but in tile spliere of arti.dic ai'liiev-mcnt bo is· al.^o rapidly- Inilld'ug up the ri putatlon

(Communications to 25-27 Opeta Place. Cincinnati, O.)
The Ray B. Jones New Century Hotel Orchestra will again be at the N.w Cen¬ tury Hotel, Dawson Springs, Ky., the oming season, beginning June 1. This make.s tin; fourth consecutive engagement at tlie hotel for this combination.

//, 1/ /.,<»· w.Il be presented tliero probahly on June 8th.
DoJging Mrs. Hornibrook?
The sug'-'cstlon has b,`en made that Mr. rowartl's trip i.s d. cid* d less hy his desire til eniKiuer .\nicrica tlian by his panic in the face of a new offi-nslve to be

"as .i-ji'l essfully presented Sunday nittht
and >ronday afternoon at the S< a!a Theat'T. Kurl. lier . to til. ls te. rcente. nary c..cvl.etbiatlon they'wlirpn'senrii.^dc'a`'iri/e"nml lltive ti ll'i/e towards the middle of June,
I understand that, altlio at present the Renaiss.ance Th<-ater. Ltd., Is confining It.self to Sumlay evening and Mon-

Njirthern theater. The thi.ate. rs.r. ec. eti`t reviviil of Alan Monkhou.se's sincere and powerful study
P-ycholngy. The Coiujjk lino If'io. "a.s cau ed a great ,l,.al of lnter,st. and Atni.strong^s own performance as Chrl.-to-
L'*" l``'keby, the le ro of Monkhonse's drama, has made quite a stir not only In

James Rogers took in the John Robin¬ son Circus when it played Elmira. N. Y., recently and coqjments v.-ry highly on tile bund^Says he enjoyed it very much and Is oiie of the best 20-piece bands he
has heard since the days of Vandercook and Harry Crigler.

laiiiicln d hv tlie mil 'Wiinips on this side day matinees of each play only. It is Liv.riiool. but in several neighboring

eif the .\tlantlc. I'or a certain amount of pulilii ity Ik s hei-n given this we, k to the Min >nhc< ment of a lady, very siiltiibly calli d .Mrs. Charles Ho'nlbro<>k, who has form,,! a sodily of women deterni ned at all costs to *.ive the th. ater from the pollutions of modernity and to

its ambition to offer the classic mas- <^enters.

terple, es of the Klizabethan and Restora- ,

excellent bus ness was done with

tion Theater, and also foreign plays of'* * p.ece, it was only kept on for a

eminence in the ordinary course of theat- `"rtnlglit and a double bill of a very dif-

rlcal business. If, us is believed, a public *' reiit order replaei'.s it. S'l ..n Clla.s)). ll^s

d. em. and. sh. ows.It. self. as ,,a r. esul. t of. the ^iipp-caaeri D, ,sin.s and S' lnerset Mangprelim nary work. Tlie corporation has hams tacaur. a ii itr. Miss (Ilaspell's

Owing to ill health Robert Forbes, trombonist, left tlie Ringllng-Biirnum b.ind at Baltimore. He will return to his home at Ft. Dodge, la., and should his health permit he will join Karl L. King's Band tliere later in tlie summer.

make It a pl.ice lit for flappers to live in. Diir ng tlie Orand tlulgnol season at the Little some years ago this same woman found a certain temporary notori¬ ety liv proti'stlng in the theat,-r against the play. <f. If. Q. Lore. Mrs. Hornilirook threatens to adopt the same m Iltant tac¬ tics in rcsp,'et of plays which. In her

the groat advantage of the advice ami assistance of that distinguished theatrical scholar, the Rev. Montague Summers, wliose edition of Congreve's complete works has already become a classic,
It may be recalled that the developnv lit of the Renaissance Theater is largely due to a split in the executive

Psycho-analytical skit was first prefeuted in th s country I believe, at the Lveryman Theater,
The I'iayhou.'.e Comtmny has suffer,-,1 some changes lately, but Herl ert I-omns. a |s,w,iful actor who has ucliieved very coji iderable distinction and wliose work
liighly appreclat<d, ri-mains as leading

Tlie Summ, r Sjiecial! Usliering In tho rnnimer seu.son. It won't be long before all the boys will be i,Hiking for a Job ttiat they ,-an I'l.iy while dressed In a liatliing suit. Pity some of the circus III, II garb,-,! in tlie blartlc.-ts that tho managers calmly call uniforms.

,.pinion, ·'cause" n-.en ami girls sitting side hy siile in theaters an,l watching these piavs to lose their sense of res,Tve and modesty." Sensuality." she consld- rs. 'leses its horroi under such circum¬

of tlie I'lioenix Society due to divergem les of policy. If one Is to argue from the two procluctlons of these groups which I have lately witnessed. I should say that the brains and showmanship of


Arm.strong. by the w;ay is to produce

next show of ^e Oxford 1 niversity

l>rarnatic Society T/ic /nii^osflev which


dene in the grounds of Wadham

The new orchestra of the Lib, rty Thea¬ ter, Terre Haute. Ind., known as the Liberty Boys' Orchestra, made Its bow recently. It -was organized by Leo Bax¬

stances ; they g, t used to It. Hence j-viu the I'hoenix have passed over to the College.

ter, well-known pianist, who will act as

are tearing down one of the essential Renaissance and left the former society principles of cl,'an living, reserve between poor Indeed. For I have seldom 8e,-n a


director, and Pat Heavy, manager of tho Liberty Theater.

men and women."

worse-produced. worse-cast and more

Before Robert Atkins relinquishes his

"Plays are now staged which the bet¬ ter half of the pubi c do not want, and the other half ouglit not to be catered f.ir." announces this female Jeremy Col¬ lier. more in aneiT than In good grammatical style. "It se.ma to roe. there-
fiire, that only one thing can be done, and that is to protest publiclv." She also deelaims against the weak-knee(j censorship and promises not to act if the Lord Cha.'nberlaln exercises h's authority along the lints that she lays dowti. Her

hopelessly ineffectual production than that of Otway's The Orphan, which the Phoenlx staged a couple of Sundays back. On the other hand, last Sunday's presentation of the ilaid'a Tragedy was excellently acted and extraordinarily int, restingly produeed bv Frank Celller. aitho the pkiy Itself is full of inconsistenebs and frequent lapses Into the void, and aitho the very economical mounting left much to be desired.
I shall watch with great interest this

directorate of the Old Vic. he will pres, nt there Pinero's interesting study of theatrical history, Trtlairny of the `U'ella\ This production is being especially staged as a spectacular appeal for funds in order that the attention of the public may be drawn to the saving of Sadlers Wells as a complementary theater to the Old Vic. Sir Arthur Pinero has promised himself to sup'irlntend rehearsals and the I>r<M-eeds are to go to the Sadlers Wells fund.

Herschel Craw-ford has sold his Origi¬ nal Virginia Aces, Carolina Ramblers and Blue Ridge Roam,-rs` orchestras and all contracts for summer re.sorts. hotels, parks and beaches to his three agents-- Byron Hicks, F. H. Kane and Harry Atkins. The trio has lncorpor:it,-d under the laws of North Carolina for $1,000, with $5,000 paid in. and are going into the high-class orchestra game on a big scale.

society, she says, will not ask for money from the public; she herself will keep it supplied. She states. furtMbrmore, that if suffering and Imnrisonment have to be tndured she is quite ready.
I am sure that both Freddy Lo-sdale and Noel Coward would be the last men
n the world to cause a lady of such high prineipies and a poti-ntial martyr of such firm resolution to be Inconveni¬ enced either in i>urse or 1r* quod, but merely g"ing to the States Is not enough. They must reform their wares. Other¬ wise there is no doubt that Mrs. Homihrook and her sivciety of censorious ladles

Conducted by ALFRED NELSON
(Commanicationt to If60 Broadway. Stw York, N. Y.)

Floyd Mills, manager of tho Peck Mills Orchestra, of Cumberland, Md, has booked the following schools aiul col¬ leges: Bucknell College. Lewlsburg. Pa., Junior Prom; Indiana State Nninial, In¬ diana, Pa., Junior I'rom; Franklin and Marshall College, LancastAr, Pa.. Senior I'rom; Randolph-Macon College. Ashland, Va., June Finals; Cornell Cniversity, Ithaca, N. Y., Senior Prom. He also has a tour booked thru New York State, playing the leading dance halls and resorts.

will be l.-d forth to the stake in PWadilly Circus one of these cold, gray mornings.
Renaissance Theater Stans Well

Wallic Sackett Rt-Engagcd
Wallle Saokelt (T. P. R. O. A.), agent of many and varied attractions en tour,

his auto, met with an accident that re¬ quired several stitches to close a wound In his face.

The Iowa Blues Orchestra wish their friends In the profession to know that they have r,-cently added Harold Carpen¬ ter, saxophonist; Fred Morgan, sousa-

J. T. Greln. justly famous as one of the great Inflionces In the theater of Id-as h<Te during the past three decades, and .Mice Fre,lman. the mdefatig.able ex-secretary of the Stage and Phoenix soolctlfs. h.ive every reason to congratu¬ late thi-msi I\es .on the success of their

has been re-engaged by Charles H. Duf-

lleld, presl,lent of Thearle-Duffleld Fire¬

works Division of the World Amu.sement



ki.. .i..r,K

* ^ea^on as'general press representative

and special story winter for the pres-

i'ntatuin Nome I nacr ^ero.

Fitzpatrick Closed With "Flashes'*

James Fitzpatrick (T. P. R. O. A.)

closed his engagement In advance of

George Wince's F/osftca of Broadiray and


direct the con-

^^Mrite ZZ.arda.

phonist, and Bud Morgan, director ami entertainer, to their organization. Tho personnel also includes D,-an Jansen, trumpet; Billie McClure, drums; Clare King, sax. and clarinet; James Baker, banjo, and Marl Baker, piano. They are going over big with a bang in North¬

first production for the newly formed Renaissance Theat,t. To celebrate the tercenti nary of John Fletcher, the contimisuary of Shakespeare and coll.abo-
rator with Francis Beaumont in many fine Rllzabethnn piavs. M Mli.sss F Fr,'dt ma.n and J. T. Greln decided to begin opera-

The title of the big road attraction this season will be / ;dio or A Xight in The Orient.
TVliile Wallie Is promoting publicity during the summer Mrs. Sackett Will ru.stlcate In the Catskill Mountains.
N(S Lavrnt's Postals
Nes L.Tvene, manager of S. W. Man-

Red Blake Exploiting
George Yerkes has appointed Edward M. (Red) Blake as the exploitation agent for Ruth Mak'omson. known as "Miss America" In the Atlantic City Beauty Pageant last season, who now heads her own orchestra as a featurcl act In ball¬ rooms thruout the Middle M'est.

western Iowa, Minnesota and South Dakota.
Ray Moore and his Music Masters have tran.sferrt-d th»-ir activities from the Arkcon Dancing Academy, Casper, Wy., to the Abel Ite.'itaurant. Mexico City, where they are book,-,! until S,-ptember 1. The orchestra Is playing American music


helm's Umpire Theater, Ceveland. O.,

Agenting lOt Ranch

exclusively and is phiying to full house.s

presenting a summer run of burlesque

every night. The boys also play tho

stock, is attracting the attention of local th,'ater patrons with a pictorial postcard,

Ollnt Finney, general ag,`nt of Col. Miller's 101 Ranch, has a staff of agents

Country Club The p-rsonnel

ev,-ry Sunday afternoon. ineludes Bob Wilson, vio¬

with a classy soubret railing to a fellow, that Is getting considerable publicity for lin; Harry I.ennon, banjo; Bill Johnson,

Ix ing penalized in stocks, to visit the the attraction.

sax. and clarinet; I'.ill Sarri. trumpet;


Frank Braden, as general press ag,'nt, Gus Ibold. drum.-,, and Ray Moore, piano has the as'sistance of Ora Parks, and and leader.


Messenger En Tour Panama

Allen Lester is contracting press agent.

Walter Messenger (T. P. R. O. A >.

late reprt'sentatlve In ailvance of

was sulflclently successful during the

season recently closiM to warrant him

honking passage aboard the S. S. Kroonland May 2>1l` f'or ft ,'.I,`isiire-seeklntr tour
inama Canal returning via

raIifXl.i^""waIter ^T'accomM^^^^


ttJhia'itt ffaisstt--sstteepnpoilnngc jluuvveenniillee, TToom m tG,rraacdlv>'.

Larry Nathan Now an Agent

l^irry Natli.an, late theatrical repres,-ntative of tlie Hotel T'lillman, N,'wark, N. J.. is now press representative for the WonderlnnA AmU5,'ment Company of

Kitichbaum Startles New Haven
Dick Klrschbaum (T. P. R. O. A.l, press representative for the Hurtlg & Seaman attractions, made New Haven,
advance of Bed Kiaaea, a new production, booked for its premiere pres^ennttaattiioonn M Maayy 2288--2290--2200.. T Thhee bbiilllliinngg ooff
show caeuesne.dsoars.stowrIm 'hheerroeefuupipioornnotesKt irfsrochmbaum capitalized the protests by half¬ page ails in the newspaiiers, calling atti'iitlon to the ban on billing of tlie show.
Wells Hawks Decorated
In accordance with the action of the

Anthony Parenil and his Melody Boys, an orchestra which has won renown at the old Gruenwald Cave, New Orleans, and at presi-nt connected with th,' La Vida, of the same city, has recorded five disks for the Victor company. All of the records are by ParentI and consist of Creole ftlues, 12th Utrert Hliiea, Be Yonr8'If, Di::i/ Ii~y and French Market Blues. The members of the orchestra are Mari.a Finazzo. sousaphone; George Triay, drums; V. Inibusky. pianist: An¬ thony I'apalla, r,*eds; Mike Halloway, banjo; G. Kenecht, cornet, and R.

Tht brilliant young Englith artor-dirertor, who haa ravtd the Liotrpool Rtprrtoire 1 hratrr^ and turned it into a financial ·ind artistic tuccesa.

Scranton being Larry's home town
Caroline Drum Stricken
Caroline Drum, wife of J. C. Drum, and press representative for John Mur¬ ray Anib'rson, en trained from her home, Westport, Conn., for New York City lust
i--k an,^ was st. ricken 111 . at the Grand· t'entral Station and transferred to the Hotel Flandt-rs, wtiere she is now under the care of IVcfor IValiaee Brown.
Agent Mfft* With Accident
AVIIliam (Bllll L. utton.. adve. rtising itg,-nt and front-door man at the Lvrlc Theater. Allentown, Pa., whlle^ cranking

Hawk.s (T. P, R. O A.). T'. S. Naval Reserve, was de,-orated Saturilay at Charlestown. IV Va.
Ten crosses will b^ awarded and the ceremony will take place at the historic
old Cour^iouse, where the famous John Brown trial took place before the outbr,-ak of the C'vil War. Commander Hawks is a graml.-^oii of the late Major Welt.s J. Hawks, who scrvi-d on the staff of G,-ner:ils Stonewall Jackson and Rob¬ ert R. Leo. and a son of Artliur W. Hawks. l,-ctur,-r, who ns a youth just
reb'ased from the Virginia Military Instltute served as a courier.

Eildie Becker's Eight Riversiders are captivating large crowds nightly in the Riverside dance pavilion, Phoi nix. .\rlz., according to new'si>aper reports. The pavilion In whlcli tliey play Is supposed to have the largest and liiiest cp,-n-air floor in that State. The orchestra has started on a six-month contract and is packing them in tlie huge ballroom night¬ ly. .\ltho but recently organiz-d. the band has created quite a reputation thru the Southwest. Tlie personnel: Eddie Beeker pianist-,lir- ctor; Carl Horfmavt-r. saxes, and arrangT-. Harry Jones, sa.xes ; Harry S-imuds. hass Siix.; Earl Nordqiiist. banjo and violin; Harland Pomroy. tnimiH-t: Walter Ls'e. trombone, and
Bobby Green, drums and tympaoL




Revival of Fort Lee


Rialto Houses Do Well

New Films on Broadway

Film Industry Planned

Despite Torrid Weather

Week i)f .June 14

New Company Capitalized at $100,000 Buys Old World Studio and Has Option on Two Others

Reports From Broadway Film Houses Indicate Attendance Better Than Had Been Anticipated

Capitol--Shijr, I'niver.sal, Virginia Vain and Kugeiie O'Urlen.
Kialt«>--Sf. c/e oj the. Houal Mount)d Vltagraph, Bert Lytell and CharlottJ Merriam.
Itivtili--The Mnnicurc Girl, Par.iinount, Dibe Daniels and Kdward IJtirn;«.

New York, June 6.--Fort Lee Studios. Inc., capitalized at $1UU,000, is making another energetic effort to revive the mo¬ tion picture Industry in Fort Lee, across from this city. The company, which is backed by Fort Lee residents, lia.s pur¬ chased the old World studio from tlie now

New Y'ork. June 6.--Broadway film houses e.\perlenced their Initial hot wiatlier spell of the sea.son this w<-'k. and. judging from all report.^, came iliru the ordeal Detter than had been antici¬ pated. Tom Mix's latest. The Kuinhow Trail, was doing fine business at the Piccadilly, considering the depressing

Piccadilly -- Lj/ing IPfir*, Ivan .Xbram.-^in. Clara Kimball Young, Madge Kenne<ly and Ulchard R. nneit'
Criterion--fieggar on lloraeb(tck. ('.lobe-- Don Q, United Artists, D< UKlas Fnlrbank.".

defunct World-l'eerless Company, and

climatic conditions, and The Dearrt

also ha?' an option on two inure studios at Fort Lee. The World studio was ac¬

F'lou'vr, with Colleen Moore, at Strand. The lAtGr T rem h Girl at

the the


Tax and Censorship Bill

quired at a cost of $6U,(iOU, and more than $15,0U0 is being expended in im¬ proving the property, wliich will be in readiness In about two weeks.

HIvoli and Tariaian Sight a at the Capitol were all reported as moving along satis¬ factorily.
Friday evening The Hf ygar on Horae-

Passes Connecticut Assembly
Hartford. Conn.. June 6.--An act pro-

Executives of the company are : Richard

hnrk. new I'aramount pn|H-rfealure. viding for a tax'ftf JIO on each 1.000

W, KU>epfer, president and art director;

opened at the Criterion, where it w'ill feet of film and the power of censor-

Will Lesser, vice-president and master electrician; Otto Weiss, in charge of car¬ pentry and sets; Carl Oxzelle, f'ecretary

lie screened twice daily thriiout the .sum- ship was adopted We<ln* sday. June S by' nier, probably closing around I-abor Day. b<ith houses of the Connectieut Legisla-Monday night, June I', the Globe Thea- ture. Altho the law' is primarily de¬

and trea.surer. Plans for the revival of

ter will go in for Celluloid entertainment signed to raise funds, the State tax com-

Fort Lee have the support of Mayor Ed¬

wlth Doug Fairbanks' most recent c"n- mis.sioner will have authority to delete

ward White and other borough officials.

tribution. Don <J. This will be the world any part of a movie which. In his

The recently acquired studio has not been used In five years. In Its heydey Alice Brady, Kitty Gordon, Carlyle Blackwell and others wore their makeup there. The property occupies about two acres of

fail improving player who has re¬ turned to Hollywood to work in a First National picture after a brief vacation in New York. She gave a notable per-

premiere of the picture. Last Week Dmailla With a Million at
the Capitol made an excepthyial showIng, considering It is the product of an Independent producer. Associated Arts. It

opinion, might excite racial, religious or moral prejudices. The tax will be levied upon the distributors.
News reels portraying current events are exempt, as may be films of a strlct-

land and aiiproxlmutely three-quarters of

formance in Paramount's "`Scarlet and

was plugged In the Catholic p.irishes of ly scientific nature or intended for edu-

an acre is under cover. The rtudio proper is four stories In height In some places, and includes .H5 dressing rooms and 10


the city and together with an unusually catlonal. chariuble, religious or iiatriotic
Cexpensive advertising campaign the drive purposes. Violations of the law are ut the film over far hotter than had piinishahle with flOO fine and 60 days'

directors' olllces, in addition to a suite of
executives' offices. A gang of 50 men are New Jersey Theater Men Plan

een expected. Most of the critics spoke Imprisonment and op^'rators who project

well of the picture.

unregistered films may be finud $100 and

now at work Improving the property. When the studio is ready for occupancy

· Unique



.\t the Colony starring Priscilla

The CHriiaon Dean, made

Runner, a good

imprisoned for HO days. It Is reiwrtH that efforts to defeat the bill bv hoidmg

a house-warming party will be held, with

showing, despite the fait that the picture It In commlfte were n\ade by \V111 Havs

vaudeville, boxing, music and other enter¬ tainment features.
In order to provide better transporta¬ tion from the ferry landing, opposite 125th street, It is planned to inaugurate a bus service on a 6-cent fare basis. In past years lack of adequate transporta¬ tion facilities has been one of the drawbaeks of tilm operatione at Fort Lee, in which eight studios are located They are Solex, Univer.sal. Paragon, IdeaJ, Lincoln, Worl^ and the two Willet atudios. The Paragon Is now being used by Henry T)iamant Berger, who is making a series of pictures starring Hope Hampton. SawyerlAibln rei'ently used the Universal studio for two Barbara La Marr films, and it Is understood that her next, opu.s Florrie Fin4a a Oentleman, will also b« nlined at Fort Lee.

Newark, N. J., June 6.--The program of · venie for the annual convention of the Motion Picture Theater Owners of New Jersey, to fee held at the New Monterey Hotel, Asbury Park, N. J.. June 29, 30 and July 1, will be of great interest to the theater owners of this territory be¬ cause they are being planned to assist every manager and owner of a motion picture house In the running of his thea¬ ter and putting on a "Broadway" show even if the house is located in a small town. The plan Is being called by the New Jersey theater members who are actively engaged on the various commit¬ tees "Bringing Broadway to Main Street".
Besides the official business activities that go with every convention, plans are being formulated for the display part of the program, which will be of help to

was panned or received Indifferently

by the reviewers. The f'rire of I'lraa^ire

pulled well at the Piccadilly, and at the

nivoii xpmmy Meighan's Old Home Week

did unusually well. The cinema was

transferred to the Rialto this week. Ahj; n'otnon made only a fair Impression at

the Rialto and Juat a U'omon produced

a good report at the Strand.

In the super-feature fi<-ld Grnaa re-

celved its final blow at the Criterion and

closed on Wednesd.ay night this week.

The Fool continued dropping off at the

Central and at the r'nrr.eo irifflnm Tell

had a poor second week.





Bennett and Associates Buv

Ulendalc otudio kNtear XNT. vYr.

nnd zip.

State Labor Commissioner Mackeh-
Iron Hofse at Montreal

Montreal. June 6.--The Canadian version of The /ton Horae (U>ened at the Keith Prince.s* Theater, Montreal. May HO. to a big attendance. It being the premiere showing Incident to general dis¬ tri'.,utlnn thruout Canada. The Fox supt'ffHm has been heavily billed thru
very conceivable source by Wally Decker, veteran publtcit.v agent.
Co-operating with the Canadian Pacific Railway a private .advance showing of The Iron Horae was given May HO in the .Salle D'Or of the Mount Royal Hotel

every theater owner from a box-offlee

Fox Declares Dividend

angle. Expert showmen have b*'<-n «'mployed to stage novel lighting effects and

Prolog presentations that can be made

New York, June 6.--A stock dividend of 285 per cent has been declared by the Board of Directors of Fox Film Corpora¬ tion. Two hundred per cent will be re¬ ceived by the stockholders who represent a limited group, and ,35 per cent to the more Important employes who the directors figure have contributed to the company's successful year.
The dividend Is payable In tMass A, common stock without par value, and is I incidental to the recapitalization of the company. Persons owning the present common .stock will be allowed to subscribe for 165,000 shares of additional Class A stock at $1H per share, or for each share now held H stockholder may. If he wl -hes, subscribe for 165 shares more. Hereto¬ fore the company has been owned by William Fox and a small group of friends.
Application has been made to list 165,000 .shares on the N.ew York Stock Ehcchange. It is understood that they will be offered at first at from $46 to $47 per

applicable to any house, no matter what

the size, and at very reasonable cost.

The small-tow'n theater owner has been

hampered because of his inability to give

his audiences a show with a Broadway

presentation. They will be shown h(^v at

the State convention of the


Theater Owners.

Sfime of the few amusements that will

be included In the large program of

events at the (jonvention will be fire¬

works, water-.eports carnival, a midnight

review, dance, banquet, after-dinner nov¬

elties, stunts, etc.

The entertainment committee, consisting

of Henry P. Nelson, Morris Kitinsky and

Leon Rosenblatt, Is busily engaged ma|)-

plng out a complete program of events to

(!over the three days' convention, and

everything looks like a good time for all.

The registration committee already re¬

ports numerous requests for reservations

at the New Monterey Hotel.

Electric Current Rate



Harris Names Committee

For N. J. Theater Owners

New Producing Company

Stays With First National

New York, June 6.--Robert T. Kane, for many years g< neral manager of pro¬ duction at Famous Players-Lasky, has formed the Robert T. Kune Productions to make four pictures during the comity? season for First National release. Head¬ quarters have been established at 6 West 48th street.
Kane entered the theatrical business with William Morris when the latter was the famous "opposition" to Keith In vaudeville. I>ater he was associated with Paralta Pictures and later went with Jesse Lftsky. Col. Douglas Young has been appointed business manager of the Kane organization, and Robert M. Haas is art director. Julie Herne will a<-t as storv adviser to Kane. Publicity and ex¬ ploitation will be In the hands of Bi rt Adler, who will also act an a ``scout" under Kane's policy of keeping in touch with the picture tastes of exhibitors.

Directoi: Opens Studio

June 13f 1925

The BiliboarH



which her stepfather. Miko Dyer, Is the hard-boiled boss. One day Randolph Con¬

way, di.ssipated son of wealthy New York

By EDDY "Everyman's Wife"

>1fysl1 jffltcurs \m TicKg ..r1^ l 1 Cg I ^'^48 N.ASHLAND AVE..CHICAGO,ILL?

parentage, chances along and obtains a job with the laborers. Finally Dyer discharges him for no clearly explained reason and the boss takes it into his h-ad to attack his Ptepdaughter, who. with his baby sl.ster, runs away to a nearby mining town. She gets work in a dance hall and there again meets Con¬

I'lMi tip (inncultiea are aired enter. t;uniMtlv In Lnri/iniin'n ll'l/e, Kox pictuff, \Nliii lt n'Cordsthe effurtsofa j<-alou» wif<' to inako her huabuml Borry lor his ··iffair" with a iiflghbore Bin«u.se. The film will not hhatter box^otnee records but it ^h^lUI make a KO<'d ehowinK in the bttt. r-eli- theaters.
The trouble starts over a white cat
whleh Mf. KanUolph cherishes and her hu'l'ind he.irtily dislikes. Itundolph, returtiini; home earlier than usual one afternoon, ehases a white cat Into the e.^lute of Mrs. Itraiiin, an attractive nelt;ht" r who-e htisband Is of the philan* derii s ..p''·!« 8. His wife obi-erves him with the hilly and t-traiKhtway becnme.s sti'-iee' IIS. After an authentic row he c. ts Into more water when while out In the · 'iinti .v his roadster suffers a blowout and Mr . liradln chances alone and takes him home in her machine. Tliey are arri-ted f'r s])* I ding. Follows a severe explanation p.trty with hU wife and
fin.illy, aim- red by her refus-al to believe his -t TV, he goes to the club to reside.
Mr-, itandoliih plana to "get back" at Mrs. llradin and so goes out with her
hU'band. She invites her to visit her home one evening to hear the fast..ti-I'P tu.' >poirie make love to her (Mr«.
Rsnd'ilph). Mrs. Bradin, In the dark* (luJ 1 in, takes Mrs. Itandolph's place and afoTwnrda forgiven her surprised
husbo'd. handolph returns from the club and he and his wife forget their differ* ences and all ends happily.
The -udden forgiveness on the part of Mrs. Dradin is mH convincing. Klaine H.immerstem Is well suit-'d to the role
of Mrs. Itandolph and l-ierbert Rawllnson plays hiT spou-e effectively, Bobert Cain is exi elli-nt as Kradin and Dorothy rhilllps gives a corking p* rformance of


enough. If youMl b*-Ileve the subtitles, she visits him at his studio. Ho being something of an honorable man, admits to her husband, Michael, his love for her. Coupled with this theme Is a second and a considerably more Interesting story concerning a young Englishman, Tony Bicket, who is discharged from the publi.uhlng concern headed by Mont when he steals to buy luxuries for his pretty wife. Victorlne. In the course of events rhe obtains a job of posing in the nude for the artist and when her husband hears the news he Is ready to commit murder, with the painter as his victim. Fleur then comes forward with the statement that she was In the studio while the girl posed. Her husband, believing that Fleur loves Desert, leaves her but returns when
he learns she is to have a baby. Yes, the plot Is ns "dumb" as It sounds.
Barbara La Marr is billed as the star of the pre.-entatlon but is con.servatlve in h r donations of acting. Thomas HoldIng. as her husband, gives a fine per-
formance, the only flaws apparently b«»Ing due to the direction which makes him
act simple-minded at times. Flora Le Breton Is splendid as Victorine and Charles Emmet Mack, who plays her husband, is equally gooi The film would be stronger providing it was built around them. Tammany Young, Broadway's
king of gatecrashers. Is cwklng as Bill Hawkes, Blcket's crony. Other players are : Henry Victor, who 1. fair as the artist; Colin Campbell and George

husband marries the good and pure "other woman". Under mo.st circumstances It would flop di.sastrously but in this case the cluiracters are delineated so expertly that tne picture turns out fairly well, This Is rnt--d as a fair attraction from a box-office viewpoint for the larger theaters, but it will be apt to bore other audiences.
The narrative concerns Nadlo, crystalgazer, who meets Joe Woodbury when she delves into the fortune of his unfaithful wife, Eleanor. Their friendship propresses at a party given by Mrs. vVisidbury. The wife^s Jealousy is arou-s* d when, while out with a male friend, she comes across Nadio and Joe In a suppi-r club. Eleanor later tells Nadio that she Is to have a baby, the Information re-
suiting In the crystal-gazer deciding to let Joe alone. Eleanor and her mascullne companion escape from a notorious roadhouse while It Is b«'ing raided by police and she, slightly hurt. Is taken to Nadlo's apartment after Nadio and Dr.
Malllnl, an old friend, find them out in the country. The physician's exatrination
satisfies Nadio that Eleanor has been ly¬
ging to her. She summons Joe and in his resence denounces his wife. The squable concludes with a divorce suit pend¬ ing and Joe and Nadio in love.
A splendid conception of Nadio Is offered by Jacqueline ^Leopgaann, wnho is spirited and genuine. Belle Bennett Is splendid as Eleanor and Clive Brook .plays her husband ably. The remaining

way, w ho is still going down hill. Despite

her efforts to make Conway let llqu ir

alone "he continues along his dampened

path and when his father ^sends him

money to give him another chance he

spe nds the money on a wild party. The

girl, believing that be can make good,

gives him her savings and with the

mone-y he· go»es p-rjosp-e.cjt-i'ngw., He rvetum t .s alter having found gold. Dyer, who has

threatened to kill the girl, appears and

again attacks her. A Mexican who loves

shoots him, and Conway, fearing

the girl will be accused, takes the

blame. However, it works out that Dyer

·'oj dead but rather dead dr^k.

Picture terminates with love scoring

^ bulls eye..

, .


^ As previously Intimated Miss Moora

steals all the honors. Lloyd Hughes la

miscast as Conway but i^esents the best

Possible peyormance under the clrcum-

stances. He la too manfy a type to

P'>rtray the outcast. Kate Price la ex¬

cellent In a charju ter role. Others In

cast are: flene Corrado, Fred Warren,


Norton Bailey,

( ollins and Edna

Irving Cummings direction Is splendid In

some si-enes, weak in others. Tm UBes

and camera work are both good. To-

Reviewed at btrand Theater,

"The Little French Girl"

Paramount has taken Anne Douglu Sedgwick's oonular novel Tka lAttU VreS o"rI.3 mad^from It a mlSIr. ^tely interesting cinema. It Is a picture

his wife. l>ian.a Millcnls go .id as Emily, Mrs. Uiindoliih's friend, who Is experienced in matrimony. Tli« photography and captions are both satUtactory and the direction of the picture by Maurice Elvey is adequate.
Reviewed at Fox projection room. Footage of film. 4,365.

... ^ ,


Phil Rosen did not Improve the story

any by his direction. The photography

and sets are okeh and from the ac-

cumulation of captions the ones In the

vernacular of the London slums are the

w, a.s s


Reviewed at First National projectioo


members of the Jean Hersholt. EXjn^d Mac Dona d. Mathllde Comont and Cissy I- itzgerald. John Ince is the directin'. The picture is lavishly mounted and has normally goM robtlUes.
Reviewed at Colony Theater.
iVhltC Thundet

that will appeal mostly In the better-class houses. In theaters where action is a requlrement It will pull but weakly,
story Itself i» not the picture's strongest Ingredient but rather the actIng and the direethm by Herbert Brenon.
the most part the captions are In good taste, except during a certain
dramatic situation when they follow a

"The Canvas Kisser"



Man WltbODt a Conscience

. PB O

"Your mothv is an abandoned woman"


·* enhanced by a good grade of

photography and sets.

For the edification of those who are mystified by the title. The Canvae Kia»cr, be Informed that the reference Is to the kind of a pugilist who bets money

Warner Brotbets
Practically the only meritorious feature of the Warner Brothers film. The Man IVUkoMt o Conscience, is the acting of

II>* dlstlnct^n offing the years worst pic-
fure. Watfe Thunder^looks like a hangover yom the da^s when the motion pic-
true Indurtry was in the baby carriage

Owen Bradley, captain with the British Expeditionary Forces, spends his leaves jj, France with Madame Vervler, a
fascinating woman of damaged reputatinn. Instead of going to England to see jjjj, fiancee. Topple Westmacott. A few

on his opponent and then fakes a knock¬ M'lllard I.A>ui8, who plays the gentleman

^ ^ Insult to show this moments before the armi.stlcc hecomes ef-

out. Th.« information Is contained in the mentloned In the title. The story is

Miestem before any Intelligent fectlve he Is wonded fatally. Hta younger

lniti.ll laption of this (lerson production familiar, unreal, and has been stretched audience.


, brother, Giles, honors his dying request

ir..i(le f r Renown. The film is of the to make a full-length picture, the feat , Ordinarily a reviewer inspects the act-

^,ring the "little French girl", Allx.

variety in which reality In plot Is sub-
Sordin.it.d to action. It Is a good program icture for the country and neighborhood

being accomplished thru a generous supply of padding. The titles are ordinary and
Itia canirra work Is satipfftctory. This
picture will fall to please in the emaller

of *2®


"`,i . ..T®!

with a charitable attitude, realizing that

most liiins of this class aepena upon

action rather than acting, but ^is one

Madame Vervler's ^daughter, to his mother's home. Giles, who Is In love with
Topple, later brings Allx back to Francs
mother's Invitation. He learns

Jimmy O'Neil is a "canvas kisser" but ctcldes to reform after a boxing commis¬ sioner has blocked his game. With his crc-'kfd manager, Wiggins, he escapes to

houses In a large percentage of cases and has only weak possibilities for the larger theaters.
The story Is built around Amos Mason,

Is beyond the limits of charity. The plot Is cnide and absurd and the subtitles are the kind that draw laughs when they are calculated to ^oduce an entirely dif-

about his dead brother's a.=?KOclaMadame Vervler and also that
Madame Vervler wishes her daughter to marry an Englishman of good position,

the country. Ruth Harkness and her fath- r, w ho are driving home with money belonging to their church, give them a lift. Thl< ves try to get the caah but O'N-II drives them off. After leaving the Hurkne->seii he finds that his i)al has appropriated the money during the ex¬ citement and he returns It.
Ruth's brother, a would-be-boxer. Is
^heduled to fight a reguLtr pugilist. The heavy of the story induces him to bet on hlmwlf and the young chap gets the mces^ttry money by stealing It from his

who, with his little fiancee, comes to New York to make a career. After obtaining some success he discards the girl, Ann. In order to marry Shirley Graves, whose mother Is having a difficult time dodging bill collectora Shirley despu'es him but accepts his proposal of marriage in order to relieve the acute financial situation, His wlfs has a baby for no good reason at all, as far as the story goes, and Girts with a former lover, also without any real benefit to the main theme, Mason's former fiancee is dragged Into

*®^**'t effect. They remind one of the ®lo days of ^ellerdrama on the IcgiL when words were not bandied and simplicity and directness oiunted mo.st. The direction by Ben \N ilson Is absolutely Inadequate. The photography Is fhe best thing about the picture and even this ts below normal.
The story concerns a war between cattlemen and sheepherders during which period Sheriff Richards Is fataRy wounded by some unknown person. His son. Chick, returns from college tj-ans-

yvilx and Giles cross the Ghnnnel again the girl becomes engaged to the scion {Continued on page 54)
"Navy Blue Days' _____

dnd. O'Neil, trying to h-lp straighten the tale later as the wife of an formed Into a foppish lad. Siwn after

^ o R eomedv featnrimr «?»an T.anr«i

tnaltcrs out, fights Harkness to prove architect employed to build a magnificent his return to the old homest^ead a mys-

^e^^Ts a"^ob" Thii Is a sfllv

that ho can lick the out-of-town boxer summer residence for "the man without

^fai^^S which I.aurel mak^^shlm^lf an

and th.it he should take the boy's place a conscience'. The Investment company Ku-KlM stunt. 'uninvited guest at a dinner along with a

in the ring that night. He wins but then headed by Mason goes bankrupt while try r'Phting ^


is tni.' nf up by the heavy's gang and putting over a real estate development the wicked cattlemen. Black Morgan, tne

incidentally arousen the gang of South Americans

t-aki n to their hangout. O'Ne.l escapes project and he Is sought by the police for n«>w

when ^he mq^e® love to a senorlta. ^11

Mlt^h TT.irkneso, who ts wounded. At the mismanagement. For a reason which Is 1®^ *^1^TM ni

nn old stuff widch has no anneal for au-

auditorium the n formed box< r siib.Mltutea not understandanbmlee,. hne calnles Ann to take hmim. Fr lm naalil.yy_ i.tv_l_8 reve«al.ed« tyh.at the ^uu.n.-

the better-class theaters and

and of cour.-e kayos his surprised op¬ ponent. Inelilentnlly he scores a knis'k-
Mtih the girl, who loves him, and the h. ,ivv, ;is Usual, get?* his Just deijerta
III h =rd H'«lt Is Ktiitablu as O'Neil, b«`wum` the role doesn't, require much act¬ ing. U iih Harkness Is played by Ruth Duyir .sufflclenlU- good, tithers In the t^nip.iny are: Btortlmer Snow, Oarry <kl< II snd Edward ("ecll. Duke Worne (lir-i'tid the film, which has entertain¬ ing tdles written mo>'tly In a slangy Vein and normal camera work.
Reviewed at L<k>w'8 New York Theater.
"The White Monkey'*

care of his babbyj as his wife Is in the hospital. The police arrive and arrest

him. M'hen he» Beta out of _ Sin_g S_in_^ a_

few years later his wife, who has

an despised him

thru the story, now loves


Liiuls draws his character cleverly

despite the fact that his actions are

frequently farfetched owing to the

ridiculous si'ript. He makes Mason

ambitious and unscrupulous until the

story starts to become funny uninten¬

tionally. Irene Blch, doing the best she

can In nn impossible role, falls to ellct

sympathy. A younger woman would be

more suited for the role. Others In the

cast are: Koht'rt Agnew, June Marlowe.

^ foppish wnile detecting nis father a


^ v

There Is a girl In the case, the daughter

of » pastor, and she is slated for marriage with Chick at the end of the story.

Yakima Canutt Is iiathetlc In his efforts

to register, Nell Brantley Is pr»`tty but

fails to emote, and, Ls'w Meehan, as the heavy, is comical. Others In the cast

are: William H. 'Turner, George Lesscy

and Kingsley Benedict. Uevlewed at F. B. O. projection room.

Footage of film, 4,550.

" 1 fjg Desert Flower"

which is only mildly diverting to movie-

eoem In th® ``sticks**



"The Honeymoon Limited'*

Po. x Su. ii.i'hl. ne comedy with T.iee Moran and Edna Marion. The plot concerns the plan of a real estate man to provide home sites for honeymoonera and enimages a train for their transportation. A crooked employee tries to upset the proj-
and this afford.s much merriment in the actions of the newlyweds. The heavy succeed in elimin.afing tlie homeseekers,
when the blocking of the project works out fo the advantage of the real

First National Sawyer-Luhin production of The u iittr Monkeu, film version of John

Helen Dunbar and John l^atrlck. James Flood dlrei'ted the cinema.
Revleweil at Broadway Theater. Footage of film. 7,182.
"If Marriage Fails?"

Flrtt NAtkmal
This picture Is all Colleen Moore and nothing else. In The Desert Flower the whimsical little star clowns In her own copyrighted manner and Is more dellght-

estate dealer the hero, who has jii^t dived Into matrimony, t.akes the credit. The comedy has a diverting plot and is better than the usual picture of this type,
"Looking for Sally'

ftii than usual. The film Includes some¬

P. B. o.

thing which is supiMised to be a plot but

'Two-rtn'l Pathe comedy featuring

It doesn't mean anything. In the first Charlos Chase. He arrives in .\merlca to

'i' nienpiare. in addition tig' story Is not oiiivinclng. It is a weak numlx-r `"r the !>· tter-cinss theaters and not at IJil to bo c .iisidered for the smaller noiities.

If Marriage Fails, a C. Gardner Sul¬ livan production made for F. B. O., gin's to pnive.- that a well-known and puny theme can be succes.sfully Injei'ted Into a film provided the picture embraces

place It shows no signs of animation until the film has ri'eled a long time and when It ilix's N'gin to unravel it is too banal to hold one's Interest firmly. It l.s Miss Mcxire alone who makes the cinema a
fine audience picture which will please

marry a girl pi.ked out by ^'omeone el.se and after erroneously in.siiecting the wrong young lady, who Is a flop from a standpoint of heauty. he find.s that the girl he Is whedul.'d to t\ -d Is strong on
looks. Then follows a comic chase ctRh

I he story is about Fleur Foretye Mont, high-calbi'r acting and Intelligent direc- anywhere.

he overtakes and wins the lady. The

bi.itried, who thinks she la in love with tion. The story Is the olden tale of

Maggie Fortune Is living In the desert picture, which Is largely devoted to atap-

hn artist, Wilfred Desert. Innocently domestlc difficulties which ends when the with a .mllroad construction ganji, of stick. Is good entertalnmanC


Film Shorts


67^ .00
·tIU 9 00 _*_I
8.2.50 ^ ·wv nr-ir
tell .*0h»-


rtiUltUint ana naar anaoiunaa priot « tamutiaa ana laa iiaia.

^ National Ticket Co., - Shamokin, Pa.

-- I



. I

. ,,

, ,

their winter uniforms, as patrons are whom the picture is built. The girl was

daily testifying. At Boston the Keith Circuit is planning
to construct three theaters. The Irun Horse is playing a summer

procured thru advertl.-=ing in the dallies for a young woman to impersonate Norma Shearer, the star of the film. More than
60 girls applied. The young woman

engagement at the I'ri'ncess Theater, selected posi d again.-^t a sivcially made

Montreal, this being the initial Canadian lamppost, like the star does in the movie,

run of the picture. The I'rincess. whieii Manager W. E. Drumhar of the Riviera

is ordinarily a vaudeville house, is having helped put the stunt across,

two performances daily.

j, m. McClure, of the Franklin Tlieater,

The Commonwealth Film Service will Oakland, Calif., publicized Contraband

handle the 18 B. P. Schulberg releases thru using the accessory stickers, which

for n* xt season In the New »ork and he placed on the sauce and catsup bottles

Northern New Jersey territory. This will

uie restaurants and other much-fre-

mark Sam Zierler.s fourth year as the quented places of the city. He also put

franchise holuer for this concern's pic- out 400 pint flasks filled with colored

^ t, ,
Film Board of Trade of Buffalo, N. f(»r the ensuing year have been appointed

water. They carried strips advertising the film and also reading. "100 proof-- tlirills and laughs/* The flasks were
placed on counters of cigar stores, restau-

by President Frank J. A. McCarthy: i-ants and in the windows of va<`ant stores.

Transportation. Henry W. Kahn, chair-

The Lafayette Theater. St. Louis, thru

man, Marvin Kempner and Joe Miller;

manager, Joe Greene, and Maurice

fdm theft, L.irl Kranu r, chairmaii; Havis Universal exploiteer, tied up with

Henry W. Kahn and M iniam Rowell; ^he Clown Cigaret Company In putting gratis films, t\ ill lam L. Sherry, chair- over the opening episode of The Great man; ^.a^vln Kemptier and Jimniy Speer; Cirrug ifustetp. The "smokes" company

rt^^^'tition, Ri`>=tl Brady, chairiiian; furnished a tent which Gre. ne pitched In

Karl Kramer and Col. Howard b. Brink; front of his house for "atmosphere" and

housing, C. M. Anthony, chairman; Syd- also 75 clown suits, with which he clothed

ney Samson, Irank McCarthy and Henry neighborhood kids and his ushers for a


.. T.- . street parade. In return for a line of

Sofus Berg, general manager for First advertising at the bottom of 2.000 circus

National in Scandtnavia. and Svein Asas, ii^ralds, which Greene used as throw-

exchange nianagcr In Oslo. Norway, are away-s, the cigaret concern paid for his

in New Jork conferring with Foreign Manager E, Bruce Johnson of I* Irst Natlonal on a niw program of distribution
for their territorvr

heralds and printing.



newspaper tieup was

Lewis, publicity director

^ of the

George W. Erdmann has bten made manager of the Producers* Distributing Corporation office at Cleveland.
Members of the Motion Picture Sales-

Strand The^er, Syracuse, N.

In con-

nectlon with the display of CJasaif^^

^ week ahead of the showing The

^pracuse Journal printed a facsimile of a

men's As.^ociation of Albany, N. Y., are telegram from Corinne GnfQth. star of gratified by the success of their second the picture, requesting The Journal to


(CoHlinurd from page 53)

of an aristocratic family, but th*< eiigaR«.

mcnt is broken whe^ the young f,,!,'.

mater learns of the history of Alix's

mother. Hy this time Topple, mourninK for her lost lover, Owen, has entm-d 5 convent. Giles follows Allx to France for

happy ending.

Alice Joyce, altho her beauty prevents

ber from appearing ··damagt'd", is ef'-

fective as Madnme Vervler. Mary Hrlan

as Allx, provides an unbelievably fini

I'crformance. About the best thing a re.

vlewi'r can say concerning a plavor u

that he Is real and Mary Brian. Is cer-

tainly real In this role. Another excel-

lent performance comes from K.sther

Ralston playing Topple. Miss Ralston

aIsctsrpeesesdily developing Into a really clever Nell Hamilton does Giles Brad-
;'* rt'-y. Others In the c&rt are-

Anthon;*** J·owltt. Jane Jennings, Mildred

Ryan, Maude

Tl.I`iu,,leerrunanune..uorrirGSoouhrdeoultno.un,PaM aumlauD Trnioc-cue.-ceCGt(annon.

Hurley and Mario Majeronl.


Reviewed at Kivoll Theater ^f film, 6,628.



I MOTION PICTURE PrlMS RUht. fti-tta* IHItTwy.


10 HsniW strwt.




?tM Blf Ctul«, M pafM. cbMk foil of BiintiM. Bit B,t)^t Outm Utt. win oc wrltti


Dearborn and Washinston,

Chleaflo, III.

Tbtr Sra tikt Nr*.
Bobm ml btrtilat too eraart afford to or*look. Wrlio for our OIBCT.'IXR coaplHo lift ot Uarbinti tod Supplloa. MONA&TB TBBATKB BUFPLT CO.. OVL i. Monibla. TWiantw.

.SaaR Capital Starts Yoa


from his oMm BiotographStudio

HlJ Y(,y BiMd
£ Mf--Ryflv

"My tDi»iar do* rrontor frae Voe to ii.ooff · *t*k." wm* Mlclwrl Otlle, otio a*Do Kit ooa photoertphto otudlo oa ftiblontbio riftb Aronuo. Vo* Tort Ho eddi: "My ponnlt rtu.im
.BO M aoeb m 12)0 t

tf! ^

Uundndt of othtrt tro Mnint

^ bit UMOi* rTorrwhm. Amitlat

trowtb Of Fnrntionil Phoiotn-

pliy offora rhaan of t lirMtmol Bttl> oolorlod pool*

lion or r wr uwa butlaoti, t20 to $7) t ««rt ib

optn lliul

Learn At Home 0

No pr.Ttou, otpcrlnoo or opwitl


·blllty nwJ«L Now, .ugr ninho(S f

DtkM you · rrolMtlontl Photaertphw In optn houro ,t homo. Fa-

11 lA

I m


nwut onwrit of Nr* Tort Inttitulo

rj l

of l-hotocrarfiy tnln you by mill.

· *

All hnnrhn; Mol Inn mrturo. Por-

Irtlturo. C>mB,rH,l, vnrt Photof

raphy. Barn whilt latmlnt.


Pletur* Vlow

/T S Mffl t. AluJ

Tour elMt'e tbanlulaly fror. Mndun Plolura Ctioera takea rMl Motion Plclurt, on alaiulard prorrttlonal Aim uiM tv all theatre*. View Camera It la'aat profetiional mn.lrl for all at III phociertptiy: tenuino antotlamat Ian*
Handaoma bit naw bonk explalne womletful npportunitlee; poi'tloni paylnt tSO to |2S0 a week: how to atari your own builnata; how to earn ranney In tptre lima. Send pootrtrd or lettw t.>dty for FRKB BOOK and fret Cimer* uffer.


If you prefer

to coma to our

New York <w

CUlcato Studio, for periontl In

at met Ion, day or

·Ttnint ciaarto.

writ# for Caia-

lof B-M to near

Mt addreit. M'


Mih St.

Now York. N Y.. or «3(» S

WabtRi Aranua.

Cbl.ato, 111.


the peat form ·^ n.\y/





fCommunication* to 3f S. Dtaiboin St., Chicago, tU.)

Conservation of the Platform

Deatb of Dr. Frank Dixon

Chautauqua Time

People of the Platform

I had the pleasure last week of speak¬

ing bilore a nun's club of the flrat M.

E, Churih of Englewood. The dale came

to me thru the kindly courtesy of Jess

Puuh who h.id been secured for the oo-

caiiiun and then found It Impossible to go A splendid buneh of listeners! That

cliib will use a siieaker or entertainer

frequently next season. I suspect that

there are more than a thousand organize-

I etis in Chicago that depend upon plat¬

form people In the same way. As the r.iatter now stands these dates are picked

up in a hlt-or-nilss fashion. The same

I II.; i." true of aO or more Other cities

in the Unit* J States.

Tile (| u>tion of making of the I. E C.

A. off e a gr<at cU-ariiiK house for

wjioIes.ile b<H>kiiig and pos.sibly fur loe.il

u.iti li.i.s ofttn been discussed. Hut

nothing \ital has ever b«'en done In the

.. 'ilie truth is, 1 iniagiiie, that \eu and I who would must benetit from

viah an arrangement have nev« r done our

part to n. ke such an arrangement posi.:ble. The I. L. C. A. office needs a

*t.nogr.ipher, nnd a girl could be kept

busv in Ju.-Jt such Work If every plat-

foriiii.-t would co-operate. It Is not f -r

me to .s.iy just what should be done.

But I believe that a vast numlx-r of h>,-.i

tMM.k.ni-'s might he made In Clue;.go and

many In other cities by such an m rang.-

ment. It Is just possible tliut some ona

field, such as the commen.-enient fhid and 'he county institutes, might be left

to th.it org.inization. I do not believe that any bureau is sufficiently interested

in i.ilnr of those fields to make any objt. 'i'in. Even a small busiti'.ss of that

sort rvould pay the expense of the extra

help and h-ave Air. Kramer fr' .· to do

niiirc impiirtant work. This surge.-tioii

has not been made to me by any one.

i'.ih..ps It would not meet with the ap¬

proval of the organization. 1 make it

because It seems to me that It would

save a phitform waste. Kiwanis Club dates. Rctary, co-operative cluh.s lodger,

et". might be Included In such a cam¬


Of course, to make anything of that sort effective It would have to hive the

rnders meirt of both bureaus and platformlsts and a co-operation which wouM

be at once definite and helpful. It should

be so organized that there would never

b' .my competition with any bureau or booking agency recognized by the I. E C. A.

Many of the clubs In the cities do not

pay anything at present for dinner talks.

A wfll-conducti d campaign might gradu¬

ally fstaldish a small fee for that sort of pl.itform endeavor. As these clubs

1' uiid tiiat they could alw ays get splendid

numbers by paying merely a small fee,

that emnomlc wrong of asking profes¬

sional js ople who imike th*dr living ujhui

ihu pl.itform inlght bo correciid to ;i sm.ill ixti-nt at lea."*t. Most people feel letter satisfied If they pa.v reasonably

I t what they get. Clubs are no excep¬

tion to thi.-, rule if the right appeal is nmde to them.

Th. re are tnanv ways In whU'h such a

c.mipHign of : on.<cr\;itlon might be h.in-

dl d ;iinl bi. (ime a source of a very small r ' nil*' to the a.ssociation. sufficient at

le;'st to rei>.iv It for the tin^e and work

< xp< ndi d. 1 believe that no bureau wouUI

restn! paying a small fee to the as.soclatioTi f..r si'curing an attnn tion on emerg-

er.'v for chautaui|ua or lyceum. The

I'lire.nm natiirall.v are not anxious to ob¬

tain attra.'tlons thru a third i>arfy and

I'ly '··iiciilssion where they can just ns " 1 (? ;il direi f. Hut there are times

With every bureau when they will gladl.v p.iv for Mieh a service.

Purir.g the year and a half which I

..ii'hicted .his page I h.ive made a siii re :.tte;n))t to make every utterance

il'r '.'''fy stiggestlon thorolv constructive. I. I hive ever given piihlioltv to a single

ive tlinught It has been unlnfcntlpn;i]. I have never worn a gag or bliie-

P'n 1.1| iin\tiling for tn»Te jiollcy. I

bav.. b. Ileycd that every btm nu manager

.A.rv iil.-itformist was genuinolv In 'nra. f |n wl.'-hlng. hoping and working

tor ti,p ultimate best Interests of the A'i)er.^,.:,j, pbitform as a whole. I shall

pr' li.ililv not be .at the head of the depart-

|>"nt Very much longer. Solid time on

I'"' ' I'.'iiitiiununs, n he.avy booking next


" possible trip to China make

|l 'hffli tilf foi me fo keep It up. If It

n:ippi M that 1 nhi oblig* i1 to sevTr this

·'nn-cilon I have Just one desire--that ';xerv member of the 1. E C A. will

work I have done was

' `''I' builder. I hope that the above siL'i-i lion will be taken In the s.ame P o I believe It Is a good suegestton

Ij that might he.ir fru't which "iiul .idd to the pleasure nnd flie profit  Platform people In general.

Olosun bs In North Dakota filling "I'*`P time of some of the Colthn'n/ ^Pdf'pendent Chautaaqun attrac-

The announcement of the death of Dr. Frank Dixon came as a shock to all mem¬ bers of the I. E. C. A. We were able to publish a portrait last week and a simple atinouriceiiient. We liave been unable to obtain up to this time a suitable article In regard to the life and work of Dr. Dixon. The following letter sent by Dr. i'aul Pearson gives additional In¬ formation, however. I>r. Pearson says :
'1 am writing this just after the fnneral service.s of Frank Dixon, which w. re held at the home In Brooklyn at 9 :30 this morning. Dixon had been sb k for five We ks with shifting pneumonia, which Is (lifficnlt, if not impos.sible, to cure, so I am told. When tlie affected siM.t In one jiart of the lung Is heab d an¬ other spot apiiears at a iioint far re¬ moved from the affected area. Prank'.s son, Oeorge. who is a practicing physician In Brooklyn, was in con-stant attendance and supplemented bis servicfi with that of the most skilled specialists In New York. Frank was onl.v 59, but on examin.itlon they found he had a body of 80. 80 that he had only the chance of a man of 80 to pull thru.
"A.s I knew the family well Mr. Dixon kept me Informed and Saturday morning they wired that the end was exiiected that day. He died at 2:30 ji m. Saturday.
"Murray Dixoh of Birmingham. Ala., was with his father at the last, as was the daughter Barbara, who is a senior at Columbia. The oldest son. Max, an engineer. Is In Alexioo and could not be reached.
"The funeral service was attended only bv the family. Thos. Dixon was there and the two sisters. A.i C. Dixon is at the point of death in a hospital in Balti¬ more. A simple but impressive service was read by a former classmate of Frank's at Hartford Theological, who also read a few verses at the crematory chapel, where we drove after the service at the house.
"Mrs. Dixon will continue to live at IfiS St. Johns Place. Brooklyn, and B.arhnra and George will make their home with her.
Another Platformist Gone
The death of former Vice^resident Ti.i'iim.s R. Ma»hall has taken from the American platMrm another notable fig¬ ure. Ho was another of those statesmen who could see the Importance of the Chau¬ tauqua and the lyceum in forming and correcting public opinion, and his every utterance was filled with that spirit of wise patriotism which realizes that every platform utterance should be filled with t-onservative wisdom rather than with that glorification of American Institutions intended nn-rely to tickle the national egotism of the casual listener.
Indiana has furnished to the American platform n notable list of orators, and Ihe State Is as famous for Its speakers as It Is for Its literary eminence. Hon. Thumas R. .Marshall was an Indianian both by birth .and temperament. His career as governor of the State was notable for the wise legisl.ttlon of that commonwealth looking toward the moral and physical welfare of Its people. His two terms as vice-president brought noth¬ ing of the spei facular. He was never a seek* r tif the limelight. Yet there have h-en few statesoun who occupied that IM.sitlon with more conservative, con¬ structive ability
The AitHorintrii Pecss, In Its announce¬ ment of his death, gave the following paragraphs In regard to his mental habits:
"Mr. Marshall was a good story teller and nothing delighted him more as vicepresident than to steal out of the senate chamber Into his private office, smoke a pljH! and entertain friends by reciting Instances of his experiences as a country lawver,
"Air. Marshall was an omniverous read¬ er, but as he once cxpresscil to a friend, 'not at all a thoughtful reader.* He had a penchant for detective or my.stery stories and frequently sat up all night to com¬ plete the reading of a tale.
"He also was a Bible stndcnt and often times, while serving ns vice-president, could be seen sitting In his office reading friiin the little vest-fsH-ket testament which he always carried. Of moderate financial circumstances he was always In¬ terested In educational, church and charitable work"
As fo his pl.itform work there are few of the platform jw'ople wly have not listened In his addresses with phcisure. He lectured for the Eoar ludijs'iident ChautauquHS for several seasons nnd i>n several of the circuits, as well as ui>on the lyceum courses. Every' pl.itformist mnv well be proud to have be< n a coworker with one who was at the .same time so eminent, so Interesting and so useful.

I had a little visit with Robert O. Bowman the other day. He called on me at the Lorraine, and, as he sat clialtiiig, he said; "You know I am not on the chautuuquas this summer. 1 ueglect'-d the matter until it was too late, due to some sickness in my home. I thought It would be a good thing fur me to take a vacation for one summer. But now, as the time is at hand when so many of the chautauquas are beginning to give their services to the various communities, I atn unea^^ and I know that 1 shall miss the fellowship, the inspiration and the lure of the great annual Chautauqua pilgrimage. If any opportunity should come to me at this Tate day..! know 1 wouid change my plans and go."
Several of the circuits have been at work for weeks. Others will op' n their tents in the near future. All over the land the people of every w;ide-awake, worth-while community are either look¬ ing forward to the feast which is to come or still talking about the good things they have had. Those of us who are in close touch with the business are wont to criticize this or that, and especially do We love to criticize those men or In¬ stitutions which seem to have the future of the American platform in their hands. It gives one such a comfortable feeling to broadca.st what we believe to be the mis¬ takes of -the other fellow. But I have noticed that whene ver a platformist be¬ comes a manager in a very few months at least he is following the same path that others are treading. No Chautauqua manager has ever vet given as good a
?rogram a.s he would like to give. But
believe that almost every manager is giving a£ good a program as he can possibly give under bis own circum¬ stances.
The Swarthmore Chautauquas have is¬ sued a great many little leaflets which they send everywhere, each one with some little message of cheer wliich will do some one some good or will strike an optimistic note in regard to the In¬ stitution of the Chautauqua. I esp»-cially liked one of these leaflets which I read recently, because It seemed to humanize the whole institution. It was a short utterance by Frederick William Wile, and 1 am reproducing it because I think you. too. will like It. It is as follows:
"If ever I wanted to launch a crusade for the right in this virile nation of ours, if I wanted to reach the heart and soul of .America on a great moral issue. If I wanted to stir the emotions of the people at the real fountainhead of na¬ tional inspiration I would steer wide of the cities with the teeming, tempestuous millions and make straight for `main street' in Chautauqua towns.
"Democracy In our country is essential¬ ly of the small town. I thought It a splendid thing as I strolled thru the shaded streets of Marlon that we are accustomed habitually to go to such com¬ munities for our Presidents. Only a few of them were N'rn and reared In the atmosphere of greiit cities. Warren G. Harding was not only brought up in a ch<iut:iii<iua town. He himself was of our splendid fraternity of Chautauqua devo¬ tees and held forth with distinction In the big brown tents. Chautauqua, we see, has at len.'th climbed to the stars. We h.ive reached the White House.'*
It seems to me that the most eloquent and convincing proof of the Inherent value of the Chautauqua'Institution is the facts that such men as Warren G. H.irding. President T.ift. Vice-President M.trshall and a host of others wore will¬ ing to give their time, their power and their Influence in fostexing a movement which brings an Influence so fine and so cultural to almost every community
In the land.
.\nd now as the hlg brown tops are going up like luushriKinis nil over the l.ind. as fiddles are tuning for the grand pilgrimage, as committees are working tn fill the loeal people with that enthusi¬ asm which Ls always necos.sar.v to in;>ke any community project a succe.s.s. every one of us has the urge to get out .and take a part in the great work. In 10.000 towns, where little homes ni-stlc .imong the flowers, whore the arching elms hi-ntl over "main streets", where village lo.ifers
sit around at night and criticize "the best little town oil earth--the home town", where young people who will have the Weight of the world on their sluuihiers are waiting for the Inspiration which will lead them into ways of tisefuln«ss. the chautaiiipia will go with its me.'-s.igc of j-heer and encouragement. It Is a wonderful responsihility for the program huildi-r and an equally great r' p-iisibility for the platformist to st) build e.u h lirograni and frame 'each tiltciaince fh.it evi-ry listener will go away from the tint with' higher idi.ils and a firmer defqrmlnafion to do his part In giving serv¬
ice to his family, hitt nome town and his home land.
We may laugh at the "bunk", we may

Jo(l Eastman
Most every one knows Joel Eastman. The Danvtlle (ind.) Jiepubhean describes him as follows:
"AnioiiK speakers Joel Eastman Is unique. His speech is not a reflection of other men's thoughts and ideas, nor Is his manner of delivery an imitation of other sj>- akers' methfids. He is distinct¬ ly a thi.-iker who builds a balanced and symmetrical superstructure of truth upon a foundation tliat goes far below the sur¬ face to bedrock. He commands instant attention by Ids evidi nt strength of char¬ acter and mind. He possesses a droll sense of liumor which lightens the most serious discu.sslon. Audiences like the man for himself enjoy his way of speak¬ ing, his original phraseology and are thrilled with conviction and enthusiasm because of his earnestness and evident sincerity. He has spoken in every State in the Union. In Canada and New Zea¬ land, and always his hearers quickly dis¬ cern the ability of the man to get at the heart of the problem he is discussing and appreciate his accurate and convincing analysis. Mr. Eastman'.s subject will be Educating Jot Democracy."
Boy! Page Mr. Bryan I The morning paper states that Dr. J. C. Merriara, of the Carnegie Institute, Washington. D. t*.. is lecturing on Are the Daya of Evolu¬ tion Ended? He should be told that they are--in Tennessee. Dr. Merrl.im and I grew up In the same little Iowa town, and we were chums in the old days. Many a Saturday afternoon we hunted for fossils along the Maquoketa River. Today, having followed his boyhood pastifne he is one of the great scientist.-i of America, better known in his chosen field of paleontology than almoat any other authority. He is a shining exampi · of the Importance to the boy or girl of choosing that vocation In life from which they will get the greatest Joy and for which they are best fitted.
Community Chautauquas
We recently published programs of the Community Chautauquas, but the pro¬ gram of tne big st.x-day circuit was not included. We publish It herewith:
, First day: Children's hour; musical prelude by the Philippine tjuurtet and The Psychology of Laughter by Charles Alilton Newcomb. Second day: Chil-' dren's hour: musical and dramatic enter¬ tainment by the Community Players; Take the Sunny Side le.-ture-recital by Arthur Holden, and in Walked Jimmy, a comedy in four acts. i>re.scnted by the Community Placers. Tliird d;iy: Chil¬ dren's hour; concert and Yc Olde Tymcra, with the Imperial Ryncopators; .Vu.sicat Contrasta by the Imperial Syncopators, and Chorda and Discords, lecture by Henry Black Burns. Fourth day: Chil¬ dren's hour; the Lombard Entertainers; Educating for Democracy, lecture by Joel W. Eastman; entertainmefit prelude by the Lombard Entertainer;!, and Ameri¬ ca's Ilrritaae and Ita Keeping, bv Edwin P. Morrow, ex-governor of Kentucky. Fifth d:iy: Children's hour: musical pro¬ gram by the Ma< Murr.iy-Kai kley Qompany; Ren Hur, dramatic recital by Ar¬ thur Mil '.Murmy. and Ilia Honor, Abe Potash, comedy-drama, by the Mac.Murray-Kackley Company. Sixth day: Chil¬ dren's hour; musical dramatizations by junior chaufauquans,» and u mufleal pro¬ gram and grand concert by the Chicago Concert Company.
criticize the "art", we may carp at the "finance", and we may growl at the la< k of aiMireciation of our own offering. But the fact remains that^there Is no greater Inspiration for fine, clean living, for com¬ munity regeneration .ind national Ideal.s today than that offered by the chaut.niqua. Its value to any community cannot be calculated In dollars. The loss fo the community whlcli neglects its opportunity can not be figunil by arithmetic or calculus. Its growth along conscientioii lines will make of .Vnierica a better Ian I In which to live. Its decay would mean a civilization wliich Is beginning to seek the level of om-world countries that lack in ideals. In altruism and in service.
Perhaps some <Iiv some one will origi¬ nate something belter than the rhauiau<pi.i for all this, but the fact remains that up to this time nothing hitter has been offend, \utomobiles. radio. |>honogr.ipt s. movies--all fine tilings in their way -- haxc not taken the place of the Chautau¬ qua a.s creators of ideals or as builder.s of character. The Chautauqua Is an In¬ stitution as valuable as It Is unique and one which America can not afford to do without.


The Billboard

June 13, 1925

The Passing of Ex-Gov. Hoch
Tl.o Ki'ini reap* r has bt-en very busy fliiritiK the past two weeks in tlie ranks


COMPLETE LINE OF LEICHNER'S AND STEIN'S MAKE UP. W* Make end Rant CMtuaaa of All DeaorlptlMt,

the Miami Valley Chautauqua which i* to be held at Chautauqua, O., and which is one of the old cluuit.iuqua In.stltutlons of the country, will offer this year one of the most remarkable programs which

of the people of the platform. I have mentioiii d ehsewhere the passing of Frank Dixon and former Vice-l'resident Mar¬ shall, and now, jVist as we are goin^ to t)re8s. word comes of the death of former Governor E. W. Iloch, of Kansas.
This sad event came suddenly as a re¬ sult of heart trouble at his home in Marion, Kan., June 1.
He was governor of Kansas for two terms and previously he bad served in the Kansas House of Uepresefitatives, being sneaker pro tern, (luring his last term. For years Governor Hoch was one of the big features in Chautauqua and lyceum circles and naturally all platformIsts counted him as one of their friends.
Until ,a few years ago Mr. Hoch was editor and proprietor of The Marion Herord. which he had edited since 1874 and which is now In charge of his son, 'Wal¬ lis Hoch.
News Notes

MINSTREL AX1> .LMATEt'B SHOWS aitca "Apwlar' AnanUoo A : >1. H X at Jack Weber'a Pamou* `'ni,ACK PACE" MAKE-LT Mot IB U. S. end Canada for 2^.
Send for new Pltoa Llata.


llt-120 NORTH FRANKLIN STREET, (Ntw Addraaa)

CHICACO. ILLINOIS. Pkaaa. Slatt kftO.

make her headquarters in her present otbee and will be back with the firm again in September.
Bedford, Mas.s., rvcitntl.v put on a Safety First program that elicited a great deal of favorable comment. It coiisi.sied of addre.sse.s and of Uem.ln^t^ations b.v the local Ih>v scouts. The Mrrcnt'ii of that city sa\.s:
"One of the most interesting bits of information cropi>ed out when Mr. McBrayne said Five o'clock in the after¬ noon i.s the wor>t time for accident.s. In the morning everybody is wide awake and feeling fine. But in the afternoon all

and advised the present generation to get la w ideas. He declared some men are not willing to get new ideas. The staiidpatttr, be .'-aid. Is the man who lets .somebody <dse do his thinking for him. He said that if a man is different from everyl'od.v else that man will be dis kired to bo either a genius or u fool, but he will have to die to find out about it. This year's forum has been the most siiecessful one .vet conducted by the forum committee of the two organlratioiis. It is the seventh consecutive vear that forums have been conducted by these organizations."

has ever been pre.sented there. Middletown is an entt rprislng town and it speaks for the management of the Chautauqua that surrounding communities are willing to co-operate with the  hautamiua inanagomont and boost for its ui*ces3. The Xrwit gives a fine ac¬ count of tbo program and completes it with the following fine indorsement:
"Tile supcTiority of tlie Miami V'alley Chautauqua is not qtiostloned by isT-dtis familiar with pliic*s aiqsallng to (he public for support. Its equal is to be found at but f«>w places in the whole country, and then at a marked iucrc.age in ( xpen.so. The claim has long b. a to furnish the best program given in an equal length of time at h-ss expense than can be found elsewhere. As Is well known these are the only grounds in ihe State, bought, owned and ojaTated solely for Chautauqua tuiriioses. The mantigement assures the growing numb, r of friends and gu.-sts that it Is deeply ap¬
preciative of Jbe permanent and Increas¬

are hurrying liome, they speed up and get

Rev. <"hester Rircli. who for more than ing success OT itj' efforts to furnish pro¬

carele!-s. Watcli out for accidents after a score of years has lieeii iinmiinently grams and helpful vacations. The amuse¬

I do not often copy from the Swarth- 4 o'clock in the afternoon.'

identified with the platform and evangel¬ ments and entertainments are wholesome.

more News ^Letter, because it reaches so

``Stati.etics show that 10 per cent of istic pulpit. Is spending a few months in The moral. Intellectual and religious in¬

many of our platform people, but the pedestrians are careless all the time, the St. Ixiuls, doing various forms of com¬ struction is given by acknowedged lead¬

following verse which appeared in that speaker stateii. He referred to this class munity speaking, playing his cornet, and ers. A glance at the rich program will

sheet (I do not know the author) seems as the `nui,' pedestrians, and added that spreading the gospel of the ch.autaiiqua. reveal the fact that no expense has bwn

to me to be wnrth.v reacling a second it would be well for their own good If In I.,os .Xngele.s, a new restricted resi¬ siiared In .securing the very be«t orators

time, so I am copying it. It is entitled: they took out imnirance and made out dential district of St. I^uis, lie has heliied and l.N^turers the country affords. There

The Prayer of a fiptirinman, and is as their wills at once.

I to organize a oommunity church, and is is also the best music with the finest


"Mr. McBrayne said that the trouble promoting occasional platform programs readers, singers, moving pictures, novel¬

"Dear Lord, in the battle that goes thru life,
I ask but a field that is fair, A chance that is equal with all in the
strife, A courage to strive and to dare; And if 1 should win, let it be by the code With my faith and my honor held high; And if I should lose, let me stand by the
road And cheer as the winners go by!"

with most of us Is that we u.se our feet more than our heads. He asserted that it would be better to have control over all p.arts of the body at all times?, and to 'do our thinking upstairs.' ''
C. E. Booth returned to Chicago re¬ cently after .spt'udlng several weeks in Topeka, Kan., where he was engaged in the promotion of a hospital project. .Ap¬ proximately $100,000 was raised during the drive for that purpose.

there. He hop»>s to establish an In¬ dependent Chautauqua in that .`<ectlon. if the home-owners .show enough interest. Many platformists who know Mr. Birch speak of his restless energy, as well as his ideals and genial itersonality.
TjancaMer, S. C., oiiened its fifth Bedpath Cbaiitnuqua Alay 8, the Coll> g,Singing Girls opening the program. The Sews of that city sjieaks of their work as follows: "The College Singing Girls

ties, and all that goes to the building of a unique and delightful program. For those who attend there Is an assurance that the days that follow will bring pleasant memories of a vacation worth while".

Dr. Charles D. Isaacson is making a short tour of the South investigating musical conditions. He recently was the guest of Indianapolis during their music week, having been brought to that city by the Chamber of Commerce and the various local art bodies. While there he spoke at all the schools. He recently spoke before the banquet of the New Britain, Conn., Mtisic Club. He was en lour for the Hlnshaw Opera Comique, following his work for'the Chicago Civic Opera.
/ y Dr. Frederick Losey, who for several
seasons lectured upon the Radcliffe Chautauquas, is lecturing before the high schools of the larger towns of New York.

Fred High has been in Minnesota for the past week filling engagements for the University of Minnesota.
R. E. Morningt«tar has been down in IVest Baden attending a musical convention at that resort and represent¬ ing a list of musical features.
Mrs. C. E. Booth, of the Midwet>t Burecu of Chicago, is in a Chicago hos¬ pital with the possibility of an operation ahead, which her many friends are hop¬ ing will not be neces-sary. She has been in entire charge of the bureau since C. E. entered Into his new work with the Electric Light & Bower Corporation.

rendered a lively and tunful program of songs and dances, featuring college girls, Scotch. Dutch and Indian songs and dances. The last named In brilliant cos¬ tumes of red. blue, gold and brown was especially pleasing, while the selections from that ever-p<ipular comic opera Florodora, made a decided hit. The Chautau¬ qua has been well attended from the ojieniug program and the artists and lecturers have carried out their program.s with zest and enthusiasm that char¬ acterizes Redpath attractions".
The lecturer for the first day was former tJovernor Nestos, of North Dakota. He remained in Chicago for sev¬ eral weeks before the opening of the sea¬ son. and I found him to be a most charm¬ ing gentleman. Of his work-'Tlie Sews

Saxophone VtrtuoM

Exaimt of all instrumrrt, to pht and on« of the meet bt^utifu. Tliree tint leaaooa lent free giT, you a quick euy start. In a few week, you can be playing popular
tunea. You can take your oIm to a band or orebettra in 90 dayt. If you ao desire. Most popular In-
atrument for dance orcbcstiaa, home sntertainnents, rbureh. lodge and school. A Saxopboas player is always popular socially and nas many opportonitiaa la ram money.

He usually remains a week in a place and his addresses consist of Shakespear¬ ean interpretations and the .subject of good English. Dr. I»aey has occupied prominent positions on the faculties of the University of Nebraska, the Univer¬ sity of Alabama and Syracuse (N. Y.) University.
Dr. James Hardiq Smith, w-ell known on the platform sMme years ago, is giv¬ ing his entire time to the new DeMar Presbyterian Church, St. Uouls, and la much b< loved by his congregation. With characteristic modern lyceum vision, he is Introducing institutional features in his church. Biblical motion pictures, pageants and recitals taking the place of a sermon on Sunday evenings. Big au¬ diences attend his church.
A recent number of a bureau organ says: "- thursdayed at home." Pretty bad as an example of Chautau¬ qua English, it it not?
Frank Gamel Is to .`-pend his summer in a boys' camp in Pennsylvania.
!) The Swarthmore Disability Association id fl.r),")'.! on 11 claims and is refundL- 52 cents on the dpllar to its members, fine record.
Rev. Mack Williams, pastor of the Alameda I'aik Communitv Church (Con¬ gregational). Portland, tire., writes us: "I read your department in The Billboard almost as faithfully as I do some re¬ ligious journals and wish you much suc¬ cess." It is a very gratifying thing that so many o? the ministers of America are regular readers of The Billboard. I am honestly trying to make this department stand for all the best ideals of the plat¬ form, and, thanks to the co-operation of many fine platformists, I am sure that these efforts are appreciated.

I have been reading some good things about Oney Fred Sweet and his lecture. Ill the Other Fellovfa Shoes. He is on the Ellison-White Circuit just now and a recent clipping from. The Daily Press, Brenham, Tex., said: "To newspaper people the most interesting feature of the entire Chautauqua was Oney Fred Sweet's lecture, Iti the Other Fellow's Shoes, and everybody in this office got unusually busy and speeded up operations Saturday so as to get the paper out early and be on hand to hear this clever and talented young newspaper man. In his wide ex¬ perience of holding down 100 other fel¬ lows' jobs Mr. Sweet found niuch that was humorous, much that was instruc¬ tive, much that was dramatic--and he told of his adventures in a manner th,at thrilled and entertained his audience. His philo.^ophy of life embraces the one great thought: 'Be a master at your job; if you are only a dog catcher strive to be the BEST dog catcher there is! Strive' to reach the highest point of efficiency; do your best in whatever job you are called upon to fill.' Your view¬ point of your job makes all the difference in the world, stressed the lecturer, who closed with the story of the three brlcklayeiE who were asked what they were doing. The first said `I am laying bricks,' the second 'I am making $5 a day,' the third 'I am building this cathedral.' Mr. Sweet has a message that is unique even In Chautauqua, which strives to appeal to people of every class and taste, and his talk was enthusiastically received.''
One always rejoices to hear of old friends. Dr. David D. Vaughan of the Social Welfare Department of Boston University was formerly pastor of the Second M. E. Church of Aurora. HI. It was due to hIs/ help that I was able to go to France, the Arctic and the Orient. He is one of the big nien of the platform, as well as a most capable Instructor. He recently spoke before the Forum of the

said :
"The lecture by Hon. R. A. Nestos, former governor of North Dakota, on the Rrspoiisihilitics of Leadership, was a splend d presentation of the qualities necessary for leadership in any line of ende.avor. His address dealt very, largely with political conditions in the Northwest and reference to the activities of the Non-
parfl.'-Ttn League, which the sp*`aker .sSld was really a Socialist and Commtmlst movement camouflaged as the FarmerLabor party by Russian propagandists and he warned his hearers against allow¬ ing their vicious doctrines to gain a foot¬ hold in the South",

^elen Keller has, for years, been one

of the b<o't known and be.st loved iieople

of the platform. She has recently re¬

ceived a well-merited tribute. The Bir-

minpham (Ala.) Age-Herald tells the

stoi^ as follows:


"Helen Keller has won again!

"Alabama, her home 5?tate, has paid

her the highest tribute which could ha\>*

been accorded an.v one of her native sons

or daughters. Helen Keller has been

universally acclaimed one of the State'.s

most distinguii'hed citizens.

"The announcement came as tlie grand

surprise of The Alabam.a Hall of Fame

· ontest, conducted by the Birmingham

Junior Chamber of Commeive. Mis.s

Kelle^, who_^ow is in Califnrflla, ex¬

pressed complete .surprise and joy when

notified of her election by the iKtard of

judges from New York.

"Wherever the name of Helen Keller

Is mentioned. Instantly there


to mind the glorious battle which she

has fought against seemlngl.v insur¬

mountable handicap.s. She has b.>en held

as the most outstanding example of liv¬

ing optimism thTH the countrv ever has


"Having been without hearing and withoTit sight ^in(e she was la months

Six Days' trial and tasf

tfoymsnts arranged.


FreeSaxophone Book
Shows all Bueschcr models and gissa first IsaaoB chart: also pictures of famous profcasionals and orebastras. Just send your name for a copy. Mcctioa any other inatrument in which you may be interrstsl.
I itrylhing In Band and Orchtslra Inttrurmnis
·36 BiMMiMr Blocks Klkhart, ladlcM

$1.00 COSTUMES $1.00

Far Mlnttrsl Shews, Musical Shews, Missusrsdss. ete. Far RsstsI Osly.
Also Wire. Maks-rp and Osrythlng la Miastrsl supplies.
"THE BEST FOR THE MONEY" Money bark if not satlifled.

Send 8« la stamps for fSugttstloos sad Ptiss I Jet


Bm 3U.

HtvsHilll. Mass.

"The Clever Girls From Dixie''
A real ontiTt.ilnrnent. Harmony, Sing¬ ing. I'lunuloKUi's, Crayon Drawings. Costume Songs and KctiJlngs. Comedy sketch, 'The Bashful Child". Imper¬ sonations, Whistling Solos and Piano Accordion. Address

Tiferth Tsreal Synagog at New Bedford. old, she lias had a most nuspieioiis care. f.

A "Labqr Chautauqua" was held re¬ Mass., and TJ/e Sfrrrnry of that city

cently at Nanty GIo, Pa., and it is speaks of the address as follows:

reported that 15,000 jteople attended the

"Prof. Vaughan's subject was .Ameri¬

She has gained an Infernatlonal reputa¬ tion for her eontrihutlons to literature, seienee iiiul fli.> rehabilitation of thou-


parade and seesions of the main d.-iy. can Ideals. He drew from his experi¬ .s,inda of fliose afflicted ns she In i>, if has

Large delegations of miners from sur¬ rounding towns were present.
Carl Collier, who will be remembered by many on account of his former Chautauqua activities, is at pre.«ent en¬ gaged in a drive for the organization <(f the Nordic Country Club, which has its headquarters in the Capitol Building, Chicago.
Miss McCartney has left her po.sition with Me.ssr.s. Stockdale A Greist, of Chicago, for the summer, and is working with our old friend, Dave flrant, in the real estate business. She met with signal success her first week. She will

ences in talking under six titles. The hUal of Truth. Thr Ideal of I.ihertii. The hJi a) of .Justire. The Ideal of Kfinalitu, Thr Ideal of Fraternity and The Ideal of .^errice. Prof. Vaughan proved to be an entertaining talker and liis deeper thoughts were Intermingled with some in¬ teresting .Htorle.s and hits of ver.'-e In a lighter vein. Tlie speaker .said we ki (Sjv
that our fathers had ideal.s. hut tliat our grandfathers did not know it all. He
.-aid that if George Washing(r)n hail leen a ked hiany questions a setuHil hoy ci.ulfl .iiiswer tod 'V he would have got zero, and that 100 y< iir.s from now «iur children will look hack upon this generation and will d.'4are that we didn't know tnueb. He asked what are >ve going to do about it.

been .nfflieted. She has gained the ad¬ miration of millions and the unqualified respeet of the nation.
"Miss Keller Is on a lecture tour now. She hits made gre.at Improvi-na-nt in her speech by brilliant appIN athu, hnt most of .ill by an impregnable ^pl^it of optimism.
"The fontrihutions which she has m.-nh t(* literature and the thought .,f the na¬ tion have been some of the mo`^1 vahiahle iii this age. I'articul.-rlv true In thl-' are her Story of My lAIr, Oplinihm, an Fssaii; Thr World / Lie* fn, Thr Song of Ihe. Slone Wall and Out of thr Dari. '.
The Middletown (O.) News states that

.1 brilliant speaker, with rare wit and sntheil««,a "--l:urllnxt<ia.( Vt.) "Newi",

June I 3, 1925

The Billboard



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Harrelson Costume Co., 1S27 Main, K. C , Mo.

Your name and address, if not ex¬ ceeding ONE LINE in length, will be published, properly classified, in this Directory, at the rate of $20.00 in ad¬ vance, per year (52 issues), provided the ad is of an acceptable nature.

illlopr Co.. 34S Market. Newark,N.J. t. Co., Muscatine, la.

COMBINATION OFFER One year's subscription to The Bill-

Southern Awnluft ft Deooratlnf Co.. IS Tryi.n at.. Charlotte. N. C.

.\nielia Grain,
.UiU.MINU.W W.VRE Meyer Burnstlne ft Bros., Detroit, Mich hsrr ft Auerbach. 41.1 Market St., Phlla.. Pa. sterling .Vluminuni Co., Krie. I'a. WeMern Merebandise Co., Ablb-ne, Kansas.
A.MUSE>IFNT DEA'ICI* DeMouIin Broi. ft Co., Greenville, III. U. C. Evans ft Co., 1.128 W. Adams, CUieal



r- laiA

. n 1. m

Neal Mfg. Co., 1110 E«i at.. Dallas. Tea.





Ap. It Armadillo Co.. Comfort. Tev .s. (;re. nbaum ft Son. 318 ttlv.nston St.. N V C.
Marnbout Basket Co,, 816 Pmereos. Pittsburg. Desire Mamhout, 172t N. Front. Pl.ila. Pa.

Madison ave.. NN. a8. TPO ltf'aib5nnrrg;.'`P'pa..``"

Interna I lonal Bath Robe Co.. .13 W. 23'l st N T.

SION.AIRFS' StPPLtt:S AdTanee Spec. Co., 807 W. Poplar. Columhua. O.
Advance Whip ft Novelty Co.. Wcetfleld, Mam. Am. Nov, Sup. Co., 484 Carroll, Elmira, N. T j,,. Bell Co.. 84 Oreen at.. Newark, N. J., and

'Vies t^ 'iai N 4fh

liieh Cnifi
PfclU Pa 1. k* t'

i A"rta?b. 415-Ma^ rkTt3 at^^ P^ hil.^pl;

ttrtental Nov. Ce.. 28 W 3d at., Cinciniutl, O. Singer Bros., .IStt Broadway. New York Cltv.

C.ARNIV.\L BL/ANKITTS W) si rn Merebandise Co., Abilene, Kao.

National Mfg. ft Prod. Cu.. 180 N. Wabneh, Chi. Salem Chinn Co., Salem. Ohio. South Jersey Crockery Co., Trenton, N. J.
DOLLS Aranee Doll Co., 417 Lafayette at . New York Caruhal l>»ll ( o.. 122 VY. Grand, Oklahoma City Borrow Novelty Co., 125 N 4th 8t., Phlla., Pa. Italian Art Co.. 312 S. Broadway. St. Luula, Mo. Karr ft Auerbach, 413 .Market Ht . Phlla., Pa. L. H. P. ft Co., It.il Walnut st., Kansas City. Lawler Ibill Mfg , 3311 tlrand .4ve., Dallai, Tei.
DOLLS-DOLL LAMPS TIasel Ortises. Planitt. att. 1424 W. «raad Ave.. Ckiute

AXI>L\LS AND SN.VKES John Barms. Floreeville, Trias. Karlels. 1.1 Cortland st.. New York City. B vllle Snake Farm. Bov 27.1. Brownsville. Tei. Flint's Porcupine Farm, N. Waterford. Mr Mil Geisler Bird Co., 80 Co'>per 8<|., N. Y. C. Hagenlierk Bros., 811 Newark st., Boboken.N.J. Hvary Birtelt, 72 rnrtlaoiPnt., N. T. C. Inghim Animal Indnstries, Clarendon. Yn. Louis Rube. All Bowery, New York City.
ANEVL4LS (Sea Uons) Capt. Oeo. M. McOo^re, Santa Btrbarn, Calif.
AQUARIUMS AND GOLDFISH Aquarium Sto«'k Co., 174 Chambers at.. N. T.
Apelt .trmadillo Co.. Comfort, Tex. R.O.Powell.407H W.Commerce, Ban Antonio,Tex.
James 11. ('Iisnaon Mfg. Co., 223-233 W. Krie st.. Ohl.-sgc. Ul.
Amelia Grain, M9 Bpring Garden, Pbila . IM.


'HK Trade Dln-cinr.v will work for you un<) help you to find ii>'W A cu.stomers and hold the <d«l oneM if your naino ami addi'ps.s an* pla* >'11
under a projM'r tuadinc de.etTihlnir the lint* of gmid.s you sell.

The Trade r'lrerlory covers a large fiehl. It reprer'cnts business lines that are of Interest to showfolk and the various enterpri.ses with which they are assoclatetl.

Ia>f)k this list "over, then fill out the coupon.


TUK BILLBOARD PUB. CO.. Cincinnati. Ohio ;
If my name and addres.s can be set in one line under fnarae heading).insert it .'2 t.mep in The BiUhnard Trade Directory for |20. If it cannot be set In eae line, write me about rate.

DOLL DRPISSES Kdwsrdv Nov. Co.. Sunset at Waah., Venb'e Csl Ben Uoff, 39 B. lOtb St.. New York. N. Y
DOLL HAIR SUPPLIES Riisrn ft Jacoby, 193 Cbryatio at.. New York.
DOLL LAMPS Kindel A Orabnm, 782-84 Mleaion, 8tn FrancI* -1
DRINK CONCENTRATES Beardsley Spec. Co., 217 18th, Bock Islaml. 111.
DRUMS (Band and Orchestra) Wilson Broo. Mfg. Co., 222 North at., Cbiesi;>.
ELECTRIC BULBS ALL KINDS Charles R. Ablett. 22-4-8 Reode at.. New Yurk.
IXECTKICAL STAGE EST'l'X'TS Cl.aa. Newton, 244 W. 14tb at.. N. Y C.
ESMOND BLANKETS Deasaoer, F. ft Co.. Adams ft Market at., Chgo.

B.\DGES. BANNERS .AND BUnXlNS 1. Krsne. 134 Clinton at.. New York City.

F AIR AND BAZAAR MERCHANDISE Doalon, Wa. P., 4 Oo., U Bank Pi.. Utica.N.T.

BANNERS-BADGES-FLAGS Pennir.tf, Lodf* aupplies. I'nlforiat. CataIof<. SCO. LAUTE8ER CD.. 222 W. Ma«iMa 9t.. Ckicait.
Wm. Lebmberg ft Sona, 138 N. lOtb, Phlla., Pa.

FAIR TICKETS. ADV. B SUPPLIES The Fair Pub. Co., Norwalk. Ohio.
FE.ATHER FLOWERA DeWitt Sisters, B. Prairie, Battle Oreek, Mick.






Cammall Radge Co., 301 Washington, Bo»fon. Beojamin Ilarria Co., Inc., 229 Bowery, N. Y. C.

D.ALLOON8 (Hot Air) (For Exhibition Fllghti)

balloons Md PARACHUTES



IM3 ruiieftsa Avs.

ITsl.. Olv. 3*80), Chicats.

Thompson Bros. Balloon Co., Anrora, Ill.

BMtun BIeaslnf Co.. 232 E. Onurlo at.. Chgo.

Kindel ft Graham, 782-84 Miaolon, San Franriseo Nse v Sales t'o.. McDermott ltldg..8rattle.WaHh. T.pp .Novelty Co., Tippecanoe City, Oblo. B- n TammW On., Denver, Colorado.

E. C. Brown N.. 440 W. Court at.. Clntl., O. llorrow Novelty Co., 125 N. 4th 8t , Phlla., Pa. Karr ft Auerbach, 413 Market Bt.. Pbila., Pa. Edward K. Pittlo Co., New Bedford. Masa. A. N. Rice Lamp Fcty,, 1837 Madison at., K. C.



(For Maeoaaioan)

Mission Factory K.. 319 N. lUIsled Chicago. .Natloual B«ad Co.. 14 W 37th. New York City. tlrienul Iffg. Co.. 881 Broad Bt., Prov., M. 1,


Rartela. 45 Cortland at.. New York City.

Buffalo Canaiw Plant, 11 Niagara, Buffalo, N.T.

Max Geisler Bird Co., 30 Cooper Sq.. N. T. C.

Wm. J. Mackenwn. Yardli*y. Ps.


Overbrook Kitten Bxek., 263 W. S9tb St , N.T.O.

.\nsel W. Itoblson. 1072 Market. San Franclaco.

BIRD CAGES Edge ft Clarkv 224 E. SIth at.. N. Y. O.

RIi.ANKI:TS .\ND robes (Indian) Kindel ft Graham. 782 MIsalon. San Frannsro.

M, C. nitons ft .-tons. Copey Islgnd. New York. CARS (R R.)
Premier Equip. Corp., Box 223. Houston. T. x.
CARVING si-rrs AND cutlp:rv
Kottle Cutlery Co.. 368 6th ave.. New Turk.
Edw. Van Wyck. '^43 Colemin, Cincinnati. CIRCUS WA<30NS
Ri ggs Wagon Co.. Kansai City. Mo. CtK'OANUT BUTTER IY>R SEASON.

Eastern Mills, 425 Broadway. Everett, 48, llass.
Amer. Fireworks Co., 739 R. B. T. Bldg., Pbila. ·N. K. Barnaba Fireworka Mfg. Co., New
Kuebelle. N. Y. Columhua Imperial Fireworka Oo., Colnmbnn. O. Gordon Fireworka Co., 190 N. 8tata at.. Chlenco. Illinois Firi'works Display Oo., Danville, III. luternatioiial Fireworks Co., W.t Bergen Ave.,
Jersey City, N. J., and 19 Park PI., N. T. C. Liberty Fireworka Co., Franklin Port, 111. Marrny Fireworka Co., till Capitol Bldg., Obi. Martin's Fireworks. 201 .4ve. '`E", Ft Dodge, la. I-ain's Manhattan B'h Fireworka. 18 Pk Pi .N.T. Potta Firework* Diiplay Co., Franklin Park, III. Seheneeta'ly Fireworka Co., Srhenei tady. .11. X. Sta r'a Flr>*wnrka Diaplayt. Canton, OUo. Texas Fireworks Co.. Dallas. Texas. Tliearle-lbiffield Fireworks Co.. Chirsgo, III. Cniteil Fireworks Mfg. Co , it. Louis Mo Vitsle Fireworks Oo.. Box 194, Now Onatio, Pa. W'eigand Fireworka Co., Franklin Park. 111.
American Flag Co., Dover, N. J.


E. B. Hill ft .Sona. 2700 S. Srd tt.. 8t. Louis. Mu. Syra. Popcorn Mach. A 8up. Co., Syracuae, N. Y


T KnhsyshI ft tNt., 308 N. Wahaah ave., Chb agn.
1 rawfort-Rutan Co.. 1017 Grand Av.. K. C. Mo. lues Ufg. Co., 11th ft Mulberry. Harrisburg. Pa.
BAND ORGANS N T Musical Inat. Wka., N. Tbnawanda. N. T.  ·nilry Company, Muscatine, la.
BANJOS ''«« Co., 156 Columboa Av*., Boston, Mate.

BURNT CORK Chicago Costume Wks., 116 N. Fiftnklln. Chgo. Miller. Costumer, 286 8. 11th 8t.. Pbila.. Pn.
ni RNT LEATHER NOVELTUIS Anchor Leather Nev. Co.. 106 BIcoeker, N.T.C,
Tangley Mfg. Co.. Mneatlne, la. CANDY IN FL.ASHY BOXES
Edwards Nov. Co., Sunset at Wash.. Venie*. Cal.

Wathingtan Coal Co., 966 Caal Bach. Bldg.. Chgo.
COIN OPERATED M.ACHINES Hance Mfg. Co., Westerville. «>hio.
COI/ORED FILIGREE \VIRFi5 Arthur B. .\lbertit Co.. 487 B'dway, New York.

.Lnnin ft Co., Fulton, <3>r. William at.. N. Y*
FIrOODLIGHT PROJFX^TORS Charles It Ablett, 22-4-6 Beads st.. New Yorit. Cahill Broa., 519 W. 45th at.. New Turk City.
FLOOR L,A.MPS A. N. RIee lArap Co . 1887 Madiaea at . K C.
El It RVNDS \M» TRIMMINfiS Aaron .Michel. 13 W- st 38th st.. New York.
G.A.MES H. 0. Evana ft Co.. 1328 W. Adama. Chieag*

banners (Not Political) 'I Magee ft Boa. Inc., 188 IMUon it.. N. T. 0

C.\NI)Y IX)R CONCESSIONAIRES Chocolate Prodneta Co., Baltimore, Md.
CANDY FOR WHEFJiMEN > Greenfield'# loae. 93 Ixtrlmer #t.. Broeklyn.

Harreltoa Costume Co.. 1127 Mein. K. C.. Me. Bchmldt Costume A Wig Shop, 920 N. Clark, Chi. Stanley Coatumc Studloa. 306 W. 23d. N. T.

g.asoline burnI':rs
Talbot Mfg. Co.. 1213-17 Cheatnut. 8t Lonia.M*. Waibem fight A Heat Co. 8.10 W. 42d. B T.O

Rahge Co.. 28 Bnlllvan 8t.. N. TO.'



riiiiot Mfg. Co., 1813-17 Chestnut. HI. Loali. Mo. Chat. Bert, 66 Beehman at., H. T.

Chle«g« Coslnme Wke.. 116 N Franklin. Cbieago Hoohar-Howe L'oatnm* 0*.. Haverhill. Maw.

(Continued on page 58)


The Billboard

drone /3. 1925


NOVELTY CIXX RS Coneertible Clock Co.. 33 N. 5th, .Mlentown. I'a.


SWEATERS FOR COWBOYS Sol Pudlln, 1212 Broadway, New Y'ork City.

{Continued from page 67) GASOLINE ENGINES

ORANGEADE Talbot Mfg. Co., 1213-17 Cheafniit. .`tt. Louis. Mo.

Hecht, Cohen A Co., 201 W. Uadiaon. Chicago. Iowa Not. Co., I^rer Bldg., Cedar Rapidi, la.
Sinjer Broa., RS6 Broadwaj, New York. _

TATTOOING SUPPLIES Percy Watert, 1060 Raadolpb, Detroit. Mich.

Cntbmtn Motor Worki, Lincoln, Nebraakt.


ORGANS AND CARDBO.ARD MUSIC r. S. Printing A Not. Co., 195 Chryatie, N.Y.C,


GASOLINE LANTERNS. STOVF>S B. A. B. Organ Co., 340 Water St.. New York.

Taxiderniot Studio, 11 Niagara, Bnffalo. N. T.

AND MANTLES Waxham LlKbt A Heat Co,, SM) W. 4-d. N.Y.C.
GIXATINfe SHEETS--COLOREI> ' U. Channon yitg. Co.. 223 W. Erie at., CbicaKo.
Amelia Orain, 819 SprlnK Garden at., Pbila.
GOLD LEAF HaatinKi A Co., iilT Filbert, Philadelphia. I'a.
GUM MACHINES (BaU Gum) Ad-Lee Norclty Co., 825 Ro. Wabaah, Cbicafo.
Talbot Mfg. Co.. 1211-17 Cheatnut, St. Louls.Mo.

ORG.ANS AND ORCHF,.STUIONS Johannea S. Gebhardt Co., Tacony, rbila.. Pa.
A. Christaian, 5712 Indep. At., Kansas C't. >Io H. Frank, 3711 E. Itavenswuod Avc., ChhaKo.
PADDLE WHEIXS Bay State Novelty Co., Westfield. Mass. H. C. Evana A Co., ir>28 W. .\dams. t'hicaKo.
r. S. Favor Corp., 40 Weat 34th at.. New Y'ork
paper cups (LILY) AND DISHES Public Service Cup Co., Bush Terminal, B klj n.

581 5tt-M$ SMitk HItb Btraat. Cobiaibua. Ohio.
Williama, 21at A Cbelten, Germantowo. I'bila.
SCENERA' (That Carriei in Trunks) M. B. Denny, P. O. Box 9.56. Cedar lUpIda, la.
SCENERY F-ABRICS Mendelsohn's, 156 Weat 45th at.. New York.
SCENERY TO RENT .\nielia Grain. 819 Spring Garden at., Phlia.
SCENIC ARTISTS AND STUDIOS Freed Scenery Studloe, In^ 77223177th At.. N Y C. Lea Laab Studios, 4'2od 84. A B ·way. N. Y C. xol!n'"vey A Volland Scenic Co., 3731 Case. St.Louie

Anchor fluppi* Co.. Woter St., BTansTliie. ina Erneat Chandler, 253 Pearl St.. New York City' Clifton llannfactnriof Co., Woco, Texa» Crawford-Auatin Mfg. Co.. Waco, Texi« Daniels, Inc., O, B., 101-103 Crosby 8t.. N, y c Dowole Bros.. 640 8. San Pedro, Loa Anxei», Fulton Bag A Cot. MlUi. B'ktyn, M'apolis Bil-
lat, Tex.: AtUnta, St. Louis, New Orie.oi Geo. T Hoyt Co.. 53 8. Iforket st., BoiDn, Ui,,' C. R. 13ndb. lac., 513 N. 9th, Philadelphia, pe M. Magee A Son. lac.. 188 Fulton at.. N. Y C L. N'lekeraon Tent, Awning A Cover C<... 171
State St., Bntlon, Maas. St. liouii Tent A Awning Co., 800 N. 2d. flt. I/tuit A. Smith A Son, 1239 Bldge Avo., Phllad Iphia
M. Magee A Son. Ine., lU Fulton St., N. T. C.
THEATER TICKETS (BoU and Bsterred Seat Coupon)
Ansell Ticket Co., 730-40 N. Franklin at.. Chi go

HINDU BOOKS Hindu Publ. Co.. 819 Leland Ave..


Dixie Drinking Cup Co.. Inc., 220 W. 19th,N.Y.C.
P.APIER M.ACIIE IMIT.VTIONS r. S. Favor Corp., 46 Weit 34th St., New York.

Sehulman Printing Co., 39 W. 8th. New York. Smith Printing Co.. 1324 Walnut at.. Cincinnati.

J. Baum, 527 Sooth St., Philadelphia, Pt Chicago Coa'ume Wka.. 116 N. Franklit. Cht-ago Daxion'a Theatrical Emp., 142 W. 44th, N. Y.

H. Sebaembt, 10414 89tb, Richmond Hill, N. Y.
ICE CREAM 8ANDWTCH W'AFI'.RS Conaolldated Wafer Co., 2622 Shields av., Cbgo.
INSURANCE (Life) A. J, Bach, Jefferaoa Bldg., Peoria. III.
LAMPS Borrow Novelty Co.. 125 N. 4tb St., Phila., Pa. Karr A Auerbach, 415 Market St., Phlia., Pa.

PEANUT ROASTEHfS Holcomb A Hoke Mfg. Co., 912 Van Buren,
indianapolit, Ind.
E. Pearl Co., 174 Longfellow, Provi., R. I.
PENNANTS ANT) PILLOWS American Pennant Co., 66 Hanover St.. Boston. Newman Mfg. Co., 107 Lev'rett, Boston. Mass. Trench Mfg. Co., 26 B. Huron St.. Buffalo, N.Y.
PERFUNIES * TOILET ARTICLES C. H. Selick. Ine.. 56 Leonard 8t., New York.

SHOOTING g.alle:rie:s
LOS AN6ELES. CALIF. Send for Catalogue.
n. C. Evana A Co., 1528 W. Adama, Chicago.
B. W. Allen A Co., Atlanta. Oa. Dillaa Show Print (Bobt. Wllmana), Dallai.Tex.

TICKET PRINTERS Anaell Ticket Co., 790 N. Franklin, Chicago. Elliott Ticket Co.. 101 Varlck at.. New York. World Ticket A Sop. Co., 1600 B'way, N. Y. C.
TIGHTS .Arthur B. Albertla, 487 Broadway, New York Chicago Coatume Wka., 116 N. rranklin. Chicago
__ TOUPEES Vr. Solomon. 101 W. 41it nt.. New York.
_ TRIMMED BASKETS n. Biyeradorfer A Oo.. 1210 Arch., Phlia.. P».



F. L. Boyd. 17 N. Laaalle nt.. Cbicagri.


Goldman, Ben, 812 Pantagea Bldg., Lo» AngeleK. Central Eng. Co., 137 W. 4th, Cincinnati, 0.



D --...i T

1«LA w ion*w .» ai  n

Bernard L. Michael, 150 E. 1.5th at., N. T. O.

PHOTOGRAPH REPRODUCTIONS J. J. Becker, Jr.. 211 8. Elate, Davenport, la.
D»'bey Photo Co., Richmond, Ind. northern Photo. Co., Inc., Wauiau, Wia.

LIOHTTNO PLANTS J. Prankel, 184 8. Clinton 8t.. Chicago, HI. Little Wonder Light Co.. Terre Haute, Ind,
\ MAGIC BOOKS Adama PreM, 19 Park pi., N. T. C.

PILLOW' TOPS Muir Art Co.. 116 W. Illinoia. Chicago. Western Art Leather Co., Denver, Colorado.
I»OCKETBOOKS FOR ME'-N (7-ui-l All-Loather)


22t liMtItuta Plast.


Type u.d Bawavad Peetara. Etc.

1 lauet, Chatham, Ont., Can.

TRUNKS (?rof«Mional and Wardroho)
Newton Trunk Co., nee W. W. Winablp A Soaa. Second-Hand Trunk Co., 60 B. 59th St., N. Y. W. W. Winahlp A Sons, Inc., Utica. N. Y.

SIGN PAINTERS' BRUSHE:S Dick Blick Co.. Box 4t7-B. Oaletburg, III.
SILVERWARE Karr A Auerbaeh, 415 Market at.. Phlia.. Pa Mills Silver Works, 661 Broadway, New York.

TURNSTILES H. T. Bright, Prospect Bite., CtoTcIaad, 0. Damon-Cbapman Co., 284 Mill. Boebeater, N. T. Percy Mfg. Co., Inc., 101 Park ave.. N. Y. C.
UKEXELES J. 1, Tkonia, 646 SpringSeld At#., Newark, 8 J.



MAGIC GOODS Chicago Magic Co., 140 S. Dearborn at., Chicago.
MAGIC PLAYING C.ARDS Aladdin Spec. Co., 102 N. Wells. Chicago
MAKE'.UP Chicago Costume Wka.. 116 N. Franklin, Chi'go
MAR.ABOU & OSTRICH TRI.MMINGS Amer. Marabou Co.. 67 5lh ave., N Y'.'City. Ben Hoff, 2» B. loth St.. New Y'ork. N. Y. ·Max Srhenfield, 22 W. Houston St., N. Y. Superior Marabou A Ostrich Co.. 79 E. 10th, N.Y.

A. Boaenthal A Son, 804 Wash., Boaton. Uaia.

POPPING CORN (The Grain) Bradshaw Co., 31 Jay St., New York Citv.


60 East South Water. Chicate.

Tour best t.et for

ant POIt'OP.N. All

Tarietire. Lowest prlcei. Best quality.

Talbot Mfg. Co.. 1213-17 Chestnut, St. Louie. Xu.

POPCORN FOR POPPING Syra. Popcorn Mach. A Sup. Co., Syrucu.ae. N T.

AnJtaocmkiaotnie BCiordin., MChaicchaignoe. Supply Co.. 842 W. Fxh.bit Supply Co., 4222 W. Lake St.. Chicago. Oiiio Nov. Co., 40 8*one Block. Warren. O Sicking Mfg. Co., 1922 Freeman are., Cin'tl.

SLUM GIVEAWAY I'rem.um Nov. Co., Bos 642. Providence. R. 1.



cuawr vine SNAKE KING,

Brewatrillt, Taaaa.

Daniel Hlrach A Son.. Ine . 41 E. V21littt^att*". N\ TY**C?.' Lmbrvlla to.. 114 Court. Brooklyn.
rNBRE:.AKABLE COBiBS Ohio Comb A Novelty Co., OfTTlIle, O.
UNIFORMS Brooka Uniform Co., 1487 Broadway. N. Y C. De Moailin Broa. A Co., Dept. 10, Grecaville, III. Fechhelmer Bros. Co., rtncinnatl. O. R. W. Stockley A Co., T18-B Walnut. Phila , Pa.
VASES Otto Goetx. 42 Murray nt.. New York.


popcorn MACHINES



Amer. Pbarmacal Co., 1551 Donaldson. Cin't, 0. Dunbar A Co.. 2654 W. Lake St.. Chicago

Talbot Mfg. Co.. 1213-17 Cheatnut. St. Louie. Mo. Callle Broa. Co., 6210 2d Bird.. Detroit, Mich.

Ba-Ha Ni Indian Med. Co., GreeD^burg, Pa. Becker Chemical Co., 235 Main at., Cin'tl, O. Cel-Ton 8a Med. Co., 1016 Central are., Cin., O, De Vore Mfg. Co.. 185 Naghten, Columbut, O. Hatcber'a Medicine Co., 833 Smith at.. Cin'ti, O. Nat'l. Med. Co., 143 6lh ar., N., Nashville, Tenn The Quaker Herb Co., Cincinnati, 0. Dr. Tbornber Laboratory, Carthage, Illinoia.

Holcomb A Hoke Mfg. Co., 910 Van Buren 8t , Indianapolis, Ind.
Long-Eakina Co., 1976 High St., Pprlngtield O. National Peerless Sales Co.. Det Moines, la. North Side Co., 1306 Fifth Ave.. D* a Mmnev, la. Pratt Machine Co., 2 Biaaell st.. Joliet. Ill. Talbot Mfg. Co., 1213-17 Cheatnut, 8t. Louis, Mo.



ton Enterprlteo, 1297 Fair, Columbua, Ohio. Wright Popcorn Co., 855 6th 8t.. San Fraociaco.


SO.APS FOR MEDICINE MEN Columbia I.aboratorlea, 18 Col. Hfrta., Brooklyn. Geo. A. Schmidt Co.. 236 W. North Are., Chi.
*^.\NGLE:S and TRIMMINGS Arthur B. Albertis. 487 Broadway, New York Chicago CoO'umc Wka., 116 N. Krankim, Chi'go

VEN'TRILOQUIAL FIGURES Alex. Cameron. 67 W. Ohio St.. Chicago.
VIOLINS Aug. Oemunder A Soua, ISS W. 49n6 8t., N.
K. J. A J. Vital. .508 5th UTe., New York.

Radio Mint Co.. 1652 Central ave.. Cin'ti, O.


Tom Simmona. 409 W. 42d. New York City.

Tramill Portable Skating Rink Co., 18th and

>njsic COMPOSED & ARRANGER College Ave.. Kansas City. Mo.


Talimt Mfg. Co., 1213-17 Cbeatnut, St. Louts. Mo WAFFLE OVENS

Arthur Bros.. 5100 Bangor, Detroit, Mich C. L# Lewia, 429 Richmond. Cin'ti, O.


I'hicago Coa-unie Wka.. 116 N Franklin. Clii go l.ong Fokina Co.. 1976 High. Springfield. 0

MUSIC PRIN'ITNG The Otto Zimmerman A Son Co.. Inc.. Cin.


Croas A Onard. Sfa. D. Box 182. N. Y. City. Koehler View Povteard Co., l.V) Park Row. N.Y'. Williamsburg Post Card Co., 25 Delaney, N Y'



J II. Channon Ytfg. Co., 228 283 W Brie. Chi'go Wm. Freeh A Co., Maple Shade, N. J.



R. H. Mayland, 54 Willoughby, Brooklyn, N. Y. Peerleaa Sales Co.. 1160 if. 55th )lt.. Chicago

WATCHES I^on nirach Corp., 37-89 Malden Lane. N. 5


SCCTSIOAXi GIiASSKS A. Brauueisa, 9512 lOittfi at.. Rlchrnondnm.N Y.
MUSICAL INSTRUME'.NTS (Automatic and Hand Played)
Bettoney A Mayer, Ine., 218 Tremont. Boaton.

RAT^CrO'\TS Rubber Mfg. Co., 84 K. 9-h. N. Y C
RII1NEST0NE:S and .TEW EL PRf>l*S. Chicago Coatume Wka., 116 N. Fraeklin. Chi'go The Llttlejohua, 2.54 W. 46th SI.. .N Y. C.

·-e.t.rirk Bohllng. 502 W. 44th St.. N Y. 0. I "Play Stage Light Co.. 334 W. 44lh. N. Y. C I 'ia«. N»Wou,. 2»4 W 14lh St.. New York City rnverail Kleeirle Stage I.lghting Co., Kliegl
Br<Mi., 321 W. .'Jbh St., New -York.

A. M. Buch A Co., 228 8. 11th St.. Pblladclphla Chicago Coatume Wka.. 119 N. Franklin, Clilcago
of all deserlptlona and The¬
WIGS atrical Make-t'P TNI KfTTLrS CO 32 W. Waaklatfa, Ctiimf

MUSICAL SAW'S Patil Coward. Box 601. Worceater, Mtaa



Alei. Marks, 662 B 8th Are.. New Y<wk N Y

Theatrical Prop. Studio. 3(»>; W 4llh at . N T C. Zauder"HroaTM Iiie!,'*"il8*W.'"48th.**'New York.

NFTDLE BOOKS AND NI'EnLE:S Rrra Ticket Co.. 10 narney SI., Omal.a. N'eh Fifth Are. Notion Co., SOI 5tb. Pittabnrg, Pa. Trimount I*reaB, 115 Albany St.. Bo«ion. Maaa.



GerlK-r. 5(r, Market at., ndladeli.bl.-i. Pa


Riadel A Graham, 782-84 Miaaion, San Franrlaco Ifilla Needle Co., 661 Broadway, New York.
NOISE MAKERS TV Seiat Mfg. Co., Toledo. O.

ROLIiER SKATES Chicago Roller Skate Co., 4458 W. Jjike. Chicago The Samuel Winalow Skate .Mfg. Co.. YVor-
cater, Maaa.
RUBBER ST.AMPS (And Aeeosaorioa)
Hiif fPamp Co.. 5S E Gay at.. Colambtu. O.





RW.AGGER STICKS FOR LADIES ffrankford Mfg. Co.. 906 Filbert at.. Phila., Pa.

American Jewelry Mfg. Co., 125 Cbtirch. S T C.
avire: worke:rs' sui*plies Juergena Jewelry Oo.. 235 Eddy, Providence.RJ-
B. B. Stroet, 28 Brook St., Hartford. Conn.

June 13» 1925

The Billboard

at liberty
__AN D-


At Liberty -- Violin Leader.

NW library; permanent and flrst-claii.

H. M. JOHNSON, care Peacock'a. Columbti*.




BB and String Bass--Experi


A Market Place for Buyer and Seller, and Want Ad Department enced ya^deTlIIe, pietnre*. clrcua, concert, etc. Join orf wire. BALDWIN, 532 Towusend.

agents and managers


Lanning. Michigan.

It WORD. CASH (Flrit LIm Lirft Slatk Tm)


Band Director and Teacher for

ft WORD. CASH (F)rtt Lin* and Name Black lyH) It WORD. CASH (Small Tyaa) (Nc Ad L'li TSaa 2Sa)
Fifurt at One Rata Only--Sea Nett Btlaw.


band. Bh Ka iNg 050 ll^b Atc.. Tampa.



AT liberty--A*ent. IL'utf. poit hllli, contrart,


Bandmaster -- Highly Trained


"drlte far. Oien f'>r Repertoire. Mliitirel, C'Irrut, WE DO not PLACE CHARGES FOR AOS IN THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS UPON OUR BOOKS. NO

nc Oo anjruhrre. Ant'aer by mall. OKO. RKIU, care General Uclltery, rbiladelphla, reonayleaiUa.


and experienced. C-928. care Billboard, Cin¬ cinnati, Ohio.




Brass and Sax. Teams, Dou¬

COUNT EVERY WORD AND COMBINED INITIALS, ALSO NUMBERS IN bting ten Inetrnment*. Together past aeaaon.

It WORD. CASH (Flrat Lina Larta Black Tyaa) ti WORD. CASH (Flrat Lina and Name Black Tyn)


Prefer ItK-ation south or west. Young, nnion: wardrobe. Beat of reference*. Accustomed to

II WORD. CASH (Small Tyaa) (Na Ad Laat Tbaa 2Ae)

Flrat Line Attractiva

Flrat Lint Attractiva writing own arraogementa. choruaea and

Fliura at Oaa Rata Only--Baa Nata Belaw.

la Small Flrat Lint

In Small Flrat Lina breaks: using several now. .kdept at adopting





new irtyte. and rhythm. Ready to leaye on

It's Not Too Late!--Available
Randi cow bookicR. rnrabloatton: Elcbt to ten. OTf to aeeen. Hot danrn nnita. Nichta, Wfckende. eranon. etc. Write or wire.

Pw WKd. Par Ward.

A'tw Sana and Ptrtdlee . 6«


Aienta and Bellcitara Wantad.... 7<


Animala. Birds and Pets. a*


Attractiena Wanted . 7*


lafwatttle* Wanted . Mafical Aaawitut . MlwelUsMut far S*U. MosimI Instruwents

Per Ward. Per Ward. two week*' notice. KEITH ROBERTS, 200



N. Lake St.. Madiimn, Wisconsin.



7a ·· Clarinetist -- Experienced in



Bearding Htueea (Tkeatrical)....

Buslnett Opaectunltlae.


Orchestra of Six or More


Cartaane . Ctttcctitns Wanted.


Coatumaa . S*

for piPtnrM, raiidoTnin. hotel or maort Eichacge ar Swap. S«


Hand) .



Partnw* Want'd f*r Acta (N*


Iny'ttaMnt) .



Paraaml .



Prlvil'i't far Sat* .



Sal'tstCR Wanted . .



Sch**lt (Draaiatlc. Mutital and


picture and Taodeyllle theatre* donble Alto

Saxophone. Union Wire CLARINETIST, JTt


W. Fifth St., Charlotte. North Carolina.


Sa St

Conductor and A-l Violin

Firec-claaa nniuo nrcacUatlnn under cafMble dl> Far Rrnt ar Lett# Praperty. 7*


Dincinf .



Leader for yandevllle or plctnreg. Nothing

rertor. LEO. SCHLEOEL, Strand Tbeatro, Far Sale Ads (New Beedtl. 7t


Sha* Praperty far Sal*.



but firat-clas* houses consMeretl. Have had

Uuntinrton, West Virginia.

Far Sala (Sreend-Hand). 6*

Fermulas . $t

AT LIBERTY--7-PIECE OB MORE JAZZ Band, open for apminer mnntba. Juit eb'oed

Faralshtd Reemt. Hattie (Theatrical). Help Waated.

U S* t*

the Sun Time. BILL CRONIN AND HIS SIN- Help Wanted--Mttilciaiit.


FONIAKS. 87 Tpham St.. Malden. Ma-a.

Instraetlcna and Plane. s«


SsRft f«r Sale.



Thestara far Salt .



Theatrical PrlRtlni .



Typtwritara .



Wanted Partner (CMltnl Invest*


aie*t) ...


Want'd T* Buy'.



long experience and can give all the reference*


.yon want. Eea*nn for this ad, bon*e cutting


out orchestra. LEO. SCHLEOEl, Strand The¬


atre. Huntington. West Virginia.

7a Drummer, Tympani, for Pic¬

CIXA'S EEATBRE BAND. MISS AONE8 HALL (nolo'.tt), will be at liberty Noyemb) r SO.
Twenty muaictana. four Inatrnmental aoIoUta,


First Line Attraetiva 

In Small First Lina



tures. yandeyflle, tabloid or dance. Hon*e

First Lias Attractiva

la Small First Liat



changing policy. G. B. MAHARD, Strand The¬ atre, Huntington. West Virginia.

eae cprclaltr iii»trurorn*all«t. one lady eoealbt. Cina'n Feature Baud la a going orcaniiation. made up of only flneat miiaieiana. wbn bare played together rontinunualy for fire ' rear*. Only ftrat-clan* engagement connldered.

Par Ward. Par Ward.

(Calcium Lights .



|Filmt for Sala (S«awd-Haad).. 77et


lFilmt far Sale (New).. Sdae


IFee Rent. Lease er Sala Preg.

Par Ward. Par Ward.

Meying Pleturp Atcesstrlag far

Sale (Setand-Naad). 7t


Theatera far Sala. 7a


Experienced Lady Clarinetist,
some Sax. Troupe or logate. BEATRICE COBB, Gen. Del.. Mempbl*. Tennessee.

Addreif Hi E. MARX. Bnaineea Manag-r. arty . 7e


rina a Feature Band, care The Billboard Fob

Co.. Cincinnati. Ohio.



(or Kuamer. Heveu to ten men. all A-1. union.

T iiedot. Singing and entertaining. SACC'i.

X>7 Crllly Bldg., Chicago.



Pif W#r4- I

P(>r Wftftf.


(Srf In Small Tysa). (Dieplay First Lina and Namt Type) ...

It 2a

At Liberty (Flrat Linn In Larga Tyga)- St


Cauat all wards In ttpy at abava rata,


Advertigements sent by taltgraph will not be inserted unless money is wired

Flash Drummer -- Just Off
Keith. Stick twirlins, pep, pcraonallty. mat. Good ontllt. Age, 22; (lependable, nnlnn. Seven year* beat vandeville and dance bandt. Beat refereneea. DRUMMER, 150 So Highland. Aurora, Illinois.

with copy. Msil addressed to initials care General Delivery will not be delivered.

French Horn of Ability at Lib¬ AT LIBERTY--Blerk and B-blt* OrchMtra, May SO. hieht placet. Park, hotel or dance. WUI work anjetifra If the Job 1» O. K Now werking. M»iR. HIT. BBOWN. 16 Brookaeld Bh. WhlU PUlna. ·Ve Tirk.

'We reserve the right to reject any advertisement and revise copy. "Till for¬ 1bid" orders are without time limit and subject to chango in rate without notice.
THE BILLBOARD PUB. CO.. 25-27 Opera Place, Box 872, Cincinnati, Ohio.

erty. accoont disappointment. Address BOX

C-S. care Billboard, Chicago, Illinois.


FIRST-CLASS TRIO or Small Or'heaira open for

Korert and dan e angagerocnia. LEADER. Muatc

Boi. M La.-iella SI., New York City.



French Horn, Can Donble A-l Trombone -- B. and 0. Trumpet or Drum*. Young. Will locate or

FIRST-CLASS TRIO ot Small Or'-hettra open for

luiuirt aod darxe engagtimnlt. LEADER. Mutlc

Bex. An I-aSi'le bt.. New York City.


THE YELLOW JACKET COLICCIAN8 --Open for auomer engagement alter June 1. Eight cullege
awr. at' pUy terrythlng troai rhjthmodic rlatalre to ap-io-daie <ai'. I'nion, young, peppy and rell.bla. Flay and d-'uble on twenty Inatrumente. Complete atflrolw. A »ure draelng eard for retort. raTtllcm w betel cr.yigement In Central or Northern Siatet. Write If j I hale a good propoaltion, HODGEH
b.taRETT, Manager, IZAS Rural SE. Emwrla. K>n. JunalS

la WORD. CASH (First Llaa Larw Blaak Typa) 2a WORD. CASH (First Llae and Name Black Type) la WORD, CASH ISamll Typa) (Na Ad Laea Thaa 2Se)
FIgara at Ona Rata Oaty--Saa Nata Balaw.


dralrrt to enter profr'niontl field. .\m movie

projectlonlat: fair trlolin player and finger,

('an drive a rar and be generaHy nteful. Would

like to bear from good reliable (ntmpany or

booking agency. O. C. CATLOX. Ardmore.

Honth Dakota.


Troiiw or locate. Double String Bass. X. X, SAWYeX. Westplalns. MIssiyari.
A-l Trap Drummer -- Many
years' experience; Keith randerllle. burlewiue, mnsical (mmedy and photo plays. Tympanl. Belle, Xylophone, big line of 'Traps and good effect for picture house. Married, re¬ liable. union maalclan. BUXT BAXNES. Permaneut aildreas. 1D2 Grnndin Street. Crafton Branch, Plttaburgh. PecnsylTania.

join traveling band or orchestrB. ORAUEL, Avoca. Iowa.

H. K.

Flutist -- Experienced; Sym-

phony and theaters. T'nion. DAN MCCAR¬

THY, Wellaboro', I'enn'ylvania.


Lady Drummer at Liberty--
Vaudetrllle, danca. park or hotel work, ran fnrnlah Trumpet. Saxophime niid Trombone. LOUISE STEVENSON. Billboard. irxIO Broad¬

way, New York City.

Sc WORD. CASH (Fleet Lina Larie Black Type) Ii WORD. CASH (Flrat Line and Name Black Type) It WORD. CASH (Small Type) (Ne Ad Lcae Tbaa 2Sc) _Fifuee it_Oi»^Rete Only--See Nete B>lew.
AT LIBERTY -- BILLPOSTER. CAN DO agent e work: drlee any make car; aol»r
V'-'f^nck allow. Pay own wlree. H. L.


triloguift. wanta manager .'-G-SO baeit. nr

will join show. Double etralght or bita. and

dancing. Don't drive track* nor ataken. LIN¬

DEN COWABD. Greaham Hotel. Spartaaborg.

(South Carolina.


young MATXOK, XEFINES. GOOD APPEAXanre, capable, dealrea cong-nial part-time
Work with lady. City only. BOX ISS. Bidboard, l.'SBO Broadway, New York.

A-l Leader (Violin) -- Side.
Long experience: oictnre*. yandeyllle: fine Itbra-y: reliable; neat. LXASEX, 1 Walnut, Hud.-un Fall*. New York.
A-l Trumpet -- Experienced
all lines. Pnlon. WALTEX SCHOHELD. 71R Columbia St., Burlington. Iowa.

Oboist at Liberty for Summer

engagement. At pre*ent working. Beat

reference*. Write or wire care National Thea¬

ter. Richmond. Virginia.


Organist -- Long Experience,
high ela*i; extenaWe library: expert cning;

ANDREewS, 113 Haya St., ^nrllle, nilno.a.

St WORD. CASH (First Llaa Larga Blark Tyga) ?t WORD. CASH (First LI** and Name BlfcA Typa) la WORD. CASH (Saiall typa) (Na A.d Lass That 2$c)
FIgara at Ona Rata Only--See Nate Balaw.

A-l Clarinetist--Wants To Lo¬
cate. Double Alto and (toprano Sag. Young; exp,Tlenced; UDl(m. Prefer theatre, will oon-iiler any good offer. CHASL HUGE. 3(>40 Cottag.' Ur'-ve. Chicago.

two weeks' notice; no orchestra; reference*.

ORGANIST, Box 212. Carlisle, P*.


Organist--First-Class Man at
liberty. Trained musician. 10 yeara* thea¬ tre experience. Extensive library. TTnion. ORGANIST, 2121 W'eat Styn|er*ct Street, Pbila-

Fiiere at Oaa Rale Only--Baa Nata Belew._ Motion Picture Cameramjin--I A-l Cellist--Thoroly Experi- delpbia, Pennsylvania.

Johnson & Erwin's Jazzland
Minatrela. ten tailored people. Rand, orenettra and ahnw. Open for engagrmenta for rmirth of July, fair datce. .Mao Illg Top. coinWetc; will lie ua.-d If wanted. For terma and

Cinematographer desiring position. Stndlo or road work; road work preferred. Hare own eqnlpment; also car. Write BOX L. case Billboard, Chlcaga.

enced In picture*, yfindevllle and hotel, de¬ alrea permanent poaitlon In orcheatra where tone and technique are apprei-lated. Wire
CELLIST. 'JSTO Park Are., Walnut Hill*. Cin¬ cinnati. Ohio.

Organist -- Experienced, Reli¬

able man. Library. Open on short notice. Inn, Manafleld, Ohio.

Excellent references. ORGANIST. Blymyer


Blair. Sehraakt.

Alto Sax.--Girl. once. California preferred: reference*. E.
SHAVER. Blilind Theatre. San B-mardlno.

Doubles Pi-1 Organist and Orch. Pianist at

epen for one-ntgh(. week or aeaeoni'a en-
lagement. Featuring aoft ayncopallon, tlngr« and entertdireri. A4 .'tbornaan riace. Blngnamion. New York.

Minerva. Ohio.

ano. BOX 201. Billboard. 15(10 Broadway. New York.
At Liberty--A-l Organist. Ex¬

liberty after June Gth. Splendid library. Fifteen year*' expi-rienc- In plctnrea, «-onc rt.
etc., in beat of theater*, inclnding Circle. In dlanapolis; Howard. Atlanta. Union Rtate all In reply. Prefer good organ. ROY MUL-

FOR HOT DANCK iirehi-atra. Yonng: experienced: go anywhere r rellaMe band. Read. fake. IraprcvNe: tin-
· BDCKY * BUCHANAN, ctre Park Hotel.

OPERATOR AT LIRERTY--Seven years' experlenra on Power's ind Motlograph Marhlnes; wants lob.
auu salary. Wrlta B. E. TXVETT. Wortham. Trv.

perienced: large library cue picture* ac-

cnrately; nnion. ORGANIST, SIS So. Grange

.\Te.. Sioux Fallt. South Dakota.


L^NDORE, Local No. 3, Indlanapoll*. Iml.
Organist, A-l, at Liberty.


At Liberty -- String Bass. Jun^OT PROJECTIONIST desiring permanem poettlon Seven year,' espetleme. Kii»erten<. il on IVwer',. Slm[>Iev.

Splendid library. Experienced on Warlitx<T. Robt. Morten, KiBib:<Il. HlIlgreeB and Ban-




(Flrat Llaa Larfa Blaak Typ#)

il wSSS' 5***^ (Flrit Lina and Hama BIttk Tyaa)

'I WORD. CASH (Small Typa) (Na Ad Laia Than 2Sal

Fliura at Oaa Kata Only--Baa Nata Balaw.

T LIBERTY-ntrerlor with icTlpla and Wife, Inlii.'.'i' *?'''· "F would loin without doing Dm
,F. hut prefer It. llare tome wenery for tent.

nr Miiilograrh. I repair and take rare of projertora.

References If destreiL WM. B. LININOKR, 44 Car-

dntt Rl.. RIdt'vvy. PemUTlvsnla.


Sa WORD. CASH (First Llaa Larga B<ask Tyaa) 2t WORD. CASH (First Llaa aad Name Blaak T)raa) It WORD. CASH (Small Tyga) (Na Ad Last Thaa ISa)
FIguat al Om Rata Oaly--Sat Nata Balaw.

Vaudeyllle. pictnre* or concert. Union. Thea*re closed. Double trumpet. Go any¬
where on permanent location. "BASS PLAY¬ ER", 2822 Iliglil.ibd .\ve.. Cincinnati, Ohio.

organs. .Vge, 30; m irrled, sober, aettl.'d. re¬ liable. P. K. FIJRSYTHE, 610 & Person St . Kalelgb, North Carolina,

At Liberty--Reliable Trumpet.

Saxophone -- Two
dle* Experienced. Bb

Young La¬
Tenor. Baritone.

Experience in all line*. Addreas TRUMPET. I double Alto. MUSICIANS, 8027 8o. Carpenter

845 E. Tth St.. Dea Moine*. Iowa.

I St., Chicago. Apt. 1.__

I thowfolk who knew end do theli biitineie.

tu ti

-'*· '*'·

**F BO: Udy. S feet. 4.

n im'* " ?*' -) Name your bett for eaeon. Ciute

h 'a-'.u*" Outltt anid to complete eatate mibnequent n yl"..'" "'·nagement Left go DIRCCTOR.

r* *·** Merrlita At#.. AtUnta. Oeorgla.

A-l Trumpetist--Experienced

Tandeyillr. pictnre*.

Married. nnton.

TRUMPETIST. UH S. ntamond. MansOeld. (>.

At Liberty -- Trumpet. Good
sight reader and exiaTlcm-ed In mute work Tuxedo. Ni»t nnion but willing to join. GER¬ ALD SMITH. Beatrice. Nebraska.

Saxophonist--Bb Tenor. Sub-
stlmte for rdlo. Fine tone. Expericn. ed picture*, vaudeville, road ahow*. Union, mar¬ ried. O. O. HANKE. 270 W. Elm St., Chip-

V>ewa brills. Wiscoaslm__

--Yeung Lady. A-l Singer. wanH wamalle ahew pnaltinn. Capable of dning tmall luiBTpi!'"!??*'''' ··'·FT- WlU T1IE1.MA OWFN lUHTLK, S3M Wootlwanl Are., Dtmit, Mkblgtn.

NDTC--Caaat All Wkrda. Alas Oaaihlaed laftlalt aad Ntmikart la Caay. Fliart TMal at Os* RaU Oaly.

(Continoed on page 60)


The Billboaid

June n 1925


'-axiipjen' oicen f»r -ngagement. CCEELLLLIISSTT..

Saxeph..!..- Ten year*' experience li» donee 1 high triple slack-wire act Term-- and 5*"

r»p. Donbl · '

o- Kv-onii

Donblc trJo or <i · r < t:e

``K La S«.;e St.. New York City. RtDtoDP "---

1land C'·c.i'trv- w"'o'vr*k-. .-K'·g`cv, 27. T, ui xeds o, u- nion, . I swctrIiipmtIltyi*e Illlfeprraattuurrer tomn rpequeast. - FRANK KAHN, (il2 I-e Mesaurler St., Wausau. | Ilob-l. Kewtuee, Illtnoii.

U LlfrllnnesiM iII

olce. Work iti

Join oo two wt*<k*' no-

tier. Adirouf C-& 4. oro Billbolrd. C;ncinnstl.



Theatre Drummer--16 Years'

*FLUTE AND PICCOLO WANTS ENGAGEment. band or ortU- ra; .4. F of M ; · x-

l(»·erlenced In all lines; public s>-cod'ittn

FLUTIST. 28 Forest St . Wi Itmau. M.i *x-



Wise n- n
A-1 THEATRE DRUNMER--Tymp*.. Bells. Mirlmli-. Chliaes. Full line Trsps. Union, in«rrle<l.
KxiKTirnfetl vsudcTlll*. plrturet, etc. First-rin.. . clters -uly. C-9.T3, rare BlIlho.vTd. CindaruM. Ohio.

AERIAL COWOEMS--laidT and gent. t*i

irsl dUlliirt act*. Senaatlnnal Hying trtoSi .!!!!

oomcly revolving ladder. Terms and dearrlMi.

lltrraime on reqtwat. t» PatlarMin BL OsSl

Fi miaylvjnla.


II Hn*>«; prefer TtodeTille. picture, or cotn.,;na'ion bonw. CompU-tr np-toditf> pquIpmi'Ot (black and soldi. Inrlpdine marhiPF tympanl. Will iKiMtivciy euarantoo natiafaction, or accept forecloauro without notier. ill Tcari old; married; union. Wire "BRirMMER ', 1<>(> Powell. Rt. Jo-eph. Mo.
Trombone--Reliable and Ex¬
perienced. Honee <-hanKine policy. W M. SAWYER. Rtratid Theatre, nnntlnaton. W Va.
Trouper, Doubling Trombone,
Baritone and Tenor Rax. Troupe or locate. L. 1C NOSBOD, 1814 Adama Rt.. Cbiraso.


AT LIBERTY--IMMEDIATE desired. Like to hear from


ddestring Flnte for fall theatre engagem' nt. .\d-

"dre*. D. NEWMAN, 642 "ih St., Hunt;ngton.

'W. Va.



in coticer' <»re!ie-tia. Know I'.i-'ic over¬

ture* and *Tmphonlc work. J-r-ev aeashore

preferred Will Join iinic.n.

R- C., ri.'>ll

i'ascliall .Vve.. Pidladelpiiia. Penn-ylvania.

GIRL VIOLINIST--YOUNG; GOOD APPEAR. ance; personality. liam*- wco'k. hotel, cafe.
vandeTlIle. anything. do anywleTe on ticket. I'an furni-it- organixed orchestra of five girl*. Union. Vhdin. piano, trumpet, criek d'ummer. plating Iwlls and xylophones. Could add more

AT LIBERTY--A. F. of M. Baritone Flayer. Prefer

engagement with eoncert band or rluutiaqai or

suiTuoer resort. 1>. CAHKAFIKLLO. 912 Bowen Are..

Chicago. llUhoU.


AT LIBERTY--Young nun. Steel Cultar PUyer; sings, also pUys regular Guitar. Willing to he
us.iul; .4-1 'Truik Driver. AlJreat Ol'ITAlllST, limi Monroe St., I.ynrhburg. Virginia. Jack Wliite, ht me lie^r (rem yuu.

AT LIBERTY--Trombooiil. Exeerlenred v.'.udevlllr. theatre and band. Age 24. fnl'io. V4rlU or wlrr.
WATNK B. BOLT, 4(118 Ellis Are., Chicago, llllml*.


red hiu. lateat effeeta.

lead and take. Frefer dame or vaudivllle iwchestr*.

Mil K1 T .M < LOY, week Jurw I. lougao, W. Vo.

Cencl il Deliwry.

AT UBERTY -- Thrr* dllTwent frt* attrattlnn. Arrohiiiit. Airlal. nymnsitlr. GLENNYa^i
FORD. Rtimnnrd, Cincinnati, Ohio.

BAYLOR BROB.--Poor fre* icu: filri. ealabritl^.

two acrobatic frogi. Eumpean fiand-haad balinSi'

Chin*** novelty equlllbrlat. Comedy trouM af tv..'

.WIH nth 8t.. Detroit. Mlrhlgan.


KATONAS--.tmcrlran Jap*. Japaneac n-)ve|iT *,-7. Japaneae balari^ and JuxxIIng; rlovm -mM,
swinging wire. TSiree entirely dlHcreni am
JspaiMo* eoatume*. Reference, deavtlptlon. Slir^ iM If Mi; 10.

PUNCH AND JUD^SHOW, Conpdy Muiletl AmZ

J" dates. Dave line oulflu WILLIAmT

261 r. Kada At*.. .>tl. tools, 4llitourl.


Trumpet Player at Liberty.
Union. W. F. BROOKS. 116 Union Rt., Hudaon. New York.
Trumpet at Liberty -- Ten


Will aeiept Individual engage-

met,t». .tddres* C-932, care Billltoard, Cin-


Maple St.. Watertown. South Dakota.



Flano. 4'lolin ui dtn-t. Splendid

library. n. >ire to J

High lasa tdeture thea¬

tre tvhere prurer musleal neltinga are featured.

(Prlie*tTi of till or mure ev--ntlal. Fifteen jrr in'

exiwrieme. Write all details. BtiX 110, Fort Jerria,

New York.



mutic. singing and dan. Ing, also Putwh and

ahow. Apply R. J. WKIIFR TUKATRK'AL aSe\^

Timaa BUg.. Hi. Loiili, MOsourl.


THE MELV,IN TROUPE-nFour pmoI*. Thfe* · Ista acta for faira, etc. High Hwingliw Trai^
V't; High Hwln^g Hla.k-Wlr* Act; Cootcrtlon aad

yeara experience in picture and combination hoiiaea. Reliable; yood tone. No b^dcuni, but read tbe apotr. Rtale aalary (union). Write or wire. TRUMPET, Box 3;J7, Bristol, Teiin
J in20
Trumpeter--Experienced Pic-
torea, yauderille, roadahowa. concert, dance; eirht reader; *o<>d tone. TRUMPETER. 122 Bradford Rt., Albany, New York.

LADY TROMBONIST--OPEN FOR SUMMER engagement. Union. Wire, don't write, C-
931, care Billtoard, Cincinnati.
ORGANIST AT LIBERTY--YEARS' EXPERIence. good library, steady, union. MRS.
McBRIDE, .M4 E. Fourth .st.. Mu*c*tlne. Iowa. JunelS
SOLO CORNET--WANT TO LOCATE IN GOOD --to0w4n 1wi.hbeerre employmeanylt/f. la furniwh·ondoi banwdA

HOT TRUMPETER at liberty--Doublet on Violin

playi huth equally well. R* ad. fake, iraprovlae and

liokum. I niua, tuxedo, young, wllUng to go any¬

where. Lsxatiun preferred. Seven yearv' experleiire

in vaudeville and dance work. Kieellent refertiice.

Nothing mlsrrpreaenled. Rillroad fare In advance.

Ita'liiblri only need an»wer. Etperlmentert save

postage. UY.MAN B. FARRS, 709 Eighth St..

Milwaukee. Miaconsln.


ORGANIST of unuvual ae.'^lishiMnts. UlMril mo,tl'vlc ibUity to accuTAt^ly lyiwnronu^ mmluatitec"* ww!itihn

Iten-Jaw Art. The Billboard, Clnrlnoall, Ohio. lunell

THREE R0SAR09--HI, Mandy and Flapper. Comedy

trick h Jie, arrobatlc art, alM wntiderfal teetii

trapexe ad. Two uniurpaiied fret acta. tlMla

. ..h bond Addrraa Billboard. Karnat City w

General Delivery, (Julnry, llllnola.



Violin Leader -- Vaudeville,
plctnrea. or combination theatre; Ions expe¬ rience; larKe phototday library; cue corre.-tly;

rapn. Children uobool wh*Te. Addr»`8t DAK
rado, Kanata.


every iction in ihe picture, Jeilret offer* for middle of July. Keoil refurencre. union, nurrled. Kull ((irraation by mail. Real orican and theatre oolT*
OROANIST, Igjj Frankturd Ave., Fhlladelphl*. Pa-

ia WORD, CASH (Firat Lla* Lara* Black TtMi
2* WORD. CASH (Firat Lin* and Nam* Black traa* la WORD. CASH (Small Ty**) (N* Ad Lett Than 2i«)
Fl|ur* at On* Rat* Oaty--Sa* Nat* Btlaw.

union. 8. J. OATES, Oerinir, Neb.



o' At Liberty -- Pianist, June

Violinist -- Young, S5rmphony
and aolo experience, deairea picture theatre poaltlon. k> anywhere. AMDREW HECKEH. XAMP, 44^0 Clarence Aye., St. lyonla. Mo.


enced In all llnea. Will go anywhere. Prefer

a good oreheatra. Write PIETRO M. BEL-

VAOOI, 148H Edgewood 8t., E. P., Wbeelinf,

Weat VIrRinU.


A-1 DAMCE VIOEIKIST--AGE. *4; SIGHT read, jaaa, improwlae. memorlxe; feature don.
ble atopa And aoloa; hot or aymphonlc; also
eoncert. Experienced reco«jlxed dance and hotel oritlieatrai. Itouble (friimi. xylophoiiM. .4matenra, college tm.vc. aare stampa. EARL BOOTH, 868 N. Howard St., Akron. Ohio.


play. Excamtlonally Sne library. Firat-claaa

experience. Non-union.

BOX O-tOT. Bill¬

board. Cincinnati.


AT LIBERTY--A-1 CLARINETIST. DOUBLES Rb Saxopbone. I.sing experiencpt. CHAS.
NIEMl, 168 B. 122d St.. New York. JunlS

H. Bteyenann, 4(10 Audubon Are., New York City.
AT LIBERTY--THEATER DRUMMER. Ac¬ count of Taudevllle acaaon clnalng. Fourteen
ycara' experience. Bells, xylophonea. t.vmpanl. Ixxate only. OEO. W. S06TTHALL, 1404 I.araca Rt., Austin, Texas.

Long Run Musical Play Records

Number of consecutive perfomiAiicea up to And including Saturday. June 6.




Garrick Gaieties. .June Lady, Re Good. _Ib'C. Louie tbe 14th . ....Mar.
Lucky .Sambo.>... June Mercenary Mary. ... .Apr. Mikado. Tbe.1 -.. Apr. My Girl. Rose-Marie ..... Hep. Hky-Higb. ... .Mar. Student Prince, The... .... Dec. Tell Me More. Ziegfeld FoUie*. ....June

8.. .. -- 1.. . 218 3.. .. in
1,3.. a . VU t».. .. 1
13., .. 04 11.. . . * 24.. ·. 2J7
a.. ...^Sl 2.. ..113 2.. .214 14.. .. 64
24.. ..3!m)


Artists and Model*.May
June Days.May Rdse-Marie.Feb. Student Prince, Tb*.Feb.

31. t>
31. 9 8.l.vt

No, No, Nanette.
Tujiay and Eva.

4... .. 44 13... .. «5 11... .. 32


St WORD, CASH (Firat Lint Lirt* Black Ty**l 7a WORD, CASH (Firat Lin* and Namt Blatk Tyatl ie WORD, CASH (Small Tyat) (Nc Aa Ltai Than 2S*)
Fiiurt at On* Rat* Only--St* N*t* Btitw.

13tb. Experienced, dance and Taudevlllefeature singer. Youug. neat, nnlon. .Kgc 20' Il.-st r- f- reuce*. L. W. TROY, 582 E. lOith'St.i Cleveland, O. Suite 16.
At Liberty -- Orchestra Pian-

At Liberty--D. L. Dennis, Pro-
fea-ional aeronaut, .411 modern equipment. 30 y-ara' experience. Franklin. Indiana

Balloon Ascensions Furnished.
I'arks, fair*, celebration*, etc. 2. 3. 4 and .I paraebnte leai>H at e.xcb asi-enslon. Term* rca-onable. Satisfaction guaranteed Refer· nee and bond* for appearance fnrnisbed on r--,:iest. July 4 open. Write or wire. DAREDEVIL REYNOLDS. Jers yvll e. Hllnol*.

The Original Rube Perkins.

Toidy and gentiemsn. Three real featare acta.

Fairs, celebration*. Holton. Kansas.


lat, lady. Well routined and thoronghly cpmt>etenl. Familiar with atandard llhrarle*. Ka-elb-nt aight reader. Prefer perman-Dt
lK)*ltion. Hotel, summer retort or pi. tnre theatre. Write or wire. MARJORIE HERR, 512 Shrewsbury, Chnrleaton, Weat Tlrgluia,

Capable Pianist -- Prefer Pic¬
ture#, alone. Large library. Experienced; union. FRANK BOLINOEB. 117 n7 Fr-neh .Ht., Sullivan, Indiana.

Competent Male Pianist--Ex¬

perienced theatre, hotel, dance. Sight reader; lead or side; line orchestra library; unl<«:

tuxedo; beat referencea. BOX 0-917, Bfliboard.



The Aerial Belmonts, With
tvio high-clas* free act*. Fegjnrlng their *en-ationai aerial trapexe net. .4Iso comedy plntfumi act. Address care The Billboard, Kansas City, Missouri.

4--O'Doies--4. Three Ladies

and gent. Two diatimtty different acta.

Tight wire and Jaxa Udder. Celebrations,

fairs. Havana, Illinul*.


Dance Pianist for Reliable Or-
gantxed band. Read. Union. State terms. BOYD MILLER, New ^sa. Indiana.
Young Pianist--Open for Any
Srat-cU** engagement. Unlimited experi¬ ence. CARX, WHYTE, General Dellrery, Neenah, Wisconsin.

AT LIBERTY-VIOLINIST AND PIANIST. Both thoroughly experienced In pictures and
TandcTille. Excellent library. Union. Refer-

No. No. Nanette. Stud-nt Frim-e.
When You Smile.

..118 .. 72 1... .. 8

encea. Deaire poaltlon where ability and con-

eclentlous work are appreciated, .\ddreaa VIO-

- LIN18T. Apt. 8, 1040 N. Kedzie Arc., Cbicago,



ture experience, con-ervatory graduate.

AT LIBERTY JUNE 20TH--OllOANIST-PIAN. ··ORGANIS'r". 37.27 Garfield, Kansas City, Mo.

1st. Union. Cue picture*. Vaudeville ex¬

perience. (lo nnywherc. Addreae HINZE, 1140 80USAPH0NIST AT LIBERTY JUNE ·--A-1

New York St.. Is)ng Beach. California.

mu«ic:aD. double* violin. Ijocatlon work for

anmmer. Union. O. LEO OOHLMANN, 221 8o.

AT LIBERTY AFTER JULY 4--BUSINESS Gilbert, low* City, Iowa.


Trumpet. Vaudeville, picture*, etc. No

la** hound or soloiat. A. P. of M. PAUL J. SNYDER, Findlay. Ohio.
comhinatlon house. Can come at once. HAY¬


available for Kumtner re*nrt or cotintry club

Job, Six years* experience tn dance work.

College man. and union. C. H. BRUBAKER,

4142 E. 99ih St.. Cleveland, Ohio.


DEN ADAIR. 4S.v,3 So. Wella St.. Chicago


AT LraERTT JUNE 14--EXPERIENCED Trombonist, Sight reader; good tone, and
all the necessary esacntlala for dance or thea¬ tre work. Also TaudeTlllr- experience. HUGH LAMBERT, care l.lbfary Tlwater, Warren. I'a.

rs-ads parr*, tuxedo, college man. doe* not drink. Would like *nmm<-r engagement imme¬ diately. JOHN J. SULLIVAN, 116 Canterbury
__ St., Worce*ter, Massachusett*.


AT LIBERTY -- A-1 TRUMPET. EXPEHI- joist want* a good *umraer*engagement Im¬

cnccd theatre, concert and dance. Hotel mediately. Doe* solo work, can play hot *p< -

seashore preferred. F. C. BELL, 1420 lO'h clal*. take breaks, alght fead'T, Improvise-*,

St.. .\Uoona. Fennsylvanin-

dniihlei Violin, tnt* tbe staff. Addre** BOX

196, Billboard. l.'V'iO Broadway, New York City.

AT LIBERTY -- TENOR BANJ0I8T. READ. fake. Reference, tuxedo, union. Wire or
·.dione i:?F", Appleton, Wlaconsin. lAEA-


Band. Well experienced. At lll^rty Jolv 1

R. I. McPherson, box a&l. Lexington. Vir¬



Plaver. Band, orchestra and theatre. P.
HATZELIS, 800 Weat S7tb St., New York JnneUO

TROMBONE -- UNION. LONG EXPERIENCE. Tau'leville, plctnr<-», concert band: want* sit-
nation. no Jaxz. MUSICIAN, 12 Sooth Caldwell .v«t.. Charlotte. North CarcAlna,

AT LIBERTY--TENOR SAX. DOUBLE 80prano and Clarinet. Hate good tone. Read
arrangementa and experienced (t* reriewa. Now with one of leading band* of Ohio. Age 24. good appearance and reliable. Would pret^r locating In Ohio, Michigan cw Indiana. M.


or combination theatre. Bxcerdlonal library;

long exiserlen-e; onion

At Iib»rty June l

C. B. NASH. Tivoli Theatre, SloiiX City, l -w.v


HAUEB. 228 Wortman Are., Dayton, Ohio


years wiMi plauo dIre-*tor», vtght reader: BANDMASTER NOW CONDUCTING PB0FE8- flncat training; tg». 80. nnlon FRANK HET
·ional bond des'rea h!gb-cla*a locared engage, ji NONEN. «tl8 Wait Arc., B»n Avon. Fits*

ment. to start July 1st. Addresa 413 MARTIN burgh, I'enneylvanla


ST., Danrllle, niinoi*

jTme20 j


Celebrations, Parks, etc. A rube act with

a trick Ford, will feature any place. Also

Armstropg doing slack-wire excellent; Dodge

doing acrobatic and trapeze; thn-e distinct'

arts. Ford featuring. ROSCOE ARMSTRONO.

Mnnteriima, Indiana.


AT LIBERTY FOR PARKS. FAIRS AND CELEbratlons of any kind; also hare Fourth of
July t>l>en. The Parentos (Lady-Oentlemani. three -^rst-cla** different and complete open-
air. platfiwm. clrcua, free acts. For price and description of act*, write or wire our perma¬
nent address. THE PARENTOS, Box IS. Tidlonte, PeDDsylvanla.


people; two high-clasa aerial free acta for

Park*. Fair* and Celebration*. Cash bond for

appearance. Write or wire for literature,

permanent address, Randolph Hotel, De*

M'llnes, Iowa


BALLOON ASCENSIONS WITH LADY OR TJentW-msn Aeronaut* furnished for Psrks,
Fslr*. Celebrations. For term* and open time, PROF. J. A. PARK, Newcomemtown. Ohio,


chnte dnips, wing walking. R. COX, .Msn-

teno. Iltinola.


FRED WELLE. THE FLEXIBLE FLYING Clown. Two aen-tilonal fr-e act* for fair*
parka, ceb-tirotlon*. ete. Always reliable and do not m <rpri»etit Addresa SIS North BIxlh Ht.. Hf. laiols. .Mi. oorl.


act* snd a bvlloon for fa ra and celehraiIona.

We forn *h entire program Writ# for Iltera-

Inre. Charter Oak, Iowa.



Iierformtng on h.gh wire RITA AND DUNN,

The IJlIIlKiard, Clncli.iin t|. Ohio.


LASERE AND LAHERE--LADY AND GENTLEm»n. Two ex. eiP nf ».t* for fairs We
gosrsntee «*tl«f*cfIon. Foaloring slid Irap.ge,

car.y, Ohio.


Young Man--A-l Piano Player
want* to hear from A-1 dance orchestra Experienced; anion- C-929, care Billboard, Cincinnati.

A-1 GRADUATE PIANIST--EXPERIENCED 1» all lines of mn-ic. deaire* position of any
kind in mnsic. MARY KELLY. R. D. 4. Bet 110, Akron, Ohio. Portage Lake*.

A-1 PIANIST--FAIR ORGANIST. IS YFATIS' experience: picture* only and alone; r-od
library; good memory; claatical and miNl--a mii-ric. DNtanee no harrier. Htlcker. Ri-ferences. PIANIST, 20ilH Mattbea Arc., Elahurat. Delaware.

AT LIBERTY--HEAL DANCE PIANIST U»Ion. Univeraliy atudenr, and would prefrt
summer resort Job. .4t liberty June 8. BOX F rnlver-<lty of North Dakota, Grand Fork*. North Dakota.

AT LIBERTY--A-l PIANIST. PREFER FIRSTdas* dance frrcheslra. Other rellshh- ea-
gngement* considered. All cummunlcatlon* «· -Wt-red. Read. fake, young, e\pi rlmeeA
Can furnish the good*. W. ALEXANDFX. 2!tl0 Fark 8t.. Cincinnati, Ohio.


Ion; age, 24; college trained; rellah^ and

ex|M'rlenei d; at llljs-rty June 10. BOX 144

(iranvllle, Ohio.



liberty. Union. Y. M. C. A.. Hlonx City.




liberty June I.'.. Play ateady rhythm, fni'

chord* In both hands. Am no feature hot

chorus" man. so- save your stamp* and wire

If you are looking for such a man I "t ·

piano-player, not a player-plsno. Csn -in*

and entertain. I double on drum*, hilt h*

no outfit. Tuxedo; union; «lngle: read. f*»

and liiiiirovl**. hut am ao night reader.

2S Wire or write me. rare Washington

Shreyeport, lotiilslana _





IIIK, Hlllltosrd. l-SdO Broadway, New ''"''`jj,

CELLIST AT LIBERTY FOB PICTURES OR moTC--Cavat An Ward*. AMP Owthtaai liWWt aad Mtmkwt I* C«w Fl*tr» Tttal it Oat Hat* 0a»». pigNlRT AT LIBEBTY--WORK ACTS. DOBvaudcvme. BOX 2S4. Switb Caatow.^^^ |N ANSWERING CLAttIFIED AON. PLEASE MENTION THE BILLBOARD. hi* bit*. EDW. BAILEY. Uaw»go. New York.


June 13, 1925

The Billboard

__ aMvaifk A « . fTWrAW

VATTWA. a atfWMVlk W A

t * «

« WMMNVdkwa


MItiatrcl Ji>k>'>. Hkrtrlit-*,

JliiKira. I(iib«, Itlarkfaitf, Iriah,


Monolusuea, 2rH- laib. STAMTON AltUSE-

MENT CO., Nnrirlth. Srw Vora.




'Shine-Bright' Metal Polishing

handling oar Sa<'»nd-lland Clothing line We Cloth selling like wildflr*. 100«-150'7r clear

<·« atart men and women in this biisinesa priiflt. Write for fre« sample.


iperien<-e ncttecesaar; AMERICAN JOBBINO MEG. CO., 1773 Greenleaf Ave., Chicago.

PIANO l.nrite

LEADEB-OROANIflT--EXPERIENCED, lilirary, piciurea eorrerlly piled. I*ep.

iiiisit on. State boiira, aalarj. etc..


iio anymiitTtf. UHirrrm.-r».

1ST. Bo*

KirkETlUe, Minnourl.




u WORD. CASH (FIrW Lias Largs llaA TVaa) (.WORD. CA»H (First Lias and Naoit 810* Tyga) l**l W~ OH_ O.'·C·AkHama(···It TfiyNpteii) (·· AlidAtU e *RmTImkmaa 2>«»

lIBrRTY--GOOD BARITONE FOR GOOD rnltal. .Addre-a 3, SW'IET, Mengelwoud,

Si word, cash (Flrit Lina Larli Black TyM) N WORD. CASH iFIrit Llat tr.d Naait Bl^ tyfe) Ic WORD. CASH (Small Typa) (Na Ad Laai Thia 2St)
Flcure at Ont Rata Only--Rea Nota Below...
BLACK-FACE COMEDIAN AT LIBERTY-- CullarM. comedy eoiiea, dan< es; changes for
two w. eVs Note--Only first sdaaa managers adlre-^ to HAPPY TOE WILLIAMS. PottsTlIle, IVttns.rlranli.
VENTEIL0QTII8T, PUNCH, MECHANIC -- Rrlre i-ar. No am.'ileur, real yentrllounl-t
I-irce abe Pun'h Pigures f.Ml Urt UiiiiiniT dm s ttikitie. apllting, crying, singing, near and db anf T"d''llng, down-cellar yolce, telephone
drinking trick, etc. Pull dresa. Roookie In radio t. l>-ph"ne. lobby dlsplar. cf. . N'.i tiihac'O. boo/e or dope. Small part in other a,t«. s'x fisit: I'.'i pounds: age. 2a. With ·lark Hlppera Dramatic Show, closing June 1.1. Don't write, wire highest and what for. Ticket? Plc.i'W. If 1 don't know Ton. Would mak* long Jump West If all O. K. LIniger, where a'e you? KENNETH SPENCER, Gen. Del.. Rcaleton, Virginia.
A-l SLACK-WIRE Comedy Juggling and Talking I>o». Cm cbinge for week for med. ihew. Hire
tun rar. Druhle canrait No; cause of thli ad. Cm Join on wire. AddrAa R. L. 80MXE8, Tberen, Wts.-nn.'.in.
blackface comic want! to double np with an¬ other nii.-kfara Comedian for nudrTlIle. State eD.
R. tv., eare Rinboard. Chieago, IllinuU.
AT LIBERTY--T'ung man of good hiblti wlibee entaeeawnt In (he theatrieel builneee. Neet ap-
psarjn-e cn end off itaae; energetic and reliable. Prefer TajdeTllle, nmlral or enr wad ahow. Fiperletieed party; my Intereat would be for yw In¬ terest. .im hnneat. BOX IS, can Billboard 8t. LmU, Mli.eatrl.
NIBI8C0--N'jt Magirlan and Straight Man. Eiperlen III leijt ai'wmtn. Changes all any lime,
·ig* SI. hricht S feet. IIH Inrbea; freight lli*. Neat appearing ar 1 a gintleman at sH times. Write or wire NIRIM'O. Maatrian. T19 West Third 8l. Huntlnetrn. Weat Virginia.
YOUNG MAN -- 2V. S feet. · inrhes. Rarltone. dmier. read llnei. Specialty female impersonator.
Eaiirrirnred. M .nla to hear from reliable people. UAHOLD wcRTt OTT. Chrk and Lake HotaL dark and L.ke Sta.. Ciilrago. llllnala.



.Musical Comedies

List F>ee




Fire. Salvage Sales Make $300 "·'f* preserves PLAYS, 10*11 Market, ,San Kranciaco. Cali¬




Al>oIlshes acvatchin*. Day's anppl*

weekly. We start yon, f'irnishing eB|rv- in pm-ket. $20 dally. Hampid on approval if


thing JOBBERS, D*`sk 1, I'iUS So. HalM'd, reiiuested. EVERPlAT, Detk C-t>, Mc(3nvg


tf KIdg., Chicago.



If You Have a Car, Are Ener- 19c Profit on 25c Sale. Stain

Figur* at Oss Rat. Oaly--At. N.tg Btl.v.


and dpaire to distribute th**

Aotomohile Ar<****Nor.v on the mnrke'tg tfMrnvs

I » ^ r> atawnrArTTmTiva aaiepaw

A Keener Edge on Your Prof-
Ita! Agenta--Sell the new Sborhone Dollar S'r<i|H>lng Si't. Resharpens a blade better than new rifiT to a hnndred aharea trim a blade. Simple to deninnsirate. Repeat ordera
Ininiedlateijr. One dollar brinra yon a aample outfit and a nioneymsklag proposition. lAT 0 SHOR CO.. tHi® New York Are., Urooklyn, New York

"KKK** Pocket Piece,

Katalog free. Agenta wanted.


Omaha, Nebraaka.

MORRIS. aiigl.'ix

Lady Demonstrators Wanted.
Be.st knorkont od the a.-aaon for atore demonstratlona and fairs New Hemstitching

Remover. BIGELOW. Box 873, St T.onis.
$75.00 to $100.00 Per Week.
Men with ear making fairs, etc. .'<0-crnt sami'le, 21 cents, with proposition. GENERAL GREENE BALES CO,, Greensburg. Pa. JaDe20


sell Chipp«'d Glass Name and Number Pates,

Che krrboarda. Signs. T>arge booklet free. X.

PALMER, 501, Wooster, Ohio.


Agents, Distributors, Crew

mea. ayerage tn0-$100 with Hark»r Producta.

10c biinga aample of lender. .Money bark If

Ton wish. Free folder staowa bow to start

·mall and grow big. Art. Rr-nd today. Rig

surprise awaita yoo. HARXER CO.. Bridge,

port, Conaectlcnt.


Agents -- Big* Profit Selling

new marTeloae pocket cigar and gan light-

era. Sample, v'o-. RADIO LIGHTER MFO

CO.. dSS Rockaway ATenue. Brooklyn. New



Attaehment. KIta all aewing niaehlnes. Sells on merits No fake. Rig profits; beantifnl fikkb: ek«» aales Write. .Sample, *1 .M>. PERFECTION NOVELTY CO., Corpus Christl.
Rummage Sales Make $50.00
daily. Offer wonderful ealuea. We atari yon. CLIFCROS, 009 Diyitioo St.. Chicago, tf
Long Run Dramatic Play Records

AGENTS. WITH FORDS. TO DEMONSTRATE and sell Meal R'lualliers at Cnnntv and State
Fairs. Best .'(IitA-k .Lbsorber made for Fords.
ideal equalizer CO.. .Xnderson. Indiana.


Wringer Mop. Selling every home. Nothing

else like it. Popular price; big profit. We

deliver. E-N MFG. CO., Dept. <0, Delphoa.




ters. PJaslly applied. Samples free. Liberal

off'-r to general agents. AUSTIN SION LET¬

TER, 493-1 Augusta St., Chicago.


Agents -- Be Manufacturers.

Make and sell your own products.


profita. Permanent rep at buainesg. Informa¬

tion free. JGB. D. cArNEY. .'>42.1 loike Park

Are., Chicaga


Agents--Our New Household

Cleaning DeTire waslwa and dries windows,

sweeps, cleans walla, errtibs. mops. Cuat b'ss

than brooms. Orer h.Tlf profit. Write HAR¬

PER BRtnSH WORKS. 320 Grimes H'.. Fair-

Held. Iowa.


Agents--Selling Householders,

chiefly summer rcsorta. Write for details.

Real mony maker. SIMPLEX SPECIALTY. 29<i

Broadway, New York.


Agents--Greatest Money Mak¬
er. Rueeell'e Razor Sharpener. Partioiilara, tnbe. 2r>r; grons. $3.00. K. W. RUSSELL, Dowagiac, Michigan.

Number of ceaiecutlTa performanoea np to and including Saturday. June 6.




Abie'a Iriab Boae.May 22. ...1.305
.\I' ina of the South Seaa. .Apr. 20..''>(> Rachelora' Bridea .Nlay 28.12 Bride Retir' a, Tbe.m.25
Caesar and Cleopatra.Vpr 13.*54 Charley's Aunt.June 1. 8 Critic. The.g.31 Deslra Under the Elma.... xor 11.2tll DoTe, The.Feb 11.l.V> Fall O'jy. The. Mar. 10_ Dc.' Firebrand, The.Oct. ir>.271 Four Fluaher. The..-..Aur 11.ft4 Gorilla. The..\iir. 28.47 Gaardaman. The.Oet. IS.274 Harem. The.Dec. 2.210 la Eat So?..%..Ian. 5.17;> I.adiea. of the Erening.Dec. 2.3.192 Man or DeTlI.Mav "J1.20 MUmatea. Apr 13.72

AGENTS -- MAKE $75 TO $10« A 'WEEK. "Flilt" Rubber Repair seals pandures and
blowouts. Sample free MARQUETTE RUDBEB CO., 232.'.F Wolfram St.. Chicago. tfr
AGENTS -- GOOD. STEADT INCOME. E^ ceptlonally naeful Honsehold Article. HANDT*
CAP COMPANY. Newark, New Jersey. oetlOg
AGENTS -- SELL LUMINOUS PLATE GLASS Honse Numbers. Sign*. Attractive commla-
slons. FOX A FOX. Box K, Grett KIMa, New York,_JnneSO
AGENTS--FAT PEOPLE 'WIIX OLAOLT OlYE you big price far a Soap whU-h will rednee.
Ours wIlL COLUMBIA LAB0RAT0KIE8. 18 Columbia Helfbt% Brooklyn New York.
AGENTS, BEST SELLEK--GEM RUBBER REpair for tlrra and tubes. Stmersed'-a rnlranl.
latioD at a saving of over 800%. Put it on euld. It TUlcanigea itself la two minntea, and is guaranteed to last tbe Itfb ef the tire or tube. Sells to every auto owner and aeeesaory dealer. For particulars bow to make big money

Agents--Liberal Offer.


Night Hawk.Feb. ibid Mao Out..Mar PIga.Sep.

24.120 2.''«. 10

and free sample, address AlCAZON RUBBER

00., Dept. 708, Philadelphia, Pa,


aamplct. Genuine Gold Window Letters.

Easily applied.


442 N. Clark. Chi< ago

Agents and Solicitors Wanted
to sell the E-Z Dance Instructor. Teaches 'em latest bsl'.nMim steps at home. Sample. 10 cents. COMMERCIAL PRESS. 101 So. Main 8t., Fall RlTer, Ma'sachnaetts.

Agents--You'll Like To Sell
·'Qnlck-Flx*' 'Soft) Solder to homes and

Poor Nut, The.Apr. Bat, The.,.Feb
Bight To Love, The.June Roameraholm.May Show-oir, The.Feb. Spooka .June They Knew What They
Wanted .Not, What Price Glory.Sep.
White Cargo.Not. White Collars.I'eb.

27.48 10.187
8....e -- 5.39 5.6fl9 1. 8
24.229 .5..322 5.1:78



women are anxlonaly waiting to buy the 3-

ln-1 Hot Water Botlle-leebag-^nnfaln Syringe

nmiblnatloB. Commission dsiiy. No delivering.

Write for startling mon'-y-making plan. LOBL


boro. Hassaebusetta.



of one. Walton Dnplex Sh rta are reyeralble.

Make $ir).$23 daily. We deliver, collert. Write

for "Y'onr Opportunity". WALTON DUPLEX

CO., 297 Brooks Bldg., Chicago.


stores lotl'J- Twoflt. For Information write
Big Money and Fast Sales--
Every owner buys Gold Initials for his auto Yon charge 11."'It. make fi ll. Ten orders dailT eksv. Samples and Information free. WORLD MONOGRAM, l>ept. 5. Newark. New

OoriUa. Tbe.May Green Hal. The. .'pr. Is Zat So?.Feb. Just Married .May Iwdy Next Poor, Tiie..May She Had To Know.May

24.. 12.. 22.. 17.. 24.. 11..


AGENTS--DOUBLE TOUR INCOME. MANN sales In every home. Give away .''>Oc premium
every .'Mb' sale and still make 1.10% profit. Write today for free aample offer. PREMIER MFO. CO., Dept. 801, Detroit. Michigan. tf
AGENTS -- MITTEN DUSTER, BIGGEST AND easiest seller. Every antolst, housewife, offlee
will bur Van Ogden Mitten Duster. Informa¬


tl The Mud 'Turtle.J'due 1..

tion free. TAN OGDEN. 19.30 Van Biiren,



Flgsre at One Rats Only--Sss Nett Bclesi.
Acts Written. Terms for
`'·mp. E. L. GAMBLE, Playwright. East

Acts, Songs Written To Order.
Rei.,,naMe prlees. Terms. PETER 8CHILD. ^'1 N Trey .st.. Chlesgo.

Arranging, Revising. Satisfac-
H' n Kuarsnteed BELLE 8CKRAG, 1711 I.tersn.;. St.. Toledo, Olilo



Mon'emery, Alabama.


HNE music. ALMOST GIVEN AWAY. THE· i* r I'ianlsts, I'eaeli.T-, t'onci-s^lonslre'*,
vt'iir "lueiriiinltr. Id siimples. .TO.-, State kinds.
Hubbard 8 bargain mumo house, riter-ld... California


r. '-"nshln. ED. McGINLEY. S9 Franklin

t't I'r'ivldence. Rhode Island.



_ iiii'ler giisraiit'-e of shs'diite sitlsfai't'en

Copyrights -eriired. Siibnitt seril'ts for e-t mate

jed free advl(;j WALTER W. NEWCOMER.

iPil Itrnadwiy, New York



H'li'.'ts, Haii-f»> t leii guiirniiiei ll. tVrlte f.ir

part . Iiisrs JOS. M. WADDLE. Arranger,


Marine 8t.. Mi.l.lle, Alsbains.

al opp'^rtunltj REXEDjESg 121S

5Iuperior. CleveUod. Ohio. Jsnelt

Closed Flame Intensifiers. Re-
LIABLE meg.. UHca, New Yovk._

Concessionaires Lightning
Polishes are big sellers gt fairs, carnivals, smnsetnent park* Onr free samples will prove It. Rig proUf. Write LIOHTNINO PRODUCTS CORPORATION. 1778 Greenleaf Ave.. Chicago.

Concessionaires, Wheelmen,
.Ag.nts--Clian np this season with blggestselllng. absolutely new patented f* sture, fancy .\nn Pennington Garters for rolled stockings. Tildes the roll. Chic and beautlfnl: wonderful ll.n-h. One million women want them. · TreMiendous demand S'nd tmlny for sample doten. $·'!V» 8tart now. Reason beginning. P J. I0E9CK. 18 West 84th Street. New
York City.

Easy Money Applying Gold

Initlalt. Mon''g-smi on .\utem<>blles Anyone

'·.vn do It. Slmplv transferred from p.sper;

tikes .3 minutes. Make $1 .10. Cost 5c. S.sm-

I'l's free "RALCO", 325 nariison. Boston



Enamels His Auto for $1.50.

X'w discovery enabling motorists to enara-

ellke their auto rtganlless of coliw in 30 to

O minn'es.

.Liiiitl.'.l with brush or cheese-

ctelh Pr.iflts 100 t« 200 i-r e-nt Write for

salt s offer. B PRUPIN CORPORATION, 23.37

N. Hoyne .Sve . Chlesgo.


Marcels (25 for 25c) -- Real,

Lasting. Classv Waves and Curls. .81atply comb In Vogulsh Fluff--that's sM Startling seller for live agents In nngrSMted terrilorv. Twenty packages cost $1.00; sell for $.'<.00.

One coat IOC. YE8PER0L. 796'2 Prairie Are..



Marvelous New Invention--
400% profit. Johnson's I.lfinld Quick Mend. Tremendous demand. Plan nnlque. Act quick Over hundr<`d other fa-X-selllng speelaltles, J. E. JOHNSON A CO., Dept. 14.30, 321 W. Chi¬ cago Av«., Chicago, Illtnolr_ jtii»e27

Salesmen--Experienced. Sell

men's Sew Process .Shoes to wearer. Sells on

moment's demonstration. Immediate ini'ome.

T'-rrltory protected. H. 8. CONE, Long I«Ian<l

I'lty, New York.


Salted Peanuts in 5c Bags in
most kftraotlTe dlsjjLsy box. Selling ·SJ'uA* wanted. BAYLE FOOD PRODUCTS CO., Broadway and Hickory, S*. laiuls, Missouri.

Sell the 4-in-l Tie Holder. Fin¬

est In the vrorld. «<mple, 21c: doern »1^>;

gri>ss, $14,10. isistpatd.


Sii89 Town-end. Detroit, Michigan.

Sells Like Blazes--^New, In¬
stant stain ami Rust Remover. For Clothing. Table IJnen. e'c. Fine premium every sale, mg. onick profits. Free outfit. Write toilay CHRISTY. .MM Union. Newark. New York. x

AGENTS--BIO PROFITS. GOLD SIGN LETters. easily appli'd. Samples free. INTER¬
STATE SION, 3935 Armitage Aye., Chicago. Jnne27
AGENTS. CREW MANAGERS--EVERLASTING Caat .Yluminnm Mail Box. Cost $1.5.iiU dozen,
sell $2-50 to $;i.00 each. A good fast-telllM nrtirle. Sample postpaid, $1..50. CHA8. 0. RAY. 11D4 Lemcke Ave., Evansvill* Ind. Ja20

AGENTS -- SELL OUR BLEACHING CREAM to the colored trade. Big fc't, placing wide¬
awake p'rsons on easy street. PRIMAL CHEMICAL CO., IndlanaiK'lls, Indiana. Jiine2T

AGENTS--EARN BIG MONEY AND ESTABlish permanent bnslnesa as exclnstre mann-
faetnrer's ag' nt for Oriental Pure White Vege¬ table Oil Soap. Golden opportunity. Writ toda.y. INDIANAPOLIS SOAP 00., IndianaiM>lis. In'l.ana. Dept. A.


No-Cement Tube Pafi'h, $12.00 hundred kits'

regnlar .We tlze. Write for b*'st projiosltloti

on m.arket. STATITE MEG. CO., Covington



AGENTS--MAKE ITSEFUL SPECIALTY COST. Ing le; sell 25c. ParticulAra free. ELEC¬
TRO CO., B.. Quincy. lllUMla.


Writes on at.-el. Every


mple Ific; $4.00 per lO* 3. 8. PENNEL...


eiiiiisites. K.esl ExtrS'

Hose. KItehen

I- .Soaps. ri rfiimes. Powders, Faca. Dental,

uty and P-roxIde Creams; Toilet Comblna-

s. Photogrnpti.c Fnlargements, Pillow Toiw.

mes. Me.lallions. Si.eet Pictures on credit.

. C. BAILFY CO.. Desk C.«. Chicago.


t.' order. RAY lOBBELER, H4040 Dickens

. Chicago.


--Coast All Wards. Alta Caaiblasd laRlalf sad Nombov* W Co*y Figaro TsOal at ·«e

(Contiise^ oi Pagt 62)


The Billboard

June 13, 1925

j ^


___ Profitable eidellne. Write today. VERNETI bons. One. 65 eents; two for $1.00. We

No batteries or tubes required. Guaranteed.

VALES COMPANY, PhoeDixville, PennejlTanla. sold this Ribbon for 3 years. Agents write for LUSTIG. 270 Selgel. Brooklyn. New York.

BULLDOGS, 601 Uorkwood, DilUi, Tfi,, '

wlinlesale prices, etc. P. J. HOPPER SALES



Sell .Madison '·Better-Made" Sblrta for larite,

Paring Knife. SHcer. Garnisher ano Ball walks, buiiae brokon. affeotloatte, $3^ oi>'

manufacturer direct to wearer. No capital or experience required. Many earn $100 .weekly

and bonna. ILADISON MxRS., 660 Broadway.

New York.


PITCHMEN'S AND MAGICIANS' TRICKS. Case* and Tripods. Samples 15c. CAESAR
SUPPLIES, 18 West Delsware PI., Chicago.

Cutter, in cartons. Sample. SOi-. $2.5 a gross. Write or wire. 8EEBEB MFO. CO.. 2220 .Vrmitage Ave, Chicago, Illinois.

10 mootba old; French Bull Bitch. 14 monih.'

full pedigreed. $35.00; IVklne.e Bitch oni

year old. $30.00. DETROIT BIRD STORE rS!

trolt. Michigan.



LISHING CO., »ta. `·E"-2. Kansas City, Mo.


Auto Monograms. New Vlctures. Window Let¬

ters, Transfer Flags. Norelty Sign*. Catalog

free. HINTON C5.. 1158 N. Wells 8t.. Chi¬





ni'Oi from all metals without the use of

liquid, paste or powder. Our agents say it sella

like "hot cakes". Retails 2.'ic; sample free.

A. H. GALE CO., 15 Edinboro St., Bo'-ton.




free. Sample coat on trial. Commisaions

25%-30%. HYDRO RAXNOOAT CO., 3510 Polk,




plete line of Men's $12.50 Suits. Boys' Two-

Pants Suita. $10.95. Guaranteed union made-to-

measure. Four latest patterns. Also Toprosts,

Vests, Caps, Riding Breeches. Big commis¬

sions advanced.

Free attrsetive outfit.


T Washington, Chicago.


300«i PROFIT--SELLING HANDIEST RAZOR made. 8<'nil 2.5c for aample. 4-8-RAZOR.
Hutchinson, Kansas.

BRASS BIRD CAGES, $S9.00 DOZEN. CA8P of 6 doxt-n. $7.5.00, Real Tnoney-maker Bia
flaah. Grab 'em now. 2.5% cash. baUnc* C. O. D. Ship one hour after receive order CARNIVAL 8PECIAU8T. 2849 Broadw.v New York.
CANARIES AND CAGES -- YOU ARE SAFE and saving hero. We have no paid booxteri
Tear* and years aervlng carnival*, parka, m rl

to food and refreshment concessionaires, groceries and restaurants. Transparent, ronbrea<able. CCC. CO.. 623 Main, Anderson, Ind.
8t., Philadelphia. Pennsylvania.

wanta good men to tell his dollar Stropping Outfit, an ingenioua invention for sharpening all makes of safety raior blaiiet. Great eco¬ nomic value. Meeting with nation-wide ap¬ proval. F.asy to sell. Big repeat business. .\gents having remarkable success. Full par¬

F if art at Oas Rate Oaly--Sea Nete Belea.

chant* and homes. Birds, Cages t'arrni< Monkey*. I'et* and supplies. America's Ijirz.-t Bird and Dog Store--for you. NATIONAL PET SHOPS, 8t. Louis, Mlsaourl.
CHIMPANZEES. MONKEYS, BABOONS CATS --Have recently returned from Africa.' Hare


Novelties, also from Germany and Japan.

$30 a day easy. License unnecessary. Samples

and full particulars. 2.% cents. Profits, $1.


Are., Chicago, Illinois.


AGENTS--$16 DAILY SELLING `·9W1NGUP". great aceldent preventer. Necessity for auto
drivers. Agent writes; ``Sell better than hot cakes." 300^11' profit. INDUSTRIAL DEVEL¬
OPMENT CORP., Dept. 25, Bridgeport, Conn. July!

BANKOFF'S BEAUTIFUL SIGNS SELL THEMselvea. Color, individuality do it. Sample
free. Also painted to order. Three colors. $8.00 per 100. BANKOFF CO., 206 E. lOth,
New York.

BABCO MENDING FLUID MENDS HOSIERY and all fabrics; sella fast; repeats quickly;
reserve territory now. BASCO PRODUCTS
CO., 17 Lincoln st., Boston, Massachusetts. Jnne27

ticulars. ROBT. H. INGERSOLL, 476K Broad¬

way, New York City.

tf Baby Parrots! Baby Parrots!


Books. Machine Needles. Kind sales In every

home. Fine side line, easily carried. Big

profits. ATLAS NEEDLE WORKS, 143 East

23d St., New York.


To deliver from July to September. Bojik your order now and you get the first healthy birds. Stamp for price list. LAREDO ZOO¬ LOGICAL BIRD AND ANIMAL CO.. Laredo. Texaa.

SELLS AT SIGHT -- OUR NEW IMPROVED models. Prints merchant's ad on wrapping
paper, boxes, paper hags, etc. Good commiaSion collected with order. AUTOMATIC ADSTAMPER, Joplin. Missouri



'-'»narieS, X emaie,

9 00 SL a

dozen. We sell anything from trained fleaa to elephants. RALPH T. HARDING'S KANSAS CITY BIRD STORE. Kansas City, Mo.

IMAGINE going: into a grocery store for a loaf of bread and being In¬ formed that you cannot buy the bread unless you also purchase a pound

a choice lot of above. These are all tame elected specimen* and above all, perfecllr healthy, not the kind that you find one or two dead every morning. I offer very tame 8<>oIt .Mangueby Monkeys at $2.5.00 each. These are a real show monkey. Choice African Urera Monkeys, $15.00 each up. Mono Monkeyi, very beautiful monkey, $25.00 each. Baboons, Sto.mi, $.50.00 and tip. Have some of tbe*e trained to do several tricks. Also have several small Monkeys trained, $40.(JO each. Have two
Mother Motikeyt with sn'sll nursing babies, $75.00 each. Supply is limited this season, BO if you desire Monkeys that will surely please yon send in your order at onre. One very choice male Chiropansee yet for sale, and will have other Cobraa over later in summer. J. L. BUCK A SON, 19tb and Federal 8U., Camden, New Jersey.
CHIHUAHUAS ABE SMALLEST BOOS OV Earth. Cute. Smart, Dainty, Fine Pets.
Watch Dogs. Special prlcea to Introduce. Write quick for leaflet and ll*t. ALAMEDA KENNELS. 30t>, I.as Cruces. New Mexico.


tionaries, Bible Histories, Bible Stories. Books for home and ·liiirch. Agents roln money,

write qnick. JENKINS BIBljE PRESS, Wash¬

ington, Dlsttlet of Columbia.




of butter, a sack of flour and a dozen eggs. Perhap.s this i.s a far-fetched comparison, but actually a similar situa¬
tion is what motion picture theater owners of the United Statesare facing to¬ day, and the reason they have declared war on the ``big three" producing and distributing companies.
A motion picture producing company makes many pictures each year. Included in this number are a few that are really big attractions, some that are good entertainment but nothing unusual, still others that are designed solely for morons and nearmorons, and a considerable number that can only be designated 8.4 "awful".

CRGWS -- UNINJURED. HEALTHY Y0UH6 Crows for training. FLINT, North Water¬
ford. Maine.
ENAMELED BIRD CAGES. IMPORTED, BIO flash. Nest of three, $4.25; $16.00 doses.
2-5% with order, balance C. (». D. Orders by wire shipped within hour. CARNIVAL BPE* CIALIST, 2849 Broadway, New York.

roll. Send quarter for samples and proposi¬

The theater owner does not desire to show poor Aims. He realizes

tion. SIB BOOTT, Web Theatre, Niagara Falla,

that the tendency of the day is toward better motion pictures. His only




plating, jleOnialiiag metalware, headlights,

rhacdeliera. ·tovea, tableware, bedateada. Out-


TORIES, 1183 Broadway, New York.


de.«!ire is to provide the public with entertainment of the sort that it wants and will pay for.
The theater owTior realizes that the public will fill his house to see the really good attractions put out by the "big three". But can he go into the market and purchase them? He cannot. The producing companies make a counter proposition. To the theater owner they say in effect: "You sign a contract to purchase our entire li.st of say 50 pictures, and we will sell

and long shipments. Cleanly vegetarians, la-

offensive, inexpensive. Always an attraction.

FLINT, North Waterford, Maine.


BIO SNAKES WILL RE ON HAND MAT $0TK. Few over twenty foot long; fifteen thousand
Snakes for pit showa; · few Cobrkt. SNAKE

you the big ones that you especially want. Otherwise you can't have them."

XING, Brownavllle, TVsas.


embossed display signs mean bio

Generally there la nothing to be done but accept the producers* terms.

money and Independence for yon. Sell every

The big pictures are so widely advertis'd in advance that the public de¬


merchant, making 250% profit. This proposi¬

mands them. If the theater owner does not. show them he is cen.sured.

Moat sell. COLEMAN. 2U04 Rugby RoaA

tion la different. Write and eee why, AR-

TI8T10 SIGH WORKS. 790 Broadway, New



If he does sigm fne of these contracts and shows the 30 or 40 pictures ranging from mediocre to terrible which he must take to get the good ones, he is criticized for playing "cheap stuff."
That is not the only angle. In the larger cities when attempts have been made by Independent theater owners to fight these conditions the producers have countered by building big theaters and entering the exhibit¬

Dayton. Ohio.



tion for aooa, parks, or Jungle show*. Very

hardy Birds. Pair. $25.ni). ALLIGATOR

FARJC, West Palm Beach, Florida.



Articles, Perfumes and Speclaltlea. Wonder¬

fully profitable. LA DERMA CO., Dept. RK,

St. Louis.


GOLD LEAF SIGN LETTERS -- MAKE AND sell; profits 1,000%. Address B. B. JOHN¬

ing field themselves. It is either a ca.'se of buy the more or less uncertain wares of the several independent producing companies, and run the ri.sk of losing patronage in competition with the attractions of the so-called "trust", or of capitulating. In the pa.'-'t theater owners have largely capitulated. Now they are organizing for battle.
The fight that will ensue probably will be bitter. Already there are indications that the affair will be carried into the courts under the Sher¬ man anti-trust latv.
Public sentiment should be on the side of the theater owner, for It is he who Is waging the campaign for "better movie.s". IToduclng com¬

GILA MONSTERS -- STRANOEST REPTILE. Easily kept alive. C. O. D. anywhere, gtl.iid
and $8.00. CHAS. X. £TANS, Taxidermist. Phoenix. Arlsona.
GROUP OF rrVE EDUCATED GOATS FOR Sale. 10-Mlnuta Act. This is the Heat tiost
.4ct In America. Anyone can work tbew. Broke for stage, clrcna ring, or anr plac^ $400.00 takes them and props. Address MIIT

STON CO., Quiucy, Illinois.

panies will continue to grind out cheaply made celluloid "junk" as long

as the public can be compelled to consume it. »


HINKLE, Manager. Rodeo Dept.. 101 Ranch. Marland, Oklahoma.

GREATEST SELLER OUT--MAGIC POLISHing Cloth. Pulislica all metals. No isdlsb



needed. 3;k<ss»>'%/c profit. '"SSsarmapile FKrreee". BEST-

Ringtail ilonkey*. 120.00 each; Armadlll'O.

EVER PRODUCTS. 1038 W. Irving Park. Chl-

$5 00 each; I.uirge Whip Snake*. Rattler* flied;

Horned Toads; Jap. Mire. DETROIT BIRD

STORE, Th'trolt, Michigan.

I WILL SEND YOU 600 GUMMED STICKERS will! .vciur name and address neatly printed`
and six weeks' deluge of mail full of Interei-tIng priiiwHitinn* and sample* all for fifty centa. iMlX-LERS, 430 E. Tuacarawaa, Canton, Ohio.

SOAP AGENTS WANTED -- TO SELL OUR big line of product*. Sample case furnished.
Write for terms and particular*. LIMBO COMPANY, Dept. 232. 8t. Louis. MissonrL x


Specialties, instantly approved and eagerly

purchased at 35c and .50c. Tremendous profit.

$.30.00 to $.`.2.00 per gro-c*. Pocket samples.


mont, lllinuia.



altraetively put-up package of useful Hon*e-

hold Necessities. Positively a sale in every

hdii-ie. Fine sideline; easily carried: big profit*.

Send for sample. LEE BROTHERS, 14.5 E.

23d St., New York.


Carnival Specialist for Bird

Cage*. Only Bird Cages imnorted. 15 OOO

fw immediate delivery. 5$Fw York.


Snakes --Mixed Dens, $15.00





when framing show or park for coming *<'t-

son to verite me for prlees. Still patting out

Pit Shows, 110.00 up; all aloek fine eondltloa.

t'sn aave money on expre«a charges out of here.


Jacksonville, Florida. (Alllgalor Joe CamphcH's



SNAKES. SNAKES. SNAKES--COYOTE PUPS $8.lg| p6ir; Iguanas, Clla*. Alllgaters. I'om-



Springfield, Ohio.



$10 DAILY SILVERING MIRRORS. PLATING and refinishing lampt, reflectorM, autos, l»-ds,

chandelier* by new method. Outfits furnished.

Write GUNMETAL CO.. Are. G, Decatur, HI.


July lx

isig isargain! Big Bargair
DItek Tgiianan* $12 00 dozen. $1.50 eae White Ra's. for killing eommnn rsta, .50 Smx.kum Bears. $15.«0: I'arr.ils, Snakes a all kind of p*'ts and wild sniinal* from Rout

plefe Pit Show. JOHN BARNES, FloresvIlK



SNAKES. $10.00 PER 100; YEARLING BEAR. $.50(si; Wolf Culia, $16.00. BURTON ZOO,
Fal rmont, Minnesota.

Herbs. Conatlpation Liver Tahlt-t. 40 yeara old. Hample and particulars frei>. TOTTEN, 8222 11th St., Washington, D. C.
NEW WONDERFUL SELLER -- B8c PROFIT every dollar sale. Deliver on spot. License
unnecessary. Sample free. MISSION FAOTORY L, 619 North Halated St., Chicago, HI.
NEW CAMERA TAKES AND FINISHES photos in one minute. Make money selling
Cameras or taking photos. Exclnslve territory. CROWN 00,, Dept. 973, Norwalk, Coanectient.

WANT DISTRIBUTING AGENTS FOR HANalick, the new, original Powdered Hand Soap.
Removes grease, grime, ink. paint and most anything from the hands withont injury to skin Every mechanic and auto owner; everybody who gets hia hand* dirty will be a customer. Great opportunity for bustler to get a hiisin* ** Fii I information and aample free. SOLAR PRODUCT8 COMPANY. 124 West Lake, Chlesgo tf


Hnajes, Kxlraet*. Perfume-. Toili-i Good*.

KxiH-riPnee unnecessary. CABNATION CO.,

Dept. 23.5, St. Loula.


ern Mexleo. Stamp for romplefe pilee II-


piue*. '-.spi.l" l.rture. direction* for f.-.-d

Slid < are. .\ eomplete sliow, only $10. FLINT

North Waterford, Maine.



Be,stem May 20th. World's Hmsilest Elephant

Tiger*, le-opards. Hears Over tliree hundred

Monkeys of ill kinds. Wire for prices. SNAKE

KINO, Brownavilte, Texas,


SELL BOOKS BY HAIL -- BIG PROFITS. BABY COYOTES, $4; PAIR. $7; OLD COYParticulars free. ELFCO, 623 So. Dearborn, ole«, $7 <SI; Prairie It.,*,. wt ,,,i*. I|,irle,*

TWO FINE WRESTUNG BEARS. CAGE. Wagon and Banner. I.arge T-nt, 5ii\I'.''t.
.506 Hlde-Wall Poles, 14 fis>l; 2ln.h disiml'tIx»t Ponies, Donkeys, White Horse* M-oikey*. used in movies. WARNER. 1 .New York .we.,
Newark, New Jersey.


Kc-w 30 foolers, also twenty Ihou-aud Snnke*

for pit shows; also a few Cobraa. SNAKE

XING, Brownsrllle, Texas.



mule*. Full particular*. CHAS. SMITH, -i'

WilKon St., llrouklyii. New Vurk.


NEW WONDERFUL SELLER--$1.40 PROFIT every $1..50 sale, monograming automobile*.
Wllbar made $59.50 first day. Free rample*. WORCESTER MONOGRAM CO.. M-lOO, Worces¬ ter, .Massai-liuwtl*.
PANAMA HATS -- GENUINE TOYO HAT Bodies can be blocked in any alxe or shapo



7 NO. COUNTER P. C. 'WHEEL--7'/i INCH diameter. Gandy and cigar s ores buy on
»lgM. Will pay for Itself In 1 hour. Sample, $1 ·5'>. Refund'd if *1 ·atialled. l-et'a got AGENTS SUPPLY HOUSE. 616 Fourth St., Toledo, Ohio.

Doa«. $I<t.«0; Hnow Uooiie, $IO.(jO. 8W1FT. Hterling, Colorado.
BEAUTIFUL SHETLAND STALLION--WALKS liind feel, talking a.-t and otli.r trick*. All
kinds of Doa» sullahle f.,r training. .tiilmala trained to ord' r. F. WISEMAN, l<tt.5 German¬ town Are., i'hllad* Iphla, I'eiinKylvanla.

FIlur* at Oa* Rats Oaly--Sm Nst* Bslssi. ^
Don't Worry About Troubles,

for ladle* or gentlemen, $3.ti0 each. Agenti selling same for from $6.00 to $1.5.fit). Hpeclal price to agents. 8. RAUSCH, P. O. Box 460, South Norwalk. (Jonnectlcnt.

dlffleulties. etc. For advlco and pnrmpt *'

NOT^-Caaat All WWdi. Alaa OaaiMaad Isitial* and Naakart ti Copy. FlfMea Tstal at Oaa Rate Oaly tIon regarding all legal mattera or money due


consult LAvnrER WAX.I.A0S. Ava., Oblcaco* UUaola.


Mlchlg» )udc20

June 13, 1925

The Billboard


Edward Voelcker, Lawyer,

(Jiirrlilt Thfttre liull>1iug. Cblt»go.


attractions wanted

Attraction Wanted--Saline Co.

I>iv A"i«>''l«Mon, Monday, R>`nteitibyr

7ih Ad<lr<'->« ELMER SEATS, lios 103. Uar-

rinhiirr llllnnla.


Carnival--Wanted Concessions

·ml iihow^ No wht'eli. .Tuno COth to July 'h. DANSVILLE CARNIVAL AS30CIA.

TIOK. IUD*'lllf. w YuTk.



deredi ll Tlm mak N 4<i large dollar ladtlen

eirellent Tonic (water Milutlont. Label* free.

GILMAN, Box 17U, KIlut Mlrhlgan.


CONCESSIONAIRES--NEW GAME AT BRITleh Kmplre Kxliililtion; gong big; not in
·Amerlea. Kailly made. Comidefe Il'UKtrateil Inatrintlona. *1'.()0 (hill). WILLIAMS. IKS I'arkhuriit Road, Loudon, B. 12, Eugiand.


Klgna eaKlIy. Sign (iiittit, Ineliidiiig eeti-

niator. S'nd 2.h.`. BEETZ, 093 Sixth Are ,

.New York City.


EXCLUSIVE POPCORN MACHINE BOOTH ON atreet. poi>u.atlun :{ itiHT. Soft drink*, bani-
biirgera. Money mak-r. Prlre <|iNl.i,0. B.
NICEWANNER, Box fs. IlarriHun, Ark. Jiinl3

Look! Small Fair Secretary

--Wanted to rent apace for f. clean foni-esaion

Ganiea within .'lOO mllea of here. C. H.

SORNSEN, Ucean City, Maryland.


1925 Catalogue Now Ready.
Globe NOVELTY. Omaha. Nebra-ka. atigl.'.


Friday. July 3. In K"\lllo. South Uako a. In-

 liiding .Merry Co-Ilniind.


ELAA, It''TUlu, South Dakota.



gan, Jul.v 11. J'l.iaa, attendance expieted.

Legitimate Cone* a Iona and Amuienienta

wanted. E. L. POW'ERS.


Carnival Wanted--Good Car-
nt'il. pl'uiy of rlil*`«. for roiinty Filr, Hri«'l-ti'l'l. Mo.. SrptrullMT 1-5, liljj. CHAS, D. BOYD, s,'.TPtary.__
Concessions and Free Acts of
ill kindK. rpntnl IxAiNIana Pair, night and Or i.lM-r 11^ to -t, Aloiindrla, I.a,
Wanted--Rides and Conces-
ion*. Old S»*ttlor«. Anirust 21 20. proiK>t*ltiun. B. O. MARKEE, .\uxuHtA, 111

Wanted--25 Acts for July 4th,

Wrlir full dpiorlptlon. lniTo»o niofnm, I'aty

pri.-p fir-t



RENT COMPANY, 917 Trrmliial Itldg., I.In-

...In Wl.rn-k:,_


man Kxport and liuirirt .Mag.axine. printed

in F:ngll*b.

Ite|irr>eut« o»er 2.">.<N»0 artliTe*

of the German Induatrr. I'opy. 5(ic. poh tiaid.

CENTRAL SUPPLY HOUSE, (il5 Seneca -Lve..

Biiaiklyu, New York

INCH DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENT -- 16« niagaxlnei, year. <.'>0. WOOD'S POPULAR
SERVICES, Atlantic City.

LARGEST HALL IN LAKEWOOD. N. J.. FOR rent. Suitable for rink, dancing, ^(·w':n^
alie.vi, etc. Long winter leanun. MARTIN LEE, Ijkewood. New Jerrey.

LET US MAKE MEDICATED SOAP FOR YOU K.'aie a* we make fur milliun-dol.ar adver-
tlieri. Every eui-miragement giV'n to elart .veil. Write COLUMBIA LABORATORIES, 18 Coluoibia Ueigbts, Brooklyn, New York.


all kin'l*. Koiirth of July celebration. I'lw-

*Ible drawing 2W,IMI0 or more. -Vu'i'lcea .Cnur-

ican La'glon.

.\ddre*a GOLDEN BROS,*

SHOWS, No. 16 Hill Bldg., Montgomery, .\Ia-




etc., at Ibe Ashley Pair, .Viigii-t 11, 12. 13,

14; day and nigbt. C. £. ASHBROOK, Sec'.v,

Ashley, Ohio.


WANTED FOB ODD FELLOWS* JULY 4TH Celebration, Mitchell, Indi.ana, on atreet--
ConeeMlona. Shows and Kidea. Concession* <1.50 per front foot; Shows and Bides flat rate
or iH'rcentage. Write for terma. Set up and operate July 2 and 3 without extra charge, ·kildresa B. SMITH. Chairman, Mitchell, In¬ diana. Free Acta booked.

Wanted for July Fourth--Con-

m-lon*. Trnt Show*. Mrrry-Co-Ronnd and

F.rrN Whrrl.


Ki>ot Flllii. MiDQt-Mitl.



verti*:ng Outllti. eouitileta with el.Je*. $J.'i.(KK

Kama yon Fliii.igi weekly, Inalrtictioni. ( ut*.

fre . 0R0N3ER0 MFO. CO., lolu Ju< k*nn.

Clileago, ll.iDui*. Maker*.


WANTED -- MERRY-GO-ROUND. SHOWS. Coii'essiuDs. Street fair, new Public Library
ausple.'s. Wire or come. SECRETARY, Comiiiun.ty Fair, Burr Uuk, Michigan. Fair: June 9 to 13.

Wanted for the Fourth of July

ww'k. Cromwrll, Oklahoma. 10,000 p»*opIr, all


00 loi.vroll. Soowi, Ulilri and

I'cn'r--li.n* for tlio lo'-t ilxJt in the country,

rirntv money. I'leufy oil. Plenty people.

ILtMen -p-it. Good CarnlTal conild'Tfd. Bon.

thU I- I goiMl ono. Wire or write JOE HAGEN,

lire rromw.-ll Kxchinge llink. Cromwell. Ok.


Wanted--Independent Shows,
Killer ind ConoPKloni. Third Annual Amerliin I I'cton Oleliratlon. July 8 and 4. J. E. PICKrT. PlovTi.li. Tell*_JnnJii
Wanted -- Concessions and
Free .Lot* for celebration at Llgonler. Ind.. Jul.T 1 to 4. Addreii J. 0. XIMMELL. Llgonier, Indiana.

Wanted--Rides and Conces-1

<ioni. Augiii'a Coramnnity Llye Stock Au.

nnal. Repremlior 16-18. Good proposlt.on. B.

G. MARKFE. .Augusta. Illinois.


Ferrii Wheel, other concesilon* for Cele-
hritino and Bi'''bs1l Tnnrnament, July 3d. 4th. Write L. J. WOLFE, nil! City. Kaasaa.


Now hooking Free .Acts and Concession*.


ton, Illlnoi*. at onee. Biggest little town in

IVntril Illinois_


lIDEfl AND CONCESSIONS WANTED-- B'lnnd-Cp Celebration. July 8, 4. EVERETT
WILSON. Slayton, Uregon.

RODEO WANTED--FOR BIO lOUAVN, ARK. AdhimI Celebration and Buffalo Barbectie.
Jnir .Id to (ttb. incluslre. Addreaa M. W. HUDSON, Manager, laxiann. Ark.. Box 419.

WK doff our chapeau to Frank J. Taylor. Not because he has become

the owner of a circu.'j--three rinits, count 'em--but b«'eause his ac¬

quisition of that circus is symbolical of a trait of character that

should be a blcsHng to Mr. Taylor and the envy of mo.ut of the rest of us.

It represents, as a matter of fact, a combination of attributes.

For one thing, it repre.sents the abillt.v to hew to the line thru long

years of struggle and waitiiig. Frank J. Taylor decided years ago that

Mime day he would own a circus. Circumstances forced him into other

channel.*. He flourifhed in business, became in time head of a great grain

exchange, and was known as a successful grain man to his associates.

But deep in his heart ne.stled that resolve.

Frank Taylor's circus illustrates, too, a man's ability to keep young,

in so far as the retention of youthful ambitions and desires is concerned.

It was as a young man that he formed his resolve. Now, when the gray

Is beginning to show ab<>ul his temples and the lines mark his face, he

executes that resolve with the same high-hearted buoyancy that was his

when he made it. The years have creased his face somewhat, but they

have left Taylor's heart untouched.

One must admire a man who can hold to the purpose like that. It

wouldn't make any difference whether his determination had been to own

a top hat or a chicken farm or a fur coat. The principle involved ia the

thing that is sublime.

The spring Is here. Out from the winter quarters the gaudy wagons

and prancing, besi>angled horses begin to move; the old calliope, freshly

painted. Is given a full head of steam and joins the glad parade. The

circus takes tn the road. And standing there in the sawdust ring, smiling

his genial smile. uncon.«clously beating time to the music of the band, i.s

the man who knew how to make a dream come true--under the Big Top

at last!


COWBOY CHAPS. IMITATION. $10.00; GEN(line leather .\ngora. $23.00 to $.50 00; Ha *
felt, $6.00; velours, $8.00 up: Second Tight*, fifty pairs, worsted, $2.5.00; Colonial Military Suit*, three pieces, $10.00; Oriental Girls, $12.''(l; .Spanish, Jazz. Souhrette, $10.(V) uii; Spjrk Plugs, .\nimal H'-ads. Large Hands. Feet, Kars, etc., Indian Headdress. $2.(iO up. STAN¬ LEY, ;;<Hi West 22d St., New York.
MINIATURE ORIENTALS. SPANISH. VALENlinos. Hawaiian, Wild Man, etc., for Iniys
and g;rls from 4 years to 12 years. STANLEY COSTUME STUDIOS. 3(»6 West 22d St.. New York.
PALM BEACH SUITS. SILK CLOTH, ALL colors, i-lzeB, good condition. $.5.0(t; Men r
H'reet Suits, perfect. $8.(Hl; Bathing Suits, $!.'*); Preachers' Coats, Prince .Vlbert Coat'. $l.(Sl; Chin'se Suits, all kinds, $2.0O; Minstrel Suits, flashy, complete, $5.(S); Used Tuxedo Suits, perfect, latest, $1.5.(Si; 4 Big Drops, exterior, interior. ea.ch. $1.'>.0II; Beautiful Eve¬ ning Gowns, high grade, all sizes, $10.(NI, $15.00; Itaml Coats, $3.50; N(»w Band Cajis. $1.(H(; Kuhe Coats, $1..50; High Silk Hat'. lat(St, $;t..5(>; Cutaway Coats, Vests. $4.00; (I Hussar Coals, $18.00: lO assorted I'nlfona Coats, fiD(', bargain, 520.<i0; Riding Breeches, white, $2.50; !»'rb.v Hats, gray, brown, black, wonderful bargain*, new, $1..50. ."lO Player Plano Roll*. $5.00: 8 R'd Band Coats. $40(s> Stamp brings big list. WALLACE, 1834 North HalsieJ, Chicago.

F(|ur« at Oa* Rata Oaly Sm NMt Balaw.

Want Concession Tents, etc.
Have Tent, 19x28. etc. H. DIEHL, Bos 133. Mells/urne, Iowa.


per for I.arce Concession Tent, Flah I'ond.

13o*h Machine, etc. BOX 644, Sidney, Ne¬



EXCHANGE 8x10, ALSO 6'/iz8'/a GAMER/S; also 2 Pocket Kodaks and 1 Premo. Frames,
Holdeni. for used Illusion. Magic, anything. JORDAN, 2.56 (Hear) \Veat Fourth St., ^nth Boston. Massachusetts.

RADIO--GUARANTEED 1. 2. 8 AND 6-TUBE Kefs to exchange for Slot Machines. PEER¬
LESS, 2406 CentraL Minneapolis. Minnesota. june20

Figurt at Dm Rats Oaly-Sts Nats B«la(i.

Crispettes -- That Delicious
popcorn confection. I bare three (3) dif¬ ferent formulas aaltable for any locality. One-doIIar bill or money order receives the three formula*. JACK P. XINCIUS, 15 N. Meade St.. IVilkes-Barre. Pennsylvania.


bed hugs. Liquid' or powder. Either For¬

mula. $.3.(10; both, fS.OO. ACE LABORATOR¬

IES, 29 East 3.'ith St., Chicago.



everything. Syrnpt, Extrarta. Flavor*, etc.

Other procpsaes. Free Information. THE FOR¬

MULA CO.. Saiea Dept.. 122 West Howe St.,

Seattle, Washington.


EARN $50 DAILY--SELL DELICIOUS BARBEcue Kandwiche.*. r*e any stove. Formulas
and instructions rea-mnable. LOUIS IRONS. Terre Haute, Indiana.


C'lmpicT to p'ay In Airdnme on pcrcentige.

Mi«t - atlng capacity, well eiinlpped. J. E.

BAKER. Port Arthur, Texaa.



Ilrs'-i'iasi K'dee, Noreltlei and Concesiloni,

for Fill Fe.tlval. Octotsr 1. 2. 8. O. H.

STOODT, Secretiry, Bt-llrllie llomecomlog

Asys' itlon, Bellvllle, Ohio._


WANTED QUICK--MFRakY-OOsBOUND FDR iM-i..in at iierk. I.'beral commission. Big
diy June 10. MANAGER. Savannah Lake R. D. 7, Aahland, «»hlo.


In.' Iona and amusement for big lamann,

ArkiB^ai Annual Celebration and Buffalo Bar-

W'ue. Jill, 3, 4, :i H Four big days. Ad-

4re.. M. W. HUDSON. Manager, Box 449.

joiinn. Arkansas.


