The Irish are Being Told Appalling Lies about Covid


The Irish are Being Told Appalling Lies about Covid


PDF - The Irish are Being Told Appalling Lies about Covid

by Jeremy James. The Irish have not yet woken up to the fact that they have been duped by the government, the national broadcaster (RTE), the mainstream media, and certain senior figures in the...

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The Irish are Being Told Appalling Lies about Covid
by Jeremy James
The Irish have not yet woken up to the fact that they have been duped by the government, the national broadcaster (RTE), the mainstream media, and certain senior figures in the medical profession. The so-called `Covid pandemic' is not and never was a pandemic. Rather it is a deliberately engineered social experiment ­ designed and directed by people outside this country ­ to introduce radical changes in the way the country is "run". People are dying ­ yes. But they are dying at much the same rate and for much the same reasons that they have always died. Pathogenic respiratory viruses have been around for decades. The one called `Covid-19', if it differs at all from other respiratory viruses, is no more dangerous than the rest. The only difference between this "flu" season and others is that the number of infection cases has been grossly misrepresented, the number of deaths that have been attributed to this pathogen is being greatly exaggerated, and the public have been fed a continuous stream of fearladen propaganda about the so-called dangers posed by the pathogen. This is how one dupes a gullible, unthinking public ­ If both the government and the media are saying something is true, then it must be true; why bother with a critical examination of the evidence?

How much of what we are being told is based on science?
Instead of focusing in this paper on the motivation behind this destructive social experiment, or the methods that are being used to keep the show in motion, we will look instead at the scientific basis to the measures that are being implemented by the government to contain the spread of the virus. We could speculate as to the range of scientific studies that have been carried out to show that social distancing, mask-wearing, home isolation, and travel restrictions are effective, safe and reliable. But why speculate? Why not simply ask the Health Service Executive (HSE) ­ the organization established in law to approve and oversee all aspects of the national health strategy in Ireland ­ what studies it has used to confirm that it is doing what is best for the Irish people? So we asked them.
HSE ad promoting mask-wearing, with a gender-bending rainbow.
On behalf of Anti-Corruption Ireland ­ who are doing a stellar job alerting a sleeping nation to the appalling level of corruption that prevails in this country ­ we wrote to the HSE and, under the Freedom of Information Act 2014, requested specific information under 8 headings. If nothing else, we wanted assurance that the country was following the best scientific advice and that the dreadful collateral damage being inflicted on our economy and our people through the government's draconian Covid restrictions was somehow justified.
The HSE admits that it has no relevant scientific information
Nothing could have prepared us for what we found. Even the most cynical among us believed that some effort was made by the HSE to ensure, on sound medical and scientific grounds, that the various measures being taken by the government, with their support and approval, were duly warranted and would not inflict direct harm on any category of our citizens. But we were wrong. Replies received from the HSE to our 8 FOI requests show that the top people in the organization had NO SCIENTIFIC BASIS for what they did. None whatsoever.

This is not an inference on our part. We are not twisting their words. You can read the evidence for yourself. Here are the 8 FOI requests (The complete text of each is set out in Appendix A):
1. Lockdowns ­ effectiveness Please provide me with a full, accurate and complete list of records, including the date of the record, held by the HSE or under your authority, which describe the proven scientific effectiveness of lockdowns as a means of containing the spread of SARS-COV2 (Covid-19) or similar viral pathogens. 2. Lockdowns ­ impact on the elderly Please provide me with a full, accurate and complete list of records, including the date of the record, held by the HSE or under your authority, which show in a scientific way that the social isolation and restricted mobility caused by lockdowns do not have a materially adverse effect on the physical and mental health of the elderly (persons aged 70 above). 3. Masks ­ effectiveness Please provide me with a full, accurate and complete list of records, including the date of the record, held by the HSE or under your authority, which describe the proven scientific effectiveness of masks or face-masks as a means of limiting or containing the spread of SARS-COV2 (Covid-19) or similar viral pathogens.
HSE ad promoting social distancing, with another gender-bending rainbow. The rainbow in Genesis is a symbol of God's covenant with mankind. However, the rainbow is used in Covid propaganda as a symbol of rebellion against the laws established by God. The New World Order rejects His laws and His authority.

