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francis city council meeting 02 13 2020
Francis City Council Meeting Thursday, February 13th, 2020 7:00 p.m.
Francis City Community Center
2319 So. Spring Hollow Rd. Francis, Utah 84036
Attending: Mayor Byron Ames, Councilmembers Jeremie Forman, Matt Crittenden, and Trilby Cox. City Engineer Scott Kettle, City Recorder Suzanne Gillett.
Others Attending: Rex Crystal, Chad Mitchell, Jessica Bateman, Pete Gillwald, Rex Campbell, Pierre Meyme, Bill Crystal, Colette Madsen, Ana Simmons
Excused: Planner Mandy Crittenden, Mandy made it to the meeting around 7:30 p.m...
Not Present: Councilmember Shana Fryer
1. Welcome, Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance & Thought--The Mayor apologized for the delay and excused Planner Mandy Crittenden due to a family emergency. Councilmember Crittenden led in the Pledge of Allegiance, and Councilmember Cox shared a couple of quotes on change and how she felt the quotes applied to things going on in the community right now.
The Mayor stated that at the last Planning Commission meeting there was a lack of decorum in the last meeting. Anyone coming behind the table will be asked to leave. Everyone needs to be respectful.
2. Public Comment--The Mayor explained how the public comment period worked and opened the meeting for public comment on anything other than what is in the public hearing portion.
There were no public comments, so the public comment session was closed. Council moved on.
3. Public Hearings---Stewart Ranch Preliminary Master Plan---The Mayor asked Engineer Kettle to review the plan. Engineer Kettle then read the staff report. He explained how the phases were broken out on the plat. He reviewed what the Planning Commission conditions to the master plan were. He also reviewed the Horrocks Engineering Report and the conditions on that report.(See attachments)
The Mayor asked if there was anything from the Stewart Ranch Folks. Pete Gillwald said yes, he always had comments.
Pete Gillwald informed council they did make a few minor changes since the last time they met on this and he explained what those changes were. On the east side the 7 lots were a little re-configured, but with all the changes they still ended up with close to the same open space. On Gines it didn't make sense to them to do the Gines Lane Rd., they will build out as the road is designed. Nothing changed since the Planning Commission meeting.
The Mayor opened the meeting to public comment.
Colette Madsen thanked the council for having the map and displays, it is very helpful. In talking with Rex and Pete on the construction road she would like to see it before the lots are sold, and she would like to see the road to SR35 completed. She doesn't want people leaving the subdivision through Gines and
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So. Willow. She is glad there is a fire road and she feels it needs to be a complete bridge. At some point it will be used so it should be established.
There were no further public comments. Engineer Kettle said they will have to meet the city ingress and egress no matter what.
The Mayor liked the comments on the roads. He also asked if there were any thoughts on the hammer head.
Councilmember Forman said he would like clarification on the hammer head. He clarified the recommendation on the crash gate. Engineer Kettle did not agree with a crash gate, the city would like connectivity. Councilmember Forman wanted to know the width of the road and he was told 30 feet of asphalt. Engineer Kettle explained some of the things that could be done with the roads.
Councilmember Crittenden liked building the road through and connecting to Gines Lane. He feels that it makes more sense for the developer to pay for it now rather than the city later. Plus, a crash gate makes it hard with the winter plowing and things.
Councilmember Cox asked about the temporary turn around and Engineer Kettle said yes there would be one.
Colette Madsen asked about the water restrictions and explained there are homes there without sprinkling systems and those with irrigation don't have things on a timer and there is not a lot of water pressure on the culinary water. She asked about the line on Gines and what would it do to that. Engineer Kettle explained that it would work better, and he explained and showed on the map how and why it would work better.
Councilmember Cox had a question and wanted clarification on pg. 9 out of 10 in the packet. It talks about a private trail and a public trail. They are different surfaces. Pete said he could explain, some were HOA maintained. Anybody can use all the trails it is just how they are maintained.
Councilmember Crittenden asked about the hill ground and wanted to know if that would be accessible to the public or not. Pete said it needed to have access, but there are liability issues. He would prefer that the open space not be accessible. Pete would like just the trail.
