mophie SPIM mophie space pack for iPad mini User Manual SP Digital User Manual 030714 ENG
mophie LLC mophie space pack for iPad mini SP Digital User Manual 030714 ENG
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Users Manual
EN G L ISH mophie space pack made for iPad mini Space App compatible with iOS7 or later user manual Welcome 04 Installing your space pack 07 Charging your space pack 07 Taking Care of your space pack 09 Using the Space App 10 Storing Files in your space pack 11 Playing and Viewing Stored Files 18 Taking Photos and Videos 27 Favorites/Sharing Files 29 Other Home Screen Items 32 File Types by Collection 35 Warranty 36 Warning/Legal 36 FAQ 41 Welcome Thank you for purchasing the mophie space pack. space pack gives you everyday protection, enough power to go all day and enough storage for all your stuff, all the time. Leave no file behind. Package Contains tNPQIJFTQBDFQBDL t.JDSP64#$BCMF t1BTTUISPVHI)FBEQIPOF"EBQUFS Features :PVS NPQIJF TQBDF QBDLT (# PS (# PG FYUSB TUPSBHFHJWFTZPVSPPNUPTUPSFUIPVTBOETPGFYUSB QIPUPT UIPVTBOET PG FYUSB TPOHT BOE IPVST NPSF WJEFPJOBEEJUJPOUPXIBUTBMSFBEZPOZPVSJ1ad *UTMJUIJVNQPMZNFSCBUUFSZFYUFOETUIFCBUUFSZMJGF PGZPVSJ1adGPSIPVSTXJUIVQUPUXJDFBTNVDI power to rock, talk, surf and send, all while providing a comfortable ergonomic design with the complete QSPUFDUJPOPGBIBSETIFMMDBTF Here are just some of the reasons why your space pack is so fantastic: t TQBDF QBDL QSPWJEFT (# PS (# PG FYUSB TUPSBHF TQBDF 4P HP BIFBE BOE CBDL VQ UIF QIPUPT GSPN ZPVS J1ad UBLF OFX QIPUPT PS load movies, music or documents from your t t t t t t t computer directly into your space pack â how you use it is up to you. 5IFGSFF4QBDF"QQBVUPNBUJDBMMZPSHBOJ[FTBMM the files stored in your space pack into different collections according to their file types. Individual collection buttons provide a quick and easy way to access all your stuff. 5IF 4QBDF "QQ IBT CVJMUJO WJEFP BOE NVTJD players and a photo viewer that make it easy to enjoy all of the media youâve stored in your TQBDFQBDLTFYUSBTQBDF 6TFUIF4QBDF"QQUPJOTUBOUMZTIBSFZPVSTUPSFE files almost any way you can think of: Facebook, 5XJUUFS UFYU FNBJMBOENPSF 5BLF B CSFBUI &SHPOPNJD GPSNGJUUJOH GVMMZ QSPUFDUJWF VMUSBJNQBDUSFTJTUBOU DBTFBOE CBUUFSZJOPOFGPSJ1ad "O JOUFHSBUFE TUBOECZ TXJUDI BMMPXT ZPV UP DIBSHFZPVSJ1ad HSFFO XIFOFWFSJUOFFET JU )PXFWFS JO TUBOECZ NPEF SFE ZPV TUJMM have the full protection of a case. 5IFJODMVEFEQBTTUISPVHIIFBEQIPOFBEBQUFS allows you to use any style headphones while ZPVSJ1adJTJOUIFTQBDFQBDL 5SBDL CBUUFSZ QPXFS BU B HMBODF XJUI UIF JOUFHSBUFE GPVSMJHIU -&% TUBUVT JOEJDBUPS :PV can keep tabs on charging status and current battery life. Know before you go! t t t t t 5IF JODMVEFE NJDSP 64# DBCMF BMMPXT ZPV UP charge and sync your iPad while refilling your TQBDFQBDLBUUIFTBNFUJNF 3FBMMZ ZPVMMOFWFS OFFEUPSFNPWFUIFTQBDFQBDLGSPNZPVSQIPOF 3FDIBSHFBCMFGPSPWFSGVMMDZDMFT0VSDBTF is built to last, letting you do more, longer. 4NBSUCBUUFSZUFDIOPMPHZBDUVBMMZJOTUSVDUTUIF J1ad UP ESBJO QPXFS PVU PG UIF TQBDF QBDL first. When your space packâs battery is empty, ZPVDBOTUJMMIBWFBGVMMZDIBSHFEJ1ad 5IFTQBDFQBDLPGGFSTDPNQMFUFQSPUFDUJPOGSPN top to bottom. No more choosing between protection and power. #VJMUJOTIPSUDJSDVJU PWFSDIBSHF BOEUFNQFSBUVSF protection, letting you charge with confidence. 4BGFUZ'JSTU Compatibility space pack is designed and intended solely for the "QQMFJ1ad mini1MFBTFEPOPUBUUFNQUto use it with any other device. Installing your space pack *NQPSUBOU :PV NVTU IBWF UIF NPQIJF 4QBDF "QQ JOTUBMMFE PO ZPVS JPad CFGPSF ZPV DBO VTF ZPVS TQBDF QBDLT (# PS (# TUPSBHF 5IF BQQ JT DPNQBUJCMFXJUIJ04BOEOFXFSPQFSBUJOHTZTUFNT BOEJTBWBJMBCMFGPSGSFFBUUIF"QQ4UPSF(PBIFBE and install it now; weâll wait. Charging your space pack Your space pack comes charged and ready to go. When it does need charging, use the supplied micro 64# DBCMF UP DPOOFDU JU UP ZPVS DPNQVUFS PS BOZ QPXFSTPVSDFXJUIB64#PVU MJLFUIF64#XBMMBEBQUPS JODMVEFEXJUIZPVSJ1ad/PSNBMDIBSHJOHTIPVME UBLFPOMZUXPPSUISFFIPVSTGPSNBYJNVNQPXFS Checking your space packâs charging status 1SFTTZPVSTQBDFQBDLTTUBUVTCVUUPOBOEUIFTUBUVT -&%TXJMMJOEJDBUFJUTDIBSHFMFWFM'PVS-&%TNFBOT UIBUUIFTQBDFQBDLJTGVMMZDIBSHFE XIJMFPOF-&% means that itâs almost empty. Know before you go. Charging your iPad using your space pack 5P DIBSHF ZPVS JPad GSPN ZPVS TQBDF QBDL TMJEF the space packâs standby switch so the green indicator is visible. Taking care of your space pack: ,FFQ ZPVS TQBDF QBDL ESZ BOE BXBZ GSPN moisture and corrosive materials. %P OPU DMFBO ZPVS TQBDF QBDL XJUI IBSTI chemicals, soaps or detergents. Just wipe the DBTF XJUI B TPGU XBUFSEBNQFOFE DMPUI8JQF the pins gently with a soft, dry cloth. 