Fiiiiri If oai Rati Oily--Sm Niti Biliv.

bargain LISTS--new. USED BOOKS. ALL ·nhleet*. lOc. PHIPPS LIBRARY. 1011
Mniont. Chlcigo.

CURIOS BOOKS. UNIQUE NOVELTIES. ,,,,'^'`nlng Pleturri. Sample., in,', pretuild.
LIND. 214 West 34th «t.. .New York. June20

bhOW HOW--hEAD **THE book OF THE

» eret Word and the Higher Way to Ker-

h.F Adanw. <.3.i(>; lend 2jc for lllus-

estalogiie of Bnoka. etc., with *`How

It. all,.,. Any IV'slre.** FAR EAST BOOK

i'.pl West Ohio. Chicago.


F'luri Dim Rata Oaly--Sm Niti Biliw.
Money! Making Furniture and

TWELVE BIO MONXT-MAKlNO OPPORTUNltle*. InrIuJIng -tmerlca'a Greiteit Magaxine,
all for Itie. Free, twelve article* worth <l.oO. L. LIEBIG. Box 74-2, B<'aver Daiii, Wiaconiln.
WE START YOU IN BUSINESS. FURNISH everything--Men and women. $30.00 to
$100 00 weekly operating our "New System Specialty Candy Factorlei'' anywhere. Opportunttv lifetime; booklet free. W. HILLYER RAGSDALE, Drawer 03. East Orange, N. J^

84 WORDS. 355 RURAL WEEKLIES. <14.20. ADMEYER, 4112B Hartford. St. Louis. Mo. _)nn,'20
85 WORDS. 60 MAGAZINES. 75c. OOTTWALD'S. 24bB West 30th St., New York

Fliurc at On Rati Only--S*i Nits Beliw.


pep and reputation. riiilk-Tn'k t'ray«>n«.

Perforated I'lke Sheets. Bag Pictures. Big

list free. BALDA ART SERVICE, Oihk.wh.




Instructions. $t ·>(>. FOOTLIOHT CARTOON

SYSTEM, Porlimouth, (thio.


Pltara at Ona Rita Oily--Baa Nata Balaw.
Farmers and Merchants' 8th
Anniiil Pl'n^<' at N.irkn. Kaii-a*. .Viuunt 11. 15, 1925. U'ants t'oius'sslotjs. N'»v,'ltlc*, Fer¬ ris Whe.'t ind Merry-GoB'-iu'iil. .\rtilress FRANK KRAMEL. Concession t'omnilttce.

Fifura at Oia Rata Only--Sm Nita Bticw.

Uniform Band Coats, $4.00;
new Blue Cap*. $1.GO. ail ilxea: *ruxe<lo Coat-. $>t.00. JANDORF, 22!» W, 07th St.. New York City.

ORIENTAL GIRLS* PANTALETTE STYLE B, arled Brcastpiccea, Headdress and Panels,
$12.n<t; Man'a Ilindn. complete, new design. $1.5.11(); Isadica* Beautifully Beaded TTawatlan Pis'sse*. Wr1*tlot*. Headpiece, eomnlete, $12.00
STANLEY. .3(>6 We*t 2'-M St.. New York


Speeialixe in Keening Gownn, Wrape, Irides¬

cent. Jeweled, etc., up-to-the-minute MiMlel*.

.Lfternoon, Dancing and Street Dresses and Clio-

run .Seta. House of da**, flash, reliability and

prompt service. Over 40 years at former

address. C. CONLEY, 404 West .36th St.. New

York City.


CHILDREN'S TUXEDOS AND FULL DRESS Suit* made to order, $1* (V» up. .Ml ages
and size*. STANLEY. .306 West 22(1 8t., New York, New York.

COSTUMES -- CHORUS COSTUMES. GOLD trimming, plumed henddrisses, etc., set* of
six. $12.0((: Iln-sian. Egyptian, Chinese, etc., $9 KO; Kvcolng Gowns, $4.0<); Sateen Drops, 1S*25 feet. $2.5.00; Chair Cover*. $1..5rt.
SAROFF STUDIO**, 87-: Boulevard. Springfield. Missouri.


Iteadwork. Buying direct from the Indian,

one pr'i'. H arc reason.ahle. Write for complete

price H-t. LYON CURIO STORE. Clinton.


Jum 13

Fiiure at Oaa Rata Oaly--Sea Net* Belew.

For Rent--Building and Con¬
cession for Merry-Go'Ronnd at Oakland Park, between Easton and Bethlehem, Pa. Imme¬ diate po»*e»«lon. Address EASTON AlPUSEKENT CO., 14th and Gordon Sts.. Allentown. Pennsylvania.

FORMULAS. 20c--LUMINOUS PAINT, PAINTVarnish Remover, Gasoline Tonic. Hand
Cleansing Paste. Auto Polish. Battery Renewer.
.\uto Top Dressing, Polishing Cloth. Ceinentb'ss Patches, Puncture Pluggor, Auto Body Cleaner.
.\uto See-Clear. Entire collection. |L00. W. 8. MYERS. Reading, Pennsylvania.


RODGERS COMPANY, 843 Locuat, Cincin¬




teed .Lee llair Straigbtener straightens harsh,

unruly hair. Either Formula, $2.00; both $3 (8).

ACE LABORATORIES, 29 Ehat 35th St.. Chi¬



Fl|(ir* at Oa* Rat* Oaly--Sm Nat* B*l*».

For Sale--Golden Queen Com

Pnpi'ers and Golden Honey Pop»'om.

BARNARD COMPANY. Scballer, la.


Candy Floss Machines, Cali¬
fornia Froxen Punch Machines. Iced Sundae Llai hine*. Smoking iKtan'l*. Lamps, etc. If if* made of aicndtimai. vheet hr***, copper. We can make it. CANTON ALUMINUM, Canton. Ohio.

n-iJ,"*''"'"''".' rotlih.

Wonderful Formula. NOTE--Caaat All WVrda. AIm OimblMd laltlali aad Nmabart la CarV. Fitara Total at Oaa Rati Only-

AoTmpv "

_ <***· Silver.) FRAZEE

·OENCY, Box 200, Duluth. Mloneaota.


(G)iitiniied on Page 64)

The Billboard

June 13, 1925

Keyno the Corn Game. 12

Trays of K.-ynoioc on card; no duiilicatr

line*. Si*e SulO. 10-ply board. S-VCard K.-t

with calling board and numlM'ra.

r*». 70-

Card Set,

Caxh with order. Sample on

request. HURLEY BROS.. Bay City, Mich.


GOLD AND SILVER TINSEL BRAIDS,. 6/8 inch to 4 Incbes wide, cheap. KRAEMER
ART CO., Pearl and Vine, Cincinnati, Ohio.


Chcrrolets, Overland*. McNERNY PROD¬

UCTS CORPORATION, Grant Buildine. San



Fi(ar* at Oaa Rata Oaly--8** Nat* B*l*«.

Candy Floss Machines, All
makes; new or used. AUTOMATIC FISH¬ POND CO.. 266 Langdon. Toledo. Ohio. julylS

Gold Stamping Press for Bill¬
fold*. Bing* Stamping Machine for key rings and checks. JOHNSON, Box 19, Station T, New York City.

Laughing Mirrors for Parks,

camirala, muaeums, arcades, dance halls.

BOX 86, Elyria, Ohio.


Peerless Com Popper, Rebuilt,

$TS; also Royal*. Cretor*. Kiugery. all elec¬

tric: CoDcetslon Models, rebnilt, cbeai>. coiil-

plete, guaranteed.



SALES CO., 1306 Fifth, Del Moines, Iowa.



awning* four side*, complete. Two Hollow | tol Target Practice. $10 (H> each; Electric Bi«nal Flax., site 52X.52 Inch**, rce.. .,2

Wire Gasoline I.am|>a. MRS. SUITER, Bill¬ Shock Machine, $7; P. C. Wheel and Chart, ST: *na|>* ,>D e«rh Flax. l(i illffcr.-nt colors-

board. l.'OO Broadway, New York.

7.5 Player Corn Game Layout. $1. CHESTER I'. iinant Flax*. Just Iranxht lO.Ono from 00**^

PETERSON. Strum, Wisconsin.

ni.iit, finest qnallfr: or.l.r at once, lir..* il


decoration*. WEIL'B CURIOBITY SHOP ·*,

Vial* Perfume. $.Y each; two Newstyle Blec- merry-go-round FOR SALE. RENT OR South Second Bt., Fhlladelphla. l'cnns.TlT;nm

Irlf Sliockers, $7 each; Advance Peanut Vender, trade. MRS. L. MALONEY. Canton. Okla.

$4: Ball Gum Machines, $2..b0 each. HAL C,

MOUDY, Danville, Illinois.


CAMPING OUTFIT, 9x9. ONE POLE TOP; Folding I'ot; 2-ilurner GaMiliiie Pressure
Stove; Coleman Light. FU.Y.OO. DETROIT BIRD STORE, Detroit, Uirhigan,

25c EACH OR $2.00 DOZEN -- NEW SMALL Golf Clubs, 2.'> inches lung, made same a*


used In park, fair condition, $250. R. SIM¬

MONS, Marshall nail, Maryland.



.\ve., Philadelphia, sell* n*ed Candy Flo-* Ma-

chine*. Dog-in-a-Biin Oiitflt, Long l?aklna

Crlspette Oiitflt*. Waffle Irons, Griddle*.




-\IIcy*. No xum attachment. $1] uo


$.3t».(»(i lot. 3 Penny Vlatoscop,- Picture Vi;'

ch iles. $15 (X) each. A-1 condition. Senit

tlilrd deposit. LEMKE SPECIALTY CO 5.u

Hohns Ave., Detroit, Michixan.


20 ACME ELECTRICS. $5.00 EACH; 40 F lOn Stundu* ^1.25 eacti. C. A BERG
U Salle; Chicago

large Club*. Great novelty, also big s,`Iection. PENNY SCALES. $5 EACH -- H. MAYBACH,

Baseball GlOTe*. Football*. Basket Balia, Box¬

Orehard Park, New York.


ing Gloves, at closlng-ont price. WEIL'S

"·'·``el platlnx, etc 4^2


delphia, Pennsylvania.

teed; cheap. NORTKSIDE CO.. 1306 ntth.

ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANTS. FORD FRONTEnd Power Attachments, tienerators, Motora.
Save one-half. Specify requirement*. THOMP¬ SON BROS., S.'i Locust St., Aurora, Illinois.

D -* Moines, Iowa


SLOT MACHINES. NEW AND SECONDHAND. bought, sold, leased, repaired and exchang d.
Write for illustrative and d'-wrlptire ll«t. Wc

50 WAR COINS. TIN, IRON. ALUMINUM O.M shaiH--. .-KIc. It) larxe Bill*. 2(i,- jjaOt'
8 .South 18th. PhlUdcIphla.

FOR SALE--MILLS 0. K. VENDERS, $40; Jennings and Mills Aluminum Straight Front,
$.>0; 5-alot Owl FItwr Machine, $20; Exhibit Duoscope Picture Macliine, $18.00; Oracle Fortime Tellers. $10; Pistol Target Machiuea, $1.1; Jennings 2.'>c play Bell, $7.'»; Mills 25c play. $85; Anchor 10x12 Khaki Tent, Wheels and
Gasoline Lights. Lot Salesboards cost $25.00, sell $15.00. All goods in good order. A deposit with order. F. D. ROSE, 301 Main St., Gloucester, Massacbu.sotts.

have for Immediate delivery Mill* or Jennings

O. K. Gum Venders, all in 5c or 25- pity. A!ih>

Brownies, Eagles, Nationals, Judges, owl* and

all style* and make* toj uiimerou* to m' ntion.

Send in your old Operator B- Ua and let ni

make them Into money-g.tflng 2-blt machine*

with our improved co.n detector and -pay-out

slides. Our construction ii fool proof and made

for long-distance operator with our ImprovA

parti. Wc do machine repair work of all kinds.

Address F. O. BOX 178, North Side Ststion.

iuttsbiirgh, Pennsylvania.



Bicycle .Vttractiun, $.3ti.U<i. Ll.<t RBri'

Ea-t Bcrnaiadt, Kentucky.



n«^ romlltiou, and Country store Wh-ol

$35.60 for both. DETROIT BIRD STORE rwl

trolt, MlcUisan.

' ^



5* WORO. CASH. ATTRACTIVE FIRST LINL Fi*ur* at Oaa R«t* Only--S«* N*t* Rtit*

Says Opera Is Drama to America

RICTON'8 ROOMING HOUSES. CINCINNATI Ohio--13 huu*<-*; over SOO room*: centrallv
lociBcd. Call Canal 1493-X or 5404.L whea desiring room*.

Mills Counter and Floor

Vender*. A-1 condition, |32..'i0. SIS 00 cash

with order, balance C. O. D. PEERLESS.

2406 Central, Minneapolis, Minn.


Mills Liberty Bells, $40; Mills

standard Scales, $30. UNIVERSAL COM¬

PANY, Yonkers and Central, Yonkers, New



Mills Legal F. 0. K. and 0. K.
Mint Vender*; alto Target*. Caille Victory Vender*. Ua*, ball, Puritan*. All in A-1 order. Bargain*. Mints. $10.00 thousand. LIBERTY NOVELTY CO., Salisbury, Maryland.

Park and Arcade Men--Here

1* your chance. We have some great bar¬

gains'in Arcade Machines. Just like new. Gnar-

anteed perfect mechanically, at lowest prices,

(inly limited amount left.

Write quickly.

BOX 194 Billboard, IMiO Broadway, New



Pop Cora Machines--Peerless
RebntU. Low price*. Terra*. Write Dept M, NATIONAL SALES CO.. Dea Moines. Iowa.

Roller Skates--Four Hundred
Pairs, or any part of same, $1.00 Pair. Run¬ ning order. Some most new. B. A B. with plenty rei'nlr parts; all fibre wheels, RIVER¬ SIDE PARK. Skating Kink, Agawam, Mass.

Second-Hand and New Ma¬

chine* for .Arcades. Carnival* and Operators.

B. MADORSKY, 689 Howard Ave., Brooklyn.

New York.


Specially Built Pig Slide, Used
one wi.jtit twelve by twenty-fonr top. with | side walls, fence, six pen«. slide, lighting equipment, everything complete. Makes won¬ derful flash for fair*. Hundred and fifty dollar* take* complete equipment. M. E. DEERING, 10 Victory Flock, Lorain, Ohio.

O me," said Havrah Hubbard, a member of the Board of Directors


of the American Operatic and Allied Arts' Foundation, to Wlnthrvip

* P. Tryon in an interview published In The Christian Science

Monitor of May 23, "opera Is drama, and so I have come to the <»ncluslon

it Is to every American. To an Italian or a Frenchman, and even to a

Russian, the appeal lies chiefly in tonal beauty, while to a tJerman it

rests largely in heroic and sentimental emotion. Give a person of L-itin

temperament a good phraf>e or a fine high note and dramatic truth doe.*

not much matter. But you must put a certain Intellectual quality into the

thing or the American does not like it. He demands a reason for all

you do.


"Now the out-and-out opponents of o^'ra condemn it as absurd, and

of course they are right. But that does not mean that we ought to lay

stress on the absurdities. Granted that opera Is a form of art, and there¬

fore in a manner (Xinventlonal, we must nevertheless make It as Pt'emingly

logical as we can, ^nd the only way, if I have the correct solution of the

problem, is thru the drama.

"To illustrate my point with a familiar instance or two, take first the

climax of the triumphant scene In the second act of Aida. How often I

have seen the triumphant Radames take the wreath presented to him by

the princess, and, instead of putting It on, as all laws of ceremony would

refjuire, merely throw it down and step to the footlights and begin to sintt! Take for another example the scene in Madame Butterfly, in which the

two Japanese women decorate the house for Pinkerton's return. I can't

tell you how many times I have seen cherry blos.soms and chryi-xinthemums

mixed pell mell, with no thought of the contradiction of seasons. Not

only do they Jumble spring and fall together In violation of <?ommon sense,

- but they even disregard the implications of the libretto, for the women

one moment speak of the garden as robbed of its flower? and at a later

moment open the door and show it blooming as gayly as ever.

"In my opinion we should have a person direct opera production who

Smakes clear to everybody in the cast precisely what the meaning of the iece is. They do that way in'the theater; they ought-to in the op<>r.>.

ouse. As we have been going, each performer learns his own part in hi.-'

own way, or at best according to some tradition, and fits hlm.«elf in with

the other performers as best he can. The chorus, ordinarily, knows nothing

of what the principals are doing. . . .

"The important thing for us Is to us« the ability of the young Ameri¬

can singer. Give him a picture of which he can be a part. YVe waste our

resources because we, do not let our artists know what they are to do. M'e are held down by » tradition that is Vished' on us. I would like to

see it discarded. What Is a tradition anyway but a daring thing that

somebody did and that others have copied? If somebody once used Initiative,

why cannot a person do it now?"

Mr. Hubbard discussed the possibilities of Improvement In opera

decoration, noting tha- paint and canvas have about become exhausted, and

indicating that a period of scenic Illusion thru light is at hand. He ex-

pres.sed the view that opera will be composed in a more distinctly dramatic

vein as time passes, with the ordinary dialog rather spoken than sung, and

with the orchestral accompaniment reduced in sonority and Instrumental

elaboration. . . .

Wanted for the Great Keystone
Show, nsefnl performers doing two or mora net*; also Una-Fon Player. SAM DOCK .·Mimersef, Pennsylvania.
Wanted Quick Real Conces¬
sion Agents Good propositioins for capabit people, for wheels, grind stons, and Young I.ad.v .Agents for ball games. This Is a gilly allow and all getting money. People w lo can't stand pro*p,Ttt>- stay awav Wire p,irtlcnlar* quick. BILL CUSHMAN. Manager (.oncesslnna. Pearson  Shows, this week A*torla, Illinois.
Savldge Show*. Stuart. Neb., tbia week, thea -Ainsworth.
GOOD SINGING AND DANCING COMEDIAN. tlao Sketch Team. Change for a week. P»y
an hot rnom after Joining. State Towe«t «ai·CJ- 16 years under canvas. PEABODY'S TENT theatre, Dover, North Carolina.
LADY UP IN MED. BUS.--IF PLAT PIANO. sn.v SO. Tell all. I,owe*t. Pay own.
TONEKA COMEDY CO.. Sheboygan. Wl«.
LADY OR MAN TO DO LITTLE ACSObatlc* that can drive Reo. B. BURKE, car*
Billitoard, l.'-tH) Broadway, New Y'ork.
MEN EVERYWHERE--OPERATE YOUR OWN profitable biiiinesa. No cotapetltion. No
capital. Jn*t a f' w weeks training by malL CROSSKEY. Dept. 199.5-G. Richmond. Calif.
MEN WANTING FOREST RANGER Posi¬ tions; $l..'**t-*2.400 tear. Write for free pir-
tlculara of exams. MOKANE, A-33, Denver. CnI. Ji2T
TALKERS AND GRINDERS THAT WILL work. *>*o Magirtan that cun make opening*.
SPENCER'S SHOWS, Coalimrt, Pennsylvania.

Two Mills 5c Counter Mint

Vender*, slightly used. $45.00 each.
THURBER, Patchogue. N. Y. -J

JOHN Iune20

100 Mills 5c Venders. Num¬

ber* from 8.5.Ono to 95,(¥K), like new, $60.

Some 25c plays *1 $15 00.

Send deposit.

Will ship C. O. D. and allow inspection, .'tend

order* nearest to yon. LIBERTY NOVELTY

CO., 1225 South Crawford. Chletgo, III., and

434 East 7Sd .St.. New York City.


$250.00 Will Buy Novel Euro¬
pean "Balloon Bacep". Details from ELTON, 188 Blythe Road, London, W. 14. England.

West 22d St., New York.


scope Pistol Machines, $20 each; 3 Wall

Punchers. $1.5 etch; 15 Rosenfield Drop Pic¬

ture Machine*, complete with sign* tnd view*.

$27 50 <*eh: -V) set* Drop Picture View*. 50>-

each or $20 for the lot. 2 Fioor-Sfxe F.leetrle*.

$20 each; 2 Kcales. Caille and Mills. $'20 each.

NELSON A ROBBINS, 625 Snrf Ave.. Coney

Island, New York.


BROS, BALLOON CO., Aurora, Illinoii.


Brad<'Dtoo. Florida. expre«» otfiee. C. O. D

$25000. We will take $200.<i(» for It/ pnr-

rliaser to pay trao-portatiun. about $12.00 to

Bradenton. -Send f.'gl.tiO. will have Pood *bipp< d

to yon. AUTOMATIO FISHPOND 00., *26<'>

Langdon, Toledo, Ohio.


FOB SALE--1 AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC BASEhall Court cheap. $3iKt 00. Neal write me.
TTTRTBR CROWLEY, Blvervlcw Park. Chteaxo.


Aeroplane Game. 0. J. MURPHY, Elyria,



60e PER GROSS -- PUCK PUSH-TOGETHER Bachelor Buttons, packet] gro-i* in Itox. Can
be -old 6 for Hic In p#i kage. Great for  treetmen and house canvassing; carnivals, lirder at on. e. only l.Otio xrosa. WEIL'S
CURIOSITY SHOP. 20 South Second «.. Phlladelphia, I'enuHylvanla.


Rink Skatea, almost new. <'o*t $.5 .50 pair.

Wliat is .vniir offer? MARTIN LEE, Lakewood.

New Jersey.


600 KNI'VES ASST.. $20.00; 1 LOT ASST. Flash and Slam. Cheap. Write for par¬
ticulars. H. C. FRIDDEU., 3'*27 Prospect Ave., Cleveland, Ohio.

SALES BOARDS--ONE 3.000. TWO 8 600, ONE 5 1**1, three 1,01*1 Knite with tape and lab. I*,

all for $5 (X).

Cooper Mint Vender. $25 00.

Mill* Mint Vender. $4S.<lO.

Jennings Mint

tender, $15 On.

Jllll* Gum Vender. $3.5*10.

Ben Hur. $"(> 00. All .Sc play. Perfect <v>n-

dllion. J. W. BRAWNER. 814 C 8l.. 8 K..

Washington. Dl-trlet of Codnmhta.

FOR SALE -- 300 PAIR USED CHICAGO Roller Skate* cquipiied with Fibre Rolls;
CO., Cleveland, Ohio.

TRUNKS -- TEN LARGE HEAVY THUNKS for $1<*>(|0. cost $.-**1.00. M.iat vacate
KRAEMER ART CO.. Pearl and Vine. Cincin¬ nati. Ohio.

FOR SALE--MODERN 1-2-3, 26.00 EACH; Lucky and Bull-Eye Ball Gum Venders, f 18 <hi
each; Target Practice. $100 each. Want Pos¬ tal Card Venders. Oll'TlNS, 1041 Kinkin Are.. Milwaukee, WI*con-ln.
$6.50--HEAVY KHAKI USED CANVAS COVera, 0x15 feet, from I'liited Stale* (lovern-
ment, hemmed With ro[M-, »o«t *2-5.f*!; for ckrnlvala, camping, awnings, ifaintera. trncks, p/trehes; also new Canvas Covers, all sixes.
Sent parcel tm-t anil vxpri-ss anywtiere <;et list of other merchandl**-. WEIL'S CURIOSITY SHOP, 20 Sou'll H< ond fit., Pniladelphla, Pa.


Alley* for sale. $.-,(*» takes tin iii Now In

opiratlon In hllllard room. 635 FULTON ST..

Brooklyn, .New York.


FRED RICH. 216 West Kt. I*>ula. West Frankfort, Illinois.

$10.00 -- FIBRE SALESMAN TRUNK. SIZE, .36 Inehe* in length, ciwt *35 i*», i-fMHl condi¬
tion. Ofli'r I'riii:'-. arwl Hand B-igs. large variety, elieap. WEIL'S CURIOSITY SHOP, 2tl Hontb ci eoiid 8t . Philadelphia, P*.

NOTE--Canal All Ward*. Alts Osatbiaad laMai* as# Hawhnrt to Cany. Flaam TM nl Oaa Rata Oaly.

WANTED -- TREASURER FOR MUSICAL remedy show. 25% Interest. Art as Man¬
ager and Treasurer, Show booked. DAN SHERMAN, Ooennta, New Y'ork.

WANTED--MAN TO TRAIN D008. PONIES. Monkeys and Bear*, at onee, MADAM B.
LUCAS, Geniral D-llvery, Ashlabnla, Ohio.




June 29

W^TED -- MED. PEN^'ORMERs' SKETCH Teams. Singli'* and .Novelty Ai ts. .\ll mint
ehange strong for week. Addreaa WM. AUTON, Clayton, Kanaaa.

WANTED--VAUDEVILLE ACTS. ALSO CLEVer Prineipala to wi>rk in acta. JOHN H.
BENTLEY AGENCY, 17T North State. Chicago junelS



«»n the Bcit

Show on IIh* ffiiifr. Stntp lowrut, Muit

on wirr. MYSTIC BOZWELL, Miller

aShowfi, Iltiffiilo, Npw Y4irk


WANTED! WANTED--PROMOTER FOR 1$Hound Prlle Ftglil, Fniirlh July. t'elehra-
thin, Itiiffalo linrheeue I.ouann, ArkgD*a". 'd-
dresa M. W. IfUDSON. Manager. Box 4'^ l*iuann, Arkanaa*.

WANTED FOR MILLER'S DOO AND PONY Cireiis--.Miislclana, Man for ponies.
ainn* for aale. Wire OEO. A. MII.LFK. Meiiroevllle, .lime 11; Norwalk, 12; l-ondiiii. 13, all (ihin.

WANTED -- COMEDIAN FOR MEB. SHOW. (illur performer* write. Hlale lowe«t
Kat and aleep on lot. RANOALL MED. 00..
Grantville, Peaniylvanla.

June 13, 1925 '

The Billboard

I'l.k Ouf I'nny. "'Ir* lowr«t *al«yr ATTCRBURY BROS' CIRCUS. MOTOBljStD. Dakota
ll y. Ni-tTai-ka.


rdu.anil, rffiDfd woman; pwTtdua bualnoa*

unn,*o.-«iiarjr; aplrndld ivrauiirration

r» .·omnilaaloii* ».lllnK

Quality Bilk I'mlor-



Fourth Are.. New York. N. Y.

YOTN^LADT to WORK BOVELTT STARD. wutt unJoratand the bualnean. Can al>o
.^^day? on W»-.'>0 baala. Wire WILLIAM IITTLE. Mai Ooldatln* Sbowa. Three Rirera.





tiuna for Radio Mlnd-Readlng Act, n"w. I of Orlando, Florida. gino.ia) each. J.

atartllng. A1.00. CALVERT MER. A880. 423 * LAMORT, 608 N. Dearborn, Chlcugo.

C'aUcrt Bldg., Baitlmore, Maryland.



one at home. Small coat. Hcod 2r ataujp

today for partleulara and proof. OEO. w.

smith. Boom 8-20, 123 North Ji ffmon, Peoria.



X-RAYIMO THE MIND! BROADCASTINO thought. Si'nHatlonal m w rooceptiun of mind-
reading. BadV-a eyen th«- I'rofcxaiODal*. Can ha performed by anyone. Il.go buy a Secret and Byatem. Addn-^a HARVEY DUMB, 9<i7 imh St., N. W., Waahiagtun. Dialrict of Columbia.

Fiiura at Ona Rate Only--Sea Nete Belaw.
Drums, Traps. Send for List.
D. HUTCH1R8. 82R W. Romana. Pensacola, Florida.

MAGICAL APPARATUS Just Out--Automatic and Me-

PINK new

STAMP BHINGS DESORIPTION OF and rebuilt Air CaIIIoihv. state your
SAM V. DAY, Mareballtown. Iowa. June20

$21.00 -- YORK 8TKEXT DRUM. 16 THUMB rods, with fine Drum Case; o'ltfit eoat $40-
new condition. WEIL'S CURIOSITY SHOP, 20 South 8e<-oDd St.. Pbilatlelphia, I'a.


Trumpet. Clarinet. Flute. BOX 44, Ft. Valley, Georgia.


built In perfect condition.

Wiro C. W.

DUCHEMIN, «42 East Washington 8t., InAinn-

aiKiliv. Indiana.

Fliart al Oaa Rata Oaly--Saa Nate BeUar.
Orchestra Pianist Wanted Im-
mediately. Maat be thoroughly experienced and able to read and play all hlnde of muMc. DALTOR THEATRE. I'ulaakl. Virginia.
Bass Singer That Plays Banjo.
lluet hare heary deep ba«a rolee and play good tenor hanjo. ORCHESTRA LEADER, rire Frank Ward. 1416 W. llOtb. neaelaod. O.
Lady -- E-Flat Saxophonist.
Aroand twenty-fire year* of age; sight mder: state til; summer engagements: tend p^buto GERTRUDE ELLIS. 22S Soathweatern Parkniy, Louisyllle. Kentuehy.
Wanted--Trombone Player To
troupe. CarnlTnl. MAPLE LEAF SHOWS. Wellaoeburg. Ont. Fred Zamara, wire. JunelS
Wanted -- Musicians WHh
tradea who are Master Ma«ons for Orotto Raad. Clarinets. Baxopbones. Oboes. Bataoona. I'ornets. Trumpets. Alto Ctarlneta. Bass CUrlnets. Other mnsiciant write. Permanent lo¬ cation. -Lddrcaa C. F. 08TERL0H. Meberly. Mi.sniirl. __
Drummer -- Wanted Immedi¬

FOR SALE. (Naarly Nsar sad Cat Friaad)




Fljara at Oaa Rats Only--Saa Mata Rtlaw._

.Laurice Magical Shop, 799

Brondwiy, Brooklyn, New York.


It's a Wow--Up-to-Date Nov¬

elties. Spirit GInss and Spirit Mirror. An¬

swers all qoestions.

Sample Olnss.

Mirror. .%0r complete. JORDAN. 236 (Rear)

Weat Fourth 8t., South iiosinn. Mass.


Professional Crystal Gazers,
Mind B«-aderv--We are the largest denier* in Mental and Spook AppArntns; Electrical. Me¬ chanical and Mental Apparatus; Spirit Efferts. Supplies, Horoscopes, lineks. Crysttla. T.nrge<.t
caUloft for dime. NELSON ENTERPRISES. 84 W. Town. Columbus, Ohio.

A8RAH LEVITATION (THAYER). GORGEOUS bark drop. Brand-new, never uwd; cost
8763.110. Thayer's Snper-Vanish Extraordinary. 9p«-claL Taylor Trunk. Used one porformtnee. Cost $260 00. Both bargnlna. DALLAN, Box
3S. Cedar Bapids, Iowa.

rhaniral Music Instrument. "Tanbar". Beats radio. CENTRAL SUPPLY HOUSE, 61.3 Seneca Ave., Brooklyn, New Y'ork.

BAND AND ORCHESTRA INSTRUMENTS -- Music, Supplies and Repairing. Courturier

French Horn in F and D braaa, Sne condition

and aide-opening case, at $70.00; X-Ray Melo-

phoae in Eb. ailrer, almost new. thaped case,

$.3300; Jay Slide Trombone, V-inch bell, allver,

gold bell, a Sne horn in good aide-opening

cn»e, $40.00; Vega Trombone, gold plated, TMt

hell. In side-opening raae, a bargain at 84-3.00.

Pedler B-flat Clarinet, Boehm, a faefory sample

at 863.00; Kohler IJebich Xylophone, 3 octaves,

full set resonators, big snappy tone, factory

sample, in rase at 8-33.00. Trade your old

Instrument for another one or for Band or

Orchestra Music. Factory trained workmen in

our repair shop. Send for free estimate on your Instrument. Saxophones and Clarinets

cleaned and repadded. Complete stock of new

Bne-cber Instruments, Raxophones, Vega

Banjoo. Ludwig Drums and Drummers' Soppliea,

Deagan Bells and Marimbas. Music for band and orrhestra of all publishers. Free catalog

now ready for all wlin request. Also "The

Yfusical Booster" Magaxine. "Deal with the

Professional UoDse."


CO., 1017 Grand Are., Kansas City, Missouri.



WUBLITZER BAND ORGAN NO. 185 -- AS g'KMi aa new. First reasonable offer takes It.
MARTIN LEE, Like wood. New Jersey.
855.00--SELMER SILVER-PLATED BARITONE low-pitch Saxophone xritb case, good condi¬
tion, also l.UOM other Musical lustraments. Send for list. WEIL'S CURIOSITY SHOP. 20 South Second St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
865.00--ORPKEUM BANJO GUITAR, LARGE bead, high grade, fine condition; also have
Gibson, Fairbanks. Weyman. Ludwig lastrnmenta on sale cheap. WEIL'S CURJ08ITT SHOP. 20 South Second St.. Philadi Ipiila, Pa.
Fiiara at Dae Rata Only--Sat Nata Nelan.
Girl Wanted--Professional, as
Dancing Partner for vandevllle act. Call dally from S-4 p.m., 1638 Broadway. Cor. fiist .8t . Room Til. 0LIF7 JEROKX DAMOS STUDIOS. New York.
Wanted--Contortionist. Front,
Back; male only; Wg act; booked solid. OLEMN SMITH. 818 Bast Wabat St.. Marian! Indiana.

ately, with complete ootftt. indodlng Tympanl. R«lls and full line of traps Must be thoroughly exioTlenced and able to alght read and play any kind of nataalc- DALTOR THEA¬ TRE. i'ulaskl. Virginia.
BAND MUSiaARS FOR THREE SHOWS -- Must help put up and take down dramatic
teat outfit. State age and weight. Salary one hundred dollars monthly and bed. Write OEO. IM6ESSEB. 8t. Peter, Minnesota.
Jnn* 2"
CELLISTS. DOUBLIRO 8AK0PH0RE. FOR tnmroer hotels and liners. ROOM 714. 14S2
Broadway. New York City._
HOT DANCE TRUMPET. DRUMMER. 81R0tne Hanjol't Immediately. Union. Wire
CHICAGO SEVER. Teton Hotel. Hioux Falls. South Dakota.
Billboard, l.VIO Broadway, New York.
WANTED--PIANO PLAYEX. DOUBLE BANJO or other Inslriimeuta. 8lng. dam-e. Dial,
pirate write tor next senaon. Would like to :rar from l^die R. I>*wla. DAN SHERMAN S VARIETIES, lineonta. New York.

A> I-KTTKR, postcard, parcel or new.spaper entering the mails l.« simi>Iy a piece of mail. If, because of inadequate or Incorrect address, and. In the case nf the package--improper wrapping--a piece of mail must be taken out of ihe regular postal machinery for ''directory service" or "honpital service", It becomes a ''NIXIE".
If the postal sleuths are able to correct the address or return to sender for a better one, it again becomes a piece of mail--tho "delayed mail" is the better sobriquet.
If, after an exhaustive effort, the postal "detective" must give up the puzale, and there is no return address, the piece of mail is consigned to the EWd Letter Office, where it again changes its name to dead letter or dead parcel, me the case may be.
Its period of existence as a "nixie" is the most expensive one. It demands special attention from the very best clerks. Valuable time is spent in its behalf, time which also may prove more costly to the mailer or intg-nded recipient thru the attendant delay.
Rut In (he long run the postal service loses most. In Chicago 400 workers do nothing but handle "nixies". In New Y'ork the service cost.s $500 dally. In all the "nixie" costs the Government about $1,740,000
a year.

GIRL TO TEAM UP FOX YAUDETILLE -- Write BOX IfS, care BiUhoUd. 1560 Brand-
way, New York, New York.
WANTED--LADY PARTVEX FOX SINGING. talking, dancing sketch. Must be a good
singer. CHARLES MoOINVISS, General Dr livery, Chicago^ Illinois.
Fliura at Oaa Rat* Only -Saa Nsts Svlia.
PATENTS--WRITE FOR OUX FREE GUIDE Books and "Becord of Invention Blank" be¬
fore disclosing Inventions. Send model or kketcb of Invention for inspection and lastrac tions free. Terms rraaonable. VICTOX J. EVANS A CO., Ninth and G. Washington. O. O.
Fiaara at Oao Ram Oaly--Saa Nam Namar.

WANT PRIMA DORRA. GOOD RUBE COICEdian. Tenor, Bass, Juvenile or Straight, Bact
Bender Daneer, III Chorua OIrls. 16-20. Mint he h feet. 6; good lookers and dancers. DAR SHERMAN. Onconta. New York.

ANYTHING IN MAOlO AND ILLUSIONS. Ileadquartcrs for roll paper for hats. etc.
Rend stamp for onr bargain list No. 8. Just ont.
CHESTER'S MAGIC S^OP. 463 N. State St.,

BARGAINS--NEW AND USED DRUMS AND Traps, all make*. SCHAFER, 320 W. Illth
St.. New York CltJ.

"Jimmie" Torpey Elliott
write Sister Katherine immediately. 1961 Lawrence Ave., Chicago, III. Nor xroniM.


ehestra. Sixty dollars month, all mnlnfe-

ntnee. 0. MORI, National Sanatorium. Tennes¬





CRYSTAL GAZERS -- GENUINE VACUUM Tube Wireless Ontfit. Any type act or
mental effect fnraDlied at lowest prices. No

CONN SLIDE TXOMCONS. BRASS FINISH. medium bore, acven-lncb bell, used eight
months, 840.00; Bnesrher Trombone, silver, gold bel). m'dium bore, seven-inch bell, used

Oscar Bushlein--^Write Margie
DAXE, Homewood. Ullnois.

matter what the effect, get onr prices befor«* very little, |4.3.nO; King Utility Trombone, WANTED--OROARIZED ORCHESTRAS AND you buy. All guaranteed. State fully your conservatory model, brass, 843.00. We guar¬


· rack tndlTldaal artista fur aummer season exact requirements. Catalogue of original antee these Instruments to be practically the

ItM. State Instrumentation, preyious engaga, mental effects. lOe. Hat of Magic Apfmratns. same as new and In first-claws condition. Five

tnents and lowest prices. MUSIC CORPORA¬ Books. 4c. EDWARD J. FANLEY. 235 Buttles days' trial upon receipt of 82.00 express charge

TION OF AMERICA. Att. William Uoodhrnrt, .Lve., fXtltimbua, t>hlo.

__ guarantee. Complete line King Band Instru¬

· Jr., ir>ft s. stale 8t., Chicago.

ments. Band and Orchestra Music. Repairing.

Fifurs at Oaa Ram Oaly Saa Nats Bsisw.

WANTED--MUSICIANS TO ENLARGE BAND. Cornet. Trombone. Baritone, Base Drummer,
to double any other Instrument, also Clarinet.


Lady Illniain. new style. 8:4>.00; Growing

filrl niiiklon. Heany make, 8'20


BOZWEtL, care Miller Bros.. Bnffal*. N. Y.

KANSAS CITY MUSIC COMPANY. 1109 Walnnf, Kansas C(ty, Missouri.

WANTED--CAROUSELL AND OTHER RID1& Piremen'i Carnival July 3d to lltb. No other
doings within 30 miles. Writ.- or Wire A.
LYNN BAKER, Aberdeen. Maryland.

tony NASCA, Brown A Dyer Sbuwa, itnffalo, .New Y'ork.




LOWEST PRICES--CRYSTAL GAZING ACTS. Crystals. Mlad-Readlng Acta. Bscapet. Re-
creti. Drawing!, Plaa«. etc. Catalog, six cents;
none free. OEO. A. RICE, Aubura New Y'ork. _Jiin'JT

new. 8.33.00; eigliF articles. Cost 882.00. JAS. 8I8TEK. Stop 14. Bedford, Ohio.
FOX SALE -- 8 CONN C-MELODT SAXOphones, 830.00. 810 00 and 890.00. Bargains
in Trumpets and Cornets; write for prices.

Fiiara at Oaa Rats Oaly--Saa Nats Bala*.

handle vaudeville and cue plvturea eorracUy. Must Ua>e large library (atatv what hind yoa have). Matini'e and night, no Sundays. Steady Job for right luirty. Ihm't mlarvpresent. State age. Joh open June 2Uth. Stale all In Drat letter. Salary, t'ai.uo. Have an orchestra of four. Write EL DORADO THEATRE. Bl

MAGICIANS. MIND READERS -- GREATEST Scaled Billet Test. Single sheet paiwr that
never leaves writer's hands. No cartvina or alcohol, tluaranteed original, 82 60. EDWARD J. FANLEY, 235 Buttles Ave.. Columbus. Ohio.

JOHN T. FBENCH. 227 H' BHe St.. Toledo. O. a)nne27


with Besonators, cheap. LYNN HUGHES,

Sandusky, Ohio.


'WHILE THEY LAST--THREE-TUBE EISEman-Magncta Knockdown .Sets, nee own hn.ik
up. Liat, 633.00; sell, 630 00. Kada .VTiibKit. Uat. 872.00: sell. $40 «k). 21 Im h Mn-f Master Horn. 8t>ll. $21.00. SPECIALTY DI v
TRIBUT0R8. 40 Sheffield. Jeraer City. N .1

WANTED AT OROE--TROMBONE AND SOUSAI'hnne, read and must be good; white: union;

able, baffling psychic test. Rtagc. cliihe, parlor. Price. 8100. Catalog, 20c. MAOHUBON. 8.3.3 Bluff. Kuckford. Illinois.__

LEEDY HAND-TUNING TYMPANI. GOOD coodiUon, wooden trunk, t 8''>0.00; Deagan
Artist 8)ieclal, d-octave Xvinphone, with


A-! l)iiDO0 OrcheMtni. $30.00 per w^ck. WANTED TO BUY MAGIC--WE VHLL PAY trunk. 8200 00. HOCKMUTH. 347 Third. Mil¬

n»ofn and lHB«rd.

Wire, don't writ#.

cssh for used Ylagic. Illusions, Escapes, waukee. Wisconsin.

DON SMITH'S ORCHESTRA. Ilopktnsyilla. AmuM-mcnl Goods of all kinds. Rend ns list of

by.. # III; Springfield. Tenn., II 13; Murfreet- what you have. We also have bargains. We RED BAND COATS. HIOU GRADE. WONDER-

boro. Tenn.. H-l«; Cnlnnibla, Tenn.. IS-20

buy. a. II. exchange. MAGIC COMPANY, Berlin.

ful Hash, each. 810.00; Palm Beach Suita,


l>erfi-ct condition, bargains, 8-3-(KI; Ylcn's Suits


for street, all kinds, 89-00: 10 Uniform Coats,
MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE I'JO.OO; Minstis'l RuUs. fiasby, comidcte, $.3.00; Ib'rhy Ilata, new, all klnda, 81 .30; 4 Big Drops,

FI,art al Oaa Sat* Oaly--Saa Mata Btlaw.

·a WORD. CASH. ATTRACTIVE FIRST LINE. Fliurt at aas Rata Oaly---Sss Nets Btlsa.

interior, exterior, each. $1.3.ii0. .30 Plsyt-r riano Bolls. 8-3 00; White Killing Breec!" 82 .30; Pr.ncc AIN-rt Coats, bargains, 84.1X1;

Post Cards, $1.75 Per AdmetlMMsata
 stbmtisa tag


this kaad maxt ha caaSaad la aaly, altkw grlatad. nrittaa

la kssk taem. Ha adt atMRlad that aflw artlslaa

t ula.


I Grand, Chicago.

High Silk Hats. $.'1.30; Band Leader's Coats,
1,000. flashy, all kinds. $.3.1)0; Regulation Hand Coats, 63..30; New Caps. hand. $1.(X). 8ce my ad 300 W under Costnmes. WALLACE, IR34 North Ual-
Juae20 J slid. Chicago. Stamp brings list.


Flfora at Oaa Rata Oaly - Saa Halt Sals*.

Sell Portable Phonographs Di¬
rect to nHcrs. LilH-ral commission Workeresrn $7.3 weekly. Write for details. HARMONOLA MFG. CO., Dept. A. Wuest Bldg.. CIncinuati, Ohio.

Sell Coal in Carload Lots. Side

or main line Experience unnecessary. Earn

week's pay In aa hour, l.lheral drawing ae

count arrangement WASHINGTON COAL CO .

1024 Coal Kxchange Bldg . Chicago.


o.* · · halk Talking, with 23 Trick Cartoon

I ·`Attle ilarn free. BALDA
ART SERVICE, SIndlo. Oahkoth, Wlaconsin.

NOTC-4)mat All WWd*. Aim Omkimt lattlalt aad Hamkara In Coot.

FItars Total al Oaa Ram Oaly


mm Pmmm ltA\
·B* ^9


The Billboard

June 13, 1925

ADVERTISING 8AIE8KEN MAKE BIG money *- ling epacea in our Mirror Coat
and Hat Backs, placed In hotels, cafes, barber shop*, etc., as proprietor axsiRts In aecuring the ads In Hen of receiving the fixture gratis. This i* a high-class proposition and we want hiKh-class Salesmen to pre*ent It In the follow. Ing States: Missouri, Illinois. Indiana, Ohio. I/oiilsiana and Texa*. HUGO NOVELTY MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Hugo, Ok.

TENT BARGAINS--SLIGHTLY USED. 20x30. 21x35. 21x42. 25x30, 30x45. 35xti5. 40x70, 5Wx
go, ttOxlK). *>0x1.50. 100x1.50. IJirRe 'twk of *'iinees«ion Tent* and n< w Tent* every *lie. D. M. KERB CO., 1954 Grand Are.. ChiraRo.
THREE FINE ILLUSIONS. $100.00 FOB QUICK sale or will sell separate. ALI HASSAN, 133
South Fourth St., Marietia, Ohio.

GUMMED LABELS--3.000, fl.OO. CATALOG. i eent*. MacTAOOABI. 1^35 Arch. Phila¬
delphia, Pennsylvania.
LETTERHEADS. ENVELOPES. 60 EACH, $1.00 poHipaid. STANLEY BENT. Hopklii ou. Iowa.
860 EACH "NEARGBAVURE" PRINTED LET. terheutls, eiivi-lope-*, $2.85; two color* Ink.
$4.35, poHtpaid. Samples, stamp. SOLLIDAYS', Knox. Indiana.

WANTED TO BUY--ODE88 YOUR WEIGHT Scale*. State make and all In flrat letter
E. E. BETHEL, llaRae Park, Jarkaon, 'Mich.
WANTED--MILLS OR JENNINGS MINT VENder* or Slot Machine*. Give price, eon-
ditinn. LEO. MILLS. 1518 First Ave., Dali** Texar_

DISTRIBUTORS -- WONDERFUL PRICING System all stores. Absolute protection.
Exclusive territory. Immediate repeat sales. Possibilities $10,000 yearly. Write MILLEN MFG.. lOOB Boylston, Boston. Massachusetts.
Flfur* at 0ns Rats Only--S*t Nat* Balsa.


6.000 3x8 BILLS. $4.00; 6.00Q 6x9 BILLS. $7.00: 200 Bond Ls'tterhead* and 200 F,nTeloi>es.

$1 .50; two colors Ink, $3.10. KINO PRINT¬

5* WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LEM THAN 21*. ERS. Warren. Illinois.


Figur* at Oat Rat* Osly--S** N*tt 8tl*«.

Kentuc1ky Bungalow", Fox- it-rr' ^




600 LETTERHEADS. ENVELOPES OR BUSII ne*» Cards. $2 00, postpaid. Contracts, re-
pons, todd company. i» East second, cin-

trot, vocal chorus, *peclsl band, orchestra * or piano. 85c. STAR MUSIC CO., Eldred, Pa.






N"U OTiIiCtEti! _ FIlur* at Oa* Rat* Oglytaa N*t* ·*!*«. Fl,w. at oa* Rat. Oa{r~R*. H*t* R*!*,.

"Rose of Dawn", a Song You

will never forget, 40c. Professionals free.


San Franelsco', California.


HOKUM BONOS -- JOLLY BERT STEVENS. BillboarrPnb Co.. cTnctnnanroSlo

PUBLISHERS SHOUTn RFWn -pn* rnmr nr ® ,®®ve''th° ^av^^ge^^onr^n^iil^W

Filurt at Os* Rat* Osly--S«* N*t* Bttot*.
PARTNER WITH 8200.00 TO ACT AS TBEASiirer and help plctun-* under tent. I have

FIfurt at Oa* R«t* Daly--S** N*t* ·!·*.

Senoia. Georgia.



rE.yv,ery Catholic Church will play It. Write

h.vic^e'syotSoT'i^nFve"stkAinDK No"v'eilJtyadSeinde; uShTowi;. Z Wh'att I Lci.tyP^. FILLISTI, 729 Seventh Ave., New York

REeAeMD oTnHtIbS« C·UA(Re.EaFliUoLwLeYal-- th yatnrda fwamanetT to Twhien H*eure--

W Thomat ^thod U_Uia lureet way. Eytry ityle of dsBctng taught--Soft Shoe. Burk and Wing. Eccen¬

tric, Wilti-Cloc, Spinlih. Jigging, Trlpl*-Raule,

Bpllti. Acrobatic, ate. Beginner* trained until ready

for th* lUg*. Booklnta by my agency and afflIiatioDl.

Wt give no dlplomai, but liiue contracts Initead.

Bpaclal Bom* Mall Couree Study. Soft Shoe, Buck

and Wing. Waltz-Clog, $2.00 etch; 'hr*, for $5.00.

Send money order, itampi, raih or check. HAKVET


Buran St., Chicago.


THEATRICAL DANCING--JACOBSEN. EST. 87 year*. 80 Auditorium Bldg., Chicago. Julyll
OMH LiAlin cLimAi DDnpgDTv

po"sER WILl''M MEtHM-LDDIITTH H. *`334444^W W.^*4488tthh^ Sgft.*, York.
(OaiIgM. MaMiiaaa. FarmalM)
S8** w WOSR5DS,' CASH. ATTRACTIV`-Ef**FIRTSHTARLIN26E*.. _FIgur* at Oa* Rat* Daly--Sm Nat* Bait*.
ELECTRIC COMBINATION MACHINE, $86; dozen Current Transformer*. I'niveraal. $.'>.50.
WAGNER BOWERY, Chatham Sq., New York. H'llS
#- l^cHiNEs. $$.so; 100 DEsioKs. si.oB; 4

_ Dearbo_ rn St..*'Chicago.'_ Illinois. June`l3-


Wall aud Seat*, tiood propoaltloo. E. R. rH-lflO PUR


MELLOTTE, Waldo, Kausat.



Figur* at Oa* Rat* Daly--S** N*t* Balata.


Bargain--^Western and Sensa¬
tional Feature*. Big star*. $3.00 to $.5.00

Figur* at Oa* Rat* Daly--S** N*t* B*l*«.

per reel. New* Weeklies, $3 00. Send for

lUt. JACK MAHMARIAN. 440 Wggt 23d St..

New York City.


Caudy Floss Machiues, Nsw or Best of All Editions and Won-

dCNU'nAllU OnUW rnUrhnlT _

-i'****,'Uu^tMied C*t*;ogne. ' WATERS", 1060 naed. No Jnnk. AUTOMATIC FISHPOND der production* of the original Bre-reel Pit-

Kandolpb, Detroit.

Jnn27 CO., 266 I.angdon. Toledo. Ohio.

luIylS aloa Play, Life of Christ; I'ucle Tora'i Cabin,




"  " 

Joaeph and Hit Brethren, Dante's inferno. Jesse

Fifiira at Om Rata Oaly Sta Nata Ralaw.


Remover, comni te with Instruction*. $l.(|l>r

tlCIlUlUga, VydlilC VCUUCIS

MILTON ZEIS. Box 162. St. and BelN.

10c. 2i>c and M)c playa IIB-

Paul, Minnesota.

Inne2- 0 E- RTY-N-- OVELTY CO.. S.a.l.ls.bnry. . Ma.ry.la. nd.

of Justice and many other bit ,peol*la. WESTERN FEATURE FILMS. 73lo 8 Wabaah Ave., Chictio. Xlllooia.

For Sale--Box Wagon, 9x14,
beat condItioBt lO-ln-l outfit complete, will eacriflee for qolck sale. O. VOLXWINE, 1107 Wallace StreoC, PhUadelpbia, Pa.

Parker Ferris Wheel for Sale,

only u*ed one aeaaon at Ocean Beach. Cali-

fornia, g^ a* new. Bargain, $3,000.00. Write

owner, M, BAJRGMAM, Ocean Beach, Cali¬



Wanted To Buy--Magic. We
win pay eaah for need Magic. Illuaions, Es¬ capes. Amnsoment Good* of all kinds. Send n* Hat of what you have. We also have hargaina. We buy, sell and exchange. RAT SHOW PROPERTY EXCHANGE, 1839 S. Broadway, SU Louis, Misaouri.

Europe may be a long way from Minneapolis, but there should be m^ore than passing interest in the death of Louis FYederlk Johannes ^uwmeester, Holland's greatest actor, considered the finest Shylock and King Lear of his day. Bouwmeester died recently In his 82d year. He was born on September 5, 1842, and won fame more than 45 years by his performance of the Jew in The Merchant of Venice. He made many visits to England and Germany, playing Shylock In Dutch while Holland acclaimed him her favorite actor. He entered the theatrical profes.sion. of which his father, L. T. Rozenveldt, was a member, against his own wish, his desire as a boy being to become a sailor. His early experiences were in a Salon des Varietes, and he was a popular artist for nearly 20 years before he turned to serious roles. For a short time he was associated with

Special Summer Gash Clear-

tnce Sale--Onlr while they last. Five-reel

We-tems with best stars. $22.50; 5-ree| Super

Features, $14 75. All have paper. One and

two-reel Comedte*. Weatems, Educatlonals, at

unheard-of pricea. Get our new genuine list

before yon buy tbit Sumgoer. MOMABCK

FILMS. Mempbia, Tennessee.


Spring List Ready -- Star

Westerns. Comedies. Producer's Show Copies,

many as new. ECONOMY. 814 Corlntbian.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.



Hat now ready. W'eaterna, Comedte*. Fealnrea

and Serials. No Junk, lowest price*. .Send for

our Hat before you purchase. MONARCH THE¬

ATRE SUPPLY CO.. Dept. FD. 724 Wabaah

Ave., Chicago, Illinola.


AUTOMATIC BASEBALL OUTFIT AND Small Moving Shooting Gallery Outfit.
TUCKER, 198 West San Carlos St., San Jo*e, California.


Jumping, compete, $3,5tX>.00; net S Swings,

$195.00. HOVELL, 802 Jamaica, Brooklyn, New



FOR SALE -- SLIPPERY GULCH SCENERY. 550 feet; cost $4,000.00; used two weeks.

Herman Heyjermanns, the dramatist, who died early this year, but for

yie most part he played with his own company or as a star artist In

Shakespearean and classic roles. He was famous for his Shylock. his

Corlolanus, Romeo, Richard III, Lear, Hamlet and Autolysus, while he

also appeared in many MoHere plays and as Don Caesar de Bazan

Only three years ago , Bouwmeerter, almost 80 years old. was touring

Holland as King Lear. The year before he had vl.iited Stratford-on-Avon

and had played Shylock there. Among other roles with which Bouwmeester

was a.ssociated were Coupeau in L'Aeaomoir; Oedipus, Napoleon Rous^vt

and Creon in L'Antigone. He was seen years ago in this country in his

Shakespearean repertoire.


BARGAINS IN HIGH-CLASS FILHS, BIO FEAturea, ('mnedy. Western Scenic* Cartoon*,
loternational New* Reel*. List free NA¬ TIONAL EQUIPMENT CO.. 409 West Ml -talgaa
St.. Duluth. MInneaotn.


ero*. Send for Hat. REGENT FILM CO.,

1237 Vine St.. PbiladelpfaU. Pa.


Pictures. OKAY, Box 954, Atlanta. Georgia. JnneTT

' Sell for $1,200.00. W. J. ALLMAN. Coate*

House, Kansas City, Misaouri.


COMEDIES. 4 REELS, $7.00_5-REEL WE8Tern, $13. WILLIAM DWYER, 40 Conrent

FOR SALE -- SPILLMAN MERBY-OO-ROUND In good shape; two trucks to move on. Don't
have to be unloaded only when set. And with Tractor that will make from 214 to 0 miles an hour or can be loaded on flat car. I have two Outfit* la the reason for selling and will sell either one. Also a good Parachute. Large size.
E. PEMBLE, Brimfield, Illinois. Box 158.

Are., Norwich, Connecticut.


WAGNER. 208 Bowery. New York.


Must Bo MuSt Bfl "xuol,

ywfAaavil, l of babylon, d. w. Griffith's

^ flrat cdlaass*s, complete, right price. Write wuoonder production, 7 reel*. $110.d0. Knr-

fnully. WALTER BRACKIN, Bali^nbriidge., Ga bliidlden Woman. 7 reel*. $75.00. Neglected


--- " '

Jnnel.'i Wive*. 5 reel*. $75.00. AH kind* of other road-show special*. No Hat*: tell u* your

wautsd Puntan and Bday- Ave., Chicago, iiiinoi*. -A


·a WORD,' CASH.' ATTRACTIVE*FIB«* LiSeI [Wanted -- Puritan and Mav-|Aw-


Fifurt at Oa* Rat* Oaly--B«* Nat* B*l*«.

R BALE -- CIRCUS TRUNK. GYMNAST Wardrobe, Picture Machlue. $25.00; Films, i

W??r Fla^r MTaml ^riortdi^ MONIEE, 221 nVE-HEEL FEATURES. $87.00; TWO-BEEL

west Flagler. Miami, Florid*.

Comedie*. $8.00; one-reel comedlea. $5 ·«'

$2.50; Accessories, Musical Instruments. I rjlipfltlS fiftDtlDPTlffll STEVENS A MOBSMAN, 818 High St., St. ^UniSS, lyOUimeUbai, VUIO.

Louis, Missouri.




. .


Vvanted_5 ooxteu

and auu


I Dh^galna it my middle name. Tell be what


end I will save yon tiK.a y.

OlOl ABRAMSON. 2711 Augusta St.. Chicago. Ill.

machin^. We tray all make* of coin mt-

suitable for wagon ebow or pit show. Cheap. BARBOUR, 337 Penn St.. Beading. Pa.
ILLUSIONS, MUMMIPIED FREAKS. FLOATing. Vanishing Lndy. $25.00: Ib-adieK* Man,
$.50.00; Production Cabinet, $2.5.00; Decapitation. $85.00; Pig Child. $15.00; Devil Bird, $20.00; Egyptian Tnckho and Banner, $.30.(i0; otheri. STOWXAM'S EXCHANGE. Beading. Penniylvanla.

150 Bond Letterheads and En-

velopes for $2 00. HAROLD X. ROBINSON, Steubenville, Ohio.
1,000 6x9 Circulars, $1.80. Lim-

Crawford Av*.. Chicago. Ill

Thread* Among the Gold. iloon«hlne Mena<^.



I.lherllne. Marriage Market, many other* R-

UUanfo/1 T'ck '_<vvr


j KELLY, 304 Einpr-ta Theatre Bldg., SK. Louis.


It,. 1.50 wornd*; 1.000 Bond I,etterhetd*. En- LESS. 24«l'Central Ave..

velopes. Card*. ItilliMads. each $3.00; 500, aota

$2.o0n0, pnrroenpualiHd.

OonRw PHiTEm UiM* O PRWEBSC S. x1f6l2o IES. 1 -_

84th. New York City.




on rle Tom'* Cablu. and tingle reela. 0. ^

JUHi JO w MtUTRiiPpHnYY., FE.llyvria. O Ohhiioo..



5,000 6x9 Heralds, $6.50; 10,-


I rifice. Onnmntend brand new and perfect, at 0f*0. $10 50. Color*


lea* than baU

6-h. p, $50; 7-h. p., $75; CITIZEN SHOW PRINT, Jefferaonvllle, Ohio.

9-b. p.. $100; l4-h. p., $145. MAJESTIC EN-


GINE WORKS. ISia South Oakley Ave.. OhI- ~

^ yw-7T---

5,000 6x9 Heralds, $4.50; 5,000

A 1 condition. Iota of paper, $15 each; t» tR^rJ We^st Fonr°h ^.°`*ltouth Boat^n,* Msm.*! two reel Flelen GIb'on Railroad Thrlllrr*. A l


^1 condition, lot* of pnper, $15 each. Big F<*-

WANT 6 SET. 10 TO SET. GIRL SHOW COS- turea, $25 up; Comedies. $3 50 up. Examlna-



O^nt*^ New York_

want to buy. lease or bent a merry.

tIon allowed. INDEPENDENT FILM F*'

CHANGE, 308 West Commerce. San Antonio,



EAEM beach suits, 0()OD CONDITION, all color*, sixes, bargain*. $5 00; Men a Suit*
for street, good condition, all kindi, size*. $'«.00; Prince Albert Coat*. 34.00; High Silk Hat*.

9*x12 herald*. $9 00; 250 letterrhheeaadd*!. 250 en-

velopea, $3 00 AH form* tbeat'ricai printing rheaper. ABLES PRINTINO CO.. Terrell




G<»oo-Roiuinud. W 5VMM. KDUULER., G(Jenea-eo, N. D.

xtxxrrAaw NTFTnn__aawwTTccaaiwir eniixi.,


Fairfax. Alexandria, 5'lrglnla.


JESSE JAMES. THE MISSOURI OUTLAW, new nrtnl h reela 8250 00 Flaahy advr-

$8.50; Choms Wardrobe, 6 to set. new, $10.O0. shOW PRINTING--1,000 TO-NITERS. 4x9, WANTED YO BUY PD^H AND JUDY FIG

See my ad under Coatume* and Musical Inatrii- $1.80; r,.(HIU. $8,2.",. Utatluocry Card*. Con

- -----...r,


menta. WALLACE. 1834 North Halated. Chi- tract*, rirculars. Folders, Bookb ta, etc. WM. WANTED TO BUY -- MOUNTED DEER J^SBE JAMES FOSTERS. NEW LINE. ORJ®-

cago. Stamp bringa big Hat.

A. SEARS, I.e,m. Kaa*a*.

Jum 2fix M<M»*e. Buffalo. IIor*e Head*. Rattle Hnake

^ 7. V "11!

-------- Pkin-. Rattle nnake Hkln Vest. Tape Worm* INDEPENDENT FILMS. 177 Golden Gate Av .

TRUNKS--$6.00 AND $8.00 EACH. REAL 260 LETTERHEADS PRINTED_NAME AD- ""*1 Rtnniaeh Worms Indian Rdl,* Cheap San Francisco. California.


bargain*. Fiber. SHOWMAN, 2815 Eads, R».

dre<a and Buhid< a, mailed. $1.3.5; .VIO. $.'.Vt f<.r c·'iah. Addre** DR. FOUTS, Indian R.c-m-

Louis, Misaouri.

I Jul3 .Samples free. BUNKO, Mohawk, N. Y, juDe2U `'Or Co.. 1W« Hickory Ht.. Dallas, Texa*.



5 reels; "I/tne*onie Trail". Hill Hart. ®


reel*; ''Hiibmarlne Kye", 6 reel*; hundred more

feet, coat 81,200.00. Csexl two week*. 8<'I1

for $450.00. W J. ALLMAN. C^ietea Htniae.

Kanaaa Olty, MlssourL


HOTC--Oauaf AN WwOa. him OmMusO Ismalt sag Maaibsra M Oew. FiNru Talal at Om ItMa Only.

temphl*. TTnnetiir

n** Bol*^



June 13f 1925

The Billboard



'`Tltory BOCHEN,

ur'e f* »f Tb»-«tre. Tonaw«n(l«. N>w York.

SEWS WEEKLIES. W; 5-REEI, DRAMA, flO; `^'inrl \\>« < rn. $15; Comrrty, $.V I`a·^ioD I.i'.r *7.-.; Hirlh of Chriit. $25. RAY, 206 Klfth AT'.. .Nrw York._


dirn WestrrnH, Krrials. at low price*. Best

lal^ritl oMaiiulile.

Try u*.


films. 72S> Scyrulh Ate.. New York. j<ine20

Trnm-rce. In bu»lDc»* 16 jeara. SatUfaction

WHEN IN THE MARKET FOR MACHINES. Chairs, Generators, Power Plani*. drop n* a
line. ItarKain* on hand all the time. WEST¬ ERN FEATURE FILMS. 730 South Wabaab Ave., Chicago. llllD<>ln.
Fifur* at Oa* Rat* Only--Sa* Nat* 8el*«.
MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. SCREENS, Opera Cbairs, Hre-Proof Booth*, Film Cabi¬
net* and complete Mnrtng Picture Outflta.


! cess. He !?· cast in the role of the old vegetable hawker in the present produc¬

Fifur* at Oa* Rat* Oaly--Saa Nat* Belaw.

Ned Tyrrell, well remembered as a dancer, who played the Fuller Circuit, and who later went to America, is now a member of Joe Aronson's Band at the

I'alais Royal. Adelaide.

WANTED--THEATRE AND ROAD SHOW MAebinea and Ki|Ui|iment A*iie'tos Booth.
Klim* and any liigli-rla*B eqnininent. NA¬ TIONAL EQUIPMENT CO.. 409 We*t Michigan St.. Dulutb, Minnesota.

Kate Howard, it is said, w'ill plav PrinciiKil Boy in her pantomime. The tunyip, to tour the country.
Jake Mack, of the team of Le Blant-

and Mack, has bi'cn under the dentist's

WE PAY BIGGEST PRICES FOR USED MOVtng Picture Machine*. Opera Chairt, etc
What have you for »a'e? MOTflE SUPPLY

care for .several days, and. as a re^'ult, i;, not yet back to his old form. He is con¬ templating a return to vaudeville.

passion play, life of CHRIST. NEW Write for eala og. MOVIE SUPPLY CO., CO., S44 8. WabSHb Ave., Chicago, Illinni*.

The Newcastle Steel Works Band, un¬

,,,nt« Baraaln price. IlHT.OO. E. ABRAM- 844 8. Waba*b Aye., Cbleago, Illlnoi*. Jnnel3

Juni 13 der the direction of George D. Portus.

SON. 2711 AiiRuata 8t., Chlcaco, llllnuia.

which api>eared at the Agricultural

Ground, Sydney, left this week to fulfill

8. D.*rborn St.. Chicago. Illlnola._inn27


other engagements.
Elsie Steele, violinist, who will leave for London shortly, appeared recently in

SPECIAL BARGAINS--FEATURES. TWO AND three dollar* p.'r reel. No J;ink. C. O. D..


a final recital at the Conscrvatorlum, Sydney.

Kuhject to examination. CAiiDEE. 815 LyerI...D Bldg.. S.vracutc. New York.
· the mask *, wonderful underworld feature, five reel*, plenty paper, $r>0. perfect
print. Other feature*. Semi for lUt. Al»o DeVrv Projector. 175. APOLLO FILM CO.. I'Sti Market St.. Newark. New Jersey.

114 Cuthuagh SUttt, Sydnty
SYDN2JY, May 1.--The fir.st good rain since 1925 opened, was that experienced during the pa.st fortnight, and it had the effect of curtailing allendunces at night efaows, but those theaters playing two-a-day had crowded houses at the matinees.

El.sa Straiia will appear at the Exhibi¬ tion Building, Melbourne, on May 14, 16, 19, 21 and 23. Local artists will a.ssist.
George C. .Aiidley. for many years in a managerial capacity with the Fuller Arm, most of which time he was in charge of the Fuller Theater, Sydney, has now been appointed manager at the Piccadilly Thea¬


opticon Slide* at reahonalde ra>e»


Slide* and Slereoi.tieon for $30 00. PASTOR'S


Street, Uo. kford. Illinol*.

PenD»TlT*ni*. __

Pauline Frederick has received every encouragement in Melbourne, where

Spring Cleaning is now in its fourth week.

June Elvidge tun dli. r American, former- changes In his executive staff during the

ly in films) is included with the show, past week.

'Snowy Baker" is aelins as personal

James Howe, prominent in exchange

representative for Miss Krederiek.

circles, has decided to Uike over the nian-

tJalll Cured is now holding her fourth agement of the Coliseum Theater, Water-

concert In Melbourne. The prima donna loo. The Coliseum is the prop*Tty of

has been subyect to more adverse Tom Howe (ehlest of the Howe family)

criticism than any oth< r overseas con- nnd has been a standard theater for many

ter, Pitt street, Sydney, a popular picture hou.se.
Allan Douglas, prominent legit., will play lead for George Sorlie on the latter's country tour.
George Cross will. It is said, be at the head of a big dramatic combination soon.
Lionel Walsh, back In Sydney, intends having a K<ng rest before going out on tbe

YOU. MR. PARTICULAR EXCHANGE MAN. cert artist that has vi.slted these shores, who ar.' looking for Film that will atand Certain It Is that she has not inspired the
the grind. t'ne and two-reel Comedie* and lovers of grand opera nor has her work Featiir.* with a full line of adeertl-lng--«Btt»- [been up to anticipations. Nevertheless,
(ai'tion and a «i|nare ri<-:il is our poliey. WEST¬ business is said to be eminently satisfacERN FEATURE FILMS. 730 Kouth Wahaah torv.

years. Selznick's American representative,
Nick Carter, in company with Cecil Mason, has returned from an extended
frip to Queensland. Mr. Carter has been gathering first-hand information relative

road.*> again.
Pauline Frederick has "struck oil" in Melbourne, and looks like becoming a mine of wealth for the Williainson and Carroll managements.

Are., Chicago, llllnol*.

kVill Fyffe. Scottish entertainer, has proved to be one of the fine.st performers that has ever played this country. As a
natural actor he Is in a class by himself, Kvffe, who has never yet plaved America, may go there next year. The consensus of opinion is that he is a far more con-

to conditions exi.stent in the individual States, and tlie knowledge gleaned in this respect will be utilized for tbe benefit of
the exhibitor. Now nearing completion, Raymond
Longford's latest .Australian prodiiction will go out under the title of Buan-

Cora Warner, sterling Australian actres.s, will be given a prominent part in Arthur Shirlejr's forthcoming film produc¬ tion.
Spyr and Monti, English act. were at the Drummoyne Theater (Sydney) re¬ cently. where their act met with much

Eilur* at Oa* Rat* Only--Sa* Nat* B*t*«.
Absolutely Guaranteed Rebuilt

vincing actor-vocalist than Lauder. The latter, b.v tlie way, arrived here last month, fully prepared to open in New Zealand the following w*bk. but an outbreak of Infantile paraly.sis clo.sed down many of the shows, and the Lauder management saw fit to j>ostpone the




A disastrous fire took place at Colac

(Vic-) AiQ'il 28 when the picture theater

dance palais belonging to Mr. Mc-

Kimmie was burned .to the ground,

Cecil Marks, \ ictonan manager of

I'nited Artist.*, ha* gmie to Sytlney to

Anna and LouiiL Continental musicians, who have played extended seasone thrnout Australia, are now playing Adelaide picture bouses.
Bathie Stuart, New Zealand n- wspap^ r


Power'*. Simrilex. Slotlograph. star's visit. In the meantime Sir Harry attend a special conference of that or- woman and entertainer, arrived here tid.i

Edt>on. Royal. Momarch; al*o Acme. DeVry,

Holme*. American Sniteaae Portable Machine-^

All theatre snpplle* and eqnipment Get out


CO., Memphi*. Tennei-nee.


ACME PORTABLE MOTION PICTURE MAehtne. pe-feet eonditlon, co<t $2.50. Sacrifice.
fO'. STANDARD. 200 W. 4$tb St.. New York City._

in fishing at one of the lake resorts.
Nellie Ferguson. Australia's best known heavy dramatic lead, has been broadcasting during the past few weeks. Wliile this form of work has no appeal to the professional, it at least has its com-
pensation in the regular and strong exercise on the part of the Oho.^t.
Wee (leorgie Wood is this week presenting Nobodu Lovea Me and ilia First



manager of

Pox Films h.as gone to Sydney,

...United Artists will relea.se Oecameroa

Aiff/its in Melbourne at an earl^ date, The daily press reported an Interesting

vase n the Praetke Court (M^bourne) recently. Application wis made by Chap-

l`vl & CO., Ply., Ltd., of Pitt street, Syd-

ney, for an interim injun^ion restraining

week from the Dominion, and will play lead In Beaumont Smith's new comefiy film, portion of which has already b*.-* n made in New Zealand.
The Sistine Choir soloists aro due in Perth this week.
Mr. Edgar Warwick, who has recently opened in Perth, has brought M. Chuhaldin. the Ru^^sian virtuoso, and Mr. Alfred

ACME SVE. LIKE NEW. $$$5.00. DE ^Y,

A-1 *hape, Itkt.oo. Order >inirkl.v. "ther

wond-rful bargain*. MONARCH THEATRE

SUPPLY CO., Memphis, TeuBeeiiee.


ACME MOTOR-DRIVEN SUITCASE PROJXCtor, JloO; Sept Motor-Driven Movie Camera,
W; Ea-tman Negative Stock. 3c foot; Imjirored standard Projector, ww. $.50, with
motor, $75; Kodak Isirgain*. RAY, 2!>il Fifth Are., New Y'ork.


ture* you need? We have It Machine*.

Home Projector*. Machines Part*. Klim Ce¬

ment*. etc., and at yoiir price. Write u*

vom want*--and try u*. COSMOS FILM SERV¬

ICE, 729 Seyentb Aye., New York.


Lore at the l»rince of Wales Theater. Perth, W. A-
Joe Aronson's Symphony Band contimies to be an attraction at the Palais. .Adelaide. This is an American combina-
Mrs. W. Watson, for over a year In the s« rvices of Haymarket theaters in Newcastle, and with Mr. Herbert's sliow at Islington for four and a half years. Is now in Sydney with the closing of the Lyric Theater
Signor Bertinl Capelll. tenor with the Melba-J. C. Williamson Crand Opera Company, has been singing at the Haymarket Theater. Sydney.
Lmg Tack Sam 'Troupe plaved New-

Jhf Associated Radio Co.. Pty.. Ltd.. Elizabeth street, Melbourne, from broad-

songs of which plaintiff

the Australian copyrighc


died in New Zta-

land last February, was in private life

^^vPlierson, this being

Uymacks family


^ Melbourne at the Auditorium


i> j « *

Maurice Mosoovitch. the Russian actor.

who recently made such a success of T/i« Outsider at Sydney Tiioater ^>aj, opened

» May 9th. He Tvill play Sh>Iock in The Merchant of Ventce.

Cunningham, English baritone, who was here a year or so ago as the soloist of the Westminster Glee Singers, with him; while in Miss Wish Wynne, whose in¬ imitable character studies have charmed us before, and Mr. Harold Walden. Lon¬ don humori«x, he has two performers who may be said to be equally at home on the concert platform or on the stage of a first-class vaudeville theater.

castle under the direction of ^ 1*. Betts.

Martyn Keith has joined up with Union


Moon and Morris. English comedLins Theaters, Ltd. In a|l probability some

·bow* require. found here. WESTERN and dancers. Joined the Humphrey of the scenarios for their coming Aus-

feature films. 730 South Wabaah Aye.. Bishop Comedy Costume Comiiany at tralian picture productions will be from

Cbleago. Illlnoi*.


Perth, where they were the big success his pen.

BARGAINS--BIO OUTFIT. IN SECTIONS. Marhlne*. Film*, Slide*. Le« tures. WYND-
HAN. 24 Serenth Ayenue. New Y'ork.


Bc't grade Pa*tll*. cen-mon I.roe*. Write

for price*. 6. A. BLISS UOHT CO- 821 8«lng

nt, ri oria, IlllnoU.


M05-IN0 PICTURE MACHINES. SCREENS. Portable Projector*, Slereoptirona. Sp«l
Ligiit*. Itootba, Opera Chair* and eyerything ri'in red for moTiea. MOVIE SUPPLY CO.. all S. Wabash Are., Chlrago, llllnoia. Jnnel3

POWER, SIMPLEX. EDISON, ZENITH PROJ-v;or*; Siilt-('a*o Machtm*; .\meri<-aD Stand¬
ard; Verlnope; Film*; Siippllea; .\iilo Cen-
V.;-".'"'' `'nmera*. Bargain ll«t*. NATIONAL equipment CO., Duluth, Minnesota.

VE ASK ONLY THOSE WHO ARE DISC'l-ted with Junk to apply for onr INI. Lnrg-
e*t and mo»f reliable eoneern handling now aiid ii«od Film, Macbine*. (leneralor*. Power ·nd I.'ghtlng I'lant*. .A*k those who know.
WISTFRN FEATURE FILMS. 730 H. Wabash Avo,. rhieago, llllnol*.

SIMPLEX. POWTIR'S AND MOTIOORAPH 'laehine* rebuilt. flr*t-cla*t condition, big
'·rgaln*; Second-ITand Chair*, etc. Write n* .ro'ir need*. ATLAS MOVING PICTURE CO.. odA S. D.arhorn St., Chicago. llllnol* Jun27

A.\YTHIN0 you want--large STOCK OF

implex, power*. Motiogrnph and portable

Maehlnea, all make*. Chair*, Screen*.

Adap'er*, Mazda Kegiilator*, Auto lien'tor*. |;| ctrle and Oa* Plant*, etc. Wr.le

"'f our new bargain Hat. Our prli-e* will


'-o- Ibpt. WR, 724 Wabaab Are., Chicago. III.




^·lyrla. Ohio.

BROWER. 822 W. Broad.

Tx-« Moran and Wis^, the American hat thrpwers. terminated their S>;dney season and appeared n Brlsb.ine by arrangement vvith A\ illiamson vaudeville. Jim Biidd ( American Kocenfriaue) and

Thome (violinist) worked a double aet for (;$`orcp Melrooe. It was so successful that they were persuaded to give it a tryout before one of the metropolitan mninageeinents.,

Rosie Rifle and Company speak of re-

turrnniinng to America In tne near future, a.* thepiir act has worked all tlie princip:il time since they came h^Aetr*Ae ffrroom m the IJnited States some two years ago.
Frank Eldrtd (.Americ.an) has the satisfaction of seeing the old act of Cecllle. Eldred and Carr back on the map after

weeks of constant rehearsal, and now the R»>of G:ird. n Trio, fresh from triumphs

at the Strand Theater, Leichh.irdt (Syd-

nev), will no doubt be* seen on either the Tlvoli or Fuller circuits .`·hortly,

It is stated that Wlrth Bro.s. Intend to

present tlraina on a grand svale at the

Mlppodrome and

already got to-

ivK'ni ·'^vong ca^t.

T iiu«,.«i

Philip Lytton sont his Lllllputinn

Opora C'onuiiinv on tour i,n8t wot k aft»*r

n succes.sful tour of A'lctorla. Mr, Lytton

will send his Cappp Hicks show on tour

after the Melbourne season. The com-

I>:iny will probably open at Maryborough,


J. n. Grogan, man.iging director of the

Australian Picture Palace, has leased tliat

house for a term of five years,

The Rialto, long a landmark In picture circles In Pitt street. Sydnev, is to cease op«`ratioii.s Very sliortly. It is rumored

that tlie ]ir»`ml.s«-s have been ac«iuired for
another form <>f show reminiscent of the Old-time dime museum.

Jolin C. Jones, general manager of

First National, made several drastic

When The Maid of the Mountains and jjent/ iVidow fini.*h their short re-

vivals at the Theater Roval Gladys Mon-

seen in The La,lit of tin:


Sydney, The


open May 9.

,, . , o. _ --a


. Muriel ^tarr and Frank Har%ey will be

^*vk in Sydiu^y some time this month,

They will pn^babl^y be seen in either Tlie

Prlican or The Skin Gaaymtie at the New

Palace 'Tnliiec.a-itteer., Since their last Sydney

appearance *7i


h.as been in New Zealand, Brisbane and


Jeichd Nights, Alarle Petersen's story,

now being lilmed by Louise Lovely Pro-

ductlon.s. Ltd., i» nearing completion in

>Iolbourne. 'The cast, headed by Miss

i.,,)vely (who plays a dual role) and tlordon Collingridge, is as follows; Godfrey

Cass, Arthur Styan, Grafton Willlam.s,

iTarrv Hallev, Charles PTown, John Dobhie, FYank fiunn. Jack Krebs, Lucille de

Rago and Joy Law,

neaumont Smith "shot*' the Interiors of

new picture at the Rui'hcutters Bay

tSydney) studio thl.** week.

,1. 1 ,

-kr $ t>


Sydney Movie Ball for

--mb will

take place June 2 at the Palai.s Royal,

A long li.st of prizes will be donated by

the committee and also a prize of £j/.>/-

to be awarded by Ercrj/ouc's for the b«`st

suggestion for a fancy dress suitable for

either lady or gentleman which shall be

typical of the moving picture industry,

Mr. Utincan MacPougall presented

Crain i/iic hille (Anatole Fr.ance) and Oicrfotic.a (Alice Gerstenberg) recentl.v. The ivrforniance will be repeated every

Wednesday for eight weeks. Mr. Mac-
Di'ugall was the first to produce Crain <7i<e hiHr in English, and some six years

ago, when presented at the Barn Theater,

Now York, met with instantaneous suc-

Ta'O hundred youthful aspiranti for nage dancing careen Wert teen in the lengthy and highly meritoriout program that thr Florence Cowartova Danctrt pretent ed at their annual carnival in thr Academy of Mutie, Philadelphia. Pa., recently. .Mile. Cowanova it on* of the leading teachers of the terptichorrao art of the ttage and many of her format punilt are playirtg in Broadway ihowa and big-tima oaudrvill*.


The Billboard

June 13, 1925

Ferguson ft Biindcrbnd (Hoyl) I.ong Reach.

AhrlifUt ie Hirte (Pulton) Brooklyn IMS Adneoi & FtlHT (Hipp.) Portland. Ore.. 13-20.

Calif.; (Psnlsges) Hall Lake City iri.-jp. Fernz, Rob, ft to. (I.Incoln Sq.) New Tork II-

Adler, Weil Sc Herman (Ciolden (iate) tjao Kraneirco: (Hill St.) Los Ang.les 15-20.
Adonis A Dog (.Majestic) Ft. Worth. Tcx. Agee's Horses (Ulobe) Atlantic Cltv. X. J Aiiearn. W. & G. CiSlh St.) Xcw York Alabama Land (Palace) Cincinnati. Alcora. Ina. & Co. (Palace) IVoria, III., ll-i:)
Alex, Three (Palace) Waterbnrr. Conn. Alexander Sc Peggy (Majestic) Pt. Worth. Tex Alice's, Lady, Peti (Palace) South Bend. Ind ,
11 13.
Mian Sc Taylor (Maryland) Baltimore. Allan Sc Canfield (Majestic) Chicago
MIman Sc May (Temple) Birmingham, Ala. Alma Mater Mary (Keith) Portland. Me.

Minagrrs ind artists are respectfully requrstel tn eontribute their <1atM u» this department. Bouisa must retch The BUlboerd not later than Fytday of etch week to insure publicstian.
The Billboard fonrarde all mail to profesetonala fro* of ehaixa. Membera ct the peoroeeiivt ere Invited, while on the road, to have their mail fnrwarded in care ot The Billhotnl. end it will be fonrarde t promptly.

Fields A Fink (Delancey St.) New York ll-ix Finlay A Hill (Yonge St.) Toronto. FNher ft Gilmore (Gates) Brooklyn 11-13. Fi-licr A linrst (.American) New Y'ork li.lt Fitch. Dan. Minstrels (Keith) Dayton, 0
11-13 Fitch's Mlnstrela (Keith) Dayton, O. FHzaerald, L. (Temple) Detroit.
Flagler Bros, ft Ruth (Pantages) Toronto; (I'anlages) Hamilton 15-20.
Fletcher ft Clayton Revue (State) Newark N. J.
Flint. Ihiuglas. ft Co. (125tb St.) New York. Floyds, Flying (Cosmos Circus) Terre Haute.
Ind.. « '20.

Foley ft I etnre (Pantagea) Ban Franciaco Ift-Jt),


When no date is given the week of June 8-13 is to be supplied.

Follls ft Leroy (Pantages) Kansas City; (Pan¬ tages) Memphis 15-20.
Ford, Mabel. Revue I Riverside) Now York.


Ford, D. ft E., Revne (Temple) Detroit.

Althoff. Clms. (Pantagea) Spokane; (Pantages) Seattle 1,5-20.
Amac (Orpheum) Des Moines, la., 11-13.
Amason Sc Nile (National) I^ulHTlIie. ^ .\mhler Bros. (Temple) Birmingham, Ala. .Imoros Sc Janet (Hipp ) McKeesport. Pa. Anderson Sc Pony (Pantages) Portiand. Ore. Anderson ft Graves (National) Lonlsvllle. Anger & Packer (State-Lake) Chieago; (Palace) · Milwaukee 15-20.
.Annette (Orpheum) New York 11-13. Antique Shoppe (Keith) Washington. D. C. Appolon, D., ft Co. (Palaee) Cleveland. .Arhuckle. Cotinne (Forsyth) Atlanta. Ga. Areo Bros. (Orphenm) Ran Francisco; (Or¬
pheum) Los Angeles 1.5-20. Ardath. Fred, ft Co, (Alltee) Brooklyn. .Armand ft Perez (Keith) Washington, D. C. Armstrong ft Blondell (Majestic) Houston.
Tex. Arms. Frances (Palaee) Peoria, III.. 11-13. Aniaut, Nellie, ft Co. (Shea) Buffalo. Arnaut Bros. (Keith) riiiladelDhia.

Burt. Ambruce & May (Pautages) Kdmonton. < .in.; (Pantages) Calgary 1."-1T.
Biis'cy ft Casey (Youge St.) Toron o. Butler ft Parker (Orpheum) Bu-ton.
California (Juartel (Palace) Ft. W lyiie. Ind. Calm ft Dale Revue (Pantage-) San Francisco;
(Pantages) Loe Angeles 15-20. Camerons, Four (Prm-tor) Newark, N. ,1. Campbell Si Esther (Indiana) Indiana. Pa. Cannon & Lee (Irving) Carbondale. Pa. Capnian, B. ft F. (Boston) Boston. Cardiff ft Wales (National) New York 11-13. Carey. Donovan & Marr (Pantages) Kan-as
City: (Pantages) Memphis 1.5-20. Carleton. Chert (Miller) Milwankee. Carlton ft Bellew (Palaee) Cincinnati. Carnival of Venice (Pantages) Toronto; (Pan¬
tages) Hamilton 1.5-20. Carol, Lora, ft Ring (Txiganos) Brlercreaf,
B, C., Can.; Reston. Man.. l."-20. Carpos Bros. (Majestic) Patterson. N. J. Carr ft Morin t Harris) Pittslmrgh. Carson ft Willard (Majestic) Milwaukee. Carter ft Cornish (imperial) Montreal.

Dalie.v Bro». (Liiiiuln S<i.) New York 11-13. Oanrlug Shoes (Paliive) Brookh u 11-13. 1) Armond. I . ft Co. (Shea) Buffalo. Uavidaun's Loons (Palaee) St. Paul 11-1;'. Davis, Phil (Orphi um) Des Moines. la., ll-l.'l. Davis, Dolly. Revue (Forsyth) Atlanta, Ua. Davis ft MeCoy (Regent) New York. Difvls, Ethel (Fifth Ave.) New York. DeKos. Gene ft Gabby (Grand View Park)
Newark, N. J.
Oelbridge & Gremmer (State) Newark, N. 3.
DeLler, Joe (Pantages) Kansas City; (Pan¬ tages) Memphis 1.5-20.
Del.lsle (Prospect) Brooklyn. Delmar'a Lions (Prospect) Brooklyn. Deino, Idah (Elks* Circus) Kendallvtlle. Ind.;
(Masomle Celebration) Royal Oak. Mieh.. 1V20. . Delphlne. Zoe. Co. (State-T.ake) Chicago; (Hen¬ nepin) Mioiieairalis l-l-JO. Demi Tasse Revue (Keith) Boston. DeV'.iil ft DePhil (Maple Grove I'ark) I-ancas. ter. Pa. DiSarto. Pablo (Palace) Chicago 14-20,

Font ft Price (.Majestic) Dtllis. Tci. Forsythe. Chas., ft Co. (Loew) Richmond HlU,
N. Y'.. 11-13. Fortnnello ft Cirlllino (Globe) Atlantic Oity,
N. J. Foster ft Rae (Palace) Flint, Mich. Four of T's (Grand! St. I»uls. Fox ft .Allen (Orphenm) Tulsa, Ok.. 11-13. Fovs, Four (Poll) Bridgeport, Conn. Kriib*-llc. A. ft E. (Poll) Wilkrs-Ram. Pa. Fralev ft Pn'nara (Feeley) Hazleton. Pa. Frances ft Until il.vric) BIrmingliaia. Ala. Franklyn, Melvin, Revue (Crescent) New Or-
leans. Frs-er'a Playing Cards: (Moose Bazaar) Ore<-n
Bay. W s.. 15 20. Frtehand Bros. 1 Pantagea) Bpokane; (Pantages)
S«attle 1.5-20. Fri.k A Adair (Vero) Vero, Fla. Friend ft Stiarllng iPalai-e) New Orleans. Frisch ft Sadler (Temple) Birmingham. Ala. Frlsioe, SIg.. ft Co. (Keith) Toledo. O. Froos. Srlvin (Majcailc) Houston. Tex. Fuller. Mollle (Keith) Boston. Furman ft Evans (National) LooisvlUe.

Arnold, Bttls>rta i orpheum) Lna Angeles. Art Shop (Majestic) Milwaukee. Arthur ft Darling (Pantages) Vancouver. Can.
Ash-Goodwin Pour (American) New York 11-13.
Anstin ft Cole (Paitce) Cincinnati. Avery, Van ft Carrie (Broadway) Springfied,
Mass., 11-13.

Cliamberlain ft Earle (Palace) New Orleans. Chtrlet, DoMglas, & Co. (Keith) Toledo. O. Chester & Devere (Orpheum) Boston. Chevalier Argentino Dashington (0. H.) Milan.

Deslys Sisters ft t'o. (Rialto) Chli-ago. DeSylviti. Jack, Revue (Orpheum) Dee Moines,
La.. 11-13. D.'wev ft Rogers (State) Newark, N. J. Diamond, ilauriee (Palaee) Chicago.

Gaines Bros. (Broudway) New York.
Gallarlnl ft SUter (Majestic) Ilarrli-burg. Pi. Galvin WaPai'e (Sheridan Sq.) Pittsburgh.

Garb.`lie. AL ft Co. (Orpheum) Oklahoma City.

Dk.. 1M3.

,,, .

Gaolen. G. ft U (Pantages) Spokane l.e'2<i

Gstis ft Fiudlay (RIngUamton) Btnghaintoa.

N. Y.

Garv ft Raid! (Rialto) Chicago.

Baadcr-LaVelle Co. (Earle) Philadelphia

Bahb, Syrell & Lorraiue fKearse) Charleston.

W. Va.

Bartrdie Trio (Qdinnbia) Dtkgnport. la.. Il¬

ia; (Majeedc) Obicago; III.. 14-20.

/ i'.aeh, Helen, Trio (Pantages) San Francisco;

(Pantages) Los Angeles 15-20.

Baggott ft Sheldoo (Pantages) Minneapolis;

(Pantages) Regina, Can., 15-20.

Baker A Gray (Olympia) Boston.

Band Box Revue (Loew) Montreal.

Barh4-r ft Jackson (Palace) Rockford, ni.. 11-13.

Barber of Seville (Pantages) Loa Angeles;


(I'anlages) San Diego 15-20.

Barbler-Slmme Co. (Hoyt) Long Beach, Calif.;

(Pantagea) Salt Lake City 15-20.

Bard ft Cunningham (Lincoln Sq.) New York


S«nd u« your route for publication in this liat to raach Cincinnati Office by Friday. Cards mailed upon request.






ticlHs. Ix-s (MetroimlPan) Brooklyn. Genaro Sisters (Empress) Grand Rapld«. Mick. Genaro ft Joyce (Irving) Carliondale. Pa. Gerard C ft L. (Capitol) Hartford. Conn.
Oib«>.n. J. ft J. (MaJesUc) Milwaukee. Gilliert, AValter (Slate) Washington, Pa. Gildea. Jimmy, ft Co. (Poll) Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Gill Chas ft Co. (Pantages) Vancouver. Can. Glltiiore ft Carroll (Stat ) Washington. Pt.
C.lntaros. The (State) Buffalo. Girton Girls (Pantagea) Pueblo, Col.; (World)
Omaha 152<t. Glenn ft Jenkins (Hennepin) Minneapolis.
Gdid. Ann (Irving I Car^ndale. Pa. Gold ft Sunshlue (PoIH Worcester, Mast.
Golden Violin (Majestic) Little Rock. Ark.,
tl 13 Golden Bird (TjiSalle Garden) Detroit. Goldie ft Beatty (Emery) Providence, R T

Bards, Four (Victoria) New York 11-13. Barr, Mayo & Renn (Main St ) Kansas City.

Goldie. Jack (A'Ii^otj) Holyoke, Mass. Gordon ft Rica (Pantages) Beattie; (Pantag-s)

Barton. J., ft Co. (Keith) Washington, D. C. Barton Bros.' Clrcne (105th St.) Clevelthd.

Vaniuinver. Can., 15-20. Gordon ft Germaine (Pantagea) San Franciaco

Bartram ft Saxton (Fifth Ave.) New York.

Beancairea, Six (Colonial) Lancaster, Pa.

Keeman ft Grace (Yonge St.) Toronto.


Kelassy Trio (Metropolitan) Brooklyn.

Belling. Clemens, Co. (State-Lake) Chicago.

BeiBMints, Four (Capitol) Scranton. Pa.. 11-13.

Bennett. Lois, ft Co. (Palace) South Betid.

Ind.. 11-13.

Benny. Jaek (Keith) Boston.

Benson ft Massimo (Pantages) Hamillon, Can.

Berkes ft Terry (Davis) Pittsburgh.

Berkoffs. The (Pantages) Salt Lake City; (Or¬

pheum) Ogden 15-20.




Gordon ft King (Pantages) Ban Diego. Cant.,

(Hoyt) I-ong Beach 15-20. Gordon ft C.atea (Globe) Atlantic Cltv. N. -i-
Gordon's Dogs (Regent) New York Cosier ft Lusby (Pantages) Minneapolis; (Fan-

tsgea) Regina, Can., 1.5-'20.


Goss & Barrows (Greeley Bq.) New York 1113-

Gramse. J . ft Co. (Palace) Cleveland. Grant ft Feeley (Cre-centJ New Orleans. GrsT. LoretiM. ft Co. IBtrand) OreMslmrg. Pa.

Gray. Bee Ho (Majestic) Llttlo Bock. Ark..

Berio Diving Girls (Loew) London, Can.; (Loew) Rochester, N. A'., 1.5-20.
Bernard. J. E.. ft Co. (Harris) Pittsburgh.

Gray. TYmy. A Qp- (Orphenm) New York IMS. Orohs, Chas.. StCn. (Melba) Dallas. Tex. Gnllly ft Jenny (I'oll) Worcester. Ma»s.

Bernard ft Keller (Keith) Ottawa, Can. Bernards. Original Three (Grotto Circus)
Portsmouth, O. Bemlvlrl Bros. (Poll) Wilkes-Barre. Pa. Berndt ft Partner i State) Cleveland. Berrv, Harry, ft Miss (Grand) Eau Claire.
Wis , 12-14. Beth. Margo, ft Co. (Delancey St ) New York
11-18. Bimbos, The (Majestic) Chicago. Bird Cabaret (Majestic) Milwaukee. Bison City Four (National) New Y'ork 11-18. Blanks, Three (Pantages) Pueblo, Col.; (World)
Omaha 1.5-20. Block A- Dunlop (Keith) Toledo. 0. Blondell, Ed (Orpheum) Ogden, Vtah; (Pan¬
tages) Denver 15-20. Blue Bird Revue (Palace) New Orleans. Boda. Volga. Boys (Earle) Washington. D. C. Bniiunia (12r<th St.) New York. Booth. Wade, ft Co. (.American) New York 11-
18. Borde ft Robinson (Orpheran) Brooklyn. Boreo. Emil (Palace) f'liliiigo. Bowers, Louise. Co. (Pantages) Tacoma, Wg^h.;
(Pantages) Portland. Ore., 15-20.
Boyd ft- Wallin (Lww) Montreal, lirack, Wm., ft Co. (Columbia) Far Bockaway.
N. Y. Bragilon ft Morrissey (Majestic) Dallas, Tex. Brengk's Horse (Pantages) Edmonton, Can.;
(Pantages) Calgary 15-17.
Brennan ft Hhaw (Broadway) Springfield, Mass.. 11-13.
Rrfanta. The (Pordbam) New York. Brice. Elizabeth (Psiaee) Milwaukee.
Briscoe ft- Raiib (Orpheiun) Oklahoma City, Ok.. 11-13.
Rronaugh. .Ann. ft Co. (Delancey St.) New Tork 11-1.3.
Bronson ft Edwards (Golden Gate) San Fran¬ cisco.
Brooks & Powers (Rialto) Chicago. Brown ft Rogers (Futon) Brooklyn 11-13. Brown ft Whittaker (Calvin) Nortliamptua,
Mass Browning ft- Weir (Poll) Worcesti-r. Mass. Bubbles (I.oew) Ixtudon, Can., 11-13. Buckley & Calverft (Temple) Detn.it. Bitdd, Ruth. A Co. (Palaee) New Orleans. Burns Bros. (Orpheiim) Ixm Angeles. Burns ft KissM (Pantages) 1..0S Angelet; (Pan¬
tages) San Diego 15-20. Burns A Kane (Miller) Milwaukee. Burns. Harry (Palaee) Milwaukee.
Burt ft Dale (Sheridan Sq.) Plttshnrgh.

Christy & McDonald (Majestic) Milwaukee. Claire, Marlon (l>uew) Muutreal. Claire, Julie, ft Co. (Ma.iestic) Little Book,
Ark.. 11-13. Claire, Ina (Maryland) Baltimore. Clark & Villani (i'alace) Bouth Bend, Ind.,
11-13. Clark, Sylvia (Riverside) New York. Clark, Eva (Majestic) Dallas. Tex. Clark, Hiighle, ft Co. (Shea) Buffalo. Clark & McCIIough (Keith) Philadelphia. Claude ft Marion (Indiana) Terre Haute, Ind.
Clayten ft Lennie (Capitol) Union BIU, M. J. Clifton, Herltert (Palace) Cleveland. Clifton, Ann (Orphenm) Oklahoma (Mty. Ok..
11-13. Cloyd, Comedy (Indoor Circus) Evansville. Ind. Coates, Margie (Earle) Washington, D. C. Cody ft Day (Palace) Waterbury. Conn. Cole ft Sn.vder (Earle) Philadelphia. Coley ft Jaxon (Keith) Ottawa. Can.
Coll, Bad ft Elinore (Keith) Philadelphia. Colta ft CoDt (0. 11.) York. Pa. Colvin ft WiK/d (Lyric) Birmingham. Alt. Comfort. Vaughn. * Co. (Keith) Columbus. O. Connell. Leona ft Zippy (Grand | St. Louis.
Conrad. Eddie, & Co. (Colnmhla) Par Bockawav. N Y.
Co^ ft Oatraan (Poll) Wilkes-Barre. Pa Cofik ft .<haw Sisters (l.oewl Biebmond nill,
N. Y.. 11-18. C<s'ier .V Seaman (Pantages) Tacoma, Wash.,
15-20. Cooper's. J.. Revue (Olympia, Washington Rt 1
Bosfong Corwey. Ferry (Capitol) New Britain. Conn. Coscia ft A'erdI (State-Lake) Chicago.
Costellos, Riding (Pantages) Kansas City;
(Pantages) Memphis 15-2(t. Cotter. Hazel (Avenue B) New York 11-13. Coughlin. Jas., ft Co. (Pantage-) Hamilton,
Can. Cirurtlng Days (Majestic) Dalla*. Tex. Courtney Bistera (Keith) Boston. Craig, Jr., Rli-hy (American) New York 11-18. Creations (Blieal Bnffalo. CreedoD ft Davis (Imp<-rial) Montreal. Creighton * Lynn (I»ew) Montreal. Crosby, Hazel (Rialto) Chicago. Cruising (Keith) Gtrawa, Can Cummings. Boy (Palace) Chicago. Cunningham A Bent Revue (Indiana) Terre
Haute. Ind. Cnrtia' Animal Athletes (Elks' Cirrus) Ktrka-
vllle. Me.; (Elks' Clrcns) Hannibal IS-'jn.

D.amoud'. Four i Keith) Pliiludelphin. i>;az 81-ters (Princess) Nashrillc. Tenn. Diers, Dippy, & Flo Bennett (Empress) D'catiir,
III., 11-13. Dixie Four (Palace) Springfield, Mass.
Donahue ft Morgan (Colonial) Allentown. Pt. DnritU Sisters (Orpheum) New Y'ork 11-13. Donavan ft Lee (Earle) Washington, D. C. Dorani. The (Pantages) Simkane 1.5-20.
Dore, Carol ft Louise (CapHol) Des Jloinea. la. Doks, Billy (Grand) St. lioiiis.
^wney ft Clarldge (Kult.m) Brooklyn 11 13. Downing ft Buddy (Pantages) San Francisco;
(Pantages) Ix>a Angelea 15-20. DuBarry Sextet (Pantages) Minneapolis 15-20.
Du CallloD (Albee) Brooklyn. Duponts, The (Keith) Ottswa, Can.
Duncan. Doris (State-Lake) Chicago; (Palace) Milwaukee 1.5-'JO.
Dunedin, Queenle (Palace) Cincinnati.


* *^'*^*" (Orpheum) Tulsa, Ok .

Earle, .Maud, ft Co. (Majestic) Ban .Antonio. Tex.
Early ft Kaye (Pantages) Vaneouver, Can.
Eary ft Eary iGrandl Atlanta, Ga Ebs, Wm. (.State-Lake) Chieago; (Palace) Chi¬
cago 1.5-20. Eckert ft Francis (Pantags) Mlnneapotla 15'20.
Kdding'r, Wallace liiriibenra) Oakland, Calif.; (Orpheum) I»s Angeles 15 `20.
El Cola (Pantages) Ixis Angeles; (Pantag<<k) San Diego
Embs ft .Alton lili|>p.) MeKeespor*. Pa. Emerson. Boli. ft Co, (Palace) Waterbury, fhinn.
B"Iie ft Dutton (Hennepin) Minneapolis.

Fagan's. IU.vmond. Ordi. (Pantages) Edmon¬ ton, Can.; (Pantages) Calgary 15-17.
Fagg A Wliite iEiii4-ry) I'rovlili-nee, R. 1. Kalenns, Three I Pantages) Ban Diego, Calif.;
(Hoyt) Is»iig Beai'li 15`20. Farn ll A Taylor (Empress) Decatur, III., 11-1.3. Farrr-ll, Billy, ft ('·. (IIlpii.) McKeesiuirt, I'a. Fashion |{< Tiie (Ciipltnl) New 1.ondon, Oonn.
Fashions (oriibeiini) Ogden, Iltub; (Pantages) Denver 15-20.
Ksuntleroy A Vsn (Mujestlc) Clilcago. Far, Mrs. Era (.Majestic) Chicsgo.
Fearless Flyers. Five I Dreamland Park) New¬ ark. N. J . 8-21.
Fenton ft Ficlda (Bbea) Buffalo.

Gulfport A Brown (Pantages) Seattle. (Pin*
taxes) Y'aneonrer, Can., 15-20. Gypsy Wanderers (Orpheum) l«o Angclef.


Hagen. Fred, ft Co. (Majestic) Milwaukee.

Hall. Bob (Maryland) Balllinore.

Hall ft Dexter (I'antages) Portland, we

Hall A Bliaplro (Boulevard) New York H-U-

Hallen. Billy (itlver-lde) New


llaU's, Sid, Entertainers (Pantagea) Portbino.



Hamel Sisters (Hoyt) Long Beacli, Calif.,

(Pantage-l Salt I.ake Cliy 15-20.
Hainllton Sisti-rs (.Albee) Brouklyn. Hamillon. Dixie (Columbia) Davenport, is-.
11 1.3. Hammer A Hammer (Temple) Deindt. lliiili y, Ja-k (Oridieiim) Oakland, Calif.; ior-
pliemii) San Francisco 15-20. Haney .si«ters (Kegent) New Tork, Haney, J. Krancia, Revue (Keith)
Mleb., II 13: (I.erner) Elkhart. Ind.. l-'-lC (Central Park) Cbl< ago 18-20. Hardy ft llniiby (I'lntages) Be-attle; (P»"-

(igrs) A'sniourer, Can., 15-20.
Il.ire .A- Hare (Olympia Si'oIIiiy S«j.) B"**'"*' IliirmonylHiid (Pantages) Ban F'ram-isi'o 15-2".
Ilii-rls * A'aiighn IGrandl Atlanta. Ga. Ila ris .A Holley lAUJestlc) Chicago. Harris, Marion (Orpheum) lJ)a .Angeles.

Harris, A'al. ft Co. (Ji-ffi-raon) New York.

Harrisons. The (Indoor Circus) EvansvUI''.

Ind. Hart. Marie. A Co.



W, Va Harvey, .Mnriuo (Olympia gcollav Bq.) Bo-ton.

Ilarvev, lleh-n (Colonlall Allentown. · lla-saus. Six (Orplii-iim) Ban Frandneo; (Or-

lilieqml leis .Angi'lrn 15 20.

Havel. A ft M. (Columbia) Far Bockaway.

N T Haves. Marsh ft Hayes (Fordliam) New Y'ork.

II IM S A l.lllinii iSevi nth St.) Minnea|>oIK ^

Ilnz.'ird, Ilap il'antagis) Tacoma, VVasli.,

(I'nntngi--I Portland. Ore., 1.5-20.

Hi idllners of the Past (Fulton) Brooklyn 11 Iliiilv A Cross II'oliiiiibliiI I'ar Rorkaway. N- 

llenly A Garneliii (12.5tli St.) New York.

Hearn, I, . A Co. (Temple) Detroit. IlelsTt A Sanderson's Revue (RIvolH TTM''*'!';

O. ; (Strand) Nlngiira Falla, N. Y., 14-li«

(leiew) leindon. Can., 18-20.

Hedlev Trio (ImixTlal) Montreal.


llerfnrd, Ibatrlce (Keith) AVaalilngtoO, D- Ae

June 13, 1925

The Billboarcl


I. rimi


rMncIt'-o; iOr-

tiNiiral I/>« Aiik<"I*'»


II. ..I, r M»r«ur. t (Ta' om*. W*i*h.;

IVirlUiKl. Ore.,

Mutt. Kiiift (K.-eltj» llaxleton. Pi ·Irlrrv Hri>». (I'fixMor) Yi>nket«, N. Y.
r (ll«rri»» I'lftnburich

ll"i(i(hrriftf.'. ri.in*

Il^trlnf) HIrerilde. Sant« .Muni'i 1.VL'<|.


Hill l.<l<lie (l*·nlalte»» Mlnn<-B|Mill« 1.1-30.

Iln.ii Harry (Miiji-atle) Pateraon. N. J.

ii.lian .Mflli (Main St.» Axlmry Park. N. J.

Ilolnif. .V I-arere tKeltlil Phlladelpliia.

II.m-T Itrix (Kmeryl I'r'iTlilenrp. R. I.

Honan. Ilolin. A I'o. (Empln) Kail Rlarr,

Ma-a.. 1113; (Olyujplol Lynn li-lT; (r«'0-

Iral Snl rambrldne IS l'O. Horlian-Wooloy to. (Palaro) 8prln»nold. Ma.a.

Iloiollnl (Ilipp.) Near York. Iloward Lirla (Palar*-) Sprlngflold, Maoa. 11..ward A Earla Danrinir DaUloa l.kuditorl-
iimt Qu.bec, Can.; (0. U.l Plattsburirh. S.
T l.Vli ll.iwarda .\nlmal» iPilacol Milwaukee; (Pal-
arel Uoikford. III.. 11-17; (Palace! South

BidJ. Ind.. IS-l.'O. Howor Tboi Blo<iin#nrton. 111.

Leonard A Kt JiHin (Dclam'ey St.) S-w Yb-lt 11-13
Is-oiiartl. Benny, A Co. (New Rrigbtoal Brigh¬ ton Beaeh, -N. Y. ,
Lester A Stewart (Keith) Portland, Me. LeVan A Bodes (Orpheuiii) New York 11-13 ts-wis. Rid (Pantages) Pueblo, CoL; (World)
Omaha 1.1-2i> l>-wis. Ted. A Band (Palace) Chic.xgo. Lillie, Carrie (Palace) Pittsfield, Mass. Lind. Ilonur. Keviie (Colonlall Allentown. Pa Uttle Cottage (Karle) PhHadel{>Iila. I.lTlngstons. The (Strand) Greenslmrg. Pa. I.n«-kr A Verdi (Cre-eent) New Orleans. Isickett A Page (Prini-esa) NaabTilla, Tenn. I.na(us, C. (IIIpp.) New York. I.ohse A Sterling (Ma]e«tlc) Ilonaton. Tel. l.s>mas Troupe (Orpheum) Ogden. Utah; (Pan¬
tages) Di-nver 11-30. I.oster, J. A B. (Harris) Plttalinrgb. I.iieas A Inf-a (.\ltH-e) Brooklyn. Lumart, The (Pull) Scranton, Pa.
Mack A Temp*-at (Palace) Pittsfield. Mass. Mack A Brantley (Keltb) Philadelphia.

I''z.ina i.Straml) Green-burg. Ps. 1'a.l*'. .Ilm A B»-iIt (.-itutet Cleveland. Pal*. Four 'i PhII(axes) HamlHnn, Can
I'arsmi/iiut Quintet (Boulevard) New Turk 11-13
Panlo A Archer I Metropolltau) Brisiklya. i'nrislciines ll'oll) Scraafou. I'u.
Parker-Ciwtelio Co. (Imperial) Montreal. Palricnla (Proctor) Newark, N. J.
Paul A Ma-sa (Victory) Holyoke. Ma-s. Paul Bros. (Keith) Columbus,^.
Pearl. Myron. A Co. (Palace) Pitt-fleld. Mas-.. 11-13; (Victoria! Greenfield IS 30.
Peek-ln-Foiir (Harris) Pittsburgh.
Perea A Marguerite (Orubeuml Oklaliotna City, Ok.. 11-18.
Permaue A Shelly (Glolie) Atlantic City. N. .1. Perrettos. The (Pantages) Salt I-ake City;
(Orpbeum) Ogden 11-20.
Perry. Geo. A Ray (American) New York 11-13.
Pbltlip*. Arthur (Library) Warren. Pa.. 11-1.3. PhllHua, Erelya, A Co. (Victoria) New York
11-13. Phillips. Four (Rialto) Cliicago.

Song A Danes RertM (Poll) Bridgeport, Conn. Spanish Fantasy (Palace) Jamestown. .\. Y .
11-13. Spirit of Buddha (Palace) St. Paul 11-1.3. .''pringtime Bertie (Pantaget) Vancouver, Can. Stafford A I-ouise lHarris) Pittsburgh. .Stamm, Dryille. A Co. (Main St.) Kansa* CPy. Stanley A Burns (KcBb) Boston. .Stanton A Dubires (Majestic) Cb(csgo
Star* of the Fnture (.Miller) Milwialtee. stedman. A. A V. (Keith) Portland, Me. Steel. John (DaTif) Pittsbu^b.
Revue (Temple) Sytaci.-e.

stone, Lonla (Fifth Arc ) New York

Stratford Comedy Four (Orpheum) Tulae. Ok..



Stroiiei it Merton (Pantages) San Francia-o 15-30.

Stutz k Bingham (Majestic) Milwaukee.

Sully, Rogers A .Sully (Pantages) San Diego.

Calif., (Hoyt) Long Beach 15-20.

Kiilly A Mack (LaSalle Garden) Detroit.

Swift-Gibson Beruo (Olympia ScoIIay Sq.) Boaton.

MiiKh. a A \Vh.-eler (Calrln) Northampton. M.i»a. Mack A (torell (Pantages) Pueblo, CoL; Piccadilly Four (Melba) Dallas. Tex.

Tableaux Petite (Proctor) Mt. Vemoa. N. Y.

Ilnghra, .Merritt A Co. (Hreeley Sq I New York

(World) Omaha 1.1-3U.

P'erce A Kyaa (Main St.) Kansas (jity.

Taketos, Three (Read's Hipp.) Cleyetaod,

11-13 . * Monti (VlPtorrl nolyoke. Maaa.

Madeaps. Four (State) New York. Mahoney A Cecil iPalace) Bridgeport, Conn.

Pierpont, L., A Co. (Capitol) New London, Templeton, Fay (Hipp.) New York.


Test, The (Goldeu Gate) San Francisco.

llnghca A Iturke (Pantaa>a) Kaoaaa City; (Pan- Mahoney, Tom (Greeley Sq.) New York 11-13. Pllcer A Douclas (Grand) Jlonfgomory. Ala.

Texas Four (Davi*) ntt.*burgh.

taao-l Momphia l.V.'O.

Maker A Bedford (Keith) Boston.

I'illard A Portier (Capitol) N'ew Loodoo, Conn. Thalraa. Melv!i_^ (I'antagesl Portland. Ore.

H'lrat A Voet (New Krlehton) Rrlahton Beach. Mall, Paul (Pantages) Edmonton, Can.; (Pan¬ Pisano A litndauer (Hoyt) Long Bcacb, Calif.; Thatcher. Di ve'reaux A Adams (.Seventh St.)

tages) Calgary 13 17.

Pantages) Salt Lake City 15-30.


HoahaVda, Tour (Palace) Bridgeport. Conn.

·Mallla A Bart (Karle) Washington. D. C.

Pl-ano. Gen. (Majestlcl Ft Worth. Tex.

Tbea. Mile., A Co. (Pantages) MinnsapoKs


Manning A Hall (Strand) Greenshurg, Pa. Manning A Cla-s (Grand) St. Is>uis.

Plantation Day* (Pantages) R-gina, Can.;


(Pantages) Edmonton 1.1-20.

Theodore A Swanson (Blngbamtoo) Bingham-

Ideali (Mellia) Pallaa. Trx. Igi.rrote Girl (Orplieum) Loa Angrlca. Indian .laz* Bi-vue ((irandl Atlanta. Oa. Irmjnette A Violet (Maryland) UaMlaor*. Irwin I'haa. (Keith) tolumbua. O. lyy. MUe., A Co. (State) Cletreland.
Jaikaon A Mark (Capitol) New London, Conn. Jackson A Ellla (Colonial) Lancaster, Pa. Jackson. Tboa. P., A Co. (IXirayth) Atlanta,
('a. Jardon, Dorothy (Dill St.) Lni Angelea. Jirris A Rarriaon (Serenth Ht ) Minneapolia. Jrnka A Pulton (Poraytbl Atlanta. Gn. Jnhnaon A Baker I Keith I Toledo. O. fuhnson. Happy (Majeatlc) iloiae. Id.. 11-13;
iKivoli) Pendleton. Ore.. lo-lO. Johnstone, Jnsttne (Palace) Chicago." J.^'ffrle. Flm-relle (Grandl Montgomery. Ala. Jones A Rae (Coliimhla) Par Biwkaway. N. T. Jordan, Cliff iDclancey st.) New York 11-13. Jos. Ira A Turner (Pantages) Tacoma. Wash.,
1.V20. Jnvee's, Jack. Hortea (Orpbenra) San Francisco
^20. Juliet (Bheralde) New York. Junetroa Troupe (Pantaget) Spokane 15-30.

Mantell'a Maiukitts (.kibee) Brteiklyn. Marie. Mile., A Pals (PalaceI Flint, Mich. Marked A Gay iPantiges) Toronto; (Pantages)
Hamilton 15-30. Marks. Joe. A Co. (Franklin) New York. Marks A Ethel (Pantages) San Diego, Calif.;
(Hoyt) Ixing Beach 11-30. Marrone Itevue (Earle) Washington. D. C. Martells. Two (Pantages) Kansas City; (Pan¬
tages) Memphis 11-30.
Martini IHeren.h St.) Minneapolis. Masked Athlete (Capitol) Windsor, CVn.
May A Kllduff (Keeley) Hazleton, Pa. Mayhew, Stella (National) LouisTlIle. Mi-Cormack A Wallace (Orpbeum) Oakland.
Calif. MeCormack. Jr.. John: Atlantic City. N. J.. McCoy A Walton (Loew) Bicbmund Hill. N T..
11-13. MiS'ulloagh. C. (Capitol) New London, Oona. .McGrath A Deeds tS'ate) Memphis. ·Mi-Kin, R., A Co. (Broadway) Philadelphia. McLellan A Carson I Proctor) Newark, N. J. Medley A Dupree (Poll) Wllkea-Barre, Pa. Meehan's Dogs (Keith) Washington, D. C.
Mellen A Kcnn (Harris) Pittsburgh. Melody A Steps (Palace) Cincinnati. Melters. Six Flying: Krie, Pa.. 11-30; (Lake¬
side Park I Flint. Mich., 22-27.

Ponzlnl's Monkeys (Yonge St.) Toronto. P'itter A Gamble (MlUeHticI Dallas. Tex. Powell. Jack, Sextet (State) Buffalo. Pressler A Klaisa (Palace) Milwaukee; (Palace)
Chicago 11-20. Primrose Minstrels (Panlages) Spokane; (Pan¬
tages) Seattle 11-20. rrjtchard, Francl* (Franklin) New York. Pnrcella A Vincie (Pantages) San Francisco
Quinn A Caverly (Emery) Pniyidence. R. I.
Racine A Ray (Loew) Montreal. Raker. Lorin, A Co. (Palace) Peoria, HI..
11-1.3. Karick. Guy. A Co. (Earle) Philadelphia. Kaymond'a Bohemiana IMsia St.) Kansas City. Reck A Rector (State) Newark. N. J. Ucckleaa, F.. A Co. (Palace) New Ilayeii.
Coon. Red, Green A Yellow (Pantages) Tacoma.
Waab.; (Pantages) rortland, (ire.. 1.1-30. Reddingtona. Three (Palace) Brooklyn 11-18. Redmond A Wells (Majestic) Little Bock, Ark.,

Von. N. Y.

Thetion. Lieut., A Co. (Oreeupolnt) Brooklyn.

Thomp-on. James. A Co. I Majestic) Uouiton. Tex.

Those D-'re Girl* (Keith) Ottawa. Can.

Time A Ward I Palace) Kt. Paul 11-13.

Togo (Majestic) San Antonio, Tea. Tomiikin* A Love (.st*tp) Memphis, Tenn.

Toyama Japs (Pantages) Denver; (Pantages) Pueblo lH-30.

Tramp. Tramp. Tramp (Palace) Wateriniry, Conn.

Traver Bro*. (Forsyth) Atlanta. Gn.

Traver*. Lane. Revue (State) Memphln.

Trendaboe A Reed (Olympia ScoIIay Sq.) Bos-



Trtntinl ft Ztrdo {nfpo.> N>w York.

Tucker, Sophie (Orpbeum) tlaa FtnadlOO] (Or-

pheoffl) Oakland 15-201

Uphnai. Jenne. * On. (Seth) Oatnmbun. O.

Valentine A Bell (Dnvla) Ptttobnrgb. Van Blene A Ford (Palace) Iftlwanh^.
Van A Schenck (Kearsc) Charleston. W. Vs. Van Hoven (Lyric) Mohile, Ain. Vanity Girls (Pnlaco) New Haven. Conn.

Mendl, Joe (Lyric) Mobile, Ain.

9`lliy. Robt.. A Co. (Pantages) Pueblo, Col.; Variety Pioneers ((Toinmbia) Dnyenport, U.,

Mercedes (Orpbeum) Oklsboma City 11-13.

(World) Omaha 15-30.


KiriTlcff (Albeel Brooklyn.


Meredith A Soooxer (Seveutb St.) Minneapolis. Remoa Midgets (Hipp.) New York.

Vavara, Leon (Statn-Lake) Chicago; (Palace)

Karle A Rurein (Keltb) Portland. Me. ^

Merediths. The (Palace) New York.

Resista (ITlncess) Na*brille, Tmn.

Uilwaokes 15-30.

Ka'e A Wiley (Keith) Boston.

Merritt A Coughlin (Delancey St.) New York Rhea. Mile. (Orpheum) San Francisco.

Venetian Maaqusraden (PoU) Worcester, Mass.

Kay. Holly (CapitolI New Britain. Conn.


Rhode* A Wat-on (MaJ-'-tic) Pateraon, N. J.

Vemille, Nitsa (HiU St.) Tjorn Angeles.

Keane A Barrett (Drpbeum) Uakland. Calif.; Middleton. J. ((Lyric) Mobile. Ala.

Ricardo. Irene (Broadway) New York.

VivlaD, Ana, On. (Pantagea) Taront.i; (Pan¬

(drpheum) Loe Angeles 1.1 30.

Miller A Ivera (Nipmnek Park) Boston.

Rice A Cady (Read's Hipp.) Clereland.

tages) Hamilton 15-21).

Keefe. Zena. A Co. (SheaI Buffalo.

Miller A Bradford (Pantages) Edmonton. Can.; Rich Harry (Spanish Fort Park) New Orleans. Vox. Valentino (Victoria) Now York 11-18.

Kelrey. Frankie (Majestic) Houston. TeX. Kelety. Julia (State) New York.

(Pantages) Calgary 15-17. Mills A Kimball (Shea) Buffalo

La'. Richardson A Adair (Greeley Sq.) New York


Keller Sisters A Lynch (Keltb) Toledo, O. Kelly, Tom (Pantages) San Franclaco 1V30. Kelso Bros. (Prospect) Brookl.vn. Kemper, Jimmie, A Co. (Capitol) Windsor, Can. Kendall. Byton A Slater (Miller) llilwaukea. Kennedy A Martin (Temple) Detroit. Kennedy A Darts (Victory) Holyoke. Mass. Kennedy. Wm. J. (Majaatlc) Ft. Worth. Tea. Kennedy A Mortenaon (World) Omaha; (Pan-
tagea) Kanaaa City 15-30. Kenny A Tato (Riroli) New Brunswick, N. J. Kenny. Mason A SeboU (Broadway) Soring-
field. Mass.
Keno A Green (HIpp.) New York. Keo. Tikl A YokI (HIpp ) New York. Keyhole Kaueos (Pantages) Minneapolis; (Pan-
lage.) Beilina. Can.. 15-20. Keyo A (i`(iaea (Indiana) Terre Hantr, Ind. KImhall A Gorman (Keeley) Hailetoo. Pa. Klmherly A Page (Palace) Chicago. Kinc A Beatty (S'ate) Jersey City. N. J. King Neptune Berue (Capitol) Hartford. Conn, Kirkland. Paul (Proctor) 8<-henectady, N. Y. Kitner A Reaney (Pantages) liOa Angeles;
(Psnltges) San Diego 11-20.
Kit* A Hudson (.Mrdome) Columhut. Wla. Klark A Jacobs (I-rinoess) Nasbrlllr, Tenn. Klee. Mel (Regent) New York Klein Bros. (IJItb St.) New York. Koehl-r A Hoherfs (Kedile) Chicago 11-13. Kohl, ("arol. A Co. (Hennepin) Minneapolis.
Kraft A Inmont (Main St.) .\sburr Park. N J.

Mitchell A Dove (American) New York 11-13.

Montana (Earle) Philadelphia.

Monte A Lyons (State) New York.

Moore, Patti. A Co. (Earle) Philadelphia.

Moore A Brody (Lyrlcl Birmingham. Ala.

Morgan, J. A B.. A Band (Majestic) San An¬

tonio, Tex. Morrell, Clark (Orphrum) Loa Angsles.

Morrell's Doga (Rialto) Chicago.

Morrit, Will (Oates) Brooklyn 11-13.

Morrison A Coughlin (Majestic) Little Rock,

(» . 11-13 . Morton Bros. (Pantages) Mlnneapolist (Pan-

tage-) Regina, Can., 11-20.

Morton, George (Pantages) Vanconrer. Can.

Morton. L. (Palace) Cleyeland.

Mosconi Family (Golden Gate) San Francisco;

(lull St.) Los Angeles 11-20.

Moss A Frye (Olympia ScoIIay Sq.) Boston.

Mullen A FY-ancis (Keith) Boston.

Muriel A Phylls (Loew) London. Can.. 11-13.

Murphy, Rob (State) Buffalo.

Murphy. Senator iFordbam) New York.

Murray A C.erriah (State) Bnffalo.


Murray. Jf . A Co. iColonlal) lAucatter. Pu.

Muslciand I Majeatlc) Chicago.

Myers A Hanford (Rialto) Cliicage.

Naomi A Nnta (Pantaget) Tacoma. Wash.,
1.V20. Narine. Dainty (Hipo.) McKeesport. Pn.

11-13. Rinaldn (Pantages) Vanconrer. Can. Rinn A Virginia (Maje-ticl Boise. Id.. 11-13:
(Kivolil Pendleton. Ore.. 11-1«. Rl«e A Werner (Blrerside) New York. Roberta A Boyne (State) New York. Robettaa A Deegon (Lyric) Mobile. Ala.
Kubin*. A. (FYanklln) New York. RoMn-og A Pierce (Colonial) Allentown. Pa. Robinson, Janis. A Co. (State) Buffalo Bo«'he, Doris (Pantages) Seattle; (Pantages)
Vancouver. Can., 11-20. Boiko. Marie, A Partner (Greeley Sq.) New
York 11-13. Ro-'kwell. Dr. (Hipp.) New York. Rogers, Roy, Rerue (Pantage*) Spokane 1.V20. RoUey, Joe. A Co. (Grand) Montgomery, .\la. Romaine, Don. A 0>. (Gates) Bromklyn 11-13. Romas Bros. (Franklin) New York. Rooney A Bent Rerne (Slit St.) Ne# York. Rose. Jack (Keith) Washington. D. C. Boae A Moon Rerne (Psixtag'S) Spokime;
(Pantages) Seattle 15-20. Bo-emary A Marjorie (Imperial) Montreal. Rots, Eddie (Darla) Pittsburgh.
Ross A Edwards (Palace) St. Paul 11-13.
Ro-ao A C!o. (State) Memphis. Roth A Drake (Lyric) Birmingham. Ala. Boyce. Ruby, A Girls (Orpbeum) Tulsa. Ok..
11-13. Roye, Ruth (Blrerside) New York. Rosalia*, Two (Orpheum) Gary. Ind.. 11-13;
(O. n.) Eransvllle 14-17; (Parthenon) Ber-

Walker. LiUUn (Temple) BIrmtoghnm. Ala. Wallace A Cappo (New Biigltton) Brighton
Beach, N. Y Waldman, T. A A. (Poll) Scranton, Pa. Walab A Ellis (PHnee**) Nashville, Tenn. Walton A Brandt (Victoria) New York 11-13. Wanda A Seals (Pantage*) San Frtnctaco;
(Pantages) Los Angele* 1.1-2M.
Wanxer A Palmer (Capitol) Hartford, Cnon.
Warren A U'Brien (Golden Gate) San Francixco; (Hill St.) Los Angele* 15-20.
Washington. Betty (Keith) Ottawa, Can.
Watts. Jaa.. A CO. (State) TIewark. N. J. Wayburn's Jaaa Revue (Proctor) Albany, N. Y.
Way burn's Honeymoon Cruise (Slate-Loke) Chicago.
Wayne A Warren (81et St.) New York. Weaver, Evelyn (Proctor) Albany, N. Y. Webb's Entertainra (Hennepin) Minneapolis.
Weber A Field* (Hipp.) New Y'ork. Weber Girls, Three (Heventli Ht.) Mlnreapollt. Welch, Ben (Majestic) Harrisburg. Pa. Wells, Virginia A West (Orpbeum) San Fran¬
cisco 1.1-30. Wells A Waltem (Grand) Montgomery. Ala. West A Van Slclen (Proi-tor) Yonkers, N. Y.
West-McGinty Co. (Fifth Ave.) New York. Weston A Eline (Majestic) San Antonio. Tex. Weston. Cecilin, A Co. (Lincoln Sq.) New
York 11-13. Weston A Schramm (Grand) Atlanla. On. Wheeler Trio (Palace) I'eoria, ill.. 11-13.
Wheeler A Wheeler (Hoyt) Long Beach. CaUf.;

Kramer Bros. (ISth St.) New York. Kramer A Boyle (Maryland) Baltimore. Knhns, Three W^ilte (Pantages) Tacoma.
Wash.. 1.'>.30. Kama Four (Pantages) Salt Lake Oty; (Or-
pbeum) Ogden 11-30.
1a Fantasy (Palace) Springfleld. Mats. La Fay. tte, D.. A Co. (IjiSslle Garden) Detroit. LaFleur A Portia (Daria) Pittsburgh. l4hr A Mercedes (Broadway) New York. LanilMTt, Cleo, A Co. lAuM-rlcaD) New York
IMS. Lamys, Th* (Orphrum) Quincy. Ill., 11-13. leindlik, (ilyn (Palace) Springfield. Maaa.

Neilson A Warden (Pantages) Spokane; (Pan¬
tages) Seattle 1.1-20.
Nelman. llal (Palace) Cincinnati. , ^ ^ Nevada, Lloyd. A Co. (Capitol) Hartford. Conn.
Nevlns A ilordon (Olympia ScoIIay Sn ) Boston. Newcomers (Orpheum) New York 11-13. Newhoff A Phelps (Metropolltau) Brooklyn. Night Clerk (Kmpresi) Grand Rapids, llich. · Ntghlona, Four (Pantages) Hamilton. Can.
Xltoa. Three (Miller) Milwaukee. Norman, Karyl (Orpheum) I-os Angeles S-2a
Norman Bros. (Boulevard) New York 11-18.
North and Keller (Metropolitan) Brooklyn Norton A Melnofte (ColonialI lAincaster. Pa. Norwortb, Ned. A Co. (Daria) Pittsburgh.

Rnb?nl' A Rosa iGre*'ley Sq.) New York 11-18. Buggies. O.. A CYi. (Palace) Cleveland Bulof Revue (Sheridan Sq.) Pittsburgh Bu--lan Master Singers (Gates) Bconklyn 11-13. Ryan, T. J., A Co. (I^ic) Mobile, Ala.
8an»ry, Henry. A Band (flatbush) Brooklyn. Santnccl (PaoUges) Denver; (Pantages)
Puebto 18-20. Sawyer A Eddy (Flatbuth) Brooklyn. Schuller, O. A A. (Sheridan Sq.) Pittsburgh. SMvell Dancers (Iloyt) Long Beach. Calif.;
(Pantagiw) Salt Lake City 1.1-20. See America First (Yonge St.) Toronto.

(Pantages) Salt Lake City 1.1-30.

Wheeler A Potter (Orpheum) Boston. White A Manning (Read « Uli>p ) Cleyeland. White's .\1. Reyuf (Keltb) rblladelphin.

Williams. Herbert. A Co. (Temple) Detroit.

Willie's Reception (Binghamton) Binghamton.

N Y Wllia A





tages) Pueblo 18-20. Wilsoo. Walter (Empress) IN'catur, 111., 11-18.

Wilson, George P.. A Oo. (Majeatlc) Chicago.

Wilson, h'rank (Coliseum) New York. Wilson. Jack. Co. (Pantagea) San Franeisco;

(Pantages) Los Angeles l.l-'JO.
Wiltons. Four (Hill St.) Loa Aogeles. Window Shopping (Panugea) Tacoma. Wash..

Lane A Ilariwr iPantagesi Minneapolia; (ran-

Seebackn. The (Temple) Detroit.

Isges) Kegina, Can., 11-20.
lAna A Matey (Glohe) Atlantic CHy. N J. Langford A Fredericks (Majestic) San An¬
tonio. Tea.
l<a tinlnUn-I.each Trio (Maryland) Baltimore. laKoei'H. Roxy (Imperial) Montreal.

O'Brien Sextet (Keith) Colnmbaa. O'Brian Slaters A Co. (NatiouH New York
11-18. O'Keefe. Walter (Poll) Scranton. Pa Oh-ott A Polly Ann (Orphenm) D»'a Moines. la..

Seminary ScandaU (State) Cleveland Semon. Ptimroae, A Co. (Keith) Portland. Me.
Senators, Three (Empress) Grand Rapids. Mien. Seymonr, H. A A. (Flatbush» Hns.klyn. Shaw, Sandy (State) Cleveland. Shaw A l-ee (Jefferson) New York

Wlnehill A BrlA'oe (Indiana) Indiana. Pa. Winsel. Prof. (Oroheum) Ogd^n. Utah; (Pan¬
tages) Di nver l.'f-SO ,, . , . __ Wither*. Chas. (Golden Onta) San Francisco:
(Orphenm) (Yakland 11-20. Wires A Stenographers (State) llemphl-. Tenn.

LaSalle. Hassan A U.Salle (Main St.) Kansaa


lA'eii. Alfred (lleoneptn) Minneapolis

IsiTour A Klllott (Palsre) Indlans|>oBs.

Li'irle. J,w, Jr. (Keltb) Philadelphia.

I.iivall, II., A Sister (Palacel Cleyelawl.

l-avlne. Al, A Band (Grand) St. Louis.

Lswrent-e A Holcomb (Victoria) New York

II 13

Lawrence A McAlllaler (Palace) BrI.lgeiiort,


I.atnr A Dale (Columbia) Davenport. la.. 11-13.

laiclla. .\erlal (HIpp ) Portland. Ore. l;i-20.

lea, KmlHe. A Co. (Majestic) Ft. Worth. Tea.

I.ear||t A latckwiwid (Keltlil Boston

ls"e A Bennett (Cspltoll Windsor, Can.

I^ee Kids (Orpbeum) law Angeles.

Ij-tiMhs. The (Rlyerslde) New York.

Ulands, Fly* (Molba) DnlUa. T#*.


Lemwa'a Steppers (Pantages) Denyet; (Pan¬

tages) Pueblo 18-30.

Oliver A Olp (Pantages) Toronio; (Pantages)
Hamilton 1.V30. Olma. John, Co. (IMnUges) Denrer; tPantages)
Pueblo 18-20. Ol-en A Johnson (Palace) Clereland. O'Meara, Jerry, A Co. (Palace) Peoria. III.,
11-13. O'Meara. Tim A Kitty. A Band (Uncoin .Sq )
New York. On the Campoa (Kedzle) Chicago 11-13 Opi'ra ra. Jaaa (Temple) Birmingham. Ala. Ordway. Laurie (Orpheum) Ihsiton. OrmslM-e, Laura (81st St.) New York. Orren A Dn w (Pantnges) IK-nrer; tPnntages)
Pueblo 18-30. Ortons' Four (Orpheum) Tulsa. Ok. 11-13;
(Orpheum) Oklahoma City 14-17; (Electric) Hprlngllela, Mo.. IS-'JO. OsakI Japs (Oeseeni) New Orlesus. Owen A DeVete (Palace) Wntwbary, Oona.

Shean A Phllllpa (National) New York 11-13.

Shelton A Tyler (Palace) New Haven. Conn.

Sherwood A Moore (Miller) Milwaukee^

Twini' (Areone H) Xow York li*13.

Sidney. J. (Keith) Portland. Me.

Silk. Frank X. (Colonial) IJincaster.

Silver. Frank. A Orch (State) New York Slivers. Tbne (Pantages) I-o* Angeles; (Pan¬

tages) San Diego 1.1-30.


Simp«.n * D. an (Orpheum) Q''i>i`'y. J

Singer's Midget* (Palace) RiH-kfonl, III.. 11-13.

Sloan. Bert (.Pantage*) Hamilton. Can.

Smith A Holden (Pantage*) SiMikane 11-^).

Smith A Cantor (Avenue B) New Tiwk 11-18.

{^uilth h. Sailer

N»*w Orlvaili.

{Smiths iU'O

Tohdo. 0.

SnodgraAt. Harry (Ilennopin) M4nn#apoiU.

society S«andaN (MaJeaUc) Hanlsbnrg,

Son Dodger (Pantage*) San Diego, Csnf.,

(Hoyt) Long Beach 15-20.

Wlzlarde DUO
Up-to-date Freo Acts. Weatmoraland. K*os«s.
Wordens, Four (Pantages) loa Angeles; (I'au(ages) San Diego 1.V30.
Wright A (layman (I'alace) New Haren, Ocun. Wright Dancers (Palace! Milwaukee Wyeth A Wynn (Pantages) Salt laike City;
(Orpbeum) Ogden 15-`Jt».
Yates A Carson (Keith) Coumbu-. O. Yeaek A Eddy (PnUce) New Orleaua.
Zeck A Bandog (Loew) Montreal. ZetllA Slataia ((Hand) Moakgomoo. AM.


The Billboard

June 13, 1925

Tip Tip Taphankert (Loew) Richmond ITill. N. Y.. 11-13.
Yorke & lord (Palacel St. Paul ll-i;!. You GoMa Dance tlndianal Indiana. I'a. Yount!. Clara K. <Ori>heum) San Kranoisro. Young, Margaret (Hill St.) Lo« .tiigeies, Y'oung Wang Co. (UaTla) Pittabiirgli. Y'outh (Emery) Prneidence, It. I. Zulin & Drieaa (Earle) Waabiugtun, U. C.


___ .

rnWPFRT AWn HPPRA vUlll/un I HlaL/ UrUnH

(SOUTCA roR Tuia calliiin aHOULn reacu



Gallo Comic Opera Co.: (Clrlc Auditorium)

rwi, r,, . ,p.-k» I^ra e,o.. iroreai rarar

AhU'e Irish Bote: (BepnbUe) Hew Terk Hay 22. 1922. Indef.
Abie's Irish Rose: (Sbabert-Jeffereon) St. Louis March 29, Indef.
Abie's Irish Rose: (Garrick) Detroit May 3. indef.
Ah)e'* Irish Roae: (Oayety) Roebeater. N. Y.. May 4. Indef.
'`june /'`Jnde?''*® `Atlanta) Atlanta. Ga..

Student Prince, The: (Jolaon) New York Ire.

2 indef.

Student Prince. The: (Great Northern) Chi-

cafo Feb. 22, indef.


Student Prince. The: (Shabert) Philadelphia

Apr. 6, Indef.

Tell Me More: (Gaiety) New York Apr. 14,

ley Knew What They Wanted: (Klaw) New York Not. 24, Indef. Topay uanuda rE.TvBa. wiitnh DL/uunnccan SDlititieerrai:i (luOolioonuilaailp) Boilton .MMaay 11. Indef. Unmcle Tormn'!i Cabin (iMMaaisiooDn Bros.'). Thomas Alton, mgr.: Sstt. Albans. Vt.. 10: ^rbhy II,.iiDn(e»
Coatcok, Que., Can., 12: Island Pond. Vt.. 13.
What Price Glory: (Plymouth) New York Sept.

When Y'ou Smile: Philadelphia June 1. Irdef. ^-hite Cargo: t39th St.) New York Not. 5. In-
def. White Collare: (Harris) New York Feb. 23,

cargo: (Prlnceaa) Chicago May 17. In-




(Adelphit Philadelphia May 11, indef.

Ziegfeld Follleo. with Will Rogers: (New Am¬

sterdam) New York Juno 24, indef.


Baeberle'a Moonlight Serenadera; New Vim.

Minn.. 8-CO.

HaUied'a. Henry. Orch.: (St. Francia Hotel)

San Francleco, Calif., Indef.

Handler'a, AI. Orch.: (Alamo Cafe) Chicago,


Harkneaa. Eddie, Orcb.: (Olympic Hotel) Seat*t1i.e., Waab.. indef.

Harmon's, AI. Caatlllians: (Valentino Cafe)

Chicago, indef.

Hari.'a>., wO. V.: PortBrnonth. O.. ,,8-1-w3;. Wa^h-

Ington. Pa.. 1.V20.

,,, .

Henkel'i, Ted, Orch.: (Layton Cafe) I..i.iiia An-

gelea,. Calif., indef.

Hickman's, Art, Orch.: (Biltmore Hotel) Lua

Angeleesi, Calif.,, indef.

H<,ffmin'a. Earl. Orch.: (Chex Pierre) Chicago,

Holland's, Red. Ridgeway Club Syncopators: Whitehall, N. Y., indef.

Imps. The, Orch.: (Washington Hotel) Shr.ve-

port, Ia.. until Sept. 1.

Jiekson's, Johnny, Orch.: (Rainbow Gardeni)

I.ittle Rork, Ark., indef.

JafTy't, Gilbert Pompeian Serenadera: (Balil-

more Hotel) Kansas City, Mo., indef.

James, Gene. Oreh.: (Palace) Hotel) San Fran-

rlico. Calif., indef.

Johnstone'*, Jack, Orcb.: (SamoTsr) Chicago.


Jones', Ray B., Orch.: (New Century Hotel)

Dawson Springs. Ky.. until Sept. 1.

Harm & An(irews' Orcb.: (Kolles Bergere Cafe)

Atlantic City, N. J., until Sept. 15.

Kay»er s, Joe, Orch.: (Amphitheater) Duluth. " Mrnn un'tll

sHn!.' ' Kr"n"L'.-"Vd, o'- 'w T'fW.nian Hotel) Toneka


(Kanaan Hotel) Topeka.

Splndler a, Harry, Orcb.: (Royal Pa'.mi) n.> Vork, Indef.
S.eward'a, Sammy, Jan Flenda: (Sunaet) ciii. cafo, indef.
Straight'a, Charley, Orcb.: (RendeiToui) Chi. cago, Indef.
Sturchlo'a, Gene A.. Band: Clearwater Pi«

Tliavlu'a Band: (Zoo Gardena) Cincinnati 1 yv Tlcman'a, Tad, Colleglana: (Zoological cir
denn) Cincinnati until Sept. ·!. Tn.bbe'a, Cyrui, Orch.: (Palgce Hotel) s.. _Franrlico, Calif., jndef.

Twentieth Century.. Bo. ya, P- aul B. Goii. mgr,: _ EvansTllle, Ind., until Ort. 1

Twentieth Century Serenadera: Frollci) Chicago, indef,


Virginia Entertainers, Jack Bauer, mr- (Miami Grose Dantant) Cincinnati. Indef "
Wade'i, James. Radio Klngi: (New Clarcmontl

Chicago. Indef.

Wagner's. Sol, Band: (SlWer Slipper) Chlcseo



Warner's. Don, Varsity Enfertalnem: (Toklo Gardens) Little Rock, Ark., Indef.
w'eldncr'i. Art, Orcb.: (Hotel Fslnnont) Sm Francisco, Calif., indef.

West's. Ray, Orch.: (Alexandria Hotel) Los Ange-les, Calif., ln(lef.

Willlamt', Ralph, Orch.: (Rainbo Gardmii Chicago, indef.

Williams'. Eddie. Orch.: (Palais De Dan e Boardwalk) Keanaburg, N. J., Indef.
Young't, Max. Orch.: (Road Side Inn) Chtcsgo,


Abie's" Irish

Watertowm. S !>.-,, H-IS: Albert's. Don. Orch.: (Loew's State) St. Louis, Kendricl.®`*Ben"orch^:'*iE'irt^^^ P.rk)"Krn.ai `"OUTEB FOR THIS COLUMN BHOULD REACH

Aberdeen 15-1 .. Re-dfield 18; I^erre 19-20

Mo.. Indef.

City, Mo., indef.


'*'f*r"s*.ro*^13- cXmMr'lO- Jackson*!^ Aloma of th^SoSth Beat- (LTr^M VwW«^^

Kuhn'i. Eddie. Concert Orch.: (Kanaai City ^*1= Waukon. la.. 11:, Athletic Club) Kansaa City. Mo.. Indef.

'**AApprr. 2200, IInnddeeff. A *ArrIttniUsdtetsif aSnlidd" M Mooddeellss-: (((AAAnppnoollllllooo))) CCChhhiilcceaaaggrooo M M Maas»yy 88*111., R*BaalIccnnhhddeeeelif?on. rms ' BBrriiddeess-: (((CCCiooo"rrt>t)l NNeeww YTYfoovrrrkkk M M Maaa-yyr 2o288.e..

Bride Retires The with Lila I^e- (NatKmali

*"*teNw ew"^YiiokrkVyM"aV y «IS."nIdnd^e^f^^

' `

B*1r *de^V'In./AdAIe'f. Players-= ((0G O«aarrdddeeennn)l K K Eeaannnasiaaa*as Cmitt*y.


A Aiil-l'as NNooTTeellttyy EEnntteerrttaalinneerras,. AAllbbeerrtt SSppoorree,,' m mggrr..:: A A»illLereliinna·'^sse,, uD^r ocCc,.enO Oterrccr.hh..:;M((inGGnrr.ee.'eenn'I"nwH Hd'e-iimfll.ll CCaaffee)), LtLooaa AA. nn--

gelet, Calif., indef. *

. r- w, v m i

^A*srt?oari*a*; '^inCdh2afs' .R*..' Orch.: (Coral G (sAaW bloe*.)) M Miiaam mii..

B»achwhmm'aann's Mlltllonn--.DD.o.o.llllatr Band: Roocckkww.K.oidd.

Lankford s. Walter: Battle Creek. Mich., 8-18.

Lajdregeffo. Band. G. A. Bturchio's: Largo, Fla., In-

LL*aim Iwwililnn.,''*s

Sundodger*: indef.

(TrtTeler* Inn)


1I--ilnnddonu'ti, Carl., Orceh.;: (Wllllard'e Cafe-Road House) sSeeV atttlUe.e/w Waaishh.,.'ininddeeff.

^LTjAm n*naggn"erslee.Vs,AC^beiai.l.iff..O?, r'Ic"nhnd.:edf.i(rA'^mbass*ador Hotel) Lo*

C."^a"V.r i«ndd* (CClleeooppaattrra:; (Guild) New York Apr.' _ g gI."" 1188.'"' "

ia Indef

r-w.. r. ..

rhariPT-'n Annt- tTlslT'a Atd »t h Knw Vn.v

' Cleveland 122:; Rome. Ll,y,^,^,e-_.j..^^HHuubb.^-(O>mma.^hha.' Six: (Dougla. Park)


r. e . v

Okmulgee, Ok., indef.

Csfe) Kan.at McKown'i, Joe. Musicians: (Garden Theater)


Academy Players: (Academy of Music) R chmond. Va.. indef.
Albee Player*; (Albee) ProTldence. B. 1.. in-

def. Audltoelum Players: (Audltorlom) Mslden.

Mass.. Indef. Arenne Stock Co.; (ATenne) Vanconrer. B. ( ,
Can.. Indef. Balnbrldge PUyert: (Sbobert) Mlnneap-dK

Minn . Indef.


Berkell Playera, Chaa. Berkell, gt.: (English

_ O. H.) Indianapolit, Ind.. March 29. Indef.


; P


fl 4n/4*f
DpMw* Under th« Elms- (Georce M CohanI
New York NoVViain^f Dove The- (Bmnirel New York Feb 11 Indef

si asA · I -IT

Vr* V *



Bern^rd^. Rl^nir nrrh - IlL.nn xfinh In



J*<'kion. Mich., in-

ielUOf VrBDKllO ODriDK*. H, 1.* loaei.

Mldnlte Serenaderi, Harold Smith, mgr.: (Gra-

n.ds Hotel) Grenada. Mlss . Indef.


Orch.. Floyd Mills, mgr.: Scran-

ie»., IDQ**!.
Capitol Plajera (Capitol) Albaaj, N, T., lod^f.
Carroll. F. James. Player.: (Colonial) Pif.field. Mass., indef.




Gwden.) Chi-

^Tche.uV Vfl^`"Harrisb\·rg.'`^*N*'y.*. K."'


^X^o'^c;) SSw FouSe?.' The^ TaiI^U^) New

· M ^''d""j"

MoSei" MuW^'Mrkerif olw,. William., dir.- `^'d"e'?*'

mWrr.tde Park) Indianapolla. Ind.. Jnno 2- mgr.: (Villa Gifford) Oconomowoc. Wl... Chase-LUter

Eagle Orove. I... M.l:

r.'lllnl n.ioH-- XI-- Vnnv Tnn. s in.i.e Oarrlck Gaieties: New York June 8. indef.

Give A Take: Marlon, N. C.. 11; Newport, Tenn.. 12; Seylerrllle 13: Etowah 1.5: Clin-

ton 16: LaPoIIette 17; Jdlico 18: Williams-

burg, Ky.. 19; Corbin 20.

Girl and the `TTnietmmpp.." N Neewkttoonn.. PPllnnggrreeee fftt H Hooii-land, mgrs.: Hebron. N. D.. 11; Richard-

sc.D 13: Taylor 16; Belfield 20.

- A'''*!!*

Gorilla. The: (Selwyn) New York Apr. 28,

indef. Gorilla. The: (8am H. Harris) Chicago May

Blue BlbboH Orcb., Femsodo Lsgaise. dlt.-tngr.; Lowell, Has*., indef.

Booth's. Gene, Orch.: (Meadow-Brook Inn)

Akron. 0.. indef.

Boutelle Bros.' Orch.: (Dennison Park) Wln-

chendon. Mast., until Sept. 15.

BBoouutterilllee BBrroosS.y' 'OO^crYeh.*.:: (W Park) Keene. N. H., until


BBooyyl"e-'!s!, W Wm m.^, 'OOrrcchb°.:: ^c(CVoppl\ee,®"pu.O Boston.


BR-rH.a.<dakhll>e)nn-'Bas.eattAai>eb..»e,WaOihrc..h`.i:inn,di!(e.Hff *****^^^**'°*

TI..U.. Dane#

Molten'a.'Bennie. O. K. Record Artists (Daneing Academy, IStb and Faaeo Sts.) Kansaa City, Mo., Indef.
Moore's. Bay. Music Master*: (Abel Restaiirant) Mexico City. Hex., until Bept. 1.
D''.v*enn^y"i; ^Aprii ^5 ^^^de'f'*"'"^'*
"'j;P'''Br«cb."N.°k'! Nnd'yf?"* Nasca'i Band: Buffalo, N. T., 8-20.
Carl: Plymouth N. C., 8-13; Wlntim

Cloninggr. B^ph. itoek O*.: (Wllkaa) Bait I.ake City, Utah, Indef.
Conn's. Lew, Comediana: Fiakburg, Ky.. 8-13. Copley Repertory C*.: (Oepley) Boston. Hiss,



pbia. Pa., indef. Dixon Playera: (Warrington) Chicago, Imlef. Dobintoo Playera: (Ctnb Playbouae) Glendale.
Calif., indef.

Gryen ^t: The: (Selwyn) Chlc.go Apr. 18, iJ^uLV'e. Mewit, 0%Th"?\F;i;r'. In^


cioce, Oallf., ladof.

(Alcwer) 8*. Fran-

Guardsman. The; (Garrick) New York Oct. 18, Buck's, Verne, Orch.: (Montmarte Cafe) Chi- Ohloane. The: (Heights' Auditorium) AI- Enpreos PUyort; (Imprasa) Teneoxvtr, B. C..


cago. Indef.

buquerqne. N. M.. Indef.

van.. iMcr.

Harem, The. with Vivienne Oaborne: (Belaaco) Bulck'a. Johnny. Orch.: (Cablria Cafe. 530 Oiler's. King, Dixie Syncopatora: (Plantation) Fas|jett. Malc^m. Stock Co.: (Macanley) Louis-

N-rew- Y'ork Dec. 2, i.n..d..er.f

Broadway) San Francisco. Calif., Indef.

C- hicago,- indef.



_ » vine, Ky., Indef.


Hodges. Jimmy. Musical Stock Co.; (Pantggps) Butler's. Mel, Oreh.: (Davenport Hotel) Spo- Original Paramount Entertainers. Ray B.

lUyera; (Family) Ln Fayette. InJ..

Newark. N. J., June 15-Aug. 22.

kane. Wash., indef.

It Zab 8o; (Chanln'a) New York Jan. 6, Indef. Buxzingtua's, Ezra. Rube Band, Mark D.

Gorrell, mgr.: (Palmer Park) Lantlng, Mich., Indef.

until Bept. 15.

Fnlton Stock Oe-t (Fllten) OekUatf. Cent., ta¬

la Zat 8oT: (Adelphl) Chicago Feb. 22, Indef. June Days: (Garrick) Chicago May 31. Indef. Jnat Married: (Central) Chicago May 17, in-
Ladlea of the Evening: (Lyceum) New York Dec. 28, Indef.
Lady. Be Good: (Liberty) New York Dec. 1, indef.
Lady Next Door; (Cort) Chicago May 10, in-

Schafer, mgr.; (Orpheum) Ogden. Utah. Ill 13; (Empre-a) Denver. Col.. 1.5-22. Campbell's, johnny, Orch.: (Kansaa City (Huh) Kanaai City, Mo., indef. Castor'c, Robert, Seven Aces: Bedford, Ind-. indef. Chase's, Billy, Monte Carlo Serenadera: (Monte Carlo Cafe) Kansas City, Mo., indef. Checker Inn Orcb., Jimmy Gallagher, dir.:

Original Harlem Ramblers. Chet Potter, mgr : (Domino Inn) North Greece, N. Y.. until
Sept. ^7. Osborne's, Emmette, Orch.: (Branstatter'e CrII-
Cafe) Lot Angeles, Calif., indef.
Pasadena Orch.. Tboa. J. Mnlllgaa, mgr. (Hotel Charlotte) Charlotte. N. C., indef.
Pearl't. Morey. Band: (The Tent) Boaton. inAfit

Gale. Dorot^. Player*. Andy Wright, mgr ;

ammond. Ind., May 16, Ind'-f

Garrick Players of Bentonhurst: (Community

House) Brooklyn, N. Y.. indef.

Olaaer, Vaughan, Playata: (Uptown) Ttroeto,

Can., Indef. _ Msaa.. index.

b,,,| olooeeate Olooceate ...


^Checker Inn) Boston. Indef.

Pedesky's, Mel, Orch.: (BranaUtter'a Mont- Glo»e stock Co.; (Glove)I GloversvIIIe. N. T .

Louie the 14th. with Leon Errol: (Cotmopolltta) Cbowning's, Billy. Orch.: (Dutch Tavern) Kan- marte Cafe) Loa Angelea. Calif.. Indef.


New York March 8, Indef. '

ats City. Mo.. Indef.

Peyton's. Dave. Orch.: (Perthlng'a Palace) Graham Stock Co.; Little F^alle, I*8-13.

Love Song. The: (Century) New York Jan. 11. Cincinnatians. The. W. F. McDonald, mgr.: Chicago, indef

Players: (Grand) Topeka. Kan.. Indrf.

indef. Lucky Sambo': New York June 6, indef.

1*' a (Hotel Tybee) Tybee Island. Ga.. until Presby'a. 0. K.. Crimson Ramblers: (Empire) Harden. Uharlea English Players: (Comedy)

Sept. 6.

Cochrane, Out.. Can., until July 1.

Man or Devil, with Lionel Barrymore!: (Broadhurst) New York May 21. Indef.
Mercenary Mary: (Longacre) New York Apr. IS. Indef.
Mikado. The: (44th St.) New York Apr. 11. In-

Cina's Band; East Liverpool. O., 8-13. Conway's Hand; (Riverside Park) Springfield.
Mass.. 7-21. Coonn--SSainders Original Nlghthawka. A. H. I.ln-
der. mgr.: Owensboro. Ky.. 10; New Albany.

P ^

R.nH w q* r^'w Ai, . n.ii..

"'.^Hussar Ba^. W. T. Cox. dir.: DaUaa.

RelrA'Rnd Oriv?n.l Kv NIrht n.wk.- imm ® u7d ®'Av
f/ Caaino) Wlincbheaster. Ky.. until

Harder ft Hall Btoek

(Palaee) Fart Rlfk-

mood. 8. LI.. N. Y.. liadoef.

,, »


« Ha·r"ri"n> gto«n0, »OZ ny., Plnyort: (Btono 0. B.) B®l"n*g*--

hamton. N"·. Y., Indef.


,, w, _* ,.

Ha«stilnagas., Jane, Stock Co., Adam W. Friend.

def. Mismates; (Times 8q.) New York Apr. 18,

Ind.. 11: Cincinnati, 0.. 12-14: Kentland. -

fter-h .- rWat.i R,n-.wixks r,..

IInndd.... 1155:; EEllkkhhaarrtt 1166..

Relaman a. Leo. Orch.; (Hotel BBrrnunnaswwilcckk)) BBoooa--

= (Jefferasoo) Auburn, N. Y.. May IS. iinnddeeff..


Craven'!. C.. (Jolden Gate:

Mud Turtle, with Helen MacKellar: (Adelphl)

HMaaasoun Cf-iitfy.., lfa.., iinn.dteefr.

(Badmar Hotel)

. in.,., v-o,,** »r-«.. Hawklna-Ball Playera: (Caelunmet) South Chicago,.

Beiaman a. _L«o. oreh.. '(®H®o*te*`l LLeennooxx)) BBooaa--

im,, _ i-H-e

Philadelphia 1-13.

DeCarlo's, R.,. Band: Portland. Me., indef. Brisman"a*V^M ldddileevittllcekhaa fOtereebh.:· f(RSonnnttasnngv Itnnnn)i HHaawwkkllnnaa--BBaallll PPllaayyeerraa:: ((GOaarryy)) OGatrryy.. IInndd.... IInn--

My Girl: Indef


New York Nov.


DeCoIa's. Louis J.; Forest Park, 111.. 8-13. DeQuearto'a, Pete, Orch.: (Colottailmoa) Cbhliecnago,.

p*rLynnfleld, _m Ma..ta. ., Iinrd^e.*fe·. " "

(Bnntang Inn) p.-wx P«,t Henderson, Maude, Pplia.wyeeres.:. ((TL.eag>ilionnaii)t W WsaIlIlaa

Night Hawk: (Bllon) New York Feb. 24. in- indef.


^ ' (Blrerton Park) Port-



Dimmlck'a. J. O.. Snn-ybrook Orch.: (Shmroit

"n;-. 'n--v--/sOarU d.n.t Uershey Players: (Heerrssbbeeyr Park) Herahey. Pa..

No, No. Nanette: (Oerrlck) Philadelphia March Beach) Akron. O.: (Idora Park) Youngstown ® Denver ' ^d^'lndef"*"*" (*1``®R · Gardena) indeL

No. No, Nanette: (Tremont) Boston May 4.

' indef.

Odd Man Out; (Booth) New York May 25. indef.

Originals in Stepping Out, H. P. Campbell,

mgr.: Newcastle. N. B.. Can.. 11: Campbell-

ton 12-13.

Pigs; (LIttie) New York Bept. 1. Indef.

Poor Nut. The: (Henry Miller't) New York

Apr 27, indef.

Rat The- (Astor) New York Feb. 10. Indef.

Right To Love. The: New York June 8. indef.

Rivals. The: (Columbia) San Frandeco 8-20 lloae-Marie: (Imperial) New York Sept. 2, Indef.

Rote-Marie: (Wooda) Chicago Feb. 8. indef.

itiee-Mtrie- (Shuhert) Boeton Apr. 18, indef.

Rr.amerihnlm. with Margaret Wycherly: (52d

St ) New York May 8, indef.
8iie Had To Know, with Grace George: (Stude-

baker) Chicago May 11. indef.


Show-Oflf, The: (Pltybonae) New York r*k. I.,


Show-Off. The: Portland. Ore.. 8-18: Salem

15: Eugene 16; Granite Pass 17: Medford 18;

Redding. Calif.. 19; Red Blnff 20.

Slouf-Kenipton Playera. G. E. Kempton. mgr.;

Oxford Md.. 11: Centerville 12; Oreenwo^jd.

Del.. 13: Mlllsboro 15: Felton 16; Clayton 17; Avondale. Pa.. 18; Atglen 19; New Hf/1-

laud 20

Sky High! with Willie Howard: (Winter Oar-

den) New York March 2. indef.

Spooks (Playhonae) Chicago Apr. 12, lnd*f.

Spooks: (48th St.) New York June 1. indef.

Dixie .Serenadera. Nowell ft Griffith, mgrs.: ((Hear Lake Dance PPanvriilllioonn)) M Maannasffileelldd.. LLaa.... indef.
Dogan'a. Kenneth. Orch.; (Hotel Whitcomb) %SVann "'FVrarnaenlKeciX o, ''`CcaalIi^f ?, '`iiniddeefL. "'*' Dok-Iaenbourg'e Sinfoniano: (Cook'a Beatan-

rant) Bos'on, indef. Eby'i. Jerry: ' (Back's Aud.) Reading. Pa..

11-13: (The .Spot» York 1.V17: (K. «rf P.

Aud.) Piedmont. W. Va.. 18-20. Elder's. C. W.. Orch.: (St(rreecckkffuuat Steamer
Waahlngton) Rochester. Pa^,, uunnttiill SSeepptt.. 1155
Bllla. Gertrude. Harmony Queena: (Fontaine Ferry Park) Ixtolavllle, Ky., until Sept. 7.

Emerson's, Wayne K.. Orch.: (George Washing-

(on Hotel) Washington, Pa., until Sept. 1. Emie'a Original Aeea; (Gingham Cafe) Chleege,
Ill.. Indef.

Ferdinando'a, Fell^ Orch.: (Pine leland Park)

Mancheater, N. H.. Indef.

Fllndt'a Orch.: (Benard a Park) Wadlaon, wla.,

until Sept. 10.

Plscher'a, Chaa. L.. Orck.t Kalamaxoo. Mleh.,

Indef Franko'a, Nahan. Orch.: (Willow Orove Park)

l»hlladelpbla 7-27. Fricdman'a, AI, Orcb.; (Crlllon) Chicago,


v. «

Oaul'a. George, Orch.; (Carlin a Park) Raltl-

more, Md.. Indef.

, _

Oooosen'a, Pete. Clown Rand: (Baglet Club)

Kanaas City. Mo., Indef.

. ,,.. ^ ^

Grey's, Earl. Orrh.; (Butler Hotel Cafe) Beat-

tl^ Wash., indef.

Biehmond'i. Eddie, Orch.; (Monlin Bo'oge) Orch.; (Grand Central) St.

<*«W*rnon) Blrmlnghsm. (C«P«`ol) Dunkirk. N. T .

Bo'fef hl^cei. ` 0^c'h.: (Colle*. Inn) Chicago. Indef.

Rossi's, Joe, Band; Eminence, Ky.. 8-13. Rothschild'*. If»lng. Kmg* of Syncopation;
(Deauville Cafe) Chicago, Indef. IU>yal Scotch Highlandert (Roy D. Smith's):

I.aneaater, O.. 10; Maryiville II: Bowling Grcn 12; Oak Harbor 13; Tiffin II; Cb-ve-


· Honlp<Uer 18: Ken-

ddaallllvvllllllee., IInndd.,, 1199;. TThhrreeee RRiivveerraa., M Mlleehh.... .2'00..

Sacco'a Music Hawks; (Rice ft Perlion'a Water

C., Indef.

Lakewood Playera: Lakewood. Me., indef.

Lewla-Wortb Playera: (Akdar) Tula*. Ok.. In-


Luttringer, AL Playera; (Weetebeater) Mt.

Vernon, N. Y., Indef.

_ ^,

M^ceGOaarrrrrr'G`IG_"raiai*rerr'f!y-'. _Sfettoorck 60; l(aM _ aaajljeest.tii.cc), BulTalo,

M M Hcccll-i-a-anng.hbhllllnn,. Robert., Stock COOoi..:; (lOOhhUio) ClIecvvec¬-

land, IInnddeeff..

Mcl.aughlln, Robert. Player*; (Hanna) Clevc-

Circus) Chicago, Indef. Haceo'a Peacock Kerenadera: Chlrago. indef.

land. O.. Indef. Mael.etn Players: (Colonial) Akron. O., i®®''

Sander*. AI. A Singing Band: (Cheater Park) Majesdc Playera: (Majeatic) Waukegan. HI-.

Cincinnati unUl R'Pi^lO.

,, ^ . '"·'''f-

.. , .

, ar

Beeley'a. M W., Orch.: (Chaa. B. Woods' Marvir Playera: (Marvin) Findlay. O.. Indef

Restaurant) Byrecute, N. T., Indrf.

Mlialon PUyera: (MltalOB) .Locig ^ack. Cal f .

8elger'a, Rudy, Orch.; (Hotel Fairmont) San Indrf.

Friaclsco, Calif., Indef.

Moroaeo Stock Oo.; (Moreoee) Loa Aageles.

Silverman's, Dave, Orcb.: (Lyric Skydome) Calif.. Indef.


Ht. Louis. Mo., Indef.

Murray-Harolde Player*: (Hartman) Columbu*.

Klseoe'a. R. II.: Wheeling. W. Va.. 8-13; O.. Indef.

,, ^

Wellaburg 15-20.

National Theater Player*; (National) Wash¬

Smith'#, Box. Orch., Frank Smith, mgr.: (Tho ington, 1). O.. indef.


Odaabach) Rochester, N. T.. Indrf.

National Art Player*: (Brandela) Omaha. Neb .

Smitb'a, Beasley, Serenadera: (Willow Beach) Indef.

Little Rock. Ark . Indrf.

Orpheum Playera: (Orpheum) Racine. Wie.. >®'

Smith's Don. Orcb.: (I'rlnceaa) Springfield. def. ^

Tenn., il-l'S: (Princeasi Mnrtreeatero 14-10; Orpheum" Flayara: (Orpheum) Madlaoa, Vfis

(Prince**) Columbia 18-20.


June 13, 1925

The Billboard


Caindy Headquarters for the Concession Trade


These Are the Reasons Concession Men Come First to Auerbach!

Per CvtoN of 24. I'Hikrd 12 CirtoM to Com.

Por Cortoo of 12. racked 12 Dozen to Cate.

Per Dneo. « Dozen to Caio.

S3.60 $5.40



Tho Delta.

MANHATTANS--Tbit 4-oz. single-layer package of aisorted chocolates is tbe ideal item for Bottle Camts and tbort-range Cat Racks. Very flashy picture tops, size 6^4 >3 >4 inches. This item assures yon of large profits.
Tbe DOVE--A large 6-oz. single-layer flashy picture-top package of assorted chocolates for the ball game operator who wants some¬ thing different. Is a sure-fire winner every time.
The JOLLY SIX--The finest, brightest half-pound package on the market, with its large single layer of high-grade candy. Its cello¬ phane wrapped packages of assorted colors and gay designs is certainly the perfect "intermediate".
For CANDY WHEEL OPERATORS we have tbe largest assortment of fine, flashy packages at the right prices. Tbe donble-layet pound packages begin at SI.60 per dozen and continue at S4.80. $5.40 and $6.00 the dozen. Everybody wants AUERBACH chocolates. Everybody knows 'em. Yon can order by mail and be sure of fine service by tbe world's largest candy factory.
All orders C. O. D. One-third deposit with all orders.


11th Avenue, 46th and 47th Sts., New York, N. Y.

r=iMi:^rat=lf-=lr=1 (-£)!^[=l[=)t=3t-=]C=H=JI=3[=jISBBglSI^C^BC^lE)I=It^CHI{:;HISE]I=»E3~

Orpheum Plsyers: (Orpheumf Sloui Fslli. 8-

D.. Indef.

. ^

(irpLerm Flayers: (Orpheum) Montreal. Can.,




I'zikoe Players; (Palace) Iloastoa. Tea.. In-

dtf. Park Players: (Parti) Krie. Pa.. Indef, iviraen. Arthur. Co.: (Hudson) fnion City, ft.

J., Inflof.

^ -

p'ilnfleld Ptayera: Plainfield. N. J , Indef.

I'izy.r*' Guild: (Davidson) Milwaukee. Wla..

Ind. f. I'oll Players: (Palace) Hartford, Conn., Indef.
IVl Players: (Court Buaare) Siirinifield.

Mass, indef. Poll Players: (Grand) Worceater. Mast.. In¬

def. Powers Stock Co.: (Powers) Grand Rapids.

M.cb.. iodef. President stork Co.: (President) San Francisco,
rallf.. Indef. Proctor Plarera: (Proctor) Troy, N. T.. Indef.

Bice-C.ray Players: (Palace) IndlanapcdU. Ind-.

Indef. Rcent Stock Co.: (Recent) Mnskegon. Mich..

Indef. RU'pePa. Jack, CoordUns: Bealeton, Va.. MS.
Bte.i|tr Playtrt: (It. Ckarlsa) Now Orleans.

I.a.. Indsf. SsToj PUyers: (Savoy) Ban Dirgo. Calif.. In-

Lewis Bros.' Palm Garden Reautiea: (Palace)

Charleroi, Pa., until June 13.

Lewis'. Irvine

.Mf'let of Krnadway: (Funk's

ParkI Wlnche-ter. Ind.. indef.

Lo<'h'a. 8ani, Musical Comedy Co.: (Gem) Little

Roik. Ark., indef.

Majestic F.dlie*. Krslg A Allen, raers.: (Ma-

jestii ) Oshkosh. Wla., June 7. Indef,

Musical Merry Makera. Frank Mil on, msr.:

(Rivoli) Denver. Col., Indef.

Pep A (linger Rtvne. George Clifford mcr :

t Rialto) West Palm Beach. Fla.. 8-13

Rainbow Girls, Harry Ike Evans, mgr.; tRialto)

Waterloo, la., Indef.

Rendon. Billy, Musical Comedy Co.; (Hippo-

drome) Ix>alay|lle. Ky.. Indef

Saury Baby Co., with Billy Grayes: inijon)

Savinnsb, Ga., indef.

William-'. Al. Mn-teal Comedy Co.; (Wslnitt

I.ouleville. Ky., indef.

Wilaon's. Billy. Dn:e Darling Girls; (Man-

batttn) El Dorado. Ark.. Indef.

Youth A Beauty Revue of l'.*28. with Bay

Adsir: iMtnnion's P%rk) 8t. Louis. Mo.. In¬



Lee Bros.* Shows: Warren. Minn.. 10: Thief River Falls 11; Detroit 12; Staples 13.
Main, WsDer L. (King Br«e<.'); Jeannette. Pa.. 10; larentuni 11; Brookville 12; Kidgwuy 13; Clarion 13; New Bethlehem Ifi; I.eecbburg 17
Mlehty Haag: Galnstioro. Tenn.. 10; Baxter 11;

I..endes Shows: Cheyenne Wells, Col., 8-13. I.app*s. M. J.. Shows: Troy. N. Y.. 8-13. IsKgotte Shows, C. R. Leggette, mgr.: Drum-
right. Ok., 8-13. I-evitt Brown-Huggina Shows: Longview, Wash.,
8-13. Utta Amusement Co.. Gas Lltti, mgr.: Gray-

t'ookevllle 12; Sparta 13; Uavenscroft 1.1. Miller Bros.* 101 Ranch Wild Weal; Bancor,
Me., 10; Watervllle 11; la-wlston 1`2; B.-rlin, N. 11.. 13; Montr-al, Can.. I'elO; St. Johns

ville. Ill., 8-13. Majestic Kxpo. Shows. F. Utter, mgr.:
ton, O., 8-13. Man's Greater Shows; Corbin, Ky.. 8-13.


17; Montia-lier, Vt.. 18; Burlington 10; Rut- May A Dempsey Shows; Cadillac, Mich., 8-13.

land 2<i.

Metro Bros.' jixpo. Shows: Danielson, (^nn.,

Rins'lnc Broa. and Barnnm A Bailey Combined: i.SrlliTsn Square) Boston. Ma--.. 8-13; Wnreeater 11; I'rovidence. R. T. lu-17; Ilirlford. Conn.. 18; Wsterbury 19; Bridgeport 2t*.
Robbins Bros '; BIsmarek. N. D . 10; Db t'nson 11; Beach 12; Sidney, Mon*.. 13; BainTitle It; Senbey 15.
Robinson. John: .Mllanee, O. 10; 'W'voster 11: .tshland 12; Ixirtln 13; Toledo 15.
Sells-Kloto: Oswego. N. Y.. 10; Oneida 11: CAovepSTllle 12: Rehenectady 13: (Andrew Sdnuasre Gronunds) Boston. Sflass.. 13-20..
Sparks': Potsdam. N. Y.. 12.

8 13. Michaels Broa.' Shows: (Happyland Park) New
York City, indef, Miner's Model Shows. UK. 11. ilinrr, mgr.:
Traackow, I'a., 8-13; McAdoo 13-20. Miller Broa.' Sbowa: Batavia, N. Y, 8-13.
Miller Bros.' Shows; Batavia. N. Y.. 8-13. Miller'a. Ralph, B., Outdoor Amuaements
Newport, Ind.. 8-13; Brazil 15-20. Mimic World Shows; Lufkin. Tez., 8-13. Nsill. C. W.. Shows: Kelfer. Ok.. 8-13. Pearson Shows: Astoria. III.. 8-13. People's Amiiaement Co., George Holder, mcr.:

Clinton. 111.. 8-13; Lincoln 13-20. I'onie A Srhncck Sbowa: El Dorado. Ark., h-ir*;

nr W7oolr ^fvnrl

Smackover 1.V20. _ ,, ,, ^

rratCriiai Of WCCK-Oialia V..irCUSeS I'rineees Olga Sbowa, F. W. Wadaworth, mgr.:

Fhermin Stock Co.: (Majestic) Cedar Rapids. Is.. Indef.
Sbuhert Players: (Sbnbert) Minneapolis. Minn., indef.
Silver Theater Players: Watervllle. Me.. In¬ def.
Temple Stock Co.: (Temple) Camden. N. J.. Indef.
Ttaaplc Theater Stock Co.: Bamlltoa. Ont.. Can.. Indef.
Trent Players: (Trent) Trenton. I*, i., Indef. Vir'nry Players; (Vlctoryl Dayton. O., indef. Wanefs Comedv Co., Clem A Corev. m"TS t
I Opera House) Reynolds, III., 8-13; (Opera Uouse) Slierrard IVllO. Walker. Stuart. Playtrs: (Cos) CtudaBati May t. Indef. Weittnf Players: (Welting) SyrncDse, N. T., indef. Wilkes Pltyera: (Denham) Denver. Co)., (adef Wne;i«srd Pltyera: (Majaatlc) Detrelt. Mick.. pd.f itoodwtrd Plejere: (BmpreM) St. Leuls. Me., isdef.

HORNINO TO INSURE PUBLICATION) Bu^b7y · ro!lorvd, wlib N Naty Bro*.. Doc O Gardner.
m mctr :! Marshalltown,. l1a*..,. 1Y0("V1l3^. Uello Rufun. laA'i n L<»dc. bna m^r.: Blucficld.
W. Vs.. IMS; Keystone 13 17.
Marietta S' R E.. Georgia: Okrmab. Ok.. 8-13; Girhrle 1.-20.
Schafer a. Jack W; Mnrfreesbom. Tenn . 10; KNyas..hv1i3ll.e 11; Gallatin 12; Bowling Green.



Adams'. James. Floating Thearer; Plymouth. N. C.. 8 13: WInton 15-20.
Almond. Jethro,. 8Show: MoorckkafyrUlllIe,. N. C.., 8I'*t·.
Argos. Msaglieclianr: Xas-hvTHlIle, Ind., 8-tS. Bragg's VaiuiddeeTvliIlIle Circus No. 1. Geo. M.
m Braaggg., mgr.:; Bunrke. N. Y.. 8-18; Lisbon 13-
_ 20. _ BBrraacgeg**s.. GGeeoo.. M M.... VVaannddeevrHllllce f(*flfrrcrnn*s.. DDnorrootthhvy
Klayton. mgr.: Keene. N. B.. S-13; Madrid. X. T . 13-20 Cavanaughs. J. 5.. 3 a'jdeTllle Medicine Co.;
T.ewma. Mo., MS.


' T-

KendanTltR.. Ind.. Royal Oak. Mich., 1.V20.
rxeel Clrcu*: nDoettwronit. MIiefh.. »-20. Mrlntyre*». Frank J.: rorismauth, O.,
Wa-hington Pa 1.V20

8-13; 8-13;

Aforton's. Bob; Dv'nver. Col.. 8-13; Hutchinson. Kan ' 13-`Hl

ii,,rtceri A "llarris: Evansville, Ind., 8-13; Ft. w Iiasyenn.e 1lo3'*.:0i.



''-^"^.`ViPQnVw ®**



.'nderson-Hrader Shows: Bntte. Mont.. 8-13. B.irkoot, K. G.. SNiws: Belialro. O.. 8-13. BarllooW w'ns BHijgf City Show?s, Harold Harlow, mgfrr.:
HMoftcrkkffonrrdd. IIllll.. S8 11*31. B<rn.irdl EKxipo. 'sShhoowws, Felice Bornardl, mgr.;
Denver. Coll... 8-13. Blue RKibbonn^ SShboow^s:^ Benntsmonu. MMiinn^n^ .. 8-13.
Brown A Dyer Shows: Buffalo, N. Y., 8-20. Bruce Greater Shows, Ji. nH*. Bruce, mmogFrr .;*
l ewi<burg N C 8-13 BriiW. S.'w.V"s?owi; Newton, la.. 8-13;
R,,4.k Kails. HI.. 15-20.
Capitol .Ymnsement Co.: Hopkins. Minn., 8-18.
<'"'>"·» Kt!*" ''">ows: Arm«. Kan.. 8-13. Amus ment Co.: Tilden, HI.. 8-13;


Wallin. Kv 8 13- Lrnel Sbowi. Waalllliinnaaa. Kjr.. 8*13, LyneU

IsvJU. wv

aw » _

·_ *_v_

^ ^.r**?*® S^ws, G^. F. Dorman, mpr.:

Mo., 8-13; Mountain Grove

,, *^20.

. an«w- P. wi-t

Riley. Matthew J.. Shows: Snnhury. Pa., 8-1.3.

Royal American S^ws: Davenport. la.. 8-13. Sm^i^t,h3 a Greater United Shows; Moneeaen, la.,

Smith's Southern Shows. Steve Smith, mgr.:

Strsyer Amueement Co.. J. U. Strayer, mgr.:
sS'Sri.'rs""{' su'-'L..'
l'rlnc4»ton, Ky., 8-13; Sturgia ^*'8howV*"llneh*^l" Bskee mar ·
I l»TMi n 8-13 MidVind
World at Home ^hows: Tamaqua, Pa., il3.

Adle's Olympians. l.eo Adde. mgr.: (People's)

, Tn., June 7-Juiy 4

Pe-^te's It Can be Done Co., Wm. J. Bnrke,

mzr : (Ant(go) Antigo. WIs,, Indef.

Brerkenrldgr. l4>a, Co.: (Savoy) Louisville. Ky.,



Dandy Dixie Shw*. G, W. Gregory, m^r.: Mwr^fleld, W. V*., 8-ls3; Deteri*bnrc l.VlW.

Coleman Dros.* Show*. Tho*. J. Coleman, mgf.: Waterbary, Conn., S-13; S4>uth Norwalk 15-20.

iking Shows and Conresiions. Address HARBY ;I.LF:R. 84 Fair St.. Patersoo, N. J. Telepboos,

rrnsdwsy Resodals; (Majestic) De, Moinet, la., ·Ypr 5. ladef.

Broadway Flappers. Vic. Vernon. mgr,;

pJjOnt., Can., Indef. I mad way Masqueraders. Eddie Ford, mgr.:
"`(irki Toronto. Ont., Can . Indef.

I.r..sdwsr Players. Eddie Kurd, mgr.; (Mtdl-

s-'nl Toronto. Ont.. Can.. Indef.


Tropical Maids, with Doc Paul:

IB n Ali) I.,.iiagion. Ky.. Ind. f.

Biirna A Paden'a Cute Little Devlla, Chas. V.

Turner, mgr.: (Lyceum) Canton. O.. May 4.

Around (Golden A Long's): (Hlpp ) l^ottsvliie, Pg.. 8-13; (Dlile) Pnlontowu 13-

· "nly s. Jack. Bijou Revue, Chic Delmar, I,'n*^-. · Oijon) Denrer. Col., Indef I '/.'"""d s .\. Y. Roof Garden Revue: (Cubano)
ilavsns. Cuba. June 3-JuIy 2.3
'···wey ii,.i,.n Dixie Capert: (HIpp ) Portland. Ore , 8-1*.

K-iwards. Gene. Oh. Katberlna. O. L. Edwards, mgr.: (Anderson) Anderson, 8. C., 8-13. Kay. UtMrty Bellos: (Majeetio) Ashevllle. X. C.. 8-13.

t.`kle Faneies, Eraig A Allen, mgrs.: (Orphe-

iim) (Jresn Bay. WIs.. June 1. Indef.

 ladkey Players:

(LaPlaza) Toronto, Ont.,

.Ian.. Indef.

(..I.l.n 8>ate Beautlea, Rube Ferns, mgr.; ilrlmess) Loa Angelea, Calif.. Indef.
"VT'" Honey, A ll.mey Olrlt: (I*alace) Corpua (hrlstl, Tez.. ladef.

Hurley's Ainsieal Revue, Fred Hurley, mgr.:

I.iina I'ark) Cleveland. O.. Indef. it'lng's. I. J _ Knlck Knack Revue: (Roanoke)
Koanoke, Va.. 8-13.

Joiinaou s Musical Rcyae: (Star) Lonlavine. by., indef.

Johnson's. Guy, Dolly Dimpla OIrla: Richmond. 'S' SIS- Norfolk 13-'J0.
bane Bros.' Ijaten Dearl, Oo.; (Lincoln 8q.) Indlsnspolts. Ind., Indef.
Krystone Mnaleal Comedy Oo.. Jack Lowla, *«r.; (Lyric) Sacramento. (Mlf., iadaf.

Dailey Bros ' Shows; .Mt. Glive, ill.. »-lj.


House) Lakeport. N. H.. 8-1.3.
Nick. Magician. A Mme. Siva. Menvallst; Alma, W. Vs , 8 13
Pskt. Lucy, ('o.': (Temple) Perry. Ok . 10-13; (Criterion) Tonkawa 14-16: (Palace) Black-

UDaslton-.AYnnddeerrson ^Snhows. LG^ee Duaailitoon, mgr.: DDeeKKrreekkoo BBrroo*s..' SShhooww*s:: FFoorreesstt «PPaarrkkw., tII,ll.ll..,, 88a--11,·>33;; DD. W \Ilvm m«anaaukrrk.e>gggoauusnnaallllt11tyy.V`2sS0ii.hoowwss.. CC,,.. JJ,.. K Keepppp.lleerr.. m mggrr..::

W.4XT Merry-Go-Kimnd and Ferris Wheel, to join August 3 fur No. 2 Shew. Guarantee 11 Fairs. CAN PL.tCE Sea-l'lane. Venetian Swing or other Kidai ·* once. Conretsloot all open enept Lata and Drinks.
bh..w, and show reople wire Peeblea. O.. thU week.

well 17-18: (AIvol Medford 19-20.

I.indale. Tex.. 8-13.

Proctor Bros* Wild .\ninial Show. Geo. H. Dixieland Shows, J. W. H Bildrcetbh, mgr.:

Proctor, mgr.; Kinsley. Kan.. 9-11 Reno. tJreat. A Co.' Hudson. Mich. 8-L3.

Peoria,. HIi.. 8-13.

- 5.

Dobyvns. George L., Sbhowas: Greensburg. PPat.. ^

Rice & Perlaon'a YVater Circus; (N. Clark A 8-13; Mooness*''Un 15-20.


Ridge Sts.) Chicago 11-21

Do<.ll»soonn'»a World's Fair Shows;: East St. Louis,. S



III,. 8-13.

RICTON AND COMPANY. IS people, under rsnvji. K1em:nc Shows, M.vd Cody Fleming, mgr.:

Fourth week In I.oul,Tine. Ky., pitying rlty 1.1« to Minster (». 8 13; Ver-allles 13-2(1.

big busineta. Week of June 8. Highland Park. Via-

Oliver' Shows: Maryville. Tenn., 8-13.

Rots wslrome.

Gold Medal Showa, Harry B. Blllick. mgr :


. A

. Lyons


T.o.l.ed.o.. .O...., .S.-1.3

Skecllios., The: (iSeaslide Show) Coney Island.

Silencer, la.. 8-13. ^y^iie W.xy Shows. C. M. Nigro, mgr.: veruon. O , 8-13.

_-- N. KY..*riindeif'. n-. v.K-..-.<n.. Twvii.. afl iVnO <rf''al Eastern Shows; Chauncey. Oi».. 8s-1i.3i

««.* _





1^ I H I J





First-cUss Cook House Help In all depart¬ ments. nighest salary paid to right men. WANTED--White Cook who tan cook. Wire

vV'a'nn'''`W "wa«gnner fC^arrttno/onnUUtt: AAddai.' 'lOl .. ' 88-1IV 3;

bop,,. EnAgrlkan. d 8 S1h3o. ws. Ollie Polk, mgr.: Jone s

\ BHucyru*a 15'-22Q0.

G nrsr»eAattepr Sbeealey Showw*s,. John M. SShhee4e`>slIey,

or come on. Address JE.\NETTE LLEMON, car* Lackman-Carson Shows, Bloomington. IIL

mgr.: Gary. Ind., 8-13.





Hagleman I'nited 81:ows: Xesquehonlng,
8«»133: YwVeesstl Hllaazzileton l.-2<». V *.'
Hoffuecr a Amusement Lo.. Jillaarrssellles,

Pa.. IIjj_..

lllll K I llllllA IrII FXn»T»/%r\ri A O

J  lfUiy/xI\L/


» 13.

,, , ,, ,.

o®' 13**' ' A. nnd.deerrMsoin Bnro>s..*, ; B» ueffaalIo Pnarkw. K ve an.. 1iA0;: Innierlal Expo. .8S,hoows, W. J. Ralston, n.gr

C.ralnfleld 11; Grlnnell 12; Oakley 13


" J?'`I;,

AT LIBERTY 1-1!.»1..ix l A

Atkinson'*. Tom- Cro.hyton. Tex.. 12; Dlckena Id. iinfhpf* 1^* ndYnlARiln 1K« S*'Tninitr

· a i^^ i*i.ttf.,l.,th >:'oh * t3 ·hi ^ L r Cirru*. tbe Otlglcjl Cirru* Bube. 1 work ih*

Dak, lu., 8-13, I l*tt*moutn, Nco., l»>»

ir*4*k bffor* lb*

Doublf tn 4.lown Bdtid And

Barne.' \1 G · 'Mrm.e Jaw S*'-k Can lbRegina ·IVt. ;.WWe.ebyrbnu^r·ni:*1"2·:.t·Eea^t^e^ra^n^ 13; Wlnnlnppreemgg. M »aann.. Ill.V ov-liird"t . _
ClaWrka.v' nMcT. Ml!Ie. A11:8oCn*a«n;toRnav1e2n. sford. N. C . 10;

->·. ^xpo.; Johnstown, Pa.. S 13.

J>o'*.v.' u"o''4d Expo. SShhoowwss;; JJeennnniinngg*s.. OOkk..., 8bi1t3.;

._ OOlilltlOoU.n..i.1.5.,-.20.ok.--..

p,. a.i.n

Kelchum'*. K. F . 20tli Century Show's: Middilie.-

stops Sal.ry reasonable. Jf you want mt. U'e`.U -sil.e Hotel. 531 S. SUt. St.. Chicago,

CmW Broa.*: 8ho.hone. Id. 10; Oleim* Ferry 11; Mountain Home 12; Nampa IS.
Hageobeck-Wallacp: Brockton. Maa*.. 10; New. port, R. I.. 11; Taunton, Mata . 12: Plymoaili

town. Conn.. 8-13.

..a. i

Keystone Lxtio. Show*; (oOth * (Xkford St» )

Philadelphia. Pa., 8-20.

Lachraan-Carson Showa: Bloomington. lU.. 8-13;

DeKalb 15-20.


A-'X vy A. L.F

. .. g


> ^

Are yon looking fot something new? S<«

top of page No. 79.









(Communuallor>$ to 25-27 Opera Platt, Cinewnati, O. >

101 Ranch Draws 'Em in at Boston

New Tracks Laid

John Robinson Circu
Does Capicity Batinrss at Etit, Jamttiown and Buffalo--Memorial Day Observed

Miller Bros.* Wild West Meets

With Approval in the Hub

.lohn Hobiniion Circus, as capacity wan

--Plays Week's En¬


the rule In each ot them. At Buffalo tiure were three tumaways. .Mavor


Schwab was presented with a leopard at

Buffalo. A humorous Incident occurred In

Boston, June S.--Miller Bros.* 101

Ranch Wild West and Great Far East Albany

Show opened Us local engagement on the

Edvs'ard Everett Square lot in Dorchester `{jc "O*

Monday after giving a high-clas.s street J"®

parade. It rained Monday evening, but J'"'* 1"'

business was good. Tuesday evening, here Dy

when visited by the writer, they turned h®®ohnt,

'em away. The ground was still damp

and rather than take a chance on folks

catching cold from sitting on it Colonel

Joe Miller ordered the buys to stop sell¬

ing tickets out front. Today is a scorch¬ ing hot one and there'll be another turn-

The Drivers Hop About

away tonight and every night for the

rest of the week, according to indications.

This is their first week-stand of the Chicago, June 4.--Walter F. Driver i.s

season'and it is evidently going to be a back from a hurried trip to New York and

very profitable one.

· told The Billboard he brought some big

Everything went along in fine shape orders home with him. He was enter-

and according to schedule. The crowd tained while In the East by Fred Walker,

roared their approval of the program of the New York office of The Billboard.

that was being unfolded before them and He and his brother Charles G. Driver,

applauded the comedians particularly, took a nin »ip to Fort Dodge. la., this

Old Ezra Meeker just stopped the show week and were entertained by the man-

cold when he paraded around the arena agement of the Morris & Castle Shows,

after being Introduced and "Doc" Oyler Out at Chicago Heights the Drivers were

had to hold up his announcement till the guests of Lester M. Brophy and Jimmy

old gent was thru with his walk.

Simpson, of the D. D. Muruhy Shows.

Never has the writer been accorded Having some speed left the Drivers ran

such hospitality on any lot as was ex- up to Milwaukee and visited the Rubin &

tended him during his visit. Colonel Joe Cherry Shows. Mr. Driver said his firm

Reproduced herewith it Jack F Millet, former trouper with the Barnara & Bailey and Ringling Bros.' dreutet, and one-year-old daughter Jacrjutlitta Cagney Miller. The photo was snapped while Miller, who it now connected with the Coldwyn studios at Hollywood, Calif., was reading the "`Under the Marquee" column.

the way the animal was delivered to the btavor. It was formally charged with
heiiiR intoxicated and as a result was placed under arrest and lodged in a cell
in the police station near the circus grounds, tender a plea from the Mayor
it was given its freedom and put In charge or Capl. Ricardo, of the circus. He
placed it in a box and the leopard was taken to a zoo and from now on. will be in charge of the city of Buffalo.
An elaborate dinner was served In the cookhou.ie Decor.ation Day. The tables
were beautifully decorated and streamers of national colors hung from the top of the tent. A pretty souvenir, which con¬
sisted of an American flag mounted on a pin. was pre.«ented to each person. George Davis, in charge of the cookhouse, and
John Stevens, head waiter, are to be
congratulated on the success of the holi¬
day affair.
on City, Pa., in spite of the usual lull
following Decoration Day. and another circus having apix'ared In the city a short time previous, showed up with circus enthusiasm still at Its height, and two big audiences attended. Manager Sam Dill Is wearing a smile again, as Mrs.
Dill has returned to the show. She has been in Toledo, O., for some time on ac¬
count of sickness. Assistant Manager

Miller himself supplied the chairs and has had prosperous ^season and that

"Kgypt" Thompson h.V! also been Joined

visited with him for half-hour intervals all every order has been filled on the day evening, together with George Miller and **nd date promised,

s Overland Circus

by b's "better half" she having recently come on from I.os Angeles.

many more of the boys. After the main

Duke Mills* side show Is proving more

events were over and "Doo" Oyler's Haff'

vaudeville show and wrestling match were

concluded it was Colonel Joe again who

conducted the tour of the rest of the lot.

including the side shows. An air of good- pt,

fellowship pervades this whole outfit from t> V, '

the time you step up to the front gate.


The writer was not the only one to notice r*'"

this, as a business man, from town, went

out of his way to comment on It during i,' " i,

the course of the evening. The Miller


Brothers, all three of them, certainly


deserve success, this their first season out "

in many years, and they seem to be at- Li,*: ,

taining It. They left at least one booster


in town after their departure and the ^ 

writer's hat Is off to them' for knowing L.. /I

how to frame a show and make it run


Visitors on the Lot




LaRoYs Overland Circus opened its

season Decoration Day, playing to ex¬

cellent busines.s, informs Little Marie

Hayes. The roster: Marie Hayes LaUoy

and V. Ott. managers; Harry LaRoy, on

the advance; Martin .and Martin, trapeze,

swinging ladder and contortion acts;

Frank Mansfield, sharpshooter; Vie Ott

and Sparkles; Vaughn Dell, acrobat;

Francis Stillman, Laughrey, rings


ponies, dogs and monkeys; TTe-x_' and Babe

Prates, tumblers and bala- nce, rs Chief

Black Fox. rope spinner Jean Darley,

clown; John John Meade,

Crianrpgesn; teJra,c--k-s"trTo"nayglormaannd;

"Shorty" Perry, clo-wn-s,band of

eight pieces undei

direction of John

Metcalf. TD':ad' No.rton is boss canvasman

with 10 assistants.

and more popular each day. as Is shown by the continuous succession of shows In each town. Ruby Chapin, of the McCree Family, comedy riders, is In a Buffalo, N. Y., hospital recuperating from effects of a severe cold. She is expected to be with the show again In a few days.
N. F. Johnson, for five season.^ pres-s agent for the Al. O. Rarnes Circus, now located in Portland, Ore., recently visited the show and his old-time friends. He reports that the Northwest tour of this show wa.s In every sen^'e a real circus event. Crowd.s that taxed the seating

Commissioner Crowley, of the Police Department, was on the lot Tuesday eve-
(Continued on page 74)


Sclls-Floto Circus

years Bros.,
Howe' Bros.'

Lee Bros.' Shows

Big Show for Auburn. N, Y.

The Lee Bros.' Shows are now in their 12th week and moving like clockwork. Bralnerd, Minn., Memorial Day, was a big stand. Olf (Happy) Wilson, veteran teamster, wa.s 60 years old May 26. and was made happy. The boys got together and that evening gave Wilson a lunch and a new outfit of clothing. "Happy" was In the Hagenbeck-Wallace wreck In 1018 and had his foot burned off in the fire that destroyed one of the horse cars. He ^as trjdng to save his team.
Tom Atkinson Circus

Auburn, N. T., June 5.--Half a hundrew billposters, lithographers and ban- The Tom Atkin.son Circus is now on ner men. armed with posters, were in the plains of West Texas, playing the .\iiburn yesterday and made it known Panhandle District along the Santa Fe that the Ringling-Barnum Circus Is to lines. Altho having warm weather, the five two performances here June 27 on show is doing fairly good business and the Walt lot. Grant avenue and Elm moving every day on 1.^ truck.s. A shipstreet. The circus will not play Syracuse m< nt of monkeys and other animals, also
fh's sea.son but has arranged the local cages, was received last wetk. Walter IT. booking instead. It will be the first time Lash is again on the job as local con-
in several years that the circus has tractor, .says Prince Elmer,

Walker Bros.' Shows Program
King, high rings; Ridge, singing and talking clown: Johnnie Hall, female im¬ personator; Walker Twin Sisters, swing¬ ing ladders; Benny King, swinging trapeze; Walker's pony drill; Capt. Nickerson's Concert Band; Kid Byers, wrestler and boxer, featured In the con¬ cert. "Dutch" Lewie has the cookhouse with two assistants. J. Q. Lombard is agent for the show.
The show has been doing fair business thru the South, having had one week of rain and losing Wakefield, Va., th.- lot be¬ ing under water. The Roseland Show was met In Shipman, the Buckskin Bill .ShsiW In Amherst and Dr. Benson's Medleine Show in Martinsville, Va.
With the Bennie Show
James B. O Neill Is managing tie Bennie Show this season. Ills wif.- an* James. Jr., arrived D>-ooratlon Day an. will spend the summer months «.n ti. show. Among those with the ou'fl: ai. Ebe Sawv<-r and family (Sawyer luis tl.. band), the Quinetf.s. Viii-rcn.- Miirci ir K.TrI Mead, boss of ring stor-k ; t m, D'-mske. side-show manag.T an<l .la. I Lester, in.side le^*turer on llic kid .show.
I.amont With Christy Show

played in Auburn.


,/v, Of

McCurran Returns to lOl Show

Rn .-B. Circus vB» ri·gadje v Nto. 1i

ILirry T^amont, who was as.-iatanl trainmaster on the Bii.iiks t'lirii'^^ Imjoined the Christy Bros.* Shows as train


New York. June 6.--Charles W. Me-


circus and severe burns

carnival early In

May. was discharged from the Broad

Street Hospital last Monday and left

.lune 5 for Boston. Mass., to rejoin the

Miller Bros.' 101 Ranch Wild West Shows.

OS which he has charge of the programs,

On the No. 1 brigade of the RinglingBamum Circus are: W. C. St. Clair,
agent; H. T. Kimbrough and .Si Semoii. banner squarers; F. A. Boudioiit. in charge of banners, assisted by H. H
Del»tel and the following crew; Harold Isenburg. Clare Boyd. Harry Raines. Don Blackwell. Lee Kraft. George Hennessey
aud C. F. Locke.

The Moyers in Chicago
f'hlcago. June 4.--Mr. and M Moyer were here for a couple of we«k. Thev were on their way Springs. Ark., to Herkimer. N.


The BillBesta


I CommunUatinni to Zf-27 Optra Place, CiiHumati. O.)

 The SellS'Floto Circus is booked for B KiM'kford, III., July 15, and EUin the
H following day.

5 The Feroua Falla (Minn.) ./ournal`in H a recent l.^^ue gave the Lee Bros.* Show.s  a column notice.

M. B. (Campfire) BInckie Is in charge of the camp fire on the Christy Bros.' _ ^Circus, assisted by "Short" Black.
Silvers Johnson, with the John Robin*
UNIFORMS son Cirvus, sends word that he wiil have an eight-piece clown band next winter.





70I>7S1 N. Sangamon St., Clilcago

Riding Costumes Horse Trappings Elephant Blankets Minstrel Goods Banners--Everything
TUa-tly sbat too wtnt. st l<m««t pricva poi^bU. n* an ·upply rTcrr n*«d. Infum u« fuUr sNiut rear rt^uimiMiitf to «r* ean luhnilt cetAloc*. ·unpin, prt-w (dd full pani.-ulnm. Ma oblUttlai oo TOOT part.
DeMouiin Bros, ft Co.
laas Seutt Stb Sima. 8RCENVILLK. - ILLINOIS.
Wri'f# for Our Sew Catalog

The Sparks Circus wa.s broadcast at Queens, U I., N. Y., thru the Richmond Hill station.

Circus, Side Show and Concession Tints

Sarasota papers announce that John RInglIng conteiitplates building a bourdtKulk along the beach In his Longboat Key development near Sarasota.
In the snow and Ice at Pittsburgh the big show got two very good houses. At Cleveland It enjoyed turnaway at night and capacity in the afternoon.

|jS Chanbut Strat NEW YORK CITY.
Teltphtiia, Whitehall 72tS. Tent (Icpartmrnt undar the tuperTlalaa at tba
wrll-knowo tent coiutructar. MAX KUNKELV.
All Sit** *1 Tent* and S*ata Ta Rant. Sand tar PritM.

The mother and brothers of Al. Murry Poll, who died March 29, 1924, wish to thjink, thru The Itillhaarci, the ticket boy.s of the Rlngllng-Barnum Circu.s for the recent fioral wreath.
R. H. Armbrunter pens that there was 2,U00 feet of canvas around the square for the Centennial Exposition at Ja<ksonville. Ill., and that James (Blackie) Ward, canvasman, had things In "applepie" order.
Wyatt Davies, who had to leave the Chrii-ty Bros.' Circus In April due to ill¬ ness, is at his home in r.''giilu-'a, I«t., under, a doctor's care. States that he will undergo an operation at an early date.
Mrs. John RInglIng sails for Europe June 11. On arrival ehe will prcKeed at once to Venice and Immerse nerself in the task of selecting furniture, hangings and bric-a-brac for the new bouse at Sarasota.


LEADER TO ALL OTHERS IN CONSTRUCTION AND PRICE. Hich-Qradt Material and Eipert Workminihip.









nia Ft.S Ft.7 Ft.$39 » 10x14 Ft.S Ft.S Ft.IM.OS

Ball Ft.S Ft.7 Ft. 43.45 10x10 Ft.,....S Ft.S Ft.S4.0O

lOxlO Ft.S Ft.7 Ft. 40.30 12x12 Ft.3 Ft, 6 I*.B Ft.St.OO 10x12 Ft.3 Ft. Ft. 54.00 12x16 Ft.3 Ft.. S I*.S Ft.71.00

Walla 0-«a. Khaki. Add 5% tar aaeb additional foot. Aiaortod *liaa of Tanta In atoek fae laaMdlata

·hipmont. 3fora than Bftr rcart on Canal Street. Wire ar Mall Oapaait.


304 Canal SOaot NEW YORK CITY.



Writ* or wir* rour order and depoilt. Shipment hr txpre** within two bouro fromi tho followtec otoW oil**.

I Sin.



i Sin.




·xio Ft.7 Ft.$30.00.0 Ft.140.00 10x14 Ft.7 Ft.tU.OO.S Ft.157.00

8x12 Ft.7 Ft. 40.00.0 Ft. 50.00 I 10x10 Ft.7 Ft.Ot.00.· Ft. 07 09

10x10 Ft.7 Ft. 40.00.0 Ft. 50 00 12x12 Ft.7 Ft. 50.00.S Ft. 00 00

10x12 Ft.7 Ft. 49.00.· Ft. 54.00 I 12x10 Ft.7 Ft. 70.00.S Ft.74.00

All .T*at* an itandud cablo end typo, 10-oa U. 8. Standard Army Khaki Duck Tap aad Awnlns. l-oa

Standard Khaki Wall and CounUr noth. Trimmed throuchaut wUh tcaUopod tolld rod bordor, adond with

whlta braid. Camplete with atnrra auy*. maphonka and larlnc ayeleta. Khaki ihipptat bac Included. 15 T,

depoalt required with erder. We mike ConrcMlnn Tente In 04 eUet. Write for eur camplete Prlre Ll*t.

C. R. DANIELS, INC.. lOI-IQI Cretby St.. N. V. (Lafayette. Prinea and Craaky St*.). TM.. Canal 7000.

The Arms-Yader Railway Car Co.
410 N. IVfIctilgan Ave. SUITE 1382. CHICAGO,
Are preoued t* famlsb ehowmen uid tlMotrlrtl manner* 00-fl. li.VDO.VGE f.VIlS, equipped xe rua la bifh ipaed trala* oo *11 railroad*. Writ# (or r*te».
W. A. YAGER, Pruldwrt.
Arthur B. Albertis G>.
487 Broadway New York City
Put thU ad In your M*mo Bo.li.

A new cashier has been appointed for Mr. Charles RIngling's bank at Saraaota. Mr. Liincaster, the vice-president and general manager and a man habitually conservative in his utterances, says that the Institution Is doing amasingly well.

Several members of the Doyle Stock Company attended the (Jhristy Bros.' Shows when they were in North Madi¬
son. Ind.. June 1. and report that it is a nice outfit. They wish, thru The
Billboard, to express their appreciation to the management for the (curtesies
shown them.

Spark.q' Circus will again be repre¬ sented in the movies In Sally o/ the Saw¬ dust, soon to be produced by the Famous players-L-iskv Corporation. The D. W. (trifflth staff of cameramen were at Jackson Heights, 1* I., and caught the performance, parade and several "lot"

·40-42-44 Sanpedro Street, LOS ANGELES, CALIF.


Special Fall Prices.** Let us know your wants. Show Tent Departmsnt to charge of LOU B. BERG.




Bruce Chesterman, story press agent for the Sparks CIri'us, writes that by an arrangement made by General Agent T. W. Biillenger. radio station WHY of Schenectady. N. V., will broadcast the performance of the Sparks show when It
exhibits In that city June 8.


free: Bargain Booklet No. 54--Shew Outfits

FTank B. Hiibin, the Pleasantville (N. J.) booster, writes that a i*i>od circus will do business in that town as It is booming and very prosperous. No whitetop aggregation has been there sinee the Walter li. Main Circus showed Pleasant-
vtlle several seasons ago and did good


M feet lone, dnubi* emi door*. Completely rebuilt, ·neO at Rrw. lUrxaIn for raah only. RRtUIER CGUIPMCNT CORP.. H*»t**. Tax**.
HARNESS i '· "-.r'-s r" S'sr
h-r.#* and ponie*. Rln( Trapplno*. t».ddl*fc

The Miller Bros' 181 Ranch Show played to two large crowds at Haver¬ hill, Mass., Mav 27, informs Dennis J. Moroney of that city. The excellent parade was viewed by thousands of itesiple. The show waa well advertised, both In the city and the surrounding towns.
^evstone outfit had a big .lay May SO at


CHAS. G. DRIVER, Sec'y ft Tresj





^8 Central Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio

'-- TE-- M--T-S-

^ale of I'ard ConrrMl><n amt Clrrua Tent* o( *11 kind*, File* ami Sl.te «alb

, ^


5 t*tt Pearl Street.


horse and pony plumes


Hruretnn MilK W Va.. three performaiii'es belmj uiv'en by the i»iK Rbow and
py the side show L. c. Knight
was kept husv with his minute-photo m.ichine and cialre Brison sold plenty of
balloons and Whips.
Clown alley on the John Robinson Circus i.s made up of (leorge Harmon. .I 'e Simmons. Albert Pcfwell, Jo.' Wild. Slivers .lohns.m. Bcrnle Origgs, Bill S.'.itt, Bill Tate, K.tbert M.Yore, Joe Stiles, tlerm.in Simmons. Ib'd Klester. Walter Wellliigyin. Bert l..qwr.'n. e. Charles Lewis. r.Tcv Smith, Harol.l NIchid-MUi, Bill Grey, I'.il Hnnskoni and Bill Htiicn.

0 Laof Diat*w* Flu.**. 0: H*yMrkM 0321. Monro* OUt. Monro* 90T>
Everything for the Show








HR. Bernanl'p "Circus News and

', published each Friday (Continued on page 77)



Advertise in The Billboard--You'll Be Satisfied With Results.


The Billboard

June n. 1925

Cedar Rapids, Iowa JULY 6th TO 11th


Ne. 1235--1til». Hto Roof etyle. OK. annr khaki duek. nail 6 (t. hleh.
made of 10-os. khaki. Complete with dlTlaloo curtslos, stakes and poles....