Pete added that they met with the irrigation companies and showed them their crossings and he said they gave him a draft of the agreement and he feels they have a gentleman's agreement and they are heading in the right direction.
The Mayor asked for a motion.
Councilmember Forman moved to approve the Stewart Ranch Preliminary Master Plan with the recommendation of the city engineer. Councilmember Crittenden seconded the motion. The Mayor and Councilmembers Crittenden, Forman and Cox all voted in favor, motion passed.
4. Discussion, Updates and Approval of Potential Action Items A. Kamas Valley Youth Council---Ana Simmons, the Mayor from the Kamas Valley Youth Council
reviewed some of the things that have been going on and she would like to ask the city to allocate some city funds to the youth council.
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Jessica Bateman explained why and how they would like to allocate money and they are asking all cities to help. They both explained what two areas they would like to spend the money on.
Councilmember Forman is all for helping with that, but he explained the budget year and how that worked.
The Mayor said they would look and see if there was anything that they could do.
B. Multi-Family Housing---The Mayor explained that this was a continuation discussion from the last council meeting, and he explained what areas they were looking at.
The Mayor turned the time over to the Planner. Planner Crittenden read the continuation from last month's meeting. She explained that she has been working with the city attorney and they have talked about deeding properties for 50 years to try and keep things affordable.
The Mayor brought it back to the council and discussed the affordability issue and stated that it is not because he wants to see multi-family housing, but he wants to serve a purpose for the younger people that live here as it is so expensive, he is concerned about that. He worries about the teachers and firefighters etc. that can't afford to live here. If there are some problems they can solve he is for that. He explained all his thoughts and concerns on the matter.
Setbacks he feels should be the same as residential half. Density is tricky and he explained why. He would be supportive of up to 16 units per acre as a max. He could also support a cap on something as well.
Councilmember Forman said you should consider that not every person who comes in is not going to turn everything into apartments. He explained his thinking on things.
The Mayor commented everything is on a case by case bases but depending on the location the council could decide.
Councilmember Cox said she would be comfortable with trusting the council to make the decision.
Councilmember Forman says they can't say what the next council may do.
Councilmember Cox feels that they don't need to super restrict the parameters because she feels she knows the council now enough to know they would make a good decision.
There was discussion on 16 units per acre. The Mayor threw that number out as he sat down with the planner and reviewed things and this made sense to him.
Planner Crittenden stated in the executive summary the whole idea stated more affordable housing and she wondered if they were considering the deed restricting then they could do 12 units and if they did the deed restriction it would be 16 units.
Councilmember Crittenden fears that people can build and charge $2,000 a month and then they are not keeping things affordable.
The Mayor feels they are almost forced to do deed restrictions to keep things affordable. But maybe not on everything.
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Engineer Kettle said that there are some ways they could put it on rental units.
The Mayor does not want the lack of verbiage to stop the decision tonight.
Councilmember Crittenden feels they should maybe consider on the setbacks that the parking is between the property line.
Councilmember Cox feels the setbacks need to be changed to match residential half. She feels they are moving toward a maximum allowed. Plus, she would like to see the bonus density for low income housing.
It was discussed no accessory dwelling units, meet the code for parking, the code requires three per unit for multifamily. Number 9 needs to be stricken in 18.58.030.
The Mayor proposes a change to18.580.40 he feels it should read #1 max units of acre and get rid of #2 max per building. He wondered if dwelling units per acre they should deed restrict it.
Councilmember Crittenden likes where they are heading but he feels they need to look at the density and deed restriction part of things before they are completely there.
The Mayor would love tonight to have a motion. He feels there has been enough discussion to make a motion with some stipulations.