3FDIBSHF ZPVS TQBDF QBDL PODF FWFSZ UISFF months when not in use. If you plan on putting it away, charge it for one hour first. Using the Space App 5IF4QBDF"QQHJWFTZPVDPOUSPMPGZPVSTQBDFQBDLT photo and video viewers, music and movie players and storage functions, so you can do more with all your stuff. *.1035"/5#FGPSFZPVDBOVTFUIF4QBDF"QQZPV must first press the status button on the back of space pack to allow the app to access the space packâs storage. " i1SFTT UIF CVUUPOyw message will appear on the app screen if you launch the app before pressing the status button. 4FFSettings: Sleep Mode, on page 33, for more information. Note: The app screens that appear in this user guide may differ slightly in appearance from those in the BDUVBM4QBDF"QQ Storing Files in your space pack 8IFOZPVGJSTUMBVODIUIF4QBDF"QQUIF)PNFTDSFFO XJMMBQQFBS5IF)PNFTDSFFOBVUPNBUJDBMMZPSHBOJ[FT all the files stored in your space pack into different collections according to their file types, giving you a quick and easy way to access all your stuff. Camera Button Settings Button Stored Item Collection Buttons All Files Button Clear Recent Files Button Recent Files Battery Charge Indicator Storage Bar /PUF"GUFSZPVUSBOTGFSGJMFTJOUPZPVSTQBDFQBDL UIF 4QBDF"QQXJMMQFSGPSNBTDBOBOEBTTJHOUIFOFXGJMFT JOUP DPMMFDUJPOT TFF Playing and Viewing Stored Files, POQBHF 5IFTQBDFQBDLNBZMPBEQIPUPT NVTJD and videos a bit more slowly until the scan is complete. 11 5IF )PNF TDSFFO BMTP DPOUBJOT BO "MM 'JMFT CVUUPO XIJDI MFUT ZPV BDDFTT BOE PSHBOJ[F BMM PG UIF GJMFT TUPSFE JO ZPVS TQBDF QBDL 4FF Managing files in space pack, on page 16, for more information about UIF"MM'JMFTCVUUPO Importing files into space pack from your computer You can import files into your space pack from your computer the same way you would import them JOUPB64#GMBTIESJWF:PVDBOJNQPSUBOZUZQFPGGJMF from your computer into your space pack, but each JOEJWJEVBMGJMFNVTUCF(#PSTNBMMFSJOTJ[F 5IF J1ad EPFT OPU OFFE UP CF JOTFSUFE JO UIF space pack while youâre importing files from the computer, but both sections of the space pack must be assembled together. To import files: 6TF UIF TVQQMJFE NJDSP 64# DBCMF UP DPOOFDU UIFTQBDFQBDLUPB64#QPSUPOZPVSDPNQVUFS "i$POOFDUFEwTDSFFOXJMMBQQFBSPOUIFJ1ad JGJUJTJOTFSUFEJOUIFTQBDFQBDLBOEUIF4QBDF "QQJTSVOOJOH 6TF UIF DPNQVUFST GJMF EJSFDUPSZ UP NPWF UIF desired files/folders from your computer into TQBDF QBDL TQBDF QBDL XJMM BQQFBS JO UIF DPNQVUFSTGJMFEJSFDUPSZBTi41"$&1"$,w 12 3. You can also import attachments from emails ZPVIBWFTBWFEJOZPVSJ1ad QSFTTBOEIPME POBOBUUBDINFOUDIPPTFi0QFOJOwBOETFMFDU i4QBDF "QQw BOE JUFNT WJB SEQBSUZ BQQT PO ZPVSJ1ad UBQi4IBSFwPOBOJUFNUBQi0QFO *OywBOETFMFDUi4QBDF"QQw /PUF :PV DBOOPU BDDFTT UIF 4QBDF "QQ XIJMF UIF space pack is connected to your computer. "GUFSUIFZBSFJNQPSUFE GJMFTBOEGPMEFSTXJMMCFMJTUFE JOUIF4QBDF"QQVOEFSUIFTBNFOBNFTUIFZIBEJO ZPVSDPNQVUFS .VTJDGJMFOBNFTBSFEFUFSNJOFECZ UIFJSNFUBEBUB BOENBZOPUNBUDIUIFJSGJMFOBNFT Importing photos and videos into your space pack from your iPad You can import the following items from your J1adJOUPZPVSTQBDFQBDL1IPUPTBOEWJEFPTZPV UPPL XJUI UIF J1ad DBNFSB FNBJM BUUBDINFOUT BOEJUFNTWJBSEQBSUZBQQT 5P JNQPSU QIPUPT BOE WJEFPT UBQ UIF i1IPUPTw DPMMFDUJPO CVUUPO PO UIF )PNF TDSFFO XIFO UIF 1IPUPT TDSFFO BQQFBST UBQ UIF i$BNFSB 4ZODw CVUUPO JO UIF CPUUPN NFOV CBS 5IFi"EEw CVUUPO BOE i$BNFSB 4ZODw TXJUDI XJMM BQQFBS HJWJOH ZPV two ways you can import photos and videos into your space pack: 13 Add Button Camera Sync Switch Camera Sync Button To manually import photos and videos: 5BQUIF"EECVUUPO 4FMFDUBOJ1adDBNFSBSPMM 4FMFDUFBDIQIPUPPSWJEFPZPVXBOUUPJNQPSU into your space pack. 5BQ UIFi4ZODw CVUUPO UIBU BQQFBST XIFO ZPV select files. The selected files will be imported into the space pack. 14 To automatically import new photos and videos: 4MJEF UIF $BNFSB 4ZOD TXJUDI UP UIF SJHIU HSFFO space pack will import all photos and videos from UIFJ1adUIBUIBWFOPUBMSFBEZCFFOJNQPSUFE *G ZPV MFBWF UIF $BNFSB 4ZOD TXJUDI TFU UP HSFFO FWFSZ UJNF ZPV MBVODI UIF 4QBDF "QQ JU XJMM automatically import any new photos and videos ZPV IBWF TBWFE JO ZPVS J1ad TJODF UIF MBTU UJNF you imported photos and videos. Note: You cannot manually import photos and videos when the $BNFSB4ZODTXJUDIJTTFUUPHSFFO The first time you import photos or videos, space QBDLXJMMBVUPNBUJDBMMZDSFBUFBGPMEFSOBNFEi%$*.w DPOUBJOJOH B TVCGPMEFS OBNFEi4:/$ w XIFSF all imported photos and videos will be stored. You can move the photos and videos into other folders TFFManaging files in space pack POQBHF *.1035"/5:PVSTQBDFQBDLEPFTOPUBVUPNBUJDBMMZ delete the original photos and videos from your J1adBGUFSJUJNQPSUTUIFN*GZPVNBOVBMMZEFMFUF UIF PSJHJOBM QIPUPT BOE WJEFPT GSPN ZPVS J1ad your space pack increases the amount of storage TQBDFBWBJMBCMFPOZPVSJ1adGPSPUIFSGJMFT*GZPV