Note: Emergency notification on back of form. Use as appropriate for your facility. Required Precautions n nThe fire pump is in operation and switched to automatic. n nControl valves to water supply for sprinkler system are open.
HOT WORK PERMIT STOP! Avoid hot work when possible! Consider using an alternative cold work method. This Hot Work Permit is required for any temporary operation involving open flames or producing heat and/or sparks conducted outside a Hot Work Designated Area. This includes, but is not limited to brazing, cutting, grinding, soldering, torch-applied roofing and welding. Instructions for Permit Authorizer Part 1 Y NA Required Precautions 1. Specify the precautions to take. 2.Fill out and keep Part 1 during the hot work process. 3.Issue Part 2 to the person doing the job. 4.Keep Part 2 on file for future reference, including signed confirmation that the post-work fire watch and monitoring have been completed. n n The fire pump is in operation and switched to automatic. n n Control valves to water supply for sprinkler system are open. n Extinguishers are in service/operable. n Hot work equipment is in good working condition. 5. Sign off the final check on Part 2. Requirements within 35 ft. (10 m) of hot work n n Shield combustible construction using listed (e.g., FM Approved) welding pads, blankets and curtains. HOT WORK BY Employee Contractor DATE JOB NUMBER LOCATION OF WORK (BUILDING/FLOOR/OBJECT) WORK TO BE PERFORMED NAME OF PERSON PERFORMING HOT WORK n n Remove or shield nonremovable combustibles using listed (e.g., FM Approved) welding pads, blankets and curtains. n nIsolate potential sources of flammable gas, ignitable liquid or combustible dust/lint (e.g., shut down equipment). n n Remove ignitable liquid, combustible dust/lint and combustible residues. n n Shut down ventilation and conveying systems. n nRemove combustibles and consider a second fire watch on opposite side of floor, wall, ceiling or roof when openings exist or thermally conductive materials pass through. n n Is work on a combustible building assembly (e.g., torch-applied roofing)? If yes, provide ADDITIONAL REQUIRED PRECAUTIONS below. NAME OF PERSON PERFORMING FIRE WATCH I verify the above location has been examined, the Required Precautions have been taken, and permission is authorized for this work. PERMIT AUTHORIZER (PRINT AND SIGN) Hot work on/in closed equipment, ductwork or piping n n Isolate equipment from service. n n Remove ignitable liquid and purge flammable gas/vapor. n n Prior to work, and/or during work, monitor for flammable gas/vapor. LEL reading(s): n n Remove combustible dust/lint or other combustible materials. n nIs work on/in equipment with nonremovable combustible linings or parts? If yes, provide ADDITIONAL REQUIRED PRECAUTIONS below. THIS PERMIT EXPIRES ON (LIMIT AUTHORIZATION TO ONE SHIFT): DATE: TIME: AM PM Note: Emergency notification on back of form. Note: Emergency notification on back of form. AUddseitiaosnaalpFpMroGprloiabtaelfRoersyoouurrcefasc: ility. Property Loss Prevention Data Sheet 10-3, Hot Work Management Hot Work Permit form (F2630) via Online training at FM Approved equipment via Fire watch/fire monitoring the hot work area Times listed are sufficient for majority. Use Table at back of permit for guidance for combustible concealed cavities, roof work or favorable factors. n Perform a continuous fire watch during hot work. n Perform a continuous fire watch post-work for n 1 hour or Other ___ hours. n n Perform fire monitoring for n 3 hours or Other ___ hours. ADDITIONAL REQUIRED PRECAUTIONS: F2630 © 2018 FMGlobal. (Rev. 11/2019) All rights reserved. WARNING HOT WORK IN PROGRESS! Watch for fire! Instructions Part 2 Y NA Required Precautions Person performing hot work: Record time started and display permit at hot work area. After hot work is completed, record time and leave permit displayed for fire watch. Fire watch: Watch area during hot work and after work completion. Prior to leaving area, perform final inspection, sign, leave permit displayed and n n The fire pump is in operation and switched to automatic. n n Control valves to water supply for sprinkler system are open. n Extinguishers are in service/operable. n Hot work equipment is in good working condition. notify Fire