Top nide of IS-«i (mi* khikl du(·k···>w·allft owf «an'

o*. double nilcd khekt. Complete A^aa

dlTtiloo curteln, lUkri end


Ne. 1067--I tilt. Hip Roof style, wall. i:-as army khaki duck In top
and wait Complete with dtetalon curtains, stakes and poles.

12114 Gable End Well Terte. with lO-oi. durk In the lop tod .-oa. duck In the wall. Complete «lth
SsI-£:"$16.00to $18.00

Produced and Managed by Cedar Rapids Amusement Associations Inc.
Personal Direction of C. B. Irwin

All Entrance Fees added to purses listed below:




Steer Roping ..$50.00-··$1,000.00

Calf Roping.. 25.00-·· 1,000.00

Steer Wrestling . 25.00-·· 1,000.00

Cowboys' Bucking . 15.00--` 1,000.00 »
Wild Horse Race.- 5.00*--i 625.00

Barebai^ Bronebo Riding. 5.00-·· ,375.00

Steer Riding. 5.00-·· 375.00

Fancy Roping · .. 1,000.00

Cowlx)ys' Trick Riding....... 1,000.00

Cowgirls' Trick Riding . .800.00

Cowgirls' Bucking. 625.00

Cowboys' Relay Race . 1,000.00

Cowgirls' Relay Race . 1,250.00

Cowboys' Flat Race . 500.00

Roman Standing Race. 500.00

Pony Express Race. 750.00

Cowgirls' Stake Race. 250.00

Competent judges, fair treatment. References, any bank in Cedar Rapids.
Special fast passenger movement of contestants and stock from Dewey, Oklahoma, midnight, July 4th, under super¬ vision of "Fog Horn" Clancy. Special fast passenger move¬ ment of stock and contestants from Cheyenne, Wyoming, also.
Bids wanted on exclusive Concessions, Grandstand, Cush¬ ions, Novelties, Near Beer, Independent Rides. High-class Shows and Concessions wanted; no Wheels.

M. E. LUSK, Operating Manager

Cedar Rapids Amusement Ass'n

Ratwlac tp else from 50x00 to i:0i200. If you want one PLKA8E speU up QUICK.
We make them new. A "BAKKR" top It cheaper In (he lone run. because they run so lent--with the looks and style and storm raslitance thrown In.
Make **Baker** YOUR buy-word
Baker-Lockwood Mfg. Co., he.
b 7th and Wjrandotte Streets, - KANSAS CITY, MO.

and Carnivals.
Duplicates in ELECTROTYPES STEREOTYPES and hiAJS, Send/5^/or/925StocA Cata/oq of Theatrical Letlerhcads f/OODcftcnt

Glcintd Roaming With Colond Joe

George Miller in still nursing a broken

finger. He expects to have It out of

bandages in another week or so.

A party from the show is going to

New York Thur-^tday evening to attend

the Gene Tiinney fight. Tunney visited

the ranch when the show opened, so

they're returning the compliment.

A1 Klosso was lecturing Inside on the

side show as w<-ll as doing magic. Punch,

and all the rest of the things he d(H`»>--

they're too numerous to mention.

"Doe" Oyl*T sure w.ts erowdlng them

Info the kid top. He knows how to get

them In and send them out happy. Hut

If he ever loses his cane we fear for



Dan DIx went over as big as usual

with his trick mule.

They'll miss Little Joe Hurter when

Gsllfornla Frank's boys leave (he show.

Joe just panics them every time.

CAN PI..\rr Krcritt ·nd CurlMltlM for Hid* Ph"*tV« fumlih iMMrd. Indcln, »b<I lr.nipor\«tlop Miae rUnt of *11 kindi, c«n pUco you. W*l» Ml tint «·" or Irttrr, ·· tloi. I, iborL AiddraM EXCEL ClHCl B,
liotroU, lilcUckO.

June 13. 1925

The Billboard


various outfits care to send 'em In. In purchased, and upon which a 30-tier Circus Efficiency. Many times his lecture


other words. In reply to your Inquiry, grand stand seating more than lO.Oho is ha.s been broadcasted. Miss Leitzel made wlien the ftress agent with a show in the being erected, a masterpiece of construc¬ a flying trip to New York over the week¬ spring writes up all the attractions with tion, and improvements are being wrouglit end, leaving nt Cleveland and return¬

hy RoWdy Waddy

a carnival he (usually) includes the by Engineer H. R. Greene, of Cedar ing at Buffalo. Cixly Compton son of name." of the Wild West folks along with Rapids, who is backing his technical "Cy", is in the AA'ild AA'e.-^t string.

the personnels of the other shows, rides, knowledge with civic pride, and a great

Joe Greer has a wonderfal greup of

Crmrrumtatinnt If* 2f-27 Optra Ptart.

etc.--which accounts for the data not horde of craft.-men and laborers are w'ork- Jtimping horses, one doing tlie six-ioot-

CintitifUti, O.)

being repeated in this department.

Ing overtime to consummate a rapid com¬ two at every performance, and the lib¬ pletion of the Improvements and equip¬ erty jump»'r making it over, iour horses

tienrgs (High Poekets) Segans wrote ment. Mr. Irwin has lined up a large and the hurdle at everv performance

The rniitcFt season is now on In earnest,

from Topp*'nl.sh, Wa."h., that small Rodeos have bc^ held In that seetion every Siin-

herd of Kock for the conte.st, while a without a miss. Marv Stittcii, > ,,e of special movement of conte.st hands with the lady jumping-horse riders, has been

· Ride 'em'* and




ilay this spring. His letter. In part, fol¬ lows : "We were first In the ring at Mab-

their stock will be made from both the Dewey Roundup and from Cheyenne.

quite ill. Florence Jarvis and Harris Mardo are also riding jumpers in Greer's

are now familiar expressions.

ton, the date b<'ing May 3. The prizes


Mill inn the next few niontlis contest*

ants will sure

"bobbing about."

Can vou think of a more logical i>lace II.lu hi.idim; aniiually. big conte.us
than Ltenver, CoL?

Ih.trd that Bob Erlck8<'n is In a hos-

were rather small in comparison to some of the big event.s, but there were thrills and satl.sfaction. with numerous rider.", etc., and about '(.I liucking h<irses used. Some representatives of the Humane So¬ ciety have been quite active in this 8*-ction, but the show at Mabton was com¬ plimented. Flr.-<t in the bronk riding was won by Mose Patnoile; second, Farris

Ringling-Barnum Circus
Tlie week ending at Cleveland. O.. for the RIngling-Bariium Circus was brimful of events, and it seemed like every friend and trouper the folks ever knew showed up at some time or another. Brother

Fred Hayes called on Chick Bell when the show played Cleveland, as did Dennis Moses, both Columbus p'-ople, who were attending the races there. Al AA'hIte re¬ joined after h.'ing laid up for quite a while. At Buffalo the show had capacity business at the iiiat'inee and a big turnaway at night.

l>iial .it t'hico, Calif. l.st'a have mine Spauldig, and third, Dewey Traub." Carey, of the Pittsburgh Lodge of Elks,

ilit.ilb, also the name of the Institution. 'High Pockets'* will be remembered by Visited at Pittsburgh, where he accomthe folks with AVild West shows a few p.'tnied the patients of the Marine Hos¬

Robbins Bros.* Circus

The l.itter part of n< xt w.-ek the rodt-o years ago, including the Tiger Bill Wild pital. and at Buffalo. wh»re he was en

Hi I'll R Tex. Much fun and rlvary AVest, and at various annual contests.

route to the New York State Convention rijyj to Good Business in Iowa and the

in the riding events are predicted.

of Elks at Ni.ig.ara Falls. Secretary Jolin From Dewey, Ok.--The Dewey Round¬ Ranney of the Columbus (O.) Lodge of


Altho Joe Bartles Isn't this year staging the Uoundup at Dewey, he is ne\<rtheless boosting for It and is heart and soul for its succetw.

up, under the direction of Tom Burnett, looms up with more po.'sibillly of break¬ ing all previous rei-ords of attendance. Mr. Burnett has set out to do this, and, in the face of the enormous crowds that

Elks. No. 37, by appointment, met the writer at Cleveland May 31 and both made the trip by boat to Buffalo. Brother Ranney visited Brothers John Patterson, Grant Wlttington and Roland Diller, all

The Robbins Bros.' Circus, experiencing hot and dry weather of late, did good busine.ss at Yankton, AVagner, Mitchell and Sioux Falh\ S. D.. and at Rock Rapids,

Montana Meechy now has his Wild West attraction with the Brown A Dyer ShoMs, hav.ng Joined that big carnival organization recently.
May all p<'tty professional jealousies and silly envy this year give way to lihowni.tiiship, clean sport.'mianshlp and-- contentment all around, for everybody in the cont> st game!

Chute.' are being installed and other prepar.itions made for the forthcoming riMleo a lid celebration at Fort Morgan, Cot., ail ptces of the local American U cion p'.'L

.1. n. K.--The rodeo at Livermore, by th- l.i\crmorc Rodeo Association (orgrini/.'d alHiut 18 months ago), will |ir..biil)ly he held on the Roberts Ranch, a.' it Mas last year.
Kv> rything is reported to be progress¬ ing in tip-t'.p shai>e for Bud Leonard's Rwl.-.i at Southwest City, Mo., July 2-4. Airoiig other prei^arations a big fish fry is .-vh* dill, d for the day before the start of th.' f.stivitics, with Caleb Dericksoo and Rrnie Bocins as "captains'*.
If mc're of fhe conte.stants would send In squibs of themselves and companions for rubllcaiion this would encourage all to thus communicate at Intervals and the ol' Corral columns would be very much more interesting. You are not "pressagenting'' youriTlf (as some narrow nvnds sometimes think), but merely help¬ ing to .'iiiiidy news for vour fellow workers In the business to read and enjoy.
From Spokane. W.vsh.--Very elaborate plans are b.'ing made for the Okanogan (Wash ) Rodeo, July 3-4-5, one of the outstanding fhows of the summer In N'Tth. rn and Central Washington. The rodio draws on a large territory for It.s materi.il and has several stars who are making the rounds this year for Its fea¬ tures. .Ml the standard events of the oldtime roundup are on the bills and a night lutrade will be a feature addition this year.

AVord from Altoona, Pa. (received too late for last |s.>ue), was that Mrs. Mary Sutton, of the concert with the RingllngBiirnum Circus, had been taken to the AltiH'na Hospital suffering an attack of typhoid fiv«-r. Her husband, Earl, had nmalned with her a few days and re¬ turned to the circus, at Pittsburgh, but 'v,as called back to Altoona from the Aoungvtov.n (O.) stand. The report (nat' d .May 2!t) stated that Mary was doing much better that day.

From Mader.!, Calif.--The Rodeo held

at '-Mdf-.Xwakf Ranch recently was sure

a wide-awake a.iair and thrills a-plenty.

Johnny Wilson took first In bronk riding,

T* X I'rlchard, second, and "AVlld Man"

Amcivl.a, third. Steer riding: Amclvia,

fjr-t ; .johnny AA'ilson. s«'<'ond, and Shorty

<iille«pie, third.

Calf roping: Tex

l^iehard. Art (''hamhers and "Tex Ifoward.

.All's '.M"nlana" Hall did exhibition bronk

ndine, Tex I'rlchard did trick riding and

Tex Howard clowned the show.

From T.;!!, A'egas. X. A!.--This vicinity Will c.'ielirato Its nth annual Cowboy'." Ih union July 2, 3 and 4. and I'reeUh nt Jackson makes It plain that It will, ns · iisiomary here, be a contest for prizes
I cow m*'n and not a "AVlld AVest" ·xhibitiiin by paid performers. It Is one
"j the biggest conte'ts In the AVest and nlways draws a galaxy of outstanding rlil.T" and rop..rs. Eddie McCarty's
firing of bucking hors« s has been contra. t.'d. also a number of other star nttt'ietions.

have alway.s attended the Dewey affair, It Is quite an undertaking. Cowboys and cowgirls have been arriving in greater numot'rs and the ropers are getting lots of practice, as there are usually more or less roping contests going on every week in the (Jsage country, which adjoins AA-ashlngt"!! County on the west. Hugh Strickland 1« again In Dewey after a trip to South Texa." buying steers for the roping and hulldogging, and has very 1 ttle preparations to make In the arena, as the Dewey plant and arena are con.'iidered among the rr st complete In the entire S'luthwe t. "Fog Horn" Clancy, ^ft'-r making a brief trip to `.'Vdar Rapids, la./ In connection with the publicity of the Cedar Rapi<ls Fontler Days' Roundup. Is again In the offlre at Dewey putting the final touches to the publicity and other matter.s.

members of the Columbus (O.) Lodge, and proceeded to Niagara Falls.
John Brice was on the continual enter¬ tainment committee ever since the show arrivf'd in the Ohio district, as he has relatives In Pittsburgh, Youngstown, Akron and Cleveland. Eddie Rumley had an enjoyable visit with his parents at Cleveland. The writer spent the week¬ end with his daughter and son-in-law In Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs. Rnxunond B. Lyons. Dave !.·'tty cl"''-d. returning to New York to resume his profession of longshoreman. James Ripley, known as "Bible", now has charge of the front door top since Dave left.
Shortv I>avis visited his many friends of the band during the Ruffalo engag*'ment. Tony Mason, his sister and lirother-ln-Iaw, Mr. and .Mrs. Ring, re¬ newed old friendships wlien the show play d Buffalo. Paul J. Staunton was a

Since .T.iuuary 1 we have repeatedly
ask'd (nujlicl.'--In this column) for all contest ricads to s.-nd in their dates for this year, st.iting th:;t we wntld publt.sh this data (.along with th® name of the e'cretary. niantger or other correspond¬ ence officials) In a collective list, at Int rVals. gratis--r-ouid w ' be more fair (just a postcard w ould carry the data to u ) ? Mary of them have responded. The editor of the Corral does not write to any one or more of the annual e- · nt h"ad.«, or promoters, for new.-» of th Ir affairs f >r the very good reason th;;t If he should he might overlook some of them, which would not be g.ving th* m an even break with those he should write to. Also, It has many times h- n sta d in this de¬ partment that "a'l contrihiit'ons purely voIunt'*-dy s"'>ir'ttcd.'' end that v » "wel<v^me n'-ws from all contests for our r'-adere (,a-'l th ir contertants, etc. », Isrge or Mna'i.** Incidentally, It was our

visitor at Buffalo. Clyde Ingalls told the writer that he broke all records during fhe we«'k of May 2.'i with the si'le sliow. Dr. Hoskins, as a previsit to his regular tour, was ton hand at Cleveland for two days, and when the show arriv'd at Buf¬ falo Dr. Carruih' rs was on hand for the purpose of having a previsit before his regular yearly tour. Dr. Partello. ex-
cireua medic, also visited at Buffalo. Al AVItt, "Bottles" A'ornoskl. I.ew
Jenkins. Harry Levinson, Harry Tulledce, Jane McIntyre and sister, Fred Beil, Ed¬ die Martin and AValter D Main were among the many visitors who were re¬ cently entertalne<L "Chick" Bell had Mr.
Betty of Canton and family as guests at Akron. Both Mr, B'-tty and "Chick" aro Florida "bugs". Walter Maggs closed at Akron. O. Lester B'^rger and Smithy of the big top visited their folks at I'lttsbiirgh. Blue call'-d on his old frier.d Sticks and John Robinson. P. O. Lowery and Billy and 'Tom May were busy with

pl.tn to run the list of dat^s at the h'-ad their folks at Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs.

of the Corral ea<.h Issue, hut (a.s stated L.twrence helo'd the Lowerys to enter¬

in two previous Issues) we found that tain. Fred Bradna, who was recently

l^cau.se of Its length space would not per¬ initiated into the Shrine at Syracuse, was

mit us doing fo. However, we Will run presented with a beautiful diamond

It when we can. either on this page or in Masonic ring on his birthday. Hiram

the lists In the nionthly Ll.st Numbers Oreene Is looking forward to a big time

(usually the last Issue In each month). in Bridgeport. Mr. Lushbaugh and staff

It Is In' the list cc'lui'.ins of this Issue.

h.ive been on for the last few days

ing arrangements for next year's top.

Real -Tep' To Roundup

Wm. Burroughs, Bobby Worth and

wife. Col. W, C. Leab, V^ernon Reaver.

At Cedar Rapids. la. Raymond Voyce, Harry Nolan and Carl

'Stelnbrook stayed over at Cleveland and

Cedar Rapids, la., June 3.--Another an¬ nual cowboy contest was born when a Committee of leading business men of Cedar Rapids. Ta., journeyi-d to Cheyenne, AVyo., and held a conference with C. B. Irwin. Returning they immediately or¬ ganized the Cedar Rapids Roundup and Amu.sement Company, completed arrange¬ ments with Mr. Irwin to handle and direct the Cedar Rapids Frontier Days' Round¬ up to be st.ag'-d .Tuly 6-11, purchased IIS acres of ground, and began the erection of an amusement plant, already christened Frontier Dark, and which, together with the improvements, will cost approximately $20,000. The enthusla.sm and pep of the committee was shown when on Mr. Irwin's visit to Cedar Rapids. June 1. three executive meetings were called In the one day. which brought more than

took the boat to Buffalo. Can't help but remark about the wonderful move from Cleveland to Buffalo with the last sec¬ tion arriving at Buffalo at 9 a.m. May 31.
Ilerman Joseph receix'ed word of the death of his mother at Kansas City, and An<ly Dumbo received word that his father died at South Bend. Ind., during the day that the shox^ played Akron. Mrs. Bertie Beeson rejoined at Cleveland. Tommy Arnell visited his W'ife, Hilda Nelson, at Cleveland, and he and Oscar Anderson and wife and Mrs. Arnell m.< tored from Cleveland to Dctioit. visiicl a circus, got fined for spe.ding at B'>rea. O., and returnt*d by sleeper from Detroit to Buffalo over the week-end.
Dr. Munster of Pittsburgh w.\a a visitor at Buffalo. He and Fr-'O Darey oalli'l on Nemo. .At Rochester N"mo enf'itnined his old friend v'an Horn. The

a score of the biggest business men of the dressing-room team played the Fiske

city from their private business the O'Haras in Cleveland with a victorious

greater portion of the day, and the score of 17 to 4. N<`mo Informs the

rapidity with which the various Important writer that the clown team defeat*Ml the

matters were handled and disposed of was performers. Merle Evans has just chal¬


lenged the clowns. Carl Milvo visited at

The Frontier Days' Roundup, whpch Mr. Buffalo. Bob Johnston, of Concord. N.

Trwin will pr'aluce for the company, H., writes that he Is getting busy wit.i

should be one of the outstanding events of the letterhead for the Circus Fans*

the g.ame this season. AA'lth fl.A.OOO In As.'mciatlon and is using {he wonilerful

ea.sh prizes, with alt entrance fees added drawing and color k'y that Karl Kae

to the pur'gs. and coming the week after Knecht, of Evansville. Ind.. was kind

the Fourth of July, it should attract A enough to donate. Carl Jahn says that

wcrld of talent. Furthermore, It Is planned his p.artner has fully e-ovc.-td and is

to make :» couipst of each event.

working better than ever and Oahe Dct

"Fog Horn" ('laney ran up from Dewey, tcr's mother Is getting well rapidly.

Ok., for a short stay to work with the

Have heard from Dott'.* A'. rn< n. 11.*'

la. Equestrian Director B- rt Rickman Is receiving congratulations from friend.s, city officials and the isress for the manner in which he liantlles the big show pro¬ gram. Hi.s new creation. AraMan ifighta. Is a big factor in the show's succestx O. A. Gilson and his 22-plece concert band is also coming ip for much favorable comment.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Robbins and daughter, Maxine, spent May 24 with Mrs. Robbins' parents. Air. and Mrs. Henry Kerns in Norfolk, Neb. They made a tour of Inspection of the I'erry Bros.' Shows, of which Mr. Kern.s Is bandmaster, and report that it is an excellent wagon show. Ja< k King, boss canva.'man of the Robbins big-top. entertained his wife at Yankton and Sioux Falls.
The side ehow, under the efficient man¬ agement of Milton Robbins, Is doing flmi and Peggy Poole's pit show Is driiwing 'em In. Mrs. Ethel (Micky) Freeman i. now one of the members of the aerial ballet, replacing Mrs. Zelda Bo<len, wh'i I;' on the sick li.st. Mrs. Milton Robbins 1.making a hit with her new mu.sii al of¬ fering In the Annex. Fr'-ddie Freeman, riding comedian, Ls putting on a clever somersault riding act In the cent'-r ring and going greaL "Red" Payne recently won the crossword-puzzle contest wbii'» was put on by members of Gilson's Band and Bob Speer was a close second. Ar¬ thur Morel, for years cornet soloist with the Ringling Bros.* Barnum A Baib y and Buffalo Bill phows, is proving a popular artist with Gilson's organization.
Will Holhrook, snare drummer, who was tenor soloist with Haverly's. Cleve¬ land's and Honey Boy Evans' Minstrels, Intends to return to the footlights next fall. The writer, who spent four seasons with HI Henry's Minstrels, ab'O ex^wets to return to the minstrel field. Ilarry Hall, baritone vocal soloist, will be with one of the Columbia Burlesque Circuit .shows as straight man. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Hackman, formerly with the Barnes Circus, are now with this show. Mr. Hackman is a ticket seller on the Annex and Mrs. Hackman appears In the fairy ballet in the spec., Arabian Nights. Wil¬ liam Gance Is on the front door, chief as¬ sistant to Auditor John Schiller. Man¬ ager James Morse was host to members of the Barlow Bros.* musical comedy com¬ pany In Mitchell, S. D. Owner Fred Buchanan Is driving a new sedan. Cap¬ tain and Airs. John Tlebor, with their
seals, who filled an ext''nded engage¬ ment in Havana. Cuba, the past winter, are one of the features of the big show.
(Continued on page 109)

Jlnvdn(?-CAN TCTRN i

* i U v|

No talent or ·:isperiearo n>


pVt# tiMtrartaua book

'abS&H AlphaheU. Colora. HOI




aixl Wall Stena*


Ready made lettera. Giidira. '/aTBlCKSOKTTIK rRADE.a'ao

r K X/inyaa 100 Alphabata aod Ua-

\1|# Bnek bevnd hi flevINa Imt. taatbar. veld adrea. * * *' with frmr h^l haifina Shew Card l`aec, aant Foat® aat 1 fer ftJ.OO. 'C. O, nTlOeeatra.) SMVICPV«.CO.t7iliaMSI..Oavt.M. IMwYoHiCIty

publicity committee, and orders for pap^'r N. Sycamore street. Albuquerque, N. M . I* N H., Springfield--The rosters of and advertising matter flew thick and that she Is very ill and wants to hear


coiie.-rts and AVlld AA'est shows with fast. The manner In which the citizens from all her friends. Lo<'ke says tlmt Stcck Yard* Station,


V all circuses and carnivals for greeted the announcement of the big con¬ Band-Top Dutch was working for Burns

(kiter t* SfMial Ordtri.

inis spring have appeared'In the opening test was shown when more than 1,000 O'Sulllran at the Jefferson Theater. New

stories of the rpsp«'ctlve shows (In the

Circus and carnival departments). How-


Corral weleomes later rosters

`f'ln them, should some one with ths

were wearing cowboy hats In less than a
week after the company was organized. A more beautiful site or etage setting
could hardly be Imagined than the one

York, and did not enter the restaurant business. T.ew Graham Is making talks
to the Klwanls, Rotary Club or Chamber
of Commerce every day. H!a subject la

\A|AMffrFn CnwboTt and CowcUb, (or WIM Wool Conirrt. Otl'rr nirful jxo-
ple wTlln, ANDKRSON BROS.' OVKBLAND Cl*Cl'S. Aamar. OaUrj, Kauaaa.

By C. G. Stuvtevant

foat: No. 73, double-horned rhinoceros.
'ourteen elephants, four white Bactriun , camels, 12 dromeduriet', one Nubian huf-
'' falo, two Burmese bulls, three llamas, one Nubian cow. All of these cages were the standard large dens, some with four and five compartment.s. Two huge
wagons were also used to carry Jumbo-- his mounted skin on one and his I'kcleton on the other. A tine collection but lack' ing a giraffe or zebra.


Speaking of giraffes, a ffw years pre-

Circus Menagerie from its Inception has been advertised by exhibitors, and® vious in the early 'bOs the Barnum show,

I .iccepted by the public as an educational feature--in fact, up to the establish¬ due to a favorable market, secured a

ment of zoological gardens In our cities, afforded the people the one opportunity large herd of these animals (old show-

oiHjn to them to see wild animals collected from every part of the earth.

From ancient times animals have been exhibited by traveling showmen but

mostly performing bears, monkeys and the like
TinhAe rreennoow wnneedu Ex^nnggliiisshnm maann, rE-vveeil>ynn.,

cages and 25 elephants on t.he- - - Ad`am Borepauj grhemCem ircbuesr twhehseen shhoewjsoianbeodutitthiins

records In his diary in the year

time, and as 1 recollect they all had very

**I saw a tame lion play familiarly with large displays, but many of the dens,a lamb; he was a huge beast and I thrust in fact the majority o,f tlu-ni. Were small

men have told me 14 in all). They were carried as led stock and were a wonder¬ ful attraction. They, however, suffered mdch from exposure and all but two or three were lost during the fvason. I'crsonally the largest number I liave seen i.s four and they were carried as cage animals, but exhibited on the ground in

my hand Into his mouth and found his tongue rough like a cat's." (A venerable old animal, which probably had lest his last tooth.

two-horse cross cages, there were many
duplications in the collections, and a relatlvely large number of small and unimportant animals and birds such as wolI'ves,

The early route books of the Ringling Brothers give m mueli. detail the con-» tents of their meniigerieS. They had the only white elephant other than Barnum's.

This exhibiting of wild beasts cul- foxes, porcupines, badgers, various par- Other rare si>ecimens have been the

niinated in England in the formation of rots, etc,, was carried. Of cour.se there gorilla Johanna, for years with the Bara number of menageries, chief of which also were big d_ ens of large _ and _ rare num & Bailey Show and lost in Nurem-

was ^Vombwel^^^ founded in 1805. All animals. Ad-- am 1 Fo'-- repa.u-- gh ,,g- ave sp^ec: i_a,'l- berg, Germany, in 1900; this animal as

rxhiblted In their travels at the annual attention to his menagerie, and' it was an attraction was second only to the re-

fairs, including the great one of Barihol- the equal If not the superior of any in nowned Jumbo. The two John Daniel

omew. Wombwell started as a cobbler his day. However, in s_ heer m _ er_ it a_ s to gorillas exhibited by the Blngling Broth-

and later became a wild beast merchant line and rare speoimenIiS., not duplicated ers will go down in circus history, as

in Commercial Row, London.

The as to variety in two or more cages. ]I will their great armor-hided Indian

menagerie which he accumulated after a seriously doubt if any of thet'e o_ ld_ mien-. rhinoceros. Sells Brothers' pair of perlong period of years compared favorably ageries equaled the present Ringling forming hippopotami of the early 'OOs

with any ever in existence. In 1S40, to Brothers-Bamura & Bailey collection year were a great attraction.

quote an authority of the time, "it con- in and year out.

African elephants are another circus

sisted of 12 lions, besides lionesses and

The Barnum show always had a great rarity. The last I remember seeing was

cube, and eight tigers, a tigress and cubs; menagerie but It seldom ran more than on the Ringling show In 1909 or '10. One

in addition a puma, a jaguar, a black

tiger, several leopards, an ocelot, a serval,

and a pair of genets. There were also striped and spotted hyenas, wolves,


jackals, coHtl-mundis, raccoons, a polar

bear, a sloth bear, black and brown bears,

a honey bear, and a couple of porcupines.

The hoofed clasws were represented by

three elephants, a fine one-horned

rhinoceros, a pair of gnus, a white an-

^·ient_ iut o_r z_ oologist. Supp..^^, for f.

ample, at a cost the following i

"^vt ral million d>illiir«

20 ^lephuni^ a 1 of tli« African


mostly of the large-carea type, but n

eluding u couple of the pygmy Coiiku oi

.small round-cured spceVcH; lo dr,L?

da_ ries all. of the tall, thin Arabi.m rT' ing breed -I® K'unt Mongolian c.miH..' six mountain zebras; six Crevy s i. i.r '
four giraffes of the dark-blotch,d v.,r.`
.· .ly· ,· not the spotted kind; four ind `""'·''i, now prnctkally extinct; four C,!! leopards or ounct.s; oiiy fliin,.., uhii.

tiger . two clouded leofiards from .M ,) .v ,'^ lour Sibr-rlan tigers; two groat anl'..',i,r^

from Soiilli America; two black j.ieuir"

from raraguay. two blue or gl.o icr b,.` rs

from Alaska; two giant Kadiac brown
bea.rs; two s|H'. i:t, kd bears from th" `'ti'b'n Mountains; two pvgniy bin popotaml ; two white rliinoe. i oM s from



eared Javan

from the Cf

animab') · ti


gorillas · two

^r horso'-tallci >,,,»« from tb

oygmy buffa

i,ines` two

Hrmadillos f

Uijird's giant

Aiistrnlbin ,

evolves and t


maloritv of tl

captivity nnmb^ru in'

and the seen

p.ndlture wo' mierht umv ·

you"* not so

Cy De Vry, tupernttndent of Stlg Zoo, Lot Angeles, and Sol A. Stephan, su¬ perintendent of the Zoological Cardens, Cincinnati, as they appeared many yean ago. Both are widely known in the circus world.



The Good Kind--That'* Our Specialty. Wire or write for oor present
Sratt size wanted--We can save yoo ·loney. We make Canvai Goods of all kindi and foe all parpotet.

Pleasantville, N. J

Christy Bros/ Shows

clown cop. "Punch" Irving is manager of the sloe show.

rind Indian* Jnd Ohio Good TrrritofyMjnr Viiiiorf Entertained

nnd Ohio the jmst Week, have enjoyed

i» rf<ct weatlier and an average business In «very stand. Hellefpntaine, O., was the

iioorrst town of the week. Urbana proved

cixd at both shows, itllly Clifforu, who

ytari'd in the sliovv bu.xlness as a rlrum-

int r vvilli the old Miles Orton show, was a visitor. He and Claude and Gorton Orton

h.id a gnat visit, and were entertainf<l

by .Mr. Christy. Mrs. Sylva Uindges

visit. J her relatlvea.

., .

An larly arrival at the show train in

Middl.'town tt, was Tad Hurinuunt, who

in business in that *lty. and he sp* nt

the d.iv with the writer. Another visitor was t'harl.s Wlrth, of The HillboarfL

Builness was very good here. The writer
entertained Miss Hurrlson. of The Daily Journal, who had a taste of circus life

riding in the parade and writing her exiHTienc.s in a siieclal front-page story.

There was a late arrival at Newca.stle,

with a two-mlle haul, and business was

^^Rlchmond, Ind., was the Decoration Pav stand and it v a.-* a darb. Frank (Vl'tonnell, who In addition to his oth«r duties ahead is d.ilng sp<ciul press work, had a wonderful tltup with The Hichmond Palladiuin, getting a full page for a week, running a cut-out puzale for the children. .\8 a result 25 of the little folks saw the show fri e at the night jx rforn.ance.
Rushville proved a good stand, mem¬ bers of the Guy stock company attending the afternoon performance. The sliovv made North Mailison the following day and it was the second show to play the town in 15 years. A long hill to Madl.son made It Impossible to put on a p-irade, and the show used a lot at the depot. The steam calliope gave an hour's con¬ cert and brought the crowd to the lot. Buslnch.s wae very pood.
Tex Chenette is g'-iiig 'round with hl.s head tied up as a result of a fail thru the stats while rliling a bucking horse in the Wild W.-st concert. Ills helper pulled the horse ti>o soon, causing the accident. Jim Wllllama ha>' Joined and la working ponies and assisting Merritt Belew. Red Shelton enjoytd a visit at Rtislivllle with his sister and friends from Indianaptdis. Lola O'Westney was surjirlsed at Ruehvllle with a visit from her parents and other members of the family, wljo motored from St. Louis.
A consignment of full-dress suits ar¬ rived at Ru.shville, and now all of the trainers and announcers In the j«how are dolled up.
Reward Welch entertained a party of friends at the Lollls Hotel In Ru.shville. Sig Bonhomme now has 14 Jot-ys In clown alley and they are putting on some new and original walkarounds. D.il Bon¬ bon.me Is attracting much attention In the parade with the new pony tandem team and little dog cart. Dike Ellis ts able to be about again after a tw'o weeks* siege of rheumatism. Miss Bernard!. Jackie Hart and Bobby Cornet are now working the elephants and Keeta Belew has the football elephant. Ella Harris l.s reeelving muchTtpplauso at every p»'rformanee w ith her aolo in the "8p*'c.". Charlie Russ. II is getting to be a real horseman and is working one of the 12-horse liberty acts. Gordon Orton has the spots and M. rrlff R.-l.'w works In the center ring.

Under the Marquee
(Continued from pane T3> ,'^nrannah (Ga.) Prens, he had in the M.iy 29 Is.sue a att'ry about the Miller Bros, returning to the field iwith their R>1 Ranch Wild West, and mention of the Walter L. Main Circus wreck near Tyrone, Ra., May 30, 1893.

Mrs. Jeanette Somerville, wife of Ralph Som.-rvlIIe, formerly bosn candy butcher of the M'alter I,. Main Circus, recently undervvint an operation for appendicitis. Mr. Senierville Is not trnuplng, h'lt Is at one of the New York State anuisemert parks in charge of a refreshment stand.
Fred l.eslle, f.at clown, left the Christy Giieiw Ht Minster, O., to enter the hos¬ pital for trcatm*nt. After a few days' revt he joined the D. W. Fisher S*siety Gireiis, d'ling two turns and handling th« h.tnn« r ;ids. Thr llilihrnird and malt. Mr. !.»-i e wb hes to thank all friends for their kindnera during his illness.

Th' two kiddies from JoKji Golden's New Y<'rk show, Piifit, recently Jotirneyed out to nay.>.iile to have their iiictures t'^ken with the Bparks pig art. The photo will be ti.-od for .a pictorial stJind Jiiui tile new simpers. Thie Sparks lot at It.ivsiib was located opporlte the · '·nnlifnl home of tho noted Dctreas, Char¬ lotte I'li-tenwood, of Greenwich Viliaye rn famo.
·'ltd Tlebor's seat not was omllte'd In a r. !·< Ilf writeup of the Sparks Circus. `li; e. ,i|,< are, ns u.«ual, t>ne of the ouf^tiindlng features of the program and this
are being worl.ed entirely bv M'lry TieiM.r vvitlj wonderful suecc>>.s. The feainr. d s al. "Ronnie", plays A»)ieiie<i on tne horns without n i-ue or assistance V fintever from Miss TIebor, wbo is one of the first of her aex to work a seal act.

Harry Robettaa and Alice Dtcgan. In a classy aerial offering calb d DIriy Da-
'tn (Robettaa featuring a fast teeth ··I'Uit, who are now on th* Delmar Time,

"Lions n' Tigers n* Everything", an¬ nounced a poster decorated with pictures of wild aniinal.'< which adorned the streit showca.ne exhibit of bo«jka about "Circus Life and Circus .\nimais'' at the K.ist Third street «;;Tner of the Cleveland (O. * Ihiblic Libra^. The display wa.-^ ar¬ ranged in connection with the airival m that city of the Kingling-Barnum Circu> May 29, and which al-so played there thfollowing day. The circus program con¬ tains a list of books "Circus I»ays and Circus Ways", suggested by the Cleveland Ihiblic Library.

The Same SURE Light, Now

Smoother, Quieter, More Compact!

fJNIVERSAL LIGHT--tb< tzme "old reliable" that's been the showmen's favorite

for years---now sets new standards in smoothness, qniet and compactness. New

generator monnting saves both weight and space besides assuring perfect alignment. The

4 K. W., pictured here, has 25% more en¬

gine power, with a fuel saving of 10%.

All Universals are bnilt wiih SURE¬

NESS--CERTAINTY as the "main idea".

Soreness in starting, in operating economy,

in steady light.

Write for details, telling ns what the

job is--bow many lights--size and type of projecting machine, arcs. etc.

"Then's m Siu tni Type

Ideal Jot Yaui SJsait."

Oshkosh, Wis.


Tents' for Every Purpose

New York visitors were plentiful during the Sparks Circus engagement on Long Island. They included Sam Scribner, Karl Burgess and Cha.s. Maynard, of the Hai^Ker office; E. C. Carp* nter and John GoldTn, theatrical producers; Frank Wirth, Walter yiiddleton. John T. Ben¬ son. of Hagenbeck Bros.' Company; AleX Lowande, former circus manager; Burns O'Sullivan. New York theater man¬ ager; Theodore Stout, former well-known band director; Freddy Brenham. of The Sew York World; Arthur Hill, wellknown animal man, and Geo. M. Gatts, theatrical producer.
Clyde Willard, manager of the 101 Ranch No. 1 Advertising Car, wrote Chas. Bernard from Lynn, Mass., that so far the advance crews have had a very strenuous experience. With two or more big shows billings in hot opposition in almost every stand, it la a case of con¬ tinuous hustling. Willard has sleeping ac¬ commodations fur 21) men and is carrying an average of 25. He has four of the 1924 crew who were with him at the clo.se of the Walter I* Main Circus sea.«on. Wm. Scruton, of New York, a cpilet, unassuming lithographer. Is one of the four, and Willard says his dally record Is on a par with his last season's work on the Main Circus. Bernard has employed and seen the work of some of the beat circus llthngp-aphers, but thinks Scruton la the mo.at rapid, careful and conscien¬ tious worker of the many he has known.


By Martin C. Brennan

Sydney, April 27.--The Royal Sydney

Show, which tinlshed last week, probably

had the greatest lineup of carnival men

that has ever been present at this fa-'

mous showground.

The W'estwood Bros., who had a very

prominent position on the ground, pro¬

vided both an educational and interest¬

ing entertainment of glaasbiowing. It

being one of the few exhibits on the

ground away from the freak element,

Among the many gla.ss exhibits on a

spacious table was a replica of the North

Shore Bridge, which was prepared for

the occasion by Wilfred Westwood. His

brother. Jack, looked after the exterior

of the show.

Dave Meekin had several attractions,

among them being Lofty, the Canadian

giant; Trix (the smallest woman on

earth), the smallest mule In captivity

and a 12-foot shark which was captured

. .

at Coogee, Sydney. Arthur Greenhalgh presented Navada,
the snake woman, in a prominent por¬ tion of the parade. His show was one of

the most attractively presented on th*

ground and as a result did wonderful


Charlie Ross bad a bona-fide exhibit

In the two heavyweights, Barney Worth

and Elsie Thompson. Both these young

We are moving into a New, Larger and Better Equipped

people are in the vicinity of 30 stone, and, as freaks, were ^easily the most

Factory and will sell at actual cost all TENTS, BLUES and

successful on the ground. Jimmie Sharman had a representative


bf'dy of boxers In conspicuous position on the ground. As customary with this ener¬

getic showman, hl.s entertainment was

We will close out our present stock at unusually low

presented on a most lavish line and pulled big business.


There were several workers, among them being Brother Bob, who In a con¬

spicuous position appeared to b« doing

When located in our New Plant wc will furnish better

plenty Of business with salable, lines judging by the great crowds gathered

materials at lower prices!!

around him. The Adelaide Exhibition broke all

Write or Wire for List

records for attendan<-e and the attractions on the ground rec*`lved plenty of money

as a con.seuuence. Jack and D.ave Atkins

were doing fair busine.su with their big

attraction. Charlie Nelson and George


Green have Iwen kept very busy during the show. The "C.Ke of Death'' cn-ated very big figures and the show Is the most

Louisville. Kentucky

talked of on the ground, Nat Northcote has an illusion entitled "Lulu, the Spider

Woman". Lu Te-ahy's rabbit g.inie Is a

big draw nightly. "Bull's-Eyed Out of

Bed" held the biggest crowds In front of

a Hde show that has ever struck Adelaide

(..ester; "Sacred to the memory of Ji>hn W. Jackson, a native of I'hiladelidiia, Pa., who departed this life at this iilaco on Monday night at 12 o'clock. March 27, 1848, of congestion of the brain, age 34 years. This stone was er«'Ct*-d by memb«Ts of the Great Western Cirrus Com¬ pany, of which he was a member, ua a tribute of respect."

nnd it was one of the real big features of the exhibition.
A kindly action w.a3 shown hy those carnival showmen at the Royal Hydn-\ Show when Harry Rowe and Rob S. ii thorp took around a subscription list for the bem flt of Joe Rath, a popular memb»T of the profes.sion, who has been ill for .some time at Warraweo Sanatorium.

Every showman when appn'ached re-

They will play a few park tmgagenu nls

Johnnie Myers visited the St* Ua V«al sponded. and the result wax that the or-

in the liast and then opja-ar at fairs for Circus at Woci'ester. Mass., and rep<irls ganizers were enabled to band over to

Etlu'l lloliinM'H. The Campbells will re- that It Is an excellent organization. The Mrs. Rath the snm of £4.3.

snnic vatuleville bisiklngs in the fall, show, und T managcnu'nt of George W.

The Westwood Rros., after a very suc-

oiienlng for the Kcith-Alh«`e Vuu«levill«> .Tohn.stm. has the folowlng n*ts: Four c^s.sfnl time at th** Royal Sydney Show, l-.xiduinge at Troy, N. V., iKdotHT 19, b* - Marvi toils Mells. aeria!lst>-; Uae & Rae, will play Queensland date*,

ing booked imtd February.

laddir turn: Bqck Leahy, ring a*l;

GIga ami Rama Singh are at th*


Marion l>iew. Juggler; ITof. Bri.stol's .\delaide Exhibition with their performing

The following Inscription on a grave horses, the Patricks, pt-rch; Portia snake*. One of the performers was bitten
in LInwood Cemetery, Columbus, Gu., Sisters, Iron-Jaw artiste*; I>oc Campliell, by a enake and had to be admitted to

recently caught the eye of Emmutt blcycla number, and Major Don Ward, the hoapitaL


The Billboard

June 13, 1925



(Commtmicationt to 25-27 Optra Platt, Ctncimati, O.)


st'fker, were not unknown and, on that able to alL No national. State or munlr* iiccount, it ne<-il«'d but little Incentive lor Ipal legislative or trade organization so-called "Lord's I'ay RefornuTs'* to business body has yet met under moro

classify annisement parks In general as dignified conditions and demeanor than

worthy of being closed that day of the the association m^bere at their annual

week--even If not others, in many cases, convention. Interest in the expounding

A Brief Outline of the Aims'and Work of the National of Amusement Parks


l.egislative action was In the air and other--and equally dangerous'--menace* to the welfare of park Investments promIsed work aplenty for those whose de-

of the views and recital of the exp.-riences of the leading representatives of park operation Is founded upon the value of the lesson* to be learned and emula-

termination to "do something" was near- tlon of Ideas that have already proven

Ing consummation.

successful or the discarding of half-

By Hatty £. Tudot

A meeting in Chicago of men whose formed plans where otherwise. In the names are "as familiar in (park) men's issue of the annual publication of the mouths as household words", determined preceding convention's work, to the mem-

the formation of plans to sound out the bers, such forms a weighty volume of In-

,, O- RN - of small beginnings and the vision of a handful of far-sighted men feellngs of their fellows in park operation, valuable information and represents a

Jj indentified with amusement park operation; fostered and reared with the The first results were not too heartening, vade mecum on any and every subject

firm and strenuous care demanded in the upbringing of any healthy, lusty and growing Infant and, attaining an honored and re.spected maturity--in its fulfilling
a mission of an importance that cannot be; overestimated- -. .bo.t.h f,or i... ts pri,nci,p,le-s

but- their own indR-idual success in application of business methods, healthy
amusement and the winning of the favor of civic and clerical authorities within the

and problem of the manager of a modern amusement park.
With the growth of aDoreciation of the Association and Its advantages." the

and their application. So, in a few words,_

runs the ptory of the nativity and growth of the National Association of Amuse-

,, >


ment Parks, and its direct influence upon

both the protection and betterment of the


Interests of the amusement park in¬ vestor operator, manager and conces¬

sioner--equally as well as those of the Inventor, manufacturer and distributor

of devices and the many others whose success rests upon that of the medium of their wares, in their varied appeal to |

the park patron. Np story would be complete, however, I
without a passing tribute to the sincerity of the purpose of the pioneers of so important a movement where their aims- !
demanded a complete abandonment of ' self-interest, individually, and the whole-
hearted "throwing in" of their experience !



' ,
V ^





» r

____ exhibits of amusement devices and all

manufactures incidental to amusement



. 1. -

- - ___^ ,, parks have reached a point of considera-

. ''

' '




..tlon by the directors of plans for the fu-

« ture, and provision of adequate space

to accommodate the annually increasing


HI demand. At the convention of 1920 there


was but one solitary exhibit; at the 1925 convention there were 110 separate and

distinct exhibit booths and spaces. This

latter feature of the Association's annual

function has done excellent work In the

unma.sking of the unscrupulous manu¬

facturer and sales agent or many forms

of amusement devices and served the dual

purpo.se of displaying the manufacturer's

products before his actual and pos.sible

customers and to the latter's satisfaction

and convenience. Park managers can¬

not, during the open season, visit other

parks where new devices are in opera¬

tion and--here, again--all purposes are

served in the advantages of personal in¬

spection of devices and actual contact

with the manufacturer or his representa-



I j ! I I I
Geo. A. semtor
V " About art thown l%t prttent olfictrt of tht Sational Artodatioo of Arnustmertt Parkt, txctpt D. S. Humphrty, tint vice-prttident, of whom wt had no photograph. Wt wrott him for one, bat failtd to rtttiot it up to tht timt of going to prttt.

Space, here, is necessarily too limited to set forward a full account of the infinite variety of the labors of the Ass'H'iation's director* and committees beyond reference to the work presently being done park men's Interests in a leglslative direction and incidental to the so-called "reform movement" that threatens to deprive the public of harmle.«s, edifying and uplifting entertainment on a ilay that could have but been set apart for such good purpose and to, moreover, endanger the Investment Of millions (even billions) of dollars in the promotion of clean and healthy amusements. Members of the Association are from time to time advised from the Chicago oflilce of the N. A. A. P. of movements calculated to be harmful to them and Informed of what nriK'edure best to be taken to counteract harmful prr>paganda--in good time.
Then there Is the omnipresent "bogey" of public liability insurance and the ex¬ orbitant premiums--as in the case, also, of fire and employers' liability insur¬ ances-- demanded by many of the more responsible insurance corimratlons. Itlessed be the park manager who has taken advantage of the arrangements made for him by the Association--in anv one or ail of the direction* named. We all know that t>-po of park "patron" to whom the slightest of accidents assumes an Importance needing only the services of a not-too-nlcely-dlsiKi.-od legal lumi¬ nary on a contingency basis of payment for his generous ( !) assistance. All that the Insurance company--Indorsed by the N. A. A. P.--esks Is that proper precaution be taken and, necessarily in any case, pupervislon of all parts of a device that should be s>'stematlcally Insp,`cted, and proper protective measures

ions oup

with unexpected happenings at time*.

A. wnthe gh; )hia

"Keep your park clean!" Is the niognn
of the N. A. A. P. "Your kiddie patrons
of this summer are the maternal and paternal patron* of the future. You are in the buslner* to stay." STAY!

^ "j* fi'iV'
; * "'v

R. S. Pzzell, offlclal Historian of the Association--and himself one of the founders and most able adherents of the park men's cause--Is at work on a record of the achievements of the N. A. A. P. that will, and moat fully, detail Its work and progress In a form that ehouid And a place In the offlce or home of every P"rk owner, manager or concessionaire, where. In the foregoing, the writer has endeavored to, at a timely opportunity, eonvey an impression of the As.soclatlon'a

ler; inre b4r,
ths ess,
lere ,,f
, of lark air-

ofllcers. dlrt'ciors and advisors of Association are ns follows; Ofllcers-- .ludge Charles A. Wilson, president: P R Humphrey, first vice-pre.sident; N. S. Alexander, second vice-president ; A. RHodge, secretary; Heorge A. Schmidt,
treasurer. All of the ofllcers are on th** Hoard of Dlrecli>r* and in addition there ®re Frank W. Darling, John R. Davies,
A. C. ChrlKcnsen, H. O. Traver, R. S. Hssell. <3. G. Miller, L, B Schlos*. Mll-
Stern, J, J. Carlin. Fred W. Pearce
(Continued on page 109)

The Billboard

ddle Pup Baking Machines
The New Hot Dog Equipment for Concessionaires and Cook House Men
inkfurter and Bread Roll Baked Together
t Based on Quantity Production Is the Best and Cheapest. Cooking Process Economical, Sanitary and Simple
Gas Unit
*30 .00
Price, $S.OO
Electric Unit

Griddle Pup Seif-Rising Flour

TbU roBplrt* uolt U 16 Incbet loo«. 8 InrhM wl6« ·)<) 8 IndiM hlth. with liotd b<M tnd r«n>oT*M« drip pan. It cooks 5 Griddle Pups at one time and Is flttcd witli icif-fulded griddle--« slight turn of the btndle bakes both sides to an eren
brownnsss, rsadg to serrs. and there you are.
with esrfa gas unit a enmplrta WafBe Iron which Ots In placa af tha OrMdle Pup
Griddle ran be tupplled. It bskrt 4 Urge tistg Wafflea at ooca. Too can kill two birds with one STOVE,

Perfected by Flour Eiperta and Is pre¬ pared ctpecUlly for your use. ThU ataures tbe only parfact Griddle Pup. Add water sod stir Into batter form. 18 to 20 Griddle Pupa ran be made from a sin¬ gle pound of flour. Tou nerer lose on ·tale rolls. MU only to meet your requtrementa. Price. I2t per peaad. Ship¬ ments made In 100 pounde or more.
^Vben ordering equipment pUre your Flour order at tbe same tlow.
Prompt deliTtrlet.

This unit win bake 8 ·'GRIDDLE PITS" at once. Electrically heated both top and bottom--needs no turning. Fitted roniplete with bate pan and four-way handy awitrh button. It la 17 Inches long. 9 Inches wide and 7S Inches high. Tou can't keep the crowd away.

The Display Feature Ahme Is Worth Its Cost The Quality of This MacMni's Product Has Reached a State of Appetizing Perfection--Nothing Else Can Touch It

All Equipment Is Strictly Portable

Term*--Remit $15.00 .With Ordery balance Will Be Payable C. O. O.

WAYSIDE CORPORATION, 72-74 Cortlandt Street,


No. 16 Big Eli Wheel For Parks

The Best Paying Ride in the Park





Lasting Satisfaction

Oar tremeadoat volarae of aalea proTca tb« popalarity of tb« Dedgrm Janior Rida coflclaaively. Seats two people side by aide. Order now.



706 Bay State Bldg..



Lawrence, Mass. 

Far Parka and All AieuMment Plaaaast. Automatic Scone and Coin Collector. Thrilling sport! Ereryhody playi--men. women, children. Tour receipts claar profit. Tou ran take In IlS to tV) per day with 2 to 12 Whlrl-0-Ball Oamaa In any ordinary room or tent. Each 8H z20 ft. Moderate Inrestment required Writs tor catalog.

' ' liti,

uKuea oigo. la aowi.


too Caaa Avaettaa,

Joakaonwllla, III.

MUNN St, CO. U.u.1 r
IFrHe/ar ear Free Beat4|l Waolwarth Bldg.. · NEW YORK CITY. Sit tel.atifla Amer. Bldt.. WASHINGTON, 0. C. 405 Tower Building. · · CHICAGO. ILL. <M Nekart Balldini. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 211 Van Nays Bldg.. LOS ANGELES. CALIF.
M.mbar Natlanal Aaaoalktlan of AmusemaM Parka.
M. I. C. E.-F. I. A. S. AmaaemaM Arahiteet tad Eaglaear. 22 Seiurlty Baildlng. SANTA MONICA. CALIF.
P. 0. Bti 1121.



Special Design* and Structures.


Suit* 3041, Brand Central Terminal,


Agenta for Dayton Fun House and Riding Device Mfg. Co. Devices.

Roller Coasters, Water Rides. Fun Houses, Dancing Pavilions, Complete Park Layouts.
"Designed by MILLER--ihat'a the Standard:'' Estimates Checrfally Fnrnisbed.
JOHN A. MILLER COMPANY. Amusement Perk Engineers 7200 East Jefferson Ave., Detroit, Mich.

\\ I' r.in .itop the leak.-' -- \N riU: as how.
101 Park Ave., NEW YORK CITY


Skill Game far Parka ar Carnivals.

$658 FOR 10-UNIT GAME: $25 EACH

EXTRA UNIT. Made In 10 to 20 I'nli*. flo-l'nll Game

ran operate on 15-ft. >pare. Srt up In 10

mlniilri. Can he arranged for Star ard In-

l.rmedlale prlzei. Star ittarhm.'nt furn1«hr-l

free on gamra ordered before July 1. Write

NOW for circular.

SAM ANDERSON. Care Buff MIg. Ca..

S52 Wuhington 81..

Bo:::n. M.-»t.

John A. Miller
MRiir Patented Coasten and DesifK
p 0. See 48. HOMEWOOD. Cask Caanty. III. Oa DItIa Highway. Phena. Haaiawaad 107.
7210 EttI Jaffartan^*^eaie.®"**' DETROIT. MICM. Phaae. Edgawaa* 4SS3.
knuMment Park 208.iKhi tarritory. BavM dayt. 120 U . N. W.. Waablagtae. D. C.

nave and make AaniasMent Otnw Devlrae of every dearrlptloo eirept Gaffs. WM. ROTT. Inventer tnd Mtnafaetwar. 48 E. tth St.. Near Yark City. Waatarn Dlstrlbatw: E. E. BENR, 4815 Pabst Ava. Milwaakta. Wit.
Baltabla for Tunnat Rldaa and any tranaeoruUon. Best ifternoen attraction. Bata ta optrtta In any Park. Write for Information.
Eaalarn Rearaeaatatlva: MILLER * BAKER. INO.. 2841 Graad Caatral TamilaaL New Verk. N. V. Caatral ReeraaaMatlvaa: JOHN A. MILLER CO.. 728* Jefftraan Aaa.. EatL Oatralt BIMl . JOHN A. HILLER. P. 0. Baa 4*. NaMwaae. III.

Conresalont wanted. Wheels or Skill OaniM. Tai In-Ooe and Pit Sbowa. Good kvatlooa. reata ehia rent. Write, wire or phone MANAOl WUITE CITY, Weat Haven. Conn.

June 13. 1925

Oaks Park Enjoying First-Rate Business

Here's The Solution To Your

Hits and Bits'
From Riverview

Portland, Ore., June 4.--Splendid breaks In the w« ather for Saturdavs and
Sundays this stuson at the Oaks Ainuse-
Ement Park have brought thou.xands of leasure seekers to the resort. Memorial >ay and Sunday of the past week-end saw a crowd of approximately 16,000 people on hand to enjoy the fa<'Hities and devices for which this favorite out¬
door playground is farfamed. As leading features for the third week
on the open-air stage Rube Shaw, of
the Shaw Am(u.sement Service, had ar¬ ranged an exceptionally clever program
for Manager John F. Cordray's holiday
guests. Ira Davis, premier banjuist, stored heavily as the headline attraction
of the bill of five acts, as did Chatles and Helen Polley, late of the Keith CMr-
cuit, in their balancing turn, "ilenuinel.v Versatile". Charles and Williams, a colored team from the abandoned Mem¬ phis Mln.strel Company, earned interest with their fancy gags and dan(;ing--
speed is their trump card. A sister song
and dance skit offered by the Misses Lessie George and lone Burke was well received, as was the stage concert of five
numbers by the Cliff Birds, the Oaks Park dance pavilion orchestra. Walt Cave on the tuba and Louis Levitt on the
violin will bear watching with this musi¬
cal ensemble. The return of Prof. Fred Kriss, Punch-
man, late of London, Eng., continues popular Portland interest in Punch and Judy. Kriss is one of the few Punchmen
who uses the silver reed and his skill in its manipulation at once makes him
one of the very best in the country today. He offers performances several times a day and very frequently on Sunday and holidays. The Oaks, as far as is known,
is the only amusement' resort in ^he
country to have erected a special out¬ door theater Just for Punch. The audi¬ ence assembles in the open air to watch the procedure. Punch, as offered by Prof. Kriss, has a firm grip on park
patrons this year, which happens to be ,^e third consecutive engagement under
' fiis personal direction. Profe.ssional roller-skating races held
in the Oaks rink Memorial Day brought two near-capacity crowds together. Tlie mile was run in the afternoon, with Jesse Little winning over Harold Dolson by a scant two feet at the finish. The time was 3 :£'5. The night race found Littl^
again winning in the two-mile race-- time 6:20. Manager W. M. Bestone, of the Oaks rink, which is one of the largest in the country, is so enthused over the
spectators' Interest that more races are
planned for the near future. Portland
newspapers co-operated wonderfully in
giving the races publicity. For the fourth week's vaudeville pro¬
gram to open June 6 Ivy Little and her Girl Jazz Band Entertainers are to head¬ line. Miss Little *ls known far and wide as the original radio jazz girl and her skill in direction of her talented associates
in Jazxdom seems sure to w'in the glad hand. The Millard Brothers, who do comedy singing and dancing, are another feature of the bill, which is not complete¬
ly booked as yet. The Kortes and McKay World Museum
of freak curiosities and strange people is domiciling itself for a two or more weeks' sojourn at the Oaks, starting June 6. Thomas Francis Honey is advance man¬ ager, and tliey don't make 'em any livelier than Sir Francis for making ar¬ rangements in a business-like manner* Heney u.jed to be with Sells-Floto ana also W'ith A1 G. Barnes and his present efficiency witii Kortes and McKay illus¬
trates his prowess. Kortes and McKny have Tom Ton. fat man ; Odaleskn. Per¬ sian vase dancer; Princess Athella of Yucatan ; Bozo, dwarf ; King Dodo ; Hadi Ben All. Oriental entertainer; Prof. Glace, sleight-of-lTfind. and Doyle's jazz V^chestra. Amelia Barr, homely woman.
temporarily absent, as is Violetta, girl Bthout arms or legs.
The big crying need of the Oaks this year is both bears and monkeys. Neither love nor money seems to produce them around heae. The big island monkey home is as yet occupied by but three monks. It is hoped to secure both monks and bears soon.

Coin Counting Probleips!

Abbott Coin Counting Machines

Are Saving Time for Amusement Parks, Circuses and
wTM Carnivals Everywhere an Abbott Lightning or Model B Coin Counting

Machine an operator can count and package 40.0 coins

rff a minute or count 2,000 coins into a

'~ bag. Adjustable for Pennies. Nickels,

Dimes. Quarters or Halves. Can be set

automatically when 20, 25, 30.

40 or 50 coins have been counted, or

IwljiS will count indefinitely into a bag.

Thousands now in use throughout the

United States.

^ ^

7 Price. ....,$175.00

Abbott Gravity Coin Assorter |!9|B£

coins are fed in by hand. Pennies. Nickels, Dmes and Quarters slide down perforated inclined steel sheets into their respective drawers. Halves and Silver Dollars remain in top compartment because they are too large to go through the feed holes. Will separate 3,000 mixed coins Jn two minutes.
Price .$75.00 Each

We also manufacture a light, portable Machine for counting coins of one denomination only.
Price .$50.00
We are the originators and largest manufacturers of Colored Tubular Coin Wrappers.
Wrjjf fot Illustrated Catalog showing other Hand and Motor-Driven CoinCounting Machines.
ABBOTT .COIN COUNTER CO, J43rd St., & Wales Ave., New York City

Big Paying Locations Every¬ where for This Beautiful

MlleL ^®**®®"*

with the Counter

350% Preflt en Every PescKn Sale. Other Beoutlful Model*.

1432 Wyandotte St, Kansas City, Mo.

Rich, Thriller, Thrilled

Houston, Tex., June 4.--Harry Ricli, tiie man who defies death in the highest trapeze act in the world, craves plenty of
light while he is working, which fact became known in Fayettville, Ark., a few da.vs before Rich was to open his engag'ement.
The result was that when Rich climbed to the top of a building, wliere hi.s trapeze
liad been set up. lie was greeted with a flood of ligtit tli.'it caused him to work with his eyes sliut. Tlie light came from a SOO.OOO-candlepower searchliglit belong¬ ing to the government, wliich representa¬
tives of the Ozark Tlieater had set up
half a mile awa.v. "But oh, boy. the light and heat from
that thing." Rich told a Billboard repre¬
sentative upon Ids arrival in Houston for an engaganient at Luna Park. "I beg.m perspiring befoiu; I started working. And
before I was thru it felt as if I had been thru a Turkish batli."
Rich has urov«d a big drawing card Luna Park and is acclaimed the most daring performer ever to be booked there.


N*. 70 GAS. Multi-Color, 7-color *s»ortmpm, droorttod l,jo and tide In wond-rfiil r«r1,ty of color*, grois....13.75
BIG SELLERS FOR JULY 4TH N». 70 GAS. Volor. Patriotic 2-iOli.r print*, gros*....13.75 No. 70 GAS. 3-,olor, red. uliit* an,l blue, groii.3.75
No. 70.GAS. S-(ulur, with {-color Hlag on whit* panel,

iviuiil-VyOlor Decorated

No. 70 GAS, Virty {-eolur Rattling Girl I'rlnt*. gro,*.. 3.50 No. 70 CAS. Gold and Silver, {-color Bird*, Kloaere,
etr.. gr..., .. ..3.75
No. 70 CAS. Panel PtUit In J color*, 4 «ltle*. gru**.... 3.75
No. 70 GAS, Tranipirent. plain, gro**.3.25 No. 70 CAS, Tranxpaienl, Ai.iinal* 2 ilde*. grnj,. 3.75
No. 120 GAS. Tran-parent, plain, gro**. 6.73 No. 60 AIR. .luvenll- Seric* Fintiraly Arrnin,| Balloon,
jtrD.v . 2.90
BALLOON STICKS. 24 Inch.35 Writ* for Ct/mplflo prlte Itit of prored good Kllert.
Raraplo outfit entire line II.(Ml. TIORMS; 2.'i% nni-t a,,npi-
p-ny order, balauic C. O. II. Shipment P. O. B. Akron.

ft uV-

It 'W/
.3 P



· '< '


i tVHI

it \%_ Tf*

S'; vJt

N't S^MJ


T. M. GREGORY RUBBER CO., 66 S. Cherry St.,;

tVspan"bh"FmTa7k."Vew`oHeans^ Advcrtise ill The BUlboard--You'll Be Satiafied With Results,

Chicago, June 4.--I-'rank Sloan man¬

ager of the RoUs. clalmt'd to be tlie fa.^t-

e.st ride in the world. Lpok care of 17,000

patrons of the ride on Decoration Dity

H. C. Humphrey, manager of the .'^keo

bowling gAitte, was another butty man on

the above date. The game has 10 alloys

and the ladles are among the best pu-


Dik- Palmer has at last found Blue-

Eyed Sally and litllo Junior, who are

Very contented In their new home at

show' No. 8. Sally is considered the

smallest of mothers.


Winnie Tansey, former character ac¬

tress of years ago. and the mother of the

Tansey Twins, now playing In vaudevlll.-

with the Jane Gordon and Boys act, is

in the park cashiers' brigade.

Sam Fein and Louis Weinberg, well-

known flower concession men. are on the


Charles Frahn manager of the chutes

big dipper and Mill on the Floss, is on

his lyth year in the park and Is busy as

a bee wdth his three big attractions.

They don't change much nt Riverview

when it comes to staying in the service

Art Clary assistant superintendent, 1.5

years witii the park, is up to his ears In

business these days.

·'Bounce" Downey, one of the electri¬

cians. is called a ''dancing fool" by his

comrades. But it doesn't keep him from

being a good electrician. Walter Riley, in

charge of the electrical equipment, has 16

men under him and has been with the

park eight vears.

Two monkeys made a getaway from

Doc Palmer's side show a few days ago.

One got all mixed up trying to run thru

puzsletown and the other w."** captured


.\mong the visitors from the show

world seen at the park lately wer,- .Mr.

and Mrs. Harry McKay. Frank Lewis.

Mrs. A1 Keene, Mabel Shaub. Mr. and

Mr.s. J. J. Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie

Hock and daughter, Eleanor, and Luellle

Belmont, parachute Jumper.

The Northwestern Balloon and Tent

Company has supplied nearly all of the

canvas used by the shows In the park

this season.

Golden City Park Opens

Canarsie, N. -Y., June 4.--The formal opening of Golden City Park took place May 30. Many changes have be<n mad,during the winter and the Ro-'^enthal Brothers, managers, are to be compli¬

mented for having completed the numer¬

ous addiions in so short a time.
A fine amphitheater, with a seating capacity of 5,000, stands In the place

formerly used for^ parking cars. This will be used for boxing bouts and other

outdoor events. Max Casey, gardener, h.as created
several new flor.al plots In the park and surrounding the bungalow colony, and

the general appearance is very pleasing. Irving Rosenthal, who has been seri¬
ously ill during the past two months,

was up and around looking after the

interests of the visitors.

The concessions nre all painted, were

well stocked and enjoyed nice business. Asher KleFnman, of the skee-ball alleys, and John Maday. at the shooting galler.v,

vied with each other for top money for

the day. Mr. and Mrs. L. Flehman, of the
Pagoda refreshment stand, had extra help to cater to the wants of their nuro.Tou.s
patrons. Charles Palash, manager of the penny
arcade, has added several new devic. s

and the arcade has been thoroly reno¬
vated. Happy Harry Hunt, of "kill the cats',

has a new front at his booth and an

Inviting concrete sidewalk add(v greatly

to the appearance. Barney Drink, motordrome king, has
some cle\A-r riders and large numbers

witnessed ths dare-devil antics In the

perpendicular wall. The frolic has been replaced by a chair-
o-plane, which, b*-lng new to Canarsie

visitors, enjoyed large patronage.
The old pony track Is now occupied by Custer cars, which promise to ht-enm-

popular Judging from the amount of busi¬ ness done todny. The coaster, carousel,

whip, funhou.se and other attractions ah

came In for a goodly share of the days

business. Kauffman Brothers at the yacht race
and ballfion racer were pav-slng out

pn-miums with clockliko regularity. Anna Stark, park secretary, rcitort-d

for duty and has rc'ojH-ned her chariiimc bungalow, "Uo8cbud'\ The Ros, iitlMl
cottage is really for ociupaney and iiv
family will move down about June |.i Chief Klectriclnn Rob Il.rmann has

the lighting plant In good running order, as was evidenced by tlu' steady biiriiliii.
of the m.vriads of lights thruout the park Upon coinplelton of his work, ('oiitract-

lug Ciirpenler .lesse Dupi>e left for haviii

Rock I'aik, New Haven, Conn,,


finl-hing touches to some uncoriipletea

nddit lon.s.



Col. R. R. Simmonds, fully ri-covi-reii

front his rcTi-nt llltu-ss. returned J"'-'

previous to the np.-ning day and l.i

th« Job as press representative.

Capitol Park nt Ilurtfortl ' "tut
opened Mav 23 with Herbert Patb- ar nmnager. New rides have been Instaiiei b'rec dancing and a free gate arc po|"Jlar. Ths bathing pool opens this w«"k I











Now Operating

Free Admission
Always Looking ' for New First-Class Concessions
"Can Place Ferris Wheel"

Now Operating

THE GLIDER Sidney Anschell Will

Build Tourist Resort



They Are Going Fast--Order While They Last

Bit retumi for tmall Inveitmeiit. WtlU te tnU Information about thla wonderful ride.

Missouri Amusement Construction Co.

1202 Stiitk siitli Street


WANTED--Conreeilona for entire w»«>n. CAN Pt..\rB three Kiclea. Sevrn-day w^. Plenty ahade. water, llxhtt. till arrea, beat In Routbem IlllnoU. RORIN* NON it ri'RLONO AM^EMENT PARK. Marlon, in.

RIVERSIDE PARK. NlteklM. Ky. FOR RENT-- hhnwi .ird Carnivals. PiiiMil.itlon S.OOO. No city tax. Four mllet from County Heat. O'knI ma la.
RICHARD rHALET. Bltrhlna. Ky

Spokane, Wash.. June 4.--Construction of a 1200.000 tourist resort north of Spokane by, S. H. AnschcII, of Chicago,

wealthy candy manufacturer and caterer to the amusement trade, has been an-

noMn< t d to the publicity tourists' bureau of this city.
The resort, situated on the Pend
Oreille river near kletaline. is an Ideal

outdoor settinK for the extensive plans
that Mr. Anscnell has in mind. Several crews of men are now puttinR In a water works and buildinx roads. Cottaces. con¬ cessions dance iMtvIllon. beach equipment

and a tourist camp will be the next

projects on the candy man's procram. AccordinK to drawings and plans snown

to the publicity bureau here the resort, still unnamed, will be the outstandin«

tourist attraction to the Spokane terri¬




Chambers of commerce of Spokane,

lone and Newport. Wash., are co-operat¬

ing in the enterprise.

Mazle liunette. Introducing her physi¬ cal-culture act. ·'SnaMy Stunts In Midnir" Is booked at iLuna Park. Coney Island. N. Y., for the entire summer. She
. opened there May 16 and concludes her
engagement September 6


air Praiaure Tank In Base.

Patentad la Canada Nor. I, 1921.

No. PalMrtad la tho V. 8. A. Mareb



Patanted In Canada Nov. *4.

Pat. No. S14.151.

Pateoted In the U. 9. A. June

l*at. No


aame day. All rlshts reserved.

Send for ratalogue for thla newest and latest patented money Baker and 2nn other wonderful apecUltlea.
NOTE--Read my display ad. la aaotber column.

M ^
jD^mV ^


(Ftraierly Natieaal Caady Fleu Maeblaa Ca.)
163 East 35th Street,

New York City



Uanufactutm of th*

ROal COASTER. Mom thrllllnA Coutm ywr
C 4'iywhtr*. Now buildlac for 1921 In
Datmlt. Boston, Loo Ania.ao tnd ·ioowhoro. doublas raaaipts of omllnAlY Coomm*.
OATERFILLAR. Wo built Tl Iur1n« IIU sod 1911. Estnod Its ooat In thno weeks, K«inyw<>od Psek. Two nt CoDay tilsnd sat ovar liO.Obb oacb In oeo ftsoots. Orostsot ibmU rids ore* pMdtieod.
lEAPUlNt. no sUodsrS vllo la notoly ovary rk. L'hasp to buy. Low otMrstlns eoM. MO · IlfaUmn 111 now sesrsilni In parks
snd Ill In poftsbla usa aH ovtr tho world.

Prinmt dollvarlM. a»a btifstiw la askd msOhiBM. JA22 ft. ft 1%t latsM asrsity. FimbIsm r1 (a ·var built. Ttia cllmaz at IS yasra rlda bulldInt. Raa U la eparsUmt ·* Caoloty. TUMBLt DUO. Not pMtaMa. bwl mm bos^ad. CIrcuUr rido. with bir cwsMar tbrVIs Usda a tplwtdld romrd la alibi psrbs la IMt. Msay ordMo bolnc booksil for I91S.
MERRY dUMd. Rullt of ataol. BiMIy ellllv<l. looda
wskoa. te built la titi. Ordiv aow
Besver Falk, Penns., U. S. A.

Growrd $10,760.75 at six fait datci. Poctabir 2 and 3-Abrcatt Caroasellri, 44 30 ft. and 60*fi. Special Park CaroaacIlM. Writ* for Cotn/op.
North Tonawanda, N. Y.



» Over Fifty Years of Exclusive

Carrousell Building tSiumiiiMd HIT)



lla* atnod thr tput of timi' A

nioiii'E maker. Mplendid altrartloa for PARKS or

I'AUMVAIJ*. We have ablpp*d thla poimlar Ride to every civUlaed country In tbe world.

III Ultra ted Booklet Vreo.


Coney Island, N. Y.

Maafeaniaally nad Artlallaally farfaA
___ M4I earmaatown A««., PkiladalyRIi,»»
Is Your Subscription to The Billboard About To Expire?



The Billboard

June 13, 1925

YOU CAN USE GAS. COAL OR ELECTRICITY Big Profits at Parks, Beaches, Fairs and Resorts
Hundreds of Rotisserics being successfully operated in Amusement Centers thruout the country Fifteen models to choose from. All beautifully finished, sanitary and efficient. Write for fllustrated Catalog of Rotisserics and Wizard Waffle Stoves.
28 Sullivan Street, New York City

Salt Lake City Has New Amusement Park

Salt Lake City, June 4.--Pleasure Park,

Salt Lake's newest pleasure rendezvous,

opened its doors officially to the public

May 30. C. A. Ilarttnan, formerly of

Florida, and a promoter of theaters and

amusement park.s is dnancing the propo¬


Old Bonneville Park, formerly the Salt

Palace, lii.storically situated on a beauti¬

ful 10-acre i)lot of wocjded ground eight

blocks trom Main street, is being utilized

tor the new park. The ball grounds are

also situated next door, as well as

Cinderella Gardens, a large dance hall.

The entrance has been elaborately

decorated and Is of Gothic style, with

brilliant lighting effects. An outdoor

theater seating 3,200 pef>ple has been

built and will be utilized for moving pic¬

tures. A beautiful outdoor maple-floor

dancing pavilion is an added feature., with

a ei>eeial orchestra, called Pleasure


furnishing music. park management



appeal first for famdy trade and try to

make this park take Saltair's place for

the summer.

"Tuck" Tucker is exploitation manager.

One of his ideas is to use 10 blonde?

and 10 brunets for ushers.

Savin Rock Entertains Record-Breaking Crowds

West Haven, Conn., June 4.--All at¬

tendance records at Savin Rock were

shattered Decoration Day and Sunday.

With perfect weather conditions Savin

Rock's transformation was complete.

Thousands of dollars have been spent in

Improvements and in new rides, games

and shows, and even the annuiil visitor

was surprised at the complete cliange

that has taken pla<'e. Fred G'-rner's

New York Hippodrome and St. Moritz

ice-skating stars, numbering 14 people,

made tlie holiday ojM'nmg on Liberty Pier

a great sneeess. and wliile the grind was

new into


of the ice. they entered the oeeasion and made

balivs with I apparent enjoyment. The

helldiver coaster came in for a big play,

as did the thunderbolt, the newest ride

on the shore. Innuniera'ble pit shows,

side shows and rides were scattered over

the pier and grounds and all report

excellent busine.ss. IJoseland's Ballroom


records healthy

on Decoration patronage on

Day and Sunday.

There were no accidents to mar the happi¬

ness of the pleasure seekers and everyone

interested in the development of the

greater Savin Ro<'k predicts tlio biggest

season in its history.

Sunday Dancing Up to People

Sav.innah. Ga.. June 4.--Sunday danc¬ ing, introduced by Durden and Powers at tiifir Tybee Hearh Pavilion on Sunday, May `21. brougiit a prote.^t from the Savannah Mini.sters' .Vssociatlon, which has n sulli'd in a i-oiitroversy ' as to the J-gality of Sunday dancing on Tybee LT-^land a.-= w- II a.-;' olln r resorts In the Inunty. The mayor and al-lermen have decided to sulimit the question to the property owners on Tyl'< e island thru a refcrendnin. wlucti will determine the actii>n of the city cotinc il as to lioth danc¬ ing and motion pictures. The Ontral of f'eorgia Railroad. wliii-ii owns and f.peraics the Tyl)^i^ia )':iviliou and a nuniber of concession.---. lias asked the T>bep town council for a derision as to the legality of moving pictures at their pavilion on Sundays.
Invents New Dlsbcr

St. Louis. Mo., June 4.--The Rainbow
Sandwich Company of St. Louis, manu¬ facturers of i*e cream cones and ice cream sandwiches, the latter of which have especially been going over so strong at parks, beaches, carnivals, fairs and <-elebratlons, have Invented a new disher
for the convenience of concessionaires, called "The Jiffy". This new patented practical automatic Ice cream cutter cuts even slicees from bulk Ice cream and l.s said to be a wonderful time saver as well as money saver for ice cream men.
The Rainbow Sandwiches had a plienomenal success last year, and 1925 olds fair to far surpas.® last year's sales.
S. R. Stein, president of the Rainbow Sandwich Company. Is at present going thru the country und astablishing dis¬ tributer*.

ELECTRIC--$25.00 an Hour--ELECTRIC





3-unit Combination shown has HOT-
dog, sugar waffle and EGG

The S. G. S. G)., 2618 ^Iroit A?e^


for circular and payment plan. ^ Some Good Territory Open lor Real live S^ksmen

From Coast to Coast. A Mechanical and Financial Success. "No Park Complete Without a Skootcr Ride.'*


Guaranteed by the Manufacturer*.

Write for New 1925 Booklet,

LUSSE BROS., 2803-05-07-09 N. Fairhill St.. Philadclphia.Pa.

Chiquita a Feature at
Granada Park, Detroit
Detroit, June 6.--Kelly & Russell, man¬ agers of the Circus Side Show at Granada Park, have a novel attraction In Chiquita, the doll lady, formerly of the Frank C. Bostock Show and featured by Mr. Bostock at the Pan-American Exposition In Buffalo, N. Y. Other att^actlo^^< Include ITof. Hlnkley, mentallst; Merrill, IronJaw man; ITof. Berger, tattooed marvel; Hennella, magician; an electric chair demonstration; Ton Cel Debroh, the mystery girl; Bob and Mrs. Ross, glass blowers; Chief Wag Way, South African; Ima Flame, "human volcano"; Mac Mc¬ Kinley in London l*unch and Judy, and Tom and Rose Glenn and a line Buddha outfit
The staff this season comprises Kelly and Ruenell, owners and managers, offer¬ ing Ma.ster Arthur Bentler Kelly, the boy orator; F. M. (Tussle) Ru.osell, tickets: Mrs. J. J. Kelly, secretary-treas¬ urer. Mr. Kelly presents the attractions and does inside lecturing.
Saltair Offer Rejected
Salt Lake City. June 4.--Salt Lake City officially rejected today the offer of the Church of Jesus Chri.'X of Latter-Day Saints to turn over to the city Saltair Beach, Utah's famous resort, recently partly destroyed by fire.
The resort was offered to the city on condition the city take over 1267.000 In bonds out.standlng on the Salt Lake. Gar¬ field & Western railroad, which was In¬ cluded In the gift.
The resort and railroad had been care¬ fully appraised, estimates placing walue of the resort at 990,000 exclusive of real property and the railroad at 9633,509.

Daffin Park




savannah. Ga.. June 5.--Daffin Park rapidly developing Into the favorite
location for outdoor events under the

ES^HAVt"BEEN*As'KiN0*us%'*MAgV5 *"sP*`'*'*. ot local Organization.-*. The

i-tt end of · Ford. 8LU. POPCORN ANT-



Kollow the rro»df to the Balt Ptrk. Cirrm.

·Ir. CirniTii -- wtwrerw pwpU ftthor fo»


Pnp35t 0t*iMi PBRuOrrFhITWiOyNlaEtVeEaiRoYainScAaLnEd. ··It, I a rioted krttie. Writ* for Sarclil ORorlat ta ShtwaMs.
BIJRCH IVIF'G. CO., Iiac. *32 Wyasdtna SL, KANSAS CITY. MO.

^colIc this Week--June 1 to 6. The swimming pool, concessions, dance paVillon and other amusement features are being operated by the Kagles on a sharing
I*®"'" tor the week.
onoouunntceedd''ffoorr July 2, 3 and 4 has been changed to July 16. 17 and 18 and a part of the exercises and spr-clal events will be held at tbs Daffin Park pool.
Melville Returns to States

"Cretors" World'* Best

Com Poppers and Peanut Roasters

£iLI I M

War* To Make Monty

Styiti To Sticct From

Year* tht Leader.

A Price for Every Purse.

A Style for Every Location.

C. CRETORS & CO., 620 W. 22d St., Chicago.

Now oper»tln* la A-1 P«rk*. CATEni'II-PARS. SEAPI,.ANKS. Ct'sn';R cArr AND TUMBLEBUO KIIIKH. LONll LKAHEH.
R. E. HANEY AMUSEMENT COMPANY, 2402 Ea9t 71th St, Kinui City, Mo.

New York, June 4.--Marvelous Melville, aerlalist, returned to New York June 8 after an absence of eight months, all of which was spent In South and Central America exhibiting at parks and expo¬ sitions. Melville returned to fill dates contracted by his agent last season.
Dalton Bros., "Dare Devils on Wheels", appeared at Chester Park. Cincinnati, O.. recently and were well received. They expect to receive a coast routs soon.



WANTED--For Amiitement P»rk nov under eoiutrut-tlaa it Klreitor, IlltnoU..

129.000 T* Oriw fnm.

Open* July 4 ollh bl* Clrle CeIcbnUon.


OMAR SAMI. Mtiu|(r,

StTMtir. III.

Keansburg, N. J

will take in $1.00 a minute if properly located. Wc haTc in stock 36 combinations of our merchandise whecla to select from. We also paint wheels to order. Automiti: Fishpond Co., Office, 2« langdon St, Toledo, 0.

Frankfurter Stand, Rritanraat and R*frrihnirnt Stand. Apply J. L, SCULTHORP, Mgr., New Poiat Comfort Beach Co., Krantbarg, N. J.



June 13, 1925

The Billboard

WANTED Shows, Rides, Gaines and Concessions $



The Best Money-Making Park and Bathing Beach on the Atlantic Coast


10,000,000 People To Draw From--Advertised Like a Circus

Direct Steamboat Line to Our Own Pier From Battery, 129tb St. and 42d St., New York. Railroads and State Automobile ^ Highway Right to Park

Nothing Like It Ever Offered Showmen. Ridemen and




Everything Exclusive--Your Own Best Proposition Will Be Accepted. So Write, Wire or Call Today. First Come--First ServecL



Addrwt* All CommunIcattofM T, A. JOHNNY MACK Managing Olraetor


Atiantle Highlands, N.J.

$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


Park Paragraphs

1--Elertrle Floss Marhlne, $M0 (Pat. June 1. IMS). I--Hand Power. Il'd) (Pat March Jl. lOM). 3--

Eleetrlc Orange Julre Extrartor, $43; Hand, $1S. 4--Donut Maehlne. tlO up. ,3--Eleetrlc Drlt.k

Mlxert. $4 95 up. 0--Orange Dispenser, $10. T--Wee-tube Radio, $30. 8--15-ln. Walking. Talking

Mt-Ma Dolli. $0 Doien. 0--Waffle Rtose, 13 Wsfflet. $25.00. Also lYankfuTter GrIddlae. Boilers. Wafel-

(togf. Potato Friers. Kafeterlas. FouMalns. Vegetable and Fruit Parert, Slleeri. Peanut Roasters, lee Cream

Goods. Vending MirblnM, Camp Outatt, Donut Kettles, Fruit Powders. Colors, Flaeors, Cash Registers.

Electric Fens, Heaters, Irons, Vlbratort, Alrubber Mattress, Pillows and Swimming Floats, COrk Ouns.

For Premiums: Pbonographs. Moelet, Neolle Threaders. 200 others. Spaelal--ElertrU Vacuum Cleaners,


NATIONAL SPECIALTY MF6. CO.. I$3 East 35th Street New Yerk City.


for MerryGo-Rounds and Skating Rinks

Crlli4« and Paper Roll Organs transformad into Cardboeid bctlon srttb Oemmn Keylaee System. Card* beard Maale for Kay and Kryleu Organa. Wt haee a number of Key OaeloU Organa, newly reboUt srttb Kryleea SysteoL Ttalng and Repairing In all tta branebag.

B. A. B. ORGAN CO., 340 Water St.,

New York

A good lecatke la na good without a good game. We offer you the beet ineaiy*maktng OasM on the market.
THE BOMBER A Recerd Breefcer Deer Dceeratlen Day. It'l faster thsn a wheel, has ten times the aitrartlotu and rrarks both wiya.
CHESTER POllARD AMUSEMENT CO., 1416 Broadway, New York

Wanted ~ Good Small Band
For park engagement. Make ulary Tight. Open June 1$. FOR BALE--RalleoB Racer, 1$ Sgnree, gnnd ta new, rath only; will urrlflee. WILL Bl'T good aeroiid hand ftrtctly Skill Gameg. Addresa R H. NTfc. Manager Rlrerton Park, Portland, Maine.


A company with a capitalization of $3,000,000 liaa bt*-n formed at Windsor, Can. for the purpose of establishing an amusement resort.
John C. Lemoine writes that he has btiught a Spillman merry*go-round and is operating it. with his ferris wbeeL at Lake Grove Park, Auburn, Me.
The special excursion rate granted by the Central of Georgia I^ilroad la ex¬ pected to greatly increase attendance at Tybee Beach, Savannah. Ga.
J. W. PurseU owner of the Exmoor pony. Peter Pan. closed his indoor circus season at Lincoln. Ill., and opens his park and fair season June 21 for C. ''' lllrod at River Gardens. KL Wayne. Ind.
Among the parks which officially opened Decoration Day were Erie Beach. Buffalo. N. Y.: Conneaut Lake Park. Conneuut Lake Park. Pa.; Idora Park, Youngstown, O., and Crystal Beach, Buffalo. At Idora Park the opening free act was the Fearless Greggs.
"Old Deerfield", big summer resort at Manistique, Mich., is to undergo exten¬ sive development. Bathing beaches and pools, playgrounds, etc., are to be estab¬ lished. Charles Frederick.son and Herbert Calvert, of Rockford. Ill., are backing the development.
D. S. Humphrey, noted park man. presi¬ dent of the Humphrey Company. Cleve¬ land. O.. and owner and operator of Euclid Beach Park and the Elysium, Cleveland, has been elected president of the Ohio Good Roads Federation for the fourth time. Mr. Humphrey has done
(ConfOittcd on page 109)

Ibittrlla th* whole field on guy ground. Cio't mak* them fait enough. IsipuUent buyerg at the itaiid sO day--eyery day.
Make U u you tell U. CoaU Se, gtlU for lOe.
500% PROFIT!!

Marinette, Wis., Wants

For the 41b and .3th of July R1DK8. CONCKS8IONB and KRKB ACTS of all kindt. Hare new

Rjlktlng for t<h(>.>ll0f Gallery iml Ar, ede. ALSO 4 big days and nightt. Auguat 19 to i3d. tnCPOM*


FAIR. Want to hear from Wild Wert and Rldea. Ad^sa til rommunteatlone

Khow with stork. Also Vree ArU. Open for all to WM. HASENFl'H. Bay Khora Park, klarlnelte,



V.'iih Aatrctiff, Chiifid and all Equipment. A Snap for Sf>000.00 Cash. Address

FRANK J. SCMAUFLLR. Lakeside Park.



Daytoo. Ohio


PEORIA. ILLINOIS Two more Rides. Few Confessions s.ill opfi. Midway Shows.
S. C. OILIER. Mgr.. P. O. Bo* 357.



romptet tod

1 unitary. Doss th»

work of two oe*

· dinar? marhtnrs.

Kettio holds 14 H-

th. urks. Road

what uuri uy. R«o

J all models with

^ eirlusleo patented

B) fraturoo.

WJ Writs lor Catalot.

Oot a Krupr

now for BIO

PROFITS. IT 00 w^nb

of raw Pnprorn. kettle-

poTped the Krtspy war.

sella for $10.00. No ot>ier

huttnett pays forh prof*

Its. Writs for prices

and easy terms. KRISPV

MACHINE CO.. Crounte

Bias.. Omaha. Neb.

We alee yon fr,ime>'ork. heaey raneaa tank, front net. three dozen ballt. (tujr ropet and strone rairr^nt; box. with full dt'ertlooa.


Immediate ahlpments to any frelaht or eipre<< station In L'. r<. Stnd $V) l.poalt, bal* aore C. O. I>.

S30 N. Western Aeenue,

Chitago. III.



IlSO East Duval Street,

Germantown, Philaddphia, Pa.


iiuukiRiiink u uiniiii

Established 1004.

Pleasantville, N. J. Manufaiturtrt of SmiTe-
nlr Kurot Leather Go. il».

liMllan Mon aalns. K K Y

r \si;s. and other Noe*

elilia for Winter and ·ri 1^ T T Kuinmer Resorti.

Se* Top of R. H.

No Catalogs.

r HiLlA Ss. "

12 East IZthStreet

I New York City

Cad ibtr oorraopoadsmo to odvortlaarb Tha BlUbavd.


Together With Their Musical Features Grand-Stand Acts, Midway Shows
and Concessions





(Cormtiunicationt to 25-27 Optra Place, Cincinnati, O.)

PULL up a chair, light the pipe, put your feet on the old base iMirner and we'll look the book over. There is


some question as to the time of organiza¬

tion, but here's a book, the proceedings of

the International^ Assoc' ition of Fairs

and' Expositions held at Indianapolis.

February .I and 4, ISRG, titled The Third Annual ^^erting. In an address deliv>red

By Don V^. Moore

at the 1916 meeting Uresident Mellor gives a different version of the organizji-

(Secretary, Interstate Fait, Sionx City. la.)

tion. None of us at this date can rec¬

ognize any of the names of tho.se in at¬

tendance. There were 15 members. Of

the 15, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa and Nt-w speecli. Some of the names that a few falrdom--Iowa. Minnesota. South Dakota


York State Fairs are still in existence of the "bovs" will recognize are George and Sioux City. Did giMjd to raise the

iviu Meeting

and members in 1925. We'll have to pa-^^s Madden, ('harley Downing. .1. W. New- dues--1490.59 in the strong box. Of- fXlHE 1910 meeting was held at the
up intervening years up to 1907, as care- man, W. U. Mellor. T. J. Wormill, Nick ficers elected: T. J. Wornall. pre.-^ident; I Auditorium and called to order at 10

ful and persistent search failed to reveal Gentry, C. M. Griggs. W. S. Hill and U. T. L. (Zalvert, vice-president; secretary * o'clock in the morning. The pro-

any printed proceedings from '86 to '07. N. t'osgrove. There were 21 nu-mbers as aud treasuriT re-elei ted. Mr. Eaton ceedlngs coven-d 160 tMgeit. N« u nu-m-

Possibly Charley Downing of Indiana, follows: 'Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, In- nominated his successor. The oilur da.v hers: Colorado State Fair, Insular Fair,

who was secretary for many years, might diana, Mi* higan, Nel)ra^ka. New York, I a.eked him how it haiiia-iied. He siiid San Juan, Porto Rico, and We.sterii Stock

have had a complete file, but since hi!« Wist'onsin, Tennessee. .Montana. South that the year before he and John Simp- Show, Demvi-r. New faces! J. L. Beaman,

death none has been found. Some time Dakota, Ohio, Kentucky and Missouri .son, belonging to the sanu- iKilitieal party, 11 L. I'lke. ,1. L. Dent. L. N. Brueggerhof.

after 188G the name was changed to the State Fairs; the American Koyal; In- had framed that John wa.s to nominate W. W. SIvrIght, E. W. Randall, E. J.

Amerlcan Association of Fairs and Ex- `erstate, Sioux City ; lnter^·tate, St. Joseph ; Mr. Wornall, but when John got up to do Stllwell. Frank Fuller, E. J. Kie.st and

positions, which held until 1920, when it Interstate Sjiokane; Kan.sas Central Fair, it, he double-crossed him and renominated Frank E. Milliard. Frank repres«-nting the

was changed to the International and Hutchinson ; Kansas ICxposition, Topeka, Mr. Eaton instead. Mr. Eaton said he Mont.'ina State Fair. Guests; Magnus

American Association and a couple of and Tri-State, Memphis. The orticers had to nominate Wornall to be sure of it. Flaws, H. S. Noyes, R. J. Klnr.er, C. H.

T years later to the International Associa- were; F. L. Eaton, president; T. J.

tlon of Fairs and Expositions.

Wornall, vice-president; George H. Mad-


loov \r ·

treasurer; Charles Downing, secre-

Llb« ratl and .\. F. Thaviu. In

1909 Mffting

the report of the trans|iortation commit-

HE 1909 proceedings consumed 91

attention wa.s called to what looked

T 1907 Mtfting

tary. These ortlcer.s served for one year

he next picture is dated 1907 and of and were re-elected. Total receipts from

pages. The meeting was held in the

concerted action on the part of the

evening at the Auditorium Hotel, railroads to cut out all reduced rates for

alt the "boys" of that date just five dues were |130.

Governor Eberhardt of Minnest>ta was

testify that there has been

are still with us and actively con-


the speaker of the evening and on ac- fight on ever since to convince the rail-

nected with our business--F. L, Eaton,

1908 Meeting

count of a double date he wa.s allowed to foafls that we are their friends. On ac-

Sioux City, la.; C. E. Cameron, Alta, rr^HE 1908 meeting was_ h_ eld in t_ he talk before the banquet. He gave the

J"* president having appointed

la.; John Simpson, Chicago; J. W. Russwurm, Nashville, and A. L. Sponster,


Auditorium. Z

new m _e* mbers

were admitted--Colorad'o Int` erstate

u._ sspueaalkerupolinft

"dope" record,

and was the first outside of fafrmen

E. Skinner, manager of the Intemational Live Stock Show, and not a mem-

Hutchinson, Kan. Right now let's nominate Fair, Louisiana State Fair, Oklahoma th' emselves-, who gave credit to fairs as

chairman of the committee on

them for the "Old-Timers' Association'', State Fair, Oregon State Fair, North- l^ing great educational institutions. His rules and classification, no rejKirt was re¬

because they are truly veterans. The western Live-Stock Show, Texas State remarks were received with gr-at ap- <^cived from that committee. Minnesota

meeting that year was held in the Audi- Fair and Utah State Fair. Here's some plause. Gtwernor Warren, of Michigan,

very much concerned over ma-

torium Hotel, Chicago, and must have new faces: W. H. Weeks, J. C. Dickirson, was also present and gave a short talk, chlnery «rthibltors obj^-tlng toigiy for

been called to order about 7 '^ells", as Charles F. Curtis, Edward B. Cosgrove Profes.--or Curti.s of Iowa opened the space and admission tickets. This year

the president at that time, Mr. Eaton, remarked that their first hour with 104 people around the banquet beard was most pleasant. They must have adJournea late, because the proceedings ran up tb 67 pages of printed matter. The principal ousiness was the selling of /dates. Two Committees reported, one on program and the other on entertainment, When t,he committee on dates was appointed and retired it took about half the membership out of the room, but business went on Just the same. Mr. Ruwwurm proposed the name of the TriState Fair of Memphis for membership, The representative was not in the room and "Russ" could not remember his name but vouched for him -end put up the money, so Memphis .wras elected. ''Russ"

J. J. Furlong, George Atchison. John T. Stinson, I. S. Mahan and Horace S. Ensign. Dick Mahan came in with the Oklahoma Stae Fair and Ensign with, tlie Utah State Fair. No representative from Texas. -R. M. Williams represented Memphis. The pr<>ceedings covered 62 pages. Some of the subjects discussed were transportation, classification and amusements, with many pages given over to discussing tlte question, "Are the Great State Fairs IToceeding Along the Right lanes?" A Cf'mmittee was appointed to be known as the Grievance Committee, to report on all cases of expulsion of exhlbits for bad conduct. They must have been a tough bunch in the old days. The committee on uniform entry blanks reported that the Indiana State Fair used

progr_ am with a. p_ap_er e_ ntitled T_ he Ilorar Show at State Faint. T-- he big b. usiness was the report of the committee on rules and classification. Here are a few of its recommendations; That the annual meeting be held during the last week in October. On vote its was beaten badly, offered a rule that all fairs open Monday and close Friday night in order to allow stock to move to the following fair, Ix>st. To charge exhibitors of live stiK-k and machinery admission to gates by use of a $2 book, allowing one admi.ssion each day. This was adopted after a heated di.scu.ssion. A motion to a<lopt a rule requiring a .stall fee from hor.se.« other than speed, not less than $2 nor more than $4; cattle f2 each and sht-.p and swine $1, was carried. Moved thaf "

*ig»rked the Ix'ginning of the cleaning up of bogus subscription agents. Thirty-one agricultural papers si-nt in a petition ask¬ ing for rigulatlons tluit would be satis¬ factory to all concerned. After 12 pages of discussion the matter was finally re¬ ferred to th* executive committee, which later reported a recommendation "that no passes be issu<'d to them or any other newspaper for subscription solicitors, and that the repret-entatlves or solicitors be p«`rmitt< d to occupy some de.signated place upon the grounds of the various State fairs, .such space to be free or charged for as is the custom of the re¬ spective fairs." Simpson and Sponsler were two of the meml^rs of the commit¬ tee. An amendment was offered barring the giving of premiuma, but after a

also moved that the dues be raised from an ideal blank and asked for it.s general tracts he uniform and

[i.s a

discussion as to the rights of a

· 10 to $25, as the president had stated adoption. The same motion has b<-en model that now used the dues must be rai.sed or each one ma<ie ever since with a different fair put and carried. A mol


under its own niles, it was

1 all withdrawn and the recommendation

would have to pay for his own banquet natm d. The committee on classification newspapers to operate oi

mace ndopted. Mr. Simpson read a paper, en-

ticket. Here's a good one. The president asked that a uniform system of pen and was bitterly contestod

[ 21 titled, State Fair I'ublicitg. It makes

later on called on ''Ru.s.s" for a talk on stall rent be adopted. Moved that sp* ed to 19. A motion to lim

it of

reaillng in 1925. The coin-system

amusements. "Russ" declined, saying departments Issue passes for owners and money offered for pur."

icing turn.stile came up for the first time. A

whatever he was, he was no orator, drivers to unreserved portions of the department \\as laid or

The P``Pvr. I'rrmita and FriniJeffca, by George

Charley Cameron talked on reduced rail- grandstand. (Very bad) Moverl that debate on the live stock

A. Anthony, Kew-anee, Ill., was read,

road rates. John Simpson talked on championship prizes for both fetnale and tion of the re|*ort consum

ages Banquet at 6 ;9n. Bnieggerhoff mad.- a

amusements and gave Minnesota credit male be offered for horse, sheep and New member; West Mir


pp /inthuHioem. Ther»* were many

for being the pioneer in putting on vaude- swine. Sioux City dropped back a week New facee; I. Newt. Hrri

Pjfy' Impromptu sjioeche.s, and Hiis.swurn made

ville (John wa.s with the Iowa State in order not to conflict with South .loe Morton, Frank W


P* PP orator with a 14-line speech,


Dakota and Nashville. This watA evi<hnt- Crickmore, .lohn 'r. Stir


Uamerore-was |lected president. Mr.

The president did not deliver a set ly the formation of the "Big Four" in ing, W. E. Skinner, C.

' and

(Continued on page 86)

Truly Veterans of the Fair World





Nominated foe the "Otdiimert' Aetociation". J. W. Rueuc'urm thould haitt been imlad d in ihit gtinip, hat ue had no photogtaph of him, nor did a requeet to him bring one.

June 13, 1925

The Billboard

HENRY W.IVES & COMPANY, 7S Feltoi St, Hew York Cily


- i;3 Abilene automobile races, together with the .sneediest dirt track In Texas and



most glamorous names of race hirtory

marked on the Independence Day pro-


nM *T




gram, with a session of real thrills for

M:i0nificent Plant Is Bcine Built Up and Educational rcatures speed enthusiasts. Time triai.s are


fDneveIlo_pejd--Grand Circuit DRaces T TU hiIs. 'YVeaatrr

scheduled for the preceding day and the contest will be swift and snappy. A

"dustless track" is again as.sured the

contestants and fans.

Another attraction to Abilene for th**

Indianapolis. June 6.--The Indiana the managements expects the best fair pourth of July celebration la the Bathing

State Kalr. to be held Hepeinber 7-12. in the State s history.

(lirl Re\'ue which is to be staged at L>'tle

inclusive, is being planned on a larger

Biirker is tvcretary^reasurer of gj-ach. Abilene's pleasure lake, following

.""va.le than eve_r wb*..*#f.--ore... T'PHhe.. IInnidliiuainiiai tthhee ffaaiirr tthhiiss yvecaarr annnidl uutpKoinn hhiias sshhoouullddeerrss .... rac_ es. Elabo_ra_te plans are being

Board of Agrli ulturo has ai>prupriated falls the `heavy work of arranging the ^ade for a distinctive show, with at-

a total of $130,000 in prlxes, I'r $24,000 Increase over last year's fair. This

progrsun and seeing that it carried out. This wo^k he is


tractive prizes offered the beauties, and possible selection of "Miss Abilene" to

amount la distributed thruout the various satisfactorily. L.ln \\ llson is pre.sident of

Atlantic City festival. Bath houses

departmi tits of the fair and should create the mir board and R. C. Jenkins vice-

being moved back to make room for

A renewed interest in exhibits in every president.

the promenade and the huge crowds


... w .

More than $600,000 was expended in T||l,, A

1924 in the way of new buildings and vJUiy "

aU,lp|s« iaUllCllC

expected to witness the revne.

improvements, which means that visitors can ssf a large part of this year's ex¬

Will Be Gala Day

Under Way for No.

hibit without ever going out into the rain, should there be rain, because of the fact that many of the principal build¬ imngns are connected bhy arccaaudcesa.

Abilene, Tex., June 4.--With the award* ing of the contract for a new )25,000 ex*

Missouri District Fair
Bethany, Mo.. June 4.--Plans for the

l^st year a new Dullding was erected

building at the fair park, the West 1995 North Missouri District Fair are

for the uste of Ihirdue University exhibits. Texas ^ AJ^ocl^lon is setting in roo* jjqw well under way. Making the first

A building also Is provided for Indian^

^ $40,000 improvement pro^am (lays of the fair free to children under

Unlvcrrlty exhibit. These, of course, are looking ^**^*^**,714, vocational agriculture class contests,

strictly educational features and with the

the AU*^e.st Texas exhibition in

enlarged midway and increasing the

girls* school in home economics held In the fall, and for the annual speed classic tadius of advertising were some of the sub*

the woman's building, the boys' camp 2,^" Texas, the Fourth of July races, jects taken up at a recent meeting of

buildings where ail hoyB interested in the The fair Improvement program includes


various kinds of club work are housed remodeling of the textile and agricultural ^ special effort will be made to secure

and the better babies* building w'here buildings, new automobile entrance con* ^ large attendance of school children,

dally examinations by the State Health etruction and the installation of turn- xickets will be printed "and distributed

Board's hygiene department is conducted, stiles l^rajre for the crowds.

thruout the county. An excellent amuse*

m.aike the Indiana State Fair one oolf* real For the July 4 events, whnilchn draw each ypent program is being arranged,

educational value to those who attend.

yeeaarr^_^^eesstt^ Texxaass*' largeis't holiday asa*-

As In I'ast years, ample entertainment eomblies, the enlargement features ad-

is provided for everyone. The Indiana dltlonal grand-st:.nd room for more than State Fair has secured the Grand Clr- 2,000 people, 'The Independence Day

New Boildings Voted

cult races this year, which insures by races are held under ranction of the A. A.

far the bfi.st racing propram that has A., the Abilene meet being one of the outJ Staunton. Va.. June 4.--The Staunton-

ever been seen at Indlanapolia The standing automobile gatherings of the Augusta Fair Association contemplates

early clortng races, which closed May 1, have a total entry of 318 horses from 18 States. The smallest entry in any one race Is 18 in the 8:04 trot, and the
lanest Is 68 In the two-year-old trot. Besides the races the management has

entire State. . TIbhis year there will be special feature handicap events and the purses of $4,000 ars the llaartgeesstt yet offered on the Abilene course. Fair associgtion offlcials stated
that the increasing , popularity of the

the construction of an exhibition building 60 by 150 feet, a 50-foot addition to the grand stand and a ladles' restroom be¬ fore the opening of this year's fair and
has requested the city council to renew
the lease on the grounds.

provided much the best light harness and

saddle clai'ses ever arranged for the fair.

Including five $|00 stakes and one $1,000



On Friday afternoon and night of fair week Harry Bnodgrass, known as '`king
of the Ivories", will appear In the Coli¬ seum. lie is expected to prove a big drawing card. Various other entertain¬

Who Wants Me ?

ment features of merit will be presented.

With the increased premiums, the many conveniences In the way of new buildings,


the big r.noe program, the night horse ·show, Harry Snodgrass and other speeial futures. In addition to the regular

Jnly 26, Aigvst 2. October 4, Octobet II. Only font wceki open ont of tcMon o# 24 weeks--''Tbcre Most be a Reason".

educational exhibits and demonstrations.


Rain Insurance
Wherever you are there's a Hartford agent and Hartford
Hartford Fire Insurance Co.
Writ$ f$f hftrtuttUm
'Btutrtihu tradtmtrk u ets yssr psAty
Appllratl.m and Au-rk 7 days befors ersnt. Pufells Liability sn All Rides fsr 1929 Seassa.
Rsafcery Bldf. (HartfSrd SarslM), CHICAflO. ILL.

Iowa Fair Managers Hold Spring Meeting

Ames. la.. June 4.--Members of the

Iowa, Kalr Managers' Association met

bere recently to consider plans for their

1925 fairs and to gather Information con¬

cerning nvBlluble help. K. M. Williams,

of Manchester, eecretarv of the associa¬

tion. was In charge of the meeting, which

opened with a talk by It. K. Bliss, direc¬

tor of fha extension service of the Iowa

·^late College. This was follow*'d by a

talk by P. C. Taff, State club leader


"ho stated that on the average

190 boys and girls per county were en¬

rolled last year in club work. The

Junior work which every fair should

recopilse. In Mr. TafTs opinion, includes

exhibits of their products, judging con¬

tests for the members and cunteats for

club demonstration teams.

IF H. Klldee, bend of the animal

husbandry department and vice-dean of

agriculture at Iowa State College, sjioko

'll! iiulforin live-stock clas.sificatlons.

Other sprakcra on the program Included

·losephlne Arni|iitst, State girls' chih

Je.Tder and l'. A'. Holsinger, extension

specialist In horticulture. Following the

Np<'aklng program the visitors were taken

for an ins|>ection of the college dairy.

Hgr«>n(imy and animal hiisttandry farms.

The final meeting wa" held at the Shel-

non-Mttnn Hotel to cpnsider special prob¬

lems confronting marabera or the aaso-

"Tbc Rnbe of All Rnbea" My Misoa epees Joec 16 at Betttacaa. N. D.. and closes at Beaumonc. Tex.. November 22. Eecty date a rctara cagagement. Addresa. 736 State-Lake Theater Bldg.. Chicago. Illinois.

Free Attractions Wanted
The Sweetwater Fair
SEPTEMBER 15. If. 17. It. "Baat and Most" for stMUt $310.00 to $100.90.

With More "Pep" Than Ever
The most ap-to-datc cstslog has been printed in four colors snd is now resdy. listing Supreme Assortments for sny kind of night and daylight Fireworks for Parks. Fairs. Picnics, Fonrtb of July and Outdoor Celebrations.
We specialize in Fourth of July Programs and are now ready for contracts.
Buy Your Fireworks From Manafaemrers. Write. Wire or Call

130 West 42d St.. New Verb.
It OBEENWU.LK. MICHIGAN. KHEK FAIR (No g.lri, August IS, 19, 20. 21. Tslcnt for Frir. Acts, t'l.nrrutar-. Csrnlrsl Rliuwt. Flrewurka. etc. Ansewr uuli-k. Tell U all In dret leurr. No time la dicker, .\ddirse BKHT SILVER. Prre.. `The OrMnsllle FeIlowsht|> Club, Grrcnfllle, Mirhitan.


x x xr Sm t<o>

Factory aad Homo Oific*. Doimllo, IHinoU It ysM aan R Is Us i

R. H.


The Billboard

une 13, 1925

The Old Family Album

guests were "Bill" Rice and C. M Marsh

{Continued from page 84)
Woman followed the precedent established by Mr. Katon the year before, made the nomination, statins It waa the only way to esoaije a rcnomlnatlon. R. A. Pearson of New York was elected vice-president; secretary and treasurer re-elected. J843.74 in the treasury. ("Atta boy.")

You Need Tickets
of the best quality

Yt\a Need Service
that is prompt and accurate

Many gtK>d puix-rs on the program Fatertainment and Its Economic Relation to a Big State Fair and Exposition caPeti forth a series of five papers from as many secretaries from dilTerent parts of the country. The papers make good reading
In 1925. 314 pages of proceedings $1,474,27 In the treasury. Membershin
fee raised to $35. All officers re-elected.

T 1911 Meeting he 1911 meeting was held December 4 and r> at the Auditorium Hotel. New
members : California Agricultural So¬ ciety ; Inter.state Fair, Trenton, N. .1.; Muskogee (Ok.) Fair and Vermont State Fair. New faces in the album: E. J. Cur¬ tin, F. E. Sheldon, A. R. Corey and W. W. Morrow, all of Iowa; M. R. Margerum, Chas. P. Craig, Arthttr T. Nelson, `Hi" Myers (blesw hl.s heart), A. P. Sandies.
John Fields, M. L». Tobin, F. L. Davis and Tams Bixby. Cluests: J. B. Warren. Chi¬ cago ; Dan Wallace, of The Farmer, St. Paul; M. E. Harrison, press agent for Dan Patch; E. F. McIntyre, Chicago; J. ·T. Ferguson, Chicago. This was the year John Simpson switched to Minnesota, be¬ ing succeeded at Iowa by Art. Corey. Proceedings consumed 158 pages. Mr. Pearson of New York read a paper. Bring¬ ing the Fair to 100 Farm Boys. The sum of $1,000 was set aside for this purpose. It was a great success both from an educational and advertising standpoint. The boys were selected by the masters of the County Orange, where there was such an organization, and the rural Y. M. C. A. Dlcklrson of Illinois read a paper, Illinois
State Fair Boys' School. The boys paid their own railroad fare and bought their own meals. The fair furnished a large lecture tent. They would bring in a horse and some authority would lecture on it in a scientific manner; brought in dairy and beef cattle, samples of corn and other farm products--evidently the forerunner of the present work of Boys' and Girls' Clubs. Dick Mahan read a paper. The State Fair School. The school was run by the Agricultural and Mechanical Col¬ lege of the State. Eighty-five boys and 36 girls attended. They paid their own railroad fare and bought their own meals. Dick admonished his listeners not to feature the school for advertising pur¬

T 1916 Meeting he 1916 meeting was held In the

Auditorium Hotel, December 7 and 8

Arkan.sas State Fair dropped. New

members: Eric Exposition, Edmonton Ex¬

hibition, Eastern States Exposition, Intt-r-

national Wheat Show, and National Live

Stock Show, New Orleans. New face-*

Phil Eastman, ''Bill* Hlrsch, George Ar¬

nold. R. S. Skinner and R. E. Li Knight

This was the year Tom Canfield be<aine

a regular_fellow--elected see-retary .Min¬

nesota State Fair--John Simpson going

to Springfield. Sixty-eight guests listed,

among them R. A. Hankinson. ''Bill"

Pickens, Alex. Sloan, Huff Dorward. Louts

You can get Both

Disbrow, C. A. Wortham, George Robin¬ son, Steve Woods, Jimmie Cunllffe, Ed¬

ward Marsh, Fred Kressman, Fred Beck¬


mann, Allle Wooster, Artie Bralnerd, Ray-

mond Tlder, Dick Collins, Ed Vauglmn


Ed. Neumann, W. D. Hildreth, Ed. Carruthers, B. C. Talbott. Johnny J. Jones and J. 8. Gordon. The first apinarance

^ 118 N. 12th Street,



of the famous ''Lilac Hedge Quartet" of Grand Forks was made. The quartet's

Sptcialhlt in Tickets and Cheeks since 1873

favorite stunt was to ring every morning at 3 o'clock while standing on the marble

stairway in the Auditorium to an admir¬

ing bunch of ''birds" know'n as "the t>htft

that woke up the cook". Joe Curtis also

was present as a guest. Thi.s was a big


meeting bdth in numbers and program. Twenty-f*lx addresses on subjects of in¬ terest were given. This was the occa.slon

of the wonderful talk on ''Texas" by that

Contract with a good Carnival Co. to play the best County Fair

delightful, great, big In every way MAN, Robert E. I.,ee Knight, of Dallas. Musko¬

in South Carolina. Dates November 3, 4, 5 and 6.

gee and Topeka clianged their names to "Free State Fair". The proceedings cov¬

ered 234 pages. $2,429.14 in the trea.sury.

J. A. WELSH, Secy.,



Chesterfield, S. C. A. L. Sponsier, president; W. H. Stratton,

vice-president; Chaa. Downing, secretary;

B. M. Davison, treasurer.

pose!^. Mellor taked on Educational Ex¬ hibits and Their Value, and Kennedy on Boys' Judging Contests. The big feature
of the meeting was the report of the com¬
mittee on transportation and the commit¬ tee on classification. It fills about half the
book. They certainly were having it hot and heavy with the traffic jnanagers. If you are interested and want to know
Just what' the railroads thought of the value of fairs in 1911 read Chairman Mellor's report of that year, pages 70 to 82, inclusive. The first extended report from Mr. Gentry on classification was
made. It looks like the work done within the next few years was about the first concerted action on the part of the asso¬
ciation. Report of the committee on dates shows that the boys were getting settled. Mr. Mellor read a bill which, after consultation with several members of Congres.s, he had drawn to be intro¬
duced in Congress, appropriating the sum of $100,000 to apply to States on land
owned and controlled by the State. After much discussion it was moved and car¬ ried that the plan of Mr. Mellor be adopted. During the discussion Ed Klest

This was from a crew manager, and told how to work the gag, how to take men
away from opposition crews, what papers to raid and what to leave alone, altogether
very fine reading for fair men who at that time were trying to clean up the grafters. At this time Frank Fuller broke into print and related his experience with crooks at Memphis. Good Weather Insurance, by
J. E3. Hannon, Detroit, the first paper on that subject, was read. The report of the first committee appointed to work
with the American Trotting Association was made. E. J. Curtin, A. L. Sponsier and Chas. Downing reported results and
asked that the National and American associations resume reciprocal relations
at once, and that a committee of six bo appointed to confer with those associa¬
tions. Mr. Mellor reported as chairman on the National Fair Appropriation Bill. All were cheered up at the prospects of getting 100 grand each for their State
fairs. J. C. Simpson, elected president; W. R. Mellor, vice-president ; secretary and treasurer re-ele<'t* d. In the treawtrj-, $931.64. Banquet and entertainment that night, but no particulars. 228 pages of

quet for each member. All officers re¬ elected.
T 1914 Mectiag he 1914 meeting was held at the Auditorium HoteL Only one new member--the Alabama State Exposi¬ tion at Montgomery. New faces: B. M.
Davison, A. J. Breitenstein and C. A. Nash. Among the guests were B. H. Heide and C. B. Irwin. The Colorado State Fair, the National Conservation Ex¬ position and the West Michigan State Fair were dropped from membership. It must have been a bad year; the Inter¬ national and American Royal Live Stock Shows were both called off, which ac¬ counts for a small number at this meet¬ ing. President Simpson in hls annual ad¬ dress called attention to a decreased at¬ tendance reported from 60 per cent of the membership, normal attendance from 16 per cent and Increased attendance from the 25 per cent balance. A marked de¬ crease in number of farm Implement and machinery section exhibits was reported. (Policy adopted by larger manufacturers of curtailing expent^s.) A co-operative

T 1917 Meeting he 1917 meeting was held at tbe Auditorium Hotel, December 6 and 7. New members: Connectlcuit and Vir¬ ginia State Fairs, I. A I. Fair, National Implement and Vehicle Show and Chatta¬ nooga District Fair. New faces: Joe Curtis. "Bill" Stark, Chas. F. Kennedy,
George Freeman. "Bill" Sanger, F, W. McRoberts, Ed. Danielson. E. V. Waldron. Oscar Mills and W. C. Saunders. Among the guests: ^rney Gerety, A. H. Barkley.
Con T. Kennedy, Walter P. Driver, Dick Trevellck, Louis Gertsen, Rubin Gruberg. "Bobf Hickey, Joe Ferarl. Friedman Brof... "Blfi" Collins. Fred High and Saitj Levy. Nine good papers were read. Hon.
Duncan Marshall was the high light. J. Alex. Sloan appeared for the first time. He mopped^ up and a half-dozen booking
agents were after him for a "big-time" feature. All officers re-elected. In the treasury, $1,613.63. The proceedings cov¬ ered 158 pages. This was the year we went into the big war. The .spring and summer were chock full of rumors and
dire predictions, but we all weathered the

announced that ho had been working for< proceeding.<v (.V little bunch of dark the Texas State Fair for four years, and clouds on the horizon. Looked like a bad this was the first time it had paid storm, but everybody quit feeling fairly his expenses to Chicago. The banquet good.) was on the evening of December 4, but

T there was no report as to what particular
events transpired at it. $392.09 in the treasury. (Not so good, Pauline.) All of the officers re-elected.

1913 Meeting
he 1913 meeting was held In the Hotel Sherman, December 3 and 4. New members: Arkansas State Fair;

T 1912 Meeting he 1912 meeting was held at the Hotel Sherman, December 2 and 3. Many new members; Alabama State
Fair, Calgary Exhibition, Forest City

Canadian Industrial Exhibition, Winni¬
peg; Georgia State Fair; Rochester Ex¬ position : Southeast Texas Fair, Beau¬ mont; Vancouver Exposition; Wyoming State Fair. New faces (read 'em and weep) : Buster Brown, Dr. A. W. Bell,

Live Stock and Fair Company, North Randall, O.; Mississippi State Fair; Mis-
^iesippi-Alabama State Fair, Meridian, Jlss.; National Consefvation Exposition, poxville, Tenn.; National Feeder.s' Show,

Harry C. Roberts, Don V. Misire, Edgar F. Edwards, H. S. Rolston and Rob Roy. The amu.sement men must have got in bad, not one of them mentioned a« a
guest. Ton» Canfield joined the Minnesota

i. Worth, Tex.; North Dakota State ^air, Grand Ff'rks and Fargo; Pacific In¬ ternational Feedrrs* and Breeders' Show, North Portland, Ore., and the Texas Cot¬
ton Palace. Many new faces: Ernie Rich-
ard.son, E. S. Warner, R. M. Striplin,
Vi|l am Magivny, M. C. B.achellor, ,i<iltu F. white (nf)w secretary South Dakota %tate Fair), ``nill" Stratton, Is.aac T.incoln and St th .Mayfield. Guests: Cha.o.

State Fair as director. The Mayor of rhicago started his annual fourflushing. He could not be there, so s» nt the cor¬ poration counsel, who did quite a bit of
bragging on their clean, up-to-date city.
Proceeded to adopt a conrtitution and by¬ laws. Dick Mahan had charge of this btisiness. First woman on the progr.nm-- .Mrs. Virginia G. Meredith, tif Cambridge City, Ind., a teacher t>f domestic science,

Trimble, Warren A. Patrick, Ethel Rob- also a breeder of shorthorn cattle. Sh« instjii. James Patterson, W. H. Knight, m.'tde a diiriu d good talk f)n the obsolete

W. If. Smollinger. B. Delgarian, M. H. .articles found in the average premium

Barnes, George Newton, I'at Conway, list in the women's dep.irtment. Both

*`15iir* Rice, Tom Allen and S. M. Morgan. Kansas fairs in the book as State fairs.

Mr. Morgan was for years the official re¬ I am held down to a limited amount of

porter of the meetings. The fir.«t subject space and have a f* w riifire years to go,

up for discussion was the cash turn.`'tile, but have to do .a little ''yarning" at thi.s

and the argument following took In every¬ time. It was my first meeting. I felt

thing concerning admission.",, especially very humble and can't find whi re I

handling the automobiles. All agreed that opened my yap at ,all (got over thi.s

the cash turnstile increa.sed the money later). I remember one Ineldent, how¬

returns at the gates. The following pap'-rs ever, that has always been funny to me:

were read: The Mission of State Fairs, Russwurm brought four members of hls

by DeWitt C. Wing; Admission to Ex¬ board wi*h him, Iniluding Rob Roy.

hibitors, by A. P. Sandies; Racing at "Russ" claimed he brought them along

State and Interstate Fairs, by E. J. Cur¬ as entertainer^·, but once In a while he

tin; Effieirnt Advertising for a State Fair, had to get them togeDier, So he wotild

,by W. H. Stratton and M. E. Harrison stand In the center of the Sb< rman Iobb.v

(at that time assistant of the Minnesota and send a friend Into one bar room and

State Fair). J. W. Newman, as chair¬ anothir friend Into the «,fher bar rfuim

man of a committee, reported at length and bring the four «if them out for a

on the organization of the Board, of Ap¬ meeting. A few of «is got wise to the

peals. Mr. Mellor brought in a resolu¬ system and sttick close to "nuss", as the

tion governing paper solicitore. In the members of his board were certainly · n-

organization for publicity purposes was suggested. This was the year of the ''Big War", and the president suggested that it would be a good idea to quit try¬ ing to put on a fair just to outdo a neighboring fair. In other word.s, a fair with a ''Ford" income would be foolish to put on a. ''Packard" fair. (That's as gfiod advice now as In 1911.» John started the ''Peace and I'lenty" and "War on War" that year; you all r< member hls letters and telegrams. Ills slogan was ''Flour Barrels Are B<-ttpr Than Gun Barrels." (Gee, that's a whiz.) The big event of the meeting was Geo. W. Dick¬ inson on Automobile Baring. After thoroly analyzing the situation he moved that a committee of three be appointed ''to formulate rules for this association, if nece>>«ary, for the governing of auto¬ mobile racing on the tracks of members of this association, with full power to act." which motion carried. A committee cf.nsKtlng of G. W. Dickinson. J. C. Simp¬
son and I. R. Mahan was appointed. 'Tom Canfield started hls oratorical career with a paper entitled lAve Stork Entries and Rules. N'wiiian, Mahan, Russwurm, Itownlng, .Mettor, Hill and .Riratton all read fine paixru on live .subjects. The
committee on resolutions r< ported the death of Dr. A. W. Bell, of the WInnimg Exhibition. W. R. M Ilor, president; A. L. Sponsier, vlce.presid' lu ; .M.idden for treasun r and Downing for weretary. Tbe latter In a short talk said he had teen coming to the meetings for 20 years, but was only S') years old. Ran Francl.sco wa.s selected as the place of the next meeting on account of the World's Fair 224 T'agc" of proceedings. $1,112.91 in the treasury.
T 1915 Mtrting he 1015 nie»flng was held In Audi¬ torium Hotel, December 2 and 3. (T<s» far to walk t»* S.m Franclsc«>.) New member-*: Gem city Fair, Rolso Idaho; K.irikakee Inter-tale Fair, Qui beo KxiH.sItlon, .St. Boon Agricultural Fair Routbea-lern Fair, Atlanta. New faces* O. I*. llenderslK.t. Warren T. McCray! Mat R. Cohen. 1' U. Rnt-bsm ("Hour Itf.iigh Pce"), F. R. Ia)gan. R. P. Rpeer. E. G. Rylander. C. (i. Smith, Fred B.

storm, came out In /air shape and were proud of the wortc the fairs did In this trying year.
T 1911 Mettisg he 1918 meeting was held In the Auditorium Hotel. December 3, 4 and 6. New m-, gee, whiz, 3rou 'mem¬ ber a while back I told you about a bunch of clouds app«-aring in the distance. Well, they got a little nigger every year and they Just struck the "lot", unroofed the grand etand, uprooted some of the finest trees ever grown, laid every front and piece of canvas on the midway flat, and started an opposition show out next sea¬ son. It'a getting late. I've overrun both time and space allotment and I guess I'll quit. 1918 was a sad year for the whole lot, but time has healed the wounds. One show closed a couple of years later, and now we are all one big family of work¬ ers, striving to do something for falrdom. This article started with the doings 17 years ago. Look over the old names. Many have quit fairs and gone into other lines of business. Alany have Joined the throng on the other side. The list Is a long one. Many good fellows are left, and every year a new face l.s put In the "Old Album , and the next year he proves to be a wonderful friend. Let's stop just a minute, wherever we are, and sencl up a little note of thanks for the wonderful frlendt'hlt>s that have come out of these years. My first meeting was In 1913, I attended with some ftar In my heart. When 1 Went Into the meeting room and as the i)rogram develop«*d I more th.an envied the si>eakers their fine und* rstnnding of the business, but as years have gone by I know that feeling was entirely wrong. I should have envied them the friendships they had made and suceeedod In keeping. Looking out of the window at the end of thla article, the view la misty, but clear above everything else are the faces of those both living and dead who have been my friends.
WANTED--noo4. flfun CarniTtI r«.. with Band and rrra Aria. Huiari Valr, Hrpt. *». 10. Ort. 1 and I iota. I*rarar datllng on flal-raU bait*. M. H. WEST.
Seifatary and MinagiT, Waaffly, Vt._'_

subsequent di.scusslon M. C. Bachellor of¬ tertainers. The book contains 242 page". Darker, Ian Small, George Jackson, fered in evidence a bunch of correspond¬ They had IS.'iS.Ol In the treasury and f.barley Graff, (,eorge Morrlsct, H A ence which be found in a discarded desk. were >4111 buying five tickets to the ban¬ Olmsted and It. J. White. Among the



June 13, 1925

The Billboard

Weatherand Wear Proof Folding Assembly Chair

riesigned during the war In conjunction with the U. S. Naval Knglneers to provide the best possible all-service, movable seating unit for the cantonments and camps.

A*1 Material* Only All parts miide of clear selected hardwood--
birch, maple, etc. Will take well any finish desired for Indoor use. For Outdoor use our standard oil finish is effective. Joints steel-bolted and riveted. No rust anywhere and no metal exposed on seat¬ ing surface.
Comfortable In effect a movable standard theater chair,
without arms, of adult proportiona

All-Service Chaifwlndoor* or Out In sections of two (illustrated at left), three and
four. Single chairs cost extra. Serviceable for auditoriums, convention halls, theatres, enclosed or semi-enclosed or open, music and dance halls, dining rooms, pavilions, chautauquas, tent shows; In a word, any place where seats must be quickly removed and stored or shipped in limited space.


A Real Investment--Not a Makeshift Scientific design and sound material and con¬
struction more than make up for the slightly ad¬ ditional cost over the ordinary folding chair.
Salvage Value High Long time service and satisfaction assured.
Resale value always high. The only chair that j may be universally used, winter and summer, indoorl or outdoors, for mild or for the roughest kind of usage.

American Seating Company






1019 Lytton Building

1211 P. Chestnut

650-119 W. 40th St.

73-A Canal

Number 186
Ideal chair for Baseball and Fair Grand Stands or any other public gathering place where strength and comfort are of paramount importance. Has seen 25 years' service in leading Grand Stands and Parks. Al¬ ways made in sections' of four or more.





OCTOBER 26-27-28-29-30-31-1925

Torpedoes. Crackers, extra quality.

WembUy Booming
London. May 2S --The increase in adniiKsiuns to the British F'mpire Exhibition over the same dates last year is veil maintained and it would seem that the forecasts of the optimists are well


Biggest and Best Fair



Salutes and Flags.

founded .\t the same time the raisinir of admission prices on Tueijdavs is very

Night Barbecue. Mr. Buttons, Write. Night

S*nd lor Catalogiu

unrsiimlar and 1 doubt if this will be

Considerable public demand exists for the openlnif of tlie exhibition on Sund.svs.

BERNEY SMUCKLER, General Manager.


but no ofBcl.sl notice has been taken of

this and It has recently been announced that It has b<>en found Impossible to open


the Rard«n on Sundays to visitors owlnir to the difflculty of stafflnit. There Is no doubt that Sunday openina would be most popular and highly lucrative to all concerned.
Brace Chjpman't Haol

Pennsyltania's New Million Dollar Fair

22 Hawley St.,



The great animal business run by Bruce Chapman, who has an establish* ment In the Tottenham Court Road. Lon¬

September 14-19, 1925


don. has been for some time established as one of the world's centers for loo-

Day and night.

4,000 f*« of midway. Promoted by Charles M. Schwab. Premiums

GLAITONBURY. CONN. (6 mlUt frtn Htrtf(r4)

logical deals. Nothing la too big. too and purses. $65,000.00. Address applicatioiu for coacessions and other commanications to

October 1,2,3, Day and Night

rare or too unusual for Chapman to handle and. bes des dealing in live stock which comes his way. he organises big tand little) game hunts for living speci¬ mens which go fr.>m all parts of the world to all parts of the world.
.Xntonlo IJeingelt has recently returned from the Amazon with a surprising bag of birds, reptiles and mammals for this enterprising fellow of the Zoological So¬ ciety. The zoo has already acquired some ef the rare zoological specimen.'! which Berngelt has broui'ht from his expedition into the hinterland of South America.
An Old-Time Proclsmition
Boston fLincolnshire) Fair boasts a history running back to the Middle Ages

when the time is ended, dep-irt with all their wares, as he or they ofCending will an.-iwer to the contrary at their i>erils.
'· 'God save the king.' *'
Oat and Aboat
A hundred sacred baboons from Abys¬ sinia are the first tenants of the newly constructed monkey hill at the zoo, which was open for a private view yes¬ terday. The hill lies behind the Mappin Terr.tces and consists of two miniature mountains separated from the public by a concrete ditch 19 feet wide. The moun¬

H. F. DORR. Secretary.
West Hartlepool Town Council is discu.HsIng tlie leasing of five acres of land along the shore for an amusement park. It is suggested that a big switchback r de should be erei ted here, but the Northeastern Railway Company, which · sold the land some years ago to the corp<)ration on the proviso that it was not to be used for any commercial purpose, is vigorou.sly opposing the use of the lan<I as an amusement park. Legal opinion la being sought before any decision is taken.

WUl book ciMn Conculons of all klmts. Thii (Mr will *i;4tn h) requrtt prosont (nothor Hlstoriral Paidot with 1.000 ptople In Uie cait M one of tb« free ittnrtlons. L^it rwr'i attendaneo 30.000. Falrzrrwnds loratMl rentralb. drawtne population of 300.000 within i dUti^e of U miles of (ood roads. UKOHCB W. BURNET, BecreUry.

and It may b»' of Interest to American tains are hollow and thus form dens for I hear that the Canadian National Fx-

readers to have the wording of the these Interesting exhibits.

hibitinn authorities have invited Lieutcn-

ancient proclamation, which Is still read The negotl.-itions between the E;istern ant-('olonel M.nckenzie-Rogan to produce

by the Mayor on oivnlng d;iy.

sci'tlon of the Showmen's Guild respe, t- a military t.sttoo for the exhibition on

It hcgiiis nowadays with the cry of ing the ten.incy of the Cambridge Fair the lines of that presented at Wembley,

O. Yes! O. Yes! O. Yes'" but this with the Irs-.-il corporation has resulted ('olonel Mai'kenzie-Rogan is one of the

is a c'orruptlon of the ancient form of In an agreement favorable to the Guild, most famous of British military bands¬

proj-inmatlon. the Norman · French which liiis established itself as the olflclal men and h's pioneer work in military

Oyez!" (Hear'). The text of the Boston spokesman of aliowmen visiting that showmanship in connection with the

'li'claratlon reads; "0. Yes! O. Yes! O. Tea!
"The Right Worshipful the Mayor and 'B''bunarsrggeersessaeonsrdtioncfgomtthm oisatnhdibsoarloFluagm yhracn, ndowerhisoctfhripcb<tle'ry¬gins this day and continues on Mond.ay

district. The popular fairground device known
as the spinner, which was recently ad¬ judged a game of chance In a Petty S- salonal Court, la not at the moment b< ing worke d on any of the pitches controlled by the Guild owing to this decision. The

brigade of guards to whieh he was at¬ tached la famous thruout Ktirope. Vari¬ ous tournaments and displays at Olympia and the army manetivera owe much to this foremost military showman.
An attempt to prohibit the parking of

A flood Camleil for Blnzer's llth Annual Treo Filr, Reptemb*r 10, 11. 12, Ilrit. Aiwa,, skkI rrcaolt: rood farming dlstrlrt. HOMim THOM.VS, Itlngor. Oklahoma.

· nd Tuesday, to keep tile iiw'ice, and that no manner of person or persons make ·nv i|uarre| or draw any weapon to that
intent upon pain of imprlsnrimcnt; and

··ase is. liowcver, to be taken to the Court of .Xppeals and as many Oulldsmen are proprietors of this machine and are
nutiiraliy anxious In any case to safe¬

caravans, engines and tackle in street.s adjacent to the fairground at Burnley
has been scotihcd by the common sense of the majority of the corporation. Burn¬

MONEE. WILL COUNTY. ILLINOIS. Seotember 30. October I aiwl 2. 1923. FIneet and lar«ct fair In Ihla par* nf tli. Stale.

th.1t no manner of p Tson or persons guard the Interests of the fair men as a ley Fair is. of course, a very popular 1IARRT J roVRAP. Seey., .Mooee. Illinois._ "^·Ik ahrond In the night during tlie lime wiiole. a piihiic subscription h.'rs been hs'al event and any inferferenee with the

"GRIDDLE of the said Fayre without lawful cause, op,'ni'd among the ahc'wmen to fight the showmen's rights would undoubtedly h.-
but resort to their honest ho<iths, houses case In tlie higher court and to obtain resented in the district. One councilor

or lodging, upon pain of Imprisonment; the services of first-rate counsel.

pointed out that these rights date back


·nd that no manner of person or persons Blackpool Is to have an Ideal Homes at least 700 years in respeet of Burnley ii"e any unlawful games during the time Kxhihitlon. organized by Hamlltons. Ltd . itself, and another member of the mu¬ ^f said Fayre; and that they be of good Oranvllle Chambers, Bury street, W. C. nicipality recalled with pleasure his own

Hoc DogI Hot Dogt Hot Dogt See top of page No. 79.

and honest behavior (as becometh them), 1. from May to September. After this excitement as a child, not only over the

·>s they will answer to the contrary; also the exhibition will visit various other big fair Itself, but over the unusual appt'ar- If yea oia It la Tka BlWbaori. Ml Ihsa mt N

·hat all persona hither resting shall. provlnrlal centers.

ance of the town at falrtlme.


The Billboard

June 13, 1925




30 People

WILD WEST COMPANY 60 Head of Stock

6 RACING CHARIOTS--Each drawn by 4 runners. 24 horses in race. ROMAN STANDING RACES--20 fast horses. 10 riders entered. Jockey, Relay, Novelty Races--Jumping. Dancing Horses. Bronc Riding. Steer Riding and Bulldogging. Every feat known to Wild West and Hippodrome. Write or wire JACK W. KING, care Billboard, Cincinnati, O, The company b now playing in the Middle West. Terms--Flat salary or percentage.


Projects Bright for



Precedes Canadian National--Exceptionally Strong Special Attrac¬ tion Program Arranged--Creatore's Band a Feature--Many

Statt-Wid» Interest in Coming EventPageant To Be Entertainment Feature-- Ford Exhibit Bnilding Will Be Erected

Changes in Grounds and Buildings




Ottawa. Can.. June 6.--In spite of rain, every day of the exhibition, the patronage accorded the Central Canada Exhibition
Association in 1924 was so spIenAd that the directors were able to announce a balance on the right side. It was a revelation to show and concession men ind many of them spoke at once for 1925 contracts. The directors on the last day of the show gave a contract for the midway to Boyd & Llnderman. as they were well pleased with the layout and the business in fi»ce of most adverse weather.

who had Ottawa dates two years ago. During the week auto polo will be put on daily and auto races will be given again
on Frltoy. Another innovation this year is the
securing of Creators and his band. Concerts will be given each afternoon and evening and bt order that the band may be heard at Us best, a new band stand with modern sounding board is to be erected.
On account of the earlier dates, tho.se in the grand stand will enjoy more comfort, a.s the September evenings in the

Savannah. Ga., June 5.--at a meetinB ot the directors of the Georgia State Fair May 29 all committee appointments for the 1925 fair were announced, i'resident A. W. Moorehouse reported tentative plans under way for a Ford building to {j,. erected to hou«e exhibits of Ford
products. The recent purchase of 12,000
acres of land in the Savannah rone by Henry Ford and his interests in Florida and North Carolina were considered of such magnitude as to justify a Ford exhibit building at the fair.
x new building exclusively for exhibits of colored patrons also is to be erected,
Thru the efforts of Mrs. Bernie Smuckler, a.sslstant manager of the fair, a large increase of exhibits in the colored section ig assured.

Ottawa, for several years, has had its annual exhibition Immediately following the Canadian National, Toronto. For
this year the directors decided on an innovation and changed the dates so as to fall just before Toronto It is expected that these dates will he favored with

many. On this account the special attractions committee
arranged an exceptionally strong pro-
?®®=' booked thru Wirth Service As-
·"ociation, Frank Melville, Inc., and others, The offerings include: Barney Demarest

A new entertainment feature to be in¬ troduced this year will be a historical pageant to be presented three nights
during the fair. Rev. W. A. Jounard. chairman, and a committee of 75 will have charge of the preparation and presentation of the pageant, which will

mu\'h `beTer weather"and t^rthey will appeal particularly to tourists from a ^iefoncp
The exhibition will open on Saturday.

Oenturj Wonders* Ori^inixl Joe Oiiri<in« Troup^ the Three Nitos, Miss

(Contis,ted on


Kellcy Is Optimistic

August 22, and will continue for seven ir full days. Automobile rajees will fea-



Thielon Troupe, Prof. Parleys bal-

tore the opening day These will be put

with parachute drops, and other

on under the direction of J. Alex Sloan.

itt tt



The T. W.' Hand Company, Limited,

--» !.

I I  , will supply the fireworks spectacle, which


 a ww CX

IB k






will be on a more elaborate scale than


This feature is entitled The

Enchanted Castle and will be the con-

eluding number on the program each eve-


For several years the attendance fig-

-- .,

111 A


tlODinSoni III., AUQ* Jv-14

Ottawa Exhibition have excei'ded the 300,0Ti0 mark. This year the


directors are aiming at half a million,



With the good mads from various

>0 carntxai.

Canadian cities and points along the

0. t. WAKEFIELD, Setretary.

border, it is certain that there will be a

great Influx of motorists so that there l.s

--wKSBiB--i--a prospect of the aim being realized,


I Atrasivsnvrirk


Special provision in the grounds Is made ce[ve''ever7attrntlom`°"'''*'`""^®

-----· Chicago, June 4.--L. C. (Clifton) Kelley, former well-known carnival man-
'ice-PrepUent of the Fidelity Fireworks Company, was a Billhoard caller this week. Mr. Kelley had ju.<?t returned from a long trip thru the Western States and said tie met with a nice patronage. He said he has closed contracts with the ITtah State Fair, the Colorado State Fair and a number of smaller fairs. Mr. Kelley said he found
the Western States'people In vastly better spirits than last year owing to the'greatlv increased moisture this year. There have been Increa.sed rains and last winter there was more snow in the mountain States, and .as a result Irrigation reservoirs were filled. Mr. Kelley said the farmers In sections of Iowa and Nebrask.a are complaining about frost d.amage hut he thinks
excellent condition.


FAIR I? A in
1* Allx

The Ottawa Exhibition is the second largest annual exhibition in Canada and s^ntrmiyM


_I .


SSSEEEPPPTTTEEEM M MBBBEEERRR 888.. 999.. 111000 AAANNNDDD IIIIII,, 111999222555.. uD»ayy a«nnda Nniiggnhit..

''a*''®''include pure food .show, automobile show, dog and cat shows, child wefare and baby show,

WILL tS^EKLLL eicrlluussilrwe on BRildeesi and SShboowm*.

poultry and pets, machinerv and process,

WANT all kinds of Ccmreablona. four (iiuntlrs. A real Vaiy.

A.dP Odnrlieysis'FJaJ.Oir.HhiNnandicrafts,





-- .. ' ISK.NMBl-.VRGER. SeorelUary, North Mancthheeaslter. Ini

live stock, horse races and many

,,,iu,ue on Rhol^' Iriour .g mer/i^e tVrnlX< IlMei eirluilx*. No Mfluilvfi on rnmw.lont. Prop. o.utlon open to Ctrniralt for llmiti-il time. Art qulrtc. "'rite E. W. LYTLE. Supt. Pi.m-enlona. 122 H. Ma"!« S' . Murfree.horo, T-nneaar,.
^ Concessi,oners A1 ltltenit*ion




W xA As X 8 - U

Many changes have b<*en made In grounds and buildings and the plant will



he a marked Imprfivement over any pre- bGeet bumsy f<;r aspot on lIowa''si hhilgigrfets, rC«o,utnity Fair. August dates will also Write GI'Y Lb. I·'L^,T·TTTIITT, HBuperlntc.nn.dl<ent ofl rITrllTTllIIrrgget;,

and all week, day and night. Outalde gates free ·t night. K. KE. HEKNXDDEERRSaON, SecretUary, Weller Bnil«di»g.. Cedsr jRiuanptiAdus. ITms.

find the Canadian capital lor>klng Its "'..omfleld. l-sa.

jjp,] many will combine a visit to

aa a -- - "


'sk'-'*'SOUTSOH UTH exhibition,



i Ft «



JJaamm#e*8s K. Paalifsilleey, well-known exhibitlon rm^ann,, w w'hno i1s8 presildaent of the fT?aanna-
dlan Fairs- and Exhibitions, Ifs man.ag<r and secretary of the Ottawa Exhibition.

LAUREL, SSEePpTtEeM mBbEeRr ?288.o.occttoobbeer 3s. One aef thne Three LLaarrgaenst MlIttiiiiuttiiDppi Faaiirrsi,
r-mltal. Free Acts and Fireworke air. idy eontrarird ^"nmaiiona now open. A.i.ireta k. p. kokd,

July 4tli Celebration, Fairbury, Illinois WILL CONSIDER INDEPENDENT HIGH-GRADE RIDES AND SHOWS. .Address J. F. PARRISH, Supt. of CoMesslaaa, Haffltltoo. MUaourl.

Merry-Oo-Round and Swing or Ferrla Whoel and any other rteas. artrartlxe HBoarasent for Clay County Fair. Manchester. Kentucky. August 27, 28 and 29. New fair, record crowd. Addreia J R. BL'Bf.'RELL, Preiident and Superintendent.

$3,000 in Attraction?--Free Acts, Racing, Fireworks, Boxing Bouts for the Day

Pleasantville, N. J.

Any Sbowi, Ridea or Conctuions intereited in this date wriir B. C. SLAUGHTER, Sopt. Concessions. For other information address E. W. POWLRS, Sccttcary P. T. the Fairbury Fair.

musicalVuvs I

Snitabir for ptrsentation at Fairs and Celebrations can be obtained from


The largest and best equipped estab¬

lishment catering to amateur enter- |



Tams Costume Department |

is tbe largest of its kind in tbe srotid. i
Our setTicr. whether on rentals I

or made-to-order Costumes is un. |




318-20 West 46th St, New York i

Blair County Fair
August 19, 20, 21, 22, 1925 Day and Night
Concessions Solicited ALTOONA, PA.

Privilege Men
Do not forget tbe dates of tbe Big Hancock County Fair, Carthage. III.. Sept. I. 2, 3. 4. Largest and best fair la Western Illinois. Big day and night show.

Fcrrli Wherl. Mcrry-Oo-Round tod Shnirs. Oriindy S'.*.. la.. Fair. ."Scplcmhcr 8 to II. J. VANPEBWICKEN. Hcc'y. s.run.ly Center, luwa.
With a (rnofi rarnkal Co. or (Mrruf, for Hamilton Cn. Fair. Heptfmhor I, 2, 3. i. ThU Is one of the best Fairs In tti« Htite of Nebraaks. WrlU W, C. KLOK. Aurora, Nrhraidia.



ronressinnt and Games of Hklll. for the Intentat* Fair, to IM halt! In Houlh Bend, Ind.. Aueuit 18 to 22. Writ* K. P. t'HOWK, Herrrtary. Bos 808. BoutlS
ll.-n.l. In.liana.

Grundy Gounly Agr'l Fair

HI.Ira, tiu.li,

MAZON, ILL.. SEPTEMBER 1-4. Faur Days' Racinf.
Hmall Kii.iwa an.I ('i.n. raalnna wanted. F. A. MlhUlAY, 8.rretary.

No rat-

The Bad Axe Fair
SIPTEMBER I, 2. 3, 4.
Valuable <'i>n'ra,l.iii Hpa.a nnw npen. Price W-f* I'.-r t.Hit. AtlvniUnia laal year 40.000. H-..V lirCKI.KV, Prcalibnt and kfaiiager. Had Air, MI'b.

The Bif Plattsburgh Fair, Incorporated
Kite daya and nlgbtt. _^ake ynur bunklntt now wKh K. F. nuTsrOHl). Pfitliburfh. N. Y.

June 1). 1925

The Billboard



Auhland--CI«T <'o. Kalr Ai-n. 0<t. 21-21. A.

I. , Crumi* <>n. --Llnif!i(nn<` Co. Fair Awn. Hrpi .'10-

((.I 3. J I*. S«rv.T lllrnilncham--AliLama 8tat»- Fair. Oi-t :> 10.

J. I,. lu-nl. r«`iitfr --Co Kalr A'lUi. IN t 2'> --1.

!)r. S. C. Tatum. |i<iihan--S<.iitlira»t Ala. Kalr .\a»n.

<> t 2<l-

.H. J M. Wl'liaritiaiiin. Kax«'tle Co. fair Aaan. tN-t. 0 10 J.

II. Viuklijr.


ll.ili vvlll*- N>irlhwf»l Ala. Kalr.

WVi k i-f

Oit. 12. ('ll^·l·'«·r TiiliO. II 'nl»vlll>» Maillwun Co. Kalr .\»«n
·.Vi. Marli* IHflCMin. ry »tal«- Kalr of .Via.

S<-t>t. 2J.\or. 2 11

Mori U Hl»l*r. Olx'llka--Opollka IM-t Kalr .V»«n O.t. 2'l.;tl.
M I*. llolllnir'Morlli .*;vlaraii»:a--Tallailoaa Co Kalr A«mi ». t. i;i-

IT. J. K. Jordan.

ALASKA Jun>'aii--Soiitliraati-m .Vlaaka Kalr .V-on
prox. Sf|>t. I.VIS. W. S. I*iilli*n.


ARIZONA I)..ii*la»--Cochlao Co. Kalr A^an. R<ot. 2128.
U A. Urrrln*. Kliix-nix--Arlaona Stair Kalr. Nor. nil. j.
I` IHIIoo. Xor*h»rn Arhi. Stair Kalr .V-«n.
Jnlv 1-1. firacr 51. Sparko*.

The Data in This List Gives the Dates and Names of Secretaries of This Season's Fairs Obtainable Up to Time of Going to Press--Additions Will Be Made in Subsequent Issues as Received

(laddim Neck--Htddam Neck Fair Aaan. ScpI.

7. Leonard J. Sclden, R. Hampton, Conn

Hartford--Connecticut Statei Fair. Sejit. 7-12.

Lewia I>. Randall

Harwinton--Harninton Fair. Oct. 8. Oroyer

J<ihn-on. Route .7, Torringlon. Conn

.Vliddle'otvn Mlddleai x Co. 4 Cluti Fair. S* pt.

5. Sidney V. Kdwarda.


Mt. Cartnel V|t Carmel .Vgrl. Awn .S«-pt. 2*i.

Fred .V. Kirk. Hamden.

Naugatuck--Keai-on Valley Fair. Oct. 2-3.

·Vlbert Delay.

North Stonlngtoii--North Stonlngton Orange

Kalr .Vaan. Sept. S-10. John B. l*erry.

.Norwich- .New ].nndon Co. Agrl. Soo. Sept.

17-19. Kilwin


PgchauB--Kai l aur tlrunge Fair .V-an Sept.

40 12 Margery M. Brewster. Jewett Cl r

Bol-e--liolae Fair. Sept. 23 2.7.

Ciinihrldge--Cambridge Fair Aa-n. Si-pl. 18-18. H. L. CUrk.

Filer--Twin Kalla Co Kalr. Sept. 8 11. J. M.

MarkrI. Grangeville--Malio Co Fair Aaan. S<-pt, IC-ls.

G, VV. Kimers.


K.imlali KJtniah Kalr .V--n. .Sept. Harry W. DIsamore
Nampa--Nampa Harvest Festival .V-sn. 14. P. W Dnffea

24 28. .Sepi.

Oroflno--Clearwater Co Fair .Vssn Sept. --. Stuart Compton.
Preston--Franklin Co. Roundup A Fair .V«sn.

Sept. 18-19. W. Chatlerton.

Welaer--Welser Roundup A Live-Stock .Show

Sept. 10-12 O. A West

McLean shorn--Hamilton On. Fair A-an. Aug

4-7. W. E. Severa.

Macomli---Macomb Agrl. Fair Aaan. Aug 1.4-

21. S. A. Thompson.

.Marion--WllliamHOD Co. Fair Aaan. Seiit. 8-

11. George C. Campbell.

Vlartinsvllle--Clark Co. .Vgrl. Aaan. , Aug. 2.V

29. G. C. Cunningham.


Maaon City--.Maaon Co. .Vgrl. Fair Assn. Aug.

2.7-28. H. .V. .VIcCreery. Mazon--Grundy Co. Agrl. Fair Aaan. Sept. 1 4.

F. A. Murray.

Mendota--Vlendota Agrl. Fair, Inc. Sept. 2`.* 2.7.

B. Katzwinkel.

Monee--Monee Diat. Fair Aaan. Sept, .3<NiN i.

2 Harry J. Conrad.

Morriaon--Whit'-aide Co. Fair Aaan. Sept, i i

PanI F. Boyd.

·Vli. Sterling--Brown Co. Fair Aaan. .Vug. 4 *

Walter Manny.

·Vlt. Carmel--Wabaah Co. Fair Aaan. Sept 1.7-

19. E. Guy Mnndy.

-Mt. Carroll--Carroll Co. Fair Asan. .Vug. 2.7-

28. Cal M Fr*-eier.

Mt Vernon--Mt. Vernon Fair Aaan. Sept. 23-

28. .Martin Henn.

.Newton--Jasper Co. Agrl. Aaan. Aug. 24-28.

C. G. Batman

oliiey--Richland Co. Fair Aaan. Aug. 18-22.

Chaa. M. Van Clcve.

iiregon--Ogle Co. Agrl. Assn. Sept. 8-11. O.

T. Snyder.

Ottawa--iJiSalle Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 15-18.

G. B. Grover.

s.'noita--Santa Crua Co. Kalr .V»«n. <*. |. 1 3. W. K. Xrll.


lialraTlllr--Indrpandrncr Co. Kalr .\a«D. tii-l.

' 10. J. Kiih.

K«rrTrlllt--Carroll Co. Kalr. ts-t I 3


J. Srllirk.

Caliro Boik--Calico Rork Kalr .\«»n. S<tit.

21- 24. T D. Hallo

O. wet--DrWltt Har»rat Kratlval. Kir^t w.-rk

In Oi't. J. M. HrnJrrron, Jr.

FaTrltrTlIlr--Waahlnatoll Co. Kalr .Vaan .Sept.

22- 2tl. Krank llarr.


(. tilr Rock--Jkrkanaaa Statr Fair, in t 12 17.

K. 0. Bylandrr.

Malvern-Hot Spring Co. Kalr. «>.t. 2 C. P. Hridrwrll.

Srpt. :io-

Mountain Virw--Stone Co. Fair .Va^n. S. pi. 8-

11. <i. R. Sanaom.

VVvnn.'--Cr.Mia Co. Kalr Aran. Sept. l."-18 .\. C. Iluffmaa. Jr.


Altiira*--Vlturaa Ruundnp Aaan. JuI.t ,7 !i.

o. I>. Morgan.

.Vio'cr'iin--Sbaata Co. Fair Aaan. l!i Mra. W H. Toriii«-.».

Sept. 17-

llakcraflcld--Kern Co. Kalr A«'n. Oct. 8-10.

C. .V. Harlow.

lirawlrr--Imperial Valiev Uld-WInter Kalr. 2-8 W. W. Van Pelt.
I)..wnr.v--Downey Kalr Aaan. Aug. 27-2^. Bert


Ferndale--Humboldt Co. Fair .Vaan. Sept. 182<>. R..ht. H. Flowers.

Fresno--KrraiK) Diat. Kalr .Vaan. Sept. 2S-

<ot 3. II. E. rtttera<in.

Ili'iiiar--Illlmar Communily Fair. 2c.. A. W. l-aldwell.

.Vns. 21-

Me Vrfhur--Inter-MiWinfaln Fair .Vaan. Sept. 12 1.7. Wlllla Albangh. Plttvllle, lallf.

Modi-atu--Stanlalaua Co. Kalr .Vaan. S<-pt. 1.7If T L. Stanley. '
itrland--(llenn Co. .Vgrl. Aaan. Sept. 21-28.

K. A. Kirk.

t'-o'llle--Northern Calif. Orange A Olive Exiai. Nov. 24-28. John Dillon.

IMaliima --Kalr. auap. Chamber of Commerce. Aug. 1217.
I'oinona--I ··· Angclea Co. Fair. Sept. 22-28 · leorge VV', Coh^.

Itiveraiile--l^nthern Calif. Fair .Vaan. .Sept.

21*-Oct. 2. S. 8. Samucla.

Sacramento--Calif. State Fair. Sept. .7-13.

t'haa. VV. Paine.

Sallnaa--Kalr A Rodeo. July 22-23. M. R. Kt-ef.

·''an_ Franclaew--InduatrieM' Expo, of Calif. Oct.

IT-.Nov, 1. A. A. Tremp mgr

Sanig Ana--Orange Co. Kalr Aaan. Sept. 222-8. A. M. Stanley.

Stia-kton--San Joannln Co Fair .Vaan. .V'.g. 2T-Sept. 2. W. L. INiiiglaa.
SuaanTlIlo--Ijiaaen Co. Fair .Vaan. Sept 4-T Wm. C. OTNinnell

Tulare--Tulare Co. Kalr _ I.. Kennedy.

Sept. I.V-in. Chaa.

I'pia'r Lake--Ijike Co. Fair Aaan. Sept 24-27. Ko.v llucknell.

Ventura--Ventura Co. Fair .Vaan Sept. 18-20.

Carl J. Wallace.


Rockville--Roi'kviHc Kalr .Vaan. <Nt. tl-S. Tlios. K. Carran.
Stafford Springe--Stafford Springe .Vgrl. So«-.
Oct. 12 14.' n. P. .Mitchell. Storra--Manefl.-ld F.ilr Aean. I'rolial-lv tN-f. 1-
2. .V. J. Brnndage. A'gahlngtoo--Washington Fair. Sept. .7. K J.
Ford. Wa-hlngtoD In-ihR, Conn. Wethersfield--Wethersfield Crange Kulr .Vs-n.
Sept. 17 Ik .lohn C. Willard
Widcott. n< ar Waterbnry--Wolcott .Vgrl So<-.

s.pt. Ut-19.

M. E. Plcn>onl. R I» .7,


Wiselsfock--VViM>datock .Vgrl. Soc. S.pt. 1.7-17. Wm. .VI. Oa'lup.

DELAW ARE Harrington--Kent A Su..scx Co. Kalr .V-«n.

July 28-.Vug. 1. Ernest Ranghlej.


Jack-onyille--Fla. State Kalr A Kvin'. X.rv.

19-28. R. M. Siriplin, gen uirr

Lake Butlar--Bradfor<l Co Fair A»-n. N.iv.

10-14. Chaa. 11. Register

Orlando--.Mlil-VVlnter Suh-Tno leal Fair "Cfk in Keb. C. K. Ilotaard.

7 h rd

Pensacola--W. Fla. Fair .Vs-n Firat week In

Nov. J. B. Morrow.

Tampa--South Kla. Kalr A Ittsparllla Carnival.

Kell. 2-18. P. T. Strleder. gen. mgr.


Aniericua--Sumter Co. Fair A-an. Thoa. I*. Littlejohn, mgr.

.Nov. 3-7.

Atlanta-SoutbOaatern Fair A-an. Oct. 8-17.

K. M. Strtplin.

Balnliridge_I>..tttnr Co. Fair .Va»n. Nov. JO-

14. Tlios. 1`. Littlejohn, mgr.

Baxley--.Vppling Co. 4'air. .Vaan. Oct. 27-81.

B, C. .'mith.


Blue Ridge--Fannin Co. Fa.r Aa-n. Oct. 6-7.

A. J. .Mli-chke.

Camilla--Mitchell Co. Fair .Vaen. Thra. I". Littlejohn, mgr.

Nov. 3-7.

Carrollton--Carroll Co. Fair .V--n. S«pf. 280«t. 3. Thoa. p. Littlejohn, mgr.

I'olumhuo--Chattahoochee Valley Ftxpo. 19 24. Harry V'. Robert.


Covington--Newton Co. Fair .Vaan. Sept 29<Vt. 3. Henry Odum.

Cutliliert--Randolph Co. Fair Aaan. Oct, 27-81.

Thoa. I*. Littlejohn, mgr.

Kalrhuru--Campbell Co. Fair .Vaan, Paul l.atimer.

Oct. --.

Oriffin--Spulding Co. Fair Aa-n. Oct. 19-24. Brms- .Vlontgomery.

Ijiwrencevllle--Lawrcncevlllo .Vgrl. A Indust.

Fair, Oct 19-24. John M. Langley

I.joiis--Tuonia Co. Fair .Vs»n. Nov. 2-7. A. L.


McRae--T- Ifalr Co. Fair. Oct. 8 40. Ijimur

Murdaugh. prea.

Macon--Georgia State Expo. (*ct. 19-24. K.

Roaa Jordan.

Madison--Morgan Co. Pair .Vaan. Oct. 28-81. Harry .VI. .McWhorter.

Monroe--Walton Co. F'air Aaan. Oct. 12-17.

A B. Mobley;

Millen--Jenkina Co. Fair. Oct. 28-24. Walter


Moultrie--Criaiie Co. Kalr .Vssn. (IPt 28-31.

K. L. Dekle, pre'N

Rome--Kloyd Oo. Kalr Aaan., auap. .Vmerican

Legion. Oct. 8-10. Joe M. Carr. secy.


Athlon--Edward* Co. Kalr .Va*n · Sept. 8 11.

Frank llowey.

Aledo--Mrrcer Co Agrl. Soc. .Kept. 8-12.

Mm. Zera W Fast.

Alma--Marlon Co. Agrl. Soc. Aug .7-s .·»

L. Laawell.

Amboy--I>-e Co. Kalr .Vssn. Aug. 2-7 28 W.

.V. Welur.


.Vniia--Southern III. Kalr Aa-n. .Vug. 2-7 28.

James Norria.

.Vrthur--Douglas Co. Fair .Vssn Sept. 30(»ct.

3 E. W'. Boyd.

.Vilanta--.Vifanta Pnion .Vgrl Soc. .Vug 18 21.

Jaa. I. McKown


.Vt«<M.d--.VtwiKul Kail Fe-tlVaT ,V .Vgrl. .Vssn.

Sept. 23-2.7. Glenn D. Paniter.

Augusta--Hancock Co. Fair Aaan. .Sept. 18 18.

G'STge H. Mlnnler. Aurora--Central States Expo.

Aug. 21-29.

Clifford R. Trimble.

Hedvidere--Boone Co. Agrl. Sw. Sept 1-.7.

K. W Cleland. Capron. HI.

Renton--Franklin Co. Fair Ann. Aug II 1.7

E. B. Xoirn.

Br eae--Clinton Co. Agrl. Fair Assn. Sept.

9 13. A. W Grunt.

Bridgeport--Lawrence Co. Fair. Sept. 8-11.

M A. Arvln. Cambridge--Henry Co. Fair, Third week In

Sept. R. A. Blomgren.

Carlinville--Macoupin Co. Kalr Asan. Sepf.

29-Oct. 2. George W. IN-nhy

Carmi--White Co. Agrl. Soc.
Fred c. Pnotney.

Aug. 18-21.

Carrollton--Greene Co. Fair A»-n. iN-t .7-9.

S. Elmer Simixon.

Carthage--Hancock Co. Fair Assn. S«-pt. 14.

EIIU E. Coz.

Cbarlestoa--Coles Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 14-19.

W. O. Glaaaco. Chicago--Infernat'l Lire Stock Expo. Nov. 28-

Dec. S. B. H. Heide, Union Sto<'k Tarda,

Clinton--DeWltt Co. Fair Aaan. -Vug. 5-8. H. T. Swtgart.

Danville--Illlnols-Indiana Fair .Vssn. .Vcz. Sb-

jaSept. S. George Jl. McCray

Decatur--Macon Co. Agrl. Soc. Seut. 1.7-19.

H. P. Ash. Harrlatown.

DuQnoln--Perry Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 28S--((VV-t.

8. J. H. Matten.

El Paso*--Woodford Co. Dlat. Agrl. Fair .Vug.

81-Sept. 5. Dr. A. C. King.

E<iiiallty--Equality Industrial Asan. Sept. 1.7-

18. Blueford Barnette.

Kalrbury--Fairbury Fair. Sept. 7-12. K. W.


Golconda--Pope Co Agrl. Aaan. Thoa. F. Phelps.

Sept. l.T-ls.

Greenup--Cumberland Co. Fair Aaan. .Vug 31-

Sept. S. B. J. McDonagh.

Griggaville--Pike Co. Fair Assn. Firat week In

Aug. A. P. Fergnaun

Harrtabnrg--Saline Co. Vgrl. .V.-sn. July 2S-

Aug, I, W. y. Rathbone.

Henry--Marshall Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 1.7-l8.t

C. A. Phllllpa.

Illllabnro--Montgomery Co. F'air -Va-n. -Vug.

2.7-29. J. H Rhodes.

Jacksonville--Morgan Co. Fair .V-sn 4. H. C. Welch.

Sept I-

Palatine--Cook Co. Fair Asan. Sept. 3-7. C.

C. Hlldehriindl.

Parla--Kdgar Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 7-12. A. 0, Hale.

Pecatonica--Winnebago Oo. Fair Aaan. Aug. 18-21. J. A. Prevooet.

Peoria--Greater Peoria Expo. Sept. 29-Oet. 3. Wm. J. O'Meara.

Pcotone--Will Co. Fair Aan. Sept. 23-16. Mra. Elmer Barton.

Peterahurg--Menard Co. Fair Aaan. John Bennett.
Pinckneyvllle--Perry Oo. Agrl. SoC.

Aug. 4-7. Sept. 1-4.

Harry Wllaon.

Princeton--Bureau Co. Fair Aaan. Bept. 1-1.

John S. Skinner.

Quincy--Adams Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 7-11. C. C. Mast.
Robinson--Crawford Co. Grange Fair. Aug. 10-

14. O. L. Wakefleld.

Sandwirb--Saodwlrb Fair Assn. Sept. 8 11. C. L. Stinson.

SbawneetowD--Gallatin Co. Agrl. Asan. July

21 24. J. L. Goetxmao.

Shelbyvllle--Sbelh.v Co. Fair Assn. S*-i>t. 290»t. 3. B. W. Kerr.
Sparta--lUadolpb Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 1.7-19 A. A. Brown.

Springfield--Illinois State Fair. Sept. 19-2:.

W. W. Lindley, mgr.

Taylorrille--Cbrlatian Co. Fair Aasn. Sept 712. Clair E Hay.
Vienna--Johnson Co. Fair Asan. Aug. 18 21. E. F. Throgmorton.

Warren--Warren Fair Assn. Sept. 1-4. J. VV.


Watseka--Iroquois Co. Fair Assn. F. M. Brockway.
Winebesterr--Scott Co. Fair Asan. W. L. Bagshaw.

Seiit. '22 2*1. July 2*n2.7

Wyoming--Central Agrl. Soc. of Stark Co. .Vi:g. '25-28. E. Arganbright.


Angola--Angola Diat. Fair. Oct. 6-9. A. B. Eliton.
Bluffton--Bliiffton Free Street Fair. Hept. '22-28. George B. latuden.
lioonville--Boonrllle Fair Aiaan. Aug. 24-29.
Albert C. Drrr. Boiirbmi--Bourbon Fair Aaan. Sept. 29-Oct. 2.
M M. Beck. Columbus--Bartholomew Ce. Fair Aasn. Aug.
18-.21. F. M. Overstreet. ConnrrsvIHe--Fayette Free Fair Aaen. Aug.
18-21.. Jasper L. Kennedy. ConversK--Miami Co. Agrl. Asan. Sept. 15-18.
Will W. Draper.
Corydon--llarrison Co. Agrl. Soc. Aug. 24-28. Hugh Rhodes.
Covington--Covington Fair Aaan. Sept. 3-8. Koss DeHaven.
Crawfordsvllle--Montgomery Co. Colon .Vgrt. .8ept. 1-4. Robt. McClamrock.
Crown Point--Lake Go. AgrL 8oc. Sept. 21-26. Fred A. Ruf.
Decatur--Northern Indiana Fair. Sept. 1.7-f6. E. R. VVilliame.
Frankfort--Clinton Co. Fair Atsa. Aug. 18-21. .Vlarshall Thatcher
Franklin--Johnson Co. Fair Assn. Aug. 24-28. I*. F. Hunter.

.Vkron--Waabington Co. Kalr .Vaan. Sepi. 1-4. Sandrrsyllle--Washington Co. Pair. S.-pi 29- Jerae.TTllIe--Jeraey Co. Fair .V-sn. Sept. 7 12 Goshen--Elkhart Co. Fair Asen. Sept. 1-3.

Robt. W, Vance.

Oct. 3. Gordon 8. Chtiiman

Dr. F. D. McMahon.

E. B. Williamson.


Calhan-~KI Paao Co. Fair Aaan Sept. 2* .70, Savannah--Georgia Stat^ Kalr. (N t 26 31. Joalyn--Rock Island Co. .Vgrl. .Vssn. S«-pf. 22- Greeiicattle--Putnam Co. Fair Aasn. Oct. 1-3.

Bert M<-Cormlck.

Miaa rifle J. Meinnia, aecy.; Beruey Smuck- 2.7. Homer A. Dailey. Ililladalc

C. M. Moffett.

Ca-tle ifc-. k--jiougltt Co. Fair .V«an. Oct. 1-8.

ler, mgr

Kankakee--Kankakee Interstate Fair. Sept. Gn-fufleld--Hancock Co. Fair Asan. Aug. 23-

^ R. A. Rcevea.

Sparta--Hancoik Co. Kalr Assn. Oct. 28-31.

14 19 C. R. Miller, prea.

28 W. F. Thomas.

Cortri--Fair. auap. rjmmher of Commerce. S D. TruHt.

Kewanee--Kewanee Dlat Fair. -Vug. 31-s.'pl. Huntertown--Allen Co. Agrl. Assn. Sept, 1.7-

Sept. 2.7 28. C.». H. Bowra.

Stateaboro--Bulloch Co. Kalr .V--n. Nor 2-7.

.7. Luke S. Sprtetsraa.

19 W. J. Snyder.

Denver--Nifl Weatern Stock Show. Jan. 18- I, . A. Akina.

Knoxville--Knox Co. Fair A-sn. .Vug 2'« 28. lliintinghurg-Dubois Co. Fair Asan. A'jg. 10-

23. Rolit. R. It<i.vce, t'nioa Stock Tarda.

Summerville--i'hattooga Co. Fair Aaan. (N-t. O. E. Leaaenby.

I. 7. E VV. Wood.

R»d*~Klowa Co. Kalr Aaan. Sept. 17-18. J.

22 23. W. L. Abbott.

I.a Fayette--l.a Fayette Horae ,V Fair .V--n. IndUna|s>li*--Nat'l Dairy Expo. Oct. 10-17.

C *I liter.

Valdoata--Big Wln-graas Exin>. Nov 17-21. S«'pt. 8-11. H. A. Kaa<T.

W. E. Skinner, 010 S. Michigan Ave .

(ireeley--Weld Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 8-11 C. Thoa. P. IJttlelohn, mgr.

lai Harpe--Trl-CoUnty Fair .Vssn. .Vug 2-7-28.


W. Cr-vrler.

Warrenton--Warrrn-Olascock Fair. Oct 20-24. J VV. Mtnnich.

Indiana|M>l1s--Indiana State Fair. ^Sept. 7-l`2.

fi.riyoki--Phlllipa Oo. Fair Aaan. Sept 14. J. P. Wllholt.

Le Roy--Le Roy Fair Asan. Aug lt)-ll. D.

E J, Barker.


C I*. Starhiick.

Washington--Wllkea Co. T.eglon Fair Aa-n

C. H»`rry.

Kend.'illville--KendallTlIIe Fair Assn.


Longmont -- Boulder Co. Fair Aaan. Sei>l 1-8. <Vt. 13-17 Ullah Breland.

I.rwlalown--Fulton Co. Fair Assn. Sept 1 4

21-25 U. C. Brouse.

C. D. Rue,

Wlmlen--North Ga. Pair Asan. Oct. ,7-10. G.

.Vuatin L. Onion.

Kentland--Newton Co Fair Aaan. Si-pt. 29-

laiveland--Larimer Co. Fair Aaan. .Vug. 27-28.

W. Woodruff.

Lihertyvllle--Lakr Co. Kalr .Va-n. S*-pt. 4-7. Oct. 2. Clyde B. Herriraan.




John G. WIrtx.

Kokomo--Kokomo Expo. A LWa Stock Show.

.Vlanaaaa--Conejiva ('o. Fair Aaan. Sept 18-18. Blarkfnot--Southeastern Id. Fair Asan. Sept. IJtchfleld--Litchfield Community Fair -Vs-n.

Aug. 31-Sept. 5. W. H. Arnett.

Dallaa E. Danirla.

13-18. E. J. KJeUtcad.

Sept. 7-10. Harold Tunncll.

I,a Fayette--Tippecanoe Oo. Fair Assn. Aug.

Montmar--Weatern 81<*pe Fair. T7ilrd week In

2128. C. W TrsTls.

S« i>t. County Commlaaloncra, mgra

Laporte--Laporte Co. Fair Aasn. Aug. 23 28.

Pueblo--Colorado State Fair. Sept. 21-28.

J. A. Terry.

I*. .V. Jay. lioeky Ford --Arkanaaa Valley Fair Aa«n.


Feature Free Attractions For Parks, Fairs, Celebrations

I.awrenceburg--Dearborn Co. Fair. A .V. Ritsmana.

Aug. 19 22.

1 I J U Miller. S'erling--T.ogan Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 8 11.
J. 11. King. Viiina--Viitna Co. Fair .Vaan. ScpI. 9 II. Cham-
la r of Commerce, mgra.

All vorriM rrlirvtd when yoo rontrart with the

Logansport--Casa Co. Fair Asan. Sept. 22-26. O. D. Custer.
Marengo--Crawford Co. Fair Assn. Aug. 17 21.
M. 51. Terry. Middletown--Henry, Madison A D<-lawsre Co

CONNECTICUT llrookl.vn--Windham Co. Agrl. 8«a- .sept. 22 24.
Marahall /. irrink.
Cheater--CiM-alvr Agrl. Soc. Sept.* 2.7. C, F. Sp<Mieer.
Danbury - Danbury Agrl. S«a-. tN-l. 8-10. O. M Uiindle.
I'tirtiam--Diirhain .Vgrl. Fair .V«an Oct. 7 8. K. II. Page. Diirham Center.
Eaat lladilam--K.aat Haildiim Hrangc Kalr Aaan. Sept. 2. Allart <1. Hall. M.aalua.
. Conn Olaatonbiiry--Olaatonbiiry Agrl Kalr .V-an. Oi't.
1 3. Ucorge \V. Burney,
iloaba-n--Onoben Agrl. Soc. Sepl. 7. Oeorga Caake.
Cnilford--Oiiltford Agrl. Soc. Sept. SIV-OcI 1.

N'l.w iHNikItig (ei-im 1925. 1\>o big lensstloiul .Vrrltl Frre Arts. L»ihr and Gmllenun. Senv-tthHUl VerUl Trapi'te -V*. No. 1 Conu-ljr Etrctrlr Kevulvliig loickler Art. No. S Uusrootcrd ails and appcatanics. Ca-h biaij if raquirrd. .Vddrrsi Convention Uall, Kansas City, Mo.

Agrl. Soc. July 28-31. F. A. VVl-eharf. VIontpelier--51onti>elier Speed Assn. July 21-
24. H L. Kelley. Miincie--Vluncie Fair. Aug. 4-7. F. J. Clay-
pis>L New Harmony--Posey Co. Agrl. Soc. .Vug 11-
14.' Raymond Coz. Newcastle--Henry Co. -Vgrl. Soc Aug 44-
14. C B. Fletcher. Ni'rth Manchester -- North Mancheater Fair
.Vssn. Sept. 7-11. John Isenbarger. North Vernon--Jennings Co. Agrl. Asan. Aug.
11 14. H. A. S'eama. Osgood--Ripley Co. Fair Aasn. Aug. 4 7. O.
R. Jenkina. Portland--Jay Co. Fair Aasn. Aug. 10-14. Mil¬
lard Nlzoa.

It. DeF. llrUtol.

(CoNtiNuetl on pagm 92)



No. 7. Code--LION

CHICAGO OFFICE 308 N. Michigan Blvd.

TERMS:--One-third deposit with order,

No. 69. Coda--MOON

No. 45. Code--NITE.

No. 63. Coda--FLOOR.

No. 305. Code--LID.

No. 16. Code--PEARL.


MAIN OFFICE AND FACTORY Port Washington, Wisconsin.

TERMS:--One*third deposit with order, balance C.O. D


MEMPHIS BRANCH 52-54-56 DeSota St.



fSTi3 C 4 . 1

g ^. j

THe BillBoard

June n, 192')

FAIR/TM»LpeIecS*0T) 0
RockvtllP_I'arke Co. A«rl. 8<.c. SiUt. 1-4. ,

Se-th Hradflcld.


B.iinH.>.r--slasper Co. Fair Aasn. Auf 31-

·Sopt. 5. A. E. Wallace.

Bo.hestcr-T.ke ilanl.ou Fair. Sept. 1-5.

Ro^^2po^\L£ik^Io"rr^air. Ap«. 18-21. C. M. !



A A lb

FREE * A ^

_ * __


A1I 41I "-114 02-141 0w 3-"14l A 4A *-1IIR 5O,j

1925 107*^

c C T T 1M r

|| "'rr'^'rS;"'"'^ '·" *·" '"·· llodgnnvllle--Larne Co Fair .Aaan. Sept 9. 12 .A. V. Ki-nnailv. Glasgow--Glasgow t'olorcd Fair Also. gept 4 6. W. K. Nunn.

Grayson--Carter Co. Fair Asan. Sept. l-J

- Tlioa. S. Vales. Ullaarrrroodtiauhluiur*rf-- --MMetrrcrer CH). Foair AAaitann. July 2f9l-.

31. CCll*e-lll CuollHemuianii. H Haarrttffoordrd---oOhhlioo Co. F Faairir*A Exi|iK>o).
ID>r. L. I1I1. BMie-an.

gS»e-ppt. 177-1199.

IIopkinsTlIie--Pennyroyal Fair.

Sept, i.a

John W. Illcliarda.

U La^CCeentnert-- erB-a^ll^ar^d^^Co. Fair Aaan. Sept 22.

25. Zellner U Peal.


S,.Kinc-8he.^y Co. Fair Asaa. Sept. 1-4.

LCeg^littlilTmlSattCe VC/oOnHcCeCsSsSiloOnnSs

Lawrenceliurg--lawrenrebur* Colored .Aasn. .Aug. 2il.28. I. B. Parrent.
Lawreiicebiirg--Lawreniehur* Fair Aaan 18 21. J. U Cole.

Ane '

Lexington--Blue Grass Fair Aaan. An*. `>4.09

Chaa. S. Darnaby. *

.sJ[?'n,^rLowcnTo!' Aerl. Soc. Sept. 23 2.'..


Of A Allll K KlinnddSs.. X 0o1n1 B BU lannkkeettSs o Oppeenn..

LLeexj^inngattoono---CCoolloorreedd FFaaiirr.. A Auu*,.. KlOk-llrr.,.. jj, p Caulder.

* VaJpar^^Forter Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 14.W.

W Wrriittee FFRREEDD AA.. CCHHAAPPM MAANN,, SSeeccrreettaarryy,, IIoonniiaa.. M Miicchhiiggaann..

Liberty--Greens Hirer Fair Atan. An* John B. w WhhilV ppn. l""
London--Laurel Co. Fair. Au*. 2.A-29.

19."i · ·
R^. c`'·

wirJ?n-wXr"rI-'n'Trl-Co. Fair Aasn. July 2\


Loularllle--Kentucky State Fair. .SSeeppt., U 14.-1ia

James K. Fatiey,


WyiawVoacluakf Co. Fair Aasn. Sept. ------

w|liam^port-Av£^n ^
IOWA AlhU-Monroe_^ Co. Fair. A,».

Sept. Sept. 7-10.




M ral 3

  -T"!.* 'I A

Alkona-lKWh Co. Asrl. Alan. Sept. 7-11. Alilion-Butler Co. Fair. Sept. 7-ia J. C.

Good clean 20 or 25-Cir Carnival, week September 15 to 19. Day and nigh. fair. WABASH COUNTY TAIR ASSN.. E. Guy Mundy. Secretary. Mt. Carmel, lllmo.t.

Moouut^lcneclvUlslo---M Monticce.lllo Fair. Auk*. 18-21. c. C. Caffey. «

"M2t2.22--S2T5ie.'r`l?lnV Xg.-- ~AAM. "oW "nTtgllkokmTMer"errronyn^.^C^o^. Fair Aaan

July ^

Mt. Sterlliak*--Monltkgomery Co (Cuolnor>. dd>) Fair Aasn. Aug. 5-8. Ruaaell U. Burnh.im. T
Nlebolaarille--K. of P. Fair. Sept, l.'i-lh. T
oOwwUee.nna.G'bbuoSjr?noX-- . ^Dna,Trlleea,a. CCoo.. FFaaiirr AA EExannoo. SSerppt, :7. 12. George W. Bales.

Perryrllle--IVrryvUle Fair Aaan. Au*. 12-14 John Hayes.



Antmoaa--Auamooa Fair Atan.

A*rl. SOC.

ArianJc-^a^^Co. Fair Aaan.

1S*>1At*. 11-14.
wm. 7-11-

NaHontl--Clayton Co. Aitrl, Soc. Xo^'{bt-,,rI,!i`w;rth Co. A,rl. Soc.

Au*. 2.> 28. -pt. 21-^.. .s.pt. 1.M8.

Great Bend--Barton Co. Fair Aaan. <---r*.-Kl,,w^ n.rdtner-Jt.rber Co. l-alr Aa.n.

0(^t. «-9. Sept. 2-4.

Kustell Sprlinigcsa-- --RBuiiaiasell Co. Fair Astan Au*.

11-14. C. E. Smith.


pS|bj*e}lbj,yyr\l'jlil|tJt[--2sShhVellbbyy'"cCoo.". AAgfrrll. AAaaaann. AAuu** 5"Vv

28. T. K. AVebber. SliepherdSTllle--Bullitt CCoo.. FFl.alirr A As«sn. AAouVe

18-21. J. \V. Barrall JculT.kl``Io.*'Fa.r A..,,. Au, 2:..2a.

Aild'ubim-AuVu^n'"co. Fair. Sept. 14-18. W. on^WaL.MUona*t"oX'Fair Aaan. S. pt. 14. Kd


Stanford-Anre'rlcJn Le,loo Fair Aaun. An,.

Aurora--Aurora Agrl. Soc. Sept. 8-10. C. H. oran*e* C*ty--Sloui Co. A*rl. Soc. Au*. 24-27.

****** *"*'

' Sprlniflcld--Waa^htnirt'on Co. Fair Aaun. Ai«.

Avo" a--Pottawattamie Co. Fair Atan. Au*.


Ti ov A,_ ,

Bedford--Taylor Co. Fair Asan. July 27-Au*. 1.

C. N. Nelson. Bloomfield--Bavla Co. .Agrl. Soc. Ar.*. I8-.I.

Frank C. Young. . , ,, Britt--Hancoik Co. Agrl. Soc.

o . ,e ,» Sept. I0-I8.

L. T. Nutty. Brooklyn--Brooklyn Agrl. Soc.

^ Sept. 29-Oct.

1. J. N. Carlson.'

_. .

Burlington--Burlington T>l-8tate Fair Asan.

Aug. 10-lS. H. M. Ofelt.


Carroll--Carroll Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. i-ll.

Chaa. H. Parsons.


Cedar Falla--Cedar Valley Fair A Kipo. .AAun**.,

Central City--Wai.g^ Valley Fair Aaan. Sept.

n. Ilorton--Horton Stock Show A Fair. Sept. 9-

Oa^*e^Mit*heH* Co. Fair Aasn. Sept. 14-17. ^*iI*o**®""i/*°W ^-''`*W \Vinls»oon.

*^**** ^

^ R C. Carr.

Hnuuttcchhllnnsaoonn-- --Kansaes SUte Fair. Sept. 10-25.

onkalooca--Southern la. Fair * Expo. Sept.

^A. L. Sponaler.

5.II, J. Perry I.ytle.

tlnoilnn-- l--.Atillieenn CCoo. FFaaiirr AAaaaann. AAnu**. 3311--SSeepntt 44..

p,,,ii)iu--O'Urleu Co. Live Stock * -Agrl. Show.

Dr 'yF. jS, Beattie


Sept. 16-17. O. J. Strampe.

Lane^Lane'AA**rrl. Fair AAattann. Sept. 4-5. Floyd

perry--Tri-Co. Fair A Interstate Expo. Sept, jBj Martin

14-18. E. D. Carter. puinggl--Pulaakl Agrl. Soc.
F. Bacey. B(,ek Bapida--^Lyon Co. Fair
Sept. 4.

Oct. 6-9. Gene



Aasn. Au*. 81-

-. . .

ELarmned-- --lP*aawwnee Co. Agrl. Aaan. Oct.

K. A. EEvvaannaa..

Leotl--Wichhiittaa' Co. Fair Aaan. .E.d.d. Case,


Liberal--Liberal BaclPf Aaan. Sept. 2-4.

13-18. 10-12. Chaa.

Rurkwell City--Bockwell Ci.nityy Fraairl aA-soaun. -- -Auf.TaTrlao ylorr.

4-7. P._B. Wilson. k,- rClfityy-- --SSac Co. Fair Aataann.

A. u-g. n 1,,1-1i,n,4.

w W tit. Linj,,,colnp--Ljijn,c,,oln Co. Fair Aasn.

Sept. 22-25.

v.tw aa«a An* 40. Eogatt--Four-Coonty Fair Atan. Aug. 18-21.

Shenandoah--Shenandoah Fatr Aataan. Anu*g. 1iw0-

^ IV Cheatnutt.

TayviloTM ra'vTllllTleh.-- L5CS'.peCncaTMm er'p'tbC^eo*l.l*. 'FFaaiir Aaan. Au* 4.-77.

_ H. P. Howerton. CFnnlloonnttoowwnn-- --CFnlion Co. Fair Aa«sn. Aug*. 4-.7,.

'*. DI.-, 'iJliivreennaa.

_. .

Vaannceeebbuur*rg---LLeewwilas Co. Fair AAasaiao. Sept. X2-A5.

,, Dorothy P. Burrla,


Ver»aallleca--WoodAird Co. K. of P. Fair. .An*.

4-.7. Jameas P. Jeuauae. Winchestter--Clark Co. CPoolored Fair Aaan. Jullyy

1-'44-. Spencer T. Turner.

Alexandria--Central La. Fair Aasaia. Ocet. 19-.324.
S. E. Bowers, mgr. BB,oissaalleirr Critiety----RBnoasasiieeer PPaarriiashh rFaalier Aas.a.n.. Or\-c.t.
21 24. (1. B. Smith. DDoo^nnailiddaaoonnTTllliIlee-- --SSoouutthh LLaa.. FFaaiirr AAaaaano OOcctt. l1-l1l1.

a.h. a....

O t. 6-i*. A. A. Anderson. Corning--Adams to, lair Asan.

Sept. 7-10.

George E. Hllas.


C'orydon--Wayne Co. Agrl. Soc. Probably Au*.

24-28. F. B, Selby.


Creaco--Howard Co. A|rl, Soc. Au*. 18-22.

F. D. Mead.

D.;:;en|orSa. Vajley Fair ft Ex^ Au*.


lion 4^Moore.

oo.a,., »

Spencer--Clay Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 29-Oct. 3.

R. E. Bucknell.

. .,,

,,. -

storm Lake--Storm Lakei Agrl. Soc. Oet. i-lO.


a *· i

Strawberry Point--Strawberry Point Dlat. Fair

Soc. Au*. 11-14._ M. Seeds. _ ,


Tipui^e^ir Co. Fair'a/.u. ' Sept. 8-11. C.

a Melrern-Melrern Sunflower Days' Aaan. Aujt.
27-28. J. S. Ibiotv. Mound" Clly--Linn Co. Fair Asan. Ocf. 8-0.
Norton--Norton Co, Agrl. Atan. Au*. 11-14. ^ , Johnaon m. Fair Aasn. Sent. 23f ^

r!'r;..... i... ,m. Not. 1. W. A. Ws*non. Jennings_Jefferson iiavla Parlah Fair Aaaa. Not. 11-14. Percy J. Owlea. Lafayette--Sonibweat La. Fair. Oct. 14-18. H. B. Skinner. Otkdahia-.tlirn Pariah Fair Atan. Oet. IS-lu.
P,^;>ci'-S'.`r^ri.Ity Fair. Oct. 9 ,0. ` n.t.le

DeWOt--n'lnton Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 8-11. G. H. Chriaienaen.
Decorah--Winne-hlek Co. Agrl. Asan. Au*. 11-
14. E. J. Curtin. Berby-Di-rhy DUt Xgrl. Soc. Sept. 8-11. L.

Tolid^'ram* Co. Fair-A«*n. Sept. 8-11. F. L. Whltford.
Vinton--Benton Co. Agrl. akasn. An*. 24-27
I). L. Bryan. WafellS-S. Co. Fair Aasn. Aug. 25-28.

Clarence M M ono tgonm* eryt.*..mery.*` Ottawa--Franklin Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 7-11.
P. P. Elder. Jr.

BBaay^yylyUleU--^lKilbehhllaanndd PPaarriiaahh FFaaiirr AAaaaann.. SS.-pMf 2288-Oci. 8. E. P. Norman, mgr.
St. Franetsvtlle--W. F> iiclana Pariah Kt r Aasn. Oct, 7-10. W. A. Mackle.
Shreveport--State Fair of La. Oct. 29-Nov. 8.

DeY'M.fr;L,owa State Fair. Au*. 26-Sept. 4.

A. K. Corey. Donnellson--Lee Co. Fair Aasn. Au*. 25-28.

H. At. Uopp. Uyeravilic--Dubunue Co. Fair .4aan. Sept 8-10.

riaren<-e K. Kerrlng.


wiiUGo^K' C^Tfie Congreaa A N.l'l Belgiin Horae Show. Sept, 28-Oct. 4. E. 8.
Waukon--Allamakee Co. Agrl. Soc. Ang. 18-21. C. O. Helming.
W*Terly--Uremt-r Co. Fair Amd. Sept. 1-4.

ra-rgo"ni_frl-State Fair Aaan. Sept. 7-10. >.
P P^PD&rdlD Qninter--Quinter Fair Aasn. Sept. 8-11. W.
F Howell. Bu«h CVntfr--Rn«h Co. Fair Aoiti. Aar. 2^

W. K. Hiracb, Tallulah--Loulflana IRdta Fair .Vs-.n, 0,'. 14-
17. P. O. Benjamin. WInnaboro--Franklin Parish Fair As«n. Oct.
20-24. Harry A. St. John.

Eldon--Wapello Co. Fair Aaan. Au*. 25 28. Joe P. Gruwe.

28. S. A. Ii* nner.

Acton--Sbapleigh ft Actod Agrl. Soc. Oct. 68.

L. W. Hall.

WelHiter City--Hamilton Co. Agrl. Asan. Sept. BuaHell--Rnaaell Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 2».Oct. 2.

Fred K. Bodwell.

Eldora--Hardin Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 22-24. 15-18. , L. N._ Maaom

.. _


H A. Dawaon.

Andover--Oxford North Agrl. Soc. Sept. 23-21.

George W Haynea.


Weat Liberty--Colon Dlat. Agrl. Soc. Aug. Beneca--Nemeha Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 22-25.

Roger L. Thuratun.

Elkader--F.lkader Fair Assn. Aug. 18-21. J. 22-26. Walter Light.

J. C. Grlndle.

Anion--Somerset ('o. Agrl. Soc. Oc*. 2-3. C. (,.

J. Finnegan.

W'at Union--Fayette Co. Agrl. Soc. Aug. 24- Smith Center--Smith Oo. Fair Aaan. Aug. 28- F7aoders, Madtron, Me.

Emmetaburg--Palo Alto Co. Agrl. Asan. Sept. as. H. M. Stafford.

29. J. D. Flaxbeard.

.Mhens--Wesserimu'tt Valley Fair, Sept. 29-

1.4-18. Bert I.. Franee.

West Point--Weat Point. Dlst. Agrl. Soc. Aug. Stafford--Stafford Co. Stock Show. Oct. 1.1-ld. SO. W. R Tlble-tfa.

Fonda--Big 4 Dlat. Fair. Sept. 15-18. Sam 4.7. John Walljaspe-r.

E. A. Brllea.

Bangor--Bangor Fair. An*. 25-28. A. B.

G. Baildwin.


What Ch<-er--Keokuk Ctoo.. Fair. Aug. 24-27. Stockton--Kooks Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 1-4. D.


F'oreat City--Winnebago Co. Fair Asan. Sept. t(i),. J. Roland.

F. Burlln.

Belfast--New Belfast F'alr. Aug. 18-20. H.

8-11 L. B. Cottliigtia'ii.

Winfield--Winfield Fair Aaan. Aug. 4-7. KRua- Sylvan Grove--Sylvan Grove Fair Aaan. Sept, C. Buxaell.

Fort Dodgi--llawkeye Fair & K.ipo. Sept. 5-11. is,,e.lnl Canby.,

29-Ocf. 2. H. K Gerdea.

Blnehill--llanrock Co. .Vgrl. Soc. Sept. 8-10.

James 11. Ladd.

Toi>eka--Kansas Free Fair. Sept. 14-10. Phil B O. Wllllami.

Greenfi.ld-Adair Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 15-18.



Brid*tun--Brldgton .\,rl. .Vssn. Aug. 11-13.

Frank A. tiatcli.

Troy--Doniphan Co. Fair Aasn. Sept. 1-4. C.

F. S. Hanson.


Grundy Center--Grumly Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. Alta Vlata--Community F'aailr Aassan. Sept. 23- W. Reeder.

Canton--Andrewscowgln Valley Agrl. Soc. Sept.

8-lL J. Vanderwieken.

-2.5. J. B. Jackson.

, , ,,o.0 CnlontowD--Bourbon Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 2S- I S, r. G. Walker.

Guthrie Center--tluth-le Co Agrl. Aaan. Sept. Anthboonnyy-- --A.tnthony Fair Aaan. July 28-31. O. oct. 2. W. A Stroud.

Cberryfleld--Cherryfleld Fair .Vasn. Sept. 18-17.

22-2.'). Harry


EF. Morriaon.

Valley Falla--Jefferson Co. Fair Asan. Sept.

W. G M' ana, Jr., Machlas. Me.

Hambiirg--Hamburg Agrl. l air Aaan. Aug. 8- Arcadia--Arcadia Fair A Carnival at Streckerr'aa js-Oct. 2. Ixm Ilanck.

Corntab--Cornlah Agrl. .Vssn. Aug. 18-10.

7. W. H. Kageth.

Grove, -tug. 5-8. Joe L. Cap|)s.

Wakeeney--Trego Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 15-18.

I/eon M. Ayer.

Hampton--Franklin Co. Fair .taan. .\ug. 24-27. A.Vrrkkaaniiasas City--.\rkanasaa City Fair A Aas»'int. Sept.

E. A. Coiirlnev.

Damarlarotta--I.lncoln Co. Fair Asan. Sept.

B, C. Marta. Harlan--Shelby Co. Fair Aaan. Aug. 25-28. W.
FI. Cia)per. Humboldt-Humboldt Co. Agrl. Soc. 8- pt. 14.

'·29 (0R< t. 2. W, K. Sheff. Ashland--Clark Co. F'alr Asan. Second week
In S*`lit. T. R. Caiitliera. BellevUb--N. Central Kan. Free Fair Aasn.

Wakefield--Wakefield Free Fair. Oet. --. D. S. Mclntlre.
Waashlington-- --W Waaasbhiinnggtt)on Co. Stork Show. At*pprrooxx. 0>t. 1100. JJ.. 4V. Hepbr.

29-Oct. 1. Edward B. Denny. Jr. Ellawurib--Ham-ork Co. F'alr .Vssn. Sept. 1-3" rK FF. RRiiAJiillnnssoonn. Enx.t'terrr---W W. P PcrDooboa^cott Agrl. Asan. Sept. 15-17.

(,. H. Tb-Grotle. Iiidepi ndenee--Buchanan Co. Fair. Au*. 18-21.
A. H. Brook*. Indiaqola--Warren Co. Fair Asan. Sept. 8-11.
C. .VI. Trimble. Iowa F'all*--Central Iowa .\*rl. Assn. Kepi.

Aug. 31-Sept. 4. W. K. Barnard. Beloit--Mitcla ll Co. F'alr .Vssn. Seiit. 29-Oct.* 3.
tVm. N. The. Blue Rapids--Marshall Co. Fair Assn. Sept.
· 29 Oct. 2. J. N. VVanamak'r. Burden--Eastern t'owley Co. F'air Assn. Sept.

W Bsavveerrllyy-- --OOhio Day AAisan. Aug. 20-21. A. 0. Cook.

Wetm<ire--Wetmore Dl

18-19. Fi. J. Woodin

W WWniirr-bOh1Ji4it.tai-- --DliKKmaann.nsTMCta'.,s

'Xn.s"fl''".!.. Smith




,Fr,.. rE. CCoollbbaatthh.
Farmington--Franklin Co .VgrI. Soc.
24. Frank 'E..·"K`knn;w..?llo)n-,'*'''
Fryebnrg--W. tiiford Agrl. Soc. "Iri, J, I*#. r''StauUlSeS^nil** '''

Z Sept.
Sepl. 2»n* n

28-0, t. 1. L. n. .'toiiro. Jefferson--Greene Co. F'air Asan. Sept. 21-25.
E, ('. Freeman. Keosauqua--Van Huren Co. Agri. Assn. Sept.
14-18. A. J. Secor. Knoxville--Marlon Co. Fair Assn. Au*. 17-21.
C. M. Gilson.
Marvern--Milla Co. Agrl. Soc. Aug, 4 7. A. O.

2-4. W. A. Brooks. Burlincton--Coffee Co. Agrl. F'alr As-n. Oet.

6-9. B. A. Roberta.

Cbanute--Neosho Co. Agrl. Soc. Ang. 24-29.

George K. Bldean. Cimarron--Gray Co. Fair Aasn.

Set>t 24-'-`6.

<'hts. S. .sturtevant.

Clay Center--Clay Co. Fair As*n. La-t of

Wiiaon-- --W WUilason Fair /A*sn. Sept. 8-11. F. D. Olds.

Winfield--Cowley Co. S: lock Show A Fair. Oct.

6-0. Ira L. Plunk.




Alexandria--Campb-II r' o. Agrl. Snr. Sept. .5-K.

Ralph L, lUcbford. 326 Gran'dvlew are.'.



_ F. K. Moulton. ( umberland ,, ii'er_. 5le,,_ ,,

Green--Green 'Town Fair. 0«t. 0. IsalM-IIe M.




Iloultnn--Honiton Agrl. Hoc. Aug. 2.'--i. *·

O. Hfulglna. Leeds Center--I.-eedt Agrl. Assn. (N-t. 6. r. .V.

. TVh'o.m^V as. m,i_. Ntsfe Fair Sent 7_-16 J,. »a·


Sept, or first of Oct. B. D. Sptera. Brough- Bellevue, Ky.

n. ,1 , "

" *

S< pt. · > ·

Manchester--Delaware Co. F'alr Soc. Sept. 1-4. Ion. Kan.



Hartmarillle--Knox Co. Fair. Sept 2-4. J. J. t 1,"le.n.

B. W. Williams.

Coffeyvllle--Montgomery Co. Fair Assn. Aug. xye.


.fn rn Fair A««'i. ^ ^

Manson--Calhoun Co. F'air Assn. J. C. Hoag.

Aug. 25-27. Co1ld8-w21a.ter--E(lloiomttancIrhveinC. o. Fair Asan. S,, ep.t. 2,,-5.. BedfoYrda--geTrr.imble Co. Fair. Sept. 25 28. L. M voo.nmmoAtHnihh--<r.·-« hl.m,, InwaJgeoonn AA»grrll. AAssssnn, 8b- iI>l 36.

II...... v...h,

i>..a_i-.i- o..., ,0 10 nr n

'v- *»· Keinolils.


Missouri Valley--Harrison Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept.

14-18. .1, .1. Ow**n.


M^tlcel!.--.lories Co. Fair Aasn. Aug. 24-28.

Harrison Itrookover.
Fredonia--Wiiaon Co. F'alr Aaan. VV, H. Loflln.
Girard-Craw ford Co. Fair Assn.

Aug. 11-14. Au*. 4-7.

F'almout'b--Falmouth Fair Aasn. Sept. 28-28.

h*%ar?a<^*xfoni Co.""A*rV. Roc. Sept. I*'





to WO Frothinaham

^7." ^^7.^7''* y'''',Ho,,l'h Windsor-S. Kenn-hi-c Agrl. S«' ^'b'

Mt. Pleasant-Henry Co. Agrl. Assn. Aug. 17-


Frank I'riee

.Nashua--Big 4 Fal'r Aaan. Sept. 14-18 Nor-

ton a. Bloom.

Gm-dland--Sherman Co. Fair. Sept. 2S-Oct. 1. T X UcTanta
r.ove--Gove Co. Fair Asan. Sept. 8-5. Chaa. C. Spikes

·--"y. Fair Awim Aug. Hubert Conner, Burlington, Ky. Germantown^ermaniown Fair. Aug. Dan II. Lloyd. H. D. 1. Dover. Ky.

19-22. 26-29.

Arthar .N. Uougiaa. K.

awr. we.


Top«ham--Topabim Fair. Oct.


so ia 1.  .

F r

June 1). 1925

The Billboard

3.00 Ooz.

All Records Droken on Novelty Sales Last IVfontli--There's A Reason


Rrd. Wlllt* lid BIm. t-RIb CUth Par·Mlt. ·lib Bambo* Croak Haa- *<) ye dlea. Otiaa. ^.lO

Flaaarad Clath ParaMit. I Riba. Ai-

wtrd Ctlart tt tha Dana.



FUR MONKEYS. · In. Lang. Yallaw Face, with Loni Wira. First PC cA Quality Gaada. Broaa.


Na. 16--Ladiat'. w'th 3'/a-lnck Un.


$1 6.00

No. 17--GifVs'.' witli"V-Ttl! Unbraakabla Wooden Tops. Gr.

C  I·A·a.UnUn

Na. 18--Boys', with Anibar and Colored


No. 711 /29--3V^.|n. Cutle Doll. Dressed with H.iir Wi| and Marabou pn AA Fur. G Gratar ...a .....t...a .7...7
No. 4}--3'/,.In. Cotla OtII. Made un Complete with Asstd. Camie Pm Clt Buttona. at par Cut. Grata.. ^Iv.OU
50 Asstd. and Newest Say- pa Inos la Camie Buttans. Per lOO
Camla Buttons. Made up with Pa CA Ribbon and Band. Per 100..

with orders, balance C. 0. D.

158 Park Row, NEW YORK Cin


I nlnn--N<>rth Knox Co. Pair Aeon, tirut. 2:.'-24. II. I.. tirlnnrll.

Wa'rrslllr--tVutral Maine Fair.

1 3.

Hr. r. K. llaird.

\V.-.t Ciimlx-rlaiiil--Cumberland Farmer- Club.

Sept. 222:t. H. U. Ttork. Walnut H.ll. Me.


I'ailillao--Nortliarn Di<it. Fair Ansn. Srpt. It-

INrry K. Pnwera. ni*r. Caro--Caro Fbir Amid. Auk. 24-27. Clar*-nca

U M.rers.

Ca*n Cliy--Taa-ola. Huron & Sanilac Diet. Kalr.


Willla Camiiliell.

Cliarlotli--F.aton Co. A(rl. Sos-. Sept. 2li Oet.

Albert I.ea--Freeborn Co. A*rl. Soc. Sept. 29O,',. 1. N. J. AA'hItneT
Alexandria--Oouxiaa Co. Fain Assn. .Au*. 2>i2ft. R. S, Thornton.
Anoka--Anoka Co. A*rl. Soc. Sept. l«Mft. I. . O. Ja,.H).
Appleton--Swift Co. Fair Asun. Sept. 16 19.

Kedwimd Falla--Redwood Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 28-Oct. 2. W. A. Ilam-k.
UiM'liegter--Olmsted Co. Agrl. Aisn. Ang. 1821. Jullua Ausen.
Rn-h City--Chl-ago Co. Agrl. Soc. Aug. 34-33. 11 B. Johnson.
Sauk Centr,--Stearns Co. Agrl. 80C. ftept. 81-

Ilel \lr--n.irforj Co. Kalr A»«n. Oet. 1.3 lil.


K A. Cairm·«.

* Iwtham-- Alper Co. Agrl. Assn.

(·umh.Tian<l--t umberlaud Kalr A»an. Oet. 510.

E. (Jre. nwooil.

F. R. McGowan. S, pt. 1 4. Arlinyton--Sibley Co. Azrl. .As.-u.
O. S. A'euta.

Sept. 3-.'i.

Oet. 2. G Hiller,Id.
.Shakopee--Si'Ott Co. Agrl. W. F. Harris,


Sept. 3-3.

\ iru I C. I'ossell.

(entrevllle--t.ranye Fair of St. Joeepli Cn. Austin--Mower Co. A*rl. Soc. -Aw*. 2.". 2S. Shi.vton--Murray Co. Fair Sept. 10-12. Bobt.

riiiiirr r.rore--C<>lore<l II«r»e Sh«w A Rslin.. .i«p. Xl.miRomerr Cu. Karmen*' Club. .Vii«.

I. I

Kraiik D. Wall. Caillier-hiim. Md.

Kr-.l rick--Krederlrk C<». A«rl. »*«;. tlet. 20-2.3.

O C. War<-liime. II .k-r-town--llaxer-tiiwn Inlerelale Kalr. Oet.

13-17. I.. 11. Surlier Mt. .\lr.T--Ml. AIt.t Fair A-«n. Aup. 1ft 22.

C. Arnold KlriRlnp. I'li.i.muke C'ly--1`ocomoke Fair .4le«-n. An*.

4 7. Jtmeu M. Criiikett. Re krllle--MontKoniery to. Afrl. SS.<Uu-'. .\u*.

J.V2S. John E. .Miineai. er Sali-hiiry--.saliebury Fair .tu-n.

AAwwi*t.. lS-21.

S. Klnp White.

,. ^'l*^ ,,**'**^- C T. Mulemler Croawell--I ruawell Agrl. A»»n. Aup. 2.'* 2H
Wm. II. Q-ua- il. Dariaon--Genesee Co. Fair As-u. An*. 31-
Sept. 4. Harry I'utfer.
Detroit--Mie^iicao State Fair. Sept. 4-13. G. W, Dlekiukon.
East Jordan--Cimrlevoix Co. Aprl. S*>c. Sept. H ll. Frank F. Iiird. R. F. D. 3. Cliarlevoix.
Eseanaha--Pelta Co. Azrl. Soc. Sept. 1.3-19. o-icar Kraue.
Fowlervllli--t.iwlervllle A*rl. Soc. Oct. 0-9. J. B. Munuell. Jr.
Gaylord--Ot»e*o Co. A*rl. Soc. Sepf. 15-19. J C. GuRpisber*.

A B. Beadell.

Bazley-^lcarwater Co. Fair .As-n. .Am:. 2*1 2ft.

E. B. Beff.

BametTlIie--Claj Co, Fair A«sn. Sept. 1 4. E.

J. Maateruoo.

Bamnm--Carlton Co. A*tI. Assn. Sept. 16-IH.

A. H. Dath*.

Bkwdefte--Lako of the W(K>di Co. -Fair .A-sn. Sept. 3-5. J. U. Williams.

Bemldjl--Beltrami Co. .A*rl. .Assp .An*. 22-26. · Jeorge W. Empey.

Bird Island--Renville Co. A*rl. Soc. S,'iit. 11-

16. Paul Kolbe.

Blue Earth--Faribault Co. -Agrl. Soc. 2-3. E. J. A'lehahn


It Forrest. Lake Wilson. Mlno. St. Cloud Saiik Rapids--Beuton Co. Agrl. Sec.

Aug. 27-29, W. J. Hines. St. Cloud.

St. James--^itiinwan Co. .Agrl. As-n. Sept. 16 18. O. o. Lawreme.

St. A'lncent--St. Vim-eni Pnion Induat. Aaan. Sept. 24-25. Roy C. D*-Fra nee.

St. Charles--WlQona Co. Fair Assn. S, Ot. 1-4. John Frisch.

St. Peter--Nicollet Co. Agrl. Sot-. Sept. 3-3. .A. F. Bumn'Uter.

Sfillw-ater--Washington Co. .Agrl. Soc. 31-.9ept. 2. .A. P. Ileiider-on.


Thief River Falls--Pennington Co. Agrl. Soc.

Aug. 5-7. J. J. McCann.

Taneytown--tarr-ill Co. A*rl. A Fair A-.n. Grand Rapid--We.t Mirb. .State Fair.

S-pt. 1.3-19 C. U. Don*.

7-12. Wm. T, ilorrlkuey, m*r.


Brownt Valley--Traverse Co. .A*rl. Fair Assn. Two Harbors--Lake Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 15-13.

Sept. 1-4. George H. Bailey.

Fred I). W. Thus.