MFBWFUIFPSJHJOBMQIPUPTBOEWJEFPTPOZPVSJ1ad ZPVSTQBDFQBDLBDUTMJLFBCBDLVQESJWFGPSUIFN 15 Backing-up your space pack "T XJUI BOZ EFWJDF UIBU TUPSFT JNQPSUBOU GJMFT ZPV should regularly back up the contents of your space QBDLUPBOPUIFSEFWJDF UZQJDBMMZZPVSDPNQVUFS 5IJT will allow you to restore your space pack in the unlikely event that something happens to your stored items. #BDLJOHVQZPVSTQBDFQBDLJTFBTZ 6TF UIF TVQQMJFE NJDSP64# DBCMF UP DPOOFDU ZPVSTQBDFQBDLUPZPVSDPNQVUFS *UXJMMTIPX VQBTBSFNPWBCMFESJWFOBNFEi41"$&1"$,w $PQZ UIF GJMFT JOUP B GPMEFS PO ZPVS DPNQVUFS the same as you would transfer from a thumb ESJWF 8F TVHHFTU OBNJOH UIF GPMEFS iTQBDF QBDL#BDLVQ wPSTJNJMBS 8FTVHHFTUCBDLJOHVQZPVSTQBDFQBDLFWFSZUJNFZPV USBOTGFSGJMFTJOUPJUGSPNUIFJ1adPSGSPNBDPNQVUFS Managing files in space pack 0ODF ZPV IBWF GJMFT TUPSFE JO ZPVS TQBDF QBDL ZPV DBO VTF UIF "MM 'JMFT TDSFFO UP TFU VQ ZPVS PXO GJMF management system by creating folders and moving GJMFTCFUXFFOGPMEFST5BQUIF"MM'JMFTCVUUPOPOUIF )PNFTDSFFOUPEJTQMBZUIF"MM'JMFTTDSFFO 5IF "MM 'JMFT TDSFFO DBO EJTQMBZ GJMFT TPSUFE CZ OBNF GJMFTJ[F GJMFUZQFPSUIFEBUFUIFGJMFXBTMBTU NPEJGJFE5BQUIF4PSUCVUUPOJOUIFCPUUPNNFOV bar to change the sort criteria. 16 To create a new folder: 5BQi4FMFDU w UIFO UBQ UIF New Folder icon that appears at the bottom of the screen. 2. When the keypad appears, use it to type a folder name BOEUIFOUBQi$SFBUFw To move, share, rename or delete an item: 5BQ i4FMFDUw PO UIF "MM 'JMFT TDSFFO BOE UIFO TFMFDU BOZ OVNCFS PG GJMFT DIFDLNBSLT XJMM BQQFBS OFYU UP UIF TFMFDUFE GJMFT "GUFS ZPV select at least one file the move, share, rename and delete icons will appear in the bottom menu bar. 2. Tap the desired icon and follow the screen QSPNQUT UP QFSGPSN UIF BDUJPO 'PS EFUBJMT about sharing files, see Sharing Files, on page /PUFi3FOBNFw POMZ CFDPNFT BWBJMBCMF JG you select a single item. 17 Selected Item Share Icon Delete Icon Move Icon Rename Icon Playing and Viewing Stored Files To make it quick and easy to do more with your stuff, your space pack automatically sorts all the files you store in it into the following collections: 1IPUPT QIPUPT BOE J1ad WJEFPT 7JEFPT .VTJD %PDVNFOUTBOE0UIFS'JMFT 18 'JMFT BSF BVUPNBUJDBMMZ DBUFHPSJ[FE BDDPSEJOH UP UIFJSGJMFUZQFT 4FFFile Types by Collection, on page GPSBDPNQMFUFMJTUPGGJMFUZQFTCZDPMMFDUJPO 5BQ a collection button to display thumbnails or a list of all stored files in that collection. Viewing photos and videos 5BQ UIF 1IPUPT CVUUPO UP PQFO UIF WJFXFS BOE display thumbnails of all pictures stored on your TQBDF QBDL BOE BMM WJEFPT TIPU XJUI UIF J1ad camera that are stored on your space pack, sorted by their date tags. Tap the buttons at the top of the screen to display thumbnails of photos, videos or both. Note: Thumbnails may take a moment to load. Display Photos, Videos or All Items Photo Thumbnail Video Thumbnail 19 Progress Bar Elapsed Time Play/Pause Share Video Mark Video as a Favorite Remaining Time Delete Video Tapping a thumbnail will display the photo or launch UIF1IPUPTWJEFPQMBZFSBOEQMBZUIFWJEFP /PUF 5IF 1IPUPT 7JEFP 1MBZFS XPSLT JO CPUI landscape and portrait orientations. 5BQ UIF 4FMFDU CVUUPO PO UIF UIVNCOBJM TDSFFO to reveal the bottom menu bar, containing share, GBWPSJUF BOE EFMFUF JDPOT 4FMFDU BOZ OVNCFS PG GJMFT DIFDLNBSLT XJMM BQQFBS PO UIF TFMFDUFE UIVNCOBJMT UIFO UBQ UIF EFTJSFE JDPO BOE GPMMPX UIF TDSFFO QSPNQUT UP QFSGPSN UIF BDUJPO 'PS details about sharing files, see Sharing Files, on QBHF Playing videos 5BQ UIF 7JEFPT CVUUPO PO UIF )PNF TDSFFO UP PQFO the video list and display thumbnails of all video files that are stored on your space pack, sorted by their date tags. Tap a thumbnail to launch the video player and play UIFWJEFP 5IF7JEFP1MBZFS works in both landscape BOEQPSUSBJUPSJFOUBUJPOT Total Time Elapsed Time Mark Video as a Favorite Progress Bar Share Video Play/Pause Skip Forward Skip Backward Volume Control Note: The space pack cannot open movies you QVSDIBTFE UISPVHI J5VOFT 6TF J5VOFT UP USBOTGFS UIFNPWJFJOUPZPVSJ1adBOEXBUDIJUVTJOHUIF J1adTWJFXFS 5BQ UIF 4FMFDU CVUUPO PO UIF UIVNCOBJM TDSFFO to reveal the bottom menu bar, containing share, 21 GBWPSJUF SFOBNFBOEEFMFUFJDPOT4FMFDUBOZOVNCFS PG GJMFT DIFDLNBSLT XJMM BQQFBS PO UIF TFMFDUFE UIVNCOBJMT UIFO UBQ UIF EFTJSFE JDPO BOE GPMMPX UIF TDSFFO QSPNQUT UP QFSGPSN UIF BDUJPO 'PS details about sharing files, see Sharing Files, on page :PVDBOBMTPBDDFTTUIFTFGVODUJPOTCZTXJQJOH a video thumbnail in the video collection screen. /PUFi3FOBNFwPOMZCFDPNFTBWBJMBCMFJGZPVTFMFDU a single item. Playing music 5BQUIF.VTJDCVUUPOPOUIF)PNFTDSFFOUPPQFO UIF .VTJD MJTU XIJDI EJTQMBZT BMM UIF NVTJD GJMFT stored on your space pack, sorted by artist, album or TPOHUJUMF5BQUIF"SUJTUT "MCVNTBOE4POHTCVUUPOT in the bottom menu bar to change the sort criteria. 