4. Masks ­ safety Please provide also the title, author, date, journal, weblink etc. of any document, online or otherwise, held on record by the HSE or under your authority, which describes the proven scientific safety of masks or face-masks for this purpose, with particular reference to the duration the mask is worn. 5. Social distancing ­ effectiveness Please provide me with a full, accurate and complete list of records, including the date of the record, held by the HSE or under your authority, which describe the proven scientific effectiveness of social-distancing as a means of limiting or containing the spread of SARS-COV2 (Covid-19) or similar viral pathogens. 6. Vaccines ­ effectiveness Please provide me with a full, accurate and complete list of records, including the date of the record, held by the HSE or under your authority, which describe the proven scientific effectiveness of the vaccine or vaccines which the HSE has approved as a means of limiting or containing the spread of SARS-COV2 (Covid19) or providing the recipient with personal immunity against it. 7. Vaccines ­ safety Please provide me with a full, accurate and complete list of records, including the date of the record, held by the HSE or under your authority, which describe the proven scientific safety of the vaccine or vaccines which the HSE has approved as a means of limiting or containing the spread of SARS-COV2 (Covid-19) or providing the recipient with personal immunity against it.
The HSE `lockdown' pack. It is designed to make everyone feel responsible for the pandemic by instilling the false "you may be carrying a deadly disease" engram. The public is being conditioned by fear, as well as other negative emotions. In this instance it is a feeling of guilt: You wouldn't want to hurt anyone, would you? No, of course not. Then do everything the government tells you.

8. Virus ­ isolation Please provide me with a full, accurate and complete list of records held by the Health Service Executive (HSE) or under the authority of the HSE which describe the isolation of the SARS-COV-2 virus (Coronavirus COVID-19), taken directly from a symptomatic patient with COVID-19, where the sample was not combined or mixed with any other source of genetic material (such as, for example, monkey kidney cells or cancer cells), thereby eliminating contamination as a possible alternative source of sampling.
How did the HSE respond?
In response to requests 1-7 the HSE said: "This body does not hold the records which you have sought... records concerned do not exist."
In response to request 8 the HSE said: "Following consultation with my colleagues, both from the
scientific and medical areas of HPSC [we] can confirm that we would hold no records in relation to your request."
[Note: HPSC refers to the Health Protection Surveillance Center] A copy of the three letters received from the HSE in relation to these requests may be found in Appendix B. The letters of 7 and 10 January, respectively, contain the following, rather ambiguous, paragraphs:
7 January: This body does not hold the records which you have sought. However, I have determined that these records are held by the, Health Protection Regulatory Authority (HPRA) and can confirm that I have notified the FOI National Lead Office of same who have transferred your FOI request to this body today, 7th January 2021.
10 January: This body does not hold the records which you have sought. However, I have determined that these records are held by the, Health Protection Regulatory Authority (HPRA) and can confirm that I have notified the FOI National Lead Office of same who have transferred your FOI requests FOI C846 ­ C850 to this body today, 8th January 2021. FOI C852/20 will be transferred on Monday 11th January 2021.
An example of the anti-Covid graffiti that is
cropping up across Dublin.

By claiming that an entirely separate organization, the HPRA, does have the records, the HSE is conceding that NONE of the records are held in any of its own organization's files or achives and that critical decisions affecting a number of major public health policy initiatives were taken by the HSE management in the absence of such records (including copies thereof).
The people who rule Ireland from behind the scenes are Christ-hating deceivers. They despise Christianity and Biblical values. They love abortion, sodomy, gender perversion, and the blasphemies broadcast by RTE. They serve Baal and follow the "old religion." Most of them are either Freemasons or Marxists, though they hide this fact. Some are New Age witches or Wiccans. They are working for the New World Order and take their instructions from the Crown (the infamous `Corona'). Marching in step with their counterparts in other countries, they are trying to impose a centralized dictatorship on the West. In the long term they want to secure a drastic reduction in the world's population. Vaccines will be an important means of achieving this, using sterilization and malignant, genetically modified substances to maim and kill. The Word of God has warned us about these people and their sinister plans, but most Christians believed that such unsettling prophecies would never come to pass. Well, they were wrong.
"Is not my word like as a fire? saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?" ­ Jeremiah 23:29
Under Section 7(1) of the Health Act 2004, which established the HSE as a statutory body, its "object and functions" are defined as follows:
7.--(1) The object of the Executive is to use the resources available to it in the most beneficial, effective and efficient manner to improve, promote and protect the health and welfare of the public.
The HSE is required in law to ensure that the national health policies advocated or implemented by the government "improve, promote and protect" the health and welfare of the Irish public. It is inconceivable that the government formulated its various Covid rules and regulations without consulting the HSE. In fact, given their impact on national health policy and national health service delivery, it would be illegal for it to do so. Thus the HSE is legally obliged to retain on its files records and information which relate to advice provided by it to the government. This would include all relevant scientific and medical studies which corroborated the professional judgment exercised by the HSE. And yet, in its replies to our FOI requests, it states that it has no such records!