Monitor or Permit Authorizer. Requirements within 35 ft. (10 m) of hot work Fire monitor: Monitor area after post-work fire watch completion. Per- n n Shield combustible construction using listed (e.g., form final inspection, sign and return to Permit Authorizer. FM Approved) welding pads, blankets and curtains. HOT WORK BY Employee Contractor DATE JOB NUMBER LOCATION OF WORK (BUILDING/FLOOR/OBJECT) WORK TO BE PERFORMED NAME OF PERSON PERFORMING HOT WORK n n Remove or shield nonremovable combustibles using listed (e.g., FM Approved) welding pads, blankets and curtains. n nIsolate potential sources of flammable gas, ignitable liquid or combustible dust/lint (e.g., shut down equipment). n n Remove ignitable liquid, combustible dust/lint and combustible residues. n n Shut down ventilation and conveying systems. n nRemove combustibles and consider a second fire watch on opposite side of floor, wall, ceiling or roof when openings exist or thermally conductive materials pass through. n n Is work on a combustible building assembly (e.g., torch-applied roofing)? If yes, provide ADDITIONAL REQUIRED PRECAUTIONS below. NAME OF PERSON PERFORMING FIRE WATCH I verify the above location has been examined, the Required Precautions have been taken, and permission is authorized for this work. PERMIT AUTHORIZER (PRINT AND SIGN) Hot work on/in closed equipment, ductwork or piping n n Isolate equipment from service. n n Remove ignitable liquid and purge flammable gas/vapor. n n Prior to work, and/or during work, monitor for flammable gas/vapor. LEL reading(s): n n Remove combustible dust/lint or other combustible materials. n nIs work on/in equipment with nonremovable combustible linings or parts? If yes, provide ADDITIONAL REQUIRED PRECAUTIONS below. THIS PERMIT EXPIRES ON (LIMIT AUTHORIZATION TO ONE SHIFT): DATE: TIME: Hot Work Date: Start Time: Finish Time: Post-Work Fire Watch Finish Time: Name Fire Monitor n Person n Other Finish Time: AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM Name/Other Final Check Time: AM PM Fire watch/fire monitoring the hot work area Times listed are sufficient for majority. Use Table at back of permit for guidance for combustible concealed cavities, roof work or favorable factors. n Perform a continuous fire watch during hot work. n Perform a continuous fire watch post-work for n 1 hour or Other ___ hours. n n Perform fire monitoring for n 3 hours or Other ___ hours. ADDITIONAL REQUIRED PRECAUTIONS: Name F2630 © 2018 FMGlobal. (Rev. 11/2019) All rights reserved. WARNING HOT WORK IN PROGRESS! Watch for fire! In case of emergency, call the contacts listed below before attempting to extinguish the fire. Contact Number Construction and Occupancy Factors for Post-Work Fire Watch and Monitoring Periods Occupancy Factors Noncombustible with any combustibles contained within closed equipment (e.g., ignitable liquid within piping) Office, retail or manufacturing with limited combustible loading Manufacturing with moderate to significant combustible loading except as noted below Warehousing Exceptions: Occupancies with processing or having bulk storage of combustible materials capable of supporting slowgrowing fires (e.g., paper, pulp, textile fibers, wood, bark, grain, coal or charcoal) Noncombustible construction, or FM Approved Class 1 or Class A building materials Watch Monitor 30 minutes 0 hours 1 hour 1 hour 1 hour 1 hour 1 hour 2 hours 2 hours 3 hours Construction Factors Combustible construction Combustible construction without concealed cavities with unprotected concealed cavities Watch 1 hour Monitor 3 hours Watch 1 hour Monitor 5 hours 1 hour 1 hour 1 hour 1 hour 3 hours 3 hours 3 hours 3 hours 1 hour 1 hour 1 hour 1 hour 5 hours 5 hours 5 hours 5 hours When performing torch-applied roofing, apply additional precautions and conduct a minimum 2-hour fire watch and 2 hours fire monitoring. If an infrared camera is utilized, reduce to a 1-hour fire watch and 1 hour fire monitoring. When performing hot work on/in equipment containing nonremovable combustible linings or parts, apply additional precautions and conduct a minimum 1-hour fire watch and 3 hours fire monitoring within the equipment, and in the surrounding areas per Table above.Adobe PDF Library 15.0 Adobe InDesign CC 14.0 (Macintosh)