Tlmenlum--Maryland State Fair. Sept. 7 *2. Matt L. Dai*er, 523 Eqaitabla Bid*., Bal'i-
White `Hall--White Hall Fair Aaan. Sept. .3f>t'et. 3. W. Erana Anderann. MASSACHUSETTS
Acfon--Acton Aitrl. Soc. aiept. 18 19. B<rtrnm

IlarrUon--Clare Co. AdUl. SSoc. Seut. 22-2.". liana P. Ka-muauen
Hart--I'eeana Co. A*rl. Soc. .Sept. 22-20. G. E. Wyckoff.
Hartford--Yan Bnren Co. Aprl. So*-. Sept. 2fttk-t. 3. Frank G, Simpson.
Hillsdale--Hillsdale Co. A*rl. Soc. S<pt. 29-

Caledonia--Houston Co. Ajrl. Soc. Sept. 14. Ed Zlmmerhakl.
fambridgiM--Isanil Co. .Agrl. Soc. Sept. 161ft. I.evl M. Peterson.
,'anby--Yellow Medicine Co. Fair .Assn. Sept. 20 22. M. S. Nelson.
Cat ;i*n Falls--Cannon A'alley .Agrl. .Assn. O' t.

Tyler--Lincoln Co. Agrl. Soc. Aug. 27-30. Phil J. Ehret.
Waconia--Farmers' Co-Operative Agrl. 80C. Sept. 14 16. W. J. Sc, arpi< r.
Wadena--Wadena Co. Agrl. Soc. Aug. 34-37. Fred T. Claydon.
Warren--Marshall Co. Agrl. Astn. July 3-8.

D Hall, W. Acton

^**1. 3. C. 3V. Terwllllger.

710. Carl 0. Olson.

J. A. Grindeland.

At:.«1--Worcester .Northwest A«rl. Soc. Secipit. iHlujUUJaanndd-- --HHoollland FPair. Au*. 18-21. J. Arends- Carver--<'arver Co. Agrl. Soc.

7 S. F. B. White.


R. O. Funk.

Sept. 24 26. Wa*e>a--^lA'ase,-* Co. Agrl. Soc. Srpt. 3-15. E. II. .9mith.

RirDstahli--Bar:.«taMe Co. .tsrl. Sim'. 1-.3. I,. B. Boston. Hyannis. Xla»s
Barri>--Woreeater Co. Writ A*rl. S*m', 21 J.'.. Jas. B. Wetxrl.
Bi;n.rf`:rd-Lnion`A*rr.*8oc. Sept. 9 ft.

Sept. Sent. C. R

Iloushtoii--Copper Country Fair. Sept. 29-«Vt> 3. Clyde S. Mackenzie.
Howell--LlTincaton Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 1-1. Dfin W. Van Winkle.
Im^ay^Clf'^lmlay City'A*rl. Soc. Sept. 15-18.

I'llnton--Big Stone Co. A*rl. Soc. S*'Pt. ft 12. F. W. Watkins.
Crookston--Xorthweatern Minn. .A*rl. S,*,'. July 9-11. Mins Olga Braaten.
Dassel--Meeker Co. -Agrl. Soc. Sept. 17-lft.

Wheaton--Traverse Co. Agrl. Atsn. SeffT. 13 19. J. B. Brun-.
Whjte Bear lak,,--Ramsey Co. Agrl. Soc. Au*. 27-29. Rubt. Freeman. Como Sta. B. 5. St, Paul.

D. E. Murphy.

Willmar--Kandiyohi Co. Fair Asan. Sept. 16.

Bridfewat* r--riymontb Ca. A*rl. Sue Sepf.


n. Au*- 11-15. Fred A. Clk Biver--Sherburne Co Agrl. Soc. Sept. 24-* 1ft. Wm. O. Johnson.

26. T.


'Windom--Cottonwood Co. Agrl. Soe. Sept. 31,

Bne kVon-'llroekt.in A*rl. Vc. Sept 2»-..et. 3.

KlTer-Iron Co. A*rl. Soc. Sept. 9-12. Fairmont--Martin Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 2ft-

23 Phil G. Redding.

iVf t-r <· Flint rbarlrmont-^DesrUeld Valley A«rl. >«.·. Sept.


Sep,. 'Jft-SO.

· Ir<.nwood-^;o»eblc Co. Fair Assn. Sent. 14. ttlmco-Gr.Uo? Co. A*rl. Soc. Au*. 2r.-29.

Oct. 2. H. C. Nolte

Faribault--Faribault Fa'r As.sn.

n. George


Sept. 24 26.

Farmington--Dakota Co. .Agrl. .9,k'. Sept, '23-

26. Chas. 8. Lewis.

Worthington--Nobb-a Co. Fair Atsn. lt!. A. T. I.atta.
Zumbrota--(ioodhiie Co. Fair Asan. 23. Lewis Sc^ield.

Sept, li¬ Sept. 22-

Canirr-^'lardner"* AktI. Assn. II « II 4'

,h '.

nm.A.wi Ntdii*


1100--1122 . RUd tii


(irT. uU. I'd^Franklln Co.* T/rl! S.h . S- pt. 14-

*** vOIlO ll. $lulT)n]r«


Gr..lon-^^.fon Farmers' Club. Sept. 2"4-2,'i.'

H W. Taylor H,m.,, k_IIi,n.s,ck CommnnMy Fair.
J C. lurnir. rutsdeld. Mass.

Oet.' 11*-'2*2. ,,




Lyrn-Greater Lj'nn FaiV Sep,. P Murraj



Mldl.^el.,_m,hl.nd A*rl. Soe.

Nantii. ket--N^tucket A*rl. Sis-.

Fair. Se*pt.' 9 12 CChliaaaa..
flhlr. 2.,2ft.
o.a .Sept, 2"-3.' Au*. 2200-.2211..

^^n:-M Kib^t8d..uVt.i?Kl*^ot·t* Vr alley A XeMri.hra.mnp. toInt.--TWhhreitel-oCcoku.nty Fair.

Au*. <vt. Sa.-a*..

Seareyanset--Bristol Co. Farmers' 'ept. 17 1ft. Mrs, P. Morse.
Viuth Weymouth-Weymuutb A«rt.

I'alr So,-.

AA--s.nn. KK,e.,,ptt. Chas

Sprlnaf.i'ld--Kastrrn Stales, Expo. Sept. 2tV26.

t'litrl* a A, Na«li.


Si irhrid*e--Worcester South .VgrI. Soc. ..99e,np4t.. IT 111 Elliott M. Clemence. It. F VU 2.

Siitit) t)Tlilip# T..p.nejd-K.se. A*rl. Soc. Sep,. 16 19


Cihrldgel-Blackatone Valley A«rl. S.u- So.,..',p,,,.

w.-||Mirt-We. `^,rt A«rl So,-. S-pt. 20-21.'O23'!.

_lr»ln, C. Hammond *

West Tlsbury-Marfha'a Vineyard Agrl. S.w.

B"Sn'Pets. te2r2---2N4.ew4JroErgn»g>lanG*d.1'G`F·iaf5fior".r"d.*'So. ept.,. 7. II''wt..

11,'rtram Diirell.


Ailr.an--la-uawee Co. Fair As-n. F. A Bradlsh.
Allegan--.Albgan Co. Agrl. S*e .

SS,i''pptt.. .A* lulg*.

Frun* Dt'lsle. Alb'nvitle--Mackinac Co Fair .A,««*sn.

2o1. -2O.'' .2.13 2->n8*i. S««''pptt.

14 16. Paul A. Luepniti.

Alpeua--Alpena Co. Agrl. Soe. Sept. 21 26. H. It. Stout.

-Ann Arbor-- Washti uaw Co Fair .A-«ini. Sepptt,

I '5. C. J. Swei't

'Ariiiada --.Armada Agil S,m'. Sept. 2'222--22.3. II.

I'. B.irriiiger.

Had Axe-Bad .Axe Kalr .Aa«n Sept. 1-44.

Roht. Buekiry. mgr


·'vtaga--Baraga Co. Fait' .Assn. Sept. 16-lft.

I'. M Geiaen



--Nortlieasterii Alleh Fair .Assn. An*.

31-S,pt. .3. I. J. nrtter

Benton llsriMir--Iterrii'n Co. Fair A'sn · 11. t'besti'r t:. Sweet.


I'l* ^plila--4irangor* A Farmers' Fair A'>Ba.

·^'Pt. 20-Oet. a. George E Hurst.

B'olmian--Otlk Fair Assn. Sept. 12-16. Mav


lackMin--Jackaon C. -%«rl. S^ oc. M. Hiioentmnan.

SSeepptt. .'l1l1--llfftt..

K*a!la·lmnaazzoo«oi-- --KK*a!l*aBmianzzoo Co. .4*rl. A.Ans^sn. S»e'ppt.

li 1ft. F''*lo"'y*d* AMlilllecr, acci--yy.; Britt M .M. Preston,

m*r. ,fX a2·ka`4te'.ciCtyiO*t3-y.M --J*IM .«i.Is*-seuaeukmkeze*erera9TTCCAeoosun.. .AK**rrll.. .''ih-. LiJm'nn;ailnn**---lCCeennttrraa'' M Miicchh.. FFiiss--ee FFaaiirr..

SSeeipitt.. 2233-AA wi»*.. 44-77..

Fergus Fall*--Otter Tail Co. -Agrl. S,m'. S,-pt. 21 24. C. U. Wright.
Fertib'--Polk Co. Agrl. Fair Assn. July 2-4. <!. J. Dt'Mars.
Carden City--Blue Earth Co. .Agrl. So,-. .Aug. 27 29^ A. D. Jh'Corniu, k.
Glenwond--Pope Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 21-23. AA'. H. Engebret'on.



Beach--Scott Co. Fair Assn. Aug. 17-20. J. L.


BrookUaven--Seven-County Fair Assn. Oct. 6-

10. Mrs. Nellie C. Perklna.

Calhonn City--Calhoun Co. Fair Assn. 14-17. C. S. Waller.


DeKalb--Kemper Co. Fair Asan. Oct. 7-9. H.

K **.*r!t· F Eeckkeerrtt. m m*err. I-un"n*--Central Mich.




1133 1166..

BUeerrtt EPeckkeeertt, m mugrr.

MM..iiruilloettllqqiiuee----.<.9e'ehhtMtMl'elir'raafft Co. A.AssrrI. Soe. Sept. 22 24. J. H. Mcle-llan.
Marne--.Ottawa 4A 3A^V7e"s*t .AA**Tt1l SSiom,-'. Sept. 153-19.

,,MFarrqeqduueetBttte.f-- ^W MMoaoardnatUurdeft,teK.CoR. .


Uapids. iSMe^pptt.


12. John T. McNamara. Marshall--Calhoun Co. Fair Assn. ySept. 21-26.

W. A. Crane. Milford--Oakland cCoo.. FFaaiirr A.Assuunn.. AAwn**.. 1111--1155..

MoWn.tro8ac--IsFiTlisn-jt.iyK K. llvve.rr VVaallll.e-Te .AAa*rrll.. SSoo,,--.. SSeepptt,.

m Mt/7.-1' 0P». let aihHsaa.nntt-- F--.. iINsMaaNid'r ldillaebrCooo.k, . A.Ai*rril. 9SS»,o*,*'.


M1ii9s.-kk2ee2»y.oonii----IM.Mw.iiianiaWakneR-- *oBoLnau'*r'C*c.ho'''.. Fwa.iir. A.>As-- «sann. Sc ept., !l..'s-

Grand Jlarals--Cook Co. .Agrl. S<k-. Sept. 2323 Wm. Clinch.
Hailork--Kittson Co. Agrl. Soc. July 2-4.
F. J. Wlckie. Hamline--Minnesota State Fair. Sept. 5-12.
Tiiomas H. Can6,'Id. Herman--Grant Co. Agrl. .Assn. Sept. 2-5.
E. R, Haney,
Hlhhlng--St. I.a>nli Co. .Agrl. Soc. .Aug. 3t>St'Pt. 1. T-es AV. Emery.
Hopkins--Hennepin C,». .Agrl. S,ic .Au*. 27-29. E. K. Bauman, Ko,>m 12, Court House, Minne¬
apolis. Howard Lake--Wright Co. .Argl. Soc. Sept.
15-18. Arthur K. Strathe. Hutchinson--McLeod Co. .Agrl. .Assn. Kept. 22-
25. D. AIb*'rt Adams. In'ernatlonul Falls--Northern Minn. Dlst. Fair
.A«',n. Sept. 10-12. Davbl Iliirlbnrt.

.9. Little.

Dei-afiir--Newton Co. Fair Assn. Oct. --. M.

B. Potter.

E',tes MlH^T.eake Co. Fair. F>ank Z. Grimes.

Aug. 4-7.

Grenada--North Miss. Fair Assn. Oct. 26-30.

S. M. Csin.

Jackson--Miss. SUte Fair. Oet. 19-34. Mabel

U Stire.

Laurel--South MU',. Fair Atsn. Sept. 28-

Oet. 3. W. H. Smith, pres

Meridian--Miss.-Ala. Fair. Uct. 13-17. A. H.


Philadeliihla--Neshoba Co. Fair Assn. Aug. 10-

14. John n. llustoD.

Tu|>elo--North Misa.-Nortb Ala. Fair Astn.

Uct. 6-10. B. H. Mullen.


*8. North


Fua r.

`2-5S'.' J. H. VVaam mlleeccaarr Northrllle--Warne Co. Fair .Asin.

Jackson--Jackson Co. Fair .Assn. Sept. 22- Sept. 2. U. L. Strom.

Aug. 31- .\va--Ava Fair Assn. Approx. Oct. 1-4. Clif¬ ford Reynolds,

Jordan--Scott Co. Good Seed .Assn. Sept. 17 1ft. Bethanv--North Mo. Ditt. Fair. Sept. S-13.

Si'pt. 2"2-

K,lw. F. Smith.

W. T. Liugle.

^Nju2/^r6w.^a.yyl-- Bn.iDViIc.k.klinnSksmo.M nn b.CCoo.. FFaaiirr..

SSeepptt.. 44 77..


kasson--I^ge Co. 'tt. A. Erickson.

Fair .Assn.

Sept. 15-19. Bolivar--I'oik Co. Agrl. Soc. F. L. Templeton.

Aug. 23-23.

·*rt O'Callaahan.

I.eSueur Center--I.eSueur Co. .Agrl. .Assn. Sept. Bniokfield--Lina Co. Fair Aasa. Sept. l-S.

tO*i.Mok'k*aammaV---XMIa."nrls«t"<.*ee; CCOo '.aAzgtrIl Si,mm-'. Sept. 22- 2ft-Oct. 2. R. R. Wheaton,

H. Calhoun.

,, ^

22.33. J. DL. Keddile. Bear lIm akkee, Mich

little Tall*--Morrison I'o. .Agrl. Soc. An*. Biitit'f--Bates Co. Free Fair. Sept. SO-Oct. 2.

ttwosso--OOwwoouwso Fair .Assn. .AAuua*. l1b8--221. AWA,'.

28-30. A. I. Stone.

Dave Meeker.

JJ.. IDtoowwIlIlnn*r..

., o

lP'ee,tooskey-- --KEimiimet Co. A«*rl. So,'.

I, I,. Thnomtnaua,.

Pi,'kford--Ciilppewa , A Ala.-klnac '\'`S;-V 'pt". V1-7'-llfftt.!'`^T^lioUs.* Morrl-o'i.

Kairlnaw--Saginaw W F. Jahnke.




« . ,* Sept. 1 44. .A*rl. So,-. .Sept. 141ft.

Long Prairie--Todd Co. .Agrl. S,k.'. .Awg. 27 2ft. L. Langeson.
Lnveme--Umk Co. Agrl. Sis'. Sept. 12-16. P. C. Burley. -
Madison--laie iiui Parle Co. .Agrl. S.ku Sept. 21-2.3. Clarenca* D. Patter-on.
Mankato--Mankato Fair A BIqe Karth Co. .Agrl.

California--Moniteau Co. Agrl. 80C. Aug. 36-
2.4 J. E. Williams. Callacs--Callao Fair Assn. Sept. 13-17. L A.
Sears. Carthage--.Southwest Mo. Fair Aaan. Aug. 36-
28. Miss Emma R Knell. CaruthersvUle--PemUcot Co. Fair Aaan. Oet.

Kaiulusky--Sanilac Co. AsrI.
'K. E Blusom-lte. _ '`*^,'*,^','·4 ""v.',;;*?


Sept. ^1-4*. **...

.Assn. Aug. 17-22. W. E. Ol-on.
Marshall--I.yon Co. -Agrl. Soc. Sept. J. M. Shrader.
M'lUtevldeo--Chipiw'wa Co. Fair .As-n.

1.3 18. 5b'pr.

7-10. H. V. Litxelfelner. Cole Camp--Cole Camp Fair, Ang. tl-Sapt. 3.
K. L. June. Cuba--Crawford Co. Fair Aasn. Sept. 1-4.

s. johnU'rif:;.:;^'o.'''A«riN J, n^thnwav.
K alwart--Stalwart .Agrl. Soc. Oet. 1 2.

14-Iri. Jaa. R. Iturnip.

Mora--Kanabec Co. Agrl. Soc.

K. G.

Ken Hen-el.

J. M. Cai>e, Steelville, Mo. .Aug. 31 .Sep,. 2. DeSoto--Dt'Soto Fair Aaan. Sept. lA-lS.

C. J-

t'rawford. --.Arenac Co .Agrl. .Soc. S»'pl. 22-23.



5i,.|i||t>n(on--Cloverlaml Farmer',' Fair .As«n.

Sept. 22-2.3. Hugo llendrliksi.n.

Faaaa City--Iosco Co. .Agrl. So, . S. p* 1.3-19,

A. W. Colby.

ritri'e Oak*--Community Fair .A-sn. S,'pf. 2 3.

.1. C. Kramer.

riiompsnnrllln--Thompsonvllle Di-.t. Fair. Sep'.

3*»-(),t. '2. .A K llerren.

Traverac City--Xorthweatern M ,'h Fa r .A««n.

`S, pt. 21 '2.3. A. M. Xiilleii

West llraiP'h--Ogemaw t'o. Fair .As»n. ft-11. I. C. Ju.a,'ki % ii«h.
AA'olverln,'--ClieUiygan Co. Fair .Arsn.

Sept. S,'i>t

`22 2.3 AV. II. Cr.'clne.

I'ale--St. Clair Co. .Agrl. S,*,'. .Sept. 22 2.3

J. A. Cavanagh.


Morris--Btevens Co. -Agrl. Soe. George W. Bole,'.
Motley--Morrison Co -Agrl. .A«sn. K. G. Haymaker.
X*'W rim--Brown Co. .Agrl. So,'. AA'm. A. Lindemaim.
Xi-rthflcld--'Rice Co. -Agrl. So,'.
(b'orge It. lairkin.

."-ipt. 7 ft. S< i>t. 3 3. .Aug. 27 tbt. 1 .1.

(tnatonna--Steele Co. Agrl. Soe. .Au*. ;·! S. p'.
3. M. J. PareWr. Park Rapids--Shell ITalrle .Agrl. S,k'. .Aug. 2*-
Si'pt. 1. B. E. Hri'W. r. 1*'riiam-^'i rham Agrl. So,'. S,'pt. 2-4. C. W.
laitten-r. I'lliestoue--Pitpstotie Co. .Agrl. S,*:. Sept. 17-
lft. C. C. Hickman. Plainview--Wal>a*ha Co. Agrl. Siw S«'ot. 8-
11. A. S. Kennedy. Pre-iton--Fill more Co. Agrl. S**,'. .Awg. 17-2,'.
Frank J. Iba, h.

Easton--Pm hanan Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 9-12.

Henry H. Iva. Eblon--Eldon Commnnity Fair. Approx. Sept.

1-4. C. C. Slmmoua. pres.

F,>rest Green--Forest Green Agrl. Soc. Sept.

10 12. H. nry Rwhwr.

tllbbs--Gibh* Community Fair. Sept. 15-17.

I). C. Gibbs.




Or.en City--Green City Fair Atan. Aug. 26-

28. A. R. Jones.

Hamilton--North Mo. Fair Atan. Aug. 23-29.

W. K. Howell.

Iligrinsville--I.afaye»*e Co. AgrL Soc. Aug.

12-1.3. .1. II Meinersliagen.

Ja,ksonvtIle--Randolph Co. Agrl. Soc. An*.

23-27. R. F. Palmer. Jasper-Diaper Free Fait. Sept. 33-23. Homer

Bavne. Kahoka--Clark Co. Agrl. Aaso. Sept. 1-4.

C. T. Duer.

Ada--Norman Co, Agrl. So,'. June 2ft-July 1. rrln«*ei«n--Mllle Lnct Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. '2-5. Kansaa City--American Royal Dvo Stock Show.

I.e« II Scherf.

Ira G. Stanley.

Noe. 1-4-21. F. 11. Servatina.

Al,kin--Aitkin Co. Agrl. Soc. Aug. 3t Se|>t. 2. PriN'tor--St. Louis Co. Conimuutly Fair Amu. K, 'niK'tt--Dunklin Co. Fair .Aeon.

Flrut oe

O. U. Warner..^

Sept. 1-3. Wm. K. Fay.

aecond weak in Oct. WiU A. Jomo.

The Billboard

Kdox City--Kdoz City Filr. Anf. 18-21. Fred

Little Valley--Ctttarangns Co. Agrl. Soc

Wolter. Jr.

Sept. 7-11. n. F. Lee.

Lamar--Barton C«. Fair Ataa. Aug. 11-14.

Livonia--Livlngaton ft Ontario Carnival Jnl*

JobD W. (iray.

27-Aug. 1. E. R. Uollet, mgr.

LIdii--Osage Co. Fair Asm. 8«pt. 17-18. Mr>.

Lockporl--Niagara Co. Agrl. Aasn. Sept 28-

L. P. Wills.

Oct. 3. J. K. Sllaby.

Mai-on--Macon Co. Fair Assn S«pt. 28-Ocf.

Lowvllle--Lewis Co. Agrl. Soc. Ang. 24-28

2. W. B. Baker.

M. M. Lyman.

Maitland--Nodaway Valley Atgrl. Fair Assn.

Malone--Franklin Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 18-18

July 28-31. G. F. DeBord.

S. M. Howard.

Mantlleid--Wright Co. Fair. Sept. 23-28. C.

Middletown--orange Co. Agrl. Soc. Ang. 17.

B. Daria.

22. Alan C. Madden.

Marshall--Saline Co. Fair Aatn. Aog. 4-7.

Mineola--Agrl. Sue. of Queens.Nassau Oeuntlee

C. W. Gorrell.

.S pt 29-O. t. 4 Lott Van de Water, Jr., 126

Memphis--.'tcotland Co. F.ir Aasa. Aug. 25-28.

Franklin et., Hemp'-tead.

J. R. Hudson Monticello--Lewis Co. .kgrl. Fair Assa. Oct.

Monticello--Sullivan I'o Agrl. Soc. Aug 2528. Ij^n P. Stratton.

*1-9. J. A. West. Mountain Orore--Tri-County Fair. Sept. S6-

.Moravia--Cayuga Co. Agrl. Corp. Sept. 1-4 .\lbert A. Morae.

Oct. 3. H. C. Robertson.

Morris--Morris Fair Aasn. Sept. 29-Oct. 2

Mt. Vernon--I.awTence Co. Harvest Show. Oct.

1). F. Wightman.

14-17. F.arl W. Pugh.

Naples--Naples I'nlon Agrl. Soc. Sept. 8.5. E.

Neosho--Newton Co. Harvest Show. Oct. 13-

J. Haynes.

17. A. J. Miller.

Nassau--Nassau Fair. Aug. 25-28. Ctaaa. C.

Nevada--Vernon Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 1-4.


F. B. Callaway.

New City--Rockland Co. Indus!. Aaan. Sent

New Cambria--New Cambria Agrl. Fair Assn. Sept. 1-3. C. O. We-t, pres.

Dc Ruyter (N. Y.) Fair August 4, 5, 6, 7, 1925

3-5. W. J. Elliott. Nurwicb--Chenango Co. Agrl. Aaan. Aug 23-

Oxark--Christian Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 9-12. Claude Dishman.

J. C. STILLMAN. Secretary

28. F. A. Paquette. Ogdenaburg--Oswegatcble Agrl. Soc. Sept. 1-4

Palmyra--Marion Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 16-19.

J. F. Culler.

Paris--Monroe Co. Fair. Auf. 11-14. Dr.

George M. Ragsdale.

Pierce City--Harvest Show Assn. Oct. 8. W. B Jones.

Sept. 30-

Platte City--Platte Co. Afrl. Aaan. Aug. 25-

28. J. F. Sexton

Poplar Bluff--Butler Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 21-28.'

J. R. Freeman.

Prairie Hill--Prairie Hill Fair Assn. Aag. 29-

22. C. T. Naylor.

Prairie Home--Coot«er Co. Agrl. Sofi. Aug. 1218. A. L. Meredith.

Richland--Clover Leaf Pair Assn. Sept. 16-19. O. H. Belahe.

Day and Night Fairs--Musical Festivals

Trumansburg, N. Y., August 11, 12. 13, 14, 1925


OWEN CARMAN, Secretary

Waterloo, N. Y., August 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 1925
J. C. HUFF, Secretary

Ralph J. Jillson. Oneoota--Oneonta I'nion Agrl. Soc. Sept. 21.
25, C. D. Town«end. Orangeburg--Roikland Co. Agrl. Also. Sept.
7-9. Rll)ert Talmin, SparkiU. N. Y. Onego--Tioga Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 8-11. .a
M. T/tunslierry. Pa'myra--Palmyra Pnion Agrl. Soc. Sept. 24-
26. TV. Ray ConTerse. Penn Van--Yatei Co. Agrl. Soc. Aag. 26-29.
I. Seymour Purdy,
Perry--Silver Lake Agrl. Aasn. Aug. 18-21. Cbas. K. Chase.
Plallaburg-^Iintoa Co. Agrl. Soc. Aog. 31Sept. .5. E. F. Btitsford. pres.
Pot«dam--Racqiiette Valley ft St. Regia AcrI.

Bolla--Phelps Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 9-11. George H. Myers.
Sarcoxle--Harvest Show Assn. Oct. 7-10. N. C. Spencer.
Savannah--Andr- w Co. Fair Assn. Aug. 25-29. John McDaniel.
Sedalla--Missouri State Fair. Aug. lS-22. W. D. Smith.
Shelbina--Shelby Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 1-4. E. W. Peters.
Sikeston--Southeast Mo. Diet. Fair Aasn. Sept. 80-0ct. 3. C. L. Blanton. Jr.
Springfield--Ozark Stock Show, Begins Sept. 7. E. M. Wllholt. pres.
Traaton--Grundy Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 1-4. B. R. Wirt.
Troy--Lincoln Co. Fair Aasn. Aug. 25-28. T. J. Garrett.
Cpper Creve Coenr Lake--St. Louis Oo. Fair Aasn. Sept. 8-7. George B. Bowles, Affton.
Webb City--Hsrveat Show Assn. Oct. B-8. Chas. Carmichael.

Gordon--Sheridan Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 9-11. J. W. I>`edom.
Grand Island--Central Neb. Agrl. Assn. Sept. I. V18. Rudolf Durtschl. Wood River.
Grant--Perkins Co. Fair Asan. Aug. 26-29. Frank A. Edwarda,
Greeley--Greeley Co. Fair Asan. Ang. 31Sept. 5. Jos. McCartliy. i
Harrison--Sioux Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 8-5. Dell J. Bigelow.
Hartingiop--Cedar Co. Fair Asan. Sept. 8-11.
Elmer Henry. Hastings--Adams Co. Agrl. Soc. Ang. 18-21.
Elliott R. Davis. Hooper--Dodge Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 1-4. B.
E. Bolt. Imperial--Chase Co. Fair Asan. Ang. 26-29.
Civde .knderson. Kearney--Buffalo Co. Pair Aaan. Ang. 25-28.

Sept. 16-19. Boyd
ir. Sent. 16.10. I. N. J.
Agrl. Fair. Sept. asantTille. tisn. Aug. 25-29. 'r.
Asan. Aug. ISII, N. J. Fair. Sept. 28-

S.se. Sept S-n. E. K. Baum.

Seed Corners--tlorham .tgri. Soc. Sept. 17-19.

riiiide B. Dear. R. D. 8, Canandalaua Rhlnebeck--Dutchess Co. Agrl. Soc. Aug. 31-

Sept. 4. Ben-oa R. Frost,

Richfield Springs--Richfield Spiinga Agrl. Soc.

Aug. 24-26. l>ed Bronner.

Riverbead--Suffolk Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 32-26.

Harry Lee.

Rochester--Rochester Eipo. Sept. T-13. Mgar

F. Edwards.

Rome--Oneida Co. Agrl. Soc. Ang. Sl-8ept 4.

Ervin F. Boyaon.

Sandy Creek--Sandy Creek Fair. Aag. 18-21

Dr. J. R Allen.

Schaghtleoke--Rensselaer Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept.

7-10. F. P. Catrd, Troy, N. T.

Syracuse--New York 8`ite Fair. Vept. 12-19.

J. Dan Ackerman, Jr.

rroupaburg--Southern Steuben Agrl. Soc. Sept.

8-11. Dr. E I.. SlmpsoD.

Trumanaburg--Union Agrl. Soc. ftog. 11-14.

W. P. Riggt.

Vernon--Vernon Agrl. Aaan.

Sept. 23-26.

Billings--Midland Empire Fair. Sept. 18-18. Clayton Congleton. W. A. Selvidge, aecy.; Bert Hammond, mgr. Kimball--Kimball Co. Fair Aaan. Sept 10-12.

liek" n"

Walton-^-De'laware^Talley Agrl. Soc. Sept 1-4.

Dodson--Phillips Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 10-13.
8. E. Kodalen.

Boseman--Gallatin Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 22-

25. B. E. Rodley.

Eureka--Lincoln Co. Fair Assn. Oct. 2-3. John

C. Beebe.

Jordan--Garfield Co. Fair.

Sept. 11-12.

Thomas L. Harvey.


Lewlatown--Central Moat. Fair Assn. Sept. 7-

10. Theo. Hogclaod. Danvers, Mont.

Miles City--Frontier Celebration ft Roundup.

July 2-4. W. J. Tobin.

Missoula--Western Mont. Pair. Sept. 28-Oct. 1.

W. C. Peat.

Sidney--Richland Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. --.

H. E. Melsenhacb.

Terry--Prairie Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 25-26.

Q. E. Lewis.


Albion--Boone Co. Agrl. Assn. Sept. 21-25.

A. W. Lamb.

Alma--Harlan Co. Fair Aaan. R. W. Porter.

Sept. 811.

Arlington--Washington Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept.

22 2.'i. C. G. Marshall.

Auburn--Nemaha Co. Fair Assn. Aag. 31-

Sept. 4. Col. H, L. Krnst.

Aurora--Hamilton Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 14.

W. C. F.loe.


Bassett--Rock Co. Fair Assn. Ang. .^-28.

Fred M. Hopkins.

Beatrice--Case Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 29 0'l.

2. K. C. Koon.

Beaver City--Furnta Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. IS¬

IS. M. H. Frets

Benkelman--Dundy Co. Fair Assn. .Sept. IS¬

IS. J. O Ham.

Bladen--Webster Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 22-25,

A. W. Cox.

Bloomfield--Knox Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 15-18.

Ed Cava.

Bridgeport--Morrill Co. Fair Aasn. Sept. 16-18.

Wm. H WllllK.

Broken Bow--Custer Co. Agrl. Soc. Aug. 25-28.

1 N. Dwight Ford.

I Burwell--Garfield Co. Frontier Fair Assn.

 Aug 18 21 R. W Wood


Butte--Boyd Co. Agrl. Assn. Sept. 9-11. B.

W. Luth.

Cape Vincent--Cape Vincent Agrl. Soc. Sept.

1-4. M. G. Fitzgerald.

Central City--Merrick Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 14-

17. Frank P. Havelka.

Chamber!--South Fork Fair Assn. Sept. 15-18.

H. C. Cooper.

Chadron--Dawes Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 1-4.

Ralph A. White.

Chappell--Deuel Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 14-16.

H. A. Talbot

Clay Center--Clay Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 28-

Oct. 2. H. H. Harrey.

Columbus--Mid-Nebraska Expo. Sept. 15-18.

Emil Marx.

Concord--Dixon Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 1-4.

E. J. Hughes.

Crawford--Crawford Tri-State Fair Aaan, Aug.

27-29. M. M. Linden.

Culbertson--Hitchcock Co. Agrl. Aasn. Prob¬

R. I). Nelson. Leigh--Colfax Co. Pair Aasn. Sept. 8-11. O.

E. McNary. Lewellen--Garden Co. Agrl. Soc.
J. A McCall. Lexington--Dawson Co. Fair Aaan.
J. L. Mitchell. Lincoln--Lancaster Co. Agrl. Soc.

Sept. 1-4. Sept. 1-4. Sept. 6-11.

B. F. Preston. Lincoln--Nebraska State Fair ft Expo. Sept.

6-11. George Jackaon.

Loup City--Sherman Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 1-4.

C. F. Beushausen. McCook--Bed Willow
Elmer Kay. Madison--.Mndlson Co.
tleo. K, Koizuw. Minden--Kearney Co.

Co. Fair. Ang. 18-21. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 15-18. Fair Assn. Sept. 1-3.

.\nua Bergsten. Norman. Milch. 11--Scotts Bluff Co. Agrl. Assn. Sept.

9-11. Ja«. T. Whitehead. .Neligh--Antelojie Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 15-18.

J. C. Harris. Nelson--Nmkolls Co. Agrl. Assn. .4ug. 2-5-28.

Wm. K. Miles N..r.leii--Keya i'alia Co. Ag-I. Assn. Sept.

9 11. John Starkjohn. .North Platte--I.ineoln Co. Fair Aasn. ^pt.

15-18. Wm. Elder. O-Xeiii--Holt Co. Fair Assn.

I Sept. 22-25.

Julin L. Qiiig.

Oakland--Burt Co Agrl Assn. Auw. 2.5-28.

J. W HoMndraks. Ogallala--Keith Co. Fair Asan. Sept. 8-5. A.

F. Kehr.

Omaha--Ak Sar-Ben Fall Festival. Sept. 28ttet. 10. Chas. I.. Trimble.
Ord--Valley Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 15-18. Vln-

cent Kokes.

Oseeula--Polk Co. Agrl. Soe. Sept. 1-4. J. L.

Ilea Id. Pawnee C'.ty--Pawnee Co. Fair Assn. Oct. 7-

9. Bert S. Ktchi'on. Pierce--IMerce Co. Fair Asvn. Sept. 1-4. D. J.

Malone. Seward--Steward Co. Agrl. Soc. Aug. 25-28.

Erie B. Smiley. Scribner--Scribner Agrl. Soc.

Sept. 16-18.

Wm. L. Low. Stanton--Stanton Co. Agrl, A'an. Sept. 28-

Oct. 2. Ervine E. Pont.

St. Paul--Howard Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 22-26.

Chas. Dohry.
staiiletc»n--Logan Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 8-11. E.irl W. Glandon.
Ktockville--Frontier Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 1417. W. G. Bartlett
Teciimseh--John-on Co. Agrl. Assn. Sept. Il¬
ls. Carl H. Brock.
Wahoo--Saundera Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 15-18-

liiiv E. Johnson. Waltiiill--Thurston Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 2 5.

K C. Gifford.

W aterloo - Ihdiglus Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. It'el9.

lasn. Sept. 23-25. ,
Asan. Oct. 7-10.

ig. 18-21. Harry

DC. Ang. 26-29.

Aaan. Sept. 9k)C. Sent. 21-24.

Soc. Sept. 1-4. . . 4grl. Soc. Sept.

loc. Sept. 22-26,

Sept. 26-Oct. 2.

Sept. 29-Oct. 8.

in. a Soc.

Sept. 7-12.



Aag. 19-22.

1 Co. Agrl. Soc.



c. Aug. 17-20.

tVarrenaburg--Warren Co. Fair. ftOg. 1M4.

Fred J. Hayet. fp,raaw--Wyoming Co. Agrl. Soc. Ang. 4-7.

E. C. Perry. Waterloo--Seneca Co. Agrl. Soc. Aog. IS-Sl.

J. Willard Huff. Watertown--Jefferson Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 7-
11. Alfred Emmerson. Dexter. Watkins--Schuyler Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 2-7.

C. E Tltua.


^ ^

Westport--Essex Co. Soc.. Inc. Ang. 15-28.

Fred L. Porter, prea., Crown Point. N. T. Whitney Point--Broome Co. Agrl. Soc. Aug.
11-15. T. R. Tracy.

MORTH CAROLIHA Asheboro--Randolph Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 22-

26. W. C. York AHheyllle--Buncombe Co. ft Dial. Agrl. Colored

Fair. Oct. 5-10. E. W. Pearson. Charlotte--Made-in-Carolinat Expo. Sept 81-

Oct 3. J. C. Patton. Concord--rabarrua Co. Fair Aaan. Oct. 13-17-

Dr. T. N. Spencer East Bend--Yadkin Co. Fair Aasn. Oct. 13-16

N. O. Hutchens. `



Edenton--Chewan Fair Asan. Oct. IS-IT. X.

E. Copeland, pres, Eiitabe41i City--Albemarle Agrl. Fair Aaan.

Oct. 6 10. G. W. Kalla.

^ _

Fayetteville--Cape Fear Aaan. Oct 20-28. B-

P*alr Aasn. Aug. 's..i a . , Agrl. Soc. Ang.

I Baa Caa> SO I. ttoc. .sept. 16-

·I Soc Anr 25. 1. oc. Auf. 2.5



Agri. soc. ».pt.

Boo Rant 2 II ooc. nepi. 7-ti.


Sent 28-


. »«oace. BBacapft. I1S4-

Soc. Ang 17-21.

asn. Sept. 15-18

Assn. Aoi. 4-7. oc. Aug 11.14

tri Corp HepL Fredonla. .V. Y. Oct. 641. H. L.

I<»c. Aug. 2.5-28.

loc. Sept. 22-25,


o .,

Soc. Sept. 7-10.

. ,, Countlca Agrl.

,Vrir.* naoler.

As.U.g. .

Ga's'onia--Gaaton Co. Fair Asan. Oct. ··10. Fred M. Allen
Ooldaboro--Wayne Co. Fair Aaan. Week of

t*®* 26. W. C Denmark. oroenaboro--Central Carolina Fair Asan. Sept.

2» Oct. 3. F N. Taylor. r.reenvllle--Pitt Co. Fair Aaan. Oct. 13-15.

Henderson--Golden Belt Fair Assn. Oct. o-W-

J p Anthony


Hickory--Catawha Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 39' 2 John W RoMnson.

Xlnston--Kinston Fair Assn. Oct. S-9. lard T. Kyier.
Leaksvlll,e-,S2pra^y--^RocSltmInigthh.smI-eaOkoa.vlllFea. ir


Uhcolnlon--I.Incolu Co. Fair Aaan. Oc*. 13-16. J. L. LinelaTgrr, prea.

LiMleton--Littleton Aarl. Fair Aaan. Oct. 2024. T. R. Walker. Jr.
Luniberfon--RolieHon Fair Aaan. Sept. 29-Ocl 8. W. O. Thompson.
Mehane--Mebane Four County Fair Asia. Sept. 1.5-19. W. S. C'awford
Mount Airy--Carolina-Vlrginia Fair. Oct. M16. F.dw. M. T-Inville
Raleigh--North Carotint State Fair. Oet. 12-
17. E V. Walhorn. mgr. Rocky Mount--K'eky Mount Fair. «ept 2»-
Oct 3 or Oct. .5 9. Norman T. ChamNlaa RiiHierfordton -- Ituthcrford Co. Fair Aasn

fb"*- O-O- G, C. Erwin. Rhelliv--Clei-elaiiil Co. (Colored! Fair.
14-17 I.. V Borders. Hmlthfteld--Johnston Co. Colored Fair.

Oi" Nor.

1" Joh" TV M IDlt,r,.h,ener. y.i, Aean. Bep*

ably last week In Angust. A. R. Smith.

David City--Butler Co. Agrl. Assn. Sept. 22-

25. W. H. McGaffln. Jr. Deahler-- Thayer Co. Agrl. Soc.

Sep?. 1-4.

E. J. Mitchell.

Elwood--Goaper Co. Fair Asan. Sept. l.'i-18.

C. A. Teoman.

Falrttury--Jefferson Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 22-25.

C. E. Gilmore.

Franklin--Franklin Co. Agrl. Aasn. Sept. 14-

18. A T. Ready.


Fullerton--Nance Co. Fair Aasn. Setrt.

J. P. Stack. Geneva--Fillmore Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 18-18.

Clay Thomas.

A... AUg 1 A.sri
trl Hoe

It a.»i 3l-sept.
· Kent


Ana ·>.5-28


Agrl. Hoc. Aue

toe. Aog. 25-28.

ipo., Inc. Sept.

W M Wiseman

,, ,^1

Taiiioro--Coastal piain Fair Asan. Oft-

P A. Johnson Wllllam.ton--Roanoke Fair. Nov. 8-4. H- H-

Foe, mgr


Winston Halem--Winston Salem ft Forsyth Co-

·''h Assn, ttcl 6 9. F J Lilpfert.


Beulah--Mercer Co. Fair Assn. July M. N

P M.mre.


Boltlneao--Botttnean Co. Agrl. Soc. June *"·

19. r. B. Aamndt.


Cando--'Towner Co. Fair Ama, Jvlf 1-4. H.

r. McLeod.


t o-iperHiown--GrICE* <'"·

Amhii. July 23-

·>;. B«l|>li A. uamiiit-r.

, r,,.|,y_I(tvlile Co. Fair AMin. July 22 24 K.

II I-vnili. |l·'Vllfl I.ak<--I.akp K>'fl<>n Fair Atao. July 6 11.

p.nvt-r J. Kapi'. Du-kin'on--Stark Co. Fair Anan. July !-.

K. O. Hanwm. Klli-uilalr--l»U'liry Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 17-19.

.\ A IVnn, Ftry' tnirr-State Fair Aaaii. July 29-2.'i. stni

F. (Tahbp.


Fi-o ii'P-n--Wall* r«. Fair Aaan July 7-19.

\ F H.lch«-r. Sykpaton, N. 1»

F,n|,.y_.strp|p Co. Fair Ai<an. Jun<* 18 29. B.

.1. ' l.pnE,

rinaton--Burkp Co. Fair Aaan. July l.'iIT.

11 0. Wood. Grand Forka--North* Dakota Statp Fair. July

1.118 B. B. MontBompry.

lliitnilton--Pfinblna Co. Fair Aaan. July 21-

29 Franklin I'aBP.

Janipatowo--Siutaman Co. Fair A^.-^n. July 1 4. Andrpw Haaa.

hilirtppr--I'unn Co. Fair Aaan. Sppf. 19-12.

H. M. Wpydahl. I.ansdon--Cavalier Co. Fair Aaan. July 14-

17. It B. Groom.

Mandan--Mo. Slope Fair Aaan. July 1-4. J. T. ll-AiB.
Minot--Northweat Fair. July 6-11. n. L.


Rolia--Bolla Fair A Celrbration. July 3-4.

riarence Jaeobaen.

Rugby--Pierre Co. Fair Aaan. June 24-26. O.

A. .Spillum.

.8fanlp.T--.Mountrail Co. Fair Aaan, July 14-17.

Ib-.r Wold. Wahitetnn--Blrhland Co. Fair Aaan.
12 W. F. Eckea.

Sept. 8-


AliO "WONDERFUL IRON-JAW TRAPE2E ACT '. 2 Uniurpnaed Free Acti. 2. 1100 raih bond with every contract. Literature. References. Permanent address General Dtllvery, Quiacy. III., er Billbeard, Kansas City. Me.

New Lexington--Perry Co. Agrl. Soc. S pt. Dewey--Washington Co. Free Fair Aasn

23-25. Ed Howerth.

^ 15-19. C. F Reid.

Newark--Licking Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept, l.'i-18. , Duncan--Stephens Co. Free Fair .4asn.

Ilarrv D. Hale.

tlrady Shipp.

New Hoi land--Fair. auap. American Legion. Durant--Bryan Co. Fair Asan. Sept.

S.pt. 23-26. Floyd W. James.

** Dunlap.

Norwalk--Huron Co. Agrl. Soc. S'pt. 1-4. El Reno--Canadian Co. Free Fair Aasn.

S.pt Sept, 17-19, Sept.

Earl 8. Miller. Koea-North Ashland Co. Fair. Oct. 1-3. M.

T 8rtrb<ironEh Ottawa--Putnam ' Co. Agrl. Soc. Oct. 6 10.

W. H. Tobias, Gilboa. O.

Old Washington--Guernsey Co. Agrl. Soc Sept,


9^ J IT St r*iAir



91ty--Beckham Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 11-19.

Woodman. f". *'ree Fair Aaan. Oct. 27.


9. LA. tionn^D.

Asan. Aug.

OweuVvllle^e'nnoM C«. Agril Soc. Aug 18-


Tillamook--Tlllamnok Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. l.% 1". W. U. Pine.
Tolodo--Lincoln Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 2-0. B. II. Howell.


Allentown--l.*hiEh Co. Afrl. 8oc. Sept. 22 26 A. S. Weibel. mgr.

Altoona--Blair Co. Fair. Week of Aug. 17. R. B. Giiyer. a

.Vpollo--Ki>kl Valley .Xgrl. Aasn. Sept. 2.'! 2t» , W. T. .Sniitli, Vandergrift.

Athens--Inter-State Fair Aaan. Week of S'pt. 14. ChaK. E. Mills.

Bedford--Bedford Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept 2#-t>.'t. 2. A. C. Brice.

Bloomsburg--Bloomsbiirg f^ilr Aaan. Oct. 5-10 U. B. Correll.

Brookrllle--Jefferson Co. Agrl. Asm. 18. Wro. C. Startxell.
Burgettstown--Union Agril. Aaan. J. L. McGough.

Sept. 1.'Oct. 6-8.

Butler--Butler Driv. Park A Fair Asan. Aug 2o-2S. Chan. H. Miller.

Byberry, Pblla.--Phila.lelphia Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 7-12. II. B. Correll, Bliiomaburi;.
Carniiehaelv--Greene Co. .\grl. Soc. Aug. 18-21. Chaa. E. Flowera.

Carrolltown--Caiiil.ri.i Co. Agrl. Assn. Aug. 2528. Cliaa. A. Glaaer. »

^'?tre Hall--Centre Co. Grange Encanipmenc A

w'"*MIddleburg. Pa

5. Edith JI. Sankey.

Chamhershurg--Franklin Co. Fair. Sent 8-11

<i. R. Gria-inger.

Clarka Summit--l..iekawanna Co. Fair 7-11. E It. Morse.


Clarion--Clarion Co. Fair Assn. Sept 1-4. R. B. Keck.

Clearfleld--k'learfleld Co. Agrl. Soc. .'»ept. 22* 2.'i. Chaa. Callahan.
Conneaut I.ake Park--Conneaut Lake Agrl Assn. Aug 2.5-2''. A. II .Selple
Creaaona-Seluiylklll Co. Fair. Sept. 7-11. Chas. p. IIotTman. Box 4, PottsTllle.
Dawson--Dawson Fair Aaan. Sept. 14-18. George G. Cochran.

Dayton--Da.rton .\grl. Aasn. Sept. 15-18. C. ·M. Dickaaon.

Doylestown--Doylestown Fair .4sra. Oct 7-10 J. .4. Garily.
Bbeniburg--Cambria Co. Fair Aasn. Sept. 1419. H. Frank Dorr.
Erl--Erie Kxjto. Sept. 7-12. Frank Baeder. Fawn Grove--Pen-Mar Agrl. Fair Aaan. .4ug.
12-14. L. M. Brown, Bridg' ton.

.f*ty--Armstrong Co. Fair. Aug. 18-22. M alter H. Bowser. Korksvllle--Sullivan Co. Agrl. Soc. Sent. 29-




Soc. **'S*e.np»t.

8 8

1U1 .

Chaa. J. Gray. Paulding--Paulding Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 1-4.

Harry B. Brattaln.




Piketon--Pike Co. Agrl. Soc. Aug. 4-7. Dr.

A. B. Anderson.

Powell--Delaware C«. Agrl. Soc. 8ept. 15-18.

Walter Zinn.

Rainaboro--Highland Co. Agrl. Soe. July 28-

31. C. A. Beaver. Route 8. HilDboro.

Ravenna--Portage Co, Agrl. Soc. Aug. 25-27.

F. M. Knapp.

Ripley--Ripley Fair.

Aug. 5-8. E. L.


riehwood--Rlcbwood Trl-Co. Fair. Oet. 7-9.

D. E. Ogan.

Rock Springs--Melga Co. Agrl. Soc. 8eot. 810 James M. Lyman. Pomeroy. O
Sandusky--Erie Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 8-11.

G. orge D. Beatty.

04 -- TrL^dogaLn. 'CWo.enFnreere. Fair Asan. Sept. 21-

Guymon--Texai Co. A'Panhandle Free Fair ahsd. Oct. 6-9. W. W. Kennedy

Hobart--Kiowa Co. Free Fair. Frank H. Thaver.

Sept. 9-12.

Holdenvllle--Hughes Co. Free Fair Aasn. Sept.

17-19. Jas. W. Bodgert.

Ilollla--Harmon Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 16-19. Tom W. Marks.

Hugo--Choctaw Co. Free Fair Attn. Sept. 14-

E. Schooler. Idabel--McCurtaln Co. Free Fair. Sept. 9-12.
Ira Bone. Jefferaon--American Legion Reunion Aaan.
Aug 19-22. F. ». Mowbray. --Comanehe Co. Free Fair Aaan. Beiit.


i.. - , .

C- Hlgglnl^tham.


S-o*- »-

l-i-H. J. T. Uty. Sidney--S^Iby Co. Agrl. Soc.

Sept. 15-18.

_ 'P'


Smitbfleld--'Jefferaon Co. Fair.

o T.» on Sept. 29-

Oct. 2. J. 0. Hayne.

c , » in

Smyrna--Trl-Co. Fair Asan. Sept. 8-10.

ton Bell. R. B. 2. Piedmont. O.

St. Clairavllle--Belmont Co. Agrl. Soc.

1V18. John D^. Hays.

Tiffin--Seneca Co. Agrl. Soc. Aug.

w i WalSept. 25-28.

George L. Bakeatraw.

,, ,,,, ,, ..r ..

Toledo--Tri-State ^Ir. Ang l.- B Ward

Beam mgr.. 1202 Ohio Illdg

Tr^--Maml Co. Agrl. Soc. S.pt. 22-25. C.

W. Kline.

,, . .,,


Upper Saiiduaky--Wyandot Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept.

8-11. Ira T. Matteron.

Urbana--Champaign Co. Agrl. Soc. Aug. 18-

21. B. M. Saxbe.

Van Wert--Van Wert Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 7-

11. W. A. Marker.

Wapakoneta--Auglaiae Co. Agrl. Soe. Sept.

22-25. F. J. Zofkie.

Warren--Trumbull Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 1-8.

Homer C. Mackey. Washington, C. H --Fayette Co. Fair. Aug.

19 21. G. H. Hitchcock. Wauaeon-Fulton Co. Agrl. Soc.

Sept. 8-11.

Wellston--Jackson Co. Agrl. Soc. July 28-81. John B Bain
West Union--Adamt Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 811 T W Ellison.
Wilmington-Wilmington Fnlf. Aug. 11-14. 11 n Panntn«t4>n
Wi^sfieieldM----ll?olnn^roroee'Ccoo. AAg«rrll. Bsoocc. AAluiga. .·Hni-`.'88.
Wcirie'rLw'.yne Co. ^wrU Soc. Sept 29 Oct.

Xeila-^reene Co. Agrl. Soc. Aug. 4 7. J.

Robert Bryaon. Z.meavllle--Muskingum Co. Agrl. Soc. Aug.
18-21. Howard OAKLASHhlOi-MlevA. Dresden. O.

Ada--Pontotoc Co. ITee Fair Assn. Sept. 1610 J H iim

Anii'urkii--Caddo Co. Free Fair Asan. Sept. 16-19. Fred B Harrison.

Ardmore--Carter Co. Free Fair Assn. Sept.

U'19. George L. Dyer.

B. aver--Reaver Co. Free Fair. Sept. 21-24.

A. C. Guff.v.

Ringer--BInger Free Fair Aasn. Sept. 7-9.

Homer Thomat.

Bla'kwell-Kay C«. Fair Aaan. Sept. 16-19.

O. C. Billings.

Brlsto-w--Creek Co. Free Fair Assn. Sept. 16-

18. J W. Blley.

Canton--Canton Fair Aaan.

Aug. 27 30.

George Weateott.

Carnegie--t'arnegie Free Fair Aaan. Sept. 2-

5. C. M Hartman. Cliandler--Lln.oln Co. Fre« Fair As«n. Sept.
I.'.-IT. M. M. Wataon. Chli kas'aa--Grady Co. l>ee Fair Asan. Sept.
21 24. J. E. McNeill. CInremora--Rogers Co. Free Fair Aaan. Sept.
15-18. D. A. Wlllholt. Coalgate--Coal Co. Free Fair Asan. Sept. 24-
26 W. M. riettner
Craierville--CraterWlle Park Indian Fair. Aug.


ML'ml-OtTiw. Co. Free Fair Aaan. 8ept. 1-



Muskogee-^--Oklahoma Free State Fair. Ocf.

E*hel Murray Simone. --Cleveland Co. Free Fair Assn. Sept.

1`*-1S- Fred 8. Reynolds, Norman. Ok. Oklahoma Cltv--Ok. Co. Free Fair Asan. Sent
21-23 C R. Doviart Oklahoma (?lty--Oklahoma State Fair A Expo.
Vpt. 28-Oct. 3. Ralph T. Hemphill. Okmulgee--Okmulgee Co. Fr^ Fair A'sn. Sept.

*'*-*8. Paul T. Stadt. Valley--Garvin Co. Free Fair
Seirf. 17-19. B. E. Leatherwood.
Piwhaaka--Oaage Co. Free rtlr Asan.

Asan. Sept.


S. M. MeCnlstlon.

Perry--Noble Co. Free Fair Asan. Sept. 15-17.

B. B. Braly, Jr.

Potean--LeFlore Co. Free Fair Aasn. Sept.

17-19. 8. E. Gllllapie.

Purcell--McClain Co. Free Fair Aaan. Sept. 16-

19. B. Mendenhall.

Rush Springe--American Legion Fair. Oct. 26-

3*- J- W. Murrell.

Shawnee--Poftawatomte Co. Free Fair Asau.


P- H- Norris.

Stlgler-Haskell Co. Free Fair Aaan. Sept.




W. A. AdJIRlS.

2. J. N. Low«« 'Watonga--Blaine Co. Free Fair Asan.
®*PP`""iT Cs 9- BQlliTaO. ^o«<»ward--Woodward KiClpoatricFkre. e Fair

Sept. Asan.

mSLA..n. Sept. 23-


*· "®*?i.roow



v 'k Carl J<^nDk.

a.-i oo->a ®

Polk Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 10-12. Winnie Braaen.

laland-^olumMn Co. Fair. Sept. 9 11,

_ '

^ Adams. Warren. Ore

28-Oet. 3. A C. Miller

Lane Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 22-25.

W. A. Ayers.

Gresham--Mnitnomah Co. Pair. July 28-.4ug 2.

, H. J Pnifer. ,,


Pay--Grant Co. Pair. Sept. 24 26. H.

P- Herburger.

Medford-Jarkaon Co. Fair Aasp. Sept 16 19.

n. O. Frobbaeh.

Moro--Sherman Co. Fair Aasn. Sept. 10-12.

C. C. Richmond.

Mvrtle Point--Cooa A Curry Fair .4asn. S. i>r

24-26. K. H. Hanaen.

Ontario--Malheur Co. F'alp Aasn. Sept. 8-19.

Ivan E. Oakes.

Portland-Paclflc Inf'I Live-Stock Expo. Oet.

Sl-Nov. 7. O. M. Plummer.

Redmond --Deachntea Co. Fair. Oet. 1-3. W. E.

Van Allen

Prlnevllle--Oregon Inter-SUte Fair. Oct. 6-10.

R. L. Sehee.

Salem--Oregon State fair. Sept, 28-Oct. 3.

tUU 8. WUaon.

E. Bneehley. R. 1, Rtoyeatown, I'a.

Junction Park--Beaver Co. .\grl. .Laan, Sept.

23-26. M. J. Patterson, Reaver.

Kiitatowp--Knf«own Fair Asan. Aug. 18 21. G. C. Bordner.

Loneaster--I.aneaater Co. Agrl. Fair Aasn. Sept. 29 Oct. 3. J. r. Seldomridge.

f.ehanon--Lebanon Valley Fair .Vasn. Rotiert R. Light.
Lehighton--Carbon Co. Agrl. Assn. Oot. 3. Wra. J. Zahn.

Sept. 1-5. Sept. 29-

Lewiaburg--Union Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept 29-

Oet. 2. Ix'ster W. Brown.

Lewistown--Lewlafown Fair Assn. .4iig. 2.V 29. .8. B. Russell.

Llgonier--IJgonler Valley 8. AI Muatek.
Man'S Id--Smythe Park Frank H. Marvin.

Fair. Aaan.

Sept. 89.0et. Sept. 1.4 18.

Mercer--Mercer Central Agrl. Soc. Bept. 15-17. Jamei L. R, Young.

Meyeradale--Somerset Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 22 25. D. J. Flke.

Milton--Great Milton Fair. Sept. 22-24. T. 11. Paul.

Montrose--Susquehanna Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 8-19. W. W. AUken.

iloacow--Keystone .4grl. Soe. Sept. 1*1-19. _ Kate E. Williams, Elmhurst. Pa.
New Castle--New Castle Agrl. Aasn. Sept, 912. R R. McGeorge.
Newfoundland--Green Drehor Community Fair .\ssn. Sept. 24-28.

Newport--Perry Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 1-4. M. L. Ritter.

NewTilie--Mifflin Agrl. Aasn. Sept. 22-2.". .4 E. Miller.

North Washington--N. Washington Agrl. .ts-n Sept. 1-1, II T. Stewart.

n. Port Royal--Juniata Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 15-

18. J.


Pottsvllle--Schuylkill Agrl. Aaan. Sept. T-11

F. W. Baiianm.

Pnnx'niawney--Punxintawney Fair Aasn. .8«-pt

2 5. J. M. Williama.

Qnakertown--Bucka Co. Agrl. Soc. Aug. 25-29

Itlnsorg Fonlke.
Reading--Reading Fair. W Swoyer.

Sept. 14-19.


Red Lion--Red Lion Gain Week Fair. Aug. 15

22. R. M. Spangler.

Smethport--MeKean Co. Fair Asan. Sept 1 4 R W. Hilton.
fit Marys--Elk Co. Fair Aasn. S*'pt. 22 2.5 Niehoiaa O. FritX.

Stew.artsfown--Stewartafown Farmer*' .\grl,

.\ssn. .dept. 9-12. Walter TT. RTmugh. S'oneNiro--Mercer Co. Agrl. Soc. Sei.t. 11.
('has M. nines. Stroudsburg--Monroe Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 7 11.

H. S. Smoyer. ritusville--New Titusville Fair. Sept. 1518.

R P. Fowler.

Towanda--Bradford Co. .4grl. Soc. Sept. 1-4 Wm. Rosenfleld.
Troy--iSaiy Agrl. Soc. Sept. 8-11. W. F. Palmer.

runkhauDoek--Wyoming Co. Fair Aaan. Sept.

20-24. O. D. Stark.

Warren«-Warren Co. AgrU Ahb. Sept. 7-12.

£. M. Lowe.



The Billboard

June ^3, 1925

ftaHbinstoii--W».ihlne»on Kair A»fn. AuC SO- Ri>ccri>vnte--Hivkin* Co. Fair Aatn

S<-pl. 44. IItt 11.... N .Naammee

1100--112... Frank hF.. H Haallee..

tVatt^t.iirir-Wattaburg A*rl. A-an. .vepf. 1-4- 6w-etwatet--Sweetwater Fair Aaan. SePt. IP

Waahlnaton--Waahlnfton AfrJ. Aaan
2!4-Oct. 1. E. M. St-aver. Wblte Hirer Junction--Twin State Fair.
iJ'ig rVed l n»via

8rpt. Sept.

OlanTlll^Jllniar Co. Fair Aaan. Bapt. 151». Aaa Crltt-a.
Ki-n«a·wu*o'd--Freatan Co. Fair Aaan. Sepi. S4.

W 11. Moor.


_ ** *

Wa)n<-i<b irK \Vayn« rliurg Fair Aas^n. Ang. S2.Vv TTrreenntoton-- n-GOiilW ieunn Co.' Fair Aaan.

2K. .tnilirnM- r.rail- i,

JiAin R. Wa le

« IT Woodatock--Windaor Co. A«H. Soc. »Sept. ^2-o5-. ^24!**'To*hir"D"`'Do'tei!"
o-- a a

Sept. 22- Eewlaburt-Koncev. rte^iwnbrlar Valley Fair. Aug. 2-l-2». W U Tabacott. Lewlaburg.
Ntwrlinton--I'oeahontaa Co. Fair. Ana. 18-22

Weat .Ale*«u<lir--W. .\leiander Agrl. Aaan.

Sept K lo. J. .\I. <;itie..n.

We»t Cheat, r-- -ftf.t..--eetteer Co. A.Aggrrl. A«8Bnn. Sept.

0 12 N.'.irrih

Temple, % ·'o'oeeooppaaoonn. Pa.

Wertlleld--C-ewanMiue Vall.y Agrl. Soc. Sept.

Wincheater--Franklin Co. Pair Aaan. Scpi. Z-o-

J. F. Vanghan.


» .


Abilene--Weat Texas Fair Aaan. Sept. zi-J*.

T. N. Carswell.




Amberat--Amherat Co. Fair Aaan.

Tbomaa Whitehead.

Amberat--Maple CroTe (OSlored)

M Oct. 27-30. Fair Aaan.

Z. H. nHomoittob.. Marttnabnrg--IterLeley Co. Fair Aiaa.
j`j.2.5. n. a. Poland.
Parkersburg--IVood Co. Fair Aaan. Ant Harry L. Biddle.

R.'Dt **'

8 11. O \. Manning. york--Y.'k to. Agrl. Soc.
H. Ku ter.

Oct. 0-9.

RHODE ISLAND Fiakevllle-Pawfux.t Valley Agrl. Soc.

John Sept.

Alice--Cnlf Coast Fair Asrp. CIar«'nce Walters.
Amarill.i--Amarillo Trl State Expo. Oct. 1. O. V. Vernoa
AuaMn-Texa, State Expo. Sept.

Nor. 4-.. Sept. 2w-
28-Oct. 8.

Not. 4-6. Fit* Renera. Appomattox--Appomattox Fair Aaan. Oct. 13-
1«. L. Crawley. Bedford--Bedford Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 29-
Oct. 2. J. Callaway Brown. Berryyllle--Clarke Co. Horae Shorw A Fair.

Pennshoro--Ultcble Co. Fair Aaan. Bent 1.4 H. J. Scott.
Philippi--Barbour Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 28-25. L. <t. Zinn.
Shephrrdstown--Morgkna Qrowe Fair Aatn Sept. 7-11. C. 8 Musser.

North' S.-ui^e-t'rS^nt^*'" c"`" Agrl. Soc. A.henjj-East Te^.7 Cotton Palace. Oct. 5-10.

Aug. 13-14. A. B. Hummer.

Sutton--Braiton Co. Agrl. sFilr Aaan. Sent

Brerao Bluff--Negro BiiaineHi, Indnat. & Agrl. 22-2.V <1. G. Davis.

Port^mo^l\h-^>w'^r^''co`^.A1rt*^Soc. Sept. IV Rastr^Ba-trop Co Fair Aaan.

Oct. fi-9.

Fair. Sept 1.1-17 Hold. H. Colea.

Weston--Lewis Co. Fair Aaan.

Caryabrook--Fluvanna Fair Aaan. Oct. 21-22. Frank .\lfreil.

W ^summer D. Ilollie, Fed. Bldg.. Newport.

`"city-^Matagn.d. Co. Fair. Not. 11-13. J. B. riKlerhill, Fork Fnlon. Vk.

Wtieellng--W. Va. State Fair.

Sept. 7-10 Sept. 7-12.

SOOTH CAROLINA SennettBTlIU--Jlarlhoro Co. Fair Aaan


28-80 K. A. Hamer. Brunson--Hampton Co. Fair Actn. Nov. 24-28.

B. F. rimer. Cheater--Chester Fair Bureau.

Oct. 27-30.

H. 8. Adams, tnaa. Chestertield--CheKieriield Co. Fair Asan. Nov.

3-6. J. A. Welah.

ColuDibia--K. C. State Fair. Oct. 19-24. D.

F. Efird.

,, ^ ...

W. 0. Stephens.
Beaumont--Sjnth Teiaa State Fair. Not. 11E. C. Bracken.
Rertrjm--Burnet Co. Fair Aaan. Aug. 6-7. 11. O. Kloae.
c<immrrce--Commerce Trl-Co. Fair. Sept. 2-5. V. E. Conway.
Cuero--Cnero Turkey Trot Fair Aaan. Nov. 911. J. C Carrington.
Oallat--State Fair of Texas. Oct. 10-25. W.
H. Stratton.

Charlottesville--Piedmont Fair Assn. Sept. 22-

2tl. C. Nelson Beck. Chaae City--Mecklenburg Fair Aaan. Oct. IS-

16. J. E. Brame. Cllntwood--Farmers* Fair Aian. of Dickenson

Sept. 16-10. C. J. Mullins Covington--Alleghany Co. Fair Awm. ^t. 8-

12 Thoa. B. McCaleb. Culpeper--Culpeper Fair Aaan. Sept. 8-11. G.

W. Norria. DanTlIle--DauTlIle Fair Aaan.

Oct. 13 16.

Henry B. Watkins.

Bert 11. Swarta. WISCONSIN
Antigo--Tdinglade Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 15-18. Henry Berner.
Ashland--Ashland Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 15-ls. M. H. Wright.
Athena--Athena Agrl. Aaan. Sept. 8-10. A.
M. Munea. Augusta--Eau Claire Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 8-
11. V. L. Dlckensen. Barabotv--Sauk Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 22 26.
H. U Halsted.

Ortngrtmrg--(iranget.iirg Co. Fair Aaan. Oct. 27-30. .1. M. Hughes.
Bm-k Hill--York Co. Fair Assn. Oct. 14-16. James 1). Lee, mgr.
Walterlsiro--Colleton Co. Fair Assn. Nov. 3-6. W. W*. Smoak. SOUTH DAKOTA

A^rdwn--Trl-8tate Fair Assn. Sept. 8-10. H. L. Truman.
Beliefpurehe -- Trl-«'afe Roundup
July 2-4. R. I.. I'.rbn-on

Bonesteel--t.regory Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 2-4.

B. J. Taylor.


,, ,

Clark--Clark Co. Agrl. lair A.'sn. .Sept. 29-

Franklin-Robertson Co. Fair Aaan. Oct. 8-10. Mrs. R B. Ewing.
Fredericks! urg--Uillespie Co. Fair Assn. Aug.
21-23. J. E. Bell. Worth--Southwestern Expo. & Fat Stock
Show. March 5-1.3. Ed H. Henry. Gonzalea--Gonxules Co. Fair Assu. Oct. 6-10.

ita'n,ii,o^UanHl"on* Co. Fair Assn. Aug. 19-

21. T. M. White.

Haskell--Haskell Co. Fair Assn. Oct. 1-4.

Turner E. Campe, secy-mgr.

niiuiKirr>--Hill Co. Agrl. Fair Assn. Sept. l.V

19. T. J. Burdette.


Kenedy--Karnes Co. Fair Assn. Oct. 20-23

G.J'.^!:GaVax^Fa.rr:" Sept. 8-11. W. C.

CO. Fair Aasn. Sept.

Hot lprln,;-Bath CO Fair Asan. Sept. 22-

Krt*er--^:a*stern^8hore°AgrI. Pnlr Aaan. Aug.

Kllmarnocl^-Cb'eitpeake Fair Aasn. Nov, 8-6.

A. Noblett. Lexington--Rockbridge Co.




144.-118. Edward T. Rocbilnsion.

LLoouuiTsa«--7-LLoouuis?a.VCcoo..` Fair Aaan:. Sept. 30-0cd. oo. pC. PE. Whisler.



*'Vutnam' ***^*

D^Pere--Northeastern Wla. Sept 4. Herb J. Smith.


"^t" V^c'^r I'^'rai


V. A. inKraxn* tDa**

» "· "·
^ Ang. 11-

O',!'': .

o . -1-

Cl^ar Lak<*--Co. talr Aasn. 8«*pt.

Sept. 3-5.

Hu^ot^8."l»'^'*ilT.Ve Fair. Sept. 14-18. j;hn

la-mmon-ynter-State Fair Assn. Sept. 2-4.

511^ank"-^r^ant Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 22-2.5.


^MBuB"r.d'n'7F--;raaJnno"ncleisss Co. Fair Assn.

Sept. 7-9.


Nlsilatnndd--y^Birutte Co Fair Assn. Sept. 2-4. A.

D. FEanilson., BlWell||eeff..>,.u,rche. 8. D,

Phlltp-Haakon Co. Fair Assn. Aug. Sl-Sept. 2. B. V. Millstead.

Denrer Chestnut.


Lagranf(*`~FaTeMe Co. Fair AfSD. Sept. S(V»

i.::,!.ra-Lam%s?s`'Fair Assn. July 28-30.

i. «a'enici::"cm Fair Aasn. Sept. 16-19. Sam

LuVboc'k-Panha'ndle South Plains Fair Assn.

MeK^nney^lcoilln Cm Fair^As'sn; Oct. 5-8. C.

Texas Fa^^


M:m?his-lurrCo.`*DTst; Fair Assn. Sept. 22-


To Wslr A««n Sent


^ `


a" · Oct `>7-30 W D Nixon--.Mion rair Assn. uct. .( <ju. w. u.

Ly.ynncchhbbuurrgg-- --IIntersatate Fair. Sept. 29-Oct. 23. pF. A. Lloovveelloocckk.
MaDa8Baa--^olored Boree show A Exho. sept.

Marfonilmytb'cS^^Flir^lJ.n.'- Sept. 1-6. E. ^*K";"c7y®n"?."`

MMtlnav^ne^Henry Co. Fair Asm. Oct. 6-9. L.'"Tt7g?e*'."'^

^ Minl'^me^y*'*''

*S*e^*p'*t.` 7-lZ J. N.

G^r^d'ens^me; vT


Fetersburg--Twin City Fair. Sept. 28-Oct. 8.

W. Eanes.


Pt'c'tterrtio^urrgc-- --tP'te^tieernvbDuiirrgs Friaiirr aAssbton. uOccit*. 13-16. .j, Rjugi,. gen. mgr.

^'VhM^'H Tidam* Eikhorii--Walworth Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 7-lL
p . rraff
Ellsworib-Plerj^^Co. Fair Aaap. Sect. 16-11



Evantrllle--^Bock Co. Anl. Alan. Anf. 11-

14. Dr. Chas. 8. Ware.

Fond du Lac--Fond du Lac Oo. AgrL 80C. Oet.

6-9. Chas. Bint*.

Friendship--Adama Oo. Pair Aftn. tept. 34.

John Banmel.

Galesville--Trempealeau Oo. Afri. Soe. Aug.

25-28. George Trim.

Gaya Mtlla--Gaya MilU Fair Amb. Oot 6-A ^ ^ Stt well

** H"''E."'.v7d-er":o7'.'`"

* "·

Co. Fair Asan. Ang. 18-

rrovide^ce^`"HrtgW^F"frV.* (Colored) Fair. `'''lig"^6.28.^"F;'`'^7^hltVkS^

Assn. Oct. 8-10. Lewi.


Co. Fair Assn. Oct. 13-17. J. rurcellrtne--Loudoun Co. Breeder.* Asia. Sept,


^ *®*- '*·

Pe^rs.i;`-lV;rCo. F..r Assn. Sept. 23-26. «-T%7ut^.:v`s"" '

"Z'' I'"". T Z

"V^pV s-rVi.rH^rmrt^d:'"'' '''··;ri^";rr7lee''"T'M lCClglgM M.'

Poor«t rArtrhth!.u^"r--G ^luinUu Coast Exhn. A Fair. Oct.



''*· BBooc\l:'k.uliei^-^RBoo^cdM.iar?`!rn`ldnedpepeennddeenncce Day Fair. Shlpm^n-^Nel.on Co. Fair Asms.

fr8i-1o0."""Mirrs.7^Ww m.r K Kl^elinn.^'


Oct.· 1133--1lA6. ^fojog Rigver--p.Ba.vtield Co. Fair Asan.

Sept. 15'*

8Sttuurrggilss---M Mee.addee CCOo.. FFaaiirr AAssssnn..



s/n`^AnVi J^an^-A^nl'Jlo Fair Assn. Oct. 36, « 31. «. flaggy. Fair Assn. Sept. 8-12.

So^h%^to^%a,lf.* Co. F^r m^l^ T Tu^rbV evlhllee. ^Pial..e®'J"'

... Janeivllle--Janetville Park Ann. Ang. 25-28.

AasnTOiiv*(?le!t· J


Wllklua, Jefferson--Jefferson Co. Fair Assn. Week of


I^rflH HVpcteeeJ)y-- nn`rryyyJHe.iEEH ilAVeeem llahttlnnlen.eenrsrro't..i"nne.Co. Fair A. ssn. Vermmiilliioonn-- --(('lay Co. Fair Asan.

S0,e,p,^t. 8,,o-1n1. . _ __ _o_o Aug. 25-28.

CChhaass.. W W.. JJoolllW ey.. WhAAAiuuuteggg.. l1`R.J--i11u v44e'..r---CCCW. hKEFit*.e.* KK KeRirlllilt..v^e"r

, ,, Frontier

n D »*ary*.*,

E San

StT*a· hvrCarr-r,iSu?*la7il«ne.rr'.Sab. a

C_ o.

F_ ai. r

A. ssn.

I. nc.

11 14 Georae W Horton 11 14. George >v. iiorion.

m n»

A. u_g.

W*''"i''univ« ' sogulD^GuaduluSe' Co. Fair Assn.
. George J Kempen.

Sept. 16-

Sttaa30u1u1n-no8tto--eonpn>-- t-.SSh5*h.eennaCann.ddooBua. h RtjV.aila.as,llt-- lloe.ny. Fair SuM JfIfrorssl.k--LLFeemmour-PPC. oJJuoonrrtddyaannlF. aaiil Assn.

Aatsscn. Oc t.

Aug. 6-10.

Suuffffoolikk---TTMidewa.ttie7rcoC?oolorreedd Fair Asasn. Oct. 20-

2233.. W W.. H. CCrroocckkeerr. Tappahannoi-k--Essex Co. Fair. Inc. ?Sept. 29-

LaC.CrS-o.sss.Vee.-- -- af.t]I.nnAt.teeur.r-k-8Setntaa.tte Fair Aasan. Sept. 22-28. Ladysmith--Rusk Co. .Agrl. Soc. Sept. 22-25.
H. W. *rrue. Lancaster--Grant Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 15-18.
F. .4. Morehouae. ^"<1*--I-odl Union Agrl. Soc. Sept. 8-10. B J.


Seymour--Baylor Co. Fair Asan. Sept. 24-26. O.i-t. 2. R. Booth Euubb.avnnk,. Dunnnns.vlIllIe, A'a


Alexandria--DeKalb Co. Fair. Sept. 2-5. Bob HRooyy..
Allardt--Fentress Co. Fair. Sept. 10-12. B. M. Coldt*.
AuVmrntown--Cannon Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 10-
12. C. E. (IriMjm. Celina--Clay Co. Fair Assn. .Aug. 6-8. W. C.

· j. A. W'heat.

,, ,

Sherman--Bed River Valley Fair Aaan. Sepl.

22-26. L. L. Etchlaon. Spur--Northwest Texas Fair Assn. Sept. 17-19.

E. L. Caroway

^ .w.

Sweetwater--Sweetwater Fair Assn. Oct. 28-31.

John A. Mrt'urdy.


Tasley--Peninsula Fair Assn. Aug. 11-14. D.

FFrraannkk W W_h^ittee.. PPaarrkl^slleeyy.. AA'aa..

. .

Taiewell--Tazewell Co. Fair A*«n. ' 8epf. 23-

26. John H. Thompson, Bnrkei Garden. A'a.

Waverly--Sussex- Co. Fair Aasn. Sept, 29-

Get. 2. M. H. West. Winchester--Shenandoah Valley Agrl. Soc.

Luxembourg-Kewaunee Co. Agrl. Aasn. 5-8. Julius Cabn.
Madison*--Dane Co. Fair Atin. .Ang M. M. Parkinson.
Manitowoc--Manitowoc Co. Fair Assg. 24-28. F. C. Borcherdt. Jr. V
MarshOeld--Central AVIs. State Fair Assn.

Sept 24-28.
Aug. Sept.


CLattaD<H>Ka -- Chattanooga Inter-State Fair.

Get. 310. Jos. R. Curtis.

Clintiiii--.Audersim Co. Fair Assn. Sept, 9-11.

Glenn C. Medarls.

Columbia --('olumbia Dist. Fair Assn. Sept. 8-

12. AVm. I*. Moreau.

Cookeville--Putnam Co. Fair Assn. Aug. 27-29.

A. P. Barnes.

Deer Lodge--Morg.m Co. Fair Aitu. Sept. IS¬


H. B. Phillips.

Diekaon--Db-kaon Co. Fair Assn. Get. 1-3.

Les'er Ui-Tfers. Dresden--AVeakley Ca. Fair Aasn. Sept. 23-26.

J. D. Brooks.

Temple--C'entral Texas Fair. Oct. 6-10. 8.

F. Clark. Tyler--East Teiaa Fair Asan. Sept. 29-Oct. 3.

J. L. ilcBrlde.


Vernon--AVlIbargir Co. Fair Assn. Sept, lfi-19.

U. M. Fielder.


A letorla--\ Ictorla Dlst. Fair Assn. Sept. 29-

Oet. 2. I.. -AI. Stevens. Waeo--Texas Cotton Palace. Oct. 24-Nov. 8.

8. N. Mavfield. Wlehlta Falls--Texas.-Oklt. Fair Assn. Oct.

1 7. R. E. Shepherd. Yorktown--Yorktown Fair Aasn. Oct. 28-30.

Paul A. Schmidt.


Sept. 1-4. Chas. R. McCann.

AA'ise--Wise Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 24-26. E.

B. McElroy.


AVoodstock--Shenandoah (3o. Fair Aaan. Sept.

8-11. J. W. Bailey.


Burlington--Skagit Co. Fair Asan. Ang. 17-

22. W. J. S. OordoD. Mt. Vernon, AVtsh.

Centralla-Chehtlls--Southwest AA'ash. Fair Assn.

Aug. 24-29. George B. AValker, Cheballt.

Colville--Stevens Co. Fair.

Sept. 16-10.

Charles Noe.

Ellensbiirg--Kittitas Co. Fair. Sept. 10-12.

S. Sorenann, prea.

./·Hi "4


siat^n^nni au (o. Agrl. Soc. Ang. 25-28.

· F. AVtnsor.

Aledford--Taylor Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 1-4.

P. C. Scholdt.

Menomonir--Dunn Co. Agrl. Soc. Sent 22-11

J. n. Millar.

Merrill--Lincoln Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 14

Dr. L. J. O Uelllev.

Milwaukee--Wiiconsln State Fblr. Ang. I0-

Sept. 5. A. H. Alexander, but. mgr.

Mineral Point--Sonthweatera Wit. Fair Assa.

Aug. 4-7. <5. H. Sheppard.

Mondovl--Bnffalo Co. Aarl. Soc. Oct. *·9.

A R. Feckler.

Monem'--Gri-en Co. Agrl. Soc. Ant. 18-22.

Fayetliv lie--Lincoln Co. Fair Assn. Ang. 26- Logan--Cache Valley Fair Assn. Sept. 22-24. Elnia--Grays 'Harbor Co Fair. Sept. 2 6

28. A\'. C. M<s>res.

M R. Hovey.

Fred Kohll. NelllsTlIle--('lark Co. Agrl. Aaan. flept. 22-25.

Aallatin --.-lumner Co. Fair Asan. Aug. 19-21. Mantt--Sauie-le Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 18-18. Everelt--N. Pacific IJve-Stock Show AsKn. M. E AVlIdlng.

.8. Peter Peterson.

Aug. 29-8ept. 4 (tentative), C. H. Nethaway. New Klcbmond--St. Croix Valley AfTl. Aasa

nuntiiiRdou--Carroll Co. Fair Asan. Oct. 7-10. AV. L. Noell.
Jackson--Uevt Tenn. Diet. Fair Assn. Sept.
14-l:t \V K Harry

Ogden--Ogden Live-Stock Jevse S. Blehards,
Richfield--Sevier Co. Fair
C. AA'IlIard Powell. Jr

Show. Aaan.

Jan. 5-9. Garfield --AVhllman Co. Fair. ' Last of

Sept 14 18 T. J. Madden.

first Ilf Get. J H. McCroskey.

Oconto Falls--Oennto Co. Fair Aaan.

Bept. 9-11 Granite Falls--Snohomish Co. Fair Aisn. Sent. E. P. Ilnvenlhnl

Sept. --.

Norman A. Howe.

·Lawrencehurg --raiwreni-e Co. Fair Assn. Oct. Esse* Junction--i^***TM1'**J"


Dn. K. U Ilealy.

15-19. H. A. Slayforth. Unlv. Gym. Burling-

/.ebanon--AA'ilxon Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 16-19. ton Vt.

,, .. i,.ii v.ii.. in.*...*

A. W McCartney

Manchester Center--Battenk111 Valley Indnat.

McMinnville--Warr n Co. Fair Assn.
12 Ernest Sniallmun. Memphis--Memphis Tri-Stste Fair.
Oct. 3. Fr.mk D. Fuller.

Sept. 10Sept. 26-

Soc. Sept. 13. W. H. Shaw Mlddlebury-Addison Co. Agrl. 80C. Bept. 14.
Carl G. Church. Whiting. Vt. Morrisvllle--Lamoille Valley Fair. Aug. 25 27.

Memphis--Colored Tri-S ate Fair Aasn. Oct. 14-17. Dr L. G. Patterson.
Morr:*town--Hamblen Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 16 IK. I. A. I^ane.
Mountain Cl'y--Johu-on Co, Fair Assn. So^t. 2-4. Allen M. Stout.
N'ashiine--Tenneswe State Fair. Bept. 21-26. J. W. Bufswurm.
Ne»nort--Appalachian Fair Aasn. Bept, 23-25.

r. E. I-me.

_ ,

Northfield--Dog River Valley Fair Asaa. S*pt.

8-10. F. O. FNber.

Rutland--Rutland Fair Assn. Bept. 7-12. F.

8. Nleholson

St. Jol.iisbiiry--Caledonia Fair

Ang. 18-21

Clinton P. Csry,

fheldon Junction--Franklin Co. Fair Asan Ang.

31 Sept. 3. Winslow H, Gates N. Sheldon,

John M. Jones.


Parli--Henry Co. Fair Attn. L. I-awrence.
Plriey Flats--SnlUvan Co. Fair 11. B. M. Anderson.

Oet 77I --11IV00... BaB.. Aatn. Sept. 9Q-.,

South Wallingford-CnU/n Driving Park Soc. 15-17. G. w. Kelley.
Tnnbrixde--Union Agrl. Bo*. Bept. 32-34. Edw, R. Flint.

P'/rt* Towtisend--Jefferson Co. Fair.
Puyallup--Western Wash. Fair Asan. Sept. 21^7 A. E. Bartel.
Rltivllle--Adams Co. Fair Assn. Oct. 1-3. W. II. Miller.
SiKiksni* -*<|H>kane Interatate Fair A L. S. Show. Sept 712 Waldo G. Paine.
7eii|n<*--Tenliio Communltv Fair Sept. 5-7 Walls Walls Wslls Walla Co. Fair Asan.
S' pt Id IZ. It. A. 'rrlp|M-er. Yskims Wssblngton Stale Fair Seirt. 14-19.
RInefleld--Rliiefleld Fair Assn. Sept. 14-19. W L ·Hey
Burlington-- Upiur Potomac Fair Aasn. Ged.
14 16 Blehsrd W. 'niriish. Keyser. W. Va. CharleiHoiv- Kanawha K«po A Four H Fair.
Get, 5 10 M 4 Simms. Cowen--Webster Co, Farm Burean Fair Assn.
Sept. 33-25. J. N. Berthy.* Jr.

Rhinelander -Oneida Co. Fair Attn. Sept. 5-9.

J. M. Reed

Rice laik*'--Barron ('o. Agrl. Soe. Bept. 14

J G Rude.

Richland Center--Richland Co. Agrl. Soe. Aug

18 21 B (' Davis. *

Seymour--Si'vmour Fair Aaan. Ang. »>-*'·

George F ttedler.


SIiswan>«--Hhawano Co. Agrl. 80C. Bept 8-li

R II FUiher SiMMiner--Waxhburn Co. Agrl. Aatn. Bept. 7-11

L. J. ThomimOn St. Croi* Falls Polk Oo.
A TI French.
Superior--Trl State Fair. G. Ross.

Fair Boe. Bept. 1-3 . ..
Sept. 7-11. !<*·'·'

Tnmsh--Monroe Co. Fair Aaan. Alf. 18-21-

K J. Rehberg.

.. . `n,,,v._H.eln. Co g.lr a_Sent 1*-

' ,2 h a

iw'heatae WU

·" " * I olley, HochestaT. Wla.

Viola--Klckspoo Valley Agrl. Aaan. Ang. »· M. W. B. Van Winter.

\ ir.Mi 1*--ViTDon Co. A«rl. »oc. 8*ot. CO-Oct \V K. («rr*`lt.

\\`int'iiiia --WaU'liHra Co. Fair Akko. Srpt. 20

(». t

Clm*. T. Taylor.

\V .ii.'i tov* i»-'Vai»Tto« n Inler-Co. Fair Aain

<..|i Mil U»y HLrrinan.

W ti'i'au--\V1«. Vallojr Fair A JPkpo. Au*. 21

>a V. W. Fri-hn.

wr^Nt Konil--Waahluf'on O. Fair. Brpt 14-17

j,,,. .1. Iliibrr.

Wi'o'tti Id--Mnniurtte Co. AcrI. Aaan. S>-p'

Nil. \V. I*. Fuller,

\\V)auwi'Ka--Waupaca Co. Agrl. Atm. 8ep(

I.VIH. A. J. Ill«H k.

wilmnt--Writ Kenoalia Co. Fair Ataa. Kept

:;i-20. K. T. Hufton.


Cheyenne--Frontier I>ay< Show A Fair. July

·.Ml 21. O. H. Htaplefnn.

Ihiualaa--W.rioiilnf Ktate Pair. Sept. 13-18.

T. F. I*<>yle.

I.iramie--.\l»mny Co. Fair Attn, .Sept. 7-12.

."ttanl'T Kil*\ar<lt

.Sherlilan--Slicrlilan Co. Fair Atan.


A. J. Ilam.



Alii--Alii Afrl. Soc. Auf. 20-21. W. L. Pelt.t
IP nalto -Bc;^lto Agrl. Soc. July 21-22. A.

.N.irt.m. ^

B<'rwyii - licrv^n Agrl. Soc. Aug.'4-B. J. K.



lUk- Valley--Blf Valley Aftl. Soc. July 28-29.

Fred Hiff-.

Bi.wden--Bowden Agrl. Soc. Auf 20. Mrs.

W. A. Hint.

Brm»k->--Brookt Agrl. Soc. Sept. 7-8 W. F.


Hiitl.y--Bii.l.y Agrl. Soc. Aug. 28. G. W.


Bye-.Mor^r--Bye-Moor Agrl. Soc. I.eiiiiaril Browue. HartKliorn.
Calgary--Calgary Induat. Esbn. Inly r> 11. B. L. BU'liardtiiu.

Aug. ll. Co., L'd.

Ctmro-e--Caiuroae ExUo. A>tn. Aug. 10-12. V. Kon^l· r.

CarJ'ton--t'ardttun Agrl. Fair. Aug. 13-l.'i. I. .M. r.>oiul>t. Box 123.

Cirmaugay--I'armaugay Agrl. Soc. Aug 3-4. Jsmet McNaiigliton.

Chtiiflii--t'bjuvin Agrl. Soc. Aug. 7. P. H. Perry

Chinook -Cbinook Agrl. Soc. Aug. 6. A II Cllpthum.

CUrethoim--Ctaresbolm Agrl. Soc. Jely 28-29. Jai. McKinney.

Corhrim--Cocl.raae Agrl. Soc. Sept. 8-4. P. W. .MiggH.

Colintovi--t'olinton AgrL Soc. Auf. 18. J I). Uotiertton.
Cro««field--('rnkiibrld Agrl. Soc. July 2-3. A. 1'. Mcl-eet.

Della--m-Iia Agrl. Soc. Stephen*.

Aug. 12.


Dld-lmry--Bldtbury Agrl. Soc. Aug. 4-5. A. A Hevill.

Edgerton--Eilgerton Agrl. Soc Jtme* Ta.rior

Sept. 16.

Eomooton--Kdmooton Ezbn. July 13-18. W. J. Stark.

Goo«e Creek--(luoae Creek Agrl. Soc. Aug. S. F. r.randage, Ixrugheed. Alta.

Grande Prairie--Grande Prairie Agrl. Soc. Aue. H-l.V J. W. aSawyer.

Oraniim--Graniim Agrl. Soc. July 30-81. M. R. Matfarsoo.
Greeneourt--Greenrourt -tgrl. Soc. Aug. 38. M. Pottrr.

Hanna--Hanna Agrl. Soc. Riddell.

Aug. 7.


Hiyt--Hays Agrl. Soc. Aug. 10-20. Joaepb Smith, LouMua.

High Prairie--High Prairie Agrl. Soc. Aog. 17-18. James BInnie.

High River--High River Agrl. Soc. Aog. 1213. J. .V llataey.

Innl-fall--Innitfail .4grl.* Soc. Stewart M.otre.

Aug. 18-19.

InnUfree--Innitfree Agrl. Soc. Aug. 18-18. R G. Chapman.

Irma--I-ma Agrl. Soo. Aug. 11-12. W. Msaaon.

Kit.eoty-KIttooty Agrl. Soc. Aug. 15. H. H. BU -'on-Hiu.

lj*eoml*e--1 acombe Agrl Soc. Aug. 4-6 John

M< Kenty

lake Sa«kati>un--Lake Saakatoon Agrl. Soc. Vug 12 13. II r Couiwr.

I amont--I.amont .Vgrl. Soo. Aug. 30. O. R. .'··ewart

I.ingdoii -i.angdon .tgri. Soc. July 29. W. Alleo k.

I.-dui---le-dtic -Vgrl. Soc. Aug 18-19 A. B. Ennl«.

Icjl.hrldge I.rthhrldgr Exbn. Atau. Aug. 6-9. R VV Gardner.

lennond lamiotid Agrl. Soc. Aug. 6. F. N'ew-ion

Mtgraih Magrath Agrl. Soc. Aug. 4-5. J. G. .Steele.

Ml. leo.l--Macleod .\crl Soc Aug 5-6. C. K. I iid-rwiMMl
MinnTllIe--Manntllle Agrl S.w. Aug. II. -V K ^^'IPl.Tn7'^
M' d . ine Hat -- Medte ne Hat Agrl Soc. Aug. ·1-3 r A. Kleliardoon

Mid I'enibln I--Mid Prnitilna Agrl Soc. Jtept

· 0 .V. 1». Gilnirr, H. H 1. Dii'iatable

Mllwrion Mllnerton .Vgrl So,

Sep,. Id. E

VV M.'.r*, VVImtairiie

M.cInTiIle- Morinvitle .Vgrl, Soc J B Halphond

Aug. IS

''''·d.l.-vioaalde Agrl 8<m-. Aug 26. Torn Kiel.niond

Vliir.on Vliineon Agr! Soc. Aug 5. R R. rraer.

Xaii ,111- Nanton Agrl Soc. Aug. 4-R. Win. l<olH.r(«oii

l)ko,.,u- Okotokt Agrl Hoc. fli*-. For, kel

Ang. 10-11

O'd- nil. Agrl. .Hoc. July 2S 29



K. B

Boiwar Giiowty Agrl So.', Aug. 14 W



"' ll Oven Agrl S,M- · Jiilv 2.124. W V Miller

Pin, le r Greek PInelier Greek .Vgrl. Soc .V'lg

· I I.' H. Boinentierry

I"Hm,,n,I..n Plamoil,Ion .Vgrl. Soc. Aug 2»1-C7

J VI I i|m.'

P "i,V« Pmok* Arrl .Hoc Ai'g. 3021. 1. 1 'iliiari

Prlddl- Prlitdp. A MUIarvllle Agrl. Soe. Aug


U. T. Knight.. R R 1 Calgary

Provoal--Provuat .Vgrl Sec Jnly '.'1-22 S F Itiirgeaa.

Haymond--HaymoDd .Vgrl Koe July 31-Aiit 1

F. .Vnder.on

R'd Deer--Reg Deer Agrl. Soc. Ang. 18-15.

Raliih Patteryon.

Bimbey--Rloabey Agrl. Soc. Aug. 14. L. 8. (^Iler.

Wonderful True Fruit Flavor

MeAuley--MoAuley Ayrl *oe. Jnlr 24 F. C. Hell.

·McCreary--McCreary A«rl. Soc. July 30 Wm. J. Kankine.
.Melitu--Mellta .Vgrl. Soc. July 18. L. 8 .Vrnold.

Miuiui^wMlami .\grl. Soo. Jnly 10. T. H. Uiimbal.

IN POWDER.eJust Add Cold WaUr and Sugar

Miniotu--Mlnlota Afrl. Soc. July 21. John Kpaldtni.

Makes the beat drink you ever tasted--no trouble. Real rich, true
Orange flavor and color. Superior atreofib. YOU Make Over 85C Clear Prom On Each Dollar You Take In even at Sc a glaM,

.Mlnnxluaa--Mlnnedota Agrl. Soc. July 38-29. A. J. Bell.
Morden--Morden A(tI. Soc. June 23-30. C. C. Milne.

Gripe, Cherry, Leiion, Apple, Strawberry, Pineapple, ate.
Trial pkft. 19c; 8 dlfferaot klnda, 80 felaan--. 50c poatpald
We have been making wait drink powdera for twenty years--twelve . years In thin location. We believe we can give you the best pos-
aible quality and value. Complete satisfaction guaranteed. I. Send ua yeur addrdsa to^ay. We heve a surprise for you.
^ Chas. T. Morrissey Co., ^17 W. MidtsoR SL, Chicago.

MorrN-Morrli A*rl. Soc. June 30. A. JB. Code.
Neepawa--Neepawa Afrl. Soc. Jnly 9-11. Nora Benton.
Oak I.ake--Oak Uke Afrl. Soc. July 17. R. C. Smith.
Oak KIver--Oak River Afrl. Soc. July 30. Wm. Htiirrock.
Pilot Mound--Pilot Moond Afrl. Soc. Jnly 16. Harold McKay.
Pliiniat--Plnmaa .tfri. Soo. Oct. 1. 1. A. Mellerth.
Purtafe la Prairie--Portaye Indoat. Bzlia.
Attn. July ri-8. S. B. Cuthbort.
Rapid City--Rapid City Afrl. Soc. July 83. C. O. Murray.
Revton--Retton Afrl. Soc. July 28. H. 0. Brans.

Rirert--Riyers Afrl. Soc. Jnly 21. J. I.


THE LARGEST AND OLDEST CONCERN OF ITS KIND Roblin-Rohlln .Afrl. Soc. Jnly 29. H. H. Himpaon.


Roland--Roland Afrl. Soc. June 26. J. T. sSa.yer.

Etcinutes for Fircworki. Spectacles and Daylight Fireworks on Application

Rfossburn--Botsbiirn .Afrl. Soc. Jnly 28. 3. H. Irwin.


B_ usaell--R_ uaaell _ --- July 21-81. A. M. Pratt,
Sanford--Sanford Agrl. Soc. July 14. F.

Henry J. Pain. President

Alcock. Sliellmouth--.Hliellmoutli Agrl. Soc.

July 39.

111' W. Monroe St., Chicago

F. Hilbert. Shoal I.ake--Shoal lotke Agrl. 8(tc. July H.

F Dobba.

Soiirit--Soiirla .Vgrl. Soc. June 27. T A.


KiH'heater--Rot-heater Agrl. Soc. Aug. 18. B.i New West,

of B. C. Stonewall--Stonewall Agrl. Soc. July 18. D.


' Sep;. 7-1

W. McIntyre

Ito'ky .Vluuntain HoU'e--Agrl. Soc. Sept. 2-3. North Yarn

E. B,'Veriilge.


Sept. 4-5

lort. Soc. 87. .Ivan--St. Jran Agrl. Soc. July 3. N. 1 St. An- Dery.

Sanguiliv--Suiigiido Agrl. Soc. Aug. 27. R. drewt av,

St Agatbe--St. Agathe Agrl. Soc. July T.



Sedgewlck--.''d.tewK'k Agrl. Sue. Juna 30- Prince Rut

Vept. 3

S. Beaudoin.

;rl. .Vtin. i'l- P'erre--St. Pierre Agrl. Soc. July 15. A.

July 1. K. K. Clemene.


Sept. 8-11


Sibbald--Sihbald .Vgrl. Soc. July 28. C. O. Saanichton-

00. Sept. 9t. Rote--St. Rote Agrl. Soc. Jnly 39.


29-30. C

Emile Lu-<tler.

Stettler--Stettler Ditt .Vgrl. Sot-. July 30- Salmon An

in. Sept. St. Vital--St. Vita! Agrl Soc. Ang. 14-15.

Aug. 1. O. W. F. Day.


23-24. U

C. H. Price. Hulton. Man.

Stony Plain--Stony Plain Agrl. Soc. JulyV29. Smlthara--£

a. Sept. Strathclair--Stratbclair Agrl. Soc. Jnly 81.

Wm. R,>b«rt*on.

2-4. L.

Fred Wllllamnon.

Strumc-KIllam--.Vgrl. Soc. Aug. 7-8. R. J. Sqiiamlah--;

pt. 7.

Swan River--Swan River .Vgrl. Soc. Ang. 4-5.

McGowan, R. R. 1. Killam.

Slucan City

,n. Sept.

R O Taylor.

Talter--Taber Agrl. Soc. Aug. 13-15. Frad 18-19. H

Swan loike--Swan Ijike Agrl. Soc. July 15.




i;. O. Conch.

Tborbild--Thurbild Agrl. Soc. Aug. 25. L. South Vane

gri. jVian. Teiilon--Teulon .Vgrl. Soc. Sept. 24. A. K.

Z. Bradbury.

-Vug. 2S-:i


Three Hilla--Three Hills Agrl. Soc. Aug. IS. .S<iuamiah .1

Treheme--Treheme .Vgrl. Soc. July 17-18.

C. P. McDonough.


n. Oct.

J. B. Scott.

Trochu--Troebu AgrL Soc. Aug. 0-7. C. J. 28-29. J

V«den--Vlrden Agrl. Soc. July 15. W. M.




Sept. 24. Tlneo.

VegrevlUe--VegreviUe Agrl. Soc. Aug. l^U. 11 Boae,

Warren--Warren -Vgrl. Soc. July 16. R. A.

Jamea McCrea.



15-17. O. Borland

Vermilion--Vermilion Agrl. Soc. Aog. 6-8. F Raima

W.i*kada--Wa*kada -Vgrl. Soc. Jnly 14. P.

W. E. Suttoxi.


Aug. 8-15, W. SteveniKpn.

Vlklw--Viking Agrl. Soc. Aug. 18-14. Wm. J. K. Mi

Wauane'ia--Waiianeaa Ajrl. Soc. July 16. J.



Waraplte--Waraplte Agrl. Soc. Aug. 26. Wm. Victoria--V

8^. a

O. Fraxer.

......... _

W. H. Weaton--Weaton Agrl. Soc. Aug. 20-32. F.



W. Bndworth.

Waterbole--Waterbole Agrl. Soc. Aug. 0-7. Wboonock--

ept. 1.

Winnipeg--Winniiteg Summer Fair. Juno 32-

H. M. Bailey.

Jnly 4. C. Vamlerlip

WeeMock--Weatlock Agrl. Soc. Ang. 20. J. Arborg_Ar

I V 1 Wo,>dIaDda--Woodlands .Vgrl. Soc. Sept- 85.

I. Watt.



'· *· *"· A. J H. Pno tor

Wetaaklwln--Wdtaaklwin Agrl. Soc. Aug. 7-8.
C. D. Smith Wltinifred--Wiunifred Agrl. Soc. July 30-81.
J. R. Chiabnim. Toungafown--Toungttown AgrL Soc. July 30.
J. J. Baker.

Binalartb-- t John,.
Cartwrlel Boltaevain-
rj Brow

y .10. W.


Chatham--Mlramichl .Vgrl. Rxha. .Vaan. Sopt.

J- C. 21-26 George E. Fiiher.

Fredericton--Fred'ricton. Ezha., Ltd. Rapt.

July 28.

12-19. Wm. rrnik«hank.


... St. John--St. John Exhn. Aaan. Sept. i-U.



Juno 29- Horace A. Porter.

Aga-alz--.VgaiaU Agrl. Aaan. Sept. 1-2. Wm.



AlbernI--Alberni Agrl. Aiao. Sept. 16. H. A.



Aldergrove--Aldergrove Agrl Aaan. Sept. 1.5-

16. .V. K. tiohlamlth.

Armatrong--.Vrmatrong -Vgrl. Soc. Sept. 16-lT.

Mat ILvaaen.

Btr,h l.land-Blrrh laland Agrl. Aaan. Sept,

IT Tnvlo Carman-^ I>
J A Ml Cartwrlzht-
I> 4 cbaiOeld_(
ioryatal rit


37- Stephen--Charlotte Co. Agrl. Sac. Sept.

10-17. M.

1.4. w. S. Steven*.


« · Woodstock--Woodatock Ezho. Sept. 9-lK B.

30-Jtjly 2. w. Maxwell

j,,l, 24. 13. John
July 22.

Amlievst--Maritime Winter Fair. Nov. 2-8. F. L. Fuller. Truro, N 8.
Antigonlah--.Vntigoiitah t'o. Farmera' Aaan. Sept. 34-2.5. Tho-*. F. Macdonald.

B,'aWell--BtlaWell .Vgrl. .Vaan. Bt-pt. 16.

Gvnre^a Rt

linr<iultlam--Burtinltlam Agrl. .V'»n. .V-ag. 2.'>w


2K. Ulchnrd Morrlaon. H. B. 2. New Wear




Central Park--Central Park Agrl. Aaan. Sept. Deloralma-

Soo. Jnlr 9-11. O. 21. Wm.

Bridgewater--BrlrtgeWiiter .Vgrl. A"an. Sept. 22-23. R. L. t,;illnghiira.
Caledonia--Qu-ens Go .v-rrl. F.xhn. Sept. 29Oct. 1. Fr,'d Keinpion. Kempt, N. 8.
Middle MiiMiiiodohil--Agrl. So<-. Sept. 33-28.
R. H. Reid.

Chilliwack--Chilliwack Agrl. Aaen. Sept. 3-5

Cobble *"liri-^obble Hill Diet. AgrL Aaan.

.kept, in. G A. Che.-ke


Pictou--Pictou Agrl. Soc. Sept. 23-84. John
1. T. F. I>. MacDonald. 8h,'lhnrne--Sheibnrne Co. Agrl. Soc. Oct. 15-
C. A. 16- Wm. K. Hood. T.armonth--Tarmoutb Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 81b


3. H. J. VH't. 2. E. L. Croaby.

Cqiirtenav--Gomox Agrl Aaen. Sept. 8-0. E.
Vellx Thun.at'ranbro,.k--Granbrook .Vgrl. Aaan. Sept. 7-6.
Vngua 1.. Ha, Great,111 Great,m Valiev Agrl. .Vaan. Sept. 9t>-
0.-t 2. H Walm.l.y Dimran--Gowh han .Vgrl. .Vaan. Sept. 18-19.
Wm Wal.lon
Kalkland-Kalkla' d Agrl. Aa-a Sept. 11 K, rn Ktdge K. rn Hi,lg> Agrl. Aaan. Sept. 2. E,,reat Grove--Foreal Grove Agrl .Vaan Sep'.

p'*''"''*' , *
j' v. w Pla "

Friiltvale--FriiBvale Agrl. .Vaan .Se|
A. G W, l>-|er Gang^ --laland- .Vgrl .Vaan. S«'i>t. 16.
Jenea, Glbaiin * l.amling Giltaon'a landing
.Vaan Viig Grat'd Fti-V -- iJriin,! F,irka Agrl. Aaen.
29 ;t0 t'lia- .V .Miidge H»ti«t,,n--Il'U'-tiii .Vgrl .Vaan Sep<. Iiiveriiu're- 111 ermera- .Vgrl .V-ao. Aiig Ketonna--Keh'wua Agrl  Soc. Sept.
H ·» M. Wllaon 1 ailyamith--lad.vmllh Agrl. Attn. S
III Wm .V Giilliim I tngl.'V iMilnerl l.analey Agrl. Aaan
2,1 Ge,'rge I" Yolinc l.iimt" I.iinibv Agrl. Aaan Sept It).
Brlniblc, iinilu' Maple Itidgf Maple Nhlge Vgrl. Aaan.
2 .1 G r.ilhik. Haney. B C Mal*<iul 'lala,|Ul .Vgrl Aaan Sept. 17-
W. Groat, .Vhbntaford. H. C Mi-Brlib- M, Bride Vgrl .V«an. Sept. Ml-ainn GIty Mla«t«n Agrl. Vaan Si
24. Rev. G MrDlarmId. Nakiiap--Arrow I.ake .Vgrl .V«an. Sept
H W Herridge ajelaon--Nelaon Agrl A Indunt. .Vmm,
23 25. U. Horetend.

KIId,vnxn-Klld,<nan Agrl. Soc. ·pt. .s. It. Henderaon, R. R. 4. 1
KIII.vrn,-v KBlarney Agrl. Soc.
W. S. Hay ter. KInoaota--KInoaota Agrl. Soc. H S,raae.
23- I.angriith--I angruth Arrl. Soc. W I.angdon.
34 Ma-'gregor--Maegregor Agrl. ! Th,>a. Glarke.
ipt. Manttou --Manltou Agrl. Soc. Vrooman.

.10 R. T.
Jiilv m " ·»"
B.L. e,H. jiiiv

JUI.V wi
... "
, ,, II. r..




OA w


FT IF .g. I. r..

on T,

.Vug. 1 1. .V K 10. R. E.

7. .Vngua
[|g. 27 29. p<'g y 10. E.
. I1. H.


--N T.anark Agrl. Soc. Sept. 18-lA T ' Thompaon. Beamavllle--4 llnton A loiuth Agrl. Sec. Sept.

IS-l'.t. .H. J. WBmid. on--North Out. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 17-19.

.V. E Cameron. Hr,,.,i.Hdgo--Booth Vtii-koka Agrl. She. Sept.
Ili-lS Jerry Dickie. Hro,-krllle--BrockvBle .Vgrl. Fair Aaan. Ang.
17-21. T n. B,'rne,v. f-oIBngwood--Noftawa«agn A Great Northern

Exhn. Sort. 29-,>,-, 2.
Cornwall--Cornwall Agrl. Nathan ('opelind.
D-ltn--Delta Fair Aaan.

W B. McGrlrlck. Soc. Aug. 11-14.
Sept. 7-9. R. F

Or^6»0. ^nival»>--Elmvale Fair. Sept. 3S-.10. Janaee

McDrrmoit. EHaex--E'<a«'x Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 33-36.

Juatui Miller. Hanover--'Hanover Fall Fair. Sept. 16-18. S

B. Clarke. KIngaton--KIngaton Indn»t. ITxbn. Sep;. 15-

19. R. J. Buahelt. Bath Road. Kmgaton.
KIrkton--Kirktoo .Vgrl. Soc. Oct. 6-7. Aaua
Dout>e la'amlnFion--Ia>amington Fair. Sept. 39-Oct.
2. K. M. Selkirk. Lindaav--IJmlaay Central BTzha. Sept. 23-36.
H. B. Black. London--Weatern Fair Aam. Sept. 13-19. W.
D. Jaekaoo.



The Billboard

June 13, 1925

M^aford AirrI Sor. S»pt lA-18 W.

r Kl'ey. Midland--Tiny A Tay AfrI. Sof Sypt.

K R Ma.kiy. M"rrl,burc--Morriaburc Fair.

Anf. 4-7. C.

8. Cnlquboun. Napaney -- Lynnoi Agrl. Fair.

Au(. 25-28.

J L. Boy,-a. North Bay--North Bay A*rl. Aais. Srpt. IS¬

IS. Lronard Dreany.

Otliiwa--S. Ontario Arrl. 8«c. Srpt. 14 16.

Cbaa. P. Daria.

Ottawa--Ooiral Can. Exbn. Aa*n. Aug. 22-

2S. Jami-a K. Paialry.

Owen Sound--Owen .'^ound Agrl. Soc. Sept.

15-18. E. D. Bonnrll. Prrtb--S. Lanark Agrl. Soc. 8*pt. 2-4. Chria.

M. Forbea.

Pctrrb<gougb--Peterborough Induat. Exbn. Sept.

15-18. r. J. A nail

ITrtoo--Prince Edward Agrl. Soc. Sept. 22-25.

J. P. Willlani* Renfrew--Renfr-w Agrl. Soc. Sept. 15-18. C.

A. Dewey.

Roaaeau--R(«eeaa Agrl. Soc. Sept. 15-16. C.

8. Raymond. Richmond--Carleton Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 17>

18. J. F. Burrowi.

Ridgetnwn--Howard Agrl. Soc. Oct. 6-8. J.

fjo'ac--Ooran Agrl. Soc. Aug. 6-7. J. H


OravellMurg--Orarelbourg Agrl. ."^oc. Aug -S-C.

J. L, lu.utr- .

· Jrtnfell--(.renfell Agrl. Soc. Aug. 7. John


tlriflln--tirlffin Agrl. Soc. July 28. R. Dray¬


· lull lake--Cull Lake Agrl. Soc. July 23-24.

F. Colburn.

Banley--Hanley Agrl. Soc. July 31. G. D.


Hawarden--Hawarden Agrl. Soc. Aug 7. W X. Jfdle«

Hert>ert--Herbert Agrl. Soc. July 28. 8. H. Cliffe.

H'meier--Hooeier Valley Agrl. Soc. July 24.

R. F. Wertlienbach.

Hiiglxon--Monet Agrl Soc. Aug. 5. W. R.


Humboldt--Humtwldt Agrl. Soc. July 14-13.

.1. .4, i'hrieilan.

ImiM-rial--Long Lake Valley Agrl. Soc. A'Jk

4F. .N. Ballard.

Ind.an Head--Indian Head Agrl. So(8 July 22.



luvermay--Invermay Agrl. Soc. Aug. 7. F.

A .\alimore

Kamsack--KamKack Agrl. Soc. July 29. C. .4. Bradbrooke.

ogeuia--Ugeuin Agrl. Sot'. July 21-22. W. J.

."-imird Orniieton--Ormiaion Agrl. Soc. Aug 7. R.

Titilau Oxbow--Oxliow Agrl. Soc. July 29. A. J.

I'aiknian--Parkbam Agrl. Soc. Aug. 8. J. Entn hiatle.
Paynton--Paynton Agrl. Soc. Aug. 11-12 A. M. Black
Perdue--Perdue Agrl. Soc. July 30. H.

Hodgaon. Plenty--Plenty Agrl. Soc. July 31. H. R.

Kirk. Jr. Preecevllle--Preeceyllle Agrl. Soc.
L J. Pulfer Prince Albert--Prince Albert AgrL

July 15 Soc. July

27-29 J. P. Curror. Punnioby--Touchwood Agrl. Soc. Aug. 6. S.
C. Thorne. Quill lake--Quill lake Agrl. Soc. Aug. 5.

John Bird. KadHaon--Radiaaon .4grl. Soc July
T. J Bassett. Readlyn--Readlyn Agrl. Soc. July 24.

27-2S. E. (1.

Emery. Redvefi--Redrera Agrl. Soc. Aug. 4. G. S.

Way. Regina--Provincial Exbn. July 27-Aug. 1. D.
T. Elderkln

LOUISIANA New Orleani--Auap American laglon
MAINE Skowhegan--Erneit f Butler, chrm.^
MARYLAND Cumberland--Auap Fair Aaan
MASSACHUSETTS Olmiceater (Stage Fort Park)--Auap. Red Men
Wra T. Hudaon, aery., 51 Middle ti Newburyport--Auap. Sona of Veterani '
MICHIGAN Cadillac--Auap. Booatera' Club.
Detroit--Auto Racea, W. O Hreltenatein. i Hudaon--Horace Hwaney, accy,
Jackaon- Auap. Jackaon Co. Fair Aaaa. Mtnlatee--Home-Coming Celebration
MINNESOTA Rattle Lake--Addre-a ('amp Balmoral, Benaon--Auap. American Legion
Faribault--Auap. Chamlier of Comnercc Fairmont--Auap. American Legion. Brainerd--Auap. American Legion Lake Cryatal--Auap. American Legion. Owatonna--Auap. Steele Co. Agrl. Soc.. 0
Thurl>er. chairman Park River--Auap. Community Club. Payneavllle--.4uap. American Legion. Redwood Falla--Auap American legion. .St. Jamee--Auap. American legion. Wabaaha--Auap. .4merlcan legion.

D. Brien.

Kelfleld--Keltleld Agrl. Soc.

Sarnia--W. Lambton Agrl. Atan. Sept. 23-25.

R. Hinchliff.

July 27-28. H Richard--Maytleld Agrl. Soc. Aug. 6. McPherson.

J. C.


Natcbei--Auap. American I-eglon

'M. A. Sandera.

Kelllher--Kelliber Agrl. Soc. July '24-2.3. Rosetown--Roaetown Agrl. Soc. July 14-16.


SImeoe--Norfolk Co. Fair. Sept. 28-Oct. 1. K. R. JohnioD

Edwin Jones.

Huntayille--Auap. Farm Bureau.

O. G. Brambill.

Kelvingtun--Kelvlngton Agrl. Soc. Aug. 6 Rouleau--Rouleau Agil. Soc. June SO-July 1. Joplin--.4uap Chamber of Commerce.

Stratford--Stratford Agrl. Soc. Sept. 22-26.

A. M. Millar

H. A Ilastirga.

(Jueen City--Dr. H. A. Starka. aecy.

Jaa. Stewart.

Kt nncd.v--Kennedy .tgrl. Soc. July 23. A. M. Round Hill--Round Hill Agrl. Soc. Aug. 12. Shelblna--Auap. Buaineta Men'a Aaaa.

Stralbroy--Stratbroy Agrl. Aaan. Sept. 14-16.


D. J. Dooaldaun.

Kerrobert--Kerriibert Agrl. Soc.

W. Smith.

Sikeaton--Auap. S. E. Mo. Dial. Fair Alia

July 20-21 Salti-oata--Saltcoats Agrl. Soc. July 31. R

C. L. Blanton, Jr., aecy.

Tlllaonburg--Tillaonburg Agrl. Soc. Aug. 2.'i-2T,

.4. M. Tambl.vn

M. Oatrander.

Kindersley--Kinderaley Agrl. Soc.

Toronto--Canadian Nat'l Kxbn. Aug. 29-Sept.

W. n. Howea.

July 17-18.

D. KIrkham

Veraalllea--Auap. Merebanta* Aaan

Saskatoon--Saskatoon Induat, Exbn., Ltd. J'Jly


3IF23. Sid W. Johns.

Butte--Auap. Cbambo-r of Commerce.

12. John G. Kent, g> n. mgr.

Kini-tiiio--farrol River .4grl. Soc. Aug. 5. Shaiinavon--Shaunavon Agrl. Soc. Aug. 4-6. Deer I,odge--H. C. Ileinacb, cbalrmaa.

Vankleek Hill--X'nukleek Hill Agrl. Soc. Sept.

E. R. Beattie.

M. M. LeUodey.

Harlowton--Auap. Commercial Club.

17-18. Janiea Taylor.

Lae Vert--l.ac Vert Agrl. Soc. Aug 7. P. Sbellbrouk--.'^liellbrook Agrl. Soc. Aug. 7. A Lewlatown--Auap. Amerii-aa I.,egton.

Walpole l-land--44'alpolr laland Agrl. Aaan.


J. Chambers.

Aug. 23-28. pi-ter S Altimau.

Lake Cliaplin--Lake Cbaplin Agrl. Soc. July .Southey--Southey Agrl. Soc.

Welland--Welland Co. .4grl. Soc. Sept. 28- 21. Lloyd Coatea. I'reo, Sask.


July 22.

.Seobey--Auap. ('ommerrial Club. Marry Plentywood--.4nap Commereial Club.
Whitehall--Auap. American Legion.

Oct. 1. C. K. Som.-rville. Woodatock--Wwdetock Agrl.
W. S. Weat. QUEBEC


Sept. 22-25.

Ayera Cliff--Stanatead Co. Agrl. Soc. Aug. 25-27. Homer G. Curtia, Stanatead, Que.
Brome--Brome Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 7-9. E. Caldwell.
Chicoutimi--Chicoutimi Agrl. Soc. Week of Sept. 14. J. A. Gobeil, RIv. du Moulin. Que.
Granby--Granby Hopt. Soc. Sept. 10-12. Walter R. Legge.
Lachute--Argenteuil Agrl. Soc. June 24-27. J. W. Gall.

Lampnian--Lampman Agrl. Soc. July 15. E. O .Nelli.
Lanigan--Lanigan Agrl. Soc. July `28. A D. Bates.
laitlibiirn--laHhbiirn Agrl. Soc. Aug. 13. E. W. Townley-Snillh.
Lipton--I.iptoD Agrl. Soc. July 21 Inman llargivave*.
Dojdminater--Lloydmintler Exbn. Atan. Aug.
.3-3. H. Huxley.
Liieky Lake--Good Lurk Agrl. Soc. July 28. \V. T. Kairhairn.
Liiseland--Lueeland Agrl. Soc. Aug. 6-7. J. K. Love.
Macklin--Mackitn Agrl. Soc. July 14-l.V A. W. Mitchell.

St leiui'e--St. Loula Agrl. Soc. Sept. 2. R.
Fred Bond. Stungliton--Stoughton Agrl. Soc. July 22. C.
B. Allin. Taniallon--Tantallon Agrl. Soc. July 24 S
R. Brown. Tiadale--Tiadale Agrl. Soc. Aug. 6. R.
Wilkinson. Togo--Togo Agrl. Soc. July 80. J. D. Fogg. Turtleford--Turtleford Agrl. Soc. July `28.
W. E. Lake. Cully--rniiy Agrl. Soc. July 28-29. H. P.
Mulfatt. Vls»-oun'--Viscount Agrl. Soc. July 17. W.
L. Barregar. Vrmda--Vonda Agrl. Soc. Aug. 1. Bobt.

NEBRASKA BloomOeld--Auap. American Legion. Humphrey--.
Jaekaun--.4uap. Commereial Clnb. Lincoln--.4uap. Anwrican I-egion. Nebraaki City--Auap. Chamber of Commerce A
Fire Dept.
Ogallele--Auen. Commercial Club. Randolph--Auap. Am-rican Legion. Sckuylar--Auap. Chamber of Commerce. Superior--Auap. Amerletn Legion. Wlaner--Auap. Community Club.
NEW JERSEY ColIIngawood--Auap Fire Company.

Quebec--Quebec ProT. Exbn. Georgea MorlNaet,

Sept. 6-12.

Richmond--Richmond Co. Agrl, Soc. Sept. 15-

16. W. R. Se'evioa.

St. Alexandre d'Iberville--Agrl. Soc. Sept. 7-

8. J. B, Beaaette.

St. Johns--St. Johns Fair. Week of Sept. 7.

J. Aime Luaaier,

Macrorle--Macrorle Agrl. Soc. Aug. 4. Henry
Cole. Malr--Mair .4grl. Soc. Aug. 6. Jaa. A. Lemon Mareelin--Marcelin Agrl. Soc. Aug 6. Leo
I. aagloia. Mirybeld--Maryfield Agrl. Soc. July 22. W.
J. R'lurke. Meeting Lake--Meeting Lake Agrl. Soc. Aug.

Lynch. Wadena--Wadena Agrl. Soc. July S-9. D. J.
Munro. Wakaw--Wakaw Lake Agrl. Soc. Aug. 8. J.
E. Willoughby. Wipella--Wapella Agrl. Soc. Aug. 4. J. C.
Tocher. Watroua--Watrona Agrl. Soc. Aug. 7. B.

Lancaeter--Anep American Legion.
NORTH CAROLINA Aebeboro--Auap Fair Aaan.. W. C. York, secy.
NORTH DAKOTA Arthur--Ansp. American Legion. Enderlin--Auap. American Legion. Hei linger--Autp. Commercial Clnb, Oeo. D.
Tripp, aecy.

Sherbrooke--Canada's Great Eastern Exbn. Aug.

28.Sept. 3. Sydney E. Francis.

Tarey5eid--ValleySeld Exbn. Jacques Malouin.

Aug. 17-22.

Abemethy--N. Qii'Appelle Agrl. Soc. July 23. N B. Wllliama.
Alameda--Alameda Agrl. Soc. July 28. A. W. Young.
Aneroid--Aneroid Agrl. Soc. July 16. Barry Speara.
Areola--Areola Agrl. Soc. July 20-21. B. T. Wright.
Aaquith--.taqultb Agrl. Soc. July 28. F. Fairbrotber.
Aaainiboia--A'slniboia Agrl. Soc. JulF 16-18. R. B. MrMorIne.
Atwater--Atwater Agrl. Soc. JnlF 17. E. J. HtanaOeld.
Brngough--Bengough Agrl. Soc. July 17. E L. Pel I la.

4-5. W. 4. WorlKiya.

Melville--Melville Agrl. Soc. June 30-JaIy 1.

F. J. Ashford. MIdale--Midale Agrl. Soc. July 14. J. A.

KJeldson. Halbrlte. ilileatnue--Mileatone Agrl. Soc. July 16-17.

R. G. Chaae.

Melfort--Melfort Agrl. Soc. July 16-18. George

B. Jameson. Miaiaomin--Moosomin Agrl. Soc. July 26. H.


Mortlaeh--Mortlach Agrl. Soc. July 22. W.

L. Bennett. Moasbank--Lake Johnston Agrl. Soc. July 23.

W. K. Chr.VKtal. Naaeby--Naaehy Agrl. Soc. Aug. 4 John F.


. _

Nnkomia--Noknmia Agrl. Soc. July 14-16. B.

K. Smith.


North Battleford--N. Battleford Agrl. Soc.

Juir .3rt-.4ug. 1. F. Wright.

· Garrett. WataoD--Wataon Agrl. Soc. Aug. 4. W. T.
Smart. Weyburn--Weyburn AgtL Boe. Jnlg 23-33. Fred
C. Zabel. Whltewood--Wbitewood Agrl. Soc. Aug. 6.
W. H. Black. Wilkie--Wilkie Agrl. Soc. Aug. 7-8- Frank
Ketcheaon. W indthorat--Windtbont Agrl. 8oc. July 21.
W. J. I'attereon. Woodrow--Woodrow Agrl. Soc. July 23-24.
J. C. Cram. Wynyard--Wynyard Agrl. Soc. July 80. F.
0. Cameron.
Tellowgraaa--Yellowgraai Agrl. Soc. July 30-
21. JoK. Maraball. Torkton--Torkton Agrl. Aatn. July 13-li. J.
A. Duncan. Zealandta--Zealandla Agrl. Soc. July 8-9.
Stanley Garrle.

Wahpeton-Auap. Richland Co. Fklr Aaan. Wlllltton--Auap, Commercial CTub.
OHIO Bryan--Anim. Knlgbti of Pythian Cuyahoga Falla--Auap. Falla Civic Aaan. Lancaster--Auap. American Legton. Marietta--Auap. American Legion. Worwalk--Auap. American laglnn. Norwood. Cincinnati--.4iiap. American Legion. Paulding--W. B. Guerin, chrm. Sidney--Auap. Lodge of Elka. Springfb'ld--M. L. Brown, aecy.
OKLAHOMA Bartleaville--Anap. Chamber of Commerco. Canton--Anap. Canton Fair Asm Cherokee--Auap. Chamber of Commerce. Marlow--Auap. American Legion. John Alex¬
ander. aecy. Meeker--Auap. Meeker Concert Band. Taloga--.4iiap. Chamber of Commerce,
lonkawa--Auap. American Legion.

BIggar--Rlggar Agrl. Soc. Aug. 7-8. A. JMcFarlane.
Bireh HilU--BIreh Hilla Agrl. Soc. July 21-
22. H. a. Kdginton.
Bladworth--Bladwnrib Agrl. Soc. July 30. F. A. Brewer.
Bounty--Fertile Valley Agrl. Soc. Aug. 1.

Fourth of July Celebrations

OREGON Canby--Anep. Fair Aaan.
Craw-fnrdavllle--Address Dunran McKercbfT. Eatacada--Auap. Amrrican 1<rtion. niINboro--Auap. Chamber of Commerce. Mvrtle Point--Anap. ('hamber of Commerce. Oakridge--Auap. Biialnexa Men's Aaan.

John McCay. Broadview--Broadview Agrl. Soc. Aug. 6.
If. C. Blcnkarp.
Brock--Bro<k Agrl. Soc. Aug. 4. N. A. Iamb.
CabrI--Cabrl Agrl. Soc. July 29. Mrs. Harry
Smith. Canora--Canora Agrl. Soc. July 27-28. H.
M. Sutherland. Carlyle--Moose Mountain Agrl. Soc. Aug. 6.
A. Erke.v. Carndiilf--Carndnff Agrl. Soc. July 30. Robt.

ARKANSAS Paragnuld--Northeast Ark. A SontheaK Mo.
Picnic. Pine Bluff--Auap. Retail Credit Men t Aaaa. Warren--Auap. American l.cgioD.
Orland--Auap. Fire llepartment. Sonora--Auap. Lions' Club. Willows--Auap. Chamber of Commerce.



Ft. Collins--Auap. American Legion.

Fort Morgan--Auap. American Legion.

Taylorvllle--Auap. Lions' Club.
I.'rbana--Auap. Chamber of Contmerce. Vaudalia--Carl A. Jaurtt. aecy. Walnut--Auap. Amertcau Legion. W}oming--O. L. Hatch, mgr.
INDIANA Bliifftou--Auap. American Legion, Earl R.
.''swyer, aecy. lirookvllle--Willard Ball, secy., 508 Main at. Danville--Ausp. Red Men, J. I). Wright. Jr.,
mgr., 16.47 College are., Indlanapolla. Indiaaapo4is--Auap. K. K. K. at McCord's
Park. Address Lock Box 11, Fountain Knnare

PENNSYLVANIA ClearSeld--Auap. American I<ecioa. Ibitwia--Auap. American Legion Everett--Auap. American laglon. Ford City--Ausp. Hose Co. No. 1.
SOUTH DAKOTA Armour--F. B. Edwards, aecy. Burke-- Garretaon--Anap. Ameriran Legion. WInner-i-Anap. American Legton.
TENNESSEE Martin--Auap. Chamber of Commeree.

Central Butte--Central Butte Agrl. Soc. July Holyoke--Auap. American Legion.



1*. A. McGollvray.
Ceylon--Ceylon Agrl. Soc. July 30-81. N. Horleller.
Churchhrldge--Churelibrldge Agrl. Soc. July '21. J. A. Sigurdson.
Colgate--Colgate Agrl. Soc. July 16-17. 1.0 M. More.
Cralk--Cralk Agrl. Soc. July 27-28. Howley McEwan.

GEORGIA Dublin--Auap. American Legion.
IDAHO Coeur d'Alene--Auap. Chamber of Commerce. Lewiston--. Moscow--. Nampa--.4uan. American I^'gion. Soda Springs--Anap. Amerban I.a*glon.

Mitchell--Auap. Odd Fellowt, B. E. Smith, chairman.
Monilcello--J. Ruascll Gardner, aecy. Newcastle--C. B. Fletcher, aecy.
Rockport--Auap. Fair Aaan. Terre Haute--Auap. Shrinera.
Washington--Ausp. Mutual Drlylng Club. WInamac--Ausp. KIwanIa Club.

Rig Spring*--Ausp. Amrrican laglon. Floydada--Auap. American legion. *10 Benito--Anap. (Camber of Commerce.
UTAH Ogden--Address City Commlaaloners.
VERMONT MIddlebury--Anap. Firemen's Aaan., John Oerow,

Creelman--Creelman Agrl. Soc. July 23. W. n. Carnithera.
Cupar--cuiisr Agrl. Soc. July 17. W. A. FallU
Cut Knife--Cut Knife Agrl. Soc. Aug. 14. J.

St. Maries--Auap. American Legion.
ILLINOIS Abingdon--Anap. American Legton
chants' Assn. Albion--Auap. Ameriran Legion.



Ackley--Auap. American Legion. Algona--Auap. Kossuth Co. Fair Aaaa. Carroll--Auap. Farm Bureau. Cedar Falla--Anap. Cedar Valley Fair
Claude W, I.utx, aecy.

Aaan ,

WASHINOTON Anacortea--Anap. Chamber of Commerre. Colville--.
Morton--Auap. Business Men'a Aaan. Port Angelea--Auap. Merchants* Bureau.

L. Ro^a.

Cambridge--Ausp. Henry Co. Fair Aaan.

Creaco--Auap. Fair Aaan.. F. D. Mead, aery


Davidson--Davidson Agrl. Soc. July 24. D. Carpenteravllle--J. H. Bumated. chrm.

Dea Moines (Fairgrounds)--Ausp. Enjted Hpau- Moiindavllle--Walter F. Biirgeva, aecy.

S. Hutcheon.

Carrollton--PleraoD, Hodges A McDonough, lab War Veterans, F. M. Shortrldgr, aecy. Mount Hope--Ansp Merchants' Aaan.

Deliale--Deliale Agrl. Soc. Given.

July 16.



Colfax--E. 8. McHalton. chrm. committee.

Ib-witt--Auap. Order of Moose, Bobt. 8<'hlot-


feld'. aecy.

Ashland--Ausp. American legion.

Dubuc--Dubuc Agrl. Soc. July 21. B. Drya¬ Danville--.4nap. American Legion.

Fort Dodge--Ausp. Hawkeye Fair Aaan., J. H. Beaver Dam--Auap. American Legion.

ds le.

Dixon--Auap. Kn Klux Klan.

ladd. aery.

Boacobel--.4uap. Boscc4>el Fair Aaan.

Duck lake--Duck Lake Agrl. Soc. Sept 3. El Ptao--Auap. American Legion.

Ida Grove--Ausp. American Legion.

Burlington--Anap. American legion.

M. Courchene.

Eldorado--Auap. Fire Dept.

Independence--Auap. Buchanan Co. Fair Aaan. Chilton--Auap. Calumet Co. Agrl. Aaan.

Last End--East End Agrl. Soc. July 30 B. Elgin--Auap. American I/»gton.

Mlaanurl VgHry--Auap. County Farm Bureau. DfPere--Auap. American Legion. Fred M

S. Walters.

Farmington--Auap Ameriran Legion

Uoatirello--Auap. Jones Co. Fair Aaan.

Smith, aecy.

Ka-iton--Easton Agrl Soc. July 30.

Galena--Auap. Firemen's Assn., Sam Melaner. Mt, Pleasant--Auap. American laglon.

Darlington--Address Jack Tracy. PlattevlIIe.

Ei'onta--Eatonia Agrl Soc. July 31. V. O. aecy.

Oelweln--Anap. American lagloo.




Geneva--Auap. Chamber of Commerce.

perry--E. D. Carter, aecy.

Kail Claire--Auap Veterans of Foreign Wars

Elbow--Elbow Agrl. Soc. Aug. 5. H. F. Henry--Leo Klein, aecy

Spirit lake--Ansp. American Legton

A Spanish War Veterans.


Hickory--Au-p. .4mer1can lagion.

Tripoli--Anap. American laglon.

Fond.du Tac--Auap. American Legion A Ai«n

Klfroa--Elfroa Agrl. Soc. July 17. J. Forster Kankakee--Address S. E. Flaber. mgr. Bainbo Wcet Union--Auap. Fair Aaan.. B. M. Stafford,

of Commerre.

Elatow--Elatow .4grl. Soc. Aug. 5. D. P. Gardens.


Kewanee--Anap. Pair Aaan



T.uxemburg--Anap. American Teglon. Oshkosh--Ausp. R. K. K. at Fairgrounds. Ad-

Eatevan--EMevan Agrl. Soc. July 20-83. W. Llbertyvllle--Addreaa Farm Bureau.

Chanute--Ansp. Chamber of (knnmtrcs.

dress Committee. B<rx 677.


Ri4ga--Auap. Morgan Park Womea'a Club.


Pralrl* du Chlen--Auap. American Legion,

Foam lake--Foam Lake Agrl. Soc. July 24. M. Craig.
BY. Qu'Appelle--Ft. Qu'Anpelle Agrl. Soc. Aug. 4. E. W. Miller.
Ga*n-t r--iiigh--Gatnaborougb Agrl. ioc. July SI nuraee Styne.

Riverside--Ausp. American laglon. Roeb Island--Auap American lagloa. Sprlngtleld--Ana. Elks. Baall Ogg. aecy St Charle*--Auap American lagloa. Steelevllle--Auap. American T.egt<m. Sullivan--Anap. Bnalnraa Men's Aaaa.

Lyons--Ausp. County Farm Buraau.

Smith Ceater--Ausp. Chamber of C^merc*.




Jeaklna--An» Eikborn Athletic Aaan.

Oweasboro--Oeorge W. Ililre, mgr.

Clarence Ktlaer,. aery. Sturgeon Bay--Anap. American Lagton. VIroqna--W. P. I.Indemann. aecy. Whitewater--Anap. American laglon. Wlnncconne--B. A. Lund, aecy, care Cemup'r-
cla Clnb.



liPniMnifr--West Like r»i«, J. F. Ryao, prop.,
irntr. ind mxr. attractloao; playa bandi; ao Tiuilerllle. Iliriii nt:haai--lioaier'a Colored Park. Ms> k IKizuT. prop., mar. ard mar. attrartione;
Imnds: no vatidev lie p rminsliam--Raat laike Park. Rirmlnaham
m< nt'. Inc., props.; C. Frank Htillmao, wr. and niyr. attractlooa; playa TaudeTille
and tianda. llirmineliam--Tuii'do Park, lluah Hill, mar.;
pltTs free atiraoflons. Fairhop*--Katrhope Caaino & Beacb, Thoa. H,
Bnai'ii, prop., mar. and Mgr. attractlooa; plaiK I'.iiids: DO TaudeTille.
.MoPil.' Monroe Park, Mobile Light A B. B. ('ll., preps.; K. F. Roa-man, mgr. and mgr. attrai'tlona; playa banda; no TaudeTille.
Midi'o Hay View Park. Fred H l.ond, prop., mgr. and mgr. attraeliona; plays banda; no
valid 'die.
Montgomery--WashIngfOB Park, Wa'ter L. liiomas, mgr : C. R Jonea, prop.; park playa TaudeTille and banda.
Pxford--Oxford I.ake Park, J. A. [liilaey, piop. and mgr.; playa banda on special ueeaaions; no TTide'llle.
Sheflli'ld--l.ineoln Colored Park. K. II. Fields,
mgr. and mgr. attraeliona; playa banda; no tanil*`v He. Tuacaloosa--Stallworlb Lake Park, RlyerTieTf Park Lo., Inc., prupa.; J. R. StallTaortb, mgr.

This List Contains All of the Important Parks Which Are Operation During the Season of 1925

Boulb Norwalk--Rotop Point Park Neville Ray.

ley, prop ; ( haa. A, Pfatil. aupt.; no vande-

MIij wll!;



--L'Ule Coney, H. 8 Rell, mgr.;

M S. Hlebarti mgr. attraction*; ylaya

nr.?*'*!*" "® .^·"**T,^****

r, . . ..

Waterhury--Lana Park. Luna Park Am. ( ...

Atlanta-Rooker Waahington Park (Colored). owned by elt.T; ti. M. Howell, mgr.. « lyy

7 St.;


"`'''' V.'>'^ChatUhooeheo P.rk, Galnetyiuo By.

lower (o., prepi. and mgra.

Maeon--Lakeside Park, Irirln Scott, mgr. and

Pl-iJ* bauds; no '.ludevil.e. Mae.^Uecreation Park. W. T. Reagan, mgr.

Slir i.«V?'':t\ri^c"l'o"ni;Ta;. `y-Judev'die


»<« -"1-

T,, n

» w

watcrbiirj^T^ke Quat^atMiQir Park,

c r' n-

nectleut Co., prop* ; Michael F. 0'( .-nnell. ^lessee.

Vitiated--Tliffhland I-ake Park. D. V. 0*ConnpIl.

Sk^^nah-Llmoln Colored Park. W. .T. Whiteman. .Sr.. mar · W J Whiteman Jr mu>F

attractions; p'ays band's; no vaiideV lie.'


Savannali--Daffln Paik. W. H. H. dgrs, mer

sSuvannuli--l.j'n:iavt*n Colort^d Park, *A' H

Harana-Aseunslon l^lfk^ Luyano Cayeuno Tjb. e--Tybee'^IM ach."'D'urden**A Powe?;, "ino!i



lUTana llal.an* Paik. lUbana Park Auiumment ( o.. props.: F. A Coto. pre*.; «. 1..

Miranda, gen. mgr.; plays T.udeTille and

Port Penn--Delaware IM-ai'li Delaware Reach C'lVp.. props.; A. K l.udolph. mgr aud mgr attraetaona; no Taudeville or bards
Rebobolb Reach--Rnral Park. Chaa S Porn.

Ty';;i?:i .Tyb.rl.a-.. xybee Railroad Co., mgr Waycroa--Cen ral Colored Park, Mrs. C%r e
Pate. prop., mgr. and mgr. attract.ons; p.aj. T.ndeville and bauds.
HAWAII ^·''''`'·"l"~*^*ll(ikt Park. E. K. Fernand t.
* a *"*' `'''·tPlaJ* vaudev.Iie.

Peoria--Al Fresco Park. 8. C.`Diller, mgr. and ti gr atfraetionB; plays TaudeTille and bands
Plainfield_Electric Park A P A J R It
Co., propa.; Chester G. Mixire.'mgr. and mgr attractions* playa TaudeTille and bands (J l uey--Uigbland'l'ark. Quinty .tnJ. Co? pn.ps .
H. L. Brelnig. mgr. and mgr. attraction.; Mays bands; Taudeville oeeasionallv

Kock I*>-nd-Bl.ck Hawk*. W.tcb Tower Fart

y. .deJflle



w.v.ir - · *» . · ra . yw .



. ..*

" lb sV ^Tli^r an,Vmgr"attr*ictbX** pl^^^^ r lie and h?nds " attraction!, play* yatide

R >.\ford ITjrl.ni Park C O Bralnl* m«r ·

`'*?Tm?^7'a7t?l!."tlonY'`ppr;* bin^*'on`'sundaVi


rich props mg" and mM ^tUactmna-^


attractiona. no

,',,7TiI"-ne.rre Park. L. M. n.imphre,,

tiigr.; plays band*; no Taudeville.
Farmland--.Mills Lake Park Semans A Rinanl.' pri/j)s.; J. M. Seman.s. mgr. and mirr. atlrnc*
,, Lons; plays bands; no vaudeville. " nytie--Frier's .\musement Park. Gporge

^ul^ 'amrimnd.."*'"

N*>-loriu- Park Am. ,':.,''","r.ndr''n^ Tif^deJnfe.=

Lou.. kude-

Wilmington--SI,clitM't Park. John A Miller. mgr and mgr. attraction*; playa bands; no '^·U'f-vllle.
Wilmiuctoii--Ilrandywine Springs Park. John A. Miller, mgr. ard mgr. attractiona; playa
 bands; no vaudev.Iie.
DI8XRICT OF OOLDHBTA Washington--Glen Eeho Purk. Leonard B.
Si-hloss. mgr.; local band: no vaudeville.
Washington -- Arl ngton Beach Amusement I'ark. L. D. .Schaffer, owner; Jetse Tbomas.
, jv · Washington--Suburban Gardens (Colored). F.
Morris Murray, mgr., 920 "Ton" at., N. W,
FLORIDA Jlearwatcr--Clearwater Beacb, Clearwater Island
Bridge Co., Inc., propa.; W H. Sebooley. mgr. playa bands, but no vaudeviDe. Cocoa--Cocoa Beach Casino, Cocoa Beach Casino Oorp., props.; P. L. Kershaw, mgr. attrac* tions; playa bands; no yandeville. Onytona Beacb--Amuaement Park. Daytona Beach Am. Co., Inc., propa.; playa bands; BO .Taudeville. Uiami--Luna Park. J. H. Schaebt, mgr. and mgr. attractions; playa h^nd*: no vauiWrille. Mlami--Elaer Pier. Jo*. H. Sebaebt, prop.; T. J. Kelly, jugr. and mgr. attractions. Pensacola--Bayview A Sanders Beacb, J. H. Bayllss, mgr. and mgr. attractiema- no bands; vaudeville at t'mes. St. Petersburg--Mldwsy Amusement Park. Inc.. .\. J, Bodk n, mgr Tampa--Sopset Beach, Broim A McKcrcber. props.; Norman J. Brown, ^ mgr. and mgr. attractions: playa bands; ao Tandevlllt. Sulphur Springs--Sulphur Springs Amusement Park. J. Hiebardson. prop.; plays Ttudevllle; no bands. Tiimpa--Sulphur Spring* Amusement Park, F. L Fisher, mgr.
GEORGIA Atlanta--I.Akewood Park. Soutbeattem Fair
Assn., props.; R. M. Striplin. mgr. and mgr. attractions; play* bands on Sundays; no vaudeville.

t«eti?M playa bandi 'but"no Ta''ude"i'lla **'

Welaer--Oiegon^TVail Pa'rk Standard Am r« ^

-oil' L^K'nda^* ^

"gL. m» vaude-

Atirora^^Bxpoaition Park. Clifford R. Trimble mgr. and mgr. attractions; plays vaudeville and bands
Cbarleaton--River View Park. Erie Threlkeld, mgr.; playa TauderiUe and bamh occasionally.
Chicago--RiTerylew Park. George A. Schmidt. nen. mgr.; A. R. Hodge, secy.
Chicago--White City Amusement Park, Herbert
A. Byfield, pret.; Hnbert W. Plain, mgr.; Wm. P. H.ggins. atat. mgr,; plays yandeville and bands. Danyille--III.-Iiu). Fair Amusement Part, Oeo. M. McCray, mgr. and mgr. attractiona; no vaudeTlllc or banda. East Moline--Campbell's Island. Tri-City By Vo., propa.; Robert Pierce, mgr.; plays outdoo' attractions; bands occasionally. Galesburg--Highland Park, D. UeAfee, mgr.; park dost net play yaudeville; playa banda. Gorevllle--Bebman Park-Ferne Clyffe, Emma Rebman. prop.; plays hands; no TaudeviUe. Herrin--White City Amuaement Park. Herrin--Marlow Park. John Marlow, mgr. and mgr. attractions; playa vaadeTille and bands. Homer--Homer Park, Inc., C. B. Burkbardt.
mgr. and mgr. attractions; play* bunds and vandeville, Bundaya only. Joliet--Dellwood Park, DcIIwood Park Co.. props.; J. P. MaeCnlloch, mgr. and mgr. attractions; no vatldayiLe or bands. Kankakee--Kankakee County .Amusement Park. a. J. Richer, owner, mgr. and mgr. attractlona; plays vaudeville and bands. Kewanee--Wlndmont Park. Galesbury A Kewanee Elec. Ry. Go., prop* ; W. T. Lamb, aupt.; playa bands; no yaudeville. Macomb--Holmes Park. L. L. Butterfield, prop., mgr. and mgr. attractiona; playa vaudevllla and band*. Monee--Oakdell Park. George Geuther. w*t.

Rlvervlew Park


O^lni'in. mgr.; C. V.

Ulough, mgr. attraction*; playa vaudeville


ft. Wayne--River Gardens. River Gardens Co.,

prop*.; C. IV. Elrod, mgr.; books yaudevllle

and bands. --`'"y 'HU Garden*. Miller Station (The
Diinesl, Tbumaa J. Joiinson, mgr.

Uammoud--Lake Park. Dr. Cbas. L. Darla, mgr.; playa yauderille and free acta; no

bands. Hammond-Coy'e Park, Wm. Coy. prop., mfr.

aod mgr. attractiana; playa bands, but ao

Taudeville. Indian.npoll*--Broad Ripple Park. Jas. H.
Makin, mgr. and mgr. attractions; plays bands; no vaiideyille. Indianapolis--Riveraide Amuaement Park, Riyer. side Park Am. Co.. pr'>p«.; Archie W. Colter, < mgr. and mgr. attraction*; plays raiideTlIle Indianapolis -- Douglas* (Victor! Amiis> ment

Colored Park, David Jenkin*. mgr., 402 .N. California at.
Kokomo--Exposition Park, W. H. Arnett, mgr. and mgr. attractions; plays banda; no vaudeville.
La Fayette--Colombia Park. A. W. Clemens, mgr.; play* band*; no vaudeyille.

Uuncte--Wettaide Park, Jamca Leitcb, mgr.; park plays bands.
Newcastle--Shively's Park, W. E. H. Marsh, prop., mgr. and mgr. attractiona; no vaudeville nr bands,
Neweastle--Ilarrey'a Amusement Park. E L. Harvey, mgr.; Chat. Dormer, mgr. at'rac tions; plays band*; no vaudeville.
New Albany--Glenwood Park, E. E. Monroa, mgr. and mgr. attractiona; playa bauds; no vaudeville.
North Terre Haute--Elm Grove Park. L. Sebsumberger, mgr. and mgr. atlractions; plays bands; no vaudeville,
Richmond--(e'en Miller Park. J. Henry Full*. siipt.; play* bands; no vaudeville,
Roi'heater--Long Reach Amiias-ment Park. Boy

You Need Tickets
of the best quality

'niiiiyHiiiii'iimiiniiHinfflffliinr:: niuiuuiiiiiHiniiiiiiiiii^

You Need Service |

that is prompt


and aconite




N. 12th Street,


Sf>t(iali$lt in Tickets and Chtdp since 1873

Imported Bohemian Decorated Glass and Silver Vases. Iridescent Glassware of all kinds. Wine. Lemonade and Refreshment Secs: China Chocolate. Berry, Cake. Tea and Cereal Sees; also assortment of Imported China Novelties. Can make immediate shipments.
OTTO GOETZ, be., 43 Murray Street, New York City



THe BillBoarH

June 13, 1925

Uuiiivi'n--I..«k>'i«ld^ Elartric Park, T. O. Ttah<>n-

IrtDu^r, prup. and niir.; U. R. Ba-mu«aon,

iiiir, attrar'loD*, pla.'a Taud«Tille and band).

Hiouz City--Klrcralde Park, Carl Q. Edwarda.

prop., mir. A mir. attractluna; playa local

raudcTllle A banda.

Kiouz (.'ily--Cryatal Laka Park, T. F. Lacay, mir.

Kpirit I,akr--^'rlcana Park, J. C. Norman, mttr.

\\ ati-rP-f/--Klertric Park, R. E. Petcraon, prop,

ami mir.;

K. Petinon. mir. attracUoaa;

pljya 1 ancla occaaiunally, no Taudorlllo.

XAltBAf Atcblion--Foraat Park, W. O. Taoca, mcr.;
playa TaudcTllle A banda.
IJonncr .Sprini*--Lakewood. Park. Cliff lilea, mir.
K1 Ilorado--Wonderland Park, W. C. (ilace, mir. and mir. atiractiuna; playa baad<" no ^ judev.ile.
Emi>orla--Koden'a Grore, J. B. fk>dea. prop., mcr. and mir. attractktna; playa banda; no TaudcTllle.
ll.Bwatba --Klcrtric Park, O. M. Beott. mir. A mir. attractiona; playa TaudcTille and bands.
Horton--Burke Broa.* Amuaement Park, Burke Bros., priiira.; John Burke, mir. and mgr. attrartlona; playa bands; no vaudeTllIe.
lIiil<'hiuM,li--BiviTHlde Park and Zmilogical Gar¬ dens, K. C. Bock, Jr., mgr.; K. C. Beck. Rr., mgr. a' tract Iona; pia.TS vaiideTlIle; no banda.
I.jirned--.Shady Grove Park, I. M. Borrb, prop, and mgr.; li>uia Kline, mgr. attractions; plays
yaudeville and bands. Babel ha--Sycainore bpringa Park. George Ayers,
mir. and mgr, attractimis; plays bands; vaudeville at timei. Rallna--Rtella Park. R. K. nolinoul't. prop., mir. aud mgr. attractions; no vaudeville or bands. Bcandla--Riverside Park. C. A. Swanson, prop., mgr. and mir. a'tractions; playa vaudeville and bands. Topeka--Garfield Park, Garfield Am. Co., propa.; Jamea Havens, mgr.; plays banda, no vaude¬
ville. KEirrUCKY

Covington--Bost-dale Pa^ Wm. A. Gardiner, mgr. and mgr. attract lona; no vaudeviille or
bands. lexInitoD--Joylind Park, Raner Bros., props,
and mgrs.; 11. W. Knilisb. mgr. attractions;
plays bunds; no vaudeville. I.oulsviIli--Fontaine K<Try Park. Chaa. A. Wil-
Mm. uigr, and mgr. attractions; baa own
band; playa liglit opera. Maysviile--lleecliwi'od Park. B. M. Smith,
mgr.; no vaudeville or bands.

LOmsiAVA Lake Arthur--Lake Arthur Plaaaoro Plar, J. B.
Ferguaon, prep, and mgr. Morgan City--Morgan City Reach. D. O. Walsb,
mgr.; pluya vaudeville, bands and outdoor  ttraefii ns. New Odeans--fMty Park, City of New Orlcaba, pro|is., Joseph Bernard, mgr.; pliyi bands, bat no vaudeville. New lirleuns--tipaiiisb Fort Park, New Orleans Public Servlee. Inc., props.; Blnor Schleppey, mgr. and mir. attractiona; playw bands occ'islonally; no vaudeville. OiH-lniiiias--Huburban Park, Shelly A Daniel, props,


Auburn--Lake Grove Park, Lcatar A. Davis, mgr.
Norway--Central Park, A. P. Baisett. owner.
Old Orchard Beach--^iea 6lda Park, L. Carllamltb. mgr.; oo vaiiderllla; no banda.
Old On-liard--Tlie Whiteway Park. Inc.. Wm. 1.. Wliiie, iiiir. and mgr. attractions; no
vaudeville or hiiiids. Old Urchaiil--Old Oreharfl Amusement Park,
Chas. W. I'sen, mgr. and mgr. attractions; playa banda; no vaudeville. Portlaud--Riverton Park. Riverton Amuse, Co., prop.; L. K. Krllck, mgr.; U. II. Nye, mgr. attractions; playa bands; no vaud<'ville. Skowbegan--Lakewood Park, II. L. Swett. mcr. and mgr. uttraetioua; no vaudeville or bands.

Baltlmore-Rrowns (Colored) Grove Park (locat,;d at end of 14 mile S. 8. ride on park

iBi*alm tlm*o*r'e"-.sund.v Beach, ^onn*^t»hhee^chesi»aVe°ad dresH John T. Met aslln, 1-3 B. Baltimore St.

Baltimore--Wonderland (Colored) Park, Rufus G. Byars, booking mgr., loll 1`enna. ave..
playwvaudeville and bands. rtalllmore.--Hollywood Park, Ii. Sponslet, mgr.,
rare Gayety TlieBter. ^ Baltimore--I rederjek Hoad Park, 0. D. Bond.
mgr. and mgr. attractions; plays bauds; no


m -

Baltlmori--Rlvervlew Park. M. T. A W. J.

Fitzi-linmons. props.; W. J. FitlSimmons, mgr.

and mgr. attractions; plays vaudeville and


Baltimore--Gwynn Oak Park, United Ballways

ic Elec. Co., props.; John D. Farsoo. mgr.;

DO vaudeville or bauds.

Baltimore--Bay Shore I'ark, United Railways A

Llec. r<>., props.; Douglas C. Turnbull, mgr.;

no vaudeville or bands.

Balliinore--SI adv Side Park. Kirby Bros..

I.rops.; .lolm E. Kirl.y, mgr. and mgr. at-

traititiiis; |)l:iyH Tamlevillo aod handf.

Balt.in.»r.--f'arlin's Park, John J. t'arlin, prop.;

Paul ll. il . mgr : plays vaudeville and liaiids at iiiiieH

Bradd... k H. lilts--Braddock Height! Park.

ind ask him to arrange for you to get one
of these

Hannibal--Robal Park, Robal Am. Oo. Harry Itrrblnir, mar. and mar. att'n playa vaudaTlUa and banda.

loplln--I.ak.'alde Park, O. Brlrkaon. m mgi r.

Kuaaa City--Klactrle Park. U. U. Ualm ptop ,

Oab« plays

rKeavuufem;- anno,

rbm"a"inr'd:.s. -- and fm ttitrf. sartttrlioAt '

Kanaa* City--Fairyland Amaaement I*ark g.n

Benjamin, mgr. and mgr. altractloua 'niavi

free acts and bands.

' '

Meramec lllgblanda (Ht. LLa..iuka Co.)--Meratne.

lllgblanda Park. Arthur 1L. . Autenrleth. mar

and mgr, attractions;

<i*QCO OfChMe

iraa: vaudeville at times. (Address Boyle

13. Kirkwood.)

MolH-rly--^l.«kewood Park.- -- Al. 8- Bloom, mat and mgr. aitractlons; cno; vraiu_deville nr banda
Nevada--Radio Springs Park. Boy c' lii't,'

tt. Joseph--Laka Contrary Park. L. F. Ini.r

aull, mgr.


8t. laiuia (Creve Coeur)--Creva ('·.eur I.ake Park, John Meyers, mgr.
t. I.oula--Forest Park Ilighlauda. Robert Haf
ferkamp. mgr.; park plgys vandavl.la A bauds
8f. I.ouls--Ramona Park. Tegelhoff (l tairr.lt Ilealty Co., owiiera; II. 8. Raley, mgr dress tl22S.v Kastou ave.).

Ht. Ixmls--Mannion't Park. O. A. Ranter mgr

and mgr. attraetiona; playa vaudevill'e .qs hands.

Rprlngtleld--Dtdlng Park, Bprlugfleld Am Corn

projw ; W. H. Jeturd, mgr and mgr at'-

tractlona; plays frea attractions and hands Webb City--Ijikeatde Park, A. L. Juatio mgr 

playa banda, but not vaudevllla.



Write for Literature Fully Dttcribing and Explaining the Big Poeiibilitiee.


Milwaukee* Wis

Biniaga- -Rlverslda Park. L. T. and Chas A Lewis, props ; L. T. Lewis, mgr. A mgr. attractionsi; playa orchratra. but no vaudevllla.
Butte -- IColumbia Gardens, George Furaytbe, mgr.
Glacier Park--Gladar National Park. B. A. Noble, mgr.


Lincoln--Capitol Beach. Central Realty A lav-


Co., props.; W. B. tibarp. mgr. and mgr at¬ tractions: play# vaiAevlLe and bands.
Loup City--Jenner's Zoological A Amuaemaol


Park, Henry Jenner, prop, and mgr.; B. B Jenner, mgr. attractiona; plays vaudeville ec




at Parka. Clrcuiea. Cimlvala, Fairs, etc.

caslonally; has own band.
Omaha--Ijikevlew Park, lukevlcw Park Co., props.; Munehhoff Bros., mgra. and mgra. at¬
tractions; plays bands eccaalonally; no vaadtvlllc.
Omaha--Krug Park, F. Ingersoll, mgr ; plays vaudeville and bands at times.
Wilhir--Country Club Park. N. F. Magnuew.n.

.ri.c' '1 I

`''® **`®® profit on each BRICK. Toi can make friim 16 to 20 Rimlwlrhaa from ooo

prop., mgr. and mgr. attractions: plan vaudeville and hands on Rundays.

brick of Ice Cream at a total coat of 40c.


die. In lota of 13 Caddies or one Case, 11.40 Earh, or 116.80 a Case. Wits us yout order. VVa don't thip C. O. D. Send money order for 116.80 (or a Case, or 68.50 Half Case, to

Btrlin--Cascade Park. J J. Telllngton. enp. mgr. and mgr. attractions; doe# not play vaudevllla or banda.
Claremont--Pine Grove Park. L. M. CoMra*.

EASTERN FACTORY: SIS Kent Avsniw, Braaklyn, Naw Yark.


mgr. and mgr. attractions; plays bands; vaudeville on holtdavs.
Concord--Contoocook River Park. B. A M. B

R. Co., props.; n. w. Taylor, mgr. and lessee

(Room 6.T7, Knickerbocker Theater Bldg.. N»si

York City); plays outdoor acta and band-

Dover--Central Park, D. 8 A R. Rt. By. Ob..

props.; L. E. Lynde. mgr. and mgr. attrac¬

tions: plays vaudeville and banda.

_ .. ,



Keene -- Wilson's Recreation I'ark. Wyman

Grand Rapids--Bamuna Park. L. J. D<'T.a- Bros., pro|ts.; ('. L. Wyman, mgr. attractlun-;

marter. mgr and mgr. attractiona: phipa Wyile J. Bernnrd, supt.; Runday b.ind con-

vaudeville and bands.

certs occasionally; free acts on bolidays

Hillsdale--Lakevlew Park, J. H. Jackson, prop.. Manchester--Massabeslc lake Park, Mancbeitet

mgr. and mgr. attractions; playa bands; no 8t. By., props.; J. Brodie Rmitb, mgr. and


' mgr. attractions; plays vaudeville and musical

Houghton--Electric ParX frank Wllllama, comedies; Sunday band concert!.

_ ,_


propa.; Louis D. Pelllaaler. mgr.; J. L.

Earneat. mgr. nttractlona; playa vaadcvlUa,

no bands.

Lawrence-Lowe^l--Marrimack Park, Merrimack

Am. Co., owners; Edward O'Brian, mgr., P.

O. Bog 694. Lawrence. Maas.

mgr.; plays bands. Jackson--Hague Park. Jackaoo Am. Oo., props.;
Philip E. Hartman, mgr. and mgr. attractlons; plays bands; vaudeville occasionally.
Kalmaxoo--Pioneer Park, Mrs. Barnard, prop.; V A. E. Kurtx, mgr. and mgr. attractiona; plays
bands; vaudeville occasionally. Kalamaroo--White's L.ike Park White's Laka

Manchester--Pine Island Park, Manchester Trirtlon. Light A Power Co., props.; J. Br-.dle Rmlth, mgr. and mgr. attractions; Sunday band concerts; no vtudeville.
Manchester--Crystal lAke Park, John Kllonla. owner; pisys free acta occnsJonally and Sunday band concerts.
Salem--Canoble Lake Park. Mass. NorrhetsUn

nTiV^Vt^a'^tions-^S ". Barnes mgr. attractaons. plays

Am. Co., props.; Chaa. M. Stumption. mgr. and mgr. attractions; no yaudeville or bauds.

St. By. Co., props.; D. F. Bower, mgr.; plays



Lansing--Pine Lake Park, Michigan Catering


Golden A BDeaarclhd--8Ptoanraeg. onmgrsP.arakn,d Amlgbrear.t aAt-. tractions; plays vaudevllla and bands.

Bedford--Lincoln Park A Fort Phoemix. fnlon St. R.v. Co., props.; Chester P. Kex-
ford, bigr. and mcr. attractions; plays bands times; no vaudeville.
New Bedford--Acushnet Park, Daniel B, Bauer, prop., mgr. and mgr. attractions; plays local bands, no vauderllle.

.''alem--^alem Willows Park. Oliver G. Pratt, »upt.; plavs vaudeville and bands.

Springfield--Riverside Park. Henry J. Perkins,

prop.; A. Z. Ca'aw, mcr. and mir. attrac-

tlons; plays vaudeville and bands.

.Springfield--JoylanJ ParX Herbert Evina,

tpift'., 414 Security Bldg.

Webster--Beafsio Park, Ralph W. Hill, prop.,

mgr. and mgr. attractions; playa bands; no


_ ^


Winckendon--^I.ake Dennison Park. W. J. Keat-

ing (Itox 22. Bsldwiaa^ne. MassJ. mcr.

and mgr. attracrioni; plays vaudevfUe and


a na

Worcester--Lincoln Park; playa vaudevllla and


Wrentham--Laka Pearl Amusement Park, B.

F Enegreo. mgr.; r>»J» bands; no vanda-

Co.. Inc. (Jackson), prop.; E. N. Reid, m(rr.



If. E. *^*^a ®TM*^J**


Mujkeaon--Rpcrettioii Park, Sam and r#*tpr Dtnlcplia. propa.* mgrn. and mfra. attracttiona; no aodeTill* or baoda.

liuikPSOP--I^kc Mlcbifan l^trk. George Me-

Cowan, gen. mgr. OrioD--Park Island, Thomas M. Reid, prop..

mgr. and mgr. attractions; plays outdoor attractions and bands.

Saginaw--R.verside Park. Errie-t C. Me<le,

mgr. and mgr. attractions; plays vaudeville and bands.

Bbelbyvllle--Forest Park. J. O. Weatervalt.

mgr.; park playa bands.

St. Joseph--Silver Beach, Drake A Wallace.

props.; L. J. Drake, mgr. and bgr. attrac-

tlons; no vaudeville or banda.


_ ,

, T. u* » . e. ,

' .7

^ "· tJunderaon. prop.:

L. Gunderson, mgr.; plgys hands; no


_, ,

Fairmont--Interlaken Park. J. aud It. Erlrkson

and J. Mayer, propa. and mgrs.; It. Erl'k-in

_t m- v.w, p.rfc fits I sks An,
nIonc.arupdreoTplIiie':.a M. Keal;r^»gr 'pfaya baa?^
Alnioncxnon--Lakt'vlow Pirk. Cht*. CN pnrp.; Harvi'y Mentsfr, mCT. and iD*r, attrir,ionii: no riudpTlllP or bandu
AtUntIc City--Htceplrrhaa# Pltr, Wm rranaa. mar ; Grn. C# Tilyoo, prop.; aa aaud^rint; playa banda.
Atlantic City--Young's Mllllan-Dollar Pier. C H. HIH. mgr.
Atlantic City--Rendezvoaa Park. Morris Taxbr. mgr.
Atlantic City--Steel Pier. J. .Bothwell. mgr and mgr. attractions; plays banita; no vamleville.
Atlantic Higblands--Atlantic Beaeh, Atlantic It m-li Am. I'o.. les«i-e; A. Joljiny Mark. managing dir. (Oeneral 'offleea, Vtl Market at., Newark.)
Bayonne--Wasbingt>ia Park Amiiaementa, Frail
Gieae, prop., mgr. and mgr. attractions;
pfaya local bands; no vaudeville. Bayonn)--Bayonne I'h-asure park. Herm* nan
Itogow, props, and mgra.; Earl I'inkliiira.
nigr. attractions;`plavs vaudeville and banls B. llevllle--Riviera Park. Ia'od .R. Hsrkavy. mgr.
and mgr. attractions; plays vaudeville anl

and J. Mayer, mgra. attractiODa; plays bauds; banda.

no vaudeville.

Bridgeton--Tumbling Dam Park. Donald I>eavltt.

Le Roy--Oakdale Park. Edward Ernaton A C. prop. and mgr.; playa outdoor acta and

J Kiirha, propa. and mgrs.; plays vaudeville vaudeville ocraslonally.

and bands.

Bridgeton -- Cumberland Country Club Park.

Mlnneapegls--Forest Park. S. H. Kahm, prop.

Address Manager, P. O.

Bex .nei,

and mgr.; J. V. Kahm. mgr. attractiona; Clementon--Tlementon Park. M. Mlrhelaon. mgr.

(days vaudeville- no bnnda.

and mgr. attractions; no vaudevllla or bands.

M nneapedia--I.'.ngfellow Zoological Gardens. R. Clementon--Hllver I.ake Park Boy N. H-nf-'rd.

F. J-res. prop, and mgr.; playa banda; no mgr.; no vaudeville or li.snda.



Olo'icettef--Buena VlaU Park, Frank D. Hall.

Mlnnaapolla--Excelsior Amusement Park (at mgr

KxieMor on Uke Mnnetonka). Fred W. Grenloeh -- Gfenloch Park. 8 R. Bateman,

p.-aree. geo. mgr. and mgr. attractions; playa prop., mgr. and rogr. attractions; tduys

' .i "uriTJ ' !·*  1. .nrwi.

w ,

hands; no vatidevlUe.

P.V.V r r


Irvington-Olymple Park. Henry A. Gnenther.

·***'®`^Hona; prop, and mgr. attractiona; James F. 1 a(

DO vaodevllle or bands.

Trey, mgr.; plays vaudeville and bands.


Keanaburg--Belvedere Beach Amusement Park.



n 7/i>..k /'ll- « F- Liearl. mgr.; R. O. Wtlllania, mgr at-

*`rgr*"~f«X,''"no 'viu^Vm'''^^^^^ mgr and p^ndirni vs^idellllt."'*'''




8f., Trenton, mgr. and mgr. ittractlon*; no

ChHlIcotlie--fienraw Park. Jumea M. Harr, uiyr. vaudeville or bands.

Fairroount--Falrmoiint I'ark. Goeix Bros.^ M.inasunin--Manasi|tian Amusement Park. " ni.

props,: G, C. MeGInnIa. mgr. and mgr. at- W. Mllla, prop., mgr. and mgr. attractiona,

tractlona; no vaudeville or l.ands.

ilo<`s not play vaiidevlllo or banda.


June 1 192^

The Billboard


li'---L'iu» Turk at I'nli'U Lakr Bcarb, Niagara Falls--Magara'a Clonry Island Am. Cnlumbiia--IndianoI.T Park. B. J. Steele and E.


ilr;'>t J. lifVMD;, owner and am. wgr. uHew \ » : . -i'.;'. W. 1*111 »t.(, li.a .' B' i»


Ill lli.llv Uuiit-oi aB I'ark, Browne A l'liar*`i<,

|,s II.., .'·miiifl Hriiwne. mar., Harry W. I'liar-'i. mar. attrucllim.*; plays bands (>«·

I'j.i. iiBlIy; ui> vaiidsTtlle.

M. imiIniii View--l.ake Hide Ainu'rnient I'ark. I !' jrd Van Uuiiii-r. pnip , mar and mar. at-

inuti' ti': no vaiidcvllle or li.inda

^,w llriinswlrk--Porrst Amusrmmt Park la

M k-l. ii.ol Park.



Iinanilund Park. V.itor J Brown,

Park. C. C. J. iJeiter, gen. mgr.; 7-8 Jewlt Bldg.
Niagara I alls--Neptune Bi-a< h. l.aSalle Am. t'orp., iirop ; Jm-. F. paonesHa. mgr. and mer attraetli/iis; plays TaudeTille and bands.
01e«wt--i(lli-iitl Bea. h Amiiseaient Park. Major .\. I,. G^lig- I'd* Common wealth are.. Buf¬ falo. mi-T ; n*i bands; TaiideTdIe at times
Uawego--Bearb Oawego, 8. F. Ooaey, prop ; playa bands at timea
Oawego--Ontario luikr Park. Morton, Miller A Morton, props ; Harry E Morton, mgr.. Kred W .Mil'er, mgr. attractions; playa Taodrsille,

P .M'-Kinley. props ; B. 1' HHudles. mgr and mgr. attractions; plays bands and Taude¬ Tille.
Columbus--Dientangv I'ltrk. Elmer G. Ilaenleln. mgr. and mgr a'traitioii' tilay-i free a-ts and banibi
Cunneaul-- Lake View I'nrk. I.. 1*. Fogal. mgr. anil mgr. aitrai iiuds, plays dance orchestras; no Taudeville.
Coahoctoo--l.akc I'ark. F. I). John.-, prop., mgr. and mgr. attract uns. piays free acts anil bands.
I'ayton--loikeslde Park. Lakeside Park Co ,

Bayueemn--Boyoeean Park A Beach Reaert, le E. Latousette, mgr and mgr. attractloaa: no vaudeville or bands.
I'oitlaml--Oaks .Ainiiseiiiint Park, United Aoi. Co. prop., J F Curdray, mgr. A mgr. at ractions; playa bands and vaudeville.
Portland--I'olumhia Benrh Park. Jiireph M. Kieg. prop., mgr. and mgr attraetions; no '.aiiileville or h.iiids
Portland--Connell Crest I'ark, Homer S. Finley, mgr. aud mgr. attractlong; playa free asts: bauds u<-easionally; no vaoderille.

* ;

lurr and mar. atlrariiona; plays vaudi'sllle booked by Edwin A Morton, but no bands

ppips.; E, J. l.aiiterbii' b. mgr and mgr at¬

ti.d Inu.d'i.

Perth--llealeTB Park. Tliomas Healey, mgr traction!; playa local bands; no vaudeTille.


;,,.iih !!· r;fn--Columbia Park. r<ilumbia Am.

and mgr attractions; plays Taiideviile anl Dayton--Forest lark, Villie Markey, prop and AUentown--Central Park. Ccatral Park Aa.

Park Co . pr-'pa.; Utio Aearhbacb, mar. and

: cr attrartiona; plays banda, saudSTiUe

i,1imv!i sli.iw.l liookcd by John A. I>ri*-`*ll II. ·'.in City--Koac  Oi ean I'ler, Prank U. Platt,

roar.; park plays taudeTllls.

|..il .j.li--I'lilli-.adi-K Aniiiesmmt Park. Nii-liolat

M Iiriirk, mar. an.l mar. altrartlona; plays

la oli'MlIi' ami bands.

Pat, ' --liarrrtt .Moiintalo Amuaommt Park.

I .11 II .Mi< arroii. mar (New York adilre.s.


1 P'3 UmadwaT.t

piunt (iroTc--lilyupla Park, M. E. Lattos,

banda. lAddresa, 10 Sbuler at., Amsterdam, N. Y.j Penn k an--Eleetrlr Park. Penn Van A Laks Shore Ky., propo. A mgra.; does not play vaudeTille or bands.
Port JerTia--Joyland Park, B. E Klein, i.rop , mgr. and mgr. attractions; piays vauilev.lle and bands.
Rlchlield Mprings--Canadaragn Park. llr. A. Armstrong, prop , mgr. and mgr. attractions;
p!ays bands and Tauderille oeeasionalty. R'M'haway B*-arli, L. I.--Thompson Park, L. A.

mgr.; W. 1 Urner .'lark'r mgr attractions; plays vaudeville ami boi.ds
Pindlay 1 Arradialr-Midway I'ark, E'ndlay-Poatoria Am. Co., pr-p- ; C .S. Whipple, mgr and mgr. attrartiou-. playa Taudeville and bands.
Flr.dlay--Riverslile I'ark, Chas. il. Mains, mgr.; playa vandeville and t'ands
Fp-mont (Catawba Nlaud i--White City Beach, White City Keaeb A-au., props.; V. Ernabi-rger, mgr. and mgr. attractiona; no vaudaTllle or bands.

AA>.. props.; H. H. Heara, mgr. and mgr. attractiona. playa banda; no vaudeville. Allentown--Doiiiey Park. P. 8. Riasey, mgr.; park does not play vaudeville; playe leORl bauds.
Altoooa--l.akpm>*nt Park, J. M Bburk, mV. and mgr. attraetiuui.: pla.vit stork and bioon.
.Altoona--Nela Beaeh Amusement Co. .AImiIIo--.Allison Park. H. A. .Ht. Peter. Bgr.
aud uigr. attraetions; plavs hands; no rand^ ville.
Bs'llefuntr--Herla Park. .A F. Hoekman. mgr.

roar. Pitniiii--.Vlryon Park. U. P. Htstaer, mar. and

Tl.ompson Co., pnipa; Harry E. Tudor, mgr. Genoa--Forest I'ark, C. J. I'thuff, mgr. and mgr attraetions; doeo not play Tauderille Girard--.Avon Park. .Avon I'ark Corp.. prop-.;

and mgr. attraetions; plays bands; no Taadeville.

nitT. aitractions; plays bands; no saudeyllle.

or banda.

8. (}. Haycock, mgr. ami mgr. attraitlops; Bristol--Island Beach Park, Burlington Island

Pli-a>anivil|e -- Amutsmsnt Park, Prank B. Rochester--Sea Breesa Park. New York State plays hands; no vaudcvil!*-.

Park Co., prop : Robert Merkel, gen mgr

Ilutiin, mar,

Uys., props.; B. E. WINon, mgr. and mgr. Kenton--Lake Idlewlld, H. D. Duckbam. prop.; Chamberab'irg Red Bridge Park, C. A 8. My.

> ivari-n- >i »aren Beach. Joseph Turek. mar ; attrirtiona; plays TandeTllle and bands.

O, M. Duckbam, mgr and mgr. attractiona;

Co., props.; E. F. Ooeta, mgr. aud mgr. at¬

ili'iirfi' liavala. mar. attractluns: plays saude- Rye Beaeh. Rye--Paradise Park. Kred H. Pon-

plays orchestras; no vaudeville.

tractions; no vaudeville or bands.

vllle and baode.

ty A Joseph Haight, props ; Fred H. Ponty. I.akeTllle--Lakeriew Park on l.ake Odell. J. I.. t'he>ter--Keystone Park, James K. McDevItt,

..:na ic--ilraml View Pa*k. J. J. McCarthy,

mgg ; playa TaudeTille and banda.

Regne, prop., mgr. and mgr, attractiona:

mgr. and mgr. attractiona; plays vaudevillo

roar, and mar. attractions; plays outdoor t. ;- a-.il hands. TYrati'D--Woodlawn I'ark. Illldlogcr A Bishop, pr .pi* ; Oo. D Bishop, mar ; Cbas C. Uil-

Hye /l.'-ach, U.ve--Rye Beaeh Pleasure Park I. .Austin K-'Ily. mgr. and mgr. attractions; DlaTs TaudeTille and band*
Sarandaga--Kaeandaga Park. P. J. G, B. B.

playa banda; no Taudeville. Lakeside--il-ak-estde Park. Arthur B. Jonta,
prop., mgr. and mgr. attractioDs; playa bandano vaudeville.

and bands.
Coaldale--Paadora Park, Glides A Glides, m'r. and mgr. attractions; plays vaudeville and bands.

dinaer, mar. attractions, plays bands; no

tto.. props.; J. A. I-awrence, mgr.; P A Lakemore--Springfield I.ake Park, F. M. Craw¬ Cunneaut Lake Park--Cooneaut Lake Park. H.


Moore, mgr. attractiona; no TaudeTille or

V,r, na--Vi rona I.ske Park. Judson W Parker,


prop., mgr. and mgr. attractioos; no yaude- Schenectady-Forest Park, W. g. Hamilton,

ford, gen. mgr.; plays bauds; no vaudeville. Lima--MrCulIough Laks Park. Mrs. G. M. Me-
Cullougb. prop.; W. J. Hofmann, lessee A

I*. Holcomb, mgr.; J. W Jeffreis, mgr. at-/ trartioos: plays hands; no vaudeville
Connelltvillc--Hbidy Grove Perk, B. E. Miller,

Til e or bands.

mgr.; doea not play TaudsTlMa or bands.

WiidwiKid--0< can Pier. L. H. Jobnaon, mgr. and Schenectady -- Colonnade Amusement Park,

mar. attract.i>na; no vaudsylllo or bands.

Frank Hardy, mgr. and mgr. attractions.

Seneca Falls-^yuga Lake Park. Max Green,


Albany-Troy--Mid-Clty Park, Mid-City Park


K B. Ila>'ard (.kibanvl, mar

mgr. Sylvan Beach--Camiral Park. Camiral Park
Assn., Inc., propa.; M. Carana. mgr. and mgr. attractiona; plays TandeTllle; no bands,

icd mar. attractioas; playa yaudsylUe and dyracuae--Loug Branch Park, B. Maorer, mgr.;


park does not play TandcTllla or bauds.

Ani'lt-rdam--Eollyland Park. Fred J. Cotllns.' ` rtli-a--Summ t Park. C. S. OonnelleT. mgr.

mar and mar. attractioBS: pla.rs free acts. and mgr. attract one; no Taudeville or bands.

lianiN at times.

(.Mall address. Or.skany, N. Y.)

Auburn--I'lsnd Park. Owao A. Brady, dir. of Ctica--Forest Park. George (Doc) Owens, mgr.


and mgr. attractions; playa TaudeTille and

Aiibnrn^I.nkeside Park, Aulnirn A Syraruse banda.

Klee U. It. Co., props.; W. J. llarrie. ccn. Youngstown--Port Niagara Beach. Brown. Pow¬

rogr.; plays bands orrastonally; no yaudeTillc.

ell A D«-erlnr, propa,; Geo. T. Powell, mgr.

Arirlll Park--Crystal Lake Park, Crystal Lake

and mgr. attraetions; plays bands; no raude-

Am. Co., Inc., pnip.; Frank C. \Vag*taff.


rogr. and mgr. attractions; plays bands; raudcTille occa'ionallr. Bsl'-'nn Lakt--Forest Park. Bamiiel N. Pr'imli.n, prop, and mgr.; plays bands: no rauderllle. BriHiklyn--Brighton Beach Park. Brighton Becreation Co., propa.: Chas. J. Kean, mgr.; playa bands, but no yauderllle.

AabsTUIe--^Tonrist Park. E. Grimshaw. mgr.; M. Oiimabaw, mgr. attractiona; playa bands; no TandeTilla.
Burlington--Harden Park, Alaaanea By. Co., owners, Edw. C. Cntbbcrt, mgr., P. O. Boa 34T.

Brooklyn--Uoldcn City Amusement Park, Bo«*n- Charlotte--Westlake Arauaameat Oo., W. 8.

ibal Bros., props.; Irring Bnasntbal, mgr.; Orr, mgr. and mgr. attractioos; pUp* booda;

Jack Kosrnthal, mgr. attractions; plays no TandaTllIe.

TsudsTille and bands.

Colerain--Ci-leratn Pleasurs Beach, O. M.

Buffalo--Kr.e Beach at Eric Beach, Ont..

Holley, prop, and mgr.; playa bands; no

Maurice L. Smith, mgr.; Wm. A. Conboy. TaudeTille.

aisr. attraction!*; plays bands; no yaiidey*ile. Durham--Lakewood Park, Duxbera Public Barr-

Buffalo--ilraun-MaIn Park, seven miles east ire Co., prope.; Thoe. C. Poster, mgr. and

of Buffalo, Philip Braun, owner.

mgr. attractiona; playe baada, but no Taode-

Buffalo--.Niw Crystal Beach, Buffalo A Crystal Tille.

mgr. attraetions; playa free acta and bands Mansfield--Casino Park. C. H. Gorman, mgr.
and mgr. attractions; plays vaudeville and bands. Marlon--Lincoln Park, Gould Hurlbutt, mgr.
M ddletowD--LeSourdavlIle Lake Park. Edgar Htrelfthan, mgr. and mgr. attractions; no vaudeville or bands.
M.nerva--Minerva Park. Kenneth CwrwI. mgr.; Elsie Harsh, mgr. attractions; plays Taude¬ Tille and hands.
Newark--Moucdbuilders' Park, A. V. Mains,
lessee, mgr. and mgr. attractions; playa bands; no Taudeville.
Oak Harbor--Locust Point Beach, Locust Folat Beach Co., props.; Burt Martin, secy., San¬ dusky, O.; DO vandeTllle or bands.
Oak Harbor--^and Beach. Otto L. Hankiton, tecy. |S;.`3 Ohio Bldg., Toledo); no Tande¬ Tllle or hands.
Pelee Island--Pelee Island .Amusement Park In Ijke Erie in Canadian wat*r«, W. E. Baxter, amneement mgr., 236 Rowlands Bldg.. Co¬ lumbus, 0.
Put-in-Bay--Roaenfeld Conceasien on main thorofare, D. Roaenfeld, mgr.
Ravenna-Kent--Lake Brady. D. O. Hartman A P. B. Gardner (Kent, O.), props., mgrs. aud mgrs. atuactions; play free acts; banda on
Rundays and holidays.
Bussells Point--duditn Lake Park. Thomas E. Thorpe, mgr. and mgr. attractions: plays bands; no vaudeTille.
Russell a Point--8&ndy Beach Park on Indian Lake. F. L Wilgus, gen mgr.
Sandnsky--Cedar Point on Lake Erie, The O. A. Boeckling Co., props.; O. A. Roeckling, mgr. and mgr. attractions; no vnudeTille or bands.

prop., mgr. A mgr attractlone; playe band#. DO vaudeville.
Connellaville--Ohiopyle I'ark. A. D. Wllllama. gen. mgr.
OaiiTilla--Riverside Park, A. L. Hancock, prop.; R. G. naiieoi'k, mgr. and mgr. attractions; pla^s bands; no vaudeville.
E.i.stoiA--Bushkill .Amusement Park. Ralph E. Tliomas, mgr. and mgr. attractions; plays bands; no vaudeville.
Erie--Waldameer Bearb Park, F. W. A. Moel¬ ler. prop., mgr and mgr. attractions; plays vaudnyille; bands oceaainnally.
Hrle--Four-Mile Creek Park, T. J. Hilliard, prop. A mer ; playa vaudeville.
Erie--Playland Park on West Ridge road, south of AVeitmlnster.
Hancock -- llaneork I'ark, C. H. Srhwarli. owner and mgr; plays banda, orcliaatraa and attractions.
Hanover--Eichelberger Park. B. M. Orumbine. mgr. A mgr. attractions; plays bands: no vaudeville.
HanoTer--Oak GroT<» Park. B. O. Via, mgr.: plays bands and aitractiona.
Harrisburg--Paxtang Park, C. T. Dieerotb, mgr.
Haaleton--Hazia Park, Tom E. Keritettar, mgr. Uershey--Ilershey Perk. Ilersbey Chocolate Co.,
prop*.; John R. Zoil, mgr, and mgr. attrac¬ tions; playa stock and bands.
Hoiistun--AA'illow Beach I'ark, S. C. Reynolds, prop.; Elmer MePegke, mgr. and mgr. attractlona; plays bands; no Tauderille.
Jeanette--Oakfo^ Park, H. B, Hampe, mgr.; playa banda; no vaitdeTllla.
Jersey Shore--Nippono Park, O. B. McCullough, mgr.; park does not play Taudeville: playa

Beach Corp., props.; G. C. Hall. mgr. and Hradersoaville--Laurel Park. B. Walter Fuller, Hidni-y--Mires Beach Park, B. A. Mires, prop,

mgr attractions; no yaadeytlle or hands.

prep.; Reginald Wilb-ocka. mgr. and mgr. and mgr.; playa bands; no Taudeville.

Celoron--(Vlondi Park, George E. Maltby, mgr. attractions; plays bands; no TaudeTille.

Springfield--Avalon Park, Cities Amusement

and mgr. attractions; plays bands; no raude- Raleigh--Pullen Park. City of Raleigh. pro;».:

Co., prop*.; C. J. Cooper, mgr. and mgr.


W A. Ilowell. mar. and mgn attractiuus;

attractiona; does not play vandeTllle or bands.

C^vro--Boyson Bay Park, Boyson Bay .Vm.

il.ies not pliy Ta'.iJi'Vjlle or band-

St. Marys--(Gordon Park on Lake St. Marys,


Inc., pro(ia.; gW. Q. Bubeutteln, mgr. Wilmington--Liimlna Pdrk, WrigbtsTllle Beaeh

H. a. Jenkins, mgr.

and mgr. attractions; no yaiidevtlle or bands. --Tidewater power Co., propa.; A. E. Town¬ PteubenTille--Stanton Park, Stanton Park Am.

C 'liey la.and--Luna Park, Luna Amusement Co.,

send , mgr. and mgr. attractions; plays Co., props.; W J. Martin, mgr. and mgr.

prope.: .Vrtbur Jartia, mgr.; plays TSudeTil'e bands; no Tanderille.

attractions; plays banda oecaalonally; no

and bands.

Wilmington-- t ar. iina Deai b. Shepard Bros . Tauderille.

fiiney l»lar.d--Steeplechase Park. Edward J. Ttlyou, mgr ; plays bands, but no yaudsyiUs.

props.; plkys bands, orchestras and cabaret Toledo--Walbridge Park. T. U. Harton Oo..


props.; n. F. (.'Viide mgr. and mgr. attrae*

Pavi-npiirt Center--Pine loike park. John Celler, Wllrongfon--Shell Island (Colored) Beach, tloQg; plays bands oecasionally; no vaiule.

'.flip.; i'!a-i.va vaiider.lle and bands.

Hume R''alty Co., owners; O. S. O'Neil, mgr.; Tllle.

P ink rk--Puiiit Gratiot Park. Jos. I'romen- playa bands and vaudeTille.

Toledo--Rand Beucb Park, on Lake Erie, Sand

·1 l.i-tikel, mgr ; Do vaudeville or band«

Wilmington--(.akeslde Park. S. Mitchell, mgr.; Bearb Am. Co., props., 823 Ohio Bldg.

hdgeiiiere. L. 1.--Ldgsmere Beach, Braun A Si'huldt. mgra.
E.mirs --Klilridge Park, owned by city; Edward J. .S'urthrup. mgr. A mgr. attractiuna; playa

no TaudeTille or bands. Winston-Salem-Piedmont Park. P. J. LHpfart.
M'l-y.; do-s not play vaudeTille or banda.
WInsfon-Sal'm--Crystal Lake Park. W. H.

Toledo--The Ca-ino; address George Wm. Martin, 36 Schmidt Bldg.
Toledo--Toledo Reach. John C. Reid, mgr. and mgr. attractiona; plays acts; oo bands


vaudeville aud bunds.

Ullger, mgr.

Trrmilioa--Crystal Beaeh, G. H. Blanrhat.

E iiiira--Itorlek's t;.en Park. Rtmira Watar, light ABB. Co., projia ; P. '1 Maloney,


prop., mgr. and mgr. attractioas; plays bauds; no TaudeTille.

rogr A mgr. attractions; playa bands, but no Alliance--lake Park. Lake Park Am. Oo., Wellaton--WelNton Park, Jacob Rapp. mgr. and

vsiiclev .He. I>e.;-.ri--I'layland Park. Samuel Geer, mgr.:

props.: K. I>. Willlami. mgr. and mgr. at¬

mgr. attractine;i> plays yaudeyille and bands.

tractions; plays free arts; no banda.

Willoughby--Willonghbeach Park.


IM'varl K Geblni.-in. mgr, attractions, no Akron--.'-umiult Beach Park, Summit Beaeh Park Y'oiingstown--Craig Beach Park. W. E. Craig,

*audeviil<- or banda.

Co., props.; C. C. Macdonald, mgr. aud agr. mgr. and mgr. attractiona; plays bands; no

Ol'n« K:ilU--Mniintaln View Amusement Park, attractions; plays liandi: no TaadeTillo.


IM'vird G New.i.mh, gen. mgr.

·Ashtabula--WiMidland Beach I'ark. E. I*. King, Y'oungstown--Idora Park, Rex D. Billings. gi>a.


II''k;ti --r--While City Amusement Park. Frank

mgr, and mgr. attractions; no TaudeTille;

mgr.; plays dramatic stock and dauco orches¬

prop. P'lr. leijuoit--Sea Breeia Park, B

1. tvllaon.

bands oi'easlnnally


Bnryrua--Sw slum Park, R A. Jolly, mgr. and Yoiing'town--Rosetawn Park at Lake Milton,

mar. attractions; playa free acts and bands. J. W. 8ackvUle. mgr. (.Addre>s. 2606 Elm

For Paries Skating Rlnka

Jj!iie«t..wn--Midway Park, on east side of Chau'" iina lAkc, A. M. Brodbead, mgr.
Ktngs'i n--RIngalon Point Park, Klug'toa Cont. Il It. Co., props., mgra. and mgra attrac¬

Canton-Meyers Ijke Park. Northern Ohio Trac¬ tion A Light Co. props.; £. K. Booth, mgr. and mgr. attractiona; plays musical cumcdiaa and bands

at.) Zanesville--Moxabala Park, W D. Rrookovar,
mgr ; Mae Brooknver, mgr. attractlone; play a bands, no vaudeTllla.

Rides Ttkealres

tions; dors not play vaudeville or baada.

1 .iwannu--Bar View Beach Park. Bob biiiiili, i>rii|i,; Milton Wagner, mgr. and mgr.

it'raeMens: plsvs vaudeTille and hands.

I.''ngsion Msnor--Island Park. Eugena D.

Ileutnn, mgr.; nlays gaiideville and bands.

-'Ii'il.ii.. near Svracuse--Suburban I'ark-Ed-

w. ·' irds K il.s, c.

Searle, mgr. and mgr. at-

·ae'iiiii-; no vaudeTille; bands at tlinea.

M Hand Beaeli. H I.--Midland Ileaeh. D. W.


e|'o·iti^ivrdM. e

mgr and

and mgr. bands.



tVIina--Eilgi'water Park. Maher A Ammon, mgrs. and ingrs. attractions; playa Taude-
yllle and banda. ChiPiiewa l.aki--Chippewa lake Park. .A. M.
Beach, mgr. an*l mgr. attractions; ptava ii.ind-*; no viiidrv.Ile. Cincinnati--Zoological Garden, Cln'tl Zoolog¬ ical Park .Assn, props; 0. O. MI'ler, mgr
and mcr. attrsetloiis: playa bands, but ae
TaudeTille. Clnoiiinatl--Coney Island, Arthur L. RIesi n-
Is-rgvr. mgr. and mgr. attraetiuma; no Taude-

Ardmori'--.Ardmore Park Amusement Co.. A. KdtUeman, aecy.; no vaudev lie or bands
Enid--Wien's Jungle Park. Kate Tell, pro|i., mgr. and mgr. attractions; plays vaudeTille and bonds.
Miami--Riverside Park, owm^l by city; M W Krieger, mgr.; plays bands occasioually; no vaudeville.

Quantity 10.000 . 20,000 . 30,000 . 40.000 . 50,000 .
100.000 . 200.000 .

PRICES Roll or Folded

.M l'i;ei,.»n--Midway Electric Park, 8. K. I.yl'·'lt. mgr. and mgr. attractions; playa bands;
'.tiidevllle Ismked by Wirth-IIainid. 'I nil .·!!.,-- .Monticelb* .tinusenienl Park. Seih
II lai'e-., mgr.; ( has. A. KIniball. mgr. atri ibins; iil.iTs vaiidevlllc ami bands `""'iitg--Orange l.ake Park. Orange Connly i>S'lien fo. props.; B Bryant Odell, mgr.; 'I I ett .T, adr mgr
York (Broni)--('laaon Polnb Park. A. B.  `"un.'S, prop., mgr. and mgr. attractions;

ville or bands. Cincinnati--Che-ter Park. Maurice M. Wolfson.
nigr. and mgr. attractions; plays TaaderiUe: no bands. Cincinnati--Relchraih't Park, Frank Relcliralh,
pip., mgr. ami mgr. attrss'tions; plnys
.inds; no vandeTlIle.
Cleveland--Geauga lake Park, W,.J. Knhtman >A.m4 Briiadway), mgr. and mgr. attractions; vlavs bands: mv vaudevlMe.
Cleveland--T.una Park. Luna Park .Am. Co.

Muskogee--Hyde P.srk, -A. .1. Owens, mgr ; W. M. Owens, rogr. gttrgctions; plays liandt at times; no vaudeTille. i.Address, 207 E.
Broadway.) Okl.-ihom< City--Belle Lsle I^rk. C G. P eWer-
vnc. mgr. and mgr. attracTioros; pla.va baud-; no TaudeTille. P.iwhii'ka--1-akeview Park. !·'. E. Ross, prop.; R. W. Ross, mgr.; no hands; Taudeville oc-
ciisioially. Sand Springs--Sand Snrings I'ark. C. C. Evans,


'lays vaudeTllIt and bands. N' * V.irti -- Stailiglit Amusement Park, (apt

pro;ia.; Chaa. X. Zimmerman, gen mgr.; plays mnsical revnea and ban*ia

mgr a ul mgr. attractions; plays bands; no vaudeville.

1600 Broaditvay,


C r Wbltwrll. mgr ; Wm. Prank Co*ik, a*st. Cleveland--Gordon Park Gardena. Gordon Gar¬ .s.iini'iiui--.Metropolitan Amueement Park. J. W.

'iigr : plays Tauderlll* and baiida.

dens Am. Co . props 8'iA K. t'.Tih si

.Adams, prop.; Martin J. Mc.Alpine. mgr. and

H York--llapprland Pork (C'lloredl. East-'le. Harlem lU'er, P'Mh at.. Pan Mtcbaela, ITes iidilresa IWiS I.enua a»e.). vew ^ iirk--Hunaet Pearh Park, Siinaet Beach ll'ereatlon Corp., Inc., owns*?, S(tl W. PJSth

Clevelanil--Purltaa Hprlnaa- Park. J E Good¬ ing. prop and mgr. lAddreaa It. F. D. S, Berea. (>.)
Cleveland--Euclid Beach Park, Humpbri'y Cn. III. S. Ilaraiilirey, pp-a.). proiia.; H. O. 8hnu-

mgr attr = ,'fIons: playa bainl' U'* vand-ville.
Hbawtu-e--Ben-sm Park. C. C. Willard, prop, and mgr. attraetiont; A. L. Blackwell, mgr.; playa bands; no vaudeTille,
TiiNa -- lllTirsnle (Colored Park), Norman

TH -pi T T \r
r LLiA

See Top ol R, H.
" *"'···


Don, mgr ; no vaudeville or banda.

Higgs, mgr., 1311) S. Elwoo4 at.



The Billboard

June 13, 1925

JtHiostowD--Pirk, T, B. Cook, lirop., mgr,


·ud ffifr. utiracttoQt; yltft baodt, no Tajdv- t 111' tanooga -- Warner Park, Cna*. Zieg'er. mgr.


and lo.r. attraction*, munitipal l>and con-

Kaukauna--Bigk Cliff Park. M H Nicaeo. prop. mgr. A mgr attractions, plays band*; no vaudcTi'le

Western Sports Gintests

Juuiutown--Crji't) b^'acfa, A. B. K trm Il<-r. mgr. and mgr. ati,a> rtuca, no raud'-fillr or baoda.
Lancaater--Bockj Sprloga Park. H. B. OrlfStba. yrvy., mgr. and mgr. attractluni; yla^a banda; no TaodrTillc.
Lancaalrr--May!,' t;n/*r Park, Cnai. Orr, mar. and mgr. attractiuna. ylaja baud,; no raudrTLll«.
klabanop City -- Lakewood Park, Camplan. (iutnao Ik Lckerl, yroya.. Leon Lckert, mgr.; I>. if. Ouiuan, mgr. attractioua, yla/a bauda uccaaioualig, no eaudeYlUe.

<ert». no vaudeville. Knoxville--Cbilhowce Park. East Tenn. D;v.
Ka:r. proji*,; H. 1) Kau-I. mgr. aud mgr. attrai'iioii-i; play* baud , i.o vaudeville.
Memphis--Ea*t End Park. H. W. Brennan, prop.; J. D Brennan, mgr. and mgr. at¬ traction*: no vaudeville or bands.
Navbvllle--Glendale Park A /oo. Nasbvill* By. A Light Co., props.; C. loivett, mgr.; no vaudeville or band*.
.Nathvllle---Greenwood (Colored) Park, Preston Taylor, prop., mgr. aud mgr attractions; plays vaudeville and bands.

Kcno*ba--.Anderson Park. Andrew Anderson, mgr.; plays vaudeville nad bands occasion¬ ally.
Kenosha--Central Park, Pater Qaliss, Amgr.;
plays bands, but no vaudeville. Marinette--Hay Hhore Park. Wm. Hasenfua,
prop., mgr. and mgr. attractiona; plays bands; vaudeville occasionally. Marinette--Lakeside Park. Edward Bealallen, mgr. and mgr. attractions; playa banda on
Sunday, DO vaudeville. Milwaukee--WaiikeHha Beach, Waukesha Beach
Am. Co., prop.; Jo*. ('. Vogt . mgr.; K. A.


Preacott--Frontier Days. July 1-4, g m

Rparkea, secy.


Livermore--Rodeo. July 4.

Halinas-Rodeo. July 22-20. M. B. Keef ot-cv

Kan Jose--Kodeo. July 3-5. F. C. Marahall aeey.


(MIgary, Alta --8tamp<de. July 8-11. Guv

Weadi.ck, mgr.


Maiiob Cbuuk--blagH'.aff Park. H. T. Kly. mrr. and mgr. attrartiona; no vaudeville or baud,.
Ui'Keeayort--Ulvmylc Park, John J. Blckey, mgr.; ulaya banda; no vaudavtlla.
kliltou--flikeraido Park, 11. 11 Bectar, mgr.; do«a nut ylag vaudeville, yla/a bauda.
lit. lirelua--Mt. (iretua Park. li. riretumlnger, lugr and mgr. allractiuu,; no vaudeville or banda.
kit. Carmel--Mavavllle Park, J. Kdgar Keed, mgr.; playa baud,; no vaudeville.
New BrigUtun--Juuktlon Park. Beaver Valley Traction Co., propg,: Conway Atblatlc Aaan., oporatura.
New Caalla--Caacado Park, Pa. A Ubio Blectric Co., prupa , E. 1>. UcKlbbln, mgr. A
mrgt. attractioua; playa banda; no vaudovillo.
<MI C'ltT--Munarcb Park. P. N. Buggana, mgr.; W, J. McCouaugUy. mgr. attractiuna; playa

Na-bv ille--1'iiiul>erlBnU Park, plays band*; no vaudeville.
TEXAS Auvtln--Deep Eddy Bathing Beacb, George Row-
ley, mgr.; playa baud*; no vaudeville.
Dalian--Ea r Park, C ly of liallaa. prop ; Slate Eair of Texa*. mgr.; Wuriliaiu Kidine I).-v .e 1 ·.. uigr, atiraciioUK; playa band*; no vaude¬ ville.
Galveslou -- Galveaton Beach. Bearh Asan., prop.; Willett L. Koe. mgr. and mgr. at ractii/U*: uu vaudeville or bands.
Galveaton--The .Arcade, C. K. HarCeld. prop, aud mgr.; play* band*; no vaiidev.lle.
Galveaton--Crystal Palace. O. K. Jorgensen, prop., mgr. A mgr. attractiona; plays srchevtra, no vaudeville.
HuualoD--Luna Park, Houston Am. Park, Ine., props.; A. logerwoll, mgr. and mgr. attrac-

Wirfh. mgr. attractions tmail addre**. 72.'> N'at'l Bank of ('miinicrce Bblg.), plays <rrclicvfra*' no vvinleviPe Orbkosb--Eweco Park, Eastern Wla. Klee. Co., prop.; A. M Karrell, mgr.; no vaudeville or
bauds. U!i' luc--Kllokert's Park, Arnold F FabI A Bon.
mgra.; park plays vaudvvlUo at times, also
plays bands Sheburgan--laike View Park, Kaatera Wit
Electric Co., props.; A. Kolste, aupt ; no vaudeville or bauds. Wausau--Kothachild Park, F. R. Whitney, mgr. and mgr. attractiona: playt baoda. no vaude¬ ville. Wrai-onaiD Rapids--Moccasin Creek Parillon, L. C. W`ppermtn. mgr. and mgr. attractiooa; plays bands; no vaudeville.


Colorado .R(>rloia--Itoundup. August ll-is n B. Barnes, pres.

IDAHO ('oner d'Alene--Rtaiupede. July 1-4. p, (j

Neil, secy.


Chleago--Rod<u. Aug I.VJ3 Tex Auntin, mgr



Cedar Rapids--Fronder Days. Jnly 6-11. c.

B. Irwin, mgr.


Columbus--Roundup. July 22-24. Dan Watsnn, mgr.

Bun City--Roundup. Ang. 20-22. M. F. Mc¬

Lain, mgr.


Soutbwral City--Roundup. July m. Bud

handa; no vaudeville. Parkraburg--Cryatal Bprlug Park, Amos P.

Johnston, owner and mgr.; playa bauda; no


Perkaaie--Ueulo Park, Harry H. WiImid, Jr ,

mgr. aud mgr. altractii/u>; nu yaudeville or


Philadelphia (Willow Uroval -- Willow Uruvs

Park, Willow tituvM Park Co., props ; John

H. xiavlea, prea., mgr. A mgr. attractioua.

playa bands, but uu vaudeville.

Pblladelpbia--Wuudelda Park, Woodalde Keal

btate Co., prop*.; N. H. Alexander, mgr.

and mgr. attractions; bauds on Hundays; no


Pittsburg--West View Park, F. H. Touker, mgr.

A mgr. attractions; plays local bands, bat no


Plltaburgb--Kennywood Park. A. B. McSwigan,

mgr. and mgr. attractions; playa banda; no

vaaderille. Pottotown--Binging Bocks Park, Blnglnc Rocks

Baalty Co., props.

Pottaville--Schuylkill Park, Cbaa. llauMmann.

mgr. and mgr. attractions; plays vaudevUe

and bands.

Puttatown--Banatoga Park, C. W. Ramho.

mgr.; U. P. Bwiuebart. mgr. attractions;

plays hands; vaudeville at times. Beading--C'araonia Park. Edw. E. Rhoads, mgr.

and mgr. attractions; playa free acts and


Bed Lion--FaiUDOunt Park, Red Uon Boro,

props.; B. M. Spangler, mgr. and mgr. at¬

tractions; plays vaudeville and bands.

Blveraide--DeWltt's Park. W. O. DeWitt, mgr. and mgr. attractions; plays bands occasion¬

ally; nu vaudeville. Scranton--Nortbern Blsctrte Park, B. 8. Cbaa-

borlin, aagr.

berauton--Bocky Qlen Park. A. J. Duffy, mrr.

and mgr. attractions; plays free acts and

bands. Sellnagrove--Rolling Green Park. J. I. Coldren.

mgr. and mgr. attractioua; playa vaudeville

and bands.


Biiamokin--Edgewood Park, Mrs. M. H. Kulp.

mgr. and mgr. attractions; plays bands; no




Spring City--Bonnio Brao Park, DanisI H.

Whits, mgr.. B. D. No. 1. Norristown. Pa.

Huobnry--Island Park, 8. M. Wleat, gen. mgr.

Wllkes-Barrs--Fernbrook Park, owned by and

tiuiia; plays aerial acta and bands; no vaude¬ ville.
Houston--Bay Shore Park, Bay Front Inn Corp., props.; Nathan Iflnrhca, mgr. sod mgr. attractluna; plays baoda; no vaudevllla
Houston--Sylvan Beach Park. Ed Eiaemau. owner.
Port Arthur--Port Arthur Pleasors Pier Park. Sandefur A Er-Cfon. lenseea; G R. Iliinitau. mgr.; plays free attractiona and bauds.
Ban Marco*--Rogers Park. A. B. Rogers, tirop.. mgr. aud mgr. attractiima; no vauderille or bands.
Texarkana--Spring I.ake Park. Roli.Tt Berry¬ man. die ; no vaudeville or hands
Wichita Falla--Lake Wichita Park. Traction Co., props.; L. L. Allbritton, mgr.; J. 8. Mills, mgr. attractions; playa bands occasion¬ ally; oo vaudeville.
UTAH Balt Lake City--Saltair Beach. Joel Bicharda,
prop., mgr. and mgr. attractions; playa bands; no vaudeville. Salt Lake Oity--Lagoon Resort. A. C. Chrlsten«eo. mgr. and mgr, attractions; playa bands occasionally; vaudeville on Sundays.
Bellows Falla--Barber Park, Street Ry. Co., props.; O. Gammell, mgr.; B. A. Pierce, mgr. attractiona; playa vaudeville; no bands.
Brattleboro--Island Park, E. J. Fenton, mgr. and mgr. attractions; playa vaudeville: tio bands.
Coehurn--Lonesome Pine Park, H. 0. Jackfos, mgr.
HarrtiiODburg--Kaylor Park. Q. G. Kaylor. prop, and mgr.; no vaudeville or bands.
Norfolk--Ocean View Park, Otto Welle, gen. mgr.; playa bands; no vaudeville.
Norfolk--Little Bay Bcack (Colored), Lem Bright, owner; W. O. Brown, mgr.; plays free attractions.
Norfolk--Virginia Beack, T. J. Long, mgr.; plays musical comedy, opera and dramatic at¬ tractiona; no vaudeville; plays band and twe orchestras.
Norfolk (Titustown)--Bailey's Park (Colored). John T. Bailey, prop.; playa attractions.
Norfolk--Virginia Beacb Park (Colored). Alfred W. Epps, mgr., 689 Bramhieton are.

Mills--lUvervlew Park. Earl E. Evans, erop., mgr. and mgr. atiractlona; playa bands; no vaudeville.
Calgary, Alta.--Bowneas Park, Calgary Munlripal Ky. Co., propa. aud mgra.; no vaudeville
or banda. Fort Frances, Ont.--Point Park. Tboa Nagle,
prop., mgr. and mgr. auractiona; playa vaudeville and hand* Grimsby, Ont.--Grimsby Beach. Canada Ky. Newa Co., operator*: no vaudeville or bands. Hamilton, Ont.--Wabaaso Park, Burke A Allan, props.; B. V. Phoenix, mgr and mgr. attractiona: playa vaudeville and bands. Hull, Que.-- Luna Park, Hull Amu*cmcul Park, Ltd., props.: H. F. Blackwell, mgr.; Eugene Kt. Jeon, sei-y ; T>Iay* TaiideTlIle and banda, Singuton, Ont.--lAka Ontario Park, K. P A C. Elee. Ry. Co., props.; Hugh C. NIckle. mgr. and mgr. attractiona; no vaudeville or banda. London, Ont.--Springbank Arautrmrot Park, D. B. Walsh, mgr., care Victor Amusement Co., 168 Dundaa st. Montreal, Que.--Dominion Park. Dominion Park Co., Ltd., props.; M. M. Bannaford. mgr. and mgr. attractions; plays bands; vaudevllla oc¬ caaionally. Montreal, Que.--Belmont Amusement Park, H. F. Blackwell, mgr. Port Stanley, Oat.--Port Stanley Park, J. B. Bicharda, ears London A Port Btanlty By., London. Can., mgr.; Arthur, O. Carty, mgr. attractiona; playa banda and frta outdoor ftCtS. Fort Dalbouaie. Ont.--^Lakeside Park. H. B. Singleton, mgr.; play^t banda; no vandeville. Quebec. Que.--Quebec Exhibition Park, Georgea Moriaset, mgr. and mgr. attractions: plsys vaudeville and bands. Sarnia, Ont.--Lake Huron Psrk, John A. Dslaiel, prop., mgr. and mgr. attractions; no Tsudeville or bands. St. Thomas, Ont.--Pinafore Park. F. 1*. Brlakan, mgr.; plays bands. Toronto. Oat.--Searbors Beach Park, Toreata By. Co., props.; F. L. Hubbard. Bgr.; B. O. Butt, aaat. mgr.; plays vaudavilla and

I-eonard, mgr,


Bozeman--Roundup. Aug. 3-5. J. H. Healy, aecy.