It is deeply disturbing to think, for example, that school-children across Ireland are required to wear face masks for several hours each day on the basis of advice given to the government which has no scientific validity whatever. Or that schools across Ireland were shut ­ in three nationwide lockdowns to date ­ on the basis of professional advice provided by the HSE which has no scientific validity. It is even more disturbing to realize that the HSE approved these highly controversial measures without bothering to establish whether or not they might, in fact, be harmful!
We could go on and list the countless ways in which normal human behavior has been constrained, impeded and even rendered illegal in our country on foot of policies approved by the government, and given the force of law in many instances, on the basis of professional advice provided by the HSE, advice which ­ by its own admission ­ had no objective scientific support in relation either to its efficacy or to its safety.
The harm inflicted outstrips the largely imaginary benefits
Let us reflect for a moment on the harm that these draconian policies have caused. Our economy has suffered severe damage, with many otherwise thriving sectors either driven out of business or brought to the brink of insolvency. Owners of hotels, restaurants, cafes, bars, cinemas, theatres, catering suppliers, hospitality and tourist services, and countless other enterprises, have seen their life's work destroyed. Many families, which were once self-supporting, are now surviving on government handouts (`Covid dole') and faced with the real prospect of penury if this artificial form of support is taken away. Social isolation has caused levels of depression to escalate and, if anecdotal reports are true, a serious increase in the number of suicides and cases of self-harm. There are also credible anecdotal reports of a marked increase in substance abuse and domestic violence. Churches have been forced to close or, during times of official leniency, to conduct their services before small, scattered, mask-wearing congregations.
An attempt by the HSE to trick the people of Ireland into the "tracking" trap.
The PCR test is unscientific garbage, with no diagnostic capability whatever. It is based on a scandalously dishonest paper published by a group led by German virologist, Christian Drosten, in early 2020. The words "criminal conspiracy" are especially applicable in this instance. No doubt this trickster was well paid for his service to the New World Order.

Normal human activities have been criminalized and healthy social contact and interaction within the community, which is essential for our mental and emotional well-being, is now outlawed or curbed to such a degree that it serves no purpose. Our elderly are effectively locked in their homes, often living alone, with little prospect of a visit from anyone outside their "bubble". The people who built our nation and left a wonderful heritage to their children, often on foot of much hardship and strife, are being corralled like livestock. In addition, people who might otherwise have had serious ailments diagnosed and treated are being neglected by the very hospitals which, in January 2020, were catering to patients sleeping on trolleys in corridors. The need is there, and the need is great, but the voices of those most affected have been silenced. We are now in our third national "lockdown" ­ a term normally used only in relation to prisons and penitentiaries ­ and there is not the slightest sign that this vile social experiment is likely to end, at least until everyone takes the vaccine and "merits" a Covid passport. There will always be another "deadly mutation" to terrify the nation and keep the masses under subjection. While most of our population continues to listen to RTE, to read The Irish Times, and to swallow the bilge which our corrupt government dispenses daily, there is not the slightest possibility that Ireland will survive the coming disaster. We can only hope and pray that enough people will come to their senses before this dreadful spiritual malaise devours the very soul of our nation.
The top people in Irish politics are criminals. So too are many top public servants. They are orchestrating a wicked attack on the Irish people, a crime which they have been trying to conceal behind impressive medical language and scientific terminology. The 8 FOI requests reveal that the HSE is an emperor with no clothes, that there is no science behind any of this, and that ­ if we ever again have an honest government ­ a lot of corrupt, well-heeled people are going to spend a long, long time in prison.
________________________ Jeremy James Ireland January 11th, 2021

- SPECIAL REQUEST Regular readers are encouraged to download the papers on this website for safekeeping and future reference. They may not always be available. Papers for each year from 2009 to 2019 may also be downloaded in a single file, or possibly two, from (Use search term `Jeremy James'). We are rapidly moving into an era where material of this kind may be obtained only via email. Readers who wish to be included on a future mailing list are welcome to contact me at the following email address:-
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Copyright Jeremy James 2021

TO: Emma Kelly [] National Lead Office FOI, DP and Records Management, HSE National Communications Division, Tullamore, Co Offaly.