22 t t t In Artists view: Tap an artist to display all albums by that artist in alphabetical order, by title. Tap a song to play the album through from that song to the end. In Albums view: Tap an album to display its songs; tap a song to play the album through from that song to the end. In Songs view: Tap a song to play all stored songs in alphabetical order, starting with the selected song and ending with the last song in the alphabetical list. No matter how you selected it, when a song begins QMBZJOHUIF/PX1MBZJOHTDSFFOXJMMBQQFBS Progress Bar AirPlay Button Elapsed Time Remaining Time Album Artwork Skip Back Button Skip Forward Button Play/Pause Button Volume Control Repeat Button Share this Song Shuffle Button 23 Mark Song as a Favorite 5BQ UIF %POF CVUUPO UP EJTNJTT UIF /PX 1MBZJOH TDSFFO BOE SFUVSO UP UIF QSFWJPVT "MCVNT "SUJTUT PS4POHT TDSFFO "TUBUVTCBSXJMMBQQFBSBUUIFCPUUPNPGUIFTDSFFO displaying the title and artist of the currently playing song. Tap the song title/artist name to return to the Now 1MBZJOHTDSFFOUBQUIFi9wUPTUPQQMBZJOHUIFTPOH and dismiss the status bar. 5BQ UIF 4FMFDU CVUUPO UP SFWFBM UIF CPUUPN NFOV CBS DPOUBJOJOHUIFTIBSF GBWPSJUF BWBJMBCMFPOMZJO 4POHWJFX BOEEFMFUFJDPOT4FMFDUBOZOVNCFSPG GJMFT DIFDLNBSLT XJMM BQQFBS OFYU UP UIF TFMFDUFE GJMFOBNFT UIFOUBQUIFEFTJSFEJDPOBOEGPMMPXUIF TDSFFO QSPNQUT UP QFSGPSN UIF BDUJPO 'PS EFUBJMT about sharing files, see Sharing Files PO QBHF You can also access these functions by swiping a file in one of the music collection screens. 24 Viewing documents 5BQ UIF %PDVNFOUT CVUUPO PO UIF )PNF TDSFFO UP display a list of all document GJMFT UFYU TQSFBETIFFU FUD stored in your space pack, sorted alphabetically. Tap an item to display it. /PUF 5P CF EJTQMBZFE UIF documentâs file format must CFTVQQPSUFECZUIFJ1ad *GUIFJ1adDBOOPUEJTQMBZ the item, you may be able to EJTQMBZJUXJUIBSEQBSUZBQQZPVJOTUBMMFE4FMFDU UIFJUFN UBQUIF4IBSFCVUUPO UBQi0QFO*OywBOE TFMFDUUIFBQQGSPNUIFMJTUUIBUBQQFBST 5BQ UIF 4FMFDU CVUUPO UP SFWFBM UIF CPUUPN NFOV bar, containing the share, favorite, rename and EFMFUFJDPOT4FMFDUBOZOVNCFSPGGJMFT DIFDLNBSLT XJMMBQQFBSOFYUUPUIFTFMFDUFEGJMFOBNFT UIFOUBQ the desired icon and follow the screen prompts to QFSGPSNUIFBDUJPO 'PSEFUBJMTBCPVUTIBSJOHGJMFT see Sharing Files PO QBHF :PV DBO BMTP BDDFTT these functions by swiping a document thumbnail JO UIF EPDVNFOU DPMMFDUJPO TDSFFO /PUFi3FOBNFw only becomes available if you select a single item. 25 Other files 5BQQJOHUIFi0UIFSwCVUUPOEJTQMBZTBMJTUPGBMMGJMFT that donât fall into the above four collections, sorted by the dates they were imported into the space QBDL5BQBOJUFNUPEJTQMBZJU /PUF5PCFEJTQMBZFE the itemâs file format must be supported by an app JOTUBMMFEPOUIFJ1ad 5BQ UIF 4FMFDU CVUUPO UP SFWFBM UIF CPUUPN NFOV bar, containing share, favorite, rename and delete JDPOT 4FMFDU BOZ OVNCFS PG GJMFT DIFDLNBSLT XJMM BQQFBS OFYU UP UIF TFMFDUFE GJMF OBNFT UIFO UBQ the desired icon and follow the screen prompts to QFSGPSNUIFBDUJPO 'PSEFUBJMTBCPVUTIBSJOHGJMFT see Sharing Files PO QBHF :PV DBO BMTP BDDFTT these functions by swiping a file thumbnail in the 0UIFS 'JMFT DPMMFDUJPO TDSFFO /PUFi3FOBNFw POMZ becomes available if you select a single item. Searching for files 1VMMEPXOPOUIF)PNFTDSFFO UIF"MM'JMFTTDSFFO PSBOZDPMMFDUJPOTDSFFOUPSFWFBMUIF4FBSDICBS5BQ UIFCBSUPEJTQMBZUIF4FBSDITDSFFO XIFSFZPVDBO search for files and folders by keyword. 26 Search Bar Search Results &OUFSZPVSLFZXPSEBOEUBQi4FBSDIw:PVSLFZXPSE BQQFBSTJOUIF4FBSDICBSBOEUIFTFBSDISFTVMUTBSF listed below it. 5BQBTFBSDISFTVMUJUFNUPEJTQMBZJU 5BQQJOHBGPMEFS EJTQMBZTJUTDPOUFOUTUBQBDPOUFOUJUFNUPEJTQMBZJU Taking Photos and Videos 5IF4QBDF"QQDBNFSBGVODUJPOMFUTZPVUBLFQIPUPT BOEWJEFPTXJUIUIFJ1adDBNFSBUIBUXJMMCFTBWFE directly into the space packâs storage, preserving TQBDFJOZPVSJ1ad :PVEPOUOFFEUPJNQPSUUIF QIPUPTJOUPUIFTQBDFQBDLBGUFSZPVUBLFUIFN 27 5BQ UIF $BNFSB CVUUPO PO UIF )PNF TDSFFO UP BDUJWBUFUIF4QBDF"QQDBNFSBDPOUSPMTDSFFO PHOTO MODE VIDEO MODE Flash Mode Button Light Mode Button Elapsed Time Camera/ FaceTime Mode Button Photo/Video Camera Mode Shutter/Record Button View Most Recent Photo/Video 8IFOZPVUBLFQIPUPTPSWJEFPTVTJOHUIF4QBDF"QQ camera function they will be stored only in the space QBDLTi%$*.wGPMEFS OPUJOZPVSJ1ad:PVDBONPWF photos and videos from your space pack to your J1adCZTFMFDUJOHUIFJUFNTBOEUBQQJOHUIF4IBSF JDPO UIFO UBQQJOHi4BWF *NBHFw:PV DBO BMTP NPWF photos and videos into other folders within the space QBDL TFFManaging files in space pack POQBHF 28 Favorites/Sharing Files Favorites You can mark any item you are viewing or listening to as a Favorite, for easy recall at any time. To mark an item as a Favorite, tap the star icon that appears on the bottom menu bar Favorites while youâre viewing or playing the item. Thumbnails and icons of files that you marked as 'BWPSJUFTXJMMIBWFBOJOEJDBUPSJOUIFVQQFSSJHIUDPSOFS Items Marked as Favorites Your space pack keeps a separate Favorites list for FBDIJUFNDPMMFDUJPO QIPUPT NVTJD FUD To display the collectionâs Favorites list, tap the Favorites icon that appears in the bottom menu bar of the collectionâs viewer screen. 