Councilmember Cox made a motion to approve multi-family housing floating zone as drafted previously with the following changes. Proposes Chapter 18.58 as proposed in the code subject to the addition of stating an explicit purpose of affordable housing in 18.58.010 in that section state that this multi-family housing is affordable housing. Second change section 18.58.030 strike # 9 or line 9. In section 18.58.040 #1 shall read something like the maximum number of dwelling units allowed is 16 individual dwelling units per acre. Under #2 an additional 4 units per acre with a total maximum of 20 individual dwelling units per acre is allowed if the additional four units are subject to moderate income housing requirements. Then that is all contingent upon future acceptance of moderate-income housing language being added to this section of code. Then strike the current # 2 in section 18.58.040 that talks about the maximum number of dwelling units so strike completely. Change section 18.58.050 lot requirements setbacks to read the same as residential half code and section 18.58.060 accessory structure requirements read the same as residential half except for no accessory dwelling units. Councilmember Crittenden seconded the motion. The Mayor and Councilmembers Cox, and Crittenden voted for, Councilmember Forman voted against. Motion passed 3-1.
C. Budgeting for Snowplow/Water Truck & Shop Bay---The Mayor just stated they are starting to think about budgeting. Current Snowplow will be paid for by June. They could purchase another one as they are still paying a payment. They could also use it as a water truck. They do not need to pay money up front if they were to order a snowplow truck, so if we ordered now, we could plan now and not pay until later on. The problem is there is no place to park it. There is also no shop bay so they would need to add that as well. The Mayor would like to know if they would like to discuss that.
Councilmember Forman said there are other things that need to be discussed in the public works department before they are start buying more. The Mayor agreed there are other things that need to be discussed and taken care of. They are not making a decision tonight, and everyone can think about it.
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D. Frontier Days Discussion---The Mayor informed council that Shana is still working on the queen contest with Kamas. He reviewed the sponsor list from last year and stated that the concession stands needs someone to step up and take care of.
There was discussion on food truck vendors. The Mayor would like to delegate the food venders. Letter for sponsorship needs to be done. Frontier Days meeting March 23 6:00 pm.
Council Business A. Council Reports---Councilmember Crittenden wanted to know if they could look at potholes. The Mayor said he would talk with the guys.
B. Planner Reports---Coming on spring there is a continuation on violation letters coming in. She wanted to know if we were close to doing a clean up like Kamas. She was told no because of time and costs.
C. Engineering Reports---None
D. Mayor Reports---The Mayor discussed the letter on the cabinet shop. They have numerous times gone to the address that the complaint is about, and we have monitored the sound over and over again and they are not over the limit. There are residents upset about this, but there is nothing they can do about it. The Mayor has talked with the county and how they handle it and they don't have problems with saw dust. He does not know what to do about this. It's not a city issue until it violates a city code. Council is all on the same page.
Building Inspector, he has met with the Mayor of Kamas and discussed doing an interlocal agreement for a building inspector and splitting the cost of everything. They would have the same system in place. He is just making the council aware of it.
He explained there is some software out there that would be very useful for this position. He explained what the system could do and the cost of the system.
E. Report and Approval of Bills Paid--Councilmember Cox made a motion to approve the bills. Mayor Ames seconded the motion. The Mayor and Councilmembers Cox, Crittenden and Forman voted in favor, motion passed.
F. Approval of Minutes from January 9th, 2020---Councilmember Cox made a motion to approve the minutes of January 9th, 2020. Councilmember Crittenden seconded the motion. The Mayor and Councilmembers Cox, Crittenden and Forman voted in favor, motion passed.
6. Closed Executive Session Regarding Litigation--The Mayor motioned to go into closed executive session. Councilmember Forman seconded the motion. The Mayor and Councilmembers Cox, Crittenden and Forman all voted in favor, motion passed.
Mayor Ames motioned to go back into open session. Councilmember Forman seconded the motion. The Mayor and all Councilmembers present voted in favor; motion passed.
Councilmember Cox motioned to adjourn. Unanimous in favor.
7. Meeting Adjourned
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The content of the minutes is not intended, nor are they submitted, as a verbatim transcription of the meeting. These minutes are a brief overview of what occurred at the meeting.
Minutes accepted as to form this 12th, day of March 2020.

_______________________________________ _______________________________________

Mayor Byron Ames

City Recorder Suzanne Gillett

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Microsoft Word for Office 365