Dear Emma,
LOCKDOWNS - general This is a Freedom of Information access request [Reference #1HSE/28/12/20]. Please provide me with a full, accurate and complete list of records, including the date of the record, held by the HSE or under your authority, which describe the proven scientific effectiveness of lockdowns as a means of containing the spread of SARSCOV2 (Covid-19) or similar viral pathogens. If any records in the HSE match the above description, please provide enough information so that I may identify and access each record with certainty. Please provide also the title, author, date, journal, weblink etc. of any document, online or otherwise, held on record by the HSE or under your authority, which describes the proven scientific effectiveness of lockdowns. By "lockdown" I mean the steps, recommendations and regulations introduced by the government to restrict freedom of movement and freedom of assembly in Ireland generally, or in regions within Ireland, in 2020 to contain the spread of Covid-19 and alleged mutations thereof. I would remind you that a full, accurate and complete disclosure is required.

Yours sincerely
Robert Pye
28 December 2020 Email: 
RESPONSE by HSE (10 January 2021) [C846/20]:
"This body does not hold the records which you have sought... records concerned do not exist."


TO: Emma Kelly [] National Lead Office FOI, DP and Records Management, HSE National Communications Division, Tullamore, Co Offaly.
Dear Emma,
LOCKDOWNS ­ the elderly This is a Freedom of Information access request [Reference #2HSE/28/12/20]. Please provide me with a full, accurate and complete list of records, including the date of the record, held by the HSE or under your authority, which show in a scientific way that the social isolation and restricted mobility caused by lockdowns do not have a materially adverse effect on the physical and mental health of the elderly (persons aged 70 above). If any records in the HSE match the above description, please provide enough information so that I may identify and access each record with certainty. Please provide also the title, author, date, journal, weblink etc. of any document, online or otherwise, held on record by the HSE or under your authority, which show in a scientific way that the social isolation and restricted mobility caused by lockdowns do not have a materially adverse effect on the physical and mental health of the elderly (persons aged 70 above). By "lockdown" I mean the steps, recommendations and regulations introduced by the government to restrict freedom of movement and freedom of assembly in Ireland generally, or in regions within Ireland, in 2020 to contain the spread of Covid-19 and alleged mutations thereof. I would remind you that a full, accurate and complete disclosure is required.
Yours sincerely
Robert Pye
28 December 2020 Email: 
RESPONSE by HSE (10 January 2021) [C847/20]:
"This body does not hold the records which you have sought... records concerned do not exist."

TO: Emma Kelly [] National Lead Office FOI, DP and Records Management, HSE National Communications Division, Tullamore, Co Offaly.
Dear Emma,
MASKS - effectiveness This is a Freedom of Information access request [Reference #3HSE/28/12/20]. Please provide me with a full, accurate and complete list of records, including the date of the record, held by the HSE or under your authority, which describe the proven scientific effectiveness of masks or face-masks as a means of limiting or containing the spread of SARS-COV2 (Covid-19) or similar viral pathogens. If any records in the HSE match the above description, please provide enough information so that I may identify and access each record with certainty. Please provide also the title, author, date, journal, weblink etc. of any document, online or otherwise, held on record by the HSE or under your authority, which describes the proven scientific effectiveness of masks or face-masks for this purpose. I would remind you that a full, accurate and complete disclosure is required.
Yours sincerely
Robert Pye
28 December 2020 Email: 
________________________________________________________________________________ RESPONSE by HSE (10 January 2021) [C848/20]:
"This body does not hold the records which you have sought... records concerned do not exist."

TO: Emma Kelly [] National Lead Office FOI, DP and Records Management, HSE National Communications Division, Tullamore, Co Offaly.
Dear Emma,
MASKS - safety This is a Freedom of Information access request [Reference #4HSE/28/12/20]. Please provide me with a full, accurate and complete list of records, including the date of the record, held by the HSE or under your authority, which describe the proven scientific safety of masks or face-masks as a means of limiting or containing the spread of SARS-COV2 (Covid-19) or similar viral pathogens, with particular reference to the duration the mask is worn. If any records in the HSE match the above description, please provide enough information so that I may identify and access each record with certainty. Please provide also the title, author, date, journal, weblink etc. of any document, online or otherwise, held on record by the HSE or under your authority, which describes the proven scientific safety of masks or face-masks for this purpose, with particular reference to the duration the mask is worn. By "safety" I mean the absence of adverse physical, social or psychological effects when a mask is worn for a long period (more than an hour a day). By "safety" I also mean longer-term effects arising from oxygen deprivation or the accumulation of pathogens in the mask itself. I would remind you that a full, accurate and complete disclosure is required.
Yours sincerely
Robert Pye
28 December 2020 Email: 
RESPONSE by HSE (10 January 2021) [C849/20]:
"This body does not hold the records which you have sought... records concerned do not exist."