Bladen--Rouudup. June 10-18. J, L, Ashmore


lAs Vegaa--Cowboys' Reunion. July 8-4. Frank

C. Bop«`, aei-y


Mindan--Roundup. July 1-4. Edward A.

Kettrr, a«-ey,


Anadarko--Roundup. Aug. 13-15. Roby Diet-

rich, mgr.

Comanche--Roundup. In Hept.

Chlckasha--Roundup. In Sept.

Dewey--Roundup. July 2-4. Fog Horn Clancy,


Duncan--Roundup. In Hept.

Pauls Valley--B^eo. Hept. 2-5. Byron Blasco, mgr.


Brownsville--Roundup. July 3-4. Dnncan Me-

Kersker, aecy.

Burnii--Ronndup. Sept. 10-12.

Haln'-a--Htampede. June 25-27.

Klamath Falla--Roden. July 2^.

PendetoD--Roundup. Sept. 16-10. George Baer,


PrlDevlIle--^Rodeo. June 25-27. · R. L. Sebee,


Blayloo--Roundup. July 3-4. Everett WilaoD,


Tygh Valley--Rodeo. June 17-18. Everett

WHaon. mgr.


Belle Fonrebe--Roundup July 2-4.


Del Rio--Bodee. June 17-18. Ralph Hellera.


Longrlew--Bodee. July 2-4. Velila Callaban,


Okanogan--Rodeo. July 3-5. O. C. Brnwn.



CTieyenne--Frontier Day*. Jnly 20-24. O. B-

Stapleton, aecy.

Laramie--Rodeo. Jnly 3-4. Wm. Mallody, mgr.

on lino of Wilkes-Barrs Ky. Co.; leased and Norfolk--Ocean Park, P. F. A J. L. Williams, Toronto, Ont.--8tnny4de BeaclE Toronto

operated by Fernbrook Park ' Asan., General


Harlxtr Comra., propa.; A. C Mitcbell, fan.

Offleea, h36 Miners Bank Bldg.; plays attrac¬
tions and bands. Wilkes-Barre--Traction Park. Harveys Lake.

Richmond-Forest Hill Park. Berger Bros.,
props.; E. C. Berger, mgr.; plays bands; no vaudeville.

mgr.; playa banda; no vtudevUle. Victoria, B. C.--Gorge Park. Al Fielding, laa-
see A mgr.; playa vaudeville and bands.


Pa., owned by and on line of Wilkes-Barre Phoebui--Bay Bbore Annex Park on Ckeaa- Winnipeg, Man.--Winnipeg Beach. A H. Mc¬

By. Co.; leased aud operated by Fernbrook

peake Bay (Colored). Dr. W. B. Himibla,

Kay, mgr. and mgr. at'ractions; playt dance

(Grand Cironit)

Asan.. General Offleea. 336 Miners Bank Bldg. Wilkes-Barre--Sans Sourl Park, George K.
Brown, prop.; le 8. Barr, mgr. and mgr. at¬ tractions; playa vaudeville occasionally; no
bands. Williamsport--Sylvan Dell Park. Leon Miller,
mgr. and mgr, attractions; plays vaudeville, free acta and city bands. Wind Gap--Wind Gap Park, Edw. Wertley, mgr.
Middletown--Atlantic Beach. Wm. Quigley, prop.; Henry Berger (Box 1S8. Newport. R. I.), mgr. and mgr. attractions; plays

mgr. Salem--Lakeside Park. Lakeside Inn Oorp.,
propu. (Address. Route 1.) Virginia Beach--Ta. Beach Casino, Ta. Beach
Casino Corp., props.; A. Pedis, mgr.; plays bands; no vaadeville.
Aberdeen--Electric Park. Grays Harbor By. A Light Co., props.
Liberty Lake--Liberty Lake Park, Lew 8. Hurtig, prop., mgr. and mgr. attractions; no vaudeville or bands.
Spoksne--Natatorium Park, Spokane I'niied

orcbeatraa; no vandeville.
Foreign Fairs and Ex¬ hibitions
AUSTRIA Grafi--Sample Fair. Aug. 28-Repf. 6. Vierna--Sample Ftlr. Sept. 6-13.

North Randall (Clereland), 0.--June 86-Jaly 11. 
TViIedo. O.--July 18-18. Kalamaion. Mich.--July 20-25.
Aurora. HI.--July 27-Aug. 8. North Randall (Cleveland). O.--Ang. 18-8(. Readville, Maas.--Aug. 81-8ept. 6. Hartford, Conn.--Sept. 7-12. Hyrarn»e. N. Y.--Hept. 14-1*.
Colamhua, O.--Sept. 21-Oct. 8.
Lexington, Ky.--Oct. 5-12. Atlanta, Gt.--Oct, 1.3-17.

open-air attractions; no bands.

Rys., props.; B. A. Willson, mgr.does not Laeken--T.ebor-Saving Exbn. July IS-Aug. 16, A*htand--July 8-Aug. 8.

Newport--Newport Beach. Daniel J. McGowan,

play vaudeville or bands.

Ostend--Ckvmmerce Ezhn. July S-2S.

Latonia--June 2 July 4

mgr. and mgr. attractions; plays bands; no


Latonia--Sept. 12-Oct. 17



Bratialava--Sample Fair. Aug. 23-Sept. X Iiexlni^on--Nov. 11-21.

Oakland Beach--Oakland Beach Amusement Park, Frank C. Stender, mgr.
Providenre--Crescent Park. Cbaa. I.^ff. prop, and mgr.; playa vaudeville; banda occasioo-
ally Providence--Bocky Point Park, Paul Castig-
lionl, mgr. and mgr. attractions; playa vaudeI vllle and banda. f Tiverton--Capitol Park, between Fall River,
Newport and New Bedford on Mt. Hope Bay. Addren* ,T. B. Nash. 131 Washington at.. Providence. Woonsocket--Doria Park. Emils P. Oanvln.
prop., mgr. and mgr. attractions; plays bands;
DO vaudeville.

Charleston--White City Park, J. Bblrley Ross, prop, and mgr.; playa traveling attractions; DO vaudeville or bands.
Chester--Rock Springs Park, J. J. Hocking, mgr. and mgr. attractiona; no vaadeville or bands.
Clarksburg--Norwood Park, Edmond Denham, prop.
Daniels--Pine Grove Park. M. D. A T. B. Far¬ ley. props.; C. D. Stroud, mgr.; H. H. 8impson, mgr. attractiona; no vaudeville: bands occaaionally.
Fairmont--Ravine Amnseraent Park. Reno Flem¬ ing, mgr. and mgr. attractions; plays vaude¬ ville occasionally; no bands.


' Huntington--Camden Park, Camden Seaplane

Charleston (Isle of Palms)--Sea Shore, James

Co., prop*.: n. O. Via, mgr. and mgr. at¬

Brno--AgrI. A Induat. Exbn. Aug. S-10. Liberec--Sample Fair. Aug 15-21.
DUTCH EB8T INDIES Bandoeng--Sample Fair. June 20-Jiily 6.
nNLAND Heliingfor*--AgrI. A Indnet. IxhiL Joly 1-8.
Berdeaux--Rample Fair. June 18-80. Chtion-tur-Saone--Hides A Leatbsg Bzha. June
24.30. Dunkirk--Rample Fair. July 10-28.
Breslau--Ritnple Fair. Hept. 8-8. Dresden--Housing Exbn. June 1-Bept. 80. Krankfort-on-Maln--Rample Fair. Oct. 4-10. Kiel--Rample Fair. Hept. 1.3-16.
Konlgsberg--Rample Fair. Aug. 8-12,

Lonlaville (Churchill Downs)--Oct. 22-Nev, 7.
Bowie--Nov. 18-28. Havre de Grace--Sept. 23-Oct. 8. Laurel--Get. 6-.31. Plmllcn--Nov. 2-14.
Akron--June 22-Ju1y 4. Akron--Oct. 21-Nov. 7. Canton--July 6-18. Canton--Sept, 23 Oct. 8. Toledo--Aug. 8-29. Toungitown--June 3-20. Yonngatown--Ort. 7-17.

Sottile. prop.; J. W. Hanlon, mgr. and mgr. attrartiona; no vaudeville or bands.

tractions; plays bands on Bundars; oo vaoda- Lelpxlg--Rample Fair. Ang. SO-.Sept. 8.



Wbealing--Hept. 7-19.

Charleston--Folly Beach, Folly Beach Am. Co., mgrs., 68 Broad at.; does not play vaudeville or banda.
Columbit--Victory Amusement Park, L. Shafkin A B. H. Burkman, propa.; Louis Shafkin. mgr. A mgr. attractions; plays bands; no vaudeville.
Georgetown--Kensington Park (Address Man¬ ager. Box 504).
Greenville--Stone's Lake Park, F. O. Banker,
mgr., 126 8. Main st.
Forestbnrg--Raskin Park. B H. Millard, prop., mgr. A mgr. attractions; does not play vaodcville or bands.
Madiaon--Lake Berman Park. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. .'tterns. mgre. and mgr*, attractioa*; plays band* ooraaionally; no vaudeville.
Sistix Falla--West Soo Amaaement Park, B. W. Pkllliiw. prop, and mgr.; playa free acta.
Yankton--Wildwood Park, J. W', Donohue, mgr.

Murtinsbarg--Rooemont Perk, Rosemont Park Oo., Ine.. mgra.
Sia'eraville--Padea Park, B. A If. It. Traction Co., props.
Wellsburtr--Owl Park. James K. Wells, mgr. and mgr. attractiona; no vandeville or band*.
Wheeling--State Fair Park. Paul Helnie. mcr. and mgr. attractiona; plays vaudeville and banda. WISCONSIN
Appleton--Waverly Beacb. Howard Campbell,
mgr. and mgr. attractions: plays vaadeville and orcbeatras. Beloit--Waverly Beach. W. H. Monger mgr. and mgr. attractions; plays vtudevtlle and banda oecaaionally. Beloit--Palm Bearh Garden. Joe Faleo, prop, and mgr.; plays banda: no vaodevllle. Cbipnewa Falla--Wlaaota Amuseaenl Park, Ernest C. 0>te, mgr. and mgr. attractions; playa banda and orcbeatraa; no vaudeville. Eau Claire--Lake Halite Park. John C. Bouah-

Edinburgh--Health Kghn. July 20-28.

Ixvndon--Toys A Fancy Goods Exbn. July 8-11.

(.ondon--Fashions Rihn. Aug. Sl Rept. 11. I/)ndon--Rhoea A T..ealher Exhn. Ort. 8-8.

London--Motor Cyrie Eihn. Ort. 13-17.


Ctreobt--Sample Fair. Hm'I. 8 17.


D'lnedta--Arts, I'mduets A Maoufae. Exhn

Nov. 12-Marcb 81.


Lwow--Bamivie Fair. Kept. 8-18.

Posnaa--Inventions Exbn. Ang. lB-8eut. 15. RUnilA

NIJnl Novgorod--Rample Fair. Ang. 1-Rept. 16.


Ran Salvador--Rample Fair. Dec. 2d-JaiL 8.


Malmo---Commerea Exhn A<ig. 8-8.


Bern*-AgrI. Exhn.



10 - ·izc;


6 ·*

Our Gliiiwara It tha Bneit quality--leoii»'rrd and rrrttal claar. Nothing sIm equals It In (alDfacllon Writs (or rempleta cirnilara of beat Powder end Liquid "Juice" Flavors of *11 kind*; also povUbj' Julea Htandt, Oranta Jules Mills. Sanitary OraiW'*''* Dliotaatr. 'Ttntt. umhrellaa. Hnoiv Maebloot. tlienalli. aU. TERMH; r*ih or aoa-thlrd dapodt with

and mgr. artractiona; pUje vaadevlUe and ell. prop., mgr. and mgr. attractions; plara LaiioaaAe--Pr'idora, Food A AgrI, Elba. Juna ardor. QlTim sniPMENTS.


vaadtviUe. special attraettons and bend*.

37-JalF 18.

TALBOT MFB. 60,. I2II.I7 ehatttnt 84. Lakfi.

J'jnc 13, 1925

The Billboard


ALABAMA R i.ii niihuni--TriveUm' I'roieoflTf A»»n.
,.f Juiif I-'. T. S. IxiKan, 915 OIl»e at.. 8t.


Fall River--X. E. Typographical Union. June
21 23. J. G. Mi-Gowan, Box 942, New Haven. I omi.


I (ill i K


Itirmiiitfhani -Onlir of OiM Kellowa. All*. 4-5.

n (·


Ilunlavtilf. Ala.

Rinii Iiitluim IN'bfkilll Slat** Ahxi>iiiI>|;


Mr. M. » Prunaon. Mull


nirmlnaham--.M<T*-lianta' A«Min. of Ala. Auf.


Hull--Xat'l Confectionery Salesmen's As^n. July 14-16. A. E. Sander. 1007 N, Duke st.. l/anraster. Pa.
loiwrence--Permanent Firemen's Assn. Aug.
11. Capt. T. J. Powers, 36 Woodland si.. Wore<»f*r. Mass.

\ x>



Means of The






Lowell--State Fed. of Labor. Aug. 4. Joyce, 11 Beacon at., Poston.

M. T.

II W. 11. Ifratlur. 2.''7 8. Iaiwr**nra at.

Moll la.


· . .w.


r,,. , .M..a--Auto IHra.' Axxn. July 2021. J.

Special Interest to Novelty Manufacturers and Dealers,

Lynn--Order Sons of Temperance. June 21-23.
T. X. Wilmot. 30 Tccumaeb at., Orillia Ont. Can.

II, Karl, y. Pox 1470. Blrmingbam. ARIZONA

Streetmen, Fair Followers, Etc.

Northfleld--C. E. I. of Mass. Aug. 17-21. U. D. Grimes, 116 Amesbury at., Lawrence.
Spriagfleld--Order of Scottish Clans. Aug. 18-

,,.,,tf_nrbpkah State Aaapmhly. June 30.

21. T. R. Gibb, 218 Boylston at., lloston

Mr» N Si'ult, 140 N. Ifh a e.. rtiwnla I-f-. ,',fl -Orrt, r of Old Fellowa. June 30. A.
II lUrgrate, 365 N. 3U tT*., I'boeniz.

'A'ashington--Phi Un Sigma I'rat. June 22-23. Maillaon P. Coe, IlyaxtsTlIle. Md.
Washington--NaCl Aa-n. Credit Men. June 8-

Indianapolis--Cn. Knights A Daiigbfera of .\frl<a. Aug. 2. Dr. O. M. Catbrell, 32110 Lucas ave.. 8t. Louis.
Indianapolis -- Nat'l Assn. Xegro Mualelana.

Sivainpacott--State Elks' Asan. June 1.5-17. J.
J. Iluurin, Beaumont Bldg., Room 4. Framing¬ ham. Wi/rcester--Assn, of Stationary Engrs, of New

I.tl le Itofk--State Olnmra' Aaan. W. A. l.'gne. CALIFORNIA

July 15.

Pnrhank--Ord< r of Uru.ds. .Tune 1.51!>. C. A.

i.iuliplniony. 44 Page at., San Fran, la<H).


--Ilaniali Pro. of Amer. July 2-6. N.

\nl.r*<.n. .'>42« Shaft**r ave., Oakland.

Long lU-arh--Ord,r of Htbemlanx. Aug. --.

K. M. (I'Kellly, 33.35 Army at., San Frauoi't-o.

L<« Angrlp**--C'oiif. 03 I'byalral B<lncatlon. June

22 27. Dr. J. II. McCurdy, Box U, UIgbland

Sla , Siiringfieid. Maas.

1.0. Ang<*l*-a--1`aolflc Claim Agts.' Aaan. Jnly

22-2.',. P. F. Boynton, 520 Electric Plilg.,

Portland. Ore.

13. J. II. Tregoe. 41 Park Row, New York City.

Washington--Xat'l Alliance Postal EmpIoy*es.

July --. J. 11. Jones, 4838 Prairie axe., Chb'ago.

Washington--IntT Plate Printers' Fnlon. Week

of July 3. J. E. Goodyear, 1030 I.s>adeD at., i'hiladelphia. Pa.

Washington--A fro-.American League of N. A.

Ang. in-IS.

11. Smith, 12*19 Hamilton al.,

PIdlailelphla. Pa.

Washington--T'nion Printers' IntemsCl Rnse-

hall League. Ang. 22-28. Ed Sprlngroe.v* r,

8r., U07 Newport axe., Webster Grovea, Mo.


Jnly 26-31. Alice C. Simmuna, Tiiakeg*-e Institute, Ala.
Lake Clcott-P. M.. Order of Odd Fellows. July 27-28. MaJ. H. E. Roesener, 1208 1. O. O. F. Bldg.. Indianapolis.
Terre Haute--State Fed. of laibor. Aug. 26. A. J. Frits, 605 People's Bank Bldg., Indianapolii.
West Baden--State Pbarm. Aaan. June 16-18. W. A. Oren, 1911 W. Waahington at., In¬ dianapolis.
Winona Mke--State Sunday School Aaan. June 16 18. E. T. Albertson, 517 Occidental Bldg.. Indianapolis.
Cedar Rapids--Pythian Riatera. July 28-^9.

England. July 10-12. Freeman L. Ty'er, 32 Briggs at., Taunton.
Battle Creek--St.ate Master House Painters. July 21-23. Fred Gunneman, 531 Eastern av*-., H. K.. Grand Rapids.
Detroit--.State Elks' Assn. Jnne 17-19. G. D. PoHtoek, Flks' Temple. Grand Hapbls.
Detroi*--N.it'l .Assn. Real Estate puards. June 23- 2*>. H. U. Nelson. 310 .S. Michigan are., {'hieago
Detroit--.Nat'l Amateur Press .Assn. Jnly 3-5. Wni. T. Harrington, r>02 Cherry at.. Ver¬ milion, S. D.
Detroit--Nai'l Assn, of Piano Tuners. Ang. --^ W. F. .MH'lellan, 22 Quincy at., I'hicago.

I,<>« Angelea--\V**atern Mualc Trades' Aaan. Jacksonxille--Order Ry. Conductors. July --.

Katherine Warner. Daytou, la.

D* Iroit--Foresters of .AiiiiTlea. Aug. *25. T.

July 11-12. A. ii. I'aruubaraun. 317 Me- W. C. Daxis. Box 574.

Cedar Rapids--Knights of Pythias. July 29-.'t0,

M. D'lnnell.y, 27.5 {Jrove st., Jer-ey City, N. J,*

Ijiughlln PIdg.

Pensacola--<isle C. K. C. June 19-22. Misa Ward Ferguson, Rolfe, la.

Lea Angrle*--Iniernat'I New Thought APisnee. Hesato Crane, Mt. Dora, Fia.

Centerville--Asa. Adv. Clubs,

Aug. --.

Detroit--Grd r of Amaranth. Aug. 12. P. J. I. Jeiip, Slot! Gratiot ave.

July 4. Mra. L. McDonnell. 311 Uuray PIdg., Waablogten, D. C.


Ixii Ar;g<lea--Internat'I Kindergarten Tnion. Atlanta--Xat'l Aaan. Sheet Metal Coaitractors.

July 8-11. Mlat M Murra.v, lnveatm,*nt PMa., Waahington, D. C.

June 16-19. E. L. Neanrook, CPG Chestnut at.. Philadelphia. Pa.

Lea .Angi lea--American rhilalellc Soc. Aug. 24- Anguata--State Dental Soe. June 10-12. Dr.

27. Dr. II. A. Daris, 3421 Colfai are., O. A. MitcheU, 612 Candler PIdg.. Atlanta.

p. nrer, Col.

Prune wick--l>*tter Carrl*Ts' Assn. July 4. J.

I .a Aagi lea--IV ta Phi Sigma Frat. Ang. 11- W. U*e<*e, 3.">2 Fraser at., .Atlanta.

11 L. C. PfalT. 5.374 Vernon at,, 81. Louia,
Mo. P'.aoerville--Daurlitera of tJoIden 3Veat. June
IS. Mlat A. Dougherty. 1211 Bprecklea Bldg.. San Francisco. Bidding--X. Csllf. Counties' A«sn. Jnly 15 17. lewla Ca.-rigtn.

IJndal*---tirder of K*-d Men. June 17-19. T. M. Poole, H*! I'cntral ax**,. .Atlanta
I.indal*'--Degree of Pre-ahontaa. June 16. Mra. C K Sm th. 1.31 W. Alex at., A lanta. <la.
Rome--American Legion of Ga. Aug. 19-21. J. It Kitrpa r ck. Coliimtius. Ga.
Savannah -- State Eika' Aaan. June 11-12.

Sa ramento--Order Sona of St. George. Third T!i**maa H. Lamar, Columbua. Ga.

M >'k n Ang. P. C. Woodbouae, «>32 N. C 8t., Savannah--I'n. Spaniab War Veterans. July

San Mateo, Calif. Sa-raraen 0--.State Firemen's Aa«n. Aug. 21-

3-4. Roht. P. Arthur, Marion PIdg., Augusta. Ga.

22. H. B. Strasai-r, 1171 lUtb at., San Savannah--lafarette Highwar Assn. July 3-4.

rau Iranc.aco--Order of P'nal B'rltb. I. J. Aachbeim, 149 Eddy at

T. F. Moffett. Sumter. S. C.

June 15.

Savannah--·40-8'' Daughterly.





San Franelfco--Theta Delta Chi Frat.* Jnl» Savannah--Southern A«an. Car Serrlce Officers.

10- lS. F. H. Puck. 233 Hollirook PIdg.

July 1*1 1). W. Prantlvy. care Central >f

5id I rancl-e*>--T. M. .A. of f S. A Can. July Ga. Ratlwax,

13-17. E. Ilollenk.imn. Box 7.MI. Cincinnati, t). Savannah--State P! arm. .Assn. June 15-lfi. T.

San l>ancl-co--Itegre,* of PiH-abontax. July 27-

A. Cheatham, State Capit*>l, Atlanta.

3A. P. I.. PIP.. 211) C.olilen Gate axe.

Savannah--Country Rankers' Assn. June 17-19.

San FraneUeo--.Amateur .Athletic Pnion. Jnly

Address Convention Bur an.

.3 .'i F. W. Kuliieu. 3U5 Broadway, New Savannah---Agents Mutual Life Ins Co. June

Kotbarhild. Iowa City.
Davenport--A. F. and A. ilasooa. June 9-11. C. C. Hunt, Masonic Library. Cedar Ranida.
D*ui MolBea--State Retail Harness Makers* Aaan. June 9-11. Frank Prwacboldt, 51anilla. la.
Des Moines--Ameriran Pharm. Aaan. Aug. 24-
29. Wm. B. Day, 701 S. Wood at., Chicago,
III. D*-a Moines--Amer. Poultry Aaan. Aug. 12 14.
T. F. Uigg. 6.">3 W. Third at.. Ft. Wayne,
Ind. D*-s Moines--Xat'l A«an. Boards of Pliarmaey.
Aug. 24-2.3. H. C. Cbristcnsco, 13*) N. Wells at., Chicago, 111. Duhj«iu*--.Nat 1 .Aaan. Retail Grocer*. June 2225. 3. C. Ralaiger, 601 Gumbel Bldg., Kan¬ sas City. Mo. Dubuque--State Bar Assn. June 25-26. Cl'-de H Do.iDfle. Manchester, la Duliuquc-- .Slate B.inkera' Assn. June 15-17,
Frank Warner, 430 Liberty at.. Des Moines. Dubuque--le-iter Carriers' As*n. July 12-13.
A. A. Miller. 3005 C are., E. Cedar Bsplila. Ot-umwa--.Stationary Engra. of Iowa. June ic»
18. .Abner Dayia, Waterhouse Block, Cedar Rapids, la Sioux City--State Funeral Dir*.' Aasn. June
16.18. R. C. Smith, Burlington, la. Waterloo--State .Assn. Chiefs of Police. .Aug.
--. M. R. Burke, 80 Seminary at., Dubiniu*'.

D* trolt--Int'l .Assn. .Mun. Eleetriclana. Ang,
--. W. R. .Arliuckle, 894 bird., Bayonne, N. J. D**iroii--Am* r. Xunil-matie Assn. Aug. 22-27. H. II. Yawger. Indiana. Pa.
Dowagiac--G. A. It. of Mich. June 17-18. Frank G. Klee. i;t!» Sanhurn at.. Big Rapids,
Grand RapIds^--Slate Firemen's .\s**n. June 911. H. L. AVIlliams, 317 N. Jaiiiea at.. Ludliiuton. Mich.
Grand Itap d**--Tile A; Mantel Contractors. Aug.
--. F. S. Keating, I'aj."* Second ave., MinneaiHilis.
Grand Kaptds--G. .A. R. Eneami>meiit. Aug. 30 Sept. 1. s. I*. Town, 1.523 Race at., I'hiludelphla, Pa.
Grand Rapid--Xat'l AVom*n'a Relief Corps. Aug. .tO-.Sept. 3. E. P. Daggett, 3«) S. Main at., .A11letKiro, Maas.
Griiml Rapid**--Daiighti'ra of Veterans. Aug. 1*1 16. .Airs. K. X. Wadswi>rlli. lajs .Angeles.
Kahiinaano--In 'I Typographical Union. Aug. 10 1.5. J. AA'. Huya. 6.50 Bankers Tr. Bldg., Indiana|Htlis, Ind.
Ma*'kinae Island--State Gas As-n. July 9-11. A. G. .Sehroeder, 47 N. Division ave.. Grand Rapids.
Mai'kiiiac Island--Ci>mmercl:il Ijiw lo-agiie of '.Aiiierha. July 1.3-16. F. A. Lind. 108 S. loiSalle st., Cliiiago, III.
Muskegon--.As-n. of Stationary Engrs. July

Y.rk niv.

22-23. .Addreas Convention Bureau.


I- 5-17. C. Cuterrelner. .5.52'2 Underwood ave..

San Franelaco -- American Horae Economics Savannah--C*'ntral of Ga. Clerka. Ai.g. --. C. Cherryvale--Old Soldiers' 8. B. Kan^aa Reunion

D* troit

\--i. .Vug. I S. Miss M. Suylea, 112S E. Ki*ar«ley «t.. Flint. .Mi, b.
San Fran* t'»*o--Funeral Dira.' .Aaan. of Cal.f. Aug. 17-2,). H. W. Maa«a. 9.37 Page at.
S.m Framlsco--N'atT Hairdreaa«'r»' .Aaan. Ang. 51S.pt. 4. Misa Th-o. Pemler, 4tt.32.A Ve'tpilnsttr pi.. SI. I.ouls.

V. Palmer.
IDAHO Pocatello -- KIwania Clubs. Aug. l.'> 16. F.
JoliuaoD, .329 X. Fifth at.. East I-ogan, rtah.
Belleyllle--Order of Eaglet. June 16-18. J.

.A-sn July 20-2.5. Mrs. Rose Cash. Ccffcyville--InlT Order Twelve of Kan. & Ni-h.
July 14-1*. A. W. Hopkins. 321 Dakota at., I>**aTenworth. Kansas City--Order of Mystic Shrine IColoredl.
Third Week in Aug. Levi Williams, 57 Orient ave., Jersey City. X. J.

Muskegon--State Phnnn. As-n. .Aug. 5-7. L.

Y, Middleton, Cass

iittawa ave.. Grand


Xorthville--Foresters of .America. June 16-18. .A. H. Saiiiidera, ·'nil S*i*i eii ave, IK'troit.
Saiilt Ste. Marie--Onler of HHv-rTilans. Aug.

--. M. F Powers, 207 Ilounemaa Bldg,,

S.in Lui* tiliiaiH,--Order of Ri'd Men. Aug. IR21. P. U Pllaa. 240 Gulden Gate axe., San Francisco.
S n I.uia tihiapo--DegrtH* of Pot'abontaa. Aug.

O Keefe. 424-5 Mad son at., Chicago. Chicago--Supn-me I.x>dge, .A. O. C. W.
23. E. J. Moore, Fargo. X. D. Chicago--XaCl As«n. Music Merchants.

Jnne June

Bowling Green--State Bar Asan. July 1-2. J. V. Conner. Lincoln Bank Hldg., laiiiisyille.
Bowling Green--Rural Letter Carriers' Aa^n.

Grand Rapids. MINNESOTA
Bralnerd--.VoQlurn Minn. Medii-al .Asan. --. Dr. AV W. AVill. B-rtba. .Atinn


11- 14. Bertha Prazlle, ikti S at.. Sa<remenf». 7-II M. J Kennedy. 5.32 Repablic Bldg.

July 3-4. H H Lambirth. Auburn. Ky,

Brainerd--Slate inks' A'sn. .Aug. --. L. 0.

l"-,mlte--Young I.adiea' lust. July 28. Misa Chicago--Amcr. Ry. Asan., MecbT DIt. June Henderson--itrder of Elks. Aug. 11-12. Fr**!

Horne. 420 S. Sixth st., Mliiiieapolls.

J. r. Molloy, .'iO Uak st.. San FVanciaco.

16-18. V. K. Hawthorne. 431 8. Dearborn

O. Xuctxcl. Courthouse. Isuiiaville.

Duluth--Slate Bankers' Assn. July 9-10 F. P.

COLOBADO tolorado Rpringt--American D,*ntal Trade .A«*n.
Toird We* k in June, 8. C. Reynolds, ItlO Boylston at.. Boston.
Colorado Si,rings--S.addlerT Assn, of T*. S. June l.'.p.t. U. Othtner, 30 X. LaSalle st.. Ch ca»o

Chicago--State Billiard .Assn. July --. T. B. Widleigh. tl23 S. Wabash are.
Chicago--Ky. Mail Assn., 6th Dlv. Jnly --. F K. Loomis, 1721 28th at., Riu-k Island, 111.
Chl*-ago---American Soc, of CoametiriaDa. July --. F. Marten, 1713 X. Major ace.

Louisville--American Ol>tom*6ric A«sn. June 1521. Dr. FL H. Kiekenapp. Box 383. Faribault. Mina.
Lonlarllle--.State Funeral Dira ' Assn. June 10- 12. John C. Scbildf, 7u0 E. Prosdw-
LonlsTllle--Phi Delta Kappa Frat. July 12 15. Paul E. Deaton. Box 2*'s5. Connersyille, lud.

Felhsws. I'lOl Xortliwestern Bank Hldg., In¬


Mimp-apul.s--Xat'l Tiiherenlos'n A«sn. June 17-

20. Dr. G. M. Kob*r, 1819 Q at., N. W.,

Washington. I). C.


Minneapolis--odd Fellows' Encampment. Jun*

81'2. .M. II. McUivltl. 2707 K. Lake at.

Celorado Springs--Stste Den'al .Asan. June 18-» Dr. U. P. Talhelro. .'s)2 .Msek Bldg.. Ih-nxer,

Chicago--.American Ry. tion. July 8-10. J. st.. Xew York City.

.Aaan., Profecflye Sec¬ C. Carlaton. SO Vesey

LouitTille--IntT Aaan. Fire Engineers. Ang. --. J. J. Mulcahey, City Hall, Yonkers, N. T.

Minneapolis--Retail Credit Men's Naf'l Asan. June 9-12. I). J. W<a>dlock, F>|iiit8ble Bldg., St. leiiiia.

Colorado Springs--Atitomotixe Poiulpment A«*n. June 22 27. Wm. M debater. ISOil-JO City Hall Nq Bldg.. Chlctg,*.
C<<lnrado Sprinrs--Kiipiia Sigma Prat. Jane SOJuI.t 2. J. 8. Ferguson. 330 \V. 2Sth st.. New York C ty.
Dnxer--NaiT C >nf. of 8o**lal Work. Jnne lO17. W. 11. Parker, 25 E. 9ih at.. Cincinnati. Ohk).
Dnxer--Xat'l Assn. Adxancemcnt of Colored People. June 24. James W. JotUiaOD. 6f) Fifth are . Xe\x York. X. Y.
Denver--A-.n. Dalrr F,a>d A Drug OflIlcUls. July 2S3II W. C. Geagicy. Dept, of Agr., I. anslng. Mich
D'nxer--Stale I'hirofirsctors' .A«an. July --. J. an.t'e Martin. .307 P.roa(lwa.x.
Ik-nver--American Wnulmcn. Aug. 10-1 i. I* H. I.lghln r, B,,x !IS7
D'uxer-Knlghts of Pythias. Aug. 25.26. W. 8. ll'Hrlcn, 212 Pylldan BMg.
P ,, r I». iiv,.r ski f'nl.'s Frolic. July 4. W. F " i- m:,r. S't .A<'iima at.

Clilrafo--Xat'l Rainbow Ply. Veterina' Aasa. July 14-16. E. F. Xeagle, 44 Quincy place, N. E.. Waahington. 1). C.
Chicago--Amerh-an Train Diapatchera' Aasa. .Inly 20 C. I.. Darling. 10 E. Huron at.
Chicago--Internat'I rpholaferera' Pnion. July 2.
W. Kohn. 2.'I0 B. .58 h at., Xew York City. Clilcag**--Slate Aa-n. Cleaners A Dyera. July
28 30. ('has. Jca-tip.
Chicago--Xat'l Aaan. Men's Apparel ClUhe.
Aug. --. L. K. Kiahell, 524 Caswell Block,
Milwaukee. Chicago--Masonic Relief .Aaan. of D. S. A Can.
Aug. --. A. J. O'Reilly, 2^ 8. Grand aye., St. Louia. Ch`'*ago- Nafl .A«sn. Retail Clothiers. Ang. --.
Chat. B. Wry, 223 W. Jackson bird. I>*-*'atiir--Stste I harm. Asan. June 16-19. W.
R. Day, 701 S. AVood at., Chicago.
De<'atur--U-lter Carriers' As>n. July 2-3. C. 3V. Hecki'r. 4.30-2 River drive, Moline. HI.
Ea-t .8t. lauiia--Order of IlilM'rnlaoa. Aug. 25. M. R. Mcllale. 511.3 X. Menard ave., Chicago.

Louiav'lle--Knights of Pyfhiti. Aug. 18. Dr. B. B. Underwood, 310 Mero at., Frankfort.
LouiaviUe -- Xat'l Encampment. Knights of I'ythias {Colored). W*'ek of .Aug. 17.
Shelbyrllle--Order ot Odd Fellows. July 14-18. J. S. Hathaway. E. Alain at.. Richmond, Ky.
Winchester--Cn. Commercial Travelers. June 11- 12. O. F. Brown. 330 Woodland are.. Lexington. Ky.
Winchester--I'n. Brothers of Friendship (Col¬ ored). Aug. 10-14. H. C. Russell, 1029 W. Madison at.. Louiavllle.
LOUISIANA Bogaltwa--Fed. of Business Women's Clnha.
Iiine 12-13. Misa Z. BilDngsly Shreveport. New Orleans--Order of Drnida. June 22. A.
Gonulet, 843 Camp *t.
Bangor--State IVnfal Society. Last week In June. Dr. W. F. Fogg, 60 Main at., Watervllle. Me.
Bar Ilarlavr--R'ate 5le<1ical A-isn. Jnne 23-25.

31inneapolia--Or'l*T of Odd Fellows. June 11-
12. Wallace U. Nye, 402 Pittsburg Bldg.. St. Paul. Minneapolia--Rebekab State Assembly. June 10-11. Lucy Pulton. l.''>08 Ashland are., St. Paul.
Minneapolis--Order of Eagles. June 11-12. V, M. Grady, 118 E. 2d at., Duluib.
Rvulwood Falls--Rural L<*iter Carriers' Aasa. July 8. N. J. Ileinen. Farmington, Minn
St. Paul--Internat'I Kiwanis Cliiba. June 2224. K. C. Parker, 1240 Fed. Reaerve Bk. Bldg., Chicago.
St. Paul--Order of Red Men. Aug. --. F. J. Hehl, Ri*. 123, Courthouse.
St. Paul--.State As-n. Stationary Engrs. Ang.
24- '28. C. A. X* l'on, bOO 22d ave., N. E., `Minneapolia. Tlilef Liver Falls--.American f.egion of Minn. Aug. 10 12. S. K iig. Old Capitol, St. Paul. Wlllmar--Cn. Spani-h AVar A'*-t**rans' Enc. July 13-14. A. M. Nelson, Pairmouiit, Minn.

Di'nxer--Xafl Frat*'rmil rorgr*«s of Amer. Elgin -- Master Painters * D.coralor-*' Aaan.

B. K Brvaat. '265 Hammond st.. Bangor.


Aug. p». w F.. Fufeh. Rm. «ii8. .3t»8 Ilttclid

.Aug. 4 7. K. J. Ruab, 127 N. Jefferson ave., Portland--Knights Templar. June 11. Thou. Aberdeen--State Funeral Dira.' Assn. July

·re., CleTeland, ().
hunni.t.n .state Stisk Orowera' \san. Week
"t July 3. H. F. Iiavla. 4(M Live SItH'k Exch. Hldj , T^rt)r«>r.

Oak Park--State C. K U. June 2.5-28. F. D. Walter, 17 X. Wtb.ish ave.. Chicago.
Paris--State Siind.-vy Svbool Aaan. June 16-19.

I>. Sale. 45 Exchange at. Portland--Nat'l Business A Prof. Women'u
Clubs. Jnly 12-19. Emma D. Partridge. 18'23 Broadway, Xew York City.

7-8. B. T. Etliriilge. Jack-* ii. Natrbei--American L gl'ii* of Mi.sa. Aug. 17^19

idjiM) SpringM-sOrdcr of R»mI M* n. Aug. 11. · X Piirnle. ·i2:t0 S. Park ave.. Chica^.


Excelsior Springs--State Vet. Medical Aaan

K. II. Pearce.

Peoria--Order of P'nal B'rltb. Aug --. H. D. Baltimore--Order of Moose. June 21-25. Georg* June 23. F. C. Cater. 210 S. Moniteau ***-

Irtala, Sjiringa--Degree of Pocahontas. Ang. 10.

Krunkei, 1115 Pioneer Bldg., 8t. Paul. Minn.

N. Ward*'. Mooacheart. HI.


'rsnt C. A. Yockcl, 74 8. Sherman at.. D*'n\rr.

^·''^i'®ii--8iaie Pbarm Assn. June 10-16.

p I?*' *.'

l'i»7 l.awr**nce si., Denver.

. Dn. Cumnierelal Travelers. June 12-13.

'lilt. 121H K. ('olf.ix axe., Ihnxer.

r'lelilo--Slate Sunday Hch,M>l Asen. June 16-

, J* E. Arnold, 702 Interstate Tr. Bldg , Denver.

r'i^i'lo- I'eterans of Foreign Wars. June 25-

-i* T. O. Keenan 1116 t'lareiuiAlt a:,



nrMgfport--tirder of llihcrnlana. Ang. --. B.

T siaxin. a<2t Main at.. Middlefoen. Conn

l.iiiiilon- American I,i-glnn of Conn. .Ang.

-, 29. u. Pavro.

White, 171 (Tiurcb st., X* vr


Brboboih--American l-eglon of Del. July 19. Marine .sta., Wilmington. America. Ang. 25.
U- £. Austcrmubl, 22 B. 23d at.. Wilmington.

Qu iK'.v Amerii-an I-eg on of 111 Aug. 31-Sept. Baltimore--Glass Bottle Blowers' Assn. July

1. K. J. llei kel. Bloomington.

6. Harry Jenkins. 1006 Colonial Tr. Bldg.,

Springfield--Veterans of Foreign Wart. June Phlladelpbia. I'a.

2.5 -27. R. W, Elton. 618 N. 7th at.. Kansas Bsgcra'own--Order of Eagles. June 9-11. I>T.

City, Mo.


Crvwfordavllle--State Typographical Tnlon. July 18 19. W. K. Eualen, 612 K. Swayxie at.., .Marion.
Evaiiavllle--American Pomidogical Soc. July 15 H. C Miles. Milford. Conn.

W. R. Sudlcr. 3323 E. Baltimore at.. Balti¬ more Bag*-ratown--American Legion of Md. Aug. 27-29. W. 8. Lloyd, 11 B. Lexington at.. Baltimorv*. n.impsfcad--Order Sons of .America. Ang. 3-.5. W. J. Rcap.s 310 W. Hoffman at.. Baltimore.

Hartford City Votnnte* r Firemen's At.-n. June


IT. G. F. Rogge, care Gen. Elec. Co.. Ft. Boa'on--State i'lvlc la-ague. July 15. Mrs.


W. O. I'inkham. 3 Joy at.

Indiaiiapolia--Xat'l Education Aaan. June 28- Boston--Knights of I'yiliFis. July 7-10. G. C.

July 4. J. W. Crabtree, 13U1 16tb at.. N. W.. Wa-hingt.m. D. 0. Indiaiiapolia--State Par .Awn. July 8-9. O. B. Patehelor. I23!l I.lfe Bldg.

Higgluhutham, 4 Ingalls court. Melrose.
Mast, Bo'ton--Nat'l Asan. of Chiropodists, Aug. 3-6.
B. K. Burnett. 562 Fifth aye.. New York

Indianapolis--Knights of'Pyfhtaa. Jnly 28-30.


O. L. rpthegrove. 624 Gilbert at., Terro Boalon--Oisler of nibernlana. Ang. 24-25. T.

Bante. Ind.

J. Mcatatb, 11 Brin at.. Whitman, Mass.

Independence--State .As-n. Rural Is Her ^xrriera. July 17-18. Tims AV. Sno<l);ra8*. 115 S. Main at., Eldorado Springs.
Joplin--I'n. Spanish AVar V et* runs. June 17.20. 11. O. Hendricks. 62ii0 F.islon Av* . Si. ImuU.
Ean-as City--Kn ghts of I'ylhias ot Mo. July ·28-31. AV. T. An -ell. 3157 Pir.e el . St Louts.
Ean-aa Crtv--.Amerhan Jii-t. of Banking. July II- 17. K. AA'. Hill. 110 E. 42d Hi., New
York City. K.susaa City--Pri*irre--lve Ord'T of the Wdat.
July ·2.5-'27. M. Shapiro, 4tai F'riseo Bldg.. St. Louia. Kan aa t ty--Xat'l Harness Mfrs.' A'sn Aug.
17-19. Wm. Mohleiikainp, 738 AV. Market
at., I/iulsvi'le. Ky. Kansas City--P'li Kappa Tan Fral. Ang. 27-
'29. R. K. Bovrera, 823 Ptmple'a Bank Bldg.,
Indianapolla, Ind. Ma**on--State Retail Merchaota* Assn. Aug.
17-19. L. F. Padberg, 39t.>l S. Broadway, St.



^ to* »

TH« BillBoar'd

June 13, I92i


# n

Knr Dftl<-.d--Amfrlr»n LttfKn vt Mo. Auf IT· #. Tijt. Mit AA . KaD«, 3Q77</1J»0 Bro»d«ty, KKaann^»A«f»t

j;,w \uTii--Amu* o2li .2oir. npr.. rC*.

i"* A H»rkne»s.


Jan# ClereUnd--Nifl A»»n of Orcanitt*. July 2*- Ch#»t»T--Order t'n. Aineriran 5I.ii. Aur . .

1. W. J. Note.. 459 E. 22d at..

M O. O. Ne.,1#. 2l». N. 2.d




Interntfl A*«i. of DiiPliymen- Jnuon«e

].'. 18. L. A. H'-g T». 57(17 Weatiak# »t.,



St. Lnuli*--rn. Bro. Of Fri*-nd»hir. Aur 1»

C. G. Williamt, 501 Lafa.Tette »t., Jeffereon

Billing* - Cueter Battlefield Highway A,*n. Aug. 10-11. W. I>. Kiei. r. M.t.hell, S. D.
foiVier 'I'trk--eiMte" Bank-r*' A*,n. July 11^13 A* T. Hibhird. B X IWl. Helena.

K *-;d Bldg.. Chicago. s-,w York--Knigita Temp ar June 15-1.. J.
H. Bonnington, 46 W. 24th rt. New York--Sw. of Ar+ltert*. ^ June le. a.
W. JointoD. 29 W 3»:ii *t. Y -rk--Women * O Ore>e-r»te--ati J^'rTiceJ^-^^*®a"e*_*
June 28-July 1. lira. D. L. Smith. WO Bn#h
#*.. Chicago. Ne>ww Y Yoorrkk---AXmmeprr.. P^bootfoo Encra^'-f*' A*''*o. July
I*?;.!®- LooU Fladen. K.- Monadm k iBtiIaS...
i .1 1 ,, New York--Intemat 1 Theatrical A**n. June

Clereland--Xat'l Amu. Colored Women. Week

Clereland--Photographer*' A>*d. of Amer. July

07.31 8. R Campbell. 722 B<.Dd Bldg.,

Wa«hlngton. P. C.


ci-eeland--.kmerlcan Nafl A'tn. Matter* of

Paneing. Aug. 30-8ept. 6. »}. F. Waltera. 8.5 Orange tt.. Waltham, Mat*.

Cleeeland--Catholic Central Vereln. Aug. 212^ J jneneman, Bug .364. 8t. Paul, Minn.

Clereland--Catholic lAdiet of Columbia. Flrtt week In Aug. Ell*a. Fryberger, fill Third at.,.

Cooiieaat Lake--Order Ktattrn Star^ J


,, y,,

Barnet. .W B. R.be«.. .t

B. rttt*burgb.

Conneaut I-ok.^--Kuigbt* of Pjrthia* \ug 1-

J H. BmUh. Bog ;»4n M.a.PIIIr, It Conneaot I.ak--P.-lta Tan P-lla Krtt t 

^7.25,. g. s. Hemmlck, 22 E. .Tklb .t

York City. Lebanon--B'atr Haymaker*' .%**n. Jule ·<

M. Trumbauer, 8110 Frankford ate.. 1

delphla. Meadevllllllee-- --PP.e-lta Tau Pelta Prat. 4 ,

Glac'.er Park--Pe-la CM Prat. Aug. 2C. O. K.

Patton, a*.! Law Bldg., Iowa City. la.

I-ewUtown-State Medical Aa*n, July 8-9. E.

G.^?BaaUUaamm'`.7tBoo`gg 8M0*.* U UW iiliinngii`."'


M Mr^alaUouullaa-- -sSJ'taatte 3P- -dd of llA^^OVor. June 23. E.



pv.,m a*.o June 16-

r * To^^V^l'-.'^s'^^al'na *· pTracnae

^Feo`nV^ NNilatgrasrrat FPa.lnl*l-L-Oonrdleer3r1'oofV f n' VOOoddndd' JFoellnwW a.' Vg!
!1·*; H. W waallkker,. 31 I'nniioon *m0j-.. N- -w ktrk

CaaunttOoDn, O.

CClleeTveellaanndd-- --II''nn.. OOrrddeerr ooff OOdddd FPeellllooww**.. .Aluugg.. 4 6. W F*. Speak*, .-"1i0o6e Cheatnut avree..,

SSpprriinnggffiieelldd.. OO..


Clevveellaanndd-- --XNaatf'l At«n, Po*atroaa>MteerrBa of t'. S8.

F. <BS. Hemmlck., 7 E. Eighth at..
City, Philllaaddeellpphhilaa-- -PProrotetecctt.eMd Home Cir.el.,
1166.. W W.. 88.. PPaallm meerr.. BBoogg ..VVHll,, S«hha.rr....o^ Philadelphia--Nafl Bet. Hardware aA--

j Jme

H. Maun-on., Bog 11.72, Helena.

C C--tyy.


o...« Tm'ed<e<reteaf*kkeer*.'' A*f*»nb

Aug^ 24 27, W. E. Mannear, Wilkea-Barre, ivi». H. I', Rbeet*. 015 Meyer K .. r Hk

MUaouU-State Pharm. A*rain. July -- L. PFllK.chel, care Par-ehheen lirng Co.. HH.elena
Mlaaoula--A. F. A A. Matona. Aug. l«-20. C. J. Hedge*. Jr., Bog 886666. Helena, Mont.
Mia'eoula-Order .rf P.a.tem Star. Aug. 21-22. Mr*. M. 8. Hugo. Rm. 1. Mantle Bik.. Butte. KFBRASKA
Coinmbu*--American Ix-gion of Neb. Aug. 2426 Frank B. O'Connell. 314 B^chard. at..


`f`V®r f,hh.J .J I1^ W W^^W^ '· l'- «`lbam, I»o «. loin ..'

NNe-Ww York City.

vv -., ee,^-men lJaane

Bt<e>-hceha«tteerr-- --.A4mer. A«*n. of Nnreerymen. June

,, 23-28, Chaa. Bigemore L.ui*;*na ^*0-

Bo. heater--Nat 1 Aasn. of f«mptroIkr». July

21-23. M. A. Fo·o.t.ee. IVailvi.l.eitty \iHeta*lli, trohnlctarkaOc-.

o,*' w Fladd 4 Church at

A R 'Dept Tf N

P«A**n. P. O. Clerka. Aug.
21-27. John J. Grogan. Wheeling. W. Va. Cleveland--Infl Photo Engraver*' fnlon. Aug.
17-23. 11. F. Schmal. 3136 8. Grand blvd.,
St. Ivouia. Mo. ClcveUnd--Foreatera of Amerl'-a. .lug. 24. T.
M. Ponnelly, 275 Grove at.. Jeraey City. N. J.

P'O* ·


Philadelphia--l oyal Orange Inat. J


Wm. J. Kirkland. 229 R. 1. ave.. V w Waehington. I). C.

Philadelphia--Iriah Nafl Foretfera. .\


2.7. P. J. Ijirkln*. 11 Brook are.. It. tbrj^r,

Ma*«. Philadelphia--Nafl A**n. Amateur (),r-
Aug 7. John F. Mulcahy. Bog 74 . N. w




T . ®t»ne^i6®tR^*Alfred \ St'acev'^ Capitol Al- Cleveland-Naf 1 Central 8«c. Aug. 21-28.

York City.

Erlewm--P. M . Order of Odd Fellow* July

16-18. Alfred E. Stacey, lap il. Al

^ ^ Juenemann. 47 W. Ninth at.. 8t. Paul. Plttahiirgh--Weatern Pa Typographi.at . ,r

20. K. T. Golden. 3.33. N. ..^th at. Omaha. ''·pT- o,,,iee^Amer Inat E'ec Engrs Cleveland -- Internafl Apple Shipper*' A.an. July 11-12. H. A. WerUt. filo'8 LVn-.r ,t,;


Omaha--Diaabled Veterans of World War. June

K-27 R A. Laaance. 2840 Melrose ave..

Cincinnati, O.

,, ,



Om.ha-^Mo 7 alley VeteMn.ry 4*sn July IS-

Om;h^-N.fVv;:^rfhand Be^,rtra'-A*Jn. Aug.

Om17a-2h1a.--IAnflC. Aur. 10-12.

L^AG.an-M wnw...

EPltkgh.artH. oIun^de Auguatlne,-83

Crrraaffttaammeenn White ave.

Mltimore, Md.

Wlnmmueca--Order of Eaglet. June 18-20. W. Kennett, 43 State Capitol. Ctri-on City.

NEW HAMPSHIRE Bethlehem--T*. 8. Hay Fever A*sn. Aug. --.
Mx*. Bessie H. tlreene. Box 2tll. Manciies er State Dental 80c. June 10-12. W.
J Moylea. DIfil Kira st. Tbe" We r*-^tate I-etter Carriers' Assn. June
14. Tima. J. Bell, Dover, N. H.
The Weir* Veterans' Assn, of N. H. Aug. 24 2?* Frank M. Bhackford 'I--, NEW' JERSEY
A Ai.bbuurry, PPaarrkk---SSUta.tee EEllkks^s^' Asasn. Latter part of June. K. T. Reed, Box 887, Perth Ambtty.
Atlantic City--Med. 8oc. of N. J. June 18-20.

June 22-26. F. L. H HiuotecW hinosaoonn,. 3.333 W W. 3:»6(Ihh

»t. Saragoga
Rteven* at

, vt.-v-e.e V.dw 4 MacKinnon 6
T^nchiater Mas* V.' Y. nremen'. A-n


Wa'tVrvlIet. 'n. y1'



Syrarcuufacee-- --Sstate Hay DPilrraa.' AARs*a«nn. Aug. 220^-2211. D. C. Jones, Weedsport. N. Y'.
Syracuse--T'n. Order of Perfection. .4ng. 13-1.7.

J. L. Hayden, 66 Parker Bldg., Bohenectady. gj-racu'*e--State' Fed. of I.Abor. Aug. 27-28.

J. M. O'Hanlon, 2.7 8. Hawk st.. .tlbany. Syracuae--Rotal I-adies of orient. .4ug. 13-15.

Mrs. M. Warrington, 563 Main st., Niagaria

Falla, N.

Watertown--Rural Letter Carrier*' .4*-n. July

31-Aug. 1. W. F. Conroy, .41bion. N. Y'. Westminster--Master House Painters' .\*sn.
July 22. I. A. Jacobs, 116 Earl *».. Rochester.

White Plains--tirder of Good Templar*. .4ug.
25-27. Mr*. YI. B. Vlerow, l<i2G| W. Roynor »ve., Syracuse.

_ NORTH CAROLnINCA Asheville--Southern Wholesale Confectionery
Aaan. July 8-10. J. il. Clark, 1037 Hart

1M3. H. G. rhtlllpa. .722 Mercantile
neveland^^A*'^\ *^^4 ^ Vf.D \u* 31 G F. W.Bera. 8.h `oV.nge at Waltham. Maaa.
Cleveland--Daughter* of America. .4ug. 17-19. Mrs. M. C. Roth. 10..2 Home Bar. A U.an
Clfv"ei.nV.liSru of Golden Eagle. Ang.18-
Cleveland--Ladiea of CKilden Eagle. Aug. 18-20. Mrs.-A. Albright. 1220 E. 89th at. Memorial Craftsmen of ,4meTlc*. Aug. 18-21. T. E. Caasidy, 4750 Sheridan road, Chicago.
Clevela'nd--Int'l By. Master B'.aekamlths' .4*an. Aug. 18-20. Wm. J. Mayer, 2347 Clark ave., Detroit.
( leveland--Nafl Rural Letter Carriera' A*sn. Aug. 24-27. L. G. Blackman, Lansing, Mich.
Columbus--The Maiabeea. June 15. G. IL Scott. Norwalk. O.
Columbus--fn. Commercial Travelers. June 2325. W. D. Murphy, 638 N. Park at.
Columbus--The Gideons. July 23-'J'i. .4. B. T. Moore, 140 S. Dearborn st . Chicago.
Dayton--Internafl fonv. of Civitan Clubs. June
mdT.>U" nX'r^J-nn.

Butler. Pa. Pittsburgh--Ixtyal Orange Inst. Aug pi I'j

J. McCUntock. .7216 W. bst.-r at., I ,4. ... ,

Pittsburgh--Ladles' I.oya| orange .4--!. .4.ig.

10-12. Mr*. A. L. Itiiyd, 5*UI6 Stewar- at.,

Philadelphia. Reading--Retail Merchant*' A*«n. of V, \ ,j

10-13. Wm. Bmedley, UlT Cheatnut .t ,


Reading--Order Knight* of Friend*'ilr. tug.

18-20. E. J. Gruver, R. A B. Bldg., .4 · n-

town, r*.

Reading--Pythian Blatera. Aug. 2.7 27. NeV *

F. True, 457 E. Ninth at., Erp-, Pa

Sunbury--Order Bon* of .4merica. Ai.g J-'. .'7.

C. B. Helm*. 1317 N. Broad *f . P i.id- ifi ' Washington--State Pharm. Aasn. June p. ]*.

L. Sallbach. 1431 Blvd. of the All **, Pitt-

burgh. Wllke*-Hirr(--State Funeral Dir* ' .4**n. June

I'>-12. TV. Newcome, 21"T l''Try*»liIe



Wilke* Rarre--Frat. Order of Pel: ·· T 'rd

week in .4ug. 11. P. Finch. fi21 N. lift' -i .

Steubenville. G.

Wilkea-Barr*--State Camp. P. <>. S of '.

.4ug. 27-27, Chaa. BrumnilM'.ms, 1317 S.

Broad st., Philadelphia.


Orarge Atlantic
1.7-16. deipliii Allan ic
Ry. Eich. B .Ttlaotlc City--

Atlantic City--Ordei

23-25. G. E. 1 Uoehester, N. Y.


--. P. J. Smith, Flak Tire Bldg., Kan Claire. Wis. Toledo--Son* A Daughters of Herman. .4ng.
.3-4. Cha*. Behren*. R. F. D 2. Maumee. O. Toledo--Order S<ins of SI. George. Aug. 1* 'Jo.


Aberdeen--Knigbta Templa'*.

July 21 'i-l

George .4. Pettigrew, Slonx Fat!*.

Milbank--American legion of S. D. July 1.7 17.

.\I Jones. TVatertown.

at.. New Haven, Conn. 27-2it.""G.

» v- v t

Grand Fork*--State Pharm. .4«sn. Aug. 4-6.

H. Banks, 231 E. Chalmers arc.. Young*- M itclielt--Simnlsb TVar Veteran*' Eiu tnipiiieeV


June 17-19.

College. N. D.

Toledo--Order of Eagle*. Aug. 10-17. Giorg# R,-,|.td City -- State Retail Menliani*' V**'

Cai»e .May-^;. A. R. Dept, of N. J. ' June 24-

2fi. A. ^3IattlKon 8.T^4 Broad st., Cai« May-^ns of Teterans of N. J
26. G. H. ( arter. 1015 Division st., Trenton.

·l an City-Order 8011* of America 19. u. TV. Smith, 136 CUaiubers sf., 1 liiUips-

TVIbludIdrwgwo.ooodXd-- -- . SSJtta. te Haymakerss' .4*ssn. ,\ug. 1.

H. L. Pierce, 502 Cooisr st., Camden.

NEW YORK Albany-State Retail .Teweli rs' .T.a*n. July 20-

32. ` ( has. K. Sunderlin. 330 E. Main st..

R. hester.


o t,

ilexaiidria Bay--The Maccabees. June 0-11.


Akron-State Retail Jewelers' Assn. July --. k. r. Abrahamsen. k'-J.'*! W. 25th at.. Cleve· .

Akron -- .Junior Order. Aug. 25 26. J. G. Rjehter. Box 378. Canton. O.

Akron--fniv. Craftsmen Council of Engrs. Aug. 4 7_ jl jj carman. 279 TV. Center st.

Cgn,p p^rry-Nafl Rifle Aasn. Aug. 22-8ept.

19 F H Phillips Jr.. 1108 TVoodward Bldg., TVashington. 1). ( .

Canton--8 ate C. E. fnion. June 28-26. F.


·''r'et 511 Clinton Bldg., Columbus.

Canton--Trilw of Ben Hur. Aug. 14-1.>. T\.

C. Gavey, Buffalo, N. Y


.4rdmr>re--fn. Com'I Travelers. June 12 13.

O. L. Bush, Box 1211, TVoodward, Ok.

.Trdnior*--Stale C. E. fnion. June 10 14.

Bertha Wyatt, 314 Empire Bldg., Oklahoma

City. ,

v-,, ! 4s.n P O Clerk* of «>k


j.s RolX" n.'^B.Ji- m^YkUhoma'

Oklahoma City--Nafl Eclectic Med. Assn. June

HI 19. Dr. TV. I*. Best, 10 Banker*' Tr. Bldg., Indianapolia.

July 14-16. K. T. Ibrdahl, HP M t n. l* 1

Bldg., Sioux Falls.

Watertown--fn. Commercial Travelers. June

13 14. N. J. Lind. Rapid City. Watertown--8t*te Ind. Oil Dir* ' .4*'n. Ju;*

17-16. F. n. Buehler. M*'!l**>n.

Yankton--Rebtkah State Asaembly. June 1

Mr*, n. Borland. 221 First st., S. K., Msd


Y'ankton--Order of Odd Fellow*. Jun*


K. B. Raymond, Box 57, Huron.

TENNESSEE Greenville--Order son* of America .4iig. 2".
TV. I.. Bullard. Box 126. Kn. tvlile Cl.ailanooga--Junior Order. June 16-19. J I

TVlImeih. Box 874. Philadelphia. Pa fhattanmiga--State I'lmmi. A**n. Jii'v 21 2.7

W. P. Winter*. 019 Buchanan *'.. Xa-h\lH_ Mcniphl*--Southern Seedtmen'a A**n. Jul> 2<'
2'J. Frank 8. Love, Box 27. Monigonicr'.

York nty.

Ahij-drla Bay--Pythian Sisters. .Tttly 28-31.

Lizzie Frerirhs, 7703 Amboy ave., Tottenville.

N. Y.


27. F. H. Hanson. 872 E. V49th st. fleveland.

ivdar Point--Internafl Assn. Lions Clulis. Jure

2k-9J--JJuullyy 22.. M M.. JJoonneeas,. ..''1W33a 88.. M Miicchhiiggaann aavvee ..



_ .

. .

A*lor..-8tate le ttei farriers' Assn. June 27. K P Holm X-ej ltl*.-k*l..ne .1 IWll.n.l

TEXAS ·Tmarlllo--state Laundrvowner* .4*sn. July
7 9. <1. .4 Lilly, ·A'hi Jefferson Hot. 1. Dslls'

13. TV. M. TVinu, 64 Utica st., Clinton, lumbus.

PorlUnd~Or.Ier of R.d Men. July SI-Aug. 1. f,{'

A**n Ju

N. Y.

Cedar Point--State Electric Light A*-n. July

.M\ln Klevor*. Red Men Hall.

'·TValter D. .\damai,naFrm orn. eyA, **Tnex.

Assn. July 14 17. F. F. Tirr.', 1212 Fuller¬

ton Bldg., 8t. Lotila. Mo.

· Elmira--R. & 8. Masons. .Tug. 24-25. G. E.

a lluteb. Box 477, Roehc'tor.

Ithaca--State Bankers' .Tssn. June 22-24. B.

J., Gallien, 128 Broadway, New York City. Kintston--Ord-r of Red Men. Aug. l'M4. J.

M. Powell, Box 441. Seratoga .Springs.

I>K-kp<.rt--Order of llib* rnian*. Aug. 12-14.

P J Henrv 50 Van Pelt st.. la/ng Island

City. New York.


Mamaroie-. k--Volunteer Firemen's A«*d. Aug.

Cedar Point--Stale Elks' As-n. Aug 21 28

.T. W. Riinney, Elks' CIuli, Colmnlnis,

Chillleothe--American la-glon of Ohio. A'lg

24 27. .1. J. .Sa.slavsky, 3.37 8. High *1. · Columbus.

Cincjinatl--.4m. r. 14-1«. Col. .S.

Fed. G.s.d H. Bonbrlght,

F1ri7e1n2d*B. rewJa.ilnerr


Cin.'ii.nail--Ini'I fnion Journeymen Hor-eat.o.r*

July 20. H. 8. Marshall. H8II 2d .Sat I

Bank Bldg.

Molel. fiih-ago.


«Vi i ' * 

`J't ·h">k Blilg.,

I. '7.^' \ ' '.i

I .




Pr n .,ll|.--Ain. rl. an I-eglon of Ore. Juno 27

Porl'ainl - I'Melfli- N W. Mer.liuiita' .4*»a .4ug. 3 8. E. N. W.'.iii..ium, (kll Or.'gou Bldg


Brigham Clty-Amerlcan Is-glon of flab Aug ,] H J,.iiti K. itiH.tli, Spanish i'ork
b.il; Lake City--Amer. S<.e. Civil Engineer*. j,,,^ ..,0 / U Dynlap. 33 TV. S'.Uh -

N. w T.rk *


Burlington--TrI Slate Funeral Dir*.' Jiini- 23 27. Geo. Sloughton, Claremont. N Ij-
Ilurliiiglon Slat.' F.il, of IuiImt. .Tog 11




June 13, 1925

The Billboard


TTBOINIA --stat,* I'.ar A«»n. 1. , .·i.li r, IKiS Sialf

Alia. 12-H. C. Itldg., Hl* b*

,, Vew-^--Slate I'lri-men' A^an. Anc. 4 i:. K. Uiudla, l`ulaHkl. I .nil--Aimrir!in Aa«D. U. R. Siipta. Jiini*
' n; ta. i. U. Uoihchlld. 4ii*» L'bIod SU., St.
Mil. 1 .niiiel .S«iiiiMTn Slioe Wlioli-salera* Aaaii.
It 1. T. r. K. klarnliall. 41 llayor at.. I l.arii-,*un, S, 1 . K iiii.:iil--orili r of IlibiTnlana of > a. Aii(.
' VI. J. 1'. Ileuael. lik>2 Tatleraou ave., S. W..

i; ... ml--I'riiiT Smia of .tmerli a. Aug. 11-12. ' i: i: .\>iiiiii-. ar.'i iiarinu bmIt . nii'iiil--Kit"' A»«d. (folored). Week of
\ L'. IM. J. S. Diibney, .ATI N. Kir.t at. l; . Miieiid --luil. Order of St. Luke It olured).
We, k of Aug. 3 Mra. M. L. Walker, wul

Kri'iliTleton, X. It.--Kulghla of I'ylhia" .\ii^ A, I', loirlM'll, I'J'J I'ark "t., .Moui vni.

X. It.

llaiiiillun, Ont.--Order of odd Frllowa. June

l.Vl'.t. W, Itrwika,

College >t., Toronto.

IIiintaTlIte, Onl.-- kappa Kiippa Gamma 8<iri>r-

Ity. June STi-July i. Jlra. Delia L. Burt,

IP>x tPJO. Bryan. Tea.

lamdoB. Ont. order Kaatera .`Itar. June 21-

22. Mr*. Rtliel Maleulm 712 Idtgau are Toronto.

Montreal. (Jue.--.tnierlean Eieetro Platem' Kim-

Jniu- JU Jul.v 2. K J. Muelek. 7I4-I Kingaliurg Idrd., .SI, I.oul>. .Mo,

Montreal, Que.--InI'l Fed. Com'l Travelera.

July ll-lll. I>. K. Clink, ll.A S. Dearborn at., ciileaao. III.

Mtmtreiil. (Jiie. -- Ii.t'l Ixtngalioremen'a Aam.



*. ..

» m .v

Bldg,, , ,


-JoiF H-

S.ellaluirjr IWaeh--Si j Vo-w Holler SkatinB Rink. S. <,iacolMiuil, nii:r.
SlirlngUeld--Kkatejway K;uk at Rieeriide l ark, 11. M. I'erkina, oiar.; playi attrurtiona.
Soiithbridge--fliiipodrome Rink. Klanehard Rroa.* Co., propa.; playa attrartiona.
Worreater--I.ineolu Park Holler Bink, Coburn A Irwio, uigrs.
Beaaemer-^lroiidrome Skating Rmk, F. T. Thebert. prop.; playa attrartiomi.
fietrolt--1`alacr Gardena Bink. Edward Siilliran. mgr.: p. lay- a allraetioni.
Flint--iLakealde Park ColUe.im Rink. J. D. Stuart, prop Albert Light, mgr.; playa a trartlona.
JarkaoD--Hague P.irk Rink, J. Albert Odell, mgr.; plaira uttraelion".
Midland--I'aatime Roller Kink. F. Qeinzelman. mgr.; playa attrartiuna
Muakegon-Merrill Rolle" Rink. Wm. E. Mer-

MaiuniuEb Springs--Soldiera, Sailor* A Marine* iteiiuiuo. Aug. 17-22. .AdJ. E. K. Sterling. ki cy. CAUFOKNIA
San Franciaco--Diamond Jubilee. Sept. 5-12 .stin Kraneiseo--Trade Fair. .\ug. 17-22. ban_Jose--Great Weatern Roundup Aasn. Jul.v

COLORADO Denver--Union I.almr Centennial. June 11-21

E. P. Wiley. Mee.T., Room 11 Nevada Bldg Denver--.kuto Ruees., auKp. Denver Auto Race

·ts-n. .Inly lt:-18.

lieuver--Autu Show at Civic Center. Aug. 4 7.


Itanliiiry--Kiremeu* Carnival. Kiehard J. I.eheiiv. i-eey.

July 11-lS

s `,

nl ,1.'1u1-- 10»\inMerl.Wan


... of Va.

Aug. .1.M.2..

.1 A. .V,iehol-i. Jr., 2Pl Slate Ollli-e Bldg ,







\ .r,:inia Itea-'h--Hlgiua Sigma Sigma Sorority.

Ottawa. Out.--ItiBe Aa-n. ooff CC anada.

, Aug.

,Oil*, V Im-"c,'

,I1Jt'i'e.*' --

I clholi)i


, _

Aug. -`. T .o..,. KIf. McDonald. I>iSri.o a7;

rill, mgr.; playa attraetion". Orion--Park laland Rink, Tbomat M.
mgr.; plays attraetioua.
«»Ki"«w-Bl»er.ide Park Hinl. Fred

Reid, Jenk..

.New ilrigbton--World War Veterans' Circua A

Carnival. Juu-- 22 27.

-N-.v Haven--Flower .Show, aiiap. Count.v Hurl. k, .--. 'i pi. 22-23. Wm. J. Ratbgebi'r. secy..

riN Xoitoii *t.


_. Mims F. II. Mai'Kan, ik'PI Urayduii

I liieugo III.


Banlt Ste. Marie--Palace Skating Rink, Wm.


I'urk. .Norfolk.

Regina Sa.k.-Canadian MnUctl AaMa. Juno e Godfrey, mgr.; playa attraction*.

s.ivami.ih--Water Carnival. July lIl-lS. T. P.


.Me rdi e-j--Ri tall Slen lianls' Ae»n. Aug. 1113.

T J .M- wurt. I2'il Empire Bldg , Seattle.

HeU.i.sham--X. W U. al F.«tale A-en. July --.

r. W. Zimmerman. 42.A Abingtun l^ldg.. Port-

laiiil. (ir. .


·,, M

l|e,4ii.am--F. A A. Maaona. June 16-18. H.

W. r.tli-r, Tacoma.

li.eiiiiam--ordi r Ea»U:rn Star. June 18-20.

Mahil C Clark. KM* .Millard at., Seattle.

lilMiipia--IE. A. Manur.a A Kniguta Teniplart.

\i:g. I'l-jS. H. L. Klauan, 412 Hyde blvd.,

Lel.». Dr J. W. .Scane, 83« Un>T. al., Montreal. Q-v.
St. John, X. It.--Ordi r of odd Fellows. Aug. 11-13. J. J. MeKtimoo, Charlottetown, P. E. I., (!aD
Sf . John, .N. H --R-b. kab Aasemlily. Aug. 10-
14. Mr*. Mary K. UarriUftoa, Box 21t>. Bridgewater, .N. S. St. John, .X. It --odd Fillowa' i-^neampment. Aug. 11-13. M. McKean, Buz oil*. I'ictuu,
N. 8.
Toronto, Ont.--Odd Frilowa' Encampmeat. June 111. 8. C. Park*. 32 Mummerbiii art.

gt. Ignace--Grand Boiler Rink, Wm. Albright.





JaekHon--Livingst</n I'ark Skating Kink, C W Payne, mgr.; plays attraetion*.
Winona--Pastime Roller Kink, J. R. Barrett,
prop.; C. J. Freeman, mgr.; plays attrac-

Bt. Cbarlet--Fairyland Skating Rink, 8. K. Chlpman, mgr.
Springfleld--Doling Park Roller Rink W.

."alTold, mgr.



1.1 vv -tun--Water Carnival, aua. D. 0. K/ K.

July 2-4.

ILLINOIS llridgepor'--Carnival, au*p. .Xmerican Legion.
June 32-27. S. O. Beam, aecy.
t'aiiiliridge--tVuleunial (Vleliratiuii. June 10II. .S. W. Pi.pideti.n. -lei V.
EllvrardMville--Egyptian Hustler*' Convention A t ilebratiou. June 11-13. Afldre** Committee. Hoy |!il

Erv'fviwt Auieriian Legion Circua-Baxaar. June

Mpukiiie. oluiipia--H. AS. Maeona of Wa"h. Aug 20.
II ra-e W. T.t ler, Mai-onlc Temple, Tacoma.
K. .itti---XatT Foreign Trade Council. June K. Davia, 1 Hanover Sq., New
\iirk Clly. . .it:l<--.Xmerican Library .X-»ii. July ti-ll. f 11. Milan, E. Band-ilph at.. Chh agd. III.

Turonlo, Out.-- .\mer. Oatc-/patb A**n. Jnly 5-11. Dr. C. J. Gaddi*. 400 S. State at.. Cbicago. HI.
Toronto, l»nt.--tirder of Ea*tern Star. Aug. --.
Mr*. M. E. keyra. MuhodIc Temple, Wasb ingion, I>. C. Toronto, Out.--Order of Forester*. Aug. 24-28. U. E. Bailey. b03 I. O. t*. F. Bldg

n. Jezzard, mgr.; play* attraction*.
NEBRASKA Loup City--Collina tiolden Gate Skating Rink,
B. L. Collina, mgr; playa attractions,
NEW HAMPSHIRE Concord--Contoocook River Park Kink, H. W.
Taylor, prop, and mgr.

l. , 2t>.

llardiu--Ceiiteunial A Iloniecoiiiiog. .Xug. Ih-

21. t'eeil IiijerwdI, chriu. committee.

Prairie City--I'icnic.

Seiit. 4-3.

H A.

·Mattben*. *eey.

Salem--.Koldler* A Sailor*' Reuntoo, auap. Cham

ber of Commerce. Aug. 10-15. 11. Henr Kjiifmtii. *er,r.

· a tl«--.Xlpha IK-Ita IT Sorority. July 5-10. Mr*. J. ti Nell. 1tiI2 Bigelow Bldg.
Ip--.Xlpha tianima S<irorlty. July 18 Mrs. H. Perkin*. '2212 XV. IKib at.. Oklahoma
I Itv, Ok. J,, --Knigbt* Templars. July 28-80. A.

Vrancvuver, B. C --tirder Et.tem Star. June 2!l-30. M. B. Fo.ter, lt>I2Harost.
Vanct/uver--IntT A*'n. Gyro Cluba. Jiil.r 8-12. H* . K* . llarringtuo, rare "HeUn-Bettman Co., CiaciaDatl, O.
Victoria, b! C.`--Knights Templtrit; Aug. 3-4.

t o'TeOt**'f,n?n f ^Kred^k'^'j "^Kenile!?'

m magrr.;· pv llaavy*s attraction*.

^ ^



Asbury Park--Steeplechase K-iIler Rink.

AtlanUc City--Million-Dollar Pier Rmk, W. K.

Lfglon Fair & Homecoming. K. Clark Harter, adj.



l"gau*i)ort--Centennial Celebration. June is-

Sain Kerman, chrra. committee. ji.T,,^wvin2-Fair""vrtiv'?l `aiur'llome c,,minr

Hsmer*ly, Ma-onic T>-mpIe, Indianapolis.

XV. U. Eckhardt. 31S8 Park ave.. Montreij. Shakelford. mgr.


tvrbVanon Sept 2 5 U U Xiehn!?l




Atlantic City--Hesworth Tee Palace. Wm. Then- ,e,`y.

^ '

Salt ·'--Psclflc Coast A*,n. of Fire Chief*. --. J. XV. Steven*. 203 Merchants

Wlnd-or, Ont.--Order of Forestera. Aug. 25-28. A. Martin, 80 Church at.. Toronto.


`iJT.lw*® m' Park Bink, N.

a O.

vWwa.iit.eTM ~

a. A

`bh.n--'oid SettleTM' \y Hayes *e<y


Aug. 20-22.


K\. h.. San rranclio-o.

Windfcor, Ont.--Rebekab Assembly. June 15> Lucky Mason, mgTM,

Naipnralso--Elk*' Celebration. Aug. 18-20.

S.«ttle--IntT Bro. Kloettical Workers. Aug. .M. '.'Las. P. Ford. MaebinisU Bldg., W'asb-

16. Misa Violet Pearce. 139 Essex ave.,


VX hlte«tow»--Red Men Picnic. Aug. 15. Clvde


Alban.v--Mid-City Park Skating Rink. Powers O. Igtiigbner.

.Dgion, 1». C.

Windsor, Ont.--Canadian Order of Foresters. Bros., mgr*.


S-ai'le--Ih'lla rpsilon Frat. Aug. 20-^. H. June 16. A. P. Van Somersen. 84 Market Amsterdam--Jollylaud Park Skating Rink. De* .Moines--Mfrs.' Industrial Expo. l>. r

W. t.ongdon, 10 W. 23d at.. New Y ./V (Tty.

«t., Brantford.


(Tia*. D. Nixon, mgr ; play8_ attraction.-.


L._B. Jeffries.

Tsioria--it. of P. Ixulge. July 27-28. M. S. YXTnnlpeg, Man.--Atsa. of By. Claim Agents. Buffalo--New Grand Central Roller Kink. t!tO Jeffer-on--ronimiinit.y Club Celebration. July

I*- nard, l-'07 South G at

June 17-20. H. D. Moffi*. 1044 .Northern Main *t.. Edward J. Scott, mgr.

10-18. F. O. Batter, secy.

Ti'tnia--Order of Red ilen. July 27-28. V. H. F<«ier. K.'8 S. Steele si.

Pacific Bldg., St. Paul, U na.

Buffalo--New Palace Roller Rink at Brauna Park, B. U. Sberlo<-k. mgr



.<late Elk*' .\s*n. July 13-11.

Olcott--Albright Roller Biik. M. W. Clark,


V 1 tor Zedniek, Elk*' Club. Seattle. XV.aatchee--State 1-etier CarrieTM' Awn.
4. J. XX'. XX'eaver, Tacoma.



prop.; Howard H. Clark, irgr.



.V " J ^ Richfield Spring*--Canadararo Park Skating Cellar--Rare``Meet June m ·>« Kink. Wm. Matteson, mgr.; plav* attractions.




Rliiefleld--State Funeral Dire-'tors' Assn. July'


2*. Frank E. Fol.r, Well*l.urg. XV Va




XV erllng--.'*ljte BankeTM* As-a. June 25-2tl. B<-*semer--Skating Rink at Weit Lake Park,

Bye-Rye Beach Kink, E. P. Barnes, mgr. OHIO
Akrcn--Summit Beach Park Roller Rink, Lloyd Lsvwther, mgr.; plays attractions.

ClifiJu-Friternal Picnic. Aug. 11 13.

Baricen, *e<-y,

Colnnibiis--Soldiers A Sailor*' 24-21*. C. C. Bradney, *·. y,


Dsh Aug.

J. S. nill. Charleston

Jaa Burnett, mgr.

Cincinnati--Skating Kink at Coney Island Park Council Grove -- ( entenuial Celebration At

White Sulphor Spring*--Nafl Fertll xer Aa»n. Birmingham--Skating Bink at East Lake Park Cincinnati--Zoo Ice Kink, C. U. .Miller, mgr.; Pag-ant. .Xug. 19.

June S 11. J. D. Tull. lUlO Arcb Philadelphia, Pa.


Eau Claire--State Funeral Directors' A«'n.

July 2*-.X0. Uobt. 11. KrvMis. 1119 Mich. ave..

Sliehov gan.

R-sver Dam--State Rural Letter Carrier*' A-sn.

July 27-211. W. G. Arle. Sturgeon Bay.

Elkhart Lake--American Gymnastic Union. Jane

2.'' 27. Ernest Herkluts, I5u6 Carson at., S.

S. Pittaburgb, I'a.

F i.d du laic--State i'botugraphers' As>n. Aug.

--. J.

Glander. U.anitowiH',

Gr>,'n lake--Sta'e Pharm. Assn. June 23-

0. Jan.»vll|r


Boh. rg, EdU Claire. Klwin'ls (Tub. Aiig.



td-p.uucr, luoO X. Fourth at., Shclwygan, Wl«.
I.a«'ro**(<--State C. E. .X»»n. June 18-21. Like Geneva--^tale F« d. of I.alior. July 21.
1 J. Handley, 8»k1 Percies Bldg., Milwaukee. M. dlkon--State Dental S«c. July 14-10. Dr.
K. XX'. Huegel. HM King st iiJwauk-e--XV<M>dmca of Amerlea. Jime 21. J.
G. Ray. Rork lalaml. III Miiwiukc,--State Matter House Painters' A«cn.
J ily 28 30. H. F. Moers. 7.T3 4 ullcge aw.. lUi'tne.
Jl Iwaukw--N. W. Mutual Life la*. Co. Agents. J-dy 2(V22. R. P. Tbierluicb. 2.'J ITanktnton Xrcide

MlJluwlysuk2e0e--- 2.5I.nt IC. SAte. reSo.u-mElneeert,rot8y1i1>0ersO' livUenisotn...

Kan-a* City >' 'waiikti---laither I.e-ague of Amer. July
II. Ilihlgcs, 707 Muhlenberg Bldg., L'hlladclfhlt. I'a. ti> kuah--Knights of PythUia. June 16. Wm.
M tilllet. 320 GoM-mitb IDdg., Milwaukee, o- .koaii--state Retailers' As-n. Aug. 1719.

Frank Tallent, mgr. Gadsden--i'avilloD Bink,
plays attractions.



CALIFORNIA Los Angeles--Lincoln Park Skating
Rolpb 4c Rutherford, props.; A. 8.

Rink, Rulpb,

Oi?Vid--Idora Park Skating Rink. Jack Clar-

rlscy. mgr.; plavs attractions. San DIegiv--Mission Beach Skaliug Rink. Edw.
A. . Klckham. mgr.; plays att-ractions.


Bridgeport--Plea-ure Beach Rink. Pleatjre

B-ach Park Co., owser*; Ben T nkbam, mgr.; plays attrictloDa

Merld'en--Hanover Park .skating Bink, Jo*cpb

Durwiu. mgr.


Boise--White City Skating Rink, 0. W. Hull,

mgr.; plays attraction*.

Bloomington--Lake Park Bmk. Fred Wolkaa,
Jr., mgr. t'lilcago--XVhIte City I'ark Skating Bink, Fred

HomVi^h.muT'Wrh'BoUM Blnkl''^ f*rt In mffrfl


Ma":mls-liolmct Park Bink, L. L. Butterfleld.

mgr.; plays attractloas.


«ysn»!T^|l.l,Vlc-*1i>liecaa**uurr»e PPaarrkk SSkkaattiinngg Rhiidnek.. m M. iL,. Christie, prop.
lndianai>olii*--Kiveraide Roller Rink, Boy Byers.

M^ncio--West .Side Skating Bink. Jaa. mgr.; plays attractions. IOWA
Arnolds Park--Park Boiler Rink. L.

Lut. b. A J.

. pla. ys.professional Ice skater*. Cleveland--Piiritas Spring* _lP'ark Roller Rink,
J. E. Gorging, mgr., R. F. D. 2. B- rea. O.
Cleveland--Enrlld I'.eacb Park Skating Rink, the Humphrey Co., prop* ; F. E. Kilbv, mgr.
Cleveland--Luna Park Rink, Luna Park Am. Co., prop.

Lorain-^fens Beach Bink, A. W. Glendenning.

,* ·


-Roller RinY at Moundbuilders Park.

H " ar-- old 11. K-- eetle, m- gr.


Portland--Oak* Park Rink. John F. Cordray.



Allentown--Dorney Itrk SJ^ating Bink. Wm. J Butler, mgr.
H.nileton--Hazel Park Skating Rink, Fierro A

Chirico, prop*: James Stefan, mgr.; plays


Jeannette--Park Skating Rink, Joe Tibirlo, mgr.

Kutztown--Kutztown Park Skating Kink, Wm.

J. Butler, owner: S. B. Bartlett, mgr

Lancaster--Ro<'ky Springs Park Rink, Chas. De

Filippips. mgr.



*1?.^ mgr.; plays attractions. Red Lion--Fairmonnt Park Rink, B. M. Spangler. mgr.; play* attractions.

TENNESSEE Chattanooga--RoPaway Bink, Wkrncr Park,
L E. Miller, mgr. Jicksnn--West End Skating Rink, 0. W.
TroUnger. mgr. Knoxville--Rollaway Rink at Chllhowee Park,
Ja*P<T Drum, prop, and mgr.; plays attrac¬ tions,

Spark*--Picnic. Aug. 27-30. K. 0. MuD'on. secy. KENTUCKY
lA>ui»vllle IFairgroiind*)--P onecr Days' Sik'c . ausp St. John Da.vs' League. June 24-27. A. E Taietltcr, clirni. coniiiiittee.
Olive Hill--Cdeliraiion. XVeek of June 29.
W. F. FNilix, .ecy.

LOUISIANA New Orleaca--Interiiat'i Trade Exhn. Opens
Sept. 15.
RayvIIIe--Pageant, ausp. .Xgrl. Club Festival A**n. June 27.
MARYLAND Baltimore--Moose Convention A Celebration.
June 21-2.5.
Mt. Savage--Home-Coming Celcliratlon. Aug. 10-18. John Xeder, Cliriii. Idiirtnittee.


T-exingtoD^LexingtiMi I'agcant. June

I.iidlow--Celebration. aiiKp


June 29-JuI.r 4.

Tsiinlon--Fllk*' Carnival. June 17-20.

McNally, secy.


CX-'JO HuHpilal.
Bobt. J.

-'drittn-CenleuDlal Telchrahon. au*p. ChamlM*r of (onainon*^. Weok of Juo»* 20
J>'|';«i»-Th'' «r..Ho ''Awakening'' Celebes June 27-July 10.
Itetroit--X'ii-tory Week Celebration June 28July 4. .Xddres* Committee. 1016 Detroit Saving* Bank Bldg.
Flint---Michigan-Made Pr.iduds Expo., ausp.
Metropolitao Club of America, Inc. June 2227.
Port Huron--Stwctacle. ``.X Pageant of Spring". Juno 8-13. Rcbt. J. Real.' muiiaglug director.
Ro.vil Oak--MaHonic Circu*. June 1.5-20. Ad¬ dress Committee. 927 S. Main St.


i.-Ill'.aakiiinol vRKhc-cldritcrcm Gmara-nntnna,.te1ii1oA0 _sFr.'n.^. . Rk..K . nAai..ghBmtalddggo..f tbe Kii

aim ^'oVidasl*vI'.arkrk'*-\M i.iaeJsc"stTttce RRm mkk. `Cc'."pP'*. 'BBeennillt. m mggrr.·.

Corpus Chr1»tl--nolllngoworth's Roller Rink. XI II. HnllingsworTb. mgr.; play* attrai tioms.

Red Wing--Elk*' Carnival. July O-II. St. Paul--Riwanit Celebration A Convention

Mux Klsn. July 4. Addreim Committee. Box

5  iNiygan--Son* of Veterans. June 15-17. X'*l -toildsrd, Sioufbton. XVI*,


·'i·H2i1y.xinA--. SBla.te

Akmb. Harte,

of Optometrist*. Kyansville.


.'-iclMiygan--Un. Spanish XVar Veteran*' Knc. July 1-4. r. K. Prstl.

.Htcri-o* Point--American licglon of Wl*., Aug.

2t> 22. .X \. Peterson. 610 Sycamore st..


.Suin-rlor--si.ite Flk*' AssD. Ang. 13-15. Thi'O.

Bcnfey, Sheboygan.

,, ,, .


J^'fwers' Assn. Jnly --. J. B.

" ll'on. McKinley. W'y.

(i-per--Knights 'remplara. July 8-9. O. F.

"leffen. Cheyenne. Wy.

4 heyenn>--Slate Pharm. Assn. Ant- 10-13. I.esier U. TT*on, Jr., Sheridan,

· hey, nne--Knight* of Pythia*. Aug. 34-25.

H. A. Baiinibach, Iwramie,

oiumierir--Order of o,id Fellnwa1. Juull;yr 7-9.

Thoma* Cottle, B..* 2('.t1. Green River., Wy

M.eridim _ tirder Ha*lern Star. Aug. 177--18.

Mr*. V. G. Jonea, 2116 Carey ave., Cbeyeun**.

Sli rldan--A. K A A. Masoiw. Ang. 19 2t).

J. M. Luwndea, Manonle Teiiijde, CasIh'r.

CANADA Clm.hara-Ma.ler non«. I^lnters' Vssn July
*·11. A. J. Ihivls, .57 Queen st.. W.. Toronto.

Club Roller Bink. Geoff* O.

De, Miin"«-M.ryel Roller Rmk. Mat Kromer,
pn>p. and mgr.; pUy* attraction*, Oc* Molne*--Hl.erview Park Skating Biak,
L. R. lAiwe, mgr.: ^s^ji^attractions.

foffeyyllle -Skating Kink. K. B. Burgeea, mgr;

pl.iys attraction*

Pittsburg--College Holler Rink, Phil O. narvey,

nigr.; plaT* attraction*.


Winfield--laiwe'* Boiler Bink. 0. H Low*.



Peaks Island--Majestic Skating Rink. 0. P,

Farr, mgr.

Bn a.l.tIlmore---- CarIlIin I'ark Skating RRiinnkk, W Wm m. PF.

HIggma, mgr.

,, ^

Cumberland-Narrow* Park Roller Rink, Brie*

·Xmiispinent Co., prop*.; A. C. Bik*, Bgr.;

plays attrartiuo*. MASSACHUSETTS

Fitchburg--Whalorn Park Kink, W. W^ Sar-

gen. mgr.; plays attractloiisr

North Attleluiro--l yric Amusement Hall RulL r Kink, Jiiltii* l-evensou. prop.; Patrick J. Hannon, nigr.; play* attraction
Oiik Uliiffa --Pastime Skating Rink. Monahan A

XX'helan, mgr*.; plav* attraction*

Revere Beacb-Hollaway Holler Rink. E W.

McCarthy, prop, and mgr.; pla.v* attmcHon*.

Fair Park Roller ftink. P. O. Cameron, mgr.; play* attraction*.

June 22-25.


Tho*. B. narrit, mgr

Ad dres* Secretary, I,. Box.

UTAH Salt Lake City--Mamuioth Skating Rmk at
Saltair Beach, H. WilHamt. mgr. WASKINOTOM
Seattle--Roller's Rink, H. O. Koller, mgr.;
plays attractions.
WEST VIRGINIA Huntington--Camden Skating Rink. H. 0 '

CoatesTiRe--Fox Hunters' A**n. Camp Hunt. S*pt. 7-13. Chas. .Melvin. *ecy.
Cnliimhla--Fair A Emancipation Celebration Xug. 4. Sam O'Neal, aecy.
Flat River--Masoaiic Celehratioa. June 29 July 4. J. XI. Leach, ehrm. committee ,
Glenwood--Inter*tate Reunion. Aug 26-29. ' O Thonil>*«n. *ecy.
Kan*a* City--Horse Show, Poultry A Pet. SlorX*

nigr.; plays attraction*. SistersTlIle--I'tden Park Skating Rink. S
N. M. Traction Co., mgr*. WISCONSIN

Show. Cat and Dog Show, in .Xmerlean Royal A RIdg. Not. lt-`21. F. H. .Servatln*. »eey.

Miller--P'cnie. Aug. 14-13. H. M. Phillip*,



Gt^h^6a»un,Bamyg--r. Park Roller Bink. Winfred Unihe- Orleans--Pl**nic.

NEBRASKA -Xug. 26-28

George B. Bey-

Menasha--Brighton Beach R.iler Rink. Jo*. nold", secy., f*''!. ·\,m.^l<;*n Legion.

Steidl. mgr"


Milwaukee--Marigold Gardens Sksting Rink, .xMantic City--Beauty Pageant.

Sept 8-12.

plays attraction*

Armand T. Nicbolt, cars Chamber of Com-

CANADA Eric Beach. Ont.--Erie B*-acU Skating Rmk.
J. T. Shcrloi'k. ivgr. namilt.n. Ont.--The .Xrena Ice Kink, 11. P.
Thonipo'in, mgr.; play* attraction* Montreal. One.--Mount Hoyal .Xrena Skating
Rink. 0«car Benoit, mgr.; plays attractioM.
T.w.mto, Ont --Riverside Skating Bink. C. W. Smith, mgr; pUty* attractiona.

men-e, dir.


Atlantic City--Radio Expo. Sept. 28 27.

Ilanmionton--IVlebratlon. au*p. Fire Dept.

July 6-19. J. L. Schenk. *e»y. MEW YORK

l^M'kport--Old Home Week. Jnly Z2-'i8. J*bn

Moon, chrm. committee.

New York--Radio Expo, in 258th Field Art.

.Xrmory, Sept. 14-19,



The Billboard

June 13, 1925

--Huflkon Valley Firrisec a A,eD. Jjm ^'totfard Ctauttnqna Eeatrm. >U 8. 12tk «t., Sharpsburg-Edlnburg. Ill.. Aug. 23-80.


lyj). Wm. Kniglit. turm. i-ommitiee.
K,-uBiir*--F^remen'i Olebration. June lE- %. V aIVy * itjr--Amerkao Legkin ('eiebration.
W.-ek of July 6. Fred J. Frtdrlchaoa. com-

I.ic' ln. Xeb Svarrkiiiofe Cbaottuqua A<»d.. Bwarthts^'n
Pi , Paul M Pearaon. direetoT. Toledo Chautauqua Sjatem, MW Xatioaal Banh
Bldg . Toledo. O

Taylorville. Ill., Aug. 16.23. Tama-Toledq, la . Aug. 1319. Tuei-ola. IIL, July 8-12. 3iptoo. Ind., .Aug. 2-6. Vandalla. HI.. July 9 13.

Center Haodwicb - July 23 30, Edith 8. gulmi.v Keene--July 29. Clias. G. Shedd. Tilton--July 24-29. Mabel Blake.


IrBTera Cbautanquaa. S:7 G<«d Block. IVa Vevay. Ind., Aug. 4-9.

RcmardaTlIle--Aug. 27-29. May Trumbull.

OHIO AkroB--Ontennial Celebration. July ;jO-22. F.
MaD<'tte»ter. dir. of cone. » lilUlcotne--Carirttua, auap. Co. H. 166tL In-
fantry. July 2T-Aug 1. CliM'ouati--Pure Food Expo., kt Cheater Park.
July 28-Aug. 9 Ciryeland--Lakewood Elki' Clrcua. Week of
July 8. Dewliier--Firemen'a Celebration 4c Convention.
June 15-2'!. CeriuantowD--c.'ommunity Fair. auap. Itauzh'era
of Amer. June lf>-20. l.akewo<M]--Elka' Celebration. Week of July
H. Hoott H. Cooo. ae<y. Xeweomera'ow D--American Legion Caraival.
Pilot week In July Homeraei--Pumpkin j«Low. Sept. 10-12. W. H.
Ntebola. aecy. ZaaeaTllle--Pumpkin Show. Aug. 24-29. S. T.
Price, aecy.. ll.l Woodlawn ave.

OKLAHOMA Ketebum--Radium Kpringa Picnic.
Q. *P. lift,bee, levy.

July 1-4.

Moinea, la.; rrona C. Traeera. pre* tVrtterB Welfare Chaitaugua. P;eree City.
Mo.. F. M. Prjce. prea.- A fr. mgr. White A Mrera' CtauUoqua P'-atem. Hallway
Ex-hanre Bldg.. Kanaaa nty. Mo.; J. f. - White, pree; Mere .and Brown, mgr.
1925 Independent
Chautauqua Dates
-tbiurd'n. Ill.. Aug. 1*1-21 .trianum. O.. July 2"-Aug. 9 AtehliKPU. Kun.. July 18-22. ·tHderaon. Ind.. Julv 8-12. Alton.-Ill.. July 11 15. Aledo. Ill.. July 31-Ang. 4 Ame». la.. Aug. 3-T ·tllerton, la.. Aug. 11-16. At'lca. Ind.. Aug. H-23.

Waba-h, Ind.. Aug. 23-30. Washington. It , Aug. 12-19. Winona Lake, Ind., July 20-Aug. 13 Waterloo. la.. Jnly 2-7. Whitehall. Ill.. Aug. 16-23. Worthington. Minn.. June 21 2^^. Waukegan, IIL. July .5-9. Winterset. It.. Aug 4-8 Aanktnn, 8. D., June 29 July 3.
Chautauqua Dates
COHHECTICUT Madison--Aug. 8 7. Mrs. W. H. Mctcrole. New Milford--July 1-6
MAKTLAMD Easton--June 16. Wm H Ki mp.
MASSACHUSETTS Adams--July -JO-.Aug 1 R H. Krn»t. .Athol--July 11-1.-.. J. C. Hill

HEW TOBK Amenla--July SI-Aiia. 4. A. C Morriaon · ·loveraville--July 26-Aug 1. J. E. Merrlt* lludmn Fall*--July 17-I8. I* K. l-ewU .Nortbport-Aug. 8-12 Mrs. Aland K. llenvhei p<.rt Jefferson--Ang. 4 8. Nellie K. tlurnei ' IVelUvIlle-Aug. B-ll. Paul M. I'avie Whitehall--July 20-27. Tbo*. KUsane.
PEVHSYLYAHIA Athena--Aug. 8 8. J. H. Kelley. I antoD--Aug. l-T K. C. tirliwold. Eaat Slroud»burg--Aug. 7.|2. A. P. flreen Hlihrata--June 10-1.3. L. U. Ilaikmaa l.ewlsburg--July 31-Aug. 6. Mlaa H. M. L/ni l.ltlta--June 11-16. Mra. W. D Moodr. Mahanoy City--June 26-Jiily 2. Dwight fl
.McCann. Montro»e.-June 23-31. Bobt. M. Hamiiwm.
Monnt Carmel--June 27.July 2. H. (). Mn>er Palmertnn--June 2.5-30. A. K. RPter. I'arkerxburg--June 8-12. Mri. Mabel McMIItea Pb ture ItiM'ks--Aug. 18-28 Bar «L Fry. Reading--July 1-7. Kill. M. Stamm. Snnhiir.v--June `JO-July 5. tJeo. B. .Nevia.

Tulaa--internal r Petroleum Exik). Oct. MO. Edward r. McIntyre, gen. mgr.
OREOOK Portland--Boae Featival. Week of June 15. PriMTlIle--American l egion State Conaect.on

i-ramera. M MiinUn..-``Jj^u_nnee^-._-.J2-2«« IlelleTUP. la,. Julv 5-8. Il'Minville, Mo.. July 13-lT. llellefoDtalDe, O.. July 14-18. PKiwIing <«r* en. <l.. July 17-21.

-North Adams--July 9-15. Sterling E, Smith, ttrtngc--Jtily 1,3-17. Mrs. G. W. .Andrews. Pitt-Oeld--jIlly H 15. Mrx. A. AV Patten. Townwnd--July 14-18. T. J. Harvev. Ware--July 11-16. Mist A. L. Breckenridge.

West Chester--Aug '22 25 L. K Ktubha VERMONT
Rutland--July 15-19. |.,,ia m. Tye.
VIROINIA Parksley--Jane 13-18. W. K. Dever.

4e Hodeo. June 25-27. R. L Bchee. aecy. Beilerille, O.. July 18-22.


Brtddof k--Klock Pnrty, ·U'p. Afr^-rictn 2<^»*27, JtmHi Ja McK<*^T*'r, chrm.


Aug. ·O-a,.'.

Caraegle--Elk*' Carulral. Aug. 15-22. II. «J.

-Strotia aecy

l!-ll.e*<Ur O.. July 2..-Aug 9.


Franklin'--Old ' Home Week Celebration Aug. 9-15 1 D Gent aecy
Oramplan--Celeoratl'on. July 22-25. T. P. Henburn aecy
Hootadale-PIremen a Celebration. Week of Aug. 9. .4d-lre.« Iloutxdale Fire ( %
McKeet Kix k--Street Fair. Aug. 22-29, H. D. Porter, aecy.. 821 Hu^aellwood ave.
Xew Caatle--Ceniennlal Celebration. June 20-
July 4. Harold C. Hunter, aecy. PhoenixTllle--Old Home Week Celebration.
June 28-July 4. Clarence A. fltearna. chrm. committee. Wllllama Grcrn--Farmera' A Indu«trial Picnic.
Aug. 81 1). It. Raker, eecv.. Dlllaburg, Pa. SOOTH DAKOTA
Deadwood--Daya of '76 Celebration. Aug. 12-

:* T,.'`r.** .'V'**2.. * a>liz. O.. July 3(>-Aug. 8.

Cba'itauqua O. July 31-Aug 10

< olumbna Junction, la . Aug. 18-22.



! ,


,, ,,



fi'!I kIPJ*.!,,

T''! on,


City. Ind , July _J-Aug ..

Vi", < Union. Ind.. Aug. 9-13.

I 'tlumbla City. Ind.. Aug. 23-27.

J Kurl^w;/ nV.^ iug

Miller--Klremen'i Tournament. June 16-10. A.

B. Cahalan. prea.. Commercial Club.

l iL

' . V*'.Tlo

ParkatoD--Community Celebration. Sept. 7-8.

n" T.?ie

C M. Rchllmgen, aecy. XUf|fEgg££

14^ f,


l^]t. Madlfcon. la., July 24-28.

Huntingdon--American I.e-glon Camiyal A Cele-

bratloo. July* 2-4. IHOIKIA

?ttrinDpila la.. Aug. r.llle^ple. 111.. July 10 14.

Orange--Piremen'a Fair. July 4. M. A. Bar- i.aleaburg. III.. July 24-29.

bee, rliairman committee.

Creenahtirg, Ind., July 31-Aug. 4

Pulaakt--American Legion Oarniyal. June 20- Ccorgetota n, ().. Aug. 4-8.

July 4. E. P. Buuta. mgr.

Gibson City. Ill.. Aug. 19-23.



T. ov


bpokane--Dog Show, au»p. Pair Aaan.

Geneaeo, Ill.. Aug. 16-23. o . Grandview, Ind., Aug. 1-9. Sept. Hamilton. O.. July 12-16.

ViBconyer--Centennial Celebration. Aug. 4. WI8C0H8IH

July *-

La CrMie--Gala Trade Carnlyal auap. MercbaD'a' .ksan. July 10-18.
Waterloo--Homecoming at Piremen'a Park. Aug. 8-6.
Watertown--State Piremen'a CotiTentlon A Tournament A Mid-Weat Pire Apparntua A Equipment Expo. June 15-20. H. H. NieBeyer, gen. dir., 28 E. Cook at.. Portage,

KHchener, Ont.--Old Boya* Reunion. Aug. 1-8. Oeo. DeKleinhaua, aecy.

Chautauqua Bureaus
IVDEPEVDENT OHADTADQDA BD&EAD8 /lolt-Alber Indepondcnt Chautauqua Compaay,
839 Orchestra UIdg., Chicago, Ill.; 0. B. Btepbensou. aecy.-treaa. Co-Operative Chautauquaa, 705 R. Center at., Bloomington, Ill.; James H. Shaw pres.; A. P. Laughlln. vlee-^rei.; Ruth H. Shaw, aee.y. Lotr Independent Co-Operative Chautauquaa, Bloomington. 111.; Jaa. L. I-oar, mgr. Paramount Artist-' Service, 28 W. North at.,
Indianapolis, Ind.

Higginaville, Mo.. Jul.y2-81: 6-20.
Hannibal, Mo., Aug. 23-30. Hale. Mo.. .4ug. 26-30. Iowa City, la., July 31-Aug. 5. Iowa Falla, la., July 1-5. Jefferson, la., Aug. 9-16. Jefferson City. Mo., July 1216.
JaeksnnTille, HI., Aug. 22-27. King City, Mo.. Aug. 23-30. Kenton, O.. July 26-Aug. 2. Kankakee. Ill., Aug. 23-27 Leavenworth. Kan., July 17-21. Lincoln. Neb., .tug. .V12. Lebanon, Ind., July 7-11. Lltehfield-llillaboro. III., -tug. 9-23. Lakeside. O.. July 6-Aug. 26. I.ancaater. 0., Aug. 9-16.

Ligonier, Ind.. Aug. 9-18. Llueoln, HI., -tug. 9-23. Munole, Ind.. July 9-13. Mattoon, III., Aug. 16-23.

Marshalltown. la.. Aug. 2-6. Middletown. O., July 13-17. Mankato, Minn.. June 27-JuIy 1. Mola-rly, Mo., July 14-18. Mansfield. 0., July 21-25. 31*rlon. O., July 23-27. Mechanlosburg. 0.. July 26-Aug 2. Ms'luoketa. la., July 28-Aug. 1. Marysville, O.. July 28-Aiig. 1. Musiaflne, la., July SO-Aug. 8.




Acme Chautauqua Syatem, Htihbell Bldg.. Dei
Molnea, la.; W, 8. Rupe A Helen H. Sloan, mgrs.

Ctdmean Chautauqua Assn., 310 Crawford Bldg, Topeka, Kan.; C. Benj. Franklin.

pres.; E W. Carson, gen. mgr.. Champaign, 111.; Ralph W. Sqalres. dir. Cf-ntrai Coumunitj Chautauqua Syttem. .2S W, North it.. lD<1iana|>o1it, Ind.; Ix>ring J. White-

side, pres.: Harry Z. Freeman, gen. mgr.

Civic Chautauqua Festival Assn.. 29 W. North

St.. Ind.anap«Il.. Ind.; Harry 2. Freeman.

_ * "

rti. .



Comuinnity Ohintauqua Inc.. Church and

Grove streets. New Haven, Conn.; Iiortng J.

Whiteside, gen. mgr.; Cary H. Turner, aaat.

gen. mgr. OomtnioD Chautauqoaa, 410 Burnt Bldg.,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada; J. M. Erlckton.

mgr. filllioa-Whitc Chautauqua Byatem, 333 E 10th

at.. North, Portland, Ore.; J B. Ellison, gen.


Elliaon-Wbite South Rea Ohautauquaa. Box 498, Ancklao.l, New Zealand; M. E. Paget, mgr.

Intarnational Cbauttuquaa, Bloomington. -HI.;

Jaa. L. Loar. mgr.

Mutual Chautauqua Syatem. 632 McCormick
Bldg., Chicago; Prank A. Morgan, prei.; Glen MacCaddam tales mgr.

R.idvllffe Chautauqua Syatem. 805 807 Sixteenth

St.. N. W.. Washington. D. C.; W, L. Bad-

clilff*e, CgcMa. m »rgrr..

Bedyath Chaattaqnaa, Kimball Bldg., Obicaga,

Ill.; Barry P. Harrison, mgr.

Bedpath-Vasrtcr Chantaaqaaa. Cedar Baplds,

la.; Keith Tawter. mgr.

Redpatb Ohautaaqua lysteai. Whits Plaias,

N. T.; C. A. Pitn, ffree.

Bedpatb Chaataoqaaa 85 t. Etxth at. Oolam

baa. O.; W. . Harrlaoa


Bedpath Baraer OhaatanquaI. 8004 Troart mL,

Kauai nty. Mo.; Chai, K. Hamar, mgr.

`mL turnon. Ili., Aug.

Moviticello. III.. Aug. 19-23.
Maeomb, III., .tug. 9-16. Madison, Ind., July 30-Aug. 6.

Maysvllle, Mo., Aug. 18-23. MeConnelsvllle. O.. Aug 1-9.

Mcadvllle. Mo., -tug, 23-30. Merom. Ind.. Aug -`0^
Ill., Aug. 20--^. Moon** nill. Ind.. Auk. 1-h

''""V, ^


v 1,?" n'i ®



r «.,0

New Carlisle, O.. Ang. 1-9. otumiwa la July 23 ''7 Oakland.'la.!' Aug. 9 16 owatonna. Minn.. June 26-30
Ottawa, III., July 6-10 Osceola. la.. July 22-2«;. Oskahxisa, la . Aug 13-20
Pana. 111., Aug. 14 18. Petersburg. IlL. Aug. 12 19 Pnntlae, IlL. July 23.Aug. 2. I'i<iua, 0., July 24-Aug. 2. Princeton, III., July T-1L Portland. Ind., July 10-14. Painesvllle. 0 . July 20-24 Plain City, 0., July 26-Aug. 2.
9-13. A'iS. ^ eru, Ind., .Aug. 24-28 g< <J Wing. Minn., June M-26

5R®us'^h'v'1ille*·. Ind.,' A*"n*g·. I91I4?-. Shelbyvllle. IIL, Aug. 2-16 Silver Lake. O., July 36-Anf. 12. Sycamore. Ill,, Aug.* 22-80. ·Sedtlia. Mo.. July 15-19. St. Peter. Mina.. June 21-28 Stillwater. Mina., June 25-29. Spencer, la.. Jnly 1-S. Rfcelby, O . July 21-26. Rbelbyrtlle. Ind.. Aim. d-®. SnlHwa. JIL. Aog. ft-lt.




Utamattanal Varlaty A TBantrlcal Agoary, lae ,

Amalgamatad Vanda. Agancy, 1441 Broadway.

318 W. 494.

Andaroon A Wabar. 230 W. 48th


Ar^auxa. Andy, TT4 Union ava., Bronx. Hew Jackal, Joha C.. Inc., 1581 Broadway.

Aibland. Wilfrad, 1669 Broadway. Aaaoclated Theatera. 214 W. 49d Atwell. William E.. 245 W. 47th at.

Jacobo. Mlaa Jaala, 1474 Broadway. Jermna, Ruab. 701 Seventh ave. lohnson A liowensteln, Inc., 219 Strand Thn-
ter Bldg.. 1579 Broadway. I'onaa, Bert, 406 Loaw'a Anaet, |80 W. 49th it

Baerwlti, SamntL 190 W. 49th

. orden. Jack. 414 Loaw'a Annex, 160 W. 49ih at

Baker. Bob. 190 W. 46th. Becker, Herman, 148 W. 49th.
Benedict, Phil P.. 1403 Broadway. Benthaa. M 8., 1594 Broadway. Bernard, Lester. 245 W. 47th *t. Rtrnatein. David. 1540 Broadway. Iberbsuer. Charlea, 1607 Broadway. Blnkoff, Harry L., 473 9d avt. Bloch, A L.. 503 W 179th. Block A Barmore. 145 W. 45th


Eeeaey. Frank A.. 1493 Broadway.


r.. VnadawlUa Kxaknnffn. 1594 B wav.

Keller, Edward 8.. 1564 Broadway

Kennedy, Tom, Palace TTieater Bldg . 1'e>4

Broadway. Keany, amnal J.. 1594 Broadway.

Eeaaler. Aaron. 345 W. 47th.

King, Mlaa Praneaa K., 1594 Broadway

Bloom. Ctlla, 1594 Broadway.


Blua. John J.. 233 W. 61tt

t-amhert, OUy, 1409 Broadway,

Bradley. Lillian. 1579 Broadway.

l-awrea. Joa., 390 W. 43d.

Brecher. Leo. 638 Mad. ave

La Malro, Bnfna B., Inc., 1499 Brnadwty.

Breed, Charlea 8., 1564 Broadway

Leo, Joe, 1493 Broadway,

Braanaa. Oeorga H., 1403 Broadway.

l-evine, Herman. 345 W. 47th ot.

Brill. Sol. 1540 Broadway

lewis. Sam. 245 W. 47tb at.

Broadway Varletlaa C«.. 3884 Broadway -

Lewit A Gordon Praduclag Oo., Inr , Times

Brookf, Morrit A Freeman. 1493 Broadway


Brown, Mlaa O. W., 1584 Broadway.

I.«wia. ,ark. 1583 Broadway.

Buckley A Sullivan, Inc.. 1807 Broadway.

I.Inder. Jack J., 1576 Broadway.

Bnrka, Bernard, 1881 Broadway.

Idieb. Jack B., 1531 Broadway.

Burka, Btlllo. 1495 Breadway.

Laow, Marana, 1549 Bsnndway.

Bnab, Phil, 1493 Broadway.

Ixtfodaa. Mlaa OUy, 1547 Broadway

Canter, Law. IdO W. 44th. 'apitol Theatrical A Muaical Service, 245 W. Cargill. Jerome H.. 1576 Broadway,

lx>wa. Maxim P.. 140 W. 494 Losreaatela, Max J., 1579 Broadway Lyons, Arthnr 9., Theatrical Eoteryrlaes.
345 W. 47th.


Carpantar, B. J., 1403 Broadway.

raaey, Pat, Dmmatle Agency, Inc., 701 7th.

MacGregor. B. J., 1483 Broadway

rhooa. Geo., 110 W. 47th.

McNally. John J.. Jr . 187 W. 48tb at.

Cellina, H. D., 1493 Brondvray.

Maddock. C. B.. 187 W. 48th.

Connors, Jack 1658 Broadway.

Mandcl A Boor. 160 W 46tb.

Coaaaltdatad Thaatrleal Baterprlata, lac., 1588 Mana. Joe, 1658 Broadway


Maiinalll. H. B. Ltd . 345 W. 47tb.

Cooper, Irving M., 1807 Broadway.

Marion, Dave. 1588 Biwadway.

Cornell, Charlea, 15MI Broadway.

Markua. Folly, Faadevllla Agracy, Btrand T) ea¬

Coracll, Joha, 1530 Broadway.

ter Bldg.. 1547 Broadway.

Ooaby, Vivian. 160 W. 46tb at.

Maxwell. Joe. lac . 700 W 179th.

Cowan, Jean Eugene. 245 W. 47th at

Maynard. C. O.. 314 W. 4td

Oaady, Ned. 148 W. 4dth. Davia, Al, 1547 Broadway.
Davidow, Edward, 1498 Broadway. l»elL BilLv. 245 W. 47th at Dempsey. Paul. 1.5fi4 Broadway. Devlin, James, 245 W. 47ih at. Dow, A. A B.. 1547 Broadway. Driscoll, Dave. 500 Astor Bldg.
Duffus. Bruce, 1579 Brondwiy, Dupree, Geo.. 1.347 Broadway.

McCarthy. J. J., 1476 Broadway. MrGulre. B. C.. Oo., 345 W. 88th. Mrgley, Marklln M.. 845 W. 47th. Malvlllc. Frank. Ine.. 830 W. 43d. Mlrhaclf. Joa. 160 W. 49th Miller. Horry, Co., 1479 Broadway. Mills. Robert J., 345 W. 47tb at. Moors-Magloy Oa.. 345 W. 47th. Mooaer, Oae.. 317 W. 45th. Morris, Jaa., 701 7th ave. Morris. Phil. 345 W. 47th.

Ooraad, Paul, 1563 Broadway.


Eckl, Jaa., 1488 Broadway. Edwardt, Oua, 1531 Broadway Fichner, Manny, 1545 Broadway. Clliatt. Wm.. 104 W. t9tb Bvaaa, Frank, Ine., 1594 Brandway.
Callow, Bam. 180 W. 44th. Pa rnum, Balph O., 1594 Broadway. Pelnbarg, A.. 190 W. 49;b.
Peldmaa. N. 8.. lae., 1493 Broadway
ritagerald. H. J., 330 W. 48th riUpatiiek A O'nonnell, 160 W 4eth. Fnrey, Charles H., 110 W. 47th at Plyaa. Jack D.. 1564 Broadway, tord, Mai. 1674 Broadway. Itox. William. 136 W. 49th.
fkiadmaa, Jaha E., 318 Bamax Bldg.

(The 0«' lsl Onso of ths VsrUg Artliiss' Pe^erttlqn and all otbar Varlaty Onanltallon* I
Tka LIva Paaae. The TIma-Taaltd Madiam fa> EVERYBODY la BrKlah VtadavHla. ADVERTISINO RATES
Whala Pafa .W* g

'Jarran. Jaa., 160 W 46tb

lerbar, Alex. 1907 Broadway.

I loldaa. M . 160 W. 46th at.

Gaidar, t.ew, 1564 Broadway.

9rady, Billy, 1564 Broadway.

Srau'a, Matt, Agency. Nhw York Tbaatar Bldg.

I Irlaman, lam, 1499 Broadway.

Groasman. Al, 160 W 46th

Sraaa, Howard, Jr., 110 W. 471b


aallatt, Laola. 1488 Broadway.

Hart, Joe.. 187 W. 48th


Mart. Max. 1540 Broadway,

flarvay, Charlea J., 1403 Broadway.

Haailfiga, Baa. 160 W 45th nathnway, O.  , 1478 Broadway.

Henry, Jaek, 1807 Broadway,

nsrman. Al. 348 W 47th.

HiraAfald. M.. 1441 Brandway.

naebay, Milton, 110 W. dtth. . Hognrty, JaAn  , 300 W. tSd

Hun, S. H,, 1409 Broadway. n^oo. Anna. lot.. 1891 Braniway.

Third Pa«s .*· K Quartar Paa* . ·} J® Sixth .. JSJ
Wide Ctleaia. ear laah . 5.09 Narrow Calaaia. par lech . 3 W
THE PERFORMER la RIad at all THE BILL90 ARO OMcaa In Amarisa.
HEAD OFFICE: 19 Cborlaa Craaa Road. Laidsa W. C 3.
SCOTTISH OFFICE: 141 Bath Straat. Blaaaaw


with Wblab la li



Osvartni. In n Tnda Paper sriy Iba whala »ii»*
I ritld ar Anatralla aito Maw BaalanA lufileailawa; BttimlaL BAlTTIB
Bwtoma. H. V. BAimN. IM BmMNMB*


ll«rrt«, Wa., 14N Braadwir. Morrii A rtll. 15T# Broadway.
B A., ntatriral Botrri Broadway.
Nidel t K.. MS West 46tb. srwman Dare. 768 Jaekaon i Kew York Thaatrical Eirkai
.s'lh, Meyer B.. 140 W. 44th
O'Meal, James, 140 W. 44th at. Oryktum Olroait Oa., 1544 Breadway.
yiflla, Amoa, 346 West 47tb. raaUgea' Taadawtlla Olroult, 1413 Bread way, IVarce. jirthur, 15«4 Broadway. Peebiti, John C . 1562 BroaUw.iy 4#opla a Yaudarina Co., 1540 Broadway. Plorus. Harry. 140 W. 44lh. riiwmtr. Walter J., Agency, Ine , 245 W. 47th.

Rsth. Fred. 140 W. 44tb.

Kapt A Culdar. 1544 Broadway.

KrJelaheimer. L, 225 W. 40tb.

Rernea. Maurlea

10 E. 43d

Rtrnolds. Oeorga W.. 145 W. 45th

ilialto Vaudarlllt Bspraacatatlaa, lac., 1543


Sica A (;raham, 1540 Broadway.

Riley Dirk. A Riley, Kddie. 245 W. 47tb.

Roktiina. Joha A..<1444 Broadway.

Roabm A llcharda Ca., Inc., 1571 Breadway.

Rooney. Tom. 1579 Broadway.

R.i.e A Curtia, 18t>T Broadway.

R.iaenberg, Haary. 113 W. S4th.

Rycroft, Frad, IW W. 4dtb.

Oladdrn Booklof Offleta. 8t W. Raadolpk at. Ouldbarf, Law M., b4 W. luodolpk at.

Ilalperin-.thapiro Agency. lOO N. State at Herman, Bam, IIP N. (3ark at. II wett Bureau, 410 8. .Mtelilgan bird. Horwita, Arthur J., ITT N. Stata at. Howard, Monte, 34 W. Riodolph. Howard A Doll, 34 W. Randolph. Uubb A Weston, M W. Randolph at.

Independent Fair Booking Kxcliange, W. Uandolph at.
Inlleld. Mort, 56 W. Randolph. International TaudsTllla toehaaga.
Randolph at.

Jaekaon, Billy, Agaary. ITT N. SUte at. Ja-oha. Wm., 64 W. Raaidotph at Jbhuitona, O. B., 66 W. Randolph at.

Keith. B. F., TaudeTllla I^chaa Stale at.
Keougb, Ka, 54 W. Randolph. Kiiigaloa Vandartlla Booking Ata
LaSalia at. Kl.'in, Mart.n. 3621 8. Sla'e at. Kraus, Lee, Inr., 177 N. State at.


I.evey, Bert, Clrenit, .54 W. Randolph 'at. Luew, Marcus, Western Booking Agency, Suita
(·Ot Woods Theater Bldg.

M A E. Agency, 108 N. Dearleirn at. MacDonald Groff Oenesrt Oo., 3434 W. Madii
Mack A Berger. 177 N. State. Maine, Billy. 34 W. Randolph at. Marsh, Edward. Amusement Exchange (Fairs),
159 N. State St afattbews, J. C., 360-301 Garrick Bldg. Morse Theatrical Agency, 159 N. State.

Kanaaa City VauderlUe Afancy. Tl« Ohaabara

mmpsoB. Kiri r.. 17 Gayaty Thaatar Bldg

VaudaTlIla Mgra.' Assn.. 211 Main-

atraat Theat4'r Bldg





Brannaa, B. W., 15S L'niraralty Piaea.

iDtaroational Entartainmant Aaon., Fr><J Wood, mgr.: 530 St. ivtar sr



Colllni A Phillpt, 1306 Arab.

Conaolidatad Booking Offlcaa. Ifarkat A Janipar

_ *<*·


nonnelly, Erank, Rail EaUta Trait Bldg.

Dupilla, Erneat, Real Batata Trust Bldg.

GrilBths. Wm. T.. 1323 Tina at.

Hammond A Barff, 122 8. 13tb.

Bellar Entartainmant Baraan, Kaitk Theater

, S'***- ,,

_ ___ , _

JalTerias, Norman, Baal Batata Trust Bldg. Keller audarllla Agancy, Baal Eetata Traat

_ Bldg.

Klloe Booking Oo., 1305 Tina at. Rrauta A Shaw, Real Estate Trust Bldg.

Russell, Mae, TaadOTllls Agency, 21 N.

Juniper at. Biblosky, Daetd B., Keith Theater Bldg. Senator Music A Entertainment Bureau, Hotel

Boladar, Cbarlea. Room 363 Shubert Theater Bldg.

Bpring Garden Entertainment Bureen. lit

Spring Garden streat. Snlier, Fred Albert, 1714 Chaatnnt at.

Weil, I., 1322 Vine at.


UcLangblln, J. S., Fulton Bldg.


AekonntB ft Harris, Phalan Bld<r. Lt-vay, Bert. Aloaz«r Theatar Bldg.
SPRINGFIELD, O, Sun, Gus, B'lUkinir Eiahange (Main
New Ur gent Theat. r Bldj: BT, LOT7XB, KO.


Balmont, Sidney, Ausement Serrlca, Odeen Bldg.

Dana, Otear, Onyaty Tbaatar Bldg. Driadall Slttari Botartatnaant Boraai, dTo
Chaatnnt at.

Bagen. Bobby, Gam Thantar Bldg, H.iaourl Theatrical Eichanga, Plnaate Bid · .
804 Pine St.

Moore & Allan Productions, 816a Pina at. States Booking Bsckaage, Calnsast Bldg. Thompson, A. A., Amaaamant Bntarpiiia. 801

L'nited Home Bldg. L'nited Uoalril Comedy
Caiumet Bldg.

Bxebange (tnbloida),

W. V. M. A., Joe Brber, mgr.. Arcade Bldg. Weber, R. J,, Entertainment Baraan, Tlmaa
Watt. Bohby, Entartainmant Baraan, Gam

Theater Bldg.


Montreal. Que.--TaudevUle Booking OOlre, Leo Velleman, prop., .\ll>e« Bldg.

Toronto, Ont.--Canadian Itouking Offices. 3 Uundas at.. West.
Toronto, Ont.--Dominion Vauderllle Bonking Kxi hange, 214 Church at
Toronto, Ont.--Ontario Uookiiig Office, 3(1 Yonge at.. Arcade.
Toriinto.Ont.--Harris Theatrical Booking Aeency. 562 Federal Bldg.

danders, Paly. 1647 Broadway. Bauber, Barry. 148 W. 48th.

Orpbtnm Olrcnlt, 140 N. fftata «l.

Rrbenck, Nick M., 1540 Broadway.
Bclbilla. Anton r.. 140 W. 45tb at.
ihannon. Sam, 140 W. 42nd at.
lharpe. Lew, 1581 Broadway,

Pantagea TandsTUIa Agaaey, 34 S. Stata at. I'atUn. J., 23 Quincy at. Powell, Tom, 64 W. Randolph at.

ihea. Barry A., Tnodarllla Ageacy, 100 W. Puwcll-Dauforth Agency. Inc.. 54 W. Randolph.

Of Clubs, Societies and Unions, Dramatic Editors. Dramatic Pro¬ ducing ^*anagers, Magicians' Societies and Clubs, Motion Picture Producers and Distributors and Others

44 th

Bbea. M. A., 1540 Broadway.

Raimund Booking Aganry, 23 (Jniacy at.

Shea. P F . 214 W. 42ud.

Rich. Prank, 177 N. Rtat# at.

6ktedy VaudaTlIla Ageacy, Inc., 1(93 Broadway. Hiilieris. Sam, 177 N. State at.

Bmall. Edward, lac . 1486 Broadway.

RuMnaon Attractlou, Ine. (Pairs). 203 E.

6B>ltk. Jo i'aige, 1543 Broadway.

State at.


Imlth, Fatay, 1563 Broadway.

Ruggio. John, 542 N. Wells at.


Bobol, Eddie. 3(5 W. 47(h.


Boktl, Nat, 1579 Broadway. Bofftnaan. A., 1499 Broadway, loltl. Darld. 417 W. 4Sd. S| aehnrr Leopold,. 116 W 89tb. Itakl. Jobs M.. 220 W. 42d Btewart, Koaalie, 110 W. 47th at. Btekea. Joha. 151 W. 43d Bulllran, Joaepb, 1607 Broadway. (os, Gua, Booking Exebango Co., 1493 Broadway,
Teams. C. O., 1474 Broadway. Tktlbtlmar, A.. 140 W. 44th. Thatcher, James, 755 7tb are. Tbomaa Lon. 1544 Broadway. Thor, M.. 2(5 W. 47th. P.ihman, Irring, 140 W. 44th at. furatr. H. Godfray, 1400 Broadway.
Vlnreat. Waltar, 1461 Broadway. Vegsl. Wm.. ProdttcUoB, lac., 130 W. 4dth.
(Talker, Barry, 1674 Broadway. Wtber, Barry. 1544 Broadway. Wtber, Berman W.. 1544 Broadway. Weber, Ua, 701 7ih asa. Wcllt. Wm. K.. 701 7th art. Wett, Roland. Producing Co.. 236 W. 53th. White. George R 220 W. 43rd. Wdllama. 81m. 701 7th asa. Wilmer A Vincent Theater Co., 1451 Broadway, Wilsbia, Charlea 4.. Ine., 1573 Broadway. WiltoB. Alf. T., 1344 Roradway. tt Inter. Wsiet. 1474 Broadwny.

Schallmann Bros.. 94 W. Randolph at. Schu-ter, Milton. 36 W. Randolph at. Shap'.ro, Si'l'mour. 36 W. B.Hudolph at Sloau. J. Alex., 42( S Michicao. Simas Agency, 64 W. Randolph at. Rplagold, Harry, 54 W. Rasdolph at. Stein. J. C., Capitol Bldg. Sternad Attractions. Inc., M W. Randolph at. Stewart. John K.. 34 W. Randolph. Snmmert, Allea. 146 N. Clark at. Sun, Gua, Booking Exchange 34 W. Randolph. Suranyt. M. I., 34 W. Raadolpb at. Symphony Amusemcat Offices, 8 S. Dearborn.

Taylor, Earl. 159 N. State at. 'Tebo. Jack. 410 8 Michigan bird Templa Amuaamant Bxehaaga, 159 N. Stall
at. Thomas, Harray, Theatriaal Agancy, 69 B.
Van Bnren at.
United Booking Agenc; Delaware Bldg.

Van. Edward, 159 N. State at.

Webster VandeTllla Clrenit, 34 W. Randolph at,

Weatern VandeTllla Managcra' Aaan., 190 N.

!*tale St.

Weyerson, Edw., 23 Qnlncy at.


Wingfield. James, 139 N. Clark at.

Willems. Cbaa. J.. 159 N. SUte.

World Amusement Serrlea Assn., 434 8. Mtchi-

gao STc.

Actors* E<]oity Aaan., 1032-33 Capitol Rldg. Chicago ClTic Opera Co., Auditorium Tlicaler.

ClTie Music Alan, of Chicago, 410 8. Mich. are.

Drama League of America. 59 E. Van Buren at.

National Assn, of Amusement Farks, A. R.

Hodge, secy., cars Riserriew Park Co.. Chi¬

cago. Ill.


National VaodeTille Artlata. Woods Theater

Bldg. Poster AdT. Aaan., Inc., 907 S. Green at.

Showmen's Leagua of America, 177 North

Claih st-

Aptdlo Mntlcal Clnb, 243 S. Wabaah are.

Chicago Mendelaaohn Clnb. 243 8. Wabash aea. Chicago Mnticlans' Cub. ITS W. Washington at.

Opera Club. 18 W. Walton place.

TRADE UHIONS. Chicago Fed. of MnatciaBS, Local No. 10, A.
r. of M., 176 W. Washington at.

Musicians' Prot. Union, 3034 S. State at.



MoTing Plctom Mach. Oporatora. Boom 11, 104

E. 4th at.

_ ^

Mualciana* Headquarters. Local No. 1, A. F. of

M., Mercer and Walnut ata. NEW YORK

Acton* Fund of America. Broadway ft 47th at.

Actors* Equity Assn., 4.5 W. 47th at. American Artistes' Federation, Boom 615, 24S
W. 47th at. American Dramatlsta, 2 F. 23d at.

iieorew ACiora colon, .to. i, oi r,. iin at.

Internat'l All. of Thratrlcaf Stagn Employeea

and MoTlng Picture Operaton, 110 W. 40th at.

Motion Picture Opernton. 101 W. 45th. N. W.

cor. 6th a TO.

Musical Mutual Prot. Union, 310 R. R4th at.

Musical Union New York Federation, 1253 I.exington are.

Theatrical Prot. Union. No, 1, 307 W. 64th at.

United Scenic Artlata* Aian.. 334 W. 47th at.



FooUight Club, 1305 Arch at.



Intematl. AlUanco TheatrT, Local 19, 1726 Delancey at.

Moving Picture Mach. Oprtrm. Untoa, Loc. 307. 1327 Vine.

Moaiclans' ProtectiTs Atan., Loc. Union A. F.

of M.. 118 N. 18th.



MoTing Picture Operators' Union. 1017 Wash¬

ington at.. Musicians' Club Bldg.


TRADE UNIONS WoTing Picture Operators, 100 Jones.

Mnsirians* Union Local 4, 48 Haight.

Theatrical Stage Employees' Local 14, 88 Hal^t.


CLUBS Musicians' Club, 3535 I'ine.

Fboenix Musical Club, 1712 S. Srd.

Wirth A Hamid, Ine., 1579 Broadway. Wolfe, Georgia, IST W. 44th.

A -ne Amu^pmeDt Exchange, 86 W. Randul-ih wt

Allea Sumaaro Tksatrtcal Aganry, 146 H.

Clark at.

· 't

Amrrl. an Theatrical Draaatla Agency, 36 W.
Ktndolpk it. Arni-frnng. Paul U. 410 8. Michigan h vd Assis iated Booking Offices, 54 W Randolph st.
Thomaa Theatrical .Agency, M E. Van Bnren.

Bamea. r M.. Inc. (Falra), 424 8. Michigan ave

Young, Ernlt, 158 N.


Zimmerman, Wm . 104 N. laSalla at.


McCaalin, John T.. VaudcTlUo Agancy, 134 B.

baltimorc at. BANGOR. MICH.

Greater Michigan Fair Booking Office, .treble

Boyer, mgr. BOSTON. MASS.

Beacon AmuM-ment .taency, 2(0 Tremont at

It F Keiih-.VIbec VaudcTlIle Exchauae. 1<'>4

Tremont at.

Iirew»ter Amusement Co., 230 Tremont at.

Jacobs AmuHcnient Aeency. 100 Boylston at.

Joyce' EtrlTn H., 176 Tremont at.

Quigley, John J..

B.«ilaton bt.

Timmins. lUlly, LntertiinmeDt Buretu« 219

/.V. w

nv--net at

American Federation of Musicians, 110 W. 40th
American Guild of Organists. 29 Veaey at. American Society of Compoaera. Authors and
Publishers. 54 W. 45tb st. Associated Acton and Artists of America. 45
W. 47th at. Autbon' League of America. Tnc., 2 E. 23d st. Catholic Actors' Guild of America, 220 W. 42(1
st. Cercle des Annalea. Inc.. 9 E. .54tb at. Chorus Equity Aian., 229 W. 61at at. Columbia Burlesque Asan., Columbia Tbcatcr
Bldg. Drama Society, 131 E. 15th at. Grand Opera Choir Alliance. 109 W. 48th at. International Theatrical Asan.. 1540 Broadway.
p,,b. Serrica for Theat. Enterprise, l33
Motion Picture Dlrecton' Assn.. 234 W. 55th st.

ATT.ANTIC CITY (N. J.) MORNING PAPERS Daily Press, Erueat F. Smith, Atlantic City. VentDor News, .\rthur G. Walker ATLANTIC CITY (N. J.) EVENING PAPERS Erening Union, Mort Eiseman, dramatic editor
The American. Robert Garland. Baltimore. The Sun, T. M. Cushing, dramatic critic, Balti¬
TbO News, Norman Clark. Baltimore. Md. BOSTON MORNING PAPERS
Boston Post, Edward H. Crosby, Boston, Mass. Boston Herald, Philip Hale, Boston, Mass. Bolton Globe, Charles Howard, Binton, Mass. BoMsttoMn Adrertiser. E. F. Harkin~s,' B- os' ton,

Jsiter. John. 119 N. Clark at. benneli'i Dramatic A Musical Exchange. .34 rvS!rAtLS^J-m^^e?u;"J^ "T';e»ont St.


W. Uandali>h.

Benton Music ft BnUrtalaaent Oo.. 44 W. N.t'on.1 VaodeTille Excliaige,- 550 Bramson

B "ton* TeIe«ram. F. H. Cushman. Boston, Maas.

Ksadnlph si.


mcmrAn o

Music Pub. Frot. Assn.. 58 W. 45th at.

Boston Transcript, H. T. Parker, Boston. Mass.

IGnlley. John H.. 177 M. 8UU at.

Jnne. Mnrrl.

1111 Conot. BMe

Herrer. Irving, ft Swidlcr, Alex, I.'iO X. Stale ^Tn7io^ (fl  Sms ClncUnam


League of Americm. 250 W 57th at.


Mutual Burlesque Assn.. Power's Bldg., cor. Brooklyn Dally Eagle. Arthur Pollovk, critic

Ml.M'eioB J.'rk

K (Gh .1

ScTMth STC. sud West 48th st.

and dramatic editor.

Bll'shury. John H.. Ageacy. 64 W. Bsadolpft


National Bureau for Adrancement of Music, 45 Standard Union, John Brockway, 292 Wa«hlng-

Borihwick. Al. Booking Agency, 29 Qumey at.

1`riudl. Alfred

22 Quincy at.

Mme?"\|PTi!M W *Gr7'"vIwmVi!*a^e"rn''"nM; BZ7ll.''DrnUT ·Bo^tn;''Sx"
Shea. M., B(>oking Exchange. Inc. DENVER. COL.
HAT Theatrical Exchange. B.wm 2. F. ft C. Bldg. DES JIOINES. lA.
Konron. Omrr J., AmuHcmt'nt Booklnjf Kichange. M.Jesf c Theater l^lg.

York Drama League. Tnc., 29 W. 47th at. Nation^ Aaan. of B^dcaatera. t2(» Brijdwny National Aaan. of Harpists. Inc., 315 W. (9th

j i,, · -i > ona m Aan. .*

j hoioplay League

'^ * ** .'. -^"'`"va, ^1 W. 5. th a.

I^ifetaional Womens League .56 W .5M

Be^esentatlvea of America.


A.m. ·TAt T*ii mw

faudeTlll. Manager. 1^ Aa.n., 701 7th ar.

Ti*"s.* Walter Oeatrelcher, critic and dramatic




Courier. Dramatic Editor. Evening News. Bollin Palmer.
Marian de Foraat. Times. Edna .Marshall. Enquirer, Managing Editor.
Commercial, M. B. Afnew. CHICAGO


Butterflcld. W. 8.. Film Bldg., 1.59 B. Elixahetb at.
Internallnn.l V.ndeTlll* Exchange. 2M9 Wood-

ward are Mirhican VandeTille Manager^' Awn., 293

John n Pt. B>m. Qua, Booklof Exchtofe,


7.ohrd!e*a Theitrical Afenej. eur. Broadway

and Grand UiTcr.



Capital City lUH-klrg Ag. m v. ig4 8. Fourth at. INDIANAPOLIS

Paramount Artists' Service 28 W. North at.,


Conaolidatad Amiiseraeat Oo.. 414 Loo Bldf. ff^lat. Bd r.. Oladatono Hotal Bldg.

Hammond. Kathryn Swan, care Coates Bouao.

lOib and Broadway.

Amateur Comedy Club 150 E. 94tb at.

Chicago Daily News. Amy I.eslle, Parka way

Cl^b Oarne^e Hall. fUnh 245 W 4Sth at.
s*,' m V,a at.

Hete*. Chicago Daily Tribune, Frederick Donaghey, 431
N Michigan are.


rl.T 1^0 w (Vtr'.t




Chicago Erening American. Fred'k W. McQuigg, 326 W. Madiaoo at.



rlub, 19 W wh^at.

ChW'afo Herald and Examiner. Athtoa SteTena. Journal of Commerce, Paul Martin.

nebrew Actora Uub, 31 K.


Chlctfo Ereolof Poat, Cbarlea Colllna, 12

The lambo. 128 W. 41th at.

^8. Market at Chicago. riNPlNNATT

The I'lajera. 16 Gramercy Park. _ ilacDowell Club of New York. 65 E. 66th at.

xrnn.m Omiih 7^**V.*v ,"'"'*** Goldenburf.

Sletropolltan Opera Club. 139 W. S9tb at.


wiisob r'ark H

National TtaTol aub, 7 W. eth at.




The Newspaper Club. 133 W. 41at at. Behearaal Club. 47 W. 534 at.

h"® Commercial Tribune. Naln Oruto,

Rotary (Tub of New York, Hotel McAlpln. rraTal Club of aarlca, 943 Madison ara.

CLEVELAND Plain Dealar, WllUna F. McDoraaott.


The Billboard

June 13. 1925

v»w« tod

Ar'-hlt B*ll,

Miller. Henry. Heorv Mi ler Theater.

fatbe, Inc.. 35 W. 46tb st.. New Toik.

Stoll hall.s, alone of tin- balls on ih.

i'rvtt, Gewj*

M ndiin and Goldteyer 227 W 471:. st

Sclzoick I'irtuMs Corp, 7`J9 Seventh ave.. New tours, will nreseiit varlelY pi rfoi niani es

rtIBCI, J. W>lKlB Kot.

More-eo, Diiver, 112d Street Theater

Y ork.

i'rovinclally, also the lountry has liti


Nichols. Anne. 206 W. 46tb st

I'ruart Plcturea Corp., 1542 Broadway, New tie to ofler the variety artiste. No won-

Roekr MouBtalD Ntwn, Heirs Black. Kxprcii, (injTgt Looxi.
Frederic L. Babcock. TIbm. Helen Black.
DETROIT Newt, Al Weekt. Timet, Ralph Holaaea. Free Preta, Len G. flbaw.
INDIANAPOLU Timet, Walter D Hickman. Newt, Walter Whitworth. Star, Robert C. Tucker.
Herald, R. A. Jonat. Coarier-Jouroal, Bo/d Martin. Pott, Geo K. Newman. Timet, Ifalculm W. Barler.

Pemberton. Brock. 227 W 4.'if.. st Players Co , Inc., 52 E. 78t,, at. Hanger and Jordan. Times B.dg Savage. Henry'W.. 226 W 42d a; Schwab and Kosell, 755 Seventh ave.
Schwab. Lawrence, 755 Revcnlb ave. Selwyn A Co.. Selwyn Theater. Sbea. Joseph E., 15&3 Broadway Sbesgreen and Reed, 226 W. 47th at Shubert. Lee i J. J., Sbubert Theater. Stewart A French. 110 W. 47th at
Theater Guild. 65 W. 35th at Tuily. Richard Walton. 1482 Broadway Tyler. George C.. 214 W 42il st. Wtgenhais A Kemper. 1531 Rrnadwiy Wsgr.er. Charles L., 511 Fifth ave. Waliacb, Samuel. 220 W. 48th at Weher, Joe. 1416 Broadway. Weber, L. Lawrence, 220 W 4Stb at

York I'nivereal Pictores Corp., 1600 Broadway. New
York. L'nited Artists' Cogp., 72% Seventh ave.. New
York. Vltagraph Corp., East Fifteenth st., Brooklyn. Weticr-North Pictures Corp., I(i0<> Broadway.
New York
Jos. N- YVeber, pres., 110112 W F'ortleth st.. New York City.
Wm. J. Kerngood. aecy.. 289 Halsey st , New¬ ark. N J

der HO many take their courage in (ii..,r hands and attempt by geltiiig togellar some sort of revue to make a iTtlle out of the business.
Not yet has any agreement b<en reached Ix tweeii the theatrical managers and the Britisli Ilroudeustlng Company There was foreshadowed an arrungi na iit for the limited bruudcastlng of sliuws_
26 productions to he the limit and then no new pruduetion on first night. But now there comes a new company. Secret Wireless Company It Is called, and haa Sir Walter de Frece, M. I'., one of the few vaudeville kniglits, aa a director n-.klng to make arrangements for # wireless tran-snilssion of iilays and other


Werba. Iiouia R.. 214 W. 42d st.

Wm. McCarthy, latemtl. Secy., 821 Longacra entcrtainincnts. It is said that the com-

Star, 8. Morgan Powell,

Woods. A. H . Eltinge Theater.

Bldg.. New York City.

Jiany lias ilevised a method by which only

Oaaette, J. A, UcNei.

Herald, P. St. C. Haiuilion.

Le C'auada, Ku;{<->i« Bc-aulac.

lai Pttrle, Guatare Comte,


La Prette, Otwald Ma.rrand.


Standard (Weekly) John M Gardiner.


American, Alan Dale, critic; John MacMabon,

dramatic editor, Knickerbocker Hldg . N.Y'.C.

Commercial, Mre. H. Z. Torres, .Sb Park Row,

New York City,

Daily Newi Record, Kelcey Allen, critic and

Ziegfeld. Florena. New Amsterdam Theater Kldg
Baltimore, Md.: Felfcion Trewey Assembly (So. 6. S. A. M.l. R. W. Teat. aecy.. 1204 Munsi-y Rldg
Boston, Maas.: Assembly (Me. t, 8. A. M.), Arthur V. Baird, prea., 175 Mata. ave.. care Caines.
BufTalo, N. Y.; Society of Magiclana. J. P. Ornaon, secy., 51 Bureka Place.

John Jilaon, Intematl. Prea., 68 W Randolph at., Chicago.
NEW YORK Clef Club, 134 Went 63d at., Maran Siultn.
secy. Colored Tindeville Benevolent Atan., 424 Lenox
ave. Comedy Club. 2237 Seventh nve.. Mosids Mc¬
Kinney, aecy.

subscribers will be enabled to "r.-ci lve'^ The B. U. C. declares the scheme lo be'
imiiracticuble and holds that it lias a monojsily of broadcasting in Great Britain up to 1926. Anyhow, the new
company has placed its plans la fore the West End Munagers' Society, which has la*en conferring with the B. U. C. re¬
garding the otlier provisional agreement. The whole thing at present Is in a tangle. But there is no doubt that whatever

dramatic editor. Hotel Hermitage, Timet .Sq. Canton, O.: Magic Craftera. George L. Hewitt.


agreement may be reached between the

Daily Newt, Burnt Mantle, 2I> Park Place, secy., 209 Hartford are., 8. E.

Rockville--National Assn. Colored Fairs. Henry Iiarlies the rights of the individualists,

New York City.

Chicago. HI.: Aseembly (No. S, 8. A M.).

Hartman, secy., P. O. Bux 103.

authors and comiiosers and so on to roy¬

Journal of Commerce, Edward E. Pldgton, 1433 Broadway, New York City,
StaataZeitUDg, Juliua Cohen, critic and dra¬ matic editor, 23 N. William at.
Telegraph, Ic o Marsh, Eighth are. and SOtb at.. New York City.
Times, George S. Kaufman, dramatic editor, 227 West Ctd st.. New York City.
Tribune Herald, Percy Hammond, critic; Obaa. Belmont Daria, dramatic editor, 226 W. 40tb at.

Arthur P. Pelaman, pres., Wlndaor-Cllfton Hotel. Cincinnati, O.: Hagiclaot' Club. George Btock, pres., 1320 Ryesmore st. Cincinnati, O.: Queen City Hyatic (No. 11, 8. A. M.). L. P. Guest, secy., 1511 Tine
Hoiiaton. Tex : The Houston Mystic Circle, Robert Blau, secy.. 810 Keystone Bldg.
Indianapolis, Ind.; Indiana Maglciana' Praterntty. Chas. J. Mal7, aecy., 502 E. Maple

WASHINGTON, D. C. Colored Actora' Cnlon, 1223 Seventh at., N. W.
Little Theaters
{Continued from page 43) uplift or dramatic exi»r**nslon will pet topether, erect a b«-autiful theater, speiidinp perhapH $5U0,0U0 and try to atari a little theater, which soon collapwes.

alties for the use of their services and material will need to be considered. The lojiyrighl position needs a thoro over¬ hauling.
Julian Wylie keeps on tinkering with the n vue. Hitter Daga, at the London
Hippodrome and further changes have been made this week. Frederic Bvntley, a small-statured comedian, and John Harcourt. vocalist, have now Joined the

Wall St. Journal, Jamea L. Metcalfe, critic and


"Here in Pa.'<adena, aa I understand it, cast in biiccission to Norman Griffin and

dramatic editor, 2 W. S7th at.

Milwaukee. Wla.; Magiclana' Club, 2314 VUet you started from humble tx-pinningH and tieorge Baker. Blit the "two black

World. Ileywood Brotv), critic; Quinn L. Mar¬
tin, dramatic editor, I'ulitaer Bldg., New York City.
NEW YORK EVENING PAPERS Daily Women't Wear. Kelcey Allen, Hotel Her¬
mitage, New York City.
Evening World. E. W. Oaborn, crictic; Bide Dudley, dramatic editor, Piilitier Bliig.
Evening Poat, J. Raoken Towse, critic; Chaa. I*. Haw.ver, dramatic editor, 20 Veaey at.. New York City.
Evening Sun-Globe, Alexander Woollcott, 280 Rroadway, New Y'ork Cit.v.
Evening Journal, John MacMabon. critic and

at. Elmer .4. Wilson, secy. Minneapolis, Minn.: Mystic Circle. John .
Tyier, wcy.. SO.'i .Tames ave.. N. Nashville, Tenn.; Society Maglquc. T. J. Orsw-
ford. secy., 810 Broadway.
Newark, N. J.: Magicians. J. McKnigbt, prea. 136 Fleming ave.
New York: Knigbta of Magic. J. J. McManut, 2474 Davidson ave., Bronx.
New York: Society of American Magicians (Parent Assembly). Harry Hondini, prea,
278 W. 113tb at.; Richard Tan Dien. aecy., 230 L'nlon st., Jersey City, N. J. New Orleans. La.; Mtgiciins' Clob. 4. B.

have worked up to what I find to be the crows". George Moran and Chari, s Mack. most complete theater buildinp of its continue tlie funniest thing in the show_ kind in America, with the ixo-sible ex¬ indeed almost tlie funniest act in town at ception of that ot the Carnegie Institute. the moment, while the Savoy Orphean*
"First, you had a group of peojile anx¬ are a source of Joy. Maisie Gay, with a ious to express themselves on the stage. little better matenial to handle, is now Next you had a sympathetic evironment, more effective.
in a «'ity where the people timid be The coming week neea two American educated to attend your perf.irmances. acts on the London Alhambr.i bill--T. \
You hitched these two together and McLeod with his yarns and ropespinning,
sUirted in. with such things as you could w'hcv was playing thl.s house onlv a f.w
do with limited facilities and gradually w.-elts ago. and Fred Duprez, who is put¬ increaf-ed those facilities. Now, after ting In a few variety dates, but int. nd

dramatic editor, Knickerbocker Bldg., N.T.O. I'esrce, secy., 339 Carondriet at.

years of trial have proved your success, running his own production again in the

NEW ORLEANS Statei, John L. Sullivan. Times-lMcayune, DruiiiBlIc Editor.
PIIiLADKLI'HIA Evening Ledger and Public Ledger, Arthur B.
Watera. Inquirer, Harry L. Knapp. Rulietin, Arthur Tubbs. North American, Linton Martin. Record, Herman L. Diei k
PlTTSm'RG MORNING PAPPRS Gazette Tlmea, William J. Lewis. Poat, Wm. J. Bahmer.
PITTSBl'llG EVENING PAPERS Chronicle Telegraph, Rtrfiert M. ('hllton. Pittsburg Pre>s, (Tias. F. «|ilmure. Sun, Prank Merciiant.
PROVIDENCE. R. I Journal and Evening Bulletin, John R. Heat. Tribune, Martin Flaherty. News, City Deak.
HICHMOND, VA. Times-Dlapatch, liouglas Gordon. Evening Disi>atch, C. K. Iloykin. Newa I.eader, Helen DeMotte.
KK.4N('I8C0 Chronicle, George C. Warren. Examiner, Tbos. Nunan. Cali, (ii-orge West nod Dudley Burrrfwa.
Rulietin, .41 Gillespie. News, Irving PiclicL
ST. LOI'IS The Star. Harold Tecumtieb Meek. Globe-Democrat, Ricltard Spanier. Poat Dispatch, Richard L. Stokes.
WASHINGTON MORNING PAPERS The Post, Lynn Yeagle, Post Bldg., Wash¬
ington, 1). C. The Herald, l.ee Somers. Washington. D. C.
WASHINGTON EVENING PAPERS Tiailv .News. Leonard Hall. The Star, W. II. Ijindvolgt, Washington, D C. The 7'inies, Harold Phillips, Wasliington. D. C.
THEATRICAL MUTUAL ASSN. David L. Donaldson, aecy.-treaa., 8!'!) Main st.,
KnITalo, N. Y.

Omaha, Neb.; Assembly (No 7. 8. A. M). A. A. .Schrempp, secy.. 5150 Pine st.
Portland, Ore.: Portland Macical 8oc., . J.

Ludeman, secy., 266 Nartilla at.

Providence, R. I.: R. I. 8oc. of Ifagicinns.

No. 2. N. C. A.; B. C. Tlllinghast. secy.. 04

Colfax st.

Rochester, N'. Y.: Council of Sorcerers, Ken

Drcxel, secy., 71 Aberdeen st.

San Francisco, Calif.; Golden Gate Assembly

(No. 2, S. A. M.). Dr. Alexander Schwartx,

secy., 1163 Flood Bldg. St. IxiuIe, Mo.: Assembly (Mo. 9. 8. A. M).

R. G. Williams, secy., 4220 McRec ave.

Syracuse, N. Y.: Central City Assembly. No.

14. .8. A. M., C. R. Glover, secy., 4314 8.

Salina st. Toledo, O.: Mtgicians' Club. V. D. Barbour.

aery., 2421 Scottwood ave.

Toronto. Ont., Can.- Tb« Order of tho Gonil,

M. Sumner, 90 Bowood ave. Wirhita, Kan., Magicians' Club. A. Loving

Campbell, secy.. 2201 W. Douglas ave.

World-Wide Magicians' Soc., Jamea McKnight.

prea., 136 Fleming ave.. Newark. N. J.;

Euclide A Laramee, aecy.. 151 Mechanic at.,

Lakepert. N. H. CANADA

Winnipeg. Man.; International Brotherhood of

Magicians. Len Vintus, prea., 156 Edmonton


Adelaide; South Australian Branch A. 8. M.

V. Treloar, secy., care Dalgety A Co-

Fitxroy. .Melbourne: Victorian Branch A. 8. M.

M. Hamilton, secy., 149 Gertrude st

Sydney, N. 8. W.; ^clety of the Sphinx. O.

I. Q. Reese, secy., 62 Pitt st. Sydney, New South Wales: Australian Society

of Magicians. H. F. Cohen, aecy.. Bo* 964.

G. P. O.


Birmingham: British Magical Society. Fred

Walker, aecy., 44 Park Hill. Moseley, Bir¬

mingham. Eng. I/indon: Magicians' Club. Harry Hondini, prea.;

Will Goldston. 6rat vice-prea., 14 Green at,

Tieicester sq.

Plymouth; English Magiclana. C. H. Tickcll,

you have a theater which is fully Justified by your previous efforts.
"In short you have healthy, legitlinate. substantial growth upwards.
"What has been possible in Pasaden.i might utterly fall In other places. I should say the r(?hl foundation of your succe.ss is In the man you have had in direction, (Jilmor Brown. He has hamlled your upbringing with consummate skill-- and common sense. YVith a different sort of director, one too impjitlent of the limitations within which he must work, the story might have been far otherwise."
From London Town
{Continued from page 45)
in the press. This ls> a somewhat ex¬ clusive club. The band and Aileen Stan¬ ley, who opened at the same time, have both made quite a hit.
A neat advertising press stunt was ar¬ ranged by Jack Buchanan at the L<<ndon Kmpire this week. Jack plays the part of the clown on Bo<idIe, a musical play founded on the farce The AVic Clown, a play by James Welch. So Jack invites a lot of old circus cIown.« to see a matinee and afterward to Join him in a little al fresco lea-Iunchoon on the stage --but tea was not served. Something stronger was needed by the old clowns.
Summer has come--with a vengeance. Everywhere tlieaters and music halls arc feeling the effects. Night houses at the latter are comparable now to the mati¬ nees of better daj;s. and matinees t»re being very piKirly .attended. It is heartbreakinit to play to such .audiences. Not that there are so many variety liulls these days to feel the effects! In fact, altho with the fine weatlier. revues are dr«>pping out, but tliere sctm to be otliers to take thi'lr place. For every show

autumn. Tex McLeu'd. by tli. wav is working the cal)ar<-t. Cafe de I'aris.'An¬ other visitant p.'rformer at the Londun Alhambra who has been over here some 56 weeks, out of which he worked 5:!
weeks, presents u performanc tliat in¬ cludes, in addition to conjuring, a few
numbers each of ventriloquibiii. contor¬ tion. whistling, naper tearing, cartoimlnc. Juggling, yodellng and mimierv. Ada Heeve is bar k at her home aft. r a w.-. k's
absence In which she played Stoll's other th.-.ater, the Coliseum.
Fred Kussell, the ventriloquist, arrived back from his South African tour la.«t Monday after a most succes.sful trip. It was at one time thouglit that he would include Australia in his tour abroad, but he turn, d d.iwn offers In that direction. The Fayre Four, or as they hav. Ju.st recently b«'en billed, the Fayre Sisters, are
back In London after a three month.*'
continental tour. The change of billing matter was expect'd In Germany. In fact, directors there suggest'd that th.title Fayre Four implied an acrobatic team w'li.reas they are Instrumenfall.sts. Tli. se four young girls are daughter.* of
one of the Brothers Webb, the famous I'r.-ncli .lowns. They are playing the London Colis.'um this w«-.'k and aft.T a wi-(k In the provinces will play th.' Al¬ hambra here. In the autumn they will return to the continent.
Tom D Newell, a clover comedian In Francis Igiwler's revue. The Roundabout, is laid up. His place is being filled by Harold Dayne.
The Natfiano Brothers, who are doing
Well at the I.ondnn Coliseum, may stay lure for the rest of the summer, altho ns yet they are not definitely settled Oil tile point. A lot de|H'nds upon the amount of work coming in.

Actors' Theater, l.'i7 W. -IS'h st. \mes, Wintiirop, I.ittle Theater. Relaseo. David, Belasco Theater. Kohemians, luc., 223 W. 42d st. Rrady. Wm. A., care Tlie Playbouse. Rroadhurst, (ieurge, Broadhurst Theater, Carlton, < trie, lt)i2 Broadway Carroll, Enrl, Earl Carroll Theater.

11 Frederick st.. West.
Associated Exhibitors, Inc.. S5 W. 45th st.. New York.
Arrow Film Corp-, 220 W. 42d st , New York Anderson Pictures Corp., 723 Seventh ave.. New

coming off the road we hear of n new one going on. Ffarry I'sy, who li.as bei n responsible for so many elaborate touring revues, is adding ye| another'to tlie list
by a new iiroductIon on .Monday nt.Alie Finsbury I'ark Eiiiiilre--a show ciilled
III adlifihle--wlille Fred Nell.son, who struck it lucky witli some sliows of real i rudily, yet whieli se, iii to draw tlie

Great Speedway To Be Built at York. Pa.
`Tlie Great I.lncoln Speedway, of York, Pa.."' is th.. name of the automobile race track to be iTcct. d along the Lints.ln lllgliway east of York this summ.'r

ChooB. George, 110 W. 47th st.

Associated First National Pictures Corp , .183 money. Is putting anotiier out June 1 It f'ontra.-tors have bion asked to submit

Comstork & Gest, 104 W. 38th st.

Madison ave.. New York.

is enllcfl Uril and Itriakfant, hut titles, ill.is f.ir the erection of the track and

Cort, John, Cort Theater.

0. B. C- Film Sales Corp., 16d0 Rroadway, of course, convey nothing, liaving no re¬ work will be started as soon as ix>-slbl'

Dillingham, Cliarles, Globe Theater.

Dramatists' Theater. Inc., 220 W. 42d st.

Erlanger, A. L., New Amsterdam Theater.

Fraiee, H. H.. 1441 Broadway.

Frohman, Charles. Inc.. Empire Theater Bldg.

Gatts, George M., 1482 Broadway.

Gcat. Morris. 104 W. 39th at.

Golden, John. Hud-on Theater Bldg.

Goodman. Philip, r>.'i9 Fifth avo

Gordon, Kilboum, 228 W. 47tb st.

Hammerstein, .4rtbur. 228 W. 42d st.

Hampden. Walter, National Theater.

Harris, Sam H., 227 W 4.'dh si.

Harris. William. Jr., Hudson Theater.

Herndon. Richard G . 123 W 48th at.

Hopkins. Arthur. Plymouth T^ioafer.

Independent Theater. Inc.. 220 W. 42d st

Jsnney. Russell, 1482 Broadwav

Klauber. Adolph, 110 W. 42il st.


Kiaw. Marc, Klaw Theater.

Kugel. Lee. 1457 Broadway,

K'isell, naniel. 773 Seventh ave.

Lew's and Gordon. Times Bldg

McOlnfc. Guthrie, 23 W 43d st.

'Icln ig':din. Robert, 22# W. 42d at.

Mar. .a. Max. 220 W. 48th at

Miller. Gilbert, 1430 Broadway.

New York. Equity Pictures Corp.. 723 Seventh ave.. New

York Education Films Corp.. 370 Seventh ave . New

York. Famous Playera-I.aaky Corp.. 495 Fifth ave .

New York. Film Booking Office# of America. 723 Seventh

ave.. New Yark. Grand Asher Distr. Corp.. 16 W Alth st , New

York. Go dwyn CosmopoIiUn Fheturea C».rp , 4<6* Flflb

ave . New Y'ork. Griffith. D. W , Inc.. 1472 Br<*dwiy. New York.
IlodkinsOD W. W., Corp.. 409 Fifth ave , New

York Independent Pictures Corp , 1540 Broadway.

Sf-w Y<»rk Mastodon Fllma, Inc., 135 W. Mth at..
Y'ork. Metro Pictures Corp., 1540 RcMdwsy.

New ,



Preferred Picture# Corp., 1660 Broad#ay. New

York. Prinripal Pictures Corp., 1540 Broadway. New


lation to the material. So tile game goes on; more revues than
nci (is, witli real v.lrlety given tlie g"l'.v, liccauHe with real variety managers would
have to pay hard Ciish In salaries, wlnreas they can get tlie revue to siiare tlie rl-'ks. Wliether the ultimate outcome will
lie to drive Vaudeville audlen<>s to otlier !iinu"en)cnls--an<l that looks likely If wo git many more oT the so-called sjiows, not, of course, tlie Il.irry Day typo
til'h .ire of it letter cla-iH--remains to l)c '<<0. liul eiTfiilnly the iiuHook is liiid.
Tills next wick, for Inslaiu-e, riiow's
U'C I/. T V.-- l.omlon Tlniilcrs of Vnrictv fi.rsootii--wHli not one Hingle variety lilll (.n the wliole tour. y\nd in ginning June 1 once nighilv dnima and musleal eomedy will tic me-i-nicd at tliove 1.. T. V, liaHs, where stock dramatic companies
:ir< not employi d. (ili, sliades of (llb-
teins ! In suburban TiOndon the Ilnekncy nud
Kbepberd'a liuah Emiilre'a, two of tne

nfl.-r tliese bids are recolvi-d.

The company owning and operating

the new tmek will be known as the

Lliieotn Beally and Amusement C.>ri>orH*

tl.iii of Am.'lira and the ineor|v>rat.'rs

III.' YV. Ki'on, C. V. Henry and <5 ·"

N. ill. s, all of York. Tlie coriKir.'itlon I*

capltallz. d at }500.0no.

The (Ilstan.'e of tlie speedway will he

one and oni.-foiirth mile and the track

will h.' ronsIriK'ti'd of wood. A gr.ind

stand and lilcacliers to nceommoda'e

"(l.lino III Tsons will be erei'ted. Th.' I'or-

poratlon fully .`xpecls to have th.' track

coniiiliti'd in time to hold the first iiulo-

nii'lille rai-e in Septeinlier, possibly on

Lali.ir Day.


Tile iii.iln olTlccs of the compnnv wui

he loeiit.'.l in Wilmington. Pel., and tlier.-

will be lira Ill'll ofliecs in this city .'>·'<1

I'liita.ii'liilila. ·

, ,

Barring the tw'o-mlle speedway in m

dlr ii:i)iolls tile local speedway will b' iiu'

largest plant of Its kind In the countrv.

·June 15, 1925

The Billboard


Prospects Bright for
Georgia State Fair
(Confinuril Irutn page 88) In tin- por¬
trayal or H'< nen enactinK the early life ,.t Savannah.

TheNew Improved Drink Powders

patrons and proved to be the biggest free attraction ever at the Zoo. as no reserved

seats are .sold.


Tad Tieman's Dance Orchestra started on its summer engagement at the Zoi-
Clubhou.se and won the instant approval of Clubhou.se (latrons.

Stait-\vnl»- Interest In this year's fair, laxiiliiK of the S.'tvnnnah River hrhlKe July Hi. kIvIoK Hiuith t'arollna people a


Grape, Lemon, Lime, Cherry, Strawberry and Raspberry

The Very popular Zoo lee Shows are now in full swing and .-i number of pro¬
fessional skaters are making their first

(lirert road Into Savannah and the reiiiark.ibly raphi development of tllverslfi.d
fiirmintt makes the CeoiKla Slate Fair nro>|ieets ot reeord-breaklnK exhibits and box-olllce receipts the best In Its history.


60 GAL, or 1,200-GLASS SIZE, S2J5 PER LB., 6 LBS. FOR SIliO

·lur pirti'lrri siMrtlr ronform with ill the Pl HK FOOD

Only the beg

trsde Uleriili UM'd. i'nIOs'BI quality maintained by an expert ataff of ebtBlati.

Haiuplea, l.Vi aarh Hang. All fla*ora, tl.SO. SO-Oal. Hlie, 11.23. Ca>h with order,


aiits-arance at this show this year. An
added attraction is Cartier and Zanou. firemler dancers who.se noveltv numbers add variety to the ice show program.

Strong Entertainment Bill For Slate Fair of Alabama

CLOUO-IT, tha raiBpr'und for maklnc Orangrade rioudy, SI.00. Our iHseleri are the richert that money and experlen'e ran produre. We couM make rtieaper poHdert, but nr do not think tt adilaable.



A1 Ffesco Pafk
Peoria. Ill.. June 4.--Al Fresco Park

MontRomery. Ala.. June 5.--The muii-
aKenieiit of the State Fair of Alabain.i
annoiinvvs that a siMcial Sunday attrac¬ tion has been booked, a emiiract havina liri n made with It. K. Neil, nephew of
the late ``I'ni)" (leers, to hrlna Peter
.ManmiiR. the world's fastest trottina hor-e, to appear at the fair duiine the
wet k .ind make an attempt on Sunday to set a n*w rei-ord for half-mile tracks,
Mr. .V* il beinR of the opinion that the track at .MontRomery Is one of the fast¬ est in the world. He will al.so brim;
Sanardo. the champion pacer on a halfmile track, and both of them will be

Largest Artificial Body of Water in the World

has come back and S. C. Diller. the man¬ ager, predicts that a successful season is ahead. Tlie gates were thrown open last Week and all amusements are now in full swing.
AI Fresco came into existence some 12 years ago. For a -season or two, after the park buildings had been bucliy damaged by wind and high water, the park ha.s b< en closed, but with building.s rebuilt, the roller coaster rebuilt and added to. the dance pavilion rehabilitate and a roller rink added, there is every indication that the park will again make good.

featiir. d on Sunday. The nttendance on Sund.iv I.tst year without special fea¬
tures was very aratlfylnK, but It Is exl>eet* d that with these stellar equine  ittraetiens It will be the record day for .itteinlance.
ManaRer >fort BIxler announces that
the entertaitim< nt proRram has been practically made up and be thinks It Is the stronRest he has ever boujtht for any of his falr.s. .\1 Sweet's SirtRinK Band
ha." been enpaRed ns a musical feature, while special bands will be furnished by the TuskeRee Institute, the Central of
CeorRia Itailway and the Lanier HIrIi
The Lenora EnRlIsh Steppers. I.111 Krani-e Brothers Toyama Japs., Rhoda

Tbfee montbs to fun. New $50,000.00 Dance Hall, 2.000 couples; j/j-Mile Board Walk.
WANTED. RIDES-"Mefry Mixup, Whip, Cafrousel. Kid¬ die Rides, all other Rides. Gooding and Ehring, wire. CONCESSIONS--*Skill Games. Grind Stores, Shooting Caller'/. Ball Games. Novelties. Peanuts, Popcorn, Cigarettes. Potato Chips. Waffles, Ice Cream, Popsicle. Sale .of Fireworks. Wire terms. Nineteen permanent Stalls on board walk open. Saxi Holtsworth's Flashes From Great White Way Band

Davenpoft Race Meeting
Will Be a Good One
Davenport, la., June 5.--The four-day running race meeting to be held at the fairgrounds here Jane 24-27, inclusive, promises to be a very good one. A.s men¬ tioned in last week's is.sue, the purses will tot.al $5,200. and some of the best tiorses in the Middle West will be en¬ tered, as many will doubtless come to Davenport from the spring races of the .\k-Sar-Ben at Omaha and the Haw¬ thorne track meet at Chicago.

Royal s elephants. hlRh-school horses and trainol dogs aud ponies; the Four Read-

booked for season.

Amusu Pafk Opening

tiKs. and The Harrisons, trick cyclists.

«ill make up the procram for the first week with the usual number of races. The next three nlRhts of the foIlowInR week w ill be featured by ^ night horse show, with a s|>eelal proRram on Monday on account of colored school day. Then .Mex Sloan will stace auto raises on Tuesday and Armistice Day.
Big Free Acts Engaged for


Baughman Goes to Coast

season Decoration Day. For several weeks previou.s to that date the park was
open on Saturdays. Sundays and on

Frank's Amusu Park, nt Abbeville, La., opens Sunday, June 14, the occasion being under the ausjiices of the American Legion post, celebrating 'Vermilion Day. Events of the day will include opening of the big new swimming iiool. swimming and diving contest.s. bathing revue, track and field meet, dancing, etc. A Wild West rodeo also will be a feature of the dav.




Philadelphia. June 4.--John S. Baugh¬ Wednesday night. Everything Is now in man, chairman of the special circus and full swing, all concessions operating and

Frank DeGraauw is proprietor of the park.

carnival committee of the Sesquicenten- the bathing beach and other features

PhensburR, Pa.. June 4.--An elaborate nial. who has b*en Instrumental In the getting ex<?enent patronage. program of free entertainment, in addition placing of reproductions of the Liberty Lakewood Park covers some 102 acres

Robbins Bfos,' Cifcus

to the many features of the Industrial Expo;-ition Itself, has been announced by cfnclals of the Cambria County In¬ dustrial Exposition for the show to b«> held at the Kbensburg fairgrounds from
Wednesday, July 1, to Saturday, July 4. The many Industrl.a! exhibits already
secured for the show will provide a full day's entertainment, but In addition to this the as.sociatlon hae booked attractions that will provide something for every
minute each day and evening.
Wirth & Hamid, of New York City, h-ive contracted to provide six stellar frt'e attractions for each afternoon and evening. These acta will include Lilly
Li nora and her b«-vy of English dancing
pirl«; Dare-Devil I>oherty, In his sensa¬
tional liap for life In flames; Mile.**
Keelir and Vqrtex In an astounding trape/e iH-rforn^anoe; "The Phunnlest Phord", a latiRh-provoklng automobile act; Eugene Randow and his Unndow
Trio of eomedlan.s, nnd the Hiding Castel-
I0.S. I quotrians. These act.s M'ill be given
each afternoon and evening^ in front of the grand stand. No admission will be charged to the stand nnd paddock except on Krldiiy nnd Saturday, when horse raeee
will be held. Manager Ira Bloom of the
asMH'latlon Is arranging a good, early
season racing program nnd premiums totaling flt.ont) will be awarded.

Bell with 42 clrcusesv carnivals, fairs and has 11 mineral springs. There is a

and expositions, leaves Philadelphia June splendid dance pavilion, of which Cecil

ti for an extended trip tor tl^ Pacific Liles Is manager and Miss Bohart

Coast, during which time he exp«'Ct8 to handling tickets; dining room under the

visit numerous Western cities in the In¬ management of J. M. M.artin and Isabelle

terests of the l!i26 celebration of the Martin, with Dorothy Todd as cashier;

150th anniversary of American Inde¬ bathing beach, managed by Clyde Ash,


with Henry Fish assistant, and boats in

Mr. Baughman will act as the personal charge of Albert Layton ; shotting gallery

repref'entative of Colonel David C. Col¬ and penny arcade. Bill Gallagher; Parker

lier, director-general of the Sesqulcenten- wheel, Alma Smotherman, manager;

nlal, and It is anticipated that consider¬ bowling alley. Elmer Glenn, and Parker

able publicity for the exposition will be merry-go-round. Fred Lingo.

secured thru the co-operation of news¬ Among the concessions are: Candy

papers, city officials and chambers of i-ommerce In the cities to be visited.
Mr. Baughm.an expects to return to
Philadelphia on or about September 1.

wheel. Percy Howard; kewpie <Iolls. Ele.anor Howard; grocery store, Frank Roberts; Coney Island stand, Cha.«. Tyner; novelty stand. Chick Harper and
Ernst Holdenbrand; ice cream stand,

Merchants' Convention

Mrs. B.Tidwin; popcorn, Blanche Baldwin, and <H)ld drinks. (Tecil Liles.

The staff of the park is as follows:

Will B(


in Conjanccion Intmtitc Fair

With Spokinc

Clift Liles, manager: Cecil Liles, assist¬ ant manager; Thos. McDermott, secre¬ tary; Chas. Tyner, superintendent; Bill

Gallagher, electrician, and Percy Howard,

Spokane, Wash.. June 5.--Revival of press repre.sentatlve.

the annual merchants' (xinventioh thi.s The Kansas City representative of The

year is announced by Elmer H. White, RiUhoard, her sister. Mrs Richter, and

chairman. It will W staged In con¬ Grace Ortmnn. of the Cincinnati offlee of

junction with the Spokane Interstate The Rillhoord. visited Lakewood Park as

Fair and Llve-Sux-k Show. September the gxiests of Manager I.lles and enjoyed

7-12. The merchants' g.ithcring was an a wonderful chicken dinner prepared by

annual summer feature here for about Mr. and Mrs. Martin.

(ConfiHMfd from page 75)
Kenneth Waite has two new walkaroundb --"Cinderella Sue" and "The Ghof<t". In Yankton, S. D.. May 24. a "Stunt Club" wa.s reorganized with Les Minger as prx'sldent; Henry S*-na, vice-president: Frank Baker, secretary: Chick Town.«end, treas¬ urer, and George Berdonie, orator. A banquet wa.s tendered to 30 members in the Portland Hotel, followed with an Ini¬ tiation. The "fines" collected amounted to moro than $.100. O. I>. Tibbetts, of the Great Northern Railroad, recently was the guest of Mr. Buchanan and James Mor>'e for three days. For years he wa.s connected with the Adam Forepaugh, Bamum & Bailey and W. W. Cole circuses In an official capacity.
P. ROBERT S.\UL (Pres.s Agent).
All's Well With the N. A. A. P.
(Continued from page 78)
and R. C. Strehlow. Mr. Humphrey Is chairman of the Board of Advisors and .A B. MeSwigan secretary, with Wm. H. Dentzel, Rex D. Billings, Sam Benjamin. Fred A. Church, J. M. Mnlvlhlll. J. H. Smith, James H. Makin and K. B. Ha.ss.ard other members.

One of the hig attractions Wcdnesd.ay, 15 years, but was drop|>cd f'dlowlng the the ivp. nlng day, will b«' a first-aid meet war. The new pl.t ns. however, will not for teams from this si'ctlon. The win¬ be managed as a "buyers' week"; instead

Nofumbega Pafk Opens


ning team will be awarded the Charles M. Schwab cup.
W. ilnesilay and Thurstlny afternoons. In sddltlon to the other nttrnetlons, n horse
show will he held Arch Johnston, vleepresld.-nt (if the Bethlehem Stwl (Corpora¬ tion, has donated a cup for the champion '.iildle horse at this show,
W(>dnesdny and Thursday of the Indtis·rlnl I'xpoeltlon *100 In gold will be awarded a** gate prises and Friday nnd Saturdny a flOO gold watch will be awB rded.

the merchants ('f l-Tastern Washington .and parts of Oregon, Idaho nnd Mon¬ tana will be guests of the Spokane manufaiturers nnd Jobbers. Convention ses¬ sions win b«' short In order that the fair mav be retained ns the main attraction of the week.
Park Paragraphs
(CoHfiMitrrf /rom pugr S3)
sidendid work for the cause of good roads.

Bo.ston. June 4.--Norumbega Park in

Aubumdale. suburb of Boston, otliciallv

opened its 1925 season Saturday. May 2:t.

.and. despite Inclement weather, played

to aNnit 7,000 people the opening day


.account of the rain the scbediiliMl fre,' the Tom Davis Trio "motorcycling in

niiciair", could not .show afternoon or

evening as the riders could not perform

on the wet bo.ards.

Some 5,000 people visited the theater

during tbe day and In the evening the

dance hall was erowd>'d. .lack C-own's

Buy Siiuw Marblnri frooi inT«ator. 0«t permit ta m.inu(artur* the Fruit Soew ProducU. W» are Ml* Pitmter.*. Complete o'ittit (run by ·l·etrlcity. thiaInuin mole, mnlor attached), SI34.M (abort tia* only). F. O. B. Los Aocelea. laaructloaa mad Fotmula viitb earb nuihine. Half asb wlUiMrtkr. ImIinre C. O. D Weight, 75 lbs. FRUIT SNOW CnMP.X.VT. 1323 Wert lOlSt 3t.. Isw Angeles. Cattf. ^

GlA.stonbufy Fair

T-ike H<U>atcong. N. J.. oih'IiciI it>> tive-plece orchestra supplies the mu.«lc for "·nmnier season 51.iv 17 with crowd.s at the dancers. Dancing t.akes place in tb


Olastonhtiry. Conn., June 5.--The third  nntial agricultural fair to be given bv

'he (llastoiihury Agricultural Fair .Ns-

loeiatlmi will l*c held this year thtolsT

I. 3 .mil .1, dav and night. The fair

lavt \car was very sueeessful. Its nt-

tendanc,! Imving inereased more than

lOa p. I-

o\cr Its pri'vlnue yc.ir The

laticiii has made extensive improve-

metiU' in i|s plant the past vear, most

notahiv the drainage of Its field \ large hiktorlcal page.mi with a cast
"t 1.000 people will b(' given ns p.irt of

all of the bi'aches nnd parks. The lake Is getting to b,' quite a rondexvous for theatrical folks, and many vaiideviUe, miisicsl (·oin«-dy. burlesque and circus people may l»e s,., n at the various re.sorts anv day. .Xmong tbe ixqnilar he.iches are llios,' at (treat Cove, Bertrand Island and Nolan's Point \t the l.atter place several new rides have Ns'n in.stalled. according to Sam S. Lewis, publicity director.
Lakewood Park. Bonner Springs,

dining nw'm r»f the restaurant, a 50-cen cover charce taking e.are of the gate.
Will White, manaper. annoiinees he contemiilates Inetallinp a big No. 12 l-'li wheel In the ne.ar future. Gne ride this park ^leks Is a roller coaster, but ther Is still hope that one may be installd Mme day.
The Cincinnati Zoo
The secamd great series of Gold.'ii

Great Elkhart County Fair
Mu>t Ice hiitb rio-. September 1 to S. day and night, t;. I! WIU.IaMSON, Secretary, Oeihen. IndUna.




M pmeninl in Carnerle Hall Nera Tork. Caaialete Plana. $3.00.
A F. FULLER. 132 Etc Avanne, Jaraay City. N. J.

he free attractions the nssiH'lation Is 'lilting on for Its |gilrons II i''*' `'·^'ors are- president. Siancliff


·GRIDDLE PUPS" Jubilee aiiraettons at the ('ineimiat
-7(i(il,iglcal Garden op- ned to large and appre, t.itive crowds Sund.iv. June 1. and

Male; secretary and general manager, Ronner Springs. Kan. June 4.--Like- kontlniies for two W('eks

Be the first in yo«r kKility to iotfodnet

^·Tge w. Blimey; treasurer, Frank >1. wood Park. Den.utiful ''lake of the woods" Thaviii's Band and Halcyon Players reiiort near this city, op^uied Its vuinmer made an instantaneous htt with Zoo

this namt. S«« top of page No. 79.



(CommuaicatiooM to 25-27 Optra Plact, Cincinnati, OJ


Strikes N^der Bros. ShowsWind and Hail Do a Great Deal of Damage

Veteran Showman, Who Was a Talker on the "Midway Plaisance' at Chicago in 1893, States Joe Baylies Backed the

An executive of Narder Bros ' Shows In¬ formed The Billboard last week from

First Company

I..ark(<vi:ie. Pa., that the show had en¬ countered a terrific wind and hailstorm

Howard P. Jones, one of the pioneers in carnival circles and who orated on the

there June 2. which did a ereat deal of daniaae on the midway. IncludlnR the show and ride topi and fronts and concessions.

front of the Persian Theater on the Midway Plaisance during the World's Columbian Exposition (World's Fair) at Chicago in 1893, has been spending a few weeks in Cincinnati and vicinity. Last week during a visit to The Billboard Mr. Jones mentioned the much-diecussed ''first organized carnival in this country", a subject that he is greatly Interested in.

Fortunately none was injured by the
storm and the attaches worked most creditably to save the paraphernalia, but were ereatly hampered by the blindlna. torturing shower of hail. Among the heaviest losers amoM concessionaires

and contribut' d the following data as his its Oriental towers, 60 feet high; the

were E. D. Boswell. W. E. Sincley, P

roeollections thereon;

reproduction of Blarney Castle and ail

Anplebaiim, Joe Ueddig. Ray Duncan and

"After reading various articles by W. other shows with panel-scenery fronts

Dick La-nnon. W. K. Davison's merry-go-

H. Rice, Geo. Dorman, Harold Bushea, presented a naore attractive appearance

round top was blown completely off the

Jean DeKreko and otliers, 1 failed to see than many of the present-day carnivals,

machine. Mr. Davison immediately

mentioned the names of the real pro- "It was necessap^ under the construc-

sent a rush order for new canvas Fur¬

moters of the first organized carnival, tlon of this carnival company to build

ther advice was that arrangements for

with the carnival idea, on the road.

frames for the different shows and al-

other tops to replace those damaged were

"The idea of an organized carnival was most two complete sets of scenery, sepd-

being made and that the Incident will

bom in the fertile brain of Otto Schmidt, ing their carpenters ahead to the next

not affect the organization filling all its

scenic painter and stage manager of stand to get things In readiness for the

contracted engagements.

People's Theater of Chicago.

show. Even at that a week was lost be-

"About July, 1893, Joe Baylies. owner tween each stand, of People's Theater, having sold his lease "Now in regard to this carnival idea in the theater to Col. Hopkins, the origi- being different from the present-day

Later Details on the Leggette Shows' Mishap

mttor of the 10c, 20c. 30c idea in theater shows, the organizations now on the

prices, was talked into the idea by Mr, road carry from one to a dozen or more Schmidt to take the important attractions riding devices. One of the contributors cn the midway at the World's Fair in to the special article on the subject in Chicago, then running on the "Midway this year's Spring Special edition of The

Mr. Whitt (at Itait hit name) nttdi no introduction to thott in "tht know" in ntwipaper circlet and thowmtn. For

riaisance", and put them into an organ- Billboa,rd seemed to think that because year* ht hat been a writer for ntwt-

zed show to play fairs. During the we covered over the Persian Theater, a paptrt, including Chicago dai^ict. At

V inter of 1893 and 1894 Otto Schmidt organized his company and tried it out .'t Toledo, O.. jumping from there to St .Couis, Mo.; then to New Orleans, La., where a disastrous season was closed.

Part of the Streets of Cairo, the Illusion shows. Blarney Castle and Oriental Shows with what he called tarpaulin tops were not to be classed with later carnivals. However, we had a few shows

prrit rtpretentatiot for theatricalt and
outdoor amusement organizationt, of the
C. A. Wortheun Showt the past teotrai
teasont, hit pertonality and ability hoot

"The show was reorganized in Chicago under tents, namely Tony White's Circus, further added to hit legion of fritndt

n lf>95 on a larger scale, Joe Bavlies Frank Bostock's, Helen Conger with among both editorial etafft and tbowfolk.

advancing $35,000. The first stand was two. the Old Plantation. Persian Theater,

the New York State Fair at Syracuse. L*e's Dig Snakes. "Bosco" and Working

There was carried from loaded flat cars, six box

Chicago sev«-n cars, and 540

World--all with banners and bally platforms, the same in appearance as the






people went to Syracuse on a special present-day gilly show carries. But if train from Chicago. Among the attrac- 't takes rides to constitute a carnival we

mained Over Sunday at

tlons were 'Streets of Cairo'. `Persian

not have one, unless the camels on

Theater', 'Irish Village', Helen Conger's the Streets of Cairo attraction, which

Elgin, Illinois

'Bronze Statues' and 'Living Picture.s', carried passengers about the midway,

'Tony White's One-Ring Circus. Frank C. would be called a ride.


-t. c-

r- - . -·

Bostock's Trained Wild Animal Arena, "This was undoubtedly the first car- Wortham Shows, which played here last

three illusion shows photo gallery Old nival and the only reason it was not a week, were requested by their auspices

fPlantation, Bosco's Pit Show Lee's'Con- success was that it was on too large a to remain over Sunday, which invitation ress of Wonders. Working'World and scale for that early date in this field of Manager Brown accepted, and the finan-

sl;a Smith's Operetta and Beautv Show, amusements.

results were satisfactory all around.

DeKreko, of DeKreko Carnival Company, were on the show during the entire time it was out.
"In regard to this show not carrying
tents and concessions as present organized carnivals are carrying, the writer
Hi*, the Chicago Midway Plaisance Amusement Company presented a more showy appearance with its built-up panel fronts, espedally the Streets of Cairo with its m.nareu and towers; the front arch with







Portland, Ind., June 3.--Harvey Mills and Forest Payne, known as the Mar¬

Cincinnati '

velous Mills Duo, high-tlght-wire artistes,

narrowly escaped serious injury, or death,

Joe Orlfflth. who with Joe Kelley has QfY the Athletic Show with Macy's Exposi'' 7 tion Shows this spring, was a caller at
the Cincinnati om<e of The Billboard
Day June 4. Griffith received a b.'idly Injured ows right shoulder recently and he has far and from regained the use of it He informed
r to that he and his wife had been in the city use- about a week and that Mrs. Orltfith was
at St. Mary's Hospital receiving treatland ment and waiting to undergo an opern-
,lev. tlon, which would probably he performed

last night while doing their act as a free attraction on the midway of the Wise Shows here when their wire suddenly be¬ gan to sag and a few moments later car¬
ried them to the ground. However, at the Jay County Hospital Dr. I'erry made an examination and found no broken bones, altho both performers suffered
severe bruises, and It was announced t<»-
day that they will leave the hospital this evening but will rest up a few days Is-fore resuming their work. A large
crowd was on the midway at the tinte of

the accident. It was explained that soft

ground in which the ''de.td man" holding

the guy wire that supported one of the

40-foot pole.e lo'tscned, causing the p<de

to be gradually drawn over by the weight

of the men, both of whom were perform-

priate selections, andj.a.t,- the conc.lu.sion

V/irle ·*'8

the wire at the time.

NIr. Zeldman and Mr. Pollle placed an immense basket of white carnations "from

i orit


.»· w



JVlOfriS oOOn 1 O LCJVC HOSpitJl

the carnival world'' at the tomb. Thou- New York, June 3 Max Llnderman


sands of visitors at the cemetery gathered and "Bill'' Holland, of the Boyd A Linder- New York Juno 4_Friends of Friinkaround the grave and the whole scene rnan Shows, w. re New York visitors tills lyn Morris coiicesslonalro now conflncl

was very impressive.

week on business. Mr. Llnderman an- In Ward E-2. IT. S. Veterans' Ho.spital.

Later in the day. Mist Gasklll, a sister nounced that business with his shows. New Haven Conn will be pleased to

of Frank, and a nephew. Mr. Tayor, went which have recently been enlarged has learn that he will shortly be discharged

out to the sbowgronnds and personally been very good, and that they will' play from that institution and will again rc-

thanked the show ofBclals tor their Hsllsbiiry, Md.. week of June 8, with enter the^ amusement field. Letters will


Mew Brunswick, N. J.. to follow.

be appreciated.

June 13, 1925

THc Billboard





At $4.SO Each In Case lots 30 to a Case
Full Bound. Standird Quality, Standard Weight. Size 60x80
LATEST AND GREATEST Mercbandiic NoTelty erer offered. Six-inch wool fringe. Assorted flashy colors. Manufactured in our own factory. IMMEDIATE ' DELIVERY. ANY QUANTITY. Buy direct from the manufacturer and sare middleman's profit.
, ^ INDIAN BlANKnS *349










15 - horse nitchlne. mounted on 3>!t,')6 foldup board.

PADDLE WHEELS of every description

"Stralght-Away Racer"
The latest science and skill Group Contest on the market. Price within the reach of all.
Sizes from 3 to 30
k.Write for Full Description and Price.

High-grade steel gallery. Best of material. Guaranteed work¬ manship. Size, 6 ft. wide, 8 ft. high, weight 1,000 pounds.
Full line of Guns. Cartridges, Targets, etc.
Special Galleries built to order on short notice.
Write for Illustrated Catalog and Price List--25 Styles.


A (Icin-rat iri'cncr and skill Roll-

Down TabI*.



addff. Impossible



Great earning


U'n'fe ter



arsl pric».

· `-HfCAWO til


Hh Ol/CAnt*
Wa5m Tijii'


Write for Fall Drtcriptton
and Prica.

H. C. EVANS & CO., 1528 West Adams Street, CHICAGO, ILL

16 ilher-pitud borirs, mounted oc a 3*iz M foId-up board. Th« nco-rat and bast aaioa
the day. Price complete, with eoamel
cloth layout

25% deposit, balanca C. 0. D.

The Fastest and Best sf AH.

For alt kinds of Games, laiinpa. Alunlnuna, Siteenrara. I)olli, Vajn, Camly. Baskets, Stuffed Tnya. Paddle Wbecia,

Cerda made of heavy leatherette bound ma¬ terial. Complete, with numbered wooden
blocki, tally skeeta and Initructloos.

R ®ARK and COMCESSIOIM IVIEN Dart Wheels, Ele'-trlc ApplUncea. Pictures, Pillow Tops,
Pennants, Novritirs, lUlluona, Canes, etc. Send today for our new Catalog No. 12").


SEA.CK MEG. CO. -- 128 W. LAKE ST.

Red Devil. Met Pup, Grtes

Phetegraphle Scarf Pint. Dozen.$ 2.00

Freg, Diving Girl. Ooz.,

Hat Bands. Per 100. 2.00

90c; Grass .$16.50 Asserted CellsIeM DolU. Brest....54.50 and B.S0

No. 70 Gat Balleen. Grast.

Ne. 70 Gas Trant. Grets.. Ka 70 GaIiI ai* ^Hvat Bird


GTotf .;···

No. 70 Gat, Trant. Animal

Prints. Grots.

Ne. 70 Oat. 2.Celtr. svitb

Flag. Brest .

Balloon Sticks. Gr..S5e and

2.75 1.50 5 75
3.75 .45




.ki'mi'tsVn' SM

Wnipf. brotS


.94«uUt 99>d0, O.WI

Dtneing Fur Minkeyt. 7.50 Bast Flyin, Birdt. 36-In. Stiek. Brest. 4.25

Largatl Flying Birdt. 8-Coler in One. Orest. 4.75

Oiled Paper Paratelt. Dozen.$8.00 and 10.50

R. W. B. Cleth Paratelt. Dozen....$3.60 and S.OO

Cedar Chest, 2-lb. and 3-lfc. Dtz..$13.00 and I8.G0

Oise Clocks. Dozen. 17.40


GOLDBERG eJEWELRY CO.. 816 Wyandotte St.,





Each Known to every

>1AA M wa

e7 nn

c- p.t'w

showman. Bach .$6.00

For 30 days

will offer

only .6.50

for 30 days

only at.... 5.50

In lots of 3

Order now and

or more... 6.00 I save money.

Special Prices on Cook-House Outfits. Send for Special Prices for Cook-,

House Burilers, Hollow Wire and OSanks.l

J. T. McClellan Shows Leave
Kansas City for Road Tour
Kansas City, Mo., June 3.--The local representative of The Hillboard motored to Centropolto Station Saturday niRht to pay a final visit to tlie midway of the J. T. McClellan Shows before their departure Sunday from this city, as they were leavinc after six pleasant and successful weeks' stay here for Atchison. Kan., their spot for the week of June 1. Found every¬ thing the same spick-and-span way it was on their openintr and everything presenlini? a neat and attractive appearance, with the shows, rides and concessions pleasing the crowds that swarmed the midway that night, summer-time weather prevailing.
Mr. McClellan sold bis Minstrel Show before leaving here, but added another show (Major White, famous midget) so that his quota of eight shown would still be maintained.
A very regrettable Incident took place shortly prior to leaving Kansas City. The McClellans' private car was broken into and prafticafly everything detachable was taken, including fine linens, clothes and china and glassware. This car was set out on tracks here, as it was to be left In Kansas City as Mr. and Mrs. McClel¬ lan had deoidea to try a season of hotel living this year. While the car was in¬ sured its contents were not and a loss of three or four hundred dollars ensued. R. E. Barnett added a new motor to his merry-go-round while here. All was working fine and everyone on the show looked well dressed and happy.



LADIeV pure silk UMBRELLAS, srlih am¬ ber tip and amber bottom. AtUactUa handles

Popular colora.

we a

Pee Oaien .

Lata than Doran Lata, tl.SO Each


amber tip and amber boClom. AUraetloe handlet

RViter"-. $10 00 Lest then Oarta Lata, $1.00 Each.
MEN'S UMBRELLAS, with rurrad handles, at tbs same price.
Rernsde with oea framea and handles. 2S% diposlt, bslanca C. O. D. Last than Doaen Lots, send cash with order. Conrlnra yourself of this fitraordtnary Special Priced Offer by sendtot or¬ der at once.
H. SEIDEN. 506 Cait 5lil Btraet New Ytrk.



P»ddl« ManufACturert

37*39 W. 8th St., New York, N. Y.

1426 Chestnut Street, ST. LOUIS, · ' - MISSOURI.

Mrs. J. H. Murray Seriously Ill
Hatband Asks Assutance From Friends

# Orlglntl--Portable--Rellabla. Imaranta PreRtv--Stetdy R-teator. On tha road, ptrki.

where that people ptie

Maybelle Chocolatei, V^-lb., 20e Each.

Kellagg Cembinatign, Vz-lb., 22c Each.

MaybalU Charrlgt, '/i-lb.. 24a CMb.

CauaretFlaor Chacalatea, I-lb.. S4c Each.

DIam Chacalatea.

S5e Each.

JaniM Butter Chacelatn, I-lb., 4Sa Each.

Picture Tap Checelatct, 4-gz.,80a Dezan




DIONE CHOCOLATES, one pound, (3 colon)

11 Box encircled with a pair of Ladies' Silt Carters.


dj^ !j/j_


JJ t


Wc. A oii Winner. Wrapped in La Cellophane.

Send $1.00 for. lampU asaortinent of our leaders. AIm prtM


~ _

TERMS: 2'.% deposit with ordar, balance C. O. D. PrlcM

F. O. B. Beltlmore.


Candler Bldg.


Ward -Owsley's
LARGE HANDSOME BOX OF WONDER CANDY. 12 os. net. per dozeo, $0.00. No umplaa. 20% depotit with orden,
balance C. O. D.
WARD-OWSLEY CO. deen, - - - - So. Dak.

quite a few of them. I have always given With a free heart and have never before asked for assistance, but would now appreciate any help from anv-
who thinks we are desorvinp. and in qq matter how small amounts. I can be reached at Room 215 Annex, Chicago LyIng-in-Hospital, 426 East 6i8t street, Chicago."
C. W. Cracraft Home for a Day -
Assistant General Representative C. W. Cracraft, of the Greater Sheesley Shows, spent a day at his home in Cincinnati recently while en route to visit the show at Columbus. O. Mr. Cracraft a few days previous had been suddenly called from his work to the home of his father in Kentucky, who had become quite ill and has since been removed to a hospital. While at The Billboard C. W. spoke a world of praise for his social and business relations with Gener.ai Representative A. H. B.vrkley and "Capt. John" Sheesley. and was very optimistic regarding the route the show will play this season. He was particularly inter¬ ested. he said, to see the new M.aj-nes rides recently added to the shows' attrac¬ tions.
Silver Works Progressive

data, wunderfulbr coat-


and tecret rerlpei furnithed. Anybody ran hindit.


1215-17 Chattaut Street



CoodcDiad Rwartrncr. Roluble la cald watet. Write for Prlre LlaC.


SOS N. Sacaed Straat.


Concessionaires Attention


Rebaiit and in first-claM


conditgm .540.1/

F. 0. B. Net Ymk Cifp Loadtd wOk Qttcia end naif It mart

MINTS, $10.00 Per 1,000 CHECKS, $10.00 Per 1,000
One-tbird cash with order, balance C. O. D.


New York, June 4.--The Mills Silver Works of this city, a well-known conces¬ sion supply house, reports lively responses from their recent advertisement in The Billboard. This concern Is ^ontlnu.illy creating new designs and Items In sliverware and specializes in duplicating highclass silver pieces. .Manager I). Jnerthy well known to fair and carnlv.tl conces¬
sionaires, has among his niii;ii intis em¬ ployees men who have Iwen esp«`cln1lv trained to handle premium merchan¬ dise.

Have twal** TVim. brand nrw. framed eompleu.
Will tocM to rri.i)aiMllilt parties for A faw ehoira Wliaeli iipra. CAN I'KE an Alhlella
Hhdw. Hawaiian Troupe and a Walk-Through H"'*-. Wmld Ilka to hear Irum Malna'i iludrl Mine Bh<'«. ala<> Gene C .le writ#. Celehrallon eoranillteea. « h.v« a few < i.en datra. Will «)ntlder any aW 'J* Wlamnaln. Ml'hlg.m ur Mlnnaaoia. THB JOE STGNIMW .\TTll.\CT10NM. Niagara, Wli..
June (t; Iron Mminlaln, Mlrh.. week June n.anent addreia, l.')30 (lairna 8t., Slllwaukra,

Smith's SoQthern Shows' Fourth-of-July Date

John Mort. of Kmith's Soulhern Hliows,

advir>-d The Itiltbonrd last we< k that the

organlz;itlon luid confr.'icted a Kotirlh-of-

.luly cei.-hrath-n dale at Jenkins, Ky.,

under the aiivpiceH of the I'llklmm

Athletic Association.


Mhurty Robartton fan na good Grind Stuff .Mun. AI.O aaTartl good Whfal Man. Whllff I.utg wania guwl Sla-rat Mm. Joe, the .ktlff Buy. wire. Ad'lr.it all wlrat rara of JOHN KRANCIH SHOWS, Uk.mah. Okla., June * to 14: Gulhrla, Okla., Juna IS to 20.

Tell Them You Saw Their Ad in The Billboard.

ftory In this lisiie. you wast eaty be

MINTS AND CHOCOLATES FSR PREMIUMS. KU.hy p.rka. Sunujllonil taliirt. li>f hrlnij. pm. Alway. a wtnnar. UKLMRT CHOCOLATM CO
Clnclmitll, Ohio.


jun? 13, 1925

The Billboard



Are Your Assurance of 'the Best in




The proof lies in the fact that we are today supplying at least


50^ of the Candy Concessionaires in the United States


and Canada.




Tb« King of Gi»«-A*Wiy Pxkjgtt. Known from Couc to Cojst » a "teptaiar".


The belt Gire-A-Way on the market today at the lowest price eeer lold.

A real Chocolate Cream Bar in in Attractive Box.

$12.00 PER 1,000 (4 Cases)

. $ 3.25 ,PER 250 (1 Case )
TERMS--25% cash deposit with order, balance C. O. D. Send today for oar Beaatifolly lllostrated Price List. Any one of "That Triangle of Service'* will
lenre yoa expediently.

·Icrn Repre*enlallve«i



501-3-5 North Main Straet. ST. LOUIS., MO.




Norlliern Repre»ei\la»*nr«»a
H. SIEBERIVfAN &. SONS, 3S8 TIlIra Street,

I WURulZER BAND ORGANS Ideally Suited for

Band Organ No. 146*B Send today for Beautiful
New Catalog

Caroutalles, Summer Resorts, Skating Rinks
A opecial type Wurlitsrr Band Orgao far every kind of out aod indoor ebow ia now available. Wurlltaer Music U loud and powerfal, yet full of B-lody and harmony. Send for rompleto list of newly released music rolli. New mnsie brings crowds-- crowds bring money.



Just add cold staler and sut.r,

Lake Shore Phosphate will please your customers better tod nuke you more profit than anythlns you

hart ever uied.


TRIAL ORDER--A S-tunse Settic snili ef the sla netolor Flovert ler 50e. gestpoid.


TERMS: TMtl orders til ettb. Larger orders. lonil fheeks deity shipment of your order.

dopotll with order, balaaco C. O. D. Por_

Whtittaio Distributors:
m St Clair Annuo. Clevolaad. Ohio.

Manutmetureel by

Mint Venders!--Notice! 5cr~Radio Mints~5c

Bondurant-Custer Shows

Okarche. Ok., June 3.--^Tliis week fintln the Bonduraiit'Custer Shown playing here, down town, under the auupice.'* of the Chamber of Commerce. Saturda.v will be a well-advertised Trade Day, with roerchanlR giving away prizes, and a big crowd in the city Is expected.
Among new arrivals are Mr. and Mrs. B. Cutler, with seven concessions. Mr. Cutler will act as assistant manager, back with the show, thus giving Ted
Cu.ster hid entira time for advance work This is the 10th week of the season ami considering weather conditions encoun¬
tered business has been fair. Frank Loudin, who has the three-abrea.st merr^'-goround, is placing two conce.ssions. Mr. VanBuren has arrived from Texas with four conces.sions. '^Ir. Bates, who has charge of the 60-foot roundtop that will next week bouse the Minstrel Show, has that attraction's outfit in good shape. Mr. Cutler has booked a "Jumbo", big python snake, attraction. Bobby Chick, who has the Athletic Show, has ordered new canvas for it and ha.s been having very good patronage. The lineup now consists of four shows, two rides (with a merry mix-fip to arrive June 21) and 18 concessions. - Little ".Andy" Custer celebrated his first birthday anniversary this week--"Andy" didn't seem to realize fost what it wan *^1 'bout", but be was "in on it" just the same.
ROBKRT PEARCE. (Secretary-Treasurer),

Leggette Adds Ride

The local offlee of The Billboard is in

receipt of a letter from C. R. Leggette,

of the C. R. Leggette Shows, inaying

Pawnee, Ok., this week, that he has this

week added a new ride to the shows, the

glider. Mr. Leggette further advised that

business was proving very good for his

shows in the State of Oklahoma, and that

all the showmen, concessionaires and

ride men seemed much pleased with the

success they have been having on thl.s

year's route.



Give Yon Mors Profits and Qolehtr Tdrdovdr.


tl0.oe PER CASE OF 1.000 5« PACKAGES (Prittt Subjeet t# Chaagil. F. 0. B. CINCINNATI.

When ordrrlng send deputit for onr-fourth. balance on deUrery. Wo uto only wax paper-Unod folL thus no brrakigo.




1GS2 Central Ave.





\j p jrJ n AuortRMirt CMsitit ·! 72 Lfiri* Fnll-Siifi Pwett, Gurtnlfifid Btst Quality

Ic (

i I

f I

t , t

it--7-cup paneled percolators..


1 1





Vi / 1^J A g--*



|/ m»





OTHER SnCTTALS--HlWn' Brr.J Tt*,. Rir;

Nhk«l 8U»m S»l. tl.SS. AIm CiBlIy.

llUnkBtt, Floor, TdhU bihI HrUcr L«mni. linmr«IUtp Hliipm^nu.

with ordtr. bftUocB C. O. D.

·f'rvlc* Wirt ytiar or<lrrt. Otir 40 ypart in bunlnei* It your aiiuranct of our relitbllity. i>rUo for SprtUi Carnival H.iraain

AMERICAN ALUMINUM COMPANY. 102 Soatb Ttb St.. St. Uult. Mt.

Beacon Indian Sbawb. Each. ... $ 4.40 Beacon Kismet Shawls. Each. . . . 4.40 Beacon Wigwam Blankets. Each.. 3.50 Beacon Topaz Blankets. EkB. . . . 3.40 Nashna Indian Blankets. Each. ... 2.25 Imperial Blankets. Pet Doz. 9.00 13?^-In. Unbreakable Plome Doll.
Per Doz. 6.00 Caae Lots. Pet Doz., $5.75
I9.1n. Dolls. Silk Dress. Per Doz.. 12 50 New-Born Infant Doll. Per Doz 15.00 8-Qr. Alnminnm Kettles. Per Doz.. 6.75 15-ln. Oval Roasters. Per Doz... 11.75 18-In. Oval Roasters. Per Doz... 17.50 Swagger Sticks. Per Gross. 19.00 ^erfecto Play Balls. Per Doz. . . . 7.00
2 5% Dtpotit With All Orders
440 W. Court Street, Cincinniiti, Ohio

Levin Brothers'
NEW 1925
Every page of tbit new catalog ia Jammed fall of the biggest bargain opporinnitits that we have ever of¬ fered. It featores the largest and mont complete lines in America for metchants. carnival worktrt, conces¬ sionaires. pitchmen, preminm nsers, sheet writers, streetmen. aoctioncers. salesboard operators, demonstrators and medicine men. If yoa want to save some "real money'' tend for tb«  Husiier" catalog today.

taianlBBlaa Inalna


i -S' £



S Rinat. S TisMlt () tt a Noel). 11.60 ate Nett
7 RIttt. 7 Ttittit (S It t.^Nett). I.M aer NMt I'arltnl so Nettt to a Cttv.

U teat ttian Cat* bot. Oc rttrt i>er

SS% with til nedart, btl-

tae« C. O. D.


«· Raal im ·VaM.

MgW v«Mk m. V.


Urretliui C.rdt lot all iieratiuat. Loral viens fruin
T»ur u.n WwlotTaph.. I'hototraph ami Puatiatii Kei>ro<turiloDS of all kiodt. .Vny aUet. Write for quotatlont.


444 Broadway.






Dog Macbtna.


The Billboard

June 13, 1925

I3z61>^ Inches No. 100--Without Handle . . S6.00PeTDoz. No. lOOH--With Handle . . $8.00 Per Doz.
Per Set
No. 90--As il¬ lustrated. 8 pieces Quadruple Silver ^ated. On 14inch fray with liMidlae An »tm tractive nnmbct.
No. 203--$8.00 Pet Doz.

All silverware stamped "Quadruple Plate", finisbed in bright and butler. For finish and design onr line stands alone. As to prices make your own com¬ parison. then tend us your order.

No. 848--Four-piece Smoking Sets.
Bni»--Highly Nickeled FinUb.
$10.50 Doz. Sets
W. ten fUpplT .nythlnc in Bllver-riat.d Hollow W,ro and guirintee lower prlree tbeu veu ere now piving.
K% depMit with order. btL C. O. D-

OFFER NO. inOA--A Cemplrte AMWtmeet ef 20 ef Our Belt Numbers, Packed in an Indlvldnel Certen.
Wholesale Price, $18.00
ReUII Value, SSO.OO.
OFFER NO. 2000--A Complete Aaiertment at SO ef Our Bnt Numbert, Peeked in an Individual Certen.
Wholesale Price, $40.00
Eaiily Retail Value. $100.00.
661 Broadway, NEW YORK CITY

Carnivals · Fairs  Bazaars
Unbreakable--Will Not Short Circuit
Chain-poll i(Kket. two-pitcc attachment plug, giz-foot cord, crrtonne-lincd shade.
Sample Lamp, $2.50; 12 or more. $2.00 each.
25% of amount with order, balance C O. D.