29 Display Collection Favorites List 5BQ UIF 4FMFDU CVUUPO PO BOZ 'BWPSJUFT MJTU TDSFFO to reveal the bottom menu bar, containing share BOEEFMFUFJDPOT4FMFDUBOZOVNCFSPGGJMFT DIFDL NBSLT XJMM BQQFBS PO PS OFYU UP UIF TFMFDUFE GJMF OBNFT UIFO UBQ UIF EFTJSFE JDPO BOE GPMMPX UIF TDSFFO QSPNQUT UP QFSGPSN UIF BDUJPO 'PS EFUBJMT about sharing files, see Sharing Files POQBHF To remove an item from the Favorites list, tap the star icon while viewing or listening to the item. The star will change from solid to outline, indicating that the item is no longer marked as a Favorite. Note: Tapping UIF h%FMFUFh CVUUPO XJMM EFMFUF UIF JUFN GSPN UIF space pack, not delete it from the Favorites list. Sharing Files "UBOZUJNFZPVDBOTIBSFVQUPJUFNTTUPSFEJO ZPVSTQBDFQBDLUPUBMJOHVQUP.#WJB t 4PDJBMNFEJB TVDIBT 'BDFCPPL 5XJUUFS t 5IF$MPVE TVDIBT (PPHMF%SJWF %SPQCPY t %JSFDUDPOUBDU TVDIBT FNBJM UFYUNFTTBHF Note: You must have already established your Facebook, 5XJUUFS %SPQCPYPS(PPHMF%SJWFBDDPVOU To share an item: 0OUIF)PNFTDSFFO UBQUIFDPMMFDUJPOPGUIF JUFN T ZPVXBOUUPTIBSF 2. The list screen for that collection will appear. 5BQUIF4FMFDUCVUUPO 4FMFDU UIF JUFN T ZPV XJTI UP TIBSF " DIFDL NBSLXJMMBQQFBSOFYUUPUIFOBNFPGFBDIJUFN you select. 5BQ UIF 4IBSF JDPO PO UIF CPUUPN NFOV CBS The sharing screen will appear. 5. Tap the icon for the way you want to share the item and follow the screen prompts. Note: You can also share any item you are viewing or MJTUFOJOHUPCZUBQQJOHUIF4IBSFJDPOUIBUBQQFBST in the bottom menu bar when the item is open. 31 Other Home Screen Items Recent Files :PVSMBTUWJFXFEPSQMBZFEGJMFTBSFEJTQMBZFEJO UIJTTFDUJPOPGUIF)PNFTDSFFOGPSFBTZSFDBMM5BQ BO JUFN UP EJTQMBZ JU5BQi$BODFMw UP EFMFUF BMM UIF listed files and refresh the list. Storage bar 5IF)PNFTDSFFOT4UPSBHFCBSJOEJDBUFTIPXNVDI of space packâs storage is being used. Tap anywhere on the bottom menu bar to display UIF 4UBUVT TDSFFO XIJDI QSFTFOUT UIF TUPSBHF information in more detail. The colors represent the amount of space occupied by each item type: 1IPUPT 7JEFPT .VTJD %PDVNFOUT 0UIFSGJMFT 32 Battery charge indicator The battery charge indicatorâs four dots indicate UIFTBNFBTUIF-&%DIBSHFTUBUVTJOEJDBUPSTPOUIF back of the space pack case: Four dots means that the space packâs battery is fully charged; three dots means itâs mostly charged; two dots means itâs partly charged and one dot means that itâs almost empty. Settings Tap the gear icon on the )PNF TDSFFO UP EJTQMBZ UIF TQBDF QBDLT 4FUUJOHT screen. Sleep Mode: Whenever the 4QBDF "QQ JT SVOOJOH UIF space packâs electronics must be âawake,â drawing power from the space pack CBUUFSZ "GUFS ZPV MBVODI the app, it will continue UP SVO JO UIF CBDLHSPVOE FWFO BGUFS ZPV NJOJNJ[F it and switch to a different app. To conserve the TQBDF QBDLT CBUUFSZ QPXFS UIF 4MFFQ .PEF XJMM automatically shut off the space packâs electronics BOE RVJU UIF 4QBDF "QQ BGUFS UIF BQQ IBT CFFO JOBDUJWF GPS PS NJOVUFT JODMVEJOH XIFO SVOOJOHJOUIFCBDLHSPVOE 33 Camera Sync: This provides another way to set UIF $BNFSB 4ZOD TXJUDI *G ZPV MFBWF JU TFU UP PO HSFFO FWFSZUJNFZPVMBVODIUIF4QBDF"QQJUXJMM automatically import any new photos and videos ZPV IBWF TBWFE JO ZPVS J1ad TJODF UIF MBTU UJNF you imported photos. Register Product: Tap this to register your space pack. Send Feedback: Tap this to send an email request to mophie for help with your space pack. mophie Products: Tap this to go to About: 5BQUIJTGPSJOGPSNBUJPOBCPVUUIF4QBDF"QQ Support: 5BQ UIJT UP DPOOFDU UP NPQIJFT POMJOF support page. Firmware Update: Tap this to see if your space pack has the latest firmware version. If it doesn't, follow the prompts to install the latest version. Reset: Tapping this presents two options: t $MFBS-PDBM$BDIF5IJTPQUJPOSFNPWFTBMMEBUB from the local cache. t 'BDUPSZ 3FTFU 5IJT PQUJPO EFMFUFT BMM PG ZPVS content from your space pack and restores it to JUTGBDUPSZTIJQQFEDPOEJUJPO 34 File Types by Collection 5IF 4QBDF "QQT )PNF TDSFFO XJMM BVUPNBUJDBMMZ DBUFHPSJ[FUIFGPMMPXJOHGJMFUZQFTJOUPDPMMFDUJPOT Photos Collection CNQ DNY DPE DPO DVS HJG JFG KGJG KQF KQFH KQH NPW QCN QHN QON QQN SBT SHC TWH YCN YQN YXE Videos Collection HQ BTG BTS BTY BWJ MTG MTY NW NPWJF NQ NQ mpa, mpe, mpeg, mpg, mpv2, qt Music Collection aif, aifc, aiff, au, caf, m3u, mid, mp3, ra, ram, rmi, snd, wav Documents Collection CBT D DQQ DTT EPD EPDY FUY I IUD IUN IUNM IUU LFZ N NN OVNCFST QBHFT QEG QQT QQTY QQU QQUY SUG SUY TDU TUN UTW UYU VMT WDG YMT YMTY 5IF4QBDF"QQXJMMDBUFHPSJ[FBMMGJMFUZQFTOPUMJTUFE BCPWFBTi0UIFS'JMFTw 35 Warranty "U NPQIJF XF BSF EFEJDBUFE UP NBLJOH UIF CFTU quality products we can. To back this up, your mophie space pack is warranted for 1 full year from the date of purchase. This warranty does not affect any statutory rights that you may be entitled to. Keep a copy of your purchase receipt as proof PG QVSDIBTF #F TVSF UP SFHJTUFS ZPVS QSPEVDU BU Failure to register your product and/ or provide proof of purchase may void the warranty. Customer Service 5FMFQIPOFNPQIJF *OUFSOBUJPOBM Web: 4FSWJDF)PVSTBNUPQN.'