TO: Emma Kelly [] National Lead Office FOI, DP and Records Management, HSE National Communications Division, Tullamore, Co Offaly.
Dear Emma,
SOCIAL DISTANCING This is a Freedom of Information access request [Reference #5HSE/28/12/20]. Please provide me with a full, accurate and complete list of records, including the date of the record, held by the HSE or under your authority, which describe the proven scientific effectiveness of social-distancing as a means of limiting or containing the spread of SARS-COV2 (Covid-19) or similar viral pathogens. If any records in the HSE match the above description, please provide enough information so that I may identify and access each record with certainty. Please provide also the title, author, date, journal, weblink etc. of any document, online or otherwise, held on record by the HSE or under your authority, which describes the proven scientific effectiveness of social distancing for this purpose. By "social distancing" I mean the practice of remaining a certain minimum distance away from other persons, usually six feet, in the belief that it will limit or contain the spread of SARS-COV2 (Covid-19) or similar viral pathogens. I would remind you that a full, accurate and complete disclosure is required.
Yours sincerely
Robert Pye
28 December 2020 Email: 
RESPONSE by HSE (10 January 2021) [C850/20]:
"This body does not hold the records which you have sought... records concerned do not exist."

TO: Emma Kelly [] National Lead Office FOI, DP and Records Management, HSE National Communications Division, Tullamore, Co Offaly.
Dear Emma,
VACCINES - effectiveness This is a Freedom of Information access request [Reference #6HSE/28/12/20]. Please provide me with a full, accurate and complete list of records, including the date of the record, held by the HSE or under your authority, which describe the proven scientific effectiveness of the vaccine or vaccines which the HSE has approved as a means of limiting or containing the spread of SARS-COV2 (Covid-19) or providing the recipient with personal immunity against it. If any records in the HSE match the above description, please provide enough information so that I may identify and access each record with certainty. Please provide also the title, author, date, journal, weblink etc. of any document, online or otherwise, held on record by the HSE or under your authority, which describes the proven scientific effectiveness of each vaccine. I would remind you that a full, accurate and complete disclosure is required.
Yours sincerely
Robert Pye
28 December 2020 Email: 
RESPONSE by HSE (7 January 2021) [C851/20]:
"This body does not hold the records which you have sought... records concerned do not exist."

TO: Emma Kelly [] National Lead Office FOI, DP and Records Management, HSE National Communications Division, Tullamore, Co Offaly.
Dear Emma,
VACCINES - safety This is a Freedom of Information access request [Reference #7HSE/28/12/20]. Please provide me with a full, accurate and complete list of records, including the date of the record, held by the HSE or under your authority, which describe the proven scientific safety of the vaccine or vaccines which the HSE has approved as a means of limiting or containing the spread of SARS-COV2 (Covid-19) or providing the recipient with personal immunity against it. If any records in the HSE match the above description, please provide enough information so that I may identify and access each record with certainty. Please provide also the title, author, date, journal, weblink etc. of any document, online or otherwise, held on record by the HSE or under your authority, which describes the proven scientific safety of each vaccine. By "safety" I mean the safety of the vaccine with reference to every category of person who is likely to receive it, including infants, children, pregnant women, persons with chronic allergies, persons with a weakened or compromised immune system, persons on long-term medication, and persons over age 75. I would remind you that a full, accurate and complete disclosure is required.
Yours sincerely
Robert Pye
28 December 2020 Email: 
RESPONSE by HSE (10 January 2021) [C852/20]:
"This body does not hold the records which you have sought... records concerned do not exist."