Blue Ribbon Shows
Sleepy Eye, Minn.. June 3.--The Blue Ribbfin Shows* have been havlM a 8»atlt<factory business this spring. This week they are playing here. The roster fol¬ lows. Shows: Carl Stengel's Circus Side Show--liud I..eonard, talker; Madam 3Vanda. Mystery Girl; Great Nero, half man, in athletic feats; ITof. Stengel, human torture board; Babe, steel-skin marvel; Bahama Bud, tattian'd man. I'hll R. Burk and A1 Cube's Hawaiian Show-- Ollie Olson, talker; features Ross'lle and Leona, in singing and dancing; A1 Cube, string musical instruments; P. R. Burk, dancer. Cave Show. Athletic Show-- "Kog Horn" Hamien, talker ; John Kreberg, Bobby Bylund, Charlie Smith and Jack Pritchard, wrestlers and boxers. Rides: Ferris wheel--I'ut J. Harvey, manager; Mrs. R. Campbell, tickets. Merry-goround--Henry (Happy) McLane, man¬ ager: Ernest Clark, tickets. (Jllder-- Ralph Campbell, manager. Concession¬ aires : H. F. Sanders and J. C. Whltted, cookhouse: Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Frisk, with a string of coneessioiis; J. Pritchard, Mr. McCune and others.
HARRY HANSEN (For the Show).

Always Gel BlQ Money

34-lnrli spTMd, relnforivd un rtbi, oiled. Kii dUterent do- HDC Pfl slant sod rolors. siwrted. "UU GO.
Last tkaa 100 Lots. t0« Eub. Sample. Pnftp.14. $1.15.
13% deposit, b.Unr* C. O. D.

IM ,J,r lota


8 Cast I7tb Strset.


Metropolitan Shows


Covington, O., June 3.--The Metropoli¬ tan Shows are located here this week, at Armory Park, in the heart of town, and with warm weather prevaiilng have l)«*< n having a very nice business. The popuiace seems well pleased with the show and crowds are turning out nightly.
Mrs. Hartnett Joined here with a glass¬ engraving concession. Jack Stanton Joined lat< week with a string of four cxmcesslons and one show'. Steven Clough, owner of the Big Ell wheel, left yesterday to ship his other ride, merry mix-up, to the next stand. Bob Stewart, general
agent for he show, reports that he has been having success with his booking of summer celebrations and early fall fairs. The writer has given up his Cave Show and is devoting all his time to advertis¬ ing work and advertising banners, and quite remuneratively. Mlaannaager A. M. Nasser paid a visit to his son. Raymond, who is plaving a prominent role in Kiki with the Stuart Walker Stock Company at the Victory Theater, Dayton, O.
FRANK S'TARKEY (Special Agent),





TRADE -- R.-

iluiM to Snow,

t .<<·11 of Irt.

in few inliiuiw I'rlru oil tht >1 tor. $i:r..wo.
1' r I e · witb I{,iad Pu.cr, 8tS.OO. WcUe for Dr^Tlptlr. Clrmlw.


1213-17 CbMtuut SL



Hair Suuatr $12.00 ,rr 100. Kuvuir, and Ski^t.

with Pluma OrnH*. $35.00 p»r 100. Slum. 3d and u*.

S'luati parked 50 and loO to tba t'a-r. Kmplra

and HlittMt, 5.5 to ."O to Ca*. P- rant Srrrlcr.


114 Main Street

Gileiia. Ktnui.

Tithot CoaHiliutlna Hambnrgar Tnmb, gond »· iww. Covt new $lilS.OO; will veil tnr $'>0.AA. P. O. B Day-
. f.»h. Ad.tTrrt J.tMKS A. O. HBKRER. M5 Roulh Jrffrrwm St., Diylon, Ohio.



Our 18-incb Plaster Doll with painted hat and dress is the biggest flash on the markct. No. 46--Code name, "Ohio".
Each 50c

Jy. * % .
` '

Ten different articles, such as Vases. Dogs. Cats. Dolls, etc., pack¬ ed 100 assorted to the barrel. No. 49--Code name, "Asiottment".
Per Hundred

Read what Turners Falls (Mass.) K. of C. write:
"The lamps were the most successful articles on any of onr booths. They appealed to the people's fancy instantly. We heartily endorse your lamps as an A-1 article for anyone who wishes to use them as a leader at bazaar. lawn party or any such affair."
(Signed) PHILIP D. SHANAHAN. Chairman. K. of C. Council No. 737 Bazaar Committee.


Box 34,

Gardner, Massachusetts

No. 14. Code Name **Grace.** Each 35c.

Unbreakable and Plaster Dolls. Lamps, Blankets, Dogs. Vasts, etc.



1II-3I1 E. 12th SL, Ciminnsti, Ohio


No. 4409--48 in. high. Mark and gold finish wrought iron, copper howl, natural finish, extrlieni number for carnivals. Price in lots of 2$ only

No. 4407--Biack and gold finish, adjust able socket. 12'in. shade, parchment, assorted de¬ signs and colors, com¬ pletely wired with 6ft. cord and 2-pietr plug. In lots of 2S onlv


N. ftn, 91.. WT.'uOtjta, Itm.

Has* a toad prouoiUlas far FtRRIH WHKKL, MEKKT-OO-ROl'XD ind rHAIBPlA.'fg. for »ntlfa $mson, UrtUK until Nov-mber 15, to giy.<l fpots. Will do buslaes, »ltli orw brii for lh«, thrso Rid-,, nr ssrti Rida IXDrVTDCALLT. Htau full partlrulari bt ymr KMs and Juit wImo jou could open fur ui. Tlila la so ezceptlooal epenlng far the rUha poiplc. A'ldrew by mall coir
WIULIAM WELCH. IMI Narth Ctork M.. CbkM*. llliMfa.

Sample $2.73

Sample $2.50


June 13. 1925

The Billboard

A New Money Maker!


ouR^NEw SDUN~-O0~-RAIN C( OATS A rombinilioo Coat that lelnt money. It`t tho most attrie-
2 tlye Coat you'ya eter seen. Can bo worn at a






in Dos. Lets Sample Ceet 13.00.

Act Quickly and (el In line with soGne of our other A(enti who arc eamin( 350 s

day. Our bl( llhiatratsd rata|o( HiH be tent KKFK with each aample coat.

AfJENT»--Vi rile for our new propositi.m ii.d t- rrtti.ry r. aerrattons.

I*riirDpt fhliimenli. Haoiple orders mutt li.fe M. O. or cash in fuU with order.

Quantity ordert mutt hare

depuall, balan>e C. U. D.


D.(«. L-K, 34 Ea« Ninth Stmet,


Phonographs That Pull Profit

Tone, Style and Beauty of High Quality


trareltnr. Mtne or ramp* Ing. CompiclDcat m.ket It en appreciated InstruGoeiit Nhertrer It is taken. Tha muate of the artist It rerrudured In beauti¬ ful meludlout tones of the `"Iburlit". Made of rrood In maliurtny flnldi. Boom permits e supply of reeordt to bs carried eas¬ ily. Priced plettanily lew. Send IS. 50 for
Sample, prepaid, end quantity prl.cs.

Looks and works like larcer metl.ltte. Htindard motor srrin( of best ma¬ terial. Cabinet U'e la hea In helfht. 11 In.hea deep, and 14
in. het wldt. It win play any standard record. Made stroor
and durabla tn mli^ iature of wtll-kn<>wn
marhlnet. Send t8..V0
for .Sample, prepaid, and quantity pricer.

! WALTER'S SPECIALTY CO., 1217 N. Paulina St.. O. 2. Chlca«e, III.

Decorated Glassware

Karr Duffy Shows

Junction City, Ky., June 3.--On ac¬

count of encountering very unKea.sunuble

weather here last week and with bri(;ht

prospect.** for business this week the Karr

A Duffy Show prolonRed their local en¬

gagement and so far to very good results.

The engagement is under the auspices

of the iocal k)dge of Jr. O. U. A. M.

The management purcha.sed a new

40x60 top here for the Minstrel Siiow,

which is now one of the m<Mit cornidete

on the road, with 10 really entertaining

performers and a five-piece band, all

under the management of "ned" O'Day.

The lineup now consists of merry-go-

round. Ferris wheFl, Karr & Duffy'.** Min¬

strel Show, five-in-one. Snake Slmw,

Crazy House, owned by the inanagenaTt;

Hoyt, armless and legless wonder, and

20 concessions. Mr. and Mrs. Walt"r

Dennis Joined with four concession.^.

The staff: Joe Karr and Jack Duffy,

owners and mantfgers; A1 O'Day, general

argaesknet;r, ToemlecM triucriraany;,

special H. L.

agent; I>oc Jones, lot

sup«*rintendent; the writer, mail and Hill-

boards. Among visitors here have been

Mr. and Mrs. Jones, of the Jones Greater

Shows: Jack Morgan and others.

a WESLEY (for the Show).

Russell's Ovefland Shows

Fairmont, Ill., June 3.--Russell's Over¬
land Shows have been out six weeks' and are doing nicely here. They had an
excellent stand at Brazil. Ind., al.so at Cayuga.
Mr. and Mrs. Ottao Randal have the merry mix-up ride and Capt. John Bul¬
lock and "Red" Riker the Atbletic Show. Among the concessionaires are Mr. and Mrs. Kane, Mr. and Mrs. Downing, as¬ sisted by their son and daughter, Lester
and Romaine: Ed. Lamon (cookhouse), Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kennedy. Mre. Shoupe, Mrs. 3iargaret Lichliter, Mr. and Mrs. King, Mr. Fisher, and Mr. and Mrs.
Chester Breakman. Russell Lichliter is owner and manager. Ail of which is ac¬
cording to an executive of the above shows.

Special Items for Carnivals.

Inkograpb Co. Intfoduces a New

Prices Per Dozen: 30c, 75c, 85c, $1.00 and up.
Stnd foe Cetalogu*.
Cash in on the demand for

New York. June 4.--That a large red¬ ink writing instrument can be bought at an "unheard of price" is announced by the Inkograph Company, which for the first time in its history has deviated from its general principle of producing only its regular catalog numbers by designing and manufacturing a sotKial giant writing
instrument of hard rubber for those who Bi>ecialize in premiums and salesboards.
It will be called the Mighty Giant, and displayed in six different attractive col¬ ors. J. Wallace, president of the Inko¬
graph Company, informs that this article is made primarily to give thoro satisfac¬ tion and allowing large profits to the persons who buy In quantities.

LU K E L E L C S .
The craze eyeryrrher*. This model INDEStTRl'CTIBLE. Caimot warp or crack. Fine tone;flnl-hcd in a rich red en.maL A BIO Item at a small price. Sample 11.50. Send for aample end particulars. POXG-OI'llOXE Bind Inttrumrnta ereryonc ran play. Tou M«d DO Butlcal education. A rood prize or bally hooL
S46^ 2 Wythe Ave. Brooklyn, N. Y,



nude . 2.00

Kryrd Comet.. 2.00

riarlnet . 2.00









The Original Sii-CatRack



Brings Far Away

Objects Closer

Bas five sections-- <r§Uk


Made in Europe.


3 Feet

BcleattOcallytest- Airmf

ed Icnees adjust. JlWlt?

cd by erpcrts. rJS

rbouannda a( mploeatss.edCcaursdteor"one to^y

^ WMf
32 d-io*s.es op to la.
BlUgntrteeiet telescope value ever

You are In M MSSBbi/ ®ofOfecrrecd. Only 31.85. For

for a bis /jrn fm r .6e®mccilccnnfry equal toot here eost.

B'lnwise. jFrXnw b Ins 3.5 (X). Brliiss far diatant

objects right before your eyes

J snd also ha-* a apeclaf solar eye

jpece for looklne at sun spots.

Everyone should nave one. SoM

oaabsoiirto monoy-bscli goorantos If not saUstartory.

E. G. PattcA. Kanras City, says:

"Cook! count cattle twenty miles

away." L.B. Brownof Newark.N.J..

says; "Wlthlt tbc last row at Boyle's

Thirty Acres was as good as s ring

aide seat."

Free leatherette du^t-proof carrying

case with aling strap given with every



f^lmply $en<\ your order.


irun delivers Teletcop<i pay biiD $1.S5

pIuA few rents postage.

Special Pfiees To ConcessioBairM
EXCELSIOR IMPORTING CO., Dept. 106. M Chimbert St., N. Y.



All metal--bvautifully Snlihed In antique branie and verti-rreen.
Eirh (tend equipped with liiht am¬ ber gUaa tray, mauh box bolder in center.
26 Inches High

Just the Flash you want

tl-OO each


Dsren Lots

Parked, unaaiembled. 6 to a con¬ tainer, equally aesorted.
Samples, $1.25 Each.
TEHXIJV--Caeh with order.

Dept. 604 E
290 Broadway New York

Direct From the Importer and Manufacturers' Agent.






All orders ihlpMd Min* diy Tfffltfnll

our nistomrrt about our ^arrlraf One*thlrd dw>5U r#»

qolrej oQ all ordert.

BANNER CANDY CO., II7-II9 Narth OetplaiiMt Stratt Chieifa. IIMimU.










Hollinger Bldg. 169 Canal St., New York

This Rack hat been a proren surceta for tba past aU jreara and is bf no meant an tiperlment.
Each rick is fully cuaranteed in erery re¬ spect and the price la Icta than la potilbla to build one rack. Now, If you want a (.me that will net you more than any wheel or concesalon of any kind, order one of Uiete rackt today. It win more than pay for Itself tba Bttt week In operation. For pricea and parUculara. writ* or wira.
Mb and Oak St.. TERRE HAUTE. INO.
Candy Floss Machines

Impotite and Manufacturete' Agent of Watchei. Cloche, Jeweltg, Noveltiet,
Cutlerg and Optical Goods.
OF ALL KINDS. Write for rrfe Blat and
2833 West 2Sth StrarC G'Hiraco



GuarantMpd to Withstand Hot Waathor

$15 CASE OF 10,000 BALLS

Net eaih nr C. O. !>.. with ooe-ihlrd deposit. P. O. B. Newark.




Writ* for crulosM and tnformatloo. TALBOT MF8. CO.. 1113-17 CbMtirt. St. iMlIk

Pleasantville, N. J.
S(( top of page No. 79. li trIU about tb« new Hot Dog cquipincat. Tbc kind you
will rrmtiully iu«.

TKc Billboard



(Comfounieationt to 25-27 Optra Plact, Cincinnati, O.)

The annual Summer Special Billboard/ hospital last week. accordinR to a "report"

A convenience to showfolks!!

of "A Constant Reader". Thai's about


all Deb. can tell of the matter since the

The Z. & P. folks remembered the late communication was minus siRnature.

Frank Gaskill while at Alliance, O. -



To meet the fancies of some movie fans.

What's your "confab"? Pass It on to why not a carnival with a miniature train

the readers 1

going around the midway, back of the


shows and concessions? Would it be

W'. X. MacCollln has sure been hopping "too dark"?

along with local newspaper publicity for _ ,


_ _

the D. D. Murphy Shows.

Wonder why, lately, that A1 C. Beck.


treasurer of the Morris & Castle Shows.

A. H.--The Incident you refer to was is going around singing an old-time

at Waco, T"x.. May 22. Haven't learned familiar air and quite sentimental, but

the latest developments in the matter. possibly very appropriate to his thoughts?

X / im Vv/V v-fr jr
M_ ... ...^


A Big Eli Wheel
No. 5


will nrt you Bior« S tle«r promt at thr 
tenon th«n 

tnjr other Inreitment On* Purehaior't UK]


KLI No, 5 paid foe 5

Itaeir In r O U H montha. Write and


t*h·*e "·potilbl»o"« p`rboomutt  

on · No. S Bin KU. S


BOO CtM A«<*im.


25 for $20.00 1 100 for $70.00 50 for $37.50 | 10 for $8.50


Sample, Postpaid, $1.00



"Tkt FaiUtl CrouHni NottUy Houtt in tht WttT

119 No. 3rd St.

302 W. 9th St.


The season will not be a "mopup", but Deb. can't comment that "it was hot

indications are that it will be better than hast week"--it was in Southern Ohio and

last year.

other sections of the country, but the folks


in some parts of the Northwest had snow.

Howard Jones has an interesting story Sure some freakish weather this spring!

in this issue on "the first organized carnival in this country."

,,. .

.- _


Fob the Ian' sake, if that Cleve Reedy


isn't back in the carnival game again!

"Will somebody tell me what `sticks' What foh you all come back to the S.

are good for on a midway except to get W. Brundage Shows Grover Cleveland?

everybody with the show in badf' writes d Ju® knew that fellow couldn't stay

one of the Mid-West troupers.


PORTABLE AND PARK CARROUSELS. Write tor CiUloc end Prlete.




Thi" Yu-Chu VeniUnr Marhln* beat! *i`m all. Kmptiea three timui falter berauie the "1-2-3" Idea fateiiutea younir and old. Alntoit- ereryone apendt three rent! at a time. The first cent brlnita out one ball of gum; the eerond rent, two balls, and the third rent, three balli. Then It starts all orer again.
Nothing win put you on Easy Street as quiekly as a number of Tu-Chu Vending Maihlnei. One hundred times mure proQtablt than the best stocks or bonds. Ten to flfty machines will bring you a big Income. It'a a sure-llre mnncy-maklng pmposUiuo. Write lor full dctalli.


4Menufaeturera of Dependable Vending Machines,

Dept. B, 329 Broad St.


The Letaat Inretillnn. The Meet Seosatlontl Bide Out for Perks. Kilre and Cemleele. Pertabla and (Utlonery. Write today and let ue tell feu ell tbniit it SMITH & SMITH. SgrlegyllNt Erie Ce.. New Yirk.

Poe OTer tao yean this baa been aa honaat 8. Bowtr headitna--more thaw doubled
many, many timaa. BUDDHA talka to peofda about tbto-
aelres--a cute aellar tlU bnman nature obaniae. A fast
dime teller, roeUng leti then
a i-eut A icy «bt> tmalaata Is cuod: a Ufa easer srbae Iilo<jmera bloom, rertwa and lou-f.irt'iDe rapeea -- maay kind! la maay langnaow. Pbr tuli tutu, un Buddha, Tutura Pbatae aad Hoti>t< < pet. oeud 4o etampe to


Btwtr Bldg.. 430 W. ISth Street

Naw Yart.


Tfit abooe thow* a railroad mit/yep irt which the thow train of the C. R. Leggette Showe wat "mixed tip". The cars ahead of the engirt* Wre* of a freight train--remain* of the caboore were under and just in front of the engine. The fiett thow cat Wtt* badly damaged. A story of the Wteck it tUtwhtce in this iuue.

even tho there is a recording of all amount of 112) in the advance promo-

movements at railroad headquarters.

tions of the J. T. W. organizjttion and


says ahe would so much liked to have

Harry Meyer, late of the Fritz * Oliver


P'lows, passed thru Cincinnati recently. _

Said that he was joining the Sheesley

Atlantic City recently Waller

Shows with five conces-sions. -

A. Schilling, formerly press agent with Bastem carnivals, now writing special

There should be no being "backward" material for radio journals, vislti d Frank

about admitting, in "show letters", bad Hubln's big pictorial postcard store on the

business at some stands (at least). The Boardwalk, and there met that good old-

readers of the information also have timer, trank, himself.

OM our npw Imprured Organ. Dlffrrtnt tlMt Iw (II purpweA Our Orging arg guirintepd let ui flgut* o* your tryoir work. Prl.-m root.siiMo. Our muale U truo to lime, perfect fer bond «feet. Writ* for catalorue and atusit yuur requlro-
Tanamnds. N. Y.. U. S. A.

I Almost Odorless Developer!

Sfysterloui Po.ket Outfit aent (er Jj.OO. Trial T.est Tube for *1.5«.
Money-bark guarantea. Free Clrcglara.


64 Lafiyatta St..


Chas. B. Owen, of Creston. la., writes that he visited the Royal American Shows when they played there recently, and he had many words of praise for the organi¬

A fellow made a report last week that in "honor to the d'-aa" the company he was with did not exhibit flie aft*rno<>ii of Memorial Day. Another fellow said that the show he was with didif>A opi raie that afternoon either, as there was "no¬ body on the lot."

The merry-go-round crew wdth the In¬

ternational Shows Is said to be a trio of Crowds are flocking to the midways,

hustlers, having torn down the big swing evsrywliere. hungry for outdoor enjoy-

in 2 hours and 45 minutes without any meirn.t. A It ho. so far this season, regard¬

Bur Books direct from pub'Ubeti. MODERN PALM- extra help.

less of how they wish to patronize the



attractions, their "ready change" doesn't

pages; ILLUSTRATED PALMISTRY. SO pages, ASTR0L06Y EXPLAINED. 116 pages. All fully lUuatrated. Wall printed. Bound paper ewerr printed in

r.e sKa ira A confabed that rSlacky

showfolkS La liue and

eerm to favor It--speaking from a general summing-up standpoint.

rolora expressly for iboicmeii. Whalaaala Pries. HOJM several others of the boys went fishing

gar IM.

__Rt Clarksville. La., bgit that "Blacky "

OLD"'"SY Oiltl BOOK. KIl. »**

""'r »" >'>


Four large pvthons were recently added to Wonderland with the John 'T. W'or-
fham Showe and have commanded a

,,,Th.,.ridoou of u,. Mom. a coot..

Kii dlfTerrat dnlr**#. OrJrr from tim ortglnitori.
PINTO BROS..^**t:.':;,1Jia".li N Y

lUusuaied' Wr.*^ tot Cbpy-We have rjust what you want./

W« r«n ship your orders regardleu if to else itmo day rei'rlvMl. Moro «nd better Krukei for leti fii'^ney. Kitod idfo to handle. TKXAfl HaNAKIfi FAUM. SMg Drowruvlllt. Tsias.
UiH'atieiul. I'r|>perntlnt aixl Fruit KU'ora. ii* 1^' mluiiii, Hel am-a ao.l (kjuesaaluDS. Kla.iiy Imjick I*"' !>la yutir laoney. Nurelty packatas. .Naw gum leea Ilall flum. Olta-Aany uum, etr. Dep<nlt rciulre Wa ars Iba blggaat bi the '`prenilum gum" buiunn

June l3, 1925

The Billboard


Increase Your Profits
At tame dme furnUh amusement for jour customers

Automatically shares the profits with purdiasers of
Caille Quality Mints



The only perfect coin-controlled construction
Immediately becommt a favorite teith the public
Most attractire render ever designed WRITE TODAY For Full Information

The result of thirty years' experienetl '
PATENTED COIN TOP Thick, thin, bent or mutilated coins quickly ramovad
No Clogs Possible--Easy To Operate

THE Manufacturad Only by


6241 Second Boulevard.


PARKER'S will misR--10 cents a week. Tliis was the

pet scheme of Joe S. Scholibo. the sliow'a

PORTABLE general pre.ss representative, KreU Ko.ster, whose address is P. O.

Box 398, .McAIester, Ok., writes impres¬

SUPERIOR sively, and partly explainingly, that it is of utmost importance that he hear from


his sister (name withheld by request), who W'as with a show at San Antonio,

Tex., in 1922.

The Biggest Flash Of Color You Ever Saw

r*miTiU. Ton Mttj Coorhti. Ttw Wbrci with
doubit otrnins raDorltv WHto , f« portieuitrt.

F. Me.ad says there are still quite a number of showfolks at Miami. Fla., despite that so many returned north after Winter hibernating there; also that he
some Others are organizing the Orange State Amusement Company, with several shows and rides, to play the east
coast of the "Peninsular Stale '.

vment DrHess, CANSAS
Umbrellas Canes

a much larger bus was needed and is being used by Messrs. Tannehill and Littie, who operate same from the M. A C. lots to the show cars, they having a two-ton speed truck, which seats 28 peopie comfortably, also using it in between times to haul supplies to the lot for their commissary and cafeteria department.
Several members of the ill-fated Fraternal Circus Company Joined the Wi.se Shows recently, among them D. Tt-nneson, with his string of concessions; Mills and Mills, the high wire team, and George B. Oenac, infoet H. Mazie. who has charge of concessions with the Wise organization.
nKo. wii
worth Jame.«on used all Karl L. King

 _ M_l_ IWII AvAn

yn QII I /\lirO · ROUND and SQUARE
article of carnival merchandise which shows the valne and flash for the

money like these beantifnl pillows.

riRTND STORES e-* z»c

These Pillows will attract the

v,.tjKIv VjANie.

C crowd and get the play.

FAKK twUrNt-tadlUINtKi

Patriotic Designs for American Legion Events. Lodge Designs for Fraternal Order Bazaan.

Special Lettering Sonvenir Pillows for Resorts.

for circular AND LOW PRICES.

IVfUlR ART CO«, 116-122 W. Illinois St., ChiCagO, III.

We mamir.rturv · anpltte Um of Udie*'.
men'i tnd children's aabrellai In Uw UteM itrici tnd Dovrltlet marine from S7.S0 to Sin.00 per dosML Evc«ptlne.il v.Iue. for Use mnner. Rend 2SSS depodt (or umploo.


M Eiux Strett.



Full of
things you need at MoneySaving Prices I

Tables 'staurant China ««urant Silver
Jen Equipment
I><«Warjners `orins
® Fountains i Syrups and Pn
Cones Irons '^enders




' Ynil Kimw


' Toulnr Uorln Doll PomAo 

IdJIQl*1113(16 D3II bdm6S

Hit. th. rrpuuiloa of b«lns mod. of b«.t suutui by

'tprrifnrrd troopor. Orlilnot. CATALOOCKt Too.




(Thas. E. Tiller writes from Atlanta.
(formerly Ruby Adams) is ill at Battle Hill Sanitarium. Atlanta, and would welcome a few lines from their old frienda to help brighten the dreary davs she spends In the insti-
tutlon. The Tillers gave up the road some time ago berauae of Mrs. Tiller's health. They were formerly musicians with the Liing Model Shows. Leggette A Brown,
T. A. TVolfe's Superior and Other amuseorganizations. Chas. is playing
baritone with a local band at Atlanta.

mWJUItmmM [%LaMfliBHj Kf^^BraTfl
  -- SOI.

W og.



MmIs Wtsd ind Beddhp Papvm.

S«nd 4e tw MmpiM.

i0>. LKOOUX.

Kt WHIM Av*..

Srwillya. N. V.


"·"H Hit*. »« M: Qumn QoMra.

WKKKKW HKKl) I'O.. Ofd. NHiradli.

Jack Poster, who was with the Fraternal Circus, writes that himself and
wife are resting at Winchester. Ky., n
couple of weeks before starting their fair season with a new cookhouse. Jack having sold his old one, and now has a oneton truck ready for transportation pur-
poses. Says they visited several outfits. including the Wise Shows, while en route from Peru. Ind., and met Mike F.agan. of
the Pntterson-Gentry Circus advance, who
he had not seen since back in the old Barton & Bailey Circus days.

Our Big Assortment of lOe Sellvrs.
-- ^

»*w . \

f | · ;


A /

'* ' 

^L . v , I

t( Af' , D



"Pat" Hill says that a#ler being left Y a company at Port Podge, la., losing is trunk In a Are at the Lyric Theater,
(ConfiNuetl on pops 118)

You Need Tickets



N. 12th




vwi et¥ at Hrru m'.mttt ·· mm» fcswicif il 'isWWs W« tra Iks wtrael

> ktSkax W* 'M, vmr

'««W. we 'Ms ·nie

W.a TS«v WMs

r/. lATT f.% -naju TOT, xoea nur.t ruzkm tm^rm aaixsn-



Grt Oat of tbr Rut, and Hop on Thi? One. A Lutfre Oven-Baked Vase Lamp. 18 Inches
Hi{ib. in Four Flashy Colors. Will Get Top Money Everywheie
VASE 18 Inches High.
F.t'h tbsd* bat a doren diffrrmt colors. Shade attached dirwrly to vaae and ran be flatbed witbovt bulb*. PACKED ONE DOZEN TO CASE.
$21«00 per Caise (1 Doz.)
Sample Lamp $2.50
2S% wiib all ordtri, balance C. O. D.
h. BERNI SUPPLY CO., 2318 Ollw St. St louis, Mo.

$27.00 per dozen
Brautifal dull-rabbed MAHOGANY finiib. Well conttructed. 12x24x24 inchrt. Will lift 3 life time. Peeked in individotl cartoni. Sample S2.50. IIiRMS--25% cash, balance C. O. D.

fi:ice: se:l.l.s best for eess


Aluminum. OlemKctw. fcioor l_etmpto. Dolls. Cedar CIseata



(Pli*n*. Grand I79S).


The Last **Word*' in Your Letter to Advertisers, Billboard

ifiD'W'AT oosarp

(Bj L


Bin P. c* '


E'-ikt* C'yljf
U lo »rr**r.E*." ·;-«· B*rT-.»


J. H. Roby

VlauAJ C.-y

G'-a.'. '

Hirry Noy<t* d<t«;Iarea h« atUl LTc^a h.j

«CKa fr«aih. Ar.y

rirla on tt« itow u .a

Ktav/O, Loiila I*>r? J.ow all U>it%th*r, lar'i i:n* Briayiaj u»

TkUf.** o/ Contraeta.


ez;.la:ns Harc'.d Bashea.

* I* th* `jlrr who la an actor a aixth wife."

Newt item in OkU.horr.a pa;>«r reads:
"Cne hundred cattle drown out of a herd of 20," How cam. brother?
Hay. Doc Ze.^er. John Lozza. Chaa. Me*

Mahon and Doc Hall. John Franc.a had hi» ahr>w at an IndAn convention recently, Wh^yypee!
Now that yon are a general agent. Pete Cole, be careful and don't aend too many

contracts to the offlee at one time. Harry

Sanger will tell you why. Names mean something--Harry Inright

haa a poolhall in Kansas and Carl Nickum a grocery store, while Wm. Kandrink

operates a hotel in Oklahoma. "This Is the time of the year when you
8The LaCarona Pearls go home, undress in the dark and try to
go to bed where It was last nj^t," growls J. M. Sullivan.
The young lady who ha* the ball-game concession across the midway, who was once a schoolteacher, says; "No girl should teach more than three years in one town. If she can't get a husband in
that time it's a waste of effort to stay on."

dm Froai Inportcc



( !:n;< Psey Marry-TV-twntU. It ft.. II bwws.

2 rOtruct. Merry-Oa-BoMd u HTI. H-tt ttaiL i<

iMrM*. orcia. turrjrt. Mr., certs* w M-rv t. m.

tt ti.Mt: as-ft. *«£t. eiwsicu. M


·atSt u tl.'TV I«-n. tl S3.MS. esaS yrvea. Os

itw* srtr*« art h'.fErr Flat Omat m Scwl tt til


build 13-ft. KiSlta rrrrii Wheel M h-tM srt.-r«.

Hab StriSm. beck ttsrle ted dcabls. la til ttw*.

Dial Stnkert. Btll'TWreinC Gta* la M-- tdtet. Sew-

clal Idrei belli U order vltb Ua* tllceed fw Stiir*

ery. Scad ·U'SCM t'C -ttilec Nrorly SI yeert ts

buitnett. *`MOOgC-MAOC' PrMsrti Wwlt. Itsiir.


Look At Tbese Prim:

24-11. OMI...S3 N Ou.


II* 0*4-

cUipt «tUi brlUitnl B. 8.

A-StranS Ptarl Brtce-

lett. ttrrllnc rtiTrr ela-pt,



raorettlooi. 8bo«t tnd Eldci (czrvpt MeRV-OeBoundt tod FerrU UTteell. for tb* bU Nur-.t Adtat Fall, day and nictit. Aarutt IS. 14. No tanUtaL Tb* flrit Fair of tb* year to tb» arrUon. Addrraa HABBT BEIXHARD. Ncc..AdaiM. MAatachuBCttA.

Laree ttork of natortl colored Oiokeri. Termt:
25% depoiU, balatK* C.

Paris Bead and Novelty House

W. RooMvelt Road.


(tm thi* bf BtIfnI. flaahing W*iy rrd McsIcaB Roby. JoA ·Ito oat thi* ad. wail with soar a«w. addrta* ard N* ao pnttiyeayarbandliacaoalaadwa'liaafl SRIt wtheataKW ·< gasM Bad (porial half prie* offar. WrMo today.
IwiiM %m laicrtiag Ca, Out mbs aniila Pirt. A


Fnr on* of our ruitonirr*. Flrtl-rltti UIO El.l Operilor. Mutt bar* Ora yrart* airrrten.-t and ha ablo to turDlsh rrfarmroi.

Writt lot PaitUulut.
Gibson Photo Jewelry Co.
608 CtaTtund Avc.. BrcMklyn, N. Y.

Frrmtumt and rawwalani. lOr brlnct atmplM
prlrM. HELMFT SUM 8H0F. CiMlaMtI. Ohio.

June 13, 1925

The Billboard

New, Fast Sellers
For Anents. SIreelmen and

Character Reading Chart

ri*oln»ttnc. hUbly eolored ibiri for reidln* rbjririrr iI.p urh fere ind heed nn front of eher*. C 'inj'lrle pbren. logy on berk Thle ono ehert. with rotetlne perte, (Ivee llluvtreted enelyete of SI2 dllTrrrnt rherertrre. Nulolnk like It. Big demnn.treib n erli. r. In three vv I >rL Semple, poet*
peld. .'kk. r.lg dleraunt In l.ki.

Horoscope and Star Map

rreryb"ly «.nte to know whet tho eteri eey ebout th.ni. Tile beeutiful routing, blibly ralorrd II'rovTope eiwl Ster Mep glvet entrrulnins Informetbn el^vut Oie itere end tl'elr Influence on
men end women. Semple, pottpeid. uOc. Big
diirount In lute.

Magnetic Toy For Children
The 0 ·! fu'lnetlr*. eevT to dt-ni'inetrete U>y ande for ebtldren. Erery perrnt wentt one erd ·0 doei every rhjM. lurnlthed eomplrte with niaenel. .klweye drewe a crowd. Samric. poetpeli tl.OO. Big dtiroont In Iota.
Here ere three pr ipoiltlont you ought to tee and knew about. Write today for eemplee an-l complete Information.


17 Wcvt 47d St'rrt.


TW- -Sp^- HWr

Morris & Castle Shows
Fort Dodse. la., June 3.--A mort succeb.`'fiil cnKugeni<-nt waa terminated at Oniuha, Neb., Saturday night by the Moma & CuHtle Shown. In fact, buHineas the last two nightn (Friday and Satur¬ day) erjuali-d the receipts of the first four nights of the wei-k. The American L^ion buys were all that could have been usk<-d of an au.spices. On Wednesday night Chbf of I'olice Van Dusen, who had u party of 20-odd nurser, who that day had graduati'd an<l received their diplomas at a diniK-r party at his home, brought them to the carnival, and they were per¬ sonally conducted thru every one of the midway attractions (and on the numer¬ ous rides) by Jno. R. Castle. Last week a beneliclal organization was formed on the show at the call of the writer, who has hud it in mind the past two years. Kvery one with the show was taken in as a member, each paying the small sum of 10 Cents a week, which goes into a fund to take care of those needy, in cases of slckne.se, accident or death. It went ovi-r 1 no iier cent, and the following directors were nominated and elected : Chas. 11. Ii-ll, Meyer Taxler, A. tl. (Punch) Allen, Mrs, Al Armer and Mrs. Jno. Cloud.
The opening here, under auspices of the Fi-rt Dodge Shrine Club, was all that could be asked for. The second night there was a severe wind, rain and ebctrical Ptorm, which "killed" that night, but will doubtless be very beneficial to the re.`<t of the engagement, as this sec¬ tion was badly in need of rain.
The show's b< autiful double-wagon and gold-leafed carvings entrance arch is this cured tliru the efforts of the local com¬ mittee of Shriners and J. C. (Tommy. Thomas, the show's special agent. Fort Dodge is tlie home of Karl L. King, the famous circus band leader and music writer and publisher, and at each down¬ town con<-ert of the band, under the di¬ rection of Chas. E. Jameson. Mr. King can be seen standing in the background and "listening in". In a local paper he highly praised the Jameson organization. The writer had the pleasure of hearing Karl la. King'.* Municipal Band playing the Memorial Day parade, and wishes to state that It Is in keeping with the kind King has always directed--a real band. M'ednesday night Mr. and Mrs. King,, W F. Kngelbart, the band manager, and George W. Tremain. the publicity director, were guests of the show, besides several of the prominent members of King's band.
(Director of Publicity).


Offered (or this
Ring So one of our Sales-
/ wrote
Wc offer It here for


^ Price $12^00 *

To interest live Billboard Salesmen in





M Mm mm

m H mm

awfifn m
M  Mm^. M mm

M «w

farsiMs whatevor, send U bark for cheerful refund.

dazsllnc rainbow flro. Bspens need utsaoit eTPerlenee to
-dnert any dlSeroDce. Ytu
by-ii<Ie with tha flneat diamond and it you em dstMt uy dll-

TYio lint shown abnre is a masilre Flat Belcher Gent's Ring, made from a filled tuba of solid fold and set wlUi 2-cirat selected, extra brilliant Mexican Illu-FIa»h Gem. alive with fire and flash. Our esUlociM prlco U $1100. To Interested Billboard saleimtn. se offer a limited number at oaly

(Order as Ns. 1049.)
Never before offered at any such price as thU. It la exactly the same duality of rlns for which oos of our salesmen in Kansas was offered $13.9.00. SEND NO MOS'EY. Not orer three of these rtnge to e customer at this price. State size. Yeu run no risk. Use coupon below.


Wti be made by the wlae Jobber and OpeTtf"r ^ buji thete an.vppy. feat aclllng and inullrat deala erer turned out.
Platinum flnivh brilliant white atone Rlng-i that oprrta can't tell from genuine dUmoodt. Bl'T W.41T' beautiful Photo tnvrrtrd in each ring thrl makrt It the greile,! novelty of the day Hold It to yoar eye and bchrld a work of trt.
Ptrplaved In a htndM'me relret pad are 11 Rinri, ct.npleie. with a loo-hola Miniature Salea-
board. for only ^^.QQ

Sforei eat them up at It Odd eaidi.

OrJrr a cample .VT (*N('E If C. O. D. In-

elude K'V deposit. Money refumled If not iktla-



Ih) you use Trade D.'ard*f We are tho orlg-

Inaiori of the lVi-h.de Mldcrt Leader P>*er-Hand

Board. Prict. 128.10 per 100, tr $4.00 per Oajaa.


Oppt. B, 1028 Arch Strwet, Philpdpiphia



All IniCrumrnt I, «ltli one of th* ben ihow* on fh* fo«d. Wtek iUn'lt. Kirellcnl (Ifplng orrommoJollnn» fuinlfhrj. Vty tore tierr week. Kngikrment
I>rtriilt June 12. Ilrheuruli June Ik. CeMMe mrn rt>mlni on here will be rlten prefereme foe *ll->*lnirr rng ermini. WnUrd. Tint. Cik*, RIHiird.
»tre JOHN KlNTIKUHt T r»re ('.morel J>. livery, (·etroli. Miiiiifen. I>rummrri with duublo drum oui»'«. »|re.





· huiin*

«P. «rr\UV.\NWThrarIllrMf(*an<litatl

Muti know TlmalUn hlum, im#

»nai ' -n Minil i.r-Ati.rrify WIU furnish n»mi IrU mil-

y* '' VNT a rfNl T.Oki*r f-r a M'.i'trvl S4i. w. r\S

more Teanit. Pr. frT tloob#* «loiittUn^ l)r .'«

any Siww ih«l dora n«»t ffnllli l, WANT r *n-

^M.ont or all kltvla. No radnulTe rtrepi ro««kh*iui`e

W JuW, WANT nan name Aarifl#. Addre^a all "·11. H n. WILLIAMS. W|nn.m, KktL. week of eune S (o 14.


Per Dozen


DOLL, onbreak-

iMe wood flbrr

crmpoiition, stib

W'lp and 2-col-

OT CoBblnailoo

Plum* meavurlnt

14 In, In htlsbt.

No order ar-

t b rrptrd for I p 11

than S dozen,

t b

depotit, bal-

4Dre C. 0. D.


$12.00 and Up
IS A WINNER Swmd 50c for Samples.


`Sail Wisat Sails"

100 Blit* Island Avent.#




Most be young and good looking. Send photo. Long season. Address NEIL AUSTIN. 15$ Boolrvard, Revere Beacb. Massacbnseits.


Nc. 1018--Massive 8Prsnp Teeth Belcher Rinp. filled solid f id tube mountinf. set with 2-CL gem. $8.00 for

Ne. 1103--SterUnc surer, in eor new Platlno finish, basket setting, eograred; 1CL Gem. $9.00 for

No. 1203--St I id Whits Gold Selitiire, basket design, finely engrared, with 1-Ct. Gem. $15.00 for

Ne. 1122 --Genre Heavy Fancy Rina, .ictliiig .liver with uiir new PUtlno finish, black Inlaid thanks, mounted with ITk-CL Gem. $13.00 for

^AAAa a

clip OIT COUPON NOW. Order one or more Rings aboee offered at reduced prices quoted. No duty or custom charges to anywhere

la U. 8. or potsetfloos. No ^poslt.

Above all. get our catalogue and proposition; use coupon attached. IT CCSTS NOTHING TO INTC8-


We are headquarter! for Mexican Returrection Plant!. Write for pritt!.

MEXICAN GEM IMPORTING CO., Dept. NK, Mesilla Park, New Mexico
Ditkrt In Ctmt for tmrt than 19 jftart. Rtftttnct: Firrl Notional Bank. Las Cnica, Neio Malta.

Use This Opportunity Coupon

(To Investigate, check and mail this roiipvin today (or our Catalogue and .agents' Proposition. Tb order at reduced prii-es from this ad crd>r by number only. SE.NI) NO MONI7T On arrlral deposit price with pottofficc. if not pleated, return In three days for refund. Slate size of Ring wanted, or enclose narrow paper strip exactly meeting amun I finger.) MEXICAN GEM IMPORTING COMPANY. Dept. NK. Meeilla Park. New Mexico.
Send galch yeiir Cataleiue and Apents' Prepesitien. ( ] Mall quick Rings N(u.at reduced prices quoted, as offered in your
Billboard sdvertitemeut. Size.

An Illustrated Catalog from the largest Novelty and Con¬ cession House in the Country.
2,000 items of tnierest to Billboard Readers. Salcsboatd Operators, Coneessionaires. Novelty Stores. Premium Users. Etc.


The Billboard

June 13, 1925

A" Assortment of Styles and Colors
Price, $34.00 a Doacen
Note I All pillows sent in this assortment are made of all pure silk; large, attractive sizes. Terms--25% deposit with order, balance C. O. D.
CHICAGO QUILT MFG. CO., 1355-57 Roosevelt Rd

Bi/ Fred.G.Walkera^^^^SSlj Communications toThe Billboard, 1560 Droddwdi).N!

Eiactlv Like tbf Pietare

That U the m o i t itrlliti irttrl* on tbo IBiriKt todar.
Blzo ItxSS Ib. m Colort.
Ptekod 1 doe. to the bat.
IMMSDIATE DSUVniT. S3% dopotit. boL C. a D.

1170 Broadway, New York, N. Y.

Columbia Amusement Park, Bergen, N. J., started off with fine patronage, wliieh has Increased weekly until Manager Otto Aeschbach has found it necessary to greatly increase the aiumber of attend¬ ants. The .swimming pool opened May 30 and was well patronized.
Vnrry E. Handy, owner King Carnival, Calcutta, India, writes from S. S. Sandon Hall, in Bay of Bengal (two daj-s out of Madras) that he will arrive in New York aboTit June 1") and is l>ringing a Bne col¬ lection of animals and birds from that country.
k Aerial Charles A. Smith, a claimant to 124 years' association with the "white 'tops , recently of the Uingling-Barnum
Circus, announces his retirement at Altoona, I'a., May 22. and will tour Keith Time under the guidance of Jimmie Plunkett, Eastern booking agent.
Thomas Phayre, co-owner of the Tip Top Shows and General Agent Jack V. Lyles, were New York callers last week. Reptorted business very good.
Alf T. Wheeler, formerly of the Wheeler-Downie Circus and more re¬ cently manager of Bedmonfs Attractions, is spending the summer months as a realtor at Oxford. I'a. M'ill in all prob¬ ability return to the circus field next sea¬ son, via the "med. show".
Oliver E. Brown, 77 years old, a ticket taker at Luna Park, ('on* y I.sland, and a Civil War veteran, took a few hour.« oft May 30, to march In the Memorial
EDay parade. Oliver returned before 6 .m., and donning the Luua uniform, took Is customary place at the front gate.
The Original feunnybrook Society Or¬ chestra is summering at the Hh'ire Inn, Canar.-'le, N. Y., and putting over r<ai Dombers. Albert Bnino, pi-mo; M-Jor Kay, violin and sax'>phone ; Mi- h-iei Sala, banjo and cello; Henry f;r«v.



Circus and earnivat folk have a great deal irt tommon, particularly »o tince they belong to the tame clientele--providert of outdoor entertainment to the maiiei. Fond memories of departed prominent outdoor showmen linger and are eherithed among them. The above picture shows members of the Brown ff Dyer Shows at the grave of the late J. Augustus Jones while they were playing Warren, Pa., last summer.

pieted. Its duplicate will n'.t be found motored to New York City from Miami,

within ^-veral miles of that resorL says j-ja arriving May 29, and report a

Harry Tudor, park manager.


Buy Snow Michine* from ioTratar. Ort permit t» menurerture the rroU Snow Proilurtt. We ere eeie petrntree. Complete outtU (run by elerttlrlty, ilumInum made, motor iltuhrd), IISO.OO (ih'^rt time only). F. O B. I.oe .tnecin Initrucltooe and F'rmule with rarh mj>blne. Half raih with nrdrr. balaiK* r. n. n W.lehl. T.% Iht FRflT SNOW t OMf ANY, 13:3 WrU lOlet St.. Lot Anerlri. Calif

>*uTowati( TAmALC waoiiMt ^

and Sanitary t Mcrr,, TMIAUI aiuMw easy


The Ben Williams Exposition of Rides, plaving ISrt.'.klyn (.N. Y.) subway lots and' the William Dauphin Community At¬ tractions, now touring Long Island. bf;th reiKirt favorable business.
One of the Intercfted spectaters at Rc'Ckaway B- a' h, .\I' morial Day, was f'liarle.s Ring* I. of th*- Pair & f arnival Supply Company, New Yfprk. Mr. Itingel is a firm believer In the futur<f of 'his resort and his company contr'ils many valuable spots on the Stone Walk.

few dates booked since last season,

William Marcus, general agent for John E. Wallace Attractions dropnc*d intej New York recently looking for free acts. "Bill'* says that Mr. Wallace has a real sliow and la doing fine.

Write for rlrrutiri *nd full Information. Talbot M'g Co.. I?I3-I7 Chratnat 8t.. St. Louli. Mo


t lOli'Ci uf llilr, h rnloTt nf II. S $18 00  Biccel.

I ll lo I Il4rrr|. .MIlMlirrH. $8 30 a 100. Sn'ut*

I.M'llIfK.rii|hiin. -bpliel«a*m-··('*,r(lIn.irnI>l..

MIdiets ill (···h NOAH J $8.80. JONKSHTtTI

I OMI'ANT, :'.|S Montaill St., K«n»»« t'liy. Mo.


Hllnn tUiiiM, n«»\v VsMli

r., btxikln^

(in<l .

KI.KH'KH. fln#-

J T M.rt.KU

.'`IIOWH, rirr The llllllHMnl, K-nwf niy.







rriiirrl' d Ibnily tite well-known



Spcili good newt to Cookboatr ConcttWOfiJitfi*


Set top of pog* No. 79.

The Billboard



Against Louis Hurwitz, 615 Dickinson Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, doing business as United Postcard Supply Company, against manufacturing auid selling cards to be sold through the medium of our vending machines.
Our postcard vending machine business has been developed at great expense to us over a period of twenty years. All lines of our cards are protected, and


That any person or corporation manufacturing, jobbing, selling or vending cards through the medium of our vending machines, other than cards manufactured by the Exhibit Supply Company of Chicago, are liable for damages.
Our company has adequately protected their rights, and we mean to defend them. J. FRANK MEYER.


4222-30 W. Uke St.,

Chicago, IIL

The Latest Out

World at Home Shows

In Knife Deals

Tamaqua. Pa.. Jun« 4.--Altho the World at Home Shows are the first big show to exhibit in Tamaqua this season, busine.>:a has not been up to the expecta¬ tions of the management Large crowds have packed the "Pleasure Trail" each
eTenlng. but not much money has been spent by those who apparently were seek¬ ing amusements. The concessions have been doing a fair bu-lness each night and the rides have drawn many customers,
but the shows have had the greatest fall¬ ing off of any week of the tour. The
weather has been very hot, and most of the Polack showfolks have visited Lake-
wood P.nrk nearby and have enjoyed the
swimmnig pool. C. B. (Talcum) Carter has used his truHc to convey the different
park visitors.

Frarkville, with a Decoration Day Cele¬
bration to end the week's engagement
there, turned out a winner in spite of three nights of weather that was really cold. Among the prominent visitors were C. S. Darnaby. secretary the Blue Grass
Fair at Lexington. Ky.; Tim Murphy, of Potlsvllle; .Mr. Segal, of an Klmira. N Y.. concession goods house, and Ira Wat¬ kins.


Uri» phots Ink koltrs. l-Mmlr. and sne t-bUM

 sl'AHKLlNtJ" photo t'>0-h'If TINY IVurJ,

Ihnam lln. irksnlrflsj.aronb

nsw t

iiyls v-i'

li'nctUr nr* monfr-oaklnc propuai- AC AA

tun. E.th, CsiBsIftf.


Pl*»f«. All iflr<tr<1 pftrl h«n<llft. S »nd S-bIsdf.

In hlfh -rift Qnl'h. amt onr flnc t-hUdf pfarl

hill'll* knlff t .r U«t aalf. on Rhh-lmW TINY

ll-·'I N*« «iyle. In attnctltc rlgar boi. Vfry

M'tllrm dral


Caw.lrtf. Cafh..


Pin*., 1*1 hlfbfliM hrllhint ` s*rAK\l.lN(!

ban II* knl>M. 2-bU.lf rril quality and Imka.

tnl on* flnr a bli.lf p<'arl kniff f'W taat aalf. On

*h0-hfl# tint lluard NfW alyl* amn*frafnl.

In tith rl(ir bny. Hiart U tfil tim* i" I qual-

lly In ihit prniKKitlaa.

Kfl 9C

Caaipiftt. Each.

Rohde-Spencer Co. "oiT
I 21S W. Madison St., Chiei|o, III

birds and cages



5 r



The run from Frackville here was made without incident, but a mountain that had to be climbed to put the show on the lot
here caused safety chains to be attached to everv truck, but the hauling was made In six hours without mishap. With the
high altitude overlooking the city the show presents a beautiful spectacle this wr.-k and has caused many of the cltirens to congratulate Mr. Polack on its appearance Madame Burros and her sis¬
ter, from Brooklyn, joined here with their paimlstrv jiarlor, and O. P. Furman added a groeerv concession. Sam Lawrence, of the Matthew .1. Riley Shows, was a visi¬ tor Chas. l_awrence has a nicely ar-
raneed lamp concession, as has Mrs. Lnw-
rence with her candy stand.
·Mr. and Mrs. Polack were hosts this week at a picnic party at Lakewood Park .\mong the guests were practically all of the show's p.'rsonnel who could be spared from their duties. An amateur vaudeville bill. In which Joseph Marks and Billy Klein sang TAe Cnt Rack Queen, was
one of the features of the party. The ball game of Mrs. Fred Chinnlng-
ham has been recently painted and the targets named for members of the show with the names painted under them. On the rack will he found "Fncle John", for the genial treasurer; ".Aunt Sadie", his lovable wife: "1. J. , for the manager of the show; "Blllv" for Mr. Klein, and
··Spud", the lot siu^rlntendent.

! J H'' .WK.

' ,/


tM/r "W

f m

/M m

»ly »f all Blrdt that sr* naqd fur f.inr**ali'nl at Nrar.t prlrai. Srnd tor ovr |i|.frlal r"n<*aal«i.lr**` Offar.
MftMinn DfiMrlntfiii


CARI.RTON COLLINS (Press Representative).




Me itautk Wihaali Amrm.


8*n.l loibr f`'r our UlO srtX'IAL OFFKR on TIMR SWKR NO-OKMKST SKl.K-VI'Lr.tNI/.INIl P.LTl'II Itrit knosn ind most rrllihl* r«lrh ip-uir. R*p»lr» Inner lube*, nihber Nmit. ti«K-»»t*T b*iit. rti- f»el1» to auto uwnera. ilrilora. (*»«*>, oil rtatlona amt iH.mr* W* bar* full line of TIMR S.WKR I'Konf'l'TS--all bl« aelt-ra. Selert jroiir tfTrltorr miw b*foro It la too late. WTlIo loJajr for FKRK partirulara.
762 Th« Arcada, Clavaland, Ohio

The EieepliMally BeaatitHl

Draw The


Ttw moat beautiful Lamp oa Ibe toarkat for the prioe. Repeat ordera from onr ruttomrra wbo bouent in large quantities lait pear pro?* tbia. Erery Shade it aeml-pleated and trlmmrd with beautiful bratda of eireptlonal colorlnga. The real heavy fringa giref our Shadea a rlcb appearanee which alwaya attracta the eye. LAMP STANDS are Polychrome (tippled and the batea are weighted. A beautiful top ernament mi each and erery tamp. 8 feet of cord, plug and aorket all complete. If you want reeL honeit-ta-goodneii, high-grade Lampa at reaaonable pricet. INSIST
ON ST'PFRIOR LAlfPS. Made only by the Snperior Lamp A Shade Co., of



or dirrrt if be cannot topply

Got io toneb with ns if TOO want to bandit tbt best line of lamps in tb«

lIVfIVIEIDIATE: DELIVERY 25% Deposit Required on all C. O. D. Orders




2327 Milwaukee Ave.,




'oiu^ CHEMINQ gum 0iuoa«^




3 Flavor*--SpcanBlat. Pryperraiot and FmtL

3 Wq (j'l not sh'.p leas Utia l.OOO PackMsa. S% dapMlt teqelwa wtA wdat.

Ncwporr tun ea..

mmtm. Mi

jaiiiPiBaDIi^ja^ggffxacKgKKyjryjofyjry:>oty g.tfy^gy^y^

yiYM ·. '^'^)mnM-^wiS:!iFS^iQ(SMS^Sa(fmsii£jSSS^^M3£s;g:mssmi!m3^mn^gmsSK.w

Compare Xliese Prices Witli Otliers |

Buy Now! Prices for a Umitedl Xime Only i

30-Pi«c« S*t Oak Cheat .$4.00 Each

8-Pieee Decanter Wine Set .

4.75 Each

7- Piece Glass Barrel Wine Set . 4 75 Each

Fitted Overnight Case .3.25 Each Fitted Hat Box .4.25 Each

Sessions Blackwood Clocks .4.25 Each

Ingraham Blackwood Clocks, "Stratford" .4.9 5 Each Ingraham Blackwood Clocks. "Palace" . 5 00 Each

Aladdin 1-Gallon Jog .3.25 Each

Rogers 26-Piece Set Oak Chest .3.65 Each

1154-Inch Round Brass Dome Bird Cage .2.50 Each

Brass Half Moon Bird Cage Stand .3.00 Each

Brass Full Moon Bird Cage Stand .3.50 Each

Silver-Plated Tilting Wine Set .5.25 Each

8- Piecc Silver-Plated Cocktail Set .5.50 Each 9- Cnp Electric Colonial Paneled Ware Percolator.4.50 Each

9-Cnp Electric Percolator .3.50 Each

5-Piece Silver-Plated Chocolate Set .4.75 Each 2-Ponnd Cedar Chest. Best Grade .12.00 Doz.

5-Ponnd Cedar Chest. Best Grade .15.50 Doz.

36-Inch Cedar Chest .$8.50 Each

Glass Post Clock .5.00 Each K 12-lnth Beach Balls .2.50 Each >?
^ Army and Navy Field Glasses .3.75 Each

24-Inch Vase Lamps, Complete .6.00 Each

5-Qnart Paneled Tea Kettles .

10.85 Doz. d

6-Qaart Paneled Preserving Kettles.5.50 Doz. § 8-Qnart Paneled Preserving Kettles .8.85 Doz. a]'

lO' i-Inch Paneled Round Roasters .7.50 Doz. ^

ll-Qnart Dish Pans .8.25 Doz. ^

2-Quart Double Boilers .6.75 Doz. v

8-Quatt Water Pails .8.85 Doz. s'

1 ^-Quart Paneled Percolator

.7.75 Doz.

2-Qnart Paneled Percolator .8.25 Doz.

1. 154. 2-Quart Sauce Pan Sets .6.75 Doz. ^

12-Incb Oval Roasters .10.50 Doz. g-

I 1 Va-Inch Large Round Roasters .9.50 Doz »

6-^art Convex Paneled Kettles .8.50 Doz. iS!

3-Quart Water Pitchers. Paneled .6.95 Doz. ®

4-Qnart Paneled Sauce Pans .4.90 Doz. g

SPECIAL--Our 25-Incb Aluminum Center Wheel, beautifully painted, any two combinations, for $20.00.


JUST OUT--The New Semi-Wrought Iron Floor Lamps, glass drops, beautifully finished, assorted designs. All the latest s

style Shades--Butterfly. Boat. Blimp, etc. Bridge $6.85, with Bullion Fringe $7.35. Junior $9.50, with Bullion Fringe, $10.50. p

All orders shipped same day as received. 25% with order, balance C. O. D. Send for catalogue.


, |

(Compiled by Munn « Co., Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys of New York., Washington, Chicago. San Fran¬ cisco and Los Angeles)
1,537.993. TRIMMING DEVICE FOR WB-CREAM-CONE-MAKING MA¬ CHINES. Levoia Lewiaon. Hamilton. Ontario, Can., aaaignor to The Cone f'ompani/ of America. New York. N. Y.. a corporation of New York'. Filed Noifember 2^ 1920. Serial No. 41*6,548. 4 Claima. (Cl. 107--58.)
A trimming device for Ice-cream-conemaking machines comprising a mold formed with a lower interior rece.ss at the upper end of the conical portion terminating in a sharp cornet, and a core provided with a flaring upper end beveled at its lower side and designed to rest intermediate of its width upon the sharp corner to form a severing means.
18.828. CAROUSEL SAVING. George Lammcrmann. Nuremberg. Germany. Filed December 13. 1922. Serial No. 606,654. 5 Claima. (Cl. 272--41.)

Billie Clark's Broadway Shows!
Narrows. Virginia, is our Fourth of July Celebration. Right op and down the Mam Streets of the town, under the auspices of the Business Men. Parades and Fireworks every night. Will be the biggest celebration ever held. Mt. Sterling. Ky., week of July 27. is my first fair and will run right tbtongb till the last week in March. 1926. I will guarantee you 30 fairs again this year. They said it couldn't be done: we did it. Fairs in Florida all winter again.
Want Caterpillar. Have real wagons for same if needed. Want real Wax Show, Freak Animal Show. Fun Show. Over the Falls. Platform Shows; in fact, any good show that can stand good business. Want Performers and Musicians for firstclass Plantation Show. I furnish Pullman accommodations for Plant. Show. Want Hawaiians for Hawaiian Show. George Knla. Peter Kannekin. Dave Kalcikao, write or w'ire David Hope. Manager Hawaiian Show. I would like to bear from some of my Old Plant. Show Musicians. Lem Clayton. Son Green. Cy Ellette. Charley Johnson, Bert Jefferson, John Webb. Rosbey. Want first-class Talker for Plant. Show. Concessions, come on: no exclusives. We are not going north. We are doing good in all these cotton mill towns. All working and we ate satisfied. Wire oc write at once, Mooresville. North Carolina, this week.


G«U th«


Barbecae Business
Whether you locate in a city or alonr a highway, yon can make BIOMONEY aatiafying the pnblic'a de¬ mand for barbecued meata. Prom 7046 to 10046 clear profit on every sale. With c .r new movable barbe¬ cue atand yon suffer no Iota if you find yon can do more busineat in s new locality. Here's your chsoce to get into a good paying buiineas on very little capital. Complete Barbecue Machine only |t00. Terms can be arranged.
Send for full particulars. No ob¬ ligation.

A carousel swing including a passenger¬
carrying sapport, and a suspending de¬ vice therefor including a suspending structure; said structure including ttie combination of means for suspending tlie same and the support so as to permit swinging of the support, a member
rotatable about the axis of said suspendIng means, a rotatable grooved disc, and means for cau.sing simultaneous rotation of the disc and said rotatable member. said means including a flexible member engaging the groove of the di.se, and guiding devices on the rotatable member also engaged by the flexible member, said guiding devices for holding the flexible member to the groove of the disc, whereby when said flexible member is pulled, the disc Is rotated, the rotatable structure la aUo rotated and the flexible member

Room B1 Kingery Bldg Cincinnati* Ohio.
is nevertheless maintained In ment with the groove of the disc.
1,538,492. STVIMMER'S Joseph Reiter. New York. October 9, 1923. Serial A Claima. (CL 9--17.) .i,
In a float of the type des low wooden block, and a on like skeleton reiaforclng eh lag mUA block.

PER DISHES. Eth'l Orace Maxwell Wheeling, W. Vn. Filed, February 15 1923. Serial No. 619,320. 2 Claima. (Cl 18--66.)

dish and to form the ends thereof of a thickness excecdlnR that of the sides, the
excess i>ap»r stock in the sides of the blank being displaced under the pressure and caused to flow inwardly ,i, ross said
ends and supplementing the stcK-k in the



ROUND. George Eduard Smith. Hud-

ann. Col. Filed July 11, 1923. Serial No.

650.967. 5 Claima (Cl. 272--33.)

A children's merry-go-round comprising a rotatably mounted borizontully dispo-sed frame having angularly di.spo.'-i-d side bars, elongated supporting members extending obliquely across the corners of said frame and each secured at its ends to two adjacent side bars, of said frame, to relatively brace the same, seats cur¬ ried by said supporting members, and means for iMtntIng said frame including handles mounted on said supporting mem¬ bers.
DIrett Freai Maaufitturer.
Mule of ·Ilk with cotton ·tulTInc. n u m a n hair. Highly colored face. 31 bkhfi In heittit. I>re,,ed in attortad colon.
Per Dozen
Kend today for a a m p I e. orepald. lil'V depoill, baUoca CO. D.
7-a Eatt TOth 8t.
New Vark City.
W« tpccUllu lo Srln-ird Hlum.
8**4 11.79 f*r ·ampl* firm. Condttlns of about 80 different artlrlri *n<l novelllri you would be proud to liond out, or we will (lidly refund your money. Slli-k riiu, RroiKhea, Wrial Walchee, RInza and otber mefTbandlaa are Included In thla oaaurtment. tend tar your aaihhlo fraaa todiy. All ordera ahliiprd aame day.
IILBERMAN A CONFM'oi stH ajmuo,_
88 I n r h o a blfb. I 1527 Elm Stroot. · CINCINNATI. O..




The Original Miniature Cedar Chest never offered before except through highest class retail shops now available to concession trade at "knock-out" prices.


.S" R®*'

2- lb. Ctdjf Cbfst.$12.00 Per Doz.

3- Ib. Cedar Chejt.$14.00 Per Doz.

5-lb. Cedar Chest.$16.50 Per Doz.

Heart Chest of Cedar
No. 1 Size (I^ to 2 lbs.) $16.50 Per Doz. No. 2 Size (2J4 to 3 lbs.) $21.00 Pet Doz.

Terms--25 per cent with order, balance express C. O. D. F. O. B. out factory. Swanton, O. RUSH ORDERS FILLED OVER NIGHT.


336 N. Klh St., Philadelphia, Pa.


AttentionL The BIG Real Hit of the Season

lUec/ianhi Finith-- Earning Capaeiljf-- Amuserr.enf-- |

10(^0 Perftd
lOO'^/o IO(F'o
/o in all Sides

Ball Chewing Gum Vending Machine
with Pistol Aitjcbmrnt. Price Accord¬ ing to Qnintiiy. Sold with or v«4ihooc Con. Big Profiti--Colt Nominal.

Distributors Wanted

Industrial Development Corp<

'Plain and Rubber Lined
FOR CARRYING BATHING SUITS. The inustrsted mr^el tells for t9.54 s dozen. Latter ilzas np to tI4-M per dozen. Ma la of aliractlTa colored cretonne with beautiful bandpainted head. Write telay far roinplete Information about tbla new (aattellins tioTclqr. Special discount to Jobbers.
FONTANALS & CO., 879 Eighth Avc.,NcwYork

100-Package Boxes.


In Case Lots of 12 Boxes, F. O. B. Toledo. One-Half Cash With Order. Balance C. O. D,


Toledo, Ohio.




1OOW. .ho.. .dd SPECIAL OFFER / J]\


150 w. .65.. .45

Guarunteed f


200 w.

Tungsten! i

.80.. .55


..... V

10 to 60 w...$0.16 V

y I /

300 w. 1.25.. .90 60 w.19

Orders received before 12:00 o'clock shipiH'd same day.

Standard Electric Eanrip Co.

141-143 W, Austin Avenue*






DcKrcko Bros.' Shows
DeKreko Drotj/ Shows are now woll pt.TUd ill their new season and In con¬ sideration of the rold weather and rain encountered th. y h.-ve had a n'ee hu.'^inesis, with Blue I'l.ind, Hi>rvey. Ham¬ mond. 'hiry and ('iluinet City already pla.V'd ill the Chh-itK's vi'-inity. (h nerni A ;ent Cnlfi ian Is deservinR of credit for the rouiinu of the show, wlilch incliid's S' l'ie very promising stands in Illinois and Wisconsin.
Premot'-ra Ka"4 UuntinR, Ted Walton and Afe l'* rry have handled the proinotioiis in each city play-d to a k «nd profit and have done their advance wurk to the utmost satisfaction of the DeKrekos and Mr. Coleman. There has b< en no ;han>;'s in any of the shows iiinee the op'-ninK. There W're 11 shows. 5 r'lh-s and 1 concession* in the linenn at H.iinmond and tiary, but after the Cliica-o dat>3 are played several of the concessions'Avill leave, as it is not the lntenti'>n of this show to carry over 35 concessions while en tour.
The first move by train will b'* from Calumet City to Forest Park. On ac¬ count of the short Jumps so far it was advisable to move by teams and trucks and. Incidentally, there was not one ^r-nd.ay nieht lost. Twenty-five teams and five trucks were used. The train was switched out from the CliicaKO winter quarters to Calumet City and every berth and stateroom is now occupied by the people of the shows. Three sleepers, two box cars, one daycoach and nine flat cars will be used for the transportation, the whole train being the property of the DeKrekos except one daycoach. which will be furnished by the railroad. The color scheme of the train Is a light circus red trimmed with a green. On account of the cramped winter quarters it was impossible to get all of the painting done for the opening, but this has since been attended to.
Manager Jean DeKreko has b.`en on the sicklist for the past three weeks and has not ventured far from the train, but at this writing is much improved and can be seen on the lot daily. During his in¬ disposition the shows were handled by Hovaep DeKreko in a creditable manner. Bud Menzel is the secretary and with his years of experience In the office wag«n and ticket wagons of circuses and car¬ nivals this important part of a show is well taken care of. Gabe DeKreko has charge of the grounds and sees to It that everything is conducted Just right. Hovaep DeKreko is treasurer and assist¬ ant manager and J. H. McKinstry is general superintendent. All of which Is according to an executive of the above

$100 a Day Sure

All r ght« Rtitrvtd.
The Easy Way--O. Boyl Wirb Oar Electric Candy Floss Machine.
One pound sugar makes 20 cones. Sell at I Oc as fast as made. Big profits--little cost. Grtatrst money maker ever made. Works on any
socket A. C, or D. C.. 97 to 125
volts. Every machine guaranter'I. Boy
oow while season is just beginningget teady for tbe
BIG 4th
Don't wait and wish yon bad when yon see the other fellow coining tbe money YOU could have bad. SEND ORDER TODAY. Price, only $200, 25% cash, balance C. O. D. Catalog an request.
228 2nd Ave. No. NASHVILLE. - - TENNESSC

Radium-Glo Watches


/f \



Gu.ar.mttecl r.'iillum illumin.atcd dial. Tells time day

Stem wind



This beautiful Buxu:a1u«r Cago is ill fash dp


ami bring tn the cash. 'Pi*

of Witotl autl wire, with rulNout

drawer bt>tu<me cups anti porthr* <'upletf.

In dogen lots at $I8.A0. K. O. H. N w

Yort. The sixe of rage Is Ibx^'sXlPi Imhvi.

Terms: 25^ deposit, balance C. O. D.

Thompson-Busch Importing Co.

80 Cortlandt Street New York, N. Y.

In Lots of 6 C-l .25 EACH

Doz. or More


r. O. B. NcMark, N. J. For Sample, ad 1 10 s^ nis p d.ige. cash »lUi rder. balatu'e C. O. i>.


24 Scott Street,

Newark, N. J.

Conceitionaittt art (leaning up everywhere with out line of Canes. We nanulaciutc and specialize in Novelty Canes, Convention Canes. CbilJicn's Cann, etc.

rin,M Whip Oulflt In Am-r*. i. 1. aJ.-U in Are Br.icUns n.Z'n,. Whip Is Wurth Jl.OlH) iu.tr. than * new on. direct fr.'fn factorj. All Bra mxgvnt tt tcoiS at new. lU'iiton foe telllnt It alfkrwta. No rcisunabta offer refuted. If you haren't monry don't answer. Must b, teen to bo tppreeUled. Booheil on Harry ('orpina't Show! f«r teason 19!S. Al.lrew C. U. m'ClCl.v.T, car* Cuppint't Bbewt, per toutt.

T*r*fN F t two-d'ir Celebration. July 3 anU  ^ ^ 1. at U'if'en City, Mo., K1I>KM kCK^·^h»^'t oK Al.le KINDS. Write or »lr« A. STARKS. Set y. Queen City, Mikteyri,

The Billboard

June 13, 1925

Save Money on Aluminum Ware

Deal Direct With the Factory
"WE SELL FOR LESS''--and can prove it!


A foil line of paneled and plain ware.


I Splendid qnalitr and at price, that will


* lorprUe yon.

|2;« ca»h. balance C. O. D F. O. B. fety.


Bernard! Greater Shows

IN POWDER-'3<^<* cold water and sugar
Our Fruit Drink powders are made from tlie finest and pure.st materials, Fully Guaranteed under the Pure Food Laws, They do NOT spoil or be¬ come sticky-wili keep until you are ready to use them.
Orangeade, Lemon, Cherry, Crape
1^-lb. Can Price Only ^1.25 All Postpaid
Double Strength--One Can Makes Two Barrels. 1500 Largo Classes, 1800 medium size. Satisfaction guaranteed. Trial (30 glass) package 15c, two for 2Sc, iiostpaid. Ordera fiilcid Immediately. Remit by money orders.
GOOD &. WRIGHT, 4113 W. Adams St. CHICAGO, ILL.


These Machines Are Regular Copper Mines!






SM* 1 ^

"'^1 -rrZ'^iiu



|i New and Different

\ Bowling Alley

Manufactured by the
143 E. 23rd St.,. New York

anS tireular.
Central and Western Representative,
102 California Avenue, Detroit, Mich.

Canadian Concessionaires






1 Ouecn St., E.,



Toronto, Canada

Lock Haven. Pa.. June 2--The 220niile move of the IJi inardi Or»-aler Show.s from Baltimore was made In c.xcelknt time Sunday over the Pennsylvania Rail¬ road, the train arrivinj^ here at midnlBht, and absolutely everything was up and In complete readiness for a very auspicious openini; Mondav under the jiusplces of the Red Men. The first show of the seas^un and probably the largest .show to visit Lixk Haven in years gave the or¬ ganization a w'onderful opening night's business for shows, rides and concessions. Ideal warm weather prevails at this writ¬ ing, and all signs are indicative of a splendid week's business.
The crew of the new dangler was awaiting the arrival of the show, and the riding device is today on the lot, new from the Joseph Ferarl plant. Chief among the other new arrivals for the balance of the season were the Egb--rt auto motordrome, featuring "Fearless Kgbert" and three other dare-devil riders, which was the center of attraction last nicht, and Fred Lewis, who will manage the new water clmis and "Bathing Beauties' Revue", was a Sunday arrival with a complete personnel of diving and swimming girls and water clowns. The water circus will be housed behind the pretentious and widelv known Fer.iri ani¬ mal show front, one of the most elaborate¬ ly carved fronts In show business. Com¬ pletely and artistically redecorated the show presents a most striking appear¬
There seems to he contentment among all showmen and concessionaires with the show, and the proper optimistic spirit prevails among tnem.
The week's social event was celebrated upon the show's arrival here when Artie Lewis, of the concession firm of L< wls & Keating, entertained some friends from the "old home town" at the historical ` Peek fnn". one of the show places among mountain resorts of this section. Harry Freeman .ihly assisted In the entertain¬ ment of the guests.
The electrical department of the show Is under the capable management of "(^rly" Noivuan. The suave Phil O'Neil, he of the "blg-league" line of concessions, can be daily seen with the early sports edition of the n*-wspapers.
HARRY FITZGERALD (Press Department).
Is Trinetdoas Demand Everywliert--Wmtti--




For Profits and Repeat Orders^

Hlih-Crada L'Etalla Ptarl Cbokar. Bterllna SllTer CUkP. art with Blrthatooa. Prict.
SI2.00 Oozaa. Sinilt Sasiylo. IIJS.

(Jap.nned, Brass and Tinned Wire) FAIRS, PARKS, ETC.. SUPPLIED
35-37 Wooster St., New York
E.tablisbed 1863


SWIM OR WALK IN WATER SLIPPERS SraMn'l fs.tcst, blseert irlUns tpcrlaltr. Kvpry JDan, eoBan ·« ihniilmdmarr.(iroipect. A nwritlty for the tK-gicner; s Hondcrful sId to tbs
Sample Pair, $1.00


BOX 3 34.





W.KNT ronres^iotu of a'l lcliy!> to Join W/w tnr AMaiS.*. <;· , «n'! bl* f'.'irth at July Celot/rttlm ·!

ib.u#. Gi.,

tf :: JS t.- i ' 'h.

,a L».'l'n. Wa.NT S'i# k t'lti ani'M* at

lit ktiKl,. 'X

V , 1* 7:



ohl'b I, Mid by tb« Vtgiaa. H'rlto at wlro

GKO w. LA M.WrE, a? r,ni. A-.^, AtUnU, GoWfU.

S-8trand L'Etalle Paarla. Btertlnf BlUrr Claip. aet with t'olnrnl Birth,tnno. Prita,
$21.00 Daiea. SIntIa Sasiplo. $2.00.

Prleoa on ahoTo Items Inelmla Ortayoo YelTtt-Curerod Gift CaM. as llluitraled.

Mimnlaa sent C. O. D. oo rcrelpt of imall



799 Broadway, New York City

Th* TAl/'O li the only PorUblo Bwhoruo Outfit,
f.'iei rlthi-r iliarcool « bard wxd. Tho correct m thod u«ed (ivri tho oiindorful hhkury tUror. Wo oupiily full Inftruethm, fnr borberulni all aorta of irn ata.
Alio lte>l(,ea fur tho f iiooua Houtbero "UOT aAL'CK" and otticr dcllduua Houroa.

1213-17 Chsstnut St., St. Louis, Mo.



Tell, r'lU h(/w to do It Itul Hint fo hit. Two ruinplelo


aeta luKahlo hA it..-,', i.r inrlor. Dubo oiiy-

· h-r., A r»,l htrailn fur |l.m), (»r>l,r Uuliy 0"r

n'c' fuo ItKluded free. l>oLAWIIK.S'C'K MAGlf CO.,

It -iin, W|.''in»ln.


BALL GUM --.Ot) Mill,, f ;o<); l.'MiO fur |.').50; 2,iin<i

f'W le.Vl;

f.,r *lniM.; In.O'Ki f.,r IIIMID. .til

t'l. .r, .n'l ft, .r- H n I ·null der'Clt with urdrt.

IIfTI..\fKT til .M hilt,I'M, t'lnt Irm.tli, Ohio.


Fln^H ciuiMty Milk, with Unnum hnrii**ri, fh'*'* in H'linh OUuintn bortlrre. In aU culora.

A Real Carnival Flash

Rend $10.00 for three lamploi and he ronrlu ' '


A full Una of vart-rulorcHl KIDDIKM' I'MM

In uiflo-tlaif

HtnJ 1100 for

·«ni[tl« Una uf i, .^n nuinlMTi.

83C Broadway, Now York City

an, tho tayw and th* advartlMT to menlltn End y*ur carroyondenea to advertUera by mentUnlni

Tho Billboard.

yh. Billboard.

June 13, 1925

The Billboard


A BIG RED FLASH -- That Brings The CASH

A wonderful specially designed Big Red Giant Inkograph---that is an unequaled value for premium users and board operators. Looks like a $7.00 value and has the quality to give full satisfaction, that means repeat success. Possesses all the famous Inkograph exclusive features which guarantee perfect writing and BIG SALES on the spot. Not made of a cheap composition, but

SOLID Point and Autontatic Feed
\ , rtt'cnv hif bffn tpircd In prrxlui init thU Dumbrr. 1 . a minrl at IlM prlt*. In (riiaa UtU juu can buy it It
$1.00 EACH, on IN DOZEN LOTS $1.25 EACH r: ." Mu!''Y (.i.int I, aKo miibt nf Mntilnl Rubber, Mabocany Uubbar. «
R'll U'C. T.in Rubber ind Maroun Rubber.

Best quality. Finished to catch the ryr. Brantifully polished and attractive in every way~-and whac's more, as good as it looks. It wiiirs with ink even better.
This is the greatest Flash and Value
Ever Offered Billboard read-

TO tiTIiniR NO P.VMPLES WTLI, BC BENT. Bend nna dollar and we'll tend a aaniplo Bed QUnt, I'l.pild. After Uylnt It, If you don t agree with ua that U'a the bItireM doUar a worth >;>" ! 1 It ba.k and we It rrfund your money and will pay iHtitag# boOi waya. No queitlooa Mk*
^.-riithn puuibly ran tell ao womlorful a atory aa a Red Olant will tell In your own hand.
INKOGRAPH CO., Inc., 175-5 Centre Street, New York, N. Y

I.M.MEDJATE SHIPMENTS Write for Catalog and Spaclal Pritn
Genuine Mexican
Resurrection Plant

D. D. Murphy Shows
MichiRnn City. Ind.. June 8.--The D. D. Murphy Shows arrived here from ChlCiifto Hi'iRhts e.trly Sunday forenoon. Trainmaster Harvey has been uettlnjc his show train In and out of towns with clockllke regularity. Special Agent Art L)aily pull* d a go 'd publicity stunt when he unloaded the train on the main street pf the town, which happens to be the highway between Chicago and Detroit. The advertising the show got more than *>utw* iglifd the time lost in unloading. He also arranged a Sunday band concert at Washington I'ark, on the lake front, which is a mecca for thousands of tourl.^ts and week-end visitors from nearby towns. The t<'wn Is well billed--banners on every troll* y wire, "hits" on the main stem, daubs and stands for 50 miles around, wind*>w cards everywhere. The lot location at Franklin and lith streets is excellent. Monday night was all that vnuld be asked, being the first outdoor show of the season here. The public took advantage of the opportunity and patronized the attractions in a manner that augurs well for the balance of the week. Among the "firstnlghters" were many visitors nrominent In the civic af¬ fairs j>f the city and county--Mayor Dali. Kich.ard Crause, chief of police; Sheriff Hahn, of Laiv,rte County; also J. A. Tt rry, s*'< rt tary of the Laporte County K.air, which this organization jwlll play later in the scn.«on. Kvery one of them conipliment* d the attractions as they In.vp»-. t*-d them. From Clilcago were noted the Driver Brothers, A. J. Ziv and "Bud¬ dy" Menzell. Harvey's Monkey Sp<'edway, late of tjie T. A. Wolfe orvunizatlon. Joined here, adding materially to the .strength of the lineup. The attrac¬ tion is framed as an op* n pit show and at the ojiening last night monopolized the attention of the younger element. During the evening the writer enter¬ tain'd members of the staff from The Stica and Diainttch.
The closing days of the Chicago Heights stand w* re satisfactory despite cool weather. J.ok Short t has been busy with promotions of Battle Creek, where the sliow i>lays under the Moose.
W. X. MacCOT.LTN (i'resB Kepresentatlvp).


Premium Ariic/e.


«0«PrinNO Din'KHXNT. Ot*oltll of Ibo r,t|^blo klnf.l<>ia. Lock* dMd. but plocvd In nit4f"Vlrili Into tMOuUfuI. UTlnf. #»mlikt pitnt In · f4«r okiDutoo. Drlo* up ond lo'I'w *1 Pill. Ltiig f.-r roon. Eatt to «hip. Uhl ntlfhl, low cool. Rdilit lOo to 600 OMO "· trt iho world'i lirtNt collteiiwf. otrrj Uri* r ickn 4Bd Ohio ordrrt di» rocolrril Tenno rub
"ly; no c 0. IM. For Urfo, oklocttd, oloon pltnto wt Quolo itMu
lowest wholcsalc prices
S«ni*l4. prtMld, lOe: IS fK 5041 100 fW $1.10. 900 F. 0 B. htf*. $7 so: 1.006 lor $1100; 5.000 ftr too 00; 10.000 for $II7.$0
A Faw Sliihtly Smallor PUnti at $10.00 *tr 1.000.

our tapnrtta adt of klttlcna Blu-flttli Oema)

\ l ime ,r akin 111 aklh'a Laleal form Ciliid *ir Claaa. Mil .: eipailty at lOr a iiliyer la $1.10 pat winWa ailil,# that you wire for rataluaite, due to lata aiiiiiiuiKament.


3 Atlantia Avenue.

La Salla. N. V.

Phtao. 4164-M.

talco aixomol.
4'*4*-' 5-»S«

PRESS. $00 00.


«»l«U0e«A^ii«r~^^l J J'O'W ttaeJnfioV^

The beat of ararrthl! * at I. waal prlcca y .

Aak any road ma-i. A yreat yarltly uf ^ a 34!? rooda built aipreaaly for lha Road rook J ,, Jjj,

lloitao and Keeort Realaurant. Largo * R.Kr.aerle and Harhe.u# Outlitt. Rti. w 'v


tlarbinea, baautiful allrer platad OraiifraJa Sett, rr-

tn:o .luloe Jllll*. tlrlddla l^wuod) Boiot. I^ii* h

Carla Tamale Vlachinet and Kettlw, Cuok'a Lo^.

tppnif and Capo. Ranllarr Hambur*er Preu. Nofl

Urlnk riarora au.1 tllaaewaro. Rtaam Tabtat, Rleamara. ('.ffae I'rna. Rauaak# Krttlw. Tknu. I'mbrallu.

I.lahle. Anjihlng apavlal to urdet.


CHEWING GUM .\II flatort. Por l*Tamtuma. Sehemca and Conreaalona.
KUehy boaet. New Ideal Buy dlrart. BELMCT aCM SU0P6. ClnrlBBali, Ohio.

Famous Royal

Thermic Jugs

V "This Jug sure stops 'em."

' No. 22 --Green Duco Finish,



n No. 25 -- Aluminum (as illustrated), $3.75.

i C. O. D. unless credit established.


Immediate, shipments.

Wire or write either this office

' or your nearest distributor.

4 1926 Canton St., Toledo, Ohio

N*. 2 St«eial. t*'. In. l*M-
Sa«i(l«, PfitfaH. tl.M. S-lb.. I2V4 Is. List Om lie IS-lb., ia^4 In. Ltnf. Oti. 14.


LjttM tTV« Mint VtaJIni MaihliMi. th# k.nj tb.t («t th# lOoiMf. LaUM typ4 MllU. Jcimingi auJ fim.iUi Sllrrr King iIjiJ'lt. Ntw O. K. Bid*
VttHler*. sns.oe; rront TtoUtri. tlll.N.
Rebuilt Mirhloei. renlrkrlrj. rrUnlil.d, la ti*«lleDt runalat ordw. for W5.00. All nij hlnri flllr<l wl!h chr k*. rmly to oawttk. Wtm  or m.ll u( 123.00 dfp<Mlt with ordti. V. Ill tbii, immvdlatvlz. tlM bnliDc* of purchiM prir« bill**! C. O. D.
Our avtrhiullnc rhirto* ore $22.90, pl i, nrceiury rtpkiv part*. Ton to prrpuy rlprr,i rhari»f to uf.
Regular iton.lird 5c piikKri at Mintr. $15.00 oor lAM PublBkO. Sprrul Irnch Mtnta to fit front ttndrr,. lamo prl*^; full (too at 1.000 pickacro. $20.50.

SHEBA DOLL Each 31e (6$ ilivstrated)


FRISCO DOLL, with Curly Hair and I'luiOv Drru. Eub. JO

^ ^au.. . with Tinul I>rrM. Euh.$5

Wiitiou' Drtu Each.....25


HAIR DOLL. IMaln. Carh

Euh.II .14

LORA DOLL. 19 Inrbet Uifh, with Plume Drew. Thn Beit for thn

Muiny. Each... .


Wttlmut riumr Each.


LAMP DOLL, with Sha.Ie and TiumI Draw. Each.r. .7$

s.me with I'lunw Dti«a. Each.65

WitiKiut. Each .>.40

Oiwda shipped sanir day order la rceeiard. Onc-thtrd caah. boL C. 0. D


1636 Ciybourtt Avaniiw,


Triaphane, Oiaeruy 0053.

CtlloRflO, III



The Billboard

June 13, 1925



With Standard DODGE BROTHERS Automobile Engines Will generate over 5000 WATTS--Equal to 250 Lamps of 20 Watts each

Price $650 "."'piS
Coat Government Over $1,750.00 Each

WTLLIAU8 BROS.' ENTPRPRtSES boueht one mC They wero eo pletied with li

they iKiuehl · tecond eet a couple of montha afterwarda.

.VLONZO PAI.MER SHOWS. Onurlo. Ctnaila. arrifa: "It wnrka partect. 1 like It

so well that I nffi likely purrhaM another before the tMlOD It orer:** I{a,a tlDtc par.

chased another set.


Just sold to Usienbcrk-Wansce rtmia one tat.

Also second set to F. C. Bowket CamlTaU, alao aat to W. L. PUU Shows and

Peoryn Park Circus.


230 Union Ave.,

Brooklyn, IMew York

Greater Sheesley Shows

What kind of a store are % you going to frame this r


^ -THea^oEsr/ow

Nosrly every Show on the load carried an Alice May Store for several years ]>ast. They always made goo^


Alice May Perfume Store

That We Are Talking About

It's the
Store on
the Show
and ii, irtthaut a doubt, the MOST ATTRAC¬ TIVE of any and all conre^.lona, brrauae it la entirely different and ao designed aa to attract men, aromen and chil¬ dren.

Ask any Concessionaire
and he will tell you that the AI.ICE MAY PERFUME STORE brought in more money than any other Con¬ cession.

Folutnbus, O., June 4.--Torrid weatli* r brought out large opening crowds und Tuesday and Wednesday nights tlf capacity of the Greater Sneesley Shows' midway in Columbus Driving Park was taxed. Altho there have been numerous outdoor shows here this season. Sheesley Sliows' patronage is up to expectations with every prospect of a very successful
This week's lot, long and narrow, called for ample ingenuity on the part of ' ol Superintendent L. O. (Joe) Redding, who came ahead to study the nut given him to crack"--appearance indicates that he mastered a difficult task. The electric arch is erected on Elast Li^^ngston avenue, a main artery of traffic, and rides, shows and concessions run back into the park so far that, as one trouper expressed It. it seems a ``sleeper jump" from one end of the midway to the other.
Canton. O.. last week did not produce
the best business of the season, but a big Memorial Day helped swell the week's receipts to robust proportions. One of the enjoyable features of the Canton en¬ gagement were visits from Mrs. Al Downs, formerly Mrs. Con T. Kennedy, and her husband, a Miami, Fla., realtor. They made many new friends and renewed acquaintances with scores of dhecsleyltes who had been as.soclated with Mrs. Downs during her days with the Kennedy or¬ ganization. Mrs. Downs and her sister, Mrs. Mclnt^e, were visiting in Massillon, O., their former home, and they, wltii Mr. Downs, Mrs. Frank Spencer, of Massillon, and Mr. and Mrs. Will Loss, of Canton, were dinner gruests of Capt. and Mrs. John M. Sheesley.

Sunday's run from Canton, with 36

Our Alice May Perfume Store Spindle I A


1% C


nn *

cars in two sections, was made before dark and the midway was ready here for

Illlons, in charge of the H. F, Maynes



 novelty rides, is hneeaaring many kind things

Is a Legitimate Game. ALLOWED EVERYWHERE

Works Fast ^ No Paddles
p' No Numbers ^ Fascinating Game

said about the manner In which he is "trouping" with the cumbersome devices. Mr. Illions' display of executive and mechanical ability appears such as to cause no wonder that he has so many tons of Iron and steel welded into per¬ fectly running machines each Monday night,
R. B. Nixon, of the Monkev Speedway, Is entertaining his father, John Nixon,

irs FREE

^ Holds the Crowds

and his sister. Nola. who are Columbus
residents. Among showfolk visitors have been R. J. Heth W. H. DeVoyne, I^w


358 West Huron Street CHICAGO

Blackcnstoe and Jerome Gottlieb. Special Agent J. E. Walsh was ably assisted In agent J. E. Walsh was ably assisted In his local arrangements by Vaughn (Fat) Miirch, formerly with this organization.

Their first inspection of the show this

season Is being enjoyed here by General

Representative A. H. Barkley and his

asslstaiif, C. W. Tracraft, who. with Mrs.


Cracraft. came from his home In Cincin¬ nati. Playing for the benefit of the new Moose home of Gary T»dge No. 7R3. the


Write for information. show will be on the show groundn at 2f>th and Monroe streets, Gary, Ind.. next week.

GLAT'DE R. ET.T.TS (Press Representative).

410 KISdSL





Telephom, BomontMl

MAKE A BARREL Of Money With Our

Good In Barrel


If It's Gam W« Make It--Flat or Candy Coated. Confer With Ui Oo Yoar Needs



42 Spring Si., Newark, N. J

Advertise in The Billboard--You'll Be Satisfied With Results.


Kiwm^ «ion Into btr. rr|. hit Uimt anil brine him hark up Automatlr; nn ropet. Rlaa of ra(U. lar barrel: flat front. In(leitrurtlble, aafy to banillf. Barrel of fun. Bure money tetter. AttraMa and holda rrnwd. Hmall Inveatmrni: hit prnflii I'rira only 125 00. B<-nd half raah Maaay back If mt utlafaatary. Writ# tar aue na« CataUf af Ball Camaa.
Da Moulin BroL t Co.
eraooylllo. IIIImIo.

Leaving Us With a Stock of

800 No. 1 Uko Cut

Color Brd Ecimel, Ivory YYh««Ii, H*ln. Tire*. S Id · cartoo. 8«1U for $2.00 Mch.



1200 No. 2 Uko Cut
Color Rrd KnimeU l»ory Wheoli, U-ln. Tire*. Pirked 3 lo · earton. Dcllt for >2.30 who leu lo.
OUR PRICE. $1.23.

1400 No. 3 Uko Cut Color Bed Knamel, fireell Wheelt. H-1n and S-ln. TIrea. Parked 3 In a earloo. Bell, for >A.00.
The blcpr'ht FT.ASH you ran Rp* OUDICII and bt- convlncetl.
TERMS: Cash TFifh Order.
Gardner Screw Corp.,
Gardner, Mass.



Hamifanurera ami JohlM-ra of Ihill.- WIta ami AlnMU

rurla. ii rT'/tfiy Kirtri. Sew York City. lwn*A*

renel ftrA'I, Ilerkahire


June 13, 1925
--on request Stop at our factory and see
the wonderful display Centrally located at 33d and Market Sts., within easy ac¬ cess of all trains and trolleys.

The Billboard
Philadelphia, Pa.
CHOCOLATES That Bring Results
to the Concession Trade

--just right

Look tbra tb« Hotel Directorr la tbie Inuo. Ja»t (b. kind ·t 4 boUl yoa want may be Hated.
at results from this machine. Sells for 5 Cents a Pencil with Customer s Own Name Printed by Himself. Quick of action--'cntirc name at one stroke---fool proof. Try it without risk. Write for proposition.
Walden. N. Y.

A MM Til TT Jk Takes and Finishes a Picture

Aifl Ij MXa

two minutes

You Do It All Yourscll--No Filins, No Plates, No Dirk Room


ITfr# la · brand new practical Catntra Actually takes and floUhea a good

picture In tha Camera In Two Mlnutra. all li)# Orrateat NoTclty of Ihc Aca. Cti a aaraple and conrlnc# jouraalf.

Tht plcturt la taken dlrrci on a wniltlxcJ Card, star S'lxS.

Hnap pMuro In usual way, drip It Into the Dcrcloriiif Tank, a part of

tha Camfra, wall ooo mlnuto--rrcato! the pirtuf# Is finished.

A flashy ·eller for Fairs, fUlcs Hoarda. etc. Try a dozen or iwo. Tou will

want in<'rt.


A trial dsran defhrtftd free on recelnt of

,, InA'luiUnc e«prlles

each Camera. Also a flee OUplay Outfit of m -inted rhotoe t.ikeo with Ihla

Camera. Thrir make quirk sale*. Retells

Sample Camera with ex¬

tra siippllrs sent p*'slr.iM on receipt of 11.60. Or send iOc stamps foe aample

picture. tesMmonUls. clrculart.


East Orange, N. J.

itidesetnt colored and clear crystal. Special assortments for (^rnival Trade. Prices. 40 cents pet dozen and cp.

Chinese Parasols

Fast SellersI

Big Profits!

For Sun and R In. Dunuler, open. 34"-86''.

Nt. lOCO-l. asiortiDcnt of cclurt. dozen.$15.00

No. 1062, assurloicot o' culors and shapaa,

·lur.n .,.$13.00 Caia lota of lu dozen, special prica.
Sample, p. itpiM. II.dj; two, $3.20; three, $4.75.

CHINESE PAPER FOLDING FANS, per 100..$ 5.50 WOVEN PALM LEAF FANS, per 100.$10.50

FANCY CHINESE BASKETS. 3. 4. and 5 to aet. Per set.$I.<IS>$2.23

Ca.e I)t,, ipc'l.d ptice. IL.ui'jou llird Cuiiek. ezeeptlonul raluc.


dozen .


FANCY CHINESE SEAGRASS SLIPPERS for l i'lles and iiud. zen.O.'i.OO


Chinese Fancy Geada imperters.

37 So. Wabash Ave.

Chicago, III.

go Corn Game

... .

(Tride-JIark R«. C. S Pat Off Pcndlnk)


_ ...



lyptybody knowi BINGO. Kistcat and m.iat rcliibl. cam. on tli» ni irk t PUred from co.it to canit.




IJpmuid It. Card! »re ilxc 8zl0. two colort, on 4-idy board.

with numbered woodan olocka. :

qperator't chart and full Initrurtluns ACCfcPT Nil CHF.XP IMlT.tTIONS.






$S-PLAVCR LAYOUT .$5.00 | 70.PLAVER LAYOUT .$i0.00 |

Depoalt or cash In full with order.


RAND DISTRIBUTING CO., MsRulacltirer$, 1429 Olive Ave., CHICAGO



tor bio knights of PYTHIAS CtLtBRATION, MT. STERLING. KY.. JUNE I5-20. INC.


of all kind,. Nn enluilee. WANT ai>a<1 iv,* II luw Man. Miiurer for Flee-ln-One. Always

rn<iii r.ir rjpaMa Hhowinen an I < umrxloii A,;riiu lliii i.h ol July t'rirbiatioa. Jenkins. Ky. Joo lUf>

Oil'l, .OHM htnne. (]rt>etiiip, Ky.. week A-U.



, I

Is Your Subscription to The Billboard About To Expire?




~ L- -








BAMBOO FOUNTAIN PENS, with tertw taa.

smooth faints, well palishad. It Is the finest far demanstratian and will hava na csmflaints, as yau ha«a with

ather amkea and fradis. It roata yau lean than 2Sa in larfa quantities, while yau tet $1.00 each. Many

atenta and demonstratar, tall fram M ta lOO at ear Pena in a day. Look at the fcafit. YOU ean da tti«

lamt. It yau dan't find any jabbers in yaur lawn that ean furnish yt<i with aue supe'iar ftada al Fauntain

Pans, sand SOa far samala and alsa ask far quantity prica. as well as pries list af aver 40 dlflerant articlaa

Va tall. 2S*a cash must aecampany all C. 0. 0. ardrrs. Wa can furnish yau with advcrtlsinp piattar thaw-

Ine atlual ties af camplatt Fauntain Peas and alsa dillarcnt parts with apaesa tar yaur name and address, and

,,w,illl aall tthieam at rest.

Japanese manufacturers syndicate, im. i9 s. Weiu st.. Chicago



We imite comparison--Nothing like it on Earth.


Packed In Cartons of 250 Packages

2S0 Packages, $11.25.

500 Paekagre, $22.50.

1,000 Packages, $45.00.

2.500 Packages, $112.50.

A Dapeait el $10.00 Required ea All Orders ef 1,000 Packages.





Producers of Goods Ttiat Sell


NOTE--A Big-Night Special Featgre Article With Each 250 Packages Ordered,

No. 112--Height, with shade. inches. Weight, packed, I ^ pounds. Onepiece Ping, Silk Cord. Ptnisb, Copper, Ox. Silver.

No. 211--Height, with thade. IIH

inches. Weight, packed. I

poondt. One-

piece Plug. Silk Cord. Finish, Ox. Sil¬

ver. Ox. Copper.

We offer you these beantifnl silver-plated Boudoir Lamps with silk shades at this low price as an introdnetory to the Concession Trade. Shades supplied in Rose. Blue or Gold colors.

2% discount if purchased ii^quantities of 2 Dozen Loir. Terms--Net cash F. O. B. Taunton, Mass. CATALOGUE SENT UPON REQUEST.


314 Bowery, New York, N. Y

Nat Reiss Shows
Bellaire, O.. June 2.--^Wlth a wonderful Saturlay night's business at Cambridge, lust week, the show was oft the lot an4 loaded there and was unloadid and on tlie lot here before dark Sunday, which Is certainly speed. Tlie show played day and date with the Walter L. Main Cir¬ cus here Moiidav and there was quite a bit of handshaking. Several netv conor-ssions joined here. Lou Keller, of the Wallace Bros.' Shows, was a visitor last week. The sluggard, an animal that lives upside down, died last week, but by next week It Is expected that a pair of them with a "baby" will arrive on the show.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Melville left the show last week to nay a visit to Mrs. Melville's mother, wno is very 111. All t^he new fronts have been completed. In¬ cluding th.. Wild West. Minstrel Cross¬ word Pussle and the "Law and 6utlaw". Mr. and Mrs. Donahue were visitors here Sunday and left Monday morning for Steubenville.
All the Klks of the Main Shows and Reiss Shows were invited to a dance and supper that was held In the Bellaire Elks' lodge room, and It was a "wondOTful time". M". J. GENTRY (Press Representative).

Ver> Beet Praflti Obtained T k r a
|AJ|dlyS^^HKH| ms M*dtii

New Imgrovee 1925 Med*l.


Wflie or Wirt.


·M Arrh Street.


Traver Sea Plane
In (ood conlltlan. Ittc birriln It taken at onct. miLIO .SMfSKMKNT roMi'.vNY. Forest City It ink llulMlnc. R .ktor.l. llllnoU.




Don't Be Disappointed



Singte Tube Radio Sets
1,000-Mlle Rang*. You can't beat Radio as a
$60.00 Doz. Sample Set $5.50
Money-Bark Ouarantee
H<d} cash tciih quantity orders --JuU cash for sampUs.

A Real VTaab--Makea 'Em All Stop and Look. Natural fleah color flnith, with hithly sttraetlee fparkllnt metallU Jacquetta. The OrUlual Frrndi Model Doll--* Knockout at Boaorta. 16 locfaea high. Packed 18 to a barrel.
$1.00 Elactly In Any Quantity
8KEEZIX, 14 IR. High (Cegyrighted). 3$ te Barrel. Each.$ 0.S6 OUR BIG 2n.tNCH DOLL (with Plume 28 in. High), vltb Curly Hair aad Large
Plume. Packed 18 ta a Barrel. Each.83 iS-INCH KEWPIE8. with Hair. Par 100 . 22.08 SHEBA DOLLS, with Large Plumes. Packed SO te a Barrel. Per 100.$3.00 IS.INCH FLAPPER DOLLS, with Leng Curly Hair and Large Plumes. Per 100.. 40.06
One-third cash with all orders, balance C. 0. D. * We make prompt ahlpmentf.


Long DiBtance Phone, Diversey 8702.

1316 Clybourn Ave.,


Legitimate Everywhere
Unquestionably good looking and atands op nndet constant use.
Highest Quality--Lowest Prices. Samples Fret.
125 East 18th St., NEW YORK CITY.


Cleariag attyactrve SI00 sample display outfits at $55 (coft) classy Novelties. Lists feet.
A. C SMITH, Ligbtner Bldg.

Thirtieth yeat jobber of

Beagtifnl glossy finish wish a genuine copper padlock-- not an imitation.
Made especially for the carnival trade. LOWEST PRICES--IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT.

TIn mmiber Itul everyme pbyi lor

25% cash with order, balance C.O.D


chinnd>yl iwirLin rk# Knnr rtf receiot*

Chicago Cedar Chest Comi

1321 W. Randolph St.,


WANTED Clean Shows and L.egltinnate Concessions

r«w the f',l|.-,»lr,» Pain: WJiliney

N T. Aur. Il-K; Perre. V Y.. Aiie 1K-2I: llhire, .N Y..

Auf 18-29; Wnkln,, N Y .

g-T; (»»»*(,

Y., K,pt. H-ll; MalulUM, I'l.. Sept. 1.5-18; Klmlii.*

Y, T.. Herd, 22-28. Wheel,, n,«hrr, and Rare Track, not wanleil. Ailiireac W. B. MAL.tKKLY.

AckeraMn nidg., ItlnghaiatMi. New York.

Conklin B Garrett Shows

L-; .[ bu»ln'*»8 l.aa bc»*n good tlil«

h ilio Cnnklm & tiarrett Shows a

ri airmuiit of "bad luck" has b'· n

,i<i (I lately. l>n the run from

i; la N.iiiabiio the show train ran

,l i.ii liifi) a freight tialn In the LadvI-'i.rnmat'lV tin* fbow train

i.niv ii.ivi`lin« .It ii'wuiibl havo

u b<

slow .-n K

sp* < d, oth< rvi-ny e,-rlous

i nt .V-^ It "a> (b-orge Hihvards was

Injur'd iiml is still in the hos-

1 ;it' N.inamio. Many oiin r int inbers I (.. pany were cut and bruised, hut

i, \\,re of a sirious iidaii. After

UK the first nigiit at Mcuut, B. C..

I r. bi'be out on the wliip abtvut 1

I \ \.ry strong wind was blowing

'liie tunc, and. altlio the local fire

· t.'eItwB asefefoarrltys

on to

ttie »c« ne. It the saving

bad to of the

ind. r of the show pro|)erty. which


SEMD US YOUR ORDER NOW Military Band Organs


4458 W. Lake St., Chicago, III.


an iixtt cam«iii( ind Ctnctulis, iMw. FtMtwint illthtly usrd, joM as n«w. Al


at tht rltl<t priM far auick actitn: 6 tal4 Bable End Caasessisn Tants. with Walls ^ I3«20 Gabla End Csncestisd T-ntt, with Walls; 2 I0il6 Khaki Tents. Csmpletc

with Walls; 2 18x24 Hip Hast Juica Jplats, with Walls. Write or wire nnvv for prli e<

Northwestern Balloon and Tent Co.

W. F. MeGUIRC, Manager

Tal. DIverMy 3880

1635 Fullerton Ave.,


him blind or insensible for a few seconds or long enough for him to temporarily lose control, as the ship Immediately be< gun`to fall. When but 50 feet from the ground Regal regained control and had the street nut been so crowded could no doubt have effected a safe landing. In attempting to make a vacant lot the ship struck a telephone pole and crashM to the ground. Regal for a number of years was premier stunt man with Mabel Cody's Circus. lA. P. V. Doyle states
that Regal was considered a very con¬ servative pilot.
On Memorial Day the Stewart Aerial Attractions were booked as one of the main attractions at the auto races at Klkhart. Ind. J. C. Stewart gave a tor¬ pedo b<'mb drop with some daylight flrewoi'ks. Including a special flag shell. He went about one and one-half mile from starting to landing points and relTorts tliat the gratifying thing was that the balloon ascension took place after the r.ices were over and the crowd did not b-ave until the aerial attraction was linished. The weather was fine and a goud open Held was found fur landing. Jack (Sliurty) Purnell did honors inside the bag for his first time tn and did very wll, even tho the day turned out exceed¬ ingly hot. Mr. Stewart states that he heard the appl-ouse at 2,000 feet for his flag shell. The attractions are well booked, giving a special balloon act and daylight fireworks display at Rochester, Ind., July 4.

CommunkHton§ to 25-27 Opera Place.

Captain Donnalan, of Benton Harbor.

Cinrionafi, O.)

Mich.. IS glvihg stunt flights over that city every afternoon and preparation.^

T'.'` nnnBgem**nt of the Ice show at

the Cincinnati Zoo has gatheicd together

i.le a.i-cinbly ot artists, and It

ire prlvilige of this editor to re-

· >v tlie allow given on tno matinee of

May 30. Tlie company wmked nivi- and

i.y Vie .Tpplause given by tiie wdl-packed

hi'use the entire bill seemed to pl<*r.se.

T · show opened with a nifty exhibition

of famy skating by Francois Lc.Maire,

this being followed by comedy akatiug

.1 a tra\< 'tv on a ballet dance by

Jones and Darling. Margot, a very

cl'MT wiii.ian exhibition ikuter, graceful

riiil 'hapely, next did her bit, receiving

a v< foi;.

.rv d

big in

hand for her efforts; to be turn by Lf .Maire and a girl

partier In a tin aoldit-r dance on the

blad' ' Darling and .Margot now did a

grai ful d 'Uble skating exhibition, with

a gr.ind en-mbie number by the entire

conip.iny. All was Very weil done. Mar¬

got and L> Maire peeiiuii to steal the

app'p-Use honors, with Jones and Darling

omtso son BUSINESS
Make an iJeal ·Mdoi"
tUni. Akimf'ntrm iittk
tide out.

A roaplet* Poa Coro Stand, eorrythinr oordrd to handle 1 mthinc butinroo--that's tho Champion Com Pnpp«r. Two ilieo. One folda for ihtpptnc. Tho other hao tint lop and rubbor-llred wheel,.
Send for Catalof of Chaistloa Poptoro. Get full partleulara about our Popper,. (Jawlino Slneea. B'lmort. Hamh'jTfer (Irlddleo,
Tankt, nullew Wirt Lanwa. etc Write toeJoT.


IIJ Leeint Street.

Ooo Molntt. la.

genuine cowhide leather.

Colon, B'lek, Cord'iroD,


Saaipit. 7So. PrtpafJ.

Sasipla Darta. lEM. Propafd.

GroM Lots, $60.00

are bt-ing made to put on a ap»`clal aerial fireworks display tliglit, dayliglit, on
Friday and Saturday. Frank t,'. Uannelly, manager of the
Ro.salee Cordon Flying Circus, Informs that they have Just signed up another five-week contract at University High¬ lands, a sul)iirh of Uall.as. Tex. This is
the second live-week contract with these same p<oi)le In l'.i2r> and Frank br'lieven that this is a record for th.at part of the country, and especially at this time of year. Rosalee iiordon la riding an 86-
foot balloon. They were the added at¬ traction at the auto races at the Fair Park Speedway recently, at which DeI'alma, Ilearne. Milton, Morton. De Vore and others competed for $2."».000 In cash
prizes. Rosalee ilordon and Wal King worked, with a chute jump from a plane
by Chas. Bretel.

P'tting many laiigtis hv lour butIc.-'iue. We understand that they change the pro¬

Une-lhlrd dcpoolt on til orden. boUnco C. O. D. Write for Our New Catalocue. . Coapletp Lli.a at (Jooulao Conhldo Lottlior Belts.


gram . .. ry we«k.


In line with the snggestlona for the



ben* fit and iraiuovenieni of the ga.i.e


coii.cs an ide.a from one of the skaters that ea.h riuk, each skating act and ea.-h ukatir slu uld write in to this departm* nt every so often with an account of ti.'lr doings, etc., to ns to keep tlie genei.ll skating world Informed. The editor of this d' p;irtinent is much In fa¬ vor of the Idea, and went ha« k into the old files of Thr JStllboaril to find that t!..re x\HS a wlioh* page devoted to the

^^NLY Highest Grade MatrtiaU nstd. conforming with all Pore Food Laws.
Uniforni Qoality.


$1.50 Per lb.

Lemon, Wild Chetty, Grapr, Etc.

$1.25 PcF lb.





>HB^\ Rapid Aatonetle Ball, iwvu BtvInS Elotlrlo Floor
SurSaelad Maahina.

Til K puine for years. All the pages w-re

Leu Ke per lb. In 10-lb. luts. Cash with order.

ed***l ****ln

tvell tilled, and If each skater and rmk mani-KiT wrote In occasionally and re¬
ported the doings it wouldn : be bard to
fill a page ag.iiii.

We olio Banufaetura Flarortnc Emuhlon,. Kitrarti,

Trult Olio. etc.
Mfg I D 11 nvn rn DiHchiirirh On

fur Our




ooo of an

Oo»rce P.irls visited the editor again



this w. k. soiuewliat recovered fioin liis

recent fall, and abla to walk again with¬ out a limp. Cioorge Is going on a short vusit Willi relailves and frh'tids In In¬ diana. He la then going bn<'k on the Iv.A. Time, opening In I'iiiciigo, tleorge Is one 'k.iter who nap the interests of tho
game at heart. He recently g.ixe deinonstr.iilons on tho physical culture aide of skating, showing how one's body de\el..p li »>y tlie proper u.se of roller
sk.1t''. He reports that he converted sev¬
eral mothers, who always fought agnin.'it their daughters going to rinks, bv sn-

30 vards handicap, the otner fivo were handed handicaps from 1-2 lap to one lap. All of the skaters vv're in goud shape, and this made the race keen, as
all finished close, (.''ook and Donnemn exchanged lead.-; during the two miles, C(X>k passing the latter at the mile and a quarter mark for good, holding the lead until the finish; Donnegan and (lorman trailing and hotly contesting Cook for
tho lead. The results: Walter Cook, firat--time was cauglit at 6 minutes, 87

and J-5 seconds. Steve Donnegan, sec¬ ond and Gorman third,
Jitsper Drum reopened at the rink in Knoxville. Tenn., May I*, for hi.'' ninth
season there and reports that so far this season It Is ahead of any yet. He Is using a new Tangley cniliophone for music. WTiy other managers are waiting on It he doesn't know, as he gets plenty of volume, variety and the patrons claim
its the best Improvement in the park tn years.

231 Woot llllooio Street _CHICAGO.

plaimng the physical advantages of

iik.iting to them.

Till* U"val Skating Rink, Vancouver,

B C, ;.nho nine miles from the city

prop, r. do'-s a tremendous LusTtiess, the

ni' .'-t of It being dross affniis. The eniire society rlasa of Vancouver pitronlzes the
rink. Novelty nlglits nre worked, I. e..


T,'. nigl you must havo on a dress suit to get In. and other nights wear a


»W' .iti r or sometliing on that ordi r. Thomas (lilison relnles that tlio Call-


fornl.a State Ch.implonslilp meet, run off the lai-t of April and the first p.irt of May. encl.ll In n tie on points for first

You ilou't bo,o to ikiBxnd · 'lolUr't worth fur

·Ttry dollir you Imesl In Rl'-harJwi, SXxtei--

YOU OKT IT. Then, too, you


pi. ··. .I.'hii II.inks, present citv nmnteur chanipli.n of I,os Ang'-hs. and Bill Yates Im'Mi ' ad the same amount of p'lints--CO.

Richardson Ball Bearing Skate Co.

On May 10 tJlhson ran off n half-mile


t n'lilt'

ti .1

race h. tween the two. off afl'-r the fourth lap

but It was on account

S)II-II Ravenswood Ave.,



fi'iil. .ind

Bill th,«

Yates w.is awarded the championship. W.iiter

K'll.im w.is tiie wliin,>r of ttie half-mile

f'-ee.for-all unit race, time 1 ::10 and 1-2.

K'tl'w.ng is the list of entries, 23 In all:

.lohn Hank.i. Roy Hall, Bill Yales. fHi-irkv

'i '""V. i;.l t'.'issldy. Ray Leach, I'larl

pV''. Bed Kdwards, K. Price, I'lrnle Bat-

h'tt, .\it Irons, II. thud. 11, Wni. Trounce,

OttiM I'arki r. Kd Walker, Jack Herr. Ray

tirl'-ner, Joe Leonard, Ike Leonard. K.

Snh..|. p. J. rsey, Wm. Ownes, Win. Hill. __ . . .





Oenree L. .Si'.ail was referee. H. Klen,ler cli'ik of eoui.S''. TTIio.s. ciib'on announcer
and 1 irter, and R. Defoe timer. .Mill lav (lorman reporis that owing to

racing. The plane, a HiMO-Sland.ird. was piloted h.v i'liarli's (Spi'ed) Holman,
winner of first prize for stunt flying both d.iys at the liitern.it ioii.il .Mr Derby,

ne crusiu-a ni» rather tlrnn Ian
.*"','*'1 a height of

Y'.0 r.'t a tllr'.'t prl-o (n m tbr fartory on TrxMlll Rliik'. .\.> "iniol.-lon, pa. l That I* why (be prlco Is rlxht. <Jyt you oiw Write for Cxtxlof

a l·"l)uIar d'inand by gkat og fans an- St. Ismis. Mo., IHC.I, and second place in giving an exiilb


o'ti r tw'o-mlle amate ur 1 " w.is sti,;i I the Davion I'ndiirance Race. lyC4--flying · "nvenllon giilli.

18th and CrIIrt*.

Kieses (.Ity,. MU.

hv (he Ht. Nicholas Ro|l..r Rink. N< w from .Mliioi. .\ I» to D.iyton with only J'l^t nosed his ^

V'Tk Pity. Walter t'ook re ;alned liLe one hIoji--toi.il lime II hours and 10 ''h1-tlme form bjT w inning against a classy, minnti s. Tin* cl aiigi* was made by ,\1
belli of 10 skaters, (lorman and Ste ve' Biackstiene, \vell-kne>vvn aerial ilar« devil Bennegan lined up with Took on ·crutch, of the Northwest, who has n record of K'lgar Baxter with Rudolph Blanch took f>03 Jumps from planes, haa made aovenil

doing a |oiii> v ··"vering. wlilch
front ceiekiiif, .*etrlklng him In I that a rope or

DAI I nnMICT PR0F.CHAS.8WART2.fXDf\L,L.vJVJlX lo 1 uert AerouAut. now Istihlaa
lUtrs. Oo up thousunds of f»et. Mike p.rxrhuAa dropa. Kty for drrent price ComMltteee write ee wire. Permenent iddrece. Shmboldt, Trnaetiut.



In the Blue Box nJith J tHey^lioi^iamondLabel I

YOUR nearest OAK Brand jobber can furnish these striking new Toy Balloons which are
proving to be leaders everywhere. Jobbers receive weekly shipments of fresh stock. OAK Balloons embody the very highest type of quality and work* manship-"thcy retain their brilliant colors, elasticity and inflation strength--and they keep in stock ex¬ ceptionally well. Be sure to specify the Blue Box with the Yellow Diamond Label.
New Bathing Girl Series
Six striking nrw subjects tbit are finding instant popularity. All are two-color prints on Balloons of assorted vivid colors. Sure to be big leaders this season.

®ou)^nir VFAIR /

Souvenir of the Fair
A particularly appropriate series of four different designs, specially adapted for nse at Fairs. Designs are excep¬ tionally striking and this series is certain to bring quick and profitable tales.

(Coauomieatiom to Zi-Zl Operc Plact, Cincimtati, O.)

Didja work on the "crossword" in last look If you have one of tboBB copies of issue? The correct answer: "Close up!" The Billboard handy.

What has become of Norris, tho hustling serpentine garter worker?
What is your definition of a "real pitch¬ man"? FYom what angle do you figure It?
There Is an Interesting article, titled The Urdicine Show, by Thomas J. Ia-- Blanc, in the June issue of The American Mercury.

Jay Poland infoed that ho received 20 answers to his recent ad for u partner and about 00 from performers. Says that he will stay with the Jack LaDox Show (Tonawanda meet) for the sumni* r If present plans carry out. Poland (bllfed as the "Crazy Irishman") has spent about 35 years in the business, and
{Continued on payo 132)

John Judson Tayior, working in Syra¬ cuse. N. Y.. and vicinity, reports good business for him. Says he would like to read pipes from all friends.
A few weeks ago while on a trip to Dayton, O.. Hill met Kd LeLand, med, and specialty hustler, who stated that he was en route to the South, Vrob.ably to Alabama. INTiat's the news. Kd?

niark Tlpt. (etttng blf mooeT. Wrtta lor prlcci.
Other P B N H, letf-fllllnt.

How many of the boys remember Jim Bonnelli in his med. days? Iteport last week had it that after many wars absence he had returned to the fold and has out a dandy little "op'ry", playing small towns.
According to word from Los Angeles, the boys there have b*en a target for some of the local officials and that the N. P. & 8. P. A. No. 1 has lately been up against local faction and legal bat¬ tles--against heavy odds, but "fighting" for their rights.

Chas. J. MacNally
110 Natsau St.. NEW YORK CITY
· Clmhf'rlere-

Dr. Harry C. Chapman "shoots" that several of the boys at Columbus would like to read a pipe from Dan Rosenthal. This recalls that Pan sure has been one of the "delinquents"--about two years since he "kicked in" with his bit of news.
The Pipes for this Issue (the Summer Special), Instead of going to press late in the week, as austomary, are being printed in the oecond form of the five forms off the presses. For this reason quite a number of the pipes for this edition will be received too late--will use these in next issue.

Ortiilng CaMb*. CMrtg egtf FIng, THilH- Br..tKN Sarbar Camba. C. and F., g^.al, Graia. li.N Rackat Camba. C. and F.. 4Sil. Graao. 7.99
Maul Edit Casaa far Paakat Ca«ba. OrtM.... t.N


949 S«. L. A. StrttL

Laa Anktltt. Calif.


"Blackie", pen hustler, wrote from St; Louis that all the boys at a hotel there (eight In number) had moved--and Just for the fun of the thing "Blackie" clipped a picture ("of us") that appeared on
page 84 of the May 30 Issue--take a

5md 25o for Hampio and Sparitl Packafa Prlct. J. L MEAD. Mfr.. 4 W. Canal M.. Claclbnatl. 0.
Mtiabar at N. P. aad 8. P. Ata'n.
A MONEY GETTER' Try It and anal PitchUrn. OrmoDatrauna Radla Htrupprr bJiJa

A brand-new series of assorted brilliant-colored Balloons, each imprinted with three different animals in con¬ trasting colors. Designs are separated into three panels by an attractive bar of contrasting color running from top of balloon to the neck. Very popular.

1 IlCER ^ J

Vivid white or yellow Balloons ini' printed with attractive Star design with ribbed panel background. Panels printed in alternate red and bloc, making four designs on sides, with attractive bine Star at the very top. A big wller.

SPeet Men ihauld tend twa-eent itamp far beautifully prlatad capy af "The Balloan Man"--an irdtctttlnp poem by Hal Caahran. which we have published in p spiking falder, repraduced la fPM pad calart. Writ, taday!

QtjeOMu Rubber Co {

Ravenna Ohio.



OFFICES (Far Serrlto to Jabbart Oaly)

NEW YORK CITY--4S Eaat 17th St

CLEVELAND. OHIO--732 Natitnal Cat.t,y.

CHICAGO. ILL.--123 W. MadiiaB St KANSAS CITY, MO_3205 Beaad.Jy.

Bn* Bldf. (Eipart Otpt.l. TORONTO. CANADA-Kalta. Rofbbbbeeer

DALLAS. TEX_Saata Fa Teem. Bldf.

CO.. 505 Ki.f SIraat. Eaat

|[ "






prnflu. Kiiy arller. Write for partlru-

lart. tenitory and new low prica Hit of Buprrma produrtt.


ISS Windar Straet

Oalmit Mich.

Medicine Men
Wt can ivpply you with tho brat aalllnc Hrrb Packara on tho m.rkrt. formula attarbod. Hr,I medicinal qualltlea, barked by a bank draft guarant-e. Oet our prlrea on Tonic, Liniment. Nerrt Toole TableU. Halvra, Com Curt and tkup
BECKER CHEMICAL CO.. 235 Mala 8t. (EtUbllahad 1990), Cincinaatl, Ohio.

Amber Unbreakable Combs

LARGE DRESSING, 920.00 PER GROSS. Wt makt 'em. Write for C«l4lu(uc.


34 Calaadtr Street



Sit Men or Women to c1cnwn«lrala "OETS-IT In T>ruf ami Pepartment Siorrt. I'rrmawm.

Steady Work. Salary and Itonua. Write fully about youraelf TOP.kT. E. LAWRENCE A CO..

Pralrla Ate.. Chicago.


nemilno Onc-Hllllon-Mark Bond. 91.0#. DAVID WEISS. P. 0. Baa 3041. Mamphit. Teat.



Buy ^uf TIm direct from ui. th« nuiiufuitBrer. ind iwure iIm »rrT latest deaUnt and color combliwltou at Iho rlcM prlco. Our TIei art cuarantrrd 100% I'ura Bayon. All faat aellrra--no alow numbtrt to poA

__**·"· seconds, 6 BOZEN FOB $«.00. NO LESS SOLO.

If you vaot o sood*lookific TU for Irni mon^jr, «« tuve oiir idiuo line of psttrrnt, but inllh · lUll# Bietcfflt*.



·* ** '® **' Oarao. Mt.OO  Srtta. reqtilrt-d on tarh proat ordered. No rhecki




My New Lock Link Button Set

cnass frtft

The Button Hea¬ ton la bare, tlet In tourh with my new 1925 Button Bota. Hand and let By new Price Llit on Pountala Pena ·nd Buttona.

Is Now Getting the Money

He«d In four nama and Join the N P. A B P. A
1 am a Btmhcr.

New Leak Link.

iMBonat/bl'iri. Auctloorcri, Pllihfm'n and Premium l'»er«. My BIf 3uml>o Red Pan nith Black Tipi *·

laUlr.p the money, luuntaln Puna fruia tl3-M par Grata up. All Amarlran-Bido Pane.


_ 407409 Broadway. NeiM York


June 1 3,



In Your Work--Bi| Money Makers!

Tbc kill- go . raiy o»er them: eTrnrbodr Uilir-

r.,r: rrcTVliPily usnlt one. We base all kinda;

· 1 irb-s fnun 2'>o to $5.00: al price# that net

V..U pil pi HI

» qusr'rr (>» » aamp e

, f lb. I IKIP-Ih# 1>HIP oililrr end gel our 4«-

r,r, .'el H full "f silnnrrs Do II now ' lOtAL AEROPLANE AND SUPPLY CO.,

167 Senna Street.

New York Cfty.

.The Billboard

FOUNTAIN PENS From $12.00 Per Gross Up
Write for Our New **F'or-All** «Jumt>o Ren at $30.00 Grosa


Wr are beadqoarters for all of the best-selling self-filling Fountain Pens. Get onr Special Price List.

Just Received

A Urge shipment of the
F a m o u g Hesen-ln-One
Cimwlnetton Glasses, cel¬ luloid frame--oot tin,
teal magnifying lensea-- not window glass. SpacUI Low Price

If 70a don't bof yonr battons from ns at oar REDUCED PRICES 70a arc losing moBe7.

AGENTS *<10.0



FREE Giving These $1.25
Dress-Making Shears





«!!>· tutni ilo«n n i'll , 1 . .i ulne w«rfn».

fUrtly Si Kord Minuil '> df b> hsml.



An Ah' mjllr firhur-

flrr I iriii' l. mike*

Ktrr'T'li·'f>u·ritimfnsiirlrr--r »w»t»ni'-i

half (·< and nil-- rrpiir bllli onr-half--

ti.w gnr-hilf. Stilt on iltbt tn rtrry Fnrd nwner as ra-tly as giving him t tliiii lilll. be.auje It saves $ino on every Id.lHH) mlirs.

Caditlac new uses as standard equipment ihermcttalic

esrbu'ttcr central under Blantke lictKM. Yhu ran makr Nig money selling thia wiukierful proven^ dtvi'e.

Itperlrme not nrreaaary. HLANI'KK I'L.tV tVlLL HTtltT YOl' WITUOfT CAPITAL IN A lU SI.NKS.w

FROM li'-o TO $2 no« A MO.NTU PROFIT. Write

lir Ffn Circulars Naw!


(82 Wsit Lake Street, Drgt. 6018-H,


Our Famoue Peerlese S-ln-1 tool. Big eeller.
$16.00 Packed etch In bog with illustrated circulnr
end instruction sbeet. .

Will tuBible sod roll forcTcr.. NotbInc to get out of order, A wooderful teD*cent seller.
Per Grots
Simib Do»t n Citls

Best Quality
Grots, $3.00

Tou gft the Interest with the free Shears Walter Har¬ ris sold 800 botrt in tit we.ki. IToflt oter |10n a week. Total retail Talue $lt>0. A real bargain at $2.00.

O f

^''da like but rakae rear

LiTiMrLkyVI;L.* Don t daily a minf'u'«ten.d S4atbeebtyimaemid eall

Send $2 DO (or eomplete ou'lll. Im-ludlug dlieliy


te Billbearg Readers- 10 hoies. tO

Shears and Display Case FREE (er $#.M. Act New.

L M. DAVIS CO., Dept. 9526, CHICAGO. ILL

Demonstrators, Novelty Men
8ig Money In Air Gliders


Cingham Apron





y.\ Plaids and



^Sg.SII Per Du.

--J 0 Pk<I»W

Or send $1.00 for Sample Drees and complete Catalog
Economy Sales Co.
Dept. 100 Boston, Mass.

W# hart a sperisl offer for bnuseto-bouse teletBrn. TA'e (umlah Sem¬ ple t'aae, rontalnlng 1 dt,ren Pure HtIk Ties. Hwatrhei of Other ityles. Utdrr BUnks. etc.
Tou ran lake the order, rollert yuur rommlislon end we tend baterne C. O. U. Agrntt Baking ·.'>.u4 to 115.00 dozen, or
We tee tell yen In Crete Lett (rtai 124.00 te $48.00 Mr CrstS.
Hand I* no (or Sairsman SatBpIe Cate. roBpIrle with aamplet.
Acme Tie Comptny
P.O.Box 921, St. Lotiis, Me.


The kind that soil 'Write for particulars.


Box 135S,

Boston, Mass.

EAMBIGMONEY Sel/tna Sh/rts
DIRfcT to CONSUMERS at WHOLESALE PRICES. Vti'ritw (or tamplog, Dopt. B.
40 Eest 170th St.. New Yerk

Thii ta the
tlmo to ten Fans. TorTolse SheU Hand Fan. with Mirror, each in box. Qtttllty guaranteed.

stem wind Nesrlty Wrlstm^ ma Watch, with Bibbon and SafetySfS.SQ Clasp, each on card. Sample IS _ DtatP. 7Sc. $2.00 depotlt on U Cfo each Groea ordered.


write lorCaBMissPricet os these Hems to Berk Bros.,LU. 22tBaySt.,Toroato,Can.


balance C. O. O.. T. O. B. Gallon. O.

IH-tnrh Brits rest I6« each, tell (or 75e or $1; 1inrh Belts cost 8 I /3* each, sell for 25e or 3*>r.
First quality Belts. Prompt thlpments.
Wide Belts (Blick. Brown or Gray). (23.00 per Great. Clamp Buckirs.
1-lncb Belts, with Clamp or Roller Buckles. $12.00 per Grtst. Black. Broun or Gray, with Stitched, Walrus, Bibbed or Pebbled Designs.
1-lncb Belts, any rolor Dr designs, with Gold Inlaid or
Amrrl.-sn Eagle Buckles. (IS.00 par Grass.
Orders (or % grots aeeepted. Any astonmeot of color, design or width.
We aim to please you and make prompt shipment. Terms;
One-(oimh cash with order,
Lot ns show yon out quality and lerslce.


^ $21.00 Gross

Here's s sensational seller. .\ real .Arrljl NiiTeity. Attracts crowds by Us wonderful fliahta. Simple to operate. Made entirely of w .ud. (U'h In attranl<r individual boi, with complete Instructluiu. $<i:ui.iKi worth sold on one day at one (air. Get in on the prodti. No ilngle aamplei.
SAMPLE DOZEN, $2.00, cjsh wHh oidtr

23% depoait with all C. O. D. orderi.


494 BROAOl^Y,



Pslnt StsBged 14-K Gsid Pitt*.


ALSO IN LAblES' STYLES. Bemarkable Low Price for Quantitlei.
SALZ BROS.,lnc.,102 W. 101st St., N. Y.C.







of American Flag--"Old Glory"

Kveryt....ly needs them. S H at sight. Great Flag Amertranlzalion Prlrt bv Flag AswKiallon. headed by President

I'lKtliiUp, n-w rm. Prlniftt two rulors.


3 Ce«U Each, C. O. !>.,

QUintltj. PUcn

rnpn Cfl BfHwrtl. Kt S«*r\Vf Mon rpI crpwe. \Vlr« t»ri|pr». S.iraplr« fret.

VETERANS* SERVICE MAGAZINE. liMdlnc rtponrnl Ex-^nh# Mrn't ciusa*. Oet crewt. .\«<nU iell

.500 dally. 6 Cents Each. Sell for .,w.

acRviCE MAGAZINE, 78 Watts 8L. New Yerk.

Advertise in The Billboard--You'll Be Satisfied With Results.


These are thr thing* wfhich have m»Je Celimjn Bro*. known lo the ConcesMonJire* anJ Noxlly Men a* che mL>«t r«haM< and dfpmJabU huutc 10 deal uTch. If ii`ft new^kse have tl.
Comparison prvives vouTI tlo beftcf ·!


118 N. rOfltlH NT.


papC'QltylpM Fiperleoced. Trade pepere. rArC.K.IVlC.lY Write (or new lists. Loss turn-lo. TK-AHK PT'B. CIK. CO.. 1543 UsdlMB Acenutv New Turk City.

Size of Box 7x9 Inches

You Sell for $1.00; Your Profit 70c Each Set

Truly the Greatest Combination Set Ever Offered.

Sdls as fast as yoo can show it at $1.00 pet ttt. A dtar profit of over 300 p«r cent to yo«. This Tip Top

Set consists of the following SEV'EN articles, all foil size regular drug store packages:


A 50c Bottle of Genuine Emulsified Cocoannt Oil Shampoo. Can of Highly Perfumed Talcum Powder. One cake of Perfumed French Rose Toilet Soap. A Jar of Cold Cream.

1-oz. Bottle of Perfume, in a fancy cut bottle. Cake of Pore White Genuine Peroxide Soap. I Cream Shaving Olive Oil Stick.
Actual Retail Value $2.50.

Ev«y one of the above-mentioned items (seven in all) packed in a handsome decorated box, actual size 7x1 in to you for only 30 cents per set. It is a 100 to 1 shot that yoo will sell at least 25 sets a day. Send os $1.00 and we will ship yoo 10 sets at oncf for a trial order. We an sure your next order will be for 100 sets.

Sample Set, postpaid, in Display Case, 75 Cents.

Full cath for $amplt sets. Onr-thitd rath with (juantity ordrrt. Write for catalog of Toilet Artkle* and Home Remtditr.

UNITED PERFXJVfE CO.. 2t East I7th Street,



(Continued fmm'page 130)
in his letter he stated that he has watohi-d Billyboy KTOw from a very small jiaper to its present enormous size and he pronounces it "the emperor."
Dr. Red Jacket (I><insdale), whose mod. op'ry has been out seve'ral weeks playing in Southern Ohio, was in Cincin¬ nati for a day la.st^eek on business. Doc stated that he has .so far had a very good season. Judging from his conversa¬ tion be will noon leave the small towns and work some of the large cities. Said that he is fast getting bock into his oldtime form of working. One of the days of this week he is 71 years "young"-- he doesn't look a day older than 45.
J. Millerhaus, head of the Celtonsa Medicine Company, Cincinnati, was a caller at Bill's desk last week. Among other data, he informed that he recently purcha>'ed a calllophone (self-player, or
play i{#t VyCoMu1Vr*sCeIal1f/*"* )V and 4isa WpkrSeVAprvaA r··iInmga to send out a dandy med. show at no far distant date. It Is prob.ible that John will leave his manufacturing buslne.ss in the hands of his wife and son for a while and--well, he sort of seems hanker¬ ing to get back into the ol' atmof'phere of "telling the story'* to the natives.


It · TUT stiy tn lell

our Men't Neckwear In

I he latrat allk knltt«<1 anJ

fancy rut ittk four-ln-

hanls, $2.40.

prlrad $2.9«


{2.00, $3.40

prr Otzen. You .an iin-

ilrriell fTcrytwily and

maka · fine martin of

profit. Also Butterfly

1i»«a. all new up-to-dat*

fiturea. atrlpei and doti.

Special at 11.93 p./r Doi.

Write tyday lor aamplea

and full Information re-

tardluf theie worKlerful

valuei. .\ deposit of

required on all or-


927 Broadway NEW YORK CITY

Mrs. Lew Palmer was a few minutes' visitor to the Cincinnati offlees of The

Billboard last week and after a visit to

the repertoire editor stopped at Bill's

desk. Informing that her 16-year-old son.


Lew Palmer, Jr., had Just returned from the Lawrenceburg Military Academy at


Luwrenceburg, Tenn., and after this sum¬ mers' vacation will return to that insti¬
tution. Mrs. Palmer asked that we make

mention of the high praline herself and husband and Lew, Jr., feel for the

academy, and particularly Col. H. H.

Boys, All Our Numbers Are Real Winners!

Johnston, its superintendent
R. L. (Larry) Barrett piped ffom De- Glassware-Cfiinaware-Silveiwaie

$18.00 Gross It's a Honey'

$21.00 and
$24.00 Gross Two (food Dum*

Is yrry small ind our output It eery lant* so s* can tell you st prieei that heather Noveltira that make a real llaah. Write or Wire tot lampUs to conrlnce yeurtay la true. 10% depuait, balanee C. 0. D.
IVND lyiFG. CO., 90 Portland St., Boston, Mass.

Land, Pla., it seems that all the med. men who came to Florida for the past winter were able to get back north okeh --''all but myself'--but Larry was doubt¬ less kidding, as he has seen fit to remain in those diggin's exclusively the past sev¬ eral yefirs. Stated that he was at DeLand for 10 days, then routed northward. He was installing a new cailiaphone in his big truck and as soon as that w.is finished he intended to "pull out". Said that he had not met a pitchman in months outside of at Tampa.
C. E. Bauer, of razor paste fame, ar¬ rived in Cincinnati last week for a few weeks' stay. C. E. spent the winter 'in Florida, returning north about a month ago, and has since covered a great deal of Indiana territory. Ht* came to Clncy from Indianapolis, where Mrs. Bauer re¬ mained, probably for a few weeks. YVhile at The Billboard BiAier reminisced of his trip to California a few years ago

Send for my Ci'.tlof, whtcti lltti ouoy excil'.sit nx-liItlM In the** lln**.


l*rtk Oikl*y Av*..



It'l Miy when you hie* * |ln*

JIlk* Ifali. Kxrtllent vilue* at Me. ^'inry mHiti, $1.00. lOOC* peoOt

or yoo. Writ* for Mlri plan, or

*»nd $3.OS for Mmplr doren Tie*,

shirk Includri Greoidlne* and b<lt*r-trid* Tier.


67 Cast' Rlh SIrtri.

0*»t. 6,

_Vsrk. N. V.

and thought It probable that ha would again hit that section at some future

date. C. E. is a firm believer In every¬

body working clean and helping each

NEW 1925

other, ail for the good of pitchdom.




PWON^ DESfUt" TOOUALlwwSi:tA.1 insrain-
·asu 1 roR P tvtwvfi Nceol

·lu?. jJj/ I

· BgASOTTUO, tj KL C)Tnt»



rvT roiCT-



sTWYthlu in ths kitchen.

. S.lls an *1014

I"" ^


T* tsv* tim*

· a a d $3.00 tor a

Trial Otzte.

Writ* lor Price* *«





IR r/urr KfTgEN Ngp* wgwAilK. N

T* fell csmpletc iinc of Adrertuinc TlMrsMir.tterf U'-rai e-,mmla*u4ia. THE OHIO THEHMOMKTBB CoMpaNT. 540 t**t Pleaaant SL. SprlDSfl«<d. O.


Clarence ITeckendom Includes a surprise
for his friends in his pipe, from Lansing, Mich.; "Had a splendid two weeks at Grand Rapids and made some very gocal pitches with my books (Texas Roy <)r,-$-


This Is tb« hixzesi thine to

kdrertuins. It's not «bly M<

in r**t K.d tadm. tot In d*l-

Inrs and oenl*. Seor** et mm

IWnn nr* wakinx hlf tOKomm to

Iff 1 T1 **lllnx ndTartlaiBg tciooo m Si*

wi 11 "Jumbo".




tor). In spite of the fact that work there
seems a little on the down grade of late.
FRtippose many of my acquaintances in itchdom will be surprised to li-am that
am a 'benedict'--^was married May 29 at Grand Rapids to Kittle Harmcr, of the Mil lion-Dollar Dolls stock company.
She left the show here at lain.^^liig and we went to Grand Rapids, where the knot

I I Ml Iaf.lBI

I>l*Uy ayaca to poMlo pi so** was tied, i am satisfied with Michigan

ned am prominent eor.trs I* territory, altho lhany of the boys seem

aaally aooand fat tfc* Ms -- Tfagnoomater. TL*

to complain about it a bit."

li toaitSo^adroTUoUia omeoo a»

Ilk* bo* e*k**-*om* ft^me

oMn **ll eoit th* ixnsS to ·


n halt 09 lam.

WrHi U* T*d*» aaS Ldl Ui SaeS Yen fell B«toNe.


THE CHANCY MFG.C0,,^^^N*s>leLD. sh.o.


D'^ Nof>nan visited thqT RIcton Show at I-'em tlreek, Ky., and wrote In part: "Sure enjoyed eating dinner under the tents again. Mr. and Mrs. RIcton are wonderful i>eople and they have a wonder¬
ful outfit. Ttie big top Is a 60 with two 30m, and they have alsnit 14 sleeping
t< nta--all new canvas; In fact, everything from »'t;kken up I looked over lllcton's
magle the sure has a line of It), also h.id

«AUrltart. ya«af.r.t r-'-i'.lt, rrr.lm'Ial.

oVn U.:-;o. tl.-emn/dM.$'l..e/*

f<w r-*

on* husdrad .p .~r P/**

M long chat with my old friend, Harry W<-t, w)io Is producer In the show, also

· '^Itao after Initial ixdrr fTRt;f,'I,AT10N JIANA-

OCB. Bos 444. ixarir, Cdarada.

((Joniinued on page 134)

604 Kantat City Lit* BuiMInf, KANSAS CITY. MO.
<'an ilwtyt u«e capable Producer* in ALL SOUTHERN STATES and WEST <6 Uw MISSIS¬ SIPPI RIVER.
Writ* "Vour Old Pat Al".

tat m

Ke^i».i Pri« lJi«-

Think of II--'. !l Ilrlla «lih .Nbkel-Hllvrr llurklr,. TliU h't la liriillo] ami rann.4 eateil for tlila prl.r $l7'i «roa,; aamplr rriila. while Iney la«t. 50% defo.lt miiat all iirdrra, balanea C. O. D. KLI,IH R' S5 Central Hq. l.driin. Matt.

June 13t 1925

Golilen Rule Fountain Pen

"A Sure Money Maker" ^assaESKarna^*®-

11 K S.Ilil Oi'IJ P»'n Point. Mlf-flller. heiTT

.ni. r.plil' I lai* ·'«*

^ Kurilir. wrll-bulll

. nu In |. n i:- le In uur o-l^rn factory with


mc'lilncry upJ hlyhly iklllcd mcrhan-

1, jV II nl^Hiicly unlthcd. Will ouiUit tb« ·ret-

li.l"':'*" lor" rompleto Pen. Catalo(u«. Prlro r I I . f · ur other num'icr*. and b« conTlio-ed. Pr.te in doren lots. $7.20. L»t» ·» 100. $50.00. Her* It * bif m«nty-«akrr. M Mt baty and tend )«iir tfdtr today. No iiioatloo to pott ctrdt.


(35-7 Malden Lane.


Streetmen Agents Demonstrators

Sell Something Absolutely New, THE "ORIGINAL MARVEL" FRUIT AND

Something Novel



i Sella on ilfbl. Erery pair of feel a tala. No
knota or buwt to tie or untie C'jneentent. eomforttble. quirk and healthy. Adjuitt ItaeU to teery


mueement of tba foot.

Plenty of Profit.

Carry Your Stock

bfade of cutlery ateel. heaclly nickel plated and pollahcd. Three and four-piece aeti. each in an In*

In Your Pocket

dleldual bei. Send toe for tample and prices.

Wrtta for tamplet and pricoa.

Jobbert. write for our propoiltlon.

ACME M. G. MFG. CO. (Sp«ui., Dept) NEWARK, N. J.



'> two mui)cy-a.il>'ri for you. Momctliinc In the ipcrlalty field. Ooi-a ttront
,..r you fo. Bit DTodU and repeat
Demonstrators Agents
oliow you h»« to makt bit ,ivy telllnt to i-un^iuiiiert and ilcrt. Write for full partlcnli and icllliut plana.
iMny-maker. A lurr-flre rTtrlatlint Ktiiloie 3V In atampa for tamplc
(No Frleti*n)

s.lla to erer; uaar of rat. BetaiU at 25(. Le.ittt lOe proflt on erery lale. To aafo lime en> lote $1.00 for tample d> ^n or $10.00 for a groaa. elite atylo.


110 Cart 23rd Str^t,




Write fer Spetial Quantity Prieta.

We are the orlflnal Importera of thli famout quick money-tetter and in potition to moke qiihk delieery at

hot prirei. T. KOBAYASHI A CO..

208 Nt. Wabash Ave.,


01\ Boy-

U now

T1 Ln6y

0 11 oell

THIS NEW INvi^ION is getting the money

Tick! I got cha. Tock!. It's done. In one minute a photo on the back of a mirror! Here's the newest picture-taking money-making sensa¬ tion. You just keep on ticking fat profits your way. No wonder we get letters like these:
W. L. (Billy) Fykr. Pbihdelphia. writes: "Your mdcbinc it a winner. Have croxrd all 'o myself. Sold out by 3 o'clock. Ruab (applies."
Jos. Dobbria. Depew, N. Y.. wires: ' Rush 500 Mirro Types. Big doings."
P. M. Salas. Douglas, Ariz.. writes: "Rush 1.000 mote Miiro Types."
Don't pass up this opportunity. Can't You just see how FOLKS WILL GATHER
AROUND YOU and buy this unique novelty ---a photo of themselves and a fine mirror in one.^
They gladly pay 25c for it--and, boy, WHAT

Sell a line that I a 1 I a to AIX
MKRiIlANTH .>nd mike

Lose 00 lime. Cet thla while It'a freak. Agenta CMnmt u.'iuy. Idrry meriluid huyt Ihia laliilaluce lo se-lrlter Itahy Blllhnard. oil painted in lira 'ul ri. Ha Oral and get lha cream
n :t yuu must act today. Caets $I0.M Dazei. S'll. $2.75 Profit. $22.20. Send hr a doxen tP-
d>y ai:J e-t In Hie flrit big teeep now od. Sam¬ ple prepaid. $1.1)0.


412 Orleaai SIreeL

Ckleetd. HI.

The World's Photo Sensation Makes Mirror Photos In One Minute
Man--here's a ready-made bosioess. Yon don't have to know a thing about photography. Oar instraaions are so very simple that yoa will make finished pictures in less than cbirry minutes alter tbc outfit arrives. Tbe money-making field is un¬ limited. Picnics. Carnivals. Street Fairs. Parks; in fact, any place wbetg people gather they are just wailing for a novelty like tbit. Tbe sales come so quick and tbc profits arc to big that $15.00 to $30.00 a day is easy to make. Nothing need stop you from making money as a Mirro-Photo man. Order your starting outfit now. The sale of yoar first lot of supplies will practically bring back to yoa every penny of tbe cost of tbe outfit.



PrlcM from $2.76 Dos. to $56.00 Dot.

W*. PI, BI r.ei midrte NET Price Llat of mencyBtreri s >,ni;e p, m,ai»trat,'r h r $1.00.

the electric appliance CO..


BurlIngtM. Keneaa

Stll Only The Best
lLr*l St-rll aX Vi'ty lediHWAt Wtitf Tor pAFtltulirs dml cauiplrf.


120 High Strwwt,


AmNIS" the BETSEY ROSt. Six le Twenty Ctl.
aizissamS---- c SPUtHLFR. 31$ N. 2lit ftl.. ttt Leuit Me

medicine men ;:/.ru'Vd',rVa'h`;;t

HUnr t ,;iiallp-. Hit repreterx. l/iweel iirlret. I·r..nl|>l



PaJuiah. Kentucky.

A Hlf-cantained Pheta Btadie. ivn(aliiliig nerythlng mided to make Unishrd pirturta. Tlie only camera In the world that produrei ortKiiial photographt on the baiks ef mirrors. Bequltet no dark rooei--no plates or tilms. No boitarr or muss of any kiii,l. I'amrte mrasvrrt only BHi llikxTIb Inrhre. Can be carried Nhsiut frum place to place with ease. Equipped wlib high-grtde. rapid Irns. perfect working shutter and delelupcT lar (Doa-ru.stlng>.

22 22^0 FOR THE $




That's all you need to start this business of yoar own. Tbc outfit includes the Photo MirroTyp« Camera. Tripod, 100 Photo Mirro-Types ind a supply of developer--everything ready for yoo to start faking money at once. Sate of Photo Mirto-Typee that come with outfit can bring back original cost. After that it's all "gravy".
Send remittance in foil--or you may send $5.00 deposit, balance C. O. D. MONEY I BACK IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED.



220 S. State St., CHICAGO, ILL. /




V .,#?>



Here U on exact reprudurtioo of tbe Mirratype. Pictures are sharp and clear. ITie Mirror Is of One quality glass, neatly mounted in tllxrrod trxmr. tSrlls easily fur 25c. You can even sell them for less and ttiU utaka big

The Outdoor Season


Is Just Starting.

Get Your Outfit

Before July 4th. /






Here 1* an article that apitea'.s to every man. woman and child. Bakes In the money. Hig profit for you in 'very sale. Here's your chance. t>oy«! The Origin.il KEEN En'IE KNIV'B 8HABPKNEH has been outwlling every com|»titor right along. There must be a reason. Don't let this opportunity to caaU in Iiaas by! Oniy

Bend your order today. Orders positively shipped same day re. celeed. Terroi-; 2'>% with order, balance C. O. D. All K. O. B, New York City.
You boys who never worked Knife Rh.irpeners before, let ut know and you will receive full Instructions, including spiel, etc Or drop in and see us If you're in New York, and we'll break you In. NO CHABOB EOK TIII-S SEUVICK.


127 University Place,


IContinurd from inu/e ISi")
the two Dunns ami niv old friend, liuf^hie lieorKe, who is doiiif; eork. The show started at eight and liisttd until 11 p.m. I met the others of the company, also, but cannot rei-all their names at this writing."
Notes from the Madam Klene Com¬ pany--The roster: Madam Klene. health lecturer; Dr. A. Newman, oth'< ; Charles Vance, comic; Hanpy Jack Moran, sing¬ ing and dancing; Joe Koldore. contortion, "silence and fun" and "frog man"; Chas. Kllet, traps, bars and straights In acts; Myers and Myers, piano and drums; Kthel Myers, saxophone; Frank Walters, cornet, and Prof. Oleason. violin. Hast¬ ings and Willerlck. sketch team, and Doyle and Ljtwson Join this week. The company opened its outdoor season at I>owagiac. Mich.. May 25 (all new tents and stage). Will play Michigan this summer and the Southern States next winter. The Franklin remedies are being handled.


13'tACH lusaesi


TELEQRAMS like this aluxlyj coming m

tv Fort Louderikili* Tluinki for Rood set

,oncg don't defur tmt c m to Steurtrf nne



» ro V 'kTo "

» Koing hciicr than iKii now And wt'\t been talking about him
T a >car A lot of other men are hirring around this mark Now
KOI to be a pretty Rood "poke" to tell like thia. The Fecree No.
I illustrated. o( ttnuict leather, ii riKht - in qualiry. utility, price. ;l'.f besause we ate one of the largcat manufacturers in rhis line.
It. for ne know our business, have a low overhead What'i more, ilicr ha, taken a big lump, yet ounprices ate the same as last year
Mx as well a, several other Ferree items almost sell themwives, snlin, to Ihr Icic. »c atr receiving MAKE A REAL PROFIT SELla O UL'ALITV POKES. WRITE FOR SAMPLE OF 64a QUICKCLOSING 20c. tN STAMPS A»k for Catalog You'll never kc a more proSfahle or better move


This Line of Nickel Plated Files Will Give You Large Profits

CA.SE F^IL^ES_SI*50 per Gross CURVE EII_ES...i.t.TS per Gross
EILES.....2,25 per Gross

Buy dlreet from the Miniifartiirrr and obtain fhn bem-fllt of ijuallty and prlrg. Pend ten eenu

for sample All goods K. O. B. Newark. Sj'e deposit, balame C. O. D. Pind rrmittanee registered mail or postoITIce monry order. No rheeks s. rented.

BUCHANAN & BURNS CO., 45 Austin StreeL



Vllls, 1 big 4-0*. Bottle. 5 big l-o*. }lg I-oz. Bottles. CsmyleU. Only.$5.00

lOO-Bole Silesboird. 1 f1.iihT *oz. Bottle Eau de Cologne, 2 Rathy ^ 4-az. Bottles Perfume.$1.50


Perfum* put up In 2l-yltl box 4flc. .Mao In 30 rial loies. 59c. 3 assorted rolors and odors.


Perfume Parhet. large size

Jk Put up 20 Paikeis In Box. 36 cents SI Bns. r.ilngs In $3 I'O

n I nlzbeled Vizi Per-'1


[J fume .

Fine Perfume Sachets. ) LafOSS

Big Flashy TVIlet Pet, cousist,W In- cf 3 Bert Puep, Bo* Fzee PowiB tier. Can Talcum Ponder, Battle r U I'erfume, Bottle Shtmpuo. Dei,$5.50

Bw Mammoth Big Flzahy 14- 3 rN__ Hr oz. Size Lilac, Jockey 1 UOZ.

W flub Perfume, F.iu da 1 $7,00 Cologne or ll^lr Tonle.. )
Hair Tonic or Bentolo Almond Creem.

ry Cep. ..

·rr 0^^' 8. I'at. Offli-e.
A very dainty Tea Apron. Sells on sight. Made in as¬ sorted body colors, trimmed with ruffle on edge and pocket, ai illustrated.
Sample tent SSe. pre¬ paid.
.4 deposit of 2.3% required on all or¬ ders, balance C. O. I>.

J. D. H.--Regarding that circular cir¬ culated on a ruling at Washington. It is better to "feel safe than sorry"--that is. it would probably be better to feel one's way along instead of getting all exeited and `'declaring" too heavily (Y'unno, ''Davie" Crt>cket's mother was quoted as saying to her son: "Be sure you're right, David; then go ahead!''). Ves. "Bill" heard of it. but he would lirefer receiving reports from the boys and manufacturers and Jobbers and pub¬ lishing developments they encounter In¬ stead of "broadcasting" something that might run a lot of quick-acting fellows up against "propositions"--of which sev¬ eral, including mazuma, could be men¬ tioned. However, here's hopes that both tirms and salesmen do not have to fight the rights that belong to them!
John S. Beacom piped from Bloomingdale, O., that upon reaching that place he found that some fellow had not worked In a manner that would encour¬ age prestige for traveling salesmen. He added; "I followed this `bird' three days after he was in town but the occurrence relative to him did not affect my busines.s in the least. I find that the city officials are 'willing to let the boys work If they act fair with them. I am handling medicine and novelties. I 'worked in four towns in one day (May 13) to good results. For the past 10 yoais I have worked In the so-called 'tanks', the smaller the better, altho I'll admit that It gets lonesome at times, not getting to meet and talk to other streetmen. The reader in this town was reduced re¬ cently."
Wm. Blumhart (Billy Bly) sent some notes from Los Angeles on N. I'. & S. P. A. No. 1 (received too late for last issue) : "Plans are being made by mem¬ cbtuiearrtksioeyno'fsfethfaisertstNin.ancPno.invn&eercsStai.roynP, .wwAiht.hicfhtohrewaiallob^biogegiven about October 31. Several boys are making the orange show at Anahlme this week, business Just fair. Frank
Too, Too, Can Make

Manufaeturert el Aprons. Seheel and Sheppinp Bag*.
Dept. S, 1010 Beabien Street, DETROIT, MICH.

NATIONAL SOAP AND PERFUME GO $100 512 W. Huron Street, Chicago, III.

on.-tratort. Big prufitt

telling new marrelou-

Ptwket Hay-O-I.lte Cigar


Lighters and Gat Light-

nr*. Earn II'.PO to $23.et)

dally. Fast tellers. R-iy-O-

llte Cigar Lighter-. $3.00 a

Dozer.. $34.00 a Grr,x. Gi«

Lighters. $I 'X) a Dozen. $9.0'.




Old Gun*

BheoCt tsew eiZM ef corks. No tnc ad parti. Beat moaiey-getter fer small larcataat. For Qui-k setrli-e erdtr frsm this prico list. Depralt required Pump
Actioa. $7.73 Each. $4Q.M per '/, Oar. Lever Aetiow, $5.73 Eack, $38.09 per ·, Oaz. Dart Gen. $4.73 Each. Cerka. Nan. S aod 4. $1.59 per 1.009: $9.59 par 3.999. AMortnd. BLUMENTHAL BROS.^ 3314 Dawson St..


Here's a world belter -- a repeater that m a k t a $lMt weekly for any lira ni>e> ulty aalesnuD srho will call on ear osrr.ert, garages, bol line*, general store*. tie. QuPkest Tiro Oiangrr nn the mar¬ ket. Cootrarte and ezparwli dem<,unubl* rims.
Riai;.le, sure, fpeedy Rells-I, tight M.ket worjderf u| demonst/atba, .N e t h I n g else In Its rUit I'rleed right, too 5' T*ar guarantaw Rig -alee records this t p r I n g Kt liisita t, rr.t/.fg We help
· i.rt. Writ* at 4 f'« dculle

Big Money with Harper


Wa maka It easy a# yon ean maka money .



Our egenta easily aTerage 17,50 to $10 00 |

a day tram Itaa atart. Ton gat twrltsry yon

want with protactlon.


HARPBR'a TEN VB* BBT sraabas nnd

drieo windowi. acruba. niems. riatna wall* and

`Cllingt, sweepe and doat fho otbar thlngi

that aell h'/uiOwiTta on night. CoapIMt net

c-jtu Ittj than broetaa.

Over 100% Profit

Martin Buckley. New York fTly, srrtten:
"Teitcrday I cold 25 eeea'* Pre4N. t88.U. Wns. H Burttn. Pn.. writes; "I aold It
a«'a In e'eeeo bourn." Pm(N. IM.M. I>rT,'t welt Rten today and sand ooubob f
f'jr full pertleulam.

(Cat on dstteJ llm end matl at mmo).

16* 3rd Straa*. FalrfUld. lawn.
P.iaxo ter.d me full pertleulam eonceml tr'ttna.iion ard bow 1 can start srltlnist

.tikortrj. Yellnw. ByJ. Blue, with 3S-ln

hMvj derorilcil itlrkt. Cratt. n

Uitctt Nutolty tVrlit Wddwi, wire wrtit

b«n<1i. mnrablc htndi. SgwUI, Qraii

I ja

Eagle-Eye Water Camera. Dxika like  real

Camera. Grata. I jn

IVilly Radio Set. Uteat novelty, hiit out Or.. 9 00

Baby In Peanut Hhell. with Bottle, eomplrte

Grata . I ;·

Miniature Train, on track, two cara. with

tunnrla. Grata. g gg

Paraaolt, paper, fancy colnrt. Qrau.! 3 M

Japanese Paratolt, paper. Daaas. j On

Red. White and Blue, or Aa«td. Colon Cloth

Paratola. Oeien. 17«

No. *0 Air Billnont. Great.I'y,

Reed Stlcka. Grata.


Army and Nary Booka. NeMIe. Gratt.I s'so

Blow-Outa. Urge ilze. with feathert. Grata" I 75

t!5% depoatt with order, baUnee C. O. D Writ-
tor ratalog.


us Park Raw.


Doublg your
ulM DwiT btf· Iay mot* poor day* Uikt aaary daj a big o n a Bara'a beta
you do It
Bara your
BALLOONS prtatad arlth Damanf CaiabtailoD or you tra folEi

Hid td pnniad and ahlppa-l
I.N »af I.OM yy. flra eoiiai. I Ballnreii flf
aaaorted plealdaa. Qraaa.
rlocie. am,

Qiwm. IAM. ka. Qraaa, U« No parionil rheeka aeerpitd 2S% wUb ordar. balancw C. O. O.


II Ism l7tli Straot.


Tt he Funny Imp Bottle f "' " c?A. 1

I f W



A Wonderful Seller
This Is the amusing Ilttls Bottle nhhh NO ONB


/ f

but the demonstrator ran lay down. YOU ran mxke It Ity

YVi' ^ %

down anil maka It roll orer. but


\ no 00a else can do It. A dem-



onslrallon of this trick makes

^ 1

a wonderful bally-hoo without
^ I the deuumstrator saying a word


/ --merely hand out the bottles

* and your crowd will do the resL

X A wimdrrfiil seller at ten rcaU.


- Priae. $5.00 a Grass.

We will mall you two samples for 10 rents, or to

show you how go^ Uiey really are will mall 1 dozen,

prepaid, for d.'ir.

S. 8. ADAMS CO.. Asbury Park. N. J.
4H 00% PROFIT llrre la the fastest and big¬

gest SBOtu-ymaker of Ihesa

all. Ii. .MLhlrr. WU. 115-

year-oM boy), has arcr-

aged $47 00 to 14.3.00 week¬

ly fur aome lima past. Ten

can do better.


of whitest iml lightest

Shampoo ever made make It easy to get orders. With

your first order tor one grots me will include one gross

of samples and one gross of rlrrulart absolutely fret.

Wrlta today for eiclutlre offer.


238 W. North Avt.. Dept. Z.


Kemaret tarnish from all metal* without the uto of liquid, paste or powder. Our ageiiti say It arils like ''hut rakes''. Retails 2' Hample tree F. C. GALE CO.. 127 Ediabara St., Bastaa, Mass.

Mnrtngramlng by transfer methml gelt tho money Cstalngiie showing orer 50 designs and tlsea end full particulars free.

Initantly rleant and Pollsliea said, sllrtr. nickel aluminum, brass, rcipper--In fart, all mrlals. with, lul use of liquid, ptiwdcr or paste. · lih : sells on sight at 2.->r; repeata quirk and bra'' Bin easy prunis fur you ecety ilay. Proxe It I' yourself wllli FHKK HAMrLB and complete de-
tails sent upon requeat.
OLIVER B. GANDY CO.. Mfre.. CrIsSeld. Md

June 13» 1925

®get our catalog 40 Air Ballasns .II.CO 60 Air Ballaaot . 1.75 60 Gat Btllaaoa .2.00

.».A. ·

28-In. Cell. Handle... .4.50
30-le. Painted Callu* laid Handle .5.50

Libby has a now Joint, the natives call It the Hclsisor sharpener. At the club Harry (Windy) Gluck is still checker champion and is `open to meet all c<>m*-r.s'--i-xrept one (no names men¬
tioned). The `bunch* was preparinj? for a blf? (Ishfry when Doc Plney returned
from his lUhInK (rip--but the fish proved to be Deny «'allahan`s sardines. Ijv;tter8 are still cominK In from the boys on the road, but (ieorire Slivers still holds the

Best Bird. Lang Stick.. 3.75

record for sendmj; In the most member*.*'

Eatre Lerfa Bird, La.if Stick .4.75
Berecntlna Canfettl. Per 1,000 Rolls .2.50
6-In. Harnt . 1.00 12-In. Harnt .3.00

From the GeorRe M. BraRK Company-- Both shows are now In New York State and are booked for the summer in the beautiful Adirondack Mountains. Weather conditions have b«« n very chanReable, with many cold nlRlits, wliich accounts for the tent outfit remaininR In storaRe
until It warms up a bit In the moun¬ tain tops, when two companies will be


Flake Canfettl. SO-lb. Baft. Per lb.

combined. Have encountered a lot of n* w med. stiowR never heard of before

Paper Bleer-Outs . 1.00 Large Blsw-Outa.2.50

by this outfit. Roster of the No. 1 show: GeorRe M. BraRKs, munaRer, lecturer,
mentalist, Rlube rollinR. hoop rolllnR, club swlriRliiR, trap.s, sIhrIpr and dancliiR, contortion, nniRic, hjvp. and straiRhts in acts; l><.n Burke, sohr and dance

I3-III. Plume Doll. Osi. 6 00

comedian; Alice Shea, pianist, chalktalks. r.iR pictures and paper tearinR;

Ctlorsd Umbrellet. Dea. 13.00
Plain Psrsslattra. Each. .6$ Raund Raaater. Each.. .65
Beacon Blanksts, Wig¬ wams. Each.3.50
Paprr Paraaelt .4.00 Tip PlPt.90

Daley Sisters (Mae and Marie), sinRers and dancers and saxophone and cornet. No. 2 ; "Dot" Klayton, manaRer and lec¬ turer, mentalist, Rlobe rolllnR, hoop roll¬
lnR. club swinplnR, traps. sInRinR and dancinR and straiRhts in acts; Master GeorRe Ewrett BrapR, acrobatic clown, drums In orchestra and works his trained tloRs, Skeet and Snowball (Master
GeorRe will return to the Raymond Itiordon Schfvol at Hiphland, N. y.. In
the fall); M.'iude Chesley, pianist; Sid Norton, picture machine operator and
mechani(L Miss Klayton recently pur¬

No wonder salesmen are'eaming $200 a week. Stick-a-Lite--with magnetic base--sticks to iron or steel at any angle--even upsidedown. Reaches any part of car. Leaves both hands free to work.

No wonder one man made $1 a min¬ ute for an hour when he drove into a small Indiana town ore evening with 15 Stick-a-Lites on his car. But you don't need a car--an Indiana school boy sold 35 in one afternoon. Toffer,

Glass Animalt . Jap Canes. Per 1.000.. II.C3


307-309 W Poplar Ave.

Colunthus. Ohio.

chased a new seven-passenper car. A
"house" is beinR constructed for a fiveton truck to be used on the No. 1 show. This company Is forwardinp to "Bill"
some "Do You Remembers?*' that will be interestlnp to oldtimers, to use when he has the space to devote to them.

Demonstrates on any car in one
minute. The effect of Stick-a-Lite at night, sticking to the car and
flooding the place with light, is al¬ most magical. Every motorist secs
a hundred uses for Stick-a-Lite--
portable trouble lamp -- powerful

Merrill, Clark, Machemer and Dawes each keep standing orders for 800 a month. Test Stick-a-Lite with¬ out cost. Prove that you can ac¬ tually -- and easily -- earn more money evenings than you now make all day. Then switch to full time

spotlight -- convenient camplight. Bill received a letter from one of the

and make $10,000 a year.

boys of the We.st last week, finding fault


with him for not boostinp heavier for a
certain Issue, explaininp that quite a number of the fellows (NJneemed were
disappointed to find that It was not men¬ tioned in a recent edition of Pipes. The

Pend ti l'd deposit for demon·trator--refunded tf demonstrator ii returned within 30 diys. But, If you

fact is. that edition was the first one in

prefer, tend no m'.my--only neme


St Lc';!* K'

t t the MeU-kou»n



Nt. 70 Tra*«parrirt. Animal PrInU.$3.7S

Na. 1} Trantp^nt, Animal Prlnta .4.00

Na. M Gold and Silver Bird Picturat.S.7S

Na. 90 Heavy Gap. Animal Prints, Bath Sides 3.7}

Ns. to Heavy T«a-Celar. Asst. Patriatis.

which It was not represented durinp the past several months and It was repre¬ sented in the next week's Pipes. He al.«o rr.entionvd that several firms had Riven conspicuous space in their advertisinp and
that one party had allotted outstandinp
space In his paper to the Issue in ques¬ tion. Now, since he mentioned that more

and address, for details. Big tour¬ ing seasoQ nn» here, so write today. Make $75 to $200 next week.
Premier Electric Co.
D«pt. 16-G
INI Qrtce St., Chieito, Illinois

Birds and Animal Prints.3.7$ Na. to Air Ballaans .3.50 Ns. M Air Ballaans . 1.50 Na. 40 Air Ballaans .90 Na. $0 Round Squavkcrs .3.59

than himself were (xtneemed In the mat¬
ter, let's Ret this point straiRht. Any firm has a riRht to advertise to Its likinR and a firm publishInR its own paper can


Xima of r.irlit, Clr-uses or Merrtunti' advrr- do so In what manner It considers to a

ttsemrnt on any Balloua, at 50r per Gruss extra. Ballaaa Stlrks. SO-ln., Best Grads.40 Flyini Bird^ B'lt Grade. Red, Bine, Yal-
lan, 3t-ln. Deearated Sticks.4.00 Paper Hats, Asst. Shapes. Na. 900.4 00

best advantape. In other words. It Is more a case of the firm's business. The liillbonrd Is a trade paper, has nothinR to sell for profit In the way of mer¬


tbnut word

Hat Bands, Camit Saylnts. Per 100.2.00


*** ^27 Inch . $.50 Na. 7--30 Inch . 7 50

Hlfhett qua.l.ity, .fanc*y"·rellulold h'»a»n>d· les. . ·00

Adrertlslna Il'-ma and Noise .Makers of ill klnla. Prlies on request. Rend far oor 1!>:5

w.i.t'Ch* ardj*e*r'. Saoplea, 40c. I5re deposit required

,, pb'P^eyer a company,

*03 Harth 17th Street.


chandise, deals with all branches of show

business (theatrical and outdoor) and,


is a news medium in

and the

Individuals* adpurest sense of

the term. Pipes Is one of the departs

ments. Pipes has absolutely nothinR to

Sell and It Mt'ST be neutral (doubtless

some fauUfindtrs had not thouRht of

this). It must be serviceable to ALL.

For Instance. somefhinR micht sprinR up

We Ship Promptly.

Grau FINGER NAIL FILES..$1.75. $1.90, $2.50, $3.00
SACHET PACKETS .$1.35, $1.50, $2.15 COURT PLASTER (3 pietes). 1.50 TOOTH PICKS, eellultid .3.25 BASEBALL SCORERS .2 88 "CLOSE BACK" COLLAil BUTTONS_ 1.35 SOFT COLLAR PINS . 1.35

ROUND SHOE LACES. 2r'. $1.65: 40''..$1.90 FLAT SHOE LACES. 27", $3.00; 40"_3.25 BEAUTY PINS .3.25 NEEDLE THREADERS . 1.00 NEEDLE THREADERS with envelopes_ 1.35 NEEDLE BOOKS.$5.25, $7.00, 36.00 WIRE POT CLEANERS . 7.00


They are hlsh pile and give the same cTiTt at the Oriental

in one section of the country and be eoInR over fine and dandy and soon In an¬ other section (or sections) other like thiiiRS mlRht sprlnR up (which has
(ConfiitMcd on page 136)

Deposit must be sent with all C. O. O. orders, No catalog. Send fur price Uat. ebargea extra.



Rilk Rug. Tlie gen-

r r a I appearance Is lunst magnificent, due Its the Tarlety of beautiful colors.
These Rues are not



RUBBER BELTS tn be confuted with
the dumeatlc artt-Ie. They am worm thru

Dot$ all the work of a Dollar Sharpener. Hardtncd and ground large tteel disc$.

tu the b a e k--n o t printed. RIre 20xl<

Cuarimteed to last a life time.

ln> has.

Samplet of both with demonstrating

Price $30 Doz
Bend $15.73 far 6 Samplas.
A*"''rtrJ Cohirt and Pv'lgns.


handler, tent upon receipt of 50c



IN Broadway

Dept. N4 E

New York


Half Cash With Quantity Ordars. Full Cash With Sampla Aaarrtmant Oedars.
Write fee C.stalee at Ruas. Wall Pencit and T Intel Betrlt.
I. lANDOWNC CO.. INC.. 404 4th Av#., New Yark.


4 A 00

SNAKES Made in 4 OillereRt Sizes $3.SI. $4.M, $1.50 and $I.N per doz.


T^inkt like gold end aseere like cold. NuggM Cherme. per doeen, 13.00; Plus, duirn. 93 00; Lloka, Peir, Me: Watch I'hsUiA aing'.ea. each, S3.W: d<sublaa. ateb. 93.00.
Conpoaltlon Gold Thiat Ceotalnrrt. Necklscaa. Brscalata. etc.
Remids Charm. Pin. Link and rontainar for 91 7$. Tmtaac af Csllfomla Souranlr Colna guotad bi circular. Band for ctrcular.


f 0 can 424. `


`T«KC MC home PACKAOE"oDnUUi«gMNlMi>Jlt« At $3.00. trxS ··lit hamttly tt · btrgtin prie*.



Single Gross, $10.50.

THE NEWEST HIT Special prices. Samples, 25c. Wide T5c. Other rubber goods.

25^^ cash, balance C. O, D. Write for Catalogue.


$2.00 will hrlnir *1 samples of the ·
Snukcs tml al'O our Citalotcue l.oU't othi*r imported fsst*sellinjc Novelties.


Sole Distributere.

1383 Broadway.



6 tn oxe: household tool

Reduced Price. $10.00 Per press by Eegress.


$12.00 Per gra» by Parcel Poet


$10.00 Per Grass by Parcel Post. I",(4 rj>h requlrctl on ail C. O. 1). ocjrri. Hara-

ples. 23c each, by malL

amalc;amite co.

68 Wicklow Avenue.


*' 'V. S»n<l 5<^ Inf MiBpU pACktt* todtl tiMl in quantity loit. N. T. fftATm TIUniKO GOODS
Vi' u Zhjt BouMo* BtrMt, Mm Totk.

Akron, Ohio

Thank You for Mentioning The Billboard.

If We Say So It's True!!!

Mad* of wood btaacifally painted in {]ashy colors, with colored bead fcatber and dress.

543 Broadway New York, N. Y

No illostration can do this woodcrfol item Jaitice. ORDER a trial gton NOW. Yon MUST come back for more. Sample, 25 cents. 25% deposit, balance C. O. D. OUR OPINION OF A WIN¬ NER--YOUR GUARANTEE OF SUCCESS.
Canadian Office
220 Bay St., Toronto, Can.


These TIES Smash All Records



N«(. 10 a*d 104--rtnt Qualltr. A


-good grade

,, V ` *·

pitlerne. 0

Fibre colon


Knit boi.

Tie lo neat Comet In 12

-'IP :

1 ranges of paUeroK, Including Powder

I blue ihadei.




! Per Dozen. 9£.Uv








Nt. 275--First quality. A better grade

Fiber Knit Tie. in beautiful patterni. 0

ciliiri to a box. Comet In ten ringet 01

patterni. Including the Powder CO OC


I Klue shadet. Per Dtztn..




-ff, BSH '



No. 275--.Assorted. We hare a ipecial

dutlUy Tie in aisorted patterns


' KI Ib"

' I Fef'^Onst*"'.. $24.00
~Nt. 275--Secoodt. We alto hare this seme grade la good aecondi. wblcb are only slichtly damaged in moat easei and
i ^ vos^rful faluea. Packed ^




''' *4

" .nuastaasa.-aaas:---a--i-ag-efl

Order by number. Bmall deposit, balance C. 0. D.
Aramont Mills, Inc

Butterfly Bawi. Beady made wltb elaitic. Parked % dozen on a card In a nice assortment. 2 eardt In a box. CO OC SgeeiaU per Oazea.
633 Broadway, New York.

happened dunni; the past several years) --since different coupes of the boys would be concerned, to their own way of thinkinK--well, what is the reader's de¬ duction? l`ij)t 8 publishes news contribu¬ tions (and solicits them) from all repre¬ sentatives of pitchdom--only ask thev be consistent--and these are put up to the readers' deducinK- As an instance, we now and then find a pipe from <>4.fellow stating that something is "no good,'' and (possibly in the same issue) another says tlie same is "good," which isn't very informative, of course, but it's letting each fellow have his say of tho fnatter, is it not (to use either one and not the other wouldn't be fair, and neither w'ould not printing either of them)? Here's the point In a nutshell: Pipes wants to be fair and consistent with the paper of which it is a part. It's editor wishes it to be helpful toward the uplifting of pitchdom into the good graces of the masses and its constitutional rights, and he wi^es It to deal fairly with its representatives Individually and collectively!
George Silver, who Is one of the ap¬ pointed national organizers of the N. P. & S. P. A. of Los Angeles, wrote last week from Minneapolis, Minn.: "R* ad in some of the recent issues of The Bill¬ board pipes from various pitchmen in regard to co-operation among the bo\n, also in regard to how they can benefit by Joining the as.soclatlon outside of Los Angeles. An appropriate answer w-ould be to ^ote a paragraph of Jack Acker¬ man's nioughts for Thinkers', as follows; `Among the signs of weakness among pitchmen are those who, when asked to contribute to help pay the cost of co¬ operation, voice the selfish reply: "What will we get out of It?'', a direct answer to which would be "nothing!'', as one can¬ not get any benefits out of co-operation if he lacks the courage to put something in. You should be more interested In finding out what you can put in than in what you can "take out!" The only thing of paramount Importance Is co-operation. Never mind the "cost", it is the height of stupidity to try to slip the bill to someone else, or to expect the "other fel¬ low" to do the paying. It is going to cost money to expand and Improve, but the costs scarcely weigh when the bi neflts are considered. The fact that pitclidom must realize and be constantly on the alert is this: `That every dollar In¬ vested In co-operation will pay great>r returns than a dollar Invested in probably any other enterprise. There must be co¬ operation. because It is necessary, and every pitchman in the country should pay his Individual and equal share of the costs. The sooner It is paid the sooner there will be co-operation.' In addition to this quoted paragraph I wish to state

In white

and tor¬





mirror on


as(3&s LOTS

C^.SO Dos.

TERMS: 107o with order, bal¬ ance C. O. D., F. O. B. New York City.
36 East 21st St., New VVk City.


_ h
U"*, 57,, , g 1«e

A Poaitiva Novelty


100 Packages.CO M (5,000 Pkg. Lots, $2.25)



Army and navy, or lady gay. Gross. 100 Patkagu.


$3.50, case lots, (50 gross) $3.25 Gross. Our Style A at the new price of $3.50 Gross is the


best buy of all low-priced books.

((Best Buy.) Grass...

I ffl

Btnipies of above Items, 25c. Pcpoilt brings quantity ordert.. Write for FB}:E Caulog of Money-making apecUUles for streetmen.
NEEDLE B(X>K SPECIALTY CO., -_- 661 Broadway, New York City

UNITED COMB CO.. 475 Broadway. New Yerk City.

Tha Well-Known Basket-Wesved. Vclvet-Lined



WOT two blades, in a guld-plated box. Formerly a tA.bO sflliT. While pteaeiu quantity lasts, at only

$75.00 per 100 $10.00 per dozen.

Sample, $1.25, Prtpaid. Oft'thlrd ca*h. halanre C. O. D., P. 0. B. Chl»
cage. PrlT'e Lipt of 200 falable itemi FBKH.


Coir.plete with Strop tnd one BUde. (Strep alcr.e re¬

tails at ''be B.ir*.r. <'.tc and Blade are pra^illcally

free). Per Oraai. Cemaleta, $28.80. 3,uu)le O:. at. Z`.-, pripaljT

GEM Lat-st


ECV'E RdildREAorDYLeaStAheFrETCYase,RAwZiOthRSo.na

blade. $35.00 per 100.


kVbalaaala Razar Blades and Cutlery,

443 Sauth Oearbarn SfL


SyaSe-n -paHalty Car.^ly FBrT..Ty' owb averytSiing. M.wley-mae'Pc mm or wi^-aeo. Htg CaaUy Be.., yv. HIU.YER RACSOALg. Ora.
Deaner and save half. Formala i W. \V. V HLCOHE. Box 395, Donglas, Ana

Art manufactured at Indiana, Pa , the graat Fair town. Every piu-hmaa that worki the Fairs km.ea about the qualliy and cbeapoesi of our goods. Big Flash.
Plt'hmen. Rheetwrltari, Raletmea of all kinds, Uen 'ith cars. Spcelal offer.
King Razor & Leather Goods Mfg. Co.
B. B. Street, Indiana./Pa.
MAGAZINE MEN Ctem Uaaagara, fllairuet Man.g./a asvl Bc'IdtAri, aaruj $1.0G for full luppllea and eataVsri*. Une bmvlre*) lelaet p«bii''aUana. if. A. BTLELE. 5 Oybunbot Ctxtl*. Koe Fork.

Sfl-Inch. Fnhreakable Bell Tops. SH iochei, at..nrtad colors. All ferrultt riveted and guaranteed not
or'o'IV*; $16.00 24-Incb, tame at
clTo's*... $14.00 86-ln., breakable bell
»M... $13.50 2i-Io., breakable bell
GROSS... $11 *50 24-1 neb Bays' Canes,
patted transparent crooked handlti. Not responiible for break-
Vross... $15.00 Samples, $1.00.
50% deposit on all orders.
S. S. Novtity Co.
ISI Canal Street, NEW YORK CITY.

,That a vbat yon makeby^^*

-- -

etringdecalcomania atonoe'aaas -- rery motoriat wanta bit eer non-

ograared. A pejnUrchargesU.OOandeu'tdo

Mgoodwwkaa yon ean doforllAO. Kotkill

la required: noexperii-nce. Bpereorall time

J-'raulM. fulllnatroctiona,eii-., free. Wnte

tor Pree aamplea--or tend |2.U for outfit by


l><Pl- ·lEaatOraaga.N.J. /"T





7 ..·let lh*'if |i.dwy. ANYONE CAN DO

k IT. You aimply tran-fer ttwm from pa-

^ per Takes five minutes to mak, $l.r.n,

" and rfljta i.nly 5c. Write quirk fof FUEE



irritan Aae.. Dept. 10.

Bsston, Mass.

(hir now 1' -vto Cettlug (No. I»7), full of JEWEI.HT, «S HOAllU. PREillF .u and OI'TICAL fSAllFIAI.NH


IZi WaM MadJsan Straat,


ranurlr Ua.'agsr of MottIm A Co.


B'va. here U a new one. Just off the prest. All

Threader aorkera write ui. I'utUI will do.

s. Mills t SONS MFC,


We are the l.srgrst ro.inufacturerf

Ilf Ibla proilj t In the vt.rld Nice

().i4ll:y all.I (I iiiilly un-


.1, r ;U4c!y ibi-.1 prltea.


1016 Central Ave., Cincinnati,O.

Own yiiiir own buBneia, e t a in n 1 n g Key Check I. F b -. Na®* rUtca. Hjiiil'le. w'lh naiiis and aidresl, 25 cents.
3P7 Dagraw Street. Broaklyn.

J0lt% M : pnitlt uu t plo c.ird .'f nnslraUirs, 25 Cenir.d

lliiig I.b^.I.l'.-vULLlTB tOC.VTEBH. f-'

- . .1,'. :.umetbliig very new. B.im i.  .t!.!'. $1.00, or $5.00 gross. Di'm

en:.= .


 Uai.'. l.ynri, .Massai husi ttl.


A new paper hr the Tni'k r.ruwers In VI Nurth Can III!., South CarMllnt and (lenrgU. fnakes a blx lla^h. J.4H. I.. AlOOFORL). Clf.
Wllmlnglon, Nurih Carullna.

c. r_ and Norpltlet In pathff lod ivlttIrallKT

per gross

.... In I'.";.III! IHT jjio* N'l ratalu*. lo send

,iur "  r

di-poalt rruuirrd.


46-50 w.i»»tfr Str»*t.

Nfw Y»rk City.

$36.00 PER GROSS

4n-!riiili<r RlII Folds froin $21.00 per Grets

UP We ran now offer <11 leatlur T-ln-1


lit ran.r Tan and Mahonany Alliftlor

I lijine ptk'skin. at $36.00 per Grets,

uurkmanahtp tod Cop grade of

I, li .iF Send $2.00 for Are leinpirt.


*nJ wcthlntten Street,



\\, I. iir .1 iilg tuiprlM for yon

ir. '.he most I'eaullful MOt'NTS

eier I'ul >1. ".e nucket. New

I. i

-nl iTt. I'ri.-et tt


1 ,

mounts--2'i»3'4. per

11>-' 45c: err 1.000, $4.00. t 2' . per 100. 25c; per I.OOO.


Nor 100.

per l.noo. $12.00


100. 65<; per 1.000, $6.00.


Oeveleppr, per

fur free temple of new


1 FKCi: Phic'K

LIST : Hilli order, balance

jimesloinin Ferrotyp*


(Sllfblly Impiffictl
At.SO F*er Dozetk
Seil IW I pt It for $1.00. One duirn leeonsl p.M «nt preptld for $1 T5 t$t$ WMb wl'-A tM COP urderp. LONG-LIFE HOSIEBT CO., $1$ Svatb Main B<., Lop Anieles. Ctllf.

A nrat IT. nuTclty. Coin* like wll.Jflre. Senple, lie. 3$r Dozen. tt.OP Gruie Ret-ll lot eaih.
_ W T. UODGLN'. CampbelbTlIU. K»

UliU many of flie membern of .the N. P.



have not only niatir' tinancial

HHcrlnce, hut also Kiven months of their

time to Kel this association undu' way.

.411 funds received from out.side tflembers

tas to i>J8 Angeles) are u.sed for publicity

literature only, ainl all those who have

read this literature will doubtless artree
that it s|». aks for itself and bits the nail

on the head. This literature read in part

tliat ir» members of tlie X. P. ^ S. P. A.

aiiy'vliere (at any irlace) can form a

subordinate l<id|;e and obtain u charter.

Tlip u.s.sociution has no hiKh-salaried

workers out to oiKanize locals--it is up

to tlie hoys thruout the country to do

their own orpaiiizing. As far as I know-

all field organixers, who are on the roan

now, iire ottt to earn their ow'n `br^d and

butter', and .-urely they cannot afford to

si>en<i a niontlr or two In cities to or¬

ganize locals. In conclusion, f wish to

say tliat all money received hy the N

P. & .S. P. .V., utit.'.ide Los Angeles, comes

nowhere near paying the amount ex¬

pended to make It a national organiza¬

tion. Yes, as was stated tn a pipe re¬

cently, 'There Is a wonderful opportunity

·to organize pitchmen nationally, if prop-

erl.v handled*, and now is the time. Yes.

I will soon be east of Chicago!''

Nowadays it Must Be Different

Nothing Else Like the

Let ib( oibtr fellows try to sell the old lints while you draw the crowds and make the real profits wwh the "Polly". This can cattec is en¬ tirely different from any can opener ever before offered.

Sliding cutting wheel instantly adjusted to any

size can. Takes oat whole top of can--no roagb

edges to cut fingers. Wonderfnl opportunity for

aiiention-getting demonstration.

Sales sore and


Write at once for low quantity prices' and particulars of the big money our men are making

H. C. (Sliorty) Morton "shooting"

with the "Polly". Don't miss this real opportunity.

from Hinger*. Ok. (and it contains sonje

good humor) : ''Oiiess it's about time 1 kick In with my bit, so here goes! Am

Write Today for Full Details.

still with the Last India Medicine Com¬ p_ any_ . _ Ope_ ned I_r 'p three days ago to

Conctsshn Dtpi.

I'uir busine'.ss. which has been getting belter each night, and the town, altho

GELLMAN MFC. CO., Rock island, III.

small, looks promising--crops hereabouts

line and everybody scems In good spirit,

following Is the ro-xter : Pr. A D. Maln-

ird, manager and lei-turer ; Richard Orlf-

tin, ballad singer and uke. player; 8. H

Kranklin (Fiddlin' Frank), violin and

novelty mu.aii-al Instruments; Johnson

Rrothers, (libsim harp and bass violin,

ind myself, trap drtims. and--well. I

xmut-up my dome and try to make 'em

laugh, too. He.ird that I>r. A. L. Maln-

ard and 'Curly' Berry had organized a

six-people show and were working In Okemah, doing a very nice business. Say,

It U the hipheet prade B-unboo Fountain Pm m.ulr. nuaranteed nnn-leikab)e. Hrrew rip Hlfl poUihed. S«lli for $1.00. Immrdiate drllTury. Write fur iiuaiiiity prlrm. $3.00 Dezen. Seaiple. SOe.

boys, here's one that gave me a kick':

.\ few days ago a long and lean, red-

head.'d, frei kle-faced 19-year-older.

wearing an ''eleven-ninety-eight' suit of

tlolhes (about three sizes too small for

him), a last year's straw hat and a faded

red necktie (that was nearly tied), with

a cud of tobacco (of the spit-quick-or-

drown kind) about the size of a goose

egg stored In the lower left-hand corner

of the mouth, and with a two-bit French

harp stuck In his upper coat pocket, came
to the hotel where we were stopping and INDIANAPOLIS SOAP CO.| 0«pt. 6

Inquired for 'thet medicine doctor. On

i .n.

lx ing enlightened he burst into Doc's


room (without knocking) and asked:

IV/M r*C

Sav. Doc. wanta hire 'nuther good

' ""


handy After biting a hole nearly thru

$2I.M Greie


21.os Grcip

. I3.M BriM

. 13.00 OriM

, t.tO Qrcei

l.iO Greet

27 East Twentiellk Stree$. New 'VorU Cltlf


roatW uy
REAL. Indians

Full line for Med Workeri.

Write ftr Sanple Carteat and Prittt. .siite how you work.


32S N. Brighton,



Hpry « a dth uoe ai good aa any and prlrt<l lover Quantity prlies low aa !<><' a set. ^nd 20c stamps sample »et of 4 and particulars.


Box M229




Colored top end boltom. ll-kt. GoU-Filled I'rn I'uinl; M-porale clip etlached; Indi.idu.l boiei.

New Ma^ic Books
$3.00 Per WO
For Carnival. Citens or Pitchmtn. A brand-new book, size 6x9. )2 pagtj, with extra flashy, high quality cover printed in ted. Will sell on sight at 10c. 15c or 25c a copy. Absointrly the higgrst valor ever offered for the money. 100 for $1.00. 500 for $12.50. 1.000 for $20.00. Shoot your order now and start cashing in. JUST SEND A DOLLAR--will ship C. O. O. for balance. Money back if not satisfied.

Lyle Douglas, Manufacturer

122 N. ZANGS. '



RMY AND NAVY $3 · Ass*rtB4 Daratra. ADY GAY - * ~ S Aiterted OarMrs. $3
Hath book in on uidiriUu.l enielopt. Peik.U 3 Dozen to the boi.

24-Inch, $3.50 a Dozen.

LIIUII.IH'J with our non Si«-.I«I Slone Set Kecertlble tUfety Cleip. Th«

tlillerenl from tlw te.l aixt owl you no more.

j. . .


W. aie elwi ufferinr lhl« ye.r a »|ie. I.l 21-lm-h. efenly xeaduated Ftenih

merilble reerl NeikUee. wlih .Sih.IjI Double Hefety .Stone Bet CU»p, at

$7.50 a Dozen.

Satin-Lined Velvet Boxes, $4.20 a Dozen.

Prefcnta tbaft. Fits any chain or fot) Yotir waiih cannt>t b«* ryniokrd with thia guard gttartied Svmgla Daia«, SO CtnU. on ILLUSTRATED CARD. .\>9orted (lold and .Silver Fiolab. lUtaila 2Sc Kgdi

Gross Lots, $4.50. Depttil must atiompany all orders


- 32 Union Square. Now York


For SirMt end Premium U e a.

We lute ImiIIi a reputzllnn for uu.re <1 ellnx, zn<t all Spaiuler puuda le Willi uivler e muiiey-baik guziaii-

Per O.iea. !.»'· Quwitltlm.
$3.00 Nr Dg2.
Sampla. 3ke.





GBtd'FiniiKed Pen atHi Pfncil SH. 1Lerer

8Rlf*PUlin« !*· n. v^ilh


Velvet .^>i<Dl4y Box. Grets....

ONE DOZEN. $3.50.

drtKJsU. baUnre i\ O. D.

PARISIAN RINGS AND MIRRORS, with Phet* and nany ether NOVELTIES. Ask fer Catalet.


137 East 14th Street, NEW YORK

Butterfly Vanities *1!i

lirporterx, SI Retf»r 8t., NEW VOflK. Tel.. Bewl. Green 1460.

(Contiitved from page 187)
low bunted me up and asked about the .'^aine questions. I asked him If he played any musical instrument, as we feature it, and right away he yanks out that French harp and tore loose on It Ain't Oonim Hain Ko Mo', stomping his right foot like an `old Arkansas fiddler" playing for a 'kitchen 8^^eat'. Well, I waived him down in about the middle of his secnml "convulsion" (as I knew that If Rich.ird
· Iriffin should happen along during those awful contortionlstlc performances-- well something might happen), and told him it wasn't necessary to play anv more" as I could readily recognize a real artist on the harp after just a little dem¬
onstration. I then asked him If he had ever had any stage experience, and wlial lie said about his work at school en¬ tertainments would make a whole Joke book in a few paragraphs, including "Kvery time I pop myself out on thet rostrum I sure cause a commotion!' By the way. wonder what's the mat¬ ter with some of those oldtimers, such ns Ed FTink Tom Smith, the McRaes, Les Williams, the Wards, Jack Rice, Hatha¬ way--how come they haven't been doing their bit lately? Got sore hands, for¬ got Bill's address, or have the fish In streams been biting so fast that th*y just `ain't got time' to pil>e in to ^Pines
oftener? Kick in, you fellows; Irt's see

fIN CONTINENTAL TIES Y»u S*ll At 60' of Storo Prlcot and Maka 1007o Profit
Special for the Fourth, S1.75 Dozen

Aayon Silk KnUUJ ani Cut Stli


W*f)d«rful AuMiacnt ·! StylM and Ctiwi.

LOOK AT THESE PRICES; Riytn Silk Knltttd. Pir
0M«n .$2.50 Pare Riyea SIA. Eitrt

Knltttd. Ptr Ouen.. 2.7J

Cot Silk. Ptr Dtiti.. S.2S

Cut Silk. Extra. Ptr Outn .4.S0

Krinkit Knitt. Ptr On, 2.7S

Retl Quality Merrhindltr.

Serxl IS' "f of inmiini of j

_ . helen^e

O t

Expreii or Parrel ToM.

Continental Mercantile Co.,
jSl Allen SI., New 'York Cl

fffuy direct ai

25x58 In. MOZART
NEW-PROCESS RUG, muile llr.iiJ new felt. In
brlKht coloTB (si*® llliiiitration). Hatatury, uasfuble and reverb* ible.
Sampla. Prepaid. $1.75.
Send $5.00 for THREE
DIFFERENT SAMPLE RUGS Poatpuld and partiruUre .bout our other money-makers.

Cash in on the popularity of RUGS. They will get you real money on any lot or in any park. They have the flash and will get tbc play. A rare winner I

!The Louis Moore Knitting Mills, Inc., was the correct title of the corporauon grant mentioned in last issue. Tlie "Knitting" was omitted in the announce¬
1 ment, caused by a press dispatch from Columbus, O.. erroneously not Including it. This makes it more explan.ntory as to the business to be engaged In in

Try a dozen oo onr money-back guarantee. If they don't prove to be the best item yon ever used send back what's left and we'll refund yonr money.

Brown Ei Dyer Shows



Hame high quality, but a


iifw price for lllli.

#7 AA Par Greu ^I.Uv Bulk

#7 7r Par Great ^l.lD With Cartont


Nt. 534--'Ret Leattieretta Centb. Beoke. Full Six#. Gr#M.



Ne. 6655--Geet Quality Cettan Sax. All Ptaular

Sliaa. Black. Brawa ar Blua.


Pai Daxan Pair#.  '

25^ depoilt raquired oo C. O. D. or Jen.

ED. HAHN, "He Treats You Riehr

222 Watt Madittu Street.



Ft'om Aluminum Factory CHALLENGE Assortment

Gaa Liltitrra--$10.00 per Grate te Aienti

Clear Lilhtars, $10.50 per Grate te Aienti.

Great 25c .sellere

A!;;e. o

22 other Eiw to

axeluetra Nntalilea. Blr protdemoaulttia. Write far our

umpoeltton explaining how to tail to atorat.

tuh-tiemt or house to hrai.a and baooma



I4S Chambera Street

New Ytrk.

t-Qt. Panel Pare.

A aeniatioiul Talne In htrh-xrade, gond weight, highly pnl-

lahed Sun-Ray Flnl»h Aluminum, whlrh rhalUngea eumpetl-

tioo--not to be compared with the poorly flnl-hed. aoft metal,

papar-thtn grade of Alumloum ware. Note ample sizes and

panel designs.


6--lO-QL Rd. Olsh Pant.

6--8-Qt. Panel Pres. Kettles.

^2'/t-QL Panel Pitchers.

6--3-Qt. Mixing Bowls.

·--2-Bt. Panel Percolators.

6--lO's-ln. Round Roastera.

6--4-Qt. Panel Cov. Kettles.

6--2'4-Qt. Pan. Dbl. Boilers.

6-^-Qt. Pudding Pant.

6 Each S-Pt. Sauce Pan Sets

(I. I'/t, 2 Qts.)

Tefal 72 Placet. Cast 50e Each. Only tald in unbroken

Aatartmenta at $36.00. 25*» cash with arder. bal. C. 0. D.

iMmediata Shipment. Large Stock Constantly on Hand.

Perfection Alum'num Mfg.Co.,Leniont, 111.

S-Qt. Panel Free. Kat.
SERVICE with four large modern plants lo¬
cated on private railroad iwiuhet. and unlimited ttoekt, we can gire immediate and unexcelled xblpplng serrlce.
We offer the best grade of Aluminum obtainable for the mon¬ ey a^ked, and ran furnish practirally any utensil desired.
Write far eampleta Catalog and

Juice Joint People

We furnish formula free. Sell you the material at the lowest possible cost.


Largest and most responsible concern. All shipments for the

road made same day order received. Correspondence solicited.


Manufacturing Chemists,


Hlgh-Orad* CHOCOLATES parked frcih In flaihy boxea at prtrca that will aurprlaa yon.


b well knows te many Cuncctaionairea at the ideal Candy for their purpote. Write today for prlrea and term# to


70 Morris Avenue,


When Writing to Advertisen Jiention The Billboard.

the line of birds. It would be hard to

Improve on it. Johnny Cirburri, too. has asAowmuAe ntfty stores aann/dt aolill Iook c/'lloe'aiinv anFnifal neat. Mrs. A. E. Clair has a well-

stocked soft-drink stand and pleasing

clerks. Mrs. Dollle Camm has her Sa-

hara show now in full operation and it

is some flash. Jules McGar's Florida Strutters Is the fastest colored show that

has been on the midway in some time.

Victor Lee's Wormwood Show (wax

show) is hard to. beat

Metz has a

new idea of side shows. Speedy Bauer s autodrome has some wonderful riders this year. Mrs. W. A. Dyer now has

her merry-go-round in a flrst-cla.ss shape

--looks like It just came out of the fac-

tory. Bennie Beckwith's caterpillar has

been completely overhauled. Byran

Woods' Monkey Circus Is a sure money

getter and Bryan Is alwavs "on the

job". Roy Bard seems to be enjoying

life the same as the rest of 'em even if

he don't get out on the mldwav. The

dangler, the new ride, is a thing of

beauty and there are plenty of thrllla.


(Press Representative).

at auht. Ouarameed. 2fl0'i proat. r »itneij beet

I ··(W*S DjWiOitkribP' uOiotL rtpaiiQf,cxOrirut oesiBrafl $T2e3l r-r0i0to.f ry, ® sib.oo LxipCab.r 6r,,,. g,,ii pertlculare with d.ixrn irjer. DIRECT



Miiwauktt, --.

wieranaiu. .i.

 , ,--



«.|i ui, FA«T eiiUM'D «ri i rnc · Wt*rAsT SUMMcR SELLERS-Siuppy


l» Lata af

One 'T^ee si* h

Om. Dax. 0*r g


j;j5 2!oo 

 an Ciparatta Caiai .. . 2.75 2 25 2 00 


Art Medal Lead PrnciU. 2 00 i.7S RainplM: Onr of n»-h f-r $i.nn




jN ** **' State StraaL

Ctucaga. III. ^


Tnnie Tablets from a famous phyaleUn'a formula. A surreti for years. 40c per thousand In SO.OOO lots. 50e per thousand In 23.000 lots. Sample thousand, $1.00.

Macy's Exposition Shows

Tonic boaet, printed ready to stamp your name. Ic earh. AMERICA.V PH VRMAl'AL COMPANY, Dept.

A, 1551 Donaldson, rtmlnnall, Ohio.

Leesburg. O., June 4. -T_ he Macy Ex

position Shows are this week exp< rlenclng

their first real outdoor show weather.

Wade and Howard, of Mlllfield, O.. joined

last w>ek with a three-nbre.'ist Allan

Herschell merry-go-round. No. 12 Rig Kll

wheel one show and three coni'cablons.

Mr, YFade was with the show last season.

J.ack Myers is paying the show a visit

this week. Wm. Devlin and Harry (1.

WtlllamH Joined here with two conces¬

sions. Mrs. C. T. Hartnett was called

home to Cinclnn.-itl, O.. a telegram to

her stating Diat her son was struck by

an atito as he was coming home from


The roster at present Includes Minstrel

Show, Frank Blankenship manager; Ath-

leitr Show. Joe Kelly manager; Happy

Jack, J. Fernstmai-her manager; 10-ln-l,

R. J. Huggard manager; Snake Land, O.

I'. T'lay Hfrward

manager; manager;

Kmllerwryh-egeol-, ro^ufIn, d,WRadaey,

Jr., manager; Carlston. hlgh-dive free

act; Battlalo's nine-piece band, and the

foll'iw ing eoneesslona lr«'s: Ted Dedpk k,

1; K.rnie Willis, 2; FVldieburn A Av-Ty,

3; M'-Daniels A Slagle, 4; Luke DatilclH.

1; Augii'tlne, 1; Jones, 1: Sobera, 1;

Bennie Bloom. 2; 8p< Ilman. 2; Battlato A

I/amnhere G; Wm. Devlin and Harry Ci.

Williams, 2. and Battlato A loainphere

have the eating stand and cf)ld-drlnk

privilege, with Flovd laamphere in charge

of the midway restaurant--Jack Fletcher,

MEDI< oserstakrd Trnlc Tablet. Pih.d Lati, while they la-i.
tv* are poaltlrcly hrarlbiiarlrri on Tonic and I.lnlmrnt. Our moiii.- ·'quality. Ouintltv. SrrTlrc and Prlre". CEL-TON-SA LABORATORIES. Crl-Too-S* llldg., Cloclnnall, Ghln.

Easily Painted


tamp. flimply draw ariwind a

\ I V-__V

letter ptllcm and fill in. Mad* In a Itrxa rarlety o4 atylea and

Sr "

ilara at ' aiirprlilngly te*«nntW«

pfioea. Rend ctamp lor free aamplrat J. F. RAHN.

G2633 QroM View Avasua, Chiaag*.

June 1 192 7

The Billboard


Not only flashy, but of real quality. The il¬ lustration herewith hard¬ ly does it justice. Write for circular and prices. Several other wonderful combination boxes for your approval.

Medicine Men--The 1925 Catalog is ready. You need it.
Mfg. Chemists 185-195 E. Naghten St.
Columbus, Ohio

May B Dempsey Shows




Tf)^ urafton'i trvitret tfllinf Mns.ntion. % errtf

dfmari'l prrralli for mfn*» wf lo h-'lti in high rol-

om U> hafr them 4f ·lfrcrHw»d.

btth-graTlw* nb kri-platei rlanm buikirr. in all

Mantrd oml



·r4tr% in

dematd U o^mt.

C4fh wllh ofrlff, haUntr ('. O I>.



$2.50 Dozen $27.50 Gross
F. O. B,
Akron, Ohio



Will SwMii til, IW24 Cralt. E.kv Driirfr Want* Thai*,


^ speed

l|.-r allll. nnrnHla.at (a quantity

ontbbiomoi.ev_ ^ ..

anidl alart makina BIO MOI^r.V

(nr rloard era. raml.iird
ftrd f'lr op«i ran. T:,r|> rn, in clariln. rntalnpr.

fnil'll |0U||


Only f fill IU



119 |M


Quatntlity Rtrllataa,. Aaiat.

O n. d


Tha, .,11 a. lIlM and

DDIIEEP ^fc^^'O f^ejj^O -'O '*N aN%»C C.A^EE r- K Hl


mar# 1*r tlwai.




ACT QUICK! I'.m I T.t arm* mhw llm

.SSS--ass lasa....

· irr brat you In ti. lu first In Tmir lo«n In rash I T>'HMR: M'S wllh nrd«. hatanr* r O. D._ Nn

in on this amsrtnc summer monry-msker.

2> I C. O D on orrSfri tmdfr |5 00. Rond Mcmtf Order

fe? } dtfTerriH ssmptfs and offer, .'.Ac for sll 0 num- 1 or CKRTIFIRD fTie^k

b^ri, OorkH dlipUy folder and full details, or bet- I

Nevsltv Nsoitt Writ# Qultk.

Muskegon, Mich., June 3.--The May & Dcmp.wey Shows opened a week's engage* ment here Monday night, comer Broad¬ way and Henry strcft.s, and the midway was packed with amu.nement seekers, and all attractions had a wonderful business. Tuesday night like conditions prevailed. The ohow came here from Grand Rapids, where business was only fair, the weather being cold.
Wm. Bahnsen Joined at Grand Rapids with his big Freak Animal Show, fea¬ turing "Jerry", the eight-footed horse. Mr. Bahnsen has a wonderful collection of freaks and a banner line 80 feet long. J. H. Dixon just rereived (at Muskegon) an Indian python snake, 24 feet In length, which he will use In his reptile f<how. These two attractions make nine shows for this caravan, which makes the or¬ ganization · one of the largest of gilly shows.
W. H. Munn Joined at Grand Rapids with a "Mamma*' doll concession. H. B. Telford Joined here to work the china store for Carl Hathaway, who had added a concesoion, making six. Don Elliott, con¬ fined to his room last week because of Illness, Is bark on the show. Frank Cowdrn has added a bird wheel, making him three concessions. Nearly all the p<'rsonnel have taken advantage of the good fishing here, several having rented cottages at Mona Lake, which In near the grounds. Mr. May left Monday for a trip Into the territory that the organiza¬ tion will play this year. After the next town to be played the show will move across the Straits Into Wisconsin.
HARRT WILLJLRD (for the Show).
Ed A. Evans* Shows

NATIONAL AUTO SPECIALTY CO.. 1661 C«ana Aut., Dept. t.

Df.«y«lt. Mich.


Rl| M.na Haaatrainin Cara Ma
tMM la
ttS.N Rally.

annwa want
I n 111 a I a on lhair tari Tou apriy t h . m
·hUa walling, tbarcini I'w iwr l,ll«. thtr.
latt.ra on r.'li
aid# n( rat ila tnl
laltaii In 'or whirh ckarga tba Mru« SI
and you mako
IT 4A profit. Thay rould not art finrr nora If thay
paid 10 00; than again, no aim palmar rould glra tham aa ntco a jut. at you rould do wUhout at-
parlanro In 1$ aalnulti. Tou ran tall to indirldual auto onnari. or you ran tall to faragaa and
·apply itoraa roapMo dliplay outflta. Ilka tha ont lllutiratad. at bit pfoiiii.
SWI Tranafar Monogram l.<-tirTa In thraa of nur oral popular atylaa. with alghi ItoriVri to m.lrh and mnplato norklng outfit only ll.rtg. R*nd Bonay otdac or rortlflMl rhar-k Oiitfila aant C. O. D upon rarolpt of tl dapoalt.

World Monooram Co., Inc.



Wandarful SOc Sallara.
$2.25 per Doxen |r o R
$26.00 per Gross 151$ wllh ordar, balanra C. O. T*.
IridtSM Kaittinf Mills Ce. MS Banol.t Bld|., St. Laula. Ma.

Tests Show Ford
Can Run 60 Miles
On Gallon of Gas
Tlia amarlng fact that a Ford ran run W* milaf rn . t.llon of aaaollnr waa rrrrnilT hrnught to light through taniniidurlad by Amrr1 i'a fomon.t rnglnrrra. tlraat alridi-. h.itn air. ally barn niaih. In thl« dirr linn hy (hr rrrrnl inrrntlnn of a »lr4pl.` aitarhmrnt whli h *an hr In-iallrd in a frw mlmil.j without ary altrratlona to motor. A t'. Wintrrbum m.ija II. I mllra <'jt out- fallon of gaaollna aflar thU rtrilro w ia atta.hrd. It. O. IVi'.lr*. famoiii aria(· and Inventor, want* agrnta ami will arml timplr for trial. Wtllr him t'.lay at A2d-1238 KIrrrnth Strrrt, Jliinjukrr. IVI.roniiD.

i i

3 3

1 II

M.ik. M( menmt ·ellinc thp Burplar Proof WinJinr .mJ Poor Uxlt. A nri-.iiti. In
rrrry ho.-no. On. to a doten it prartlr.llp

j d

rrrrjr horn.. K.«, irllrr. Prrr.nt, chll-


ilrrn from f.llint out of nindow. Tou

! J

k 'rp yuur vrimlowi open dry and nirht.

I f

Gr.it. $4 SO. only for a lUaltad ttmo.

1j j

Simple. lOr.

j I



71 f Mth Strwt.