&45 Warning/Legal Warning 3FBEBMMJOTUSVDUJPOTBOEXBSOJOHTQSJPSUPVTJOHUIJT product. Improper use of this product may result in QSPEVDU EBNBHF FYDFTT IFBU UPYJD GVNFT GJSF PS FYQMPTJPO GPSXIJDIEBNBHFTZPV i1VSDIBTFSw BOE OPUNPQIJF --$ i.BOVGBDUVSFSw BSFSFTQPOTJCMF 1 %P OPU TUPSF CBUUFSZ JO IJHI UFNQFSBUVSF environment, including heat caused by intense TVOMJHIU %P OPU QMBDF CBUUFSZ JO GJSF PS PUIFS 36 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 FYDFTTJWFMZIPUFOWJSPONFOUT #F DBVUJPVT PG FYDFTTJWF ESPQT CVNQT abrasions, or other impacts to this battery. If there is any damage to the battery such as dents, punctures, tears, deformities, or corrosion EVF UP BOZ DBVTF EJTDPOUJOVF VTF $POUBDU .BOVGBDUVSFSPSEJTQPTFPGJUJOBOBQQSPQSJBUF NBOOFSBUZPVSMPDBMCBUUFSZSFDZDMJOHDFOUFS %POPUEJTBTTFNCMFUIJTCBUUFSZPSBUUFNQUUP SFQVSQPTFPSNPEJGZJUJOBOZNBOOFS %P OPU FYQPTF UIJT CBUUFSZ UP NPJTUVSF PS submerge it in liquid. Keep battery dry at all times. %P OPU BUUFNQU UP DIBSHF CBUUFSZ VTJOH BOZ method, apparatus, or connection other than UIF EFWJDFT 64# DPOOFDUPS 'PS RVFTUJPOT PS instructions for the various ways to charge the space pack refer to this manualâs Charging your space pack section. %POPUBUUFNQUUPSFQMBDFBOZQBSUPGUIJTCBUUFSZ *G UIJT CBUUFSZ JT JOUFOEFE CZ 1VSDIBTFS UP CF used by a minor, purchasing adult agrees to provide detailed instructions and warnings to any minor prior to use. Failure to do so is TPMFSFTQPOTJCJMJUZPG1VSDIBTFS XIPBHSFFTUP JOEFNOJGZ .BOVGBDUVSFS GPS BOZ VOJOUFOEFE use/misuse by a minor. "MMCBUUFSJFTIBWFHPOFUISPVHIBUIPSPVHIRVBMJUZ assurance inspection. If you find that your battery JT FYDFTTJWFMZ IPU JT FNJUUJOH PEPS JT EFGPSNFE 37 1 BCSBEFE DVU PSJTFYQFSJFODJOHPSEFNPOTUSBUJOH an abnormal phenomenon, immediately stop all CBUUFSZVTFBOEDPOUBDU.BOVGBDUVSFS #FGPSFQVUUJOHZPVSTQBDFQBDLBXBZGPSBMPOH period of time, charge it for one hour. Never dispose of batteries in the garbage. %JTQPTBMPGCBUUFSJFTJOUIFHBSCBHFJTVOMBXGVM under state and federal environmental laws and SFHVMBUJPOT"MXBZTUBLFVTFECBUUFSJFTUPZPVS MPDBMCBUUFSZSFDZDMJOHDFOUFS This product contains chemicals that are known UP UIF TUBUF PG $BMJGPSOJB UP DBVTF DBODFS BOE birth defects or other reproductive harm. Legal This battery is meant for use only in conjunction with UIFBQQSPQSJBUFNPCJMFEFWJDF1MFBTFDPOTVMUZPVS device packaging to determine whether this battery is compatible with your particular mobile device. .BOVGBDUVSFSJTOPUSFTQPOTJCMFGPSBOZEBNBHFTUPBOZ mobile device incurred through the use of this product. .BOVGBDUVSFS TIBMM OPU JO BOZ XBZ CF MJBCMF UP ZPV or to any third party for any damages you or any third party may suffer as a result of use, intended or unintended, or misuse of this battery in conjunction with any device or accessory other than the appropriate mobile device for which this battery JT EFTJHOFE .BOVGBDUVSFS XJMM OPU CF SFTQPOTJCMF 38 for any damages you or any third party may suffer as a result of misuse of this battery as outlined above. If you are responsible for battery use with an unintended mobile device and damages result from TVDIVTF ZPVBHSFFUPJOEFNOJGZ.BOVGBDUVSFSGPS BOZSFTVMUJOHJOKVSJFTUPBOZUIJSEQBSU JFT NPQIJF TQBDF QBDL UIF 4QBDF "QQ JDPO %P NPSF NPQIJFMPWFTZPV iNPSFUJNFUPSPDL UBML TVSG BOE TFOEw UIFiSPDLUBMLTVSGTFOEwJDPOTBOEUIFNPQIJF MPHPBSFSFHJTUFSFEJOUIF641BUFOUBOE5SBEFNBSL 0GGJDF BOE BSF SFHJTUFSFE BOE QFOEJOH JO PUIFS DPVOUSJFTJ1ad J5VOFTBOE-JHIUOJOHBSFUSBEFNBSLT PG"QQMF*OD"QQ4UPSFJTBTFSWJDFNBSLPG"QQMF*OD "MMSJHIUTSFTFSWFE1BUFOUTNPQIJFDPNQBUFOUT 5IJTEFWJDFDPNQMJFTXJUIQBSUPGUIF'$$3VMFT BOE344(FOPG*$3VMFT0QFSBUJPOJTTVCKFDUUPUIF following two conditions: 5IJTEFWJDFNBZOPUDBVTFIBSNGVMJOUFSGFSFODF BOE UIJT EFWJDF NVTU BDDFQU BOZ JOUFSGFSFODF received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. /05& 5IJT FRVJQNFOU IBT CFFO UFTUFE BOE GPVOE UPDPNQMZXJUIUIFMJNJUTGPSB$MBTT#EJHJUBMEFWJDF QVSTVBOUUPQBSUPGUIF'$$3VMFT5IFTFMJNJUTBSF designed to provide reasonable protection against 39 harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful JOUFSGFSFODF UP SBEJP DPNNVOJDBUJPOT )PXFWFS there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: t t t t 3FPSJFOUPSSFMPDBUFUIFSFDFJWJOHBOUFOOB *ODSFBTFUIFTFQBSBUJPOCFUXFFOUIFFRVJQNFOU and receiver. $POOFDU UIF FRVJQNFOU JOUP BO PVUMFU PO B circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. $POTVMUUIFEFBMFSPSBOFYQFSJFODFEUFDIOJDJBO for help. .0%*'*$"5*0/"OZDIBOHFTPSNPEJGJDBUJPOTPGUIJT device could void the warranty. FAQ How does the space pack interface work? 5IF TQBDF QBDL JOUFSGBDF JT B GSFF J04 BQQ DBMMFE UIFNPQIJF4QBDF"QQ*UBMMPXTZPVUPBDDFTTBOE manage the files you store in your space pack. How do I add stuff to my space pack? There are three ways to add items to your space pack: t 5SBOTGFS JUFNT GSPN ZPVS J1ad JOUP ZPVS space pack. You can transfer items from the J1ad $BNFSB 3PMM BUUBDINFOUT GSPN FNBJMT ZPVIBWFTBWFEJOZPVSJ1ad QSFTTBOEIPME POBOBUUBDINFOUDIPPTFi0QFOJOwBOETFMFDU i4QBDF "QQw PS JUFNT WJB SEQBSUZ BQQT PO ZPVSJ1ad UBQi4IBSFwPOBOJUFNUBQi0QFO *OwBOETFMFDUi4QBDF"QQw t 5SBOTGFS JUFNT GSPN ZPVS DPNQVUFS JOUP ZPVS TQBDFQBDL6TFUIFJODMVEFENJDSP64#DBCMFUP connect your space pack to your computer, then VTF8JOEPXT&YQMPSFS 1$ PSUIF'JOEFS .BD to transfer files the same as you would transfer UIFNUPBUIVNCESJWF 8IFOZPVDPOOFDUUIF space pack to the computer it will show up as a SFNPWBCMFESJWFOBNFEi41"$&1"$,w t 6TF UIF 4QBDF "QQT DBNFSB GVODUJPO UP UBLF photos. Those photos are automatically saved EJSFDUMZJOUPUIFTQBDFQBDLTi%$*.wGPMEFS 41 I just transferred a bunch of photos from my iPadâs Camera Roll into my space pack, but when I tap the All Files icon I canât find them. Whereâd they go? The transferred items are automatically placed inside BGPMEFSOBNFEi4:/$ wXIJDIJTJOTJEFUIFi%$*.w i%JHJUBM$BNFSB*.BHFTw GPMEFS:PVDBOVTFUIF4QBDF "QQUPDSFBUFZPVSPXOGPMEFSTJOZPVSTQBDFQBDLBOE move the transferred photos into them at any time. How do I transfer the music from my iPad into my space pack? :PV DBOU USBOTGFS NVTJD EJSFDUMZ GSPN ZPVS J1ad into your space pack, but you can transfer it into your space pack from your computer via the included NJDSP64#DBCMF"GUFSDPOOFDUJOHZPVSTQBDFQBDL UPUIFDPNQVUFS VTF8JOEPXT&YQMPSFS 1$ PSUIF 'JOEFS .BD UPBDDFTTUIFBSUJTUBMCVNGPMEFSTJOTJEF <.Z> .VTJD J5VOFT J5VOFT .FEJB5IFO USBOTGFS your music files into your space pack the same as you would transfer them into a thumb drive. Can I transfer music from other computers to my space pack? :FT :PV DBO VTF UIF JODMVEFE NJDSP 64# DBCMF UP connect your space pack to any computer with NVTJD GJMFT UIFO VTF8JOEPXT &YQMPSFS 1$ PS UIF 'JOEFS .BD UPUSBOTGFSUIFNVTJDGJMFTUIFTBNFBT you would transfer to a thumb drive. 42 I just finished transferring all the photos from my iPadâs Camera Roll into my space pack to free-up storage, but the photos are still on my iPad. Why? 5IF4QBDF"QQDBOUBVUPNBUJDBMMZEFMFUFGJMFTGSPN ZPVS J1ad 5P GSFFVQ TQBDF JO ZPVS J1adT storage youâll need to delete the photos from the J1adT$BNFSB3PMMZPVSTFMGBGUFSZPVUSBOTGFSUIFN into the space pack. I transferred a movie that I bought through iTunes into my space pack. How do I watch it on the Space Appâs viewer? 5IF 4QBDF "QQ DBOU PQFO WJEFPT XJUI %3. %JHJUBM3JHIUT.BOBHFNFOU XIJDIJODMVEFTUIPTF purchased through iTunes. When you sync your phone, you can use iTunes to transfer the movie into ZPVSJ1adBOEXBUDIJUVTJOHUIFJ1adTWJFXFS When I take photos using the Space App camera function, where are they saved? They are automatically saved in your space packâs i%$*.w GPMEFS OPU PO ZPVS J1adT $BNFSB 3PMM XIJDITBWFTTQBDFPOZPVSJ1ad t :PVDBONPWFQIPUPTGSPNZPVSTQBDFQBDLUP ZPVSJ1adCZTFMFDUJOHUIFQIPUPTBOEUBQQJOH UIF4IBSFJDPO UIFOUBQQJOHi4BWF*NBHFw t :PV DBO DPOOFDU ZPVS TQBDF QBDL UP ZPVS DPNQVUFS BOE ESBHBOEESPQ UIF QIPUPT JOUP your computer. 43 How does my space pack organize the stored files into collections? :PVSTQBDFQBDLPSHBOJ[FTZPVSGJMFTCBTFEPOUIFJS GJMFUZQF'PSFYBNQMF BMMBVEJPGJMFTXJMMCFBDDFTTJCMF XIFOZPVUBQUIF.VTJDCVUUPO BMMQIPUPGJMFTXJMMCF BDDFTTJCMFXIFOZPVUBQUIF1IPUPTCVUUPO FUD'PS BDPNQMFUFMJTUPGXIBUGJMFUZQFTXJMMCFPSHBOJ[FE into which collections, see File Types by Collection, on page 35. Why do I have to press the stainless steel battery level button on the back of the space pack every time I want to use the Space App? 5PDPOTFSWFUIFTQBDFQBDLTCBUUFSZ UIF4QBDF"QQ automatically shuts off after it hasnât been used for PSNJOVUFT:PVDBOEFUFSNJOFUIFBNPVOU PG UJNF CZ UBQQJOH UIF HFBS 4FUUJOHT JDPO PO UIF )PNF TDSFFO BOE UBQQJOHi4MFFQ .PEFw8IFOFWFS UIF4QBDF"QQJTBTMFFQZPVOFFEUPQSFTTUIFNFUBM battery level button on the back of the space pack to wake it up. Do I need to back-up the files I store in my space pack? "T XJUI BOZ EFWJDF UIBU TUPSFT JNQPSUBOU GJMFT ZPV should regularly back up the contents of your space QBDL UP BOPUIFS EFWJDF UZQJDBMMZ ZPVS DPNQVUFS This will allow you to restore your space pack in the unlikely event that something happens to your stored items. 