TO: National Lead Office FOI, DP and Records Management, HSE National Communications Division, Tullamore, Co Offaly.
Request under the Freedom of Information Act 2014.
Please provide me with a full, accurate and complete list of records held by the Health Service Executive (HSE) or under the authority of the HSE which describe the isolation of the SARS-COV-2 virus (Coronavirus COVID-19), taken directly from a symptomatic patient with COVID-19, where the sample was not combined or mixed with any other source of genetic material (such as, for example, monkey kidney cells or cancer cells), thereby eliminating contamination as a possible alternative source of sampling. Please note that the word "isolation" is used here in the normally understood meaning of that word, namely, the act of separating one thing from another. I am not referring to (and hence not requesting) documents where "isolation" means the preparation of a culture of something else, the performance of an amplification test (e.g. a PCR test which detects only mRNA or DNA), or to the sequencing of anything other than the viral isolate in question. If any records of the HSE match the above description, please provide enough information so that I may identify and access each record with certainty. Please provide also the title, author, date, journal, weblink etc. of any document, online or otherwise, recorded on a document held by the HSE or under its authority, which describes the isolation procedure in question. I would remind you that a full, accurate and complete disclosure is required.
Yours sincerely
Robert Pye
30 October 2020 Email: 
RESPONSE by HSE (23 December 2020) [C839/20]:
"Following consultation with my colleagues, both from the scientific and medical areas of HPSC [we] can confirm that we would hold no records
in relation to your request." ________________________________________________________________________________

23rd December 2020 C839/20 Mr Robert Pye
Re: FOI request C839/20 Dear Mr Pye I refer to your request which was received by this office on 22nd December 2020 which you have made under the Freedom of Information Act 2014 for records held by this FOI body. Your request sought the provision of the following information with regards to "A full, accurate and complete list of records held by the Health Service Executive (HSE) or under the authority of the HSE which describe the isolation of the SARSCOV-2 virus (Coronavirus COVID-19), taken directly from a symptomatic patient with COVID-19, where the sample was not combined or mixed with any other source of genetic material (such as, for example, monkey kidney cells or cancer cells), thereby eliminating contamination as a possible alternative source of sampling. Please note that the word "isolation" is used here in the normally understood meaning of that word, namely, the act of separating one thing from another. I am not referring to (and hence not requesting) documents where "isolation" means the preparation of a culture of something else, the performance of an amplification test (e.g. a PCR test which detects only mRNA or DNA), or to the sequencing of anything other than the viral isolate in question. If any records of the HSE match the above description, please provide enough information so that I may identify and access each record with certainty. Please provide also the title, author, date, journal, weblink etc. of any document, online or otherwise, recorded on a document held by the HSE or under its authority, which describes the isolation procedure in question. I would remind you that a full, accurate and complete disclosure is required".

Following consultation with my colleagues, both from the scientific and medical areas of HPSC can confirm that we would hold no records in relation to your request. These are the reasonable steps I have taken to ascertain the whereabouts or existence of such records and unfortunately I must inform you that having undertaken these searches we were unable to locate the records in question. I am satisfied that all reasonable steps have taken to locate the records you have requested and must refuse therefore your request under Section 15.1(a) of the FOI Act 2014.
Rights of appeal In the event that you are unhappy with this decision you may appeal this it. In the event that you need to make such an appeal, you can do so by writing to the HSE National Lead Office, FOI, DP and Record Management, Scott Building, Midland Regional Hospital Campus, Arden Road, Tullamore, Co. Offaly. Your correspondence should include a fee of 30 for processing the appeal. An internal review fee of 10 applies to medical card holders. Payment should be made by way of bank draft, money order, postal order or personal cheque made payable to the Health Service Executive. If you wish to make payment by electronic means please contact . You should make your appeal within 4 weeks from the date of this notification, where a day is defined as a working day excluding, the weekend and public holidays. However, the making of a late appeal may be permitted in appropriate circumstances. The appeal will involve a complete reconsideration of the matter by a more senior member of the staff of this body. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the above, please contact me by email on
Yours sincerely,
Sinead Roche FOI Decision Maker

Refusal on administrative grounds to grant FOI requests
15. (1) A head to whom an FOI request is made may refuse to grant the request where-- (a) the record concerned does not exist or cannot be found after all reasonable steps to ascertain its whereabouts have been taken, (b) the FOI request does not comply with section 12(1)(b), (c) in the opinion of the head, granting the request would, by reason of the number or nature of the records concerned or the nature of the information concerned, require the retrieval and examination of such number of records or an examination of such kind of the records concerned as to cause a substantial and unreasonable interference with or disruption of work (including disruption of work in a particular functional area) of the FOI body concerned, (d) the information is already in the public domain, (e) publication of the record is required by law and is intended to be effected not later than 12 weeks after the receipt of the request by the head, (f) the FOI body intends to publish the record and such publication is intended to be effected not later than 6 weeks after the receipt of the request by the head, (g) the request is, in the opinion of the head, frivolous or vexatious or forms part of a pattern of manifestly unreasonable requests from the same requester or from different requesters who, in the opinion of the head, appear to have made the requests acting in concert, (h) a fee or deposit payable under section 27 in respect of the request concerned or in respect of a previous request by the same requester has not been paid, or (i) the request relates to records already released, either to the same or a previous requester where-- (i) the records are available to the requester concerned, or (ii) it appears to the head concerned that that requester is acting in concert with a previous requester.
(2) Subject to subsection (3), a head may refuse to grant-- 32 [2014.] Freedom of Information Act 2014. [No. 30.]PT.3 S.15 (a) a record that is available for inspection by members of the public whether upon payment or free of charge, or (b) a record a copy of which is available for purchase or removal free of charge by members of the public, whether by virtue of an enactment (other than this Act) or otherwise.
(3) A record shall not be within subsection (2) by reason only of the fact that it contains information constituting personal data to which the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 apply.
(4) A head shall not refuse, pursuant to paragraph (b) or (c) of subsection (1), to grant an FOI request unless he or she has assisted, or offered to assist, the requester concerned in an endeavour so as to amend the request for re-submission such that it no longer falls within those paragraphs.