Wulr Intriili'.l. f,«l nrlllna. iluc-proof Rati Gum Vrn tir. fin iMt o>mml««lon for one aalr. Inmtment
>j|r>m.n r.n m«kr fl.iNNiOO monthly tellinc oporitnr*. Spr. Ifv full or ii.rl lime I'KKHI.KSS PRtUVl t'TS 1 (IMI'.XNY. Now York I.lfo UMi:.. Kiiwaa City. Mo.

tad y,ur nrtMoand.Rr. to admilteri by nuntltRint Advertiia In Tho Billboard--you'll be utliftod taith

Tbo Billboard.


Manly, la.. June 3.--This Is the fifth week of the season for the Ed. A. Evans Shown and. despite inclement weather conditions, business as a whole has been fairly good. The cars did not arrive here until Monday noon from the la.st otand and nearly ail the attaches visited the Gold Medal Shows that afternoon and night at Mason City. Just nine miles distant. Mr. Evans left today to Join General Agent Ned Staunton In Wiscon¬ sin. Eddie Beheal has the Athletic Show, with which he has some good entertain¬ ers. George E. Harris has the Minstrel Show, which has been playing to good receipts. C. C. Coates has the Snake Show, It. Edwards the Cave Show and John Taylor the "Smallest Mother and Baby". In all, there are five shows, three rides and a neat line of concessions.
BILL TELLER, (Press Representative).




Method I.VO PROFIT SfAKER for Agent* and Sales¬


men. eel.

A srlentlfle marWhat makes tl


Entry Obb Ii OamRltM
8rlli on a moraeot'a drinniiftratlon. Reprat orden with bid proftta from o*«ry ulo. Send S5r for aamplo and i.Illng plans.
Box B, Bradford, Pa.



bnimiruifi ill Wisti In dlAp^ntlnf lew rrejm. Al)

dfAlprt pm:vp<<ctt for two to « dApf*n. loo^r protit.


I^irtbnilir^ fre^. CONSEHVKR CO..

Kim Street. Clnclnnitl. Ohio.

Nimriy Inrrnlnl. fast srlllna. slug-proaf Ball Oiini S'endor. Sin oommUaloa for on* aalr Inrratmrnt aalrsntrn ran mik* $1 mto monthly srillns operators. 8p*rl(y full or pin llm*. PEFRt.KSR PROPrCTH ^O., Nfst Tork Life Bulldlnc, Kansas City. $1*.

Do not (umpare this roerrhaodls* with Japan**# Pearls. There It a big dtlTrrenro In quality.
llita It an articl* you tan bo proud of. An tmllmilfd guarante* goes with them. Th«y *r* petfectly matched, graduated and IndMtrnctlbl* will not ptel, crark. or discolor. Any necklac* that doe* pot meet our cuaranv*. will b* tzchanged free of charge.

24 tnebe* wllh Sterling Sllreg Patent Safety ritgp. aet with three Rhinestones, In Rlu. Velrel Rot. Whit* Satin Tdne.1. kfettl Riiaranteo Tag and Price Ticket inrliided. In quantity Inti.
$1.80 Per String
Samel*. S2.25. Other numberr. $1.59. $1.40, $2.10, t2.S0. Theio qualUlei are soM in highest clasi jewelry stores. Sample assortment, $A.OO.
57 Lincoln Road,^Brooklyn, N. Y.

No. 342H
Silyet-PUted Roll Tray, lO-year guaiantcc stamped on each piece,
Per Doz. in Gross Lots.
Per Doz. in Less Than Gccms Lots. Specify Bright or Butler Finish.
2S% with order, balance C. O. D.


103 Mott St.,

Now York City

Make $7.50 per diigen telling our RVAR.ANTKED I.l<er I.atally. Tablets Liberal dlseouni In quantltlM. MARCELLA COSIPANT, SbelbytllU, Indiana.

Two Dates Combined


Shriners* Playground
Sjv;innab Water Carnival Postponed To Meet

Bridge Opening Celebration


(Communicalions to 25-27 Opera Place. Cincinnati, O.)

Ohio Sportsmen^s

James Dutton Lands Several Big Promotions

Show Successful James Dutton, with his All-Star At¬

tractions, lias coniracttd to furnish a

program of C.T ait.-i for the Temple I'ir-

Plans Now Under Way To Make cus. Royal Oak. Mich., the wci k of June

It an Annual Event

l.l. i«oi;ic of the highest class acts in tlie country are to be prcsciued. The

affair will b»' staged tuiil* r a liig top.

Columbus, O.. June 5.--One of the biggest outdoor entertainments ever attempted in Columbus came to a close here Monday night when the first annual Ohio Sportsmen's Show and Exhibition finished a good week's business at the Columiius Driving Park. The show, sponsored by the Ohio Lt*ague of Sports¬ men and put on under the direction of A. C. Baxter, former Fish and Game Commissioner of Ohio, presented a pro¬ gram of size and variety. Advertised as br'ing .a show for sportsmen and those fond of outdoor life, it attracted people from every walk of life as the week progressed and the Columbus people real¬ ized the magnitude of the entertainment.
In addition to many free acts exhibits of all kinds, ini-hiding fishing tackle, hunting equipment, automobiles and. in fact, every sort of equipment for use in outdoor .^'poits were displayed. It was stated by exhibitors that the display of equipment was tlie b* st ever hi'ld. Con¬ tests of all kinds, including trap shooting, casting, fishing, fani'V shooting, diving, whipjiet racing and many otlier exhibi¬ tions, were produced.

100x230, furiiislied by Dutton. Tlie Dutti'iis' Attractions will move
intact to Columbus, liid., to fuliill a big Fourth of July celebration week.
The week of July 6 the ehow is booked at Lakewood, Cleveland, O., for the I.,akewood IClks, with Summit B*'ach Park, ,\k.(in, for throe weeks, beginning July 13, to follow. The weeks of .\ugust 17 and 24 will be played at Broad Ripple Park. Indianapolis. Ind., for the Shrine Circus. Then comes a long list of fairs running into November. 'This week the Duttons are playing the Elks' Circus at Kendallville, Ind.
As sLhIlandj M xjercLhants Er>xpo.
tphland, O., June 5.--Under auspices the local Moose lodge a Merchants' to and Radio Exposition, with midway -actions, concessions and free acts, will held here June 15 to 20, according to ink Ruttman, well-known Akron motcr. who is already here in charge preliminary arranpementtv. The afr will be held under canvas on a lot se in. Ruttman said.

than 200,000 vi. iiors arc in and aroumi 1.0S Angeles, aild.np a ctvlorful blaze to a city that .ilr^aiiy ^va.s «l<i*. lat. il in the most gorgeous dress imaginal>lc. Not f>nly the city itself, but tlic entire State of California ha.** lent it.sdf to m.iking this .session of Shriners one of its greatest.
Klectricians of the motion jticture in¬ dustry at Hollyvvniid took a hand in tit's ses.sion and staged a pageant yesterday which was ojic of tlie outr tanding 1\ atiircs of the conclave. The hisiorv of the motion picture industry w.is d.jii. *.d · y alioiit l.'.u clcctr rally liplit* d I'lo.its .-howing how pictures arc produced. ICvery spectacle of the stiulios vv.ts re¬ produced. with every cinema organization in I»s Angeles contributing to the nlplit ·Irama. ICvcry equipment used in pictures was shown and cmintlc.s.s sc'-ncs \v< re enacted, with hundreds of actors, includ¬ ing many stars, taking part.
The floral parade, given today by the school children, was very colorful in its beauty.

Memorial Park Celebration

Dunmore. Pa., June fi.--The Business and Professional Men's Association is cn-

^rsinp the Memorial Park Celebration to be held here June 19-27. a popularity

be conducted and the pro-

'or each nipht follows: Friday,

prand opening of Memorial Park; Satur-

firemen s night; Monday, automobile

parades and Elks' night; Tuesday, baby

Wednesday, fraternal nieht;

Thursday, Pirl and boy scout parade;

Friday, industrial parade; Saturday, fanta.sttc parade and ?dardi tlra.s. There

will be many rides and concessions, as

well as other amusements.


Muvannun, ua., June --The Savann.ih Roaid of Trad*-, civio clubs and tfadf botllcM. at a jt»int iiicctinK Monday ·b ini.cl iinaniinnitHly to cbatiRo the pre\i<iiisly annnitncctl date of the annual wat. r c arnival frotn July 2-4 to July 16IS. By this cltnnKe In date for the water carnival it make s possiltlc the combininR of two of the most Imivortant events ftavannah will have dttrinK the year. I'oiitra.-tors who are biiildinK thi- Savan¬ nah Klvtr briclKe and Its approaches re¬ cently announced that by the middle of Jttly traffic can he^in to cross the preat hridpe which makes It possible for tiec-oiintn s of Northeast (Jeorpia and South¬ east t'arolina to transact business. It is also the connectlnp link of the Coastal liipliway anel connects the roads north and south from Savannah, mnkinp it the* dir»*et and short-iut auto route from Boston to Miami.
Ope-ninp of the Savannah River hridpe. conneetinp tip the t'oastal hiphway and pivinp the citinens of South Carolina direct access to Savannah and Tyh<e Beach, Is to be a celebration of unusual Importance. Coinbininp It with the water carnival in a three-day event promises for Savannah the greatest
crowds it has seen in years.

La Crosse Plans July 4th Event


t a Crosse Wis June <5--Planning the cr.^N^iln'vv'Vks d Mdav seen in this

,^r;v``Vn mauv vears tb\J^d^

La* Crosse Interstate Fair enter* d into a

jontiatl whii h assures a big Fourth of

j»jiv celebration h* re thin year. The di*

--pfors eontraeh d with the Thearle-Duf-

Hold Fireworks Fompanv to furnish the

ordcrlnp a ouantltv which will

V nroprain suTpassinp in b.«nty


di.play `

oommltfee was at>Z

The fr* e acts in* bid* d Cai'tain Hugo,

with high diving into the n<*t and his

"leaping the fi^ry cliasm'' 1 A3 alter Stan¬

ton. ''giant rooster": Frank Mansfield,

fancy shooting; the Dekos Bros., clowns;

"the' old Biibe I.adv, Marie Coryell, of kaiser and fi.ipp* r fame; the Great Fuss-

Shelbina. Mo., June 3.--The Shelbina Bii-in. -es M* n's .Association has rai.sed

ner, w iih h'*-- spiral act; Olivette, wire

more than $1,000 to ptit on a big cob hra-

artiste; Guyi r and Marie, sensational

tion here July 4. The event will ^

gvninasfs; Bobby I.i-aeli, famous for

iiilltd within a radius of 20 miles. Tn*

newly paved'wi.iin street will b.* used for

the occa."ion. This Is the first celebration

here In s'everal vears anel promises to

equal anvthing ever pulled off in North¬

east Missouri. The*re w'ill b** band con¬

certs, parades, speaking, races eif all

des4'riptions. e.bl fiddlers' <*ontest, shows,

rides, free acts and finishing np with a

marvelous display of fireworks.

Denver Labor Centennial

Iowa War Veterans To Hold Fourth Celebration

Des Moines, Ta.. June 5.--The United

nish War Veterans will stage a nion-

P^ter celebration at the Iowa State Fair-

grounds Julv Fourth. There will be

three bands and a 25-piece drum corps

playing all afternoon and evening. Horse

races bv the American Trotting Associa¬

tion will be held in the afternoon, and

the Hattie of the Marne in fireworks at

-night. Among the cirrus acts that will be

· present(d in front of the grand stand

will be the Flying Millers, La Role

Troupe, Bishop Brothers, Crystal Ben¬

nett and Company and the Three Regale.

·There will be a lady boxing match at the

evening performance between a young

lady from Chicago and one from Kansas

City. As there is $100 difference to

these girls whether they win- or lose we

expect them to go after the prize. Excursions will be run to the Pottle
of the .Vorite by all railroads entering

Dies Moines. Poldlert' and cannons from

Fort Des Moines will be Uf'ed in present¬

ing this spectacle, as w-ell as an army

bombing plane.

Denver Auto Races

the Rodgett U Hartit Circut Clown Band Wat where the thow opened itt 192 5 ttaton undet aut 1 the band are Billy Lorette. Harry LaPearl, Lore je Bink. Tom Hibbard, Tom Morrit, Jutt "Otto"



Museum at Eureka
r,,, ,, tost
,,,.v. (her
the j I, lolftt ·otn-
said at the patronage Eureka the show. jteiip for tb" show menof the Ixiys forming a in reg:ird to «ami- 'riio*'.
that the Initial outing every one of the teiys
in i-ateiiinc th< Ilrni*. the show, Mrs. Kortes, », Tewsle Faulkenterg, Mario Korrert, Mrs. Jos

V'alonzia and .Mrs. Felix, h fry for tie* anglers, atiil last master, in a few well», complimented the ladles behalf of all the members of the show for the exeellent repast.
Thos. F. ITeni y was royally entertained dinner af the home of AI Crooks and wife. Mr. Crooks, who Is now nian-
ager of the Rialto The.-iti r here, and
Meriey troiiped together several years ago Barnes f'lreiis.
The show moved frntn here to Crescent City for a two-day engagi menf. From f'reseent t'lty the showfolks will enjoy an outing out of the ordinary. Mr. Kortes informs that 4ie lia.s arning<d trari* tsirtatlon with one of the large Isiats e,f tin* Paeirn* Bleiim*lilp Company lalllng af that poit to transport tlie enfire siiow to f'orll.-ind, Ore,, wheri* the stiow is contracted with John Cordrav, managir fif Oaks Park, for a two-week engagement.

Phoonixville. Pa.. June C.--A monster Old Home W. i k Celebration will be h. Id here June 29 to July 4. Ineluslve. und* r the nusplees of the Samuel A. Whitaker Aiiierlean I,egion Post No. <R2. The event will be one of the largest ever held tn this lo4*atlty and will be the first celehriition of its kind In 20 years. It will have the co-operation of all local fra¬ ternal and civic organizations. There will he free nets, band <-oncerts, fireworks anil imrades day and night on the streets
and inidway. It will lx; held In the heart of the eliy and heart of the industrial and historic-ill center of the State and will have tlie stip|)ort of the best eltlzelis and offielals of the town. Benjaniln Kiitler, well-known owner of the Novelty P-oduets Poinpany, of Philadelphia, will have i-omidete eharge of the novelties and coneessiona. working In eonjtinetlon with Geo. W. Klenk, director of conces¬ sions and a tending citizen of the town. Tlie nffnlr promlsea to be one of the finest and biggest "old home week" celehratlona ever hold In Phoonixville or

June M. 1925

The Billboard


luminumware Assortment Consists of
12 No. 1--2J^-Qt. Paneled Double Boilers
1 2 No. 2"5-Qt. Paneled Tea Kettles 12 No. 3--3-Qt. Paneled Water
Pitchers 12 No. 4--6-Qt. Paneled Preserve
12 No. 5--15-In. Oval Roasters · 12 No. 6--6-Qt. Paneled Convex
Kettles 12 No. 7--10^-ln. Paneled Round
^ Roasters 12 No. 8--10-Qt. Dish Pans 12 No. 9--6-Cup Paneled Percola¬
tors 12 No. 10--3-Qt. Paneled Sauce Pan 12 No. 11-9-Qt. Water Pail 12 No. 12--3-Qt. Paneled Sauce Pan


Floor Lamps,

Bridge Lamps.


C^orn Game Merchandise. ,



Bird Cages and Stands.


Cedar Chests,


And All Other Concession




25% Deposit With Order. Balance C. O. D.


$95.00 LUCKY 12 ASSORTMENT, as illustrated.
I dozen of each item; 144 pieces in all ... .

A. F. BEARD. Mgr.
24-26-28 W. Washington St., Chicago, Illinois

Also New Auto Race Designs

Springfield Eagles
Revive Annual Fourth
Springfield. O., June 3.--Champion Aerie, Kciilemal Order of T^gles of Sprinplield, will revive It.s community Fourth of July celebration at the'county fairgmund.s this year, planning a mnre elaborate show tlian , it has ever staged before. .Vecording to preliminary plans announced by the general com¬ mittee. of which M. tfc Brown is secre¬ tary, there will be a midway with numer¬ ous concessions, free acts of vaude¬ ville. possibly a balloon ascension and parachute drop, racing and day and night fireworks.
These community celebrations were held by the Fagles every year up until two years ago. when they were consider¬ ably curtailed because of financial reverses. This year, however, the or¬ ganization plans for the biggest and best celebration it has ever held.
Decision to revive the Fourth of July celebration has also started dis^'ussion by the Trades and Labor .Assembly of plans to revive the community celebra¬ tion of T.,abor Day at the fairgrounds, which was dropped at the same time the Kagles curtailed their Fourth of July celebrations.

For July 2, 3 and 4

Must be clean and high class, during Home Coming in city of 75.000, near Chicago. Biggest Fourth of July event in this


1002 Garrick Theatre Bldg..




AMERICAN LEGION POST NO. M I>*(lrei a M-rry-Oo-Rcuiid and Frrrli Wheel aM
about 10 ei>lu«lfe Conrexiona. JUNE n-27, I92S.
Addre,, JAMES J. M<KK>n:KR. OhainnaB. S18 Setood Street, Briddb.k, I'rnnrjI.ania.
Look--2-3-4 luly-Look

WAMTED Ttnt Sboivt, Animal Shows. Mtuical Comnliet or Minstrels, Rides. Caterpillar, Mttty-GtS' Round, Dangler, Ferris Wheels, etc.; Fete Exhibition Artists, High Divers, etc.; Coes-
cessions of all kinds. Communicate with JAMES SEUBERT, Latrobe, Pa.
5th Annual Fall Festival
SEPTEMBER 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. HELD ON THE "DOWN-TOWN" PAVED STREETS. WANTS PlaotatioD show and Musleal Rerue, carTjinc their own top and equipment. Any other PaM Showi and lecltimate Conceaaloos. Please apply

Fireworks, Fligs, Deccratiops. Novelties, Etc

Ovr Patrwlie
He. 70--Oit, 54.00 Brett.
raiTy mo,t fomplet. line at I'rlebratlon gnoda on I h * market. Write for ratalof.
Briul Nwtily Mf|. C«.
1700 Ella 81.. . ClarlaMtl. 0.


eawQ na, o. ncQuineMWMHTISm roe.E

W.\NT all kind, of Hide, and I'onreMlmia that don't ronfliit with what we ha,.. Main St. relehrallnn. Virat in 3 rears. In the heart of the nil nrldi. t'hamhor o( Oommeri'e. Address COLl'MBIA TIIFATHK. Sli.-k. pklah >iiu.
McCOOK. NEB.. JUNE 23. 24 and 25. Good clean Shows. Rides and Concessions
wanted. ELMER KAY, Seernary.


Airplane. Balloon and Pireworka Attracllona de Lusce DAY OR NIGHT, BY STEWART AERIAL ATTRACTION CO.
B.VLIAKIN .ASOKNSIllNS like «e perform are aa e.arnlial to all I'elebrations. Kf*lirals. Picnlot and f»en to .Auto Raica as HOUSK R.Al'INO Is to the real K.AIR. We arrange our performamrs to meet the need, of the event. Siieilal Kduiatlonal. Sensational and ratrlode Aits. We nerf .rro II ilifTerenf Kalloun Aita, inludinc I-ailT Itallnoni.t. I'anitun .Art. ILmih .Ai-t and our speilal NU'.HT .ASCKNSUtVS with KIRhWORKS PIsi'I.AY on the RAU.OPN'. AIRPLANE ACTS--Five different ones. I'ARAt HrTE LKAI'B.


with FIRKWURKS. FIREWORKS--We offer eomplete line at HKTAIL. Sl'KflAI.. KANfY. DISPLAY

and Bpeilal Arlallon KIRK.WORKS (sthl.h are safe to use) DISPLAYS for from $7 . on to Ij.OuO.OO. All

goods guaranleeil and rrliei right. No program loo large or loo small for us to omslder Let us know

vnur sranis Iwfore huyin*. Our program an.1 rnsliicts ae,ured h, years of honest, reliable, lonwlentloui

·ork In the business.

J. M. STEWART. Manajer. P. 0. Boa 339. Seuth Bend. Indiana.

Eagles' Most Stupendous Outdoor Doings

?Slh Aimiial Plrnle. Pate .\usuat IT to .30. WANTETP --Merry-<lo-R»Hind. Ferrta tS'hrel. Conerulont and Bhowa. AiMrea. K. O Ml'NSON. Sparks. Kan.
For Hammond Hareeat Home rtisilr. Patea. Beptrmber 0, 10 and II. Show*. Kldr^ Free Art. and Concetalmia. Addtaai BECBETART, Htmmood. lU.

Fourth of July Festival


Wn.AT WE WANT--Rides of all kind*. Will sell Sllyenaare. Blankets A'amty,

Corn. BaUoMI.

Novell lea. Ham ami Baism, Fruit. Oroeerles and laimh. All legillm^e Hriitd Siorta wtth_flaih. _

WHAT WK HAVE_BamI t'on^r'rl Free Acta. Uor-e Raeea. Rail Game, Dancing and Firwoe ha. Wftt^

Itl" m pJL J. U MATmik ChatrSak. Eislet' Tampl*. Elyria. Obit.. (Fourteen hundred Kaflea ba«k


Mid-Summer Festival And
4th of July Celebration
4th JULY
WAIfTBD--Emy kind of legitimate CoDccMion. Wheels open. No Roll-Downi. Ttp-Upe. Six-Arrow er gyp of eny kind. No culuiire. Flat rate, 13.00 per front foot. All kinds Rldee, Camueei, Ell Wheel, Planes, Whip. Kiddle Rides, ot eny other Norelty Ride, $50 flat. Shows all kinds. No Olrl hows or smut. Will ronsider flrst-cUu Hawallsn Show. $.50 flat. Come and get It Ererybody knows Butte. One-half depoeit required on eppllration. Come on. get In now. Only limited number Con¬ cessions and Shows wanted. Big Rodeo Pageent, Fireworks, Parades, Special Erents. Band Concerts, ete. Address ill communications
WILLIAM FOY. 403 RIalte Thaatre Bldg.. Butte. MentMW.
First Time In History
Stterts of Wfareling. W. Va., will be played under strongest local auspices. Young Women's Catholic Club week of June 22 to 27, inclusive; followed by Big 4tb of July Centennial Celebration. June 29 to July 4tb, inclusive, on tbe streets of Martins Ptrry, O., across tbe rivet. All Concessions open (no grift): Stock Wheels and Gtipd Stores. Wanted, Man to take charge of Ferria Wheel. Write or wire HAUSNER AND KELLY, cate Wolfe Supply Co., 1146 Water St., Wheeling. W. Va.
For tbe Ametkao Legion Circus and Auto Show. High Point. N. C.. week Jo ACTS that do two or more turns. Mention lowest salary first letter. Organized Band of eight or ten men. Would book high dive for tbia date. ^ Ten-in-One or any Pit Shows. All address
TAYLOR TROUT. Sheraton Hotel, High Point,

Business Mens* Fair

Bethlfheiti, I*a., June 4.--Something novel in the way ot an cxpobition ana fair, including a gala July 4th celebration, is to be held by the Samaritan Council, No. 397, Junior O. U. A. M. of Bethlehem, with the full co-operation of the Bethle¬
hem Bualneae Men. The ezpoi'ltion and fair is scheduled for the entire week, beginning June 29 to July 4. inclu.sive, and will be imaged on a large plot of ground, known as Bethlehem View at Browns Switch, about one and one-half mile east of Bethlehem. The exposition
and grounds face the William Penn Highway on the main road for all traffic between Allentown, Bethlehem and Easton. H. Miller, chairman of the committee, has appointed Benjamin Kutler, of the Novelty Products Com¬ pany, 42 North Seventh street, Philadel¬ phia, as director of concessions and sole wipervlsor of the celebration, to take charge of privileges and licenses for all games, shows and rides. The committee m charge of the program and the pub¬ licity work promises to stage an exposi¬ tion and celebration on a large scale. There will be daily features, including fireworks, aerial stunts, free acts, athletic events, etc.
The Business Men's Exposition will keep a good portion of the ground and its exhibit?, approximately 200 to 250, will be under a tent on a space about 100 by 250 feet. It is expected that record-breaking crowds will be in at¬ tendance every afternoon and evening.

< For Two Rif Dorby Diyi it 0ARLIN8T0N. WI8.. JULY S AND 4. IfJS. Day aod nlcht profram. Ntw OldioMbllea cifag lou Mrh day. Raaa Ball. Roal Running Racai Rowan Danro on tho ground. Kipoct two ratotd-braablaa rrnwJa. Writ* to JACK TRACT. · PlatUrlllr. R||
Mloiirrl. TaudoTiiio and Motion Ptrturo. u puy D«a. U'a I'rumawd* Farm CaUbrallon, July t, 3. 4 and S. Mutt bo ftrat-cUaa. Rodeo in cnnneetlna. Addrtia
SEPTEMBER 10. II. 12. AT SOMERSET, 0. B«>umiae Pumpkin Show ·fur poTlng itrteu. Writ* W. H. NICHOLS, Secretory, concerning coocuiloni nj glee price on Free Acte.
JOHN I8ENBARGER. See.. Nerth Manchciter. led.

Dey end Night. Olney III., July 4. Adikm

Alpena, Mich., June 6.--Alpena bust- I

WALTER BYRNE. Ceneeuien SupL

neus men are putting their effort? behind

the Alpena Home-Coming Association to make this event the largest of its kind In this section of the country. All the


social and fraternal organizations are In- . ^

terested and boosting the affair, to be "'7 ""

held July 4 to 11, Inclusive. Contracts


for bands, firework? and some of the traction

free attractions have already been signed, The program includes pageants, bands.

-- wim- er-.

fireworks, free attractions, aeroplanes,

balloon ascensions, parades, floats, speakers, etc. Leo Lippa has been engaged to


m ll|4

handle the business end of the celebration. I If I

Past Masters* Gating
The 17th annual outing of the Masonic Fraternity will be given June 23 at Cpney Island, near Cincinnati.
"This affair is attended by thousands and Is one of the biggest of Ifs kind In the vicinity of Clncy each year.
Admission tickets are distributed among various lodges of Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky.
The outing is given under the auspices of the Society or Masonic Past Masters. Joel C. Clore, former postmaster of Cin¬ cinnati. is president. James A. Ramsey, secretary.
German Club Water
Carnival in Chicago

of all kindt for the 4tb of Jaly. Addreit K. M. BOOKER. Crrro Gordo, Illinois.
Now Booking
Shaw*. C«nr«>uln(it. Frr« Attrarilmii. for Amrrktn Leainn County Convention amt JuW 4(h Celrbrattae. wvA Juno to July t. Inriuvivo. Small CIrrua writ*. All MrrehanSlio Whoela ayoo. Write A. W. CCRTIS, Eldrei, "Pennnitanla.
Travellna Middle Wtat. sot In touch with Boltovina Baaoball Ataorlallon, Bellovlllo, III. Doilrr aarty date If poulble. Riimmor location for MeTry-Oo-Rmind.

rvias^ av^nur. aiuiic ii

lur in^

benefit of its building fund. The feature

attraction will be the W. H. Rice Water

Circus and Bradley Bathing tJIrls' Style

Revue. The profit-sharing-coupon book


the The

sale of original

tickets system

Is of

a 1

to 35 has been wonderfully successful, but

was very bulky.

`IMutts*' Are To Star

For Moniter Crichrilinn July 4th Iowa Stair Fair-

yroundt. Expret 50.000. rerrentaf*. F. M. SHORT,

In New Castle Parade RIDGE. Dra Motnoa, l>rwa.



CAN PLACE Gamei of Skill. No WhecU. WA.N'T iwo more Frro Artt. Write, wire or phone Suitex.

N. B.. t'anida.


FMItlvely the hUxest relehratlon on the Coast, l.non Klks leninx tlrkrtl (nor Wreki la aflftiMt. All aurroumlln* territory hillort like a eirnia. We want Euod, clean, flaahy Conroiilcrui of all kinds. Can uae Rides and Snnni nf all klnda. Free Afta. write or wire now. Addreaa SHOW COMMITTEE. Elka' Temple, Vancouver. Wash.

SMurdsyi HLfLnH numL'UUminU, JULI HIM lU I III! Satardsys

Alpena, Mirh., about 17.000 population. A xoud factory town. Mill! are all worklnx noma romtat

backed by alt ortanl7.atluaa. Paieantt, two Banda. Fireworki, AeropUna, Paradti with Floata. Public

Speakarv, Conteata. etc. FREE ACTS W.ANTKD. Send all detalla wiib plrturei. CAN PLACE Rldat,

Bbcnra and Coorvatlooa. No vxcluaivet. Eat HUnda coma on. No taoncy cauMa. Bit lUcIca' State Con-

veollcm takea place larae week. Here la a ehinre for t'onceaalon People to play i hit one. On atreeva

Tham will be decorated for the blxteat event In the hliiory of A!*»ni and the kllddle We,f Write or



Bbowa that do not ecnflM Can fumlah topa for tama. Good Five rr Ten-ln-One arrlio. GAN PLAGE Mlnetrel Perple, G. Wed M.ii'-iam to atrerurcKen Hand. Few V.Pe Wt,--It and Grind Storea open. .V, ei'luilae except < Oi*c U,MJte. \V;ll . :i er. lu.-lte cm t'ewn Gaap- W.XNTKD--Merry SUt-T.'p c.r any ocber Blcie, that tar ytllv. exoer* >rerry-c;o-K--"ind and Ferria Wheel. GAN I'SK rood A'hl»'le people Silts Troyer Will Albert Hunt wire TO'I BAKf.R Our Kalra and Gelebratlona tter* week inly 4. Faira and Gotntnltteea In
Arkapcai, Loiiialana. Mi«ii,>lppl and Alab.ma, wt bxta a few apeo datea. Lat ai haar from yau. Wrlta ar
wire Jnncvboro, Ark., Juna *-Ii

New Castle. Pa., June 6.--One of the branches of the Centennial Week held here June 29-July 4 will be a dog abow and the feature of this will be a *'cur" parade. Nothing but the worst looking dogs available will be entered, the only condition being that each dog must be led by a smalt boy. Prizes have bct n offered by the Lawrence County Kennel Club for the various types of dogs to be entered. 'The parade is expected to attract
several thousand small boys with dogs.
Stfeplechaw Park
Coney Island, N. T.. June 6.--George C. Tllyou's Stceplechaue Pnrk continues to add to itfl large list of amusement at¬ tractions. Last week for the first time the flopper furnished a laugh and a thrill per second for the visitors to the "funny place''. The limit, speeder, flyer and old mill, new attractions this season, have proven themselves popular at Coney Island. The limit, located at the noanlwalk entrance, with Ita great dips, anappv c urves and bullet-llke speed, leads them all.
The mammoth swimming pools at Htc-eplechase have proven the haven for great crowds now that the thermometer is on the rise. The poole remain open until after midnight.
Arrangements have been started for the annual baihlng beauty contest to be held hers on the afternoon of July 21. As usual the winticcr of this contest will be crowned "Miss f^oney Island'' and com¬ petes with the beauties of the country at the expense of the management of Rteeplechaae for the crown of "Miss America*' at Atlantic City.

3 Siiowf. Frro Art. Rit Lrilon rvmlvtl. vntlrr w^

rndlnx July 4. Ridoi. Coucvs.loni. otr.,


tho miln itrrrl, vt l'ri*rr Sandusky, O. FJlVlN R

IIOL'SKR, Uppor Hondusky, Ohio.

.. .. .. chriitlan County. Illinaii.
'' '"fOURTH^CI
For two bit dtyi' Crlrbritlon »l BRANBON. MO. JULY S and 4. Mrrry-Oo-Hound. Showi. AtlrarUoni and Osnceaalooa. WrlU C. C. DAVIS, Branaae. Mo. Lakt Tanayromo.
WANTED T^vo Mamr-tlo-Rounda at at !*·*· SO c-apacit) eai'h for Awniat *. laoraiti. Ohio. Addrau I. L. BIGGS.

<'a>t $1,450; uted only three mnntha. Alao Wl)BLI-T/.KIl IX PIANO. Coal ll.I'Sl Will tell either for $*00. Ileve 100 ttoaa SIMPLEX KLUTEH--«ll' tall for a tonx. JACK SIIAKKKY, II Wtihlnrnn SI Taunton, klataerhutaUa.


Daily Bros/ Shows Open
At Carlinvillc, III 26 PIECE SHEFFIELD

Isicr Greater Shows in Flood at St, Joseph. Mo.
vj. visneo oi.

f>;30. Monriay nlcht, tlio crowdH started

to pour inio tli-- inirlway, whirh. hy the

way, is about the lx st laid out that this

writer ev< r saw. Tiie opc-ninR nipht's re-

e* ipis sliatt-M'd all previous

& TV's

Monday niRhts, with a train showinp Tuesday and W'edne.'-day, and with id- al Weather today tliiuRS look very rosy


Charles A. T.e. dv. humorist and feature writer of TUr Yount/ntown Trltprant

has R.ven the .-liow jil. nty of space as

has Charles Carson, of The V'iwdi-

Shows opened here Saturday, the location b<-inR just one block from the publics(|uare. The staff Is proud of the fact that the show was pc-rmitted to open inside the city limits, as this has been one of the so-called "closed towns"; also appredates the courteous tr*`aiment shown to .showfolk by Mayor H'-mphill. thi* chief of i>olice, and, in fact, the citizenry
general. Business so far has Ix en hut it is announced that an imix ndstrike of six local mining organiza-
tions wsis settled la.st night, which should boost the receipts the balance of the

,,,sh. av.,,. 70,

no trace of same having been had to the present writing. The current was so strong that it washed a heavy tractor more than 100 feet from the sp..t on which it had stood, anil so twisted the

ferris wheel that it had to be taken down

and the parts straightened otit.

The loss to equipment and parapher¬

nalia of the shows Is estimated at about

{.·..lion, and till followln;g were al.m heavyr

lojier.s in Wallas. 5

addition to concessions;

M Jarm. eIIsss" lleeHrra::' rt,SSaa3m m;

Mrs. Clay. 1 ; S. Molygard. 1 ; I.ae Sand-

ford, cookhouse; Mrs. Sally Call, 1 c«in-

ces.slon, and K. E. Chase, I concession. .Ml of the.se people lost the toi>.s and

frsnif.s and trunks which they had on

the lot. Sam Wallas saved five tops, which were out of the way of the curr. nt,

but ri'iiorts 15 trunks of merciuindisa

mi.'-sing. Sam Mollygard would h.vve been hit by floating timta-r but for two

of the mlnstnl show boys seeing his pre¬ dicament and coming to his re.>n*ue.
The show will remain in St. Joseph t..h.Ve. balance of this week to rebuild, lb.,,uwt the

train will move to Red Oak, la., Sunday.

Shrine Club will bring out the orphans.

The newsits paraded from downtown,

e.seorted liy Capt. Miller unci his band to

Wright li*-ld. wliere the show is located.

Maries She< U-y. high diver in Kthel

Dores Water Circus, has sufficiently re-

e·overed and is again appearing in her sensational feat. An Interesting addi-

tion to the show was ushered into the

world yesti'nlay morning, when a coal-

black donkey was born in the Rocky Road

tu Dublin. The tiny mite has been

christened "Youngstown" and is already

the pet of the whole show. Alliance is

the home town of Bill Mallon. the popu-

mail m. an and B*' illboard salesman


the so

show. (rather "Mickey's" home i. t w. .is d""iscovered) and every-

where ,,he went he was hall.d: "Hello

^i_ '`'key . The Hardlckers, acrobats and

*' i|uilibrists. are a big hit In the Trained

W,i- ld ,Animal Show,. an- d D«>lly Castle ha.s

the mixed- ,,group _ of* lions and goats

working better than ever. Perry J.

-S-ta--rk- I- s- n--o- w.. t-he official announcer with

"H'*-' "hanr/d* a. n"d1 his announcements are

tn-a-s.t.e.-ril.y. orations.


(Director of Ihibllc Relations).

lr."%rSep`r^e.S<ttnata.tCivoe roriht,n''ei'babJo;vee^s'hcoswys". ^

t'..,. n


t r"

tStfllC VISItS opurkS Q,irCUS

- --

J. B. Estelle. Sr., of Ozone Park. N. Y.,

visited the Sparks Circus at Rockville

Center. N. Y., and was highly plea.sed

with both the parade and performance,

He met a number of the ahowfolk. includ-

ing Eddie Jackson. "Doc" Walker and

Jake Posey, and was the latter's guest

*n the cookhouse. He was made to feel

®t home by all the Sparks troupers. He

wa* »?reatly impressed with the wire act

t>f Miacahua. the Brazilian artiste, and

Other features of the performance.



RltChlC OpCflS Branch



wUpply ITOUSC at AkfOIl


T. A. B. Ritchie wrote The Billboard

fmm Akron, O., last week that along

with his repre.sentlng the Fair Trading

Company, of New York, he had opened a

seml-Western headquarters at Akron,

having on display more than BOO articles

used by the show world and that the

project was proving remunerative.

Poole W Schncck Shows

El Dorado, Ark., May 4.--When the two

__MOW READY FOR YOUf^ "Texas Boys". Me.ssrs. Poole and S<'hen( k,
decided to do "the unusual" and take their ^h'^w out of the Ijtaie Star St.ite,

after sh'vwlng con 11 mi on si .v there for five years, they did it in leaps and bounds, and


their jumps for the last five weeks have

averaged more than J50 miles.

.Alexandria, La., was the first stop out¬

ride of Texan, and it was a nuc«-essful en¬

gagement, The Knights of Pythia.<s lodge

.-sponsored the show there, and the com¬

mittee, composed of Messrs. Farmer, D«'

tleneres. Jordan and Patton, had the co¬

operation of the entire lodge In making

the evt nt a success. Norphlet. Ark , proved to bo better than anyone expected. The show was delayed In opening there


on account of a wrock, and remained over

the second week to better business than the first.
The show opened Monday night here for n two weeks' engagement, under the


auspices of the Knights of Pythias. Bilsinesa has been better than anyone hop«d


for, snd It now looks a.-^ if this will bo the best spot of the Season, except San Antonio,
Arkansas Is Jim Schnock's old home


State, and every night old friends of hi.s have been visitors. At Alexandria, Mr7\


Calvitt, mother of Gordon t'aivltt. of the Christy Bros.' Phows, w.n.s a freqtient

It Offers Hundreds of

visitor on the midway, ''ivoc'' Kingman Is doing g(Wd buslnoss with his pit show and hills fair to become the Johnny Bejano


of this troupe--he now b.is two shows In

operation and Is building another, "ivoc"

t)eorgo Hammond Is another worth-while addition to the company. Ho hns again


proven hlH t'howmanship. and with the aid of Harry Poole has built a real wax thow.
VonTello snd Nin.a motored In last week

It Is Free--To Dealers Only! This Big 36th Edition Is Limited!

and t-oon hcame fpembvr.u of the com¬ pany, and will entertain with their aerial

First Come--First Served

act. The.ie oldtimers brouglit to memory

many plea ant times of the long ago. The

.vrVansas spots have been proving excepMonally goort for the '·onces.''ionalres, ami


Messrs, norm Jimmy Dean. Itoy iJold.-1 one and. Herbert Howe, who have m'>st


''f the ronresoiona, h.ive all pul on additional stands for tlie El Dorsdo encacemenf. However, Fr* d Kelao .ami
I ij*?.** Redman still nr»J the "top money




(Etlabliahad US9) PLACE OF THE WORLD


^ HOT- I ^



Kids . H. \V. FULTON (ITcs.n Agent).


Pollic Shows


O., June 4--Irftst wc'k. in

.tilldnce, prov'd to b*- .·» virv prufii.ible

5<."1mnn K- |·'.lile .Slunve

B h'tirr hrenk In we;i(hor rondl-

Maiui'liv WHK n big fliv .'ii'l

x'l.' '*'*''* KnvatilH hiniiglil luii l.iO 'niiiliiii from the Fiil>'U"<iit H"m'' FrlJi*V n fleriioi.n, mi,) ,l,xk>'y ixllne w.iu

h>'i>t hii'v m.iktng up riiiulv fur tluiii, '··'fl ('li.ituhi-rn nmlrlluitltig the Ici

Uept. John .tnd Mf.'--.

I. y h'lnori <1 III,, ohow with a vi.sil

. t. MHI* elx" »li»l H. A.


* l.vnpn, Ilf ||,,> Hlie, .uley Shows.

V .Mond.ty affrriioon all \v.«h In ifa'll-

ur-xs fur the ppt'Plng here, umlr'i' ihn

.aiisplcen of the V'l'-rapn of Foreign ·tli'l IN'P" In till' first i»lg
'Mow to Mpp'nr In S'oungnlown In Iwn

Tile «'lly in hilhsl hi avUv. ev ry

illnhlo Ml Ilf hltlhonrr) or w Milow *miu i

'·Ing filiefl, and 'ho'ial \i;*til .l··rlv

.Pni-ohci In jiintiy proud of iho f. -t thtf

h' m.tnagrd In Inml IIiIk '·'uifr.art. At

Chicago Slot Machine Exchange

35 W. KInzIe St.


OI'LRATORS--Peg this zddrrss. Kerp it oB (i?f. Wt boy. rent, trll, trade titbtr new or old mzchinrs. Sptcizl Offer--200 Jtnniitgs Bellj ot Vfndfij. Setiih Nos. 18 to 23000. just like new,-tz<h $6S.OO. In lots of 10. $60.00 rzrh. 100 Mills Qazftcr Bells, S80.00. Jrnnitigs Qujtitt Bcllt. $85.00. Bvrry Stic gazrtntrtd sttiiftriory or money icIundrJ. Mints. $9.00 prr 1,000. Btttt Checks. $10.00 p«r 1,000. Bzll (jum. tjse $15.00.


N«. 0I4B--Belmunt 26-Pie<e Silvtr S«t. ranlisting uf a triopoons. 6 iltsiert tpooni. a dewert forki, 6 emhoiirit medium knliei. 1 lugar itiell and 1 butter knife. Kaih pleee he»\v illrer
plated and itamped SheBleld Plate; bright C4 AO. finish. Per Set. Cemplete. witheut Bea . ·fc-wO
S3.00 Ne. 014'jB--Same aa alMirr, In moire lorered
rheat. taitb drawer. Per Set.

Ne. *0166--S.iine aa ahore, in flat CO QO

leatherette covered hinged chest. Per Set

Shelllrld Iced Tea Saeent. Dozed.SI .25

Sheflleld Solid Forks. Oeien. 1.2$

Sheflield Tea Spetns. Dozen.7S

Salt and Prpdor Sets. Bulk. Dozen Pair... I.2S

Rtnera Sufar Boails. Dozen.


N*. 8X1762--Here ti a bit winner. Size. Ilslt
Inchet Oblonc. OUsi eeotert ire band ptinud. Brtullful colerod deiignt In neturel colon. Vety ettracUre. fatt aelllng numbert at popular prtcae. Nickeled framee. hannn. poiti and *4 4 M rtUUxi. Aaaorted dealfna. Dezea.. <*<**»ew
Ne. BX6754--Same ai ebon. Blie. JltB `w

Aiaorted dealini.

Cl ^ ()Q

Par Dane . ^


Sterling SUtct

Shrine Pint,
Set wllb 9 rery Una
white brilllintf. SI2.nn Dozen Tzloo.

Ne. 8000B--Olia Clicks. Beat Grade. Caab.-t I.2S

Lady Gay Needle Books. Grose. 4 73

Army A Navy Needle Bks. Better Grede. Gr 4-73

Lady CMa Needle Baekt. Better Bride. Gr. 7.34

Few Samylee Needle Beekt ter.23

Ne. BI452 Celle Red. Gilt or Btaik Self-

Fllllnf Fiuetiln Pena. Oraaa.... li.M

Caile "Rad Jacket" 9«lf-Flllln| Feuntala

Pena. Oazen an · sard. Card. l.fS

Gilt Cafla Fauntaln Pena. Lever Filler. Gr. SI.M

6IK Clnttb Penclli. Grose... 9.75

Asst. White Stone Set Hints. Greaa. 10.30

Asst. Slum tanrt Pina. Greie.73

Astt. Slum Bratches. Grasi.


Imported Addint Machines. Dozen.33

Cellar Pins, Each an Card. Grass. I.2S

3-Pleca Tailet Set, Ivary Finish. Dozen.. 7.54

36-In. Opalescrnt Pearls. Deztn. S.30

Overnitht Cases, with Flttinis. Each.. S.S4

White Hansa Cleckv Each. t.75

Novelty Ash Treys. Dozen. S.SO

Leatherette BUI Felds. Dozen.83

Geld-Platrd Knife and Chain Sets. Oecen.. 1.65

Cntraved Weddlnp RInts. Latest. Grass.... 1.23

Silver Finish Cull Butlent. Grasp. 4.00

Gald.Plited Rand Hints. Grtta.00

CItar Llohtsrs. Vast Packet. Dozen. 1.00

Geed Razor Slrits. Dozen. I.7S

Pearl Handle Servlnt Piecra. Eaeh In box.

Dsztn . ··18 Paarl-Handle Thrte-Pleet Carvini Sett,

Lined Boa. Each. 1.06

Heavy Stit-Hindled Thrae-Plaee Carvini

Site. Lined Bea. Each. 1.00

Williams' Shavina Seat. Crest. 0.23

Nt. 2 Ciatman Cemera. Pnidint Bamplt.

IMMtpald. It 43. Prite per Oaten.11.08

Bint'e 8unrtntaed Watahee. Otzan. ·.··

Leather 7-ln-l Rill Beeke Dozen. 1.88

Pbetp RInpe. Aast. PIctaret. Dm.. 82.78: Br. M.88

Alarm Clecki. Top or Intld* Bell. Caeb.7S

Nickel-Plated Flash LItht. with Battery. Ca. .80

2|.Pi. Freneh Ivory Manlfpra Set. Cath.. .70

21-Pi. Pearl MenlesKo Sat. Finey Lined. Ca. I.OS

Military Brueh Sett. 7 In Baa. Dazen. S.M

ReM-Plated Pea and Pencil. Baaed Otien.. S.M

Plctwn Cloaretta Casat, Artlata Mtdale. Oat. I.IS

NItkel Cap and Brush Shavlnp Set. Dezen.. t.M

t-Pe. Pipe Sett. tIO.OO Ubel. Citb. 1.78

Venut Artlata' Model Picture RInpe Oe4.. SJf

Platinum FInlab White Stene Rlnta. Oecoa l.li

Scan Pint. Asat Cluatare. 7. Cte. Oaten.. I.tl

White Stene Sear! Pina. Greet . B.M

Saaa-Aaarl CuR Links. Gross. 3 73

Leather Key Catee, 0 Heeks. Dezen.70

Peeket Cemke In Slide Casa. Dezea....... .M

Rabfeer Belts. Patent Nickel Buckle. Deten I.M

Gillette Otvie Razert. Nickel Beiee. t.M

Leather Bill Feldt. Dezen.73a. 81-73, 8.M

Barber Bazart, AmerlMn Made. Oazen. t.M

We rarry Mg atnrk of Wslrhet. rinrbt. fttielry. Beads. Cutlery. Noteltlet, Carnival doodt.

Bee our priret before buying elcewhera 1% ntant money in ymit porkrt Ordert thlpped tante daP reretvad. Bamplee. IV estra Detraelt raqulrtd on all C O. n ordera Calaloc no* ready.

The Heuat tf Barylii, Ddpt. I, m-m w. MidisoB tt.. CMM|8.ni
Adverti-ft In Tht Billbaard--ymi'tl be UtUftad wl8b raMlts.

Charles Ringling Knows Nothing of Blank-Bond Bill

"Wf! havo reiei\*<l no advice conccrn-

iliR any ai tion

lic.-n taken l»\' any

of the railroaii.' wliatsoiAcr in tliis direc¬

tion, and until wc do we are not in a

position to say an.' tliinB at all. Aside

from the matter now in mind we liav<>

never consid 'i 'l it expedient from onr

side to puVilii ly coninient on tiie aetion

of the Interstate Commerce Commission

or tlie variou.s railroads in matters con-

cerninR railroad transportation."

The above is -Mr. CliarUs Rinplins's

statement to The lHUhotiKl in answer to

a story publislied in a Hade paper (not

The liinboarUy tliat "a bill. Roinp before

the next Conpress, it i.s claimed, calls for

a blank bond of ?.j0.d00 for all tourinp

organizations of 10 people or less, with

an Additional $a.0u0 for each p. rson over

the prescribed 10 to be post*-d with the

railroad before they will move the or¬

ganization. This includes circuses, carni¬

vals. small traveling outdoor shows and

legitimate show.s. The maximum amount

of the blank bond has been placed at

$300,000 in the bill. Tlie Uinplinp-

Barnum-Bailey Circus is reported in favor

of the bill and is to be buck of the move."

The storv further went on to say tliat

"the blank-bond bill is worded to make it

appear the bill is being brought up to

protect the railroads against accident

while moving circuses, carnivals or other

shows." The Billboard's correspondent at Wash¬

ington. D. C.. said he could find no trace

of any such bill to be introduced in

Congress and doubted whether there is


Harry Copping Shows

Ambridge. Pa., June .I.--The HatTy Copping Shows arrived here Sunday noon from Beaver Kall.'^. last week's stand, and many of the attractions were completely set up before nightfall. Amliridge .seems to be a good spot, as everybody appear." in favor of tite show and the midway has been crowded every night. The lineup makes a nice appearance, the midway be¬
ing long and narrow. The F'iremen, the auspices, sprinkled the sandy soil Tues¬ day. thus putting the location in good shape. Dick Sisco has returned to the show' with a 10-piece band.
The week at Beaver Falls was very good. This was the first show to play the streets there in years. Irwin Wolf, owner and feature rider of the motor¬ drome, who fell recently and who has been confined to his home at Bluffton, Ind., is expected to return this week, at
Ambridge. The week at Springdale, which pre¬
dated Beaver Falls, was very good for everyborty, as it was the first phow that
ever plaved in Springdale and the towns¬ people flocked to the shows, which were
under the iiuspices of Volunteer Fire Company. it was a week of perfect

Jersey Shore, I'a., June 4.--Herman's Exposition Shows have been playing to good business when weather permitted llii-s spring. At Lewisburg, Pa., four nights were lost on account of rain, but the ledger has balanced on tlie ''right" side. This week's stand, at Jersey Shore, is proving a pleasant surprise to the en¬ tire company. Frank Stanley's Coiiarrss of Fat Pi nplc has been top-money at¬ traction, closely followed by Halstead's Eli wheel and Civil's U Go Show. Tlie poster at this writing includes Howard · ierman, manager; Frank Bartley, as,«istant manager; Bob Sickles, general Representative; Fred C. Boswell, director-
general; .Arch. Wilson and Arthur (Crip) Carroll, special agents; D. L. (barter, s.'cn-tary; Janies Mi llale. treas¬ urer; Tete Slane, press agent; Frank Stanley, lot superintendent; Francis (M.ack) Costello, trainmaster; Harry J. Denny, ride superintendent: John (Jer¬ sey)_ Ryan, electrician; Eddie Civil, gen¬ eral`announcer. Rides--T.at'.rou's merrygo-round, Halstead's wlieel. Shows-- ClvlI's U Go and Athletic Show, Bartley's Cave Show. Stanley's Conrirrss of Fat Folks and Tex's Arcade. Concessions-- Hosier's cookhouse. Civil's juice stand. H. D. Gcrmer, 2: Yanik Brothers. 2; Slane. 2; Halsyead. 1; Bartley, 2; John Gordon, 3. The train moves in 10 cars.
TETE SL.ANE (for the Show).
Hex Co. Has Attractive Catalog
The Hex Carnival Catering Company, of Buffalo, N. Y., ha? i.ssued another vi-ry attractive catalog, with prices of its wares and cuts showing about 100 articles of the diversified line the firm handles.
The firm some time ago took over the second floor of the building it occupies in Senaoa street, Buffalo, giving it an ad¬ ditional l.SOO feet of floor .'riiace and one I of its heads informed The Billboard re¬ cently that if husineos continued as it bad the previous two months, the third floor of the building will be taken over. Both ' I rcession and premium goods are Included in its stock.

With Our Latest Creation, Topping Every Midway Where Shown



Wonderful Flash. No. 18. Twenty Assorted Colors Only 85 Cents Each. Order Two Cases Today.





Write for Beautifully Illustrated Catalogue

2302 Penn Ave.

642 Third St.

302 Marietta St.



C.reat Bend. Kan.. June 4--I "fess up"

I am way tardy with ·'Shadows", but I

have been so busy since I returned from

the Fast that 1 am shy on all niv corres¬

pondence. Then, too, there has been

nothing of much importance to write

ahout. but I must say "liovv-da" to niv

many friends, especially in the Hast, who

liiatfd me so rt'.vally and did so manv

ni>-e twines for nie (hat I shall never

forget, and I am hoping to sometime re¬

turn to renew some of the very pleasant

ifliliation.s. Kspecially am I mindful of

the kind treatment that was accorded mo

hv the Society of American Magicians

Fddle .Vilington, Thr Billboard staff iti

New 'Vork. the Klks' Lodge No. 1 of

New York, and at Madison Square

ilaiden and the Hippodrome, etc. Had

II week's visit with my old friend Harry

Uouclore and family at Ridgewood, N. J


on to boy".

Atlantli- City, where the Frank Hubin, and wife

genial enter¬

tained me for a week in the most con¬

genial manner and arranged a benefit

performance for me at the Auditorium,

resulting in a p.acked house and return

booking next season. I then went to

Flint. Midi., for a return visit with Lew

Sunlin ami hi.s wife at their country

estate, then to Chicago for a few day.s.

I al.so visited W. W. Durbin at Kenton.

O.. who owns a manufacturing plant

covering nearly an entire block, also a

private theater in which I entertained

Mr. Durbin and his wife and her sister

as their guest in their home. I gave

several club entertanments en tour, all of

which proved a success both from a social

and financial standpoint, and returned

home well pleased with my first trip

Fast since T retired from the old Barnuni

& Bailey Circus 17 years ago.

I am now making extensive alterations and improvements in the Andress <^Iuh and on two of my farms, and this In con¬
junction with harvest coming on keeps me "jumping some for a young man " My next trip will be by auto to Manitou. Col., for Jtily and part of Aiigtist. where
I have a cabin engaged at McLaughlin's Auto Camp.




BB. J .'4--The Innki Mactly like

R oricx4nl

Rrvdver/ Tn size rerolver. Rhonii a

ind biR

red (lath, makra a big bane and lots of tmoka er-

fry lime ihe trlgerr is pulled. Full size. It is

TVi inrhrs long. Beautifully Sntshed in dull htaric. Per grass.

(40 AA #do.UU

Relaads far the abava. Per Oazen SSc.



BB. t/S.--The l)e«f<t

illing In 8«a||er Sticks.

nlth wood tops, painted tn

lontrastlng colon eiactly

as llliistnted. Bandies are

filbrr leather strap! or silk

cord with ussels. H Inrh

thick, 36 Inrhei lone. .As¬
sorted e CI 0 r S. Dazen.

BB. J /sllswagger Sticks. 36 Inches long, astortel colors, iTorold top, wide 11 r^a p handle. ^Oazan.

BB. J /7'^walfer Sticks.
H Ineh thirk, .'1*1 Inrhes long. FLANUK or BKU, leorold tops, strap handle Wide iToroid terrule. Der

BB. J /ti-^Swaiter Sticks. *4 tnih (hli'k, S6 Inches long, pollkhrd hone fer¬ rules. heary IrorolJ top.
Strap handle. Oaz.,
. $15-00

BB. J/9--Swaigar Stickt. riarily it abntr. with a mueh heaelar leorold top.

^eVTbo *!.?;. $17.00

BOYS' CANES. BB. J/IO--Bayi' Craak Handia Cantg, Ataortad amber hamllea. r>-l6 toih thirk, 24 In,

Inng, iiaoned rolort. Daz.. $2.00.


BB. J/ii--Kuur-pie<e '8heU Handle Mameurt

^t, in loU of 10 Groat.

^ QQ

Smaller iata, Ortat/S4.2S. HALF MONKY IN ADYANrE. Krcryttiing In the I'arnlral and CoD>rsilon line
U listed;_


UkdFftcllinf Streetmen'a Supply H.um. SOS Market Street, PH ILADELPHI A, PA.

Mrani Grtatet Profits for Cookhonst Conerssionairts. Sec top of page No. 79.



STRAW HAT TI>P followinR, which Kive.s HOmo M.is-

C« ntt

at All ·`Daias*,**

Doz. 3Sc Cro%s$4.00

sachusettH circus history of 18:;0, recently aiipeared in Thf Boston Ulohe;


"New Uedfrud. Mass., Is once more In favor with the circus maiiaKunent. Km'

a niniihcr of ye.ir.s It was at luhl' v-ith

the circus I'roin time to time because the

mercliants oi»|M*scd licensim; it for a

Saturday iici formance, wliich is tlic d.tv

of bii; business in tlu- sliops. Tlie cmii..

divi rted trade. Last year tile biy^cst

circus eliminated New Medford frf«m its


route, allcKinK an unfriendly attitude on tile part of tlie city Kovernment, but the

ON RUBBER balls.

sky has chanRed.

n Ball*.SI.50 »«r Gr»«,

5 Balls . 2.00 srr Cr,>s

n Balls . 2.50


"One year when the city refused a
S^atuul.iy license *the circus obtaiied mounds oulsaie the city linc>. Tlie j>ro-

tt st fiom citizens not enK,iKed in trad--

wa.s so creat that the city Kovernment

ia|)itulat<d and the oircus was received

"Tlie contention between circuses and

tile licensim; isiwers is an ancient one. and nearly a c*ntury aRO tlie circus outw itted the town by showinR over the

line. It w.is in IS.^.'i. May 11 of that

Per Carton

year tlie Hoard of Selectmen consid¬ ered an apiilicution of a circus manaRer

for a lii-ciise. and James B. roriRdon_

who recorded tiie action of the Select¬ men, made an elaborate record of the

ini ident. Mr. ConRdon wrote the circus

manaRcment in behalf of the board:

"They have instruetid me to inform

you that they are of the ojiinion that

the best interests of the town do not

require that exhibitions of the kind pro-

I / H


^ 7

/ mM' --

\ /

fl / ,

, /·!' t ^

15". deposit rrijuired on all
orders, e I c e p t simple

I>osed bv you should be «-neoUIaRed anii'OR Us. They liave reason to beli<-\e that a majority of the citizens of the town are oiipe>.ed to such exhibitloc-.

I * V7/

*'»* postage paid and as their own views accord with what they think to be the wishes of the peo-


· He Treats Vau Ripht"

222 West Madlsea Street.


New Catalog mm ready--it'a FREE.

Ide they cannot Rrant your request. Kxhibitions of a z-ioloRical character strictly liave alway.s met with the count> nance and supiiort of this coniiminity. and was your request confined t» such

a liceii^* it would Is- readily Rrant.-d ' "But the circus manaRer. even in that

day, was resourceful, and evidently he

went to the miRhhorinR town of Hartmouth. whi.h was not as t>rosperous as

New R-dford, and the license fee looked

RiMid to the Se|. , tmeii there A few

days later this letter apiieared on the

l ecords of the S. leetmen :

·· 'To the Selectmen of the Town of

Hartmouth--It is with much reRret that

we learn that thru the instruinentiility

of a license from the Selectmen of Dart¬

mouth this town is aR.iin to be subjected

to a nuisance in the shape of a circus

eompaiiv After the understandinR that


we had with you on the subject of licen>-inR. we did not ex|>ect that we should acain have cause for complaint.

JiiL. eierotlered to a Concessionaire
or a Jobber



8702--Beautifully Weven Princess Basket.

in Mny coJur. (.'ontuiii t i'ir l.irsr rliiMfr' nf nnr't

I loth an<l plentiful IbIuh'*

.fie in

let. oY4nze, ptinijf Mini ^flltiw \l ik' 4 sn «t Int:

tl4>h. Size,

iiMHs. Immt'ii4te <lelivery.


1S74SS W, Chicato Ave.,


RAINCOATS and aprons

gas-mask ^


DIttonil fsbsr- I
<Un« doth, ii«iT7 

red rui>ber lianm

Simple Ceat.


APRONS. 20 different deslfne



(in<ham end percs'e.



APRONS. Pull ei» All nH

_aWfc -T ...

jre. Can be warn either ei le




APRONS. tsaoriMl eolore. wotn ·^_

eiilier side Poee not ebearb


·il<. (rrase or toids.

mill* SLEEVE PROTECTORS. Made of Ml M fir pure zum rubner, assurted eolori

J'W. on depotit, twiinira C O. D. Ranslt Mooep Orbr or Cerlfled Ch«%.


Write for our ivnplete Cttsloc and Frlre LiM 4


35 different eijle, of Kpimsmts. DEPT. B.

3 in Ntst. as shown, solid brags IT 1 0 7 S

with painird glass, (nrst of 3)..

IV/./ J

m',;;,)'". .$160.00

Enamrltd Cagts. painted glass C 'nest of 3) .

C J ·\l\>

pT,;',.?. $ 72.00

2 5'^ Deposit. Balance C. O. D.

398 Washington Ave., Long Island City, N. Y.

'"lO THANb 4 «4
^ami MtTii

The New Combination Table Settee.
Pat April 7. 1!>2T, No. I.-.32.41?. by W. T. LKTTM. Pirsldrnt .if thr
W. T. Letts Box & Cooperage Co. SL Joseph, Mo., & Oklahoma City, Okla.
Capital City

The rpi'ter of AdvertisiiiK Car No. 1

of the Al. li. Baruc.s! Circus includes

Jack Glines. manaRer; C. S. (IVipl


. Jmk Austin, J«h

Baker. Clyde C.irltoii. LaKue Deitz. Ud

Kowler, 11. Meri'kidise. \V.

.Morin. T

J O'Brien. W. J. Ib'hiii on. .\ C. Tur-

rcH. lb rt Wade. D

MeC.irty. Honr>

Satifonl. Duke raxfon. Marry D.rahle

Bills- I'crkiiis. Dave Newman, and Jack

Tatiiiie. pa.^tem.iker Tlie car is an all

steel one whi.h was built in the shop*

of the Southern raclfic Company, Sacra

mento, Calif., la.ot winter.

Amusement Co,

0. K. STUART. Prep. & Grn. Mpr.

U'ANTTM' -Situll I rui' WhrrI, IMtill Slum with

H*n'l SiMke Sht'U. Tcn-lu-OtM» or Ki»»'-ln-UiH*.

liii^ Liiii4piit*4|, «ir Miiy .H|igtw tiul will Z('t tht' titonry

· irmiMiM. liil., wfik '*f .luu» to I*:; An«IrrM»n. IihI.s

Ilf .Iiuif 1"» to -*«; Nltifit i«*. Iml . wrrk of .hin^

to ',17. 4


.\(i graitt. \ un i'orn

<i4mR AtHl N'»3rUir'* .'ll Dihfr* otH*n. K. K. K.

WAiiiltig 4 liio'r I'otiipMiiy, ((MHO gn*l ItMik ua o'rr.

UA.NTLh Imilf, 4ll i«lr.i*«.


Full sire .5-stlrli pSiks for 1 . Double your money.

All harnrii. Novelty n.n goL We make ieo.1.

U1A.MET GUM UOl'S. Cincinnati, Ohio,

Reckless Trio With Fisher
Cliicapo. June -I.--The Re. kless Trio is now wiiikiiiR for the Kishor Circus, ·loitiR a com. .ty ;.. rohatic act and lu'oiliiciiiR il.iwii iiumh.r.s and f.-aturlnc liilli.iii Sii.'ll, la.ly eb'w n Billv M'ard is d.iiiiR Ills liihl.' fall. pl.iyiUR th.- lots. H.* i-.'..'ntly finish.-d at Indianapolis for ItodRcrs A: Harris.
Tn clown allF*y on tho Chri^'ty TTros.* Sh«*\vs arc Stic. n*'nhitmni*`. Vaiu'p flill. Th<»s. V. PafTo. I'ifk livarts. How.trrt flryant. R* rt UtT>H. O. U. IToWI* r, il. Leo, Howard Walsh and Bob Gerald.

USE OUR DOLLS and the Big Play Is Yours.




II lnih.-i hiiih. with Ildr an I Tinsel Hoop I>ie.., <ln)«n. Per 100.
W ill) ,.,mr Ilirv. No H aip Prr 100 .
I'ome paiked uii In a Barrel.

M( M dg*.** Mi a4N.M


I'' III. iilgh wllhi.iit Plume. Tomplete with curir

Hiir and Plume llrr-s.


Per 100 .

W|'>. I in. Tlii>rl Hoop Drr.v^


Per 100 .


II In hiiih. with M..iih|. >


Hair .1.1 In. 1.-. i.i Uhl Per 100.. aAa.W


Iiiuli. Klin Ciitls- Hair and SO-ln Tinsel

M II iiresf '.0 lo Ihe Karrirl.


Per 100 . aai.M


Wi-h full I'l.imr Dress. Ml to the ftC AA KarrrI. Per 100. aww.M


As shown herewith. 0 Im hes high. .<0 to the Barrel. Per 100.


Immr liate drllvery. One-thlid deposit required on C. O. D. orders.

1030 No. Franklin St. CHICAGO. ILL.



n-hile a limitril quantity last*, thrsr brgutiful

Cadiy Srrring Trayj. In ihr natural rolnrt. assnrtrd

designs, glass ro.rr.d. polishrd niikrl framr and han-

dl -. with rrinti'Crd bottum and Irgs

g pA

8i/e ltt21'a Imhrs. In Daren Lats tub Zll.abU



Just off the prr.'S. g'rre for Ihe aiking. 2aCl .ash muat arrompany ail orders.


HsAdquarters fer Watches. Silverwari. Jewelry aad Preniium Sgecialtlbs.




The Billboard

June 13, 1925

I9-Incb Doll, Fan Drcts. SI 1.00 Per Dozen--6 Dozen to a Case. 24-Incb Doll. Fan Dress, SI 5.00 Per Dozen--3 Dozen to a Cast. Cblntsc Parasols--Hand Painted--Will Sbed Water, $15.00 Pet Dozen.
Cheaper Crade. $12.00 Per Dozen.
CASES, ALUMINUM, etc. Send for Our Catalogue.

Make Photo Postal Card
Black and White Pla Tintypes, with a Daydark C darkroom. Finish on the waiting. Easy to learn and oj profits. Travel and see the w
Compare Daydark Can with any Camera offered for s The wonderful Pictures m with a Daydark have won admiration of hundreds of satisfied customers.
I am more than pleased.
I am well satisfied.
The Camera cannot be any better.
These arc only a few of the Praises we receive daily. Save money by buying your supplies direct from us. We carry a full line for all makes of One-Minute Cameras.


2825 BENTON ST.,



Clarence A. Wortham's World's Best Shows


Jolidt, Ill., June 8.--The week of Clar¬
ence A. Wortham's World's Bc.-'t Shows at Bloomington, Ill., went to two ex¬
tremes--opened with the coldest night of


the season and closed with the warmest --hence business practically nil opening


night and flatteringly generous at the

"swan song''. The show train arrived yi-lb. Medillion .$2.70 Per Dez.

here early Sunday afternoon, and, even ^-Ib R*d and Bln*_ 2.70 ** **

with a steep up-hill haul of two blocks, the wagons were all on the lot by 5 o'clock. A high wind Monday retarded the erection of the attractions, but by 6 p m.

yi-\b. Palm Beacb.3.00 " " '^-Ib. Star .'3.00 ** ·* Mb. Datcb . 3.25 " "

everything was ready, to operate. Among 1-lb. Silbourtt*. 5.00 " **

visitors from Chicago opening day was

1-lb. Intrinsic . 5.40 ** **

Zebbie and Louis Leonard. The lot Is ideal--high, well drained. like a grassv carpet, with the State highwav pas.sing U and large enough for Beckmann & Geretv to install their tented city to an excellent

1-lb.' Majtstic . 5.60 ** ** Mb. D. B. T.5.60 '· " Mb. Wistaria . 6 00 " ** 12-oz. Ritz.6.60 ·* "

advantage. Tuesday was unu.<aiallv warm, and the midway was thronged

All thipmtnti F. O. B. Boiton, C. O. D.

with outdoor amusement seekers all eve¬

ning. Wednesday morning brought a gracious rain--more than welcome be¬ cause of the dust and heat.
There is one especially happy woman


with the show. She Is Mrs. Emma

Dougla.s. wife of Sam Douglas'. She Is

one of eight children in her famllv. which was broken up when she was a baby. At the age of three she was adopted by the family of William Hurd, of Kane County.


Mrs. Douglas lost track of her famllv.

Returning to Joliet with the show, she gave her adoption papers to Forest Cran-

ORic* and Fidnry

Salts OMao

dell, one of Denny Punch's staff, who started hisi search Tuesday morning In the County Clerk's office. By B o'clock

111 No. Wiahmiton tl. Boston, Mass.

S No. Wdor tl. Phibdolphii, Pfl.

the same day he had traced the history

of Mrs. Douglas, had brought her into the

OPERATORS PENNY ARCADES presence of her mother and brother, and
had notified a sister In Chicago that the

"lost one" was at home.

An event of Interest last week at Bloom¬

ington was the marriage of Pary Jones,

known thruout the show world an "Snake

Oil", and Mrs. Marie Benner, of Rich¬

mond, Ind.

Tiny, the smallest of the Bert Earle

Midgets, is an ever-entertaining feature

with the shows. She has been In this

country only five weeks, during which

time she has been learning to speak

English rapidly--everybody around the

chow is helping her--many. In their ef-

.forts. would make a stranger think they

were conversing in the Indian sign lan-



(Press Representative).

An mrgi'Htlon put

i*IA». Ih»r» It no r,ir-


»ny»heri* to

rompiro with thia (imp.


If sklllfullv thrown by hitting a knob to itinkf tho


UP A Hill


Don't b* tad aatray bT ImlUtori Conrptilpirt t » r B a arranfod. R I « dlirniini for ip«t cash pav^iant
Invantor and ManofactBftt.
52 Sfrond At*.. Colirg* Point. Nfw York.



If you oipr.t a hi* B.ANKROU. Ililf sfason. fealiira our
··TAMTY niKST '. Iff a KNCM'Kill'T--aomrthlnK nR.XND NKW. HaJ a hi*
FI-ASH. Can be iurd anywhera Madr with ganiilnr ba»f w,pod and mclal. flnij,hpd In Tlr-
riMlin walnut. Bniilppod with palrnt'd lock and koy. Art frrh*« raprodiK^lonf iiBdor «Iafi and brautifiil rryft.il mirror Infill of ror*r. Rat a ''atqp catih" which ahowa full dlt-
pl.ty bf Intlil* eonlenta.

No fampir order win br

Made in I lb . IH lb*.. > end .T Ihe. 1 and m-lbf,. 11.65: 2 aM S-Ibi..
prlcfa ijuantlty Iota,
Don't wait. GET IT TODAY.

lest ireoiTi(Kinied b y incn»7 order.

Natlian M. Stone Co., Inc.

tIM N Mdi«r Avt.,

Chicafo, III.

Claied. DiBanilani; I'Lh., 8«5x3: R.Lb, lOieil.

Parked 1 flown to th<* fari^m |

I TERMS; C O. D .. I«f 2"- |

P O R. Chktfo. ZS% dapofU I



Advertise in The Billboard--You'll Be Satisfied With ReiulU.

Canadian Conc(?ssiona?res and all those coming to play in Canada: If you want to make money this season, writ(: for our catalogue. We have the goods that will make money for you.

Matfiiv En<V*r$r(l t>y

Ar'*a<!p». Firti

Omiinri pTprvuhffp Wn'U a hlch-fr4<lp Pfinll

wifh ih« pprton'B naff# prlnlfd on it. Writp (of



Open for Engagement
Man of many voirei. and his Comiral Boys. Tommie, Sambo, Charlie. 705 North 5ib Street, Pbiladripbia, Pa.

39 Vitre Street, West, Montreal, Canada.

Wax Figures
IaNW ind OtidiWN. Finyd Onlllnii. nikI dtij others you fiidf wtih. W. li. J. KIIAW. 8b«w RulMInf. Victoria. MUaourl.

Heal spot (nr CarnlTiU. nni nf City Corpnfitiriti. r>n )h* main slrftl. Srilt-Plero Cirrus (ftoond Wiii* to g. GOl D. 326
North Botrirk, Waukegan, Illinois.


Tomhnhxa, ( K.ved HotkoiVYluias#*. 3

AAUiila. King Tut Muiiimlfa, Mrrni'»l'l*. TV»U plbh,


ro|l>im»oy.iiK»'a, Ilal>ri In Motile and

|(>(a of otliera rratjy tn ahlp. New lUt with reihur**

prlrea (ipp. SIXMOS HUPPlaY IIOUHK. 5U K.

KmirUi Kl., H«mth U<ie>tan. Makt.

PleasanLville, N. J.



k-i ..

. .J4I

June 13. 1925

THc Billboard


Ciiehrr. Can., June 4.--The las^ fl.ish rpws rr-KardinB the future of tlt<- f.'u. h.-. I'rns-lnoial Kxhibitlon in thr- informal ion romiiiK from Ottawa, the t'anadlaii rtpital. that the federal Rovt rmm iit there, thru the aKrIetilture department, will help the rvmetnirtion on tin: Om'tx'c faircrounds of a coliseum, mainly for live¬ stock competltirm and JiidRinK piirpoaes. This grant Is in the form of :i promise that for the next 10 years, the «h pjiri-
mrnt will Pty to the fair |4,00(1 p. r
**"t''ls expected that the Quebec PTrivinfial tJos'ernnnmt will make :it hast a .vp. . lal grant of an equal amount, anil when it Is known that the Quebec munici¬ pal authorities have already sp< nt for the ptirpose 140,000 and that thry h.ive still isS.OOO In a reserve fund, it Is more than probable that the Agricultural I'alaee or Coliseum will be rather soon a matter of fact. It Is expected that tlie erection of the building will be com|>!et< il in the spring of 1927 and the premises therein perfectly ready for that year, when, it is planned, a very big summer f^a.son will be held under the form of a national exhibition to commemorate the fiOfh anniversary of the Canadian C. nfederatlon, of which the City of Quebec was the cradle.
In the meantime the prospect for the coming summer season looks good. Secre¬ tary George Morisset states. "We have organized our program accordingly," he savs. "Our park Is In a good shape; we are spending Just now- $10,000 to put It, with our niechanleal devices. In p<rfect order, and we have Just conclud*^ a contract for free acts during a period of 10 weeks to be performed on the plaza on our park, where the public Is admitted free.

.Tctiuil prospects, put .it its entire capacity lieeaii.M' SO inr c-iit nf tile spaces or Imh'IIis is alri aily r* . rvi d. while la.'it ye.ar at Ihe H.ame date llu-re was imt only one which had been. .suld. 'I'lie line arts de¬ partment will he displayed (n the four largi' gala, rooms of our I'alals Central and will include noti-d and delightful h|H'Cini, IIS of our anisi.s.
"Kvery year, sine,' lu years, we have an olliei;^ celebration in' honor of our farn.i rs which we call I^a Fete du Merito Agrieole. l,c Mrrlto Agricole Is an oilicial Institution, established 35 years ai;o (in IM'ii* to encourage the farming l> 'oplc, and evf-ry ar since 1915, when the silver Jubilee wa.s splendidly cele¬ brated. festivities take place at the fair, petierally on Wedne.'.day. This year a big and extraordinary celebration will be held to commemorate not only the 35th anniversary of the foundation, but also the loth anniversary of the first annual Celebration :it the exhildtion 10 years ago, and then will aggregate for the occasion at least ail those who have been awarded pi rsonal distinctions for the last decade. Since 191.'> 10 gold medals, 328 silver medals, 303 bronze medals and 49 diplomas h.ave l>een awarded. So, all together. It mi-an.s for the Wednesday of the coming fair, on the second day after I.«ibor Day, the higgeet gathering of farmers ever held in Quebec.
"Coupled with ail those particularities ah.sohitely spechal to the Qtiebec FTovinclal Kxhibitlon, It Is reasonably expected that the 1925 annual fair will register a wonderful record."
Rice Bros.' Shows

"As to the fair, which* Is held the first

week of September, Including Liibor iSay,

the prospects are better than ever they

have been since the beginning of this

regular and consecutive annual event,

which is the 15th (191

). The Agri¬

cultural department of the provincial

government has made the reservation of

the whole space of one of our main

buildings to make a display of cultural

demonstrations. Our new and large

(400x200 feet) Industri.'il h.all, which was

erected In 1923, will be, according to the


Thit mited * frittillnn
I a 11 r«u. Filth 1 n d ra1u«. Itil*
HI In. .41-
tortfd rolnrwl batkrtt.nUnJ nth 17 gljtt Jara. mnlatn-
tng iiacrtH high gradr Jam., Irliin
I and mnf.itinni and an
Inrnrted Englbh Tea-


by fancy


ftga, ditsa and* ron'fw'iona. bow on tap. all roTerid by

gland trananar.nt papat.

Sample, $S.23
Doaan, $60.00.

Johnson City, Tenn.. June 4.--Rice rtros.* Shows are staying here for the second week, but moved to another lot, nearer the Soldiers' Home, where there Is a payday tiiis week. Business has been Very gooil. in fact better than last week on the other location.
Manager Cecil Hue had the new chalro-plane ride shipped from the factory this week, also the calliophone. The latter arrived on the show yesterday, and Is a thing of beauty and service, and the ride is at next week's stand. Quite a number of other showfolk have visited the show here, among them C. D. Si-ott. ''Doo" Pass, D. Grant and W. S. Conway, the party motoring from Bris¬ tol, where the J. J. Page Shows are play¬ ing this week. The writer ju.st returned from a booming trip thru Harlan Coun¬ ty. Ky., where he found prospects prom¬ ising and arranged engagements. The management Intends to keep the show in coal-field territ"ry until Its fair dates start about August 1. Mr. Mayo, who has charge of the rides, had the boys paint them while here and they loofc fine.
Cctlin and W.lson have added two more concessions, making them 10 In all. llensch Brothers have an up-to-date mid¬ way restaurant on the show, Mr. and Mrs. Monte have cold drinks and another concession. Joe tlrant has Ice cream sandwiches. Of the executive staff, C. C. Bice Is manager. J. Francis FUmn. secretarv-treasurrr; the writer, general agent; Stive Moyer, electrlcan, and Em¬
mett RirfielcL trainmaster. R. Ifc Davis tfor the Show).



$07 nth Avtnua,

NEW vesK.

Bob Morton in Los Angeles

To pile* is Soaibctn Pjtk ot with good
Carniy.l jftet labor Day. Addresi
E- G. VIA. Hanover, Pcnniylvania.


T ·>», :

'`pouing tJnnd. of ill kmdt. Tn k I"k.rt' NorrHIiii .Ink. Bn.>k.
F.t.Ingii. frn. Tn.i Ctr.li. Ml).4lt

KI,T) CO.. U.',.7 Rrernl St.. Salt Lkn City, ftah.

Attends Shrine Convention and Orders Two
Large Tmti--Storm Destroys Mam
Top at Ttinidad, Col.
l.oa Angeles. June 6.--Bob Morton, owner of the Boh .Morton Circus, spent tile week lure attending the Shrine Con\ention and combined btiaineaa with pliiistire. lie oidifd two large tents fiom the Dinvnie Tent & Awning Coml>anv todav. to he delivered t<» the show at the first posi-lble opportunity.
Advices received hv Mr. Morton from ht.s <'onit>jtny at Trinidad. Col., this week slate that li terrible storm Tttesday complelelv di'slroyi d the main hig top. A top ia being rushed to Denver to replace temporarilv Ihe one de.stroyi'd.
Mr. Morton will rejoin his company at Denver next Tue.sday.

This is a PEARL YEAR
24 in. - $2.75 Dot. 30 in. · 3.25 doz; 60 in. · 5.00 doz.
3 Strand Necklaces $7.00'DoF.

Bracelets, $4.50 and $6.00 dozen. Sterling Silver Clasp. Large stock of Chokers in 15 colors, all makes, including French and American, from $3.50 to $12.00 per dozen. Fine plush box. as shown in cut. 40 cents each. Prices of cheaper boxes on request. 10% Deposit, Balance C O. D.
Saskari Peari Co.

64 Fulton St.




iMfsrtid Opin GIssis, $1.7S
PwfaiM^ 6ms, Dues . Whti* Heins Clicks. Ea^. Nsvetty Ask Trays. Sraes. Leatharatts Blit FaMt. Dues.
t't% dapult. Iktiaiica C.

Nayrity Wrist Watehas. with Ribftsa. Crass. Art Cifarctta Csms, Atmrtad. Dua*. Rsbber Balts. Ballar Baekk. Duas. Needia Basks. Otna . Whits Stans Piss. Dares. Aeet. Slum Piss asd Braackes. Grass. Crickats. Fasey Desitn. Grass. Callar Piss, Etrh ss Card. Grass. Callar Bnttsn Sett. Grass. Gam Rarars, Nickel Case, I Blade. Derail.. OeM-Platad Prs and Pencil Set. Oaran.... 2I.Piaaa Masieora Sat. Daren... S-Pieaa Talkt Set. Ivary FInisli. Oazsn....
I. Ton eavw Bonny by orderint hum tbla ad.
81 Bowery, New York, N.

Calliope Player. One who can read music. Wire answer co O. A. Gilson. Bandmaster, as per route: Wednesday. June 10. Bismarck. N. D.; Thursday. Dickinsoa. N. D.S Friday. Beach. N. D.; Saturday. Sidney. Mont.: Sunday, Bainville, Mont.
Advertise in The Billboard--You'll Be Satisfied With ResoltA


The Billboara

June 13, 1925

rpr. Big Money $$

M OU' you r»n ftrrr real oramreadr and real lemonade-^he kind rronds warn. No pynthi'tlo ronme-
fInna--no Intricate formulas--no loss nf hiipiness l)i(aus« a rompetUor has a flashy dispensinK maihine.
Crowds know that the Siinkist V:iti>actor mians they are scttlns a real drink. We ad\irtlse real oianecade and real lemonade on the biik p.iee of The Saturd.iy Erenlnit Pest. Did you sec our last h.iik-page adTertlsement in Saturday Evening Post. May Ikf An¬ other back page coming July 2.'). Page space in other national magazines every month.
Cash in on this national advertising. Crowds buy and buy and buy when 'they see the Sunkist Kttractor. No dull periods. Always busy when you use this method. Put Sunkist Extractor where the crowds can see it.
Big profits on every drink and you sell twice as many drinks this way. All you need is a Sunkist Extractor, a supply of cheap grade oranges and lem¬ ons, sugar and water. Unnecessary to buy a big stork of flarors or syrups. Buy fruit as you need it. Make drinks right as needed. Sunkist Extractor ex¬ tracts the iuire from a box of fruit in 15 minutes. Get 3 to S gallons of Juice from a box.

One gallon of orange juice makes four gallons of real orangeade--no artificial flavors or ruiors needed. One gallon of lemon juice makes six gallons of real lemotutlr. Sunkist Extractors are sold at manufacturer's cost price by the California iTuit Growers, to take tare of the ilemand for real fruit drinks. Formerly sold for $102.50. now $45.12 cash.
Ouaranieed by California Fruit Growers Exchange (Sunkist). Motor is H h. p. ball bearing--requires oil only onre a year--attaches to socket like mailed milk mixer. Equipped with any type motor you re¬ quire--no extra charge. Write or wire ui to ship yours C. O. D. Send money order or express order for $10.00 deposit. Balance on delivery Start cash¬ ing in on these popular drinks, at once. Be sure and give electric current requlrementa for motor (whether alternating or direct current).
Mail Coupon Today]

People want the Real thing today. This machine gives them Real orangeade and Real lemonade and gives you a Real profit. Big money-maker for Parks, Fairs, Beaches, Theatre Lobbies, Side Shows, Carnivals, Circuses, SodaFotmtains and- all kinds of Drink Stands.
Send the coupon for more information. Tell us how you expect to use your Ihctractor apd let us tell you how to clean up big money this summer. California Fruit Growers Exchange, US Whiting Street, Chicago Illlnoli.

{ Califernia Fruit Grewert Exchange,



Chicaec,* I '.*^**''

Mail Today |

I WIlNiut obligation please ru>h me full Informa- I

I tli.n un the Sunkist Fruit Julie Extractor.


J Name . i

I Ailiirc-s . I
j .*^Clty .Slate.

into the hearts of the audience with her Hohemia" at tlie !'· n and Pi ncil Club


splendid work on the tight wire. Chie Thursday night after tl)e show and a
Overlield displayed an amazing routine royal good time was enjoyed by every¬ of feats on the slack wire. Marcus, the body.

Great/with his hand-balancing and com¬

The l/tttle Friiiih Giil was tlie photo¬

edy table act, kept the audience in play at the Stanley, and Ray MilUr and

laughter. Ed. Raymond and his ·`gang'*, Hand, Volga ISoys, viH'allsts; Dolores

Featuring Circus-Style Programs and Promotions Under

including a clown band, furnished the Farris, U.incer from Innovcnt Ejirn show.


Prof. Hart's 15-piece girl band At the Arcadia Theat«r was Friendlif


furnished the musical program and Fnrtuies, with Weber and Fields, an ex¬ scored a hit. Included In the roster of cellent photoplay.

the show are Frank J. McIntyre, owner

Poodles Hanneford and Company

and manager; Harry E. Crandell gen¬ were the hcadlmi-rs at tlie Earle, James

Harry Shafer Circus

A new tent and new equipment gave the eral agent; Charles Hoyt, promoter; Barton and Company at KeUh's. also the outfit a Very presentable appt'arance, an<l Frank A. Sheridan, secretary-treasurer; iii.pular local male quartet, "AdelphI the Shafer officials are looking forward Edward Hopkins, superintendent of lot. Melody Four" to fine succe.'-'s.

Encoantetx Cold and Rainy Weather at Spo- to a good season this summer and fall.

kane, Wasbiagton

Jessie McMahon. 18, of Lewiston, Id., suffered a shakeup when she fell from a

and Thomas Stone, transportation.



The Philadelphia .Musical Fe.sfival held

Wednesday night at Franklin Field was

attended by over 3.">,000 persons, and was

swinging ladder in an aerial act and

one of the greatest musical events held

Spokane, Wash., June 4.--^The Harry Shafer Circus, which played here last week under auspices of the Moose Lodge, had a rather poor week, due to cold days and wet weather, as far as gate sales were concerned. However, due to a heavy advance sale, coupled with a contest, the

dropped to the seats below. A bruised side will keep her out of the act for several weeks. Her escape from more serious injury is considered miraculous.
Excel Circus Doing Nicely

Rodgers Harris Circus

in this country. Thousands of flood lights
converted the spacious field into daylight. John Philip Sousa conducted the massed bands.

Rr>dgers & Harris Circus, fhe show has

a long string of bookings.

Lee Returns to 101 Ranch Show

Moose and carnival n.anagement got away to a good gross on the engagement.

Monroe, Mich.. June 4.--^The Excel Circus, under the management of AVm.


Frank J. Lee. who wa.s manager of the No. 2 advertising car of the Miller Bros.' 101 Riinch Wild West Show, left



Schulz, is now in its fifth week and enjoying good patronage. At Port Clin¬ ton, playing under auspices of the Fire Department, the show had its biggest week. At Toledo business was fair, and

FRED'K ULLRICH Pheac. Tioga 3525. 901 W. Stcracf St,
Office Hoot* Until 1 P.M.

recently for his home in Milwaukee on account of trouble at liis poster plant. He is back in harness again, contracting several weeks ahead of tlie show, and is slated for a different position later on.

at the present time business is very good

William Polkinhorn replaced him as car

A Safe, Practital. Eailly Operated Outlit ter Filling 8al. loeni That Float.

under auspices of the Odd Fellows. Mr. Schulz is carrying 15 animal acts, both wild and domestic; aerialists. acrobats, clowns, a 10-piece band and calliope. The big top seats 2,000, and there are 600 reserves. The show is of one ring anil a steel arena size. The animal numbers include dogs, monkeys, apes, sheep, goats, p_ onies, _ horses_ , l^arV s, lions a. nd . leo. par. ds. Last week at Toledo the show plaved day and date with the Sells-Floto Cir-

Philadelphia. June 6.--When You Smile, the new musical comedy at the Walnut Street Theater, is drawing excillent business. No, No. Nanette, still going strong at the Garrick Theater ; also Student Prince at Shubert Theater. Last week' for Olga Petrova in Uurricane at the Broad Street Theater. Mud Turtle

manager. Earl Blachford and l..awri nee Sharpe joined the No. 2 car in Boston.
Milton K. Oakes, of Waltham, Mass., visited the 101 R--nch Wild West Show in Boston and says that tlie Miller Brothers present an excellent parade and perfornv ance. He met Press Agent Frank Braden, Zark Miller, Tex Coo|>er, Col. Mulhall and many otlura. Among the visitors was Edward P. Britt, an old-time show¬

Enable! you to fill' right in front of the crowd, which ta a big attraction. Pick the choice (pots and get the big monejk
With I hli'outfit

CHS and many pleasant visits were ex¬ changed. Dan Mitchell joined this week and will produce the clown numbers.
ROY E. TICE (for the Show).
Frank J. McIntyre Circus

is still at the AdelphI Theater. This is final week for Thurston at Cflestnut Street Otiora House. Hoto Come, the breezy all-colored show at the Dunbar, continues with a big house. Despite the hot weather the theaters this week have had good attendance.

man. dating hack in the early '70s. Oakes says Cy Green, rube clown with the show, made a big hit, as he is well known In Boston.
Look thru the Hotel Direrlory lu tbii isaoe.

7WI Rallnani can bo filled Hllh one tank of hydrogen gas at a coat of le.va than onehalf cent each. A
child ran operate U. FuH direct Iona fur¬ nished with each nuttlt.
Complete outfit --
except tank--con¬ sisting of doable gauge regulator, two
ailapters and tank holder. $78.35.
I Single Gauge Regur later Only $14.50.
(Shoes pressure lieing ..ed In filling.) Dauble Gauge Regu-
Ister Only $71.00. (Shows amctint o'
gas in tank, also

Chillicothe, O., June 4.--The Frank Jj McIntyre Circus opened here last Satur¬ day under the auspices of the Elks' Club, using a brand new six-pole top purchased by Mr. McIntyre. The opening night's business taxed the capacity of the big top and the concessions did a satisfactory business. Leading the various acts, from the point of applau.se. was the Riding
Waltons, including Johnny Correia. The Ciark-Razzillian Trio, aerialists, fur¬ nished their_usu,3l splenelid and sen.sational act The Tifiginal"Three Bernards gave an artistic hand-balancing and perch act. Adela Rooney danced her way

Mae Desmond and players opened a summer run this week at the CJross Keys in the presentation of Kiki and a fine interpretation of the well-known play was given by her, and she was well sup¬ ported by her cast.
This is the last week for Conway and His Band at Willow Grove Park. He
wll be followed by Nathan Franko and His Orche.stra. Woodside Park continues with Frank Hundertmark Orche.stra and Si-hmldt's Concert Band. Both parks are doing wonderful business,
Do Wolf Hopper and the ca.st of the Student Prince were given a ''Night in


Bring Profits!
Our Own Imporialiont
and Such Low Prices 24-lneh .$2.75 Doren 30.Inch .S.25 Doren 36-Inch .4..S0 Doren 60-lneh .S.OO Doren 72-Inch .8.00 Doren
All the ohnse hare rissps irtU) hrllliant R. S.
Pearl Chokers
$I.N to ».SI Dozon
S-Strand Neekleces $7.N Ptr Dozen

prtsi^uro being used.)



4-STRANO PEARL BRACELETS. Storllnp Slivsr Clasps and Bart. $5.00 to $7.00 Doren.

»2 E. Onlario Street.


WANTS OnrK, General Atient who ran book a three-iar show. WANT Cook Jlouse for balsnrr nf sca&an. W.XNT Chorus Girls for MidnlKlit Follies. W.VNT t'olored I'erformers and Muslrlana for Mlnatrel Show. Also Trap DrummiT and Piano Player. WANT two Grimlers and Talkers. WANT Hawaiian Uamers and Manaerr for Hawaiian Shnwr. Will li<a>k any nwinry-Kettinx Show. Also want Kansier Man. Conressions all open. Will tell rx>Iuslve on Norrlties and Class. Wire an<l inme on. We hare pli'iily of Fairs and Celebrations. Wire F. W. MILLER, Hartshsrne. Okla., June 8 tt IS; Wilburton. Okla., June 15 te 20. Jack Thomas, tome on. Caharels open.

BOXES. $2.00 to $5.00 Doron. Urneot Ktoik of CUYSTAL AND COLORED BEADS. Luwrst Prlira.
TERMS: 10% deposit. baUneo C. O. D.


os Orchard Strort.


Ns. SO Air Balltoils. Best Quality. Cress... ...$2.50 Ns. 70 Air Balloens, Best Quality. Grtts... ... 3.00 Ns. 60 Gas Balleens, Best Quality. Grass... ... 3.50 Ns. 70 Gas Balleens, Best Quality. Gross... ... 4.00 Sguawker Balloons, Asstd.. Special Value. Grost. 3.SO Paper Parasols. Asstd., 17-in. Spread. Grass.. 5.40 Jap Paper Parasols, 26-in. Spread. Daren.4.00 R.. W. A B. Cloth Parasols, 24-iR. Spread. Dsr. 3.50 Japanese Flying Birds, Best Grade. Gross. 4.50
Full line for Paddle Wheels. Fish Pond. Spindles. Country Store, ShiHitinx Gallery, Hoop-La, etc.
Write for our Sperial ITIre List, Just out. 25'^ deposit with orders.
317-319 Race St., Cinti., Ohio



Feature Attraction for All Outdoor Celebrations.



AT l.mEllTV fnr Fairs. Parks ami Celehratluiii^>. Al o Unhf*. K4irffroiin<lM iititJ itrerte. and do »idrndld |dolt4tl«m work A<l«trrii Hold Ul«f, 75"» N. born 8t., rh|i4fo. HI.
Tn sell entire MI'lway to reliable CamDal Co . for Fair Week Aueu.l ll-H. Writ# C. K. SMITH. Serretary, Fonihlll, Ky.

An Unheard of Value
Real polychrome finish. Weighted screw off, base. Venetian arm adjustable, with imported jewel. 12'inch
georgette shade, lined. Heavy 5-inch fringe. LAMP* AND shade:


JUNIOR LAMPS, with 22-incb sbadts. 6-incb fringt. gtorgtiit covered. $7.85. TER.MS--25% easb wirb order.


400 N. Dearborn St.


We arc now permanently located in our new home with stocks of all lines fully complete and with the best of facilities to furnish your requirements of merchandise and supplies. Imme¬ diate service at all times. We solicit your orders. Call and see us when you come to town.

B1 N
1 1 31 5


1 22 79 92

.30 60 I
51 26 68

28 75 59
CCejyi rrmmmn




Johnny J. Jones' Exposition
Altoona, Pa-, June 1--Dubois finiVhfd tip a financial as well a.s Krcat scKial week for the Johnny J. Jones Kxiiositii n Soi'ially, .\lr. and Airs. Johnny J. Jonewere kept <|uite constantly on the gui vis*' aU week. The Moose, KIks, Kotary and Kiwanis clubs all gave banguets or luncheons in honor of tln-ir old towns¬ man, Air. Jones. The show in It.s en¬ tirety Rave a reception and ball in honor Of Airs. (Irant Smith (Si.«ter Sue). This latter affair was the greatest ball ever held with tliis organization and the vaudeville program furnished by Air. de Gray, Aliss I'owell. Leo Mahoney, Allle. Simone, Aliss Bi.ihop, the "Rotten t'itv Quartet" (Alessrs. Wm. Bozzelle. Rov Van Wert, Sir Kdward de Radium and Harry Gilman), Gene Nadrau's Hawaiian Boys and Girls and Weiss' Band all aided to make the occasion one* long to be remembered. Col. Phil Kllswortli, in presenting "Sister Sue" with a beauti¬ ful bunch of -American Beauty roses, spoke most highly of the congeniality and general respectfulness of the show's members, both collectively and Individu¬ ally. The daily papers seemed to vie with each other as to which could place the rn<i.-t copy eulogizing Johhny J. Jones ·ind his shovv. Pour of Air. Jones' sis¬ ters spent the week with him at Dubois, one from Buffalo, anoilo r from AVilllamsport, a third one lives at Dubois, while 'Sister Sue" travels with the or¬ ganization. A new stateroom car was received at Dubois. Airs. Samuel Smith has left for a month's visit to her At¬ lanta, Ga., home. Airs. E. B. Jones has gone home to Johnstown, to await the show's coming. Airs. Ray Mead and daughter have come on from Williams¬ port for a two weeks' visit.
The show arrived at Altoona early Sunday evening. Each train section had three powerful engines to pull it over the mountains--a slow, tedious trip. Opening night was phenomenal as to a tremendous big crowd and in point of receipts. Monday night the newsboys of The Tribune were entertained. Tues¬ day night the carriers of The Mfior and Tuesday afterni>on some thousand bovs and girls, members of Uncle Walt's Rroadca.sting Club--via radio. Gene Xadrau's Hawaiian Boys And Girls broad¬ casted, also Alorrls Weiss' Band. Billie West, of the Hawaiians, gave some of her song.s. Col. Phil. Ellsworth spoke eloquently upon the merits of the show and Gwendolyn Lee gave some of her renditions. James Donohue has a big promotion here. John Lawrence Murray has added a prominent figure to his col¬ lection of wax subjects and will add three more this week, making in all about 25 figure.*i--probably the Jareest show of Its character on the road. Col.
Ellsworth is doing the oratorical work on the inside, while George Hennessey performs the same work on the mez¬ zanine platform.
ED R. SATLER. (Johnny J. Jones* ''Hired Boy").

Charleston Dancing Doll.
Fastest selling me¬ chanical toy made. Over three hundred gross sold in New York City in one week.
GROSS. Each in a hox. Half
gross in carton. Samples. 'Sc each.
36 Bewery
New York City

SAMPLE, S4.00. Vi'~r, deposit, balance C. 0. !>.


38 E. 20th Street,

New York

SHOW Sundae'S

MAKE $50.00 A DAY
lore AH Summer

Crystal Creamed Ice Machine Co.
428 East Second Street Cincinnati, . - - - Ohic

For the Biggest Celebration in the State

Two Big Days and Nights--Saturday and Sunday JULY 4tli and Sfti


Libertyville, Ill., Fair Grounds


Century Bldg., Chuago. 111., Free

Aet.s, Write


and win a big prize

A new and original short range game that gets the bosiness. Flashily painttd Devil with tail and horns stands behind table wirb 3 numbered holes. Played with soft rubber balls to win a big prize if all 3 are put in. 12x34 inches. Order No. 2262. for only . JO.UU

Another New Attraction--STUFFED ROOSTERS

tVill make a hit with the rrowd. Made of S-oz duck, filled with heat wood wool, double ae-imed. mtuinied on 2-ln. maple bio. k< K uh aide,
palmed In flaahy naiural rolora. 12 in. hlxh. full aide view 1 dnu. with· 3- h al·l·. O- rder a art ·{> of 4 (So. ·2(54). for only «pO*UVJ
Terms: 23'. rash with order. balance C. O. O.

^ lO/x W/A

I 1 l'-\

/*·» M

Send today for a copy of our VL

oeu> 160-page catalog, full

1 rjeu; ideat that wilt bring in

\(hr coin for you.


A Amerinn Novelty Supply House,

.Stuffed Rootlers «
1418 Augusta Street CHICAGO

Grade A No. 1 Bull Gutra I Cas. (IDO Bear, «f 100 S.slls Each, 10.000 Balia) .tIJ.OO V-Case L.ls . 14.7S O-Case Lets . 14.50
K. O U. Nem »rk. N. .1. u*ifh order, Mence C O. D. or tight draft.

Rockaway Beach Notes


5c &. 2Sc Npw Tork. .lunr fi.-- It Is estimated that
between 7.'>.000 and 100,000 ^rsoiig visit¬

ed the Rm'kaways when offirlally opened

MACHINES for the 1925 seaaon on May 30. Thomp¬
son's Park, Harry Tudor. manaKer, waa

as ii.sual the aeene of Kreatest aotivilies,

No. 7--Flasher, Attractive Picture Box. Size 7x3%.EJach 10c No. 13--Leader, Beautiful Girl Designs. Size S%x4%. " 15c No. 15--Concession SpeciaL Size 10x6V4. Now Designs. " 22c No. 17--Flower Girl. Size 14x8. New Attractive Designs... " 34c

and presented a most pieturesque appearanee In tliat each eoncession and iidiiiK device waa newly decorated and brilliant¬ ly lighted.
Georfie Matthews, manacer of the Custer cars, new to visitors to Thomp¬ son's Park, kept a larK« crew of men busy looking after impatient ticketholder.s

Wlth or wtihnat ttixlwii, <u*d · ·hart ilm*. ·· c<»<1 u n»w. at barfiin srl''M. MlNT»-NMrlr · wirkaA
397t C*tt*t* Srtv* Ana, CHICASO. ILL

No. 50--%-IA., 2-Laycr, 1-Lb. Box. Glassine Wrapped. " 20e

iiwaitinR their turn to drive the little

No. 28--16-Piece Cherries. Extension box. Size ll%x344.... ** 27c Cedar Chests, packed with candy, in 2 and 5-pound sizes.

autos arouml the trai-k. Noah's ark. caterpillar, whip, aeroplane
swings, old mill. Miss Uockaway and all other amuscinent devicei} enjoyed larse patronage thruout the day and well into

PROPELLING PENCILS Gtidin* MrUI. 49.00 Gr«it.

I I TT»c Supreme Give-Away - S 10.00 Per Thousand

the eveninft. The kiddies' plavitround.
devoted to the care of children while the ftrownups enjoyed the rides, was filled with youtiRsters. all of whom were en¬


BOBBY COMBS. S9.00 Grtii. l-lnrh. folding. Goldine net«|

joying the miniature rides and slides

1209 Clybourn Ave.

Lac.il and L«n| Oittance Phone: Oiversey 1944

placed there by Manager Tudor for them. Sol Levy and Sam Poons, concession¬
aires. formerly of the M. J. Lapp Great¬
I er Shows, were enjoying a nice play at the "ring-the-nair game and have a
very inviting flash. John Richie and the missus are at the
old stand with their star game and bare¬

^BATHING BEAUTY ClGA^£TTE cases, PolUhed Metal IIS.50 and IIS.OO Grm.
Hand Money Order for $5.00. ani »e will aend you 38 dlffertnt ticluiUe Nofeltlea, all fast aelleri.
ORIENTAL MFC. CO. S9I BrwS SlTMl Prwldenea.

ly found time to exchange greetings.



The new $75,000 Dentzel carousel promises to be a dandy and will be in operation in a few days.

Reels 0

Along tb« Boardwalk

^ Morrison's Theater opened with a fine · vaudeville show of eight acts, which in-



·9 eluded the Exposition Jubilee Four, Howard and Scott Sisters, Crosetti Kids, Emma Earl, Murray and Irwin, Ada 0 Gunther. Morales Bros, and Daisy, and a

REDMEN'S 12th Annual Celebration


^ nifty girlie revue. The house is operated · by the Regbeth Amusement Co., J. Bettel-

JULY S, 4, 5. 1925. __>*tafe Port Park.

^ helm, manager.

WM. T. m'D.40N. 51 .Middle 8t. Oloacriler,





_ ·

W. E. Auer, proprietor of Auer's way, provides amusement seekers



IA two thrilling and sensational pleasure de-
^ vices in the swan and the flier, which 9 are proving popular.
Paul Auer presides over a nifty looking

643 Gardner Street,



Union Hill, N. J.

concession and displays much up-to-date merchandise. Charles Buckner assists

100 Sample Trunks

here and business was fair. Nels Rasmussen, representing the Fer-
-- ris Amusement Co., owner of a whip. "" Ferris wheel, frolic and penny arcade, a
Rockawayite for the 25 years, keeps

Buttable for Coecfstloa UM. All la flrtt^rlaif coisdUlon. All tUea--Plhre and runraa cotrrrd.
111 take leaa than one^half of original coau
Prices From $S.OO to $15.00




Eitablisbed 1892

Park Carousells. Kiddie Rides of All Types, The Stampede,

his equipment up in A-1 style and good business results.
Seen at the same old stand was Matty Friend dispensing "cokemuts" at the original old-fashioned baseball game.
More familiar faces were seen in those of Henry and Jake Weis and Irving
Wolff with concessions. A1 Crane, for¬ merly of the balloon racer, Thompson's Park, was behind a "cat game'' and get¬ ting frequent plays, as was Freddie
Thorpe and his fine Walking Charlie out-

WYiu for Drxriptire Circular. Ertry Trunk (uarantaed ·« adrarttaad.


·10 Wuhlii|l*ii Avehua,


The New Scientific Method for preparing and aerving Hot Dogs. See top of page No. 79.

Addrcii. 2789 Ocean Parkway, Coney Island, New York.








36 INCHES. LONQ $15.00 per Gross. Samples, 50c. Our Winds are dHfereni. Rose on tog--lud os bettoNi. 571 W. Harrison St-, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS


wrllr dirert to lu. Atk for eicht liifTrrmt aamplr Pluito Kolvti irrirtd at St 90. 8ava oaaiata etrraaton^rni-r ky lendinf rtirck or money order for these knlvet. ICmiay rafundad If you wUh to rttani ·he knireg




Na. 70 Haavy Cireua Sallaani. Par Oraaa.82,45

Haavy Gta


Animal Prlata.



Nt. 80 Haavy Gat Tranttarent Ballaans. Gr.. 3.25 f^g

Na. 80 Heavy Gat Twt-


Calar. Atat. Patrlatla'

Printa. Per Grau... 3.7B

Na. 80 Heavy Gat. AnI-

mal Prlata Twa Sidtt.

Pm- GWit .S.7S


Na. 53C Stuawkeri. Per Grata.$ 2.25


·-·'*9_0lant Sautata Staraliara. oVa'tt!'. 4.50

Na. 6 Haavy Raaad Read Sticka. Par Grata.35

N»- 1778 New 3-Calar It One Ftyltt Blrda, with

Lent Orcarated Baft Stieka. Grata. 4.00

Aiuirted Beautifully Calarad Swaiiar Canat. I'A It. by 36 it. Uaritt T#t, NIcktIad Ferrulaa. Oaran. 81.25: Giwai.]


Beautiful Haavy Pal`*···0 Whitt. Par Gr.. 85. SB. SB.50. S7.S0, 6.50
Calarad Feather Ouatera. 18 It. Lata. Per leo. SI.2S: t«r 1.000. 10.00



0"f». w Pw Grata .

Na. 122 Sartattlna Caafattl. Par 100 Ralla. 15a: tar 1,000 .

1.75 S.OO

JiMiieM Faldlaf Faai. Par Oraia.S 2.5t Mlaiatwa Flat Calared Derby Hats, with Cuni^
Feathar. Oaian, SOe: GraM. S.59 Return Balta. Na. S. Grata. S2 M; Nt. IB, Graw 1.9B Red RubBar Taya tr Thraad. Par Lb. IJB
Battle Baby Bad(t Dalla. Oar. SI.10; firtu.. i2.0B Lir,t Slat Watar Gum. Par Grata. ·.··
Medium Sira Watar Guaa. Per Oraaa. 4.SB Celtuleid Mahair Dalla, ·ith Wita. Aaatd. Calara.
Suitabla far Sadtaa. B'',>la. Sire. Daren. SOt; Grata. SB.54. 4',-la. Blra. Oar.. SI.10: Graaa I2.IB Baare. Shimmy. Naatah. ah., Autd. NIakal-

Platad Badtaa. Par Graaa. 4.BB

Naia BItvara. Par Graaa. 4.0S

Callulald Plawbaala. Aaatd. Calara. Per Graaa.. 4JB Na. 9XXX SB-ia. Haavy Pallahad Whlya. Baat
·· tba Marbat. Grata. B-SS

Na. 1754 Ned. White and Blue ar Flawar Oaiitaa. Clath Paraaal. Daraa. SS.00; Grtu .S5.0B

Patrlatla Crete Pater Hate. Graaa.. S.5B

iQr isms Parada Flat,, an Jat- Caaaa.

, Par Graaa .


24-la. Aim. Cniar Patar Piraiala.


Oaiaa, 75a; Graaa. 8.10

^/i I Sad. White and Blua IS-la. Card^1 '9 beard Harna. >llh Lanf Patar Bhakara. Oraaa. 5.50
Our new aianrlmrnt nf Indalad Teya (lannol hr hrall tncludea tht Parroi, Rrourr. ivnl. nm Pup. ninnj
nirl. Mnnkry. PIral* Brila. rie.

Per Daraa, BOa: ter Great. S<BRrlert yniir aumtian t«<lay.

0« our new CtUlofue FBEE. alvTwlnt full line of ealahle Notelllat.

1118-1120 So. Halsted St


ALBANY. N. Y. Motordrome, good Grind Show, not to conflict with whzt we have.
Ctn fornisb 20x10 Top for smzil show. Following Concessions Wanted--Corn Game. Arrow Game, S^c-cbe-Spot, Pan Game. Knife Rack. Roll-Down. Bowling Alley, Conntry Store and any legitimate Concesiions. Addeesi all mail
PHIL ISSER, General Manager, care of Ten Eyck Hotel, Albany, N. Y.
FOR ISLAND PARK. LIVING8T0N MANOR. N. Y. Opening July 4. t?vcn rtay, a *>rk until dtlri l.,,h<ir P.y tV.t.NTKIl--Mrrry-Oo-Ro'iod, Faerla Wheel, Balnea, etc. CorNUdalona of all kiodt. Dam-* II.<II to In Write nr wire at nma i,i
J. P.. THEURER, 595 23d Straet. Waat Na* Yark. N. I.

Floral Sheeting, per


to rnlln .3.75

Chrysanthemums, short wire Rtpm. Per groRH.4.75
Chrysanthemums, long stem und

foliage. Ik:r groHs.5.50 Paper FlowerM and Dpcorationii of

all klndn for Auto Paraden, Home

ComingH, CHrriivalH, otc.

Our FflKK Itofik on

glvet you

DproTAilomi for KtonU.


The Botanicil Decorating Company, Inc.


' j ^



Matufaeturara and Imtartara at ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS AND OECONATION8. 319 to 327 Wsst Van Bursn Strsait.CHICAGO.


Scrnic Pillows-New York, Conoy Island, Washington,'D. C. Niagara Falls, Etc'




7S Niw Dctitiit

rfr C4rnlv4lft and all Klad» ef Mn manta

Fw QuKk Aetlsa WIrs MtMt With Order. Shi* Sams Day Order Received. 25*. Draselt. Bal. C. 0. 0.


OilHlIini All OHnt Trs4t iMrii
A Sfnat AttriRtiTt R ard In Faiir Celori, HEH. ni.l'V. SILVCR and rXTU)
TAKES IN $30.00: PAYS IN TRADE. IIT.M roellltfly Ihe RF.580N H BE.9T RFXLER and
Qt'ICKEPT RRPRtTRR at tZ.M Eaab. 127.00 aar Oaraa.

2« CALLS A DAY--20 SALU A OAV. SImsIy Shew It and Calla4.
friest to Stiotbosri Afoslt tii4 JoMort:
SomploSI.M. Trill Aoi.Sn.N tN.MpoftN TrarsperUtinn rtiarjet prepild. Tama--CiA
with order or nne thlrd ievealt w C.


Orldlnitsl tud MsnursLAuesd by
(OrliUatart tf PIscdisr.) 211 Mirkll St., SI. LmH, Ml.

Japanese Iridescent Lustre China
These are 23-piecc Teasets and come in assorted combinations of tan, bior and exqaisiie moibcr-of-pcarl. Packed 12 oeto to ibe case at the special price of $54.00 a case.
Some other wonderfol crowd-grttero are: 23-picce Teasels of losire alt in two-tone combinations at S57.00 a dozen sets assorted; fine bine lustre sets, highly decorated, at only $72.00 a dozen, assorted. Also, some exceptionally fine numbers in floral and scenic patterns--NOT LUSTRE--at $21.00 a dozen, assorted, and op. Ail these are sold in case lots only. DON'T MISS THESE GREAT VALUES. SEND IN YOUR ORDER AT ONCE.
25% Deposit Required With All C. O. D. Ordeis.
Write for ntw lllutUattd CiUalog thowing other pioSitabU Chinawatt and Novattiaa IT'S FREE.


Our Concealed Salesman can be used anywhere I


When closed it looks like a fine box of cigars, but when opened discloses a


th Ave. York

Impottera of Japanese Goods
327 W. Madison St. Chicago

lalesboatd with a stunning

5-tolof litbograpbed bead¬ ing The hradingf pay out as follows:

fit. A! Hogan has changetl his revolving billiard frame to revolver billiards. Makes a nifty looking little store now.

A Borak. formerly of the Columbia Theater. Far Rockaway. is passing oat the delectable frankfurters and potato chips near Morrison's Theater. Real nice bunch of folks in charge.
Bradford's Electric Poker game, pre¬ sided over by John H. Bradford. Mrs. Bradford and Harry Stevenson, deserves and will get plenty of business before the season closes.

For Carnival Trade at Cut Prices!
Siz* 64x78. Patterns 1625, C'Y 71% 1629. Each. ipL*/ J Size 66x80. Patterns 514. CY Y C
$3.60 524. Each.
Size 72x84. Patterns 321.

Get on our mailing li$t for free detcriptict eircuhirs every month. Send in your namt. Manufactured by

target practice


PjFkfi Sfto to r«r»on. I# Raiiys to Carton, Shli'eri in any Muittpla of Abovo Amount FVSillON PAINTIFS --A packatr that hrala them all. OaB<ty niit rhoeolato rarimrla. Wonderful aaaortmrnt of prlxoa and hallya.
J45.fl0 per 1.HI. IM for Sf.N
Srnd $9.o« far lampit eartan tf 281. Rrmvmbvr. wa my all aapreaa chartaa. i s* . i lfiiM itrv sut rfe.
W»s4«rlt)id GIvuwavt. tlS.M per I.OM F. O. B. N«« York. GuarantMd t* stand ue In all ·aathar.
M University Plata,

Write ua If In stani of Msebines or S.tir.bosr l«. Srml for ralaW. REX NOVELTY CO., 2S4S Sauthpart Avaniit. Chicait.
For haUar huxinest and hlearr i.r'lli.'. tuik ><»irr I' i". .'rii In our (la«hy (silnrrd hrxi s. Sire l-pnre for advartlaliis. I.»t ii. in.ll )uu n s-inri' i>r aiLi< IM u itl.l oiilrr son Baxes, $6.00: 1,000 Baxaa, 512.00. One-half dapoilt rauulrnt i>n t*- i> >' Jrilrr- Imnirdlsl. .Iilionam
«r. BOX CO.. 1.340 Julia ·!.. Mllssaukaa. Wisaania.

T. M. Kraut's Side Show did not get into full swing owing to disappointments, but enough business was enjoyed to prove that the show will go over big again here. Harry King does magic and lec¬ turing and presents a novel attraction in Master Rus-syl. a youngster in years but a psychic marvel hard to beat.
When Hadji Tahar's "Streets of Bagd.Td" Show opens visitors here will see something different in attractions. The new show will be under the management of Harry Cates, formerly of the Hender-
son Theater, Coney Island.

G~ olden City Park

Canarsle. N. Y. June

With the

finishing touches being PUt On the large

stadium Golden City Park looks forward

to a banner season. Everything else

is in fine running order and a targe at-

tF'iidance was en>>yed during the holiday

period of last week.

Irving Uosentlial, whose life wa.s de-

pjviircd of a few weeks ago. is rapidly

gaining strength and is seen on the

grounds ot'L-asionally.

Capt. Powers and John Maday have

combined forces and are presenting two

novel attractions on the platform former¬

ly used for boxing bouts.

Charles Palash may well be termed

"king of the arcades". The arcade here
has Wen enlarged and many new devlees

installed. Palash also om rati's arcades

at Forest Parl^ Utica; Playland. Free-

jiort; Paradise Park. Rye BeaL-li; Thomp¬

son's Park. RoL-kaway, and Riverton

Park. Portl.and, Me.

Marry Smith has the scooter in fine

shape and all units are keeping busy.

Joiin Maday of the shooting gallery an¬

nounces having gotten away to the best

start of his several seasons at Golden

City. Anna Stark, park secretary, per¬

forms double duty during the ab.sence of

Irving Rosenthal and pleasantly notwith¬

standing. Col. Bob Slmmonds of the

press department took hold of the reins

like the oldtlmer he is since returning.

One of the busiest places is Asher Klein-

man's skee-ball alleys. Asher will add

one more unit this season, making nine

New Flaiby Designs--60 to Case--Esth Blanket in Box.
Size 66x80. Patterns 2518, tP Y 2519. Each . 0-7. Size 70x80. Patterns 2621. CT AfZ Each .
New Fancy Checks and Plaids
Size 64x78. Indian Head Designs. Each .
4 Flashy Colors--60 to Case
Will bold goods nntil September I.
WHOLCSALE DRY GOODS. C«rmr JUams and Market Shtalt, CHKSAM.

A Rroven Renny Getter


Picture Machine

atraJz moner eatter fnr oprraters In Bchnol Woeat, Rraorta. Ar.-aJea.
eti*. TTia rsuoaropa Is lh»
amallaat pteSura macblna nuda ualos ouz sanuina
pboto vlawa of art misdala and cocaadz nirturta. |Hol )e Isro artf of flexrt.
|Ri><]uttaa no alarlrioitz.
Oimralaa br hand. Ona-
rant or flra-rant play Band for deaerlptlva clr-
(T'Ur of ITiaoaropa. Vlases snd oparatora' prlcra.

   . §: ^ ,


4222-30 Wait Lake Straat.



The Billboard

June 13, 1925


These Crackerjack Sellers
Are the Greatest Profit-Bringers You Ever Saw! Newest Flashy Designs--Just the Kind to Appeal to Your Trade.
Men, Women and Children's
Styles and Sizes

Children's Robes,
Sizes 2, 4, 6,
f P Cents

Sizes 7 to 14 Years EACH


World*s Largest Bathrobe MJrs.

1 C. 33rd St.,

at 5th Ave.,


Boyd y Linderman Shows


No. 9 OB -- Twelve high-grade Premiums at special bargain price


Premiums are Novelty

`·Hintin Uo" Ciojrettf

r" " 1

a', ut!

t. L

real thing, rine high

power imported Field

Glass. Pen and Pencil

Set Pearl Handled

Knives Noveltv Leo ^ K.nite and Kazor. W'on-

derful display on 2.-

000-hole 5c board or

any other size desired,

Prnmot Prompt



receipt *>' Z5/o de

posit. Catalog.

3-Strand Indestructible Pearl Necklace. Sterling Clasp. Wonderful Lustre, with Colored Birtbstonei,

24-Incb Indestructible Pearls. $3.25 DOZEN 30-Incb Indestructible Pearls, $3.85 DOZEN 60-Incb Indestrucrible Pearls, $5.75 DOZEN
Complete assortment of above numbers, $2.75. West of the Mississippi. $3.00. including postage. No catalog.
LARGE SIZE CHOKERS Rterllns RilTer Csips. set with Colored Birth Btonet Comol-te wllh Boi-i.. Artlstirallr woven in (our strsnds of Tndcstru-tlble Petris with Colored Birth fBonet sot In rlttp. Coaplete with Boxei .
FREE BOXES The^ i^e^peiees inehldo haodsooe hicb-rr^e Boies. W« ran f'lrnlth extra Box's


738 Broadway, NEW YORK

20% Deposit With Alt Orders.

Port^<mouth, V_ a., J_ une 4...--T.a.k^ inn everythinB into oonsiderution, the live-

weeks' stay of tile Boyd & Linderman

Show.s at Richmond, V''a., proved highly

Kratifying. Altho encountering about all

kind.s of weather conditions (from "100"

down as low as 37 degrees, with an over-

Iilenty of rain, wind and hail, yet the

show emerged winner, and the wisdom of

tlie management in this decision has been thoroly convincing.

The first move of the sea.son was made

Sunday, rather Sunday and Monday, a.s

the train was not spotted on the belt line

tracks in Portsmouth unti* 4 p.m. Mon¬

day. At the "last minutt'', after being

thoroly overhauled by a railroad com-

^=1* Cars were returned to the shop.s


delivered to the show until three

"` I'K'k Sunday afternoon. Two of the

horses u^>ed to load the train were dis-

ahled, and tractors and trucks had to be se-

< ur* d and pres.sed into se^rvlce before the

wagon was placed on the flats. In

absence of Trainmaster "Baldy" PotThos. W. (Slim) Kelly, also a wellknown trainmaster, graclou."ly tfHik his

i>lace, and according to his u.siial style the

loading was quicn. This was not yet the

end of trouble. After reaching th«` C. &

Ri**>way anotbheermiftlatf,rom heatrhineg trathine

Richmond. It finally left

about t> a.m. Monday, reaching the New¬

port News ferry at Kir.'iO o'clock. No

effort was made to get the show reat^ for

.Monday night. Business opened up Tues¬

day splendid and one of tiv large«>t

crowds of the season was present. The

shows and ride.s- particularly enjoved a

nice business. I.ast night the midway at¬ tendance and receipts iiu-rea.sed.

t?has. W. Towne, a .'»iiecial .-igent since the first of the .sea.son. rern.'iliicd \\ii)i the

show here and has taken oser tlie front

of the Autoilrome. fn his st-.id iJenrge

U'lToiir Is in .Sallslnirv, Md . making

Iirepa rat Ions for tfie st.ind lliere. Bill

I'enny Joined here with coiieessions, also

Kr,ink Waters and Hick Merman. No

wheels have Is-ep oiierallng In Virginia,

but sclenee and skill games have Ijeen

doing a v*Ty niee business. With the

present delightful weather the atlaches

of the show are taking advantage of the

bathing, Uiaflrig and llshliig of the Tide¬ water dl'-trlct.

.Ma* Idnderman nliirned this morning from -a hii.itiess trip lo New York While

there he vleffed wllh fleneiHi Agent "Bill"

Holland, whose hookings he re|H>rls Vi-ry

acc,.pf;,|,le, Kenny .M.s.ie, president Nor¬

folk Tent A Awning t'onip;iny, was a

eordlal guest several tltri<>.. a Iso'many old

a'qnalnfanc# s of the staff l.s ated in tin*

varl'sis imrks and resorts ar>>nn>l I'orlsmonth and ,*4»rrf<dk Th#- show Is trayel-

Ing In .70 cars, 0 sle«|a ra, 2 al'ick, 2 bag-

Mounted With Hnlvee

25c Each

Salesboard--Gmcesnon Men Agents--Wanted at Once

California Gold

Ouaranteed for life. Send


75c for samples. Prices and


illustrations for the askinf.


991 Mission St., San Francisco, Calif.

flOLLMAR BROS.' CIRCUS. All-rtHind Hillers who etn tiid will till the hill. Rooz ers. keep aw». .tditrrss IIKNKY W. LINK. Oener.
Asnit. fare 'Tha Hlllbuiril, Chlctwi. III.

The Billboard

3 Live Numbers for Live Concession Men

Exclusive Agents for Eckhart's Lamp Dolls (or the Eastern Territory.

Get Money Evepywliere
THEY ARE Exclusive Agents for Eckhart's Sheba Dolls lor the Eastcni Territory

When lighted looks like a ball of firc--ten different colors lighted at one time. If worked on individ¬ ual wheel w'ill top the

Made exclusive for Our House.
Be one of the live ones. Put a stand on with these Vase Lamps and you will get
plenty of money.

G3c Each
Packed 40 to a battel. Assorted Wi^s and Dresses. Cao ship from oat boose
one battel ot a cat load.



All Sbeba Dolls, four color painting, better than ever. With best Plumes
40c Each


Stands 18 inches high In four colors--Old Rose. Black. Yellow and Lavender. 12-Inch German Parchment Shade. Silk Cord and 2-Piece Plug.

Packed I dozen to a carton.

Samples, 50 cents extra

Sheba Dolls without Plumes
2Sc Each
Packed 50 to the barrel. Can ship from oar bouse one barrel or carload.

We Carry the Biu^st ^ock in the East--All Live Numbers. Write Today for Our 1925 Catalogue.

STAHL'S Portable Barbecuing

Outfit Makes Big Money--Quick ·

The greatest winner of the age. One man does the work--big

profits. Easily moved from place to place. For indoor or out¬ door use. Makes money all year 'round. Barbecues 5 or b.

-_ 1 meats ai one time. Special sance formula

COMPLETE Immwdiwtw

gets 'em coming. Onlv $97.50 complete. ready for use. Immediate shipment. Order today--or writ* for free circular.



If srnii are out of work, nr only making a >ma11 «4Ury. you ran nuke more m^ney on Saturday and Sunday thin «<>rktn< the entire week in the


Our Improvfd Mlrrortypea are hrtirr than anv other In the markri. Our make t'amora la'the only one maile that lakea Mtrr.iriypea. I'lat I'.nH and lluttiina. No riperlrie* re<iiiire<l Krre aitailimrnt tlut will HI any I'amrr* to One-Minute Photo Operators for Mlrrortype*. Ihuley Folders, heat K. It t'ards. Mounts, also Impror.il Oeteloper that pretenta rarda from Peeling In hot weather. Ixiwest priiea lor One-Minule Oiieratora. 8en>l
your order illreel 10 ut.


25 Delancey Street,

New York



guarantee one winner. Kmir-roliinm. umlrr llie Ifllrt. Nr«. »iirf-t1r» i'<imhln4tinp Klrul

llm» offrrnl. Nulhlns UK* II e»rr xiU Ixl.iir. I -i* l-iin|>!«. Slwwl«

Siltrr It ilr«irrtl .\rt n.m.

·I» nr»l with thin <iiir <inil guirk iimnh-v iiMfci-r I(imiiI» mr 't Inili llil.k. luiklxnurly ImhiixI. »ltli tJre

IrttrrnI In Iwn n>lar>. lirer »<««lrn ilt^iMiiii! nimiln-M ml ih»n «h«kf iip Ixn aihl lull In^trucilnn*

Outfit niMde lo laRl, yH wtltl within rraih of all PRICE, I2S.OO, COMPLETE.


paKe. 19 flats, privileRe car and day

coach). Mickey McGuire arrived and is

now head imrter with two assi.stants.

Four of "Baldy" Potter's train crew

reached Richmond in time for the first

run. In the party were Mike Harris,

laiturenee Deselit, Henry Id*ary and Mel¬

vin Sidney. These. toRether with Robt.

O. Parter. chief as.s4stant; Henry Sailes.

Charlie West and several extras, will

handle the train, and all are experienced.

GvorRp Wekh's new box waRon for his

midway restaurant has arrived, also three

lv>x and two flat waRons for Dave St(>ck's

new over-the-jumps ride, which is provinR

very pleasinR. K. It. (Kiii) .Vdams, chief

electrician, has found hie duties so heavy

In takinR cafe of the show needs and re-

fittinR the fronts. merry-Ro-round and

other attractli'iis, with new electric equip¬

ment he now has two assistant." In his em-

pU>y. Mrs. Krnest Palmore, wife of the

treasurer, accompanied by her sister

(Mrs. Knni") and Kdward Newell, mo¬

tored to Portsmouth for a short visit



(Press Representative).

$lo.00 Dozen
Th^ «\pprt$ f»y this Clock hai eTerythlni itopgMd at a

icaruj one. U> rarrr a tomplote tine for iqimedialp dftlr* erjr. for Men. Wtimen amt Chilitren. All i-oWro.
$9.25 Each
Ir Dozen Lois Men's Sample, $3.50
Write for romplrie prise lt!«t M Oil SUtkem. KainkXMitx. rai)e«. Sleete


Junior 11.11 riorki are made of ttrniutly fitted wtaal. tinUhed in Oak, Ml«iion nr Gold, with · Ul .LR.k.NTKKD .LMKRIC.VN MOVEME.NT.

$15.04 DOZEN. SAMPLE. $1.50.

Parked In Indtrldual boxea. Path with Maple orilcri. JT'r dep<ali on guantlty nrdert,


33 Union Square,

New Vorfc

WILD WEST PEOPLE. I am a.uembliiui a WiM Wrat Sbunr and would like to hr >r trom you. S«-n>l ph«ti'. whli h will he returned. Trll all In Aral inter. C.\N I SK additional equlp-
mrnt for llrat-ilaaa waknn mad «how. Detiribe fully
with prlre. M.M K-GlR.VRn WILD WKST SHOW. P II. Knx 71, Fluahiim. Long lahuhl, N. Y




heavily padded inside and covered with beautifal sateen in six different colors.
Trimmings in non-tarnishable brass, padlock and key.


McGraw Box Company
Trtasare Chests. 26-Piece Premiam SiWetware Chest, Wooden Chests Evety Description.
tc Dept. 10, - - McGraw, N. Y.

Site 8z4;^z3^ $1.25 IN DOZEN LOTS. Sample. $1.50 Finished in Mission. Oak. Mahogany. Please men¬ tion finish desired. 25% deposit on C. O. D,

Bcgiilar Standard MoileU. h.ind rower. $150;

Straight Elrinrlc, no baud tttarhnirnit*. motor

runs anj' current anywhere. $150; or i'oinblnation

Uan<I and Elertrlc. change Iroin one lo the oT^er

Id five seconds, $200. Wire half,

balame C.

O. D. (ret on for July 4. the Big Day!

The marhtiie you see Illustrated ll the orislnal Kotton Kandy Machine, the heat machine eerr built. No
matter wliit anyme tells you, 1 tell you It is the best, and 1 know. Ask Roi Fiber, with Gentry Bros.-Jaa. Tatterson Clnus: Walter Wood, with ih* Crnunie I'nlted Shows. Ask 1*. M. Reece. John H. 5Iorrlfon, ·h'lm M. Dine. C. l<. .MeTiu.-land. Hush Cameron, who travels all over the country with hla Ford, ind ask the thnusanda of othera to whom I hare sold marhines if they are not the best. But I think you heard me the first time. Kotton Kandy and Empire Candy Flosi machines are tho same. We own the Em¬
pire business, and also make all electric machines,
individual, duplex, triplex, ele. SUPPLIES:
Vegetable Sugar Cokirt. all abides. $| ,er Beltle. postpaid; Conden.sed Pow.Iered Flavoring. $1 per Cin; or Ituuid form, for applying with spray. $1. Spray for at'plylni: same. $1. postpgid. Skewera for Vending Candy, $2 per 1,000. I'ost.tge exTta on 8 pounds. Paper for Cones. $2. Postage extra on 1 pouml*. We hare Generators, Extra lleads. Neck Bearings. Heater Rib-
Ix.ns, all kinds of repairs. Make Red, Widle and Blue Candy for July 4. Work
fast. A. . f_. D - IETZ. 2--7 S- eyse Bldg. Telede, 0.




We will ship to you one of the^ fie Mint Check Machines on

the shove basis, you to have the keys arul remit weekly. Minta,

$12.00 per 1000 Paekagea.


Write. pho?>e or wire at once If you hare s temtOTf to

operate eeveral, aa we can furnlih marhiDes.


All that ll needed.



$12.00 PER 1,000 PACKAGES Absolutely Best on the Market


deaXers supply CO.
Cromwell Avenue, ClevBland. Ohio
Phene, Len, DitUnce Cedar 411.

aTTHEP people's views and opinions
In this department will be published
opinions of readers of The Billboard on any phase of the outdoor show world.
As evidence of good faith it is re¬
quested that letters be signed and ad¬ dresses given. Anonymous letters will
not be tolerated, but signatures will be
withheld if requested. Be brief and to the poinL
Herbnt A. Todd's Predicament
Newark. N. J., May 31. 1925. Editor The Billboard'.
Sir--On March 13 I entered Into a con¬ tract with the Narder Bros.' Shows to produce a vaudeville review for the sea¬ son to open May 4. Narder Brothers to furnish the top, front, piano, and. in fact, everything complete. I was to furnl.xh a tioketseller, grinder and a six-act vaude¬ ville bill.
I had considerable correspondence be¬ fore and after signing the contract, which correspondence I now hold, together with the contract. April 22 1 received mv last letter from Mr. Narder stating that his outfit was being overhauled completely and that he would expect me to open Monday night. May 4, at Garwoo<L N. J. I accordingly advised all persons engaged by me to report at Garwood not later than 2 p.m.. May 4.
I'pon my arrival I found that the show was not there and had not even procured a license. Of my performers a team and a single arrived, but I managed to stop the others at New York and had them await further notice. The standup cost me about $50. besides being thrown out of an engagement and being put in a bad light with the people I had engaged.
Mr. Narder also had his route published as Newark N. J.. for the following two week.s, but I have yet to find anyone who knew of his presence there. He had my address and could have wired me. It is just such occurrences as this that hurt the carnival business.
If this comes to Mr. Narder'a attention and he can say anything in defense of himself I most certainly will be interested to hear it.
(Signed) HERBERT A. TODD, General Delivery, Newark. N. J.. until
June 15.

Bits--Fhpte Rleg Plattnold finish white ·tone with retieetled an pbotni.
Fee Oerew.

BUS--Maniciir* Set. Sl-pitce. Bi reded Llnlnc- Per Otnn..
Samsle. PeitseM. tl.M.

Ne. B.IIS--CmeMnatton renelett e( e-'M-sleted

Wiicli. Wtidemer Chein end Knife. Pet ep la

ettraetlfe dIxeU, leatherette pox.

<4 QC

Priee. Cuh. Peetate Pali.

We (Turantee yna better tereire ead lemr prlree than enj wbeleiale heute In U B, We rtrry a
eomplete llaa of Wttrbee, Slleervare. Hollow Ware Jewrlr,. etc. We ·perlillM In Ciraieal Suppllet.
Street Men'e. Auettooeers', etc. All we tek te e trill order.

Si% with ordet. btlaaee C. 0. D.

Barr Rubber Broducts Gxj

AA year jobber for ''Barr Brano leoalIty T e y Balleeat" --sold by dealrri throughout the rountry. It your Jobber can't aupply you. write ut to Inform you of a nearby Job* bar. Hanplee leat
on tegueet.

¥ ^



Sandusky, Ohio, U. S. A.

Manufacturers of High-Grade Toy Balleens and Play-Ballt.


S-Strand Qrad, Pearl
Necklatea. S7.00 Dai.

24-tMh .S2.7S Dea. SO.lech .3.2S Oex. M-Inch .S.OO Deg.
Pluth Jewel Cate. ai him. ... eSO Oei.
Quality Oblaa, Loetn'to Bei 3.00 Oer.

Newl Emflea Chw. era, Beairtlfal Celert,
SO.SO Oer. Baled.

Wa carry a full Has af Ptarit, Nttelfy
Beadt and ChakKa at Lawait Prlcaa.

4-Straa4 Patrl Brate-
leli. Sler,
Clatp 4 Bar SS.OO Oat.

Termi: 10% drpoalL balanca C. O. D rromni 8hlpa>enl« SAUL GANOELMAN CO.. SSS Waablafltn St.. Battan. Matt

An Artlrle of Value In Each Parkage.
$45.00 par 1.000. $22,50 per $00. SI 1-2$ far 250.
Deposit of $10.00 required on each 1,000.
900-910 W. Lake St, Chicago, III
When Writing to Advertisers Mention The Billboard.

RADIO BALL GUM Rellahle Krind Prices and Samplet an ReguMt.
RELIABLE PEANUT CO 21 Deshrosses St, New Yorh City


Wheels open. TTbat hate youf All llrlnd Htorea opon. Amerhan I'almlttry and Corn OaOe opta. WANTLD

--Onn more 8how lo fraturn. Will furnlth outfit. WANTKD--Fitt-atepplnf Herond Man. alto oiperl-

eored Help on Allan Hertrliell Carnuiall. Lterybodf address aa par .touts; Week of June 8, New Barm.

Coca.: weak of June IS, Albany, N. T.. HUamboat Square.


Tbit new novelty item, with the life-like features of a habc that has jost come into the world, has a re¬ markable appeal that will insotc a big play.
The youngster is dressed in long organdie dress. The body is cotton staffed and the doll is gathered into a blanket with a pink or bloe ribbon ornament. Its head rests on a pillow.
Get busy now and send for 3 dozen lolls. Terms--25% deposit, balance C. O. D.


' ,35^x7^^ Inches

( BimJ

Wonderful Large Pieces Assorted

( BBIBb IIC^§Efc)^ i'lr
^ ) k

High'Grade Chocolates No. B665-100-BOX Lots. q. No less sold. Per Box .. OC

500-Box Lots.




' .



^ 2-Lb. Cedar Chests, filled with

Chocolates and Cher-


k - extension top AND BOTTOM BOXES

Look double the size. Wonderful Pictures.

IS-Piece Boxes, 21',2C. 100 Box Lots, each. .$0.21

28-Plecc Boxes, 34c. 100 Box Lots, each.33

90-Piece Boxes, $1.60, 50 Box Lots, each. 1.50

5-Plecc Boxes Cherries, each 11c, 100 Box Lots, each.10*/^

15-Piece Boxes Cherries, each 25c. 100 Box Lots, each. .24

25% With Order, Balance C. O. D.

We Sell Wholesale Only. '

No Order Filled Less Than $5.00.

Assorted NoTflty Photo Rings, to-

Ball III DIHCC<^^y'* seller, with fine white stone.

I llvlw

made. Pet dozen. $2.15: per

gross .$22.50
Send for copy of Catalog No. 27 if you want to save money.


201.205 Madison Street,


Concessionaires, Park
and Carnival Men!
Earninf! $100 a Week With the ^^Slarie Antoinette^* Line a Cinch
Ne. 6I6B -- IVie most bf luUful Choker Necklace o e e r offered at this price. Women wear CHOKERS as the most ap¬ propriate thing.
A handiomo Choker of largo pearls of exceptiorul lustre and brilliance. Large colored itone claip. Any minr. Tn a handsome gift rase. Each
With earh half-duxen order, we will tend a beautiful original photograph of Pols Nefrl. alxe Tx!>W inches, aa shown herewith wearing the choker.

Fof Concessionaires

# AU.fm
U wifi/tI iriTfWtVillF V ml IlillllUl lliiir
izMl.ll III
Nickel Shaving Map. Oazail..$l.78

K.Uyns Opera Glaasaa, with Cases. Ooeen.
Army A Navy Needle Beeki. fireaa. Reund Nickel Ash Trays. Dazen.. Large Glata Cerk Bettia Celtpna. Dozen
Pleturs Clparette Catea. Dozen.. Japaneta Clparette Ceeea. Deain.... S-Pleea Aluminam Cigar Haiders. Derm. Leather ar Celluleld Cevar Flasks. Dezen. I Aluminam Clpar Flasks. Dezen.S 2-Pleea Military Brush Sets. Dezen .3 Imaerted Artiste A Medelt Clparette Cas-s. Dozen. I S-Pleca Benuine Laather Civered Manicure Sets. Dozen.. 3
21.Piece MiMcure Sets. Each.

With Extra Quality Nickel



Shaving Brush. Par Dana.. SJo Z-Calt Igrpa Nickel Flashllphts. Each.

Embiltld Metal Opera Glasses. Each. I

Carta tiand Fens, with Mirrar. Denn. 2

Pull line of Premlorn Oooda, Cotlaty and Bfoeeltles. tS% depoalt, balance C. 0. D. t^end 1

ritra for r»ch s.n . Ir


, V

Ne. 63IB --FIneit nuallte Imported guaranteed Pearls, full 2i inches long. Perfectly Graduated, Iri¬ descent, Opalescent and Indestructible. Set with beau¬ tiful platinum effect aafety clasp, with genuine imltattun diamond. Put up in elaborate lUk- ^ « aw ^ lined pluih-coccred mirror caee, at U- Vi ->11 luaUited. Each. epiawNV
In Half-Dozen Lata, $140.
Ivory Manicure Set
Nf. 640B -- ronsltia of four beautiful handled Pyrollne Irory Manicure SeL A magnlflcent manicure sat in tine leaf grain lambskin leather folder, lined with aatin. Maket a wonderful gift that hat an tppear-

CARNIVAL MEN Concessionaires
AGENTS Hara't a Flaah That
Cats tha Caah I
_8ILK HOSE Thirty rxblonabla
$1.7$ isd $11.7$


Larga Flyinf BIrdt. in Tellnw. Red tod Blue, with SSin. Decorated Stlrk. Special Price. Gresa,.
Ne. 70 Geld and Silver Balleent. with two-color Blrde and Plcturee. Grata.
Na. ^0 Transparant Aniaul Prlats.
Rad. Wkita* a^ Blaa cVath ^talt.'*8 Ri^*Ti`hB."^rgo tize. Dezen .
ZVk'^neh Tenpaa tad Eye Balls.
25% deposit on all iw^rt.
36 Bewety, NEW YORK CIH.

M (VI #a.w *9 nn aO.UU ^ qq

Satisfaction Guaranteed Or
Money Refunded
Send 25% cash w'ith order and halanca will ha ahlpped C. 0- D. Rttail Prica Carda up ta $15.00 In each eaaa.

WANTED Tip Top Shows No. 2

Opening Jane I5tb. pliying phygroands of PhiUddpbia balance of season. Merry-CoRound and Ferris Wheel, or any ride that docs not conflict. Concessions all open. Number I Show can place shows and concessions of all kinds on road tonr which starts Augnst 15tb. for fourteen weeks of Fairs and six weeks in Nassau. All address WILLIAM F. WUNDER. General Manager. 415 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa.


One each of the above numbers


trill be sent at the special price, «pO»OvF

OUR BEAUTY CHICKIE DOLL. IIH In. high, with ·li..t and t'allhirnu riirl., r.ii li. 30« Hlih (>Uln wig and dress, each. 25s
SHEBA DOLL, with lirga plumes, each.35c
13-INCH DOLL, with Inng rurls and dresa. earh..35c with dress and plain wig, esih.30c
7-INCH DOG with dUnrand-alaas ryra, earh ... ISc The BEST LAMP DOLL m.idr, r,iiii|>Irlt with arm.
already on, etch. 75a
One-third wtih order. b.tlanre C- O. D.


1421 East 17th Slrsot.


AdPirtlse In Tha lllhavd-yan'll be utlsflsd vlth raaulta.

lS^^es^s^^le raincoats
DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURER W'rite for prices of Raincoats. Robber Aprons and Rubber Sleeve Protectors.
GOODYEAR RUBBER MFG. CO.. Tompkinsvillc, N. Y,
Shows with own outfits. Have good proposition for Chiir-o-PIane or Kiddie Rides. Can place following wheels: Lamps. Blankets. Silver, Birds. Fruit. Ham and Roasters. Pjaster. or any other stoek wheel. All grind stores open. Will tell exclusive Corn and Palmistry. Wire HANSHER BROS.* SHOWS. W'est Pullman, Illinois.

Marie Antoinette Perle Co.,
Dept. B, $N Fifth ftve.. (E»t-1«») Hew York
Bruce Greater Shows
SIIO'VS; Trn-In-One. Hog and Puny. Wild Woat. Hawaiian. Monkey Siwedway. fur Ih* beat line of fairs In the S-uth. W.VNTEO; t.'ompleto Minstrel Shuw with hand. Will furnbh brand-new outtlt. W \NTKl>; M.n to take rharge of new thtr,-ahr-i.l iletarlvll-StilUm in Meiry-Oo-Koiind. Write or wire imit'K O.KK.tTKR SUOWB. Cary. N. C.. week June 8th U> goth.



The Billboard

June 13, 1925


Here Arc the Two Flashiest and Lowest Priced Lamps Ever Shown on the Midway--


75c YOUR

IN CARTONS of 30 and 60

The Following Jobbers Carry Them in Stock:
Advance Specialty Co., 307 W. Poplar Ave., Columbus. Ohio. I. Robbins & Son, 203 Market St., Pittsburgh. Pa.
J. L. Robbins tJ Co., 232 W. Main Ave., Spokane. Wash.

Order From Your Nearest Jobber or

Direct From

Stippled ind
Finished Brilliaat Bronzci.




Cnraiftloc of Hlicli-Orido ind t'neful PrpnioiBi, mmI) to Ifso't WAtcbpi. Clocki. Fountain Ani. Beaded B*(s. eU. Furntsbed cam* pleto with s 2.000 5e Bsleaboard.
TAKES IN $100--PAYS OUT $14.00
PRICE, $15.75
ti% deroflt on lU C. 0. O. orders.



Larte Unirorm

$5.50 Dor.

I I SO-litl'


.8.40 Ooren

. .65..0205

0<ii.n Diieii


Chokers. pHttoonneCCllaiOapOo, $6.00 Dm.


I 2-Strapd Chekert.8.50 Daren

3.8trand Chakera.7.00 Otzen

bright stone clasps All abote Itemi In 6 bright paitel colora 50e a doaen «tra.

Tt;uM8: 10% depoalt. btlance C. 0. D.. Samples sent b? req»ie«

at abore pricea.


101 So. Wells St. >


(1 to S lbs.)
Unequaled Prices

Highly Finished»«Best Constructed--Order now and be convinced.

TERMS--25% Caah,
balaiteaC. O. D. Immadiata Shlpmatal.

Factory: 512 West Huron Street, Giicago, Illinois

Wanted-Rides, Shows and Concessions
4tb of July Celebration
Aoipicca AraericiB Legion. Mansfield, Pa. Address W. S. MALARKEY. Acketmao BMg-, Binghamton, New York.

Another Car Load of California


The 1925 Winner. Made of the high¬ est grade of Polished Redwood, with

2-Lb. Siie Unfilled

OO 100

^*nfill6d* $100.00 rs

25% .deposit with C. O. D. orders

MNutL iriunri

o 01


782>784 mission street, san francisco

Carnival and Concession Goods Catalog
Just Off the Press
That help you to get the BIG MONEY Send for Your Copy Today


"The Hoos* of Novelties"

78^784 Mission Sl,


The Billboard


XKWilHE '^he entire skwez-me family

m Gross $24.00 Grots

D. H.

C. H.



$9.00 w S$21.00 ! 1 $21.00 (K^ $24.00 ;








I /










$39.00 j




Spatial Carnival Aisartmcnt. Canaiitino All Calara, AssKtad. Sasra Tws Calara. 30-70 Heavy Gtads. la Grass Baxes . .$2.00 per Grest Same, Priatad nith Animala.2 . .50 par Gresa' Or Caltrad Birds, Ataarltd . . 3.23 per Grest* Raund Reed Sticks . .33 per Greet Rukbtr laOstad Taya. All Kindt, ready ta ship: Bathinl GirL Hat Pup, Red Devil, OGreern
Frto. Circaa Riao, Maakay, Dankey . . 3.75 per Grpst Naveltiaa--Bsaawkart, Chitktna, Pat. Devil, Whe-Oe Bird, Cat'i Mecw .12 ..00 per Grest Or with Ralliao Eyas .. . 21.00 per Grest

^ ^

SKWEZ-ME $24.00

25 Par Corit Owposit on All Ordars--No Froo Sample.


96 Waitn SU New Yak Cily.j:t`Kfc!ir

UA Something New!

uDlfcrDi alu cnORER. with lane

rulured Prarl lo renter. Vrry affartlta. Dana...


'Xll tha lullowlnc coma in Pearl and I


Graduated Chakara .S.7S Otrtn

2-Strand Chakara .y 7.SS Otrta

S-SIrand Uniftrni Chakara . t-OO Oaraa

Chakara with Pandant'Grapa .... 6.0t Oataa

24-la. Graduated faarla . 2.7S Oataa

24-In. Graduated Paarli. In Calara S.2S Dana

60-In. Ualfara Rapea . S.7S Daren 60-In. Unifarni Rapaa. In Calara. ·23 Daren

Wavtn Web Brareleta . 7.30 Daren

SPECIAL!--24-In Fraaah Ptarla,

with Starllni Silver Cliaoa.03 Eaah



Larta uniform Stia. Jtwelara tail theaa aa

hlch at ST 30 a atrlnc. Ton ran retell them

to itnref at a proflL In 10 rolora. tl-00 Each.

All the abura are Indeitru>tlhla Paarli.

We hare a rioae-oul of Imitation Cryit'l

Betdt for IS.00 and IS.00 a Oaten. They

are worth murb more.

No other Price LliU oa Catalafl.

23% depoalt. balance C. 0. D.


30SC Waihinttaa St..


Come pocked 6 to icnte,witb 6 sssorted styles of shades.





A poaltlTt cleanup at Parks. Frame a


Stora with onr Lampa and wauh the patmir

coma to look--then buy. One tloseup slew


and ererybody wanta one. Whirlwind money

fatten bwauea tha quality etinda out atroni.

Don't Let the Dollars Pass Your Stand

All aa...


ShAflM Of ihllTf't

Genuine Gold l.««l L.eltcra Guaranteed to never Urnltb. Anyone can put thcgi 00 atorea and silica wlndowa. Enormoui demand, larca prodta. Paul Clark, tayi; amallert day f*6.T0. B. L. Rael made SDN Id two Bontlia. Write today tor ftae ·ampio and liberal offtr to fenaral afenta.
Mttallia Latter Ca.. 436 N. Clark. ChlaofO.
Large Wholesale
Novelty House
CAN I'SE a man wha followt Iba Clrcui, Carninlt. etc., to k11 NorcUlri tnd Carnlral Ou^ from a laUlof. Work part time In ronjunctlon with other vork. State air. pretent employment, terma wanted and furnith references. Addreat 8. S.. care Billboard. Cincinnati. Ohia

25% de¬ posit, balinceC.0.D. Write for drcuiw.

blark velwat ribbon down all wlraa to tratlona herewith. Beautiful acilloprf bjaW rollara. Ba»ea are welahted and flnlihod in Poly-
chrome. Order now at theia low prlrea.

BRIDGE $e.50
LAMPS . 3 Each





Manufittarara af Exaluaiva Lamps and Shades.

1105 W. Chicago Ave.,

Chicago, III.

BUY nni I c from
Sheba Dali with pluOM dreaa.S2a
I Calif. Hair Dali with Unael dreot.S2a

A Real-Red-One-This-Tine


I Business Men's hir and Biggest JULY 4tli 20.la{h Vlalat Dell with larte dreta.t7a Other farletles; deposit required.


I Celebration in the East. 3437 Wtatwarth Ave.. Phune Boulerard 653S


^ Under Antpicrt Jnnior O. U. A. Mccbaaka No. 397, antira week, Jnne 29cb to

@ July 4tb. inclusive. Everybody working. 250.000 to draw from, every Urge organiza-

§ (ion co-operating. SI0.000.00 spent for Free Acts. Ezbibits. Fireworks. Can place

p Clean Shows. Rides. Garnet. Grind Storet. and ail Wheels work. Make yonr first big

^ one tbit season. Write or wire

I BENJ. HUTLER, 42 No. 7th St., Philadelphia. Pa.


(B. Miller. Chairman of Committee.)

Pirtt-claat Wallaei, food lalary. Red Smiley. Bill Clark and Charles Smith, wire. Salisbury. Md.. tbit "sek; Brldielon, N. J.. nett week. GEOBCK WCLOH, rare Boyd A Linderman Bhowt.




WANT Mrrry-tlo-Round or Mli-Up. to Join at once.

r.otMl term. an<l In tood ride territory. W.LNT ot-

ranlaed Plant. Rhow or Plant. Pruide. Pi'ricntaca or

··a*larrcy,.|.,nWa ilalll

adranrs otM-n

tirkria. Will aell

State all you aonie eaclualre.

ran do. Palm-

Ptrv. f2'i 00; (')irn Game. 233; WhecU. 1^3: Grlml

.'<totr,. 420 00. Write or wire IMPERIAL EXPOSI¬

TION SHOWS, MliuTVa. Ohio.

Itork Pi-ndleton. Thelma Moody, Ed J. Smith--Wire rmr arldreaa. Sltned, KD R. COLR. rare DlileUnd Shows. Paorla. III.

Fourth of July Celebration
Second. Third and Fourth WANTED---Shows. Rides and Concessions. Wanted here. Balloon Ascensions, also Fireworks Concerns. Everybody is | boosting for this. Address all mail and wires to
H. P. ROPP. Secretary. Ashland, Ohio-


,11 ,vire. Other acta

»rlla. DE KRKKO BROS.' SHOWS. Forrest Part.

(hlrago. June Htb, Noelh Chlrsfo.


Ton hAf« bfeo wtntlnc tom^rhlnc Dew tn RAIN¬ COATS. W« havt Just whai 70U oe«d.


COI.LEOF TIXLOW tnd OMTF GREEN Oil Skint. Lirts Pitrh Porfcrtt. Corduroy Collar,
with Strap.
$33.00 Dozen


In Dtran ar Grata Lata. iO% dapoalt with order, balanea C. O. D.

SI Eist BrMdway,

Ntw York


aC T M
^ ^
^ JL " W
^ JL
W ^ ^ ^ ^

New 3-Calar Fhrlnt

Birds, Oaa. Sticki.


Na. 1773--Nay. Pipsa,

Grasi. .610.00

Na. 310 --Platal

Pipes. S Ineh. \



Grata .69.00


Na. 0--Return Balls. W


Grata .6175


Na. 5--Raturn Balls.

Grata .62.30


Na. 10--Return Balls. Grass.$ S.M

Na. 163--Red Rubber Tape. Lb... US

24-1(1. Frinia Paper Parasalt, Ltnfl

Stick. Elabarate. Grata. 7.00

Na. 70--Air Ballasnt. Asst. Grata 2.30

Na. 00--2-Calar Ballaant. Aaat. 6r. 3.63

Na. to--Mettled Balleant. Greta.. 3.30

Na. 30--Trant. An. Ballaant. Grata 3.35

Na. 142--Heavy Jap. Canes. 100.. 1,20

Na. 143--Parade Flait an Carat. 100 0.30

Na. 604--R. W. B. Clatk Par. Dtz. S.25

Na. 182--Water Pistals. Grata.... 4.73

N4. 173--Ctmit Felt Hat Bands. 100 2.00

2S''r deposit. 1`rompt dellrery. Cate-

lot frta.


W ^
JK. ^ M ^ W ^ ^
^ JK ^ W
^ -4A J

^ 333 Sa. Halsted St..




Prof. B. Cnmi Concert'Band
Tuo Carnets. Trombuno ind Bssf Playerl AH "««"·.> ulth ILiyd 8c Linderm.o SlHms; Il.t.ju, I'ubo. all winter. Wirt, no time to write. Juhn Rctardl, sarltc. -tddrese cera Iloyd tc Llndetnua Sliowi, thlt start. Salisbury. Md.: next week. New Brunswick. N. J.

If ym aw N lo Tko BllrtawO, ta« lham w; It

halos ua,



cede Ne.

Per Greet.

ACC...7ft--Plain. flaml.Trtna.$2.75

BOV...7(^Priiittd, Seml'Ttana.. 3.u0

CAB...7I^-Plaiii, Tranaeercnt. 3 SO

DOG... 70--Printed. Traniparent.3.'5

RAY...S^PIiin, Transperent.3.7S

WAX.. .85--Printed, Transparent.4.00

PAI_85--Plain. Silver.S.SO

SKY...85--Printed, Silver, Bird Oetlpn. 3.75

T0P....7ft--Pliin. Geld .


WIN...70--Printed. Geld and Bird Ocsign 3.75

EAR...70--Printed. Panel .S.7S

FAN...7ft--Patrietie, Twe-Ctlcr, Printed 3.75

JUG...I5--PItIn. Seml-Trant. Airship.. 2.75

KID...IS--Printed, Semi-Trent. Airship 5.00

LAD.. I IS--Plain. Trane. Airship.3.50

MAN..113--Printed, Trani. Airship. 5.75

NED..114--Plain, Trana. Airship.ft.OO

OWL.. I SO--Plain. Trana. Giant Ballotn.. 0.00

TERMS: U% with Order, BaUnee C. 0. D.

Write nearest Agency for 1925 catalog




Wake Up, Boys! 'There is NO time

to waste If--you expect to make BIG Money this year.

The people today w^nt good value for their nmney and that's what we offer them through you la our

UNEQUALLED QUALITY G.AB BALLOONS. Bcautirul In eppearance, made or the flacst grade Para

rubber and put up in bright, flashy arxl attraiilve color designs that tell for themaelvea. Tou don't have to

push Ihrm--they are regular little silent salesmen. Get behind the faitest selling balloon on the market

and watch your proflta grow.




m m Izj

"Built SV-iaoUfically Corrwet'*
time Athio gas saver F\ill Direetl<pia with Rach Apoaratua.
With Gauge..$11.00--Without Gauge..$9.00

Alwa3r8 specify









CT. 10BI8




Millions arc asking. "Was Floyd Collins really in the cave?" Y ou actually wonder sometimes if there ever was any one at all under the rock. S trangc thing! Or was it simply a newspaper story to advertise the caves? T he question often asked is. "W^as Collins trapped thru accident or was he murdered there?'* E verybody knows that the State of Kentucky spent $40,000 to recover Collins' body: then why,
when they finally got to it, did they quit and leave it there? Ft egarding the body--was it ever removed? If so who removed it and how was it done? Y ou ask, "Why the secrecy; why the veil; why the conflicting reports; why so much time
lost? If Collins was there, with all the help present, WHY DIDN'T THEY GET HIM OUT.?''
These arc the questions that have perplexed a nation of a hundred million people. The answering of these questions and the solving of this riddle is what has made
The Great Sand Cave Mystery
The Greatest Walk-Thru Exhibition


23 Imparted 13inth Campaiitian D P M. Including Plums, 22 inehet. with Wig and Mniabla Arms. A Beauty. Packed In Individual Baaet.
Any Quantity. Per Daren .$5.00

--, ^ ·'

Sams Dali, with Paper Tlpial Dratt, Fw Daian...54.S0

1201 5448
SSSS 30J 287 503

12-lnth Aatarttd TKchlert.5 7.50 Whitt Ctmb. Bruch A Mirrar 3att.. 7.50 Larst R. W. 4 B. PUy Balia. 7.00 Larpe Sira Chintae Bacaett. 7.00 Aluminum 8-Qt. Preserve Kattla.... 7.20 Aluminum Cerrupated Vacuum Battles 9.00 Largp Aaat. Serving Trayt. 12.00



AI22 Face Ptwdar Beefct.5 2.00 153 R. W. A B. Cigar Fans. 2.00
1001 Clay Pipes, Largs Silt. 2.00
010 Wine GIvtaei . 2.25 2680 W. S. Silver Flalth Ripgi. 2.50 AlOO Camaaia Mirrar . 2.50
104 Heavy QIau Bractlttt. Aitt. 3.00 ElO Aluminum Trumpet Neltewulcer. 3.00 109 Imparted Nevelty Ftni. 3.00 827 Mentane Diamend Scarf Pint. 3.00
3384 Glau diaretta Heldert. Individ. Bex 3.75 1278 Cerk, with DiH Nevel^. 3.75 AMO Ant. Braechet, Based. 4.00 2119 Vtnlfy Campacta. Camplata. 4A0

35% depoitt with order.


M. L. KAHN A. CO..

711.713 Arch St.

Philadelphia, Pb.

Greatest Money Getter of the Age
Tf thi« remirkuMp fihibillon. frarard on only a 10-ft. front, with no nut. at roporta ihow. has topped midway after midway already, with rreetpts far abore Urge plantation aliowi. inoto<li<imea. water cirrusi-a. etc., etc; alto atrraylnit more than two hundred dollars per day for 21 days In a storeroom In Detroit, where It may still be torn--if It liaa done this alreaiJy with bad weather and playinc only 3 or 4 hours a nifht on rarnlrah or tn ttorrrooms with no spetdal crowds--if It eol. as it aitually did. S3UO.OO on one spot Decoration Day. with the 4th of July, pimirt. etc... Just ahead, with fair (rounds toon to be toided down with S'xd spondors, city Mk, end the great, sincere country poople that hare eagerly read erery word of the great Collins Mystery to the newspapers, running frign i :30 a.m. all day till midnight, what a great opportunity awaita you with this nhibltion tbit teasonl
Kememhor, no nut. only 10-ft. front. Small expense operating it. Nothing to glre away. An eduratlooal attraction that may be booked for almost noth¬ ing on fairs and for a small per cent on carnUala. May be carried as baggage. Weight only 50 pounds.
Outfit complete, with 21 flowing Doxes. complete set of Pictures for boxes, and alto wonderful enlarged riewa for front flash, ebalot, lectura, etc.. ·Dd tlw our beautiful 6xl0-ft. Banner In oil colors on beaey canTaa.
New Double W alk-Thru Show. 40 boaea, 20 on each aide, bannert, etc., thereby doubling capacity of your ihow. SpealtI Prit*.
Great Indtina-Illlnols Tornado Show, single. $100.00. "To Hell With the Kaiser", Amerlra on the Field of Battle, new war tbow, single. tIOO.OO. Also I,anterii Slides for ptojectlon. Wire nr mall tl^.OO. Say exactly what yoa want, and outfit will go out at ooce. remainder collect. Or write for InforIttttlon.
CHAS. T. BUELL & CO., Box 306, Newark, Ohio

Carry i Radio Set on
Your Finger
Retallt at II 00 Each. 50a far Agewt'a Sampit.
$4.00 PER DOZEN.
Suits 40S-408. Rata Marchanditiiifl Ct.. $00 Finn Avt.. N. V. City.


Fli«hy Tmllatinn Diamond Ret Scarf -s; Pina. Side view ahnwt snappy P>e* "o turea of bathing girli, etc.
S2.S0 per Deien; $20.00 per Grpaa.


. SSI W, Uka St..

Oaik 27.


'/// ^





FlyinR Birds, long dreoraird atifk. birds-thrre colors. Groat.$ No. 60 Animal Prints, bravy balloons, aatorttd colon. Grots . No. 60 Gas, Animal Cirena Balloont, assorted colon. Groat . No. 70 Gat, Animal Transparent, bcary part gnm. Grots . No. 60 Gai Balloons, fiwe colors, assorted. Grots . No. 70 Gas, transparent, beayy pore gum. aatorud. Grots . No. 70 Gat. transparent, extra ^awy pore gnm. Groat .

4.25 2 20 1.00 1.75 2.75 3.25 1.15

No. 85 Gat, trantparent. bcary pare gnm. Groot . 3.50

Balloon Stkkt, tong white. Grots.45 Inflated Toys--Red Dcwil. Morkey, Hot Pmp, Direr. Groti.10.00 No. 9 Whips, long celluloid handle. 40'incb whip. Grots . 8.50

No. 30 Whips, long rellnloid handle, 17^'incb ranrgatrd whip. Giovt. 6.50

Xhe XIF»P NOVELXY CO., .§!£'


Tike Uir0c«t liotiee In tite world eScvotedcxclualvely to the novelty trade

White Golf Rrtarn Balls No. 5--Per Grots.... $2 No. 10--Per Grots.... 3
Smooth Return Balls No. 0--Black and White.
Per Gross .$1 No. 5--Black and White.
Per Grots . I Tape and Thread. 1

If Bull's Eye Is Scored PENNY IS RHURNED

A rexuUr musica) instrument that tan be rarrlet) In the pocket. Ereryone Ilkea music In t)ie summertime. Send

for eample end be ronrlnted of

the fast-selllnf qualltiee of this

flat-back Mandolin. Write for

Information ibout our Bowl-

Shaped Mandolins and asiortment

of musical toya.


TheHausman Mfg. Co

20-la. Ovarnlght Caaea. Vr--6 to the Case. Each $3.25
Samale. $3.50. Mater Restaurants, n Pa.-ked 8 to the Case.

Leather. Samplt, $1.50; Per Deiea.$12.50 lladtr Aral Vanity Cases. Each .
.$1.50. $2.00, $2.50 and 3.00 Bill Ftidt. Par Daraa. 2.00, 2.50 and $.00 Cemb, Brush nnd Mirrsr $kts (Samalt, tOe). Oaz. 7.50 Brush and Camb Seta (Sanipla, 60<). Daren.S.OO
All orders shipped same diy it reeelred. $5«c de¬ posit, balance C. O. D. Write for our new circular.

Search The World Over
Red Cross Pharmacy, 63 Days - - $98.05 Renfroes Drug Store, 29 Days - - 43.10 Dicks Drug Store, · 4 Days · · 11.28 The Chocolate Shoppe, 3 Days - - 7.21
RfSH TOUR ORDER FOR O.VE OR MORE TARGET PRACTICE MACHINES AND GET OUR exclusive pbodo.sition on your city, county on st.ltl:.
·ATTlTirT In Idaho. Now Moxlro, Artzoni. Montana, Wyomlnt and Utah, writ* henry. Ounniian. Utah. For Whronaln write 2. E. BUZZELL, 1691

1 Machine at It Machines at
too and up at · · · 1Q.6 Write for prices on our Target
Practice Ball Gum Vender
10*Ca;e Lots delirered at I5e per 100 Balls.


724 N. Racine Ave. CHICAGO, ILL


Finest Imported Jointed

lyolls oo the market,

dressed In assorted

rolors and itylea. with hats to match. Bhgua headt. bwautlful balr,
murable ejrea and


Each Doll

parked In iodirldual ^x. SIzea ranxe from

13 to 21 inches to beifht. Pack.Kl In

a»i.rtments of 6 dozen to the case

$36.00 P*r Cm*

<6 Dozen.) Saanale Oaien. $8.00.

The aery lame

rhjlls. all 13 In. and II In. hl{h. aasortsd,

$24.00 Pm-Caa*

(6 Dozen.) Sanipla Oczea, $5.00.

Latest out. Soinetbioc entirely new In a Roller Auto. Decorated hur-ie head, body painted red, wheels aretii. ^ Size set up 2Uzl8 In. PaiNnl
knieked duwn. in Inihsidiul eanuni. No breaJufe.

Assortment No. 236

balance C. O. D. Full ra<h must accompany all tample ordera.
EiSTERN iMERICtN MDSE. CO., Bill Olin SI, SL Loiiis, Mo.

1500«5c Salesboard

List of Premiums


F*rlce, $8,9S Eacfi



Cash In full, or

with order, balance C. O.

D. Send 5foney Order or Certified Check to

asold delay.

WRITE FOR OUR n.LUSTR.VTF.D CATALOG. Fasteit Selliof Salesboarda on Earth

ISO Nt. Wabash Ava.. CHICAGO. ILL.



Week June 8tb. Trumbnll and YtlchUaii. alght blocka from Detroit City Hall. First Camlsal to

play tbtf section thle year.

Week June 13th. YpiiUntl, Ulefa.. auipicee Boy Scania. Down-town location.

Week June 22d. 5lonroe, Mich., auspices B. P. 0. Elka No. 1503. First Camlral In flsa yean.

Wrek June 39ih, Adrien, klirh.. Centennial Celebration til week with big tperlsl program for

July 4ih. Located on Mala Streets. First Carnlral la fiye years. Autpicea Board of Commerce.

C.AN rL.ACE one or tm more ehowt and a fear more eoncettlona. Booked eolld nntU late In

October. Including a long circuit of Day and Night Fain lUrtlng August 18th at OreenTllIe.

Mlrb., Free Fair.

Addreta all eomnunleatlcna ai per route.








__I2j56 [\


First 4th of July relrbratleo here In years. Hare all klndt of frew attractions. Also horse racing for this celebration. WILL (SIVK Good Contract to right party that has good small carnival or Ukleprndent ri ling devhea and Independent ihowt. ALL C0.NCESSION8 OPEN. Including Wheels, no eicluslves. WHITE J'OR SP.LCK AT ONCE. This will be the biggest and beat 4th of July CelebraUon tn Ihla part of the country. Proapeeta good. Money plsntlfuL Write or wUe at ones for taaervatlona. ROBERT


Palisades Park. Palisades. N. J.



G y

Contiating of:

B Blankets Shawls « Bath fjPjoht* > Floor and Bridge n Lamp# > Lamp Dolls - Aluminuntwarc - DoUa - Candy - Electrical Goods -> Serving Trays - Corn Games
WTteels - Silverware - jewelry - Leather Goods - Jewelry Noveltiga for Spindles Clocks - Etc. Etc

Send For FREE CATALOGiTodjy. QL'Airry · Price Servjce.^.


" 0l 1,1 V

Sterling allaer; all sizes. YTie newest and biggest money getter. Sella on sight. Oet in on this
·'v* "Y other big numhers. Semple of this

Ceneral Agent on account of elcknesi. Must krow ilie Suuth. .\lso two real Come»lUna for Mlii cl
All address J. L. C BONIN 8110tV.-I. Clillllrotbe. Oblu, this week.
Advartlie la The Blllbaard--ytu'll be latlsflad with fHMlta.

WANTED--Shows, Rides and Concessions. E. W. WILLIAMS.


White Stene 811 a k

· Pina. Grass. $3.58.

White Staae Hints, a grosa.%i.tO ta $12.00

Stick Pin Clutchas. $4.50 Grass, iir Bulk.

i<tnd for my tree Catalog and 12-p4ga Monthly



Tha last "ward" la your lettal ta advartlaara, "Blllbsard".

Frer, prompt ati-d farfamed,

Napotl. Mri. I'cMro Rmlih, PrtthiK if

the Mail Forwarding Srrvicr of

MMbtwir. lAlIu

Mmith. Hrirn

The Billboard stands alone as
a safe and sure medium thm U'hirh professional people may have their mail address^., Thousands of artors, artistes

N'owwim*. Will# Newtome, Mri.

Hmlih. Ua u Kmlth, Un j. |>

,, ,


R. H. Hmltb, lllaiuhe

Nelion. L*ih


Nfwman, Sally Nawraan, Norfima

Bmlth. Mri Kao Umltty Doll

and other show folks now re-

t't ipr their mail thru this highly
cffU'unt department. Mail is sometimes lost and
mixups result because people do

·Mafcjla. Jaaila Dee (siHohlliuwr Mra

Nolan. Mra. A.


IKINoon. &lrs.

Romm. Edna

Prancea Roner. Ura. w a


·Rori. Hrt. Data

not write plainly, do not give correct address or forget to give an address at all when writing for advertised mail.
Others send letters and ecrite address and name so near post¬ age stamp that they arc ob¬ literated by the post-office stomping machines. In such

Bnanl. Ploretioe

rmeby. Mrs. BULt

_ ,

A ViolK (SiCroeby. Hra.

Bu.knor. Dotty

p. M.

Bullock Sira. J. 8. (Kirmbortson. Sirs.

ItulltK-k, Klorcnre


(K)Burch. Mra.

IBIDallrr. Vltian

Maaitle (B'Dailoy. VDian

·Farr. Francoa ·Iklwards. XDa.
Peefy Fernson. Quentin
FiTraiile. Ilelen `Finch. May Fiahor. Dnttie

··Harrlton, Mrs.

KoiiiioiIt. Mra C<»

Dolly Kennetly. Mal>rl

Htrrlami. Mrs.

Kortln. Mariorto

Betty Kidd. Loretta

ISL''* Slirle. Ca

Klnii. Jo

·Hiraey. Betty

Kliiit. Zolraa

Haryoy. Marie

`King. Iona

·^liLeod. Betty *McMaliiin. Arllne M.Quora. li.a.ilo ·MtrKonalo. D.
(KIMacNamee, Mra. A. J
(KIMack. Mri.


Rpaaliman. Nallla

Ni*naoott. Joan

Rl>ollman. Pratt

··(VBrl. on. Nolllo R^ror. Ilmary

O'IHre,. Sire. Mand (KlSpenoot Ratty J

it'Nell., Donrooe

Rneody. Little

iM.e..ll.. Lopora


iHoaon. Mra. R H. ·Rtanlor. Mra mT;

iil.tnn. Mr*. Jake

(R)Rtar, Urt

···t>wal. Mra. I*


J .··O- rth. M _a!'a'n*r r R(K'*fJ«SWta'-rkr. RMuavdaanm

cns<s and where such letters
bear no return address the letUr can only he f^warded to

Bu'V'v ?Knturt^l B- .jinsT- iin. - pJank

·Dale. Bunnie tKlDale. Marlon Dale. Jac Dale. Kite

···Flannlaan. Mra. Haelinnk. Mra.

(K)Klnit. Mrs. Oabe

Alma ··Oabome. HrlrtT V. ··Stoolo. Deriilhv


Mario Kina laiMar

Slack. Bonnie

*. Mary ···Steel. Martr

Fontaine. Mra. Oene Halfleld. Kathryn

Kingibury. Nellie

Mack. Sira. Mae


Rtomlor. Martio

Foot. Marie

Uanklna. Sira.

IKIKInnlea. Mae

IKI.Maiiitmee. Sir*.

I^iU R RtrrIInt V|oia

_ Burnt. Slot. Hirry Burnside. Mrt.

Daley. Sir*. J.

Knni. Sirs. Beatria

Rllrabeth Klaa. Florenz

A. I.

Frank Ford. Mrt. Bmba ··Htyden. Virginia `Klein. Sin.

Stanley. Helen

`Dalton. Litla C.

Ford. Kdythe

Haver. Sfra, C. W.

Virginia `Malka. Slary A.

toiilab ·»· Rae

BtArart. Hrt



ntrwart. Urt. K. p

Cintdnnati.CHe Star*)

New York.One Star <·)

Chicago.Twro Ktat* (··)

Rt. Louis......Three Stars (·*·)

Boston ..


Kansas City.(B)

Lot Angeles.(L)

,, Nellie Darling. Drama

Kni. Jean

Healy. Mrt.

Kllnnel. Slargle

"Malone. Slary

Burrougbt. Betty

(KIDavle. Dully

Koi. Slaude Oanlef ,,

Ktlherlne M. Knauff. Sira. Mabel SlaJuiiev. Sin

Burton. Helen

Datlee. Dnllle

S'oitrorth. Sfarle

Hebert, Sirs.

KnIgiU. Sirs.

H. R

IRIBuiton. Mrs

Davis. Billie

Franklki. Freda


Annie Slav (KIMabSte. Larry

Anns Daylt. Mrt. UrIetN (KIFredricki.

Heisler. Stynle

Knot. Carol

Mtnj<>r. Sin. S.

(KIBiitler Irene

(KIDavlt. Slarle

Muriel Hen.lertmi. Susie

Koler. Sirs. W.

`Manning. Helen

Butler. Mn. Tom J. Davit. Sirr. tius

Fureson. Zenohie

Ilendrlekt. Clan

Kramer. Sin. A. M. (SlSIarefia. Rote

Caldwell. Lftha

`Davit. Helen

Hale. Slav

(K)Uenkle. Sin.

Krideilo. Sirs.

Marlowe. Betty

Calhoun. MI.4tSI. A. (KIDawsoo. Sirs

(lanes. Clauda


TJUIan Mar^re. Cora

Camiibell. Mrt. lues

Madge `Oarbe. Bobble

IlenleT. Mrt. R

KrUhof. Mrt. Brnmie `Marrh. Alutc.i

Carey. Mrt. T. A. `Dav. Buth

(BIGarden. Miss Henry. Sirs- ^bbla `Laltuity. Dorli

Slarth. Ruth

Carlof. Madam M.C. Ddtelle. Sira Altrin

Joe nickman. Mar

`LaCempte. Olive Slanhall lleM-le SL

Cannier. .Mrs. Eldle `DeFay. Geivt^ `Garden. Miss Joe ··HUhley, Sin. Kn LsSlarr. Mn.

"Slartln. Bu my

··Carpenter. Leona DeUorde.

G irdner. Mrs Babe Hill. Mrs. Babe

Butter B. Martin. Mildred

Rinie IKIRtlrman K>h


Mary RMhImaii. Hrt. Rtn.


Strickland, kba


.. Oohllla

. Patricia Rumar. Mrs.




HtrarrieliL Ura.

San Franciaco.(B)

Carr. Sin. Franeet

Sfarghnreta `Gardner, Louise

Hill. Sin. Barel


Slarvln. Cnntlanra

Carroll. Dorothy Stae DeCir. Mra. Clau^ (BIGardner, Lillia Hiltbremter. Mrt.

Dorothy "Maion. Bllllo

If your name appears in the Letter List with stars before it
write to the office holding the mail, which you ir-ill know by

(KICarrol, Helen O. **DoHsven, Mrs.

`·Carroll. Jean



Carsey. Lottye

De Koe. Sfn. Irene

·Carter. Pam

DeLatour, Barbelette

"Carter, Leona

Dslaean. Kilty

Garnet. Stn. Thrrewa Gsrrltcn. Doris Gatlin. Dorothy Gentle. Petri (KlOentle, Peggy

Victoria Hobdiy. Sirs. Cecil "Hodge. CUra `Hodgton. Cherry Hoerthaw, Betty

·LsRue, Mrae. Pearl (K)LsSalle. Jackie `LaTbur. Babe LaVan. Mn. Dor* LaVelle. Heten

Slaton. Nell Mathus. Mrt.
Eameitun B. Slalley, Mrt. E. SUilock Troupe

the method outlined above. Cate. Sin. Slao

`DeLonge, .Taeqne

Gentry. Mn. Helen IKIHolTman. Goldie I.«Veme. Peggy

Mafthewt, Gnee

Keep the Mail Forwarding De¬ partment supplied with your route and mail will be forwarded without the necessity of advertising It. Postage is re¬

Ca«tell. Ixtralne





Mn. Slargle

"Chase, Laura

`DeMllle. Jtrnueline Gerard. Sin. Jack ·Hollis Mildred

`nePtlmer, Babe

Gerard. Mabel

Holloway. Sfn. Leila

De Blta, Floreni Gthbe. Mrs. Flt^sie Holman. Mn. Mae

Deamron, Sirs. 8y (K)Gifford. Bernice Holt. Sir*. Sterling

Dean. Ebthee

Gllbm. Mn.

llonklnt. Sirs. Ted

Dean. Mik, Fred*

Jolinnle Honley. Lena B.

··LaVett*. Sffi*. Jack
"Ltine. Dewey Landen. Teatle "Landen, Tealle `Lane, Slary

May. Anna Slay, Carrie
Slay. Si a lam Eltie Slavnanl. Sybil `Mayo. Mn. Lotiln· `Mayo. Mona

iKIPb'kard. Fern Pine. Juanita Pine. Juanita `·Pin*. M'antla

Margaret "TTioniaueat. Mlia
Rnone TJjomton. Irene

quired only for packages--let¬

Finer Lucille

·Wiirtton. Julia

ter service is absolutely free.

· I'ne. Evelyn

Tldball. Sm. Vergit

Mail t« held but 30 da-'* and
cannot be recovered after 4t goes to the Dead Letter Offico.
Mail advertised in this issue

iKIPcgue. Ona I.,ee Ttnkam. lleue

Portar, Mn. Viola ^ue. TWIe

I'oM. Gertie

TUedaL Sin.

I'mier, Sin. R A.


Powell. Ora

Turner. Helen SL

was uncalled for up to last Sun¬ day noon. All requests for mail must be signed by the
party to whom the mail is ad¬ dressed.

Members of the Profession
including actors, actresses, artistes, musicians, advance agents, managers, con

IVnell. Sfarle A. Proctor. Flo ··PuIIuian. Blanche
·Queen. Betty Qulllan. Marie ·Ria. Phyllis

TSitmau. Mn.


IKITvndell. Slrt.

,, .P- T.

(KiTyndall. Mn.

. .


There are numerous persona receiving mail thru The Bill¬ board's Forwarding Service who
have the same names or ini¬ tials. When a letter la for¬ warded to a person for whom it ia not intended please return it so that it may be advertised again until the person for whom
it is intended receives it.

cessionaires, press agents, stage hands, ride men and privilege people.
Desiring To Make Their Permanent Address in Care of The Billboard

Kaliion. Sir*. Rton .P'^***- Mr*. IJIUan

ISlIUmnage. Mn. I n.lerwood. Anna

Vera I ndtrwood. Mn.

Ranilall. Mrt. Peggy ,, ^


IK)Bardin. Mn.

PPP. Correan



Ray. Adele


Ray. Ida Slay

^»n. Mn. TIbhy

`Ray. Audrey

Yf'cr. Sllti Enn

Raye. Winnie

Vanre. Letllla

Walling ·Vanderbilt, I

Raye. Ctlherlne

Vauglai, Oertnide

"Reed. Dad*

Yen, ota. Louise


Andrews. Mica B.. "I.«Van. Butaylt, To


Amy, 8c

·Arnaud, Pierre. 2c `l*nn, Loone, !c

"Awai. P(81y. 2o

"I.ewlt. A. L, 20o

"Berg. George. lOe Lewi*. Jts.. 30o

·Bernard. S'liud. 3o `Luv. Joa. tc



H.vniar. 4e

Lassie. 5o

·Bllgh, Franrlt J.. "Slldse Deon.


Band. 4c

"Bond, Midge

Miller. Sltida. 8r

Deon. 6u inner. Mist F. G.

"Burelli. .Vnhur.lp


Boawell, Alfie<l. 6u ·`Niion. Florence.

·Bradley. JliDml«.2c


·I'.rown. Jaik Ic `Palarko. Eugene.2c

Burna, Mrs. Harry. Powell. Albert. 18r

21e `Powell. Fred E..20

"CooDor, Stay*. l#o `"Purcel. J. W..

`Dale, Eljaee, 14c


may, of course, choose any of our offices, i. e., New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco^or Kansas City, but you are advised, if en route, to give the home office careful consideration.
Cincinnati being but 31 Miles from the Geographical Centpr of Population o# the United States and Canada, it follows naturally that less delay will ensue in the handling and forwarding of your m4il.
We want our service to continue to be, as it always has been, the very best and promptest, and, therefore, we recommend "Permanent Address, care of The Billboard, Cincinnati."
In writing for mail It is not necessary to send self-addressed and stamped envelope--a Postal Card will do. Give your route far enough ahead to permit your ·· ail to reach you. Write names of towns, dates and signatures legibly.
Letters Are Held 30 Days, and if no address has been obtained at the end of that period they are sent to the Dead Letter Office. It is desirable to send for

Retd. Mn. Dean Vf«- Basel

·Rey.dr. Dorlt

Sickert. Mr*.

·Reyolr. Dorothy

-- -

.. M. H

IKlReyn. I'D. Kitty WtRer. Mn.

Reynoldt. Mn E. E.


Rhode*. Billie

Walker. Mertyn

"Bleb. Irene

Richard, Margaret ^'"'ll


Rlrhardt. Rachel



Rlchardi Nell B. WilUoi, Mn. J.

`Rlckford. Myrtle
RlTcrt. Margaret "·Roanoke. Gene

_ ,





(RIBoberton. Mr*.


Uwms "·Bc". Vera

Robert*. Mr*.


atanlf. Ward. Rhirley

·Robert*. Btu

Bobertt. Mra R.


(KlRoberts. Ruhr

. ..

Roberta. Sln. E. B. BTirren. Thelma «

·Boble. Edna

, . , M***'

Ibiron, G. W., 10c `Rilrhey. Wm.. 2c

·I'lWle. Shirlcen. 4o Bollina, Mra.

1). ( . 21

K. IL. 10c

A Boyle. SchalTer. Mrs. U..


mall when your name first appears in the list. Address your postal to "Mail Forwarding Service, The Billboard."
Read the Explanation at the Head of This List.

R<g.lnipn, Almi ·Rodrlguex. Zolla

^VT-m. n *

Mr*. litt


Rogers. Sira. Ja< que J*


Rogen. Slrt.

Weinr, Oertldlne

rd. Marie. 2c Rhafer. Mia*



Roger*. Sir*.

t ^rhh, Msnr

(KIRogen. Mn

`Haverlock. W.. 2o `Steele. M, A.. 2c chca Marion

Dean. Rose

·Hennings. A. C.. `Stute, c. E.. 2u ChtqulU (Doll Lady) Dekasses. Mh.

10c ·Tomllnaon. Geo. C.. « nidwim. Mot* D. ^


2o Christian. MrsT

Dell. Maude 1

Wm.. «e `Ward. Bcty. 6o

Or* L. Uelmar. Thelm

·Kane. Maywell, 4c Wegner, AI. 4c

Chrlftlan Annie

`Delmond Tvo

`Kennedy, Vie, 4c Wheeler, Robi.. 18c ChrlMlan. Annie

Dennis. &genl

"1.* Belle. Cliff. "Williams. Jack. ( hrittie. Mrs.

"Deamond, Mr





··LaBlang. Manuel. "Wtight. Earl. 8c `Clair*. Doris

Deu*«en. Nor*



·Clark. Knsett*. `Clark, Mrs. Edith (K)Dlile. Print


(K)Clark, Mrs. Elsie Doraldaon, Mrt

·Adams. Marie

`Rernard. Hazel

-nark Ethel




1>r*li«. PmKT

·Adinw, B^tty


j TUili, Mrs. Rose or T>rtner, Mrs.

Adams, Marte



Jtne A.

AlfH)rtr. ^fme. Melda BlrRS. Mrs. Haael Clarke SlsterC Retue ·I)«Fty. Oertli

Alien, Ada

**Rigger, Mr*.

rUyU*n, Helen

Dunrin. Mrs.

(RIBogen. Slrt

iRiWelU. Slrt**""''

uoMiy, atra. 1^01 ·Howard. FraDces

Liean4iKler. Tesstc (K»Lnleeii. VtitdA

M^rri»ro vV«p4«i. Mi`

RoIIlnt. Mra R DL ·RoIIlnt. Dorothy ·Romalne. Elaine (SlWaal. Mr*.


"Miller. Bonny

Weatoo. Mn.'^frrK



·Miner "luinX

(K)Whalen. SlaVl

a C. Lee. VIrtInU

Miller NaJU^

^ Jaequelloe

Ho'wey, Fmb Huber. Mrs. JobB

Lee, Florence

***Miibv it**

Roselle. Queen


(B)Lee. Mrs. Bolrt.

"* "^* "'J* ^ Roteman. Mrt. A. J. "birton. Mn.

Robs. Mra. Doris


(KILee. BeUy


Irvlnr. Mra Katie Leeman. DriMfndaa Mnmet Mri ***" ?h"}. "iil'e"





!;£ c

IKHb,. Mra. ^


n *.;il'*^lnhby

IKlWIIIlitna. Ryhie

Jamet, Mrs. Frcfett ·Lewis. Jam


wi,, v

·Roain. Van

(KlJamertxm. Veim* Llehlenhor*. Alice Moore' Mr* Grace Iluaaell. Mn. 8. C. SVIlHami, Sir*

Jamison. Mra. Chas ·Upoard Malty Jeoklni. Mra. Rather

*' **"· ""k

n-- · i*

i?*hM''rte***FnrTeatln» 'Vllllama. Bee*"

'*M^7" M

. `Moran. T^eJllU

ShlJl.'a "Reeper. Marie


i?,"j'aion."%r,.'^ IKIUmmun. N^rl'**

'Georg-ia Retim. SMinn'"*

Wil^p Mn. Kn


`Ulhw-. M.dw'i*^*

Johnaon. Lillian

jewell Morris.., Ml

Rehryn. NellS


Juhnetm. Mn. Note IKIJohnaoB. Mra.
Jcaie*. Mrs Ida "J'inet, Mra. E. E. ·"Jonea. Mr*
Ida M. (K)Janet. MS
Jonlon. Flo Joyce. Ola "`Juan. MJla Ks'lel, s Mrs AI
`Kane Mr,. Max ·Kinle. Mra.
Karo. Mn. Irwtng

f^****?;, *"***** !«>*· Oladn
Long, lira. Randy
laxnlne. Mrt. Era Lnrther. Inmwhv Tanbirl*. Mra. K. "lainl. Prin.eas ·I^ivr.ifl. Helen `'M.-Cirthy. Ethel
M.i'arthy, Molly McCarty, Mr*. Helen Mri'loud. Mr* Polly McCormack. Gladys
(KlMcttoy. Ibirntliy Mri r^tv. Rlii
"McDonila. Margie

Morrison'. Do


Mnrrlaoa. Helm

Maes. Mrs Norma

Mottle. Mrs Ben

Mmilton. Ida

Mullent, Mr*. Lena

.Mnnro Mm F. B.

Murlln, Rarada

(KIMumhy. Mrs.



Monihe*, Mra.

L. J.

Murray. Retty

Miirrav Billie



fa: Tb^ '""Wlnneman. Vn.';

'''"DZlhew Wanley Winter* Lillian M

L ·Hharplei. l^la
Shearer. A.

''o'/- ..Mra Ja k CRIWoBer

IK)SI,eiiher.L^ Wolfe. Sin Abe

(KlflbingthaM. Mn.

WioMa tVlith '*"* Womlt. Slrt Vllula M <n>Woo(lt. N E
RlmUlitKto, Mn. Orefa Wurth. Colette
RlnmofM. Mn. Jack "'Wright. Mir^

Beatlly. Mrs


Tacny V.

Beattie. Sretyn

Beaty. Ram

Re(E! Mrt. Pat

Bell. Dorothy

Bc;i. Mr*. Johnny

·Belle. Isabel

·Ttf lniont, .tune

dlrr, Mrs 'll

svAt""'- ss'H:

June 13, 1925

The Billboard


A liter, Fr*!* M.Uir. Mlfkrr

nimn. Urn BiuentaaT Dot'

(K)C«ld«eU. 0«b. Coi. W. Q. Pat Ctiddr, J. W.

Duncan. Uaonr Dunn. U. K

Oarduer. Thuuai

VHartaell, H. W. Joe. Rattleauake

··Gardner Fred D. Harrev. Harry

Johnson. J. W.

Lebloof. Manual

Manninf. Geo

I.wBrun. Harrv J. (K)Manaflald.

·*AJ«nu. Griiit J.

B. L, rtIdwtU. Vtrnon

Crali, Jack A.

Dunn. Juhr

·Oarln. Paul J.

Johueon. J. L.

LeCltlre, Frank

Geo no

**AiteniJ. B,rtoo

BlUrdo. John

··fallUiis. Ft«l C. tlialt. Uanco

Dunn.' Tliomaa A tiarland. R G.

"Harwood. Roy

Johnann. Anotew

UeTroty. Goa

Marcolla Chaa.

A.i«n*. RX'tanui, Toid

RllUtuuIer. BUIr


Bim. Dooild Blnk. Oeorn

(KX'ailaltan. Ptank t'rala. Bud

I'allahan. .Arthur

Cramor. Jo*.

(KlCtellahan, Frank 'Crandall. Curir

"·DuA'all. BIUt

'Garre, Jacquea

Alfred Johown. Robert

'Lee. Harry

Marchand. Noah U

Duncan. Doc

'Garrlaon. G.

Haaklnr, John (Jack) ".lohnmn. Huundlng "Lefftll, ilr. tc

'Marcy. Chu 8.

Dunlap, naudo C. IKIGarrlaon. D. W. 'Has*. Mar'ue

Mohnson. Loula R

Mrs. Jack ··SUrtell CWiat

Adktn*. Thomii M. "*"«· 8- "·

Camp, Hrrb

Crandall. Jtan

Dunn. B'm. 8.

'Oartland, Huih P. 'Hathaway, Maflelan " ·Jnhnenn. K. A.

Lefeyer, Harry

Marlon, Fkanete

i-uf «'ha». W.

Blicow. t

Campball, Al


Du[«ni. r. W.

Gatr. Willard

ITafens, M K.

Johnson. .Amlrew

"LoNolr. Jack T. Marfcle, Wm.

·iAhltirf. J.A

BUhno. B. M

raopbrU, Colin L.

Brazilian Clriut' 'Duraln*. Chaa.

'Gaudcmlib. Henry Harins. M. K.

Johnson. AVm

iKiI.wVan..l. I'al Marley. Earnegt H.

iAllii*«, luw. W..

Blllltwoklobtuorini.,, Blolrwnr

Caaipball, Caitlnc Camptifll. Ulward

CraMlonl, Jack Cre*. Chief

Durmont. Ueoriee Dural I. Geo. W.

"Gautrel, Jarquee Hawklnk. Frank

Johnson. Hindu

"Lebeal. Harold


Jeao Haukln,. Frank W

Charley Lee. Albert

Maxtb. CbM. M. MaretMll. Robt. O.

Alhfrtui. JlBini*
Altrlirhl. O. P. ·AlbrighU »«·> ··Alilrlrh. U

(K)BUckwen. R.

"Campbell. Bob

W. Campbell, iftanleT

Blake. Michael N. 'Camploo, Paul

Blanco, J,

"Cannon, Toll

Crelfhtdn, Jack (KICrIttcndco,

" DDrree.r.

Jamee Victor


Eddia Dyer, Eddie.

e_ ke. Jack.

'*l^kln. Jas. IT.

iKIOaTln, Joe U. Qvf, Jamat
Gaylord. lAwreOc

Uaxltln,, .Sam Hawkins, Wilbert

.Tohnson, K

Lee. Jack

Johnsun. tiuy

Lee Walter A.

(K)Johnron. Low- ''Lehman. Wallie

down "Lehnan, Chaa.

Mariiiall, Hanry
Marshall. Chaa. ·Mason, Jackl* "Martin, Waltw

AMrlih. n. B.

Blanch. Gao. *

Capeland. Ilarriand Cro»by, Red

Raftenhorn. H

Man) Hays. J. M

··Johnson, B. H. LeiendKker. X.

Martin, Louis

Aii'.d*'^ Jyy" ** Ate*. Th« Thr,«


Roelo "·Capell. Dirk Capljardt. Wm.

Cioele*. Theu.

'Eekln. Jaf Harold OeddU Trio



.Nela'JO Earle,. Bert

Oenac, Geo B

Hayes, Sailor, or . . lohniop_, K. A. Leltiel. Geo. B.

G M Jr Johnson. Tom

Leland, Bd. _

Martin, Leo (K)Martln. J. W.

Ateiinrter. Clarenco Blamly, Eddie

Cardwell, Jim

Cross, Lawrenre


^ jj. '

iGad, P. >I

Johnston. Harry E. LeiMey, W. H-

"Martin. Bob

AlfoiJa An*ellno Blankenahlp, Jesaa


Dteh Cruislay. Horace

Easton A Stewart Gceire. Eildlp

Heatfley. Pud

·Johnston, Johnnie ·LcmTer. W. H.

Martin. Laland B.

· tifrni Jatk

(K)Blantau. Ttan


"Mteedn Jr JcanotU Bleief. *m

Carlo. Toddy

Alteo, nU'kl*

'Bllkh. Krancla J. ·Carloa. Don

··.All«. Jerry

H- ilkldr \ ---

.Allen. Walter W. 'Bfllnn. T(om

Carldo. llarria Carml. tkldle

·Allen. Jlramla
Allen. Can Jack
Allen. C. C. (KlAileii. Harry
·Allen. Ml tiael · siian A Norman ···AAlteessaanncdrr.. IwBuy Allred. Jess# W Allslni. Harry

Blue Diamond ReyM Board, Lawrence L. 'Roltoo, Kdw. D. Bom, Billie Bomhomma. Joe 'Il'St Air. Anthony (K)Boadnrtnt. B. _
BonnlMd. Frank

t'amefle, llector I'eriia*. Clarettn Carney, Chat. h. Carnotale. Chaa. Caron. Ernia
1 t. iKH'arpenter,. ChAs.
Carpenlar. C. Casp.
Carpahter, Boters

·AlTln. Michael

"Bookrr. Geo. H ·Carr. Harry

AlTls. Hret'crt M. Bo<eh. J, Melrln

Amazon A Nil*

Horalty, Arthur


IKIAmIs. J. B.

Ronyoid. Art

Crow. Mturico Crimelt. John A. Cruise, 11. C. Cuteer, Fred Cuminti. W. C. Cummant. Harry
··Curnmliica. HovsarJ CunnlnihaoL C M. Cunningham. R. E. Curley, Leo
(IvICurrajii. Jack i.'urry. Pork Chop Curry. Daaa VCurtla. _Al B. *Cunii. Data (KIDahl, Robwt Daley. J. P. (B)Dtly, Wm.

it )**Ebron, James

·Goorgot. Cl.aiHui.s FranlAk thleta)

Franceaco'Garckg. C.

Eckhart, C. O.

Eckert. John C. Eckert. BUly

ficmiip Doo

(- BlO- ldell"a. Harry 'Geaart. Edw.

Eddington, E. AV.

"Edelhof, Clarence Bdsrarda. Arlow Iklwar'ls. Ous Edsrards. Curtle Edwards. Frank Edwards, L. R.
'Eldrldge. Art ^lly. Dan E. Ellli. Lon

lK)Qlbeam. Oea GibsoB. Gib Kid
'Gilbert. Uoyd Gilbert. O*0s
IBIGiltand. Edw. 'Gillespie. Dick OIIIIs, Bernard
*Glowarg, A. L.

.I,,te,,aily.. TTbbounmas Healey. Jeff
·Hetny. .'·kkiny ·Healv. Jack ·"Heath. Juhei Heffner. Jae. W. "Helms, F M. Helm, Groser C. Heltwr. I.ew Halterlina, Henry HerMcrsoii 4 Weber "·Itenderson. J. J. Hendrli, Ctril llenlsn. J. II. Henderson, J. P. Hendrli. Paul C.

"·Johnston. A. D. Lenoir, C- 0.

.T_ ones. Bill

LenosrrddL. (Capt.

M.irtlne. Harry L. Mara, John

Jones. Prof. Paul L. Lent. J*

Maaoo, O. E.

'·Jonea. Morrla

Leonard. Dare

'"Mason. Harry

·Tolies Wm Frtd'k Leonard. Frank X. Mason. A. J.

Juril'iR. BikW .

IB)Leon*. Dr. J. Maton. Jack

i··Jourdin. M. J. ovee. Jas. BHm

Edwin Maaon, Robt.

Leslie. Relllne

Massano. Nick

uquUh, n'm.

Leslie. Don

Matbew, M.

Jump, Edward

L«ster. Tim

Matsu. Robt. K.


iMaalclanl "Lester, Benjamin


"Maurlzlo. Joe.

Griffin Maxwell. HafTty

Knaaiskileey, iHiarrryr H. (KILeriDsohn.

'May. KUw.

Kahn, Mohamrd

Qlrard "Mayer, i. J.

Kalanl. Chat.

(K)Leyy, Bill

(R).Afayo. Frank O.

"Kate. Freil

Iwwis. Sam

"Meaehum. NareaU

Kalelkoe. Dasid

Lewis, Jack X.

Meade, B. U.

"'Lewis. Frank T. Meehan. John J.

Amos. E B. AnlirS'Si <i';r>loo Anderson-Oalnei-

Boswell. EddU

BoewelL Fred

C_ arroll._Ar_ thur

_Bo_swell. J,.^ Hy.lreeUr Cerroli. Ja. k

Dalton, Jack
'"liamuo. Emil 'DanUls. Paul

(K)Etllo*. JImmia 'Elliott. Otenn


·EUlott, Ihirry F.

Metl* B'smell. BeTiiila

CarroH. Jame* F. ·Danleli. Al

Elllotta, .SlUi C. oiiV^ Ja

Anderson, Parlay

Fred C.

"CarrolL Jean

Dantar, Adam

IKlEllla, J. 0.



Anderson, .tam And«i(on-Gunn

.5S***fiJ'** ^ "Bosildl.

··Anderson, John B.

Llncsdn U.

Andenum. John B. "Bnsiike.~L. g.

Anderson. W. E. Bowen, ^pwnle

···Anns J D.

Bowen. Cnaa. R.

···Anrll. J. B

,*'Bowen Family

··Appleby, E. J.


"Caraa Lawceoco Carson. Andrew ·*Cartar. B. Carter. Man E. Carter, B. ·Carter. C. B.,
T_ ahum `Carter. Rosa W " .

Darasoff. Mora* iKIDan*. A. J. Dare. Wally
"Dsrllua. Geo. V. "D'.Armoods. Ftyiag `Dauphin, WiB. Darlea. O
''Dasllle. Percy

Elltei. Mai

riilL AitiV^**

r'Elliss^n. Blsckte

Emrro. Gei\ D. Emerson. Ecne.t

'Ulockef. Chas. ClSunw

moHn) aioTer, Gilbert

Bt"v's:Eo1m 1n.1re-. .ryWSmSih. ew*g>s

f*I«»tb. Oodwa. Joe

··Appleby. Raymond Bowers. Raymond

'·Archer, Das id D. iKIRiwrman Ca<*y

Archer. Dare D.

IKlBoyd. W. L.

IS) Vrrnillts. Felli Hozemoie. lantd W.

Armstead, Archie Briden. J. W.

Atmairmf. C. B. ·'BradfoM 4

".Amhelra. EddI*


·A''hor. Geo.

Bradley. Doc

Arthur. EMI*

"Bradley. Bugen*

Arthur. Wilier B.


IKIAsberk, N. K. Brady F. J.

''Carter. Pete Casey. Tam Cassidy. Iwo
Cas.eoii Bros. · . Mario
Caste. W-m. Caato, Wm. Castor, Bol> (R)Catalano, Tony
ISICalee. Jack Ca.thuM, WO,. Lurit

Dasii. Earl C.
Darls. Hhin* Darla, Ned Daeii. George H. |(,,ii. Brlc L. "Darla. Harry B.
·Daris. Jaik Darla. Wm. E.
iKIDarla. Bill 4 Lo*
Darli, Bin

j^^lVliat?. Lonl.^ rgoU'-n^'-M.'a"*

^ipetiao Perry Erbe. Adam
Ikie. Fred Esperanto. Geo. Ksiualto. AntiiiUo 'Elaaon, M. A. IK) Estes. Sailor Eulnxer. Hugh
l.'tIBrans. Bill

(KXloldmaii, Sam Oolson. Barry Goodman. Wm. 8. ·Goodman, ^ar* Goodman. D.
iKIUoodman Finlt IKXIoodrlrh,

A-hhrooke Glwiii "Brady, Michael

lewland. (hauncey Darli, Cbei

Erani 4 Pearl

(RlOoodwin. ?*]§***

Aitrllis, The T»*o "Brady. M. 8.

·Aissorth. Joel

"Braihr. T»rry

Atkin. Geo.

Brandon. Wm.

Aulger Brot. Shoar Brannon. Owen

Ca Branson, P. N.

Arereil, K. W.

Rrauttard. Bugent

·.A·uAslteinlr. odJ,acBk llte

·Braee. f^aa. Braedea. J. E.

AyloM. W. H.


(Kl Ayrea. Oea

Brenna. Rcnny

iui.ir«k. Car! BaNock. Ptill

4 Virginia Brennan. Jimmy

Barb. H. W,

(Small Changa)

Back. Eddie

Brewer. Sam

Caulrellf. Slim Cautirslia, Dean
"CarllU. Harry
Jtmet ChahM. Ted (KiChambers. Slim Chambers. Eddie Clumpioa. Jack ChandlCT, Jack ·Chandter, Irring Chanay, Jo* _ "Charles. C. H. "Chastain*. Sp- encer Chenoront. F. Iw

i>,rli. Meonard B. Erana. BlUr Beal*

Oslo Krana, W. H.

Darlion. Nelson

Erans, J. A.

"nayton. Oeorgt

Eterett. F. W.

D'Amato, Prof.

`ETttert. Bdw. O.

Victor ·Brerett. Wm. Geo.

·De.Arlo. Meltiit ·'De.Araio, Billy

Ewald, Eddie Fagan, Gent

DeBard, Lester S.

Falanga, Emil

DeRard, Laster S.

·Faltes. Ronald

OeCardoba. Pedro

Faiker. Elmer

DeCarlo, Prof. B. Farmer. Tbeo.

"DoCarr, Claude

iKi) Faniiss,. Jack

Ca Farria. Oeoiga

"Gooslwla. Joseph
E. "Goodwin. Roecoe Gorman. Harry Gordon. Murray Gosnell, Raymond Gosaett, Harry Gottlieb, Ban
Giaf. A. F. Granger, Jkek.
_ Shows Graham. Boy
Graham. Robt B. ·Grabaia. Jack

Baikftfloe, Jack

llrewfler. Harry

ChllcotL t4i

DeClercq. 41

Fasaloa. Guitata Granato. Ralph A.

Barr. ArtbUX O.

Brewster. Rex

_ .

^, Ghak* UaFoetaet. Floyd

Fauttt. CmI E.

·Grant. Jaa. A.

iKiBaIrd. Jack

Brigham. E R.

."**?·* , DaOuerr*. Vincent iKlFeldi. Qua

Grant. B^ K.

Baker. Sandert ·Baker. Al

·Bioi hu.^Walter Brode. w. O.


V. "DeHaren. A Jdllo Felton. Ring

Grant. I. Thomat

Vi hristensen _.^rlal DeLand Edward

"Fernandex. Jack Gray. Robt

Bailer. J. J.

Urookt, Jat. L**

Chrtttem«n._ Bart

'·DeMalco. K D. Frrrls. Harry

Gray, T. W.

italn H. H.

·"·BBrroouuwwer. Tbeo.

t^ristian. Gea A. DeMott. Finn K. Field, Paul

Orar. Edwin Jak

·Henning. Leo Henry. DeFay (B)Henry Oscar "Her^rt' Bert n "man. KU
"Herman. Watk
perron. Perjjr M. Hess, M. H. He-'. Geo. U Hester. Heck Hewitt. Jeff Hewltte. Walter Hicks. Albert ·Hickey. M. J. Mlrkey, M. JT.itinent lli.kman T H ckSiS* T S ·HlgglM » IKlItm H J Hill Eddi* L.*'
HilL George Baldy Hill, Searge B. Hin. Jlnuni* Hillary, Cress Hlllla, Faul ·mills. Paul (KIHIllman, Guy HIn loo. BUI ^ HinsdeU, B. B. Hirner. E8 HImni. The*. J Hoffman. Frank ''Hogan, Jack M. Htiggatt, C. L. "Holderby. Tom kt. ·"Hollander. Sam
HnU0. Leland "Hollender. zlarney "Holley. Tex (S)Hollincer. Fred Holman, S. L. Holstein llei^

itin?: boird

'Lewis, Andresr C. MegargI* gs Borrosrs

'I..ewli, Jack H. (K) Melbourne. BlUy

(K)Kartio, Ben

IK)Licher. Pat

Meldrum. Frank

Karr. C. C.

··Light Hassk, Chief MeUs, ( has. H.

"Karsey. Harry (K)Ugoti. A. W. Melte Trio

Karsiui. Ret

Lilly. Geo.

Melroy. N. J.

·Kaslow, Frjak

'Limlni. F.

"Melfllle. Marrelou*

Kasliiar 4 Veigan Llndy, Carl

Melrlllo 4 StetaoB

"Kawsnna. Mr 4 Lbdaer. Paul 4

.Melrln. Joo

Mrs. Jo*

Harry ·MennetU. Eddi* 8.