44 #BDLJOHVQZPVSTQBDFQBDLJTFBTZ 6TF UIF TVQQMJFE NJDSP64# DBCMF UP DPOOFDU ZPVSTQBDFQBDLUPZPVSDPNQVUFS *UXJMMTIPX VQBTBSFNPWBCMFESJWFOBNFEi41"$&1"$,w $PQZ UIF GJMFT JOUP B GPMEFS PO ZPVS DPNQVUFS the same as you would transfer from a thumb ESJWF 8F TVHHFTU OBNJOH UIF GPMEFS i4QBDF 1BDL#BDLVQ wPSTJNJMBS 8FTVHHFTUCBDLJOHVQZPVSTQBDFQBDLFWFSZUJNFZPV USBOTGFSGJMFTJOUPJUGSPNUIFJ1adPSGSPNBDPNQVUFS If the space pack battery dies, can I still access my files? The space pack has additional battery power SFTFSWFE FYDMVTJWFMZ GPS UIF GJMF TUPSBHF GVODUJPOT PO UPQ PG UIF N"I PG CBUUFSZ QPXFS UIBUhT BWBJMBCMF UP DIBSHF ZPVS QIPOF 4P FWFO JG ZPVS space pack doesn't have enough juice left to charge your phone, it still has enough reserve battery power to keep your files safe. You can then connect your space pack to your computer to access your files and your space pack will immediately begin charging from your computer. To keep everything running smoothly, we suggest giving your space pack a full DIBSHFGSPNBDPNQVUFSPS"$DIBSHJOHBEBQUFSBOZ time you press the metal status button and only one PSUXPPGUIFTUBUVT-&%TMJHIUT 45 What is âOther Files?â 5IFi0UIFS 'JMFTw DPMMFDUJPO XJMM JODMVEF BMM UIF GJMFT in your space pack that are not supported by your J1ad#ZDBSSZJOHUIFTFJUFNTJOZPVSTQBDFQBDL ZPVDBOLFFQUIFNXJUIZPV MJLFBUIVNCESJWF BOE then connect your space pack to a computer and open the items on the computer. Can I sync my iPad with iTunes while itâs installed in the space pack? :FT5IFTQBDFQBDLIBT1BTT5ISPVHI$IBSHFBOE4ZOD which lets you sync to iTunes when the space pack is connected to the computer using the mophie micro 64#DBCMF5IFTQBDFQBDLBMTPMFUTZPVTZODXJSFMFTTMZ How does the extra battery work? When you slide your phone into the case, a connector at the base plugs into the port at the bottom of the phone. Flip the standby switch on the back from red to HSFFOUPTUBSUDIBSHJOHZPVSQIPOF"GUFSVTJOHVQBMM the power in the space pack, just recharge it with the JODMVEFENJDSP64#DBCMFGPSNPSFPOUIFHPQPXFS Why arenât the LEDs blinking while my space pack is charging? "GUFSDPOOFDUJOHUPBQPXFSTPVSDF UIF-&%TUBUVT indicators will start blinking to indicate charging. 5IFMJHIUTXJMMUVSOPGGBGUFSTFDPOETBMMPXJOHGPS B HPPE OJHIUT SFTU 3FNFNCFS UP DIFDL UIF TUBUVT 46 JOEJDBUPSCFGPSFZPVEJTDPOOFDU8IFOBMMGPVS-&%T are lit, your space pack is fully charged. What is the best method for charging my iPad using the space pack? "TTVNJOH UIF J1ad BOE TQBDF QBDL BSF CPUI GVMMZ DIBSHFE XF SFDPNNFOE XBJUJOH VOUJM ZPVS J1ad IBTCBUUFSZMFGU8IFOZPVSFJOUIFSFE GMJQTQBDF packâs standby switch to green and let space pack to EPUIFIFBWZMJGUJOH5IFJ1adSFRVJSFTNPSFQPXFS UPDIBSHFQBTU TPJGZPVXBOUUPHFUUIFHSFBUFTU battery boost from the space pack, we suggest flipping back to standby mode until your phone battery is low BHBJO5IJTJTOUUIFFOEBMMCFBMM CVUXFMJLFJU What is the best method for charging my space pack? $POOFDUZPVSTQBDFQBDLUPBQPXFSTPVSDFVTJOHUIF JODMVEFENJDSP64#DBCMF:PVDBOQMVHUIFDBCMFJOUP ZPVSDPNQVUFSPSBOZi.BEFGPSJ1adwQPXFSTPVSDF XJUIB64#PVU:PVEPOPUOFFEUPSFNPWFZPVSJ1ad from the space pack to charge. In fact, leaving the space pack on your phone while charging will actually DIBSHFCPUIJUBOEZPVSJ1adTJNVMUBOFPVTMZ How many charge cycles do you get out of the space pack? Or, in other words, how long will the space pack last? TQBDF QBDL JT SFDIBSHFBCMF GPS PWFS GVMM DZDMFT " GVMM DZDMF JT XIFO UIF DBTF JT DIBSHFE GSPN 47 UP 1BSUJBM DZDMFT MJLF DIBSHJOH GSPN UP XJMM OPU DPVOU BT B GVMM DZDMF VOUJM BMM PG UIF QBSUJBMTFRVBM"GUFSDZDMFT UIFCBUUFSZJO TQBDFQBDLNBZQSPWJEFMFTTUIBOPGJUTPSJHJOBM capacity. This is normal for any product with a lithium polymer battery. What are the benefits of switching the space pack to standby mode? 6TJOHUIFTUBOECZTXJUDIXJMMHJWFZPVUIFCJHHFTU CBUUFSZ CPPTU GSPN ZPVS TQBDF QBDL 5IF J1ad uses additional power to be on a constant charge, so charging when your phone battery is low will let you get the most from your space pack. What is mophieâs return policy? NPQIJFSFTFSWFTUIFSJHIUUPDMBJNBSFTUPDLJOH GFF VQPO SFUVSO 7JTJU NPQIJFDPN GPS PVS GVMM i3FUVSO1PMJDZw Will I always receive 100% extra the battery life with my space pack? 8F DBOOPU HVBSBOUFF UIBU ZPV XJMM SFDFJWF B battery boost. The amount of additional battery you will receive depends on a variety of factors that are different for every user. 48 Does the space pack block the speaker, microphone, camera, or any other ports? 0GDPVSTFOPU*OGBDU TQBDFQBDLJTEFTJHOFEUPBDU BT B WJSUVBM TQFBLFS CPY 4PVOE JT SFEJSFDUFE GSPN the bottom of the phone to the front resulting in a richer, fuller sound quality. Does space pack interfere with antenna reception? Not a chance. 49 SE
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