7th January 2021 Mr Robert Pye
Re: FOI request C851 Dear Mr Pye I refer to your request dated 28th December 2020 which was received by this office on 29th December 2020 which you have made under the Freedom of Information Act 2014 for records held by the HSE. Your request sought: "Full, accurate and complete list of records, including the date of the record, held by the HSE or under your authority, which describe the proven scientific effectiveness of the vaccine or vaccines which the HSE has approved as a means of limiting or containing the spread of SARS-COV2 (Covid-19) or providing the recipient with personal immunity against it. If any records in the HSE match the above description, please provide enough information so that I may identify and access each record with certainty. Please provide also the title, author, date, journal, weblink etc. of any document, online or otherwise, held on record by the HSE or under your authority, which describes the proven scientific effectiveness of each vaccine". This body does not hold the records which you have sought. However, I have determined that these records are held by the, Health Protection Regulatory Authority (HPRA) and can confirm that I have notified the FOI National Lead Office of same who have transferred your FOI request to this body today, 7th January 2021. In summary, the level of detail you are requesting under FOI C851/20 is not available at HPSC and therefore I am refusing to grant your FOI under Section 15(1)(a) ­ records concerned do not exist.

Rights of appeal In the event that you are unhappy with this decision you may appeal this it. In the event that you need to make such an appeal, you can do so by writing to the HSE National Lead Office, FOI, DP and Record Management, Scott Building, Midland Regional Hospital Campus, Arden Road, Tullamore, Co. Offaly. Your correspondence should include a fee of 30 for processing the appeal. An internal review fee of 10 applies to medical card holders. Payment should be made by way of bank draft, money order, postal order or personal cheque made payable to the Health Service Executive. If you wish to make payment by electronic means please contact . You should make your appeal within 4 weeks from the date of this notification, where a day is defined as a working day excluding, the weekend and public holidays. However, the making of a late appeal may be permitted in appropriate circumstances. The appeal will involve a complete reconsideration of the matter by a more senior member of the staff of this body. Yours sincerely, Sinead Roche Moore FOI Decision Maker

Refusal on administrative grounds to grant FOI requests
15. (1) A head to whom an FOI request is made may refuse to grant the request where-- (a) the record concerned does not exist or cannot be found after all reasonable steps to ascertain its whereabouts have been taken, (b) the FOI request does not comply with section 12(1)(b), (c) in the opinion of the head, granting the request would, by reason of the number or nature of the records concerned or the nature of the information concerned, require the retrieval and examination of such number of records or an examination of such kind of the records concerned as to cause a substantial and unreasonable interference with or disruption of work (including disruption of work in a particular functional area) of the FOI body concerned, (d) the information is already in the public domain, (e) publication of the record is required by law and is intended to be effected not later than 12 weeks after the receipt of the request by the head, (f) the FOI body intends to publish the record and such publication is intended to be effected not later than 6 weeks after the receipt of the request by the head, (g) the request is, in the opinion of the head, frivolous or vexatious or forms part of a pattern of manifestly unreasonable requests from the same requester or from different requesters who, in the opinion of the head, appear to have made the requests acting in concert, (h) a fee or deposit payable under section 27 in respect of the request concerned or in respect of a previous request by the same requester has not been paid, or (i) the request relates to records already released, either to the same or a previous requester where-- (i) the records are available to the requester concerned, or (ii) it appears to the head concerned that that requester is acting in concert with a previous requester. (2) Subject to subsection (3), a head may refuse to grant-- 32 [2014.] Freedom of Information Act 2014. [No. 30.]PT.3 S.15 (a) a record that is available for inspection by members of the public whether upon payment or free of charge, or (b) a record a copy of which is available for purchase or removal free of charge by members of the public, whether by virtue of an enactment (other than this Act) or otherwise. (3) A record shall not be within subsection (2) by reason only of the fact that it contains information constituting personal data to which the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 apply. (4) A head shall not refuse, pursuant to paragraph (b) or (c) of subsection (1), to grant an FOI request unless he or she has assisted, or offered to assist, the requester concerned in an endeavour so as to amend the request for re-submission such that it no longer falls within those paragraphs.