Kawefclu. Pete

Link. Henry

'.Meuola. l&gon*

Keasry. H. A.

I.lr.kenta.Aer. G. T "Menalee. Jack

Keefer Ri' hie

Lii.man. Philip H 'Mrrjian, Mr.

Keefer 4 Aberi

Lippmann, Frank Merti, W. D.

Keegan. Frank

Lipskey, A.

Merwln, BaroM

Kretch. K. H.

'"LlpakT. MaurliO 'Met*. John

Kehtwald. Hilly

*Llol«n. Dan

Meyer. Auioat

Keller. Albert W. IJtile Elk. cbikf

Middleton, C*P(.

iKIKkller. speed I.iTlngslon. Leonard


'Kelley. lack

'"Loader 4 Laney ··Ml teres, Liue

E. ^ Kelly. W.

(K)la>hbaD. J. R i.uck. W. H.

Mlleo, Dr. J7J!. "'Mfihoni. Hany

Kelly, Jay

De kard. E. R.

Miller. Bd

KcJX Geo. Maruni* "loirkard. Rolllo

"·Kelly. Bdw. S. Lo<kett Louis

"·Kelly. Claud

(KiLao-kwood. Jack

"·Kelsey. Hank

laHlsnn. Jo#

Kennedy. BUI

·Lofliii, Art

Keniie<ly. .Art

Ta.ng. HI Tom

·Rehnedj. Frank ·"Long. Hi Tom

(S)Miller. H. H, Milter, Harry P.
"Miller. Vtoeent MUler. A. O.
(^Itw) Miller. Lawreno* Miller. Ctpi. 8 la

Kennedy. D. Krtinedy. P. C. "'Kennedy. AJ
Kennedy. Fred Kenner. Benne

Toicrgo. SalTadore ··Tajrralne. Fred ·lairre. Billy loirrell, r. Lorrie. Billy

·Miller. Pnnk a Miller. Iteuaett Miller. H. W. Millar. Dutch Miller, J. C.

Kennon. C. W.

"looseau. Ed

·Milter. Bort

Kent. Ed. Kenltke. Ed.

laniuiganhrey., R- usaoll

UUiMr,. Oto.

(K)Lnali*. .lohq Lee MUton. Frank

··Kepbel. Al

(KlLoy*. Bobhla

Miikte, Meda 4

Ketler. E.

Lorell.' C.

Keyser, William F. Ia>wsha. G. L.

Mitchell. L. ^

Kleal. Eklle Klghtly. K W.

Lubar. Wm W

Mitchell. Goo. D. "·Monday, cept.

Kllhum. H. C.

Lucas. Tad

Kllloy 4 Watson ''fAtuis T. El

Killarner. Daniel P. Lurineky, io#

·IConler. Oltrer ·Mont*. Oea

Balnl DeeWan

(KIBrowder. R. 8. Jflaik. t)on

"Baker. Jimor* Kid Brown. Jaha

Clark, W. C.

Baker, Al ll.ker. O. B.

Blarkl* Ciaik. Gordon

··Brow.n. C. I*

`Clark. Irrli.g

Balleraa. Clarenco ··Brown, A. Balmtire, Boy O. "Brown. Met

Ijonark. .- Arthur B.

DeVereaui. _Frencby DeV'to, Robert DeVo*. Jo*
··DeRue. Fteank ··DeValgnle. S. DeVars-. James

Field. Froo _

Gray, ^k

Fields Gtr Showa Gray. H. B.

Fieldt, Sid

G Grraayyssoonn.. HtL, G.

···Field*. Fred 1C. ··ureen*. Eddie

Figure* *


Ok 'OreMi. Bemto

"Holsro.^ Rudolph H6R. A. C. HoUi, D. O. "Honors. Bill
Hood. Mao

Kills. Jack


"MarrtKieMrt 4

K'mbit. Ala.



King. Wra r_

Lund, Danny J.

Montaomary. Lowrtt

"King. Billy Tramp


Montoro, Dtaie

(K)Klng. L E.

(KHojae. C. A

Moody, Andrbw

Xing. B. ,C.

-Lust IA *Bernard

"·Moon, Jack

·Italmu*. W'al,,_ , Brown. R . _

;^teTk. Donald

<K)Dean. Jerry

··Fin*. Ned

Green. Frank

(K)Hopkins. Win J. K'"*- '


Lutbet\ Morris H.

(RIRatizhor. Bmett Brown. Frink C

Barber, Hal

Brown. Rastu*

Barbw. Prof.

Broem. Scot

nark^. Naihan

D»an. B. 8.

fficiay. Wan* D. ·Deangells. PhU

Floa, Ned Flnfrock. Eddi*
Fink. Bay J.

Orem. Sewetl 'ilree'nD.. (C>grt Oreon. Wi

Hookin'. Red Hooper, BUI


Lydlc, I.aFayo



Mooge. Thoa. M.


Micky Moor*. Bat. Jcim EL

BttMe. Bat

Brown, Art B.

IBJOay' M*alter D. ··Deane, Seotty

Fink. F. Howard Green. C. V.

Hopper. W. M.

Lrle. Barren H. 'Aloor*. lUrry C,

Bar.-hf. Blaf^tW Barfield. fAnmlll

Brown, Boh ·Browm. Jo*

Clayton. Howard Clayton. Roller

Debrow, OUlea ·IKllie. O. A.

Finn. E.

Greenberg. Harry Greer. Jo*

Horn. W. S. Horitman. Frank

Lynch, Kenneth IKIKing. Brlftow. . Lynch, B. M

Moor*. Jat. Moor*. H. J.

Hsthim. a*m_ ·Darlote. K W. Barnes, Little Al

Brown. Happy Brown. B. F. Brown. Bay 8U

Clear 8ky, (^ilaf Bay

Dell. M. E. ·elmar, Jena
·Delmout. Bert

^WberS^K. ··fisher. Walter ···Flther, Jtek

Green. John 9r*U. Walter Grella. Rocoo

HjWiSe. .N'cal Hcjser. C. D. Hotiinor, Sara

Jack 'ai^ton. Loula

··KlDgsbury. Don

K Inner._B.

McBride. Buck

Moral**. Felix ·Morun. Arthur B. Morasch. Dlik

Barnes Fiord ··Bsme*. BkrI J.
Barnee. Beoaik

(K)Rrasm. Curly "Brown. WUl H.

*<5^54. Vy - 4

Delmor* Wm. Dempsey, Cbae. Denllnrar. W. W.

Fbbor. Boy_8

Grenier. Fraocl*

(KiFisher. Herbert

"ruhef. Alls.

(K)Grlffln. East*

·Bousaai'n. Mohamed Kllk. W. BHoouuaaseaalina. ___ KKllrtwcblnm. . JGaae.o

"McCarter. Rtnr C.


McClain. C. B.

Morelll, Antboiiv R

MiClaln Bob

·'·Morattoii. Frank

·Bameetead. Bd

(- K)BrawB*- , _ ^IfTort. Jack


m. rilfford. Jack

iRlRariMAt, Bobtoa <K)Brawn*. Cunis (K)Cllfton. J. C.

Barnett, Rohson

£X ·nif;'>n. Harry

Bimetl. O H.

Brownie. W. A.

(KICUm, (ama

Barr. Harry

(KIBrntynl*: 6frtw l*t ninaman. T. E

···Barr. O. A. ·Barrett. Je'te

^ownttig. E.lw. Bruce. W. R.

`jlV'c.. ®W>. H. C.

narr\. jw'lle

Brunell. Bernard C- *Cobtn. Louie

Barth 4 Barth

··Brran. W. T

Cothran. Chai. B.

Denney, W. B. Dennis, Jeff Denton, Karl B.
Pemberter. Samuel Derlnger. Klward uoMhaapa. Joa
A. a.
Deailet. Laurence ·Deters Bros, Dayereaui. Bart V.

Fl'hman. Moso

Orlflfai. Fraacla

A. O.

FUxgt-mid. James G- rimm- . Har- ry K.

Griswiere. Big Tom


_ liOO^PO

(K'FTanIgaD W'. B. Orltwold. Frank C.

rilmlngt, Jimmy Groacurth. Specka

(Kinood. Chuck Gi^hofo. Richard

FloetL B" obert

Oruret, Harry

"Howard. ('^P^
"Howell. Mr. 4 Mr*. Ruth
Howard. J. A.
"Houard 4 Howard '"H_ oward. C. w. ·Howler Joe Ho*. Dpc Huber. J. B Hubbard. Ed. )

IS)Kltter. Bob (iOKlark. J. M. "Klaae, Fred »f`n. tegll

McCltnahan. (L S (KlMorgan. Jack U

McTUnaban. D. " Morgan, (laa


Morgan, C. M.

Montana (KIMorgaa, Dick

McCIlntnrk. Billy "Atorgan. M. J.

"VKnneeechtherll, NNiaihan (K)MiClatkey.

Afnrgan, 8tey*

Kohl. Fred B

Fred ffi Morin, Wm. A.

·KoHmeyrr. Carl S. Mcnasky. Frank .M< rrle. Robt. R

Kimig. Fruik

AlcConnell. Jr.. Geo. Morrla. Allen

K,in·k'lSe. Howard McCord. Fred^P. "Morrl*. J. C.

Hartlru. Guy

···Bryant, Ralph

Coffey. H. P.

ii..Tiin Wm

Flynn. F>ai cis J. ···Guenther. A. J. Hubhar.l. Charlea

Konky. Geo,

··McCormick ft

Morrisev. D. T.

··Bartlett. J C

(K)Bnckley. Wm. Coffey. Loyd

Dewfoee. Ttiemaa

··Fogellnark. C H. Onuerrln. Frank MM..^. Hubbard. HB. D.

KuwAlo Paid

JntepblB* MonUoB. C^. A.

Barton Frank C.

If. 'Cohen. Herman

Dowalgbta. The

FTooggtLe. A_ lton w.

·Gurley. Howard P. Huber. M. Dunham KnUh*. Jo*

McCrary. B. W

Morrlton, Jaa. P.

Barton. Benjamin

Barton. George


Ba'kette, Billy ·Basaett 4 Bailey Burhantn.


"Cohoen. Georg* foie. Bert

Dewey, Buck (S)Deiter. Haruld P. ·Iiianaond, Jules
·Dial. CW

"Foley. Jack
Fo!'.d''w. C D. ForMah. Wiltae
Ford. H. A.

Haas. Arthur J.

Huber, M. Dunham

Haokentnits. Jas

Hu,l-ieih Cha,' E.

HackMt. M J. Bin Hughe*. J. Inrlu

"Haikett. Karl

(KlHughes. F.d



Knott. Johnnie

MCoill.-k. ^>e

Kramer. 8ol W.

MiChtRough. J. L. ·Mortal. Jack
AIoDanlels. M. M. "Morton. Ph. McDonald. Sandy ··.Mo'sman. Billie "McDonald. Jimmie Moes-Sayanoah,

Bassett 4 Bliley Bassett, Donnit Battre. Wra.

Bip-hwlller^ .AI^ Bocktey. Id. M. Buiklln. Joshua

Bath. A. J IHuhhy)


··Baumann K. H. "",7*"' ^ f'

Baumreas, Fravto Bulkak. ^Brneat

·Bean. Jack W. ···Becker. Leo

Iam. JlKlBOTch. Eddie

···Becker Dan
Beam. Billy
Bcarl. Ctrl Bean. Andresr* Bia-ely. Jack Vtcet'c. EIIN T. Reechet. Arthur Beiley, Many Belardo. John
··Bel,Ion. Ed Belero. Mr.
B'lford, Buddie Ben. C. A.

N. Burdick, Clarano* K
Bark. Al ·Burke. Willy Burke, Robert J. Burke. C. C. "Burk*. CUud J. ·Burky. John H. ·Burnett. Rlllr ·Bumlp. Gordon Bum*. JImmI* Rum*. Jark
Bum*. Stef*

·Bell. Arthur F.


·Ball. Coanrad*

Burn*, wm. O. "Bums. Robt.


Bell Ja.Ii «·

···Bumi. B. H, IKIBuniwiwIh. J.

fR)Bmid*IL 1. W. ···li.ntiam, Blchard Burr, T. M.

·Bennett, G. H. ·Iturl. Al

Bennett. Paul

Burleoa Hurt

ItcTir.rtt Gordon

Burton, risat. L

··Bennett. Fred C. Burt. Dare

C-ol*. K K ('olo, J. M. Coleman C. O. Collier. Harry Qdlim. K CMltaa Gena ·f^llna. TofflbM IHX'..lHni. C It CoHkii. Lloyd
CoOiaa. Thomas ·Colsiai. Carney J. (kWDPaiwi. Billy "Conery. Jolm ··Cnnibeir. Alfred

"Conner. Bobby

Connor*. Chuck Cannon. Jack

Conroy. Arthur

Conroy. Oeno 4 .


_ .'sS"

Oneerai. Earl W.

Co.*. Jam" O.

Cook. Arthur

Cook. J. O.

Conk. C. A.

Cook, KeUer

(KICnoke. Jeai* M.

·Cnuoer. Eilwin B.

ItDCnoper Harry

Cooper. Jame*

Pi. k. Burl* Carl Dlrkiiisao. Harry L. ··Dickinson. Wiu.
H. nihle, Chas^H.., '·IVnbelk. W. M. "Dill. Milt 4
Heleo Dlllnai. J B Dillon. Dinarsteln. Peggy ·Dlsarro. Jas. "Oliun. Harry E. Dixon. Fred Dlxoa J. W. niisiisv Jake IKlDubble*. Ur. Pohney. Tex Dock. Vam Dodge. Ueorae Doi-srhar. Maurice Dnraenlt'O. Ferrant#
"·Donahue. SHra "·IVaiahue. Slim DonaMaon. Ralph Donatello. Romeo Dopnelly. JPdward
Dof«OoOnP. lUchtrit WXs. Jack "Donaherty. J. W. Douglas, Fred B.

Ford. L. E.

Ford. Cheater

·Foitiler. Fred

Forrest. Guy

Fonman. Dr. C. C

(KlPMler. W. EL

(SIFowlar. Bdw. R

K21 *


"fhi. Tlioa. J.

F'x. Ban

·F.ra. Jack

Fox. James B.

fhx. Wm. B.

Vox. Rjv

Fa^ Ortental

I'ranklyn, Martin

Fronlea. Frad C.

Prang. E. J.

Freiienburg. B. O. "l^fderlc. J. K. Frodaricks. J. K.
Freemen. C iSIFreeman Jaijc Freeman. Geo. H. Freeman. Bube Freeman*. The
·Fried Wilter niedman. Harry Ftienara, Dan
Frit* Henry Rry B. Marlin Fnw, Dsr**F Jaa.
·"Fuhrman. J. B.

BMatbnn. Dlailcika


Halne*. Frank H.

Hale ^enneth

,,Ha,l,e. F. .C.


«>>· (K)Hall. Georg* Hallldax. Cyrus Hilpeebn. Max
"Hammer. Bd. J. (K) Hamlin.

Hamilton. Hamilton. Leo

Hammer, frosty

·Hammer. Toto

Bammund, BID

f·Hammoo. E. J. aromid. (Tterokea [amptnn, M.

Haniock. C. C.

Bandford. Bam


. *

(B)Hanlan. Jack *· Hanna. Albert Haiisrti. I K ftaneell, JL R.
Haneen. J. K.

Horblr.. dGm eo W rt. ·Hardee. Frank E.
Hargrave. Benntit
Hoxkltroud. English

HIlughcej. (ieorae ··Bughet. Prof. Jim Hughe*. F. W. Huali'. Arthur P. Hughes, Frank (SIHuao. Charles Hulme. Fred O. Hunt. Gordon Hunt. Harry
Huntley. Wm.
Hurst. George

Kriraer, Chas Kreeger. Albert Sregtw,_Wm.
Kroll. Herman Kruma Clyd# "Kuhl. Earl Kuiter, Micky (S)K.t KI Pror. Laberta. Otl* Lahourty. Paul Ulloz. Jark LaBreque. Harry

Hyde E B Hyiter. Olep Hyer. Wm Hyman, Ike

Lao.mey. Win TK)UD*I1. Robt. l.tRuv. Alt Lackaye, Dick

·Iileal Rataar Co. Ingram. Howard Irion. Guy K. Isaacson. E.

·Lafalette. Erdine IKIIosflln. Doll ·loGrande. Clias. I.alrd. its A

lyl* Stork Ca IMir. Leo
4. J. Jackson. Eddie Jaikson. Jo* ya.k'on ^ed Jacob*. J. F.

loiMat', e. Geo W. I..amber<. R R lairoon. Harry _ ···loimont*. E B. TjiAIunir. Hxmr Laecasfert Jack
(_ KILtndcraft.

lacob*. J. F.

(K)Jacob*. J. H Landtrk. Oltn

Jacob*. Capt. Terrell toine, R^.F

M. ·Toior. Eddie

"Jaeget. Eibett

·Lanlrr. Jeff

M. I).nald . Taw _


McDonald. Oraddy **«»» Powder Blref

>fcE*c*iem. Jack <K)Mnst, F. JT

VfcFadden, Omar

Aloster, J. E.

Mcflarry. toseph Mottla. Ban

Irish ·Moulin. Rouge

MiGee J. M

Aloylaa Chaa.

AfcGini*. C. H

··Aluldoon. Billy

McGirk. Jack

Mullens. Johnnie

MiGrath. Tom P. Alulligan, Ptaiy

McOruder. Eugene Alulumby. Dan

McGuire. Jame* J "Muneey Bros.

Mclntoch. Wra. O Afungar. Ftord

M. Inloeh, W. D. Aluoger. Wm. I*

Mclnioah. J. A "AfcKay. R n

Morphre*. Jtff ·Murphy. Cherlle.

MIcKiity._ M siaannrijcee ·McKolyle. W.

of Det rott Murphy. Birharil V.

MrAfaluTfi. C G "McNally. Boy.

(KlMurPhy. J. T. ·Morphy. Jmenli

- ,,Heppy Murphy. A. J.

McNulty. 8. C.

Murphy. Cha*. P,

·McPlicrson. Euarti* Murphy. W. A.

·McPherson. E. C. Mundiy. Nell

·McPherwwi. Norman "Alurray W. T.

MeSparrow. Prof. Murray, W. T

Georg* ·".Murray. Krinball

'M_ acD_ onaM_ . Jas T.


Meet. Harry G.
··Mark. L C. \lj, g Hirry

Vyari. C. N. Don ···Myere. Al Myers. I* Claud*

Alack. Joe

iKIMyier. W B.

Mark 4 Williams ·Myslerl*. Prince

IPiineli, II F

··Burton. Gxi. K

Benactte, Joe L. ^inuri.xn Jack

iKIBenny Clrde .Hurwell. Hal

Bentley. Floyd

' "Bii«ch 4 Joy

Berkhoitt, Herman Rush. Joe

S. "Iliitler. WhIilo

Cooper, L. A.
CAonper, C 'de Copeland. IM. O). Cor'lrar. Harrv Coniant. Walter
(Awnalli. Earl B.

Do.'lev. Bernard Dovoe. Elmer
Downing. H. R.
eviif. **
l>uwu«. J. M

Fuller. Jark Fuller. D P.
(K)Otedka Dick
Gaffney. Frank Gaffnay. Sugarfoot

Harper. Wm.

James. Arthur

Harriraton. Lcjml#

ft Xhu

Harria, Aiaa B.

James. Dr.

niitsrrrrLi.s. Bneert Myi.omhr t(iKtulJaammee**,. K. P.

Harrlt Henry B Jsme*. Joe H.

Hirrla R H. Boh Jameson. E. B.

Urkford. C. .AA.f J.. .·k jHiuuggnliile _ (Chuck) ·Altrfc. Alfred F.

Nidreau. Gene Nagel, Iffie Great

Macrin* Sam

Nagy. Loula

t!!-*?*" , "URee. Leon (SHairauee. BIH

'·Ma lden. B*v

Vanoe. Mr

··AladJen. KMie

Nar'h. Be*'

Miglrltn 4 Swop! 'I^assau, Billy

··Berllng Hv 

(K)Blittlmer. Harold

Cortland. Jack CaamopoltUB

hiftV. '^im _ (^f)^Ro*!e*"1li*fid J. Gainer. Ralph F

II irrls Vlncefit L. Hirrls. Milk

Jamlesoa, Paul I.W uttlr

tLaRue. Te<l

Swallower "Naihanson, Sidoav

iihara. Ilr Frxek MilHen. Billy

Nehro. W.





a. B.

Butts. C. J.

··Berry. F.

Ilyant. Al tSMm)

''·rry. Mart

Byrne. Tboniai M.

·CibllL Johnny

W. iie-oati*. Chas.
Bezefri. George

Cain. Geo. sajorT Hiram ·`M'aliltnd. Jack

·Coetello. A. Colton. .G
·Country. (Tu* (C.'Ursey Chaa F. Corbett. Jas A.
Corsettl, Dan A
Coagroy*, Erwtrd (STCoventry. Earl Cowell. Lanrri (-e

Doyle, J P
'Dove. Roy IViwdy, S. H.
Dreaao. Josh
Itenro. Curly Du.r1ll. rrn.1 Duetto, Forrmtoo ·Duffy. Wm. Duffy,. Jaeerk

'ililne*. Ch*' Brits.
(KlOal*. O. B _ , Pc"*
Galyin Pkye Gar liner. Edward (BlGaidher, LHlI* ·G.mbtaa in-

·Hartlaoa Arthur (KlHarrlion. Boturt
D Klllarrlaon, Robe.
H Harrlsih. ALwrlson Dsirus, .lack "Han. Harold S. ··Hart MHo J.

JcfTrla*. WUl tTivi
.Teikin'. Prl<* ·".Irnnerns. Harll
JenniDf.s. Johnnie Jerome Sunny Jc«penun. Gav Jeter Ives M. JetteT. J. J.

ja·VTa?l,l- ^ Ij'het f.eT*n. Charlie

··tjVeetli. Jiik

(KIIjVerne. Ibnil

LaVett* (T>*s ,



M ·Maall'cihTa.n.r>.Fnrank

Nell, James (RiNelll. Win B

Malyiie. Pat

iKINellls. I...

(K)Afa(nne. Bob

IS)Nelson 4 Moakar

Alan*. John

"Nrtion. L H

"M'Maannggoerroos. Txom N>ellss,,iesi, Il..aannryar BI wk

iRIManlay. Itiinnlr (S)N*laoa. nm

Tawrener. ··layman.


M ji.amnn, .


C If

"'Nelscfc F. 1^

CaMwell. E. R Ctidwen. Btrh*f«

OawML ifackley W. Duffy. Jack

larikiaa. Feed H. Barter*. .Aerial

Oak. o. o.

Duffy. BUI iTMlom) Oaritat. Baymead ··Hartley. Fred

Jewell. Clifford ·Jlnea. Henry

Layman. Freak 1 "Lcblang. Emamrt

(Continiietf oh poffe 161)


The Billboard

June 13, 1925


(Continued from page 161)

Noma. W G.

Parker. Bkl E.

(KlNerenburg. Theo. `Parker. Harry

(K)Pretrhel, Edd
Price. Wreford ?. ·l^rime. Le^lle l*iImrose. A1 T. (KIProctor. Geo. H. Proctor, Fred ·Pronto, Doc Chag.

Blley, Ja<.k
Riley. Joe "Rlieff, George Klley. Henry Rinsllng. Q. KBllh, Jo*. Roach. C.

·'SaUedl. Joso la Salrail. A. L IKIRandi, A. L.
·Hendatoiie. Jack IKIRanduakey.
W. T. (K) Sanford. W. D.

8irkles. Bob ·Sigmund. Robt. ·Signor. W. L. ··Signor, E. A.
IMIer. R. HI
Sllverettes. The Sllvendar. John M.

···Stewart. R. B. ·Stiles. Fred IL
stlllabower. Eddie still. Wm B.
··Stine, Frank P.
Stine. Jimmie Silret. A. R.

Tliomao. Leo

(KiTlcigia.-. C .T.

··Thompson, Harlan

·Thnmpaon. C, W.

··TThhoommppiosonn, ,

Joe Ray

Tliomnson. H. n.

·Walker, Ray

Wall. R. (V

Wallace. Jai-k ··Willaco. Happy Wallace. Reverly


niiiiams. E (B)WlIlUm.s.



Wallin*. Dale ··Wallis. Henry

R Wllllima.


Neugent. Jimmy
`Ncvliif. Jfmiw Newcomb. A. T. (8)Newell A Ktn* Nev^nff. PbU

Parker. Bob K.
Parker. Tommie Lee `Palarko. Eugene Palmer, Sampson Park, Sam J.

Pruitt. Virgil Pudlg, Martin F. ··Pursell, J. W.
Piirtls. Bert H. ··I*sne, M. T.

Robbins. Geo. ·Robert*. Ned ·Roberta. G. W.
Roberts. Bob Hoberts. ^w.

Sanford, W. G.
··Songer. Tom A Annie
Sanger. Tom ··Santell the Great

Siinma A JJndsay stmmoni. J. B. Slmmonds. Jack Simona. Walter Jack Simon, Al

Stlrev. Krslerlek W. ·Storkton, Lew ·.Stoddard. Al Scokn. Gea Stoke*. Bobt. C A.

·Thompson, A. E. `Walsh A Tiyo

·Thomson. R, iL Wallers. Wlllta

·Thontloix. Chaa O. Wallrtk. Bob

Thor-on, Carl J.

Walton. _I5ai1 T.

Tidwell. T. J.

Ward. T^.

Winitmi. Chii"^*
rTwmutn,.^? Williams A

···Newman, Maurice Park. Jimmie

Edw. Parker. Tom

Newman. J. D.

(K) Parker, Bennie

Quaint ance, R 8. Quillen, C. J. Quinn. F. L.

Roberts. Boy

Sault. Joe

"Bing" ··8chaeter, Karl

·Roberts. B. L.

Ssliaeool. C. J.

Slmonsen. Ckatdey Simnklnt. Edward

8toket, Uoyd Stolle. F. A. Stoltz. Lloyd

··THIotaon, Frank (K)Ward, E, C.

Tlllion. Ben

Ward. T. F.

Timmons. Alfred E Ward, Tiennnr

"·Williams^-'®! WUllim*. Chas.

(KINewnort. Frank

Naipo Quinnettee. The

Newaome. A. Dusty Parmley. Harry

KaiKord, Jack

Roberts, J. 8Stanley Ssbaffer. Jack iOIlni

iKlRoberts. Jack

Schenkel. Edward

Sims. O. N.

·Stone. A. ··Slone. J. E

·Tinsley. John Tollln, Dave

`Ward. E Warma. Henrr

Winiams. Edl^

(KINewton. S. P. Nickerson, Durward
·NlchoUf. Miller Nlcbola. D. Nichols. Walter ·Nlcbola. Miller

Parmley. batmood Parrot. Henry
Patrlr. Joe ·Patten. George ·Pattersoo, J. Patterson. Raliih

··Rainey, Jack Ramsey Troui» Rainey. George Ranger. Dr. Lee
·Rankin A York Raaklns. W. ».

··Roberts. PVank M. Roberta, O. B. R'bertaon. Bill ··Roberson, George
Robertson, Jim R-bertson. R, E.

·Srhci>r>. Grover Schmidt. H. L. Schnepp, Walter
Schoolcraft. Lawrence

Sims A Foltz Sinclair. Arthur
Sine*. John Hi ·Singhall. 8. U Skrbek. Wm. ··skulley. Tom

Stone. Ol L. Stopeck, H. ·Storch, A. T. ··Stout. Jack
Stout. Theo. Stratton. Mr.

Tomllnioo. D. C. Tonxvtiwi. Jack Topping, Jimmy
Tracey, Wm. G. Trask. Jame*
··Travla. Don H,

W'amee. Harry Warren. Bubble

Wnilams. Han?*'? IKlWllllams.

(S)Waaren. Harry WUIUm*. Jack

Warren. Guy I*

·Warrington. IL A (RlWatarroan. Sam

W initm*.

Clifford (L'nde)

·Nlcloaytho. 5ilchael Paul. Walter D.

Noble. Ralnh

Paul. E. U

Noonan. Howard

Pavone. Joa.

Norman. John W., ·Payltm. Corse

Circus Pearson. Ralph J.

Norwood. Mr.

IKIPedd, Billy

Norton, Ktank.

Pelplue, Paul



·Noy. rvank Nurenborg, Albert

Pelklns. Mr. A ktra.

Nyman, Myer

Peterson, J. D.

· lOO'Brlcn. J R. ·I'etersoo. B.

KaSier. Elw. B. ·Ramb. Gene Ray. Tommy Kaye, lidward Rave. Ed ·Raye. Ed ··Raymond, Johnny
J. ·Raymond, Henry
Ravmoi.d. `'Hip" Reading. Fat ·Reardon. Wm.

Robinson. Z. P.

Schuler, Geo. A.

Robinson. Frank

Schultz. Wm.

·Robinson. Ekb

·Schwitters. Hans

Rock. Al. ··Rockay, Jack

.Scofield. John J. Scott. Wm. F.

Bockway. Jack ·Rodgers,. Jack

·Scott. Clarence V. Scott. Guy

Roilgers. Jim

Scott, Robt.

···Rodlrmoecr, Cha*. · Scott. The*.

Roohr'a Cyclilning

(KISrott, U E

SSeervnssation S<o<t, Frank

Roeese. Charley

Scott. Warren

·Slain. Peter

Straub., AL

Slocum, Geo. Bum Strode. W. A. BUI

··Smlne# 8. A

(KlSmart. Jack

·Smite. 8.

StudatiU. Bay

Smith A Warren Stump. W. R.

Smith Greater

Sumi. C. U

Slvowa (R)Sugarman, Abe

Smith. Louis

(SlSugarman. Abe

Smith A Bagley

Sulatman, 5f.

Smith A Warner

Sullivan, H. J.

Smith. Midnight

··Sullivan, Artie

sum (S)Sulllvan.

(KlTressell. Clyde Watson. Jlol>t.

·wmiei o. w

·Trout. W. G. True. J. E
Truitt. Ralph Tucker. Cliff Tucker, V. B.

Watasono. J. E H. Wilaon. Tod Watta, Arella
Watt*. Charlie

W llson. Bert fc. (KI Wilson n l.
WHaco A Wilaon" Wllsou. Archie Jack

, ICottnn)I Wilaon. Doc

Tirlev. Beaufiord Watwood, J. F.

Wilaon. J. D

·Turner. BlUy M. Waullert. Frank

Timer. E. R.

"Webb, Wm. O.

Wllatn. X. Z IKlWlli,*,.

Turner. Clarene# V, Webb, Br*>

Wllunn. Jean

"Turner, Wm.

Webb, H. J.

"Winfield. Frai*

Tyndall. L. C.

Webber. Arthur E Winkle. Rin

O Brien, John O'Brien. 8tuail

I'erkey & P$u11do Redding. U E Fat (K)Bogers. Mom A s<oit. Elmer

I'crr. Erne.l

··Reed. Frank 8.

Pop Scuttle. Victor

SmltE Van A ·Smith. Cha*. W.

Prank J. "I'delhof. Claretice Webber. Arthur E. Wlnkl*. ¥. C.

(RlSunivan. E E ··riTlrh, C. W.

(R)Weber. CarLE Winn. J*,-*

·O'Brien. Billy (S)O'Brlea. Jack O'Donnell, J. F. ·ODonnell. Jas.
(KlOgan, Waiter



i'*® ·O Shea. Tim

Pettljohn. BlIIlo ···Peyton. Wm. A. Phifer. Elmer T. rhllbert, E. H. PhllUp*. Clark PblllPD. O. O.
I'liillii*. Tie Four Pit 111 log. W'm U

Reeil. Jimmie Heed. M. E Reedv. Slim ·Reese. U Reeves. Arthur ··Regils. Three
Relbel. ChasReid. E. C.

Rneeri A ilarvin Rocpts. B. E
Roger*. Browney ·'Bollo" (The
Limit) (R) Romanoff, Billy
Eioney. Pat IKIRose. BllUe

Sea Jack. Pete Seibert, Harry
Seims. Ilerry (KISellz. Joe (BlSeHert. Jack Senav. Wm.
'^ter. Boyd ,, ··Senter. Russell

Smith Bucking



·Smith. Harry

Smith. O. Z.

Smith. Steve.


Smvthe. ,, Hariy M.

Snapp. Wm. E

Bundsmo. Waldo E
Sutherland. W E Sutliff. Harvey
(RlSmter, Tam Sutton. Harvey
`Suzuki. Prince Swatn. C. W. Ruanger. Clarence

(Dl'mberger. J. E T'nderweod, STiat. I'nderwood, Jos. E I'tler. Fre.! Vaileiev. Clirvtic* Valle. Mr. Dr. "Valare, Denny
·Vilgean. Harrv

Weber. Jim.

Winslow, W. E

Webater. Win. Col.. Wirth. Thomas


W'ltrgall. Teddy

Welch. Boota

Wolf. Wm. (R)Wolfe, Barney

W'''>. Delroo

Wsdtll, Ous

Well*. Jack

"·Wooding. Albert

`Well*. IgiuTence O. Wootto. B,r>>

Oiser. Olb
Oldfatlier. T. A. Oliver. H. K --O'S-ell. Jack E. Opel. Harry

·ITPihlllllpllsn.s. JiGmlenn H. Ptitlllps. Percy W. (KlPhoebe. Wm.
Sneedy pienlen, P. ^ ^
pinner, J. Tom

Rcld. W. H.

Rose. J. G.

·Heif. Jr . F. J.

Rosen. George

Reiss, Patsy

·Risen, Lester t

·Uembert. Elw. T. Rini.-en Jack

Rrmli:gtpn. Clarence Rosenbaum., D. J.

Remh. ClvJo

·Roienthil. 3.7.

··Reno. Wm. X.

IiKl)KRoss. Theo. E

(KlSetlle. A. A
Seymour. Walter SludtUx'k, Richard Shadcwetle*. Shafer. Frances ``Shank, Hartley Shar.kel. LeRua

Snedeker, W. Ray
Snyder. Ed. E Sonnenbloom. Jack
Sotelo, Jeaile V.
·Sparks. W Spell. J. W. (KlSpencer. O.

···Sweeney, LoulaA.
`Sweeney. Jack Sweeney. Cha*. Sweetiey, Arthur
`Sweet. E M. `Syki*. Harry Taber. Fluid

···Vance, Chai. K. `WelU. Raymond W.· ·"WoodwtriL MHtim

Vanderstonlt, S.


(B)W'oalard, lUrl*

Vindewiter. J. E ""emlkoff, Jake (SlWhiTlImv. A. E

Vane. Ellwood

J*" I-

(HlWren. Geo.

Van Zan. J. H. Van. Jimmy F

y'**: KI"'; `W eaten. Murray

···Wright. Mike "Wtlght. Bar!

Van Toak. Albert Weston. Fitzhugh ·WVIclit. Ft»,| Q.

Opnnul. Charlie ···Opus, .alfrid Omolda, Chas.
Orr. Jack Orth. Roy Orth. Lew

Pitman, E C.
(Kll'lado. Frank Plimil). Flovtl H. Poet. Corlnto Poland, Jay Polk. Jack

Rmsh Brotliers (K)Reo. Ned
Revolt. I'aul Re*. Prof. .1. H. C. ·UcviioUis, Francis Kltlneman, Guskey

··Boss. Al R.ovsss. Fred KRovs. Lou Rossmmain,. Frank Koutt, R, E Roivaii. R. E Doo

`Shannon. Jr.. Harry IKlShaw. Will *`Shaw. J. E Sheirln, Wm. ··Shelby, Ait A


Raymond Tabev. "no.-'*

(K1 Spencer. Bennie Talbot. Nate

^ w ···Sperry, Jaa. E
·Snlegel. E Solller. T M.

·Ta'.ikeno. J. R. Tinner, Doc B. (S)Tarieh. Jark ·Tarrenco. Jat. A

Vardell A Sewell Varney. O. H.


. Model*


Arthur "Wright A VivUn

Vaughn. Fred

Wheaton. Chhaia. E ·W>lght, C. E

(K)Vaughn, Jaa*t. W. Wbe-eter. Pete

Wright, E P.

"Velly. Prlmo "Venetian Four

·`"Wheeler. Pet* Whlley, Henry

B'tcky Wrlaht. Jack p

Oswald. E W. Ott. V.

Pulkinglium, Wm. Pope, Stanton C.

Rhoades. C. E Rlinades. Jack

·Rucker, M. Ruffe A Roy

Sheeran. Jo*. Sheets. Bill

Spurrier. Frank C. Tailer. Meyer

Stahl. Chat.

Taylor, Fmle

Vertoen. Mr.



Whit* Pol*.

"Wright Wfibert

Milwaukee* W'rlght, Stephen

··Overby. Claude J. Popson. Jolm

Rice. Jenny

··Kiiloff. E.

Sheppard. Jack

Stanford. Jack

Taylor. Waltrr

Vernon. H. D.

White, Nick

··Wright. Jltnev

Owens. Harry

`Poress. Bd

·Rice, Felix


SheiiperU, B. 8.

IK) Stanford.

Tavlor. Chener

Vernon. Victor

White. Bob Whlitle*t ·Wver. F_ O

Owens. BRlle Own. Richard

(K)Porter, Danld Porter, .lohn

Rich. Fabian Richards, C. H.

Cha*. E `Sherry, Jimmy

RusieTI. Spike

Sherrv. Mr.

Butter Tartor. Bilst

Stanley, lazle

Taylor. Leelle

Victor. Hugh (SlVldo. Jack

"White, K. W. `Whitt. Lew

W'yndleL Bert Xeno


Porter. James K

Mohammed `Porto, >1. B.

^zley Harold

p,»ey. Bailey

Bictiards. E. E (Dad)
·Richard*. Jimet
Richard*. P.

Bussell. Hal
Russell. Jack Bust. Geo. "·Ryan, Howard E

IKlSherwood. Ja*. Sherman, Robt. E Schiller. Dlz Shinn. Bob

Stanley A Attree ·Stearn*. Harry ·Steel*. M. A
Stein. Louts


Vile*. Tho*. Vincent. Alee

Teebsrden, BUrkle Vincent. J. J.

A Ruth ·Vincent. Allen

`White. Walter C. ·White, Oonzell* Whlttrloud. Jet. Whlimver. Joe A

Tagla, Frank Tatero, 8Iontehxi|0 Te-mian A Briggs Ton. T. L.

fKlPace, Tho*.

Potts. J. W.

Richards. Jis.

"Ryan, Jamei J. Shlnley. Jr.. Jaa. J. Stein. A. W.

TedeacM, Carlo

·Togstadt, Geo.

"tVhltney, Joe

Young. Earl

·Page, Johnny

(KIPotU, J. W.

·Richards. Pete

···Rvan. James

Shofstill. Bob


Telford. Herachel

Osegy "·WhorriE Boy

·Young B Wtimel

·J'otlee. B.

·Richard*. A. H.

SielUl, C. J.

Shofsttll. Bob

Slelllng. Fred W.

Tellrop, Jess* LeRoy Vocstod. Oea

<R)Wickham. Jame*I Toung. John

··Pal. Marvin Pa^lmeve. Fred

Potter. Otto "··PPootttteer. Bemle
PouUvsef., Mike

·Richard*, "nio*

Sager, Edd

Alvia Saglow. E T.

JT"** (KlShort. E.

Richmond. Paul W. ·Stlilcn. Carl Wm. Short- Fiord A

·Stenkel. M. Stevens. Johnnie Stevens. Lee

Tenney. H. Tennyson, D. E Thardo. Paul

V-v-., Mystic. Waddell, Ed
Wade. Gumevs

Wienrmsn. Harry Wlggmt. Jack
WIggIna. E

Younger. Ed. (K)Yoshld*. fth* ···Zanclg. Jalla.s

···Painntzer, Carl ·Paouette. Eugene

`PowelL Fred E PowelL Albert

"Richter Ernest U. ··Sailor, Joseph

Richter. 'Dick

"Sailor. Eben

Bhrlver, Clarence Shropshire. A.

·Steven*. E C. Stevenson. Fred

Thatcher. Jas. Thaw. E F.

Wade A Webb Wald, Bud

Wight. Pete Wlibue. Bert

·ZelUtn E A Zelaya

p Pairske.,r, CharlI*e'y VLee Powere, CD, orLseeyrty

Rldgeby. Frenchy Riegel, Robt. D.

St. Charles. J>o St. Mattheww*s, Ed

Shuey, Fred F. ··Shultae. Miltoe

·Stewart. Geo.

Thffde. Max

Steamboat "`Thllman. Joe

Walker. Sweetie

"WIleolL Dtm

Walker. MtrihtU Wild O. J.

Zesra Z*ne Zulkf. Knl

Perker. A T.

`PreU. Paul

Riggers. Jo*e

SakoU. Abe

Slbury, Ralph

·Stewart. Euttne `Thlinble. Geo. T. ·Walker. D. W.

`"Wild*. Cert

·Zundsl A McCarttv

IK '

II-PI6M DRESSER SET. Used bcz. Very altractlve.

Iror; Flnlah. Affletlctn Bwuty

Cad* Naaae *`BENC0". Made In S dlffereot flnlahes. Mahugany. Marble, Bronze. Guaranteed Ameri¬ can-made preaaed ateel Clock. Height. 8H In., base 21 In., metal 6-ln. dUI; convei glass, front wind, 48hour lever movement. Each Clock packed In besvy rurrugated paper box.
86 Bowery, New York
K% deposit, balaoc* C. O. D.

5-tn-l CombinaUcB Toaster, Cooker, Boiler, Frier, Heater. Newest T'.-e(ul Piemlum on the market.

S>|||>1 Combination, made of solid olekel. hitb iwUah. Moat iiserul In any borne. Fark^ one to s rarton. Per OusR. $42.00.
la XS loU. S8.2S Each.
Hend for Cattlorae.

Rudolph Toy & Novelty Co.

CAN PLACE one Pnn Show or Platform 8how that doea not roofllrt. WANT Bide Help on Whip oafi Merry-no-Round. Top aalarlea. and wo pay them In raib--not In promlao*. A few Cooceatloot open. Doe Cllngmao can uao one or two good Pit Hbow Act*.
Our Fairs Start Laist Week in July
ESdorido. Ark., week Juno Sib; Kmackover. Ark., week Juno 15th.

440 Market St.

Philadelphia, Pa.

Only neeesiary to aentrale the Brat or master burner, when the other two may be llahled or turned off as needed. This la a valuable feature where oulcfc artloo ii wanted. Stove It very rompart. With attarhed fallon tank stove It only 41 to. Ion*. 7*4 In. high and 14 In. wide. Can also be fumlahed leii tank and connected to your own tank by hollow wire. In five aliei, I, 2. 3. 4 and 5 burners. Faslest stove to take care of on the market and lowest prlce.1. Alto wr^ for our complete Catalogue describing this Stove and our line of Cook House and Juice Ktend Eoulpaient.
WAXHAM UGHT CO., Dept. 15, 550 W. 42d St., New York City. ·
See our other two ade in this issue on Glaisware and Juice Powders. Burnert, Tanka. Hollow Wlra, ote.
WIUj Fl'RNlf^n New Topi, New Banner* and Ni*w KrrmU r»r real ifKjwmen. WA.NT Fat Girl. Blf Snake and GUai Blower. roNrKHSIO.VS OPKN: Kilter Wlieeil. i;rftrrTj UWI, N<»faltlea, Candy Fin's?. Khootlnit Gallery or any other legitimate iioTei. Wlieela, |30.ri0: OGnd Grtfl. CAN PLACE American Palmlatry at once. Dor early Paira atari June 29., Ada. Minn.; Ilafloviie Warren, Crookstoo, Wire ua. don't write. Addrett Benaon, Minn., ttk June 8; Ilrevkenridte, Minn., week June 15.

Strong Ten-in-One Show. Alto good Hawaiian Shiow. split fifty-fifty tbc gross. Also Eg. on Nowclties is open. We arc playing nndcr Klan snspices and arc booked ontil September. Wire RODGERS 8 HARRIS CIRCUS. Pirasnre Park. Eyansvillc. Indiana, ibe week of Jane 9tb: Ft. Wayne, Indiana, week of Jane I4tb.
Great White Way Shows
Tbia weak %'.t. Varnnn, O.: wM'k of June 15. Hhelby, O.; week of June 21, Oalloo, O.: one of tli* bail 4lh of July celcbratlona In th. Hlata. NewLiitla, Ind. WILL FURNIHQ Outfit to s raaponalbla Alblotlr Hbow Manager. Can iiaa Man and Wife for romplrlo lllutlon Hbow on .lO-.'iO, CAN PLACE ·oma flrlnd Conrcaalona or any money-gettlog ahow for the above dataa and 10 Fairs suiting July 20. Orinders for Johnny Wslltce 20-ln-l. WANT Carnival Etsctrlclsn; must know bit buslneai. C. M. NIORO. Manager.

June 13, 1925

The Billboard

Spclali In colorwl »n<l hU'k Umbr.-IU, with tanry hamll'i »> rmt, and up. 'Li'h (Upualt, halanra C. *· U.
Famous Umbrella Co., *iJEw*YORK*ci*Tv!

Blsffrt of unbrrakiblt
ia<on«d with oitrick frithm.
i;" Oslla .... 14" 0«l<i ... U" Dalit ...

.$4.40 par Day. . S.OO par Dat. . 8.M par Ota.

DcUs tie I



with fine I


trimmed !

marabou > and tintal. '

12" Otllt .......$4 00 par Dtr. 14" Dtllt . 3.00 par Dor.
IS" Dtllt .S.SO par Ott.
25'# dapoitt rr'iulrad itUh all orJrra.


37 Ualta Stuara.

Na« Ytrk City.

Nttt Naw Addraat.

Talrpbonai: MUTTeaam «115 and 6116.

Hi^h Grade


Astortrd in ViiU

1 gr. in bos

Used fyr




$4.20 per Gross.

Special nrice 17 gr. tort. Large Sizes.
Very AttractiTc.


Atk for Agtnlt' Prtcn.

C. H. SELICK, Inc.,

56 Leonard St.,


N.Y. C.

fJati tnp mnnay oaar tmaanslaa ride, ai  low prir# and liberal tcrmi. Write or wire for our catalog.
Independence. Kansas
Feature Freaks
Ruinmar ataaon. Htaady work. RtaU talar^ R<^ plMiioa drat lattrr. Write quirk. M. kBALIT, B lardwalk Bcarb. OSth DC. Bockaway Bepch, N. T.


Rr,i flash obtainable for Carnirala and Parka. Rrarybody sranti one for their home. Bepeat ordrra Imlirate our It akrta are going better Iban erer thla teateo. Bemarkable taluea at real low prlres. tireat big strong Heed Baekrti filled srith beiutlful flowers that last almost a life time. Order today and atari making big money Immediately.




Each in Sample

a / O Doz. Lots


$13.50 doIen
Thil beautiful bronze flnith Basket Is fliled with rlotb Boaea or asaorted flowers. Rtaods 23 Inches high. Bute preference of Bowers. This Basket makes a wondCTful flash.

BeauMful twn.tone effect Be»d Baakat, game at above only with 9 Itghte instead of 8. Tilled with nine large rioth Reset, each equipped with grniiine Mtxda bulb tmlde flnwer, siring a beaullftd transparent effect. Rtandt 23 Inrhrt high.
Cume packed each In a aeparate eorrugated box.

Nine*Light Jr. Floor Baisket

Patented Electric Flower Basket






SHOwnsc ·oat oiTmo^Or

^ FHeetrle bulbt ' inside the flow-
era give a moat beautiful trans" parent effect not
N obtainable In any A other electric * flower b a · k c t.
Weaderfol Pre¬ mium ea Saleabearda and a fait seller at Bazara. etc. Tele¬ ray bulbd bum m almost tadefl-
9 nltely.

The Basket show* abeve. 8 lltbta. 23 la. high. 4.LIGHT BASKETS. 19 lachea Hifh. EACH. $3.00; DOZEN. $33.00. S-LIGHT BASKETS. 23 laches Hllk.
EACH $3.23; DOZEN. $38.00. 8-LIGHT BASKETS. 23 lathes Hl|h.
EACH. $3.7$: DOZEN. $42.00. Saaiple sent at ladividwal prices thews abeve.


ful two-



n b:;skrt.

 If III///

Double woven


-- handle.

^ Filled

X I, " 

with 9 large






irlth a

tannine Mazda Bulb Inside. Equip¬

ped with 8 tu of

rcrd and

I luhs all ready Is ifM.
Each M Doz. Lots
Sample. $8.30.

23e$ d a p o 0 11 required oo C. O. D. orderz.
Ramplat in czah.
Writ# for Catalof.

OSCAR lEISTNER Mpniafactupurz 323-325 W. Randolpli St., Ghicago, III.


i.DJfLota. Hustlers--ConcetMonaires--Operators ug*®'!.,..

No. 300 -- Baautlful Servlap Trayi. Poli'hrd allrer-nlckel frame and bandies. Beautiful a.'sunment of tletlans with glass paneL Btie, 13x19 Inchea.
Dozen, $9.00

Sample. 31.30 Eash. 50% deposit, balance C. 0. D.


17] CaBil St.,

Now York

Write (or Catalog futt off lbs
pre&a. See our other td on page IT2.

WLL BfHIK any rlein Show of merit. WILL BOOK a few Cnncettlona with clean people and Beat frameup. FAIR Rl.i. IU:ta11ILS wanting a reliable (how capable of fulfllllng tta ti ntracu. get In tnu>h with ua. We bare a few open dates. Wa own cur four Rides. We own our allows and partphernalia. We own our Calliope. We own our Special Medley Band Organ. We own out Mopirdrome. Would like to get In touch wlih Harry Brown, t'y Dameron, Arthur Lewis. Oracle Til mat and Mik# the Egg. Come on. Wallins. Ky., 8 to IS: big celebration. Lym-h. Ky.. 15 to 20. FIrat tliuw In either spot this year. Mines working day and nlgbt. Address all mall and wltea to CHCIL C. RICE, Manager.


1000 Serpentlno. Asst., tho Bast Grado. 6r.$ 2.30 30-Lb. Bat Best Canfettl. 4.00
100 Pkgi. Canfettl. $2.75; 1,000 Pkgt. far.. 23.00 Whips. Ns. 2. $4.30: No. 3. $6.30; Ns. 4.
par Grass . 7,30
Ns. 110 Heavy Asst. Csisr Round Bnllssns.. 2.75 Ns. 70 Extra Hvy. Aist. Gas Ballsens. Grass 3.00 Birds, 3 Csisrt, Ltng Dtcerated Sticks. Or. 3.73 R. W. B. CIsth Parastit, 24-ln. Spread. Gr. 33.00
Feather Pinwhaels. Grass. 3.00 100 Bambet Canes (1,000 for 310.50). 1.23 100 Cal. Feather Dusters (1.000 for $10.00). 1.20 1000 R. W. B. Canes (100 ftr $2.50). 23.30 100 Asst. Metal Hrsd Canes. 37.30. and 100. 9.00 7/IS Swagfer Sticks. Cal. Cap, Nick. Far.
Crest . 13.00 H Swagger Sticks, Asst., Big Fancy Heads.
Grtu .21.00 Tissue Paper Nevelty Parastit, Asst. Brats. 3.73
R. W. B. 14-in. Shaker Hkhi. Special Grass . 3.23
Inflated Rubber Taya, Circus Asst.. Gump
Family. Red Devils, Hst Pups tr Frapi. Grtu . 10.20


Brteehei. Atiraetive Asst. Grass.3 1.23 Amber Cigarette Haiders. Gross. 3.00 Comb. Brass Ash Tray & Match Hsider. Gr, 7.30
Tissue Paper Nevelty Rasette Fans. Greu. 3.73 Cempaises. with Mirrtr Backs. Grass.... 4.30
Asst. Metal Badgei. Cemit Titlaa. Grets... 3.75 Jap. Ctlared Bead Necklaces. Grtst. 4.23
|4.-ln. Rubber Balia (Elastics. 33c). Gr... 1.63
Fsidinp Scisttrt. Vrst Psrket Sirs. Orsso 7.30 Cellar Button Sets (4 Pieces). Grass. S.OO R. W. B. Magic Citer Fans. Crass. 2.00 Bulb Water Guns, Special. Grass. 4.30


620 St. Clair. Watt.


Trim,: 23% with ordrr. bsisnea C. O. D. Persunal checks delay shipment of your order.

Candy for



®$1.35 ---v

FIno grsdn of assorted

' \ KnlikrrlxMkrr Choeo-



latea In 4 oa. pnrkage.




i g-- .. _

I '7!!9fS«a(4aw |


J 1



containing 14 bosto.
Price r. O. B. Now York. 25% dopoatt. balanee C. O. D. Inchide postage OO ptrcel ahlpDMnta.


3SS Canal St., - - NEW YORK

eTwo Fast-Selling Novelties
The Cross Word
Puzzle Ring
the first and only kind on the market. Evrrybody wanta oiM. Made of aterllng tllvrr, guaran¬ teed. Sella at prnflta of 50% to 200%. Rend II lor aampla.
The Lift-O-Lite Lamp

If a unique new Invention--an artistic B.tudolr Lamp. Night Lamp or L.>mp for general use-- which lights when lifted and goea out when put down. A
push button makes it itay lit.
Operatea from small flashlight battery. No wires, plug or electrtcal current ne-essary. Cornea parked fomplete with embroidered shade, battery and bulb, ready to work, for $2.50 posliiald. You ran tell U for $4 easily.

/^vU||||h / j ijmlrw
IM'  tiQP
' i| I I I I

Rend for samples and complete profsotitlon at once.

263 5th Awu., NEW YORK




Sampio prepaid. SOi; Oezep. $3.00.
Aik for our quantity pricet. One-third deposit, balance C. 0. D. Write foe our new caulug.


39 East Adams SVeet.


Wo Carry Evtrytblop lu Japaneu Goods.

Smallest Bible riuatty. .\hout six# of
t-istage stamp. 200 pages. Big arller carnlvalt, fairs, states, etc. 100 Lats. $3; 1.000 Lata. $3S. Sample. 2i)c (coin). MID-WEST. 8-206 Bruadway, Cusincil
Itliiffs Iowa.

Tell Them Yoa Saw Their Ad in The Billboard.

IVIlLAjCil rlvrlwOC,"""

sou^. $100, $50

wrm. with order, balance C. O. D- Immediate shipMaC-


SB.. P. O. Bog 186. ClnciaiMtL O.


203t Railway Excb. Bldg.. Locnit St. Bttwtn Sixth and Stxtiitb
Attractions at the Theaters
St. Louis, Mo., June fi. . bic's I. rish Hose, still playing the Shubert-Jefferson Theater, starts on its 1` 1th` conscxi^tive week tomorrow night.
Twin Beds was the presentation of the Woodward Players at the Empress Thea¬ ter this week, with Getting Gertie's Garter underlined for next week
Oscar Dane's Liberty Music Hall will probably r«"main oi>en thru the summer. The uresentation this week Is styled In Honolulu. Prominent In the cast are tJeorge Slocum. Hy Jensen. Lorraine Hays, Babeline ReaTd.er, Bonnie Bell,_Ray Kolb. Jack Sachs, Hallene htanzel. Babe LaRose, Helen Willard, HI Johnson and Ophelia Orth.
Pickups and Visitors
Dodson's 3Vorld's Fair Shows. w_ hich held forth for two weeks on the ol-dcircus lot at Vandeventer and LaClede streets, close there tonight and move across the river to East St. Louis, where they will open Monday night at 16th street and Summit avenue under the American Legion.
5c Play Side `Venders or Operators Beil
Ouarantefd In good rtitpr and to work Ilk* n*w Why R*t new marhlnet when theie are aa good? Mllti lite«t From Vendari. Serial! 109,300 and up. new, nerer used, $105.00. Mims, $11.50 a thousand mils. Send one-fourth with order, 2% with all cash. These prices cannot be beat.


Ti>in il. Kearney, well kjiown to the

eircu.s and carnival fraternit.v, and wife

left last niitht for Alaska, the first leK

of his three months' trip thru two con¬


(triM-n and Anderson, en route to In¬ dianapolis. were Hillboard visitor.^

Wednesday, with the info, that they had

paid a visit to Kell's Coniedi.ans in Illnio, M -.- where they had a spleiidld time with

Lenore Conin-lly. now witn Leslie t''. Kell.

Green and .\nderson are playlntj the

Washin.'tton Theater, Belleville. Ill., the

last hall' of this week.

Krank Layman, popular ride owner,

left last wvek for CliicaRO, where he ex¬

pects to put his rides in a park.

Charles Celest, playinK as the Great

SwlnK. is keeping busy at the vaudeville

houses in this section since his return

from a short trip west.

Louis Traband is busy on the east side of the Mississippi with several sales

board promotions, one for the Katies'

Aerie and another

the Trades' .Vs-

seinbl.v in Hast St. Louis. He also has

several contracts signed up to promote

big indoor celebrations in Illinois

next fall and summer.

Louis C. Heminway, (teneral aRtnt of the Isler Greater Shows, was a Billboard

visitor Thursday white in the city mak¬

ing railroad contracts for his show.

While on the Dodson lot Wednesday

evening we noticed among other visitors

Jack Shafer, Jim Sutherlin, Sam tlordon.

A. Berni, Matthew Daw.4on, W. J. Wal¬

ters. Robert E. Flannigan and Eddie

Vaughan. Charles Roach w'as a Billboard visitor

several times this week.

George A. Kapell. who holds the world's

record for long-distance piano playing,

wag another visitor this.^veek, en route

from Jefferson City, Mo., where he has

been broad<asrting via radio the last

month, to New York, from whence he

will take a steamer to Europe to com¬

pete in the international long-distance

piano-playing event.

Hal C. Macoy, general manager of the

National I'rinting and Engraving Com¬

pany, was exceptionally proud this week

of his son. Harold. 13 years old. who

won the silver loving cup offered by the

St. Ijouis AhtmnI of Amherst College to

the student of the John Burroughs School

H. H. Tipps Makes Complaint
II. II. Tijtps, manager the Royal Ex¬ position Shows, writes The IStlibiutril from .Vreadia. Kan., June (>, that "a man claiming his name was Harry flordon came to us In Carl Junction. Mo., want¬ ing to go out »ind solicit banners. We gave him permission. He secured a few in Carl Junction atid settled o. k. Theu we gave him iH'rmlsslon y<> go on to .-kreadia, Kan. He secured ads from sev¬ eral local enterprises and colh *ted lor banners. He `blowed', leaving the show to foot the bills. He claimed to have worked for T. A. Wolfe. I am enclosing one of the receipts, with his signature, and one where I paid the refund, which I also did on the others."
Thompson's Memory Honored
New York. June 6.--Following the an¬ nual custom, a simple observance In memory of Frederic Thompson, wellknown showman, creator of Luna I'ark and the Hippodrome, this city, was hcbl tiHlay at Luna Park, Coney Island. .\11 park attaches, showmen and concession¬ aires assembled and paid silent homage to Mr. Thompson, who. with Elmer (Skip) Dundy, threw open the gates of Luna to the public 23 years ago. Arthur I'ryor's band played several selections.
Cape. Latlip's Attractions
Blair, W. Va., June 5.--Cant. I.,atllp's Attractions have enjoyed good business here this week. The weather has been ``with'' the showfolks. Edward (Candy) Sabbath has added another cock to his eating-stand staff, a Mr. Davis, rated as one of the fastest griddle men In the business. Mrs. S.abbath jonied the euinpany here, also Mr. and Mrs. .ypeith, with three concessions, from Flo'":da.


At Lowest Prices
602--Colored A«rrl in TiffoU. with FANCV BORDER, amber trimmlogi tnd attractlee hinllea, tt
W* ir* miking a general line of t'mbrellu tliJt will plra>e you. PURE SILK, with either WIDE SATIN BORDER or FANCY BORDER. CILT FRAMES, ·tubby atyU, AM* BER HANDLES and trlmmlngt. at
$3oSO Each
AS--ColGfftl All'Sllk. Slubhjr style. Fancy IldmlleSg Amher Tint and Ferrulet.
$2.i50 Each
501--Lidlet' and Men'i RIaek Cotton, with SILK CASES, fanry handle!, at
SSc Each.
Termi: 2S% caih with order, bilaneo C.
Mssufselarers tf Unbrellat, 124 West 23rd St. - New York
Wanted at Once for the Season
Rides of all kinib fnr a big Ith of July CrPhriilon. Till! It ih* only .\inu<rinrBt Park within 10(1 rail*!. nidf nwnrrj will ni»l IhU a soil min*. .\ Pony Trark sill alto rl*an up. Klft**n ·tone nuarrlca and 22 mill*, and «T*rvbody work¬ ing, and there la plenty of money here Bedlerd hti a population of IS.(MX) and ran draw TiO.OOO from th* aurrnumling rounirr. Writ*, wire or phow*. No grift or gypiles wanted. Big rleanup for the tumnur her*. TE.X SH HUMAN, klanagrr. (are Speedway, IledfarJ, Indiana.


Oreet for Orocery, Fruit

Wheel!, etf. 8 In. wide.

jg' i

15 in. lung, 9 in. deep.

/a Q

Well made with braided

S fl

double baodlea and In that

Is k:

handy ahoppera' bag atyle. _

Eaay U> carry. Two doxen to fSRSlBw

a bundle, neited. CO TA

Per Dmn.


Come in flashy assorted

Full of bargains. Free for the asking. 2"i't with all orderi, balance C. O. D.


232 W. Randalph Street.

Chlcgf*. III.

MAU'S Greater Shows


Business, Professional Men's Association

The Following Events Will Be Held Daily:

Friday. Jane 19. Grand Opening Memorial Paik. Satorday, Jnne 20, Firemen's Night. Monday, Jnne 22. Anro Parade and Elks' Night. Tnesday. Jane 23. Baby Parade. Wednesday. Jane 24, Fraternal Night. Tbarsday, Jnne 25, Girl and Boy Scoot Parade. Friday. Jane 26, Indastrial Parade. Satorday, Jane 27. Fantagck Parade and Matdi Gras Nigfat.
Can place Concessions of all kinds. Wheels open. Space $5.00 and $7.00 a foot for eight days. Can place Whip or Chairoplanc for this date, also Free Acts. Everybody address

CARL H. BARLOW, Director of Concessions,

310 Wyoming Avenue,



Scranton, Pa.

ntgh Piver. Kidet. Lady Mutlrlani. for Wtltwond Amtiaement Park. El Dondo. Ark. IdO.OOfl people In draw from. New Park opent about June 2.">. LADY OIVKR who will make high aeniatlonal dire, two week. w..ik I,.M>Y OH«HKSTU.\--Plano, Vlolm and Saxophone prelerred. Laing enEagement. Also good Singer and Knlertalner. WILL B(H)K any good meney-gettlng Hide on pereenlage hail!. No eompetltloo. Park located on highway In eentrr of rich Arkantai on Field!. Rig gufhers rnmtng in dally. Larpti boom thli part of the country hai ever experienced. A rleanup for good Novelty Coneeiiioni. No gamhllnx WILL RfY any new and novel devlcei for SwtmmlnE Pool. NOTH--In answering thU ad atate ill In llrrt let¬ ter. Diver! and Muileianf lend phnlov. Will return aame. Addres! M-VNAOKR WILDWOOD AMI SKilENT CO.. Itox 717, HI Dorado, Arkanaai.
Circus Performers
Family ArU. Lady Menage Riders,.Olrls to learn ride and work animals. Iron Jaw, Singles. People doing leveral aiti. Bo,! I'rnpeny Man, Wardrob* Man. Coshocton. O.. Thuriday; Oalewrll. Friday; Dover. Saturday; Wheeling. \V. Va.. 15.
Christy Brothers Wild Animal Circis.

·Ize 4x7 iDehes.

W.tNTEiy--For week of June 29 to July 4, In¬ clusive. Coneeatilon,; uiuet be clean. No wheel! or gaming. W.LNT Side Shows. Merry-Oo-Rc.und. Whip, Ferris Wheel, etc. .M»o want game for week of Septemlier 7 to 12. Labor Day Week. DONNY BROOK OROfNDS. 601 N. Court St. Will F. I'srey, Proprietor.

Three Wacoo Front!. OfBee Wagon. Bor Wagon, alx Flata and Wage Wagona. All built new 1924. One Hoffman 3-lon TruOi. 5*0 Star Back Reaerved ReaU. 90 feet wv«n-tier Rlun. Rune. Plates, Chalks Jacks, etc., for loading and unloading train; thra* Flat Cars, 62. A4. 66 feet long; two 50-fL Box Cars, on* 76-ft. Cambination Pullman, five atatarooma, alxteen berthw steel underframe, A-No. 1 coodiUoD. Cacvai, etc. The above property can be seen at Oreanvllle. Tenn. Addreaa
C. D. SCOTT, BrUtol, Va.

Expect 15,000 people. Rides. Show, and all kind of legitimate Conoeiiiong. Addreit FR-tNK kflTCUKU,. Eaton, Ohio.

WALKER BROS.* SHOW. T'erformera doing twe or

more acti, Bois CanvtBinin end TtKik. WfiaL BI'Y

Rood, email Burkiiic Mule and Doga. ^UU aU. Join

on wire. Hig l!>Und.

OUiCtMr, 11; Buena TiiU.

12; all Virginia.

 ..I...' w \ for .-^avln H'k P.rk Must be good . (`.·..Ttulner,*, Niibmg Ur g'io.1. fioo.1 [ed for tfl -
Hl.'wer. alsn .me or i*o Pl.tform Atlrwtlnm. Write nr wtiF xH.t- A. ZHRM. IM Tlmma! Ut., Wm. Harm. Comertieox.

All CofK^(!an9 nt>en


OwIihk t* )nU 4«llv«nr «ilt bosk Mrrry

Wt h«fc sll

our Showt tnd other Ridet. We only rarry one Ojnretilon of a kind, an rome on. 0(>enlns at Ut»per Ban-

duilEy, O.. Jooe IS. WAMT good Kld« Bf>Ip and good CmKSekton AffenU.


W, Hteke tt. Upper tcndmky, 0.

.Lutplref Masnna. WANT ffrrt-rUag Cm* llouae. C.rinimlnM tgien No rvhiil,. Write nr w<'e LK OfOROK WILLIAMS, Chairman, Flat River, Mo., or MA.NACKK DfTirLA.ND SllHWh. at |,.r route Peortg. III., week June 6 M 14, IwrbwJiiig RtMwUy, MisplcM Modaro Ww.Paen, .rrk Juiw I', W(k/(| IlDrr, aUKiIeu American Legion; we** June 22, Alton; fheti FM4 R4*«r. I, W, MILDRITM, SaMral Mtr.

The Garden National

Pier Exposition

Open* June 15 tnd cloaea Heplemtw 15.


In'lulling the perhMl «tf the Natiiinal AlUnU'

K'lty Itulhlng ne4iuCy Cnnteet, HepUmber « until

thi- I'Jlh. Hiiat-r may be BecUreU at ti>c ra*<*

of three dolUru per iquare foot orer the emir*'

·rn«f»n. Any efimfn»*rrU1 hualneea niay be con*

(lufttil. .So rhanre gimca of any kind

niliOble. JOHN l». LKK, MMOater Garden Na*

tional Pier Kipoalllon. .%tUnilr rlly, N- L

AdwtlM In Th. Blllbsard--yeu'll be aatlsRed with rsaalta.

Collins, Sr., Impressed With Walk-Thru Show

Chas. T. Buell, of the firm lo uring bis naiix-, Newark, O., advis.d June 6 that he had Just reo-iveil u t' k-Kraiu from bis l>.rs».nuf repre.s.iitatKe, Mr Stanley, In piiri as follf>vix; "I.!-.- t'olliii.s, grand oUl inan of Keiilui ky, anil falh. r of Kloyd Collins, while In 1), iroit June i> ran uero.sH one of the Huell walk-thru exhibi¬ tions and was so pleased with the pii-tures as well us the truth so forcibly presented by them that he remained the wlnite day, giving (|uiet talks to the great crowds of visitors that tlironged the .{ilace. Mr. Collins Is now the guest of the opi-rator of the exhibition, Hugh K. Stanley, and has jiromised that he will remain with him a Week or more."
Storm Damages the
M. J, Riley Shows

Wilkes-Barre, I'a.. June 4.--Tlie Mat¬ thew J. Kiley Shows exhibiting at Mid¬ vale, a suburb of Wilkes-Barre, were damaged to the extent uf ut>out $2,000 in a violent storm that swept over this section Tuesday. A numlx-r of the tents Were badly torn, some being blown from their iiositions. Tills .same storm damaged the Narder Bros.' Shows, playing at Igirknville. Four times during the week wind and rain has blown down canvas, hut. foriiin.Tfely. only minor injuries have b<-en lelrorti'!! to show attaclies.

S. A. M. Annual Dinner and

Show Draws Distinguished


(CotlUnurd from J«ir;e a)

Vof platter, paper or compotition, but genuine Vate irt Paitley multi-color affect, gold metal bate, I light aocket and tord. Silk thade auortej eoloet. Full table $ize, 21 inchet high. Each Vau packed in individual carton, 12 to ease. 2f% deposif with order, balance C. O. D. W# ire menufacturrrs.
Top M fliuitrttrd. Cinmg breik off. Mrk.M Ffiruln.

Hilliar. Cliurles Uoltaire, Harry Houdini and Joseph K. Waitt.
T. W. Hardeen officiated a.« master of ceremonies for the performance. Kugene Fowell started things going with a very neat trick with a silk and two paper cones. John Mulholland gave one of the most wonderful exhibitions of tlie thimble trick ever seen. B. M. L. Krnst did some card trieks remarkably well. A1 Baker's work witli the egg and the bag was ex¬ ceeded only by hi.s accompanying chatter, which would do credit to the b, st of bigtime and mu.sical comedy nionologists for the number of legitimate laughs he ob¬ tained. Francis Werner not only did a ncyvel tri'-k with a candle and a tube but presented the big novelty by having as his assistant Martin Beck, former head of the Orphetim t'ircult and now owner of the Martin Beck Theater in New York. Charles Nadle put over a ribbon trick very neatty and was followed by T. Nel¬ son Downes who at this perfornian<'e made his first ai*pearance In X-'w York since 1911. Downes did some card tricks excellently, but never will there be suf¬ ficient words to praise his coin manipulat¬ ing to the extent his work deserves. He gave the most astonishing exhibition with a deftness and ease that left all gasping
In wonder. The Zanclgs did some of their wonder¬
ful mental telepivthy and showed that thev are atlll unsurjiassed in their line of work. Bllli Mevenberg clown.-d and
`>`<1 a Character bit to fill in while the

Every Woman in Town Will Buy Archer Apron:

VU'Ie uf iMautlfiil rubberized Cretonne'!, la pink, yelluir. blue an<l luveutler i-ubir. atsorted to ibe lieit. Kerb apron li., one p/ket. elKei of apron, ueik bjn<l. porkri an<l tie grlnjft buuiui In blue percales, t.asiest selllnc line m.iJe at mure iban ItfOfi prodt.

lb--Women's Aeren, with tlw tltra srlJe oei'kbaad. $4.7} Ocie*.,.


10--Child's Apron, $2JM OUM.

depualt, balance C. O. D., F. O. B. Chicago.


S853 S. Kedzie Ave,.


Flashy Dolls

SHEBA DOLLS---VVitli Best Plume Pre-tsf!, *ilOP P

hjml p.iate<l ill a- rtnl color, .l*-Ai

(Pa kci to to a Barrel >

CALIFORNIA HAIR DOLLS (a, Itluatraiedl. .4. gs

With tie,I Plume irTer.e,, kma. curlv W i* Allp. !· m all hand palmeil In as.-irteil eolura.aW A^fX

( Pai ke<l to to a Rerrel.)


HAIR SQUATS. I2>,c Each. LAMP DOLLS, 70« Each. 4-

SQUATS (na Hair), 4e Each.

One-thIM fa,h ileiMxll with oriter. balaoie C. O. I> $5.00 sill tirlii* yiMi Sample .V,wtment of Our Full Lina.

American Doll Company
1313-15 North Broadway, - ST LOUIS, IV


68 BOWERY, (Nmt Canal Street) NEW YORK CITY

  ilTV . jtiJjak



t3-$l.l5. '

*64--12.25. lac. Caia and Strap.


When orJerinc remit !r,% deposit with order.



Wlien rliitlnx New Tvrk, Iniik u, orer.

n$1T00 ard Davis who brought down .several


trunk* full of apparatus In addition to

»· c

-III. a>,k.r loaning hi* stage aidtiug for the use of

in?®cA)o? Han- *«A en

other a. t* on the bill from New


$13.50 Hampshire. Apparently if there is any-

«...u AuartaaaL 61

thing in the line of magic worth doing


all nrdart. rtavls can do it Not only did he prove

Dditnen V. u. u.

^ ^ hlm.self one of the b,-.st magician.* in the buslnes.*, but a wonderful showman as


well. He adds to his remarkable stunts

I Him

personalit.v a taste in settings and


ItA Fnik Bn« NEW YORK effective colorings which would do credit

IW fire NOW, Rtw iWNik

production set designers.

--Mooney I,e Maire and his Ragadors

furnished the music for the banquet and

for the dancing which followed the show.





61 Clymcr Sttect,

Brooklyn. N. Y,



Importation of Costumes


designed the costume.* for the two revu.-s. arrived on the Farl.-. la.st week, and, according to the same source of Informa¬ tion. was also held up and ordered to
aplH'ar for further Imiuiry. .1. M. ('.isblard. of \Vlnst!>n A Ooddard,
attorneys, who Is now fivrming an a.ssoclatlon of .'Vmerlean costumers and manu¬ facturers In N«`W York, has offerd his
servk es in helping the Government In Its


The turtlnn rupi idjii.t IntiinllT. No tool* or rtlll
re'iulrrd. Oreet for ,irnn. A rorkinf premlu* for HK'ot writer, or auto imper,.

Sia.OO Hundred

Poked In IMuxrXi'k Kmeluwet. TVepoelt with order, .saippl* Xie (irepold.


124 Wett I8tll Street.


quest!`d that the CustOina Offlcfals l,v>k (nto the m.after,
"Sky High**, Winter Garden Show, Is Booked for Texas State Fair
iContinnrd from page 5)

Can pU(c ooe moce Billpoatci. one wbo can bivc car, on M. L. Clark B Sona Show, vvtitt A. T. CLARK. Abingdon, Va.

door amusement bookers, when Mr. Barnes* coup be«-omes known.
/Xnother Inst.-vnee of the big scale on which the Texas State Fair Is conduott-d eiiiiieH 111 the annoiincema'iit that the fair olhetiils have engaged !! musicians to supply the music needed for the Ifi dnya of the celebration at a coat of $10,000.


For Drnvfr. for threo wrrki morr, whtrr thA

ami Cooctuioos are HoIdb capacity busioeai. Blf'

grtkt dointts In tb^ West. DifftTml lorali'm rarh werk.

DlMbled Wat VrtefAiis*. CAN

r!e.%CK Klrr or Trn-in-Unr, 1'Utfnrni Shun any Shorn of mrrit. Will fnrniah beautiful Waifon

Kr iot mmplHr with Tent, Arata. nr., for ctinir nNiii^-itrtting altrartion. Thla ahmr baa a eircuH of

Dior Fain and threa big Crlebratioii:i. ('onipx^itMi!! all ·iC>rn. No rxilu^ivn. .\d<jrea.<

FELICE BERNARDI, aara Marrisan Hatal. Daaver, Caltridi.

WEEK JUNE 15. VV.VN'T Shosi of all kirsb. Will furoUh lfoi< C.VN PI.,.VCr, Wheel,, 1UII Qamr, and Grind SUrri uf all kinda. Corn Uamr and I'.ilabiry open. Other serk rrirliratloaa to folkiw. .Aihtraa,
J. WRIGHT, Cbair.-nan Carnival Cammittea. Fraaklarl, N. Y.
It Your Subscription to The Billboard About To Expire?

The Season's Biggest Item
S in. Vase Lamp Complete With Shade $1.25 Ea.
Top money lamp for wheels or corno--cheap enough to throw out plenty of stock---good enough to make the public play for them* Dozens of artistically designed parchment Shades in flashy color combinations--Vases in black and gold, rose and gold, blue and gold, etc. Complete with 6-ft. cord and socket. '
No time to send for samples. Try them out NOW. $15.00 per dozen in gross lots. $18.00 per dozen in dozen lots. 25% deposit required on all orders. Balance C. O. D. Orders shipped at once.
Newark, N, J


A New, Beautiful Doll for
23 Ini hrs hlKh, with long mirrvUed lulr and tinsel band, each.
With flapper plume and dress, each. Packed 20 to a barrel.
Small Weatern Dali, 15-ln. high, with long mari'elled hair and tinsel band, each.


With flapper plume and drest. each.`tUC
I ftiiP nni I $ with American Beauty Shade and 71^ Uimr UULLO Oreas. Packed SO to a barrel. Each

TIM-TOY TWINS (Chinese Dolls)
Olrl and Boy Figures, ISS in. high. Beautifully painted lo Oriental colors. Price ger Daien. $3.50.
$25.00 Per 100. Packed 48 to a Barrel.
SHEBA DOLLS S»'V'b"iSrE'*acTV /r'T'" 335
WRITE FOR NEW FREE CATALOG. Ooe-third with order, balance C. O. D.


1424 W. Grand Avenue,

Chicago, III.

Long Distance Phone: Monroe 1204.

JACK P. MURRAY PboiK. Beach 0651
t21 Colonial Bldg.. 100 Boylaton St.






--.TT'7 "7 Homo/ last

week the regular season closed in the

Hub, and the three remaininR musical

shows have settled down for indefinite

runs, Roee-Uarie and No, No, Nam tie

are still packing them in, with Topay and

Eva strutting along at a pretty fair pace. The heat wave arrived here with a bang
early this week and business all over
town In all branches of the industry felt it very much

Rumor has It that Roae-Marie will

leave here at the end of July to spend four weeks In Atlantic City before taking to the road. The other two shows seem destined to remain here just as long as they can pull the business.


Phele Art RIaga. Otita.|

Pheta Cifaretta Caacs. Dtraa.

Saiall Salt aad Ptpgar Sett. Daaca.

Military Broth Sata. la Caaa. Oarea.

Bird Traya. Htad Palatad, ISalg. Daeea.

Sheba Dalit. Pluaia Drtit. Large. Otitn.

B-la. Htaia Ball. Plaaic Dreat. Delta.

Maaicurt Rallt. 6 Pittas. Dt/ea.

4-Plaea Waata

BPaashaatrtyItSretFa,ruliattaSratairc*d.laleD . D aiaeitaa..

Rtytl Tharaial Jagt. Galita Siie. Each.

Baaean Biaakets. Etch...

Black Eaamtl Hat Caaa. Each.

. .

LgVavid Wadding Ring^ cv..;:!:::

caiiar Buttan Setv 4 an Card. Grtsi.

Men's Geld Plated Callar pins. Brass .

Came# Scan PIna. Assarted Calars. Cress .

pt*fl ScaH Pina, Bit ValM.


Crass ...

cigaret Trumgats. Brass. .
class Liguid Fiiiad Pans. Grass .. . . Calarad Sun Oitssas. Grass.
Ceituiaid Watch Bracaiets. Grass .
Glass NeekUeas. Grass. Bead Nacklaces. with Snag. Brats . Small Oalla with Mavabla Arms. Brass. Ctllulald Swan. Grata. Fancy Bambaa Whittlaa. Grass. 70 Gaa Ballaana. ID Wild Animals. Grass. 70 Gat, Plain Ctlart. Saml.Trant. Grass. Na. SO Sguawkart. Bast Vtlua Out. Crass_

WITH ORPKR. BALANTB C. O. D. Catalog,frea for tha asking.


You Are Buying Direct.

Polychrome Finish.
Stippled. Shades mads of best Silk.

Give Us A Trial Order
And Be Convinced

PolyrliTome Plnlab. Stippled.

22-Illch Shade of Beat Bilk.

Shades in any color desired. Large atoek ah

ways on hand. Immediate shipment. 25% de¬

posit required, balanre C. O. U.


QUAKER CITY LAMP & SHADE CO.. 1719 Chestnut $t. Philadelpliia. Pa,

Man to handle London Ghost Show, Dutch Comedian. AllDay Grinders, Ride Men. Una-Fon Player. Taylor Brothers, wire what you are going to do. Want Circus Acts and Train¬ ers. Other useful Carnival People, write. Johnstown. Pa., this week; Columbus, Ohio, downtown, week June 15. All address JOHNNY J. JONES.

468*470 Seneca St.

Buffalo, N. Y,

Ouaranteed Bladder Clrrumferenee, 41 lorbet.




2.1"» deposit elth




Rrd. White ehd Blue Waterproof and Colorproof. You til know Perferto.

Order them by name


136 & 139 Orchard St., New York City


man and wife. Wonderful proposilioa. Must be capable Palming. Prefer Hindoos or Orientals. FRANK LEFP. 9>J N. Calvert St., Baltimore, Md.
Ruralites That Sparkle'

Can place experienced Show Porter for train. Can place a few more Concessions, espe¬ cially American Palmistry, Ball Games. Grind Stores and a few more Merchandise Wheels. No exclusive except Candy Wheel and Fruit Wheel. No exclnsive on Grind Scores or Ball Games. Hare the best money spou in the East. Write or wire WM. GLICK. Manager, week of Jnne 8. Clean, N. Y.; week of June 15, Bradford, Pa.

ClMD-Cut. Catrhy Comedy, Cotialry Ch^raclwi Cutting Caport. Addreat nillboard. New Tork City

Perfnrmerr <1«ilng two or more S'-ia. WILL RITT Pni and Pony and float An. Unrldable Muir. WILL BOON small Pit Show on prrrenUge. Fat and sleep on lot ItODDY RROH.' CIRCUS RETUK. 70S Peon Aee. PUtaburgb. Pa.
Fair lo run work of Ortohrr 12. Ilrslrr to wni rrlUbI* r«rnlssl nr Shows. HKCRKTART Ba! WIN FAIA A880C1AT10N. MUMgeritlg, Oa.


Rides, Shows and roneesslons for Southern Illlnoli

VViHelmen, lleglmental sind .4merlran l.ecion Ann»^l

Reunion. Fourth of July, Newton, III. Wire C. u




slUuiIMHfi 2V. CVUirXcuWs

vt mat

ClownM, Hfd«*Khow Art and rraalri, fur big K. K K

Ilrneflt Clrrut. Big advgoca aala of tlckrti. CHrui.

Itartforue and Calibration. Oita lowrtt wUrr. Aa-

dra»i CfRCUH, 711 N. «lh 8t.. Vlnrannw, Indiana

June 13, 1925
All with Candy Fllleri and Lath and Kay.

The Billboard

"Imco" Qiocolates in Fl2Lshy Boxes

|.lb. 8i». 2.lb. Slit. 3.|b. Silt.
J.lb. Siie.

Orada Madt. _
0(»n.til.25 Dtien. 12.00 Ouen. 14.50 Otirn. 11.50


lUIl'-ni. Sluai NoTrltiM of efrry dcirrlptloo. Srnd for list and prlraa of othar Itrma.
Ordft, shippad prnmptlj upon rarelpt of 25% dapotlu Inrlude poslaaa for parcrl poat shlpmants. (iiiTht, poflthaly not shipped without deposit.
SAMUEL FISHER. S4 Wett Lakt St., Chiciro

Real Head-On Collision

Rnapplest seller of the laetonl i-retty ctrl boxes handsome enough tu bo framed Oo like hot cakei ererywhere. Low price allows big prom margin. Cbocolatea fresh from famous candy kitchen. Be tlie llrst eonress Iona Ire in yotir lucality to handle tills lure-flre money maker. It's easy imey at Uiete bargain prices:

8 Ounete 8 Ouneet
3 Ounret 1 Ounces

Par Grass Baxat

fT cy 

S · Seod >5% daposlt with order, pay balance, plus express, on arrlral. or send full rash ^ * and pay expreas on arrlral. Order at once and caah In on this marvelous seller.

IDEAL IVfERCHANDlSIIMG COMRANY Dept. F, 32T W. 3eth St., New York City


Seven DAYS Seven
JUNE 28 TO JULY 4. DETROIT. MICH. W.4.NT Con«^sU*n« of all kinds. No eirluslfe. Noreltlft. Silk Shows, IMt Shows. Uicffst July 4th rvent lo Mtihlfan. Art quick. Limited n'jmbfr. N. R.».\U Acts answfrlnx last ad are uniter fonsl Irratlon nf program. Arran#rments will t'c a5>«s.rfd this week. S4'riJ chance of address. riH< I S rOMMITTKK. V. M. A. of IV. iVtruU Satlnats iUnk Hid#.. IMrolt. Michigan.
Shows, G>ncessions, Free Acts
WICHITA FALLS. TEX. Fsurth at July Crlrbratita. July I, 2. 5. 4. 5. P.rk hat pwn Rldlnt Devlras. Dsnee rsallion B'.tlnc. Peiramtnf. Alrdome. inO.OOA peipla lo drsw from within 25 miles Hfieet rsrs snd ps»ed rtsd 10 en-rsrre. F-ee yste adnl<tioo. Address A B MIM.EH Msnsetr. Lake Wlrhlta Park. WIrhIta Falls. Tea.t.
Want Motordrome Riders
at Once.
Prefrt riders with own mtchints. to tshe tharte of my Motordrome. ALSO W\NT .Lthletle Show People to take full rhtree of my Athletic Show. BTLLir CLARK S BROADWAT SHOWS, Mooretrtlle. X. C.. IMi week

Foar good Grind Store Men. also two Lady Ball Game Workers. Have for sale, three 16x12 Tops, with white pine ftames and eight ntw-style Pipe Leg Backets. LEO ALBERT. Neff Hotel, Sunbury. Pa.

is s"KK tfVj, jftf » jOf «' :O0«' 5 aMJf »



0"»1. ttmna Freak lo feature, Olasl Blower, ^

Titino Arilal. Eire Ktler, Swont Swalliwer. t

S't h llsgpiper, Inilda Lerti'trr, Mseltlan g

and other u.eful pe< pie. Addre.s L.HTIM IN t

A r.tllsOV SHOWS. Blnomlnaton. 111., this (J


Kmlh. n«rt wf^k.


S'. >?«)nC5t'5r X tf r:,KTrit.K.K"K:d<« k k .if x rCtvM

High Diver and Diving Girls
Join immediately. Wire FRANK PERLSON, 1319 City Hall Square Bldg.. Chicago. Illinois.

E. i. WOOD
Pfaoae. Kearney 6491.
511 Cbarteaioa Bnildiag.
San Frant'lsco, June 5.--The world's pri-nilere showing of the fllm The Vnholv Three at the Warfield Theater last Saturday caust-d considerable discussion in film circles when it became known that the initial day's receipts were biJtRer than any previous first day since the theater was opened.
Henry Duffy is gathering together quite a pretentious company for the pre.sentatlon of Irene at the Alcazar Theater Sunday night. Among the principals who will take part are Flo Irwin, I'.ladys Nagle, Sidney Reynolds, Walter R-'Kan, Henry Coote and Dorothy I.iairar Miss Winters will of course be Irene and Duffy is to be the French modiste.
Frank Kagan, who's presentation of Sponke at the Capttol Theater ts proving quite an attraction. ha.s a youthful lead¬ ing lady in Florence Silverlake, a San Francisco girL Miss Silverlake pre¬ viously was with a traveling stock com¬ pany, played for several seasons in the mo\ies and with her brother made a vaudeville tour several years ago as the Silverlake Kiddies.
Kagan promises to produce Lipkfnin* with Tom Jefferson and Mrs. Bacon.
Walter Messenger, well-known theat¬ rical producer. Is a visitor here for a few days.
Richard Hunter, one of the men respoii.-iible for the success of the recent t'hlnese E'estjval here, went to Boyes Springs la.-«t week to take charge of the amusements and concesHona This res¬ ort opened Memorial Day and reported good holiday busine.sa
Sam Corenson ia wearing a broad smile, as all indications point to a big week at the Cherry E'estlval at San Leandro. Monday, the opening day, nearly 25,000 visited the show.
Tommy Douglas, famous cowboy. Is coming from I'hoenlx lo the San Jose Roundup Fourth of July week and will have with him his trick mule, Denver Mud.
A1 Jolson arrived here a few days ago and expects lo remain here for a short time.
The Rest reople. by David Gray and Avery Hopwood, is being rehearsed by the Henry Duffy Players and will probably be put on at the President Theater beginning June 14.
l-'rita Fl9lds, who's musical comedy
companv Is going over big at the Union S<iuare Th«;.alor, has b.>en getting his full share of publicity from the local press and de.sorves It all.
L'lara Kimball Young la to be the headliner at the Orpheum Theater next
\\ ('* 1(. Mary Carr Moore's American opera,
Sarriitfuii, is to be staged at the Colum¬ bia Theater during Diamond Jubilee week, St piember 7 to 13. It is understood that Alice Gentle has been engaged for the name p.irt and James -Llerard as the principal tenor. The balance of the cast will be San Franciscans.
Frank Kills, former piano player with Art Hickman's Orchestra, arrived here from Australia a few days ago. Ellis left San Francisco last March with six other musicians and went to Australia to introduce jazz. From all accounts of the money they brought back the intro¬ duction was successful.
Harry James, popular San Franciscan, is back in town to take charge of the music for Henry Duffy. James was last here with the Duncan Sisters in Tops]/ and Ei'O.


Two big wiuners. Made special with name of any City, Town, Lodge, Society, Legion, etc., center of button.

Ne. 5--Per 188.. ..$ 8.50 258 . .. 17.50* 508 . · · 30.00 1880 . .. 53.00

Ne. 4 Bell. Per I08.$IU.UU 250 .
500 .. 1800 .

Button 11% in. dlxmeter, in 1 colors, Krd, White snd Blue.

(FrJIs /uf ear 40> Julg Cirtuin N». 31

Onc-thlrd Money Order Drivoslt on All Ordern, bilsDLe C. O. I).
SsMial BsdfM and Buttsns far All Oecaslsm.




f olohqmc.^ i '^CCK a '^^^AROi
^.vr j

v^ANT Shews of sll kinds. Win conpletk outfit for a real Atbletir Hhow. WANT small Cirrus with ewn outfit. Concessions. All Wheels open: Fruit. Ororerlcs, Musical instruments, I'andy, Dolls, Picturas. Rubbor Balls, Grind Blotes, Ball Games, Devil's fowlinc Alley. Pltrh-Till-Tou-Wln, Knlfo Back. Htrl Snyder wants real Side-Show People. WANT food Kerris Wheel Man. Otis Boper, wire, or WhUey who worked for J. J. Sleblar. All null and wires Penna. Hotel. Sharon, Pa.

Clean Shows, Rides, etc., without gaming device, for big fourday Home-Coming July 1 to 4. Write CHAMBER OF COM¬ MERCE. Escanaba. Michigan, stating places where perform¬ ances have been staged.
MR. SHOWMAN: Do You Want tu Play a Circuit uf Guud Fairs?
Baclnntnk August 24, including Bangor, Me.; 8L Stephens, N. B.: St. Johns. N. B.: Froderieteil, N. B.: Chatham. N. B.: Sydney. N. 8. CAN U8K Minstrel Show, Athletic Show, Ten-ln-Ono or any otlior good shows. Addreu BEN WILLIAMS, 685 Qayety Theatre Bldg., New York. N. T.
Two or mote Rides. Shows with or witboni outfits. Can offer a real cirenit of first-in spoeg. Also real Fonith spot. Unreliable people, please save stamps. Concessions of all kinds wanted, excepting Cookhonse. Wire to 210 Walsb Bldg.. Akron, Ohio.
Fontteen-ineb Dolls, flasby feather dressed. $6 dozen. Sizteen-ineb. $7.50 dozen. Twenty-five per cent deposit, balance C. O. D. COMPO. DOLL AND NOVELTY COMPANY. 148 Greene St., New York City.


laMi.eii up )<'iu' h.lt. t:(ke In n

Inan'e sire lirraih. stop yanklnir

at y.iur li"iivrt, hr u.lne ·»ir

Slinplin. I T.iiy lliimtnnm HIP

SUSPENDERS. Clips shirt -r ms

-will ni.t trir. t\ KNOIlMoi S

SlI.I.FIt Kt'R PITt'liMKN.


TOllS. 3 Pslr. $1.00; 12 Pair,

53.00: Orot^ $28.80. Our Retsll

price. 50e.



2325 N. 8lh 81.. St. Lauls. Ma.

James Cane in Cincy
James Cane, late general agent for Dillle Clark's Broadway Shows, arrived ill Cincinnati Monday for a few days' stay. While at The HUIboard Mr. Cane liifiirnv (I tliat he had closed with the show recently, also that he has the most friendly feelings toward Mr. Clark and wishes him a successful ftiture. He has not yet decided on his afllllations for the remainder of the season.



Shows of sU kinds. Will furnish outflU. CAN PLACK Grind Stores. Ball Oamea and tAlMris of all

kinds. Ft»e big tVIehrstlons to foltov*. Addrrvs

_. , _


K. F. KETCHUM. M.ddletswk, Csan.. week June 8: New Britaie. Cean.. week June 15.

Advertise in The Billboard--You'll Be Satisfied With Results.



The Billboard

June 13, 1925

AI>A.M!3-W'oicolt. ri, wlio d fiiKiitd till-' hc'ie ior tne pirate play, Tnc Jvitj! U'jij I, pioouced by Walti r Hauip-
<l»'ii at tiie Naiieiiial Tlnafer, New VuiK,
and wliu iiad many ir.ciKi.-i among men n;inent in the woi Id of art and theatricals,


d.ed at the C'durnL'Us llo. pilal, N«'W

Voik, June 3, after an operation for apiv ndicil i.'-. He was born in t^'oreester, ^Iaas., in 187 1 and vas descended from the famous Adam.s fa'iiily, wliich pave the L'nitt d States two of its presidents. A serie.s of dr-i whips for St nhnvr'a and The CciUurfi niapazine broupht him a host of sduiirers. lie was widely known as an illiiMrator. Mr. Adttms was an early member of the Soeiety of lllusirator.s, the Uuteh Tr«at Club and of the I'layer.s.
AMIC-AMTLCA--Pre.^per, 38, French vaudeville actor, died recently in his na¬ tive country.
BAKHH--Mrs. Eliza. 68, proprietress of Baker's Circus and Menagerie, and famed tl ruout England as a show wom¬ an, pas.'ad away recently in her daugh¬

su iiiimiiig party was organized. Field's home WHS in New York City.
GAKNIER--I'hllippe, famons French coiiiedhin, passed away In France leccntl.v. He was formerly at the Comedie Franeaise.
GOLDEN--Mrs. Mary, 47. mother of H erman L. Golden, magician and iiicntali.st, died Sunday night. May 24, at the
Mt. Siuai IlospitaL Fhiladelphia, Pa., from anemia.
HEALY--Raymond J., 65. president of the Music Corpoiatioii. of Chicago, died June 1 of heart disease. He was a half brother of Mariiuette A. Healy, president of Lyon & Healy. Mr. Healy was a member of the South Shore and Chicago Athletic clubs. His widow and a eon, Raymond, Jr., 14, survive.

McQUlLKIN--F. H., theater iiiujiager, of Enid, Ok., was Instantly killed when lightning struck a tree at the Guthrie Country Club. GuthriL', Ok.. Juno 7. Mr. MeQuilkin, president of a golf club at Enid, headed- a party of 2.'i members of the club who went to Guthrie for a tournament. A terrific wind and elec¬ trical storm came up and the pla.vers took shelter under a tree. A minute later a forked bolt of lightning flashed thru the party, knocking them right and left. Two other people were seriously Injured by the flash.
M.YRION--Mrs. Sidney, 27. wife of Sid Marion, vaudeville actor, died suddenly June 1 at her home at Freeport. 1a 1.,`

ter's caravan at Mitcham, I'ng. With

KELLEY--Joseph A.. 61, formerly an

her husbar.d, the late Thomas Baker, well actor, w'as fatally burned In a fire which

known a:i an aerolKit. she toured the damaged a restaurant employees' ball


length and breadth of the British Isles with tlieir circus, which some 30 years ago iiaiadid more than 100 horses. Mr. and Mrs. Baker also earned fame In founding the Showmen's Guild. It is Interesting to record that Mrs. Baker was born in a caravan and dU-d in a caravan,

at New York. Mr. Kelley was the care¬ taker.
KELVIN--Josejih. a veteran actor, dis¬
abled in an accident several years ago when be was playing in Omar the Tent
. Maker, died at the American Theatrical
Hospital. Chicago, Ill.. June 2 He had

Died Juse 27. 1924.
He wet a trm friend, a real efceowaa, a aaL hmbend, ietlier, all la tne.

and had never once lived in a hou.se. been a cripple since the accident. His

Her pa M ilts and grandparents were all body was sent to Ottawa, Ill., for burial.

circus folk, and her son, daughters and grandchildren are connected with the same business. The circus will be car¬ ried on by her son Tom and her daugh¬ ters.
BARNES -- Helen, of New Haven. Conn., was killed in an automobile acci¬ dent near that city June 1. Miss Barn<-s had been prominent in theatrical circles for the past Hi years, playing in a num¬ ber of well-known productions. She had

KREMEIR--Ernest G., 29. who was associated with his father, George "W, Kremer. and his brother, George, W., Jr.,
in amusements at North Beach. L. I., died recently at his home in Flushing, L. I. Funeral services were held June 3 with interment in Maple Grove Cemetery.
LEWIS--Mike. 40, well-known conces¬ sionaire, died in Chicago, 111., June 8 of pneumonia. The detieased was a brother of the Lewis Brother.s, one of the largest

MURPHY--Daniel, 82. colored vocalist, died May 26 at Dartmouth*. N. S. He was one of the first professional vc^lists in Eastern Canada, having been niefore the public since a young man in hia I'Os. He is survived by his widow, Agatha Murphy.
NEAL--Virginia. 28, a member of the Christy Bros.' Shows, diedain a Lima, O., hospital the night of June 2. She was

returned rec-ently to Ni'W York with a

theatrical company from Florida, where

they had been playing. Previous to go¬

ing to Florida she was a member of a

theatrical company that toured the

Orient, a trip that took the players around tne world. John M. Griffin, son of a Fort Wayne. Ind., manufacturer, also died in the accident.


BKKJS--Mrs. Eva Ann. 78, mother of Freddie Biggs, veter.an clown of the SellsH loto Circus, died May 6 at her home in .'.lurshall. Mo.

LI'C'HCN GUITRY, noted French actor, father of Sacha Guitry, died IIIlie 1 in I'arl.®, France, following a brief Illness. He was 65 years

BOGl'SEA'WSKI--Mrs. Edna, wife of Moses Boguslawski, one of the foremost

old, and for more than a quarter of a century bad been one of the leading figures on the French stage not only as an actor but al^x> as

pianists of this country, died in Chicago,'

director and author. Of recent years he did much by helpful collaboration

lil.. May 31, following an operation.

to advance the career of bis distinguished son,

Funeral services were held Tuesday morn¬

Guitry was regarded by most critics as the foremost contemporary

ing, June 2, in Chicago, where burial

French actor. Some considered that his great talent was limited to

also took place. She is survived by her

dramas of modem reality, particularly those of the type most popular

husband and son. Bi'TLEH--Alexander B., 56. well

among Parisians, and that his essays in the classics and in the more imaginative works of recent authors were disappointing. This opinion

knowh In theatrical circles, died May 2.5

was expressed on the notable occa^'ion of Guitry's creation in 1910 of the

at Superior, Wis., from cancer of the


He entered his theatrical

career In 1887 as a vaudeville performer.

After several years he went into dra¬

matics with some of the more prominent

role of the cock in Rostand's play, Chantecler, a part written for the elder
Coquelin. who died before the production. Bom in Paris In 1860, Guitry made his first appearance on the stage
at the age of 18 in the role of Armand in La Dame aux Cavieliaa at the Theater Gymnase. Early in his career he played for nine years in St.

companies, among them the Mark Bros.' Company, Spooner Dramatic Company, Frank E. Long Company, Manhattan Stock" Company, Sherman Kelley Stock and others. He also played for one seasfin on the bill entitled The Enf/inecr, In which Eva Tanguay was the star.
COHEN--Sanford H. (Sandy), promi¬

Petersburg at the Theater Michel, and made puch an impression on the
Russians that they tried to induce him to remain there permanently. But he went back to Paris, and*became in .turn manager of the Porte Saint-
Martin. director of the Comedie Franeaise and director of the Renaissance. The role of Flambeau in L'Aialon, a great favorite of Coquelin's, was
al.so a favorite of Guitry's. L'Aiglon was one of the productions in which Guitry and Sarah Bernhardt appeared together for many years. Other plays In which Guitry won great popularity were Sdmaon, Le Volcur,

nently identified with amusements of all kinds, especially theatrical and inirks, in Augusta, Ga., died recently in that city. He was at one time manager of the Augusta Opora House and head of numerous I'xposltions In Augusta and Atlanta. At one time he was city editor of The AufjvHta Chronicle. Every circus and tlieatriiial agent who has done busi¬ ness in Augusta in the pastfSO years can

JL'L'miffi'e, Heri'ir and Kismet. During the last five or six years Guitry had appeared chiefly in
plays written by hie gifted son, Sacha, present-day Idol of the theatrical world of Paris. Among Saeha's plays In which Lucien acted were Pasteur, Le Mari, La Femme, et I'Amant, Mon Pere A rait Paiaon and Le Grand Due,
Lucien Guitry had played in London and South America with great
success. Several times in recent years American managers have an¬ nounced that he and his son and daugbter-ln-law were going to New
York, but they never did.

recall some friendly or helpful act by

`Sandy" ('ohen.

COTTON--Alice N., 32, member of the

Landis t'arnival Co., died May 30 at

Oak by. Kaiu. where the company was playing. Funeral services were held at Oakley with a sermon by F. C. Wilson. The (iaklev Municipal Band of 60 pieces
rnlKlud the iiuisic for the obseuuies. e remains were shiiiped to Denver, ere internit-nt was made In Crown Hill met'Ty. Slie is survived bv her hua.. nd. Don^'otton; a son, Delvone. and
her mother. Matilda Hammer, of Tren¬
ton. N. D. DIAL--Eugene, 67, who was connected
with 'he B. F. Keith theatrical Interests in New York Cit.v, died June 2 of pneumonia at his home In Newmarket, N. J. His wife, si.'^ter ahd brother survive.
DONNIi'l--f'ongetta, 16, died at her home in K.insas City, Mo.. June 1. Her brother. Joiin. and her brotlior-in-law, Sam Braiiiato, are concessionaires at Fairvland I'ark in that city. The funeral was held Wednesday morning. June 3, at

operating concession firms In the Mid¬ west. The funeral was held from Duffy's chapel, 845 North State street. Chicago, June 6, Rabbi Hirschberg conducting the ceremonies. A number of concession boys attended the funeral services and re¬ marked on the beauty of the casket and the number of floral offerings from friends. The body wras sent to Oakland. Calif., for interment In the family' lot. Four brothers, ail concessionaires, and a sister living in Oakland survive.
LEWIS--James (Slim), trainmaster on differe nt circus and carnival shows, was killed June 4 at Charlestown, Ill. He was employe-d by the Illinois Central Railroad. His brother took the body to Arkansas, his home, for burial. He was well known in the circus world as "Arkanaas Slim''.
LYNCH--Thomas J., 42, theatrical

taken ill at St. Marys, O.. several weeks ago with pneumonia and was taken to the hospital at Lima. Funeral services were held in the Christy big tbp at Co¬ lumbus. Ind.. and floral offerings were sent from the show. After the services Manager George W. Christy bad the body shipped to Beaumont, Tex., for burial. Her mother, who resides in Beaumont, and two children survive.
NEILL--'William, for many years stage manager of the old Walker Opera House in Champaign. III., died Sunday morning. May 24. at Rochester. Minn. After leaving Champaign Mr. Nelli went into the billTOsting business at Pekin, HI., and was still in that business at the time of his death.
PELHAM--Mrs., widow of C. Pelham, of round-about fame, died r<-cently at her residency the Fairgrounds. 'Thornton

the Hole Ri.sarv Church, with interment prox>erty man feir 15 years, died June 4 at Heath. Eng. She was well known thru-

in Mount St. Mary'.* Cemetery. She Is his home, 1153 Tier avenue. New York out the Lfindon district.

survived by her parents, six sisters and City. At the time of his death he was

PITRKINS--Walter E., 65, comedian,

three brothers.

engaged at the Empire Theater. Previous¬ who won much iKipularlty thru his work

FELLOWS--^frs. T.nnise. mother of ly he was assistant property man for P'lo In Mg Friend From India a quarter <if

Dexter W. Fellows, press agent of the Ziegfeld for several years. Tire funeral a century ago, died Wcdnc.®d,'iy night,

Ringling Bro.s. and Barntim & Bailey took place Saturday moaning with a June 3, in the Prosnect Heights Hnspltul,

Combined Shows, died at Fitchburg, solemn high mass of requiem at St. An¬ Brooklyn, N. Y.. from a brief sickness

Mass.. June 2. Mr. Fellows was sum¬ selm's Church. Interment was In Ht. due to Intestinal trouble. Before going

moned from the advance of the show and was with his mother when she died. Beside.® Dexter, she !s survived by two
other .'ons, Albert R., a captain of in¬ fantry ia the IT. S. Army during t*ie
Ppani«h-American IVar. and John B.. who wa.® Mayor of Fitchburg for four years.
FIELD--Paul. 17. carnival Wfirker connected with the 5-outhern Tier Shows, was drowned in the <le'iese«e River at Geneseo, N. Y., Ju;.-. 3. while swimming with eompanlons. Field had been spi-nding the week at Ceneseo. where the

Raymond's Cemetery. A bfbthe.r and sis¬ ter survive.
MeINTYRE--Jack. 41, of the team of Peck and Mclnijre, died suddenly at Montclair, N. J., iflay I'2. His act nlayed Thursday night and on the following morning he pa- 'ed away. Death was due to lobular pneumonln. Tie was brirn in Carlisle. Eng., Augti-t t. 1984. Mrs. M'Intyre, Who Is known professionally as Fr.in'e® Holcombe of the t<:arn of T,;iw-
rence and Holcombe, was piayii.g at tor's Theatr-r. Yonker®, wh«n news of hla

on the stage Mr. Perkins was a tel^raph cip<Tator. A cowork<r wrote Jfw Frirnil From India and had Perkins cast In the leading role. He also appeared In The Man From Meriro, IV'lio uora There, The Tavern and Charleg'm Aunt. His last ajipearance was In The Potters, playing
the lead In the company at Boston He
Ti(!ide bis borne with ills slatr-r. Mrs.
Mar'-la I,<'slle, with whom h^ had work* *1
In vaud»-vllle. l-'iineriil services ^r-re h< |<l June h, after wnlcti his body was sent to
Blddef'rrd, Me. fr»r burial. lie Is sur¬

American Legion carnival was In prrjg- death was received. His w.dow and one vived by two sisters and a brother.

rcsB, ^ecaUM of the axcecelve heat tWe child by a (orxnar marrlaga sarvlvs.

HIEKCifi--Ollvar WllUrd. 56. well-

Known concert iilanUt. died Juno 1 gt hii honic, ^ * j-* Noi ill I'eiiiijjyivauig strtii InaianHiKillN ind., utter a brief

Mr. Picrie cum. to Indianapolis

Boston. Mas.®., in 1889 and had hJ

active In that city since. He was trn

in l-.hiiiar>^ iMii*. In Hillsdale. Midi and '*f>^>'>'ed his musical edu.atlon at the Bo.stcm ( onservatory of Music o,7.i

with Moritz Muszkowski, with whom h**

liN.d in Berlii, Germany^ and Switzerland Ho was a soloist with the llu-odoie rhoniuH Orchestra in Chicaco

an. with the Cincinnati, Detroit aSd

IndiunaiMiIis Symphony orcfieatru*. Funer¬ al s.TvJccs w.-re In Id June 3. He is sur

viv. ,1 bv his wJd.iw. a sister. Mrs. Luefl,

K lUrtjoy of Lincoln. N. b.. and an unde.


l^innUor, Calif

PRIC1----H. O., 47, died May 29 at hii

D.'nsmore avenue. Seattle Wash. Mr. I'ricc is rciiitnib.Ti`d bv thousands aa the Prophet in the first

of ^de Wayfanr


~ 1^*' ®'


well-known writer of mythological plays

died June 8 at the Jewish Hospital. Cin¬

cinnati, where alio had undergone »n

SCHUCHARI*T--Irwin A., musician


June ? in New York cuy!

Scliuchardt; one child. Joanne Sue; his mother. Mrs. Su.san 4L

&'hachardt. and a brother and sister
Arthur L. and Einilie A. Schuchardt, ali of whom live In Cincinnati.

STANTON--Fr< <1. 4 4, movie actor for
five years and previously on the legit., di.-d In Hollywood May 27 of cancer ol
Jhe stomach. Ills widow and a brother, Ed Schwerd. survive.

STREET -- Li'uis. 40. juggler and

dancer, died at-rontaincbleau, France, re¬ cently.

Sin'TON--Mary, passed away at the Altoona Ho«.|(itaI, Alt.xma, I'a.. Saturday night, June 6, from typhoid fever. The
Is'dy was sr-nt to D.`tr.>it, Mich., where the funeral will be held Wednesday morning. June 10.

THATCHER--Charles C.. 74. .veteran

musician, di.d June 2 at his home In

Opd.-n,`Utah. Mr. Thatcher was born In

l4#ndon. Eng.. 0.101.. r 1 1. 1800, where

he obtained his early muslLal training.

In 1869 he saihd for Canada, and lived

m Cleveland, O., 12 .years b«'fore going

to (jgdin. He was assoclat.-d with a

numls-r of Ogd. n'a tlieaters and also was

a bundsmaii. Hs was secretary of the

Ogden musicians' uni..n, being one of the

founders of the union In 1903, when he

Was elected Its first president. Surviv¬

ing Mr. Thuteher are hia widow and

three daughters. Lillian, of Ogd. n; Mrs.

Joseph S. ronin, of Salt I-;ike, and Mrs.

Austin Sooy of Boston. Funeral services

were held l-riday morning, June 5, with

»«* Rev. John W. Hyslop In charge.

Musicians* union members attended in a

body and a band played the last n qulem.

THOMPSCIN--Vance, 63. author, poet

and playwright, of Los Angeles, Calif.,

died in Nice, France. June 5. Jle had

aja-nt must of the last 20 years In


Mr. · Thompson began bU

literary career soon after he was gradu¬

ated from I'rinceton In 1883. Except for

a period In 1919, when he was an attache

of the American Embassy at Rome, he

wrote proliflcally for 40 years. Among

hls dramatic i-omposltlons were In O'd Japan. The Dresden Sheph. rdess. The

Japanese DoTl and Floriannr'e Dream, a

musical pantomime. In whK-h he col-

laborat. d with Ethells-rt Nevln. Of a score of his early books the first, Frrnek

Portraita, was nuhlislied in 1900, and the

latest, Louisa, In 1924. Last year he was

literary editor of the Outline of Chriati-

anitg. Other bO'-ks by Mr. Thompson are

Eat and Crou) Thin, The Pointed Tower,

Take It From Mr and The Green Rag.

VANORMAN--Dr. J. C., 66 dentist and

director of Van's Band of Murphysboro.

III., for 20 years, suffered a stroke of

paralysis while dlrectlr.g a band re-

iiear.®al June 3 and died the following

morning. Ills band had played many

places, from the Illinois Rtate Fair,

Fpringfield, to the Mobile, Ala.. MardI


VINCENT--Leon .Tohn. 91, the oldest

guest at the Actors' Fund Home on

Staten Island. N. Y., died June 1 He

had been 111 since May 17. He started hls

stage career In England, where he w-as

born. After coming to America while a

young man he was stage director at

NIblo's Garden for several years and

handh-d siu-h plays as The Black Crook

and The M'hlte Fuim. I.ater he managed

Booth's Theater on 23rd street and di¬

rected the production of Henry V. He

enter**d the Actors' Home about 23 ycys

ago and two years later w.as Joined by

hls son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs.

John Charles Cheviot. Hls funeral was

held .tune 3 with services at the Funeral

Church, Broadway and 66th street. Buriat

was In the Actors' Fund plot In Ever¬

green C«-metery. Brooklyn, where hls wife

was hurled In 1911.

VOT,N VS--Jaciiues French comedian,

died recently In Paris. France. He was

well known thru plavlng with Max Dear¬

ly at the Phiitnps Efysees Music Hall.

WOl.FF -- IVlIly, Polish professional

daredevil, dh-d suddenly at Nantes.

France, May 31. He had leaped from a

tower of the suspension bridge over the

Loire River when a gust of wind turned

him while In midair and he stnick the

water on hls side. He had .®uec«'ssfully

nei nniplished fhe feat from a similar

hrlUge at Rouen two months


wlBh«-d to repent It In Nantes, altlio for¬

bidden by the city authorities.


June H. 1925

The Billboard



In the Profession

.\<TIN-KOI£I>--LJoyd Aifin, charactiT toi aiol aliiK*' i>uiiaK<'i' of tho Stuart
W.ilkri' t'oiiipaiiy. playiiifc at the Oux

Tin all r. (Tin uinall, O., anti l>)loii> Kortl. (i ptaniaie, were aei-rtTly tn.irried
II, ('ti\ington, Ky.. ^<v^·rul rauntliH uko.

udoi'liMK to inl'Miiiatioii juHt received.

--lOuK'^ie K. Boone

mill l>uii'thy L« i1k* r vt. ie married In

Cliiciiyo June 6. Miaa la.*dKer la a dajicer

i.iiiv III taiideville and Mr. Boone waa loiiinrlv with the Spark* Circus.

iTI.\ri>KC-Vlti:KU\M»--C«- il Cha*!-

iw I, iiciiipiefeMsiiinal of Warren, O., waj

iiiarritil May 2S to Marn.v Vreel.iiiiT. iheri>t«r with the Smilinij Ki/t .v Coiiipanv.

a lieit Smith attraction now pluyiiiK

Canti'ii. t>.

1-'A1,VKV-i;aHAN--Jeremiah J. Kal-


leadi-r at Chicoiae, Maks.,

ar'it' .\iiiia lluth il.ihan, of liolyoke, nonjiiiili >-ifiial, were marriid rtceiitly at

i:il.l.l>l'M'--lA.i<;AN -- Ualph Jamen

(:ille>pi< , t'>i iiier 'U x.ib re.il estate inaii,

ami Jitciiin line Logaii, reeii star, were

iii.irMid at the hoiiie of Miss Losaii'a

buMin ·' man IK* r on the ev« iiInK of June

4. Tin y |,lan to lake a hoiievmoon trip

h's t-iii.n as the bride's Hludiu enKUKeinents


i;i.i;i:StiN'-MOIti;AN--Cdward Cilee-

son. of Melbourne, Atistraliu. was married


to Ma.t MoiKan, only daiiKhter

of Val Moi>;.iii, w ll-known Vatorian

slidi- and >; inral advertlsiiiK man. The

i.reiiioiiy was performed at Caulfield.

Vic. Aii.-^tral.a.

·(;1:a1>V-J lOOLJ-A'--The weddin* of

Janns ilradv. \;uid.-\ille actor, and Anna

Catherine Oeioley, iionprofessional of Alt.

Carnn4 Pa. tiK>k place at Boston, Mass ,

·Mat 26. HOrKINS-Kl.IAOTT--Donald S Hop¬
kins, K'adinp man on tht J. C5. O'Brien

William Joni'b, of Brockton. Ala-ss., known as "I'riuce Latzuli". and aelfbijlfd Hindu aalndoRisi, clairvoyant and foituiie teller, and .Marunret Dealiiaii, who waa formerly .Mrs. Carl Sutter, are to be married. The bride-elect Rained mucli publicity aevenil years ago when, with her hu.sband. sMi' llv*'d in the Alaine woods in a iii<*U< rn Adam and Kve experltllellt.
Milbnrn^ Stone, leading man on the Allen Ac Names Stock Company, will be married to Nell .Morrison, of Adelphus, Kan., at her home in tJiat town June 25. Tliey w ill remain with the Alb n A: Names company after their mariiaRe.
Announcement has tven made of the engagement of Di'iothy t.^uiik. daughter of Airs. Tiiomaa Jefferson Aluniford, of Pill Infield, N. J .. and New York City, and Jolin Adams Mayer. A play written by Alls* (Juii'k Under the title of 'flic Pool w i41 he produo'd by John Cort next sea¬ son. -Mr. Alay» r was in the navy duiing the World War. Tlie wedding will take l>lace in tile autumn.
Announ< * mi-nt is made of the coming marriage of Ashley Oliver Jones, Jr., of Cfii<'aRo. and Ethel Oibson. who is in the chorus of No, No. Xanette. a musical isiiiiedv which has been playing at the Tremont Theater. Boston. The ceremony is selieduled for June 9 at Boston.
Rose Silverman, who has been private secretary to J. H. Lubin, general lit»>king manager of the Loew vaudeville circuit, will be marric'd to Cecil tJray. nonprofestdonal Sunday afterncMin, June 2S. Tli*y will spend their honeymoon in Bermuda an<l upon their-retiirn Alis.s Silverman Int*-nds to resume her position with Air. I-iihin.
In the Profession
Olive Frenistad. oi>eni and concert singer, on June 3 at l^rtland. Me., filed suit for divorce from Harry Lewis Brainard. whose jilace of residence ds un¬

Edna Brock Has Fall
Newark. N. J., June 6.--Edna Brock, pTeh artiste, wlille performing witli tier liuslmnd. .Alex Brock, at Dreamland Park, had a fall last .Monday night and suffereci a bruised hi|). A storm was coming up and the Brocks were endeavoring to conclude tiinir act bi-foie it broke. The spotlights are in back of tiu- scats and tne rays of these iight.s wi re tw tween Brock and his wife, .tnei wlnii sin- was on t'lp of the Jiole .Ah x could licit see her plainly. .As .Mrs. Broc k ri acln d the Icip of the pole a .strong wind struck her and blew the percli over. On account of tile arrangement of the lights .Mr. Brock did not see the peich in time to catch a balance again. He tried to guide the pole to a stationary one that w.cs erected for a wire act which was on the bill. Airs. BrcK-k hit this. Imt could not hold it and fell to the ground.
It was at first re|sirte«l that Mrs. Brock was seriously Injured. Tlie BrcK-k.s exjiect to resume their bookings next week.
"Snake" King in New York
N-'w York, June 4.--\V. A. (Snake) King, of Brownsville, Tex., arrived in New York today en route to Halifax, N. S.. where he will meet Harry E. Handy, of King Carnival, ('aicuita. In¬ dia. who is delivering u shipment of animuie. birds and reptiles to this country on the S. S. Kandon Hall, which is exjiected to arrive .at Boston. .Mass., -fihout June 14. Several fine animal.s are aboard the ship according to Air. King.
Vtflict PItr Oceaa Park Piar SaaU Maaiaa Plar
WILL J. FARLEY Loew State ftldg.. Loa Angdti
L*a« Bat'll Plar Rariaait Baath Baal Brack
Los Angeles. June 4.--This is Shrine

movie stars. The floral offeriags were iiol only elaborate but plentiful. The tliealer, now under the management of 11. I' Caulfield, is entirely redecorated and remodeled where it had outgrown its modernness. Alaude Fulton in her new effort. The Biff Top, was the attraction, and so .successful was it that Alaude Fulton was compelled to acknowledge reTieated curtain calls. In the cast were Itobert Ober, Billy Burress Lionel Belmore, Grace Travers, J. .Anthony Smylhe, William T. Rogers, Joseph E. Cox. VVard Caulfield, Alitzi Goodstadt and Grace Gordon.
Edw. Mozart has a staff of 25 men handling the souvenir buttons and other novelties for tlie Shrine week in Los .Ang' les. He has found a ready market for his most original creations.
Tlie orchestra of Waring's Pennsyl¬ vania ii.s, well known in the music world arriv.-d in the eity la.-'t week on the t'loldi-n Slate Limltid from Chicago, from wliere they jumped for their second eiigageiiieiit at the Aletropolitan Theater liere.' Tliev ojiened tliis house and there lias been a ·onstant demand for their return ever sinee. Some more big weeks will be recorded for tlie Aletropolitan as a eonsequenee of tlieir return.
Curly and Be.-;s Harris have again joined the California Carnival Company with their merry-go-round and ferris wheel in an entire new coat of paint. B> ^·ides the rid-'S they have the cook¬ house and several concessions.
"Trelawney of the `Wells'"
(Continued from page 9)
hardly have l>«-* n selecti-d by The Pla.vera for their fourth annual all-star revival. M'hile this comedy of theater folk in she early si.xties rambles r-omewhat and does not build U|) it.s little drama with the best cumulative effe< t, nevv-rthelss it con¬ tains a g<H>d numlier of lively parts, thus permittiiig tile use of many prominent actors and actre.ssef* in the cast, which is one of the most attractive features of tlie.se revivals.
In addition to this Trelawney Is one

Sto< k i'oini>.iny. was marri-d June 3 at known. She cfiarged desertion since lit 18. week and the city is packed and jammed of those wtiulesoine playa that alinosC

liver, T* nn.. to Carrie A. KlHott. of the

Euluee Volachl was granted a divorce with the visiting nobles. Entertainment anyone is bound to enjoy. Pinero is in a

same coion.any. Both are well known In recently In Los Angeles. Calif . by Judge mu.st have the Shrine stamp or it is of class by himself when it comes to fine

Ken oireles.

Gates from Chief 'Tolachi. Indian singer sc-c-ondary Importance. The beaches and cliaracter drawing, albeit he draws them

JACKV-MAHrniN--Kn d Jacky, a and actor.

theaters as well as all other place.s of so well that only the most conversant

n-ember of the Cinilimatl Symphony Or-

eliestra and a violin player in the t;ih.«on

Ho,.i Or In-stra in that city, was married

to Charlotte Mahurin, of Ft. Wayne. Ind..

June 1 at I'ittsburish. Fa. The bride Is

a danur and Is filling a vaudeville en-

KHKernent in Plttklnireh. The two met

three yiars ajto while Air. Jacky was

plavini; at the Zoo in Cincinnati.


rick Keainey. executive director of the

Players' Cuild at the Davidson Theater Milwaukee, Wi.s.. and Erin O'Hrlen-

Aloore. also of the Players' Guild, were

married June 1 at the AUlwaukee Court¬

house. Atrs. Kearni'.y is a well-know»

actress and also a model whose pictures

h.ive ajip<.areil on various maitazine

covers. Mr. Kearney has been on the

Guild executive staff since its orirantza-

tion fhre.' wars apo.

KKI.l,Y-\vr..`<T -- Franklin J. Kelly.

well-kn"wn concessionaire on the late Con

T. Kenn.-dy Shows and now I-achman-

Carson Exposition Sliows, was married

May 30 at Hi*fiderson. Kv.. to Flossie

West, nonprofessional. 'The marriiiKe

ceremony was perfornwd at the court-
liouse by Justice of the Peace T. H.


LOWl'.A'-T.AWSON--Willard R. Ixiwry

and .Alle..

l.,awson, st<H-k players, were

married ree.-ntly at St. John. X. B. Both

had he-en plavihe there in stock.

PKAUSE-DFVINK -- Rub»*e Jeffery

Pearse, of the firm of Pearse * Rohin.son.

wdely known de>iKn*-rs for fairgrounds

and p.-irks. and Mary Forestine Devine,

daiiehter «>f I>r, and Airs. Winfield Scott

IVvine. Marshalltow n. la., w» re married

in Alarshnlltown. Jnm- 3.

SPEK-WINTIK -- Norman L Sper.

press rejiresenfat ive for motion picture

stars and a fornwr war oorr* spondenf.

W as marri* d to Winona AVlnter. musical

comedy star and headliner on the Or-

phenm and Keith circuits, at Mexicali.

Alex . M.irch 27. The bride formerly was

with Julian Kltinyc and Harry I^auder

and Is the dauithtcr of Ranks Winter,

.author, sonKwrltcr, newspiiiier man and

lo'tor who comiios.sl many sonic hits, in-

cludlnjt ir/ilfe 'iViHoa.

SrT'RK-S.VA'DKR--Horton Sptirr. ec¬ centric danci r in Kid Himix, w.is married June 3 at 'The I.lttle Church Arouud

Robert Nel.'ion secured a divorc-e from Dot Nel-Min (Edith BeeJeyl. of the danc¬ ing team of Nelson and Nelson, at Erie, Pa.. May 25 on the grounds of deaertlon. Air. Nelson was awarded the cust<»dy of

amusement are putting on special pro¬ grams, and even the radio stations are running continuous programs that last 24 hours each day, which means 168 hours' continuous program.

their son. Robert. Jr.

According to late.st reports, the motion

Alary Akin, film actress and fiancee of picture imiustry will e.xpend more than

Edward Care we. director, recently left $66,000,000 in this city this year and

for c'uHacan. .\Jex.. to establish proceed¬ make 81 per cent of the pictures pro¬

ings against Thomas L. Armstrong, Chi- duced in the United States. All the pie-

c ago uusiness man. CuUacan is in tures of the United Artists' Company

Sinaloa and it is possible to procure a will be made in Los Angeles. The pic¬

divorce there after 30 days' residence. tures for fall release, which represent a

Aliss Akin has already obtained a pre¬ cost of more than I5.000.UUO. are Douglas

liminary dec ree in a Chicago court, but Fairbanks in Don Q, Alary Pickford in

it will not become absolute until Febru- Little Annie Rooney, Charles Chaplin in


The Gold Rush. William S. Hart in

In Los Angeles. Calif, recently Alar- Tuntblru'ted and Rudolph Valentino in

jorie Sutherland, known on the screen as The rntamrd. Norma Talmadge will

Marjorie Daw. was granted a divorce^ join the United -Artists after two more

from Albert K. Sutherland, motion pic¬ pictures for the First National, and Con¬

ture director, on the grounds of desert.oii. stance Talmadge after four more pic¬

Edna .Mae Acord was rcH?ently granted tures.

a divorce from Art Acord. s>Tcen actor,

H. AV. AlcGeary, upon his la.-st trip to

at Ixwc .\ng> les. Calif.

Airs. Acord San Francisco, disposed

his holdings

charged dcsc-rtion and failure to provide. there and will devote his entire energies

Eula Alaniecon. known as .Allc's Trevor, to his three places on the Wnicr and

screen actress, was granted a divorce Ocean Park piers. Alack has had wonder¬

from .\rmando Mantocon on the grounds ful success with his enterprises at this

of abuse and failure to provide. The end of the Iln<-.

dc-cree was granted in Icos Angeles. Calif.,

Jacquelin Logan has purchased a home


in beautiful Beverly Heights. It is a

Beverly Bayne obtained a divorce from brick house with spacious lawn and

Francis X. Bushman June. 2 at Los courtyard and has every modern eituip-

.Angeles, t'alif.. on the grounds of de.ser- ment. This little screen star will niak'-

tlon. Atrs. Ruth Nagle, wife ot C^rad California her permanent home and just

Nagle, api'earecl as a vvUiicsti for *Aliss signt^ a five-year lontract with tlie Fox

Bayne. 'The suit was virtually nneon- studios. Her Itome is one o< the prettieift

testc-d and a property settlement has been in Beverly Heights.

Iffe< ted out of ewirt.

Sam C. Halier will put in a busy


week entertaining his friends and eoniembers of Aloolah Temple. .Mr. Haller Is attending all the features of the

Shrine week here.

To Memb«rt of the Profession

Billy Dooley, late star on the Orpheiiin Circuit, has- contracted witli the Christie

Studios and will leave the vatideville

stage for pictures. He will portray the .\ daughter. Enid l.eonore, was born `gob" jiart in his first picture now being

April 23 at Perth West Australia, to cast for production.

Air. and Airs. Hilly Beecliam Air. Beech-

W. H, (Bill) Rice will again make

am was formerly'with the English patter I.a>s .Angeles his home at Die close of

team of Conway and Bcechain.

the present season In tlie Aliddle West.

.\ son vvas born to Air. and .Mrs. Ge»irge Bill will be welcomed by all the show¬

Findlay in t'algary, .Alberta. Can.ida. .May men of the Pacific Coast.

25. Air. Findlay 1* tile manager of the

ATany large promotional organizations

actors can do the part.« full ju.stice. and nearly all of hi.s coinedie.s contain a load of rich farce as well as plenty of ap¬ pealing sentiment.
Speaking of the present production Imp»'rsonally from the viewpoint of a regu¬ lar offering, it might Is- .said that the performance is not exac tly a iierfeci af¬ fair. .All overabundance of good actors Very oft»-n serves more to fni.^-trale the hapiiy effectiv·iie.ss of the lout ensenible b< cause of the fact that some parts are ··-iressfd and colored oitt of protiort.oii to the otlu r parts. But thi.s doe^· not hurt The Players' offering very mueli. Jii fact, the aiidieii) e sits thru the play with its attention .so fully (s-cupied with one star or another that it has little time to detect imperfections in either the play or the acting. So, d<-spite the broad play¬ ing of Several jiarts, tile overeinpha."is of the hunair and tiie fact that only a few of the players have reall.v caught the I'inero spirit, it is an unusually agreealile sight to see so many ais -unplished iirti.sta working together .so happily and with such consideration for each" other, and therefore the performance is a rarely enjoyable affair after all.
I-aiirelie Tailor (its into the part of Ro7>e Trelawney almost as nicely as if the r*ile had b*<-n written sia-eially for her. She makes lier changi-s of character, and the uccomiatnying changes of mood, in a d'-ft and sincere manner, combining voii^t, nuivement and gesture with a remarkable pr-'cision and an appealing wmsomene.ss. Unfortunately--thru fault of the play¬ wright--her tine.st moments come in the first act. where she and John Drew act tlie discovery «'ene with perfect delight.
The Veteran Jolin Tirew surprises every¬ one with his suiierb portrayal of Sir William Gower, instead of the drawing¬ room comedy tyiM- of character that mudhim famous. Drew adds to his laurels by offering on this occasion a performance that reveals rare dramatic talent, emo¬ tional feeling and a finely caleulated resirainLthat proves most efre<'tive. Very few ' jv-rformances of such precision, charm and entertaining quality have been seen on Broadway in recent years.
t'harles Coburn Is excellent as a trugi-dian of the old type, and Amelia

Mie Corner", Now 'Voik City, to Rernliv Empire Tlieatc-r, Edmonton. Alberta. The of California have united their efforts to Bingham plays the part of his hardy

Snyil.-r, a vaudeville daiua'r. Eddie Can¬ motVier apd son are doing well.

make 1S25. the 75th anniversary of Cali¬ >-IS'iise,to satisfaction. Violet Heming. as

tor was th»* best man and Evelyn Snyd«-r

Mr. and Airs. b'TiIler (Smoky Red) fornia's admission into th.- United States, a (ss-kney actre.ss, proves highly amusing;

the n'ald of lamor. Tlie ni'wlyweda will B.ikcr arc- the parents of a daughter, born one long to bo remembered. For June William (joiirtleigh. another rhetorical

hon.vmiMin at Atlantic Cltv and «'flier Alay 26 at their home in Aleniphls. Teiin. .there will be a cherry carnival, a |>ag<.int tragedian, who has s(>en better days, is

resorts until Kid /foot# r»s'p« ns in Aa>:iist. Tilt- baby Weighed seven pounds and has pla.v at Mission, San Juan ('aio.-lraiio ca|>ital in the role that he played in the

Tflll'EN-AI. DArOHI.IN--The

mar- iM-i-n named Betty Wlllc-te. The father is ami a Spanisli fiesta at Holl.vwood. il-'or isas production of Trrlawnt p, and Airs.

rlaue of Itavmond Arthur Tnr|a>n .and well known in the ontclcMir show world.

Jul.v the program includes a roundup and Thomas Whiffen, another veteran of the

AIari;iiref M(t-aiiehlln tmik nlnce at Pitts¬

An eight-pound boy was born May 22 riMleo, H flag festival aritbific sports 1SS8 cast, makes a treVnendous hit In her

burgh. Pa.. re<-<.ntly. The pride's father. to .Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Johnson, of the Lee galore, a Spanish pag>-ant at Berkeley, old part of Mrv. -Mossop


A1cT.nuKhnih Is one of the b«`st Bros.' Circus. The newcomer has hc-c-n a redwoisls jilay in S-<|Uoia National

Due to the illness of There.sa Maxwell

known vaudeville uRcnts in that city.

named Laurie, Junior.

Park, an Indian field day in A'osemite. Conover, who was cast for the r<de of

Born to Air. and Airs. Frank McKeowrn etc. .August will find a touinaimnt of All.ss Trafalgar Gower, this part is play(?d


MARRIAGES · an eight-ancl-one-half-iKnind girl May 30 lights ami a marine show at the beaches, by Alary Elizabeth Forbes in a thoroly at Steplienvilic'. Tex. Air. 'AIcKeown Is a greater movie wr».k at Tais Angeles, an capable manner. O. P. Heggie is p«rfect owner and operator of Hanpy's Show of ol<I Spanisli day and fiesta at Santa as a buGer, John Cumberland acts the

In the Profession
The enimicement of Ralph ryilltzcr of Thr Stw York H'orJd. to Claire Sli< ridan. special writer and authi>r»'ss. la re|s>rtbd
Frankie Wateraon. aon of the New York muale publlaher. Henry AVateraon. and reiireaentative of hla father In Philadel¬ phia. will marry Marlon Bland, noBprofeaslonal, at Philadelphia June 11.

\V.>ntlers. Both mothc-r ana daughter are

doing iiicelv.


Frank Alorgner. of the team of Tairge

and Alorgner. with Bob Alorton's Ciren.s,

is rejolc-ing over the arrival (if an c-ight-

ponnd d-uighter at his home in New Atr-

Ic-ans. Airs. Alorgner and the baby are

doing nic'< ly.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Don

Albc'Tt re<-«ntly at St. Luke's Hospital.

8t. lainis, AIo. Both mother and son

are doing well. Mr. Albert Is musical
direc-tor mi Loew'n Stain Theater In 9t.



Barbara, the Dons of Peralta festival at (lakland and many others not yet aniiimneed.
Harry Hargrave has his super Bamboo Slole in ote ratiiin on the Venice Pier and It started off with a rush last Sunday. It Is the m-west of the rides on this amu.sement cone and has enough kick to whet the app«-tlte of those who are after the more hair-/aising sensations.
The Majestic TTieater here reopened its doors May 30 to a paidced first-night audience, which included the Writers' Club in full and a huge sprinkling of

ride of the finii-ky .··lage manager amiisiuglv. Gladys H.inson is delightful as the fluffy Imogen Parrott, Herbert Corthell di>es' a nice bit. Claudi» King Is quite good, and thi re are commendable performances bv Ernest I.-vwford. Catherine D. Owen, T'atterson AlcNutt, Henry Forsman, M<div Pearsivn. John DavenpKirt Seymour, Douglas J. Wood. EMlth rarrett and John Evan*.
The scenery and costumes are In ex¬ cellent taste.



The Billboiatd

`Monolight' Basket Lamp

Na. 60 -- CawblnitUn Flotaer Baakrt and Baudair Lamp. It's brund n.w. Vrrjr unique and alirartiTe. Raiket ia made of Kc.d. llnUhH In two-tone (loKt
Bronee effect. Filled with flee large fize beautiful
CI OTB AMEBIC A N B E A r T Y KOSE.W and green foliage. Beautiful
abade above flotvera la equil'Ped with one Iti-r.p
froated Klecirir Bulb whlih khlnet down on tbe Uotea, giving them the must natural effect obtainable
So natural it it almost Impnttlble to diatinguUh them from freah-plrked Koaea. Heally the wonder Item of the season for Carnivals and 1'arkt. Belter fla.sh than Floor Lamps and
at less than half she cost. Come packed eai h In a boa. Equipi>e<I with t! ft Ilf eord. with separable plug
all ready to llghL


For Genuine Chineae


The finest useful NoTelty PiraM)! on tfi*

rosrRete with a

tliat drawi th« sttentloo

of e«er>tKKly. Made of cenuioo Chinese Bam*

boo snd cohered with Tery flAshj colored sun*

proof parchment. On 40 bamhoo ribs. Meat*

urea 36 inches in diameter. All hand*made by

skilled workmen in the Orient. Come packed

in assorted colon and d«»igoa.

25 for $20.00 50 for 37.50

100 for 70.00

10 for 9.00

25% deposit required oo C. O. D. ordart. Sample foot an receipt 0/ 11.00.


"RatKint" Ray Electric








Ns. 700 -- AbsoJuleW

new. Made of all reed,

beautifully flnisbed In



broiiaet. Contains elglit

(8> beautiful Urce-sir.e

CLOTH flowers. eaeh

with a genuine M.\ZI>.L

Bt'LB Inside. KquJpitW

with 74 feet of eord.

8 sockets. 8 bulbs and a

plug, all (otnplete, ready

to light. Come picked

eaeh In separata corru¬

gated box. Order nose

If you irant to nuke a

eleanup. ThU la your


2'% deposit, balance

Eich in Dozen Lots. Bulbs


June 13 1925

Narder Sbowfolks Get Busy
Following Storm
On page 110, this Issue, mention is made of a storm damaging equipment of Narder Bros.' Shows at Laik. vnie, l',i. Some additional data is C7nt:i;n''d in the following "show letter" provided by Julius Roth, of the show:
After enjoying a most plca.'ant week at Mahanoy City. P.i.. Narder Bros.' Shows moved to Larksville. Monday, due to the untiring efforts of Arthur Courtney, trainmaster, and his crew, all shows, rides and concessions were ready, in spite of the two-mlle up-hill haul, but a terrific wind, hail and rain storm crept up un¬ expectedly and spoiled the evenings en¬ tertainment. Tue.sday afternoon .-inofier storm visited the territory and after its termination the ca.'jualties were as fol¬ lows : All but five of the concession tents blown down, several shows tiut cut of commission, tw'o wagons overturned, one wagon split in half. All of the showfolks were fortunately spared personal Injury.
Salvage and -econstruction began im¬ mediately after the storm was over and at this writing, rinir'd.-iv evening, the show is again opeiai ng and the groat, st crowd of the season can be seen <'n the grounds--shows, rides and conccs.^ions doing a fair busines.s. S'Veral va-iiis were exchanged between members cf the World At Home Shows and this organisa¬ tion. On TueiMjay, May 2'8, Edward Bo.swell tendered a dinner to the membeis of the World At Home Shows. Amo.ig those present were I. J. T iliack, Billy Klein, Eddie Davis. Nht Narder, Irving Narder, Edward Boswell, Philip Ayiplebaum and about 30 oiiicr folks. Greet¬ ings were exchanged and acqualnr.ances renewed. All present had a most delight¬ ful time.
(Continued from page 9)
are continuously funny. Byrd gives an unusually humorous characterization that is all too rare nowadays, while Moore inclines more to comical accentuation, which also gets plenty of laughs.
We.stley Hill and Arthur Porter, whose elderly types are alwa.vs enjoyable, are again seen to advantage, and commend¬ able work is done by Li-na Wilson. "Happy'' Williams, Billy Ewing and va¬ rious others who have parts. Louis Keene presents a more ehaborate version of his "Legnmania" dance, which makes a tremendous hit, and another agile dance hy a smiling member of the male en¬ semble goes over big. Mae Barnes does a Charleston well, and Julia MItehell sings to good effect. There also is a little stump of a girl who cavorts about in amusing fashion. A female quartet is good, tho it nof'ds more effective num¬ bers.
The choicest hit in the shfiw is saved until the last few' minutes, when Johnny Hudgins appears for several excniciatingIv funny specialties, in which this new colored star exhibits a variety of clever as well as humorous dancing and clown¬ ing.
As already mentioned, the musical score Is not a knockout. In fact, it Is quite mild compared to scores of other colored shows of past seasons. The B'rics. likewise, are just fair. The Bcenerx'. Instead of crowding the st.age so oppr'''sIvely as some of the full sets do. .should suggest openness and coolness. There's no necessity for piling every single detail of a setting on the stage. Many things can and should bo left to the imagination.
With a little fixing and better spotting hvckit Snmho will he In shape'to provide first-'hiss colored entertainment for sum¬ mer visitors to New York.

ZD-a lece a| a
« .

_ ,,


partfS' in"ndlvid"i


nriona. fseful and flashy number that will get the crowds,

Qwennia tY oUDpie #0...^

Lots of 10 $2.90

Igsla nf SO 75

L<ou oi


Mill Order Catalog

Maoufarlurrd under one roof la 00 OWdem building Kith the Uleit modern fa.llitleo.

SWAGGER STICKS. S16.5C. 19i0.24.36,48 Per Gr.
Tiie best lalua la Um country.

-, I --

M»de In 10, 12 and 18 riba. In Black or Gilt Frameo, with the beat losing Handlei.
-- Wire or write In jour order. 25% depotit with ardor, balanio C. O. D.


121-23-25 North 8th StrMt,



free acts

July 4th and Sth, 1925, Chilton, Wisconsin.

Company, 1.5 to 20 laii. rarryinf 3 to 4 Bidet, for our Mammoth 1. Thote who answered our firtt ad. wire or tend RepreaentatlTe at on<e. at thta 1 will he hel'l liolh day and night, utilizing Free Ada. Fireworks, Racing. Ball (laniea. ng and lour Bands to furnish entrrtainmeni. We abowed to 12.000 people our last I and we eipeit to show to 30,000 people Ihla year. Conrestlont, all Wheels open len «Me Ine Ads fur July 4th and 5th. W.tNTEU--3 or 4 gor^ Hating H'andt or ta. Thl.s Is Ihe spot to get real money. .\d .pihk. Address A. P. BAUJfAXN Hupt
Bides. Conorttlnna and Free Ai-ti. Chilton, Wlfonsin.
--Would like to hear from Bidet. Shosca. Conresslons and also flrst-claat Camlftl for our Fair Dales. September 15 to 18. 1025. Ad'lreta as abufe

"CHARLEY'S AUNT" (Continued from page 9)
play, partly to the warm weather and partly to the tinfavoralile position of the theater in which the attraction is hous^. But even after allowinp pencrou^lv for
of th^es^e possible handltv.ps there is another and much more important rea.son why tire present revival will not po over as It should, amj that l.s the poor
manner In which tho play has been cast, directed, stagied and cos-tunied.

TakinK the cast first, as a whole, it 1*
absolutely unskilled in the handlinc of fnrcical elements, and it mis.ses so many comedy p<>int.s that the number of laughs extracted from the audience are only a email fraction of what they should be.

To make matters worse, the players hare been directed Into giving a highly o verst ressed performance on the oldrashioned order, emphasizing and over¬ playing points that no longer have any value and muffing m.any of the best ef¬ fects that call for subtlety rather than broad playing.

The settings are without character, cheap and even untidy, while mo.st of the costumes are out of period, and it le rather incongruous for players In modern dress to be acting In antique style.

For New York presentation. In this

highly sophisticated age, some ihanges

in script would have been advisable. Even the occasional stock revival of Charleji's Aunt In this country nowadays Is touched

up so that It w ill be more In accord with

present-day ideas, but the production at

Italy's seems to have Ignored all this and

consequently It Is a thrown-together af¬

fair such as might be expected from com¬

munity theatricals. And nothing of this

kind ever went across on Broadway.

Sam A. Burton, In the part of CharUj/'t Aunt, does fairly well in an individual way. He might obtain more gratifving

results If he had b«-tter team work. Kath¬ leen Middleton acts a small bit with sin¬

cerity and Ruth Chorpennlng is all right.

Harry Llllfonl, Yho Is slgnilicantly

credited on the program with having

Played Bras.sett at the Standard Theater,

New York, In 1893, api»ears none the

worse--nor any the better--for that ex¬

perience. He Is Just the ordinary English

miller. Charles D. Penman and Antony

Stanford are not very happily fitted to their

roles', and the same applies to their cor-

resisondlng sweethearts In the play. Hope

Coxhead and (Irnce Voss. Karl Stall leans

too far on the burlesque side, and Oorge

Sydenham Is quite eapable and satlsf.ic-



Wg tperUIlzo In

Cook House, Juice, American Palmistry and

For both rental ami tale purpoaet. Belter get In tuuih srlth oi aa to your requiremenli.


411 West 8L Clair Avo.,


Corn Game Open
Candy, Doth. Floor Lamp*, Silver, BlanktU and Robtt, Fruit, Groreritr, Clotkt, Lrathre, Ham and Bacon, Spotting Good* and all other Whttlt. Rare Track, Hoop-La all Ball Garnet and all Grind Stortt open. Remember, good ttrmi in good territory. What have youf Can place attractiont of all kindt and uieful thowfolk. Addtet*

We haro tho Bneat Pure Wool Blankets In the I Htatei. Aof organization or eotnesalon that «*^nia to glre the puhiTe the beat will make money, "mey Blankfta are nanufaetiirrd eapeeUIly for relehraUona. ele. NAVAJO INDIAN BLANKET CO.. 35 *·«<" Oearbera tt,, Chltato. III. Randelph 0I28.

the famous

as illustrated, assorted
doll and equally as r as the dressed
dressed sample, $2.00 POSTPAID Tfrms on quintlty orders. Onr-thlrd- drp. osft with order, biUnrt C. O. D. Shipments srs In 12-dozen and S.dozen esse lots.





Felix is made of Tcry light weight' anbreakablc wood fibre

composition, saving heavy exptess and freight charges. The tail

is flexible, made of silk chenille, making a very nararal appear¬

ance. Height.


Some of Our Leading RepresentatiTe Jobbers
ARANEE DOLL « SUPPLY CO.. 417 Lafayette St.. N.Y.C. KARR B AUERBACH. 41$ Market St.. Philadelphia, Pa. KINDEL V GRAHAM. 782 Mission St.. San Francisco. Calif.


Y\/\Y Y



AJVILU UULL LU.y 213 Greene St., New York, N. Y.

Sole Maauladureri ol FEUX lot tbo Coneenien TraM. SfecMl Uomm: AEO. MNFELOT I COMPANY. Now York.

A Big Flash and a Whirlwind Seller for

T Concessionaires hese handsome Serving Trays have nickeled frames and handles. The glass centers

art band painted in natural colors, in a variety of designs. Backgrounds in Onyx,

Bine and Tangerine. Priced astonishingly low, because we are largest producers of serv¬

ing trays in the United States. We give yon the benefit of tarings effected through

our enormous output and improved factory facilities. Price 90c each in grots lots. $1.00

each in dozen lots. 2$% cash with order, balance C. O. D. Sample tray sent postpaid

for $1.2$. Some of our concessionaire enttomers are now ordering these trays by the

thousands I



179-181-183 Wooster Street




LOOK!! THE VERY LATEST! ··MYSTERY LOCK" » On Standard 2*lb.C«dar Chost
"Mystsfy Leek ChesP* It the best yet Gelaf like wildfire.

One nnhreakable Art Pli-ture FRrE wifh ea h deirn stendard I-Ib. Ch-sls with "Myitrry laaks". Pleturee retail for S2.0U to in 00 tarh.
Toot order shipped same day recelTfil. Terms; 55% deposit, balance C. 0. r».


1820 Choutoau Avo.,

St. Louie, Me.

Wants Shows of all kinds with or without outfits. All Con¬ cessions open. Merchandise Wheels $6 front foot. Other Con¬ cessions $3 front foot. This week, Rockaway, N. J. All address HELLER'S ACME SHOWS.


Nashua ffCO U S BlapT^ets

NOBSKA INDIAN PATTERN--Size 66xM. Style A In Hlsb Colors. Style B In Soft Tonea.
NASHUA eOMrORTABLE STYLE B--Size UxSO. Besetslble Fancy Block. In Alice Blue. Old Bose,
Lefcnder, Tan and Golden Brown.

The heaatlful mlors and yenemut valuet In Nashja ni.inkrts will brine crowds and profits to b<«lha ofTerlnf them ea prizes. The wril-knuwn Nashua label Is a rerugnlzed bailee of merit. Nat'.nnal adveriUinz In leadlne m.neazlnes rontinuea to ipreea their fame. N'asnua Hlankras are now wi.Tcn In part w.hiL They rrpreient CTr.iter warmth, errater beauty, ereater Table, and because of thr>e fact.irs they represent ereater oppor¬ tunities far the man who dlsplaye them. T. ur rre'ilar supply house can obtain' N'aahiia Part Wool Ulanketa for you. Order today I
Pocket size. l*i-paee rataloc showing com¬ plete Nashua line sent free on request to
41 FriRklhi St. Boston, Mats.






All Concrsiions optn. Space limited. Big Ftrc Acts now booked.

Five Days

Five Nights

Parades Daily

WANTED FOR HAMBURG (N. Y.) FAIR--WHIP AND NOVELTY RIDE that does not conflict with what we got. Would like to bear from good clean Shows. Hamburg and Dunkirk Fairs and other fairs following. BIG 4TH OF JULY CELE¬ BRATION. SHINGLEHOUSE. PA. Shows and a few Concessions still open. Wtite at once. TOM MARSHALL. Bolivar. N. Y.. up to July ISth.

WANTED--Merry Mix-Up. Trn-in-One. Plantation or any Shows of merit. Palmist. Meichandite W'bccls and Grind Stores. We have good route of Fairs and Celebrations.
EDWARDS ft YOUNG. Milton. Pa.

The Billhoar'd

June 13 1925


V w; >J

ti.' V'f


Style L;
Dimensions--Height, 51^/2 Inches. [Vidth,35 yi Inches. Deplh,23y^Inches.

Responsible Representation Invited.


**Leaders in the Automatic Field**

1S08-10-12-16 DAYTON ST.
Addr«Mt Dept. **A


Jacob Holtz.

173 Canal St.,

18UxlO% loOws
M.de of IwaTT mot si. Iin S b?>»utttul fln-
--HUriT; Gold snd Anfl*rJ«. L*r*e 4*lnrti Pllver DUl Clock. Big Flash.
$4.00 Each
Setsiona Blackwoad Clock.
S4.00 Each Gilbert Taisbaur CItek.
S3:28 Each Novelty Portslain Cloek.
Large Si7.,
S3.00 Each Die. Clocki,
81.20 Each rnmnlet. line of Sil¬
verware and Noreltleo for Coocetflonairra, Street Men. Flaohera and Whcela. See our ether ad on page 1*3.
dcpoolt. balance C. O. D. Write for Catalog, lust off the Dreoa.
New York City

Live Merchandise at the Very Lowest Prices
Distributwrs of
Wc carry a complete line of merchandise for WHEELS. All orders filled promptly. Write for our catalog.

!! Cookhouse Men !!

Attention !!




CmDI Don't do SDolhcr thing antll ^ · w. I you hsfs written for OUR
Lalat CWslaiue Jatt aff Ott Pnu

I QO|C I *·


·· ** ro«ie«. You'll llnd It thr 1

most vronderful Cookhouse Supply Catalogue ever!

tasued. Healdea lllustratiu and pricing erery article, the ship,

ping weight la gtren. alio each ttem haa a code word which

makte U easy to order by wire and reduces the rost. Describes

the use. care and operation of the goods an<l sNiws tiMMt of

repair parta that are nre<led with each Itrai. We also lllustrata

arid describe how to ronnert up several burners, tights, etc., to

one tenfc. ee well ai lllustrata a complete cookhouse In operation.



catalogue taikt for llaclf. Send for It you'll agree with ue.


nil), prosutc "niv. 4 lack .$4 2S 5 lack .S.M
jaaihe Boraart for grscity. from t3.M te lAlS.

Dept. IS, S60 West 42nd Street,

. ,


Want Few More Shows of Merit. Liberal Proposition to Law and Outlaw Wax Show or Midget Show
WANT experieoerd Chorus Girla. Colored Pcrfotmeri for Minstrel Show. Prof. Ctnj want! Musicians, all instruments, for whit* hand, also Piano. Player doublfOK Brass. Want capaMr Talkrrs and Grinder*. Legitimate Concessions all open except Cook House. Corn Game and Birds, American Palmistry Concession open. Address L. J. HETH SHOWS, East Livttpool, O., week June 8: Toronto, O., week June 15.


55-84 Weybosset St.,

-, -




Hera.hell-S|.»Ilm»a. 3-Abreaat like new, >iK palaied «Qgltu.`. Perfect ruDfilr^ order. Vof qiiif-k wlf. !W47 Armildfe Are., fTileugo, TTrinolr.

All new Canraa. toil oew

Trailers .fud « wr« 3V, U. KAKI hitr _

FOR SALE Freak Animal Show, Complete
N*"' Tent and Banners, all ready to show. Can hr seen at C. Krnzry'i farm. Independ¬ ence, Mo. Easy terms to right party.
P. S.--Write ro John T. Wortham and ask him if he is satisfied wilh the show I sold him last week.
CHARLES G. BROWNING, Riverview Park, Chicago, III.

LaOMG live: king MIDAS!

HarlicWs KING MIDAS Tradeboard, the King of Profit Makers

A GREAT IDEA fog a Maryalous NEW Trade* board. Absolutely Unique! Altogether DIFFER* ENT! Nothing cite like this amjxiisg Board has evrt been offered! SENSAT|ONAL--Surprising!

Airrady FAR IN THE LEAD of al! ether

Tradeboards for QUICK SALES aud GIGANTIC



Be the First in Your Territory with' this NEW Board.

A beautifully lithographed board. Round in shape--full' 15 inches in di¬ ameter. The fascinatingstory of KING MIDAS told in pictures of vivid 5 colors.
Truly a Colorful, Flashy, Highly Attractive Tradeboard!
Tremendous profits for you. Here is the story in $--$--$--$--$

3.000 Saks at I0<--
Takes In .$300.00 Pays Out hi TraOo. I IS.00

3.000 Sales at 5e--
Takes in .$IN.0t Pays Out In TraOa. $7.50

PraOt an BaarO..$105.00

PraOl an Baar0..$ 03.50

PLUS Profit on Merchandise.

I MOST COMPLETE LINE OF SALES and.tradeboards on the market

or babv PRICCS


midget salesboards


CkatiMt Punchlisfl--Footoot Soiling--Moot Profitnbln






























.K! 1000


OO .53

tooo 4000

2.70 3.00






.51 1.20 ISO _








NOTE--Rafsiar MiOfat (Laria Mala) aaaM orlaa as afeava. Chcckars ar Seetians. 5a axtra pw baarO tar ana aalar; 7'la ailra par baarO tar tna sators. CIOAR BOXEt TO FIT BABY MIDOET BOAROB. EACH .50.37
Ooe-lhird eaah. balaoea C. O. U. Caafe In full required on orders of $5.00 or lass.



-TANBET PRACTICE. Eaeh.$7 M ·K-O VENDER. Eaeh. .O.Rl *0010 RUSH. Each. S.A
PAY ME. Eaab . . 7.5B 7M
4,000-HOLE tTrRaAdDeEbBOoAard

Thaaa Baarda Taka la $15.00; Pay Out In Trada $10.50.

*`B8O0L1D0 DIBBER. Each . .57.SB

*MMaada^ffaarr EEKltnhaarr sSaaa. aarr llllliaa. sBaaitaa.. sBnt«taa. ta Whiah

Whaa OOrrddaarriinaoo..



HARLiICH MFC. CO., 1911-1913 W.VanBurenSt., CHICAGO


A $10.00 Vending Maclilie
full 5"Packa<|e of I FREE with
Good Cheuiino^K GRADE GUM FOR MlOO

i For Flapper Doll Dresses

Th, Ouoi w, offer It high-grade Gum In two
flaeota--Fruit and Spear¬ mint. Put np IPg penny stirkt to tha bux. Tha ma* china will eend two narnra of Gum and will rend any
atamlard penny stick of Oum. and will work aatlpfsrtorlly either Inoide ar autslde. It la beiutirully decorated, carrying a plateglaat mime 4x10 In. Tha
ten boxes of Hum and Fla* chine are parked In atrong w<M4rn hnxea and an be ·hipped either by express or parrel poet.

, ]
-- --

Post Offca Money Order for $4 no, with shippinc
Instructions, and the tra bnias of Gum and Marhina
will be shipped eut at oswa. If you wtidi addttlnnal Gum tor Ih* Sfa-

. sisa. V la. high. * In. aide. Has a hlele-plaM mirror
nsie In.

??· NashrtIN. Trim,

"S* B* ""


21S Second Av*., N., NashviNe, Tcnn.

Pumpkin Show and Homecoming
WANTED--Slows. Bides and Pnneeaalana. Bell riilu.lsr itm Lnnrh. Heft Drliiis, lUaafeata and Cnrn (lamr. Wanted to hear (mm srnMilOfwl Free Arts. Addrrst all mall to J R. EDWARDS. 231 H. Hurkeya Ht., Wouatar, Obla.
Mexican Jumping Seans
Hrady la Oil orders Jaly I. Rim>ly llatlsad. (M f'lrfs In r.rly foe prlrat and Imnt, Addreaa JOHN W lirNUAP. 541 Kast &4th St.. Lna Ancelea. CalU.

I »4-2S«<»5SS


(AlnnK 1.000 Feathers to Pnund.)


Astortment of 10 ll.ithy colors.


25% deposit, balance C. 0. D.

Three Delicious Flavors


= 67 Fifth Av«.,




Fruit, Spearmint, Peppermint.

to beautiful, fladip parkagrt. packed flea full-iUa prnnp tticka to the package, twenty paedtagra to
the box. ino boira to iha rasa fm.ahlpmsut. Priaa, la a Paakaoa. $*« par Bai^ ar $20.00 par Case, F. O. & Naaballla, Trass. Tarm., Nat Cash.
We make all klnda Gum for Premloma. Rchemea. Cooroaslona and Otre'Awaj, If interested, wrltai


til Baaaad Axaoaa. Naefh.




BENUINE INDESTRUCTIBLE "LA CORONA PEARLS'*. 34-laah, OpalaseanL Craam aad Piak.,...$3.75 par Oaraa 50-lach. Opaleuaat, Oream aad Pink.3.10 par Oazen $B>loal», O^lssaant. Cream aad Pink.4.0B par Daiea OO'lach. Opalasraat, Craam aad Pink.4.75 per Dtern 7$.lnah, Opalaaeaat. Craam aad Plak.S.OO per Oazaa
All thaaa room with perfect R. 8. Clatpa. Mathar-af-Pearl. All Calart, 32-lneh.SiP.SB par Daiaa Matkar-af.Paarl, AH Calara. PO-lath.. IP.00 par Dana Peart Chakara. Uaifarm. 5.00 par Dazan Palrl Ckakasx Braduatad. S.OO par Oazaa
With Larpa Rapphira Clasps.
Baxes fram SOa ta $3.00 par Oazaa.
Deposit required on all C. 0. D. ardars.


For Demonstration. Krbottting and Vending Machines.
$1.80 Per Quart--$6.90 Per Gallon

Write for List of Odor*.

C. H. SELICK. INC.. Perfumers. 56 Leonard St..


New York City

I _

Ex'reme heUM. 7", extreme
nidth at*".

Greataal lenath, tocudlnr eitra stem tnd wheel, K . Hrixht of burner ran be chanced by
tarylnc helirht of atandpipa. A fery powerful, effleiaat, dapaadable peesiurt
burner for crorral beery duty at under water heaters. Urte heary criddles, laody furnaeea. tulraolaara. dnuthnut kattlea. Hae about dnubl' rapacity of our No. 4 urn burner, rery easy tn aprrata and earu tor. Baa stralcM caaer.itor with DO delicate parts to break, no small rruaked channels to beeoma callwitlrrd. Valra stem Is
steel rod. cannot bend. Wheel on and la steel stampinc: rararal burn ar break off. Producer flaoie 4" acrota and 10" to IH" bish. No. 5H
POWEBHE.AT BURNER. Ship wt., 10 Ibi. cade (Cadet) 50.50


Doft. IS, SS4 W. 42ii4

Now Yofk City.

12 small, complete cirrua Cage Wagona. abaut 4 ft. high, hand carxad. sunburst wheels, springs, tongues and exerpthing. Excellent fla.h. $tp each, $4M (ar tha 12. They are real and eaiil^ woixh SMO. New, Uaea two aata wotklng, going big. BABNABD. Wtch* lU. Lwill

iTHc Billboard'

June 13, 1925









JIdilllUllll9dniyf, 1IQ9Z9R9

A nil An the Greatest Money GeHers This Country Has Em Seen

Operators--When You Get These Machines Working For You You Will Know It's Raining Pennies Into Your Pockets. If You Are Not Well Satisfied After 10 Days* Trial Send Machines Back; Money Refunded Without Question.



Ash the Following Jobbers-
EASTERN DISTRIBUTION » SALES CO. 104 Portland St., Boston, Mass.

Weight. Z}ii lbs.; IVi in. wide 2^ in. deep. 17 in. long.

H. L. HARBISON, 902 East Main St., Columbus, Ohio.
C. A. NICHOLS. Houston, Texas.
TEXAS NOVELTY COMPANY, 1160 Laurel Ave., Beaumont, Texas.
JOSEPH C. BUCKMAN COMPANY, Washington, North Carolina.
KANDEE CANDY COMPANY, Breckenridge, Minnesota.
EARL E. SANDERS. 1580 Mt. Ephraim Ave., Camden, N. J.
G. L. GRAHAM. 5 Park Ave., Albany, N. Y.
CONSTRUCTION NEWS SERVICE. 517 Union League Bldg., Los Angeles, Calife ·

Weight. 8H Ibt.i 7^ in. wide 2H >»· deep. 17 in. long. LIST PRICE
20 ·OO

All Boyce Coin Machines arc absolutely brand new. They all represent years and years of experimenting. Mostly all of them arc games of skill, games of skill with a thrill. They are all patented since the first of January. 1925. The first of our ma¬ chines that were advertised was in March, 1925. The first salesmen that were put out was in March, 1925. Since that time we have received over 17,000 orders. We have not as yet had to take the first machine back which we guaranteed we would do were they unsatisfactory. We have received repeat orders from some operators for as high as 50 machines to be shipped every other day until we were told to stop. This order came from G. L. Graham. 5 Park Ave., Albany, N. Y. Another operator who operates legitimate and real money-getting machines is Ea"-! E.Sanders, 1580 Mt. Ephraim Ave., Camden, N. J. After he received his two sample machines we received his check for 25 Over the Tops. As soon as he received these we were to ship him 25 more. The same thing applied to the Penny Juggler. H. L. Harbison of 902 East Main St., Columbus, Ohio, has given us an order for 1,000 machines. We feel particularly proud of the Harbison order, inasmuch as Mr. Harbison is a very progressive business man, and there are hundreds of other operators throughout the country that are just as enthusiastic as those we have mentioned.

Write for Catalogue, Descriptive Literature. Quantity Prices. A Deposit of 25% Must Accompany Order. All Machines Shipped F. 0. B. Tuefcahoe.




June 13, 1925 ^

THe Billboard










Jloalnllilidarryui 1luQZ9uli


3 Doubt Theii Are Getters This Geuntry

the Greatest Has Em Seen

Operators--When You Get These Machines Working For You You Will Know It's Raining Pennies Into Your Pockets. If You Are Not Well Satisfied After 10 Days* Trial Send Machines Back; Money Refunded Without Question.





Weight, 10 lbs.; Bli in. wide,


dttp. 20 in. long.


The Machines We Build Now Are--
Over the Top Penny Ma¬ chine. Price ... $ 10.00
Juggler Machine for Nick¬ els. Price . i . . . . 20.00
Juggler Machine for Pen¬ nies. Price.20.00
Penny Racing Machine. Price . . `.25.00
Penny Back Gum Machine. Price.|. 35.00
Electric Traveling Crane, Nickel Machine. Price . 350.00
Boyce Perfume Machine (Pennies). Price . . . 40.00
Skill Prize Machine (Nick¬ els). Price.100.00
Mystic Hand Machine (Nickels). Price . . . 600.00

Thlt new Oua Michln. if · fim. tt ritllL It If abfolutcl, IM». iDTentwl and patented thia ymt. Th. Idea of thlf Slacblo. if tbat pou PM a pennp In the flot. then moee a leeer and the Qua eomef out Immediately. Then youi penny dmpa down to a Juggler and it U op to your fklU t. Juggl. It to a eertain point, and If you are fuccetafol your coin retuma; U not you

-- re:a.d this -

Tb« Jogglrr Machine and the Oerr thr Top Machine were placed in an Arcade owned by a man by the name of Cohen. It it on the west aide of 6tb Avenae. between 23d and 2dtb Stteeit in the City of New York. These machinei were placed in thia Arcade by oat inTcntor. Cbatlea Fleiscbct. and. by, the way, 1 might aay we con¬

sider him to be one of the cleverrst Coin Machine Invrntort in the world. These machinea were placed in thia Arcade about January and were applied to the wall at

the fide of some other amusement devices in the store. The inventor visited the store *

10 days later and was quite enthusiastic in the way the crowd was around

the machine.. He called this Corporation's Office on the phone and asked Mr. Bovee »« go around and watcb the players drop in their coins. Mr. Bovte was busy and

could not go for two or three days, hut when he did go he entered the store and looked all around and could not find the maebints. He called the proprietor and

asked him what had hreome of thr machines. The proprietor ia one of those good tegulat fellows that tells yon what be tbinki when he thinks it and this was his

answer. He said: "I threw the dam things in the cellar." For a moment Mr. Boyce was lomewhat taken back by his answer and asktd him why. and he said: ``Well.

1 will tell you why, I have in this store about ISO machines of various types, also a photograph gallery and a shooting gallery, and all the people crowded around tbat

Juggler and left all the rest of the machines standing still. The only way I conid operate the Jnggler in this store would be to have about 25 of them." At that time

we were not in a position to deliver him 25. as our production had not vet started. So now you tan see what these machines will do in the average store where a man

hat not a number of other mathinrs. stores such as the average operators place them in. That is why we honestly believe that these new machines are the greatest money-

gftting coin machines that have ever been plated on the market, and boys. 1 want to call yonr attention to the fact that there arc some great things that can be done with

·his Juggler, but yon have to have one to sre what I mtan.

Write (or Catalogue, DescriptiYe Literature, Quantity Prices. ^ A Deposit of 25% Must Accompaiy Order. All Machines Shipped F. 0. B. Tuckahoe.




i   » 


k -____


iTHe BillboarH

\ June 13^ 1925

Number 112X -- Code Name, Cunningham

No. 1052--Code Name, Shakers Size Brass Salt and Pepper Sbaleri, beavily nickeled and bigbly polished.
234x1^ in. Put up in individual boxes. Price per doz. pair. $1.50.
Beacon Wigwam Blankets. 60x80. Each.$3.50 Beacon Topaz Blankets. 66x80. Each. 3.40 Beacon Rainbow Blankets. 60x80. Each. 3.30 Paramount 12'In. Balls, striped. Each. 2.50 Paramount 6'ln. Balls, striped. Doz. 5.25 Gilbert Tambour Clocks. 15Vi inches long. Each. 3.00 Silk Detachable Clmbrellas. Each. 4.00 Ovanites. tw^ locks. 10 fittings. Each. 3.25 Oranites. one lock, two snaps, 10 fittings. Each. 3.00

CHASE Plasb Motor Robe of good bravy material in tiger effea. turned ends.
Size 54x66. Price, each. S5.75.
We handle the finest line of Con* cession Merchandise in the country. Ask the boys? We haye added hun¬ dreds of buyers to our lists in the past few weeks. Here is the reason: We give you instant service and the low¬ est possible prices:



Eeer-Readr Safety Razor pOC Op io individual plnsb-Iined, metal. leatbcrcttt corcred cases.
Price per dozen. $4.00.
Beacon Shawl Blankets
Wigwam Shawls. Size 60x80. Fringed all around. Indian designs and colorings. Price $4.35.



Player has choice of gum or his penny back when
target is scored

Write for operators' prices and territory.


The Norris Mfg.

Higbest Quality -- LtTwrst Pricfi Samples Free


SHEBA DOLLS (Original). Parked 50 ts a Barrel. Each.$0.17 FRISCO CURL DOLLS. Parked 50 ta i Birrel. Eieh.24 LARGE SIZE FEATHER PLUMES (Carenssn). Each.16 LARGE SIZE TINSEL CIRCULAR DRESSES. Each.10 LORA DOLLS. 18 In. High. IS in a Barrel, with Extra Large Feather Plumea. Earh.65 FELIX CAT. Dressed. Daren. 16 00 CEDAR CHESTS. 2-Lb. Sire. Daren. 11.00 CEDAR CHESTS. S-Lb. Sire. Doren. 16.50
Deposit with order. Kbipment aamo day.

502 S Green Street, Chicago, HI.


Telephone, Mon. 2675


Seventh Annual American Legion Celebration
Week of July 4th. SUrting Monday. lune 29. Alwaya a red one. All Free A-u and Concoaaltaij bo ,<1. WANTED: Several Good Shm^a. CAN 1`I.ACK Gandy Flo**, W.ifiea and · lew Grind Gaiact If you have neat fraiueupa. KARL MIDDLETON, Danarille, New York.

Additional Routes
(&ec«iv«d too late for claaoitcation)
.tiamo Expo. Shows: I.uhbook. Tex.. 8-13 .\nthraclte Amusement Co.: .SImpw>D. Pa., 8-13 Barnea', A1 G.. Clreim: Grafton. N. I* . 17:
tJrand Forks 18; Farso 19; Jamestown Jt); Mandan 22. Bernardl Greater Shows; Glean. X. T.. 8 13 fWasIey-Boneher fnlted Shows, T. 0. White. tnxr.; Alha. Tex.. 8-13. Birch. McDonald, ft Co.. Macieians: Oalnsboronzh, Sa«k.. Can.. 11; Camduff 12; Ox¬ bow 13: Lampnian 15; Fillmore Id; Hronibead 17. Bcg-d^ ft Llnderiuan Shows: Salisbury, Md.,

IVt a Real Sellw. Too.

Bruce Greoier Shown; Cary. N. C.. 8-13.

Bunts Moturlaed Show: StewarteviUe, 0,, 8-13;

DillCHboCtom 15-20

Capital City AmuHenient Co.: GreenfWdd, Tnd..

8-13; AndevKon 1.5-20.

Carlisles, The; Sew York 8 18.

ClarkV, Billie, Broadway Shows: Ifooresyille,

N. C.. 8-13

Ellman Amu-ement Co.; Wankeean, III.. 813.

Talrly. Noble C.. Show*: Carroll. la., 8-13;

Eagle tiroye 15-20.

Foley ft Burk Shows; San Bafael. Calif.,


Francis. John. Showe; Okemah, Ok.. 8-18

Gentry Bros.-Patterson Circus: Sidney. O.. 10;

Anderson. Ind., 11; Greensbiire 12: IlDsik-

ville 13; Miamishiirg, O., 1.5; Greenville Id.

Gerard's Greater Sh.>ws: New llaren. Conn.,

8-13: Albany. N. Y.. 1.5-20.

Gold Medal Shows; Storm I-ake. Ta.. 15-20

Golden Rule Sliows; Marshfleld. Uo.. 8-13.

Gray. Roy. Shows; Orange, Tex., 8 13; Port

Arthnr 1.5-20.

Crest KnglamI Shr^vs (Correcilon): Niihle. Ark..

8 13.

nagenl>eck-5VaIIice Circus; Nashua. N. TT . 15;

Keene Id; Bellows Falls. Vt.. 17; Claremont,

N. H., 18; Concord 19; Rochester 20.

Hnnsher Bros.' Shows; West Pullman. III..


Herman's Mighty Expo., Howard Herman.

mgr.: Shii>pensi>nrg. I'a . 8 1.5.

McClellan. J. T.. Shows; Anhiirn. Neh., 8-13.

Mack Expo. Shows; I.ynchhiirs. G . K 13

Man's Greater shows (Cnrre<'li<inl: Nicholas-

ville. Ky.. 8 13: Itichmond 15 20

Max's Expo. Shows; Plymouth. Mli-h.. 8 13.

Merry Maids; IGrandl Dennison, O., 8 13.

Metro Bros' Shows iCoire,-t|onl: Plaintlild,

Conn., 8-1.3: Diinlel«in 1."' '20

Miller's Midway Shows. F W Miller, mgr.:

Ilartshnrne. Ok.. 8 13; Willinri<m 1.5-20

Morrla ft Castle Shows; Des Moinea, la.. 8-13.

Murphy, D. D., Shows; Battle Creek. Mich .


Northern Expo. Shows; Croshv. Minn.. 8-1.3.

Oldfield. Clark, Co.: Killings. Mont. 11-13:

Powell. Wy., 11-15; C.sly Id; Greyhtill 17;

Basin 18; l.ovell 19; Bridges, Mont.. 20

Pllheam .tmusenu-nt Co : O<'onlo. WN.. 8-13

Queen Cl'v SIsiWs; B..|i>it, Kan.. H-13

Reiss, Nat. Shows; Steiilienville. O.sK-13

Turtle, 5Vm. C.. Magician: Isis .tngeles. Calif.,


Wade. W G . Shows; D. tr<.lt. Mleh . 8 13:

Ypsllanli 15 20. Walton's, BiMits. Biildilrlind Co  Bristol, Va.,

8 13.

YVest's, Frank. Shows; Purl R, a'ling, N .1.,

8 13.


Wing's. Ilohert. B.tliy Jaik Show: AmlMT-t.

N S., Can., S-l-'.

Wl'llaras. s*. B., Showa; Win'dd. Kan.. 8-13.

Wortlium'a World'a Best Khowa: K.ictnr. Wla..

8-13. Wortham. John T.. ShKWs; Appleton. WIs.,

8-13. /.< Iger, C. E.. SbOAs: New Rockford. N. D..


Na. lUfi Uaautaa LMther Kty Cam. AMorted ralon tnd gratiw of laather, alrkel aeUI pUte otth hooks for · keys, flup-hstlon fasteoer A rery splandid ortlrle for fiperlalty fialoaaao tt PrenUum l'»er« PCI OlOtS. S8.SO; DOZEN, TSc
215 W. Madlaon St.. ChlMg*. lit._

Taking thr reentry by atorm--« faat lOe aeller and a quh-k-' arUoo nwnay maker for Agrnta. Artual size. 4x7 Imhrt.
Write pnlrk (or FREE SAMPLE and full partIniUra


1012 W. Aaams St..


Want dhuwa end Coneeaalona. Bldg llalp f<* Kerria VMieel »ihI \\Ti1|> AIoo Side-Show · 1 eapm. AddreM While I'lalna. .'Urw York.

Attractive pTopoelllun on aevrral UE.5L SHKhTS. In an Statea. W'rlta luday. giving pail exiirleoea.


Lumbar Eachaiifla Building,

Setttla. waa

June 1 J. 1925

The Billboard

4th of July Buyers' Guide





B2ICS TlltiM ·(tt* 'WIM S«t. · PIMM.

BIIOOCCOMOO laipartad Raiari. S-'aah. Souera

B85NIS 70 cal. Fraaca-Aaiar.

2CliS ElU aatttrrll*a

P*r M .t S$.0M0

Paiat Blades. Par Oaiaa.S 22.223$ Isaa Traaapareat Gat Bal-

B*aud*ailr LL a aai*0.. BBOSOMGI lapartad Barrel Wlaa 8^ 7 PIm««.

BITCH Styptia Paatilt. Par Graaa. 1.75

laaa. Par Grass.$3.23

Meital BaaMta. Irarnyi ar Otiildiroad FlaIdthi. Silk Mall Shad ea... Par Daiaa .$S1I33.530
82CIS0I O0»al Laaip. C Elaactrla. Par Oaiaa .$24.30

B0M0G3 B6S95 B82200661I B2I67

Par Bat .

iMaartad Laraa Barral Wlaa Sat. 7

Plataa. Par Sat.

Impartad Barral Wlaa Sat. with

Faary Staad. I Piaaaa. Par Sat....

Graaa Craaklad Glata Wlaa Sat. S

Plataa. Par Sat .

TIHiat Calarad Water

S Plaaav

Par Sat .

Z.23 S$.S35 S$.2S$ 7.0*0 S$..5S0t

BI5CI8I BISCSOSS**^/, BI53C40 B45C23

Rater Pasta. Par Grass. 2.75

Crava Rater Haaas. Par Oai.. OOa;

Par Grata . Cllaeh Kaylass Caaib Lacka. Oataa


lO-la-l Weed Teal Haadla. Daaaa Mafia Silvar Ctaaaar. Prr IQO_

0a1, .'.n0S 3g00

Rubber Gray.

Britv Black. Brj«a ar Prr Grass .

1g0.u 30

Leather Bill Felds. Caaibiaaliao

B65NI4 85 eai. Fraaca-Aaier-

ieaa Traaspareat Gas Bal- wBlBW

Vgp\ \ / /Hr *·*"

Grass ... :$3.50 (

B63N2 70 cm. Heavy Waht.

Caraival aad Circus Spa- ^ \ \ \ / /

eial. Aaiaial Priats. Per

\\\ 11//

Gratt .$2.25 B65N85 70 cai. Heavy Wfkt.

V.\ IJJr

B39632 S-Pa. Sihrar Barral Wlaa Sat. Sat S$.753

Caiat. Par Oataa. 2.2$5

Caraival aad Circus Spa-

B2CIS2 Parrot B30G30 S-Pa. lea Craaai Sat. Par Sat. 4.tS

aial. Aaiaial Priats aa Twa

5.p;: Pa; ser::KNIV |I||iEy S FOR KNIFERACK MEN bssnm <. Laaip. Elaatric B36G3 4-Pc. Caffaa Sat. Par Sat. 2.SS aaaiaai
Par Dataa..$34.30 B36GI0 $-Pt. Taa Sat. Par Sat.'. 4.23 B4S6S Silvaer Bfawali. EE mH. ach. I.IO



FH **

Sides. Par Grass_$3.00 B85N90 70 cm. Gald Gat
BBaiIlIlmaemat.. a»iittihi Bird lai-

i fl.J'

B2CI64''i Laatar Veto Laaip. alth
Laaip. alth sita


1IR2-'PPat. AmaaMtd. HaelllUaawnavaarrot. Poar AAaiattt. 11.00 .

sSIiLlvVEeRr FflLaAtTwWaArReE

BI706 77 20 Pa^ . Sat. Silvar Plalad. Bulk. I 2^25

BI0C26S BI0CI47 BI0CI32 BI0C637

Faldlao Metal Haadla Kaivaa Graaa $ S,3..S3_O0 Faaay Metal Haadla. lalaid with Callulald. Par Great. 7v.3u0 Ladiet' Slipper Datifa. Brifht Niskal Fiaish. Par Grata. 77.3ja0 Oaarfaat Huatlat Kaivaa. S-laah Blade. Par Oataa. 10.50

priats ia Natural ealsrt. 6rasa .$3.65
B63N9I 70 tm. Silvar Gas Ballaaaa. with Bird laipriats 'a aatural calars. Par Orait .$3.65
B85NI7 75 cai. Gead Quality

B dll

1 B0256I77 20-Pa. RafW Niekai` sVliar `'SeV.

... n'.i-

aitb Slilvar-.PUtad Kaivaa. Bulk.

BI0C628 Oaarfaat HuaHap Kaivaa, 0 lach

Gas Ballaan. Per Grass.$ $.00

Blade. Par Oaiao. 12.00 B6SNI6 70 cai. Twa-calar Gas Balleana. Pa-

taJathn' .a®s.a isiuo
B3CIS7 J u a I a r Laap. «ltb Silk Shade. Asserted 6 la a Casa. Casa Lata 0 a I y. Eaah .$0.00

BI766I04 B0256I04
8661 B064 BG80

s2P6aa-.rPva.*S. ·e<tRa. . oars sNiiis.kaa.il aSIithv.o.r. sSa..t. ·ith Niskal Kaivaa. Bulk. Par Sat 36-Pa. Sat. la Weed Cheat. Par Sat 30-Pa. Raoert NIakal Silvar Sa*. la Weed Cheat.. Par Sat. Eaiply 20 Pa. Flat Cheat. E^.. 26-Pa. Maira OraMr Cheat. Eaah 2S-Pa. Weed Oraaar Cheat. Each

2.6$ 3.65
4.S$ .55 .63 1.05



B6SN36 BB5N80 B38N67

Staoa-Sat Riaoa. Par Braaa.... .Si 08.05$ I B36N60
Staaa-Set Riaoa. Par Grata.... . I1.00 I Baud RInfs. Par 6 Grraa aa aa . .90 B65NI04 Eafravad Baud Rlafs. Par Great. 1.25 BOSNIOS

triatic Oesifas. Per Gress. 3.75
Heavy Rattaa Balleaa Sticks. Graaa .35 Vary Fiae Maple Balleaa Stiaks. Gr. .45 Old Reliable Yellae Flylaf Birds.
Par Grass . $.75
Bast Quality Flylaf Bird. 3 Calera. Par Grata. 4.$0 Red Rubber Devil laOatad Tay. Gr. 10.00 Hat Pup. laOated Tay, Per Grass 10.00


Asstd. Scarf Plat. Par Grew.70 BS5NII7 Guaip Faailly, laflatad Tty. Per Gr. 10.00



Asstd. Braaehaa. Par Grata.90 B8SNII4 Circus Asst., laflatad Tay. Per Gr. 10.00 Asstd. White Metal Llake Grata.. .90 B85NI03 Rubber Cackle Tay. Per Grace.... 12.00 4-Pc. Cellar Buttaa Set. Par Greta 2.25 1 BSsNIlO Red Sfuawklaf Devil, laflatad Tay.

BI9C7 Parcelalar. 6-t«p. Celaplal Style.


Silvar Baa B«i Dlab. Eaah.$0.3$

Per Datea ..$ S8..O0O0 B63GI

Haadlad Baa Baa Dish. Each.68

BIKI43 Taa Kattle. $>,,.Quart. Par Oat.... 100.23 82269

Imaartad H-la. Sarviaf Tray. Each .23

BIKIS7 Rtuad Dauble Reaatar. lOVii lo. la


Impartad 13-la. Sarviaf Tray. Each .36

Diameter. Per Detea.

8.23 8177006611221$ Slivtr Sarvlao Piaaaa, Eaah la Bax.

BIKIS Larte Oval RaMtvr, I6''a io- Olam-

Per Datea . 2.66

etar. Par Dataa. 17.360 BI70G60 2-Pa. Sarviaf Sat. Per Sat.30

BI9CI3 Dish Peat. tO-Quart. Par Dataa.. 8.25 B2665I Pearl Haadla Sarviaf PItaea. Dataa AOO

BI9CIS6 $-Pleca Saute Paa Sat. Par Datea


Sets . 5.60

BI9CI2 Ceitalal Style Dbl. Seller. Per Dat. 8J0 B8328S8S23

SaM aad Paptar Shaker Sat. Par
Dataa Sets . 2.7S Satt aad Pappar Shaker Sat. Par

BI9CI3$ Calealal Style O-V- Prttarvlaf Kat-


tie. Par Dataa. $5.2$ B02277BB8:23

Datah Flaamr Vasa. Pk Dataa... 3.25

BI9CI36 Caleelal Style. S-Qt. Preaarvlaf Ket¬

tle. Par Datda. 7.80 BI9CI6I Faetad Calaadars. Par Datea. $.75


BI9CI62 Paael Sauce Paat. Z-Qt. Par Cat. 2.90

BI9CI63 Paael Sauce Paat. 3-Qt. Par DA $3.23 B56666:2 Elaetrla Curllot Iraa. Each.8 8.4$


Paael Sauea Paat. 4-Qt. Per Dat. Paael Water Pitabar. Par Dataa.. Tkarm-A-Jao. I Gallaa. Each.
Impartad Vacuum Battta. Plat Site.

I4.25 8B500G84
6.00 B5GI
2.25 BI963 BI9G2

Mwaal Elactrit Waviaf Iraa. Eaeb.. Electric Hair Dryer. Each..-.
0-Cup Elaatrla Paraalatar. Eaah.... 12-Cup Elaetrla Percelatar. Easb...

.6$ $.70 3.23

Per Dataa . 7.30 BI66S I'/a-Plat EleaWla Paraalaltr. Eaah.

361 Impartad Quart Site. AhMOlaum Vaa-

C3S Elaatrla Table Stave. Par Dataa... 6.50

"""BBBKm 22'Ir330J,J0JOi1Ia6'6i0 BIIN2I B36J3 B63J70 82021190 BBZ2O02ZJJSS

4-Pc. Cellar Buttaa Sat. Call. Back Par Orsaa .
7-Pa. Oaafa Sat. Par Grass. Separable Snap Llakt. Par Grass. Asstd. White Stana Scarf Pin. Gr. Ladies' Glass Braaalat. Par Gratt... Child's Glass Brsealat. Par Grata Caff Pins. 2 an Card. Par Gr. Pair ladestructibla Pearls. Par Detan.. Child's Bead Nwklaca. Par Grass.. Italian Shall Beads. 45 lo. Lanf. Par Grass. Jap. Calarad Glass Bead Neck

2.231 B85N49
7.501 B85NI0S 5.75 B2NI77 3.50 2.75 BI7N68 1.00 BI7N69
.65 B26N68 9.30 BI7NI4 4.50
BI7NI$ 7.3$

B200JI6 B65JI00 B6SJI46 B66J32 BH'I2z9a B_ BtSISO B4IS2$

Opera Glass. In Casa.' Par 'Grass.. 30.00 B26N70

ChlM't Beaded Bao. Par Oataa.. 4.2$


Ladles' Beaded Baf. Par Oattn.. 27.00 1 B2S6N7$
Ansae Binpa Camara. Binfa. Each. .60 I

Ladlaa' Rinf. I-Kt.. Tipped WhiU


Stana. Per Oaten. 2.00

Pea and Pencil Sat. Par Dataa... 27S B20N42

Navelty Pan and Pencil Cana, Site

24x'>, In. Par Dataa. 2Z77$5 I B26N76

Navelty Pan and Pencil Cana, Site

33xVv In. Par Oaten. 4.7$ B26N70

Navelty CaUbash Pipe. Par Great. 7.00 1

NavWty Da«at Pipe. Par Grata.. 6.75 1 B26N76

Per Great . 12.00 Rubber Pit. laflated Tty. Par Qr. 4.25 Tumble Dali, laflated Tay. Par Gr. 12.00 Barkinf Dat. with Champisn Ra-
bar Baseball Bulb. Par GrcM.... 0.25 Gced Quality 36-In Whip. Par Gr. 0.75 Best Quality 36-In. Whip. Per Gr. 6.30 Rase Swatter Stick. Par 100.... 10.00 36-In. Swapfer Stick, with Havy Siik CKd Wrist Lap. Par Gras.. 10.50 36-la. Swatter Stick, with Havy Lather Wrist Leap. Per Grew.... 22.00 Red. White and Blue Paper Parasal. 24-In. Par Daten. 2.00 Flaral Paper Parasal. 24 Inchaa In diamatar. Par Datan. 200 Rad. White and BIm Paper Parawl, 30 inches In diameter. Per Datan.. 2.50 Flaral Paper Parasal. 30 Inches In Diamatar. Per Detan. 250 Red. White and Blue Clath Paratal, 24 Inehas in Diaamter. Par Datpn. 9.00 Flaral Dwlfn Clath Parasal, 24 Inches In Diameter. Per Data.. 3.00 Japaase Oil Paper Parasels. 2S Inches In OlanMtar. Per OkMO . $.00 Japanew Oil Paper Parasolt. $0

B2SH Grandpa Carn Cab Pipe. Oeten.. 2.00

Inches in Diamatar. Par Datan.. 8.00



Metal Gaada Great Grata. 1726


PIccaa .$200 B7S8I64

Bay Carn Cab Pipe. Par Grass.. 1.20 B26N80 Japaase Oil Paper Parasalt. $6

Bakelite Sacket Pipes. Per Oeten. 13.50

iMhes in DiaOMtar. Par Oaaa.. 8.50


B2ICHI Glata Vial Partama. Aatarttd Odara,

BISS24 RaveWar Cipnr Lifhtar. Par Oaten 10 50 B26N6I Chinese Oil Paper, Hand-Paintad

Ona Grass in Bas. Par Grata.... I.IO BI7S26 Picture Cifaretta Casac. Par Grass. 13.30

Parasalt. 32 lab. Par Data. 0.00

BAOtOO Giva-Away Candy Paekafe. Par 1000 17.00 BSIS62I Put and Taa DIaa. in LMthar Case.

Chiase Oil Paper. Haod-Paintsd

I7C2V 17-Placa Impartad Ckiaa Luster Tea . . .. BA8I35 ',-Lb. Bas Chacelataa. Par Datan. 2.65

Par Grass .

Parasels. 36 I ah. Per Oaten. 10 60


$ $.50 BA8I36 Sl-Pitaa American Saml-Parealain

1-Lb. Bas Chacelataa. Par Datan. 4.76 B64SI26 Austrian ScIf.Fillinf Fauntain Pan. Par Grass . 15.00 B5IN3

Flap Ben Pin, IVe iMh. Par Graaa 1.23 l^e-lnch Flap Baw Pin. Par Grata 2.90

7C3M 7CM2 ·7C3fil ·7C3$S

Dinner Sat. Par Set . 42-Plaaa American Seml-Pcraelain
Dinner Sat. Par Set. 7-Pieca AmbM- Iridescent Glact Barry Sat. Per Set. 7-Pleea Amber Iridaacent GIsst Wa¬ ter Sat. Par Sat. Amber Iridescent Glass Nappies. 4
Inches. Per Detan..

.60 BRIO Baseballs. Per Data*.. B5RI Baseballs. Par Oeten.
.90 BR33 Baseballs. Par Oaten. Tanfa Game, 7$-Cord Set. Eatb.

(Zi ****


Jap. Bambee SeH-Fillinf Fauntain Pan. Par Gress.$0.00 Red Lever Self-Flllinf Fauntain Pen.
Calared Ends. Per Graaa. 49.00 Dian Paneilt. NMiel Finish. Per Gr. 16.50 Asstd. Celers Gallalith Paatilt. Gr. 18.00 Braan-Geld Finish Prspel and RapsI Pencils. Per Greet. 36.00
Cembinatian Pen. Pencil and Knife Sat. Par Datan. 8.00

B52NI4 B52NI6 B52NI7 B52NIS B52NI9

I',x2-lah Silk Flat. Par Grew.. Silk Flap. 2x3 lahw. Par Grata.. Gilt Saar Flats. 0x12 In. Oaten. Gilt Spar Flaps. 10x19 In. Datan. Gilt Spear Flats. 12x16 In. Oaten. Gilt Spear Flaps. 15x24 In. Oaten. Gin Spear Flapa. 19x30 In. Oaten. Gilt Spear Flaps. 24x30 In. Oaten
12-In. Muslin Flat. Fastened en Lacfuera Crak Handle Cane. Per 100.

1.00 200
.40 .65 .75 1.13 1.90 273

Nashua Indlaaa. Each..


Bif Chief Indian. 13 Pattarna. Each. Eimend Indian. Each...
Brscen Wifwam, Silk Bcund: Each...
Beacen Frinfcd Shawls. Each.

2.73 bA6I$7

2^ BA8I53

n BA8I3S





2-Lb.. WItheut Lsa. Par Datan ..$16.00
3-Lb.. Withaut Lack. Per Oaten... 11.30 3-Lb.. Withaut Lack. Par Oaten... 13.30 2-Lb.. With Lack. Par Oaten.. It.OO 3-Lb.. With Leek. Per Oaten. 13.30
$-Lb.. Wtth Laa. Per Oaten. 13.00


BAOlOO 1-Lb. Heart.Shape Chest. Per Oat.. 12.00 BAOIOI 2-Lb. Hawt-Ohapa Chast. Par Oat.. 15.00

B43N$0 B2tl34 B9N550 B3N574


Ctmls Hat Bands. I',,x24 Inthai. 20 Kinds. Par 100 .$ 225
Camla Faatbara. 14 Inchaa Lanf. Assertad Cetera and Sayinfs. Par 100. 1.00 Ccllnlaid Buttans. nith Camla Say-
Inf a. 30 Lifaa. Par 100. 1.2$ CemIc Callulald Battens, with Pic-

B29N90 B29N28

Red Rubber Thread. Per Lb.

Red Rubber Taa. Par Lb.

Gray Return Balls.

|p. Orwa..

Gray Return Balls. IH In. Gras..

Whita Return Balls. IH In. Grass

White Return Balls, IH In. Grass

Bat Ball, with Lena Rubber Strint

Attached, IH lahes. Per Grass..

Bat Ball, with Leap Rubber Strlnf

Attached. I', lakes. Per Grew.,

Charlie Chaplin Spuirt Neatly. Gr.

Asst. Oesifn Spuirt Nealtlw. Gr.

1.30 1.30 1.75 2.25 2.25 2.75
3.63 7.00 7.00

Indian Blaaett. Eitra Heavy Waifht. Ea.$3.29 Plaid BlaacIs. Snappy Oaslfn. Each.... 3.23


turcs and Sayinfs. 30 Lifne. Per 100 1.23 BIN63
Serpentine. Per 1000 Rails . 2.50 BI4NI Asstd. Ccicr Father Tiaiar-Oustar.

Mafic Ball and Vaw. Par Grew.. 4.50
Ra. Whita aa Bla Papa Hsrna. 13'', lashes Lanf. Par Gras__ 2.23


Par 1.000. 11.00 BI4N3 Rad. Wkita tad Blue Father TMi-

Ra, Whita aa Bla CembiMtiaa Hern Duatar, 14 laka Leaf. Brew 3.25


BA7627 Bird Caaa. Only. Eas BA7920 Staad. Only. Eaa...

.1 2 50 8I7N42 . 3.00

lar-Onstar. Par 1.000. . 11.00 BI4N97 Bulk Cafattl. 30 Pauads. ia Burlap Saa. Par Lb.06 BI4N98

Ra. White aa Blue Tin Hsrn. Laapth 17 Incha. Par Brew. 6.75 Ra. Whita aa Bla Tin Haro, 22

BKDSt Metal Msfatina Needle Case. Can

BI4AH Overnifbt Bm. Eaa.

. 3.23 BI7N43 Cafattl la Paper Bafs. 1000 Baps. 12.W

Inches Leap. Par Grew. 16.00

talnlnp 30 Needles Par Gratt ...$ 8.75 1 BOA I 6-Place Manicure Set.


BNI500 Imparta Jap. Cone. Best Qallty.

BI4N88 OripiwI Seise Reefer, Per Gras.. 6 00

Imparted Knitted Rayan Silk TIat


$9.25: par Gress.

Par 100 . 1.20 BI3N6S Waeden Raact, Aatarlcaa Made.

. 34.00 BI5A36 21-Pleca Manicure Set. With Sclt-

Red. Wkita and Blue Cana. Per 100 2.63

Very Lea. 6*', In. Leap. Per Gress 4.73

822063 OeM Eye Needle Walleta. 30 CeuW

tars. Par Datea. 15.00 B6N.52 Cklnea Basra tad Baaets. 10 Riapt

BI3N64 Carnival Ball Clapper. Per Grew 3.30

Par Oreae . 5.73 I BI6AI Military Set. Per Oaten. 5.50

10 Tasals. Par Nat ef 3 Baaets 2.M B26NI4 Paper Blewcut. with Feather aa

B22D63 Setf-ThreMlIna Needlet. Par Paa-

BI7AI Cemb and Brua Bet. Par Oaten 3.00 B58$5U Glass Pant. Blak. Per Grass.75

Wea Meutkpiea. JO'/e In Lap. Gr. 2.50

ape 12 Papers <144 Needles).$51 B28SI0S 24-la. Extra Larfs Enamelad Suit '''

B56S56 Glaa Pas. Calared Llfuld. Gr. .60 BI6N7I Jumbe Cana. 2 laba in OlaaMter,

B3I063 Imparted Wire Arm Bands.. Each


Par Dat.. 46.00 B58S52 Glas Pen HaMara. Celara Llpuid.

36 laha Lap. Par Oaten. 2.73

Pair Bex. Par Grass. $.751 B268I0 Hat Bexas. Llfht

mlnfs. Oat. 42.00 I

Par Grat .60 BI6N78 Leap Nesa Carnival Caaa. Datan.. 273

The Oldest and Most Progressive' Novelty House





Stop--Look --Read

It Will Pay You Well

No. 81--Cede name, Plnme. 14-incb Doll, with splendid ostrich feather. combination
dress and headpiece. Packed 6 dozen in a case.

No. 74--Code name. Knpee. 14-inch Doll with wide hoop skirt of sateen, with heavy tinsel trimming. Packed 6 dozen to a case.
Per Dozen, $5.00

No. 37--Code Name Paris. 19" CompoBition Poll, ezreptionallv well formed, with beautiful Wik and Hateen Bloomers. O.trlch Press and Head Piece made from eeleofed Ion* plumes. Heavy Tinsel Trimmin*
.'Stands 28" hl*h when dressed. Parked 6 dozen to a rase.

Per Dozen, $6.00
All Dolls shown here and the many others in

No. 28--Cade name. Sailor. Attractive 19> inch Sailor Doll. Dress and cap of good flannel. In white, pink and bine.

No. 32--Code name. Fan. Same Doll as above, hot 19 inches in height.
Per Dozen, $9.00
Many other fine dolls in onr catalog.

Price, $12.50 Per Doz.
We Have No Plaster IDoHs. Wood Pulp Composition Only.

our Catalog are made of the best wood pulp comp, in our own large plant.

Packed 2 dozen in car¬

ton or 3 dozen to a


Per Dozen,$12.00



No. 29--Code name, Hol¬ land. 18 inches high, with assorted color cottnmes. The Doll with the winning smile. Two dozen in carton.
$12.00 Per Dozen

No. 563--Code name. Gravy. 2-Qt. Lip Sauce Pan.
Per Doz., $3.00

Truly a most remarkable outfit with unlimited profit possibilities. Every Auto Owner will want one. Absolutely better value than any other Motor Lunch on the mar¬ ket.

Strong basswood frame. Heavy tar board top and bottom. Dupont fabrikoid cover. Heavy leather cor¬ ners. 4 sets Swedish enam¬ el cups and plates. 4 sets nickel-plated knives, forks. ^ spoons. Large metal food' box. Room for 2 vac. bottles.

No. 565 --Cod* nam*. Egg. 7-inch Frying Pan.
Per Dozen, $3.00
No. 566 -- Code name. Onion. 10-inch Frying Pan.
Per Dozen, $7.50

$5.00 Each

No. 109--Cod* name, Bernice. 8-Qt. Colonial 'reserve Kettle.
Price, 70c Ea.
No. 324--Code name. Preserve. 6-Qt. Size.
Price, 60c Ea.

We cao thouf here only a few item* from our complete tine of attractive eoncei$ion merchanJite. Our 52-Page 1925 Catalog containt more than 300 item*, all true veluee, with flath, quality and
popular appeal.
We guarantee satisfaction--Dependable quick service. TERMS--25% Deposit With Orders, Balance C. O. D.



307 6th Ave.,


No. 561 -- Code name. Beef. I5-incb Ova] Roaster.
Per Dozen,$11.25

No. 555 -- Code name


173^-inch Oval


Per Dozen, $15.00

No. 281--Code nam*. Roast. 18-incb Oval Roaster.
Per Dozen,$17.50

. eo, 0.SS)


· No. 448--Cod* name. Royal. Made of highly pol:sbed Alu¬ minum.
$3.75 Each

No* 446~" Code nsine. Jar*

Green Duco Fmi&h.



No. 157--Code name, Palace. large Ingraham 8-Day Clock. inches by 14 inches.
$5.00 Each

Eztra 20

"also session BLACKWOODS

No. 124--Cod* name. Charl'-itc. 8-

Day Clock Gilt ornaments. $4.00 Each

No. 125--Code nam* Gong. Sam*

clock with gong.

S4.2S Each



Aromatic Red Tennessee Cedar. Genuine Coppec. Trimming. Corbin Padlock and Key.

Cardboard Container Inside.

No. 1--814.00 Dozen

No. 3--819.00

No. 2--815.00 Dozen

No. 5--822.00

$1.00 Par Doxan Raductlon In Lots of 6 Dozon

No. 458--Cod* name, Samuel. 20ineb case, as illustrated. Sateen lining. Dupont leather.
$3.25 Each
No. 258--T-Cod* name. Sam. Sam* iryl* Overnight Case with larger locks and better lining.
$3.50 Each

The Billboard

First in The Heart of the Home
Wondcrtul creations for the Concession Trade. Every Lamp distinctive in style, de¬ sign and color scheme. We're telling about Wellston Quality to millions of people thru National Advertising, including The Satur¬ day Evening Post.
Ride on the crest of the wave of Wellston Popularity.
Orders Shipped Same Day As Received

lO so
] A (Oinhinjdon ol hijjh qujl
Jfiil fjif hcjuiv. Coniplt'tflv , j'lrcJ jml furni\hcJ uiih %ilk
ijJf. rrjjuljtion corJ .inJ plu)!
I itiion (or vour cuMomrr«.
I Bullion Fringe, $1.00 Extra


f S0.8S


i:/\< II

p ^ irriiKni<ou% .iitrjcrinn.

I 'oiliinK lil'f ilifni ji ihf pricf.

I f' litul (oloit U "J 'lv


B illion Fringe, 50c Extra

You Can Buy Wellston Lamps From These Jobbers

Amusfmcnt No^tJIv K Supply Co. 4 14 Cjrioll Si.. Elmira. N. Y

Joseph llagn Co . J21 \V MaJison Si.. Chicago. III.

E .^. Hosk « Co.. 171 N. Wells Si. Chicago. Ill

New I nglanJ I air

Cam. Co..

4S GoMen Mill Si . RiiJgrpori. Conn.

Wisconsin Me I uxr Doll W Dress Co . h4J Ihir.l Si.. Milsvaukce. Wis

H. C I s ans Co . ISJS W A.Iams Si.. Chicago III.

Shrsosk TosKl Co.. SJJ N I ighih Si . Si l.ouis. Mo

i rdei.il Impoiling Co . liJO Penn .Nse . Pillshuigh.
Elniie.l Novcliv H CanJv Co.. 'Is I C'.ffiiint Ase. Deiioii.

Pa Nluh.

Ervin Bros.. Trrrr Hauir. Ind.
Gforgr Gerber B Co . 5 5 Wevbosset Si.. Providence. R. I.
Saunders .Mdse. B Noveliv Co.. ^J0 Si. Clair Ave.. W.. Cleveland. O.
Gellman Bros.. 118 N. Fourih Si.. Minneapolis. .Vlinn.
Orienlal Noveliv Co.. 78 W. Third Si.. Cincinnaii. O.
Morrow Noveliv Co . 175 N. Fourih Si.. Philadelphia. Pa.
Advance Whip B Noveliv Co.. Wesilield. .Mass.
Successlul Sales Co . 810 Broadway. Toledo. O.
E. C Brown Co.. 440 W Courl Si . Cincinnaii. O.

Order from any oj our distributors or from
1222>1226 So. Wabash Avenue, CHICAGO

tAC'H Really worih iwice ihe price. A big hil wiih ihe concession irade. Folks see 'em and warn 'em.
Bullion Fringe, $1.00 Extra
You lake no ch.inces wiih "Wellsion" Lamps We guar* aniee ihem lo embody ihe best Lamp values in ihe couniry.

National Advertising Now Running

Something new and dif- j\ ^ fer- 1' I ent

Trad* Mark Rag.

There Is


/ /

No Other Money Maker For You Which Pays Such Tremendous Profits

RAINBOW SANDWICHES ARE THE REIGNING HIT OF 1925! They cU-un up on the midway of all Carnivals, Circus«>s, F.airs, Celebrations, I'arks, in fact every outdoor as well as in.loor celebration and tdace where people gather. It is undoubtedly the biggest and fastest money maker on the market today. And the popularity of RAINBOW SANDWICHES cannot be excelh'd.
Your profits on RAINBOW SANDWICHES are enormous. Y'our profits are better than 100% if you sell the RAINBOW SANDWICHES for r.c eacli and w.ay over 200% if you sell them at 10c each, which is the standard price most of our users are easily getting. Figure it out your¬ self-- one <iuart of bulk Ice Cream and 40 RAINBOW Wafers are enough for 20 Sandwiches. The cost to you on this will b»- less than 50c, making you a profit of over 50c on a <iuart of Ice Cream if sold at 5c per sand wich, and just double that amount at 10c per sandwich.
With tlie "Jiffy" IJisher illustrated below you can serve your Sandwiches with greater sjieed, and. using bulk Ice Cream, it me.ans a big saving to you in tlie cost of Ice Cream, and YOU DON'T HAVE TO LOSE BOTH TIME AND MONEY WAITING FOR BRICK ICE CREAM. Thediff. renee in the price of Ice Cream will save you the cost of the "JIFFY" Disher in no time, and YOU ARE ALWAYS READY TO DO BUSINESS.

RAINBOW Wafers are crisp and tasty; made with milk and sugar and as delicious and wholesome as fine c.ike. The size is standard-- 2-s inches by 3Vi inches--are fiacked over 600 to a gilsonized-coated and grease-jiroof caddy, six or twelve caddies to ease. Assorted Orange and Clu.eolate.

BE THE FIRST IN YOUR SECTION TO SELL RAINBOW SANDWICHES. Wire $12.50 today for .`Special Dial, consi.^-ting of 3,600 As.sort.d

RAINBOW SANDWICH Wafers, one "JIFFY" Disher and RAINBOW SANDWICH three-c.dor signs. (The 3,600 Waf. r.s will make 1,S00 Sand¬

wiches for you which at the rate of 10c tier sandwich will net vou $1SO.OO).





Rjinbow Sjndwich Co. IDin'eow Building. St. Louis, Mo.

Additional Wafers, $1.40 per caddy, and, REMEMBER, each <'addy is P'U.aranteed to contain over 600 Wafers. 50',c d. posit ieijuir< <i w itli ea.-li or.l.-r, balance C. O. D.

^ / ..

llcrcwiih $12 SO for veur Special Billboard Introduciory Deal, con¬ sisting of the "Jiffy" Disher. 3.600 Assorted Rainbow Sandwich Wa¬ fers and RAINBOW Three-Color Signs to be sent to

The "JIFFY" Disher is a new patented, practical automatic Ice Cream Cutter, which tuts even slices from the bulk he Cream, which is much cheaper than the brick and muth easier to handle. These Dishers are substantially con¬ structed of high-grade nickel silver, with all parts quickly re¬ moved for easy cleaning, and guaranteed to give you satis¬ factory service in every way, or your money cheerfully ref uncled.

City and State


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