10th January 2021 Mr Robert Pye
Re: FOI request C846/20, C847/20, C848/20, C849/20, C850/20, C852/20 Dear Mr Pye I refer to your FOI requests dated 28th December 2020 which were received by this office on 29th December 2020 which you have made under the Freedom of Information Act 2014 for records held by the HSE. This body does not hold the records which you have sought. However, I have determined that these records are held by the, Health Protection Regulatory Authority (HPRA) and can confirm that I have notified the FOI National Lead Office of same who have transferred your FOI requests FOI C846 ­ C850 to this body today, 8th January 2021. FOI C852/20 will be transferred on Monday 11th January 2021. In summary, the level of detail you are requesting under FOI's C846/20,C850/20,C847/20,C848/20,C849/20, C852/20 is not available at HPSC and therefore I am refusing to grant your FOI under Section 15(1)(a) ­ records concerned do not exist. Rights of appeal In the event that you are unhappy with this decision you may appeal this it. In the event that you need to make such an appeal, you can do so by writing to the HSE National Lead Office, FOI, DP and Record Management, Scott Building, Midland Regional Hospital Campus, Arden Road, Tullamore, Co. Offaly. Your correspondence should include a fee of 30 for processing the appeal. An internal review fee of 10 applies to medical card holders. Payment should be made by way of bank draft, money order, postal order or personal cheque made payable to the Health Service Executive. If you wish to make payment by electronic means please contact . You should make your appeal within 4 weeks from the date of this notification, where a day is defined as a working day excluding, the weekend and public holidays. However, the making of a late appeal may be permitted in appropriate circumstances. The appeal will involve a complete reconsideration of the matter by a more senior member of the staff of this body.
Yours sincerely,
Sinead Roche Moore FOI Decision Maker

Refusal on administrative grounds to grant FOI requests
15. (1) A head to whom an FOI request is made may refuse to grant the request where-- (a) the record concerned does not exist or cannot be found after all reasonable steps to ascertain its whereabouts have been taken, (b) the FOI request does not comply with section 12(1)(b), (c) in the opinion of the head, granting the request would, by reason of the number or nature of the records concerned or the nature of the information concerned, require the retrieval and examination of such number of records or an examination of such kind of the records concerned as to cause a substantial and unreasonable interference with or disruption of work (including disruption of work in a particular functional area) of the FOI body concerned, (d) the information is already in the public domain, (e) publication of the record is required by law and is intended to be effected not later than 12 weeks after the receipt of the request by the head, (f) the FOI body intends to publish the record and such publication is intended to be effected not later than 6 weeks after the receipt of the request by the head, (g) the request is, in the opinion of the head, frivolous or vexatious or forms part of a pattern of manifestly unreasonable requests from the same requester or from different requesters who, in the opinion of the head, appear to have made the requests acting in concert, (h) a fee or deposit payable under section 27 in respect of the request concerned or in respect of a previous request by the same requester has not been paid, or (i) the request relates to records already released, either to the same or a previous requester where-- (i) the records are available to the requester concerned, or (ii) it appears to the head concerned that that requester is acting in concert with a previous requester.
(2) Subject to subsection (3), a head may refuse to grant-- 32 [2014.] Freedom of Information Act 2014. [No. 30.]PT.3 S.15 (a) a record that is available for inspection by members of the public whether upon payment or free of charge, or (b) a record a copy of which is available for purchase or removal free of charge by members of the public, whether by virtue of an enactment (other than this Act) or otherwise.
(3) A record shall not be within subsection (2) by reason only of the fact that it contains information constituting personal data to which the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 apply.
(4) A head shall not refuse, pursuant to paragraph (b) or (c) of subsection (1), to grant an FOI request unless he or she has assisted, or offered to assist, the requester concerned in an endeavour so as to amend the request for re-submission such that it no longer falls within those paragraphs.

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